1988_Standard_Microsystems_Components_Catalog 1988 Standard Microsystems Components Catalog

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. . .. 269-292


.. .. 293-452


.. .. 453-566


. . .. 567-736


. . .. 737-752


. . .. 753-760





. . ..


. . .. 767-776

COM81 C66/67/68


FDC91 C36/92C36




MPU830/831 .






Data Communication Products
COM 1553A

COM 1563B
COM 1671.


~ Data Oommunication ProductsoollT.



Dua.l Baud &te Generator

COM 8116
COM 8126T(»
COM 8136T<')
COM 8146Tm


Baud BaH Generator COJre
Sirutle + 6 volt Vl!l'S1on of COM 6016
Sirutle + 5 volt version of COM 50laT
Sl.ngle + 5 volt version of COM 6026
Single + 6 volt version ofOOM 6026T
Single + 5 volt version of COM 6036
Single. + 6 volt vereion of OOM 5036T
Single + 6 volt version ofOOM 5046
S1ngl!;! + 6 volt version of COM 5046T
High.frequency CloCk input version of
COM 8116 with additional outputs of
inPUt freauen.o.v + 2 and + 8
External OloCk input version of
COM 8166
CMOS User Prog),'a.:mmable Clocka.nd Timer
Externa.l Frequency Input version
of COM 8166T
CMOSUser Programmable Clock and Timer.
Bu.iJ.t..in XTAL oso1lla.tor 2 timEI1'S
TTL CloCk Driver Version ofths COMSlC67
with 3 timere

Dual Baud &te Generator
S1N!le Baud Ra.te Generator
S1N!le Baud &te Generator
Dua.l Baud &te Generator
Dual Baud &te Genel'lif,tor
Single Baud Ra.te Generator
Singli;! Baud &te Generator
Dual Baud &te Generator

COM 8166T<')

Dua.l Baud Rate Generator

OOM 81066(0)
COM 81C6aT
    and VT220@> intensity levels C-25.6MHz lie~~,12blt cOnl-oat1bie shift tel' CRTamll +6 »age 26MRz VIDEO..M.'TllIBU".rES COlftBDLLEBS Put JhabU IhDlY hC!k84e :::. hokUe .»age +6. .28 DIP 327-328 +6 28 DIP 367-368 +6 40 DIP 386-400 . Provides a.tla'ibutes andgraph1C$ cOntrol BOW BUFl'BB. :tart :III'1I.mbel' CRT 9006-83 CRT 9006-136 oBT9212 1low~ ·:De~OIl. 8 bit Wide seria.1 oasca.da.ble single rqw buffer memorY tor CRT orprlntel' 8 bit Wide seris;l C~le double raw buffer mei:noryfOr CRT or 'Orintel' 8 bit wide ser1a.l, qjlad rr:JW~·msmory CRT94Cl2 for CRT or Printer VT100® and VT220® are registered trademarks ofD1g1tal Equipment Corp. 8 83 characters 136ohara.otsrs 136ohara.otsl'S 138.cha.rll.oters 1toweJi~' hGkage Page +6 24 DIP 329-334 +6 25 DIP' 421425 +5 40 DIP , '427:432 l'art Ma.:It. BecommeJUled Data Software CompatabUlty Disk Data ~anafer Bate seParator IBM® PC/ATII!>,PCIXT, PSI2® 600 Kbfsec 16 MHz Digital l'I'tunber FDC9268 ~ Il'a.c1caIe 40 DIP, 44PLCC FDC9266 IBM® PC/AT®, PCIXT, PS/2® 260 Kb/seo 8 MHz Digital 40 DIP, +5V 44PLCC IBM® PClAT®, PCIXT, PS/2® FDC 766.A, 7B6A·2, 500 Kb/sea 40 DIP, extel'Il.al +5V 7265 44PLCC IBM® PCIAT®, PCIXT, PSf2® FDC 72C85, 72C86 40 DIP, Up to 1 Mb/sec +6V exter:na.l 44PLCC IBM® PC/AT®, PCIXT, PS/2® FDC92C81 Up to 1 Mblseo 24 DIP, +6V 28PLCC FDC 91C38IB. 92C3BIB IBM PC/AT® PC!.X:'r PSI2® 8 DIP 2501600 Kb/seo 16 MHz DiItiteJ +5V IBM® PClAT®.PClXT. PSI2® 260/500/500/260 Kb/seo 16 MHz Dil!ital FDC92C38/B 14 DIP +6V IBM® PClAT®, PCIXT, PS/2® 250/500/5001250 Kblseo FDC 92C391B1BTIT 20 DIP, 16 MHz Digital +6V 28PLCC IBM® PC/ATII!>, PCIXT, PS/2® FDC 9229TIBT 1261250 Kb/sec 8 MHz Digital 20 DIP, +6V 25PLCC FDC92161B IBM® PClAT® PCIXT, PBl2® 126/260 Kb/seo 8 MHz Digital 8 DIP +6V FDC 9791, 9793, 9795, 179X 40 DIP, 250 Kblseo external +5V 9797 44PLCC FDC 1791. 1793.1796, 179X 250 Kbfseo extel'Il.al + 5V, +12V 40 DIP, 1797 44PLC +5V ~ l'aP. 641·666 626-540 466-470 473-496 557·564 497-500 513-516 617·524 506·612 601·604 666-588 471·472 ~BardDisk Max. Disk Data~er ~~ JIard:Oisk Power external external external +5V +5V +5V +5V l'art l'I'tunber Disk I'ormat MSD95COO M8D95C02 MSD7262 HDC9234 SCSI User Defined ESDI IBM® PCfAT®. ST·506 HDC92C25 ST·608 MFM,FM 6 Mb/seo .Analog, extel'Il.al VCO +6V HDC9223 HDC9224 ST-506 DEC VAX®, MICROVA:x:®. ST-506 ST·508 MFMFM MFM.FM 6 Mb/seo 5 Mb/seo VCOonly external +6V +6V MFM.FM 5 Mb/seo Analog, +6V 6 Mb/seo 12 Mblsec 8Mb/sec 6 Mb/seo extel'Il.al VCO external external external extel'Il.al +6V +6V +6V +5V HDC9S27 HDC9226 , HDC7251 HDC7250 HDC 1100·01, ·12 ·03 -06 ST·606 NEOST·5OB NECST·606 BAlOOO, 8'1'-506 MFM,FM MFMFM MFM.FM NRZ,MFM,FM extel'Il.al e l'age 6BPLCC 661-692 66PLCC 893-736 40 DIP 677-680 637-676 ~~ 24 DIP. 627·634 25PLCC 14 DIP 586-688 40 DiP, 689·624 44PLCC 25 DIP, 636-636 28PLCC 48 DIP 825-625 40 DIP 583-664 40 DIP 579-652 20 DIP 569·678 ... .0. of Keys JIlodes KR-9800 n ( l ) 90 4 KR-9601 n O ) 90 4 90 Data .. ,.;'-v,,~~ Keyboard Encoder """ l'art l'I'tunb81' KR-9602 x::x;t" RLL 2 71MFM1liTRZlGCR RLL 2.7/MFWNRZlGCR NRZ MFM,FM Bate 20 Mb/seo 24 Mb/seo 18 Mb/seo 5 Mb/seo 4 l'eatares 20rNKey Rollover 2 or N Key Rollovel\ caps-look, auto-repeat 20rNKey Roliovell caps·lOOk, a.uto-repee.t, serial outPUt hff':bI:Standardr=:n :Oeser BlnM'y Sequential ·PRO ASCII -STD -STD -O12,2} BlnM'y Sequential ASCII -BTD BlnM'y Sequential ASCII -012(2) 9 ':::s ~. +6 l'a.c1caIe 40DIPI 44SMT +5 40 DIP/ 44SMT 739·752 +6 28DIPI 28SMT 789-'1'52 739-752 ~ Microprocessor Products ,~ DeB""" ~.. M P t J 8 O O ' , 8 Bit ''MPU$OO~1 , ' 8 & : '·...SBlt ;mtrBOO"4,' '.:M:icr, ,76$;.75e '. OliOS ' 4:0:MH:z··· ',';" .. 5V.)/./·,;·,'4,b'Dll> .. · . 755.'7B6 OM:OS2.5MHZ .. '. 'av'" '.··,40DIP'l'5r,,76S; ,OM:OS ' l:OKHlll ···..:'5V<'" ..:' " '::B.OMAIO;;'.;;. ....., S : 8 i t . ,OM:OS '-4;O'lnIz l4W831 . .I/O' 8 Blt .CMOS i;"",:,ev;;" ··l.OMHz . . , ' 5V, IBM@,l\T@ andPS/2@ are regiStered trademarks of the International Business Maclllnes Corporation. VAX@ IS a regIStered tra.damark of the Digital Equipment Corporation. 10 <'ii,' ,~niP :'·40DIP 'l'5g,.,'760 .759-'760 ,", 4ODIl>·· 7$-760. SMC CROSS REFERENCE GUIDE-STORAGE IC'S NEe Description IBM" Compatible Floppy Disk Controller IJ,PD765A1B Hi-Speed Floppy Disk Controller f!.PD765A-2 Western Dlgltsl Siemens Fujitsu Sony Microfloppy Disk Controller CMOS Floppy Disk Controller CMOS Sony Microfloppy Disk Controller f!.PD72065 ESDI Disk Controller ST-506 Winchester Disk Controller f!.PD7261A ST-506 Winchester Disk Controller ST-506 Winchester/Floppy Disk Controller CMOS Floppy Disk Data Separator FD9216/B Floppy Disk Data Separator FD9216/B Floppy Disk Controller FD1791-02 SAB-1791 MB8876 Floppy Disk Controller FD1793-02 SAB-1793 MB8877 Floppy Disk Controller FD1795-02 SAB-1795 Floppy Disk Controller FD1797-02 SAB-1797 Floppy Disk Controller FD1791-02 SAB-1791 MB8876 Floppy Disk Controller FD1793-02 SAB-1793 MB8877 Floppy Disk Controller FD1795-02 SAB-1795 Floppy Disk Controller FD1797-02 SAB-1797 ST-506 Winchester Disk Controller WD1100-01 ST-506 Winchester Disk Controller WD1100-12 ST-506 Winchester Disk Controller WD1100-03 ST-506 Winchester Disk Controller HDC1.100-05 WD1100-05 11 SMC CROSS REFERENCE AMD Fairchild General Instrument Harris Intel F3846' F3856' F68488' 96LS488' 8291/92' AY5-8116/36 F4702' AY5-8126 HD4702' HD6405' SMC CROSS REFERENCE Description CRT Controller AMI AMD Fairchild General Instrument Harris Intel , CRT5Cl37 ..... 8275 .CRT72201. 82720 Character Generator Display Controller Graphics Controller Video Processor and Controller Video Attributes Controller C~TmOA CAT9007 ....., .cRT9p41.·.· 'Functional equivalent. "Most UART'S are interchangeable; consult the factory for detailed information on interchangeability. 12 GUIDE-DATA COMMUNICATIONS Motorola National MC6850' NSC858' - - - - - - - 2536' - - INS1671 - - - INS2651 - 2651 - - 2661 INS8251 ."PD8251A - MC2661' 2652' MC68B488' MC14411' - NEC Signetics Solid State Scientific DEC Texas Instruments Western Digital SCR1854' - TMS6011' TR1602 - - - TR1983' - 78808 TR1863 - - - UC1671 - - - SD1933' WD9914' - - 2652 SND5025 - - - - TMS9914' - - - - - - - - - - WD2840' - - - - - - - - - - - MM307' - - - - - MM5740' - - - - TMS5001 - NSC800 - - - NSC810A - - NSC830 - - - - - - - NSC831 - - - - - - 6852' DP8340/41 , DP8344' DP8344' - ."PD7210 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TR1983' - WD1941 WD1943/5 - - - - - - DEC Texas Instruments TMS9927/37 - - - - GUIDE-DISPLAY PRODUCTS Motorola National MC6845' DP8350' NEC Signetics Solid State Scientific - - - - - - UPD7220 UPD7220A - - - - - - - - SCN2674' - SCN2675' - NS455' - - - - - - - - - 13 - - - Western Digital - - 14 Innovation in Microelectronic Technology is the Key to Growth at Standard Microsystems. Since its inception, Standard Microsystems has been a leader in creating new technology for metal oxide semiconductor large scale integrated (MOS/LSI) and very large scale integrated (MOS/VLSI) circuits. Standard Microsystems' COPLAMOS® silicon gate n-channel process, licensed to over 15 prominent semiconductor companies, is the de facto standard for high speed, high density integrated circuits. COPLAMOS® utilizes a self-aligned, field-doped, locally oxidized structure to eliminate parasitic currents and shunt capacitance. This allows the tight packing of circuitry essential for VLSI, yet with performance rivaling that of bipolar technologies. In addition, on-chip generation of substrate bias, also pioneered by Standard Microsystems, when added to the COPLAMOS® technology, results in the ability to design dense, high-speed, low-power n-channel MOS integrated circuits through the use of one external power supply voltage. Engineering. marketing and sales personnel occupy SMOIl'S 50,000 square foot facility at 300 Kennedy Drive. This 43,000 square foot building Is the center of SMC®'s research and development and wafer fabrication operations. 15 These innovations in both process and circuit technology have received widespread industry recognition. In fact. many of the world's most prominent semiconductor companies have been granted patent and patent Itechnology licenses covering various aspects of these technologies. The companies include Texas Instruments. IBM. General Motors. ITT. Western Electric. Hitachi. Fujitsu. National Semiconductor. Mitsubishi Electric. NEC. AT&T. Data General. Oki Electric, Gouldl AMI. Sprague Electric. Toshiba. NCR and Intel. Over the past few years, scientists and engineers at Standard Microsystems have been developing a technology to significantly reduce the sheet resistivity of the gate material used in MOS, dramatically decreasing internal time constants in MOS devices. This technology replaces the polycrystalline silicon normally used in n-channel MOS devices with an alternate material. titanium disilicide. This has enabled Standard Microsystems to become the first semiconductor manufacturer to market and sell MOS/VLSI circuits which employ a metal silicide to replace the conventional doped polycrystalline silicon layer. Standard Microsystems has continued its technological leadership with the introduction of new products utilizing an advanced low-power, high-speed two micron n-well CMOS process. With its 1.6 micron effective channel lengths and its double layer metal option. this process is ideally suited for standard products, standard cells and full custom designs. Another processing option which incorporates analog 9apacitors on the device allows for efficient, high-speed analog applications. In CMOS circuitry. an obvious reliability concern is latch up. To avoid the problem with the two micron n-well CMOS process. Standard Microsystems' design, processing and quality engineers have worked together to create layout and processing specifications which assure latch-up-free design in accordance with the proposed JEDEC 7A specification. State-of-the-art wafer stepper projects MOSIVLSI circuit patterns onto silicon wafers. 16 Wfive Established a Position as the Industry Leader in Microperipherals with a Steady String of Industry "Firsts': Standard Microsystems Corporation has made significant contributions in addressing the challenges inherently associated with connectivity: "That is the creation of a path from one computer system to another, so that information can be meaningfully exchanged between those systems." In local area networking (LANs), SMC® was the first to introduce a single-chip local area network controller. This device (the COM9026) implements the ARCNET® LAN protocol, and is now a de facto standard. This early introduction has placed Standard Microsystems' ARCNET® products very high on the price/performance curve. Over 500,000 ARCNET® nodes are currently installed, giving this mature, reliable LAN close to a 50% market share. Standard Microsystems continues to maintain its position as premier supplier of ARCNET® LAN products. The revolutionary High Impedance Transceiver (HIPM) introduced in 1986, which enabled the implementation of a new bus topology for ARCNET® , has achieved strong market acceptance. But SMC® is far from resting on its laurels and is readying several new products to further increase ARCNET® performance while reducing its cost. These include: the COM90C62 (which integrates the COM90C26 LAN Controller and the COM90C32 LAN Transceiver) and the ELANC COM90C56 (Enhanced LAN controller that doubles the data bit rate and offers, among other features, LAN Management and LAN Diagnostics). As a result of the second source agreement recently signed with Intel Corp., SMC® will also be able to offer the chip set required to implement Ethernet™ Local Area Networks. The chip set will include the industry standard COM82586 LANC as well as the COM82C501 transceiver and the COM82C502 serial interface chip. Standard Microsystems Corporation thus becomes the only supplier of components for the two LAN implementations with the largest installed market base. SMC® 's ARCNET® LAN supports a star topology, bus topology or combination of both. 17 Standard Microsystems Corporation is also at the forefront of the micro-tomainframe connectivity in an IBM® environment. No matter which IBM® mainframe connection is considered, the IBM® 3270 or IBM® System/3X, SMC® interface devices are the most cost-effective design approach availabl.e in the market. SMC® was first to introduce 3270 COAX and 5250 TWINAX interface devices. The COM9064 and COM52C50 are unique single-chip solutions that enable PC, terminal and printer manufacturers to provide communication links within the IBM® mainframe environment at reasonable cost. Standard Microsystems Corporation, known worldwide for mony industry firsts in the field of UARTs, is continuing its tradition with the introduction of two new products that will definitely change the design implementation of asynchronous data communications. The COM81C17, the only 20-pin CMOS UART in the market, has a size which is overshadowed only by its speed. The COM81C17 features a lOOK bits-per-second transfer rate-a far cry from the usual 19.2 Kbits per second offered by most UARTs currently available. However, it is our new family of multiple UARTs, designated COM78C80X, that will bring the asynchronous data communication market to new heights. These VLSI devices, which integrate 2, 4 or 8 complete channel interfaces in one chip, revolutionize the distribution of data communication. In another area, CRT display systems have traditionally required a great deal of support circuitry for the complex timing, refresh and control functions. This need led the engineers at SMC® to develop the CRT5027 VT AC, the first CRT controller to provide all of these functions on a single chip. A second generation CRT controller, the CRT9007 VPAC was then introduced, and became an industry standard when it was designed into the DEC VT220 terminal. The CRT9007 is the heart of a complete high performance CRT controller family, which includes single, double and quad row buffers, and a variety of video attribute controllers. Various elements of the VPAC family SMC'~'s • chip and boord-level products offer definite space, cost and performance advantages in a wide range of applications. 18 can be selected to provide the optimal video control solution from low-end to high-end systems. For lower cost designs, a family of single-chip solutions exists which Integrates the entire timing. video and attribute control functions on a single VLSI circuit. Two of the devices In this family are the CRT9028/9128 VTLC and the CRT9053/9153 EVTLC which are mask programmable and, by also Including the character generator on the chip, provide the lowest cost solution. The latest edition to this single-chip family Is the CRT92C07 A TLC (Advanced Terminal Logic Controller) which Is fully register programmable and supports all the features of higher performance terminals, Including the ability to emulate the DEC VT100 and VT220 environments. A complete terminal can be built using these devices with just the Inclusion of a RAM and microprocessor. One of the most popular features appearing In PC and terminal display interfaces is the capability of windowing. This feature Is now supported by a third generation CRT controller, the CRT97Cll VIEW (Video Engine for Windows). This device Is capable of generating up to 127 hardware windows on screen and provides the ability to pan Images behind windows in real time. The overhead associated with the management of windows on-screen is highly simplified when compared to software techniques. Standard Microsystems Corporation has also spearheaded many developments In the areas of disk controllers and data separators for both Winchester and floppy disks. SMC® offers more Industry standard floppy disk ICs than any other source. These Include the FDC765A controller, the CMOS FDC72C65 and the FDC9216, FDC9229 and FDC9239 series of data separators. Only SMC® offers the licensed Industry standard FDC765A and a patented high resolution digital data separator in a single Ie. Called FDC9268, this single chip offers deSigners of personal home computers the lowest cost floppy disk controller possible. Extracting the actual stored data and clock signals from the distorted and jittery Signal provided by a disk drive, has historically required a trade off between data Integrity and the need to use additional off-chip analog components which sometimes required production line adjustments. However, SMC®'s advanced Digital Floppy Disk Data Separators with built-In write precompensation (like the one in the FDC9268) assure reliable data transfers to and from disk, even when reading and writing high denSity floppy disk on different disk drives. SMC® also offers the most advanced self-tuning Analog Floppy Disk Data Separator for the ultimate in data integrity. The FDC92C81 CMOS Dual Gain Analog Floppy Disk Data Separator adjusts its gain automatically when attempting to lock to data, guaranteeing both optimal bit shift tolerance and quick locking to data. This results in the greatest tolerance to bit shift in the industry for IBM® PCI AT® compatible environments. These advances in data separator technology should come as no surprise from the company that invented the present-day digital data separator. IBM® compatible hard disk controllers can be designed at a very low cost using SMC®'s HDC9234 Winchester Controller IC. Used with the HDC92C26 Hard Disk Data Separator and the HDC9223 VCO, the HDC9234 may be used on the motherboard of an A T® or XFM type personal computer or on a separate controller card. Combined with the HDC9234, the FDC9268 Floppy Disk Controller adds floppy disk and tape backup capability to the controller card. 19 • For space-conscious designs requiring a single controller for both Winchester and floppy disks, the HDC9224 is ideal. When used with the HDC9227, which performs data separation on data from both Winchester and floppy disks, and with the HDC9223 VCO, the HDC9224 provides a truly optimal multi-media controller for Winchester, floppy and tape drives. An embedded SCSI (Small Computer System Interface) disk drive, that sustains a continuous 20 M bits per second disk transfer rate simultaneously across both the SCSI bus and the media, is possible when the disk controller is SMC®'s MSD95C02 and the SCSI bus controller is SMC®'s MSD95COO. Individual data busses for processor, disk, and SCSI information allow 5 Mbyte per second SCSI bus transfers to continue uninterrupted by processor bus accesses. Zero latency reads, multiple sector read look-ahead, fully programmable disk format and error correction onthe-fly all contribute to saving disk revolutions and decreasing the disk access time. The MSD95C02 handles GCR formatted tape as well, and can also be used in non-SCSI applications. SMC®'s MSD95C02 VLSI Storage Controller is built from a set of highly advanced dedicated SuperCelis™. Each SuperCeWM performs a specialized function (e.g., DMA, Microsequencer, disk encoder/decoder, microprocessor interface, or error correction). By modifying a particular SuperCeWM, or by substituting a user defined cell, it is possible to build a peripheral controller for specialized applications with minimum modification. This technique results in an optimal solution for each application and offers the advantage of allowing deSign engineers to build in special features necessary for product differentiation. Standard Microsystems' long list of successes in the microperipheral area has, in many cases, allowed us to satisfy specific customer requirements by modifying our standard products offerings accordingly. As Illustrated in our modular deSign approach to the MSD95C02, SMC® has gone a step beyond the Standard Cell by defining and building Standard Products made up of SuperCelis™. These SuperCelis™, which are highly complex pieces of logic in thelr own right can provide the customer with a set of high level building blocks which have been defined specifically for end-user applications. SMC® 's CUSTOMATIONTM standard cell library and ASIC development tools are compatible with virtually all industry-standard workstations. 20 These cells may be combined with other SuperCelis™, or user defined logic, resulting in fast turnaround, highly area efficient ASIC circuits. This approach offers the customer system level tools to which he can relate. It is now possible for Standard Microsystems Corporation to tailor our systems expertise, acquired over years of designing and fabricating standard microperipherals, to the customer's specific needs to add that additional measure of assurance that the best possible solution is attained. Improvements in Processing and Manufacturing Keep Pace with Advances in Semiconductors. With the phenomenal growth of the electronics industry, processing innovations are critical. But, if the products are to perform as designed, they also have to be reliable. At Standard Microsystems Corporation, we make every effort to ensure the highest degree of quality and reliability in our products. Consequently, "stateof-the-art" applies not only to our products, but to the manufacturing processes as well. Self-aligned, fully ion-implanted, short channel NMOS, p-well CMOS and n-well CMOS technologies require the most modern wafer fabrication equipment and facilities. Consequently, Standard Microsystems has continued to upgrade its wafer fabrication facility with the latest state-ofthe-art technologies. Requirements for better incoming raw material quality control have necessitated the purchase of the latest KLA and Leitz inspection systems. The correct tolerances are achieved with the use of Perkin Elmer's scanning projection printers, ASET's 5X reduction steppers, and Tegal's Latest computer-controlled furnaces automatically regulate several diffusion and oxidation processes simultaneously. 21 plasma etching systems, Improvements in the clean room atmosphere of Standard Microsystems Corporation's wafer fabrication facility and in the gas distribution system have been achieved. SMC® 's commitment to excellence is further demonstrated in the use of the latest Sentry, Gen Rad and Megatest test equipment, Our components tests are derived from extensive logic simulations which ensure maximum fault coverage on each circuit. These simulations are run on our variety of inhouse workstations as well as our VAX 111785 computer cluster system. This service capability allows us to make full use of the technologies we develop. We can produce any quantity of semiconductors customers require. What's more, we can provide our customers with the fast delivery times that they demand in today's increasingly competitive environment. Throughout its history, Standard Microsystems Corporation has been at the forefront in the design, development and manufacturing of highly complex integrated circuits for the computer, microperipheral and data communications fields, Breakthrough technologies such as those previously outlined have certainly contributed to our success, but even more important is our ability to satisfy our customers. Quality is our bottom line and the responsibility of each and every employee at SMC® . We are constantly striving to make sure that our products' performance meets your highest expectations. Our unprecedented growth over the last decade is proof that we're doing the job. With five modern buildings on Long Island alone, including state-of-the-art design, test and wafer fabrication facilities, we have the people, resources and dedication to fill your design needs quickly, at competitive prices and with the highest degree of reliability. Design the name Standard Mlcrosystems Corporation Into your next project. Our leading edge could provide just the competitive edge you need when you take your product to market. The laser cutter in SMC®'s Special Analysis Laboratory helps isolate small sections of complex circuitry for investigation. SMCI!> and COPLAMOS Remote Terminal should be less than 14 f1s. If the response is greater than 14 f1s. the response error bit is set in the error register. Error Detection Logic The error detection logic of the COM1553B detects the following errors: Address Mismatch An address mismatch occurs when a Bus Controller detects a mismatch between the address of the Status Word reply from a Remote Terminal and the Remote Terminal address of the Command. Improper Sync One or more words have been received with incorrect sync polarity (For example a Status Word with Data Sync). Invalid Manchester II Code One or more words have been received with a missing transition during the 17 f1s. data and parity bit time. Internal Register Description Information Field Greater Than 16 Bits The decoder has detected transition within one bit time (1 f1s.) following the parity bit in one or more words. Remote Terminal Address And Status Code Register This register is loaded when the processor issues a load Remote Terminal Address (RTA) command. The word that is loaded in this register consists of 9 bits of status information (00-08) and the 5-bit address (011-015). The Remote Terminal Address may be checked any time by reading out the Error register. The RTA and Status Code register must be loaded before the COM1553B may respond as a Remote Terminal. Table 1 defines the data bus bits which correspond to the Remote Terminal Address and Status Code register and Status Word that transmitted. Bits DO, 02, 03 and 08 are double buffered to allow the RT to retain this information after the Status Code register is updated. For all legal commands, other than Transmit Last Status and Transmit Last Command Mode command, the Status Word register is updated with these four bits, Any Error and the Broadcast flag. The Dynamic Bus Control and Terminal Flag bits are modified by the appropriate Mode Code commands whereas, the Broadcast Flag and Any Error bits are set by the COM1553B internal logic. The Reserved Bits and the RT address bits are transferred directly into the Status Word register during the RTA and Status Code command. Bits DO, 02, 03, and 05-09 are cleared after transmission for all commands except Transmit Last Status and Transmit Last Command Mode Code. a Odd Parity Error One or more words have been received with a parity error. Improper Word Count An improper word count error occurs when the number of Data Words received is not equal to the number of words indicated in the word count field of the Command Word. In the case of a Mode Code without data, no Data Words should follow the Mode command. Mode Codes with data should consist of only one Data Word. If the contents of the word counter are not zero, and there is no contiguous Data Word, them the receive message is considered incomplete (e.g., fewer words were received than indicated by the word count in the Command word). If the contents of the word counter are zero and there is a transition detected 2 f1s. after the parity transition of the last Data Word, then this also will cause all improper word count. In either case, the Message Error bit of the Status Word is set and not transmitted and the invalid message (1M) ou~ pin pulsed at the same time as the message complete (MC) signal output. Response Time The amount of time between the end of transmission of a Command or Data Word and the Status Word reply by a TABLE A: COMMAND CONTROL CODE BIT DEFINITION RT/BC 0 '5 0 ,• 0 '3 0 '2 0 " DATA BITS 0 '0 0 9 DB 0 7 D. 0 5 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 0 X X X X X X X X X X X 0 X X X X X X X X X X X X-DON'T CARE 45 CONTROL BITS CB2-CBO D. 0 3 O2 0 , Do FUNCTION READ DATA X X 1 1 X REGISTER LOAD RT ADDRESS REGISTER AND X X 1 0 X STATUS CODE REGISTER X X 0 0 0 READ LAST CMD READ ERROR AND REMOTE TERMINAL X X 0 0 1 ADDRESS REGISTERS BUS CONTROLLER X X 0 1 0 TRANSMISSION BUS CONTROLLER X X 0 1 1 RT TO RT TRANSFER TABLE 1 Data Bus Bit D15 (MSB) D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 DO (LSB) RTA and Status Code Reg. Bits RTA Bit 4 (MSB) RTABit3 RTABit2 RTA Bit 1 RTA Bit 0 (LSB) Not used Instrumentation Bit Service Request Bit Reserved Reserved Reserved Not Used Busy Subsystem Flag Bit Dynamic Bus Control Acceptance Enable Bit (See Note) Terminal Flag Enable Bit (See Note) Internal Logic Signals Any Error - Broadcast Flag Dynamic Bus Mode Code command Inhibit Terminal Flag (set) or Override Terminal Flag (reset) Mode Code command Status Word Transmitted RTA Bit 4 (MSB) RTABit3 RTABit2 RTA Bit 1 RTA Bit 0 (LSB) Message Error Instrumentation Service Request Reserved Reserved Reserved Broadcast Flag Busy Subsystem Flag Dynamic Bus Control Bit Terminal Flag Note: When the Dynamic Bus Control Acceptance Enable bit is set, the RT will accept a Dynamic Bus Mode code request. If this bit is reset the RT will reject a Dynamic Bus Mode Code command request. The Terminal Flag Bit (if enabled) is only set high if no Inhibit Terminal Mode Code command has been received, or if an Override Inhibit Terminal bit command is received. Last Command Word Register The last valid Command Word received by a Remote Terminal is stored in an internal 16 bit Last Command Register. This makes it readily available for transmission onto the data bus whenever the Remote Terminal receives a Mode Command to transmit the last Command Word. The Last Command Register contents are automatically written into external memory following a receive or a transmit message. As a bus controller (BC), the Last Command Register is used to hold the command transmitted before the present command. In RT -RT transfers this register of the BC holds the receive command while the transmit command is being transmitted. The processor has the option of reading the Last Command Register of either a bus controller or remote terminal, by issuing a Read Last Command Register command code. Error Register And RTA Register (Error Register) A 7 -bit error register is provided in the COM 1553B to hold any errors associated with the previous message. If one or more of the 7 error types exists, the COM1553B asserts the Invalid Message ~ut pin (1M) at the same time that Message Complete (MC) is asserted, cueing either a Remote Terminal or a Bus Controller that an error occurred in the previous message. If desired, the processor may read out the 16-bit error word by issuing a read error register command code. When operating as a Remote Terminal, the COM1553B will write the Receive register, Error register and Last Command register automatically into external memory at the end of each command message because these registers may change before the processor has determined the necessity of reading them. The Error register may be read anytime during a message except during message transfers. TABLE 2 The 16-bit error word is defined as follows: DATA BUS LINE D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 DO 'Unused bits are set high. 46 ERROR BIT DEFINITION RT Address Bit 4 RT Address Bit 3 RT Address Bit 2 RT Address Bit 1 RT Address Bit 0 Unused Improper Sync Address Mismatch Error Improper Word Count Response Time Error Information Field> 16 Bits Unused Invalid Manchester II Parity Error Unused Unused Mode Detection Logic The Override/lnhibit Terminal Flag and Dynamic Bus Control Mode Code commands, when received by the COM1553B, may change the state of the Terminal Flag and Dynamic Bus Control bits of the Status Word register. The Inhibit Terminal Flag Bit Mode Code command resets the Terminal Flag bit. The Override Inhibit Terminal Flag Mode Code command enables the Terminal Flag bit if it was previously disabled. Finally, Dynamic Bus Control Mode Code command sets the Dynamic Bus Control bit in the Status Word if the Dynamic Bus Control Enable bit is high. If the enable bit is low, the Dynamic Bus Control bit in the Status Word remains low when a Dynamic Bus Control Mode Code command is received. Both receive and transmit Command Words for a Remote Terminal and Bus Controller are decoded by the Mode Detection Logic. The Mode Detection Logic examines the following Command Word field to establish the correct operating mode for the COM1553B (Refer to TABLE B). Subaddress/Mode Code Field (05-09) and Data Word Count/Mode Code (00-04) This field Determines if the command is a normal command or a Mode command. A subaddress field of 00000 or 11111 implies a Mode command. All other codes are interpreted as a subaddress. Once a Mode Command is detected the most significant bit of the Data Word Countl Mode Code field is decoded. A most significant bit of "zero" implies no associated data with the Code Command. A "one" in this position implies that a Data Word will follow. The COM1553B recognizes five Mode Code commands (Refer to TABLE B). Transmit Last Command or Transmit Last Status word Mode Code commands, when received by the COM1553B, will automatically transfer the contents of the Transmit Last Command orTransmit Last Status register onto the 1553B serial bus. Broadcast Mode Code Bro~dcast Mode Code ~ommands are acknowledged if the T/R bit is low. If the T/R bit is high all Broadcast Mode Code commands without associated Data words are acknowledged except Dynamic Bus Control and Transmit Last Status Word. ' Illegal Broadcast Commands are not acknowledged; the 1M output pin is, however, pulsed low. TABLE B MODE CODE DEFINITION FUNCTION Broadcast Mode Codes DETECT CONDITION All ones in RT address field of CMDWD All zeros or ones in subaddress field ofCMDWD DETECTED BY Broadcast Decode Logic Mode Code Decode Logic SPECIAL CONDITIONS Status word is written into Memory but not transmitted MSB of Word Count = No data Word 1 = With Data Word o (1) Dynamic Bus Control Word Count Field = 00000 (2) Transmit Last Status Word (3) Inhibit Terminal Flag Bit (4) Override Inhibit Terminal Flag Bit (5) Transmit Last Command Word Count Field = 00010 Word Count Field = 00110 Word Count Field = 00111 Word Count Field = 10010 47 COMMENTS Address compare must recognize all ones as Broadcast Word Count is Decoded as mode code Dynamic Bus Accept Bit of Status word enabled for transmission Status Word remains unchanged Terminal Flag Bit of Status word inhibited until overriden Removes Inhibit from Terminal Flag Bit of Status Word Status Word Transmitted followed by Last Command Register. Status Word remains unchanged. OPERATION When operating as either a Bus Controller or Remote Terminal, the COM1553B decodes the Command Word and determines the type of message transfer. Having determined the type of message transfer, the COM1553B generates the proper control and timing signals to complete the transfer (refer to Figure 2). The types of messages are listed below: . 1) Bus Controller to Remote Terminal 2) Remote Terminal to Bus Controller 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) Remote Terminal to Remote Terminal Mode Code without Data Word Mode Code with Data Word (transmit) Mode Code with Data Word (receive) Broadcast Bus Controller to Remote Terminal Broadcast Remote Terminal to Remote Terminal Broadcast Mode Code without data Broadcast Mode Code with data Bus Controller Transaction (RTIBC of the COM1553B set low) prior to transmitting the Command Word. The first memory cycle loads the Command Control Code bits CB2-CBO from external memory into the COM1553B functioning as Bus Controller (BC). The BC decodes this command to determine the type of memory transaction to perform (refer to TABLE A). The next read cycle loads the Command Word into the BC command register and then transmits it onto the 1553B bus. This Command Word, while in the command register, determines the .Be mode of operation. The BC then completes this BC to RT transaction by issuing a predetermined number of read cycles (determined by the value in the word count field of the Command Word) and transmitting the data onto the 1553B bus. After transmission of the last Data word, the BC initializes its response timer, expecting a Status Word from the remote terminal within 14 fLS. After the reception of the Status Word, the BC initiates a memory write cycle which writes the Status Word into the external memory. If the BC doesn't receive the Status Word within the allowed response time the message error bit is set. The following section describes each 1553B information transfer format from the Bus Controller viewpoint. A table showing external memory operation is also provided for each message format. Note that all MIL-STO-15538 serial bus activity is initiated by the Bus Controller. Bus Controller-to-Remote Terminal Transfer (BC to RT) This message format covers transactions where the Bus Controller transmits a receive Command and Data Words to a Remote Terminal. Initializing the COM1553B is accomplished by the processor loading an external memory address counter with the starting address of the COM1553B memory control block (address where the Command Control Code CB2-CBO resides). The Bus Controller processor next issues a Command Strobe (CSTR) and holds it low until the COM1553B issues a Command Strobe Acknowledge (CSTRA). The COM1553B then responds with a Data Transfer Request (DTR) which initiates a normal memory cycle. Refer to figure i for timing associated with loading the Command Control Codes (CB2-CBO) into the COM1553B 110 1.---1;.--------....., ~g'ZJ'rILr---------.'--_--',.......------ o o ~D ------r-------~ o R/'ii LOW UNTIL DTACK LOW UNTIL SOON AFTER D"i"iCi( iiGiCK - - - - ' o WE ~ -----~-_V DATA BUS _____ ~~~;_---------<=~DA~T~A=>--------< WORD COMMAND WRITE TO MEMORY DATA WRITE TO MEMORY FIGURE2 48 DATA READ FROM MEMORY TABLE 5 RTto RT TABLE 3 BC to RT (The BC transmits a receive command to the RT) MEMORY ADDRESS 1 2 3 ·· 34 35 MEMORY CONTENTS XXX2 H RECEIVE COMMAND DATA DATA DATA DATA ** STATUS COM1553B MEMORY OPERATION I MEMORY ADDRESS 1 2 READ* READ 3 READ READ READ READ 4 ..5 WRITE *reads command control code bits CB2-CBO ** response time X = don't care 36 37 Remote Terminal Transfer to Bus Controller This message format covers transactions where the Bus Controller sends a transmit command toa Remote Terminal and requests data from it. Initialization of the BC for normal memory cycles is the same as the previous transfer. The difference between this transfer and the previous transfer is that after the Command Word is transmitted, the BC waits 14 fJ,s for the Status Word and the requested number of Data Words. The Status and Data Words are written into external memory via write cycles as they are received by the BC. 1 2 3 4 ·· 35 MEMORY CONTENTS XXX2 H TRANSMIT COMMAND ** STATUS DATA DATA DATA DATA COM1553B MEMORY OPERATION XXX3 H RECEIVE COMMAND TRANSMIT COMMAND READ" READ STATUS (transmitting RT) DATA DATA DATA DATA WRITE ** STATUS (receiving RT) READ WRITE WRITE WRITE WRITE WRITE *reads command control code bits CB2-CBO ** response time X = don'!'care Mode Code Command without Data The Bus Controller transmits a specific Mode Command and expects a Status Word back from the addressed Remote Terminal. TABLE 6 TABLE 4 BC to RT (The BC transmits a Transmit Command to an RT) MEMORY ADDRESS MEMORY CONTENTS MEMORY ADDRESS 1 2 COM1553B MEMORY OPERATION 3 READ* READ MEMORY CONTENTS XXX2 H COMMAND ** STATUS COM1553B MEMORY OPERATION READ" READ WRITE *reads command control code bits CB2-CBO *.*response time X = don't care Mode Command with Data (BC receives a single word) In this mode the Bus Controller issues a transmit Mode Command to an RT. The addressed Terminal responds to the Bus Controller with aStatus Word and a single Data Word. WRITE WRITE WRITE WRITE WRITE *reads command control code bits CB2-CBO **response time X = don't care TABLE 7 MEMORY ADDRESS RT-to-RT Transfer In this message format, the Bus Controller first issues a receive Command Word to the receiving Remote Terminal, followed by a transmit Command Word to the transmitting terminal. Next, the transmitting RT responds with a Status Word and the requested number of Data Words to both the receiving RT and BC. The receiving RT at the end of the message sends a Status Word to the BC. As Status and Data Words are received by the BC they are written into external memory. MEMORY CONTENTS COM1553B MEMORY OPERATION READ* XXX2 H COMMAND READ ** WRITE 3 STATUS 4 DATA WRITE *reads command control code bits CB2-CBO **response time X = don't care 1 2 49 Mode Command with Data (BC transmits a single word) The Bus Controller issues a receive Mode Command and one Data Wqrd to a Remote Terminal. A Status Word is returned by the Remote Terminal to the Bus Controller. RT to RT Transfer (Broadcast) This transfer is similar to the normal RT to RT transfer with the exception that the Status Word is not returned by the receiving RT. TABLE 8 TABLE 10 MEMORY ADDRESS 1 2 3 MEMORY CONTENTS XXX2 H COMMAND .DATA ** STATUS 4 COM1553B MEMORY OPERATION MEMORY ADDRESS 1 2 READ' READ READ 3 WRITE 'reads command control code bits CB2-CBO "response time X = don't care 4 5 .. MEMORY CONTENTS XXX3 H RECEIVE COMMAND TRANSMIT COMMAND ** STATUS DATA DATA DATA DATA COM1553B MEMORY OPERATION READ' READ READ WRITE WRITE WRITE WRITE WRITE Bus Controller (Broadcast) to Remote Terminal Transfer 36 In this mode the Bus Controller issues a Broadcast Com'reads command control code bits CB2-CBO mand followed by a number of Data Words. In all Broadcast Command transfers a BC will not expect to receive a Status . **responsetime X = don't care Word back. TABLE 9 MEMORY ADDRESS 1 2 .. 3 34 MEMORY CONTENTS XXX2 H RECEIVE COMMAND DATA DATA DATA DATA THE FOLLOWING NOTE APPLIES TO THE CURRENT VERSION OF THE COM 1553B: When operating as a Bus Controller in a RT (Remote Terminal) to RT transfer, the COM1553B may incorrectly set the Invalid Sync Bit in the Error Register if the status word response from the receiving RT occurs between 4 and 7 microseconds. The Bus Controller (BC) may confirm that an error free message transmission occurred by requesting that the receiving RT transmit the last status word. If this status word matches the previous status word, then an error-free trans-· mission occurred. COM1553B MEMORY OPERATION READ' READ READ READ READ READ 'reads command control code bits CB2-CBO **response time X = don't care Remote Terminal Transaction (RT/BC input of the COM1553B set high) The following section addresses each COM1553B information transfer format from the Remote Terminal viewpoint. The Subaddress field is thereafter decoded by external logic and the Command word is written into external memory. The RTthen receives a predetermined number of Data Words (specified by the word count field). As each Data Word is received it is written into external memory. After the reception of the last Data Word the RT transmits the Status Word, the Message Error, Broadcast Flag, Terminal Flag, Subsystem Flag, Busy, and Service Request bits are updated for all commands except for the Transmit Status Word and Transmit Last Command Code commands. While transmitting the Status, the RT writes it into memory. The RT also writes the Last Command Register, Error Register and Receive Register into memory and then asserts Message complete. Note that the receive register of the RT will contain the transmitted Status Word. Bus Controller to Remote Terminal Transfer (BC to RT, where RT receives data) In this transfer the COM1553B designated as the RT receives a command to receive data. As the Command Word is completely shifted into the receive shift register, the RT compares the Command Word address field with the preloaded Remote Terminal address. This determines if the message is addressed to the receiving RT. If the Command Word is valid, the RT issues a Data Transfer Request (DTR) to initiate a memory cycle. Once the processor relinquishes control of the data bus, during the Bus Acknowledge (BGACK) time, the Command Word is placed on the data bus. 50 TABLE 11 BC TO RT (RT receives data from BC) MEMORY ADDRESS 1 2 3 ·· 34 35 36 37 38 MEMORY CONTENTS COMMAND DATA DATA .. DATA ** STATUS LAST COMMAND ERROR REGISTER RECEIVE REGISTER COM1553B MEMORY OPERATION WRITE WRITE WRITE WRITE WRITE WRITE transfers. The only exception is that the receiving terminal waits for the first Data Word from the transmitting terminal. This satisfies the protocol requirement that the transmitting terminal first send its status to the controller before it transmits the data to the receiving terminal. Mode Command with Data (RT receives a Mode Code Command to transmit) In this transfer, after the Transmit Mode Command is received, the RT transmits the Status and one Data Word. TABLE 13 WRITE WRITE WRITE MEMORY ADDRESS WRITE 1 2 3 4 Remote Terminal-to-Bus Controller Transfer (RT transmits data to BC) The Remote Terminal receives a Transmit Command Word from the Bus Controller. The RT will then proceed to decode the Command Word, as in the previous case and within the response time transmits the Status Word. While the Status Word is being transmitted the RT issues a write memory cycle to write the Status Word into external memory. Thereafter, the Data words are read from memory and transmitted. After the last word is transmitted the RT writes the contents of the Last Command Register, Error Register and the Receive Register into memory. 5 6 MEMORY CONTENTS COMMAND ** STATUS DATA LAST COMMAND ERROR REGISTER RECEIVE REGISTER COM1553B MEMORY OPERATION WRITE WRITE READ* WRITE WRITE WRITE *For a Transmit Last command Mode Code, Data is not read from memory but transmitted from the internal Last Command register. ** response time Mode Code Command with Data (RT receives a Mode Command to receive) This transfer is similar to a Receive Command having only one Data Word. TABLE 12 Remote Terminal to Bus Controller (RT Transmits Data to BC) MEMORY ADDRESS 1 2 3 ·· 34 35 36 37 MEMORY CONTENTS COMMAND ** STATUS DATA DATA DATA DATA LAST COMMAND ERROR REGISTER RECEIVE REGISTER COM1553B MEMORY OPERATION TABLE 14 MEMORY ADDRESS WRITE WRITE READ READ READ READ WRITE 1 2 3 4 5 WRITE 6 WRITE **'response time MEMORY CONTENTS COMMAND DATA ** STATUS LAST COMMAND ERROR REGISTER RECEIVE REGISTER COM1553B MEMORY OPERATION WRITE WRITE WRITE WRITE WRITE WRITE ** response time Bus Controller Broadcast Transfer to RT Remote Terminal-to-Remote Terminal Transfers The RT receives a Broadcast Command to receive data. If data received during a broadcast message is invalid, the COM1553B will set the message error bit. From the Remote Terminal viewpoint, RT-to-RT transfers are similar to the RT to BC receive or transmit data 51 Broadcast Mode Code Command Without Data This Mode Code command is detected if the MSB of the word count field is zero. This transaction is the same as the previous transfer except that there is no Data Word trans.fer. TABLE 15 RT RECEIVE MEMORY ADDRESS 1 2 .. 32 33 34 35 MEMORY CONTENTS COMMAND DATA DATA DATA DATA STATUS LAST COMMAND ERROR REGISTER COM1553B MEMORY OPERATION WRITE WRITE WRITE WRITE WRITE WRITE' WRITE TABLE 17 MEMORY ADDRESS 1 2 3 WRITE 'In all broadcast transfers, a memory cycle is shown for the Status Word but the RT does not transmit it on the 1553B bus. 4 1 2 3 4 5 COMMAND DATA STATUS LAST COMMAND ERROR REGISTER WRITE WRITE' WRITE WRITE Broadcast RT to RT Transfer For this message transfer a Broadcast Command to receive is issued by the Bus Controller. This is followed by a normal Transmit Command to the transmitting Remote Terminal. The Remote Terminal responds with a normal transmit message format of Status Word and Data Word(s). The receiving terminals do not transmit a Status Word after receiving the data. However, they do go through a memory cycle to load the Status Word into their respective memories. For the Remote Terminal receive transfer refer to Table 15. The only difference in this transfer is that there is a gap time between the Command and Data word. For the Remote Terminal transmit transfer refer to Table 12. The only difference in this transfer is that the Receive Register is not written into memory. TABLE 16 RT RECEIVE MEMORY CONTENTS COMMAND STATUS LAST COMMAND ERROR REGISTER COM1553B MEMORY OPERATION 'In all broadcast transfers, a memory cycle is shown for the Status Word but the RT does not transmit it on the 1553B bus. Broadcast Mode Code Command with Data This Broadcast Mode Code command is detected if the MSB of the word count field is a logical high. Transmission of the Status Word is suppressed as in the previous case but is loaded into external memory. MEMORY ADDRESS MEMORY CONTENTS COM1553B MEMORY OPERATION WRITE WRITE WRITE' WRITE WRITE 'In all broadcast transfers, a memory cycle is shown for the Status Word but the RT does not transmit it on the 1553B bus. 52 MAXIMUM GUARANTEED RATINGS* Operating Temperature Range...... ...................................... ........ - 55 to + 125°C . ........ - 55 to + 150°C Storage Temperature Range................................................................. Lead Temperature (soldering, 10 seconds) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............... + 325°C Positive Voltage on any pin ............................................................................................. + 15V Negative Voltage on any pin except VBB, with respect to ground ....... . .......................................... - .3V 'Stresses above those listed may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other condition above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. NOTE: When powering this device from laboratory or system power supplies, it is important that the Absolute Maximum Ratings not be exceeded or device failure can result. Some power supplies exhibit voltage spikes or "glitches" on their outputs when the AC power is switched on and off. In addition, voltage transients on the AC power line may appear on the DC output. If this possibility exists, it is suggested that a clamp circuit be used. DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS TA PARAMETER VIL V'H VOL VOH IL C" Co CL Pw Input Low Voltage Input High Voltage Output Low Voltage Output High Voltage Input Leakage Current Input CapaCitance Output Capacitance Load Capacitance Power Dissipation MIN -0.3 3 2.4 = - 55 to 125°C, Vee TVP = MAX 40 100 5 UNITS V V V V j1.A pf pf pf W mA mA mA MAX UNITS 0.8 Vee 0.4 5 10 25 15 150 4 10 10 100 0.8 IDD Icc IBB 5.0V ± 5%, Voo = 12V ± 5%, V BB = - 5V ± 5% COMMENTS IOL = -3.2 mA 10H = .8mA AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS clk t, tf t, t2 t3 t, t, t, t7 tB t9 t" t" t" t" t'4 t" t" t" t" t" t20 t" t" t23 t24 t25 t26 PARAMETER clock frequency Clk, rise time Clk, fall time DTRandWE BGACK to DTR WEtoDATA DTACK to WE DTACK to R/W DTACK to C/O CSTR to CSTRA CSTRA to CSTR CSTRA width C/O to DATA CMDto 1M 1M width VCwidth VCto 1M C/OtoMC C/O to 1M C/OtoMC C/OtoMC CMD to MCF reset CMD to MCF set CMDtoVC C/O to MCF reset C/O to MCF set paR width Receive CMD to DTR Transmit CMD to DTR MIN TVP 0.5 0.8 50 12 6 6 0.6 1.3 100 1.5 1 1.5 o 1 2 2 1.5 2.5 673 1.5 500 3.25 500 1 1.75 700 2.25 750 1.25 3.75 4.75 2.75 1.5 1 2.5 4.25 5.75 53 MHz ns ns j1.S j1.s ns j1.S j1.S j1.S j1.s j1.s ns j1.S ns j1.s j1.s ns j1.S ns j1.S j1.S j1.S j1.S j1.s j1.s j1.s j1.s j1.S COMMENTS 50% duty cycle FIGURE 3: RECEIVER LOGIC WAVEFORMS , 1 I I 0 I MANIN FIGURE 5: CONTIGUOUS WORD 1 !-PARITY "I_ -II SYNC - -.... I LINE TO LINE DTR VS COMMAND WORD RECEIVE ......,--t---r-y-~ CMD L..1,.....I_ _t-_-L..I,..... sl,-19.... I-;--IpI WD I-IH--\ LINE TO LINE '--_. . . I L DTR I MANOUT lrf\Ji I I I I I I OVERLAP I., = 10 ns TYP. FIGURE 4: DRIVER LOGIC WAVEFORMS MODE CODE FLAG (MCF) ASART C:~D:D L..ll~I_ _ _f-l_ _....-Lll,-sL.;.119;;.t.I..,....pI 111 :NEXTCMDI'SI'9Ip I I - - I.. ---I;-_ _-f-_ _ _---=.'___...;;;.I,_-;"I MCF VC _____________________~I L- f ____________r_~':h~~_______ ASABC I - CDMMAND WORD - I ' - - - -3 BIT CDMMAND CONTRDL CODE-----, ..------READ FRDM MEMORY - I C/O 1~ ________________~1 -I I READ FROM MEMORY ~ I" r--__________________ --l POR AFTER POWER IS STABLE 54 I __________~r-- ~I MCF . In I- ~r_ AC CHARACTERISTICS B G A C K - - -_____ t-'--____ : BGACK DTR~ I ' - ' , .-l -----"""\)~I________ DTR _ _ _ _ _I_~~ I 1-,,-11 I DTACK _ _ _ _ _ _ _, '1-._-, l-',~ , M---;I--------~~~ ~,,~/ I DATA I Iii I I-',-{ I ----!-I---------«,---ti---~>C I R/W~ I I r- I II r- I l---"~(i" c/o ~~t10- : I ( DATA I I ;l-- i~----------+L.-".J-J, OTACK I CSTR _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I ~ iI I J-"~ I I C-ST-RA I t--"..y- I I r- C/D~I I ~ -----''-'----LJr--I _______-,1-"".,I I IL______ DTR READ CYCLE WRITE CYCLE IA -~ CONTROL DMA CONTROLLER TRANSCEIVERI TRANSFORMER "I~'---"'r"l COM1553B ~ A DMA MEMORY • ilL- TYPICAL SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION 55 " ~DRr-v JJ. L...-_ _'\I" • M68000 MICROPROCESSOR SYSTEM MESSAGE COMPLETE (MC) ASART INVALID MESSAGE (1M) ASART CASE 1 CMD WD CASE 1 AT THE COMPLETION OF AN ERROR FREE BRO~D­ CAST COMMAND TRANSACTION AFTER THE ERROR REGISTER IS WRITTEN INTO MEMORY. L.ll...I_-t_ _ _L-11S...I.c.;19CIL... pI 1-1,,--1 ~ 1 1M C/O -IITHE T/R BIT IN THE BROADCAST CMD IS SET HIGH. CASE 2 BROADCAST WD L.ll...I'--_+-__-Lll"'SLll"'91...,pr:;!1 MC I" - I tI" I" ,,-1 I------------~~ I rL----------------~r~,,~·i 1 -1 VC 1M C/O 1M MC CASE 2 AT THE COMPLETION OF A TRANSMIT OR RECEIVE COMMAND TRANSACTION AFTER THE DATA REGIST.ER IS WRITTEN INTO MEMORY. C/O MC I ~n~ ______ CASE 3 WHEN THE BC ISSUES A RECEIVE COMMAND,THE MC SIGNAL OCCURS AFTER THE STATUS WORD IS WRITTEN INTO MEMORY. OR WHEN THE BC ISSUES A TRANSMIT COMMAND, THE MC SIGNAL OCCURS AFTER THE LAST DATA WORD IS WRITTEN INTO MEMORY. __________-!' 1.... 11fL--------IIf-'1 I" ____________-wl~ -ll- C/O I" CASE 4 _________ ASABC AN ERROR OCCURReD DURING A BROADCAST CMD CASE 3 --1 ,,1- ' __________~n~ ___ MC NON BROADCAST CMD I : f1---------------,If--.~.I I" C/O 1M MC CASE 5 ASABCOR RT -------'~ CASE 4 AT THE COMPLETION OF LOADING THE RT ADDRESS REGISTER OR READING THE DATA REGISTER. ------------'~ ASABC C/O A TRANSMIT OR RECEIVE BC TRANSFER MC _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _----J~ C/O 1M ------------~~~ 1-1"-1 MC --------------~~ CASE 5 AFTER READING THE ERROR REGISTER. C/O -l MC I" NOTE: Message complete and invalid message outputs.Q!. the COM 15538 are negative pulses i.e. MC and 1M. Circuit diagrams utilizing SMC products are included as a means of illustrating typical semiconductor applications; consequently complete information sufficient for construction purposes is not necessarily given. The information has been carefully checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, such information does not convey to the purchaser of the semiconductor devices described any license under the patent rights of SMC or others. SMC reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design and supply the best product possible. 56 I- ------------~~ COM1671 J.L PC FAMILY Asynchronous/Synchronous Transmitter-Receiver ASTRO FEATURES SYNCHRONOUS AND ASYNCHRONOUS Full Duplex Operations o SYNCHRONOUS MODE Selectable 5-8 Bit Characters Two Successive, SYN Characters Sets Synchronization Programmable SYN and DLE Character Stripping Programmable SYN and DLE-SYN Fill o ASYNCHRONOUS MODE Selectable 5-8 Bit Characters Line Break Detection and Generation 1-, 1V2-, or 2-Stop Bit Selection Start Bit Verification Automatic Serial Echo Mode o BAUD RATE-DC TO 1M BAUD o 8 SELECTABLE CLOCK RATES Accepts 1X Clock and Up To 4 Different 32X Baud Rate Clock Inputs Up to 47% Distortion Allowance With 32X Clock o SYSTEM COMPATIBILITY Double Buffering of Data 8-Bit Bi-Directional Bus For Data, Status, and Control Words All Inputs and Outputs TTL Compatible Up To 32 ASTROS Can Be Addressed On Bus On-Line Diagnostic Capability o ERROR DETECTION Parity, Overrun and Framing PIN CONFIGURATION o Voo FiE CA IACKO RPLY INTR iill0 0AI:3 R4 R3 R2 R1 DAL4 OAL5 cc (OS"R) DAL1 OAL2 I5:iil OAL7 ("Oi'I!) CD il57 (~) CE MISC (V,,)GNO o o o (1rnl) BA (TSO) Cii (r:T5) DB (lXTC) DO (lXRC) CF (CARR) BB (ASI) 103 104 105 MR 106 Vee COPLAMOS® n-Channel Silicon Gate Technology Pin for Pin replacement for Western Digital UC1671 and National INS 1671 Baud Rate Clocks Generated by COM5036 @ 1X and COM5016-6@ 32X APPLICATIONS Synchronous Communications Asynchronous Communications Serial/Parallel Communications General Description The COM1671 (ASTRO) is a MOS/LSI device which performs the functions of interfacing a serial data communication channel to a parallel digital system. The device is capable of full duplex communications (receiving and transmitting) with synchronous or asynchronous systems. The ASTRO is designed to operate on a multiplexed bus with other bus-oriented devices. Its operation is programmed by a processor or controller via the bus and all parallel data transfers with these machines are accomplished over the bus lines, The ASTRO contains several "handshaking" signals to insure easy interfacing with modems or other peripheral devices such as display terminals. In addition, a programmable diagnostic mode allows the selection of an internal looping feature which allows the device to be internally connected for processor testing. The COM1671 provides the system communication designer with a software responsive device capable of handling complex communication formats in a variety of system applications, 57 For additional information, consult your 1986 SMC catalog or contact our product marketing department at (516) 273-3100. STANDARD MICROSVSTEMS Circuit diagrams utilizing SMC products are included as a means of illustrating typical semiconductor ATlnll.1 applications: consequently complete information sufficient for construction purposes is not necessarily giveh. CORPOR,",IIVI" The information has been carefully checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. However, no responsibility is ",,,,,,",," 0,"""",", "'" assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, such information does not convey to the purchaser of the "'"' m "00 . ;w, '00 no"" semiconductor devices described any license under the patent rights of SMC or others. SMC reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve deSign and supply the best product possible. 58 COM 1863 COM 8018 j1PC FAMILY Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter UART PIN CONFIGURATION FEATURES Voo o Compatible with TR1863 timing o High accuracy 32X clock mode: 48.4375% Receiver Distortion o o o o 'HIACC Gnd RITE Immunity and improved RDA/ROR operation (COM 8018 only) High Speed Operation-62.5K baud, 200ns strobes Single +5V Power Supply Direct TTL Compatibility-no interfacing circuits required Input pull-up options: COM 8018 has low current pull-up resistors; COM 1863 has no pull up resistors AD8 RD? RD6 RDS RD4 RD3 RD2 RDl RPE RFE ROR SWE RCP RDAR RDA RS! o Full or Half Duplex Operation'-can receive and transmit simultaneously at different baud rates o Fully Double Buffered-eliminates need for precise external timing o Improved Start Bit Verification-decreases error rate 046.875% Receiver Distortion Immunity o Fully Programmable-data word length; parity mode; number of stop bits: one, one and one-half, or two o Master Reset-Resets all status outputs and Receiver Buffer Register I;J Three State Outputs-bus structure oriented Low Power-minimum power requirements Input Protected-eliminates handling problems o Ceramic or Plastic DIP Package-easy board insertion Baud Rates available from SMC's COM 8046, COM 8116, COM 8126, COM 8136, COM 8146 baud rate generators ffiS TBMT MR PACKAGE: 40-Pin D.I.P. FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM o o o TCP POE NDBl NDB2 NSB NPB CS' TD8 TD? TD6 TDS TD4 TD3 TD2 TDl TSO TEOC TDl TD2 TD3 TD4 TDS TD6 TD? TD8 TDS TSO GENERAL DESCRIPTION TCP The Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter is an MaS/LSI monol ithic circuit that performs all the receiving and transmitting functions associated with asynchronous data communications. This circuit is fabricated using SMC's patented COPLAMOS® technQlogy and employs depletion mode loads, allowing operation from a Single +5V supply. The duplex mode, baud rate, data word length, parity mode, and number of stop bits are independently programmable through the use of external controls. There may be 5,6,7, or 8 data bits, odd/even or no parity, and 1 or 2 stop bits or 1.5 stop bits when utilizing a 5-bit code. These programmable features provide the user with the ability to interface with all asynchronous peripherals. CS NPB NSB NDB2 NDBl POE TEOC SWE TBMT APE AFE ROA ADA RDAR MR voo f - -......;-i HIACC' Gnd *If pin 2 is taken to a logic 1 the COM 8018 will operate in a high accuracy mode. If pin 2 is connected to -12V, GND, a valid logic zero, or left unconnected, the high accuracy feature is disabled, and the UART will operate in a 16X clock mode. Pin 2 is not connected on the COM 1863. 59 ADE For additional information, consult your 1986 SMC catalog or contact our product marketing department at (516) 273-3100. Circuit diagrams utilizing SMC products are included as a means of illustrating typical semiconductor IIPPlications: consequently complete information sufficient for construction purposes is not necessarily given. The information has been carefully checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. However, no responsitillity is assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, such information does not convey to the purchaser of the semiconductor devices described any license under the patent rights of SMC or others. SMC reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design ana supply the best product possible. 60 COM 2651 ILPC FAMilY Programmable Communication Interface PCI FEATURES PIN CONFIGURATION o Synchronous and Asynchronous Full Duplex or Half Duplex Operations ORe-programmable ROM on-chip baud rate generator .Synchronous Mode Capabilities - Selectable 5 to a-Bit Characters - Selectable 1 or 2 SYNC Characters -Internal Character Synchronization - Transparent or Non-Transparent Mode -Automatic SYNC or DLE-SYNC Insertion - SYNC or DLE Stripping - Odd, Even, or No Parity - Local or remote maintenance loop back mode Asynchronous Mode Capabilities - Selectable 5 to a-Bit Characters - 3 Selectable Clock Rates (1 X, 16X, 64X the Baud Rate) - Line Break Detection and Generation -1, 1'h, or 2-Stop Bit Detection and Generation - False Start Bit Detection - Odd, Even, or No Parity - Parity, Overrun, and framing error detect - Local or remote maintenance loop back mode - Automatic serial echo mode Baud Rates - DC to 1.OM Baud (Synchronous) - DC to 1.OM Baud (1 X, Asynchronous) - DC to 62.5K Baud (16X, Asynchronous) - DC to 15.625K Baud (64X, Asynchronous) Double Buffering of Data o 02 1 2801 03 2 27 DO RxO 3 26 Vee GNO 4 25RxC 04 5 240TR 05 6 23RTS 06 7 220SR 07 8 21 RESET TxC 9 20BRCLK A110 o 19TxO CE11 18 TxEMT/OSCHG A012 17CTS 16DCO 15TxROY R/W13 RxROY 14 Package: 28-pin O.I.P. o Internal or External Baud Rate Clock -16 Internal Rates:50 to 19,200 Baud o Single +5 volt Power Supply o TTL Compatible o No System Clock Required o Compatible with 2651, INS2651 o o GENERAL DESCRIPTION The COM 2651 is an MaS/LSI device fabricated Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (USART) using SMC's patented COPLAMOS® technology designed for microcomputer system data comthat meets the majority of asynchronous and munications. The USART is used as a peripheral synchronous data communication requirements, and is programmed by the processor to comby interfacing parallel digital systems to asynmunicate in commonly used asynchronous and chronous and synchronous data communication synchronous serial data transmission techniques channels while requiring a minimum of processor including IBM Bi-Sync. The USART receives serial data streams and converts them into parallel data overhead. The COM 2651 contains a baud rate generator which can be programmed to either characters for the processor. While receiving serial accept an external clock or to generate internal data, the USART will also accept data characters transmit or receive clocks. Sixteen different baud from the processor in parallel format, convert them to serial format and transmit. The USART will sigrates can be selected under program control when operating in the internal clock mode. The on-chip nal the processor when it has completely received baud rate generator can be ROM reprogrammed to or transmitted a character and requires service. accommodate different baud rates and different Complete USART status including data format starting frequencies. errors and control signals is available to the processor at any time. The COM 2651 is a Universal Synchronous/ 61 For additional information, consult your 1986 SMC catalog or contact our product marketing department at (516) 273-3100. STANDARD MICROSYSTEMS Circuit diagrams utilizing SMC products are included as a means of illustrating typical semiconductor 1\'T'II'\lI,1 CORPORMIIVI't applications: consequently complete information sufficient for construction purposes is not necessarily given. The information has been carefully checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. However. no responsibility is "",,"''''' "'""""''' """ assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, such information does not convey to the purchaser of the "'" ",·"00 . 'W,""""""" semiconductor devices described any license under the patent rights of SMC or others. SMC reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design ana supply the best product possible. 62 COM 2661-1 COM 2661-2 COM 2661-3 IlPC FAMILY Enhanced Programmable Communication Interface EPCI FEATURES PIN CONFIGURATION o Synchronous and Asynchronous Full Duplex or Half Duplex Operations ORe-programmable ROM on-chip baud rate generator o Synchronous Mode Gapabilities -Selectable 5 to 8-Bit Characters -Selectable 1 or 2 SYNC Characters -Internal or External Character Synchronization - Transparent or Non-Transparent Mode - Transparent mode DLE stuffing (Tx) and detection (Rx) -Automatic SYNC or DLE-SYNC Insertion -SYNC, DLE and DLE-SYNC stripping -Odd, Even, or No Parity -Local or remote maintenance loop back mode Asynchronous Mode Capabilities -Selectable 5 to 8-Bit Characters plus parity -3 Selectable Clock Rates (1X, 16X, 64X the Baud Rate) -Line Break Detection and Generation -1,1'12, or 2-Stop Bit Detection and Generation -False Start Bit Detection -Odd, Even, or No Parity -Parity, Overrun, and framing error detect - Local or remote maintenance loop back mode -Automatic serial echo mode (echoplex) o Baud Rates -DC to 1.0M Baud (Synchronous) -DC to lOM Baud (1X, Asynchronous) -DC to 62.5K Baud (16X, Asynchronous) -DC to 15.625K Baud (64X, Asynchronous) D2 1 28D1 D3 2 27DO RxD 3 26 Vee 25 RXC/BKDET GND 4 o D4 5 24DTR D5 6 23RTS D6 7 22DSR D7 8 21 RESET TxC/XSYNC 9 A110 20BRCLK 19TxD CE11 18 TxEMT/DSCHG A012 17CTS R/W13 16DCD RxRDY 14 15TxRDY Package: 28-pin D.I.P. o Double Buffering of Data o RxC and TxC pins are short circuit protected o Internal or External Baud Rate Clock 03 baud rate sets (2661-1, -2, -3) o 16 internal rates for each version o Single +5 volt Power Supply o TTL Compatible o No System Clock Required o Compatible with EPCI 2661 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The COM 2661 is an MaS/LSI device fabricated using SMC's patented COPLAMOS® technology. It is an enhanced pin and register compatible version of the COM 2651 that meets the majority of asynchronous and synchronous data communication requirements, by interfacing parallel digital systems to asynchronous and synchronous data communication channels while requiring a minimum of processor overhead. The COM2661 contains a baud rate generator which can be programmed to either accept an external clock or to generate internal transmit or receive clocks. Sixteen different baud rates can be selected under program control when operating in the internal clock mode. Each version of the COM 2661 (-1, -2, -3) has a different set of baud rates. Custom baud rates can be ROM reprogrammed to accommodate different baud rates and different starting frequencies. The COM 2661 is a Universal Synchronous/ Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (USART) designed for microcomputer system data communications. The USART is used as a peripheral and is programmed by the processor to communicate in commonly used asynchronous and synchronous serial data transmission techniques including IBM Bi-Sync. The USART receives serial data streams and converts them into parallel data characters for the processor. While receiving serial data, the USART will also accept data characters from the processor in parallel format, convertthem to serial format and transmit. The USART will signal the processor when it has completely received or transmitted a character and requires service. Complete USART status including data format errors and control signals is available to the processor at any time. 63 For additional information, consult your 1986 catalog or contact our product marketing department at (516) 273-3100. o:::"'I-I\."n'I\.~n MIIO~S'fS1'E'1IIS • Circuit diagrams utilizing SMC products are included as a means of illustrating typical semiconductor • • • • • applications: consequen~y complete infonnation sufficient for construction purposes is not necessarily given. The infonnatiOn has been carefully checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. However, no responsibility is "'"!l:"~ """M assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, such information does not convey to the purchaser of the , •. "'0;''''! semiconductor devices described any license under the patent rights of SMC or others. SMC reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design ana supply the best product possible. 64 COM 5025 jLPCFAMILY Multi-Protocol Universal Synchronous Receiver/Transmitter USYNR/T PIN CONFIGURATION FEATURES D D D D D D D Selectable Protocol-Bit or Byte oriented Direct TTL Compatibility Three-state Input/Output BUS Processor Compatible-8 or 16 bit High Speed Operation-1.5 M Baud-typical Fully Double Buffered-Data, Status, and Control Registers Full or Half Duplex Operation-independent Transmitter and Receiver Clocks -individually selectable data length for Receiver and Transmitter D Master Reset-resets all Data, Status, and Control Registers D Maintenance Select-built-in self checking MSEL ACP TCP rso TXENA RXACT RDA TSA TBMT TXACT MR GND Vee DB"a DBI2I~ DB~9 OB~1 DBH!I OB02 OB~3 DB04 0813 OB¢5 OB06 OB0 7 DPENA BYTE OP A¢ PACKAGE 40-Pin D.I.P BIT ORIENTED PROTOCOLS-SDLC, HDLC, ADCCP D Automatic bit stuffing and stripping D Automatic frame character detection and generation D Valid message protection-a valid received message is protected from overrun D Residue Handling-for messages which terminate with a partial data byte, the number of valid data bits is available BYTE ORIENTED PROTOCOLS-BiSync, DDCMP D Automatic detection and generation of SYNC characters SELECTABLE OPTIONS: D Variable Length Data-1 to 8 bit bytes D Variable SYNC character-5, 6, 7, or 8 bits D Error Checking-CRC (CRC16, CCITT-O, or CCITT-1) -VRC (odd/even parity) -None D Strip Sync-deletion of leading SYNC characters after synchronization D !dle Mode-idle SYNC characters or MARK the line SELECTABLE OPTIONS: D Variable Length Data-1 to 8 bit bytes D Error Checking-CRC (CRC16, CCITT-O, or CCITT-1) -None D Primary or Secondary Station Address Mode D All Parties Address-APA D Extendable Address Field-to any number of bytes D Extendable Control Field-to 2 bytes D Idle Mode-idle FLAG characters or MARK the line D Point to Point, Multi-drop, or Loop Configuration APPLICATIONS D Intelligent Terminals D Remote Data Concentractors D Line Controllers D Communication Test Equipment D Network Processors D Computer to Computer Links D Hard Disk Data Handler D Front End Communications 65 General Description The COM 5025 is a COPLAMOS® n channel silicon gate MOS/LSI device that meets the majority of synchronous communications requirements, by interfacing parallel digital systems to synchronous serial data communication channels while requiring a minimum of controller overhead. The COM 5025 is well suited for applications such as computer to modem interfaces, computer to computer serial links and in terminal applications. Since higher level decisions and responses are made or initiated by the controller, some degree of intelligence in each controller of the device is necessary. Newly emerging protocols such as SOLC, HOLC, and AOCCP will be able to utilize the COM 5025 with a high degree of efficiency as zero insertion for transmission and zero deletion for reception are done automatically. These protocols will be referred to as Bit Oriented Protocols (BOP). Any differences between them will be discussed in their respective sections. Conventional synchronous protocols that are control character oriented such as BISYNC can also utilize this device. Control Character oriented protocols will be referred to as CCP protocols. Other types of protocols that operate on a byte or character count basis can also utilize the COM 5025 with a high degree of efficiency in most cases. These protocols, such as OOCMP will also be referred to as CCP protocols. The COM 5025 is designed to operate in a synchronous communications system where some external source is expected to provide the necessary received serial data, and all clock signals properly synchronized according to EIA standard RS334. The external controller of the chip will provide the necessary control signals, intelligence in interpreting control signals from the device and data to be transmitted in accord with RS334. The receiver and transmitter are as symmetrical as possible without loss of efficiency. The controller of the device will be responsible for all higher level decisions and interpretation of some fields within message frames. The degree'to which this occurs is dependent on the protocol being implemented. The receiver and transmitter logic operate as two totally independent sections with a minimum of common logic. References: 1. ANSI-American National Standards Institute X353, XS34/589 202-466-2299 3. EIA-Electronic Industries Association TR30, RS334 202-659-2200 2. CCITT-Consultative Committee for International Telephone and Telegraph X.25 202-632-1007 4. IBM General Information Brochure, GA27-3093 Loop Interface-OEM Information, GA27-3098 System Journal-Vol. 15, No.1, 1976; G321-0044 Terminology Term Definition Term Definition BOP Bit Oriented Protocols: SDlC, HDlC, ADCCP GA 01111111 (0 (lSB) followed by 7-1 's) CCP Control Character Protocols: BiSync, DDCMP lSB First transmitted bit, First received bit TDB Transmitter Data Buffer MSB Last transmitted bit, last received bit ROB Receiver Data Buffer RDP Receiver Data Path TDSR Transmitter Data Shift Register TDP Transmitter Data Path FLAG 01111110 lM loop Mode ABORT 11111111 (7 or more contiguous 1's) 66 BLOCK DIAGRAM MASTER RESET RCP RXENA RXACT RDA RSA SFR t h =r ,.".-~ I: :i~~ TaMT O..... --f------~ RSI MAINT SEL ~ TSD 0815 DBH 0813 0812 DB11 DBlt DI¥9 OBl8 Ao Al A2 DPENA BYTE OP DBI? DBJ6 D~5 DBp4 OBtl3 DBj1'2 DBg't DBN Description of Pin Functions PinNa. Symbol Nama 11O Function + 12 volt Power Supply. The pos~ive-golng edge 01 this clock shifts data into the receiver shift register. This input accepts the serial bit input stream. This output is set high, for 1 clock time of the RCP, each time a sync or flag character is received. This output is asserted when the RDP presents the first data character of the message to the controller. In the BOP mode the first data character is the first non-flag character (address byte). In the'CCP mode: 1. if strip-sync is set; the first non-sync character is the first data character 2. if strip-sync is not set; the first data character is the character following the second sync. In the BOP mode the trailing (next) FLAG resets RXACT. In the CCP mode RXACT is never reset, it can be cleared via RXENA. 0 This output is set high when the RDP has assembled an entire character and transferred it into theiRDB. This output is reset by reading the ROB. This output is set high: 1. CCP-in the event of receiver over run (ROR) 0 or parity error (if selected), 2. BOP-in the event of ROR, CRC error (if selected) receiving REOM or RAB/GA. This output is reset by reading the receiver status register or dropping of RXENA. A high level input allows the processing of RSI data. A low level disables the RDP and resets RDA, RSA and RXACT. GND Ground I/O Bidirectional Data Bus. I/O Bidirectional Data Bus. I/O Bidirectional Data Bus. I/O Bidirectional Data Bus. Wire "OR" with DB9II-DBI/J7 For a bit data bus I/O Bidirectional Data Bus. I/O Bidirectional Data Bus. I/O Bidirectional Data Bus. I/O Bidirectional Data Bus. Controls direction of data port. W/R= I, Write. W/R=O, Read. Address input-MSB. Address input. Address input-LSB. If asserted, byte operation (data port is a bits wide) is selected. I! BYTE OP=O, data port is 16 bits wide. Strobe for data port. After address, byte op, W/R and data are set-up DPENA may be strobed. If reading the port, DPENA may reset (depending on register selected by address) RDA or RSA. I! writing into the port, DPENA may reset (depending on register selected by address) TBMT. I/O Bidirectional Data Bus-MSB. I/O Bidirectional Data Bus. I/O Bidirectional Data Bus. I/O Bidirectional Data Bus. I/O Bidirectional Data Bus. I/O Bidirectional Data Bus. I/O Bidirectional Data Bus. I/O Bidirectional Data Bus-LSB. PS + 5 volt Power Supply. This input should be pulsed high after power turn on. This will: clear all flags, and status conditions, set TBMT = I, TSO= 1 and place the device in the primary BOP mode with 8 bit TX/RX data length, CRC CCITT initialized to alii's. This output indicates the status of the TOP. TXACT will go high after asserting 0 TXENA and TSOM coinsidently with the first TSO bit. This output will reset one hal! clock after the byte during which TXENA is dropped. This output is at a high level when the TDB 0 or the TX Status and Control Register may be loaded with the new data. TBMT =0 on any write access to TDB or TX Status and Control Register. TBMT returns high when the TDSR is loaded. TERR bit, Indicating transmitter underflow. 0 Reset by MR or assertion of TSOM. A high level input allows the processing of transmitter data. 0 This output is the transmitted character. PS Power Supply Receiver Clock I Receiver Serial Input I Sync/Flag 0 Received Receiver Active 0 2 3 4 VDD RCP RSI SFR 5 RXACT 6 RDA 7 RSA a RXENA Receiver Enable 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 GND DBSa DBIl9 OBIS DBII DB12 DB13 DB14 OBIS W/R A2 AI AS BYTEOP Ground Data Bus Data Bus Data Bus Data Bus Data Bus Data Bus Data Bus Data Bus Write/Read Address 2 Address 1 Address 0 Byte Operation 23 DPENA Data Port Enable 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 DBIl7 DBRl6 DBIl5 DBtt4 DB¢3 DB/l2 DB¢I DB/I/I Vce MR Data Bus Data Bus Data Bus Data Bus Data Bus Data Bus Data Bus Data Bus Power Supply Master Reset 34 TXACT Transmitter Active 35 TBMT Transmitter Buffer Empty 36 TSA 37 TXENA Transmitter Status Available Transmitter Enable 38 TSO 39 TCP 40 MSEL Receiver Data Available Receiver Status Available Transmitter Serial Output Transmitter Clock Maintenance Select The positive going edge of this clock shifts data out olthe transmitter shift register. Internally RSI becomes TSO and RCP becomes i'CP. Externally RSlls disabled and TSO= 1. 68 Definition of Terms Register Bit Assignment Chart 1 and 2 'ajaBu Term Definition OB08 RSOM DB09 REOM OB10 RABIGA OBll ROR Receiver Start of Message-read only bit. In BOP mode only, goes high when first non-flag (address byte) character loaded into RDB. It is cleared when the second byte is loaded into the RDB. Receiver End of Message-read only bit. In BOP mode only, set high when last byte of data loaded into ROB, or when an ABORT character is received. It is cleared on reading of Receiver Status Register or dropping of RXENA. Received ABORT or GO AHEAD character, read only bit. In BOP mode only, if LM=O this bit is set on receiving an ABORT character; If LM= 1 this bit is set on receiving a GO AHEAD character. This is cleared on reading of Receiver Status Register or dropping of RXENA. Receiver Over Run-read only bit. Set high when received data transferred into ROB and previous data has not been read, indicating failure to service RDA within one character time. Cleared on reading of Receiver Status Register or dropping of RXENA. Assembled B" Count-read only bits. In BOP mode only, examine when REOM=l. ABC=O, message·terminated on stated boundary. ABC=XXX, message terminated (by FLAG or GA) on unstated boundary, binary value of ABC = number of valid bits available in RDB (right hand justified). Error CheCk-read only bit. In BOP set high if CRC selected and received in error, examine when REOM= 1. In CCP mode: 1. set high if parity selected and received in error, 2. if CRC selected (tested at end of each byte) ERR CHK = 1 if CRC GOOD, ERR CHK = 0 if CRC NOT GOOD. Controller must determine the last byte of the message. )B12-14 A,B,C DB15 ERRCHK DB8 TSOM DB9 OB10 OBll DB15 DB8-10 OBll DB12 OB13 DB14 DB15 )B13-15 Transmitter Start of Message-W/R bit. Provided TXENA-l, TSOM initiates start of message. In BOP, TSOM-l generates FLAG and continues to send FLAG's until TSOM=O, then begin data. In CCP: 1. IDLE=O, transm" out of SYNC register, continue until TSOM=O, then begin data. 2. IDLE=ltransmit out of TDB. In BOP mode there is also a SpeCial Space Sequence of 16-0's initiated by TSOM= 1 and TEOM= 1. SSS is followed by FLAG. TEOM Transmit End of Message-W/R bit. Used to terminate a message. In BOP mode, TEOM=l sends CRC, then FLAG; ifTXENA= 1 and TEOM= 1 continue to send FLAG's, if TXENA=O and TEOM=l MARK line. In CCP: 1. IDLE=O, TEOM= 1 send SYNC, ifTXENA=l and TEOM= 1 cOntinue to send SYNC's, if TXENA=O and TEOM= 1 MARK line. 2.IDLE=l, TEOM=l, MARK line. . TXAB Transmitter Abort-W/R bit. In BOP mode only, TXAB= 1 finish present character then: 1. IDLE =0, transm" ABORT 2.IDLE=l, transmit FLAG. TXGA Transmit Go Ahead-W/R bit. In BOP mode only, modifies character called for by TEOM. GA sent in place of FLAG. Allows loop termination-GA character. TERR Transmitter Error-read only bit. Underflow, set high when TDB not loaded in time to maintain continuous transmission. In BOP automatically transmit: 1. IDLE=O, ABORT 2. IDLE=l, FLAG. In CCP automatically transm": 1.IDLE=O, SYNC2.IDLE=l, MARK. Cleared by TSOM. X,Y,Z Y X -W/R bits. These are the error control bits. 0 0 X'6+ X12+ X5+ 1 CCITT-lnitializeto"l" 0 1 X'6+ X"+ X5+ 1 CCITT-Initialize to "0" o 1 0 Not used X'6+ X'5+ X'+ l-CRC16 o 1 1 1 0 0 Odd Parity-CCP Only 1 0 1 Even Parlty-CCP Only 1 1 0 Not Used I Inhibit all error delection and transmission 1 1 Note: Do not modify XYZ until both data paths are idle IDLE IDLE mode select-W/R bit. Affects transmitter only. In BOP-controlthe type of character sent when TXAB asserted or in the event of data underflow. In CCP-controls the method of in"ial SYNC character transmission and underflow, "1" = transmit SYNC from TDB., "O"=transmit SYNC from SYNC/ADDRESS register. SEC ADD Secondary Address Mode-W/R bH. In BOP mode only-after FLAG looks for address match prior to activating RDP, if no match found, begin FLAG search again. SEC ADD bit should not be set if EXADD= 1 or EXCON= 1. STRIP SYNC/LOOP Strip Sync or Loop Mode-W/R bit. Effects receiver only. In BOP mode-allows recognition of a GA character. In CCP-after second SYNC, strip SYNC; when first data character detected, set RXACT = 1, stop stripping. PROTOCOL PROTOCOL-W/R bit. BOP=O, CCP= I All Parties Address-W/R bit. If selected, modifies secondary mode so that the secondary address or 8-1's will •APA activate the RDP. z o o TXDL Transmitter Data Length-W/R bits. TXDL3 TXDL2 TXDL 1 LENGTH 0 0 Eight bits per character I Seven bits per character 1 1 I 0 Six bits per character 1 0 I Five bits per character 1 0 0 Four bits per character· 1 o 1 I Three bits per character· o 1 0 Two bits per character· o 0 lOne bit per character" ·For data length only, not to be used for SYNC character (CCP mode). Receiver Data Length-W/R bits. RXDL3 RXDL2 RXDL I LENGTH 0 0 Eight bits per character I I 1 Seven bits per character I I 0 Six bits per character I 0 1 Five bits per character I 0 0 Four bits per character I 1 Three bits per character I 0 Two bits per character 0 lOne bit per character Extended Control Field-W/R bit. In receiver only; if set, will receive control field as two 8-bit bytes. Execn bit should not be set if SEC ADD =1. Extended Address Field-W/R bit. In receiver only; LSB of address byte tested for a "1". "NO--continue receiving address bytes, if YES go into control field. EXADD bit should not be set if SEC ADD = 1. o OB8-1~ RXDL o o o o DB11 EXCON OB12 EXADD 'Note: Product manufactured before lQ79 may not have this feature. 69 Register Bit Assignment Chart 1 REGISTER Receiver Data Buffer (Read OnlyRight JustifiedUnused Bits= 0) Transmitter Data Register (Read/WriteUnused Inputs=X) DPB7 DPI6 DP;S DPII4 DP,3 DPS2 DPS1 DPH RD7 RD6 RD5 RD4 RD3 RD2 RD1 RDS SynC/Secondary Address (Read/WriteRight JustifiedUnused Inputs=X) SSA7 MSB LSB T06 TD7 TD5 T04 TD3 T02 TD1 MSB TD0 LSB SSA6 SSA4 SSA5 SSA3 SSA2 SSA1 MSB SSAg LSB Register Bit Assignment Chart 2 REGISTER DP15 DP14 DP13 DP12 DP11 DP1; DPJJ9 DP;a Receiver Status (Read Only) ERRCHK C B A ROR RAB/GA REOM RSOM TXStatus and Control (Read/Write) TERR (Read Only) 0 0 0 TXGA TXAB TEOM TSOM Mode Control (Read/Write) *APA PROTOCOL STRIP SYNC/ LOOP SEC ADD IDLE Z Y X Data Length Select (Read/Write) TXDL3 TXDL2 TXDL1 EXADD EXCON RXDL3 RXDL2 RXDL1 • Note: Product manufactured before 1Q79 may not have this feature. Register Address Selection 1) BYTE OP = 0, data port 16 bits wide A1 A0 A2 o o 0 1 o X X X X Register Receiver Status Register and Receiver Data Buffer Trar,lsmitter Status and Control Register and Transmitter Data Buffer Mode Control Register and SYNC/Address Register Data Length Select Register X = don't care 2) BYTE OP = 1, data port 8 bits wide A1 A0 A2 0 0 0 0 0 1 o o 0 1 o o o 1 Register Receiver Data Buffer Receiver Status Register Transmitter Data Buffer Transmitter Status and Control Register SYNC/Address Register Mode Control Register o Data Length Select Register 70 BOP TRANSMITTER OPERATION CCP TRANSMITTER OPERATION (PROCESSOR LOAD OR MASTER AE:5ET) 1------..!(0 (PROTOCOL YES NO 71 = 1: XYZ = CRe 16) CCP RECEIVER TIMING RCP JULJl,J~j JL uu- ~ J~J ~ W/R =1 n -----', (not clock edge related) RXENA SFR ~ RDA ------;1 -.lL J L l [l r=m= -=c- DATA 1 I I I I I I f-+---SYNC--..J_SYNC-! RSI .mEAD EAD STX DATA 1 _ _' - _ L- ETX J~ ~J WIR=O W/R=O ..IU NOTE 1 .....JC DPENA f~f W/R=O W/R=Q JlITEAD READ ETX L I I I II ~ CRC ~ JL SL -=r= SL I I G"on2 ~ RXACT~ RSA ~ L r;;~2 ROR ERR CHK NOTE I-Mode set for CCP with CRG selected NOTE 2-lf overrun had occured-no READ STX NOTE 3-ERR CHK must be sampled before next byte or before RXENA brought low ---r---c: ~ CCP TRANSMITTER OPERATION Tep MR TXENA """" ~ ~ I I I Jl --- ,--- -----" NOTEt TSOM::;1 ";';' ';';' n - - l LJ L---J I I I r r I I I II I, I ''TSQMol I ,. n r;""""" ,m' r -~ In TSO ~ r I I I rI I n ~NOTE2~ LOAD STX LOAD1 DATA ---' I L-J C - h , L~t),n i Ln - II I TEOMol r '-;I iY"d' "" II '".n Y ~ r rr ! L I II , r--- NOTE I-Mode IS CCP with CRG selected NOTE 2- Trailing edge 01 DPENA musl occur at least one-hall clock pulse prior to T6MT=1 to avoid underrun u/ rv-L I I =-----LJ ~ n TSOM,O '-----;'-SECOND SYNC ,",,"'-"""' TXACT 'lsI'" 'lI I I I I' ~p' SYNC Fx ~ I ~ ,.. SYNC ~ I DATA CRC ..---J MARK BOP RECEIVER TIMING JULf1~ Rep JL MR LfU-1' Lf~ u#lj# Lf-Y UU#L,f'L,.yLJ~ULJLf W/R=O Address Byte W/R= 1 DPENA~ W/R=O Read Status W/R ... O Control Byte W/R=Q W/R=O Data Byte /I 1 Data Byte #2 WfR=O Data Byte #3 W/R=O Data Byte #4 W/R=O Read Status ---l!--JL~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , no! cloc:kedgerelated ,--, RX.ENA~ ~ SFR r I---FlAG ... 77T}~=rrm RSI I JL .•. FLAG- -l l~ ~ ~ Data Byte #1 ~ ~ ~ 1=#4 sLJ ~ RDA --ro.;:-:-- RSA ~ RXACT ;<~L- I--FLAG... ~ EEL l LSlIln _J NOTE2 s- _ _ _ __ ••• FLAG-J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ RSCM REOM ERR,CHK, ABC, (j L: __ ;NO~E2 ROR,RABIGA , NOTE 1-11 required-but nol done In thiS example NOTE 2--1f no DPENA to read Dala Byte # 2 ~ :--- - --..., __I II BOP TRANSMITTER OPERATION ruut...JLr1 JLJ#lJLJL//JlJ //LflSl // JLS1SL ~ TCP I MA ~ .•. : TXENA ~-- , If, I --~ , T50M", 1 not cloctl. edge related I :: Load: , I TSOM=O Address I ole OPENA I I '--I Load Control rl.- ,I I IL TXACT~ _--'---__ Ilu TBMT@l Load DataLengIh Load Data Byte ~ --.fL ~,r- L TEOM=! ~--- -.lL __ L J I ~ I TSO~ Note I-Trailing edge of OPENA must occur at least one-halt clock pulse prior to T8MT'" ,. To avoid underrun. l ~ ICom""B~ Address Byte i----FLAG .[ Last Data_ ~ CRC1 r- ~I~ ---I MARK ~ AC TIMING DIAGRAMS TCP~ TBMT ~ ----.! 1....___ RCP I~O~r RXACT -- x= ~r-- RDA,RSA ~ DPENA DPENA W/R=1 W/R=O \'----- to Receiver RegIsters to Transmitter Registers TBMT ~ RDA'RSA~ TCP 1,50 ns TSO lc RXENAJ ~300ns,min Resets: RDP-RDA, RSA, RXACT, receiver into search mode (lor FLAG) 1_3oons, TXACT Note: Unless otherwise specified all times are maximum. Data Port Timing READ FROM USYNR/T WRITE TO USYNR/T 74 MAXIMUM GUARANTEED RATINGS· Operating Temperature Range .....................................,..........................O°C to + 70°C Storage Temperature Range ............. , ................................................. -55°Cto +150°C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10 sec.) ...............................................................+325°C Positive Voltage on any Pin, with respect to ground ..................................................... +18.0V Negative Voltage on any Pin, wlth respect to ground ..................................................... -0.3V ·Stresses above those listed may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or at any other condition above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. NOTE: When powering this device from laboratory or system power supplies, it is important that the Absolute Maximum Ratings not be exceeded or device failure can result. Some power supplies exhibit voltage spikes or "glitches" on their outputs when the AC power is switched on and off. In addition, voltage transients on the AC power line may appear on the DC output. For example, the bench power supply programmed to deliver + 12 volts may have large voltage transients when the AC power is switched on and off. If this possibility exists it is suggested that a clamp circuit be used. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TA=O°C to 70°C, Vee= +5V±5%, Voo=+ 12V±5%, unless otherwise noted) Parameter D.C. Characteristics INPUT VOLTAGE LEVELS Low Level, V,L High Level, V,H OUTPUT VOLTAGE LEVELS Low Level, VOL High Level, VOH INPUT LEAKAGE Data Bus All others INPUT CAPACITANCE Data Bus, C,N Address Bus, C,N Clock, C,N All other, CIN POWER SUPPLY CURRENT Icc Min. Typ. 2.0 Unit 0.8 Vce V V 0.4 V IOL=1.6ma IOH=40/La 50.0 /La /La 0",VIN",5v, DPENA=·O or W/R=I V'N=+5v 2.4 5.0 Comments pf pf pf pf 70 gO 100 A.C. Characteristics CLOCK-RCP, TCP frequency PWH PWL tr, tl DPENA, TwoPENA Set-up Time, TAS ByteOp, W/R A2,A1, Ao Hold Time, TAH Byte Op, WIR, A2, A1,Ao DATA BUS ACCESS, TOPA DATA BUS DISABLE DELAY, Topo DATA BUS SET-UPTIME, TOBS DATA BUS HOLD TIME, TOBH MASTER RESET, MR Max. ma ma TA=25°C 1.5 DC 325 325 10 250 0 50/Ls MHz ns ns ns ns ns ns 0 150 100 0 100 350 75 ns ns ns ns ns Receiver Data and Receiver Status Access Sequence Preferred reading sequence of receiver RDA and RSA. YES CCP RECEIVER OPERATION BOP RECEIVER OPERATION PROCESSOR LOAD OR M.R TEST MADE AFTER 8 AXCLK'S 24 RXCLK'S (PIPELINE DELAY) Circuit diagrams utilizing SMC products are included as a means of illustrating typical semiconductor applications; consequently complete information sufficient for construction purposes is not necessarily given. The information has been carefully checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore. such information does not convey to the purchaser of the semiconductor devices described any license under the patent rights of SMC or others. SMC reserves the rightto make changes at any time in order to improve design and supply the best product possible. 76 COM52C50 PRELIMINARY TWINAX Interface Circuit (TIC) FEATURES PIN CONFIGURATION o Conforms to IBM® 5250 Standard used in IBM System /36 and /38. D, D, WR TXEN DTX TX TXDMA AX D, D, RESET XTAL" XTAL, GND o Operates at 1Mbps Data Rate o Transmits and Receives Manchester II Encoded Data o On Chip Odd or Even Parity Generation and Checking o Programmable Interframe Zero Bit Insertion o Handles Multi Byte and Single Byte Transfers o Multiple Address Select Register Allows for Up to 7 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Node Address Emulation Programmable Extended TX Enable Internal/External Loopback Capability for Self Test Diagnostics On Board Predistortion Circuitry Low Power CMOS On Board Crystal Oscillator Simplifies Clock Generation 8 MHz Clock Output for General Use Incorporates a Three Level Receive FIFO to Simplify Processor Interface Compatible with high speed microprocessor with no wait state up to 10 MHz (80186, 68000 etc ... ) Programmable DMA and Jump Vectoring Interface Independent RX DMA and TX DMA Request Signals Programmable Interrupt Selection 28 Pin Plastic Dual In Line and Chip Carrier Packages Open Drain Output on Interrupt Pins TIL Compatible Inputs and Outputs Single +5v Supply Vee D, Do C§ RD Ao A, A, INT, INT, AXDMA CLKOUT D, DB PACKAGE: 28-pin DIP I'"()a:-- '" UJ a: PACKAGE: 28-pin PLCC GENERAL DESCRIPTION The COM52C50 TWINAX controller is a CMOS device that performs the communications interface to the IBM 5250 TWINAXIAL bus. It interfaces to a general purpose microprocessor on one side and to the IBM 5250 TWINAXIAL bus on the other side. The COM52C50 handles the parallel to serial and serial to parallel conversion of data to and from the TWINAXIAL bus and the encoding and decoding of data in Manchester II format. The COM52C50 consists ora RECEIVE BLOCK, a TRANSMIT BLOCK, and CONTROL circuitry. The Receive and Transmit sections of the COM52C50 are separate and may be used independent of one another. The COM52C50 generates and detects the bit sync, frame sync, parity, and the fill zero bit patterns according to the IBM 5250 standard. IBM® is a registered trademark of the International Business Machines Corporation. 77 cs RD WR AO - A2 • ADDRESS DECODE AND CONTROL _RST -VCC _GND Fig. 1- COM52C50 INTERNAL BLOCK DIAGRAM RXDMA TXDMA I DATA BUS ADDRESS BUS- 11 1\ <, V I DO-D7 I ,A DECODE TXD CS COM52C50 AO-A2 TWINAX INTERFACE CHIP • WR RD INTERRUPT REQUEST TX ENABLE INT1 RX INT2 RESET CLKOUT XTAL1 SYSTEM RESET TX XTAL2 ~D~ I 16 MHZ 8MHZ Fig. 2-TYPICAL COM52C50 INTERFACE 78 1 .) ~ t..(> r TWINAXIAL CABLE TABLE 1 - COM52C50 TWINAX DESCRIPTION OF PIN FUNCTIONS PIN NO. 1,2,9, 10,1S,16, 26,27 NAME DESCRIPTION SYMBOL Bidirectional Data Bus Do-D7 An 8 bit DATA BUS is used to interface the COMS2CSO to the processor Data Bus. 3 Write Data Strobe WR A low pulse on this input (when CS is lowl enables the COMS2CSO to accept the data or control information from the DATA BUS into the COMS2C50. 4 TX Enable TXEN This output is active low when the transmit data is valid. It is used to enable the external TX driver circuitry. S Delayed TX DTX Delayed TX Manchester encoded. 6 7 TX Data TX TX Buffer TXDMA Transmit data Manchester encoded. The TX Buffer Empty signal is used as a transmit DMA request. 8 RX Data RX This input accepts the receive Manchester II encoded bit stream. 11 Reset RST This pin resets the COMS2CSO to a known state. In addition, it disables the TX and puts an inactive state on the interrupt lines. 12 13 Crystal 2 Crystal 1 XTAL2 XTAL, An external 16 MHz crystal is connected to these two pins. If an external 16 MHz TTL clock is used, it should be connected to XTAL, with a 390 ohm pullup resistor; XTAL2 must be left floating. 14 Ground GND Ground 17 Clock Out CLKOUT This is a divide by two of the XTAL" 16 MHz input clock. It has a SO/SO duty cycle and can be used as a clock input to the host microprocessor. 18 19 RX Buffer RXDMA The RX Buffer Full signal is used as a receive DMA request. Error Related Interrupt INT2 This active low, open drain output provides the interrupt signal for error related operations. 20 Data Related Interrupt INT, This active low, open drain output provides the interrupt signal for data related operations. 21 22 23 Register Address Select A2 A, Ao During processor to COMS2CSO communications, these inputs are used to indicate which internal register will be selected for access by the processor. 24 Read Data Strobe RD A low pulse on this input (when CS is lowl enables the COMS2CSO to place the data or status information on the DATA BUS. 2S Chip Select CS A low level on this input enables the COMS2CSO for reading and writing by the processor. When CS is high, the DATA BUS is in high impedance and the WR and RD will have. no effect on the ·chip. 28 Power Supply Vcc +SV Power Supply. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION RECEIVE BLOCK TRANSMIT BLOCK The COM52C50 recovers frames that conform to the IBM 5250 protocol. It also checks the received frame for proper sync, parity and trailing zeros. The RX input is sampled at 8 times the bit rate. The receive logic is brought into synchronization during bit and frame synchronization patterns. The internal receive clock is adjusted after each RX transition to compensate for bit jitter and distortion in the received data signal. In addition to the Receive Shift Register, the Receive block incorporates a two level Firstin-First-out (FIFO) buffer. At the start of a message, the host microprocessor is alerted by handshake signals like Line Idle, Frame Sync Detect, Poll Command Detect, and Address Match. Thereafter, the RX Buffer Full signal informs the host microprocessor of the availability of received data. The end of a receive message is marked by either the detection of 1) End Of Message sequence 2) Line Idle or 3) Receive Error. The COM52C50 transmits data frames that conform to the IBM 5250 protocol. The transmit block consists of an 8 bit data buffer register, a present address register, .16 bit parallel to serial shift register, and parity generation logic. A transmit operation is initiated by loading the transmit buffer register. The transmitted frame will consist of the sync bit, the 8 bits loaded by the host microprocessor into the buffer register, the present address from the PRESENT ADDRESS REG ISTER, or the (111 ) end of message code if the last frame is being transmitted, followed by a parity and three zero fill bits. After the host microprocessor loads the transmit buffer register, the TRANSMIT BUFFER EMPTY bit in the status register will become inactive. After a transfer of a data frame from the buffer register to the shift, register is accomplished, the TRANSMIT BUFFER EMPTY bit inthe INTERRUPT AND TRANSMIT STATUS REGISTER becomes active. 79 BIT STREAM The bit stream is serially transmitted to (or received from) the System Unit at a transmission bit rate of 1 Mbps (±2%). Therefore,1 microsecond is required for each bit, and 16 microseconds are required for each frame. All information between a station and the System Unit is transmitted on the twinaxial cable. The COM52C50 provides the transmitted serial data in Manchester encoded format where a "1" (one) bit is represented by a half bit cell of logical high followed by a half .bit cell of logical low, and a 0 (zero) bit is represented by a half bit cell of logical low followed by a half bit cell of logical high. In addition, the COM52C50 provides a Delayed Transmit Data signal which is delayed by 1/4 of a bit time to simplify the interface to the external driver circuitry. I+-- 1 - -.....+1.0----- --~·I~·--o ~ !---l/.1S - -....t-ol.~--l/.1s --+-.I,...--l/.1s----..j A message contains a bit sync pattern, a frame sync pattern, and a frame. The bit sync and the frame sync patterns establish synchronization between the station and the System Unit, and are transmitted prior to transmission of the first frame. TABLE 2 - IBM 5250 FRAME FORMAT The frame format for command and data to and from the IBM 5250 attachment is a fixed 16 bit frame. Only 13 bits contain information. The general format is as follows: One 5250 frame (16 bits) Transmission start sequence -. ~--------~ 8-bit data/command word I ,. . _- r~r/--~------------'~~---""----~..... ~ ·~-r n n ~, I IUUUU~ Bit synchronization BIT 0-2 3 4-6 7-14 15 - - -.... - --- , DESCRIPTION These bits are always O. This is designated as the parity bit and will be set to ensure even parity in each frame. These are the. physical station address. Valid addresses are 000 to 110, and 111 is the end of message delimiter for ihe cable. A frame containing a 111 station address causes the station to ignore all following cable activity until a bit and frame synchronization is detected following a line turnaround. In addition, if only one frame is sent from the system unrt, these bits represent the station address. If only one frame is sent from the work station, these bits are set to 111. These bits contain command or data information. They represent a data byte or a status byte from the station, or they represent a data byte or a command from the system unit. This is the sync bit. It is the first bit on the line and it is always set to 1. RESETIING THE COM52C50 The COM52C.50 must be reset on power up .. This is accomplished by either of two methods: Hardware Reset or Software Reset. Hardware Reset: On the COM52C50 a RE$ET pin is dedicated to allow resetting of the device by applying a low level on the RST pin. The RESET signal should have a minimum duration of 1tIs. Software Reset: The chip will also be reset when the Software Reset bit in the Control Register is asserted. The host microprocessor asserts Software Reset by writing a "zero" in bit 0 of the Control Register. To take the COM52C50 out of reset, the host microprocessor should write a "one" in bit 0 of the Control Register. Writes to the Control Register bit 0 should be spaced such that the Internal Reset signal has a minimum duration of 1tIs. Upon reset, all of the internal registers of the COM52C50 will be cleared. In addition, the COM52C50 enters an idle state in which it can neither transmit nor receive data. To disable undesired interrupts, the Interrupt Mask Register is set to 00 and the Status Registers bits are all inactive. INITIALIZING THE COM52C50 Following RESET, the COM52C50 should be initialized by writing a valid bit pattern to the Interrupt Mask Register, the Mode Register, the Station Address Select Register. At this point, the Control Register can be used to enable Receive and Transmit. 80 TABLE 3 - REGISTER DECODE & TRUTH TABLE FOR INTERNAL REGISTER SELECT ADDRESS A2 A1 AD RD WR 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 01 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 02 03 04 05 06 07 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Mode Register Not Used Interrupt Mask Register Interrupt Status Register Address Select Register RX Status Register Control Register RX Buffer Zero Fill Not Used Present Address Register Present Address Register TX Buffer TX Status Register TX BufferEOM TX Status Register W R W R W R W R W R W R W R W R frames. Up to 255 zero bits may be inserted in between frames. If no zero bit fill is required, this register should be cleared by writing a zero. The host microprocessor may not write to this register during data transmission. This register is cleared following RESET. REGISTER DESCRIPTIONS RXBUFFER This is the second level of a two byte deep Receive FIFO where the COM52C50 Receive Block provides new data and the microprocessor reads it. This register contains the 8 bit information field of an IBM5250 frame (bits 14-7}.lt is read by the host microprocessor after each frame reception which is indicated by the RX Buffer Full bit. This is an 8 bit read only register. INTERRUPT MASK REGISTER This is an 8 bit write only register which is loaded by the host microprocessor. ThifNigtster controls interrupt generation on both the Tf\/Tf and 2 interrulJ! Qirls. The most significant 5 bits enable the generation of TI'ITl, the least significant 3 bits enable the generation of INT2. TXBUFFER This register contains the 8 bit information field of an IBM5250 frame (bits 14-7). It is written to by the host microprocessor and contains the information to be sent out in the next frame. This is an 8 bit write only register. INT1 A logical one in a particular bit position will enable the corresponding bit in the Interrupt Status Register (bits 7-3) to cause an interrupt when it is set. ZERO FILL REGISTER This eight bit register is loaded by the host microprocessor and contains the number of zero bits that should be filled between two frames. The host microprocessor would read a Set Mode Command and find out how many zero bytes must be padded on the next reply and then convert it to bits and write it to this register. The COM52C50 takes care of inserting the programmed number of zero bits between two INT2 A logical one in a bits (2-1-0) will enable bits (7 -6-5) in the RX Status Register to cause an INT2 interrupt when it is set. ADDRESS SELECT REGISTER This is an eight bit Write Only Register that controls address bit recognition of any of the seven possible node addresses. A node may emulate more than one address at a time by programming a "one" in the corresponding bit of the Address Register. A "one" in anyone or more olthe Address Select bits allows the COM52C50 to respond to that group of addresses. Upon Reset, this register is cleared to all zeros thereby disabling interrupts. This is an 8 bit write only register. 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 DO ONE 106 105 104 103 102 101 100 Examples' Emulate one address: 13) 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Emulate four addresses: (6-4-3-0) l' 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 Emulate All Addresses: (6-5-4-3-2-1 -0) 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 81 TABLE 4 - REGISTER DIAGRAMS WRITE REGISTERS READ REGISTERS ADDRESS DESCRIPTION CBi!7TElIT 6 00 Bri" 5 r BIT 4- I ADDRESS BIT 3 BIT 2 BIT 1 DESCRIPTION BIT 7 BIT 0 Not Used BIT 6 BIT 5 BIT 4 BIT 3 BIT 2 BIT 1 BIT 0] 00 01 01 r. I. generate interrupt 1 - - -_ _-< -1- Interrupt 2 Mask ---l Interrupt 1 Mask Address Select Register 02 CD 02 r--generate interrupt 2 I\) lone 1 A6 I··· As-I A4 1- A3-1 A2 1- Al-l:oJ --1 RX Buffer 03 1 RX7 1 RX6 1 RX5 1 RX4 1 RX3 1 RX2 1 RX1IR~J 03 Zero Fill Register 04 Not Used 04 1 zero 1 zero 1 zero D7 I~ 1 D5 1 -~ID3J ~2 r~~1 DO 1 AO I Present Address Register Present Address Register 05 1 1 zero 1 zero 1 A2 1 A1I!il 05 l~er:j zero I-zer~-I zero 1-zer:-I TX5 TX4 TX3 A2 1 AI-I TX Buffer 06 06 [xJ TX6 [xl ~~ ITXJ T~4 1-T~~l T;2 rTX] ~~oJ TX Buffer EOM 07 07 TX2 TffiJ~oJ PRESENT ADDRESS REGISTER microprocessor prior to initiating a Transmit sequence. The contents of this register are fed to the address compare logic which compares the Present Address to the Address Select Register. If a valid compare is detected, the Address Match bit in the Interrupt Status Register is set. During a receive session, the contents of this register are valid only after the RX Buffer Full bit is set "one". This is an eight bit read/write register. This register holds the present address information of the first frame fOllowing frame sync. It is used to convey the address information to the host microprocessor and has the address field information on all outgoing frames. This register is loaded by the Receive Block with the address information from the first frame following frame sync detect. This register can also be written to by the host TABLE 5-COM52C50 INTERRUPT STATUS REGISTER (BITS 0-7) This is an eight bit register that can be read by the host microprocessor. The Interrupt Status Register is cleared BIT 0 1 2 3 4 following software or hardware reset. The bits in this register are used to indicate the following information: DESCRIPTION RX PARITY ERROR Signals the microprocessor that the frame received contained an incorrect number .of binary "1" bits. This bit is set when the received frame has an incorrect parity bit and parity is enabled. This bit is cleared by: a. clearing RX Enable in the Control Register. b. setting Reset Errors in the Control Register. c. asserting internal RESET. d. asserting external hardware Reset. RX BIPHASE ERROR Signals the microprocessor that a bit within a received frame has violated Biphase Manchester code (Le. the two half bit cells of a bit were not complements). This bit is set when a Biphase error occurs during bits 0-15 of a frame. This bit is cleared by: a. clearing RX Enable in the Control Register. b. setting Reset Errors in the Control Register. c. asserting internal RESET. d. asserting external hardware Reset. RX OVERRUN ERROR Signals the microprocessor that an Overrun condition has occured. This bit is set when a byte stored in the Receive Holding Register is overwritten with a new byte from the Receive Shift Register before the microprocessor has read the Receive Holding Register. This bit is cleared by: a. clearing RX Enable in the Control Register. b. setting Reset Errors in the Control Register. c. asserting Internal RESET. d. asserting External Hardware Reset. e. Frame Sync Detect going active. TX BUFFER EMPTY Signals the processor that the Transmit Character Buffer is empty and that the COM52C50 can accept a new character for transmission. This bit is set when a character has been loaded from the Transmit Holding Register to the Transmit Shift Register. This bit is cleared by: a. writing to the Transmit Buffer Register b. clearing TX Enable in the Control Register c. asserting internal RESET. d. asserting external hardware Reset. This bit is initially set when the transmitter logic is enabled by setting the TXenable bit in the Control Register (also TX BUFFER is empty because of reset). Data can be overwritten if a consecutive write is performed while TX buffer empty is zero. RX BUFFER FULL Signals the processor that a completed character is present in the Receive Buffer Register for transfer to the processor. This bit is set when a character has been loaded from the receive deserialization logic to the Receive Holding Register. This bit is cleared by: a. reading the Receive Holding Register b. clearing RX Enable in the Control register c. Frame Sync Detect going active d. asserting internal RESET. e. asserting external hardware Reset. 83 TABLE 5-COM52C50 INTERRUPT STATUS REGISTER (BITS 0-7) CONTINUED BIT 5 6 7 DESCRIPTION POLL COMMAND DETECTED Signals the microprocessor that the command in the Receive Holding Register is a POLL command. (xxx10000) This bit is set when the first frame following Frame Sync has the binary 10000 pattern in the least significant 5 bits of the data section. This bit is cleared by: a. reading the RX Buffer Register when RX Buffer Full is set. b. Frame Sync Detect going active. c. asserting internal RESET. d. asserting external hardware Reset. ADDRESS MATCH Signals the microprocessor that a match has occured between the address field of the first frame following Frame Sync and any bit within the Address Select Register. This bit is set after a valid compare has occured between the address field of the first frame following frame sync and any bit of the Address Select Register. This bit is cleared by: a. reading the RX Buffer Register when RX Buffer Full is set. b. Frame Sync Detect going active. c. asserting internal RESET. d. asserting external hardware Reset. FRAME SYNC DETECTED Signals the microprocessor that a Frame Sync has been detected on the RX pin of the COM52C50. The Frame Sync detect circuitry checks for one "1" bit (10 half bit) followed by a three half bit times of ones followed by a three half bit times of zeros (111000). This bit is set when a Valid Frame Sync pattern is detected. This bit is cleared by: a. reading the Interrupt Status Register. b. Line Idle going active. c. asserting internal RESET. d. asserting external hardware Reset. RESETTING OF INTERRUPTS The INT1 and INT2 signals feature an automatic interrupt acknowledge that will take interrupt away when the proper When the interrupt is caused by: Frame Sync Detect Address Match Poll Command Detect RX Buffer Full TX Buffer Empty RX Errors Line Idle Detect End of Message (EOM) Detect action is taken by the processor. The following describes how each of the eight interrupting conditions get cleared. The interrupt is cleared by: Reading the Interrupt Status Register twice Line Idle going active Internal Reset External Reset Frame Sync Detect Reading the RX Buffer Register when the RX Buffer is full Internal Reset External Reset Frame Sync Detect Reading the RX Buffer Register when RX Buffer is full Internal Reset External Reset Clearing the RX Enable bit Reading the RX Buffer Register when the RX Buffer is full Internal Reset External' Reset Writing to the TX Buffer Register Clearing the TX ENable bit Internal Reset External Reset Asserting Reset Errots Clearing RX Enable Internal Reset External Reset Reading the RX Status Register twice Internal Reset External Reset Reading the RX Status Register twice Internal Reset External Reset 84 TABLE 6-COMS2CSO RX STATUS REGISTER (BITS 0-7) This is an eight bit register that can be read by the host microprocessor. The bits in this register are used to indicate the following information' BIT DESCRIPTION 0 FIXED ZERO 1-3 PRESENT ADDRESS BIT 0-1-2 These three bits hold the value of the Present Address. They are the same as the bits 1, 2, 3, of the Present Address Register. 4 RX BUFFER FULL Signals the processor that a completed character is present in the Receive Buffer Register for transfer to the processor. This bit is set when a character has been loaded from the receive deserialization logic to the Receive Buffer Register. This bit is cleared by: a. reading the Receive Buffer Register d. asserting internal RESET b. clearing RX Enable in the Control register e. asserting external hardware RESET c. Frame Sync Detect going active 5 LAST FRAME/End Of Message (EOM) Signals the microprocessor that a "1 1 1" pattern has been detected in the address field of an incoming frame. This bit is propagated through the RX FIFO logic and it corresponds to the data byte immediately available to the processor. This bit is set when the 3 bit address field of a frame·gets a match with a constant "1 1 1" pattern. This bit is cleared by: a. Frame Sync Detect going active. c. asserting internal RESET. b. clearing RX Enable in the Control Register. d. asserting external hardware RESET 6 LINE IDLE Signals the microprocessor that the RX line has not seen a transition for the past 3f.ls time interval. This can be used by the microprocessor to learn that the RX line is idle. This bit is set when the RX line remains idle for a 3 microseconds duration. This bit is cleared by: a. activity on the RX line. c. asserting Internal RESET. b. clearing RX Enable in the Control Register d. asserting External Hardware Reset. 7 RX ERRORS Signals the microprocessor that a Receive Error condition has occured. This bit is set when anyone or both of the Interrupt Status Register bits 0 and 1 are set. This bit is cleared by: a. asserting Reset Errors in the Control Register c. asserting Internal Software RESET. b. clearing RX Enable in the Control Register. d. asserting External Hardware RESET. TABLE 7-COMS2CSO TX STATUS REGISTER (BITS 0-7) BIT DESCRIPTION 0 Fixed at Zero 1 TX BUFFER EMPTY Signals the processor that the Transmit Buffer Register is empty and that the COM52C50 can accept a new character for transmission. This bit is set when a character has been loaded from the Transmit Buffer Register to the Transmit Shift Register. This bit is cleared by: a. writing to the Transmit Buffer Register c. asserting internal software RESET. b. clearing TX Enable in the Control Register d. asserting external hardware RESET. This bit is initially set when the transmitter logic is enabled by setting the TXenable bit in the Control Register. Data can be overwritten if a consecutive write is performed while TX buffer empty is "zero". 2 TX UNDERRUN ERROR Signals the microprocessor that an Underrun condition has occured. This bit is set when, during a transmission process, the microprocessor writes to the TX Holding Register after the TX Shift Register has already shifted its last bit out. This bit is cleared by: a. clearing TX Enable in the Control Register. c. asserting Internal RESET. b. setting Reset Errors in the Control Register. d. asserting External Hardware RESET. 3-7 These bits are fixed zeros. The TX Status Register is cleared following software or hardware reset. 85 TABLE 8-COM52C50 CONTROL REGISTER (BITS 0-7) The Control Register is an eight bit write only register that is cleared to "zero" except for the Software Reset bit. Internal used by the microprocessor to control the COM52C50. Reset does not affect any of the Control Register bits. The Following External Reset all bits ofthe Control Register are bits of the Control Register are defined as follows: BIT 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 DESCRIPTION SOFTWARE RESET This bit is used by the microprocessor to reset the COM52C50 via a software command. When this bit is cleared, Internal Reset is asserted and the COM52C50 is reset. This bit should be set to "one" during normal operations. ENABLE RECEIVE This bit is used by the microprocessor to enable the Receive Logic in the COM52C50 to function. When this bit is cleared, the RX BUFFER FULL bit in the Status Register will be disabled. This bit should be set to "one" during normal operations. ENABLE TRANSMIT Data transmission cannot take place via the COM52C50 unless this bit is set to logic "one". When this bit is reset (disabled), transmission will be disabled only after the previously written data has been transmitted. (This simply disables loading of the TX Buffer Register). ENABLE RX DMA This bit, when set, will enable the RX DMA handshake signal on the COM52C50. When this bit is cleared, the RX DMA signal on the COM52C50 is kept low. ENABLE TX DMA This bit, when set, will enable the TX DMA handshake signal on the COM52C50. When this bit is cleared, the TX DMA signal is kept low. DISABLE BIPHASE ERRORS This bit, when set, will disable the detection of biphase errors in the receive block. This bit is cleared upon power up and biphase error detection is enabled. NOT USED-MUST BE ZERO RESET ERRORS This bit, when set, will clear the Receive Error Status bits in the Interrupt Status Register (Parity, Biphase, Overrun). As a result of this, the RX Error bit in the RX Status Register will be cleared. Reset Errors also resets the TX Underrun status bit in the TX Status Register. No latch is provided in the Control Register for saving the state of this bit; therefore there is no need for clearing it. RXDMA Following an active read command, the host microprocessor would initialize the RX DMA channel and enable RX DMA by writing a one in the Control Register bit 3. The COM52C50 will automatically generate the RX DMA Request signal as soon as a received frame is moved from the Receiver Shift Register to the Receiver FIFO. At this time, the DMA channel will initiate a Read Receive Buffer cycle which in turn will be used as an automatic DMA Acknowledgment. When a new frame arrives and is ready A TIL clock can also be used to supply the clock signal to to be read by the DMA channel, the COM52C50 will assert the COM52C50. This is done by supplying a TIL level clock the RX DMA Request signal and inform the DMA channel of to the XTAL1 pin of the COM52C50 along with a 390 ohm the availability of the next word. The Receiver FIFO will be resistor from the XTAL 1 pin to Vcc. The XTAL2 pin should in use during DMA operations. This gives the DMA channel not be connected when an external clock is supplied. (see a maximum of three frame times for DMA latency. On the figure 19, RECOMMENDED EXTERNAL TTL CLOCK average, however, the DMA channel must be able to keep CONNECTION) up with the COM52C50 byte rate. THE COM52C50 ON CHIP CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR The COM52C50 incorporates an on chip crystal oscillator. A 16 MHZ parallel resonant crystal is connected to the XTAL 1 and the XTAL2 pins of the COM52C50 along with a 1.0 MOhm resistor across the crystal and two 22pf capacitors from each node of the crystal to ground. (see figure 18, CONNECTION DIAGRAM FOR PARALLEL RESONANT CRYSTAL) DMA OPERATION The COM52C50 features two independent DMA Request signals. These signals are provided to allow the COM52C50 to interface to one or two channels of a DMA controller such as that of the 80188 and the 80186. Each of the RX DMA and TX DMA request signals can be individually enabled via software commands in the Control Register. DMA interface is most useful when moving blocks of data following an activate read or an activate write command. 86 TXDMA When transmitting blocks of data, the host microprocessor would initialize the TX DMA channel and enable TX DMA by writing a one in the Control Register bit 4. The COM52C50 will automatically generate the TX DMA Request signal when the TX Buffer is empty. YVhen the DMA channel performs a write cycle to the COM52C50 TX Buffer, the TX DMA Request signal will be inactive until the TX Buffer becomes empty again. After writing the last data frame to the TX Buffer, the host microprocessor can disable the TX DMA Request signal by writing to the Control Register. TABLE 9-COM52C50 MODE REGISTER DESCRIPTION (BITS 0-7) DESCRIPTION BIT 0 NORMALILOOPBACK MODE This bit when set will put the COM52C50 in loopback mode. When in loopback mode, bit 1 of the Mode Register specifies Internal or Externalloopback modes. NORMAL OPERATION 0 1 1 LOOPBACK MODE EXTERNAL/INTERNAL LOOPBACK This bit specifies External or Internal loopback Modes. When bit 0 of the Mode Register specifies normal mode of operation, this bit is a don't care. 0 2 EXTERNAL LOOPBACK 1 INTERNAL LOOPBACK EVEN/ODD RX PARITY This bit specifies Even or Odd parity for the receive section 01 the COM52C50. EVEN RX PARITY 0 3 ODD RX PARITY 1 EVEN/ODD TX PARITY This bit specifies Even or Odd parity for the transmit section of the COM52C50. 0 4 EVEN TX PARITY 1 ODD TX PARITY NORMALITEST MODE This bit when set puts the COM52C50 in a VLSI test mode. This bit is cleared upon Reset and should be cleared for normal operation. NORMAL OPERATION 0 5 1 TEST MODE TX ENABLE 250ns/16ps This bit controls the amount of time the Transmit Enable Signal will remain active after the last TX bit is shifted out. When set to "zero", the TX Enable signal goes inactive after 250ns following the last TX data bit. When set to "one", the TX Enable signal goes inactive after 16ps following the last TX data bit. This can be used to drive the Twinax Cable after a transmission in order to reduce line reflection effect. TX enable 250ns 0 1 TX enable 16ps EOM/Auto 111 6 This bit determines if Automatic 111 address should be inserted on a transmitted message upon transmitter underrun. When this bit is a "zero", the microprocessor has to write to TX Buffer EOM to force a 1~ 1 address on the last frame of transmitted data. Auto 111 0 EOM 111 1 7 NORMALITEST MODe This bit when set puts the COM52C50 in a VLSI test mode. This bit is cleared upon Reset and should be cleared for normal operation. 0 NORMAL OPERATION 1 TEST MODE Following RESET, the mode register will be cleared to all "zero's" and the default Mode Setting will be: BITO - 0 NORMAL OPERATION BIT 1 - 0 EXTERNAL LOOPBACK BIT 2 - 0 EVEN RX PARITY BIT 3 - 0 EVEN TX PARITY BIT4 - 0 NORMAL OPERATION BIT 5 - 0 TX ENABLE .250 BIT 6 - 0 EOM111 BIT 7 - 0 NORMAL OPERATION 87 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS MAXIMUM GUARANTEED RATINGS· Operating Temperature Range ............................................................• 0 to 70°C Storage Temperature Range .................................................•............• -55 to 150°C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10 seconds) ................................................... +325°C Positive Voltage on any pin ......•......•...•...........•..........•.....•.•.•.•.•..•........ Vee + 0.3V Negative Voltage on any pin, with respect to ground ......•........•.•..•.•.•.•.•............... -0.3V Maximum Vee ..................•.••.•.•.......•...................•••......•.....•........ +7.0V 'Stresses above those listed may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operations of the device at these or any other condition above those indicated in the operational sections of this specifications is not implied. NOTE: When powering this device from the laboratory or system power supplies, it is important that the Absolute Maximum Ratings not be exceeded or device failure can result. Some power supplies exhibit voltage spikes or "glitches" on their outputs when the AC power is switched on and off. In addition, voltage transients on the AC power line may appear on the DC output. If this possibility exists, it is suggested that a clamp circuit be used. ±5~1 P!.~IiiARYJ TABLE 11-ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS IT, • O·C 10 '7O"C, Vtc • '5V FIG. NO. PARAMETER SYMBOL DC CHARACTERISTICS LOW INPUT VOLTAGE V,L , HIGH INPUT VOLTAGE V'H' LOW INPUT VOLTAGE HIGH INPUT VOLTAGE LOW OUTPUT VOLTAGE HIGH OUTPUT VOLTAGE LOW OUTPUT VOLTAGE HIGH OUTPUT VOLTAGE INPUT LEAKAGE CURRENT INPUT CAPACITANCE POWER SUPPLY CURRENT V,L 2 V,H 2 VOL' VOH' VOL 2 VOH 2 IL C'N Icc FIG. NO. PARAMETER SYMBOL MIN TYp. MAX 0.8 2.0 I,;...~ /lOr..,., V V 1.0 Vcc-0.5V 0.4 2.4 3.0 3.0 MIN ±10 25 20 30 TYp· MAX V V V V V V pA pF mA UNITS AC CHARACTERISTICS Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. . 3 3 3 3 3 Fig. 4 i=ig.4 Fig. 4 Fig. 4 Fig. 4 Fig. 5 Fig. 6 Fig. 7 Fig. 8 WRITE CYCLE Address Setup Time Address Hold Time WR Pulse Width Data Setup Time Data Hold Time READ CYCLE Address Setup Time Address Hold Time RD Pulse Width Tzx t, t2 ..to Is ns ns ns ns ns 50 0 150 75 10 , ns ns ns ns ns T" t9 t,D 50 0 150 0 0 READ WRITE INTERVAL t'3 100 INTERRUPT ACKNOWLEDGE TIMING Read Int. Status Reg. to INT inactive t" 300 ns t,S 200 ns t,. 200 ns DMA ACKNOWLEDGE TIMING Read RX Buffer to RXDMA inactive Write TX Buffer to TXDMA inactive Is h Is 80 80 ns 88 • ;~. Except TLL Input Clock Except TTL Input Clock TTL Clock Input TTL Clock Input IOL= 3.5ma IOH = 200pa For Clock Output For Clock Output COMMENTS FIG. NO. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 9 9 9 9 9 SYMBOL PARAMETER SYMBOL TTL CLOCK INPUT TIMING Inpul Clock fall lime Inpul Clock rise lime Inpul Clock high lime Inpul Clock low lime Inpul Clock period TYP' MIN. MAX UNITS 10 10 120 121 1.2 123 ns ns ns ns ns 20 20 62.5 I.. COMMENTS Vcc-1.0V @0.6V @1.5V CLOCK OUT TIMING Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 10 10 10 10 10 Fig. 11 Fig. 11 Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 11 11 11 11 11 Clock Oul fall lime Clock Oul rise lime Clock Oul high lime Clock Oul low lime Clock Oul period 10 10 129 125 ns ns ns ns ns 100 1500 ns 10, 102 103 250 250 250 500 1000 ns ns ns ns ns ns ns 1.5 126 127 55 55 I.e TX DATA TIMING WRlo Ix Buffer TX ENABLE TX ENABLE aclive 10 TX DELAY DTX 10 TX ENABLE inaclive TX 10 DTX delay TX, DTX half bil cell TX, DTX full bil cell TX, DTX rise lime TX, DTX fall lime b. 105 10 10 RX DATA TIMING RX half bil cell pulse widlh RX bil cell pulse widlh Fig. 12 Fig. 13 RESET TIMING Inlernal Resel pulse widlh Exlernal Resel pulse widlh Inpul Clock Frequency 1.0 1.0 1.0 1., j1S MHZ =5.0 V \ / I 1 ~I 14 I t, ~1 I ~ ~I .1 I- ~ I { 1 II D-IN j1S 16 'ALL TYPICAL VALUES ARE AT 25°C AND Vce A-IN ns ns 500 1000 --------------4~ I I. I 1 Is' ·1- .1 I ~I ' Fig. 3-PROCESSOR WRITE COM52C50 CYCLE 89 @50pFmax @50pFmax @50pFmax @50pFmax @50pfmax (Jitter Tolerance ±20%) \L....-_ _ _----I/ I A-IN I -------*~------------~¥~------, ," Is b' P I I ~~-I------- \ ~ dI I I I D-OUT h !-lI ~I.----------~.I Is -------(~_ _ _ _ _ ____I)~:- - - - Fig.4-PROCESSOR READ COM52C50 CYCLE \ I , 1""----------'\ ~----~I / I~----~ I , Fig. 5-PROCESSOR ACCESS COMS2C50 REPETITION INTn I I \~-------+--------' I 1 I.. I 1 RDINT STATUS REG. \I Fig. 6-INTERRUPT ACKNOWLEDGE TIMING 90 114 I "/ 1 -I I I I I I I / RXDMA I I 1 1 1 t t15 I" 1 I RD RX BUFFER I .1 1 \I I I / I I Fig. 7-RX DMA ACKNOWLEDGE TIMING I I I I / TXDMA I 1 1 1 I~ \'6 1 WRTX BUFFER ~I ~I .1 I 1 I 1 I I Fig. 8-TX DMA ACKNOWLEDGE TIMING to. t22 ClKIN I 1 -- I _ _ _ _ O.6V ~----t- I 1 1to, I M 111~--.1 tool to3 ""'I·~·I"'·----., Fig. 9-TTL INPUT CLOCK TIMING ClKOUT Fig. 10-8 MHZ CLOCK OUT TIMING 91 WRITE to TX BUFFER ~r-----'I--------------~!Ir(----------------------1 1 I I. I I I" : 'I I 1 I I~--;-__----:_---:-_-j( r(----+-1--!I I I 1 I 1 H", HI" 1 I I ! I I 1 I I I H'" 1 I I I TX 1 1 I I I I TBMT ( :,..1"...,I II I LJ I 1 I ~,_ _ _ _ _ _~r-----~(r(------------------------)) I Fig. 11-TX, DTX, TX ENABLE TIMING 1.0 , "1Ir------ / internal RESET \\ 1/ \ / \ / Fig. 12-INTERNAL RESET TIMING I I., I" 1 external \ RESET 1 Fig. 13-EXTERNAL RESET TIMING -,I 1 1 1 2xCLK TXCLK TX ENABLE I+-l---J-l~I~I-t.....-j~Frame Synchronization~_I-t_DO-+l_Dl-+l TX ----~ Fig. 14- COM52C50 TRANSMIT START TIMING 92 2x ClK TXClK TX ENABLE - - - - - - - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _----l LJL..rl TX r:rJ 11...Jl......JIL--_ _ _ __ Fig. 15-COM52C50 TRANSMIT END TIMING RXDATA _ _ _ _r L . . . . . . J L . . . . r ! LINE IDLE GOES AWAY FSD VALID Fig. 16-COM52C50 RECEIVE START TIMING L.JLJI'---IcrJ'---IL--L......JILJ"""LJIL--_ _ _ __ RXDATA PARITYVA~ POll COMMAND DET I ID MATCH ! RX BUFFER FUll EOM DET RXOVERN Fig. 17-COM52C50 RECEIVE END TIMING xtal2 xtall +5 V 22 pF ~D~ I. C 390 Ohm C . I 22pF Xtall Xtal2 10. Mohm No Connection C =2 times Crystal load Capacitance ----E) Fig. 19-RECOMMENDED EXTERNAL TTL CLOCK CONNECTJON Fig. 18-CONNECTION DIAGRAM FOR PARALLEL RESONANT CRYSTAL 93 z z ~ z o ~ z a: llJ o ~ ~ a: o llJ I- I- DD DO DD DD DD DD DO DO DO DO DO ,~ D J===========~ ~ :2 o () a: r----.., W I- Z o o o tw X X J=======:J" ~ :2 w z a: a.. C\J :2 z z L() () o ~ :2 U o ...J « U o...J () --I >< C/) Ki L() M W :2 w o o :2 :E III X X ~ ~ (') (') w W l- I- (J) (J) (J) (J) :2 £Q :2 £Q >- >- D D Circuit diagrams utilizing SMC products are included as a means of illustrating typical applications; consequently complete information sufficient for construction purposes is not necessarily given. The information has been carefully checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, such information does not convey to the purchaser of the products described any license under the patent rights of SMC or others. SMC reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to Improve design and supply the best product possible. 94 COM 7210 Intelligent GPIB Interface Controller FEATURES PIN CONFIGURATION o All Functional Interface Capability Meeting IEEE Standard 488-1978 -SH1 (Source Handshake) -AH1 (Acceptor Handshake) - T5 or TE5 (Talker or Extended Talker) -L3 or LE3 (Listener or Extended Listener) -SR1 (Service Request) -RL 1 (Remote Local) -PP1 or PP2 (Parallel Poll) (Remote or Local Configuration) -DC1 (Device Clear) -DT1 (Device Trigger) -C1-5 ((Controller) (All Functions)) Programmable Data Transfer Rate 016 MPU Accessible Registers-8 Read/8 Write 2 Address Registers -Detection of MTA, MLA, MSA (My Talk/Listen/ Secondary Address) -2 Device Addresses EOS Message Automatic Detection Command (IEEE Standard 488-78) Automatic Processing and Undefined Command Read Capability DMA Capability Programmable Bus Transceiver I/O Specification (Works with T.I.IMotorola/lntel) b 1 to 8 MHz Clock Range TTL Compatible T/R1 T/R2 CLOCK RESET T/R3 OMAREQ 1 2 3 4 5 6 '-' ~7 CS AD 8 9 Wi'! 10 ( INT 11 DO 12 [ 01 13 ( 0214 ( 03 15 [ 04 16 [ 05 17! 0618 C 0719 C GNO 20 [ o o o o o o D 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 Vee 'EOf NDAC lilRrn D1W [jJOlj UIITi' moe Di05 Di04 om Iii02 Di01 Sm::i 7i.'I"III REN lFC RS2 RS1 RSO PACKAGE: 4().pin D.I.P. o COPLAMOS®n-Channel Silicon Gate Technology o + 5V Single Power Supply o 40-Pin DIP o 8080/85/86 Compatible o GENERAL DESCRIPTION The COM7210 TLC is an intelligent GPIB Interface Controller designed to meet all of the functional requirements for Talkers, Listeners, and Controllers as specified by the IEEE Standard 488-1978. Connected between a processor bus and the GPIB, the TLC provides high level manage- ment ofthe GPIB to unburden the processor and to simplify both hardware and software design. Fully compatible with most processor architectures, Bus Driver/Receivers are the only additional components required to implement any type of GPIB intl'lrface. 95 BLOCK DIAGRAM 96 DESCRIPTION OF PIN FUNCTIONS PIN 1/0 DESCRIPTION 1 T/Rl 0 2 T/R2 0 3 ClK I 4 5 RST T/R3 I 0 6 DMAREO 0 7 DMAACK I 8 CS I 9 RD I 10 WR I Transmit/Receive Control-Input/Output Control Signal for the GPIB Bus Transceivers. Transmit/Receive Control-The functions of TlR2, T/R3 are determined by the values of TRM1, TRMO of the address mode register. Clock-(1-8 MHz) Reference Clock for generating the state change prohibit times Tl, T6, T7, T9 specified in IEEE Standard 488-1978. Reset-Resets 7210 to an idle state when high (active high). Transmit/Receive Control-Function determined by TRMI and TRMO of address mode register (See T/R2). DMA Request-7210 requests data transfer to the computer system, becomes low on irlQUt of DMA acknowledge signal DACK. DMA Acknowledge-(Active low) Signal connects the computer system data bus to the data register of the 7210. Chip Select-(Active Low) Enables access to th., register selected by RSO-2 (read or write operation). Read-(Active low) Places contents of read register specified by RSO-2-on DO-7 (Computer Bus). Write-(Active Low) writes data on DO-7 into the write register specified by RSO-2. Interrupt Request-(Active High/low) Becomes active due to any 1 of 13 internal interrupt factors (unmasked) active state software configurable, active high on chip reset. Data Bus-8-bit bidirectional data bus, for interface to computer system. Ground. Register Select-These lines select one of eight read (write) registers during a read (write) operation. Interface Clear-Control line used for clearing the interface functions. Remote Enable-Control line used to select remote or local control of the devices. Attention-Control line which indicates whether data on DIO lines is an interface message or device dependent message. Service Request-Control line used to request the controller for service. Data Input/Output-8-bit bidirectional bus for transfer of message on the GPIB. Data Valid-Handshake line indicating that data on DIO lines is valid. Ready for Data-Handshake line indicating that device is ready for data. Data Accepted-Handshake line indicating completion of message reception. End or Identify-Control line used to indicate the end of multiple byte transfer sequence or to execute a parallel polling in conjunction with ATN. +5VDC 11 SYMBOL ~ 0 INT 12-19 20 21-23 DO-7 GND RSO-2 1/0 24 25 IFC REN 1/0 1/0 26 ATN 1/0 27 28-35 SRO D101-8 I/O I/O 36 37 38 DAV NRFD NDAC 1/0 1/0 1/0 39 EOI I/O 40 Vee I FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION Introduction The IEEE Standard 488 describes a "Standard Digital Interface for Programmable Instrumentation" which, since its introduction in 1975, has become the most popular means of interconnecting instruments and controllers in laboratory, automatic test and even industrial applications. Refined over several years, the 488-1978 Standard, also known as the General Purpose Interface Bus (GPIB), is a highly sophisticated standard providing a high degree of flexibility to meet virtually most all instrumentation requirements. The COM 721 0 TLC implements all of the functions that are required to interface to the GPIB. While it is beyond the scope of this document to provide a complete explanation of the IEEE 488 Standard, a basic description follows: The GPIB interconnects up to 15 devices over a common set of data control lines. Three types of devices are defined by the standard: Talkers, Listeners, and Controllers, although some devices may combine functions such as Talker/Listener or Talker/Controller. Data on the GPIB is transferred in a bit parallel, byte serial fashion over 8 Data I/O lines (0101-0108). A 3 wire handshake is used to ensure synchronization of transmission and reception. In order to permit more than one device to receive data at the same time, these control lines are "Open Collector" so that the slowest device controls the data rate. A number of other control lines perform a variety of functions such as device addressing, interrupt generation, etc. The COM7210 TLC implements all functional aspects of Talker, Listener and Controller functions as defined by the 488-1978 Standard, and on a single chip. The COM 721 0 TLC is an intelligent controller designed to provide high level protocol management of the GPIB, freeing the host processor for other tasks. Control of the TLC is accomplished via 16 internal registers. Data may be transferred either under program control or via DMA using the TLC's DMA control facilities to further reduce processor 97 overhead. The processor interface of the TLC is general in nature and may be readily interfaced to most processor lines. In addition to providing all control and data lines necessary for a complete GPIB implementation, the TLC also provides a unique set of bus transceiver controls permitting the - REGISTER NAME a use of variety of different transceiver configurations ·for maximum flexibility. Internal Registers The TLC has 16 registers, 8 of which are read and 8 write. SPECIFICATION ADDRESSING R R R W R C S S S R D S 2 1 0 o o I I I I I I Serial Poll Status (3R) 0 1 1 1 0 0 S8 PEND S6 SS Address Status (4R) 1 0 0 1 0 0 CIC ATN SPMS LPAS Command Pass Through (SR) 1 0 1 1 0 0 CPT7 CPT6 CPTS CPT4 Address 0 (6R) 1 1 0 1 0 0 X DTO DLO ADS-O I D12 I ERR CO I LOKC S4 I S3 TPAS I LA CPT3 I CPT2 AD4-0 I AD3-0 Address 1 (7R) 1 1 1 1 0 0 E01 DT1 DL1 ADS-1 AD4-1 Data In (OR) 0 0 Interrupt Status 1 (1 R) 0 0 1 1 0 0 Interrupt Status 2 (2R) 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 I I D17 D16 CPT APT INT SR01 I D1S D14 DET END LOK REM Byte Out (OW) 0 0 0 0 1 0 B07 B06 BOS B04 Interrupt Mask 1 (1W) 0 0 1 0 1 0 CPT END Interrupt Mask 2 (2W) 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 I I SROI DET DMAO DMAI Serial Poll Mode (3W) APT I I D13 D11 DEC DO D1 REMC ADSC D10 S2 S1 TA MJMN CPT1 AD2-0 I CPTO I AD1-0 I AD3-1 I AD2-1 I AD1-1 B03 B02 B01 DEC ERR DO BOO DI CO LOKC REMC ADSC 0 1 1 0 1 0 S8 rsv S6 SS S4 S3 S2 S1 . Address Mode (4W) 1 0 0 0 1 0 ton Ion TRM1 TRMO 0 0 ADM1 ADMO Auxiliary Mode (SW) 1 0 1 0 1 0 CNT2 CNT1 CNTO COM4 COM3 COM2 COM1 COMO Address 0/1 (6W) 1 1 0 0 1 0 ARS DT DL I ADS AD4 AD3 I AD2 AD1 End of String (7W) 1 1 1 0 1 0 EC7 EC6 ECS I EC4 EC3 EC2 I EC1 ECO I DI3 DI2 DI1 DIO I Data Registers The data registers are used for data and command transfers between the GPIB and the microcomputer system. DATA IN (OR) I DI7 I DI6 I DIS DI4 Holds data sent from the GPIB to the computer BYTE OUT (OW) I~B~0-7-'I~B~0~6-'I~BO~5-'~B~0~4-'~B~0~3-'-B~0~2-'~B70-1-'-B~0~0-' Holds information written into it for transfer to the GPIB Interrupt Registers The interrupt re!;1isters are composed of interrupt status bits, interrupt mask bits, and some other noninterrupt related bits. READ INTERRUPT STATUS.1 (1 R). CPT APT DET END DEC INTERRUPT STATUS 2 (2R) INT SROI LOK REM CO ERR DO DI I LOKC I REMC I ADSC I WRITE INTERRUPT MASK 1 (1W) CPT APT INTERRUPT MASK 2 (2W) 0 SROI DET END DEC I DMAO I DMAI CO 98 ERR DO DI I LOKC I REMC I ADSC I Interrupt Status Bits INT CPT APT DET END DEC ERR DO DI SRQI LOKC REMC ADSC CO There are thirteen factors which can generate an interrupt from the COM 721 0, each with their own status bit and mask bit. OR of All Unmasked Interrupt Status Bits Command Pass Through Address Pass Through Device Trigger End (END or EOS Message Received) Device Clear Error Data Out Data In Service Request Input Lockout Change Remote Change Address Status Change Command Output The interrupt status bits are always set to one if the interrupt condition is met. The interrupt mask bits decide whether the INT bit and the interrupt pin will be active for that condition. Noninterrupt Related Bits LOK REM DMAO DMAI Lockout Remote/Local Enable/Disable DMA Out Enable/Disable DMA In Serial Poll Registers READ SERIAL POLL STATUS (3R) S8 I PEND I S6 S5 S4 S3 S1 SO S3 S2 S1 I SPMS I LPAS I TPAS LA TA I MJMN I I TRM1 I TRMO I 0 WRITE SERIAL POLL MODE (3W) S8 rsv I S5 S6 S4 The Serial Poll Mode register holds the STB (status byte: S8, S6-S1) sent over the GPIB and the local message rsv (request service). The Serial Poll Mode register may be read through the Serial Poll Status register. The PEND is set by rsv = 1,andclearedbyNPRS'rsv = 1 (NPRS = Negative Poll Response State). Address Mode/Status Registers ADDRESS STATUS (4R) CIC ATN ADDRESS MODE (4W) ton Ion The Address Mode register selects the address mode of the devic.e and also sets the mode for T/R3 and T/R2 the transceiver control lines. The functions of T/R2, T/R3 terminals (2 and 5) are determined as below by the TRM1, TRMO values of the address mode register. T/R2 EOIOE CIC CIC CIC EOIOE = TACS T/R3 TRIG TRIG EOIOE PE + SPAS TRM1 0 0 1 1 TRMO 0 1 0 1 0 I ADM1 I ADMO 1 CIC = CIDS + CADS This denotes if the controller interface function is active or not. When "1 ": ATN = output. SRQ = input When "0": ATN = input, SRQ = output PE = CIC + PPAS This indicates the type of bus driver connected to 0108 to 0101 and DAV lines. When "1": 3 state type When "0": Open collector type TRIG: When DTAs state is initiated or when a trigger auxiliary command is issued, a high pulse is generated. + CIC· CSBS Upon RESET, TRMO and TRM1 become "0" (TRMO = TRM1 = 0) and local message port is provided, so that TI R2 and T/R3 both become "LOW:' This denotes the input/output of EOI terminal. When "1": Output When "0": Input 99 Address Modes ton 1 Ion 0 ADM1 0 ADMD 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 ADDRESS MODE Talk only mode Listen only mode Address mode 1 0 0 1 0 Address mode 2 0 0 1 1 Address mode 3 r8 @ @ CONTENTS OF ADDRESS (1) REGISTER CONTENTS OF ADDRESS (D) REGISTER Address Identification Not Necessary (No controller on the GPIB) Not Used ' Major talk address or Major listen address Primary address (talk or listen) Primary address (major talk or major listen) Minor talk address or Minor listen address Secondary address (talk or listen) Primary address (minor talk or minor listen) Combinations other than above indicated Prohibited. Notes: @ @ @ -Either MTA or MLA reception is indicated by coincidence of either address with the received address. Interface function T or L. -Address register 0 = primary, Address register 1 = secondary, interface function TE or LE. -CPU must read secondary address via Command Pass Through Register interface function (TE or LE). Address Status Bits ATN LPAS TPAS CIC LA TA MJMN Data Transfer Cycle (device in CSBS) Listener Primary Addressed State Talker Primary Addressed State Controller Active Listener Addressed SPMS Talker Addressed Sets minor TIL address Reset = Major TIL address Serial Poll Mode State Address Registers ADDRESS 0 (6R) x DTO DLO ADDRESS 1 (7R) EOI DT1 DL1 ADDRESS 0/1 (6W) ARS DT DL I ADS-O I AD4-0 I AD3-0 I AD2-0 I AD1-0 I I ADS-1 I AD4-1 I AD3-1 I AD2-1 I AD1-1 I I ADS I AD4 I AD3 I AD2 I AD1 I Address settings are made by writing into the address 0/1 register. The function of each bit is described below, The TLC is able to automatically detect two types of addresses which are held in address registers 0 and 1. The addressing modes are outlined below. Address 0/1 Register Bit Selections ARS DT DL -Selects which address register, 0 or 1 -Permits or Prohibits address to be detected as Talk -Permits or Prohibits address to be detected as Listen AD5-AD1 -Device address value EOI ,-Holds the value of EOI line when data is received Command Pass Through Register COMMAND PASS THROUGH (SR) I CPT7 I CPT6 I CPTS I CPT4 I The CPT register is used such that the CPU may read the 010 lines in the cases of undefined command, secondary CPT3 I CPT2 I CP1 I CPTO I address, or parallel poll response. End of String Register ENDOF STRING (7W) I EC7 I EC6 I ECS I EC4 This register holds either a 7- or a-bit EOS message byte used in the GPIB system to detect the end of a data block, I EC3 I EC2 I EC1 I ECO I AuxModeRegisterAcontrolsthespecificuseofthisregister, Auxiliary Mode Register AUXILIARY MODE (SW) CNT2 CNT1 CNTO I COM4 I COM3 I COM2 I COM1 I COMO I 100 This is a multipurpose register. A write to this register generates one of the following operations according to the values of the CNT bits. CNT COM 2 1 0 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 C, C, C, C, Co 0 0 1 o F, F, F, Fo 0 1 1 U S P, P, P, 1 0 0 A" A, A, A, Ao 1 0 1 B, B, B, B, Bo 1 1 0 BIT NAME o 0 0 E, Eo OPERATION Issues an auxiliary command specified by C. to Co. The reference clock frequency is specified and T" T., T7 , T. are determined as a result. Makes write operation to the parallel poll register. Makes write operation to the aux. (A) register. Makes write operation to the aux. (B) register. Makes write operation to the aux. (E) register. A, 0 1 Prohibit Permit A, 0 1 Prohibit Permit A, 0 1 7bitEOS 8bitEOS Auxiliary B Register iepon - BIT NAME 00010 crst - 00011 00100 00101 rrfd trig rll - 00110 00111 seoi nvid - 01111 vid - Bo OXOOl 10000 10001 sppf gts tca - 10010 11010 tcs tcse - 10011 11011 Itn Itnc - 11100 11101 lXll0 lXlll 10100 lun epp sifc sren dsc - Immediate Execute ponGenerate local pon Message Chip Reset-Same as External Reset Release RFD Trigger Return to Local Message Generation Send EOI Message Non Valid (OSA reception)Release DAC Holdoff Valid (MSA reception, CPT, DEC, DET)-Release DAC Holdoff Set/Reset Parallel Poll Flag Go To Standby Take Control Asynchronously Take Control Synchronously Take Control Synchronously on End Listen Listen with Continuous Mode Local Unlisten Execute Parallel Poll SeVReset IFC SeVReset REN Disable System Control Makes the 8 bits/7 bits of EOS register the valid EOS message. 1 0 1 B4 B3 B2 B, Bo The Auxiliary B Register is much like the A Register in that it controls the special operating features of the device. o 0 0 C4 Cs C2 C1 Co Auxiliary Commands COM 43210 00000 FUNCTION Permits (prohibits) the setting of the END bit by reception of the EOS message. Permits (prohibits) automatic transmission of END message simultaneously with the transmission of EOS message TACS. B, 1 B, Permit Prohibit 0 1 B, Permit Prohibit ~ 0 0 1 0 T, (high-speed) T, (low-speed) INT INT ist 1 = SROS B, 0 ist = Parallel Poll Flag Auxiliary E Register FUNCTION Permits (prohibits) the detection of undefined command. In other words, it permits ~rohibitS) the setting of the PT bit on reception of an undefined command. Permits (prohibits) the transmission of the END message when in serial poll active state (SPAS). T, (high speed) as T, of handshake after transmission of 2nd byte following data transmission. ~cifies the active level of INTpin. SROS indicates the value of ist level local message (the value of the parallel poll flag is ignored). SROS = 1 ... ist = 1. SROS = 0 ... ist = O. The value of the parallel poll flag is taken as the ist local message. 1 1 0 0 0 0 E1 Eo This register controls the Data Acceptance Modes of the TLC. BIT Eo E, FUNCTION 1 0 1 0 Enable Disable Enable Disable DAC Holdoff by initiation of DCAS DAC Holdoff by initiation of DTAS Internal Counter 0 0 1 0 Fs F2 F1 Fo Parallel Poll Register The internal counter generates the state change prohibit times (T" T6 , T7 , T9 ) specified in the IEEE std 488-1978 with reference to the clock frequency. The Parallel Poll Register defines the parallel poll response oftheCOri!l7210. Auxiliary A Register o 1 0 0 A4 As A2 A, Ao Of the 5 bits that may be specified as part of its access word, 2 bits control the GPIB data receiving modes of the 7210 and 3 bits control how the EOS message is used. A, 0 0 1 1 A. 0 1 0 1 iP'~~~lji'~~,s(D16\'~16108J I I SPECIFYING STATUS BIT POLARITY S = 1: IN PHASE S = 0: REVERSE PHASE DATA RECEIVING MODE Normal Handshake Mode RFD Holdoff on all Data Modes RFD Holdoff on End Mode Continuous Mode { U = 1: NO RESPONSE TO PARALLEL POLL U = 0: RESPONSE TO PARALLEL POLL 101 ~ A18-8 rrDECDDER~ I I I AD7-8 I,;)" .<~ 101M 8085 RD WR ALE RESET OUT 0 I\) CLK RST7.5 ~ ,!f RST 6.5 INTo . 6 0 ~ ~ Oil uv (; ~ ~ (J) ~I:EI ~ ~ ~10:D~rn ~ en COM7210 RST 5.5 WDMAREQ •. 1 RESrlN I ~I:EI ~ 0 o::orn5 TIMER OUT i5MAACK T/R3-1 "H" 8155 m 1 -i 0 ml ~ m ~ MINIMUM 8085 SYSTEM WITH COM7210 8355 Z DEVICE CONTROL I ~Q ~ - 0~I-01 ~ ~ 0 -n,; 0 ~ en;;;;:1 :E~m~mI m ~ o -i PA7-O, P87-O CE/--"H" IORI--"H" ~ [SWI~~HES] J DISPLAY COM7210 GPIB MC344SAX4 1510a Q!.Qz. ~ 01 5 i5i54 15m3 010 2 01°1 T/RI T/R3 (EOIOEI m l5Ai7 mm:5 Nl5Ac" T/R2 (CICI mr AT1iI" lIDi ~ DATA A DATA B OATAC DATA 0 BUS A BUS B BUS C BUS 0 S/RA_O PEA-O DATA A DATA B OATAC DATA 0 S/RA_O BUSA BUS B BUSC BUS 0 PEA-O 0104 01°3 01°2 010 1 BUS A EOI H>-ri> S/RA DATA A S/RB OATAB I - S/Rc OATAC ' - - - S/Ro DATA 0 S/RA r-£>- DATA A BUS B OAV BUSC NRFO BUS 0 PEA-O NOAC BUS A SRO L - - S/RB OATAB ;- S/Rc OATAC ~ SIRo OATAO BUS B ATN BUSC REN BUS 0 PEA-O IFC TT .. H· .. ·L .. Note: "L" In this example. high-speed data transfer cannot be made since the bus transceiver is of the open collector type (Set B, 0). = Os Ba DI~ 07 06 05 04 03 B7 B6 B5 SN75160 B4 B3 B281- 5rn5 i5TCl4 0103 5i02 oro, 02 01 T/R3 (PEl PE COM7210 -- 5iOa llTCi6 -- TE , I T/RI T/R2 (CICI SRQ ATN Em l5Ai7 NRFO NOAC "'" REN Note: OIOS 01°7 01°6 01°5 r---£>o---- OPIB TE DC - SRO ATN EOI SN75161 OAV NRFO NOAC IFC REN - -- -- 1--- = In the case of low-speed data transfer (B, 0). the T/R'Jin can be used as a TRIG output. The PE input of SN75160 should be cleare to "0." MINIMUM 8085 SYSTEM WITH COM 7210 (CONT.) 103 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS MAXIMUM GUARANTEED RATINGS (T. = 25°C) PARAMETER SYMBOL Supply Voltage Input Voltage Output Voltage Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Vee V, Va Tot 1'" RATINGS UNIT -0.5 - +7.0 -0.5-+7.0 -0.5- +7.0 0- +70 -65- +125 V V V °C °C DC CHARACTERISTICS (T. = 0 to + 70°C, Vee = 5V ± 10%) PARAMETER Input Low Voltage Input High Voltage Low Level Output Voltage Hi~ Level utput Voltage High Level Output Voltage (INTPin) Input Leakage Current Output Leakage Current Supply Current SYMBOL LIMITS TYP MIN -0.5 +2.0 V" V,H UNIT +0.8 Vee + 0.5 V V +0.45 V 10L = 2mA (4 mA: T/R1 Pin) V 10H = - 400 fJoA (Except INT) 10H = - 400 fJoA VOL +2.4 VOH1 TEST CONDITIONS MAX +2.4 V VOH2 +3.5 10H = -50 fJoA III -10 +10 fJoA V,N = OV - Vee 10L Icc -10 +10 +180 fJoA mA VOUT = 0.45V - Vee MAX UNIT 10 15 20 pF pF pF CAPACITANCE (T. = 25°C, Vee = GND = OV) PARAMETER I~ut Capacitance Ou~ut Capacitance I/O Capacitance SYMBOL LIMITS TYP MIN C'N COUT CliO TEST CONDITIONS f = 1 MHz All Pins Except Pin Under Test Tied to ACGround CS, RS2-0 ---+-----ol t-o---tRR - - - . . - ( 1,..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. ~---tRV---~ 07-0 \l OMAREQ tAKO ~k'Q~~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ TIMING DIAGRAM 104 AC CHARACTERISTICS, ~T, = 0 to 70°C, Vee = 5V'± 10%) LIMITS PARAMETER EOI i --+010 EOI i --+ T/R1 i EOI i --+T/Rli ATN i --+ NDACi ATNi --+ T/R1 i ATN i --+ T/R2i DAV i --+ DMAREQ DAV i --+ NFRD i DAV j --+NDACT DAVi --+ NDAC i DAVi --+DRFD i SYMBOL tECDI MIN MAX 250 155 200 155 155 200 600 350 650 350 350 tEOT11 tEOT12 tATND tATTl tATT2 tOVRQ tOVNRl tOVNDl tovND2 tOVNR2 RD i --+NRFD i tANA UNIT ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns 500 ns NDAC T--+ DMAREQ T tNDRQ 400 ns NDAC i --+ DAVi tNODV 350 ns WR i--+ 010 tWD! 250 ns NRFD i--+ DAV i tNRDV 350 ns WRT --+ DAV i tWDv 830 +tSYNC ns TRIG Pulse Width hR'G Address Setup to RD tAA Address Hold from RD RD Pulse Width Data Delay from Address Data Delay from RD i Output Float Delay from RD T RD Recovery Time Address Setup to WR Address Hold from WR WR Pulse Width Data Setup to WR Data Hold from WR WR Recovery Time DMAREQ j Delay from DMAACK Data Del,ay from DMMCK tAA tAA tAD tAD tDF tAv tAW tWA tww tow two tAV CS, RS2 - 0 50 ns 85 0 0 170 ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns 250 150 80 0 250 0 0 170 150 0 250 130 200 tAKRQ tAKD =t='AW~ _________~II-o:---tww t=tow --------------~X TIMING DIAGRAM 105 RSO - RS2 CS 3ftWA~X _______--., "'-------- 07 - 0 CONDITIONS PPSS --+ PPAS, ATN = True PPSS --+ PPAS, ATN = True PPAS --+ PPSS, ATN = False AIDS --+ ANRS, LIDS TACS + SPAS --+ TAOS, CIDS TACS + SPAS --+ TAOS, CIDS ACRS --+ ACDS, LACS ACRS--+ACDS ACRS --+ ACDS --+ AWNS AWNS--+ANRS AWNS --+ ANRS --+ ACRS ANRS--+ACRS LACS, 01 reg, selected STRS --+ SWNS --+ SGNS, TACS STRS --+ SWNS --+ SGNS SGNS --+ SDYS, BO reg, selected SDYS --+ STRS, T, = True SGNS --+ SDYS --+ STRS BO reg, selected, RFD = True NF = fc = 8MHz, T, (High Speed) tRV twO: .}- )(~_.=========== Circuit diagrams utilizing SMC products are included as a means of illustrating typical semiconductor applications; consequently complete information sufficient for 'construction purposes is not necessarily given. The information has been carefully checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, such information does not convey to the purchaser of the semiconductor devices described any license under the patent rights of SMC or others. SMC reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design and supply the best product possible. 106 COM78C802 PRELIMINARY Two-channel Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter Dual UART FEATURES PfN CONFIGURATION D Two independent full duplex serial data lines DCD1 RXD, N/C DL7 DL, DL, D14 ROY RST VSs. D Programmable baud rates individually selectable for each line's transmitter/receiver (50 to 19,200 baud) D Summary registers that allow a single read to detect a data set change or to determine the cause of an interrupt on any line D Triple buffers for each receiver cs WR D Device scanner mechanism that reports interrupt 55, request due transmitter/receiver interrupts Db DL2 DL1 DLo N/C D Independently programmable lines for interrupt-driven operation D Modem status change detection for Data Set Ready TXD~ DSRf (DSR) and Data Carrier Detect (DCD) signals 1 2 3 4 5 6 '-" 10 9 0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 40 ~ DSR1 39 ~ TXD, 38 N/C 37 N/C 36 ~ VSS, 35 CLK 34 MRST 33 ADD. P P P P 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 ADD2 ADD1 ADD~ P IRO IROTXRX N/C IRQ LN. VDD VSS2 N/C RXD, DCD, PACKAGE: 40- Pin DIP D Programmable interrupts for modem status changes >< I--M("N~O D Synchronizes critical read-only registers X . ~ d:2~~~5i~~~z~ D Single 5V Power Supply D TTL Compatible D Compatible with SMC COM78C808 OCTAL UART and COM78C804 QUART 0:: "'~OOOOOIOO()O VSS, TXD, DSR, DCD, RXD, N/C N/C N/C N/C OL7 OL, 393837363534333231 3029 40 28 27 26 25 21 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 151617 18 VDD VSS2 N/C N/C N/C N/C RXD• .DCD. DSR, TXD. DLo .:r JIi5It;Icil'I~I~ I'" .:r 0J..J 000::a:~ 00 0 PACKAGE: 44 Pin PLCC 'Muet be connected together GENERAL DESCRIPTION . The COM78C802 Two-channel Asynchronous Receiver/ operations necessary for simultaneous reception and Transmitter (Dual UART) is a VLSI device for new genera- transmission of asynchronous messages on two independtions of asynchronous serial communication designs and ent lines. Figure 1 is a functional block diagram of the for microcomputer systems. This device performs the basic COM78C802 Dual UART. 107 ROY --~---.., INTERRUPT SUMMARY REGISTER TxOO RxOO OSRO OCOO DATA SET CHANGE SUMMARY REGISTER Tx01 Rx01 OSR1 OCD1 FIGURE 1: COM78C802 DUAL UART FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM TABLE 1-COM78C802 PIN AND SIGNAL SUMMARY Pln-PLCC Pin-Dip Signal 5-8,15-18 4-7,14-17. Dl<7:0> Input/Output input/output 33-37 30-33 ADD<3:0> input 12 11 CS input 14 13 OS input 13 12 WR input 9 8 ROY output 10 38 39 20,42 9 34 35 20,40 RESET MRsrT ClK DSR<1:0> input input input inputs 21,43 1,21 DCD<1:0> inputs 32 29 29 26 IRQ IRQlN output output 31 28 IRQTxRx output 19,41 19,39 TxD<1:0> outputs 22.t44 2,22 RxD<1:0> input 28 11,27,40 25 10,24,36 Voo Vss Input input Definition/Function Data lines <7:0>-Receives and transmits the parallel data. Address<3:0>-Selects the internal regi.sters in the Dual UART. (Pins 36 and 37 must be connected in PlCC package.) Chip select-Activates the Dual UART to receive and transmit data over the Dl<7:0> lines. Data strobe-Receives timing information for data transfers. Write-Specifies direction of data transfer on the Dl<7:0> lines. Ready-Indicates when the Dual UART is ready to participate in data transfer cycles. Reset-Initializes the internal logic. Manufacturing reset-For manufacturing use. Clock-Clock input for timing. Data set ready Monitor data set ready (DSR) signals from modems. Data set carrier detect Monitor data set carrier detect (DC D) signals from modems. Interrupt request-Requests a processor in,errupt. Interrupt request line number-Indicates the line number of originating interrupt request. Interrupt request transmit/receive-Indicates whether an interrupt request is for transmitting or receiving data. Transmit data-Provides asynchronous bit-serial data output streams. Receive data-Accepts asynchronous bit-serial data input streams. Voltage-Power supply voltage + 5 Vdc. Ground-Ground reference 108 DATA AND ADDRESS Data lines (DL<7:0»-These lines are used for the parallel transmission and reception of data between the CPU and the Dual UART. The receivers are active when the data strobe (OS) signal is asserted. The output drivers are active only when the chip select (CS) signal is asserted, the data strobe (OS) signal is asserted, and the write (WR) signal is deasserted. The drivers will become inactive (high-impedance) within 50 nanoseconds when one or more of the following occurs: the chip select (CS) signal is deasserted, the data strobe (00) signal is deasserted, orthe write (WR) signal is asserted. ADD Line' Address (ADD<3:0»-These lines select which Dual UART internal register is accessible through the data I/O lines (DL <7:0» when the data strobe (00) and chip select (CS) signals are asserted. Table 2 lists the addresses corresponding to each register. The receiver buffer and transmitter hold!!!9!egister for each line have the same address. When the (WR) signal is deasserted, the address accesses the receiver buffer register and when asserted, it accesses the transmitter holding register. TABLE 2-COM78C80~ REGISTERS ADDRESS SELECTION ReadlWrite Register <1> <0> <3> <2> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 Read Write Read ReadIWrite ReadIWrite Line 0 Receiver Buffer Line 0 Transmitter Holding Line 0 Status Line 0 Mode Registers 1,2 Line 0 Command 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 Read Write Read ReadIWrite ReadIWrite Line 1 Receiver Buffer Line 1 Transmitter Holding Line 1 Status Line 1 Mode Register 1,2 Line 1 Command X X 1 1 0 0 0 1 Read Read Interrupt Summary Data Set Change Summary 'X= EitherOor 1. BUS TRANSACTION CONTROL Chip select (CS)-This signal is asserted to permit data transfers through the DL<7:0> lines to or from the internal registers. Data transfer is controlled by the data strobe (OS) signal and write (WR) signal. Data strobe (DS)- This input receives timing information for data transfers. During a write cycle, the CPU asserts the data strobe signal when valid output data is available and deasserts the data strobe signal before the data is removed. During a read cycle, the CPU asserts the data strobe signal and the Dual UART transfers the valid data. When the data strobe signal is deasserted, the DL<7:0> lines become a high impedance. INTERRUPT REQUEST Interrupt request IRQ-The IRQ pin is an open drain output. The integral interrupt scanner asserts the IRQ signal when it has detected an interrupt condition on one of the two serial data lines. Interrupt Request transmit/receive (IRQTxRx)-This signal indicates when the interrupt scanner in the Dual UART stops and asserts TAO because of a transmitter interrupt condition (the IRQTxRx signal is asserted) or because of a receiver interrupt condition (the IRQTxRx signal is deasserted). The signal is valid only while IRQ is asserted. The state of IRQTxRx signal also appears as bit oof the interrupt summary register. Interrupt request line number (IRQLN pins. If the WR signal is signal. The number on this line is valid only while the TAO asserted during a data transfer (the CS and OS signals signal is asserted. The state of this signal also appears a asser~, the Dual UART is receiving data from DL <7:0>. bit in the interrupt summary register: IRQLN as bit 1. If the WR signal is deasserted during a write data transfer, Table 3 shows the line numbers corresponding to settings the Dual UART is driving data onto the DL<7:0> lines. of IRQ LN. 109 TABLE 3-COM78C802 INTERRUPT REQUEST LINE ASSIGNMENTS IRQ Line Line o o 1 1 SERIAL DATA Transmit data (TxD<1 :0»-These outputs transmit the asynchronous bit-serial data streams. They remain at a high level when no data is being transmitted and a low level when the TxBRK bit in the associated line's command register is set. Receive data (RxD<1 :0»-These lines accept asynchronous bit-serial data streams. The input signals must remain in the high state for at least one-half bit time before a high-to-Iow transition is recognized. ( A high-to-Iow transition is required to signal the beginning of a "start" bit and initiate data reception). MODEM SIGNALS Data set ready (DSR<1 :0»-These two input pins, one for each serial data line on the COM78C802, are typically connected via intervening level converters to the data set ready outputs of modems. A TTL low at a DSR pin causes the DSR bit (bit 7) in the corresponding line's status register to be asserted. A TTL high at a DSR pin causes the DSR bit in the corresponding line's status register to be deasserted. A change of this input from high-to-Iow, or low-tohigh, causes the assertion of the data set change (DSCHNG) bit that corresponds to this line in the data set change summary register. Changes from one state to the other and back again that occur within one microsecond may not be detected. carrier detect (DCD<1 :0»-These two input pins, one for each serial data line of the Dual UART, are typically connected through intervening level converters to the received line signal detect (also called carrier detect) outputs of modems. A TTL low at a DCD pin causes the DCD bit of the corresponding line's status register to be deasserted. A change of this input from high-to-low, or low~to-high, causes the assertion of the data set change (DSCHNG) bit corresponding to this line in the data set change summary re~­ ister. Changes from one state to the other and back again that occur within one microsecond may not be detected. GENERAL CONTROL SIGNALS Ready (RDY)-The RDY pin is an open drain output. Upon detecting a negative transition of chip select (CS), the Dual UART asserts the RDY signal to indicate readiness to take part in data transfergcles. The RDY signal deasserts after the trailing edge of CS.I Reset (RESEn-When the RESET input in asserted, the TxD<1 :0> lines are asserted and all internal status bits listed in the "Architecture Summary" discussion are cleared. POWER AND GROUND Voltage (VDD)-Power supply 5 Vdc Ground (Vss)-Ground reference ARCHITECTURE SUMMARY The Dual UART functions as a serial-to-parallel, parallel-toserial converter/controller. It can be programmed by a microprocessor to provide different characteristics for each of its two serial data lines (stop bits, parity, character length, split baud rates, etc.) Each serial line functions the same as a one-line UARTtype device thereby reducing the number of chips and conserving space on communication devices that require multiple communications lines. An integral interrupt scanner checks for device interrupt conditions on the two lines. Its scanning algorithm gives priority to receivers over transmitters. The scanner can also check for interrupts resulting from changes in modem control signals DSR and DCD. Line-specific Registers Each of the two serial data lines in the Dual UART has a set of registers for buffering data into and out of the line and for external control of the line's characteristics. These registers are selected for access by selling the appropriate address on lines ADD<3:0>. Lines ADD<4:3> select one of the two data lines. Lines ADD<2:0> selects the specific register for that line. Refer to Table 2 for the register address aSSignments. Receiver buffer register-Each line's receiver consists of a character assembly register and a two-entry FIFO that is the receiver buffer register. When the RxEN bit in a line's command register is set, receilted characters are moved automatically into the line's receiver buffer as soon as they have been deserialized from the associated communications line. When there are characters in this FIFO, the RxRDY bit is set in the status register for the line. The assertion of the RxRDY signal for a line that already has the RxlE bit of its command register set causes the interrupt scanner logic to stop and generate an interrupt condition (the IRQ Signal is asserted). When the receiver buffer is read, the interrupt condition is cleared (the iRa signal is deasserted) and the interrupt scanner resumes operation. If there is another entry in a line's FIFO, the RxRDY bit remains asserted. When the interrupt scanner reaches this line again, the assertion of RxRDY causes the scanner to halt and assert the IRQ again. Asserting the RESET signal or clearing the RxEN bit initializes the receiver logic of Dual UART. The RxRDY flag is cleared and the receiver buffer register outputs become undefined. Any data in the FIFO at that time is lost. Transmitter holding register-Each line has a writable transmitter holding register. When the TxEN bit in the line's command register is set, characters are moved automatically from the output of this register into the transmitter serialization logic whenever the serialization logic becomes idle. When this register is empty, the TxRDY bit in the line's status register is set. If the transmitter interrupt enable (TxIE) MISCELLANEOUS SIGNALS bit in the line's command register is also set, the interrupt Clock in (CLK)-AII baud rates and internal clocks are scanner logic halts and generates an interrupt condition. If derived from this input. Normal operating frequency is 4.9152 a character is then loaded into the register, the interrupt is .MHz ± 0.1 percent and duty cycle is 50 percent ± 5 percent. cleared and the scanner resumes operation. 110 Manufacturing reset (MRESET)-This Signal is for manufacturing use .only and the input should be connected to ground for normal operation. Assertion of the RESET signal initializes the transmitter logic of the Dual UART. The TxRDY flag is cleared and the transmitter holding register's contents are lost. The transmitter enable (TXEN)Sbit in the line's command register is also cleared by RE ET. If at the end of the reset process, the TxEN is reasserted and TxRDY bit is reasserted. Software clearin~ of TxEN alone produces results different from the full RE ET in that the transmitter holding register's contents are not lost; they are transmitted when TxEN is set again. Status register-Each line has a read-only status register that provides information about the current state of the given line. This register indicates a line's readiness for transmission or reception of data and flags error conditions in its bit fields. Figure 3 shows the format of the status register. Table 3 lists the flag bits in each status register. DSR DCD-----' F E R - - - - - -...... ORR-------~ PER---------~ TxEMT-------------' RxRDY------------~ TxRDY----------------' FIGURE 3: COM78C802 STATUS REGISTERS (LINE 0:1) FORMAT TABLE 4-COM78C802 STATUS REGISTERS (LINES 0-1) DESCRIPTION Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Description DSR (Data set ready)-This bit is the inverted state of the DSR line. DCD (Data set carrier detect)-This bit is the inverted state of the DCD line. FER (Frame error)-Set when the received character currently displayed in the receiver buffer register was not framed by a stop bit. Only the first stop bit is checked to determine that a framing error exists. Subsequent reading of the receiver buffer register that indicates all zeros (including the parity bit, if any) can be interpreted as a Break condition. This bit is cleared by clearing RxEN (bit 2) of the command register, by asserting the RESET input, or by setting the reset error RERR (bit 4) of the command register. ORR (Overrun error)-Set when the character in the receiver buffer register was not read before another character was received. Cleared by clearing RxEN (bit 2) of the command register, by asserting the RESET input, or by setting reset error RERR (bit 4) of the command register. PER (Parity error)-If parity is enabled and this bit is set, the received character in the receiver buffer register has an incorrect parity bit. This bit is cleared by clearing RxEN (bit 2) of the command register, by asserting the RESET input, by setting reset error RERR (bit 2) of the command register, or by reading the current character in the receiver buffer register. TxEMT (Transmitter empty)-Set when the transmitter serialization logic for the associated line has completed transmission of a character, and no new character has been loaded into the transmitter holding ~ister. Cleared by loading the transmitter holding register, by clearing TxEN (0) of the command register, or by asserting the RESET input. RxRDY (Receiver buffer ready)-When set, a character has been loaded into the FIFO buffer from the deserialization logic. Cleared by reading the receiver buffer register, by clearing RxEN (bit 2) in the command register, or by asserting the RESET input. TxRDY (Transmitter holding register ready)-When set, this bit indicates that the transmitter holding register is empty. Cleared when the program has loaded a character into the transmitter holding register, when the transmitter for this line is disabled by clearing TxEN (bit 0) in the command register, or by asserting the RESET input. This bit is initially set when the transmitter logic is enabled by the setting of TxEN (bit 0) and the transmitter holding register is empty. This bit is not set when the automatic echo or remote loopback modes are programmed. Data can be overwritten if a consecutive write is performed while TxRDY is cleared. Mode registers 1 and 2-These read/write registers control the attributes (including parity, character length, and line speed) of the communications line. Each of the two communications lines has two ofthese registers, both accessed by the same address on ADD<3:0>. Successive access operations (either read or write, in any combination) alternate between the two registers at that address by use of an internal pointer. The first operation addresses mode register 1, the next address mode register 2, and another after that would recycle the pointer to mode re~is~r 1. The pointer is reset to pOint to mode register 1 by R S T or by a read of the command register for this line. These registers should not be accessed by bit-oriented instructions that do read/modify/write cycles. Figure 4 shows the format of mode registers 1 and Table 5 describes the function of the register information. 111 ~ r;-:R-E~-:.G-T- H-:._~- - - - - - -:. .J- - - 'i RSRV--------------' MCIE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' FIGURE 4-COM78C802 MODE REGISTERS 1 (LINE 0:1) FORMAT TABLE 5-COM78C802 MODE REGISTERS 1 (LINES 0-1) DESCRIPTION Bit Description 7,6 STOP-These bits determine the number of stop' bits that are appended to the transmitted characters as follows. These bits are cleared by asserting the RESET input. Bits Stop Bits 5,4 3,2 7 6 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 Invalid 1.0 1.5 2.0 PAR CTRL (Parity control)-These bits determine parity as follows and are cleared by asserting the RESET input. X = either 1 or O. Bits Parity 1\tpe 5 4 1 0 X 1 1 0 Even Odd Disabled CHAR LENGTH (Character length)-These bits determine the length (excluding start bit, parity, and stop bits) of the characters received and sent. Received characters of less than 8 bits are "right aligned" in the receiver buffer with unused high-order bits equal to zero. Parity bits are not shown in the receiver buffer. The character length bits are cleared by asserting the RESET input. The character length bits are defined as follows: Bit Bit Length 3 2 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 5 6 7 8 1 RSRV (Reserved and cleared by asserting the RESET input.) 0 MCIE (Modem control interrupt enable)-When set and RxlE (bit 5) of the command register is set, the modem control interrupts are enabled. Refer to the Interrupt Scanner and Interrupt Handling information. Cleared by asserting the RESET input. Figure 5 shows the format of mode registers 2 and Table 6 indicates the baud rate selections of the register. Bits 7 through 4 of the mode register 2 control the transmitter baud rate and bits 3 through 0 control the receiver baud rate. These registers are cleared by asserting RESET input. Command register-These read/write registers control various functions on the selected line. Figure 6 shows'the format of the command registers and Table 7 describes the function of the register information. o I I T XMIT RATE RECV RATE I " I I I I I I I ~ I OPER ., RxlE MODE~ I RERR I TxBR K RxEN TxlE TxEN FIGURE 6-COM78C802 COMMAND REGISTERS (LINE 0-1) FORMAT FIGURE 5-COM78C802 MODE REGISTERS 2 (LINE 0-1) FORMAT 112 I TABLE 6-COM78C802 MODE REGISTERS 2 (LINES 0-1) DESCRIPTION Bit Description 7:0 XMIT RATE/RECV RATE (Transmitter/Receiver receiver (bits 3:0) as follows: Transmitter Bits Receiver 2 7 5 4 3 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rate)-Selects the baud rate of the transmitter (bits 7:4) and Bits 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Nominal Rate 50 75 110 134.5 150 300 600 1200 1800 2000 2400 3600 4800 7200 9600 19200 Actual Rate same same 109.09 133.33 same same same same 1745.45 2021.05 same 3490.91 same 6981.81 same same Error" (percent) - 0.826 0.867 - - 3.03 1.05 - 3.03 - 3.03 - 'The frequency of the clock input (ClK) is 4.9152 MHz. The clock input may vary by 0.1 percent. This variance results in an error that must be added to the error listed. TABLE 7-COM78C802 COMMAND REGISTERS (LINES 0-1) DESCRIPTION Bit Description 7,6 OPER MODE (Operating mode)-These bits control the operating mode of the channel as follows. These bits are cleared by asserting the RESET input. Operating Mode Bit 7 6 Normal operation 0 0 1 Automatic echo 0 1 0 local loopback 1 Remote loopback 1 5 RxlE (Receiver interrupt enable)-When set, the RxRDY flag (bit 1) of the status register for this line will generate an interrupt. 4 RERR (Reset error)-When set, this bit clears the framing error, overrun error, and parity error of the status register associated with this line. This bit is cleared by asserting the RESET input (not self-clearing) .. TxBRK (Transmit break)-When set, this bit forces the appropriate TxD<1 :0> line to the spacing state at the conclusion of the character presently being transmitted. When the program clears this bit, normal operation is restored, and any character pending in the transmitter holding register is moved into the serialization logic and transmitted. The minimum break length obtainable is twice the character length plus 1 bit time. The maximum break length depends on the amount of time between the program setting and clearing this bit, but is an integral number of bit times. This bit is cleared by asserting the RESET inpu). 3 2 RxEN (Receiver enable)-When set, this bit enables the receiver logic. When cleared, it stops the assembling of the received character, clears all receiver error bits and the RxRDY (bit 1) of the status register, clears any receiver interrupt conditions associated with this line, and initializes ali receiver logic. This bit is cleared by asserting the RESET input. 1 TxlE (Transmit interrupt enable)-When set, the state of the associated TxRDY flag (bit 0) of the status register is made available to the interrupt scanner logic. When the interrupt scanner logic scans this line, it determines if the TxRDY flag is asserted and generates an interrupt by asserting the IRQ signal. 0 TxEN (Transmitter enable)-When set, this bit enables the transmitter logic. When cleared, it inhibits the serialization of the characters that foliow but the serialization of the current character is completed. It also clears the TxRDY flag (bit 0) of the status register, clears any transmitter interrupt conditions associated with this line, and initializes ali transmitter logic except that associated with the transmitter holding register. The character in the transmitter holding register is retained so that XON/XOFF situations can be properly processed. This bit is cleared by asserting the RESET input. Bits 5 through 0 enable the line's receiver and transmitter, enable handling of interrupts, initiate the transmission of break characters, and reset error bits for the line. Refer to "Interrupt Scanner" and "Interrupt Handling" paragraphs for detailed interrupt information. Bits 7 and 6 control the operating mode of the line. The four modes that can be set are: 113 o Normal operation-The serial data received is assem- bled in the receiver logic and transferred in parallel to the receiver buffer register. (The RxEN bit must be set.) Data to be transmitted is loaded in parallel into the transmitter hdlding register, then automatically transferred into the transmitter logic and serialized for transmission. (The TxEN bit must be set.) o Automatic echo-The serial data received .is assembled SUMMARY REGISTERS The Dual UART contains two register~ that summarize the current status of all two serial data lines, making it possible to determine that a line's status has, changed with a single read operation. These registers are selected for access by setting the appropriate address on pins ADD <2:0>. Because the registers are shared by two serial lines, the Localloopback-The serial data from the RxD input line-selection bits (ADD <4:3» are ignored when these is ignored and the receiver serial input receives data from . registers are accessed. Refer to "Interrupt Scanner and the transmitter serial output. The data is assembled into Interrupt Handling" for'detailed interrupt information. parallel form in the receiver logic (the RxEN bit must be Interrupt summary register-This read-only register indi, set) and transferred to the receiver buffer register where cates that a transmitter or receiver interrupt condition has it can be read by the program. Data to be transmitted to occurred, and indicates the line number that generated the the receiver is loaded in parallel form into the transmitter interrupt. Figure 7 shows the format of the interrupt sumhOlding register from which it is automatically moved into mary register and Table 8 describes register information. the transmitter logic and serialized for transmission. (The TxEN bit must be set.) The transmission goes only to the receiver serial input; the TxD output is held high. As in normal operation, transmission and reception baud rates are controlled by the transmitter speed and receiver speed entries in mode register 2. Remote loopback-The serial data received on the IRQ RxD line is returned to the TxD line without RAZ - - - - - - - - ' INT LINE NQ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _---' further action. No data is received or transmitted. The Tx/Rx _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _---' RxRDY, TxRDY, and TxEMT flags are disabled. The TxEN and RxEN bits of the command register are held FIGURE 7-COM78C802 cleared, causing the transmitter and receiver logic to be INTERRUPT SUMMARY REGISTER FORMAT disabled. into parallel in the receiver logic (the RxEN bit must be set) and transferred to the receiver buffer register. Arriving serial data is also routed to the line's TxD pin for serial output. TxEN is ignored and the transmitter logic is disabled. TxRDY flags and TxEMT indications are cleared. No transmitter interrupts are generated. o o TABLE 8-COM78C802 INTERRUPT SUMMARY REGISTER OESCRIPTION Description IRQ (Interrupt request)-When set, this bit indicates that the interrupt scanner has found an interrupting condition among the two serial lines of the Dual UART. These conditions also result in the Dual UART asserting the IRQ signal. RAZ (Read as zero)-Not used 6:2 INT LINE NO (Interrupting line number)-This bit indicates the line number upon which an interrupting condition 1" was found. Refer to Table 3. D· TX/Rx (Transmitlreceive)-This bit indicates whether the interrupting condition was caused by a transmitter (Tx/ Ax equals 1) or a receiver (TX/Rx equals 0). This bit corresponds to the IRQTxAx signal of the Dual UART and is set when IRQTxRx is asserted. 'Bits 1-0 above represent the outputs of a free-running counter and are valid only when bit 7 is set. Bit 7 Data set change summary register-When the DSR or DCD inputs that are associated with a line change state, the bit corresponding to that line in this read-only register is set. The current state of the DSR and DCD inputs can then be obtained from that line's status register, If the state of a line changes twice within one microsecond, the change in state may not be detected. Figure 8 shows the format of the data set change summary register. When the MCIE bit in a line's mode register 1 is set and RxlE is also set, the modem control interrupts are enabled for that line. IfDSCHNG for that line is then set, the interrupt scanner will halt and assert the IRQ Signal. The data set change summary register bits are cleared by writing a 1 into the bit position. A program that uses this register should read ~ and save a copy of its contents. The copy can then be written back to the register to clear the bits that were set. The DSCHNG1-0 system interrupts should be disabled and writeback should directly follow the read operation. Assertion of the RESET signal disables and initializes the FIGURE 8-COM78C802 DATA SET CHANGE data set change logic. When the RESET signal is deasSUMMARY REGISTER FORMAT serted, future changes in DSR and DCD are reported as they occur. 114 -------------11 INTERRUPT SCANNER AND INTERRUPT HANDLING The interrupt scanner sequentially checks each line for a receive interrupt and then checks each one in the same order for a transmitter interrupt. If the scanner detects an interrupt condition, it stops and the IRQ signal is asserted. An interrupt must be serviced by software or no other interrupt request can be posted. The scanner determines that a line has a receiver interrupt if the line's receiver buffer is ready and receiver interrupts are enabled for that line (RxRDY and RxlE = 1) or either of the line's modem status signals has changed state and both receiver and modem control interrupts are enabled for that line (DSCHNG and RxlE and MCIE = 1). The scanner determines that a line has a transmitter interrupt if the line's transmitter holding the register is empty and transmitter interrupts are enabled for that line (TxRDY and TxIE=1). When the scanner detects an interrupt, it reports the line number on the IRQ line. The IRQTxRx signal is asserted for a transmitter interrupt and deasserted for a receiver interrupt. The appropriate bits are also updated in the interrupt summary register. The IRQ line is deasserted and the scanner is restarted for each of the following three types of interrupt conditions. o Reading the receiver buffer or resetting the RxlE bit of the interrupting line for the first type of receiver interrupt previously described. o Resetting the MCIE, RxIE, or DSCHNG bit of the interrupting line for the second type of receiver interrupt previously described. o Loading the transmitter holding register or resetting the TxlE bit of the interrupting line for transmitter interrupts. If the scanner was originally stopped by a receiver interrupt condition, the scanner resumes sequential operation from where it stopped, thus providing receivers with equal prior- ity. If the scanner was stopped by a transmitter condition, the scanner restarts from position 0 (line O's receiver), thus giving receivers priority over transmitters. EDGE-TRIGGERED AND LEVEL-TRIGGERED INTERRUPT SYTSTEMS If the interrupt system of the Dual UART is used only for generating interrupts for the RxRDY and/or TxRDY flags, the IRQ line can be connected to a processor having either edge-triggered or level-triggered interrupt capability. If the modem control interrupts are being used (MCIE in mode register 1 = 1), the IRQ line can be connected only to a processor that uses level-triggered interrupts. MODEM HANDLING The TxEMT (transmitter empty) bit of the status register is typically used to indicate when a program can disable the transmission medium, as when deasserting the request-tosend line of a modem. A typical program will load the last character for transmission and then monitor the TxEMT bit of the status register. The assertion of the TxEMT bit to indicate the transmission is complete may occur a substantial time after the loading of the last character. After the last character is loaded, one character is in the transmitter holding register and one character is in the serialization logic. Therefore, it will be two character times before the transmission process is completed. Waiting for the TxRDY signal to assert' before monitoring the TxEMT status shortens this by one character time because the TxRDY status bit indicates that there are no characters in the transmitter holding register. The times involved are calculated by taking the reciprocal of the baud rate being used, multiplying by the number of bits per character (a starter bit-5,6,7, or 8 data bits; plus parity bit if enabled; and 1,1.5, or 2 stop bits), and multiplying by either two characters or one, depending on when TxEMT monitoring begins. TEST POINT TEST POINT V DD V DD IUl FROM OUTPUT , FROM , OUTPUT I k 52 , ~ , T r [ CC ".... I kS2 S1 CLOSED: PULL UP S2 CLOSED: PULL DOWN S1 AND S2 CLOSED. DIVIDER LOAD B - THREE-STATE OUTPUTS LOAD A - STANDARD OUTPUTS FIGURE 9-COM78C802 OUTPUT LOAD CIRCUITS 115 , , MAXIMUM GUARANTEED RATINGS' Operating Temperature Range .................................................................................. O°C to + 70°C Storage Temperature Range ................................................................................. - 55° to + 125°C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10 sec.) ................................................................................ + 300°C Positive Voltage on any 1/0 Pin, with respect to ground .............................................................. Vee + 0.3V Negative Voltage on any 1/0 Pin, with respect to ground ................................................................. - 0.3V Maximum Vee ............................................................................................................ + 7V ·Stresses above those listed may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or at any other condition above those indicaled in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. NOTE: When powering this device from laboratory or system power supplies, it is important that the Absolute Maximum Ratings not be exceeded or device failure can result. Some power supplies exhibit voltage spikes or "glitches" on their outputs when the AC power is switched on and off. In addition, voltage transients on the AC power line may appear on the DC output. For example, the bench power supply programmed to deliver +5 volts may have large voltage transients when the AC power is switched on and off. If this possibility exists it is suggested that a clamp circuit be used. TABLE 9-COM78C802 DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Symbol Parameter V'H V IL High-level input voltage V OH High-level output voltage Voo=Min. 10H =.3.5 mA for OL <7:0> IOH=2.0 mA for all remaining output except IRQ and ROY VOL Low-level output voltage Voo=Min. 10L = 5.5 mA for OL <7:0> 10L = 3.5 mA for all remaining outputs I,H' Input current at maximum input voltage Voo=Max. V, = Voo(Max.) III Input current at miminum input voltage Voo=Max. V,=O.OV los1 Short-circuit output current for OL <7:0> all remainin9.Q!d!puts except IRQ and ROY Voo=Max. Three-state output current Voo=Max. Va = O.4V Three-state output current Voo=Max. Va = 2.4V Supply current Voo=Max. TA=O° IOZL2 IOZH2 100 Test Condition Requirements Min. Typ. Max. 2.0 Units V Low-level input voltage 0.8 V V 2.4 0.4 V 10 flA -10 flA -50 -180 mA -30 -110 mA 10 flA 10 flA mA 15 C," Input capacitance 4 pF C 10 3 Inputloutput capacitance 5 pF 'No more than one ouput should be short circuited at a time, and the duration of the short should not exceed 1 second. 'All three-state output drivers are wired in an I/O configuration. The parameters include the driver and input receiver leakage currents. 'The parameters include the capacitive loads of the output driver and the input receiver. TIMING PARAMETERS shows the signal timing for a write cycle to transfer inforFigure 10 shows the signal timing for a read cycle to transfer mation from the processor to the Dual UART. Table 11 lists information from the Dual UART to the processor. Figure 11 the timing parameters for the read and write cycles. 116 .~ 1\ DS , _ tOPWLR - - + ADO<3:C ~I tOPWH IX VALID ADDRESS X ~h tASU I--J- JL twsu ~tWHO tcsu f---I-o f- tCHO WR ~ .; "\J DL...-:: 7:0 > I r-.. --------I- tAHO __ !- tRDL tRDH~ ~ ".-.. ~ VALID DATA O U T M tOOl l . tOOZH I-- tDD-ooI ~~DF.....I I tDDLZ, tDDHZ IRO f+- tlD::::J FIGURE 10-COM78C802 BUS READ CYCLE TIMING OS _tDPWLW___ XI ...--.+- tASU \ X ~ VALID ADDRESS 1.--- 1\ lOPWH tAHO / -twsu ~ tcsu - tWHO --4 r- \ tCHO ~tRD~ ...... tRDL\.- OL<7:0> VALID DATA IN ~tDSU--.ll--tDHO_1 iRa ~tlD:I FIGURE 11-COM78C802 BUS WRITE CYCLE TIMING 117 TABLE 10-COM78C802 BUS READ AND WRITE TIMING PARAMETERS Symbol Definition tAHO Hold time of a valid AOO <3:0> to a valid high level of OS. tABu Setup time of a valid AOO <3:0> to the falling edge of OS. Hold time of a valid low level of CS to a valid high level of OS. leHO leou Setup time of a valid low level of CS to the falling edge of OS. tDD Prop~tion delay of a valid.low level on OS (if CS is low tDOLZ2 Prop~tion delay of a valid high level on OS (if CS is low and WR is high) to valid high or low data on OL <0>. Requirements (ns) Min. Max. Load Circuit' 10 30 10 30 165 CL=150 pF and WR is high) to OL <0> output drivers disabled. tODL2 tOOHZ tooLZ tOOHZ tooLZ tOOHZ tOOZL 50 50 60 60 65 65 CL=50pF CL=50pF CL= 100pF CL= 100pF CL= 150pF CL= 150pF 165 165 CL= 150pF CL=150pF Prop~tion delay of a valid low level on OS (if CS is low and WR is high) to OL <7:0> output driver enabled. tooZL tOOZH 0 tDF Hold time provided during a read cycle by Oual UART of valid high or low data on OL <7:0> after the rising edge ofOS. 0 tDHO Hold time of a valid OL <7:0> to a valid high level of OS. 30 tDPWH Pulse width high of OS. tDPWLR Pulse width low of OS when WR is high (read operation). Refer to timing parameter tDPWLW also. Pulse width low of OS when WR is low (write operation). Refer to timing parameter tDPWLR also. 180 10,000 130 10,000 tasu Setup time of a valid OL <;7:0> to the rising edge of OS. 50 t103 Propagation delay..QLa valid low level on OS (if CS is low) to a high level on IRQ. 635 C L=50pF Propagation ~ of a valid high level of CS to a valid high level on ROY. 210 CL=50pF tRilL Propagation delay of a valid low level on CS to a valid low level on ROY. 90 CL=50pF tWHO Hold time of a valid high or low level of WR to a valid high level of OS. 10 twsu Setup time of a valid high or low level of WR to the falling edge of OS. 30 tOPWLW tRDH4 450 'Refer to Figure 9 for the load circuits used with these measurements. "The tDDl2 and tDoHZ parameters are measured with CL = 150 pF. The values of tODl2 and tOIlHZ for CL = 50pF and CL = 100 pF have been derived for user convenience. 'Total rise time depends on internal delay plus the pullup delay introduced by the external resistor being used. The t,o parameter can be calculated by the following: tID =500 + RCL where R =value of the resistor that connects to capacitor CL in load A, Figure 9. 'Total rise time depends on internal delay plus the pullup delay introduced by the external resistor being used. The tROH parameter can be calculated by the following: tROH = 75 + RCL where R = value of the resistor that connects to capacitor CL in load A, Figure 9. Figure 12 shows the signal timing for the clock input, intertiming, and the transmit data outputtiming. Table 11 lists the rupt timing, effect of the RESET input on data strobe, data timing parameters for Figure 12. set carner detect (OCO) and data set ready (OSR) input 118 elK CLOCK D( >L IROLN/IRQTxAx i-,J L,,"~ IRQ INTERRUPT RESET 1 tRES DS 1· tORSU ~. .~ tDRHO EFFECT OF RESET ON DATA STROBE DCD/DSR<1:0> XJ VALID DCD/DSR DATA IX "-----''1-1j..-=--=--=--=--=--=-~~';;"tD;;';S;;';PW;":-"';'-':'-";'----'--------1.11...----------oeD/DSA INPUT TxO <1:0 > \C::=tTXSK==:LtTXSK~~------';-TRANSMIT DATA OUTPUT FIGURE 12-COM78C802 MISCELLANEOUS SIGNAL TIMING TABLE 11-MISCELLANEOUS WRITE TIMING PARAMETERS Symbol Definition Ie, Ie'WH IePWL Period of ClK. IoRHO Requirements (ns) Min. 203.45 (4.9152 MHz) Pulse width high of ClK. Load Circuit' 95 Pulse width low of ClK. 95 Hold time of a valid high level of DS to a valid high level of RESET. t ORSU Setup time of a valid high level of DS to the rising edge of RESET. 1,000 900 tospw Pulse width high or low of DCD < 1 :0> and DSR < 1 :0>. t lHO Hold time provided by Dual UART from a valid IRQlN and IRQTxRx to a valid high level of IRQ. 1,000 100 CL=50pF t lSU Setup time provided by Dual UART from a valid IRQlN and IRQTxRx to a valid low level of IRQ. 100 CL=50pF t RES tTXSK Pulse width low of RESET. 1,000 Pulse width high or low provided by Dual UART on the TxD <1 :0> lines. At each baud rate, the actual pulse widths provided vary by tTXSK ' This timing parameter should be used to determine cumulative reception/transmission errors. 'Refer to Figure 9 for the load circuits used with these measurements. 119 250 CL=50pF Figure 13 shows the input and output voltage waveforms for the propagation delay and setup and hold measure- ments. Figure 14 shows the waveforms for the three-state outputs measurement. VIH(~'~~'=::::'::I INPUT 0.8 V VIL (0.4 V) ::.7-1---------rtL·H j \ -"'-1 \;' PH't L ~'~~'::::ul~ ,.~~,'::'''m. I-~~\l -'I SET·UP AND HOLD Vo (0.8 V) ---~. PROPAGATION DelAY FIGURE 13-COM78C802 PROPAGATION DELAY AND SETUP AND HOLD VOLTAGE WAVEFORMS r VIN (2.4 V) 2.0V OUTPUT CONTROL VIL a.sv (~Z: :OT~ ~: VOH (45V) OUTPUT (SEE NOTE 1) 1 5V VOl+05 VOUT (AS MEASURED) -- lt - -j- ----- - ---- tlZ - - (NOTE 3C) --- VOL+O.5V - - - - - - - tlH (NOTE 38) VOUT (AS MEASURED) VOH -0.5 V 1.SV OUTPUT VOL (NOTE 2) (O.OV) THREE-STATE OUTPUTS NOTES: 1. INTERNAL CONDITIONS ARE SUCH THAT THE OUTPUT IS LOW EXCEPT WHEN DISABLED BY THE OUTPUT CONTROl. 2. INTERNAL CONDITIONS ARE SUCH THAT THE OUTPUT IS HIGH EXCEPT WHEN DISABLED BY THE OUTPUT CONTROL. 3. REFER TO FIGURE 9. A :: 51 CLOSED, B = 52 CLOSED. C = S 1 AND 52 CLOSED. FIGURE 14-COM78C802 THREE-STATE OUTPUT VOLTAGE WAVEFORMS Circuit diagrams utilizing SMC products are included as a means of illustrating typical semiconductor applications: consequently complete information sufficient for construction purposes is not necessarily given. The information has been carefully checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, such information does not convey to the purchaser of the semiconductor devices described any license under the patent rights of SMC or others. SMC reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design and supply the best product possible. 120 STANDARD MICROSYSTEMS CORPORATION COM78C804 PRELIMINARY Four-channel Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter QuadUART PIN CONFIGURATION FEATURES D Four independent full duplex serial data lines DCD 2 DSR2 D Programmable baud rates individually selectable for TXD 2 each line's transmitter/receiver (50 to 19,200 baud) VDD DL, DLo DL, D Summary registers that allow a single read to detect a data set change or to determine the cause of an interrupt on any line 48 AXD2 47 RXD 3 3 4 5 6 0 .... ROY 9 RST 10 11 12 WR 13 os· 14 DL3 15 el2 16 Dl, 17 DL~ 18 VDD 19 TXD~ 20 DSR~ 21 DCD~ 22 RXD~ 23 RXD, 24 VSS~ os D Triple buffers for each receiver D Device scanner mechanism that reports interrupt request due transmitter/receiver interrupts D Independently programmable lines for interrupt-driven operation D Modem status change detection for Data Set Ready (DSR) and Data Carrier Detect (DCD) signals 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 DCD3 DSR3 TXD3 VSS, elK MRST ADD. ADD3 OS· ADD2 ADD, ADD~ IRQ IRQTXRX IRQLN, IRQLN~ VDD NIC vss, TXD, DSR, DCD, PACKAGE: 48-pin DIP >< "must be connected together a: _ " D Programmable interrupts for modem status changes ~'M~_" ~33 "'a: C cc CCIO 0 0 0 d::;~~~~~g;g;g;g; D Synchronizes critical read-only registers D Single 5V Power Supply vss, TXD, DSR, DCD, RXD, RXD, D TTL Compatible D Low Power CMOS Technology DCD, DSR, TXD, D Compatible with SMC's COM78C808 and COM78C802 DL, DL, 40 3938373635343332313029 28 27 26 25 . 1 2 3 4 5 6 VDD VSS, TXD, DSR, DCD, RXD, RXD. DCD. DSR. TXD. 7 8 9 10 11 121314151617 18 D4 .:r JI~ I~ etl'1"'1a: I'" .2..J J C ccc CCa:a:g1U3: PACKAGE: 44- pin PLCC GENERAL DESCRIPTION The COM78C804 Four-channel Asynchronous Receiver/ Transmitter (Quad UART) is a VLSI device for new generations of asynchronous serial communication designs and for microcomputer systems. This device performs the basic operations necessary for simultaneous reception and transmission of asynchronous messages on four independent lines. Figure 1 is a functional block diagram of the COM78C804 Quad UART. 121 TxDO RxDO DSRO DCDO INTE RRUPT SUMMARY REGISTER TxDI RxDI DSRI DCDI TxD2 RxD2 DSR2 DCD2 TxD3 RxD3 DSR3 DCD3 DATA SET CHANGE SUMMARY REGISTER DATA BUS CLK CONTROL BUS MRESET FIGURE 1: COM78C804 QUAD UART FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM TABLE 1-COM78C804 PIN AND SIGNAL SUMMARY Pin-PLCC Signal Input/Output Definition/Function 5-8,15-18 Pin-DIP 5-8,15-18 Dl<7:0> input/output Data lines <7:0>-Receives and transmits the parallel data. 33-37 35-37,39,40 ADD<0:4> input Address<0:4>-Selects the internal registers in the Quad UART. 12 12 CS input Chip select-Activates the Quad UART to receive and transmit data over the Dl<7:0> lines. 14 14,38 DS input Data strObe-Receives timing information for data transfers. 13 13 WR input Write-Specifies direction of data transfer on the DL <7:0> lines. 9 9 RDY output Ready-Indicates when the Quad UART is ready to participate in data transfer cycles. 10 10 RESET input Reset-Initializes the internal logic. 38 41 MRESET input Manufacturing reset-For manufacturing use. 39 42 ClK input Clock-Clock input for timing. 3,20,25,42 2,21,26,45 DSR<3:0> inputs Data set ready-Monitor data set ready (DSR) signals from modems. 2,21,24,43 1,22,25,46 DCD<3:0> inputs Data set carrier detect-Monitor data set carrier detect (DCD) signals from modems. 32 34 IRQ output Interrupt request-Requests a processor interrupt. 29,30 31,32 lRQlN<0:1> output Interrupt request line number-Indicates the line number of originating interrupt request. 31 33 IRQTxRx output Interrupt request transmit/receive-Indicates whether an interrupt request is for transmitting or receiving data. 4,19,26,41 3,20,27,44 TxD<3:0> outputs Transmit data-Provides asynchronous bit-serial data output streams. 1,22,23,44 23,24,47,48 RxD<3:0> input Receive data-Accepts asynchronous bit-serial data input streams. 28 4,19,30 Voo input Voltage-Power supply voltage 11,27,40 11,28,43 V•• input Ground-Ground reference 122 + 5 Vdc. DATA AND ADDRESS Data lines (DL<7:0»-These lines are used for the paraile I transmission and reception of data between the CPU and the Quad UART. The receivers are active when the data strobe (OS) signal is asserted. The output drivers are active only when the chip select (CS) signal is asserted, the data strobe (OS) signal is asserted, and the write (WR) signal is deasserted. The drivers will become inactive (high-impedailce) within 50 nanoseconds when one or more of the following occurs: the chip select (CS) Signal is deasserted, the data strobe (OS) signal is deasserted, or the write (WR) signal is asserted. Address (ADD<4:0»-These lines select which Quad UART internal register is accessible through the data I/O lines (OL <7:0» when the data strobe (OS) and chip select (CS) signals are asserted. Table 2 lists the addresses corresponding to each register. The receiver buffer and transmitter holdi!!fl!egister for each line have the same address. When the (WR) signal is deasserted, the address accesses the receiver buffer register and when asserted, it accesses the transmitter holding register. TABLE 2-COM78C804 REGISTERS ADDRESS SELECTION ADD Line* <4> <3> <2> <1> <0> ReadlWrite Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 Read Write Read ReadlWrite Read/Write Line 0 Receiver Buffer Line 0 Transmitter Holding Line 0 Status Line 0 Mode Registers 1,2 Line 0 Command 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 Read Write Read Read/Write ReadlWrite Line 1 Receiver Buffer Line 1 Transmitter Holding Line 1 Status Line 1 Mode Register 1,2 Line 1 Command 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 Read Write Read Read/Write Read/Write Line 2 Receiver Buffer Line 2 Transmitter Holding Line 2 Status Line 2 Mode Register 1 ,2 Line 2 Command 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 Read Write Read ReadlWrite ReadlWrite Line 3 Receiver Buffer Line 3 Transmitter Holding Line 3 Status Line 3 Mode Register 1 ,2 Line 3 Command X X X X 1 1 0 0 0 1 Read Read Interrupt Summary Data Set Change Summary 'X= Either 0 or 1. BUS TRANSACTION CONTROL INTERRUPT REQUEST Chip select (CS)-This Signal is asserted to permit data Interrupt request IRQ-The IRQ pin is an open drain outtransfers through the OL <7:0> lines to or from the internal put. The integral interrupt scanner asserts the IRQ signal registers. Oata transfer is controlled by the data strobe (OS) when it has detected an interrupt condition on one of the signal and write (WR) signal. four serial data lines. Data strobe (DS)- This input receives timing information for data transfers. During a write cycle, the CPU asserts the data strobe signal when valid Qutput data is available and deasserts the data strobe signal before the data is removed. Ouring a read cycle, the CPU asserts the data strobe signal and the Quad UART transfers the valid data. When the data strobe signal is deasserted, the DL<7:0> lines become a high impedance. o Write (WR)-The write (WR) signal specifies the direction of data transfer on the DL<7:0> pinsJ!..the WB...signal is asserted during a data transfer (the CS and DS signals assert~ the Quad UART is receiving data from DL<7:0>. If the WR signal is deasserted during a write data transfer, the Quad UART is driving data onto the DL <7:0> lines. Interrupt request line number (IRQLN<1 :0»-These lines indicate the line number at which the Quad UART interrupt scanner stopped and asserted the interrupt request (IR~nal. The number on these lines is valid only while the IRQ signal is asserted. Line IRQLN<1 > is the highorder bit and the IRQLN line is the low-order bit. The 123 Interrupt Request transmit/receive (IRQTxRx)-This Signal indicates when the interrupt scanner in the Quad UART stops and asserts IRQ because of a transmitter interrupt condition (the IRQTxRx signal is asserted) or because of a receiver interrupt condition (the IRQTxRx signal is deasserted). The signal is valid only while IRQ is asserted. The state of IRQTxRx signal also appears as bit of the interrupt summary register. I state of these signals also appears as bits in the interrupt summary register: IRQLN<1 > as bit 2, and IRQLN as bit 1. Table 3 shows the line numbers corresponding to settings of IRQLN<1 :0>. TABLE 3-COM78C804 INTERRUPT REQUEST LINE ASSIGNMENTS Line IRQ Line <1> <0> 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 1 1 1 3 SERIAL DATA Transmit data (TxD<3:0»-These outputs transmit the asynchronous bit-serial data streams. They remain at a high level when no data is being transmitted and a low level when the TxBRK bit in the associated line's command register is set. Receive data (RxD<3:0»-These lines accept asynchronous bit-serial data streams. The input signals must remain in the high state for at least one-half bit time before a high-to-Iow transition is recognized. ( A high-to-Iow transition is required to si9nal the beginning of a "start" bit and initiate data reception). MISCELLANEOUS SIGNALS Clock in (CLK)-AII baud rates and internal clocks are derived from this input. Normal operating frequency is 4.9152 MHz ± 0.1 percent and duty cycle is 50 percent ± 5 percent. POWER AND GROUND· Voltage (Voo)-Power supply 5 Vdc Ground (Vss)-Ground reference ARCHITECTURE SUMMARY The Quad UART functions as a serial-to-parallel, parallelto-serial converter/controller. It can be programmed by a microprocessor to provide different characteristics for each of its four serial data lines (stop bits, parity, character length, split baud rates, etc.) Each serial line functions the same as a one-line UARTtype device thereby reducing the number of chips and conserving space on communication devices that require mUltiple communications lines. An integral interrupt scanner checks for device interrupt conditions on the four lines. Its scanning algorithm gives priority to receivers over transmitters. The scanner can also check for interrupts resulting from changes in modem control signals DSR and DCD. Line-specific Registers Each of the four serial data lines in the Quad UART has a set of registers for buffering data into and out of the line and for external control of the line's characteristics. These registers are selected for access by setting the appropriate address on lines ADD<4:0>. Lines ADD<4:3> select one of the four data lines. Lines ADD<2:0> select the specific register for that line. Refer to Table 2 for the register address assignments. MODEM SIGNALS Data set ready (DSR<3:0»-These four input pins, one for each serial data line on the COM78C804, are typically connected via intervening level converters to the data set ready outputs of modems. A TTL low at a DSR pin causes the DSR bit (bit 7) in the corresponding line's status register to be asserted. A TTL high at a DSR pin causes the Receiver buffer register-Each line's receiver consists of DSR bit in the corresponding line's status register to be a character assembly register and a two-entry FIFO that is deasserted. A change of this input from high-to-Iow, or low- the receiver buffer register. When the RxEN bit in a line's to-high, causes the assertion of the data set change command register is set, received characters are moved (DSCHNG) bit that corresponds to this line in the data set automatically into the line's receiver buffer as soon as they change summa,ry register. Changes from one state to the have been deserialized from the associated communicaother and back again that occur within one microsecond tions line. When there are characters in this FIFO, the may not be detected. RxRDY bit is set in the status register for the line. Carrier detect (DCD<3:0»-These four input pins, one The assertion of the RxRDY signal for a line that already. for each serial data line of the Quad UART, are typically has the RxlE bit of its command register set causes the connected through intervening level converters to the interrupt scanner logic to stop and generate an interrupt received line signal detect (also called carrier detect) out- condition (the IRQ Signal is asserted). When the receiver puts of modems. A TTL low at a DCD pin causes the DCD buffer is read, the interrupt condition is cleared (the IRQ sigbit of the corresponding line's status register to be deas- nal is deasserted) and the interrupt scanner resumes serted. A change of this input from high-to-Iow, or low-to- operation. high, causes the assertion of the data set change If there is another entry in a line's FIFO, the RxRDY bit (DSCHNG) bit corresponding to this line in the data set remains asserted. When the interrupt scanner reaches this change summary register. Changes from one state to the other and back again that occur within one microsecond may line again, the assertion of RxRDY causes the scanner to halt and assert the IRQ again. . not be detected. Asserting the RESET signal or clearing the RxEN bit iniGENERAL CONTROL SIGNALS tializes the receiver logic of Quad UART. The RxRDY flag Ready (RDY)-The RDY pin is an open drain output. Upon is cleared and the receiver buffer register outputs become detecting a negative transition of chip select (CS), the Quad undefined. Any data in the FIFO at that time is lost. UART asserts the RDY signal to indicate readiness to take part in data transfergcles. The RDY Signal deasserts after Transmitter holding register-Each line has a writable transmitter holding register. When the TxEN bit in the line's the trailing edge of CS. command register is set, characters are moved automatiReset (RESEn-When the RESET input in asserted, the cally from the output of this register into the transmitter seriTxD<3:0> lines are asserted and all internal status bits alization logic whenever the serialization logic becomes idle. listed in the "Architecture Summary" discussion are cleared. When this register is empty, the TxRDY bit in the line's staManufacturing reset (MRESET)-This signal is for man- tus register is set. If the transmitter interrupt .enable (TxIE) ufacturing use only and the input should be connected to bit in the line's command register is also set, the interrupt ground for normal operation. scanner logic halts and generates an interrupt condition. If 124 a character is then loaded into the register, the interrupt is cleared and the scanner resumes operation. Assertion of the RESET signal initializes the transmitter logic of the Quad UART. The TxRDY flag is cleared and the transmitter holding register's contents are lost. The transmitter enable (TxEN) bit in the line's command register is also cleared by RESET. If at the end of the reset process, the TxEN is reasserted and TxRDY bit is reasserted. Software clearing ofTxEN alone produces results differentfrom the full RESET in that the transmitter holding register's contents are not lost; they are transmitted when TxEN is set again. Status register-Each line has a read-only status register that provides information about the current state of the given line. This register indicates a line's readiness for transmission or reception of data and flags error conditions in its bit fields. Figure 3 shows the format of the status register. Table 3 lists the flag bits in each status register. OSR OCD-----' FER - - - - - - - ' ORR--------~ PER---------~ TxEMT - - - - - - - - - - - - ' RxROY--------------' TxROY----------------' FIGURE 3: COM78C804 STATUS REGISTERS (LINE 0-3) FORMAT TABLE 4-COM78C804 STATUS REGISTERS (LINES 0-3) DESCRIPTION Bit 7 6 5 Description DSR (Data set ready)-This bit is the inverted state of the DSR line. DCD (Data set carrier detect)-This bit is the inverted state of the DCD line. FER (Frame error)-Set when the received character currently displayed in the receiver buffer register was not framed by a stop bit. Only the first stop bit is checked to determine that a framing error exists. Subsequent reading of the receiver buffer register that indicates all zeros (including the parity bit, if any) can be interpreted as a Break condition. This bit is cleared by clearing RxEN (bit 2) of the command register, by asserting the RESET input, or by setting the reset error RERR (bit 4) of the command register. 4 ORR (Overrun error)-Set when the character in the receiver buffer register was not read before another character was received. Cleared by clearing RxEN (bit 2) of the command register, by asserting the RESET input, or by setting reset error RERR (bit 4) of the command register. 3 PER (Parity error)-If parity is enabled and this bit is set, the received character in the receiver buffer register has an incorrect parity bit. This bit is cleared by clearing RxEN (bit 2) of the command register, by asserting the RESET input, by setting reset error RERR (bit 2) of the command register, or by reading the current character in the receiver buffer register. 2 TxEMT (Transmitter empty)-Set when the transmitter serialization logic for the associated line has completed transmission of a character, and no new character has been loaded into the transmitter holding register. Cleared by loading the transmitter holding register, by clearing TxEN (0) of the command register, or by asserting the RESET input. 1 RxRDY (Receiver buffer ready)-When set, a character has been loaded into the FIFO buffer from the deserialization logic. Cleared by reading the receiver buffer register, by clearing RxEN (bit 2) in the command register, or by asserting the RESET input. 0 TxRDY (Transmitter holding register ready)-When set, this bit indicates that the transmitter holding register is empty. Cleared when the program has loaded a character into the transmitter holding register, when the transmitter for this line is disabled by clearing TxEN (bit 0) in the command register, or by asserting the RESET input. This bit is initially set when the transmitter logic is enabled by the setting of TxEN (bit 0) and the transmitter holding register is empty. This bit is not set when the automatic echo or remote loopback modes are programmed. Data can be overwritten if a consecutive write is performed while TxRDY is cleared. Mode registers 1 and 2-These read/write registers control the attributes (including parity, character length, and line speed) of the communications line. Each of the four communications lines has two ofthese registers, both accessed by the same address on ADD<4:0>. Successive access operations (either read or write, in any combination) alternate between the two registers at that address by use of an internal pointer. The first operation addresses mode register 1 , the next address mode register 2, and another after that would recycle the pointer to mode register 1. The pointer is reset to point to mode register 1 by RESET or by a read of the command register for this line. These registers should not be accessed by bit-oriented instructions that do read/modify/write cycles such as the PDP-11 BIS, BIC, and BIT instructions. Figure 4 shows the format of mode registers 1 and Table 5 describes the function of the register information. 125 STOP----' PAR C T R L - - - - - - - ' CHAR LENGTH ---~-----' RSRV--------------' MCIE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' FIGURE 4-COM78C804 MODE REGISTERS 1 (LINE 0-3) FORMAT TABLE 5-COM78C804 MODE REGISTERS 1 (LINES 0-3) DESCRIPTION Bit 7,6 Description STOP-These bits determine the number of stop' bits that are appended to the transmitted characters as follows. These bits are cleared by asserting the RESET input. Bits 5,4 Stop Bits 7 0 0 6 0 Invalid 1 1.0 1 1 0 1.5 1 2.0 PAR CTRL (Parity control)-These bits determine parity as follows and are cleared by asserting the RESET input. X = either 1 or O. Bits 3,2 Parity Type 5 4 1 0 1 1 X 0 Even Odd Disabled CHAR LENGTH (Character length)-These bits determine the length (excluding start bit, parity, and stop bits) of the characters received and sent. Received characters of less than 8 bits are "right aligned" in the receiver buffer with unused high-order bits equal to zero. Parity bits are not shown in the receiver buffer. The character length bits are cleared by asserting the RESET input. The character length bits are defined as follows: Bit Length Bit 3 2 0 0 0 5 1 1 1 0 6 7 1 8 1 RSRV (Reserved and cleared by asserting the RESET input.) 0 MCIE (Modem control interrupt enable)-When set and RxlE (bit 5) of the command register is set, the modem control interrupts are enabled. Refer to the Interrupt Scanner and Interrupt Handling information. Cleared by asserting the RESET input. Figure 5 shows the format of mode registers 2 and Table 5 indicates the baud rate selections of the register. Bits 7 through 4 of the mode register 2 control the transmitter baud rate and bits 3 through 0 control the receiver baud rate. These registers are cleared by asserting RESET input. Command register- These read/write registers control various functions on the selected line. Figure 6 shows the format of the command registers and Table 6 describes the function of the register information. l I I I I I I I I ~ OPER i " Rxl E MOOE~ I RERR TxBR K XMIT RATE _ _ _..J. RxEN RECV RATE - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' Txl E TxEN FIGURE 5-COM78C804 MODE REGISTERS 2 (LINE 0-3) FORMAT FIGURE 6-COM78C804 COMMAND REGISTERS (LINE 0-3) FORMAT 126 TABLE 6-COM78C804 MODE REGISTERS 2 (LINES 0-3) DESCRIPTION Bit Description 7:0 XMIT RATE/RECV RATE (Transmitter/Receiver Rate)-Selects the baud rate of the transmitter (bits 7:4) and receiver (bits 3:0) as follows: ErrorTransmitter Bits Receiver Bits Nominal Actual 4 1 Rate Rate (percent) 7 6 5 3 2 0 same 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 1 0 1 75 same 0 0 0 0 0 1 0.826 110 109.09 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 134.5 133.33 0.867 0 0 0 0 same 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 150 1 1 1 300 same 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 600 same 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1200 same 0 1 0 1745.45 3.03 1 1 0 1800 0 0 0 0 0 2021.05 1.05 1 0 0 1 1 1 2000 0 0 2400 1 1 same 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3600 3490.91 3.03 0 0 same 4800 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7200 6981.81 3.03 0 0 same 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 9600 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 19200 same - ·The frequency of the clock input (ClK) is 4.9152 MHz. The clock input may vary by 0.1 percent. This variance results in an error that must be added to the error listed. TABLE 7-COM78C804 COMMAND REGISTERS (LINES 0-3) DESCRIPTION Bit Description 7,6 OPER MODE (Operating mode)-These bits control the operating mode of the channel as follows. These bits are cleared by asserting the RESET input. Bit Operating Mode 7 6 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 Normal operation Automatic echo local loopback Remote loopback 5 RxlE (Receiver interrupt enable)-When set, the RxRDY flag (bit 1) of the status register for this line will generate an interrupt. 4 RERR (Reset error)-When set, this bit clears the framing error, overrun error, and parity error of the status register associated with this line. This bit is cleared by asserting the RESET input (not self-clearing). 3 TxBRK (Transmit break)-When set, this bit forces the appropriate TxD<3:0> line to the spacing state at the conclusion of the character presently being transmitted. When the program clears this bit, normal operation is restored, and any character pending in the transmitter holding register is moved into the serialization logic and transmitted. The minimum break length obtainable is twice the character length plus 1 bit time. The maximum break length depends on the amount of time between the program setting and clearing this bit, but is an integral number of bit times. This bit is cleared by asserting the RESET input. 2 RxEN (Receiver enable)-When set, this bit enables the receiver logic. When cleared, it stops the assembling of the received character, clears all receiver error bits and the RxRDY (bit 1) of the status register, clears any receiver interrupt conditions associated with this line, and initializes all receiver logic. This bit is cleared by asserting the RESET input. 1 TxlE (Transmit interrupt enable)-When set, the state of the associated TxRDY flag (bit 0) of the status register is made available to the interrupt scanner logic. When the interrupt scanner logic scans this line, it determines if the TxRDY flag is asserted and generates an interrupt by asserting the IRQ signal. 0 TxEN (Transmitter enable)-When set, this bit enables the transmitter logic. When cleared, it inhibits the serialization of the characters that follow but the serialization of the current character is completed. It also clears the TxRDY flag (bit 0) of the status register, clears any transmitter interrupt conditions associated with this line, and initializes all transmitter logic except that associated with the transmitter holding register. The character in the transmitter holding register is retained so that XON/XOFF situations can be properly processed. This bit is cleared by asserting the RESET input. Bits 5 through 0 enable the line's receiver and transmitter, enable handling of interrupts, initiate the transmission of break characters, and reset error bits for the line. Refer to "Interrupt Scanner" and "Interrupt Handling" paragraphs for detailed interrupt information. Bits 7 and 6 control the operating mode of the line. The four modes that can be set are: 127 o Normal operation-The serial data received is assembled in the receiver logic and transferred in parallel to the receiver buffer register. (The RxEN bit must be set.) Data to be transmitted is loaded in parallel into the transmitter holding register, then automatically transferred into the transmitter logic and serialized for transmission. (The TxEN bit must be set.) o Automatic echo-The serial data received is assembled into parallel in the receiver logic (the RxEN bit must be set) and transferred to the receiver buffer register. Arriving serial data is also routed to the line's TxD pin for serial output. TxEN is ignored and the transmitter logic is disabled. TxRDY flags and TxEMT indications are cleared. No transmitter interrupts are generated. o Localloopback-The serial data from the RxD input is ignored and the receiver serial input receives data from the transmitter serial output. The data is assembled into parallel form in the receiver logic (the RxEN bit must be set) and transferred to the receiver buffer register where it can be read by the program. Data to be transmitted to the receiver is loaded in parallel form into the transmitter holding register from which it is automatically moved into the transmitter logic and serialized for transmission. (The TxEN bit must be set.) The transmission goes only to the receiver serial input; the TxD output is held high. As in normal operation, transmission and reception baud rates are controlled by the transmitter speed and receiver speed entries in mode register 2. o Remote loopback-The serial data received on the RxD line is returned to the TxD line without further action. No data is received or transmitted. The RxRDY, TxRDY, and TxEMT flags are disabled. The TxEN and RxEN bits of the command register are held cleared, causing the transmitter and receiver logic to be disabled. SUMMARY REGISTERS The Quad UART contains two registers that summarize the current status of all four serial data lines, making it possible to determine that a line's status has changed with a single read operation. These registers are selected for access by setting the appropriate address on pins ADD <2:0>. Because the registers are shared by four serial lines, the line-selection bits (ADD <4:3» are ignored when these registers are accessed. Refer to "Interrupt Scanner and Interrupt Handling" for detailed interrupt information. Interrupt summary register-This read-only register indicates that a transmitter or receiver interrupt condition has occurred, and indicates the line number that generated the interrupt. Figure 7 shows the format of the interrupt summary register and Table 8 describes register information. FIGURE 7- COM78C804 INTERRUPT SUMMARY REGISTER FORMAT TABLE 8-COM78C804 INTERRUPT SUMMARY REGISTER DESCRIPTION Description IRQ (Interrupt request)-When set, this bit indicates that the interrupt scanner has found an interrupting con-' 7 dition among the four serial lines of the Quad UART. These conditions also result in the Quad UART asserting the IRQ signal. 6:4 RAZ (Read as zero)-Not used INT LINE NO (Interrupting line number)-These bits indicate the line number upon which an interrupting con3:1' dition was found. These bits correspond to the IRQLN <1 :0> signals-bit 2 = IRQLN<1 >, and bit 1= IRQLN. Refer to Table 3. TxlRx (Transmitlreceive)-This bit indicates whether the interrupting condition was caused by a transmitter (TxI 0' Rx equals 1) or a receiver (TxlRx equals 0). This bit corresponds to the IRQTxRx signal of the Quad UART and is set when IRQTxRx is asserted. 'Bits 3-0 above represent the outputs of a free-running counter and are valid only when bit 7 is set. Bit then be obtained from that line's status register. If the state of a line changes twice within one microsecond, the change in state may not be detected. Figure 8 shows the format of the data set change summary register. When the MCIE bit in a line's mode register 1 is set and LiNumber ne ------3·-----,2 -----------------------------------1 -----·0---RxlE is also set, the modem control interrupts are enabled t f for that line. If DSCHNG for that line is then set, the interrupt o 7 6 scanner will halt and assert the IRQ signal. The data set change summary register bits are cleared by writing a 1 into the'bit position. A program that uses this register should read '--y---I and save a copy of its contents. The copy can then be writI ten back to the register to clear the bits that were set. The DSCHNG3-0 - - - - - - - - - ' system interrupts should be disabled and write back should directly follow the read operation. Assertion of the RESET signal disables and initializes the FIGURE 8-COM78C804 DATA SET CHANGE data set change logic. When the RESET signal is deasserted, future changes in DSR and DCD are reported as SUMMARY REGISTER FORMAT they occur_ 128 Data set change summary register-When the DSR or OeD inputs that are associated with a line change state, the bit corresponding to that line in this read-only register is set. The current state of the DSR and DCD inputs can , INTERRUPT SCANNER AND INTERRUPT HANDLING The interrupt scanner sequentially checks each line for a receive interrupt and then checks each one in the same order for a transmitter interrupt. If the scanner detects an interrupt condition, it stops and the IRQ signal is asserted. An interrupt must be serviced by software or no other interrupt request can be posted. The scanner determines that a line has a receiver interrupt if the line's receiver buffer is ready and receiver interrupts are enabled for that line (RxRDY and RxlE = 1) or either of the line's modem status signals has changed state and both receiver and modem control interrupts are enabled for that line (DSCHNG and RxlE and MCIE = 1). The scanner determines that a line has a transmitter interrupt if the line's transmitter holding the register is empty and transmitter interrupts are enabled for that line (TxRDY and TxlE = 1). When the scanner detects an interrupt, it reports the line number on the IRQ<1 :0> lines. The IRQTxRx signal is asserted for a transmitter interrupt and deasserted for a receiver interrupt. The appropriate bits are also updated in the interrupt summary register. The IRQ line is deasserted and the scanner is restarted for each of the following three types of interrupt conditions. o Reading the receiver buffer or resetting the RxlE bit of the interrupting line for the first type of receiver interrupt previously described. o Resetting the MCIE, RxIE, or DSCHNG bit of the interrupting line for the second type of receiver interrupt previously described. o Loading the transmitter holding register or resetting the TxlE bit of the interrupting line for transmitter interrupts. If the scanner was originally stopped by a receiver interrupt condition, the scanner resumes sequential operation from where it stopped, thus providing receivers with equal prior- ity. If the scanner was stopped by a transmitter condition, the scanner restarts from position 0 (line D's receiver), thus giving receivers priority over transmitters. EDGE-TRIGGERED AND LEVEL-TRIGGERED INTERRUPT SVTSTEMS If the interrupt system of the Quad UART is used only for generating interrupts for the RxRDY and/or TxRDY flags, the IRQ line can be connected to a processor having either edge-triggered or level-triggered interrupt capability. If the modem control interrupts are being used (MCIE in mode register 1 = 1), the IRQ line can be connected only to a processor that uses level-triggered interrupts. MODEM HANDLING The TxEMT (transmitter empty) bit of the status register is typically used to indicate when a program can disable the transmission medium, as when deasserting the request-tosend line of a modem. A typical program will load the last character for transmission and then monitor the TxEMT bit of the status register. The assertion of the TxEMT bit to indicate the transmission is complete may occur a substantial time after the loading of the last character. After the last character is loaded, one character is in the transmitter holding register and one character is in the serialization logic. Therefore, it will be two character times before the transmission process is completed. Waiting for the TxRDY signal to assert before monitoring the TxEMT status shortens this by one character time because the TxRDY status bit indicates that there are no characters in the transmitter holding register. The times involved are calculated by taking the reciprocal of the baud rate being used, multiplying by the number of bits per character (a starter bit-5,6,?, or 8 data bits; plus parity bit if enabled; and 1,1.5, or 2 stop bits), and multiplying by either two characters or one, depending on when TxEMT monitoring begins. V DD t TEST POINT TEST POINT Ik , FROM OUTPUT" Sl V DD V DD n I kSl FROM , OUTPUT I k Sl 1 c..o 1 I k rl 1 1 T CC If' l'.... Sl CLOSED: PULL UP S2 CLOSED: PULL DOWN S1 AND S2 CLOSED: DIVIDER LOAD 8 - THREE-STATE OUTPUTS LOAD A - STANDARD OUTPUTS FIGURE 9-COM78C804 OUTPUT LOAD CIRCUITS 129 MAXIMUM GUARANTEED RATINGS· Operating Temperature Range .................................................................................. O°C to + 700C Storage Temperature Range ................................................................................. - 55° to + 125°C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10 sec.) ................................................................................ + 300°C Positive Voltage on any I/O Pin, with respectto ground ............................................................... Vee + 0.3V Negative Voltage on any I/O Pin, with respect to ground .................................................................. - 0.3V Maximum Vee ........................................................................................................... + 7V ·Stresses above those listed may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or at any other condition above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. NOTE: When powering this device from laboratory or system power supplies, it is important that the Absolute Maximum Ratings not be exceeded or device failure can result. Some power supplies exhibit voltage spikes or "glitches" on their outputs when the AC power is switched on and off. In addition, voltage transients on the AC power line may appear on the DC output. For example, the bench power supply programmed to deliver +5 volts may have large voltage transients when the AC power is switched on and off. If this possibility exists it is suggested that a clamp circuit be used. ' TABLE 9-COM78C804 DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Symbol Parameter V,H V,L VOH High-level input voltage Low-level input voltage High-level output voltage VOL I'H I'L los' IOZ!' 1000' 100 C1n. CI03 Test Condition Voo=Min. 10H = 3.5 rnA for DL <7:0> IOH = 2.0 rnA for all remaining output except IRQ andRDY Low-level output voltage Voo=Min. 10L = 5.5 rnA for DL <7:0> IOL = 3.5 rnA for all remaining outputs Input current at maximum Voo=Max. input voltage V, = Voo(Max.) Input current at miminum Voo=Max. input voltage V,=O.OV Short-circuit output Voo=Max. current for DL<7:0> all remaininQ..Qillputs except IRQandRDY Three-state output Voo = Max. current Vo=O.4V Three-state output Voo=Max. current Vo=2.4V Supply current Voo=Max. TA=O° Input capacitance Input/output capacitance Requirements Min. Typ. Max. 2.0 0.8 2.4 0.4 Units V V V V 10 I1A -10 !LA -50 -180 rnA -30 -110 10 rnA 10 I1A 20 rnA 4 5 pF pF !LA 'No more than one ouput should be short circuited at a time, and the duration of the short should not exceed 1 second. 'All three-state output drivers are wired in an I/O configuration, The parameters include the driver and input receiver leakage currents. "The parameters include the capacitive loads of the output driver and the input receiver, TIMING PARAMETERS 11 shows the signal timing for a write cycle to transfer inforFigure 10 shows the signal timing for a read cycle to transfer mation from the processor to the Quad UART. Table 11 lists information from the Quad UART to the processor. Figure the timing parameters for the read and write cycles. 130 .~ DS ~tDPWLR_ AOD<4:0 ~ tOPWH IX VALID ADDRESS X -I.-. tASU ~tAHO ~L twsu ~tWHO tesu f--l- _tCHO ~ ~ \J ~ Ol < 7:0 tADL ... tRD~ ~VALID DATAOUT~ tDDZL, tDDZH If~OF....! ] > ~ tDD-.j tDOLZ, t.[JOHZ I--t,O FIGURE 10-COM78C804 BUS READ CYCLE TIMING os _tOPWLW _ _ J(J ADO<4:0> ~ VALID ADDRESS h tASU X -+tAHO j '\ _·wsu - tWHO J - tcsu ~ r tCHO '\ _ -~ tOPWH j.tRD~ tRDL\.- DL<7:0> VALID DATA IN j.-'OSU-ll--'DHO-/ ~tlj FIGURE 11-COM78C804 BUS WRITE CYCLE TIMING 131 TABLE 10-COM78C804 BUS READ AND WRITE TIMING PARAMETERS Symbol Definition tAHO Hold time of a valid AOO <4:0> to a valid high level of OS. Setup time of a valid AOO <4:0> to the falling edge of OS. Hold time of a valid low level of CS to a valid high level of OS. Setup time of a valid low level of CS to the falling edge of OS. Prop~tion delay of a valid low level on OS (if CS is low and WR is high) to valid high or low data on OL <7:0>. Prop~tion delay of a valid high level on OS (if CS is low and WR is high) to OL <7:0> output drivers disabled. tASU IeHO lesu too t ODt.z2 Requirements (ns) Min. Max. 10 30 10 30 165 tODL2 tOOHZ tODl2 tOOHZ tDDl2 tOOHZ tODZL tOPWH tOPWLR tOPWLW tosu t l03 tADH4 tROl tWHO twsu 50 50 60 60 65 65 CL=50pF CL=50pF CL=100pF CL=100pF CL=150pF CL=150pF 165 165 CL=150pF CL= 150pF delay of a valid low level on OS (if CS is low and WR is high) to OL <7:0> output driver enabled. tOOZH t OHO CL=150 pF Prop~tion tOOZL tDF Load Circuit' Hold time provided during a read cycle by Quad UART of valid high or low data on OL <7:0> after the rising edge of OS.' Hold time of a valid OL <7:0> to a valid high level of OS. Pulse width high of OS. Pulse width low of OS when WR is high (read operation). Refer to timing parameter tDPWLW also. Pulse width low of OS when WR is low (write operation). Refer to timing parameter tDPWLR also. Setup time of a valid OL <7:0> to the rising edge of OS. Propagation delay....QLa valid low level on OS (if CS is low) to a high level on IRQ. Propagation ~ of a valid high level of CS to a valid high level on ROY. Propagation delay of a valid low level on CS to a valid low level on ROY. Hold time of a valid high or low level of WR to a valid high level of OS. Setup time of a valid high or low level of WR to the falling edge of OS. 0 0 30 450 180 10,000 130 50 10,000 635 CL=50pF 210 CL=50pF 90 CL=50pF 10 30 'Refer to Figure 9 for the load circuits used with these measurements. 'The tDDl2 and tDDHZ parameters are measured with CL=150 pF. The values of tDDLZ and tDDHZ for CL=50pF and CL=100 pF have been derived for user convenience. 'Total rise time depends on internal delay plus the pullup delay introduced by the external resistor being used. The t'D parameter can be calculated by the following: t'D =500 + RCLwhere R=value of the resistor that connects to capacitor CLin load A, Figure 9. 'Total rise time depends on internal delay plus the pullup delay introduced by the external resistor being used. The tRDH parameter can be calculated by the following: tRDH =75 + RC Lwhere R=value of the resistor that connects to capacitor CLin load A, Figure 9. Figure 12 shows the signal timing for the clock input, inter- timing, and the transmit data output timing. Table 11 lists the rupt timing, effect of the RESET input on data strobe, data timing parameters for Figure 12. set carrier detect (OCO) and data set ready (OSR) input 132 ClK CLOCK IROLN J XL < 1 0 > IAQTxAx t-,J L",eJ IRO INTERRUPT RESET 1. tRES 1. DS tORSU :~. .~ tORHO EFFECT OF RESET ON DATA STROBE DCD DSR < 3:0 > XI'i-__...;V...;A::.LI..:;D..:;D.:;CD;..,;;,:DS::;R..:;D;.:.AT;.:.A:...-_-i'lXl.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ - - - - - ' 1/4.----tDSPW-----.j.1 DCD'DSR INPUT TxD < 3:0 > LtTXSK_LtTXSK~-------,rTRANSMIT DATA OUTPUT FIGURE 12-COM78C804 MISCELLANEOUS SIGNAL TIMING TABLE 11-MISCELLANEOUS WRITE TIMING PARAMETERS Symbol Definition Requirements (ns) Min. tcp Period of ClK 203,45 (4,9152 MHz) tCPWH Pulse width high of ClK, t CPWL Pulse width low of ClK, tDAHO Hold time of a valid high level of DS to a valid high level of RESET. t OASU Setup time of a valid high level of DS to the rising edge of RESET, Load Circuit' 95 95 1,000 900 tospw Pulse width high or low of DCD <3:0> and DSR <3:0>, tlHO Hold time provided by Quad UART from a valid IRQlN <1 :0> and IRQTxRx to a valid high level of IRQ, 100 CL =50pF tlSU Setup time provided by Quad UART from a valid IRQlN <1 :0> and IRQTxRx to a valid low level of IRQ, 100 CL =50pF tRES tTXSK Pulse width low of RESET, 1,000 1,000 Pulse width high or low provided by Quad UART on the TxD <3:0> lines, At each baud rate, the actual pulse widths provided vary by tmK , This timing parameter should be used to determine cumulative reception/transmission errors, ·Refer to Figure 9 for the load circuits used with these measurements, 133 250 CL =50pF Figure 13 shows the input and output voltage waveforms for the propagation delay and setup and hold measure- ments. Figure 14 shows the waveforms for the three-state outputs measurement. VIH(~~~'=::::::J( INPUT 0.8V J-i- VIL (0.4 VI r u - j \ ~ ______ 'L.H ~·'-~:=u-lu'\ ~L~H -J va (20 VI ______ IN·PHASE OUTPUT SET-UP AND HOLD __ P-'H'L-""-, I f.- ;- / 1 \L 'H·L Va (0.8 VI ---~. PROPAGATION DELAY FIGURE 13-COM78C804 PROPAGATION DELAY AND SETUP AND HOLD VOLTAGE WAVEFORMS VIN (2.4 VI 2.0V dUTPUT CONTROL 0.8 V (NOTE 3C) '-_-----:J- --- VOL+0.5V VOUT (AS MEASUREDI VOH -0.5 V 1.5 V OUTPUT VOL (NOTE 21 (0.0 VI THREE·STATE OUTPUTS NOTES, 1. INTERNAL CONDITIONS ARE SUCH THAT THE OUTPUT IS LOW EXCEPT WHEN DISABLED BY THE OUTPUT CONTROL. 2. INTERNAL CONDITIONS ARE SUCH THAT THE OUTPUT IS HIGH EXCEPT WHEN DISABLED BY TH E OUTPUT CONTROL. 3. REFER TO FIGURE 9. A", 51 CLOSED, B = 52 CLOSED. C "" 51 AND 52 CLOSED. FIGURE 14-COM78C804 THREE-STATE OUTPUT VOLTAGE WAVEFORMS ~ ~.~~~:: Circuit diagrams utilizing SMC products are included as a means of illustrating typical semiconductor applications: consequently complete info(mation sufficient for construction purposes is not necessarily given. The information has been carefully checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. However, no responsibility is il.T,"~i"~:. ~"1:~"'I,,1,\,"':~~ assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, such information does not convey to the purchaser of the semiconductor devices described any license under the patent rights of SMC or others. SMC reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design and supply the best product possible. 134 COM78808 PRELIMINARY Eight-channel Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter Octal UART PIN CONFIGURATION FEATURES D Eight independent full duplex serial data lines D Programmable baud rates individually selectable for each line's transmitter/receiver (50 to 19,200 baud) D Summary registers that allow a single read to detect a data set change or to determine the cause of an interrupt on any line D Triple buffers for each receiver D Device scanner mechanism that reports interrupt request due transmitter/receiver interrupts TxD7 61 43 VSS2 DSR7 62 42 DeD? 63 41 Tx03 DSA3 RxD7 64 40 DCD3 RxD6 65 39 DCD6 66 38 RxD3 RxD2 OSR6 67 37 Tx06 68 DSR2 35 Tx02 34 Tx01 33 DSR1 32 DCD1 RxD4 31 RxD1 DCD4 DSR4 6 7 30 RxDO 29 DC DO Tx04 VOO 8 9 5SR5 DCD5 RxD5 D Independently programmable lines for interrupt-driven operation D Modem status change detection for Data Set Ready (DSR) and Data Carrier Detect (DCD) signals DCD2 36 78808 Tx05 CAVITY DOWN CONNECTIONS 2 3 28 DSRO 27 TxDO 1011121314151617181920212223242526 D Programmable interrupts for modem status changes 1"- '" ~ -1>- 0 I'" (j (j I~ N ~ 0 0 6B55~~~O~zz~5B06~ a: D Synchronizes critical read-only registers PACKAGES: 68-pin PLCC GENERAL DESCRIPTION The COM78808 Eight-channel Asynchronous Receiver/ Transmitter (Octal UART) is a VLSI device for new generations of asynchronGus serial communication designs and for microcomputer systems. This 58-pin device performs the basic operations necessary for simultaneous reception and transmission of asynchronous messages on eight independent lines. Figure 1 is a functional block diagram of the COM78808 Octal UART. 135 For additional information, consult your 1986 catalog or contact our product marketing department at (516) 273-3100. ~ ~,~~~::~ Circuit diagrams utilizing SMC products are included as a means of illustrating typical semiconductor applications: consequently complete information sufficient for construction purposes is not necessarily given. The information has been carefully checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. However, no responsilillity is assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, such information does not convey to the purchaser of the semiconductor devices described any license under the patent rights of SMC or others. SMC reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design and supply the best product possible. 136 COM78C808 PRELIMINARY Eight-channel Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter Octal UART FEATURES I PIN CONFIGURATION o Eight independent full duplex serial data lines o Programmable baud rates individually selectable for each line's transmitter/receiver (50 to 19,200 baud) o Summary registers that allow a single read to detect a data set change or to determine the cause of an interrupt on any line o Triple buffers for each receiver o Device scanner mechanism that reports interrupt request due transmitter/receiver interrupts COM78C808 o Independently programmable lines for interrupt-driven operation o Modem status change detection for Data Set Ready (DSR) and Data Carrier Detect (DCD) signals o Programmable interrupts for modem status changes o Synchronizes critical read-only registers o Low power CMOS technology o + 5V only power supply o Compatible with COM78C804 and COM78C802 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 PACKAGE: B8-pin PLCC GENERAL DESCRIPTION The COM78C808 Eight-channel Asynchronous Receiver/ basic operations necessary for simultaneous reception and Transmitter (Octal UART) is a VLSI device for new gener- transmission of asynchronous messages on eight indeations of asynchronous serial communication designs and pendent lines. Figure 1 is a functional block diagram of the for microcomputer systems. This 68-pin device performs the COM78C808 Octal UART. 137 TxDO RxDO DSRO DCDO INTERRUPT SUMMARY REGISTER Tx01 RxD1 DSRl DCDl TxD2 RxD2 DSR2 DCD:! TxD3 RxD3 DSR3 DCD3 DATA SET CHANGE SUMMARY REGISTER TxD4 RxD4 DSR4 DCD4 TxD5 RxD5 DSR5 DCD5 TxD6 RxD6 DSR6 DCD6 TxD7 RxD7 DSR7 ' -_ _ _~.---- DCD7 FIGURE 1 - COM78C808 OCTAL UART FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM TABLE 1 - COM78C808 PIN AND SIGNAL SUMMARY Pin Signal Input/Output Definition/Function 10-13,22-25 Dl<7:0> input/output Data lines <7:0>-Receives and transmits the parallel data. 50-52,54-56 ADD <0:5> input Address-Selects the internal registers in the Octal UART. 17 CS input Chip select-Activates the Octal UART to receive and transmit data over the Dl<7:0> lines. 21,53 DS1,DS2 input Data strobe 1 and 2-Receives timing information for data transfers. The DS1 and DS2 inputs must be connected together. 18 WR input Write-Specifies direction of data transfer on the Dl<7:0> lines. 14 ROY output Ready-Indicates when the Octal UART is ready to participate in data transfer cycles. Reset-Initializes the internal logic. 15 RESET input 57 MRESET input Manufacturing reset-For manufacturing use. 58 ClK input Clock-Clock input for timing. 62,67,2,7, 41,36,33,28 DSR<7:0> inputs Data set ready-Monitor data set ready (DSR) signals from modems. 63,66,3,6, 40,37,32,29 DCD<7:0> inputs Data set carrier detect-Monitor data set carrier detect (DCD) signals from modems. 49 IRQ output interrupt request-Requests a processor interrupt. 45-47 IRQlN <0:2> output Interrupt request line number-Indicates the line number of originating interrupt request. 48 IRQTxRx output Interrupt request transmit/receive-Indicates whether an interrupt request is for transmitting or receiving data. 61,68,1,8, 42,35,34,27 TxD<7:0> outputs Transmit data-Provides asynchronous bit-serial data output streams. 64,65,4,5, 39,38,31,30 RxD<7:0> inputs Receive data-Accepts asynchronous bit-serial data input streams. 44,26,9 Vee input Voltage-Power supply voltage 16,59,43 Vss input Ground-Ground reference 138 + 5 Vdc. DATA AND ADDRESS Data lines (DL<7:0»-These lines are used for the parallel transmission and reception of data between the CPU and the Octal UART. The receivers are active when the data strobe (DSf, OS2) signal is asserted. The output drivers are active only when the chip select (CS) signal is asserted, the data strobe (OSl, OS2) signal is asserted, and the write (WFi) signal is deasserted. The drivers will become inactive (high-impedance) within 50 nanoseconds when one or more of the following occurs: the ch.!P..§!llect (CS) signal is deasserted, the data strobe (OS 1, OS2) signal is deasserted, or the write (WR) signal is asserted. Address (ADD<5:0»-These lines select which Octal UART internal register is accessible through the data I/O lines (OL <7:0» when the data strobe (OSl, OS2) and chip select (CS) signals are asserted. Table 2 lists the addresses corresponding to each register. The receiver buffer and transmitter holding @9lster for each line have the same address. When the (WR) signal is deasserted, the address accesses the receiver buffer register and when asserted, it accesses the transmitter holding register. TABLE 2 - COM78C808 REGISTERS ADDRESS SELECTION ADD Line* Read/Write Register 0 0 1 0 1 Read Write Read Read/Write Read/Write Line 0 Receiver Buffer Line 0 Transmitter Holding Line 0 Status Line 0 Mode Registers 1,2 Line 0 Command 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 Read Write Read Read/Write ReadlWrite Line 1 Receiver Buffer Line 1 Transmitter Holding Line 1 Status Line 1 Mode Register 1 ,2 Line 1 Command 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 Read Write Read ReadlWrite ReadlWrite Line 2 Receiver Buffer Line 2 Transmitter Holding Line 2 Status Line 2 Mode Register 1.2 Line 2 Command 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 Read Write Read ReadlWrite Read/Write Line 3 Receiver Buffer Line 3 Transmitter Holding Line 3 Status Line 3 Mode Register 1,2 Line 3 Command 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 Read Write Read Read/Write ReadlWrite Line 4 Receiver Buffer Line 4 Transmitter Holding Line 4 Status Line 4 Mode Register 1.2 Line 4 Command 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 Read Write Read Read/Write Read/Write Line 5 Receiver Buffer Line 5 Transmitter Holding Line 5 Status Line 5 Mode Register 1,2 Line 5 Command 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 Read Write Read Read Read/Write Line 6 Receiver Buffer Line 6 Transmitter Holding Line 6 Status Line 6 Mode Register 1,2 Line 6 Command 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Read Write Read Read/Write ReadlWrite Line 7 Receiver Buffer Line 7 Transmitter Holding Line 7 Status Line 7 Mode Register 1.2 Line 7 Command X X X X 1 1 0 0 Read Read Interrupt Summary Data Set Change Summary <5> <4> <3> <2> <1> <0> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 X X 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 *X= Either 0 or 1. BUS TRANSACTION CONTROL Chip select (CS)-This signal is asserted to permit data ing information for data transfers. During a write cycle, the transfers through the OL <7:0> lines to or from the internal CPU asserts the data strobe signal when valid output data registers. Data transfer is controlled by the data strobe (081, is available and deasserts the data strobe signal before the 082) signal and write (WR) signal. data is removed. During a read cycle, the CPU asserts the ____ data strobe signal and the Octal UART transfers the valid Data strobe(DS1, DS2)- The data strobe inputs (081 and data. When the data strobe signal is deasserted, the 082) must be connected together. This input receives tim- OL<7:0> lines become a high impedance. 139 Write (WR)-The write (WR) signal specifies the direction of data transfer on the DL<7:0> Rins by controlling the direction of their transceiversJUhe WR signal is asserted during a data transfer (the CS, DS1, and DS2 signals assert~ the Octal UART is receiving data from DL<7:0>. If the WR signal is deasserted during a write data transfer, the Octal UART is driving data onto the DL <7:0> lin.es. INTERRUPT REQUEST Interrupt request IRQ-The IRQ pin is an open drain output. The integral interrupt scanner asserts the IRQ signal when it has detected an interrupt condition on one of the eight serial data lines. to be asserted. A TTL high at a DSR pin causes the DSR bit in the corresponding line's status register to be deasserted. A change of this input from high-to-Iow, or low-tohigh, causes the assertion of the data set change (DSCHNG) bit that corresponds to this line in the data set change summary register. Changes from one state to the other and back again that occur within one microsecond may not be detected. Carrier detect (DCD<7:0»-These eight input pins, one for each serial data line of the Octal UART, are typically connected through intervening level converters to the received line signal detect (also called carrier detect) outputs of modems. A TTL low at a DCD pin causes the DCD bit of the corresponding line's status register to be deasserted. A change of this input from high-to-Iow, or low-to-high, causes the assertion of the data set change (DSCHNG) bit corresponding to this line in the data set change summary register. Changes from one state to the other and back again that occur within one microsecond may not be detected. Interrupt Request transmit/receive (IRQTxRx)-This signal indicates when the interrupt scanner in the Octal UART stops and asserts fRO because of a transmitter interrupt condition (the IRQTxRx signal is asserted) or because of ~ receiver interrupt condition (the IRQTxRx signal is deasserted). The signal is valid only while IRQ is asserted. The state of IRQTxRx signal also appears as bit GENERAL CONTROL SIGNALS o of the interrupt summary register. Ready (RDV)-The ROY pin is an open drain output. Upon detecting a negative transition of chip select (CS), the Octal Interrupt request line number (IRQLN<2:0»-These UART asserts the ROY signal to indicate readiness to take lines indicate the line number at which the Octal UART part in data transfer~cles. The ROY signal deasserts after interrupt scanner stopped and asserted the interrupt request the trailing edge of CS. (IR~nal. The number on these lines is valid only while the IRQ signal is asserted. Line IRQLN<2> is the high- Reset (RESET)-When the RESET input is asserted, the order bit and the IRQLN line is the low-order bit. The TxD<7:0> lines are asserted and all internal status bits state of these signals also appears as bits in the interrupt listed in the "Architecture Summary" discussion are cleared. summary register: IRQLN<2> as bit 3, IRQLN<1 > as bit Manufacturing reset (MRESET)-This signal is for man2, and IRQLN as bit 1. Table 3 shows the line numbers ufacturing use only and the input should be connected to corresponding to settings of IRQLN<2:0>. ground for normal operation. MISCELLANEOUS SIGNALS TABLE 3 - COM78C808 INTERRUPT REQUEST LINE ASSIGNMENTS IRQ Line Line <2> <1> <0> 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Clock In (CLK)-AII baud rates and internal clocks are derived from this input. Normal operating frequency is 4.9152 MHz ± 0.1 percent and duty cycle is 50 percent ± 5 percent. POWER AND GROUND Voltage (Voo)-Power supply 5 Vdc Ground (Vss)-Ground reference ARCHITECTURE SUMMARY The Octal UART functions as a serial-to-parallel, parallelto-serial converter/controller. It can be programmed by a microprocessor to provide different characteristics for each of its eight serial data lines (stop bits, parity, character length, split baud rates, etc.) SERIAL DATA Each serial line functions the same as a one-line UARTTransmit data (TxD<7:0»-These outputs transmit the type device thereby reducing the number of chips and conasynchronous bit-serial data streams. They remain at a high serving space on communication devices that require mullevel when no data is being transmitted and a low level when tiple communications lines. the TxBRK bit in the associated line's command register is An integral interrupt scanner checks for device interrupt set. conditions on the eight lines. Its scanning algorithm gives Receive data (RxD<7:0»-These lines accept asyn- priority to receivers overtransmitters. The scanner can also chronous bit-serial data streams. The input siQnals must check for interrupts resulting from changes in modem conremain in the high state for at least one-half bit time before trol signals DSR and DCD. ·fl R 1 a high-to-Iow transition is recognized. (A high-to-Iow tran- L· sition is required to signal the beginning of a "start" bit and me-speci c eg sters initiate data reception). Each of the eight serial data lines in the Octal UART has a set of registers for buffering data into and out of the line and MODEM SIGNALS for external control of the line's characteristics. These regData set ready (DSR<7:0»-These eight input pins, one isters are selected for access by setting the appropriate Tor each seriar data Irne on the COM78C808, are typically address on lines ADD<5:0>. Lines ADD<5:3> select one connected via intervening level converters to the data set of the eight data lines. Lines ADD<2:0> select the specific ready outputs of modems. A TTL low at a DSR pin causes register for that line. Refer to Table 2 for the register address the DSR bit (bit 7) in the corresponding line's status register assignments. 140 Receiver buffer register-Each line's receiver consists of a character assembly register and a two-entry FIFO that is the receiver buffer register. When the RxEN bit in a line's command register is set, received characters are moved automatically into the line's receiver buffer as soon as they have been deserialized from the associated communications line. When there are characters in this FIFO, the RxRDY bit is set in the status register for the line. The assertion of the RxRDY signal for a line that already has the RxlE bit of its command register set causes the interrupt scan~ogic to stop and generate an interrupt condition (the IRQ signal is asserted). When the receiver buffer is read, the interrupt condition is cleared (the IRQ signal is deasserted) and the interrupt scanner resumes operation. If there is another entry in a line's FIFO, the RxRDY bit remains asserted. When the interrupt scanner reaches this line again, the assertion of RxRDY causes the scanner to halt and assert the IRQ again. Asserting the RESET signal or clearing the RxEN bit initializes the receiver logic of Octal UART. The RxRDY flag is cleared and the receiver buffer register outputs become undefined. Any data in the FIFO at that time is lost. Assertion of the RESET signal initializes the transmitter logic of the Octal UART. The TxRDY flag is cleared and the transmitter holding register's contents are lost. The transmitter enable (TxEN) bit in the line's command register is also cleared by RESET. If at the end of the reset process, the TxEN is reasserted and TxRDY bit is reasserted. Software clearing of TxEN alone produces results different from the full RESET in that the transmitter holding register's contents are not lost; they are transmitted when TxEN is set again. Status register-Each line has a read-only status register that provides information about the current state of the given line. This register indicates a line's readiness for transmission or reception of data and flags error conditions in its bit fields. Figure 3 shows the format of the status register. Table 3 lists the flag bits in each status register. Transmitter holding register-Each line has a writable transmitter holding register. When the TxEN bit in the line's command register is set, characters are moved automatically from the output of this register into the transmitter serialization logic whenever the serialization logic becomes idle. When this register is empty, the TxRDY bit in the line's status register is set. If the transmitter interrupt enable (TxIE) bit in the line's command register is also set, the interrupt scanner logic halts and generates an interrupt condition. If a character is then loaded into the register, the interrupt is cleared and the scanner resumes operation. DSR DCD-----' FER - - - - - - - ' ORR-------~ PER ----------..! TxEMT-------------' RxROy-----------------' TxRDY------------------' FIGURE 3 - COM78C808 STATUS REGISTERS (LINE 0-7) FORMAT TABLE 4 - COM78C808 STATUS REGISTERS (LINES 0-7) DESCRIPTION Bit Description 7 DSR (Data set ready)-This bit is the inverted state of the DSR line. 6 DCD (Data set carrier detect)-This bit is the inverted state of the DCD line. 5 FER (Frame error)-Set when the received character currently displayed in the receiver buffer register was not framed by a stop bit. Only the first stop bit is checked to determine that a framing error exists. Subsequent reading of the receiver buffer register that indicates all zeros (including the parity bit, if any) can be interpreted as a Break condition. This bit is cleared by clearing RxEN (bit 2) of the command register, by asserting the RESET input, or by setting the reset error RERR (bit 4) of the command register. 4 ORR (Overrun error)-Set when the character in the receiver buffer register was not read before another character was received. Cleared by clearing RxEN (bit 2) of the command register, by asserting the RESET input, or by setting reset error RERR (bit 4) of the command register. 3 PER (Parity error)-If parity is enabled and this bit is set, the received character in the receiver buffer register has an incorrect parity bit. This bit is cleared by clearing RxEN (bit 2) of the command register, by asserting the RESET input, by setting reset error RERR (bit 2) of the command register, or by reading the current character in the receiver buffer register. 2 TxEMT (Transmitter empty)-Set when the transmitter serialization logic for the associated line has completed transmission of a character, and no new character has been loaded into the transmitter holding register. Cleared by loading the transmitter holding register, by clearing TxEN (0) of the command register, or by asserting the RESET input. 1 RxRDY (Receiver buffer ready)-When set, a character has been loaded into the FIFO buffer from the deserialization logic. Cleared by reading the receiver buffer register, by clearing RxEN (bit 2) in the command register, or by asserting the RESET input. 0 TxRDY (Transmitter holding register ready)-When set, this bit indicates that the transmitter holding register is empty. Cleared when the program has loaded a character into the transmitter holding register, when the transmitter for this line is disabled by clearing TxEN (bit 0) in the command register, or by asserting the RESET input. This bit is initially set when the transmitter logic is enabled by the setting of TxEN (bit 0) and the transmitter holding register is empty. This bit is not set when the automatic echo or remote loopback modes are programmed. Data can be overwritten if a consecutive write is performed while TxRDY is cleared. 141 Mode registers 1 and 2- These read/write registers con- Figure 4 shows the format of mode registers 1 and Table 5 trol the attributes (including parity, character length, and line describes the function of the register information. speed) of the communications line. Each of the eight communications lines has two of these registers, both accessed by the same address on AOO<5:0>. Successive access operations (either read or write, in any combination) alternate between the two registers at that address by use of an internal pointer. The first STOP-----' operation addresses mode register 1, the next address PARCTRL--------' mode register 2, and another after that would recycle the CH.AR LENGTH - - - - - - - - - - ' R - -_ --_ - -_ ---_ - -_ -' _--J pointer to mode register 1. The pointer is reset to point to MCIES _R _V __ _ _ _ _ mode register 1 by ~ or by a read of the command register for this line. These registers should not be accessed FIGURE 4 - COM78C808 MODE by bit-oriented instructions that do read/modify/write cycles REGISTERS 1 (LINE 0-7) FORMAT such as the POP-11 BIS, BIC, and BIT instructions. TABLE 5 - COM78C808 MODE REGISTERS 1 (LINES 0-7) DESCRIPTION Bit Description 7,6 STOP-These bits determine the number of stoR bits that are appended to the transmitted characters as follows. These bits are cleared by asserting the RESET input. Bits Stop Bits 7 0 0 1 1 5,4 6 0 1 0 1 Invalid 1.0 1.5 2.0 PAR CTRL (Parity control)-These bits determine parity as follows and are cleared by asserting the RESET input. X = either 1 or O. Bits Parity Type 5 4 1 0 X 3,2 1 Even 1 Odd Disabled 0 CHAR LENGTH (Character length)-These bits determine the length (excluding start bit, parity, and stop bits) of the characters received and sent. Received characters of less than 8 bits are "right aligned" in the receiver buffer with unused high-order bits equal to zero. Parity bits are not shown in the receiver buffer. The character length bits are cleared by asserting the RESET input. The character length bits are defined as follows: Bit Bit Length 3 2 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 5 6 7 8 1 RSRV (Reserved and cleared by asserting the RESET input.) 0 MCIE (Modem control interrupt enable)-When set and RxlE (bit 5) of the command register is set, the modem control interrupts are enabled. Refer to the Interrupt Scanner and Interrupt Handling information. Cleared by asserting the RESET input. Figure 5 shows the format of mode registers 2 and Table 6 indicates the baud rate selections of the register. Bits 7 through 4 of the mode register 2 control the transmitter baud rate and bits 3 through 0 control the receiver baud rate. These registers are cleared by asserting RESET input. Command register-These read/write registers control various functions on the selected line. Figure 6 shows the format of the command registers and Table 6 describes the function of the register information. I I I OPER M O D E Y Rx I E " I I I I I I RERR TxBR K XMIT RATE _ _ _--J RxEN RECV RATE - - - - - - - - - - - ' Tx I E TxEN FIGURE 5 - COM78C808 MODE REGISTERS 2 (LINE 0-7) FORMAT FIGURE 6 - COM78C808 COMMAND REGISTERS (LINE 0-7) FORMAT 142 I TABLE 6 - COM78C808 MODE REGISTERS 2 (LINES 0-7) DESCRIPTION Bit Description 7:0 XMIT RATE/RECV RATE (Transmitter/Receiver Rate)-Selects the baud rate of the receiver (bits 3:0) as follows: Transmitter Bits Receiver Bits Nominal 7 4 Rate 6 5 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 75 0 110 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 134.5 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 150 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 300 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 600 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1200 0 0 1800 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 2000 2400 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 3600 1 1 1 1 0 4800 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 7200 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 9600 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 19200 transmitter (bits 7:4) and Actual Rate same same 109.09 133.33 same same same same 1745.45 2021.05 same 3490.91 same 6981.81 same same Error" (percent) - 0.826 0.867 - 3.03 1.05 - 3.03 - 3.03 'The frequency of the clock input (CLK) is 4.9152 MHz. The clock input may vary by 0.1 percent. This variance results in an error that must be added to the error listed. TABLE 7 - COM78C808 COMMAND REGISTERS (LINES 0-7) DESCRIPTION Bit 7,6 5 4 3 Description OPER MODE (Operating mode)-These bits control the operating mode of the channel as follows. These bits are cleared by asserting the RESET input. Bit Operating Mode 7 6 Normal operation 0 0 1 Automatic echo 0 1 0 Local loopback 1 1 Remote loopback RxlE (Receiver interrupt enable)-When set, the RxRDY flag (bit 1) of the status register for this line will generate an interrupt. RERR (Reset error)-When set, this bit clears the framing error, overrun error, and parity error of the status register associated with this line. This bit is cleared by asserting the RESET input (not self-clearing). TxBRK (Transmit break)-When set, this bit forces the appropriate TxD<7:0> line to the spacing state at the conclusion of the character presently being transmjtted. When the program clears this bit, normal operation is restored, and any character pending in the transmitter holding register is moved into the serialization logic and transmitted. The minimum break length obtainable is twice the character length plus 1 bit time. The maximum break length depends on the amount of time between the program setting and clearing this bit, but is an integral number of bit times. This bit is cleared by asserting the RESET input. 2 RxEN (Receiver enable)-When set, this bit enables the receiver logic. When cleared, it stops the assembling of the received character, clears all receiver error bits and the RxRDY (bit 1) of the status register, clears any receiver interrupt conditions associated with this line, and initializes all receiver logic. This bit is cleared by asserting the RESET input. 1 TxlE (Transmit interrupt enable)-When set, the state of the associated TxRDY flag (bit 0) of the status register is made available to the interrupt scanner logic. When the interrupt scanner logic scans this line, it determines if the TxRDY flag is asserted and generates an interrupt by asserting the IRQ signal. TxEN (Transmitter enable)-When set, this bit enables the transmitter logic. When cleared, it inhibits the serialization of the characters that follow but the serialization of the current character is completed. It also clears the TxRDY flag (bit 0) of the status register, clears any transmitter interrupt conditions associated with this line, and initializes all transmitter logic except that associated with the transmitter holding register. The character in the transmitter holding register is retained so that XON/XOFF situations can be properly processed. This bit is cleared by asserting the RESET input. 0 Bits 5 through 0 enable the line's receiver and transmitter, enable handling of interrupts, initiate the transmission of break characters, and reset error bits for the line. Refer to "Interrupt Scanner" and "Interrupt Handling" paragraphs for detailed interrupt information. Bits 7 and 6 control the operating mode of the line. The four modes that can be set are: o Normal operation-The serial data received is assem- 143 bled in the receiver logic and transferred in parallel to the receiver buffer register; (The RxEN bit must be set.) Data to be transmitted is loaded in parallel into the transmitter holding register, then automatically transferred into the transmitter logic and serialized for transmission. (The TxEN bit must be set.) o Automatic echo-The serial data received is assembled into parallel in the receiver logic (the RxEN bit must be set) and transferred to the receiver buffer register. Arriving serial data is also routed to the line's TxD pin for serial output. TxEN is ignored and the transmitter logic is disabled. TxRDY flags and TxEMT indications are cleared. No transmitter interrupts are generated. o Localloopback-The serial data from the RxD input is ignored and the receiver serial input receives data from the transmitter serial output. The data is assembled into parallel form in the receiver logic (the RxEN bit must be set) and transferred to the receiver buffer register where it can be read by the program. Data to be transmitted to the receiver is loaded in parallel form into the transmitter holding register from which it is automatically moved into the transmitter logic and serialized for transmission. (The TxEN bit must be set.) The transmission goes only to the receiver serial input; the TxD output is held high. As in normal operation, transmission and reception baud rates are controlled by the transmitter speed and receiver speed entries in mode register 2. SUMMARY REGISTERS The Octal UART contains two registers that summarize the current status of all eight serial data lines, making it possible to determine that a line's status has changed with a single read operation. These registers are selected for access by setting the appropriate address on pins ADD <2:0>. Because the registers are shared by eight serial lines, the line-selection bits (ADD <5:3» are ignored when these registers are accessed. Refer ·to "Interrupt Scanner and Interrupt Handling" for detailed interrupt information. Interrupt summary register- This read-only register indicates that a transmitter or receiver interrupt condition has occured, and indicates the line number that generated the interrupt. Figure 7 shows the format of the interrupt summary register and Table 8 describes register information. J ~RA~ ~-----,'-y-----''-------'---I rlllill ::-----'---T'--+-r-'I o Remote loopback-The serial data received on the RxD line is returned to the TxD line without further action. No data is received or transmitted. The RxRDY, TxRDY, and TxEMT flags are disabled. The TxEN and RxEN bits of the command register are held cleared, causing the transmitter and receiver logic to be disabled. INT LINE NO . Tx.'Rx _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _----' FIGURE 7 - COM78C808 INTERRUPT SUMMARY REGISTER FORMAT TABLE 8 - COM78C808 INTERRUPT SUMMARY REGISTER DESCRIPTION Bit Description 7 IRQ (Interrupt request)-When set, this bit indicates that the interrupt scanner has found an interrupting condition among the eight serial lines of the Octal UART. These conditions also result in the Octal UART asserting the IRQ signal. RAZ (Read as zero)-Not used INT LINE NO (Interrupting line number)-These bits indicate the line number upon which an interrupting condition was found. These bits correspond tothe IRQLN <2:0> signals-(bit 3 = IRQLN<2>, bit 2= IRQLN, and bit 1 = IRQLN. Refer to Table 3. Tx/Rx (Transmitlreceive)-This bit indicates whether the interrupting condition was caused by a transmitter (Txl Rx equals 1) or a receiver (Tx/Rx equals 0). This bit corresponds to the IRQTxRx signal of the Octal UART and is set when IRQTxRx is asserted. 6:4 3:1* 0* *Bits 3-0 above represent the outputs of a free-running counter and are valid only when bit 7 is set. Data set change summary register-When the DSR or DCD inputs that are associated with a line change state, the bit corresponding to that line in this read-only register is set. The current state of the DSR and DCD inputs can DSCHNG 7 0 - - - - - - - - - ' FIGURE 8 - COM78C808 DATA SET CHANGE SUMMARY REGISTER FORMAT then be obtained from that line's status register. If the state of a line changes twice within one microsecond, the change in state may not be detected. Figure 8 shows the format of the data set change summary register. When the MCIE bit in a line's mode register 1 is set and RxlE is also set, the modem control interrupts are enabled for that line. If DSCHNG for that line is then set, the interrupt scanner will halt and assert the IRQ signal. The data set change summary register bits are cleared by writing a 1 into the bit position. A program that uses this register should read and save a copy of its contents. The copy can then be written back to the register to clear the bits that were set. The system interrupts should be disabled and writeback should directly follow the read operation. Assertion of the RESET signal disables and initializes the data set change logic. When the RESET signal is deasserted, future changes in DSR and DCD are reported as they occur. 144 INTERRUPT SCANNER AND INTERRUPT HANDLING The interrupt scanner is a four-bit counter that sequentially checks lines 0 through 7 for a receiver interrupt (counter positions (0-7) and then checks the lines in the same order for a transmitter interrupt (counter positions 8-15). If the scanner detects an interrupt condition, it stops and the IRQ signal is asserted. An interrupt must be serviced by software or no other interrupt request can be posted. The scanner determines that a line has a receiver interrupt if the line's receiver buffer is ready and receiver interrupts are enabled for that line (RxRDY and RxlE = 1) or either of the line's modem status signals has changed state and both receiver and modem control interrupts are enabled for that line (DSCHNG and RxlE and MCIE = 1). The scanner determines that a line has a transmitter interrupt if the line's transmitter holding the register is empty and transmitter interrupts are enabled for that line (TxRDY and TxIE=1). When the scanner detects an interrupt, it reports the line number on the IRQ<2:0> lines. The IRQTxRx signal is asserted for a transmitter interrupt and deasserted for a receiver interrupt. The appropriate bits are also updated in the interrupt summary register. The IRQ line is deasserted and the scanner is restarted for each of the following three types of interrupt conditions. o Reading the receiver buffer or resetting the RxlE bit of the interrupting line for the first type of receiver interrupt previously described. o Resetting the MCIE, RxIE, or DSCHNG bit of the interrupting line for the second type of receiver interrupt previously described. o Loading the transmitter holding register or resetting the TxlE bit of the interrupting line for transmitter interrupts. If the scanner was originally stopped by a receiver interrupt condition, the scanner resumes sequential operation from TEST POINT EDGE-TRIGGERED AND LEVEL-TRIGGERED INTERRUPT SYTSTEMS If the interrupt system of the Octal UART is used only for generating interrupts for the RxRDY and/or TxRDY flags, the IRQ line can be connected to a processor having either edge-triggered or level-triggered interrupt capability. If the modem control interrupts are being used (MCIE in mode register 1 = 1), the IRQ line can be connected only to a processor that uses level-triggered interrupts. MODEM HANDLING The TxEMT (transmitter empty) bit of the status register is typically used to indicate when a program can disable the transmission medium, as when deasserting the request-tosend line of a modem. A typical program will load the last character for transmission and then monitor the TxEMT bit of the statl,ls register. The assertion of the TxEMT bitto indicate that transmission is complete may occur a substantial time after the loading of the last character. After the last character is loaded, one character is in the transmitter holding register and one character is in the serialization logic. Therefore, it will be two character times before the transmission process is completed. Waiting for the TxRDY signal to assert before monitoring the TxEMT status shortens this by one character time because the TxRDY status bit indicates that there are no characters in the transmitter holding register. The times involved are calculated by taking the reciprocal of the baud rate being used, multiplying by the number of bits per character (a starter bit-5,6,7, or 8 data bits; plus parity bit if enabled; and 1,1.5, or 2 stop bits), and multiplying by either two characters or one, depending on when TxEMT monitoring begins. TEST POINT V DD V DD IkQ FROM "OUTPUT' where it stopped, thus providing receivers with equal priority. If the scanner was stopped by a transmitter condition, the scanner restarts from position 0 (line O's receiver), thus giving receivers priority over transmitters. I kQ ........ FROM OUTPUT ~ ICC Sl ~ ~ IkQ ~ ;~ 'i S2 .,.. Sl CLOSED: PULL UP S2 CLOSED: PULL DOWN Sl ANDS2CLOSED: DIVIDER LOAD A - STANDARD OUTPUTS LOAD B - THREE-STATE OUTPUTS FIGURE 9 - COM78C808 OUTPUT LOAD CIRCUITS 145 MAXIMUM GUARANTEED RATINGS· Operating Temperature Range .................................................................................. O°C to + 70°C Storage Temperature Range .......................'.......................................................... - 55° to + 125°C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10 sec.) ........................................................................ ; ....... + 300°C Positive Voltage on any 1/0 Pin, with respect to ground .............................................................. Vee + 0.3 Negative Voltage on any 1/0 Pin, with respect to ground ................................................................. - 0.3V Maximum Vcc ........................................................................................................... + 7V ·Stresses above those listed may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only, and functional operation of the device at these or at any other condition above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. NOTE: When powering this device from laboratory or system power suppHes, it is important that the Absolute Maximum Ratings not be exceeded or device failure can result. Some power supplies exhibit voltage spikes or "glitches" on their outputs when the AC power is switched on and off. In addition, voltage transients on the AC power line may appear on the DC output. For example, the bench power supply programmed to deliver + 5 volts may have large voltage transients when the AC power is switched on and off. If this possibility exists it is suggested that a clamp circuit be used. TABLE 9 - COM78C808 DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS T. = 0°Ct070OC, Voo = +5V ±5% Symbol Parameter V.. V,L VOH High-level input voltage Low-level input voltage High-level output voltage Va.. Low-level output voltage I'H Input current at maximum input voltage Input current at miminum input voltage Short-circuit outpu1 current for DL <7:0> all remainin9..Q!!!puts except IRQandRDY Three-state output current Three-state outpu1 current Supply current I'L los' 1=' 1000' 100 en, CI03 Test Condition Voo=Min. 10H = 3.5 mA for DL <7:0> 10H = 2.0 mA for all remaining output except IRQ andRDY Voo=Min. 101. = 5.5 mA for DL<7:0> 10<. = 3.5 mA for all remaining outputs Voo=Max. V, = Voo(Max.) Voo=Max. V, = O.OV Voo=Max. VOD=Max. Vo =O.4V Voo=Max. Vo=2.4V VDD=Max. T.=oo Input capacitance Input/output capacitance Requirements Min. Max. 2.0 0.8 2.4 0.4 Units V V V V 10 JLA -10 JLA -50 -180 mA -30 -110 10 mA 10 !LA 25 mA 4 5 pF pF JLA 'No more than one ouput should be short circuited at a time, and the duration of the short should not exceed 1 second. 'All three-state output drivers are wired in an I/O configuration. The parameters include the driver and input receiver leakage currents. 'The parameters include the capacitive loads of the output driver and the input receiver. TIMING PARAMETERS 11 shows the signal timing for a write cycle to transfer inforFigure 10 shows the signal timing for a read cycle to transfer mation from the processor to the Octal UART. Table 11 lists information from the Octal UART to the processor. Figure the timing parameters for the read and write cycles. 146 I+-- tDPWlR ____ AOO < 5:0 .1' 1\ DS1/DS2 ~I.--. tDPWH -----'L X ]X VALID ADDRESS tASU ~tAHO t wsu i="t tcsu --l. t- tCHO 1\ WHO ~ I---\I 1------1- tROl .... tROH XI OL<7:0> VALID DATA OUT ~DZL, 'OOZH 4- IX. '1'OF-I tOO......j J tOOlZ, tOOHZ 1--"0::1 FIGURE 10 - COM78C808 BUS READ CYCLE TIMING r OS1/0S2 I--- 'DPWLW--<> XI ADD<5:0> Jl<. VALID ADDRESS 1----WR tOPWH f- tASU \ --I 1-------. / f-twsu f- 'csu - tWHO H DL<. 7.0 -'CHO .tRDH~ \. ~ A H - tAHO 'RoLI_ f- > VALID DATA IN I+-'osu----ll--'OHO·,-I IRQ _,,!-l FIGURE 11 - COM78C808 BUS WRITE CYCLE TIMING 147 TABLE 10 - COM78C808 BUS READ AND WRITE TIMING PARAMETERS Symbol Definition tAHO Hold time~ valid AOO <5:0> to a valid high level of OSI and OS2. 10 tASU Setup tim.!LQf.a valid AOO <5:0> to the falling edge of OSI and OS2. 30 IeHO Hold time~ valid low level of CS to a valid high level of OSI and OS2. 10 leou Setup tim.!LQf.a valid low level of CS to the falling edge of OSI and OS2. 30 too Propagation d~ of a valid low level on OS1 and OS2 (if CS is low and WR is high) to valid high or low data on OL <7:0>. 165 tODLZ2 tOOHZ Requirements (ns) Min. Max. C L=150 pF PrQQl!gation delaY.Q! a valid high level on OSI and OS2 (if CS is low and WR is high) to OL <7:0> output drivers disabled. tooLZ tooHZ tomz tOOHZ tODLZ tOOHZ tooZL 50 50 60 60 65 65 C L=50pF C L=50pF C L= 100pF C L= 100pF C L= 150pF C L= 150pF 165 165 C L = 150pF C L= 150pF Propagation d~ of a valid low level on OS1 and OS2 (if CS is low and WR is high) to OL <7:0> output driver enabled. tOOZL tOOZH 0 0 to, Hold time provided during a read cycle by Octal UART of valid high or low data on OL <7:0> after the rising edge of OSI and OS2. t OHO Hold time of a valid OL <7:0> to a valid high level of OSI or OS2. t OPWH Pulse width high of OS! and OS2. 450 Pulse width low of OSI and OS2 when WR is high (read operation). Refer to timing parameter tOPWLW also. 180 10,000 t oPWlW Pulse width low of OSI and OS2 when WR is low (write operation). Refer to timing parameter tOPWLR also. 130 10,000 tosu Setup tim.!LQf.a valid OL <7:0> to the rising edge of OSI and OS2. tOPWLA 'tl03 tROH 4 tADL Load Circuit' 0 30 50 Propagation delay of a valid low level on OSI and OS2 (if CS is low) to a high level on IRQ. 635 C L=50pF Propagation ~ of a valid high level of CS to a valid high level on ROY. 210 C L=50pF Propagation delay of a valid low level on CS to a valid low level on ROY. 90 C L=50pF tWHO Hold time of a valid high or low level of WR to a valid high level of OSI and OS2. 10 twsu Setup time of a valid high or low level of WR to the falling edge of OSI or OS2. 30 'Refer to Figure 9 for the load circuits used with these measurements. 'The toOLZ and tOOHZ parameters are measured with CL= 150 pF. The values of tOOLZ and tOOHZ for CL= 50pF and CL= 100 pF have been derived for user convenience. 'Total rise time depends on internal delay plus the pullup delay introduced by the external resistor being used. The t,o parameter can be calculated by the following: t,o = 500 + RCL where R = value of the resistor that connects to capacitor CL in load A, Figure 9. 'Total rise time depends on internal delay plus the pullup delay introduced by the external resistor being used. The tROH parameter can be calculated by the following: tROH = 75 + RCL where R = value of the resistor that connects to capacitor CLin load A, Figure 9. Figure 12 shows the signal timing forthe clock input, inter- timing, and the transmit data outputtiming. Table 11 lists the rupt timing, effect of the RESET input on data strobe, data timing parameters for Figure 12. set carrier detect (OCO) and data set ready (OSR) input 148 elK CLOCK ,.0"",,,,,,", IRQ ~ ~ -----tt-t-sU_"""""I~I----~/'l_-tl-HO---_I-t---INTERRUPT RESeT 1 . 1.. DS1/DS2 .~ tRES tORSU .j .~ \'--_tDRHO EFFECT OF RESET ON DATA STROBE DCD/DSA < 7:0 '> _ _ _ _ ..J~'1-~.:::::V:A-=-Ll-=-D.:.~D.:.;e:;;,.:::..;s-""R~D:::A-T-A==::~.~I..___________ OCO/OSR INPUT TxD< 7:0> "!.-----tTXSK_L tTXSK--J------...IrTRANSMIT DATA OUTPUT FIGURE 12-COM'78C808 MISCELLANEOUS SIGNAL TIMING TABLE 11-MISCELLANEOUS WRITE TIMING PARAMETERS Symbol Definition Requirements (ns) Min. tep Period of ClK. 203.45 (4.9152 MHz) IcPWH Pulse width high of ClK. 95 tCPWL Pulse width low of ClK. 95 tDAHO Hold time of a valid high level of DS1 and DS2 to a valid high level of RESET. t OASU Setup time of a valid high level of DS1 and DS2 to the rising edge of RESET. Load Circuit' 1,000 900 tospw Pulse width high or low of DCD <7:0> and DSR <7:0>. tlHO Hold time provided by Octal UART from a valid IRQlN <2:0> and IRQTxRx to a valid high level of IRQ. 100 C L =50pF tlSU Setup time provided by Octal UART from a valid IRQlN <2:0> and IRQTxRx to a valid low level of IRQ. 100 CL =50pF tRES hXSK Pulse width low of RESET. 1,000 1,000 Pulse width high or low provided by Octal UART on the TxD <7:0> lines. At each baud rate, the actual pulse This timing parameter widths provided vary by t should be used to determine cumulative reception/transmission errors. TXSK. 'Refer to Figure 9 for the load circuits used with these measurements. 149 250 C L =50pF Figure 13 shows the input and output voltage waveforms for the propagation delay and setup and hold measure- ments. Figure 14 shows the waveforms for the three-state outputs measurement. SET·UP AND HOLD PROPAGATION DELAY FIGURE 13 - COM78C808 PROPAGATION DELAY AND SETUP AND HOLD VOLTAGE WAVEFORMS V,N 12.4 V) 2.0V OUTPUT CONTROL O.BV VILI~Z::OT~~:~I VOH 14 5 V) OUTPUT(SEENOTElj15V VOL+05 VOUT lAS MEASURED) r INOTE 3C) tlZ ---j-' ---------- ------- - - - - - - tZH INOTE 3B) tHZ - --~ VOL+O.5V --iI VOUT lAS MEASURED) VOH -0.5 V 1.5 V OUTPUT VOL (NOTE 2) ID.DV) THREE-STATE OUTPUTS NOTES: 1. INTERNAL CONDITIONS ARE SUCH THAT THE OUTPUT IS LOW EXCEPT WHEN DISABLED BY THE OUTPUT CONTROL. 2. INTERNAL CONDITIONS ARE SUCH THAT THE OUTPUT IS HIGH EXCEPT WHEN DISABLED BY THE OUTPUT CONTROL. 3. REFER TO FIGURE 9. A = 51 CLOSED, B = 52 CLOSED. C = S1 AND 52 CLOSED. FIGURE 14 - COM78C808 THREE-STATE OUTPUT VOLTAGE WAVEFORMS Circuit diagrams utilizing SMC products are included as a means of illustrating typical semiconductor applications; consequently complete information sufficient for construction purposes is not necessarily given. The Information has been carefully checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. However. no responsibility IS assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, such information does not convey to the purchaser of the semiconductor devices described any license under the patent rights of SMC or others. SMC reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design and supply the best product possible. 150 COM 8004 jLPCFAMILY Oual32 Bit CRC SOLC Generator/Checker CRC-32 FEATURES PIN CONFIGURATION o SDlC 32 bit CRC o COM 5025 USYNRT Companion o Data Rate-2MHz typical o o o MRA "-.J 19 EFLGRB CLKINA 2 All Inputs and Outputs are TTL Compatible Single +5 Volt Supply COPlAMOS® N-Channel MOS Technology CLKOUTA 3 18 EFLGB SERINA 4 17 MODEB SEROUTA 5 16 ENAB ENAA 6 GENERAL DESCRIPTION SMC's COM 8004 is a dual 32-bit CRC Generator/ Checker for use with SDle protocols. It is a companion device to SMC's COM 5025 USYNRT. It operates at bit rates from DC to 2.0 MHz from a single +5v supply and is housed in a 20 lead x 0.3 inch DIP. All inputs and outputs are TTL compatible with full noise immunity. The COM 8004 is comprised of two independent halves, and each half may be operated in the check or generate mode. The polynominal used in computations is: X32 + X26 + X23 + X22 + X'6 + X'2 + X" + X'D + XB + X7 + X5 + X' + X2 + X + 1. The CRC register is initialized to all ones and the result is inverted before being appended to the message. The expected remainder is: X3' + X3D+ X26 + X25 + X2. + X'B+ X'5+ X14+ X'2+ X" + X'D+ XB + X6 + X5 + X' + X3 + X + 1. Each half has a nine-bit serial data shift register. Data moves on the positive edge of the clock, and all clocked inputs are designed for zero-hold-time (e.g. 7474). A "clock out" pin provides gated clocks to the accompanying USYNRT (COM 5025). In the generate mode, computation is initiated upon detection of a flag character in the serial bit stream. CRC computation proceeds upon the serial data until a second flag is detected. ClK OUT to the SDlCtransmitter is then halted, and the32-bitCRC is passed out; ClK OUT is then resumed, and the flag character is passed out. Nonsignificant zeros are automatically stripped and stuffed, and shared flags are supported. If the data between flags is less than two full bytes, the CRC is discarded and the serial data stream remains unaltered. In the check mode, computation is similarly initiated upon detection of a flag. Detection of a second flag causes the conditional setting of the error flag. A separate reset pin is provided for the error flag. No error is flagged on messages of less than two full bytes between flags. Detection of an abort character (7 consecutive ones) in either mode causes computation to be reset and a search for an opening flag resumed. 20 Vee 15SEROUTB 14SERINB MODEA 7 13 CLKOUTB EFLGA 8 EFLGRA 9 12 CLKINB GND10 11 MRB PACKAGE: 20 pin D.I.P. BLOCK DIAGRAM FOR ONE-HALF OF THE COM 8004 32 BITCRC SEA OUT 8-BIT SIR FLAG/ABORT DET SEA IN MR eLKIN ENA MODE EFLGR CONTROL LOGIC elK OUT ERG TYPICAL SYSTEM ~ TSO SERIN • ~SEROUT ~~I...:.TC:::.P_ _.=:CL::.:K",O::.:UTc...,~CLKIN TX SEA IN elKIN SER IN elK IN 151 For additional information, consult your 1986 catalog or contact our product marketing department at (516) 273-3100. STANDARD MICROSYSTEMS ATV,\IU CORPOR1"\11VI1I Circuit diagrams utilizing SMC products are included as a means of illustrating typical semiconductor applications: consequently complete information sufficient for construction purposes is not necessarily given. The information has been carefully checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. However, no responsibility is "",,,,,,,, " _ " ",,, assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, such information does not convey to the purchaser of the ·""m ,,00, ow, "0 m",~ semiconductor devices described any license under the patent rights of SMC or others. SMC reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design ana supply the best product possible. 152 COM 8017 COM 8502 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter UART Pin Configuration FEATURES Vee o Single +5V Power Supply o Direct TTL Compatibility- no interfacing circuits NC Gnd R5E ROB R07 R06 R05 R04 R03 R02 ROl RPE RFE ROR SWE RCP ROAR ROA RSI required o Full or Half Duplex Operation-can receive and transmit simultaneously at different baud rates o Fully Double Buffered-eliminates need for precise external timing o Start Bit Verification - decreases error rate o Fully Programmable-data word length; parity mode; number of stop bits: one, one and one-half, or two o High Speed Operation-40K baud, 200ns strobes o Master Reset- Resets all status outputs o Tri-State Outputs- bus structure oriented o Low Power- minimum power requirements TCP POE NOBl NOB2 NSB NPB CS TOB TD7 T06 T05 T04 T03 T02 TOl TSO TEOC 'fi5S TBMT MR PACKAGE: 40-Pin D.I.P. Functional Block Diagram o Input Protected-eliminates handling problems o Ceramic or Plastic Dip Package-easy board insertion o Compatible with COM 2017, COM 2502 o Compatible with COM 8116, COM 8126, COM 8136, TSO COM 8146, COM 8046 Baud Rate Generators TEOC SWE GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter is an MOS/LSI monolithic circuit that performs all the receiving and transmitting functions associated with asynchronous data communications. This circuit is fabricated using SMC's patented COPLAMOS® technology and employs depletion mode loads, allowing operation from a single +5V supply. The duplex mode, baud rate, data word length, parity mode, and number of stop bits are independently programmable through the use of external controls. There may be 5,6,7 or 8 data bits, odd/even or no parity, and 1, or 2 stop bits. In addition the COM 8017 will provide 1.5 stop bits when programmed for 5 dllta bits and 2 stop bits. The UART can operate in either the full or half duplex mode. These programmable features provide the user with the ability to interface with all asynchronous peripherals. 153 NPB NSB NOB2 NOBl POE 35 36 37 3B 39 CONTROL REGISTER TBMT RPE RFE ROR ROA STATUS WORO BUFFER REGISTER ROAR 21 MR Vee NC Gnd DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION- TRANSMITTER commences. TSO goes low (the start bit), TEOC goes low, the TBMT goes high indicating that the data in the data bits buffer register has been loaded into the transmitter shift register and that the data bits buffer register is available to be loaded with new data. If new data is loaded into the data bits bufferregister at this time, TBMT goes low and remains in this state until the present transmission is completed. One full character time is available for loading the next character with no loss in speed oftransmission. This is an advantage of double buffering. Data transmission proceeds in an orderly manner: start bit, data bits, parity bit (if selected), and the stop bit(s). When the last stop bit has been on the line for one bit time TEOC goes high. If TBMT is low, transmission begins immediately. If TBMT is high the transmitter is completely at rest and, if desired, new control bits may be loaded prior to the next data transmission. At start-up the power is turned on, a clock whose frequency is 16 times the desired baud rate is applied and master reset is pulsed. Under these conditions TBMT, TEOC, and TSO are all at a high level (the line is marking). When TBMT and TEOC are high, the control bits may be set. After this has been done the data bits may be set. Normally, the control bits are strobed into the transmitter prior to the data bits. However, as long as minimum pulse width specifications are not violated, TDS and CS may occur simultaneously. Once the date strobe (TDS) has been pulsed the TBMT signal goes low, indicating that the data bits buffer register is full and unavailable to receive new data. If the transmitter shift register is transmitting previously loaded data the TBMT signal remains low. If the transmitter shift register is empty, or when it is through transmitting the previous character, the data in the buffer register is loaded immediately into the transmitter shift register and data transmission TRANSMITTER BLOCK DIAGRAM ODD/EVEN PARITY SELECT CONTROL STROBE .......- - If-~ DATA STROBE TRANSMITTER BUFFER EMPTY 16xT CLOCK SERIAL OUTPUT END OF CHARACTER DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION-RECEIVER ing condition priortoa 1/2 bit time, the start bit verification process begins again. A mark to space transition must occur in order to initiate start bit verification. Once a start bit has been verified, data reception proceeds in an orderly manner: start bit verified and received, data bits received, parity bit received (if selected) and the stop bit(s) received. If the transmitted parity bit does not agree with the received parity bit, the parity error flip-flop of the At start-up the power is turned on, a clock whose frequency is 16 times the desired baud rate is applied and master reset is pulsed. Thedataavailable(RDA) signal is now low. There is one set of control bits for both the receiver and transmitter. Data reception begins when the serial input line transitions from mark (high) to space (low). If the RSlline remains spacing for a 112 bittime, a genuine start bit is verified. Should the line return to a mark154 status word buffer register is set high, indicating a parity error. However, if the no parity mode is selected, the parity error flip-flop is unconditionally held low, inhibiting a parity error indication. If a stop bit is not received, due to an improperlyframed character, the framing error flip-flop is set high, indicating a framing error. Once a full character has been received internal logic looks at the data available (RDA) signal. If, at this instant, the RDA signal is high the receiver assumes that the previously received character has not been read out and the over-run flip-flop is set high. The only way the receiver is aware that data has been read out is by having the data available reset low. At this time the RDA output goes high indicating that all outputs are available to be examined. The receiver shift register is now available to begin receiving the next character. Due to the double buffered receiver, a full character time is available to remove the received character. RECEIVER BLOCK DIAGRAM FRAMING ERROR ADB R07 AD6 ADS RD4 AD3 AD2 AD1 BITS FROM HOLDING _____________ CONTROL AEGISTER TRANSMITTER BUFFER EMPTY J:::::::;:::::~==~~~==========~~====l SERIAL INPUT 16 x R CLOCK DESCRIPTION OF PIN FUNCTIONS PIN NO. SYMBOL NAME FUNCTION Vce Power Supply +5 volt Supply 2 NC No Connection No Connection 3 GND Ground Ground 4 ROE Received Data Enable A low-level input enables the outputs (RD8-RD1) of the receiver buffer register. 5-12 RD8-RD1 Receiver Data Outputs These are the 8 tri-state data outputs enabled by ROE. Unused data output lines, as selected by NDB1 and NDB2, have a low-level output, and received characters are right justified, i.e. the LSB always appears on the RD1 output. 13 RPE Receiver Parity Error This tri-state output (enabled by SWE) is at a high-level if the received character parity bit does not agree with the selected parity. 14 RFE Receiver Framing Error This tri-state output (enabled by SWE) is at a high-level if the received character has no valid stop bit. 155 DESCRIPTION OF PIN FUNCTIONS PIN NO. SYMBOL NAME FUNCTION 15 ROR Receiver Over Run This tri-state output (enabled by SWE) is at a high-level if the previously received character is not read (RDA output not reset) before the present character is transferred into the receiver buffer register. 16 SWE Status Word Enable A low-level input enables the outputs (RPE, RFE, ROR, RDA, and TBMT) of the status word buffer register. 17 RCP Receiver Clock This input is a clock whose frequency is 16 times (16X) the desired receiver baud rate. 18 ROAR Receiver Data Available Reset A low-level input resets the RDA output to a low-level. 19 RDA Receiver Data Available This tri-state output (enabled by SWE) is at a high-level when an entire character has been received and transferred into the receiver buffer register. 20 RSI Receiver Serial Input This input accepts the serial bit input stream. A high-level (mark) to low-level (space) transition is required to initiate data reception. 21 MR Master Reset This input should be pulsed to a high-level after power turn-on. This sets TSO, TEOC, and TBMT to a high-level and resets RDA, RPE, RFE and ROR to a low-level. 22 TBMT Transmitter Buffer Empty This tri-state output (enabled by SWE) is at a high-level when the transmitter buffer register may be loaded with new data. 23 TDS Transmitter Data Strobe A low-level input strobe enters the data bits into the transmitter buffer register. 24 TEOC Transmitter End of Character This output appears as a high-level each timea full character is transmitted. It remains at this level until the start of transmission of the next character or for one-half of a TCP period in the case of continuous transmission. 25 TSO Transmitter Serial Output This output serially provides the entire transmitted character. TSO remains at a high-level when no data is being transmitted. 26-33 TD1-TD8 Transmitter Data Inputs There are 8 data input lines (strobed by TDS) available. Unused data input lines, as selected by NDB1 and NDB2, may be in either logic state. The LSB should always be placed on TD1. 34 CS Control Strobe A high-level input enters the control bits (NDB1, NDB2, NSB, POE and NPB) into the control bits holding register. This line may be strobed or hard wired to a high-level. 35 NPB No Parity Bit A high-level input eliminates the parity bit from being transmitted; the stop bit(s) immediately follow the last data bit. In addition, the receiver requires the stop bit(s) to follow immediately after the last data bit. Also, the RPE output is forced to a low-level. See pin 39, POE. 156 DESCRIPTION OF PIN FUNCTION PIN NO. SYMBOL NAME FUNCTION 36 NSB Number of Stop Bits This input selects the nl!mber of stop bits. A low-level input selects 1 stop bit; a high-level input selects 2 stop bits. Selection of 2 stop bits when programming a 5 data bit word generates 1.5 stop bits from the COM 8017 or COM 8017/H. 37-38 NDB2, NDB1 Number of Data Bits/Character These 2 inputs are internally decoded to select either 5,6,7, or 8 data bits/character as per the following truth table: data bits/character NDB2 NDB1 L L 5 H 6 L H L 7 H 8 H 39 POE Odd/Even Parity Select The logic level on this input, in conjunction with the NPB input, determines the parity mode for both the receiver and transmitter, as per the following truth table: MODE NPB POE L L odd parity L H even parity X H no parity X = don't care Transmitter Clock This input is a clock whose frequency is 16 times (16X) the desired transmitter baud rate. 40 TCP TRANSMITTER TIMING-8 BIT, PARITY, 2 STOP BITS TD5 TBMT I ~ __________ ~r--- TRANSMITTER START-UP JL.JULI I I TCP ~ 1/16 Bit time f- Upon data transmission initiation, or when not transmitting at 100% line utilization, thestsrt bit will be placed on the TSO line at the high to low transition of the TCP clock following the trailing edge of TDS. RECEIVER TIMING-8 BIT, PARITY, 2 STOP BITS ASI ~~;:-.i .. ·.. ID~T~?~A~~SToP;sToP*TAAT CENTEA BIT SAMPLE ________L-__~______~L-__~__~~~~~~.___ ~ ADA" I ~~~~- --------------------11 "The RDA line was previously not reset (RDA = high-level). ··The ADA line was previously reset (ROR low-level). = START BIT DETECT/VERIFY ACP ASI ~~B.ginv.rifY If the ASlline remains spacing for a 1/2 bit time, a genuine start bit is verified. Should the line return to a marking condition prior to a 112 bit time, the start bit verification process begins again. 157 MAXIMUM GUARANTEED RATINGS· Operating Temperature Range •.•....•..............................•.•.....•...... 0° C to + 70° C Storage Temperature Range .•.................................................. -55° C to +150° C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10 sec.) ...........................................••.....•.. +325° C Positive Voltage on any Pin, with respect to ground •..................................•....... +8.0V Negative Voltage on any Pin. with respect to ground .......................................... -0.3V Stresses above those listed may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or at any other condition above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. NOTE: When powering this device from laboratory or system powersupplies, it is important that the Absolute Maximum Ratings not be exceeded or device failure can result. Some power supplies exhibit voltage spikes or "glitches" on their outputs when the AC power is switched on and off. In addition, voltage transients on the AC power line may appear on the DC output. If this possibility exists it is suggested that at clamp circuit be used. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TA == 0° C to 70° C, Vec == +5V ±5%, unless otherwise noted) Parameter D.C. CHARACTERISTICS INPUT VOLTAGE LEVELS Low-level, Vil High-level, VIH OUTPUT VOLTAGE LEVELS Low-level, VOL High-level, VOH INPUT CURRENT Low-level, III OUTPUT CURRENT Leakage, lLo Short circuit, los"" INPUT CAPACITANCE All inputs, CIN OUTPUT CAPACITANCE All outputs, COUT POWER SUPPLY CURRENT Icc A.C. CHARACTERISTICS CLOCK FREQUENCY COM8502, COM 8017 PULSE WIDTH Clock Master reset Control strobe Transmitter data strobe Receiver data available reset INPUT SET-UP TIME Data bits Control bits INPUT HOLD TIME Data bits Control bits STROBE TO OUTPUT DELAY Receive data enable Status word enable OUTPUT DISABLE DELAY Min. Typ. Max. Unit 0.8 Vce V V 0.4 V V 300 J,lA VIN == GND ±10 30 J,lA mA SWE == ROE == VIH, 0 :5 VouT:5 +5V VOUT ==OV 5 10 pf 10 20 pf 25 mA 0 2.0 2.4 Comments IOl == 1.6mA IOH == -100J,lA SWE == ROE == VIH All outputs == VOH, All inputs == Vee TA == +25°C DC 640 KHz RCP, TCP 0.7 500 200 200 200 J,lS ns ns ns ns iDS ROAR ~O ~O ns ns T01-T08 NPB, NSB, NOB2, NOB1, POE ~O ~O ns ns T01-T08 NPB, NSB, NOB2, NOB1, POE Load == 20pf +1 TTL input ROE: TPD1, TPDO SWE: TPD1, TpDO ROE,SWE 350 350 350 ns ns ns RCP, TCP MR CS ""Not.more than one output should be shorted at a lime. NOTES: 1. If the transmitter is inactive (TEOC and TBMT are at a high-level) the start bit will appear on the TSO line within one clock period (TCP) after the trailing edge of TOS. 2. The start bit (mark to space transition) will always be detected within one clock period of RCP, guaranteeing a maximum start bit slippage of 1/16th of a bit time. 3. The tri-state output has 3 states: 1) low impedance to vcc~b~w impedance to GNO 3) high impedance OFF eo 10M ohms The "OFF" state is controlled by the SWE and inputs. 158 DATA/CONTROL TIMING DIAGRAM DATA INPUTS tr = tf = 20 ns TSET-UP2;:O THOLD 2;:0 ~:~_ .J= CS CONTROL INPUTS T.... ~1, ;:3-L----------1---£ T~," "Input information (Data/Control) need onl~_~~..valid during the last Tpw, min time of the input strobes (TDS, CS). OUTPUT TIMING DIAGRAM Outputs Disabled OUTPUTS (RD1-RD8, RDA, RPE, ROR, RFE, TBMT) VOH VOL TPD1, TPDO NOTE: Waveform drawings not to scale for clarity. ROAR 200ns VIL TDS TMBT RDA VIH ---------- 300ns 159 VOL FLOW CHART-TRANSMITTER FLOW CHART-RECEIVER 1 TURN POWER ON 2 PULSE EXTERNAL RESET 3 SELECT BAUD RATE-16 x eLK SET CONTROL BITS-PULSE CS YES "-_=--<,. HAS A START BIT BEEN VERIFIED 8-16xCLK HAS THE " - _....N"O'-< 3~lci'A~~E~fsu~E8E~ REC;IVED YES YES " -_ _ _ _ _- ' YES Circuit diagrams utilizing SMC products are included as a means of illustrating typical semiconductor applications; consequently complete information sufficient for construction purposes is not necessarily given. The information has been carefully checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, such information does not convey to the purchaser of the semiconductor devices described any license under the patent rights of SMC or others. SMC reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design and supply the best product possible. 160 COM81C17 PRELIMINARY Twenty Pin UART (TPUART) FEATURES PIN CONFIGURATION o Single Chip UART With Baud Rate Generator o Asynchronous Operation -16 Selectable Baud Rate Clock Frequencies (Internal) -External16x Clock (100 KBaud) -Character Length: 7 or 8 Bits -1 or 2 Stop Bit Selection 16~ ~ ~I~ o Small 20 Pin DIP (300 mil) or PLCC o Full or Half Duplex Operation o Double Buffering of Data o Programmable Interrupt Generation o Programmable ModemlTerminal Signals o Odd or Even Parity Generate and Detect o Parity, Overrun and Framing Error Detection o TTL Compatible Inputs and Outputs o High Speed Host Bus Operation 18 17161514 19 13 12 cp' Vee Do D, C§ 11 10 9 CLOCK D, D, GND D, 4 5 6 7 8 I&! 0' 0' 0l~ Vee Do D, C§ RO D, D, D, WR D, GND CP, CP, TX RX RS INT CLOCK D, D, Package 20-pin DIP Package: 20-pin PLCC (with no wait state) o Low Power CMOS o Single + 5V Power Supply GENERAL DESCRIPTION The COM81C17 TPUART is an asynchronous only receiver I transmitter with a built in programmable baud rate generator housed in a twenty pin package. The TPUART receives serial data streams and converts them into parallel data characters for the processor. While receiving serial data, the TPUARTwili also accept data characters from the processor in parallel format and convert them into serial format along with start, stop and optional parity bits. The DATA BUS ADDRESS BUS TPUART will signal the processor via interrupt when it has· completely transmitted or received a character and requires service. Complete status information is available to the processor through the status register. The TPUART features two general purpose control pins that can be individually programmed to perform as terminal or modem control handshake signals. ~ A , CP1 '" DO-D7 r DECODE CP2 :::: --l --l CS r COM81C17 lAO RS WRITE READ WR RD INTERRUPT REQUEST INT ... TWENTY PIN UART ~ TX ::D en N w I\) 0 RX 5.0688 MHZ OSCILLATOR OR TTL CLOCK i FIG 1. TYPICAL TPUART INTERFACE 161 IA DO-D7 I' ~ ~ DATA BUS V TRANS. ~ V ~ TRANSMIT SHIFT REGISTER - "r CS READ RD WRITE WR RS DECODE TRANSMIT BUFFER TX TRANSMIT CONTROL MODE REGISTER 0 ~ LOGIC III c en ~ r MASK REGISTER & LOGIC VCC - CONTROL REGISTER I-I-- BAUD RATE CLOCK GENERATOR tL---- v--- A. ~ GND BAUD RATE SELECT REGISTER STATUS REGISTER RECEIVE CONTROL RECEIVE SHIFT REGISTER J.-- v--- A RX RECEIVE BUFFER :~ it FIG. 2. BLOCK DIAGRAM OF COM81C17 560 OHM 1800 OHM 220 OHM 7404 7404 L...--~.tV\r----I 220 OHM 1-----11 0 30pF 7404 I----J 5.0688 MHz FIG.2A. 5.0688 MHz CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR CIRCUIT 162 7404 TABLE 1 - DESCRIPTION OF PIN FUNCTIONS DIPPIN NO. NAME SYMBOL DESCRIPTION 1,2,5-7 9,11-12 DATA BUS 0 0 -0, An 8 bit bi-directional DATA BUS is used to interface the TPUART to the processor Data Bus. 3 CHIP SELECT CS A low level on this input enables the TPUART for reading and writing to the processor. When CS is high, the DATA BUS is in high impedance and the WR and RD will have no effect on the chip. 4 READ DATA STROBE RD A low pulse on this input (when CS is low) enables the TPUART to place the data or the status information on the DATA BUS. 8 WRITE DATA STROBE WR A low pulse on this input (when CS is low) enables the TPUART to accept the data or control word from the DATA BUS into the TPUART. 10 GROUND GND Power Supply Return 13 CLOCK ClK 14 INTERRUPT REQUEST INT External TTL Clock Input (See Table 2) An interrupt request is asserted by the TPUART when an enabled condition has occurred in the Status Register. This is an active low, open drain output. This pin has an internal pullup register. 15 REGISTER SELECT RS During processor to TPUART communications, this input is used to indicate which internal register will be selected for access by the processor. When this input is low, data can be written to the TX Holding Buffer or data can be read from the RX Holding Register. When this input is high control words can be written to the Control Register or status information can be read from the Status Register. 16 RECEIVER DATA RX This input is the receiver serial data. A high to low transition is required to initiate data reception. 17 TRANSMITTER DATA TX This output is the transmitted serial data from the TPUART. When a transmission is concluded, the TX line will always return to the mark (High) state. 18 CONTROL PIN1 CP1 This control pin is an input only pin. It can be programmed to perform the functions of CTS or DSR/DCD. 19 CONTROL PIN2 CP2 This control pin can be programmed to be either an input or an output. When in input mode, this pin can perform the functions of DSR/DCD. When in output mode this pin can perform the functions of DTR orRTS. 20 POWER SUPPLY Vee + 5V Supply Voltage FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION words. This is following an internal reset. Following initialization, the TPUART is ready to communicate. RESETTING THE TPUART PROGRAMMABLE CONTROL PINS The TPUART must be reset on power up. Since there is no external pin allocated for hardware reset, this is accomplished by writing a One (H IGH) followed by writing a Zero (LOW) to the Control Register bit 7. Following reset, the TPUART enters an idle state in which it can neither transmit nor receive data. The TPUART provides two programmable control pins that can be configured to perform as modem or terminal control handshake signals. If no handshake signal is required, these pins can be used as general purpose one bit Input or Output ports. The TPUART is initialized by writing three control words from the processor. Only a single address is set aside for Mode, Baud Rate Select, Interrupt Mask and TX Buffer Registers. For this to be possible, logic internal to the chip directs information to its proper destination based on the sequence in CP1 - is an input only pin that can be programmed to act as the CTS (Clear To Send) handshake Signal, where it will disable data transmission by the TPUART after the contents of the Transmit Shift Register is completely flushed out. When programmed as 1 , CP1 will serve as a general purpose 1 bit input port. The inverted state will be reflected in Status Register bit 0 (when programmed as CTS or general purpose input bit). which it is written. Following internal reset, the first write to address zero (Le. RS = 0) is interpreted as a Mode Control word. The second write is interpreted as Interrupt Mask word. The third write is interpreted as Baud Rate Select. The fourth and all subsequent writes are interpreted as writes to the TX Buffer Register. There is one way in which control logic may return to anticipating a Mode, Interrupt Mask, and Baud Rate Select CP2 _ is an Input/Output pin. When configured as Output, its state is directly controlled by the host processor via writes to the Control Register. This will serve the purpose of modem and terminal handshake signals as RTS (Request To Send), and DTR (Data Terminal Ready). When configured as Input, its inverted state is reflected in the Status Register bit 1 and read by the processor. This will serve the purpose of handshake signals as DCD (Data Carrier Detect) and DSR (Data Set Ready). IN ITIALIZING THE TPUART 163 MODE REGISTER THE ON CHIP BAUD RATE GENERATOR BIT1 BIT2 o o o The TPUART incorporates an on chip Baud Rate Generator that can be programmed to generate sixteen of the most popular baud rates. The TPUART also allows the bypassing of the Baud Rate Generator by programming Mode Register bit 3 to accept a 16X external clock. The Baud Rate Generator will not assume any given baud rate upon power up, therefore it must be programmed as desired. The following cha,rt is based on a 5.0688 MHz CLOCK frequency. CP2 is RTS output CP2 is GP output CP2 is GP input CP2 is GP input 1 X X 1 1 TABLE 2 -16X CLOCK Clock Frequency 5.0688 MHz = Baud Rate Select Register 03 D. 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0, 0, Baud Rate 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 50 110 134.5 150 300 600 1200 1800 2000 2400 3600 4800 7200 9600 19.200 38.400 Theoretical Frequency 16XCIock 0.8 KHz 1.76 2.152 2.4 4.8 9.6 19.2 28.8 32.0 38.4 57.6 76.8 115.2 153.6 307.2 614.4 REGISTER DESCRIPTIONS TABLE 3 - COM81C17 MODE REGISTER DESCRIPTION (BITS 0-7) BIT 0 1 2 3 Actual Frequency 16XCIock 0.8 KHz 1.76 2.1523 2.4 4.8 9.6 19.2 28.8 32.081 38.4 57.6 76.8 115.2 153.6 316.8 633.6 Percent Error - - 0.016 - - 0.253 - 3.125 3.125 Duty Cycle % 50/50 50/50 50/50 50/50 50/50 50/50 50/50 50/50 50/50 50/50 50/50 50/50 50/50 48/52 50/50 50/50 Divisor 6336 2880 2356 2112 1056 528 264 176 158 132 88 66 44 33 16 8 PARITY ENABLE-The Mode Register bit 4 determines whether parity generation and checking will be enabled. = PARITY DISABLE 1 = PARITY ENABLE PARITY-The Mode Register bit 5 determines whether odd or even parity will be generated and checked. = EVEN PARITY 1 = ODD PARITY # OF DATA BITS-The Mode Register bit 6 determines the number of data bit that will be presented in each data character (i.e. 7 or 8). 1 = 8 BITS PER = 7 BITS PER CHARACTER CHARACTER STOP BITS-The Mode Register bit 7 determines how many stop bits will trail each data unit (i.e. 1 or 2). 0= 1 STOP BIT 1 = 2 STOP BITS A data frame will consist of a start bit, 7 or 8 data bits, an optional parity bit, and 1 or 2 stop bits. 4 o 5 DESCRIPTION CP1-The Mode Register bit 0 determines whether the CP1 pin will be configured to provide the function of CTS or will serve as a general purpose 1 bit input port. In either case, its state will be reflected in Status RegisterbitO. 0--7CP1 = CTS 1--7CP1 = GP INPUT CP21/0-The Mode Register bit 1 determines whether the CP2 pin will be configured as a general purpose 1 bit output port or will serve as a general purpose 1 bit input port. When used as an input, its state is reflected in the Status Register bit 1. When used as an output, its state is controlled by the processor via the Control Register bit 1. HCP2 = INPUT 0--7CP2 = OUTPUT CP2-The mode register bit 2 determines whether the CP2 pin will be configured to provide the function of RTS or will serve as a general purpose 1 bit output port. HCP2 = GP OUTPUT 0--7CP2 = RTS CLOCK SELECT-The Mode Register bit 3 determines whether the internal Baud Rate Gener~tor will supply the TX and RX clocks or the clock on the clock pin will be used as a 16X clock. The Baud Rate Select Register contents will be bypassed when an external 16X clock is used. = INTERNAL CLOCK 1 = EXTERNAL CLOCK (16X) o 6 o 7 TABLE 4 - COM81C17 STATUS REGISTERS DESCRIPTION (BITS 0-7) BIT 0 1 o 164 DESCRIPTION CP1-This reflects the inverted state of the control pin CP1. CP2-This is active only when the CP2 pin is programmed to be an input. It is set by its corresponding input pin and reflects the inverted state of the control pin CP2. When the CP2 pin is programmed as an . output, this bit is forced to a zero. 2 3 TABLE 5 - COM81C17 CONTROL REGISTER DESCRIPTION (BITS 0-7) TX SHIFT REGISTER EMPTY-This signals the processor that the Transmit Shift Register is empty. A typical program will usually load the last character of a transmission and then monitor the TX SHIFT REGISTER EMPTY bitto determine when it is a safe time for disabling transmission. This bit is set when the Transmitter Shift Register has completed transmission of a character, and no new character has been loaded in the Transmit Buffer Register. This bit is also set by asserting internal reset. This bit is cleared by: a. loading the TX Buffer Register BIT 5 3 4 5 S OVERRUN ERROR-This is set whenever a byte stored in the Receive Character Buffer is overwritten with a new byte from the Receive Shift Register before being transferred to the processor. This bit is cleared by: a. setting Reset Errors in the Control Register b. asserting internal reset a. a character has been loaded from the Transmit Buffer Register to the Transmit Shift Register b. asserting the TRANSMITTER RESET bit in the Control Register c. asserting internal reset This bit is cleared by: a. writing to the Transmit Buffer Register This bit is initially set when the transmitter logic is enabled by setting the TX Enable bit in the Control Register (also TX Buffer is empty because of reset). 7 Data can be overwritten if a consecutive write is performed while TX Buffer Empty is zero. RX BUFFER FULL-This signals the processor that a completed character is present in the Receive Buffer Register for transfer to the processor. This bit is set when a character has been loaded from the receive deserialization logic to the Receive Buffer Register. This bit is cleared by: a. reading the Receive Buffer Register b. asserting the RECEIVER RESET bit in the Control Register c. assertinQ internal reset INTERRUPT MASK REGISTER DESCRIPTION This is an eight bit write only register which is loaded by the processor. These bits are used to enable interrupts from the corresponding bits in the Status Register. This register is reset with internal reset. REGISTER DECODE & TRUTH TABLE The TPUART provides unique decode capability to three of the seven internal processor accessible register. These are the RX Buffer Register (read only), the Status Register (read only) and the Control Register (write only). The other four registers (write only) are decoded in a sequential manner following reset. DECODE TRUTH TABLE RS o o 1 1 X AD WR 0 1 o 0 1 o 0 0 0 1 1 X cs 0 1 X READ RX BUFFER REGISTER WRITE TO TX BUFFER REGISTER READ STATUS REGISTER WRITE TO CONTROL REGISTER DATA BUS IN TRI STATE The first write to address zero (RS = 0) will access the Mode Register, the second will access the Interrupt Mask Register, the third will access the Baud Rate Select Register, the fourth and all subsequent writes will access the TX Buffer Register. R S RSO RS1 RS2 RS3 - 1 1 1 1 selects the Mode Control Register selects the Interrupt Mask Register selects the Baud Rate Select Register selects the TX Buffer Register TX ENABLE-Data transmission cannot take place by the TPUART unless this bit is set. When this bit is reset (disable), transmission will be disabled only after the previouslywritten data has been transmitted. RESET ERRORS-This bit when set will reset the parity, overrun, and framing error bits in the Status Register. No latch is provided in the Control Register for saving this bit; therefore there is no need to clear it (error reset = dS.RS. WR). INTERNAL RESET-This bit enables the resetting of the internal circuitry and initializes access to address 0 to be sequential. 7 INTERNAL REGISTER SELECT Following reset, the decode sequence of writes to address is as follows: o RX RESET-This will reset the receiver block only. TX RESET-This will reset the transmitter block only. S FRAMING ERROR-This is set whenever a byte in the Receive Character Buffer was received with an incorrect bit format ("0" stop bits). This bit is cleared by: a. setting Reset Errors in the Control Register b. asserting internal reset TX BUFFER EMPTY-This signals the processor that the Transmit Buffer Register is empty and that the TPUART can accept a new character for transmission. This bit is set when: CP2-This bit controls the CP2 output pin. Data at the output is the logical complement of the register data. When the CP2 bit is set, the CP2 pin is forced low. When CP2 is RTS, a 1 to 0 transition of the CP2 bit will cause the CP2 pin to go high one TXc time after the last serial bit has been transmitted. RX ENABLE-This bit when reset will disable the setting of the RX BUFFER FULL bit in the Status Register which informs the processor of the availability of a received character in the Receive Buffer Register. The error bits in the Status Register will be cleared and will remain cleared when RX is disabled. 2 PARITY ERROR-This signals the processor that the character stored in the Receive Character Buffer was received with an incorrect number of binary "1" bits. This bit is set when the received character in the Receiver Buffer Register has an incorrect parity bit and parity has been enabled. This bit is cleared by: a. setting Reset Errors in the Control Register b. asserting internal reset 4 DESCRIPTION Not Used (test mode bit, must be Zero) 0 1 0 0 165 R S 1 1 0 1 1 1 R S 2 1 1 0 R S 3 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 AFTER RESET AFTER FIRST WRITE AFTER SECOND WRITE AFTER THIRD WRITE ALL SUBSEQUENT WRITES MAXIMUM GUARANTEED RATINGS* Operating Temperature Range ...................................................................................... 0 to 70°C Storage Temperature Range. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. - 55 to 150°C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10 seconds) ........................................................................... + 325°C Positive Voltage on any pin ......................................................................................... Vcc + 0.3V Neg!\tive Voltage on any pin, with respect to ground. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. - 0.3V Maximum Vee ..................... , ..................................................................................... + 7V ·Stresses above those listed may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other condition above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. NOTE: When powering this device from the laboratory or system power supplies, it is important that the Absolute Maximum Ratings not be exceeded or device failure can result. Some power supplies exhibit voltage spikes or "glitches" on their outputs when the AC power is switched on and off. In addition, voltage transients on the AC power line may appear on the DC output. If this possibility exists, it is suggested that a clamp circuit be used. TABLE 6 - ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS T = O°Cto +70°CVcc = 5.0V ± 5% PARAMETER DC CHARACTERISTICS SYMBOL MIN LOW INPUT VOLTAGE HIGH INPUT VOLTAGE LOW OUTPUT VOLTAGE V" V,H VOL 2.0 HIGH OUTPUT VOLTAGE INPUT LEAKAGE CURRENT INPUT CAPACITANCE POWER SUPPLY CURRENT VOH IL C'N Icc SYMBOL DESCRIPTION AC CHARACTERISTICS WRITE CYCLE t, t.. Is t, t. READ CYCLE t. t7 t. t. t,. TYP MAX 0.8 V V V 0.4 2.4 V jJ.A pF ma ±10 10 15 MIN TYP 10L = 5.0ma 0.-07 10L = 3.5ma 10H = 100 jJ.a MAX UNITS CS, RS to WR ! setup time CS, RS hold time to WR i WR pulse width Data BUS in setup time to WR i Data BUS in hold time to WR i 50 0 100 75 10 ns ns ns ns ns CS, RS to RD ! setup time CS, RS hold time to RD i RD pulse width Data access time from RD ! Data hold time from RD i 50 0 100 0 0 ns ns ns ns ns 60 60 @50pfmax @50pfmax GENERAL TIMING t" t" t13 t,. t,. CP1, CP2 data Reset Pulse Width CP1 active to INT WR rising edge to CP2 change CP1, CP2 pulse width Read Write Interval 1.0 300 200 1.0 100 Rise Time Fall Time jJ.s ns ns jJ.s ns 30 30 ns ns 30 30 11.0 1.6 40/60 ns ns MHz MHz Clock Frequency Rise Time Fall Time Internal Baud Rate Mode External Baud Rate Mode Duty Cycle 166 % @25pf @25pf @25pf CS RS ~, / I * I 1 :.- t,--J I WR I * I , l~t2 I., 1 t3 -, ~. ~ I I+-t. 1 ~, D'N t'5 1 .,,,1 I I t5 L •I 1 I :~ I I FIG. 3. PROCESSOR TO TPUART WRITE CYCLE CS 1 '\ / I 1 I RS I ~ iI ~, I 1 I I+- I.-+t I I"" ~17 Is I RD ~I 1 r- 19 1 G~~! DOUT I .1 I I 1. I I I,s I I ~11O I valid dala I L, I I ! ~1 I FIG.4. PROCESSOR "FROM TPUART READ CYCLE WR------. TO CONTROL REGISTER \ 1/ \\ INTERNAL - - - - - - - , \ / RESET ______________~_~______J" FIG. S.INTERNAL RESET TIMING 167 I \\..--- I I 1 1 1 I =========%'~------------------~I --------I I 11(E-------t ... 12 -------i.~1 1 : INT--------~:---------------.\ 1'-----FIG. 6. CP1 TRANSITION TO INT y WR - - - - - , \_______-..J : ~ 1 t 13 -----.j 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1! 1 I * I~------ I FIG. 7. CP2 OUTPUT TIMING 1 1 I I I ~::-------t~----------~*r~========== : 1 .... 1.:;------ t14 -----.~I 1 1 FIG. 8. CP1, CP2 INPUT TIMING Circuit diagrams utilizing SMC products are included as a means of illustrating typical semiconductor applications; consequently complete information sufficientfor construction purposes is not necessarily given. The information has been carefully checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, such information does not convey to the purchaser of the semiconductor devices described any license under the patent rights of SMC or others. SMC reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design and supply the best product possible. 168 COM82C11 PRELIMINARY Printer Adapter Interface (PAl) FEATURES PIN CONFIGURATION o Fits Popular Centronics Printer Interface o Programmable parallel printer interface o Completely TTL-compatible 1/0 o Reduces system package count o User-controlled interrupt request o Fully compatible with Z-80 and 8086 microprocessor o o o o o '-' x, x, ClK DClK RST lOW lOR DIR Do family High current, direct drive printer interface pins On-chip oscillator can be used to generate 1.5 MHz to 20 MHz oscillation Baud rate generation for serial communication Single 5V supply Low power CMOS 0, 0, 0, D. 0, 0, D, IRQ CSI CS2 v" 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 0 17 18 19 20 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22. 21 Voo A, AD Po p, P, p, P. P. p, p, ERROR SlCT PE ACK BUSY STROB AUTOFD INIT SlCT PACKAGE: 40-PIN D.I.P. GENERAL DESCRIPTION The COM82C11, Printer Adapter Interface (PAl), fabricated with a silicon gate CMOS process, offers parallel port interface between the CPU and the printer, and is especially suitable to printer adapter for industry-standard personal computers. The COM82C11 can directly connect to a parallel printer connector. Printer data bus pins can each source 2.6 mA and sink 24 mAo Each of the four printer control pins can source 500pA and sink 7mA. The COM82C11 fits the well- known Centronics printer interface. The PAl is also suitable for a personal computer interface board which contains RS-232C interface or display interface. The on-chip oscillator and 710 divider can be used to offer the BAUD-rate clock with RS-232C interface or the dot clock with monochrome Idi~lay interface. The user can use the Data Bus, 0 ,lOW, IRQ, CSf and CS2 pins to interface the PAl with 8086 or Z-80 microprocessors. x, x" eLK FIGURE 1 BLOCK DIAGRAM 1----:-....1>,. !~~g~g SLCT RST -+------+J ERROR BUSY SLCT PE IRO 169 TABLE 1 - COM82C11 PIN DESCRIPTION PIN NO. 1 2 SYMBOL X1 X2 3 ClK 4 5 DClK RST 6 lOW 7 NAME Crystal In I/O I Clock Out 0 Divided Clock Reset 0 DESCRIPTION X1, X2 are the pins to which a crystal (whose frequency is between 1.5 MHz and 20 MHz) is attached. A TTL clock can be used on Pin 2 (X2) through a pull up resistor. Pin 1 is left open. A buffer oscillating clock output whose frequency is the same as the crystal. A buffer clock output whose frequency is one-tenth that of Pin 3. I An active high RESET pin. When activa~rinter control outputs STROB, AUTOFD, SlCT are inactive, INIT is active, and IRO is disabled remaining high impedence. I/O Write I A "low" on this pin permits the CPU to write data or control words to the "PAl". lOR I/O Read I A "low" on this pin permits the "PAl" to send data, control words or printer status to the CPU. It allows the CPU to read from the PAl. 8 DIR Direction 0 This output pin is active high only when CS1 , CS2 and lOR are activated. It is low for all other cases. /! indicates the direction of data transfer between CPU data bus and the PAL When activated the PAl sends data, control words or printer status to CPU. 9-16 DO-D7 System Data Bus I/O These bidirectional 8-bit data bus pins are connected to the system data bus. Data or control words are transmitted or received upon execution of input or output instructions by the CPU. Status information of the printer is also received through the data bus. 17 IRQ Interrupt Request Z/O This is an interrupt request output pin, which is generated when ACK is activated low. This pin is enabled by writing D4 = 1 in the control word, and is high impedance when D4 = O. When RST is activated, this pin is put into a high impedance state. 18 19 20 CS1 CS2 Chip Select 21 SlCT 22 INIT 23 I When CS1 = 0 and CS2 = 0, it enables the communication between the CPU and the PAl. Power ground pin. Printer Select 0 Initiate 0 AUTOFD Auto Feed 0 24 STROB DataStrob 0 25 BUSY Busy State I 26 ACK Acknowledge I When activated low, the printer is selected. This pin is programmable in bit D3 by writing a control command. Writing a one to D3 outputs a low on the SlCT pin. When activatEid low, the printer buffer is cleared. This pin is programmable in bit D2 by writing a control command and the PAl outputs D2 signal to this pin. The pulse width of the !NiT must be more than 50 ps for initiation of the printer. When this pin is low, the printer is fed automatically, one line after printing. _ This pin is programmable in D1 by writin~Lc¥ntrol command. Writing a one to D1 outputs allow on the pin. When activated low, the printer reads in the data on printer data bus PO- P7. It syncronizes data strobe between PAl and printer. This pin is programmable in bit DO by writingl control command, and writing a one to DO outputs a low on the lCT pin. Read-in of data is performed at the low level of this signal. This is an output from the printer. A "High" indicates that the printer can't receive data "During Data Entry", "During Part of Paper Feed", "During Printer Error Status", "During Printing" or "In OIl-line State". The CPU can read this status in D7 by "Reading Status". This is an output from the printer. A "low" indicates that data bus has been received and that the printer is ready to accept other data. The CPU can read this status in D6 by a "Read Status" command. V•• Ground 170 TABLE 1 - COM82C11 PIN DESCRIPTION 1/0 PIN NO. SYMBOL 27 PE 28 SLCT 29 ERROR Error Status 30-37 PO- P7 Printer Data Bus 0 These output pins send out the data to the printer as specified by the CPU in a "Write Data" command. They are compatible with TTL logic level. The CPU can also "Read Back" the data which the CPU last wrote by a "Read Data" command. 38 39 AO A1 Address I These input addresses in conjunction with iQR, lOW, CS1 and CS2 control the selection of one of the five commands. Vee Power Supply 40 Note: NAME DESCRIPTION Paper End I This is an output from the printer. A "High" indicates that the printer is out of paper. The CPU can read this status in 05 by a "Read Status" command. Printer Selected Status I This is always "High" unless the printer power is down. The CPU can read this status in 04 by a "Read Status" command. This is an output from the printer. It is "Low" only when the printer is in error status as shown below: (1) Paper end status. (2) Abnormal motor operation. (3) Off-line state. The CPU can read this status in 03 by a "Read Status" command. +5V. The CPU can "Read Back" the control command it last wrote by reading the contr.ol word. There are STROB, AUTOFD INIT, SLCT and IRQEN on the data bus DO - 07. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION When reset is activated (RST=1), STROBE=1, AUTOFO=1, INIT=O, SLCT=1, and Interrupt Request "IRQ" is disabled. Input CS1 PAl offers five kinds of commands selected by AO, A 1, lOW, lOR and CS1, CS2 as shown below: Output CS2 A1 AD lOR lOW OIR x x x x 0* Operation 1 x x 1 x x x x 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Write data to the printer. 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 Read data on printer data bus. 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 Read status from the printer. 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 Write control word to the printer. 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 Notes: PAl not activated. 0* Read control word on printer control bus. (No operation.**) Others * When CS1 = 1 or CS2 = 1, DIR = 0, indicates that DO - D7 remain "I/O Write" state even though intennal data bus is not used. ** It is illegal to read anything when chip select is active and AO = A1 = 1. WRITE DATA to the PRINTER Data on DO ~ 07 are present on the PO ~ P7 bus and sent to the printer. At the rising edge of lOW, data is latched on the PO ~ P7 bus until the next falling edge of lOW. READ STATUS from the PRINTER Data READ DATA on PRINTER DATA BUS At the falling edge of lOR, data latched on PO ~ P7 is set back to the CPU through DO ~ 07. The CPU reads back the printer data. CPU reads the real-time status of the printer. The states are: 06 05 04 03 STATE Note: The BUSY state is inverted on D7. WRITE CONTROL WORD to the PRINTER CPU writes the control word to the printer. The control signals are: The control signals are latched on printer control bus at the rising edge of lOW. Note: "Interrupt Request Enable (IRQEN)" is not present on any output pin, but enables the output pin IRQ when D4 = 1, and disables IRQ (high impedance) when D4 = O. SLCT, AUTOFD and STROB are inverted on D3, D1 and DO individually. READ CONTROL WORD on PRINTER CONTROL BUS At the falling edge of lOR, IRQEN control bit SLCT pin, INIT pin, AUTOFO pin and STROB pin are sent back to the CPU on 04, 03, 02, 01 and DO individually. (1) When writing control words 04 = 0 - - - - - IRQ pin floating. (2) When writing control words 04 = 1 - - - - - IRQ = ACK. 171 MAXIMUM GUARANTEED RATINGS' Operating Temperature Range ..............•........................................•..•.. O°C to + 70°C Storage Temperature Range ................•.................................•...........•.-65°C -150°C Lead Temperaiure (soldering 10 sec.) ...........•..............................•....•.•........... +300°C Positive Voltage on any I/O Pin, with respect to ground .................•........................... Vee + O.3V Negative Voltage on any liD Pin, with respect to ground ....................•.......•................... -O.3V Maximum Vee ....•..............•...........................•..................................... +7V " Stresses above those listed may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or at any other condition above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. NOTE: When powering this device from laboratory or system power supplies, it is important that the Absolute Maximum Ratings not be exceeded or device failure can result. Some power supplies exhibit voltage spikes or "glitches" on their outputs when the AC power is switched on and off. In addition, voltage transients on the AC power line may appear on the DC output. For example, the bench power supply programmed to deliver +5 volts may have large voltage transients when the AC power is switched on and off. If this possibility exists it is suggested that a clamp circuit be used. TABLE 2 - ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Ta D.C. Characteristics SYMBOL V,L V,H VOL VOH liN 10Lo 10Ho 10Le 10He IFL lop PARAMETER Input low Voltage Input High Voltage Output low Voltage Output High Voltage Max. Input Current Output Sink Current Printer Data Bus =0 Output Source Current Printer Data Bus =1 Output Sink Current Printer Control Bus =0 Output Source Current Printer Control Bus =1 Floating Pin leakage Operation Current =Co -70°C, Vec =+5V ± 5%, C, =50pF) MIN. TYP. MAX. UNITS - 0.4 2.4 0.4 0.8 V V V V /1V 10L = Max 10H = Max V,N =Vee or GND 2.0 0.5 - - 20 24 - ma VOL =0.45V 2.0 2.6 - ma VOH 7.0 - - ma VOL =0.45V - 0.5 1.5 ±10 30 ma /1a ma VOH =3.0V VFL =Vee or GND 2.4 - 10 - COMMENTS ±10 =3.0V A.C. Characteristics SYMBOL PARAMETER MIN. MAX. UNIT - ns ns ns ns ns ns - ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns - ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns WRITE Tww TAW TWA Tow Two TwoL READ Write Pulse Width Address to lOW Set-up Time Address Hold Time after lOW Data to lOW Set-up Time Data Hold Time after lOW lOW = 1 to Data latched 200 0 20 70 30 TRR Too TAR TRA TPR TRP TROS TROR Read Pulse Width DIR Delay after lOR Address to lOR Set-up Time Address Hold Time after lOR Printer Bus to lOR Set-up Time Printer Bus Hold Time after lOR lOR to DO - D7 Output DO - D7 Released after lOR 300 - 90 - 35 - 70 30 0 20 0 0 "Note: When CPU reads the printer's status, it is real-time stale. OTHERS TRSW TRscH TRSIN 1 TRSIR Z T,D T,z T,E TRSIZ TocKo Reset Pulse Width Reset to Control Bus =-1.jSTROB, AUTOFD, SlCT) Propagation Delay Reset to Control Bus INIT = 0 Propagation Delay IRQ MIGH -z after RST ACK to IRQ Propagation Delay IRQ Disable Time IRQ Enable Time IRQ High-z after RST ClK to OClK Propagation Delay 172 40 - 150 60 50 45 50 50 50 10 X X 2.4 _ _ _ _--' 0.45 2.0V 20·.OS O.SV TEST POINT _ '_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ OUTPUT LOAD: 50 pF FIGURE 2-A.C. TESTING INPUT WAVEFORM Tww " I ~ _ T AW _ AO A1 TWA ~ ( Tow DO~D7 DATA BUS V , _Two . . K ). TwoL _ PO~P7 OR PRINTER ~ CONTROL BUS FIGURE 3-WRITE CYCLE WAVEFORM IRQEN (D4) '- IRQ T,E ~-----....:...~l::::F::.::::-~,,:r-----­ FLOATING FIGURE 4-INTERRUPT REQUEST WAVEFORM 173 TRR j~ ""I -'" Too Ar/J,A1 ~ - TAR __ TRA ~ TpR DATA ON PRINTER DATA BUS OR CONTROL BUS OR STATUS BUS ~ r£ DIR CS1,CS2 IJo~ f- -- " 'V )\ ~TRP- ~~ )\ J *______ DO-D7_~_· --TRoR~ -TRos FIGURE 5-READ CYCLE WAVEFORM I RST TRsw -------"V I TRSCH I" 1 "I I "I ~ I~---------------------------- I -----------~!~-------------------------- IRQ • ')~ ______ FL_O_A_J____ FIGURE 6-RESET WAVEFORM 174 ~(~ __________________ TYPICAL APPLICATIONS PRINTER 25-PIN - r-- A31 A30 Al ADDRESS ".. 00 01 D2 03 04 05 06 D7 DECODERIr CS2 A9 AS A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 B2 lOIR Bl B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 Al 00 A2 01 A3 02 A4 03 B13 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ STROB AUTOFO INIT SLCT 05 06 07 RST lOR .--:;0 ACK BUSY PE SLCT ERROR -lOW lOW B14 DATAO DATAl DATA2 DATA3 DATA4 DATA5 DATA6 DATA7 ~ PAl 04 A5 A6 A7 ~ OE AS =' LS245 RESET 7 PO Pl P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 CSl OIR PSLOT DSHELL CONNECTOR AO ACK BUSY PE SLCT ERROR >-tf""" >-it"' >-;3"C ~ ~ lOR B21 IRQ - ~ FIGURE 7-PAI ON PRINTER CARD - ADDRESS ~ f-I ~DECOOER~ I AO Al Xl Bl B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 G LS 245 UART .... ... RS232C SERIAL CONNECTION 1.8432 MHZl CSl AO Al Dg CK -+-NC Xl X2 Al A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 DO Dl D2 D3 D4 05 D6 D7 r- DIR lOR lOW RESET 30PF .;J;. PO Pl P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 S'TROB AO'fOFD ro;r lOR lOW RST r ~ 18.4313 MHz ~~PF ,1;. m IRQ7 - ... 8250 19 00 Dl D2 3 04 D5 D6 07 SLOT r CS IRQ SLCT BUSY PE CS2 ER~g~ 1IIIIIIIIJr 11122~ "'1"_ ....... - DATAO DATAl DATA2 DATA:) DATA4 DATA5 DATA6 -~ 4 :.... m SLCT BUSY 1 ......... -- L L...-PRINTER 25-PIN D-SHELL CONNECTOR FIGURE 8-PAI ON MULTIFUNCTION CARD 175 PACKAGE INFORMATION - MILLIMETER (INCH) 40 LEAD PLASTIC DIP o o T 14.22 (0.560) 13.72 (0.540) ~ \+- 15.49 (0.610) --l I r 14.99 (0.590), I 51.5 (2.080) 51.0 (2.050) 3.43 (0.135) 3.05 (0.120) 2.16 (0.085) 1.65 (0.065) 2.79 (0.110) 2.29 (0.090) 0.53 (0.021) 0.36 (0.015) Circuit diagrams utilizing SMC products are included as a means of illustrating typical semiconductor applications: consequently complete information sufficient for construction purposes is not necessarily given. The information has been carefully checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, such ~~b"6~t~~g~~e~~'1l ~~~:J.,~t~:r?~~~~a~e;~d~~~~~~~~~~~~~~f~~r~~~ro":;;;~;:'~!l~f;~~~~~~~~l~~~eal!~ ~~~~~ possible. 176 COM 8251 A J,LPC FAMILY Universal Synchronous IAsynchronous ReceiverITransmitter USART FEATURES PIN CONFIGURATION o Asynchronous or Synchronous Operation o o o o o o o - Asynchronous: 5-8 Bit Characters Clock Rate -1, 16 or 64 X Baud Rate Break Character Generation 1,1'12 or 2 Stop Bits False Start Bit Detection Automatic Break Detect and Handling -Synchronous 5-8 Bit Characters Internal or External Character Synchronization Automatic Sync Insertion Single or Double Sync Characters Programmable Sync Character(s) Baud Rate - Synchronous - DC to 64K Baud -Asynchronous-DC to 19.2K Baud Baud Rates available from SMC's COM 8116, COM 8126, COM 8136, COM 8146, and COM 8046 Full Duplex, Double Buffered Transmitter and Receiver Odd parity, even parity or no parity bit Parity, Overrun and Framing Error Flags Modem Interface Controlled by Processor All Inputs and Outputs are TTL Compatible 02 1 2801 03 2 2700 RxO 3 GNO 4 26 Vee 25 RxC 04 5 24 OTR 05 6 23 RTS 06 7 22 OSR 07 8 TxC 9 21 RESET WR 10 20 ClK 19 TxO CS 11 C/i) 12 18 TxEMPTY 17 Cf§ RO 13 RxROY 14 16 SYNOET/BO 15 TxROY o Compatable with Intel 8251A, NEC pPD8251A o Single +5 Volt Supply o Separate Receive and Transmit TTL Clocks o Enhanced version of 8251 028 Pin Plastic or Ceramic DIP Package o COPLAMOS® N-Channel MaS Technology BLOCK DIAGRAM GENERAL DESCRIPTION The COM 8251A is an MaS/LSI device fabricated using SMC's patented COPLAMOS® technology that meets the majority of asynchronous and synchronous data communication requirements by interfacing parallel digital systems to asynchronous and synchronous data communication channels while requiring a minimum of processor overhead. The COM 8251A is an enhanced version of the 8251. The COM 8251A is a Universal Synchronous! Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (USART) designed for microcomputer system data communications. The USART is used as a peripheral and is programmed by the processor to communicate in commonly used asychronous and synchronous serial data transmission techniques including IBM Bi-Sync. The USART receives serial data streams and converts them into parallel data characters for the processor. While receiving serial data, the USART will also accept data characters from the processor in parallel format, convert them to serial format and transmit. The USART will signal the processor when it has completely received or transmitted a character and requires service. Complete USART status, including data format errors and control signals such as TxE and SYNDET, is available to the processor at anytime. 177 D7-00 TxADY TxEMPTY T,C AxRDV R,C SYNDETI 8RKOET DESCRIPTION OF PIN FUNCTIONS PIN NO. SYMBOL NAME INPUT/ OUTPUT 1,2,27, 28,5-8 02,03, DO· 01,04-07 DATA BUS 1/0 3 RxD RECEIVER DATA I FUNCTION An 8-bit, 3-state bi-directional DATA BUS used to interface the COM 8251A to the processor data bus. Data is transmitted or received by the bus in response to input/output or Read/Write instructions from the processor. The DATA BUS also transfers Control words, Command words, and Status. This input receives serial data into the USART. 4 GND GROUND GND 9 TxC TRANSMITTER I The TRANSMITTER CLOCK controls the serial charactertransmission rate. In the Asynchronous mode, the TxC frequency is a multiple ofthe actual Baud Rate. Two bits of the Mode I nstruction selectthe multipletobe1X, 16X,or64Xthe Baud Raie.lnthe Synchronous mode, the TxC frequency is automatically selected to equal the actual Baud Rate. Note that for both Synchronous and Asynchronous modes, serial data is shifted out oftheUSART by the falling edgeof~. 10 WR WRITE DATA I A "zero" on this input instructs the COM 8251A to accept the data or control word which the processor is writing out to the USART via the DATA BUS. 11 CS CHIP SELECT I A "zero" on this input enables the USART for reading and writing to the processor. When CS is high, the DATA BUS is in the float state and RD andWR will have no effect on the chip. 12 C/O CONTROL/DATA I The Control/lJaiii input, in conjunction with the WR and RD inputs, informs the USART to accept or provide either a data character, control word or status information via the DATA BUS. o= Data; 1 = Control/Status 13 RD READ DATA I A "zero" on this input instructs the COM 8251A to place the data or status information onto the DATA BUS for the processor to read. 14 RxRDY RECEIVER READY a The RECEIVER READY output indicates that the Receiver Buffer is ready with an "assembled" character for input to the processor. For polled operation, the processor can check RxRDY using a Status Read or RxROY can be connected to the processor interrupt structure. Note that reading the character to the processor automatically resets RxRDY. 15 TxRDY TRANSMITTER READY a TRANSMITTER READY signals the processor that the transmitter is ready to accept a data character. TxROY can be used as an interrupt or may be tested through the Status information polled ~aton. TxRDY is automatically reset by the leading edge of when a data character is loaded from the processor. 16 SYNDET/ BRKDET SYNC DETECT/ BREAK DETECT I/O The SYNDET feature is only used in the Synchronous mode. The USART may be programmed throughtheMode Instruction to operate in either the internal or external Sync mode and SYNDET then functions as an output or input respectively. In the internal SYNC mode, the SYNDET output will go to a "one" when the COM 8251A has located the SYNC character in the Receive mode. If double SYNC character (bi-sync) operation has been programmed, SYNDET will go to "one" in the middle of the last bit of the second contiguously detected SYNC character. SYNDET is automatically reset to "zero" upon a Status Read or RESET. In the external SYNC mode, a "zero" to "one" transition on the SYNDET input is sampled during the negative half cycle of RxC and will cause the COM 8251A to start assembling data character on the next rising edge of RxC. The length of the SYNDET input should be at least one RxC period, but may be removed once the COM 8251A is in SYNC. When external SYNC DETECT is programmed, the internal SYNC DETECT is disabled. ~ Ground 178 PIN NO. SYMBOL NAME INPUTI OUTPUT 16 (cont.) FUNCTION The SYNDET/BRKDET pin is used in both Synchronous and Asynchronous modes. When in SYNC mode the features for the SYNDET pin described above apply. When inAsynchronous mode, the BREAK DETECT output will go high when an all zero word of the programmed length is received. This word consists of: start bit, data bit, parity bit and onestop bit.Resetonlyoccurs when Rx Data returns to a logic one state or upon chip RESET. The state of BREAK DETECT can also be read as a status bit. 17 CTS CLEAR TO SEND I A "zero" on the CLEAR TO SEND input enables the USART to transmit serial data if the TxEN bit in the Command Instruction register is enabled (one). If either a TxEN off or CTS off condition occurs while the Tx is in operation, the Tx will transm it all the data in the USARTwritten prior to the Tx Disable command before shutting down. 18 TxE TRANSMITTER EMPTY 0 The TRANSMITTER EMPTY output signals the processor that the USART has no further characters to transmit. TxE is automatically reset upon receiving adatacharacterfrom the processor. In half-duplex, TxE can be used to signal end of a transmission and request the processor to "turn the line around". The TxEN bit in the command instruction does not effect TxE. In the Synchronous mode, a "one" on this output indicates that a SYNC character or characters are about to be automatically transmitted as "fillers" because the next data character has not been loaded; an underflow condition. If the US ART is operati ng in the two SYNC character mode, both SYNC characters will be transmitted before the message can resume. TxE does not go low when the SYNC characters are being shifted out. TxE goes low upon the processor writing a character to the USART. 19 TxD TRANSMITTER DATA 0 This output is the transmitted serial datafromthe USART. When a transmission is concluded the TxD line will always return to the marking state unless SBRK is programmed. 20 ClK CLOCK PULSE I The ClK input provides for internal device timing. External inputs and outputs are not referenced to ClK, but the ClK frequency must be greater than 30 times the RECEIVER or TRANSMITTER CLOCKS in the 1X mode and greater than 4.5 times forthe 16X and 64X modes. 21 RESET RESET I A "one" on this input forces the USART into the "idle" mode where it will remain until reinitialized with a new set of control words. RESET causes: RxRDY=TxRDY=TxEmpty=SYNDET/ BRKDET = 0; TxD = DTR = RST = 1. Minimum RESET pulse width is 6 tCY, ClK must be running during RESET. 22 DSR DATA SET READY I The DATA SET READY inp'ut can be tested by the processor via Status information. The DSR input is normally used to test Modem Data Set Ready condition. 23 RTS REQUEST TO SEND 0 The REQUEST TO SEND output is controlled via the Command word. The RTS output is normally used to drive the Modem Request to Send line. 24 DTR DATA TERMINAL READY 0 The DATA TERMINAL READY output is controlled via the Command word. The r5i'R output is normally used to drive Modem Data Terminal Ready or Rate Select lines. 25 RxC RECEIVER CLOCK I The RECEIVER CLOCK is the rate at which the i.ncoming character is received. I n the Asynchronous mode, the RXC frequency may be 1, 16 or 64 times the actual Baud Rate but in the Synchronous mode the RxC frequency must equal the Baud Rate. Two bits in the mode instruction select Asynchronous at 1X, 16X or 64X or Synchronous operation at 1X the Baud Rate. Data is sampled into the USART on the riSing edge of RxC. 26 Vcc Vcc SUPPLY VOLTAGE PS +5 volt supply 179 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION-ASYNCHRONOUS Transmlssion- Recelve- When a data character is written into the US ART, it automatically adds a START bit (low level or "space") and the number of STOP bits (high level or "mark") specified by the Mode Instruction. If Parity has been enabled, an odd or even Parity bit is inserted just before the STOP bit(s), as specified by the Mode Instruction. Then, depending on CTS and TxEN, the character may be transmitted as a serial data stream at the TxD output. Data is shifted out by the falling edge of TxC at a transmission rate of TxC, TxC/16 or TxC/64, as defined by the Mode Instruction. The RxD input line is normally held "high" (marking) by the transmitting device. A falling edge (high to low transition) at RxD signals the possible beginning of a START bit and a new character. The receiver is thus prevented from starting in a "BREAK" state. The START bit is verified by testing for a "low" at its nominal center as specified by the BAUD RATE. If a "low" is detected, it is considered valid, and the bit assembling counter starts counting. The bit counter locates the approximate center of the data, parity (if specified), and' STOP bits. The parity error flag (PE) is set, if a parity error occurs. Input bits are sampled at the RxD pin with the rising edge of RxC. If a high is not detected for the STOP bit, which normally signals the end of an input character, a framing error (FE) will be set. After the STOP bit time, the input character is loaded into the paralled Data Bus Buffer of the USART and the RxRDY signal is raised to indicate to the processor that a character is ready to be fetched. If the processor has failed to fetch the previous character, the new character replaces the old and overrun flag (OE) is set. All the error flags can be reset by setting a bit in the Command Instruction. Error flag conditions will not stop subsequent USART operation. If no data characters have been loaded into the USART, or if all available characters have been transmitted, the TxD output remains "high" (marking) in preparation for sending the START bit of the next character provided by the processor. TxD may be forced to send a BREAK (continuously low) by setting the correct bit in the Command Instruction. DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION-SYNCHRONOUS Transmission As in Asynchronous transmission, the TxD output remains "high" (marking) until the USART receives the first character (usually a SYNC character) from the processor. After a Command Instruction has set TxEN and after Clear to Send (CTS) goes low, thefirstcharacterisser~ transmitted. Data is shifted out on the falling edge ofTxC at the same rate as TxC. Once transmission has started, Synchronous Data Protocols require that the serial data stream at TxD continue at the TxC rate or SYNC will be lost. If a data character is not provided by the processor before the USARTTransmit Buffer becomes empty, the SYNC character(s) loaded directly following the Mode Instruction will be automatically inserted in the TxD data stream. The SYNC character( s) are inserted to fill the Ii ne and mai ntai n synch ronization until the new data characters are available for transmission. If the U8ART becomes empty, and must send the SYNC character(s), the TxEMPTY output is raised to signal the processor that the Transmitter Buffer is empty and SYNC characters are being transmitted. TxEMPTY is automatically reset by the next character from the processor. ReceiveIn Synchronous receive, character synchronization can be either external or internal. If the internal SYNC mode has been selected, the ENTER HUNT (EH) bit has been set by a Command Instruction, the receiver goes into the HUNT mode. Incoming data on the RxD input is sampled on the rising edge of Rxe, and the contents of the Receive Buffer are compared with the first SYNC character after each bit has been loaded until a match is found. IftwoSYNCcharacters have been programmed, the next received character is also compared. When the (two contiguous) SYNC character(s) programmed have been detected, the USART leaves the HUNT mode and is in character synchronization. Atthistime, theSYNDET (output) issethigh.SYNDET is automatically reset by a STATUS READ. If external SYNC has been specified in the Mode Instruction, a "one" applied to the SYNDET (input) for at least one Rxe cycle will synchronize the USART. Parity and Overrun Errors are treated the same in the Synchronous as in the Asynchronous Mode. If not in HUNT, parity will continue to be checked even if the receiver is not enabled. Framing errors do not apply in the Synchronous format. The processor may command the receiver to enter the HUNT mode with a Command Instruction which sets Enter HUNT (EH) if synchronization is lost. Under this condition the Rx register will be cleared to all "ones". 180 OPERATION AND PROGRAMMING The microprocessor program controlling the COM 8251A performs these tasks: Control codes determine the mode in which the COM 8251A will operate and are used to set or reset control signals output by the COM 8251A The Status register contents will be read by the program monitoring this device's operation in order to determine error conditions, when and how to read data, write data or output control codes. Program logic may be based on reading status bit levels, or control signals may be used to request interrupts. • Outputs control codes - Inputs status - Outputs data to be transmitted -Inputs data which has been received INITIALIZING THE COM 8251A Figure 1. Control Word Sequences for Initialization MODE CONTROL C/ll=, { } MODE CONTROL INITIALING SEQUENCE COMMAND SYNC#' c/ll=, SYNC #2 (OPTIONAL) DATA C/ll=O{ C/ll=, ·· INITIALING SEQUENCE COMMAND COMMAND DATA C/ll=o ·· ~ DATA ·· COMMAND C/D=' C/D=O { DATA ·· ASYNCHRONOUS OPERATION SYNCHRONOUS OPERATION The COM 8251A may be initialized following a system RESET or prior to starting a new seralllO sequence. The USART must be RESET (external or internal) following power up and subsequently may be reset at any time following completion of one activity and preceding a new set of operations. Following a reset, the COM 8251A enters ari idle state in which it can neither transmit nor receive data. mode byte) output as control codes will be interpreted as SYNC characters. For either asynchronous or synchronous operation, the next byte output as a control code is interpreted as a command. All subsequent bytes output as control codes are interpreted as commands. There are two ways in which control logic may return to anticipating a mode control input; following aRESET inputorfollowing an internal reset command. A reset operation (internal via IR or external via RESET) will cause the USART to interpret the next "control write", which should immediately follow the reset, as a Mode Instruction. After receiving the control words the USART is ready to communicate. TxRDY is raised to signal the processor that the USART is ready to receive a character for transmission. Concurrently, the USART is ready to receive serial data. The COM 8251A is initialized with two, three or four control words from the processor. Figure 1 shows the sequence of control words needed to initialize the COM 8251A, for synchronous or for asynchronous operation. Note that in asynchronous operation a mode control is output to the device followed by a command. For synchronous operation, the mode control is followed by one or two SYNC characters, and then a command. Only a single address is set aside for mode control bytes, command bytes and SYNC character bytes. For this to be possible, logic internal tothe chip directs control information to its proper destination based on the sequence in which it is received. Following a RESET (external or internal), the first control code output is interpreted as a mode control. If the mode control specifies synchronousoperation, then the next one or two bytes (as determined by the 181 C/D RD 0 0 0 WR 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 X X X 0 X 1 1 CS 0 0 0 0 USART - Data Bus Data Bus - USART Status - Data Bus Data Bus - Control 1 0 Data Bus - 3-State MODE CONTROL CODES The COM 8251A interprets mode control codes as illustrated in Figures 2 and 3. determine whether there will be a parity bit in each character, and if so, whether odd or even parity will beadopted. Thus in synchronous mode a character will consist offive, six, seven or eight data bits, plus an optional parity bit. In asynchronous mode, the data unit will consist offive, six, seven or eight data bits, an optional parity bit, a preceedlng start bit, plus 1, 11f2 or 2 trailing stop bits. Interpretation of subsequent bits differs for synchronous or asynchronous modes. Control code bits Oand 1 determinewhethersynchronous or asynchronous operation is specified. A non-zero value in bits 0 and 1 specifies asynchronous operation and defines the relationship between data transfer baud rate and receiver or transmitter clock rate. Asynchronous serial data may be received ortransmitted on every clock pulse, on every 16th clock pulse, or on every 64th clock pulse, as programmed. A zero in both bits 0 and 1 defines the mode of operation' as synchronous. Control code bits 6 and 7 in asynchronous mode determine how many stop bits will trail each data unit. 1112 stop bits can only be specified with a 16X or 64X baud rate factor. In these two cases, the half stop bit will be equivanlent to 8 or32 clock pulses, respectively. For synchronous and asynchronous modes, control bits 2 and 3 determine the number of data bits which will be present in each data character. In the case of a programmed character length of less than 8 bits, the least significant DATA BUS unused bits are "don't care" when writing data to the USART and will be "zeros" when reading data. Rx data will be right justified onto DO and the LSB forTx data is DO. In synchronous mode, control bits 6 and 7 determine how character synchronization will be achieved. When SYN DET is an output, internal synchronization is specified; one or two SYNC characters, as specified by control bit 7, must be detected at the head of a data stream in order to establish synchronization. For synchronous and asynchronous modes, bits 4 and 5 COMMAND WORDS specific functions are to be initialized within the communication circuit. Command words are used to initiate specific functions within the COM 8251A such as, "reset all error flags" or "start searching for sync". Consequently, Command Words may be issued by the processor to the COM 8251 A at any time during the execution of a program in which Figure 4 shows the format for the Command Word. Figure 4. COM 8251A Control Command 765432 I I I I I I O_BitNo. I I I ~ TxEN 1 = Enable transmission o = Disable transmission DTR 1 = DTR output is forced to 0 RxE 1 = Enable RxRDY 0= Disable RxRDY SBRK 1 = TxD is forced low o = Normal operation ER 1 = Resets all error flags in Status register (PE. OE, FE) RTS 1 = RTS output is forced to 0 IR 1 = Reset format EH 1 = Enter HUNT mode 182 Figure 2. Synchronous Mode Control Code. 7 6 I 5 4 I I I 3 2 1 O~BitNo. I0 I0 I ~ ~ ~sY",mod' 00 01 10 11 5 bits per character 6 bits per character 7 bits per character 8 bits per character 0= Parity disable, 1 = Parity enable 0= Odd parity, 1 = Even parity 0= SYNDET output 1 = SYNDET input 0= 2 SYNC characters 1 = 1 SYNC character Figure 3. Asynchronous Mode Control Code. 7 I 6 ~ 5 4 I I I 3 2 ~ 1 O~BitNo. I I I ~ t 00 01 10 11 Invalid (SYNC mode) Async mode, 1 X Baud rate factor Async mode, l6X Baud rate factor Async mode, 64X Baud rate factor 00 5 bits per character 01 6 bits per character 10 7 bits per character 11 8 bits per character 0= Parity disable, 1 = Parity enable 0= Odd parity, 1 = Even parity 00 01 10 11 183 Invalid 1 stop bit. 1'1. stop bits 2 stop bits Bit 2 is the Receiver Enable Command bit (RxE). RxE is used to enable the RxRDY output signal. RxE, when zero, prevents the RxRDY signal from being generated to notify the processor that a complete character is framed in the Receive Character Buffer. It does not inhibitthe assembly of data characters at the input, however. Consequently, if communication circuits are active, characters will be assembled by the receiver and transferred to the Receiver Buffer. If RxE is disabled, the overrun error (OE) will probably be set; to insure proper operation, the overrun error is usually reset with the same com mand that enables RxE. Bit 0 of the Command Word is the Transmit Enable bit (TxEN). Data transmission for the COM 8251A cannot take place unless TxEN is set (assuming CTS = 0) in the command register. The TX Disable command is prevented from halting transmission by the Tx Enable logic until all data previously written has been transmitted. Figure 5 defines the way in which TxEN, TxE and TxRDY combines to control transmitter operations. Bit 1 is the Data Terminal Ready (DTR) bit. When the DTR command bit is set, the DTR output connection is activ.e (low). DTR is used to advise a modem thatthe data terminal is prepared to accept or transmit data. Figure 5. Operation of the TransmiHer Section as a Function of TxE, TxRDY and TxEN TxEN 1 TxE 1 TxRDY Transmit Output Register and Transmit Character Buffer empty. 1 TxD continues to mark if COM 8251A is in the asynchronous mode. TxD will send SYNC pattern if COM 8251A is in the Synchronous Mode. Data can be entered into Buffer. o o Transmit Output Register is shifting a character. Transmit Character Buffer is available to receive a new byte from the processor. o Transmit Register has finished sending. A new character is waiting for transmission. This is a transient condition. o 0 Transmit Register is currently sending and an additional character is stored in the Transmit Character Buffer for transmission. 0/1 0/1 Transmitter is disabled. return to the Idle mode. All functions within the COM 8251A cease and no new operation can be resumed until the circuit is reinitialized. If the operating mode is to be altered during the execution of a processor program, the COM 8251A must first be reset. Either the RESET input can be activated, or the Internal Reset Command can be sent to the COM 8251A. Internal Reset is a momentary function performed only when the command is issued. Bit3 is the Send Break Command bit (SBRK). When SBRK is set, the transmitter output (TxD) is interrupted and a continuous binary "0" level, (spacing) isappliedtotheTxD output signal. The break will continue until a subsequent Command Word is senttotheCOM 8251 A to removeSBRK. Bit 4 is the Error Reset bit (ER). When a Command Word is Uansferred with the ER bit set, all three error flags (PE, OE, FE) in the Status Register are reset. Error Reset occurs when the Command Word is loaded into the COM 8251A. No latch is provided in the Command Registerto save the ER command bit. Bit 7 is the Enter Hunt command bit (EH). The Enter Hunt mode command is only effective for the COM 8251A when it is operating in the Synchronous mode. EH causes the receiver to stop assembling characters at the RxD input, clear the Rx register to all "ones", and start searching for the prescribed sync pattern. Once the "Enter Hunt" mode has been initiated, the search for the sync pattern will continue indefinitely until EH is reset when a subsequent Command Word is sent, when the IR command is sent to the COM 8251 A, or when SYNC characters are recognized. Parity is not checked in the EH mode. Bit 5, the -=R"'-eq-u-e-s""t-=T""o""'S""'e-n"';'d Command bit (RTS), sets a latch to reflect the RTS signal level. The output of this latch is created independently of other signals in the COM 8251A. As a result, data transfers may be made by the processor to the Transmit Register, and data may be actively transmitted to the communication line through TxD regardless of the status of RTS. Bit 6, the Internal Reset (IR), causes the COM 8251A to STATUS REGISTER totally equivalent to the TxRDY output pin, the relationship The Status Register maintains information about the is as follows: current operational status of the COM 8251A. Status can be read at any time, however, the status update will be TxRDY (status bit) = Tx Character Buffer Empty inhibited during status read. Figure 6 shows the format of TxRDY (pin 15) = Tx Character Buffer Empty. CTS • TxEN the Status Register. TxRDY signals the processor that the Transmit Character Buffer is empty and that the COM 8251A can accept a new character for transmission. The TxRDY status bit is not 184 RxRDY signals the proceljsor that a completed character is holding in the Receive Character Buffer Register for transfer to the processor. Figure 6. The COM 8251A Status Register 7 I 6 I 5 I 4 I 3 I 2 I O-+-BitNo. I I I i TxRDY RxRDY TxE PE Parity error OE Overrun error FE Framing error SYNDET/BRKDET DSR TxE signals the processor that the Transmit Register is empty. SYNDET is the synchronous mode status bit associated with internal or external sync detection. PE is the Parity Error signal indicating to the CPU that the character stored in the Receive Character Buffer was received with an incorrect number of binary "1" bits. PE does not inhibit USART operation. PE is reset by the ER bit. OE isthe receiver Overrun Error. OE issetwheneverabyte stored in the Receiver Character Register is overwritten with a new byte before being transferred to the processor. OE does not inhibit USART operation. OE is reset by the ER bit. DSR is the status bit set by the external "'D"'a7""taCCS"e""t'-;R"e'-'a'--d'y signal to indicate that the communication Data Set is operational. All status bits are set by the functions described for them. SYNDET is reset whenever the processor reads the Status Register. OE, FE, PE are reset by the error reset command or the internal reset command or the RESET input. OE, FE, or PE being set does not inhibit USART operation. FE (Async only) is the character framing error which indicates that the asynchronous mode byte stored in the Receiver Character Buffer was received with incorrect bit format ("0'; stop bit), as specified by the current mode. FE does not inhibit USART operaton. FE is reset by the ER bit. Many olthe bits in the status register are copies of external pins. This dual status arrangement allows the USART to be used in both Polled and Interrupt driven environments. Status update can have a maximum delay of 16 tCY periods. Note: 1. While operating the receiver it is important to realize that the RxE bit of the Command Instruction only inhibits the assertion of RxRDY; it does not inhibit the actual reception of characters. As the receiver is constantly running, it is possible for it to contain extraneous data when it is enabled. To avoid problems this data should be read from the USART and discarded. This read should be done immediately following the setting olthe RxE bit in the asynchronous mode, and following the setting of EH in the synchronous mode. It is not necessary to wait for RxRDY before executing the clummy read. 3. The USART may provide faulty RxRDY for the first read after power-on or for the first read after the receiver is re-enabled by a command instruction (RxE). A dummy read is recommended to clear faulty RxRDY. This is not the case for the first read after hardware or software reset after the device opration has been established. 4. Internal Sync Detect is disabled when External Sync Detect is programmed. An External Sync Detect Status is provided through an internal flip-flop which clears itself, assuming the External Sync Detect assertion has removed, upon a status read. As long as External Sync Detect is asserted, External Sync Detect Status will remain high. 2. ER should be performed whenever RxE of EH are programmed. ER resets all error flags, even if RxE = O. 185 MAXIMUM GUARANTEED RATINGS* Operating Temperature Range ............................................................ O°C to +70°C Storage Temperature Range .......................................................... -55°C to +150°C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10 sec) ........................................................... +325°C Positive Voltage on any Pin, with respect to ground ................................................. +8.0V Negative Voltage on any Pin, with respect to ground ................................................ -0.3V 'Stresses above those listed may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these at any other condition above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. NOTE: When powering this device from laboratory or system power supplies, it is important that the Absolute Maximum Ratings not be exceeded or device failure can result. Some power supplies exhibit voltage spikes or "glitches" on their outputs when the AC power is switched on and off. In addition, voltage transients on the AC power line may appear on the DC output. If this possibility exists it is suggested that as clamp circuit be used. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TA = O°C to 70°C, Vee = +5V ±5%, unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER SYMBOLI I MIN. I MAX. TEST CONDITIONS UNIT I D.C. Characteristics V,L Input Low Voltage -0.3 0.8 V V,H Input High Voltage 2.0 Vee V VOL Output Low Voltage 0.45 V IOL=2.2 mA VOH Output High Voltage V IOH=-400pA IOFL Output Float Leakage ±10 pA VOUT = Vee TO 0.45V hL Input Leakage ±10 pA V,N = Vee TO 0.45V lee Power Supply Current 100 mA All Outputs = High 10 pF 20 pF 2.4 CapaCitance C,N CliO TA=25°C,Vee=GND I Input Capacitance I 1/0 Capacitance I IfC=1MHZ Unmeasured pins returned to GND A.C. Characteristics Bus Parameters (Note 1) Read Cycle: tAR Address Stable Before READ (CS, CiiS) 0 ns Note 2 tAA Address Hold Time for READ (CS, C/O) 0 ns Note 2 tAR READ Pulse Width 250 ns tRO Data Delay from READ tOF READ to Data Floating 10 200 ns 100 ns Note 3, CL = 150 pF Write Cycle: tAW Address Stable Before WRITE 0 ns tWA Address Hold Time for WRITE 0 ns tww WRITE Pulse Width 250 ns tow Data Set Up Time for WRITE 150 ns two Data Hold Time for WRITE 0 ns tRY Recovery Time Between WRITES 6 tev Note 4 Notes 5, 6 Other Timings: tev Clock Period .320 1.35 ps t~ Clock High Pulse Width 120 tcv-90 ns t;j; Clock Low PUlse Width gO 186 ns SYMBOL PARAMETER MIN. MAX. UNIT 20 ns 1 Jis tA, tF Clock Rise and Fall Time tOTx TxD Delay from Falling Edge of TxC tSAx Rx Data Set-Up Time to Sampling Pulse 2 Jis tHAx Rx Data Hold Time to Sampling Pulse 2 JiS fTx Transmitter Input Clock Frequency 1X Baud Rate 16X Baud Rate 64X Baud Rate hpw hpo fAx tAPW tAPO hxAOY 5 DC DC DC kHz kHz kHz Transmitter Input Clock Width 1X Baud Rate 16X and 64X Baud Rate 12 1 tCY tCY Transmitter Input Clock Pulse Delay 1X Baud Rate 16X and 64X Baud Rate 15 3 tCY tCY Receiver Input Clock Frequency 1X Baud Rate 16X Baud Rate 64X Baud Rate DC DC DC 64 310 615 kHz kHz kHz Receiver Input Clock Pulse Width 1X Baud Rate 16X and 64X Baud Rate 12 1 tCY tCY Receiver Input Clock Pulse Delay 1X Baud Rate 16X and 64X Baud Rate 15 3 tCY tCY TxRDY Pin Delay from Center of last Bit hxAOY CLEAA TxRDY I from Leading Edge of WR tAxAOY 64 310 615 RxRDY Pin Delay from Center of last Bit tAxAOY CLEAA RxRDY I from Leading Edge of RD TEST CONDITIONS 8 tCy Note 7 150 ns Note 7 24 tCY Note 7 150 ns Note 7 tiS Internal SYNDET Delay from Rising Edge of RxC 24 tCY Note 7 tES External SYNDET Set-Up Time Before Falling Edge of RxC 16 tCY Note 7 hxEMPTY TxEMPTY Delay from Center of Data Bit 20 tCY Note 7 twc Control Delay from Rising Edge of WRITE (TxEn, DTR, RTS) 8 tCY Note 7 tCA Control to READ Set-Up Time (DSR, CTS) 20 tCY Note 7 = NOTES: 1. AC timings m~sured VOH 2.0, \!Qb::. 0.8, and with load circuit of Figure 1. 2. Chip Select (CS) and Command/Data (C/15) are considered as Addresses. 3. Assumes that Address is valid before RDI. 4. This recovery time is for RESET and Mode Initialization. Write Data is allowed only when TxRDY = 1. Recovery Time between Writes for Asynchronous Mode is 8 tCY and for Synchronous Mode is 16 tCY. 5. The TxC and RxC frequencies have the following limitations with respect to ClK. For 1X Baud Rate, fTxorfRx:S 11(30 tCY) For 16X and 64X Baud Rate, fTX orfRx:S 1/(4.5 tCY) 6. Reset Pulse Width = 6 tCY minimum; System Clock must be running during RESET. 7. Status update can have a maximum delay of 28 clock periods from the event affecting the status. +20 2V Typical ~ Output Delay Versus ~ Capacitance (pF) / +10 / -10 Figure 1. -20 -100 TEST LOAD CIRCUIT 187 / .... SPEC / -50 +50 .<1 CAPACITANCE (pF) +100 WAVEFORMS System Clock Input CLOCK ¢ Transmitter Clock & Data TxC (lx MODE) TXC (1SxMODE) Tx DATA Receiver Clock & Data (Ax BAUD COUNTER STARTS HERE) DATA BIT START BIT Rx DATA "~-~tRPw---1---tAPO~ __ Rxe (1x MODE) _8A"XCPERtODS-_ _ (16x MODE) -~16R)(CPERIODS(11'-6-M-O-O-E-I---------11 x RxC 116x MODEl tNT SAMPLING PULSE 188 DATA BIT Write Data Cycle (CPU --. USART) TxROY -~ \J, i=-;l I tT,RDY CLEAR L:j 1--+ ~b ViA tDW DATA IN (O.B.) DON'TeARE os- ~ ~ Read Data Cycle (CPU RxRDV CS" USART) I~'RDYCLEARI t RR _ ~ _I c/o +- \J, / lffi DATA OUT (O.B,) DON'T CARE , i-;;; F c/o tWD DATA STABLE DATA FLOAT l~tRD I - 1 l - tDF DATA FLOAT DATA OUT ACTIVE ~~ .~ ~ 4- Write Control or Output Port Cycle (CPU --. USART) X OTR, RTS (NOTE #1) t-tww-jC tWC::..j 1-----J1 ViA l - t D W - : : i tWD , DATA IN (D.B.) I~ c/o os tAW /I l~tAW '4 ---:"L tWA 'K i----l,ty wA NOTE:t:l: Twc INCLUDES THE RESPONSE TIMING OF A CONTROL BYTE. 189 Read Control or Input Port (CPU ..... USART) OSR,CTS (NOTE #11 ----------~~------------------------------------ 1~ --+1 ~ 'CR 'RR-I ~= RO ~ DATA OUT (O,B,) -I 'AR ilI'---- I-'RO - - I-'OF - -I r-- 'RA L- CIO __________________j iii 'AR - - I--- 'RA ~ --------------,~L_ _ _ _ _ _ _~y_____ NOTE #1; TCR INCLUDES THE EFFECT OF ffi ON THE TxENBL CIRCUITRY. Transmitter Control & Flag Timing (ASYNC Mode) 'TxEMPTY 11}-----~ Tx EMPTY I'------+---~ Tx READY (STATUS BITI Tx READY (PIN) CID WrSBRK Ix DATA DATA CHAR 1 DATA CHAR 2 -e..-NMOIItItlID DATA CHAR 3 !::: tfATA CHAR 4 ~: iii g ~~ I;; c EXAMPLE FORMAT = 7 BIT CHARACTER WITH PARITY & 2 STOP BITS. I- ., Receiver Control & Flag Timing (ASYNC Mode) ~ BREAK DeTECT - r:- OVERRUN ERROR ISTATUSBlT) R"RDY r--- ~ tRIIRDV CHAR 2 LOST 1,-- f---- RdDATA C/O WrERR --drRIIEnl "d W. RIIEn V DATA CHAR 1 ~ wrRII~ --v- ~ ~ AKOATA V ~~ DATA CHAR 2 DATA CHAR 3 EXAMPLE FORMAT = 7 BIT CHARACTER WITH PARITY & 2 STOP BITS 190 >--<>-"NI')"Ll'I~ BREAK Transmitter Control & Flag Timing (SYNC Mode) -------. f-I'L- THREADV (STATUS BIT) THREADY (PIN! WrDATA CHARJ ~2 DA;~ SV!C\ CHAR 1 DATA CHAR2 CHAR 1 "" "il""" ~ WrCDMMAND SBRK, I WrDATA ,W,DATA ... ~ 'L ~ r- II c/o EXAMPLE FORMAT r- 1 _~'LMARKING STATE ~ n.. j "j 0,,3' WrDATA CHAR4 SVNCCHAR2 ... a' 2 J' C~~TRA~ AT:\ CHARJ ... 0" W,DATA wrcoMMA1! J' ... a' 2 3 ' ~5I~~ MARKING STATE ... SPACING STATE MAR STATE DATA CHAR ~ 0"3' SYNC CHAR ... 0' no 2 3, ... " .. 5 BIT CHARACTER WITH PARITy' 2 SYNC CHARACTERS Receiver Control & Flag Timing (SYNC Mode) SVNDET (PIN! NOTE 1 'IS---+ SVNDET IS,B! - .~TE·.!....J tES_ OVERRUN ERROR IS,BI c/o r-----< ''--- ,--- ~ ~ (t:Ls --.i'f!rRHEn' EH' Rd DATA CHAR 1 Rd DATA CHAR 3 -V DON'T CARE Rx DATA 0- .~ -RdSTATUS Rd:rT::~S r-- \... Rd SYNC CHAR 1 RdDATA L SYNC CHAR 1 SYNC CHAR2 ." ','J." •• , , • ;."X' , , , T [1 I I fTTTTTT I DATA CHAR' co, l[J CHAR 2 >--DATA CHAR3 2 3 ' cO 1 2 3 ' cD' ~CHARASsn,1,JsT 23' 'TTTTT \C'i\..i \,J CHAR 1 COl 2 SYNC CHAR 2 >X' CO, 23' • , , , "x- - LEXIT HUNT MODE SET SYNC DET HD 1 2 3 ' / EXIT HUNT MODE) SET SYN Del (STATUS BIT) INTERNAL SYNC, 2 SYNC CHARACTERS, 5 BITS, WITH PARITY EXTERNAL SYNC, 5 BITS, WITH PARITV 191 DATA \.. CHAR 2 DATA CHAR' DON'T CARE JUl Jlf\I1Jlf NOTE·' c-- fu C,OX, 2 " CHAR ASSY BEGINS 1JUl I~ . M SET SVNDET (STATUSBITf' ETC, ,X APPLICATION OF THE COM8251A Asynchronous Serial Interface to CRT Terminal, DC to 9600 Baud Synchronous Interface to Terminal or Peripheral Device SYNCHRONOUS TERMINAL OR PERIPHERAL OEVICE SYNDET Asynchronous Interface to Telephone Lines Synchronous Interface to Telephone Lines PHONE PHONE D'i"R COM82S1A rn LINE LINE INTER INTER· FACE SYNC FACE MODEM ill 1 TELEPHONE LINE COM8251A Interface to IlP Standard System Bus ., ADDRESS BUS CONTROL BUS 110 R i70Wl RESET DATA BUS e/fi a- 17 °1--00 Ifij" WR RESET elK COMI251A Circuit diagrams utilizing SMC products are included as a means of illustrating typical semiconductor applications; consequently complete information sufficient for construction purposes is not necessarily given. The information has been carefully checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. However, no responsibility is ~~~~~:~~~~~7b~d~~~:Tcie~~;t~~de~;~e ~a~~~~~f~~:t~~~~OC6~6\~~~s~SV~c}~:s~~;~~~~:rr~~~ros~~~~6~~~~~~ at any time in order to improve design and supply the best product possible. 192 COM82586 PRELIMINARY Ethernet™Local Area Network Coprocessor FEATURES o Performs Complete CSMA/CD Medium Access Control Functions Independently of CPU -High Level Command Interface o Supports Established LAN Standards -IEEE 802.3/EtherneFM (10BASE5) -IEEE 802.3/Cheapernet (10BASE2) -IBM PC Network -IEEE 802.3/StarLAN (1BASE5) -Proprietary CSMNCD Networks up to 10 Mbps o On-Chip Memory Management -Automatic Buffer Chaining -Buffer Reclaim After Receipt of Bad Frames -Save Bad Frames, Optionally o Interfaces to 8-bit and 16-bit Microprocessors o Supports Minimum Component Systems -Shared Bus Configuration -Interface to IAPX 186 and 188 Microprocessors without Glue o Supports High Performance Systems -Bus Master, with On-Chip DMA -5 MBytesiSec Bus Bandwidth -Compatible with Dual Port Memory -Back to Back Frame Reception at 10 Mbps o 48 Pin DIP and 68 Pin PLCC PIN CONFIGURATION ~~~31W~~~2625~232221~191B NC AD5 ADs AD?, ADa AD9 Vss Vss 35 36 37 38 3CJ 40 1\1 42 17 NC MN/MX RST Vss V'l5 ADm NC NC 43 44 4., 46 47 5 RDY (ALE) AD" [ 48 4 AD,2 AD!] 49 50 3 00 (DEN) 51 (OT/A) Vee ARDYISRDY INT , 2 ~(~ 52~5455565758~OO6'~~M~~~~ ~~§~~1tJ~~~~I~I~~~ ,. :=.m..... .NY1"" Circuit diagrams utilizing SMC products are included as a means of illustrating typical semiconductor I!Pplications: consequentty complete information sufficient for construction purposes is not necessarily given. The Information has been carefully checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. However, no responslbllitv Is assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, such information does not convey to the urchaser of ·the semiconductor devices described any license under the patent rights of $MC or others. ~MC reserves the right to make changes at any time In order to improve deSign and supply the best product possible. 196 COM82C501 PRELIMINARY Ethernet™Serial Interface FEATURES PIN CONFIGURATION o Direct Replacement for Intel 82501 and 82C501, or SEEQ 8023A o Compatible with IE!:E 802.3 10BASE5 o o o o o o o o o o (EtherneFM) and 10BASE2 (Cheapernet) Specifications 10 Mbps Operation Replaces 8 to 12 MSI Components Manchester Encoding/Decoding and Receive Clock Recovery 10 MHz Transmit Clock Generator Drives/Receives IEEE 802.3 Transceiver Cable (AUI) Defeatable Watchdog Timer Circuit to Prevent Continuous Transmissions Diagnostic Loopback for Network Node Fault Detection and Isolation Direct Interface to the COM82586 LAN Coprocessor and COM82C502 Transceiver Low Power CMOS +5 Volt Only Operation ENETV1 ~ 1 20 Pvec NOOFH 2 19pTRMT LPBKlWDTD [ 3 18p TRMT RCV [ 4 17P TXD ReV [ 582C50116P,TxC CRS [ 6 15p'TEN CoT[ 7 14J X1 RXC[ 8 13JX2 RXD[ 9 12 J CLSN GND [ 10 11 J CLSN Package: 20·pin DIP GENERAL DESCRIPTION The COM82C501 EtherneFMSeriallnterface(ESI) chip is designed to work directly with the COM82586 LAN Coprocessor in IEEE 802.3 (10BASE5 and 10BASE2), 10 Mbps, Local Area Network applications. The major functions of the COM82C501 are to generate the 10 MHz transmit clock for the COM82586, perform Manchester encoding/decoding of the transmitted/received frames, and pro'>(ide the electrical fnterface to the EtherneFM transceiver cable (AU I). Diagnostic loopback control enables the COM82C501 to route the signal to be transmitted from the COM82586 through its Manchester encoding and decoding circuitry and back to the COM82586. The combined loopback capabilities of the COM82586 and COM82C501 result in efficient fault detection and isolation by providing sequential testing of the communications interface. An on-chip watchdog timer circuit (defeatable) prevents the station from locking up in a continuous transmit mode. The COM82C501 is socket compatible with the bipolar Intel 82501, the Seeq 8023A, and the CMOS Intel 82C501. Ethernet™ is a trademark of the Xerox Corporation. 197 a2986 Vee .IN TERFACE GND TRANSCEIVER CABLE INTERFACE I I COLLISIONPRESENCE GENERATION XCVR CABLE INTERFACE & NOISE FILTER CLSN I \ \ / I \ - ~ l RXD CARRIER-PRESENCE GENERATION 1 /- XCVR.CABLE INTERFACE AND NOISE FILTER +2 COUNTER CLOCK GENERATION TXD .---- TRANSCEIVER CABLE DRIVER I J J MANCHESTER DECODER AND CLOCK RECOVERY MANCHESTER ENCODER \ I WATCHDOG TIMER , \ \ RCV I \ ,_/' X, ~CRYSTAL X2 \ I I I \ - TRMT , \ / LPB FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PIN FUNCTIONS NAME Ethernet Version 1.0 SYMBOL ENETVl 2 Carrier Sense Option NOOR 3 Loopback/Watchdog Timer Disable LPBKI WDTD 4 5 Receiver Pair RCV RCV PIN NO. 1 FUNCTION An active low, MOS-Ievel input. When ENETVl is asserted, the TRMT/TRMT pair remains at high differential voltage at the end of transmission. This operation is compatible with the Ethernet Version 1.0 specification. If the ENETVl pin is left floating, an internal pullup resistor biases the input inactive high. An active low, MOS-Ievel input. When NOOR is asserted a valid ~al on the COllision-fQoence pa~SN/CLSN) will not force active low. With N R active can only be assert~g~ the presence of valid data bits on the RCV/R(W pair. If the pin is floating, an internal pull-up resistor biases the input inactive high. An active low, TIL-level control signal enables the loopback mode. In loopback mode serial data on the TXD input is routed through the 82C501 internal circuits and back to the RXD output without driving the TRMTITRMT output pair to the transceiver cable. During loopback CDT is asserted at the end of each transmission to simulate the SOE test. An input voltage of 12V ± 10% through a 4 KO resistor will disable the on-chip watchdog timer. A differentially driven input pair which is tied to the receive pair of the Ethernet transceiver cable. The first transition on RCV will be negative-going to indicate the beginning of a frame. The last transition should be positive-going to indicate the end of the frame. The received bit stream is assumed to be Manchester encoded. 198 PIN NO. 6 NAME SYMBOL FUNCTION Carrier Sense CRS 7 Collision Detect COT 8 Receive Clock RXC 9 Receive Data RXD 10 Ground GND 12 Collision Pair CLSN CLSN A differentially driven input pair tied to the collision-presence pair of the Ethernet transceiver cable. The collision-presence signal is a 10 MHz square wave. The first transition at CLSN is negativegoing to indicate the beginning of the signal; the last transition is positive-going to indicate the end of the signal. 14 13 15 Clock Crystal Transmit Enable X, X2 TEN 16 Transmit Clock TXC 17 Transmit Data TXD 19 18 Transmit Pair TRMT TRMT 20 MHz crystal inputs. When X2 is floated, X, can be used as an external MOS level input clock. An active low, TTL level signal synchronous to TXC that enables data transmission to the transceiver cable and starts the watchdog timer. TEN can be driven by the RTS from the COM82586. A 10 MHz MOS level clock output with 5 ns rise and fall times. This clock is connected directly to the TXC input of the COM82586. A TTL-level input signal that is directly connected to the serial data output, TXD, of the COM82586. A differential output driver pair that drives the transmit pair of the transceiver cable. The output bit stream is Manchester encoded. Following the last transmission, which is always positive at TRMT, the differential voltage is slowly reduced to zero volts in a series of steps. If ENETVI is asserted this voltage stepping is disabled. 20 Power Supply Vee 11 An active low, MOS-Ievel output to notify the COM82586 that there is activity on the coaxial cable. The signal is asserted when valid data or a collision-presence signal from the transceiver is present. It is deasserted at the end of a frame; or when the end of the collision-presence signal is detected, synchronous with RXC. After transmission, once deasserted, CRS will not be reasserted again for a period of 5 /lS minimum or 7 /lS maximum, regardless of any activi~the collision-presence signal (CLSN/CLSN) and RCV/RCV inputs. An active-low, MOS-Ievel signal which drives the COT input of the COM82586 controller. It is asserted as long as there is activity on the collision pair (CLSN/CLSN), and during SQE (heartbeat) test in loopback. A 10 MHz MOS level clock output with 5 ns rise and fall times. This output is connected to the COM82586 receive clock input RXC. There is a maximum 1.2 /lS delay at the beginning of a frame reception before the clock recovery circuit gains lock. During idle (no incoming frames) RXC is forced low. A MOS-Ievel output tied directly to the RXD input of the COM82586 controller and sampled by the COM82586 at the negative edge of RXC. The bit stream received from the transceiver cable is Manchester decoded prior to being transferred to the controller. This output remains high during idle. Reference. +5V ± 10%. 199 NOTE: For an updated data sheet please fill out the reply card in the back of this catalog or call SMC at (516) 273-3100. Circuit diagrams utilizing SMC products are included as a means of illustrating typical semiconductor applications: conse· quently complete information sufficient for construction purposes is not necessarily given. The information has been carefully checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, such information does not convey to the purchaser of the semiconductor devices described any license under the patent rights of SMC or others. SMC reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design and supply the best product possible. 200 COM82C502 PRELIMINARY EthernefMTransceiver Chip FEATURES o Conforms to the Following Standards: -IEEE 802.3, 10BASE5 (Ethernet'M) -IEEE 802.3, 10BASE2 (Cheapernet) -EtherneFM Version 2.0 o Jabber Function o Receive Based Collision Detection o Defeatable Signal Quality Error (Heartbeat) Test o o o o PIN CONFIGURATION REXT [ TRMT ~ TRMT ~ :~:~ CLSN CLSN Vss Requires Minimum Board Space -On-Chip Voltage Reference -16 Pin DIP 1 2 3 4 5 6 ~ 7 a '-' 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 ~~ ~ ~ VDD RTSO CXRD HBD AVec AVss Package: 16-pin DIP No External Adjustments Required Low Power CMOS Direct Replacement for Intel's 82502 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The COM82C502 EtherneFM Transceiver Chip is a CMOS LSI device that provides the complete set of transmit, receive and collision detection functions specified by the IEEE 802.3, 10 BASE5 (EtherneFM) and 10BASE2 (Cheapernet) 10 Mbps baseband standards for the Media Attachment Unit (MAU). The COM82C502 teams up the COM82586 CSMA/CD LAN Coprocessor and the COM82C501 EtherneFM Serial Interface enabling the designer to implement highly integrated IEEE 802.3 systems. Three basic functional blocks make up the COM82C502: transmit, receive and collision detection. The transmit and receive sections transfer data from the transceiver drop (Access Unit Interface or AUI) cable to the coaxial cable of the network and vice-versa. The collision detection section senses simultaneous transmissions by two or more network stations (collisions) on the coaxial cable and reacts by sending a 10 MHz signal across the transceiver drop cable to the station that it front ends. When used in an Ethernet™ application, the COM82C502 can drive a transceiver cable up to 50 meters in length (for Cheapernet, there is no transceiver cable). The COM82C502 provides all active communications circuitry for the transceiver function in the Ethernet'M Cheapernet environment. It is an ideal companion to the COM82C501. 201 TRANSCEIVER CABLE INTERFACE ·COAX CABLE INTERFACE TRMT TRMT CXTD HBD-t:-;~---i CLSN CLSN CXRD RCV RCV FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PIN FUNCTIONS NAME SYMBOL FUNCTION PIN NO. 2 3 Transmit Data Pair TRMT, TRMT A differentially driven input tied to the transmit pair of the transceiver cable. The transmit pair of the transceiver cable is driven with 10 Mbps Manchester encoded data from the serial interface of the data link (82501). TRMT/TRMT must be isolated from the transceiver cable by a pulse transformer. The last transition is expected to be positive indicating end of packet. 4 5 Receive Data Pair RCV, RCV An output driver pair that generates an ECl AC signal level to drive the transceiver cable receive pair with the 10 Mbps Manchester encoded data received from the coaxial cable of the network. RCV IRCV must be isolated from the transceiver cable by a pulse transformer. The last transition is always positive indicating the end of the packet. The current from the RCV pin is incrementally decreased after the last transition. 7 6 Collision Presence Pair ClSN, ClSN An output driver pair that generates a 10 MHz ECl AC signal level square wave on the collision presence pair of the transceiver cable when: a collision is detected 011 the coaxial cable of the network, during self-test as the collision circuit heartbeat indication, or after the watchdog timer has expired to indicate that the coaxial cable transmitter is disabled. 15 Coaxial Cable Transmit Data CXTD An output pin that transmits data onto the coaxial cable of the network by sinking current from the center conductor of the coaxial cable. The last data transition at the end of a packet is always low to high. 12 Coaxial Cable Receive Data CXRD An input pin that receives data from the coaxial cable of the network. Typical signal levels (referenced to Voo) received on CXRD are -200 mV for high, -1.8V for a low and OV during idle. The last data transition received is expected to be positive indicating the end of packet. 202 DESCRIPTION OF PIN FUNCTIONS PIN NO. 11 NAME Heartbeat Disable SYMBOL HBD FUNCTION 1 External Resistor REXT A 2430 0.5% resistor is attached between REXT and ground (Vss) to provide precision internal current levels. 13 Redundant Transmit Squelch RTSQ 16 Power Supply Vee " An open drain output that indicates the operational state of the 82502 transmitter. The output can be used to provide a redundant method of disabling the transceiver (MAU) transmitter for greater network reliability. +5 ± 10% volts. 8 14 10 Ground Power Coax Shield Analog Power Vss " Vee " AVee " g Analog Ground AVss " A strapping option that when tied low (Vss), allows the transceiver to generate a collision detect heartbeat signal after each packet. A high (Vee) on this pin disables the heartbeat circuitry as well as the 6.4 /1S transmit inhibit timer but keeps the collision circuit enabled for use in repeater applications. GROUND +10 ± 10% volts. +5 ± 10% volts. Included to reduce the effects of the current fluctuations in the Vee pin. Included to reduce the effects of current fluctuations in the Vss pin. "NOTE: These voltages are referenced to Vss. The shield of the coaxial cable of the Ethernet™channel (Voo) is connected to earth ground. Design Example POWER PAIR 1~-+~~----~~~~~--------~--------~ O.D1ILF soo TRANSCEIVER CABLE SHIELD ETHERNET COAX 0.D1f).F,2KV TRANSMIT PAIR : 8 ·ill :8 :8 RECEIVE PAIR COLLISION PAIR 2 • Voo TRMT 14 0.22ILF~ 78!l TRMT 5V COM82C502 43.2U 4 CXTD RCV CXRD 15 12 RCV RTSQ 43.211 7 6 13 1001'1 FUSIBLE 1/8W CLSN HBD 11 CLSN NOTES: 1. Pulse transformer indUctance 2':50 pH, typically 75pH 2. Isolated power supply: Pulse Engineering Inc. part no. PE·64369 Reliability Inc. part nos. 2E12R10·5, 2VA12U10-5, and 2VA5U10-5. 3. Isolated power supply may require additional decoupling on its inputs and outputs. Typical10BASE5 (Ethernet™) Transceiver Implementation Using the COM82C502. 203 COTE LTRANSCEIVER TAP BOX IEEE 802.3 10 Base 2 (Cheapernet): This configuration supports 30 users per segment, each segment being 185 meters long. NETWORK COAXIAL CABLE IEEE 802.3 10 Base 5 (Ethernet): This configuration supports 100 users per segment, each segment b~ing .500 meters long. NOTE: For an updated data sheet please fill out the reply card in the back of this catalog or call SMC at (516) 273-3100. EthernetrM is a trademark of Xerox Corporation. SJ~~~~~ ~H~~~~~= Circuit diagrams utilizing SMC products are included as a means of illustrating typical semiconductor appli· ;. cations: consequently complete information sufficient for construction purposes is not necessarily given. The information has been carefully checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore. such information does not convey to the purchaser of the semiconductor devices described any license under the patent rights 'of SMC or others_ SMC reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design and supply the best product possible. 204 COM 9026 Local Area Network Controller LANCTM FEATURES o 2_5 M bit data rate o ARCNET® local area network controller o Modified token passing protocol o Self-reconfiguring as nodes are added or deleted from network o Handles variable length data packets o 16 bit CRC check and generation o System efficiency increases with network loading o Standard microprocessor interface o Supports up to 255 nodes per network segment o Ability to interrupt processor at conclUSion of commands o Interfaces to an external 1K or 2K RAM buffer o Arbitrates buffer accesses between processor and COM 9026 o Replaces over 100 MSI/SSI parts o Ability to transmit broadcast messages o Compatible with broadband or baseband systems. o Compatible with any interconnect media PIN CONFIGURATION ~IO .('0;5 I~ ~ ~u!zoool;> 0 _ ET2 CA ET1 TEST2 TEST1 • -_«w_«I~ ~I ~n° ll! ll! C/l< Q::O ll! !::I!!!I!!! ~ < 5! 0 PACKAGE: 44-pin PLCC 1...1 N/C AD, AD, AD, AD, AD, GND CLK ILE WE DE BWR RiW IOAEO MAEO AS AEO WAIT Ai[ ADIE BE WE iIT ClK GND ....., 8 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 10 9 0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 POA VC~ Ai( 'fX DSYNC AS IDDAT IDlD A9 A10 ECHO INTA ADO AD1 AD2 AD3 AD4 AD5 AD6 AD7 PACKAGE: 40-pin DIP o Arbitrary network configurations can be used (star, tree, etc_) o Single + 5 volt supply (twisted pair, coax, etc_) GENERAL DESCRIPTION The COM 90C26 is a special purpose communications adapter for interconnecting processors and intelligent peripherals using the ARCNET local area network_ The ARCNET local area network is a self-polling "modified token passing" network operating at a 2_5 M bit data rate_ A "modified token passing" scheme is one in which all token passes are acknowledged by the node accepting the token_ The token passing network scheme avoids the fluctuating channel access times caused by data collisions in so-called CSMAlCD schemes such as Ethernet The Com 90C26 circuit contains a microprogrammed sequencer and all the logic necessary to control the token passing mechanism on the network and send and receive data packets at the appropriate time_ A maximum of 255 ~odes may be connected to the network with each node being assigned a unique ID_ The COM 9OC26 establishes the network configuration, and automatically re-configures the network as new nodes are added or deleted from the network. The COM 90C26 performs address decode, CRC checking and generation, and packet acknowledgement, as well as other network management functions_ The COM 90C26 interfaces directly to the host processor through a standard multiplexed addressl data bus. An external RAM buffer of up to 2K locations is used to hold up to four data packets with a maximum length of 508 bytes per message_ The .RAM buffer is accessed both by the processor and the COM 90C26_ The processor can write commands to the COM 9OC26 and also read COM 90C26 status. The COM 90C26 will provide all signals necessary to allow smooth arbitration of all RAM buffer 9perations. ARCNET" is a'registered trademark of the Datapolnt Corporation. 205 ii;;;i!; For additional information, consult your 1986 SMC catalog or contact our product marketing department at (516) 273-3100. Circuit diagrams utilizing SMC products are included as a means of illustrating typical semiconductor applications: consequently complete information sufficient for construction purposes is not necessarily given. The information has been carefully checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, such information does not convey to the purchaser of the semiconductor devices described any license under the patent rights of SMC or others. SMC reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design ana supply the best product possible. 206 COM90C26 PRELIMINARY Local Area Network Controller LANCTM FEATURES o 2.5 M bit data rate o ARCNET® local area network controller o Modified token passing protocol o Self-reconfiguring as nodes are added or deleted from network o Handles variable length data packets o 16 bit CRC check and generation o System efficiency increases with network loading o Standard microprocessor interface o Supports up to 255 nodes per network segment o Ability to interrupt processor at conclusion of commands o Interfaces to an external 1K or 2K RAM buffer o Arbitrates buffer accesses between processor and COM 90C26 o Replaces over 100 MSI/SSI parts o Ability to transmit broadcast messages o Compatible with broadband or baseband systems o Compatible with any interconnect media (twisted pair, coax, etc.) o Low power CMOS technology PIN CONFIGURATION ~IO I~ ---<'-__ >---< C~O;....M....:9_'_OC;:,,:2_'_6.... HI_A;;;.DD"_'R_~~I~------ HI ADDR I A D 7 - 0 - - - - - - - - - - !t~RAMDOUT r WAIT _ _ _ _ _ _...J AD IE 1 COM90C26 LOW ADDR ) \ H !~ It l~ OE-------~\l ATE - - - - - - - - 1 t~ ~l I \ '--;1 \ I \ ~l n I FIGURE 5-PROCESSOR READ RAM FOLLOWED BY COM 90C26 READ RAM 213 and driven out via the logic function RD ended with REQ. For ~rocessor I/O read cycles from the COM 90C26, ADIE and AlE are used to enable the processor address into the COM 90C26. Data out of the COM 90C26 is gated through the transparent latch and appears on the processor's data bus with the same control signals used for RAM read cycles; For processor write cycle~fter the falling edge of C. the COM 90C26 produces a WE (write enable) output to the RAM buffer, and the IlE output from the COM 90C26 allows the processor data to source the interface address/data bus (IAD7-IADO). At this time the COM 90C26 waits for DWR before concluding the cycle by removing the WAIT output. DWR should only be used if the processor cannot deliver the data to be written in enough time to satisfy the write setup time requirements of the RAM buffer. By delaying the activation of DWR, the period of the write cycle will be extended until the write data is valid. Since the architecture and operation of the COM 90C26 requires periodic reading and writing ofthe RAM buffer in a timely manner, holding the DWR input off for a long period of time, or likewise by running the processor at a slow speed, can result in a data overflow condition. It is therefore recommended that ifthe processor write data setup time to the RAM buffer is met, then the DWR input should be grounded. For processor I/O write cycles to the COM 90C26, ADIE and AlE are used to enable the processor's address onto the interface data bus. IlE is used to enable the processor's write data into the COM 90C26. Delaying the activation of DWR will hold up the COM 90C26 cycle requiring the same precautions as stated for Processor RAM Write cycles. As stated previously, processor requests occur atthe falling edge of AS if either 10REQ or MREQ are active. COM 90C26 requests occur when the transmitter or receiver need to read or write the RAM buffer in the course of executing the command. If the COM 90C26 requests a bus cycle at the same time as the processor, or shortly after the processor, the COM 90C26 cycle will follow immediately after the processor cycle. Figure 5 illustrates the timing relationship of a Processor RAM Read cycle followed by a COM 90C26 RAM . read cycle. Once the AS signal captures the processor address to the RAM buffer and requests a bus cycle, it takes 4 ClK periods for the processor cycle to end. Figure 5, breaks up these 4 ClK periods into 8 half clock interval labeled 1P through 8P. A COM 90C26 access cycle will take 5 ClK periods to end. FigureS breaks up these 5 ClK periods into 10 half intervals labeled 1C through 10C. If a processor cycle request occurs after a COM 90C26 request has already been granted, the COM 90C26 cycle will occur first, as shown in figure 5. Figure 6 illustrates the timing relationship of a COM 90C26 RAM Write cycle followed by a Processor RAM Write cycle. Due to the asynchronous nature of the bus requests (AS and ClK), the transition from the end of the COM 90C26 cycle to the beginning of the processor cycle might have some dead time. Refering to figure 6, if AS falling edge occurs after the start of half ClK interval 9C, no real contention exists and it will take between 200 and 500 nanoseconds before the processor cycle can start. The start of the processor cycle is defined as the time when the COM 90C26 produces a leading edge on both ADIE and AlE. If the processor request ClK AS ____~r----\L_______________________________4I.~ PA 15-8 :::=======~X.(-:::C~Hc:!.11A-;:CD:::D~R~-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-~tI-~-----'L _ _ _ __ PAD7-0 _ _ _ _ _'l lO ADDR XPROCESSOR WRITE DATA X'------l::==x:::::::= RWMREQ _ _ _~\~\\~\~_ _L'ZUZ~_______________~~~ REQ _ _ _ _ _ulnZ~ZZ.------------------------------------~I~ -....J' 1I ) II \L__________________ IA1O-8 ---< COM 90C26 HI ADOR >----< HI ADDR WAIT __________, \ ADIE.AIE--------------,\'___________~, II II I-----.\~__________~~~________~lr----~l~l-----\~ ____Jlr----------,\'_ _____', II II ILE FIGURE 6-COM 90C26 WRITE RAM FOLLOWED BY PROCESSOR WRITE RAM 214 BIT 2 (RECON) set to a logic "0". BIT 1 (TMA) set to a logic "0". BIT 0 (TA) set to a logic "1". occurs before the end of half ClK interval5C (figure 6 illustrates this situation), then the processor cycle will always start at half ClK interval 1P. The uncertainty is introduced when the processor request occurs during half ClK intervals 6C, 7C or ac. In this case, the processor cycle will start between 200 and 500 nanoseconds later depending on the particular timing relation between AS and ClK. The maximum time between processor request and processor cycle start, which occurs when the processor request comes just after a COM 90C26 request, is 1300 nanoseconds. It should be noted that all times specified above assume a nominal ClK period of 200 nanoseconds. In addition the DSYNC output is reset inactive high and the interrupt mask register is reset (no maskable interrupts enabled). Page 00 is selected for both the receive and the transmit RAM buffer. After the paR signal is removed, the COM 90C26 will generate an interrupt from the nonmaskable Power On Reset interrupt. The COM 90C26 will start operation four CA clock cycles after the paR signal is removed. At this time, the COM 90C26, after reading its ID from the external shift register, will execute two write cycles to the RAM buffer. Address 00 HEX will be written with the data D1 HEX and address 01 HEX will be written with the ID number as previously read from the external shift register. The processor may then read RAM buffer address 01 to determine the COM 90C261D. It should be noted thatthe data pattern D1 written into the RAM has been chosen arbitrarily. Only if the D1 pattern appears in the RAM buffer can proper operation be assured. Figures 7 and a illustrate timing for Processor Read COM 90C26 and Processor Write COM 90C26 respectively. These cycles are also shown divided into a half clock intervals (1P through ap) and can be inserted within figures 5 and 6 if these processor cycles occur. POWER UP AND INITIALIZATION The COM 90C26 has the following power up requirements: 1-The paR input must be active for at least 100 milliseconds. 2-The ClK input must run for at least 10 clock cycles before the paR input is removed. 3-While paR is asserted, the CA input may be running or held high. If the CA input is running, paR may be released asynchronously with respect to CA. If the CA input is held high, paR may be released before CA begins running. CLOCK GENERATOR The COM 90C26 uses two separate clock inputs namely CA and ClK. The ClK input is a 5 MHz free running clock and the CA input is a start/stop clock periodically stopped and started to allow the COM 90C26 to synchronize to the incoming data that appears on the RX input. Figure 9 illustrates the timing of the CA clock generator and its relationship to the DSYNC output and the RX input. The DSYNC output is used to control the stopping of the CA clock. On the next rising edge of the CA input after DSYNC is asserted, CA will remain in the high state. The CA clock remains halted in the high state as long as the RX signal remains high. When the RX signal goes low, the CA clock is restarted and remains running until the next falling edge of DSYNC. (See figure 10 for an implementation of this circuit.) During paR the status register will assume the following state: BIT 7 (RI) set to a logic "1". BIT 6 (ETS2) not affected BIT 5 (ETS1) not affected BIT 4 (PaR) set to a logic "1". BIT 3 (TEST) set to a logic "0". CLK~~ CLK~ AS~~!------------------­ PA1S-8 ~ PAD7-0 -===x LOW ADOR PA1S-8 x:=:!~PROCESSOR WRITE DATA rrr-: R Vi IDREO -----s\S\ AS~~!-------------------- II HI ADDR PA07-0 1 ~ -===x :I-~l___________________ HI AODR LOW ADDR x:=:!~PROCESSOR WRITE DATA ~~l--------RWiOREO_-----s\S\~~____~UL _____________________ \'~l--------------~r--- wR------\,~l-------~r--­ REo----1..1.1..ln"TT""------ll~1- - - - - - - - - REo----1..1.1..l17Tr-------lll-l- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - WR IAlO·8 -------------4n--. ~ 74lS166 ~ I II I I I II SWITCH 20 MHZ SQUARE WAVE Fiber Optic Driver Raycom Systems 6395 Gunpark Drive Boulder, Colorado 80301 "COM91C32 - Improved local Area Network Transceiver is also compatible with the COM 9026/90C26. See page 247 FIGURE 2-COM90C32 SYSTEM INTERFACE ,. '1 "' DESCRIPTION OF PIN FUNCTIONS (Refer to figure 2) COM 9026/COM 90C26 INTERFACE PIN NO. 1,2 NAME PULSE 2 PULSE 1 SYMBOL PULS2 PULS1 3 BLANK BLNK 10 RECEIVE IN RXIN 11 RECEIVE OUT DELAYED SYNC CA 12 13 14 15 TRANSMIT DATA TRANSMIT INHIBIT RXOUT DSYNC CA TX INHTX FUNCTION PULS2 and PULS 1 are two nonoverlapP-iOl negative pulses which occur every time the TX input is pulsed. PULS2 and P LS1 are used to feed an external driver as shown in figure 2. When used with the circuitr~ shown in figure 2, this output should be left unconnected. The timing 0 this signal is shown in figure 4. This input is the recovered receive data from the network. For each dipulse appearing on the network, the comparator shown in figure 2 will produce a positive pulse which directly feeds this input. This output is the NRZ data generated as a function of the RXIN ~ulse waveform which directly feeds the RX input of the COM9026/COM90C26, pin 38). This active low input, which is asserted by the COM9026/COM90C26, will halt the CA clock output. This output is a 5 MHz start/stop clock that is halted when DSYNC goes active low and restarted by a low signal on the RXOUT output. This clo<;i< is capable of driving 70 pf plus one LS load with 20 nanoseconds rise and fall times. This input, which is asserted by the COM9026/COM90C26, is the serial data transmitted by the node. This active low input inhibits the TX signal from initiating transmit signals ~ forcing PULS1 and PULS2 to a high and BLNK to a low. This signal shaul be asserted during a power on reset condition. SYSTEM CLOCK INTERFACE PIN NO. 4 5 NAME CPU CLOCK CLOCK SELECT SYMBOL CPUCLK CKSEL FUNCTION This output is a 4 MHz free running clock capable of drivin~ 130 pf with 30 nanosecond rise and fall times. It is identical to the TlLCL input when CKSEL is high. When CKSEL is low, this output becomes the inversion of the signal that is fed into the TTLCLK input. This input selects the clock interface option for the TTLCLK and CPUCLK. When this signal is high, both the TTLCLK and CPUCLK are identical 4 MHz free running clock outputs which areveenerated from the 20 MHz input clock (OSC) via a divide by 5 frequenc divider. hen this input is low, the TTLCLK pin becomes an input and the CPU LK output will produce the inversion of the Signal appearing on TTLCLK input. This ~in can be either an inEut or an output dependinR"on the state of the CKS L input. When CKSE is high, a free running 4 Hz clock is ouput. When CKSEL is low, the pin becomes an input which drives an inverter that feeds the CPUCLK output. This input requires a 20 MHz clock. (See COM91C32 for built-in oscillator). This outgut will supply the free runnin9 5 MHz clock to the COM90261 COM90 26, pin 19. It is capable of driving 70 pf plus one LS load with 20 nanoseconds rise and fall times. Ground Power Supply t 6 TTL CLOCK TTLCLK 7 OSCILLATOR LOCAL AREA NETWORK CLOCK GROUND +5 VOLT SUPPLY OSC LANCLK '9 8 16 GND Vee FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION Transmit logic (refer to figures 2 and 4) _The COM 9026/COM 90C26, when transmitting data on TX, will produce a negative pulse of 200 nanoseconds in duration to indicate a logic "1" and no pulse to indicate a !Q1lic "0". Refering to figure 4, a 200 nanosecond pulse on TX is converted to two,100 nanosecond non over~ pulses shown as PULS1 and PULS2. The signals PULS1 and PULS2 are used to create a 200 nanosecond wide dipulse by driving opposite ends of the RF transformer shown in figure 2. Receive logic (refer to figures 2 and 5) As each dipulse appears on the cable, it is coupled through the RF transformer, passes through the matched filter, and feeds the 751088 comparator. The 751088 pro- 225 duces a positive pulse for each dipulse received from the cable. These pulses are captured by the COM 90C32 and are converted to NRZ data with the NRZ data bit boundaries being delayed by 5 OSC clock periods as shown in figure 5. As each byte is received by the COM 9026/COM 90C26, the CA clock is stopped by the COM 9026/COM 90C26 (via DSYNC) until the first bit of the next byte is received which will automatically restart the CA clock. The COM 9026/COM 90C26 uses the CA clock to sample the NRZ data and these sample points are shown in figure 5. Typically, RXIN pulses occur at multiples olthe transmission rate of 2.5 MHz (400 nanoseconds). The COM 90C32 can tolerate distortion of plus or minus 100 nanoseconds and still correctly capture and convert the RXIN pulses to NRZformat. MAXIMUM GUARANTEED RATINGS· Operating Temperature Range .................................................................................... O°C to 70°C Storage Temperature Range ................................................................................... - 55° to 150°C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10 sec.) .................................................................................. 325°C Positive Voltage on any Pin ........................................................................................ Vee + 0.3V Negative Voltage on any Pin ............................................................................................ - 0.3V Maximum Vee ................. : .......................................................................................... + 7V 'Stresses above those listed may ca!Jse permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or at any other condition above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TA = O°Cto + 70°C, Vee = 5V ±5%) PARAMETER INPUT VOLTAGES VIH VIL OUTPUT VOLTAGES VOH ' MIN TYP VOL' VOH3 UNIT 0.8 V V 2.7 2.4 V VOL' VOH2 MAX Vee-0.5 0.4 V 0.4 V V V 0.4 V 50 10 I1A I1A 20 pf 20 rnA MAX UNIT Vee-0.5 VOL> LEAKAGE CURRENT I" I" INPUT CAPACITANCE CIN SUPPLY CURRENT Icc COMMENTS 10H= -0.4 rnA, PULS1, PULS2, BLNK, RXOUT and TTLCLK outputs. ____ 10L = 4.0 rnA, PULS1, PULS2, BLNK, RXOUT and TTLCLK outputs. 10H = - 0.1 rnA, CPUCLK output. 10L = 0.1 rnA, CPUCLK output. 10H = - 0.1 rnA, CA and LANCLK outputs. 10L = 0.4 rnA, CA and LANCLK outputs. TTLCLK input with CKSEL low. all other inputs. at 20 MHz OSC frequency. AC CHARACTERISTICS PARAMETER OSClnput Icy, tCH1 tel1 MIN TYP 50 ns ns ns 200 ns ns ns ns ns 20 20 COMMENTS CA, LANCLK t CY2 tCH2 teL2 tF2 tR, TTLCLK 1cY3 IcH3 IcL3 CPUCLK (CKSEL is high) Icy, 1cH4 IcL4 tF' tR4 tOCK TRANSMIT TIMING tsTC tHTC top tp1W twa tp2W tRST RECEIVE TIMING 'tootRW"- t RO tsso !sse ,"ow 75 75 20 20 250 ns ns ns 250 ns ns ns ns ns ns 110 110 110 110 30 30 45 50 10 30 60 2tey, Icy, 2tey, 40 30 10 70 10 5lcy, +,too 20 400 226 ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ' ns for CKSEL low. (c~liEt~w)-J I", CPUCLK (CKSEL HIGH) t . f 1:'-1--- ---1' ,e, --- FIGURE 3: CLOCK TIMING DSC CA FIGURE 4: TRANSMIT TIMING PARAMETERS ~~ ':"' RXIN I" 1_ DSYNC I I SAMPLE SAMPLE t 1= FIGURE 5: RECEIVE TIMING PARAMETERS 227 + Circuit diagrams utilizing' SMC products are included as a means of illustrating typical semiconductor applications; consequently complete information sufficient for construction purposes is not necessarily given, The ~n;~~~:~~~r rna:c~~~a~i;:~~~~~he~~gr~~~u~di~~o~~i~ii~~dtge~~~n~~~!~;i~~~~ep~~~aeSv:rrOfth;~:~~bi~~I~t6t~~ devices described any license under the patent rights of SMC or others. SMC reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design and supply the best product possible: 228 COM9046 PRELIMINARY Single Side Band Speech Scrambler PIN CONFIGURATION FEATURES D Speech Scrambling/Descrambling D High Dynamic Range D Low Voltage Operation D Low Power Consumption D On Board Crystal Oscillator D Uses Common Color Burst Crystal D Full Duplex Operation D Selectable Scramble Enable/Disable D Switched Capacitor Filter D COPLAMOS® n-Channel Silicon Gate Technology N/C Scramble 2 Vss 3 Ref 4 In-S 5 Out-S 6 Vdd. 7 14 13 12 11 10 XTAL, N/C XTAL, In-A Out-A 9 Vdd 8 Vss. GENERAL DESCRIPTION The COM9046 is a monolithic integrated circuit containing a voice scrambler, a descrambler and a crystal oscillator. It is designed to provide speech communication equipment with a privacy feature. The COM9046 is also designed to operate with power supply voltages as low as ± 2Volts. The low voltage operation and low power consumption of the COM9046 make it ideal for use in portable equipment. Two identical speech channels are contained in the COM9046 for full duplex operation. Either channel is capa- . 229 ble of performing the scrambling or descrambling function. These functions can be enabled or disabled via an external pin. The on-board oscillator employs an inexpensive 3.58 MHz TV color-burst crystal. Switched capacitor techniques are used to perform analog signal processing in the COM9046. Typical applications for the COM9046 are Voice Communications, Cellular Phones, Wireless Phones, PBX's, Dictation Machines, Two-way Radios and Audio Recording Equipment. SPEECH INPUT SPEECH INPUT DOUBLE SIDEBAND MODULATOR LOW PASS FILTER DOUBLE SIDEBAND MODULATOR LOW PASS FILTER 10 OUT·A 6 OUT·B 2 SCRAMBLE 9 Vdd +2.6V 7 VddA Vss VssA -2.6V 10M 15pf ±10% PSPf ±10°1' Figure 1 BLOCK DIAGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PIN FUNCTIONS PIN# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 NAME N/C Scramble Digital Supply Ref Input Audio Input B Audio Output B Analog Supply Analog Supply Digital Supply Audio Output A Audio Input A Crystal inpuV Ext Clock N/C 14 Crystal input 12 SYMBOL Vss Ref In-B Out-B Vdd A Vss A Vdd Out-A In-A XTAL, XTAL2 DESCRIPTION No Connection Vss applied to this pin asserts the scramble; Vdd asserts non-scramble. Negative digital supply. Vss is typically - 2.6 volts with respect to pin 4. Analog ground or mid-supply voltage. This is the chip 0 volt reference. Channel B audio input. D.C. voltage must be OV with respect to pin 4. Channel B audio output. DC voltage is OV typical with respect to pin 4. Positive analog supply. Vdd is typically + 2.6 volts with respect to pin 4. Negative analog supply. Vss A is typically - 2.6 volts with respect to pin 4. Positive digital supply. Vss is typically + 2.6 volts with respect to pin 4. Channel A audio output. DC voltage is OV typical with respect to pin 4. Channel B audio input. D.C. voltage must be OV with respect to pin 4. Crystal Oscillator input or external clock. External clock frequency should be 3.58MHz with an amplitude of 4Vp-p and OVDC. No connection Crystal Oscillator output. This pin is left floating when external clock is applied to pin 12. 230 OPERATION Figure '1 shows a block diagram of the chip. Also shown in Figure 1 are the required external components. ing the output of the oscillator by 1024. The modulator output contains two sidebands centered at the suppressed switching frequency of 3.5KHz. The upper sideband is attenuated by a 4th order Butterworth lowpass filter. The filter, conSisting of two biquad switched capacitor filters in cascade, is clocked at 111.9KHz. The inverted input speech spectrum appears at the filter output, and is available at the Audio Output pin. The filter output circuit is designed to drive a maximum capacitive load of 5pf in parallel with a minimum resistance of 15K ohms. Since switched-capacitor filters are used on the chip, the input speech signal must first be filtered by an anti-aliasing one-pole low pass filter before it is applied to the Audio input pin. The filter 3dB break point, which is determined by the product of C1 and R1 plus the output impedance of the audio source, should be less than 20KHz. This filter is required only if high frequency noise is present at the input. To maintain an output signal to noise ratio of 40dB, any unwanted signal higher than 3.5KHz contained in the speech input must be filtered to 40dB below the nominal speech input level, due to the fact that the on-chip modulator is switched at3.5KHz. A parallel resonant crystal oscillator is employed in the device. The parallel resonant crystal should have a maximum series resistance of 150 ohms with a shunt capacitance of 5pf. To insure reliable oscillator performance, the components shown connected to XTAL pins 14 and 12 in Figure 1 should be used. The on-chip double sideband modulator can be turned on or off by asserting the SCRAMBLE input pin. The 3.5KHz switching frequency of the modulator is generated by divid- ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS COM9046 MAXIMUM GUARANTEED RATINGS*: Operating Temperature Range ......................................................................... -15°C to +55°C Storage Temperature Range ........................................................................... -55°C to +125°C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10 sec.) ................................................................. +325°C Positive Voltage on any pin with respect to Vss ........................................................ + 6.5 V Negative Voltage on any pin with respect to Vss . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . - 0.3 V 'Stresses above those listed may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other condition above those indicated in the operational sections of this specifications is not implied. NOTE: When powering this device from laboratory or system power supplies, it is important that the Absolute Maximum Ratings not be exceeded or device failure can result. Some power supplies exhibit voltage spikes or "glitches" on their outputs when the AC power is switched on and off. In addition, voltage transients on the AC power line may appear on the DC output. If this possibility exists, it is suggested that a clamp circuit be used. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Ta ±5%.) Parameter Supply Current Insertion Loss Audio Voltage Swing SIN Ratio Modulation Frequency Bandedge of Sideband Filter Scramble Input High Scramble Logic Low Input Resistance Dynamic Output Resistance 3.5KHz Feedthrough . = -10°C to + 50°C, Vdd Min = VddA = +2.6V ±5%, Vss = VssA Typ Max Units 5 0 0.8 8 1 1 ma db Vp-p db KHz KHz V V MOhm Ohm db 40 3.5 3.2 Vdd-1.0 Vss Vdd Vss+.3 5 900 -60 231 -50 Comments = -2.6V l~~L ~. COM 9046 RADIO OR WIRE TRANSMISSION MEDIUM wt ~. COM 9046 .. En E," ~)) ] E. Em '.~. Lt ~. ~. Figure 2 TYPICAL APPLICATION 'Inverted Frequency Spectrum of the Inspect Signals are Transmitted on the Transmission Medium. 15pF±10% ~I T 0.1 /iF 4K Audio~ inA 15pF±1O% ,.D.~ 10M 12 ""TI ~ 1 T 14 11 10---7 Out A 5 6 ----70utB 2000pFt 0.1 /iF +5V 4K Audio'II InB7I I 2000PFt COM9046 lOOK . . 1' Scramble 10K 2 ±Ol/iF lOOK Vdd 9 Vdda 7_ 4 Ref 3 Vss 8 ,+5V -p~'~ 1 2.2K Vssa u lOpF ~ T "" " .1/iF 2.2K RECOMMENDED CONNECTION FOR SINGLE +5V SUPPLY OPERATION Circuit diagrams utilizing SMC products are included as a means of illustrating typical semiconductor applications; consequently complete information sufficient for construction purposes is not necessarily given, The information has been carefully checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, such information does not convey to the purchaser of the semiconductor devices described any license under the patent rights of SMC or others. SMC reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design and supply tne best product possible .... 232 COM90C56 PRELIMINARY Enhanced Local Area Network Controller ELANC FEATURES PIN CONFIGURATION* D 5.0/2.5 M bit data rates D 100% compatible with COM9026 (in slow mode) ARCNET local area network controller D 64 K byte shared buffer memory D Handles variable length data packets (up to 2 K long) D Supports up to 255 nodes per network segment D Allows 8/16 bit word per sync to enhance line efficiency D Supports event scheduling via buffer descriptors D On chip network diagnostics XTAL1 XTAL2 REO ACK NC RfiJ cs AO A1 D Duplicate 10 detection/prevention A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 AS A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 GROUND D Supports group broadcast messages D Provides the hooks for broadband systems (modem) D Internal loop back capability for self test D On board oscillator D Low power CMOS technology D 48 pih D.I.P. plastic package or PLCC D Single + 5v Suppiy D Compatible with HYC9058, HYC9068, HYC9078 D RAM buffer test capability vcc GNO RECON ECHO NC RESET os RELAYCON PULSE2 PULSE1 TXC RXC RX IDLD INTR2 INTR1 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 DO PACKAGE: 48-pin D.I.P. • Available in PLCC Pin configuration subject to change, contact factory for details. GENERAL DESCRIPTION The ELANC is a general purpose communications adapter designed to provide high speed intercommunication between a number of intelligent electrical machines. Data is carried over a variable media (twisted pair, coax, or fiber optics) in variable size packets up to 2048 bytes long at speeds of up to 5.0 Mbps. The interconnection of several nodes through their associated ELANCs forms an enhanced local area network. Each node has a unique 10 number from 1 to 255 to distinguish it from other nodes on the same network. 233 ~-~ ......--53 0 w ---....-1 CND IIGND AlE AS ~--++~===;;;==========~ +5V PAD7'() '\r--"""7~'V1 WAIT WE REO RD S W I 10 T OUT C H E S FIGURE 2-TYPICAL COM90C62 INTERFACE 236 DESCRIPTION OF PIN FUNCTIONS (refer to figure 2) DIP PIN NO. 31 32 35 NAME ADDRESS 10, 9, B SYMBOL A10,A9,AB ADDRESS/DATA 7-0 AD7-ADO S 1/0 REQUEST 10REQ 9 MEMORY REQUEST MREQ 7 READ/WRITE RIW 10 ADDRESS STROBE AS 11 REQUEST REQ 12 WAIT WAIT 6 DELAYED WRITE DWR 29 INTERRUPT REQUEST INTR 1S INTERFACE lATCH ENABLE ILE 14 ADDRESS DATA INPUT ENABLE ADIE 13 AlE 15 ADDRESS INPUT ENABLE lATCH 17 WRITE ENABLE WE 16 OUTPUT ENABLE OE 33 ID lOAD IDlD 34 ID DATA IN IDDAT 21-2S 1,3 L EXTENDED ET2, ET1 TIMEOUT FUNCTION 2, FUNCTION These three output signals are the three most significant bits of the RAM buffer address. These signals are in their high impedance state except during COM 90C62 access cycles to the RAM buffer. A10 and A9 will take on the value nn as specified in the ENABLE RECEIVE or ENABLE TRANSMIT commands to or from page nn and should be viewed as page select bits. For packets less than 256 bytes, a 1K buffer can be used with AS unconnected. For packets greater than 256 bytes, a 2K buffer is needed with AS connected. These S bidirectional signals are the lower S bits of the RAM buffer address and the S bit data path in and out of the COM 90C62. ADO is also used for 1/0 command decoding of the processor control or status commands to the COM 90C62. This input signal indicates that the processor is requesting the use of the data bus to receive status information or to issue a command to the COM 90C62. This signal is sampled internally on the falling edge ofAS. This input signal indicates that the processor is requesting the use of the data bus to transfer data to or from the RAM buffer. This signal is sampled internally on the falling edge of AS. A high level on this input signal indicates that the processor's access cycle to the COM 90C62 or the RAM buffer will be a read cycle. A low level indicates that a write cycle will be performed to either the RAM buffer or the COM 90C62. The write cycle will not be completed, however, until the DWR input is asserted. This signal is an internal transparent latch gated with AS. This input signal is used by the COM 90C62 to sample the state of the 10REQ, MREQ and RIW inputs. The COM 90C62 bus arbitration is initiated on the falling edge of this signal. This output signal acknowledges the fact that the processor's 1/0 or memory cycle has been sampled. The Signal is equal to MREQ or 10REQ passed through an internal transparent latch gated with AS. This output signal is asserted by the COM 90C62 at the start of a processor access cycle to indicate that it is not ready to transfer data. WAIT returns to its inactive state when the COM 90C62 is ready for the processor to complete this cycle. This input signal informs the COM 90C62 that valid data is present on the processor's data bus for write cycles. The COM 90C62 will remain in the WAIT state until this signal is asserted. DWR has no effect on read cycles. If the processor is able to satisfy the write data setup time, it is recommended that this Signal be grounded. This output signal is asserted when an enabled interrupt condition has occured. INTR returns to its inactive state by resetting the interrupting status condition or the corresponding interrupt mask bit. This output Signal, in conjunction with ADIE, gates the processor's addressldata bus (PAD7-PADO) onto the interface address data bus (IAD7-IADO) during the data valid portion of a Processor Write RAM or Processor Write COM 90C62 operation. This output signal enables the processor's address data bus (PAD7~ADO) cap~).red by AS or ILE onto the interface address data bus IAD7-IADO. This output signal enables the processor's upper 3 address bits (PA1O-PAS) onto the interface address bus (IA10-IAS). This output signal latches the interface address data bus (IAD7IADO) into a latch which feeds the lower S address bits of the RAM buffer during address valid time of all RAM buffer access cycles. This output signal is used as a write pulse to the external RAM buffer. Data is referenced to the trailing edge of WE. This output signal enables the RAM buffer output data onto the interface address data bus (IAD7-IADO) during the data valid portion of all RAM buffer read operations. This output signal synchronously loads the value selected by the ID switches into an external shift register in preparation for shifting the ID into the COM 90C62. The shift register is clocked with the same signal that feeds the COM 90C62 on pin 19 (ClK). The timing associated with this signal and IDDAT (pin 34) is illustrated in figure 2. This input signal is the serialized output from the external.lD shift register. The ID is shifted in most significant bit first. A high level is defined as a logic "1 ". The levels on these two input pins specify the timeout durations used by the COM 90C62 in its network protocol. Refer to the section entitied "Extended Timeout Function" for details. 237 DESCRIPTION OF PIN FUNCTIONS (refer to figure 2) DIP PIN NO. NAME '37 36 38 INHTX PULSE1 PULSE2 RXIN 30 ECHO DIAGNOSTIC ENABLE ECHO 19 CLOCK CLK CRYSTAL XTAL1 XTAL2 40 POWER ON RESET POR 39 20 +5 VOLT SUPPLY GROUND Vcc GND 4, 5 r SYMBOL TRANSMIT INHIBIT PULSE 1 PULSE 2 RECEIVE IN 2 FUNCTION This active low input inhibits t~e COM 91C32 from transmitting by forcing PULSE1 and PULSE2 high. PULS1 and PULS2 carry the transmit data information encoded in pulse format. This input carries the receive data information from the cable interface circuitry. . When this input signal is low, the COM 90C62 will re-transmit all messages of length less than 254 bytes. This input should be tied high for normal clip operation and is only utilized when performing chip level testing. A continuous 5 MHz clock input used for timing of the COM 9OC62 bus cycles, bus arbitration, serial ID input, and the internal timers. An external 20 MHz crystal is connected to these pins. If an ex1ernal 20 MHz TTL clock is used, it should be connected to XTAL1 with a 390 ohm pullup resistor. This input signals clears the COM 90C62 microcoded sequencer program counter to zero and initializes various internal control flags and status bits. The POR status bit is also set which causes the INTR output to be asserted. Repeated assertion of this signal will degrade the performance of the network. Power Supply Ground OR TWISTED PAIR or COAX or FIBER OPTICS HYC9058* (HIT) f;) R.3101* OTPO PULSE1 PULSE2 COM90C62 RX OR I,PORIN ..----1 IDLD r- L.::;t HYC9068* (LAND) -m- IDDAT 74LS166 ~ I 11111111 SWITCH· 'HYC 9058-High Impedance Transceiver (HIT) See page 257 of Data Catalog. HYC 9068-Local Area Network Driver (LAI:-lD) See page 263 of Data Catalog. R. 3101 -Pin compatible fiber optic driver from Raycom Systems 6395 Gunpark Drive Boulder, Colorado 80301 FIGURE 3-COM 90C62 TYPICAL DRJVER INTERFACE NOTE: For an updated data sheet please fill out the reply card in the back of this catalog or call SMC at (516) 273-3100: STANDARD MICROSVSTEMS ~ ' '.273·3100 ""'·"'·217·_ ~ 35 ...... ~.~MV \1188 Circuit diagrams utilizing SMC products are included as a means of illustrating ~Pical semiconductor ap~lications: conse- ~~~~d~~g\~tg~7;~,::r~o~:~~~f~~t~~":~~t~gt~~~~r:s~~~~~~~~r~~~J~~~o;~~~~~f:~~FU~~.,":O~~~~ information does not convey to the purchaser of the semiconductor devices described any licl!fnse under the patent rights of SMC or others. SMC reserves the nght to make changes at any time in order to improve design and supply the best product possible. 238 COM 9064 PRELIMINARY IBM® 3274/3276 Compatible COAX Receiver/Transmitter FEATURES D Conforms to the IBM® 3270 Interface Display System Standard D Transmits and Receives Manchester II Code D Detects and Generates Line Quiesce, Code Violation, Sync, Parity, and Ending Sequence (Mini Code Violation) D Multi Byte or Single Byte Transfers D Double Buffer Receiver and Transmitter D Separate Data and Status Select D Operates at 2.3587 MHz D TTL Compatible Inputs and Outputs D COPLAMOS® n-Channel Silicon Gate Technology D Single + 5 Volt power supply PIN CONFIGURATION, ~ I n. ow~« s> 9 ClICllu Cl 9 ~ dlCl s> ZClI-I--I-a:c:ea::mo:z TDS 40 39383736 35 34 33 32 31 3029 28 N/C N/C 26 TBMT 25 T9 24 27 no 23 GND VCC GND TP T9S 22 21 20 19 18 7 8 91011121314151617 Vee ~ CVD RTA DA N/C N/C MR GND SCLK RP SWE N/C GNO TP T9S ROE· DO 01 02 03 04 05 06 D7 R9 R10 SWE RP SCLK NIC GND ~ ~ ~ '-' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 40~ ~oD~~ 11 12 13 14 15 16 [ 17 18 19 20 GNO 39 ~ no 38 ~ T9 37 ~ TBMT 36 ~ TOS 35 NIC' 34 33 TD TIl i'C 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 RD 22 NIC 21 MR ALOOP RSSE BCLK RDA CVD RTA DA PACKAGE: 44-pin PLCC PACKAGE: 40-pin D.LP. 'Internally conneCted. Not for external use. GENERAL DESCRIPTION The COM 9064 is an MOSILSI circuit which may be used to facilitate high speed data transmission. The COM 9064 is fabricated using SMC's patented COPLAMOS® technology and may be used to implement an interface between . IBM® 3274/3276 compatible control units and 3278/32871 3289 compatible terminal units. The receiver and transmitter sections of the COM 9064 are separate and may be used independently of each other. The COM 9064 generates and detects the line quiesce, code violation, parity, and mini code violation bit patterns. The on-chip parity logic is capable of generating and checking either ~ven or odd parity for the entire 10 bit data word. In addition, parity may be generated for the least significant 8 bits of the data word (this parity b.it would replace the ninth data bit). lOS T9 TlO T19 TD D' D' D1 D3 D. DS DS D7 "D "P RSSE "10 "" "TA TBMT DA V" CVD GND SWE BCLK SCLK IBM(!l is a registered trademark of the International Business Machines Corporation 239 ORGANIZATION The COM 9064 is organized into 9 major sections. Communication between each section is achieved via internal data and control busses. Transmitter Holding Register The transmit holding register is a 12 bit latch. This latch is loaded with the transmit data and parity generation information from the system bus. transmit circuitry. It also generates the Line Quiesce, Code Violation, sync bits and Mini Code Violation patterns. Transmitter Shift Register The transmitter shift register is an 11 bit parallel to serial shift register. It accepts data from the transmitter holding register and the parity generation logiC and converts it into serial form for transmission. Tri-State Buffers Receive Control/Parity Check These buffers allow gating of the COM 9064's status word onto the system data bus. This logic checks the received character for the specified parity and ensures that no Transmit Check conditions occurred. It also handles the self test mode and generates a strobe when the complete data word is received. Bus Transceiver The bus transceiver allows bi-directional data transfer between the system data bus and the transmit and receive holding registers. Parity Generator This logic determines and generates the correct parity for the data in the transmitter holding register. Transmitter Control This logic generates signals required to enable external Receiver Shift Register This logic is a serial to parallel shift register that converts the received information into a 10 bit data word and RTA status bit. Receiver Holding Register This register holds the assembled data word until it is read by the processor. DESCRIPTION OF PIN FUNCTIONS Processor Related Signals PIN NO. 6-13 SYMBOL DO-D7 38 NAME Transmit/ Receive Data Bits Transmit Bit 9 Select Transmit Bit 9 39 3 Transmit Bit 10 Transmit Parity Tl0 TP* 18 System Clock SCLK 36 Transmitter Data Strobe Reset Data Available Status Word Enable TOS 4 26 16 T9S T9 RDA SWE 23 Receive Data Available DA 25 Code Violation Detected CVD 37 Transmit Buffer Empty Receive Bit 9 Receive Bit 10 ReceverTurnaround TBMT Receive Data Enable Receiver Parity RDE 14 15 24 5 17 R9 Rl0 RTA RP* FUNCTION Bidirectional: 8 bit, three state data port used to transfer data between the COM 9064 and the processor. DO is the first bit transmitted. Input: A low level on this pin enables T9 to be transmitted as bit 9. A high level on this pin causes T9 to determine the type of parity bit generated for bits DO-D7. Input: If T9S is low, this supplies transmit bit 9. If T9S is high, then T9 low forces odd parity and T9 high forces even parity to be generated for DO-D7. In this case the parity bit generated is transmit bit 9. Input: This pin supplies transmit bit 10. Input: This input controls the parity bit for transmit bits 1-10. A low level on this pin causes odd parity and a high level on this pin causes even parity to be generated for bits 1-10. The parity bit generated is transmit bit 11. Input: This signal is used to synchronize the COM 9064. The transmitter is loaded and started on the low to high transition of SCLK if TDS is low. DA is reset on the low to high transition of SCLK if RDA is low. Input: This input and SCLK are used to load the transmitter holding register and start the transmit sequence. Code Violation Detect (CVD) is reset at this time. Input: This input and SCLK are used to reset DA. Input: A low level at this pin enables the status word buffer outputs (DA, CVD, TBMT, R9, Rl0, and RTA). A high level on SWE places the status word buffer outputs in a high impedance state. This three-state output si\jnal is at a high level when an entire word has been received and transferred Into the receiver buffer register. It is only set if a Transmit Check Condition did not occur. This three-state output signal is at a high level if a valid Code Violation was detected at the receiver since the last time the transmitter was loaded. It is reset when the transmitter is loaded. This three-state output signal is at a high level when the transmit holding register may be loaded with new data. This three-state output si_gnal is receiver data bit 9. This three-state output signal is receiver data bit 10. This three-state output signal is set to a high level when a valid Mini Code Violation is detected. It is only set if a Transmit Check did not occur. It is reset when the transmitter is loaded. Input: A low level enables the outputs of the receive data register DO-D7. Input: This input determines 'Nhether the entire received word will be checked for even or odd parity. A low at this pin will cause a check for odd parity and a high at this pin will cause a check for even parity. This input has an internal pull-up resistor. *The SYNC bit is included in parity checking. 240 DESCRIPTION OF PIN FUNCTIONS (cont.) PIN NO. 29 NAME Analog loopback SYMBOL AlOOP 34 Digital loopback DLOOP 21 Master Reset 1 19,22,35 2,20,40 Supply Voltage MR V~ NIC Ground GND FUNCTION Input: A low level on this pin disables the receiver except when the transmitter is active. A high level on this pin and DlOOP will cause the receiver to be disabled while the transmitter is active. AlOOP is used to allow loop-back through the line drivers and receivers. This input has an internal pull-up resistor. Input: A low level on this pin disables the receiver except when the transmitter is active. TG is forced to a high level to disable the external coax driver. Data input to the receiver is internally wrapped from the transmitter data output. This input has an internal puil-up resistor. Input: This input shol!!Q be pulsed low after power-on. This si~nal resets DA to a low level and sets TG and TBMT to a high level. This input as an internal pull-up. + 5 volt supply No Connection GROUND Device Related Signals PIN NO. 27 NAME Baud Rate Clock SYMBOL BClK 33 Transmit Data TD 31 Transmit Clock TC 30 32 Receive Data Transmit Gate RD TG 28 Receive Single Shot Enable RSSE FUNCTION This input is a clock whose frequency is 8 times the desired transmitter and receiver baud rate (typically 18.8696 MHz for 3274/3276 operation). This input is not TTL compatible. Output: Serial data from the transmitter. This signal is a biphase Manchester II encoded bit stream. This output is low when no data is beil'lll transmitted. The Transmit Clock output is V. the frequency of BClK. It is synchronized with TO and used to provide external pre-distortion timing. Input: Accepts the serial biphase Manchester II encoded bit stream. Output: This signal is low during the time that the transmit data is valid. TG is used to turn on the external transmit circuitry. Input: A high level on this pin enables an internal digital single shot on RD. This limits a high level on RD to 3 clock times. Also when high it will cause the receiver not to detect a valid Code Violation. A low level disables the single shot causing no reshaping of the RD input signal. COM 9064 OPERATION The COM 9064 consists of a receiver section that converts Manchester II phase encoded serial data to parallel data and a transmitter section that converts parallel data to Manchester II phase encoded serial data. The Code Violation Detect signal (CVD) goes active high after a line Quiesce, Code Violation and sync bit have been detected by the receiver. It is reset when the transmitter of the COM 9064 is asserted. By examining this signal, the processor can determine whether a timeout or Transmit Check condition caused a receiver error. Receiver Message transfers must conform to the IBM 3270 protocol in order for the COM 9064 to acknowledge them. The receive input is sampled at 8 times the data rate. The receiver logiC is brought into bit synchronization during the Line Quiesce pattern. Once the Code Violation following the Line Quiesce is detected, the receiver is brought into bit and word synchronization. The internal receiver clock is adjusted after each transition to compensate for jitter and distortion in the received data signal. The received message is checked for the Code Violation sequence (start sequence) bit pattern, preceding the first data word, and Mini Code Violation (end sequence) following the last data word. The data word consists of 10 data bits, a sync bit and a parity bit. Receiving data in multiple byte format is functional only when even parity is selected. Transmitter The data word along with the first bit of the next word or ending zero (bit 13) is shifted into a shift register. Once it is assembled it is transferred and held in the holding register until another data word is assembled. The 13th bit is inverted . and presented to the bus or RTA (receiver turn-around). Therefore RTA is set high on the last word of a message and is reset when the transmitter is loaded with the response. Once the data word is in the holding register and parity is correct the data available (DA) status signal is set high. 241 The transmitter section basically consists of a 12-bit holding register, parallel to serial shift register and a parity generator. The firmware initiates a transmit sequence by strobing TDS low. The data is loaded into the holding register on the rising edge of SCLK while TDS is low. Nine bits of data (DO-D7 and T10) are transferred without change to the transmit shift register. The logic level of T9S determines whether T9 will be transmitted as parity on the preceding eight bits, or as data. After the processor loads the transmit holding register with data, status signal TBMT is driven inactive low until the COM 9064 transfers the data from the transmit holding register to the transmit shift register. After the transfer, TBMT is driven high. The processor should not try to load data into the COM 9064 while TBMT is low. When initiating a data transmission, the COM 9064 automatically transmits a Une Quiesce pattern and a Code Violation. The data is then shifted out of the shift register with a sync bit (1) inserted before the data word, and a parity bit appended after the data word. Diagnostic Modes. NORMAL OPERATION (ALOOP AND DLOOP HIGH) Internal read data signal follows the RD input as long as the COM 9064's transmitter is off. The receiver will be disabled while the transmitter is active. ANALOG LOOPBACK (ALOOP LOW AND DLOOP HIGH) The internal read data signal follows the RD input as long as the COM 9064's transmitter is active. DIGITAL LOOPBACK ALOOP HIGH AND [)[()()P LOW) The internal read data signal follows an internally generated and latched valid transmit signal (only when the transmitter is active.) The output TG is disabled in digital loopback mode. DISABLE RECEIVER (ALOOP AND DLOOP LOW) The internal read data signal is held low and output TG is disabled. If a new word is loaded into the COM 9064 before the parity bit of the previous word has been transmitted, a sync bit (1) followed by the new data bits is transmitted. If not, after the COM 9064 transmits the last data word (no more transmit sequences are started), a sync bit (0) and a Mini Code Violation is appended to the end of the message. Output fG goes active low one-half bit cell time before the first Une Quiesce character is output. It is made inactive (high) during the transmission of the Mini Code Violation. MESSAGE FORMATS CODE VIOLATION ENDING SEQUENCE CODE VIOLATION SYNC BIT SYNC BIT PARITY BIT ENDING SEQUENCE DATAN (10 BITS) Bits on the coax appear as positive and negative going pulses. A positive pulse to negative pulse transition in the middle of the bit cell is interpreted as a logical '0' . A negative pulse to positive pulse transition in the middle of a bit cell is interpreted as a logical '1'. A predistortion pulse is generated for every pulse transition from an up to down level or a down to up level. Line Quiesce Pattern 1 I _ _ II ,, , 1__ 1I I , I one bit time 1 I I I I I I_I I I I I _ _ II 1 _ _ II , , , , , I I I 1 '_I I I I I I_I I I I I The Une. Quiesce pattern consists of five contiguous logical ones. It establishes an equilibrium condition on the coax following line turnaround. . 242 I _ _ II , I I I --I I I I I I _ -I I , , I I I Code Violation Pattern I I I 1 -, 1 _I I 1 I 1 I I "I '____ 1 1I 1 last "1" of linequiesce I I-- code 1 , , violation , 1 1 1 1_ _ 1 1 1 1 1 sync bit 1 The Code Violation pattern is a bit sequence containing no mid-bit time level transition in two of its three bit cells. It is a unique pattern that violates the encoding rules and indicates the start of valid data. Mini Code Violation Pattern bit times: 11 1 12 0 p 2 mcv "1 " or "0" last data byte Ending Sequence The Mini Code Violation (MCV) pattern is a bit sequence containing no mid-bit time level transition in either of its bit cells. It is a unique code that violates the encoding rules and indicates the end of valid transmit data. Transmit Check A Transmit Check is defined as follows: 1) A logical zero sync bit in the ending sequence not followed by a Mini Code Violation. 2) Loss of a level transition at the mid-bit time during other than a normal ending sequence. 3) A transmission parity error. 243 3 mcv MAXIMUM GUARANTEED RATINGS' Operating Temperature Range .................................................................................. O°C to + 70°C Storage Temperature Range ................................................................................. - 55° to + 150°C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10 sec.) ............................. ,........ , ...... , ....... , .......................... , + 300°C Positive Voltage on any 1/0 Pin, with respect to ground .......................... '.' ........................ , ............. + S.OV Negative Voltage on any 1/0 Pin, with respect to ground ... , ....................... , ..................................... - 0.3V 'Stresses above those listed may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or at any other condition above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. NOTE: When powering this device from laboratory or system power supplies, it is important that the Absolute Maximum Ratings not be exceeded or device failure can result. Some power supplies exhibit voltage spikes or "glitches" on their outputs when the AC power is switched on and off. In addition, voltage transients on the AC power line may appear on the DC output. For example, the bench power supply programmed to deliver +5 volts may have large voltage transients when the AC power is switched on and off. If this possibility exists it is suggested that a clamp circuit be used. DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TA = O°C to 70°C, Vee = + 5V ± 5%) PARAMETER DC CHARACTERISTICS INPUT VOLTAGE V,LLow V'HHigh V,HHigh V,HHigh OUTPUT VOLTAGE VOL Low. VOHHigh POWER SUPPLY CURRENT Icc INPUT LEAKAGE CURRENT All input pins CAPACITANCE C'N C'N MIN TYP -0.3 2.0 Vee- 0.7 3.5 MAX UNIT .S Vee Vee+·3 Vee+.3 V V V V (Except BCLK and MR) (BCLKonly) (MRonly) 10L = 2.0mA 10H = -.25mA .4 2.4 125 COMMENTS mA All outputs .01 mA V,N 10 35 pf pf = VOH = OtoVee (Except BCLK) (BCLKonly) - AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TA = O°C to 70°C, Vee = +5V ±5%) . PARAMETER Clock Frequency BCLK SeLK Clock Width tSKH SCLKHigh SCLKLow tSKL t8KH BCLKHigh BCLKLow tBKL t, BCLK rise time BCLK fall time tF RDE to Data Valid Delay tROD tSDD SWE to Data Valid Delay toF Data Read to Bus Float los Data Setup Time tOH Data Hold Time tOAV DA to receive data valid delay tTO TC clock period t'fOLD TC to TG low delay t'fOHo TC to TG high del~ tTOS Transmit data to T setup time Transmit data to TC tTDH hold time TBMT active to de-active to tTDDe TBMT cycle too TBMT de-activated toss IQ.S. set up toSH TDS hold t..R MR pulse width MIN TYP MAX UNIT 7 DC 1S.S696 4.7474 1S,9 5 MHz MHz 6 6 50 50 50 ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns SO SO 20 20 100 10 -100 100 106 -53 30 30 10 20 ns ns ns ns ns 200 3.2 2 200 100 1 100 20 300 244 ns .,.s .,.s ns ns ns CONDITIONS TIMING DIAGRAMS MISC. TIMING BUS INPUT TIMING tr SCLK BCLK TDS/RDA* L MR tOH ,---t05 --I....... DATA VALID DATA RECEIVE DATA TIMING OA _ _ _ _ TBMT / A I tOAV*: 00-07. ~ R9. R10 ~----I(L=::YVA~Ldllo2jD~A~:rAL= 'Only one rising edge of SCLK within this pulse width. BUS OUTPUT TIMING ·OA may occurfrom 100 ns before 10 100 ns aller dala is valid. ROE TRANSMITTER TIMING TC TO '"""1_1-----1 .rl BIT CEll - - - - -.. DATA, STATUS VALID t500 -------<~~______ TBMT CYCLE TBMT -.J I II'"....- - - - t o o c - - - -...........l l=---too 245 ~ J>--- , ~ 0 !;Q 0 r-Z~ :;5 I C!lg 0 w >~ Sill a: 0 ~ ~ "1i'z w w z az 1ii w w ~ ... :J 0 (/l ...J « ":s a: I- a: ;: ;b ~ 0 < 0 A: > t- E~8 I-'~ 0 .... + W t- III ~ a:: a: IZ W ::; 0 ...J ...J 0 er: ~ W 0 m ~ Ig 0 W 0 ~ I- I f- 'z<' -' 0 I~ Z Q z 0 ;;! a. ci 0 :i '" ~~!:2 ~ "-l N'" "'~ 0 ... r-N ...JI ~::;; (/lID >-m er: ID o~ D ~ ....... 0 Circuit diagrams utilizing SMC products are included as a means of illustrating typical semiconductor applications: consequently complete information sufficient for construction purposes is not necessarily' given. The Information has been carefully checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, such information does not convey to the purchaser of the semiconductor devices described any license under the patent rights of SMC or others. SMC reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to Improve design and supply tfle best product possible. 246 COM91C32 PRELIMINARY COM91C32 Local Area Network Transceiver LANT PIN CONFIGURATION* FEATURES o Compatible with the COM9026 and COM90C26 LANCs o Compatible with the HYC9058 HIT o Compatible with the HYC9068 LAND o Functionally compatible with the COM90C32 o Reduces node chip count o Built-in 20MHz crystal oscillator o Internal Power On Reset for COM9026/COM90C26 o Provides all clocks for COM9026/COM90C26 o Low power CMOS technology o TTL compatible o 5V only power supply PULS2 1 \"..Jlb V" PULS1 2 15 'iNRTX RESET OUT 3 14 TX PORIN 4 13 CA RESET IN 5 12 DSYNC XTAL 2 6 11 RXOUT XTAL,/TrLCLK 7 10 RXIN GND 8 9 LANCLK ·Check with factory for SMT package. availability GENERAL DESCRIPTION The COM91 C32 local area network transceiver (LANT) is an improved version of the COM90C32. It reduces both node cost and board real estate. The COM91 C32 is a companion chip to either the COM9026 or COM90C26 local area network controller (LANC), the HYC9068 local area network driver (LAND), and the HYC9058 high impedance transceiver (HIT). local area networks. The COM91 C32 produces two 5MHz clocks for the COM9026/COM90C26. The first one (LANCLK) is free running and feeds the clock input (pin 19) of the COM9026/COM90C26. The second one (CA) has start/stop capability controlled by the DSYNC output of the COM9026/COM90C26 as well as the data received from the network. The COM91 C32 contains two circuits not available on the COM90C32. A 20MHz crystal oscillator has been built in to eliminate the need for an external oscillator. In addition, the external power on reset circuit required by the COM9026/ COM90C26 has been integrated inside the COM91 C32 to reduce the number of components, their related costs, and board real estate. During data reception, the COM91 C32 will convert incoming serial receive data from the HIT or LAND circuitto NRZ form which will directly feed the RX input of the COM9026/ COM90C26 (pin 38). During transmission, the COM91 C32 converts the transmit data from the COM9026/COM90C26 TX, (pin 37) into the Waveforms necessary to drive the HYC9058 or HYC9068 as shown in figure 2. The COM91 C32 performs the functions necessary to allow simple interface to the transmission media for ARCNET® 247 TX PULS1 INHTX PD[S2 LANCLK CA DSYNC RXIN RXOUT PORIN RESET IN Figure 1: COM.91C32 INTERNAL BLOCK DIAGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PIN FUNCTIONS (refer to figure 2) COM 9026 Interface PIN NO. 2 NAME PULSE 1 SYMBOL PULS 1 1 PULSE 2 PULS2 3 RESET OUT RESET OUT 10 RECEIVE IN RECEIVE OUT RXIN 11 RXOUT FUNCTION PULS1 AND PULS2 carry the transmit data information encoded in pulse format. This output signal provides a reset signal capable of ensuring proper reset of the COM9026/COM90C26. It is TIL compatible. The RESETOUT pulse width equals 102.4psec + (RESETIN or PORIN pulse width). This input carries the receive data information from the cable interface circuitry. This output provides the NRZ encoded receive data to the COM9026/COM90C26. 12 DELAYED SYNC DSYNC This active low input is asserted by the COM9026 and is used to synchronize the CA clock. 13 CA CA 14 TRANSMIT DATA TRANSMIT INHIBIT TX This output is a 5 MHz start/stop clock that halts when DSYNC goes active. It is used to synchronize the CA clock output to the RX OUT received data. This input represents the serial data transmitted by the COM9026/COM90C26. This active low input inhibits the COM91 C32 from transmitting by forcing PULS1 and PULS2 high. 15 INHTX System Clock Interface 4 POWER ON RESET IN PORIN 5 RESET IN RESET IN 7 6 CRYSTAL XTAL1 XTAL2 9 8 16 LAN CLOCK GROUND +5V SUPPLY LANCLK GND VCC This input signal, which is controlled by C, (fig. 2) on Power up, disables the transmitter portion of the COM91 C32 and generates the RESET OUT signal. This pin has a schmitt trigger input. This input signal disables the transmitter portion of the COM91 C32 and generates the RESET OUT signal. This pin has a TTL compatible input. An external 20 MHz crystal is connected to these pins. If an external 20 MHz TTL clock is used, it should be connected to XTAL 1 (pin 7) with a 390 ohm pullup resistor; XTAL2 must be left floating. This output supplies a 5 MHz free running clock for the COM9026/COM90C26. Ground +5 Volt Power Supply 248 , FUNCTIONAJ,. DESCRIPTION In addition to initializing the COM91 C32 to an idle state, the RESET IN signal disables the transmitter portion of the COM91 C32 during reset. The COM9026/COM90C26, when transmitting data on TX, will produce a negative pulse of 200 nanoseconds to indicate a logic "1" and no pulse to indicate a 10giCO." Referring to figure 4, a 200 nanosecond pulse on TX is converted ~OO nanosecond nonoverlapQiD.9...Qulses shown as PULS1 and PULS2. The signals PULS1 and PULS2 drive the HYC9058 or the HYC9068 which in turn creates a 200 nanosecond dipulse signal on the cable as shown in figure 2. During reset, the COM91 C32 output pins are as follows: PULS1 - is inactive (high) PULS2 - is inactive (high) LANCLK - is free running during and after reset CA - is free running during and after reset At the receiving nodes, each dipulse appearing on the cable is coupled through the RF transformer of the HYC9058 or HYC9068 to produce a positive pulse. These pulses are captured by the COM91 C32 and are converted to NRZ data. As each byte is received by the COM91 C32, the CA clock is stopped by the COM9026/COM90C26 (via DSYNC) until the zero bit of the next byte is received. This will automatically restart the CA clock. The COM9026/COM90C26 uses the CA clock to sample the NRZ data and these samples points are shown in figure 5. The minimum RESET IN pulse width is 120 nanoseconds (or 2T + 20 nanoseconds for input clocks different than 20 MHz). For the 20 MHz clocks, T equals 50 nanoseconds. RESET IN/OUT TIMING The COM91 C32 incorJ;!orates a digital filter that will suppress glitches on the RESET IN and POR IN pins. The digital filter will filter all RESET IN and PORIN glitches that are narrower than 40ns (1 T -1 Ons). It will allow RESET IN and POR IN pulses that are wider than 120 ns (2T +20ns). The RESET OUT pulse width is equal to the RESET IN pulse width plus 102.4 microseconds. Typically, RXIN pulses occur at multiples of 400 nanoseconds. The COM91 C32 can tolerate distortion of plus or minus 100 nanoseconds and still correctly capture and convert the RXIN pulses·to NRZ format. THE INTERNAL OSCILLATOR RESETTING THE COM91 C32 The COM91 C32 incorporates on-board circuitry which, in conjunction with an external parallel resonant crystal, forms an oscillator. The oscillator frequency may vary between 8 MHz and 20 MHz to allow for a variable data rate from 1.0 Mbps to 2.5 Mbps. The PORIN active low input signal is generated by turning the power on to generate the RESET OUT signal to the COM9026/COM90C26. The recommended capacitor value (C1 in figure 2) required to properly reset the COM9026/COM90C26 on power up is 0.1 f.1F. The oscillator input is divided by 4 to produce the CA and the LANCLK output clocks to the COM9026/COM90C26. The RESET IN active low input signal is provided to generate the RESET OUT signal used to reset the COM9026/COM90C26. The pulse width of the RESET OUT signal is 102.4 microseconds, which is wide enough to properly reset the COM9026/COM90C26 local area network controller device. The COM91 C32 XTAL oscillator has been designed to work with a parallel resonant crystal and does not require an external resistor. Only two capacitors are needed (one from each leg of the XTAL to ground.) The values of the capacitors are two times the load capacitance ofthe crystal. Typical capacitor values are 22 pF. RESET OUT = RESET IN (pulse width) + 102.4 microseconds RESET OUT =PORIN (pulse width) + 102.4 microseconds COM9026! COM90C26 .,, ,, I COM 9 o CLOCK S o C C The external crystal must have an accuracy of 0.020% or better. COM 9 1 C COM9026! COM90C26 3 2 I I I I CRYSTAL f--T 3 2 RESET PULSE RESET PULSE I+- RESET IN RESET IN C R FIGURE 2: COM90C32 AND 91C32 IMPLEMENTATION DIFFERENCES 249 COM9026 COM91C32 OR COM90C26 - - TX TX CA CA PULS2 PULS2 DSYNC DSYNC PULS1 PULS1 RX RXOUT POR RESET OUT CLK LANCLK ,..--. IDLD IDDAT RESET IN XTAL1 ITTLCLK l--=+t. Jo~J !JI~C~ 74LS166 22pF RXIN PORIN XTAL2 RX - bod :;b :;b 22pF I -= COAX or FIBER OPTIC S HYC9058* (HITI) f) OR 7# HYC9068* (LAND) OR R-3101* (OPTO) PORIN CAPACITOR (C1=0.1 JlF) Ib 'HYC9058 - High Impedance Transceiver (HITI) Seepage 257 HYC9068 - Local Area Network Driver (LAND) See page 263 R-3101 - Pin compatible Fiber Optic Driver Raycom Systems 6395 Gunpark Drive Boulder Colorado 80301 RESET IN FIGURE 3: COM91C32 SYSTEM INTERFACE TIL INPUT CLOCK I I' I, I CA LANCLK J 18 16 ,i .1II,1 t 14 ___ L t, 4.5 0.5 Ii r- .11 -'--15 FIGURE 4: COM91C32 CLOCK TIMING TABLE 1 - COM91 C32 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS MAXIMUM GUARANTEED RATINGS' Operating Temperature Range ............................................................... O°C to 70°C Storage Temperature Range .............................................................. -55°C to 150°C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10 sec.) .............................................................. 325°C Positive Voltage on any Pin ..................................................................... Vee + 0.3 Negative Voltage on any Pin ...................................................................... -0.3V Maximum Vee ................................................................................... + 7.0V 'Stresses above those listed may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or at any other condition above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. 250 DC CHARACTERISTICS (T. = O°C to +70°C, Vee =5V ± 5%) MAX MIN TYP PARAMETER INPUT VOLTAGES VIH1 High Input Voltage 2.7 0.8 VIL1 Low Input Voltage VIH2 High Input Voltage Vee-0.5V 1 VIL2 Low Input Voltage VIH3 High Input Voltage 3.6 1.0 VIL3 Low Input Voltage OUTPUT VOLTAGES VOH1 High Output Voltage Vee-1.0 VOL1 Low Output Voltage 0.4 VOH2 High Output Voltage Vee-0.5 VOL2 Low Output Voltage 0.4 INPUT LEAKAGE CURRENT IL ±10 INPUT CAPACITANCE 15 CIN POWER SUPPLY CURRENT 20 Icc AC CHARACTERISTICS (T. = O°C to +70°C, Vee =5V ± 5%) FIG PARAMETER MIN NO. UNIT V V V V V V V V V V except for TTL CLK and PORIN for TTL CLK IN for PORIN IOH = 400 JiA except for CA, LANCLK IOL = 4.0 mA except for CA, LANCLK IOH = 100 JiA for CA, LANCLK IOL = 100 JiA for CA, LANCLK JiA pF mA TYP TTL CLOCK INPUT TIMING Fig. 3 t, Input Clock High Time 20 h Input Clock Low Time 20 b Input Clock Period 50 CA, LANCLK OUTPUT TIMING Fig. 3 t4 Clock Out Fall Time t5 Clock Out Rise Time Is Clock Out High Time 75 h Clock Out Low Time 75 Is Clock Out Period 200 TRANSMIT TIMING Fig. 4 t9 TX Setup to CA falling edge 50 tlO TX Hold after CA falling edge 10 t11 Xtal rising edge to PULS1/2 60 t'2 PULS1/2 Pulse Width 2 (b) t'3 INHTX to Pulse inactive RECEIVE TIMING Fig. 5 t' 5 RXIN Pulse Width 10 5 (b) + 70 t'6 RXIN to RXOUT delay t17 RXOUT Pulse Width 400 t'B XTAL RISING EDGE TO RXOUT DSYNC, CA TIMING Fig. 5 t' 9 DSYNC Setup to CA rising edge 20 RESET TIMING Fig. 6 bo RESET IN Pulse Width 120 b1 RESET IN falling edge to RESET OUT falling edge b2 RESET IN rising edge to 102 102.4 RESET OUT rising edge b3 RESET OUT Pulse Width 1:30+b2-2b INPUT CLOCK FREQUENCY 8.0 NOTE 1: For Input clock frequencies of less than 20 MHz, 1:30 = 21:3 + 20 ns NOTE 2: For Input clock frequencies of less than 20 MHz, 1:3, = 21:! = 70 ns -ALL TYPICAL VALUES ARE AT Vee = 5.0 V and TEMPERATURE = 25°C 251 COMMENTS MAX 20 20 UNIT COMMENTS ns ns ns @Vee-0.5V @1V ns ns ns ns ns @50pFmax @50pFmax @50pFmax @50pFmax @50pFmax 100 ns ns ns ns ns 70 ns ns ns ns ns 170 ns ns 103 us 20 MHz (NOTE 1) (NOTE 2) OSC I I CA I,--_~ I ~~~€J;~~----~----------------------------------------~~ \~--~I!I~~ ------~--------~---,~I'2 I ~t., t-111 I I I I j5{J[S2.----------..L.,1I 1= I I I I I +-~'3 t=: I I 111 +1 -..l 1'3 L '4"1 I FIGURE 5: TRANSMIT TIMING PARAMETERS OSC RXIN J1I 1'8 I'--+i-I'5 __________________ I +I__J " ~~ ~--------------------------- RXOUT_~I:'~I'~61[==j:J------------____------~~~[t-=~I~'8_________~==~==~~ I CA· DSYNC 1'7 ___ ~ ~~- I 1'9 I 1 SAMPLE SAMPLE FIGURE 6: RECEIVE TIMING PARAMETERS lao I I. RESET IN i i la, I :. I RESET OUT I .: !++ 1a2 I 1a3 I~ I ·1 i ~I FIGURE 7: RESET IN - TO - RESET OUT TIMING Circuit diagrams utilizing SMC products are included as a means of illustrating typical semiconductor applications. consequently complete information sufficient for construction purposes is not necessarily given. The information has been carefully checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, such information does not convey tothe purchaser of the semiconductor devices described any license under the patent rights of SMC or others. SMC reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design and supp!y the best product possible. 252 COM92C32 ADVANCED INFORMATION PRELIMINARY Enhanced Local Area Network Transceiver FEATURES PIN CONFIGURATION D Compatible with the COM9026 and COM90C26 ARCNET® ILAN controllers D Compatible with COM90C56 Enhanced LAN Controller D Converts transmit data to NRZ or Manchester format D Converts receive Manchester II data to NRZ format D High performance DPLL for high bit jitter tolerance D Receiver blanking circuit for ignoring line reflections, ringing and inductive effects D Compatible with HYC 9078 On board predistortion circuitry On board crystal oscillator simplifies clock generation o CLK/CA clock generation for the COM9026 and COM90C26 o 5V only power supply Compatible with RS-422/RS485 Transceivers Low power CMOS o Modem control signals o 16 pin DIP and PLCC packages TXOUT TXOUT VCC TXENABLE MODE TX RESET OUT CA RESET IN XTAL2 o o '-..J XTAL1fTTLCLK GND DSYNC/2XCLK RXOUT RXIN LANCLK 'Preliminary Pin Out o o GENERAL DESCRIPTION The COM92C32 is a companion chip to the COM9026 and COM90C26 Local Area Network Controllers (LANC). It contains all the necessary logic to interface the COM9026 and COM90C26 to baseband or broadband Local Area Networks. It is also compatible with the COM90C56 Enhanced LANC. During data transmission, the COM92C32 converts the pulsed TX data signal from the COM9026 and COM90C26 to NRZ (Non Returned to Zero) format for Broadband networks, and to Differential Manchester format for baseband networks. It also generates a TX ENABLE signal to enable the media driver circuitry during data transmission. The use of Manchester encoded data allows bus topologies in the order of 20 nodes and 2000 feet on coaxial cables without active repeaters. In addition, the COM92C32 can be used with discrete RS4221485 drivers to implement the physical layer of the ARCNET® local area network over telephone grade twisted pair media. When receiving data, the COM92C32 samples and recovers the incoming receive data and presents it synchronously to either the COM9026, COM90C26 or COM90C56. It also performs the necessary handshake and generation of the Bit Clock (CA) for the COM9026 and COM90C26. The chip incorporates a 25 MHz internal oscillator which simplifies clock generation. ARCNET'" is a registered trademark of the Datapoint Corporation 253 VCC t-GND t-MODE TX DSYNC/2XCLK RXOUT CA RETIMING ~ AND HANDSHAKE t+- RESET IN fXOUf TX ENABLE DIFFERENTIAL MANCHESTER TO NRZ DECODER AND RECEIVE CONTROL LOGIC RXIN ~ DIVIDE BY FIVE LAN CLK RESET OUT TXOUT NRZ TO DIFFERENTIAL MANCHESTER DECODER AND TRANSMIT CONTROL LOGIC r-- RESET LOGIC I OSCILLATOR XTAL1/TTLCLK I IOXCLK I XTAL2 FIG. 1 - COM92C32 INTERNAL BLOCK DIAGRAM 254 TABLE 1 - COM92C32 DESCRIPTION OF PIN FUNCTIONS PIN NO SYMBOL I/O NAME AND FUNCTION TXOUT 0 TRANSMIT OUT-This output signal carries the transmitted serial data encoded in either differential Manchester format or NRZ formal. In the Manchester mode of operation, this pin will idle high when the COM92C32 is not transmitting. In the NRZ mode, this pin will idle low when the COM902C32 is not transmitting. TXOUT 0 TRANSMIT OUT-This output signal carries the transmitted serial data encoded in either differential Manchester format or NRZ formal. In the Manchester mode of operation, this pin will idle high when the COM92C32 is not transmitting. In the NRZ mode, this pin will idle low when the COM92C32 is not transmitting. TXENABLE 0 TRANSMIT ENABLE-This output signal is active low when the transmitted data on TXOUT and TXOUT is valid. It is used to enable the external media driver circuitry. TX I TRANSMIT DATA-This input represents the serial data transmitted by either the COM9026 or COM90C26. DSYNC/ 2XCLK I DSYNC-This active low input is asserted by the COM9026"or COM90C26 and is used to synchronize the CA clock output of the COM92C32 to the received data. When the COM92C32 is used with the COM90C56 ELANC chip, this pin becomes the 2XCLK signal from the ELANC. CA 0 BIT CLOCK-This output is a 5 MHz start/stop clock that halts when DSYNC goes active. DSYNC is used to synchronize the CA clock output to the RX OUT received data. LANCLK 0 LAN CLOCK-This output supplies a 5 MHz free runriing clock for the COM9026 or COM90C26, pin 19. It is capable of driving 50pF plus one LS/TTL load with . 20ns rise and fall times. RXOUT 0 RECEIVE DATA OUT-This output provides tbe NRZ encoded receive data to the COM9026 and COM90C26. This output is synchronous to the CA clock. RXIN I RECEIVE DATA IN-This input receives data from the cable interface circuitry. XTAL1ITTLCLK XTAL2 I CRYSTAL-An external 25 MHz crystal is connected to these pins. If an external 25 MHz TTL clock is used, it should be connected to the XTAL 1 with a 390 ohm pullup resistor; XTAL2 must be left floating. RESET IN I RESET- This signal resets the COM92C32 to a known state. In addition, it disables the transmitter and generates the RESET OUT signal to the COM9026 and COM90C26. RESET OUT 0 RESET OUT- This output signal provides a 102.4ps Reset signal to the COM9026 and COM90C26. MODE I MODE SELECT-This pin is used to select the mode of operation of the COM92C32. The three possible modes are: 1) Vcc - Differential Manchester with COM9026 or COM90C26. 2) GND - NRZ Mode with COM9026 and COM90C26. 3) RESET OUT - Differential Manchester with COM90C56 (ELANC). Vcc - GND +5 Volt Power Supply Ground ·Pin numbers to be determined NOTE: For an updated data sheet please fill out the reply card in the back of this catalog or call SMC at (516) 273-3100. 255 C ClK 0 0 M M CA 9 0 DSYNC 9 0 2 or C TX TX C AX lANClK g TXOUT CA M TXOUT DSYNC 9 2 AXIN AXOUT 2 6 COAX C f) ....... 9 0 C 7 8 3 2 6 H y 11 0 22pF I I 22pF fiG. 2 - COM92C32 TO COAX SYSTEM INTERFACE TX C C 0 0 ClK M M CA 9 0 2 6 or TX C TXENABlE lANClK 0 CA M TXOUT 9 2 TXOUT C AXIN 9 0 DSYNC DSYNC C AX AXOUT 2 6 3 2 TWISTED PAIR RS-485 INTERFACE -,("")-- -~ lOr 22pF :c :c 22pF FIG. 3 - COM92C32 TO TWISTED PAIR SYSTEM INTERFACE ~~~~,~ ~~.~.~:i Circuit diagrams utilizing SMC products are Included as a means of illustrating typical semiconductor appli· ;; cations: consequently complete information sufficient for construction purposes is not necessarily given. The information has been carefully checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. However, no responsibility is r.;~~~~.~::r..~.~;;:: assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, such information does not convey to the purchaser of the semiconductor devices described any license under the patent rights of SMC or others. SMC reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design and supply the best product possible. 256 HYC9058 PRELIMINARY ARCNET® High Impedance Transceiver H ITT" PIN CONFIGURATION FEATURES D Compatible with existing ARCNET® installations 1 2 D Compatible with ARCNET® coax drivers D Pin Compatible with ARCNET® fiber-optic drivers -5v 4 5 Gnd Rei Volt 6 D Enables Bus topology on ARCNET® LAN's 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 D Provides network expansion without any additional repeaters or major rewiring D Multi-media drive capability D Space saving economy 15 16 17 18 19 20 L -_ _---.I D 20 pin single in line package (SIP) D Straight or right angle lead frame NC NC 3 +5v Rx TPA NC TPD OutputS OutputC Gnd Gnd TPC TPB Gnd PULS2 Disable PULS1 D Built in filters for noise immunity GENERAL DESCRIPTION The High Impedance Transceiver (H IT) providesARCNET® LAN's designers with a new bus configuration option, while reducing hardware and installation costs. The HIT offers ARCNET® LAN's with the ability to provide the highest node performance/cost ratio available heretofore. The bus topology and the reduced need for HUB's (active repeaters) eliminate the excessive costs usually associated with installing a new LAN or modifying an existing one. high output impedance enables it to drive several types of media cables. The HIT is compatible with SMC monolithic LAN controller chip set the COM90261COM90C26 and the COM90C32. However It can work with other controllers and its inherent The HIT contains all the necessary filtering to guarantee noise-immunity for interference-free data transfers at 2.5 Mbps. The HIT is easily incorporated into existing ARCNET® LAN's. The HIT is pin-compatible with other media drivers, like the COAX driver currently used in most ARCNET® baseband applications and the fiber optic driver manufactured by Raycom Systems. 257 Disable 19 - I -1-- -.......:!-NC I 20 Puls1 --l...,I--I I PUiS2 I Isolation Transformer I 18 --l-f--I ~NC 0( Filter and Amplifier 2 I -NC ... ... I12 I FJ ~'----------L------IJ',,'y~- I COAX I I I I Rx Data _-+----1 7 I Threshold Voltage Detector 1---1 ,I: I. - I L - - - -rs- - -t-6-F F - 13r'f Voltage Threshold Adjust (should be left open in normal operatton) 8 ~TPA Filter +5V GND -5V 16 TPB 15 TPC ,r 10 lPO GND GND GND Figure 1-HIT Block Diagram DESCRIPTION OF PIN FUNCTIONS PIN# NAME SYMBOL FUNCTION 1,2,9 3 4,13,14,17 5 - NC VDD GND REFV Not used. No connection. - 5 Volts Power Supply. Ground Internal Set Reference Voltage can be used to adjust Internal Voltage Detector Threshold in Special Situations. Normally, this pin should not be connected. 6 VCC RX + 5 Volt Power Supply. Received Data, goes to RXIN of COM90C32 (TTL). 8,10,15,16 Power Supply Received Data Output Test Points Test Points. Make no connection to these pins. 11 COAX 1/0 TPA,TPB TPD, TPC OUTPUT .s 12 18 19 COAX 1/0 Pulse 2 Disable OUTPUT C PULS2 Disable 20 Pulse 1 PULSI 7 Power Supply Ground Threshold Voltage 258 Connect to Coax Cable Shield (Outer Conductor). Bypass to GND is recommended. Connect to Coax Cable Inner Conductor (Center) TTL Level Input to the Transmitter Section (Active Low). Normally connected to ground a high disables the transmitting. TTL Level Input to the. Transmitter Section (Actiye Low) ... FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION The HIT integrates a host of discrete components onto a hybrid microcircuit to provide the Local Area Network design with space and cost reductions as well as the enhanced reliability of a single component. Transmit section: Referring to the block diagram of figure 1, Pulse 1 and Pulse 2 signals can be TTL pulses of 100 nsec each with Pulse 2 delayed by 100 nsec. The optimum timing for these signals can be obtained from SMC's COM90C32. Amplification and filtering is used to eliminate undesirable frequencies from the signals, while providing them with the necessary drive, before transmitting onto the line through an isolation transformer. The driving circuitry has been designed to present a very high impedance to the line for minimum loading. The transformer typical voltage output is 20 volts peak to peak. In most applications, it is recommended that the shield of the coaxial cable be bypassed to ground by a parallel R-C combination. Receive section: The received dipulse signal from the line is DC isolated by the transformer. It is filtered to reduce noise, voltage transients and intersymbol interference. It is then recovered by a threshold voltage detector. The minimum signal amplitude necessary for reliable operation is 6 volts peak to peak. The TTL Rx Data output is then sent to the receive input of the COM90C32. A voltage threshold pin can be used to vary the threshold voltage for special situations. In normal operation, the "disable" at pin 19 should be tied to ground. However, in certain cases, this pin can be used to prevent transmission. APPLICATION INFORMATION The hit is designed to eliminate the need for Hubs in small (8 nodes) installations extending up to 1000 feet as shown in figure 2. However the number of nodes is inversely proportional to the bus length. Figure 2-Typical Small Hubless Network 'HYC 9058 Figures 3 and 4 show alternative ARCNET® local area network implementation using the "LAND" and the HIT. As can be easily observed the straight forward approach of the HIT version results in very low per node cost as well as ease of installation. Figure 3-Typical 64 Node Network Using HUBs and LANDs 259 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS MAXIMUM GUARANTEED RATINGS": Operating Temperature Range ..................................................................................... 0 C to + 70 C Storage Temperature Range .................................................................................. - 40 C to + 125 C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10 sec.) .................................................................................. + 325 C Positive Voltage on any pin with respect to Gnd ............................................................................... 8 V Negative Voltage on any pin except Vdd with respect to Gnd .............................................................. - 0.3 V ·Stresses above those listed may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or at any other condition above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. NOTE: When powering this device from laboratory or system power supplies, it is important that the Absolute Maximum Ratings not be exceeded or device failure can result. Some power supplies exhibit voltage spikes or "glitches" on their outputs when the AC power is switched on and off. In addition, voltage transients on the AC power line may appear on the DC output. If this possibility exists it is suggested that a clamp circuit be used. Electrical Characteristics Ta = 0 to 70 C, Vee = Parameter INPUT VOLTAGE LEVELS Pulse 1, 2, DSBL inputs Low-level, VIL High-level, VIH Received signal amplitude OUTPUT VOLTAGE LEVELS Rx Data output Low-level, VOL High-level, VOH Transformer output Min. + 5V ± 5%, Vdd lYP· = - 5V Comments Max Unit 0.8 V V Vp-p Iii = -.8ma lih = .2ma 0.4 V V Vp-p One TTL load One TTL load HYC 9058 285 270 mA mA 2.0 6 2.4 16 POWER SUPPLY CURRENT Icc Idd PULSE WIDTH Pulse 1, 2 inputs ± 5%. 190 180 100 nsec Shorting the transformer output can cause permanent damage to the device. A. B C H Termination ACTIVE HUB Termination G 0 E F Maximum Distance: HYC 9058: 1000 ft. Figure 4-TypIcal 64 Node Network Using HIT 260 COM90C26 COM90C32* OR HYC9058 (HIT) OR COM9026 _COM91C32 TX TX CA CA PULS2 PULS2 DSYNC DSYNC PULS1 PULS1 RX RXOUT OUTPUT C RX RXIN ClK COAX OUTPUT S lANClK IDlD IDDAT OSC 20 MHZ SQUARE WAVE SWITCH COM90C32 - local Area Network Transceiver See page 223 COM91C32 - Improved local Area Network Transceiver See page 247 Figure 5-HYC9058 System Interface 11-------- 2.080 MAX -------+i-I 1-'1 .. HYC9058 I- .100 TYP T ~ I ; N COMPONENT SIDE -.j Lead Frame-Right Angle Straight -.1.400 L--IMAxlC --+i ~- .093 MAX Mechanical Specification 261 HYC9058R HYC9058S T 1.15 MAX ~ -~ .090 MAX. ARCNET'" is a registered trademark 01 the Datapolnt Corporation ~~mCR05't'STEMS -~==.== ~~~~il~?~~~f~~sati~~z~~fti~~n~ fg~~~~t~u~t1o~g~:O~::i: n~;~~~e~~!~~~t~~!~~ r~~~~~oa~~t\g~~~ ti~:~~~~e~~1:~ checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, such information does not convey to the purchaser of the products described any license under the patent rights of SMC or others. SMC reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design and supply the best product poseible. 262 HVC9068 PRELIMINARY ARCNET® Local Area Network Driver LANDTM FEATURES PIN CONFIGURATION o Compatible with existing ARCNET® installations o Compatible with ARCNET® coax drivers o Pin Compatible with ARCNET® fiber-optic drivers o Space saving economy -12vReturn -12v -5v Gnd TPE +5v Rx TPF TPD TPC 020 pin single in line package (SIP) o Straight or right angle lead frame OutputS outputC Gnd Gnd o Built in filters for noise immunity o Drives up to 2,000 ft. of Coax o Replaces more than 25 discrete TPB TPA Gnd Puls2 Disable components and IC's Puiii1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The HYC9068 is a Coax Driver for ARCNET Local Area Networks. The HYC9068 is compatible with SMC's COM9026ICOM9OC26 Local Area Network Controller (LANC) and the COM90C32 Local Area Network Transceiver (LANl). The HYC9068 simplifies network implementation while pro- 263 viding considerable space and cost savings plus the high reliability of a single component. The HYC9068 contains both receive and transmit filters to guarantee interference-free data transfer over 2,000 ft. of RG-62 coaxial cable at 2.5 Mbps data rate. _f9Disable I ~ Isolation Transformer Pulsl ---j20--+!_---1 I 18 Puls2 I 1--1_ Filter and Amplifier 9_ 12V TPD '''F~J ---j~----1 ~,----~!,,:y C~ I I I I Threshold Rx Data _7....,11-----1 Voltage Detector I~TPF I Filter 16 I: " I 1 L -12V RETURN 1 2 10 ---~-t-6 FF-"f'f,r TPE +5V GND -5V TPA TP8 TPC GND GND GND FIGURE 1-HYC9068-LAND BLOCK DIAGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PIN FUNCTIONS PIN# 1 NAME -12V Return SYMBOL GND FUNCTION -12V Return -12V Power Supply 2 Power Supply Vss 3 Power Supply VDD -5 Volts Power Supply. 4,13,14,17 Ground GND Ground 6 Power Supply VCC + 5 Volt Power Supply. 7 Received Data Output RX Received Data, goes to RXIN of COM9OC32 (TTL). 8,10,15,16,5,9 Test Points TPA, TPB, TPE TPD, TPC, TPF Test Points. Make no connection to these pins. 11 COAX I/O OUTPUT S Connect to Coax Cable Shield (Outer Conductor). Bypass to GND is recommended. 12 COAX 110 OUTPUT C Connect to Coax Cable Inner Conductor (Center). 18 Pulse 2 PULS2 TTL Level Input to the Transmitter Section (Active Low). 19 Disable Disable Normally connected to ground a high disables the transmitting. 20 Pulse 1 PULSl TTL Level Input to the Transmitter Section (Active Low). 264 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION When using the optional -12V supply, Pin 3 must not be connected. Pin 1 must be grounded and -12V must be applied to Pin 2. The easiest way to create the optimsm input is to use the SMC COM9OC32 to provide PUL 1 and PlJCS2. The DISABLE (Pin 19) should be grounded during normal operation. In order to inhibit surge damage as well as limit spurious radiation, it is suggested that the shield of the COAXIAL CABLE be bypassed to ground by a parallel R-C Network (0.005 JLFd/1 Kv in parallel with two 5.6K ohm/%W resistors in series) as shown in typical interconnect diagram. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS MAXIMUM GUARANTEED RATINGS*: Operating Temperature Range ............................................................................ 0 C to + 70 C Storage Temperature Range .......................................................................... - 40 C to + 125 C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10 sec.) .......................................................................... + 325 C Positive Voltage on any pin with respect to Gnd ....................................................................... 8 V Negative Voltage on any pin except Vdd and Vss with respect to Gnd .......................................... - 0.3 V 'Stresses above those listed may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or at any other condition above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. NOTE: When powering this device from laboratory or system power supplies, it is important that the Absolute Maximum Ratings not be exceeded or device failure can result. Some power supplies exhibit voltage spikes or "glitches" on their outputs when the AC power is switched on and off. In addition, voltage transients on the AC power line may appear on the DC output. If this possibility exists it is suggested that a clamp circuit be used. Electrical Characteristics Ta Parameter INPUT VOLTAGE LEVELS Pulse 1, 2, DSBL inputs Low-level, VIL High-level, VIH Received signal amplitude OUT.PUT VOLTAGE LEVELS Rx Data output Low-level, VOL High-Level, VOH Transformer output Cable noise amplitude POWER SUPPLY CURRENT Icc Idd Iss PULSE WIDTH Pulse 1, 2 inputs COAXIAL CABLE Type RG-62 (930) = 0 to 70 C, Vcc = + 5V Min. Typ. ± 5%, Vdd = - 5V -12V ± 5% 0.8 V V Vp-p iii = -.8ma lih = .2ma 0.4 One TTL load One TTL load 4 V V Vp-p Vp-p 250 20 50 mA mA mA 20 100 nsec 2,000 265 = Unit 2.0 6 2.4 15.4 ± 5%, or V ss Max It Comments COM9026 HYC9068 COM91C32* (LAND) OR COM90C26 TX .......- - - - -......~TX CA DSYNC RX CA PULS2 I-------'~ PULS2 DSYNC PULS1 I------~ PULS1 COAX 1+_ _ _ _ _ _-\ RXOUT POR RESET OUT ClK LANClK ......-+-1 RESET IN ......---iIDlD IDDAT OUTPUT C RXIN ~------I RX OUTPUT S .......-.----4 POR IN PORIN ~ CAPACITOR SWITCH * COM90C32· -Local Area Network Transceiver is also compatible w~h the COM9026 or COM9OC26 and HYC9068. FIGURE 2-TYPICAL HYC9068 INTERCONNECT 1 ...•. . - - - - - - - 2.080 MAX -------+l~1 HYC9068 Lead Frame-Right Angle Straight -...J .400 I--'MAX'~· T I COMPONENT SIDE -+l I-- .100TYP ""'- .093 MAX HYC9068R HYC90685 C ~ N ~ T 1.15 MAX I D E .090 MAX. FIGURE 3-MECHANICAL SPECIFICATION ARCNET8 is a registered trademark of the Datapoint Corporation SU\NDt\RO MICROSVSTEMS _ maN 35Mim.15B1vi:1.I1aAIqe.IfYl1188 (5*273·3100 1Wl(·51O·227·889B ~~~~il~~~~~f~~sa~~~Z~~~i~~n~ f~~~~~~~ua~t~o~~I~~6~::i: :or~~6e~~~~Y,i~~!~R. ~~!~~~6r~~tjg~~~~ ~~;~~~i:'~}:~ checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, such information does not convey to the purchaser of the products described any license under the patent rights of SMC or others. SMC reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design and supply the best product possible. 266 HYC9078 PRELIMINARY High Impedance Transceiver HITTM 2 FEATURES PIN CONFIGURATION o Compatible with SMC's COM9056 Enhanced Local Area Network Controller (ELANC) NC NC o 5 MHz operation o High impedance o Enables Bus topology on LAN's o Provides network expansion without any additional -5v Gnd Ref Volt +5v Rx TPA repeaters or major rewiring NC o Multi-media drive capability TPD o Space saving economy o 20 pin single in line package (SIP) o Straight or right angle lead frame o Built in filters for noise immunity o Common mode isolation o Wide dynamic range o Very low level receiver sensitivity OUtput S OutputC Gnd Gnd TPC TPB Gnd Pulse 2 Disable Pulse 1 PACKAGE: 2O-pin S.l.P. GENERAL DESCRIPTION The HIT2 is a new media interface hybrid which works with the ELANC in the new high speed 5Mbps mode of signalling. The HIT2 will be available in a 20pin SIP hybrid package. The HIT2 has been tuned to operate with the ELANC's high speed mode and includes a specially designed receive circuit to receive data in the manchester signalling scheme. without introducing a significant amount of bit jitter. The HIT2 also includes a transmit signal amplifier and high frequency filter so that it generates clean signals that are free from high order harmonics that might cause EMI problems. Both the transmit section and receive circuit are transformer coupled to the output and have both been designed with very high input impedances which allow the HIT2 to be used in bus topologies. Additionally, the large dynamic range of the HIT2 provides very relaxed cabling restrictions. NOTE: For an updated data sheet please fill out the reply card in the back of this catalog or call SMC at (516) 273-3100. 267 -- f -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -! 19 Disabl I 20 Pulse 1 II I 18 , i-1--- .j Pulse 2 I , RxData I Threshold Voltage Detector , - •. ---= Filter l- I L ---- - - - - -5 -t- F F - r'f 13 +5V -*- NETWORK BUFFER MANAGEMENT LOGIC ~ ili ~ ~r-In ~ III ~ C/l ~ r TPA TPB 15 lPC 10 TPD GND GND ERQ EACK 1 ~ GND GND -5V 16 HIO/HMEM HR WAIT a: w 8 Figure 1-HIT Block Diagram HACK~ W i: COAX FIGURE 2: ELANC INTERFACE WITH DYNAMIC BUFFER BLOCK DIAGRAM - () , I-- 6 Voltage Threshold Adjust NC 1"9 1',: ~ I, 7 2 ,-NC 0< Filter and Amplifier "'1---1-- NC I Isolation Transformer r-- lLS374 - fjj IIQ$TROBE 1- DS CS I~ ERQ a: 1- 8 - DATA BUS II I II I RiW 8 8 cs IS~a:~~ 8 ROW ADDRESS BUS COLUMN ADDRESS BUS 0 J: I'{' I I I ROLUCOLUMN ADDRESSMUX ~ I 8 ELANC COM90C56 ~ a: ~ ~~ ~ l- ~ w 2: '--- 8} ADDRESS ~~f5 - 64K DYNAMIC RAM STAN~RD _ MICROSVSTEMS ATION 35PoWCU1Et«1,HaIppeugI.NYt178a (51Sl2n·3IOO TWlI·Stcl·227.88!IB Circuit diagrams utilizing SMC products are included as a means of illustrating typical applications; consequently complete information sufficient for construction purposes is not necessarily given. The information has been carefully checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore. such information does not convey to the purchaser of the products described any license under the patent rights of SMC or others. SMC reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design, and supply the best product possible. 268 - . Baud Rate Generator D em. DuaJ. BaUd Rate Glrn.er&tor 18 DiP 271-2'72 14 DIP . 273-274 .+5,+12 18 DIP 271-272 +6, +12. 18 DIP 271·272 +6, +12 14 DIP 273-274 +5, +12 14 DIP 27M174 +5 WDIP 275-276 +5 +5 +5 WDIP 276-276 +6 l8DIP l8DIP 14 DIP l4DlP 18 DIP 18 DIP +5 .14 DIP 277-278 277·278 279-286 279-286 277-278 277-278 279-28e +6 ~4DIP +5 l8DIP 287-290 ··267"290 COM 60l6Tm COM5026 COM5036 COM 6016 with a.dd1t1one.l output of inputfre~oy+ 4 (use 8136 Ol'&1C~ Dual BaUd Rate Generator fornewdEisiJros) COM 5016TWitJ:l. a.dd1t1one.l output of inoot freOuenoy. +·4 COM 5026 With a.dditional output of inPUtfre~OY + 4 (uee8146for new desiins J ~O~.~~~With a.dd1t1onal output of lllJ'U.t U"'I.uenoy + 4 CO:M5048 COM5046T<1l Single Ba.ud Rate Generator COM8046 Single Baud Rate Generator Single BaUd Rate Generator COM8ll6 COM8126 COM8136 C01l4.8146 COM 8146T<') COM8166 . COM 81066T<') Dua.l BaUd Rate Generator Dual Ba.ud Rate Generator. Single Ba.ud Rate Generstor . Single Baud Rate Generator Dual Ba'Ud Rate Generator Dual Ba.ud Rate Genera.tor SIJlgleBaud Rate Genera.tor SIJlgle :saud Rate Generator Dual BaudRate Generator . Timer/mock Generator T1n;ler/Clock Generstor .. COM 5048 with external frequency inoot onlv . . Bin/Ue +8voltversiOn of COM 6016 S:I.rutle +6 volt Vlll'Slon of COl[ 5016T Single +5 volt VersiOn of COM 6025 Sj,pgle + 5 volt version of COM 5026T 81ngle +8 volt versiOn ofOOM6036 .8ing1e +5 volt versiOn of COM 8036T Single + 6 volt ve:t'sion of COM 5046 Single +5 volt versiOn of COM 5046T High-frequency oloCk input version of COM 8116 with additiOnal output/! of inVut.freQueno:v. + 2 and +.8 .Externe.l clock inpU~ VersiOn of OOM8156· . ClIIOSU$el' Pro Ie Olocll; and Timer Externe.l Frequ~oy Input Vlll'Slon Of COM 8166T TimerlOlook Generator COM81066,"l Timer/Clock Genera.tor +6 +5 +6 +6 18.DII? +6 16 DIP 291~292 . +5 16 DIP 291-292 8 DIP 291-292 .+6 TTL CloCk Drivel' Version of the COM81067 with 3 timers )MB8be custom mask programmed '''For future release 269 +6 270 COM 5016 cOM5016T COM 5036 cOM5036T Dual Baud Rate Generator Programmable Divider FEATURES PIN CONFIGURATION o On chip crystal oscillator or external frequency input o Choice of 2 x 16 output frequencies o 16 asynchronous/synchronous baud rates o DIRECT UART/USRT/ASTRO/USYNRT compatibility o Full duplex communication capability o High frequency reference output' o TTL, MOS compatibility XTALlEXT1 1 18 XTAL/EXT2 \..J +5v 2 17 fT fR 3 16 TA RA 4 15 T, R, 5 14 Tc Rc 6 13 TD RD 7 12 STT STR 8 11 GND +12v 9 10 fx/4* BLOCK DIAGRAM SIT T, REPROGRAMMABLE FREQUENCY SELECT T, Tc To XTAUEXT1 DIVIDER +2 fT DIVIDER ... 2 fR XTAl ~ CLOCK BUFFER XTALIEXT2 A A ).. +5v *COM 5036/T only 271 GND +12v General Description The Standard Microsystems COM 5016/COM 5036 Dual Baud Rate Generator/Programmable Divider is an N-channel COPLAMOS® MaS/LSI device which, from a single crystal (on-chip oscillator) or input frequency is capable of generating 32 externally selectable frequencies. The COM 5016/COM 5036 is specifically dedicated to generating the full spectrum of 16 asynchronous/synchronous data communication frequencies as shown in Table 1. One of the sixteen output frequencies is externally selected by four address inputs, on each of the independent dividers, as shown in Table 1. Internal re-programmable ROM allows the generation of other frequencies from other crystal frequencies or input frequencies. The four address inputs on each divider section may be strobe (150ns) or DC loaded. As the COM 5016/COM 5036 is a dual baud rate generator, full duplex (independent receive and transmit frequencies) operation is possible. The COM 5016/COM 5036 is basically a programmable 15-stage feedback shift register capable of dividing any modulo upto (2 15 -1). By using one of the frequen€y outputs it is possible to generate additional divisions of the master clock frequency by cascading COM 5016/COM 5036's. The frequency output is fed into the XTALlEXT input on a subsequent device. In this way one crystal or input frequency may be used to generate numerous output frequencies. The COM 5016/COM 5036 can be driven by either an external crystal or TTL logic level inputs; COM 5016T /COM 5036T is driven by TTL logic level inputs only. The COM 5036 provides a high frequency reference output at one-quarter (1 /4) the XTALlEXT input frequency. Description of Pin Functions Pin No. Symbol Name XTALlEXT1 2 3 4-7 8 Crystal or External Input 1 Power Supply Vee Receiver Output fo Frequency RA, RB, Re, RD Receiver-Divisor Select Data Bits Strobe-Receiver STR 10 11 12 V DD fx/4GND STT Power Supply fx/4 Ground StrobeTransmitter 13-16 T D, T e, T B, TA 17 IT 18 XTALlEXT2 TransmitterDivider Select Data Bits Transmitter Output Frequency Crystal or External Input 2 9 Function This input is either one pin of the crystal package or one polarity of the external input. + 5 volt supply This output runs at a frequency selected by the Receiver divisor select data bits. The logic level on these inputs, as shown in Table 1, selects the receiver output frequency, fo' A high level input strobe loads the receiver data (RA' R B, Re, RD) into the receiver divisor select register. This input may be strobed or hard-wired to a high level. + 12 volt supply V4 crystal/ clock frequency reference output. Ground A high level input strobe loads the transmitter data (TA' T B, T e, T D) into the transmitter divisor select register. This input may be strobed or hard-wired to a high level. The logic level on these inputs, as shown in Table 1, selects the transmitter output frequency, fT' This output runs at a frequency selected by the Transmitter divisor select data bits. This input is either the other pin of the crystal package or the other polarity of the external input. -COM 5036/T only 272 COM 5026 cOM5026T COM 5046 cOM5046T Baud Rate Generator Programmable Divider FEATURES PIN CONFIGURATION o On chip crystal oscillator or external frequency input o Choice of 16 output frequencies o 16 asynchronous/synchronous baud rates o Direct UART/USRT/ASTRO/USYNRT compatibility o High frequency reference output' o TTL, MOS compatibility XTAL/EXT1 1 \..J 14 fouT XTAL/EXT2 2 13 A +5v 3 12 B NC 4 11 C GND 5 10 D NC 6 9 ST +12v 7 B fxl4* BLOCK DIAGRAM A B C REPROGRAM MABLE FREQUENCY SELECT o ROM XTALlExn DIVIDER XTAL ~ ~-----.----~ CLOCK +2 lOUT BUFFER XTALlEXT2 I L ---------------, ., --------- ~_-----~J A A A +5v *COM 5046/T only 273 GND +12v For additional information, consult your 1986 catalog or contact our product marketing department at (516) 273-3100. diagrams utilizing SMC products are included as a means of illustrating typical semiconductor applications: consequenHy complete information sufficient for construction purposes is not necessarily given. t~i~~~~&;~~~:= Circuit The information has been carefully checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. However, no responsibility is ""= .. '"1iIl'I "'''M assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, such information does not convey to the purchaser of the '"'' ""'00 . . "."'.... semiconductor devices described any license under the patent rights of SMC or others. SMC reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design ana supply the best product possible. 274 COM 8046 cOM8046T Baud Rate Generator Programmable Divider FEATURES o On chip crystal oscillator or external frequency input o Single + 5v power supply o Choice of 32 output frequencies o 32 asynchronousl synchronous baud rates o Direct UART/USRT/ASTRO/USYNRT compatibility ORe-programmable ROM via CLASp® technology allows generation of other frequencies o TTL, MaS compatible o 1XClockviafo/160utput o Crystal frequency output via fx and fxl 4 outputs o Output disable via FENA PIN CONFIGURATION XTAL/EXT1 XTALlEXT2 2 +5v 3 fx 4 GND 5 fo/16 6 FENA 7 E 8 "-J 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 fo A B C D ST fx/4 9 NC BLOCK DIAGRAM ST>--"'" A B C D REPROGRAM MABLE FREQUENCY SELECT DIVIDER ROM E 10 XTALlEXT1 XTAL/EXT2 XTAL L DIVIDER CLOCK BUFFER 10/16 FENA Ix ~ +5v A Ix/4 GND 275 General Description The Standard Microsystems COM 8046 is an enhanced version of the COM 5046 Baud Rate Generator. It is fabricated using SMC's patented COPLAMO~® and CLASP,®. technologies and employs depletion mode loads, allowing operation from a single + 5v supply. The standard COM 8046 is specifically dedicated to generating the full spectrum of 16 asynchronousl synchronous data communication frequencies for 1X, 16X and 32X UARTIUSRT1ASTR.O/USYNRT devices. The COM 8046 features an internal crystal oscillator which may be used to provide the master reference frequency. Alternatively, an external reference may be supplied by applying complementary TTL level signals to pins 1 and 2. Parts suitable for use only with an external TTL reference are marked COM 8046T. TTL outputs used to drive the COM 8046 or COM 8046T should not be used to drive other TIL inputs, as noise immunity may be compromised due to excessive loading. The reference frequency (fx) is used to provide two high frequency outputs: one at fx and the other at fx/4. The fx/4 output will drive one standard 7400 load, while the fx output will drive two 74LS loads. The output of the oscillatorlbuffer is applied to the divider for generation of the output frequency fa. The divider is capable of dividing by any integer from 6 to 2" + 1, inclusive. If the divisor is even, the output will be square; otherwise the output will be high longer than it is low by one fx clock period. The output of the divider is also divided internally by 16 and made available at the fo/16 output pin. The fo/16 output will drive one and the fa output will drive two standard 7400 TTL loads. Both the fa and fo/16 outputs can be disabled by supplying a low logic level to the FENA input pin. Note that the FENA input has an internal pull-up which will cause the pin to rise to approximately Vee if left unconnected. The divisor ROM contains 32 divisors, each 19 bits wide, and is fabricated· using SMC's unique CLASp® technology. This process permits reduction of turnaround-time for ROM patterns. The five divisor select bits are held in an externally strobed data latch. The strobe input is level sensitive: while the strobe is high, data is passed directly through to the ROM. Initiation of a new frequency is effected within 3.51's of a change in any of the five divisor select bits; strobe activity is not required. This feature may be disabled through a CLASP® programming option causing new frequency initiation to be delayed until the end of the current fa half-cycle All five data inputs have pull-ups identical to that of the FENA input, while the strobe input has no pull-up. Description of Pin Functions Pin No. Symbol Name Function XTALlEXT1 Crystal or External Input 1 Crystal or External Input 2 Power Supply fx Ground This input is either one pin of the crystal package or one polarity of the external input. This input is either the other pin of the crystal package or the other polarity of the external input. + 5 volt supply Crystall clock frequency reference output Ground 1X clock output A low level at this input causes the fa and fo/16 outputs to be held high. An open or a high level at the FENA input enables the fa and fo/16 outputs. Most significant divisor select data bit. An open at this input is equivalent to a logic high. No connection V4 crystal 1clock frequency reference output. Divisor select data strobe. Data is sampled when this input is high, preserved when this input is low. Divisor select data bits. A = LSB. An open circuit at these inputs is equivalent to a logic high. 16X clock output 2 XTALlEXT2 3 4 5 6 7 Vee fx GND fo/16 fo/16 FENA Enable 8 E E 9 10 11 NC NC fx/4 fx/4 ST Strobe 12-15 D,C,B,A D,C,B,A 16 fa fa For electrical characteristics, see page 281. 276 COM 8116 COM 8116T COM 8136 COM 8136T Dual Baud Rate Generator Programmable Divider PIN CONFIGURATION FEATURES D On chip crystal oscillator or external XTALlEXT1 1 frequency input D Single + 5v power supply D Choice of 2 x 16 output frequencies D 16 asynchronous/synchronous baud rates D Direct UART/USRT/ASTRO/USYNRT compatibility D Full duplex communication capability D High frequency reference outputD Re-programmable ROM via CLASp® technology allows generation of other frequencies D TTL, MaS compatibility D Compatible with COM 5016/COM 5036 18 XTALlEXT2 \.J 17 fT +5v 2 fR 3 16 TA RA 4 15 TB RB 5 14 Tc Rc 6 13 TD RD 7 12 STT STR 8 11 GND NC 9 10 fx/4" BLOCK DIAGRAM STT T, REPROGRAMMABLE FREQUENCY SELECT T. Tc To XTAUEXTl DIVIDER +2 fr DIVIDER +2 f. XTAL ~ CLOCK BUFFER XTAL'EXT2 A A +5v STR "COM 8136fT only 277 GND General Description The Standard Microsystem's COM 8116/COM 8136 is an enhanced version of the COM 5016/COM 5036 Dual Baud Rate Generator. It is fabricated using SMC's patented COPLAMOS$ and CLASP$ technologies and employs depletion mode loads, allowing operation from a single +5v supply. other TTL inputs, as noise immunity may be compromised due to excessive loading. The output of the oscillator/buffer is applied to the dividers for generation of the output frequencies fn fRo The dividers are capable of dividing by any integer from 6 to 2'· + 1, inclusive. If the divisor is even, the output will be square; otherwise the output will be high longer than it is low by one Ix clock period. The standard COM 8116/COM 8136 is specifically dedicated to generating the full spectrum of 16 asynchronous! synchronous data communication frequencies for 16X UART/USRT devices. A large number of the frequencies available are also useful for 1X and 32X ASTRO/USYNRT devices. The reference frequency (Ix) is used to provide a high frequency output at fxl4 on the COM 81361T. Each of the two divisor ROMs contains 16 divisors, each 19 bits wide, and is fabricated using SMC's unique CLASp® technology allowing up to 32 different divisors on custom parts. This process permits reduction of turn-around time for ROM patterns. Each group of four divisor select bits is held in an externally strobed data latch. The strobe input is level sensitive: while the strobe is high, data is passed directly through to the ROM. Initiation of a new frequency is effectedwithin 3.5fLS of a change in any of the four divisor select bits (strobe activity is not required). The divisor select inputs have pull-up resistors; the strobe inputs do not. The COM 8116/COM 8136 features an internal crystal oscillator which may be used to provide the master reference frequency. Alternatively, an external reference may be supplied by applying complementary TTL level signals to pins 1 and 18. Parts suitable for use only with an external TTL reference are marked COM 8116T/COM 8136T. TTL outputs used to drive the COM 8116/COM 8136 or COM 8116TI COM 8136T XTALlEXT inputs should not be used to drive Description of Pin Functions Pin No. Symbol 2 3 4-7 8 Crystal or External Input 1 Power Supply Receiver Output Frequency RA, RB, Re, RD Receiver-Divisor Select Data Bits STR Strobe-Receiver 9 NC 10 11 12 fx/4" fx/4 GND STT Ground StrobeTransmitter 13-16 17 18 XTALlEXT2 "COM 81361T only Function Name XTALlEXT1 This input is either one pin of the crystal package or one polarity olthe external input. + 5 volt supply This output runs at a frequency selected by the Receiver divisor select data bits. The logic level on these inputs, as shown in Table 1, selects the receiver output frequency, fRo A high level input strobe loads the receiver data (R A, RB, Re , RD) into the receiver divisor select register. This input may be strobed or hard-wired to a high level. No Connection TransmitterDivider Select Data Bits Transmitter Output Frequency Crystal or External Input 2 V4 crystall clock frequency reference output. Ground A high level input strobe loads the transmitter data (TA' T B, T e , To) into the transmitter divisor select register. This input may be strobed or hard-wired to a high level. The logic level on these inputs, as shown in Table 1, selects the transmitter output frequency, fT' This output runs at a frequency selected by the Transmitter divisor select data bits. This input is either the other pin of the crystal package or the other polarity of the external input. For electrical characteristics, see page 281. 278 COM 8126 COM 8126T COM 8146 COM 8146T Baud Rate Generator Programmable Divider FEATURES PIN CONFIGURATION D On chip crystal oscillator or external frequency input D Single + 5v power supply D Choice of 16 output frequencies D 16 asynchronous/synchronous baud rates XTAUEXT1 1 \..J 14 fouT XTAUEXT2 2 13 A D Direct UART/USRT/ASTRO/USYNRT +5v 3 12 B compatibility D High frequency reference outputD Re-programmable ROM via CLASp® technology allows generation of other frequencies TTL, MaS compatibility D Compatible with COM 5026/COM 5046 NC 4 11 C GND 5 o 10 0 NC 6 9 ST NC 7 8 fx/4 * BLOCK DIAGRAM ST'--- A 8 C REPROGRAMMABLE FREQUENCY SELECT D ROM XTAUEXT1 DIVIDER XTAL ~ ~-----.~----~ CLOCK +2 fOUT BUFFER XTAUEXT2 1--------------------------, I I I +4 I fx/4* I ~----------~ L ___________ ~ __ J k A +5v *COM 8146IT only 279 GND General Description The Standard Microsystem's COM 8126/COM 8146 is an enhanced version of the COM 5026/COM 5046 Baud Rate Generator. It is fabricated using SMC's patended COPLAMOS® and CLASp® technologies and employs depletion mode loads, allowing operation from a single +5vsupply. The standard COM 8126/COM 8146 is specifically dedicated to generating the full spectrum of 16 asynchronous/ synchronous data communication frequencies for 16X UART/USRT devices. A large number of the frequencies available are also useful for IX and 32X ASTRO/USYNRT devices. The COM 8126/COM 8146 features an internal crystal oscillator which may be used to provide the master reference frequency. Alternatively, an external reference may be supplied by applying complementary TTL level signals to pins 1 and 2. Parts suitable for use only with an external TTL reference are marked COM 8126T/COM 8146T. TTL outputs used to drive the COM 8126/COM 8146 or COM 8126T/COM 8146T XTALlEXT inputs should not be used to drive other TTL inputs, as noise immunity may be compromised due to excessive loading. The output of the oscillator/buffer is applied to the divider for generation of the output frequency. The divider is capable of dil/iding by any integer from 6 to 2 19 + 1, inclusive. If the divisor is even, the output will be square; otherwise the output will be high longer than it is low by one fx clock period. The reference frequency (fx) is used to provide a high frequency output at fxl4 on the COM 81461T. The divisor ROM contains 16 divisors, each 19 bits wide, and is fabricated using SMC's unique CLASp® technology. This process permits reduction of turnaround time for ROM patterns. The four divisor select bits are held in an externally strobed data latch. The strobe input is level sensitive: while the strobe is high, data is passed directly through to the ROM. Initiation of a new frequency is affected within 3.5f1s of a change in any of the four divisor select bits (strobe activity is not required). This feature may be disabled through a CLASp® programming option causing new frequency initiation to be delayed until the end of the current fouT half-cycle. The divisor select inputs have pull-up resistors; the strobe input does not. Description of Pin Functions Pin No_ Symbol Name Function XTALlEXTl Crystal or External Input 1 Crystal or External Input 2 Power Supply No Connection Ground fx/4 Strobe This input is either one 'pin of the crystal package or one polarity of the external input. This input is either ttie other pin of the crystal package or the other polarity of the external input. + 5 volt supply 2 XTALlEXT2 3 4,6,7 5 8 9 Vee NC GND fx/4 • ST 10-13 D,C,B,A 14 fOUT Divisor Select Data Bits Output Frequency Ground V4 crystal/ clock frequency reference output. A high level strobe loads the input data (A, B, C, D) into the input divisor select register. This input may be strobed or hard-wired to a high level. The logic level on these inputs as shown in Table 1, selects the output frequency. This output runs at a frequency selected by the divisor select data bits. 'COM 8146/T only 280 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS COM8046, COM8046T, COM8116, COM8116T, COM8126, COM8126T, COM8136, COM8136T, COM8146, COM8146T MAXIMUM GUARANTEED RATINGS" Operating Temperature Range ,,,,,,,' ,' ,,,.. ' . , ... , ..... O°C to + 70°C Storage Temperature Range ... , .. , .... -55°C to + 150°C Lead Temperature (soldering. 10 sec.) ...... . ..... , .. . . . . , ..... , . . . . , ............... +325°C Positive Voltage on any Pin. with respect to ground .. , , , , ..... , . . , . . . . . . . . . .. + 8.0V Negative Voltage on any Pin. with respect to ground ......... ,.... ,., ...... , .............. -0.3V • Stresses above those listed may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or at any other condition above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. NOTE: When powering this device from laboratory or system power supplies, it is important that the Absolute Maximum Ratings not be exceeded or device failure can result. Some power supplies exhibit voltage spikes or "glitches" on their outputs when the AC power is switched on and off. In addition, voltage transients on the AC power line may appear on the DC output. If this possibility exists it is suggested that a clamp circuit be used. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TA=O°C to 70°C. Vcc= +5V :':5%. unless otherwise noted) Parameter Min. D.C. CHARACTERISTICS INPUT VOLTAGE LEVELS Low-level, V" High-level, V'H OUTPUT VOLTAGE LEVELS Low-level, Va' High-level, VOH INPUT CURRENT Low-level, I" INPUT CAPACITANCE All inputs, C'N EXT INPUT LOAD POWER SUPPLY CURRENT Typ. Max. Unit 0.8 V V excluding XTAL inputs 0.4 0.4 0.4 V V V V 1.6mA, for fx/4, fo/16 IOL = 3.2mA, for fa, fR' fT 10L = 0.8mA, for fx IOH=-100I'A; for fx, IOH=-50I'A -0.1 mA V'N=GND, excluding XTAL inputs 10 10 pF V'N = GND, excluding XTAL inputs Series 7400 equivalent loads bO mA 0.01 7.0 MHz 0.01 5.1 MHz 150 DC ns 2.0 3.5 5 8 Icc A.C. CHARACTERISTICS CLOCK FREQUENCY, f'N STROBE PULSE WIDTH, t pw INPUT SET-UP TIME tDS INPUT HOLD TIME tOH STROBE TO NEW FREQUENCY DELAY Comments 10L = TA= +25°C XTALlEXT,50% Duty Cycle ±5% COM 8046, COM 8126, COM 8146 XTAL/EXT,50% Duty Cycle ±5% COM 8116, COM 8136 ns 200 50 3.5 ns I'S @f,=5.0MHz TIMING DIAGRAM t------- I p w - - - - - - - I STROBE 1 - - - - - - - - - 1 0 5 --------_~ DIVISOR SELECT DATA V'H 281 External Input Operation COM 8116/COM 8116T COM 8136/COM 8136T Crystal Operation COM 8116 COM 8136 74XX 74XX TTL TTL 74XX-totem pole or open collector output (external pull-up resistor required) Crystal Operation COM 8126 COM 8146 COM 8046 External Input Operation COM 8126/COM 8126T COM 8146/COM 8146T COM 8046/COM 8046T 74XX TTL 74XX TTL 74XX-totem pole or open collector output (external pull-up resistor required) For ROM re-programming SMC has a computer program available whereby the customer need only supply Ihe input Irequency and Ihe desired output frequencies. The ROM programming is automatically generaled. Crystal Specifications User must specify termination (pin, wire, other) Prefer: HC-18/U or HC-25/U Frequency - 5.0688 MHz, AT cut Temperature range O°C 10 70°C Series resistance <50 n Series Resonant Overall tolerance:!: .01 % or as required 282 Crystal manufacturers (Partial List) Northern Engineering Laboratories 357 Beloit Street Burlington, Wisconsin 53105 (414) 763-3591 Bulova Frequency Control Products 61-20 Woodside Avenue Woodside, New York 11377 (212) 335-6000 CTS Knights Inc. 101 East Church Street Sandwich, Illinois 60548 (815) 786-8411 Crystek Crystals Corporation 1000 Crystal Drive Fort Myers, Florida 33901 (813) 936-2109 COM 8046 cOM8046T Table 2 REFERENCE FREQUENCY = 5.068800MHz Divisor Select EDCBA 00000 00001 00010 00011 00100 00101 00110 00111 01000 01001 01010 01011 01100 01101 01110 01111 10000 10001 10010 10011 10100 10101 10110 10111 11000 11001 11010 11011 11100 11101 11110 11111 Desired Baud Rate 50.00 75.00 110.00 134.50 150.00 200.00 300.00 600.00 1200.00 1800.00 2400.00 3600.00 4800.00 7200.00 9600.00 19200.00 50.00 75.00 110.00 134.50 150.00 300.00 600.00 1200.00 1800.00 2000.00 2400.00 3600.00 4800.00 7200.00 9600.00 19200.00 Clock Factor 32X 32X 32X 32X 32X 32X 32X 32X 32X 32X 32X 32X 32X 32X 32X 32X 16X 16X 16X 16X 16X 16X 16X 16X 16X 16X 16X 16X 16X 16X 16X 16X Desired Frequency (KHz) 1.60000 2.40000 3.52000 4.30400 4.80000 6.40000 9.60000 19.20000 38.40000 57.60000 76.80000 115.20000 153.60000 230.40000 307.20000 614.40000 0.80000 1.20000 1.76000 2.15200 2.40000 4.80000 9.60000 19.20000 28.80000 32.00000 38.40000 57.60000 76.80000 115.20000 153.60000 307.20000 Divisor 3168 2112 1440 1177 1056 792 528 264 132 88 66 44 33 22 16 8 6336 4224 2880 2355 2112 1056 528 264 176 158 132 88 66 44 33 16 283 Actual Baud Rate 50.00 . 75.00 110.00 134.58 150.00 200.00 300.00 600.00 1200.00 1800.00 2400.00 3600.00 4800.00 7200.00 9900.00 19800.00 50.00 75.00 110.00 134.52 150.00 300.00 600.00 1200.00 1800.00 2005.06 2400.00 3600.00 4800.00 7200.00 9600.00 19800.00 Actual Frequency (KHz) 1.600000 2.400000 3.520000 4.306542 4.800000 6.400000 9.600000 19.200000 38.400000 57.600000 76.800000 115.200000 153.600000 230.400000 316.800000 633.600000 0.800000 1.200000 1.760000 2.152357 2.400000 4.800000 9.600000 19.200000 28.800000 32.081013 38.400000 57.600000 76.800000 115.200000 153.600000 316.800000 Deviation 0.0000% 0.0000% 0.0000% 0.0591% 0.0000% 0.0000% 0.0000% 0.0000% 0.0000% 0.0000% 0.0000% 0.0000% 0.0000% 0.0000% 3.1250% 3.1250% 0.0000% 0.0000% 0.0000% 0,0166% 0.0000% 0.0000% 0.0000% 0.0000% 0.0000% 0.2532% 0.0000% 0.0000% 0.0000% 0.0000% 0.0000% 3.1250% 284 COM 8116T Baud Rate Generator Output Frequency Options COM 8116T·OO3 COM 8116T·013 CRYSTAL FREQUENCY Transmit! Receive Address 0 C B A 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 a 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 a 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 = 2.76480 MHz Baud Theoretical Frequency Actual Frequency Rate 16XCIock 16XCIock 50 75 110 134.5 150 200 300 600 1200 1800 2000 2400 a 3600 1 4800 0 9600 1 19,200 Percent Error 0.8 KHz 0.8 KHz 1.2 1.2 1.76 1.76 2.152 2.152 2.4 2.4 3.2 3.2 4.8 4.8 9.6 9.6 19.2 19.2 28.8 28.8 32.0 32.149 38.4 38.4 57.6 57.6 76.8 76.8 153.6 153.6 307.2 307.2 0 0 -.006 -.019 0 0 0 0 0 0 +.465 a 0 0 a a CRYSTAL FREQUENCIES 8:~r8 % Divisor 50/50 50/50 50/50 50/50 50/50 50/50 50/50 50/50 50/50 50/50 50/50 50/50 50/50 50/50 50150 44/56 3456 2304 1571 1285 1152 864 576 288 144 96 86 72 48 36 18 9 Transmit! Receive Address 0 C B A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 a a 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 a 1 1 Baud Frequency Rate 16XCIock 16XCIock 0 50 75 1 110 0 1 134.5 150 0 200 1 0 300 1 600 1200 0 1800 1 0 2000 1 2400 3600 0 4800 1 9600 0 1 19,200 0.8 KHz 799.9Hz 1.2 1200.0 1.76 1759.7 2.152 2151.7 2399.6 2.4 3.2 3199.5 4.8 4799.3 9598.6 9.6 19227.9 19.2 28.8 28795.9 32.0 32012.5 38333.4 38.4 57868.7 57.6 76.8 77158.3 153.6 154316.6 307.2 300917.5 COM 8116T·013A CRYSTAL FREQUENCY-5.52960 MHz Transmit! Receive Address 0 C B A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 a 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Baud Rate 100 150 220 269 300 400 600 1200 2400 3600 4000 4800 7200 9600 19,200 38,400 Theoretical Frequency Frequency 16XCIock 16XCIock 106KHz 2.4 3.52 4.304 4.8 6.4 9.6 19.2 38.4 57.6 64.0 76.8 115.2 153.6 307.2 614.8 1.6KHz 2.4 3.5197 4.3032 4.8 6.4 9.6 19.2 38.4 57.6 64.298 76.8 115.2 153.6 307.2 614.8 Duty Actual 285 Percent Error Cycle % Divisor 0 0 -.006 -.019 0 0 0 0 0 0 +.466 0 0 0 50/50 50/50 50/50 50/50 50/50 50/50 50/50 50/50 50/50 50/50 50/50 50/50 50/50 50/50 50/50 44/56 3456 2304 1571 1285 1152 864 576 288 144 96 86 72 48 36 18 9 a a = 6.01835 MHz Actual Theoretical Frequency Duty Percent Error 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +0.14 0 0 -0.17 +0.46 +0.46 +0.46 2.04 Cycle Divisor % 50/50 50/50 50/50 50/50 50/50 50/50 50/50 50/50 50/50 50lSO 50/50 50150 50/50 50/50 50/50 50/50 7523 5015 3420 2797 2508 1881 1254 627 313 209 188 157 104 78 39 20 f, ~ ~ RCP RSI COM 8017 COM 2017 DUAL BAUD RATE GENERATOR UART fT TCP TSO t I Typical UART-Dual Baud Rate Generator Configuration Full Duplex-Split Speed R. R, R, BA TSO BB RSI COM 1671 ASTRO XTAL .-------l D 1-----, R R '><>----~XTAL/EXTI ""~--'- XTAL/EXT2 Typical External Oscillator Hook·Up L-_ _ _ _ _. - To System +v XTALlEXT1 ~ c:::JXTAL COM 8XXX TT To System 50-100 PF XTAL/EXT2 I Generation of Communication Reference Frequency and System Clock from a single crystal i iiiil~~;!;!!! Circuit diagrams utilizing oomplete SMC products are included means of illustrating semiconductor applications: oonsequently information sufficientas foraoonstruction purposes istypical not necessarily given. The information has been carefully checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. However, no responsiDllity is assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, such information does not convey to the purchaser of the semiconductor devices described any license under the patent rights of SMC or others. SMC reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design anCi supply the best product possible. 286 COM 8156 COM 8156T PRELIMINARY Dual Baud Rate Generator Programmable Divider PIN CONFIGURATION FEATURES o On chip crystal oscillator or external frequency input . 0 High crystal/clock frequency operation Rb Rc Rd STR XTAL" o Choice of 2 x 16 output frequencies 016 asynchronous/synchronous baud rates o High frequency reference outputs o Direct UART/USRT/ASTRO/USYNRT compatibility o Full duplex communication capability 10/4 ON-channel silicon gate technology GND o Single + 5v power supply o TTL, MOS compatibility STT Td 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 Ra IA Vee XTAL, 10 IT Ta Tb Te ORe-programmable ROM technology allows generation of other frequencies BLOCK DIAGRAM T, Tb T, Td XTAU EXT 1 BUFFER C I L L ·XTAU EXT2 IT 0 S 10 A T 0 R 10 -;- 4 BUFFER +5V~ GINO 287 IR GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Standard Microsystem's COM8156 is a dual baud rate generator that operates at twice the crystal/clock frequency of the COM8116/36. It is fabricated using SMC's patented COPLAMOS'· technology and employs depletion mode loads allowing operation from a single + 5V supply. The standard COM8156 is specifically dedicated to generating the full spectrum of 16 asynchronous/synchronous data communication frequencies for 16X UART/USRT devices. A large number of the frequencies available are also useful for 1X and 32X ASTRO/USYNRT devices. The COM8156 features an internal crystal oscillator which may be used to provide the master reference frequency. Alternatively. an external reference may be supplied by applying complementary TTL level signals to pins 1 and·9. Parts suitable for use only with an external TTL reference are marked COM 8156T. TTL outputs used to drive the COM8156 or COM8156T XTAUEXT inputs should not be used to drive other TTL inputs. as noise immunity may be compromised due to excessive loading. The output of the oscillator/buffer is applied to the dividers for generation of the output frequencies fTo fRo The dividers are capable of dividing by an integer from 6to 2 '9 + 1. inclusive. If the divisor is even. the output will be square; otherwise the output will be high longer that it is low by one fo clock period. The crystal frequency is divided by two to give (fel and again by four to give (fo/4)' The transmit (fT) and receive (fR) frequencies are obtained by dividing (fo) by N. Up to 32 different divisors can be mask-programmed on custom parts to accommodate different crystal frequencies and divider schemes. Each group of four divisor select bits is held in an externally strobed data latch. The strobe input is level sensitive: while the strobe is high. data is passed directly through to the ROM. Initiation of a new frequency is effected within 3.5us of a change in any of the four divisor select bits (strobe activity is not required). The divisor select bits (strobe activity is not required). The divisor select inputs and the strobe inputs have pull-up resistors. DESCRIPTION OF PIN FUNCTIONS PIN NO. 15 16 17 SYMBOL XTAUEXT1 NAME Crystal FUNCTION This input receives one pin of the crystal package. Vee fR Power Supply Receiver Output + 5 Volt Supply. This output runs at a frequency selected by the Receiver Address Inputs. 18 1-3 RaRb Re. Rd The logic level on these inputs as shown in Table 1. selects the receiver output frequency. f R' 4 STR Receiver Divisor Select Address Strobe-Receiver Address 5 XTAUEXT2 6 fO/4 7 8 GND STT Ground Strobe-Transmitter Address 9-12 Td Te. Tb Ta 13 fT Transmitter Divisor Select Address Transmitter Output Frequency 14 fo Crystal Oscillator Output Oscillator Output Frequency A high-level input strobe loads the receiver address (R•• Rb• Re. Rd ) into the receiver address register. This input may be strobed or hard wired to + 5V. This input receives one pin of the crystal package. This output runs at a frequency selected by the crystal + 8. Ground A high-level input strobe loads the transmitter address (T••. T b• Te. Td) into the transmitter address register. This input may be strobed or hard wired to + 5V. The logiC level on these inputs. as shown in Table 1. selects the transmitter output frequency. h. This output runs at a frequency selected by the Transmitter Address inputs. This output runs at a frequency selected by the crystal + 2. 288 COM8156, COM8156T ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS MAXIMUM GUARANTEED RATINGS' Operating Temperature Range ...................................................................... O°C to + 70°C Storage Temperature Range ..................................................................... -55°to + 150°C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10 sec.) .................................................................... + 325°C Positive Voltage on any Pin, with respect to ground .......................................................... + 8.0V Negative Voltage on any Pin, with respect to ground ......................................................... - 0.3V 'Stresses above those listed may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or at any other condition above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. NOTE: When powering this device from laboratory or system power supplies, it is important that the Absolute Maximum Ratings not be exceeded or device failure can result. Some power supplies exhibit voltage spikes or "glitches" on their outputs when the AC power is switched on and off. In addition, voltage transients on the AC power line may appear on the DC output. If this possibility exists it is suggested that a clamp circuit be used. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TA = O°C to 70°C, Vee PARAMETER DC CHARACTERISTICS INPUT VOLTAGE LEVELS Low Level V" High Level V,H OUTPUT VOLTAGE LEVELS Low Level VOL MIN = + 5V ± 5%, unless otherwise noted) TYP UNIT 0.8 V V excluding XTAL inputs 0.4 0.4 0.5 V V V V 10L 10L 10L 10H -0.1 mA Y'N = GND, excluding XTAL inputs 10 10 pF Y'N = GND, excluding XTAL inputs Series 7400 equivalent loads 60 mA 11.0 DC MHz ns 2.0 High Level VOH 2.4 INPUT CURRENT Low-level, I" INPUT CAPACITANCE All inputs, C'N EXT INPUT LOAD POWER SUPPLY CURRENT Icc AC CHARACTERISTICS CLOCK FREQUENCY, fiN STROBE PULSE WIDTH, tpw INPUT SET-UP TIME tDS INPUT HOLD TIME TOH STROBE TO NEW FREQ. DELAY OUTPUT CLOCKS DUTY CYCLE fo fOl4 fA, fT CRYSTAL CHARACTERISTICS Series Crystal Resistance Crystal Shunt CapaCitance 5 8 5.0 150 = = = = 1.6 mA, for fO/4 3.2 mA, for fA, fT 3.2 mA, for fo -100 floA XTAUEXT, 50% Duty Cycle ± 5% ns 50 50 40 45 48 30 2 COMMENTS MAX 5 289 3.5 ns flos 60 55 52 % % % 70 10 pf @1.5VLEVEL @1.5VLEVEL @1.5VLEVEL @Resonance I~.~-------~~--------~ TIMING DIAGRAM STROBE .7V +- DIVISOR SELECT DATA Baud Rate Generator Output Frequency Options COM8156/COM8156T CRYSTAL FREQUENCY 1l"'mltlRecelve Address Baud DCBARate ~~~:~~~ 16X Clock (16X clock) COM8156-005/COM8156T-005 CRYSTAL FREQUENCY =10.1376 MHz F,!q'7.~~CY Percent 8;::re 16X Clock Error % Divisor Tr'mitiReceive Address Baud DCBARate ~~::~~~ 16X Clock o 0.8 KHz 0.8 KHz 0 0 0 50 1.2 1.2 0 0 1 75 1.76 1.7589 0 1 0 110 2.152 2.152 0 1 1 134.5 2.4 2.4 1 0 0 150 4.8 4.8 0101300 9.6 9.6 0110600 19.2 o 1 1 1 1200 19.2 28.8 28.7438 1 0 0 0 1800 32.0 31.9168 10012000 38.4 38.4 10102400 57.6 57.8258 10113600 76.8 76.8 11004800 114.306 115.2 11017200 153.6 153.6 11109600 307.2 1 1 1 1 19.200 307.2 000050 0.8 KHz 0.8 KHz 50/50 6336 o 0 0 1 75 50/50 4224 1.2 1.2 o 0 1 0 110 50/50 2880 1 .76 1 .76 o 0 1 1 134.5 2.152 2.1523 0.016 50/50 2355 2.4 2.4 o 1 0 0 150 50/50 2112 4.8 4.8 0101300 50/50 1056 0110600 9.6 9.6 50/50 528 19.2 19.2 o 1 1 1 1200 50/50 264 28.8 28.8 1 0 0 0 1800 50/50 176 10012000 32.0 32.081 0.253 50/50 158 10102400 50/50 132 38.4 38.4 50/50 88 10113600 57.6 57.6 11004800 50/50 66 76.8 76.8 11017200 50/50 44 115.2 115.2 11109600 153.6 153.6 48/52 33 1 1 1 1 19.200 307.2 316.8 3.125 50/50 16 o o o o Crystal Operation (16X clock) =9.8304 MHz F'::"~~CY Percent g:,:re 16X Clock Error % Divisor - 50/50 50/50 • 50/50 50/50 50/50 50/50 50/50 -0.19' -0.2650/50 50/50 0.39' 50/50 -0.77 50/50 50/50 -0.01 6144 4096 2793 2284 2048 1024 512 256 171 154 128 85 64 43 32 16 External Input Operation 74XX TTL 74XX-totem pole or open collector output (external pull·up resistor required) For ROM re-programming SMC has a computer program available whereby the customer need only supply the input frequency and the desired output frequencies. The ROM programming is automatically generated. Crystal Specifications User must specify termination (pin, wire, other) Prefer: HC-18/U or HC-25/U Frequency: 10.1376 MHz, AT cut Temperature range O°C to 70°C Series resistance <50 n Series Resonant Overall tolerance ± .01 % or as required Crystal manufacturers (Partial List) Northern Engineering Laboratories 357 Beloit Street Burlington, Wisconsin 53105 (414) 763-3591 Bulova Frequency Control Products 61-20 Woodside Avenue Woodside, New York 11377 (212) 335-6000 CTS Knights Inc. 101 East Church Street Sandwich, Illinois 60548 (815) 786-8411 Crystek Crystals Corporation 1000 Crystal Drive Fort Myers, Florida 33901 (813) 936-2109 Circuit diagrams utilizing SMC products are included as a means of illustrating typical semiconductor applications; con~equently complete information sufficient for construction purposes is not necessarily given. The information has been carefully checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. However, no responsibility is :~~c~~~~~i~;JU;~~~r~e~~~~~d~~;he ~~~~~r~?~~:t~~s~06so~~~~~~W~bt~:s~~:;~f~:rr~~~::'~~~~~h~~~~~ at any time in order to improve design and supply the best product possible. 290 COM81C66 COM81C67 COM81C68 PRELIMINARY Universal Rate Generator and Timer FEATURES PIN CONFIGURATIONS o Three independent 20 bit programmable counters All counters are cascadeable o Clock input up to 16 MHz o Square wave, pulse, one shot modes of operation o Inpu1 clock prescalers divide by 2, 32, or 64 o Low power CMOS 08 and 16 D.I.P. packages o Crystal or TTL frequency source o Single +5 Volt power supply COMB1C66 -16 PIN VERSION o DO Vee XTAL1 XTAL2 RATE3 RATE2 D7 D1 D2 CS RATEl D3 D4 D6 GND GENERAL DESCRIPTION D5 DoOe DoOe COMB1C67 - CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR VERSION The TIMER chip is a device designed to provide a convenient and inexpensive solution to applications requiring programmable multiple clock divider sources. The source frequency can be either an internal crystal controlled oscillator, or an external TTL signal. The TIMER consists of a data input portion, a register addressing block and three counter blocks. The Counter blocks are accessed and programmed independently and they can be configured to operate in various modes simultaneously. The TIMER chip serves a broad range of applications some of which are: programmable rate generation, pulse generation, motor control, real time clock, interrupt applications and others. DATA BUS BSf-----'----+I vee GND 291 CS RATEl GND 2 3 4 7 6 5 Vee XTAL1 XTAL2 RATE2 COMBl C6B - TTL CLOCK VERSION CS2 RATEl 3 GND 4 Vee 7CLK 6 RATE3 5 RATE2 TABLE 1 - COM81C67 AND COM81C68, DESCRIPTION OF PIN FUNCTIONS The COM81 C67 and COM81 C68 are two eight pin versions of the TIMER chip. The COM81 C68 is a TIL clock input only and the COM81 C67 is a crystal oscillator pin connection. PIN NO. 81C68 81C67 1 1 3 5 6 2 SYMBOL TYPE 3 5 NAME AND FUNCTION DO I DATA BUS-This input only pin is used to program and initialize the Timer. RATE1 RATE2 RATE3 0 RATE OUTPUT-These outputs will supply the programmable rate outputs according to the mode and preload on the specified Timer Block. CS XTAL1 XTAL2 I CHIP SELECT-A low level on this input enables the processor to write to the TIMER. When CS is high, the Data input pin is high impedance. I CRYSTAL-An external crystal is connected to these pins on the COM81 C67. An external TIL clock can be used on pin 7. Pin 8 must be left floating open. CLOCK-This is a TTL clock input used as the main clock for the COM81 C68. 2 - 7,6 7 - CLK I 8 4 8 4 VCC GND I - POWER-This is a +5V power supply. GROUND TABLE 2 - COM81C66, DESCRIPTION OF PIN FUNCTIONS The COM81 C66 is a sixteen pin version with an internal crystal oscillator. PIN NO. 81C66 1-3 6,7 9-11 SIGNAL TYPE DO-D7 I 5 12 13 RATE1 RATE2 RATE3 0 RATE OUTPUT-This output will supply the programmable rate output according to the mode and preload on the specified Timer Block. CS I CHIP SELECT-A low level on this input enables the processor to write to the TIMER. When CS the Data input(s) are don't cares. 15 14 16 XTAL1 XTAL2 I VCC 8 GND - NAME AND FUNCTION DATA BUS-The Timer is programmed by write operations via the Data Bus. 4 CRYSTAL-An external crystal is connected to these pins on the COM81C66. An external TIL clock can be used on XTAL1. POWER-There is a +5V power supply. GROUND S)i~~~~ i~;!!.;; Circuit diagrams utilizing SMC products are included as a means of illustrating typical semiconductor appli,. cations: consequently complete information s.uffici!!'nt for construction purposes is not necessarily gi,,!,~ .. T~e Information has been carefully checked and IS believed to be entirely reliable. However, no responsibility IS " assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, such information does not convey to the purchaser of the semiconductor devices described any license under the patent rights of SMC or others. SMC reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design and supply the best product possible. 292 Display Products TIMING CONTllOLLBBS TBlUIIINAL LOGIC COlV'l'B.OLLBBS (l)M8¥be custom mask programmed 293 """"",. Display Products CONT. VDAC~ DISPLAr COlftl\OLLBBS ("Also available as CRT8002A, B, C-001 Kata.ka.na. CRT8002A, B, C-003, -018 6 x 7 dot matrix VIDBO~TBZBUTESCOlftl\OLLB.S ~="::! BOWBUFJ'EB. VT 100 and VT220 are registered trademarks of Digital Equipment Corp. 294 CRT 5027 CRT 5037 CRT 5057 CRT Video Timer and Controller VTAC® FEATURES PIN CONFIGURATION o Fully Programmable Display Format o o o o o o o o o o o o Characters per data row (1-200) Data rows per frame (1-64) Raster scans per data row (1-16) Programmable Monitor Sync Format Raster Scans/ Frame (256-1023) "Front Porch" Sync Width "Back Porch" I nterl ace/ Non-I nterlace Vertical Blanking Lock Line Input (CRT 5057) Direct Outputs to CRT Monitor Horizontal Sync Vertical Sync Composite Sync (CRT 5027, CRT 5037) Blanking Cursor coincidence Programmed via: Processor data bus External PROM Mask'Option ROM Standard or Non-Standard CRT Monitor Compatible Refresh Rate: 60Hz, 50Hz"" Scrolling Single Line Multi-Line Cursor Position Registers Character Format: 5x7, 7x9"" Programmable Vertical Data Positioning Balanced Beam Current Interlace (CRT 5037) Graphics Compatible A2 [ 1 A3 [ 2 cs [ 3 R3 [ 4 R2 [ 5 GND [ 6 Rl [ 7 R~ [ 8 '-' i5S[ 10 LLl/CSYN [ 9 0 VSYN'( 11 DCC [ 12 Vee [ 13 Vee [ 14 HSYN,C 15 CRV C 16 BL[ 17 OB7 C 18 DB6 C 19 20 DB5 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 Al A0 H0 HI H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7!DR5 DR4 DR3 DR2 DRI DR~ OB~ OBI DB2 DB3 DB4 PACKAGE: 40-Pin D,I.P, o Split-Screen Applications o o o o o o o Horizontal Vertical Interlace or Non-Interlace operation TTL Compatibility BUS Oriented High Speed Operation COPLAMOS·' N-Channel Silicon Gate Technology Compatible with CRT 8002 VDACTM Compatible with CRT 7004 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The CRT Video Timer and Controller Chip (VTAC)® is a user programmable 40-pin COPLAMOS® n channel MOS/LSI device containing the logic functions required to generate all the timing signals for the presentation and formatting of interlaced and non-interlaced video data on a standard or non-standard CRT monitor, With the exception of the dot counter, which may be clocked at a video frequency above 25 MHz and therefore not recommended for MOS implementation, all frame formatting, such as horizontal, vertical, and composite sync, characters per data row, data rows per frame, and raster scans per data row and per frame are totally user program mable, The data row counter has been designed to facilitate scrolling, Programming is effected by loading seven 8 bit control registersdirectlyoffan8bitbidirectionaldatabus, Fourregister address lines and a chip select line provide complete microprocessor compatibility for program controlled setup, The device can be "self loaded" via an external PROM tied onthe data bus as described inthe OPERATION section, Formatting can also be programmed by a single mask option, In addition to the seven control registers two additional registers are provided to store the cursor character and data row addresses for generation olthe cursor video signal. The contents of these two registers can also be read out onto the bus for update by the program, Three versions of the VTAC® are available, The CRT 5027 provides non-interlaced operation with an even or odd number of scan lines per data row, or interlaced operation with an even number of scan lines per data row, The CRT5037 may be programmed for an odd or even number of scan lines per data row in both interlaced and non-interlaced modes, Programming the CRT 5037 for an odd number of scan lines per data row eliminates character distortion caused by the uneven beam current normally associated with odd field/even field interlacing of alphanumeric displays, The CRT 5057 provides the ability to lock a CRT's vertical refresh rate, as controlled by the VTAC's® vertical sync pulse, to the 50 Hz or 60 Hz line frequency thereby eliminating the so called "swim" phenomenon, This is particularly well suited for European system requirements, The line frequency waveform, processed to conform to the VTAC's® specified logic levels, is applied to the line lock input. The VTAC® will inhibit generation of vertical sync until a zero to. one transition on this input is detected, The vertical sync pulse is then initiated within onescan line after this transition rises above the logic threshold of the VTAC,® To provide the pin required for the line lock input, the composite sync output is not provided in 'the CRT 5057, 295 For additional information, consult your 1986 SMC catalog or contact our product marketing department at (516) 273-3100. ~~~~i~~_~~~.; Circuit diagrams utilizing SMC products are included as a means of illustrating typical semiconductor applications: consequently complete information sufficient for construction purposes is not necessarily given. The information has been carefully checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. However, no responsitillity is ",,,'",,,,"'",,,,. "''''' assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, such information does not convey to the purchaser of the "", ",.,,"" . "',."',.",.... semiconductor devices described any license under the patent rights of SMC or others. SMC reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design ana supply the best product possible. 5 296 CRT 5047 Preprogrammed CRT Video Timer and Controller VTAC® FEATURES PIN CONFIGURATION o Preprogrammed (Mask-Programmed) o Display Format BO Characters Per Data Row 24 Data Rows Per Frame 9 Scan Lines Per Data Row Preprogrammed Monitor Sync Format 262 Scan Lines Per Frame 6 Character Times for Horizontal Front Porch B Character Times for Horizontal Sync Width 6 Character Times for Horizontal Back Porch 16 Scan Lines for Vertical Front Porch 3 Scan Lines for Vertical Sync Width 27 Scan Lines for Vertical Back Porch Non-I nterlace 15.720KHz Horizontal Scan Rate 60Hz Frame Refresh Rate A2 A1 A3 A0 H0 cs o Fixed Character Rate 1.572MHz Character Rate (636.13ns/Character) 11.004MHz Dot Rate (90.BBns/Dot) for 7 Dot Wide Character Block o Character Format 5 X 7 Character in a 7 X 9 Block o Compatible with CRT B002B-003 VDACTM o Compatible with CRT 7004B-003 o May be mask-programmed with other display formats R3 H1 R2 H2 GND H3 R1 H4 R0 H5 Os HB CSYN H7/DR5 VSYN DR4 DCC DR3 Voo DR2 Vee DR1 HSYN DR0 CRV DB0 BL DB1 DB? DBB DB2 DB3 DB5 DB4 PACKAGE: 40-pin O.I.P. GENERAL DESCRIPTION The two chip combination of SMC's CRT 5047 and CRT 8002B-003 effectively provide all of the video electronics for a CRT terminal. This chip set along with a f.lC form the basis for a minimum chip count CRT terminal. sible by the processor. The CRT 5047 is easily initialized by the following sequence of commands: Reset The CRT 5047 Video Timer and Controller is a special version of the CRT 5037 VTAC® which has been ROMprogrammed with a fixed format. It is especially effective for low-cost CRT terminals using an 80 X 24 display format with a 5 X 7 character matrix. The use of a fixed ROM program in the CRT 5047 eliminates the software overhead normally required to specify the display parameters and simplifies terminal software design. The Cursor Character Address Register and the Cursor Row Address Register are the only two registers acces- Load Control Register 6 Start Timing Chain The parameters of the CRT 5047 have been selected to be compatible with most CRT monitors. The horizontal timing is programmed so that when the two character skew delay of the CRT 8002 VDACTM is taken into account, the effective timing is: Horizontal Front Porch -four characters, and Horizontal Back Porch-eight characters. Figure 1 shows the contents of the internal CRT 5047 registers. Other mask-programmed versions of the CRT 5037 are available. Consult SMC for more information. 297 For additional information, consult your 1986 SMC catalog or contact our product marketing department at (516) 273-3100. i iiii~i~;;~!;; Circuit diagrams utilizing comj)lete SMC products are included means of illustrating semiconductor applications: consequently information sufficientas foraconstruction purposes istypical not necessarily given. The information has been carefully checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. Furlhermore, such information does not convey to the purchaser of the semiconductor devices described any license under the patent rights of SMC or others. SMC reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design ana supply the best product possible. 298 CRT 7220A CRT 7220A-1 CRT 7220A-2 High-Performance Graphics Display Controller FEATURES PIN CONFIGURATION o Microprocesser Interface o o o o o o o o 2xWCLK DMA transfers with 8257- or 8237-type controllers FIFO Command Buffering Display Memory Interface Up to 256K words of 16 bits Read-Modify-Write (RMW) Display Memory cycles as fast as 500ns Dynamic RAM refresh cycles for nonaccessed memory Light Pen Input External video synchronization mode Graphics Mode Four megabit, bit-mapped display memory Character Mode 8K character code and attributes display memory Mixed Graphics and Character Mode 64K if all characters 1 megapixel if all graphics Graphics Capabilities Figure drawing of lines, arc/circles, rectangles, and graphics characters in 500ns per pixel Display 1024-by-1 024 pixels with 4 planes of color or grayscale Two independently scrollable areas Character Capabilities Auto cursor advance Four independently scrollable areas Programmable cursor height Characters per row: up to 256 Character rows per screen: up to 100 DSIN HSYNC V/EXTSYNC BLANK ALE ORO 3 4 5 6 7 ~ 8 R!i 9 WR 10 AO 11 DBO 12 DB1 13 DB2 DB3 DB4 16 DB5 17 DB6 18 DB7 19 GND 20 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 Vee A17 A16 AD15 AD14 AD13 AD12 AD11 AD10 AD9 AD8 AD7 AD6 AD5 AD4 AD3 AD2 AD1 ADO LPEN/DH PACKAGE: 4O-pin D.I.P. o Video Display Format o o o o Zoom magnification factors of 1 to 16 Panning Command-settable video raster parameters Technology Single + 5 volt Power Supply COPLAMOS® n-Channel Silicon Gate Technology DMA Capability Bytes or word transfers 4 clock periods per byte transferred GENERAL DESCRIPTION The CRT 7220A High-performance Graphics Display Controller (HGDC) is an intelligent microprocessor peripheral designed to be the heart of a high-performance raster-scan computer graphics and character display system. Positioned between the video display memory and the microprocessor bus, the HGDC performs the tasks needed to generate the raster display and manage the display memory. Processor software overhead is minimized by the HGDC's sophisticated instruction set, graphics figure drawing, and DMA transfer capabilities. The display 'memory supported by the HGDC can be configured in any number of formats and sizes up to 256K 16-bit words. The display can be zoomed and panned, while partitioned screen areas can be independently scrolled. With its light pen input and multiple controller capability, the HGDC is ideal for advanced computer graphics applications. puter graphics system. Through the division of labor established by the HGDC's design, each of the system components is used to the maximum extent through a sixlevel hierarchy of simultaneous tasks. At the lowest level, the HGDC generates the basic video raster timing, including sync and blanking signals. Partitioned areas on the screen and zooming are also accomplished at this level. At the next level, video display memory is modified during the figure drawing operations and data moves. Third, display memory addresses are calculated pixel by pixel as drawing progresses. Outside the HGDC at the next level, preliminary calculations are done to prepare drawing parameters. At the fifth level, the picture must be represented as a list of graphics figures drawable by the HGDC. Finally, this representation must be manipulated, stored, and communicated. By handling the first three levels, the HGDC takes care of the high-speed and repetitive tasks required to implement a graphics system. The HGDC is designed to work with a general purpose microprocessor to implement a high-performance com- 299 r-;;D;M;A-""1:--------:r;,;.;;;;.;;;...,~HSYNC Control ~~!~:YNC ALE iiBiJj Command Processor wHh Control ROM 128x 14 A-17 A-16 AD-IS AD-14 AD-13 Parameter RAM 16xB +5Vo---- ILPENlDH GNOo----2xWCLKo---. DESCRIPTION OF PIN FUNCTIONS PIN NO_ SYMBOL 2XWCLK DBIN HSYNC V/EXTSYNC BLANK ALE (RAS) DRQ DACK RD WR AO DBO-DB7 GND LPENIDH ADO-AD12 AD13-AD15 IN/OUT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12-19 20 21 22-34 35-37 38 A16 OUT 39 A17 OUT 40 VCC FUNCTION Clock Input Display Memory Read Input Flag Horizontal Video Sync Output Vertical Video Sync Output or External VSYNC Input CRT Blanking Output Address Latch Enable Output DMA Request Output DMA Acknowledge Input Read Strobe Input for Microprocessor Interface Write Strobe Input for Microprocessor Interface Address Select Input for Microprocessor Interface Bidirectional data bus to Host Microprocessor Ground. Light Pen Detect Input/Drawing Hold Input Address and Data Lines to Display Memory Character Mode: Line Counter Outputs, Bits 0-2 Mixed Mode: Address and Data Bits 13-15 Graphics Mode: Address and Data Bits 13-15 Character Mode: Line Counter Output, Bit 3 Mixed Mode: Attribute Blink and Clear Line Counter Output Graphics Mode: Address Bit 16 Output_ Character Mode: Cursor Output and Line Counter Bit 4 Mixed Mode: Cursor and Bit Map Area Flag Output Graphics Mode: Address Bit 17 Output + 5 Volt Power Supply IN OUT OUT IN/OUT OUT OUT OUT IN IN IN IN IN/OUT IN IN/OUT IN/OUT 300 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION Microprocessor Bus Interface Control of the HGDC by the system microprocessor is achieved through an 8-bit bidirectional interface. The status register is readable at any time. Access to the FIFO buffer is coordinated through flags in the status register and operates independently of the various internal HGDC operations, due to the separate data bus connecting the interface and the FIFO buffer. Command Processor The contents of the FIFO are interpreted by the command processor. The command bytes are decoded, and the succeeding parameters are distributed to their proper destinations within the HGDC. The command processor yields to the bus interface when both access the FIFO simultaneously. DMAControl The DMA control circuitry in the HGDC coordinates transfers over the microprocessor interface when using an external DMA controller. The DMA Request and Acknowledge handshake lines directly interface with a DMA controller, so that display data can be moved between the microprocessor memory and the display memory. Parameter RAM The 16-byte RAM stores parameters that are used repetitively during the display and drawing processes. In character mode, this RAM holds four sets of partitioned display area parameters; in graphics mode, the drawing pattern and graphics character take the place of two of the sets of parameters. Drawing Controller The drawing processor contains the logic necessary to calculate the addresses and positions of the pixels of the various graphics figures. Given a starting point and the appropriate drawin!il parameters, the dra,«ing contr~lIer needs no further assistance to complete the figure drawing. Display Memory Controller The display memory controller's tasks are numerous. Its primary purpose is to multiplex the address and data information in and out of the display memory. It also contains the 16-bit logic unit used to modify the display memory contents during RMW cycles, the character mode line counter, and the refresh counter for dynamic RAMs. The memory controller apportions the video field time between the various types of cycles. Light Pen Deglitcher Only if two rising edges on the light pen input occur at the same point during successive video fields are the pulses accepted as a valid light pen detection. A status bit indicates to the system microprocessor that the light pen register contains a valid address. Ifthis input is hElld high for a period greater than four 2xWCLK cycles, drawing execution is halted. PROGRAMMER'S VIEW OF HGDC The HGDC occupies two addresses on the system microprocessor bus through which the HGDC's status register and FIFO are accessed. Commands and parameters are written into the HGDC's FIFO and are differentiated based on address bit AO. The status register or the FIFO can be read as selected by the address line. AD Video Sync Generator Based on the clock input, the sync logic generates the raster timing signals for almost any interlaced, non-interlaced, or "repeat field" interlaced video format. The generator is programmed during the idle period following a reset. In video sync slave mode, it coordinates timing between multiple HGDC's. READ WRITE Status Register Parameter Into FIFO 0 I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Command Into FIFO FIFO Read I I I I I I I I I HGDC Microprocessor Bus Interface Registers The memory timing circuitry provides two memory c;ycle types: a two-clock period refresh cycle and the read-modify-write (RMW) cycle which takes four clock periods. The memory control signals needed to drive the diSplay memory devices are easily generated from the HGDC's ALE and DBIN outputs. Commands to the HGDC take the form of a command byte followed by a series of parameter bytes as needed for specifying the details of the command. The command processor decodes the commands, unpacks the parameters, loads them into the appropriate reigsters within the HGDC, and initiates the required operations. The commands available in the HGDC can be organized into five categories as described in the following section. Zoom & Pan Controller HGDC COMMAND SUMMARY Memory Timing Generator Based on the programmable zoom display factor and the display area entries in the parameter RAM, the zoom and pan controller determines when to advance to the next memory address for display refresh and when to go on to the next display area. A horizontal zoom is produced by slowing down the display refresh rate while maintaining the video sync rates. Vertical zoom is accomplished by repeatedly accessing each line a number of times equal to the horizontal repeat. Once the line count for a display area is exhausted, the controller accesses the starting address and line count of the next display area from the parameter RAM. The system microprocessor, by modifying a display area starting address, can pan in any direction, independently of the other display areas. Video Control Commands 1. RESET 1 Resets the HGDC to its idle state. 2. RESET 2 Resets the HGDC to its idle state. Does not resynchronize video timing. Blanks the display. 3. RESET 3 Resets the HGDC to its idle state. Does not resynchronize video timing. Does not blank the display. 4. SYNC Specifies the video display format. 5. VSYNC Selects master or slave video synchronization mode. 6. CCHAR Specifies the cursor and character row heights. 301 SR-3: Drawing In Progress Display Control Commands 1. START Ends Idle mode and unblanks the display. 2. BLANK 1 Controls the blanking and unblanking of the display, along with video resynchronization. 3. BLANK 2 Controls the blanking and unblanking of the display. Does not blank the display. 4. ZOOM Specifies zoom factors for the display and graphics .characters writing. 5. CURS Sets the position of the cursor in display memory. 6. PRAM Defines starting addresses and lengths of the display areas and specifies the eight bytes for the graphics character. 7. PITCH Specifies the width ofthe X dimension of display memory. Drawing Control Commands 1. WDAT 2. MASK 3. FIGS 4. FIGD 5. GCHRD Writes data words or bytes into display memory. Sets the mask register contents. Specifies the parameters for the drawing controller. Draws the figure as specified above. Draws the graphics character into display memory. Data Read Commands 1. RDAT: Reads data words or bytes from display memory. Reads the cursor position. Reads the light pen address. 2. CURD: 3. LPRD: DMA Control Commands 1. DMAR 2. DMAW Requests a DMA read transfer. Requests a DMA write transfer. STATUS REGISTER FLAGS III I tt lDataReadY FIFO Full FIFO Empty L - - - - D r a w i n g In Progress L.. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DMA Execute '--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Vertlcal Sync Active Horizontal Blank Actlve/ Vertical Blank Active ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - L i g h t P e n Detect Status Register (SR) SR-7: Light Pen Detect When this bit is set to 1, the light pen address (LAD) register contains a deglitched value that the system microprocessor may read. This flag is reset after the 3-byte LAD is moved into the FIFO in response to the light pen read command. SR-6: Horizontal Blanking ActiveNertical Blank Active A 1 value for this flag signifies that horizontal retrace blanking or vertical retrace blanking is currently underway dependent on the status of the VH bit in SYNC or the RESETx parameter 6. SR-S: Vertical Sync Vertical retrace sync occurs while this flag is a 1. The vertical sync flag coordinates display format modifying commands to the blanked interval surrounding vertical sync. This eliminates display disturbances. SR-4: DMA Execute This bit is a 1 during DMA data transfers. While the HGDC is drawing a graphics figure, this status bit is a 1. SR-2: FIFO Empty This bit and the FIFO Full flag coordinate system microprocessor accesses with the HGDC FIFO. When it is 1, the Empty flag ensures that all the commands and parameters previously sent to the HGDC have been interpreted. SF-1: FIFO Full A 1 at this flag indicates a full FIFO in the HGDC. A 0 ensures that there is room for at least one byte. This flag needs to be checked out before each write into the HGDC. SR-O: Data Ready When this flag is a 1, it indicates that a byte is available to be read by the system microprocessor. This bit must be tested before each read operation. It drops to a 0 while the data is transferred from the FIFO into the microprocessor interface data register. FIFO OPERATION & COMMAND PROTOCOL The first-in, first-out buffer (FIFO) in the HGDC handles the command dialogue with the system microprocessor. This flow of information uses a half-duplex technique, in which the single 16-location FIFO is used for both directions of data movement, one direction at a time. The FIFO's direction is controlled by the system microprocessor through the HGDC's command set. The host microprocessor coordinates these transfers by checking the appropriate status register bits. The command protocol used by the HGDC requires differentiation of the first byte of a command sequence from the succeeding bytes. The first byte contains the operation code and the remaining bytes carry parameters. Writing into the HGDC causes the FIFO to store a flag value alongside the data byte to signify whether the byte was written into the command or the parameter address. The command processor in the HGDC tests this bit as it interprets the entries in the FIFO. The receipt of a command byte by the command processor marks the end of any previous operation. The number of parameter bytes supplied with a command is cut short by the receipt of the next command byte. A read operation from the HGDC to the microprocessor can be terminated at any time by the next command. The FIFO changes direction under the control of the system microprocessor. Commands written into the HGDC always put the FIFO into write mode if it wasn't in it already. If it was in read mode, any read data in the FIFO at the time ofthe turnaround is lost. Commands which require a HGDC response, such as RDAT, CURD and LPRD, put the FIFO into read mode after the command is interpreted by the HGDC's command processor. Any commands and parameters behind the read-evoking command are discarded when the FIFO direction is reversed. RE~D-MODIFY-WRITE CYCLE Data transfers between the HGDC and the display memory are accomplished using a read-modify-write (RMW) memory cycle. The four clock period timing of the RMW cycle is used to: 1) output the address, 2) read data from the memory, 3) modify the data, and 4) write the modified data back into the initially selected memory address. This type of 302 memory cycle is used for all interactions with display memory including DMA transfers, except for the two clock period display and RAM refresh cycles. The operations performed during the modify portion of the RMW cycle merit additional explanation. The circuitry in the HGDC uses three main elements: the Pattern register, the Mask register, and the 16-bit Logic Unit. The Pattern register holds the data pattern to be moved into memory. It is loaded by the WDAT parameters or, during drawing, from the parameter RAM. The Mask register contents determine which bits of the read data will be modified. Based on the contents of these registers, the Logic Unit performs the selected operations of REPLACE, COMPLEMENT, SET, or CLEAR on the data read from display memory. The Pattern register contents are ANDed with the Mask register contents to enable the actual modification of the memory read data, on a bit-by-bit basis. For graphics drawing, one bit at a time from the Pattern register is combined with the Mask. When ANDed with the bit set to a 1 in the Mask register, the proper single pixel is modified by the logiC Unit. For the next pixel in the figure, the next bit in the Pattern register is selected and the Mask register bit is moved to identify the pixel's location within the word. The Execution word address pointer register, EAD, is also adjusted as required to address the word containing the next pixel. In character mode, all of the bits in the Pattern register are used in parallel to form the respective bits of the modify data word. Since the bits of the character code word are used in parallel, unlike the one-bit-at-a-time graphics drawing process, this facility allows any or all of the bits in a memory word to be modified in one RMW memory cycle. The Mask register must be loaded with 1s in the positions where modification is to be permitted. The Mask register can be loaded in either of two ways. In graphics mode, the CURS command contains a four-bit dAD field to specify the dot address. The command processor converts this parame'(er into the one-of-16 format used in the Mask register for figure drawing. A full 16 bits can be loaded into the Mask register using the MASK command. In addition to the character mode use mentioned above, the 16-bit MASK load is convenient in graphics mode when all of the piXels of a word areto be set to the same value. The Logic Unit combines the data read from display memory, the Pattern Register, and the Mask register to generate the data to be written back into display memory. Anyone of four operations can be selected: REPLACE, COMPLEMENT, CLEAR or SET. In each case, if the respective Mask bit is 0, that particular bit of the read data is returned to memory unmodified. If the Mask bit is 1, the modification is enabled. With the REPLACE operation, the Pattern Register data simply takes the place of the read data for modification enabled bits. For the other three operations, a 0 in the modify data allows the read data bit to be returned to memory. A 1 value causes the specified operation to be performed in the bit positions with set Mask bits. FIGURE DRAWINGS The HGDC draws graphics figures at the rate of one pixel per read-modify-write (RMW) display memory cycle. These cycles take four clock periods to complete. At a clock frequency of 8MHz, this is equal to 500ns. During the RMW cycle the HGDC simultaneously calculates the address 'and position of the next pixel to be drawn. The graphics figure drawing process depends on the display memory addressing structure. Groups of 16 horizontally adjacent pixels form the 16-bit words which are handled by the HGDC. Display memory is organized as a linearly addressed space of these words. Addressing of individual pixels is handled by the HGDC's internal RMW logic. During the drawing process, the HGDC finds the next pixel of the figure which is one of the eight nearest neighbors of the last pixel drawn. The HGDC assigns each ofthese eight directions a number from 0 to 7, starting with straight down aRd proceeding counterclockwise. Drawing Directions Figure drawing requires the proper manipulation of the address and the pixel bit position according to the drawing direction to determine the next pixel of the figure. To move to the word above or below the current one, it is necessary to subtract or add the number of words per line in display memory. This parameter is called the pitch. To move to the word to either side, the Execute word address cursor, EAD, must be incremented or decremented as the dot address pointer bit reaches the LSB or the MSB of the Mask register. To move to a pixel within the same word, it is necessary to rotate the dot address pOinter register to the right or left. The table below summarizes these operations for each direction. Dlr Operations to Add,.•• the Next Pixel 000 EAD P-+EAD 001 EAD-P .... EAD dAD (MSB) = 1:EAD -1 .... EAD dAD .... LR 010 dAD (MSB)1 :EAD -1 .... EAD dAD .... LR 011 EAD-P_EAD dAD(MSB)=I:EAD-l .... EADdAD .... LR 100 EAD-P .... EAD 101 EAD-P-+EAD dAD (LSB) = 1:EAD -1 .... EAD dAD .... RR 110 dAD(LSB)-I:EAD-l .... EAD dAD .... RR EAD-P .... EAD dAD (LSB) = 1:EAD -1 .... EAD dAD .... RR Where P Pitch, LR Left Rotate, RR Right Rotate, EAD = Execute Word Address, and dAD = Dot Address stored in the Mask Register. 111 Whole word drawing is useful for filling areas in memory with a single value. By setting the Mask register to all 1s with the MASK command, both the LSB and MSB of the dAD will always be 1, so that the EAD value will be incremented or decremented for each cycle regardless of direction. One RMW cycle will be able to effect all 16 bits of the word for any drawing type. One bit in the Pattern register is used per RMW cycle to write all the bits ofthe word to the same value. The next Pattern bit is used for the word, etc. 303 , I, Forthe various figures, the effect ofthe initial direction upon the resulting drawing is shown below: Olr Line Arc Character Slant Char Rectangle 000 ~# 001 ~ 010 JIj L> ~ 011 100 101 110 111 ~,)7 r> ~ ~ ~/. " ,', "• C:~~ ~ ';:,-,) ~~ fIT UUlJ1J /J rumn ,/'1 ~ n",J [J i'N 0 ~ ff 0 ~ ~ 0 ~,~~-- ~ ~ ~ ff OMA D z: ~ CJ ~ ~ ~ ~ (> Drawing Type ~ I'N 0 HGDC Drawing Controller coordinates the RMW circuitry and address registers to draw the specified figure pixel by pixel. The algorithms used by the processor for figure drawing are designed to optimize its drawing speed. To this end, the specified details about the figure to be drawn are reduced by the microprocessor to a form conducive to high-speed address calculations within the HGDC. In this way the repetitive, pixel-by-pixel calculations can be done quickly, thereby minimizing the overall figure drawing time. The table below summarizes the parameters. DC D D2 D1 DM Initial Value· 0 8 8 -1 -1 Line 1<1.11 Arc·· rain 4» Graphic Characte""" _d + wrl1e De1e 2(j """ 45? 8= Angle from major axis to start of the arc. 8 .... 45? i = Round up to the next higher integer. ~ = Round down to the next lower integer. A= Number of pixels in the initially specified direction. B"" Number of pixels In the direction at right angles to the initially specified direction. W= Number of words to be accessed. C=: Number of bytes to be transferred in the initially specified direction. (Two bytes per word If word transfer mode is selected.) 0= Number of words to be accessed In the direction at right angles to the Initially specified direction. DC == Drawing count parameter which Is one less than the num· ber of RMW cycles to be executed. DM= Dots masked from drawing during arc drawing. t==- Needed only for word reads. GRAPHICS CHARACTER DRAWING Graphics characters can be drawn into display memory pixel-by-pixel. The up to 8-by-8 character display is loaded 'into the HGDC's parameter RAM by the system microprocessor. Consequently, there are no limitations on the character set used. By varying the drawing parameters and drawing direction, numerous drawing options are available. In area fill applications, a character can be written into display memory as many times as desired without reloading the parameter RAM. Once the parameter RAM has been loaded with up to eight graphics character bytes by the appropriate PRAM command, the GCHRD command can be used to draw the bytes into display memory starting at the cursor. The zoom magnification factor for writing, set by the zoom command, controls the size of the character written into the display memory in int~ger multiples of 1 through 16. The bit values in the PRAM are repeated horizontally and vertically the number of times specified by the zoom factor. The movement ofthese PRAM bytes to the display memory is controlled by the parameters of the FIGS command. Based on the specified height and width of the area to be drawn, the parameter RAM is scanned to fill the required area. For an 8-by-8 graphics character, the first pixel drawn uses the LSB of RA-15, the second pixel uses bit 1 of RA-15, and so on, until the MSB of RA-15 is reached. The HGDC jumps to the corresponding bit in RA-14 to continue the drawing. The progression then advances toward the LSB of RA-14. This snaking sequence is continued for the other 6 PRAM bytes. This progression matches the sequence of display memory addresses calculated by the 304 drawing processor as shown above. If the area is narrower than 8 pixels wide" the snaking will advance to the next PRAM byte before the MSB is reached. If the area is narrower than 8 lines high, fewer bytes in the parameter RAM will be scanned. If the area is larger than 8 by 8, the HGDC will repeat the contents of the parameter RAM in two dimensions, as required to fill the area with the 8-by-8 mozaic. (Fractions of the 8-by-8 pattern will be used to fill areas which are not multiples of 8 by 8). PARAMETER RAM CONTENTS: RAM ADDRESS RAOT015 The parameters stored in the parameter RAM, PRAM,.are available for the HGDC to refer to repeatedly during figure drawing and raster-scanning. In each mode of operation the values in the PRAM are interpreted by the HGDC in a predetermined fashion. The host microprocessor must load the appropriate parameters into the proper PRAM locations. PRAM loading command allows the host to write into any location of the PRAM and transfer as many bytes as desired. Graphics and Mixed Graphics and Character Modes Character Mode I 0 0 In this way any stored parameter byte or bytes may be changed without influencing the other bytes. The PRAM stores two types of information. For specifying the details of the display area partitions, blocks of four bytes are used. The four parameters stored in each block include the starting address in display memory of each display area, and its length. In addition, there are two mode bits for each area which specify whether the area is a bit-mapped graphics area or a coded character area, and whether a 16-bit or a 32-bit wide display cycle is to be used for that area. The other use for the PRAM contents is to supply the pattern for figure drawing when in a bit-mapped graphics area or mode. In these situations, PRAM bytes 8 through 16 are reserved for this patterning information. For line, arc, and rectangle drawing (linear figures) locations 8 and 9 are loaded into the Pattern Register to allow the HGDC to draw dotted, dashed, etc. lines. For area filling and graphics bitmapped character drawing locations 8 through 15 are referenced for the pattern or character to be drawn. Details of the bit assignments are shown for the various modes of operation. RA-O I. . 1 ... 1 I '--;=~=;=~~=~~~=~ I-- SAD1~ --'_""---"_-'--'-_"'--'-~ I--,_L~EN_"--,,_~I_O-'-_0-LI_SA~~_,~I 2 ... Length of Display Partition Area 1 with low and high Significance fields (line count) Length 01 Display PartHlon 1 (line count) with high and low significance fields LEN1 tt In mixed mode, a 1 Indicates an A Wide Display cycle width '--------- :~:'!~:~:~:~~r::~~na of two words per memory cycle is then incremented by 2 for each display scan cycle. Other memory cycle types are not Influenced. 0 0 o I WD21 0 I I 14 15 0 0 o I I wool 0 0 0 I 0 0 LEN3 H o LEN4L WD41 0 I 1 0 LEN2, or or GCHR8 GCHR7 GCHR6 11 GCHR5 12 GCHR4 ii! - r-- 0 o I SAD2, RA-l0 Display Partnton 4 starling address and length 13 GCHR3 14 GCHR2 15 GCHRI SAD4H I PTN, PTN H Display PartHlon 3 0 SAD4l 0 cl 0 atartlng addresa and length SAD3 .. LEN3~ I WD2IIM I 0 r-- Display Partition Area 2 starting address and length with Image bH a8 in area 1 SAD2M LEN2L RA-8 RA-12 13 0 SAD3l 10 11 Display Partition 2 starting address 0 - SAD2l r-- and length LEN2H RA-8 0 RA-4 SA02H LEN2L 0 0 graphics mode thts bit must be O. When 1, the DAD Is Incremented every other display cycle. The display add,... counter SAD2L :~d~(~~~: :::rr:.~)lflcance --,_",,---,,_S.A_~_.-,--,-_~~ '--__________ ~s,:~~:s:'I~h!:td~:~I~~ RA-4 Display Partition Area 1 starting address with low• 0 LEN4H 305 / Pattern of 16 bits used for figure drawing to pattern dotted, dashed, etc. lines Graphics character bytes to be moved into display memory with graphics character drawing VIDEO CONTROL COMMANDS Command Bytes Summary RESET 1 RESET2 RESET3 BLANKI BLANK2 SYNC VSYNC CCHAR START I I I I I I I I I 0 o , 0 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o , 0 0 o 0 o I 0·, 0 I Reset o 0 l' l' I 1 I 1 I DE DE 0 l' l' I DE I I I ~ "L_0..J-~~--'---''----'---'_--'-o--,• -FIFO - Command Processor -Internal COunters This command can be executed at any time and does not modify any ofthe parameters already loaded into the HGDC. If followed by parameter bytes, this command also sets the sync generator parameters as described below. Idle mode is exited with the START command. RESET 1: Resync video timing in slave mode. RESET 2: Blank the display and do not resync. RESET 3: Unblank the display and do not resync. M Mode 01 Operation select bits P1 l' See below P2 Active Olsplay Words per line _ 2 Must be even number with bit 0 == 0 P3 0 Horizontal Sync Width - 1 ' - - - - - - - - - - Vertical Sync Width, low bits ZOOM CURS P4 PRAM L-..J---J'--H_F'-P..--L..-..J----''--_VS'-"---II-- Vartlcal Sync Width, high bit. \'-'---- SA - PITCH WDAT .0 1 I II TYPE 0 P5 DH PH P6 VH VL MOD .Horizontal Front Porch Width - 1 - HBP -- VFP o FIGS P8 A~ YBP j..- Active Display Lines per '-..J-~'--~''<',_,__ '0..._-_-_0..._-_oJ_L.._-_-_0..._-_....1_._Video Field, FIGD . GCHRD RDAT 1 CURD DMAW Vertical Front Porch Width Video Field, low btts MASK DMAR Horizontal Back Porch Width - 1 i-- Active Display Lines per AL, P7 LPRD Blank the display, enter Idle modo, and Innlan... within the HGDC: ,. 1 1 I II I I I 1'1 I l' TYPE o 0 o 0 0 MOD TYPE MOD TYPE MOD high bR. Vertical Back Porch Width In graphics mode, a word is a group of 16 pixels. In character mode, a word is one character code and its attributes, if any. The number of active words per line must be an even number from 2 to 256. An all-zero parameter value selects a count equal to 2" where n = number of bits in the parameter field for vertical parameters. All horizontal widths are counted in display words. All vertical intervals are counted in lines. If the Drawing Hold (DH) is set to one, pin 21 (LPEN/DH) is used as the drawing hold control pin. When the input to LPEN/DH is held high for over four 2 x WCLK clocks, the drawing address output is temporarily held and the display address is output. The HGDC allows an even or odd number of lines per frame. Selection is via the VL flag, the seventh bit of the sixth parameter byte following a RESET or SYNC command. When VL is 0, an odd number of display lines is generated. 306 VL o Interlaced Framing: 2 Field Sequence with 'i2line offset. Each field displays alternate lines. Noninterlaced Framing: 1 field brings all of the information to the screen. Number 01 lines In Interlaced mode Odd, as in 7220 Even When VH = 0, status operation is as in CRT 7220. D VH o Blank Status Bit Dellnltlon Status register bit 6 indicates Horizontal Blank Status register bit6 indicates Vertical Blank No Refresh - STATIC RAM Refresh - Dynamic RAM Dynamic RAM refresh is important when high display zoom factors or DMA are used in such a way that not all of the rows in the RAMs are regularly accessed during display raster generation and for otherwise inactive display memory. PH is the most significant bit (9) of the display pitch parameter. Use the PITCH command to set the lower eight bits, Drawing during acllve dlep'.Y time and ret,ace blanking SYNC GENERATOR PERIOD CONSTRAINTS Drawing only during ret,ace blanking Access to display memory can be limited to retrace blanking intervals only, so that no disruptions of the image are seen on the screen. Horizontal Back Porch Constraints 1. In general: HBP;;.3 Display Word Cycles (6 clock cycles). 2. If the Image bit or WD modes change within one video field: HBP;;.5 Display Word Cycles (10 clock cycles). 3. If interlace, mixed mode, or split screen is used: HBP;;.5 Display Word Cycles (10 clock cycles). R~ET3 L..1_o--'-----'-_"--o_I'--, Both commands allow a reset while presenting reinitialization of the internal sync generator by an externaf sync source (slave mode). Cursor & Character Characteristics CCHAR:I Horizontal SYNC Constraints P3 °° °, ,, °, Display Cursor if 1 line number L-"-...JC....B~OT-'---'----JL.-....r.....B-R"-'-~\-- Blink Rata, upper bRa ,'-'-----Cursor Bottom lina number in tha row CBOT LR < In graphics mode, LR should be set to O. The blink rate parameter controls both the cursor and attribute blink rates. The cursor blink-on time = blink-off time = 2 x BR (video frames). The attribute blink rate is always '12 the cursor rate but with a % on -% off duty cycle. All three parameter bytes must be output for interlace displays, regardless of mode. For interlace displays in graphics mode, the parameter BRL = 3. Inyalid Video Framing per character row-1 0 - Blinking Cursor 1 - Steady Cursor ' - - - - - - - - - - Blink Rata, lower bits Graphics Mode Noninterlaced IDt'-E_I_o_I___L_R_---~-Llnes - Character Mode I S oj P2 I B~~~~~---CT-D-P----~-~U:::~::p Modes of Operation Bits °° °, ,, °, ! - 1. If interlaced display mode is used: HS;;.5 Display Word Cycles (10 clock cycles). 2. If DRAM Refresh is enabled: HS;;'2 Display Word Cycles (4 clock cycles). Mixed Graphics & Character °. ' , 0 ° .-T""'''!!!i=::::;:=======;-- ExternalSYNe Enable p, Display Mode . .JI --'-0----'-_'--' Horizontal Front Porch Constraints 1. In general: HFP;;.2 Display Word Cycles (4 clock cycles). 2. If the HGDC is used in the video sync Slave mode: HFP;;.4 Display Word Cycles (8 clock cycles). 3. If the Light Pen is used: HFP;;.6 Display Word Cycles (12 clock cycles). 4. If interlace mode, DMA, or ZOOM is used: HFP;;.3 Display Word Cycles (6 clock cycles). C G L..I_O--'-----'-_.l.-°...JI'--o...1..-----,----,,--'1 RESET2 Invalid Interlaced Repeat Field for Character Displays Interlaced Repeat Field Framing: 2 Field Sequence with '12 line offset between otherwise identical fields. 307 When SE = 0, the HGDC, in slave mode, detects the falling edge of EX. SYNC on the first frame. When SE = 1, the HGDC, in slave mode, detects the falling edge of EX. SYNC on every frame. DISPLAY CONTROL COMMANDS SYNC Format Specify l1D~ Start Display & End Idle Mode The display Is enabled by a 1, and blanked by a O. PI START:lo,l,t . 0 , 1 , 0 , 1 . 1 1 Mode of Operation selecl bits See below ° ° P2 Active Display Words per line Must be even number with bit 0 == 0 P3 Display Blanking Control ~ IL._'---'----'----''---'--'--'----'.'---l. 1 DE I-Thedllplaylsonabled ~~ 1, and blanked by Horizontal Sync Width ' - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Vertical Sync Width, low bits P4 ,'-._--- L--,--,-_H_F,-Pr_-'-~--'VS'-"--II-- Vertical Sync Width. high bits P5 DH PH HBP P6 VH VL VFP rr-- VBP Horizontal Front Porch Width BLANK 2 does not cause the resyncing of an HGDC in slave mode. BLANK 1 does cause the resyncing of an HGDC in slave mode. Horizontal Back Porch Width Vertical Front Porch Width Zoom Factors Specify Display Lines per I-- Active Video Field, low bits AL, P7 P8 The START command generates the video signals as specified by the RESETX or SYNC command. ALH f-- ~_D~I_l-'-~ L--,-~__~o~1 ZOOM: 1 Active Display Lines per L-......--'-_"'\_,~_.==:==~=::=~._ Video Field, __ high bits Vertical Back Porch Width PI 1 GCHR DISP I-- ~---"_'~\"'_L--'-~_-'-~ This command also loads parameters into the sync generator. The various parameter fields and bits are identical to those at the RESET command. The HGDC is not reset nor does it enter idle mode. Vertical Sync Mode \ Zoom 'actor lor graphics character writing and area filling ' - - - - - - - - - - O i s p l a y zoom factor Zoom magnification factors of 1 through 16 are available using codes 0 through 15, respectively. Cursor Position Specify VSYNc:l~o~._l~_ _ _~~--,_'~I_M~~ o -Accept External Vertical Sync - Slave Mode 1 -Generate & Output Vertical Sync - Master Mode When using two or more HGDCs to contribute to one image, one HGDC is defined as the master sync generator, and the others operate as its slaves. The VSYNC pins of all HGDCs are connected together. A few considerations should be observed when synchronizing two or more HGDCs to generate overlayed video via the V/EXT SYNC pin. As mentioned above, the Horizontal Front Porch (HFP) must be 4 or more display cycles wide. This is equivalent to eight or more clock cycles. This gives the slave HGDCs time to initialize their internal video sync generators to the proper point in the video field to match the incoming vertical sync pulse (VSYNC). This resetting of the generator occurs just after the end of the incoming VSYNC pulse, during the HFP interval. Enough time during HFP is required to allow the slave HGDC to complete the operation before the start of the HSYNC interval. Once the HGDCs are initialized and set up as Master and Slaves, they must be given time to synchronize. It is a good idea to watch the VSYNC status bit of the Master HGDC and wait until after one or more VSYNC pulses have been generated before the display process is started. The START command will begin the active display of data and will end the video synchronization process, so be sure there has been at least one VSYNC pulse generated forthe Slaves to synchronize to. 308 PI P2 P3 I- I EAD .....---'---''--..........--'---''---'---'---'. Execute WOrd Add...., low byte I. Execute WOrd Address, EAD L-..........-'-~_-'---'----''--~---'r middle byte dAD 1WG .1 ° 1 E~D I-- (Graphics M_ only) '--~"""\---",-'~~~~~~~~~~~'"""""-~~_Word - Address, top bits Dot Address within the word In character mode, the third parameter byte is not needed. The cursor is displayed for the word time in which the display scan address (DAD) equals the cursor address. In graphics mode, the cursor word address specifies the word containing the starting pixel of the drawing; the dot address value specifies the pixel within that word. When the WG bit is set to one, any data following the WDAT command is written as is. When the WG bit is set to zero, the 7220A performs as the 7220 does: The pattern written is determined by the least Significant bit of each parameter byte following the WDAT command. This bit is expanded into 16 identical bits which form the pattern. Parameter RAM Load "-----_ _ _ Starting Address in parameter RAM I-- P, I '----I---'"_"'---'-____"_-'--_'_--.J I 1 to 16 byt.. to be loaded :.~~~: :~~:~~~:r.ss specified by SA I p" From the starting address, SA. any number of bytes may be loaded into the parameter RAM at incrementing addresses, up to location 15. The sequence of parameter bytes is terminated by the next command byte entered into the FIFO. The parameter RAM stores 16 bytes of information in predefined locations which differ for graphics and character modes. See the parameter RAM discussion for bit assignments. Pitch Specification during the RMW memory cycle. In graphics bit-map situations, only the LSB of the WDAT parameter bytes is used as the pattern in the RMW operations. Therefore it is possible to have only an all ones or all zeros pattern. If the WG bit of the third parameter of the CURS command is set to one, any byte following the WDAT command is w~itten as is. In coded character applications all the bits of the WDAT parameter\? are used to establish the drawing pattern. The WDAT command operates differently from the other commands which initiate RMW cycle activity. It requires parameters to set up the Pattern register while the other commands use the stored values in the parameter RAM. Like all of these commands, the WDAT command must be preceded by a FIGS command and its parameters. Only the first three parameters need to be given following the FIGS opcode, to set up the type of drawing, the DIR direction, and the DC value. The DC parameter + 1 will be the number of RMW cycles done by the HGDC with the first set of WDAT parameters. Additional sets of WDAT parameters will see a DC value of 0 which will cause only one RMW cycle to be executed per set of parameters. Mask Register Load P1: 1""--'_-'--'---'P'---'--'-_'--..J1 , r--- Number of word addresses In display memory In the horizontal direction This value is used during drawing by the drawing processor to find the word directly above or below the current word, and during display to find the start of the next line. The Pitch parameter (width of display memory) is set by two different commands. In addition to the PITCH command, the RESET (or SYNC) command also sets the pitch value. The "active words per line" parameter, which specifies the width of the raster-scan display, also sets the Pitch of the display memory. Note that the AW value is two less than the display window width. The PITCH command must be used to set the proper memory width larger than the window width. DRAWING CONTROL COMMANDS Write Data into Display Memory "-----RMW Memory cycle Logical Operation: o ______ REPLACE with Pattern 1 ______ COMPLEMENT o ______ RESET to zero 1~SETto1 '--------DataTranslerTypa: :,":======Word, Low then High byte Low Byte of the Word 1 _ ' " < - - - - - - - H l g h Byte 01 the Word o o • --,_-,---,---,M~,--,-_",___,_--, Low significance byte I. . ____"_-'---'---'M~"--'-_"'___'_--' High significance byte P1 1.... P2 This command sets the value of the 16-bit Mask register of the figure drawing processor. The Mask register controls which bits can be modified in the display memory during a read-modify-write cycle. The Mask register is loaded by the MASK command and the third parameter byte of the CURS command. The MASK command accepts two parameter bytes to load a 16-bit value into the Mask register. All 16 bits can be individually one or zero, under program control. The CURS command on the other hand, puts a "1 to 16" pattern into the Mask register based on the value of the Dbt Address value, dAD. If normal single-pixel-at-a-time graphics figure drawing is desired, there is no need to do a MASK command at all since the CURS command will set up the proper pattern to address the proper pixels as drawing progresses. For coded character DMA, and screen setting and clearing operations using the WDAT command, the MASK command should be used after the CURS command if its third parameter byte has 'been output. The Mask register should be set to all "ONES" for any "word-at-a-time" operation. 1 _... . - - - - - - - I n v a l l d Valid Figure Type Select Combinations P1 P2 etc. L- Word Low Data Byte or WORD L OR BYTE '----'---'-_"'----'---'"_"'---'---.J1 ~ IL..--'_-'--'---'_-'--'-_~-'!L WORD H - Single Byte Data value Word transfer only: High Data Byte Upon receiving a set of parameters (two bytes for a word transfer, one for a byte transfer), one RMW cycle into Video Memory is done at the address pointed to by the cursor EAD. The EAD pointer is advanced to the next word, according to the previously specified direction. More parameters can then be accepted. For byte writes, the unspecified byte is treated as all zeros SL R A GC L o 0 0 0 0 o o 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 o o 0 Operation Character Display Mode Drawing, Individual Dot Drawing, DMA, WDAT, and RDAT Straight Line Drawing Graphles Charleter Drawing and Area filling with graphles character pattern 0 0 0 0 Arc and Circle Drawing Reet.ngle Draw:::ln~g_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Slanted Graphics Charaeter Drawing and Slanted Area Filling Only these bit combinations assure correct drawing operation. 309 Figure Draw Start FlGO: I° Graphics Character Draw and Area Filting Start 1 GCHRD: On execution of this instruction, the HGDC loads the parameters from the parameter RAM into the drawing processor and starts the drawing process at the pixel pointed to by the cursor, EAD, and the dot address, dAD. I° 1 Based on parameters loaded with the FIGS command, this command initiates the drawing of the graphics character or area filling pattern stored in Parameter RAM. Drawing begins at the address in display memory pOinted to by the EADand dAD values. DATA READ COMMANDS Figure Drawing Parameters Specify FIGS: Read Data from Display Memory L.I_O.....L....--l._-'--'---'_-'--'-_O...1 RDAT: ll. . . . --'---..I.I_~-tP_E...J1'-o_II...- MO O....... ..... .... .-t o 1 - _ O - - - - - - - H l g h byta oItha WOrd only Figure 1\Ipe Select BHs: ' - - - - - - - Line (Vecto,) ' - ' - - , - - - - - - - Graphics Character '-'---------ArcJCircle 1--o-------lnvalld '-----------Rectangle ' - - - - - - - - - - - - Slanted Graphics Chafacter :1 :1 :1 :1 ~oo_._ , i DC, , GO! \ Graphlcs Drawing flag for uaeln Mixed Graphl.. and Cha'acter Mod, USing the DIR and DC parameters of the FIGS command to establish direction and transfer count, multiple RMW cycles can be executed without specification of the cursor address after the initial load (DG = number of words or bytes). As this instruction begins to execute, the FIFO buffer direction is reversed so that the data read from display memory can pass to the microprocessor. Any commands or parameters in the FIFO at this time will be lost. A command byte sent to the HGDC will immediately reverse the buffer direction back to write mode, and all RDAT information not yet read from the FIFO will be lost. MOD should be set to 00 if no modification to video buffer is desired. Cursor Address Read ~.-- 0, Low byte of the Word only o .. Drawing Direction Base DC, Dabl'll'an.Io'1\Ipa: 0 - _ o - - - - - - - W O r d , low then high byte 0, , The following bytes are returned by the HGDC through the FIFO: ~~-- 02, PI A7 Execute Address (EAD~ 02, low byte , 01, 0 0 01, I r--- ~2 AIS o Exec:tJte Address (EAO). middle byte 0 0 0 0 Execute Add,... (EAO), hlghblts 0 I- i2-- r-- lbe parameters take on different Intarp_tlonalor different Ilgure types. 310 Dot Addre•• (dAD), low byte Dot Add,... (dAD), high byte The Execute Address, EAD, points to the display memory word containing the pixel to be addressed. The Dot Address, dAD, within the word is represented as a 1-of-16 code for graphics drawing operations. DMA CONTROL COMMANDS Light Pen Address Read DMA Read Request The following bytes are returned by the HGDC through the FIFO: ... E,_~ ~: ILt~,--~~IL-T_YPrE~IL-'..JIL-M~O~D~ I_.~ _____ Data Transfer Type: o __o - - - - - - - W o r d , Low then High Byte o -.0_----- Low Byte of the Word _~......, _A--,OI---LI9ht Pen Addre••, low byte 1 -........- - - - - High Byte of the Word _LA-,-D'...... 1 _ .. o_-----Invalid I A15 . L ,_ ., . ._ ' - -. . . . . ._ LAD", AS I-- _,,--~_,--...J. .' . . Ugh! Pen Address, middle byte LI_O~_,--~_,--~_O.JI_LA~D_"..JI- Light DMA Write Request DMAW: Pen Address, high byte _RMW Memory Logical Operation: The light pen address, LAD, corresponds to the display word address, DAD, at which the light pen input signal is detected and deglitched, The light pen may be used in graphics, character, or mixed modes but only indicates the word address of light pen position. o ~REPLACE with Pattern 1 -4--- COMPLEMENT O~RESeTtoZero 1~SETtoOne I _ - - - - - - D a t a Transfer Type: o .. Word, Low then High Byte o -.__- - - - - Low Byte of the Word 1 -.O--------High Byte of the Word 1 - ........- - - - - I n v a l i d 311 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS· Ambient Temperature under Bias Storage Temperature Voltage on Any Pin with Respect to Ground Power Dissipation O°C to 70°C - 65°C to 150°C - 0.5V to + 7V 1.5 W 'COMMENT: Exposing the device to stresses above those listed in Absolute Maximum Ratings could cause permanent damage. The device is not meant to be operated under conditions outside the limits described in the operational sections of this specification. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. DC CHARACTERISTICS T. = O°C to 70°C; Vee = 5V ± 10%; GND = OV Parameter Input Low Voltage Input High Voltage Output Low Voltage Output High Voltage Input Low Leak Current (except VSYNC, !JACK) Input Low Leak Current (VSYNC, 0ACKj Symbol VIL V,H VOL VOH IlL ~~put High Leak Current except LPEN/DH) In~ut High Leak Current (L ENI H) Output Low Leak Current Output High Leak Current Clock Input Low Voltage Clock Input High Voltage Vee Supply Current Limits Typ Min -0.5 2.2 Max 0.8 Vee + 0.5 0.45 -10 Unit V V V V fLA IlL -500 fLA I'H +10 fLA I'H +500 fLA -10 -10 0.6 Vee - 1.0 270 fLA fLA V V mA 2.4 lo, 10H Vel VeH Icc -0.5 3.5 Test Conditions (j) ®@ lo, = 2.2mA 10H = - 400 fLA V, = OV V, = Vee Vo = OV Vo = Vee CAPACITANCE T. = 25°C; Vee = GND = OV Parameter Input Capacitance 1/0 Capacitance Output Capacitance Clock Input Capacitance Symbol C'N Min Limits l}tp C'IO Unit pF pF pF pF Max 10 20 20 20 Test Conditions fc = 1 MHz V, (unmeasured) = OV Notes: (j) For 2XWCLK, VIL = - 0.5V to +O.6V. ® For 2XWCLK, V,H = + 3.9V to Vee + 1.0V. @ForVVR,V,H =2.5VtoVee +0.5V. AC Characteristics, T. = O°C to 70°C; Vee = 5.0V ± 10%; GND = OV Read Cycle Parameter Address Setup to FID ! Address Hold from FID t IfCj Pulse Width Data Delay from RD! Data Floating from AD t FID Pulse Cycle Write Cycle Parameter Address Setup to WI=! ! Address Hold from WR t WR Pulse Width Data Setup to Wl'!t Data Hold from WI'! WI=! Pulse Cycle (HGDC.....CPU) Symbol tAR tRA tRR1 tR01 to, tROV 7220AD Limits Min Max 0 0 tRcy•V2IcLK tRO' +20 75 0 75 4 teLK 7220AD-1 Limits Min Max 0 0 tROY· V.lclK tRO' + 20 65 0 65 4telK 7220AD-2 Limits Min Max 0 0 tRo, + 20 tReY· V2lclK 55 0 55 4 teLK Unit ns ns ns ns ns ns 7220AD-1 Limits Min Max 0 10 70 twCY - teLl< 55 10 4telK 7220AD-2 Limits Max Min 0 10 60 t wCY - tCLK 45 10 4tCLK Unit ns ns ns ns ns ns Test Conditions Cl = 50pF (HGDC.....CPU) Symbol t"" tWA tww tow two twev 7220AD Limits Min Max 0 10 80 twev - tClK 65 10 4 teLK 312 Test Conditions DMA Read Cycle (HGDC<-->CPU) Parameter Symbol DACK Setup to RD 1 tKR DACK Hold from RD i tRK RD Pulse Width tRR2 Data Delay from RD 1 tRD2 DREQ Delay from tREQ 2XWCLK i DREQ Setup to DACK I tOK DACK High Level Width tDK DACK Pulse Cycle tE DREQ I Delay from tKQ(R) DACKI DACK Low-level Width tlK for high byte and low byte transfers: tE . DMA Write C¥cle Parameter DACK Setup to WR 1 DACK Hold from WR i R/M/WCycle Parameter Address/Data Delay from 2XWCLK i Address/Data Floating from 2XWCLK i Input Data Setup to 2XWCLKI Input Data Hold from 2XWCLKI DBIN Delay from 2XWCLKl ALE i Delay from 2XWCLKi ALE I Delay from 2XWCLKI ALE Width ALE Low Width Address Setup to ALE 1 Display Cycle ParametC:tr Video Signal Delay from 2XWCLK i Input Cycle Parameter Input Si~nal Setup to 2XWCL i Input Signal Width Clock Parameter Clock Rise Time Clock Fall Time Clock High Pulse Width Clock Low Pulse Width Clock Cycle 7220AO Limits Min Max 7220AO-1 Limits Min Max 1.5telK + 80 1.5tclK + 70 1.5tclK + 60 Unit ns ns ns ns 100 85 75 ns a a tRD2 a a + 20 a a + 20 tRD2 a tRD2 a + 20 a tcLK tCLK tCLK 4t CLK ' 4 tCLK ' 4 t CLK' telK + 100 ~ 7220AO-2 Limits Min Max Cl ~ 50 pF Cl ~ 50 pF Cl ~ 50 pF ns ns ns telK + 90 IccK + 80 ns ns 2tCLK 2tCLK 2tcLK 5 telK Test Conditions (GDC<-->CPU) Symbol tKW tWK 7220AO Limits Min Max a a I I I 7220AD-1 Limits Max Min a a I I I 7220AO-2 Limits Min Max I I I Unit ns ns 7220AO-2 Limits Min Max Unit a a Test Conditions (GDC+->Display Memory) Symbol tAD tOFF 7220AO Limits Min Max 20 105 20 105 7220AO-1 Limits Min Max 20 90 20 90 15 80 15 80 ns Cl ~ 50pF ns Cl ~ 50pF a a a ns tDIH tDE tDE tDE ns tDE 20 80 tRR 20 tRF 20 tOIS tRw tRl tAA Test Conditions 60 ns Cl ~ 50pF 15 60 ns Cl ~ 50pF 15 50 ns Cl ~ 50 pF ns ns ns C l - 50 pF 20 70 15 80 20 70 65 20 55 1/3 tCLK VstCLK 1/3 tCLK 1.5telK - 30 30 1.5telK - 30 30 1.5telK - 30 30 (GDC+->Display Memory) Symbol 72200 Limits Min Max I I tVD 72200-1 Limits Min I Max 90 I 72200-2 Limits Min I Max 80 I 70 Unit ns Test Conditions Cl ~ 50 pF (GDC+->Display Memory) Symbol 7220AO Limits Min Max 7220AO-1 Limits Min Max 7220AO-2 Limits Min Max Unit tps 10 10 10 ns tpw tCLK tCLK tcLK ns 7220AO Limits Min Max 15 15 70 70 165 10,000 7220AO-1 Limits Min Max 15 15 61 61 145 10,000 7220AO-2 Limits Min Max 15 15 52 52 125 10,000 Test Conditions (2XWCLK) Symbol teR teF tcH Icc tCLK 313 Unit ns ns ns ns ns Test Conditions Display Memory Display Cycle Timing Microprocessor Interface Write Timing AO:~'.f3:validt., WR: tww t tnvalld ~t-alld - hhh ::~ ~t,,~ • :1~ DBO-7:--""lnv--'a::-lid-:-li--~'--I:-nv-a"'lId""""-1f--- 1----1." -----1 A16.A17:~[ ALE: Microprocessor Interface Read Timing AO:E!!Dj'f-_-!.va=li:::d_~j( ____ RD: ~~'~I Invalid x::= I I C -l t"W" r -k, ~ t., -It., ~ HSYNC-REF: BLANK ,-~t,~~_ _ _ _ _~ VSYNC LCD 3 CSR CSR-IMAGE ~ ATT-BLINK-CLC High 080-7: Impedance High Impedance i - - - - - tRCy Display Memory RMW Timing Microprocessor Interface DMA Write Timing 2xWCLK: ADO-15: 2xWCLK: DREQ: +.JH_______t---__ A16. A17:.__ DACK: ~L__ ALE: WR: ·\-o----tR'----~ t_ (WR i to HSYNC i ) ~ !elK ~H (DACK t to HSYNC i ) :;;. teLK Microprocessor Interface DMA Read Timing 2xWCLK: DREQ: DACK: RD::-------J:~=-.:~+=~ TIMING WAVEFORMS 314 Display and RMW Cycles (1x Zoom) 1-"'+~--"-r·~1-~-r.+" ~'rw --~~.--- - 2xWCLK: ALE: ODIN: ~ (J1 AOO-15: A16,17: HSVNC: BLANK: __-'x----- . ----.. y, uX,-_ _ V!EXTSYNC: TIMING WAVEFORMS • ,,- Display and RMW Cycles (2x Zoom) -1--" "~welKe I ALE-b OBIN, ~ (l) ADO-1S: I I I At6. t7 =:ex BLANK, =--c\ \ I \ I +:'-':j I ,I~ \ I I~-----+------- \ I Output Add,.ss I Output Add,.ss X I Output Add,.ss X I I TIMING WAVEFORMS Input 0". ~I/~ Output 0"," I Output Add,ess X'-_ __ \~ ___ Zoomed Display Operation with RMW Cycle (3x Zoom) 2xWCLK \ DB IN f ~ -..j Couiput Address~ ADO-15: -+-----< Output Data) I I i ( Output Address}- X'--_ __ !\~ Clock Timing (2XWCLK) Light Pen and External Sync Input Timing 2xWCLK: r-\ r-\ h r\. -Ie==-;:~I-:- - - LPEN,---EX. SVNC:____ . t~ Video Sync Signals Timing I I IH 2 X W C L K : J " \ . f \ . . / ' \ . . / \ ____ ./\../V\.../V\. __ ~ ___ ~ __ J\.. ----~--~ HBLANK:J I HSVNC: ADO-I5::X::=:X:=:::X:: ~~ ,'--____________ ===::x=:::::x=::x:= ==x:::::::x: ~ == :x:=====:t: I LCO-4:=:J( : \ r--1H~--------------------------------------------~ AOD-IS:-V-VV- - ..JJ'-"-"-~- :xxx:x: -- .J\JI..J\J\...__________________________-:x:x:xx: --- :xx: I __ ""V"V"V'""V"- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LCO-4:-\r- --- -v--------y--- -- ---- -- -- --------------- -:'i'--- -- - - - A - ___ - A . . - ____ - ~---:x: - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - " - - - - ~:=*~-------~-------------------------------------------~(: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ______ 1 ROW:=*==*==x:: ====:x:=:J< : ' - - __ n =~~:x:: --- - I vaLANK: --II _ _ -I1 vsVNC:...,.'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ '--- t-------------- 1V (FramOI ------------------.!.! Interlaced Video Timing HBLANK:JL __ --.JLJL __ JLJL __ ~ __ --1L __ JL __ JLJL __ JLJL_ I I I VSVNC: I (Interlace) I I I VBLANK:1-- __ ~---,----- I I. I I I I I --L __ S----,-, ------,-,--- I I I I I I I I I I I I L-- I I- Odd Field Even Field - - - - - " ' - - - - I I I I I VSVNC: (No Interlace)r:-.----------' TIMING WAVEFORMS 318 L- --------, r-------Clock CRT 72201 HGDC 0lI0-7 Data Graphics Input MI DevIces Blanking HSYNC (,) <0 YSYNC LPEN Host Computer --------------------------~ BLOCK DIAGRAM OF A GRAPHICS TERMINAL Video Horizontal Sync Generator Parameters 1~'---------- _________ IH _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~'1 I ~ HBLANK:----.J ______________________________ I I ~r-- I I I HSVNC: rI~ I I ______ ____________________________ ~ I I I I I I I I ~ ----1 H:t~HBP-.+------I.- - - - C I A - - - - - - i Video Vertical Sync Generator Parameters -------IV----------1·1 lfo-' VBLANK: I II I I I I I I L, VSVNC:~~_ _ _~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~----~r-1L----------'--- I I I I I-- I VBP I I I I iVFPr-1 I ---r'I-'- - - - - - L I F - - - - - - - - - j - l I I i ---jVS Cursor-Image Bit Flag --I I--'c,. 2 x CCLK "'"" HSVNC CAS-Image -.n..nnn --tr1I-r>-----<' n~~ ~ ''"L- 10'C'.~ Invalid ,L >G~ Image TIMING WAVEFORMS 320 tBP--j VIDEO FIELD TIMING --II fL---- HSYNC Output BLANK Output ---.J! ! I""iI---- I ' : 1 H---+----;Ve=rt;::lc::calC;;S;;;Y"'N:;:;:C-;-l;:ln=o.,-----k:~-t-----· Vertical aack Porch Blanked Lin.. Horizontal SYNC~ Pulse Horizontal Front Porch--< Blanking Active Dlaplay Lines Horizontal Back Porch __ Blanking "" ~ Vertical Front Porch Blanked Lines ~~-------------~~---- DRAWING INTERVALS ~ Drawing Interval ~ Additional Drawing Interval When ~ In Flash Mode ~ Dynamic RAM Refresh If Enabled, Otherwise ~ Additional Drawing Interval DMA REQUEST INTERVALS DMA Aequelt Interval Add~l.nll DMA Requollintorvall When In Flash Mode 321 Circuit diagrams utilizing SMC products are included as a means of illustrating typical applications; consequently complete information sufficient for construction purposes is not necessarily given. The information has been carefully checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, such information does not convey to the purchaser of the products described any license under the patent rights of SMC or others. SMC reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design and supply the l1est pFOduct possible. 322 CRT 8002 jLPCFAMILY CRT Video Display Attributes Controller Video Generator VDACTM FEATURES PIN CONFIGURATION o On chip character generator (mask programmable) o o o o o o o o VIDEO LD/SH 1 28 RETBL 128 Characters (alphanumeric and graphic) 2 27 CURSOR 7 x 11 Dot matrix block VDC 3 26 Msi1l On chip video shift register A0 4 25 MS1 Maximum shift register frequency A1 5 24 BLINK CRT 8002A 20M Hz A2 6 23 V SYNC CRT 8002B 15MHz A3 7 CRT 8002C 10MHz 22 CHABL Access time 400ns A4 8 21 REVID On chip horizontal and vertical retrace video blanking A5 9 20 UNDLN No descender circuitry required A6 10 19 STKRU Four modes of operation (intermixable) A7 11 18 ATTBE I nternal character generator (ROM) 17 GND Vee 12 Wide graphics R2 13 16 R0 Thin graphics R3 14 15 R1 External inputs (fonts/ dot graphics) On chip attribute logic-character, field Subscriptable Reverse video Expandable character set Character blank External fonts Character blink Alphanumeric and graphic Underline RAM, ROM, and PROM Strike-thru On chip address buffer Four on chip cursor modes On chip attribute buffer Underline + 5 volt operation Blinking underline o TTL compatible Reverse video Blinking reverse video MOS N-channel silicon-gate COPLAMOS® process Programmable character blink rate CLASP® technology-ROM and options Programmable cursor blink rate o Gompatible with CRT 5027 VTAC® o o o o o o o General Description The CRT 8002 attributes include: reverse video, charThe SMC CRT 8002 Video Display Attributes Controller acter blank, blink, underline, and strike-thru. The (VDAC) is an N-channel COPLAMOS® MaS/LSI device which utilizes CLASP® technology. It contains a character blink rate is mask programmable from 7.5 Hz 7X11X128 character generator ROM, a wide graphics to 0.5 Hz and has a duty cycle of 75/25. The underline mode, a thin graphics mode, an external input mode, and strike-thru are similar but independently concharacter address/data latch, field and/or character trolled functions and can be mask programmed to any attribute logic, attribute latch, four cursor modes, two number of raster lines at any position in the character programmable blink rates, and a high speed video block. These attributes are available in all modes. shift register. The CRT 8002 VDAC'· is a companion In the wide graphic mode the CRT 8002 produces a chip to SMC's CRT 5027 VTAC. Together these two graphic entity the size of the character block. The chips comprise the circuitry required for the display graphic entity contains 8 parts, each of which is assoportion of a CRT video terminal. ciated with one bit of a graphic byte, thereby providThe CRT 8002 video output may be connected directly ing for 256 unique graphic symbols. Thus, the CRT to a CRT monitor video input. The CRT 5027 blanking 8002 can produce either an alphanumeric symbol or output can be connected directly to the CRT 8002 a graphic entity depending on the mode selected. retrace blank input to provide both horizontal and The mode can be changed on a per character basis. vertical retrace blanking of the video output. The thin graphic mode enables the user to create sinFour cursor modes are available on the CRT 8002. gle line drawings and forms. They are: underline, blinking underline, reverse video block, and blinking reverse video block. Anyone of The external mode enables the user to extend the onthese can be mask programmed as the cursor funcchip ROM character set and/ or the on-chip graphics tion. There is a separate cursor blink rate which can capabilities by inserting external symbols. These exbe mask programmed to provide a 15Hz to 1 Hz blink ternal symbols can come from either RAM, ROM or 323 PROM. rate. iii;!!!!; For additional information, consult your 1986 SMC catalog or contact our product marketing department at (516) 273-3100. r~:J~~~~ , Circuit diagrams utilizing SMC products are included as a means of illustrating typical semiconductor applications: COI)S8quenlly comf:)!ete information sufficient for construction purposes is not necesssrily gill8n. The information has been carefully checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. However, no re.sponsibllily is assumed for Inaccuracies. Furthermore, such information does not convey to the purchaser of the semiconductor devices described any license under the patent rights of SMC or others. SMC reseMs'the right to make changes at any time in order to improll8 design ana supply the best product possible. 324 CRT8002H CRT Video Display Attributes Controller Video Generator VDACTM FEATURES PIN CONFIGURATION o On chip character generator (mask programmable) o o o o o o o o o o o 128 Characters (alphanumeric and graphic) 7 x 11 Dot matrix block On chip video shift register Maximum shift register frequency 25 MHz ROM Access time 310 ns On chip horizontal and vertical retrace video blanking No descender circuitry required Four modes of operation (intermixable) Internal character generator (ROM) Wide graphics Thin graphics External inputs (fonts/dot graphics) On chip attribute logic-character, field Reverse video Character blank Character blink Underline Stri ke-th ru On chip cursor Programmable character blink rate Programmable cursor blink rate Subscriptable Expandable character set External fonts Alphanumeric and graphic RAM, ROM, and PROM VIDEO LD/SH 2 VDC All Al A2 3 4 5 6 A3 7 A4 8 A5 9 AS 10 A7 11 Vee 12 R213 R314 28 RETBL 21 CURSOR 26 MSII 25 MSl 24 BLINK 23 V SYNC 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 CHABL REVID UNDLN STKRU ATTBE GND R~ Rl o On chip address buffer o On chip attribute buffer o +5 volt operation o TTL compatible ON-channel COPLAMOS® Titanium Disilicide Process Compatible with CRT 5027/37 VTAC® o General Description The SMC CRT 8002H Video Display Attributes Controller (VDAC) is an n-channel COPLAMOS$ MaS/LSI device. It contains a 7X11X128 character generator ROM, a wide graphics mode, a thin graphics mode, an external input mode, character address/data latch, field and/or character attribute logic, attribute latch, four cursor modes, two programmable blink rates, and a high speed video shift register. The CRT 8002H VDAC is a companion chip to SMC's CRT 5027/37 VTAC@. Together these two chips comprise the circuitry required for the display portion of a CRT video terminal. The CRT-8002H video output may be connected directly. to a CRT monitor video input. The CRT 5027137 blanking output can be connected directly to the CRT 8002H retrace blank input to provide both horizontal and vertical retrace blanking of the video output. The CRT 8002H attributes include: reverse video, character blank, blink, underline, and strike-thru. The character blink rate is mask programmable from 7.5 Hz to 1.0 Hz and has a duty cycle of 75/25. The underline 325 and strike-thru are similar but independently controlled functions and can be mask programmed to any number of raster lines at any position in the character block. These attributes are available in all modes. In the wide Qraphic mode the CRT 8002H produces a graphic entity the size of the character block. The graphic entity contains 8 parts, each of which is associated with one bit of a graphic byte, thereby providing for 256 unique graphic symbols. Thus, the CRT 8002H can produce either an alphanumeric symbol or a graphic entity depending on the mode selected. The mode can be changed on a per character basis. The thin Qraphic mode enables the user to create single line draWings and forms. The external mode enables the user to extend the onchip ROM character set and/or the on-Chip graphics capabilities by inserting external symbols. These external symbols can come from either RAM, ROM or PROM. For additional information, consult your 1986 SMC catalog or contact our product marketing department at (516) 273-3100. ~~Q:I~~~ ~H;~~~== Circuit diagrams utilizing SMC products are included as a means of illustrating typical semiconductor applications: consequently complete information sufficient for construction purposes is not necessarily given. ,. The information has been carefUlly checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, such information does not convey to the purchaser of Ihe ...",.... semiconductor devices described any license under the patent rights of SMC or others. SMC reserves "the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design ana supply the best product possible. ~"!e..",!'''''M ,. 326 CRT 8021 CRT 8021-003 CRT Video Attributes Controller Video Generator VAC FEATURES D ON CHIP VIDEO SHIFT REGISTER PIN CONFIGURATION Maximum shift register frequency-20MHz Maximum character clock rate-2.SMHz VIDEO D ON CHIP HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL RETRACE VIDEO BLANKING D ON CHIP GRAPHICS GENERATION D ON CHIP ATTRIBUTE LOGIC-CHARACTER, FIELD Reverse video Character blank Character blink Underline Strike-thru D ON CHIP BLINKING CURSOR D ON CHIP DATA BUFFER D ON CHIP ATTRIBUTE BUFFER D +S VOLT OPERATION D TTL COMPATIBLE D MOS N-CHANNEL SILICON-GATE COPLAMOS® LD/SH VDO A0 A1 A2 A3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 A4 8 A5 9 A610 A711 Vee 12 R213 R314 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 RETBL CURSOR Msa MSI BLINK VSYN CHABL REVID UNDLN STKRU ATTBE GND RO R1 D COMPATIBLE WITH CRT S027/37 VTAC® AND PROCESS CRT 9007 VPAC GENERAL DESCRIPTION The SMC CRT 8021 Video Attributes Controller (VAG) isan n-channel COPLAMOS® MOS/LSI device. It contains wide and thin graphics logic, attributes logic, a data latch, field and character attribute latch, a blinking cursor, and a high speed video shift register. The CRT 8021 VAC is a companion to SMC's CRT S027/37 VTAC® or CRT 9007 VPAC. The CRT 8021 and a character ROM combined with either a CRT S027/37 or a CRT 9007 comprises the major circuitry required for the display portion of a CRT video terminal. strike-thru are similar but independently controlled functions. These attributes are available in all modes. The thin graphic mode enables the user to create single line drawings and forms. In the wide graphic mode the CRT 8021 produces a graphic entity the size of the character block. The graphic entity contains 8 parts, each of which is associated with one bit of a graphic byte, thereby providing 2S6 unique graphic symbols. Thus, the CRT 8021 can produce either alphanumeric symbols or various graphic entities depending on the mode selected. The mode can be changed on a per character basis. The CRT 8021 video output may be connected directly to a CRT monitor video input. The CRT S027/37 or CRT 9007 blanking output can be connected directly to the CRT 8021 retrace blank input to provide both horizontal and vertical retrace blanking of the video output. A blinking cursor is available on the CRT 8021. There is a separate cursor blink rate which is twice the character blink rate and has a duty cycle of SO/SO. The CRT 8021 is available in two versions. The CRT 8021 provides an eight-part graphic entity which fills the character block. The CRT 8021 is designed for seven dot wide, nine or eleven dot high characters in nine by twelve or ten by twelve character blocks. The CRT 8021 attributes include: reverse video,character blank, blink, underline, and strike-thru. The character blink rate has a duty cycle of 7S/2S. The underline and The CRT 8021-003 provides a six part graphic entity for five by seven or five by nine characters in character blocks of up to seven by ten dots. 327 For additional information, consult your 1986 SMC catalog or contact our product marketing department at (516) 273-3100. DARD MICROSVSTEMS ~ POR A~I _ u lUI" . Circuit diagrams utilizing SMC products are included as a means of illustrating typical semiconductor !lPplications: consequently comp'lete information sufficient for construction purposes Is not necessarily given. The information has been carefully checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. However, no responsibility is "....... .""'" assumed for inaccuracies. Furlhermore, such information does not convey to the urchaser of .the '''.2'''31oo.~.m..... semiconductor devices described any license under the patent rights of SMC or others. ~MC reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to Improve design ana supply the best product possible. 328 CRT 9006-135 CRT 9006-83 Single Row Buffer SRB PIN CONFIGURATION EATURES: ] Low Cost Solution to CRT Memory Contention Problem ] Provides Enhanced Processor Throughput for CRT Display Systems ] Provides 8 Bit Wide Variable Length Serial Memory ] Permits Active Video on All Scan Lines of Data Row ] Dynamically Variable Number of Characters per Data Row... 64,80, 132, ... up to a Maximum of 135 ] Cascadable for Data Rows Greater than 135 Characters ] Stackable for Invisible Attributes or Character Widths of Greater than 8 Bits ] Three-State Outputs ]3.3MHz Typical Read/Write Data Rate ] Static Operation ] Compatible with SMC CRT 5037, CRT 9007, and other CRT Controllers ]24 Pin Dual In Line Package 1+5 Volt Only Power Supply 1TTL Compatible Inputs and Outputs 1Available in 135 Byte Maximum Length (CRT 9006-135) or 83 Byte Maximum Length (CRT 9006-83) DOUT3 GND DOUT2 DOUT4 DOUT1 DOUT5 DOUH DOUT6 CLK DOUT7 WREN 6E CLRCNT OF CKEN DIN7 DIN~ DIN6 DIN1 DIN5 DIN2 DIN4 DIN3 +5V Package: 24-pin D.I.P. APPLICATIONS: o CRT Data Row Buffer o Block-Oriented Buffer o Printer Buffer o Synchronous Communications Buffer o Floppy Disk Sector Buffer GENERAL DESCRIPTION rhe SMC Single Row Buffer (SRB) provides a low cost solu:ion to memory contention between the system processor and :RT controller in video display systems. rhe SRB is a RAM-based buffer which is loaded with character jata from system memory during the first scan line of each jata row. While data is being written into the RAM it is also )eing output through the multiplexer onto the Data Ouput (DOUT) Lines. During subsequent scan lines in the data row, the system will disable Write Enable (WREN) and cause data to be read out from the internal RAM for CRT screen refresh, thereby releasing the system memory for processor access for the remaining N-1 scan lines where N is the number of scan lines per data row. The SRB enhances processor throughput and permits a flicker-free display of data. 0' CCK CKEN OCTAL 2T01 MUX o , L NA U C 1----1 T H DIN7-0 P T 329 B U P C F E R ~ ~§:=~==~ 3-STATE L U A T T H F OOUT7-0 DESCRIPTION OF PIN FUNCTIONS PIN NO. NAME SYMBOL 1-4 DATA OUTPUTS DOUT3-DOUT0 5 CLOCK 6 WRITE ENABLE 7 CLEAR COUNTER 8 CLOCK ENABLE 9-12 13 14-17 DATA INPUTS POWER SUPPLY DATA INPUTS FUNCTION ClK Data Outputs from the internal output latch. Character clock. The negative-going edge of ClK clocks the latches. When CKEN (pin 8) is high, ClK will increment the address counter. WREN When WREN is low, data from the input latch is transferred directly to the output latch and simultaneously written into sequential locations in the RAM. ClRCNT A negative transition on ClRCNT clears the RAM address counter. ClRCNT is normally asserted low near the beginning of each scan line. CKEN When CKEN is high, ClK will clock the address counter. The combination of CKEN high and WREN low will allow the writing of data into the RAM. DIN0-DIN3 Data Inputs from system memory. +5 Volt supply. Vee Data Inputs from system memory. DIN4-DIN7 18 OVERFLOW FLAG OF This output goes high when the RAM address counter reaches its maximum count. If cascaded operation of multiple CRT9006's is desired for more than 135 bytes, OF may be used to drive the CKEN input of the second row buffer chip. 19 OUTPUT ENABLE OE When DE is low, the data outputs DOUT0-DOUT7 are enabled. When DE is high, DOUT0-DOUT7 present a high impedance state. 20-23 24 DATA OUTPUTS GROUND DOUT7-DOUT4 GND Data Outputs from the internal output latch. Ground. OPERATION For CRT operation, the Write Enable (WREN) Signal is made active for the duration of the top scan line of each data row. Clear Counter (CLRCNT) typically occurs at the beginning of each scan line (HSYNC may be used as input to CLRCNT). Data is continually clocked into the input latch by CLK. When Clock Enable (CKEN) occurs, the data in the input latch (Write Data) is written into the first location of RAM. At the negative-going edge of the next clock, the address counter is incremented, the next input data is latched into the input latch, and the new data is then written into the RAM. Loading the RAM continues until one clock after CKEN goes inactive or until the RAM has been fully loaded (135 bytes). While data is being written into the RAM, it is also being outputthrough the multiplexer onto the Data Output (DOUT) lines. Each byte is loaded into the output latch one clock time later than it is written into the RAM. Output of the data during the first scan line permits the Video Display Controller (such as the CRT 8002) to display video on the first scan line. During subsequent scan lines inthedata row, thesystem will disable Write Enable (WREN) and cause data to be read out from the internal RAM, thereby freeing the system memory for processor access for the remaining N-1 scan lineswhereN isthe number of scan lines per data row. 330 MAXIMUM GUARANTEED RATINGS· Operating Temperature Range .................................................................... 0° C to + 70° C Storage Temperature Range ...............................•....•..•............................. -55° C to + 150° C lead Temperature (soldering, 10 sec.) .................................................................... +325° C Positive Voltage on any Pin, with respect to ground ......................................................... +8.0V Negative Voltage on any Pin, with respect to ground .......................................................... -0.3V 'Stresses above those listed may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or at any other condition above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TA = 0° C to 70° C, Vcc = +5 ±5%, unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER DC CHARACTERISTICS Input Voltage Levels Low Level VIL High Level VIH Output Voltage Levels Low Level VOL High Level VOH Input Current Leakage, IlL Output '1' Leakage Output '0' Leakage (Off State) Input Capacitance ClK All other inputs Power Supply Current Icc (SRB-135) Icc (SRB-83) AC CHARACTERISTICS tey (SRB135) (SRB83) tCKL (SRB135) (SRB83) tCKH (SRB135) (SRB83) CKR (SRB135) (SRB83) CKF (SRB135) (SRB83) DSET DHOLD ENCKP ENCKN (SRB135) (SRB83) ENHOLD WRCKN (SRB135) (SRB83) t WENHLD t DOUT tTSON tTSOFF toFON tCLRS (SRB135) (SRB83) CLRH MIN TYP MAX UNITS 0.8 V V 0.4 10 V V jJA 10 10 JlA JlA 45 15 pF pF 115 100 mA mA 2.0 2.4 30 10 300 400 250 330 240 320 190 250 COMMENTS IOL=2mA IOH = -1ooJlA O$VIN$VCC ns ns DC DC ns ns 5000 5000 ns ns 10 10 ns ns tCKH= 28ns tcKH=34ns 10 10 tCKL=240ns tCLK = 320ns 65 5 0 ns ns ns ns ns 100 125 0 ns ns ns 100 125 0 ns ns ns ns ns ns ns 28 34 175 175 175 175 100 125 0 ns ns ns 331 CL=50pF CL=30pF FIGURE 1: AC CHARACTERISTICS ClK CKEN trSOFF 5E ----------~----------~ OF ____.-~----~~-----' ClRCNT ___J--Ic",-----_ _______________ ~ FIGURE 2: SINGLE ROW BUFFER READ TIMING ~TCZZlTTY--O-N-E----------------------------4! J~--,',~-_-_-_-___-_-_-_-_-_-__-_-_-__ CKEN ClReNT :--(~T~i-Y l1 1"'"1' : ; ;~7I1ZZZ ADDRESS COUNTER (INTERNAL) Notes. N =0 134 FOR CRT9006~135 N = 82 FOR CRT9006-83 "'"" , eLK PERIOD (m,ni DOUT7-0 n _ n __ ~~ ADDR0 READDATA---v (INTERNAL) - - - A '- ______ ADDRl ADDR2 ADDR N ADDR N+ (LAST ADDR) ~~ ~ ~ RDr;J IZZ7Z7ZZ71ZZ7Z7~ D DATA N-'X DATA~~ (LASTDAT~ OF ----------------------------41~ FIGURE 3: SINGLE ROW BUFFER WRITE TIMING DIN7~(J ===>C==X]D11iAllTAij.DOD21AITTArr,X]D21AITJAIT2X]D21A>,IJAM3Yi t::::::=>c==>c= ~ ~~'~O~N~E~--.----------------------------~I ~!---(L(---------------------------­ CKEN l- (~~~ (r------------------------------;l1 ~~~~R~fC WD0 W01 WD2 lA~~::: ~Llll:::::::;::::J __ ~l--~<.-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_--_-_--_- ~ hfl - : COUNTER (INTERNAL) DOUT7-' 7l7TT77/.. .~ ADDR0. mnmmnlllD- ~~:T'ii ( ADDRl DATAO ADDR2 X DATA' >Q P == 134 FOR CRT9006.. 135 == 82 FOR CRT9006..83 hI! == 1 elK PERIOD (min.) Notes: N N OF--------------------------------------------< 332 mZWZl/IIZZIIZZIZ, ~ (LAST ADDA) DATA N-' X DATA N ) ~~=~: (LAST DATA) PROCESSOR pP/pC HLDAI--- INT T CRT CONTROLLER (CRT 5037, CRT 9007, .. ) A S } f----.-+I---- ~ SL3 SL2 SL1 SL0 CURS ~ B U cn~ ~~ S LU ~ 0 MEMORY N I T o R ~ ~~ r-~ot~~------------------------+--4--~--+--+------~-+~~-------J 9: :J-I <10"- u.. >00 Ci WRE L eN CKEN eLK CRT 9006 DOUTl-0 SINGLE ROW BUFFER ~ ---,.; DIN7-0 R3 R2 AI CURSOR CRT8002 VDAC@ C5E OF VIDEOI FIGURE 2: TYPICAL CRT CONTROLLER CONFIGURATION WITH SINGLE ROW BUFFER • MO~g.OR FIGURE 4: TYPICAL READ TIMING FOR SRB CASCADED CONFIGURATION CLK~ CKENA CLRCNTA,B DOUT7-0A OFA= CKENB DOUT7-00 ~ '\ ''-----------11 t-J r--------""-- L./'-- , " ' ~tXJDQi"';;;.!)(lD~N;!-.XQD;;N-:;:'X::]ii:=4..!t:!'B§~~L""':~\------------ -------------i}-----Jf.::~~~------~~~-----_tT---------------------1 ~---------~Q~XQD;;..!:.X!~!Y-!!~=::~c:...-_i t------- Notes: N = t34 FOR CRT9006-135 N = 82 FOR CRT900So93 EXAMPLE IS FOR N+3 CHARACTERS TOTAL A, B REFER TO DEVICES A&B IN FIGURE 5 FIGURE 5: TYPICAL CASCADE OF SINGLE ROW BUFFERS-270 BYTES TOTAL DATA OUT TO CHARACTER GENERAT~? ClRCNT WREN ClK CKEN f--DOUT7-0 L- t--- '-'---- ROW BUFFER A OF OE DATA INPUT FROM MEMORY> DIN7-0 p-ov CRT 9006-135 ? ClRCNT WREN ClK CKEN oo",,~J ROW BUFFER B DIN7-0 OF OE r- p-ov CRT 9006-135 Circuit diagrams utilizing SMC products are included as a means of illustrating typical semiconductor applica~ tions; consequently complete information sufficient for construction purposes is not necessarily given, The information has been carefully checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, such information does notconveytothe purchaser of the semiconductor devices described any license under the patent rights of SMC or others. SMC reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design and supply the best product possible. 334 CRT9007A2* CRT9007A1* CRT9007A CRT Video Processor CRT9007B CRT9007C and Controller *PRELIMINARY VPACTM FEATURES PIN CONFIGURATION o Fully Programmable Display Format o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Characters per Data Row (8-240) Data Rows per Frame (2-256) Raster Scans per Data Row (1-32) Programmable Monitor Sync Format Raster Scans/Frame (4-2048) Front Porch-Horizontal (Negative or Positive) -Vertical Sync Width - Horizontal (1-128 Character Times) - Vertical (2-256 Scan Lines) Back Porch - Horizontal -Vertical Direct Outputs to CRT Monitor Horizontal Sync Vertical Sync Composite Sync Composite Blanking Cursor Coincidence Binary Addressing of Video Memory Row-Table Driven or Sequential Video Addressing Modes Programmable Status Row Position and Address Registers Bidirectional Partial or Full Page Smooth Scroll Attribute Assemble Mode Double HeightPata Row Mode Double Width Data Row Mode Programmable DMA Burst Mode Configurable with a Variety of Memory'Contention Arrangements Light Pen Register Cursor Horizontal and Vertical Position Registers Maskable Processor Interrupt Line Internal Status Register Three-state Video Memory Address Bus Partial or Full Page Blank Capability Two Interlace Modes: Enhanced Video and Alternate Scan Line VA21 VA102 VA33 VA114 VA125 VA46 VA137 VA58 VA69 VA710 VLT 11 VS 12 RS13 CCI:R14 J:lRB 15 VD716 VD617 VD518 VD419 VD320 40GND 39VA9 38VA1 37VAB 36VAO 35 CBLANK 34 CURS 33ACKIl'SC 32 CS'i'Ii/C/LPSTB 31 SLD/SLO 30 "Sm/Sl1 29 WBEN/SL2ICS'i'Ii/C 28 DMARISL3NBLANK 271NT 26 R"ST 25CS 24VDO 23VD1 22VD2 21 +5V o Ability to Delay Cursor and Blanking with respect to Active Video o Programmable for Horizontal Split Screen Applications o Graphics Compatible o Ability to Externally Sync each Raster Line, each Field o Single +5 Volt Power Supply o TTL Compatible on All Inputs and Outputs o VT-100 Compatible o RS-170 Interlaced Composite Sync Available GENERAL DESCRIPTION The CRT 9007 VPAC'· is a next generation video processor/ controller-an MOS LSI integrated circuit which supports either sequential or. row-table driven memory addressing modes. As indicated by the features above, the VPAC'· provides the user with a wide range of programmable features permitting low cost implementation of high performance CRT systems. Its 14 address lines can directly address up to 16K of video memory. This is equivalent to eight pages of an 80 character by 24 line CRT display. Smooth or jump scroll operations may be performed anywhere within the addressable memory. In addition, status rows can be defined anywhere on the screen. In the sequential video addressing mode, a Table Start Register pOints to the address of the first character of the first data row on the screen. It·can be easily changed to produce a scrolling effect on the screen. By using this register in conjunction with two auxiliary address registers and two sequential break registers, a screen roll can be produced with a stable status row held at either the first or last data row position. 335 In the row-table driven video addressing mode, each row in the video display is designated by its own address. This provides the user with greater flexibility than sequential addressing since the rows of characters are linked by pOinters instead of residing in sequential memory locations. Operations such as data row insertion, deletion, and replication are easily accomplished by manipulating pOinters instead of entire lines. The row table itself can be stored in memory in a linked list or in a contiguous format. The VPAC ,. works with a variety of memory contention schemes including operation with a Single Row Buffer such as the CRT 9006, a Double Row Buffer such as the CRT 9212, or no buffer at all, in which case character addresses are output during each displayable scan line. User accessable internal registers provide such features as light pen, interrupt enabling, cursor addressing, and VPAC'· status. Ten of these registers are used for screen formatting with the ability to define over 200 characters per data row and up to 256 data rows per frame. These 10 registers contain the "vital screen parameters". CURSOR, BLANK SKEW CHARIDATAROW DATA ROWS/FRAME SCAN LINES/DATA ROW HORIZ SYNC WIDTH SCAN LINES/FRAME CURS CSYNCI LPSTB VA13-0 14 BIT ADDRESS BUS TIMING AND CONTROL 05---------' CBLANK INT SL3IDMAANBLANK SL2IWBEN/CSYNC SL11sm SL1I/SLD RST VLT CCLK--~__________________r~~--------~~ DESCRIPTION OF PIN FUNCTIONS PROCESSOR INTERFACE: PIN NO. NAME 7,5,4,2,39, Video Address 37,10,9,8,6, 13-0 3,1,38,36 SYMBOL VA13-VAO 16,17,18,19, Video Data 7-0 20, 22, 23, 24 VD7-VDO FUNCTION These 14 signals are the binary address presented to the video memo~ by the CRT 9007. The function depends on the particular CRT 9007 mode of operation. A13-6 are outputs only. VA5-0 are bidirectional. -Double Row Buffer Configuration: VA13-0 are active outputs for the DMA operations and are in their high impedance state at all other times. -Single Row Buffer Configuration: VA13-0 are active outputs during the first scan line of each data row and are in their high impedance state at all other times. -Repetitive Memory AddressinR Configuration: VA 13-0 are active outputs at a I times except during horizontal and vertical retrace at which time they are in their high impedance state. If row table addressing is used for either single row buffer or repetitive memory addressing modes, VA 13-0 are active outputs during the horizontal retrace at each data row boundary to allow the CRT 9007 to retrieve the row table address. For processor read/write operations VA5-0 are inputs that select the appropriate internal register. Bidirectional video data bus: during processor Read/writE! operations data is transferred via VD7-1lQ9 when chip strobe (CS+iS active. These lines are in their hillh impedance state when CS is inactive. During CR 9007 DMA operations, data from Video memor is infeut via VD7-VDO when a new row table address is belnBretrieved or when~he attribute atch s being updated in the attribute assemble mode. VD7-V 0 are outputs when the external row buffer is updated with a new attribute in the attribute assemble mode. Input; this si~nal when active low, allows the frocessor to read or write internal CRT 9007 registers. W en reading from an internal CR 9007 register, the chip strobe (es~ enables the output drivers. When writin~ to an internal CRT 9007 register, the trailing edge 0 this signal latches the incoming data. igure 2 shows all processor read/write timing. Input; this active low sigllmPuts the CRT 9007 into a known, inactive state and insures that the horizontal sXnc (HS) output is inactive. Activating this Input has the same effect as a RESET command. fter inillalizatlon, a START command causes normal CRT 9007 operation. See processor addressable registers section, Register 16 for the reset state definition. Output; an Interrupt to the processor from the CRT 9007 occurs when this signal is active high. The interrupt returns to its inactive low state when the status register is read. t 25 Chip strobe es 26 Reset RS'i' 27 Int,errupt INT 336 DESCRIPTION OF PIN FUNCTIONS CONT'D CRT INTERFACE: PIN NO. 11 NAME Visible Line Time SYMBOL VLT 12 Vertical Sync VS 13 Horizontal Sync HS 14 Character Clock CCLK 15 Data Row Boundary DRB 34 Cursor CURS 35 Composite Blank CBLANK FUNCTION Output; this signal is active high during all visible scan lines and during the horizontal trace times at vertical retrace. This signal can be used to gate the character clock (CCLK) when supplying data to a character generator from a single or double row buffer. Open drain output; this signal determines the vertical position of displayed text by initiating a vertical retrace. Its position and pulse width are user programmable. The open drain allows the vertical frame rate to be synchronized to the line frequency when using monitors with DC coupled vertical amplifiers. If the VS output is pulled active low externally before the CRT 9007 itself initiates a vertical syng,lhe CRT 9007 will start its own vertical sync at the next leading edge of horizontal sync (HS). Open drain output; this signal determines the horizontal position of disPlabed text by initiating a horizontal retrace. Its position and pulse width are user programmable. uring hardware and software reset, this signal is inactive high. The open drain allows the horizontal scan rate to be synchronized to an external source. If the HS output is pulled low externally before the CRT 9007 itself initiates a horizontal sync, the CRT 9007 will start its own horizontal sync on the next character clock (CCLK). Infiut; this signal defines the character rate of the screen and is used ~ the CRT 9007 for al internal timing. A minimum high voltage of 4.3V must be maintaine for proper chip operation. Output: this signal is active low for one full scan line (from VLTtrailing edge to VLT trailinQ edge) at the top scan line of each new data row. This signal can be used to swap buffers In the double row buffer mode. It indicates the particular horizontal retrace time that the CRT 9007 outputs addresses (VA13-VAO) for single row buffer operation. There will always be one extra DRB signal which will become active during the first scan line of the vertical retrace interval. Output; this signal marks the cursor position on the screen as specified by the horizontal and vertical cursor registers. The signal is active for one character time at the particular character position for all sc!!n lines within the data row. For double height or width characters, this signal is active for 21-- 3 SCAN LINES AFTER VS --oj HS CSYNC VS----------------------~------------~------------~----- INT~~~CED I CSY:: VS ______________________ ~------------L_ __________________ FIGURE 3: TYPICAL SYNC WAVEFORMS FOR INTERLACED AND NON-INTERLACED MODES ~ I I. I I 5 CLOCKS .,1 I", : ~I-----------------------I~- ~I-----------~I---- I I V~~ VLTl I 1 5 CLOCKS .. , 1 I I I .. SLD I. 5 CLOCKS I 6CL~C~S ." -: SLD FIGURE 5: SERIAL SCAN LINE TIMING: INTERLACE OR DOUBLE HEIGHT DATA ROWS FIGURE 4: SERIAL SCAN LINE TIMING: NON INTERLACE OR SINGLE WIDTH CHARACTERS 351 CRT9007AlCRT9007B/CRT9007C MAXIMUM GUARANTEED RATINGS' Operating Temperature Range •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 0° to 70°C Storage Temperature Range ••••.••••••..•.•••••••••••••••••••.•..•••••.••••••••.••••••.••.••• _55° to + 150°C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10 sec.) ••••••.•••••.••••••..••••••••••..••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• + 325°C Positive Voltage on any Pin, with respect to ground •..••.•••••.••••••••.••••••...••.•••••••••••••••••••••••• + 8V Negative Voltage on any Pin, with respect to ground ••.•••••.••..••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••• -0.3V 'Stresses above those listed may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or at any other condition above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. NOTE: When powering this device from laboratory or system power supplies, it is important that the Absolute Maximum Ratings not be exceeded or device fanure can result. Some power supplies exhibit voltage spikes or "glitches" on their outputs when the AC power is switched on and off. In addition, voltage transients on the AC power line may appear on the DC output. If this possibility exists it is suggested that a clamp circuit be used. DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS TA = O°C to + 70°C, Vcc = 5.0V ± 5% V,L V1H1 V1H2 VOL VOH PARAMETER Input voltage Low High High Output voltage Low High Input leakage current MIN TYP MAX UNITS 0.8 V V V all inputs except CCLK CCLK input; see note 4 0.4 V V 10L = 1.6 mA 10H = 100pA 10 50 -300 pA pA pA o:5 V,N :53.5V; excluding CCLK 10 25 pF pF all inputs except CCLK CCLKinput 100 mA 170 2.0 4.3 2.4 ILl IL2 COMMENTS V,N = 5V; for CCLK V,N = OV; for CCLK Input capacitance C 1N1 C'N2 Power supply current Icc AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 3 ; T. = O°C to + 70°C, Vcc = 5.0V ± 5% lev tCKL. Ie'H Ie'R tCKF tOl PARAMETER Clock: Clock period Clock low Clock high Clock rise time Clock fall time Output Delay ' : MIN TYP 290 330 400 270 300 400 90 150 to. 25 25 25 tOSL to. tOB tosv tVCH 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns CRT9007A CRT9007B CRT9007C CRT9007A CRT9007B CRT9007C ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns nS ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns CRT9007A/B CRT9007C CRT9007A/B CRT9007C CRT9007A/B CRT9007C CRT9007A/B CRT9007C CRT9007A measured to the 2.3V CRT9007B or 0.5V level on CRT9007C VAI3-VAO 150 240 150 240 150 200 150 200 100 115 125 500 185 200 185 200 185 240 t03 tvos UNITS 15 10 t02 tVA MAX 50 55 60 10 185 185 240 185 240 tvoo tSLO tSlO 352 COMMENTS double row buffer or attribute assemble all other operation modes measured from 0.8V to 3.5V level measured from 90% to 10% points CRT9007A/B CRT9007C CRT9007A/B CRT9007C CRT9007A/B CRT90Q7C CRT9007A valid for loading auxiliary CRT9007B address register 2 or CRT9007C attribute latch CL-SOpF CRT9007A/B CRT9007C CRT9007A/B CRT9007C AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS3 ; TA =oDe to + 70 0 e, Vee =5.0V ± 5% PARAMETER MIN TYP t07 teo MAX 240 185 240 300 310 UNITS ns ns ns ns ns COMMENTS cursor skew of zero CRT9007A/B cursor skew of one CRT9007C through five CRT9007A/B CRT9007C CRT9007A CRT9007B/C 140 189 85 400 410 ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns 115 ns measured from the O.4V level of ACK or TSC falling edge measured from the O.4V level falling edge to O.4V level rising edge see figure 24 see figure 24 Processor Read/Write2 : 100 110 0 165 650 100 0 tAS tAH tpw tCSH tPDS tPDH tPDA 10 tPDO tlRR CRT9007A/B CRT9007C CRT9007AIB CRT9007C Miscellaneous Timing: tATS 25 tRW 4tcy ns ns 50 lAKW 50 ns lAKS NOTE: 1. Timing measured from the 1.5V level of the rising edge of CCLK to the 2.4V (high) or 0.4V (low) voltage level of the output unless otherwise noted. 2. Reference points are 2.4V high and O.4V low. 3. Loading on all outputs is 30 pF except where noted. 4. This level must be reached before the next falling edge of CCLK CRT9007A1/CRT9007A2 MAXIMUM GUARANTEED RATINGS' Operating Temperature Range ......................................................................... O°C to + 70°C Storage Temperature Ran~e ....................................................................... -55°C to + 150°C Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec) ........................................................................ + 325°C Positive voltage on any pin (WRT ground) •. . • . . • . • . . . • . . . • . • . . • • . . . . . • . . • . . . . . • . • . .. • • . . • • • . . .. . . . • • . . . • • . . . . • .• + 8V Negative voltage on any pin (WRT ground) .................................................. ,.................. -0.3V 'Stresses above those listed may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or at any other condnion above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. NOTE: When powering this device from laboratory or system power supplies, it is important that the Absolute Maximum Ratings not be exceeded or device failure can result. Some power supplies exhibit voltage spikes or "glitches" on their outputs when the AC power is switched on and off. In addition, voltage transients on the AC power line may appear on the DC output. If this possibility exists it is suggested that a clamp circuit be used. DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS TA = O°C to + 70°C, Vee = 5.0V ± 5% SYMBOL PARAMETER Input voltage: Low High High Output vo~age: Low High Input leakage current: MIN TYP MAX UNITS 0.8 V V V 0.5 V V 1L1 10 IIA Ie> 50 -200 IIA IIA VOL VOH ' L• 2 4.3 2.4 0= < V,N = < 3.5V; excluding CCLK V,N = 5V; for CCLK V,N = OV; for CCLK Input capacitance: C'N2 10 15 pF 25 50 pF 100 TBD rnA Power supply current: Icc 10L = 1.6 rnA 10H =IOOIlA 353 All inputs except CCLK atl MHz CCLK input at 1 MHz 354 ====:::t======----,. VLT, WBEN 1-----,,,-----l'----i!I--1;:====1:=====..! VA13-0 ){ SL3-0 CSYNC, DMAR CBLANK ==~~,~~==~----~~ ;t J \ f<-----'oo---J-I - - - - - I ------~====~,,,====~ tvDO-----~>i t------toSy - - - - - - - l I 'l' VD7"0 ATTRIBUTE OR ){ -41 _ _ _ _ _~-----------I~~R~O~W~T~AB~LE~D~~~A~IN~Jl~1 1-0 '''=T-,,,:::[ SLG rC':AT=TR"'IB"'U=TE=---- _~.-~D~~~A~OU~T---- I ){ ==========~::::::::~,~,,~,::::~~t======~ SLD ------i;====r",~w~=~~----- 9+ 5V CURS "; 3900 <;. INT EONlYj ---+---------/1 FIGURE 22: CRT 9007 TIMING PARAMETERS: OUTPUT SIGNALS VA5-. )0-----.. .. ~ To CCLK Input 74804 or equivalent FIGURE 25: RECOMMENDED CCLK DRIVER CIRCUIT --r__..,-_____-=---_ -.J t::=t" Jr----'-------,. ACK, TSC VD7-0 (WRITE) VA13-0 VD7-0 (READ) INT (falling edge only) ,,,'_----ll'-----• tATS IS controlled directly from ACK orTsC or from the particular CciJ<. that ends a DMA burst cycle. FIGURE 2: CRT 9007 PROCESSOR READ AND WRITE . TIMING PARAMETERS FIGURE 23: CRT 9007 MISCELLANEOUS TIMING PARAMETERS 355 ADDRESS DECODE Register Type VAS VA4 VA3 VA2 REGISTER BIT DEFINITION VA1 VA. D7 D6 D4 D5 NUMBER D. IHEX) LSB AO LSB A1 LSB A2 LSB A3 LSB A4 LSB A5 BLANK SKEW MSB LSB A6 D3 D2 D1 WAITE 0 0 0 0 0 0 MSB CHARACTERS PER HORIZ?NTAL PERIOD WRITE 0 0 0 0 0 1 MSB CHARACTERS PER DATA ROW WRITE 0 0 0 0 1 0 MSB HORIZONTAL DELAY WRITE 0 0 0 0 1 1 MSB WRITE 0 0 0 1 0 0 MSB WRITE 0 0 0 1 0 1 MSB WRITE 0 0 0 1 1 0 PIN CONFIG-I URAT10N 1 1 WRITE 0 0 0 1 WRITE 0 0 1 0 0 0 WAITE 0 0 1 0 0 1 HORIZONTAL SYNC WIDTH VERTICAL SYNC WIDTH VERTfcAL DELAY I CURSOR SKEW MSB LSB VISIBLE DATA ROWS PER FRAME MSB ~~~~ INES/FRA~~8) I MSB LSB SCAN L NES PER DATA ROW LSB SCAN LINES PER FRAME IB7) LSBIBOI A7 A8 A9 Table 3a: CRT 9007 Screen Format Registers ADDRESS DECODE Register Type WRITE VA5 0 WRITE 0 VA4 0 VA3 1 0 1 REGISTER BIT DEFINITION VA1 0 1 0 VA2. 1 VA. D7 D6 0 DMA DISABLE MSBA X PBlSSI 1 WRITE 0 .0 1 1 0 0 WRITE 0 0 1 1 0 1 D4 D5 D2 DMA BURST DELAY Lsa INTERLACE MODES TABLE START MSB NUMBER IHEX) D3 D1 D0 DMA BURST COUNT Msa OPERATION MODES 1 ~f1XC REGIST~A (LS BYTE) LSB ADDRESS 1 TABLE STAT REGISTER (MS BYTE) MODE MSB Lsa AUXILIARY ADDRESS REGISTER 1 (LS BYTE) WAITE 0 0 1 1 1 0 Msa WRITE 0 0 1 1 1 1 ROW )[ ATTRIBUTES AA Lsa AB AC AD LSB AE AUXILIARY ADDRESS REGISTER 1 (MS BYTE) LSB Msa AF SEQUENTIAL BREAK REGISTER 1 LSB AlO DATA ROW START REGISTER LSB A11 DATA ROW END/SEQUENTIAL BREAK REGISTER 2 Lsa A12 AUXILIARY ADDRESS REGISTER 2 (LS BYTE) Lsa A13 AUXILIARY ADDRESS REGISTER 2 (MS BYTE) MSB LSB A14 WRITE 0 1 0 0 0 0 MSB WRITE 0 1 0 0 0 1 Msa WRITE 0 1 0 0 1 0 MSB WRITE 0 1 0 0 1 1 Msa WRITE 0 1 0 1 0 0 ATT~'ZTES 1 Table 3b: Control and Memory Address Registers Register Type READ OR WRITE READ OR WRITE D4 D3 D2 D1 VA4 VA3 VA2. VA1 VA0 1 0 1 0 1 START COMMAND A15 0 1 0 1 1 0 RESET COMMAND A16 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 MSa MSa 1 1 0 1 1 0 OFFSET VALUE LSB VERTICAL CURSOR REGISTER (ROW COORD.) 1 1 1 0 1 1 MSa READ 1 1 1 1 0 0 MSB I INTEAAUPT ENAaLE AEGISTEA RELIGHT TRACE PEN X X X X .I,~~~~I I • A17 LSB R18 or R3S LSB A190rA39 FAAME TIMER A1A I .1 • INT PENDRELIGHT ING TRACE PEN READ I HORIZONTAL CURSOR REGISTER (COL. COORD.) i,~~~~1 0 D0 I OFFSETI OVERFLOW Msa x READ D6 D5 0 WRITE WAITE D7 VAS WRITE READ WRITE READ REGISTER NUMBER IHEXI BIT DEFINITION ADDRESS DECODE STATUS AEGISTEA -' ODD~l EVEN X VERTICAL LIGHT PEN REGISTER (ROW COORD.) FRAME TIMER A3A LS. A3a HORIZONTAL. L.IGHT PEN REGISTER (COL. COOR?) LSB A3C Table 3c: Cursor, Light Pen, Offset, and Status Registers •, ••1.1. Circuit diagrams utilizing SMC products are Included as a means of Illustrating typical semiconductor applications, consequently complete Information sufficient for construction purposes is not necessarily given. The Information has been carefully checked and Is believed to be entirely reliable. However, no responsibility Is assumed for Inaccuracies. Furthermore, such Information does notconvevothe purchaserofthesemlconductor ~r~~;~i~":1~1~~:..nful:~~:~v~n1e~~~efn"Jesnj;~~~trh~f ~:fp~6~~~~r~;'~SI~~~serves the right to make changes 356 CRT 9021 A CRT9021B CRT Video Attributes Controller VAC FEATURES PIN CONFIGURATION o On chip video shift register o Maximum shift register frequency CRT9021A 30 MHz CRT 9021 B 28.5 MHz On chip attributes logic Reverse video Character blank Character blink Underline Full/half intensity 00 1 MS0 2 MS1 3 REVIO 4 CHABL 5 BLINK 6 INTIN 7 +5V 8 ATTEN 9 INTOUT 10 CURSOR 11 o Four modes of operation Wide graphics Thin graphics Character mode without underline Character mode with underline RETBL 12 LD/SH 13 o On Chip logic for double height/double width characters o Accepts scan line information in paraUel VIOEO 14 2801 2702 2603 2504 2405 23 06 22 07 21 VSYNC 20 GNO 19 SL0/SLO 18 SL1/SLG 17 SL2/BLC 16 SL3/BKC 15 VOC PACKAGE 28-pin·0.J.P. or serial format o Programmable cursor blink rate o On chip data and attribute latches o + 5 volt operation o TTL compatible o MOS n-Channel silicon gate COPLAMOS® process o Compatible with CRT 5037 VTAC®; CRT 9007 VPAC" o Four cursor modes dynamically selectable via 2 input pins Underline Blinking underline . Reverse video Blinking reverse video o Programmable character blink rate GENERAL DESCRIPTION The SMC CRT 9021 Video Attributes Controller (VAC) is an n-chl:mnel COPLAMOS MOS/LSI device containing Graphics logic, attributes logic, data and attributes latches, cursor control, and a high speed video shift register. The CRT 9021, a character generator ROM and a CRT controller such as the CRT 9007 provide all of the major circuitry for the display portion of a CRT video terminal. The CRT 9021 serial video output may be connected directly to a CRT monitor's video input. The maximum video shift register frequency of 28.5 MHz or 30 MHz allows for CRT displays of up to 132 characters per data row. The CRT 9021 attributes include: reverse video, underline, character blank, character blink, and full/ half intensity selection. In addition, when used in conjunction with theCRT9007VPAC;" the CRT 9021 will provide double height or double width characters. Four programmable cursor modes are provided on the CRT 9021. They are: underline, blinking under357 line, reverse video character block, and blinking reverse video character block. When used in the serial scan line input mode, the cursor mode may be selected via two input pins_ When used in the parallel scan line input mode, the cursor mode is a mask program option and is fixed at the time of manufacture. Two graphics modes are provided. In the wide graphics mode, the CRT 9021 produces a graphic entity the size of the character block. The graphic entity contains eight parts, each of which is associated with one bit of the input byte, thereby providing 256 unique graphic symbols. The thin graphics mode enables the user to create thin line drawings and forms. In both graphics modes, continuous horizontal and vertical lines may be drawn. Additional flexibility is provided by allowing the mask programming of the placement and dimensions of the blocks or lines within a character block. In the thin graphics mode, mask programming allows serrated horizontal or vertical lines. 07-00 017-010 L A T CURSOR RO/SLO R1/SLG C H RETBL R2/BLC R3/ElKC ATTRIBUTE AND GRAPHIC LOGIC WISH ADEN MSO MSI REVIO CHABL BLINK INTIN L A T C H 1---------.. VIOEO ~--------- VOC L A T C ~--------"INTOUT H FIGURE 1: CRT 9021 BLOCK DIAGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PIN FUNCTIONS PINNa. NAME 1, 28, 27, 26, Data 25,24,23, 22 SYMBOL 07-00 2 3 Mode Select 0 Mode Select 1 MSO MS1 4 Reverse Video REVID 5 Character blank CHABL 6 Blink BLINK 7 Intensity In INTIN FUNCTION In the character mode, the data on these inputs is passed through the Attributes logic into the 8 bit high speed video shift register. The binary information on 07 will be the first bit output after the LD/SH input goes low. In the thin or wide graphics mode these 8 inputs will individually control the on/off condition of the particular portion of the character block or line drawing. Figures 2 and 3 illustrate the wide and thin graphics modes respectively and their relationships to D7-DO These 2 inputs define the four modes of operation of the CRT 9021 as follows: MS1, MSO = 00; Wide graphics mode = 10; Thin graphics mode = 01; Character mode without underline = 11; Character mode with underline See section entitled Display Modes for details. When this input and Retrace Blank (RETBL) are both low, data from the Attributes and Graphics logic is presented directly to the video shift register. When this input is high and RETBL is low, the Attribute and Graphics logic will invert the data before presenting it to the video shift register. When this input is high, the parallel inputs to the video shift register are all set low (or high depending on the state of REVID) thus providing a constant video level for the entire length of the character block. When this input is high and both the RETBL and CHABL inputs are low, the character will blink at the programmed character blink rate. Blinking is accomplished by causing the video to go to the background level during the "off" portion of the Character Blink cycle. This video level may be either the white or black level depending on slate of REVID. The duty cycle for the character blink is 75/25 (on/ off). This input is ignored if it coincides with the CURSOR input and the cursor is formatted to blink. The INTIN input along with the INTOUT output provides a user controlled general purpose attribute. Data input to INTIN will appear at INTOUT with the same delay as that from any other attribute input to the serial video output (VID.EO). By using an external mixing circuit, it is possible to raise or lower the voltage level of the video output to produce such attributes as "half intensity" or "intensity". 358 DESCRIPTION OF PIN FUNCTIONS CONT'D PINNa. 8 9 NAME Supply Voltage Attribute Enable SYMBOL +5V ATTEN 10 Intensity Out 11 Cursor 12 Retrace Blank RETBL 13 Load/Shift LD/SH 14 Video VIDEO 15 Video Dot Clock Scan line 3/Block Cursor 16 INTOUT CURSOR VDC SL3/BKC 17 Scan line 2/Blink Cursor SL2/BLC 18 Scan Line 1/Scan Line Gate SL1/SLG 19 Scan line O/Scan Line data SLO/SLD 20 21 Ground Vertical Sync GND VSYNC FUNCTION + 5 volt power supply When this if"!.QYt is high, the internal attribute latch is updated at the positive going edge of the LD/SH input with data appearing on the REVID, CHABL, MS1, MSQ), BLINK and INTIN inputs. By selectively bringing this input high, the user will update the attribute only at specific character times; all subsequent characters will carry with them the attributes last updated thus allowing "field" or "embedded" attributes. When using a wide video memory where attribute bits are attached to every character, the internal attribute latch may be updated at each character by tieing this input high (thus allowing for "invisible" attributes) .. This output is used in conjunction with the INTIN input to provide a three character pipeline delay to allow for general purpose attributes (such as intensity) to be implemented. See INTIN (pin 7). When this input is high and RETBL is low, the programmed cursor format will be displayed. When this input is high, and RETBL is high, the CRT 9021 enters the double width mode. See section entitled cursor formats for details. When this input is high, the parallel inputs to the video shift register are unconditionally cleared to all zeros and loaded on the next LD/SH pulse. This forces the VIDEO output to a low voltage level, independent of all attributes, for blanking the CRT during horizontal and vertical retrace time. The 8 bit video shift register parallel-in load or serial-out shift operation is established by the state of this input. When high, this input enables the shift register for serial shifting with each video dot clock pulse (VDC input). When low, the video shift register is parallel loaded on the next video dot clock pulse and all data and attributes are moved to the next position in the internal pipeline. In addition, input data and attributes are latched on the positive transition of LD/SH. The Video output provides the serial dot stream to the CRT. Video is shifted out on the rising edge of the video dot clock VDC. The timing of the LD/SH input will determine the number of backfill dots. See figure 5. This input clock controls the rate at which video is shifted out on the VIDEO output. This input has two separate functions depending on the way scan line inform ation is presented to the CRT 9021. Parallel scan line mode-This input is the most significant bit of the binary scan line row address. Serial scan line mode-This input controls the cursor's physical dimensions. If high the cursor will appear as a reverse video block (the entire character cell will be displayed in reverse video). If low, the cursor will appear as an underline on the scan line(s) programmed. This input has two separate functions depending on the way scan line information is presented to the CRT 9021. Parallel scan line mode-This input is the second most significant bit of the binary scan line row address. Serial scan line mode-This input if low, will cause the cursor to alternate between normal and reverse video at the programmed cursor blink rate. The duty cycle for the cursor blink is 50/50 (on/off). If this iriput is high, the cursor will be non-blinking. This input has two separate functions depending on the way scan line inform ation is presented to the CRT 9021. Parallel scan line mode-This input is the next to the least significant bit of the binary scan line row address. Serial scan line mode-This input will be low for 5 or 6 LD/SH pulses to allow the scan line information to be ser@!!y shifted into the serial scan line shift register. If this signal is low for 7 or more LD/SH pulses, the CRT 9021 will assume the parallel input scan line row address mode. This input has two separate functions depending on the way scan line inform ation is presented to the CRT 9021. Refer to figure 6. Parallel scan line mode-This input is the least significant bit of the binary scan line row address. Serial scan line mode-This input will present the scan line information in serial form (least significant bit first) to the CRT 9021 and permits the QfQper scan line information to enter the serial scan line shift register during the LD/SH pulses framed by SLG (pin 18). Ground This input is typically connected to the vertical sync output of the CRT controller and is used as the clock input for the two on-Chip mask programmable blink rate dividers. The cursor blink rate (50/50 duty cycle) will always be twice the character blank rate (75/25 duty cycle). In addition, the internal attributes are reset when this input is low. The VSYNC input is also used to determine the scan line mode (parallel or serial) used. See the section "Scan Line Input Modes". 359 ATTRIBUTES FUNCTION Retrace Blank -The RETBL input causes the VIDEO to go to the zero (black) level regardless of the state of all other inputs. -The REVID input causes inverted data to be loaded into the video shift register. -The CHABL input forces the video to go to the current background level as defined by Reverse Video. -MS1, MS0 = 1,1 forces the video to go to the inverse of the background level for the scan line(s) programmed for underline. -The BLINK input will cause characters to blink by forcing the video to the background level 25% of the time and allowing the normal video for 75% of the time. When the cursor is pro- Reverse Video Character Blank Underline Blink grammed to blink (not controlled by the BLINK input), the video alternates from normal to reverse video at 50% duty cycle. The cursor blink rate always overrides the character blink rate when they both appear at the same character position. Intensity -The INTIN input and the INTOUT (Half Intensity) output allow an intensity (or half intensity) attribute to be carried through the pipeline of the CRT 9021. An external mixer can be used to combine VIDEO and INTOUTto create the desired video level. See figure8. Table 1 illustrates the effect of the REVID, CHABL, UNDLN attributes as a function of the cursor format and the CURSOR and RETBL inputs. TABLE 1: CRT 9021 ATTRIBUTE COMBINATIONS CURSOR FORMAT X UNDERLINE' BLINKING' UNDERLINE' REVIDBLOCK BLINKING' REVIDBLOCK RETBL 1 0 0 CRT 9021 INPUTS CURSOR REVID CHABL X X X 0 0 0 0 0 0 UNDLN X 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 X 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 X x' 1 0 1 0 1 X' 0 1 1 0 X, 0 1 1 1 X, 0 1 0 0 X, 0 1 0 1 X' 0 1 1 0 X, 0 1 1 1 X, 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 X 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 X 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 X 0 1 X 0 -~, -. 1 ~: ~tt~~t~r~~~d:~as;~~~(~)~~r f~~J~;lf~~ and underline cOincide, the 1 1 VIDEO SHIFT REGISTER LOADED WITH: all zero's data One's for selected scan line(s); Data for all other scan lines. All zero's data Zero's for selected scan line(s); data for all other scan lines. One's for all scan lines. One's for selected scan line(s) for cursor; data for all other scan lines. One's for selected scan line(s) for cursor; zero's for all other scan lines. Zero's for selected scan line(s) for cursor; Data for all other scan lines. Zero's for selected scan line(s) for cursor; one's for all other scan lines. __ One's for selected scan line(s) blinKing; Data for all other scan lines. One's for selected scan line(s) blinKing; zero's for all other scan lines. Zero's for selected scan line(s) blinking; Data for all other scan lines. Zero's for selected scan line(s) blinking; one's for all other scan lines. Data for all scan lines. Zero's for selected scan line(s) for underline; data for all other scan lines. One's for all scan lines. Data for all scan lines One's for selected scan line(s) for underline; data for all other scan lines. Zero's for all scan lines. Off Qn.. Data for all scan lines. Data for all scan lines. One's for selected Zero's for selected scan line(s) for sCanline(S~ underline; Data for underline; ata for all other scan lines. all other scan lines. One's for all scan lines. Zero's for all scan lines. Data for all scan lines. Data for all scan lines. Zero's lor selected One's lor selected scan line(s); Data scan line(s); Data for all other scan lines. for all other scan lines. Zero's for all scan lines. One's for all scan line.s. cursor takes precedence, otherwise both are displayed. 3· at cursor blink rate Note-cursor blink rate overrides character blink rate. 360 DISPLAY MODES Inputs MS1 and MSQ) select one of four display modes. All attributes except underline operate independent of the display mode used. Figures 8a and 8b illustrate a typical CRT 9021 configuration which operates in all display modes for both the parallel and serial scan line modes respectively. MS1. MSO = 00 -Wide Graphics Mode. MS1,MSO = 01 In this display mode, inputs 07-00 define a graphics entity as illustrated in figure 2. Note that individual bits in 07-00 will illuminate particular portions of the character block. Table 2 shows all programming ranges possible when defining the wide graphic boundaries. No underline is possible in this display mode. MS1, MSO = 10 -Thin Graphics Mode. In this display mode, inputs 07-00 MS1,MSO = 11 define a graphic entity as illustrated in figure 3. Note that individual bits in 07-00 will illuminate particular horizontal or vertical line segments within SL3-SLO ROW # 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 C7 C6 CS C4 C3 C2 C1 CO BF BF 0 0 the character block. Table 3 shows all programming ranges possible when defining the thin graphics boundaries. No underline is possible in this display mode. -Character Mode Without Underline .. In this display mode, inputs 07-00 go directly from the input latch to the video shift register via the Attributes and Graphics logic. This mode requires either a bit mapped system RAM (1 bit in RAM equals 1 pixalon the CRT) or an external character generator as shown in figures 8a and 8b. -Character Mode With Underline. Sarne operation as MS1, MSQ) = 01 with the underline attribute appearing on the scan line(s) mask programmed. 0 i RO R1 R2 R3 R4 RS R6 R7 RS R9 R10 R11 R12 R13 R14 R1S 07 I I H3 I I 03 -- .JI 06 I I 02 H2 -- 1: II OS I 01 H1 I II -"1 I 04 00 I I I I HO I I I W1 I -.J WO I I 10710610sI041031021011001 OATA INPUT ON 07-00 H3, H2, H1, HO, W1, WO are mask programmable FIGURE 2: WIDE GRAPHICS MODE FOR STANDARD CRT 9021 SL3-SLO ROW # 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 RO R1 R2 R3 R4 RS R6 R7 RS R9 R10 R11 R12 R13 R14 R1S C7 C6 CS C4 C3 C2 C1 CO BF BF -, 04 07 0 ___ J 00 02 06 03 I I I I I 0 VERTICAL HEIGHT 0 00 01 06 07 I I I -I ---~ I - - PROGRAMMABLE PROGRAMMABLE PROGRAMMABLE PROGRAMMABLE J I OS RO-RS R6-R1S RO-R1S* RO-R1S* --l I I 01 HORIZONTAL POSITION I I __ J HORIZONTAL LENGTH 02 03 04 OS VERTICAL POSITION PROGRAMMABLE PROGRAMMABLE PROGRAMMABLE PROGRAMMABLE C7-C3 C3-BF C7-BF* C7-BF* 10710610sI04103102101100 1 OATA INPUT ON 07-00 * These values are fixed FIGURE 3: THIN GRAPHICS MODE FOR STANDARD CRT 9021 361 BACKFILL Backfill is a mechanism that allows a character width of greater than 8 dots and provides dot information (usually blanks) for all dot positions beyond 8. The character width is defined by the period of the LD/SH input. For the character modes, backfill is added to the tail end of the character by two methods which are mask programmable. Method A - The backfill (BF) dots will be the same as the dot displayed in position C7. Method B - The backfill (BF) dots will be the same as the dot displayed in position CO. For the wide graphics mode, the backfill dots will always be the same as the dot displayed in position CO (method B) with no programmable option. CURSOR FORMATS Four cursor formats are possible with the CRT 9021. If the parallel scan line input mode is used, one of four cursor formats may be selected as a mask programmed option. If the serial scan line input mode is used, the cursor format is selected via input pins 16 and 17 (SL3/BKC, SL2/BLC). See Table S. The four cursor modes are as follows: Underline Blinking Underline Reverse Video Block - - - The cursor will appear as an underline. The position and width of the cursor underline is mask programmed. The cursor will appear as an underline. The underline will alternate between normal and reverse video at the mask programmed cursor blink rate. The cursor will appear as a reverse video block (The entire character Blinking Reverse Video Block Scan Line Input Mode Serial Parallel - cell will be displayed in reverse video). The cursor will appear as a reverse video block and the entire block (character plus background) will alternate between normal and reverse video at the masked programmed cursor blink rate. Pin 17 1 1 0 0 Pin 16 0 1 0 1 X X Cursor Function Underline Reverse Video Block Blinking Underline Blinking Reverse Video Block Mask programmable Only TABLE 5: CURSOR FORMATS DOUBLE WIDTH MODE In order to display double width characters, video must be shifted out at half frequency and the video shift register must receive new information (parallel load) every other LD/SH input pulse. In order to divide the video dot clock (VDC) and the LD/SH pulse internally at the proper time, the cursor input should be pulsed during RETBL prior to the scan line to be displayed as double width. The CURSOR input must remain low for a minimum of 1 LD/SH period from the leading edge of RETBL. The CURSOR input can stay high for the entire RETBL time but should not extend into active video. If it does, a cursor will be displayed. It is assumed that the CRT con- troller knows when a particular scan line should be double width and it should activate the CURSOR in the manner just described. Double height/double width characters can also be displayed if the scan line count is incremented by the CRT controller every other scan line. With respect to the CRT 9021, no distinction between double width and double height display is necessary. Figure 4 illustrated timing for both single and double width modes. The CRT 9007, which supports double height double width characters, will produce the CURSOR signal as required by the CRT 9021 with no additional hardware. SCAN LINE INPUT MODES Scan line information can be introduced into the CRT 9021 in parallel format or serial format. Table 6 illustrates the pin definition as a function of the scan line input mode. The CRT 9021 will automatically recognjze the proper scan line mode by observing the activity on· pin 18. In parallel mode, this input will be stable for at least 1 scan line and in serial mode this input will remain low for about S'or 6 LD/SH periods. If pin 18 goes active low for less than seven but more than two continuous LD/SH periods during the last scan line that has an active low on the VSYNC input, the serial mode will be locked in for the next field. The parallel scan line input mode will be selected for the next field if the following two conditions occur during VSYNC low time. First, at least one positive transition must occur o.!!..Q.in 18 and second, pin 18 must be low for seven or more LD/SH periods. Refer to figure 7 for timing details. Scan Line Input Mode Serial Parallel 1-9 SLD SLO CRT 9021 Pin Number 18 17 16 BLC BKC SLG SL1 SL2 SL3 TABLE 6: PIN DEFINITION FOR PARALLEL AND SERIAL SCAN LINE MODES PROGRAM OPTIONS The CRT 9021 has a variety of mask programmed options. trates the range of the miscellaneous mask programmed Tables 2 and 3 illustrate the range of these options for the options. In addition, Tables 2, 3 and 4 show the mask prowide and thin graphics modes respectively. Table 4 illus- grammed options for the standard CRT 9021. 362 LD/SH 1 RETBL ~ 07-00 (NORMAL) WIDTH 07-00 (DOUBLE) WIDTH 017-010 (NORMAL) WIDTH 017-010 (DOUBLE) WIDTH ~I 1 VIDEO (NORMAL) WIDTH ~~+--+--~~--~~--~ 1 1 X CHAR N 1 I 1 X CHARN/2X X I I : X CHAR (N-1) X 1 I 1 1 I ' I I 1 1 I I 1 I X CHAR 3 I I r--~ ""'-----I I i ,i i i : X X - - - CHAR --l" - - -..... N/2 , X CHAR 0 I 1 I VIDEO (N-2)(~ 1 , ~ X 1 ---~ CHAR 1 . ~ . 1 BLANKING I r' ATTRIBUTE IN' ( DOUBLE) WIDTH ATTRIBUTE OUT' ( DOUBLE) WIDTH X _ _ _-;1 VIDEO ( DOUBLE) VIDEO (N/2-1) WIDTH ATTRIBUTE IN' ( NORMAL) WIDTH ATTRIBUTE OUT' ( NORMAL) WIDTH X , I VIDEO N/2 , BLANKING ". _ _...,--_ _..J i- X X X INT(N-2) X _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-", X I , , , I , I , ~ ----------------- X X , X X 1 - Attributes include MSO, MSI, BLINK, CHABL, INTENSITY, REVID FIGURE 4: CRT 9021 FUNCTIONAL 1/0 TIMING I ATT (\ 1 Xr--ATT.'. -1--,[ MAXIMUM GUARANTEED RATINGS' Operating Temperature Range ........................................................................ O°C to + 70°C Storage Temperature Range. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. - 55°C to + 150°C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10sec.) ............... , ................................................... , ... +325°C Positive Voltage on any Pin, with respect to ground. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .15V Negative Voltage on any Pin, with respect to ground. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. - 0.3V 'Stresses above those listed may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or at any other condition above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. NOTE: When powering this device from laboratory or system power supplies, it is important that the Absolute Maximum Ratings not be exceeded or device failure can result. Some power supplies exhibit voltage spikes or "glitches" on their outputs when the AC power is switched on and off. In addition, voltage transients on the AC power line may appear on the DC output. If this possibility exists it is suggested that a clamp circuit be used. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TA = QOG to 7QoG, Vee PARAMETER DC CHARACTERISTICS INPUT VOLTAGE LEVELS Low Level V'L Low Level V'L High Level V,HI High Level V,H, OUTPUT VOLTAGE LEVELS Low Level VOL High Level VOH INPUT LEAKAGE CURRENT Leakage ILl Leakage IL' INPUT CAPACITANCE C'N1 C 'N2 CIN3 POWER SUPPLY CURRENT Icc MIN TYP = 5V ± 5%, unless otherwise noted) MAX UNIT 0.8 0.65 V V V V All inputs except VDC, LD/SH For VDC, LD/SH inputs_ All inputs except VDC, LD/SH For VDC, LD/SH input 0.4 V V 10L=0.4mA 10H= 1OOfloA 10 50 floA floA O""V,N ~ ) ALLINPUT~ (EXCEPT VDC, LD/S H) \ tCY2 VDC VIDEO OR INTOUT RETBL CURSOR (FOR DOUBLE WIDTH) FIGURE 5: CRT 9021 INPUT/OUTPUT TIMING WISH X SLD _ _ _ _..I'-_J'-_I'---"'--J'---I'~....t,NOT USED BY CRT 9021 FIGURE 6: SERIAL SCAN LINE MODE TIMING WISH LnnrlJlJlJ1nnnJ1f , ' , I I : ~:I-I_ _ _--Hit~~\! I SL1/SLG l~ I n L' __ '-_T"-~ , ! , , I ! / • 1 ! I I I~ • STABLE,. 7 WISH I SET SERIAL SCAN LINE MODE FIGURE 7: SERIAL/PARALLEL SCAN LINE MODE SELECTION TIMING 365 .r- ~' I , SET PARALLEL SCAN LINE MODE TABLE 2 WIDE GRAPHICS MASK PROGRAMMING OPTIONS OPTION CHOICES Height of graphic block' 07 and 03 06 and 02 05 and 01 04 and 00 Width of 07,06,05,04" Width of 03,02,01,00" any scan any scan any scan any scan line(s) line(s) line(s) line(s) any number of dots 0 to 8 any number of dots 0 to 8 STANOARO CRT 9021 RO, R1, R2 R3, R4, R5 R6, R7, R8 R9,R10,R11,R12,R13,R14,R15 C7, C6, C5, C4 C3, C2, C1, CO, BF , Any graphic block pair can be removed by programming for zero scan lines. "Total number of dots for both must be equal to the total dots per character with no overlap. TABLE 3 THIN GRAPHICS MASK PROGRAMMING OPTIONS OPTION Backfill Horizontal position for 02 and 03 04 05 CHOICES STANOARO CRT 9021 C1 or CO CO any scan line(s) RO-R15 any scan line(s) RO-R15 any scan line(s) RO-R15 R5 RO R11 Horizontal length for C7-C3 C3-BF any continuous dots C7-CO, BF 02' all dots not covered by 02 03' Blanked dots for serrated horizontal lines 02 03 04 and 05 any dot(s) C7-CO, BF any dot(s) C7-CO, BF any dot(s) C7-CO, BF none none none any dot(s) C7-CO, BF any dot(s) C6-CO, BF any dot(s) C7-CO C3 BF C7 Vertical position for 00 and 01 06' 07' Vertical length for 00 01 06 07 RO R6 RO RO any scan line(s) all scan lines not used by 00 no choice; always RO-R15 no choice; always RO-R15 1-07 must always come before 06 with no overlap; otherwise 06 is lost. 2-02 and 03 must always overlap by one and only one dot. to to to to R5 R15 R15 R15 TABLE 4 MISCELLANEOUS MASK PROGRAMMING OPTIONS CHOICES C70rCO STANOARD CRT 9021 Backfill in character mode OPTION Character blink rate (division of VSYNC frequency) 8 to 60; divisible by 4 (7.5 Hz to 1 Hz)' 32 (1.875 Hz)' 16 (3.75 Hz)' R11 Cursor blink rate' character underline pOSition cursor underline' cursor format' 1234- Twice the character blink rate any scan line(s) RO-R15 any scan line(s) RO-R15 underline Blinking underline Reverse video block Blinking reverse video block Assumes VSYNC input frequency of 60 Hz. Valid only if the cursor is formatted to blink. Valid only if the cursor is formatted for underline. Valid for the parallel scan line mode only. 366 C7 not applicable Blinking reverse video block -" 11 THREE STATE DRIVER OE P- r- r ---" L t-A T C t-- /j " OR w ~ SINGLE ROW BUFFER OR FROM CRT CONTROLLER CHARACTER ROM I- ~ ........ ,/ SL3-SLO L ~- VSYNC RETBL CURSOR 07-00 CRT 9021 VAC ---1\.. SYSTEM RAM I OE ~ SL3-SLO VSYNC RETBL CURSOR MSO .... MSI DOUBLE ROW BUFFER BLINK .... CHABL INTIN REVID ATTEN I J ~GENERATOR CLOCK 1 LD/SH VDC FIGURE 8a: CRT 9021 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION IN PARALLEL SCAN LINE MODE ,-VIDEO INTOUT r- M [ X E - R ~ VIDEO TO MONITOR ,-- ~ ~ ...--- .... ~ v OE P+ OE f- CHARACTER ROM 'CK 7 4 3 7 8 r"D SYSTEM RAM OR (..) m CD SINGLE ROW BUFFER OR DOUBLE ROW BUFFER TO w ::;; ::l ~5~ IL VSYNC RETBL () CURSOR v -" 07-00 " '\/ CRT 9021 VAC " t SLG SLO VSYNC RETBL CURSOR SLD is r- - L A T C r--H Vi THREE STATE DRIVER I I I CLOCK GENERATOR I VIDEO INTOUT MSO MSI BLINK CHABL INTIN REVIO ATTEN LO/SH VOC BKC i ---.J FORMAT 1 FIGURE 8b: CRT 9021 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION IN SERIAL SCAN LINE MODE BLC J VIOEO TO MONITOR CRT 9028 CRT 9128 VTLC Video Terminal Logic Controller PIN CONFIGURATION FEATURES D Built-in High Frequency (4-14 MHz) Oscillator D Built-in Video Shift Register D Built-in Character Generator D Bi-Directional Smooth Scroll Capability D Visual Attributes Include Reverse Video, Intensity DA8, DA9: DA10 GND XTAL2 XTAL1 VIDEO INTOUT DWR 000 001 002. 003 DD4 005 006 007 HSYNC VSYNC CSYN Control, Underline and Character Blank D Separate HSYNC, VSYNC and VIDEO Outputs D Composite Sync (RS170 Compatible) Output D Absolute (RAM address) Cursor Addressing D MASK Programmable Video Parameters: Dots Per Character Block (6-8) Raster Scans Per Data Row (8-12) Characters Per Data Row (32, 48, 64, 80) Data Rows Per Page (8,10,12,16,20,24 or 25) Horizontal Blanking (8-64Characters) Horizontal Sync Front Porch (0-7 Characters) Horizontal Sync Duration (1-64 Characters) Horizontal Sync Polarity Two Values of Vertical Blanking Two Values of Vertical Sync Front Porch (0-63 Scan Lines) Two Values of Vertical Sync Duration (1-16 Scan Lines) Vertical Sync Polarity Internal 128 Character 5x8 Dot Font Character/Cursor Underline Position Scan Rowand Column for Thin Graphics Entity Segments Scan Rows and Columns for Wide Graphics Entity Elements D Software Enabled Non-Scrolling 25th Data Row Available with 25 Data Row/Page Display D Non-Interlace Display Format D Separate Display Memory Bus Eliminates Contention 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 '-' 8 10 90 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 P DA7 P DA6 P DA5 P DA4 P DA3 PDA2 DA1 DAO DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 DBO AID .... VCC CRT 9028 CRT 9128 Pin 23 RD Pln22 WR Pin 23 OS Pln22 R/W Problems D Fill (Erase) Screen Capability D Standard 8-bit Data Bus Microprocessor Interface D Wide Graphics with Six Independently Addressable Segments Per Character Space D Thin Graphics with Four Independently Addressable Segments Per Character Space D Single + 5V Supply D COPLAMOS® n-Channel Silicon ~ate Technology D TTL Compatible GENERAL DESCRIPTION similar microprocessors or microcomputers. The CRT 9128 regulates the data flow with a data strobe (DS) and read/ write (R/W) enable signals for use with the 6500, Z8'", 68000 and similar microprocessors or microcomputers. The CRT 9028 VTLC and CRT 9128 VTLC are mask programmable 40 pin COPLAMOS® n-channel MOS/LSI Video Display Controller Chips that combine video timing, video attributes, alphanumeric and graphics generation, smooth scroll and screen buffer interface functions. The VTLC provides two independent data buses; one bus that interfaces to the processor and one that interfaces to the display memory. Data is transferred to the display memory from the processor through the VTLC eliminating contention problems and the need for a separate row buffer. The VTLC incorporates many of the features (previously requiring a number of external components) required in building a low cost yet versatile display interface. An internal mask programmable 128 character font provides for a full ASCII character set. Wide graphics allow plotting and graphing capabilities while thin graphics and visual attributes can make the display of forms straight-forward. The VTLC has an internal crystal oscillator requiring only an external crystal to operate. Masked constants for critical video timing simplify programming, operation and improve reliability. A separate non-scrolling status line (enabled or disabled by the processor) is available for displaying system status. Two pinout configurations enhance the versatility of the VTLC. The CRT 9028 controls data flow over the processor system data bus through separate read (RD) and write (WR) strobes for use with the 8085, 8051, Z80®, 8086, and 'Z80 is a regislered Irademark of Zilog Corporation. Z8 is a trademark of Zilog Corporation. 369 XTALl XTAL2 CHARACTER CLOCK om CLOCK TO D\SPLAY MEMORY -+5V - GND FIGURE 1. VTLC FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PIN FUNCTIONS PIN NO. SYMBOL I/O 3-1,40-33 DA10-0 0 4 GND 5,6 XTAL2,1 I 7 VIDEO 8 NAME DESCRIPTION Display Address 11 bit address bus to display memory Ground Ground Connection Crystal 2,1 External Crystal An external TTL level clock may be used to drive XTAL 1 (in which case XTAL2 is left floating). 0 Video Output This output is a digital TTL waveform used to develop the VIDEO and composite VIDEO signals to the monitor. The polarity of this signal is: HIGH = BLACK LOW = WHITE INTOUT 0 Intensity Output This pin is the intenSity level modification attribute bit (synchronized with the video data output). 9 DWR 0 Display Write Write strobe to display memory 17-10 DD7-0 I/O Display Data 8-bit bidirectional data bus to display memory 18 HSYNC 0 Horizontal Sync Horizontal sync signal to monitor 19 VSYNC 0 Vertical Sync Vertical sync signal to monitor 20 CSYNC 0 Composite Sync This output is used to generate an RS170 compatible composite VIDEO signal for output to a composite VIDEO monitor. 21 Voo 5.0 V power connection Power CRT 9028 22 WR I Write Strobe Causes data on the microprocessor data bus to be strobed into theVTLC 23 RD I Read Strobe Causes data from the VTLC to be strobed onto the miCroprocessor data bus 22 R/W I Read/Write Select Determines whether the processor is reading data from or writing data into the VTLC (high for read, low for write) 23 DS I Data Strobe Causes data to be strobed into or out of the VTLC from the microprocessor data bus depending on the state of the R/W signal 24 A/D I Register Select The state of this input pin will determine whether the data is being read from, or written to, the address or status register, or a data register. 32-25 DB7-0 I/O Processor Data Bus a-bit bi-directional processor data bus CRT 9128 370 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION THE VTLC INTERNAL REGISTERS CHARACTER register. This bit is used to synchronize data transfers between the processor and the VTLC. The VTLC will set the DONE bit to a logic one after completing a byte transfer command or a FILL operation. The DONE bit is set to a logic zero by reading from, or writing to, the CHARACTER register. The processor must wait until the DONE bit is 1 before attempting to change the CURSOR ADDRESS, in order to write a character to, or read a character from, the CHARACTER register. CRT 9028 Addressing of the internal VTLC data registers of th~ CRT 9028 is accomplished Jt!!'ough~ use of the AID select input qualified by the RD and WR strobes. AID RD WR o o 1 0 o 1 o o REGISTER OPERATION WRITE TO DATA REGISTER READ DATA REGISTER WRITE TO ADDRESS REGISTER READ STATUS REGISTER STATUS REGISTER DB7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 DBO x DONE CRT 9128 Addressing of the internal VTLC data re~ters of!b.e CRT 9128 is accomplished through use of the AID and RIW select inputs qualified by the DS strobe. AID DS R/Vii * X X REGISTER OPERATION To access one of the seven eight-bit registers, the processor must first load the Address Register with the threebit address of the selected data register. The next read or write to a data register will then cause the data register. pointed to by the Address Register to be accessed. The Line AID controls whether writing is occurring to the Address Register orlo a data register. When a read operation is performed, AID controls access to either the Status Register or to the data register selected by the Address Register. REGISTER DESCRIPTION ADDRESS REGISTER Writing a byte to the ADDRESS register will select the specified register the next time the processor writes to or reads the VTLC data registers. The data register addresses are as follows: FILADD REGISTER X ADDRESS DA10 DA9 DA8 DA7 DA6 DA5 DA4 TYPE REGISTER Write Write Write Write Write Write RDIWR Write CHIP RESET TOSADD CURLO CURHI FILADD ATTDAT CHARACTER MODE REGISTER DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 DBO X X X X X X X X 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 (X = don't care) 'NOTE: Chip Reset is required before starting operation. X DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 DBO STATUS REGISTER When reading the STATUS register, the DONE bit (DB7 of STATUS Register) will represent the current status of the X X X X X X X X X. DATA REGISTERS FILADD (Fill Address) This register contains the RAM address of the character following the last addr~ss to be filled. Writing to this register will enable the VTLC "fill" circuitry. The FILL operation will then be triggered by the next processor write to the CHARACTER register. The FILL operation will write the character in the CHARACTER register to every location in display memory starting with the address specified in the CURLO and CURHI registers through the location preceeding the address specified in the FILADD register. The cursor position is not changed after a FILL operation. Note that the address bits DA3-DAO are internally forced to 0 forcing the FILADD address to be 00, 16, 32, etc. to 1920. The CURLO and CURHI registers will not be changed .by this operation. Writing to the CHARACTER register will cause the VTLC to reset DB7 of the STATUS register to "0". Bit 7 will be set to 1 after the VTLC has filled the last memory location specified. The contents of the seven processor programmable registers located in the upper left hand side of the Functional Block Diagram of figure 1 indicate the memory locations from which screen data is to be fetched and displayed as well as the selected modes of display operation. These registers are addressed indirectly via the Address Register. X X X X X X X X X DONE = 1 signifies that external processor is allowed to access cursor ADDRESS andlor CHARACTER registers. DONE = 0 signifies that external processor must wait until VTLC completes transfer of data between display memory and CHARACTER register. WRITE TO DATA REGISTER READ DATA REGISTER WRITE TO ADDRESS REGISTER READ STATUS REGISTER X X X X X X X X X 371 Changing the Attribute register will change the attribute of every "tagged" character on the screen. The functions of the remaining bits in the ATTDAT register are not affected by the display character's TAG bit. TOSADD (Top of Screen Address) This register contains the RAM address of the first character displayed at the top of the video monitor screen. In addition, this register controls selection of either of two mask programmable vertical scan rates. TOSADD REGISTER DB? DBS DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 DBO TIM DA10 DA9 DA8 DA? DAS DA5 DA4 Note that address bits DA3-DAO are internally forced to 0 forcing the first address at the beginning of each row to be 00, 1S, 32, etc. to 1920. The most significant bit of this register (TIM) is used to select between the two mask programmed sets of vertical retrace parameters (scan A and scan B). This allows software selection of, for example, 50/S0 HZ. TIM TIM CURLO = = 0 enable raster scan A (SO Hz) 1 enable raster scan B (50 Hz) (Cursor Low) This register contains the eight lower order address bits of the RAM cursor address. All FILL screen and character transfer operations begin at the memory location pointed to by this address. There are two display modes, "alphanumerics" and "graphics". In the alphanumeric mode, visual attributes may be selected by the TAG bit. In the graphics mode, a tagged character will be a normal alphanumeric character. This allows a screen to display a mix of graphic and alphanumeric characters or visually attributed alphanumeric characters. The display variations of the alphanumerics and graphics modes are summarized by the following: ATTDAT REGISTER DB? DBS DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 DBO DB? MODE SELECT DB? = 1 DB? = 0 DBS CURSOR SUPPRESS DBS = 1 CURLO REGISTER DB? DBS DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 DBO DA? DAS DA5 DA4 DA3 DA2 DA 1 DAO CURHI (Cursor High) This register contains the three higher address bits of the RAM cursor address (DA 10, DA9, DA8). All FILL screen and character transfer operations begin at the memory location pointed to by this address. In addition, this register contains the Smooth Scroll Offset Values SS3-SS0 which determine the number of scan lines that the data is shifted on the screen. The MSB of this register (SLE-status line enable) is the enableforthe non-scrolling status line (this feature is available only on a part programmed for 25 data rows). DBS = 0 DB5 CURSOR DISPLAY DB5 = 1 DB5 = 0 DB4 = 1 CURHI REGISTER DB? DBS DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB 1 DBO SLE SS3 SS2 SS1 SSO DA10 DA9 DA8 SLE 1 enables non-scrolling 25th status line SLE = 0 disables and blanks nonscrolling status line = SS3-SS0 Smooth Scroll Offset Value ATTDAT (Attribute Data) This register specifies the visual attributes of the video data and the cursor presentation. The visual attributes specified in the ATTDAT register (DB3-DBO) are enabled or disabled by a TAG bit that is appended to the ASCII character written to the CHARACTER register. Every character on the screen with its TAG bit set is displayed with the same attribute. 372 DB4 SCREEN DB4 = 0 enables graphics mode display (No attributes allowed) enables alpha mode display inhibits VIDEO display at cursor time by forcing the VIDEO output to background level during cursor displaytime enables VIDEO display at cursor time Note: a blinking cursor display can be achieved by toggling this bit under processor control. enables underline cursor display enables block cursordisplay Note: An underline cursor in an underline character attribute field will be dashed. for white screen and black characters for black screen and white characters Note: this is a screen attribute (versus character attribute) bit and sets the default Video background level. DB3 CHARACTER DB3 SUPPRESS DB3 =1 =0 t- iD C!) ~ iIi 0 DB2 INTENSITY DB2 = 1 W ....J III «en 0 DB2 =0 UNDERLINE DB1 =1 a: 0 0 register. The VTLC takes that characte~ and stores it in the display memory in the location specified by the CURLO and CURHI registers. In Byte Transfer Read Mode, the processor reads this register causing the VTLC to fetch the character whose address is specified in the CURLO and CURHI registers from the display memory and place it in the CHARACTER register. The processor then reads the character and initiates another fetch from memory cycle. In FILL mode, writing a byte to this register will initiate a FILL operation. All VTLC/memory data transfers take place during horizontal and vertical video retrace blank time. to enable Video suppress to inhibit Video suppress This bit allows character blinking and blanking under processor control allows the INTOUT output pin to go high for the charactertime inhibits the INTOUT output pin from going high W ....J III « DB1 Z w DB1 = 0 DBO REVERSE VIDEO DBO = 1 DBO = 0 MODE will cause the characterto be underlined will inhibit the underline will cause the standard foreground and background Video levels (selected with DB4) to be reversed for the character time will inhibit reverse video This mode allows an intermix of alpha-numeric and graphics characters. No attributes are permitted in this mode. If TAG BIT = 1, the character will be an alphanumeric. If TAG BIT = 0, the character will be a graphics character. CHARACTER REGISTER ALPHANUMERIC: TAG BIT = 1 DB? DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 DBO x X X X X X DB6 TAG = 1 X DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 DBO I- ALPHA-NUMERIC CHARACTER...-! DB6-DBO Specify character CHARACTER REGISTER DB? AUTO DB? 1 to enable INCREMENT automatic character address The RAM address is incremented after the VTLC completes a display memory access initiated by a processor to RAM or RAM to processor character transfer. GRAPHICS: TAG BIT = 0 DB? DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 DBO TAG=O WIT SEG6 SEG5 SEG4 SEG3 SEG2 SEG1 DB6 WIT = 1 specifies a wide graphics character WIT = 0 specifies a thin graphics character WIDE GRAPHICS ONLY: DB5-4 SEG6-5 = 1 to turn on graphics entity segment SEG6-5 = 0 to turn off graphics entity segment DB? = 0 to disable automatic increment CHARACTER CHARACTER SET A. (MODE SEL = 1) GRAPHICS MODE MODE REGISTER DB? TAG BIT +? BIT ASCII CHARACTER Using the DB?-DBO data bus 1/0 pins and the MOD SEL bit in the ATTDAT register, the user can address 128 characters, a six segment "wide graphics" and a four segment "thin graphics" entity. Included in the 128 mask programmable characters can be the 96 standard ASCII characters and 32 special characters. The AUTO INCREMENT bit in this register specifies whether or not the display memory character address is automatically incremented by the VTLC after every readlwrite of the CHARACTER register. Note: The visible cursor position is not affected. AUTO INC CHARACTER REGISTER DB? DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 DBO This register allows access to the display memory for both byte transfers and FILL operations. In BYTE Transfer Write Mode, the processor first writes a character to this Note that DB5 and DB4 have no meaning in the thin graphics entity. 373 the DD?-DDO data bus as shown in the Display Memory Timing of figure 2. Because the system data bus is isolated from the display data bus, the VTLC maintains complete control over access to display memory. All data flow between display RAM and the processor or the VTLC takes place through the VTLC. Refer to the VTLC Display Memory Access Timing of figure? WIDE AND THIN GRAPHICS: DB3-0 SEG4-1 if any bit = 1, corresponding graphics entity segment ON It any bit = 0, corresponding graphics entity segment OFF DISPLAY MEMORY ACCESS B. (MOD SEL = 0) ALPHA-NUMERICS MODE This mode allows display of alpha-numeric characters with attributes. If DB? is set to a logical one, the attribute(s) specified in the ATTDAT register will be enabled for that character. If TAG BIT is cleared, attributes will not be enabled for that character. CHARACTER REGISTER DB? TAG DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 DBO '-ALPHA-NUMERIC CHARACTER--l DB? = 1 to enable attribute(s) for character. DB? = 0 to disable attribute(s) for character. DB6-DBO Specify character SEGMENT 6 SEGMENT 3 SEGMENT 5 SEGMENT 2 SEGMENT 4 SEGMENT 1 Processor/display memory access is accomplished through the CHARACTER register of the VTLC. All processor transfers to or from the CHARACTER register take place only when the DONE bit is high. The DONE bit is used to synchronize data transfers between the VTLC and the processor as shown in the Typical Processor To Display Memory Transfer of figure 6. When the processor needs to store a byte of data in the display memory, it will write the byte to the CHARACTER register of the VTLC. The VTLC will immediately reset the DONE bit indicating that the transfer hardware is busy. At the next blanked Video time, the VTLC will store the byte in the dis:)lay memory, increment the character address, (if auto increment is enabled) and set the DONE bit. When the processor needs to read a byte of data from the display memory, it will read the CHARACTER register. The VTLC will fetch the desired byte from the display memory during the next blanked VIDEO time, increment the character address (if enabled), and set the DONE bit. When the processor detects that the DONE bit is set, it will read the CHARACTER register to getthe data byte from the VTLC. This read will reset the DONE bit and cause the VTLC to fetch the next byte of data from the memory. If auto increment is not enabled, the processor must set the cursor address in the CURLOand CURHI registerlothe address of the memory location being read from, or written into, before every access to the CHARACTER register. It should be noted that Auto Increment does not affect the visible cursor location. If auto-increment is enabled, the current character location will equal the cursor position only for the first character transfered following an update of the CURLO and CURHI registers. Note that the DONE bit must be high before attempting to update the cursor registers because the loading of the cursor registers will reset the character position counters to the cursor position. WIDE GRAPHICS ENTITY NOTE: scan line and column of segment locations are mask programmable. SEGMENT 3 SMOOTH SCROLL SEGMENT 4 The VTLC may be programmed to do either "jump" or "smooth" scrolling. Jump scrolling moves the data up or down the monitor screen one data row at a time. Smooth scrolling moves the data up the monitor screen one scan line at a time. The number of scan lines and the rate they move up the screen is under processor control. SEGMENT 2 SEGMENT 1 THIN GRAPHICS ENTITY Smooth scroll is controlled through manipulation of the SS3-SS0 bits of the CURHI register. These bits represent the binary address of the first scan line of the first data row displayed on the monitor screen (the data row whose beginning address is in the TOSADD register). When the value represented by these bits is incremented, the video data on the monitor screen moves up by the same number of scan lines. After the address of the last scan line of the data row is loaded into the CURHI register and the VIDEO data has moved up the last scan line of the data row, the processor resets the SS3-SS0 address to point to scan line NOTE: scan line and column of segment locations are mask programmable. DESCRIPTION OF SYSTEM OPERATION The VTLC circuitry provides two control functions. One function interprets and controls data from the system processor interface through the data bus DB?-DBO as shown in the Processor Timing of figure 3. The other function generates and refreshes the video image on the screen through 3?4 o and does a jump scroll. Jump scroll is accomplished by will remain stationary at the bottom of the screen and will not move up the screen when the remainder of the display data is scrolled, Otherwise, VIDEO data on the status line may be manipulated as though it were normal display data, The smooth scroll offset will not function properly when the status line is enabled, The memory address of the characters on the status line are always characters 1920-1999, NOTE: If the part is programmed for 25 data rows an additional mask option must be specified which makes the 25th data row either fixed (always displayed) or a status row (enabled/disabled by the SLE bit), incrementing the RAM address in the TOSADD register by a data row length (so that it points to the address of the first character of the new top data row on the monitor), When programmed for a data row of 80 characters/data row display (1920 data words), for example, the display RAM contains 25 actual rows of data (2000 RAM locations), If the smooth scroll offset equals zero, the VTLC will display the 1919 RAM locations following the top of screen address when displaying data, The first data row is partially scrolled off the screen and the 25th data row is scrolled onto the screen when the smooth scroll offset is incremented, The VTLC will now display the 1999 RAM locations following the top of screen address (wrapping to 0 after address 1999), After the VTLC does a jump scroll, the processor will program it to erase the line just scrolled off the screen (preparing it to be scrolled onto the screen), This line now becomes the non-displayed 25th data row. CHIP RESET The CRT 9028 and CRT 9128 Chip Reset requires two steps, The system processor first writes the reset address to the address register of the VTLC, The system processor then writes a dummy character to the VTLC Data register, Writing to the Data register resets the chip, The only state affected by the reset function is the setting of the DONE bit in the STATUS register, NON-SCROLLING STATUS LINE The non-scrolling status line is only functional on a VTLC that has been programmed for 25 data rows, This data row ROM CHARACTER BLOCK FORMAT COLUMN DOT -> C7 C6 C5 C4 C3 C2 C1 co SCAN LINE 0 -> 0 o o o o o o SCAN LINE 1 -> 0 o o SCAN LlNE2 -> 0 SCAN LINE 3 -> 0 SCAN LlNE4 -> 0 SCAN LINE 5 -> 0 o o o MASK PROGRAMMABLE CHARACTER BLOCK (FONT) 5X8 SCAN LINE 6 -> 0 SCAN LINE 7 -> 0 SCAN LINE 8 -> 0 SCAN LINE 9 -> 0 -> 0 o o o SCAN LINE 10 o o o SCAN LINE 11 -> 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 o o 0 0 0 0 o o o Mask programmable options-The ROM character block format above shows the 5X8 mask programmable character font within the character cell as defined by dots C7 through CO and scan lines 0 through 11 Dots/Character: 6 dots/character cell 7 dots/character cell 8 dots/character cell ~ ~ ~ > C7 - C2 displayed > C7 - C1 displayed > C7 - CO displayed Column dots CO and C1 will be the same as column dot C7 when more than 6 dots/character cell are specified when generating alpha-numerics, NOTE: The maximum dot clock crystal frequency IS dependent on the dots.'character programmed: DOTS/CHARACTER MAX XTAL FREQ 6 dots 7 dots 8 dots 10.5 MHz max' 12.25 MHz max' 14.0 MHz max' *These values are preliminary Scan Lines per Character: 8 scan 9 scan 10 scan 11 scan 12 scan lines/character ~ > SLO - SL7 displayed lines/character ~ > SLO - SL8 displayed lines. character ~ > SLO SL9 displayed lines 'character ~ > SLO - SL 10 displayed lines character ~ > SLO - SL 11 displayed Thin and Wide GraphiCS: Dots mask programmed for vertical column C2 will be the same as backfill Columns 0 and 1 when generating wide and thin graphics. 375 I MAXIMUM GUARANTEED RATINGS· Operating Temperature Range .......................................................................O°C to + 70°C Storage Temperature Range ......................................................................... - 55°C to + 150°C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10 sec.) ............................................................... + 325°C Positive Voltage on any Pin, with respect to ground ................................................. + B.OV Negative Voltage on any Pin, with respect to ground ................................................ - 0.3V ·Stresses above those listed may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or at any other condition above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. NOTE: When powering this device from laboratory or system power supplies, it is important that the Absolute Maximum Ratings not be exceeded or device failure can result. Some power supplies exhibit voltage spikes or "glitches" on their outputs when the AC power is switched on and off. In addition, voltage transients on the AC power line may appear on the DC output. If this possibility exists, it is suggested that a clamp circuit be used. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TA =O°C to 70°C, Vee = PARAMETER + 5V ± 5%, unless otherwise noted.) MIN TYP MAX UNIT O.B V V 0.4 V 0.4 V COMMENTS DC CHARACTERISTICS INPUT VOLTAGE LEVELS Low-level, Vii High-Level, Vih OUTPUT VOLTAGE LEVELS Low-level, Vol 2.2 Low-level, Vol High-level, Voh 2.4 V High-level, Voh 2.4 V INPUT LEAKAGE CURRENT High-level, IIh Low-level, III All outputs except VIDEO, CSYNC, INTOUT, HSYNC, VSYNC; 101 = 1.6 rnA VIDEO, CSYNC, INTOUT, HSYNC, VSYNC; 101 = 0.4 rnA All outputs except VIDEO, CSYNC, INTOUT, HSYNC, VSYNC;loh = - 40 p.A VIDEO, CSYNC, INTOUT, HSYNC, VSYNC;loh = . -20 !LA 10 !LA All inputs; Yin -10 !LA All inputs except~R, Low-level, III INPUT CAPACITANCE All inputs, Cin OUTPUT LOAD CL CL POWER SUPPLY CURRENT Icc -200 !LA 15 pF 15 100 pF pF 125 rnA AC CHARACTERISTICS CLOCK FREQUENCY, fin DISPLAY MEMORY TIMING Address Set-up Time tAS Write Strobe Set-up Time tWST Data Set-up Time tST Data Hold Time tOH 1.0 MHz 20 ns BO ns BO ns 10 376 14.0 25 ns = Vcc RD, OS, RIW; Yin = .04V WR,RD, OS, R!W; Yin = 0.4V Except DB7-0 DB7-0 PARAMETER Address Hold Time MIN tAHT TYP MAX UNIT 25 ns 15 ns COMMENTS Output Hold From Address Change tOH Address Access Time 250 tM ns PROCESSOR TIMING Address Read/Write Set-up t ARWS 160 ns 160 ns 15 ns Write Pulse Width t wpw Write Hold Time tWHT Read Set-up Time 200 tRST ns Read Data Valid 0 ns 250 ns 120 ns 160 ns TRov ' Read Pulse Width t RPw Data Write Falling Set-up t OWFS Data Write Rising Set-up t OWRS Crystal specification (Applies for 4-14 MHz): Series Resonant 50 ohms max series resistance 1.5 pf typ parallel capacitance Operation below 4 MHz requires external crystal oscillator OAt 0-0 ADDRESS ADDRESS DWR READ DATA FRDMRAM DD7-DDO READ DATA FROM RAM VTLC INPUT FROM RAM NOTE: DISPLAY ADDRESS BUS DAtO-DAO MUST NOT CHANGE WHILE DWR IS LOW FIGURE 2. DISPLAY MEMORY TIMING :=r ~,---'------==-X'----_-_><= r-~-t_-,--;-;-----:-----J ir--------.I 00, RD, WR DB7-0 PROCESSOR WRITES TOVTLC (1) If set-up time is not met, screen may glitch when cursor or attribute registers are changed during active video time. (2) Minimum set-up time to ensure valid data into VTLC internal registers. FIGURE 3. PROCESSOR TIMING 377 VERTICAL VERTICAL TIMING SYNC I DURATION I I I. 01 I I I I I+- VSYNC_ DELAY I VSYNC _ _ _ _ I I -;I_...Jr--\'-_---+I___-tI/-I_ _ _--...J1 I 1/ I 'II -----~I+- NUMBER OF BLANKED -.I~----t7r - I I SCAN LINES I*-- ~Y;~~~'?t ~ I I V BLANKING I r--- / DATA ROWS HORIZONTAL HORIZONTAL TIMING SYNC DURATION ~ HSYNC _ DELAY HSYNC I ~ I I I I I I I I -------'I--'r--\}------7I----II~/----.J1 I I I // H BLANKING _ _ _ _ _..J/,--------......, I+----- NUMBER OF cJ}~~f'?RS r--- II /r - I ---.! I+- ~Y;~~~,?t - t CHARACTERS NOTE: Video parameters above are mask programmable FIGURE 4. VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL SYNC TIMING n HSYNC~ n I I I --I- VSYNC I I I I I I H---j I---H/2--1 I n'---__IL n n I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CSYNC ~HCJ~~~~::~r: ~~~~ft~:iv~1ges and pulse width values may vary due to mask programmable features. HSYNC HSYNC ______~Il~_____ ______~~d~r--------- CSYNC CSYNC U d = HSYN Delay -CSYN Delay WITHIN VERTICAL SYNC PULSE TIME OUTSIDE OF VERTICAL SYNC PULSE TIME FIGURE 5. VIDEO SIGNAL TIMING r-00 7-O XXXXXXXXX ASCII CHARACTER PROCESSOR BUS ~-----------------...... xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx PROCESSOR WRITES CHARACTER VTLC CHARACTER REGISTER (CAUSES DONE BIT RESET) ·DONE (DB7 OF STATUS REGISTER) r-D DI~~~AY DISPLAY D7-O CHARACTER _ _ _.J \. _ _ _ _ _ _J DISPLAY ASCII CHARACTER CHARACTER \. _ _ _ _ _...J ' -_ _ _ _ _- ' \._ _ _ _ _ _ _---' ~WR-----------------------------~ DONE = 1 SIGNIFIES THAT PROCESSOR MAY ACCESS CHARACTER REGISTER DONE = 0 SIGNIFIES THAT PROCESSOR MAY NOT ACCESS CHARACTER REGISTER VTLCWRITES CHARACTER REGISTER TO DISPLAY MEMORY FIGURE 6. TYPICAL PROCESSOR TO DISPLAY MEMORY TRANSFER 378 ~---- TYPICAL DISPLAY TIMING TIME: OA10-0 OWR ..Ill DISPLAY MEMORY READ READ AND WRITE DISPLAY MEMORY TIMING TIME: OA10-0 '" OWR PROCESSOR WRITES/READS TO /FROM CHARACTER REGISTER -.J c---\ (OB7 OF STATUS REGISTER) ., I,. ,---,,-,,--=.'=-"...,-1 J.:. co ~ ___ ___ j I ---,- - HIGH FOR READ LOW FOR WRITE VTLC WRITES/READS TO/FROM DISPLAY MEMORY DONE W H ~I !iI , B:ANKING PROCESSOR WRITES/READS TO/FROM CHARACTER REGISTER -I ~ I,. LL 77 1/ CHARACTER DI~P~AY --I h -.I 007-0 FILL DISPLAY MEMORY COMMAND TIME: OA10-0 .---H OWR PROCESSOR WRITES TO FILADD REGISTER FOLLOWED BY WRITE TO CHARACTER REGISTER ( DONE (OB7 OF STATUS REGISTER) ~ ~ 007-0 NOTE: ON CHARACTERS/DATA ROW FIGURE 7. VTLC DISPLAY MEMORY ACCESS TIMING (LAST LOCATION .H FILLED) ~TO LAST LOCATION 11! ~11--~ APPENDIX-STANDARD PARTS-CRT 9028-000/CRT 9128-000 I. ROM CHARACTER BLOCK FORMAT: -> C7 C6 C5 C4 C3 C2 C1 a -> a a a a a SCAN LINE 1 -> SCAN LINE 2 -> SCAN LINE 3 -> SCAN LINE 4 -> SCAN LINE 5 -> SCAN LINE 6 -> SCAN LINE 7 -> SCAN LINE 8 -> SCAN LINE 9 -> a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a COLUMN DOT SCAN LINE II. CHARACTER BLOCK 5 X8 CELL a a DOTS PER CHARACTER: DOT CLOCK XTAL FREQUENCY (MHz): HORIZONTAL TIMING (IN CHARACTER TIMES): CHARACTERS PER DATA ROW: HORIZONTAL BLANKING: HORIZONTAL SYNC DELAY: HORIZONTAL SYNC PULSE WIDTH: HORIZONTAL SYNC POLARITY: a a a 7 10.92 80 20 4 8 NEGATIVE ACTIVE 10.--- HORIZ BLANKING-----.l I .I VIDEO ACTIVE VIDEO ---------1 ACTIVE VIDEO 1 ...._ _ _ _ _ _ _-_ HSYNC HORIZ SYNC DELAY III. IV. -I.. .1.. HORIZ SYNC--.! PULSE WIDTH VERTICAL TIMING: CHARACTER ROWS: SCAN LINES PER CHARACTER: TOTAL VISIBLE SCAN LINES: VERTICAL SYNC POLARITY: 24 x10 240 NEGATIVE ACTIVE VERTICAL SYNC TIMING (IN SCAN LINES): 60 Hz VERTICAL BLANKING: 60 Hz VERTICAL SYNC DELAY: 60 Hz VERTICAL SYNC PULSE WIDTH: ALTERNATE (50 Hz) VERTICAL BLANKING: ALTERNATE (50 Hz) VERTICAL SYNC DELAY: ALTERNATE (50 Hz) VERTICAL SYNC PULSE WIDTH: ACTIVE VIDEO r-- 20 4 8 72 30 10 VERTICAL BLANKING-1 ACTIVE VIDEO 1 ...._ _ - _ _ _-_ _ _-_ VIDEO --------1 VSYNC --~V~S~Y~N~C~D1EE~LAAYy:::~I·;:~·~14..-VERTSYNC~ PULSE WIDTH 380 V. COMPOSITE SYNC OUTPUT (IN CHARACTER TIMES): 2 COMPOSITE SYNC DELAY: COMPOSITE SYNC PULSE WIDTH: 8 ACTIVE VIDEO VIDEO ACTIVE VIDEO --------1 1-------- CSYN CSYN DELAY - f4'---;....rliool...'---~~ ... VI. UNDERLINE ATTRIBUTE AND CURSOR LINE: VII. WIDE GRAPHICS FIGURE DEFINITION: COLUMN -> C6 C7 C5 CSYN PULSE WIDTH SCAN LINE 9 C4 C3 C2 C1 SCAN LINE 0 -> SCAN LINE 1 -> SEGMENT 6 SEGMENT 3 SEGMENT 5 SEGMENT 2 SEGMENT 4 SEGMENT 1 SCAN LINE 2 -> SCAN LINE 3 -> SCAN LINE 4 -> SCAN LINE 5 -> SCAN LINE 6 -> SCAN LINE 7 -> SCAN LINE 8 -> SCAN LINE 9 -> VIII. THIN GRAPHICS FIGURE DEFINITION: COLUMN DOT -> C7 C6 C5 SCAN LlNEO -> C4 - SCAN LlNE3 -> S E G M E N T SCAN LlNE4 -> 3 SCAN LINE 1 -> SCAN LINE 2 -> SCAN LINE 5 -> SCAN LINE 6 -> SCAN LlNE7 -> SCAN LINE 8 -> SCAN LINE 9 -> l SEGMENT 4 C3 C2 C1 SEGMENT 2 S E G M E N T 1 - SEGMENT 4 = SCAN LINE 5; C7, C6, C5, C4 SEGMENT 3 = C4; SCAN LINES 0, 1,2, 3, 4, 5 SEGMENT 2 = SCAN LINE 5; C4, C3, C2, C1 SEGMENT 1 = C4; SCAN LINES 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 381 1 KEYBOARD CONN ;~fD~ OPTIONAL SERIAL EEROM XTAL 1 XTAL2 P2 .3 INTO CS SK P2.2 P2.1 P2.0 ~INT1 LS249' VSYNC PH•..-.-----I 01 HSYNCb----+---I I P2.5 I~ INTOUTI )I DB7-DOO 8051 OR EQUIVALENT ~ I\) TO MONITOR I~ VIDEO 10 K. ~ } HORIZONTAL SYNC DO COMM CONN PO.7 -PO.O ,VERTICAL SYNC DWRbP~------1 CRT 9028 WE DISPLAY MEMORY· ADDRESS BUS PRINTER 1488 I I CONN ~ I '0--l-----oI P1.5 :t ~ A1.E1'-A9 2K X 8 STATIC RAM £~ CRT 9028 TYPICAL APPLICATION K. DATA BUS ~ 07-09' KEYBOARD CONN n II 0 OPTIONAL SERIAL EEROM I I - II I COMM CONN n~~" (,) - tcv2 VDC VIDEOOR HINTO BOLDa GP10 GP20 RETBL CURSOR (FOR DOUBLE WIDTH) FIGURE 2: CRT 9041 INPUT/OUTPUT TIMING FIGURE 3: SERIAL SCAN LINE MODE TIMING LD SH lnflrlr1rlJ1nnnJ1f ~,t-l-----+--_--J!~(~~--l.\ i ! \;I VSYNC I I I SLISLG !h \ ;/- - T !« - T - ~I n t. t1--\ \ I STABLE LOW;;. 7 WISH n-----Y, SET SERIAL SCAN LINE MODE FIGURE 4: SERIAl/PARALLEL SCAN LINE MODE SELECTION TIMING 395 ;; - - - t SET PARALLEL SCAN LINE MODE LDISH ~ 011-00 (NORMAL) WIDTH 011-00 (DOUBLE) WIDTH 0111-010 (NORMAL) WIDTH 0111-010 (DOUBLE) WIDTH ~ ,, CHARN X X X _ _ _---\' X X , I I I I I I r-----'\ X X II I , I , I , , I I t I : I I I X , I CHAR3 I i i I : X X - - -CHAR - - - 'N/2 ---i • , ~ X I CHAR 0 I I I I X CHAR 1 . ~ . , BLANKING VIDEO ( DOUBLE) VIDEO (N/2-1) WIDTH " ATTRIBUTE IN' ( NORMAL) WIDTH L _ _: - - _ - J (' X X X INT(N-2) X _____________________________ ATTRIBUTE IN' ( DOUBLE) WIDTH ATTRIBUTE OUT' ( DOUBLE) WIDTH , , CHARNI2X - - - - - I .: , ~~~~ X VIDEO (NORMAL) WIDTH ATTRIBUTE OUT' ( NORMAL) WIDTH :, , _ _ _ _....'" ~ ~I I I ' RETBL , r-----7-----~~----~------~' X , , I , , , , , -----------------------~~ -----------------------------------------------~l, X X X A 1-Attributes include MSO, MSI, BLINK, CHABL, HINT, BOLO, REVIO and XCURS FIGURE 5: CRT 9041 FUNCTIONAL 1/0 TIMING ATH) :Xr-----~:------~ ATT 1 '( PROGRAM OPTIONS The CRT 9041 has a variety of mask programmed options. Tables 8 and 9 illustrate the range of these options for the wide and thin graphics modes respectively. Table 10 illustrates the range of the miscellaneous other mask programmed options. In addition, Tables 8, 9 and 10 show the mask programmed options for the CRT 9041-004. TABLE 8: WIDE GRAPHICS MASK PROGRAMMING OPTIONS OPTION CRT 9041-004 CHOICES Height of Graphic block* 011 AND 07 010 AND 06 09 AND 05 08 AND 04 any any any any line(s) line(s) line(s) line(s) RO,R1,R2 R3,R4 R5,R6 R7 thru R15 Width of graphic block** 011,010,09,08 any consecutive dots C11 thru CO C11 thru C7 all remaining dots not specified above C6 thru CO plus SF 07,06,05,04 scan scan scan scan •Any graphic block pair can be removed by programming for zero scan lines. "Total number of dots for both must be equal to the total dots per character with no overlap. 011.010.09 and 08 must always be to the left of 07-04. WIDE GRAPHICS SL3-SLO ROW# C11 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 RO R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12 R13 R14 R15 C10 C9 C8 C7 C6 C5 C4 C3 C2 C1 CO SF SF ... T 011 07 010 06 09 05 08 04 I-~--w1-------o·o{+~----WO--------I·1 HO. H1. H2. H3. WOo W1. are mask programmable. The values shown are for the CRT 9041-004. 397 H3 +H2 + t I TABLE 9: THIN GRAPHICS MASK PROGRAMMING OPTIONS OPTION STANDARD CRT 9041-004 CHOICES Backfill Horizontal position for D6andD7 D8 D9 Horizontal length for D6(1) D7(1) any dot(s) within the programmed D7 range to the right of the programmed column(s) forDll. CO any scan line(s) RO-R15 any scan line(s) RO-R15 any scan line(s) RO-R15 R5 RO R9 any consecutive dots all dots not covered by D6 with one dot overlapping. Blanked dots for serrated horizontal lines D6 any dot(s), BF programmed D7 any dot(s), BF programmed D8,D9 any dot(s), BF programmed Vertical position for: D4andD5 Dl0(2) Dl1 (2) any dot(s) Cll-CO,BF any dot(s) Cl O-CO,BF any dot(s) Cll-CO Vertical length for: D4 D5 Dl0 Dll any scan line(s) any scan lines not in D4 no choice; always RO thru R15 no choice; always RO thru R15 Cll thruC7 C7thru BF none none none C7 C3 Cll ROthru R5 R6thru R15 ROthru R15 ROthru R15 (1) 06 and 07 must always overlap by 1 dot. This overlap may be blanked by specifying the proper column(s) in the serration program line. 07 must always be to the right of 06. (2) 011 must always come before 010 with no overlap: otherwise 010 is lost. THIN GRAPHICS SL3-SLO ROW# Cl1 Cl0 C9 C8 C7 C6 C5 C4 C3 C2 Cl co BF BF. VERTICAL HEIGHT 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 RO Rl R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 RIO Rll R12 R13 R14 R15 08 011 04 010 06 I --.J ---1 07 I 05 ___ I _..J 09 - ==~I ~ 04 05 010 Dll RO-R5 R6-R15 RO-RI5 RO-RIS' HORIZONTAL LENGTH 06 07 08 09 C11-C7 C7-BF Cll-BF' C11-BF' - The height of 04 and 05. the length of 06 AND 07. and the position of 04-011 are mask programmable. The values shown are for the CRT 9041-004. "These values are fixed 398 HORIZONTAL POSITION PROGRAMMABLE PROGRAMMABLE PROGRAMMABLE PROGRAMMABLE VERTICAL POSITION PROGRAMMABLE PROGRAMMABLE PROGRAMMABLE PROGRAMMABLE TABLE 10: MISCELLANEOUS MASK PROGRAMMING OPTIONS OPTION "STANDARD" CRT 9041-004 CHOICES Backfill in character mode C11 or CO C11 Character blink rate (division of VSYNC frequency) 7.5 Hz to 0.5 Hz (1) (1) 1.25Hz (1) Cursor blink rate (2) same as, half, or twice the character blink rate 2.50 Hz (1) Character blink duty cycle 50/50 or 75/25 50/50 Cursor blink duty cycle 50/50 or 75/25 50/50 Character underline 1 position any scan line(s) RO thru R15 RS Character underline 2 position any scan line(s) RO thru R15 R10 Cursor underline position any scan line(s) RO thru R15 R9 Extra cursor underline position any scan line(s) RO thru R15 R11 Cursor format (3) underline blinking underline reverse video block blinking reverse video block blinking reverse video block Extra cursor format (3) underline blinking underline reverse video block blinking reverse video block blinking underline Blink table Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 Table 3 CURSOR or XCURSOR effect on BOLDa and HINTO no effect or force to zero at cursor position force to zero at cursor position. (1) Assumes VSYNC input frequency of 60 HZ. (2) Valid only if the cursor is formatted to blink. (3) Valid for the parallel scan line mode only. 1~~f~~ Y~l r-- I:' L '-A T cH OEf.,J -'\ SYSTEM RAM OR SINGLE ROW BUFFER F~-r Sl3-SLO VSYNC AETBL VSYNC RETBL CURSOR CURSOR OR CRT 9041 VIC 1$ CONTROLLER 7D11-DO.DST CHARACTER ROM VIDEO HINTO BOLDO MSO MSI DOUBLE ROW BUFFER ~ IX ER BLINK CHABL HINTI BOLDI RS XCURSIGPll UL21GP21 REVID ADEN [DISH VDC I CLOCK RJ GENERATOR FIGURE 6a: CRT 9041 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION IN PARALLEL SCAN LINE MODE 399 r+GP10 r + GP2O VIDEO TO MONITOR -" y .-l A . T C H y 1 --.J2fP+ - - L..J..., 7 4 7 7 .. 01'-00.0ST ~ -" CRT 9041 y VAC r"D OR SINGLE ROW BUFFER OOUBLEROW BUFFER fo~ CHARACTER ROM CK 3 OR DE y 8 SYSTEM RAM r-- THREE STATE I - DRIVER u.. r t w ::l ~§@ ~ ~ U - SlG SlD VSYNC RETBl CURSOR SLD VSYNC RETBL CURSOR I VIDEO HINTO BOLDO MSO MSI BLINK CHABl HINTI BOLDI RS XCURS/GPll UL2/GP21 REVIO ATTEN WISH VOC I CLOCK GENERATOR I BKC P~g~~~~~6~ FORMAT ~ VIDEO TO MONITOR r-- GPIO r-- GP2O BlC Il..--l I FIGURE 6b: CRT 9041 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION IN SERIAL SCAN LINE MODE STANDARD MICROSVSTEMS CORPORATION 35 Marws9l'ld ,Hauppauge, t.iY 11788 (5161273·3100 TWX·51Q·227·8898 Circuit diagrams utilizing SMC products are included as a means of illustrating typical semiconductor applications; consequently complete information sufficient for construction purposes is not necessarily given. The information has been carefully checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, such information does not convey to the purchaser of the semiconductor devices described any license under the patent rights of SMC or others. SMC reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design and supply the best product possible. 400 CRT 9053 CRT 9153 EVTLC Enhanced Video Terminal Logic Controller FEATURES PIN CONFIGURATION D Built-in High Frequency (4-18.7 MHz) Oscillator D Built-in Video Shift Register D Built-in Character Generator (128 Characters, DA8 DA9 DA1D GND XTAL2 XTALl VIDEO INTOUT DWR DDD DDl DD2 DD3 DD4 DD5 DD6 DD7 HSYNC VSYNC CSYN 7x11 Dot Font) D Bi-Directional Smooth Scroll Capability D Visual Attributes Include Reverse Video, Intensity Control, Underline, and Character Blank and Blink D Separate HSYNC, VSYNC and VIDEO Outputs D Composite Sync (RS170 Compatible) Output D Absolute (RAM address) Cursor Addressing D MASK Programmable Video Parameters: Dots Per Character Block (8-9) Raster Scans Per Data Row (11-13) Characters Per Data Row (32,48,64,80) Data Rows Per Page (8,10,12,16,20,24 or 25) Horizontal Blanking (8-64 Characters) Horizontal Sync Front Porch (0-7 Characters) Horizontal Sync Duration (1-64 Characters) Horizontal Sync Polarity Two Values of Vertical Blanking Two Values of Vertical Sync Front Porch (0-63 Scan Lines) Two Values of Vertical Sync Duration (1-16 Scan Lines) Vertical Sync Polarity Internal 128 Character 7x11 Dot Font Character/Cursor Underline Position Character/Cursor Blink Rate Scan Rowand Column for Thin Graphics Entity Segments Scan Rows and Columns for Wide Graphics Entity Elements D Software Enabled Non-Scrolling 25th Data Row Available with 25 Data Row/Page Display D Non-Interlace Display Format 1 2 3 4 '-' 7 8 [ [ [ ( 10 90 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 P DA7 DA6 DA5 DA4 DA3 DA2 DAl DAD DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DBl DBD AID .... VCC CRT 9053 CRT9153 Pin23 Pin22 Pin 23 Pin 22 RO WR os RIW D Embedded Attribute or Tag Bit Attribute Capability D Separate Display Memory Bus Eliminates Contention Problems D Fill (Erase) Screen Capability D Standard 8-bit Data Bus Microprocessor Interface D Wide Graphics with Six Independently Addressable Segments Per Character Space D Thin Graphics with Four Independently Addressable Segments Per Character Space D Single + 5V Supply D COPLAMOS® n-Channel Silicon Gate Technology D TTL Compatible GENERAL DESCRIPTION (WR) strobes for use with the 8085,8051, Z80®, 8086, and similar microprocessors or microoomputers. The CRT 9153 regulate.§.,the data flow with a data strobe (DS) and read/ write (R/W) enable signals for use with the 6500, Z8'", 68000 and similar microprocessors or microcomputers. The EVTLC provides two independent data buses; one bus that interfaces to the processor and one that interfaces to the display memory. Data is transferred to the display memory from the processor through the EVTLC eliminating contention problems and the need for a separate row buffer. The CRT 9053 EVTLC and CRT 9153 EVTLC are mask programmable 4o-pin COPLAMOS® n-channel MOS/LSI Video Display Controller Chips that combine video timing, video attributes, alphanumeric and graphics generation, smooth scroll and screen buffer interface functions. The EVTLC incorporates many of the features (previously requiring a number of external components) required in building il- low cost yet versatile display interface. An internal mask programmable 128 character font provides for a full ASCII character set. Wide graphics allow plotting and graphing capabilities while thin graphics and visual , attributes can make the display of forms straight-forward. The EVTLC has an internal crystal oscillator requiring only an external crystal to operate. Masked constants for critical video timing simplify programming, operation and improve reliability. A separate non-scrolling status line (enabled or disabled by the processor) is available for displaying system status. Two pinout configurations enhance the versatility of the EVTLC. The CRT 9053 controls data flow over the processor system data bus through separate read (RD) and write 'ZSO is a registered trademark of Zilog Corporation. is is a trademark of Zilog Corporation. 401 XTAL1 XTAL2 CHARACTER CLOCK DOT CLOCK TO DISPLAY MEMORY CfH9053 CRT9153 All -.5V - GND FIGURE 1. EVTLC FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PIN FUNCTIONS PIN NO. SYMBOL 1/0 3-1,40-33 DA10-0 0 NAME DESCRIPTION Display Address 11 bit address bus to display memory Ground Ground Connection Crystal 2,1 External Crystal An external TTL level clock may be used to drive XTAL 1 (in which case XTAL2 is left floating). 4 GND 5,6 XTAL2,1 I 7 VIDEO 0 Video Output This output is a digital TTL waveform used to develop the VIDEO and composite VIDEO signals to the monitor. The polarity of this signal is: HIGH = BLACK LOW = WHITE 8 INTOUT 0 Intensity Output This pin is the intensity level modification attribute bit (synchronized with the video data output). 9 DWR 0 Display Write Write strobe to display memory 17-10 DD7-0 1/0 Display Data a-bit bidirectional data bus to display memory 18 HSYNC 0 Horizontal Sync Horizontal sync signal to monitor 19 VSYNC 0 Vertical Sync Vertical sync signal to monitor 20 CSYNC 0 Composite Sync This output is used to generate an RS170 compatible composite VIDEO signal for output to a composite VIDEO monitor. 21 V~ Power 5.0 V power connection CRT 9053 22 WR I Write Strobe Causes data on the microprocessor data bus to b~ strobed into the EVTLC 23 RD I Read Strobe Causes data from the EVTLC to be strobed onto the microprocessor data bus 22 R/W I Read/Write Select Determines whether the processor is reading data from or writing data into the EVTLC (high for read, low for write) 23 DS I Data Strobe Causes data to be strobed into or out of the EVTLC from the microprocessor data bus depending on the state of the R/W signal 24 AID I Register Select The state of this input pin will determine whether the data is being read from, or written to, the address or status register, or a data register. 32-25 DB7-0 1/0 Processor Data Bus 8-bit bi-directional processor data bus CRT9153 402 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION THE EVTLC INTERNAL REGISTERS bit is set to a logic zero by reading from, or writing to, the CHARACTER register. The processor must wait until the DONE bit is 1 before attempting to change the CURSOR ADDRESS, in order to write a. character to, or read a character from, the CHARACTER register. CRT 9053 Addressing of the internal EVTLC data registers of the CRT 9053 is accomplished thr~h the use of the AID select input qualified by the RD and WR strobes. AID RD WR o 1 o o STATUS REGISTER REGISTER OPERATION WRITE TO DATA REGISTER READ DATA REGISTER WRITE TO ADDRESS REGISTER READ STATUS REGISTER o o o o o 0 0 o o o o The contents of the eight processor programmable registers located in the upper left hand side of the Functional Block Diagram of figure 1 indicate the memory locations from which screen data is to be fetched and displayed as well as the selected modes of display operation. These registers are addressed indirectly via the Address Register. To access one of the eight eight-bit registers, the processor must first load the Address Register with the threebit address of the selected data register. The next read or write to a data register will then cause the data register po.!!lted to by the Address Register to be accessed. The Line AID controls whether writing is occurring to the Address Register orlo a data register. When a read operation is performed, AID controls access to either the Status Register or to the data register selected by the Address Register. REGISTER DESCRIPTION TYPE X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X (X - don t care) X X X X X X X X X 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Write Write Write Write Write Write RD/WR Write Wrile X X X X DA10 DA9 DA8 DA7 DA6 DA5 DA4 TOSADD (Top of Screen Address) This register contains the RAM address of the first character displayed at the top of the video monitor screen. In addi- . tion, this register controls selection of either of two mask programmable vertical scan rates. REGISTER DB? DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DBl DBO X X X X X X X X X X DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 DBO ADDRESS REGISTER Writing a byte to the ADDRESS register will select the specified register for the next time the processor writes to or reads the EVTLC data registers. The data register addresses are as follows: ADDRESS X DATA REGISTERS FILADD (Fill Address) This register contains the RAM address of the character following the last address to be filled. Writing to this register will enable the EVTLC "fill" circuitry. The FILL operation will then be triggered by the next processor write to the CHARACTER register. The FILL operation will write the character in the CHARACTER register to every location in display memory st.arting with the address specified in the CURLO and CURHI registers through the location preceding the address specified in the FILADD register. The cursor position is not changed after a FILL operation. Note that the address bits DA3-DAO are internally forced to 0 forcing the FILADD address to be 00, 16,. 32, etc. to 1920. The CURLO and CURHI registers will not be changed by this operation. Writing to the CHARACTER register will cause the EVTLC to reset DB7 of the STATUS register to "0". Bit 7 will be set to 1 after the EVTLC has filled the last memory location specified. FILADD REGISTER REGISTER OPERATION WRITE TO DATA REGISTER READ DATA REGISTER WRITE TO ADDRESS REGISTER READ STATUS REGISTER 1 x DONE DONE = 1 signifies that external processor is allowed to access CURSOR ADDRESS andlor CHARACTER registers. DONE = '" signifies that external processor must wait until EVTLC completes transfer of data between display memory and CHARACTER register. CRT9153 Addressing of the internal EVTLC data registers of the Q.RT 9153 is accomplished thro!:!.9!l use of the AID and RI W select inputs qualified by the DS strobe. AID DS R/VIi DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 DBO DB7 CHIP RESET TOSADD CURLO CURHI FILADD ATTDAT CHARACTER MODEl REGISTER MODE2 REGISTER TOSADD REGISTER DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 DBO TIM DA10 DA9 DA8 DA7 DA6 DA5 DA4 Note that address bits DA3-DAO are internally forced to 0 forCing the first address at the beginning of each row to be 00, 16, 32, etc. to 1920. The most significant bit of this register (TIM) is used to select between the two mask programmed sets of vertical retrace parameters (scan A and scan B). This allows software selection of, for example, 50/60 HZ. TIM = 0 enable raster scan A (60 Hz) TIM = 1 enable raster scan B (50 Hz) NOTE: Chip Reset IS required before starlmg operallon. STATUS REGISTER When reading the STATUS register, the DONE bit (DB7 of STATUS Register) will represent the current status of the CHARACTER register. This bit is used to synchronize data transfers between the processor and the EVTLC. The EVTLC will set the DONE bit to a logic one after completing a byte transfer command or a FILL operation. The DONE 403 CURLO (Cursor Low) This register contains the eight lower order address bits of the RAM cursor address. All FILL screen and character transfer operations begin at the memory location pointed to by this address. affected by the display character's TAG bit. NOTE: All 8 bits are valid for the 9x28 mode. In the 9x53 mode the only bits that are recognized are DB6, 5 and 4. CURLO REGISTER DB? DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 DBO DA7 DA6 DA5 DA4 DA3 DA2 DA1 DAO CURHI (Cursor High) This register contains the three higher address bits of the RAM cursor address (DA10, DA9, DA8). All FILL screen and character transfer operations begin at the memory location pOinted to by this address. In addition, this register contains the Smooth Scroll Offset Values SS3-SS0 which determine the number of scan lines that the data is shifted on the screen. The MSB of this register (SLE-status line enable) is the enable for the non-scrolling status line. ATTDAT REGISTER DB? DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 DBO DB? (1). MODE SELECT DB? DB? CURHI REGISTER DB? DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 DBO SLE SS3 SS2 SS1 SSO DA10 DA9 DA8 DB6 SLE = 1 enables non-scrolling 25th status line SLE = g disables and blanks nonscrolling status line CURSOR SUPPRESS SS3-SS0 Smooth Scroll Offset Value ATTDAT (Screen Attribute Data) Two attribute modes are provided. In the "tag bit" attribute mode, the MSB of each character is used to "tag" those characters which are to be enhanced with the attribute specified by the ATTDAT register. This allows individual characters to be attributed, but with the limitation that only one attribute style may be enabled for a specific screen. This is compatible with the CRT9028/9128, and is specified as the 9x28 operation mode. In the "embedded attribute" mode, multiple attributes may be displayed on one screen. This is specified as the 9x53 operation mode.. See "MODE 2" register for selection of 9x28 and 9x53 modes. DB6 DB6 DB5 The ATTDAT register specifies the visual attributes of the video data, in 9x28 operation mode, and the cursor presentation. The visual attriDB4 . butes specified in the ATTDAT register (DB3DBO) are enabled or disabled by a TAG bit that is appended to the ASCII character written to the CHARACTER register. Every character on the screen with its TAG bit set is displayed with the same attribute. Changing the Attribute register will change the attribute of every "tagged" character on the screen. Character attributes in the 9x53 mode are determined by specific attribute characters embedded in the character data stream as explained below in the section titled CHARACTER SETS. The functions of the remaining bits in the ATTDAT register are not 404 CURSOR DISPLAY DB5 DB5 SCREEN DB4 DB4 = 1 enables graphics mode display (No attributes allowed) =0 enables alpha mode displa>j Note: See CHARACTER SETS for definition of characters available in each mode. = 1 inhibits VIDEO display at cursor time by forcing the VIDEO output to background level during cursor displaytime =0 enables VIDEO display at cursor time Note: A blinking cursor display can be achieved by toggling this bit under processor control. = 1 enables underline cursor display =0 enables block cursordisplay Note: An underline cursor in an underline character attribute field will be dashed. = 1 for white screen and black characters =0 for black screen and white characters Note: This is a screen attribute '(versus character attribute) bit and sets the default video background level. §' DB3(1) o w o o :2 ~ CHARACTER DB3 = 1 to enable Video SUPPRESS suppress DB3 = 0 to inhibit Video suppress Note: This bit allows character blinking and blanking under processor control I- m DB2(1) INTENSITY DB2= 1 allows the INTOUT output pin to go high for the charactertime DB2= 0 inhibits the INTOUT output pin from going high (!) ~ ib o W ..J ~ 15 a: o o DB1(1) W ..J ~ W DBO(1) MODE 2 REGISTER X DBO= 1 will cause the standard foreground and background Video levels (selected with BIT 4) to be reversed for the character time DBO= 0 will inhibit reverse video The AUTO INCREMENT bit in this register specifies whether or not the display memory character address is automatically incremented by the EVTLC after every readlwrite of the CHARACTER register. Note: The visible cursor position is not affected. MODE 1 REGISTER DB? DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 DBO AUTO X INC X X X X X X DB? AUTO DB? = 1 to enable INCREMENT automatic character address The RAM address is incremented after the EVTLC completes a display memory access initiated by a processor to RAM or RAM to processor character transfer. X X X X X DBO CUR 9x53 BLINK ENBL DB1 CURSOR BLINK DB1 = 1 will enable blinking cursor. DB1 = 0 will disable blinking cursor and state of cursor is controlled by DB6 in ATTDAT register. DBO 9x53 ENABLE DBO = 1 will enable operation as a 90531 9153. DB = 0 will enable operation as 9028/9128. CHARACTER (1) These bits not recognized in 9x53 mode and represent don't care states. MODE 1 This register contains two bits which control operational modes of the device. DBO controls whether the device operates as a 9x53 or emulates the 9x28. In the 9x28 mode the device is fully compatible with the CRT 90281 9128 with the exception of the higher density character set. DB1 enables the cursor blink function where the blink rate is a mask programmable feature (see CRT 9053/9153 coding sheet.) This function is automatically disabled when in 9x28 mode. DB? DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 UNDERLINE DB1 = 1 will cause the characterto be underlined DB1 = 0 will inhibit the underline REVERSE VIDEO MODE 2 This register allows access to the display memory for both byte transfers and FILL operations. In BYTE Transfer Write Mode, the processor first writes a character to this register. The EVTLC takes that character and stores it in the display memory in the location specified by the CURLO and CURHI registers. In Byte Transfer Read Mode, the processor reads this register causing the EVTLC to fetch the character whose address is specified in the CURLO and CURHI registers from the display memory and place it in the CHARACTER register. The processor then reads the character and initiates another fetch from memory cycle. In FILL mode, writing a byte to this register will initiate a FILL operation. All EVTLClmemory data transfers take place during horizontal and vertical video retrace blank time. CHARACTER REGISTER DB? DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 DBO 8 BIT CHARACTER(2) (2)See next section, CHARACTER SETS, for definition of 8 bit characters. DB? = 0 to disable automatic increment. 405 GRAPHICS CHARACTERS(3) CHARACTER SETS The character set consists of 128 characters, a six segment "wide graphics" and a four segment "thin graphics" entity. Included in the 128 mask programmable characters can be the 96 standard ASCII characters and 32 special characters. SEGMENT 6 SEGMENT SEGMENT 3 5 SEGMENT 2 SEGMENT 4 SEGMENT 1 9x28 OPERATION MODE (MODE 2: DBO = 0) A. GRAPHICS MODE -.(ATTDAT: DB7 = 1) This mode allows an intermix of afphanumeric and graphics characters. No attributes are permitted in this mode. If DB7 = 1, the character will be alphanumeric. If DB7 = 0, the character will be a graphics character. DB7 is "tag bit". ENTITY DB7 DBB DB5 I· CHARACTER THIN(l) GRAPHICS DB4 DB3 DB2 DBl DBD WIDE GRAPHICS ENTITY SEGMENT 3 --I CHARACTER DATA X X SEG4 SEG3 SEG2 SEGl SEGB SEG5 SEG4 SEG3 SEG2 SEGl SEGMENT4 SEGMENT 2 WIDE(l) GRAPHICS SEGMENT 1 B. ALPHANUMERICS MODE-(ATTDAT: DB7 = 0) THIN GRAPHICS ENTITY This mode allows display of alphanumeric characters with attributes. If DB7 is set to a logical one, the attribute(s) specified in the ATTDAT register will be enabled for that character. If DB7 is cleared, attributes will not be enabled for that character. DB7 is "tag bit". ENTITY DB7 DBB DB5 1• CHARACTER (Attr enabled) DB4 DB3 DB2 CHARACTER DATA I-.. _---(CHARACTER DATA CHARACTER (No attribute) 9x53 OPERATION MODE (MODE 2: DBO DBl (3)Scan line and column of segment locations are mask programmable. DESCRIPTION OF SYSTEM OPERATION DBD _ 1 The EVTLC circuitry provides two control functions. One function interprets and controls data from the system processor interface through the data bus DB7-DBO as shown in the Processor Timing of figure 3. The other function generates and refreshes the video image on the screen through the DD7-DDO data bus as shown in the Display Memory Timing of figure 2. Because the system data bus is isolated from the display data bus, the EVTLC maintains complete control over access to display memory. All data flow between display RAM and the processor or the EVTLC takes place through the EVTLC. Refer to the EVTLC Display Memory Access Timing of figure 7. -----~I = 1) This mode allows the use of embedded field attributes where the desired attribute for any given string of one or more consecutive characters is defined by an attribute character which is part of the character data stream and is located immediately in front of the characters to be attributed. A second attribute character should be located immediately following the string of attributed characters to restore the normal display mode. Since the specific attribute characters occupy character positions, they are actually displayed as spaces. ENTITY CHARACTER ATTRIBUTE(2) DB7 DBB D I· DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DBl BLANK BLINK DBD -I CHARACTER DATA CHARACTER THIN(l} GRAPH!CS DISPLAY MEMORY ACCESS INT UNDLN RV X SEG4 SEG3 SEG2 SEGl SEG5 SEG4 SEG3 SEG2 SEGl WIDE(l) GRAPHICS SEG6 Graphics segments are turned on when bit is set to a "1 ". (2)A specific field attribute is enabled by setting the appropriate bit and disabled by resetting the bit. Attributes can be mixed. The following defines the available attributes indicated in the ATTRIBUTE CHARACTER. DB4 (BLANK)-Suppresses character video output. DB3 (BLlNK)-Causes character to blink at mask programmed rate. DB2 (INTENSITY)-Controls INTOUT output pin. DB1 (UNDERLlNE)-causes character to be underlined. DBO (REVERSE VIDEO)-Reverses foreground/background video levels. (1) 406 Processor/display memory access is accomplished through the CHARACTER register of the EVTLC. All processor transfers to or from the CHARACTER register take place only when the DONE bit is high. The DONE bit is used to synchronize data transfers between the EVTLC and the processor as shown in the Typical Processor To Display Memory Transfer of figure 6. When the processor needs to store a byte of data in the display memory, it will write the byte to the CHARACTER register of the EVTLC. The EVTLC will immediately reset the DONE bit indicating that the transfer hardware is busy. At the next blanked Video time, the EVTLC will store the byte in the display memory, increment the character address, (if auto increment is enabled) and set the DONE bit. When the processor needs to read a byte of data from the display memory, it will read the CHARACTER register. The EVTLC will fetch the desired byte from the display memory during the next blanked VIDEO time, increment the character address (if enabled), and set the DONE bit. When the processor detects that the DONE bit is set, it will read the CHARACTER register to get the data byte from the EVTLC. This read will reset the DONE bit and cause the EVTLC to fetch the next byte of data from the memory. If auto increment is not enabled, the processor must set the cursor address in the CURLO and CURHI register to the address of the memory location being read from, or written into, before every access to the CHARACTER register. It should be noted that Auto Increment does not affectthe visible cursor location. If auto-increment is enabled, the current character location will equal the cursor position only for the first character transfered following an update of the CURLOandCURHI registers. Note that the DONE bit must be high before attempting to update the cursor registers because the loading of the cursor registers will reset the character position counters to the cursor position. When programmed for a data row of 80 characters/data row display (1920 data words), for example, the display RAM contains 25 actual rows of data (2000 RAM locations). If the smooth scroll offset equals zero, the EVTLC will display the 1919 RAM locations following the top of screen address when displaying data. The first data row is partially scrolled off the screen and the 25th data row is scrolled onto the screen when the smooth scroll offset is incremented. The EVTLC will now display the 1999 RAM locations following the top of screen address (wrapping to 0 after address 1999). Afterthe EVTLC does ajump scroll, the processor will program it to erase the line just scrolled off the screen (preparing it to be scrolled onto the screen). This line now becomes the non-displayed 25th data row. NON-SCROLLING STATUS LINE SMOOTH SCROLL The EVTLC may be programmed to do either "jump" or "smooth" scrolling. Jump scrolling moves the data up or down the monitor screen one data row at a time. Smooth scrolling moves the data up the monitor screen one scan line at a time. The number of scan lines and the rate they move up the screen is under processor control. Smooth scroll is controlled through manipulation of the SS3-SS0 bits of the CURHI register. These bits represent the binary address of the first scan line of the first data row displayed on the monitor screen (the data row whose beginning address is in the TOSADD register). When the value represented by these bits is incremented, the video data on the monitor screen moves up by the same number of scan lines. After the address of the last scan line of the data row is loaded into the CURHI register and the VIDEO data has moved up the last scan line of the data row, the processor resets the SS3-SS0 address to point to scan line o and does a jump scroll. Jump scroll is accomplished by incrementing the RAM address in the TOSADD register by a data row length (so that it points to the address of the first character of the new top data row on the monitor). The non-scrolling status line is only functional on a EVTLC that has been programmed for 25 data rows. This data row will remain stationary at the bottom of the screen and will not move up the screen when the remainder of the display data is scrolled. Otherwise, VIDEO data on the status line may be manipulated as though it were normal display data. The smooth scroll offset will not function properly when the status line is enabled. The memory address of the characters on the status line are always characters 1920-1999. NOTE: If the part is programmed for 25 data rows an additional mask option must be specified which makes the 25th data row either fixed (always displayed) or a status row (enabled/disabled by the SLE bit). CHIP RESET The CRT 9053 and CRT 9153 Chip Reset requires two steps. The system processor first writes the reset address to the address register of the EVTLC. The system processor then writes a dummy character to the EVTLC Data register. Writing to the Data register resets the chip. See the DONE timing in figure 6. This reset process causes the MODE 2 register to be set to the "00" state which disables the blinking cursor and enables the 9x28 operation mode. ROM CHARACTER BLOCK FORMAT COLUMN DOT -> SCAN LINE 0 -> SCAN LINE 1 -> SCAN LINE 2 -> SCAN LlNE3 -> SCAN LINE 4 -> SCAN LINE5 -> SCAN LINE 6 -> SCAN LINE 7 -> SCAN LINE 8 -> SCAN LINE 9 -> SCAN LINE 10 -> SCAN LINE 11 -> SCAN LINE 12 -> o Dots/Charac1er: 8 dots/charac1er cell 9 dOls/charac1er cell ~ ~ > C8 - Cl displayed > C8 • CO displayed Column dot CO will be the same as column dot C8 when more than 8 dots/character cell are specified when generating alpha-numerics. o o o MASK PROGRAMMABLE CHARACTER BLOCK (FONT) 7Xll o o o NOTE: The maximum dot clock crystal frequency is dependent on'the dots/character programmed: *These values are preliminary Scan Lines per Character: 11 scan Iines/charac1er = > SLO·SL 10 displayed 12 scan Iines/charac1er = > SLO-SL 11 displayed 13 scan lines/charac1er = > SLO-SL 12 displayed Thin and Wide Graphics: Dots mask programmed for vertical column C1 will be the same as backfill Columns 0 when generating wide and thin graphics. Mask programmable oplions-The ROM charac1er block format above shows the 7Xll mask programmable charac1er font within the charac1er cell as defined by dots C8 through CO and scan lines 0 through 12. 407 MAXIMUM GUARANTEED RATINGS* Operating Temperature Range .......................................................................O°C to + 70°C Storage Temperature Range ......................................................................... - 55°C to + 150°C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10 sec.) ............................................................... + 325°C Positive Voltage on any Pin, with respect to ground ................................................. + 8.0V Negative Voltage on any Pin, with respect to ground ................................................ - 0.3V 'Stresses above those listed may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or at any other condition above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. NOTE: When powering this device from laboratory or system power supplies, it is important that the Absolute Maximum Ratings not be exceeded or device failure can result. Some power supplies exhibit voltage spikes or "glitches" on their outputs when the AC power is switched on and off. In addition, voltage transients on the AC power line may appear on the DC output. If this possibility exists, it is suggested that a clamp circuit be used. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TA =0 °C to 70°C, Vee = PARAMETER + 5V ± 5%, unless otherwise noted.) MIN DC CHARACTERISTICS INPUT VOLTAGE LEVELS Low-level, Vii High-Level, Vih OUTPUT VOLTAGE LEVELS Low-level, Vol TYP MAX UNIT 0.8 V V 0.4 V 0.4 V 2.2 Low-level, Vol High-level, Voh 2.4 V High-level, Voh 2.4 V INPUT LEAKAGE CURRENT High-level, IIh COMMENTS All outputs except VIDEO, CSYNC, INTOUT, HSYNC, VSYNC; 101 = 1.6 mA VIDEO, CSYNC, INTOUT, HSYNC, VSYNC; 101 = 0.4 mA All outputs except VIDEO, CSYNC, INTOUT, HSYNC, VSYNC;loh = -40!-La VIDEO, CSYNC, INTOUT, HSYNC, VSYNC;loh = - 2O!-LA 10 !-LA All inputs; Vin = Vcc Low-level, III -10 fLA All inputs except.YYR, RD, DS, R/W; Vin = O.4V Low-level, III -200 !-LA WR,RD, DS, R/IN; Vin = O.4V 15 pF 15 100 pF pF INPUT CAPACITANCE All inputs, Cin OUTPUT LOAD CL CL POWER SUPPLY CURRENT Icc AC CHARACTERISTICS CLOCK FREQUENCY, fin DISPLAY MEMORY TIMING Address Set-up Time t AS Write Strobe Set-up Time t WST Data Set-up Time tST Data Hold Time tOH 125 18.7 1.0 MHz 20 ns 100 ns 80 ns 10 408 mA I 50 ns Except DB7-0 DB7-0 PARAMETER MIN Address Hold Time tAHT Output Hold From Address Change tOH Address Access Time tAA PROCESSOR TIMING Address Read/Write Set-up tARWS Write Pulse Width twpw Write Hold Time tWHT Read Set-up Time tRST Read Data Valid T Rov Read Pulse Width tRPW Data Write Falling Set-up tOWFS Data Write Rising Set-up tOWRS TYP MAX 50 ns 15 ns 250 ns 160 ns 15 ns ns 250 ns 120 ns 160 ns ADDRESS DWR READ DATA FROM RAM EVTLC OUTPUT TO RAM EVTLC INPut FROM RAM NOTE: DISPLAY ADDRESS BUS DAtO·DAO MUST NOT CHANGE WHILE DWR IS LOW FIGURE 2. DISPLAY MEMORY TIMING (1) If set·up time is not met, screen may glitch when cursor or attribute registers are changed during active video time. (2) Minimum set·up time to ensure valid data into EVTLC internal registers. FIGURE 3. PROCESSOR TIMING 409 ns 0 Crystal specification (Applies for 4-18.7 MHz): Series Resonant 50 ohms max series resistance 1.5 pf typ parallel capacitance Operation below 4 MHz requires external crystal oscillator DD7·DDO ns 160 200 OAt 0·0 UNIT COMMENTS VERTICAL VERTICAL TIMING SYNC I DURATION 1 1 I- I >1 VSYNC~ I+1 1 DELAY I I 1 1 V SYNC _ _ _ _---'I_-'r---\'-_---,I'-_ _-III-I _ _ _ 1 1 1 II ----'1 1 1 VBLANKING _ _~ _ _..JI ~ \ ____--jl I t-- NUMBER OF BLANKED --.r 1 SCAN LINES 1;---1 ~Y~p~~O~t------; - DATA ROWS HORIZONTAL TIMING HORIZONTAL SYNC DURATION !+-------.I 1 HSYNC DELAY r.-- -..I 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 I 1 1 1 HSYNC _ _ _ _---'I'-~r----\~---7I---_ilrl----~;-- HBLANKING _ _ _ _ _-'1 71 1 1 1 \ 14------ NUMBER OF cJk~~~f~RS ~ II ~ ...- 7r - - I ~y~p~~~~J' ---+f CHARACTERS NOTE. Video parameters above are mask programmable FIGURE 4. VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL SYNC TIMING ,n I I HSYNC~ VSYNC n I 1 I 1 1 I ~. H----j I--H/2--1 CSYNC 1 n n I I 1 I 1 1 1 1 n'---_-----IlL I I I I 1 I I NOTE: Delays be~ween pulse edges and pulse width values may vary due to mask programmable features. 'H represents hOrizontal interval HSYNC _ _ _ _ _ ---,~r--l~----­ _______ ~~d~r_-------- U CSVNC d == HSYN Delay -CSYN Delay WITHIN VERTICAL SYNC PULSE TIME OUTSIDE OF VERTICAL SYNC PULSE TIME FIGURE 5. VIDEO SIGNAL TIMING 1Ds?-O XXXXXXXXX xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ASCII CHARACTER PROCESSOR BUS L!" -------------,. PROCESSOR WRITES CHARACTER SCAN LINE 0 -> 0 SCAN LINE 1 -> 0 0 SCAN LINE 2 -> 0 0 SCAN LINE 3 -> 0 0 SCAN LINE 4 -> 0 0 SCAN LINE 5 -> 0 C8 C7 C6 C5 C4 C3 C2 C1 CO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CHARACTER BLOCK 7X11 CELL SCAN LINE 6 -> 0 SCAN LINE 7 -> 0 0 SCAN LINE 8 -> 0 0 SCAN LINE 9 -> 0 0 SCAN LINE 10 -> 0 0 SCAN LINE 11 -> 0 0 DOTS PER CHARACTER: DOT CLOCK XTAL FREQUENCY (MHz): HORIZONTAL TIMING (IN CHARACTER TIMES): CHARACTERS PER DATA ROW: HORIZONTAL BLANKING: HORIZONTAL SYNC DELAY: HORIZONTAL SYNC PULSE WIDTH: HORIZONTAL SYNC POLARITY: 0 9 17.1072 80 19 4 8 NEGATIVE ACTIVE J.-- HORIZ BLANKING~ I .I ACTIVE VIDEO VIDEO 0 ACTIVE VIDEO ---------11 L._ - _ -_ _ _ - _ _- _ - _ HSYNC HORIZ SYNC DELAY III. IV. -I- ~.. HORIZ SYNC--I PULSE WIDTH VERTICAL TIMING: CHARACTER ROWS: SCAN LINES PER CHARACTER: TOTAL VISIBLE SCAN LINES: VERTICAL SYNC POLARITY: 25 x12 300 NEGATIVE ACTIVE VERTICAL SYNC TIMING (IN SCAN LINES): 60 Hz VERTICAL BLANKING: 60 Hz VERTICAL SYNC DELAY: 60 Hz VERTICAL SYNC PULSE WIDTH: ALTERNATE (50 Hz) VERTICAL BLANKING: ALTERNATE (50 Hz) VERTICAL SYNC DELAY: ALTERNATE (50 Hz) VERTICAL SYNC PULSE WIDTH: ACTIVE VIDEO 20 4 8 84 17 34 L-- VERTICAL BLANKING----I I I- --------11 ACTIVE VIDEO L._ _ _ _ _ - _ _- _ - _ VSYNC ---'V~S;YNNCCCD~ELLA~Y~=+14;:~·~I~..-VERTSYNC~ PULSE WIDTH 412 V. COMPOSITE SYNC OUTPUT (IN CHARACTER TIMES) 2 8 COMPOSITE SYNC DELAY: COMPOSITE SYNC PULSE WIDTH: ACTIVE VIDEO ACTIVE VIDEO VIDEO --------1 1-------- CSYN .. .. CSYN DELAY -1oe1llll..--....;.~IIoI..---~1 VI. CSYN PULSE WIDTH BLINK RATES (@ 60 Hz VSYNC): CHARACTERBLINK RATE: DUTY CYCLE: 1.25 Hz CURSORBLINK RATE: DUTY CYCLE: 2.5 Hz 75/25 50/50 VII. UNDERLINE ATTRIBUTE: CHARACTER UNDERLINE: CURSOR UNDERLINE: SCAN LINE 11 SCAN LINE 11 VIII. WIDE GRAPHICS FIGURE DEFINITION: COLUMN -> ca C7 C6 C5 C4 C3 C2 C1 CO SCAN LINE 0 -> SCAN LINE 1 -> SEGMENT 6 SCAN LINE 2 -> T rT SEGMENT 3 SCAN LINE 3 -> SCAN LINE 4 -> SCAN LINE 5 -> SCAN LINE 6 -> ~ SEGMENT 2 SEGMENTS SCAN LINE 7 -> SCAN LINE a -> SCAN LINE 9 -> SEGMENT 4 SCAN LINE 10-> IX. W1 H1 = SCAN LINES 4, 5, 6, 7 HO = SCAN LINES a, 9,10, 11 W1 = ca, C7, C6, C5, C4 WO = C3, C2, C1, CO HO SEGMENT 1 1 SCAN LINE 11 -> I. H2 = SCAN LINES 0,1,2,3 WO~ .. 1-0. THIN GRAPHICS FIGURE DEFINITION: COLUMN DOT -> SCAN LlNEO -> SCAN LINE 1 -> SCAN LlNE2 -> SCAN LlNE3 -> SCAN LINE 4 -> SCAN LINES -> SCAN LlNE6 -> SCAN LlNE7 -> SCAN LINEa -> SCAN LINE 9 -> ca C7 C6 C5 C4 C3 C2 C1 CO S E G M E N T 3 I SEGMENT2 SEGMENT4 SCAN LINE 10 -> SCAN LINE 11 .--- -> SEGMENT 4 = SCAN LINE 6; ca, C7, C6, C5, C4 SEGMENT 3 = C4; SCAN LINES 0, 1,2,3,4, 5, 6 I S E G M E N T e-L SEGMENT 2 = SCAN LINE 6; C4, C3, C2, C1, CO SEGMENT 1 = C4; SCAN LINES 6,7, a, 9, 10, 11 413 KEYBOARD CONN iOfl! OPTIONAL SERIAL EEROM XTAL 1 XTAL 1 XTAL2 " INTO ~INT1 P2.3 P2.2 P2 ., SK P2.0 DO XTAL2 CS DI VSYNC LS~.....VE_R_T_IC_A_LS_Y_N_C ,. b~ HORIZONTAL SYNC 10----,-10 VIDEO HSYNC 1P25 COMM CONN PO.7 -PO.O I\. 6SO VIDEO I I~ 3900 DWRP-------, OR EQUIVALENT ~ ) )I DB7-DB0' S051 ./>. ...."..., I ........ I~ INTOUTI 1------11 TxD CRT 9053 DISPLAY MEMORY ADDRESS BUS ~ A 1.0'-A9 2KX8 STATIC RAM PRINTER CONN P'.5 :~ j:~ CRT 9053 TYPICAL APPLICATION } DATA BUS ) D7-DQ' TO MONITOR KEYBOARD CONN OPTIONAL SERIAL EEROM XTAL 1 I ·"fU XTAL2 CS INT1 INTQ' PROG 01 INT2 PORT DO PORT BIT IN COMM CONN LS24.G' VERTICAL SYNC) } I VSYNC I .:;:.0 HORIZONTAL SYNC;: ) HSYNC b • 68n VIDEO VIDEO INTOUT PORT 1----11 BIT OUT PORT A07-AO.G' I\., .II OB7-0B.B' I Z8fJ.C :!::: (11 8j - OWR OR EQUIVALENT CRT 9153 PORT BIT IN 1489 DISPLAY MEMORY RXO ADDRESS BUS OA1.G'-0A.G' PRINTER 1488 CONN ~ HOX ~(PORT BIT) PORT BIT OUT I IAID R~:b OS d IA 007-00-'11( R/W ;::- CRT 9153 TYPICAL APPLICATION DATA BUS A 1RJ-A.G' ~ 2KX8 STATIC RAM 07-0.G' TO MONITOR CRT 9053/9153-000 ag.»l ag- Q ~~-~~~~ ~~~~g9: $ O'g (D~~.... CD __ 0 .... ~ ij:~-~-g 3 ~~gg~~ DID s~ ~_~g ~ ~i~~ E.g~ "'C:l..,,(D_CJ) .f:a. ...... 0) ~~~~~~ ~~~g.a-a CD C ::T'< __ 011 1O-:'o~3g. ~!~[g:~ 5.~~~~~ c -. (11:::1 Q. ~ ;.~fij-~Q. -<'g.3 gal-a. 1DO ~~g.~:~ CTCJ):l~Qcn : s:::o._o 0) ~~m~~~ o ..... ::Im~~ ~~~a~~ i~ ~ ~~r~ 101 (IIcnal'<"O~ (II s;:'< ..... C ... ~()~~-g~ - i!~i~ ~35(;j-~· £ 110 (II::Y:i::l im~;ii :::::!-o:" m 3 ~~6 ~ g' oal ..... rc:l 3m~~g. 0) 3"0,< 0 ~g·a'Q·Q ~ag~~ ~n~~-;g :Qfij-i' 111 CRT92C07 PRELIMINARY Advanced Terminal Logic Controller ATLC FEATURES: PIN CONFIGURATION o Internal 12 Bit 42 MHz Video Shift Register. o Internal Oscillator (10 MHz to 42 MHz) or External TTL Clock. o Internal Clock Divider to Generate 80/132 columns. o Separate 16 Bit Wide Private Display Memory Bus Resolves Memory Contention. o Row Table Indirect Video Memory Addressing. o X-V Cursor Addressing. o Multiple Bi-Directional Partial Page Smooth Scroll Regions. o Line Lock Capability. z~ PD4 PD5 POs PO? INTER o Programmable Interrupt Generation. o o r-"'11.D 1O.D,CC,L.I:,LJ:,J.J:5J.J:.U,li,:J..OJ,,::U4B""'s~~-~;;- 7675 12 74 13 73 14 15 16 XTAl1 17 XTAL2 CGDO 18 19 CGDl CGD2 20 21 CGD? 26 eGOS eG09 CGD10 CGD11 eWE COE 27 28 29 30 31 32 OA3 DA4 DA5 DAB OA7 DAB 64 63 62 61 60 59 CGD3 CGD4 eGOS CGDS o Programmable Display Format: Dots per character (9-12) Characters per Data Row (64-132) Data Rows per Frame (24-64) Raster Scans per Data Row (10-16) Programmable Sync Format: Horizontal Blanking Time (8-128 Characters) Horizontal Sync Delay (0-64 Characters) Horizontal Sync Pulse (1-64 Characters) Vertical Blanking Time (8-255 Scan Lines) Vertical Sync Delay (0-63 Scan Lines) Vertical Sync Pulse (1-63 Scan Lines) Programmable Attribute Features: Character Underline Position Cursor Underline Position Character Blink Rate and Duty Cycle Cursor Blink Rate and Duty Cycle Blink Mode Four Level Intensity Control 550 ~ ~~~~~i~!i~~~e~~~~;g~~ ~~~$R.~.~.aM • • U.~~~~. DA13 OA14 OA1S NC NC NC 58 000 57 DOl D02 56 55 54 DD3 004 PACKAGE: 84-pin PLCC o Mask Programmable Features: o o o o Vertical Sync Polarity Horizontal Sync Polarity Video Output Polarity Parallel and Tag Character Video Attributes. External CharacterGenerator-Loadablethru the ATLC. CMOS Technology for Low Power Consumption. All Inputs and Outputs TTL Compatible. GENERAL DESCRIPTION The CRT92C07 Advanced Terminal Logic Controller (ATLC) is a CMOS VLSI implementation of all the logic functions required for generation of the timing and video outputs for a terminal design. The ATLC incorporates all of the functions associated with a CRT controller and an attributes controller. These functions include register programmability of all timing parameters, pOSitioning of cursor, addressing of display memory, control of screen partitions, generation of video and timing signals and application of attributes. The ATLC provides three independent bus interfaces-the system processor, display memory, and character generator memory. Data is transferred from the processor to the display memory and character generator memory through the ATLC. The double speed architecture of the ATLC provides access to display memory at the character rate for both display refresh and data update functions. The external character generator can be implemented with either EPROM or static RAM (for soft font implementations). A row table addressing method is used to access character data from display memory. This method provides the capability to create multiple split screens and to smooth scroll each screen region simultaneously and independently. The use of a link within the row table allows flexible manipulation of the sequence of character rows on screen. The built in attributes controller, equivalent to the CRT9041 Video Attributes Controller, can support parallel, embedded, or tag attributes. All commonly used video terminal attributes are supported; in particular those required for DEC VT1001 220 emulation. 417 DESCRIPTION OF PIN FUNCTIONS DISPLAY MEMORY INTERFACE PIN NO. 62-76 43-58 35 34 36 NAME Display Memory Address Display Memory Data Display Memory Character Write Enable Display Memory Attribute Write Enable Display Memory Output Enaule SYMBOL DA15-1 0015-0 DCWE ':iR""""'11i"'1 ;::~~:.. """,,Momo~ ""'~ ~ bit _ the LSB. Input/Output. Sixteen bit bi-directional Display Memory Data bus. Character data is transferred on 007-0 and attribute data on 0015-8. 0015 is the MSB and 000 is the LSB. Output. Active low write strobe to Display Memory. This signal is active when character data is being written to the display memory. DAWE Output. Active low write strobe to Display Memory. This signal is active when attribute data is being written to the display memory. DOE Output. Active low output enable strobe to Display Memory. This signal is active whenever character and/or attribute data is read from memory. CHARACTER GENERATOR MEMORY INTERFACE 77 Character Clock CCLK 33 Alternate Font Select ALTFS 38-41 Scan Line Data SL3-0 30-19 Character Generator Data Character Generator Write Enable CGD11-0 Character Generator Output Enable COE 31 32 CWE Output. This output defines the rate at which characters are output to the screen. This signal is also used to externally latch the 8 address bits output from DA7-0 for the external character generator. This clock output does not stop as a result of the RESET or Stop commands. Output. This signal reflects the state of the Underline 21Alternate Font Select attribute bit (000) or the Font Select bit in the Mode 4 register. When it reflects the state of the attribute bit, it is internally pipelined such that it is output at the same time that the associated character data is presented to the address inputs of the character generator. This output is typically connected to the MSB of the address bus to the character generator. Output. These signals represent scan line data that are used to provide the four LSB's of the character generator address. SL3 is the MSB and SLO is the LSB. Input/Output. Twelve bit bi-directional data bus to the Character Generator memory. Output. Active low write strobe to the external character generator memory. This signal is active when the processor is writing pattern data to the Character Generator memory. Output. Active low output enable strobe to Character Generator Memory. This output is active whenever character pattern data is read from memory. PROCESSOR INTERFACE 3-2 Processor Address PA1-0 Input. These signals represent a 2-bit address bus from the processor which is used to access either the Status, Pointer, Character Data, RAM Address registers or the internal registers pOinted to by the Pointer Register. 15-8 Processor Data PD7-0 6 Read Strobe RD 5 Read/Write Select R/W 4 Data Strobe DS Input/Output. Eight bit bi-directional Processor Data bus. PD7 is the MSB and PD~ is the LSB. Input. This si~1 is useQ.!o gate data from the ATLC onto the processor bug design usi!:!ll...OS and R/W should tie RD to ground. A deSign using RD and WR should tie OS to ground. Input. This si~1 deter!TI!Des if the processor is reading or writing to the ATLC. A design usi!:!ll...DS and R/W should tie RD to ground. A design using RD and WR should tie OS to ground. Input. This signal causes data to be strobed into or ot!!.of the ATLC from the Proces~r Data bus depending on the state of the R/W si~ A design using OS and R/W should tie RD to ground. A design using RD and WR should tie OS to ground. 7 Chip Select CS 16 Interrupt INTER Input. This signal is active low and enables all read and write operations between the processor and the ATLC. Output. This signal is active high and occurs when the ATLC encounters an enabled interrupt causing condition. This Signal is reset by reading the Interrupt Status register or a Reset command. 418 VIDEO INTERFACE PIN NO. NAME 82 Horizontall Composite Sync 83 Vertical Sync 78 Video 79-78 Intensity Out SYMBOL H/CSYN FUNCTION InpuVOutput. This signal provides either a horizontal or composite synchronization output. It can also be driven as an input to allow synchronization of horizontal sync to an external source. The function of this signal is register programmable. After reset, this signal defaults to the input mode. The polarity of the signal is mask programmable. InpuVOutput. This signal provides either a vertical synchronization output. It can VSYN also be driven as an input to allow synchronization of vertical sync to an external source. After reset, this signal defaults to the input mode. The polarity of the signal is mask programmable. VIDEO Output. This signal provides the serial dot stream for the video interface. The polarity of this signal is mask progammable. INTOUT2-1 Output. These signals provide the two bits of the intensity attribute for use with an external mixing circuit to create variable intensity on screen. This signal is modified at the character rate and is synchronized with the VIDEO output. MISCELLANEOUS 17-18 Crystal Input XTAL1-2 81,84 1,42 VCC GND Power Ground , Input. These inputs are used for direct connection to a crystal. An external TTL level clock may be used to drive XTAL 1, in which case XTAL2 should be left floating. 5.0 volt power connection. Ground connection. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION The system diagram shown in Figure 1 illustrates the minimum hardware required to implement the display interface for a terminal design using the ATLC. There are three bus interfaces, the video interface and the clock inputs. The only external logic required is a decoder for generating the chip select on the processor bus and an 8 bit latch between the Character Generator RAM and the Display Character RAM. Processor Bus The processor bus consists of a 2 bit address bus (PAt-D), 8 bit data bus (PD7-0) and three control signals. The MSB's of the processor address bus are decoded to generate the Chip Select (CS) signal for the ATLC. Three control signals are available as inputs to the ATLC for data transfers over the bus-Read ~obe (RS), Data Strobe (DS) and Readl Write Select (R/W). Only two of these three signals will typically be used depending on the lyRe of system.Q.rocessor belng used. One option would be RD and R/W, where R/W would serve as a write strobe inpJ!.!..(DS mY§t be grounded), and the other option would be DS and R/W (RD must be grounded). There are five directly accessible registers in the ATLC which are selected by two address inputs (PA1-0). All other registers in the ATLC are indirectly accessible via one of the direct registers, the Register Pointer. There is also an Interrupt (INTER) output provided identifying key internal events. Display Memory Bus The display memory bus consists of a 15 bit address bus (DA15-1), a 16 bit data bus (DD15-0) and three control signals. The 15 bit Display Memory Address bus provides access to a maximum of 32K, 16 bit words which are divided into 8 bits for character data and 8 bits for attribute data. The last 256 memory locations (highest memory addresses) are used to store the row table. The 8 MSB's of the Display Memory Data bus are the attribute data and are used by the ATLC to generate unique attributes for each character output to the screen. The 8 LSB's of the Display Memory Data bus are the character data and this data is latched externally, as shown in Figure 1, to provide 8 of the 13 bits of the address .for the character generator memory. There are three .control signals-separate write enables for the character and attribute RAM's and an output enable when reading from the RAM's. The processor can access the display memory through the ATLC. The processor writes an address to the RAM Address Register which serves as a pointer to the display memory location to be accessed. Next the processor either reads data from or writes data to the display memory through the Character Data register. The ATLC actually performs the transfer with the display memory using a Busy status bit as a flag to indicate when the transfer has been completed. The ATLC is capable of performing two display memory accesses during each character period. One access is for refresh of the screen (during visible scan time) and the other is for data transfers from the processor (at any time). This architecture eliminates the memory contention problem and provides maximum throughput from the processor to display memory. Character Generator Memory Bus The character generator memory bus consists of a 13 bit address bus, a 12 bit data bus (CGD11-0) and two control signals. Five of the 13 address bits are output by the ATLC (ALTFS, SL3-0) while the other eight come from the external latch that stores the ASCII character data coming from the Display Character RAM. The 12 bits of pixel data are transferred to the ATLC, processed by the attribute logic and converted to serial form for output on the Video signal. The character generator memory can be implemented with either EPROM or RAM. If RAM is used then the processor can make use of character data and address registers in the ATLC to download the character font. The control signals provided are a write enable and an output enable. Video Interface The ATLC outputs all the Signals required by the video interface. These include the serial video data signal, two intensity signals and the vertical sync and horizontall composite sync signals. The dot clock can be generated by a crystal oscillator internal to the ATLC. The crystal placed on the XTAL1/XTAL2 inputs should be that required for the dot clock used for a 132 column display. When switching between 80 and 132 column displays, the ATLC will automatically perform a divide by 2/3 of the dot clock internally. There is also the option of driving the XTAL1 input with ,a TTL clock. 419 9t::9 t-f--;",~---+1b~ of--*+H++------' '" °IW Ei~ 00 I"- o Uu C\I...J 0'11-: I- ,-----~ ~ ADORa ADOR1 ADOR2 AOOR3 ADOR13 DDR13~ - -..,.,..,.,.,..,.,.,..,..,.,..,..,.,..,~ HIGH IMPEOANCE DOUT15-0 FIGURE 2: CRT 94C12 QUAD ROW BUFFER READ TIMING 429 I I I ,''---~i-+'----------------------~l~l-------------------.. l~l CLRCNT --~----~-~~~::-.,~---~:----------------------~t~l--------------------,_, I INTERNAL RAMADDR (WRITE) WEN INTERNAL WEN DINI5-0 I I I I I I 'l!1!1!//I!//Jj/!I!I!II!II!!!I!/I!Jt..~---A---DDR---O-~,"--ADD_R-'C~I!I!I!I!I!I!!I!I!I! 2 _____~I ________________________~I 'L-J 'L-J u 7f!!I!//!!I!I!I!I!-II!!I!!/II~i:tllllll!11E~if~jJ2/~I!!I!//II!I!!!I!m/l$/////Ih ·in general WCLK and RCLK can be different FIGURE 3: CRT 94C12 QUAD ROW BUFFER WRITE TIMING io------------bw.IcvR----------..I 1+-----tCKH'---------~ DIN7-0 REN,WEN HIGH IMPEDANCE DOUT7-0 t~s CLRCNT OR TOG WEN ________ :Fc=-_:=-_:=-_::-_-_~_-_-_-_-_-_-~_-~*~---------------FIGURE 4: CRT 94C12 I/O TIMING 430 MAXIMUM GUARANTEED RATINGS Operating Temperature Range .................................................................................0° to 70°C Storage Temperature Range ......................................................................... - 55°C to + 150°C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10 sec) ........................................................................... + 325°C Maximum Vcc ...................................................................................................... +7.0 V Positive Voltage on any Pin, with respect to Ground ........................................................ Vcc + 0.3 V Negative Voltage on any Pin, with respect to Ground ............................................................ - 0.5 V ·Stresses above those listed may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or at any other condition above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TA PARAMETER MIN = DOC to 7DoC, Vcc = TYP +5V ±5%) '".4"" ""aLIAt eo....~hllJot _/hIIIi&~ COMMENTS ~~ MAX UNITS 0.8 V V V excluding RCLK; WCLK RCLK,WCLK 0.4 V V IOL = 2mA IOH = 100/-LA 10 10 400 400 /-LA /-LA /-LA /-LA excluding OE excluding WEN1 WEN1 OE pF pF excluding RCLK, WCLK RCLK,WCLK DC CHARACTERISTICS INPUT VOLTAGE LEVELS Low Level V,L High Level V,H1 High Level V,H2 OUTPUT VOLTAGE LEVELS Low Level VOL High Level VOH INPUT LEAKAGE CURRENT High Leakage ILH1 Low Leakage tu High Leakage ILH2 Low Leakage tL2 INPUT CAPACITANCE C'N1 C'N2 POWER SUPPLY CURRENT Icc PARAMETER 2.0 4.2 2.4 10 15 MIN TYP 40 mA MAX UNITS COMMENTS AC CHARACTERISTICS' tevw tCVR tCKH tCKL tCKR tCKF tos tOH tEN12 tEN22 tENH2 tov tcs tCH tWT3 250 250 100 100 DC 10 10 50 0 0 100 0 175 100 0 ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns Write clock period Read clock period measured from 10% to 90% points measured from 90% to 10% points referenced to WCLK referenced to WCLK CL = 50pF; referenced from RCLK 1tevw 1 - Reference points for all AC parameters are 2.4V high and 0.4V low. _ _ 2 - For REN, referenced from RCLK; for WEN1 or WEN2 referenced to WCLK. 3 - At least 1 WCLK riSing edge must occur between CLRCNT or TOG (whichever occurs last) and WEN (= WEN1-WEN2). 431 INTR PROCESSOR .oK OMARQ ADDR DATA • DMAR OS" INT GND T AOM AAM CRT 9007 VPAC'" A VIDEO RAM +5V VA13-0 ADDRESS BUS MEMORY I I I RST ACK }~ AS CBLANK V07-0 r-- 'is 16-BIT DATA BUS WBEN ORB SLD VLT D A T A SLC lr J CURS QA s "'"' W£~ Tml wcm IIE~ m!CR L....-1\ ~D~ II LD/§i CRT 902119041 ATTRIBUTES CONTROLLER CRT 94C12 OW>lI6·t "I ATTRIBUTES OOUT/·8 '-------Y OBoe .llL~.L~ ! ! j 74164 I ~ ,~ OATA B U 0 A CCLK J ~r CLOCK I VDC + OAB EPROMIRAM-BASED CHARACTER GENERATOR 00," A7·0 15·8 TO VIDEO MONITOR Figure 5. VPAC Configuration With Quad Row Buffer 'NT' PAOCESSOR .oK OMARa ADD' W,RD DATA I OMAR AOOABUS MEMORY ROM RAM VIDEO RAM 8·BIT DATA BUS ACK t j 1 CRT 9007 VPAC" VA13-1 ,~--~ - HS VLT SLD , eLK DATA U ! ~ Va }M TO ONITOR ~1: ac ao I -6 I I 1 ! I~ ~ I§ I~ RENRro<" O!N7-1 DC""~ A3 A2 Rl ~ ---v ATTl'lIBUTES Alii i '§ ~ ~ rlOh DOT CLOCK, GENERATOR VDe CRT 902119041 ATTRIBUTES CONTROLLER CRT94C12 CRB OIN15·8 CURS CCLK CBlANK SLe 4+' ~ . 'NT ov RST +5\1 + VIOEO EPROMfRAM-BASED CHARACTER GENERATOR DOUTl5-8 ------'\ ---v I J TO MONITOA A'" Figure 6. VPAC Configuration With Quad Row Buffer For Attribute Assembly STANDARD MICROS'iSTEMS CORPORATION Circuit diagrams utilizing SMC products are included as a means of illustrating typical semiconductor applications: consequently complete information sufficient for construction purposes is not necessarily given. The information has been carefully checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, such information does not convey to the purchaser of the semiconductor devices described any license under the patent rights of SMC or others. SMC reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design and supply the best product possible. 432 CRT97C11 PRELIMINARY Video Engine For Windows VIEW PIN CONFIGURATION FEATURES: D 127 Independent Windows Max per Screen. D Windows Specified Relative to Screen: Window Number x-v Start/End Screen Coordinate x-v Display Memory Start Address D Attributes can be Specified on a per Window Basis: D D D D D D D D D D Window Priority Up to B Parallel Attributes/Window Output by VIEW Background windows Three Internal Break Address Buffers. 32 Max Visible Horizontal Breaks per Scan Line. Capable of Generating Screen Resolutions as High as 4K x 4K Pixels (assuming a 16 bit wide display memory). Private Display and System Buses: 20 Bit Display Memory Address Bus + 4 Bit Extended Bus 16 Bit Address/Data Bus to System Memory Separate Clocks for Display and System Buses. DMA Master Capability for Interfacing to System Memory. Automatic and Transparent Dynamic RAM Refresh for Display Memory. Programmable Cursor Output. Fully Programmable Display Format. Normal or Interlaced Video Output. x-v GND AD1S AD14 AD13 AD12 ADll AD10 ADS ADB AD7 AD6 ADS AD4 AD3 AD2 ADl AD0 VDAll VDA12/ATTR4 VDA13/ATTRS HDAS/ATTR7 HDABIATTR6 HDA7 HDA6 HDAS HDA4 HDA3 HDA2 HDAl HDA0 BRKCHG HS \is VDD PACKAGE: 68·pin PLCC D Horizontal and Vertical Drive Signals may be Externally Synchronized. D Compatible with 6BOXO and BOXB6 Processors. D Low Power CMOS Technology. GENERAL DESCRIPTION The CRT97C11 Video Engine for Windows (VIEW) is a 3rd The VIEW generates display memory addresses by generation CRT controller following the CRT50x7 family (1st correlating the X and V screen coordinates at which the generation) and the CRT9007 (2nd generation). The VIEW windows start and end with the X and V display memory is designed to support both bit-mapped graphics and addresses. The VIEW stores this information in its three alphanumeric types of CRT displays. This devioe allows real internal break buffers. As the VIEW generates the display time manipulation of independent, overlapping windows on memory addresses for the windows, it automatically the screen with a minimum of processor intervention. resolves priority conflicts that arise when two or more The VIEW architecture provides the system designer with windows overlap. a very high performance and extremely flexible method for Control of window position on screen, its size and priority supporting the generation of windows on screen. The relative to other windows and the visible contents of the performance advantage over designs which manipulate window are all accomplished via the simple manipulation windows via software is significant. Windows On screen are of data in the window list in system memory. The VIEW defined via a window list maintained in system memory by buffers and outputs general purpose attribute bits for each the system microprocessor and acoessed by the VIEW chip. window as it generates that window's display memory The VIEW chip is also able to access display memory data addresses. The VIEW automatically generates dynamic via a separate memory bus which can be as wide as 24 bits RAM refresh addresses during the horizontal and vertical retrace intervals. providing a 16M word address range. 433 SCLK RESET INT DCLK ACK RESET AND INTERRUPT LOGIC DMAR 1-----1 Aj5,~ R1W- SYSTEM BUS IfF REGISTER FILE AND RASTER GENERATOR AEN--. cs- CBLANK VLT CURS AD1S-0 BRKCHG REFRESH BREAK PROCESSOR r---t---------ATTR7-0 BREAK BUFFERS f+----'--~I VDA11-0 HDA7-0 VIEW FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PIN FUNCTIONS DISPLAY MEMORY BUS SIGNALS PIN NO. 55-48 NAME Horizontal Display Memory Address SYMBOL HDA7-0 FUNCTION Output. Eight bits of the Display Memory Address corresponding to the X portion of the window's data address in display memory. HDA7 is the MSB and HDAO is the LSB. Output. Twelve bits of the Display Memory Address corresponding to the Y portion of the window's data address in display memory. VDA11 is the MSB and VDAO is the LSB. Input. This signal is used to generate all Display Memory Bus cycles. A minimum high voltage of 4.0V must be reached for proper operation. 60 62-68 1-4 Vertical Display Memory Address VDA11-0 42 Display Clock DCLK 40 Visible Line Time VLT Output. This signal is active high for the visible (non-blanked) portion of every horizontal period including the vertical retrace period. 8-5 58-59 57-56 Attributes ATTR3-0 ATTR5-4/ VDA13-12 ATTR7-6/ Outputs. Four of these outputs (ATT3-0) are used as general purpose attributes which are unique to each window being displayed. The other four outputs (ATT74) are used as either four additional attribute outputs or as address extension bits for the Horizontal Display Memory Address (ATT7-6/HDA9-8) or the Vertical Display Memory Address (ATT5-4NDA13-12). The functions served by ATT7-4 are determined by the contents of the Interrupt Enable/Mode Register (R17[1,0]). Output. This signal is active high when the VIEW is generating dynamic RAM refresh addresses for the display memory. The refresh address is output on the Vertical Display Memory Address bus during the portion of the horizontal period in which the video is blanked (when VLT is low). Output. The active high state of this signal indicates that the next Display Clock generates a new visible horizontal break. HDA9~8 41 Refresh RFRSH 47 Break Change BRKCHG VIDEO DRIVE SIGNALS PIN NO. 46 NAME Horizontal Sync SYMBOL 45 Vertical Sync VS HS FUNCTION Input/Output. This signal initiates a horizontal retrace. Its position and pulse width are programmable. After a hardware or software reset this Signal will behave as an input. Programming this signal as an input allows the horizontal scan rate to be synchronized to an external source. An external pullup resistor Will be required to guarantee that this signal is inactive high after power-up. Input/Output. This signal initiates a vertical retrace. Its position and pulse width are programmable. After a hardware and software reset this Signal will behave as an input. Programming this signal as an input allows the vertical scan rate to be synchronized to an external source. An external pullup resistor will be required to guarantee that this Signal is inactive high after power-up. 434 VIDEO DRIVE SIGNALS PIN NO. 39 NAME Composite Blank SYMBOL CBLANK 38 Composite Sync CSYN 36 Cursor CURS FUNCTION Output. This signal goes active high when a vertical or horizontal retrace is going to be initiated. The signal stays active for the entire retrace. CBLANK is used to blank the video to the CRT. The CBLANK signal can be skewed 0 to 3 DCLK's with respect to the Display Memory Address and Attribute bus timings. Output. This signal provides a true RS-170 composite sync waveform with equalization pulses and vertical serrations in both interlace and non-interlace formats. Figure 14 under Functional Description illustrates the CSYN output in both modes. Output. This signal is active high for the programmed number of DCLK periods on each of the programmed scan lines (see descriptions of R11 thru R15). The CURS output can be skewed 0 to 3 DCLK's from the Display Memory Address and Attribute bus timing. SYSTEM BUS SIGNALS 11-26 System Address/Data Bus AD15-0 Input/Output. These 16 signals are used by the system processor to access the internal registers of the VIEW chip when it is in the peripheral mode. When in the master mode then the VIEW chip controls the bus in order to access the window list in system memory. Following a hardware or software reset the VIEW chip will be in the peripheral mode. 28 Chip Select CS 31 Address Enable AEN 30 Read/Write R/W 33 DMARequest DMAR 35 DMA Acknowledge ACK 37 Interrupt INT 34 System Clock SCLK Input. If VIEW is not performing a DMA cycle, the active low state of this input will allow the system to clock data into or read data out of the internal VIEW registers while the inactive high state of this signal will force AD15-0 into an input (high impedance) state. A minimum high voltage of 4.0V must be output for proper operation. Input. When the VIEW is operating as bus master and performing a DMA cycle, the active high state of this signal will enable the VIEW to output the System Memory Address on AD15-0. The VIEW is not affected by the state of this input unless it has received ACK and is performing a DMA cycle. Input. This signal is used to qualify the CS input and determines whether the system is writing data into (lOW state) or reading data from (high state) the VIEW registers. Output. This signal is driven active high by VIEW to request use of the System Address/Data bus. It will only become active if the DMA Acknowledge (ACK) input is inactive. It remains active high throughout the entire DMA operation. Input. This active high signal acknowledges a DMA request. It is used to enable the VIEW's DMA mechanism. The system should drive ACK inactive low after DMAR is negated. The state of this signal will not affect VIEW operation unless DMAR is being driven active high. Output. This signal is driven active high when VIEW encounters an enabled interrupt causing condition. This output is reset by reading the Interrupt Status register or a hardware reset. NOTE: This signal should be connected to a level sensitive interrupt input as no edge can be guaranteed between successive interrupts. This output will be reset one full DCLK period after CS goes high after an Interrupt Status 1 register read. Input. This signal is used to generate all system DMA bus cycles. The rising edge of this signal is used by the VIEW to clock in data from the system memory during a DMA cycle. This signal may be "stretched" by the system to generate long read cycles. A minimum high voltage of 4.0V must be output for proper operation. 29 Address/Data AID 32 Reset RESET Input. When the VIEW is in the peripheral mode, this signal selects whether a system bus access is to the Register Pointer Latch or to the register file. Input. This active low signal puts the VIEW in a known, inactive state and resets all raster counters. Activating this input has the same effect as executing the software Reset command. The following VIEW signals will be left in the indicated states: -Input VS HS -Input VLT -Inactive Low CSYN -Inactive High CURS -Inactive Low RFRSH -Inactive Low AD15-0 -Inputs DMAR -Inactive Low INT -Inactive Low CBLANK-Active High 435 Address PROCESSOR Data Address SYSTEM MEMORY (WINDOW LIST) VIEW TIMING Data ATTRIBUTES Address DISPLAY MEMORY (DISPLAY DATA) Data ! VIDEO LOGIC VIDEO SCREEN FIGURE 1-SYSTEM ELEMENTS FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION SYSTEM FUNCTIONS A display system based on the VIEW must have a minimum set of elements as described in the following sections. The block diagram in Figure 1 provides a simple conceptual illustration of the interconnection of these elements. The sections below will define the purpose of these major elements and also describe how they interact with each other. The VIEW does not restrict the architecture chosen in any particular way and choices made will be determined by the overall system performance goals and cost guidelines. System Elements The six blocks shown in Figure 1 are described below in more detail. The interconnection of the blocks are depicted in terms of the address/data buses or other primary inputs or outputs. The details of the interconnection will be determined by the memory arbitration methods implemented and are not being shown here. a) Processor-The processor can be a system microprocessor (such as the 8088, 80X86, 680XO, etc.) that is responsible for all system functions or a microprocessor dedicated to handling all display and drawing related functions. The processor is responsible for maintaining the window list in system memory and the display data in display memory. For bit mapped graphics applications, overall performance could be improved if a special purpose coprocessor is added to handle the drawing related functions. b) Window List~ The window list is maintained in 436 system memory by the processor. For a definit!on of the window list and its contents see the section on Screen Management below. The VIEW accesses the window list in order to determine the display memory address sequencing required to generate the windowing effect on screen. c) VIEW-The VIEW accesses data from the window list processes it and stores it in internal buffers. The VIEW chip performs all display memory addressing in accordance with the data accessed from the window list. The VIEW can perform both window list and display memory access l?imultaneously. In addition the VIEW generates video synchronization signals which define the overall video format. d) Display Data-The VIEW outputs addresses to display memory in a sequence defined by.the window list which automatically takes Into consideration the overlapping of windows. Display data is stored in memory by the processor in individually allocated areas for each image. Display data can consist of either bit-mapped images or ASCII-based character data. Bit-mapped images may be either Single-plane monochrome or multiplane color. Contention between the VIEW and the processor for access to display memory must be supported at the system design level. e) Video Logic-This block performs all operations necessary on the data output from display memory before being output as a video signal to the screen. If the data represents bit-mapped images then some typical operations might be serial-to-parallel conversion, color look-up and conversion to RGB output, and other shift operations that may be required to move images within a window. If the data represents ASCII characters in an alphanumeric only system then some typical functions would include a character generator and attributes controller. In addition the VIEW can output up to 8 attribute signals which are unique to each window and may be used to control specific visual effects. f) Screen-The output display device can be a CRT or flat panel screen. The VIEW provides all the timing signals required to·synchronize the display. See Video Output section below for a more detailed description of these outputs. System Interaction and Timing In order to address the problem of memory contention between the processor, VIEW, system memory and display memory, an understanding of the interaction between these elements and their relative timing is important. Whereas the processor can access only one memory (system or display) at a time (unless two processors are used in the system design), the VIEW is capable of performing both memory accesses simultaneously. Refer to Figure 1 while reading this section. Processor and system memory-Updates of the window list will require activity on the bus between the processor and system memory. This can occur at any time due to operator input or commands received over communications networks which are asynchronous to the screen refresh process. Resolving contention between the processor and the VIEW for access to system memory can make use of the DMA handshake signals provided by the VIEW (see the section on System Interfaces below) or through the use of dual port RAM's. VIEW and system memory-VIEW accesses the window list whenever it needs to fill its break buffers. This is a periodic process only with reference to the refre3h rate. During a given frame refresh the actual timing of these events is determined primarily by a Break Processing Delay parameter and the spacing and number of vertical breaks on the screen. These events always occur before data is needed for screen refresh. See the section on Break Processing below. Processor and display memory-As in the case with activity between the processor and system memory, update of display data is also driven by commands received via operator input or over communications networks. These events are asynchronous to the screen refresh process. Support for resolving memory contention must be implemented in external logic. VIEW and display memory-VIEW accesses display memory for the purpose of refreshing the screen image. Therefore this activity is completely synchronous with the video timing and is normally considered the highest priority process within the system. DISPLAY OUTPUT AND STORAGE The window list in system memory is used to define and manage windows on screen and specify the data displayed within the windows. The following sections describe the parameters used and how screens and display memory are organized. Screen Management The positioning and sizing of windows on a display screen is defined through the use of X and Y coordinates (0, 0 is defined as the upper left corner of the screen). The 437 maximum values of these coordinates is determined by the screen resolution which is defined by the contents of the timing registers (see Operational Description). The absolute maximum values, as determined by the sizes of the coordinate fields in the window list, are 256 for the X coordinate and 4096 for the Y coordinate. Figure 2 shows a screen with a single window in place. The actual location of a window on the screen is determined by a set of 4 coordinates. The left and right edges of the window are defined by XSTART and XEND coordinates and the top and bottom edges of the window are defined by YSTART and YEND coordinates. The width and height of the window is automatically determined from these coordinates. The XSTART and XEND coordinates are called horizontal breaks and the YSTART and YEND coordinates are called vertical breaks (see Break/Link Concept below). These coordinates are stored in the window list data for. each window. Horizontally, the spacing of each coordinate is determined by the display data bus width, and vertically, the spacing of each coordinate is one pixel (see the next two sections on Display Memory Management and the Window List). Display Memory Management The images viewed through windows on the display screen are determined by a two segment address. This address points to a display memory location which represents the upper left hand corner of the image that appears in the window. The two segment address consists of an X MEMORY ADDRESS and a Y MEMORY ADDRESS. The amount of display memory required is dependent on the application and is a function of the number of independent images to be maintained in memory at the same time and the image sizes to be stored. The VIEW limits the X and Y addressing ranges to 8 bits and 12 bits respectively. Each address segment can be extended by 2 bits. Figure 3a shows a rectangular view of display memory with the unextended limits of addreSSing indicated. An image area is defined that occupies memory from addresses (0,0) through (X1, Y1). In order to determine what portion of this image will be shown in a window on the screen, an address pointer (X2,Y2) is defined that identifies the upper left corner of the image data to be displayed. This pointer is the X MEMORY ADDRESS and Y MEMORY ADDRESS data stored in the window list. As shown in Figure 3b, each memory location stores N bits of data which is determined by the display memory data bus width. Window List The window list (described in detail below under Window Management) contains 6 fields of information that define the relationship between the window on screen and the portion of the display memory image that is shown in the window. As described above, four of the fields are XSTART, XEND, YSTART and YEND which define the position and size of the window on screen. A display memory location (X MEMORY ADDRESS and Y MEMORY ADDRESS) is defined for the upper left corner of the window and all other memory locations are mapped in direct correlation to the width and height of the window. Figure 4 illustrates this relationship. The example shows that the location of the window on screen and the location of the image in memory are independent of each other. The VIEW uses the X MEMORY ADDRESS and the Y MEMORY ADDRESS plus the width and height (~X, ~ Y) to determine the range of display memory addresses to be generated. Figure 4 assumes N = 8 for the display data bus width which results in a screen size of 1K x 1K pixels and a window size of 256 x 256 pixels. WINDOW MANAGEMENT The window list is a contiguous set of 16 word blocks of memory which define all parameters associated with each window. A maximum of 127 windows can be defined in a given window list. Up to 32 independent window lists can X START be maintained in memory at the same time (see R16[7,3] in I Operational Description section). Window List Contents Each window requires the definition of the following parameters (see Figure 5 for the format): WO: D15-D12-General Purpose Attribute Bits The four attribute bits, D15 thru D12, are output on the -VEND ATTR3 thru ATTRO pins. These signals are general purpose and are active during the time the VIEW is XEND generating display memory addresses forthe window to which these attributes are assigned. X START) Y START WO: D10-Background Window Tag Bit X END HORIZONTAL BREAKS Y END VERTICAL BREAKS If this bit is set to a one, the associated window is displayed as a background window. The VIEW will FIGURE 2-WINDOW COORDINATES generate the same display memory address for every memory access in the window. The address generated is that specified for the X and Y MEMORY ADDRESS described below. If this bit is set to a zero, then all X ADDRESS addresses for this window are generated in the normal x, o 255 incrementing manner. o WO: D9-D8-General Purpose Attribute/X Address .-----1 : x, I Extension Bits Y Depending on the programming of R17[0] these bits ! Y2 I ADDRESS I I are either General Purpose Attribute bits or X Address ---' Extension bits. When they are programmed to be X Address Extension bits, they function as the X Memory , Address MSB's (D9 is the MSB and D8 is the LSB). \ . IMAGE AREA When they are General Purpose Attributes, D9 is DISPLAYED IN output on ATTR7 and D8 is output on ATTR6. A WINDOW ON SCREEN FIGURE3b WO: D7-DO-X Memory Address These 8 bits correspond to the X portion of the window's beginning address in display memory. D7 is the MSB and DO is the LSB. The actual value that is stored in this field depends on the type of window being displayed (normal or background). For a normal window a value equal to [X Memory Address-X Start Break] should b'e stored (see Figure 4) and for background windows the value stored should be equal to [X Memory Address). Note that if the X Address Extension is used, then the calculation should be performed using the 10-bit value for X Memory Address and both this field and the X Address Extension field should be programmed with the result. 4095 Negative results should be represented in 2's X,-X MEMORY ADDRESS complement form. Y,-Y MEMORY ADDRESS W1: D13-D12-General Purpose AttributelY Address Extension Bits FIGURE 3a-DISPLAY MEMORY Depending on the programming of R17[1] these bits are either General Purpose Attribute bits or Y Address Extension bits. When they are programmed to be Y X, X,+1 X,+2 Address Extension bits, they function as the Y Memory Address MSB's (D13 is the MSB and D12 is the LSB). When they are General Purpose Attributes, D13 is output on ATTR5 and D12 is output on ATTR4. Y'I--I W1: D11-DO-Y Memory Address These 12 bits correspond to the Y portion of the Y+11--········x········X···4I , ~. window's beginning address in display memory. D11 N bits I N = Display memory Y,+ 2 I _ _ _ bus width is the MSB and DO is the LSB. The actual value that I I is stored in this field depends on the type of window Y,+3 1 - - : being displayed (normal or background). For a normal L ____ L... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .J window a value equal to [Y Memory Address-Y Start Break] should be stored (see Figure 4) and for FIGURE 3b-DISPLAY MEMORY DATA background windows the value stored should be equal 438 I X COORDINATE O--------------,~255 YSTART-O I ;-- . sL i----1---1--1-1 I SYSTEM MEMORY WINDOW LIST ~ XSTART XEND } } = 40 = 72 = 400 = 656 YSTART YEND { DISPLAY MEMORY X MEMORY ADDRESS = 12 Y MEMORY ADDRESS = 100 o ,0-,_57 2---,r-"-""T"""""T"n 255 ~~ \ 500 ~ .-"L,,", 400 0 IZJ _1 -r 71 SCREEN DISPLAY 127 :+-IlX __ : IlY 655 1023 ' - - - - - - - - - - - ' 755 ,...., NOTE: 1. Assume N = 8 bits, then screen size is 1024 (128 and window size is 256 (32 8) x 256 pixels. 2. IlX and Il Yare not programmed values. ,-ow 4095 * L -_ _ _ _ _ _ _- - ' *8) x 1024 pixels FIGURE 4-MAPPING MEMORY TO SCREEN D15 WO WI W2 W3 W4 W5 W6 W7 W8 W9 Wl0 Wl1 W12 W13 W14 W15 D14 D13 D12 Dll Dl0 AT3 AT2 ATI ATO 0 BK IX 0 IY EXT/AT5,41 0 0 0 0 0 0 INT 0 0 0 I WINDOW # 0 I X X X X X X WINDOW # 0 I X X X X X X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 INT 0 0 0 I 0 I WINDOW # X X X X X X 0 I WINDOW # X X X X X X D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 Dl X MEMORY ADDRESS Y MEMORY ADDRESS 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 Y START BREAK PRIORITY 0 I I 0 Y LINK I X START BREAK I X LINK I 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 Y END BREAK PRIORITY 0 0 I I 0 Y LINK I X END BREAK I X LINK I DO EXT/AT7,61 o 0 0 X X X 0 0 0 X 0 0 0 X X X X 0 o ISlE I S/E 0 0 0 ISlE ISlE FIGURE 5-FORMAT FOR WINDOW LIST interrupt after the end of a window on screen. W3: 011-00, W11: 011-00-V Start/End Break Coordinate This 12-bit value defines a vertical coordinate which corresponds to the scan line on which a window starts or ends on screen. W3: 011-00 points to the start of a window (VSTART = 400 in Figure 4), while W11: 011-00 points to the scan line after the end of a window (VEND = 656 in Figure 4). 011 is the MSB and DO is the LSB. The first break at the top of the screen is OOH and the last is FFFH (assuming the full 12 bit coordinate range is used). With a maximum value of FFFH, the last displayable scan line for a window on screen would be FFEH. to [V Memory Address]. Note that if the V Address Extension is used, then the calculation should be performed using the 14-bit value for V Memory Address and both this field and the V Address Extension field should be programmed with the result. Negative results should be represented in 2's complement form. W3: 014, W11: 014-Window Display Interrupt Tag Bit If this bit is a one, the VIEW will generate an interrupt (if enabled) during the blanking interval preceding the scan line defined as the VSTART break or the VEND break. W3 :014 provides an interrupt prior to the start of a window on screen and W11 :014 provides an 439 I W4: 014-08, W6: 014-08, W12: 014-08, W14: 014-08Window Number This 7-bit value corresponds to the break's window number and represents an offset into the full window list at which all data relating to this window can be found. 014 is the MSB and 08 is the LSB. The contents of these four fields should be the same. Window number DOH is reserved. See the section entitled Window .List Addressing for mOJe details. W4: 04-00, W12: 04-00-Priority This 5-bit value represents this window's priority relative to the other windows. This value is used by VIEW to resolve which of two or more overlapping windows will be displayed on a coordinate by coordinate basis. The contents of these two fields should be the same. 04 is the MSB and DO is the LSB. NOTE: Two windows with the same priority cannot exist on. the same scan line. This presents the restriction that no more than 32 windows can overlap. W5: 015-08, W7: 015-08, W13: 015-08, W15: 015-08Backward Link This 8-bit value (marked by X's in Figure 5) is not used by the VIEW and therefore could be used by the system software for the purpose of defining a Backward Link. The format of this parameter could be similar to that of the XlY Link and StarVEnd Tag parameters defined below (8 bits are reserved) or any other format dictated by the system software. These bits are reserved for this purpose and future versions of the VIEW will not make use of them. W5: 07-01, W7: 07-01, W13: 07-01, W15: 07-01-X/ YLink This 7-bit value is a pOinter to the next break in ascending coordinate sequence. The XIV link is actually a window number which represents the next window encountered when sequencing through the windows along the coordinate axis. This value when combined with the associated Start/End Tag bit uniquely identifies the next break. 07 is the MSB and 01 is the LSB. See section on Break/Link Concept for more detail. W5: ~O, W7: ~O, W13: ~O, W15: ~O-Start/End Tag Bit This one bit value indicates whether the window break defined in the associated XlY Link is the start or the end of the window. A value of "1" indicates the end of a window and a value of "0" indicates the start of the window. W6: 07-00, W14: 07-DO-X Start/End Break Coordinate This 8-bit value defines a horizontal coordinate which corresponds to the column at which a window starts or ends on screen. W6: 07-00 points to the start of a window (XSTART = 40 in Figure 4) while W14: 07DO points to the memory word after the end of a window (XENO = 72 in Figure 4).07 is the MSB and DO is the LSB. The first break at the left of the screen is DOH and the last is FFH. With a maximum value of FFH, the last displayable memory word for a window on screen would be FEH. NOTE: The contents of words W2, W8, W9 and W10 are not used by the VIEW and may be utilized by the system processor to store other window related information. Break/Link Concept The VIEW accesses the window list in order to determine the exact sequence of display ~emory addresses to be generated to create the desired windowing effect on screen. The VIEW makes use of both break and link information contained in the window list in order to traverse the list in the correct sequence. As the VIEW traverses the list, it checks the priority and location of each window to determine whether it is active for a given region of the screen. A region is defined as that portion of a screen between two vertical breaks. For each active window the VIEW accesses the address information found in the window list, performs calculations on it and stores it in one of three internal break buffers. The contents of the break buffers are then accessed sequentially to generate the display memory addresses required during the screen refresh period. Breaks-Breaks are the screen coordinates, both vertical and horizontal, at which windows start or end. Figure 6 provides an illustration. Four windows are shown with the X START and END COORDINATES (horizontal breaks) identified at the top-O, 5, 9, 23, 35, 42, 60 and 100. The Y START and END COORDINATES (vertical breaks) are identified at the left-O, 70, 130, 290, 360, 440, 500. Links-When processing the window list, the VIEW makes use of a series of pointers that link the breaks together in sequential order. The window list contains two linked lists-one for vertical breaks and one for horizontal breaks. The link parameter contains two data items-a window number and a tag bit. Thf;! HORIZONTAL BREAKS 0 23 0 I 70 --~ I I I I I I I -----------.i-'--~~ 350 440 500~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _WINDOW _ _#4 FIGURE 6-WINDOW BREAKS XSTART XEND VSTART VEND COORD LINK COORD LINK COORD LINK COORD LINK WINDOW #1 43 3E 70 361 3E 9 2E 2S WINDOW #2 1S 24 3S 130 441 4E 3S 5 WINDOW #3 4E 290 441 2E 35 1E 61 1E WINDOW #4 101 00 1S 501 00 0 2S 0 FIGURE 7-WINDOW LINKS 440 100 WINDOW #1 WINDOW #2 290 60 ---T---r----; I VERTICAL BREAKS 42 _ _ _ _i-' I 130 35 ~ window number identifies which window is encountered next when sequencing through the breaks. The tag bit identifies whether it is the start ("5") or end ("E") of the window. (See the section under Window List Contents for a definition of these data items.) Figure 7 lists all the breaks and links for the example shown in Figure 6. End breaks in Figure 6 represent actual coordinates of last scan line or last display memory word for each window while in Figure 7 each end break value stored in the window list is one more than defined in Figure 6. The VIEW starts processing breaks at the upper left corner of the screen (see Break Processing below), which in this example is window 4. The following list describes the breaks and links along the horizontal axis for this example. • Break "O"-Coordinate for start of window 4. • Link "2S"-Pointer to the start of window 2. • Break "5"-Coordinate for start of window 2. • Link "15" -Pointer to the start of window 1_ • Break "9" -Coordinate for start of window 1. • Link "2E" -Pointer to the end of window 2. • Break "2:4"-Coordinate for end of window 2. • Link "35" -Pointer to the start of window 3. • Break "35"-Coordinate for start of window 3. • Link "1 E"-Pointer to the end of window 1. • Break "43"-Coordinate for end of window 1. • Link "3E"-Pointer to the end of window 3. • Break "61 "-Coordinate for end of window 3. • Link "4E"-Pointer to the end of window 4. • Break "101 "-Coordinate for end of window 4. • Link "00"-Terminator for end of horizontal breaks. As shown, a special link, or terminator, equal to "00" is used to indicate the last break in the sequence. A similar sequence exists for the vertical breaks. The VIEW uses the two independently linked lists to perform the break processing described in the next section. It is the responsibility of the window management software to create and maintain these links in the window list in system memory when manipulating windows on screen. HORIZONTAL BREAKS o o 23 42 35 60 100 Y ---- 70 WINDOW #1 130 I 290 H 360 44 0 3 -- ../ 4 /' 5 ~ 6 I-~~~ WINDOW #3 WINDOW #4 500 1 "" --------- WINDOW #2 VERTICAL BREAKS ' " REGION 2 COORD ACTIVE WINDOWS 069 70129 130289 290360 361440 441· 500 BREAK BUFFER 4 1 1.4 2 1.2.4 3 1 2.3.4 2 4 3 1/ FIGURE 8-BREAK PROCESSING EXAMPLE FRAME REFRESH BUFFER USED ,,.. I FRAME REFRESH BREAK PROCESSING BUFFER USED ACCESS TIME REGION 6 3 39 SCLK's ® lAST BREAK PROCESSED 10 SCLK's BREAK DELAY (R10) ® REGION 1} REGION2 @ REGION 3 VERTICAL RETRACE 1 2 3 44 SCLK's 39 SCLK's 39 SCLK's @..Q FRAME REFRESH REGION 1 1 70 REGION 2 2 130 REGION 3 3 REGION 4 REGION 5 1 2 290 360 440 REGION 6 3 500 39 SCLK's REGION4 @ I (f) - REGION5 @ 2 42 SCLK's REGION6 @ 3 39 SCLK's LAST BREAK PROCESSED @ 10 SCLK's BREAK DELAY (R10) REGION 1 ,.1. FIGURE 9-BREAK PROCESSING TIMING 441 39 SCLK's Break Processing For each screen refresh, the VIEW accesses the window list by reading all vertical breaks for each region of the screen (more than one vertical break in a region is possible if multiple windows either end or start on the same scan line) and then reading all horizontal breaks. When reading the horizontal breaks, the VIEW processes the address and attribute data for each active window and stores this data in the next available break buffer. Figure 8 and 9 will be used to illustrate this process. Figure 8 repeats the same scre~n layout as shown in Figure 6 and adds four columns which identify the region, the range of Y coordinates for that region, active windows in that region, and the break buffer used to store data for that region. Figure 9 illustrates the timing of the window list accesses and the break buffer activity for a single frame refresh period. During a given frame refresh, the Last Break Processed interrupt will occur when the vertical break for the end of the screen is processed (!). At this time the VIEW will not attempt to start break processing for the next frame refresh until after the Start Delay (see R10[5,0]) timeout has terminated ®. This timeout may occur before or after the start of vertical retrace and is strictly a function of the Start Delay parameter and when the Last break Processed interrupt occurs. This delay allows time for the processor to manipulate the window list. At this time the VIEW will request access to the system bus by activating the DMAR signal. When the ACK signal is activated, the VIEW will process the first four vertical breaks which provides all the data needed to refresh these regions on screen ®. When frame refresh starts, the VIEW will make use of the data in break buffer 1 to refresh the first region on screen @. At the completion of this period, the contents of break buffer 1 are no longer needed and the VI EW processes the next vertical break (between vertical coordinates 29 and 36-region 4). The data for refreshing region 4 is now placed in break buffer 1 ®. Similarly, at the completion of the refresh of regions 2,3 and 4, break buffers 2, 3 and 1 become available and the VI EW processes the breaks for regions 5 and 6 and stores this data in break buffers 2 and 3 and then processes the last break, represented by the Y break at coordinate 500 (no break buffer is required in this case) @. Once again the VIEW will generate the Last Break Processed interrupt and the entire cycle will start again ®. Figure 9 also shows the amount of time that the VIEW takes to perform the break processing. This time is measured in SCLK's. The formula to calculate this timing is as follows8W + 3Y + 4 where W = Number of total windows (for the example in Figure 6, W would equal 4 for all regions). Y = Number of vertical breaks with the same break coordinate (start or end) for a given region. For the example in Figure 6, Yequals 1 for regions 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and Y equals 2 for region 5. Y = 2 for region 5 because windows 2 and 3 end on the same scan line (same Y break coordinate). Three special conditions exist with respect to the above calcuation. then the formula is modified as follows3Y + 7 2) If the break being processed is the first break (break which represents the first scan line on the screenRegion 1 in the example), then the formula is modified as follows8W + 3Y + 9 3) If the break being processed is the first break after the VIEW has been given a Start command, then an additional 2 SCLK's should be added to the result. Window List Addressing As indicated above, each window is defined by the parameters stored in a 16 word block of system memory. In addition to the 127 blocks of system memory required to define all possible windows (numbered 1 through 127), there is also a block reserved for window # 0 that serves a special purpose. When the VIEW processes breaks for the next frame refresh, it starts with the block that defines the first window to be encountered at the upper left corner of the screen. The pointer to that block is found in the first two words of the block for window # O. Figure 10 shows the contents of this special block of data. The LSB of the first word identifies the X START LINK and S/E tag bit and the LSB of the second word identifies the Y START LINK and S/E tag bit. All other bits in this block of memory should be reset. These two link parameters define the entry points to the linked lists for vertical and horizontal breaks. The address generated by the VIEW for accessing the window list consists of three segments (see Figure 11). The 5 MSB's (AD15-11) are defined by the contents of the Window List Start Address found in register (R16[7,3]). This base address allows the VIEW to access up to 32 independent window lists. The next 7 bits (AD10-4) are defined by the specific window number which is included in the data accessed from the window list. The 4 LSB's (AD3-0) are the offset within each window list which points to a specific data item. SYSTEM INTERFACES System Memory The VIEW operates in two modes-peripheral and master. Following a hardware RESET or a software Reset command, the VIEW will be in peripheral mode. In this mode, the processor can access the..YIEW's internal registers by means of the CS and R/W inputs. After a Start command, the VIEW will begin to generate DMA requests. When it receives a DMA acknowledge from the processor, the VIEW will operate in bus master mode (see Figure 12). In this mode, the VIEW will use its DMA circuitry to request the use of the system bus from the permanent master (typically the system processor) when it needs to fill its break buffers. When the VIEW disables its DMA request, it will again revert to peripheral mode (see Figure 13). Table 1 defines the activity on the System Address/Data Bus for the control signal states shown. After processing the last break for a given frame refresh, the VIEW will wait the period of time specified in the Start Delay register before it starts to access system memory again. After this time, the VIEW will start to load the break buffers for the first break of the next frame refresh. This feature prevents system memory access conflicts as it provides the processor with a window of programmable length in which it can address the VIEW as a peripheral, 1) If the break being processed is the final break (break disable the VIEW's DMA mechanism, access the internal which represents the last scan line on the screen), registers and access the window list in system memory. 442 ADDRESS WINDOW DATA 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 14 13 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~I 7 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 4 3 X START LINK y START LINK 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ISIEI' ISIEI' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FIGURE 10-WINDOW CONTENTS NOTE: 1 Both SIE tag bits should be set equal to zero because the first window boundaries encountered will always be the start of a window. AD15 • • AD11 WINDOW LIST START ADDRESS I AD10 •WINDOW NUMBER • AD41 AD3--AD0 LIST DATA POINTER FIGURE 11-WINDOW LIST ADDRESSING PERIPHERAL MODE: READ VIEW REGISTER WRITE TO VIEW REGISTER R/W _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~D XXXXX XXxxxxx \,------,1 cs AD7.0 ~ ==x'-___ XX \I......----JI X~_R_E_AD_D_Al:_A_ _ WR_IT_E_D_Al:_A_ _..... X........... X ........ X ........ X ...... X ...... X ...... MASTER MODE: SCLK ~ AEN~ AD15·0 ~ I• I \ I \ ADDRESS OUT X ONE DMA CYCLE DATA IN X •I FIGURE 12-VIEW PERIPHERAUMASTER MODE 443 ADORESS It' displ~y memory is impl~mented using DRAM's, then the VIEW supports the refresh of memory through the use of an internal twelve bit binary counter. The outputs of this counter are used to drive the Vertical Display Memory Address bus (VDA11-0) during the portion of the horizontal period in which the video is blanked (when VLT is low). The counter is incremented by the DCLK signal the number of times specified by the Memory Refresh Count register during each horizontal blanking interval (for the entire vertical period). The counter is set to zero (counting is inhibited) by a software Reset command or a hardware RESET. The counter can also be disabled at any time by setting the Memory Refresh Count register to zero. The counter will not initiate the counting sequence until the VIEW receives a Start command. The VIEW drives the RFRSH output active high when it is driving the VDA 11-0 bus with the counter output. To take advantage of the VIEW's refresh function, the VDA11-0 bits should be used for the DRAM row address. The VIEW will tri-state its System Address/Data bus (AD15-0) when it is not performing a DMA cycle and when it is not selected (CS in its inactive state) for register access. The processor can also disable the DMA mechanism by issuing a STOP command. In ,this case the VIEW will not access system memory again until a START command is issued. However, the VIEW will continue to refresh the display memory if transparent refresh is enabled. Display Memory The VIEW addresses display memory as a rectangular memory space with a two segment address-8 bits for the horizontal range (HDA7-0) and 12 bits forthe vertical range (VDA11-0). Each segment can be independently extended by two bits (see description of General Purpose Attribute Bits below). The logic required to support the RAS/CAS address generation (required when using DRAM's) and to arbitrate display memory accesses must be implemented externally. VALID VALID VALID READ DATA READ DATA READ DATA SCLK DMAA -t--.....J AEN ACK_+-_ _....J AD15-0 8....!L:.::..._ _JY:.MJ!..:.:::.::...!l..::=-.J.L.::'::...L>...:::.::....._ _ _...1i-=....l!.:.=IYJI.IQll,CJI::l.IMo~_:.'N:P..:UT:......_ _ PERIPHERAL MODE FIGURE 13-VIEW DMA CYCLE MODE R/W' CS' ADR DMAR ACK AEN AD15 - AD8 PERIPHERAL PERIPHERAL PERIPHERAL PERIPHERAL PERIPHERAL PERIPHERAL PERIPHERAL PERIPHERAL PERIPHERAL PERIPHERAL MASTER MASTER 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 0 X X X X X X X X 1 1 1 1 0 0 X X X X 0 X X X X X 0 0 0 0 X 0 0 1 1 0 0 X X X X 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 SYSTEM ADDRESS/DATA BUS TABLE 1 444 AD? - ADO READ REG FILE READ REG POIN TER WI=!ITE REG FILE WRITE REG POIN TER READ REG FILE READ REG POIN TER WRITE REG FILE WRITE REG POIN TER HIGH IMPEDANCE (INPUT) STATE HIGH IMPEDANCE (INPUT) STATE HIGH IMPEDANCE (INPUT) STATE DMA ADDRESS (OUTPUT) Video Output Cursor Control The VIEW provides a cursor output (CURS-pin 36) with separate programmable X and Y start and duration values. The cursor output will become active when the value programmed in the Horizontal Cursor Position register is equal to the X component of the raster counter and the value programmed in the Vertical Cursor Position register is equal to the Y component of the raster counter. It will remain active for the number of DCLK periods specified in the Horizontal Cursor Duration register before returning to its inactive state. The cursor output's action will be repeated on the scan lines following the one specified in the Vertical Cursor Position register for the number of scan lines specified in the Vertical Cursor Duration register. As the Horizontal and Vertical Cursor Position registers are changed, the information read from the Interrupt Status register will indicate in which window the cursor resides. This is determined by the location of the upper left corner of the cursor block as specified in the Horizontal and Vertical Cursor Position registers. If the cursor position registers place the cursor simultaneously in two or more overlapping windows, the status will report it as being in the window with the highest priority. Window Attributes Unique attributes can be specified for each window. Two types of attributes are used internally by the VIEW-the window interrupt tag bits and a background window tag bit. There are also eight general purpose attribute bits. All of these bits are accessed by the VIEW during break processing and stored internally in break buffers. Window Interrupt Tag Bits Two interrupt tag bits are assigned to each window. When either of these bits are set and the Y Break Interrupt Enable bit (R17[4]) is set, an appropriate interrupt will be generated by the VIEW during the horizontal retrace period. The tag bit associated with the Y Start break will cause an interrupt to be generated during the horizontal retrace period prior to the first scan line of the window. The tag bit associated with the Y End Break will cause an interrupt to be generated during the horizontal retrace period following the last scan line of the window. The timing of these interrupts is independent of whether the first or last scan lines of the window are obscured by a higher priority window. See discussion of R17[4] in Register Descriptions section and W3: 014 and W11 : 014 in the Window List section. Background Window Tag Bit See description of this bit (WO: 010) in the section on the Window List. General Purpose Attribute Bits The eight general purpose attribute bits do not affect the internal operations ofthe VIEW, however they are read and output on the ATTR7-0 pins during the time the VIEW is generating display memory addresses associated with that window. The functionality of four of the eight attribute bits can be programmed by the Attribute Select bits in R17[1,0] (see Register Descriptions section). Independently, two of the bits can be programmed to extend the Horizontal Display Memory Address and the other two can be programmed to extend the Vertical Display Memory Address. Horizontal and Vertical Sync The horizontal and vertical synchronization outputs are programmable with respect to their pulse width and position relative to the horizontal and vertical visible display times. See Figure 14 for typical waveforms in interlaced and non-interlaced modes. They can also be configured so as to allow external signals to initiate horizontal and vertical retrace cycles. If the external horizontal sync is enabled and an external signal drives the AS input low, the VIEW will initiate a horizontal retrace cycle on the leading edge of the second DCLK pulse following AS going low. This will lock the VIEW's horizontal frequency to that of the external signal. If the external vertical sync is enabled and an external signal drives the 'i7S input low, the VIEW will initiate a vertical retrace cycle on the leading edge of the next AS pulse. This will lock the VIEW's vertical frequency to that of the external signal. When external sync is enabled, the vertical and horizontal periods must be programmed to be the same as the master sync generator. Note that it is possible for the first frame to be out of sync in interlace mode. PROG ~~~~~11- F6~Lf {cv: INTERLACED _ vs-------:3~IS~CA~N~L~INE~S~B~EF~O~RE~V~S~\~PRcRO~G~V~SvrnNccw~lrrDT~H~~il3~SC~A~N~LlN~E~S~AF~TE~RGV~i----- ~~I§ {cv: INTERLACED _ v s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,__________ r-------------- HS NON. INTERLACED {CYSN _ v s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - c________~r-------------- FIGURE 14-TYPICAL SYNC WAVEFORMS FOR INTERLACED AND NON-INTERLACED MODES 445 OPERATIONAL DESCRIPTION REGISTER ACCESSIBILITY Figures 16 and 17 illustrate the bit layout of all addressable registers within the VIEW. Access to these registers takes place over the System Address/Data Bus (AD15-0). Specific registers are selected for reading and writing by means of a Register Pointer Latch. Data transfers to and from the registers takes place over the 8 LSB's of the address/data bus (AD7-ADO, see Table 1). Control over the access to both the register§. and the Regj§!!lr Pointer Latch is accomplished via the A/D, R/W and CS inputs (see Table 2). These registers should not be accessed during a DMA cycle (DMAR and ACK both active). AID 0 0 1 1 RlW 0 1 0 1 FUNCTION Write to register in register file Read register in register file Write to Register Pointer Latch Read from Register Pointer Latch TABLE 2-ACCESS TO VIEW REGISTERS The Register Pointer Latch is 8 bits wide (Fig. 15). The five LSB's are used to select the desired register. The three MSB's are used to initiate Start, Stop and Reset commands via software. The allowable combinations of bit settings for the Register Pointer Latch are shown in Fig 15 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 DO RESET STOP START REGISTER NUMBER FUNCTION 1 0 0 X X X X X RESET 1 0 0 X X X X X STOP 0 1 X X X X X START 0 0 0 0 - N - - ACCESS REGISTER N X-Don't care N-Register address FIGURE 15-REGISTER POINTER LATCH NOTE: A minimum delay of 4 full SCLK periods is required between a Stop, Start, or Reset command or a hardware Reset and writing to the VIEW registers. The clock periods are counted starting with the first rising edge of SCLK following the rising edge ofCS. RO D7 1 D6 1 D51D41D31 D2 1 D1 1 DO HORIZONTAL CYCLE MSB'S R1 HORCYI LSB R2 INTER I MODE R3 HORIZONTAL SYNC WIDTH HORIZONTAL DELAY HORIZONTAL VISIBLE ISCAN I EXT SYNC MODE ENABLE R5 VERTICAL CYCLE MSB'S R6 VERTICAL SYNC WIDTH R7 VERTICAL DELAY R8 VERTICAL VISIBLE LSB'S R9 VERTICAL VISIBLE MSB'S IMEMORY REFRESH COUNT R10 BLANKSKEWI START DELAY R4 R11 R12 R13 R14 R15 R16 R17 VERTICAL CYCLE LSB'S CURl HORIZ CURSOR DURATION CURS SKEW IVDUR MSB VERTICAL CURSOR DURATION LSB'S HORIZONTAL CURSOR POSITION VERT CURSOR POS MSB'S 1 VERTICAL CURSOR POSITION LSB'S WINDOW LIST START ADDRESS 1 0 1 0 1 0 INTERRUPT ENABLE 1ATIRSEL FIGURE 16"':"VIEW REGISTERS (WRITE) D7 1 D6 1 D51D41D31 D2 1 D1 1 DO Executing one of the three commands requires the exclusive setting of one of the three MSB's. When accessing a register RR17 INTERRUPT STATUS 1 all three MSB's must be reset. Execution of the commands RR18 INTERRUPT STATUS 2 causes the following actions to take place: HORIZONTAL CURSOR POSITION RR13 RESET: Writing this command will cause the VIEW to RR14 VERT CURSOR POS MSB'S 1 respond exactly as though the Reset pin was VERTICAL CURSOR POSITION LSB'S strobed. All raster counters will be reset and the RR15 signals listed below will be left in the states FIGURE 17-VIEW REGISTERS (READ) indicated: REGISTER DESCRIPTIONS VS -Input TIMINGHORIZONTAL HS -Input VLT -Inactive Low HORIZONTAL CYCLE (9 Bits-RO[7,O), R1 [7])-Write CSYN -Inactive High only. CURS -Inactive Low Defines the horizontal period length (visible and RFRSH -Inactive Low blanking time). This field should be programmed with AD15-0 -Inputs the total number of DCLK periods in the entire DMAR -Inactive Low horizontal period minus four times the number of INT -Inactive Low DCLK periods specified for the Horizontal Sync Width CBLANK-Active High (see Figure 18). HORIZONTAL SYNC WIDTH (7 Bits-R1 [6,O])-Write STOP: Writing this command will cause the VIEW to ,:lisable its DMA circuitry and drive its CBLANK only. signal active high. The VIEW will not initiate a Defines the duration of the Horizontal Sync signal (HS). This field should be programmed with the DMA request again or drive the System Address/ number of DCLK periods that compose the horizontal Data bus until it receives a new Start command. Horizontal and vertical sync generation will not synchronization pulse (see Figure 18). The minimum value is3. be affected. HORIZONTAL DELAY (7 Bits-R2[6,O])-Write only. START: Writing this command will cause the VIEW to Defines the delay between the start of the Horizontal initiate its" internal operations by starting its raster Sync signal and the start of the next visible scan line. counters and filling its break buffers. The VIEW This field should be programmed with N - 3 where N always generates even field raster addresses following a Reset command. is the number of DCLK periods between the beginning 446 of the HS signal and the leading edge of the VLT signal. If this register is programmed with a value that is greater then the horizontal blank interval, the horizontal sync pulse will begin before the horizontal blank interval yielding a negative "front porch" (see Figure 18). The minimum value is 1. HORIZONTAL VISIBLE (8 Bits-R3[7,OJ)-Write only. Defines the length of the visible portion of the total horizontal period. This field should be programmed with N - 1 where N is the number of DCLK periods that the display is not blanked during the horizontal period (see Figure 18). NOTE: VIEW requires that the display must be blanked a minimum of 11 DCLK periods (interlaced display) or 7 DCLK periods (non interlaced display) in a Horizontal Cycle. VERTICAL TIMINGVERTICAL CYCLE (13 Bits-R5[7,O], R4[7,3J)-Write only. Defines the vertical period length (visible and blanking time). This field should be programmed with 6 less than the total number of scan lines in the total vertical period (see Figure 19). VERTICAL SYNC WIDTH (8 Bits-R6[7,OJ)-Write only. Defines the duration of the Vertical Sync signal (VS). This field should be programmed with the number of horizontal periods (scan lines) that compose the vertical synchronization pulse (see Figure 19). VERTICAL DELAY (8 Bits-R7[7,OJ)-Write only. Defines the delay between the beginning of the Vertical Sync signal and the end of the vertical blanking interval. This field should be programmed with N - 2 where N is the number of horizontal periods (scan lines) between the beginning of VS and the falling edge of vertical blanking (see Figure 19). VERTICAL VISIBLE (12 Bits-R9[7,4], R8[7,OJ)-Write only. Defines the length of the visible portion of the total vertical period. This field should be programmed with N - 1 where N is the number of horizontal periods (scan lines) that the display is not blanked during the vertical period (see Figure 19). ~ 1 SCAN LINE 1..' ' ' ( . - - - - - - HORIZONTAL CYCLE ------~ 1....1 - - - - HORIZONTAL VISIBLE .. ACTIVE DISPLAY TIME VLT - - - - - - - ' I.. I I ~ HORIZONTAL DELAY HORIZONTAL BLANKING' I ~ I I· I ·1 HORIZONTAL SYNC WIDTH NOTE: 1. This value is not programmed, however it can be calculated from the other programmed parameters. FIGURE 18-VIEW HORIZONTAL TIMING 1:_------ 1 COMPLETE FRAME ~I VERTICAL CYCLE - - - - - - -.. ""'(.---- VERTICAL VISIBLE VERT BLANK'------, .."'---.. ~:---I . ----!~~I I I ~I VERTICAL DELAY VS ~"""-t--~-_~ I lL___---' VERTICAL BLANKING 2 I ,....--- L..-_ _ _..... I.. ~I VERTICAL SYNC WIDTH NOTE: 1. This signal not available externally. 2. This value is not programmed, however it can be calculated from the other programmed parameters. FIGURE 19-VIEW VERTICAL TIMING 447 VLT I HORIZ BLANK' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I BLANK I I I I FIGURE 20.8-HORIZONTAL TIMING: SKEW VLT I ~TSKEW HORIZ BLANK' I I VISIBLE BLANK =0 I I I PROGRAMMED BLANK I VISIBLE I BLANK L NOTE: 1. This signal not available externally. FIGURE 20b-HORIZONTAL TIMING: SKEWoF- 0 CURSOR CONTROLHORIZONTAL CURSOR DURATION (5 BitsR11[4,0])-Write only. Defines the active time per scan line of the Cursor (CURS) output pulse. This field should be programmed with the number of DCLK periods that the output is active high. The specific scan lines on which the CURS signal will be activated is determined by the contents of the Vertical Cursor Duration and Position fields. This parameter defines the width of the cursor rectangle on the screen. VERTICAL CURSOR DURATION (9 Bits-R11[5], R12[7,0])-Write only. Defines the active time per vertical period of the Cursor (CURS) output pulse. This field should be programmed with the number of scan lines that the output is active high. This parameter determines the height of the cursor rectangle on the screen. HORIZONTAL CURSOR POSITION (8 Bits-R13[7,0), RR13[7,0])-ReadIWrite. Defines the absolute horizontal coordinate relative to the visible portion of the screen when the Cursor (CURS) output will go active high. This field should be programmed with the X coordinate of the upper left corner of tbe cursor rectangle. VERTICAL CURSOR POSITION (12 Bits-R14[7,4], R15[7,0), RR14[7,4), RR15[7,0])-Read/Write. Defines the absolute vertical coordinate relative to the visible portion of the screen when the Cursor (CURS) output will go active high. This field should be programmed with the Y coordinate of the upper left corner of the cursor rectangle. CURSOR SKEW (2 Bits-R11 [7,S])-Write Only. These bits define the number of DCLK periods that the CURS output Signal is delayed (skewed) from the Display Memory Address corresponding to the cursor position. If zero skew is specified, the CURS output will be active when the VIEW generates the addresses in direct relation to the cursor position. The maximum cursor skew is three. 448 MISCELLANEOUS CONTROLBLANKING SKEW (2 Bits-R10[7,S])-Write only. These bits define the number of DCLK periods that the horizontal blank component of the CBLANK signal is delayed (skewed) from the VLT signal as shown in Figure 20b. If, as shown in Figure 20a, zero skew is specified, the edges of the horizontal component of CBLANK will coincide with the edges of VLT. The maximum blanking skew is three. WINDOW LIST START ADDRESS (5 Bits-R1S[7,3])Write only. Defines the 5 MSB's of the memory address generated by the VIEW to access the Window List in system memory. This base address allows the VIEW to maintain up to 32 Window Lists in memory at the same time. SCAN MODE (1 Bit-R4[2])-Write only. Defines which scan mode will be used by the VIEW for generation of timing signals and Display Memory Addresses. If this bit is reset then non-interlaced mode (even and odd scan lines displayed sequentially in one field) will be used and if set then the interlaced mode (see Interlace Mode register) will be used. INTERLACE MODE (1 Bit-R2(7)-Write only. Defines which interlace mode will be used when the Scan Mode bit is set (R4[2) = 1). If this bit is reset (R2[7) = 0) then the normal interlaced mode is enabled which will cause the odd scan lines to be displayed in odd fields and even scan lines to be displayed in even fields. If this bit is set (R2[7) = 1) then the enhanced interlace mode is enabled which will cause the even and odd SCan lines to be repeated on successive scan lines for both even and odd fields. EXTERNAL SYNC ENABLE (2 Bits-R4[1,0])-Write only. Defines whether sync outputs are generated internally or triggered by external signals. R4(1) defines the source of the Vertical Sync signal (R4[1) = 0 - internal, R4(1) = 1 - external). R4[O)defines the source of the Horizontal Sync signal (R4[O) = 0 - internal, R4[O) = 1 - external). MEMORY REFRESH COUNT (4 Bits-R9[3,0])-Write only. Defines how many sequential Display Memory addresses will be generated by VIEW for transparent refresh of dynamic RAM's during the horizontal retrace interval (when the VLT output is inactive low). Bit 3 is the MSB and bit 0 is the LSB. Setting these bits to zero will disable the refresh counter. These bits are reset by a hardware Reset or software Reset command. START DELAY (6 Bits-Rl0[5,0])-Write only. Defines the number of scan lines the VIEW will wait after accessing the Window List in system memory for the last break. The VIEW will not access the Window List again until this count expires at which time the VIEW will begin processing data again for the first break of the next frame refresh. Bit 5 is the MSB and bit 0 is the LSB. See section on Break Processing under Functional Description. ATTRIBUTE SELECT (2 Bits-R17[1 ,O])-Write only. Defines the functionality of the VIEW's ATTR7-4 general purpose Attribute output pins. The programming of these bits will determine whether these outputs function as attribute information or as extension bits to the Display Memory Address bus. See Table 3 for programming of these bits and the Functional Description section for an explanation of functions associated with these outputs. VIEW OUTPUT ATTR7 ATTR6 ATTR5 ATTR4 ATTRIBUTE SELECT R17[O] = 1 X ADDR EXT MSB X ADDR EXT LSB R17[1] = 1 Y ADDR EXT MSB Y ADDR EXT LSB ATTRIBUTE SELECT R17[O] = 0 GP ATTRIBUTE GP ATTRIBUTE ~17[1] = 0 GP ATTRIBUTE GP ATTRIBUTE ATTRIBUTE SELECT PROGRAMMING TABLE 3 INTERRUPT ENABLE (7 Bits-R17[7,5,4,3,2])-Write only. These bits, when set, enable the VIEW to generate an interrupt when the appropriate conditions exist. These bits are reset to zero by a hardware Reset or a software Reset command. The following defines the specific conditions associated with each of the bits in this register. Bit 7 (Interrupt Enable) This bit, when set, will allow the VIEW to drive its INT pin high whenever the Interrupt Pending bit in the Interrupt Status 2 register goes high. When reset, the VIEW cannot drive the INT pin high. This bit is a global interrupt enable and has higher priority than the other enable bits in this register. Bit 5 (Cursor Window Interrupt Enable) This bit, when set, will allow the VIEW to set the Interrupt Pending bit after the last break has been processed whenever the cursor position (upper left corner of the cursor area) is moved into another window. When reset, this condition will be ignored. Bit 4 (Y Break Interrupt Enable) This bit, when set, will allow the VIEW to set the Interrupt Pending bit whenever a Y break with the Interrupt Tag bit set is encountered when generating Display Memory Addresses. The same interrupt will be generated for both even and odd fields. When reset, this condition will be ignored. 449 Bit 3 (Last Break Processed Interrupt Enable) This bit, when set, will allow the VIEW to set the Interrupt Pending bit whenever the VIEW retrieves a Y break with a terminator window number followed by an X break with a terminator window number. When reset, th:s condition will be ignored. Bit 2 (Vertical Retrace Interrupt Enable) This bit, when set, will allow the VIEW to set the Interrupt Pending bit at the start of vertical blanking time. When reset, this condition will be ignored. INTERRUPT STATUS 1 (5 Bits-RR17[6, 5, 4, 3, 2))Read only. These bits act as flags to indicate which condition/s are causing an interrupt. With the exception of bit 6 (Odd/Even status), these bits are reset by reading the Interrupt Status 1 register, a hardware Reset, ~- ~ software Reset command. They can only be driven active when they are enabled in the Interrupt Enable register. This register should not be read unless the Interrupt Pending bit in the Interrupt Status 2 register is high or the VIEW has driven its INT output active. Bit 6 (Odd/Even) This bit is set when the next field to be displayed is the odd field and is reset when the next field to be displayed is the even field. This status bit becomes valid shortly before the Vertical Retrace Interrupt occurs and remains valid for the vertical period. Bit 5 (Cursor Window Interrupt) This bit is set whenever the cursor position (upper left corner of the cursor area) is moved into a new window. Bit 4 (Y Break Interrupt) This bit is set during the retrace period preceeding the display of a window that has its Interrupt Tag bit set. Bit 3 (Last Break Processed Interrupt) This bit is set whenever the VIEW retrieves a Y break with a terminator window number followed by an X break with a terminator window number. The purpose of this condition is to indicate that the VIEW will not access system memory again until the Start Delay count has expired. This can be used to give the system processor an opportunity 10 access the window list in memory. See section on Break Processing under Functional Description. Bit 2 (Vertical Retrace Interrupt) This bit is set when the vertical retrace interval begins. INTERRUPT STATUS 2 (8 Bits-RR18[7,O))-Read only. Bit 7 (Interrupt Pending) This bit is set when any of the enabled interrupt causing conditions has occurred. This bit is reset by reading the Interrupt Status 1 register, a hardware Reset, or a software Reset command. Bit 6-0 (Cursor Window Number) These bits represent the window number that the VIEW cursor is currently resident in. This is determined with respect to the location of the upper left corner of the cursor block as specified in the Horizontal and Vertical Cursor Position registers. Bit 6 is the MSB and bit 0 is the LSB. If the cursor is resident in more than one window, the window number with the highest priority is reported here. The data in this register is valid from the time the Last Break Processed Interrupt occurs until the Start Delay count expires. I T1 T2 T3 T16 T17 T13_ _ _ SCLK .T4 AEN T10 T7 AD15-0 DATA IN BUS DIR: T12 DMAR-----J fl-"~---T14----~.1 ACKXX~ FIGURE 21-SYSTEM BUS MASTER TIMING MAXIMUM GUARANTEED RATINGS* Operating Temperature Range ..................•.....•..........•.•...........•........... O°C to + 70°C Storage Temperature Range ........•.....................................•...•......... -55°C to + 150°C Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec) ...................................•...•............•.•..... + 300°C Positive voltage on any pin (WRT ground) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . .. Vcc + 0.3V Negative voltage on any pin (WRT ground) ........•................•.•...........•...•.............. -0.3V Maximum Vcc ...•.•............•...................•.........•....•..................•.•....... + 7.0V 'Stresses above those listed may cause permanent damage to the device_ This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or at any other condition above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. NOTE: When powering this device from laboratory or system power supplies, it is important that the Absolute Maximum Ratings not be exceeded or device failure can result. Some power supplies exhibit voltage spikes or "glitches" on their outputs when the AC power is switched on and off. In addition, voltage transients on the AC power line may appear on the DC output. If this possibility exists it is suggested that a clamp circuit be used_ DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS TA = O°C to + 70°C, Vee = 5.0V +- 5% SYMBOL COMMENTS PARAMETER MIN TYP MAX UNITS Input voltage: 0_8 All inputs except OClK, SClK, and CS low V V'L V,H High 2.0 V low 1.0 V OClK, SClK, CS with Vcc = 5.0V V'L V,H High 4.0 V See NOTE 1. Output voltage: Low 0.4 V VOL 10L = 1.6mA VOH High 2.4 V 10H = -40 fLA Input leakage current: 10 p.A I'L 10 fLA I'H Input/Output capacitance: All inputs 25 pF C'N All outputs 50 pF COUT Power supply current: 30 rnA Icc NOTES: 1. The V,H MIN and V'L MAX ofSClK, CS, and OClKare 80% and 20% of Vee respectively. 450 ooe to + 70 e, Vee = 50V +- 5% AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS TA = SYMBOL PARAMETER MIN T1 T2 T3 T16 T17 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 T12 T13 T14 T19 T18 T60 T61 T62 T63 System Bus: SCLKperiod SCLKhigh SCLKlow SCLK rise time SCLK fall time SCLK to AEN delay AEN pulse width AEN active to address valid delay AEN high to AD bus drive delay AEN low to AD bus float delay Data valid to SCLK setup time Data hold time from SCLKhigh SCLKtoDMAR delay SCLK rising edge to address valid delay ACK to SCLK setup Address hold from AENlow RESET pulse width CS read pulse width CS write pulse width CS active to data valid delay CS active to AD bus drive 0 TYP 200 70 70 MAX UNITS 10,000 5,000 5,000 10 10 ns ns ns 0 50 50 (lS ns ns ns ns ns 0 50 35 ns ns 0 ns 65 ns 50 ns 35 0 ns ns 200 125 75 ns ns ns ns ns 75 0 ~elay T64 T65 T66 T67 CS inactive to AD bus float delay Write data setup time to CS inactive Write data hold time from CS inactive R/W and AID to CS active 75 ns 40 ns 0 ns 30 ns 0 ns ~tuptim~ T6d T69 T70 T71 T72 T30 T31 T32 T43 T44 T33 T34 T45 T46 R/W and AID to CS active hold time CSrisetime CS fall time CS inactive between processor access Data hold time from CSinactive Display Bus: DCLKperiod DCLKhigh DCLKlow DCLK rise time DCLK fall time DCLK high to signal' valid delay Signal' hold time to DCLK ri~edge Ext V lAS active to DCLK rising edge setu.2..!ime DCLK high to Ext VS/HS inactive hold time 10 10 200 ns ns ns 0 ns 100 40 40 5,000 2,500 2,500 10 10 75 ns ns ns ns ns ns 0 ns 35 ns 0 ns NOTE: I. Signal refers to following-ATTR7·0, CURS, HDA7·0, VDAII·O, CBLANK, CYSN, RFRSH, BRKCHG, VLT, INT, VS and HS (VS and RS only when programmed as outputs). 451 COMMENTS AD7-0 - - - - - t - - { ND ~~~------------------~~~~--------------~~~~~ R/Vil RESET ---~t=T18_r FIGURE 22-SYSTEM BUS PERIPHERAL TIMING T30 ~ - -T31- T43DCLK V ~ -T32-T44 \ I - .. T33 T33 ~ SIGNAL' I \ f'oI'Ts! 1- r. T34 VS,HS (Input mode) \ T45 ~ i\ -T45 fT46 T46 NOTE: 1 SIGNALabovereferstoATTR7-,Q."cURS, HDA7-0, VDA11-0,CBLANK, CSYN, RFRSH, BRKCHG, VLT, INT, iffi and AS (iffi and H~ only when programmed as outputs). FIGURE 23-DISPLAY BUS TIMING ~ ~;i!i~;;!!; Circuit diagrams utilizing SMC products are included as a means of illustrating typical semiconductor applications: consequentiy complete Information sufficient for construction purposes is not necessarily' given. The Information has been carefUlly checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. However, no responsibility is , assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, such information does not convey to the purchaser of the semiconductor devices described any license under the patent rights of SMC or others. SMC reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design and supply the best product possible. 452 ~FIOPPY Disk 453 454 FDC765A/765A-2 FDC 7265/7265-2 Single/Double Density Floppy Disk Controller FEATURES o o o tJ o o o o o o o IBM Compatible in both Single and Double Density Recording Formats (FDC765A) Sony (EMCA) Compatible Recording Format (FDC7265) Programmable Data Record Lengths: 128, 256, 512, or 1024 Bytes/Sector Multi-Sector and Multi.:rrack Transfer Capability Drive up to 4 Floppy Disks Data Scan Capability-will scan a Single Sector or an entire cylinder's worth of data fields, comparing on a Byte by Byte Basis, data in the Processor's Memory with data read from the Diskette Data Transfers in DMA or NonDMA Mode Parallel Seek Operations on up to four drives Compatible with Most Microprocessors Single Phase 8 MHz Clock Single +5 Volt Power Supply PIN CONFIGURATION RST 1 RD 2 WR 3 CS 4 393837 36 35 34333231 3029 HDl FRISTP lCTlDlR i'lW/SEEK' Vee Vee RESET 40 41 42 43 44 28 27 'mJ WI'! CS A. 19 18 7 8 9 1011 121314151617 Ac 5 SYNC DB 6 ROD c ROW DB, 7 DB, 8 ~~~ DB, 9 GND DB. 10 GND DB,11 NC DB,12 ClK DB,13 INT ORO 14 lOX !JACK 15 TC 16 lOX 17 INT 18 ClK 19 GND 20 40 39 38: 37 36 35 34 33: 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 Vee i'lW/SEEK lCTlDlR FRISTP HDl ROY WP/TS' FlTITRc PSc PS, WDA USc US, HD MFM WE VCO RDD ROW WCK PI\CKAGE: 44 pin PlCC PACKAGE: 40-pin DIP o COMPLAMOS® n-Channel Silicon Gate Technology o Available in 40-Pin Dual-in-Line Package GENERAL DESCRIPTION The FDC765A is an LSI floppy disk controller (FDC) chip, which contains the circuitry and control functions for interfacing a processor to 4 floppy disk drives. It is capable of either IBM 3740 single density format (FM). or IBM System 34 double density format (MFM) includitq double-sided recording. The FDC765A provides control signals which simplify the design of an external phase-locked loop and write precompensation circuitry. The FDC simplifies and handles most of the burdens associated with implementing a floppy disk interface. every time a data byte to be transferred. In the DMA mode, the processor need only load the command into the FDC and all data transfers occur under control of the FDC and DMA controllers. The FDC7265 is an addition to the FDC family that has been designed specifically for the Sony Micro Floppydisk® drive. The FDC7265 is pin-compatible and electrically equivalent to the 765A but utilizes the Sony recording format. The FDC7265 can read a diskette that has been formatted by the FDC765A. Read Data Read 10 Specify Read Track Scan Equal Scan High or Equal Scan Low or Equal There are 15 commands which the FDC765A1FDC7265 will execute. Each of these commands requires multiple 8-bit bytes to fully specify the operation which the processor wishes the FDC to perform. The following commands are available: Each of these devices is also available in a -2 version. The -2 versions represent a reduction from 4-micron to 3-micron design rule. Functionally is the same. Minor differences between the two versions are detailed in the AC Characteristics table. The -2 versions are only available in the plastic package at this time. Read Deleted Data Write Data Format Track Write Deleted Data Seek Recalibrate Sense Interrupt Status Sense Drive Status Address mark detection circuitry is internal to the FDC which simplifies the phase-locked loop and read electronics. The track stepping rate, head load time, and head unload time are user-programmable. The FDC765AI FDC7265 offers additional features such as multi-track and multi-side read and write commands and single and double density capabilities. Hand-shaking signals are provided in the FDC765AI FDC7265 which make DMA operation easy to incorporate with the aid of an external DMA controller chip. The FDC will operate in either the DMA or non-DMA mode. In the nonDMA mode the FDC generates interrupts to the processor 455 ORa DACK INT AD WR READV Ao WAITE PROTECT/TWO SIDE RESET INDEX FAULT/TRACK 0 os UNIT SELECT 0 UNIT SELECT 1 MFMMODE eLK RWISEEK Vee HEAD L.OAD GNO LOW CURRENT{OIRECTION FAULT RESET/STEP HEAD SELECT BLOCK DIAGRAM ~ MEMORIES 1 1 I 8080 SYSTEM BUS 080-7 AO MeMA 080-7 iOR Rri iiJR Cs i'ii'a1W iOW CS INT HRO , RESET HLDA DMA CONTROLLER • ~ DAT~ PLL AD DATA ORO DACK READ WINDOW WR DATA FDC765 FDC7265 INPUT CONTROL TC TERMINAL COUNT OUTPUT CONTROL SYSTEM CONFIGURATION 456 ) ~ DRIVE . INTERFACE ( DESCRIPTION OF PIN FUNCTIONS PIN SYMBOL RST 2 Reset INPUT/ OUTPUT Input CONNECTION TO Processor RD Read InputCD Processor 3 WR Write InputCD Processor 4 CS Chip Select Input Processor 5 Ao Data/Status Reg Select InputCD Processor DBo-DB, Data Bus Processor 14 DRQ 15 DACK DataDMA Request DMA Acknowledge InputCD Output Output Input DMA 16 TC Terminal Count Input DMA 17 IDX Index Input FDD 18 INT Interrupt Output Processor 19 ClK Clock Input 20 21 GND WCK Ground Write Clock Input 22 ROW Input Phase lock loop 23 ROD Read Data Window Read Data Input FDD 24 VCO VCO Sync Output Phase lock loop 25 26 WE MFM Write Enable MFM Mode Output Output FDD Phase Lock Loop 27 HD Head Select Output FDD 28,29 30 31,32 US" USo WDA Unit Select Write Data Precompensation (pre-shift) Output Output Output FDD FDD FDD 33 FLTfTRo FaultfTrack 0 Input FDD 34 WPfTS Write Protect! Two-Side Input FDD NO. 1 6-13 PS" PSo NAME DMA 457 FUNCTION Places FDC in idle state.'Resets output lines to FDD to "0" (low). Does not effect SRT, HUT or HLT in Specify command. If ROY pin is held high during Reset, FDC will generate interrupt 1.024 ms later. To clear this interrupt use Sense Interrupt Status command. Control signal for transfer of data from FDC to Data Bus, when "0" (low). Control signal for transfer of data to FDC via Data Bus, when "0" (low). IC selected when...::lL' (low), allowing RD and WR to be enabled. Selects Data Reg (Ao = 1) or Status Reg (Ao = 0) contents of the FDC to be sent to Data Bus. Bi-Directional 8-Bit Data Bus. DMA Request is being made by FOC when DRW = "1 '. DMA cycle is active when "0" (low) and Controller is performing DMA transfer. Indicates the termination of a DMA transfer when "1" (high). It terminates data transfer during Read/Write/Scan command in DMA or interrupt mode. Indicates the beginning of a disk track. Interrupt Request Generated by FDC. Single Phase 8 MHz Squarewave Clock. D.C. Power Return. Write data rate to FDD. FM = 500 kHz, MFM = 1 MHz, with a pulse width of 250 ns for both FM and MFM. Generated by Pll, and used to sample data from FDD. Read data from FDD, containing clock and data bits. Inhibits VCO in PLL when "0" (low), enables VCO when "1:' Enables write data into FDD. MFM mode when "1:' FM mode when "0." Head 1 selected when "1" (high). Head 2 selected when "0" (low). FDD Unit Selected. Serial clock and data bits to FDD. Write precompensation status during MFM mode, Determines early, late, and normal times. Senses FDD fault condition, in Read/Write mode; and Track 0 condition in Seek mode. Senses Write Protect status in ReadlWrite mode; and Two Side Media in Seek mode. DESCRIPTION OF PIN FUNCTIONS 35 PIN SYMBOL ROY NAME Ready INPUTI OUTPUT Input. CONNECTION TO FOO 36 HOL Head Load Output FOO 37 FRISTP Fit Reset/Step Output FDO 38 LCT/DIR Low Current/ Direction Output FDD 39 RW/SEEK Read Write/SEEK Output FDD NO. 40 +5V Vee Note: R), and the scan operation is continued. The scan operation continues until one of the following conditions occur; the conditions for scan are met (equal, low, or high), the last sector on the track is reached (EaT), or the terminal count signal is received. 463 If the conditions for scan are met then the FDC sets the SH (Scan Hit) flag Status Register 2 to a 1 (high), and terminates the Scan Command. If the conditions for scan are not met between the starting sector (as specified by R) and the last sector on the cylinder (EaT), then the FDC sets the SN (Scan Not Satisfied) flag of Status Register 2 to a 1 (high), and terminates the Scan Command. The receipt of a TERMINAL COUNT signal from the Processor or DMA Controller during the scan operation will cause the FDC to complete the comparison of the particular byte which is in process, and then to terminate the command. Table 4 ~hows the status of bits SH and SN under various conditions of SCAN. STATUS REGISTER 2 COMMAND COMMENTS BIT2 = SN BIT3 = SH 0 1 DFDD = DpROCESSOA Scan Equal 1 0 DFDO '4= DpROCESSOR 1 0 OFDD = DpROCESSOR Scan Low or 0 0 OFDD < DpROCESSOR Equal 1 0 DFOO > DpROCESSOR 1 0 DFDD = DpROCESSOR Scan High or 0 0 OFDD> DpRocEssoR Equal 1 0 OFDD < DpRocEssoR Table 4 Ifthe FDC encounters a Deleted Data Address Mark on one of the sectors (and SK = 0), then it regards the sector as the last sector on the cylinder, sets CM (Control Mark) flag of Status Register 2 to a 1 (high) and terminates the command. If SK = 1, the FDC skips the sector with the Deleted Address Mark, and reads the next sector. In the second case (SK = 1), the FDC sets the CM (Control Mark) flag of Status Register 2 to a 1 (high) in order to show that a Deleted Sector had been encountered. When either the STP (contiguous sectors = 01, or alternate sectors = 02 sectors are read) or the MT (Multi-Track) are programmed, it is necessary to remember that the last sector on the track must be read. For example, if STP = 02, MT = 0, the sectors are numbered sequentially 1 through 26, and we start the Scan Command at sector 21 ; the following will happen. Sectors 21,23 and 25 will be read, then the next sector (26) will be skipped and the index Hole will be encountered before the EaT value of 26 can be read. This will result in an abnormal termination of the command. If the EaT has been set at 25 or the scanning started at sector 20, then the Scan Command would be completed in a normal manner. During the Scan Command data is supplied by either the processor or DMA Controller for comparison against the data read from the diskette. In order to avoid having the OR (Over Run) flag set in Status Register 1, it is necessary to have the data available in less than 27 ILs (FM Mode) or 13 ILS (MFM Mode). If an Overrun occurs the FDC ends the command with bits 7 and 6 of Status Register 0 set to 0 and 1, respectively. Seek The read/write head within the FDD is moved from cylinder to cylinder under control of the Seek Command. FDC has four independent Present Cylinder Registers for each drive. They are clear only after Recalibrate command. The FDC compares the PCN (Present Cylinder Number) which is the current head position with the NCN (New Cylinder Number), and if there is a difference performs the following operation: PCN < NCN: Direction signal to FDD set to a 1 (high), and Step Pulses are issued. (Step In.) PCN > NCN: Direction signal to FDDsettoaO(low), and Step Pulses are issued. (Step Out.) The rate at which Step Pulses are issued is controlled by SRT (Stepping Rate Time) in the SPECIFY Command. After each Step Pulse is issued NCN is compared against PCN, and when NCN = PCN, then the SE (Seek End) flag is set in Status Register 0 to a 1 (high), and the command is terminated. At this point FDC interrupt goes high. Bits DB DDB3 in Main Status Register are set during seek operation and are cleared by Sense Interrupt Status command. During the Command Phase of the Seek operation the FDC is in the FDC BUSY state, but during the Execution Phase it is in the NON BUSY state. While the FDC is in the NON BUSY state, another Seek Command may be issued, and in this manner parallel seek operations may be done on up to 4 Drives at once. No other command could be issued for as long as FDC is in process of sending Step Pulses to any drive. If an FDD is in a NOT READY state at the beginning of the command execution phase or during the seek operation, then the NR (NOT READY) flag is set in Status Register 0 to a 1 (high), and the command is terminated after bits 7 and 6 of Status Register 0 are set to 0 and 1 respectively. If the time to write 3 bytes of seek command exceeds 150 ILS, the timing between first two Step Pulses may be shorter than set in the Specify command by as much as 1 ms. Recalibrate The function of this command is to retract the read/write head within the FDD to the Track 0 position. The FDC clears the contents of the PCN counter, and checks the status of the Track 0 signal from the FDD. As long as the Track 0 signal is low, the Direction signal remains 0 (low) and Step Pulses are issued. When the Track 0 signal goes high, the SE (SEEK END) flag in Status Register 0 is set to a 1 (high) and the command is terminated. If the Track 0 signal is still low after 77 Step Pulses have been issued, the FDC sets the SE (SEEK END) and EC (EQUIPMENT CHECK) flags of Status Register 0 to both 1s (highs), and terminates the command after bits 7 and 6 of Status Register 0 is set to 0 and 1 respectively. The ability to do overlap RECALIBRATE Commands to multiple FDDs and the loss of the READY signal, as described in the Seek Command, also applies to the RECALIBRATE Command. Sense Interrupt Status An Interrupt signal is generated by the FDC for one of the following reasons: 1. Upon entering the Result Phase of: a. Read Data Command b. Read a Track Command c. Read 10 Command d. Read Deleted Data Command e. Write Data Command f. Format a Cylinder Command g. Write Deleted Data Command h. Scan Commands 2. Ready Line of FDD changes state 3. End of Seek or Recalibrate Command 4. During Execution Phase in the NON-DMA Mode Interrupts caused by reasons 1 and 4 above occur during normal command operations and are easily discernible by the processor. During an execution phase in NON-DMA Mode, DB5 in Main Status Register is high. Upon entering Result Phase this bit gets clear. Reason 1 and 4 does not require Sense Interrupt Status command. The interrupt is cleared by reading/writing data to FDC. Interrupts caused by reasons 2 and 3 above may be uniquely identified with the aid of the Sense Interrupt Status Command. This com- 464 mand when issued resets the interrupt signal and via bits 5, 6, and 7 of Status Register a identifies the cause of the interrupt. SEEK END BITS 5 INTERRUPT CODE BIT6 BIT7 a 1 1 1 a 1 1 a a CAUSE Ready Line changed state, either polarity_ Normal Termination of Seek or Recalibrate Command Abnormal Termination of Seek or Recalibrate Command Table 5 Neither the Seek or Recalibrate Command have a Result Phase. Therefore, it is mandatory to use the Sense Interrupt Status Command after these commands to effectively terminate them and to provide verification of where the head is positioned (PCN). Issuing Sense Interrupt Status Command without interrupt pending is treated as an invalid command. Specify The Specify Command sets the initial values for each of the three internal timers. The HUT (Head Unload Time) defines the time from the end of the Execution Phase of one of the ReadlWrite Commands to the head unload state. This timer is programmable from 16 to 240 ms in increments of 16 ms (01 = 16 ms, a? = 32 mS ... OF = 240 ms).The SRT (Step Rate Time) defines the time interval between adjacent step pulses. This timer is programmable from 1 to 16 ms in increments of 1 ms (F = 1 ms, E = 2 ms, 0 = 3 ms, etc.). The HlT (Head load Time) defines the time between when the Head load signal goes high and when the Read/Write operation starts. This timer is programmable from 2 to 254 ms in increments of 2 ms (01 = 2 ms, 02 = 4 ms, 03 = 6 ms ... 7F = 254ms). The time intervals mentioned above are a direct function of the clock (ClK on pin 19). Times indicated above are for an 8 MHz clock, if the clock was reduced to 4 MHz (mini-floppy application) then all time intervals are increased by a factor of2. The choice of OMA or NON-OMA operation is made by the NO (NON-DMA) bit. When this bit is high (NO = 1) the NONOMA mode is selected, and when ND = a the DMA mode is selected. Sense Drive Status This command may be used by the processor whenever it wishes to obtain the status of the FODs. Status Register 3 contains the Drive Status information stored internally in FOC registers. Invalid If an invalid command is sent to the FOC (a command not defined above), then the FOC will terminate the command after bits 7 and 6 of Status Register a are set to 1 and a respectively. No interrupt is generated by the FOC765A during this condition. Bit 6 and bit 7 (010 and ROM) in the Main Status Register are both high ("1") indicating to the processor that the FOC is in the Result Phase and the contents of Status Register a (STO) must be read. When the processor reads Status Register 0 it will find an 80 hex indicating an invalid command was received. A Sense Interrupt Status Command must be sent after a Seek or Recalibrate Interrupt, otherwise the FOC will consider the next command to be an Invalid Command. In some applications the user may wish to use this command as a No-Op command, to place the FOC in a standby or no operation state. STATUS REGISTER IDENTIFICATION BIT NAME SYMBOL DESCRIPTION Interrupt Code IC D, Seek End SE D. Equipment Check EC D3 Not Ready NR D, D, Do Head Address Unit Select 1 Unit Select a D, = aand D. = a Normal Termination of Command, (NT). Command was completed and properly executed. D, = aand D. = 1 Abnormal Termination of Command, (AT). Execution of Command was started, but was not successfully completed. D, = 1 and D, = a Invalid Command issue, (IC). Command which was issued was never started. D, = 1 and D. = 1 Abnormal Termination because during command execution the ready signal from FDD changed state. When the FDC completes the SEEK Command, this flag is set to 1 (high). If a fault Signal is received from the FDD, or if the Track aSignal fails to occur after 77 Step Pulses (Recalibrate Command) then this flag is set. When the FDD is in the not-ready state and a read or write command is issued, this flag is set. If a read or write command is issued to Side 1 of a single sided drive, then this flag is set. This flag is used to indicate the state of the head at Interrupt. NO. D, D, HD US1 usa These flags are used to indicate a Drive Unit. Number at Interrupt. 465 BIT NAME NO. 07 End of Cylinder D. D. Data Errror D. OverRun 0, O2 No Data 0, Not Writable Do Missing Address Mark 07 D. Control Mark D. D. Data Error in Data Field Wrong Cylinder 0, Scan Equal Hit O2 Scan Not Satisfied 0, Bad Cylinder Do Missing Address Mark in Data Field 07 Fault D. Write Protected D. Ready D. Track 0 0, Two Side O2 Head Address 0, Unit Select 1 Do Unit Select a DESCRIPTION SYMBOL STATUS REGISTER 1 (CONT.) When the FDC tries to access a Sector beyond the final Sector of a EN Cylinder, this flag is set. Not used. This bit is always 0 (low). DE When the FDC detects a CRC error in either the 10 field or the data field, this flag is set. OR If the FDC is not serviced by the main-systems during data transfers, within a certain time interval, this flag is set. Not used. This bit always 0 (low). NO Duri~ execution of READ DATA, WRITE DELETED DATA or SCA Command, if the FOC cannot find the Sector specified in the lOR Register, this flag is set. During executing the READ 10 Command, if the FDC cannot read the 10 field without an error, then this fl~is set. During the execution of the READ A Cylinder Command, if the starting sector cannot be found, then this flag is set. During execution of WRITE DATA, WRITE DELETED DATA or NW Format A Cylinder Command, if the FDC detects a write protect signal from the FDD, then this flag is set. MA If the FDC cannot detect the 10 Address Mark after encountering the index hole twice, then this flag is set. If the FDC cannot detect the Data Address Mark or Deleted Data Address Mark, this flag is set. Also at the same time, the MD (Missing_Address Mark in Data Field) of Status Register 2 is set. STATUS REGISTER 2 Not used. This bit is always 0 (low). During executing the READ DATA or SCAN Command, if the FDC CM encounters a sector which contains a Deleted Data Address Mark, this flag is set. DO If the FDC detects a CRC error in the data field then this flag is set. This bit is related with the NO bit, and when the contents of C on the WC medium is different from that stored in the lOR, this flag is set.· During execution, the SCAN Command, if the condition of "equal" SH is satisfied, this flag is set. SN During executin~ the SCAN Command, if the FDC cannot find a Sector on the cy inder which meets the condition, then this flag is set. This bit is related with the NO bit, and when the content of C on the BC medium is different from that stored in the lOR and the content of C is FF, then this flag is set. When data is read from the medium, if the FDC cannot find a Data MD Address Mark or Deleted Data Address Mark, then this flag is set. STATUS REGISTER 3 This bit is used to indicate the status of the Fault signal from FT the FDD. This bit is used to indicate the status of the Write Protected signal WP from the FDD. This bit is used to indicate the status of the Ready signal from RY theFDD. This bit is used to indicate the status of the Track a signal from TO the FDD. This bit is used to indicate the status of the Two Side signal from TS theFDD. This bit is used to indicate the status of Side Select signal HD totheFDD. This bit is used to indicate the status of the Unit Select 1 signal US1 to the FDD. This bit is used to indicate the status of the Unit Select a signal usa totheFDD. 466 PROCESSOR INTERFACE During Command or Result Phases the Main Status Register (described earlier) must be read by the processor before each byte of information is written into or read from the Data Register. After each byte of data read or written to Data Register, CPU should wait for 12 f,l-s before reading MSR. Bits D6 and D7 in the Main Status Register must be in aO and 1 state, respectively, before each byte of the command word may be written in the FDC. Many of the commands require multiple bytes, and as a result the Main Status Register must be read prior to each byte transfer to the FDC. On the other hand, during the Result Phase, D6 and D7 in the Main Status Register must both be 1's (D6 = 1 and D7 = 1) before reading each byte from the Data Register. Note, this reading of the Main Status Register before each byte transfer to the FDC is required in only the Command and Result Phases, and NOT during the Execution Phase. During the Execution Phase, the Main Status Register need not be read. If the FDC is in the NON-DMA Mode, then the receipt of each data byte (if FDC is reading data from FDD) is indicated by an Interrupt sigIllil on pin 18 (INT = 1). The generation of a Read signal (RD = 0) or Write signal (WR = 0) will reset the Interrupt as well as output the Data onto the Data bus. If the processor cannot handle Interrupts fast enough (every 13 f,l-s) for MFM and 27 f,l-s for FM mode, then it may poll the Main Status Register and then bit D7 (ROM) functions just like the Interrupt signal. If a Write Command is in process then the WR signal performs the reset to the Interrupt signal. If the FDC is in the DMA Mode, no Interrupts are generated during the Execution Phase. The FDC generates DRO's (DMA Requests) when each byte of data is available. The DMA Controller responds to this remest with both a DACK = a (DMA Acknowledge) and a RD = a (Read signal). When the DMA Acknowledge signal goes low (DACK = 0) then the DMA Request is reset (DRO_==--O). If a Write Command has been programmed then a WR signal will appear instead of RD. After the Execution Phase has been completed (Terminal Count has occurred) or EaT sector was read/written, then an Interrupt will occur (INT = 1). This signifies the beginning of the Result Phase. When the first byte of data is read during the Result Phase, the Interrupt is automatically reset (INT = 0). It is important to note that during the Result Phase all bytes shown in the Command Table must be read. The Read Data Command, for example has seven bytes of data in the Result Phase. All seven bytes must be read in order to successfully complete the Read Data Command. The FDC will not accept a new command until all seven bytes have been read. Other commands may require fewer bytes to be read during the Result Phase. The FDC contains five Status Registers. The Main Status Register mentioned above may be read by the processor at any time. The other four Status Registers (STO, ST1, ST2, and ST3) are only available during the Result Phase, and may be read only after completing a command. The particular command which has been executed determines how many of the Status Registers will be read. The bytes of data which are sent to the FDC to form the Command Phase, and are read out of the FDC in the Result Phase, must occur in the order shown in the Command Table. That is, the Command Code must be sent first and the other bytes sent in the prescribed sequence. No foreshortening of the Command or Result Phases are allowed. After the last byte of data in the Command Phase is sent to the FDC, the Execution Phase automatically starts. In a similar fashion, when the last byte of data is read out in the Result Phase, the command is automatically ended and the FDC is ready for a new command. POLLING FEATURE OF THE AC TEST CONDITION INPUT/OUTPUT CLOCK 2.4V 3.0V-----, 0,45V O.3V---J ACTESTING Inputs are driven at 2.4V for a logic "1" and OASV for a logic "0," Timing measure~ ments are made at 2.0V for a logic "1" and a.8V for a logic "0." Clocks are driven at 3.0V for a I09ic "1" and O.3V for a logic "0," Timing measurements are made at 2.4V for a logic "1" and O.65V for a logic "0." 467 FDC765A/7265 After the Specify command has been sent to the FDC, the Unit Select line usa and US1 will automatically go into a polling mode. In between commands (and between step pulses in the SEEK command) the FDC polls all four FDD's looking for a change in the Ready line from any of the drives. If the Ready line changes state (usually due to a door opening or closing) then the FDC will generate an interrupt. When Status Register a (STO) is read (after Sense Interrupt Status is issued), Not Ready (NR) will be indicated. The polling of the Ready line by the FDC occurs continuously between commands, thus notifying the processor which drives are on or off line. Each drive is polled every 1.024 ms except during the Read/Write commands. I - TIMING DIAGRAMS FDD WRITE OPERATION PROCESSOR REAO OPERATION AO, Cs McK =x ~'- T AR~ I~ ___ WAITE CLOCK RD~TRR---t ,---I I J.: ---.: TAD I t---TOF WRITE ENABLE I I I--'-Tev-j PAESHIFT 0 OA JX'-_______V-A....- _I I WAITE DATA I I "0 I I <1>0 I L I -;---v---.... ~I: ~ 1f' !:lI:_.:....__ 1'=- CLOCK : I II ----t I-- T CP ~TAI--.I '--i I ~ I INT ------------""""~ I I "--1 ~TF TA~:r--~_ _~I__~I____________~ :~------ DATA-------1- elK I -----.J 1-4- TRA I.Co-TCD I --l I I_"cv--' ¢A~~'j--',' I ...-J ~fF I PRESHIFT 0 NORMAL WRITE CLOCK LATE EARLY elK INVALID PRESHIFT 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS· Operating Temperature, , .. , .. , , . , .. , , .. , , , .. , ... , ....... , , , ...... , , ..... , , .. , , ....... , , .. , , .... , ............ ,. -10°C to + 70°C Storage Temperature .. , .. , .. , , .. , .. , ... , .... , ... , ..... , . , , ....... , ...... , ... , ... , .... , , .. , .... , .... , , ... , , .... - 55°c to + 150°C All Output Voltages ... , .. , ... , ... , , ... , ..... , , .. , ..... , .......................... , ............ , ... , ...... , ..... - 0.5 to + 7 Volts All Input Voltages .,",." ..... , .. , .. , ..... , .. , ............ , ....... , .. , ............ , ....... , ...... , ........ ,... - 0.5 to + 7 Volts Supply Voltage Vee. , , , ..... , ..... , .. , , .... , .. , , ...... , ..... , .. , .... , , , ........ , ................. , , .... , .. .. ... - 0.5 to + 7 Volts Power Dissipation , .. , , .. , .. , , .... , .. , , .... , .. , , ... , , . , ...... , , , , .... , , .... , ... , ... , , ....... , .............. , .. , .. , ........ 1 Watt COMMENT: Stress above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device, This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not' implied, Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. DC CHARACTERISTICS T. = DOC to PARAMETER Input Low Voltage Input High Voltage Output Low Voltage Output High Voltage Input Low Voltage (ClK + WR Clock) Input High Voltage (ClK + WR Clock) Vee Supply Current Input load Current (All Input Pins) + 7DoC; Vee = + 5V ± 5% unless otherwise specified. SYMBOL VIL V,H VOL VOH VIL($I MIN -0.5 2.0 LIMITS TYPey «>0 Clock Rise Time <1>, Clock Fall Time p." CS, i5AQ( Set Up Time to RD ! p." CS, DACK Hold Time from RD 1 RDWidth Data Access Time from RD ! DB to Float Delay Time from RD 1 p." CS, i5AQ( Set Up Time to WR ! Ao, CS, DACK Hold Time to WR 1 WRWidth Data Set Up Time to WR 1 Data Hold Time from WR 1 INT Delay Time from RD ; INT Delay Time from WR ; DRO Cycle Time DRO Delay Time from DACK ! DRO ; to DACK ! Delay DACKwidth TCWidth Reset Width «>, TAR TRA TRR TRo TOF TAW TWA Tww Tow Two TRI TWI TMcy TAM TMA TAA TTc WCK CYCLE TIME WCK Active Time (High) ClK ; to WCK ; Delay ClK ; to WCK ! Delay WCK Rise Time WCKFaliTime Pre-Shift Delay Time from WCK ; WDA Delay Time from WCK ; RDD Active Time (High) lAST MIN 120 40 TCWH TCWL T, T, Tep Teo TROD MAX 500 MIN 120 40 765A-2,7265-2 TYPCD MAX 125 500 20 20 0 0 250 20 20 0 0 200 200 100 20 0 0 250 150 5 140 85 10 0 0 200 100 0 500 500 13 400 400 13 200 2 2 1 14 TWCKCY To 765A,7265 TYPCD 125 80 0 0 140 2 2 1 14 16 8 8 4 8 4 16 8 250 350 40 40 20 20 100 100 20 20 40 80 0 0 CL CL ~ ~ 100pF 100pF "s ns ns ns ns fl.s ns 16 8 8 4 8 4 16 8 250 «>ev 350 40 40 20 20 100 100 2.0 1.0 MFM ~ 0 5V4" MFM ~ 1 51/4" MFM ~ 0 8" MFM ~ 1 8" MFM - 0 3W'@ MFM ~ 1 3W'@ MFM ~ 0 3W'@ MFM ~ 1 3W'@ ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns Window Cycle Time Twcy Window Hold Time toifrom RDD TRow TWRO Tus Tso 15 15 ns 12 7 12 7 fl.S fl.S ToST 1.0 1.0 fl.S TSTu 5.0 5.0 fl.S TSTP Tsc 6.0 33 8.0 To·50 USo, Hold Time to !lW/SEEK ; SEEKlRW Hold Time to LOW CURRENT/DIRECTION; lOW CURRENTIDIRECTION Hold Time to FAULT RESET/STEP; USo, Hold Time from FAULT RESET/ STEP; STEP Active Time (Hiah) STEP Cycle Time FAULT RESET Active Time (High) Write Data Width USo , Hold Time After SEEK Seek Hold Time from DIR DIR Hold Time after STEP Index Pulse Width RD ! Delay from DRO WR ! Delay from DRO ~ or I'![j Response TIme from DRO ; TEST CONDITIONS «>Cy «>Cy «>Cy «>Cy 20 20 40 2.0 1.0 UNIT ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns fl.s MFM MFM ~ ~ 0 1 8 MHz Clock Period T'R Twoo Tsu Tos Ts10 T1DX TMR TMw TMAW 7.0 8.0 @ @ 10 15 30 24 10 800 250 6.0 33 8.0 To·50 7.0 8.0 @ ® 10.0 15 30 24 4 800 250 12 NOTES: CD fI. Typical values forT, ~ 25°C and nominal supply voltage. @ The former value of 2 and 1 are applied to Standard Floppy, and the latter value of 4 and 2 are applied to Mini-floppy. @ Under Software Control. The range is from 1 ms to 16 ms at 8 MHz Clock Period, and 2 to 32 ms at 4 MHz Clock Period. 12 fl.S fl.S fl.S ns fl.S fl.S fl.S «>Cy ns ns fl.S @ For mini-floppy applications, «>Cy must be 4 mHz. @Sonymicrofloppy3W'drive(8"compatible). ® Sony microfloppy 3W' drive (5W' compatible). 469 8 MHz Clock Period 8 MHz Clock Period TIMING DIAGRAMS DMA OPERATION PROCESSOR WRITE OPERATION DRQ WRorRD --+-------~ tNT \... I SEEK OPERATION ==:x: USO,1 j(,,__________ STABLE -fU?1--- --i 'su k RW/SEEK - - " " }lr.....,:~---- :1 DSr- I --j'SDt-- -----X DIRECTION I- X,....;..--i:----- t - -~TU--l 'QST--I ~S-TD----~l~ STEP ________ 'STP ----l f--- I - - - - ' S C - - -....~I " ". I . FLT RESET I I II I ~ I II I ~ FAULTRESET= FILE UNSAFE RESET ~ TERMINAL COUNT INDEX T,DX TFA 104-- TC -.l1---l I--TTC TIDX H~ FDD READ OPERATION READ DATA --1"\.------------.(\. '. . .-----X t ---t I READ DATA WINDOW I-TROD I-TWRO-JI I I I J Note: Either polarity d.-,-.-w-;n-d-O-W-;'-V-'-'id--- STANDARD MICROSVSTEMS rlON ~ 35M1rcusBMI.~.NY11788 (516)273-3'100TWJ(-510-227-88§'8 [--TROW,.!I RESET I I. ..........-----TwCV---......-.: RESET H- --::j ~ Circuit diagrams utilizing SMC products are included as a means of illustratingof:ypical semiconductor applications; consequently complete mformation sufficient for construction purposes is not necessarily given. The information has been carefully checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. However, no responsibility is :~i::~~~~~~~;J~~~\r~e~~!t~~~~~r~e ~a~~~i~?~ht:tb~s~~So~~\~~~~~J'Ct~s~~;~~~~rr~~rfos~~~;~nh~~~~~ at any time in order to improve design and supply the best product possible. 470 Floppy Oisk Controller/Formatter FOC FEATURES FOC 1791-02 FOC 1792-02 FOC 1793-02 FOC 1794-02 FOC 1795-02 FOC 1797-02 IlPC FAMILY PIN CONFIGURATION D SOFT SECTOR FORMAT COMPATIBILITY D AUTOMATIC TRACK SEEK WITH VERIFICATION D ACCOMMODATES SINGLE AND DOUBLE DENSITY FORMATS IBM 3740 Single Density (FM) IBM System 34 Double Density (MFM) DREAD MODE Single/Multiple Sector Read with Automatic Search or Entire Track Read Selectable 128 Byte or Variable Length Record DWRITE MODE Single/Multiple Sector Write with Automatic Sector Search Entire Track Write for Diskette Initialization D PROGRAMMABLE CONTROLS Selectable Track to Track Stepping Time Side Select Compare D SYSTEM COMPATIBILITY Double Buffering of Data 8 Bit Bi-Directional Bus for Data, Control and Status DMA or Programmed Data Transfers All Inputs and Outputs are TTL Compatible On-chip Track and Sector Registers/Comprehensive Status Information D WRITE PRECOMPENSATION (MFM AND FM) D SIDE SELECT LOGIC (FDC 1795, FDC 1797) D WINDOW EXTENSION (IN MFM) ....., NC WE cs FiE Ao . A, DALO" DAL 1" DAL2" DAL3" DAL4" DAL5" DAL6" DAL 7" STEP DIRC EARLY LATE MR GND 3 4 5 10 9 0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 +12V INTRQ ORO DDEN" WPRT iP TROO WF READY WD WG TG43 HLD RAW READ RCLK RGISSO CLK HLT TEST +5V "INVERTED BUS FOR FDC 1791, FDC 1792, FOC 1795 ""MUST BE LEFT OPEN FOR FOC 1792 and FDC 1794 PACKAGE: 40 pin D.I.P. D INCORPORATES ENCODING/DECODING AND ADDRESS MARK CIRCUITRY D COMPATIBLE WITH FD179X-02 D COPLAMOS® n-CHANNEL MOS TECHNOLOGY D COMPATIBLE WITH THE FDC 9216 FLOPPY DISK DATA SEPARATOR GENERAL DESCRIPTION The FDC 179X is an MOS/LSI device which performs the functions of a Floppy Disk Controller/Formatter in a single chip implementation. The basic FDC 179X chip design has evolved into six specific parts: FDC 1791, FDC 1792, FDC 1793, FDC 1794, FDC 1795, and the FDC1797. density diskette. These include address mark detection, FM and MFM encode and decode logic, window extension, and write precompensation. The FDC 1793 is identical to the FDC 1791 except the DAL lines are TRUE for systems that utilize true data busses. The FDC 1792 operates in the single density mode only, Pin 37 (DDEN) of the FDC 1792 must be left open for proper operation. The FDC 1794 is identical to the FDC 1792 except the DAL lines are TRUE for systems that utilize true data busses. The FDC 1795 adds side select logic to the FDC 1791. The FDC 1797 adds the side select logic to the FDC 1793. The processor interface consists of an 8 bit bidirectional bus for data, status, and control word transfers. This family of controllers is configured to operate on a multiplexed bus with other bus-oriented devices. This FDC family performs all the functions necessary to read or write data to any type of floppy disk drive. Both 8" and 5'1'" (mini-floppy) drives with single or double density storage capabilities are supported. These n-channel MOS/LSI devices will replace a large amount of discrete logic required for interfacing a host processor to a floppy disk, The FDC 1791 is IBM 3740 compatible in single density mode (FM) and System 34 compatible in double density mode (MFM). The FDC 1791 contains enhanced features necessary to read/write and format a double 471 \ For additional information, consult your 1986 SMC catalog or contact our product marketing department at (516) 273-3100. .. ""Don<:""":-r1,... ... ~ ~ Circuit diagrams utilizing SMC products are included as a means of illustrating typical semiconductor !!!!~!!! applications: consequently complete information sufficient for construction purposes is not necessarily given. The information has been carefully checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, such information does not convey to tne purchaser of the semiconductor devices described any license under the patent rights of SMC or others. SMC reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design ana supply the best product possible. 472 FDC72C65/66 PRELIMINARY Single/Double Density Floppy Disk Controller FEATURES PIN CONFIGURATION o IBM-compatible format (single, double and quad density) (FDC72C65) o Sony (EMCA)-compatible recording format (FDC72C66) Multi-sector and multi-track transfer capability Drive Up to 4 floppy or micro floppydisk drives Data scan capability-will scan a single sector or an entire cylinder comparing byte-for-byte host memory and disk data Data transfers in DMA or non-DMA mode Programmable stepping rate, head load and head unload times Parallel seek operations on up to four drives Compatible with ""PD8080185, ""PD8086/88, ""PD80186/286/386 and Z80~ microprocessors o Single-phase clock 8 MHz (standard floppy) or 4 MHz (minifloppy) CMOS technology Single + 5V ± 10% power supply. o o o o o o o tu CI) '"~6g: ND 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 STO PCN ~ ~ Command codes Status information about the FDC at the end of seek operation S~ecifl Command Sense Drive Status Command Result Seek Command Execution Invalid Command Result . W 0 0 0 0 0 W X X X X X R . W W W 1 HD 0 US, ST3 0 0 0 0 X X X X Command codes 0 US. ~ 1 X 1 HD 1 US, Command codes 1 US. NCN Status information about FDD ~ Head is positioned over proper cylinder on diskette W Invalid Codes ~ STO ~ R Invalid Command codes (No op-FDC goes into standby state) STO BOH Set Standby Command Execution Reset Standby Command Execution Software Reset Command Execution Read a Track Command W 0 0 0 0 W 0 0 0 0 W 0 0 0 0 MF SK 0 0 X X X X X W W W W W W W W W . . .. 0 HD C H R N EOT GPL DTL 1 US, Command codes Enter standbl mode 0 Command codes Disable standbl mode 0 Command codes Same as hardware reset 0 US. Command Codes ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Execution Result R R R R R R R . . .. Sector ID information prior to command execution. ~ ~ STO ST1 ST2 C H R N Data transfer between the FDD and main system. FDC reads ali data fields from index hole to EOT. Status information after command execution ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ NOTES: 482 Sector ID information after command execution Instruction Code Phase ReadlD Command RIW D7 D, D, D, D, D, D, Do W W 0 X MF X 0 X 0 X 1 X 0 HD 1 US, 0 USo Remarks Command codes Execution Result Format a Track Command Execution Result R R R R R R R W W W W W W R R R R R R R Scan Equal Command Execution Result W W W W W W W W W R R R R R R R .. .. . STO ST1 ST2 C H R N . .. . 0 X MF X 0 X 0 X . MT X . . . ~ ~ ~ MF X SK X 1 X 0 X C H R N EOT GPL STP Sector ID information read during execution phase from floppy disk. ~ 1 HD 0 US, 1 USo Command codes ~ Bytes/sector Sectors/track Gap3 Filler byte FDC formats an entire track. Status information after command execution ~ In this case, the ID information has no meaning ~ ~ ~ ~ STO ST1 ST2 C H R N . . . 1 X N SC GPL D ~ The first correct ID information on the cylinder is stored in data register. Status information after command execution 0 HD 0 US, 1 Command codes USo ~ • STO ST1 ST2 C H R N ~ ~ Note: (1) In the Instruction Code, X = don't care (usually set to 0). (2) A. should be 0 for SET STANDBY, RESET STANDBY, and SOFTWARE RESET commands and 1 for all other commands. NOTES: 483 Data compared between the FDD and main system Status information after command execution Sector ID information after command execution System Configuration Figure 2 shows an example of a system using a FDC72C65/ FDC72C66. DBo-DB7 MEMR imI P.IEMW lOW cs Ao DBo-DB7 iiii \Vii cs INT HRQ RESET HLDA Note that in the non-DMA mode it is necessary to examine the main status register to determine the cause of the interrupt, since it co.u.ld be a data interrupt of a command termination interrupt, either normal or abnormal. If the FDC72C65/FDC72C66 is in the DMA mode, no interrupts are generated during the execution phase. The FDC72C65/FDC72C66 generates DROs (DMA requests) when each byte of data is available. The DMA controller responds to this request with both a DACK = 0 (DMA acknowledge) and an RD = 0 (read signal). When the DMA acknowledge signal goes low (DACK=O), then the DMA request is clearmDRO = 0). If a write command has been issued, then a WR signal will appear instead of RD. After the execution phase has been completed (terminal count has occurred) or the EOT sector read/written, then an interrupt will occur (INT = 1). This signifies the beginning of the result phase. When the first byte of data is read during the result phase, the interrupt is automatically cleared (I NT = 0). The RD or WR signals should be asserted while DACK is true. The CS signal is used in conjunction with RD and WR as a gating function during programmed I/O operations. CS has no effect during DMA operations. If the non-DMA mode is chosen, the DACK signal should be pulled up to V cc' It is important to note that during the result phase all bytes shown in the instruction set (table 4) must be read. The read data command, for example, has seven bytes of data in the result phase. All seven bytes must be read in order to successfully complete the Read Data command. The FDC72C65/FDC72C66 will not accept a new command until all seven bytes have been read. Other commands may require fewer bytes to be read during the result phase. _P1l8257 DMA ControU.r Figure 2. System Configuration Processor Interface During command or result phases the main status register (described earlier) must be read by the processor before each byte of information is written into or read from the data register. After each byte of data is read or written to the data register, th~ CPU_ snou!Cl. wait for 12/Ls before reading the main status register. Bits D6 and D7 in the main status register must be in a 0 and 1 state, respectively, before each byte of the command word may be written into the FDC72C65/FDC72C66. Many of the commands require multiple bytes and, as a result, the main status register must be read prior to each byte transfer to the FDC72C65/ FDC72C66. On the other hand, during the result phase, D6 and D7 in the main status register must both be 1's (D6 = 1 and D7 = 1) before reading each byte from the data register. Note that this reading of the main status register before each byte transfer to the FDC72C65/FDC72C66 is required only in the command and result phases, and not during the execution phase. The FDC72C65/FDC72C66 contains five status registers. The main status register mentioned above may be read by the processor at any time. The other four status registers (STO, ST1, ST2, and ST3) are available only during the result phase and may be read only after completing a command. The particular command that has been executed determines how many of the status registers will be read. The bytes of data which are sent to the FDC72C65/ FDC72C66 to form the command phase and are read out of the FDC72C65/FDC72C66 in the result phase must occur in the order shown in table 4. That is, the command code must be sent first and the other bytes sent in the prescribed sequence. No foreshortening of the command or result phases is allowed. After the last byte of data in the command phase is sent to the FDC72C65/FDC72C66, the execution phase automatically starts. In a similar fashion, when the last byte of data is read out in the result phase, the command is automatically ended and the FDC72C65/ FDC72C66 is ready for a new command. During the execution phase, the main status register need not be read. If the FDC72C65/FDC72C66 is in the non-DMA uSo mode, then the receipt of each data byte (if FDC72C65/ FDC72C66 is reading data from FDD) is indicated by an interrup.!.§ignal on pin 18 (INT = 1.lJhe generation of a read us, signal (RD = 0) or write signal (WR = 0) will clear the interrupt as well as output the data onto the data bus. If the pro.cessor cannot handle interrupts fast enough (every 13/Ls for the MFM mode and 27/Ls for the FM mode), then it may poll the main status register and bit D7 (ROM) functions as the inter.r.YID signal. If a write command is in the process then the WR signal negates the reset to the interrupt signal. 484 Figure 3. Polling Feature Polling After reset has been sent to the FDC72C65/FDC72C66, the unit select lines USa and US, will automatically go into a polling mode. In between commands (and between step pulses in the Seek command) the FDC72C65/FDC72C66 polls all four FDDs looking for a change in the ready line from any of the drives. If the ready line changes state (usually due to a door opening or closing), then the FDC72C651 FDC72C66 will generate an interrupt. When status register O(STO) is read (after Sense Interrupt Status is issued), not ready (NR) will be indicated. The polling of the ready line by the FDC72C65/FDC72C66 occurs continuously between commands, thus notifying the processor which drives are on or off line. Each drive is polled every 1.024 ms except during the ReadlWrite commands. When used with a 4 MHz clock for interfacing to minifloppies, the polling rate is 2.048 ms. See figure 3. Read Data A set of nine (9) byte words are required to place the FDC into the read data mode. After the Read Data command has been issued the FDC loads the head (if it is in the unloaded state), waits the specified head settling time (defined in the Specify command), and begins reading ID address marks and ID fields. When the current sector number (R) stored in the ID register (IDR) compares with the sector number read off the diskette, then the FDC outputs data (from the data field) byte-to-byte to the main system via the data bus. After completion of the read operation from the current sector, the sector number is incremented by one, and the data from the next sector is read and output on the data bus. This continuous read function is called a multi-sector read operation. The Read Data command may be terminated by the receipt of a terminal count signal. TC should be issued at the same time that the DACK for the last byte of data is sent. Upon receipt of this signal, the FDC stops outputting data to the processor, but will continue to read data from the current sector, check CRC (cyclic redundancy count) bytes, and then at the end of the sector terminate the Read Data command. The amount of data which can be handled with a single command to the FDC depends upon MT (multi-track), MF (MFM/FM), and N (number of bytes/sector). Table 5 shows the transfer capacity. The "multi-track" function (MT) allows the FDC to read data from both sides of the diskette. For a particular cylinder, data will be transferred starting at sector 1, side 0 and completing at sector L, side 1 (sector L = last sector on the side). Note, this function pertains to only one cylinder (the same track) on each side of the diskette. When N = 0, then DTI defines the data length which the FDC must treat as a sector. If DTL is smaller than the actual data length in a sector, the data beyond DTL in the sector is not sent to the data bus. The FDC reads (internally) the complete sector performing the CRC check and, depending upon the manner of command termination, may perform a multi-sector read operation. When N is non-zero, then DTL has no meaning and should be set to FFH. If the FDC detects the index hole twice without finding the right sector, (indicated in "R"), then the FDC sets the ND (No data) flag in status register 1 to a 1 (high), and terminates the Read Data command. (Status register 0 also has bits 7 and 6 set to 0 and 1, respectively.) After reading the ID and data fields in each sector, the FDC checks the CRC bytes. If a read error is detected (incorrect CRC in ID field), the FDC sets the DE (data error) flag in status register 1 to a 1 (high), and if a CRC error occurs in the data field, the FDC also sets the DD (data error in data field) flag in status register 2 to a 1 (high), and terminates the Read Data command. (Status register 0 also has bits 7 and 6 set to 0 and 1, respectively.) If the FDC reads a deleted data address mark off the diskette, and the SK bit (bit D5 in the first command word) is not set (SK = 0), then the FDC sets the CM (control mark) flag in status register 2 to a 1 (high), and terminates the Read Data command, after reading all the data in the sector. If SK = 1, the FDC skips the sector with the deleted data address mark and reads the next sector. The CRC bits in the deleted data field are not checked when SK = 1. During disk data transfers between the FDC and the processor, via the data bus, the FDC must be serviced by the processor every 27f.Ls in the FM mode, and every 13f.Ls in the MFM mode, or the FDC sets the OR (Overrun) flag in status register 1 to a 1 (high), and terminates the Read Data command. If the processor terminates a read (or write) operation in the FDC, then the ID information in the result phase is dependent upon the state of the MT bit and EOT byte. Table 6 shows the values for C, H, R, and N, when the processor terminates the command. Functional Description of Commands Write Data A set of nine (9) bytes is required to set the FDC into the write data mode. After the Write Data command has been issued the FDC loads the head (if it is in the unloaded state), waits the specified head setting time (defined in the Specify command), and begins reading ID fields. When all four bytes loaded during the command (C,H,R,N) match the four bytes of the ID field from the diskette, the FDC takes data from the processor byte-by-byte via the data bus and outputs it to the FDD. See table 6. After writing data into the current sector, the sector number stored in R is incremented by one, and the next data field is written into. The FDC continues this multisector write operation until the issuance of a terminal count signal. If a terminal count signal is sent to the FDC it continues writing into the current sector to complete the data field. If the terminal count signal is received while a data field is being written then the remainder of the data field is filled with zeros. At the completion of the Read Data command, the head is not unloaded until after head unload time interval (specified The FDC reads the ID field of each sector and checks the in the Specify command) has elapsed. If the processor CRC bytes. If the FDC detects a read error (CRC error) in issues another command before the head unloads, then the one of the ID fields, it sets the DE (Data Error) flag of status head setting time may be saved between subsequent register 1 to a 1 (high) and terminates the Write Data comreads. This time out is particularly valuable when a diskette mand. (Status register 0 also has bits 7 and 6 set to 0 and 1, respectively.) is copied from one drive to another. 485 Table 5. Transfer Capacity MultiTrack MT 0 0 1 1 0 0 MFM/ FM MF 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 Table 6. MT 0 0 0 0 Bytes/ Sector N 00 01 00 01 01 02 01 02 02 03 02 03 Maximum Transfer Capacity (Bytes/Sector) (Number of Sectors) (128) (26) = 3,328 (256) (26) = 6,656 (128) (52) = 6,656 (256) (52) = 13,312 (256) (15) = 3,840 (512) (15) = 7,680 (256) (30) = 7,680 (512) (30) = 15,360 (512) (8) ,;, 4,096 (1024) (8) = 8,192 (512) (16) = 8,192 (1024) (16) = 16,384 Final Sector Read from Diskettes 26atsideO or 26 at side 1 26 at side 1 15 at side 0 or 15 at side 1 15atside 1 8atsideO or 8 at side 1 8atside 1 Command Description HD 0 0 1 0 0 Final Sector Transferred to Processor Less than EOT EqualtoEOT Less than EOT EqualtoEOT Less than EOT Equal to EOT Less than EOT EqualtoEOT C NC C+1 NC C+1 NC NC NC C+1 10 Information at Result Phase H R N NC NC R+1 NC R=01 NC NC NC R+1 NC R=01 NC NC R+1 NC LSB R=01 NC NC NC R+1 NC LSB R=1 NOle: (1) NC (No Change): The same value as the one at the beginning of command execution. (2) LSB (Least Significant Bit): The least significant bit of H is complemented. The Write command operates in much the same manner as the Read command. The following items are the same, and one should refer to the Read Data command for details: • Transfer capacity • EN (end of cylinder) flag • ND (no data) flag • Head unload time interval • ID Information when the processor terminates command • Definition of DTl when N = 0 and when N ,p. 0 In the write data mode, data transfers between the processor and FDe, via the data bus, must occur every 27f1s in the FM mode and every 13f1s in the MFM mode. If the time interval between data transfers is longer than this, the FDe sets the OR (overrun) flag in status register 1 to a 1 (high) and terminates the Write Data command. (Status register also has bits 7 and 6 set to 0 and 1, respectively.) o Write Deleted Data This command is the same as the Write Data command except a deleted data address mark is written at the beginning of the data field instead of the normal data address mark. . the beginning of a data field (and SK = 0 (low)), it will read all the data in the sector and set the eM flag in status register 2 to a 1 (high), and then terminate the command. If SK = 1, then the FDe skips the sector with the data address mark and reads the next sector. Read a Track This command is similar to the Read Data command except that this is a continuous read operation where the entire data field from each of the sectors is read. Immediately after sensing the index hole, the FDe starts reading all data fields on the track as continuous blocks of data. If the FDe finds an error in the ID or data eRe check bytes, it continues to read data from the track. The FDe compares the ID information read from each sector with the value stored in the IDR and sets the ND flag of status register 1 to a 1 (high) if there is no comparison. Multi-track or skip operations are not allowed with this command. This command terminates when the number of sectors read is equal to EOT. If the FDe does notfind an ID address mark on the diskette after it senses the index hole for the second time, it sets the MA (missing address mark) flag in status register 1 to a 1 (high) and terminates the command. (Status register 0 has bits 7 and 6 set to 0 and 1, respectively). Read Deleted Data ReadlD This command is the same as the Read Data command except that when the FDe detects a data address mark at The Read ID command is used to give the present position of the recording head. The FDe stores the values from the 486 first ID field it is able to read. If no proper ID address mark is found in the diskette before the index hole is encountered for the second time, then the MA (missing address mark) flag in status register 1 is set to a 1 (high), and if no data is found then the ND (No data) flag is also set in status register 1 to a 1 (high). The command is then terminated with bits 7 and 6 in status register 0 set to 0 and 1, respectively. During this command there is no data transfer between FDC and the CPU except during the result phase. format which will be written is controlled by the values programmed into N (number of bytes/sector), SC (sectors/cylinder), GPL (gap length), and D (data pattern) which are supplied by the processor during the command phase. The data field is filled with the byte of data stored in D. The ID field for each sector is supplied by the processor; that is, four data requests per sector are made by the FDC for C (cylinder number), H (head number), R (sector number), and N (number of bytes/sector). This allows the diskette to be formatted with nonsequential sector numbers, if desired. Format a Track The Format a Track command allows an entire track to be formatted. After the index hole is detected, data is written on the diskette; gaps, address marks, ID fields, and data fields, all per the IBM System 34 (double density) or System 3740 (single density) format, are recorded. The particular Table 7. The processor must send new values for C,H,R, and N to the FDC72C65/FDC72C66 for each sector on the track. If FDC is set for the DMA mode, it will issue four DMA requests per sector. If it is set for the interrupt mode, it will issue four interrupts per sector and the processor must supply C, H, R, and N loads for each sector. The contents of the R reg- Sector Size Format Sector Size N SC GPL(1) GPL(2,3) 8" Standard Floppy FMMode 128 Bytes/Sector 00 1A 07 1B 256 01 OF OE 2A 512 02 08 1B 3A 1024 03 04 04 47 8A 02 01 C8 FF FF 54 2048 256 05 01 1A C8 OE 512 02 OF 1B 1024 003 08 35 74 2048 4096 04 05 04 02 99 C8 FF FF 8192 06 01 C8 FF 128 Bytes/Sector 128 00 12 10 07 10 09 00 256 512 01 02 08 04 18 46 30 87 1024 2048 03 04 02 C8 FF 01 C8 FF 256 01 12 OA OC 256 512 01 02 10 20 2A 1024 2048 03 04 4096 128 Bytes/Sector 4096 MFM Mode (Note 4) 36 51/." Minifloppy FMMode MFM Mode (Note 4) 19 32 80 50 FO 02 C8 FF 05 01 C8 FF 0 1 OF 09 07 OE 1B 2A 2 1 05 OF 1B 3A 256 OE 36 512 2 09 1B 54 1024 3 05 35 74 08 04 31/z" Sony Micro Floppydisk FMMode 256 512 MFM Mode (Note 4) Note: (1) SU\lgested values of GPL in Read or Write commands to avoid splice point between data field and ID field of contiguous sections. (2) Suggested values of GPL in format command. (3) All values except sector size are hexidecimal. (4) In MFM mode FDG cannot perform a ReadlWrite/Format operation with 128 bytes/sector. (N = 00). 487 ister are incremented by 1 after each sector is formatted; thus, the R register contains a value of R when it is read during the result phase. This incrementing and formatting continues for the whole track until the FDC detects the index hole for the second time, whereupon it terminates the command. If a fault signal is received from the FDD at the end of a write operation, then the FDC sets the EC flag of status register o to a 1 (high) and terminates the command after setting bits 7 and 6 of status register 0 to 0 and 1, respectively. Also, the loss of a ready signal at the beginning of a command execution phase causes bits 7 and 6 of status register 0 to be set to 0 and 1, respectively. Scan Commands The Scan commands allow data which is being read from the diskette to be compared against data which is being supplied from the main system. The FDC compares the data on a byte-by-byte basis and looks for a sector of data which meets the conditions of DFOO = DProcessor, DFOO".;DProcessor, or DFOO'" DProcessor. The hexidecimal byte of FF either from memory or from FDD can be used as a mask byte because it always meets the condition of the comparison. One's complement arithmetic is used for comparison (FF = largest number, 00 = smallest number). After a whole sector of data is compared, if the conditions are not mel, the sector number is incremented (R + STP-+R), and the scan operation is continued. The scan operation continues until one of the following conditions occur: the conditions for scan are met (equal, low or high), the last sector on the track is reached (EOT), or the terminal count signal is received. If the conditions for scan are met, then the FDC sets the SH (scan hit) flag of status register 2 to a 1 (high) and terminates the Scan command. If the conditions for scan are not met between the starting sector (as specified by R) and the last sector on the cylinder (EOT), then the FDC sets the SN (scan not satisfied) flag of status register 2 to a 1 (high) and terminates the Scan command. The receipt of a terminal count signal from the processor or DMA controller during the scan operation will cause the FDC to complete the comparison of the particular byte which is in process and then to terminate the command. Table 8 shows the status of bits SH and SN under various conditions of Scan. (SK = 1), the FDC sets the CM (control mark) flag of status register 2 to a 1 (high) in order to show that a deleted sector has been encountered. When either the STP (contiguous sectors = 01, or alternate sectors = 02) sectors are read or the MT (multitrack) is programmed, it is necessary to remember that the last sector on the track must be read. For example, if STP = 02, MT = 0, the sectors are numbered sequentially 1 through 26 and the Scan command is started at sector 21, the following will happen: sectors 21,23, and 25 will be read, then the next sector (26) will be skipped and the index hole will be encountered before the EOT value of 26 can be read. This will result in an abnormal termination of the command. Ifthe EOT had been set at 25 or the scanning started at sector 20, then the Scan command would be completed in a normal manner. During the Scan cQmmand, data is supplied by either the processor or DMA controller for comparison against the data read from the diskette. In order to avoid having the OR (overrun) flag set in status register 1, it is necessary to have the data available in less than 27 fJ-s (FM mode) or 13 fJ-s (MFM mode). If an overrun occurs, the FDC ends the command with bits 7 and 6 of status register 0 set to 0 and 1, respectively. Seek The read/write head within the FDD is moved from cylinder to cylinder under control of the Seek command. FDC has four independent present cylinder registers for each drive. They are cleared only after the Recalibrate command. The FDC compares the PCN (present cylinder number) which is the current head position with the NCN (new cylinder number), and if there is a difference, performs the following operations: PCNNCN: Direction signal to FDD set to a 0 (low), and step pulses are issued. (Step out) The rate at which step pulses are issued is controlled by SRT (stepping rate time) in the Specify command. After each step pulse is issued NCN is compared against PCN, and when NCN = PCN, the SE (seek end) flag is set in status register 0 to a 1 (high), and the command is terminated. TableS. Scan Conditions At this point FDC interrupt goes high. Bits DoB - D3B in the main status register are set during the seek operation and Status Register 2 are cleared by the Sense Interrupt Status command. Bit2=SN Bit3 =SH Comments Command During the command phase of the seek operation the FDC Scan Equal o 1 is in the FDC busy state, but during the execution phase it o is in the [lon-busy state. While the FDC is in the non-busy Scan Low or 0 DFDD = Dp"",,,o, Egual --.::.O----O:...---.........:D::.!:F""DD'-<..:D::.!:p""""~,,~.,,'-- state, another Seek command may be issued, and in this manner parallel seek operations may be done on up to four drives at once. No other command can be issued for as long o Scan High or __.: .O_ _ _ _:...-_ _.........:D::.!:F""DD'-=..:D::.!:p""",,~,,~.,,'__ as the FDC is in the process of sending step pulses to any drive. Equal o o If an FDD is in a not ready state at the beginning of the como mand execution phase or during the seek operation, then the NR (not ready) flag is set in status register 0 to a 1 (high), If the FDC encounters a deleted data address mark on one and the command is terminated after bits 7 and 6 of status of the sectors (and SK = 0), then it regards the sector as the register 0 are set to 0 and 1, respectively. last sector on the cylinder, sets the CM (control mark) flag If the time to write three bytes of Seek command exceeds of status register 2 to a 1 (high) and terminates the com- 150 fLS, the timing between the first two step pulses may be mand. If SK = 1, the FDC skips the sector with the deleted shorter than set in the Specify command by as much as 1 address mark and reads the next sector. In the second case ms. 488 Recalibrate The function of this command is to retract the read/write head within the FDD to the track 0 position. The FDC clears the contents of the PCN counter and checks the status of the track 0 signal from the FDD. As long as the track 0 Signal is I~w, the direction signal remains 0 (low) and step pulses are Issue~. When the ~rack O. signal goes high, the SE (seek end) flag In status register 0 IS set to a 1 (high) and the command is terminated. If the track 0 Signal is still low after 256 step pulses have been issued, the FDC sets the SE (seek end) and EC (equipment check) flags of status register 0 to both 1s (highs) and terminates the command after bits 7 and 6 of status register 0 are set to 0 and 1, respectively. The ability to do overlapping Recalibrate commands to mu.ltiple. FDDs and the loss of the ready signal, as desCribed In the Seek command, also applies to the Recalibrate command. Sense Interrupt Status An interrupt signal is generated by the FDC for one of the following reasons: (1) Upon entering the result phase of: (a) Read Data command (b) Read a Track command (c) Read ID command (d) Read Deleted Data command (e) Write Data command (f) Format a Cylinder command (g) Write Deleted Data command (h) Scan commands (2) Ready line of FDD changes state (3) End of Seek or Recalibrate command (4) During execution phase in the non-DMA mode Interrupts caused by reasons 1 and 4 above occur during normal command operations and are easily discernible by 1:_ 1 - - - - - - Seek (or Racallbrate) Command :-command Phase INT I I I I I RD1 Ul U Seek End _---=',':'-n:c:-te""rr:..::u:!:p""tC=-o=:d=e=--_ _ BitS Bit6 Bit7 Cause o 1 1 Ready line changed state, either polarity Normal termination o 0 of Seek or Recalibrate command o Abnormal termination of Seek or Recalibrate command ~he S.ense Interrupt Status ~ommand is used in conjunction with the Seek and Recahbrate commands which have no result phase. When the disk drive has reached the desired head position the FDC72C65/FDC72C66 will set the interrupt line true. The host CPU must then issue a Sense Interrupt Status command to determine the actual ~ause of the interrupt, which could be seek end or a change In ready status from one of the drives. A graphic example is shown in figure 4. Phase-I U ~ un li Z ~i!~~_ ~ii ~i:~ 0_ ~.~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I llJn urn In lflJ U ][ ][ n n n U I I I ~ U t .li. I Sen•• Interrupt StatuI Command I-Command P h a s e _ : _ Result Pha..- : Ul fLJl DIOU ROM Interrupt Status _I Execution -un unu m I WR Table 9. I I I I I cs Ao the processor. During an execution phase in non-DMA mode, DBs in the main status register is high. Upon entering the result phase this bit gets cleared. Reasons 1 and 4 do not require Sense Interrupt Status commands. The interrupt is cleared by reading/writing data to the FDC. Interrupts caused by reasons 2 and 3 above may be uniquely identified with the aid of the Sense Interrupt Status comIT!and. This ?olT!mand, when issued, resets the Interrupt Signal and, via bits 5, 6, and 7 of status register 0, identifies the cause of the interrupt. See table 9. I~ z ... ~§ i '" 8i j@ Q.;;ls uS z.5 0.5: .5 Figure 4. Seek, Recalibrate, and Sense Interrupt Status 489 C> Iii " .a~!~ us• a::Ina:: a.~ ~ U riB 0: .. Specify The Specify command sets the initial values for each of the three internal timers. The HUT (head unload time) defines the time from the end of the execution phase of one of the Read/Write commands to the head unload state. This timer is programmable from 16 to 240 ms in increments of 16 ms (01 = 16 ms, 02=32 ms ... OFH =240 ms). The SRT (step rate time) defines the time interval between adjacent step pulses. This timer is programmable from 1 to 16 ms in increments of 1 ms (F = 1ms, E = 2ms, 0 = 3ms, etc.). The HlT (head load time) defines the time between when the head load signal goes high and the Read/Write operation starts. This timer is programmable from 2 to 254 ms in increments of 2 ms (01 =2 ms, 02=4 ms, 03=6 ms ... 7F=254 ms). The set standby command reduces power consumption (Po) from 10mWto 1O,..,W. Pin 19(ClK) must be active when setting or resetting standby mode. All other clocks (i.e. WCK, etc.) can be inactive. The supply voltage must be maintained at 5 V during standby. The clock to pin 19 may be disabled during standby provided the following set-up and hold conditions are met: Standby Mode Standby Mode (Issuing command) - - 32+CY_ CLKenabled (0 = disabled) The time intervals mentioned above are a direct function of the clock (ClK on pin 19). Times indicated above are for an 8 MHz clock; if the clock was reduced to 4 MHz (minifloppy application), then all time intervals are increased by a factor of2. _ 24+CY Note: Standby mode will maintain internal status registers and 1/0 lines. The choice of a OMA or non-OMA operation is made by the Differences Between the NO (non-OMA) bit. When this bit is high (NO = 1) the non- FDC72C65/72C66 and FDC765A/7265 OMA mode is selected, and when NO = 0 the OMA mode is selected. Parameter FDC72C65 FDC72C66 FDC765A FDC7265 Sense Drive Status Track format This command may be used by the processor whenever it wishes to obtain the status of the FOOs. Status register 3 contains the drive status information stored internally in FOC registers. Tracks to be recalibrated Invalid If an Invalid command is sent to the FOC (a command not defined above), then the FOC will terminate the command after bits 7 and 6 of status register 0 are set to 1 and 0, respectively. No interrupt is generated by the FOC72C65/ FOC72C66 during this condition. Bits 6 and 7 (010 and ROM) in the main status register are both 1 (high), indicating to the processor that the FOC72C65/FOC72C66 is in the result phase and the contents of status register 0 (STO) must be read. When the processor reads status register 0 it will find an 80H, indicating an invalid command was received. A Sense Interrupt Status command must be sent after a seek or recalibrate interrupt, otherwise the FOC will consider the next command to be an Invalid command. In some applications the user may wish to use this command as a No-Op command to place the FOC in a standby or no operation state. Commands that are available in the FOC72C65/FOC72C66 which are enhancements over the FOC765A1FOC7265 are the CMOS reset commands. They are initiated as follows: Reset standby Software reset 1 1 0 0 0 0 IBM EMCA/ISO 77 255 0.2ms (at 4 MHz) about about 1.2ms 0.2ms (at 4 MHz) (at 4 MHz) DRO i RD 1 TE response time 125 ns at 4MHz 250 ns at BMHz O.B fls FDD response latency after unit select signal output 2.5flS at 4MHz 5.0flS at BMHz Multitrack write by tunnel erase head Yes No Standby function (standby command) Yes No Software reset command Yes No Skipping time after detection of index pulses 1.6 fls Figure 5 shows the data transfer format for the FOC72C65 and FOC72C66 in various modes. AO RO WR 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 DO 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ECMA/ISO 255 Data Format CMOS Reset Commands Set standby IBM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 The software reset command is identical to the hardware reset described previously. 490 FDC72C65 (FM Mode) IlId8~ i-------------RepeatN Tlmes-------------i FDC72C66 (FM Mode) IndeJt------------RepeatNTImeS-------------i FDC72C65 (MFM Mode) Inde~ f-------------RepeatNTlmes----------------i FDC72C66 (MFM Mode) Inde~ f------------RepeatNTlmes-------------1 FDC72C65 'nde. Forma' J\-------------t(~ L,..G_A_P_4a_.l..._'A_M_L...G_A_P_'_.L...'_D...L_G_A_P_2_.L..._DA_t_A_.l..._G_A_P_3...J_ _ _ 'D_ _.,: : GAP 4b VCOSYNC WE FDC72C66 'nde. Forma' I WE \ J\-----------_t~ L..._G_AP_'__L-'_D...L_G_A_P_2_L..._D_A_TA_...L_G_A_P_3...J1_'D-LI_G_A_P_2...J_ _ _'_D_ _: : VCOSYNC _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _\ ......_ Note: _ _ _ Read _ _ _ Write r------, 1 ____ ~______ ~ .... r--------'I r------""\ I \ Figure 5. Data Format 491 I GAP 4 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSTA = 25°e Power supply voltage, Vcc ..................................................................................... - 0.3V to + 7V Input voltage, V, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. - 0.3V to Vee + 0.3V Output voltage, Vo ....................................................................................... - 0.3V to Vcc + 0.3V Operating temperature, TOPT ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• O°C to + 70°C Storage temperature, TSTG •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• - 55°C to + 125°C Power dissipation, Po ................................................................................................... 50mW Comment: Exposing the device to stresses above those listed in Absolute Maximum Ratings could cause permanent damage. The device is not meant to be operated under conditions outside the limits described in the operational sections of the specification. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. CAPACITANCE TA = 25°e, fc = 1MHz, Vee = OV PARAMETER SYMBOL Input clock capacitance C,N("') Input capacitance C'N Output capacitance COUT Note: (1) All pins except pin under test tied to AC ground LIMITS TYP MIN MAX 20 10 20 UNIT pF pF pF DC CHARACTERISTICS TA = - 1ooe to + 70oe, Vcc. = + 5V ± 10% unless otherwise specified PARAMETER Input voltage low Input voltage high Output voltage low Output voltage high Supply current (Vcel SYMBOL V,L V,H VOL Vo" 100 MIN -0.5 2.2 LIMITS TYP 2.4 3 0.7 1001 Input load current high Input load current low Output leakage current high Output leakage current low IUH ILiL ILOH ILOL MAX +0.8 Vcc+ 0.5 0.45 Vee 10 2 10 -10 10 -10 UNIT V V V V mA mA I1A I1A I1A I1A (Note 1) (Note 1) (Note 1) ~ PARAMETER Clock period Clock active (high, low) Clock rise time Clock fall time A", CS, DACK setup time to RDJ A", CS, DACK hold time from ROt RDwidth Data access time from RDJ DB to float delay time from ROt A", CS, DACK setup time to WR! A", CS, DACK hold time to WRt WRwidth Data setup time to WAt Data hold time from WRt INT delay time from ROt SYMBOL . WCK Timing RWfSeek Direction ClK Slap -------.,;fI Clock Seek Operation DRO Fault ReIe1Fli. Un••" R.... --t}-~ !-----IIURW'----_I WIIorllJj FLTReset DMA Operation 494 Timing Waveforms - n-1= Reod-=f1 wIE-----I-RDO-t=;_ Data Clock Enable Note: Either polarity dati window Is valid. Pmhlft FDD Read Operation 00r1 WrI.. Da.. PlHhlftO Nannal _1ft 1 Terminal Count o La.. Eady Invalid I R... 1""1 ~I~ FDD Write Operation Reset 495 Cirouit diagrams utilizing SMC products are included as a means of illustrating typical semiconductor applications; consequently complete information sufficient for construction purposes is not necessarily given. The information has been carefully checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. However, no responsibility is ~!~~::~~~~~~~~U;~~~f6e~~~t~~~~~{~e ~ua~~~~~~~~t:tbfs~OC~~~\~~~s~~Stt~:s~~~;~i~:rr~~~ios~~~~~~~~~! at any time in order to improve design and supply the best product possible. 496 FDC91C361 FDC92C36 PRELIMINARY CMOS Floppy Disk Data Separator FEATURES PIN CONFIGURATION o High Performance Digital Data Separator o Pin Replacement for FDC9216 (FDC92C36) o Performs complete data separation function for floppy disk drives o Eliminates all adjustments normally associated with high performance data separators o Single + 5 Volt Supply o Fully TTL compatible o Fabricated in power saving CMOS o Compatible with 3.5",5.25" and 8" drives and data rates up to 500 Kb/s o 16-Bit half Cell Divide Algorithm greatly improves FDC92C36/B FDC91C36/B ~~:~~~ iL. ~____-,ll !E" PACKAGE: B-pin DIP performance over conventional digital designs FUNCTIONAL The FDC92C36 is a direct high performance CMOS pin for pin replacement for the FDC9216 in systems using data transfer rates of 250Kb/s or 125Kb/s. The FDC92C36B can be used in systems having a 500Kb/s data transfer rate by applying a 16MHz input clock to pin 3 and applying a low level to pin 6 and a high level to pin 5. The FDC91 C36/B is designed for use with the FDC765A, 8272A or FDC72C65 floppy disk controller. The FDC91C36/B provides an active high SEPD output, eliminating the inverter required when using the FDC9216/B. The FDC91C36/FDC92C36 incorporates a high performance, synthetic phase locked loop digital data separator DESCRIPTION in a 300 mil wide 8 pin package. The use of a high performance synthetic phase locked loop allows the system designer to replace a costly and board consuming analog data separator (and the tuning normally required with an analog design) with a cost effective, single chip digital circuit. The FDC92C36 and the FDC91 C36 are available in two versions: the parts without a "B" suffix (FDC92C36, FDC91C36) are intended for 5.25" drives using data rates of 250 Kb/s, and the parts with a "B" suffix (FDC92C36B, FDC91C36B) are intended for 3.5",5.25" and 8" drives using data rates of 500 Kb/s. +5V -GND REFCLK _____ CDO_ CLOCK DIVIDER ~ CD1_ ~ DSKD_ EDGE DETECTION LOGIC J DATNCLOCK SEPARATION LOGIC _SEPCLK PULSE REGENERATION _SEPD LOGIC FLOPPY DISK DATA SEPARATOR BLOCK DIAGRAM 497 DESCRIPTION OF- PIN FUNCTIONS PIN NO. NAME SYMBOL 1 OiskOata OSKO 2 3 4 5,6 Separated Clock Reference Clock Ground Clock Oivisor 7 Separated Oata Separated Oata SEPCLK REFCLK GNO COO, COl SEPO SEPO 8 Power Supply Voo FUNCTION Oata input signal direct from disk drive. Contains combined clock and data waveform. Clock signal output from the FOOS derived from floppy disk drive serial bit stream. Reference clock input Ground COO and COl control the internal clock divider circuit. Refer to Table 1. (FOC91C36) (FOC92C36) This output is the regenerated data pulse derived from the raw data input. This output is positive for the FOC91 C36 and negative for the FOC92C36. + 5 volt power supply OPERATION A reference clock (REFCLK) of 8 or 16 MHz is divided by the FDDS to provide an internal clock. The division ratio is selected by inputs COO and CD1. The reference clock and division ratio should be chosen per table 1. The FDDS detects the leading edges of the disk data pulses and adjusts the phase of the internal clock to provide the SEPARATED CLOCK output. Separate short and long term timing correctors assure accurate clock separation. The SEPCLK frequency is nominally 1/32 the internal clock frequency. Depending on the internal timing correction, the duration of any SEPCLK half-cycle may vary from a nominal of 16 to a minimum of 12 and a maximum of 21 internal clock cycles. The reference clock (REFCLK) is .divided to provide the internal clock according to pins COO and CD1. TABLE 1 CDl CDO 0 0 0 0 8MHzREFCLK 9.6 MHz l6MHz REFCLK not used not used 51/4"SO 31/2" SOcoi FLOPPY DISK I--=O:::'S::;Kc::D:..:;AT:;,;A_ _ DSKD f - - - - -.....~ RDO FOC179X FLOPPYOISK CONTROLLER FOe 92C36 DRIVE SEPClK f - - - - -......j RDW C[Jf! C01 ~ LOGIC 1 LOGteO ~ TYPICAL SYSTEM CONFIGURATION FOR THE FDC92C36/B (FDC179X Floppy Disk Controller, 5W Drive, Double Density) 16 MHz CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR REFClK SEPD t-----~ ROD FLOPPY DISK I-..:D::::IS::.:K.::DA::T::.A_-1 DSKO FOe 91C368 DRIVE SEPCLK C[Jf! t LOGIC 1 FOC 765A or FOC 7265 FLOPPY DISK CONTROLLER 1------1 RDW CD1 LOOteO TYPICAL SYSTEM CONFIGURATION FOR THE FDC91C36/B (FDC765A Floppy Disk Controller, 1.2 MB 51/4" Drive) Circuit diagrams utilizing SMC products are included as a means of illustrating typical semiconductor applications; consequently complete information sufficient for construction purposes is not necessarily given. The information has been carefully checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, such information does not convey to the purchaser of the semiconductor devices described any license under the patent rights of SMC or others. SMC reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design and supply the best product possible. 500 FOC 9216 FOC 92168 pPC FAMILY Floppy Disk Data Separator FOOS FEATURES PIN CONFIGURATION D PERFORMS COMPLETE DATA SEPARATION FUNCTION FOR FLOPPY DISK DRIVES D SEPARATES FM OR MFM ENCODED DATA FROM ANY MAGNETIC MEDIA D ELIMINATES SEVERAL SSI AND MSI DEVICES NORMALLY USED FOR DATA SEPARATION D NO CRITICAL ADJUSTMENTS REQUIRED D COMPATIBLE WITH STANDARD MICROSYSTEMS' FDC 1791, FDC 1793 AND OTHER FLOPPY DISK CONTROLLERS D SMALL 8-PIN DUAL-IN-LiNE PACKAGE D +5 VOLT ONLY POWER SUPPLY D TTL COMPATIBLE INPUTS AND OUTPUTS DSKD 1 SEPCLK 2 3 4 REFCLK GND 8 7 6 CD1 5 COO Voo SEPD GENERAL DESCRIPTION package to save board real estate, the FDDS operates on +5 volts only and is TTL compatible on all inputs and outputs. The FDC 9216 is available in two versions; the FDC 9216, which is intended for 5'1.' disks and the FDC 92168 for 51f4' and 8" disks. The Floppy Disk Data Separator provides a low cost solution to the problem of converting a single stream of pulses from a floppy disk drive into separate Clock and Data inputs for a Floppy Disk Controller. The FDDS consists primarily of a clock divider, a longterm timing corrector, a short-term timing corrector, and reclocking circuitry. Supplied in an a-pin Dual-In-Line -+5V -GND REFCLK CDO CDl CLOCK DIVIDER DATNCLOCK SEPARATION LOGIC DSKD SEPCLK PULSE _ REGENERATION LOGIC _SEPD EDGE DETECTION LOGIC FLOPPY DISK DATA SEPARATOR BLOCK DIAGRAM 501 DESCRIPTION OF PIN FUNCTIONS PIN NO. 1 NAME Disk Data SYMBOL DSKD 2 Separated Clock SEPCLK 3 4 Reference Clock· Ground Clock Divisor REFCLK GND CDO, CD1 5,6 FUNCTION Data input signal direct from disk drive. Contains combined clock and data waveform. Clock signal output from the FDDS derived from floppy disk drive serial bit stream. Reference clock input Ground CDO and CD1 control the internal clock divider circuit. The internal clock is a submultiple of the REFCLK according to the following table: CD1 CDO 0 0 0 1 1 0 Divisor 1 1 7 Separated Data SEPD 1 SEPD is the data output of the FDDS 8 Power Supply Voo +5 volt power supply 2 4 8 FIGURE 1 TYPICAL SYSTEM CONFIGURATION (5'/4' Drive, Double Density) I 4 MHz CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR I I REFCLK FLOPPY DISK DRIVE SEPD DISK DATA ~ 74 I REGENERATED DATA COO CD1 •• GNDGND 502 • CLK RAW1'!E)i[i FDG 1791 or Equiv. FDC 9216 SEPCLK 1MHz I FLOPPY DISK CONTROLLER DERIVED CLOCK RCLK OPERATION A reference clock (REFCLK) of between 2 and 8 MHz is divided by the FDDS to provide an internal clock. The division ratio is selected by inputs CDO and CD1. The reference clock and division ratio should be chosen per table 1. The FDDS detects the leading edges of the disk data pulses and adjusts the phase of the internal clock to provide the SEPARATED CLOCK output. Separate short and long term timing correctors assure accurate clock separation. The internal clock frequency is nominally 16 times the SEPCLK frequency. Depending on the internal timing correction, the internal clock may be a minimum of 12 times to a maximum of 22 times the SEPCLK frequency. The reference clock (REFCLK) is divided to provide the internal clock according to pins CDO and CD1. TABLE 1: CLOCK DIVIDER SELECTION TABLE DRIVE (8" or 5'1/') 8 8 8 5'1. 5'1. 5'1. 5V. 5'1. DENSITY (DD or SD) DD REFCLK MHz CD1 CDO 8 8 4 8 4 8 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 SD SD DD DD SD SD SD REMARKS }select either one }select either one }select anyone FIGURE 2 INTCLK SEPCLK~r----------L- ____________~------------------L-__________ SEPD--------~~r-------------'~r-------------------,~r--------------- W always two internal clm;k cycles 503 MAXIMUM GUARANTEED RATINGS· Operating Temperature Range .......................................................... O°C to +70°C Storage Temperature Range ........................................................ -55°C to +150°C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10 sec.) ......................................................... +325°C Positive Voltage on any Pin, with respect to ground ............................................... +8.0V Negative Voltage on any Pin, with respect to ground .............................................. -0.3V 'Stresses above those listed may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or at any other condition above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. NOTE: When powering this device from laboratory or system power supplies, it is important that the Absolute Maximum Ratings not be exceeded or device failure can result. Some power supplies exhibit voltage spikes or "glitches" on their outputs when the AC power is switched on and off. In addition, voltage transients on the AC power line may appear on the DC output. If this possibility exists it is suggested that a clamp circuit be used. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TA =O°C to 70°C, VDD =+5V±5%, unless otherwise noted) Parameter D.C. CHARACTERISTICS INPUT VOLTAGE LEVELS Low Level V,L High Level V,H OUTPUT VOLTAGE LEVELS Low Level VOL High Level VOH INPUT CURRENT Leakage I,L INPUT CAPACITANCE All Inputs POWER SUPPLY CURRENT Min. TyP. Units 0.8 V V 0.4 V V 10 pA 10 pF 60 mA 4.3 8.3 2500 2500 250 250 MHz MHz ns ns ns ns ns 100 100 ps ps 2.0 2.4 100 A.C. CHARACTERISTICS Symbol REFCLK Frequency fcy REFCLK Frequency fcy REFCLK High Time tCKH REFCLK Low Time tCKL REFCLK to SEPD "ON" Delay tSOON REFCLK to SEPD "OFF" Delay tSOOFF REFCLK to SEPCLK Delay tSPCK DSKD Active Low Time tOLL DSKD Active High Time tOLH Max. 0.2 0.2 50 50 25 25 35 0.1 0.2 100 100 Comments IOL=1.6mA IOH=-100 pA 0-5V ,N -5V OO FDC 9216 FDC 92168 FIGURE 3: AC CHARACTERISTICS REFCLK _ _ _~~"'l SEPClK-------------------------'C DSKD-----:[ ~ '59,--_ 504 FDC9229T FDC9229BT FLOPPY DISK INTERFACE CIRCUIT FEATURES PIN CONFIGURATION o Digital Data Separator o o o o o o o o Performs complete data separation function for floppy disk drives Separates FM and MFM encoded data No critical adjustments necessary 5%" and 8" compatible Variable Write Precompensation Internal Crystal Oscillator Circuit Track-Selectable Write Precompensation Retriggerable Head-Load Timer Compatible with the FDC 179X, 765, and other standard Floppy Disk Controllers COPLAMOS® n-channel MOS Technology Single + 5 Volt Supply TTL Compatible DSKD .1 I~ 0 ~ u _ owu.J:5 a..o..I-ZJ: ........ n 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 19 P2 MINI 3 18 P1 J WDIN DENS 4 J XTALlCLKIN SEPClK 5 17 PO J EARLY J NC J GND J CLKOUT J NC 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 WLJLJLJLJLJLJ t.)cn~()OI-~ zZ..Jza..::::l...J ~fu C/) 20 Vee .... n n n 25242322212019 NC C 26 P, ( 27 vee C 28 NC ( 1 DSKD C 2 FDCSEL C 3 MINI[ 4 "--./ FDCSEl 2 Z ~86 ;:I PACKAGE: 28-pin PLCC SEPD 6 16 TEST 15 HlD WDOUT 7 14 lATE HlT/ClK 8 13 EARLY ClKOUT 9 12 WDIN GND10 11 ClKIN PACKAGE: 20-pin DIP FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION may be used when writing to the inner and outer tracks of the floppy disk drive. The FDC 9229 operates from a + 5V supply and simply requires that a TTL-level clock be connected to the CLKIN pin. All inputs and outputs are TTL compatible. The FDC 9229 is available in two versions: The FDC 9229/T are intended for 5%"drives and the FDC 92298/T for 5'14" and 8" drives. -- The FDC 9229 is an MOS integrated circuit designed to complement either the 179X or 765 (8272) type of floppy disk controller chip. It incorporates a digital data separator, write precompensation logic, and a head-load timer in one 0.3-inch wide 20-pin package. A single pin will configure the chip to work with either the 179X or 765 type of controller. The FDC 9229 provides a number of different dynamically selected precompensation values so that different values FDC9229 BLOCK DIAGRAM 505 DESCRIPTION OF PIN FUNCTIONS PIN NO. 1 SYMBOL DSKD 1/0 I 2 FDCSEL I 3 MINI I 4 DENS I 5 6 SEPCLK SEPD 0 0 7 8 WDOUT HLT/CLK 0 0 9 CLKOUT 0 10 11 GND CLKIN I 12 13 WDIN EARLY I I 14 LATE I 15 HLD I 16 TEST I 17 18 19 20 PO P1 P2 Vee I I I DESCRIPTION This input is the raw read data received from the drive. (This input is active low.) This input signal, when low, programs the FDC 9229 for a 179X type of LSI controller. When FDCSEL is high, the FDC 9229 is programmed for a 765 (8272) type of controller. (See fig. 4.) The state of this input determines whether the FDC 9229 is configured to support 8" or 5%" floppy disk drive interfaces. It is used in conjunction with the DENS input to prescale the clock for the data separator. The state of this input also alters the CLKOUT frequency, the precompensation value, the head load delay time (when in 179X mode) and the HLT/CLK frequency (when in 765 mode). (See figs. 2, 3, and 4.) The state of this input determines whether the FDC 9229 is configured to support single density (FM) or double density (MFM) floppy disk drive interfaces. It is used in conjunction with the MINI input to prescale the clock for the data separator. The state of this input also alters the CLKOUT frequency when in the 765 mode. (See figs. 2, 3, and 4.) A square-wave window clock signal output derived from the DSKD input. This output is the regenerated data pulse derived from the raw data input (DSKD). This signal may be either active low or active high as determined by FDCSEL (pin 2). The precompensated WRITE DATA stream to the drive. When in the 765 mode (FDCSEL high), this output is the master clock to the floppy disk controller. When in the 179X mode, this signal goes high after the head load delay has occurred following the HLD input going high. This output is retriggerable. (See fig. 3.) This signal is the write clock to the floppy disk controller. Its frequency is determined by the state of the MINI, DENS, and FDCSEL input pins. (See fig. 3.) Ground This input is for direct connection to a 16 MHz or 8 MHz single-phase TTL-level clock. The write data stream from the floppy disk controller. When this input is high, the current WRITE DATA pulse will be written early to the disk. When this input is high, the current WRITE DATA pulse will be written late to the disk. When both EARLY and LATE are low, the current WRITE DATA pulse will be written at the nominal position. This input is only used in 179X mode. A high level at this input causes a high level on the HLT/CLK output after the specified head-load time delay has elapsed. The delay is selected by the state of the MINI output. (See fig. 3.) In 765 mode, this pin should be left floating or grounded. This input (when low) decreases the head-load time delay and initializes the data separator. This pin is for test purposes only. This input has an internal pull-up resistor and should be tied high or disconnected for normal operation. P2-PO select the amount of precompensation applied to the write data. (See fig. 2.) +5 VOLT SUPPLY 506 OPERATION Data Separator The CLKIN input clock is internally divided by the FDC 9229 to provide an internal clock. The division ratio is selected by the FDCSEL, MINI and DENS inputs depending on the type of drive used. (See fig. 1.) FDCSEL 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 The FDC 9229 detects the leading (negative) edges of the disk data pulses and adjusts the phase of the internal clock to provide the SEPCLK output. Separate short- and long-term timing correctors assure accurate clock separation. The SEPCLK frequency is nominally 1116 the internal clock frequency. Depending on the internal timing correction, the duration of any SEPCLK half-cycle may vary from a nominal of 8 to a minimum of 6 and a maximum of 11 internal clock cycles. INPUTS DENS 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 DIVISOR f(CLKIN)/f(INTCLK) 2 MINI 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 4 4 8 4 8 2 4 FIG. 1 INTCLK SEPCLK~r----------~__________~r------------------'L- I _______ LJr---~I--------~LJr------------------'~~------------- SEPD* I I lJ 'polarity of SEPD shown for FDCSEL = low. always two internal clock cycles Precompensation The desired precompensation delay is determined by the state of the PO, P1 and P2 inputs of the FDC 9229 as per fig. 2. Logic levels present on these pins may be changed dynamically as long as the inputs are stable during the time the floppy disk controller is writing to the drive and the inputs meet the minimum setup time with respect to the write data from the floppy disk controller. MINI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 P2 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 P1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 PO 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 MINI PRECOMP VALUE ns 62.5 ns 125 ns 187.5 ns 250 ns 250 ns 312.5 ns 312.5 ns P2 P1 PO 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 PRECOMP VALUE o ns 125 250 375 500 500 625 625 ns ns ns ns ns ns ns o NOTE: All values shown are obtained with a 16 MHz reference clock. Multiply pre-comp values by two for 8 MHz operation. FIG. 2 WRITE PRECOMPENSATION VALUE SELECTION 507 OPERATION. (CONT'O) Head Load Timer The head load time delay is either 40 ms or 80 ms, depending on the state of MINI. (See fig. 3.) The purpose of this delay is to ensure that the head has enough time to engage properly. The head load timer is only used in the 179X mode; it is non-functional in the 765 mode. FDCSEL 0 0 0 0 INPUTS DENS 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 The FDC 179X initiates the loading of the floppy disk drive head by setting HLD high. The controller then waits the programmed amount of time until the HLT signal from the FDC 9229 goes high before starting a read or write operation. 0 1 0 1 OUTPUTS CLKOUT HLT/CLK 2MHz 40ms' 80ms' 1 MHz 2MHz 40ms' 80ms' 1 MHz 0 1 0 1 500 KHz 250 KHz 1 MHz 500 KHz MINI 8MHz 4MHz 8MHz 4MHz NOTE: All values shown are obtained with a 16 MHz reference clock. Divide all frequencies and multiply all periods by two for 8 MHz operation. 'May be mask programmed at factory to any value from 1 to 512 ms in 15.625 f-Ls increments (MINI low) or 1 to 1024 ms in 31.25 f-Ls increments (MINI high). FIG. 3 CLOCK AND HEAD LOAD TIME DELAY SELECTION FDCSEL 0 0 0 0 INPUTS DENS 0 0 1 1 MINI 0 1 0 1 FLOPPY DISK DRIVE TYPE 8"DRIVE 5%"DRIVE 8"DRIVE 5W'DRIVE FLOPPY DISK DRIVE DENSITY DOUBLE DOUBLE SINGLE SINGLE FLOPPY DISK CONTROLLER TYPE 179X 179X 179X 179X 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 8"DRIVE 5W'DRIVE 8"DRIVE 5W'DRIVE SINGLE SINGLE DOUBLE DOUBLE 765 (8272) 765 (8272) 765 (8272) 765 (8272) FIG. 4 FLOPPY DISK DRIVE AND CONTROLLER SELECTION 508 MAXIMUM GUARANTEED RATINGS' Operating Temperature Range ........................................................................ O°C to + 70°C Storage Temperature Range ........................................................................ - 55° to + 150°C lead Temperature (soldering, 10 sec.) ....................................................................... + 300°C Positive Voltage on any 1/0 Pin, with respect to ground ......................................................... + 8.0V Negative Voltage on any I/O Pin, with respect to ground. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. - 0.3V Power Dissipation .......................................................................................... 0.75W ·Stresses above those listed may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or at any other condition above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. NOTE: When powering this device from laboratory or system power supplies, it is important that the Absolute Maximum Ratings not be exceeded or device failure can result. Some power supplies exhibit voltage spikes or "glitches" on their outputs when the AC power is switched on and off. In addition, voltage transients on the AC power line may appear on the DC output. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TA = 0°Ct070°C, Vee = 5V ±5%) PARAMETER DC CHARACTERISTICS INPUT VOLTAGE lowlevelVIL High level V,H ClKIN INPUT VOLTAGE low level High level MIN TYP MAX UNIT -0.3 2.0 0.8 (Vee) V V -0.3 2.4 0.8 (Vee) V V 0.4 V OUTPUT VOLTAGE low level VOL High level V OH 2.4 V CONDITIONS Except ClKIN 10L 10L 10H 10H = 1.6 mAexcept HlT/ClK = 0.4 mA, HlTIClK only = -1QOf1AexceptHlT/ClK = -400 f1A, HlT/ClKonly = OtoVee POWER SUPPLY CURRENT I" INPUT lEAKAGE CURRENT I'L INPUT CAPACITANCE C'N ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TA PARAMETER AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS ClKIN frequency ClKIN DUTY CYCLE talkoh t...o I" I"NEe tWdE t.dN t.dL t, = O°C to 70°C, Vee MIN = 100 mA 10 f1A V,N 10 25 pF pF Except ClKIN ClKINonly MAX UNIT 5V ± 5% TYP All times assume ClKIN 3.95 3.95 25 465 215 90 280 50 0 500 16 8 16.2 8.1 75 515 265 140 350 400 400 562.5 625 precomp value 2x precojP value 500 250 125 312.5 1.0 = 16 MHz unless otherwise specified) MHz MHz % ns ns ns ns ns ns ns f1S 509 CONDITIONS FDC9229B FDC9229 FDCSEl = low; MINI = high. FDCSEl = low; MINI = low. FDCSEl = high. Time Doubles with MINI = 1 9 clock times ± 1 clock time See fig. 2 See fig. 2 AC TIMING CHARACTERISTICS HLT/CLK (765 MODE) ~. WDOUT PULSE WIDTH ~ I 4or8 MHz }=tWO,==f CLKOUT VS. WDIN TIMING 179X MODE ~"1 CLKOUT WDIN I I \ \ 1,2, or 4 ,",sec. 765 (8272) MODE r-\ ~ CLKOUT t dNEC ---t,-- I WDIN SET-UP TIME PI, P1 AND P2 TO WDIN P0, P1, P2 c~o"' WDIN t. -i.. (765) WDIN tClkOh ~ / CLKOUT " " ' (179X) CLKOUT CLKOUT \. -..J IIIIIIIIIIIIII 'WDOUT (EARLY) - - . . J _t..", PRECOMPENSATION 1 WDOUT (NOMINAL) ~t"dL WDOUT (LATE) Ref. to Fig. 2 for ~ i (precompensation) value 510 '- TYPICAL SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION-765 (8272) FOC r--1> DRIVE A ~l 765(8272) r= G1 1 ~ FRISTP ~ LCT/DIR ~ -iq- WP/TS FLTITR0 G2 2SIDED WPRT TRK00 FAULT RW/SEEK 0007 (:) DB0DB7 FAULT RST STEP LOW CUR DIR I"'""'[) NT-4- INT US1 CS--- CS RD ___ RD WR _ WR A 0 _ A0 US0 TC ~ D E HDL l FDC9229 I-- TC r WDA PS0 PS1 RDW EARLY LATE SEPCLK DSKD RDD SEPD MFM WCK CLK ~ HLD TEST FDCSEL WDOUT WDIN +5V RES ET ..... RST .,., -- I~ ~r- P2 MINI DENS CLKOUT HLT/CLK P1 P0 CLKIN <$- ----'\ ---I WDATA RAW READ ~~tr;~~ ~~ -~ • 16MHz TTL INPUT LATCH D0-D7 DRSEL3 DRSEL2 DRSEL1 0 RDY ~RDY IDX IDX WE ~WE HD ~SIOESEL DRO-4- DRO CK ___ OA DACK DRSEL4 E C RDY RDY IDY WE IDX WE SIDESEL SIDE MOTOR ON A --.J "The FDC9229/B, as all other NMOS integrated circuits, presents a high impedance on all inputs. To avoid soft errors caused by transmission line effects and noise where there is long cabling between the floppy disk drive and the controller board, the use of a (non-inverting) k"bL schmidt-trigger input gate or bus transceiver is recommended at the DS input to the FDC9229/B. 511 TYPICAL SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION-179X FOC DRIVE 179X TRK00 WPRT INDEX READY DIR STEP TR00 WPRT I.p. READY DIR STEP WRITE GATE WG D0-D7 W INT D RO _ _ _ RO _ _ _ HLD DAL0DAL7 INTREO DRO R E - " RE W E - . . WE CS _ _ CS AI _ _ AI A0 - - . A0 ET _ _ RES MR RAWRD HLT RCLK DDEN WD EARLY LATE TG43 L - HLD FDC-9229 HLD SEPD DSKD HLT/CLK SEPCLK FDCSEL DENS MINI WDIN EARLY LATE WDOUT TEST' P2 PI CLKOUT CLKIN CLK ! P0 h <8!... ~V" RAW READ WDATA ~~ ::~ ..c 0- ~~ .". 16MHz TTL INPUT LATCH LCUR ,.,' =:> MOTOR ON SIDE SEL3 SEL2 SELl A. --.J 'The FDC9229/B, as all other NMOS integrated circuits, presents a high impedance on all inputs. To avoid soft errors caused by transmission line effects and noise where there is long cabling between the floppy disk drive and the controller board, the use of a (nOn-invertin~sTlL schmidt-trigger input gate or bus transceiver is recommended at the D input to the FDC9229/B. STANDARD MICROSVSTEMS CORPORATION 35MifcusBlvd.~~V1118a (5161273·3100 TWl(·510·221·11898 Circuit diagrams utilizing SMC products are included as a means of illustrating typical semiconductor applications; consequently complete information sufficient for construction purposes is not necessarily given. The information has been carefully checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, such information does not convey to the purchaser of the semiconductor devices described any license under the patent rights of SMC or others. SMC reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design and supply the best product possible. 512 FDC 92C38/92C38B FDC 92C38T/92C38BT PRELIMINARY CMOS Floppy Disk Data Separator and Clock Generator PIN CONFIGURATION FEATURES o High Performance Digital Data Separator with o o o o o o o o Synthetic Oscillator and Phase Lock Loop for industry standard FDC 765A and FDC 7265 Performs complete data separation function for floppy disk drives Eliminates all adjustments normally associated with high performance data separators Compatible with 3.5", 5.25" and 8" drives and data rates up to 500 KBs Internal Crystal Oscillator Circuit provides all clocks required by FDC 765A and FDC 7265 Fabricated in power saving CMOS 16-Bit half Cell Divide Algorithm greatly improves performance over conventional digital designs Single + 5 Volt supply Fully TTL compatible v" [ CDo CD, SEPClK SEPD ClK WClK [ [ [ [ [ [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ~ DSKD J V" J NC ~ XTAl, ~ GND, 9 ~ XTAl,lClKIN 8 JGND, 14 13 12 11 10 14 Pin DIP FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION The FDC 92C38 is a CMOS integrated circuit designed to complement the FDC 765A (8272A) or the FDC 7265 floppy disk controller. It incorporates a high performance, synthetic phase locked loop digital data separator and clock generator in one 0.3 inch wide 14 pin package. The use of a high performance synthetic phase locked loop data separator allows the system designer to replace (without sacrificing performance) a costly and board consuming analog data separator (and the tuning normally required with an analog design) with a cost effective, single chip digital circuit. The FDC 92C38 is available in four versions: the FDC 92C38/T which is intended for disk transfer rates up to 250 kilobits per second and the FDC 92C38B/T is intended for disk transfer rates up to 500 kilobits per second. 513 DATA SEPARATOR CLOCK PRESCALER ~---i----------------------------------------+-------------~wc~ C~ FDC 92C38 BLOCK DIAGRAM DRIVE SIZE AND DATA RATE SELECT '--- FLOPPY DISK DRIVE RAW DATA I'>.: "t;Y CDo CD, SEPD RDD ClK ClK DSKD 8/16 MHz or XTAl, TTL INPUT- XTAl2 WCLK (XTAl 1 ONLy) I . ~ ...J u a. w (/) ROW FDC92C38 The FDC92C38JB/T, as all other CMOS Integrated circUits, presents a high impedance on all inputs To avoid soft errors caused by transmission line effects and noise where there is long cabling between the floppy disk drive and the controller board, the use of a (non-inverting) TTL schmidt-trigger input gate or bus transceiver is recommended at the DSKD input to the FDC92C38JBfT. TYPICAL SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION 514 WClK DESCRIPTION OF PIN FUNCTIONS PIN NO. 1/0 I SYMBOL 1 2,3 V" COo,CO, 4 SEPClK 0 5 SEPO 0 6 ClK 0 7 WClK 0 8 9 GNO, XTAl,lClKIN I 10 11 GN02 XTAl2 I I 12 13 14 NC Voc OSKO I I DESCRIPTION This pin MUST be tied to Voc. These inputs select the appropriate internal clock divisor for the data rate of the disk data, the ClK output to the FOC and the WClK output to the FOC. Refer to Table 1. A Square wave window clock signal output derived from the OSKO input. This output is the regenerated data pulse derived from the raw data input (OSKO). To insure complete compatibility with the FOC 765A and FOC 7265, this output is positive going. This output provides the clock signal for the FOC 765A or FOC 7265. This output provides the write clock signal for the FOC 765A or FOC 7265. Ground This input is for direct connection to an 8 or 16 MHz singlephase TTL level clock, or one lead from an 8 or 16 MHz crystal. This pin must be tied to ground. In the FOC 92C38 and FOC 92C38B, the second lead from an 8 or 16 MHz crystal is connected to this pin. In the FOC 92C38T and FOC 92C38BT, this pin should be left floating. No -connection should be made to this pin. +5 Volts This input is the raw read data received from the drive. (This input is active lOw.) I OPERATION The high performance digital data separator incorporated in the FDC 92C38 will accept data from the floppy disk drive at 125 KHz, 250 KHz, or 500 KHz data rates and output the appropriate regenerated clock and data signals. The heart of the digital floppy disk data separator section is a synthetic oscillator phase locked loop. One half-bit cell of the incoming data stream corresponds to one cycle of the synthetic oscillator. Each oscillator cycle consists nominallyof 16 phase slices. The circuit, therefore, needs a phase slice clock with a frequency of 16 times the half-bit cell time. Detection of an input pulse away from the center of its halfbit "slot" causes a phase correction to be applied to the synthetic oscillator, bringing the center of the half-bit slot closer to the pulse. INTCLK The end-of-cycle signal from the synthetic oscillator defines the derived clock waveform and the duration of each halfbit slot. If there is a flux transition during the half-bit slot, it is remembered and used to regenerate the data waveform pulses immediately following the end-of-cycle. A short history of input pulse detections (which induce phase corrections by the FDC 92C38) is kept. This history is used to allow subsequent phase corrections to request upward or downward changes in center frequency, and helps compensate for drive speed variations. This, along with separate short term and long term correction algorithms, assures accurate floppy disk data separation. S~-ULJ !! t SEPCLK ~ 1 I I I II I SEPD _ _---===---!r-l a:=~ ~l :,c: i I J-+- I I I I i i I I I I ~L _____________ I : I~ always 4 internal clock cycles iii 515 I I I 1 ~r-oL- _ _ _ _ __ MAXIMUM GUARANTEED RATINGS Operating Temperature Range .................................................................................................................................................................... O°C to + 70°C Storage Temperature Range ................................................................................................................................................................. -55°C to + 150°C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10 sec.) .......,......................................................................................................................................................... + 300°C Positive Voltage on any I/O Pin, with respect to ground ........................................................................................................................... Vee + 0.3V Negative Voltage on any I/O Pin, with respect to ground .................................................................................................................................... -{).3V Maximum Vee ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... + 7V Power Dissipation ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 0.25W Stresses above those listed may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other condition above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. NOTE: When powering this device from laboratory or system power supplies, it is important that the Absolute Maximum Ratings not be exceeded or device failure can result. Some power supplies exhibit voltage spikes or "glitches" on their outputs when the AC power is switched on and off. In addition, voltage transients on the AC power line may appear on the DC output. INPUT VOLTAGE Low (V,,) High (V'H) XTAUClKIN INPUT Low (V,J High (V'H) E Low (Vo,) High (VOH ) POWER SUPPLY CURRENT I.. INPUT lEAKAGE CURRENT I" -0.3 2.0 O.B V.. V -0.3 3.2 1.5 V.. V V 0.4 V 2.4 Except XTAUClKIN La, =1.6 ma, except ~ = 0.4 ma, ClK only LaH = -100""a, except ClK LaH = - 400""a, ClK only TBD TBD TBD CHARACTERISTICS (All times assume XTAUClKIN = 16 MHz unless otherwise specified) ClKIN Frequency 3.95 3.95 ClKIN Duty Cycle 40 TCU DRIVE 7265 or 765 (8272) J r= WP/TS (::) FRISTP LCTIDIR N T _ INT USI C S - CS R D _ RD W R _ WR A0~ A0 oR O _ DRO OACK ........ DACK US0 2 SIDED WPRT TRK00 FAULT FAULT RST STEP lOW CUR DIR roE DRSEL4 C 0 D E R ~ HDL FDC92C39 RDY ~RDY IDX IDX WE WE HD SIDE SEL +5V r--- r--r--- TC ........ TC ET __ RST RES EARLY LATE -SEPCLK OSKD ROD SEPO CLK II ~ MINI DENS CLKOUT HLT/CLK P2 PI XTAL 1 P0 XTAL2 ! ! 16 MHzXTAL OR TTL INPUT (XTAL 1 ONLY) LATCH -'\ HLD .,... ~ ~ WDATA RAW READ o-r- ~~r~~r_0- ~ RDY IDY WE SIOESEL -.I DRSEL3 DRSEL2 DRS ELI 1 FDCSEL WDOUT WDIN WDA PS0 PSI RDW MFM WCK 00-D7 G2 -1t1- -B?L RW/SEEK DB0DB7 1t r FLTlTR0 D0D7 Gl ROY lOX WE SIDE MOTOR ON A ~ *The FOC 92C39/B, as all other NMOS integrated circuits, presents a high impedance on all inputs. To avoid soft errors caused by transmission line effects and noise where there is long cabling between the floppy disk drive and the controller board, the use of a (non-inverting) TIL schmidt·-lrigger input gate or bus transceiver is recommended at the DSKD input to 'the FDC 92C39/B. 523 TYPICAL SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION-179X FOC OR 979X FOC DRIVE 179X READY DIR STEP TRK00 WPRT INDEX READY DIR STEP WG WRITE GATE TR00 WPRT I.p. D0-D7 W HLD HLD DAL0DAL7 FDC92C39 RAWRD HLT RO _ _ _ INT INTREO RCLK RO _ _ _ D DRO RE ____ DDEN RE WE ____ WE CS ____ CS WD A1 ____ A1 EARLY A0 _ _ A0 LATE ET ___ TG43 RES MR ~ HLD SEPD HLT/CLK DSKD SEPCLK FDCSEL ---- DENS MINI WDIN EARLY LATE WDOUT P2 P1 CLK CLKOUT XTAL 1 PO XTAL2 ~16MHJ h <8!.- RAW READ ~ WDATA ~~.... tgE .... .". OR TTL INPUT (XTAL 1 ONLY) LATCH LCUR MOTOR ON SIDE SEL3 SEL2 SEL1 ~D'~ A -----1 'The FDC 92C39/B, as all other CMOS integrated circuits, presents a high impedance on all inputs. To avoid soft errors caused by transmission line effects and noise where there is long cabling between the floppy disk drive and the controller board, the use of a (non-inverting) TTL schmidt-trigger input gate or bus transceiver is recommended at the DSKD input to the FDC 92C39/B. Circuit diagrams utilizing SMC products are included as a means o~ illustrating typical semiconductor applications; consequently complete information sufficient for construction purposes is not necessarily given. The information has been carefully checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, such information does not convey to the purchaser of the semiconductor devices described any license under the patent rights of SMC or others. SMC reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design and supply the best product possible. 524 FDC9266 Single/Double Density Enhanced Floppy Disk Controller PIN CONFIGURATION FEATURES o Combination Floppy Disk Controller and Floppy Disk Interface o Software compatible with industry standard FDC 765A o On chip digital data separator o o o o o o o o o eliminates critical analog adjustments On-chip drive control logic reduces component count. IBM compatible in both single and double density recording formats Programmable data record lengths: 128, 256, 512, or 1024 bytes/sector Multi-sector and multi-track transfer capability Controls up to 4 floppy disk drives Data Scan Capability-will scan a single sector or entire track's worth of data fields, comparing on a byte by byte basis, data in the processor's memory with the data read from the diskette Data transfers in DMA or nonDMAmode Single 8 MHz TTL clock input Single + 5 Volt power supply HDl FRlSTP lCT/DtR RW/SEEK Vee NC RST RD WR CS 40 3938373635343332313029 28 1 2 3 4 5 A, rErErErffriI U rifrifmOI" ooooozooogs.~ RESET 1 RD 2 WI'i 3 C'S 4 A, 5 WE DB, 6 P0 DB, 7 DSKD DB, 8 ClK DB, 9 MINI DB,10 NC DB,ll GND DB,12 TEST DB,13 tNT ORO 14 lOX DA<::K 15 TC TC 16 lOX 17 INT 18 TEST 19 GND 20 PACKAGE: 44-pin PlCC o Parallel Seek operations on up to four drives o Compatible with most microprocessors 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 Vee RW/SEEK lCT/DIR FRISTP HDl ROY WP/TS FlT/TR, P2 PI WDOUT US, Us, HD MFM WE P0 DSKD ClK MINI PACKAGE: 4O-pin D.I.P. o COPLAMOS® n-channel silicon gate technology o Available in 40-pin Dual-in-Line package and 44-pin PLCC GENERAL DESCRIPTION The FDC 9266 is a monolithic combination of the industry standard FDC 765A Floppy Disk Controller and the FDC 9229 Floppy Disk Interface Circuit. It preserves all of the processor hardware and software interfaces to the FDC 765A, and contains on-chip circuitry to simplify drive interfacing. These on-chip enhancements include a digital data separator, compatible with 5.25" and 8" drives. The data separator separates both FM (Single Density) and MFM (Double Density) encoded data, and requires no external adjustments. The FDC 9266 also allows variable write precompensation, which is track selectable. These enhancements greatly reduce the number of components required to interface floppy disks to a microprocessor system. There are 15 separate commands which the FDC 9266 will execute. Each of these commands requires multiple 8-bit bytes to fully specify the operation which the processor wishes the FDC to perform. The following commands are available: Read Data ReadlD Read Deleted Data Read a Track Scan Equal Scan High or Equal Scan Low or Equal Specify Write Data Format a Track Write Deleted Data Seek Recalibrate (Restore to Track 0) Sense Interrupt Status Sense Drive Status Address mark detection circuitry is internal to the FDC which simplifies the read electronics. The track stepping rate, head load time, and head unload time may be programmed by the user. The FDC 9266 offers many additional features such as multiple sector transfers in both read and write with a single command, and full IBM compatibility in both single and double density modes. 525 I DBa., REGISTERS DATA SEPARATOR SERIAL INTERFACE CONTROLLER OAQ AND PRECOMP LOGIC om DSK DATA WDOUT PO PI P2 INT ii1i W- READV WRITE PROTECT/TWO SlOE INDEX FAULT/TRACK 0 MINI '0 RESET Co elK Vee GNO -- UNIT SELECT 0 UNIT SELECT 1 MFMMODE RwISEEK HEAD LOAD - HEAD SELECT LOW CURRENT/DIRECTION FAULT RESET/STEP BLOCK DIAGRAM DRIVE 2 SIDED S:==========~WPRT TRK 00 FAULT FOC 9266 r:==================~~FITRST ~ RW/SEEK DB0-DB7 P0 P1 P2 OB0OB7 ROY lOX WE HO HOL INT INT CS AD CS AD WR WR A0 ORO A0 STEP t - - - - - - - - - -......-t 0IR t---1~------......-tLOWCUR WP/TS FLTfTR0 FRISTEP LCTIDIR PRECOMPENSATION SELECT ROY lOX WE SIDE SEL __________________________________________ = ~ ~HLO ~~~~~~~~~~~~DRSEL4 US1 ORSEL3 DRSEL2 DRSEL1 US0 OSKO RAW READ ORO OACK TC RESET TC RST MINI MFM ROY lOX WE SIDE SEL LATCH r-_________ OB0-0B7 TYPICAL APPLICATION 526 ~~MOTORON DESCRIPTION OF PIN FUNCTIONS 1 PIN SYMBOL RST 2 Reset INPUT/ OUTPUT Input CONNECTION TO Processor RD Read Input~ Processor 3 WR Write Input® Processor 4 CS Chip Select Input Processor 5 Ao Data/Status Reg Select Input~ Processor DBo-DB, Data Bus Processor 14 DRO DMA 15 DACK DataDMA Request DMA Acknowledge Input® Output Output Input DMA 16 TC Terminal Count Input DMA 17 IDX Index Input FDD 18 INT Interrupt Output Processor 19 TEST Test Input 20 21 GND MINI Ground Mini Input 22 ClK 8MHz TTL Clock Raw Data Precompensation Select Input Input Input FDD Processor NO·CD 6-13 23 24,31,32 DSKD PO, P1, P2 NAME Processor 25 26 WE MFM Write Enable MFM Mode Output Output FDD 27 HD Head Select Output FDD US" USo WDOUT FlTITRo Unit Select Write Data Out FaultlTrack 0 Output Output Input FDD FDD FDD WP/TS Write Protect/ Two-Side Input FDD 28,29 30 33 34 NOTES: CD ® For DIP package. Disabled when CS=1. 527 FUNCTION Places FDC in idle state. Resets output lines to FDD to "0" (low). Does not effect SRT, HUT or HlT in Specify command. If RDY pin is held high during Reset, FDC will generate interrupt 1.024 ms later. To clear this interrupt use Sense Interrupt Status command. Control signal for transfer of data from FDC to Data Bus, when "0" (low). Control signal for transfer of data to FDC via Data Bus, when "0" (low). IC selected when...::.Q:' (low), allowing RD and WR to be enabled. Selects Data Reg (Ao = 1) or Status Reg (Ao = 0) contents of the FDC to be sent to Data Bus. Bi-DirectionaI8-Bit Data Bus. DMA Request is being made by FDC when DRW = "1'. DMA cycle is active when "0" (low) and Controller is performing DMA transfer. Indicates the termination of a DMA transfer when "1" (high). It terminates data transfer during Read/Write/Scan command in DMA or interrupt mode. Indicates the beginning of a disk track. Interrupt Request Generated by FDC. This pin is for test purposes only. Should be left tied high in normal operation. D.C. Power Return. This input, when set to "1" (high), configures the FDC for operation with 5.25" floppies. If reset to "0" (low), then the FDC is configured for 8" drive operation. Device clock. Raw data from drive. These pins select the amount of precompensation applied to the write data. Enables write data into FDD. MFM mode when "1;' FM mode when "0." Head 1 selected when "1" (high). Head 2 selected when "0" (low). FDD Unit Selected. Serial clock and data bits to FDD. Senses FDD fault condition, in Read/Write mode; and Track 0 condition in Seek mode. Senses Write Protect status in Read/Write mode; and Two Side Media in Seek mode. DESCRIPTION OF PIN FUNCTIONS PIN SYMBOL NO.(j) INPUT/ CONNECTION TO OUTPUT NAME 35 RDY Ready Input FDD 36 HDL Head Load Output FDD 37 FR/STP Fit Reset/Stop Output FDD 38 LCT/DIR Low Current/ Direction Output FDD 39 RW/SEEK Read Write/SEEK Output FDD 40 Vee +5V ® NOTES: (j) For DIP package. FUNCTION Indicates FDD is ready to send or receive data. Command which causes read/ write head in FDD to contact diskette. Resets fault F.F. in FDD in Read/ Write mode, contains stop pulses to move head to another cylinder in Seek mode. Lowers Write current on tracks;;:::42 in Read/Write mode, determines direction head will stop in Seek mode. A fault reset pulse is issued at the beginning of each Read or Write command prior to the occurrence of the Head Load signal. When "I" (high) Seek mode selected and when "0" (low) Read/ Write mode selected. DC Power. - Disabled when GS=I. DESCRIPTION OF INTERNAL REGISTERS The FDG 9266 contains two registers which may be accessed by the main system processor; a Status Register and. a Data Register. The 8-bit Main Status Register contains the status information of the FDC, and may be accessed at any time. The 8-bit Data Register (actually consists of several registers in a stack with only one register presented to the data bus at a time), which stores data, commands, parameters, and FDD status information. Data bytes are read out of, or written into, the Data Register in order to program or obtain the results after a particular command. The Status Register may only be read and used to facilitate the transfer of data between the processor and FDC9266. The relation~ between the Status/Data registers and the signals RD, WR, and Ao is shown below. A. RD WR 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 FUNCTION Read Main Status Register Illegal Illegal Illegal Read from Data Register Write into Data Register The bits in the Main Status Register are defined as follows: BIT NUMBER DBo NAME FDDO Busy SYMBOL DESCRIPTION FDD number 0 is in the Seek mode. If any of the bits is set FDG will not accept read or write command. DB, FDD 1 Busy FDD number 1 is in the Seek mode. If any of the bits is set D,B FOG will not accept read or write command. DB, FDD 2 Busy D,B FDD number 2 is in the Seek mode. If any of the bits is set FDC will not accept read or write command. DB, FDD 3 Busy FDD number 3 is in the Seek mode. If any of the bits is set D,B FOG will not accept read or write command. DB, FDG Busy A read or write command is in process. FDC will not accept GB any other command. . Execution Mode This bit is set only during execution phase in non-DMA mode. DB. EXM When DB, goes low, execution phase has ended, and result phase was started. It operates only during NON-DMA mode of operation. Data Input/Output Indicates direction of data transfer between FDC and Data DB. 010 Register. If DIO = "I" then transfer is from Data Register to the Processor. If 010 = "0", then transfer is from the Processor to Data Register. DB, Request for Master Indicates Data Register is readYt to send or receive data to or ROM from the Processor. Both bits D 0 and ROM should be used to perform the hand-shaking functions of "ready" and "direction" to the processor. The DIO and ROM bits in the Status ~ister indicate when Data is ready and in which direction data will be transferred on the Data Bus. The max time between the last RD or WR during command or result phase and 010 and ROM getting set or reset is 12 fLs. For this reason every time Main Status Register is read the CPU should wait 12 fLs. The max time from the trailing edge of the last RD in the result phase to when DB, (FOG Busy) goes low is 12 fLs. DoB 528 COMMAND SEQUENCE The FOC 9266 is capable of performing 15 different commands. Each command is initiated by a multi-byte transfer from the processor, and the result after execution of the command may also be a mUlti-byte transfer back to the processor. Because of this multi-byte interchange of information between the FOC 9266 and the processor, it is convenient to consider each command as consisting of three phases: Out FoC and Into Processor Data InfOut (010) Command Phase: Notes: 0 -Data register ready to be written into by processor Execution Phase: [[] -Data register not ready to be written into by processor @]-DataregisterreadYfOrnextdatabytetobereadbY the processor [[] -Data reg1ster not ready for next data byte to be read by processor Result Phase: COMMAND SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL The FOC receives all information required to perform a particular operation from the processor. The FOC performs the operation it was instructed to do. After completion of the operation, status and other housekeeping information are made available to the processor. A" NAME Address Line 0 DESCRIPTION Ao controls selection of Main Status Register (Ao = 0) or Data Register C Cylinder Number 0 D7-DO Data Data Bus DTL Data Length EOT End ofTrack GPL Gap Length H HD Head Address Head HLT Head Load Time HUT Head Unload Time MF MT FM or MFM Mode Multi-Track N NCN Number New Cylinder Number ND PCN R RIW SC SK SRT Non-DMA Mode Present Cylinder Number Record Read/Write Sector Skip Step Rate Time STO ST1 ST2 ST3 Status 0 Status 1 Status 2 Status 3 C stands for the current/selected Cylinder (track) number 0 through 76 of the medium. o stands for the data pattern which is going to be written into a Sector. 8-bit Data Bus, where D7 stands for a most significant bit, and Do stands for a least significant bit. When N is defined as 00, OTL stands for the data length which users are going to read out or write into the Sector. EOT stands for the final Sector number on a Cylinder. During Read or Write operation FDC will stop date transfer after a sector # equal to EOT. GPL stands for the length of Gap 3. During ReadlWrite commands this value determines the number of bytes that VCOs will stay low after two CRC bytes. During Format command it determines the size of Gap 3. H stands for head nu_mber 0 or 1, as specified in ID field. HD stands for a selected head number 0 or 1 and controls the polarity of pin 27. (H = HD in all command words.) HLT stands for the head load time in the FDD (2 to 254 ms in 2 ms increments). HUT stands for the head unload time after a read or write operation has occurred (16 to 240 ms in 16 ms increments). If MF is low, FM mode is selected, and if it is high, MFM mode is selected. If MT is high, a multi-track operation is to be Berformed. If MT = 1 after finishing ReadlWrite operation on side 0 FD will automatically start searching for sector 1 on side 1. N stands for the number of data bytes written in a Sector. NCN stands for a new Cylinder number, which is~Oing to be reached as a result of the Seek operation. Desired position of ead. ND stands for operation in the Non-DMA Mode. PCN stands for the Cylinder number at the completion of SENSE INTERRUPT STATUS Command. Position of Head at present time. R stands for the Sector number, which will be read or written. R/W stands for either Read (R) or Write (W) signal. SC indicates the number of Sectors per Cylinder. SK stands for Skip Deleted Data Address Mark. SRT stands for the SteWing Rate for the FDD. (1 to 16 ms in 1 ms increments~) Steppir:!9 ate applies to all drives, (F = 1 ms, E = 2 ms, etc.). ST 0-3 stand for one of four registers which store the status information after a command has been executed. This information is available durin~the result phase after command execution. These registers should not e confused with the main status register (selected by A" = 0). ST 0-3 may be read only after a command has been executed and contain information relevant to that particular command. During a Scan operation, if STP = 1, the data in continguous sectors is compared byte by byte with data sent from the processor (or DMA); and if STP = 2, then alternate sectors are read and compared. US stands for a selected drive number 0 or 1. STP USO, US1 Unit Select (A" = 1). 529 INSTRUCTION SET CD @ PHASE RIW I I I DATA BUS 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 DO I REMARKS Command W MT MF SK R/W 07 Command W o W X 06 Os D 0 W XXXXHOUS1USO ====:R'==== ---------N--------- w w -------EOT:===== -=====GPL - Command Codes Sector 10 information prior W to Command execution. The W 4 bytes are commanded against W header on Floppy Oisk. W W W Data-transfer between the FDD and main-system ---------5TO:::::::::: --------ST 1 R C,== R H R R W w w w R R R R R R Command execution R N w w w w w Execution Relult R R MT MF SK X X 0 X HD US1 usa ====:~,==== -------N-------- ===:EOT·--==== = ---------DTL------------------STO---------- =::::::~~ ~:=::::::= ===~====== to Command execution. The 4 bytes are commanded against header on Floppy Disk. W MT Result Data-transfer between the F DO and main-system Sector ID information after Commend execution XXXXXHOUS1USO ===H====== --------R--------EOT ------N{~~~~~ --------GPL --------DTL w Execution R R R R Status information after Command execution Command Codes HO US1 USO Data-transfer between t he FOO and main-svstem_ FOC reads all data fialds from index hole to Ear • Status information after Command execution Sector 10 information after Command execution N o MF 0 a X x x X Commands X HO US1 usa ---------STO------===-STST2'==== = -------C--------H The first correct 10 information on the Cylinder is stored in Data Register Status information after Command execution Sector 10 information read during Execution Phase from Floppy Disk N FORMAT A TRACK Command a W W Sector 10 information prior to Command execution. The 4 bytes are commanded against header on Floppy Disk. Sector 10 information prior to Command execution R R MF X a a X Command Codes X X HO USt USO Bvtes/Sector Sectors/Track Gap 3 Filler Byte w Command Codes w w w w w a a X w 0 W w 0 X Execution N 0 X H w w GPL- MF REMARKS READ 10 Command Sector 10 information prior WRITE DATA Command X Command Codes X R R R MF SK ------ST 0---------------ST ,-------------S~2~===== Result Sector 10 information after READ DELETED DATA Command DD Execution Slatus information after Command execution ST 2 R D ~~'==== -EOT~ DTL =====GPL W DTL Execution Result 0:1 02 READ A TRACK 0 w w w w w J DATA BUS PHASE READ DATA w w Execution FOC formats an entire track ====STO==== = ST' --------ST2---------- Result R R R ====C==== W W MT MF SK X X X R R R Data-transfer between the main-system and FOO Status information after Command execution In this case, the 10 information has no meaning R N SCAN EQUAL R R Result ST 0 ST 1 ST2------ R R C R H R R R N Status information after Command execution Command w Sector 10 information after Command execution MF X X W == DTL ==::-:GPL==== = W W Execution Result ~: a MT W W W W R R R R R R R 0 X a W W 1 X X HO US1 1 Command Codes 11 ~E~:;=T ST'ST2 ====: § STO' ~==== 0 0 HO US1 1 C H R ---------- W W EOT GPL.--------- N-:===== Data-compered between the FOD and maln-system Result R R R Data-transfer between the FOO and main-svstem Status information aft8'l' Command execution Sec~or 10 information after Commend execution =====::-:~====== G) Symbols used in thil table ere dncrit.d at the end of thlsl8Ction. <%I AO should equel blNry 1 for ell operations. ~ X ,. Don't ca.... Ulually made to equal binary O. 530 Sector 10 information prior to Command execution STP ---------- Execution Sector 10 information prior to Command execution. The 4 bytes are commanded against header on Floppy Disk. Command Codes usa W W usa C 0 X W W WRITE DELETED DATA Command 1 X =====E!===== ~:==== --------N--------- Status information after Command execution Sector 10 information after Command execution INSTRUCTION SET (CONT.) I PHASE R/W Os 06 0 03 I I DATA BUS 0, 02 D DO REMARKS RECAL.IBRATE SCAN LOW OR eQUAL Command W W MT M' SK 1 X X X 1 HD US1 Command Command Codes usa Sector 10 information prior Command execution W W W W W W W J DATA BUS REMARKS W a a 0 , w X X 0 X Command Codes US, uso Head retracted to Track 0 Execution SENSE INTERRUPT STATUS Command o W 0 Command Codes 0 'OT Status information at the end of seek-oparation about the FOC STO Result GPL PCN 5TP SPECIFY Execution o SAT HlT Result 0 0 Command Codes 0 HUT .... .. ND SENSE DR IV E STATUS X o 0 0 X X X Command Codes 1 HD lJS1 usa 5T 3 Status information about FOD SEEI;< Command W W W W W W W W W o 0 X X 1 X HO USl ----NCN----Head is positioned over proper Cylinder on Diskette ====N=== ===~'OT====== GPl ----5TP----- Execution Data-compared between the I-c:-o-m-m-'".,dr--:-W....,.:.:.:.:.:.:..-I,..OV-.I,..id,.,~,;.~:.,.;:.,.;L=ID======"T":-,"-"':-'id"'c"'o-m-m,-o":'d"'CO""d-,,---I F DO and main-system Result Command Codes usa ----5TO-------5T1---- Status information after Command execution =====:C=====: Sector ID information after Command execution (NoOp _ FDe goes into Standby State) Result -------~2-------- ---------5TO--------- ST 0 = 80 {161 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION OF COMMANDS Read Data A set of nine (9) byte words are required to place the FDC into the Read Data Mode. After the Read Data command has been issued the FDC loads the head (if it is in the unloaded state), waits the specified head settling time (defined in the Specify Command), and begins reading ID Address Marks and ID fields. When the current sector number ("R") stored in the ID Register (IDR) compares with the sector number read off the diskette, then the FDC outputs data (from the data field) byte-to-byte to the main system via the data bus. After completion of the read operation from the current sector, the Sector Number is incre'mented by one, and the data Multi-Track MT MFM/FM MF Bytes/Sector N 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 00 01 00 01 01 02 01 02 02 03 02 03 from the next sector is read and output 01'\ the data bus. This continuous read function is called a "Multi-Sector Read Operation:' The Read Data Command may be terminated by the receipt of a Terminal COl!!J~nal. TC should be issued at the same time that the DACK for the last byte of data is sent. Upon receipt of this signal, the FDC stops outputting data to the processor, but will continue to read data from the current sector, check CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Count) bytes, and then at the end of the sector terminate the Read Data Command. The amount of data which can be handled with a single command to the FDC depends upon MT (multi-track), MF (MFM/FM), and N (Number of Bytes/Sector). Table 1 below shows the Transfer Capacity. Maximum Transfer Capacity (Bytes/Sector) (Number of Sectors) (128) (26) = 3,328 (256) (26) = 6,656 (128) (52) = 6,656 (256) (52) = 13,312 (256) (15) = 3,840 (512)(15) = 7,680 (256) (30) = 7,680 (512) (30) = 15,360 (512) (8) = 4,096 (1024) (8) = 8,192 (512) (16) = 8,192 (1024) (16) = 16,384 Table 1. Transfer Capacity 531 Final Sector Read from Diskette 26 at Side 0 or 26 at Side 1 26 at Side 1 15 at Side 0 or 15 at Side 1 15 at Side 1 8atSideO or8 at Side 1 8 at Side 1 The "multi-track" function (MT) allows the FDC to read data from both sides of the diskette. For a particular cylinder, data will be transferred starting at Sector 1, Side 0 and completing at Sector L, Side 1 (Sector L = last sector on the side). Note, this function pertains to only one cylinder (the same track) on each side of the diskette. When N = 0, the DTL defines the data length which the FDC must treat as a sector. If DTL is smaller than the actual data length in a Sector, the data beyond DTL in the Sector, is not ~ent to the Data Bus. The FDC reads (internally) the complete Sector performing the CRC check, and depending upon the manner of command termination, may perform a Multi-Sector Read Operation. When N is non-zero, then DTL has no meaning and should be set to FF Hexidecimal. At the completion of the Read Data command, the head is not unloaded until after Head Unload Time Interval (specified in the Specify Command) has elapsed. If the processor issues another command before the head unloads then the head settling time may be saved between subsequent reads. This time out is particularly valuable when a diskette is copied from one drive to another. If the FOC detects the Index Hole twice without finding the right sector, (indicated in "R"), then the FDC sets the ND (No Data) flag in Status Register 1 to a 1 (high), and terminates the Read Data Command. (Status Register 0 also has bits 7 and 6 set to 0 and 1 respectively.) After reading the ID and Data Fields in each sector, the FDC checks the CRC bytes. If a read error is detected (incorrect CRC in ID field), the FDC sets the DE (Data Error) flag in Status Register 1 to a 1 (high), and if a CRC error occurs in the Data Field the FDC also sets the DD (Data Error in Data Field) flag in Status Register 2 to a 1 (high), and terminates the Read Data Command. (Status Register 0 also has bits 7 and 6 set to 0 and 1 respectively.) Write Data A set of nine (9) bytes are required to set the FDC into the Write Data mode. After the Write Data command has been issued the FDC loads the head (if it is in the unloaded state), waits the spec'/fied Head Settling Time (defined in the Specify Command), and begins reading ID Fields. When all four bytes loaded during the command (C, H, R, N) match the four bytes of the ID field from the diskette, the FDC takes data from the processor byte-by-byte via the data bus, and outputs it to the FDD. After writing data into the current sector, the Sector Number stored in "R" is incremented by one, and the next data field is written into. The FDC continues this "Multi-Sector Write Operation" until the issuance of a Terminal Count Signal. If a Terminal Count signal is sent to the FDC it continues writing into the current sector to complete the data field. If the Terminal Count signal is received while a data field is being written then the remainder of the data field is filled with 00 (zeros). The FDC reads the ID field of each sector and checks the CRC bytes. If the FDC detects a read error (incorrect CRC) in one of the ID Fields, it sets the DE (Data Error) flag of Status Register 1 to a 1 (high), and terminates the Write Data Command. (Status Register 0 also has bits 7 and 6 set to 0 and 1 respectively.) The Write Command operates in much the same manner as the Read Command. The following items are the same, and one should refer to the Read Data Command for details: • Transfer Capacity • EN (End of Cylinder) Flag If the FDC reads a Deleted Data Address Mark off the diskette, and the SK bit (bit D5 in the first Command Word) is not set (SK = 0), then the FDC sets the CM (Control Mark) flag in Status Register 2 to a 1 (high), and terminates the Read Data Command, after reading all the data in the Sector. If SK = 1, the FDC skips the sector with the Deleted Data Address Mark and reads the next sector. The CRC bits in the deleted data field are not checked when SK = 1. During disk data transfers between the FDC and the processor, via the data bus, the FDC must be serviced by the processor every 27 fJ,s in the FM Mode, and every 13 fJ,S in the MFM Mode, or the FDC sets the OR (Over Run) flag in Status Register 1 to a 1 (high), and terminates the Read Data Command. lithe processor terminates a read (or write) operation in the FDC, then the ID Information in the Result Phase is dependent upon the state of the MT bit and EOT byte. Table 2 shows the value for C, H, R, and N, when the processor terminates the Command. 10 Information at Result Final Sector Phase Transferred to MT HO Processor C H R N 0 Less than EOT NC NC R + 1 NC EqualtoEOT NC R = 01 NC 0 C+1 0 1 Less than EOT NC NC R + 1 NC 1 NC R = 01 NC Equal to EOT C+1 Less than EOT NC NC R + 1 NC 0 EqualtoEOT NC LSB R = 01 NC 0 0 1 Less than EOT NC NC R + 1 NC 1 EqualtoEOT C+1 LSB R = 01 NC Notes: 1. NC (No Change): The same value as the one at the beginning of command execution. 2. LSB (Least Significant Bit): The least significant bit of H is complemented. • ND (No Data) Flag • Head Unload Time Interval • ID Information when the processor terminates command (see Table 2) • Definition of DTL when N = 0 and when N -4= 0 In the Write Data mode, data transfers between the processor and FDC, via the Data Bus, must occur every 27 fJ,S in the FM mode, and every 13 fJ,S in the MFM mode. If the time interval between data transfers is longer than this then the FDC sets the OR (Over Run) flag in Status Register 1 to a 1 (high), and terminates the Write Data Command. (Status Register 0 also has bit 7 and 6 set to 0 and 1 respectively.) Write Deleted Data This command is the same as the Write Data Command except a Deleted Data Address Mark is written at the beginning of the Data Field instead of the normal Data Address Mark. Read Deleted Data This command is the same as the Read Data Command except that when the FDC detects a Data Address Mark at the beginning of a Data Field and SK = 0 (low), it will read all the data in the sector and set the CM flag in Status Register 2 to a 1 (high), and then terminate the command. If SK = 1, then the FDC skips the sector with the Data Address Mark and reads the next sector. Read A Track This command is similar to READ DATA Command except that this is a continuous READ operation where the eritire 532 Sector Size N SC GPL R), and the scan operation is continued. The scan operation continues until one of the following conditions occur; the conditions for scan are met (equal, low, or high), the last sector on the track is reached (EaT), or the terminal count signal is received. The rate at which Step Pulses are issued is controlled by SRT (Stepping Rate Time) in the SPECIFY Command. After each Step Pulse is issued NCN is compared against PCN, and when NCN = PCN, then the SE (Seek End) flag is set in Status Register 0 to a 1 (high), and the command is terminated. At this pOint FDC interrupt goes high. Bits DBo· DBa in Main Status Register are set during seek operation and are cleared by Sense Interrupt Status command. During the Command Phase of the Seek operation the FDC is in tne FDC BUSY state, but during the Execution Phase it is in the NON BUSY state. While the FDC is in the NON BUSY state, another Seek Command may be issued, and in this manner parallel seek operations may be done on up to 4 Drives at once. No other command could be issued for as long as FDC is in process of sending Step Pulses to any drive. If an FDD is in a NOT READY state at the beginning of the command execution phase or during the seek operation, then the NR (NOT READY) flag is set in Status Register 0 to a 1 (high), and the command is terminated after bits 7 and 6 of Status Register 0 are set to 0 and 1 respectively. If the time to write 3 bytes of seek command exceeds 150 IJ-S, the timing between first two Step Pulses may be shorter than set in the Specify command by as much as 1 ms. If the conditions for scan are met then the FDC sets the SH (Scan Hit) flag Status Register 2 to a 1 (high), and terminates the Scan Command. If the conditions for scan are not met between the starting sector (as specified by R) and the last sector on the cylinder (EOT), then the FDC sets the SN (Scan Not Satisfied) flag of Status Register 2 to a 1 (high), and terminates the Scan Command. The receipt of a TERMINAL COUNT signal from the Processor or DMA Controller during the scan operation will cause the FDC to complete the comparison of the particular byte which is in process, and then to terminate the command. Table 4 shows the status of bits SH and SN under various conditions of SCAN. COMMAND Scan Equal Scan Low or Equal Scan High or Equal STATUS REGISTER 2 COMMENTS 81T2 SN 81T3 = SH 0 1 DFOD = DpROCESSOR 1 0 DFOD 4= DpROCESSOR 1 0 DFOD = DpROCESSOR = 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 DF~D DFDD < DpROCESSOR > DpROCESSOR DFDD = DpROCESSOR > DpROCESSOA DFDD < DpROCESSOA DFDD Table 4 If the FDC encounters a Deleted Data Address Mark on one of the sectors (and SK = 0), then it regards the sector as the last sector on the cylinder, sets CM (Control Mark) flag of Status Register 2 to a 1 (high) and terminates the command. If SK = 1, the FDC skips the sector with the Deleted Address Mark, and reads the next sector. In the second case (SK = 1), the FDC sets the CM (Control Mark) flag of Status Register 2 to a 1 (high) in order to show that a Deleted Sector had been encountered. When either the STP (contiguous sectors = 01. or alternate sectors = 02 sectors are read) or the MT (Multi-Track) are programmed, it is necessary to remember that the last sector on the track must be read. For example, if STP = 02, MT = 0, the sectors are numbered sequentially 1 through 26, and we start the Scan Command at sector 21 ; the following will happen. Sectors 21,23 and 25 will be read, then the next sector (26) will be skipped and the Index Hole will be encountered before the EOT value of 26 can be read. This will result in an abnormal termination of the command. If the EOT has been set at 25 or the scanning started at sector 20, then the Scan Command would be completed in a normal manner. During the Scan Command data is supplied by either the processor or DMA Controller for comparison against the data read from the diskette. In order to avoid having the OR (Over Run) flag set in Status Register 1, it is necessary to have the data available in less than 27IJ-s (FM Mode) or 13 IJ-S (MFM Mode). If an Overrun occurs the FDC ends the command with bits 7 and 6 of Status Register 0 set to 0 and 1, respectively. Recalibrate The function of this command is to retract the read/write head within the FDD to the Track 0 position. The FDC clears the contents of the PCN counter, and checks the status of the Track 0 signal from the FDD. As long as the Track 0 signal is low, the Direction signal remains 0 (low) and Step Pulses are issued. When the Track 0 signal goes high, the SE (SEEK END) flag in Status Register 0 is set to a 1 (high) and the command is terminated. If the Track 0 signal is still low after 77 Step Pulses have been issued, the FDC sets the SE (SEEK END) and EC (EQUIPMENT CHECK) flags of Status Register 0 to both 1s (highs), and terminates the command after bits 7 and 6 of Status Register 0 is set to 0 and 1 respectively. The ability to do overlap RECALIBRATE Commands to multiple FDDs and the loss of the READY signal, as described in the Seek Command, also applies to the RECALIBRATE Command. Sense Interrupt Status Seek The read/write head within the FDD is moved from cylinder to cylinder under control of the Seek Command. FDC has four independent Present Cylinder Registers for each drive. They are clear only after Recalibrate command. The FDC compares the PCN (Present Cylinder Number) which is the current head position with the NCN (New Cylinder Number), .and if there is a difference performs the following operation: PCN < NCN: Direction Signal to FDD set to a 1,(high), and Step Pulses are issued. (Step In.) PCN > NCN: Direction signal to FDDsettoaO(low), and Step Pulses are issued. (Step Out.) An Interrupt signal is generated by the FDC for one of the following reasons: 1 . Upon entering the Result Phase of: a. Read Data Command b. Read a Track Command c. Read ID Command d. Read Deleted Data Command e. Write Data Command· f. Format a Cylinder Command g. Write Deleted Data Command h. Scan Commands 2. Ready Line of FDD changes state 3. End of Seek or Recalibrate Command 4. During Execution Phase in the NON-DMA Mode Interrupts caused by reasons 1 and 4 above occur during normal command operations and are easily discernible by the processor. During an execution phase in NON-DMA Mode, DB5 in Main Status Register is high. Upon entering Result Phase this bit gets clear. Reason 1 and 4 does not require Sense Interrupt Status command. The interrupt is cleared by reading/writing data to FDC. Interrupts caused by reasons 2 and 3 above may be uniquely identified with the aid of the Sense Interrupt Status Command. This cOm- 534 mand when issued resets the interrupt signal and via bits 5, 6, and 7 of Status Register 0 identifies the cause of the interrupt. SEEK END BITS 5 a a a 1 1 a = 2 ms, 02 = 4 ms, 03 = 6 The time intervals mentioned above are a direct function of the clock (ClK on pin 19). Times indicated above are for an 8 MHz clock, if the clock was reduced to 4 MHz (mini-floppy application) then all time intervals are increased by a factor INTERRUPT CODE BIT6 BIT7 1 1 1 ms in increments of 2 ms (01 mS .. .7F = 254 ms). CAUSE Ready Line changed state, either polarity Normal Termination of Seek or Recalibrate Command Abnormal Termination of Seek or Recalibrate Command of2. The choice of OMA or NON-OMA operation is made by the NO (NON-OMA) bit. When this bit is high (NO = 1) the NONOMA mode is selected, and when NO = 0 the OMA mode is selected. Sense Drive Status TableS Neither the Seek or Recalibrate Command have a Result Phase. Therefore, it is mandatory to use the Sense Interrupt Status Command after these commands to effectively terminate them and to provide verification of where the head is positioned (PCN). Issuing Sense Interrupt Status Command without interrupt pending is treated as an invalid command. Specify The Specify Command sets the initial values for each of the three internal timers. The HUT (Head Unload Time) defines the time from the end of the Execution Phase of one of the Read/Write Commands to the head unload state. This timer is programmable from 16 to 240 ms in increments of 16 ms (01 = 16 ms, 02 = 32 ms ... OF = 240 ms}.The SRT (Step Rate Time) defines the time interval between adjacent step pulses. This timer is programmable from 1 to 16 ms in increments of 1 ms (F = 1 ms, E = 2 ms, 0 = 3 mS, etc.). The HlT (Head load Time) defines the time between when the Head load signal goes high and when the Read/Write operation starts. This timer is programmable from 2 to 254 This command may be used by the processor whenever it wishes to obtain the status of the FOOs. Status Register 3 contains the Orive Status information stored internally in FOC registers. Invalid If an invalid command is sent to the FOC (a command not defined above), then the FOC will terminate the command after bits 7 and 6 of Status Register 0 are set to 1 and 0 respectively. No interrupt is generated by the FOC 9266 during this condition. Bit 6 and bit 7 (010 and ROM) in the Main Status Register are both high ("1") indicating to the processor that the FOC 9266 is in the Result Phase and the contents of Status Register 0 (STO) must be read. When the processor reads Status Register 0 it will find an 80 hex indicating an invalid command was received. A Sense Interrupt Status Command must be sent after a Seek or Recalibrate Interrupt, otherwise the FOC will consider the next command to be an Invalid Command. In some applications the user may wish to use this command as a No-Op command, to place the FOC in a standby or no operation state. STATUS REGISTER IDENTIFICATION NO. D, BIT NAME Interrupt Code SYMBOL IC D, D5 Seek End SE D4 Equipment Check EC D, Not Ready NR D2 D, Do Head Address Unit Select 1 Unit Select a HD US1 usa DESCRIPTION D, = a and D, = a Normal Termination of Command, (NT). Command was completed and properly executed. D, = a and D, = 1 Abnormal Termination of Command, (AT). Execution of Command was started, but was not successfully completed. D, = 1 and D, = a Invalid Command issue, (IC). Command which was issued was never started. D, = 1 and D, = 1 Abnormal Termination because during command execution the ready signal from FDD changed state. When the FDC completes the SEEK Command, this flag is set to 1 (high). If a fault Signal is received from the FDD, or if the Track 0 Signal fails to occur after 77 Step Pulses (Recalibrate Command) then this flag is set. When the FDD is in the not-ready state and a read or write command is issued, this flag is set. If a read or write command is issued to Side 1 of a single sided drive, then this flag is set. This flag is used to indicate the state of the head at Interrupt. These flags are used to indicate a Drive Unit. Number at Interrupt. 535 BIT NAME NO. 0, End of Cylinder 0, 0, Data Errror 0, Over Run 0, 0, No Data 0, Not Writable Do Missing Address Mark 0, 0, Control Mark 0, Data Error in Data Field Wrong Cylinder 0, Scan Equal Hit 0, Scan Not Satisfied 0, Bad Cylinder Do Missing Address Mark in Data Field 0, Fault 0, Write Protected Os Ready 0, Track 0 0, Two Side 0, Head Address D, Unit Select 1 Do Unit Select 0 Os DESCRIPTION SYMBOL STATUS REGISTER 1(CONT.) EN When the FDC tries to access a Sector beyond the final Sector of a Cylinder, this flag is set. Not used. This bit is always 0 (low). When the FDC detects a CRC error in either the 10 field or the data DE field, this flag is set. If the FDC is not serviced by the main-systems during data OR transfers, within a certain time interval, this flag is set. Not used. This bit always 0 (low). During execution of READ DATA, WRITE DELETED DATA or NO SCAN Command, if the FDC cannot find the Sector specified in the lOR Register, this flag is set. During executing the READ 10 Command, if the FDC cannot read the 10 field without an error, then this flag is set. During the execution of the READ A Cylinder Command, if the starting sector cannot be found, then this flag is set. During execution of WRITE DATA, WRITE DELETED DATA or NW Format A Cylinder Command, if the FDC detects a write protect signal from the FDD, then this flag is set. If the FDC cannot detect the 10 Address Mark after encountering MA the index hole twice, then this flag is set. If the FDC cannot detect the Data Address Mark or Deleted Data Address Mark, this flag is set. Also at the same time, the MD (Missing Address Mark in Data Field) of Status Register 2 is set. STATUS REGISTER 2 Not used. This bit is always 0 (low). During executing the READ DATA or SCAN Command, if the FDC CM encounters a sector which contains a Deleted Data Address Mark, this flag is set. If the FDC detects a CRC error in the data field then this flag is set. DO This bit is related with the NO bit, and when the contents of C on the WC medium is different from that stored in the lOR, this flag is set. During execution, the SCAN Command, if the condition of "equal" SH is satisfied, this flag is set. During executinw the SCAN Command, if the FDC cannot find a SN Sector on the cy inder which meets the condition, then this flag is set. This bit is related with the NO bit, and when the content of C on the BC medium is different from that stored in the lOR and the content of C is FF, then this flag is set. When data is read from the medium, if the FDC cannot find a Data MD Address Mark or Deleted Data Address Mark, then this flag is set. STATUS REGISTER 3 This bit is used to indicate the status of the Fault Signal from FT theFDD. This bit is used to indicate the status of the Write Protected signal WP from the FDD. This bit is used to indicate the status of the Ready signal from RY the FDD. This bit is used to indicate the status of the Track 0 signal from TO theFDD. This bit is used to indicate the status of the Two Side signal from TS the FDD. This bit is used to indicate the status of Side Select signal HD to the FDD. This bit is used to indicate the status of the Unit Select 1 signal US1 to the FDD. This bit is used to indicate the status of the Unit Select 0 Signal usa to the FDD.. 536 PROCESSOR INTERFACE Ouring Command or Result Phases the Main Status Register (described earlier) must be read by the processor before each byte of information is written into or read from the Oata Register. After each byte of data read or written to Oata Register, CPU should wait for 12 fLs before reading MSR. Bits 06 and 07 in the Main Status Register must be in aO and 1 state, respectively, before each byte of the command word may be written in the FOC 9266. Many of the commands require multiple bytes, and as a result the Main Status Register must be read prior to each byte transfer to the FOC 9266. On the other hand, during the Result Phase, 06 and 07 in the Main Status Register must both be 1's (06 = 1 and 07 = 1) before reading each byte from the Oata Register. Note, this reading of the Main Status Register before each byte transfer to the FOC 9266 is required in only the Command and Result Phases, and NOT during the Execution Phase. Ouring the Execution Phase, the Main Status Register need not be read. If the FOC 9266 is in the NON-OMA Mode, then the receipt of each data byte (if FOC 9266 is reading data from FOO) is indicated by an Interrupt signg! on pin 18 (INT = 1). The generation of a Read signal (RO = 0) or Write signal (WR = 0) will reset the Interrupt as well as output the Oata onto the Oata bus. If the processor cannot handle Interrupts fast enough (every 13 fLS) for MFM and 27 fLs for FM mode, then it may poll the Main Status Register and then bit 07 (ROM) functions just like the Interrupt signal. If a Write Command is in process then the WR signal performs the reset to the Interrupt signal. If the FOC 9266 is in the OMA Mode, no Interrupts are generated during the Execution Phase. The FOC 9266 generates ORa's (OMA Requests) when each byte of data is available. The OMA Controller responds to thisJequest with both a OACK = 0 (OMA Acknowledge) and a RO = 0 (Read slgngl). When the OMA Acknowledge signal goes low (OACK = 0) then the OMA Request is reset (ORO = 0). If a Write Command has been programmed then a WR signal will appear instead of RO. After the Execution Phase has been completed (Terminal Count has occurred) or EaT sector was read/written, then an Interrupt will occur (INT = 1). This signifies the beginning of the Result Phase. When the first byte of data is read during the Result Phase, the Interrupt is automatically reset (INT = 0). It is important to note that during the Result Phase all bytes shown in the Command Table must be read. The Read Oata Command, for example has seven bytes of data in the Result Phase. All seven bytes must be read in order to successfully complete the Read Oata Command. The FOC 9266 will not accept a new command until all seven bytes have been read. Other commands may require fewer bytes to be read during the Result Phase. The FOC 9266 contains five Status Registers. The Main Status Register mentioned above may be read by the processor at any time. The other four Status Registers (STO, ST1, ST2, and ST3) are only available during the Result Phase, and may be read only after completing a command. The particular command which has been executed determines how many of the Status Registers will be read. The bytes of data which are sent to the FOC 9266 to form the Command Phase, and are read out of the FOC 9266 in the Result Phase, must occur in the order shown in the Command Table. That is, the Command Code must be sent first and the other bytes sent in the prescribed sequence. No foreshortening of the Command or Result Phases are allowed. After the last byte of data in the Command Phase is sent to the FOC 9266, the Execution Phase automatically starts. In a similar fashion, when the last byte of data is read out in the Result Phase, the command is automatically ended and the FOC 9266 is ready for a new command. POLLING FEATURE OF THE FDC 9266 After the Specify command has been sent to the FOC 9266, the Unit Select line USO and US1 will automatically go into a polling mode. In between commands (and between step pulses in the SEEK command) the FOC 9266 polls all four FOO's looking for a change in the Ready line from any of the drives. If the Ready line changes state (usually due to a door opening or closing) then the FOC 9266 will generate an interrupt. When Status Register 0 (STO) is read (after Sense Interrupt Status is issued), Not Ready (NR) will be indicated. The polling of the Ready line by the FOC 9266 occurs continuously between commands, thus notifying the processor which drives are on or off line. Each drive is polled every 1.024 ms except during the ReadlWrite commands. AC TEST CONDITION INPUT IOUTPUT CLOCK 3.0V _ _--,. 2.4V O.3V _ _---J O.45V ACTESTING Inputs are driven at 2.4V for a logic "1" and 0.45V for a logic "0:' Timing measurements are made at 2.0V for a logic "1" and O.SV for a logic "0." Clocks are driven at 3.0V for a logic "1" and 0.3V for a logic "0." Timing measurements are made at 2.4V for a logic "1" and 0.65V for a logic "0." 537 P1 PO PRECOMP VALUE 0 0 ONS 0 1 125NS 1 0 250NS 1 1 375 NS' 1 0 0 500NS' WRITE PRECOMPENSATION VALUE SELECTION 'NOTE: Precompvalues of 375. ns and 500 ns are valid only with 51/4" drives. PRECOMPENSATION The desired precompensation delay is determined by the state of the PO, P1 and P2 inputs. Logic levels present on these pins may be changed dynamically as long as the inputs are stable during the time the floppy disk controller is writing to the drive. P2 o o o o DATA SEPARATOR The FDC 9266 detects the leading (negative) edges of the The SEPClK frequency is nominally V'6 the ClK frequency. disk data pulses and adjusts the phase of the internal clock Depending on the internal timing correction, the duration of any SEPCLK half-cycle may vary from a nominal of 8 to a to provide the internal SEPCLK signal. Separate short- and long-term timing correctors assure minimum of 6 and a maximum ·of 11 internal clock cycles. accurate clock separation. CLK SEPCLK'--J;--------~~-----------l------------------~-------- SEPD' _ _ _ _--, W .-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-, .-_ _ _ _ _ __ LJ LJ I ~ always two internal clock cycles 'internal signals to FDC 9266 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS· Operating Temperature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O°C to + 70°C Storage Temperature ......................................................................................... -55°C to + 150°C All Output Voltages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. - 0.5 to + 7 Volts All Input Voltages ............................................................................................. - 0.5 to + 7 Volts Supply Voltage Vee ............................................................................................ - 0.5 to + 7 Volts Power Dissipation ........................................................................................................ 1 Watt T. = 25°C 'COMMENT: Stress above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the' operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. DC CHARACTERISTICS T. = O°C to PARAMETER Input Low Voltage Input High Voltage Output Low Voltage Output High Voltage Input Low Voltage (CLK + WR Clock) Input High Voltage (CLK + WR Clock) Vee Supply Current Input Load Current (All Input Pins) + 70°C; Vee SYMBOL = + 5V ± 5% unless otherwise specified. MIN -0.5 2.0 LIMITS TYPCD V'L V,H VOL VOH V'L(CY <1>a <1>, <1>f TAR TRA TRR TRo TOF TAw TWA Tww Tow Two TRI TWI = + 5V ± 5% unless otherwise specified. MIN 120 40 LIMITS TYPCD 125 MAX 130 20 20 0 0 250 200 100 20 0 0 250 150 5 500 500 UNIT ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns fLs ns TMCY 13 TAM TTc TRST Tus Tso 1 14 12 7 <1>CY <1>CY fLs fLs lOST 1.0 fLs TSTU 5.0 fLs TSTP Tsc TFR Tsu Tos TSTD T1DX TMR TMw TMRW 200 6.0 33 8.0 15 30 24 10 800 250 7.0 ® ® 10 12 fLs fLs fLS fLs fLs fLS <1>CY ns ns fLs TEST CONDITIONS CL CL = = 100pF 100pF 8 Mhz Clock Period Mini=O 16 MHz Clock Period Mini=1 8 MHz Clock Period Mini=O 16 MHz Clock Period Mini=1 8 MHz Clock Period Mini=O 16 MHz Clock Period Mini=1 NOTES: CD Typical values for T, = 25 DC and nominal supply voltage. ® Under Software Control. The range is from 1 ms to 16 ms for 8" floppies, and 2 to 32 ms for 51/4' floppies. 539 TIMING DIAGRAMS PROCESSOR WRITE OPERATION PROCESSOR READ OPERATION CLOCK I elK I 00 I OR SEEK OPERATION USO, , ~ ~ I I ----' I ¢O! --i '-- I r-"I f--r ~ STABLE ---""-------. . . .1''-----Jtusl-----i r- I I :--¢CY~ F DMA OPERATION ·SU RW/SEEK -X ---1 -----X 'SOt-- DIRECTION 'OST ORO ~ I ItOSI -+----- -. r-- -X'-':"'-"";-:----- WR ----l t--~TU--l OR RD ~-TO----~I~ STEP ________ 'STP ------l f---I f-ol.o---- tsc--_.~I FLT RESET FAULTRESET- I I : I ~ FILE UNSAFE RESET - TFR - - - TERMINAL COUNT INDEX ~ I II I TIOX H TIDX TC Jt-----l ~TTC r----::---l RESET H For more information, please consult: Technical Note 6-1 (Digital Data Separation) RESET--l! ~ -----J I-- T RST Cirouit diagrams utilizing SMC products are included as a means of illustrating typical semiconductor applications; consequently complete information sufficient for construction purposes is not necessarily given. The information has been carefully checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, such information does not convey to the purchaser of the semiconductor devices described any license under the patent rights of SMC or others. SMC reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design and supply the best product possible. 540 FDC 9268 Quad Density Integrated Floppy Disk Controller FEATURES D Combination Floppy Disk Controller, Data Separator and Precompensation Generator D Software compatible with industry standard FDC 765A D On chip high resolution digital data separator eliminates critical analog adjustments D 500, 300, 250,125 Kb/s Data Rates D IBM compatible in both single, double and quad density recording formats D Programmable data record lengths: 128,256,512, or 1024 bytes/sector D Multi':'sector and multi-track transfer capability. D Controls up to 4 floppy disk drives D Data Scan Capability-will scan a single sector or entire track's worth of data fields, comparing on a byte by byte basis, data in the processor's memory with the data read from the diskette D Data transfers in DMA or non-DMA mode D Single 16 MHz TTL clock input D Parallel Seek operations on up to four drives PIN CONFIGURATION f-::J (f)rI >-t:t: RESET RD WR 00.-::2 ~~~~(L~~~~~~ HDl FRISTP lCTlDlR RWISEEK Vee NC RESET 39 38 37 36 35 34 333231 3029 28 40 27 41 26 42 25 43 24 44 23 1 22 R5 WR CS Ao 6 18 7891011121314151617 0"'0'0·"'°1'" ~~gs~~z~~~gs~ 0 CS Ao WE DBo PO DB, DSKD DB2 ClK DB3 9 MINI DB4 10 NC DBs 11 GND DBs 12 TEST DB,13 INT ORO 14 IDX DACK 15 TC TC 16 IDX 17 INT 18 TEST 19 GND 20 PACKAGE: 44-pin PLCC D Compatible with most microprocessors D COPLAMOS® n-channel silicon gate technology 40 Vee 3 4 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 RW!SEEK lCT'DIR FR!STP HDl RDY WPTS FlT'TRo P2 P1 WDOUT USa US, HD MFM WE P0 DSKD ClK MINI PACKAGE. 4Q-pm D.I.P. D Single +5 Volt power supply D Available in 40-pin Dual-In-Line and 44-pin PLCC packages. GENERAL DESCRIPTION The FDC 9268 is a monolithic combination of the industry standard FDC 765A Floppy Disk Controller and the FDC 9239, a high performance Data Separator and Precompensation Generator. It preserves all of the processor hardware and software interfaces to the FDC 765A, and contains on-chip circuitry to simplify drive interfacing. The FDC 9268 contains the circuitry and control functions for interfacing a processor to four 3.5", 5.25", and 8" floppy-disk drives. It is capable of supporting either IBM 3740 single density format (FM), IBM System 34 Double Density format (MFM) or IBM quad density format, including double-sided recording. The FDC simplifies and handles most of the burdens associated with implementing a Floppy Disk Interface. The FDC uses a high performance 16-bit cell divide algorithm which produces significant improvements in soft error rates over existing designs. The FDC 9268's high performance is achieved without any external adjustments. The FDC 9268 also allows variable write precompensation, which is track selectable. There are fifteen separate commands which the FDC 9268 will execute. Each of these commands requires multiple 8-bit bytes to fully specify the operation which the processor wishes the FDC to perform. The following commands are available: Read Data Read ID Read Deleted Data Read a Track Scan Equal Scan High or Equal Scan Low or Equal Specify Hand-shaking signals are provided in the FDC 9268 which make DMA operation easy to incorporate with the aid of an external DMA or Non-DMA mode. In the Non-DMA mode, the FDC generates interrupts to the processor every time a data byte is available. In the DMA mode, the processor need only load the command into the FDC and all data transfers occur under control of the FDC 9268. The FDC 9268 enhancements greatly reduce the number of components required to interface floppy disks to a microprocessor system. These on-chip enhancements include a digital data separator, compatible with 3.5", 5.25", and 8" floppy disk drives. The FDC 9268 separates both FM (Single Density) and MFM (Double Density) encoded data. 541 Write Data Format a Track Write Deleted Data Seek Recalibrate (Restore to Track 0) Sense Interrupt Status Sense Drive Status Address mark detection circuitry is internal to the FDC which simplifies the read electronics. The track stepping rate, head load time, and head unload time may be programmed by the user. The FDC 9268 offers many additional features such as multiple sector transfers in both read and write with a single command, and full IBM compatibility in both single and double density modes. REGISTERS 080.7 DATA SEPARATOR AND PRECOMP LOGIC SERIAL INTERFACE CONTROLLER DSK DATA WDOUT _PO -P, _P, Rii WA WRITE PROTECT/TWO SIDE AO FAULT/TRACK 0 RESET MINI UNITSELECTO UNIT SELECT 1 MFMMODE eLK Vee RW'SEEK HEAD LOAD HEADSELECT GNo LOW CURRENT/DIRECTION FAULT RESET/STEP FIGURE 1: BLOCK DIAGRAM DRIVE 2 SIDED WPRT TRK00 FAULT FDe 9268 ~~~~~~~~~~~§ RwISEEK WP(rS FLTITR0 FRISTEP LCT/OIR DB0-DB7 STEP FLT DIR RST LOW CUR P0 P1 PRECOMPENSATION P2 SELECT ROY ROY lOX lOX WE WE HD ~___________________________________ ~HLO SIDE SEL HDL INT INT CS CS US1 RD US0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~DRSEL4 ORSEL3 DRSEl2 DRSEL1 WR A0 ORO DACK TC RESET A0 i5§i(!j RAW READ ORO DACK WDOUT TC MINI MFM ROY lOX WE SIDE SEL --"":=__.....J RST LATCH t-__________o-tMOTOR ON DB0-0B7 FIGURE 2: TYPICAL APPLICATION 542 DESCRIPTION OF PIN FUNCTIONS PIN SYMBOL RST 2 Reset INPUT/ OUTPUT Input CONNECTION TO Processor RD Read InputCD Processor 3 WR Write InputCD Processor 4 CS Chip Select Input Processor 5 Ao Data/Status Reg Select InputCD Processor DBo·DB, Data Bus Processor 14 DRO 15 DACK DataDMA Request DMA Acknowledge InputCD Output Output Input DMA 16 TC Terminal Count Input DMA 17 IDX Index Input FDD 18 INT Interrupt Output Processor 19 TEST Test Input 20 21 GND MINI Ground Mini Input 22 ClK 16MHz TTL Clock Raw Data Precompensation Select Input Input Input FDD Processor NO. 1 6·13 23 24,31,32 DSKD PO,P1,P2 NAME DMA Processor 25 26 WE MFM Write Enable MFMMode Output Output FDD 27 HD Head Select Output FDD US"USa WDOUT FlTITRo Unit Select Write Data Out FaultlTrack 0 Output Output Input FDD FDD FDD WP/TS Write Protect! Two·Side Input FDD 28,29 30 33 34 543 FUNCTION Places FDC in idle state. Resets output lines to FDD to "0" (low). Does not effect SRT, HUT or HLT in Specify command. If RDY pin is held high during Reset, FDC will generate interrupt 1.024 ms later. To clear this interrupt use Sense Interrupt Status command. Control signal for transfer of data from FDC to Data Bus, when "O"(low). Control signal for transfer of data to FDC via Data Bus, when "0" (low). IC selected when...JL' (low), allowing RD and WR to be enabled. Selects Data Reg (Ao = 1) or Status Reg (Ao = 0) contents of the FDC to be sent to Data Bus. Bi·DirectionaI8·Bit Data Bus. DMA Request is being made by FDC when DRW = "1". DMA cycle is active when "0" (low) and Controller is performing DMA transfer. Indicates the termination of a DMA transfer when "1" (high). It terminates data transfer during Read/Write/Scan command in DMA or interrupt mode. Indicates the beginning of a disk track. Interrupt Request Generated by FDC. This pin is for test purposes only. Should be left tied high in normal operation. D.C. Power Return. This input, when set to "1" (hi9h), configures the FOC for operation with 250 Kb/s. If reset to "0" (low), then the FDC is configured for 500 Kb/s operation (MFM mode). Device clock. Raw data from drive. These pins select the amount of precompensation applied to the write data. Enables write data into FDD. MFM mode when "1," FM mode when "0." Head 1 selected when "1" (high). Head 2 selected when "0" (low). FDD Unit Selected. Serial clock and data bits to FDD. Senses FDD fault condition, in Read/Write mode; and Track 0 condition in Seek mode. Senses Write Protect status in ReadlWrite mode; and Two Side Media in Seek mode. · DESCRIPTION OF PIN FUNCTIONS PIN SYMBOL NO. CONNECTION TO INPUT/ NAME OUTPUT 35 RDY Ready Input FDD 36 HDL Head Load Output FDD 37 FR/STP Fit Reset!Stop Output FDD 38 LCTiDIR LowCurrentJ Direction Output FDD 39 RWSEEK Read Write/SEEK Output FDD 40 Vee +5V FUNCTION Indicates FDD is ready to send or receive data. Command which causes read/ write head in FDD to contact diskette. Resets fault F F in FDD in Read! Write mode, contains stop pulses to move head to another cylinder in Seek mode. Lowers Write current on inner tracks ~ 42 in Read/Write mode, determines direction head will stop in Seek mode. A fault reset pulse is issued at the beginning of each Read or Write command prior to the occurrence of the Head Load signal. When "1" (high) Seek mode selected and when "0" (low) Read! Write mode selected. DC Power. .. Note: (j) Disabled when CS = 1. DESCRIPTION OF INTERNAL REGISTERS The FOG 9268 contains two registers which may be accessed by the main system processor; a Status Register and a Data Register. The 8-bit Main Status Register contains the status information of the FOG, and may be accessed at any time. The 8-bit Data Register (actually consists of several registers in a stack with only one register presented to the data bus at a time), which stores data, commands, parameters, and FOO status information. Data bytes are read out of, or written into, the Data Register in order to program or obtain the results after a particular command. The Status Register may only be read and used to facilitate the transfer of data between the processor and FOG 9268. The relation~ between the StatuslData registers and the signals RO, WR, and Ao is shown below. A, 0 0 0 1 1 1 RD 0 WR 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 FUNCTION Read Main Status Register Illegal IIleQal Illegal Read from Data Register Write into Data Register The bits in the Main Status Register are defined as follows: -- c--. NAME BIT NUMBER DBa FDDO Busy DB, FDD 1 Busy SYMBOL DESCRIPTION D,B FDD number 0 is in the Seek mode. If any of the bits is set FDC will not accept read or write command. FDD number 1 is in the Seek mode. If any of the bits is set FDC will not accept read or write command. FDD number 2 is in the Seek mode. If any of the bits is set FDC will not accept read or write command. FDD number 3 is in the Seek mode. If any of the bits is set FDC will not accept read or write command. A read or write command is in process. FDC will not accept any other command. This bit is set only during execution phase in non-DMA mode. When DB, goes low, execution phase has ended, and result phase was started. It operates only during NON-DMA mode of operation. Indicates direction of data transfer between FDC and Data Register. If DIO = "1" then transfer is from Data Register to the Processor. If DIO = "0", then trahsfer is from the Processor to Data Register. Indicates Data Register is ready to send or receive data to or from the Processor. Both bits DIO and ROM should be used to perform the hand-shaking functions of "ready" and "direction" to the processor. D,B 1--.--. DB, FDD2 Busy D,B DB, FDD 3 Busy D,B DB4 FDC Busy CB DB, Execution Mode EXM DB, Data Input!Output DIO DB, Request for Master ROM The DIO and ROM bits in the Status .Brulistillndicate when Data is ready and in which direction data will be transferred on the Data Bus. The max time between the last RD or WR during command or result phase and DIO and ROM getting set or reset is 12 fJ.UOr this reason every time Main Status Register is read the CPU should wait 12 fJ.s. The max time from the trailing edge of the last RD in the result phase to when DB4 (FDC Busy) goes low is 12 fJ.S. 544 COMMAND SEQUENCE Out FDC and Into Processor Data In/Out (010) The FOC 9268 is capable of performing 15 different commands. Each command is initiated by a mUlti-byte transfer from the processor, and the result after execution of the command may also be a mUlti-byte transfer back to the processor. Because of this multi-byte interchange of information between the FOC 9268 and the processor, it is convenient to consider each command as consisting of three phases: Command Phase: Execution Phase: Result Phase: COMMAND SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL Ao NAME Address Line 0 C Cylinder Number D D,-D o Data Data Bus DTL Data Length EaT End of Track GPL Gap Length H HD Head Address Head HLT Head Load Time HUT Head Unload Time MF MT FM or MFM Mode Multi-Track N NCN Number New Cylinder Number ND PCN R R/W SC SK SRT Non-DMA Mode Present Cylinder Number Record Read/Write Sector Skip Step Rate Time STO ST1 ST2 ST3 Status 0 Status 1 Status 2 Status 3 STP USO, US1 Unit Select The FOG receives all information required to perform a particular operation from the processor. The FOG performs the operation it was instructed to do. After completion of the opera t;,,:, status and other housekeeping informatic!1 are made available to the processor. DESCRIPTION Ao controls selection of Main Status Register (Ao = 0) or Data Register (Ao = 1). C stands for the current/selected Cylinder (track) number 0 through 76 of the medium. D stands for the data pattern which is going to be written into a Sector. 8-bit Data Bus, where D, stands for a most significant bit, and Do stands for a least significant bit. When N is defined as 00, DTL stands for the data length which users are . goinglo read out or write into the Sector. EaT stands for the final Sector number on a Cylinder. During Read or Write operation FDC will stop date transfer after a sector # equal to EaT. GPL stands for the length of Gap 3. During Read/Write commands this value determines the number of bytes that vcas will sta~low after two CRC bytes. During Format command it determines the size of ap 3. H stands for head number 0 or 1, as specified in ID field. HD stands for a selected head number 0 or 1 and controls the polarity of pin 27. (H = HD in all command words.) HLT stands for the head load time in the FDD (2 to 254 ms in 2 ms increments). HUT stands for the head unload time after a read or write operation has occurred (16 to 240 ms in 16 ms increments). If MF is low, FM mode is selected, and if it is high, MFM mode is selected. If MT is high, a multi-track operation is to be performed. If MT = 1 after finishing Read/Write operation on side 0 FDC will automatically start searching for sector 1 on side 1. Number of data bytes written in a Sector = 128* 2'. NCN stands for a new Cylinder number, which is going to be reached as a result of the Seek operation. Desired position of Head. ND stands for operation in the Non-DMA Mode. PCN stands for the Ctinder number at the completion of SENSE INTERRUPT STATU Command. Position of Head at present time. R stands for the Sector number, which will be read or written. R/W stands for either Read (R) or Write (W) signal. SC indicates the number of Sectors per Cylinder. SK stands for Skip Deleted Data Address Mark. SRT stands for the Stepping Rate for the FDD. (1 to 16 ms in 1 ms increments.) Stepping Rate applies to all drives, (F = 1 ms, E = 2 ms, etc.). ST 0-3 stand for one of four registers which store the status information after a command has been executed. This information is available during the result phase after command execution. These registers should not be confused with the main status register (selected by Ao = 0). ST 0-3 may be read only after a command has been executed and contain information relevant to that particular command. During a Scan operation, if STP = 1, the data in continguous sectors is compared byte by byte with data sent from the processor (or DMA) ; and if STP = 2, then alternate sectors are read and compared. US stands for a selected drive number 0 or 1. 545 INSTRUCTION SET CD ® I DATA BUS PHASE DATA BUS I REMARKS PHASE R/W 07 06 05 0 READ DATA Command W w w w w w w w w MT MF SK X X 0 Command Codes X X HD US1 Sector 10 information pnor to Command execution, The ~EOT~~~ header on Floppy Disk. GPl -----OTl----- -----STO----~~ST1==== H===== ------R------ W w w w w w w w w 4 bytes are commanded against Data-transfer between the I 01 Qjl o MF SK 0 0 0 X X X X HD REMARKS Command Cocles USl usa Sector 10 information prior to Command execution ~3E~T:==---= OTl-GPL- Execution FDD and main-system Status information after Command execution sn R Command usa Execution Result 03 02 READ A TRACK -----STO---------ST1----~S;2~ Result Seclor to information after Command execution Oata·transferbetweenthe FOD and maln·system FDC reads all data fields from Index hole to Ear . Status information after Command execution Sector 10 ,nformat,on after Command execution READ DELETED DATA Command W MT MF w w w w w w w w Execution SK 0 x X Command Codes X HD US1 =====~==== ====EOTr--===== Command Sector 10 information prior to Commend execution. The 4 bytes are commanded agamst header on FloPPV Disk. GPL- - - - - OTL----- ==-ST;-== ---------STO---------- Result READ 10 usa W W W w w w w w w w MT MF 0 0 X X HO US1 ::::=::::::~EOT--------- SeCtor 10 information prior to Command execution. The 4 bytes afe commanded against header on Floppy Disk. 1 C===== MT w w w w w w w w x. MF 0 0 X X Command Codes X X HO US1 usa ==== ~.===== Status information after Command execution In this case, the 10 information hes no meaning _____ R - - - - - - - SCAN EaUAL Status In'ormatlon after Command execution Command W W Sector 10 mformatlon after Command execution W W W W W W W Sector 10 information prior to Command execution. The 4 bytes are commanded against header on Floppy Disk. Result Sector 10 information after Command elilecution ======-~====== Symb04s used in this table are described at the end of thiSl8Ction. ® AO should equal binary 1 for all operations. @ X" Don't care, usually made to equal binary O. MF 1 SK X HO US1 546 Command Codes USO Sector 10 information prior to Command ellleCU!lon EOT~ ~GP~- STP----- -==STO=== == -----ST2 -c==== ====R=-- - - - - N------- Status informatiOn after Command execution DpRocEssoR DpRocEssoR DpROCESSOR DpROCESSOR DpROCESSOR DFOo = DpRocEssoR DFDO > DFDO < DpROCESSOR DpRocEssOR Table 4 If the FDC encounters a Deleted Data Address Mark on one of the sectors (and SK = 0), then it regards the sector as the last sector on the cylinder, sets CM (Control Mark) flag of Status Register 2 to a 1 (high) and terminates the command. If SK = 1, the FDC skips the sector with the Deleted Address Mark, and reads the next sector. In the second case (SK = 1), the FDC sets the CM (Control Mark) flag of Status Register 2 to a 1 (high) in order to show that a Deleted Sector had been encountered. When either the STP (contiguous sectors = 01, or alternate sectors = 02 sectors are read) or the MT (Multi-Track) are programmed, it is necessary to remember that the last sector on the track must be read. For example, if STP = 02, MT = 0, the sectors are numbered sequentially 1 through 26, and we start the Scan Command at sector 21 ; the following will happen. Sectors 21,23 and 25 will be read, then the next sector (26) will be skipped and the Index Hole will be encountered before the EOT value of 26 can be read. This will result in an abnormal termination of the command. If the EOT has been set at 25 or the scanning started at sector 20, then the Scan Command would be completed in a normal manner. During the Scan Command data is supplied by either the processor or DMA Controller for comparison against the data read from the diskette. In order to avoid having the OR (Over Run) flag set in Status Register 1, it is necessary to have the data available in less than 27 f.Ls (FM Mode) or 13 f.Ls (MFM Mode). If an Overrun occurs the FDC ends the command with bits 7 and 6 of Status Register 0 set to 0 and 1, respectively. Seek The read/write head within the FDD is moved from cylinder to cylinder under control of the Seek Command. FDC has four independent Present Cylinder Registers for each drive. They are clear only after Recalibrate command. The FDC compares the PCN (Present Cylinder Number) which is the current head position with the NCN (New Cylinder Number), and if there is a difference performs the following operation: PCN < NCN: Direction signal to FDD set to a 1 (high), and Step Pulses are issued. (Step In.) PCN> NCN: Direction signal to FDDsettoaO (low), and Step Pulses are issued. (Step Out.) Recalibrate The function of this command is to retract the read/write head within the FDD to the Track 0 position. The FDC clears the contents of the PCN counter, and checks the status of the Track 0 signal from the FDD. As long as the Track 0 signal is low, the Direction signal remains 0 (low) and Step Pulses are issued. When the Track 0 signal goes high, the SE (SEEK END) flag in Status Register 0 is set to a 1 (high) and the command is terminated. If the Track 0 signal is still low after 77 Step Pulses have been issued, the FDC sets the SE (SEEK END) and EC (EQUIPMENT CHECK) flags of Status Register 0 to both 1s (highs), and terminates the command after bits 7 and 6 of Status Register 0 is set to 0 and 1 respectively. The ability to do overlap RECALIBRATE Commands to multiple FDDs and the loss of the READY signal, as described in the Seek Command, also applies to the RECALIBRATE Command. Sense Interrupt Status An Interrupt signal is generated by the FDC for one of the following reasons: 1. Upon entering the Result Phase of: a. Read Data Command b. Read a Track Command c. Read ID Command d. Read Deleted Data Command e. Write Data Command f. Format a Cylinder Command g. Write Deleted Data Command h. Scan Commands 2. Ready Line of FDD changes state 3. End of Seek or Recalibrate Command 4. During Execution Phase in the NON-DMA Mode Interrupts caused by reasons 1 and 4 above occur during normal command operations and are easily discernible by the processor. During an execution phase in NON-DMA Mode, DB5 in Main Status Register is high. Upon entering Result Phase this bit gets clear. Reason 1 and 4 does not require Sense Interrupt Status command. The interrupt is cleared by reading/writing data to FDC. Interrupts caused by reasons 2 and 3 above may be uniquely identified with the aid of the Sense Interrupt Status Command. This com- 550 ms in increments of 2 ms (01 = 2 ms, 02 = 4 ms, 03 = 6 ms .. 7F = 254 ms). The time intervals mentioned above are a direct function of the clock (ClK on pin 22). Times indicated above are for an 16 MHz clock, ilthe clock was reduced to 8 MHz (mini -floppy application) then all time intervals are increased by a factor of 2. mand when issued resets the interrupt signal and via bits 5, 6, and 7 of Status Register 0 identifies the cause of the interrupt. INTERRUPT SEEK CODE END BITS 5 I-SITs BiT7 1 1 a 1 a a 1 1 a CAUSE Ready Line changed state, either polarity Normal Termination of Seek or Recallbrate Command Abnormal Termination of Seek or Recalibrate Command The choice of DMA or NON-DMA operation is made by the ND (NON-DMA) bit. When this bit is high (ND ~ 1) the NONDMA mode is selected, and when ND = 0 the DMA mode IS selected. Sense Drive Status Table 5 Neither the Seek or Recalibrate Command have a Result Phase. Therefore, it is mandatory to use the Sense Interrupt Status Command after these commands to effectively terminate them and to provide verification of where the head is positioned (PCN). Issuing Sense Interrupt Status Command without interrupt pending is treated as an invalid command. Specify The Specify Command sets the initial values for each of the three internal timers. The HUT (Head Unload Time) defines the time from the end of the Execution Phase of one of the Read/Write Commands to the head unload state. This timer is programmable from 16 to 240 ms in increments of 16 ms (01 = 16 ms, 02 = 32 ms ... OF = 240 ms).The SRT (Step Rate Time) defines the time interval between adjacent step pulses. This timer is programmable from 1 to 16 ms in increments of 1 ms (F = 1 ms, E = 2 ms, D = 3 ms, etc.). The HlT (Head load Time) defines the time between when the Head load signal goes high and when the Read/Write operation starts. This timer is programmable from 2 to 254 This command may be used by the processor whenever it wishes to obtain the status of the FDDs. Status Register 3 contains the Drive Status information stored internally in FDC registers. Invalid If an invalid command is sent to the FDC (a command not defined above), then the FDC will terminate the command after bits 7 and 6 of Status Register 0 are set to 1 and 0 respectively. No interrupt is generated by the FDC 9268 during this condition. Bit 6 and bit 7 (DIO and ROM) in the Main Status Register are both high ("1") indicating to the processor that the FDC 9268 is in the Result Phase and the contents of Status Register 0 (STO) must be read. When the processor reads Status Register 0 it will find an 80 hex indicating an invalid command was received. A Sense Interrupt Status Command must be sent after a Seek or Recalibrate Interrupt, otherwise the FOC will consider the next command to be an Invalid Command. In some applications the user may wish to use this command as a No-Op command, to place the FOC in a standby or no operation state. STATUS REGISTER IDENTIFICATION NO. 0, BIT NAME Interrupt Code SYMBOL IC 06 Os Seek End SE 0, Equipment Check EC 03 Not Ready NR 0, 0, 0, Head Address Unit Select 1 Unit Select a HD US1 usa DESCRIPTION 0, = a and De = a Normal Termination of Command, (NT). Command was completed and properly executed. 0, = a and 0 6 = 1 Abnormal Termination of Command, (AT). Execution of Command was started, but was not successfully completed. 0, = 1 and 0 6 = a Invalid Command issue, (IC). Command which was issued was never started. 0, = 1 and De = 1 Abnormal Termination because during command execution the ready signal from FDD changed state. When the FDC completes the SEEK Command, this flag is set to 1 (high). If a fault Signal is received from the FDD, or if the Track a Signal fails to occur after 77 Step Pulses (Recalibrate Command) then this flag is set. When the FDD is in the not-ready state and a read or write command is issued, this flag is set. If a read or write command is issued to Side 1 of a single sided drive, then this flag is set. This flag is used to indicate the state of the head at Interrupt. These flags are used to indicate a Drive Unit. Number at Interrupt. 551 BIT NAME NO. SYMBOL STATUS REGISTER 1(CONT.) D, End of Cylinder EN D, D, Data Errror DE D, Over Run OR D, D, No Data ND D, Not Writable NW Do Missing Address Mark MA DESCRIPTION When the FDC tries to access a Sector beyond the final Sector of a Cylinder, this flag is set. Not used. This bit is always 0 (low). When the FDC detects a CRC error in either the ID field or the data field, this flag is set. If the FDC is not serviced by the main-systems during data transfers, within a certain time interval, this flag is set. Not used. This bit always 0 (low). Duri~ execution of READ DATA, WRITE DELETED DATA or SCA Command, if the FDC cannot find the Sector specified in the IDR Register, this flag is set. During executing the READ ID Command, if the FDC cannot read the ID field without an error, then this flag is set. During the execution of the READ A Cylinder Command, if the starting sector cannot be found, then this flag is set. During execution of WRITE DATA, WRITE DELETED DATA or Format A Cylinder Command, if the FDC detects a write protect signal from the FDD, then this flag is set. If the FDC cannot detect the ID Address Mark after encountering the index hole twice, then this flag is set. If the FDC cannot detect the Data Address Mark or Deleted Data Address Mark, this flag is set. Also at the same time, the MD (Missing Address Mark in Data Field) of Status Register 2 is set. STATUS REGISTER 2 D, D, Control Mark CM D, D, Data Error in Data Field Wrong Cylinder DD WC D, Scan Equal Hit SH D, Scan Not Satisfied SN D, Bad Cylinder BC Do Missing Address Mark in Data Field MD D, Fault FT D, Write Protected WP D, Ready RY D, Track 0 TO D, Two Side TS D, Head Address HD D, Unit Select 1 US1 Do Unit Select 0 usa Not used. This bit is always 0 (low). During executing the READ DATA or SCAN Command, if the FDC encounters a sector which contains a Deleted Data Address Mark, this flag is set. If the FDC detects a CRC error in the data field then this flag is set. This bit is related with the ND bit, and when the contents of C on the medium is different from that stored in the IDR, this flag is set. During execution, the SCAN Command, if the condition of "equal" is satisfied, this flag is set. During executing the SCAN Command, if the FDC cannot find a Sector on the cylinder which meets the condition, then this flag is set. This bit is related with the ND bit, and when the content of C on the medium is different from that stored in the IDR and the content of C is FF, then this flag is set. When data is read from the medium, if the FDC cannot find a Data Address Mark or Deleted Data Address Mark, then this flag is set. STATUS REGISTER 3 This bit is used to indicate the status of the Fault signal from the FDD. This bit is used to indicate the status of the Write Protected signal from the FDD. This bit is used to indicate the status of the Ready signal from the FDD. This bit is used to indicate the status of the Track 0 signal from the FDD. This bit is used to indicate the status of the Two Side signal from the FDD. This bit is used to indicate the status of Side Select signal to the FDD. This bit is used to indicate the status of the Unit Select 1 signal to the FDD. This bit is used to indicate the status of the Unit Select a signal to the FDD. 552 PROCESSOR INTERFACE Ouring Command or Result Phases the Main Status Register (described earlier) must be read by the processor before each byte of information is written into or read from the Oata Register. After each byte of data read or written to Oata Register, CPU should wait for 12 f.Ls before reading MSR. Bits 06 and 07 in the Main Status Register must be in aO and 1 state, respectively, before each byte of the command word may be written in the FOC 9268. Many of the commands require multiple bytes, and as a result the Main Status Register must be read prior to each byte transfer to the FOC 9268. On the other hand, during the Result Phase, 06 and 07 in the Main Status Register must both be 1's (06 = 1 and 07 = 1) before reading each byte from the Oata Register. Note, this reading of the Main Status Register before each byte transfer to the FOC 9268 is required in only the Command and Result Phases, and NOT during the Execution Phase. Ouring the Execution Phase, the Main Status Register need not be read. If the FOC 9268 is in the NON-OMA Mode, then the receipt of each data byte (if FOC 9268 is reading data from FOO) is indicated by an Interrupt sig.om on pin 18 (INT = 1). The generation of a Read signal (RO = 0) or Write signal (WR = 0) will reset the Interrupt as well as output the Oata onto the Oata bus. If the processor cannot handle Interrupts fast enough (every 13 f.Ls) for MFM and 27 f.Ls for FM mode, then it may poll the Main Status Register and then bit 07 (ROM) functions just like the Interrupt signal. If a Write Command is in process then the WR signal performs the reset to the Interrupt signal. If the FOC 9268 is in the OMA Mode, no Interrupts are generated during the Execution Phase. The FOC 9268 generates ORO's (OMA Requests) when each byte of data is available. The OMA Controller responds to this request with both a OACK = 0 (OMA Acknowledge) and a RO = 0 (Read sl9.o.£!). When the OMA Acknowledge signal goes low (OACK = 0) then the OMA Request is reset (ORO = 0). If a Write Command has been programmed then a WR signal will appear instead of RO. After the Execution Phase has been completed (Terminal Count has occurred) or EaT sector was read/written, then an Interrupt will occur (INT = 1). This signifies the beginning of the Result Phase. When the first byte of data is read during the Result Phase, the Interrupt is automatically reset (INT = 0). It is important to note that during the Result Phase all bytes shown in the Command Table must be read. The Read Oata Command, for example has seven bytes of data in the Result Phase. All seven bytes must be read in order to successfully complete the Read Oata Command. The FOC 9268 will not accept a new command until all seven bytes have been read. Other commands may require fewer bytes to be read during the Result Phase. The FOC 9268 contains five Status Registers. The Main Status Register mentioned above may be read by the processor at any time. The other four Status Registers (STD, ST1, ST2, and ST3) are only available during the Result Phase, and may be read only after completing a command. The particular command which has been executed determines how many of the Status Registers will be read. The bytes of data which are sent to the FOC 9268 to form the Command Phase, and are read out of the FOC 9268 in the Result Phase, must occur in the order shown in the Command Table. That is, the Command Code must be sent first and the other bytes sent in the prescribed sequence. No foreshortening of the Command or Result Phases are allowed. After the last byte of data in the Command Phase is sent to the FOC 9268, the Execution Phase automatically starts. In a similar fashion, when the last byte of data is read out in the Result Phase, the command is automatically ended and the FOC 9268 is ready for a new command. POLLING FEATURE OF THE FDC 9268 After the Specify command has been sent to the FOC 9268, the Unit Select line USO and US1 will automatically go into a polling mode. In between commands (and between step pulses in the SEEK command) the FOC 9268 polls all four FOO's looking for a change in the Ready line from any of the drives. If the Ready line changes state (usually due to a door opening or closing) then the FOC 9268 will generate an interrupt. When Status Register 0 (STO) is read (after Sense Interrupt Status is issued), Not Ready (NR) will be indicated. The polling of the Ready line by the FOC 9268 occurs continuously between commands, thus notifying the processor which drives are on or off line. Each drive is polled every 1.024 ms except during the Read/Write commands. AC TEST CONDITION INPUTIOUTPUT CLOCK 24V 30V---, o 45V 03V _ _ _J ACTESTING Inputs are dnven al 2 4V for a logiC "1" and OA5V for a logic "0," Timing ments are made at 2 OV for a logiC "1" and O.BV for a logiC "0' measure~ Clocks are driven at 3.0V for a logiC "1" and Q,3V for a logic "0," Timing measurements are made at 2.4V for a logic "1" and O.65V for a logiC "0:' 553 FOC 9268 COMPATIBILITY The FDC9268 is software and hardware compatible with the FDC9266 with the following qualifications pertaining to Precomp and clock input. -A 16 MHz clock is used on the FDC9268. - The precomp specifications for the FDC9267 and FDC9266 can be used for the FDC9268 with the following qualification. Whenever the precomp select line P2 is active, the FDC9268 uses the maximum precomp available in that mode (Le. 375 nsec in the 250 Kb/s mode and 187.5 nsec in the 500 Kb/s mode). MINI P2 P, Po PRECOMP VALUE (nsec) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 125.0 250.0 375.0 375.0 375.0 375.0 375.0 0 62.5 125.0 187.5 187.5 187.5 187.5 187.5 Write Precompensation Value Selection ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* Operating Temperature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'. . OOG to + 700G Storage Temperature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... - 55°C to + 150°C All Output Voltages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. - 0.5 to + 7 Volts All Input Voltages ............................................................................................. - 0.5 to + 7 Volts Supply Voltage Vee ............................................................................................ - 0.5 to + 7 Volts Power Dissipation ....................................................................................................... , 1 Watt T. = 25°C 'COMMENT: Stress above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. DC CHARACTERISTICS T. = O°C to PARAMETER Input Low Voltage Input High Voltage Output Low Voltage Output High Voltage Input Low Voltage (ClK + WR Clock) Input High Voltage (ClK + WR Clock) Vee Supply Current + 70°C; Vee SYMBOL VIL V,H VOl VOH VIL'~' = + 5V ± 5% unless otherwise specified. MIN -0.5 2.0 LIMITS TYPcy eI>o eI>, 5% unless otherwise specified. MIN 60 20 LIMITS TYPeD 62.5 ~'. MAX 250 500 500 UNIT ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns 200 f1s ns 10 10 ,b, TAA TRA TRA THO Toe TAW TWA Tww Tow Two TA, Tw, 0 0 250 TMCY 13 200 100 20 0 0 250 150 5 TAM Tre Tus TSD 20 280 12 7 -+j~ F R I S T P t - - - - - - - - - - - - -.... lCT/DIR 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.....---1 VCO~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::===--::l:::::~ uso NT_ INT C S - CS R D - RD WR-WR A0_ A0 DRO_ DRO DACK _ DACK TC _TC RESET --+ RST US1 l HDlr--~~------~:::;::~::~----r_~ RDY _RDY IQx _IDX ~~ h~~ESEl II : 1 WDIN Illx~lillN6~lvl! PS0 ::g~ DVCC ...g4+ 5V '--+----+1 EARLY VCO SYNC 1 :: rQ P0 XTAl2 WDOUT 1-=2"-1_ _ _ _ _---' ~~O-'-=------' r----"-..I lATE II "M~~"" ~ WDA L-l. CLK~ XTAL1 6 WCK RDD ~~~ r-ClK I+- MFM ClK RDD RDW ~ RDIN "F-o-cn--C'-6-s-o---'r F0C765A 7 8 10 MINI MFM ~ MFM I~ I..... 147K 5% ~~:~~:nh~~: ~~e~~yi~I~~~r~::hng RDIN lFOI PDOUT lFIN VIR DONO DGND .~~I AVCC!f.-+5Vrr.;lJ:!:LC l [ 1 1 RBT 'To avoid soft errors caused by transmission line effects and eLK 1+.:.19,,-_ _ _ _---, ~ T~~~f 1~ 15 24.9K 1%MLC 14 AGND::" FDC92C81 J .~,",:,,, 75K AGND 5% J~ '~bt and the controller board, the use of a (non-Inverting) TTL schmldt-tngger input gate or bus transceiver is recommended at the DSKO Input to the FDC92C81. MLC AVSS TYPICAL SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION 'I XTAL1/Xl:Al2 OSCilLATOR I 16MHz .1 COUNTER SHUFFLE r-lO§CllLATOR) 500 KHz 1MHz B/4MHz I 250 KHz ~ MINI I MFM I CLOCK GENERATOR ~8MHZ ~~~~~T + I II DETECtO~1 ~ EDGE SYNCHRONIZER RDIN ClK WCK I I PHASE COMPARATOR PDOUT -.t VCO SYNC [:J l J lFIN lFOI VREF CLOCK DIVIDERI SELECTOR PO EARlY/lATE WDIN - ~ lATCH PRECOMPENSATION lOGICIWRITE DATA TIMING r1 I I 1 558 LI READ DATA/READl DATA WINDOW GENERATOR J RDW RDD WDOUT BLOCK DIAGRAM FDC92C81 TABLE 1-FDC92C81 DESCRIPTION OF PIN FUNCTIONS PIN NO. SYMBOL 1 NAME Write Data In WDIN I/O I 2 Early EARLY I 3 late lATE I DESCRIPTION This input contains the serial clock and data bits which may be precompensated and output to the drive. Used for precompensation. When high, the write data bit will be written early. Refer to table below. Used for precompensation. When high, the write data bit will be written late. EARLY lATE PULSE POSITION 0 0 nominal 1 0 early 0 1 late 1 1 not used A 16.000 MHz parallel resonant crystal may be connected between XTAl1 and XTAL2. If a TTL signal is used in place of a crystal, the signal should be connected to XTAl1 while XTAl2 is left unconnected. 4 5 Crystal Crystal XTAL2 XTAl1 0 6 Write Clock WCK 0 This output contains the clock which cQntrols the rate at which data is written to the drive. See table for MINI pin. 7 Read Data RDD 0 This output contains the reclocked encoded bit stream from the drive. 8 Read Data Window RDW 0 9 Read Data In RDIN I 10 Phase Detect Out PDOUT 0 11 Bias Reference RBT I Digital Ground DGND AGND This output is a function of the internal VCO frequency which tracks and properly frames the encoded drive bit stream for reliable clocking into the floppy disk controller. This input is the read data from the floppy disk drive. The input is active low. The leading edge (high to low transition) is used for all frequency tracking operations. The output of the phase detect circuit. A 75K 5% resistor is connected between this output and lFIN. An external 147K 5% resistor connected between this pin and AVCC establishes a bias reference current for the VCO. This input should not be forced low. Digital Ground Analog Ground 12 13 I 14 Analog Ground Voltage to Current Reference VIR I 15 low-pass Filter In lFIN I 16 low-pass Filter lFOI 1/0 17 18 AnalogVcc MFMMode AVCC MFM I 19 MINI MINI I 20 21 Clock Write Data Out ClK WDOUT 0 0 559 A 24.9K 1% metal film resistor connected between this pin and AVSS establishes a current reference for the on-chip voltage to current converter which is part of the VCO. This is the input to the low pass filter amplifier. A resistor is connected between this input and PDOUT and a low pass filter is connected between this input and lFOI. This pin is the output of the low pass filter amplifier and the input to the VCO. + 5V analog power supply When this input is high, the chip is in MFM mode. When low, the chip is in the FM mode. This input, along with the input P0 specifies the amount of precompensation to be used. See table for the P0 pin. This input along with MFM controls the ClK and WCK outputs. MFM MINI WCK ClK 0 0 500KHz 8MHz 0 1 250KHz 4MHz 1 1MHz 8M Hz 0 1 1 500KHz 4MHz This output is a 4MHz or 8M Hz clock. See table above. This output is the precompensated serial write data to the floppy disk drive. TABLE 1-FDC92C81 DESCRIPTION OF PIN FUNCTIONS CONTINUED PIN NO. 22 23 24 SYMBOL NAME Precompensation P0 VCOSync DigitalVcc VCOSYNC DVCC DESCRIPTION This input along with the MINI input specifies the amount of precompensation to be used. MINI PO PRECOMP O.Ons a a 1 62.5ns 0 O.Ons 1 0 1 1 125.0ns I/O I I VCO locks to clock when low and to data when high. + 5V digital power supply. MODE GAIN IMPLEMENTATION The phase locked loop gain of the FDC92C81 is controlled by switching between two modes of operation, shuffle oscillator and arm on data. The mode change is via VCO SYNC. The shuffle oscillator mode is considered the high gain mode and the arm on data mode is considered the low gain mode. Arm On Data Mode The purpose of the arm on data mode is to reduce the gain so that the chip can handle higher amounts of bit jitter. In this mode, each code bit received from the drive resets the phase compare circuits and a counter (shuffle oscillator). The phase compare circuits are only armed for one compare cycle after each code bit. The counter is set such that V4 bit cell after the phase compare reset has gone away, it creates an edge. (Only one compare is performed until the next code bit is received.) This edge is compared against the edges of the VCO by the phase compare circuits. The relationship between these edges is used to generate one pump-up or pump-down signal. Therefore, in this mode, each code bit causes only one update to the loop. Shuffle Oscillator Mode The shuffle oscillator mode allows for a fast lock to data time when attempting to acquire data synchronization. In this mode, each code bit received from the drive resets the phase compare circuits and a counter (shuffle oscillator). The phase compare circuits are always armed. The counter is set such that % bit cell after the phase compare reset has gone away, it creates an edge. Each % bit cell thereafter creates an edge until reset by another code bit. This edge is compared against the edges of the VCO by the phase compare circuits. The relationship between these edges is used to generate pump-up/pump-down signals. In MFM codes, the minimum spacing between code bits is one bit cell, the maximum spacing is two bit cells. Therefore, in this mode, each code bit can cause up to four updates to the loop. This is how the gain of the loop is increased. TYPICAL PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS PARAMETER Bit Jilter Nominal Speed +5% Speed -5% Speed Window Margin Early Late 500KHz 300KHz 250KHz UNITS 380 360 380 620 600 660 760 740 840 nsec nsec nsec 480 400 800 720 860 820 nsec nsec I Lock to Encoded Data less than 3 bytes 560 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS MAXIMUM GUARANTEED RATINGS Operating Temperature Range .................................................................................... O°C to + 70°C Storage Temperature Range ................................................................................. - 55°C to + 150°C lead Temperature (soldering, 10 sec.) .................................................................................. + 300°C Positive Voltage on any Pin, with respect to Ground ................................................................... Vcc + 0.3V Negative Voltage on any Pin, with respeCt to Ground ...................................................................... - 0.3V Power Dissipation ........................................................................................................ 0.25W Positive Voltage on Vee Pin, with respect to Ground .......................................................................... 7.0V Stresses above those listed may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or at any other condition above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. NOTE: When powering this device from laboratory or system power supplies, it is important that the "Maximum Guaranteed Ratings" not be exceeded, or device failure can result. Some power supplies exhibit voltage spikes or "glitches" on their outputs when AC power is switched off. In addition, voltage transients on the AC power supply line may appear on the DC output. If this possibility exists it is suggested that a clamp circuit be used. DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS TA = O°C to 70°C, Vee = 5.0V ± 5% unless PARAMETERS MIN TYP MAX UNITS INPUT VOLTAGE otherw;".-"'~""II-· ..· I COMMI:I~~~ WDIN, EARLY, lATE, RDIN, P0, SYNC V High Level V'L High level V,H -0.3 2.0 0.8 (VCC) V INPUT VOLTAGE Low level V'L High level V,H -0.3 3.2 0.8 (VCC) V V XTAL 1, XTAl2 OUTPUT VOLTAGE V 0.4 Low level VOL V 2.4 High Level VOH ClK, WCK, RDD, RDW, MFM, MINI, WDOUT 10L = 1.6mA except ClK 10L = 0.4mA, ClK only 10H = -100uA except ClK 10H = - 400uA, ClK only POWER SUPPLY CURRENT Icc INPUT lEAKAGE CURRENT I'L INPUT CAPACITANCE TBD mA TBD uA V,N = OtoVee WDIN, EARLY, lATE, RDIN, P0, SYNC,XTAl1 pF TBD AC ELECTRICALCHARACTERISTICSTA = OOCt070°C, Vee = 5.0V TYP MAX ±5%unlessothe~f!f!!,~L." UNIT LOArL. ~~'!l!!""tr PARAMETERS 5MBL MIN Read data width T, 40 ns 20Pf~' Window setup time T2 15 ns 20pf Window hold time T3 15 ns 20pf Window cycle time T. us us us us 20pf ns 20pf us us us 20pf 20pf 20pf 2 1 4 2 WCKhigh T. WCK cycle time T. ClKhigh T7 40 ns 20pf ClKlow T. 40 ns 20pf 80 250 350 4 2 1 ClKperiod T. 120 WDOUTwidth T•• 250 ClK t to WCK t delay T,. 0 315 561 500 ns 20pf 350 us 20pf 40 ns MFM = 0 MFM = 1 MFM = 0 MFM = 1 MINI = 0 MINI = 0 MINI = 1 MINI = 1 125KHz data rate 250KHz data rate 500KHz data rate x2ifmini = 1 AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS CONTINUED PARAMETERS ClK i to WCK 5MBL 1delay WDOiJT early rising edge to WDOUT nom. rising edge MIN TYP 0 T" T12 MAX UNIT 40 ns Desired Precomp Value WDOUT nom. rising edge to WDOUT late rising edge T,. Pre-shift delay time from WCK positive edge T'4 20 100 ns WDIN delay time rising edge of WCK to rising edge of WDIN, falling edge of WCK to falling edge of WDIN T15 20 100 ns WDINwidth TlO 30 300 ns Read data width T17 100 Read data cycle time TlO ~ ,' . see table for pin 22 see table for pin 22 Desired Precomp Value 200 .". ~~Tht&. LOAD~'" ns 2 2 4 4 SOO Kb/s MFM, 2S0 Kb/s FM 2S0 Kb/s MFM, 12SKb/s FM us us us us The following Inputs are DC levels: MFM, MINI, Po. 50,-------------------------------~ '.0 TYPICAL VCO VOLTAGE IN VS. FREQUENCY 30 2.0 FDC92C81 tyPICAL 1.0 0.0 +----,-------,-------.----...,-----r---_+_ 0.5 '.5 2.5 FREQUENCY (MHZ) INPUT TIMING WCK EARLY LATE WDA RDIN" 562 3.5 OUTPUT TIMING RD0~T'~\ / RDW X I I:-T,- WCK~ ~ t:= s-4 T T, T, / ., r~ T'41 \-.- WDOUT (early) .-A WDOUT (nominal) W~ \ I-T9a--i WDOUT (LATE) NOTE: For an updated data sheet please fill out the reply card in the back of this catalog or call SMC at (516) 273-3100. 563 \ 2.45" RESISTOR VALUES R1 R2 R3 R4 XTAL 10K5% 75K5% 24.9K 1% metal Iilm 147K5% CAPACITOR VALUES C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 TOP GROUND PLANE REDUCE TO 2.500 ± .005" •• .l1li REDUCE TO 2.500 ± .005" .003 ul 10% MLC 220 pi 10% MLC .47ul 10% MLC .22uI10% .22 ul 10% 60 pi 10% 60 pi 10% •• , • L SOLDER SIDE COMPONENT SIDE .J NOTE: The printed circuit board artwork shown above is included for illustration only. Camera ready artwork is available through your SMC representative or regional sales office. Blank PC boards (based on the illustrations above) are also available to facilitate evaluation and design. Contact your SMC representative or regional sales office for more information. Circu~ diagrams utilizing SMC products are included as a means 01 illustrating typical semiconductor applications; consequently ocmplete information sufficient for construction purposes is not necessarily given. The information has been carefully checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. However, no responsibility IS assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, such information does not convey to the purchaser of the semiconductor devices described any license under the patent rights of SMC or others. SMC reserves the right to make changes at any time In order to i.mprove design and supply the best product possible. 564 Floppy Disk Controller/Formatter FDC FOC 9791 FOC9793 FOC9795 FOC 9797 I-lPC FAMILY PIN CONFIGURATION FEATURES 0+5 VOLT ONLY VERSION OF FDC179X-02 SOFT SECTOR FORMAT COMPATIBILITY o AUTOMATIC TRACK SEEK WITH VERIFICATION o ACCOMMODATES SINGLE AND DOUBLE DENSITY FORMATS 1 40 NC NC 3. INTRa WE IBM 3740 Single Density (FM) 3. DRO cs 37 DDEN fiE 4 IBM System 34 Double Density (MFM) 3. WPRT Ao Wi5"Rf 40 READ MODE 35 iP A, D5'E'N 41 7 34 TROO DALO' Single/Multiple Sector Read with Automatic Search 33 DAll' WFNFOE • ROY DAL2' or Entire Track Read 10 31 WD 32 DAL3' NC Selectable 128 Byte or Variable Length Record 11 30 WG DAL4' NC 12 29 TG43 DALS' WRITE MODE WE 3 13 2. HLD DALB' cs 14 27 RAW READ DAL7" Single/Multiple Sector Write with Automatic Sector 15 2. RCLK EARLY STEP 25 Search RG/SSO Ao • DIRe DIRe 24 17 ClK EARLY Entire Track Write for Diskette Initialization 23 HlT LATE 22 TEST MR PROGRAMMABLE CONTROLS 21 20 Vee GND Selectable Track to Track Stepping Time PACKAGE: 44 pin PLCC 'INVERTED BUS FOR FOG 9791, FOG 9795 Side Select Compare PACKAGE: 40 pin 0.1 P. 'Inverted Bus for FDC9791, FDC9795 SYSTEM COMPATIBILITY Double Buffering of Data 8 Bit Bi-Directional Bus for Data, Control and Status DMA or Programmed Data Transfers INCORPORATES ENCODING/DECODING All Inputs and Outputs are TTL Compatible On-Chip Track and Sector Registers/Comprehensive AND ADDRESS MARK CIRCUITRY Status Information COMPATIBLE WITH FDC 179X-02 COPLAMOS® n-CHANNEL MOS TECHNOLOGY WRITE PRECOMPENSATION (MFM AND FM) COMPATIBLE WITH THE FDC 9216 FLOPPY DISK SIDE SELECT LOGIC (FDC 9795, FOC 9797) DATA SEPARATOR WINDOW EXTENSION (IN MFM) o ~ o ·0 o ,. ,.,. o o o o o o o o o GENERAL DESCRIPTION The FDC 979X is an MOS/LSI device which performs the functions of a Floppy Disk Controller/Formatter in a single chip implementation. The basic FDC 979X chip design has evolved into four specific parts: FDC 9791, FDC 9793, FDC 9795, and the FDC 9797. mode (MFM). The FDC 9791 contains enhanced features necessary to read/write and format a double density diskette. These include address mark detection, FM and MFM encode and decode logic, window extension, and write precompensation. This FDC family performs all the functions necessary to read or write data to any type of floppy disk drive. Both 8" and 5114" (mini-floppy) drives with single or double density storage capabilities are supported. These nchannel MOS/LSI devices will replace a large amount of discrete logic required for interfacing a host processor to a floppy disk. The FDC 9793 is identical to the FDC 9791 except the DAL lines are TRUE for systems that utilize true data busses. The FDC 9795 adds side select logic to the FDC 9791. The FDC 9797 adds the side select logic to the FDC 9793. The processor interface consists of an 8 bit bidirectional bus for data, status, and control word transfers. This family of controllers is configured to operate on a multiplexed bus with other bus-oriented devices. The FDC 9791 is IBM 3740 compatible in single density mode (FM) and System 34 compatible in double density 565 For additional information, consult your 1986 SMC catalog or contact our product marketing department at (516) 273-3100. Circuit diagrams utilizing SMC products are included as a means of illustrating typical semiconductor applications: consequentiy oomplete information sufficient for construction purposes is not necessarily given. 5~~§~~~~~~~~=; The information has been carefully checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. However. no responsibility is ,,.,,~,,. "'_•• " "". assumed for inaccuracies. Furlhermore. such information does not convey to the purchaser of the '"'' ",.,,00 . "',.".",..... semiconductor devices described any license under the patent rights of SMC or others. SMC reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design and supply the best product possible. 566 ~HardDisk 1laz.J)isk :ran J)isk I'ImD.at Kv.:m.ber MSD95000 MSD96C02 MSD7262 B009234 B0092C28 SCSI Da~. nda 'Ita1Iater RLL 2 7114FM1NltZ/GOR RLL2,7IW'MJNRZ1GOR :aate IBM\1I> POI.ATI1I>, ST·5OO MFM,FM 20Mb/sec 24Mb/sec 18Mb/sec 5Mb/sec ST-506 MFM,FM 5Mb/sec UserD&fl.ned ESDI NBZ Bar4Jiialt DlRa Elltter:nal extern.a.l lIower extern.a.l +SV +SV +SV +SV AnaJ.og, +5V extern.a.l ex:terna.l VCO B009223 B009224 ST-506 DllICVAX\1I>, MIcoov:AX\1I>; ST·606 MFM.FM MFl4,FM 6Mb/sec 5Mb/sec VCOonlv 6.ltt$rnal +5V +SV HD092C27 ST-606 MFl4,FM 5Mb/sec AnaJ.O~ external CO +6V HDC92C25 8'1'·606 DCST·606 HDC7280 NECST-B06 MFl4 :PM MFM,FM MFl4 FM 5Mb/sec 12Mb/sec 6Mb/sec 5Mbisec extern.a.l BOO 7281 +SV +SV +SV +SV BOO 1100-01, SA1000, ST·5OO ·12 .()3 .Q5 NBZ,MFM,FM 567 exiiernaJ ex:terna.l external l'acJtage :rage 68PLOO 68PLCC 40 DIP 40 DIP, 44PLOO 24 DIP, 28PLOO 14 DIP 40 DIP, 44PLOO 28 DIP, 28PLCC 48 DIP 40 DIP 40 DIP 20 DIP 681-692 693·736 677-660 637-675 627-634 685-588 689-624 635-636 626-626 583-584 579-562 569-678 568 HDC 1100-01 PRELIMINARY Hard Disk Serial to Parallel Converter PIN CONFIGURATION FEATURES o Single + 5 Volt Power Supply o Double Buffered o Byte Strobe Outputs o 5 MBit Shift Rate o Seriallnput/Paraliel Out 020 Pin DIP On-Channel COPLAMOS®Silicon Gate Technology ClK 1 20 Vee NC 2 19 EN BClR 3 18 NRZ TEST 4 17 ST 000 5 16 OOUT 001 15 BOONE 6 002 7 14 SHFClK 003 8 13 007 004 9 12 006 Vss 10 11 DOS GENERAL DESCRIPTION The HOC 1100-01 converts NRZ data from a Winchester disk drive into eight bit parallel form. Additional inputs are provided to initiate the conversion process, as well as output strobes to indicate the completion. ST----, +5Vr--~_-' The HOC 1100-01 contains two sets of 8 bit registers. This allows one register to be read (in parallel) while serial data is being shifted into the other. +5V 8 Q~'-~ Bit Counter cp TEST BOONE EN ~----+--- NRZ--+~rct---~8~B~it---C~~ ClK _-+~ Shift Register ~--'-T""'T'T""T-.-r-r----I 000 001 002 003 004 DOS 006 007 569 BClR >--+--~ OOUT For additional information, consult your 1986 SMC catalog or contact our product marketing department at (516) 273-3100. ~~~I~~~!;~!;! Circuit diagrams utilizing SMC products are included as a means of illustrating typical semiconductor ~ applications: consequently comJllete information sufficient for construction purposes is not necessarily given. The information has been carefully checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, such information does not convey to the purchaser of the semiconductor devices described any license under the patent rights of SMC or others. SMC reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design and supply the best product possible. 570 HDC 1100-12 PRELIMINARY Hard Disk Improved MFM Generator FEATURES PIN CONFIGURATION o Single + 5 Volt Power Supply o Write Precompensation o Address Mark Generation o 5 Mbit Data Rate o Converts NRZ to MFM 020 Pin DIP On-Channel COPLAMOS® Silicon Gate Technology NRZ 1 SKPEN 2 19 AO WCLK 3 18 A1 WCLK 4 17 MR RWC 5 16 MFM 15 INTRO 20 Vee CS 6 DROCLK 7 14 ORO INTCLK 8 13 EARLY 2XDR 9 12 LATE Vss 10 11 NOM GENERAL DESCRIPTION The HOC 1100-12 "improved" MFM Generator converts serial NRZ data into an MFM (Modified Frequency Modulated) data stream. The MFM signal may be used to record information on a Winchester Disk. In addition, the HOC 1100-12 generates Write Precompen- RWC sation signals required to compensate for bit shift effects on the recording medium. The HOC 1100-12 has the ability to delete clock pulses in the outgoing data stream in order to record Address Marks. DROCLK ORO NRZ WCLK WCLK 4BIT SHIFT REG. WRITE PRECOMP GEN. MFMGEN EARLY NOM LATE INTCLK INTRO MFM AO A1 DECODE LOGIC CS SKPEN MR MFM GENERATOR INTERRUPT CONTROLLER 571 For additional information, consult your 1986 catalog or contact our product marketing department at (516) 273·3100. ~ !~!!!;! Circuit diagrams utilizing SMC products are included as a means of illustrating typical semiconductor applications: consequently complete information sufficient for construction purposes is not necessarily given. The information has been carefully checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, such information does not convey to the purchaser of the semiconductor devices described any license under the patent rights of SMC or others. SMC reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design ana supply the best product possible. 572 HDC 1100-03 PRELIMINARY Hard Disk Address Mark Detector PIN CONFIGURATION FEATURES D Single + 5 Volt Power Supply D Decodes A 1-0A D Synchronous Clock/Data Outputs D 5 MBit Data Rate D Address Mark Detection D20PinDIP D n-Channel COPlAMOS ® Silicon Gate Technology RClK 1 DIN 2 20 vee 19 RST RClK 3 18 CP ClKIN 4 17 NC DOUT 5 16 AMDET NC 6 15 AMDET NC 7 14 QOUT TEST1 8 ENDET 9 Vss 10 13 NC 12 DClK 11 TEST2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION for a DATA = A 1, ClK = OA pattern and produces and AM DET signal when the pattern has been found. NRZ data is output from the device for driving a serial/parallel converter. An uncommitted latch is also provided for use by the data separator circuitry if required. The HDC 1100-03 Address Mark Detector Provides an efficient means of detecting Address Mark Fields in an MFM (NRZ) data stream. MFM clocks and data are fed to the device along with a window clock generated by an external data separator. The HDC 1100-03 searches the data stream CP RST HV~ : DIN RClK r-------------~.~ QOUT Q 1-------1- DOUT D C R 8BIT SHIFT REG r----- TEST 1 r--'--'---'-'--'--'-..L---Lt-_____ DClK ENDET 1----- AMDET li-L,-r-r--r-r-r-r..---,,J>---AMDET L...-_ _ _ _ _ TEST 2 R ClK IN ----+---1 D 8BIT SHIFT REG RClK --~-aC 573 Q For additional information, consult your 1986 SMC catalog or contact our product marketing department at (516) 273-3100. ~ ~,~~~~:~ Circuit diagrams utilizing SMC products are included as a means of illustrating typical semiconductor ';',ce","," "'''''',., ,,,,, ,",' '" "00 ' 'W, ''0 m"""" applications: consequently complete information sufficient for construction purposes is not necessarily given. The information has been carefully checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, such information does not convey to the purchaser of the semiconductor devices described any license under the patent rights of SMC or others. SMC reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design ana supply the best product possible. 574 HDC1100-Q4 PRELIMINARY Hard Disk CRC Checker/Generator FEATURES PIN CONFIGURATION o Single + 5 Volt Power Supply o Generates/Checks CRC o Latched Error Outputs o CCITT-16 CRC o Automatic Preset DIN 1 [ DOCK 2 [ SHFCLK 3 [ D20Pin DIP On-Channel COPLAMOS®Silicon Gate Technology NC 4 [ NC 5 [ CWE 6 [ P 20 Vee P 19 NC P 18 NC P 17 NC P 16 CRCOK P 15 TIMCLK DaCE 7 [ ] 14 WCLK CRCIZ B [ ] 13 CRCOK NC 9 [ ] 12 SKPCLK Vss 10 [ ] 11 DOUT GENERAL DESCRIPTION The HDC 1100-04 CRC Checker/Generator generates a Cyclic Redundancy Checkword from a serial data stream, and checks for the proper CRC in a received serial data stream. In addition to the transmitted CRC output, complimentary latched "CRCOK" outputs are provided to indicate CRC errors in the check mode. CRCIZ---..., 1-_-----0- SKPCLK --*~D SHFCLK DOCE POLYNOMIALGEN x'. + x12 + x' + 1 a ~-t==~c~============~==~U -----I 1 - - - - 4 - - - 4 + - - CWE DOCK----d . - - -__ CRCOK ":>01--- CRCOK WCLK .. ---~ + 16 1-------- TIMCLK 575 For additional information, consult your 1986 catalog or contact our product marketing department at (516) 273-3100. Circuit diagrams utilizing SMC products are included as a means of illustrating typical semiconductor " • • • • • applications: consequently complete information sufficient for construction purposes is not necessarily given. The information has been carefully checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, such information does not convey to the purchaser of the semiconductor devices described any license under the patent rights of SMC or others. SMC reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design ana supply the best product possible. Ii 576 HDC1100-05 STANDARD MICROSYSTEMS CORPORATION PRELIMINARY Hard Disk Parallel to Serial Converter FEATURES PIN CONFIGURATION o Single + 5 Volt Power Supply o Double Buffered o Byte Strobe Outputs o 5 Mbit Data Rate o Parallel In/Serial Out iJ 00 1 [ D20PinDIP On-Channel COPLAMOS ® Silicon Gate Technology 20 Vee 2 [ P19 EN 02 3 [ ] 18 NC 03 4 [ ] 17 TEST 01 04 5 [ ] 16 BOONE 05 6 [ ] 15 OOUT 06 7 [ ] 14 SHFCLK 07 8 [ ] 13 LO SHFCLK 9 [ ] 12 WCLK vss 10 [ ] 11 OCLK GENERAL DESCRIPTION The HDC 1100-05 converts bytes of parallel data to a serial data stream for writing to disk memories or other serial devices. Parallel data is entered via the DO-D7Iines. A synchronous byte counter is used to signify that 8 bits of data B 00-07 OCLK ; / 0 C BBIT LATCH 0 I 9 rL-J WCLK have been shifted out and that the 8 bit latch is ready to be reloaded. The double buffering of the data permits another byte to be loaded while the previous byte is in the process of being shifted. B I T~Vo BYTE C COUNTER Q -- C ,l, 0 LO EN V 1 >-- BOONE LO 577 SHFCLK >- SHFCLK R C OOUT BBITSHIFT REG I +t- o 01--'--0..- 0 I For additional information, consult your 1986 SMC catalog or contact our product marketing department at (516) 273-3100. STANoo.RD MICROSYSTEMS ATION ~ 35Ma"t'11SaYCt,IiIUIIINIJge,NYl178(1 (5181213·3100.1\IIX·510·227·8898 Circuit diagrams utilizing SMC products are included as a means of illustrating typical semiconductor applications: consequently complete information sufficient for construction purposes is not necessarily given. The information has been carefully check!ld and is believed to be entirely reliable. However. no responsitillity is assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore. such information does not convey to the purchaser of the semiconductor devices described any license under the patent rights of SMC or others. SMC reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design and supply the best product possible. 578 HDC7260 PRELIMINARY Universal Disk Controller FEATURES o Hard and floppy disk interface o Controls four drives (any combination) simultaneously o Programmable track format o Transfer rate 6 MHz maximum o High Level Commands, Including: Check Sense Intr. Status Detect Error Sense Status Read Data Specify1 Read Diagnostic Specify2 Read ID Verify Data Recalibrate Verify ID Scan Write Data Seek Write Format o Parallel seek capability o Multi-sector, -track, -cylinder read/write capability o Implied seek function o CRC error detection o ECC error detection and correction o DMA data transfer o Single +5 volt supply o 40-Pin Dual-in-line Package o COPLAMOS® n-Channel Silicon Gate Technology PIN CONFIGURATION SYNC RfW DATA RCLK RST INT DMARQ V" RGATE WGATE CLK INDEX PCL PCE IDSD](2 Side) ISKC](WPRT) FLTITRKO ROY OS. DS, HSo [HS1[ IHS2](FLTR) IHS,](HDLD) RW/SEEK MFM/STEP RWC/DIR TC WCLK RB WR Ao Do 0, 02 0, 04 05 06 07 GND Package: 40·pin DIP GENERAL DESCRIPTION The HDC7260 is a single-chip disk controller that is capable of interfacing to a maximum of four floppy or hard disks in any combination. The chip utilizes the ST-506 defacto standard for the Winchester disks and is compatible with a-inch, 51f4-inch and 31f2-inch floppy disks. The HDC7260 is based on the HDC7261A architecture, but with changes to enhance performance and flexibility. The HDC7260 can generate both IBM- and ECMA-compatible floppy disks and hard disks with the standard format. ECC and CRC capabilities along with many high-level commands provide excellent system throughput, and the single-chip design provides for efficient board space utilization. 579 RClK WClK ClK RIW DATA Processing Unit RST Format Control SYNC RGATE WGATE INDEX PCl Data FIFO [BxB] Do-D7 <==> PE:E [DSD](2 side) [SCK](WPRT) MPX FlTITRKO RDY Disk Interface Control Commandl Status Register OSO OS, HSo [HS1] [HS2](FlTR) [HS3](HOlO) Ao RW/SEEK RD WR INT DMARQ ReadlWrite liNT IDMA Control MFM/STEP RWC/DIR TC ): Floppy disk interface ]: Hard disk interface HDC7260 BLOCK DIAGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PIN FUNCTIONS PIN NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12-19 20 21 NAME PLL SYNC Read/Write Data Read Clock Reset SYMBOL SYNC R/W DATA RCLK DESCRIPTION PLL synchronization output Read data input or write data output Read clock input Interrupt DMA Request Terminal Count RST INT DMARQ System reset input from host computer Interrupt request output DMA request output TC Terminal count input from DMA Write Clock WCLK Write clock input Read RD Write WR Data/Status Reg Select Ao Data Bus Do-D7 Ground GND Read Write RWC/DIR Current/Direction Host computer read control input Host computer write control input Status/command register or FJFO select pin System data bus connections System ground If RW/SEEK = 1, outputs read/write current decrease signal. If RW/SEEK = 0, outputs the direction RW head is to move. 580 DESCRIPTION OF PIN FUNCTIONS PIN NO. 22 NAME MFM Step SYMBOL MFM/STEP DESCRIPTION If RW/SEEK =1, outputs MFM signal to VCO circuit. If RW/SEEK =0, outputs STEP signal to move RW head. 23 24 Read Write/SEEK Head Select 3 (Hold) RW/SEEK HS3 (HOLD) Output signal that specifies function of some multiplexed signals For hard disk, head select 3 output. For floppy disk, head load output. 25 Head Select 2 (Fault Reset) 26 27 Head Select 1 Head Select 0 Drive Select Ready HS 2 (FlTR) HS, HSo DS,-DSo For hard disk, head select 2 output. For floppy disk, output to clear drive fault state. Head select output to disk drive. Head select output to disk drive. Drive select outputs. ROY 28-29 30 31 32 33 34-35 Fault/Track Zero FlT/TRK~ Ready input from disk drive. If RW/SEEK =1, inputs a fault flag from the disk drive. If RW/SEEK =0, inputs a signal indicating R/W head is over cylinder zero. Seek Complete (Write Protect) Drive Select (double-sided) Precompensation Entry, late SKC (WPRT) Seek complete input from hard disk drive, or write protected input from floppy disk drive. DSD (2 Side) Drive selected input from hard disk drive, or double-sided disk input from floppy disk drive. PCE, PCl Precompensation early/late output to disk drive. INDEX ClK WGATE Index hole detect input from disk drive System clock input from host computer 36 37 Index Clock 38 Write Gate 39 40 Read Gate Power Supply RGATE Vee Write gate output to disk drive Read gate output to disk drive +5 V (typical) 581 STANIlt\RO MICROSVSTEMS CORPORATION Circuit diagrams utilizing SMC products are included as a means of illustrating typical semiconductor applications: consequently complete information sufficientfor construction purposes is not necessarily given. The information has been carefully checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, such information does not convey to the purchaser of the semiconductor devices described any license under the patent rights of SMC or others. SMC reserves the right to make changes at any lime in orderto improve design and supply the best product possible. 582 HDC7261A PRELIMINARY Hard Disk Controller FEATURES PIN CONFIGURATION D Flexible interface to various types of Hard Disk Drives D Programmable Track Format D Controls up to 8 Drives D D D D D D D D D D D D Parallel Seek Operation Capability Multi-sector and Multi-track Transfer Capability Data Scan and Data Verify Capability High Level Commands, Including: READ DATA SEEK (Normal or Buffered) READ ID RECALIBRATE (Normal or Buffered) WRITE DATA READ DIAGNOSTIC (SMD Only) WRITE ID SPECIFY SCAN DATA SENSE INTERRUPT STATUS VERIFY DATA SENSE DRIVE STATUS DETECT ERROR VERIFY ID CHECK NRZ, FM, or MFM Data Format Maximum Data Transfer Rate: 12MHz Error Detection and Correction Capability Simple I/O Structure: Compatible with Most Microprocessors All Inputs and Outputs except Clock Pins are TTLCompatible (Clock Pins Require Pull-up) Single + 5V Power Supply 40-Pin Dual-in-line Package COPLAMOS® n-Channel Silicon Gate Technology SYNC RWOATA RWClK RESET INT OREQ 1 2 3 4 5 fC 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ~ RO WR AO DO 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 GNO 6 40 '39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30. 29 28 27 26 .25 24 23 22 21 Vee BTl BTO ClK INDEX SCT usm SSTG BOIR TG3 TG2 TGI BT2 BT3 BT4 BT5 BT6 BT? BT8 BT9 (RGATE) (WGATE) (PCl) (PCE) (OSO) (SKC) (TAKO) (READY) (WFlT) (050) (051) (HSO) (HS1) (HS2) (RWC) (Si'EP) (OIR) PACKAGE: 4o-pin D.I.P. Note: Signals shown in parentheses are used when the HOC7261 is in the floppy-like mode. GENERAL DESCRIPTION The HDC7261 Hard D,isk Controller is an intelligent microprocessor peripheral designed to control a number of different types of disk drives. It is capable of supporting either hard-sector or soft-sector disks and provides all control signals that interface the controller with either SMD disk interfaces or Seagate floppy-like drives. Its sophisticated instruction set minimizes the software overhead for the host microprocessor. By using the DMA controller, the microprocessor needs only to load a few command bytes into the HDC7261 and all the data transfers associated with read, write, or format operations are done by the HDC7261 and the DMA controller. Extensive error reporting, verify commands, ECC, and CRC data error checking assure reliable controller operation. The HDC7261 provides internal address mark detection, ID verification, and CRC or ECC checking and verification. An eight-byte FIFO is used for loading command parameters and obtaining command results. This makes the structuring of software drivers a simple task. The FIFO is also used for buffering data during DMA read/write operations. 583 ~ ~,~~~:=~ Circuit diagrams utilizing SMC products are included as a means of illustrating typical semiconductor IWplications: consequently complete information sufficient for construction purposes is not necessarily given. The information has been carefully checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. However, no responsiDllity is assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, such information does not convey to the purchaser of the semiconductor devices described any license under the patent rights of SMC or others. SMC reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design and supply the best product possible. 584 HDC9223 PRELIMINARY High Performance Analog Data Separator Support Circuit (ADSSC) For Hard Disk FEATURES PIN CONFIGURATION o Significantly reduces component count in hard disk systems o Completely compatible with the HDC 9226 Hard Disk Data Separator and the HDC 9224 Universal Disk Controller RDGATE PMPUP PMPDWN GND 4xVCO CX1 CX2 o Simplifies design and improves performance of ST506 Hard Disk Controller sUb-system o Eliminates costly critical "tune up" adjustments o Space saving 14 pin package o Monolithic analog solution reduces critical pc o o 11 12V F2 F1 AGND C1 C2 7 R1 board layout Single + 12V power supply Printed Circuit Board Artwork available to facilitate prototyping and evaluation GENERAL DESCRIPTION The HDC 9223 Analog Data Separator Support Circuit (ADSSC) is a 14 pin device, which when used with the HDC 9224 Universal Disk Controller and the HDC 9226 Hard Disk Data Separator significantly simplifies the design of a high performance hard disk data separator. The HDC 9223, combined with the HDC 9226 and a few resistors and capacitors, forms a phase locked loop which performs phase and frequency locking onto either the MFM or FM data stream output by ST506 or ST412 type drives. By reducing the number of critical discrete components to a minimum and eliminating all critical adjustments, the HDC 9223 and HDC 9226 simplify the task of the designer. 585 r------- +12V -------------, 1 I l. I 10 I I 9 1.221'J IIAGNOT 4 I ft .22 MLC AGNO PMPUP PMPOWN n I 5 ~~--i I _ 4xVCO I __.-_~ I _.-1 4990 5600 pi 5% 1% MLC AUNO METAL FILM FIGURE 1: HOC 9223 BLOCK DIAGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PIN FUNCTIONS PINNa. 1 NAME SYMBOL Read Gate RDGATE This active high input controls the gain of the loop. A high level decreases the gain and a low level increases the gain. DESCRIPTION This active low input causes the VCO to increase its frequency. 2 Pump Up PMPUP 3 Pump Down PMPDWN 4 Digital Ground GND 5 Four Times VCO 4xVCO 6 Extemal Capacitor Connection 1 CX1 7 Extemal Capacitor Connection 2 CX2 8 External Resistor Connect R1 A3.01K 1% resistor is connected from this pin to Analog Ground. 9 Extemal Filter Cap Connection 1 C1 A .22fLf MLC capacitor is connected from this pin to Analog Ground. 10 Extemal Filter Cap Connection 2 C2 A .22fLf MLC capacitor is connected from this pin to Analog Ground. 11 Analog Ground AGND 12 External Filter Connection 1 F1 A filter network should be connected to this pin as shown in Figure 4. 13 • External Filter Connection 2 F2 A filter network should be connected to this pin as shown in Figure 4. 12V Connect the power supply to this pin. A .22fLf bypass capacitor should also be connected from this pin to Analog Ground. 14 +12 Volts This active low input causes the VCO to decrease its frequency. This is the ground connection for the digital circuitry within the HDC9223. This is the VCO output. It will vary from 18 to 22 MHz as a function of the PMPUP and PMPDWN input Signals. An 8.2 pf extemal NPO capacitor is connected across pins 6 and 7. This is the ground connection for the analog circuitry within the HDC9223. 586 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION The functional block diagram of the HOC 9223 is shown in the disk is 100ns, the HOC 9226 divides the frequency of Figure 1. The major functional blocks within the HOC 9223 the 4xVCO signal in half, and compares the phase and freare a voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) , an active loop fil- quency of the resulting 10 MHz signal to that of the incomter, and a pulse amplifier. The gain of the pulse amplifier is ing data. The HOC 9226 then varies the pulse width on the PMPUP and PMPOWN lines to adjustthe outputfrequency controlled by the ROGATE logic input. The voltage controlled ocsillator generates the 4xVCO out- of the VCO on the HOC 9223, closing the loop. put (nominally 20 MHz). The frequency of this output is A voltage regulator and bandgap voltage reference ensure determined by the signals on the PMPUP and PMPOWN power supply rejection and stable VCO operation. inputs to the HOC 9223. Since the half bit time for data from MAXIMUM GUARANTEED RATINGS Operating Temperature Range .................................................................................. 0 to 70 C Storage Temperature Range ............................................................................ - 55 to + 150 C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10 sec) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. .. . . . . .. + 300 C Positive Voltage on any Pin, with respect to Ground ......................................................... Vcc + 0.5V Negative Voltage on any Pin, with respect to Ground ............................................................. - 0.5V Stresses above those listed may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other condition above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. NOTE: When powering this device from laboratory or system power supplies, it is important that the "Maximum Guaranteed Ratings" not be exceeded, or device failure can result. Some power supplies exhibit voltage spikes or "glitches" on their outputs when AC power is switched off. In addition, voltage transients on the AC power line may appear on the DC output. If this possibly exists it is suggested that a clamp circuit be used. DC ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS (TA = DC to 7DC, Vee = 12.DV ± 5%) SUPPLY CURRENT Icc SUPPLY VOLTAGE V INPUT VOLTAGE V'L V,H OUTPUT VOLTAGE 60 11.4 mA 12.6 V 12V±5% 2.4 3.6 1.2 4.1 CURRENT -10 40 AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TA = DCto7DC, Vee = 12.0V ± 5%) PM PUP, PMPOWN pulse width PMPUP, PMPOWN rise time PMPUP PMPOWN fall time 15 125 10 10 22 ns ns ns MHz 4xVCO rise time 15 ns 4xVCO fall time 15 ns 18 4xVCO pulse width high 4xVCO Ise width low ns ns 16 16 587 Measured at 50% amplitude Measured between 0.6 and 1 Measured between 0.6 and 1 Measured between 1.5 and 3.0V; Cload = 10pf (Fig. 3) Measured between 1.5 and 3.0V; Cload = 10pf (Fig. 3) Fig. 3 Measured at 2.5V 3 Measured at 2.5V =-=c- FIGURE 2: FIGURE 3: 4xVCO TIMING PMPUP/PMPDWN TIMING +12V HDDS9226 RCLKI __~------~ RCLK RDATA I - f - - - - - - - ! RDATA EARLY LATE WDATA 1----------1 1----------1 1-------1 EARLY LATE WDATA 2XCLK I - f - - - - - - ! 10MHZOUT 10MHZlXTAL1 HDC .9224 DMACLK I - f - - - - - - ! 5MHZOUT 1---------_1 HDC9223 DLY30 DLY40 NC (NC) NC (NC) XDL DLY50 PMPDWN 4XVCO WRGATE RDIN -I "RDGATE WDOUT RDGATEI-~f---__ _4.7V +5V PMPUP XTAL2 WGATE Vee 5% B.2pf NPO 12V CX1 F1 CX2 -=- GND F2 RDGATE R1 PMPUP C2 PMPDWN 4XVCO C1 AGND GND CONTROUSTATUS FIGURE 4: TYPICAL CIRCUIT CONFIGURATION Circu~ diagrams utilizing SMC products are included as a means of Illustrating typical semiconductor applications: consequently complete information sufficient for construction purposes is not necessarily' given. The information has been carefully checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, such information does not convey to the purchaser of the semiconductor devices described any license under the patent rights of SMC or others. SMC reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to Improve design and supply the best product possible. 588 HDC9224 Universal Disk Controller FEATURES PIN CONFIGURATION Programmable Disk Drive Interface and Formats Seagate (ST506) or user definable Hard Disk Formats I:'ct~~ IBM Compatible Single or Double 1llure adequate tape mark is 257 bytes. The desired spacing between tape blocks, a delay is frequently rength is programmed into the secrequired before stopping tape motion. The UDC has a tor count register. programmable Ramp Up and Ramp ~own timer t~ allow Multiple data block transfers are accomplished by profor easier implementation. The de~lred delaY.ls P,rogramming the 1's complement of the desired number of data grammed into the DATA/DELAY register before Issuing blocks to be transferred into the .sector count register. the DRIVE SELECT "3" command. The three lSB's of the MODE register function as part of the BACK-UP command word. The WRITE ENABLE bit DENSITY BIT determines whether loading the BACK-UP command into CLOCK MODE the UDC will initiate execution of a BACK-UP READ or DIVISOR REGISTER TIME IN SECONDS PER BACK-UP WRITE sequence. The TAPE MARK ENABLE DELAY 'REGISTER COUNT BIT4 BIT bit determines whether the UDC will write a short or lorg 1 ClK Cycle * 80000 1 1 (Single) block of data on the tape and the DELAY ENABLE bit detero (Double) 1 ClK Cycle * 40000 1 mines whether or not the RDGATE signal is stretched when 1 (Single) 1 ClK Cycle * 40000 0 it coincides with a sync mark when reading the tape. The 1 ClK Cycle * 20000 o (Double) 0 remaining bits in the,command word are as follows: 605 1 +5V ~ LOADD STB AB7 30an ABS ClK ABS XTAL 1 AB4 AB3 ADDR ---', DECODE RAMEN AB2 AB1 ABO HDCCS ~ I-- , r 32Kx8 WE WE DE DE STATIC RAM ADDR D97-0 ~tr ,p ADDR BUS r- ~ B> EN rj. [9 LS245 " " ~ DIR V'-:- L.J.-.. -. t-- DIP AD14-0 SEN Cs"--- BUS OrR I ~clD OB7-0 HDC 9225 ~ LS244 A -cs lSOB C/[j--- EN DIR G> ~ /'- ['r LS245 I-- [ R/VV SYSR!W WAIT WAIT DMAClK RESET liS IlPCLK SECTOR INTERRUPT ACK -" , SYSDS , fJ.CLKrN ECCTM , iNTACK SECTOR INTERRUPT INT SYS RESET ( HOC INTERRUPT 606 HDCDS HDCR!W r-- AB7 AB6 ABS lS DRIVE STATUS - INDEX SEEK COMPLETE 244 IDX TRACK 000 AB4 AB3 ~ AB2 AB1 AB0 f-- TRKOO WRITE PROTECT WRPROT READY DIR STEP WRITE FAULT .... IT ,-- AB7 AB2 AB1 AB0 0 0 0 Q 0 Q - _ - 5RS'Eti ORSElO RDATA - r LS04 ORSEl1 Q LS374 0 Q AB3 ~ OUTPUT 1 0 0 0 ABS ABS AB4 WG WDATA MO GNO FLOPPY DISK ~ MOTOR ON SINGLE DENSITY lOX SEEKCOMP TRKODa WRFLT -=- HOC 9224 ,-- AS? ABS ABS AB3 AB2 AB1 V" 8Th GNO U- - E{ EC EB EA C S1 B S0- A WGATE WDATA I " rv " 02 01 00 ~ HEAD BIT 1 HEAD BIT 0 ;-,., STEP HEAD 2' HEAD 2' HEAD2 r-,.. .Y ...,., " HEAD 2° i.-"" r-,.. ~rr 07P Osp OSp lS13S04 P 03 ~ HEAD BIT3 HEAD BIT 2 Q lOW CUR OIR L.-'" J't V OIR STEP Q Q 0 0 0 ABO +SV DASELl RED WR CUR Q Q LS374 Q 0 Q 0 AS4 READY OUTPUT 2 0 0 0 V r 740S = WG GND H=SK STB3 8T82 STB1 STBO '-- [.... +MFM -f2 WRITE DATA MFM I-lA9638 A LATE 1 EARLY RDGATE ClK \Ii I' l100U I-lA9637 HOC 9226 r-2Cl - 2C2 Ri5ATi\ 2Y RCLK 1Y A 1C3 1C1 1CO B - r- Jf XTAll RDATA XTAL2 INT J ~ ~'0MHZ XTAL RClK r--- JROATA RCLK .". DRSEl1 ~ HO DATA SEPARATOR ~ IFDC9216 ~ I I 8MHzCLK 607 +MFM r':" WDOUT ~r-- t RAW RO CO~ CD1 = READ DATA MFM GND HA=SK The UDC will issue a normal interrupt (with the command termination code set to a-a) when the RAMP UP or RAMP DOWN timer has expired. 4. BACK-UP WRITE. The user will first request the UDC to perform a disk READ TRACK command, with the TRANSFER ENABLE bit in the command word reset. This will cause the UDC to transfer only the 10 field information to memory. The TAPE BACKUP command will then be issued causing the UDC to write this 10 information to the tape as a tape mark (typically 96 bytes for a drive formatted with a 3 byte/sector 10 field or 128 bytes for a drive formatted with a four byte/sector 10 field. The data fields should then be transferred to the tape in a similar manner. The UDC may be used with either "Streaming" or "Start/ Stop:' type tape drives. This is illustrated by the following examples: A. START/STOP TAPE DRIVE: typically transfers 1f2 or 1 disk track at a time as illustrated by the following flow chart: TAPESPEEO: STOPPEO / DRIVE SEL SL 1. tape motion on 2. write enable on (write)o,off (read) WRITE BLOCK FROM MEMORY TO TAPE STOP TAPE DRIVE Control of a streaming tape drive is similar to that of a start/stop drive. The tape is started at the beginning of the data transfer and stopped after the last block is written to the tape. The tape is not stopped in between blocks. The UDC will however turn the Write Gate signal on when it is writing data and off when it is not so that gaps will be written (with external hardware) on the tape between the data blocks. When controlling a start/stop tape drive, the UDC will write the data "block by block". The system will issue a Drive Select command to the UDC with the Tape Motion, Motor On and Write Enable bits set to start and write data to the tape. The UDC will interrupt the system after the completion of the Ramp Up Delay indicating that the tape drive is up to speed. This interrupt is distinguished by the Command Termination Code of a-a (normal completion of command). The System then outputs the Write command (for a long or short block) and waits for the command termination interrupt. The UDC will write the Sync mark and tape mark or data block on the tape. When the System receives the interrupt indicating completion ofthe Write command, itwill issue another drive select command with the Motor On and Write Enable bits set to stop the drive. The UDC will interrupt the system after completion of the Ramp Down Delay indicating that the tape has stopped moving. The UDC will turn the Write Gate signal on when it is writing data and off when it is not, without regard to the tape motion. The Write Gate signal is used to g~n­ erate "gaps" on the tape between the data blocks. This is done by externally forcing the two Data outputs with the Write Gate signal such that the Data + signal is high and the Data - signal is low when the UDC is not writing data to the tape (Write Gate is off): 5. BACK-UP READ. The data is read from the tape (in either start/stop or streamer mode) and buffered in memory. The disk track is then reconstructed from the data. The start/stop drive typically has a track (or half a track) "Of disk data stored as a block. It is therefore expedient to read in the data "block by block". When reading data from a streamer drive use can be made of the SECTOR COUNT register and a track's worth of data blocks may be read from the tape before generating the track on the disk. Tape motion control is similar to that described above except that the· Write Enable Bit is off to inhibit writing to the tape. The UDC reads the tape until it detects a sync mark. After detecting a sync mark the UDC will transfer the data found on the tape to memory. 6. The search count is used when reading the tape. It specifies a maximum number of blocks of 128 bytes between adjacent data blocks. If the search count expires before sync is detected, the command is terminated. For example, if a search count of two is specified by loading the Desired Sector reQister with FD (hex), the UDC will search for 256 byte times before terminating the command. This will prevent the UDC from accidentally skipping a block. The search count is typically about the size of one block length. In the following figure, TM1 and TM2 are two tape marks and DB1, DB2, DB3 etc. are their associated Data Blocks: (DRIVE STOPPED 1 GAP 1'--__ TMl WRITE GATE: LJ 2. write enable off (write or read) READ DATA FROM DISK TO MEMORY STOP TAPE DRIVE TAPE MARK ANDIOR DATA BLOCK L DRIVESEL 1. tape motion off 1. read or write START TAPE DRIVE WRITE BLOCK FROM MEMORY TO TAPE 1 BACKUP STOPPED RAMP DOWN DELAY B. STREAMING TAPE DRIVE: typically transfers 1 sector at a time as illustrated by the following flow chart: START TAPE DRIVE [DRIVE STOPPED \ - 2. long or short block READ DATA FROM DISK TO MEMORY GAP TAPE AT SPEED RAMP U'P DELAY f----4 DBl ~ 082 I----l DB3 I----l search count 608 DB4 ~ TM2 I---l DBl I----l ing of bytes of 00 as per figure 2 of the UDC spec (this is required to synchronize the data separator when reading the tape). The Tape Mark and Data Block (including CRC or ECC bytes) are followed by a "postamble" consisting of one byte of 00. Note that the postamble is not included in the Floppy Disk formats. The GAP sizes are dependent on the type of drive (start/stop or streamer) and the specific mechanical tape drive specifications. 7. 16 BYTE DELAY. Provision is made to shift the RDGATE pulse in the event that it coincides with the data block sync mark. If a tape cannot be read (sync is never detected) the tape can be re-read with the 16 byte delay enabled. DATA GAP Isync DATA GAP RDGATE without delay: RDGATE with delay: 8. The DRIVE STATUS bits may be used by the tape drive if they are enabled (on the drive) by DRIVE SELECT 3. The ready change interrupt is especially handy for detecting start of tape (SOT) and end of tape (EOT) as a UDC command can be terminated by a change in state of the READY input. 9. The DATA FORMAT is as follows: I PRE- TMSYNC TAPE MARK POST GAP PRE DBSYNC DATA BLOCK POST GAP The Tape Mark sync mark (TMSYNC) is composed of three bytes of A 1 (Hex) followed by one byte of FE (Hex). The Data Block sync mark (DBSYNC) is composed of three bytes of A 1 (Hex) followed by one byte of FB (Hex). A1 (Hex) is encoded with the standard missing clock pattern. The sync mark is preceeded by a "preamble" consist- I 10. Use can be made of the Sector Count register when doing a "file" (versus a "mirror image") backup on a start/stop tape drive. Instead of transferring the entire disk track to the tape in one long block, the data is moved file by file. If, for example, it is desired to back up a file COnSisting of five 256 byte long Hard Disk sectors, a 2048 byte long Data Block would have to be used for an image backup (the Data Block size is specified as 2n * 128 restricting blocks to 128, 256, 512 etc.). This would result in a lot of wasted space on the tape. If file backup is used and the Sector Count is set to five, 256' byte long Data Blocks can be used. Gaps will be generated on the tape corresponding to the time required to get the data from the disk drive (corresponding to DMA delays and the disk interleave factor). The tape will not be stopped until the entire file is transferred. When using sector count, the UDC internal programming will create inter-block gaps of about 30 to 32 bytes on the tape in both single (FM) and double (MFM) density modes. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION NOTES A simplified UDC schematic is shown in Schematic 1. The following notes may be helpful in implementation ofthe UDC. interface circuits (including floppy disk data inputs and outputs) may be 74LS series devices. 1. In systems using a private memory area, it is important to know when the buffer needs servicing from the host processor. A second interrupt signal (INT2) signals the processor that servicing is needed. INT2 is generated by externall~ANDING the ECCTM signal with STB1 signal. (The ST 1 signal is active when the UDC.J§..gutputing the DMA address data, and occurs when STB is active (low), SO is active (high) and S1 is inactive (low)). This "interrupt" occurs only when the UDC needs the system processor to either read from or write to the buffer memory. When reading from the disk, the system processor should empty the memory buffer each time this signal becomes active. (If an ECC error is detected, and error correction is enabled, this signal will not become active until the UDC has attempted to correct the error.) When writing data to the disk, the system processor must fill the buffer each time this signal becomes active. 2. The DIP (DMA in Progress) signal is used to isolate the buffer memory from the main system memory. If 74LS244 and 74LS245 address buffers are used in the memory addressing circuits, then this signal should be used to enable or disable the address buffers, as required. This eliminates the possibility of memory contention problems. 3. Write precompensation (for floppy disks) is handled internally by the UDC. For hard disks, the LATE and EARLY signals are connected to a multiplexer which, in turn is connected to a 24 ns delay line. The EARLY and LATE signals will toggle in response to the data pattern being written. This will allow the data being written to the shifted ± 12 ns from the nominal 12 ns delay specified by hard disk manufacturers. 4. The interface to the hard disk drive data inputs and outputs requires RS-422 data tranceivers. Other disk drive 5. Since the UDC uses its Aux Bus for multiple functions, the system designer must be able to determine which function is occuring on the Aux Bus at any given time. The SO and S1 Signals, when combined with STB Signal are decoded (using a 74LS138 or equivalent) to provide STBO-3 signals. These generated signals and their respective functions are: STBO STB1 STB2 STB3 Drive Status Input Time Slot External DMA Address Counters Time Slot Output 1 Time Slot Output 2 Time Slot 6. The clocks required by the UDC are not TTL-level compatible. Pullup resistors (typically 390 ohms) should be used with Schottky drivers to insure that the clock signals reach the proper Input (high) level, with acceptable rise and fall times. 7. The UDC features a built-in DMA controller that requires connection to external counters. These counters are configured so that they are incremented after each byte is transferred. (The UDC's internal DMA circuits transfer the starting memory address for each read or write operation.) 74LS161 Counters are typically used in this area. 8. The DMACLK input should be tied to the master system clock, through a bus buffer. It is important to remember that three DMACLK periods are required for each DMA transfer. 9. The system design may be simplified, and costs reduced, by using the FDC 9216B Floppy Disk Data Separator, to separate raw data from the floppy disk drive into RDATA and RCLK. 609 being checked. The longest data block that can be corrected (using the internal ECC algorithm) is 4K bytes. 2. The data input to the CRC/ECC registers is then disabled and the DMA counters are re-initialized to the starting address for this data block. The contents of the CRC/ECC registers are then "ring-shifted" until 21 consecutive zeros are detected. The remaining bits in the CRC/ECC registers compose the error syndrome. As the CRC/ECC registers are shifted, the UDC generates OS signals, causing the external DMA counters to be incremented. When the 21 consecutive zeros are detected, the DMA counters are pointing to the corrupt data. If the error syndrome is not found within the data block the error is judged to be uncorrectable and the correction algorithm is terminated. (The data block is the length of the data field in the sector and the 4 ECC bytes. A format with a sector size of 256 bytes would have a data block size of 260 bytes.) 3. When the error syndrome is detected, the UDC will enable its ECCTM output, read the next byte from memory, exclusive-or it with the first byte of the three byte error syndrome, disable the ECCTM output and write the corrected byte back to memory. The correction process is then repeated for the next two bytes in memory. When using internal ECC (with correction enabled), the ECCTM output is used by the external DMA counters to inhibit the counters from incrementing their addresses when correctin~the erroneous bytes. When using external ECC, the E CTM output goes active (low) when the UDC is requesting the ECC Check Bytes from the external ECC chip prior to writing them to the disk. After a correction is completed, the UDC will then attempt to read the next sector on the disk (if the SECTOR COUNT register is still greater than zero). Anytime ECC correction has been attempted, (even if unsuccessful), the CORRECTION ATTEMPTED bit in the CHIP STATUS register will be set. The maximum time required for one ECC Correction Cycle (using the internal algorithm) is: 1) (Natural Message Length [BitsJ)+ 4 = ECC Cycle Time 8 (in Byte times) ERROR CHECKING AND CORRECTION CIRCUIT (ECC) OPERATING PRINCIPLES The UDC will automatically detect and correct errors in the data read from the disk. Error checking may be done using industry standard CRC or ECC encoding. Error correction may be done using either internal or external ECC encoding. This section will explain ECC operation, as implemented on the UDC. The UDC contains two 16-bit registers used by the CRC/ ECC circuits. CRC logic uses only one of these registers, while the logic for ECC uses both registers, implementing a full 32-bit algorithm. These registers may be preset to either one or zero, using the CRC PRESET bit In the INTERRUPT/COMMAND TERMINATION register. (This allows compatibility with existing disk controllers and external ECC chips.) Both ECC and CRC are calculated beginninfij with the sync mark of the address (CRC) or data (ECC) field. CRC/ECC GENERATION The UDC uses the following industry standard polynomials in computing the CRC and ECC check bytes: CRC: X'6 +X'2 +X5 + 1 ECC: X32 +X23 +x 2' +x" +X2 + 1 As the UDC writes data to the disk drive, it first passes this data thru the CRC (and, if enabled, ECC) registers. After all data has been written, the remaining two (CRC) or four (ECC) bytes remaining in these registers are written to the appropriate address or data field. CRC/ECC CHECKING When CRC or ECC checking is initiated, the internal CRC/ ECC registers are set to either zero or one, as required by the CRC PRESET bit in the INTERRUPT/COMMAND TERMINATION REGISTER. Data read from the disk is simultaneously shifted thru the CRC/ECC registers, and transferred to external memory. After the CRC or ECC check bytes have been shifted thru the CRC/ECC registers, the remainder in these registers should be zero, else an error has occurred in the address or data block. If CRC or ECC (without correction) is enabled, automatic retry (if enabled) or command termination will occur. If internal ECC with automatic correction is enabled, the correction algorithm will be executed. If the internal ECC algorithm is unable to correct the error (in one attempt), then automatic retry (if enabled) or command termination will occur. ECC CORRECTION Error Correction consists of three distinct parts: 1. The CRC/ECC registers are normalized by shifting zeros thru the register. This sets up a data block which is 42,987 bits long, which corresponds to the "natural message length" ofthe generation polynomial. The actual number of zeros shifted through the registers depends on the difference between the natural message length of the generator polynomial and the actual length of the data block 2) Maximum ECC Time = ECC Cycle Time + 30 byte times Since the internal algorithm has a natural message length of 42,987 bits the ECC Cycle time is 5,377 byte times. Since a period of about 30 byte times must be allowed for the readmodify-write operations, the Maximum ECC Time equals 5,407 byte times. One byte time equals the amount of time required to read one byte for the type of drive selected. For Hard Disks, this is about 1 microsecond. This equates to approximately 1 revolution (maximum) for either 8" floppy disk (running in double density) or 5.25" hard disk. During the entire operation, the RDGATE signal is kept active. 610 MAXIMUM GUARANTEED RATINGS' Operating Temperature Range ............................................................................. 0 to + 70 C Storage Temperature Range ....................................................................... - 55 C to + 150 C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10 sec.) ........................................................................ +325 C Positive Voltage on any Pin, with respect to ground .............................................................. + 8 V Negative Voltage on any Pin, with respect to ground ........................................................... - 0.3 V 'Stresses above those listed may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or at any other condition above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. NOTE: When powering this device from laboratory or system power supplies, it is important that the Absolute Maximum Ratings not be exceeded or device failure can result. Some power supplies exhibit voltage spikes or "glitches" on their outputs when the AC power is switched oft. In addition, voltage transients on the AC power line may appear on the DC output. If this possibility exists it is suggested that a clamp circuit be used. DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Ta = 0 C to + 70 C, Vcc = 5.0V ± 5% VOL1 VO:H1 PARAMETER Input Voltage Low High High Output Voltage Low High VOL2 VOH2 Low High V,L V,H1 V,H2 VOL3 VOH3 IL ILc MIN Low High Input Leakage Current TYP UNIT 0.8 V V V all inputs except CLK and DMACLK CLK and DMACLK input 0.4 V V all outputs except WDATA, Early and Late. (Drive 1 TTL load into 50 pf) 10L1 = 1.6 mA WDATA, EARLY and LATE outputs. (Will drive 1 Schottky load into 15 pt.) DMARand INT DMARand INT 0.4Vt03.5V 10L2 = 2mA 2.0 4.2 2.4 0.5 V V 0.4 V V ±10 -600 uA JLA 25 pf 200 ma 2.7 2.4 (Clock) Input Capacitance C'N COMMENTS MAX IOH1 = 40JLA IOH2 = 50JLA IOL3 = 0.4 mA IOH3 = 20JLA OV Power Supply Current Icc AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Ta = 0 C to + 70 C , Vcc = 5 OV -+ 5% PARAMETER SYMBOL MIN TYP MAX UNIT COMMENTS PROCESSOR WRITE CYCLE C/Q, R/~, CS Setup time to DSl CID, R/W, CS Hold time to DSi DS Pulse Width DS Pulse High Time _ Data Bus In Setup time to DSi Data Bus In Hold time to DSi Toss Toss TosL TosH Tois TOIA 110 0 150 850 100 0 ns ns ns ns ns ns FIGURE3 PROCESSOR READ CYCLE Data Access time from DSl Data Hold time from DSi Toos TooA 75 10 ns ns FIGURE3 UDC TO MEMORY TIMING (BUS MASTER) (based on 10 Mhz DMACLK Input) Write Setup time to DS~ Write Data Strobe Widt Write Hold time from DSi Data Strobe Falling Edge Data Strobe Rising EdglL Write Data Valid before DS& Write Data Hold time after Si Memory Access Time Tws Twos TWA TosF TosR Twos TwoA Tw 110 180 110 ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns FIGURE4 15 20 90 10 200 611 PARAMETER SYMBOL Read Setup time to D~ Read Hold time after D Read Data Strobe Pulse idth Read Data Setup time to D~ Read Data Hold time from D i DMACLKf to DS DMACLK to DSj tv 1 TAB TAA TAos T AoB T AoA MIN TYP MAX UNIT FIGURE4 100 100 ns ns ns ns ns ns ns FIGURE7 100 ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns FIGURE2 FIGURE9 110 110 180 50 0 TO~~ TooA COMMENTS SO, S1, AND STB TIMING STBWidth SO, S1 Hold time after STBi Data In Setup time to Sm Data In Hold time after ST i SO, S1 Setup time to Aux Bus Setup time to S~ Aux Bus Hold time after ST i Tsw Tso T o1s TOIH Tssn TssT2 T ssT3 INPUT CLOCK TIMING (10 MHz Input) Clock Rise Time Clock Fall Time Clock Cycle High Time Clock Cycle Low Time Clock Cycle Time TAT TAF TCH TCL Tcyc 40 40 95 TpB 0 ns TpB 50 ns FLOPPY INPUT DATA TIMING Window Setup time to RDCLK Window Hold time from RDDATA i TFAB TFRA 50 50 ns ns FIGURE 10 HARD DISK INPUT DATA TIMING Data Setup time to RCLKl Data Hold time after RCLKl Clock Setup time to RCLKj Clock Hold time from RCLKi THAB THAA T HcB T HcA 60 10 60 10 ns ns ns ns FIGURE 10 ECCTIM TIMING ECCTM Setup to D~ ECCTM Hold after D i TEos T EoH 50 100 ns 1 fLs sm PRECOMPENSATION TIMING Early, Late Setup time (Before WDATAj) Early, Late Hold Time (after WDATA1) 800 100 700 0 100 100 10 10 RESET TIMING RST Pulse Width 612 100 105 FIGURE 10 AB0-7 C=~:1 DISK DRIVE STATUS 'REQUIRED FOR STANDARD UDC/HARD DISK INTERFACE TAPE DRIVE STATUS OUTPUT 2 D } TAPE MOTION CTL LS3741-_~-1I-_f-:"=':'::"''::'''''_--1 4 WRITE ENABLE TRACK # STB2 ---411---I-----"""'--"""'--.cI STB3 STB0 WGATE------------~ DATA + WD --------~ DATA - SCHEMATIC 2: UDC/TAPE DRIVE INTERFACE CIRCUIT 613 ~ +5V 390n _ _ _ _ _"'--......_ _.....J.._ _ _ _ TO ClK INPUT \./" or DMAClK INPUT 74504 ClK or equivalent T" RECOMMENDED ClK DRIVER CIRCUIT FIGURE 2: INPUT CLOCK TIMING (10MHz) FIGURE 1: RECOMMENDED CLK/DMACLK INPUT \'-----/ RIW CID T'":~T-'''_T""--T,o,~H DB7-0 PROCESSOR WRITE CYCLE PROCESSOR READ CYCLE FIGURE 3: SYSTEM PROCESSOR TO UDC TIMING --Tw---I'I 11+-. RIW T"=i r-- ~-I--+r-~_T~"- - ~~T-w,- - - - - T - - 1 w J --------; ~---------- DB7-0 (WRITES) DB7-0 (READS) FIGURE 4: UDC TO MEMORY TIMING (BUS MASTER) 614 DMACLK , DMAR I I < ACK " I \ ...... , , ~--------------~--~~----4\~------------~--~~lr;------~)~ ----1 I I \ I I / \ "-- \ I \ I I DIP I I / I I BYTE READY I I \ II. BYTE I I , R/W TRISTATE I " I \ \ I \ Os TRISTATE ~..:.TR:.::I:.::ST.:.:A.:.::r=E_ __ I \ \ TRISTATE I DB 7·0 ------------~(~ r-- _ _ _D_AT_A_O_U_T_ _ MAX BYTE RATE 1.61'-8 ---I ~~ UDC DMA MEMORY TIMING FOR HARD DISK (BURST MODE) FIGURE 5: UDC DMA MEMORY TIMING FOR HARD DISK (BURST MODE) DMACLK I ) BYTE READY DMAR ACK R/W -------~I,~\ TRISTATE I~ I " \ TRISTATE DIP DB7·0 (OUT) ~ I \ I , I ~ , I I ' ...... \ ... I I \ \ \ J I 101 I ,I :\....--..,l~ ) y it ~~ TRISTATE TRISTATE \ \ I -----_----1).~ \ \ Q ----------------~(~------~--~ DATAOUT I I ~ I DB7·0 (IN) \) ( t DATA IN >-tJDC DMA TIMING FOR FLOPPY DISK (1 BYTE AT A TIME) FIGURE 6: UDC DMA TIMING FOR FLOPPY DISK (1 BYTE AT A TIME) 615 51,50 AB 7-0 FIGURE 7: 50, 51, 5TB TIMING BIT I 7 I I I 6 5 I I I IoI I I I I I I IoI 3 4 2 1 7 6 5 4 2 3 1 CLK WDATA Tn 0 I- 0 I o 0 ADDRESS MARK MISSING CLOCK 0 1 1 -I- 0 DATA "FE" FIGURE 8: UDC DATA WRITE TIMING TWA - WDATA 1\ I+- TpB f--TPA- >< >~ EARLY, LATE T DRIVE TYPE T(typ) 200NS TWA (typ) 100NS 8" MFM FLOPPY 8"FMFLOPPY 21'-8 300NS 5W' MFM FLOPPY 41'-8 HARD DISK 5W' FM FLOPPY - 300NS 300NS 300NS FIGURE 9: PRECOMPEN5ATION TIMING 616 ~I DATA BIT 1 a 1 I- a 1 a 1 a 1 a 1 1 1 1 .. I ADDRESS MARK 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 a I a 1 1 I MFM READ DATA READ CLOCK RDATA DS INTERNAL COMPARE a AI, 0A COMPARE ECCTM Te"" I LSYNCBYTE RCLK HARD DISK INPUT DATA TIMING (HARD DISK BIT=1) FLOPPY INPUT DATA TIMING (HARD DISK BIT = 0) FIGURE 10 INDEX ---------REPEATED N TIMES - - - - - - - - -..·.;1 rL J1~______~r·..____ ~------__----~~------~------~~----------~ 12t:e~ I ~~ H~t"ell ~~ I~TKI ~ I ~ I~ I~ IgI~f':e~ I~~~gl ~; I ~INDEXAM L lOAM 1 128 da1a byla, ICAC1 CAC2 ~~.~f I~tr.;F NOMINAL I DATA AM - FLOPPY DISK FORMAT; SINGLE DENSITY ECCTM 2 bytes INDE~~__________~I_··_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-:_R_E_P_E_AT_E_D_N__TI_M_E_S======================:'~I______~nL 80x4E 12xOO 3XC2 IIGAPllSYNCI Fe 50x4E 12xOO I GAPOISYNCI LINDEXAM 3xAI III FE II I I TK SIDE SEC SIZE CRGI CRC2 22x4E2 I SYNC 12xOQ I 3xAl IF81 ~~ I GAP LIDAM 258 data bytes ICRc'ICRc21~~gl ~~~4~ I ~ECCTM LOATAAM ---1 t- FLOPPY DISK FORMAT; DOUBLE DENSITY 2 bytes r..·------------ "" n1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ REPEATED N TIMES _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-!.1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.......JrL IND~ GAP 1 16X4E GAP 4 512 data bytes 340x4E ~ECCTM HARD DISK FORMAT FIGURE 11: DISK FORMATS 617 ---1 r- 2 bytes I 11 INDEX I 10 I IG31 (2) SYNC DATA : I SYNC 110 5 BYTES I 1 I 02 SYNC DATA j+..I 100) SYNC I10) G21 SYNC I DATA I 03 ISYNC) 101 G8fSYNCJOATAf 001 G41 I 256 bytes I j--~-----, DG RDGATE 3 AM AM FOUND LOOKING FOR' I ..... 16 Bytes I I I t + t + + +_ F B - - + F E - - - - + + - - - - - - - - + - F B - - - - + - F E - - I - FB-+-FE _ __ AM FOUND AM NOT FOUND AM FOUND AM NOT FOUND AM FOUND AM FOUND (SINGLE DENSITYI _ _ _ FE _ _ (DOUBLEDENSITY) _ _ A1FE (HARD DISK) A1FB--I--A1FE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--II-A'FB _ _ _+A1FE-+A1FB-I-A1FE _ _ A1FE-------------t_ - - A1FE--t--A1FS--t- +- A1FE--+ A1F8+ A1FE _ _ A1F8 _ _ _ .:~Jr~rf~~~~9:!!':~ity FIGURE 12A: RDGATE DURING DISK READ INDEX ~~ IGO ________________________________________ 1SYNCII"..P~xIG,lsYNcl'DIG21 SYNC I DATAIG3ISYNCllofG~SYNCIDATAIG3ISYNCI'D 1021 SYNC I -------..I1fl:.....t : ADGATE RDG3 1 ______ W_AG_2;..1.... DATA IG31 SYNC I 10 I G21 SYNC I DATAl G31 i r:u::-,-·y-,..-----.II 1.-""":"'16 Bytes .....}4- AM FOUND WRGATE ~ WDG,] ~ AM NOT FOUND t II AM FOUND ~ I r-----,L- AM FOUND I FIGURE 12B: RDGATE AND WRITE GATE TIMING STANDARD FORMAT PARAMETERS HARD DISK*** SINGLE DEN. FLOPPY DOUBLE DEN. FLOPPY GAP0* 16 40 80 GAP 1 * 16 26 50 GAP2* 3 11 22 GAP3* 18** 27 54 SYNCSIZE* 13 6 12 SECTOR COUNT * user selectable user selectable user selectable SECT. SIZE MULT * user selectable user selectable user selectable RDG 1 16 73 NA RDG2 6 13 24 RDG3 25 27 24 WDG2 5 11 23 3 11 3 PARAMETER WDG3 * ** *** = PARAMETER USED BY FORMAT COMMAND = GAP 3 VARIES WITH SECTOR SIZE = ALL VALUES APPLY TO 512 BYTES/SECTOR TABLE 1: STANDARD FORMAT PARAMETERS 618 G4 ~rL I REGISTER BIT DEFINITIONS 7 6 4 5 2 3 0 DMA 7-0 (REGISTER 0) (MSB) LOW ORDER BYTE OF DMA BUFFER MEMORY STARTING ADDRESS (LSB) DMA 15-8 (REGISTER 1) (MSB) MIDDLE ORDER BYTE OF DMA BUFFER MEMORY STARTING ADDRESS (LSB) DMA23-16 (REGISTER 2) (MSB) HIGH ORDER BYTE OF DMA BUFFER MEMORY STARTING ADDRESS (LSB) DESIRED SECTOR (REGISTER 3) (MSB) DESIRED SECTOR NUMBER (LSB) DESIRED HEAD (REGISTER 4) HIGH ORDER BITS OF DESIRED CYLINDER DESIRED HEAD NUMBER (MSB) (LSB) (MSB) DESIRED CYLINDER (REGISTER 5) (MSB) LOW ORDER BITS OF DESIRED CYLINDER (LSB) SECTOR COUNT (REGISTER 6) (MSB) NUMBER OF SECTORS TO BE OPERATED ON BY COMMAND (LSB) RETRY COUNT (REGISTER 7) RETRY COUNT (1'S COMPLEMENT) MODE (REGISTER 8) INTERRUPTI COMMAND TERM, (REGISTER 9) CRC PRESET 1 ~Setto 1 DATAIDELAY (REGISTER A) (MSB) CURRENT HEAD (READ REGISTER 4) 0~Setto0 CRCIECC ENABLE ALWAYS 0 INTERRUPT ON DONE I PROGRAMMABLE OUTPUTS FLAG DELETED DATA MARK I USER DEFINED FLAG I STEP RATE SELECT FLAG WRITE PROTECT FLAG READY CHANGE FLAG WRITE FAULT I HEAD LOAD DELAY MULTIPLE IS LOADED INTO THIS REGISTER DATA IS LOADED TO OR READ FROM THIS REGISTER I (LSB) CURRENT HEAD NUMBER HIGH ORDER BITS OF CURRENT CYLINDER (MSB) (LSB) CURRENT CYLINDER LOW ORDER BITS OF CURRENT CYLINDER NUMBER (LSB) (READREGISTER5)L-__________________________________________________________________________~ CHIP STATUS (READ REGISTER 8) DRIVE STATUS (READ REGISTER 9) INTERRUPT STATUS (COMMAND READ) COMMAND TERMINATION CODE TABLE 2: REGISTER BIT MAPS 619 UDC WRITE REGISTERS (APPLIES DURING TAPE BACKUP ONLy) REGISTER DB7 DMA7-D (REGISTER 0) (MSB) DMA BEGINNING ADDRESS BUTE (LOW ORDER BITS) (LSB) DMA 15-8 (REGISTER 1) (MSB) DMA BEGINNING ADDRESS BYTE (MIDDLE ORDER BITS) (LSB) DMA23-16 (REGISTER 2) (MSB) DMA BEGINNING ADDRESS BYTE (HIGH ORDER BITS) (LSB) DESIRED SECTOR (REGISTER 3) (MSB) MAXIMUM SEARCH COUNT (IN I'S COMPLEMENT) (1) (LSB) DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DBI DBO DESIRED HEAD (REGISTER 4) DESIRED CYLINDER (REGISTER 5) SECTOR COUNT (REGISTER 6) ALWAYS 1 ECCTYPE TAPE MARK BLOCK SIZE (IN 2'S COMPLEMENT + 1) (MODULO 256) (2) OR RETRY COUNT (REGISTER 7) DATA BLOCK SIZE DATA BLOCK COUNT (IN I'S COMPLEMENT) (3) USER DEFINED OUTPUTS MODE (REGISTER 8) INTERRUPTI COMMAND TERMINATOR (REGISTER 9) FLAG WRITE FAULT NOTES: (1) The maximum search count is composed of: 130 byte inner loop (RDGATE high 128, 2 byte times) times the number programmed (maximum of 33,150 byte times (2) Tape mark operation (3) Data block operation TABLE 3: TAPE BACKUP REGISTER BIT MAPS 620 UDC READ REGISTERS (APPLIES TAPE BACKUP ONLy) REGISTER DB? DMA?-D (REGISTER 0) (MSB) DMA BEGINNING ADDRESS BYTE (LOW ORDER BITS) (LSB) DMA 15-8 (REGISTER 1) (MSB) DMA BEGINNING ADDRESS BYTE (MIDDLE ORDER BITS) (LSB) DMA23-16 (REGISTER 2) (MSB) DMA BEGINNING ADDRESS BYTE (HIGH ORDER BITS) (LSB) DESIRED SECTOR (REGISTER 3) (MSB) MAXIMUM SEARCH COUNT (IN 1'S COMPLEMENT) CURRENT HEAD (REGISTER 4) X X X X X X X X CURRENT CYLINDER (REGISTER 5) X X X X X X X X DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DBI DBO (LSB) CHIP STATUS (REGISTER 8) PRESENT DRIVE SELECTED DRIVE STATUS (REGISTER 9) DATA (REGISTER A) READ DATA INTERRUPT STATUS (COMMAND READ) COMMAND TERMINATION CODE (1) NOTES: (1) Command termination bits set to: 11 for data transfer error 10 for syne error 00 for successful termination X Don'teare TABLE 4: TAPE BACKUP REGISTER BIT MAPS 621 COMMAND BIT DEFINITIONS 7 6 5 4 3 2 RESET o o o o o o o DESELECT DRIVES o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o SELECT DRIVE 0 0 1 1 = Head Load Delay Enabled 0= Delay Disabled SET REGISTER POINTER o o o READ SECTORS PHYSICAL o o o READ TRACK o o o RESTORE DRIVE STEP IN 1 CYLINDER STEP OUT 1 CYLINDER o o 1 = Buffered Seek I o = Seek Norma~ 1 = Buffered Seek 0= Normal Seek o 1 = Buffered Seek 0= Normal Seek I I POLL DRIVES I TYPE OF DRIVE 1 DRIVE UNIT SELECTED NUMBER REGISTER SEEK/READ ID READ SECTORS LOGICAL 0 1 0 1 1 FORMAT TRACK 1 Enable Transfer o 11o == Transfer Alii Transfer ID 1 = Bad Sector Bypass 0= Bad Sector Terminate PRECOMPENSATION VALUE WRITE SECTORS PHYSICAL PRECOMPENSATION VALUE WRITE SECTORS LOGICAL 1 1 = Bad Sector Bypass 0= Bad Sector Terminate 1 Write Deleted Data Write With Reduced Current TAPE BACKUP TABLE 5: COMMAND WORD BIT MAPS 622 PRECOMPENSATION VALUE Enable Transfer SECTOR SIZE FIELD BITS DB2 DB1 DBO 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 IBM FD FORMAT 0 128 bytes/sector 1 256 bytes/sector 0 512 bytes/sector 1 1024 bytes/sector 0 not used 1 not used 0 not used 1 not used HD FORMAT 128 bytes/sector 256 bytes/sector 512 bytes/sector 1024 bytes/sector 2048 bytes/sector 4096 bytes/sector 8192 bytes/sector 16,384 bytes/sector FORMAT ECC TYPE FIELD DB? DB6 DB5 DB4 o 1 1 1 note 0 1 1 1 1: WITH HD FORMAT 0 0 4 ECC bytes generated/checked 1 1 5 ECC bytes generated/checked (1) 1 0 6 ECC bytes generated/checked (1) 0 1? ECC bytes generated/checked (1) EXTERNAL ECC IBM FLOPPY DISK FORMAT: ID,FIELD CYLINDER HEAD SECTOR SECTOR SIZE DB? DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 DBO track number side number sector number sector size (2 bits) HARD DISK FORMAT: ST506 PC FORMAT (512 BYTES) ID FIELD DB? DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 DBO CYLINDER HEAD ~d~#~#~#~#~#~#~# SECTOR cylinder number (8 LSB's) sector bit 10 bit 9 bit 8 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 flag sector number HARD DISK FORMAT: (USER SELECTABLE SECTOR SIZE) ID FIELD CYLINDER HEAD SECTOR SECTOR SIZE DB? DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 DBO cylinder number (8 LSB's) bad cyl #cyl #cyl #hd #hd #hd #hd # sectorbit10bit9 bit 8 bit 3 bit2 bit 1 bitO flag sector number ECC type X sector size (3 bits) DISK FORMATS TABLE 6 623 For additional information, please consult the following: Technical Note 6-2 (9224 Overview) Technical Note 6-5 (Programmer's Reference Manual) HDC 9225 Data Sheet HDC 9226 Data Sheet HDC 9224 Programmer's Quick Reference Card STANDARD MI~MS rPORIliTlONI 35 MlrQJSiIYd ,t\auppIIuge:.NY 11788 \516j27H100 l'NX·51O·22H8911 Circuit diagrams utilizing SMC products are included as a means of illustrating typical semiconductor applications; consequently complete information sufficient for construction purposes is not necessarily given. The information has be~n carefully checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore. such information does not convey to the purchaser of the semiconductor devices described any license under the patent rights of SMC or others. SMC reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design and supply the best product possible. 624 HDC9225 DISK BUFFER MANAGEMENT UNIT "DBMU" PIN CONFIGURATION FEATURES o Significantly reduces chip count in hard disc systems o Completely compatible with the HOC 9224 Universal o o o o o XTAL1 ~, XTAL2 CLOCKOUT ECCTM INT ABO INTACK AB1 RESET AB2 LDADD AB3 SEN ADO WAIT AD1 J!:QLKIN AD2 OE AD3 WE ADS SYSR/W ADS DIP AD10 HDCDS AD11 HDCCS AD4 HDCR/W ADS BUSDIR ADS RAMEN AD7 SYSDS AB4 STB ABS DMACLK ABS AD12 AB7 AD13 GND '--"-_ _-'--r- AD14 48 Pin DIP Package Disk Controller Creates a dual-port disk buffer (up to 32K in size) using low cost static ram Programmable sector interrupt counter allows host processor rapid access to data On board 10 MHz oscillator simplifies clock generation Allows disk interleave factor of 1, improving system performance Fabricated in low power CMOS; fully TTL compatible LDADLl---.....-------, !!CCTM---+-..---===-----, r----- RESET 1----iWCK I----'NT r----v AD14·0 AB7-0-----,-..,-v' =---++-+1r--+-.,-::::-l----SEN t----eusDIR DIP ----1r+-+-+-1I---+-l GENERAL DESCRIPTION The HOC 9225 Disk Buffer Management Unit (DBMU) is a 48 pin CMOS/LSI device which, when used with the HOC 9224 Universal Disk Controller, significantly reduces the total number of chips required to build a hard and floppy disk controller. RllClm _--1_..-+1 HDCR W----1t-+~< I-----+-f+---+-- The DBMU allows low cost static rams to be used in a dualported configuration. This allows both the system processor and the HOC 9224 Universal Disk Controller to share a common disk buffer local memory area, while eliminating system memory contention problems. This feature greatly improves overall system performance, while simplifying design. .----+--IJ..PClKN WAIT DMACLK 'CLOCK OUT ----OXZDa..a.. DLY40 DLY30 Vee NC RCLK RDATA EARLY 25242322212019 18 26 27 16 15 14 2 13 3 12 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 4XVCO RDIN WDOUT NC GND RDGATE WRGATE w oo ;: HOC 92C26 BLOCK DIAGRAM HODS 92C26 RCLK RCLK RDATA RDATA EARLY EARLY LATE LATE WDATA WDATA 10MHZOUT CLK HOC 9224 ¢V~ ~f..l.. ~ ¢v~ '" 10MHZ/XTAL 1 '" 0 :J ... -') ... ~ TYPICAL CIRCUIT CONFIGURATION 628 DESCRIPTION OF PIN FUNCTIONS PIN. NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7,8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20,21 22 23 24 DESCRIPTION Read clock output with nominal frequency of 5 MHz which defines the half bit boundaries of the RDATA output. This output is the regenerated raw read data from the drive. This signal Read Data RDATA conforms to all timing requirements of the UDC. EARLY This input is connected to the HDC 9224, and causes the HDDS to send Early out the write data early. LATE This input is connected to the HDC 9224, and causes the HDDS to send Late out the write data late. Write Data WDATA This input is connected to the HDC 9224, and is the MFM encoded write data signal. This signal is passed through the HDDS and is delayed according to the write precompensation inputs EARLY and LATE. 10 Mhz Out 10MHZOUT This output is normally connected to the CLK input on the HDC 9224. Crystal 1 ,2 XTAL 1,2 A 10 Mhz crystal may be connected between these two inputs. If a TTL signal is used in place of a crystal, the TTL signal (with pullup) should be connected to the XTAL 1 and the XTAL 2 input should be left open. 5MHZOUT This output is normally tied to the HDC 9224 DMACLK pin in systems that 5 Mhz Out do not use the HDC 9225 Disk Buffer Management Unit. Write Gate WRGATE This input is connected to the WRGATE output of the HDC 9224. When low the RDIN input is selected and is outputto the delay line via the XDL pin. When in write mode (WRGATE active), the WDATA input is selected and output to the delay line via the XDL pin for precompensation. Read Gate RDGATE This input signal, when active, allows the external VCO to begin locking on the incoming data from the drive. When this Signal is inactive, the VCO will lock on to the 5 MHz output signal. Ground GND This is the ground pin for the device Write Data WDOUT This output is the precompensated version of the WDATA input. This outOut put is normally connected to the write data signal of the hard disk drive. RDIN Read Data This input is normally connected to the Disk Data output of the drive. The In leading edge of this input arms the internal phase comparator, and then also asserts the PMPUP output 50 ns later. 4TimesVCO 4XVCO This input is connected to the external VCO and runs at a frequency of 4 times the data rate with RDGATE asserted. This signal is inte~ divided by 2 and feeds the phase comparator to generate the PMPDN signal. 4XVCO is also divided by four and output as the RCLK signal. Pump Down PMPDN When active (low) this output will decrease the frequency of the VCO. Pump Up PMPUP When active (low) this output will increase the frequency of the VCO. Delay 50 ns DLY50 This is the 50 ns delay of the XDL signal. The 50 ns tap is used to arm the phase detector and create a reclocked version of the raw read data from the drive. Excite XDL During write operations, when WRGATE is active, this output is identical Delay to WDATA, and is output to the delay line, creating precise delays which Line are used to perform write precompensation. When WRGATE is inactive, this output is the image of the raw read data the RDIN input. XDL is output to the delay line and is used to provide proper arming,for the phase comparator and clocking for the data recovery circuitry. No Connect NC No connection should be made to these pins. Delay 40 DLY40 These inputs are delays of 30 and 40 ns of the XDL signal, and come from the external delay line. These signals are used for the nominal, late Delay 30 DLY30 and early positioning of the databits in the WDOUT data stream. + 5V supply connected to this pin. Vee Vee NAME Read Clock SYMBOL RCLK 629 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION DATA SEPARATION The HOC 92C26, in conjunction with a.n external VCO, tapped delay line and filter, allows the system designer to implement a high performance phase locked loop circuit to perform phase and frequency locking onto either an MFM or FM encoded data stream (from an ST-506 style disk drive.) In most applications, the data on the hard disk is recorded in double density (MFM). In MFM mode, an input pulse on ROIN indicates not a 1 or 0 but rather a flux transition on the media and (by definition) these flux transitions may be spaced at T, 1.5T or 2T time intervals, where T equals the inverse of the bit data rate. For the standard ST-506 drive, these time intervals are 200 ns, 300 ns, and 400 ns. Due to the nature of magnetic storage phenomena, the bit spacing found on the hard disk is not constant, but instead will modulate due to magnetic effects and drive rotational speed variations. The HOC 92C26 compensates for these shifts in the ROIN signal coming from the drive and regenerates ROATA and RCLK. The RCLK signal is derived from the VCO which changes its period as a function of the variations in the raw disk data and permits the data from the drive to be correctly clocked into the HOC 9224 Universal Disk Controller, independent of the bit spacing variations found in the raw data coming from the drive. The VCO normally runs at 20 Mhz. Since the half bit time (for data from the disk) is 100 ns, the HOC 92C26 divides the 4XVCO signal in half and compares the phase and frequency of the VCO with the incoming data. The read data Signal is regenerated by the HOC 9266 and is placed correctly within the RCLK window so as to satisfy the input timing requirements of the HOC 9224 Universal Disk Controller. 630 WRITE PRECOMPENSATION GENERATOR The HOC 92C26 also performs write precompensation which is needed because of tendency of written data to "realign" itself on the magnetic media. Certain bit patterns, when written, and later read back, will cause a phenomena known as "peak" or "bit" shift. Since this shifting is predictable, it is common when writing to magnetic media to intentionally pre-shift when these bits are to be written. This intentional "pre-shifting" minimizes the amount of shifting which occurs when the data is read back, and facilitates proper data recovery. The HOC 9224 recognizes those patterns which require "pre-shifting" or precompensation, and outputs EARLY and LATE signals to alert the HOC 92C26 to the need for precompensation. Typical ST-506 applications may require "pre-shifting" the data bits by approximately 10 ns (either early or late). Three taps of the delay line (OLY30, OLY40, OLY50) are normally used to implement precompensation. The HOC 92C26 then outputs the precompensated data via the WOOUT pin. MAXIMUM GUARANTEED RATINGS Operating Temperature Range .................................................................................. 0 to 70 C Storage Temperature Range .......................................................................... - 55 C to + 150 C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10 sec) ........................................................................... + 325 C Maximum Vee ...................................................................................................... + 7.0 V Positive Voltage on any Pin, with respect to Ground ........................................................ Vee + 0.3 V Negative Voltage on any Pin, with respect to Ground ............................................................ - 0.3 V Stresses above those listed may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other condition above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. NOTE: When powering this device from laboratory or system power supplies, it is important that the "Maximum Guaranteed Ratings" not be exceeded, or device failure can result. Some power supplies exhibit voltage spikes or "glitches" on their outputs when AC power is switched off. In addition, voltage transients on the AC power line may appear on the DC output. If this possibility exists it is suggested that a clamp circuit be used. DC ELECTRICALSPECIFICATIONS(TA=OCt070C, Vee = 5.0V, + 5%) Parameter Min. Max. Units SUPPLY CURRENT 30 mA Icc OUTPUT VOLTAGE VOH (1) 2.4 V VoH (2) 4.3 V 0.4 V VOL INPUT VOLTAGE 2.0 V V'H (3) 0.8 V V'L (3) 3.5 V V'H (4) 1.5 V V'L (4) INPUT CURRENT 10 uA I'H 2.0 mA I'L Notes: (1) For all outputs except 10MHzOUTand 5MHzOUT (2) For 10MHzOUT and 5MHzOUT (3) For all inputs except XTAL 1 and 4XVCO (4) For XTAL 1 and 4XVCO AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TA = 0 C to Symbol T, T2 T3 T. T5 T6 T7 T8 T. T,o T11 T'2 T'3 T,. T'5 Min. 11 Max. 70 80 60 10 60 10 45 6 50 50 50 50 65 65 65 65 55 IOH=400 uA IOH=400 uA IOL=2.0mA V'H = 2.0V V'L = O.4V + 70 C, Vee = 5.0V, Unit ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns 631 ± 5%) figure 1 figure 1 figure 2 figure 2 figure 2 figure 2 figure 3 figure 3 figure 3 figure 3 figure 4 figure 5 figure 6 figure 7 figure 7 ~~,!!/I#<4" Comments~ Ibn. )" OIJ/inga RDGATE--./ DLY50 4~ 4XVCO :,--_-_~r ....._ _ FIGURE 1 FIGURE 4 FIGURE 2 FIGURES RDGATE~ RCLK WRGATE~ \~-- WDATA RDIN XDL FIGURE 3 FIGURE 6 632 EARLY LATE _-_oJ WDATA FIGURE7 ~ All lK ~ z ;: :s ""-~ ~ ""a: A5 2700 C3 130pf DSM r;---- 13 74LS04 12 ~ "::l ":; "- II II II II IL_.--- A' lK __ .J 113 II II II A4 2700 Q8 11 C8 O.22uf MLC ¢ A2 lK C14 .221J. f 5VREF SINGLE POINT GROUND PLANE CONNECTION (NEAR HDDS CHIP GROUND PIN) Analog Gnd 0. Digital Ground SCHEMATIC 1 RECOMMENDED CHARGE PUMP LOOP FILTER AND VCO 633 PC 1 PC2 • • r. JIiIiirL • 0000 o o o D : o 0 0. 0 0 0 0 0 ••• ••••••••• o o o o o o 0 0 I.! 0 DO o o 00 00 0 000 0 o 0 000 • 0000 0 0 0 0 0 . 0000 000 0 • • 0., o o o 0000 0 I •• 0 00 .. I o 000 •••••••••••• o o o 0 o o o 00 0 ••••• I', •••••• D• 0 •••••••• 0 •••••••• 0 DO 000 !J PAD MASTER COMPONENT SIDE PC3 COMPONENT SIDE PC4 j 20 [" n C2 C1 W CI CI 321 00 -c: :rm~'~'I % J2 ~L.. im _ _ _ _ _...J ~~ANDARD U1 ~ veo R4 -CJ-~ HAUPPAUGE NY 11788 +oC10 MICROSVSTEMS CORP. DAT J~ C:~= R&~~~2fu: D~U'2 3t; ~ ...r:::::::J - ~ ~ R12 C4 U3 C14 ~ ~ ______ -c>- -c>- 'U un Q11 Qit-"C:] R7~5 C3 .....:=:I~ A14 ~~ U' lOll ______...J. R15 ~ SILK SCREEN CIRCUIT SIDE NOTE: The printed circuit board artwork shown above is included for illustration only. Camera ready artwork is available at no charge. Contact your SMC representative or regional sales office, and ask for Technical Note TN 6-4. Blank PC boards (based on the illustrations above) are also available to facilitate evaluation and design: Contact your SMC representative or regional sales office for more information. Circuit diagrams utilizing SMC products are included as a means of illustrating typical semiconductor applications; consequently complete information sufficient for construction purposes is not necessarily given. The information has been carefully checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, such information does not convey to the purchaser of the semiconductor devices described any license under the patent rights of SMC or others. SMC reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design and supply the best product possible. 634 HDC9227 PRELIMINARY High Performance Dual (Hard/Floppy Disk) Data Separator DDS FEATURES PIN CONFIGURATION D Single chip combines high performance analog hard disk data separator and high resolution digital floppy disk data separator coo CD, RCLK RDATA EARLY LATE D Significantly reduces component count in hard disk and floppy systems D Completely compatible with the HDC 9224 Universal WD~A Disk Controller 10MHZOUT 20MHz/XTAL, XTAL, 5MHZOUT 11 WRGATE RDGATE GND """"'-'-'---_=.r- D Eliminates all tuning and tweaking normally required by analog data separators D Built-in hard disk write precompensation logic D Fabricated in CMOS technology D Single + 5V supply D TTL Compatible 2XRDCLK RESET Vee DLY30 DLY40 VCOOUT D~D~ XDL DLY50 PMPUP PMPDWN 4XVCO RDIN WDOUT PACKAGE: 28-pin DIP GENERAL DESCRIPTION The HDC 9227 Universal Disk Data Separator (UDDS) is a 28 pin CMOS/LSI device, which when used with the HDC 9224 Universal Disk Controller significantly simplifies the design of the hard disk/floppy disk sub-system. Internally, a precision floppy disk digital data separator is combined with the digital portion of a high performance, self tuning analog hard disk data separator. By reducing the number of critical discrete components to a minimum and eliminating all critical adjustments, the HDC 9227 simplifies the task of the system designer. 635 For additional information, consult your 1986 SMC catalog or contact our product marketing department at (516) 273-3100. ~ Circuit diagrams utilizing SMC products are included as a means of illustrating typical semiconductor !!!! applications: consequently complete information sufficient for construction purposes is not necessarily given. The information has been carefully checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. However, no responsibilitv is assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, such information does not convey to the purchaser of Ihe semiconductor devices described any license under the patent rights of SMC or others. SMC reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design ana supply the best product possible. 636 HDC9234 PRELIMINARY Universal Disk Controller PIN CONFIGURATION FEATURES Programmable Disk Drive Interface and Formats D IBM® PC-AT® ST506/412 or user definable hard disk formats D IBM® PC-AT® compatible ECC algorithm D IBM Compatible Single or Double Density Floppy Disk '" RDATA EARLY 3938373635343332313029 ClK 28 40 ABO AB1 EARLY RDATA NC V" D Read/Write commands with automatic seek D Multiple sector read/write transfers INT RCLK D Sector interleave capability CID ACK D Internal address mark generation and detection 19 18 B DB, DB, cs 7891011121314151617 D Programmable track step rates D Supports both buffered and unbuffered seeks D Polling command allows overlapping seeks I~I~~~~~~~~~~ AB7 cs DBO DB1 RDGATE DB7 DBB DB5 V,, DB4 D Powerful, high level command set D Controls up to 4 drives with D D D w ,,~ >- ,,-I~~~g ~1ti5 ~ ool~ ~ B hl ~ ~!f Formats D Controls 8",5.25", and 3.5" drives D Controls tape drives for tape backup of disks D Full CRC generation and checking D Internal or External Error detection D Programmable user-transparent Error correction D Programmable automatic retry option D Programmable internal write precompensation logic PACKAGE: 44·pin PLCC up to 16 heads per drive up to 2048 cylinders per drive up to 256 sectors per track Flexible System Interface D Programmable Interrupt Mask D TTL compatible D Standard 40 pin DIP package D Single + 5 volt supply D Built-in DMA controller capable of addressing up to 16MBytes D Supports either private or virtual buffer memory addressing schemes D User readable Interrupt, Chip Status, and Drive Status registers GENERAL DESCRIPTION The HDC 9234 Universal Disk Controller (UDC) is a 40 pin, n-channel MOS/LSI device capable of interfacing up to 4 Winchester-type hard disks and/or industry standard floppy disks to a processor. The chip is programmable to support IBM® PC-AT® ST506/412 and user defined hard disk formats, as well as IBM compatible 8", 5.25" and 3.5" single and double density formats. viding up to 24 bit addresses over an 8 bit data bus. This enables the HDC 9234 to address up to 16 megabytes of memory, and allows the hardware deSigner tremendous flexibility in system design. A powerful and sophisticated command set reduces the software overhead required to implement a combined hard disk/floppy disk controller. These commands include: Drive Select Seek to cylinder and read ID Step out 1 cylinder Step in 1 cylinder Restore Drive Read Logical Sectors Read Physical Sectors Read Entire Track Write Physical Sectors Write Logical Sectors Chip Reset Deselect Drive Poll Drives for Ready Set Register Pointer Tape Back-up Format current track The HDC 9234 can use both private memory or shared memory buffers with the chip's internal DMA controller pro637 Several techniques of error detection and correction are implemented on the HDC 9234. One user selected method allows the chip to detect and transparently correct a read error in the data-stream, without external logic. Another technique allows the designer complete control over the ECC algorithm, by using external logic or system software to detect and correct the error. As a further aid in error handling, the HDC 9234 allows the user to specify the number of read retries to be attempted before an error is reported to the host processor by the HDC 9234. The HDC 9234 features a versatile track format command which allows formatting with interleaved sectors. The chip needs only 4 or 5 bytes of external memory space per sector (depending on format selected). This feature allows the designer to optimize sector interleaving for optimum throughput. 2XCLK WGATE RGATE ~--------------------~STB S0 S1 RDATA RCLK ALUIREGISTER FILE WRITE ENCODER AND PRECOMP LOGIC WDATA EARLY LATE BLOCK DIAGRAM OF DATA PATH IN HDC 9234 DESCRIPTION OF PIN FUNCTIONS PIN NO. NAME SYMBOL DESCRIPTION 1 Power Vee + 5 volt power supply pin 22 Ground Vss System ground 16 Chip Select CS This signal (when active) selects the HOC 9234 for communications with the host ftrocessor. This signal is normally derived by decoding the high order address bits. t is active low. 17,18 19,20 21,23 24,25 Data Bus 7-0 DB7-0 All system processor reads and writes, (including status reads, initialization, disk parameters, and commands) are 8 bit transfers which utilize these lines. When the UDC is accessing memory, data is inptll or output on these lines. Data on these lines is valid only when DATA STROBE (OS) is active low. 8-15 AuxBus7-0 AB7-0 These 8 pins are used to output drive control signals and DMA Address information. Additionally, these pins are used to input drive status information. 4 Command/lJata C/l) During processor to UDC communications, this input is used to indicate whether a command or data transfer will follow. If this pin is low, data may be written to, or read from, the internal data registers. If this pin is high, the processor may write commands or read command results from the UDC. 7 Read/Write R/W When the processor is communicati~ to the UDC, a high on this in~ut line indicates a (processor) request for a UD read operation, and a low in icates a (processor) request for a write operation. R/W 0 0 1 1 C/O' 0 1 0 1 Operation Write to register file Write to command reg. Read from register file Read Interrupt Status Register During UDC initiated 0rcerations, this pin becomes an output, and is used to indicate a read operation ( ogic 1) or write operation (logic 0) to external memories. 638 PIN NO. NAME SYMBOL DESCRIPTION 6 Data Strobe i)'S This active low pin functions as both an input and output. When the processor is writing to the UDC, the trailing edge of an active (low) signal applied to this pin indicates that the data on DB7-0 is valid, and the.data is latched into the appropriate UDC register on the rising edge. When the processor is reading from the UDC, the trailing ed8e of an active (low) signal applied to this pin is used to clock out the desired UD register on to DB7-0. During UDC initiated DMA operations, the UDC drives this pin low to either read or write data from memory. On DMA read cycles, data is clocked in on the trailing edge. On DMA write operations, the data on DB7-0 is valid anytime this pin is active (low). When this pin is high (logic 1), DB7-0 return to a high impedance state. 2 Interrupt INT This active high output is used by the UDC whenever it wants to interrupt the processor. The interrupt pin is reset to its inactive (low) state when the UDC interrupt status register is read. 30 DMA In Progress DIP This active high output becomes active whenever the UDC is actually performing a DMA operation. 28 DMA Request DMAR 5 Acknowledge ACK This active high signal from the processor tells the UDC that the processor has released the system bus and the UDC may access system memory. 37 Write Data WDATA This pin is used to output serial data from the UDC to the drive, in either FM or MFM format. In both cases, data is output with the most significant bit first. 38 Late LATE This output (when active high) indicates that the current flux transition appearing on WDATA is to be written late. 39 Early EARLY This output (when active high) indicates that the current flux transition appearing on WDATA is to be written early. 27 Write Gate WGATE This output (when active high) indicates the drive should allow a write operation. 40 Read Data RDATA This input pin contains the serial bit stream read from the drive, in either FM or MFM format. Media flux reversals are indicated by a negative transition. 3 Read Clock RCLK This input is generated by the external data separator. Its frequency should selfadjust to the variations in bit width in the data stream from the drive. This clock supplies a window to indicate half-bit-cell boundaries. 26 Read Gate RDGATE This output pin is used to enable the external data separator, compensate for write to read recovery time of the drive, and filter out the write splice in gaps 2 and 3. The timing of this signal is dependent upon the type of drive (hard or floppy) being used. RDGATE is inactive at all times except when the UDC is actually performing a read operation or an internal ECC operation. 29 ECCTime ECCTM When the UDC is used in external ECC mode, this output pin becomes active (low) during the time the UDC is reading the ECC bytes from memory or external ECC chip, when executing a WRITE command. It is also active during internal ECC correction operations, and for either one (write) or two (read) byte times after DIP (pin 30) becomes inactive following a sector transfer. This shows the system processor when it should service the UDC buffer. 32,35 Select 1,0 S1,SO This active high output becomes active whenever the UDC requires the system bus to perform a memory cycle, and ACK is inactive. During hard disk operations, it remains active until the sector transfer is complete. During floppy disk operations, it is active for 1 byte transfer time. The UDC shows that it has released the system bus by resetting this signal to its inactive (low) state. These active high outputs are used by external logic to select either the source or destination for data transfers occuring via AB7-0. The following table defines the transfer being called for by the UDC. (Note that S1-0 are valid only when STB is active low.) ~ific STB 1 0 0 0 0 S1 SO X X 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 639 AB7-0 Activity S1 ,SO Invalid UDC inputs Drive Status Signals UDC outputs DMA address bytes UDC outputs OUTPUT 1 signals UDC outputs OUTPUT 2 Signals PIN NO. SYMBOL DESCRIPTION 34 Strobe NAME 'STS This active low output indicates when the host processor should read or write to AB7-0, as indicated by S1-0. When AB7-0 are used as outputs from the UDC, data is valid anytime this signal is active (low). When AB7-0 are used as inputs to the UDC, data is clocked in on the rising edge of this signal. 3S DEVICE CLOCK ClK This input is the double frequency clock used by the UDC for all internal timing operations. Eight inch hard disk drives (with a nominal bit time of 230 ns) require an input of 8.696 MHz (115 ns period). 5.25" hard disks (with a nominal bit time of 200 ns) require a 10 MHz input (100 ns period). Eight inch, 5.25" and 3.5" floppy drives all require a 10 MHz clock, which is internally prescaled by the UDC to the correct frequency, as determined from the Drive Seled command and MODE register. This input requires an external pull-up resistor, as it is not TTL-level compatible. See figure 2. 31 Reset RST This active low input will force the UDC into the following known state: INT-Inactive low WDATA-Inactive low E'CCiM-lnactive high DMAR-Inactive low EARLY-Inactive low C/D-Input AB7-0-lnput lATE-Inactive low R/W-Inrrut DB7-0- nput WGATE-Inactive low DIP-Inactive low RDGATE-Inactive low LiS-Input An active low on this pin has the same effect as a RESET Command. 33 DMAClock DMAClK All UDC DMA operations will be synchronized to this clock input. Three DMAClK periods are required for each DMA byte transfer. Three internal registers (OUTPUT 1, OUTPUT 2, and INPUT DRIVE STATUS) which are not directly addressable by the processor are accessed by the UDC. The information contained in these registers is used in disk interfacing and is input or output on UDC Pins AB7-0. The following table describes these registers and the signals they output or input on AB7-0. OVERVIEW OF UDC REGISTERS The HOC 9234 has three types of internal, processor addressable reQisters; Read/Write, Read Only, and Write Only. These registers are addressed by an internal register pointer that is set by the SET REGISTER POINTER command. All register data is passed to and from the UDC via the data bus (DB7-0). The internal register pointer is automatically incrementedwith each register access until it pOints to the DATA Register. This insures that all subsequent register accesses will address the DATA register. UDC ADDRESSABLE REGISTERS = DRIVE STATUS REGISTER (input) Select Pins S1 0, SO ABS-Index Pulse AB4-Track 00 AB5-Seek Complete AB3-User Defined AB1-Drive Ready AB7-ECC'Error ABO-Write Fault AB2-Write Protect =0 PROCESSOR ACESSIBLE REGISTERS REGISTER AD DR 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A COMMAND WRITE DMA7-0 DMA15-8 DMA23-16 Desired Sector Desired Head Desired Cylinder Sector Count Retry Count Mode Interrupt/Command Terminator Data/Delay Current Command READ DMA7-0 DMA15-8 DMA23-16 Desired Sector Current Head Current Cylinder Temporary Storage Temporary Storage Chip Status Drive Status Data Interrupt Status 640 OUTPUT 1 (Output) AB7-Drive Select 3 AB5-Drive Select 1 AB3-Programmable Outputs (see text) AB1-Programmable Outputs Select Pins S1-1, SO-O ABS-Drive Select 2 AB4-Drive Select 0 AB2-Programmable Outputs ABO-Programmable Outputs OUTPUT 2 (Output) AB7 Drive Select 3 AB5-Step Direction AB3-Desired Head (Bit 3) AB1-Desired Head (Bit 1) Select Pins S1 1, SO 0 ABS-Reduce Write Current AB4-Step Pulse AB2-Desired Head (Bit 2) ABO-Desired Head (Bit 0) = = Additionally, several registers (DMA7-0, DMA 15-8, DMA23-16, DESIRED SECTOR, DESIRED CYLINDER, SECTOR COUNT, and RETRY COUNT) serve an alternate purpose. These registers are used by the FORMAT TRACK command to hold parameters. This alternate register utilization is described in detail under the FORMAT TRACK command. DESCRIPTION OF UDC REGISTERS DMA 7-0 (R/W Register; Address 0) This 8-bit read/write register is loaded with the low order byte (MSB in bit 7) of the DMA buffer memory starting address. DMA 15-18 (R/W Register; Address 1) This 8-bit read/write register is loaded with the middle order byte (MSB in bit 7) of the DMA buffer memory starting address. DMA 23-16 (R/W Register; Address 2) This 8 bit read/write register is loaded with the high order byte (MSB in bit 7) of the DMA buffer memory starting address. Prior to the data transfer portion of a read or write command, the UDC writes the contents of the DMA registers to an external counter. This transfer (from the registers to the external counter) is accomplished by the UDC with 3 separate outputs on AB7-0, with the contents of DMA 24-16 beinll transfered first. In memory areas that require less than 24 bit addressing, the higher order bits are overwritten. The external counter must be incremented with the UDC's DS signal after each byte transfer. If, during read operations, an error is detected during the data transfer, a retry will occur (if so programmed), and the three DMA registers will re-initialize the external counter to the original starting address. During multiple sector read/write operations, the DMA address contained in the DMA registers will be incremented by the size of the sector selected at each sector boundary. This ensures that during read operations the address contained in the DMA registers always corresponds to the proper memory starting address of the sector currently being read. DESIRED HEAD REGISTER (Write Register; Address 4) The contents of this reQister are compared to the disk sector's ID Field when verifying a seek operation. For the PC/AT format, this register is loaded with a 2-bit sector size, and 4-bit head number. BIT 7 Bad Block Mark (always 0) BITS 6,5 Sector Size 6 5 SECTOR SIZE o o o 1 o 256 512 1024 128 1 1 1 BIT 4 Always 0 BIT 3-0 Desired Head Number For the SMC format, this 8-bit write only register is loaded with the 4-bit head number and the upper 3-bits of thE;! desired cylinder number. BIT 7 Bad Block Mark (always 0). BITS 6-4 MSBs of the Desired Cylinder number. BITS 3-0 Desired Head Number. The desired head number is output on AB3-0 during OUTPUT 2 times. (Write Register; DESIRED CYLINDER REGISTER Address 5) This 8-bit write only register is loaded with the 8 low order bits of the desired cylinder (MSB in Bit 7). Combined with the 3 high order bits loaded into the DESIRED HEAD REGISTER, these 11 bits form the desired. cylinder number, which is checked by read and write operations during the Check ID portion of the command. (Write Register; SECTOR COUNT REGISTER Address 6) This 8-bit write only register is loaded with the number of sectors to be operated on by the read or write command. This allows multiple sectors on the same cylinder to be either written or read. c c c 0 0 (Write Register; 0 RETRY COUNT REGISTER u u U Address 7) N N ADD 16-23 AB7-0 N This 8-bit write only register is loaded with the number T T T E E E of times the UDC should retry to read a data field before HDC9224 R R R reporting an error. Additionally, this register is loaded with the user programmable output si~nals that the UDC out'----~8~ ADD 8-15 puts on ABO-3 during OUTPUT 1 times. The retry count is loaded (in 1's complement format) into 1.-----~8. . ADD 0-7 the 4 most significant bits of this register. The user programmable output signals are loaded into the 4 least significant bits of the register. DMA COUNTER OPERATION BITS 7-4 Desired Retry Count (in 1's complement format) BITS 3-0 User Programmable Output Signals REGISTER (Write Register; Address 8) DESIRED SECTOR REGISTER (R/W Register; MODE 8-bit write only register defines the operating mode Address 3) of This UDC as follows: This 8-bit read/write register is loaded with the starting BITthe 7 (DRIVE DATA TYPE) sector number of a multiple sector read/write operation. This bit determines how the UDC decodes data from the Except for the last sector of the operation, this register is drive. incremented after each sector is written or read without error. BIT 7 = (1): UDC configured for hard disk use. (Level If the UDC terminates a command because of an error, transitions) BIT 7 = (0): UDC configured for floppy use. (Pulse this register will normally contain the bad sector number, and may be read by the processor. inputs) 641 STEP RATES FOR DOUBLE DENSITY (MFM) OPERATION DRIVE TYPE (Mode Bit 4 5.25" HARD DISK B"FLOPPY 5.25" FLOPPY DB2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 DB1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 DBO 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 STEP RATE 3.2ms 1.6ms O.Bms O.4ms 0.2ms 0.1 ms 0.05ms STEP RATE 32ms 16ms Bms 4ms 2ms 1 ms 0.5ms STEP RATE 64ms 32ms 16ms Bms 4ms 2ms 1 ms 0 0 Pulse Width: 0 21.B us 11.2 us 21B us 112 us 436 us 224 us =0) (DOUBLE ALL OF THE ABOVE TIMES FOR SINGLE DENSITY (FM) OPERATIONS.) BITS 6,5 (CRC/ECC Enable Code) These bits determine the error detection/correction code generated and checked by the UDC. In addition, they enable the Write long command. DB6 DB5 o o o 1 o 1 1 1 CODE GENERATED/CHECKED CRC Enable Write Long Internal 32 bit ECC without correction Internal 32 bit ECC with correction With internal ECC selected the UDC will transfer 4 extra bytes during reads and writes. Normal CRC checking is still done on aliiD fields. If ECC is not selected, then the UDC will perform CRC checks on both data and ID fields. BIT 4 (Single or Double Density) This bit determines whether the UDC will perform its operations in either single or double density. BIT 4 = (1) Single Density (FM) Format BIT 4 = (0) Double Density (MFM) Format BIT 3 (ALWAYS 0) BITS 2,1,0 (Step Rate Select) These bits are programmed to select the desired drive step rate. Note that all step rates are determined by the type of drive and density selected, and are scaled from the ClK input. The UDC can output extremely rapid step rate pulses if these bits are set to 000. This IS useful when the UDC is controlling drives which support buffered seeks. For other speeds, please refer to the table above. INTERRUPT/COMAND TERMINATION REGISTER (Write Register; Address 9) This B-bit write only register allows the programmer to mask. out a number of conditions that would cause termination of a command. (Such termination occurs when the DONE bit in the INTERRUPT STATUS register is set.) One bit in this register also controls the generation of interrupts when either the DONE bit or the READY CHANGE bit in the INTERRUPT STATUS register go active. In the IBM® PC-AT mode, this bit should always be set to "1 ". Failure to do so may result in unreliable operation. ID field CRC and data field CRC or ECC are generated and tested from the first A1 HEX byte in the ID field. BIT 6 (ALWAYS "0") This bit should always be set to "0" by the user. Failure to do this may result in unreliable operation. BIT 5 (INT ON DONE) If this bit is set (to "1 "), an interrupt will occur when the DONE bit in the INTERRUPT STATUS register is set. If this bit is reset (to "0"), no interrupt will be generated for this condition. BIT 4 (DELETED DATA MARK) If this bit is set (to "1 "), the DONE bit in the INTERRUPT STATUS register will be set when the DELETED DATA MARK bit in the CHIP STATUS register goes active, and the command will terminate when the current sector operation is completed. BIT 3 (USER DEFINED) If this bit is set (to "1 "), the DONE bit in the INTERRUPT STATUS register will be set when the USER DEFINED status bit in the DRIVE STATUS register goes active, and the command will terminate when the current sector operation is completed. BIT 2 (WRITE PROTECT) If this bit is set (to "1 "), the write or write format command in progress will terminate and the DONE bit in the INTERRUPT STATUS register will be set when the WRITE PROTECT bit in the DRIVE STATUS register goes active. BIT 1 (READY CHANGE) If this bit is set (to "1 "), an interrupt will occur when the READY CHANGE bit in the INTERRUPT STATUS register is set. If this bit is reset (to "0"), no interrupt will be generated for this condition. The user should note that as a drive is selected or deselected, it is possible for the ready line from the drive to change state, and care should be taken in the design of the interrupt handler. BIT 0 (WRITE FAULT) If this bit is set (to "1 "), the write or write format command BIT 7 (ALWAYS "1 ") in progress will terminate and the DONE bit in the INTERRUPT STATUS register will be set when the WRITE FAULT Setting this bit to "1" will cause the CRC register to preset to 1 for CRC generation and checking. status bit in the DRIVE STATUS register is set. The com642 mand in progress will terminate when the current sector operation is completed. DATA/DELAY REGISTER (R/W Register; Address OAH) This 8-bit read/write register serves three purposes. During UDC writes, data is placed in this register for recording to the disk. During UDC reads, recovered data is fetched from this register for storage into memory. All transfers occur via DB7-0, under DMA control. Additionally, this register is loaded with the HEAD LOAD TIMER COUNT when the Drive Select command is issued. (Note that the actual amount of head load time is this value, times a value predetermined by the UDC, based on the type of drive selected. For more information, please see the Drive Select command description.) Finally, in the IBM® PC-AT mode, this register is used for a third purpose. If Implied Seek is enabled, this register is used by Seek/Read 10 and Read/Write commands to control the UDC seek operation. The data in the Data/ Delay Register and the Current Cylinder Register are used to calculate the direction and step count for a seek. BITS 6-4 Three most significant bits of the current cylinder. (Most significant bit in BIT 6). BITS 3-0 Current Head Number (MSB in bit 3). CURRENT CYLINDER REGISTER This 8-bit read only register is updated from the disk when a valid 10 field sync mark is found while executing a read 10 field command sequence. This register will contain the 8 least significant bits of the cylinder 10 number, as specified during formatting. (The 3 most significant bits of the 11 bit cylinder 10 number are contained as part of the CURRENT HEAD REGISTER.) CURRENT IDENT BYTE REGISTER 5 4 Sector Size o o o 1 o 128 256 512 1024 1 1 1 IDENT BYTE FE FF o o 1 o 1 1 1 FD (Read Register) This 8-bit read only register contains status information associated with interrupt conditions and errors that occl!" during disk QQeration. This register is read by setting C/O high, and R/W high. When the Interrupt Status register is read, the INT output signal from the UDC will be reset (to an inactive low level). Cylinder Number 0256 512 768 - FC CYLINDER NUMBERS 0-255 256- 511 512-767 768 -1023 INTERRUPT STATUS REGISTER BITS 3,2 Always 0 BITS 1,0 MSB's of Cylinder Number o o (Read Register; Address 6) This 8-bit read only register reads the Ident Byte from the disk during the Read 10 command sequence. The Current Ident Byte is written to the disk during the format, changing as specified below. Please note, the MSB's of the Desired Cylinder Number does not correspond to those written in the Disk 10 field. BITS 7,6 Always 0 BITS 5,4 Actual Sector Size (Read Register; Address 5) 255 511 767 1023 COMMAND REGISTER (Write Register) BIT 7 (INTERRUPT PENDING) A "1" indicates that either DONE bit or READY CHANGE bit has gone active. The user may disable these interrupts by setting the appropriate bits in the INTERRUPT/COMMAND TERMINATION, REGISTER. This bit is reset (to "0") by reading the Interrupt Status register. BIT 6 (DMA REQUEST) A "1" indicates that the UDC requires a data transfer either to or from its data register. This bit is reset (to "0") by the data transfer. This 8-bit write only register is used to pass commands to the UD,£:. Valid comf!!9,nds are given to the UDC...Qy setting C/O high and R/W active high, while strobing OS active (low). BIT5(DONE) A "1" indicates that the current command is completed. This bit is reset (to "0") when a new command is issued. CURRENT HEAD REGISTER BIT 4,3 (COMMAND TERMINATION CODE(Valid only when DONE is set) These two bits indicate the command termination conditions: (Read Register) This 8-bit read only register is updated from the disk when valid 10 field sync mark is found while executing a SEEK! READ 10 command. IBM® PC-AT MODE BIT 7 1 Last Sector read had BAD SECTOR bit set. 0 Last Sector read had BAD SECTOR bit reset. BIT 6,5 Sector Size = = 6 5 SECTOR SIZE o o 0 1 0 1 256 512 1024 128 1 1 81T 4 Always 0 ~31T 3-0 Current Head Number (MSB in BIT 3) !)MC AND FLOPPY MODES BIT 7 = = 1 Last sector read had BAD SECTOR bit set. 0 Last sector read had BAD SECTOR bit reset. BIT4 BIT3 CONDITIONS 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 Successful command termination Execution error in READ 10 Sequence Execution error in SEEK Sequence Execution error in DATA field More detailed command termination error information is obtained by reading the Chip Status register. BIT 2 (READY CHANGE) A "1" indicates that the "ready" signal from the drive has experienced a low-to-high or high-to-Iow transition. (This shows that the drive has either become ready or become not ready.) This bit is reset (to "0") by reading the Interrupt Status register. BIT 1 (OVERRUN/UNDERRUN) A "1" indicates that a overrun or underrun condition has 643 occured during a read or write command. These-conditions occur when the UDC does not receive an acknowledge (to a DMA request) by the time a byte is ready for transfer to or from the processor. . This bit can only be reset (to "0") with a RESET command or a high on the RESET pin. BIT 0 (BAD SECTOR) A "1" indicates that a bad sector (as indicated from the MSB of the head ID byte in the ID field) has been encountered. This bit is reset when a new command is issued, or a good sector is read. CHIP STATUS REGISTER (Read Register; Address 8) This 8-bit read only register supplies additional chip status information. The Information in this register is only valid between the time that the DONE bit is set in the INTERRUPT STATUS register and the time when the next command is issued to the UDC. BIT 7 (RETRY REQUIRED) If a retry was attempted by the UDC during the execution of any read or write command, this bit is set (to "1 "). BIT 6 (ECC CORRECTION ATTEMPTED) If the internal ECC circuitry, has attempted to correct a bad sector, this bit is set (to "1' ). BIT 5 (CRC/ECC ERROR) If the UDC detects a CRC error or an ECC error this bit is set (to "1 "). BIT 4 (DELETED DATA MARK) If the UDC reads a deleted data mark in the ID field, this bit is set (to "1 "), otherwise it is reset (to "0"). BIT 3 (SYNC ERROR) If the UDC does not find a sync mark when it is attempting to read either an ID or data field, then this bit is set (to "1 "). The command being executed will terminate when this bit is set. BIT 2 (COMPARE ERROR) If the Information contained in the DESIRED HEAD and DESIRED CYLINDER registers does not match that contained in an ID field on the disk, this bit is set (to "1 "). The command being executed will terminate when this bit is set. BIT 1,0 (PRESENT DRIVE SELECTED) These two binary encoded bits represent the drive currently selected and correspond to the Drive Select bits set in the Output 1 and Output 2 latches. BIT1 BITO DRIVE SELECTED 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 2 3 1 BIT 6 (INDEX) This bit is set (to "1 ") when the INDEX signal from the selected drive is active. Typically, index pulses from the drives are active for 1Ous-1 OOus for each disk revolution. This signal is input to the UDC on AB6. BIT 5 (SEEK COMPLETE) This bit is set (to "1") when the SEEK COMPLETE signal from the selected drive is active. This bit will go active when the heads of the selected drive have settled over the desired track (at the completion of a seek). When a drive supplies this signal, reading and writing should not be attempted until SEEK COMPLETE is set (to "1 "). This signal is input on AB5. For floppy disk operation, where the drives normally do not provide this signal, a retriggerable one shot could be used to generate a SEEK COMPLETE signal (if desired). BIT 4 (TRACK 00) This bit is set (to "1 ") when the TRACK 00 signal from the selected drive is active. This indicates that the heads on the selected drive are positioned over track O. This signal is input onAB4. BIT 3 (USER DEFINED) This bit is set (to "1 ") when the USER DEFINED signal is active. This Signal is input on AB3. BIT 2 (WRITE PROTECT) This bit is set (to "1 ") when the WRITE PROTECT signal from the selected drive is active. When set, this bit indicates that the disk in the selected drive is write protected. This signal is input on AB2. BIT 1 (READY) This bit is set (to "1 ") when the READY signal from the selected drive is active. When set, this bit indicates that the drive is ready to execute commands. This signal is input on AB1. BIT 0 (WRITE FAULT) This bit is set (to "1") when the WRITE FAULT signal from the selected drive is active. This signal, when active, indicates that a condition exists at the drive that would cause improper writing on the disk. This signal is input to the UDC on ABO. TEMPORARY STORAGE REGISTERS The UDC contains two temporary storage registers, used by the UDC for internal operations. The host processor should not attempt to read or modify these registers, as unpredictable results may occur. UDC COMMAND OVERVIEW DRIVE STATUS REGISTER (Read Register; Address 9) This 8-bit read only register contains status information generated by the drives, external ECC Chip (if any), and a user definable input to the UDC from the drive. To save pins on the UDC, the 8 status lines are input on AB7-0 and are latched in this internal reQister. The UDC will update this register whenever it is not uSing AB7 -0 to output DMA counter values, OUTPUT 1, or OUTPUT 2 data. When configured as described below, the UDC will input drive status Signals and interpret them as follows. In all cases, a logic "1" is considered the active input. BIT 7 (ECC ERROR) This bit is set (to "1") when the ECC ERROR siQnal is generated by an external ECC Chip. This signal is Input to the UDConAB7. 644 The HDC 9234 has 16 high-level commands that provide the user with a high degree of flexibility and control. All of the commands for the UDC can be thought of as falling into one of two basic groups. The first group handles the "housekeeping" required by the drives and the UDC itself. These commands are: RESET STEP OUT 1 CYLINDER STEP IN 1 CYLINDER SET REGISTER POINTER DRIVE SELECT RESTORE DRIVE DESELECT DRIVES POLL DRIVES The second group comprises the "READ/WRITE" functions required in a magnetic disk subsystem. These commandsare: SEEK/READ ID TAPE BACKUP (READ/ FORMAT TRACK WRITE) READ TRACK READ SECTORS LOGICAL READ SECTORS PHYSICAL WRITE SECTORS LOGICAL An internal status byte, which contains the BAD SECTOR, DELETED DATA and OVER/UNDER RUN bits, along with the current state ofthe READY, WRITE PROTECT, WRITE FAULT, and USER DEFINED lines, is checked at various times during command execution. This internal status byte is examined before the execution of all READ/WRITE commands, and is also checked just prior to the completion of all commands (exceptfor RESET, where its values would be meaningless.) This byte is also checked by the UDC between sectoroperations during the execution of READ LOGICAL, READ PHYSICAL, WRITE LOGICAL and WRITE PHYSICAL commands. READ ANY ID FIELD FROM CURRENT CYLINDER The UDC makes decisions regarding command termination and interrupt generation based on the contents of this status byte, and the state of the bits in the INTERRUPT/ COMMAND TERMINATION register. (Note that "write protect" and "write fault" status may cause command termination only during write and format operations.) All commands (except RESET) terminate with the DONE bit in the INTERRUPT STATUS register being set. This bit may also be considered to be an inverted "busy"· line, as the UDC resets it upon receipt of a valid command. During all READ/WRITE group commands (except FORMAT TRACK and BACKUP), the UDC utilizes some common command execution sequences. Prior to entering each sequence the UDC sets the COMMAND TERMINATION bits (in the INTERRUPT STATUS register) to a known state. If a command fails to execute properly, these bits may then be used to determine where the command aborted. The sequences common to the READ/WRITE group commands are as follows: 1. READ 10 FIELD (Command Termination Code = 0-1) First, the UDC attempts to find an 10 Field Sync mark. If no sync mark is found within 33,792 byte times (byte time = time to read one byte from the type of drive selected), the SYNC ERROR bit (in the CHIP STATUS register) is set (to "1 "), and the command is terminated. During this phase, the UDC will raise and drop RDGATE up to 256 times (as it attempts to read each sector on the cylinder). After the 10 Field is found, the UDC reads it and updates it CURRENT HEAD and CURRENT CYLINDER registers. This information was written to the disk during formatting. Next, the UDC checks the CRC of the 10 field which was read. If it is incorrect, the UDC sets (to "1") the CRC ERROR status bit (in the CHIP STATUS register) and terminates the command. If the CRC is correct, the UDC then calculates the direction and number of step pulses required to move the head from the current cylinder to the cylinder specified in the DESIRED HEAD REGISTER. These pulses, and the direction bit are output during the OUTPUT 2 times. If a command should terminate while in the sequence, the COMMAND TERMINATION bits will be set to 0-1. 2. VERIFY (Command Termination Code = 1-0) After the UDC has read the 10 Field, it attempts to verify that it has found the correct cylinder. To do this, the UDC tries to find an 10 Field sync mark on the selected 645 READ AND VERIFY ID FIELD FROM CURRENT CYLINDER SEEK/READ ID OPERATION disk. If the UDC is unable to find an ID Field sync mark within 33,792 byte times, the SYNC ERROR bit (in the CHIP STATUS register) is set to "1", and the command is terminated. The UDC, after finding the ID Field sync mark, then reads the ID field and compares the information on the disk to the information contained in the DESIRED CYLINDER, DESIRED HEAD and DESIRED SECTOR registers. The UDC will hunt for sync marks and read ID fields until the desired sector is found. If the desired sector is not located within 33,792 byte times, then the COMPARE ERROR bit (in the CHIP STATUS register) is set to "1", and the command is terminated. After the correct sector is found, the UDC checks the CRC for the sector ID Field. If this is found to be incorrect, the UDC sets to "1" the CRC/ECC ERROR bit in the INTERRUPT STATUS register, and the command is terminated. (When the UDC is executing a READ PHYSICAL or WRITE PHYSICAL command, ID Fields are checked only until the first sector to be transfered is found. No ID Field checking is performed on subsequent sectors, although CRC checking is done.) If a command should terminate while in this sequence, the COMMAND TERMINATION bits will be set to 1-0. 3. DATA TRANSFER (Command Termination Code = 1-1) If a READ PHYSICAL or READ LOGICAL command is being executed, the UDC will try to find a data sync mark (FBhex or F8hex) on the disk. If the sync mark found is F8h, then the UDC will set the DELETED DATA MARK bit in the CHIP STATUS register. After a data sync mark is found, the UDC then updates its CURRENT HEAD and CURRENT CYLINDER registers from the information found on the disk and initiates a DMA request. If the host processor does not respond to the request within 1 byte time, then the UDC will set to "1" the OVER/UNDERRUN status bit in the INTERRUPT STATUS register, and the command will terminate. USing DMA, the UDC transfers a sector's worth of data, and then reads the ECC and/or CRC bytes. If a CRC error or uncorrectable ECC error is detected, the UDC will decrement the RETRY REGISTER, set the RETRY REQUIRED status bit (in the CHIP STATUS register), and return to the VERIFY sequence. Ifthe UDC cannot read the sector, and the count in the ENTRY COUNT register has expired, then the CRC/ ECC Error bit (in the CHIP STATUS register) is set, and the command terminates. During a multi-sector transfer, the UDC updates the DMA registers after all sector operations, including the last one, and the SECTOR COUNT register is decremented. If the SECTOR COUNT register equals 0, then the command is terminated. If the SECTOR COUNT register is not equal to 0, then the UDC will increment the DESIRED SECTOR register, re-initialize the RETRY COUNT register (to its original value) and return to the VERIFY sequence. If a command should terminate while in this sequence, the command termination bits will be set to 1-1. COMMAND DESCRIPTION RESET (Hex Value 00) This command causes the UDC to return to a known state. This command allows the system software to reset the chip, and has the same effect as RST input becoming active. = 646 MULTIPLE SECTOR READ OPERATIONS = DESELECT DRIVE (Hex Value 01) This command causes all of the drive select bits (Drive Select 0-3) in the OUTPUT 1 and OUTPUT 2 registers to become inactive. RESTORE DRIVE (Hex Values = 02, 03) This command will cause the HDC 9234 to output step pulses to the selected drive, so as to move the head back to Track 00. Before each step pulse, the UDC first checks the TRKOO and READY bits in the DRIVE STATUS register. If TRKOO is active (high) or READY is inactive (low), then the UDC will terminate the command. The UDC will output up to 4096 step pulses. If the drive does not respond with an active (high) TRKOO signal within this period, the UDC will terminate the command with the DONE bit set (to "1") and the COMMAND TERMINATION CODE bits sei to 1-0. (These bits are contained in the INTERRUPT STATUS register.) This command takes two forms: COMMAND BYTE RESULT 02 The command will terminate, and an interrupt generated after the UDC has issued the step pulses. The command will terminate, and an inter03 rupt~enerated after the drive has provided a S EK COMPLETE signal to the UDC. (This is useful in systems with "buffered seek" drives.) This command uses the step rate value loaded into the MODE register. STEP IN 1 CYLINDER (Hex Values = 04, 05) This command will cause the HOC 9234 to issue one step pulse towards the inner most track. This command is generally used during track formatting, and takes two forms: COMMAND BYTE RESULT 04 The command will terminate, and an interrupt generated after the UDC issues the step pulse. 05 The command will not terminate until the UDC recognizes the SEEK COMPLETE signal from the selected drive. Upon recognition of SEEK COMPLETE the UDC will generate an interrupt. This command uses the step rate value programmed into the MODE register. STEP OUT 1 CYLINDER (Hex Values = 06, 07) This command will cause the HOC 9234 to issue one step pulse towards the outer most track (Track 00). This command is generally used during track formatting, and takes two forms: COMMAND BYTE RESULT 06 This command will terminate, and an interrupt generated after the UDC issues the step pulse. 07 This command will not terminate until the UDC recognizes the SEEK COMPLETE signal from the selected drive. Upon rec~nition olthe SEEK COMPLETE, the UDC will generate an interrupt. This command uses the step rate value programmed into the MODE Register. the DRIVE STATUS register to determine which drive caused the command termination. The POLL DRIVES command must be preceeded by SEEK or DESELECT. In normal use, a SEEK command would precede the POLL DRIVES command. In those cases where another command (other than SEEK) has been issued to a drive in the polling sequence, it will be necessary to DESELECT that drive prior to issuing the POLL DRIVES command. This applies even if the selected drive was not included in the polling sequence. = DRIVE SELECT (Hex Values 20 thru 3F) This command will cause one of (up to) four drives to be selected for operation. Any previously selected drive is deselected by this command. Bits 0 and 1 in the command word indicate (in binary form) which of the (up to) four drives has been selected. COMMAND WORD DB1 DBO 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 DRIVE SELECTED Drive 0 Drive 1 Drive 2 Drive 3 Decoded drive select Signals are then placed on the data bus (via AB7-AB4) during OUTPUT 1 times and should be latched externally. Since the HOC 9234 can interface both hard disks and floppy disks to a processor, the Drive Select command needs to also specify the type of drive being selected. Bits 2 and 3 in the command word are used to pass this information to the chip, and take the following form: COMMAND WORD DB3 DB2 0 0 0 1 1 0 TYPE OF DRIVE Hard disk with IBM® PC-AT compatible format-512 Byte data field and 4 byte ID field per sector. No internal clock prescaling performed. Hard disk with user defineable format. This format allows a data field length of 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096,8192, or 16384 bytes with 5 byte ID field ~er sector. No internal clock pre-sca ing is performed. 8 inch floppy disk, with standard 4 byte (FM) or 5 byte (MFM) ID field. An internal divider creates a 1 MHz clock to be compatible with standard disk data rates. 5.25 inch floppy disk, with standard 4 byte (FM) or 5 byte (MFM) ID field. An internal divider creates a 500 KHz clock to be compatible with standard disk data rates. 1 1 POLL DRIVES (Hex Values = 10 thru 1F) This command polls the drives for a SEEK COMPLETE signal allowing the user to perform simultaneous seeks on up to four drives. Polling is enabled by setting (to 1) the appropriate bit in the command word: bit 0 for drive 0 thru NOTE: Microfloppy system designers should determine to bit 3 for drive 3. whether the drive they have chosen to use in the system is compatible with 8" floppy drives or 5.25" floppy drives, and This command executes as follows: use the appropriate values from the table above. The UDC will output a drive select for the first drive in the polling sequence and look for a SEEK COM- Note that eight inch Winchester-type drives require an 8.696 PLETE status input from the polled drive. If the polled MHz system clock. All other drives require a 1a MHz system drive has not completed a seek, then this line remains clock. It is not possible for the UDC to derive internally the low (logic 0), and the UDC selects the next drive in the clocks required for floppy disk operation from the 8.696 MHz polling sequence. This continues until the UDC detects clock required by 8 inch Winchester drives. a SEEK COMPLETE signal from a drive, which causes To insure compatibility with various drives, the HOC 9234 the DONE bit in the Interrupt Status register to be set, features a programmable head load timer. Head load delay and the command terminates. may be inhibited by resetting the Delay Bit (Bit 4) in the Drive The UDCwili continue to selectthe drive that produced Select command word to O. If Bit 4 is set (to 1), then the the SEEK COMPLETE signal, allowing the user to read head load delay timer is configured with the value in the 647 DATA/DELAY register (Register A), multiplied by value shown below: DRIVE AND HEAD LOAD TIMER INCREMENT FORMAT SELECTED (BIT 4 = 1 = Delay Enabled) 5.25" HARD DISK 200 usec (Double Density) 5.25" HARD DISK 400usec (Single Density) HEAD LOAD 8"FLOPPY 2msec ~The IMER is set to a value IPouble Density) equal to increment· 8" LOPPY 4msec times thethis number in the. (Single Density) DATA/DELAY register.) 5.25" FLOPPY 4msec (Double Density) 5.25" FLOPPY 8msec (Single Density The Drive Select command also optimizes certain characteristics of the HOC 9234 for the type of drive selected. IF HARD DISK SELECTED: -DMA mechanism works in burst mode and the bus is held for the entire sector transfer. -The RDGATE and WRGATE output signals follow the timing relationships shown in Figures 12A and 12B. -The GAP lengths are as shown in Table 1. IF FLOPPY DISK SELECTED: -DMA mechanism transfers an 8-bit byte, and releases the bus. -The RDGATE and WRGATE output signals follow the timing relationships shown in Figures 12A and 12B. -The GAP lengths are as shown in Table 1. -The CLK input clock is prescaled (internally) to create an internal clock compatible with the floppy disk data rates. reduces the number of times the user must set the register pointer during read and write operation. Care should be taken to ensure that only valid register values are loaded into the command word. (Valid register numbers are 0 thru OAH.) SEEK/READ 10 (Hex Values = 50 to 57) This command will cause the UDC to read the first sector 10 field found from the currently selected drive, head, and cylinder. The MODE re~ister should contain the correct value for step rate and density options. After reading the 10 field the UDC will examine the command word and execute the specified options. Bits 2 thru 0 in the command word are used to specify the following options: BIT 2 = 1 STEP ENABLE. The UDC will execute the step sequence, and position the head on the track specified by the DESIRED CYLINDER register. BIT 2 = 0 STEP DISABLE. No step pulses will be issued by the UDC. BIT 1 1 WAIT FOR COMPLETE. The UDC will proceed to the verify sequence only after the drive has issued a SEEK COMPLETE signal. BIT 1 = 0 DO NOT WAIT FOR COMPLETE. The UDC will proceed to the verify sequence after the last step pulse has been issued. = 1 VERIFY 10. The UDC will execute the VERIFY sequence after operations selected by the previous options have finished. BIT 0 = 0 DISABLE VERIFY 10. The UDC will not enter the VERIFY sequence. Instead, the command will terminate. The order in which these options execute is: STEP, COMPLETE, VERIFY 10. Any combination of these option bits SET REGISTER POINTER (Hex Values 40 to 4A) may be specified in the command word. This command causes the register pointer to point to a regREAD SECTORS PHYSICAL (Hex Values = 58 and 59) ister. The desired register number is loaded into the 4 least This command will cause the UDC to read up to a full track significant bits of the command word. (MSB in BIT 3). from the disk. The user specifies the MODE, DESIRED The register pOinter is incremented by the UDC on each CYLINDER, DESIRED HEAD, and DESIRED SECTOR register access, until it points to the DATA ~egister. This along with the SECTOR COUNT. When using the IBM® PCAT format, register A must also be initialized. The UDC will find the requested cylinder and sector and set up to begin the data transfer. DMA ADDR (LOW BYTE (If using drives which support buffered seeks, BITS 2-0 in the MODE SELECT register should be set to 0-0-0. This DMA ADDR (MIDDLE BYTE) will cause the UDC to wait for a SEEK COMPLETE signal DMA ADDR (HIGH BYTE from the drive prior to entering the verify sequence.) If a BAD SECTOR bit is read (from the sector 10 field) the SECTOR NUMBER UDC will set the COMMAND TERMINATION bits (in the INTERRUPT STATUS register) to 1-0, and set the DONE HEAD NUMBER bit (in the INTERRUPT STATUS register) to 1, and terminate the command. REGISTER POINTER CYLINDER NUMBER After each sector is successfully read, the SECTOR COUNT register is decremented. If the SECTOR COUNT register SECTOR COUNT is not yet equal to 0 the process is repeated for the next RETRY COUNT physical sector on the track. This command also willterminate if the Index pulse is received from the drive. MODE/CHIP STATUS (Note that after the first sector is found, no further comparison is made against sector numbers found on the disk as INTERRUPTIDRIVE STATUS the DESIRED SECTOR register value may not correspond to the next physical sector on the disk because of sector DATA interleaving.) This command takes two forms allowing the user to specify' the desired transfer option. The options are specified by Bit oin the command word, and are: SET REGISTER POINTER COMMAND BITO = 1 TRANSFER ENABLE. The UDC will transfer the data fields to (external) memory, using DMA. 648 = BIT 0 = BITO = 0 TRANSFER DISABLE. The UDC will NOT transfer any data to (external) memory, but all error detection circuitry will be enabled and errors reported. This is useful in detecting bad sectors and tracks on the disk. Before executing this command, the user must set the RETRY COUNT to O. This is done by loading tlie high order nybble in the RETRY COUNT register to "1111" (zero in 1's complement format). Failure to do this will result in unpredictable performance because the DESIRED SECTOR register value may not correspond to the next physical sector on the disk. READ TRACK (Hex Values = 5A and 58) When this command is issued, the UDC will read the data from the entire track on which the selected drive is currently sitting. The UDC will begin reading when it detects the leading edge of an index mark signal from the drive, and terminate reading when it detects the next leading edge of an index mark signal. Sync detect is performed for the 10 field, but no error checking is done on the data field. This command allows the user to specify a data transfer option, using Bit 0 in the command word. These options are: BITO = 1 TRANSFER ALL DATA. The UDC will transfer the 10 field and data fields to (external) memory. BIT 0 = 0 TRANSFER ONLY IDs. The UDC will transfer only 10 fields to the (external) memory. This is useful during tape backup operations. NO = READ SECTORS LOGICAL (Hex Values 5C to 5F) When this command is issued, the UDC will read up to a full track from the selected drive. Prior to reading the data from the disk, the UDC will (if enabled in command) use the information in the MODE, DESIRED CYLINDER, DESIRED SECTOR and DESIRED HEAD (and Register A for IBM® PC-AT mode) registers to locate the correct track, sector and drive surface (using the previously described VERIFY sequence). (If using drives which support buffered seeks, BITS 2-0 in the MODE SELECT register should be set to 0-0-0. This will cause the UDC to wait for a SEEK COMPLETE Signal from the drive prior to entering the verify sequence.) Before the command is issued, the system processor must also load the desired values into the MODE, SECTOR COUNT, RETRY COUNT and the three DMA registers. After the desired track and sector is found and verified, the DATA TRANSFER sequence begins. After each successful sector transfer, the UDC increments the DESIRED SECTOR register (except after the last sector is transferred), decrements the SECTOR COUNT register, and reenters the VERIFY sequence. This process continues until the SECTOR COUNT register is equal to 0 (or an error occurs). This command has four options, which are specified by Bit 1 and Bit 0 of the command word. The four options are: BIT 1 = 1 IMPLIED SEEK DISABLED. The UDC will not update the CURRENT CYLINDER, CURRENT HEAD OR CURRENT SECTOR register and will not issue step pulses. BIT 1 = 0 IMPLIED SEEK ENABLED. The UDC will update the CURRENT CYLINDER, CURRENT HEAD and CURRENT SECTOR register and will issue step pulses if requird. BITO = 1 TRANSFER ENABLED. The UDC will transfer data from the disk to the system. The DMA REQUEST status bit (in the INTERRUPT STATUS register) will be set when the UDC requires servicing. 649 READ SECTORS OPERATION BITO = 0 TRANSFER DISABLED. The UDC will not transfer data read from the disk, but all error checking circuitry will be enabled. FORMAT TRACK . (Hex Values 60 to 7F) This command causes the UDC to format the current cylinderfrom the leading edge of one index mark tothe leading edge of the next index mark. The format chosen is dependent on the Drive Select command. During execution of the FORMAT TRACK command, the UDC will fetch all required 10 field data from external memory, and write it to the disk, along with format constants supplied automatically by the UDC. This reduces the number of bytes required to format a sector to 3 or 4, depending on the format chosen. Before the FORMAT TRACK command can be given, the system processor must: 1. Generate an ID Field Table for the track in UDC memory area. This ID Field Table consists of: IDENT BYTE (not required for floppy disk FM format) CYLINDER BYTE HEAD BYTE SECTOR NUMBER BYTE SECTOR SIZE/ECC SIZE BYTE (not required for IBM® PC-AT FORMAT) repeated for each sector on the track. o 14 :6 I 29 PARAMETER GAPOSize GAP 1 Size GAP 2 Size GAP 3 Size Sync Size Sector Count 8 o 4 INTERLEAVED SECTORS Sector Size Mult. 25 2 10 FORMAT two's complement format two's complement format two's complement format two's complement format one's complement format one's complement format one's complement format REGISTER DMA7-0 DMA15-8 DMA23-16 Desired Sector Desired Cylinder Sector Count Retry Count FORMAT PARAMETERS TABLE When using the hard disk format, the values for GAP 0 and GAP 1 must both be set to the same number, and loaded into the appropriate DMA register. The Sector Size Multiple programs the UDC to format with a sector size that is a multiple of 128 data field bytes. For example, to format a track with a sector data field size of 256 bytes, then the Sector Size Multiple would be set to FD hex, which is "2" in one's complement notation. In IBM® PC/AT mode, the sector sizes allowed are 128, 256,512, or 1024 bytes. In IBM® floppy disk format, the sector sizes allowed are 128, 256, 512, or 1024 bytes. With user defineable hard disk formats, allowed sector sizes are 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, or 16384 bytes. 6. Load the MODE register to specify the step rate, single or double density option, and CRC/ECC options. 7. Step to the desired track. For the first track, this is normally done by issuing a RESTORE DRIVE command, to return the heads to Cylinder 000, then use the STEP IN 1 or STEP OUT 1 commands to move the head to subsequent cylinders on the disk. 8. Issue the FORMAT TRACK command. All data fields on the disk will be filled with E5 hex. In double density recording (MFM) all gaps will be filled with 4E hex, while in single density (FM) all gaps will be filled with FF hex. This format is compatible for IBM specifications for floppy disks. 9. To Format additional tracks, it is only necessary to update the ID Field table (step 1) and repeat steps 7 and 8. Do NOT modify the DESIRED HEAD register when formatting additional tracks with the same head. If it is necessary to change the DESIRED HEAD register, the system processor must repeat all steps described above. The FORMAT TRACK command allows the user to specify several options. These options are specified by setting the appropriate low order bits in the command word. The bit mapping for these options are: BIT 4 = 0 Write Deleted Data Mark. During the format process, the UDC will write the deleted data mark (F8 hex) for the data address field. BIT 4 = 1 Write Normal Data Mark. During the format process, the UDC will write the normal data field address mark (FB hex). The UDC can format a track with interleaved sectors by staggering the sector numbers. For example, to format a 32 sector track, with a sector interleave factor of 4, the system processor would set up the ID Field table sector numbers as follows: 0,8,16,24,1,9,17,25,2,10,18,26,3,11,19, 27 ... 7,15,23,31. (Note that when formatting in IBM® PC-AT and floppy FM modes, only four bytes are required for each sector, while five bytes are needed for floppy MFM and user defineable formats. Also note that sector numbers start with zero (0) on IBM® PC-AT compatible format, and start with one (1) on IBM formatted floppy diskettes.) 2. Load the UDC DMA registers with the starting address of the external memory buffer containing the ID Field data just created. 3. Issue the DRIVE SELECT command, which moves the DMA registers to the CURRENT HEAD, CURRENT CYLINDER, and a TEMPORARY REGISTER. (This is necessary because the UDC will now re-use the DMA registers to hold format parameters). BIT 3 = 1 Write with Reduced Current. When this bit is set, When formatting multiple cylinders, the system procesthe Reduced Write Current Output will go high sor does not need to re-issue DRIVE SELECT between cylinders as the STEP IN and STEP OUT commands (active) during the Output 2 time slot. preserve the DMA addresses and format parameters. It BIT 3 = 0 Write with Normal Current. When this bit is reset, is necessary, however, to update the ID Field table, the Reduced Write Current Output wil remain low described in #1, above. (inactive) during the Output 2 time slot. 4. Load the DESIRED HEAD register with the proper value. Bits 2, 1, and 0 are used to select the Write Precompensa5. ·Load the following values (in the format shown) into the tion value to be used during the format of disks. The followregisters indicated below: ing table specifies these values: 650 SECTOR SIZE FIELD BITS (IBM® FLOPPY AND USER SELECTABLE HARD DISK FORMATS) DB2 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 DB1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 DBO 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 IBM FD FORMAT 128 bytes/sector 256 by1es/sector 512 bytes/sector 1024 bytes/sector not used not used not used not used WRITE SECTORS LOGICAL (Hex Values AO thru BF, EO thru FF) This command will cause the UDC to write logically consecutive sectors on the disk. Before issuing this command, the system processor must load the following UDC registers: DESIRED SECTOR DESIRED CYLINDER DESIRED HEAD SECTOR COUNT DMA 15-8 DMA 7-0 DMA 23-16 MODE RETRY COUNT REGISTER A (for IBM® PC-AT Mode) Since retries during a write command are not valid, the high order nybble of the RETRY register should be set to 0, in 1's complement format (1111). HD FORMAT 128 bytes/sector 256 bytes/sector 512 bytes/sector 1024 bytes/sector 2048 bytes/sector 4096 bytes/sector 8192 by1es/sector 16,384 bytes/sector FORMAT ECC TYPE FIELD (IBM® FLOPPY AND USER SELECTABLE HARD DISK FORMATS) DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 HD FORMAT o 0 0 0 4 ECC bytes generated/checked 1 1 1 1 5 ECC bytes generated/checked (1) 1 1 1 0 6 ECC bytes generated/checked (1) 1 1 0 1 7 ECC by1es generated/checked (1) note 1: WITH EXTERNAL ECC ( WRITE t SEEK TO DESIRED CYLINDER IBM® MFM FLOPPY DISK FORMAT: t DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 DBO IDFIELD IdentByte. IDENT" track number CYLINDER HEAD side number SECTOR sector number sector size (3 bits) SECTOR SIZE WRITE DATA MARK OR DELETED DATA MARK t IBM® FM FLOPPY DISK FORMAT: WRITE DATA TO DISK ID FIELD DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 DBO track number CYLINDER HEAD side number SECTOR sector number SECTOR SIZE X X X X X sector size ~ CALCULATE CRC OR ECC BYTES AND WRITE TO DISK HARD DISK FORMAT: IBM PC-AT FORMAT (512 BYTES) ID FIELD IDENT CYLINDER HEAD DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 DBO Ident Byte cylinder number (8 LSB's) o sctr sctr 0 hd# hd# hd# hd# bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 bit 1 bit 0 SECTOR sector number HARD DISK FORMAT: (USER SELECTABLE SECTOR SIZE) ID FIELD IDENT" CYLINDER HEAD DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 DBO Ident By1e cylinder number (8 LSB's) bad cyl# cyl# cyl# hd# hd# hd# hd# ~tr~m~9~8~3~2~1~0 flag SECTOR SECTOR SIZE sector number ECC type X sector size (3 bits) C ~ RETURN ) WRITE DATA OPERATION Before writing data to the selected disk drive, the UDC will read the current ID field, step to the desired cylinder (if enabled in command) and verify that has located the correct cylinder and sector. (These steps were described previously under "UDC Command Overview"). After the "Verify" sequence is done, the "data transfer" sequence begins. The UDC will first write either a Data Mark (FB hex) or Deleted Data Mark (F8 hex) on the disk, as selected by the user (see below). Then the UDC will transfer a sector's worth of data (using DMA) from the memory area specified by the DMA registers. After writing out the sector, CRC or ECC bytes will be written as spec. ilied by the MODE register. Next, the SECTOR COUNT register is decremented, and if not yet equal to 0, the operation continues for the next logical sector. 'for double density ID FIELD IDENTBYTE FE FF FC FD ) CYLINDERS 0- 255 256 - 511 512 - 767 768 - 1023 This command allows the user to specify several options. These options are specified by bits in the command word and are as follows: BIT 6 = 1 IMPLIED SEEK DISABLED. The UDC will not update the CURRENT CYLINDER, 651 CURRENT HEAD OR CURR-ENT SECTOR register and will not issue step pulses. BIT 6 = 0 IMPLIED SEEK ENABLED. The UDS will update the CURRENT CYLINDER, CURRENT HEAD and CURRENT SECTOR reQister and will issue step pulses if required. BIT 5 = ALWAYS 1. BIT 4 = 1 DELETED DATA MARK. Data will be written with a Deleted Data Mark (F8 hex) in the ID field. BIT 4 = 0 NORMAL DATA MARK. Data will be written with a Normal Data Mark (FB hex) in the ID field. BIT 3 = 1 REDUCED WRITE CURRENT. Setting this bit will cause the UDC's Reduced Write Current output to go high. BIT 3 = 0 NORMAL WRITE CURRENT. Resetting this bit will cause the UDC's Reduced Write Current output to go low. Bits 2, 1, and 0 are used to select the Write Precompensation value to be used during writes to floppy disks. The table below specifies these values. BIT2 BIT 1 BITO 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 Precompensation (For Floppy Disks) None, enable EARLY and LATE Outputs 600 nsec, Minifloppy only 500 nsec, Minifloppy only 400 nsec, Minifloppy only 300 nsec 200 nsec 100 nsec None, suppress EARLY and LATE Outputs NOTE: For hard disks, precompensation is handled with an external delay line, which is Connected to the EARLY and LATE Outputs of the UDC. These lines toggle in response to the data pattern being written to the disk. WRITE LONG (R8) bits 6 and 5 to 01. In this mode there is no retry. The retry counter register (R7) will be used as the ECC check byte length counter. The 1's complement value of the desired check byte length plus two should be programmed into these 4 bits, mapped as follows: REGISTER? 1111 1110 1101 1100 1011 ·· · ECCLENGTH 2 3 4 5 ? ·· · The system processor then issues the Read Sector Logic command. Signal ECCTM will not be activated in the WRITE LONG operation. Before writing data to the selected disk drive, the UDC will read the current ID field, step to the desired cylinder (if enabled in command) and verify that it has located the correct cylinder and sector. (These steps were described previously under "UDC Command Overview"). After the "Verify" sequence is done, the "data transfer" sequence begins. The UDC will first write either a Data Mark (FB hex) or Deleted Data Mark (F8 hex) on the disk, as selected by the user (see below). Then the UDC will transfer a sector's worth of data including the programmed number of ECC bytes using (DMA) for the memory area specified by the DMA register. This command allows the user to specify several options. These options are specified by the bits in the command word, as follows: BIT 6 = 1 IMPLIED SEEK DISABLED. The UDCwili not update the CURRENT CYLINDER, CURRENT HEAD or CURRENT SECTOR register and will not issue step pulses. BIT 6 = 0 IMPLIED SEEK ENABLE. The UDC will update the CURRENT CYLINDER, CURRENT HEAD and CURRENT SECTOR register and will issue step pulses if required. BIT 5 = ALWAYS 1. BIT 4 = 1 DELETED DATA MARK. Data will be written with a Deleted Data Mark (F8 hex) in the ID field. This command will cause the HDC9234 to transfer one sector of data and four ECC bytes from the buffer to the BIT 4 = 0 NORMAL DATA MARK. Data will be writdisk. The system processor must load the following UDC ten with a Normal Data Mark (FB hex) in registers: the ID field. DESIRED CYLINDER DESIRED SECTOR DESIRED HEAD SECTOR COUNT BIT 3 = 1 REDUCE WRITE CURRENT. Setting this DMA 15-8 DMA 7-0 bit will cause the UDC's Reduced Write DMA 23-16 MODE Current output to go high. RETRY COUNT REGISTER A (for IBM® PC-AT mode) BIT 3 = 0 NORMAL WRITE CURRENT. Resetting WRITE LONP can operate on only one sector per comthis bit will cause the UDC's Reduced Write mand. The sector slew register should be programmed to Current output to go low. 1. The value in the retry counter is decremented by the HDC9234. It should, therefore, be programmed for each Bits 2, 1, and 0 are used to select the Write PrecompenWrite Long command. sated value to be used during writes to disks. The table This mode is enabled by programming the mode register below specifies these values. 652 BIT2 BIT1 BITO 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 BIT 3 = 1 REDUCED WRITE CURRENT. Setting this bit will cause the UDC's Reduced Write Current output to go high. Precompensation (For Floppy Disks) None, enable EARLY and LATE Outputs 600 nsec, Minifloppy only 500 nsec, Minifloppy only 400 nsec, Minifloppy only 300 nsec 200 nsec 100 nsec None, suppress EARLY and LATE Outputs BIT 3 = this bit will cause the UDC's Reduced Write Current output to go low. a Bits 2, 1, and are used to select the Write Precompensation value to be used during writes to floppy disks. The table below specifies these values. NOTE: for hard disks, precompensation is handled with an external delay line, which is connected to the EARLY and LATE Outputs of the UDC. These lines toggle in response to the data pattern being written to the disk. (Hex Values 80 thru 9F, COthru OF) This command will cause the UDC to write physically consecutive sectors on the disk. Before issuing this command, the system processor must load the following UDC registers: DESIRED SECTOR DESIRED CYLINDER DESIRED HEAD SECTOR COUNT DMA 7-0 DMA 15-8 MODE DMA 23-16 RETRY COUNT REGISTER A (for IBM® PC-AT Mode) Since retries during a write command are not valid, the high order nybble of the RETRY register should be set to 0, in 1's complement format (1111). Before writing data to the selected disk drive, the UDC will read the current ID field, step to the desired cylinder (if enabled in command) and verify that it has located the correct cylinder and sector. (These steps were described previously under "UDC Command Overview"). After the "Verify" sequence is done, the "data transfer" sequence begins. The UDC will first write either a Data Mark (FB hex) or Deleted Data Mark (F8 hex) on the disk, as selected by the user (see below). Then the UDC will transfer a sector's worth of data (using DMA) from the memory area specified by the DMA registers. After writing out the sector, CRC or ECC bytes will be written as specified by the MODE register. Next, the SECTOR COUNT register is decremented, and if not yet equal to 0, the operation continues for the next physical sector. This command allows the user to specify several options. These options are specified by bits in the command word and are as follows: BIT 6 = 1 IMPLIED SEEK DISABLED. The UDC will not update the CURRENT CYLINDER, CURRENT HEAD or CURRENT SECTOR register and will not issue step pulses. BIT2 BIT1 BITO WRITE SECTORS PHYSICAL BIT 1 = 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 TAPE BACKUP REGISTER DESCRIPTION The following bits in the UDC's register file assume the functions listed below when executing the BACK-UP command and should be programmed accordingly. The following tables describe the differences in register usage when the UDC is executing the TAPE BACKUP command. (Complete TAPE BACKUP register bit maps are located in rear of the data sheet.) a IMPLIED SEEK ENABLED. TheUDCwili ALWAYS O. a NORMAL DATA MARK. Data will be writ- 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 TAPE BACK-UP (Hex Values = 08 to OF) The TAPE BACK-UP command set provides the system with the capability of transferring data to and from a tape drive in continuous blocks. TAPE BACK-UP utilizes the UDC's DMA, data conversion, error detection/correction and sector count circuitry. Because of the mechanical and electronic differences between tape drives and disk drives, some of the register bits described earlier in this data sheet change functions when the UDC is executing the TAPE BACKUP COMMAND. In many cases, the CLK input to the UDC will also need to be changed to compensate for the slower data rate from tape drives. BIT 4 = 1 DELETED DATA MARK. Data will be written with a Deleted Data Mark (F8 hex) in the ID field. BIT 4 = 0 Precompensation (For Floppy Disks) None, enable EARLY and LATE Outputs 600 nsec, Minifloppy only 500 nsec, Minifloppy only 400 nsec, Minifloppy only 300 nsec 200 nsec 100 nsec None, suppress EARLY and LATE Outputs NOTE: for hard disks, precompensation is handled with an external delay line, which is connected to the EARLY and LATE Outputs of the UDC. These lines toggle in response to the data pattern being written to the disk. update the CURRENT CYLINDER, CURRENT HEAD and CURRENT SECTOR re!;lister and will issue step pulses if required. BIT 5 = a NORMAL WRITE CURRENT. Resetting ten with a Normal Data Mark (FB hex) in the ID field. 653 MODE REGISTER Bit 2 = 1 16 byte sync detect delay enable = 0 16 byte sync detect delay disabled Bit 1 = 1 TAPE BACKUP Write Enable (writing) = 0 TAPE BACKUP Write Disable (reading) Bit 0 = 1 Tape mark enable (short block) = 0 Tape mark disable (long block) RETRY COUNT REGISTER Bits 7-4 Retry' should be disabled, by setting these bits to "1 n. (Retry Disabled) Bits 3-0 program outputs (user controlled) Bit 3 is typically used for write enable to the tape drive. Bits 0 and 1 are typically used for tape driven motion control as per drive manufacturer's specification. DESIRED CYLINDER Bits 7-4ECC Type Field: DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 ECCTYPE o o o o 4 ECC bytes generatedl checked 5 ECC bytes generatedl checked o 6 ECC bytes generatedl checked 7 ECC bytes generatedl o checked note: 5, 6, 7 byte ECCs are generated and checked by hardware external to the UDC. DESIRED CYLINDER Bit3 Always 1 Bits 2-0 Data Block Size: DB2 DB1 DBO DATA BLOCK SIZE 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 128 bytes 256 bytes 512 b&tes 1024 ytes 2048 bytes 4096 bytes 8192 bytes 16,384 bytes 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Remember that the UDC internal ECC code can correct up to a 4K byte long Data Block, but that the larger the Data Block the greater the probability of a miscorrection. Also, when executing the TAPE BACKUP command, the DRIVE SELECT command is altered slightly, as illustrated below: DRIVE SELECT COMMAND Bit# 7 6 5 4 Drive Select DB2 o 1 0 0 Ramp Up/Down delay enable 3 2 ClK divisor o a CLOCK DIVISOR FOR TAPE ClK is divided by 10 (similar to 8" flop,py divisor). elK is divided by 20 (Similar to 5.25' floppy divisor). These bits, in conjunction with Bits 4 and 7 of the MODE register, will allow selection of both FM and MFM recording on tape, with a tape format that resembles IBM compatible floppy disk formats. Setting the Drive Type bits to 1,0 or 1 ,1 will also cause the UDC to take on the following cnaracteristics: -DMA mechanism transfers a byte (8 bits) and relinquishes the bus. -The RDGATE and WRGATE output signals have timing characteristics as shown in Figures 12A and 12B of the UDCspec. -The gap lengths are as illustrated in Table 1 or the UDC spec. -Tape format parameters will be as per Table 1 of the UDC spec. Read and Write functions of TAPE BACKUP share a common command byte. The three lSB's of the MODE register are also used by the TAPE BACKUP command to specify user options, and to select between tape read or tape write mode. Two kinds of blocks may be specified when reading or writing dependent on the state of the TAPE MARK ENABLE bit in the MODE register: 1. DATA BLOCK. The length of the data block (also called a long block) is equal to: 2 n* 128 bytes where n is an integer between 0 and 7 inclusive. The desired length of the data block (2n) is programmed into the desired cylinder register. 2. TAPE MARK. The minimum length of the tape mark (also called a short block) is 3 bytes. The maximum length of the tape mark is 257 bytes. The desired length is pro!;lrammed into the sector count register. Multiple data block transfers are accomplished by programming the 1's complement of the desired number of data blocks to be transferred into the sector count register. The three lSB's of the MODE register function as part of the BACK-UP command word. The WRITE ENABLE bit determines whether loading the BACK-UP command into the UDC will initiate execution of a BACK-UP READ or BACK-UP WRITE sequence. The TAPE MARK ENABLE bit determines whether the UDC will write a short or long block of data on the tape and the DELAY ENABLE bit determines whether or not the RDGATE signal is stretched when it coincides with a sync mark when reading the tape. The remaining bits in the command word are as follows: COMMAND DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 DBa BACK-UP a 0 a 0 0 a xfer (READING) enable o a a o BACK-UP precomp value (WRITING) BACK-UP READ When reading a short block, only CRC is checked. When reading a long block, CRC or ECC will be checked, depending on the CRC/ECC bits in the Mode register. Bit 0 = 1 Data transfer enabled, error checking enabled = 0 Data transfer disabled, error checking enabled BACK-UP WRITE When writing, the precompensation value is derived from the ClK frequency as follows: Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Precompensation 1 0 None, enable EARLY and lATE 0 1 6 ClK cycle periods 1 1 5 ClK cycle periods 1 1 1 4 ClK cycle periods a 3 ClK cycle periods 1 1 0 a 2 ClK cycle periods 1 a a 1 1 ClK cycle period a a a None, suppress EARLY and lATE PRECOMPENSATION SELECT FOR BACK-UP COMMAND o 1 o COMMAND EXECUTION OVERVIEW The tape backup command allows the user a convenient method of backin~ up either floppy or hard disks to tape. TAPE BACKUP SYSTEM CONFIGURATION NOTES The UDC may be Interfaced to either cartridge or cassette (A schematic showing a typical system implementation type tape drives, working in either streaming or start/stop using the TAPE BACKUP feature is contained in Schemode. matic Diagram 2.) 654 When controlling a start/stop tape drive, the UDC will write the data "block by block". The system will issue a Drive Select command to the UDC with the Tape Motion, Motor On and Write Enable bits set to start and write data to the tape. Th'e UDC will interrupt the system after the completion of the Ramp Up Delay indicating that the tape drive is up to speed. This interrupt is distinguished by the Command Termination Code of 0-0 (normal completion of command). The System then outputs the Write command (for a long or short block) and waits for the command termination interrupt. The UDC will write the Sync mark and tape mark or data block on the tape. When the System receives the interrupt indicating completion of the Write command, it will issue another drive select command with the Motor On and Write Enable bits set to stop the drive. The UDC will interrupt the system after completion of the Ramp Down Delay indicating that the tape has stopped moving. The'UDC will turn the Write Gate signal on when it is writing data and off when it is not, without regard to the tape motion. The Write Gate signal is used to generate "gaps" on the tape between the data blocks. This is done by externally forcing the two Data outputs with the Write Gate signal such that the Data + signal is high and the Data - signal is low when the UDC is not writing data to the tape (Write Gate is off): 1. Proper operation of the TAPE BACKUP command requires that the tape drive be addressed as DRIVE #3 by the UDC. 2. During the UDC's OUTPUT 2 period external circuitry must enable a separate latch to receive the user defined 10 bits and tape track number bits. This latch should use the DRIVE SELECT 3 signal (output during the OUTPUT 2 period) so that the contents of the latch may only be changed when the tape drive is selected. Four additional drive control signals may be loaded into the four lSB's of the RETRY COUNT register. These additional outputs are latched externally during OUTPUT 1 times for use by the tape drive. These outputs would normally be used to control tape drive Write Enable logic (bit 3) and tape motion (bits 0 and 1), and tape motor on and off (bit 2). 3. It is important to consider the time required for a tape drive to come up to operating speed when using the TAPE BACKUP command. Also, to insure adequate spacing between tape blocks, a delay is frequently required before stopping tape motion. The UDC has a programmable Ramp Up and Ramp Down timer to allow for easier implementation. The desired delay is programmed into the DATA/DELAY register before issuing the DRIVE SELECT "3" command. CLOCK DIVISOR BIT 1 1 0 0 DENSITY BIT MODE REGISTER TIME IN SECONDS PER BIT4 DELAY REGISTER COUNT 1 ClK Cycle * 80000 1 ~Single) o Double) 1 ClK Cycle * 40000 1 (Single) 1 ClK Cycle * 40000 o(Double) 1 ClK Cycle * 20000 [DRIVE STOPPED [DRIVE STOPPED I GAP TAPE MARK ANDIOR DATA BLOCK I GAP IL.___ WRITE GATE: LJ The UDC will issue a normal interrupt (with the command termination code set to 0-0) when the RAMP UP or RAMP DOWN timer has expired. TAPE SPEED: 4. BACK-UP WRITE. The user will first request the UDC to perform a disk READ TRACK command, with the TRANSFER ENABLE bit in the command word reset. This will cause the UDC to transfer only the ID field information to memory. The TAPE BACKUP command will then be issued causing the UDC to write this ID information to the tape as a tape mark (typically 96 bytes for a drive formatted with a 3 byte/sector ID field or 128 bytes for a drive formatted with a four byte/sector ID field. The data fields should then be transferred to the tape in a similar manner. The UDC may be used with either "Streaming" or "Start/ Stop" type tape drives. This is illustrated by the following examples: STOPPED / TAPE AT SPEED RAMP UP DELAY SL DRIVE SEL 1. tape motion on 2. write enable on (write) or off BACKUP 1. read or write 2. long or short block \ - STOPPED RAMP DOWN DELAY L DRIVESEL 1. tape motion off 2. write enable off (write or read) (read) B. STREAMING TAPE DRIVE: typically transfers 1 sector at a time as illustrated by the following flow chart: START TAPE DRIVE A. START/STOP TAPE DRIVE: typically transfers % or 1 disk track at a time as illustrated by the following flow chart: READ DATA FROM DISK TO MEMORY WRITE BLOCK FROM MEMORY TO TAPE READ DATA FROM DISK TO MEMORY STOP TAPE DRIVE START TAPE DRIVE Control of a streaming tape drive is similar to that of a start/stop drive. The tape is started at the beginning of tile data transfer and stopped after the last block is written to the tape. The tape is not stopped in between blocks. The UDC will however turn the Write Gate sig- WRITE BLOCK FROM MEMORY TO TAPE STOP TAPE DRIVE 655 ; Ii DIP 101M ADDle AOD9 ADDS ADD7 AOD6 ADDS ADD4 AOD3 MEMORY SELECT LS32 ~ ADD15 ;::::::: ADD14 ADD13 [ ::>----""""1 LS244 ADD12 ADD1l L_s EN :::---........ 1-----1 A 6~.....:-: 1-----1 ~ _ : L~-"---b-~-:"'" A til 6 ~I_--,,+ • ·--~O-.,...... == = 0_-----1 V"" ~ ..... t:::::-::A ___ til 6"":;- -tv - ::::: 1---""1 A T E E AOo. ADD1 ADD0 E ,10MH. ~~1- "' ~~~-~-----""1 MADS MAD7 MADS MA05 LS244 ~_ _--'~~ MAD4 MAC3 MAD2 MA01 MAD0 = +6V v Ft=::~ : MA07 ~ .~ A t(l 6 := '1~t:=:t:=====l MADS L MA04 MA03 a 0 < LS74 +5V 1 ~~------1g~ D~::t::t::~ LS244 oc C~ 1-+------106 611--+-+-....., ~4-----~aA A,I-+-~~ LS161<1--t-- Lp- MAD2 MADf MADIJ tf E DIP c"o- '--- aD DI-+---+---1 '---- ac cl-+--+-~ '---_00 L---""""1aA DIP 6'~~-+--1 A'I-+-~~y. L~161 - ~ 'i/ LS245 I L LS04 DIP DAT7 C::>---....I DAT6~~===~J DAT5 [ ~ ~ = ~ = Lfrr1-LS_27--oL--- L...:= A' :~~;::: ~ LSr;:, 7406 SYSCLK RESET 656 :=====================~l r - DRIVE STATUS ""'~:"~:---l t-- INDEX LS240' ,..AB2 ~ ~r-_+-W!Y.tl!RI~TE!.!P~R~or~EC"T_ _ _ _ _-+++______1 WR PROT "'A~B~3t:=~ ..-<:1 - - -- - AB7 AB6 AB5 AB4 AB3 AB2 ABl AOO lOX TRK00 ~~=,Bs!:---I ABl ~:~~ 0~PLETE ~------l olR READY AB0 WRITE FAULT , ~ LS32 - AS7 AS6 AB AB4 AB3 AB2 Aa, AS0 OUTPUT 1 0 0 0 a LS374 0 a a a _ _ _ _-; STEP ,----;WG r---"'""IWoATA r - - RoATA .r~~~o LS04- oASELl _ 5RSW ~ oASELl MOTQRON SINGLE DENSITY lOX SEEKCOMP TRK000 WRFLT HDC9234 READY ORSEL1 OUTPUT 2 ""A""B7++-Ir;;- - "" ~AB6 t*~:~:~:t:~~LS37~'I--_"'::;~""""""_---1 a REo.WR.CUR LOW CUR olR VOlA STEP Q l Vi i l lSTEP 0 DIP "",A~B34-+--l 0 I"'A",B2'+-+--lO ~~:'~1+-t-1D --ccs c/D v"~~~ :Lr ~:'38E~b L..k 81 - OB7 OB6 OBS oB4 OB3 OB2 oBl - 000 - oMAR r--=-- C B 07 HEAD BIT 1 HEAOBIT0 al--~~="'----I 1 ~S'T~B3~+ ~ " HEAD 23 V HEAD 2' HEAD 2- HEADZZ " T l.r- ~ WG GNo T7408 __ _ _ _-++_. . . 021>---i~~~o;~2"1-1f----t-' 01 t:=::jS~T~B0t:~_ _ _J WGA::~t---~ WDATA a -J-=~t-1D +5V i.-"": HEAOBIT3 HEAD BIT 2 QII---";;'~~~---1 Lr Lr-C1 8153 DELAY 2 4 n s L - C2 ~~ ~~ .-----<.. =--.J ~~~-~-+-r--I+MFM [1004 R'::~MoATA .A9637 ....... - ACK - oMACLK I 10MHzCLKJ ~2C2- --c RST RDATA i > - - - - - - - - - - - - - " " " ' 1 2 V 2Cl - ~-----------~lV lC3- - lCl lC0 R/iN HODATA - RDATA ~J.:.:R:;::CL:.:.K---~ RAW r-- I - J~DATA IRCLK FDC9216 - INT ORSELl I r~G_N_D.....,=... Ii- ~ SEPARATOR r--- RCLK.. _55 WRITE DATA ~,..4/::""---++--I-MFM ~r~ LATE EARLY +MFM ,----------------1"'- ~C0 Yr 1 ":" BMHzCLK 657 J RDf:==========::::::J CO~0~ COt q nal on when it is writing data and off when it is not so that gaps will be written (with external hardware) on the tape between the data blocks. 5. BACK-UP READ. The data is read from the tape (in either start/stop or streamer mode) and buffered in memory. The disk track is then reconstructed from the data. The start/stop drive typically has a track (or half a track) of disk data stored as a block. It is therefore expedient to read in the data "block by block". When reading data from a streamer drive use can be made of the SECTOR COUNT register and a track's worth of data blocksmay be read from the tape before generating the track on the disk. Tape motion control is similar to that described above except that the Write Enable Bit is off to inhibit writing to the tape. The UDC reads the tape until it detects a sync mark. After detecting a sync mark the UDC will transfer the data found on the tape to memory. 6. The search count is used when reading the tape. It specifies a maximum number of blocks of 128 bytes between adjacent data blocks. If the search count expires before sync is detected, the command is terminated. For example, if a search count of two is specified by loading the Desired Sector ref.lister with FD (hex), the UDC will search for 256 byte times before terminating the command. This will prevent the UDC from accidentally skipping a block. The search count is typically about the size of one block length. In the following figure, TM1 and TM2 are two tape marks and DB1, DB2, DB3 etc. are their associated Data Blocks: TM1 f-----I DBt f-----I. DB2 I---l DB3 - I---l DB4 f-----I TM2 t-----l 8. The DRIVE STATUS bits may be used b the tape drive if they are enabled (on the drive) by DRI E SELECT 3. The ready change interrupt is especially handy for detecting start of tape (SOT) and end of tape (EOT) as a UDC command can be terminated by a change in state of the READY input. 9. The DATA FORMAT is as follows: ~SYNC The sync mark is preceeded by a "preamble" consisting of bytes of 00 as per figure 2 of the UDC spec (this is required to synchronize the data separator when reading the tape). The Tape Mark and Data Block (including CRC or ECC bytes) are followed by a "postamble" consisting of one byte of 00. Note that the postamble is not included in the Floppy Disk formats. The GAP sizes are dependent on the type of drive (start/stop or streamer) and the specific mechanical tape drive specifications. 10. Use can be made of the Sector Count register when doing a "file" (versus a "mirror image") backup on a start/stop tape drive. Instead of transferring the entire disk track to the tape in one long block, the data is moved file byfile. If, for example, it is desired to back up a file consisting of five 256 byte long Hard Disk sectors, a 2048 byte long Data Block would have to be used for an image backup (the Data Block size is specified as 2n * 128 restricting blocks to 128, 256, 512 etc.). This would result in a lot of wasted space on the tape. DBt I---l 7. 16 BYTE DELAY. Provision is made to shift the RDGATE pulse in the event that it coincides with the data block sync mark. If a tape cannot be read (sync is never detected) the tape can be re-read with the 16 byte delay enabled. GAP Isync DATA I The Tape Mark sy'nc mark (TMSYNC) is composed of three bytes of A1 (Hex) followed by one byte of FE (Hex). The Data Block sync mark (DBSYNC) is composed of three bytes of A1 (Hex) followed by one byte of FB (Hex). A1 (Hex) is encoded with the standard missing clock pattern. search count DATA TAPE MARK POST GAP PRE DBSYNC DATA BLOCK POST GAP If file backup is used and the Sector Count is set to five, 256 byte long Data Blocks can be used. Gaps will be generated on the tape corresponding to the time required to get the data from the disk drive (corresponding to DMA delays and the disk interleave factor). GAP ROGATE without delay: The tape will not be stopped until the entire file is transferred. When using sector count, the UDC internal programming will create inter-block gaps of about 30 to 32 bytes on the tape in both single (FM) and double (MFM) density modes. RDGATE with delay: 658 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION NOTES A simplified UDC schematic is shown in Schematic 1. The following notes may be helpful in implementation ofthe UDC. 1. In systems using a private memory area, it is important to know when the buffer needs servicing from the host processor. A second interrupt signal (INT2) signals the processor that servicing is needed. INT2 is generated by externally ANDING the ECCTM signal with STB1 signal. (The STB1 signal is active when the UDC~utputing the DMA address data, and occurs when STB is active (low), SO is active (high) and S1 is inactive (low)). This "interrupt" occurs only when the UDC needs the system processor to either read from or write to the buffer memory. When reading from the disk, the system processor should empty the memory buffer each time this signal becomes active. (If an ECC error is detected, and error correction is enabled, this signal will not become active until the UDC has attempted to correct the error.) When writing data to the disk, the system processor must fill the buffer each time this signal becomes active. 2. The DIP (DMA in Progress) signal is used to isolate the buffer memory from the main system memory. If 74LS244 and 74LS245 address buffers are used in the memory addressing circuits, then this signal should be used to enable or disable the address buffers, as required. This eliminates the possibility of memory contention problems., 3. Write precompensation (for floppy disks) is handled internally by the UDC, For hard disks, the LATE and EARLY signals are connected to a multiplexer which, in turn is connected to a 24 ns delay line. The EARLY and LATE signals will toggle in response to the data pattern being written. This will allow the data being written to the shifted ± 12 ns from the nominal 12 ns delay specified by hard disk manufacturers. 4. The interface to the hard disk drive data inputs and outputs requires RS-422 data tranceivers, Other disk drive interface circuits (including floppy disk data inputs and outputs) may be 74LS series devices. 5. Since the UDC uses its Aux Bus for multiple functions, the system designer must be able to determine which function is occuring on the Aux Bus at any given time. The SO and S 1 signals, when combined with STB signal are decoded (using a 74LS138 or equivalent) to provide STBO-3 signals. These generated signals and their respective functions are: STBO STB1 STB2 STB3 Drive Status Input Time Slot External DMA Address Counters Time Slot Output 1 Time Slot Output 2 Time Slot 6. The clocks required by the UDC are not TTL-level compatible. Pullup resistors (typically 390 ohms) should be used with Schottky drivers to insure that the clock signals reach the proper rnput (high) level, with acceptable rise and fall times. 7. The UDC features a built-in DMA controller that requires connection to external counters. These counters are configured so that they are incremented after each byte is transferred. (The UDC's internal DMA circuits transfer 659 the starting memory address for each read or write operation.) 74LS161 Counters are typically used in this area. 8. The DMACLK input should be tied to the master system clock, through a bus buffer. It is important to remember that three DMACLK periods are required for each DMA transfer. 9. The system deSign may be simplified, and costs reduced, by using the FDC 9216B Floppy Disk Data Separator, to separate raw data from the floppy disk drive into RDATA and RCLK. ERROR CHECKING AND CORRECTION CIRCUIT (ECC) OPERATING PRINCIPLES The UDC will automatically detect and correct errors in the data read from the disk. Error checking may be done using industry standard CRC or ECC encoding. Error correction may be done using either internal or external ECC encoding. This section will explain ECC operation, as implemented on the UDC. The UDC contains two 16-bit registers used by the CRC/ ECC circuits. CRC logic uses only one of these registers, while the logic for ECC uses both registers, implementing a full 32-bit algorithm. These registers may be preset to either one or zero, using the CRC PRESET bit in the INTERRUPT/COMMAND TERMINATION register. (This allows compatibility with existing disk controllers and external ECC chips.) Both ECC and CRC are calculated beginning with the sync mark of the address (CRC) or data (ECC) field. CRC/ECC GENERATION The UDC uses the following industry standard polynornials in computing the CRC and ECC check bytes: CRC: X'6 +X'2 +xs + 1 ECC: X32 +X2B +X 26 +X'9 +x17 +x'O +X6 +X2 +' As the UDC writes data to the disk drive, it first passes this data thru the CRC (and, if enabled, ECC) registers. After all data has been written, the remaining two (CRC) or four (ECC) bytes remaining in these registers are written to the appropriate address or data field. CRC/ECC CHECKING When CRC or ECC checking is initiated, the internal CRC/ ECC registers are set to either zero or one, as required by the CRC PRESET bit in the INTERRUPT/COMMAND TERMINATION REGISTER. Data read from the disk is simultaneously shifted thru the CRC/ECC registers, and transferred to external memory. After the CRC or ECC check bytes have been shifted thru the CRC/ECC registers, the remainder in these registers should be zero, else an error has occurred in the address or data block. If CRC or ECC (without correction) is enabled, automatic retry (if enabled) or command termination will occur. If internal ECC with automatic correction is enabled, the correction algorithm will be executed. If the internal ECC algorithm is unable to correct the error (in one attempt), then autornatic retry (if enabled) or command termination will occur. ECC CORRECTION Error Correction consists of three distinct parts: 1. The CRC/ECC registers are normalized by shifting zeros thru the register. This sets up a data block which is 42,987 bits long, which corresponds to the "natural message length" of the generation polynomial. The actual number of zeros shifted through the registers depends on the difference between the natural message length of the generator polynomial and the actual length of the data block being checked. The longest data block that can be corrected (using the internal ECC algorithm) is 4K bytes. 2. The data input to the CRC/ECC registers is then disabled and the DMA counters are re-initialized to the starting address for this data block. The contents of the CRC/ECC registers are then "ring-shifted" until 21 consecutive zeros are detected. The remaining bits in the CRC/ECC registers compose the error syndrome. As the CRC/ECC rellisters are shifted, the UDC generates DS signals, causing the external DMA counters to be incremented. When the 21 consecutive zeros are detected, the DMA counters are pointing to the corrupt data. If the error syndrome is not found within the data block the error is judged to be uncorrectable and the correction algorithm is terminated. (The data block is the length of the data field in the sector and the 4 ECC bytes. A format with a sector size of 256 bytes would have a data block size of 260 bytes.) 3. When the error syndrome is detected, the UDC will enable its ECCTM output, read the next byte from memory, exclusive-or it with the first b~te of the three byte error syndrome, disable the ECCT output and write the cor- rected byte back to memory. The correction process is then repeated for the next two bytes in memory. When using internal ECC (with correction enabled), the ECCTM output is used by the external DMA counters to inhibit the counters from incrementing their addresses when correCtin~the erroneous bytes. When using external ECC, the E CTM output goes active (low) when the UDC is requesting the ECC Check Bytes from the external ECC chip prior to writing them to the disk. After a correction is completed, the UDC will then attempt to read the next sector on the disk (if the SECTOR COUNT register is still greater than zero). Anytime ECC correction has been attempted, (even if unsuccessful), the CORRECTION ATTEMPTED bit in the CHIP STATUS register will be set. The maximum time required for one ECC Correction Cycle (using the internal algorithm) is about equal to the time it takes to read 1 sector. IMPLEMENTATION Implementing ECC Correction consists of three steps: 1. Read with Auto-Correction disabled and Retry enabled. 2. When a sector with a hard ECC error is found, enable Read for one sector (sector count = 1) with AutoCorrection enabled and correct the error. 3. After the correction is completed, issue a new Read command with auto-correction disabled and retry disabled to transfer the balance of the data. 660 MAXIMUM GUARANTEED RATINGS· Operating Temperature Range ............................................................................. 0 to + 70 C Shortage Temperature Range ....................................................................... - 55 C to + 150 C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10 sec.) ........................................................................ + 325 C Positive Voltage on any Pin, with respect to ground .............................................................. + 8 V Negative Voltage on any Pin, with respect to ground ........................................................... - 0.3 V ·Stresses above those listed may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or at any other condition above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. NOTE: When powering this device from laboratory or system power supplies, it is important that the Absolute Maximum Ratings not be exceeded or device failure can result. Some power supplies exhibit voltage spikes or "glitches" on their outputs when the AC power is switched off. In addition, voltage transients on the AC power line may appear on the DC output. If this possibility exists it is suggested that a clamp circuit be used. DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Ta = 0 C to Vi1 Vih1 Vih2 V011 Voh1 PARAMETER Input Voltage Low High High Output Voltage Low High V012 Voh2 Low High MIN TYP UNIT 0.8 V V V 0.4 V V 0.4 V V 2.4 2.4 I 1ltIomS/rfc u:::.'~ MAX 2.0 4.2 ~ SomeIVoJice, 11>1.,. + 70 C, Vcc = 5.0V ± 5% COMMENTS all inputs except CLK CLKinput all outputs except WDATA, Early and Late. (Drive 1 TTL load into 50 pf) WDATA, EARLY and LATE outputs. (Will drive 1 Schottky load into 15 pf.) Input Leakage Current 11 10 uA 25 200 pf Input Capacitance Cin Power Supply Current Icc ma AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Ta = 0 C to PARAMETER + 70 C, Vcc = 5.0V ± 5% SYMBOL MIN TYP MAX UNIT COMMENTS PROCESSOR WRITE CYCLE C/Q, R/iiil, CS Setup time to DS1 C/D, R/W, CS Hold time to DSj DS Pulse Width DS Pulse Hi~h Time Data Bus In etup time to DSj Data Bus In Hold time to DSj TosB TosB TosL TosH TOIB TOIA 110 0 150 850 100 0 ns ns ns ns ns ns FIGURE3 PROCESSOR READ CYCLE Data Access time from DS1 Data Hold time from DSj TooB ToOA 75 10 ns ns FIGURE3 UDC TO MEMORY TIMING (BUS MASTER) (based on 10 Mhz DMACLK Input) Write Setup time to DS~ Write Data Strobe Widt Write Hold time from DSj Data Strobe Falling Edge Data Strobe Rising Ed9L Write Data Valid before DS~ Write Data Hold time after Sj Memory Access Time TWB Twos TWA TosF TosR TwoB TwoA Tw 110 180 110 ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns FIGURE4 15 20 90 10 200 661 " ~ PARAMETER SYMBOL Read Setup time to D~ Read Hold time after 0 Read Data Strobe Pulse idth Read Data Setup time to D~ Read Data Hold time from 0 i DMACLKf to OS DMACLK to DSr tv t TRB TRA TRos TRoB TRDA TO~~ MIN TYP MAX UNIT FIGURE4 100 100 ns ns ns ns ns ns ns FIGURE7 100 ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns FIGURE2 FIGURE 9 110 110 180 50 0 TODA COMMENTS SO, S1, AND STB TIMING STBWidth SO, S1 Hold time after STBi Data In Setup time to STB~ Data In Hold time after ST i SO, S1 Setup time to Aux Bus Setup time to S~ Aux Bus Hold time after ST i Tsw Tso To1s TOIH TSST1 TssT2 TssT3 INPUT CLOCK TIMING (10 MHz Input) Clock Rise Time Clock Fall Time Clock Cycle High Time Clock Cycle Low Time Clock Cycle Time TRT TRF TCH TCl Tevc 40 40 95 TpB 0 ns TpB 50 ns FLOPPY INPUT DATA TIMING Window Setup time to RDCLK Window Hold time from RDDATA i TFRB TFRA 50 50 ns ns FIGURE 10 HARD DISK INPUT DATA TIMING Data Setup time to RDCLK! Data Hold time after RDCLK! Clock Setup time to RDCLKf Clock Hold time from RCLK THRB THRA THcB THCA 60 10 60 10 ns ns ns ns FIGURE 10 ECCTIM TIMING ECCTM Setup to D~ ECCTM Hold after 0 i TEos TEoH 50 100 ns 1 ILS sm PRECOMPENSATION TIMING Early, Late Setup time (Before WDATA j) Early, Late Hold Time (after WDATA1) RESET TIMING RST Pulse Width 800 100 700 0 100 100 10 10 662 100 105 FIGURE 10 AB0-7 DISK DRIVE STATUS OUTPUT 1 'REQUIRED FOR STANDARD UDC/HARD DISK INTERFACE D • •• • Q t---::";";';:;':;::~""'-1- DRSEL3 TAPE DRIVE STATUS LS374 OUTPUT 2 D Q } TAPE MOTION CTL DRSEL3 LS374~__~~+- __4-~~~__~ 4 WRITE ENABLE TRACK # 1\ STB2 -~+--------'--'I----t--q STB3 STB0 WGATE----------------________~ DATA + WD----------~ DATA LS74 SCHEMATIC 2: HDC9234 TAPE DRIVE INTERFACE CIRCUIT 663 t+ ~ 5V I+----T,~---~ 3900 ------1f'......>c>------L---- V'" 74504 TO CLK INPUT or DMACK INPUT or equivalent FIGURE #1 RECOMMENDED CLK DRIVER CIRCUIT FIGURE 1: RECOMMENDED CLK/DMACLK INPUT cs· FIGURE 2: INPUT CLOCK TIMING (10MHz) l I \ I R/W \ ~ c/o X 58 Too, TOSH TOIA TOIB ,~H VALID OUT DB7-0 FIGURE 3 FIGURE 3: SYSTEM PROCESSOR TO UDC TIMING --Tw---I'I 1+-1. RNi T""1 r-- ~-+----I~Ir-~T"_ _ r-~T.. - - - - - - - - : - - T.. ---1J DB7-0 (WRITES) DB7-0 (READS) FIGURE 4: UDC TO MEMORY TIMING (BUS MASTER) 664 DMACLK ~ DMAR I " I ACK ,, ~ ,I I \ \ I I 1 1 \ \ I ('I ~ I DIP L , I I I I I BYTE READY ,, I U //Iii/ \ \ I\. I, TRISTATE I R/W " ~..:.T;.:;RI::;ST;.:.A;.:.JE=-_ _ \ \ I \ \ 1 \ \ TRISTATE 55 TRISTATE \ I DB 7·0 -------«~~~ ~ r-- .• DATA OUT MAX BYTE RATE 1.6,,"0 -1 , ---8UDC DMA MEMORY TIMING FOR HARD DISK (BURST MODE) Figure 5 FIGURE 5: UDC DMA MEMORY TIMING FOR HARD DISK (BURST MODE) DMACLK I I I BYTE READY -LL.f.j~ DMAR I ~ ACK R/W TRISTATE , \ TRISTATE DIP DB7·0 (OUT) DB7·0 (IN) U \ \) , I 1 ~ I " ........ \, I I ______-JJ. I j 1 \ I I Y t , i , DATA OUT I ( t DATA IN )- 1 ..' \._\ 000 tr\ TRISTATE TRISTATE \ \ Q >-UDC DMA TIMING FOR FLOPPY DISK (1 BYTE AT A TIME) FIGURE 6: UDC DMA TIMING FOR FLOPPY DISK (1 BYTE AT A TIME) 665 81,80 AS 7-0 FIGURE 7: 50, 51, 5TB TIMING BIT 17161S141312111017161S14131211101 ClK WDATA o r- o MISSING CLOCK . o '0 0 1 1 1 ....------" ADDRESS MARK----~-·_1I...· - - - - - - - o -;I DATA " F E " - - - - - -...... FIGURE 8: UDC DATA WRITE TIMING TWR - WDATA 1\ ~TWB I+-TWA - > EARLY, LATE ti"'" '>( T DRIVE TYPE HARD DISK 8" MFM FLOPPY 8"FMFlOPPY Sv.' MFM FLOPPY Sv.' FM FLOPPY T(typ) 200NS 21'-5 41'-5 - TWR(typ) lOONS 300NS 300NS 300NS 300NS FIGURE 9: PRECOMPEN5ATION TIMING 666 I DATA BIT I 0 0 I 0 I 1 I r-I.. - - - - - - ADDRESS MARK _I ~----- A1, 0A COMPARE - - -_ _---j L o I I 0 MFM READ DATA READ CLOCK RDATA INTERNAL COMPARE ECCTM SYN-C-B-Y-TE---r~ RDCLK RDDATA ~FLUX REVERSAL FLOPPY INPUT DATA TIMING (HARD DISK BIT = 0) HARD DISK INPUT DATA TIMING (HARD DISK BIT = 1) FIGURE 10 r. . n I~_ _ _ _ _~·_____________ ---------REPEATED N T I M E S - - - - - - - - - - I ________~ ~~__________~~ ·1 IN DEX~ I !2t:c~! ~~H~t"Cl! ~~!FEH ~! ~! ~! g ~ 1?~:F$!~~~g! ~!I ~ ~ L INDEX AM 10 AM 12Bdatabyte, ICRCtl CRC2 GAP 3 27-FF rL I I GAP 4 247xFF NOMINAL DATA AM - FLOPPY DISK FORMAT; SINGLE DENSITY ECCTM 2 bytes INDE~~______________~I_..._·======================_R_E_P_EA_T_E_D_N_T_I_M_ES_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_~_.jl~______~nL I 01 SYNC 12)(00 !3XC2!FC! GAP 80x4E L GAP 50x4E1 INDEX AM I SYNC 12)(00 13XA1 !FE !TKISIDElsECISIZEICRC1! CRC21 L 21 SYNC 12xOO 1 3XA1 ! ~~ Fa I GAP 22x4E L 10 AM 256 data bytes F~ r..·..------------- n ! GIIP 4 54x4E 598x4E ~ECCTM DATA AM ---1 r--- FLOPPY DISK FORMAT; DOUBLE DENSITY IND.:2..J ICRC11CRC21GAP 31 2 bytes rL ··-II REPEATED N TIMES--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1'--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-----' GAP 1 16X4E GAP4 256 data bytes HARD DISK FORMAT FIGURE 11: DISK FORMATS 667 340x4E --r----r1--j r-- ECCTM 2 bytes I n. INDEX I I 10 I G2ISYNC) DATAl G31 SYNC 110 G21 SYNC DATA IOOISYNCIIDIG2ISYNCI DATA IOOISYNCI'OIGBiSYNCIDATAIG'IG41 : I 5BYTES~ 1 256 _1 i-------, __ I , RDGATE AM:!~::::+ AMFCUNOJ -++________;-FB AM AM FOUND AMFCUNO' LOOKING FOR· (SINGLE OENSITYI _ _ _ FE _ _+_FB-j--FE _ _ _ (DOUBLE OENSITY) _ _ A1'Fi;: '(HARD DISK) AM NOT FCUNO! AMFDUNO! !AMFOUNO FE--+-FB-+-FE _ __ A1FS-l-A1FE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--ir-A1FB _ _ _+A.1FE + --A1FE--+--A1F8-t- A1FE-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __f_ A1F8 _ _ _ --+ A1FB -4- A1FE _ _ A1FE--t A1F8+ A1FE-·:~2~I;:rI~n~~~~~ FIGURE 12A: RDGATE DURING DISK READ INDEX ROGATE FIGURE 12B: RDGATE AND WRITE GATE TIMING TYPICAL FORMAT PARAMETERS PARAMETER HARD DISK'" SINGLE DEN. FLOPPY DOUBLE DEN. FLOPPY GAP0' 16 40 80 GAP1' 16 26 50 GAP2' 3 11 22 GAP3' 18" 27*' 54" SYNCSIZE' 13 6 12 SECTOR COUNT' user selectable user selectable user selectable SECT. SIZE MULT' user selectable user selectable user selectable RDG 1 16 73 NA RDG2 6 13 24 RDG3 25 27 24 WDG2 5 11 23 WDG3 3 11 3 , = PARAMETER USED BY FORMAT COMMAND " = CHANGES FOR DIFFERENT SECTOR SIZES '" = 512 BYTES/SECTOR TABLE 1 : STANDARD FORMAT PARAMETERS 668 IBM® PC-AT HARD DISK FORMAT REGISTER BIT DEFINITIONS 7 5 (MSB) 4 3 LOW ORDER BYTE OF DMA BUFFER MEMORY STARTING ADDRESS DMA 15-8 (REGISTER 1) (MSB) MIDDLE ORDER BYTE OF DMA BUFFER MEMORY STARTING ADDRESS (LSB) DMA 23-16 (REGISTER 2) (MSB) HIGH ORDER BYTE OF DMA BUFFER MEMORY STARTING ADDRESS (LSB) DESIRED SECTOR (REGISTER 3) (MSB) DESIRED SECTOR NUMBER (LSB) DESIRED HEAD (WRITE REGISTER 4) 6 o DMA 7-0 (REGISTER 0) SECTOR SIZE (LSB) DESIRED HEAD NUMBER ALWAYS o 2 (LSB) (MSB) DESIRED CYLINDER (REGISTER 5) (MSB) LOW ORDER BITS OF DESIRED CYLINDER (LSB) SECTOR COUNT (WRITE REGISTER 6) (MSB) NUMBER OF SECTORS TO BE OPERATED ON BY COMMAND (LSB) RETRY COUNT (REGISTER 7) RETRY COUNT (1'S COMPLEMENT) PROGRAMMABLE OUTPUTS MODE (REGISTER 8) STEP RATE SELECT INTERRUPTI COMMAND TERM. (REGISTER 9) DATAIDELAY (REGISTER A) HEAD LOAD DELAY MULTIPLE IS LOADED INTO THIS REGISTER BEFORE SELECT COMMANDS (LSB) DATA IS LOADED TO OR READ FROM THIS REGISTER FOR READIWRITE/FORMAT COMMANDS DURING DATA TRANSFERS (LSB) HIGH ORDER BITS OF DESIRED CYL NUMBER ACTUAL SECTOR SIZE CURRENT HEAD (READ REGISTER 4) CURRENT HEAD NUMBER CURRENT SECTOR SIZE (MSB) (LSB) CURRENT CYLINDER (READ REGISTER 5) L -_____________________L_OW __O __ RD_E_R__ B_IT_S_O_F_C_U_R_R_E_NT __ C_Y_lI_N_DE_R__ N_U_M_B_ER _________________(_LS_B_)__~ CURRENT IDENT (READ REGISTER 6) '--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ID_E_NT_BY_T_E_F_R_O_M_D_IS_K_F_O_R_S_E_E_Kl_R_E_A_D_ID_C_O_M_M_A_N_D_S_O_N_LY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-----' CHIP STATUS (READ REGISTER 8) DRIVE STATUS (READ REGISTER 9) INTERRUPT STATUS (COMMAND READ) COMMAND TERMINATION CODE TABLE 2: REGISTER BIT MAPS 669 FLOPPY AND SMC HARD DISK FORMATS REGISTER BIT DEFINITIONS 7 6 5 o DMA 7-0 (REGISTER 0) (MSB) 4 3 LOW ORDER BYTE OF DMA BUFFER MEMORY STARTING ADDRESS DMA15-8 (REGISTER 1) (MSB) MIDDLE ORDER BYTE OF DMA BUFFER MEMORY STARTING ADDRESS (LSB) DMA 23-16 (REGISTER 2) (MSB) HIGH ORDER BYTE OF DMA BUFFER MEMORY STARTING ADDRESS (LSB) 2 (LSB) I DESIRED SECTOR (MSB) DESIRED SECTOR (WRITE REGISTER 3) '-_ _ _____________ ___ _ _NUMBER _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(_LS_B_)----l DESIRED HEAD (REGISTER 4) HIGH ORDER BITS OF DESIRED CYLINDER DESIRED HEAD NUMBER (MSB) DESIRED CYLINDER (REGISTER 5) (MSB) (LSB) LOW ORDER BITS OF DESIRED CYLINDER (LSB) SECTOR COUNT (WRITE REGISTER 6) '----_(M_S_B_)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ N_UM_BE_R_O_F_SE_C_T_O_R_S_TO_B_E_O_P_ER_A_T_E_D_O_N_B_Y_C_O_M_M_A_N_D_ _ _ _ _ _ _(_LS_B_)----' RETRY COUNT (REGISTER 7) RETRY COUNT (1'S COMPLEMENT) PROGRAMMABLE OUTPUTS MODE (REGISTER 8) STEP RATE INTERRUPTI COMMAND TERM. (REGISTER 9) DATNDELAY (REGISTER A) HEAD LOAD DELAY MULTIPLE IS LOADED INTO THIS REGISTER DATA IS LOADED TO OR READ FROM THIS REGISTER CURRENT HEAD (READ REGISTER 4) HIGH ORDER BITS OF CURRENT CYLINDER (LSB) CURRENT HEAD NUMBER (MSB) (LSB) CURRENT CYLINDER (READ REGISTER 5) ,___(M_S_B_)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ LOW __ O_R_D_ER_B_IT_S_O_F_C_U_R_RE_N_T_C_Y_L_IN_D_E_R_N_U_M_BE_R_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(_LS_B_)----l I CURRENT IDENT ALWAYS FE (READ REGISTER 6) '-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _----' FOR SEEK/READ ID COMMAND ONLY CHIP STATUS (READ REGISTER 8) DRIVE STATUS (READ REGISTER 9) IN~~fT~USPT COMMAND TERMINATION (COMMAND READ) '--_ _ _~_ _ _ _~_ _ _ _'___ _ _C_O_D_E_ _ __ L_ _ _ _~_ _ _-~---~ TABLE 2: REGISTER BIT MAPS 670 HDC9234 WRITE REGISTERS (APPLIES DURING TAPE BACKUP ONLy) DB6 DB5 DB1 REGISTER DB7 DMA 7-0 (REGISTER 0) (MSB) DMA BEGINNING ADDRESS BUTE (Law ORDER BITS) (LSB) DMA 15-8 (REGISTER 1) (MSB) DMA BEGINNING ADDRESS BYTE (MIDDLE ORDER BITS) (LSB) DMA 23-16 (REGISTER 2) (MSB) DMA BEGINNING ADDRESS BYTE (HIGH ORDER BITS) (LSB) DESIRED SECTOR (REGISTER 3) (MSB) MAXIMUM SEARCH COUNT (IN 1'S COMPLEMENT) (1) (LSB) DB4 DB3 DB2 DESIRED HEAD (REGISTER 4) DESIRED CYLINDER (REGISTER 5) SECTOR COUNT (REGISTER 6) ALWAYS ECCTYPE DATA BLOCK SIZE 1 TAPE MARK BLOCK SIZE (IN 2'S COMPLEMENT + 1) (MODULO 256) (2) OR RETRY COUNT (REGISTER 7) DATA BLOCK COUNT '(IN 1'S COMPLEMENT) (3) USER DEFINED OUTPUTS MODE (REGISTER 8) INTERRUPTI COMMAND TERMINATOR (REGISTER 9) NOTES: (1) The maximum search count is composed of: 130 byte inner loop (RDGATE high 128, 2 byte times) times the number programmed (maximum of 33,150 byte times (32) Tape mark operation () Data block operation TABLE 3-TAPE BACKUP REGISTER BIT MAPS 671 DBO UDC READ REGISTERS (APPLIES TAPE BACKUP ONLY) DB4 OBI DBO REGISTER DB7 DMA 7-0 (REGISTER 0) (MSB) DMA BEGINNING ADDRESS BYTE (Law ORDER BITS) (LSB) DMA1S-8 (REGISTER 1) (MSB) DMA BEGINNING ADDRESS BYTE (MIDDLE ORDER BITS) (LSB) DMA 23-16 (REGISTER 2) (MSB) DMA BEGINNING ADDRESS BYTE (HIGH ORDER BITS) (LSB) DESIRED SECTOR (REGISTER 3) (MSB) MAXIMUM SEARCH COUNT (IN I'S COMPLEMENT) CURRENT HEAD (REGISTER 4) X X X X X X X X CURRENT CYLINDER (REGISTER S) X X X X x x X X DB6 DBS DB3 DB2 (LSB) CHIP STATUS (REGISTER 6) PRESENT DRIVE SELECTED DRIVE STATUS (REGISTER 7) DATA (REGISTER 8) READ DATA INTERRUPT STATUS (REGISTER 9) COMMAND TERMINATION CODE (3) NOTES: !i! Active level ean generate interrupt. Active Level will not cause interrupt. Command termination bits set to: 11 for data transfer error 10 for sync error 00 for successful termination X Don'teare TABLE 4: TAPE BACK UP REGISTER BIT MAPS 672 COMMAND BIT DEFINITIONS 7 6 5 4 3 2 RESET o o o o o o o DESELECT DRIVES o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o RESTORE DRIVE STEP IN 1 CYLINDER STEP OUT 1 CYLINDER o o o o 1 - Buffered Seek ~ Normal Seek I o o 1 ~ o ~ Buffered Seek Normal Seek 1 - Buffered Seek ~ Normal Seek o I I o POLL DRIVES SELECT DRIVE SET REGISTER POINTER DRIVE TYPE DRIVE UNIT SELECTED REGISTER NUMBER o o READ SECTORS PHYSICAL o o o READ TRACK o o o o SEEK/READ 10 READ SECTORS LOGICAL 0 1 0 1 1 FORMAT TRACK 1 Enable Transfer o 11 o ~ Transfer Alii ~ 1 - Implied Seek Disabled o ~ Implied Seek Enabled PRECOMPENSATION VALUE WRITE SECTORS PHYSICAL 1 1 ~Implied Seek Disabled 0~lmplied 0 Wri1e Deleted Data Wri1eWith Reduced Current PRECOMPENSATION VALUE 1 Write Deleted Data Write With Reduced Current PRECOMPENSATION VALUE Seek Enabled WRITE SECTORS LOGICAL 1 1-lmplied Seek Disabled 0~lmplied Seek Enabled TAPE BACKUP TABLE 5: COMMAND WORD BIT MAPS 673 Transfer 10 Enable Transfer IBM® FM FLOPPY DISK FORMAT: 10 FIELD DB? DBS DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 DBD CYLINDER track number HEAD side number SECTOR sector number SECTOR SIZE X X X X X sector size (3 bits) HARD DISK FORMAT: IBM PC-AT FORMAT (512 BYTES) 10 FIELD IDENT CYLINDER HEAD SECTOR DB? DBS DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 DBD D Ident Byte cylinder number (8 LSB's) scti' sctr trk# hd# hd# hd# hd# bit 1 bit D bit 8 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit D sector number HARD DISK FORMAT: (USER SELECTABLE SECTOR SIZE) 10 FIELD IDENT CYLINDER HEAD DB? DBS DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 DBD Ident Byte cylinder number (8 LSB's) bad cyl# cyl# cyl# hd# hd# hd# hd# sector bit 10 bit 9 bit 8 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit D flag SECTOR sector number SECTOR SIZE ECC type X sector size (3 bits) DISK FORMATS TABLE 6 (continued) 674 SECTOR SIZE FIELD BITS DB2 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 DB1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 DBO 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 IBM FD FORMAT 128 bytes/sector 256 bytes/sector 512 bytes/sector 1024 bytes/sector not used not used not used not used HD FORMAT 128 bytes/sector 256 bytes/sector 512 bytes/sector 1024 bytes/sector 2048 bytes/sector 4096 bytes/sector 8192 bytes/sector 16,384 bytes/sector FORMAT ECC TYPE FIELD DB? DB6 DB5 DB4 HD FORMAT o 0 0 0 4 ECC bytes generated/checked 1 1 1 1 5 ECC bytes generated/checked (1) 1 1 1 0 6 ECC bytes generated/checked (1) 1 1 0 1 ? ECC bytes generated/checked (1) note 1: WITH EXTERNAL ECC IBM® MFM FLOPPY DISK FORMAT: IDFIELD DB? DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 DBO IDENT Ident Byte track number CYLINDER side number HEAD sector number SECTOR SECTOR SIZE X X X X X sector size (3 bits) DISK FORMATS TABLE 6 675 DARD MICROSVSTEMS ~ PORATION _ Circuit diagrams utilizing SMC products are included as a means of illustrating typical semiconductor @Ilplications: consequently comp'lete Information sufficient for construction purposes Is not necessarily given. The information has been carefully checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. However. no responsibility is .......... .""'" assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore. such information does not convey to the urchaser of the 15'. ,~ .•" .'n.m..... semiconductor devices described any license under the patent rights of SMC or others. ~MC reserves the right to make changes at any time In order to improve design ana supply the best product possible. 676 MSD7262 PRELIMINARY Enhanced Small Device Interface Controller PIN CONFIGURATION FEATURES o Controls ESDI serial mode disks o Controls up to seven disk drives o Programmable soft and hard sector formats o 18-MHz data transfer rate o Multi-sector, -track, and -cylinder transfer capability o Implied seek and parallel seek capability o High Level Commands, Including: Read Diagnostic Check Chip Reset Read ID Clear Command End Bit Recalibrate Clear Data FIFO Scan Detect Error Send Format Sector Send Extended Format Track Sense Seek Status Get Internal Information Sense Unit Status Group Assign Specify1 Logical Seek Specify2 Mask SRQ Interrupt Verify Data Physical Seek Verify ID Read Data Write Data o CRC error detection o ECC error detection and correction o Single +5 volt supply o 40-Pin Dual-in-Iine Package o COPLAMOS® n-Channel Silicon Gate Technology WDATA RDATA RClK RGATE WGATE ClK INDEX SECP/BClKlAMF AME NC DSD ROY RSf INT DMARO TC WClK AD WR All ATT Do CMDC HSo/XACK HS,/R,D HS2/T,D HS3/XREO OS, DS2 DS3 RW/COM 0, 02 03 D. D. 0, 07 GND Package: 40-pin DIP GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSD7262 is a highly-integrated, single-chip controller for ESDI Winchester Disks. While conforming to the complete revision E of the ESDI specification, this device executes 22 high-level commands that provide flexibility and ease of usage. The MSD7262 is based on the proven HDC7261/HDC7260 architecture but adapted to the special requirements of this disk interface. It eliminates numerous ICs and gives complete access to all of the features implemented by the ESDI disk drive manufacturers. 677 OSO ROY ATT CMOC Disk Interface Control Logic HSo HS, HS, HS, OS, OS, OS, RWfi5"OM XREQ Serial Communication Logic TxO XACK RxO RGATE WGATE INDEX Format Control Logic 1m WR All 'fC Host SECPfBCLKfAMF AME WOATA WCLK System Interface Logic ROATA RCLK OMARQ INT CLK- RST_ GNO_ MSD7262 BLOCK DIAGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PIN FUNCTIONS PIN NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12-19 20 21 NAME Write Data Read Data Read Clock Reset Interrupt DMA Request SYMBOL WDATA RDATA RCLK RST INT DESCRIPTION NRZ write data output to ESDI drive NRZ read data input from ESDI drive Read/reference clock input from ESDI drive System reset input Interrupt request output Terminal Count Write Clock DMARQ TC WCLK DMA request output Terminal count input from DMAC Write dock output to ESDI drive Read Write RD WR Read control input signal from host computer Write control input signal from host computer Line Address 0 Ao Do-D7 GND RW/COM Address select input from host computer Data Bus Ground Read Write/Command Data bus from host computer System ground This output specifies the status of pins 25-28 678 DESCRIPTION OF PIN FUNCTIONS NAME PIN NO. SYMBOL 22-24 Drive Select DS3-DS, 25 26 27 28 Head Select HS3/XREQ HS 2 /TxD HS , /RxD HSo/XACK DESCRIPTION Drive select outputs to ESDI drive If RW ICOM =1: head select (HS) outputs to ESDI drive. If RW ICOM =0 for serial data transfer to ESDI drive: transfer request (XREQ) output, transmit data (TxD) output, receive data (RxD) input, and transfer acknowledge (XACK) input. 29 Command Complete CMDC Command complete input from ESDI drive 30 Attention ATT Attention input from ESDI drive Ready input from ESDI drive 31 Ready RDY 32 Drive Select DSD Drive selected input from ESDI drive 33 No Connect NC Not connected; leave open 34 Address Mark Enable AME Address mark enable output from ESDI drive 35 Selector Pulsel Byte Clock/ Address Mark SECP/BCLKI AMF drive (mutually exclusive) Index detected input from ESDI drive Sector pulse or byte clock or address mark found; input from ESDI 36 Index INDEX 37 Clock CLK System clock input to MSD7262 38 Write Gate WGATE Write gate output to ESDI drive 39 Read Gate RGATE Read gate output to ESDI drive 40 Power Supply Vee +5 V (Typical) input I 679 STANDARD MICROSVSTEMS CORPORATION Circuit diagrams utilizing SMC products are included as a means of illustrating typical semiconductor applications: consequently complete information sufficient tor construction purposes is not necessarily given. The information has been carefully checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, such information does not convey to the purchaser of the semiconductor devices described any license under the patent rights of SMC or others. SMC reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design and supply the best product possible. 680 MSD95COO PRELIMINARY Small Computer System Interface (SCSI) Controller-SCSIC FEATURES: o Initiator and Target Operation. o 5 MByte/Sec Synchronous and 3 MByte/Sec Asynchronous Data Transfers. o Automatic Arbitration and (Re) Selection. o Supports both Arbitration and Non-arbitration Applications. o Separate Busses for Data and Microprocessor. o Separate DMA for Processor and Data Channels. o Burst Mode DMA Transfers on Data Bus. o Programmed 1/0 or DMA Transfers on Processor Data Bus. o Internal Twelve Byte Buffer. o Internal 24-bit Byte Transfer Counter. o Built-in 48ma High-Current SCSI Bus Drivers. o Thru-Parity. o User Selectable Selection Timeout. o Eight Bit Bi-Directional General Purpose 1/0 Port. o Bus Architecture allows caching. o Compatible with MSD 95C02 Storage Controller. o Low Power CMOS. o TTL compatible inputs and outputs. PIN CONFIGURATION ADS AD6 AD7 XD2 XD1 XD0 Vee DB6 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 DBS 1 CID DB4 2 3 4 5 SEL GND MSG SRST GND DREa DACK DBP DB7 DB3 DB2 DB1 DB0 DMACLK GND Vee 41 34 33 32 31 6 30 29 28 9 27 1011121314151617181920212223242526 GND 1/0 REa GND ACK BSY .GND GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSD95COO SCSI Controller is capable of negotiating for and supporting data transfer on an ANSI SCSI (Small Computer System Interface) compatible computer bus. The internal twelve byte buffer makes this device suitable for both peripheral and host adapter applications in systems that support both Asynchronous and Synchronous data transfer modes. The MSD95COO includes circuitry that automatically arbitrates for the SCSI bus and selects or reselects another device. This feature combined with the size of the internal buffer allows a selected Target device to transfer an entire command from an Initiator with a minimum of host processor intervention on either side. The MSD95COO has three independent busses: one that connects to the local microprocessor (the System bus), one that connects to the data ring buffer (the Data bus) and the SCSI bus. Information transfers can be made between the SCSI bus and either of the other two busses. The Data bus supports burst mode DMA transfers and the System bus supports both programmed 1/0 and DMA transfers. AcCesses to the ring buffer are controlled via a DMA request! acknowledge handshake. Local processor transfers, as well as transfers to logical nodes (e.g., media transfers), are completely asynchronous with respect to transfers across the SCSI bus. The MSD95COO can be combined with the flexible MSD95C02 Storage Controller, a standard microprocessor, and off-the-shelf static RAM to support embedded SCSI peripheral applications with minimum component count and synchronous SCSI speeds of up to 5 megabytes per second. 681 NUn"",! j" I RING BUFFER I DB7-DBO qf(~8ff~,ftf$#$iJ X1 [J DB7-DBO A15-AO DE DMA OUTPUTS/ CYCLE STATUS WE K~===:>I X2 DBP-NC l' GND to... <'f"===:: --v A RD (DS)I-__._-++-IRD (DS) CE MSD95C02 - r-- DMACLKr.---+--+ ALE (AS) RST WR (R/W) 1 ALE (AS) RST AD7-0 '----~--,~.----'-r~---'-' I PDREO WR (R/W) A15-A8 I ---iSEPARATORI~ EARLY (CTL1) LATE (CTL2)~---~_ _ _ _ 1 INTH-+--++-iINT AD7-0 ;::::::::::::::TEST INPUTS ..... READ DATA DATA ~ OR f==~~~~:;-;AiRii=t DISK I . I PRECOMP I ~mE CONTROLLER WDATAr---1 LOGIC r-DMACLK t t ~ WR (RiW) PDREO RCLK RDATA R,£gm DREO ~-+--++-IDMAR DACK DMAA CE - t - - - I C E TO DISK CONTROLLER ADDR DECODER CTL5-813i:==~ POR TST4-1 XD7-XDO - ~D~B~~~DB-0~A~15~-A~0~DE;E~W~E--' MSD95COO SCSIC lJ5S f I ~ INT ALE RST RD (AS) AD7-0 GPOUT o Ci5 A o JJ <: m ~~~!f-;j:======:::J~ V SENS4-1 1v- ./ DRIVE STATUS A GPIN:~~ ;:::=========J DRIVE CONTROL Z80, 80188, 8051 OR OTHER PROCESSORS GPI/O L...J TYPICAL SYSTEM CONFIGURATION (EMBEDDED SCSI DISK DRIVE) 12~TE3 8 WIDE 3:1 MUX Cf) :::l co ~ ~ SCSI BUS INTERFACE DB(7) DB(O) DB(P) BSY SEL REO ACK MSG I/O C/D ATN RST < . FIFO II INTERFACE DEMUX ~ --- DMACLK DREO DACK DB7-DBO DBP RING BUFFER INTERFACE STATE MACHINE I SD7- DISK CONTROLLER ) SDO SDP BSY SEL • REO ACK MSG I/O C/D ATN SRST b PARITY CHECKER/ GENERATOR ~ J - 1 24-BIT BYTE COUNTER 1 CONTROL LOGIC AND STATUS REGISTERS ~ OSCILLATOR CLOCK X2 - - - ; GENERATOR ~ MSD95COO BLOCK DIAGRAM 682 XD7-XDO r AD7-ADO I" X1 GENERAL PURPOSE I/O PORT r PROCESSOR INTERFACE I--I--- '" ~ r------ RD(DS) WR (RiW) ALE (AS) CE RST INT PDREO DESCRIPTION OF PIN FUNCTIONS PIN NO NAME SYMBOL I/O 1-6 67,68 RING BUFFER DATA BUS DBO-DB7 I/O These pins are the eight bi-directional data signals to/from the RING Buffer. DESCRIPTION 7 DMACLOCK DMACLK 0 This output is used by the DMA controller to time data transfers. 8, 12, 15, 18,21 GROUND GND P Ground connection. 9,40 POWER Vee P + 5V Power connection. 11 CRYSTAL INPUT X1 I A 20 MHz. (max) crystal is connected to this output. Alternately a TTL clock may be the input to this pin. 10 CRYSTAL OUTPUT X2 0 A 20 MHz. (max) crystal is connected to this output. Alternately, if a TTL is connected to X1, this input is left floating. 13,14,16, 17,19,20, 22,23 SCSI DATA BUS SDO-SD7 I/O These pins are the eight bi-directional SCSI data signals to/from the SCSI bus. Their direction depends on the state of the I/O signal, except during arbitration. 25 SCSI PARITY SDP I/O This pin is the bi-directional PARITY signal to/from the SCSI bus. Its direction depends on the state of the I/O signal. 26 ATTENTION ATN I/O This pin is the bi-directional ATTENTION signal to/ from the SCSI bus. It is an output when the controller is programmed as an initiator and an input when programmed as a target. 28 BUSY BSY I/O This pin is the bi-directional BUSY signal to/from the SCSI bus. 29 ACKNOWLEDGE ACK I/O This pin is the bi-directional ACKNOWLEDGE signal to/from the SCSI bus. It is an output whon tho controller is programmed as an initiator and an input when programmed as a target. 31 SCSI BUS RESET SRST I/O A low on this bi-directional SCSI bus indicates an SCSI bus Reset. 32 MESSAGE MSG I/O This pin is the bi-directional MESSAGE signal tol from the SCSI bus. It is an output when the controller is programmed as a target and an input when programmed as an initiator. 34 SELECT SEL I/O This pin is the bi-directional SELECT signal to/from the SCSI bus. 35 COMMAND/DATA C/D I/O This pin is the bi-directional COMMANDIDATA signal to/from the SCSI bus. It is an output when the controller is programmed as a target and an input when programmed as an initiator. 37 REQUEST REQ I/O This pin is the bi-directional REQUEST signal to/ from the SCSI bus. It is an input when the controller is programmed as an initiator and an output when programmed as a target. 38 INPUT/OUTPUT I/O I/O This pin is the bi-directionaIINPUT/OUTPUT signal to/from the SCSI bus. It is an output when the controller is programmed as a target and an input when programmed as an initiator. 41-48 BIDIRECTIONAL EXTERNAL DATA BUS XDO-XD7 I/O These pins are open drain general purpose I/O bus with internal 1K pull ups. 49 RESET RST I This active low input causes the MSD95COO to reset to an initial state: All SCSI signals are deasserted. DREQ is inactive high. PDREQ is inactive low. INT is inactive high. AD7-0 are inputs. DB7-0 are inputs. Refer to individual register descriptions for the reset state of each register. 24,2~30,33,36,39 683 DESCRIPTION OF PIN FUNCTIONS PIN NO NAME PROCESSOR DMA REQUEST INTERRUPT SYMBOL PDREQ I/O INT 0 52 WRITE STROBE (READIWRITE) WR (RiW) I 53 READ STROBE (DATA STROBE) RD(DS) I 54 CHIP ENABLE CE I 55 ADDRESS LATCH ENABLE (ADDRESS STROBE) LOCAL PROCESSOR ADDRESS/DATA BUS ALE (AS) I ADO-AD7 I/O 50 51 56-63 0 64 DMAREQUEST DREQ 0 65 DMA ACKNOWLEDGE DACK I 66 SYSTEM DATA BUS PARITY DBP I/O SYSTEM OPERATION SCSI initiators and targets communicate using a protocol based on eight distinct phases. These phases are used to describe changes to the various conditions of the control lines and the data bus lines. In one possible order of execution, the phases of SCSI include: BUS FREE phase: No signal lines are being driven by any target or initiator. ARBITRATION phase: Arbitration is an optional phase where the initiator, or target if reselection is supported, tries to gain access to the bus by issuing its SCSI ID on the data bus. The initiator with the highest SCSI ID (closest to bit 7) wins the bus. SELECTION phase or RES ELECTION phase: SELECTION phase: The selection phase allows the initiator .to select a target for a given function (e.g., READ or WRITE command). NOTE: Once the target has been selected, it controls the bus until the end of MESSAGE phase. RESELECTION phase: An optional phase that is the same as the selection phase, except that a target becomes an arbitrator during the arbitration phase. This phase is used when a target prematurely disconnects from an initiator, leaving a previous command unfinished. MESSAGE phases: There are two MESSAGE phases (MESSAGE IN and MESSAGE OUT) used to provide for other communication between the initiator and the target. This phase allows for single byte messages such as COMMAND COMPLETE or multiple byte messages such DESCRIPTION Output active high when data byte transfer to/from Processor RAM is required. This output is the interrupt signal to the local processor. This output is active low open drain and has an internal pullup. When the SCSIC is configured for ALE, this active low strobe is used to latch write data from the AD7-0 bus into the S,Q,SIC. When the SCSIC is co!}!igured for AS, the R/W input is used to qualify the OS for a read or write cycle. When the SCSIC is configured for ALE, this active low strobe is used to enable read data from the SCSIC onto the AD7-0 bus. When the SCSIC is configured for AS, this active low signal is used to strobe data into or out of the SCSIC. This input, when low, enables the SCSIC's registers for reading and writing. This signal is active when address data is valid on the AD7-0 bus. The local processor must read L SCSIC register to configure the chip for ALE or AS. These eight signals are the multiplexed address/ data bus to/from the local processor. This active low output is used to request a DMA transfer between the SCSIC and its logical node across the RING Buffer data bus. This active low input is used to strobe data from the RING Buffer data bus during transfers between the SCSIC and its logical node. This pin is the parity bit for the RING Buffer Data Bus. as establishing data path management. COMMAND phase: Allows the target to request a command from the initiator. The command might be to read data, write data, format the disk, etc. A command consists of several bytes called the COMMAND DESCRIPTOR BLOCK. DATA phase: There are two data phases, the DATA IN phase and the DATA OUT phase. For the DATA IN phase, the Target requests that data be sent from the Target to initiator. The DATA OUT phase transfers data from the initiator to Target. STATUS phase: The STATUS phase allows the target to send a byte of status to the initiator. Additional status can be requested with another command. Automatic Selection And Reselection This section describes how an Initiator selects a Target, a Target reselectsan Initiator and a Target or Initiator becomes selected or reselected. SELECTION AND RESELECTION The Arbitration, Selection and Reselection phases are controlled by a state machine. When the MSD95COO detects the SCSI Bus Free phase, it will perform the Arbitration, Selection or Reselection sequence required. Issuing the Select command to the MSD95COO will cause the internal Attempt Selection (ATMTSEL) latch to be set. The Destination 10 must be loaded prior to issuing the Select command. Command execution will then be dependent on the settings of the Initiator/Target and Arbitration Enable/ Disable bits in the Mode register: 684 INITITARG ARBITRATION ENABLE 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 Effect of Select Command Illegal Condition Initiate Arbitration for SCSI bus and Reselect Initiator when Arbitration won Select Target without Arbitration Initiate Arbitration for SCSI bus and Select Target when Arbitration won In either case, the SCSIC will not begin the Arbitration or Selection phases until detection of Bus Free. The SCSIC will then either enter the Arbitration phase or go directly to the Selection or Reselection phase. If it enters the Arbitration phase, the SCSIC will attempt to gain control of the SCSI bus. Following Arbitration, if it won the bus, the SCSIC will start the Selection or Reselection phase or if it lost the bus, begin looking for Bus Free phase. BEING SELECTED OR RESELECTED If enabled, the SCSIC may be Selected or Reselected by another SCSI device (depending on whether it is programmed as a Target or Initiator) ENA RESEL ENASEL Selection/Reselection Device may not be selected or 0 0 reselected Device may be selected but not 0 1 reselected Device may be reselected but 1 0 not selected Device may be selected or 1 1 reselected The SCSIC will reset the ATMTSEL latch if 1) it detects that it is being selected, the selection is good and Selection is enabled or 2) it is being Reselected, the reselection is good and Reselection is enabled. For example, in the case in which the SCSIC attempted Arbitration (when ATMTSEL was set), lost Arbitration and was itself selected, the ATMTSEL latch will be reset. The ATMTSEL bit is also reset when the SCSIC wins Arbitration and completes Selection or Reselection either successfully or unsuccessfully. A Selection or Reselection is good if there are no more than two ID bits asserted (one of which corresponds to the one in the SCSI ID register) and the parity, if enabled, is good. If a Selection or Reselection is not good, the SCSIC will not respond. If the Selection or Reselecion is good but not enabled, the Invalid (Re)Selection Status bit will be set. If the Selection or Reselec!ion is good and enabled, either the Valid Selection or Valid Reselection status bit will be set. When being selected or reselected the SCSIC will mask off its own ID bit when it latches the bus ID into the SCSI BUS ID register. The Processor can read the register after the Selection or Reselection is complete to determine the selecting or reselecting device. Interrupt Mechanism The processor should respond to an interrupt by reading the Interrupt Status register. If the SCSI status bit is active high, the Processor reads the Status 1 register to determine the source of the interrupt. If the Selection Attempted or (Re)Selection Complete status bits are active high, the Processor should read the Status 2 register. The SCSIC resets Selection Attempted and (Re)Selection Complete status bits during the Status 2 register read. If the Transfer Requested, Transfer Complete, Parity Error, SCSI Reset Change or SCSI ATN Change status bits are active high, the Processor should read the Status 3 register. In response, the SCSIC resets Transfer Requested, Transfer Complete, Parity Error, SCSI Reset Change and SCSI ATN Change status bits. If the Condition Change status bit is active high, the Processor should read the Status 4 register, and the SCSIC resets the Condition Change status bit. Byte Transfer Modes INTERRUPT DRIVEN 110: The processor responds to an interrupt by reading the Interrupt Status register. If the SCSI status bit is active high, the Processor reads the Status 1 register to determine the source of the interrupt. If the Transfer Requested status bit is active high, the Processor should read the Status 3 register. In response the SCSIC resets the Transfer Requested status bits. If the Byte Available status bit is set, the Processor reads the SCSI Data Out register. Next, if no more data is found in buffer, the SCSIC clears the Byte Available status bit. If the Byte Available status bit is still set, the SCSIC then clears PDREQ and generates a new transfer Request interrupt. If the Byte Requested status bit is set, the Processor writes a byte of data to the SCSI Data Out register. The SCSIC clears the Byte Requested status bit if no more SCSI REQs are pending or there is no more room in the buffer. Next, SCSI clears PDREQ and generates another Transfer Request interrupt if the Byte Requested status bit is still set. DMA DRIVEN 1/0: DMA controller transfers Message bytes to Processor RAM in response to PDREQ active high. The SCSI Byte Available status bit is cleared if no more data is in the buffer. Next SCSI clears PDREQ (byte mode) and PDREQ (burst mode) if the Byte Available status bit is not active high. Another PDREQ is generated if the Byte Available status bit is still set. DMA controller transfers Message bytes from the Processor RAM to the SCSI Data Out register in response to PDREQ active high. The SCSIC then 1) clears the Byte Requested status bit if no more SCSI REQs are pending or there is no more room in the Buffer, 2a) PDREQ is cleared (byte mode), 2b) PDREQ is cleared (burst mode) if the Byte Requested status bit is not active high and 3) another PDREQ is generated if the Byte Requested status bit is still set. POLLED 1/0: The processor reads the Status 3 register to see if either the Byte Available or Byte Requested status bits are active high. If Byte Available is active, the Processor transfers the byte from the SCSI Data In register to the Processor or the Processor RAM. If there is no more data in the buffer, the SCSIC clears the Byte Available status bit. If the Byte Requested is active, the Processor transfers the byte from the Processor or the Processor RAM to the SCSI Data Out register. If no SCSI REQs are pending or the Buffer is full, the Byte Requested status bit is cleared. SCSI Parity Error Handling Initiator (Status, Message In, Data In Phases): If the Halt On Parity Error bit in the Control Register is set to one the SCSIC will halt and set the Halted and PE status 685 I bits if data has even parity. If these bits are set, the SCSIC will generate a PE interrupt. If enabled, a Condition Change interrupt will also be generated. In response to the interrupt, the processor reads the Status registers and resets Parity Error and Condition Change Interrupts. The processor asserts ATN to request Message Out phase in order to signal its desire to send either Message Reject or Message Parity Error. Then the processor issues a (Re)Start Command. Target (Command, Message Out, Data Out Phases): The SCSIC will set the PE status bit if data has even parity. If the PE bit is set, the SCSIC will generate a PE interrupt. In response to the interrupt, the processor reads the Status registers. Finally, the SCSIC resets the Parity Error Interrupts. Note: The Halt On Parity Error bit in the Control Register does not affect Target operation. COMMANDS The SCSIC acts as an interface between the SCSI bus and the initiator/target unit. When acting as an initiator (or target supporting reselection), it controls the selection and arbitration process. As a target, it manages the receipt of the command packet from the initiator. All other operations TABLE 1-MSD95COO COMMANDS COMM CODE (HEX) COMMAND 00 Test Unit Ready 03 Request Sense 04 Format Unit 08 Read OA Write 01 Rezero Unit 05 Check Track Format OB Seek 12 Inquiry 1A Mode Sense 25 Read Capacity 06 Format Track OE Assign Alt Track 15 Mode Select 16 Reserve Unit 17 Release Unit Receive Diag Result 1C 10 Send Diagnostics 2E Write and Verify REGISTER DESCRIPTION RESET REGISTER 8-Bits Read Only (ADDRESS OOH) Readinf1.!!1e Reset register address configures the chip to ALE or AS type timing. Reading the Reset register address a second time puts the MSD95COO into the same state as driving the RST input low and simultaneously reads the general purpose input port:A write to any other. MSD95COO register will terminate the reset state as well as write to the desired register. Both the hardware and software resets will perform the same function as the Clear command in addition to resetting certain register bits as detailed below. are managed by an outside processor. The typical flow of control progresses as follows: 1) The initiator's processor builds the command block. 2) The processor then instructs the initiating SCSIC to begin Selection. Arbitration, if enabled, is handled by the chip. 3) Once the target unit is selected, the target's processor instructs the target SCSIC to set up a command phase (other phases possible at this point include message, status or data phases). 4) The first byte is transmitted to the target. 5) The target SCSIC notifies its processor (through polling/interrupt) that it is holding the byte. The processor reads the byte in order to determine the command length. 6) The target processor instructs its SCSIC to transfer the remaining bytes. 7) The command packet now resides in the target SCSIC's FIFO buffer. 8) The target SCSIC notifies its processor (through polling/interrupt) that the command packet is available. 9) The processor transfers the command packet into its own memory. The processor is now responsible for digesting and executing the command. 10) While the target's processor executes each command, the initiator and target SCSICs handle handshaking associated with the command. SCSI optional mandatory mandatory mandatory mandatory optional vender unique optional extended optional extended Vender Unique Vender Unique optional optional optional optional optional optional CCS mandatory mandatory mandatory mandatory mandatory optional optional mandatory optional mandatory optional mandatory optional optional mandatory optional The 4 LSB's are used to program the SCSI REQ/ACK offset. The 4 LSB'sare reset to zero by a hard or soft System Reset. Bits 3-0 REQ/ACK Offset. = 0 SCSI Asynchronous data transfer mode. = 1-12 SCSI Synchronous data transfer mode. These bits are used to program the MSD95COO with the REQ/ACK offset. The maximum number of offsets the MSC95COO can support is 12. These bits should be programmed with the REQ/ACK Offset regardless of whether the chip is operating in Initiator or Target mode. Bits 7-4 Transfer Period These bits are used to program the MSD95COO with the NEGOTIATION REGISTER Transfer Period for the SCSI Synchronous Data transfer . 8-Bit Write Only (ADDRESS OOH) operations. The transfer period will be (2 + N) T where T is The 4 MS8's of this eight bit write only register are used to twice the clock period. For a 20 Mhz crystal 1 is (2 + 0) program the Transfer Period for Synchronous Data transfer. 100ns = 200ns = 5mhz. 686 MSD95COO REGISTER BIT MAPS NEGOTIATION REGISTER RESET REGISTER (WRITE REGISTER-ADDRESS OOH) TRANSFER PERIOD (READ REGISTER-ADDRESS OOH) REQ/ACK OFFSET XD7-XDO (IN) (WAITE AEGJSTER-ADDRESS01H) BYTE COUNTER HIGH REGISTER MOST SIGNIFICANT BYTE OF BYTE COUNT REGISTER (1's compliment) IIMSBI MIDDLE BYTE OF BYTE COUNT REGISTER (1 's compliment) IIMSBI MOST SIGNIFICANT BYTE BYTE COUNTER MIDDLE REGISTER 110 REGISTER IIMSBI ILSBII (READ REGISTER-ADDRESS 03H) MIDDLE SIGNIFICANT BYTE BYTE COUNTER lOW REGISTER LEAST SIGNIFICANT BYTE OF BYTE COUNT REGISTER (1's compliment) (READ REGISTER-ADDRESS 02H) ILSBII (READ REGISTER-ADDRESS 04H) LEAST SIGNIFICANT BYTE ILSBII (WRITE REGISTER-ADDRESS 05H) I LATCHED DATA TO XD7 TO XDO PINS LATCHED DATA FROM XD7-XDO PINS (IN) (READ REGISTER-ADDRESS 09H) RESERVED ISCSI IRESERVED I INTERRUPT (WRITE REGISTER-ADDRESS aBH) ILSBI I RESERVED (WRITE REGISTER-ADDRESS OCH) RESERVED ILSBI I RESERVED DESTINATION 10 REGISTER (WRITE REGISTER-ADDRESS DOH) DESTINATION 10 seS110 REGISTER SCSI 10 (NODE 10) DATA OUT REGISTER IMSBI ILSBII (WRITE REGISTER-ADDRESS OEH) ILSBI I SCSI BUS 10 (NODE SOURCE 10) (WRITE REGISTER-ADDRESS OFH) DATA TO BE OUTPUT TO THE SCSI BUS DATA IN REGISTER ILSBI (READ REGISTER-ADDRESS OFH) DATA FROM BUFFER MODE REGISTER 8-Bits Read/Write (ADDRESS 01 H) This 8 bit Read/Write register defines the operating mode of the SCSIC. Refer to the System Operation section for a description of the operating modes. The bits in this register are reset to zero by a hard or soft System Reset. Bit 0 Initiator/Target The state of this bit will not prevent the chip from being ILSBII selected or reselected by another device. The state of this bit determines whether the select command will start either the select function or the reselect function. Bit 1 Arbitration Enable/Disable When this bit is set to 1, the MSD95COO will begin arbitration for SCSI bus after detecting bus free for selected commands. When set to 0, the arbitration phase will be bypassed and the chip will go directly to selection after detecting bus free. 687 Bit 2 Parity Check Enable When this bit is "1 '; the MSD95COO checks the parity of the SCSI bus during all phase except Bus Free and Arbitration. When this bit is "0", Parity will not be checked. Bit 3 DREQ Multiple/Single Pulse Mode When this bit is "1 '; the SCSIC can generate up to twelve DREQ pulses before receiving the first DACK. When this bit is "0'; the SCSIC will expect one DACK for every DREQ pulse generated. Bit 4 PDREQ Level/Pulsed When this bit is "1 '; PDREQ will be high as long as there is received data in the buffer or there is room for more data in the buffer when sending data. When this bit is "0'; the MSD95COO will drive the PDREQ output inactive low after the Data In register is read or the Data Out register is written to regardless of the state of the buffer. Bit 5, 6 Selection Timeout These two bits are used to select the desired SCSI Selection Timeout: Bit6 Bit 5 Timeout Selected' 839ms 0 0 0 1 210ms 1 0 52ms 1 1.6ms 1 'based on 20 MHz crystal operation Bit 7 Reserved BYTE COUNTER HIGH REGISTER 8-Bit ReadlWrite (ADDRESS 02H) This 8-bit ReadlWrite register holds the most significant byte that is to be loaded into the Byte Counter. The data is transferred from the Byte Counter High Register into the Byte Counter when the Byte Counter Low register is loaded. Bit 7 is the MSB and bit 0 is the LSB. The Byte Counter registers are loaded with the 1's complement of the desired byte count. BYTE COUNTER MIDDLE REGISTER 8-Bit ReadlWrite (ADDRESS 03H) This 8-bit ReadlWrite register holds the middle byte of data that is to be loaded into the Byte Counter. The data is transferred from the Byte Counter Middle Register into the Byte Counter when the Byte Counter Low register is loaded. Bit 7 is the MSB and bit 0 is the LSB. . The Byte Count~r registers are loaded with the 1's complement of the desired byte count. BYTE COUNTER LOW REGISTER 8-Bit ReadlWrite (ADDRESS 04H) This a-bit ReadlWrite register holds the least significant byte of data that is to be loaded into the Byte Counter. The data is transferred into the Byte Counter when the Byte Counter Low register is loaded. Bit 7 is the MSB and bit 0 is the LSB. The Byte Counter registers are loaded with the 1's complement of the desired byte count. This eight bit ReadlWrite register enables or disables certain interrupt causing conditions to the microcomputer. Reading this register reflects the states of the bits in it. The bits in this register are cleared to zero by a hard or soft System Reset. Bit 0 Selection Attempted Interrupt When this bit is set to "1 ", the MSD95COO drives the SCSI Master Interrupt bit active high when the Selection Attempted bit in the Status 1 register is set to one. When this bit is "0'; the Master Interrupt will not be driven active high for this condition. Bit 1 (Re)Selection Complete Interrupt Enable When this bit is set to "1 ", the MSD95COO drives the SCSI Master Interrupt bit active high when the (Re)Selection Complete bit in the Status 1 register is set to one. If this bit is "0'; the Master Interrupt will not be driven active high for this condition. Bit 2 Transfer Request Interrupt When the bit is set to "1 ", the MSD95COO drives the SCSI Master Interrupt bit active high when the Transfer Request bit in the Status 1 register is set to one. If this bit is "0'; the Master Interrupt will not be driven high for this condition. Bit 3 Transfer Complete Interrupt Enable When this bit is set to "1 '; the MSD95COO drives the SCSI Master Interrupt bit active high when the Transfer Complete Interrupt bit in the Status 1 register is set to one. The Master Interrupt will not be driven high for this condition. Bit 4 Parity Error Interrupt Enable When this bit is set to "1 '; the MSD95COO drives the SCSI Master Interrupt bit active high when the Parity Error Interrupt bit in the Status 1 register is set to one. When this bit is "0'; the Master Interrupt will not be driven active high for this condition. Bit 5 System Parity Error Interrupt Enable When this bit is "1 '; the SCSIC will drive the SCSI Master Interrupt bit active high when the System Parity Error Interrupt bit in the Status 1 register is set to one. When this bit is reset, the Master Interrupt will not be driven active high for this condition. Bit 6 SCSI ATN or RESET Change Interrupt Enable When this bit is set to "1 '; the MSD95COOwili drive the SCSI Master Interrupt bit active high when the SCSI ATN or RESET Change bit in the Status 1 register is set to 1. When this bit is set to "0", the Master Interrupt will not be driven active high for this condition. Bit 7 Condition Change Interrupt Enable When this bit is set to "1 ", the MSD95COO will drive the SCSI Master Interrupt bit active high when the Condition Change bit in the Status 1 register is set to one. When this bit is set to "0'; the Master Interrupt will not be driven active high for "this condition. INTERRUPT ENABLE 2 REGISTER a-Bit ReadlWrite (ADDRESS 07H) This eight bit ReadlWrite register enables or disables certain microcomputer interrupt causing conditions. Reading this register reflects the states of the bits in it. The bits in this I/O REGISTER register are cleared to zero by a hard or soft System Reset. 8-Bit ReadlWrite (ADDRESS 05H) .Bit 0 Valid Selection Interrupt Enable This a-bit ReadlWrite register is an eight bit bi-directional When this bit is set to "1 '; the SCSIC will set the Selection I/O port available to the Processor. Data written to this Attempted bit in the Status 1 register to one when the Valid register will be latched and available on the XD7-XDO pins. Selection bit in the Status 2 register is active high. When Information present on the XD7-XDO pins will be available this bit is "0", the Selection Attempted bit cannot be set by to the Processor when this register is read. The XD7~XDO this condition. I/O pins are open drain with internal pullup devices. Bit 1 Valid Reselection Interrupt Enable INTERRUPT ENABLE 1 REGISTER When this bit is set to "1 ", the SCSIC will set the Selection Attempted bit in the Status 1 register to one when the Valid a-Bit ReadlWrite (ADDRESS 06H) 688 Reselection bit in the Status 2 register is active high. When this bit is set to "0'; the Selection Attempted bit cannot be set by this condition. Bit 2 Invalid (Re)Selection Interrupt Enable Setting this bit to a one will cause the SCSIC to set the Selection Attempted bit in the Status 1 register to one when the Invalid (Re)Selection bit in the Status 2 register is active high. If this bit is "0'; the Selection Attempted bit cannot be set by this condition. Bit 3 SCSI Transfer Complete Interrupt Enable Setting this bit to "1" will cause the SCSIC to set the Transfer Complete Interrupt bit in the Status 1 register to one when the SCSI Transfer Complete bit in the Status 3 register is active high. If this bit is "0", the Transfer Complete Interrupt bit cannot be set by this condition. Bit 4 Transfer Done Interrupt Enable Setting this bit to "1" will.cause the MSD95COO to set the Transfer complete Interrupt bit in the Status 1 register to one when the Transfer Done bit in the Status 3 register is active high. If this bit is "0'; the Transfer Complete Interrupt bit cannot be set by this condition. Bit 5 Halted Interrupt Enable Setting this bit to "1" will cause the MSD95COO to set the Condition Change bit in the Status 1 register to one when the Halted bit in the Status 4 register goes active high. If this bit is "0", the Condition Change bit cannot be set by this condition. Bit 6 Bus Free Phase Detect Interrupt Enable Setting this bit to "1" will cause the MSD95COO to set the Condition Change bit in the Status 1 register to one when the Bus Free Phase Detect bit in the Status 4 register is active high. If this bit is "0'; the Phase Change bit cannot be set by this condition. Bit 7 SCSI Master Interrupt Enable Setting this bit to "1" will cause the MSD95COO to drive its INT output active low when an enabled condition causes one of the bits i.n the Status 1 register to go active high. If this bit is "0'; the INT pin cannot be driven active. Bit 5 Halt On Parity Error When this bit is set to "1" and the MSD95COO is operating in Initiator mode, the MSD95COO will not assert SACK for bytes with bad parity during Status, Message In or Data In phase transfers. This bit does not affect operation in Target mode. When this bit is set to "0'; the MSD95COO will negate SACK regardless of parity. Bit 6 Enable PDREQ When this bit is set to "1'; the SCSIC will be able to drive the PDREQ output active high. When this bit is set to "0'; the PDREQ output will be forced low. Bit 7 Enable DREQ When this bit is set to "1 '; the MSD95COO will be able to drive the DREQ output active low. When this bit is set to "0'; the DREQ output will be forced high. INTERRUPT STATUS 8-Bit Read Only (ADDRESS 09H) This Read Only register contains information about the internal MSD95COO operation. Bits 0-1 Always 0 Bit 2 SCSI Interrupt This bit is set to "1" when one of the enabled interrupt causing conditions causes a bit in the Status 1 register to go active high. It is reset to "0" when the interrupt causing condition(s) are cleared. Bits 3-7 Always 0 COMMAND 1 REGISTER 8-Bit Write Only (ADDRESS 09H) This Write Only register is used to initiate one of the Select or Reselect operations and to assert or negate the SCSI bus signals that are manipulated by the Processor software. Except for the Clear bit, the states of these bits are used to generate a strobe and are not latched in the MSD95COO. A hard or soft System Reset will cause the signals controlled by this register to be negated and the Clear bit to be reset to "0': Bit 0 Assert SCSI Reset Signal Setting this bit to "1" will cause the MSD95COO to assert CONTROL REGISTER 8-Bit Read/Write (ADDRESS 08H) the SCSI bus reset signal (SRST). This 8 bit Read/Write register is used to control chip Bit 1 Negate SCSI Reset Signal operation. The bits are reset to zero by a hard or soft System Setting this bit to "1" will cause the MSD95COO to negate the SCSI bus reset signal (SRST). Reset. Bit 2 Assert ATN Signal Bit 0 Auto ATN Assert When this bit is set to "1 ", the MSD95COO will automatically Setting this bit to "1" will cause the MSD95COO to assert assert the SCSI bus ATN signal before beginning the select the SCSI bus ATN signal (ATN). part of one of the Select commands. When this bit is set to Bit 3 Negate ATN Signal "0'; ATN will not be asserted. Setting this bit to "1 "will cause the SCSI chip to negate the SCSI bus ATN signal (ATN). Bit 1 Enable Selection When this bit is set to "1'; the MSD95COO will allow itselt to Bit4Clear be selected by another SCSI device. When this bit is set to Setting this bit to "1" will cause the chip to go into the Clear "0", the MSD95COO will generate an interrupt when another state and reset all of the internal counters, reset the latched SCSI device tries to select it. The state of this bit will not status bits, reset the SCSI Master Interrupt Enable, reset prevent the chip from attempting to select or reselect another the bits in the Command 2 Register, disconnect from the SCSI bus and negate the SCSI control signals. Setting this SCSI device. bit to "0" will terminate the Clear state. After setting this bit Bit 2 Enable Reselection to "1 ", the Processor must wait a minimum of 1 fLsecbelore When this bit is set to "1'; the MSD95COO will allow itself to clearing it. be reselected by another SCSI device. When this bit is set to "0", the MSD95COO will generate an interrupt when Bit 5 (Re)Start another SCSI device tries to reselect it. The state of this bit When the MSD95COO is operating in the Initiator mode, will not prevent the chip from attempting to select or reselect writing a "1" to this bit will cause chip operation, that was interrupted by detection of a parity error on the SCSI data another SCSI device. bus, to continue (this condition can only occur when the Halt Bit 3 Always 0 On Parity Error bit in the Control register is set to "1 "). Also, writing a "1" to this bit after the MSD95COO was halted by Bit 4 Always 0 689 SREQ going active when the byte counter was equal to "0" will cauSI;) the MSD95COO to respond with SACK. This will allow the Initiator to perform single byte transfers without loading the Byte Counter (data may be written to the buffer before or after writing to the Command register). This bit does not affect Target mode chip operation. Bit6 Select Setting this bit to "1" will cause the MSD95COO to initiate a Select operation, a Select with ATN asserted operation, an Arbitrate and Select operation, an Arbitrate and Select with ATN asserted operation or an Arbitrate and Reselect opration. The operation initiated depends on the state of the Target/Initiator and Arbitration EnablelDisable bits in the Mode register and the Auto-ATN Assert bit in the Control register. Bit 7 Disconnect Setting this bit to "1" will cause the MSD95COO to stop driving all of the SCSI Data Bus and Control signals. STATUS 1 REGISTER 8-Bit Read Only (ADDRESS OAH) This 8-bit Read Only register contains information about the internal MSD95COO operation. Bit 0 Selection Attempted This bit is setto "1 " by the active and enabled state of either the Valid Select, Valid Reselect or Invalid (Re)Select status bits in the Status 2 register. It is reset by reading the Status 2 register. Bit 1 (Re)Selection Complete This bit is set to "1" by the active state of either the Successful (Re)Selection Complete or Unsuccessful (Re)Selection Complete status bits in the Status 2 register. It is reset by reading the Status 2 register. Bit 2 Transfer Request This bit is set to "1" by the active state of either the Byte Available or Byte Requested status bits in the Status 3 register. It is reset by reading the Status 3 register. It will be set again after the Data Register is read if Byte Available or Byte Requested are still high. Bit 3 Transfer Complete Interrupt This bit is set to "1" when either the Transfer Done or SCSI Transfer Complete bits in the Status 3 register go active high. It is reset by reading the Status 3 register. Bit 4 Parity Error Interrupt This bit is set to "1" when the Parity Error bit in the Status 3 register goes active high. It is reset by reading the Status 3 register. Bit 5 System Parity Error This bit is set to "1" when the System Parity Error bit in the Status 3 register goes active high. It is reset by reading the Status 3 register. Bit 6 SCSI ATN or RESET Change This bit is set to "1" when either the SCSI ATN or RESET signal changes from the high to low or low to high state. It is reset by reading the Status 3 register. Bit 7 Condition Change This bit is set to "1" when either the (enabled) Bus Free Detected or Halted bits in the Status 4 register go active high. It is reset by reading the Status 4 register. changing direction from out (the.lnitiator driving) to in (the Target driving) it will release the SCSI Data bus within a Data Release Time (400ns) of 1/0 being asserted. This condition can occur when the Target begins a Message In, Status or Data In phase. When the Target switches the SCSI Data Bus direction from in (the Target driving) to out (the Initiator driving) it will release the SCSI Data bus within a Deskew delay (45ns) of negating 1/0. This condition can occur when the Target begins a Message Out, Command or Data Out phase. Note that the Processor must delay at least 800ns after issuing a Set Phase type command before writing to the byte counter. The phase will be generated upon writing to the LSB of the Byte Count register. Phases must not be changed unless the FIFO is empty. Bit 1 Set Data In Phase Setting this bit to "1" will cause the MSD95COO to assert the 1/0 signal and negate the MSG and CID signals. Bit 2 Set Command Phase Setting this bit to "1" will cause the MSD95COO to assert the CID signal and negate the I/O and MSG signals. Bit 3 Set Status Phase Setting this bit to "1" will cause the MSD95COO to assert the CID and 1/0 signals and negate the MSG signal. Bits 4 and 5 Reserved Must be set to "0" at all times. Bit 6 Set Message Out Phase Setting this bit to "1" will cause the MSD95COO to assert the CID and MSG signals and negate the 1/0 signal. Bit 7 Set Message In Phase Setting this bit to "1" will cause the MSD95COO to assert the CID, 1/0 and MSG signals. Set Data Out Phase Setting bits 0-7 to "0" will cause the SCSIC to negate the MSG, 1/0 and CID Signals. STATUS 2 REGISTER 8-Bit Read Only (ADDRESS OBH) This 8 bit Read Only register contains information about the internal MSD95COO operation. Bit 0 Valid Selection This bit is set to "1" when the MSD95COO has been selected by another SCSI device. In order to be selected, the Enable Selection bit in the Control Register must be in the correct state. This bit is reset by reading the Status 2 register. Bit 1 Valid Reselection This bit is set to "1" when the MSD95COO has been reselected by another SCSI device. In order to be reselected, the Enable Reselection bit in the Control Register must be in the correct state. This bit is reset by reading the Status 2 register. Bit 2 Invalid (Re)Selection This bit is set to "1" when another SCSI device attempts to select or reselect the SCSIC and the corresponding enable bit in the Mode register is not in the correct state. This bit is reset by reading the Status 2 register. Bit 3 Successful (Re)Selection Complete This bit is set to "1" when the MSD95COO has successfully selected or reselected another SCSI device and that device has responded by asserting BSY. Also, this bit is set to "1 " COMMAND 2 REGISTER at the trailing edge of SEL when a device has selected or 8-Bit Write Only (ADDRESS OAH) reselected this device. This bit is reset by reading the Status This Write Only register is used to initiate a new phase when 2 register. . the SCSIC is in Target mode. A hard or soft System Reset Bit 4 Unsuccessful (Re)Selection Complete or a Disconnect command will clear all the bits in this register This bit is set to "1 " when the MSD95COO has attempted to to "0': When the Initiator detects that the SCSI Data Bus is select or reselect another SCSI device and that device has 690 not responded by asserting BSY within the programmed Selection Timeout Delay. This bit is reset by reading the Status 2 register. Bits Sand 6 Reserved Bit 7 SCSI ATN This bit reflects the state of the ATN bit on the SCSI bus. It is active high when the ATN signal is asserted and active low when the ATN signal is deasserted. STATUS 3 REGISTER a-Bit Read Only (ADDRESS OCH) This a bit Read Only register contains information about the internal MSD9SCOO operation. Bit 0 Byte Requested This signal is active high whenever there is room for more requested data in the internal buffer when transferring to the SCSI Data bus. Bit 1 Byte Available This signal is active high whenever there is data from the SCSI Data bus in the internal buffer for transfer to the Processor or Ring Buffer RAM. Bit 2 Parity Error (PE) This bit is set to "1" if parity checking is enabled and the SCSI chip detects even (bad) parity on received data transfers over the SCSI data bus during any Information phase. It is reset by reading the Status 3 register. Bit 3 SCSI Transfer Complete (STC) This status signal is active high when the Byte Counter End Count condition is active high and the last byte has been transferred from the SCSI bus into the internal buffer when the chip is operating in Target mode during Message Out, Command or Data Out phases. In all other cases, this status signal will function the same as Transfer Done. Bit 4 Transfer Done (TO) This status signal is active high when the Byte Counter End Count condition is active high and the last byte has been transferred out of the internal buffer to the SCSI Data bus, the Processor port or the ring buffer DMA port. Bit S System Parity Error (SYPE) This bit is set to "1" when the MSD9SCOO detects even (bad) parity on the System Data Bus. It is reset by reading the Status 3 register. Bit 6 SCSI RESET This bit reflects the state of the RST bit on the SCSI bus. It is active high when the RST signal is asserted and active low when the RST signal is deasserted. Bit 7 SCSI ATN This bit reflects the state of the ATN bit on the SCSI bus<. It is active high when the ATN signal is asserted and active low when the ATN signal is deasserted. STATUS 4 REGISTER a-Bit Read Only (ADDRESS ODH) This a bit Read Only register contains information about the internal SCSIC operation. Bit 0-2 Encoded Phase These bits are reflections of the SCSI MSG, I/O, and C/O signals. They identify the SCSI Information Transfer Phase. Bit2 MSG Bit1 C/O BitO I/O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 INFORMATION PHASE Data Out Phase Data In Phase Command Phase Status Phase Reserved Reserved Message Out Phase Message In Phase Bit 3 Busfrpx This bit goes high fourto five internal clock cycles after BSY and SEL are both continuously false. The bit remains high as long as the SCSI bus is free. Bit 4 Busfree (window) This bit goes high five to six internal clock cycles after BSY and SEL are both continuously false. The bit remains high three to four clock cycles after the bus is no longer free. BitS Halted This status bit can only be set when the chip is operating in Initiator mode. It is set by SREQ going active when the Byte Counter is "0': It can also be set when a parity error is detected on the SCSI data bus. This bit is reset by reading the Status 4 register. Bit 6 Bus Free Phase Detect This status signal is the output of the Bus Free detection circuit. It is latched active high when the Bus Free phase as specified in the SCSI specification is detected on the SCSI Bus. This bit is reset by reading the STATUS 4 register. DESTINATION 10 REGISTER a-Bit Write Only (ADDRESS ODH) This a-bit register Write Only is used to hold the value of the SCSI 10 of the device that is to be Selected or Reselected. SCSI BUS 10 REGISTER a-Bit Read Only (ADDRESS OEH) This a-bit Read Only register holds the 10 that had been latched from the SCSI bus when an attempt was made to Select or Reselect this chip. This chip's SCSI 10 is masked off. SCSI 10 REGISTER a-Bit Write Only (ADDRESS OEH) This a-bit Write Only register is used to hold the value of the MSD9SCOO's SCSI 10. DATA IN REGISTER a-Bit Read Only (ADDRESS OFH) This a-bit Read Only register is used by the Processor during programmed I/O or Processor port DMA transfers. It allows you to read data received from the SCSI bus which is presently in the internal buffer. DATA OUT REGISTER a-Bit Write Only (ADDRESS OFH) This a bit Write Only register is used by the Processor during programmed I/O or Processor port DMA transfers. The data loaded into this register is output to the SCSI bus via the internal buffer. 691 NOTE: For an updated data sheet please fill out the reply card in the back of this catalog or call SMC.at (516) 273-3100. Circuit diagrams utilizing SMC products are included as a means of illustrating typical semiconductor appli· cations: consequently complete information sufficient for construction purposes is not necessarily given. The information has been carefully checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, such information does not convey to the purchaser of the semiconductor devices described any license under the patent rights of SMC or others. SMC reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design and supply the best product possible. 692 MSD95C02 PRELIMINARY Storage /1- Controller for Direct Access (Disk) or Serial Access (Tape) Devices - S/1nDAe™ PIN CONFIGURATION APPLICATIONS SUPPORTED: o Embedded SCSI drives when used with companion MSD95COO SCSI Controller o Compatible with ESDI and SMD disk interfaces o Interfaces to 8051, Z8 and 80188 microprocessors o Supports 3-Sector Prefetch for Unix® applications o Supports QIC-24 Tape: o o o ~ A15 A14 A13 5 Mb/sec GCR data transfers Read-alter-write Controls Optical Disks with commonly available Error Correction IC's Supports Floppy Disk Modular design for easy adaption to special purpose applications A12 64 All 65 Al0 L 66 FEATURES: 024 Mb/sec NRZ OR 12 Mb/sec RLL, MFM, FM Disk Data Transfers o Zero Latency read capability Choice ofECC: Reed-Solomon ECC able to detect and correct a 41 bit burst error or two randomly spaced 17 bit burst errors without miscorrection; CRC extension to detect miscorrection of errors beyond that range, OR 32-bit IBM® compatible ECC Register programmable data format via on-chip writeable microsequencer 3-Channel internal double-speed 64K (externally expandable) Ring Buffer DMA controller Cache buffer management allows disk data transfers without processor intervention A9 AS A7 A6 AS A4 A3 A2 A1 67 68 1 2 [ 3 r 4 [ 5 [ 6 ;:: 7 AQ[, AD7 [ 9 o o o o • • ~.M~.gM~gUU.g" 61 62 63 43 J DREQ 42 J RCLK 41 J RGATE 40 J CTL3 (WRFCLK) 39 ~ WGATE J CTL4 (AMEN) 37 TST4 (INDEX) 36 TST3 (ECCERR) 35 ., TST2 (IBG) 34 J TST1 (AMFND) 33:1 WDATA 32 I CTL2 (LATE) 31 J CTl1 (EARLY) 30 J RDATA 29 I iNf 28JLPS 27 J ALE (AS) 3' MSD95C02 :i 2 1011121314151617181920212223242526 o Supports transparent "on-the-fly" error correction o Low power CMOS with Standby Mode o Available in 68 pin PLCC o TTL compatible inputs and outputs GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSD95C02 is a high speed micro-programmable of up to 5 megabytes per second. data path controller. It incorporates a triple channel DMA The DMA CONTROLLER section of the MSD95C02 CONTROLLER, a RAM based MICROSEQUENCER, a controls and arbitrates up to 64K of external Ring Buffer sophisticated ECC generator/checker circuit, an RLL2, 7/ memory built with standard off-the-shelf static RAM. The MFM/FM/GCR Encoder/Decoder and a Parallel/Serial shilt Ring Buffer size can be easily expanded beyond 64K with register in one 68 pin plastic package. The MSD95C02 can the addition of a few additional gates. Disk data transfers to be combined in a circuit with standard local processor and and from this cache buffer are managed by the MSD95C02's static RAM chips to build a very high performance multi- internal DMA CONTROLLER and are performed without the media controller incorporating SCSI, ESDI, SMD, ST-506, need for processor intervention. QIC 24, and FLOPPY disk interfaces. The RAM based External Device (e.g., SCSI bus) accesses to the Ring Buffer MICROSEQUENCER permits the user to build a mass are controlled via a DMA request/acknowledge handshake storage controller that conforms with any currently available and are completely asynchronous with respect to disk and data format. local processor transfers. This method of local buffer access The addition of an SMC MSD95COO SCSI CONTROLLER combined with a powerful Reed Solomon error correcting will provide a tightly coupled 2-chip set for high speed, high code and CRC extension designed to virtually eliminate performance SCSI and "embedded SCSI" applications with miscorrection, provides the user with on-the-fly error minimum component count and synchronous SCSI speeds correction with no loss of disk revolutions. Unix" is a registered trademark of AT&T Bell Labs. 693 DIRECT DRIVE SCSI BUS RING BUFFER (64 K X 8 STATIC RAM) ~ 1 D7-0 WE 1 DMA GENERAL PURPOSE OUTPUTS /' ~ DB7-0 I DRIVE ~I O~::'· DMAA • CNTLB-5 TST4-1 ",. " W, RCLK DMAA MSD 95COO CLKO SCSI CONTROLLER OR EXTERNAL DEVICE ALE, RD, WR, RST OE ~ IA o~, A15-0 RGATE WGATE MSD 95C02 DISK CONTROLLER I\r-- WDATA ,------,/I ALE, RD, WR, RST -I'> f---- 1--------' I WRITE GATE H PRECOMPENSATION LOGIC EARLY (CTL1) O'l <0 INT READ DATA RDATA DMACLK t t WRITE DATA READIWRITE HEAD ELECTRONICS MOTOR CONTROL I LATE (CTL2) 1-_--lIINT I I •I (CTL3) (CTL4) AD7-0 CE CE t T iDECODEi 7 .... t=== UPPER ORDER ADDR. BUS ALE RD WR RST INT AD7-0 ~ GENERAL PURPOSE OUTPUTS ~ I' 1 DRIVE STATUS -v 7 GENERAL PURPOSE INPUTS AD7-0 LOCAL PROCESSOR FIGURE 1: MSD95C02 EMBEDDED SCSI SYSTEM. GENERAL PURPOSE OUTPUTS --1 1..'_ _ _ _ _ _ ESDI DRIVE WGATE WRITE GATE WDATA NRZWDATA + NRZWDATA - RCLK RDATA £ --c NRZ WRITE CLOCK + NRZ WRITE CLOCK NRZ READ/REF CLK + NRZ READ/REF CLK NRZ READ DATA + NRZ READ DATA - J MSD 95C02 RGATE READ GATE TST4 INDEX TST1 ADDR. MARK FOUND SNS2 ATTENTION SNS3 COMMAND COMPLETE SNS4 READY CTL4 ADDR. MARK ENABLE ~ GENERAL PURPOSE OUTPUTS -V DRIVE/HEAD SELECT LOCAL PROCESSOR GENERAL PURPOSE INPUTS ~ SERIAL COMMAND/STATUS FIGURE 2: MSD95C02 TO ESDI INTERFACE The MSD95C02 is built from a set of high level, function specific SuperCelis ,. that can be connected together in such a way as to adapt themselves to a special purpose customer requirement. The first set of SuperCelis ,. has been chosen to optimize the device for "EMBEDDED SCSI" and ESDI controller applications. Figure 1 illustrates the MSD95C02 used with its companion MSD95COO SCSI chip to form an "EMBEDDED SCSI" system. Figure 2 illustrates the MSD95C02 used as an ESDI controller. the ring buffer during local processor updates to the MSD95COO and MSD95C02 devices. Ring buffer arbitration is controlled by the on-chip triple channel DMA CONTROLLER which arbitrates ring buffer accesses to and from the media, SCSI channel and local processor. Local processor accesses to the ring buffer are possible through directly addressable registers in the MSD95C02's DMAblock. The MSD95C02 contains several general purpose input! As can be seen from the system block diagrams, the output pins which can be used to control and monitor interface to the external static RAM ring buffer requires no external events. In addition, there are four general purpose external circuitry. In an "EMBEDDED SCSI" environment, test inputs and four latched sense inputs that may be used there are two external data buses used; one to permit data directly by the MICROSEQUENCER to perform conditional flow between the MSD95COO SCSI controller and the ring jumps. buffer and another data bus to permit local processor to The sense inputs, test inputs and control outputs of the MSD95COO SCSIC and MSD95C02 exchanges. The two MSD95C02 are used to efficiently handle ESDI drives with data buses allow for uninterrupted data flow in and out of serial data rates up to 24 MHz. SuperCell'· is a trademark of Standard Microsystems Corporation. 695 CTL7 CTL6,5 OMACLK A15-0 OB7-0 WE Ii-'l4~---RAM TO MSO 95C02 ---.'11. 00---- FIGURE 3: TYPICAL BUFFER TIMING (DISK WRITE) CTL7 CTL6,5 OMACLK A15-0 WE OB7-0 OE OACK I. _ - - M S O 95C02 TO RAM ----*0---- FIGURE 4: TYPICAL BUFFER TIMING (DISK READ) 696 PINOUT DESCRIPTION RING BUFFER INTERFACE (Refer to Figures 3 and 4 for ring buffer timing)· PIN NO. 53-60 SIGNAL NAME DB7-0 61-68,1-8 A15-0 DESCRIPTION Data Bus. Bi-directional data bus to the external ring buffer RAM. This bus is automatically put into a high impedance state during valid External Device DMAcycles. Address Bus. These outputs are used to address the external ring buffer RAM. Output Enable. This active low output strobes the ring buffer RAM's data bus output drivers. Write Enable. Strobe. This active low output strobes write data from the data bus into the ring buffer RAM. DMA Clock. This 20 MHz (maximum) input is used by the MSD95C02 to generate DMA cycles. DMA Request. This input is driven active low by an External Device to request a DMA cycle. DMA Acknowledge. This output is driven active low by the MSD95C02 in response to DREQ. During data transfer from the ring buffer to the External Device, the rising edge of this signal is used to strobe data into the External Device. During data transfer from the external device to the ring buffer, a low will enable data transfer from the External Device. Control 5. Control 6. Depending on the programming of the MODE 1 Register, these bits can either reflect the data written to bits 4 and 5 of the Local Processor Output Register or they can be outputs that indicate the type MSD95C02 DMA controller cycle in progress: ST1 STO CYCLE 0 0 EXTERNAL DEVICE 1 LOCAL PROCESSOR 0 1 0 MICROSEQUENCER (DISK) 1 1 RESERVED Control 7. Depending on the programming of the MODE 1 Register, this bit can either reflect the data written to bit 6 of the Local Processor Output Register or this bit can be an output signal indicating to the ring buffer that a WRITE or READ cycle is about to start. This output is low during a write cycle and high during a read cycle. CTL 7, 6, and 5, when programmed as WRITE, STO, ST1, can be used for interfacing to an external ECC chip. Control 8. Depending on the programming of the MODE 1 Register, this bit can reflect the data written to bit7 of the Local Processor Output Register. It may also be used as an output of the MICROSEQUENCER to be used as a "data valid" signal to indicate when data is being transferred on the DB7-0 bus for interface with an external ECC chip. 110 I/O 0 50 OE 0 51 WE 0 49 DMACLK I 43 DREQ I 44 DACK 0 45 46 CTL5(ST1) CTL6(STO) 0 0 47 CTL7 (WRITE) 0 48 CTL8 (DGATE) 0 DRIVE INTERFACE· PIN NO. 30 SIGNAL NAME RDATA I/O I 41 RGATE 0 42 RCLK I 33 WDATA 0 39 WGATE 0 DESCRIPTION Read Data. This signal is the/serial data from the disk or tape drive. It may be encoded as RLL2, 7, MFM, FM, GCR, or NRZ as selected in MODE Register bits 2-0. Read Gate. This output is typically used to enable the data separator to begin locking to data. Normally, it becomes active during the PLO sync field. This signal is controllable via microcode to allow specific read data search algorithms and conformance to unique drive formats. Read Clock (Read/Reference Clock). This input clock is used to frame the encoded RDATA bit stream from the drive. For NRZ input data, the Read/Reference Clock signal provides the timing necessary to synchronize the serial data transfer between the drive and the MSD95C02. RCLK is divided internal to the MSD95C02 and is used to run the MICROSEQUENCER. It is therefore necessary to continually provide a glitch-free clock into this input at all times. Write Data. This output is the serial NRZ, FM, MFM, GCR or RLL data being written to the drive. Write Gate. This output is controlled by the microsequencer and is active when the MSD95C02 is writing data to the drive. 697 PIN NO. 31 PINOUT DESCRIPTION CONTINUED DESCRIPTION I/O Control 1. Depending on the programmi(1g of the MODE Register, this bit 0 either reflects the data written to bit 0 of the Local Processor Output Register or indicates that the current disk Write Data bit should be externally precompensated early. Control 2. Depending on the programming of the MODE 3 Register, this 0 bit either reflects the data written to bit 1 of the Local Processor Output Register or indicates that the current disk Write Data bit should be externally precompensated late. I/O Control 3. Depending on the programming of the MODE 3 Register, this bit either reflects the data written to bit 2 of the Local Processor Output Register or acts as a tape write reference clock input. In tape applications that require read after write capability, this pin must be programmed as an input (WRFCLK). Control 4. Depending on the programming of the MODE 2 Register, this 0 bit either reflects the data written to bit 3 of the Local Processor Output Register or acts as a MICROSEQUENCER output which may be used to write an Address Mark (WGATE active) or search for an address mark (WGATE, RGATE inactive) in ESDI drive applications. I Sense Input 4. The MSD95C02 can be programmed to generate any level change interrupt from this pin. This input may be used to sense READY status from the drive. I Sense Input 3. The MSD95C02 can be programmed to generate a high-to-Iow level change interrupt from this pin. This input may be used to indicate a Command Complete status when using ESDI drives. I Sense Input 2. The MSD95C02 can be programmed to generate a high-to-Iow level change interrupt from this pin. This input may be used to sense ATTENTION status from an ESDI drive or a WRITE FAULT status from an ST-506 drive. I Sense Input 1. The MSD95C02 can be programmed to generate a high-to-Iow level change interrupt from this pin. This input may be used to sense load pOint status for tape applications. I Test Input 4. This input is used by the MICROSEQUENCER for conditional branching. Typically, the INDEX pulse from the drive is connected to this pin. I Test Input 3. This input is used by the MICROSEQUENCER for conditional branching. When used with an external ECC chip, this input may be used to indicate an ECC error. I Test Input 2. This input is used by the MICROSEQUENCER for conditional branching. An external signal indicating interblock gap for tape applications may be connected to this pin. I Test Input 1. This input is used by the MICROSEQUENCER for conditional branching. Typically, an ESDI address mark found signal is connected this pin. SIGNAL NAME CTL 1 (EARLY) 32 CTL2(LATE) 40 CTL3 (WRFCLK) 38 CTL4(AMEN) 19 SNS4 (READY) 20 SNS3 (CMDDN) 21 SNS2 (ATTNIWFLT) 22 SNS1 (LDPT) 37 TST4 (INDEX) 36 TST3 (ECCERR) 35 TST2(IBG) 34 TST1 (AMFND) PROCESSOR INTERFACE" PIN NO. 9-12, 14-17 27 SIGNAL NAME AD7-0 I/O I/O ALE (AS) I 29 INT 0 26 RD(DS) I 25 WR(R/W) I DESCRIPTION Address/Data Bus. Multiplexed bi-directional address/data bus to local processor. Address Latch Enable (Address Strobe). This signal is active when an address is valid on the AD7-0 bus. The local processor reads the MSD95C02 RESET Register address either following a hard or prior to a soft reset to automatically configure the MSD95C02 to expect ALE or AS at this input. Interrupt. This open collector output is driven low when the MSD95C02 detects an enabled interrupt. This pin has an internal MOSFET which functions as a pull-up. Read Strobe (Data Strobe). When the MSD95C02 is configured for ALE, this active low strobe is used to enable read data from the MSD95C02 onto the AD7-0 bus. When the MSD95C02 is configured for AS, this active low signal is used to strobe data into or out of the MSD95C02. Write Strobe (ReadIWrite). When the MSD95C02 is configured for ALE, this active low strobe is used to latch write data from the AD7-0 buslDto the MSD95C02. When the MSD95C02 is configured for AS, the RIW input is used to qualify DS for a read or write cycle. 698 PIN NO. 24 PINOUT DESCRIPTION CONTINUED 1/0 DESCRIPTION SIGNAL NAME CE I 28 LPS I 23 RST I 18 13 52 VCC GND1 GND2 P P P Chip Enable. This input signal is used to qualify the RD and WR strobes for all accesses on the AD7-0 bus. This signal must be valid throughout the memory cycle. Low Power Standby. A low level applied to this input signifies that the system is requesting the low power standby mode. Reset. A low level at this input will cause the MSD95C02 to be reset (hard reset) to a known state. Reset will cause the following 1/0 pins to be forced to the states indicated: DB7-0 Input OE Inactive High WE Inactive High DACK Inactive High RGATE Inactive Low Inactive Low WGATE AD7-0 Input INT Inactive High CTL1 (EARLY) Inactive Low CTL2(LATE) Inactive Low CTL3 (WRFCLK) Input CTL4(AMEN) Inactive Low Power connection Ground connection Ground connection OVERVIEW OF MSD95C02 REGISTERS Figure 5 shows the MSD95C02 address map. The 256 locations are internally decoded from the lower 8 bits of the address bus. Valid decode space exists from address 40H to FFH as shown. Address OOH to 2FH is not decoded by the MSD95C02 and can be used as register space for the External Device. The MSD95COO SCSIC uses address OOH to OFH for its internal register space, allowing the MSD95COO and the MSD95C02 to share the same chip select decoded from the upper address bits of the local processor's address bus. The MSD95C02 address space accessible to the local processor can be broken into four sections as follows: ADDRESS 40H-5FH This address space contains the MSD95C02 working registers which include mode registers, setup registers, interrupt enable registers, status registers, and DMA parameter registers. ADDRESS 60H-6FH This address space contains an on-chip 16 byte registerfile referred to as the DESIRED REGISTER FILE. It is shared by the local processor and the MICROSEQUENCER and is typically loaded by the local processor and internally compared with data from the disk. Local processor access to this address space should only occur when the MICROSEQUENCER is not running. ADDRESS 70H-1FH This address space contains an on chip, 16 byte, register file referred to as the CURRENT REGISTER FILE. It is shared by the local processor and the MICROSEQUENCER and is typically loaded with data from the disk for examination later by the local processor. Local processor access to this address space is only allowed during certain MICROSEQUENCER initiated interrupts to the local processor. microcode used by the MICROSEQUENCER. Internally, these bytes are arranged as 32 locations by 32 bits wide. Local processor address 80H corresponds to the least significant byte (07-0) of word zero of the microcode RAM. This address space should not be accessed by the local processor while a microprogram is running. OOOH- I 32 EXTERNAL (SCSI) DEVICE LOCATIONS I FREE ADDRESS SPACE I MSD95C02 REGISTERS (reserved for future expansion) I MSD95C02 REGISTERS I (16) MSD95C02 DESIRED REGISTER FILE I (16) MSD95C02 CURRENT REGISTER-FILE 01FH020H02FH030H03FH040H05FH060H06FH070H07FH080H- I I I MSD95C02 MICROCODE OFFH- FIGURE 5: MSD95C02 ADDRESS MAP Figure 6 shows the internal block diagram of the MSD95C02. The data flow through the chip occurs on the INBUS and the OUTBUS. The OUTBUS connects all data coming from the ring buffer to the drive and the INBUS connects ~II data from the drive to the ring buffer. There are six blocks that make up the MSD95C02 disk controller as ADDRESS 80H-FFH shown in the block diagram. Each block will be described in detail in the following sections. This address space contains the 128 bytes of loadable 699 WE A15-0 5E ~~ ~~ ~IW ~~ ~" H< u~ 0~ DB7-0 DMACLK ECCBLOCK DMAR DMAA M A I "TI is c: ::a REED SOLOMON ECCCHECKER L B o X -,-------' m I ~ I I DMABLOCK i: (J) ENCODER DECODER BLOCK c ~ n RDATA N RCLK 0 81 z -I m I---~I- RDGATE ::a z ~ rID r0 I I I n ""c ~::a f---+"WGATE I WDATA I TST4-1 I CTL3 (WRFCLK) I MICROSEQUENCER PROGRAMMED BIT CTL4 ~ LOCAL PROCESSOR PROGRAMMED BIT _________________ J i: SNS4-1 CPS RST ...J r--------------------T I I MICROCOMPUTER INTERFACE BLOCK I I V II I I I INTERNAL INTERRUPT CONDITIONS I I I TO ALL .) BLOCKS I TNT CTl2 (LATE) CTL1 (EARLY) m lAS) AD7-0 WFiRDEE (RW)(DS) ECCBLOCK MSD95C02 REGISTERS WRITE REGISTERS 07 06 I 05 04 03 02 READ REGISTERS 01 00 (RESERVED) I (RESERVED) MODE 1 MODE 2 (RESERVED) MODE3 07 MODE4 40H I 06 05 04 03 02 41H (RESERVED) 42H (RESERVED) 43H (RESERVED) 44H (RESERVED) MODE5 (RESERVED) 45H (RESERVED) SYNC 1 SYNC DATA 46H (RESERVED) SYNC 2 SYNC DATA 47H (RESERVED) SYNC 3 SYNC DATA 48H (RESERVED) SYNC 4 SYNC DATA 49H (RESERVED) 4AH (RESERVED) 4BH (RESERVED) 4CH (RESERVED) TAPE BYTE COUNTER TAPE HIGHI BYTE UNUSED TAPE LOW I BYTE TAPE BYTE COUNTER I-LC OUTPUT eTL 8 CTL 7 , CTL eTL eTL 5 4 ENA~IE 1 I MAS I OMA I~~RVEOI DONE I INT ENABLE 2 , CTL CTL 2 eTL 1 (RESERVED) 01 00 (RESERVED) 4DH I MAS I OMA I~~RVEOI DONE I (RESERVED) I RESET I ENABLE INT 1 4EH 4FH 701 INT ENABLE 3 WRITE REGISTERS READ REGISTERS 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 FU~~tlONI FCTN I SOURCE I DEST 150H I (RESERVED) I M~II'cr~X I DMA ADDR RAM DATA (MSB'S) 151 HI DMA ADDR RAM DATA (MSB'S) I M~II'cr~X M~btlJ°X I DMA ADDR RAM DATA (LSB'S) I 52H I DMA ADDR RAM DATA (LSB'S) I M1~tlJ°X OATA ~__R_I_NG_-_B_U_FF_E_R_D_A_JA__~153HLI___R_I_NG_-_B_U_FF_E_R_D_A_JA__~I O~A START CMD (RESERVED) L-_---=--(R_E_sE_R_v_ED--'-)_ ___'56H '--____("-R_E_SE_R_V_E_D"-)______'I I~~ I~~N~G I:~ I 57H I BUSY (RESERVED) I STATUS (PROG)2 I RESERVED) I PROGRAM COUNTER 1(~~U8~R) (RESERVED) '--__~(_RE_S_E_R_VE_D~)______'159H~1____~(_RE_S_E_RV_E_D~)______' ~____(_R_E_SE_R_V_E_D_)____~15AH~1_____(_R_E_SE_R_V_E_D_)____~ '--__~(_RE_S_E_RV_E_D~)______'15BH~1_____(_RE_S_E_RV_E_D_)____--' '---_ _(R_E_S_ER_VE_D_)_----'15CH I Tr I rr I rr I T~T I s~s I s~ I s~s I s~s I ItJP~T (RESERVED) 150H I (RESERVED) (RESERVED) 15EH I (RESERVED) (RESERVED) 15FH I 702 (RESERVED) DMACLK-_ DMAR INTERNAL REQUESTS WE A15-0 DE CTL5 (ST1) CTL6 CTL7 CTL8 (ST0) (WRITE) (DGATE) oB7-0 DMAA RING BUFFER TIMING AND CONTROL LOGIC LOCAL PROCESSOR PROGRAMMED BITS M A I L B 0 X 16 INBUS OUTBUS ZERO OFFSET REGISTER AUXOFFSET REGISTER AUX ZERO ZOFF TO MICROSEQUENCER FIGURE 7: DMA BLOCK DIAGRAM COUNTER since there is a relationship between the value in the OFFSET COUNTER and the amount of available free DMA CONTROLLER space there is in the buffer and available error free data there The three channel DMA controller is composed of a 6 X 16 is to transfer out on the External channel. The local bit register file, two OFFSET COUNTERS for monitoring processor channel might be required to perform read modify ring buffer full/empty status, a DMA FUNCTION Register write routines during error correction operations. to indirectly address the register file, a ring buffer DATA Local Processor channel operation: Register, andALU to perform incrementing (by 1, 2, 3 or 4) and in addition, a 16 bit mailbox register, state controller and The local Processor can specify the address operation to be performed during its channel access via the DMA DMA request priority resolver. Channel access to the ring buffer comes from three sources. FUNCTION Register which is a write only local processor addressed register (assigned address 50HEX). This The MICROSEQUENCER requests are initiated by the function register permits the loading of all registers in the DISK INTERFACE block for every byte transferred to/from register file which are not directly addressable from the the MICROSEQUENCER and is given top priority. Local processor accesses to the ring buffer are initiated by direct external local processor. DESCRIPTION OF INDIVIDUAL BLOCKS operation of the local processor on the addressable registers The Local Processor can directly access four registers in within the DMA controller. The local processor is given the DMA controller. They are: second priority. External Device access (like SCSI) is DMA FUNCTION Register (write only) address 50H initiated via a DMA request-acknowledge handshake and MAILBOX HIGH Register (read/write) address 51 H is given third priority. MAILBOX LOW Register (read/write) address 52H ALU and Register function: DATA Register (read/write) address 53H For each DMA channel, specific register manipulations are The local processor can indirectly access 6 additional 16 bit possible depending upon the operation required. Each registers that make up the DMA register file. These registers channel will have different requirements on the way the are accessed by using the DMA FUNCTION Register. An address to the ring buffer is updated. For instance, during example of their use is illustrated as follows: disk read operations, the channel must ensure that the starting address for a sector transfer is not updated until the CONSTANT 1-Normally used to hold the sector size and data transferred into the ring buffer is known to be error free. in calculating address updates and ring buffer status flags. The External Device, during a read operation from the ring CONSTANT 2-Normally used to hold a number that is a buffer, must cause the address to be incremented for each function of the Ring Buffer size for generating Ring Buffer byte transferred. It must also update the OFFSET empty/full status. 703 LOCAL PROCESSOR ADDRESS Register-Holds the current address of a local processor to ring buffer data transfer. EXTERNAL DEVICE ADDRESS Register-Holds the current address of an External Device to ring buffer data transfer. DISK Register-Maintains the address of the first location of a MICROSEQUENCER initiated disk transfer until data integrity is established. DISK ADDRESS Register-Holds the current address of a MICROSEQUENCER initiated disk ring buffer data transfer. Refer to Appendix 2 for a description of how these registers are set up for particular DMA operations. DMA FUNCTION Register: BITS 07-D6. These bits specify the operation to be performed on the contents of a register in the internal register file: D7 D6 0 0 FUNCTION SOURCE + OFFSET COUNTER ~ DESTINATION (Note 1) 0 1 SOURCE + N ~ DESTINATION; DECREMENT OFFSET COUNTER 1 0 SOURCE ~ DESTINATION 1 1 SOURCE + N ~ DESTINATION TABLE 1: DMA FUNCTION REGISTER OPERATION N = 1 for disk and local processor data transfers N specified by MODE 1 Register for External channel (SCSI) data transfers Notes: 1. For this case, the only destinations that can be updated are the OFFSET COUNTER and the MAILBOX. All other destinations will cause the OVERFLOW flag to be updated as a function of the result out of the ALU, but will not update the destination. 2. When the controller changes the contents of the OFFSET and AUXILIARY OFFSET COUNTERS, it must set or clear the zero bit via the START COMMAND Register bits 4 and 3. 3. The OFFSET COUNTER cannot be used as a source. If it is used as a source, it will take on the value of zero. During error correction, it becomes necessary to use the OFFSET COUNTER as a source. See appendix 3 for a description of ERROR CORRECTION ON THE FLY for more detail. Disk Channel Access Operation: Disk requests for data transfer are initiated by the MSD95C02's internal MICROSEQUENCER. For normal data transfer between the disk and the ring buffer, the MICROSEQUENCER causes the DISK ADDRESS in the DMA block to be incremented by one between ring buffer access cycles. In addition, the MICROSEQUENCER may perform some housekeeping functions at each sector boundary if required. These housekeeping functions may include updating the OFFSET COUNTER, determining buffer full/empty status, etc. In order to specify one of many housekeeping calculations, the MSD95C02's internal MICROSEQUENCER has the ability to specify the operation by loading a DISK DMA FUNCTION Register (different from the local processor addressable DMA FUNCTION Register). The bit definitions of this register are identical to the DMA FUNCTION Register as defined in Tables 1 and 2. The MICROSEQUENCER can load the DISK DMA FUNCTION Register by transferring a value previously stored in the DESIRED REGISTER FILE to the DMA block. EXTERNAL DEVICE CHANNEL ACCESS OPERATION: Upon an external DMA request, this channel wUI perform one hardwired function consisting of proper adjustment of the current ring buffer address as well as decrementing the OFFSET COUNTERs for current handling of ring buffer full/ empty situations. The MSD95C02 can buffer a maximum of 12 DMA requests before issuing an acknowledgment without causing an overrun/underrun condition. The MSD95C02 uses the leading edge of DMA Request to post the EXTERNAL channel access. This permits ·the MSD95C02 to work with several REQ-ACK timing situations. For External Device DMA operations, the DMA hardwired function performed is: EXTERNAL DEVICE ADDRESS + N ~ EXTERNAL DEVICE ADDRESS. N is used to permit various data bus widths between the ring buffer and the External Device as shown in table 3. N DATA BUS WIDTH 1 SBITS 2 16BITS 24 BITS 3 4 32 BITS TABLE 3: EXTERNAL DEVICE BUS WIDTHS AS A FUNCTION OF N The value N is programmed by the Local Processor in MODE 1 Register, bits 5 and 4. OFFSET COUNTER: These bits select the register file address location(s) The OFFSET COUNTER is part of the automatic accessed by the operation specified by bits D7 and D6. housekeeping function of the DMA block and is used to keep track of buffer empty/full conditions. D5 D4 D3 During External Device to Ring Buffer to Disk operations D2 D1 DO REGISTER SELECTED (WRITE the diSk), the OFFSET COUNTER keeps track of 0 0 0 MAILBOX HIGH, LOW the number of free bytes left in the buffer. Whenever the Ring 0 0 1 OFFSET COUNTER buffer size minus the OFFSET COUNTER is less than the 0 1 0 CONSTANT 1 sector size (indicating that there is less than a sector's worth 0 1 1 CONSTANT 2 of data in the ring buffer), the disk WRITE is temporarily held 1 0 0 LOCAL PROCESSOR ADDRESS off. The throttling of the Disk DMA channel as a function of 1 0 1 EXTERNAL DEVICE ADDRESS buffer space status is done automatically by the DMA 1 1 0 DISK REGISTER controller without local processor intervention. 1 1 1 DISK ADDRESS During Disk to Ring Buffer to External Device (READ the TABLE 2: DMA FUNCTION REGISTER SOURCEIDEST disk) operations, the OFFSET COUNTER keeps track of 704 BITS D5-D3. Source register file Address BITS D2-DO. Destination register file Address the total data bytes left in the buffer. Whenever the Ring Buffer size minus the OFFSET COUNTER is less than the sector size (indicating that there is not enough room in the buffer to accept another sector), the disk READ is temporarily held off. The throttling of the Disk DMA channel as a function of buffer space status is done automatically by the DMA controller without local processor intervention. Decisions by the MICROSEQUENCER regarding buffer empty/full status are made by interrogating the ZOFF flag whenever an ALU operation loads a zero into the OFFSET COUNTER. AUXILIARY OFFSET COUNTER operation: The AUXILIARY OFFSET COUNTER is loaded and modified along with the OFFSET COUNTER. It is required because data transferred from the disk into the Ring Buffer might contain errors. Because of this, the AUXILIARY OFFSET COUNTER might be different from the OFFSET COUNTER and is used to control the flow of data between the External Device and the Ring Buffer. During External Device to Ring Buffer transfers, the AUXILIARY OFFSET COUNTER keeps track of the number of free bytes left in the buffer. During Ring Buffer to External Device transfers, the AUXILIARY OFFSET COUNTER keeps track of the number of error free data bytes left in the buffer. The OFFSET and AUXILIARY OFFSET COUNTERS are linked together until an error is detected on data read from the disk. When this occurs, only the OFFSET COUNTER is incremented as new data is transferred from the disk to the Ring Buffer. The AUXILIARY OFFSET COUNTER is not incremented until the error is corrected. Both counters are decremented when data is transferred from the Ring Buffer to the External Device. If the error is corrected before the AUXILIARY OFFSET COUNTER is decremented to zero, then the two counters are linked back together by transferring the contents of the OFFSET COUNTER into the AUXILIARY OFFSET COUNTER in response to a DMA FUNCTION Register command. If the AUXILIARY OFFSET COUNTER is decremented to zero before the error is corrected, the MSD95C02 will not respond to DMA requests from the external device until the AUXILIARY OFFSET COUNTER and OFFSET COUNTER are linked back together. See Appendix 4 for a further description of the OFFSET and AUXILIARY OFFSET COUNTERs during error correction on the fly. Status Flags: The DMA block will generate three status flags which can be used by the MICROSEQUENCER to test and make decisions on the microprogram flow. These three status flags, defined as follows, are also readable by the Local Processor in STATUS 1 Register (ADDR 55H): OVERFLOW: This flag indicates the result of the current operation performed by the ALU; if the arithmetic yields an overflow, this bit will be set. This bit is available to the Local Processor in STATUS 1 Register, bit 05. ZERO: This flag is set to a one when the OFFSET COUNTER is decremented to zero. This bit is available to the Local Processor in STATUS 1 Register, bit 06. AUX ZERO: This flag is set to a one when the AUXILIARY OFFSET COUNTER is decremented to zero. This bit is available to the Local Processor in STATUS 1 Register, bit ECC ON THE FLY: The three channel DMA arrangement provides the user with the ability to perform error correction on the fly without loss of a disk revolution. In general, upon disk read operations, one sector may be transferred from the Ring Buffer over the EXTERNAL channel, one sector may be operated on by the Local processor for error correction, and the third sector may be read from the disk and written into the Ring Buffer. Refer to Appendix 4 for further description of ECC on the fly. MICROSEQUENCER As shown in Figure 8, the MICROSEQUENCER consists of a 32 X 32 microcode RAM, a 7 bit loop counter, a one address STACK, a sophisticated next address generator and two 16 byte register files. During next address generation, the Program Counter can be loaded from the STACK, from the ADDRESS FIELD output by the microcode RAM (ADDR 4-0), or from the current or incremented value in the Program Counter. The Local Processor can initiate Command execution (eg. a Read Command) by writing to the COMMAND START Register (ADDR 54 HEX). The MSD95C02 will then begin execution at address zero in the microcode RAM. From this time until the command terminates, program flow is dependent on which of the several sources are specified when the Program Counter is loaded. Selection of the next address is dependent on the Sequence control field (SEQ 2-0), and internal and external test points which are input to the Next Address Control PLA. Test points are chosen via the Test field (TEST 3-0) for interrogation and program flow of the MICROSEQUENCER. Contained within the MICROSEQUENCER block are two, 16 byte register files named DESIRED and CURRENT REGISTER FILEs. In general, the MICROSEQUENCER reads the DESIRED REGISTER FILE and writes the CURRENT REGISTER FILE. The Local Processor can read or write either register file. Local Processor access to these register files are restricted and controlled by interrupts generated by the MICROSEQUENCER to the Local Processor. This limited access is required to resolve the access contentions to these register files by both the Local Processor and the MICROSEQUENCER. In addition to the DESIRED and CURRENT REGISTER FILEs, there is a comparator structure set up to compare contents in the two register files as shown in Figure 8. Any information loaded by the local processor in the DESIRED REGISTER FILE may be compared with the data that is depOSited in the CURRENT REGISTER FILE as it is filled with data read from the disk. The sequence and number of compares made are all initiated under MICROSEQUENCER control. Typically, the compares can be performed to determine whether a particular 10 field had been encountered. The contents of any DESIRED REGISTER FILE location can be incremented under MICROSEQUENCER control. Typically, this can be used to increment the sector number in the DESIRED REGISTER FILE location when performing consecutive logical sector operations. In addition, the CURRENT REGISTER FILE can, under MICROSEQUENCER control, be loaded with the error syndrome bytes for examination by the Local Processor 07. during an error correction operation. The ZERO and AUX ZERO flags are not set if the OFFSET In typical applications, the CURRENT REGISTER FILE and AUXILIARY OFFSET COUNTERS are loaded with a holds data such as the current header information (head #, zero. sector #, track #) and the writing to these registers is The MICROSEQUENCER can interrogate the logical OR controlled by the MICROSEQUENCER as data is converted of the ZERO and AUX ZERO flags via the test input ZOFF. from serial to parallel in the DISK INTERFACE block. The 705 FROM DMABLOCK !! G') k: C :D m II FROM DISK INTERFACE BLOCK CCI s::: (; :D 0 tn p 0 C r--~-I)I ADDR m .oen. I cZm MICROCODE RAM (32 X 32) n m :D m 6n ~TODISK ..------. ~ INTERFACE BLOCK INBUS OUTBUS 'c" ~:D » s::: CTL4 ~ : U X MICROSEQUENCER PROGRAMMED BIT LOCAL PROCESSOR PROGRAMMED BIT DESIRED REGISTER FILE holds information such as the desired sector to be operated on in a READ or WRITE DISK operation. The desired header information, in this case is written into the DESIRED REGISTER FILE by the Local Processor prior to the execution of the READ OR WRITE command in an order that is consistent with the order in which the MICROSEQUENCER loads and compares the CURRENT REGISTER FILE. The 32 bit microprogram word definition contains a total of 8 separate fields as shown in Figure 9. DESCRIPTION OF INDIVIDUAL FIELDS: D31 SEQUENCE CONTROL (3 BITS) D29 D28 - ADDRESS (5 BITS) D24 023 TEST CONDITIONS (4 BITS) D20 D19 AD7-0 --i - SEQUENCE CONTROL FIELD (D31-29): REGISTER POINTER (4 BITS) D16 POINTER DECREMENT ENABLE 015 The SEQUENCE CONTROL FIELD determines the next address loaded into the PROGRAM COUNTER which feeds the MICROSEQUENCER RAM. Depending upon which SEQUENCE CONTROL FIELD is specified, the next address might remain at the current address, increment, use the value stored in the STACK, or use the value specified in the ADDRESS FIELD. In addition, it can cause the current value in the PROGRAM COUNTER to be pushed on the STACK. The STACK is one address deep. The END COUNT and TEST POINT can affect the next address generation and STACK operations in a number of ways. See section on the TEST FIELD and COUNT FIELD for a descrilltion of the various conditions that will produce a valid TEST POINT or END COUNT. D14 - COUNT (7 BITS) D8 07 OUT (4 BITS) D4 D3 - EXT (4 BITS) DO FIGURE9: 32 BIT MICROSEQUENCER PROGRAM WORD DESCRIPTION SEQUENCE CONTROL FIELD DEFINITION: 1 TEST POINT D31-29 END COUNT 1 OPERATION MNEMONIC SHLP 000 PC+1 PC = D28-24 (SHORT LOOP) STACK = LGLP 001 PC+1 PC = D28-24 (LONG LOOP) STACK = STACK RC 010 PC = (RETURN OR CALL) STACK = D28-24 CI 01 1 PC = (CALL OR INCREMENn STACK = PC+1 TSJ 100 PC+1 PC = (TEST JUMP) 1 01 TSC PC = PC+1 (TEST CALL) STACK = TSJL 110 PC = PC+1 (TEST JUMP LONG) 111 PC+1 TSCL PC = (TEST CALL) STACK = .. 1. DS28-24 IS the address as speCified In the ADDR field of the microcode word . 2. - = no change. ADDRESS FIELD (D28-24): The Address Fjeld bits in the microcode instruction may be directly loaded into the Program counter when executing "jump" and "cali" instructions. When executing a cali instruction, the current(or next} Program Counter value may be saved on a one address STACK. "Return" instructions can be implemented by loading the contents of the STACK back into the Program Counter. It should be noted that subroutines can only be nested one deep. 1 0 PC 0 1 PC+1 - - PC PC+1 0 0 PC - PC - - - PC - - D28-24 PC+1 PC+1 - - PC+1 D28-24 PC PC+1 D28-24 PC+1 , D28-24 - D28-24 PC+1 - - PC - PC+1 PC+1 - PC PC PC PC PC TEST CONDITIONS FIELD (D23-20): The test condition field permits the MICROSEQUENCER to test one of 16 conditions for the purpose of conditional jumps and calls as specified in the SEQUENCE CONTROL FI ELD. These 16 inputs originate in the MICROSEQUENCER block and other blocks and four of the test points are general purpose inputs from outside the MSD95C02 appearing .on pins TST1-4. 707 TEST FIELD DEFINITION: 023 0 0 022 0 0 021 0 0 020 0 1 TEST POINT SELECTED FORCE ZERO DC GAP 0 0 1 0 SYNC 0 0 1 1 NDERR 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 TSTl TST2 TST3 TST4 EQ8 1 0 0 1 LNEQ 1 0 1 0 XEND 1 0 1 1 NTP2 1 1 0 0 CMD 1 1 0 1 NOVERFLOW 1 1 1 0 ZOFF 1 1 1 1 ONE REGISTER POINTER FIELD (019-16): The REGISTER POINTER FIELD is associated with the DESIRED and CURRENT REGISTER FILES and specifies the address of the particular register file location to be operated on. The DESIRED and CURRENT REGISTER FILEs have a common address such that the same corresponding location in each file may be operated on at the same time. POINTER DECREMENT FIELD (015): This one bit field permits one to access sequentially decrementing locations in the DESIRED and CURRENT REGISTER FILEs for multiple operations within these registers. DEFINITION Forces the TEST input to a logic zero. From the ENCODER/DECODER block indicating that no transitions have occurred on the RDATA input pin for 15 WRFCLKs. From the DISK INTERFACE block indicating a 16 bit high speed compare between disk data and the MICROSEQUENCER selected SYNC Register(s) . From the DISK INTERFACE block indicating that a CRC-16, ECC-32 or Reed Solomon ECC data error has occurred. A zero indicates a data error. Input pin TST1. Input pin TST2. Input pin TST3. Input pin TST4. This input reflects the status of an 8 bit compare between the INBUS and the DESIRED REGISTER FILE. Indicates that one of the previous 8 bit compares or the current 8 bit compare is not equal. Indicates that the contents of a DESIRED REGISTER FILE location has been incremented to all zeros. This is an auxiliary test input which is the logical OR of three independent conditions. It is equal to either a HALT (local processor initiated via Register 54, bitO), an ABNORMAL DATA MARK (Register 58H, bit 6) or a WRITE FAULT (Register 58H, bit 5). A zero indicates that one of the conditions is true. Originates in the DMA block and indicates if the command loaded by the local processor is a READ or WRITE Command with respect to the Disk. This operation tests bit 6 inverted in the START COMMAND Register. A one is a disk write and a zero is a disk read. Originates from the DMA block. This test input is a logic one if the result of an ALU operation has not yielded an overflow and NTP2 is a logic one. Originates from the DMA block and indicates when either the OFFSET or AUXILIARY OFFSET COUNTER is loaded with a zero as a result of an ALU operation. Forces the TEST input to a logic ONE. - If the Pointer Decrement enable bit is zero, the Register Address will be the value specified in the Register Pointer' field. If the Pointer Decrement enable bit is one, the Register Address will be the value specified in the Register Pointer field added to the current contents of the Loop Counter. When accessing sequential register file locations, the Count field should be initialized to the number of sequential access required and the REGISTER POINTER FIELD should be initialized to the last sequential register file location to be accessed. At each MICROSEQUENCER clock, the loop counter in the instruction is decremented, thus permitting sequential access at the MICROSEQUENCER clock frequency. 708 COUNT FIELD (014-8): This field serves two functions. First, it is loaded into the loop counter for counting microinstruction loops. In this instance, the generation of an END COUNT status bit, will cause branching conditions as defined by the SEQUENCE CONTROL FIELD (031-29). The END COUNT status bit will be set to a logic one when the loop counter is decremented to zero. The second function of this field is for accessing sequential locations of the DESIRED and CURRENT REGISTER FILEs as described in the POINTER DECREMENT ENABLE FIELD. It should be noted that the count value is loaded into the loop counter as the microinstruction containing it is exited. The loop counter is decremented every microinstruction clock or every 128th microinstruction clock for a short loop (SHLP) or a long loop (LGLP) respectively. To perform a count of N, the value N-1 should be specified in the previous instruction in the microcode since the loop counter gets loaded as an instruction is exited. OUT FIELD (07-4): The out field is one of two control fields used to control internal and external operations during microprogram execution. This four bitfield yields one of 16 control outputs as follows: OUT FIELD DEFINITION: MNEMONIC NOP CNTRL4 0000 0001 07-04 RDG 0010 WPRE 0011 0100 WMISS 0101 FREG SNDRM o1 1 1 PREQ1 1000 WCRC 1001 PINTO 1010 1 01 1 1 100 PINT1 110 1 PINT2 1110 DNINT 1111 0110 OPERATION No operation. To DISK INTERFACE block causing the output CTL 4 to change. This output is multiplexed with a programmable output controlled by the local processor. This signal may be used for an external address mark enable when interfacing with ESDI drives. To the DMA block. This signal is a DMA request from the MICROSEQUENCER and enables disk data to get transferred to the DATA Register in the DMA block over the INBUS. It also can cause the output DG (Data Gate) to go active. The DG output is multiplexed with a programmable output controlled by the local processor. RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE. This signal allows the PLO SYNC (preamble) data stored in the DESIRED REGISTER FILE to be loaded into the ENCODER/DECODER/DISK INTERFACE block over the OUTBUS. In addition, it is used to preset all CRC and ECC generation logic. This signal allows the missing clock data pattern stored in the DESIRED REGISTER FILE to be loaded into the ENCODER/DECODER/DISK INTERFACE block over the OUTBUS and generate the missing clock pattern when shifting the data out to the disk. In addition, it is used to start all CRC and ECC generation logic. This signal gates the data stored in the DESIRED REGISTER FILE on to the OUTBUS. This signal gates the error syndrome (from the selected error checker) to the DESIRED REGISTER FILE. This signal causes the contents of the DESIRED REGISTER FILE pointed to by the register pointer field to be loaded into the DISK DMA FUNCTION Register. This signal gates the check bytes (CRC-16, ECC-32 Reed Solomon ECC) out to the disk. RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE. RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE. This signal sets bit 5 of STATUS 2 Register (ADDR 56 H) and will, if enabled, generate an interrupt to the Local Processor. In addition, this interrupt will permit the Local Processor to access the CURRENT REGISTER FILE. It also separates the OFFSET and the AUXILIARY OFFSET COUNTERS. Typically, this interrupt is used for error correction operations. See description of STATUS 2 Register. This signal sets bit 6 of STATUS 2 Register (ADDR 56H) and will, if enabled, generate an interrupt to the Local Processor. In addition, this interrupt will permit the Local Processor to access the CURRENT REGISTER FILE. Typically, this interrupt may be used to permit the Local Processor to read the current 10 information that is stored in the CURRENT REGISTER FILE. This signal will, if enabled, generate an interrupt to the Local Processor. This interrupt is general purpose and can be generated upon recognition of any MICROSEQUENCER detectable condition. The generation of this interrupt will affect no additional hardware. This signal sets bit 4 of the interrupt STATUS 2 Register (ADDR 56 H) and will, if enabled, generate an interrupt to the Local Processor. Typically, this signal is invoked to inform the Local Processor that the current command executed by the MICROSEQUENCER has been completed. Generation of this signal will stop the MICROSEQUENCER, reset BUSY (STATUS 3 Register, Bit 07), and set done (INTERRUPT STATUS Register, Bit 04). In addition, this interrupt will permit the Local Processor to access the CURRENT REGISTER FILE. 709 EXT FIELD (D3-0): The EXT field is one of two control fields used to control internal and external operations during microprogram EXT FIELD DEFINITION: MNEMONIC NOOP SWDG D3-DO 0000 0001 MNEMONIC TREG D3-DO 1000 execution. This four bit field yields one of 16 control outputs as follows: OPERATION No operation. This signal posts a DMA request for the MICROSEQUENCER to the DMA block and is used during disk write operations. The signal allows data to be transferred from the DATA Register in the DMA block to the DISK INTERFACE and ENCODER/DECODER blocks. It also generates the DG (Data Gate) signal. This signal is used to inform the CRC-16 or ECC-32 CHECKER that the respective code SRCRC 0010 is being transferred from the disk. SRECC 0011 This signal is used to inform the Reed Solomon ECC CHECKER that the ECC bytes are being transferred in from the disk. This signal enables the gap detect logic. SGAP 0100 SPRE 0101 This signal enables the compare between incoming data and the value programmed in the appropriate SYNC register(s). Norma"y, this comparison is used to detect a PLO SYNC (preamble) data pattern. The RGATE signal is also set. SMC 0110 This signal enables the compare between incoming data and the value programmed in the appropriate SYNC register(s). Norma"y, this comparison is used to detect a missing clock data pattern. The RGATE signal is also set. SDM 01 1 1 This signal enables the compare between incoming data and the value programmed in the appropriate SYNC register(s). Norma"y, this comparison is used to detect a data mark data pattern. The RGATE signal is also set. SGOFF(1) 1100 This signal resets both RGATE and WGATE. NOTE: The signals above describe operations to be performed as the instruction containing them is exited (The PC is changed). The following signals will be invoked when the instruction containing them is entered. OPERATION This signal gates the contents of the INBUS into the CURRENT REGISTER FILE as pOinted to by the REGISTER POINTER FIELD. 1001 RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE. CRC16 1010 This signal presets the CRC-16 generation and detection logic. ECC32 1 011 This signal presets the ECC-32 or the Reed Solomon generation and detection logic. ZRCLR 11 01 This signal clears the ZERO and AUX ZERO flags in the DMA block. INCE 111 0 This signal causes the contents of the DESIRED REGISTER FILE pOinted to by the register pointer field to be incremented and placed back into the same DESIRED REGISTER location. WGON 1111 This signal sets WGATE on. (1) The signal SGOFF is shown out of numerical sequence to permit it to be grouped accordingly. DISK INTERFACE & ENCODER/DECODER BLOCK The encoder/decoder section is local processor This block interfaces to the rest of the chip via the INBUS programmable to handle FM, MFM, RLL 2, 7 and GCR and the OUTBUS which connects the serial to para"el! codes. Included in this block is the CRC-16 and IBM AT para"el to serial converters to the DESIRED and CURRENT compatible 32 bit ECC generator and checker. REGISTER FILES and the appropriate data registers within REED SOLOMON ERROR CORRECTION BLOCK the DMA block. The REED SOLOMON ECC block has been optimized to In addition to serialization and deserialization of data, this permit single and double burst error correction while block will perform complex high speed compare logic that simultaneously reducing the probability of miscorrection and can sequentially compare a bit pattern read from the disk expanding the error detection capability dramatically. of up to 32 bits in length. Any and a" compares can detect a predefined missing clock pattern. The sequence of FUNDAMENTALS OF REED-SOLOMON ERROR comparisons made prior to declaring a valid synchronization CORRECTING CODES with the rotating media, is fully programmable under The error correction and detection capability of any Reed MICROSEQUENCER control. During write disk operations, Solomon code always relates the number of symbols (bytes) this block can generate fully programmable formats and that are allowed to be in error to permit valid correction and complex missing clock data patterns completely under detection. In the simplest case, data is run through hardware MICROSEQUENCER control. one byte at a time and, depending on the complexity of the 710 hardware and the number of redundancy bytes (bytes appended to the data field) used, one can allow a certain number of these bytes to be in error and still recover the data via correction and or detection. To minimize hardware and maximize the error detection and correction capability of the Reed Solomon code, several identical hardware constructions are employed in parallel; each with their individual limit on the number of symbols (bytes) that can be in error. This method is called interleaving. The interleaving method is set up such that the first byte goes into the first interleave, the second byte into the second interleave, etc. for the entire length of the data plus redundancy fields. The MSD95C02 can employ either two or three interleaves, each interleave containing a maximum of 255 bytes. Further, each interleave can be programmed to handle either 1 or 2 symbols in ermr. The combination of interleaves and allowable symbols in error per interleave, accounts for a variety of local processor programmable error detection and correction capabilities. A few examples will illustrate. CASE 1: Interleave of 2 and the ability to correct 1 byte per interleave --->11 BYTEI- I 11 I 12 I 11 I 12 I 11 I 12 I 11 I 12 I --->19 BITS I - A --->110BITSI- B --->1 10 BITS I - c A: Any and all 9 bit bursts will never span more than one symbol per interleave. This arrangement permits correction of any single 9 bit burst error. B: This 10 bit burst includes two symbols from interleave 1 and hence, cannot guarantee proper correction. C: This 10 bit burst, because of its position, does not include more than one symbol per interleave and can be corrected properly. CASE 2: Interleave of 2 and the ability to correct 2 byte per interleave. --->11 BYTEI- I 11 I 12 I 11 I 12 I 11 I 12 I 11 I 12 I --->19 BITS I - --->1 9 BITS 1<- 1<--25BITS~1 A: Any two randomly placed 9 bit bursts will never include more than two symbols per interleave. This arrangements permits correction of any two, 9 bit burst errors. B: Any single burst error, 25 bits long or smaller, will never include more than two symbols per interleave. This arrangement permits correction of any single 25 bit burst error. CASE 3: Interleave of 3 and the ability to correct 1 symbol per interleave. --->11 BYTEI<- I 11 I 12 I 13 I 11 I 12 I 13 I 11 I 12 I CASE 4: Interleave of 3 and the ability to correct 2 symbols per interleave. --->11 BYTEI- I 11 I 12 I 13 I 11 I 12 I 13 I 11 I 12 I A: B: --->1 I, 17 BITS I41 BITS --->1 17 BITS J I I- A: Any two randomly placed 17 bit bursts will never include more than two symbols per interleave. This arrangement permits correction of any two, 17 bit burst errors. B: Any single burst error, 41 bits long or smaller, will never include more than two symbols per interleave. This arrangement permits correction of any single 41 bit burst error. The MSD 95C02 has the ability to handle 2 or 3 interleaves and can be programmed to correct either single or double burst errors of varying length. Single or double burst error correction capability corresponds to 1 or 2 symbol errors per interleave. The MSD 95C02 provides the user with an additional option used to control the range of the error detection capability. This is performed by including either an ECC eJQension field or a CRC addition field. ECC EXTENSION FIELD: An extension field can be added to the data block being processed to guarantee detection of an extra symbol per interleave. The extension field consists of either 2 (for an interleave of 2) or 3 (for an interleave of 3) additional bytes preceding the original ECC bytes as follows: I DATA FIELD I EXT11EXT21EXT31 ECC1,2 ... N I ~ I SOLOMONTOTAL REED I1 17 BITS 1<- CRC ADDITION' INTERLEAVES 2 TOTAL REDUNDANCY BYTES 6(= 4R1SECC CORR TYPE SEC,MED MAXIMUM DATA BLOCK LENGTH 504 BYTES + 2CRC) 2 3 3 9(= 7R1SECC + 2CRC) 9(= 6 RISECC + 3CRC) 15 (= 12 RIS ECC + 3CRC) DEC,MED 501 BYTES SEC,MED 756 BYTES DEC,MED 750 BYTES SEC = single error correction DEC = double error correction MED = multiple error detection as defined by the CRC extension used ECC EXTENSION' INTERLEAVES 2 2 3 3 TOTAL REDUNDANCY BYTES 6(= 4R1SECC + 2 ECC EXT.) 9(= 7R1SECC + 2 ECC,EXT.) 9(= 6 RlS ECC + 3 ECC EXT.) 15 (= 12 RlS ECC + 3 ECC EXT.) CORR TYPE SEC,DED MAXIMUM DATA BLOCK LENGTH 504 BYTES DEC, TED 501 BYTES SEC,DED 756 BYTES DEC, TED 750 BYTES SEC = single error correction DEC = double error correction TED = triple error detection It is also possible to program the redundancy bytes to exclude both an ECC extension and a CRC addition. In this case the total redundancy bytes, etc. take on the following form: MAXIMUM DATA BLOCK LENGTH 506 BYTES 503 BYTES 759 BYTES 753 BYTES RESET (READ)-40H Reading this register address will reset the MSD95C02. This is referred to as a "soft" reset. Soft and hard resets are indistinguishable. Reset will be terminated by a write to any MSD95C02 register. MODE 1 Register (WRITE)-41H This register space is not presently implemented. MODE 1 Register (write)-41 H The bits in this register are cleared to "0" by a hard or soft reset. This Mode Register is used to control the DMA section. BIT D7: DMA TRANSFER REQUEST COUNTER RESET Writing a "1" to this bit causes the DMA transfer request counter to be reset. This bit does not have to be cleared between writing successive "1 's." BIT D6: RESERVED BIT D5-4: EXTERNAL DEVICE DMA ADDRESS INCREMENT VALUE These bits determine the value that the External Device's DMA address will be incremented for every External Device DMAcycle: INCREMENT VALUE D5 D4 1 0 0 1 2 0 1 0 3 1 1 4 BIT D3: CONTROL OUTPUTS MODE SELECT These bits determine the function of the output pins CTLS-5: D3 = 0: CTL8 is DGATE CTL7 is WRITE CTL6is STO CTL5is ST1 D3 = 1: CTL8-5 are local processor programmed outputs. MODE 2 Register (WRITE)-42H This Mode Register is used to control the Disk Interface and Encoder/Decoder section. 4 BIT D7: COMPOSITE/INDIVIDUAL SYNDROME 7 D7 = 0: The ECC uses individual syndrome. 6 D7 = 1: The ECC uses composite syndrome. 12 BIT D6: TAPE/DISK MODE SEC = Single error correction D6 = 0: Select disk mode. DEC = double error correction D6 = 1: Select tape mode, perform Read after Write using CRC. LOCAL PROCESSOR INTERFACE BLOCK This block has been optimized to interface with Local BIT D5: REFERENCE CLOCK SOURCE Processors that have a multiplexed 8 bit Address/Data bus. This bit is used to select the clock source for the bit rate The internal local processor data bus and address bus are Read/Write circuitry used when the Read Gate is inactive. distributed to all blocks within the MSD95C02. Each block (This bit must be a "1" when using Read after Write for tape has its own address decoder as described in the mode.) OVERVIEW OF THE MSD95C02 REGISTERS section. D5 = 0: RCLK (COMBINED READ/REFERENCE CLOCK) In addition, this block employs a complex interrupt structure D5 = 1: WRITE REF CLOCK used to generate appropriate interrupt based on multiple BIT D4: CONTROL OUTPUTS MODE SELECT internal and external conditions. The interrupts can occur These bits determine the function of the CTL4 pin: from three sources, namely the MICROSEQUENCER, the DMA block and via the four external sense inputs D2 = 0: CTL4 is MICROSEQUENCER output (typically used for ESDI AM enable) (SNS4-1) to the MSD95C02. Figure 10 illustrates the interrupt structure of the MSD92C02 with all the D2 = 1: CTL4 is Local Processor output pin BIT D3: 16/8 BIT COMPARISON corresponding status and interrupt enable registers. This bit will choose the 16 or 8 bit compare mechanism in REGISTER DESCRIPTIONS the ENCODER/DECODER block. The 8 bit compare is used All reserved bits are read as zero and all unused bits should when accepting data in NRZ format. The 16 bit compare is be written as zero for compatibility with future options. used when accepting data in an encoded mode typically to 712 INTERLEAVES 2 2 3 3 TOTAL REDUNDANCY BYTES CORR TYPE SEC DEC SEC DEC establish bit synchronization. Refer to the SYNC Register description for a table of how the compares interact witr this bit. D3 = 0: Choose 8 bit compare. D3 = 1: Choose 16 bit compare. BITS D2-DO: FORMAT These bits are used to control the Encoder and Decoder. D2 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 D1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 DO 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 TYPE OF ENCODING FM MFM M2FM MANCHESTER Rll 2, 7 TYPE 1 Rll 2, 7 TYPE 2 GCR NRZ TABLE 4: ENCODER/DECODER SELECTION Tables 5 and 6 show the correspondence mapping for Rll and GCR encoding respectively INPUT BIT STREAM Rll 2, 7 TYPE 1 Rll 2, 7 TYPE 2 0100 10 0100 100100 010 000100 001100100 00100100 0010 1000 11 1000 011 001000 001000 00001000 00001000 0011 100100 000100 000 TABLE 5: RLL ENCODING MAPPING INPUT BIT STREAM 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 MODE 4 Register (WRITE)-44H This Mode Register is used to control the ECC Interface section. BIT D7: INTERNAUEXTERNAl ECC D7 = 1: Will disable all internal ECC/CRC circuitry. D7 = 0: Will enable all selected ECC/CRC circuitry. BIT D6: INTERLEAVE 2/3 D6 = 1: Indicates Interleave 2 D6 = 0: Indicates Interleave 3 BIT D5: SINGlEIDOUBlE ERROR CORRECTION SELECTION D5 = 1: Correct single error D5 = 0: Correct double error BITS D4, D3: REED-SOLOMON CODE OPTIONS These bits determine the optional ECC configurations and code capabilities D4 D3 OPTION 0 0 REED-SOLOMON DISABLED (USE ECC-32 OR CRC-16) 0 1 REED-SOLOMON only 1 0 REED-SOLOMON WITH ECC EXTENSION 1 1 REED-SOLOMON WITH CRC ADDITION (1) TABLE 7: REED-SOLOMON CODE OPTIONS GCR ENCODING 11001 11011 10010 10011 11101 10101 10110 10111 11010 01001 01010 01011 11110 01101 01110 01111 (1) This is either a 16 bit CRC (for single error correction) or a 24 bit CRC (for double error correction) different than the standard CRC-16 code which can be used as defined by bit D2. BIT D2: ALTERNATE ECC/CRC USAGE D2 = 1: Attaches the IBM® PC/XT'"/AT® compatible 32 bit ECC code to the end of the data field. (X32 +.X28 + X26 + X19 + X17 + X10 + X6 + X2 + 1) D2 = 0: Attaches the standard floppy disk 16 bit CRC code to the end of the data field. (X16 + X12 + X5 + 1) BIT D1 : CRC/PRESET D1 = 1: Preset alternate ECC/CRC Register to "1" before computing. D1 = 0: Preset alternate ECC/CRC Register to "0" before computing. BIT DO: (RESERVED) TABLE 6: GCR ENCODING MAPPING MODE 3 Register (WRITE)-43H This Mode Register is used to control the DISK INTERFACE and ENCODER/DECODER blocks. BIT D7: INVERT DATA Setting this bit to "1" will cause the disk data to be inverted before encoding and after decoding. If this bit is "0", the data will not be inverted. BIT D6: lEVEUPUlSE Setting this bit to "1" will cause the disk data to be decoded as hard disk data (level transitions). If this bit is "0", the data will be decoded as floppy disk (pulse) data. BITS D5-D2: RESERVED BITS D1-DO: CONTROL OUTPUTS MODE SELECT These bits determine the function of the CTl3-1 pins: D1 = 0: CTl3 is WRFClK input IBM® and AT® are registered trademarks of the International Business Machines Corporation. D1 = 1: CTl3 is local Processor output pin (Note: this bit is set to a "0" upon a hard or soft reset) DO = 0: CTl2 is lATE output CTl1 is EARLY output DO = 1: CTl2 and 1 are local Processor programmable outputs. 713 RESERVED REGISTER SPACE-45H This register space is reserved for future expansion. SYNC REGISTER 1·4 (WRITE)-ADDR 46H·49H. The following four SYNC Registers are used to perform either 8 or 16 bit high speed compares on the incoming encoded data from the disk. The compares are executed via three signals in the microcode EXT field. The three signals, SPRE, SMC and SDM are typically used to look for PlO SYNC (preamble) data, missing clock pattern data, and data mark data respectively. The MICROSEQUENCER can check for a valid high speed compare via the signal SYNC in the test field of the microcode word. Tables 8 and 9 illustrate how the compares are used in conjunction with the four SYNC Registers as a function of the encoding scheme used and bit D3 (8/16 bit compare) of MODE 2 Register. pc/xr" is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. SYNC 1 Register (WRITE)-46H This register holds SYNC pattern 1. SYNC 2 Register (WRITE)-47H This register holds SYNC pattern 2. SYNC 3 Register (WRITE)-48H This register holds SYNC pattern 3. SYNC 4 Register (WRITE)-49H This register holds SYNC pattern 4. ENCODING SCHEME FM MFM RLL(1) RLL (2) NRZ&GCR(3) SYNC 1 (47H) ADDRESS MARK DATA MISSING CLOCK DATA MISSING CLOCK PATIERN 1 MISSING CLOCK DATA PATIERN 1 SYNC 2 (48H) DATA MARK DATA PLOSYNC DATA PLOSYNC DATA PLOSYNC DATA PATIERN2 SYNC 3 (48H) PLOSYNC DATA PLOSYNC CLOCK PLOSYNC CLOCK SYNC 4 (49H) DATA MARK CLOCK MISSING CLOCK CLOCK MISSING CLOCK PATIERN2 - - TABLE 8: SYNC REGISTER DEFINITION AS A FUNCTION OF ENCODING SCHEME (1) RLL SYNC Register setup for 16 bit compare (bit D3 of MODE 2 Register = 1) (2) RLL SYNC Register setup for 8 bit compare (bit D3 of MODE 2 Register = 0) (3) NRZ and GCR encoding should always use 8 bit compares (bit D3 of MODE 2 Register = 0) MICROCODE SIGNAL SPRE SPRE 8/16 COMPARE 8 16 SMC SMC 8 16 SDM SDM 8 16 COMPARE BETWEEN DISK DATA AND SYNC REGISTER SYNC 2 (47H) SYNC 2 (47H) FOR DATA TRACK AND SYNC 3 (48H) FOR CLOCK TRACK SYNC 1 (46H) SYNC 1 (46H) FOR DATA TRACK AND SYNC 4 (49H) FOR CLOCK TRACK SYNC 2 (47H) SYNC 2 (47H) FOR DATA TRACK AND SYNC 4 (49H) FOR CLOCK TRACK TABLE 9: SYNC REGISTER COMPARE MATRIX AS A FUNCTION OF MICROCODE SIGNALS The following two registers represent a 12 bit TAPE BYTE TAPE BYTE COUNTER LOW (WRITE)-4BH counter. This counter is needed during tape Read/Write This register holds the lower eight bits ofthe twelve bit Tape operating to inform the readback circuitry that the data block Byte Counter. This counter is used to count the number of plus the two byte CRC field has been read. Only the CRC- bytes used for CRC 2 during the Read after Write. 16 can be used with the tape feature. It is loaded with the value equal to the number of bytes in the data block plus 2 LOCAL PROCESSOR OUTPUT Register (WRITE)-4CH (for the CRC-16 fielp). This register holds the data that is directly output on the TAPE BYTE COUNTER HIGH (WRITE)-4AH CTL8-1 pins when they are configured as Local Processor This register holds the upper four bits of the twelve bit Tape outputs by bits in MODE 1, MODE 2 and MODE 3 Registers. Byte Counter. This counter is used to count the number of Bit 7 is output on CTL8 and bit 0 is output on CTL1. These bytes used for CRC 2 during the Read after Write. bits are cleared to zero by a hard or soft reset. 714 Read After Write Fault bit in the STATUS 4 Register goes active high. BIT D3: SENSE 4 CHANGE INTERRUPT ENABLE Setting this bit to "1" will cause the MSD95C02 to set the Interrupt Pending and Sense Change bits in the INTERRUPT STATUS Register when the Sense 4 Change bit in the STATUS 4 Register goes active high. BIT D2: SENSE 3 CHANGE INTERRUPT ENABLE Setting this bit to "1 " will cause the MSD95C02 to set the Interrupt Pending and Sense Change bits in the INTERRUPT STATUS Register when the SENSE 3 Change bit in the STATUS 4 Register goes active high. BIT D1 : SENSE 2 CHANGE INTERRUPT ENABLE Setting this bit to "1 " will cause the MSD95C02 to set the Interrupt Pending and Sense Change bits in the INTERRUPT STATUS Register when the SENSE 2 Change bit in the STATUS 4 Register goes active high. BIT DO: SENSE 1 CHANGE INTERRUPT ENABLE Setting this bit to "1" will cause the MSD95C02 to set the Interrupt Pending and Sense Change bits in the INTERRUPT STATUS Register when the SENSE 1 Change bit in the STATUS 4 Register goes active high. INTERRUPT ENABLE 1 Register (READIWRITE)-4DH The bits in this register are cleared to zero by a hard or soft reset. BIT 07: MASTER INTERRUPT ENABLE Setting this bit to "1" will cause the MSD95C02 to drive its INT output pin active when an enabled condition causes the Interrupt Pending status bit to go active high. BIT D6: DMA INTERRUPT ENABLE Setting this bit to "1" will cause the MSD95C02 to set the Interrupt Pending status bit when the DMA bit in the INTERRUPT STATUS Register goes active high. BIT D5: (RESERVED) BIT 04: DONE INTERRUPT ENABLE Setting this bit to "'!-" will cause the MSD95C02 to set the Interrupt Pending status bit when the DONE bit in the INTERRUPT STATUS Register goes active high. BIT 03: (RESERVED) BIT D2-DO: (reserved for future expansion) INTERRUPT ENABLE 2 Register (READIWRITE)-4EH The bits in this register are cleared to zero by a hard or soft reset. BIT D7: PROGRAM 2 INTERRUPT ENABLE Setting this bit to "1" will cause the MSD95C02 to set the Interrupt Pending and Program status bits in the INTERRUPT STATUS Register when the PROG 2 bit in the STATUS 2 Register goes active high. BIT 06: PROGRAM 1 INTERRUPT ENABLE Setting this bit to "1" will cause the MSD95C02 to set the Interrupt Pending and Program status bits in the INTERRUPT STATUS Register when the PROG 1 bit in the STATUS 2 Register goes active high. BIT 05: PROGRAM 0 INTERRUPT ENABLE Setting this bit to "1" will cause the MSD95C02 to set the Interrupt Pending and Program status bits in the INTERRUPT STATUS Register when the PROG 0 bit in the STATUS 2 Register goes active high. BITS D4-DO: (RESERVED) DMA FUNCTION Register (READ)-50H BITS D7-D6. These bits specify the operation to be performed on the internal register file by the Local Processor: INTERRUPT ENABLE 3 Register (READIWRITE)-4FH The bits in this register are cleared to zero by a hard or soft reset. BITS D7-D6: MUST BE SET TO ZERO (RESERVED) BIT 05: WRITE FAULT ENABLE Setting this bit to "1" will cause the MSD95C02 to set the Write Fault bit in the STATUS 4 Register and cause the test point "NTP2" to go active when the Sense 2 Change bit in the STATUS 4 Register goes active high. In tape mode, setting this bit will also cause test point "NTP2" to go active if Rea:d After Write Enable is active and a CRC error occurs during a Read after Write. BIT 04: READ AFTER WRITE INTERRUPT ENABLE Setting this bit to "1" will cause the MSD95C02 to set the Interrupt Pending and STATUS 4 Interrupt bits in the INTERRUPT STATUS Register when the 715 D7D6 FUNCTION 0 0 SOURCE + OFFSET COUNTER-+ DESTINATION (Note 1) 0 1 SOURCE + N -+ DESTINATION; DECREMENT OFFSET COUNTER 1 0 SOURCE -+ DESTINATION 1 1 SOURCE + N -+ DESTINATION N = 1 for disk and local processor data transfers N specified for MODE 1 Register for External channel (SCSI) data transfers TABLE 10: DMA FUNCTION REGISTER OPERATION Notes: 1. For this case, the only destinations that can be updated are the OFFSET COUNTER and the MAILBOX. All other destinations will cause the OVERFLOW flag to be updated as a function of the result out of the ALU, but will not update the destination. 2. When the controller changes the contents of the OFFSET and AUXILIARY OFFSET COUNTERS, it must set orclear the zero bit via the START COMMAND Register bits 4 and 3. 3. The OFFSET COUNTER cannot be used as a source. If it is used as a source, it will take on the value of zero. During error correction, it becomes necessary to use the OFFSET COUNTER as a source. See appendix 3 for a description of ERROR CORRECTION ON THE FLY for more detail. BITS D5-D3. Source register file address. BITS D2-00. Destination register file address. These bits select the register file address location(s) accessed by the operation specified by bits D7 and D6. DS D2 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 D4 D1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 D3 DO 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 REGISTER SELECTED MAILBOX HIGH, LOW OFFSET COUNTER CONSTANT 1 CONSTANT 2 LOCAL PROCESSOR ADDRESS EXTERNAL DEVICE ADDRESS DISK REGISTER DISK ADDRESS TABLE 11: DMA FUNCTION REGISTER SOURCE! DESTINATION caused by PROGO or PROG1 to allow MICROSEQUENCER access to the CURRENT REGISTER FILE. Writing a logic zero will have no effect. BIT D1 : (RESERVED) BIT DO: HALT Writing a logic "1" to this register will cause "NTP2" to go active. The MICROSEQUENCER can test "NTP2" at certain times to determine if it should terminate execution of the present command. This bit is a way for the local processor to halt the microprogram at an appropriate time (for example; at the end of a sector read) by having the microprogram interrogate NTP2 at that time. MAILBOX HIGH Register (READIWRITE)-51H BITS D7-DO: HIGH ORDER DMA ADDRESS BITS; A1S-8 . INTERRUPT STATUS Register (READ)-54H This register functions as a mailbox for transfer of the high This register is the master interrupt status register. It should order address bits to and from the DMA register file. be ~ead after an interrupt is generated to determine which logical block generated the interrupt condition. MAILBOX LOW Register (READ/WRITE)-52H BIT D7: INTERRUPT PENDING BITS D7-DO: LOW ORDER DMA ADDRESS BITS; A7-0 This bit is set to "1" when one of the enabled This register functions as a mailbox for transfer of the low interrupt conditions occur. It is cleared to "0" order address bits to and from the DMA register file. when the interrupt causing condition(s) are cleared. DATA Register (READIWRITE)-53H D6: DMA INTERRUPT BIT This register functions as a mailbox for data transfers This bit is set to "1" when the ZERO or between the Local Processor and the Ring Buffer. Local AUXILIARY ZERO bits in the STATUS 1 (DMA) Processor read and writes to the Ring Buffer are funnelled Regi~ter go active high. It is cleared to "0" by through this register which resides in the DMA block. The reading the STATUS 1 (DMA) Register, a hard or Local Processor should poll STATUS 1 Register, bit 1 a soft reset. (REQUEST 1), to determine the status of local processor BIT DS: PROGRAM INTERRUPT initiated DMA cycles. This bit is set to "1" when one of the enabled START COMMAND Register (WRITE)-54H PROG2-0 bits in the STATUS 2 Register goes active high. It is cleared to "0" by reading the Writing to this register initiates microprogram execution. STATUS 2 Register, a hard or a soft reset. BIT D7: START ENABLE BIT D4: DONE INTERRUPT Setting this bitto a logic "1" will set the BUSYbit in STATUS This bit is set to "1" when the MSD9SC02 3 Register and enable the start of microprogram execution. completes a command. This interrupt is BIT D6: DISK DMA DIRECTION generated by the microcode and indicates that This bit selects the direction of DMA data transfer the internal MICROSEQUENCER has stopped. for the disk data channel: This bit is reset to "0" by reading STATUS 3 Register, or by a hard or soft reset. D6 = 1 Disk to Ring Buffer (Disk READ) D6 = 0 Ring Buffer to Disk (Disk WRITE) BIT D3: SENSE CHANGE INTERRUPT This bit is set to "1" when one of the enabled BIT DS: EXTERNAL DEVICE DMA DIRECTION Sense 4-1 Change bits in the STATUS 4 Register This bit selects the direction of DMA data transfer goes active high. This bit is reset to "0" by reading for the EXTERNAL data channel: the STATUS 4 Register, a hard or a soft reset. DS = 1 External Device to Ring Buffer. BIT D2: STATUS 4 Register INTERRUPT DS = 0 Ring Buffer to External Device. This bit is set to "1" when the Read After Write BIT D4, D3: DMA ZERO BIT CONTROL interrupt in STATUS 4 Register goes active high. These bits can set or reset the zero output of This bit is reset to "0" by reading the STATUS 4 the DMA OFFSET and AUXILIARY OFFSET Register, a hard or a soft reset. COUNTERs: BITS D1-DO: (RESERVED) D3 D4 RESULT No change to zero indicator 0 0 STATUS 1 Register (READ)-55H Reset zero indicator 1 0 This register contains status about the DMA block. Bits 1 Set zero indicator 0 D3-DO are cleared to zero following a hard or soft reset. Bits 1 1 Undefined D7-D4 are unaffected by a hard or soft reset. TABLE 12: DMA ZERO BIT CONTROL BIT D7: AUXILIARY ZERO This bit re~lects the state of the zero flag of the BIT D2: CRR (Current Register Read) AUXILIARY OFFSET COUNTER. This bit is set Writing a logic "1" to this register indicates that the by a hard or soft reset. microprocessor has finished reading the BIT D6: ZERO information in the CURRENT REGISTER FILE. This bit reflects the state of the zero flag of the This must be done after an interrupt has been 716 OFFSET COUNTER. This bit is set by a hard or soft reset. BIT D5: OVERFLOW This bit reflects the state of the overflow flag generated from the ALU in the DMA block. BIT D4: (RESERVED) BIT D3: REQUEST 3 This bit reflects the state of the MICROSEQUENCER housekeeping DMA cycle request latch. A logic "1" indicates that the DMA cycle request has either not been acknowledged or is in progress and a logic "0" indicates thatthe DMA cycle has been completed. BIT D2: REQUEST 2 This bit reflects the state of the MICROSEQUENCER data transfer DMA cycle request latch. A logic "1" indicates that the DMA cycle request has either not been acknowledged or is in progress and a logic "0" indicates thatthe DMA cycle has been completed. BIT D1 : REQUEST 1 This bit reflects the state of the Local Processor channel DMA cycle request latch. A logic "1" indicates that the DMA cycle request has either not been acknowledged or is in progress and a logic "0" indicates that the DMA cycle has been completed. BIT DO: REQUEST 0 This bit reflects the state of the External Device channel DMA cycle request latch. A logic "1" indicates that the DMA cycle request has either not been acknowledged or is in progress and a logic "0" indicates that the DMA cycle has been completed. BIT D5: PROGRAMMABLE INTERRUPT 0 This is a programmable interrupt that is set under MICROSEQUENCER control. This interrupt will allow the local processor to access the CURRENT REGISTER FILE. The MICROSEQUENCER will not be able to update the CURRENT REGISTER FILE until the local processor has indicated that it has finished reading the CURRENT REGISTER FILE by writing a "1" to bit D2 (CRR) of the START COMMAND Register. The generation of this interrupt will delink the OFFSET and AUXILIARY OFFSET COUNTERS in the DMA block. This interrupt is used to indicate an ECC error. Service would be required by having the Local Processor read the error syndrome residing in the CURRENT REGISTER FILE, correct the error and properly relink the AUXILIARY OFFSET and OFFSET COUNTERs in the DMA block back together. See Appendix 4 (ECC ON THE FLY) for further details. BITS D4-DO: (RESERVED) STATUS 3 Register (READ)-57H This register contains status aboutthe MICROSEQUENCER block. The values in bits D4-0 are valid when the Done Interrupt bit is active high. BITD7: BUSY This bit indicates the state of the MICROSEQUENCER. o = MICROSEQUENCER is finished or reset. 1 = MICROSEQUENCER is executing a program. BITS D6-D5: (RESERVED) BITS D4-DO: PROGRAM COUNTER DATA These bits will hold the address ofthe instruction executed prior to executing the instruction that generated the Done Interrupt via the signal DNINT in the OUT field of the MICROSEQUENCER RAM. They are valid after the Done status bit is set indicating that the MICROSEQUENCER has stopped running. STATUS 2 Register (READ)-56H This register contains status about the M ICROSEQUENCER block. The Program Interrupt bits are set under MICROSEQUENCER control. The PROG2-0 bits are cleared to zero by reading the STATUS 2 Register, a hard or a soft reset. BITS D7-D5: PROGRAMMABLE INTERRUPTS 2-0. STATUS 4 Register (READ)-58H These bits are set to "1" under This register contains status information. MICROSEQUENCER control. These bits are BIT D7: RESERVED reset to "0" by reading the Status 2 Register, a BIT D6: ABNORMAL DATA MARK hard or a soft reset. This bit is set to "1" when the BIT D7: PROGRAMMABLE INTERRUPT 2 MICROSEQUENCER tests the data mark and it This is a programmable interrupt that is set does not match the data mark in the DESIRED under a MICROSEQUENCER control. This is a REGISTER. This bit being set will cause "NTP2" general purpose interrupt that can be generated to become active. This bit is reset by the start of upon recognition of any MICROSEQUENCER execution of a command. detectable condition. The generation of this BIT D5: WRITE FAULT interrupt will affect no additional hardware. This bit is set to "1" when the SNS2 input BIT D6: PROGRAMMABLE INTERRUPT 1 undergoes a high-to-Iow level transition if the This is a programmable interrupt that is set WRITE FAULT enable bit of the INTERRUPT underMICROSEQUENCER control. This ENABLE 3 Register is an active "1 ". This bit being interrupt will allow the local processor to set will cause "NTP2" to become active. This bit access the CURRENT REGISTER FILE. The is resetto "0" by reading the STATUS 4 Register, MICROSEQUENCER will not be able to update a hard or a soft reset. the register file until the local processor has BIT D4: READ AFTER WRITE ERROR indicated that it has finished readmg the register This bit is set to "1" when a CRC error occurs file by writing a "1" to bit D2 (CRR) of the START during a Read After Write while in the tape mode. COMMAND Register. This interrupt may be used This bit is reset to "0" by reading the STATUS 4 for ID field interrupt to permit the local processor Register, a hard or a soft reset. to read the current ID information that is stored 717 BIT 03: SENSE 4 CHANGE This bit is set to "1" when the SNS4 input undergoes a high-to-Iow or low-to-high level transition. This bit is reset to "0" by reading the STATUS 4 Register, a hard or a soft reset. BIT 02: SENSE 3 CHANGE This bit is set to "1" when the SNS3 input undergoes a high-to-Iow level transition. This bit is reset to "0" by reading the STATUS 4 Register, a hard or a soft reset. BIT 01: SENSE 2 CHANGE This bit is set to "1" when the SNS2 input undergoes a high-to-Iow level transition. This bit is reset to "0" by reading the STATUS 4 Register, a hard or a soft reset. BIT 00: SENSE 1 CHANGE This bit is set to "1" when the SNS1 input undergoes a high-to-Iow level transition. This bit is reset to "0" by reading the STATUS 4 Register, a hard or a soft reset. When the Local Processor reads this register, this bit must not be reset before it is read. REGISTERS (READ)-59H, 5AH, 5BH These registers are reserved. for future expansion. DEVICE INPUTS Register (READ)-5CH This register reflects the status of the external TEST and SENSE inputs. The MS095C02 can be programmed to generate an interrupt from some of these input pins as follows: BIT 07: TEST 4 This bit reflects the state of the TST4 input. BIT 06: TEST 3 This bit reflects the state of the TST3 input. BIT 05: TEST 2 This bit reflects the state of the TST2 input. BIT 04: TEST 1 This bit reflects the state of the TST1 input. BIT 03: SENSE 4 This bit reflects the state of the SNS4 input. The MS095C02 can be programmed to generate an interrupt whenever this input transitions (level change interrupt). BIT 02: SENSE 3 This bit reflects the state of the SNS3 input. The MS095C02 can be programmed to generate an interrupt whenever this input transitions from high to low (negative edge triggered interrupt). BIT 01 : SENSE 2 This bit reflects the state of the SNS2 input. The MS095C02 can be programmed to generate an interrupt whenever this input transitions from high to low (negative edge triggered interrupt). BIT 00: SENSE 1 This bit reflects the state of the SNS1 input. The MS095C02 can be programmed to generate an interrupt whenever this input transitions from high to low (negative edge triggered interrupt). MAXIMUM GUARANTEED RATINGS Operating Temperature Range ..... , ...........................................................................0· to 70·C Storage Temperature Range .......................................................................... - 55·C to + 150·C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10 sec) ........................................................................... + 300·C Positive Voltage on any Pin, with respect to Ground ......................................................... Vcc +0.3V Negative Voltage on any Pin, with respect to Ground ............................................................. - 0.3V Maximum Voltage on Vee pin ........................................................................................ 7.0V Stresses above those listed may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other condition above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. NOTE: When powering this device from laboratory or system power supplies, it is important that the "Maximum Guaranteed Ratings" not be exceeded, or device failure can result. Some power supplies exhibit voltage spikes or "glitches" on their outputs when AC power is switched off. In addition, voltage transients on the AC power line may appear on the DC output. If this possibility exists it is suggested that a clamp circuit be used. DC ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS TA = O·C to 70·C, Vcc = 5.0V, ± 5%) Icc OUTPUT VOLTAGE High, VOH Low, INPUT VOLTAGE High, VIH1 High, VIH2 Low, VIH1 Low, INPUT LEAKAGE High,I'H Low, IlL 2.4 0.4 V V 0.8 1.5 V V V V Except OMACLK, RCLK, CTL3 OMACLK, RCLK, CTL3 Except OMACLK, RCLK, CTL3 OMACLK, RCLK, CTL3 10 10 IJ.A jJ.A VIH = 2.0V, Except OMACLK, RCLK, CTL3 VIH = 3.5V, OMACLK, RCLK, CTL3 VIL = 0.8V, Except OMACLK, RCLK, CTL3 VIL = 1.5V, OMACLK, RCLK, CTL3 2.0 3.5 718 AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS All minimum and maximum times are given assuming a 20MHz clock. If the time is clock dependent, then the equation is given under the comments column. This is to allow calculation of the time delays using slower clock rates. AC ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS TA DATA SYMBOL PATH MIN T, = O°C to 70°C, Vee = 5.0V, ± 5%) TIMING MAX UNITS 100 ns COMMENTS ADDR TO DATA VALID (3xDMACLK) - 50 nsec T. 0 ns READ DATA HOLD FROM ADDR CHNG T3 140 ns OE PULSE WIDTH (3xDMACLK) -10 nsec T. 75 ns OE TO READ DATA VALID (3xDMACLK) - 75 nsec T5 35 ns OE TO DATA HIGH IMPEDANCE (DMACLK) -15 nsec OE TO TRAILING EDGE OF DACK (2.5xDMACLK) - 25 nsec TRAILING EDGE OF DACK TO TRAILING EDGE OF OE (0.5xDMACLK) -10 nsec T. 100 ns T9 15 ns TlO 0 ns ADDR SETUP TIME TO WE Tll 25 ns WRITE RECOVERY TIME (ADDR HOLD AFTER WE INACTIVE) (DMACLK - 25 nsec) T,. 75 ns WE PULSE WIDTH (2xDMACLK) - 25 nsec T'3 40 ns WRITE DATA SETUP TIME (DMACLK -10 nsec) T,. 25 ns WRITE DATA HOLD TIME (DMACLK -10 nsec) T'5 85 ns DACK TO TRAILING EDGE OF WE (2xDMACLK) -15 nsec T'6 10 ns TRAILING EDGE OF WE TO TRAILING EDGE OF DACK (0.5xDMACLK) -10 nsec T,i 50 ns DACK PULSE WIDTH HIGH (1.5xDMACLK) -25 nsec T, • 100 ns DACK PULSE WIDTH LOW (2.5xDMACLK) - 25 nsec T,. 85 ns SO, S1 HOLD AFTER OE ACTIVE (2xDMACLK) -15 nsec T'b 85 ns SO, S1 HOLD AFTER WE ACTIVE (2xDMACLK) -15 nsec T,c 85 ns SO, S1 VALID TO ADDRESS VALID (2xDMACLK) -15 nsec (MIN) (2xDMACLK) + 15 nsec (MAX) T'd 185 ns SO, S1 WIDTH (4xDMACLK) -15 nsec T2a 135 ns WRITE HOLD AFTER OE ACTIVE (3xDMACLK) -15 nsec T2b 135 ns WRITE HOLD AFTER WE ACTIVE (3xDMACLK) -15 nsec TOo 35 ns WRITE VALID TO ADDRESS VALID (1xDMACLK) -15 nsec (MIN) (1 xDMACLK) + 15 nsec (MAX) T2d 185 ns WRITE WIDTH (4xDMACLK) -15 nsec 115 65 71.9 ='=T_'d--=---=--=~jr__ --+l ~f+---_; _ T,,_ !.....-T2a ,I T'd S0,S1 T2b I X j I - T" -+ - - - ~T1b~ Tlo r A15-0 r----- T, I-Tll-j I:-T T,. lO - T3 !-T4 - I"t- T6+-\, D87-0 , ~T17-1 v:; 0- read data from RAM T. T" ~-----RAM to MSD 95C02 ,"""I or RAM to External Device -T~ .Ih-r V write data to RAM f+-T13 - I+T14.j - T" r T15 ~,y -+l- External Device to RAM----~.~I or MSD 95C02 to RAM FIGURE 11: DATA PATH TIMING DMA CLOCK and DMA REQUEST TIMING SYMBOL MIN COMMENTS MAX UNITS 1000 nsec DMACLK CYCLE TIME 50 T20 20 nsec DMACLK HIGH TIME T21 DMACLK LOW TIME 20 nsec T22 nsec DMACLK RISE TIME 5 T23 DMACLK FALL TIME 5 nsec T24 DMAREQ' CYCLE TIME (Note 1) T25 1.1xT20 nsec nsec DMAREQ LOW TIME 20 T26 DMAREQ HIGH TIME 20 nsec T27 T28 nsec DMAREQ RISE TIME 5 nsec DMAREQ FALL TIME 5 T29 NOTE 1: Can be 1XT21 a if DMAREQ is synchronized to DMACLK. FIGURE 12: DMA CLOCK and DMA REQUEST TIMING 720 INTERRUPT TIMING SYMBOL MIN T30 MAX 100 UNITS nsec COMMENTS INTERRUPT RESET FROM RDorWR n- INTm \ RD(DS) '- WR(DS) FIGURE 13: INTERRUPT TIMING DISK (Write Data) TIMING SYMBOL T, T2 T3 T4 Ts T6 T7 T. Te Tea T,o Tl1 MIN 48 0.40 T1 0.40 T1 MAX 5 5 (TBD) (TBD) 0.75 T1 1.25 T1 10 10 0.5 T1 2xT1-20 UNITS nsec nsec nsec nsec nsec nsec nsec nsec nsec nsec nsec nsec COMMENTS CYCLE TIME HIGH TIME LOW TIME RISE TIME FALL TIME DATA SETUP TIME DATA HOLD TIME CYCLE TIME WDATA VALID TO EARLY, LATE EARLY, LATE VALID TO WDATA VALID Hold from trailing edge of WDATA Active time 2XRCLK WRFCLK WDATA (NRZ) WDATA (Pulse Mode) I T.I T9a~~r- -1;0/- ~~fJ-Y --.J/jJJ r- T" -1 \'---__~/ FIGURE 14: DISK (Write Data) TIMING 721 l Microprocessor Interface Timing SYMBOL T, T2 T3 T. T5 T6 T7 T. T9 T,o T11 T'2 T'3 T" T'5 RlW OS RD WR 45 30 15 120 70 10 110 135 25 20 20 0 0 0 0 45 30 15 120 115 10 110 135 25 20 20 0 0 0 0 I- COMMENTS ALE (AS) ACTIVE PULSE WIDTH ADDRESS VALID TO ALE INACTIVE ALE INACTIVE TO ADDRESS INVALID READ STROBE LOW PULSE WIDTH RD (OS) ACTIVE TO READ DATA VALID READ DATA HOLD FROM RD (OS) HIGH WRITE STROBE LOW PULSE WIDTH WRITE DATA VALID TO WRJQ.S)~ACTIVE WRITgj)ATA HOLD FROM WR (OS) INACTIVE ALE (AS) INACTIVE TO READ STROBE ACTIVE ALE ffi..S) INACTIVE TO WRITE STROBE ACTIVE RD (I2§) INACTIVE TO ALE ACTIVE WR (OS) INACTIVE TO ALE ACTIVE C~VALID TO RD, WR OR OS R/W VALID TO ALE (AS) INACTIVE UNITS nsec min nsec min nsec min nsec min nsec MAX nsec min nsec min nsec min nsec min nsec min nsec min nsec min nsec min nsec MAX nsec min T,. • I_T,-- / I-T,- "' ALE -+-T2~ AD0AD? ~ ./ .T._ - T3 - - - ADDRESS ~ DATA ~/ -Ts- -T,o AlW t _ _....J! T,s+ - T , o "~ • • "', • - / T. • -T'2- /V T. • -T'2- FIGURE 15: MICROPROCESSOR INTERFACE TIMING (READ) 722 V-- T" • - I _ T, - / I -+- T, ----+- r-- ALE AD0· AD7 =>-- +T2 ..... .......-.- T3-----+'" _ _ _ T, ADDRESS - + - - T,,----.. I. . .T15~ -+----T'l~ • DATA • T, "- • T, _T,~ 1 • - + - T'3----+- • . . . . - - TT3-----+- RMI - - - - - \ c FIGURE 16: MICROPROCESSOR INTERFACE TIMING (WRITE) DISK INTERFACE TIMING COMMENTS Write gate setup to AMENA Write gate active time Write gate hold after AMENA AMENA active time Index active time AMENA TO AMFNO AMENA inactive to AMFNO inactive AMFNO active time AMFNO active to RGATE active ROATA active time ROATA setup to 2xRCLK ROATA hold from 2xRCLK SNS1 active time TST3 active time SNS2 active time SNS3 active time SNS4 active time TST2 active time RST active time LPS active time (Note 1) RGATE active time NOTE 1 If the chip is at idle, then the time from LPS becoming active until the chip actually enters the low power mode is the longest of the following times: 1. (2 x (2XRCLK)) + 200nsec 2. (2 x (WRFCLK)) + 200nsec 3. (0.5 x (OMACLK)) + 200nsec 723 SYMBOL T40 T4O• T41 T42 T43 T44 T45 T46 T47 T49 T50 T51 T52 T53 T54 T55 T56 T57 T58 T59 T608 MIN (TBO) 8xWCLK (TBO) 8xWCLK 50 (TBO) (TBO) 50 (TBO) 25 12 12 25 25 25 25 25 25 1 0 8xWCLK MAX UNITS nsec nsec nsec nsec nsec nsec nsec nsec nsec nsec nsec nsec nsec nsec nsec nsec nsec nsec f!.sec nsec nsec I WGATE AMENA T40a 'I -.J ~; ~ .~ T42 Write Address Mark Timing 2XRCLK \ NRZ READ DATA TIMING } INDEX T43 ·1 \ Index Timing AMENA -.l LDPT~ --I---T,,-I- \ ~'\ ~; ~! T46 AMFND RGATE ATEN/WF~ f.- Too---1 j CMDDN \ ~T"---1'---- Read Address Mark Timing FIGURE 18: DISK INTERFACE TIMING 2 FIGURE 17: DISK INTERFACE TIMING 1 READY _ _ ~I \ --'I \ ~T56~'---- ECCERR _ _ _ RST LPS RGATE ~T57-1\....---- ~~T58~1 1'--- '\ ----,t-T.-}r---I \ -~~Too~'---- FIGURE 19: DISK INTERFACE TIMING 3 724 APPENDIX 1-SAMPLE MICROPROGRAMS: 1-FORMAT COMMAND The following description and microprogram will format a Hard disk with the following format: IL INDEXJl IGAP 11 SYNC IMCIAMICYL IHDlsEClcRC IGAP21SYNC IMC 10M I DATA IECC IGAP31GAP41 E REPEATED N TIMES , All of the following variables can contain any data and be microprogrammed for any length (in bytes). GAP1-Post index gap. SYNC-The PLO SYNC (preamble) field. MC-Missing clock pattern. AM-Address mark. CYL-Cylinder number. HD-Head number. SEC-Sector number. CRC-One of sever~1 selectable check bytes. GAP2-Header to data gap. OM-Data mark. DATA-The data field. ECC-One of 2 selectable ECC codes. GAP3-Post data field gap. GAP4-Pre index gap. N-The number of sectors per track. Prior to executing the format command with the defined microprogram written in the Microprogram RAM, the local processor should load the DESIRED REGISTER FILE with the data to be used in each of the defined fields in the format. The microprogram will point to these preloaded values, via the register pointer field, to permit the data to be transferred to the ENCODER/DECODER block and finally out to the disk. The Local Processor should also load the Ring Buffer with the TRACK, HEAD and SECTOR of all the sectors to be formatted in consecutive locations as follows: RING BUFFER LOCATION DATA 0000 TRACK # HEAD # 0001 SECTOR # FOR FIRST 0002 SECTOR AFTER INDEX TRACK # 0003 HEAD # 0004 SECTOR # FOR SECOND 0005 SECTOR AFTER INDEX o o o o TRACK # HEAD # SECTOR # FOR LAST o SECTOR ON THE TRACK This format tabJe can start at any Ring Buffer memory address. o The Local Processor should also set the DISK ADDRESS Register in the DMA block to the first address in this 10 format sequence. In this case it would be address 0000. The track number, head number and sector number may be merged into two bytes as a function of the disk format used. 725 For the microprogram shown below, the DESIRED REGISTER FILE is loaded as follows: DESIRED REGISTER LABEL ADDRESS M(GAP1) OC HEX M(SYNC) OA HEX CONTENTS M(MC) OB HEX Al HEX M(GAP2) OC HEX M(AM) OE HEX 4E HEX FE HEX SLEW OF HEX EO HEX M(DM) M(FDAT) M(GAP3) M(GAP4) 09 08 OC OC FB E5 4E 4E HEX HEX HEX HEX 4E HEX 00 HEX HEX HEX HEX HEX COMMENTS DATA IN GAP 1 DATA IN SYNC FIELD MISSING CLOCK PATTERN DATA IN GAP 2 ADDRESS MARK DATA 2'S COMPo OF # OF SECTORS (16) TO BE WRITTEN DATA MARK DATA FORMAT DATA DATA IN GAP3 DATA IN GAP4 In addition, the following variables, which control the length of each field in the format command, are aSSigned the specified values for this microprogram: VARIABLE GAP 1 GAP2 GAP3 PLO ASSIGNED VALUE 10 HEX 03 HEX 12 HEX ODHEX DTFLD 04 HEX CRC 02 HEX ECC 04 HEX COMMENTS LENGTH OF GAP 1 LENGTH OF GAP 2 LENGTH OF GAP 3 LENGTH OF PLO SYNC FIELD LENGTH OF DATA FIELD (128 X 4 = 512) LENGTH OF CRC FIELD (USES CRC-16) LENGTH OF ECC FIELD (USES ECC-32) This example assumes thatthe INDEX pulse from the drive is input on TST1. The microcode is loaded by the local processor in byte address space 80H to FFH according to table 13. LOCAL PROCESSOR ADDRESS (A7-AO) lXXXXXOO lXXXXXOl lXXXXX10 1 XXXXXll DATA (D7-DO) OUT 3-0, EXT 3-0 REGISTER DECREMENT (PEN), COUNTS-O TEST 3-0, REGISTER POINTER 3-0 (POINT) SEa 2-0, ADDR 4-0. TABLE 13: LOCAL PROCESSOR TO MICROCODE ADDRESS MAPPING MICROPROGRAM: INST# 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 OA OB OC 00 OE OF 10 11 12 13 LABEL START WAIT BEGIN OUT LAST SEQ TSJ TSJ SHLP SHLP SHLP SHLP SHLP SHLP SHLP SHLP SHLP SHLP SHLP LGLP SHLP CI TSJ TSJ SHLP CI ADDR START WAIT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OUT BEGIN OUT 0 LAST TEST ONE TST1 ZERO ZERO ZERO ZERO ZERO ZERO ZERO ZERO ZERO ZERO ZERO ZERO ZERO XEND ZERO TST1 ZERO ONE POINT 0 0 M(GAP1) M(SYNC) M(MC) M(AM) 0 SLEW 0 M(GAP2) M(SYNC) M(MC) M(DM) M(FDAT) 0 SLEW M(SYNC) M(GAP4) M(GAP4) 0 PEN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 COUNT 4-1 GAP1-1 PLO-1 1-1 1-1 3-1 CRC-2 1-1 GAP2-1 PLO-1 1-1 1-1 DTFLD-1 ECC-1 1-1 1-1 GAP3-1 1-1 1-1 1-1 OUT 0 0 FREG WPRE WMISS FREG 0 WCRC WCRC FREG WPRE WMISS FREG FREG WCRC FREG FREG FREG FREG DNINT EXT SGOFF 0 WGON CRC16 0 SWDG 0 INCE 0 ECC32 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SGOFF SGOFF COMMENTS: 031-00 is the actual assembled microcode loaded into the microprogram RAM. INST# 00 01 02 03 04 031-00 OC03 FO 80 00 OF 7081 6F OCOCOO 4AOO OAOO 5000 OB 00 05 61 02 OE 00 06 00000000 07 9E 00 OF 00 08 09 OA OB 90020000 6B OCOO 00 4000 OA 00 5000 OB 00 OC 00 OE OF 60030900 60030820 90000000 6000 AF71 10 11 12 6011 OA 82 60004C91 6COO OCOO 13 FCOO FO 73 COMMENTS ENSURE THAT READ AND WRITE GATE ARE OFF. WAIT FOR INDEX AND THEN GO TO NEXT INSTRUCTION. RAISE WRITE GATE; WRITE GAP 1 DATA FOR GAP 1 TIME. WRITE PLO SYNC (PREAMBLE) DATA FOR PLO TIME. WRITE MISSING CLOCK PATTERN USING MISSING CLOCK DATA FOR 1 BYTE TIME. WRITE ADDRESS MARK DATA FOR 1 BYTE TIME. PREPARE TRANSFER OF DATA FROM RING BUFFER TO DISK AT NEXT INSTRUCTION VIA SWDG. TRANSFER TWO CONSECUTIVE BYTES FROM RING BUFFER AS SPECIFIED BY THE DISK ADDRESS REGISTER TO THE DISK; THESE TWO BYTES CONTAIN THE HEAD #, TRACK # AND SECTOR #. WRITE THE FIRST BYTE OF THE CRC; INCREMENT CONTENTS OF THE DESIRED REGISTER LOCATION LABELED SLEW TO LATER CHECK FOR THE END OF THE FORMAT COMMAND. WRITE SECOND BYTE OF THE CRC. WRITE GAP 2 DATA FOR GAP 2 TIME; PRESET ECC GENERATOR. WRITE PLO SYNC (PREAMBLE) DATA FOR PLO SYNC TIME. WRITE MISSING CLOCK PATTERN USING MISSING CLOCK DATA FOR 1 BYTE TIME. WRITE DATA MARK DATA FOR 1 BYTE TIME. WRITE FORMAT DATA IN DATA FIELD FOR 512 BYTE TIMES. WRITE A FOUR BYTE ECC. CHECK FOR END OF COMMAND VIA XEND; IF END, GO TO OUT; ELSE GO TO NEXT INSTRUCTION. WRITE 1 BYTE OF SYNC DATA AFTER ECC; GO TO BEGIN. WRITE A 4E UNTIL INDEX. WRITE ONE MORE BYTE OF 4E; RESET WRITE GATE AS INSTRUCTION IS EXITED. SET THE DONE INTERRUPT TO THE LOCAL PROCESSOR; THE MICROSEQUENCER WILL STOP HERE. 726 2-READ AND WRITE COMMANDS FOR ST-506 FORMATTED DISKS Prior to executing a READ or WRITE command, using the defined microprogram written in the Microprogram RAM, the Local Processor should load the DESIRED REGISTER FILE with the parameters used during the execution of the microprogram. The microprogram will point to these preloaded values, via the register pointer field, to permit the LABEL XFER DESIRED REGISTER ADDRESS 00 HEX data to be transferred to the ENCODER/DECODER block and finally out to the disk. The Local Processor should also set up the appropriate DMA address and function registers and specify disk direction, External Device direction, and initialize the zero status bit in the START COMMAND Register prior to execution of microprogram. For the microprogram shown, the DESIRED REGISTER FILE is loaded as follows: CONTENTS BE HEX ADDC1 01 HEX 11 HEX ADDC2 02 HEX 1B HEX M(DM) M(AM) M(SYNC) M(MC) SIZE 03 04 05 06 07 HEX HEX HEX HEX HEX FB FE 00 A1 - RETRY 08 HEX - SLEW 09 HEX - SSECT OAHEX - HEAD OB HEX - TRACK OC HEX - HEX HEX HEX HEX COMMENTS ! USED AS DISK DMA FUNCTION REGISTER I DATA TO MOVE DISK ADDRESS REGISTER TO DISK ADDRESS IN DMA BLOCK. USED AS DISK DMA FUNCTION REGISTER DATA TO ADD CONSTANT 1 TO OFFSET COUNTER IN THE DMA BLOCK. USED AS DISK DMA FUNCTION REGISTER DATA TO CHECK FOR OVERFLOW OF THE SUM OFFSET COUNTER PLUS CONSTANT 2 IN THE DMA BLOCK. DATA MARK DATA. ADDRESS MARK DATA. DATA IN SYNC FIELD. MISSING CLOCK PATTERN. NOT IMPLEMENTED BUT CAN INDICATE THE SIZE OF THE SECTOR (0,1,2,3, FOR SECTOR SIZES OF 128, 256, 512 AND 1024 RESPECTIVELY). NOT IMPLEMENTED BUT CAN BE USED AS A RETRY COUNT WHEN ENCOUNTERING SOFT ERRORS DURING A READ COMMAND. LOADED WITH THE 2'S COMPLEMENT. VARIABLE LOADED BY THE LOCAL PROCESSOR INDICATING THE NUMBER OF SECTORS TO BE READ OR WRITTEN DURING THE COMMAND EXECUTION. LOADED WITH THE 2'S COMPLEMENT. INITIALIZED WITH THE STARTING SECTOR NUMBER IN THE TRANSFER. INITIALIZED WITH THE HEAD NUMBER TO BE OPERATED ON. INITIALIZED WITH THE TRACK NUMBER TO BE OPERATED ON. In addition, the following variables, which are loaded into the loop counter to control the length of each instruction, are aSSigned the specified values for this microprogram· VARIABLE ASSIGNED VALUE COMMENTS PLO OD.HEX LENGTH OF PLO SYNC FIELD DTFLD 04 HEX LENGTH OF DATA FIELD (128 X 4 = 512) CRC 02 HEX LENGTH OF CRC FIELD (USES CRC-16) LENGTH OF ECC FIELD (USES ECC-32) ECC 04 HEX LENGTH OF DATA PAD AT END OF DATA FIELD DTPAD 04 HEX INST# 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 OA OB OC 00 OE OF 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 10 1E 1F LABEL 01 NEXT 10 WT RA XERR HSKP CKFULL STP COMMENTS· INST# 031-00 OA 00 FO 81 00 01 DC 05 FO 82 057FF010 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 SEQ TSJ TSJ SHLP TSJ TSJ TSJ CI TSJ SHLP RC SHLP SHLP SHLP LGLP SHLP TSJ TSJ TSC TSC TSC LGLP SHLP CI SHLP TSJ TSJ TSJ SHLP CI TSJ RC TSJ ADDR NEXT 10 RA NEXT NEXT 10 STP 10 WT STP 0 0 0 0 0 HSKP 0 STP STP STP 0 0 HSKP 0 0 0 0 10 STP STP CKFULL 0 TEST ONE ONE ONE SYNC SYNC EQ8 LNEQ EQ8 CMD NDERR ZERO ZERO ZERO ZERO ZERO ZERO ONE SYNC SYNC EQ8 ZERO ZERO NDERR ZERO ONE ONE ONE ONE XEND NTP2 NOVFLW ZERO POINT 0 0 0 0 0 M(AM) HEAD SSECT 0 0 M(SYNC) M(MC) M(DM) 0 0 M(SYNC) 0 0 0 M(DM) 0 0 3 0 XFER 0 SLEW ADDC1 SSECT ADDC2 0 0 PEN 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 COUNT 1-1 6-1 128-1 PLO-1 1-1 2-1 1-1 CRC-1 1-1 PLO-1 1-1 1-1 4-1 ECC-1 DTPAD-1 1-1 2*PLO-1 2*PLO-1 1-1 DTFLD-1 ECC-1 1-1 ECC-2 1-1 1-1 1-1 1-1 1-1 1-1 1-1 6-1 0 OUT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WPRE WMISS FREG 0 WCRC FREG 0 0 0 0 RDG 0 SNDRM SNDRM PREQ1 PINTO 0 PREQ1 0 PREQ1 0 DNINT EXT CRC16 SGOFF SPRE SMC 0 0 TREG SRCRC SGOFF ECC32 WGON 0 SWDG 0 0 SGOFF SPRE SMC 0 0 SRCRC SGOFF 0 0 0 0 INCE ZRCLR INCE 0 0 SGOFF COMMENTS PRESET THE CRC CHECKER. SHUT READ GATE AND WRITE GATE OFF. WAIT HERE FOR 6 BYTE TIMES; PUT RA (INST #10) ON STACK. SET READ GATE AND START LOOKING FOR PLO SYNC (PREAMBLE) AS INSTRUCTION IS EXITED (VIA SPRE). 06 DC 20 80 LOOK FOR ALL D'S; WAIT 128 BYTE TIMES; IF FOUND, GO TO NEXT INSTRUCTION; ELSE, GO TO NEXT (INST #1). 00002080 LOOK FOR THE MISSING CLOCK PATTERN FOR THE PLO TIME; IF FOUND, GO TO NEXT INSTRUCTION; ELSE, GO TO NEXT (INST #1). 00018482 LOOK FOR AN "FE" ADDRESS MARK VIA 8 BIT COMPARE (EQ8). IF FOUND, GO TO NEXT INSTRUCTION; ELSE, GO TO 10 (INST #2). 0880 9B 7F LOOK FOR TRACK AND HEAD COMPARE; IF COMPARE, GO TO NEXT INSTRUCTION; ELSE, GO TO STP (INST #1 F). THIS BRANCH MEANS THAT THE DISK IS ON THE WRONG TRACK. AT INSTRUCTION STP, THE LOCAL PROCESSOR WILL BE INTERRUPTED; READING THE PC REGISTER WILL TELL THE PROCESSOR THAT THE INTERRUPT WAS GENERATED BY THIS INSTRUCTION; A STEP ROUTINE WILL USUALLY BE EXECUTED BY THE LOCAL PROCESSOR. ALSO, THE TRACK AND HEAD NUMBER FROM THE DISK IS SAVED IN THE CURRENT REGISTER FILE. 0201 8A 82 LOOK FOR SECTOR NUMBER COMPARE; IF COMPARE WITH DESIRED SECTOR (IN DESIRED REGISTER FILE), GO TO NEXT INSTRUCTION; ELSE, GO TO 10 (INST #2). DC 00 CO OA TEST FOR READ OR WRITE COMMAND. IF WRITE COMMAND, PUT WT (INST #OA) ON STACK (lNST #02 PUT RA ON STACK PREVIOUSLY). AS INSTRUCTION IS EXITED, TURN OFF READ GATE. THE CRC IS CHECKED HERE. 728 COMMENTS' INST# 031-00 COMMENTS 09 OB OC 30 5F CHECK FOR GOOD CRC. IF GOOD, LOAD THE STACK TO THE PC (GO TO EITHER RA OR WT). ELSE, GO TO STP (INST #F) TO END THE COMMAND. A RETRY CAN BE IMPLEMENTED IF DESIRED TO ATTEMPT TO READ THE ID A NUMBER OF TIMES. OA 4F 00 05 00 THIS IS THE START OF THE WRITE ROUTINE; TURN WRITE GATE ON AND WRITE THE PLO SYNC (PREAMBLE) FIELD, PLO TIMES. OB 50000600 WRITE THE MISSING CLOCK PATTERN. 61030300 WRITE THE DATA MARK PATTERN. PREPARE DMA TRANSFER OF DATA FIELD OC FROM RING BUFFER AT NEXT INSTRUCTION. OD 00030020 TRANSFER RING BUFFER DATA TO DISK FOR 4X128 TIMES. OE 90030000 WRITE THE FOUR BYTE ECC FIELD. OF 6C 00 05 9A WRITE A FOUR BYTE DATA PAD AFTER THE ECC BYTES. GO TO HSKP (INST #1A; HOUSEKEEPING) FOR DMA UPDATES. TURN OFF WRITE GATE. 10 0519F080 THIS IS THE START OF THE READ COMMAND. PREPARE TO LOOK FOR ALL PLO SYNC FIELD. RAISE READ GATE AS INSTRUCTION IS EXITED. 11 061920BF LOOK FOR PLO SYNC (PREAMBLE) FOR 2 X PLO TIME. IF FOUND, GO TO NEXT INSTRUCTION; ELSE, GO TO STP (INST #1F) WHICH WILL END THE COMMAND VIA A LOCAL PROCESSOR INTERRUPT. THE VALUE IN THE PC WILL INDICATE TO THE LOCAL PROCESSOR THAT A PLO SYNC (PREAMBLE) OF ALL O'S WAS NOT FOUND IN THE ALLOTTED TIME AFTER A VALID 10 WAS FOUND. 12 000120 BF LOOK FOR MISSING CLOCK PATTERN FOR 2 X PLO TIME. IF FOUND, GO TO NEXT INSTRUCTION; ELSE, GO TO STP (INST #1F) WHICH WILL END THE COMMAND VIA A LOCAL PROCESSOR INTERRUPT. THE VALUE IN THE PC WILL INDICATE TO THE LOCAL PROCESSOR THAT A MISSING CLOCK PATTERN WAS NOT FOUND IN THE ALLOTTED TIME AFTER A PLO SYNC (PREAMBLE) WAS FOUND. 13 000383 BF LOOK FOR "FB" DATA MARK. IF FOUND, GO TO NEXT INSTRUCTION; ELSE, GO TO STP (INST #1 F) WHICH WILL END THE COMMAND VIA A LOCAL PROCESSOR INTERRUPT. THE VALUE IN THE PC WILL INDICATE TO THE LOCAL PROCESSOR THAT A DATA MARK WAS NOT FOUND AFTER A MISSING CLOCK PATTERN. 22030020 START THE TRANSFER OF DATA FROM THE DISK TO THE RING BUFFER VIA THE 14 SIGNAL RDG WHICH REQUEST CHANNEL ACCESS TO THE RING BUFFER. THE DMA ADDRESS WILL AUTOMATICALLY BE INCREMENTED. START THE CHECKING OF THE ECC AS THIS INSTRUCTION IS EXITED. 15 OC 80 00 00 TRANSFER THE ECC BYTES TO THE CURRENT REGISTER FILE ADDRESSES 3, 2, 1 AND O. TURN OFF READ GATE AS INSTRUCTION IS EXITED. 16 7002337A CHECK FOR ECC ERROR. IF ERROR, GO TO NEXT INSTRUCTION; ELSE, GO TO HSKP (INST #1A; HOUSEKEEPING). TRANSFER FIRST ECC SYNDROME INTO CURRENT REGISTER FILE LOCATION 3. 17 70800000 THIS INSTRUCTION IS ENTERED IF AN ECC ERROR IS FOUND. TRANSFER THE REMAINING 3 BYTES OF ECC SYNDROME INTO CURRENT REGISTER LOCATIONS 2, 1, AND O. 18 8000 FO 80 SINCE DATA WAS BAD, REINITIALIZE THE DMA DISK ADDRESS REGISTER BACK TO THE BEGINNING OF THE SECTOR BY LOADING THE CONTENTS OF XFER (IN THE DESIRED REGISTER FILE), TO THE DMA DISK FUNCTION REGISTER CAUSING THE TRANSFER OF THE DISK REGISTER TO THE DISK ADDRESS. 19 CO 00 FO 80 GENERATE AN INTERRUPT TO THE LOCAL PROCESSOR VIA PINTO WHICH IS USED FOR ECC ERROR INTERRUPTS. THIS INTERRUPT DELINKS THE OFFSET AND AUXILIARY OFFSET COUNTERS IN THE DMA BLOCK. 1A OE 00 F9 80 THIS IS THE START OF THE DMA HOUSEKEEPING FUNCTION. THE LOCATION IN THE DESIRED REGISTER FILE LABELED SLEW IS INCREMENTED. LATER A TEST IS DONE TO DETERMINE IF ALL THE SECTORS IN THE COMMAND HAVE BEEN READ OR WRITTEN. 1B 8D 00 F1 02 ADD CONSTANT 1 REGISTER TO THE OFFSET COUNTER. PUT ADDRESS ID (INST #2) ON STACK; CLEAR ZERO FLAGS IN DMA BLOCK. OE 00 AA 7F CHECK FOR END OF COMMAND VIA SLEW BEING INCREMENTED TO ZERO. IF 1C END, GO TO STP (INST #1F); ELSE, GO TO NEXT INSTRUCTION. INCREMENT THE DESIRED REGISTER LOCATION CONTAINING THE SECTOR NUMBER TO BE OPERATED ON NEXT. 729 COMMENTS' INST# D31-DO COMMENTS 10 8000 B29F ADD CONSTANT 2 TO OFFSET COUNTER BUT DO NOT UPDATE THE OFFSET COUNTER. JUST UPDATE THE OVERFLOW BIT. IF TP2 IS A LOCIC ONE (NTP2 A ZERO), GO TO STP (INST #1F) BECAUSE A HALT, ABNORMAL DATA MARK OR DELETED DATA MARK HAS BEEN ENCOUNTERED. ELSE, GO TO NEXT INSTRUCTION. 1E 0005 DO 5D CHECK FOR OVERFLOW. IF OVERFLOW DURING WRITE, NO DATA IS CURRENTLY AVAILABLE TO WRITE; FOR READ, NO BUFFER SPACE IS AVAILABLE. IF OVERFLOW (NOVFLW = 0), GO TO CKFULL TO RECALCULATE THE OVERFLOW STATUS; IF NO OVERFLOW (NOVFLW = 1), PUT THE STACK (WHICH CONTAINS LOCATION ID; INST #02)INTO THE PC AND LOOK FOR THE NEXT ID. 1F FC 00 00 80 THIS IS THE STOP LOCATION. A DONE INTERRUPT IS GENERATED TO THE LOCAL PROCESSOR AND THE READ AND WRITE GATES ARE TURNED OFF. THE MICROSEQUENCER IS STOPPED HERE BUT THE LOCAL PROCESSOR CAN READ THE PREVIOUS VALUE OF THE PC (THE LOCATION OF THE INSTRUCTION THAT BRANCHED TO HERE) VIA STATUS REGISTER 3 BITS D4-DO TO DETERMINE HOW AND WHY THE COMMAND ENDED. APPENDIX 2-DMA OPERATION EXAMPLES It should be noted that a ">" indicates operations performed automatically by the MSD95C02. EXAMPLE 1-LOCAL PROCESSOR LOADS DMA ADDRESS INTO DMA REGISTER FILE: 1. Write DMA FUNCTION Register to configure for MAILBOX ~ LOCAL PROCESSOR ADDR. 2a. Write DMA address MSB data to MAILBOX HIGH Register. 2b. Write DMA address LSB data to MAILBOX LOW Register. This operation triggers the next event by setting the cycle request latch. > transfer address data from Mailbox to DMA address register. EXAMPLE 2-LOCAL PROCESSOR READS DMA ADDRESS: 1. Write DMA FUNCTION Register to configure for LOCAL PROCESSOR ADDR ~ MAILBOX. The transfer will take place automatically after this step as follows: > transfer address data from DMA address register to Mailbox. Local processor may r~ad DMA address data MSB's from the MAILBOX HIGH Register and DMA address data LSB's from the MAILBOX LOW Register. Bit 1 (REQUEST 1) of STATUS 1 Register can be used to determine when the operation is complete. 3-LOCAL PROCESSOR READS SEQUENTIAL RING BUFFER DATA: The local processor will initialize the Address location in the DMA address register with the starting ring buffer address. The MSD95C02 will automatically fetch the data in that location and deposit it in the DATA Register. The Local Processor may program the MSD95C02 to increment the DMA address after every transfer via the DMA FUNCTION Register. This permits the Local Processor to read sequentially located data in the Ring Buffer without any address manipulation by the Local Processor. 1. Write DMA FUNCTION Register to configure for MAILBOX-,> LOCAL PROCESSOR ADDR. 2a. Write DMA address data to MAILBOX HIGH Register. EXAMPLE 2b. Write DMA address data to MAILBOX LOW Register. This operation triggers the following events by setting the cycle request latch. > Transfer address data from the mailbox to the DMA ADDRESS Register. > Output address data from LOCAL PROCESSOR ADDRESS Register to Ring Buffer. > Fetch data from Ring Buffer, leave in DATA Register and reset the cycle request latch. 3. Write DMA FUNCTION Register to configure for LOCAL PROCESSOR ADDR. + 1~LOCAL PROCESSOR ADDR. 4. Read DATA Register (set Cycle Request and Read latches) for data transfer. > MSD95C02 will output address data from LOCAL PROCESSOR ADDRESS Register to Ring Buffer. > MSD95C02 will increment address data in LOCAL PROCESSOR ADDRESS Register. > MSD95C02 will input data from Ring Buffer, store it in the DATA Register and reset the cycle request latch. Data can be read sequentially by the local processor by continually reading the DATA Register. Each read of the DATA Register will automatically trigger a new ring buffer access cycle at the next sequentially located memory location. EXAMPLE4-LOCAL PROCESSOR WRITES SEQUENTIAL DATA TO RING BUFFER: The Local Processor will initialize the address location in the DMA address register with the ring buffer address. The MSD95C02 will automatically fetch the data in that location and leave it in the DATA Register. The Local Processor may program the MSD95C02 to increment the DMA address after every transfer via the DMA FUNCTION Register. This permits the Local Processor to sequentially write data into the Ring Buffer without any address manipulation by the Local Processor. 1. Write DMA FUNCTION Register to configure for MAILBOX~ LOCAL PROCESSOR ADDRESS. 2a. Write DMA address data to MAILBOX HIGH Register. 730 > Initialize OFFSET and AUXILIARY OFFSET 2. Write DMA address data to MAILBOX LOW Register. This operation triggers the next event by setting the cycle request latch. > Transfer address data from Mailbox to DMA address register. > Output address data from DMA address register to Ring Buffer. > Fetch data from Ring Buffer and leave in DATA Register; Reset cycle request latch. COUNTERs with OOH and reset cycle request. 2. The Local Processor will set the DMA FUNCTION Register for a Mailbox to CONSTANT 1 location transfer and write a value of 512 (the sector size) into the MAILBOX HIGH and LOW Registers, generating a dummy request. > Transfer value 512 from Mailbox to CONSTANT 1 location and reset cycle request. 3. The Local Processor will set the DMA FUNCTION Register for a Mailbox to CONSTANT 2 location transfer and write the value 64K - 2K + 512 -1 into the MAILBOX HIGH and LOW Registers. The General form for CONSTANT 2 is [64K - (BUFFER SIZE) + (SECTOR SIZE) -1], generating a dummy request. > Transfer value 64K -2K + 512 -1 from Mailbox to CONSTANT 2 location and reset cycle request. 4. The Local Processor will set the DMA FUNCTION Register for a Mailbox to External Device Address location transfer and write the buffer starting address into the MAILBOX HIGH and LOW Registers, generating a dummy request. > Transfer start address from Mailbox to External Device Address location and reset cycle request. 5. The Local Processor will set the DMA FUNCTION Register for a Mailbox to DISK Address location transfer and write the buffer starting address into the MAILBOX HIGH and LOW Registers, generafing a dummy request. > Transfer start address from Mailbox to disk address location and reset cycle request. 6. The Local Processor will set the DMA FUNCTION Register for a Mailbox to DISK Register location transfer and write the buffer starting address into the MAILBOX HIGH and LOW Registers, generating a dummy request. > Transfer start address from Mailbox to DISK Register location and reset cycle request. 7. Write the sector ID information and the number of sectors to be read (SLEW) into the appropriate locations in the DESIRED REGISTER FILE registers and issue a Start Command with the Disk Direction bit set to one and the External Device Direction bit set to zero. External device DMA requests can start at any time since they will not be acknowledged until one error free sector is deposited into the Ring Buffer. The MICROSEQUENCER routine will ensure that the OFFSET COUNTER is incremented by the sector size (512) when the MSD95C02 finishes transferring an error free sector into the Ring Buffer. B. When the OFFSET COUNTER is greater than zero, the external channel's DMA requests will be acknowledged. The OFFSET COUNTER will be decremented by 1, 2, 3 or 4 (depending on the programming of MODE 1 Register) every time the external channel reads data from the Ring Buffer. 9. The MICROSEQUENCER will add the OFFSET COUNTER value and CONSTANT 2 together before beginning the next sector transfer into the Ring Buffer. This calculation is done to determine buffer full/empty status. This is done without altering the contents of the OFFSET COUNTER. > If ALU Overflow status is active, then the buffer is full. 3. Write DMA FUNCTION Register to configure for LOCAL PROCESSOR ADDRESS + 1 ~ LOCAL PROCESSOR ADDRESS. 4. Write to DATA Register (set Cycle Request and Write latches) for data transfer. > output address data from DMA address register to Ring Buffer. > increment address data in DMA address register. > output data from DATA Register to Ring Buffer and reset the cycle request latch. Data can be written sequentially by the local processor by continually writing the DATA Register. Each write to DATA Register will automatically trigger a new ring buffer access cycle at the next sequentially located memory location. EXAMPLE 5-DATA IS READ FROM THE DISK AND WRITTEN INTO THE RING BUFFER AND SIMULTANEOUSLY, DATA IS READ FROM THE RING BUFFER OUT OVER THE EXTERNAL CHANNEL (SCSI): This function of filling the Ring Buffer from the disk data and emptying the Ring Buffer over the external channel involves two independent and simultaneous operations. The description of this example will explain the local processor's involvement in this example. It is the role of the local processor to set up the DMA controller block such that the two operations can take place. Once the external channel's DMA registers are set up, the operation involves a simple DMA request-acknowledge handshake to empty the buffer. Automatic throttling on the DMA acknowledge to the external channel will occur as described in the section on the DMA block operation. In addition, there is a MICROSEQUENCER routine that is executed when the Local Processor causes a command to be started. The details olthe MICROSEQUENCER routine is described in appendix 1. It is the role of the Local Processor to initialize the OFFSET and AUXILIARY OFFSET COUNTERs, CONSTANT 1 and CONSTANT 2 Registers, as well as the starting ring buffer addresses for the disk and external channel data. The MICROSEQUENCER will assume that these registers are initialized and use then accordingly to calculate buffer full/ empty status which is used to automatically throttle the DMA request coming from the disk, which are initiated and controlled by the MICROSEQUENCER, and the External Device DMA requests. For this example, it is assumed that the sector size is 512, and the ring buffer size is 2K. 1. The Local Processor will set the DMA FUNCTION Register for a Mailbox to OFFSET COUNTER transfer and write OOH into the MAILBOX HIGH and LOW Registers (generating a dummy request). 731 > If the OFFSET COUNTER equals zero, then the location transfer and write the buffer starting address into the MAILBOX HIGH and LOW Registers, generating a dummy request. > Transfer start address from Mailbox to External Device Address location and reset cycle request. 5. The Local Processor will set the DMA FUNCTION Register for a Mailbox to DISK Address location transfer and write the buffer starting address into the MAILBOX HIGH and LOW Registers, generating a dummy request. > Transfer start address from Mailbox to disk address location and reset cycle request. 6. The Local Processor will set the DMA FUNCTION Register for a Mailbox to DISK Register location transfer and write the buffer starting address into the MAILBOX HIGH and LOW Registers, generating a dummy request. > Transfer start address from Mailbox to DISK Register location and reset cycle request. 7. Start the transfer of sector data from the External Device to the Ring Buffer. Since the OFFSET COUNTER is decremented as information is deposited into the Ring Buffer from the external channel, and the OFFSET COUNTER is initialized to 512, it will hit zero after one sector is written into the Ring Buffer. Loading the OFFSET Register with 512 initially, ensures that there is at least 1 sector of data in the Ring Buffer before disk writing is started. 8. The Local Processor will set the DMA FUNCTION Register for a Mailbox to OFFSET COUNTER transfer and write 64K - 512 + 1 into the MAILBOX HIGH and LOW Registers, generating a dummy request. > Initialize OFFSET COUNTER with 64K - 512 + 1 and reset cycle request. The External Device is free to continue data transfer into the Ring Buffer. 9. Write the sector ID information and the number of sectors to be written (SLEW) into the appropriate locations in the DESIRED REGISTER FILE registers and issue a Start Command with the Disk Direction bit set to 0 and the External Device Direction bit set to 1. This starts a MICROSEQUENCER routine to transfer data from the Ring Buffer to the disk. The OFFSET COUNTER is incremented by 512 when the MSD95C02 finishes transferring a sector from the Ring Buffer to the disk. 10. Before transferring a sector to the disk, the MICROSEQUENCER will add the OFFSET COUNTER value and CONSTANT 2 (64K -512 + 1). This calculation allows the MICROSEQUENCER to determine if at least 1 more sector resides in the Ring Buffer by checking the overflow flag in the DMA's ALU. This is done without altering the contents of the OFFSET COUNTER. If it is determined that the buffer is empty (overflow = 1), all DMA requests for data to the Ring Buffer, which are initiated by the MICROSEQUENCER, will be held off. buffer is empty. If the buffer is full, the MSD95C02 will wait before transferring the next sector into it. If the buffer is empty, the External Channel's DMA requests will not be serviced. EXAMPLE 6-DATA IS WRITTEN TO THE DISK BY SIMULTANEOUSLY WRITING TO THE RING BUFFER FROM THE EXTERNAL CHANNEL AND READING FROM THE RING BUFFER FOR DATA TRANSFER ON TO THE DISK. This function of filling the Ring Buffer from the EXTERNAL CHANNEL and emptying the Ring Buffer for data transfer to the disk involves two independent and simultaneous operations. The description of this example will explain the Local Processor's involvement in this example. It is the role of the Local Processor to set up the DMA controller block such that the two operations can take place. Once the External Channel's DMA registers are set up, the operation involves a simple DMA request-acknowledge handshake to start filling the buffer. Automatic throttling on the DMA acknowledge to the External Channel will occur if the buffer becomes full. In addition, there is a MICROSEQUENCER routine that is executed when the Local Processor causes a command to be started. The details of the MICROSEQUENCER routine is described in appendix 1. It is the role of the Local Processor to initialize the OFFSET and AUXILIARY OFFSET COUNTERs, CONSTANT 1 and CONSTANT 2 Registers, as well as the starting ring buffer addresses for the disk and external channel data. The MICROSEQUENCER will assume that these registers are initialized and use then accordingly to calculate buffer full/ empty status which is used to automatically throttle the DMA request coming from the disk, which are initiated and controlled by the MICROSEQUENCER, and the external channel's DMA requests. For this example, it is assumed that the sector size is 512, and the Ring Buffer size is 2K. 1. The Local Processor will set the DMA FUNCTION Register for a Mailbox to Offset Counter transfer and write 512 into the MAILBOX HIGH and LOW Registers, generating a dummy request. Initialize OFFSET and AUXILIARY OFFSET COUNTERs with 512 and reset cycle request. 2. The Local Processor will set the DMA FUNCTION Register for a Mailbox to Constant 1 location transfer and write a value of 512 (the sector size) into the MAILBOX HIGH and LOW Registers, generating a dummy request. > Transfer value 512 from Mailbox to Constant 1 location and reset cycle request. 3. The Local Processor will set the DMA FUNCTION Register for a Mailbox to Constant 2 location transfer and write the value 64K - 2K + 512 -1 into the MAILBOX HIGH and LOW Registers. The General form for CONSTANT 2 is [64K (BUFFER SIZE) + (SECTOR SIZE) -1], generating a dummy request. > Transfervalue64K - 2K + 512 -1 from Mailbox to Constant 2 location and reset cycle request. 4. The Local Processor will set the DMA FUNCTION Register for Mailbox to External Device address 11. If the buffer is full (OFFSET COUNTER = zero), DMA requests from the External Device will not be serviced. 732 APPENDIX 3. ERROR CORRECTION ON THE FLY: In order to perform error correction on the fly, a Reed Solomon ECC with CRC extension is recommended. When a disk read operation detects an error, the MICROSEQUENCER program will set Program Interrupt 0 (PROG 0) which automatically delinks the OFFSET the AUXILIARY OFFSET COUNTERs. Further, the micro· program will cause the error syndrome bytes to be transferred into designated sequential locations in the DESIRED REGISTER FILE. The generation of this interrupt will also permit the Local Processor access to the CURRENT REGISTER FILE. Transfer of data into the Ring Buffer from the disk and out of the Ring Buffer to the external channel will continue simultaneous to the error correction operation. When the Local Processor gets an interrupt, it will read the error syndrome bytes out to the CURRENT REGISTER FILE and then immediately write a logic one to bit D2 (CRR) of the START COMMAND REGISTER (ADDR 54H). This permits the disk to regain access to the CURRENT REGISTER FILE to allow proper processing of the next sector. Next, the Local Processor should use the error syndrome bytes to calculate the error pattern and location. Once this is performed, a read modify write operation to the calculated Ring Buffer locations wili correct the error. While this is going on, data will continue to be read from the disk and transferred out over the external channel. As new error free sectors are read, only the OFFSET COUNTER is increased by the sector size. As the external channel reads data out of the Ring Buffer, both the OFFSET and AUXILIARY OFFSET COUNTERs are decremented together. If the AUXILIARY OFFSET COUNTER reaches zero, the external channel's DMA requests are temporarily held off. Buffer full status is determined as usual by the MICROSEQUENCER using the value in the OFFSET COUNTER and CONSTANT 2. Once the error has been corrected, the OFFSET and AUXILIARY OFFSET COUNTERS must be linked back together again. This is accomplished by loading the DMA FUNCTION Register (ADDR 50 H) with a value 09 H. This special function will load the value of the OFFSET COUNTER into the AUXILIARY OFFSET COUNTER and permit these counters to both increment and decrement together. This function will be performed when the Local Processor writes any value rnto the MAILBOX LOW Register (ADDR52H). It should be noted that when errors occur on multiple sectors, this special function must not be initiated until all bad sectors are corrected. 74LS245 DATA IN 7-0 GENERIC ECCCHIP DATA OUT 7-0 DATAIECC CHIP SELECT GENERIC ECCCHIP MSD95C02 READ ENABLE WRITE ENABLE WGATE RGATE PRESET ERROR TST4 FIGURE 20: MSD 95C02 USED WITH OPTIONAL EXTERNAL ECC CHIP 733 TO RING BUFFE;R APPENDIX 4-USE WITH AN EXTERNAL ECC CHIP The MSD95C02 has been designed to allow operation with an external ECC chip. To allow this operation, it is necessary for the external ECC chip to be able to determine three situations. 1-The time when the MSD95C02 is performing a disk access cycle. 2-The disk access cycle is a read or write cycle. 3-The access cycle is for data transfer or ECC transfer. Figure 20 shows connection to a generic ECC chip. The required information for proper operation is presented to the outside world via the signals DGATE, ST1, STO and WRITE It should be noted that the DATA ERROR Signal from the external ECC chip must be valid when it is checked by the MICROSEQUENCER. Registers 1 & 4 and the incoming decoded bit stream. For a valid compare, SYNC Registers 1 & 4 should be programmed with the following values: SYNC 1 Register = 7A SYNC 4 Register = 00 The two cases above assume that bit 03 of MODE 2 Register (8/16 COMPARE) is set to select the 16 bit compare mode. APPENax&-OUTIUNE OF REED SOUlMON ERROR APPENDIX 5-USE OF SYNC REGISTERS WITH RLL ENCODING: For RLL encoding, two missing clock patterns are recommended. 1-For RLL 2,7 type 1, a missing clock pattern of FO is recommended along with a PLO SYNC pattern of 00. During the RLL encoding process, the PLO SYNC field of all zeros will encode on the disk as a repeating 100 pattern. If the PLO SYNC field is of such a length that an RLL encoding grouping ends at the 00 to FO boundary, then reliable bit synchronization via missing clock pattern detection can occur. The length of the PLO SYNC field during disk writing can be controlled via microcode. Loading 00 and FO in DESIRED REGISTER FILE locations and outputting them to the disk via the microcode signal WPRE and WMISS, will produce a unique pattern on the disk. In order to read this unique pattern back and obtain bit synchronization via the high speed compare, the signal SMC is activated which will cause a compare between SYNC Registers 1 & 4 and the incoming decoded bit stream. For a valid compare, SYNC Registers 1 & 4 should be programmed with the following values: SYNC 1 Register = FO SYNC 4 Register = OB 2-For RLL 2, 7 type 2, a missing clock pattern of 7A is recommended along with a PLO SYNC pattern of FF. During the RLL encoding process, the PLO SYNC field of all ones will encode on the disk as a repeating 1000 pattern. In this case, the length of the PLO SYNC field is not a critical parameter in obtaining reliable bit synchronization. Loading FF and 7A in DESIRED REGISTER FILE locations and outputting them to the disk via the microcode signal WPRE and WMISS, will produce a unique pattern on the disk. In order to read this unique pattern back and obtain bit synchronization via the high speed compare, the signal SMC is activated which will cause a compare between SYNC CORRECTION AND VERIFICATION ROUTINES The Reed Solomon ECC has been designed to permit the user correction of a maximum of two error bursts. The ability to correct two burst errors is generally associated with Reed Solomon codes. Using Reed Solomon alone, there is a finite probability of miscorrection ifthe error appearing in the data falls outside the capability of the Reed Solomon code used. The MSD95C02 allows the user to attach an optional CRC field to the Reed Solomon ECC field to permit detection of virtually all miscorrected data. The following steps should be performed to successfully correct a data error via Reed Solomon ECC and verify that the correction was performed properly: 1. If an error is detected, the MICROSEQUENCER will interrupt the Local Processor with the syndrome bytes (information used to correct the error) and the CRC field residing in the CURRENT REGISTER FILE. 2. The Local Processor will read the syndrome and CRC bytes and use the syndrome bytes to calcuate the error pattern (exclusive OR mask) and error location (in the Ring Buffer memory). This calculation is performed via table lookup in software. For the Reed Solomon code implemented in the MSD95C02, three tables of 256 bytes each are required. These three tables are a Log, antilog and root table. The generation of the error pattern will require a maximum of 6 recursive table lookups and the generation of the error location will require a maximum of 3 recursive table lookups. It is this routine that will indicate if the error in the data is correctable or uncorrectable. 3. Once the error location and error pattern are determined, the Local Processor will set up the DMA block to perform the required read-modify-write operation to correct the error. 4. Once the error is corrected, the Local Processor should verify if the error was corrected properly. This is done by taking the error pattern generated in step 2 and performing another table lookup (uses the same antilog table as step 2) and taking this result and exclusive ORing it with one of the CRC bytes read in from the CURRENT REGISTER FILE in step 1. This is performed for each interleave. The result of these operations should yield zero if the error was corrected properly and yield a non zero if the error was not corrected properly. Details of the three tables and actual software routines will be available in associated application notes. 734 735 Circurt diagrams utilizing SMC products 8'e included as a means of illustrating typical semiconductor applications: consequenfly complete information sufficient for construction purposes is not necessarify given. The information has been carefully checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, such information does not convey to the purchaser of the semiconductor devices described any license under the patent rights of SMC or others. SMC reserves the right to make change~ at af!y tima in Oide. iu improve dasign and supply the best product possible. 736 JIQt .0. of Z;:'" Keyboard Encoder ~ Ke;ya IIod•• XB.9600 XXeet 90 .Pa.oJrag. 40DIPI 44SMT Binary SequentiaJ. ABon 738 KR9600 KR9601 KR9602 Keyboard Encoder Read Only Memory KEM PIN CONFIGURATION* FEATURES D On-chip "caps" lock (KR9601, KR9602) D On-chip auto repeat (KR9601, KR9602) D Contact bounce protection D N Key Rollover or Lockout operation D Hysteresis on keyboard matrix inputs D Tri-state TTL compatible data outputs D Serial output (on KR9602 only) D Quad Mode (Normal, shift, control, shift-control) D High frequency clock input D Pin-compatible with KR3600 (KR9600) D Static charge protection on all inputs and outputs D + 5 volt supply EXTERNALLY SELECTABLE OPTIONS ON KR9600 AND KR9601 D Pulse or level data ready output signal D External clock input D On chip master/slave oscillator D All 10 output bits available D Lockout/Rollover external selection D Chip enable external selection D Data complement control D Any Key Down output D Selectable Auto-Repeat rate D Programmable Auto-Repeat rate KR9600/KR9601 FUNCTION OPTION { _ ".0 40 xO 39 xl 38 x2 37 x3 36 x4 35 x5 34 x6 33 x7 32 x8 31 delay node 30 Vee 29 shift input 28 control input 27 caps lock (NC on KR9600) 26 y9 25 y8 24 y7 23 y6 22 y5 21 y4 OPTION assignment OPTION chart" OPTION OPTION OPTION (B9 on KR9600) data output B8 data output B7 data output B6 d,!ta output 85 data output B4 data output B3 data output B2 data output Bl Gnd data ready yO yl y2 y3 FUNCTION X3 X2 XI XO Scan clock Serial clock Gnd Serial output yO yl y2 y3 y4 y5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 Delay node Vee Shift Control Caps Lock y9 y8 y7 y6 'PLCC (J LEAD QUAD PACK) also available .. GENERAL DESCRIPTION The KR9600/1/2 is a keyboard encoder that contains all the logic necessary to debounce and encode SPST keyswitches into a fully decoded data output of up to 10 bits. The KR9600/1/2 contains a 3600 bit ROM, 9 stage and 10 stage ring counters, a 10 bit comparator, timing circuitry, a 90 bit memory to store the location of encoded keys for N key rollover operation, an externally controllable delay net- 739 work for eliminating the effect of contact bounce, an output data buffer and TTL compatible output drivers. The KR9600 and the KR9601 provide a parallel data output in a 40 pin configuration with pin selectable options, while the KR9602 provides a serial asynchronous output in a 28 pin configuration with mask programmable options. (Ref. KR9600/1/2 custom coding information sheet). ,----15 1 GND Vcr; Yo y, y,- y,- y. y, y, y, y,- y,,. c::1~1~"'N (\I('I')...,.1OW C\lC\lC\lC\l -----------------~ -+ MASTER/SLAVE! OSCILLATOR I SCALER +SV ;<'+ I 1 .. GND r--i 10 BIT COMPARATOR I Itt I I "'.,, 1 'v' ~ TIMING CKT R: 0 ) T 1 28 .. TI Ir'I 1 271 1 I I I: MODE DECODEi----' ~ {~ "1 I GND COMPLEM NT! CONTH lL (OPTIO ~) ~::D 1 L____ 3600 BIT ROM 33 32 o e y, v 90 SPST KEYBOARD SWITCHES J 1 I 11987654321 Y, Y'l YSY4 Ys Ys Y7 YB Y9 , 1 1 OUTPUT DATA BUFFER '11 o::D 'en~" 1 HUtttt" ANY KEY DOWN (OPTION) -- TTL COMPATIBLE OUTPUT DRIVERS --------11 BlO~B8B7B6B5B483B2Bl .. Not Available on KR9600 ~ 3 X4 5 X6 X7 X8 34 (10 x 90 x 4) BITS KEYS MODES i: X1 '" 39 38 37 36 35 9 STAGE RING COUNTER » xo 140 GND CAPS LOCK 'c" -=- ~ ~ I III 5n IDELAY 1 I J.., 291 N . C·· IGND 1 I SHIFT CONTROL 0 I' II GNDI ~ o ~T" t---+-=c.> I CONT ARD ARO RR1 16 DATA READY 131 STROBE .J - 11 I 3 I t;~~ CLOCK CONTROL ENCODED KEY MEMORY 10 STAGE RING COUNTER l2'" r 1 FREQ GND 1 EXT CLOCK 1C,' (OPTION) . Nc R, (100K) C, (45 pF) provide approx. 50 KHz Clock Freq . "C, (300 ns Delay/C ,) R, supplied internally '''Diodes necessary for complete n Key Rollover operation , '::D~" ...o Yo y, Y" y, Y. y, Y. Y, Y. L O~ r------- "'~~ GND Vee 1 .7 + GND ~2+ +5V V ~ " v Y, ~~ :!~~ ~~ ~-------------------, SCALER 1 10 BIT COMPARATOR --1 I 'f 'f 'f I 10 STAGE RING COUNTER CLOCK CONTROL ENCODED KEY MEMORY ,! ,! rH IGND 1)7 ~ SHIFT CONTROL 211 20 11 ~ I 1<-";· CAPS LOC == ---' 6? 1 ~ U f:. I,T ;R'I c. 9fSn6n4 321 PARALLEL/SERIAL CONVERTER ____A~~~ " I' II C ~ 7 JJ » I "TI ... X1 START/STOP PARITY BIT GEN. , I OJ. m " JJ CO en Yo ! ~ ______ I _______ J o I\) YI Yz Y1 Y4 Ys Yb Y7 VB Y9 , , V 90 SPST KEYBOARD SWITCHES I I Is -I :J: 1 I oJJ "* X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 I TRANSMITTER ___ s: xo I I OUTPUT DATA BUFFER 10 C') c" 2 1 28 27 26 25 24 HHUH" Ul 5 IDELAY GNDI (10 x 90 x 4) BITS KEYS MODES "- III STROBE 123 13 9 STAGE RING COUNTER 3600 BIT ROM I L_~ TIMING CKT 16X BRCLK 1 -- IGNDI J 14 MODE DECODE _ _ MAIN CLOCK rB~"1 t I 1I 15 i t I I I 1 SERIAL OUT Note: "C, (300 ns Delay/C ,) R, supplied internally '''Diodes necessary (or complete n Key Rollover operation DESCRIPTION OF PIN FUNCTIONS KR9600 PIN# KR9601 PIN# KR9602 PIN# XO-X8 40-32 40-32 4-1 28-24 YO-Y9 17-26 17-26 9-18 1 5 NAME X OUTPUTS Y INPUTS ~XTERNAL CLOCK SYMBOL ... 1 SERIAL CLOCK ... DATA OUTPUTS B8-B1 DATA READY DR 16 16 N/A DELAY NODE INPUT DELAY 31 31 23 SHIFT INPUT SHIFT 29 29 21 CONTROL INPUT CNTRL 28 28 20 CAPS LOCK CAPS see note 27 19 POWER SUPPLY GROUND Vee Gnd 30 30 15 15 see OPTION PINS 1-6 note Note: Caps Lock and Auto-Repeat are not available on KR9600. See option 8.election table for pin assignment. 22 7 see note) ... ... 7-14 7-14 8 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION The main clocks for the KR9600 and KR9601 are derived from either an external clock source or the fnternal oscillator. The KR9q02 requires an external clock. The external clock is routed to a divider with a mask programmable division rate from 1 to 63 to generate the internal clock. The keys are scanned in a nine output by ten input matrix, each key having a unique input-output combination connected to it. The inputs all QO selectively to a level detector which has logically variable (1 's and O's) levels and hysteresis. The outputs are enabled one at a time from output XO towards X8, at a rate of 10-1 OOKHz, through a 9 stage ring counter. The 10 inputs are searched one at a time from YO to Y9, through a 10 stage ring counter, each time one of the outputs is enabled. The output and input pins all have pullups to Vee and are precharged each clock even if the scan is stopped at one key. When a level on the selected path to the comparator matches a level on the corresponding comparator input from the 10 stage ring counter and the key has not been encoded, the switch bounce delay network is enabled. The key down stroke is examined, without advance to the next key location, until the key has been stable for the length of the DELAY CAP pin to discharge. The code for the depressed key is transferred to the output data buffer and the data ready signal appears. 6 N/A FUNCTION External outputs from the 9-sta~ ring counter to the keyboard to form -Y matrix with the keyboard switches as the crosspoints. External inputs from the keyboard X-V matrix. External clock input. Serial input Baud rate clock, for KR9602. Data outputs B1-B8. Parallel outputs for the KR9600/9601 , serial output for theKR9602. This output, which can be a level or a ~ulse, signals that a key closure has een detected and that data is available at the output port. Externally controllable delay network for eliminating the effect of switch contact bounce. This input is used to select the shift mode data. This input is used to select the control mode data. Simultaneous assertion of shift and control inputs will place the encoder into the shift-control mode. This input "ANDed" with bit B9 of the ROM will cause a mode shift. See "programming options". + 5V power supply. Ground. See option selection table for pin asslgnment. The scan has two modes as determined by the LOckout/ Rollover option. Once a key is determined to be down the scan will not advance if in the LOckout mode. Consequently a new key closure is not detected until the previously depressed key is released. The scan sequence, will resume upon key release and tI~e output data buffer stores the code of the last key encoded: ,In the Rollover mode a "1" is stored in the encoded key memory and the scan sequence is resumed and the code for the last encoded key remains in the data output buffer. Each depressed key is encoded regardless of the state of the previously depressed keys. The internal keyboard ROM is 10 bits wide. Bits 1-8 are output via data outputs B1B8. Bits 9 and 10 may be output as data and/or utilized respectively for Caps-lock and Auto-repeat select. This allows mask programmable selection of which keys will have caps-lock and auto-repeat. When selected, the auto repeat will commence with a "long" delay after key depression followed by "short" delays. The duration of the delays varying with the clock frequency and the state of the ARD, ARO, and AR1 signals. A Chip Enable input is available to enable the parallel output buffer. Data Ready can be put in the high-impedance state with Chip Enable (CE) or can be open drain as a mask programmable option to facilitate wire-oring as an interrupt. 742 In the serial output version of KR9602, when a key is debounced and then called valid, the serial shift register is loaded with the data (8 bits B1-B8) from the ROM, the data from the parity generator, and the data from the start and stop bits generator. Bits B9 and B10 are internally used respectively'for Caps-lock and Auto-repeat select. The data register is then allowed to shift data out at the rate of one bit per 16 clocks of the baud rateclock.pin, on the negative edge of that clock. If the baud rate clock is too slow with respect to the internal clock, and the keyboard were allowed to continue scanning when the data register is loaded, then new data could be loaded on top of shifting-out data. To avoid this, if a new key is depressed before the previous data is fully shifted out of the device, including the stop bits, the delay cap will be allowed to decay but the internal logic will delay its effect until the shift out of the previous data is completed. If the new key is released before the end of the extended delay time it will not be encoded. PIN 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 FUNCTION in ut unless noted Ext clock (opt. internal divisor of 1-63)** Pin 1 of Internal oscillator. Pin 2 of Internal oscillator. LolRo CC CE ARD** ARO** AR1** Pin 3 of Internal oscillator. LolRo CC CE ARD** ARO** AR1** AKa output LolRo CC CE ARD** ARO** AR1** AKa or B10 output LolRo CC CE ARD** ARO** AR1** B9 or AKO** output Options Available for the KR9602: The following options can be obtained on the KR9602 only with a mask program, and are not pin selectable: LoIRo, CC, AUTO-REPEAT, LONG DELAY, SHORT DELAY, CLOCK DIVISOR 1,2,4,8,16,32,63; PARITY, 1 OR 2 STOP BITS. Legend OPTION SELECTION TABLE Since the selected coding of each key and all the options are defined during the manufacture of the chip, the coding and options can be changed to fit any particular application of the keyboard. Up to 360 codes of up to ten bits can be programmed into the KR9600/KR9601 ROM covering most popular codes such as ASCII, EBCDIC, SELECTRIC etc. as well as many specialized codes: Pin Assignment for KR9600/KR9601 The chip pins from pin #1 thru pin #6 are optionally connected to differing logic functions. Many of the functions are available on more than one pin. PROGRAMMING OPTIONS The various options on the KR9600 and KR9601 are user selectable via externally programmable pins, but they are fixed, internally mask programmed, for fhe KR9602. Oscillator: The main clocks are derived from either an external clock source or from the Internal oscillator. The resultant signal is then routed to a divider with a mask programmable division rate from 2 to 63. If no division is required then the divider is bypassed. The external clock requires one pin (pin #1), while the Internal oscillator needs three pins (pins #1, 2, 3) for frequency selection via an external resistor and capacitor. Lockout/Roliover: LO/RO This option selects the operation of the key scan when a new key is detected. In Lockout the scan stops as long as the key is down. In Rollover the scan stops till the new key is debounced by the DELAY CAP and the key code is output. Then the key position is marked as down and the scan continues until another new key is seen. The option is selected either by an external pin or internally mask programmed, fixed in either state. The external LOckout selection is optionally hi or low active. A pulldown resistor to ground is optional. Complement Control: CC CC = COMPLEMENT AKO = ANY KEY DOWN CONTROL CE = CHIP ENABLE Lo/Ro = LOCKOUTI B10 = B10 (DATA) ROLLOVER OUTPUT B9 = B9 (DATA) OUTPUT INTERNAL CLOCK = SELF CONTAINED OSCILLATOR (Not available in KR9602) EXTERNAL CLOCK = EXTERNAL FREQUENCY SOURCE ARD = INITIAL AUTO-REPEAT DELAY ARO, AR1 = SECONDARY AUTO-REPEAT DELAY, OR NO AUTO-REPEAT WHEN BOTH ARE FALSE. *Contact local sales office for custom coding sheet. **Not available on the KR9600. PUTS and can optionally additionally invert the logic true state of the DATA READY pin. The option can be internally fixed as true or false where true will output a high logic level. When externally selected the option can be either input high or low active true. The pulldown to ,ground is optional. Data Ready: The data ready pin is optionally either a pulse or level upon an output state ready to transfer. This transfer occurs when a new key is encoded or when the current key is repeating via the repeat logic. This output is individually capable of being disabled via CE or inverted via CC. To invert DATA READY is to have the pulse go logic low or the level fall to logic low active when the output is allowed to drive out of the chip. Any Key Down: AKO output The AKa output is an indicator to tell that there is at least one key determined to be depressed. The output is optionally logic high or low true. The CE can be separately used to set the output in the high impedance mode. AKa will reset one full keyboard scan time after the last key is released. AKa cannot be inv~rted by CC (complement control). , Chip Enable: CE This option inverts the logic true state of the DATA OUT- The chip enable option can be internally fixed to true or 743 can be externally selected. When an external pin is used the true level is only low true. The true state means that the outputs connected to CE will go to the driven state from the high-impedance condition. Output pins 81-810 are always affected by Chip Enable (CE), optional for Data Ready and Any Key Down. A pulldown to ground is optional. consist of a programmable num.ber of scan frequency time clocks varying from 2 to 131071 clock times. This option is masked programmable and dependent on the programming ofthe data bit 10 ofthe ten data outputs to be true for the resultant key code (after lock logic) and upon whether any repeat action should occur at all. There are three optional pins associated with the auto repeat logic: ARO, AR1, and ARD. Each of these can individually optionally have a pulldown resistor to ground. ARD controls the selection of the initial repeat delay count code, while the combination of ARO and AR1 controls the selection of the short delays as shown below. If no external pins are desired then those functions can be mask programmed. Shift Control Lock: S C L These three pins determine what will be output in response to a new key being detected. The Caps Lock pin is optional on the KR9601 and KR9602 but it is not available on the KR9600. All three pins have optional p'ulldown resistors to ground. The Lock option is allowed If data bit nine of the ten data bits is programmed as true. In other words the Rom is read with no lock logic allowed, but with the full influence of the Shift and Control pins. This determines the 89 output which is used to see if this key can be shifted (be it a control code or not) by modifying the effect of the Shift upon a second read of the rom. The operation ofthe allowed Lock follows this table: L F F F F 69 F F F F S F F T T C Result F N T C F S T SC F F F F T T T T F F T T F T F T N C S SC T T T T F F F F F F T T F T F T N C S SC T T F F T T T T F T T F T T T T S TYPICAL INITIAL REPEAT DELAY COUNTS ARD = hi 80000 clock times ARD = low 40000 clock times The repeat delays are selected by a two bit code where one decode is used to disable the repeat operation completely. L = CAPS LOCK 69 = DATA OUTPUT 69 N = NORMAL S = SHIFT C = CONTROL SC = SHIFT and CONTROL TYPICAL SECONDARY REPEAT COUNTS ARO AR1 Count o 0 All Auto-Repeat Disabled o 1 6250 1 0 3125 1 1 1250 Typical Example: One typical approach would be to mask program ARD for only one long delay value and mask ARO to ground. This way one can save two option pins for ARD and ARO and still be able to select or disable auto-repeat via AR1 and have the option of having one fixed short delay value. ForceN->S allow shift (iem->M) ForceC->SC shift of Control Opt Force S->N allow reverse (ieM->m) 'SC/C Opt Force remove shift in SC->C Shift-Control SC 'SIN ROM Data: The actual programming data is in 10 bit wide characters with four function codes for each key position. There are 90 key positions organized as 9 "X" outputs with 10 "Y" inputs. The four functions as previously defined are Control, Shift, Normal, and Shift-Control. The use of the optional Lock requires the programming of the 89 data bit. The use of the optional Auto-Repeat requires the programming of the 810 data bit. If the 89 or 810 outputs are used then these will show the result of the contents of the "corrected" key function data bits. The "corrected" function is the possibly changed Normal to Shift etc. etc. so that the output is that of the 'Shifted key code' NOT that of the initial key code. 'The mask programmable option for the removal of the shift is coded as either ON for all keys or OFF. Note that the 69 DATA output (and all the others) is the code olthe second decode. Note that shift only occurs when both the lock is true and the unmodified code gives a 69 ROM output as true. Repeat: ARD ARO AR1 When the Auto-repeat option is selected and a key is pressed, either of two delays can be selected. Typically a long initial delay after the key is pressed, and short delays afterwards ifthe key is still pressed. These delays Minimum Switch CI.osure: T = Switch bounce I maximum expected + (90 x 1/f) + Strobe delay + Strobe width I determined by frequency of operation I determined by external capacitance I minimum time required by external circuitry 744 CONDITIONS: The clock divider is 1 so that elkl is "same as clock IN", A key is pressed down at XOYO but the delay cap has not timed out. Data Ready is high true and we have already had another key, DataRP = Data Ready as a Pulse DataRL = Data Ready as a Level Clkl xq X1 X2 I ------------~i~~--~~~'~~--------------------I I I I I I Delay Cap L-J I I I DataRP I I --------~~~ll~---------------I DataRL 81-810 _____________ }c------------------------- Condition: Test mode autorepeat at divide by 4 and keep key down Clkl Xo I X1 I : I ----------+:4-~~~~ I X2 I : ------------~I~--+-~--~I~ I I II I I I I I I DelayCap DataRP DataRL 81-810 745 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS: KR9600, KR9601, KR9602 MAXIMUM GUARANTEED RATINGS Operating Temperature Range~' ....................................................................... O°C to + 70°C Storage Temperature Range ................ , ..................................................... - 55°C to + 150°C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10 sec.) ....................................................................... +325°C Positive Voltage on any Pin, with respect to ground ........................................................... + 8.0V Negative Voltage on any Pin, with respect to ground .......................................................... - 0.3V ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TA = O°C to 70°C, Vcc = + 5V ± 5%, unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER D.C. CHARACTERISTICS INPUT VOLTAGE LEVELS Low Level High Level YINPUTS High Level Low Level INPUT CURRENT Leakage Input with Pull-down resistor selected as option Yinputs OUTPUT VOLTAGE LEVELS Low Level High Level X output voltage TRI-STATE LEAKAGE INPUT CAPACITANCE All inputs POWER SUPPLY CURRENT A.C. CHARACTERISTICS CLOCK FREQUENCY' 16X CLOCK FREQUENCY Chip enable access time SWITCH CHARACTERISTICS Min switch closure Contact closure resistance SYMBOL VIL VIH VYIH VYIL MIN TYP UNIT COMMENTS 0.8 V V V All inputs Except Y + 16X CLK 16X CLK only 0.8 V V Yinput Yinput 10.0 IIA All inputs except Y VIN = 5V 220 -500 floA floA VIN = 5V VYIL = 1 volt Y inputs only 0.4 V V 2.0 2.2 2.8 IL IY'L 75 -100 VOL VOH 2.4 VOL VOH 3.4 CIN Icc Icc FIN MAX -400 TCE floA 10 40 35 pF rnA rnA Except Y inputs KR9600/01 KR9602 4 0.1 640 250 MHz MHz KHz ns KR9601/02 KR9600 KR9602 0.4 4.0 20 15 0.01 0.01 DC 10 IOL = 1.6 rnA IOH = 100 floA Except X outputs 6OOfloA clock high IOH =10floA 81-810 V V see timing diagram Zcc Zoc 300 ohms 1 x 107 NOTE: The KR9600 is a direct replacement for the KR3600. Please note that due to the logic level of the KR9600, when replacing the KR3600 in a N-Key rollover system where diodes are utilized, the polarity of the diodes must be reversed . • Divisor on KR9601/02 must be selected such that the resulting internal scan frequency is 10 KHz min to 100 KHz max . •• Parts optionally available in extended temperature ranges in hermetic packages. Inquire at factory. 746 Bits 2 and 3 indicate the mode as follows: KR9600-PRO DESCRIPTION The KR9600 PRO is a MaS/LSI device intended to simplify the interface of a microprocessor to a keyboard matrix. Like the other KR9600 parts, the KR9600 PRO contains all of the logic to de-bounce and encode keyswitch closures, while providing either a 2-key or N-key rollover. The output of the KR9600 PRO is a simple binary code which may be converted to a standard information code by a PROM or directly by a microprocessor. This permits a user maximum flexibility of key layout with simple field programming. The code in the KR9600 is shown in Table I. The format is simple: output bits, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5,4 and 1 are a binary sequence. The count starts at XO, YO and increments through XOY1, XOY2 ... X8Y9. Bit 9 is the LSB; bit 1 is the MSB. Bit2 o o 30 Rollover +5......../___ 4 Lockout X0 0 Normal Shift Control 1 0 1 1 Shift Control For maximum ease of use and flexibility, an internal scanning oscillator is used, with pin selection of N-key lockout (also known as 2-key rollover) and N-key rollover. An "any-key-down" output is provided for such uses as repeat oscillator keying. Figure 1 shows a PROM-encoded 64 key, 4 mode application, using a 256 x 8 PROM, and Figure 2 a full 90 key, 4 mode application utilizing a 512 x 8 PROM. If N-key rollover operation is desired, it is recommended that a diode be inserted in series with each switch as shown. This prevents "phantom" key closures from resulting if three or more keys are depressed simultaneously. FIGURE 1 KR9600 PRO TYPICAL APPLICATION 64 KEY, 4 MODE +5 Bit3 1 FIGURE 2 KR9600 PRO TYPICAL APPLICATION 90 KEY, 4 MODE NC '5 ", Any Key Down " :~ 40 X139 )1.2 38 X3 37 X5 35 "38 ~ X3 37 X436 ;---E 320,4 .!!...-NC g: 12 83 11 Y3 20 10 B5 ! ~ f\. g86 "" Iyp'(l.llwll<:h (2-keyroIlOYflr) , , , 17f 8~ ~ VI 11~ 12~ 13~ shift ; Y2 ,9 Y3 ao ! Y42'~ 14f!!L.. 13 B2 12 83 $" VS 22 VB 23 Y7 24 B4 10 B5 .,"...,., , a c. IN·~eyroliover) 1 , ,, f\. ~~~rE tYPical SWitch ~2·keyrDllo ...r) , , , 1- control 747 ," .," , " Sa... 7.2!....,.. . "3 alL. " 1 92L. "', , I,.!!!....,.. "" "'6 16 •~ 12.2!...... 13~ ",7 17 14.Q.!.....,. AB 16 ISle VB 25 typical SWitch I 3 2 0 , 4 81 " ,BC ,i2i- g 1518 ~~re ~ 7r-+- , AS" "'1'9 6 Y8 2S , .," , "'. , "', a Y7 24 ,, ~ ~ 02 ~33 1~2'o6~ "3 M , "" " VB 23 , B2 Y219~ V5 al IYPIC:.IBW!lch (N·keyrallover) 13 VItae Y4 21 " X5 35 DalaAeady X8 34 ~33 17 Any key Down ';~ "" X139 ~ "',. " ", Loclloul )1,040 02 " x. " 30 Rollover +5......../____ 4 OataRa&Oy NC L C. TABLE 1 KR9600-PRO CODING SHEET AND OPTIONS XV 00 01 0' 03 04 05 06 07 06 09 10 11 ,." ,. 13 14 16 17 18 20 21 " 23 24 25 '6 27 " 2' 30 31 32 33 34 35 35 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 " 53 54 55 56 57 58 5. 60 51 62 63 64 65 86 67 66 8. 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 7. 80 81 82 83 64 85 86 87 88 89 Normal 8·12345676910 000000000 000000001 000000010 000000011 000000100 000000101 000000110 000000111 000001000 000001001 000001010 000001011 000001100 000001101 000001110 000001111 000010000 000010001 000010010 000010011 000010100 000010101 000010110 000010111 000011000 000011001 000011010 000011011 000011100 000011101 000011110 000011111 000100000 000100001 000100010 000100011 000100100 000100101 000100110 000100111 000101000 000101001 000101010 000101011 000101100 000101101 000101110 000101111 000110000 000110001 000110010 000110011 000110100 000110101 000110110 000110111 000111000 000111001 000111010 000111011 000111100 000111101 000111110 000111111 100000000 100000001 100000010 100000011 100000100 100000101 100000110 100000111 100001000 100001001 100001010 100001011 100001100 100001101 100001110 100001111 100010000 100010001 100010010 100010011 100010100 100010101 100010110 100010111 100011000 100011001 OPTIONS: Internal Oscillator (Pins 1, 2, 3) Lockout/Rollover (Pin 4) Internal Resistor to GND Lockout is LogiC 1 Shift Control Shirt/Control 001000000 001000001 001000010 00100001' 001000100 001000101 8·12345678910 010000000 010000001 010000010 010000011 010000100 010000101 OO~OOO110 010000',0 001000111 001001000 001001001 001001010 001001011 001001100 001001101 001001110 001001111 001010000 001010001 001010010 001010011 001010100 001010101 001010110 001010111 001011000 001011001 001011010 001011011 001011100 001011101 001011110 001011111 001100000 001100001 001100010 001100011 001100100 001100101 001100110 001100111 001101000 001101001 001101010 001101011 001101100 001101101 001101110 001101111 001110000 001110001 001110010 001110011 001110100 001110101 001110110 00111011' 001111000 001111001 001111010 001111011 001111100 001111101 001111110 001111111 101000000 101000001 101000010 101000011 101000100 101000101 101000110 101000111 101001000 101001001 101001010 101001011 101001100 101001101 101001110 101001111 101010000 101010001 101010010 101010011 101010100 101010'101 101010110 101010111 101011000 101011001 010000111 010001000 010001001 010001010 010001011 010001100 010001101 010001110 010001111 010010000 010010001 010010010 010010011 010010100 010010101 010010110 010010111 010011000 010011001 010011010 010011011 010011100 010011101 010011110 010011111 010100000 010100001 010100010 010100011 010100100 010100101 010100110 010100111 010101000 010101001 010101010 010101011 010101100 010101101 010101110 010101111 010110000 010110001 010110010 010110011 010110100 010110101 010110110 010110111 010111000 010111001 010111010 010111011 010111100 010111101 010111110 010111111 110000000 110000001 110000010 110000011 110000100 110000101 110000110 110000111 110001000 110001001 110001010 110001011 110001100 110001101 110001110 110001111 110010000 110010001 110010010 110010011 110010100 110010101 110010110 110010111 110011000 110011001 11-12345678910 011000000 011000001 011000010 011000011 011000100 011000101 011000110 011000111 011001000 011001001 011001010 011001011 011001100 011001101 11-12345678910 011001110 011001111 011010000 011010001 011010010 011010011 011010100 011010101 011010110 011010111 011011000 011011001 011011010 011011011 011011100 011011101 011011110 011011111 011100000 011100001 011100010 011100011 011100100 011100101 011100110 011100111 011101000 011101001 011101010 011101011 011101100 011101101 011101110 011101111 01H1QOOO 011110001 011110010 011110011 011110100 011110101 011110110 011110111 011111000 011111001 011111010 011111011 011111100 011111101 011111110 011111111 111000000 111000001 111000010 111000011 111000100 111000101 111000110 111000111 111001000 111001001 111001010 111001011 111001100 111001101 111001110 111001111 111010000 111010001 111010010 111010011 111010100 111010101 111010110 111010111 111011000 111011001 Pulse Data Ready Any Key Down (Pin 5) Positive Output Internal Resistor to GND on Shift and Control Pins 748 CODING FOR KR9600-STD XV 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2. 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 3. 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 .8 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 64 85 86 87 88 8S Normal 8-12345678910 1 1000111001 q 1000110101 a z 1000010101 0101110101 HT 1001000001 H 0001000101 + 1101011001 SO 0111001001 P 0000110101 1 1000111001 2 0100111001 w 1110110101 s 1100110101 x 0001110101 RS 0111100001 % 1010011001 m 1011010101 SI 1111000001 n 0111010101 2 0100111001 3 1100111001 1010010101 d 0010010101 c 1100010101 - 1111100100 $ 0010011001 L 0011000101 US 1111100001 6 0110111001 k 1101010101 4 0010111001 0100110101 1 0110010101 SP 0000011000 CAN 0001101000 CR 1011000001 1101111101 1101000000 7 1110111001 0100011001 5 1010111001 1 0010110101 1110010101 0110110101 ETX 1100000001 1011111101 1111111001 - 1011011001 1001011001 0000011001 6 0110111001 1001110101 0001010101 b 0100010101 0101111001 > 0111111001 1101111001 NU~ 0000000001 0101011001 ! 1000011001 7 1110111001 1010110101 0101010101 0111010101 1011111000 < 0011111001 P 0000110101 0 0000111001 & 0110011001 # 1100011001 8 0001111001 ; 1001010101 k 1101010101 m 1011010101 I 1111011001 1110011001 LF 0101000000 1011111001 FF 0011001001 ( 0001011001 1001111001 0 1111010101 I 0011010101 0011011001 0111011001 1101111001 1011100101 1011011001 0 0000111001 9 1001111001 . , vt e 1 S~ ~ "~ ~ ~ • i OPTIONS: Internal Oscillator (Pins 1, 2, 3) Any Key Down (Pin 4) Positive Output .N-Key Rollover only Pulse Data Ready signal Shift Control 8-12345678910 8-12345678910 < Q 0011111001 1000100101 A 1000000101 Z 0101100101 HT 1001000001 H 0001000101 + 1101011001 > 0111111001 @, 0000000101 1000011001 @ 0000000101 W 1110100101 S 1100100101 X 0001100101 RS 0111100001 % 1010011001 1011100101 1111000001 0111100101 0100011001 # 1100011001 E 1010000101 D 0010000101 C 1100000101 1111100100 $ 0010011001 L 0011000101 US 1111100001 & 0110011001 [ 1101100101 $ 0010011001 R 0100100101 F 0110000101 SP 0000011000 ( 0001011000 CR 1011000001 1101111101 1101000000 1110011001 0100011001 % 1010011001 T 0010100101 1110000101 0110100101 ETX 1100000001 I 1011111101 ? 1111111001 - 1011111001 ) 1001011001 SP 0000011001 > 0111111001 V 1001100101 H 0001000101 ~ 0100000101 0101011001 > 0111111001 + 1101011001 NU~ 0000000001 0101011001 1000011001 & 0110011001 U 1010100101 J 0101000101 N 0111000101 1011111000 < 0011111001 P 0000100101 ) 1001011001 & 0110011001 1100011001 ~ 0101011001 I 1001000101 K 1101000101 M 1011000101 ? 1111111001 0100011001 LF 0101000000 + 1101011001 < 0011111001 ( 0001011001 0001011001 1111000101 L 0011000101 0011011001 0111011001 0101111001 1101100101 1111100101 0 0000111001 ) 1001011001 sl - vt ~ , ~ d -i 1 1000111011 q 1000111111 a 1000011111 z 0101111111 HT 1001000001 H 0001000101 + 1101011001 SO 0111000001 NUL 0000000001 SOH 1000000001 2 0100111011 w 1110111111 s 1100111111 x 0001111111 RS 0111100001 % 1010011001 CR 1011000001 SI 1111000001 SO 0111000001 STX 0100000001 3 1100111011 1010011111 d 0010011111 c 1100011111 - 1111100100 $ 0010011001 L 0011000101 US 1111100001 ACK 0110000001 DEL 1111111101 4 0010111011 0100111111 f 0110011111 SP 0000011000 CAN 0001100000 CR 1011000001 1101111111 1101000000 BE~ 1110000001 0100011001 5 1010111011 I 0010111111 G 1110011111 0110111111 ED< 1100000001 1011111111 1111111011 - 1011011001 1001011001 0000011001 6 0110111011 1001111111 0001011111 b 0100011111 0101111011 > 0111111011 1101111011 NU~ 0000000001 0101011001 ! 1000011001 7 1110111011 1010111111 0101011111 0111011111 1011111010 < 0011111011 P 0000111111 0 0000111011 & 0110011001 # 1100011001 8 0001111011 ; 1001011111 k 1101011111 m 1011011111 1111011001 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0101100101 Y 1001100101 NUL 0000000001 0101011011 ! 1000011011 ETX 1100000001 BEL 1110000001 F 0110000101 U 1010100101 0111111100 W 1110100101 J 0101000101 DC2 0100100001 & 0110011011 # 1100011011 ESC 1101100001 ACK 0110000001 G 1110000101 ~ 0110100101 1110011001 0100011001 GS 1011100000 + 1101011001 FF 0011000011 ( 0001011011 EM 1001100001 1011100101 0001100101 0011011011 0111011011 0101111001 1101100101 - 1111100101 0000111001 0 HT 1001000001 S~ ~ ~ i Internal Resistor to GND on Shift and Control Pins KR9600-STD outputs provides ASCII bits 1-6 on 81-86, and bit 7 on 88 749 CODING FOR KR9601 AND KR9602 STD XV 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 0. 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 5. 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 6. 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 .0 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 Normal 8·12345678910 0000000100 0000001001 0000001101 0000010001 0000010101 0000011001 0000011101 0000100001 0000100001 0000100101 0000101001 0000101101 00001 lOa 01 0000110001 0000110101 0000111001 000U1111 01 0001000001 0001000101 0001001001 0001001111 0001010011 0001010111 0001011011 0001011111 0001100011 0001100111 0001101011 0001101111 0001110011 0001110101 0001111001 0001111101 0001111101 001000QOOl 0010000101 0010001001 0010001101 0010010001 0010010101 0010011011 0010011111 0010100011 0010100111 0010101011 0010101111 0010110011 0010110111 0010111011 0010111011 0010111101 0011000001 0011000101 0011000101 0011001001 0011001101 0011010001 0011010100 0011011001 0011011101 0011100011 0011100111 0011101011 0011101111 0011110011 0011110111 0011111011 0011111111 0011111111 0011111111 0100000001 0100000101 0100001001 0100001101 0100010001 0100010101 01000110 01 0100011101 0100100001 0100100101 0100101001 0100101101 0100110001 0100110101 0100111001 0100111101 0101000001 0101000101 0101001001 0101001101 Shift 8-12345678.910 0101010100 0101011001 0101011101 0101100001 0101100; 01 0101101001 0101101101 0101110001 0101110001 0101110101 0101111001 0101'11101 0110000001 0110000001 0110000101 0110001001 0110001101 0110010001 0110010101 0110011001 0110011111 0110100011 0110100111 0110101011 0110101111 0110110011 0110110111 0110111011 0110111111 0111000011 0111000101 0111001001 0111001101 0111001101 0111010001 0111010101 0111011001 0111011101 0111100001 0111100101 0111101011 0111101111 0111110011 0111110111 0111111011 0111111111 1000000011 1000000111 1000001011 1000001011 1000001101 1000010001 1000010101 1000010101 1000011001 1000011101 1000100001 1000100100 1000101001 1000101101 1000110011 10001101 11 1000111011 1000111111 1001000011 1001000111 1001001011 1001001111 1001001111 1001001111 1001010001 1001010101 1001011001 1001011101 1001100001 1001100101 1001101001 1001101101 1001110001 1001110101 1001111001 1001111101 1010000001 1010000101 1010001001 1010001101 1010010001 1010010101 1010011001 1010011101 OPTIONS FOR THE KR9601·STD: PINS 1,2, 3 INTERNAL OSCILLATOR [Input clock divisor = 1] PIN 4 CE [Active Low] PIN 5 AR 1 [ARO fixed at Lo = 0] [FIXED LONG DELAY OF 40000 CLOCK TIMES] [FIXED SHORT DELAY OF 6250 CLOCK TIMES] AKO [positive true] PIN 6 Pulsed DATA READY signal N-KEY ROLLOVER Pull-down resistor to ground at the following pins: _SHIFT _CONTROL _CAPS-LOCK _ARO 750 Control 8-12345678910 Shift/Control 8·12345678910 1010100100 10101001 DO 1010101001 1010101101 10101'0001 1010110101 10101'1001 1010111101 1011000001 1011000001 1011000101 1011001001 1011001101 1011010001 1011010001 1011010101 1011011001 1011011101 1011100001 1011100101 1011101001 1011101111 1011110011 1011110111 1011111011 1011111111 1100000011 1100000111 1100001011 1100001111 1100010011 1100010101 1100011001 1100011101 1100011101 1100100001 1100100101 1100101001 1100101101 1100110001 1100110101 1100111011 1100111111 1101000011 1101000111 1101001011 1101001111 1101010011 1101010111 1101011011 1,01011011 1101011101 1101100001 1101100101 1101100101 1101101001 1101101101 1101110001 1101110100 1101111001 1101111101 1110000011 1110000111 1110001011 1110001111 1110010011 1110010111 1110011011 1110011111 1110011111 11100111 11 1110100001 1110100101 1110101001 1110101101 1110110001 1110110101 1110111001 1110111101 1111000001 1111000101 1111001001 1111001101 1111010001 1111010101 1111011001 1111011101 1111000001 1111000101 1111101001 1111101101 1010101001 1010101101 1010110001 1010110101 10101 i 10 01 1010111101 1011000001 1011000001 1011000101 10110010 01 1011001101 1011010001 1011010001 10110101 01 1011011001 1011011101 1011100001 1011100101 1011101001 1011101111 1011110011 1011110111 1011111011 1011111111 1100000011 1100000111 1100001011 1100001111 1100010011 1100010101 1100011001 1100011101 11000111 01 1100100001 1100100101 1100101001 1100101101 1100110001 1100110101 1100111011 1100111111 1101000011 1101000111 1101001011 1101001111 1101010011 1101010111 1101011011 1101011011 1101011101 1101100001 11011001 01 1101100101 1101101001 1101101101 1101110001 1101110100 1101111001 1101111101 1110000011 1110000111 1110001011 1110001111 1110010011 1110010111 1110011011 1110011111 1110011111 1110011111 1110100001 1110100101 1110101001 1110101101 1110110001 1110110101 1110111001 1110111101 1111000001 1111000101 1111001001 1111001101 1111010001 1111010101 1111011001 1111011101 1111100001 1111100101 1111101001 1111101101 OPTIONS FOR THE KR9602-STD: N-KEY ROLLOVER AUTO-REPEAT (FIXED LONG DELAY OF 40000 CLOCK TIMES) (FIXED SHORT DELAY OF 6250 CLOCK TIMES) 1 STOP bit. No PARITY bit. Input clock divisor of 63 Pull-down resistor to ground at the following pins: -SHIFT -CONTROL -CAPS-LOCK CODING FOR KR9602-012 (ASCII) XV 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 06 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 26 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 36 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 46 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 78 77 76 79 80 81 82 83 84 65 86 87 66 69 Normal 8-12345678910 0000110001 1001110001 0001110001 1110110001 0110110001 1010110001 0010110001 1100110001 0100110001 1000110001 0001000001 1010110001 1011010001 1010101001 1101101001 1111011011 1111011011 1001011011 1010111011 1001111011 0010111011 0100111011 1010011011 1110111011 1000111011 1101100000 1001000001 1011000001 0000011001 1110010001 1101110001 0011011011 1101011011 0101011011 0001011011 1110011011 0110011011 0010011011 1100111011 1000011011 1111010001 0111010001 0011010001 1011011011 0111011011 0100011011 0110111011 1100011011 0001100011 0101111011 0011101001 0000010001 1010000001 0110000001 1110000001 1001000001 0101000001 1101000001 0111000001 1111000001 0000100001 1000100001 0100100001 1100100001 0010000001 1010100001 0110100001 1110100001 0001100001 1001100001 0101100001 0011100001 1011100001 0111100001 1111100001 0000000001 1000000001 0100000001 1100000001 0010000001 0000110111 1001110111 1000100011 1110110111 1100100011 1010110111 0100100011 1100110111 0010100011 1000110011 Shift 8-12345678910 1001010001 0001010001 0101010001 0110010001 0111101001 1010010001 0010010001 1100010001 0000001001 1000010001 0001000001 1101010001 1111101001 1010111001 1101111001 0000101011 1111001011 1001001011 1010101011 1001101011 0010101011 0100101011 1010001011 0101001011 1000101011 1101100000 1001000101 1011000001 0111111001 0100010001 0101110001 0011001011 1101001011 0101001011 0001001011 1110001011 0110001011 0010001011 1100101011 1000001011 1111110001 0111110001 0011110001 1011001011 0111001011 0100001011 0110101011 1100001011 0001100011 0101101011 0011111001 0000010001 1010000001 0110000001 1110000001 1001000001 0101000001 1101000001 0111000001 1111000001 ~ggg~gggg~ 0100100001 1100100001 0010000001 1010100001 0110100001 1110100001 0001100001 1001100001 0101100001 0011100001 1011100001 0111100001 1111100001 0000000001 1000000001 0100000001 1100000001 0010000001 0000110011 1001110011 0001110011 1110110011 0110110011 1010110011 0010110011 1100110011 0100110011 1000110011 OPTIONS FOR THE KR9602-012 ASCII: Lockout Auto Repeat (Fixed Long Delay of 60,000 Clock Times) (Fixed Short Delay of 2000 Clock Times) One Stop Bit Input Clock Divisor of 32 Control 8-12345678910 0000110001 1001110001 0001110001 1110110001 0110110001 1010110001 0010110001 1100110001 0100110001 1000110001 0001000001 1011110001 1111100001 1011100001 1101100000 0000100011 1111000011 1001000011 1010100011 1001100011 0010100011 0100100011 1010000011 1110100011 1000100011 1101100000 1001000001 1011000001 0000011001 1110010001 1101110001 0011000011 1101000011 0101000011 0001000011 1110000011 0110000011 0010000011 1100100011 1000000011 1111010001 0111010001 0011010001 1011000011 0111000011 0100000011 0110100101 1110100101 0001100101 0101100011 0011100001 0000010001 1010000101 0110000101 1110000101 1001000101 0101000101 1101000101 0111000101 1111000101 0000100101 1000100101 0100100101 1100100101 0010000101 1010100101 0110100101 1110100101 0001100101 1001100101 0101100101 0011100101 1011100101 0111100101 1111100101 0000000101 1000000101 0100000101 1100000101 00tOOO0101 0000110111 1001110111 1000100011 1110110111 1100100011 1010110111 0100100011 1100110111 0010100011 1000110111 Shift Control 8·12345678910 1001010001 0001010001 0101010001 0110010001 0111101001 1010010001 0010010001 1100010001 0000001001 1000010001 0001000001 1101010001 1111100101 1010100101 1101100100 0000100111 1111000111 1001000111 1010100111 1001100111 0010100111 0100100111 1010000111 1110100111 1000100111 1101100000 1001000101 1011000001 0111111001 0100010001 0101110001 0011000111 1101000111 0101000111 0001000111 1110000111 0110000111 0010000111 1100100111 1000000111 1111110001 0111110001 0011110001 1011100111 0111000111 0100000111 0110100111 1100000111 0001100111 0101100111 0011100101 0000010001 1010000101 0110000101 1110000101 1001000101 0101000101 1101000101 0111000101 1111000101 0000100101 1000100101 0100100101 1100100101 0010000101 1010100101 0110100101 1110100101 0001100101 0001100101 0101100101 0011100101 1011100101 0111100101 1111100101 0000000101 1000000101 0100000101 1100000101 0010000101 0000110011 1001110011 0001110011 1110110011 0110110011 1010110011 0010110011 1100110011 0100110011 1000110011 No Parity Eight Data Bits Pull down Resistor to Ground is at the following pins: -SHIFT -CONTROL -CAPS LOCK 751 OSCILLATOR FREQUENCY vs C1 FOR KR9600/~R9601 STROBE DELAYvs C2 FOR KR9600/1/2 200 r--.-\--.----,--~-_-___, R = lOOKO 1BO ~-\--' \I---+~o:"~;f sumY VOLTAGE 1~r-~\H---~~---+--~ 140 ~ ~ l00f---rI~ \--lr--+---+----l = 25° C TA f---+---j--+--f--l '20 f---1\1\:----l--+---+----l ~ BOI--+-~~\-r---+--+---+ f-I_-+__t-_-tNOMINAL VOLT AGE DELAY =13000SECrCPF- 15 60 1---+--lI.1,,:--+--+---1 -- 401---+----r~~----t---~ 10 12 20 DELAY (mS) I---+---+----+,,---'~=_~ °0~-~20~-~40~-~60~-B~0,.-~100 FREQUENCY (KH,) KEYBOARD LAYOUT FOR KR9601/9602-S'TD [ill [millJ~~~~@]J@TIffiJ[illffiJffi)lliJ ill] [rn @TI [ill [ill [ru ~lli][lli@1]rm[ill@IJ@TI[llilru~[m Lm ill] @IJ[ill [ill [ill [ill @]J ~@!]illJillJ[§JlliJ[lliffi][illillJ@I]~ n ~ ffiJ [lli '~i YO i Y2 YO Y1 YO Y1 . Y2 YO YO Y3 Y1 Y4 Y5 Y2, Y3 Y6 Y4 Y7 Y7 Y5 Y6 yg YB Y7 Y4 yg YB Y5 yg Y6 YB . Y2 Y1 ~ YO ~ Y6 Y4 Y7 Y5 Y4 ~ Y5 Y2 Y1 Y7 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fl ~ ~ ~ Lrn [ill ~mJ @1]ffi][lli[gJ ill] [ill[lliffilillJ mJ ill] ill] ill] ffi] [ill [ill @U [ill [; [lli ffiJ [illi Y2 Y1 Y3 Y2 'i0 Y0 Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 XB Y6 Y7 Y7 YB yg Y6 yg Y5 Y4 YB Y3 Y5 Y4 Y7 Circuit diagrams utilizing SMC products are included as a means 01 illustrating typical semiconductor applica· l~~g~;,,;f;g~~:n~~e~o:a~f~fl~n~~~:,:~~~~~~c~~le~':.'d ~~n~~~~~~~I:~~ft~~: ~o":.!~c~~s;O:~~0~~7ilt~~: assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, such information does not convey to the purchaserofthesemiconductor devices described any license under the petent rights 01 SMC or others. SMC reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design and supply the best product possible. 752 Microprocessor Products Part 5'IuIl'ber MPU800 ·MPU80Q.l :MPu8OO-4. MPU810A. MPi:l'810A-l. MPU810A-4 MPU830... :M.1?Cr630~1 '. :O••crQ1d.cm Mioro'Dl'OC8SSOr WcroP1'O(ll)SSQr WQl'OP1'(lOesSOl' It.AM-lIOJl'1:rn$r It.AM~I/O~ It.AM-IIO-T1lneli :amBiO MPU830-4 MM·:t!Ci ROM-I/O MPUS31 Iio MPU831 MPU831-4 liD I/O '.' ... 8 Bit 8131t .S131t e131t 81311'.. 8l3it 8l3it 8B1t 8B1t 8 Bit 8 rut 8131t 1'1:00... S:Pe.ct· CMOS. CMOS CMOS 2.5MB:Z .1.0 MB:Z. CMOS' .cMos 4;OMRa a.aMRa '. lIo'iImI" tU.iiiij8i . at c··. BV" CMOS CMOS :uum;1iI .CMoS ".!'$V 5V. 4.0lDk OMOS CMOS C)'{OS 2.5 lrU'Iz 753 1.0lrU'Iz 4.0 MHz 40Dtp 8V aT 1,.OlrU'Iz 40 DIP ev. 1.Oli4Bz 4.01Orz CMOS .~. . 8V av 6V e:v' 'm .' : 4O:t>IP 40PIP ..•.. 40DlP •... 40 DIP 40IlIP . 40 DIP 40DlP .40DIl" 40 DIP 40DlP -- 755·756' .756-.'1'56 755·'1'56 .757"'75$ 757·7fl8 757·'1'68 759-,760 759-750 7e9-'1'60 759-7eO '1'.59-'1'60 '1'59-760' 754 MPU 800 MPU 800-1 MPU 800-4 PRELIMINARY High-Performance Low-Power Microprocessor FEATURES PIN CONFIGURATION o Variable Power Supply: 2.4V - 6.0V o Fully Compatible Wth Z80® Instruction Set o Pin-Compatible With NSC800 AS A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 ClK XOUT XIN ADO AD1 AD2 AD3 AD4 AD5 ADS AD7 GND o Powerful Set of 158 Instructions 010 Addressing Modes o 22 Internal Registers o Low Power: 50 mW at 5 V Vcc o Multiplexed Bus Structure o o On Chip Bus Controller and Clock Generator DOn-Chip 8 bit Dynamic RAM Refresh Circuitry Three Speed Versions: MPU800-4 4 MHz MPU800 2.5 MHz MPU800-1 1 MHz Capable of addressing 64 k bytes of memory, and 256 1/0 devices Five interrupt request lines on-chip Schmitt trigger input on reset Power-Save Feature o o o o v" PS WAIT RESET OUT l!REQ BACK 101M ~ Rl) WR ALE SO RFSH S1 TNiA iNfR ~ RSTB RSTA NMi GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MPU800 is an 8 bit microprocessor that functions as the central processing unit (CPU) in Standard Microsystems MPU800 microcomputer family. The device is fabricated in double-poly CMOS to combine high performance with the low-power of CMOS. including: vectored priority interrupts, refresh control, power save, and interrupt acknowledge. Dedicated peripherals (MPU81 0 Ram 1/0 Timer, MPU830 ROM 1/0 Timer, and (MPU831 1/0 Timer) have on-chip logic for direct interface to the MPU800. Many system functions are incorporated on the device zao is a registered trademark of Zilog Corporation. 755 For additional information, consult your 1986 catalog or contact our product marketing department at (516) 273·3100. Circuit diagrams utilizing SMC products are included as a means of illustrating typical semiconductor applications: consequently complete information sufficient for construction purposes is not necessarily gill9n. ~~i§~~~~~:~~;: The information has been carefully checked and is beliell9d to be entirely reliable. However, no responsibility is 11"'"',,,',,", ":"11:>'1,"",;,:0;' assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, such information does not convey to the purchaser of the semiconductor devices described any license under the patent rights of SMC or others. SMC reserves the right 10 make changes at any time in order to improve design ana supply the best product possible, 756 MPU810A MPU 810A-1 MPU 810A-4 PRELIMINARY RAM-I/O-Timer FEATURES D Variable Power Supply: 2.4V-6.0V D Pin-Compatible With NSCS10 D Three Programmable 1/0 Ports PIN CONFIGURATION v~ PC3/TG PC4fT1IN TOIN RESET PCSfT10UT TOOUT 10T/M CE D Two 16 Bit Programmable Counter Timers D Very Low Power Consumption D Fully Static Operation D Single Instruction 1/0 Bit Operations D Timer Operation: DC to 5 MHz D Bus Compatible with MPUSOO Family D Three Speed Versions For Full PC2/S'fB PC1/BF PCO/INTR PB7 PB6 PBS PB4 PB3 PB2 AD WR Compatibility with the MPUSOO: MPUS10-4-4 MHz MPUS10 -2.5 MHz MPUS10-1-1 MHz ALE ADO AD1 AD2 AD3 PB1 PA7 PA6 PAS AD4 PA4 PBO ADS PA3 AD6 PA2 AD7 PA1 GND --c.::"'---_ _....:..:..r- PAO BLOCK DIAGRAM GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MPUS10A functions as a memory, inputloutput peripheral interface, and a timing device. The memory is comprised of 1024 bits of static RAM organized 12S by S. The 1/0 portion consists of 22 programmable inputloutput bits arranged as three separate ports, with each bit individually definable as an input or output. The port bits can be set or cleared individually and can be written or read in bytes. Several types of strobed mode operations are available through port A. The timer portion of the device consists of two programmable 16 bit binary down-counters each capable of operation in anyone of 6 modes. Timer counts are extendable by one of the available pre-scale values. The MPUS10A comes in three speed versions to match the MPUSOO. FIGURE 1 757 For additional inform&tion, consult your 1986 SMC catalog or contact our product marketing department at (516) 273-3100. ~ ~.~~~:i Circuit diagrams utilizing SMC products are included as a means of illustrating typical semiconductor lIPPlications: consequently complete information sufficient for construction purposes is not necessarily given. The information has been carefullv checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. However. no responsibility is .,,""'" "'"~"." "'. assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore. such information does not convey to the purchaser of the .,," m """ . 'w, """'... semiconductor devices described any license under the patent rights of SMC or others. SMC reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design ana supply the besl product possible. 758 MPU830 MPU831 PRELIMINARY MPU 830 ROM I/O Device MPU 831 I/O Device FEATURES o Variable Power Supply: 2.4V-6.0V o Pin-Compatible With NSC830/NSC831 o Three Programmable I/O Ports o 2K x 8 Read Only Memory (MPU830) o Very Low Power Consumption o Fully Static Operation o Single Instruction I/O Bit Operations o Bus Compatible With MPU800 Family o Strobed Mode Available on Port A PIN CONFIGURATION PAO A8 A9 A10 RESET CEo/CEo 10/M 10R/CE,/CE,' RD WR ALE ADO AD1 AD2 AD3 AD4 AD5 AD6 AD7 PAO Vee PA1 PA2 PA3 PA4 PA5 PA6 PA7 PCO/INTR PC1/BF PC2/STB PC3 PBO PB1 PB2 PB3 PB4 PB5 PB6 PB7 vss *Pin 6 is mask programmable as CEo or CEo Pin 8 is mask programmable as lOR, CEll or CE l GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MPU830 is a combination ROM and I/O peripheral device contained in a standard 40 pin package. The ROM is comprised of 16,384 bits of Read Only Memory organized as 2048 by 8. The I/O portion consists of 20 programmable input/output bits arranged as three separate ports, with each bit individually definable as an input or output. The port bits can be set or cleared individually and can be written or read in bytes. Several types of strobed mode operations are available through port A. The MPU831 is similar to the MPU830 except that is contains no ROM. The MPU831 is useful for prototyping work prior to ordering the MPU830, and when on chip ROM is not required. Vee PA1 PA2 PA3 PA4 PA5 PA6 PA7 PCO/INTR PC1/BF PC2/STB PC3 PBO PB1 PB2 PB3 PB4 PB5 PB6 RESET CEo Vee CE, RD WR ALE ADO AD1 AD2 AD3 AD4 AD5 AD6 AD7 Vss '-="-_ _.=.c..J' PB7 *Tie pins 2, 3 and 4 to either Vee or Vss. Figure 1 CEo/CEo IOR/CE11~ ,..----, --tst-+ (10) : 1iD~ IO/M~ ALE~ RESET ~ CONTROL LOGIC L-_--' ROM 16,38481TS (2048l<8) (1.-4\ (12-19) PAO-PA7 (21-28) ADDRESS 8UFFERS ADDRESSI OA,' BUFFERS AND LATCHES Note' ApphcablepLlIOutlrn4Q-p,ndual.,n.hnepackagew,\'Hn parentheses 759 (1.33·391 PORTA (29-32) PORTe PeG-pel HANDSHAKE BLOCK DIAGRAM For additional information, consult your 1986 SMC catalog or contact our product marketing department at (516) 273-3100. diagrams utilizing complete SMC products are included means of illustrating semiconductor applications: consequently information sufficientas foraconstruction purposes istypical not necessarily given. ~~~~~~~~~,;~;~~~~~~r~ Circuit The information has been carefully checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, such information does not convey to the purchaser of the semiconductor devices described any license under the patent rights of SMC or others. SMC reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design and supply the best product possible. 760 .,f Shift Register SB 5018-80, 81, 133 ums +6 16 DIP 763-764 SB5018 1:MRz +5 16DIP 766-766 761 762 SR5015-XXX SR 5015-80 SR 5015-81 SR 5015-133 Quad Static Shift Register FEATURES D COPLAMOS® N Channel Silicon Gate Technology D Variable Length-Single Mask Programmable-1 to 134 bits D Directly TTL-compatible on all inputs, outputs, and clock D Clear function D Operation guaranteed from DC to 1.0 MHz D Recirculate logic on-chip D Single +5.0V power supply D Low clock input capacitance D 16 pin ceramic DIP Package D Pin for Pin replacement for AMI S2182, 83, 85 PIN CONFIGURATION INPUTA RECABC 1 "--../16 ~ 15 ~ 2 OUTPUT A RID 3 14 OUTPUT 0 4 13 INPUTD 5 12' RECD 6 11 NC Vee I ·7 10 INPUTC 8 9 CLOCK CLEAR INPUTB OUTPUTB,. GNDI OUTPUTCI APPLICATIONS D Memory Buffering D Unique Buffering Lengths D Terminals BLOCK DIAGRAM OUTPUT A OUTPUTC REC CONTROL ABC">-........It--I.~ ,-j---< INPUTC INPUT A >-+_---1 ~--<... RECIRC.INPUT D '-.1-.----:::: REC. CONTROL D INPUT B INPUT 0 CLOCK 763 CLEAR For additional information, consult your 1986 catalog or contact our product marketing department at (516) 273-3100. Circuit diagrams utilizing SMC products are included as a means of illustrating typical semiconductor applications: consequently complete information sufficient for construction purposes is not necessarily given. The information has been carefully checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. Furlhermore, such information does not convey to the purchaser of Ihe semiconductor devices described any license under the patent rights of SMC or others. SMC reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design ana supply the best product possible. 764 SR 5017 SR 5018 Quad Static Shift Right/Shift Left Shift Register Last In First Out Buffer LIFO FEATURES D COMPLAMOS® N-Channel Silicon Gate Technology. D Quad 81 bit or Quad 133 bit D Directly Compatible with PL, MOS D Operation Guaranteed from DC to 1.0MHz D Recirculate logic on-chip D Single +5.0V power supply D Low clock input capacitance D Single phase clock at PL levels D Clear function D 16-pin Ceramic DIP Package APPLICATIONS D Bi-Directional Printer D Computers-Push Down Stack-LIFO D Buffer data storage-memory buffer D Delay lines-delay line processing D Digital filtering PIN CONFIGURATION INPUTD RECD RID GND OUTPUTD OUTPUTC CLEAR INPUTC OUTPUT A INPUTS L/RCON OUTPUTS INPUT A RECASC Vcc CLOCK D Telemetry Systems D Terminals D Peripheral Equipment BLOCK DIAGRAM OUTPUT A OUTPUTC REC CONTROL ABC ' ) -..........L-.J '--J---oc. INPUT 9' INPUT A >-+---l~ J---C, RECIRC.INPUT D '--.J-.---C REC. CONTROL D INPUTB >-----1 '--J---'. INPUT D L J R C O N T R O L > - - - - - - - -.......'"t~~~~~ CLOCK 765 CLEAR For additional information, consult your 1986 SMC catalog or contact our product marketing department at (516) 273-3100. STANDARD MICROSVSTEMS I\~I CORPOR/"\IIVI1I Circuit diagrams utilizing SMC products are included as a means of illustrating typical semiconductor applications: consequently complete information sufficient for construction purposes is not necessarily given. The information has been carefully checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. However. no responsibility is " .." .... " _ " '''"' assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, such information does not convey to the purchaser of the ,,,,,m 3>OO·;W, "0 m",% semiconductor devices described any license under the patent rights of SMC or others. SMC reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design and supply the best product possible. 766 Plastic Package Outlines c --------] ------- DIM A B C D E F G H J K L M 8 LEAD .380-.400 .240-.250 .125-.135 .016-.021 .290-.330 .055-.065 .090-.110 .040-.050 .010-.014 .120-.140 .315-.370 .210-.250 14 LEAD .750-.770 .240-.250 .125-.135 .016-.021 .290-.330 .060-.070 .090-.110 .075-.085 .010-.014 .120-.140 .315-.365 .210-.250 16 LEAD .750-.770 .240-.250 .130-.140 .016-.021 .290-.330 .060-.070* .090-.110 .025-.035 .010-.014 .120-.140 .315-.365 .210-.250 18 LEAD 20 LEAD 24 LEAD 28 LEAD 40 LEAD 48 LEAD .900-.920 1.025-1.050 1 .245-1 .265 1 .450-1 .470 2.050-2.070 2.430-2.460 .240-.250 .240-.260 .530-.545 .535-.550 .535-.550 .53q~ .125-.140 .125-.140 .145-.155 .145-.155 .145-.155 .140-.200 .016-.021 .016-.021 .016-.021 .016-.021 .016-.021 .015-.021 .290-.330 .290-.330 .590-.630 .590-.630 .590-.630 .580-.630 .060-.070 .060-.070 .060-.070 .060-.070 .050-.060 .040-.065 .090-.110 .090-.110 .090-.110, .090-.110 .090-.110 .090-.110 .040-.060 .065-.075 .065-.085 .070-.090 .070-.090 .065-.090 .010-.014 .010-.014 .010-.014 .010-.014 .010-.014 .007-.014 .120-.140 .120-.140 .120-.140 .120-.140 .120-.140 .120-.160 .315-.365 .315-.365 .610-.670 .610-.670 , .610-.670 .610-.675 .210-.250 .210-.250 .210-.250 .210-.250 .210-.250 .210-.250 ',045 TYP FOR END LEADS 767 Plastic Surface Mount Package Outlines 20, 28, 44, 68, 84 J-Lead Carrier PIN 1 NOTE: 1. All dimensions are in inches. 2. Circle indicating pin 1 can appear on a top surface as shown on the drawing or right above it on a beveled edge. ~---------D1------------~ ~---------D-------------t DIM A A1 D D1 D2 D3 F G J E R 8 81 C 20l .165-.180 .090-.12b .385-.395 .350-.356 .290-.330 .200 .050TYP .045TYP .000-.020 .047-.053 .025-.045 .013-.021 .026-.032 .020-.045 28l .160-.188 .090-.120 .482-.495 .450-.456 .390-.430 .300 .042-.056 .042-.048 .000-.020 .047-.053 .025-.045 .013-.021 .026-.032 .020-.045 44l .160-.188 .090-.120 .682-.695 .650-.656 .590-.630 .500 .042-.060 .042-.048 .000-.028 .047-.053 .025-.045 .013-.021 .026-.032 .020-.045 768 68l .160-.190 .090-.130 .982-.995 .950-.956 .890-.930 .800 .042-.062 .042-.048 .00-.028 .047-.053 .025-.045 .013-.021 .026-.032 .020-.045 84l .165-.179 .095-.109 1.185-1.195 1.150-1.156 1.090-1.130 1.000 .050TYP .045TYP .010 .047-.053 .025-.045 .013-.021 .027 .020-.045 Small Outline Package (SOle), 16 Lead Plastic I~ D t -I "g~~J I- sPlane ... i'++l ~ A1 A DIM MIN A .053 .069 A1 .004 .010 .019 MAX B .014 e .0075 .010 D .386 .394 E e .150 .158 H .228 .244 h .010 .020 L .016 .050 0( 0° 8° .050 BSe 769 Cerdip Hermetic Package Outlines 14, 16, 18, 20 PIN CERDIP 8 PIN CERDIP HERMETIC PACKAGES HERMETIC PACKAGES ~ IC~~~:J ~=r I I~ ,r::W:~~~ JL ~LJL 24, 28, 40 PIN CERDIP HERMETIC PACKAGES G5 ~= ] DIM 8 LEAD 14 LEAD 16 LEAD 18 LEAD 20 LEAD A .400 MAX .785 MAX .810 MAX .915 MAX .970 MAX 24 LEAD 28 LEAD 40 LEAD 8 C .245-.295 .244-.295 .244-.295 .265-.295 .265-.295 .510-.595 .510-.595 .510-.595 .160 MAX .160 MAX .180 MAX .180 MAX .180 MAX .180 MAX .180 MAX .180 MAX 1.280 MAX 1.460 MAX 2.070 MAX D .016-.020 .016-.020 .016-.020 .016-.020 .016-.020 .016-.020 .016-.020 .016-.020 E .290-.320 .290-.320 .290-.320 .310-.330 .310-.330 .590-.620 .590-.620 .590-.620 F .050-.070 .050-.070 .050-.070 .050-.070 .050-.070 .050-.070 .050- .070 .050-.070 .100±.010 .100±.010 .100±.010 .100±.010 .100± .010 .100±.010 .100±.010 .100-.010 G H J - .065 TYP .020TYP .040TYP .020TYP .045 TYP .045 TYP .045TYP .008-.012 .008-.012 .008-.012 .008-.012 .008-.012 .008-.012 .008-.012 .008-.012 L .400 MAX .400 MAX .400 MAX .400 MAX .400 MAX .700 MAX .700 MAX .700 MAX M .240-.300 .240-.300 .240-.300 .240-.300 .240-.300 .240-.300 .240-.300 .240-.300 K .125 MIN .125MIN .125 MIN .125 MIN .125MIN .125MIN .125MIN .125 MIN 770 Ceramic Package Outlines 14, 16, 18, 20 PIN HERMETIC PACKAGE 14 LEAD ~ ~~ft ~ L~ ~ ij ij ~ \~- 0 -I IG I I \/ SEATING PLANE !-L--=::::I M 20 LEAD A .670 .760 .790 .810 .885 .915 .965 .995 C .175 .175 .175 .175 D .015 .021 .015 .021 .015 .021 .015 .021 F .048 .060 .048 .060 .048 .060 .048 .060 G .090 .110 .090 .110 .090 .110 .090 .110 J .008 .012 .008 .012 .008 .012 .008 .012 K .130 .170 .130 .170 .130 .170 .130 .170 r---'=-- .295 .325 .295 .325 .295 .325 .295 .325 N .025 .060 .025 .060 .025 .060 .025 .060 10° M 24 LEAD DIM A 771 18 LEAD MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX 24, 28, 40, 48 PIN HERMETIC DIP AlL UNITS INCHES UNLESS OTHERWISE SPE91FIED 16 LEAD DIM MIN MAX 10° 28 LEAD MIN MAX 10° 10° 40 LEAD MIN MAX 48 LEAD MIN MAX 1.180 1.220 1.380 1.430 1.980 2.030 2.376 2.424 B .575 .610 .580 .610 .580 .610 .567 .600 C .595 .625 .595 .625 .595 .625 .590 .620 D .065 .120 .065 .120 .065 .120 .077 .093 E .020 .070 .020 .070 .020 .070 .025 .060 F .125 .175 .125 .175 .125 .175 .130 .170 G 0.100 TP 0.100 TP 0.100TP 0.100 TP H 0.05 TP 0.05 TP 0.05 TP 0.500TP J 0.018TP 0.Q18 TP 0.Q18 TP 0.018 TP K 0.040TP 0.040TP 0.040 TP 0.040TP L 0.010 NOM 0.010 NOM 0.010 NOM 0.010 NOM M 0.600TP 0.600TP 0.600TP 0.600TP Ceramic Leadless Chip Carrier Outlines Edge [Ei!3J ~t~~'F~~ I ~~~ PIN ,>---H---+---++-- /NO. 1 DIM A A1 B 0 01 02 03 e G J L L1 ~---+ - - - - - I E r - - 44 LEAD .062-,078 .071-.089 .025TYP .640-.660 .500 .355-.598 .350-.590 ,050BSC .020 x 45° .040 x 45° ,045-.055 ,075-.095 68 LEAD .072-.088 .081-.099 .025TYP .940-.965 .800 .455-.820 .450-.820 .050BSC .020 x 45° .040x45° .045-.055 ,075-.095 772 84 LEAD .072-.088 .081-.099 .025TYP 1.135-1.165 1.000 .530-1.020 .500-,990 .050BSC .020x45° .040 x 45° ,042x.048 .075-.095 Cerquad Package Outline 68 LEADED CEROUAD GULLWING (GA) II / " PIN 1 INDENT .900 sa: 1.125 ±.005 'DEFINES MINIMUM CLEAR LEADFRAME ZONE -zone consists of package body. including ceramic and glass. ~".L II t ~ -~ .030 min .120 .....021'O 'm n max 68 LEADED CEROUAD FLAT LEAD (FA) L .050 I / PIN 1 INDENT .900 sa: 1.250 ±.005 'DEFINES MINIMUM CLEAR LEADFRAME ZONE -zone consists of package body. including ceramic and glass . .155 9 _.:-cl==========::::rl Lx .L~ c c c c c c c c c • 'PC Board Socket available from Cannon ITT - pin CAlll484 10550 Talbert Ave., Fountain Valley, CA 92728-8048 773 c c F'12} max SALES REPRESENTATIVES fiii~Oiig;gR~~7"7"n CALIFORNIA/South y~+i~~~all~gtus Drive EI Segundo, California 90245 PHONE: 213-634-2116 Varigan, Inc. 23441 S. Pointe Dr. Suite 90 Laguna Hills, CA 92653 PHONE: 714-855-0233 TELEX: 910-997-0225 FAX: 714-458-0854 Cerco 5230 Carron Canyon Road Suite 214 San Diego, California 92121 PHONE: 619-450-1755 TELEX: 910-335-1220 FAX: 619-450-3681 COLORADO Elcom, Inc. 2015 South Dayton Street Denver, Colorado 80231 PHONE: 303-337-2300 TELEX: 62927893 (Easylink) FAX: 303-745-0462 ILLINOIS/South S.w. Wollard Co. Rural Route 1 Post Office Box 66A Parker, Kansas 66072 PHONE: 913-898-6552 FAX: 913-898-6081 MISSISSIPPI Jordan Center HuntSVille, Alabama 35805-0306 PHONE: 205-536-3044 FAX: 205-533-5097 INDIANA Wilson Technical Sales, Inc. P.o Box 688510 Indianapolis, Indiana 46268 PHONE: 317-872-2513 TELEX: 910~997~8120 FAX: 317-872-0664 MISSOURI S.w. Wollard Rural Route 1 Post Office Box 6SA Parker, Kansas 66072 PHONE: '913~898-6S52 FAX: 913-898-6081 IOWA S.W. Wollard Co. Rural Route 1 Post Office Box 66A Parker, Kansas 66072 PHONE: 913-898-6552 FAX: 913-898-6081 MONTANA Quest Marketing, Inc. 15921 N.E. 8th St., Ste. 207 Bellevue, Washington 98008 PHONE: 206-747-9424 FAX: 206-643-3488 ~~b~r,j~:~a~a~~~~~~t:~~oc. NEBRASKA S.w. Wollard Co. Rural Route 1 Post Office Box 66A Parker, Kansas 66072 PHONE: 913-898-6552 FAX: 913-898-6081 KANSAS s.w. Wollard Co. Rural Route 1 Post Office Box 6SA Parker, Kansas 66072 PHONE: 913-898-6552 FAX: 913-898-6081 CONNECTICUT Orion Group KENTUCKY 27 Meriden Avenue Southington, Connecticut 06489 Wilson Technical Sales, Inc. P.O. Box 688510 PHONE: 203-621-8371 Indianapolis, Indiana 46268 TWX: 510-601-1381 PHONE: 317-872-2513 FAX: 203-628-0494 TELEX: 910-997-8120 FAX: 317-872-0664 DELAWARE Tritek Sales, Inc. LOUISIANA 21 E. Euclid Avenue Haddonfield, New Jersey 08033 Southern States Marketing 1143 Rockingham, Suite 106 PHONE: 609-429-1551 Richardson, Texas 75080 TELEX: 710-896-0881 PHONE: 214-238-7500 FAX: 609-429-4915 TWX: 910-867-4754 FAX: 214-231-7662 NEVADA/North Costar, Inc. 19220 Stevens Creek Blvd. Cupertino, California 95014 PHONE: 408-448-9339 TELEX: 910-338-0206 FAX: 408-446-4885 NEVADA/South Southwest Technical Sales 4314 E. Tonto St. Phoenix, Arizona 85044 PHONE: 602-893-1209 TELEX: 910-950-0195 FAX: 602-893-1312 ""'--'''-''''-""'''=='-''"''"'''"''''''1 ~LE~RIDA 600 W. Hillsboro Blvd., Ste. 300 MAINE The Orion Group Deerfield Beach, FL 33441 ~~~~trJ~;~a~a~~~~~~t~~~OC. 607 North Ave. PHONE: 305-426-8944 Jordan Center Wakefield, Massachusetts 0188 TELEX: 510-100-4470 PHONE: 617-245-5220 Huntsville, Alabama 35805·0306 FAX: 305-427-9911 TWX: 510-601-0667 PHONE: 205-536-3044 FAX: 205-533-5097 MEC MARYLAND 989 Woodgate Drive Robert Electronic Sales ALASKA Palm Harbor, FL 33563 Quest Marketing, Inc. 5525 Twin Knolls Rd., Ste. 325 PHONE: 813-784-8561 Columbia, Maryland 21045 15921 N.E. 8th Street, Ste. 207 FAX: 305-427-9911 BeHevue, Washington 98008 PHONE: 301-995-1900 FAX: 301-964-3364 PHONE: 206-747-9424 MEC FAX: 206-643-3488 375 S. North Lake Blvd. MASSACHUSETTS Altamonte Springs, FL 32701 ARIZONA The Orion Group PHONE: 305-332-7158 Southwest Technical Sales 607 North Ave. 4314 E. Tonto St. Wakefield, Massachusetts 01880 GEORGIA Phoenix, Arizona 85044 Electronic Marketing Associates PHONE: 617-245-5220 PHONE: 602-893-1209 6695 Peachtree Industrial Blvd. TWX: 510-601-0667 TELEX: 910-950-0195 Suite 109 Digital Equipment Corp. Only FAX: 602-893-1312 Atlanta, Georgia 30360 Mill-Bern Associates, Inc. PHONE: 404-448-1215 2 Mack Road ARKANSAS FAX: 404-446-9363 Woburn, Massachusetts 01801 Southern States Marketing PHONE: 617-932-3311 1143 Rockingham, Suite 106 IDAHO FAX: 617-932-0511 Richardson, Texas 75080 Quest Marketing, Inc. PHONE: 214-238-7500 15921 N.E. 8th St., Sle.207 MICHIGAN TWX: 910-867-4754 Bellevue, Washington 98008 A.P. Associates FAX: 214-231-7662 PHONE: 206-747-9424 P.O. Box 777 FAX: 206-643-3488 Brighton, Michigan 48116 CALIFORNIA/North PHONE: 313-229-6550 ILLINOIS/North Costar, Inc. TELEX: 287310 19220 Stevens Creek Blvd. Sumer, Inc. FAX: 313-229-9356 Cupertino, California 95014 1675 Hicks Road PHONE: 408-446-9339 ~H~~E~:f~_991:~~~8iS 60008 MINNESOTA TELEX: 910-338-0206 Comstrand, Inc. FAX: 408-446-4885 62958372 (Easylink) 2852 Anthony Lane South FAX: 312-991-0474 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55418 PHONE: 612-788-9234 TELEX: 910-576-0924 FAX: 612-788-7218 ALABAMA NEW HAMPSHIRE The Orion Group 607 North Ave. Wakefield, Massachusetts 01880 PHONE: 617-245-5220 TWX: 510-601-0667 NEW JERSEY/Northern Technical Marketing Group 705 Cedar Lane Teaneck, N.J. 07666 PHONE: 201-692-0200 TWX: 710-990-5086 FAX: 201-692-8367 NEW JERSEY/Southern Tritek Sales, Inc. 21 E. Euclid Avenue Haddonfield, New Jersey 08033 PHONE: 609-429-1551 TELEX: 710-896-0881 FAX: 609-429-4915 NEW MEXICO Southwest Technical Sales 4314 E. Tonto SI. Phoenix, Arizona 85044 PHONE: 602-893-1209 TELEX: 910-950-0195 FAX: 602-893-1312 NEW YORK Technical Marketing Group 20 Broad Hollow Road Melville, N.V. 11747 PHONE: 516-351-8833 TWX: 910-997-3030 FAX: 516-351-8667 T-Squa~ed Elec. Co., Inc. 7353 VIctor Pittsford Rd. Victor, New York 14564 PHONE: 716-924-9101 FAX: 716-924-4946 T-Squared Elec. Co., Inc. 6443 Ridings Road Syracuse, New York 13206 PHONE: 315-463-8592 TENNESSEE ~~b~rJ~:da~a~~~~~~t~~oc. Jordan Center Huntsville, Alabama 35805·0306 NORTH CAROLINA PHONE: 205-536-3044 Electronic Marketing Associates FAX: 205-533-5097 9225 Honeycutt Creek Road ~~~i~~; ~f~~~4~~~~Oa 27609 TEXAS Southern States Marketing TELEX: 510-928-0594 1143 Rockingham, Suite 106 FAX: 919-848-1787 Richardson, Texas 75080 PHONE: 214-238-7500 NORTH DAKOTA TWX: 910-867-4754 Comstrand, Inc. FAX: 214-231-7862 2852 Anthony Lane South Minneapolis, Minnesota 55418 Southern States Marketing PHONE: 612-788-9234 400 E. Anderson Lane, Suite 111 TELEX: 910-576-0924 Austin, Texas 78752 FAX: 612-788-7218 PHONE: 512-452-9459 TWX: 910-874-2006 OHIO Thompson & Associates UTAH 23215 Commerce Dr., Suite 202 Ercom, Inc. Beachwood, Ohio 44122 2520 South State Street PHONE: 216-831-6277 Suite 116 TELEX: 333804 Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 FAX: 216-831-2553 PHONE: 801-486-4233 TELEX: 62893625 (Ea.ylink) Thompson & Associates 309 Regency Ridge VERMONT Dayton, Ohio 45459 The Orion Group PHONE: 513-435-7733 607 North Ave. TELEX: 810-459-1767 Wakefield, Massachusetts 01880 FAX: 513-435-1898 PHONE: 617-245-5220 TWX: 510-601-0667 OKLAHOMA Southern States Marketing VIRGINIA 1143 Rockingham, Suite 106 Robert Electronic Sales Richardson, Texas 75080 1901 West Huguenot Road, PHONE: 214-238-7500 Suite 201 TELEX: 910-867-4754 Richmond, Virginia 23235 FAX: 214-231-7662 PHONE: 804-276-3979 FAX: 804-794-6090 OREGON Quest Marketing, Inc. WASHINGTON 6700 S.W. 105th. Ste. 3110 Beaverton, Oregon 97005 207 PHONE: 503-641-7377 Bellevue, Washington 98008 FAX: 503-646-9536 PHONE: 206-747-9424 FAX: 206-643-3488 PENNSYLVANIA/Eastern Tritek Sales, Inc. WASHINGTON D.C. 21 E. Euclid Avenue Robert Electronic Sales Haddonfield, New Jersey 08033 5525 Twin Knolls Rd. Suite 331 PHONE: 609-429-1551 Columbia, Maryland 21045 TELEX: 710-896-0881 PHONE: 301-995-1900 FAX: 609-429-4915 WEST VIRGINIA PENNSYLVANIA/Western Thompson Associates Thompson & Associates 23715 Merchantile Road 309 Regency Ridge Beachwood, Ohio 44122 Dayton, Ohio 45459 PHONE: 216-831-6277 PHONE: 513-435-7733 TELEX: 810-427-9453 TELEX: 810-459-1767 WISCONSIN/West RHODE ISLAND Comstrand, Inc. The Orion Group 2852 Anthony Lane South 607 North Ave. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55418 Wakefield, Massachusetts 01880 PHONE: 612-788-9234 PHONE: 617-245-5220 TELEX: 910-576-0924 TWX: 510-601-0667 FAX: 612-788-7218 ?5~~~t ~.W.k~\i~~t~~~te. SOUTH CAROLINA Electronic Marketing AsSOCiates 210 West Stone Avenue Greenville, South Carolina 29609-5499 PHONE: 803-233-4637/4638 TELEX: 810-281-2225 FAX: 803-242-3089 SOUTH DAKOTA Comstrand, Inc. 2852 Anthony Lane South Minneapolis, Minnesota 55418 PHONE: 612-788-9234 TELEX: 910-576-0924 FAX: 612-788-7218 WISCONSIN/Ea.t Sumer, Inc. 350 Bishops Way Brookfield, Wisconsin 53005 PHONE: 414-784-6641 FAX: 414-785-9628 WYOMING Elcom, Inc. 2015 South Dayton Street Denver, Colorado 80231 PHONE: 303-337-2300 TELEX: 62927893 (Easyllnk) FAX: 303-745-0462 DISTRIBUTORS ALABAMA Hall-Mark Electronics Corp. 4900 Bradford Drive Huntsville, Alabama 35807 PHONE: 205-837-8700 ARIZONA Cetee Electronics 3617 N. 35th Avenue P·hoenix, Arizona 85017 PHONE: 602-272-7951 Hall-Mark Electronics Corp. 4040 ~ast Raymond PhoenIx, Arizona 85040 PHONE: 602-437-1200 Cetec Electronics 3940 Ruffin Road San Diego, California 92123 PHONE: 619-278-5020 CALIFORNIA Cetec Electronics 1692 Browning Irvine, California 92714 PHONE: 714-250-4141 Cetec Electronics 2300 Owen Street Santa Clara, California 95051 PHONE: 408-434-1114 FAX: 408-433-0822 Diplomat Electronics, Inc. 6921 San Fernando Road Glendale, California 91201 PHONE: 818-845-8700 FAX: 818-848-6420 Halt-Mark Electronics Corp. 8130 Remmet Avenue Canoga Park, California 93104 PHONE: 818-716-7300 FAX: 818-704-4860 Hall-Mark Electronics Corp. 1110 Ringwood Court San Jose, California 95131 PHONE: 408-432-0900 FAX: 403-433-0745 Hall-Mark Electronics Corp. 6341 Auburn Blvd. Suite D Citrus Heights, California 95610 PHONE: 916-722-8600 Hall-Mark Electronics Corp. 3878 Ruffin Road, Ste. 108 San Diego, California 92123 PHONE: 619-268-1201 Hall-Mark Electronics Corp. 19220 S. Normandie Avenue Torrance, California 90502 PHONE: 213-217-8450 774 DISTRIBUTORS (con't) Inc. ~1~~~E~yro~~:: ~~ite 102 ~{aa,;~~~~S'':'~way ~JW~a~!~:~;iCS, Tustin, California 92680 PHONE: 714-869-4700 Atlanta, Georgia 30338 PHONE: 404·393·9666 800·241·5523 Columbia, Maryland 21046 PHONE: 301·621-6169 800-638·6656 Western Microtechnology. Inc. 10040 Bubb Road Cupertino, California 95014 PHONE: 408·725-1660 FAX: 408·255·6491 Executive Campus Marlton, New Jersey 08053 PHONE: 609-963-5010 800-257·780817111 IDAHO Radar Electric Co., Inc. 5821 Franklin Road MASSACHUSETTS Nu Horizons 151 Andover St. BOise, Idaho 83709 Danvers, MA 01930 PHONE: 208·336·2227 FAX: 208-336-2322 PHONE: 617·7n-8800 IOWA Hall-Mark electronics Corp. 6 Cook Street Pinehurst Park Hall-Mark Electronics Corp. 14831 Franklin Avenue COLORAOO Hall-Mark Electronics Corp. 6950 Tucson Way So. Suite 206 ~~Ib~Ii3<:~'i..~~rI12 Advent Electronics 682 58th Avenue S.W. Nu Horizons 258 Route 46 Falrlleld, N.J. aroo& PHONE: 201-882·8300 ~~'ba~:~~J~_~::~ OKLAHOMA Current Components g~~i~. ~~~:~I~!C. UTAH Hall-Mark Electronics Corp. 2265 So. 1300 West l:'~~~e~;i7~~7'!J~ro 215 Marcus Boulevard Tulsa, Oklahoma 74146 ~~tftf:~i;6~.~~ 11788 PHONE: 916·664-11812 l:'~8N~ii8b,~~.~8'c18 84119 OREGON Western Micro 1800 N.W. 189th Place #3300 ~a~~~~d~~:n~~::O:~ PHONE: 312-860-3800 Jaco 222 Andover Street FAX: 516-273-2801 Milgray Electronics, Inc. 378 Boston Post Road Mar-Con 4836 Main Street Skokie, Illinois 60078 PHONE: 312-875-6450 ~~~~~~~17:f3:setts 01887 Hall-Mark Electronics Corp, 101 Comac Street Ronkonkoma, New York 11779 PHONE: 516·737·0600 Hall-Mark Electronics Corp. 3161 S.w. 15th St. ~'8~~03~~_~~~~da 33069 Milgray ElectroniCS, Inc. 1850 Lee Road, Suite 104 Winter Park, Florida 32789 PHONE: 305-647-5747 800-327·5262 PHONE: 617·935-9n7 ~"!~V:I~~~~S' Inc. FAX: 617·273·1942 MICHIGAN Advent Electronics 24713 Crestview Court ~~I~~~~~~~!CS, Inc. ~wg~nt:~1~~_:~igan 48018 ~Wgtra:d:~~2e:~~~ Hall-Mark Electronics Corp. 4275 W. 96th Street Indianapolis, Indiana 46268 PHONE: 317-872-8875 KANSAS Hall-Mark Electronics Corp. 10815 Lakeview Drive Lenexe, Kansas 66215 PHONE: 913·888·4747 ~J~r~eE~e~~~ig~;~c. Overland Park, Kansas 66202 PHONE: 913·236·6800 GEORGIA Hall-Mark Electronics Corp, 6410 Atlantic Blvd. Suite 115 MARYLAND Hall-Mark Electronics Corp. 10240 Old Columbia Road ~~~~~'4~~~~~ ~~~~~~a3~~91~_9i:J046 MINNESOTA Hall-Mark Electronics Corp. 10300 Valley View Rd. Suite 101 Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344 PHONE: 612·941·2600 11735 ~~It~~r:~:~i~:, Inc. Pittsford, New York 14534 PHONE: 716·385·9330 Nu Horizons 6000 New Horizons Blvd. MISSOURI Hall-Mark Electronics Corp. 13750 Shoreline Drive Earth City, Missouri 63045 PHONE: 314·291·5350 ~~m;~~e51"&.i!i~0 NORTH CAROLINA Hall-Mark Electronics Corp, 5237 North Blvd. Suite 0 NEW JERSEY Hall-Mark Electronics Corp, 107 Fairfield Road Suite 18 Fairfield, New Jersey 07006 PHONE: 201·575-4415 ~~~~~: ~f~~~~a 27604 OHIO Applied Data Management 435 Dayton Street Cincinnati, Ohio 45214 PHONE: 513·579·8108 Hall-Mark Electronics Corp. 11000 Midlantic Drive ~~~~~i~~3t~90d 08054 FAX: 713·240-6968 FAX: 801·972-3446 ~~~V:~~~O~~i~~2=06 Radar Electric Co., Inc. 704 SE. Washington Portland, Oregon 97214 PHONE: 503-232·3404 FAX: 503-235·0428 FAX: 516·752·9670 INDIANA Advent Electronics 8446 Moller Road Indianapolis, Indiana 46268 PHONE: 317-872·4910 Austin, Texas 78758 ~~~~~~1U:.~_~o1rrk 13057 Billerica, Massachusetts 01801 Wood Dale, Illinois 60191 Hall-Mark Electronics Corp. 7648 Southland Blvd. Suite 100 Orlando, Florida 32809 PHONE: 305·855-4020 PHONE: 512·835-0220 PHONE: 214-733·4300 Quality Components. Inc. 1005 Industrial Blvd. ILLINOIS Hall-Mark Electronics Corp. 210 Mittel Drive Milgray Electronics, Inc. 765 Route 83, Ste. 123 Bensenville, Illinois 80106 PHONE: 312-350-0490 Quality Components. Inc. 2120-M Breaker lane ~i~~ra~o~I:~~~:dlnc. CONNECTICUT Hall-Mark Electronics Corp. Barnes Industrial Park W. FLORIDA Hall-Mark Electronics Corp. 15301 Roosevelt Blvd. Suite 303 Clearwater, Florida 33520 PHONE: 813-530-4543 FAX: 813-535-3665 Hall-Mark Electronics Corp. 5821 Harper Road Solon, Ohio 44139 PHONE: 216-349·4632 PD. Box 819 Addison, Texas 75001 Cleveland, Ohio 44131 PHONE: 216-477·1520 800-321-0006 ~~~"N:arj~~2i~404 ~~~2~: ~~~~i~~~77 ~~5~~ker~~:~~~7:' Inc. NEW YORK ADD Electronics 7 Adler Drive FAX: 303·790-4991 PHONE: 203·269-0100 Hall-Mark Electronics Corp. 400 E. Wilson Bridge Road Suite S Worthington, Ohio 43085 PHONE: 614-888·3313 PENNSYLVANIA QED Electronics, Inc. 805 N. Bethlehem Pike Box 847 ~~~~E~~~:~S::'::~7 TEXAS Hall-Mark Electronics Corp. 12211 Technology Blvd. Austin, Texas 187'Zl PHONE: 512·258-8848 Hall·Mark Electronics Corp. 10375 Brockwood Road Dallas, Texas 75238 PHONE: 214·553·4300 Hall-Mark Electronics Corp. 8000 Westglen Houston, Texas 77063 PHONE: 713·781·6100 FAX: 713·953-8420 FAX: 609-235-3381 ~~~~ ~I~~r~~~c~r, Suite 102 Salt Lake City, Utah 84124 PHONE: 801·272·4999 WASHINGTON Western Microtechnology, Inc. 14636 N.E. 95th Stree1 Redmond, Washington 98052 PHONE: 206-881·6737 FAX: 206·882·2996 Radar Electric Co" Inc, East 303 Pacific ~Wo~~~, 5":~~~-~~~399202 FAX: 509·456·8069 Radar Electric Co., Inc, 292 Torbett Street Richland, Washington 99352 PHONE: 509·943·8336 FAX: 509·943·6790 Radar Electric Co., Inc. 168 Western Ave. West Seattle, Washington 98119 PHONE: 206·282·2511 FAX: 206-282·1596 WISCONSIN Hall-Mark Electronics Corp. 16255 W. Lincoln Avenue New Berlin, Wisconsin 52153 PHONE: 414·797·7844 INTERNATIONAL SALES REPRESENTATIVES AND DISTRIBUTORS BELGIUM Auriema Belgium S.A.lN.V, Rue Brognezstraat 172-A 6-1070 Brussels PHONE: 32·2-523-6295 TELEX: 84621646 BRAZIL Fllcres Rua Aurora, 165 CEP .01209. Calxa Pos1aI 18787 San Paulo PHONE: 011·223·7388 TELEX: 1131298 CANADA Carsten Electronics ltd, 3791 Victoria Park Avenue #1 Scarborough, Ontario M1W 3K6 PHONE: 416-495-9999 TELEX: 065·26264 Carsten Electronics Ltd. 215 Stafford Road, Unit 106 Nepean, Ontario K2H 9Ct PHONE: 613·726-9250 ARGENTINA Electroquimica Delta Ind, Comp. Timoteo Gordillo 72 COD Postal 1408 Buenos Aires-R PHONE: 641-3193 TELEX: 21212 AR EDELTA AUSTRIA Othmar Lackner Elektron Bauelement und Gerate Landstr Haupstr ~ A-l031 Vienna PHONE: 43-222·75-26-18 AUSTRALIA Total Electronics 9 Harker Street Burwood, Victoria 3125 PHONE: 03·288-4044 TELEX: AA31261 Carsten Electronics ltd. 9480 Trans Canada Highway SI. laurent, Quebec H4S lA7 PHONE: 514-334-8321 Future Electronics, Inc, 5809 Macleod Trail S Unit 109 ~~8~~: ~:\':.~~~o~ Future Electronics, Inc. 82 St. Regis Crescent No. Downsview, Ontario M3J 123 PHONE: 416·638·4771 TELEX: 610·491·1470 Future Electronics, Inc. 237 Hymus Blvd. ~~~~:a?I~~~bec Future Electronics, Inc, Baxter Center 1050 Baxter Road Ottawa, Ontario K2C 3P2 PHONE: 613·820-8313 HONG KONG Protech Components Ltd. Flat 3. 101F Wing Shing Ind Bldg. ~:"N~~~gS~oon PHONE: 3·255106 TELEX: 38396 PTLD HX Future ElectroniCS, Inc. 1695 Boundry Road Vancouver, B.c. V5R 4X7 PHONE: 604-294·1166 DENMARK DK2750 Ballerup PHONE: 45·2·658111 TELEX: 85535293 FINLAND Instrumentarium Elek. PD, Box 64 SF..Q2631 Espoo 63 PHONE: 35805284320 TELEX: 57124426 FAX: 35805021073 FRANCE Tekelec Airtronic Cite Des Bruyeres Rue Carle Vernet BP2 92310 Sevres PHONE: 33·14-5347535 TELEX: 204552F ~~8;rEr~:::a.,n4387 TELEX: AS 39142 FAX: 65·7488694 INDIA ~~":::;n~f~~~:::t!~ Ltd. Haltronics, Ltd. 1085 North SelVice Rd, E. Oakville, Ontario l6H lA6 PHONE: 416-844~2121 TELEX: 610-495·2664 FAX: 416·844-0129 Eastern & Western Canada 1-800-367·7949 Central Canada 1-800-367·7955 :"~I:r~~s~~S222 SINGAPORE Logic Devices Ltd. No.3, Lorong Bakar Batu 08-04, Brightway Bldg. near Dipali Cinema Ashram Road Ahmedabad PHONE: 40916(0) 443488(R) TELEX: 121539 TRCE-IN ISRAEL ROT Electronics Engr. ltd. IIrIDIM Advanoed Technologies Pk. Neve Sharat Tel Aviv PHONE: 972-3492187, 188, 191 TELEX: 371452 or 92233551 SOUTH AFRICA Eagle Electric 31-41 Hout Street Capetown 8000 Republic of South Africa PHONE: 451421 TELEX: 5·21713 SOUTH KOREA Kortronics Enterprises Room 307, 8-9 #604-01, Gura-Dong, Gura-gu Seoul PHONE: 634-5497 TELEX: MICROS K28484 TAIWAN Sertek International 3 FL No, 135 Chien Kuo N, Road, Sec. 2 Taipei PHONE: 02·501·0055 TELEX: 23758 SERTEK UNITED KINGDOM Golden Gate Winchester House Gardner Road Maidenhead Berks SL6 7RL PHONE: 44-628-783631 TELEX: 846263 Golden G FAX: 44-628·71120 Manhattan Skyline Manhattan House ~~13:n~~:3, Berkshire Sl6 808 PHONE: 44-628-75851 TELEX: 851·847896 ITALY Dott. Ing. Giuseppe De Mico SPA Viale Vittorio Veneto 8 20060 Cassina De Pe9chi Milano PHONE: 02·95·20-551 TELEX: 330869 WEST GERMANY SPAIN Atlantik Elektronik Gmbh Amitron S.A, Fraunhoferstr, 11A Avenida de Valladolid, 47A D~8033 Martinsried 28008 Madrid PHONE: 247·93·131248·58·63 PHONE: 49·89·8570000 TELEX: 5215111 ALEC D TELEX: 45550 AMIT·E NEDERLAND Auriema Nederland BV Doornakkersweg 26 5642MP Eindhoven PHONE: 31-40-816565 TELEX: 84451992 SWEDEN NAXAB Box 4115 17104 Solna PHONE: 08-98-51-40 TELEX: 17912 NORWAY Henaco AJS Box 126, Kaldbakken Trondheimsveien 436 Oslo 9 PHONE: 47·2·16210 TELEX: 76716 Hanac N SWITZERLAND Datacomp AG Silbernstrasse 10 CH-8593 Dietikon Zurich, Switzerland PHONE: 41·1-7405140 TELEX: 827750 DACO FAX: 1·7413423 H9R 5C7 PHONE: 514-694-7710 775 Beka Electronics Gmbh Industriestrasse 39-43 0.2000 Wedel PHONE: 49-410384061 TELEX: 2789582 Tekelec Aitronic Gmbh Kapauzinerstrasse 9 8000 Munich 2 PHONE: 49-89·51640 TELEX: 522241 STANDARD MICROSVSTEMS CORPORATION APPLICATION AND TECHNICAL NOTE DIRECTORY DATA COMMUNICATIONS NUMBER: TITLE: FLOPPY DISK/HARD DISK USE WITH PART NUMBERS: NUMBER: TITLE: USE WITH PART NUMBERS: TN6-1 Principles of Digital FI~PY Disk Data Separation sing FDC9216, FDC9229 or FDC9266 FDC9216 FDC9229 FDC9266 TN6-2 Improved Functionally Simplifies Disk Controller Design HDC9224 COM1553A COM1553B TN6-3 FDC765A Circuit Recommendation FDC765A FDC9229 VLSI Circuit Provides Complete Controller for Token-Pass Systems COM9026 COM9032 TN6-5 Programming the HDC9224 Universal Disk Controller HDC9224 TN5-6 Low Cost Hi~h Performance Token Pass AN COM9026 COM9032 TN6-6 Pr08ramming the FDC765A, FD 9266 and FDC9267 . FDC765A FDC9266 FDC9267 TN5-7 COM7210 GPIB-488 Talker/ Listener Controller COM7210 TN6-7 HDC9224 Programmers Reference Card HDC9224 HDC9225 HDC9226 TN5-1 Using the COM8004 for High COM8004 Data Integrity in Bit Oriented COM5025 Protocols TN5-2 Using the COM9026 Local Area Controller and the COM9032 Local Area Network Transceiver COM9026 COM9032 TN5-3 MIL-STD-1533A and MILSTD-1553B Overview TN5-5 MAGAZINE REPRINTS DISPLAY PRODUCTS AN1-7 Horizontal Scrolling with the CRT5037 VTAC® AN4-1 CRT9006 Single Row Buffer CRT9006 Enhances Processor Through-put AN4-3 Programming and Interfacing CRT9006 to the CRT9007 CRT9007 CRT9021 CRT9212 Next Generation CRT CRT9006 CRT9007 Systems CRT9021 CRT9212 AN4-4 AN4-5 TN4-2 Using the CRT97C11 in an Alphanumeric Terminal CRT9007 VPAC
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