1989_Samsung_MOS_Products_Data_Book 1989 Samsung MOS Products Data Book
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c8 SAMSUNG MOS Products Data Book 1989 IEC/INTEGRATED ELECTRONICS CORP. 2360 Qume Drive SUite F San Jose, California 95131 Phone (408) 435-1000 . FA)( (408) 435-8709 Q-_ -Jim-Reese, J Oln~~~;:.:;,,~____ QUALITY and RELIABILITY 2.1 RELIABILITY TESTS Samsung has established a comprehensive reliability program to monitor and ensure the ongoing reliability of the MOS IC family. This program involves not only reliability data collection and analysis on existing parts, but also rigorous in·line quality controls for all products. Listed below are details of tests performed to ensure that manufactured product continues to meet Samsung's stringent quality standards. In line quality controls are reviewed extensively in later sections. The tests run by the quality department are accelerated tests, serving to model "real world" applications through boosted temperature, voltage, and/or humidities. Accelerated conditions are used to derive device knowledge through means quicker than that of typical application situtations. These accelerated conditions are then used to assess differing failure rate mechanisms that correlate directly with ambient conditions. Following are summaries of major stresses (and their conditions) run by Samsung on MOS IC products. HIGH TEMPERATURE OPERATING LIFE TEST (HOPL) (Tj=125·C, Vee = Vee max, static) High temperature operating life test is performed to measure actual field reliability. Life tests of 1000HR to 2000HR durations are used to accelerate failure mechanisms by operating the device at an elevated ambient temperature (12S·C). Data obtained from this test are used to predict product infant mortality, early life, and random failure rates. Data are translated to standard operating temperatures via failure analysis to determine the activation energy of each of the observed failures, using the Arrhenius relationship as previously discussed. WET HIGH TEMPERATURE OPERATING LIFE TEST (WHOPL) (Ta=8S·C, R.H.=85%, Vee = Vee opt, static) Wet high temperature operating life test is performed to evaluate the moisture resistance oharacteristics of plastic encapsulated components. Long time testing is performed under static bias conditions at 8S·C/85 percent relative humidity with nominal voltages. To maximize metal corrosion, the biasing configuration utilizes low power levels. HIGH TEMPERATURE STORAGE TEST (HTS) (Ta= 125·C, UNBIASED) High temperature storage is a test in which devices are subjected to elevated temperatures with no applied bias. The test is used to detect mechanical instabilities such as bond integrity, and process wearout mechanisms. PRESSURE COOKER TEST (PCT) (121·C, 15PSIG, 100% R.H., UNBIASED) The pressure cooker test checks for resistance to moisture penetration. A highly pressurized vessel is used to force water (thereby promoting corrosion) into packaged devices located within the vessel. TEMPERATURE CYCLING (TIC) (- 65·C to + 150·C, AIR, UNBIASED) This stess uses a chamber with alternating temperatures of - 65·C and + 150·C (air ambient) to thermally cycle devices within it. No bias is applied. The cycling checks for mechanical integrity of the packaged device, in particular bond wires and die attach, along with metal/polysilicon microcracks. THERMAL SHOCK (TIS) (-65·C to + 1S0·C, LIQUID, UNBIASED) 'This stress uses a chamber with alternting temperatures of -65·C to + 150·C (liquid ambient) to thermally cycle devices within it. No bias is applied. The cycling is very rapid, and primarily checks for die/package compatibility. c8SAMSUNG 15 II QUALITY and RELIABILITY Table 1. Reliability Test Items for MOS Product No. Test Item 1 Visual Inspection Critical Major Minor 2 Electrical Test Critical Major Minor Test Condition Qualification Product ReI. Monitor Corrective Test Method Sample LTPD Acceptance Sample LTPD Acceptance Size NBR Size NBR Outgoing Visual Spec 116 116 116 2 3 5 0 1 2 116 116 116 2 3 5 0 1 2 Outgoing Test Spec 116 116 116 2 3 5 0 1 2 116 116 116 2 3 5 0 1 2 0 50 - - 0 45 10 1 1 45 10 1 3 Dimension VIS/MECH Criteria 50 4 Packing Inspection Outgoing Packing Criteria Each Lot 5 Operating Life Test Ta=25'C Vee = Vee (max) 1000 HRS MIL·STD·883 1005 45 10 1 MIL·STD·883 1005 45 10 Each Lot 6 High Temperature OPL Ta= 125'C Static Vce = Vee (max) 1000 HRS 7 Low Temperature Storage Ta= -55°C 1000 HRS 45 10 1 45 10 1 8 High Temperature Storage Ta= 125'C 1000 HRS 45 10 1 45 10 1 45 10 1 45 10 1 MIL·STD·883 1011 45 10 1 45 10 1 MIL·STD·883 1010 45 10 1 45 10 1 260'C±5°C 10±1 Sec Once without FI ux 45 10 . I 45 10 1 Ta=121'C±2'C RH=1oo% 9 Pressu re Cooker Test 15 PSIG 168 HRS 10 Liquid Thermal Shock Test -55°C~150°C 5 min, <10 Sec, 5 min 200 Cycles -65°C~25°C~150°C 11 Temperature Cycle 12 Solder Heat Resist 10 min, 5 min, 10 min 200 Cycles 13 Wet High Temp. Storage Ta=85'C, RH=85% 1000 HRS 45 10 1 45 10 1 14 Wet High Tem· perature OPL Ta=85'C, RH =85% Vec=Vee (TYP) 1000 HRS 45 10 1 45 10 1 =8SAMSUNG 16 QUALITY and RELIABILITY Table 1. Reliability Test Items for MOS Product (Continued) No. Test Item Qualification Product Rei. Monitor Corrective Sample Acceptance Sample Acceptance Test Method LTPD LTPD Size NBR Size NBR Test Condition 15 Moisture Resistance 9O-98%/65'C 3 HRS 80- 98%/25'C 8 HRS 90-98%/65'C 3 HRS MIL·STD·883 10004 45 10 1 45 10 1 16 Lead Integrity 1) Wire Lead 0.229 ± 0.0144kg for Three 90 ± 5' Arcs on each Leads Bending Cycle: 2 5 Sec 2) Dial·in·lines MIL·STD·883 2004 32 7 0 32 7 0 17 Solderability 260'C± 10'C Preconditioning 1 HRS. MIL·STD·883 2003 22 10 0 22 10 0 Marking 18 Permanancy Rub Marking with Ten Stokes of a Cotton Cloth Damped with Solvents 22 10 0 22 10 0 MIL·STD·883 2002 32 7 0 32 7 0 _ ... 19 Mechanical Shock Pulse Duration: 0.1 1m Sec Shock Pulse: 0.5 3kg -" 20 Vibration Fatique 20G·3 Axis Orientations f = 20 to 2000 CPS for 4 Minute Cycle MIL·STD·883 3007A 32 7 0 32 7 0 Constant Acceleration 20000G X, Y, Z Axis 1 min for each Axis MIL·STD·883 2001 32 7 0 32 7 0 Nacl Ta=35'C, 24 HRS MIL·STD·883 1009A 45 10 1 45 10 1 - 32 7 0 32 7 0 0 5 0 32 21 22 Salt Atmosphere - 23 Set Aging 1-- c----'-' 24 ESD C=200pF R = 1.5K Su Ifide Corrosion 25 Test Ta=25±2'C Humidity: 75% R/H S02: 10±2ppm Velocity: 0.006 0.007m/s c8SAMSUNG .. MIL·STD·883 3015 DOD·HDBK·263 5 DIN 40046 32 - 7 - 0 7 0 17 II QUALITY and RELIABILITY Table 2. Failure Criteria for MOS Product Parameter Output Drive Current (P·CH) Output Drive Current (N·CH) Output High Voltage Output Low Voltage Input Cu rrent Quiescent Current Voltage Margin AC Characteristic Open/Short Gross/Fine Leak Visual Color Disturbance Soldering Marking Disturbance Symbol IDP IDN VOH VOL liN IL Life End Limit Unit Min Max LSLXO.9 LSLXO.9 LSLXO.9 USLX1.1 USLX1.1 A A USLX1.1 USLX2.0 USLX2.0 O.95XUSL +O.05XLSL USLX1.1 V V A - - O.05XUSL +O.95XLSL LSLXO.9 V Sec Individual Spec Note: LSL: Lower Specification limit USL: Upper Specification Limit c8SAMSUNG 18 QUALITY and RELIABILITY II 2.2 METHODOLOGY OF RELIABILITY TEST RELIABILITY Reliability can be loosely characterized as long term product quality. There are two types of reliability tests: those performed during design and development, and those carried out in production. The first type is usually performed on a limited sample, but for long periods or under very accelerated conditions to investigate wearout mechanisms and determine tolerances and limits in the design process. The second type of tests is performed periodically during production to check, maintain, and improve the assured quality and reliability levels. All reliability tests performed by Samsung are under conditions more severe than those encountered in the field, and although accelerated, are chosen to simulate stresses that devices will be subjected to in actual operation. Care is taken to ensure that the failure modes and mechanisms are unchanged. FUNDAMENTALS A semiconductor device is very dependent on its conditions of use (e.g., junction temperature, ambient tempera· ture, voltage, current, etc.). Therefore, to predict failure rates, accelerated reliability testing is generally used. In accelerated testing, special stress conditions are considered as parametrically related to actual failure modes. Actual operating life time is predicted using this method. Through accelerated stresses, component failure rates are ascertained in terms 'of how many devices (In percent) are expected to fail for every 1000 hours of operation. A typical failure rate versus time of activity graph is shown below (the so-called "bath tub curve") (t) Reduction. due to -----..."...-------"t/C---.--preventive maintenance m=1 Failure I--.....l..... rate SemicondUct - - . . . .. -.- __ (m :::: 0 5 . - Specified Failure Rate oor DeVIces .95) Initial Random Failure period Failure period Wear-Out Failure period Figure 3. Failure Rate Curve ("Bath Tub Curve") During their initial time period, products are affected by "infant mortality," intrinsic to all semiconductor technologies. End users are very sensitive to this parameter, which causes early assembly/operation failures in their own system. Periodically, Samsung reviews and publishes life time results. The goal is a steady shift of the limits as shown below. ~:~~re \*'' '--T''""-----:"'' i I 16t 6: failure rate / I --TIME Figure 4. Failure Rate c8SAMSUNG 19 QUALITY and RELIABILITY ACCELERATED HUMIDITY TESTS To evaluate the reliability of products assembled in plastiC packages, Samsung performs accelerated humidity Test (WHOPL). stressing, such as the Pressure Cooker Test (PCT) and Wet High Temperature Operating Life Figure 5 shows some results obtained with these tests, which illustrate the improvements in recent years. These improvements result mainly from the introduction of purer molding resins, new process methods, and improved cleanliness. 10-'L25~-40-:':---:eo:--~80:--1=OO:--1:::25::--:1::50:--1eo=-=200::-::T=I(C) Figure 5. improvement in Humidity Reliability ACCELERATED TEMPERATURE TESTS Accelerated temperature tests are carried out at temperatures ranging from 75·C to 200·C for up to 2000 hours. These tests allow Samsung to evaluate reliability rapidly and economically, as failure rates are strongly dependent on temperature. The validity of these tests is demonstrated by the good correlation between data collected in the field and laboratory results obtained using the Arrhenius model. Figure 6 shows the relationship between failure rates and temperatures obtained with this model. 1980 , 99.9 99 , 80 II! 3 70 50 1982 --------------------~ I: w 5 5 I 1985 1988 I / I{ ~./. , / 1 0.5 O. 1 10 102 HOURS Figure 6. Failure Rate Versus Temperature c8SAMSUNG 20 QUALITY and RELIABILITY 2.3 FUNDAMENTAL THEORY FOR ACCELERATED TESTING Accelerated life testing is powerful because of its strong relation to failure physics. The Arrhenius model, which is generally used for failure modelling, is explained below. Arrhenius model This model can be applied to accelerated Operating Life Tests and uses absolute (Kelvin) temperatures. L=A+EalK·Tj L : Lifetime A : Constant Ea : Activation Energy K : Boltzman's constant Tj : Absolute Junction temperature If Lifetimes L1 and L2 correspond to Temperatures T1 and T2, L1 = L2 exp [~a (T11 - T~ D ,/ L1 Lifetime(L) T2 Temperature 11T (0 K -1) Actual junction temperature should always be used, and can be computed using the following relationship. Tj=Ta+(Px (jja) Where Tj = Junction temperature Ta = Ambient temperature P = Actual power consumption ja=Junction to Ambient thermal resistance (typically 100 degrees celsius/watt for a 16·Pin DIP). e Activation Energy Estimate Clearly the choice of an appropriate activation energy, Ea, is of paramount importance. The different mechanisms which could lead to circuit failure are characterized by specific activation energies whose values are published in the literature. The Arrhenius equation describes the rate of many processes responsible for the degradation and failure of electronic components. It follows that the transition of an item from an initially stable condition to a defined degraded state occurs by a thermally activated mechanism. The time for this transition is given by an equation of the form: MTBF = B EXP (EalKT) MTBF = Mean time between failures B = Temperature·independent constant MTBF can be defined as the time to suffer a device degradation. The dramatic effect of the choice of the Ea value can be seen by plotting the MTBF equation. The acceleration effect for a 125°C device junction stress with respect to 70°C actual device junction operation is equal to 1000 for Ea= 1eV and 7 for Ea=0.3eV. c8 SAMSUNG 21 II QUALITY and RELIABILITY Some words of caution are needed about published values of Ea: A. They are often related to high-temp tests where a single Ea (with high value) mechanism has become dominant. B. They are specifically related to the devices produced by that supplier (and to its technology) for a given period of time C. They could be modified by the mutual action of other stresses (voltage, mechanical, etc.) D. Field device-application condition(s) should be considered. Table 3. Activation energy for each failure mode THE CORRECT PROCEDURE Failure Mechanism Ea Contamination Polarization Aluminum Migration Trapping Oxide Breakdown Silicon Defects 1 -1.4 eV 1 eV 0.5 -1 eV 1 eV 0.3 eV 0.3-0.5 eV ACCELERATED TEST I CALCULATED AT TEST CONDITIONS AND WITH A CERTAIN CONFIDENCE LEVEL FAILURE ANALYSIS I CHOICE OF Ea---CALCULATED AT OTHER TEMPERATURES Time 1.4ey r---1 eV 106 ~ 1()5 B / 1;l 10' 0.8e~ / ./ LL c: 0.5~ 0 ~ " «" " a; ./ 103 J / 102 /. ' / 1QL 100 ./ ..",- . " O.4e~ ./ ."..,.., 0.3 eV- ,.- ~ 250 200 175 150 125 100 75 50 Junction Temperature Figure 7_ Acceleration Factor vs Activation Energy c8SAMSUNG 22 QUALITY and RELIABILITY 2.4 Failure Rate Prediction Accelerated testing defines the failure rate of products. By derating the data at different conditions, the life expectancy at actual operating conditions can be predicted. In its simplest form the failure rate (at a given temperature) is: N FR=OH Where FR= Failure Rate N =. Number of failures D = Number of components H = Number of testing hours If we intend to determine the FR at different temperatures, an acceleration factor must be considered. Some failure modes are accelerated via temperature stressing based upon the accelerations of the Arrhenius Law. For two different temperatures: Ea 1 1 FR (T1) = FR (T2) exp [ K (T2 - T1 )J,l FR (T1) is a point estimate, but to evaluate this data for an interval estimate, we generally use alA:'" (chi square) distribution. An example follows: Failure Rate Elaluation Unit: %/1000HR Dev. x Hours at 125°C Fail 1.7x106 2 Failure Rate at 60% Confidence Level Point Estimate 1 85°C I 70°C I 55°C 0.18 I 0.0068 I 0.0018 I 0.00036 The activation energy, from analysis, was chosen as 1.0 eV based upon test results. The failure rate at the lower operating temperature can be extrapolated by an Arrhenius plot. c8SAMSUNG 23 II QUALITY and RELIABILITY Process Monitor (Continued) Spec. Limit Control Item Process Thin Film • Cooling Water Temp. o Thickness CVD o o Diffusion o o o o o o Pin Hole Thickness o Tube Temp. C·V Plot Run Tube Sheet Resistance Thickness o o o o o o Insp. Frequency 26±3°C Individual Spec. Once/Shift Once/Shift Individual Spec. Individual Spec. Once/Shift Once/Shift Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Once/Shift Once/Shift Once/10days Once/Shift Once/Shift Spec. Spec. Spec. Spec. Spec. Raw Material Incoming Inspection 1. Mask Inspection Defect Detection Pinhole & Clear·extension Opaque Projections & Spots o Scratch/Particle/Stain o Substrate Crack/Glass·chip • Others o All Masks o o o Registration o Run.out (X·Y Coordinate) Orthogonality Drop·in Accuracy Die Fit/Rotation o Critical Dimension o o o Critical Dimension Defect Size::s; 1.S).tm Defect Density ::s;0.124EA/cm2 ±0.7S).tm 20% o ±0.7S).tm ±O.SO).tm ±O.SO).tm All New Masks Purchasing Spec. All Masks • Instrument o Auto mask inspection system for defect·detection (NJS SMD·44) o Comparator for registration (MVG 7X7) o Automatic linewidth measuring system for CD (MPV·CD) 2. Wafer Inspection Purpose Insp. Items Sample Remarks Structural o Crystallographic Defect All Lots o Sirtl Etch Electrical o Resistivity Conductivity All Lots o Monitor Water o -Dimensional --- Visual ---Thickness---o Diameter o Orientation o Flatness o o Surface Quality Cleanliness --- ----- ----All lots --- -- TTV, NT'v, EpFfhickness- TIR (FPD) Local Slope All Lots Purchasing Spec. • Instrument o 4 paint probe for resistivity (Kokusai VR·40A, Tencor sonogage, ASM AFPP) o Flatness measuring system (Siltec) o Epi. layer thickness gauge (Digilab FTG·12, Qualimatic S·100) o Automatic Surface Insp. System (Aeronca Wis·1S0) o Non·contact thickness gauge (ADE6034) c8SAMSUNG 24 QUALITY and RELIABILITY 3. PROCESS CONTROL GENERAL PROCESS CONTROL The general process flow in Samsung is shown in Figure 8. This illustration contains the standard process flow from incoming parts and materials to customer shipment. Acceptance inspection (according to acceptance inspection plan) Process quality control • Check of each condition by process quality control procedures • Process inspection • Lot control • Equipment calibration and maintenance 100% Electrical Die Sorting Process Quality Control and screening of infant mortality defects • Mechanical screen • Thermal shock • Burn-in 100% package sorting of electrical characteristics and marking Reliability monitoring 1. Product reI. monitor I. 2. Product rei. monitor II. • High Temperature Operating Life Test • Environmental test • Life Test Finished Goods Incoming Inspection Sampling Inspection • Dimensions • Visual • Electrical characteristics • Periodic calibration of measuring equipment Stock control • Age control Sampling Inspection (when applicable) Shipment Figure 8. General Process Flow Chart c8SAMSUNG 25 II QUALITY and RELIABILITY 3.1 WAFER FABRICATION Process Controls The Quality Control program utilizes the following methods of control to achieve its previously stated objectives: process audits, environmental monitors, process monitors, lot acceptance inspections, and process integrity audits. Definitions The essential method of the Quality Control Program is defined as follows: 1. Process Audit-Performed on all operations critical to product quality and reliability. 2. Environmental Monitor-Monitors concerning the process environment, i.e., water purity, temperature, humidity, particle counts. 3. Process Monitor-Periodic inspection at designated process steps for verification of manufacturing inspection and maintenance of process average. These inspections provide both attribute and variable data. 4. Lot Acceptance-Lot-by-Iot sampling. This sampling method is reserved for those operations deemed as critical, and require special attention. Environmental Monitor Process Control Item Clean Room • • • • D.1. Water • Particle • Bacteria • Resistivity Temperature Humidity Particle Air Velocity Spec. Limit • • • • Individual Individual Individual Individual Insp. Frequency 24 24 24 24 Spec. Spec. Spec. Spec. Hrs. Hrs. Hrs. Hrs. 24 Hrs. Weekly 24 Hrs. • 5 ea/50ml (O.BIL) • 50 colonies/100ml (0.45IL) • Main (Line): More than 16 Mohm-cm • Using point: More than 14 Mohm-cm 24 Hrs. * Instruments • • • • • • FMS (Facility Monitoring System) HIAC/ROYCO CPM (Central Particle Monitoring System-Dan Scientific) Liquid Dust Counter Etch Rate Filtration System for Bacterial check Air Particle counter Air Velocity meter Process Monitor Process Photo ---- - - - - ------ Etch c8SAMSUNG Control Item • Aligner N2 Flow Rate • Aligner Vacuum ----------·-AI i g nerAr f• Aligner Pressure • Aligner Intensity o Coater Soft Bake Temperature Vacuum • Etchant Temp. • Etch Rate • Spin Dryer N2 Flow RPM • Hard Bake Temp. N2 Flow Spec. Limit • Individual Spec. • Individual Spec. ---'--rndividliarSpec. • Individual Spec. o Individual Spec. o Individual Spec. o Individual Spec. o Individual Spec. o o o o o o Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Spec. Spec. Spec. Spec. Spec. Spec. Insp. Frequency --- Once/Shift Once/Shift --- Once/Shift Once/Shift Once/Shift Once/Shift Once/Shift Once/Shift ------- Once/Shift Once/Shift Once/Shift Once/Shift Once/Shift Once/Shift 26 QUALITY and RELIABILITY II In·Process Quality Inspection (FA B) 1. Manufacturing Section Process Step Process Control Insp. Frequency Oxidation Oxide Thickness All Lots Di'ffusion Oxide Thickness Sheet Resistance Visual All Lots All Lots All Lots Photo Critical Dimension Visual Mask Clean Inspection All Lots (MOS) All Lots All Masks with Spot Light (MOS) or Microscope (BIP) Etch Critical Dimension Visual All Lots All Wafers Thin Film Metal Thickness Visual All Lots All Lots Ion Implant Sheet Resistance All Lots (Test Wafer) Low Temp. Oxide Thickness All Lots Visual All Lots E·Test Electrical Characteristics All Lots Fab. Out Visual All Wafers 2. FAB, QC Monitor/Gate Process Step FAB, QC Insp. Frequency Oxidation Oxide Thickness C·V Test on Tubes Visual Once/Shift Once/10 Days and After CLN Once/Shift Diffusion Oxide Thickness C-V Test on Tubes Visual Once/Shift Once/10 Days and After CLN Once/Shift Photo Critical Dimension Visual Mask CLN Inspection All Lots (MOS) Once/Shift All Masks After 10 Times Use Etch Critical Dimension Visual All Lots (MOS) All Lots Thin Film C-V Test on Tubes on Lots Reflectivity Once/10 Days and After CLN Once/Shift Once/Shift Low Temp. Oxide Refractive Index, Wt% of Phosphorus Visual 1 Test Wafer/Lot 1 Test Wafer/Lot 1 Test Wafer/Lot E·Test Measuring Data All Lots Calibration Instrument for Thickness and C.D. Measuring Once/week c8SAMSUNG 27 QUALITY and RELIABILITY 3. Photo/Etch process quality control Process Flow Proces·s Step MFG. Control Item QC Monitor/Gate Prebake Oven PM, Temperature Time Photo Resist (PR) -spin Thickness Machine PM Soft Bake Oven PM, Temperature Time Temp. N2 Flow Rate Align/Expose Light Uniformity Alignment, Focus Test Mask Clean Inspection Mask Clean Exposure Light Intensity Light Intensity Mask Clean Insp. Develop Equipment PM Solution Control Vacuum Develop Check PR/C.D.'S Alignment Particles Mask and Resist Defects QC Inspection Oven Particle Temp. N2 Flow Rate Critical Dimension (CD) Hard Bake Oven PM, Temperature Time Temp. N2 Flow Rate Etch Etch rate, Equipment PM & Settings, Etch Time to Clear Etchant Temp. Etch Rate Inspection Ov'er/Under PR Strip Machine·PM Final Check C.D.'S Over and under Etch, Particles, PR Residue, Defects, Scratches QC Inspection Same as Final Check, However, More Intense on limited Sample Basis. (AQL 6.5%) Note: PM-FepFesents PreveFttive-Malntenance-----4. Reliability·related Interlayer Dielectric, Metallization, and Passivation Process Quality Control Monitor Item Wt% Phosphorus Content of the Dielectric Glass Frequency 1/Shift Metallization Interconnect 1/Month AI Step Coverage 1/Month Metallization Reflectivity 1/Shift Passivation Thickness and Composition 1/Shift Thin Film Defect Density 1/Shift c8SAMSUNG 28 QUALITY and RELIABILITY II Figure 9. General Wafer Fabrication Flow Process Flow Process Step Major Control Item Wafer and Mask Input Starting Material Incoming Inspection Mask: (See mask Inspection) Wafer: (See wafer Inspection) Wafer Sorting and Labelling Resistivity Initial Oxidation Oxide Thickness Photo • (See manufacturing section) • (See FAB, QC Monitor/gate) I I Inspection • Critical Dimension • Visual/Mech - Major: AQL 1.0% - Minor: AQL 6.5% QC Gate • Critical Dimension Etch • (See manufacturing section) • (See FAB, QC Monitor/gate) Inspection • Critical Dimension • Visual/Mech - Major: AQL 1.0% - Minor: AQL 6.5% QC Gate • Critical Dimension • Visual/Mech Diffusion Metalization • (See in·process Quality Inspection) E·test • Electrical Characteristics Ditt'n Metal 6 y c8SAMSUNG 29 QUALITY and RELIABILITY Figure 9. General Wafer Fabrication Flow (Continued) Process Flow Process Step <> Major Control Item QC Gate • Electrical Characteristics Back-Lap • Thickness Back Side Evaporation • Thickness, Time Evaporation Rate Final Inspection • All Wafers Screened (Visual/Mech) QC Fab. Final Gate • Visual/Mech. - Major: AQL 1.0% - Minor: AQL 6.5% EDS (Electrical Die Sorting) QC Gate • Function Monitor Sawing --- ---- --- -- -- ---- ,-- -- ----- -- ---- --- ' -, Inspection • Chip Screen QC Final Inspection • • • • ---- ---- -, --- - AQL 1.0% Fab. Defect Test Defect Sawing Defect Die Attach c8SAMSUNG 30 QUALITY and RELIABILITY 3.2 ASSEMBLY The process control and inspection pOints of the assembly operation are explained and listed below: 1. Die Inspection: Following 100% inspection by manufacturing, in-process Quality Control samples each lot according to internal or customer specifications and standards. 2. Die Attach Inspection: Visual inspection of samples is done periodically on a machine/operator basis. Die Attach techniques are monitored and temperatures are verified. 3. Die Shear Strength: Following Die Attach, Die Shear Strength testing is performed periodically on a machine/operator basis. Either manual or automatic die attach is used. DIE ADHESIVE THICKNESS MONITOR RESULTS. (JEOL SEM, JSM IC845) 4. Wire Bond Inspection: Visual inspection of samples is complemented by a wire pull test done periodically during each shift. These checks are also done on a machine/operator basis and XR data is maintained. 5. Pre-Seal/Pre-Encapsulation Inspection: Following 100% inspection of each lot, samples are taken on a lot acceptance basis and are inspected according to internal or customer criteria. WIRE LOOP MONITOR RESULTS. c8SAMSUNG CROSS SECTION INSPECTION FOR BALL BOND. 31 QUALITY and RELIABILITY 6. Seal Inspection: Periodic monitoring of the sealing operation checks the critical temperature profile of the sealing oven for both glass and metal seals. 7. Post·Seal Inspection: Subsequent to a 100% visual inspection, In·Process Quality Control samples each for conformance to visual criteria. X·RAY MONITOR RESULT. (PHILIPS MG161) 8. General Assembly Flow is shown in Figure 11. Sampling Plans 1. Sampling plans are based on an AQL (Acceptable Quality Level) concept and are determined by internal or by customer specifications. 2. Raw Material Incoming Inspection. (confinued) Inspection Item Material 1) 2) 3) 4) Lead Frame --Wafer- -- ---- AulAI Wire -- Visual Inspection Dimension Inspection Function Test Work Test IfViSuannspecff6n 1) Visual inspection 2) Bond Pull Strength Test 3) Bondability Test 4) Chemical Composition Analysis 1) Visual Inspection 2) Moldability Test Molding Compound 3) Chemical Composition Analysis c8SAMSUNG Acceptable Quality Level LTPD LTPD LTPD LTPD - 10%, 20%, 20%, 20%, C=2 C=O C=O C=O AQL 0.65% LTPD 20%, C=O LTPD 15% C=2 Critical Defect: LTPD 1.5% C=6 Major Defect: LTPD 1.5% C=6 Minor Defect: LTPD 1.5% C=6 n:4,C=0 n:5,C=0 Critical Defect: LTPD 0.15% Major Defect: LTPD 1.0% Minor Defect: LTPD 1.5% n:5,C=0 32 QUALITY and RELIABILITY MOLDING COMPOUND INCOMING INSPECTION (THERMAL ANALYSER, DUPONT 9900) (Continued) Material Inspection Item Visual Inspection Dimension Inspection Electro-Static Inspection Hardness Test Acceptable Quality Level Packing Tube & Pin 1) 2) 3) 4) Solder 1) Visual Inspection 2) Weight Inspection 3) Chemical Composition Analysis LTPD 20% C=O LTPD 20% C=O LTPD 20% C=O Flux 1) Acidity Test 2) Specific Gravity Test 3) Chemical Composition Analysis LTPD 20% C=O LTPD 20% C=O LTPD 20% C=O Solder Preform 1) Visual Inspection 2) Work Test 3) Chemical Composition Analysis AQL 2.5% AQL 2.5% AQL 2.5% Coating Resin 1) Visual Inspection 2) Work Test 3) Chemical Composition Analysis AQL 1.0% AQL 1.0% AQL 1.0% 1) Work Test 2) Mark Permanency Test Critical Defect: 0.15% Major Defect: 1.0% Minor Defect: 1.5% n: 5, C=O Chip Carrier 1) 2) 3) 4) Visual Inspection Dimension Inspection Electro-Static Inspection Hardness Test LTPD 15% C=2 LTPD 15% C=O n: 5, C=O n: 5, C=O Vinyl Pack 1) Visual Inspection 2) Work Test 3) Electro-Static Inspection LTPD 20% C=O LTPD 20% C=O LTPD 15% C=O Ag Epoxy 1) Work Test 2) Chemical Composition Analysis AQL2.5% AQL2.5% Letter Marking 1) Visual Inspection 2) Work Test 100% Inspection C=O Spare Parts & Others 1) Dimension Inspection 2) Visual Inspection AQL 0.65% LTPD 20% Marking Ink c8SAMSUNG LTPD 15%, C=2 n:10,C=0 n:10,C=0 n: 10, C=O 33 QUALITY and RELIABILITY 3. In·Process Quality Inspection A. Assembly Lot Acceptance Inspection (1) Acceptance quality level for wire bond gate inspection Defect Class Critical Defect Major Defect Minor Defect Inspection Level AQL 0.65% AQL 1.0% AQL 1.5% Type of Defect - Missing Metal Chip Crack No Probe Epoxy on Die Mixed Device Wrong Bond Missing Bond - Diffusion Defect Ink Die Exposed Contact Bond Short Die Lift Broken Wire - Metal Missing Metal Adhesion Pad Metal Discolored Tilted Die Die Orientation Partial Bond - Oxide Defect Probe Damage Metal Corrosion Incomplete Wetting Weakened Wire - Adjacent Die Passivation Glass Die Attach Defect Wire Loop Height Extra Wire - Contamination Ball Size Wire Clearance Bond Deformation (2) Acceptance quality level for MoldlTrim gate inspection Defect Class Inspection Level Critical Defect AQL 0.10% - Incomplete Mold Void, Broken Package Misalignment - Deformation No Plating Broken Lead Major Defect AQL 0.4% - Ejector Pin Defect Package Burr Flash on Lead - Crack, Lead Burr Rough Surface Squashed Lead Lead Contamination Poor Plating Package Contamination Bent Lead AQL 0.65% - - Minor Defect Kind of Defect B. In-process monitor inspection ~------Inspection- ----._---- .Die Shear Test • Bond Strength Test • Solderability Test • Mark Permanency Test • Lead Integrity Test • In-Process Monitor Inspection for Product • X-Ray Monitor Inspection for Molding • Monitor Inspection for Production Equipment • Compound Thermal Analysis c8SAMSUNG -----ErequencY------- c------ -------Beference--- --~-- Each Lot Each Lot Weekly 1 Time/EquipmentlDay Weekly 4 Times/Shift/Each Process MIL·STD-883C, 2019·2 MIL-STD-883C, 2011-4 MIL·STD-883C, 2003-3 MIL-STD-883C, 2015·4 MIL-5TD-883C, 2004-4 Identify for Each Control Limit 2 Times/Shift/Mold Press Identify for Each Control Limit 2 Times/Shift/Each Unit of Equipment 3 Equipment/ShifUDay Identify for Each Control Limit Identify for Each Control Limit 34 QUALITY and RELIABILITY II 4. Outgoing quality inspection plan (LTPD) Defect Class Critical Defect electrical visual Major Minor Discrete LSI Kind of Defect 1% 2% Open, short Wrong configuration, no marking Defect electrical visual 1.5% 3% Items which affect reliability most strongly Defect electrical visual 2% 5% Items which minimally or do not affect reliability at all (cosmetic, appearance, etc.) c8SAMSUNG 35 QUALITY and RELIABILITY Figure 10. General Assembly Flow Process Flow Process Step Major Control Item Wafer Wafer Incoming Inspection Q.C. Wafer Incoming Inspection AQL 4.0% Tape Mount Sawing Q.C. Monitor Q.C. Monitoring: - Chip·out - Crack - Sawing·speed - 0.1. Purity - Visual Inspection 100% Screen: - FAB Defect - EDS Test Defect - Sawing & Scratch Defect Q.C. Gate 1st AQL 1.0% Reinspection AQL: 0.65% Scratch Sawing Discoloration Cut Count CO2 Bubble Purity Lead Frame (UF) Lead Frame Incoming R> ~.----- Die Attach (D/A) Q.C. Monitor 1--- -----.--I-----~---~~---~-- Yl c8SAMSUNG *Q.C.UF Incoming Inspection 1. Acceptance Quality Level - Dimension LTPD 20%, C=O - Visual & Mechanical: LTPD 10%, C=2 - Functional Work Test: LTPD 20%, C=O *Q.C.D/A Monitor Inspection 1. Bond force 2. Frequency: 4 Times/Station/Shift 3. Sample: 24 ea Time 4. Acceptance Criteria ~ - 1-- ~- --~------~-- ----- -- -------- ~------------ Defect Acceptance Critical 0 1 Major 1 2 --- Reject Cure 36 QUALITY and RELIABILITY Figure 10. General Assembly Flow (Continued) Process Flow Process Step O.C. Monitor I <> Major Control Item "O.C. Cure Monitor Inspection 1. Control Item - Temperature - In/out Time 2. Frequency - 1 Time/Shift Au Wire Bonding Wire Incoming Inspection r "O.C Au Wire Incoming Inspection 1. Visual Inspection: N 5, C 0 2. Bond Pull Test Strength Test: N 3. Bondability Test - Critical Defect: AOL 0.65% - Major Defect: AOL 1.0% - Minor Defect: AOL 1.5% = = =13, C =0 Wire Bonding (W/B) 100% Visual Inspection O.C. Monitor O.C. Gate "O.C. W/B Monitor Inspection 1. Frequency: 4 Times/Mach/Shift 1. O.C. Acceptance Ouality Level - Critical Defect: AOL 0.65% - Major Defect: AOL 1.0% - Minor Defect: AOL 1.5% Mold Compound Incoming Inspection Mold "Moldability Test - Critical Defect: AOL 0.15% - Major Defect: AOL 1.0% - Minor Defect: AQL 1.5% Mold O.C. Monitor c8SAMSUNG "O.C. Mold Monitor Inspection 1. In-Process Monitor Insp~ction - Frequncy: 4 Times/Station/Shift - Sample: 200 UnitslTime 2. Acceptance Ouality Level - Critical Defect: AOL 0.25% - Major Defect: AOL 0.4% 37 QUALITY and RELIABILITY Figure 10. General Assembly Flow (Continued) Process Flow Process Step n Major Control Item Cure a.c. Monitor ~6 -a.c. Cure Monitor Inspection 1. Control Item - Temperature - In/out Time 2. Frequency - 1 Time/shift Deflash a.c. Monitor -a.c. Deflash Monitor Inspection 1. Control Item - Pressure - Belt Speed - Visual/Mechanical Inspection 2. Frequency: 4 Times/Mach/Shift 3. Identify each Defect Control Limit I TRIM/BEND ~. )-- =? - =8SAMSUNG a.c. Monitor -a.c. Trim/Bend Monitor Inspection 1. Visual Inspection 2. Frequency: 4 Times/Station/Shift Solder 100% Visual Inspection a.c. Monitor -a.c. Solder Monitor Inspection 1. Frequency: 4 Times/Mach/Shift 2. Criteria - Critical Defect: AaL 0.25% - Major Defect: AaL 0.4% a.c. Gate -a.c. Mold Gate - Acceptance Criteria Critical Defect: AaL 0.10% ----- ---- -- ----- ---- ._. Ma:jorDefecf:AaL...()AO/~" - --- - Minor Defect: AaL 0.65% Test 100% Electrical Test a.c. Monitor Correlation Sample Reading for Initial Device Test Mark 100% Visual Inspection 38 QUALITY and RELIABILITY Figure 10. General Assembly Flow (Continued) Process Flow <> 0 Process Step Major Control Item PRT Monitoring (Product Reliability Monitor) 1. PRT - HOPL, PCT - Other (when applicable) 2. Acceptance Criteria: LTPD 10% Q.C. Monitor 'Q.C. Marking Monitor Inspection - Frequency: 4 Times/Station/Shift. - Sample: 24 UnitslTime - Identify for Each C.L. - Acceptance Criteria Defect Acceptance I Critical 0 1 I Major 1 2 I I <> Q.C. Gate 'Q.C. Final Acceptance Level - Critical Defectg: AQL 0.10% - Major Defect: AQL 0.4% - Minor Defect: AQL 0.65% Q.A. Gate 'Q.A. Incoming Inspection 1. Critical Defect: - Electrical Test: LTPD - Visual Test: LTPD 2. Major Defect: - Electrical Test: LTPD - Visual Test: LTPD 3. Minor Defect: - Electrical Test: LTPD - Visual Test: LTPD Reject 2% (N = 116, C = 0) 2% (N=116, C=O) 3% (N=116, C=1) 3% (N=116, C=1) 5% (N = 116, C = 2) 5% (N=116, C=2) Stock 'Age Control Q.A. Gate 'Q.A. OutgOing Inspection 1. Quantity 2. Customer 3. Packing 4. Sampling Inspection (when applicable) - Sampling plan is same as incoming Inspection Shipment c8SAMSUNG 39 NOTES _Ii ; .l~ - - - - _ .. _ - - - PRODUCT GUIDE 1. FUNCTION GUIDE A. CMOS LCD Watch ICs . . . f/) g) u:: f/) ~ C ..... ~ 'tI 'tI :::J LL = .~ CD I( CD CD c ::!! c ..... KS5112 6 - 1 - * KS5198 3.5 KS5199A 3.5 - - KS5184 7 * * * - 6 4 KS5190 6 7 KS5194 4 - 4 - - tKS5114 3.5 4 Q. Q. :::J 'C - • * • - "' 0 ..... 0 0 :§I c >- ~haracteristic c c Device Electrical Additional Features Function Display CD 0. . . ..... E. It) f/) III I!I0 .....>>C CD 0 CD e :cE 0 0 li ~ j:: > c c E - - - - - * • • - * - - - * * .* * Flag - - - - - * • • Flag - • * • - - * * - - - - Remark c oJ: c z: 0 C II) Ci > .5 z: 0. f! g) C - Ii ..c .....>- ::!! 1.5 0.8 1.5 1.5 0.8 1.5 Intemal Capacitor 1.5 0.8 1.5 1.5 1.0 2.0 Chrono (11100 1.5 1.0 2.0 sec, 24HR) 1.5 1.0 2.0 1.5 0.8 1.5 Intemal Capacitor B. CMOS Analog LCD Watch Electrical Characteristic Display KS5113 100 Function Device Hand Segment LCD duty 3 120 116 Voo (V) 3 1.5 !!.tA) Typ Max 1.5 2.5 Remark Intemal Capacitor C. CMOS Analog Watch Electrical Characteristic Function Device , tKS5243 1.5 3 Hand Analog Watch (nA) Typ Max Osc. (Hz) 170 300 32768 100 Voo (V) Remark Extemal Trimmer Capacitor D. CMOS Analog Clock ICs Electrical Characteristic Device KS5206 KS5207 KS5209 KS521 0 KS5211 Feature A: 0.5Hz Square Wave Pulse Output E: 0.5Hz 46.9ms Duration Pulse Output F: 0.5Hz 31.2ms Duration Pulse Output c8SAMSUNG 100 Voo (V) !!.tA) Typ Max Osc. (Hz) Package Remark 2048Hz Alarm 1.5 1.5 2.5 32,768 8 DIP or Chip 1.5 1.5 2.5 32,768 8 DIP or Chip 1 HR Function 1.5 1.0 2.0 32,768 8 DIP or Chip 2048Hz Alarm 1.5 0.7 2.0 32,768 8 DIP or Chip 2048Hz Alarm 1.5 0.7 2.0 32,768 8 DIP or Chip No Trimmer 43 II PRODUCT GUIDE E Calculator ICs Device Calculator Function Additional Function 100 Voo(V) (JlA) Typ Max Package Remark KS6025 Basic Auto Power Off 1.5 6 9 48 FQP Solar Cell KS6026 Basic Auto Power Off 1.5 5.6 9 48 FQP Solar Cell KS6027A Desk Top - 1.5 7.0 15 Bare Chip Solar Cell tKS6027B - - 1.5 7.0 15 60 FQP Solar Cell tKS6027C Basic - 3.0 7.0 15 60 FQP - tKS6028 Basic 1.5 1.3 3 48 FQP Solar Cell tKS6029 KS6041 Auto Power Off Basic Auto Power Off 1.5 1.5 3 48 FQP Solar Cell Scientific Auto Power Off 3.0 70 120 48 FQP - F. Voice Synthesizer ICs Device Synthesis Method Voo(V) Maximum Memory Package LPC 5 64K Bytes 60 FQP KS5901A Remark KS5902 LPC 5 48K Bits 24 DIP Internal ROM KS5911 ADM 5 256K DRAMx4 48 FOP External DRAM KS5912 ADM 5 64K Bits 16 DIP Internal ROM ttKS5915 ADM 5 1M DRAM x4 60 FQP External DRAM -- G. Melody ICs Device Time Base Title (Hz) Voo (V) KS5310 Series KS5310A Oh! Susanna 32,768 1.5 Minuet (BACH) Cuckoo's Waltz Oh! Susanna Home Sweet Home Big Ben For Elise 33,000 1.5 KS5313 Series KS5313N KS·5313P KS5313R KS5313Q KS5313S KS5313T KS5814 Sky· Lark's or Cricket's Sound KS5814 ---- KS5401 ttKS5401A 210,000 - -- 8 Sound effect 1.5 --- - 125,000 Package Remark Bare Chip 1 Melody Bare Chip (At Watch) Stand-By 0.1·0.3 Operating 20·30 KS5313: 16 DIPI 8 DIP KS5313 Speaker or Piezo Drive Stand· By 0.1·0.3 Operating 250~400 _ 14 DIP Stand·By 0.4·1.5 Operating 300-600 18 DIP loo(JlA) 3 - -- Speaker - -- --- I I Speaker H. Miscellaneous Device Function Voo (V) 100 lilA) Typ Max Package KS5815 3.5 Digits Clinical Ther!T'0meter 1.5 - 100 Bare Chip KS5116 6 Digit UplDown Counter 1.5 9 18 Bare Chip t New Product Remark "tt Under Develop c8SAMSUNG 44 - PRODUCT GUIDE 2. CROSS REFERENCE GUIDE Application SAMSUNG OKI SEIKO TOSHIBA KS5184 LCD Watch LC5641 KS5198 MSM5001N KS5199A MSM5001N KS5189 MSM5066 KS5190 MSM5066 KS5194 MSM5004 -- KS5112 tKS5114 Analog LCD Watch Analog Watch KS5113 Others JT6649A·CS MSM5001N e1331 STP55721 MSM5008 e1208 tKS5243 KS5205 KS5206 Analog Clock UM3262 KS5209 KS5210 e1444 KS5211 RCA92461 KS5310A SVM7952 KS5313 SVM7920 Melody CIC3821 CIC3822 KS5814 MN6223 ttKS5401A HT·88 KS6025 Ll3128 KS6026 Calculator t KS6027 AlBIC UM3135 T6899 --- tKS6028 tKS6029 KS6041 Voice Synthesizer Miscellaneous Ll3135 SC6992 KS5901A T6721 KS5902 T6803 SP0255, LC8100 KS5911 T6668 UM5101 KS5912 T6667 CIC560 KS5915 TC8831F CIC5500 KS5815 JT6690·AS KS5116 t New Product tt Under Development c8SAMSUNG 45 II PRODUCT GUIDE 3. ORDERING INFORMATION KSV 3100A r__ N C A+ ~ BURN-IN (OPTIONAL) (SEE BURN-IN PROGRAM) PACKAGE TYPE ' - - - - - - - - - - - TEMPERATURE RANGE '---_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DEVICE NUMBER AND SUFFIX (OPTIONAL) A: IMPROVED VERSION ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - D E V I C E FAMILY TEMPERATURE RANGE BLANK PACKAGE TYPE CODE SEE INDIVIDUAL SPEC C COMMERCIAL 0 _ + 70°C I INDUSTRIAL -25-+85°C -40-+85°C M MILITARY - 55 - + 125°C D J N S 0 E B P INTEGRATED CIRCUIT KA LINEAR IC KS CMOS IC -KT-LM Tl:tECO~IC-- W U L PL --- NATIONAL MC- MOTOROLA NE SIGNETICS KSV AID-D/A CONVERTER KAD AID CONVERTER KDA D/A CONVERTER c8SAMSUNG -- M H Z V A T X G PKG. TYPE SOIC CERAMIC DIP PLASTIC DIP (300/600 mil) SIP FOP SD (400 mil) SSD (Skinny Shrink DIP) (400 mil. Small Pitch) SHD (Shrink DIP) (300 mil. Small Pitch) ZIP PGA LCC PLCC TO-3 TO-3P TO-92 TO-92L TO-126 TO-220 TO-247 BARE CHIP 46 4 ! \ I 1 CMOS LCD ",Itch ICs 2. CMOS Analod Clock ICs 3. CMOS Analog Watch lOs i CMOS LCD Watch ICs Device KS5112 KS5113 KS5114 KS5184 KS5190 KS5194 KS5199A Function Package 5 Functions 6 Digits Watch for Triplexed LCD 3 Hands LCD Analog Watch 5 Functions 3.5 Digits Watch for Duplexed LCD 6 Functions 6 Digits Alarm Watch with Chime for Duplexed LCD 6 Functions 6 Digits Alarm Watch with Chronograph and Chime for Duplexed LCD 5 Functions 4 Digits Alarm Watch with Chime for Duplexed LCD 5 Functions 3.5 Digits Watch for Duplexed LCD Bare Bare Bare Bare Page Chip Chip Chip Chip 49 56 64 70 Bare Chip 74 Bare Chip 80 Bare Chip 84 CMOS Analog Clock ICs Device KS5206 KS5207 KS5209 KS5210 KS5211 Function Bipolar Bipolar Bipolar Bipolar Bipolar Stepping Stepping Stepping Stepping Stepping Motor Motor Motor Motor Motor Drive Drive Drive Drive Drive Analog Analog Analog Analog Analog Package Clock Clock Clock Clock Clock 8 8 8 8 8 DIP DIP DIP DIP DIP or or or or or Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Page 90 95 100 104 109 CMOS Analog Watch IC Device KS5243 Function 3 Hands Analog Watch Package Bare Chip Page 113 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT KS5112 5-FUNCfION 6-DIGIT WATCH CIRCUIT FOR TRIPLEXED LCD. The KS5112 is a CMOS LSI which contains all logic necessary to im· plement of a five function six digits liquid crystal display watch. The circuit contains an oscillator amplifier with an internal feedback resis· tor for the use of 32,768Hz quartz crystals. The circuit operates from a single 1.5 volt battery and contains internal voltage doubler. Only 2 switches are required to control all-functions: These switch inputs have pull down resistor and be debounced by internal circuitry. FUNCfIONS • • • • • • • 5 functions: Month, Date, Hour, Minute and Second 12 hour format. Selectable display Hour, Minute, Second I Month, Date. One touch correction of time error within ± 30 seconds. 2 switch sequential operation. 4 year calendar. LCD test FEATURES • • • • • • • • • One chip C-MOS con~ruction. Drives 6 digits trlplexed LCD. Colon and PM display. Low power consumption. 32,768Hz crystal oscillator. Single 1.SV battery operation. Built-in voltage doubler circuit. Built-in crystal oscillator input capaCitor. Trimmer capaCitor Included ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta =25°C) Characteristics Supply Voltage (VOD1 - Vss) Supply Voltage (VOD2 - Vss) Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Symbol Vos, VDS2 Top, Tstg Value -0.3 - +2.0 -0.3 - +4.0 -20 -+75 -55 -+125 Unit V V °C °C * Voltage greater than above may damage the circuit. c8SAMSUNG 49 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT KS5112 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Characteristic Operating Voltage Symbol (Ta = 25°C, Voo = 1.5V, Vss = OV; unless otherwise specified) Test Condition Min Typ Max Unit V V OO1 1.2 1.5 1.8 V OO2 2.4 3.0 3.6 V 0.8 1.5 fJ-A Without Load Supply Current 100 Input High Voltage V,H Voo - 0.3 Voo V V'L Vss Vss + 0.3 V 0.1 3 fJ-A 1.45 V Input Low Voltage Switch Activation Current Isw Vi,=V OO Oscillator Start Voltage Vose Within 5 Sec Oscillator Stop Voltage VosP Oscillator Frequency Fose DC-DC Conversion Frequency FeoN LCD Frequency Oscillator Capacitor Switch Debouncing Time c8SAMSUNG 0.5 1.15 32,768 V Hz 1,024 Hz Fd 43 Hz Gin 20 pF Cout 20 pF Tdeb C1 = C2 = 0.1fJ-F 31.25 mSEC 50 KS5112 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION Two switchs (D and S) are required to control all display and setting of function. A) Display Control Hours, minutes and seconds are displayed, colon remains stationary in normal mode. Month and date are displayed by depressing O-switch. If D-switch is not depressed continuously, the display will return to normal mode (Hours, minutes and seconds) after 2 seconds. B) Setting Control 1. Second Depressing S·switch in normal mode will cause second correction mode. Second display will flash at a 2Hz rate in this mode. D-switch is used to correct second within ± 30 seconds. After seconds correction, the display will return to normal mode (Hours, minutes and seconds). 2. Hour Depressing S-switch in second correction mode will cause "Hour set" mode and hour display will flash at a 2Hz rate. D-switch is used to advance contents of selected state. If O-switch is depressed continuously, contents will be advanced at a 4Hz rate. 3. Minute The next depressing of S-switch will select "Minute set" mode and minute display will flash at a 2Hz rate. Minute can be advanced as above. 4. Month The next depressing of S-switch will select "Month set" mode and month display will flash at a 2Hz rate. 5. Date The next depressing of S-switch will select "Date set" mode and date display will flash at a 2Hz rate. 6. Return The next depressing of S-switch will return to normal display mode. c8SAMSUNG 51 II CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT KS5112 OPERATIONAL DIAGRAM I 1 2 seconds (Auto return) o Normal display mode # HH: MM 55 s Month/date display mode MOOT o o (Second correction within ±30 seconds) .. "Second correction" #; Colon is not flashing and remains stationary. HH: MM 55 * *; Digits flash at a 2Hz rate. S .. 'Hour set" mode o (Advance) HH: MM 55 I S .. "Minute set" mode o (Advance) HH: MM 55 I S .. "Month set" mode ----- -- D-(Advance) Mcfbr-- I I S "Date set" mode .* o (Advance) MOOT S c8SAMSUNG I 52 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT KS5112 APPLICATION • The voltage doubler circuit is formed by connecting O.OS"F to O.1~ capacitor from 'CAP' PAD to '1KO' PAD and from ·VDD2' PAD to 'VSS' PAD. • Oscillator circuit is formed by connecting crystal from '01' PAD to '00' PAD. • The circuit substrate is electrically connected to Vss, the most negative voltage. The preferred assembly method is to connect die area to Vss using a conductive die attach. • The watch can operate with 1.SV silver oxide battery and user should connect 'VDD' PAD to 1.SV, VSS to OV. TESTING • T1, T2 and T3 PAD are provided for testing. In normal operation they should be kept open. • Three test inputs and two switches are pulled down by internal resistors. LCD FORMAT ...J 0 i 0 (J ~ !!i! u III c8SAMSUNG B 'w~" ~ ~ ~III ;Z 0 ill ~ ~ III ~ ~ ill ~ ~ 53 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT KS5112 APPLICATION CIRCUIT LCD COM1 COM2 COM3 vss 00 x-laiD C2: 01 O.1~F VDD2 KS5112 1KO C1: S O.1~F CAP D VDDl VSf + 1.SV * Quartz Crystal Parameter ---,----."-------------- Fp = 32,768Hz CL = 10pF C1 = 4pF Co 2.5pF Rs 35KO = = 35;000--------- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . __________ ---_0------- _______________ . _______ ~ __ ~ ______________________ _ ~---Q--~- c8SAMSUNG 54 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT KS5112 PAD DIAGRAM (2340, 1560) 00GJ00000~G0~ G GJ KS5112 PAD DIAGRAM Chip Size : 2340 x1560 PAD Size : 98x98 Unit : I'm GJ @] G G ~ ~ y ~ ~ (0,0) ~ @] ~ ~ ~ 0 -x COORDINATES OF PAD Pad No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Name of Pad COM1 BC, /BiCOL F2/EiD2 A 2/G 2/C 2 AD:JF:JEa FJB:JGa AJGJD. BJCJE5 ADsfF5/G5 PM/BsfC5 AelFelE6 BelGelD6 CelEJCa COM2 c8SAMSUNG (Unit I'm) Coordinates X V 129 230 390 550 710 870 1030 1190 1350 1510 1670 1830 1990 2211 789 1431 1431 1431 1431 1431 1431 1431 1431 1431 1431 1431 1431 1431 Pad No. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Name of Pad COM3 Vss VOO2 S D V OOl T3 T2 Tl Vss CAP lKO 01 00 Coordinates 1---X 2211 2211 2211 2211 2501 1874 1711 1494 1137 449 289 129 129 129 --- V 1261 526 366 206 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 285 457 629 55 KS5113 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT 3 HAND LCD ANALOG WATCH The KS5113 is a silicon-gate CMOS LSI for 3-HAND analog LCD display watch. It provides three functions (HOUR, MINUTE, SECOND). It connects the analog LCD panel with 120 segments type. The KS5113 has 20 segment outputs and 6 common outputs for direct drive of 1/6 duty multiplexing LCD. It operates on single 1.5V battery and the circuit time base is a 32,768Hz crystal oscillator. FUNCTIONS o 3 Function: HOUR, MINUTE, SECOND. o Time setting: Minute up setting. o 1 switch operation. FEATURES One chip CMOS construction. 1/6 duty multiplex LCD drive. o Single 1.5V battery operation. o Voltage doubler, voltage tripler. o Lower power consumption. o 32,768Hz Crystal frequency. o Built-in voltage doubler, voltage tripler circuits. o Trimmer capacitor included. o o c8SAMSUNG 56 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT KS5113 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta = 25°C) Characteristic Supply Voltage (VOD1 - Vss) Supply Voltage (Voo, - VSS) Supply Voltage (V003 - Vss) Operating. Temperature Storage Temperature Symbol Value Unit VOS1 Vos, VOS3 -0.3 -+2.0 -0.3 -+4.0 -0.3 -+6.0 -20 -+ 75 -55 -+125 V V V °C °C Topr T'lg • Voltage greater than above may damage the circuit ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Characteristic Operating Voltage Symbol (Ta=25°C, Voo = 1.5V, Vss=oV; unless otherwise specified) Test Condition Min Typ Max Unit VOO1 1.2 1.5 1.8 V V oo, 2.4 3.0 3.6 V 3.6 4.5 5.4 V 1.5 2.5 p.A V VOO3 Supply Current 100 Without Load Input High Voltage V ,H Voo -0.3 Voo Input Low Voltage V'L Vss Vss + 0.3 V Switch Activation Current Isw V in = Voo 3 p.A Vose Within 5 Sec 1.45 V 1.15 V Oscillator Start Voltage Oscillator Stop Voltage Fose DC-DC Conversion Frequency FeoN Osci lIator Capacitor Switch Debouncing Time c8SAMSUNG 0.5 Vosp Oscillator Frequency LCD Frequency 0.1 32,768 Hz 1,024 Hz Fd 43 Hz Cin 20 pF Cout 20 Tdeb C12 = CD2 = CD3 = 0.1p.F pF 31.25 mSEC 57 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT KS5113 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION 1. Voltage Tripier The battery voltage (1.5V) can be doubted and tripled by connecting external capacitor C02, C03 and C12 to the on-ohip voltage doubler and tripler as shown in Fig. 1. 1.5V VOD1 vss C2 C1 VOD3 VOD2 r C12 Vss=OV V001 =1.5V V002=3.0V roo VDD3=4.5V CD3=CD2=C12=O.1,F vss VOD1 Fig. 1. Voltage Tripier 2. Chattering Prevention The on chip chatter killer network provided for switch prevent possible error caused by chatter as shown in Fig. 2. nUnUnIU _____1 I I ~ InUnUnc..... U L____ Tet I f---Tst~ I let Tct:s33.3 msec (maxmum switch chattering time.) Tst:s60msec(minimumstabletime) t-- Fig. 2. Chattering 3. Initial Set Initial state is shown in Fig. 3. -- -- Initial State- Base Watch Mode - - --- ---- Time-- (AM) 00:00 00 -- -- - - - Display- - ---- QJ Fig. 3. c8SAMSUNG 58 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT KS5113 TEST FUNCTIONS T1 T2 T3 AC o 0 0 0 sw f-------+------+----.-f---.-~~ Clock ..- -~-------- .. 0 f-------f-------f--------f-------f- Clock . o __. _ - - _ . - -~------ Function Normal I-----------~--------- Test 256Hz drive ..-.~-------~------ Test 8Hz drive ._-------- Clock 0 Clock Minute display & TEST f-------+------f------f--------f------.----f-----------------. Clock 0 Clock Hour display & TEST f - - - - - - - + - - - - - - f - - - - - - . f - - - - - - - - - ---------.--- f---~--.~---------1 Initial SET f - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - j - - - - - - - - - . - - - . - - . - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - -..- - - - - 1 LAMP TEST o Switch Operation 1) Normal mode. The normal mode will be displayed with three HANDS (HOUR, MINUTE, SECOND). Second is advanced at 1Hz rate, minute is advanced at 60 second rate, and hour is advanced at 6, 18, 30, 42, 54 minute. 2) Time setting. When switch SW is depressed less than 1 second, the minute HAND advances + 1 step with the second HAND returning to "0". If switch SW is depressed over 1-2 second, the minute HAND advances at 8Hz rate with the second HAND remaining "0" and the hour HAND advances according to the minute HAND. A) Depressing switch SW less than 1 second. Minute HAND will be advanced + 1. Second HAND will be returned to "0". B) Depressing switch SW over 1·2 second. Minute HAND will be advanced at 8Hz rate. Second HAND stays "0". C) Switch SW released. c ~ : Second hand I :Minute hand I : Hour hand Fig. 4. Switch operation. c8SAMSUNG 59 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT KS5113 APPLICATION CIRCUIT ED A y-- TI Segment out (Sl-S20) X-tal C12 ~ 00 L_ t COMou1 (COM1-COMS) VOD3 01 VDD2 C2 KS5113 HO. HO~ vss 15v_l C1 VOD1 SW ~o- C12=CD2=CD3=0_1JLf Fig. 5. Application Circuit Quartz Crystal Parameter 32~768Hz --CL 10pF C1 = 4pF . Co = 2.0pF Rs = 35KO Q = 35,000 - rp = = c8SAMSUNG 60 KS5113 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT LCD FORMAT I r - - - I- Fig. 6. COMMON SIDE c8SAMSUNG 61 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT KS5113 LCD .FORMAT (Continued) fig>] SEGMENT SlOE- c8SAMSUNG 62 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT KS5113 PAD LAYOUT (1940,2050) ~ ~ 0 ~ ~0 0 ~ G 0 ~ ~ EJ KS5113 PAD DIAGRAM Chip Size : 1940x2050 PAD Size : 98x98 Unit : I'm 0 G G 0 G y ~ EJ EJ ~ ~ EJ ~ ~ G (0,.0) II 0 0 0 0 @] ~ ~ @J ~ 0 ~ @J ---x KS5113 PAD LOCATION Pad No. Coordinates Pad Coordinates Pad Name No. y X X y Pad No. 00 1447 1921 11 S6 129 1409 2 01 1273 1921 12 S16 3 C2 1090 1921 13 S15 4 C1 930 1921 14 5 S19 710 1921 15 6 S9 504 1921 7 S8 298 8 S18 129 9 10 1 Pad Name (Unit: I'm) Pad Coordinates Pad Name No. y X Pad Name Coordinates y X 1811 21 SW 466 129 31 COM5 129 1249 22 VOOl 639 129 32 COM4 1811 700 129 1089 AC 799 129 929 T1 972 129 129 33 34 COM3 COM2 1811 1811 860 S5 23 24 1020 S4 129 769 25 T2 1145 129 35 COM1 1811 1180 16 S14 129 609 26 T3 1318 129 36 S1 1811 1340 1921 17 S13 129 449 27 Vss 1491 129 37 S11 1811 1500 1921 18 S3 129 289 28 V OO2 1651 129 38 S10 1811 1660 S17 129 1729 19 S2 129 129 29 VOO3 1811 220 39 S20 1811 1820 S7 129 1569 20 S12 306 129 30 COM6 1811 380 - - - - =8SAMSUNG 540 63 KS5114 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT FUNCTIONS 3.5 DIGITS WATCH CIRCUIT FOR DUPLEXED LCD. The KS5114 is low threshold voltage, ion implanted metal gate CMOS integrated circuit which provides all signals to drive a duplexed 3,5 digits liquid crystal display with colon (Fig. 1). 32.768Hz frequency from crystal controlled oscillator is divided to provide SECOND,.MINUTE, HOUR, DATE and MONTH information. Phase controlled segment outputs and two Phase controlled back piane outputs are provided for direct drive of the duplexed LCD. The KS5114 contains inverter/amplifier, output attenuating resis· tor, capacitor and feed back resistor to drive the crystal. The frequency of oscillator is divided to provide 512Hz outPut pulse used as signal for the voltage doubler. FUNCTIONS 5 functions: Month, Date, Hour, Minute and Second. Selective altemation of TIME·DATE display mode. o One touch correction of time error within ± 30 seconds. o 4 years calendar. o 2 switches sequential operating. o LCD test. o o FEATURES Single chip CMOS construction. Drives 3.5 digits duplexed LCD. o Low power dissipation (100: Typ. O.8pA. Max. 1.5pA ;1.55V operation). o Colon display. o 32.768Hz crystal controlled operation. o Single 1.5V battery operation. • On-chip capacitive voltage doubler. o Debounce circuitly on switch inputs. o Protection against static discharge. o Built-in crystal oscillator 1l'-network input capaCitor. o Trimmer capaCitor is user selectable. (bonding option) o o ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta = 25°C) Characteristic Supply Voltage (VDD - Vss) Supply Voltage (VDD - VEE) Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Symbol Value Unit VDS VDE -0.3 - +2.0 -0.3- +4.0 -20 - + 75 -55-+125 V V ·C ·C Topr Tstg • Voltage greater than above in oamage the circuit. c8SAMSUNG 64 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT KS5114 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Characteristic Operating Voltage Symbol (T.=25°C, Voo= OV, Vss= -1.5V; unless otherwise specified) Test Condition Min Typ Max Unit IVssl 1.2 1.5 1.8 V IVEEI 2.4 3.0 3.6 V Without Load SlJPply Current 100 1.5 p.A IhPut High Voltage VIH Voo-0.3 Voo V Input Low Voltage VIL Vss Vss +0.3 V Switch Activation Current Isw VI. = Voo 3 p.A Oscillator Start Voltage IVasel Within 5 Sec 1.45 V Oscillator Stop Voltage IVospl Oscillator Frequency Fosc DC-DC Conversion Frequency FCON LCD Frequency Oscillator Capacitor 0.8 0.1 0.5 1.15 V 32,768 Hz 512 Hz Fd 32 Hz CI• 25 pF COUI 25 pF Time Stability Tstb Switch Debouncing Time Tdeb C1 =C2=0.1p.F l:.Voo= 0.5V (C""t=25pF) 1 ppm 62.5 mSEC FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION DISPLAY CONTROL • Standard Display Normal KS5114 displays HOUR In digit 1,2 and MINUTE in digit 3 and 4. In this state colon flashes at 1Hz rate. Depression of 0 switch on normal display state will cause MONTH to be displayed in digit 1 and 2, DATE in digit 3 and 4 with colon off. MONTH and DATE will continue to be displayed for 2 secnds after the D switch is released. Then HOUR and MINUTE are displayed again. Two momentary depressions of D switch within 2 seconds on normal display state will cause SECOND to be displayed in digit 3, 4 and the digit 1 and 2 blanked with colon non-flashing continuously. Depressing S in this state resets and holds the SECOND counter until switch S is released and MINUTE counter is either advanced or remained unchanged depending upon whether the SECOND counter is greater or less than 30 seconds. Depressing D in this state returns the display to HR : MIN display state. • Alternating display This mode is selected by activating the set switch (S) in normal display mode. In this mode HR : MIN is automatically displayed alternately with MONTH DATE. Each is displayed for two seconds. The S input must be activated five times to return to normal display mode and depressing D switch in this alternating mode will cause the SECOND display mode. c8SAMSUNG 65 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT KS5114 3.5 DIGITS LCD FORMAT '" :;; 0 () e u OJ ill ~ f£«'" ~OJ ~ 9 0 () ill ~ COLON ~ '" « ~ OJ Ui ~ u. . (!l ~ « <3 ~ OJ :E" 0 () [JQD(] D~(l o D ~ D ~ ® ® o C) (,l IJ (.l D~\J D~t::J Fig. 1 SETTING PROCEDURE (fig. 2) Time/calendar setting is accomplished by using S switch to enter and return from setting state. The D switch is used to advance the function at 2Hz rate. The function to be set is displayed the only one while setting state. The detailed setting procedure is as follows. a. Alternating display state Depressing S switch in normal display state causes the alternating display mode. (Alternating HR : MIN and MONTH DATE) b. Month Depressing S switch in normal display state calls MONTH set state and the display shows MONTH in digit 1 and 2. The MONTH counter can be advanced at 2Hz rate by depressing D switch. c. Date The next-deJjressin of S ~witctrwill selecrEJA-TE-set state ana-ttTe-display shows-DA1"Ein- digit3-ano4.The DATE can be advanced as fig. 2. d. Hour The next depression of S switch will select HOUR set state and the display shows HOUR in digit 1 and 2 and A (AM)/P (PM) in digit 4. The colon flashes at 1Hz rate. The HOUR can be advanced a.s fig. 2. e. Minute The next depression of S switch will select MINUTE set state and the display shows MINUTE in digit 3 and 4 and the colon flashes at 1Hz rate. Depressing D switch advance the MINUTE at 2Hz flashing and the watch suspends time-keeping. c8SAMSUNG 66 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT KS5114 f. Hold mode Then watch enters the HOLD state with the next depression of S switch. In this state the display shows HOUR in digit 1 and 2, MINUTE in digit 3 and 4 and non-flashing colon. (Normal display state) NOTE If MINUTE were not changed in MINUTE set state, the watch will not enter the HOLD state but will automatically revert to normal display state. The carry signal from any preceeding counter during operation is not accepted except for second reset. SETTING AND DISPLAY SEQUENCE Second reset (±30 sec correction) o Advance: +1 for each depression and advance at 2Hz rate with continuous depression. - : Colon flashes at 1Hz rate. --: Normally colon flashes at 1Hz rate,colon stops flashing if minute is set. II: Colon is not flashing and remains stationary. If mInute IS nOfset second re'et, to zem and hold Fig. 2 =8SAMSUNG 67 KS5114 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT APPLICATION CIRCUIT 1) External Trimmer Capacitor Type COM2 SEGMENTS COM1 vss 1-----. S o 1.5V KS5114 r---l01 X·taiD t--~ 00 1------0 Voo CAP 512Hz VEE C2: 0.1~F 2) Internal Trimmer Capacitor Type s COM2 SEGMENTS • Quartz Crystal Parameter Fp 32,768Hz 12.5pF CL C1 4pF Co = 2.5pF Rs 35K{l Q = 35,000 = = = = COM1 vss 1-----. 1.5V x-tal , - - - - J 01 D '----I 00' VOD CAP =8SAMSUNG 512Hz t-----;. VEE 68 KS5114 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT PAD DIAGRAM (2280, 1370) DDDDDDDDDDDD COM2 BC1/D2 F2/E2 A2/G2 COUD4 B2/C2 F3/E3 AD3/G3 B3/C3 F4/E4 A4/G4 001 B4/C4 COM1D ~OO' 0 KS5114 00 . CHIP SIZE: 2280 X 1370"m PAD SIZE; 110 X 110"m Ovoo vooD y 0 512 CAP T1 T2 T3 DDDD vssD (O,O) _ _ _ _~x KS5114 PAD LOCATION Unit: I"m Coordinates Pad Name Coordinates Pad Name X y COM2 135 1235 F4/E4 1735 1235 BC11D2 315 1235 A4/G4 1935 1235 F2/E2 495 1235 B4/C4 2115 A2/G2 675 1235 COM1 B2/C2 855 1235 1035 1235 X Coordinates Pad Name X Y T3 785 135 T2 505 135 1235 T1 325 2145 1045 CAP 135 135 D 2145 865 512 135 315 VEE 2145 685 Voo 135 510 690 Y 135 -~ COUD4 F3/E3 1215 1235 Voo 2145 505 00' 135 AD3/G3 1395 1235 S 2145 325 00 135 860 B3/C3 1575 1235 Vss 2145 145 01 135 1050 c8SAMSUNG 69 KS5184 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT 6 FUNCTION 6 DIGIT ALARM WATCH WITH CHIME FOR DUPLEXED LCD The KS5184 is a CMOS 6 function watch circuit with alarm function and Chime, which is designed for with 6 Digit duplexed liquid crystal display with 7 day mark, date mark, alarm mark, AM/PM mark and colon_ FUNCTIONS • • • • • • • • • 6 Function: Month, Date, Day-of-week, Hour, Minute, Second Alarm, Snooze Alarm output for melody IC (KS5310 Series) User selectable 12 hour/24 hour format 4 year calendar One touch correction of time error within ±30 seconds_ Chime on every hour 3 Switch sequential operation LCD test FEATURES • Single chip CMOS construction • Drives 6 digit duplexed LCD with 7 day mark, AM/PM mark, date mark and alarm mark • Colon display • Direct drive of piezoelectric transducer at 3 volt peak to peak • Fast advance for time and alarm set • 32,768Hz crystal frequency • On-chip oscillator and resistors • On-chip voltage doubler • Single 1.5V battery operation • Low power dissipation • Debounce circuitry on switch Inputs • Protection against static discharge ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta = 25°C) Characteristic Supply Voltage (Voo-Vss) _____ ~ __ ~ ____ r_~UPp5yoltage (VOsr VE) Operating Temperature Storage Temeprature Symbol Vos value V -0.3- +2.0 ___ ~ _____ 'y~_~ ______ ~~ _______ . =-0_3,., +4.Jl____ __ Top. Tstg Unit ~ ____ '1..._____ _ -20-+75 -55-+125 • Voltage greater than above may damage the circuit. c8SAMSUNG 70 C-MOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT KS5184 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Characteristic Symbol Operating Voltage (Ta=25°C, VOD=OV, Vss= -1.5V; unless otherwise specified) Test Condition Min Typ Max Unit IVss11 1.2 1.5 1.8 V IV.., I 2.4 3.0 3.6 V ~-. Supply Current 100 2.0 p.A Input High Voltage V,H VOD - 0.3 Voo V Input Low Voltage V,L Vss Vss + 0.3 V Switch Activation Current Isw V'n = Voo 3 p.A Oscillator Start Voltage IVosel Within 5 Sec 1.45 V Oscillator Stop Voltage IVosp l 1.15 V Alarm Drive Current Without Load 1.0 0.1 lala V,., =0.5V (Both Direction) 0.5 lalb V,.t = 0.5V 10 0.5 2.0 mA 20 p.A 32,768 Hz 2,048 Hz Fd 32 Hz Oscillator Input Capacitor Gin 25 pF Time Stability Tstb Switch Debouncing Time Tdeb Oscillator Frequency Fose DC~DC FeoN Conversion Frequency LCD Frequency C1 =C2=0.1p.F f'"VDO = 0.5V (Cout = 25pF) 1 ppm 62.5 mSEC LCD FORMAT COM2 PM/AM ADEG1/SUM C1/B1 A2/MON COLON/TUE A3/WED A4/THU As/FRI A6/SAT DATE/AL COM1 AM~~ PM~ 8 ~ ~ Q ~ F2/E2 G2/D2 Fs/Es Gs/Ds Bs/Cs F6/E6 G6/D6 B6/C6 Fig. 1 c8SAMSUNG 71 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT KS5184 SEITING SEQUENCE AND SWITCH OPERATION Alarm Minute Set AL' HR: MIN' AlP (12 hr) HR: MIN' H (24 hr) When S or 0 was used in alarm time setting mode, depressing M will force to normal *Flastiing at 2Hz rate. AL means ,Alarm-mark Advance OM means date-mark *12 HR mode or 24 HR mode is selected alternately on everyone day D cycle. ' -_ _ _..,..._':"---J Display Alarm Time & Disactivate Alarm Output HR: MIN AlP (12 hr) HR: MIN H (24 hr) Calendar Display Day-ol-Week MO DATE DM SID Display Alarm Time & Alarm Enable/Disable Alarm Demonstrate M Display Alarm Time &: Chime Enable/Disable Day-ol-Week HR: MIN AlP (12 hr) HR: MIN H (24 hr) • Alarm-mark appears in any modes when the alarm is enable. , All the day-ot-week mark appear when the chime is enabled by switch operation. Fig. 2 ALARM OUTPUT WAVEFORMS r- 4,096Hz (50% duty) . I"'~ __ ALA1 and ALA2 rm rm ~~~~~l matching -'IIUII~ I 1_~ec --=:1... r0.5 sec ALA1 and ALA2 Chime Signal s~c-=---==---=t-- Ir- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , --' I. -.JTlllTfL -l 1_ I m 60 4,096Hz (50% duty) ALB Alarm matching L::::al I 60 sec L O.5 secJ I I ALB Chime Signal Fig. 3 c8SAMSUNG 72 KS5184 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT APPLICATION CIRCUIT Voo C2: 0.1~F Electrocoll VEE MTI---~ALB OSC Transducer Roc= 1201l CAP u. 00 ;: ci KS5184 01 0' 2KO M S Vss ALA, 0 ALA2 • Quartz Crystal Parameter Fp = 32,768Hz CL = 12.5pF Electrocoil TranSducer C1 4pF Re and Ce are necessary only when employing envelope circuit with KS5310 Series. CO = 2.5pF Rs 35KO Otherwise, ENV pad must be connected to Vss. Q = 35,000 Fig. 4 = PAD DIAGRAM ...g 180 0 G2/0 2 0 '"8 8 8 8~e 'G IRILIRI~~8 COLON 0 ® ® E2 ~ C 0 E4 ~ ~ C4 ~ Fig. 1 c8SAMSUNG 81 KS5194 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT SETTING SEQUENCE AND SWITCH OPERATION o o 1 2 3 110 switch Alarm Chime OFF ON ON OFF OFF OFF ON ON is pressed in the alarm time setting mode II the MIN is not adjusted • Flashing at a 2 Hz rate "Colon normally flashes at 1Hz rate and when MIN is adjusted the colon stops and second counter is reset. Adv·ance: + 1 for each depression and advances at 2Hz rate with a continuous depression. When Alarm and chime functions are enabled, their marks appear except in month/date and second display state. 01------, Fig. 2 APPLICATION CIRCUIT VSS3 • Quartz Crystal Parameter Fp 32,768Hz CL 12.5pF C1 4pF CO = 2.5pF = = D VDD = Rs Q = 35KO = 35,000 Fig. 3 c8SAMSUNG 82 KS5194 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ALARM OUTPUT WAVEFORM 4096Hz (50% Duty) ALI and AL2 Alarm Matching Signal ~-'----"----- 0.125Sec _ --lSec------t r-------3OSec.-- 4096Hz (50% Duty) ~L. ~ I I H _ _ __ ALlandAL2 0.25Sec Chime Signal Fig. 4 PAD DIAGRAM =DDDDDDDDDDDD·DDDD Iii I'l Ii! :ii ::;; ~ !!; 0 ::;; () 1920 1720 1520 1320 a. On 001 On Doo 1120 DVDD 920 D'KO 720 DCAP w 0 !!; 0 ~ 0 . ~ W " ~ (!) . ~ () z 90 ~ ;rJ ~ (!) ~ '" () 0 ,.w ~ ~ (!) ~ 2520 ::;; [[ ...J ifi ::;; 0 () ALI 0 2220 AL20 2020 DO 1470 vss'O 1030 ~ () KS5194 PAD DIAGRAM Chip Size: 2660x3770 Ped Size : 12Ox120 Unit : I'm VDD NC 520 320 Ds Dr. 0 VEE 140 140 0 830 830 0 VSS30 430 VEED 230 140 3630 320 Fig. 5 c8SAMSUNG 83 KS5199A CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT FUNCTIONS 3.5 DIGITS WATCH CIRCUIT FOR DUPLEXED LCD. The KS5199A is low threshold voltage, ion implanted metal gate CMOS integrated circuit which provides all signals to drive a duplexed 3.5 digits liquid crystal display with colon (Fig. 1). 32.768Hz frequency from crystal controlled oscillator is divided to provide SECOND, MINUTE, HOUR, DATE and MONTH information. Phase controlled segment outputs and two Phase controlled back plane outputs are provided for direct drive of the duplexeq LCD. The KS5199A contains inverter/amplifier, output attenuating resistor, capacitor and feed back resistor to drive the crystal. The frequency of oscillator is divided to provide 512Hz output pulse used as signal for the voltage doubler. FUNCTIONS o o o o o o 5 Function: Month, Date, Hour, Minute and Second. Selective alternation of TIME-DATE display mode. One touch correction of time error within ± 30 seconds. 4 year calendar 2 switches sequential operating LCD test FEATURES o o o o o o o o o o o Single chip CMOS construction Drives 3.5 digits duplexed LCD Low power dissipation (IDD: Typ. O.BI'A, Max, 1.5I'A; 1.55V operation). Colon display 32,76BHz crystal controlled operation Single 1.5V battery operation On-chip capacitive voltage doubler Debounce circuitly on switch inputs Protection against static discharge Built-in crystal oscillator 1f-network input capacitor Trimmer capacitor is user selectable (bonding option) ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta = 25°C) Characteristic Symbol Supply Voltage (Voo - Vss) Supply Voltage (Voo - VEE) Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Vos VOE Topr TS '9 Value -0.3 -0.3 -20 - 55 - +2.0 +4.0 + 75 + 125 Unit V V °C °C * Voltage greater than above may damage the circuit. c8SAMSUNG 84 KS5199A CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Characteristic Symbol Operating Voltage --_.._.. Input Low Voltage ~ . Operating Voltage Supply Cu rrent (Ta=25°C, Vss= -1.5V, VDD=OV; unless otherwise specified) Test Conditions IVssl _ _. _ _ _c_~. .~ Switch Activation Current Osc. Input Capacitor 1.2 1.5 1.7 V 3.0 3.4 V 0.8 1.5 /LA - Input High Voltage Oscillator Stop Voltage Unit 2.4 Vss+0.3 Vss V V,H -0.3 0 V ------- 10 /LA Within 5 sec IVosci - _ _._-_.- ---_. __ 1.45 V pl IVos _ _ ... 1.15 V Isw .- _ . - - - _.. .- -- V,L _._--_._--- - Oscillator Start Voltage Max Without load IDD -_._- Typ -- IVEE I _. Min 0.1 V,N=VDD - - -----_. 1.0 -- •.. .. - -_. CI -------- _ . Oscillator Frequency Fosc CI=25pF, CO=20pF DC-DC Conversion Freq. VCON C1=C2=0.1~ LCD Frequency FD SW Debouncing Time TD .-"~ 1---- 25 pF 32,768 Hz 512 Hz 32 -- . _ - - _._--- _ . 62.5 Hz ms FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION DISPLAY CONTROL • Standard Display Normal KS5199A displays HOUR in digit 1, 2 and MINUTE in digit 3 and 4, In this state colon flashes at 1Hz rate. Depression of D switch on normal display state will cause MONTH to be displayed in digit 1 and 2, DATE in digit 3 and 4 with colon off. MONTH and DATE are continuously displayed for 2 secnds after the D switch is released. Then HOUR and MINUTE are displayed again. Two momentary depressions of D switch within 2 seconds in normal display state causes SECOND to be dis· played in digit 3, 4 and the digit and 2 blanked with colon non-flashing continuously. Depressing S in this state resets and holds the SECOND counter until switch S is released and MINUTE counter either advanced or remains unchanged depending upon whether the SECOND counter is greater or less than 30 seconds. Depressing D in this state retums the display to HR : MIN display state. • Alternating display This mode is selected by activating the set switch (S) in normal display mode. In this mode HR : MIN is automatically displayed alternately with MONTH DATE. Each is displayed for two seconds. The S input must be activated five times to return to normal display mode and depressing D switch in this alternating mode will cause the SECOND display mode. c8SAMSUNG 85 KS5198 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT 3.5 DIGITS LCD FORMAT * BC11D2 must be connected to B1/C1 pad for 12-hour application. Fig. 1 4 DIGITS LCD FORMAT v 0 N e '" ::;; 0 0 ~ w 0 '" Z N e U CD N w ~ ~ N ~ \i: CD 9 0 0 ~ ~ ~COLON ~ 0 '" ~ ~ v Q w ~ u. ;f ~ CD :! 0 0 ~ - -rJ----- 8 8.--~ o~-8 8---8fJ r::i b1 fJ ® ® ® ® (J (J 0 (J D~lJ l)~lJ D~lJ [)~\J Fig. 2 c8SAMSUNG 86 KS5199A CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT f. Hold mode Then watch enters the HOLD state with the next depression of S switch. In this state the display shows HOUR in digit 1 and 2, MINUTE in digit 3 and 4 and non-flashing colon. (Normal display state) NOTE It MINUTE is not changed in MINUTE set state, the watch does not enter the HOLD state but automatically reverts to normal display state. The carry Signal from any preceeding counter during operation is not accepted except for second reset. SETTING AND DISPLAY SEQUENCE Second reset (t30 sec correctIon) a Advance: + 1 for each depression and advance at 2Hz rate with a continuous depression. Colon flashes at 1Hz rate. Normally colon flashes at 1Hz rate,colon stops flashing if minute is set. If minute is nOi"set #: Colon does non-flashing and remains stationary. second reset to zero and hold Fig. 2 c8SAMSUNG 87 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT KS5199A APPLICATION CIRCUIT 1) External Trimmer Capacitor Type vssl---~ D 1.5V KS5199A ..L 01 DX·tal vool---..... 00 5- 35P 2) Internal Trimmer Capacitor Type • Quartz Crystal Parameter Fp = 32,768Hz CL 12.5pF C1 4pF CO = 2.5pF Rs = 35Kn Q 35,000 = = = Vss D 1.5V KS5199A 01 OX·tal Voo 00' CAP 512Hz VEE C2: O.l"F C,: O.l"F c8SAMSUNG 88 KS5199A CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT PAD DIAGRAM ~ ~ 1890 0 N DO 0 V> V> 0 > 1464 1890 >= Os CAPO D VODO 000 00'0 0 512Hz 1260 OVDD 992 OVEE 782 DO KS5199A PAD DIAGRAM Chip Size: 2330x2050 Pad Size : 120x120 Unit : p'm 01 540 . . . 0.0 SAMSUNG '" '" (!J '" . 0 ::J N N 1251 1067 883 701 N N e '" G' [J D0 D D D D 0 D D D D " ~ f----- c8 1435 DCOM1 ~ 0> 0> 0> ""' '"t-;; "' '"~ "'" ~ 0> ""'"' ~ b2 C2 a3 0 G G §'" ""''" t- 0 125 M '" 128 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT KS6026 BASIC FUNCTION 8 DIGITS LCD CALCULATOR WITH INTERNAL VOLTAGE REGULATOR 48 FQP The KS6026 is a single chip CMOS LSI with 8 digits ariJhmetic operation, single memory, extraction-ofsquare-root, percentage calculation and auto power off functions, designed for FEM LCD operation with 1.5V power supply. FUNCTIONS II • Four standard functions (+, -, x, .,.). • Auto constant calculations (constant: multiplicand, divisor, addend and subtrahend). • Square and reciprocal calculations. • Make-up and make-down calculations. • Extraction of square root. • Percentage calculations. FEATURES • • • • • • • • • • • Single chip CMOS construction. Chain multiplication and division. Power calculations. Rough estimate calculations. Rollover capability. Floating decimal. LCD direct drive. Overflow indicacion: "E". Accumulating memory: M + , M - , RM, CM, RM/CM. On chip supply voltage limiter by bonding option. 48 FOP and bare chip available. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS \ Characteristic Terminal Voltage Solar Supply Vol\age Symbol Rating Unit VGG -0.3-2.1 V V'N -0.3 - VGG + 0.3 V 1.7 -3 V 2 1.2 -1.8 V 3 VSb VGG(lim) 1.1-1.7 V 560±5% KO Topr 0- +50 ·C Tstg -55-+150 ·C Battery Supply VolIage VGG Resistance for CG R, Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Note 1. 2. 3. 4. .. "" Note 1 4 Maximum voltage on any pin is in with respect to GND. VSb is solar supply voltage VGG (lim) is limited voltage Resistor value for CG varies according to the floating capacitance on a PWB OCSAMSUNG 129 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT KS6026 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Ta= 25 C C, VGG = 1.5V, unless otherwise specified) Characteristic Symbol Test Condition Min V,H, Input Voltage 1 Input Current 1 Output Voltage 1 Output Voltage 2 Typ Max Unit V VGG·0.4 V,L, 0.4 V 1 /LA 3 /LA I,H' V ,N = VGG I'L' VOH , V,N=OV VOl2 lout = 15/LA VOA without load 2.80 2.95 VOB without load 1.30 1.50 1.70 V Voe without load 0 0.20 V 0.3 without load 1 V VGG·0.15 0.15 V Note 5 6 7 V 8 Display Frequency Fd VGG = 1.3V while display' is on, R, = 560Kohm 10ff display is off 0.8 /LA 9 Dissipation Idls VGG = 1.3V, while display is on 4.2 6 /LA 10 lop VGG = 1.2V, while operation 5.6 9 /LA 11 55 67 Hz 8 Note 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Applies to pin K2, K6. Applies to pin K2, and K6. Applies to P1, P2, A2 and A5. Applies to H1, H3, a1, a8, b1, b8, c1 and c8. Measured by the below test circuit after power supply automatically turns off. Measured by the below test circuit while "0" is being displayed after auto-clear operation and while key is not being depressed. 11. Measured by the below test circuit while operation is being made by AC key and while key is free from depression. OUTPUT WAVEFORM 1 - VOA - VOB - Voe ,-------\32 J~-1~C2 OUTPUT WAVEFORM 2 : KS6026 35 36 l~ c8SAMSUNG - VOA 37 - Voe 130 KS6026 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION • Decimal point system Complete floating decimal pOint system. • Integral number: 8 digits leading zero suppression. Zero shift. • Symbols: -: negative number display. E : error display. M : memory display. • Negative number indication Antilogarithm: Minus + II Error detections System errors occur when: 1) The integral part of any calculation result exceeds 8 digits. 2) The integral part of any memory calculation result exceeds 8 digits. In addition, the integral part of any addend or subtrahend to memory exceeds 8 digits. 3) The integral part of a make-up and make-down calculation result exceeds 8 digits. 4) The division by zero. 5) The extraction of square root of a negative number. • Rough estimate calculation error The integral part of the result of anyone of standard for functions, percentage, square, reciprocal, and power calculations exceeds 8 digits and is equal to 16 digits or less. Error indication System error "0" is indicated in the 1 digit position and "E" in the sign-digit position. Rough estimate calculation error The high-order 8 digits of a calculation result is indicated together with "E". The decimal point is indicated in the position corresponding to a calculation result time 10- 8 , and no zero shift is performed. Error release System error A system error can be release by the AC or ON/C, CE key. Rough estimate calculation error A rough estimate calculation error can be released by the AC or ON/C, CE key. A calculation result is not cleared by ON/C, CE key but is retained. • Number entry Numericals can be entered up to 8 digits. Numerical enteries equal to 9 digits or more are ignored . .". C:C"SAMSUNG 131 KS6026 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT • Memory protection In any error detection, the memory counters present before the error detection are protected. • Memory indication If the memory counters are a number other then zero, "M" is indicated in the sign-digit position. • Doubler key depression The order of the priority when two keys are being depressed simultaneously, is regarded as follows: e When the OFF and AC key are depressed simultaneously, the OFF key is given priority. • Key bounce protection Front edge Down to 1 word and up to about 3 words. Trailling edge 9 words. 1 word 3.3ms when display frequency fd =100Hz. DISPLAY FONTS • Numericals font 1- I -I • Sign font M Memory :CJ SAMSUNG "" E Error Minus 132 KS6026 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT • LCD connector M 1- II _I _I _I -I _11H2 H3 c8 b8 as c7 b7 a7 c6 b6 a6 c5 b5 a5 c4 b4 a4 c3 b3 a3 c2 E b2 82 c1 b1 a1 H1 AUTO POWER OFF Power automatically turns off a after 9-11 minutes pass from the last key pre~sure. • AC key All operation including memory contents are cleared by AC key. • Make-up and make-down calculation Make-up and make-down calculation are performed as followes. ENTRY A + B % DISPLAY A x B % +OR- A A B A+AM/100 = A A B AM/100 AM/100 A + AM/100 OR A - AM/100 • AM: AMOUNT c8SAMSUNG 133 KS6026 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT PIN ASSIGNMENT Pin No. 1 2 Signal 110 Signal 110 Description V'b I Solar Battery VOP I Option Pin 25 b7 0 Display Output 26 c7 0 Display Output Power Supply 27 a8 0 Display Output 28 b8 0 Display Output Description Pin No. 3 VGG 4 H1 0 Display Output 5 a1 0 Display Output 29 c8 0 Display Output 6 b1 0 Display Output 30 H2 0 7 GND 31 H3 0 Display Output ._Display Output 8 c1 0 Display Output 32 GND -- -- a2 9 0 Display Output 33 VC --- 0 Capacitor Terminal for Voltage Set·up ------- 10 b2 0 Display Output 34 VA 0 Capacitor Terminal for Voltage Set·up 11 c2 0 Display Output 35 VB 0 Capacitor Terminal for Voltage Set·up 12 a3 0 Display Output 36 CG Out 0 Resistor Terminal for CG 13 b3 0 Display Output 37 CG In I Resistor Terminal for CG 14 c3 0 Display Output 38 K3 I Key Input 15 a4 0 Display Output 39 K2 I Key Input 16 b4 0 Display Output 40 A2 0 Strobe Output 17 c4 0 Display Output 41 A3 0 Strobe Output 18 a5 0 Display Output 42 A4 0 Strobe Output 19 b5 0 Display Output 43 A5 0 Strobe Output 20 c5 0 Display Output 44 P2 0 Strobe Output 21 a6 0 Display Output 45 P1 0 Strobe Output __ gE) _... .._9- .. Display Outpl!L 23 c6 0 Display Output 47 K6 I Key Input 24 a7 0 Display Output 48 K4 I Key Input 22 -- qSSAMSUNG ____ 4!L. - .---- . K!L_ .. _J ._- _. J<.e.}'.I.!lJl!J.i_ . ---- 134 KS6026 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT APPLICATION CIRCUIT (for use with a solar cell) II b7 25 12 a3 c7 26 11 c2 as 27 10 b2 bS 2S 9 a2 cS 29 S c1 H2 30 KS6026 7 GND H3 31 6 GN 32 D 5 a1 VC 33 4 H1 VA 34 3 VGG V8 35 2 b1 TP OUT Rt 58: Solar battery TP: Test pad .... // / OCSAMSUNG/ / / / 135 KS6026 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT APPLICATION c8SAMSUNG 136 KS6026 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT INTERNAL VOLTAGE LIMITER BONDING OPTION METHOD OPTION 1 II (Configuration using internal voltage limiter) OPTION 2 (Configuration using external voltage limiter) c8SAMSUNG: 137 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT KS6026 PAD DIAGRAM (2440 x 2300) ~--~---- ------2440 <0 <0 <0 ~ 2175 '"'" '" ~ ~ ~ VA CG OUT VB 2015 1B55 ;! 0> 0> 0> ~ VC GND III '" ~ G H3 0 '";": ~ '!2 ~ ~ H2 cB 0 ;! <0 0 ~ G G bB aB 0 is '" ~ c7 GCGln ~K3 -;-] G b7 a7~ 1969.5 C6~iJ 1810 b6G 1649.5 a6~ 1490 C58 1329.5 b5~ 1170 a58 1009.5 C4G 850 b4G] 689.5 a4B 530 C3~ 369.5 b3~ 202 ~K2 ~A2 1375 0 0 '"'" I ~A3 1215 ~A4 1055 ~A5 KS6026 PAD DIAGRAM Chip Size: 2440 x 2300 Pad Size : 86 x 86 Unit : I'm I B95 ~P2 G~P1 575 415 ~K5 1_~K6 ~K4 Vsb c:;] VOP VGG 0 [2] H1 c1 a1 a2 b2 [2J ~ ~ 0 G c2 a3 8 B 125 -,--(0,0) 0 <0 '" =8SAMSUNG 0 0; '" '"'" '" 0> "- '" <0 0> <0 ~ '""'" <0 N '";": ~ '!2 on N <0 '" §'" <0 f::! 0 '" 138 KS6027 AlBIC CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT 10/12 Digits Multi Type Calculator KS6027 is distributed to multi type calculator by the user's bonding option. KS6027 can drive the liquid crystal display (LCD) with single power supply. Single power supply operation, wide operating voltage range and low power consumption make it suitable for 1.5V solar battery or 1.5V battery or 3V battery operated calculator. 1. KS6027A-10/12 digits selectable desk top/basic calculator (Bare Chip) 2. KS6027B-10 digits basic calculator (60 FOP) 3. KS6027C-10/12 digits basic selectable calculator (60 FOP) 12 digits desk top calculator (60 FOP) II FEATURES • Complementary output buffer lor direct driving 01 liquid crystal display • Oscillator/clock generator intemal to chip • Key board encoding Internal to chip • Key board debouncing Internal to chip • Wide supply voltage range (1.2V - 2.DV) • Very lower power conllumptlon (7p.W TYP) c8SAMSUNG 139 KS6027AlBIC CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (1) Absolute maximum ratings Characteristic Value Symbol Terminal Voltage Unit Voo -0.3 - +2.0 V VIN -0.3- Voo-0.3 V DC DC Operating Temperature Topr 0- +40 Storage Temperature Ts.g -55-+125 (2) Electrical characteristics (Voo= +1.5V (±0.2V), Vee= +3V (±O.4V), Vss=OV, Ta=25 D C) Characteristic Pin Name - Operating Voltage - Supply Current - OSC Frequency Frame Frequency High Input Voltage Symbol - V 1.5 2.0 6.5 Voo= 1.5V Operating 7.0 15 FdiS Voo= 1.5V Stand-by 5.4 9.0 12.6 Fopr Voo = 1.5V Operating 28.8 48 67.2 93.8 lopr p.A KHz - F, Voo = 1.5V Stand-by 56.3 K3-K10 VIH (1) - Voo -0.4 - Voo K11-K12 VIH (2) - Vee - 0.4 -. Vee - Vss - 0.4 V - Voo-0.2 - Voo V Vss - 0.2 V 0.5 1 1.5 10 17 28 145 170 195 0.6 1.2 - -1-.9 250 400 550 - Vee V Voo V 0.2 V High Output Voltage K1-K8 VOH Low Output Voltage K1-K8 VOL KI Rpd1 K1-K10 Rpd2 KI Vou.= 0.3V Rpu1 You. = 1.2V K1-KlO ___ Rpu2 K11-K14 Rpu3 High Output Voltage LCD, COM VOH - Vee - 0.2 "M" Output Voltage LCD, COM YOM - Voo-0.2 Low Output Voltage LCD, COM VOL - Vss c8SAMSUNG Unit 4.4 VIL (2) ------- Max - V IL (1) _Key Pull_l.!!:> Bes. Typ 1.2 Voo = 1.5V Stand-by KI Key Pull Down Res. Min Idis K3-K12 Low Input Voltage Condition ----- ----- Vou.=2.7V ---------- 131 Hz V KG K,Q 140 KS6027 AlBIC CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT WAVE FORMS FOR DISPLAY ----·vcc: +3 (V) . . . . . . - - - - - - - ' ---------·Voo: +1.5 (V) COM1_--' II L--.....II COM3lL-_...... ,----- --- ---- 'W,,", L - .- - - _ -Vss:O(V) .-------, - - - - - - ----------------+3(V) L - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +1.5 (V) a1·COM1 ------ -------------------- ------------------- ----------------OM L-----, ------------ -1.5 (V) ! - - - ----3(V) --+---Oll---+I-onl-+-I- o l i a1. COM2 l .1 on-j 1-----------------+ L - . - - . . . . , i ' - - - - - - ' 1 .5 (V) I ----1-:':00 --------OFF f - . c8SAMSUNG 141 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT KS6027AlBIC PAD DESCRIPTION PAD No. Name 1/0 Description PAD No. 1 2 3 4 5 COM1 COM2 COM3 AO (K) 80 (K) 0 0 0 0 0 Common Signal 1 Common Signal 2 Common Signal 3 LCD LCD 36 37 38 39 40 810 C10 A11 811 C11 0 0 0 0 0 LCD LCD LCD LCD LCD 6 7 8 9 10 CO A1 (K) 81 (K) FOOlS C1 (K) 0 0 0 I 0 LCD LCD LCD A12 812 VSS VA VB 0 0 LCD LCD Solar Cell (-) LCD 41 42 43 44 45 11 12 13 14 15 A2 (K) 82 (K) C2 A3 83 0 0 0 0 0 LCD LCD LCD LCD LCD 46 47 48 49 50 Vee VDD VDD EXTNL FOOlS 16 17 18 19 20 C3 84 C4 A5 0 0 0 0 0 LCD LCD LCD LCD LCD 51 52 53 54 55 KI K1 K2 K3 K4 1/0 0 0 1/0 1/0 ON Key Key Input Key Input Key Input Key Input 1 2 3 4 21 22 23 24 25 85 C5 A6 86 C6 0 0 0 0 0 LCD LCD LCD LCD LCD 56 57 58 59 60 K5 K6 K7 K8 K9 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 I Key Key Key Key Key 5 6 7 8 9 26 27 28 29 30 A7 87 C7 A8 88 0 0 0 0 0 LCD LCD LCD LCD LCD 61 62 63 64 65 K10 K11 K12 K13 K14 I I I 31 32 33 34 35 C8 A9 89 C9 A10 0 0 0 0 0 LCD LCD LCD LCD LCD A4 . I I Description .... .. + 1.5V Power Solar Cell (+) External Clock Fosc Disable Input Input Input Input Input Key Input 10 Key Input 11 Key Input 12 No Connection No Connection • Frequency Doubler Disable •• Capacitor Terminal for Voltage Doubling ----- c8SAMSUNG 1/0 Name --- -- ---- - 142 KS6027A CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT 1. KS6027A Desk Top 10 or 12 digits selectable LCD calculator. KS6027A is either 10 digits capacity 2-memory or 12 digits capacity 2-memory electronic calculator on one chip CMOS/LSI. KS6027A can drive the liquid crystal display (LCD) with single power supply. Single power supply operation, wide operating voltage range and low power consumption make it suitable for 1.5V solar battery operated calculator. FUNCTION II • Display 12 digits or 10-digits (selectable with PCB option) of data, 2 digits of sign, error symbol, memory load symbol, constant calculation mode symbol, operation symbol. • Standard 4 functions • Memory and grand total (GT) memory calculation • Automatic percentage operation with add on, discount • Square root • Constant calculation • Chain calculation • Change sign • Floating point or momentary mode (selectable with a switch) • Fixed point ("0", "2", "3", "4") • Adding pOint mode • Registration overflow, indicating that too many digits are entered (the most significant digits are protected). • Result overflow, indicating during calculation (most function key are locked as it happended). • Rounding switches (rounding up, down and off) • Leading zero suppression • Trailing zero suppression • Punctuation on display; Commas for thousand. • Memory and GT memory contents indicator, turn on with nonzero in the memory and GT memory. c8SAMSUNG 143 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT KS6027A BASIC SPECIFICATION 1. Fixed point calculations 1) Key C 3 Display o. M+ MR MC MR 3. 3. 7. 0.429 4. 4. 4.5 4.51 4.51 2. 6.510 1. 1. 1.9 1.900 8.410 8.410 O. 3) Key Display + 7 4 5 1 + 2 M+ 1 9 C o. 3 3. 3. 3.1 3.1 6. 6. 6.4 19. 2. 2. 2.5 2.5 8. ---10.50 4. 2. 2. 7. 7. 7.3 14.6 x 6 4 2 5 + 8 4 ..r x 7 3 c8SAMSUNG Fixed point place 2) Key DP=3 (5/4) C 9 ..r x 7 2 3 4 5 + 1 6 7 + 4 Fixed point place DP=O (cuT) Key 4 3 2 + 5 1 2 x 3 7 8 9 6 M+ 4 DP=F O. 9. 3. 3. 7. 7. 7.2 7.23 7.234 21.71 5. 5. 1. 1. 1.6 6.60 7. 7. 4. 2. Fixed point place DP=2 (UP) DP=O 2. Adding point mode calculations C DP=2 Display Display O. 4 43 432 4.32 5. 4.37 1. 12. 12. 3. 3. 3.2-3.78 3.789 45.46 6. 0.06 4. 4. Key 1 2 3 M+ MR C 9 5 2 3 Display 4.1 4.12 4.123 4.12 4.18 O. 9. 95. 952. 9.52 3. 3. -s --3.~ 7 3.67 5.85 4. 0.04 3. 3. 3.04 4 + 3 144 KS6027A CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT 3. Constant calculation 2) Division 1) Multiplication Key Display k x x a k k k a k·a b k·b b Constant kx kx kx b Display Constant k k k a a/k b b/k +k +k +k b II 4) Subtraction 3) Addition k + + a Key k + + a k k k a a+k b b+k k a +k +k +k b k k k a a-k b b-k 5) Percentage 6) Percentage k x x a % b % k k k k a k·a/100 b k·b/100 kx kx kx a % b % k k k a 100·a/k 100·b/k -k -k -k +k +k +k 4. Add·on, discount calculations 2) Discount 1) Add·on Key Display Key Display a x b % + a a b a x b % a a b a·b/100 a(1 + b/100) c8SAMSUNG a·b/100 a(1-b/100) 145 - - - - - - - - - - - CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT KS6027A TOUCH KEY CONSTITUTION AND OPERATION O,0-0 : Number B GD0c:J : Change Sign : Function []0G EJB~ : Memory GEl G 00 : : Shift Clear - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _n _____ 4iSAMSUNG ------F-ON-l _-=_SyBtelIueseL _____ - _n _ _n _____________ n __ _ 146 KS6027A CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT KEY CONSTITUTION AND OPERATION 1. Key Board Klo------/ II K1 0 - - - - - - - - - - , K20-----~--, K30------+-~--, K4 o - - - - - - - - i K5 o - - - - - - - - i K6 o-----------{ K7 o - - - - - - + - - - - l Kl 0-------; K90------; K100------; 2. Switch B2 A2 C1 B1 A1 BO AO K12 o - - - - - - - - - i K110-------+--+_-I K11: Selectable with fixed point. '" K12: Rounding switches for mode select. c8SAMSUNG 147 KS6027A CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT LCD CONNECTION 1. 10 Digits Desk Top 2. 12 Digits Desk Top COM3 1) Segment 2) Common COM1 COM2 c8SAMSUNG 2> COM3 148 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT KS6027A APPLICATION CIRCUIT 1. Select of 10 Digits r--- '"00 ..: II e '" ij\ a. :::> .., ... II I- :::> 0 - IL I I I ~ ~ ;! ~ ~ :: ~ a> '" .... Iel II 29 A8 K354 30 B8 K253 31 C8 K1 52 32 A9 -' 33 B9 a> 0 (:Ij 0 :( l$l 0 0; ~ I 0 [) :( ..,.... ..,.0 0; 1/l . [) 0 '" :( ~ '"0; ~ '" < ..,>'" ...> In 0 0 c c z on > ~ ~) 0 ~: > .... .~ i5 KI 51 c c >- > X W IL e on . . . . .. .I > - en 0 I R ~~ z ~O ~ ----c8SAMSUNG 149 on CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT KS6027A APPLICATION CIRCUIT 2. Self;lct of 12 Digits ADD2 o H-________________~~~~I H---------------__~_r~~~~5/4 3 ~----------------~--4_4_~_r~_r_+_+--~up 4 I :e I ~ I ;! .., .., .., U III 17 A4 ~ « u'" ~ :: '" '"« III CXl,....«)IO'¢MN ~ '" a m :{ 8 en U ~ 0 LI. ~ ; ~ CUT - F - .... iNC 8 8 8 65- r- 18 B4 r- 19 C4 K12 63 __ 20 A5 K11 62 r----- NC 64 21 B5 ci ~ AC C I I I I I I K9 60 • 00 0 1 K8 59 + - x + K10 61 22 C5 ..J 2 3 4 5 23 A6 24 B6 KS6027A 25 C6 (SELECT OF 12 DIGITS) 26 A7 ..r K7 58 K6 57 M+ M- % +1- MR MC 27 B7 K556 6 K455 = 28 C7 7 89 GT 29A8 K3 30 B8 31 C8 K1 52 f-- 32 A9 33 B9", ~ -- 541--+------t-----' K2531--- ______ 0 « ai ;:1; ~ I 0 .., <0 I I ~ !Q 0 u '" '" '" '" ... U -!C---m.... Um< ."'''Xl 001« 000 001« COM2 c8SAMSUNG 154 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT KS6027B APPLICATION CIRCUIT L.C.D. A9 31 15 C3 69 32 14 63 NC 33 13 A3 C9 34 12 C2 NC 35 11 62 A12 36 10 A2 612 37 9 C1 KS6027B (10 DIGITS BASIC CALCULATOR) Vss 38 8 NC Va 39 7 OOIS Vb 40 6 61 Vee 41 5 A1 Ca Cb Vdd' 42 Vdd 43 EXT 44 NL FOO 45 IS II CO 3 60 2 AO 1 COM3 • POWER ON/OFF c8SAMSUNG 155 KS6027C CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT 3. KS6027C 60 FOP The KS6027C is 10/12 digits basic or 12 digits desk top (3V operation) calculator which have to use the only 3.0V power supply. However, when you want to use bare chip, you can use 1.5V solar cell as well as 1.5V battery. Refer to application circuit. FUNCTION • Display 12 digits or 10-digits (selectable with PCB option) of data, 2 digits of sign, error symbol, memory load symbol, constant calculation mode symbol, operation symbol. • Standard 4 functions • Memory and grand total (GT) memory calculation • Automatic percentage operation with add on, discount • Square root • Constant calculation • Chain calculation • Change sign • Floating point or momentary mode (selectable with a switch): Desk Top • Fixed pOint ("0", "2", "3", "4"): Desk Top • Adding point mode: Desk Top • Registraction overflow, indicating that too many digits are entered (the most significant digits are protected). • Result overflow, indicating during calculation (most function key are locked as it happended). • Rounding switches (rounding up, down and off) • Leading zero suppression • Trailing zero suppression • Punctuation on display; Commas for thousand. • Memory and GT memory contents indicator, turn on with non-zero in the memory and GT memory. c8SAMSUNG 60 FOP 156 KS6027C CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT BASIC SPECIFICATION 1. Constant calculation 1) Multiplication Key Display k x x a k k k a k'a b k'b b 2) Division Constant b Display Constant k k k k a a/k b b/k ..,.k ..,.k ..,.k a kx kx kx 3) Addition k + + a Key b II 4) Subtraction k k k a a+k b b+k k a +k +k +k b k k k a a-k b b-k 5) Percentage 6) Percentage k x x a % b % k k k k a k·a/100 b k'b/100 ~ kx kx kx a % b % k k k a 100'a/k 100'b/k -k -k -k ..,.k ..,.k ..,.k 2. Add-on, discount calculations 1) Add·on 2) Discount Key Display Key Display a a a b a'b/100 a(1 + bI100) a x b % a a b a·b/100 a(1 - b/100) x b % + 157 KS6027C CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT TOUCH KEY CONSTITUTION AND OPERATION G, 0 -0 : Number D B : Change Sign c:J D [:] [J : Function 800 EJB~ :Memo~ GEl G : 80 : Shift Clear __ I c8 SAMSUNG ()N ~_ : System reset 158 KS6027C CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT KEY CONSTITUTION AND OPERATION 1. Key Board K10---------, K2 KIO----~ o----____+_~ K3O-----+-+_--, K40-------{ K5 o-------{ K6 o-------{ K7 o----____+_-I II K8 O - - - - - - - - i K9 0-----------1 K10 0------------1 LCD CONNECTION 1. Segment 2. Common COM2 c8SAMSUNG COM3 159 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT KS6027C APPLICATION CIRCUIT I L.C.D. ,--- - .----- ,--- ,--- I csl 30 ,--A9 - r--'-- B9 r--C9 r---" - - - - A10 r--B10 f-C10 f-A11 f-Vss f-B11 f-C11 l~ m JJ r--- 0 z ~ Bsl Asl c71 B71 A71 c61 B61 A61 c51 B51 A51 c41 B41 A41 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 ,--C3 f-14 B3 15 31 32 r--- 34 35 11 13 1--10 3V ~ A2 8 C1 f-NC 39 7 ~ODIS 40 6 9 12 DIGITS DESK TOP CALCULATOR) 38 - I--- (10112 DIGITS BASIC SELECTABLE, 37 B2 I--- KS6027C 36 I I--- A12 41 f-Vee 42 ~ 111+1 - A3 f-12 C2 33 B1 I--- A1 f-4 CO f-3 BO 5 I--Vdd 43 f-- I r-- 2 §44 FOOlS 45 AO r-- 1 COM3 '---- 46 47 I K1 I K21 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 K31 K41 K51 K6t K71 K81 K91 K101 K111 K121 NC = 6 7 + . + M- I> - 00 x 0 .;- 1 % 3 ~~ GT 8 9 MR -.r MC f AC C 59 60 I~ I~ I ,.--~~ l- I l ~~ ~O)( II I I I 4 3 A602 2 4 5 =8SAMSUNG / 160 KS6028 CMOS DIGITAL 'INTEGRATED CIRCUIT BASIC FUNCTION LOW POWER TYPE 8 DIGITS LCD CALCULATOR WITH INTERNAL VOLTAGE REGULATOR 48 FOP The KS6028 is a single chip CMOS LSI with 8 digits arithmetic operation, single memory, extraction-ofsquare-root, percentage calculation and auto power off functions, designed for FEM LCD operation with 1,5V power supply, FUNCTIONS II • Four standard functions ( +, -, x, +), • Auto constant calculations (constant: multiplicand, divisor, addend and subtrabend), • Square and reciprocal calculations, • Make-up and make-down calculations, • Extraction of square root. • Percentage calculations, FEATURES • • • • • • • • • • • • Single chip CMOS construction. Chain multiplication and division. Power calculations. Rough estimate calculations. Rollover capability. Floating decimal. LCD direct drive (3, 113). Overflow Indication: "E" Accumulating memory: M -, M -, RM, CM, RM/CM On-chip oscililltor components On-chlp supply voltage limiter by application option. Very low power consumption. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Characteristic Terminal Voltage Symbol Rating Unit VGG -0.3-2.1 V Y,N -0.3-VGG+0.3 V V.b Note 1 1.1-3 V 2 VGG (lim) 1.1-1.8 V 3 Battery Supply Voltage VB 1.1-1.8 V Operating Temperature Topr 0- +50 ·C Storage Temperature T.tg -55-+150 ·C Solar Supply Voltage . .. Note'1. Maximum voltage on any pin with respect to GND. 2. VSb is solar supply voltage. 3. VGG (lim) is limited voltage. c8SAMSUNG' 161 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT KS6028 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Ta=25°C, VGG= 1.5V, unless otherwise specified) Characteristic Input Voltage 1 Input Current 1 Output Voltage 1 Output Voltage 2 Display Frequency Dissipation Symbol Test Condition V,H1 Min Typ Max V,L1 V,N=VGG I'L1 V,N=OV 1 0.3 0.4 V 1 pA 3 p.A without load VOI.2 loul = 15p.A VGG-O.15 VOA without load 2.BO 2.95 Voe without load 1.30 Voc without load 35 50 VGG = 1.3V while display is on. 10ff display is off Idis VGG = 1.3V, while display is on lop VGG=1.1V, while operation 4 5 V VOH1 Fd Note V VGG-0.4 I'H1 Unit 0.15 V 1.50 1.70 V 0 0.20 6 V 7 V Hz 7 O.B p.A B 1.3 3 p.A 9 2.5 5.5 p.A 10 Note 4. 5. 6. 7. B. 9. Applies to pin K2, K6. Applies to pin K2, and K6. Applies to P1, P2, A2 and A5. Applies to H1, H3, a1, aB, b1, bB, c1 and cB. Measured by the test circuit below after power supply automatically turns off. Measured by the test circuit below while "0" is being displayed after auto-clear operation and while key is not being depressed. 10. Measured by the below test circuit wl1i1e operated AC key and while key is free from depression. OUTPUT WAVEFORM 1 -Voe r-----I32 33 34 KS6028 35 OUTPUT WAVEFORM 2 36 3 nA 37 -VOA (TEST CIRCUln -Voe VGG 162 KS6028 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION • Decimal point system Complete floating decimal point system. • Integral number: 8 digits leading zero suppression. Zero shift. • Symbols: -: negative number display. E : e~ror display. M : memory display. • Negative number indication Antilogarithm: + II Minus Error detections System errors occur when: 1) The integral part of any calculation result exceeds 8 digits. 2) The Integral part of any memory calculation result exceeds 8 digits. In addition, the integral part of any addend or subtrahend to memory exceeds 8 digits. 3) The integral part of a make-up and make-down calculation result exceeds 8 digits. 4) The division by zero. 5) The extraction of square root of a negative number. • Rough estimate calculation error The integral part of the result of anyone of standard for functions, percentage, square, reciprocal, and power calculations exceeds 8 digits and is equal to 16 digits or less. Error indication System error "0" is indicated in the 1 digit position and "E" in the sign-digit position. Rough estimate calculation error The high-order 8 digits of a calculation result is indicated together with "E". The decimal point is indicated in the position corresponding to a calculation result time 10- 8 , and no zero shift is performed. Error release System error A system error can be release by the AC or ON/CCE key. Rough estimate calculation error A rough estimate calculation error can be released by the AC or ON/CCE, CE key. A calculation result is not cleared by ON/CCE or CE key but is retained. • Number entry Numericals can be entered up to 8 digits. Numerical enteries equal to 9 digits or more are ignored. c8SAMSUNG 163 KS6028 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT • Memory protection In any error detection, the memory counters present before the error detection are protected. • Memory indication If the memory counter is a number other then zero, "M" is indicated in the sign·digit position. • Doubler key depression The order of the priority when two keys are being depressed simultaneously, is as follows: When the OFF and AC key are depressed simultaneously, the OFF key is given priority. • Key bounce protection Front edge Down to 1 word and up to about 3 words. Trailling edge 9 words. 1 word is 3.3ms when display frequency is fd =100Hz. DISPLAY FONTS • Numericals font • Sign font M Memory =8SAMSUNG E Error Minus 164 KS6028 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT • LCD connector =1 M 11_ 1 _I _11H2 H3 c8 b8 a8 c7 b7 a7 c6 b6 c3 _ I a6 c5 b5 b3a3 c2 E 1 a5 c4 b4 a4 c3 b3 b2a2 c1 a3 c2 b2 a2 c1 b1 a1 H1 II b1a1 AUTO POWER OFF/DISABLE After 9-11 minute from the last key pressure power is off automatically. By connecting APODIS pin to GND or VGG , whether an auto power off function is available is determined. APODIS Auto-power-off state GND disable VGG enable AC key All operation including memory contents are cleared by AC key. Make-tip and make·down calculation Make-up and make-down calculation are performed as follows. Entry A + B % Display A x B % +OR- = A A B A + AM/100 A A B AM/100 AM/100 A + AM/100 OR A - AM/100 • AM: Amount c8SAMSUNG 165 KS6028 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT PIN ASSIGNMENT Pad No. Pin No. Signal 1/0 Descri ... ::v;: Pad No. Pin No. Signal I/O Description 1 25 VSb I Solar Battery 25 1 b7 0 Display Output 2 26 VOP I Option Pin 26 2 c7 0 Display Output 3 27 VGG Power Supply 27 3 a8 0 Display Output 4 28 APODIS I APO Disable 28 4 b8 0 Display Output 5 29 H1 0 Display Output 29 5 c8 0 Display Output 6 30 a1 0 Display Output 30 6 H2 0 Display Output 7 31 b1 0 Display Output 31 7 H3 0 Display Output 8 32 c1 0 Display Output 32 8 GND 9 33 a2 0 Display Output 33 9 VC 0 Capacitor Terminal for Voltage Set·up 10 34 b2 0 Display Output 34 10 VA 0 Capacitor Terminal for Voltage Set·up 11 35 c2 0 Display Output 35 11 WB 0 Capacitor Terminal for Voltage Set·up 12 36 a3 0 Display Output 36 12 EXTNL I External Clock --- 13 37 b3 0 Display Output 37 13 FDIS I FOSC and Freq. Doubler Disable 14 38 c3 0 Display Output 38 14 K3 I Key Input 15 39 a4 0 Display Output 39 15 K2 I Key Input 16 40 b4 0 Display Output 40 16 A2 0 Strobe Output 17 41 c4 0 Display Output 41 17 A3 0 Strobe Output 18 42 a5 0 Display Output 42 18 A4 0 Strobe Output 19 43 b5 0 Display Output 43 19 A5 0 Strobe Output 20 44 c5 0 Display Output 44 20 P2 0 Strobe Output 21 45 a6 0 Display Output 45 21 P1 0 Strobe Output 22 46 b6 0 Display Output 46 22 K5 I Key Input 23 47 c6 0 Display Qutput. 47 2~ K6_ 1 . Key IIJp.ut 24 48 a7 0 Display Output 48 24 K4 I Key Input c8SAMSUNG --- -- 166 KS6028 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT APPLICATION CIRCUIT (for use with a solar cell) II b7 25 12 a3 c7 26 11 c2 a6 27 10 b2 b8 28 9 a2 c8 29 B c1 H2 30 H3 31 KS6028 7 b1 6 a1 5 H1 4 APO 3 VGG c8SAMSUNG 2 Vop 1 Vsb 167 KS6028 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT APPLICATION CIRCUIT (for use with a battery) b7 25 12 a3 c7 26 11 c2 as 27 10 b2 b8 28 9 a2 8 c8 29 c8SAMSUNG c11-----' 7 b1 1 - - - - - - ' H3 31 GN 32 0 VC 33 6 a1 1 - - - - - - ' 5 H1 1 - - - - - - - ' VA 34 3 VGGI----.------, VB 35 2 Vop EXTNL 36 1 Vsb H2 30 KS6028 4 APO 168 KS6028 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT INTERNAL VOLTAGE LIMITER BONDING OPTION METHOD OPTION 1 II (Configuration using internal voltage limiter) OPTION 2 (Configuration using external voltage limiter) c8SAMSUNG 169 KS6028 c8SAMSUNG CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT 170 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT KS6029 BASIC FUNCTION 10 DIGITS LCD CALCULATOR WITH INTERNAL VOLTAGE REGULATOR 48 FOP The KS6029 is a single chip CMOS LSI with 10 digits arithmetic operation, single memory, extraction-ofsquare-root, percentage calculation and auto power off functions, designed for FEM LCD operation with 1.5V power supply. FUNCTIONS II • Four standard functions (+, -, x, -;.). • Auto constant calculations (constant: multiplicand, divisor, addend and subtrabend). • Square and reciprocal calculations. • Make-up and make-down calculations. • Extraction of square root. • Percentage calculations. FEATURES • • • • • • • • • • • • Single chip CMOS construction. Chain multiplication and division. Power calculations. Rough estimate calculations. Rollover capability. Floating decimal point. LCD direct drive (4, 114). Overflow indication: "E" Accumulating memory: M1, M, RM, CM, RM/CM On·chip supply voltage limiter by application option. Very low power consumption_ On-chip oscillator components ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Characteristic Terminal Voltage Solar StJpply Voltage Symbol Rating Unit VGG -0.3- 2.1 V Y'N - 0.3 - VGG + 0.3 V VSb 1.1-3 V 2 3 VGG (lim) 1.1-1.8 V Battery Supply Voltage VB 1.1 -1.8 V Operating Temperature Topr 0- +50 'C Storage Temperature Tstg -55- +150 'C Note 1 Note 1. Maximum voltage on any pin with respect to GND. 2. VSb is solar supply voltage. 3. VGG (lim) is limited voltage. c8 SAMSUNG 171 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT KS6029 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Ta = 25°C, VGG = 1.5V, unless otherwise specified) Characteristic Symbol Test Condition Min VIH1 Input Voltage 1 Typ VGG·O.4 Output Voltage 1 Output Voltage 2 Display Frequency Dissipation IIH1 VIN= VGG IIL1 VIN=OV VOH1 without load VOL2 lout = 15p.A 0.3 1 0.4 V 1 p.A p.A 3 V VGG·0.15 0.15 VOA without load 2.BO 2.95 VOB without load 1.30 1.50 1.70 Voe without load 0 0.20 35 50 Fd VGG = 1.3V while display is on. lott display is off Idis VGG = 1.3V, while display is on lop VGG = 1.1V, while operation Unit V VIL1 In put Cu rrent 1 Max V Note 4 5 6 V O.B 1.5 3 3 5.5 V 7 V Hz 7 p.A p.A p.A B 9 10 Note 4. 5. 6. 7. B. Applies to pin K2, K6. Applies to pin K2, and K6. Applies to P1, P2, A2 and A5. Applies to H1, H3, a1, aB, b1, bB, c1 and cB. Measured by the test circuit below after power supply automatically turns off. 9. Measured by the test circuit below while "0" is being displayed after auto·clear operation and while key is not being depressed. 10. Measured by the below test circuit while operated AC key and while key is free of depression. OUTPUT WAVE FORM 1 -fl ~~VOA ~,=H'-=I--1-rr==~~ ---------~:: l OUTPUT WAVE FORM 2 ~ ;h 32 C1 33 34 -cz _KS6029 35 36 37 r-----.-------VOA '-------' c8SAMSUNG Voe 172 KS6029 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION • Decimal point system Complete floating decimal point system. • Integral number: 10 digits leading zero suppression. Zero shift. • Symbols: -: negative number display. E : error display. M : memory display. • Neg~tive number indication Antilogarithm: + Minus II Error detections System errors occur when: 1) The integral part of any calculation result exceeds 10 digits. 2) The integral part of any memory calculation result exceeds 10 digits. In addition, the integral part of any addend or subtrahend to memory exceeds 10 digits. 3) The integral part of a make-up and make-down calculation result exceeds 10 digits. 4} The division by zero. 5) The extraction of square root of a negative number. Rough estimate calculation error The integral part of the result of anyone of standard for functions, percentage, square, reciprocal and power calculations exceeds 10 digits and is equal to 20 digits or less. Error indication System error "0" is indicated in the 1 digit position and "E" in the sign-digit position. Rough estimate calculation error The high-order 10 digits of a calculation result is indicated together with "E". The decimal point is indicated in the position corresponding to a calculation result time 10- 1 and no zero shift is performed. °, Error release System error A system error can be release by the AC or ON/CCE key. Rough estimate calculation error A rough estimate calculation error can be released by the AC or ON/CCE, CE key. A calculation result is not cleared by ON/CCE or CE key but is retained. • Number entry Numericals can be entered up to 10 digits. Numerical enteries equal to 11 digits or more are ignored. ciS SAMSUNG 173 KS6029 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT • Memory protection In any error detection, the memory counters present before the error detection are protected. • Memory indication If the memory contents are a number other then zero, "M" is indicated in the sign-digit position. • Doubler key depression The order of the priority when two keys are being depressed simultaneously, is regarded as follows: When the OFF and AC key are depressed simultaneously, the OFF key is given priority. • Key bounce protection Front edge Down to 1 word and up to about 3 words. Trailling edge 9 words. 1 word 3.3ms when display frequency fd = 100Hz. DISPLAY FONTS • Numericals font I-II 1- 1_ _11_1 I~ .1-1 11-1 -1-1 1-·1 11_1 • Sign font M Memory c8SAMSUNG E Error Minus 174 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT KS6029 LCD connector 1-11- 1-11-1-111-IM - '-III 11_1 _-I - I_' __ E H3 H4 bl0 al0 b9 a9 ba aa b7 a7 b6 a6 b6 a5 b4 a4 b3 83 b2 a2 bl al aO H2 Hl II ~~&fj ¥~ b2 a2 bl al alO AUTO POWER OFF/DISABLE After 9·11 minute from the last key pressure power is off automatically. By connecting APODIS pin to GND or VGG • whether an auto power off function is available is determined. APODIS Auto·power·off state GND disable VGG enable AC key All operation including memory contents are cleared by AC key. Make·up and make·down calculation Make·up and make·down calculation are performed as follows. Entry A + B % Display A x B % +OR- = A A B A+AM/100 A A B AM/100 AM/100 A+AM/100 OR A-AMI100 • AM: Amount c8SAMSUNG 175 KS6029 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT PIN ASSIGNMENT Pin No. Signal 1/0 Description Pin No. Signal I/O Description Display Output 1 VSb I Solar Battery 25 b8 0 2 VOP I Option Pin 26 a9 0 Display Output 3 VGG Power Supply 27 b9 0 Display Output 4 APODIS I APO Disable 28 a10 0 Display Output 5 H1 0 Display Output 29 b10 0 Display Output 6 H2 0 Display Output 30 H4 0 Display Output 7 NC 31' H3 0 Display Output 8 aO 0 Display Output 32 GND 9 a1 0 Display Output 33 VC 0 Capacitor Terminal for Voltage Set-up 10 b1 0 Display Output 34 VA 0 Capacitor Terminal for Voltage Set-up 11 NC 35 VB 0 Capacitor Terminal for Voltage Set-up 12 a2 0 Display Output 36 EXTNL I External Clock 13 b2 0 Display Output 37 FDIS I FOSC and Freq, Doubler Disable 14 a3 0 Display Output 38 K3 I Key Input 15 b3 0 Display Output 39 K2 I Key Input 16 a4 0 Display Output 40 A2 0 Strobe Output 17 b4 0 Display Output 41 A3 0 Strobe Output 18 a5 0 Display Output 42 A4 0 Strobe Output 19 b5 0 Display Output 43 A5 0 Strobe Output 20 a6 0 Display Output 44 P2 0 Strobe Output Strobe Output 21 b6 0 Display Output 45 P1 0 22 a7 0 Display Output 46 K5 I Key Input 23 b7 0 Display Output 47 K6 I Keylnpul 24 a8 0 Display Output 48 K4 I Key Input c8SAMSUNG 176 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT KS6029 II b8 25 12 89 26 11 NC b9 27 10 b1 '--------1810 28 9 81 ' - _ - - I b10 29 ~------1 H4 c8SAMSUNG 30 8 KS8029 a2 ao f-----' 7 NC 177 KS6029 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT b8 25 12 a2 a9 26 11 NC be 27 10 bl al0 26 9 al bl0 29 6 H4 30 7 NC H3 31 c8SAMSUNG· KS6029 ao 6 H2 178 KS6029 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT INTERNAL VOLTAGE LIMITER BONDING OPTION METHOD OPTION 1 II (Configuration using internal voltage limiter) OPTION 2 (Configuration using external voltage limiter) c8SAMSUNG. 179 KS6029 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT PAD DIAGRAM (2460 x 2710) 2460 I 0 '"'" ...iil 0 '"'" 0 E key. • Floating mode 10'0 s I x I s10'oo : Exponent display. 10-99 s I x I s1O- 9 : Exponent display. o and 1O-9 s I x I s10'o: Floating display. • Engineering mode and 1O-99 S I x I s10'oo (all ranges); Exponent display. F-E key also convert the display format of a displayed numerical value simultaneously with the display format setting. At the same time, number of digits below the decimal point of the above modes follows the display format assigned by 2ndF and F-E keys. Further, in the same manner as F-E key, the conversion is also taken place simultaneously with the display format setting. ' When the number of digits is specified, the displayed last digit is a rounded number, and when there is no specification of the number of digits, the displayed last digit is a cut number. o Example:~ [J 0 [J 0.285714285 TAB I I I 12ndF I F+->EI 0 0.286 2.857-01 F+->E TAB 12ndF I I F+->E I D 2.8571428-01 c. Negative numbers are not displayed with the minus symbol ,~, but are displayed in hexadecimal, octal, and binary two's complement. d. Display style and special display • Display st1'le. • Special display c8SAMSUNG 184 KS6041 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT e. Examples of display • Floating of -6000 1/x; TAB=7 I-I 1-' I-I I-I 1_10 I_I LI I_I I- I- 1-' I , I , I • Same as above, engineering display I I- I- I- I- I- I 1-' -I I_I I 10 I I I I I I I I I- I-I I_I I-I II • Error display DEG I-I 1_10 E (6) Protection a. Memory overflow protection If the overflow occures in the memory calculation, the data before calculation is retained. b. Statistical overflow protection If the overflow occures in the statistical calculation, the data before calculation is retained. (7) The number of digits of the internal retained data. The number of digits of the mantissa of displayed data is maximum 10 digits, but the available data for successive calculation is the internal retained data. The number of digits of the mantissa of internal retained data is as follows. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Data input Arithmetic Engineering function Statistical function Complex number function Memory calculation Number of random Maximum Maximum 10 digits. 10 digits. Maximum 3 digits (8) Auto clear When the power supply is suddenly turned on, auto clear routine is executed to initialize as DEC mode, no TAB, floating and DEG mode. (9) Power off function. a. Auto power off In about 7.5 minutes, after operation ended or pressing key, the power supply is turned off. b. OFF Pressing tlie key shall stop the oscillator. (Memory safe guard) c. ON Pressing this key shall wake the oscillator and initialize. c8SAMSUNG 185 KS6041 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT OPERATION MODE (1) Operation mode ~ DEC BIN OCT HEX STAT CPLX 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X X X 0 X Parenthesis ( ) 0 0 0 0 X X Constant calculation 0 0 0 0 0 X, Percentage calculation 0 X X X 0 Statistical calculation X X X X 0 X CPLX calculation X X X X X 0 Input a, b 0 X X X X 0 Numberic input 0, 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Numeric input (2-7) 0 X 0 0 0 0 0 Operation 4 Operation +, -, x, "'", Power yx, 6 Operation STAT CPLX DATA setting x.JY = - X - - 1---------- Numeric input 8, 9 0 X X 0 0 Hex input A-F X X X 0 X X ., Exp 0 X X X 0 0 +/- 0 0 0 0 0 0 Shift key 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CE Memory Memory calculation 0 0 0 0 0 0 Display conversion P<-~E, 0 X X X X X P-R conversion P->R R->P 0 X X X X Random RND 0 X X X 0 0 Function 1 variable function 0 X X X 0 0 Augular conversion DRG 0 X X X 0 0 TAB DRG~ c8SAMSUNG I 0 -- - - - - 186 KS6041 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT (2) The calculation is always shifted to a specified mode by mode keys. A Mode ~ B Mode 'iZ DEC BIN ocr HEX STAT CPLX DEC NOP DEC Conversion DEC Conversion DEC Conversion DEC Conversion State clear DEC Conversion State clear BIN BIN Conversion NOP BIN Conversion BIN Conversion BIN Conversion State clear BIN Conversion State clear OCT OCT Conversion OCT Conversion NOP OCT Conversion OCT Conversion State clear OCT Conversion State clear HEX HEX Conversion HEX Conversion HEX Conversion NOP HEX Conversion State clear HEX Conversion State clear STAT Display Clear Display Clear Display Clear Display Clear NOP Display Clear CPLX Display Clear Display Clear Display Clear Display Clear Display Clear State clear NOP NOP: No operation. KEY DEFINITIONS. (1) 2ndF This is the key for specifying the second function. When this key is pressed, the special display "2ndF" lights. When this key is pressed twice continuously, the second function mode is released. (2) DRG DRG~ a. Pressing this key shall change the mode of angle sequencially C DEG ~ RAD ~ GRA~ and displayed it. b. Pressing this key after 2ndF key shall change the mode of angle and shall convert the displayed data DEG ~ RAD 7r RAD=DEGx180 RAD .... GRAD GRAD=RADx 200 DEG=GRADxO~ GRAD .... DEG (3) 0-9 a. In setting data in the mantissa section, it is set at the right margin, and data in more than 11 digits cannot be input. b. At the data input against the exponent, last two number are efficient. (4)a. b. c. RND The position first pressed has preferenced, and no input is made to data set in the exponent section. When pressed as the first set number, it is regarded as 0 and - keys are pressed. Random as a 2ndF Pressing this key shall display the random numbers. The range of random numbers is 0.000-0.999. (5) +/- a. In setting data in the mantissa section, this key reverses code in the mantissa section. Similarly, for exponent section, it reverses code in the exponent section. b. For the operation "result, this key reverses codes in the mantissa section" c8SAMSUNG 187 II CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT KS6041 (6) + - x -;- = ( ) a. When the key operations are performed by these keys according to a numerical expression, a result of operation is obtained according to mathematical priorities. Priorities discriminated are; 1) 1 Variable function 2) Expression in ( ); (The most inner expression has priority in case of multiple parentheses) "'-fY 3) y', 4) x,-;5) +,- b. Whenever the key is operated, the calculator discrimiuates the above priorities and holds the data and operation keys pending as required. This pending action is possible up to 6 times and 7 or more pending become error. c. (Key is accepted only immediately after CE, +, -, x, -;-, y3" '-J\j, =, ( keys and not accepted in all other cases. When this key is accepted, the displayed data is cleared to O. When ( key is first accepted, the special display "( )" illuminates. When a parenthesis expression is completed) and = keys or when it is cleared by ONtC key, etc, or when errors are generated, the special display "( )" goes out. d. If it is within the allowable range of pending, ( can be input into any place in an expression as many times as desired. However, if the key is pressed continuously 16 times or more, it be comes error. e. From a viewpoint of numerical expression, even when the corresponding C key is not pressed, the operation is not executed if ) key is pressed. On the other hand, when ( key is pressed and = key is pressed without pressing the corresponding ) key, the operation' is also completed according to the priority. (7) Memory calculation (x .... M, RM, M+) a. Memory register "M" used by these keys is the completely independent single memory. b. Display data is added to "M" (memory register) by M+ key. If data overflows at this time, the proceeding data is held. c. Display data is stored in "M" by x-->M key. d. Contents of "M" is displayed by MR key. e. When data except for 0 is stored in "M", the special display "M" illuminates. (8) "Ii" a. This key displays a rounded value (3.141592654) of a 12 digit value (3.14159265359) according to the set display format. b. A value that is used in a subsequent operation is the above 12 digit value. c. The display is cleared by the following 1st numeric key and a new data is set. (9) % Calculation a. When any arithmetic functions or constant mode has not been set, the displayed number is converted from a percentage to a decimal. Example) 61.5% Display 6 1 . 5 % 0.615 b. When = key is pressed after % with any arithmetic function • Add-on axb • y', '.fi. R+b --> a+ 100 a y' b % • Discount axb a-b % --> a- 100 a '.JY b % • Percentage axb % axb -->100 a-;-b % -->~ x100 b (10) Trigonometric and arctrigonometric function (1 Variable) (sin cos tan sino, COSo, tan-') These functions are calculated according to respective defined areas and accuracy show in (6), and displayed result of operation can become operators. (11) Hyperbolic and archyperbolic function. (hyp --> sin cos tan, archyp --> sin cos tan) Same as trigonometric function. c8SAMSUNG 188 KS6041 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT (12) Exponential and logarithmic function. (eX 10X In log) Same as tigonometric function. (13) Reciprocal, square, square root and cube root. (1/x x2 ";-3";-) Same as trigonometric function. (14) Factorial function (n!) n!=nx(n-1)x(n-2)x ...... x2x1. Same as trigonometric function. (15) .... OEG .... OMS a. These keys convert degree, minutes and second into decimal degree and decimal degree into degree minutes and second, respectively. b. On the OMS format, the integer part of display data is regarded as degree, 2 digits below the decimal point as minute and 3rd digit and below as second. -OMS 1.999999999 59 minute degree 5999 second .... xy) (16) Coordinate conversion (a b .... rO a. These keys convert the rectangular coordinates into the polar coordinates and the polar coordinates into the rectangular coordinates, respectively. The angle unit that have been set by ORG key is followed. b. Respective defined areas and accruacy are as shown in (6), however, the range of 0 obtained by R .... P in degree is as follows. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Quadrant Quadrant Quadrant Quadrant 0° s 0 s 90° s 0 s -1800s0s -90° s 0 s 90° 180° -90° 0° c. Input of 2 variables is performed oy setting x or r by pressing a key and y or 0 by preSSing b key. d. The operation result of x or R is obtained in the display register or by preSSing a key and y or 0 by pressing b key. Input Data Result a b a b R .... P (Rectangular .... Polar) x y r 0 P .... R (Polar .... Rectangular) r 0 x y ( .... r, 0) r=--Jx2+y2, 0=tan-1 y/x ( .... x, y)x=rcosO, y=rsinO e. (R .... P Conversion) (lx, y] .... Ir, 0]) Key operation x a y b .... rO b c8.SAMSUNG f. (p .... R Conversion) (lr, 0] .... Ix, y]) Oisplay o x b x y a y r o o o r .... xy b x y 189 II KS6041 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT (17) Binary mode (2ndF, ~BIN, 0,1) a. Data input and output are both binary integers in maximum 10 digits. b. A negative number is expressed in binary number of two's complement. c. The range of internal operation is as shown below and if the result of operation exceed the range, it becomes error (overflow) Binary Number Outside the operation range Binary Positive Integer Binary Positive Integer (Complement) Decimal Number - 512:s; DATA 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 o 1 511 510 509 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 : : 1 000 1 o0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Outside the operation range : : : 10 1 0 : 2 1 0 1 0 1 -1 -2 -3 : 0 1 0 0 : -511 -512 -512;;,; DATA (18) Octal mode (2ndF, ~OCT, 0 - 7) a. Data input and output are both octal integers in maximum 10 digits. b. A negative number is expressed in octal number display of two's complement. c. The range of internal operation is as shown below and if the result of operation exceed the range, it becomes error (overflow) Octal Number - Outside the operation range Binary Positive -Integer Octal Negative Integer (Complement) Outside the operation range c8SAMSUNG 5 3 6 8 709 1 2 :s; DATA 3 777 7 777 7 7 3 777 7 7 7 7 7 6 : : -11 0 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 1 1 1 1 : : 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 1 1 1 0 : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Decimal Number 7 6 1 0 1 0 0 5 3 6 8 709 1 1 5 368 709 1 0 : :1 0 -1 -2 : -5 3 6 8 7 0 9 1 1 -5 3 6 8 7 0 9 1 2 -5 3 6 8 7 0 9 1 3 2: DATA 190 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT KS6041 (19) Hexadecimal Mode (2ndF, -+HEX, 0 - 9, A-F) a. Data input and output are both hexadecimal integers in maximum 10 digits. b. A negative number is expressed in hexadecimal number of two's complement. c. The range of internal operation is as snown below and if the result of operation exceed the range, it becomes error (overflow) Hexadecimal Number Decimal Number - 1x10 ' Os DATA Outside the operation range 254 0 B E 3 F F 2 5 4 0 B E 3 F E : Hexadecimal Positive Integer 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 999 9 999 8 Hexadecimal Negative Integer (Complement) II : : : 1 0 1 0 FFFFFFFFFF F F F F F F F F F E -1 -2 : : : : FDABF4 1 CO2 FDABF4 1 CO 1 -9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 8 -9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Outside the operation range -1x10'°2: DATA (20) Complex number mode (2ndF, CPLX) a. Pressing these keys shall set the complex number mode. b. Input of 2 parts is performed by setting the real part (X; pressing a key) and the imaginary part (Y; pressing b key) c. The operation result of the real part is obtained by pressing = or a key and the imaginary part by pressing b key. Input Data 2 Input Data 1 Item Real Imaginary Imaginary Result Function Real a b a b X2 Y2 X1+X2 Y1+Y2 a b Addition X1 Y1 + Subtraction X1 Y1 - X2 Y2 Multiplication X1 Y1 x X2 Y2 Division X1 Y1 X2 Y2 Real X1-X2 X1X2-Y1Y2 X1X2+Y1Y2 X22 +Y22 Imaginary Y1-Y2 Y1X2+X1Y2 Y1X2-X1Y2 X22 +Y22 (21) Static calculation mode (2ndF, STAT) a. Pressing these keys shall set the statistic calculation mode. b. Available number of data is the positive integer, such as 0 s n s 9999999999, and when the number of data exceeds this integer, it becomes error. e. The input range of the data are as follows Os I data Is 1x1050 This data exceeds the ranges, it becomes error. d. n Ex Ex2 These keys display the number of data (sample), each sum total of x and sum total 01 x 2 n Ex; • Average; x =~ n c8SAMSUNG Ex n 191 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT KS6041 • The standard deviation of the sample s= ,.,;: (xi-x)" The standard devitation of the population f; (xi-x)2 Ex 2-(Ex)2/n 0= Ex2-(Ex)2/n i=1 n n ERROR CONDITIONS (1) The result of operation in exponent parts exceed +99 (2) Entering more than the calculation range (6) of each function. (3) Dividing by zero. (4) In statistical calculation. a. x, s, (J when n=O b. s when n=l (5) The number of pending operations exceeds 3 (6) The number of the parenthesis in the one level exceed 15 OPERATION RANGE AND ACCURACY. Function sin x cos x tan x _. sin-' x cos-' x lan-' x Angle Unit Operation Range Under Flow Area DEG Os I x I s4.499999999xl0'o Os Ix I s5.729577951xlO- 98 RAD Os I x I s7853981633 GRAD Os Ix I s4.999999999xl0'o DEG Os I x I s4.500000008xl0 1O - - - RAD· Os I x I s7853981649 GARD Os Ix I s5.000000009xl0'o DEG Same as sin x Os Ix I s6.36619m3xl0- 98 Same as sin x RAD Same as sinx Same as sin x GARD Same as sin x Same as sin x DEG Oslxlsl Os Ix I sl.570796326xl0-" RAD Os I x I sl GARD Os Ix I sl DEG Same as sin-'x RAD Same as sin-' x Os Ix I sl.570796326xlO-" - Os I x I s9.999999999xl099 RAD os I x I s 9.999999999 x 1099 GARD Os I x I s9.999999999 X 10" log x Osx eX - 9.999999999 x 1099 S 230.2585092 c8SAMSUNG -- - Same as sin-' x DEG Osx 10 digits ±1 - GARD In x Normal Accuracy Same as sin-' x Same as sin-' x X S -9.999999999xl099 s -227.9559243 X s 192 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT KS6041 OPERATION RANGE AND ACCURACY. Function (Continued) Operation Range 10X - 9.999999999 x 1099 S 99.99999999 x! Os x s69 (integer) X s Under Flow Area -9.999999999 x 1099 s x s - 99.00000001 - 1 X 10-··s I x Is 9.999999999 X 10.9 1.000000001 X 10·9 s I x Is 9.999999999 x 1099 x' Os I x I s9.999999999 X 104• Os I x I s3.162277660x 10- 50 -..Ix Os I x I s9.999999999 X 10·· W Os I x I s 9.999999999 X 1099 - DMS .... DEG Os I x I s9.999999999 X 10· - DEG .... DMS Os I x I s9.999999999 X 10· 1 X Os I x I s230.2585092 - cosh x Os I x I s.230.2585092 - tanh x Os I x I ~9.999999999 X 10·· - sinh- 1 x Os I x I s4.999999999 X 10·· - cosh- 1 X 1 s x s 4.999999999 x 10·· tanh- 1 x Os I x I s9.9999999999 X 10- 1 II Os I x I s 2.777777777 x 10-·· )C sinh Normal Accuracy R .... P (x,y) (r, 8) Ixl. Iyl s 9.999999999 x 104• (X2 + y2) s 9.999999999 x 10·· correspond to the under flow area oftan x P .... R (r, II) (x,y) Os rs9.999999999 x 1099 8 correspond to the operation range of sin x, cos x 8 correspond to the under flow area of sin x, cos x Os I x I s5.729577951 DEG .... RAD Os I x I s9.999999999 x 1099 RAD .... GARD Os I x I s 1.570796326x 10.8 GARD .... DEG Os I x I s9.999999999 x 10·· Oslxls1.111111111 x10- 99 - 9.999999999 X 10··sx. In Iyl s230.2585092 - 9.999999999 x 10·· s x. In Iyl s -227.9559243 X 10 digits ±1 1098 - --- yx i) y> 0; The above - mentioned operation range ii) y < 0; x (integer) or 1/x (x = odd, x = 0) The above - mentioned operation range iii) y=O; x>O - 9.999999999 x 10 s..!. In Iyl s 230.2585092 x. x..JY - 9.999999999 x 10 s..!. In Iyl s _ 227.9559243 x. i) y>O; The above - mentioned operation range. ii) y O .... DEC The following operation range after the conversion . Os Ix I s 9999999999 - .... SIN The following operation range after the conversion . 1000000000s x s 1111111111, Os x s 1111111111 - c8SAMSUNG 193 KS6041 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT OPERATION RANGE AND ACCURACY. Function -->OCT (Continued) Operation Range Under Flow Area The following operation range after the conversion. 4000000000::;; x ::;;777777777, 0::;; x ::;;3777777777 Normal Accuracy - - -->HEX Complex number calculation Statistical calculation The following operation range after the conversion. FDABF41C01::;; x ::;;FFFFFFFFFF, 0::;; x ::;;2540BE3FF (X1+Y1i) +, -, x, .;. (X2+Y2i) i) Addition and subtraction IX1+X21 ::;;9.9999999999x1099 IY1 + Y21 :5 9.9999999999 x 1099 ii) Multiplication IX1X2-Y1Y2I :5 9.9999999999x1099 IY1X2-X1Y21:5 9.9999999999x1099 IX1X21. 1Y1,Y21.1Y1X21. IX1Y21 ::;; 9.9999999999 x 1099 iii) Division /X1X2+Y1Y2/ r1X2-X1Y2/ :5 9.999999999x1099 X2 2+Y22 , X22 +Y22 IX2 2+Y2 2I , IX2 21.1Y221. IX1X2+Y1Y21.1Y1X2-X1Y21 IX1X21, 1Y1Y21, 1Y1X21, IX1Y21:5 9.9999999999x10 99 i) ii) iii) iv) v) Data; Ixl:59.9999999999x10 lI:xl ::;; 9.9999999999 x 10 lI:x 21:59.9999999999x10 x; n=O s; n=1 n=O 0:5 - 10 digits ±1 -- 10 digits ±1 I:x2 - (I:x)2/n :5 9.9999999999x10 n- 1 vi) 0"; n=O 0:5 c8SAMSUNG I:x 2 _ (I:x)2/n :5 9.9999999999 x 10 n 194 KS6041 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT LCD CONNECTION a. Segment 45 44 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 29 28 27 28 25 24 23 22 21 20 ",,,,,,II b. Common 15 COM4 L-_--=C.::.-OM:.::,3=__ 48 COM1 141-----.J L -_ _----=C.=.OM:.:;;2=-47 WOVEFORM OF COM I iI I I I t---'Z>I I r--VDD (3V) 1-_......._ _-;1 I - - w I I I iI iI COM1-'1--~ GND II II II I r---+-_-;I I I I COM2 1 I II :1-1_ _+_....... I I COM3 1 I II Ir-I--.:......--; I COM4 1 1 II II 1t-i1r----160Hz(6.25ms)----f II II O.034ms II c8SAMSUNG 195 KS6041 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT EXTERTAL CONNECTION (1) Pin description Pin No. Signal 1/0 Description Pad No. Pin No. Signal 1/0 Description Pad No. 0 0 LCD (Key output) 16 LCD (Key output) 17 0 0 0 LCD (Key output) 18 LCD (Key output) 19 LCD (Key output) 20 1 KI8 I Key input 8 40 25 b4 (KO) 2 FODIS I Fosc disable 41 26 a5 (KO) 3 EXTNL I External clock 42 27 b5 (KO) 4 KITEN I Key in test enable 43 28 a6 (KO) 29 b6 (KO) Vss Power (G N D) 44 30 Vss Vss Power (GND) 21 31 VDD VDD Power (+ 3V) 22 32 a7 23 b7 0 0 0 0 LCD 33 LCD 24 0 0 0 0 0 LCD 27 LCD 28 LCD 31 0 0 0 0 LCD 32 No Connection 33 5 NC 6 Vss 7 NC 8 VDD 9 NC 10 TST I/O 11 DEN VDD Power (+ 3V) 45 Test 1 34 a8 I Dump Enable 2 35 b8 12 KI1 I Key Input 1 3 36 a9 13 KI2 I Key Input 2 4 37 b9 14 COM1 5 38 a10 COM4 Common Signal 4 6 39 b10 16 aO (KO) 0 0 0 Common Signal 1 15 LCD (Key Output) 7 40 a11 17 bO (KO) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LCD (Key Output) 8 41 b11 18 a1 (KO) 19 b1 (KO) 20 a2 (KO) 21 b2 (KO) 22 a3 (KO) 23 b3 (KO) 24 a4 (KO) c8SAMSUNG LCD (Key Output) 9 42 a12 LCD (Key Output) 10 43 b12 LCD (Key Output) 11 44 a13 LCD (Key Output) 12 45 b13 LCD (Key Output) 13 46 COM3 LCD (Key Output) 14 47 LCD (Key Output) 15 48 LCD 25 LCD 26 LCD 29 LCD 30 No Connection 34 LCD 35 LCD 36 Common Signal 3 37 COM2 0 0 0 Common Signal 2 38 KI4 I Key Input 4 39 196 KS6041 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT APPLICATION CIRCUIT (1) LCD connection I I I I LCD I Ir=r=- -r~ 2l1~ ~I~I~I~ ~I~ ~I~ II I C) '" 36 b9 ~ L-- 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 37 24 r---810 r---- - 35 ....c bl0 23 38 39 22 all 40 21 bll 41 20 a12 42 19 b12 43 C---- - - KS6041 18 a13 44 17 b13 45 16 - - 83 - b2 - a2 bl al bO aO t--- KI4 15 COM4 t--14 COMI f---48 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ~1~1~lffilul ~Iu ~eluz u. w >< ~Oxt:z>z 10 11 ~Iz0w 13 KI2 121'"""'---- CJ) ;;< b2 a2 ~ ~J!~ (2) Key connection NOTE: b3 t--- r----- a5 - t--- COM3 46 I--------COM2 47 b6 - - - 84 - a5 b5 ~ b4 a4 b3 a3 bl al aO bO 1.IF ~ 2ndFH c8SAMSUNG 197 KS6041 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT KEY CONNECTION K\~ 2nd F 1st F 16 - 0 17 - = 18 -- 1 19 - 20 - X~M RM ~48 HEX STAT % r I 1:: x I I 1:><" I I n X - 22 231 24I - M+ - G I CD S ~ t-- + ~DEC ( , 1st F HEX :- I l_--III.-_l_--I'8! HEX OFF f----- CE nl r--- ~ CPLX r--- I :t-- 2nd F 112 ON/C - I I I DATA: STAT or 31 t-- I-- F-E TAB r--- ~ll:'( r----- + ~BIN f--- b f-- x ~OCT f--- x' 1/x r----- - 6 f--- a ~re c-- r-- 9 f--- tan tan-1 r----- '-- 2 f--- " f--- cos cos-1 log 10>< F r----- In e' E r----- ..J ~HEX 3 . 2nd F I I I 2nd F r-- I I 21 1st F KI1 '1~3 RND ~ C r----- 25, - 1 I-- 5 26; - 4 r-- 8 27' - 7 r-- Y' ~ B ._- 281 - +1- r-- EXP T A f----- sin sin- 1 r----- 291 - ~DEG r-- hyp archyp ,-- DRG DRG~ r- ~DMS 0 ~ r----- r---~-·-l NOTE: : : lI _____ --'-I c8SAMSUNG = STATISTIC MODE KEYS 198 KS6041 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT PAD DIAGRAM ~ ~ @] ~ @] ~ @] §J @] @] @J ~ a9 b8 a8 b7 a7 VDD Vss b6(KO) a6(KO) b5(KO) a5(KO) b4(KO) @Jb9 a4(KO)~ ~a10 b3(KO) ~b10 a3(KO)~ ~a11 b2(KO) ~b11 a2(KO)G ~a12 ~b12 ~a13 B II ~ b1(KO)~ KS6041 PAD DIAGRAM Chip Size: 4820 x 5950 Pad Size : 86 x 86 Unit : I'm a1(KO)0 bO(KO)0 ~b13 AOIKO) ~ COM3 COM40 ~ COM2 COM1IT] ~K14 [2J K12G K11Q] K18 c8SAMSUNG FODIS EXTNL KIT EN Vss VDD TST ~~~~~ ~ [1J IT] DEN 199 NOTES Voice Synthesizer res Function Device KS5901 KS5901A KS5902XX KS5911 KS5912XX **KS5915 CMOS CMOS CMOS CMOS CMOS CMOS ** Under Development 1 Chip 1 Chip 1 Chip 1 Chip 1 Chip 1 Chip Voice Voice Voice Voice Voice Voice Synthesizer (External EPROM) Synthesizer (External EPROM) Synthesizer (Internal ROM) Recorder & Reproducer (External DRAM) & Sound Generator (Internal ROM) & Sound Generator (External DRAM) Package 64 60 24 48 16 60 SDIP FOP DIP FOP DIP FOP Page . 213 234 248 260 . VOICE SYNTHESIZER APPLICATION GUIDE 1. CLASSIFICATION OF VOICE LSI .----Voice Synthesizer --c 1 Direct wave coding-PCM, ADPCM, DM, ADM Analysis & Synthesis . LPC: KS5901A KS5902 PARCOR FORMANT I----Voice Recording & Reproducing ~ :~~CM C ADM: Natural Sound Generation II DM Voice LSI -E KS5911 ""KS5915 ADPCM PCM DM ADM: KS5912 Voice Recognition PCM ADPCM DM ADM LPC PARCOR : : : : : : Pulse Code Modulation. Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation. Delta Modulation. Adaptive Delta Modulation. Linear Predictive Coding. Partial Auto-Correlation. NOTE: ""Under Development c8SAMSUNG 203 VOICE SYNTHESIZER APPLICATION GUIDE 2. VOICE SYNTH ESIZER 2·1. External ROM Type: KS5901/KS5901A A. FEATURES • • • • • • • • • • • Voice synthesis method: LPC 640 KHz X·tal oscillation 8 KHz sampling frequency Control mode: CPU/manual mode Various synthesis speed: 0.7 - 1.55 times of normal speed Direct access to the external ROM (x 8 Bit) Maximum memory size: 64 KBytes (KS5901A), 512KBytes (KS5901) Easy interface with CPU On chip 9 Bits R·2R D/A converter Single 5V power supply PKG: KS5901: 64 SDIP KS5901A: 60 FOP B. BLOCK DIAGRAM PROM/MASK ROM DATA ADDRESS CPU CPU I/F KS52000 c8SAMSUNG KS5901A 204 VOICE SYNTHESIZER APPLICATION GUIDE 2·2. Intemal ROM Type: KS5902 A. FEATURES • • • • • • • • • • • • Speech synthesis method: LPC 2.56 MHz X·tal oscillation 8 KHz sampling frequency Control mode: CPU/manual mode Various synthesis speed: 0.7 -1.55 times of normal speed Various speech synthesis conditions 48 KBlts on chip data ROM Easy interface with CPU On chip 9 Bits R·2R D/A converter Single 5V power supply Low power consumption by C'MOS structure PKG: 24 Dip B. BLOCK DIAGRAM I/O CPU I/F KS52000 c8SAMSUNG KS5902 205 VOICE SYNTHESIZER APPLICATION GUIDE 3. VOICE RECORDING & REPRODUCTION LSI: KS5911 A. FEATURES • • • • • • • • • • • Speech analysis & synthesis method: ADM RC oscillator: 640 KHz Selectable bit rate: 8K, 11 K, 16K, 32Kbps Control mode: Talking back mode/manual control mode Data memory: 64K or 256K DRAM up to 4pcs Auto silence detection (Talking back mode) Recording/Reproducing of max. 16 phrases (Manual control mode) Built·in DRAM refresh counter Built·in microphone amplifier & 10 Bits D/A converter Single 5V power supply Low power consumption by C2 MOS structure • PKG: 48 FQP B. BLOCK DIAGRAM rI 1 ~ RAMx4 pes 256K or 64K r RAM INTERFACE I DIA LOW PASS CONVERTER FILTER I MIC ~ -- AID CONVERTER AMP f-- ANALYZER L- SYNTHESIZER -C(] SPEAKER KS5911 c8SAMSUNG 206 VOICE SYNTHESIZER APPLICATION GUIDE 4. VOICE & SOUND GENERATOR: KS5912 A. • • • • • • • • • • • • FEATURES Sound synthesis method: ADM On·chip 64KBits mask ROM RC oscillator: 640 KHz Control mode: Manual control Variable bit rate (Mask option): 32K, 16K, 11 K, 8Kbps Repeat function: 3 times/8 times Phrase selectable: 4 phrase Maximum generation time: 8 sec. (8 KHz sampling) On·chip 10 Bit D/A converter Single 5V power supply Low power consumption by C2 MOS logic PKG: 16 Dip II B. BLOCK DIAGRAM '--___;-+---l'--___ ....J - G> --oJ """" KS5912 c8 SAMSUNG 207 VOICE SYNTHESIZER APPLICATION GUIDE 5. VOICE RECORDING & REPRODUCING LSI: KS5915 A. FEATURE • • • • • • • • • • • • Speech analysis & synthesis method: ADM Resonator oscillator: 640 KHz Selected bit rate: 11 K, 16K, 24K, 32Kbps Control mode: CPU/manual Data memory: 256K or 1M DRAM up to 4pcs Recording/reproducing of max. 16 phrases Built-in DRAM refresh counter Built·in microphone amplifier & 10 bits D/A converter Built·in band pass filter Voice trigger in recording (Option) Normal mode/256K fixed mode PKG: 60 FOP B. BLOCK DIAGRAM DRAM ADM DfA IfF ANAfSYN CONVERTER ! MIC --- MICROPHONE AID BAND PASS AMP CONVERTER FILTER I I AMP SPEAKER c8SAMSUNG 208 VOICE SYNTHESIZER APPLICATION GUIDE 6. SYNTHESIS LSI FUNCTIONS TABLE KS5901/KS5901 A KS5902XX KS5911 KS5912XX KS5915 Synthesis Method LPC LPC ADM ADM ADM Operating Voltage 5V 5V 5V 5V 5V 640 KHz (X-TaIOSC) 2.56 MHz (X-TaIOSC) 640 KHz (RC OSC) 640 KHz (RC as C) 640 KHz (X-TaIOSC) 8 KHz 8 KHz 8-32 KHz 8-32 KHz 16-32 KHz Features Oscillation Frequency Sampling Frequency Bit Rate 2.4-9.6 Kbps 2.4-9.6 Kbps 8-32 Kbps 8-32 Kbps 16-32 Kbps Control Mode CPU/Manual CPU/Manual /Auto Talk-Back/ Manual Manual CPU/Manual Data Memory External ROM 512KBytes/64KBytes Internal ROM 48Kbits External RAM 64K/256K x4 Internal ROM 64KBits External RAM 256K/1M x4 Speech Time Max. 10 Min.l4 Min. Max. 20 Sec. Max. 2 Min. Max. 8 Sec. Max. 8 Min. D/A Converter 9 bits 9 bits 10 bits 10 bits 10 bits 64 SDIP/60 FOP 24 DIP 48 FOP 16 DIP 60 FOP HA A/M Toy Simple Sound Information Message Phone A/M Toy Message Phone A/M PKG Applications c8SAMSUNG 209 II VOICE SYNTHESIZER APPLICATION GUIDE 7. VOICE SYNTHESIS LSls DEVELOPMENT FLOW USER SAMSUNG ACTION NO 3 DAY LPC: 14 DAY per 10 SEC. ADM: 7 DAY per 4 SEC. NO 7 DAY 30 DAY 10 DAY RELIABI LlTY APPLICATION NO 1 MONTH OUTGOING c8SAMSUNG 210 db ~ KS5901A APPLICATION CIRCUIT (CPU < 0 MODE) (; m 3: CJ) tA A c: z c;) -< Z -I ::I: m 1K!l r----~I P12 XT1 Voo Vee tA 1N4148 2K!l I~ I 1 -- 6V "'tJ "'tJ 1N4148 I 3300 ~ .. A + ~ PO.zE~ ---L 10IIII 1N4148 POWER SAVING CIRCUIT Voo +.. m" Vss All 8) DAOI + n SOK!l 50K!l ;.1-..... t"...... .to"' ... i ~ 0 A SWITCH 10"F Other r0 z C) + C 10"F C 1- m 50K!l ~·'V ..'V/¥-~-~-- A / AO-A12 00-07 PROM (KM2865A) Voo DE Vss CE 8!l LOW PASS FILTER ~ -' II AUDIO db KS5902XX APPLICATION CIRCUIT (KEY MODE) ~ om ic en ~ ~ Z ~ ::J: Vee (6V) m 1N4148 N m ::D » ""C KSA733 ""C r- PS3 o ~ oz PS2 PS1 PSO KS5902 ~ 47pF x2 VOICE SYNTHESIZER ~ -m C l rh I\) RESET t t~ t~ C) c 8n LOW PASS FILTER AUDIO KS5901A CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT CMOS 1·CHIP SPEECH SINTHESIZER The KS5901A is a CMOS speech synthesizer which is developed by Samsung Semiconductor and Telecommunications Co., Ltd. (SST). SST has undertaken a research & development program on an encoded reproduction algorithm called linear predictive coding (LPC). Speech is synthesized by processing an externally provided variable bit stream of LPC encoded speech data, and converting the results to the audible output with an on-chip 9 bits D/A converter. The speech syntheSiS system using KS5901A is composed of the following three chips; KS5901A: CMOS speech syntheSizer PROM : Commercial non-volatile memory (x8 bit) Micomlwprocessor: 4/8 bits system controller (CPU mode) eo FOP With a considerable memory expansion and controller interfacing capacity, the KS5901A performs speech synthesiS operation required for various applications. As the KS5901 A is a CMOS LSI, the power consumption is small enough to satisfy the power speCification. FEATURES • • • • • • • • • • • • Speech synthesis method; LPC (Linear Predictive Coding) 640 KHz crystal OSCillation 8 KHz sampling frequency Control mode; CPU control/manual control Various synthesis speed; 0.7-1.55 times of normal speed. Various speech synthesis conditions; · Excitation source Voiced speech; impulseltriangular pulse Unvoiced speech; white Gaussian noise Bit allocationiframe 48 bits/frame; nonlinear transformation 96 bitslframe; linear transformation Frame length; 10/20msec per frame · Repefi,tion of the speech parameter set is possible. · Loss faator of the synthesis filter is controllable. • Variable stage of the digital filter; 8110 stage. Direct access to the external ROM (x8 bit) Maximum memory size; 64K bytes Easy interface with CPU • 4 Dits interface bus line • 12-kinds of command · Monitoring the 4 kinds of status flags · BUSY, EOS (End of speech) output · External ROM data dump mode · Less CPU overhead On chip 9 bits R-2R D/A converter Low power consumption due to the 2-phase CMOS structure Single +5V power supply c8SAMSUNG 213 "KS5901A CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT BLOCK DIAGRAM Interpolator K-stack External Excitation Generator ROM Booth Re-encoder Manual switches Pipeline Multiplier WE 4J8bllS CPU RE Parallel Adder CPU Interface Block Digital Filter Loss & Delay Stack BE BuSY Multiplexer I I II I ...1 EOS Timing Control CX1 CX2 X·tal D 640 KHz .) LPF: LOW PASS FILTER Fig. 1 KS5901A functional block diagram PIN CONFIGURATION 30 29 26 25 -KS5901k (Speech synthesizer) 24 2. en 21 20 ,. 18 11 UI2 0t1I or. "" DT8 017 Fig. 2 Pin configuration (60 FOP top view) c8SAMSUNG 214 KS5901A CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT PIN DESCRIPTION Name Pin (No.) A'5-Ao (58-60,1-5,7,9-15) Address output Used for external PROM Interface (16 bits address line) Output . _ - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - f------ -- DT7-DTc (16-23) Input Data input -------------- - - - - - - - MODE (24) Mode switch ------- SR(25) System reset ~----- -- ------- - M-START (26) Manual start 1-------------- --_.- .- Input/Output Input ---- -_ .. --_.- - ._- - - - - - -.. _.. _----- EXC(29) Excitation source Input H: Triangular pulse L: Impulse REP (30) Parameter repetition Input H: Without repetition L: With repetition NOFS (31) Number of filter stages Input H: 8-stages L: 10 stages NOBA(32) Number of bit allocation Input H: 96 bits/frame L: 48 bits/frame FRL(33) Frame length Input H: 10 msec/frame L: 20 msec/frame LODF(40) Loss of digital filter Input H: With Loss L: Without Loss Input Output f--- Pins for connecting crystal oscillator - - r-- ---- (In the manual control mode, these pins must be selected to "H" or ''I.:' according to the synthesis conditions. - - - - - - -_. ----- ._ .. ------- Input Pins for LSI Test (normally ground) Output Pins for LSI test (these pins should be open.) ------ Test ---.--- ----------~--------- Oscillator TDFe(43) TDFO(45) --------- In the manual control mode, M-START signal initiates reading of external ROM data, starting the syntheSiS operation. ------------- Test ----- --~--- System reset. Clears internal registers. (active low) CX1 (27) CX2(28) TEXC(34) TDAe(41) TINI(42) TDAI(44) ------~-----. Selects CPU or manual control mode H: CPU control L: manual control Input -._.- c------- ---- ... _ - - - - - _ . Used for speech data input from external PROM (8 bit data line) - - -- - - - - - - - - - 1------ 1--------- - _._._-- Function Input/Output .... ~~------ ------------- 1 -_ .. --- se3 -seC (39,37-35) Speed select Input In the manual control mode, the synthesis speed follows the "H"/"L:' combination of SCO-SC3. Synthesis speed is varied from 0.7 to 1.55. DAO(46) D/A output Output 9 bits R-2R D/A converter output APD (47) Audio power down Output Controls the power of external audio circuit )2 (48) System clock Output 160 KHz system clock output -------._---- . -_. --- ------ -- -_. -_ . ---- (continued) c8SAMSUNG 215 II KS5901A CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT Pin (No.) Name Input/Output Function 0 3 - Do (49-52) CPU interface bus Input/Output Used for CPU interface. When WE and CE are set to low, these pins are used for command input. When RE and CE are set to low, these pins are used for monitoring the status flags or reading external ROM data. When CE is high, these are in tri·state. EOS(53) End of speech Output When the synthesis operation is terminated by ENOl code, EOS output is set to low level during one frame. (10/20 msec) BlffiY (54) Busy output Output In the CPU control mode, Busy signal is generated by WE/RE or Osc. enable. (active low) CE(55) Chip enable Input Enables the KS5901A to accept command from CPU during WE or to transmit data to CPU during RE pulse. (active low) - RE(5S) Read enable Input If RE is active, CPU can read the LSI, (active low) WE (57) Write enable Input If WE is active, CPU can write to the LSI, (active low) Vss (8,38) Power Input Ground input VOD(S) Power Input Supply voltage input (+5V) *)"H" or high is 5V "t.:' or Low is OV (Tab. 1. KS5901A pin description) FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION CPU control mode When MODE pin is set to "H", the KS5901A switched into the CPU control mode in which the general micom//L"processor can control the speech synthesizer. The KS5901A supports the 12 commands which make it possible to control the operation and synthesis conditions. It also provides 4 kinds of status flags which represent internal status of KS5901A. Thus, this mode provides the great flexibility for many applications of KS5901A. 03-00 Dl7-DTO WE FiE 4/8 bits CPU CE BUSY KS5901A (Speech synthesizer) External PROM 64K bytes A15-AO EOS Fig. 3 System configuration in the CPU control mode c8SAMSUNG 216 KS5901A CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT 1. Commands of KS5901A A. One nibble commands (1) ODIS (Oscillator DISable) This command is used to disable the internal clock oscillation of KS5901A. If the command is given, APD output and status flag of D1 (see 8 page) are set to "H", and the address counter is set to OOOOH, and condition values are all cleared, and then KS5901A is turned into the reset state, as SR outputs "I.:' leveL. (2) OENA (Oscillator ENAble) This command releases the ODIS state and resets status flag of D1. After this command, the KS5901A becomes power· on transient state during about 40msec and the BUSY outputs the "I.:' level during that period. As APD output remains "H" level, AENA command should be given so as to enable the external audio circuit. (3) AD IS (Audio DISable) If this command is given, APD output is set to "H" level. This command is used to control the power of external audio circuit. (4) AENA (Audio ENAble) If this command is given, APD output is set to "I.:' level. This command is used to control the power of external audio circuit. (5) STRT (STaRT synthesis operation) This command is used to start the synthesis operation as reading the external ROM data from where the address counter points. (6) STOP (STOP synthesis operation) This command controls KS5901A to stop the synthesis operation. The KS5901A is changed into the stand-by state, while it hold the address counter, the synthesis conditions, speed condition and APD state. This is used to reset "ROM data error" and "command error" status flag. (7) DDMP (Data DuMP mode) This command is used to set the data dump mode. In this mode the CPU can read the contents of the external ROM nibble by nibble. When CPU perform its 1st read operation under DDMP mode, 4 bits data (b. - b,) of the specified address are fetched through data bus (D3 - Do). 2nd read operation enables higher 3 bits (b7 - bs) and LSB 1 bit of the next address (bo) to be dumped through D2 - Do and D3 of data bus respectively. This operation sequence can be continued, and thus the external PROM data can be read into CPU in this mode. It should be noticed that the initial LSB 1 bit (bO) at the specified address is lost because it is treated as the header bit in the KS5901A. Either the speech data or the non-speech data can be stored in the external PROM. By using this mode, the indirect addressing of speech data, i.e., label addressing method, can be carried out. (see 10 page) (8) NOP (No OPeration) This command has no effect on the KS5901A except releasing the data dump mode. (9) Extra command The KS5901A is not influenced by this command, however the "command error" flag is set to "H" level. B. Two nibbles commands (1) LDSPD (LoaD SPeeD code) This command specifies the synthesis speed with 4 bits data followed by. (refer to Table 6) (2) LDCON1 (LoaD CONdition 1) This command specifies the conditions such as the bit allocation per frame, the frame length, the parameter repetition and the stages of digital filter with the successive 4 bits data. (refer to Table 4) c8SAMSUNG 217 II KS5901A CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT (3) LDCON2 (LoaD CONdition 2) This command specifies the type of excitation source, the loss factor of the synthesis filter with the successive 4 bits data. C. Six nibbles command (1) LDADR (LoaD ADdResses) The command specifies the start address of the phrase to be synthesized or the PROM data to be read by data dump mode 'with the successive 5 nibbles data which follow the LDADR command. (refer to page 10) D. Notice If any command is given to the KS5901A, the command execution is started between the rising edge of the WE signal and internal busy (I BUSY-see page 11) duration. Fig. 4 and 5 illustrate the timing diagrams associated with the command execution and the synthesis operation. (CE="L:') u WE IBUSY ____~I~I~--------------~-----OENA ~ ODIS. ADIS AENA. STOP START I ~ START NOP RE----, D3-D¢------~<~ ____ _J)~----------------------------------- Fig. 4 Timing diagram of the execution of commands (CE="!:') WE U (STRT) Internal Signal Fr I n Tf ~ Start point of speech *Tf: 10 or 20msec Fig. 5 Timing diagram of the synthesis operation c8SAMSUNG 218 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT KS5901A Mnemonic Code Format Operation 1001 ODIS Oscillator disable, Reset. -------------_._-- - - - Oscillator enable. 1011 OENA -- _._-------------------_.. - ADIS 1010 Audio power off. (APD: H) AENA 0100 Audio power on. (APD: L) -------- DDMP 1000 STRT 0001 -------- --------- STOP 0010 NOP 0000 - LDSPD 6 nibbles Command -------------- ..- _._---- ._--------- Extra commands 0101,XXXX Set speed - . - - 3 T max. * ._- 3T max.* ---- ------ - -----_._- ._--- --- .. - 10 T max. ._.. _---------- - --- 3 T max. - _._-_...._--- ---- Stop synthesis operation 11XX ------ 3Tmax. _. - ------- ---- -_. --- - 3Tmax. -- --_ ......... 3 T max. ---- ------~ 3 Tmax. ----- II -_._----- --- LDCON1 0111,XXXX Set synthesis condition 1 LDCON2 0110, XXOO Set synthesis condition 2 3Tmax. LDADR 0011 n n n n n * * Set address counter (A15-AO) 3Tmax. *)T: 6.25JLSec typo * *) n: any 1 nibble data. 3 Tmax. -+-------------------- Tab. 2. KS5901A Commands Operation RE - Set data dump mode No operation. -- --_. - ------------------ Start synthesis operation -- Extra command 2 nibbles Command -- 3T max.* -~-- 3 Tmax.* .. -----_._-_._---_ .... _._---- ._--- - - 1 nibble Command IBUSY Duration caution -BUSY Duration Reading status or ROM data. 2 nibbles, 6 nibbles mode is released. Status read; 3T ROM data dump; 10T No execution during IBUSY I Tab. 3 RE operation 2. Synthesis conditions and speed code The synthesis conditions are determined according to the required quality of the synthesized speech and the memory size. The synthesis conditions and speed are specified by LDCON1, LDCON2, and LDSPD commands as previously described. Condition Data bus Data Synthesis Condition 1 Synthesis Condition 2 LDCON1 LDCON2 _. 03 L H 48 bits/frame 96 bits/frame Excitation; Impulse Triangular pulse 02 L H 20 msec/frame 10 msec/frame Without loss effect With loss effect 01 L H Parameter; repetition no repetition Not used Always"!.:' DO L H Filter stages: 10 stages 8 stages Not used Always "!.:' Tab. 4. Synthesis conditions code c8SAMSUNG 219 KS5901A CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT Table 5 and 6 illustrate the data bit-rates associated with the synthesis conditions, and the synthesis speed corresponding to each code. Bit Allocation Frame Legnth 48 bits/frame 20msec/frame Yes 48 bits/frame 20msec/frame No 48 bits/frame 10msec/frame Yes 48 bits/frame 10msec/frame No 96 bits/frame 20msec/frame Yes 96 bits/frame 20msec/frame No Parameter Repetition Bit Rate (Kbps) ""2.4 ""4.8 ""4.8 96 bits/frame 10mseclframe Yes 96 bits/frame 10msec/frame No ",,9.6 Tab. 5. Synthesis conditions and bit rate Data bus HEX data Speed rate Data bus HEX data Speed rate 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1.0' 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 8 9 A B C D E F 1.4 1.5 1.55 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Tab. 6. Speed control code 'Original speed = 1.0 3. Internal status flags. If RE signal is given under the normal operation modes except data dump mode, the 4 kinds of internal status 4 bits data bus (D3-DO) of KS5901A. Table "7 shows the summary of the internal status flags. Fig. 6 illustrates the timing associated with it's occurances. Release ("L") Data Bus Status Output D3 Comrnal1 < I >< I D3 121 X3: X2 XO DO D3 DO Address in address counter IX2 >< Xol Ala· . A16 A15 . A12 All AS A7 A4 A3 AO Fig. 7. ROM start address • After loading the start address, the STRT command initiates the KS5901A to read the external ROM data and start the synthesis operation. • The address counter continues to increase during synthesis operation until ENDI code of the ROM data is detected. • When ENDI code is detected address counting is stopped and the KS5901A returns to the stand·by state. • In stand·by state, the synthesis operation of the phrase currently addressed can be activated by STRT command • If END2 code is detected, the start address previously specified by LDADR command is fed to the address counter, and the synthesis operation is repeated. The repetition is continued until the external control, such as STOP/ODIS command or system reset, is given. S. Indirect addressing In this mode, some part of speech data ROM iSlused to the index area. The label must be given to each phrase to be synthesized. The contents stored at the label address are used as the real start address. Address loading sequence of Indirect addressing mode is as follows. • UsingLDADR command, CPU loads~the label address of the phrase to be synthesized to the address counter. • Using DDMP command, CPU reads the start address data (3 bytes), i.e., the contents in the memory location pointed to by the label address and the next two addresses. And save then at the temporary area in the controller. • Using LDADR command, CPU loads the real start address to the address counter of the KS5901A. • The real start address must be stored in the format shown in Fig. a & 9. The LSS (bO) atthe label address should be excluded in storing the start address. As the KS5901A has the addressing range of AO·AI5, the last byte only contains one bit address data of A15 at the LSS (bO) and the other bits (b7 - bl) become dummy data. (see appendix) • The control procedures are explained as follows. (refer Fig. a & 9) c8SAMSUNG 222 KS5901A CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT LDADR L Real address (A6-AO) Label address -------------~ Real address (A14-A7) --------------Real address (A15) I Memory DDMP l I ---Voice data Real start address (A15-AO) CPU External ROM (x 8) Fig. 8 Setting the label address II l I I Real address (A6·AO) I -~~ I Label address --------- Real address (A14·A7) -------------Real address (A15) I Memory I CPU LDADR Voice data Real start address (A15-AO) : External ROM (x8) Fig. 9 Setting the real start address. 5. BUSY output BUSY is generated in the follows: A. During the execution time of the DDMP command and it's successive RE. BUSY is enabled during from the rising edge of the WE or RE to the rising edge after the 9th falling of 2. (10 T max.) B. I:)uring the execution time of the other command or RE for status read. BUSY is enabled during from the rising edge of the WE or RE to the rising edge after the 2nd falling of 2. (3 T max.) See fig. 10. C. During power-on transient state. Power switch ON or OENA command causes the KS5901A to be in power-on transient state, of which duration is fixed by the external capacitor connected to SR pin. In transient state, normally 40msec, KS5901A is initialized in it's internal state, and outputs BUSY signal. The BUSY signal due to OENA command become active at the falling edge of WE signal, while it is normally active at the rising edge. See Fig. 11. * BUSY signal is available only when CE is low (Fig. 10), therefore you must hold CE to low whenever you wish to check it. * While Internal BUSY (lBUSY) signal is active, KS5901A can not accept the WE or RE signal. * If the WE or RE signal is given during IBUSY signal, the internal status of the KS5901A may be uncertain. Besides, the "command error" of the status flag is set. c8SAMSUNG 223 KS5901A CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT 4>2 _ _ _--' WEor~------~L--J Internal I BUSY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _J--t1-~f__-t2----1 • BUSY=CE • Internal BUSY • T=6.25I'sec typo Fig. 10. Timing diagrams of -BUSY signal WE forOENA IBUSY ---"""U -----II 11.....--__ ---+"'r::=: Fig. 11. Timing diagram of power-on transient state 6_ Stop and restart operation Speech synthesizing process is controlled by 2 kinds of code such as END1, END2. A. Stop operation by END1 code END1 code inserted atthe last part olthe speech parameter of a certain phrase controls the KS5901A to haltthe increment of address counter, and issues EOS signal during 1 frame, remaining all it's internal condition values. At the same time status flag of DO (End of speech) is set to high level. Figure 12 shows the~timingdiagram of EOS and EOS11ag. B. Restart operation by END2 code END2 code inserted at the last part of the speech parameter of a certain phrase generates IBUSY during about 2.5ms and resets the address counter to the pre-loaded value by LDADER command, restarting synthesis operation from that address. You can stop synthesis operation by loading STOP command in, it repeat operation without STAT command. c8SAMSUNG 224 KS5901A CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT end 01 speech Status flag _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..1 olEOS ~---lkame~ Fig. 12. Timing diagram of -EOS signal 7. Notes on the CPU control mode. A. MODE pin must be set to ''I.:' level. B. BUSY pin issues the output of NAND logic of the internal busy and CE signal, therefore BUSY· is not issued when CE is high level. C. RE or WE signal is not detected during internal busy sin gal. D. The APD signal set to "H" by the ODIS command is not changed by the OENA command (Le., remains "H" level). Therefore, if APD is used to control the power of external audio circuit, the AENA command must be beforehand with the START command. E. In the CPU controlled mode the default values of conditions after reset operation are such as; APD : High Speed code : cf>H (normal speed) COND1 code: cf>H (48 bit, 20msec, with repetition, 10 stages) COND2 code: cf>H (impulse, without loss) F. The internal status of the KS5901A is usually read by RE signal. If you want to dump the speech ROM data, DDMP mode must be set previously. G. In the DDMP mode the 100,..sec of time interval is needed at least between each read operation to dump ROM data H. While the synthesis operation is executed by the KS5901A, such commands as DDMP, START, 2 & 6 nibble one are forbidden. I. After the ODIS command, the time interval of about 40msec is needed so as to execute the OENA command. 225 c8SAMSUNG ------------------- II CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT KS5901A Manual control mode When MODE pin is set to "t.:', the KS5901A is turned into the manual control mode. In this mode, all the synthesis operation and conditions can be controlled by the external switches. ReselS/w DAD Synthesis condition OT7-DTO pins KS5901A (Speech synthesizer) External PROM 64Kbytes A15-AO o Vff -l0 M-START S/W Fig. 13. System configuration the in manual control mode 1. Operation method A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. MODE pin must be set to "t.:' level. Reset the KS5901A by means of depressing SR switch. Through 10 synthesis condition pins, the synthesis conditions of the phrase to be synthesized must be specified. The synthesis operation is started by means of depressing M-START switch. The synthesis operation is halted by END 1 code. The synthesis operation is repeated by END2 code. When speech is halted by ENOl code you may do the steps of C & D to perform the synthesis operation of the next phrase. If you want the first phrase, you must operate the steps of B, C, D. 2. RESET operation When Reset switch connected to SR pin is depressed or the power switch is on, the KS5901A remains the initialized state during about 40msec due to the charging time of the external capacitor attached to SR pin. M-START input is not received during that period. 3. START operation In manual control mode, the chattering-preventing circuit is inserted to deb ounce the chatterings of the M-START pin. So, M-START input should be continued about min. 20msec (refer to Fig. 14) 1-----1 1 frame M-START strobe M-START I UUl'--------~s -l11J1.J Internal I -I' r-S- - - ,-----, M-START_-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'L------------4S5-i- - - - - '~ EOS ~ start speech ~stopspeeCh Fig. 14. Timing diagram of debouncing of the M-START signal c8SAMSUNG 226 KS5901A CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT 4. Synthesis conditions and speed. In manual control mode, synthesis conditions are determined according to "HIt:' combination of synthesis condition pins as shown bellow and synthesis speed follows the "HIt:' combination of SCO-SC3 as shown in Tab. 9 Pin No. Pin Name Level 29 EXC L H Impulse Triangular pulse 40 LODF L H With loss effect Without loss effect 31 NOFS L H Filter stages: 10 stages 8 stages 32 NOBA L H 48 bit/frame 96 bit/frame 33 FRL L H 20 mseclframe 10 mseclframe 30 REP L H Parameter: repetition no repetition Synthesis Condition Tab. 8 Synthesis conditions in the manual control mode 39 L L L L L L L L Pin number 37 36 35 L L L L H H H H L H L H L H L H L L H H L L H H Speed 1.0' 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 39 Pin number 37 36 35 H H H H H H H H L L L L H H H H L H L H L H L H L L H H L L H H Speed 1.4 1.5 1.55 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 'Original speed = 1.0 Tab. 9 Speed table in the manual control mode c8SAMSUNG 227 KS5901A CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT LPC-PARAMETER EXTRACTION FLOW InVAx-7ao System dissatisfy Data Encoding & PROM Programming Parameter Evaluation System dissatisfy Fig. 15 LPC-parameter extraction flow c8SAMSUNG 228 KS5901A CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT SYSTEM CONFIGURATION 1. CPU control mode circuit 50 KS5901A (Speech synthesizer) To CPU 55 Fromexlemal ROMdaia (07·00) 57 56 * C1=33pF • G2=O.47pF * NC: No Connection • Crystal oseillator: 640 KHz Fig. 16 System configuration in the CPU control mode 2. Manual control mode Voo or GND according to GND r 45 ito- Taau circu 44 43 synthesIs conditions ~I~ NC 42 41 40 39 CJl 38 36 35 I 34 33 32 46 29_ -48 28 -49 27 - Manual R1 25 tI --'- 26 (KS5901A) -52 r--------, '~1l1 "- t " (Speech synthesizer) -53 -54 22 - AI 21r--- 55 1- >--jDf-- 30- -47 NC : ::C1 31 56 20 r- From external 57 lP f- ~~:c;~ 56 18r--17f16f- 59 60 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 I To external ROM address (A1S-AO) -~ , 9 GNO 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 , ~Ae_s ~" 'h J • Rl=100n • Cl=33pF • C2=O.47pF • NC: NaCo nnection • Crystal oscillator: 640 KHz FLg 17 System configuration in the manual control mode c8SAMSUNG 229 KS5901A CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT AUDIO CIRCUIT INPUTO- 1 VR (47KIl) SPEAKER ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol I VDD -f------ Unit I -----=~4-~ ::~o+ 0:3----\ ::::~:~::~ +V--- -- ------------------------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----------- - Storage temperature TST 1---- Specifications Description I V,N (Ta=25°C) -40 - +125 °C - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Top Operation temperature I -10 - +55 I °C Tab_ 10 Absolute maximum ratings ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Symbol Conditions Characteristics - --- ---- tCD Chip enable setup time tw Write enable pulse width tCH Chip enable hold time tws tWH Min. Max. Typ. =-1-------------------1---------VDD =5V 200 VDD =5V 500 VDD =5V 200 Data setting time VDD =5V 500 Data hold time VDD =5V 300 ---------- - -- ---- ---------------------- -1 Unit nsec nsec - - - f----------+--------, nsec f---------------+- ----'--------------- ------- -----+--------+---- -------+-------- ----'--'----+-----=---------------------f-----------+-~~- '-:: - - - --------------- - ---- tAcc nsec ---- - _~::f~~:-u:-e-\\fid-t-h-~~'----~::~:~ r---~----- 1----=- :_~o-o---I----:-:~~ + __ .. ----------------------- tRH nsec ~-- -~------ --------- - Data hold time VDD =5V ROM data access time VDD =5V ---------------- ---------- - - 500 nsec 1.5 I'sec - - Tab. 11 AC Characteristics c8SAMSUNG 230 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT KS5901A 90% Address 10% tAce 90% Data 10% A. External ROM Interface -tcH-----i D3-DO Internal BUSY (IBUSY) -------+' 1--------tBSY--+---- B. Write operation ----tcH--- iiE----L D3-DO -----+-{I 100/, tRS tAH Internal BUSY _ _ _ (IBUSY) ---tJ1;{ f.1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ILl" tBSy • _ _ _~- BUSY------------------~ 10% c: Read operation *) t BSY: 3T or 10T max. H) BUSY=CE*IBUSY (see page127) ---!---!---tBS Fig. 18 A.C. Characteristics c8SAMSUNG 231 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT KS5901A Symbol Characteristics Specific Pin Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit VDD Power supply voltage VDD 3.5 5 6 V IDDA Operating current VDD VDD =5V - 1.1 1.5 mA mA IDDB Stand-by current VDD VDD =5V - 0.8 1.0 IDDc Osc. disable current VDD VDD =5V - 1.0 5.0 pA fq, System clock frequency q,2 VDD =5V 155 160 165 kHz fosc Oscillator frequency CX2 VDD =5V 622 640 659 kHz V,H "H" input voltage Except SR VDD =5V VDD-0.8 - VDD V V,L "t:' input voltage Except SR VDD =5V 0 - 0.8 V VOH "H" output voltage Except SR, DAO, CX2 No load VDD-004 - VDD V V f------- ~- VOL "t:' output voltage Except SR, DAO, CX2 No load 0 - 004 VOUT DAO output voltage DAO No load 0 - VDD V R'NH Pull up resistor CE, WE, RE 190 380 570 kO R'NL Pull down resistor M-START 70 140 210 kO 10 15 20 kO ROUT DAO output impedance DAO 1-- --- IOHA "H" output current AO-A15 Vout = V DD-004 004 - - mA IOHB "H" output current 00-03 Vout= VDD-004 0.2 - - mA IOHc "H" output current EOS, BUSY Vout=V DD/2 1.0 - - mA IOHD "H" output current Others Vout=VDD-0.4 0.1 - - mA lOLA "t:' output current AO-A15 Vout=Oo4V 0.2 - - mA IOLB "t:' output current 00-03 Vout=Oo4V 1.3 - - mA IOLe "t:' output current Vout=Oo4V 1.0 - - mA IOLD "t:' output current Others Vout=Oo4V 0.6 - - mA I'H "H" input current Except M-START Vin=VDD - 1 pA "t:' input current Except M CE WE,RE Vin=GND - - 1 pA I'L EOS, BUSY -- -- Tab. 12 D.C. characteristics c8SAMSUNG 232 KS5901A CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT APPENDIX KSS901A is originally designed to have 64 pins. KSS901A is the another version to replace the 64 pin package type, named KSS901. Therefore, the KSS901A is equal to the KSS901 except that it's S pins are excluded. KSS901 has 19 address lines which enable it to access upto O.S Mbytes of external PROM/EPROM. It's internal address counter is also 19 bits wide, and you must load 1 dummy nibble to set the start address when using the KSS901A. (see page 10) KSS901 has two more signal named PD, TINT. PD represents the status of the internal oscillator which is the same as status flag of D1. TINT is for test only. The differences between the two chips are summarized as follows. Device KS5901A Item Pin count 60 ----~-----------~--~- ~---~~-- Package type - - - --. KS5901 ----------~ 64 ~.------- OFP DIP/OFP 16 19 64 Khytes O.S Mbytes II ~-------------t-- No. of address pin ~----------------------- Addressing range ~~--- -------------- Maximum synthesizing time DTB 0DTs DT4 DT3 DT2 DTl DTo MODE 0-SA TINT M·START eXl eX2 Exe REP 0-NOFS c8SAMSUNG 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ---------------~------ --t------------~ 4-S min. 40 min. 64 63 -0 A14 --0 A15 ~---O AlB A17 AlB 62 61 60 WE KS5901 (Speech synthesizer) CE 56 ---0 BUSY EOS 55 -000 54 53 01 02 52 03 51 50 PO 49 ~2 233 KS5902XX CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT CMOS 1·CHIP SPEECH SYNTHESIZER The KS5902XX is a CMOS one-chip speech synthesizer which pro· duces a good quality of human voice using LPC (Linear Predictive Coding) algorithm. It can be easily used everywhere required to pro· duce synthesized speech with it's simplified I/O design. The KS5902XX has three operating modes. The CPU mode makes it easy to interface with 4/8 bits microprocessor or microcontroller. In the KEY mode it is operated by some keys attached to. In the auto mode, it can synthesize speech automatically according to the simple opera· tion of externally connected switches. The KS5902XX has 48K bits mask programmable ROM which can produce speech during about 20 sec. continuously. It can be separated to 15 phrases. The KS5902XX also has a built-in 9 bits R·2R D/A converter. (KS5902XX is noted to KS5902 hereinafter, as the 'XX' is 2 character assigned according to the mask option) 24 DIP FEATURES 1) General Feature • • • • • • • • • Speech synthesis method; LPC Oscillator frequency; 2.56MHz Sampling frequency; 8KHz Operating modes; CPU/KEY/AUTO On-Chip mask ROM; 48 Kbits Built·in interpolator Built·in pipelined multiplier Easy interface with microprocessor or microcontroller. Low power consumption due to power·down at the stand· by state • Built·in 9 bits R·2R D/A converter • Clocked CMOS • Single =+- 5V power supply 2) Synthesizer Feature • Synthesizing speed ; variable from 0.7 - 1.55 times of nor· mal speech. • Excitation source ; voiced: impulseltriangular pulse unvoiced: white noise • Bit allocation ; 48/96 bits/frame • Frame length ; 10/20 msec/frame • Parameter repetition; with repeat/without repeat • Loss factor ; with consideration/without consideration • Digital filter stage ; 8/10 stages • Repetition of Phrase; END1/END2 code. c8SAMSUNG 234 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT KS5902XX BLOCK DIAGRAM DATA ROM (24 x 2 K bits) MODE 1 MODE 2 PS3 -PSO START BUSY ROM IIF Block 1/0 IIF Block SA Digital Filter Pipelined Multiplier Parallel Adder Loss and Delay Stack DIA Converter Multiplexer DAO .) LPF: Low Pass Filter .. ) AMP: Audio Amplifier Fig. 1 Functional block diagram PIN CONFIGURATION VDD START MODE1 MODE2 PS3 TROM2 PS1 PSO APE KS5902XX SA DAO TINI TDAC CX1 TDFO TDAI TDFC CX2 ~2 Vss TEXC Fig. 2 KS5902 pin assignment c8 SAMSUNG 235 KS5902XX CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT PIN DESCRIPTION Pin No. Name 110 Description 1 BUSY 0 BUSY Signal Output 2 START I Start Signal Input (internally pull·up) 3 PS3 I 4 PS2 I 5 PS1 I Phrase Select Input (internally pull·down) 6 PSO I 7 TINT 110 8 TINI I For Test Only (normally ground) 9 TDAC I For Test Only (normally ground) For Test Only 10 CX1 I Crystal Oscillator Input 11 CX2 0 Crystal Oscillator Output 12 Vss POWER 13 TEXC I For Test Only (normally ground) 14 !li2 0 System Clock Output (160KHz) 15 TDFC 0 For Test Only 16 TDAI I For Test Only (normally ground) 17 TDFO 0 For Test Only 18 DAO 0 D/A Converter Output Ground 19 SR I System Reset (low active) 20 APE 0 Audio Power Enable (low active) 21 TROM2 0 For Test Only I Mode Select Input 1 I Mode Select Input 2 - 22 MODE 2 23 MODE 1 24 Voo POWER +5 Volt Tab. 1 KS5902XX pin description OPERATING PRINCIPLES Mode Selection The KS5902XX can be used in three operating modes according to the combinations of MODE 1/MODE 2 pins. MODE 1 MODE2 Operating Mode CPU Mode H" H H L"" KEY Mode L H AUTO Mode L L Not Used " H"; +5V, L""; OV Tab. 2 Mode selection c8SAMSUNG 236 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT KS5902XX CPU Mode CPU mode makes it easy to interface with microprocessor or microcontroller. It is controlled only by PS3 - PSO & START, also can be monitored it's status through BUSY and APE. Voo 1-----ISl1 MODE 1 PS3 CPU 1------- MODE 2 I PSO controller 1 - - - - - 1 START 1------1 BUSY DAO ,....--.., 1----11--1 I-----?--I APE KS5902 II Fig. 3 System configuration in CPU mode KEY Mode KEY mode, which is the same as in it's operational principle, is characterized by its manual operation with the switches connected to it. Also, the input debouncing circu'it is inserted internally to the START pin to prevent malfunction caused by using the KEYs. Reset switch --L- ~ Voo ~~------4 MODE 1 PS3 Manual MODE 2 DAO controller ,I - - - - - - - - ---, I PSO 1 - - - - - 1 START 1----'-<-1 APE KS5902 Fig. 4 System configuration in KEY mode AUTO Model In this mode, KS5902XX starts its oscillator circuit when anyone of PS3- PSO is connected to the "H" level, and after 500 msec from that time the KS5902XX fetches phrase selection (PS3 - PSO) data to initiate it s synthesis operation. KS5902XX repeats to be selected phrase as long as not all the phrase select (PS3 - PSO) lines connected to the "L" level. If it is selected another phrase during one phrase is activated, it completes current phrase and then initiates new phrase. 237 c8SAMSUNG ---------- CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT KS5902XX .--____..,R~8~I---t-----M----1 PS3 CPU/Manual MODE 2 pso r----------..., I I I I DAO 1_---'1--1 controller I I I L ____ _ 1-------.----1 APE KS5902XX Fig. 5 System configuration in AUTO mode Phrase Selection According to the conbinations of 4 phrase selection lines (PS3 - PSO) total 15 phrases of speech are available. Before starting the synthesis operation, phrase selection must be specified in 4 bit code. Possible combinations of phrase selects are as follows, and can be selected at random. PS3 PS2 PS1 PSO Selected Phrase L L L H #1 Phrase L L H L #2 Phrase L L H H #3 Phrase H H H H #15 Phrase Tab. 3 Phrase selection by PS3 - PSO If the KS5902XX receives START signal when all phrase select lines are set to "L" level in CPU, KEY mode, it stops synthesis operation within 1 frame (10/20 msec). In AUTO mode, if all PS3 - PSO are set to "L" level, it stops synthesis operation within 0.5 frame. Start Operation 48 Kbits on-chip mask ROM is composed of 24 bit x 2K words. Initial 15 addresses are index area which contain synthesis conditions and start address of each phrase, the other addresses are data area which contain speech parameter (refer fig. 6). The start operation of KS5902XX is as follows. First, phrase is selected by P.S. Second, START signal is given by CPU or manual operation. Third, as its first internal cycle, start address and condition data of the specified phrase in the index area are fed to the address counter and condition latch respectively. Then, after the first internal cycle the desired speech is synthesized with the speech parameter from data area pOinted by address counter. c8SAMSUNG 238 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT KS5902XX condition not used start address ~/,_ _~A~_ _~v~ I 0001 b23-b21 I b20--------b11 1 _ _~A~_ _ _~\ b10 _________ bO I #2 phrase data 0010 I I ··· · I 0011 I Index Area Up to 15 10000 Speech parameter for #1 phrase ·· · 10001 Data Area · Up to 2K Fig. 6 KS5902XX memory map Conditions The 10 bits of b20 - b11 of each index address represent condition data. The conditions, described in tab. 4 are determined when original speech is analyzed by LPC algorithm. They can affect the quality of synthesized speech and the total data size, therefore any customer who want to use KS5902XX must determine them through discussions with SST. The followings are the details of the conditions, but they are not user accessable once mask programed. I b20 : b19 : b18 : b17 b16: b15 : b14 : b13 : b12 : b11 I I ll=::. LOSS L------------EXC ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NOFS L----------------FRL L-_____________________________ SPEED code Fig. 7 The descriptions of condition code c8SAMSUNG 239 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT KS5902XX Item Description Level Condition H Without Repetition L With Repetition REP Parameter Repetition NOBA Number of Bit Allocation H 96 Bit/frame L 48 Bit/frame LOSS Loss Factor of Digital Filter H With Consideration EXC NOFS FRL Speed Excitation Source Number of Digital filter Stage Frame Length Speed Rate L Without Consideration H Triangular Pulse L Impulse H 8 Stages L 10 Stages H 10 mseclframe L 20 mseclframe LLLH : HLLH HLHL Others XO.7 : X1.5 X1.55 X1.0 (normal speed) Tab. 4 The descriptions of condition code Cautions (1) The internal status of KS5902XX, after power-on transient time or synthesizing operation is under "system reset," are denoted by "stand-by status" which means the oscillator is disabled. (2) Any access is prohibitted during BUSY Signal is "H". (3) On the power-on reset, it needs 10 msec of transient time, and during this time any access to KS5902XX is prohibited. (4) The unused input terminals such as TINI, TDAC, TDAI, TEXC must be connected to "L" level. (5) The low level of the APE terminal represents that KS5902XX is under synthesis operation. This signal may be used to control the audio power so that the low level of the APE enables audio power, otherwise disables to save power consumption. OPERATING METHOD CPU Mode (1) Mode selection; Connect the mode select (MODE 1, MODE 2) terminals to "H" level. (2) Phrase selection; Select anyone of the 15 phrases by the combinations of 4 phrase select terminals. (PS3- PSO) (3) Start; If CPU forces START signal under phrase selected, then KS5902 starts the synthesis operation holding low level of APE. (refer Fig. 8) (4) Stop; If CPU selects all phrase selects (PS3- PSO) to "L" level and forces START signal, synthesizing operation is halted within 1 frame (10/20 msec). (refer Fig. 9) Otherwise, speech synthesis process is stopped automatically by END 1 code located in the last of each phrase data. In each case KS5902XX outputs the APE terminal to it's "H" level then returns to the stand-by state. If END 2 code is contained to the specified phrase, the phrase is repeated until the proces is halted. (refer Fig. 10) (5) Status signal a. BUSY; BUSY signal is generated during 60 msec typically from falling edge of the START Signal. During this time any attempt to access is blocked. c8SAMSUNG 240 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT KS5902XX b. AJ5'E"; APE signal is generated during the system is under synthesis terminal represents this status. r-- PS3-PSO operatio~. The low level of the APE data letch time ----~(~~~)~-------------I ItoH I tos BUSY tBSY' 'tBSy=tW+tA1 Fig. 8 Timing of start operation In CPU mode Symbol Description Min Typ Max Unit tos tOH tw tBSY tA1 tA2 tA3 Data Settling Time Data Holding Time Start Signal Width Busy Signal Duration APE Signal Delay 1 APE Signal Delay 2 APE Signal Delay 3 500 - 20 - nsec nsec I'sec msec msec msec msec 300 1.0 - - 60 60 - 40 Tab. 5 AC characteristics of CPU mode ~Tfr'-i Internal signal Fl PS3-PSO __~rl Il~ ____--« anULU __~ )>------------tA2 BUSY ") Tlr, Frame length (10 to 20 msec according to condition) Fig. 9 Timing of forced stop in CPU mode c8SAMSUNG 241 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT KS5902XX ~Tfr~ Internal signal Fl -Fl__. . . .n n . . __. . n . . . __. . nL... . __ Internal signal END 2 - - - - - - - -.... _____.....1 _ End of speech IL--_____________ tA3 If - - - - - - - - ' - " ' - - --i ~ Restart Fig. 10 Repetition of speech by END 2 code KEY Mode (1) Mode selection; Connect MODE 1 terminal to "H" level, and MODE 2 terminal to "L" level. (2) Phrase selection; Select anyone of the 15 phrases by combinations of 4 phrase select terminals (PS3 - PSO). (3) Start; Synthesizing operation is started by pressing start key which is externally connected to START terminal. Built·in debouncing circuit requires 40 msec or more to prevent the chatterings of START terminal. (4) Stop; Synthesizing operation car be stopped by one of the three case. a. Press SR switch connected to SR terminal. b. Select all phrase selects to "L" level, Then press start switch c. Otherwise speech synthesis operation is stopped automatically by END 1 code located on the last of each phrase speech data. f--PS3-PSO data fetch time -------(~rrr-«-----:..I~»)~ I I toH tos _ __ I ~--------------~I~II I tos itolyl BUSY * tgSY = 2.5msec + tAl Fig. 11 Timingof start operation in KEY mode Symbol tos toH tos tolY tsSY tAl Description Min Typ Max Unit Data Settling Time Data Hold Time Input Debounce Time Data Fetch Delay Time Busy Signal Duration APE Signal Delay 500 300 40 - - - 20 42.5 40 nsec nsec msec msec msec msec - - Tab. 6 AC characteristics of Key mode c8SAMSUNG 242 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT KS5902XX AUTO Mode (1) Mode selection; Select MODE 1 terminal to "L" and MODE 2 terminal to "H" level. (2) Phrase select; Select anyone of the 15 phrases by combinations of 4 phrase select terminals. (PS3 - PSO) (3) Start; If anyone of the phrase select is set to "H" level, then internal oscillator circuit starts to oscillate and after 500 msec KS5902XX fetches the phrase select data to begin synthesis operation. Therefore the phrase select terminals must be settled within 500 msec. Synthesis operation is continued unless all phrase selects are set to "L" level. The interval repeated phrases is 560 msec. If the levels of. phrase selects are changed under synthesis operation, the new selected phrase is synthesized after the current speech is terminated. (4) Stop; If all the phrase select lines are set to "L" level, current speech is stopped within 1 fame (10/20 msec). r--- data fetch time IIIIII I PS3-PSO tos ~ l__t~:~'--------I~- BUSY *tBSY = 2.5msec + tA1 Fig. 12 Timing of start operation in AUTO mode DeSCription Min Typ Max Unit Data Settling Time Busy Signal Duration APE Signal Delay 1 APE Signal Delay 2 - 500 42.5 40 40 - msec msec msec msec Symbol tos tBSY tAl tA2 - Tab. 7 AC characteristics of AUTO mode Internal signal Ft' I I I n IL...._____________________________ Internal signal ENO,----l I --i Restart~ End of speech 'Fl: The frequency of Internal signal F' Is 20 msec. (Initial frame length) Fig. 13 Repetition of speech in AUTO mode Internal Signal Ft _----In. . ._----'n. . _-' PS3- PSO all""L"" III ~ stop speech Fig. 14 Stop operation In AUTO mode c8SAMSUNG 243 KS5902XX CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT SYSTEM CONFIGURATION +5V c (1) BUSY mAT (2) Voo (24) r-- MODE 1 (23) MODE 2 (22) r--- r-J~ (3) PS3 CPU SF! (19) (4) PS2 - (5) PSI (6) PSO KS5902XX 12 (14) -NC (2O)AJ5E DAO (18) NC- (7) TINT TROM 2 (21) TDFO (17) (6)TINI .--+- TDAI(16) =;:C2 t- NC t- NC r-- !10)CX1 TDFC(15) t-NC (11) CX2 TEXC (13) TDAC(9) t - - - To audio circuli r---- (12) Vss X'ial ~O~ :,:: =r C1 J (a) CPU Mode +5V +5V § (3) PS3 Voo (24) (4) PS2 MODE 1 (23) (5) PSI MODE 2(22) (6) PSO (2)START Resel swllch NC NC (1) BUSY KS5902XX (7) TINT APE (20) (8)TINI DAO(18) To audio circuli TROM 2 (21) NC (10)CX1 TDFO (17) TDAI (16) NC (11)CX2 TDFC (15) NC (12) Vss TEXC(13) (9)TDAC Cl 12 (14) Rl (b) KEY Mode c8SAMSUNG 244 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT KS5902XX +5V r-----------, NC I I NC : I (1) BUSY Voo (24) (2)S'TAIfT MODE 1 (23) I I I (3) PS3 MODE 2 (22) I I (4) PS2 I I I (5) PSI I I (6) PSO im(19) I I ~2 KS5902XX I I IL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ JI CPU/manual controller (14) APE (20) DAO (18) I----f---+-- NC TAOM 2 (21) TDFO (17) (7) TINT (8) TINI (9) TDAC TDAI (16) (10)CXl TDFC (15) (11) CX2 TEXC (13) To audio circuit AI NC II (12) Vss Cl ·Al =100 0 ·C1 =47 pF ·C2=0.01 ~F • NC: No Connection ·Crystal oscillator = 2.56 MHz (C) AUTO Mode Fig. 15 Application circuit examples APPLICATION CIRCUIT (KEY MODE) Vee (6V) lN4148 ,-----------i A643G KS5902XX u. 1000 u. u. l~ l~ l~ ~AESET 1 245 c8SAMSUNG ------------- -------_. KS5902XX CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (1) Absolute maximum ratings Description Power Supply Unit Symbol Specifications Voo -0.3-7.0 V Input Voltage V,N - 0.3 -Voo+ 0.3 V Operation Temperature Topr -10-55 °C Storage Temperature Ts.g - 55 -120 °C (2) D.C. characteristics Characteristics (Voo = 5V, Ta= 25°C) Symbol Specific Pin Condition Min Typ Max Unit mA Operating Current looA Voo - 1.0 1.5 Stand·by Current looB Voo - 1.0 5.0 J.tA System Clock Frequency Fa 2 155 160 165 KHz Oscillator Frequency Fosc CX2 2.48 2.56 2.63 MHz V "H" Input Voltage V,H Except SR Voo=5V Voo - 0.8 - Voo "L" Input Voltage V,L Except SR Voo =5V 0 0.8 V "H" Output Voltage VOH Except DAO No Load Voo-0.4 Voo V "L" Output Voltage VOL Except DAO No Load 0 0.4 V DAO Output Voltage VOUT DAO No Load 0 - Pull Up Resistor R'NH START, MODE 1/2 - 800 Pull Down Resistor R'NL PS3 -PSO - DAO Output Impedance ROUT DAO 10 "H" Output Current 10H BUSY, APE, 2 Va". = Voo - 0.4 -0.3 "L" Output Current 10L BUSY, APE, 2 Va". = O.4V 0.8 c8SAMSUNG Voo V - KO 300 - KO 15 20 KO - - mA mA 246 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT KS5902XX SPEECH PARAMETER ENCODING KS5902XX is a speech synthesizer based on LPC (Linear Predictive Coding) algorithm. LPC is a coding techni· que in which speech signal is converted to frequency domain and, extracting it's characteristic parameters. This method can save memory size over 20 times compared with time domain analysis method, therefore it can store more speech data on limitted memory area. KS5902XX performs speech synthesizing operation with LPC coded speech parameter. To synthesize speech using KS5902XX, at first it requires the analysis process of recorded voice signal, LPC analysis extracts 12 parameters for each defined interval (frame). The extracted parameters, which represent the characteristics of each frame, have speCial distribution characteristics. The extracted data can be shrinked more compactly in the quantization process to store them on memory using this distribution characteristics. Several factors are considered to encode them such as frame length, bit allocation, repetition of parameters, etc. Such factors can have influence on the amount of memory size, and on the quality of synthesized speech by causing distortions in extracted parameters. There is a trade-off between memory size and quality of synthesized speech. To synthesize speech using KS5902XX, as described above, speech parameters must be acquired by analyzing original speech and encoding them. Then SST produces a piece of mask which contains speech parameters of the acquired data. And KS5902XX is fabricated with this new mask plus remaining masks through a series of processes. Thus the customized KS5902XX which contains the desired speech data is aquired. SST have set up the KS5902XX development system for such processes to prepare speech parameters. Any customer who wants to build speech synthesizing system using KS5902XX must determine the conditions for speech analysis through discussions on the memory size and the quality of the synthesized speech. SST then prepare the speech data using the development system. The speech data are evaluated on the KS5902XX evaluation Kit, and if they are not satisfied to the customer's demand the analysis-evaluation procedure is repeated until they. meet the customer's need. The flow of speech parameter encoding is shown below. Request ~ LPC Analysis from customer c--- Data Encoding I-- Evaluation Yes I J No Producing Customized Test - Fabrication mask KS5902 - Fig. 16 Speech parameter coding flow c8SAMSUNG 247 KS5911 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT VOICE RECORDING & REPRODUCING LSI KS5911 is a CMOS LSI for voice (sound) recording & reproducing LSI, using the ADM (Adaptive Delta Modulation) algorithm. KS5911 cn be used two kinds of modes, that is, manual mode and auto mode with the way of recording/reproducing. It can be used 64K or 256K DRAM, until maximum 4pcs. In the manual mode, using 4 input pin, the sound recording/ reproducing of maximum 16 phrases can be performed and start/stop input is activated by external key. In the auto mode, input voice signal is automatically recorded and recording stop with silence detection and recorded voice signal is reproduced automatically. KS5911 can be used 4 kinds of bits rate (8K, 11 K, 16K, 32K BPS). 48 FQP FEATURES o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Voice recording & reproducing LSI using ADM algorithm_ Auto-talking back function with auto mode. 64K DRAM or 256K DRAM can be used selectively 1 pcs-4 pcs. Capable of recording & reproducing of max. 16 phrases_ Selective 4 kinds of bits rate (8K, 11 K, 16K, 32K bps). Built-in in DRAM refresh circuit. Built-In microphone amplifier. Built-in 10 bits D/A converter. Buill-in voltage follower for D/A converter buffering. Buill-in RC oscillator (640 KHz-1 MHz). + 5V single power. Clocked CMOS for low power consumption. 48 pin QFP package. In case of long time recording/reproducing without phrase selection, using EXT/RIPPLE pin, memory extension is possible. c8SAMSUNG 248 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT KS5911 FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM ADI MICaUT C2 C1 A ~ -CAS1 -CAS4 -WE 256K M1 M2 DIN DOUT - VSSA VSSB ~ Voo Y RATOR I AO·A8 - L ~ -RAS DAO II ADM ANAL YSIS/SYNTH ESIS START STOP -- SYSTEM CONTROL DRAM -ACL BPSO BPS1 INTERFACE PHRO - PHR RIPPLE I MODE SELECTION SYSTEM -. CLOCK GENERATION EXT AUTO ROUT I I I ! REC - TEST - CLOCK Figure 1. KS5911 Functional Block Diagram c8SAMSUNG 249 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT KS5911 PIN DESCRIPTION Pin Name Pin No. -ACL 1 1/0 Pull UplDown I UP REC 2 I DOWN M1 3 I - M2 4 I - Function Reset Input Pin. Use CAP. (11-'F) At manual mode. H; Recording mode Pin No. 7 L; Reproducing mode. Programming terminal for the number of outer DRAMs. M1 M2 Pin M1 No. M2 1pcs L L 3pcs H L 2pcs L H 4pcs H H N.C. PHRO 5 I DOWN PHR1 6 I DOWN PHR2 8 I DOWN PHR3 9 I DOWN BPSO 10 I DOWN BPS1 11 I DOWN Programming terminal for the phrase selection. Phrase No. PHRO PHR1 PHR2 PHR3 0 1 L L L L L L L H 15 H H ..H H Programming terminal for bit rate selection. Bit Rate BPSO BPS1 Bit Rate BPSO BPS1 8KBits/sec L L 16KBits/sec H L 11 KBits/sec L H 32KBits/sec H H D'N 12 I UP Data input pin. Connect this pin to data output pins of DRAMs. RIPPLE 13 0 - At EXT = H, when maximum address overflow occurs, this pin generates a ripple clock. -CAS1 -CAS2 -CAS3 -CAS4 14 15 16 17 0 0 0 0 - - Column address strobe output. Used from CAS1 to that required corresponding to the number of external DRAMs. (to be continued) c8SAMSUNG 250 KS5911 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT PIN DESCRIPTION (Continued) Pull Up/Down Function Pin Name Pin No. I/O -CLOCK 18 0 - Only test. DouT 19 0 - Data output pin. Connect this to data input pins of external DRAMs. A8 A7 A6 A5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - A3 A2 A1 AO 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Voo 29 Power A4 - - Address output pin to DRAMs A8 is not needed when 64K bit DRAMs are used. - + 5V (Typ.) ADI 30 I - Voice (or Signal) input pin. The center of input signal level must be 1/2 Voo DAO 31 0 - Synthesized voice output pin. The center of output level is 1/2 Voo VSSB 32 Power - System ground. MICouT 33 0 - Output pin of built-in AMP (1). The center of output level is 1/2 Voo C2 34 I - Input pin of built-in AMP (2). C1 35 0 - Output pin of built-in AM P (2). The center of output level is 1/2 Voo MICIN 36 I - Input pin of built-in AMP (1). Connect to microphone through capacitor. VREF 37 I/O - For connecting capacitor which stabilized the reference voltage for the built-in AMP. VssA 38 Power - Ground OV. STOP 39 I DOWN Manual stop input pin. TEST 40 I DOWN Only test. START 41 I DOWN EXT 42 I - -- Manual start input pin. = = At EXT H: When address overflow occurs, RI PPLE pin generates a ripple clock. At EXT L: KS5911 is manual mode. (to be continued) =8SAMSUNG· 251 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT KS5911 PIN DESCRIPTION (Continued) Pin No. I/O Pull Up/Down -RAS 45 0 - Low address strobe output. Connect this to-RAS pins of outer DRAMs. 256K 46 I - Input for the selection of the types of external DRAMs. 256K = H: 256K DRAM type. 256K = L: 64K DRAM type. ROUT 47 0 - R'N 48 I - Pin Name Function Pins for RC oscillator Attach variable resistor between ROUT and R'N Generating clock frequency: 640KHz·1MHz. 'L' =V SSB 'H'=Voo Table 1. KS5911 pin description MIC'N C1 C2 MICoUT 36 35 34 33 VSSB 32 DAO ADI VOD AO A1 A2 A3 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 VREF 37 24 A4 VSSA 38 23 A5 STOP 39 22 A6 TEST 40 21 A7 START 41 20 A8 EXT 42 19 DOUT 43 18 -CLOCK -WE 44 17 -CAS4 -RAS 45 16 -CAS3 256K - 46 15 -CAS2 ROUT - - 47 14 -CAS1 13 RIPPLE AUTO R'N ~-. KS5911 0 48 10 -ACL M1 M2 PHRO PHR1 PHR2 11 PHR3 BPSO BPS1 12 DIN Figure 2. KS5911 Pin configuration (48 QFP, Top view) c8SAMSUNG 252 KS5911 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION Manual Mode (EXT ='L', TEST ='L') Phrase Selection Using 4 input terminals of PHRO - PHR3, the sound recording/reproducing of maximum 16 phrases can be performed. Before starting the sound recording/reproducing, phrases must be specified and can be selected at random. Pin PHRO PHR1 PHR2 PHR3 No.O L L L ·L No.1 L L L H No. 14 H H H L No. 15 H H H H Phrase No. II Table 2. Selection of phrases Selection of bit rate KS5911 can use 4 kinds of bits rate as shown in Table 4. (8K, 11K, 16K, 32K) which are selected by BPSO and BPS1 since a bit rate is independently specified for sound recording/reproducing, it is possible to change reproduced voice slow/fast to speak. Pin BPSO BPS1 Bit Rate Using time Using time (64K) (256K) 8KBPS L L about 8 sec. about 32 sec. 11KBPS L H about 6 sec. about 24 sec. 16KBPS H L about 4 sec. about 16 sec. 32KBPS H H about 2 sec. abo'ut 8 sec. "In case of fx = 640 KHz. "Initial 1Kbits are used index area. Table 3. Selection of bit rate c8SAMSUNG 253 KS5911 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT Recording procedure (1) Before recording, KS5911 must be reset by-ACL pin_ (2) REC pin must be H state_ (3) Select bit-rate, phrase number. (4) When START pin is activated, the contents of address counter are added successively and recording is started_ (5) Then STOP pin is activated or the contents of address counter are reached the maximum address of memory, the recording is stopped. (6) Repeat from 2), then another phrases are recorded. (7) Changes of bit-rate and phrase number during recording are ignored. Reproducing procedure (1) REC pin must be set to L. (2) Select bit-rate and phrase number. (3) If START pin is activated, the start and stop address are readed from index area of memory and reproduced from start address to stop address. (4) If current address is equal to stop address, reproducing is stopped. (5) Repeat from 2), then another phrases are reproduced. (6) Changes of bit-rate and phrase number during reproducing are ignored. Auto mode - If AUTO pin is set to "H", KS5911 is auto-tolking back mode. - Auto mode is independent of REC pin state. - In the auto mode, KS5911 is automatically recording mode and internal system reset signal is created. Therefore, recording is started. - In the auto mode, sound information is accumulated to DRAM like manual operation mode. - When sound stops, namely, silence is detected internally, KS5911 stops automatically recording and reproduces sound stored at the memory. - If ADI input signal swings within 2.5 ± 0.3125V about 0.5sec, KS5911 set to the reproducing mode automatically. Reset function The status during reset operation Low level to - ACL pin causes the reset to KS5911 and almost internal operations such as recording/reproducing stop, but the refresh counter doesn't stop so that the data stored in DRAM are protected. The status after reset operation - Internal address counter is preset to 00400 (H). - In the recording mode, if recorded address reaches to the maximum address, start input is not given in order to protect DRAM data. The function of RAM-data protection is released by reset so that KS5911 can record newly. Precautions - During recording/reproducing operation, pins of M1, M2 and 256K must not be changed. System reset doesn't stop the oscillation for the reason of keeping the data in DRAMs. The conditions of phrase, bit-rate and recording/reproducing mode settled before start signal is inputed to KS5911 and in the middle of recording/reproducing, conditions of phrase or bit rate must not be changed. - During recording, start input is not accepted. - Resistor for RC oscillator must be attached closet to R'N, ROUT pin. - Output clock (fx) from ROUT is 640 KHz. If resistor value is small, the frequency is high and resistor value is large the frequency is low. - If frequency (fx) is high, output voice quality is good because of high bitrate, but frequency is low, output voice quality is bad because of low bitrate. - At recording mode, built-in mute circuit operates in order to protect bowling effect. c8SAMSUNG 254 KS5911 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT APPLICATION CIRCUIT Manual Operation Mode Auto Mode Auto Mode 9: +5V ~: ov II 1.F ~;: MIC ~~I I 35 34 33 32 0 '" 0 ::> 0 0- m -W±i I 36 z 6 'iii 0.1.F + I I 0 'iii "' >"' 31 0 ..: 0 AU A1 A2 A3 I I 30 29 28 27 26 25 15 " >" :;: ..: '" ..: '" ..: 0 ..: I I -f t-II- 37 VREF A4 24 ~ 38 VSSA A5 23 0<>""0- 39 ~ STOP A6 22 40 TEST A721 0<>"""0- 41 f--- A8 20 START 42 EXT DOUT 19 KS5911 -CLOCK 18 -NC NC- 43 AUTO - 44 -WE - CAS4 17 45 - RAS -CAS3 16 - CAS2 15 0- 46 256K -CAS1 14 47 ROUT ~[ 48 ~ - RIPPLE 13 -NC R'N ...J 0 ..: I 1 0 0 w a: 2 a: i '" ;:;; II: J: 11. 11. 3 4 5 6 '" J: 7 II: J: 11. II: J: 11. '" 0 CI) 11. III C 8 9 10 11 12 11. III Ui i~?1 j j ??? y?? ~ ?????n????r 7 Z A4 A5 A6 VSS AO A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 Vss AO A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 Vss AO A1 A2 A3 -A4 -A5 A6 V.s '""' 0> " "''" 0> " '"g: " "''" 0> " Vee A7 A8 DIN DOUT RAS - WE CAS Vee A7 A8 DIN DOUT RAS f-f--- - ~ CAS Vee A7 A8 DIN DOUT RAS WE CAS Vee A7 fA8 f-. DIN DOUT RAS WE CAS [ I 6 'At this diagram, if AUTO (N.C.) set to H, KS5911 is auto-mode. Figure 3. Application circuit in the manual operation mode c8SAMSUNG 255 KS5911 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT Auto Mode 9: +5V v: ov 50KO 50KO 50KI) 1"F';:= ~- + MIC 1"F 1"F OIP-=H~ r~ I I 36 z (5 U ~ 0.1"F H~- 35 I 34 33 32 0'" .... ::> iil 00 >'" I I 31 30 29 28 0 is ..: c c 0 ..: Q > ..: 27 I 26 r I 25 :;: ..:'" ..:.., i ~ I L 37 VREF A4 24 38 VSSA A5 23 1 - - - NC- 39 STOP A6 22 NC- 40 TEST A7 21 NC- 41 START A8 2 0 1 - - - 42 EXT 0-,---- DOUT 19 KS5911 43 AUTO i I AO Vee ' - A1 A7 r---' ~ 44 -WE A3 '"'" DIN I-- 0> -CAS4 17 I-NC , - - 45 -RAS A8 f - - ' - - A2 -CLOCK 18 I-NC r--- ~ A4 " DOUT I-- -CAS3 16 I-NC 0- 46 256K -CAS2 15 f-NC ~[ 47 ROUT -CAS1 14 r--- RIPPLE 13 I- NC 48 R'N 0..: 0UJ ..J I a: i '" ::;; 1 2 3 4 ~z i,z 0 a: Q. Q. 5 6 a: :z: :z: 0 Q. Q. Q. Q. III III t5 8 9 10 11 12 !J) (ij , A5 RAS I-- A6 WE VSS - z 0z 0 0 0 0 J J I CAS Ii ~ Iii I zzz~ ._. L· 7 .., '" a: II: :z: :z: ~ ! ._----- ~ "The type and number of memory are used 64K DRAM or 256K DRAM and used maximum 4pcs. Figure 4. Application circuit in the auto mode c8SAMSUNG 256 KS5911 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol Specifications Unit Power Supply Voo -0.3-6.0 V Input Voltage V,N -0.3-Voo +0.3 V Storage Temperature TST -30 -90 C Description Table 4. Absolute maximum ratings Recommended Operation Conditions Description Symbol Specifications Unit Power Supply Voo 4.5-5.5 V Input Voltage V,N o -Voo V Operating Temperature Top Oscillation Frequency Fx (Ix) -10 - 50 II °C 640 -1000 KHz Table 5. Recommended operation conditions DC Characteristics (Voo= 5V, Ta=25°C, fx=640 KHz) Description Symbol Specific Pin Condition 'H' Input Current I'H - REC, STOP, START AUTO, TEST, BPSO BPS1, PHRO-PHR3 V,N = Voo 'L' Input Current 1 Min Typ Max Unit 12 18 p.A I'L1 DIN V,N = VSSB 90 150 p.A 'L' Input Current 2 1'L2 -ACL V,N = VSSB 800 1100 p.A 'H' Input Voltage 1 V,H1 EXT, D,N 'H' Input Voltage 2 V,H2 All input pin except EXT, D,N 'L' Input Voltage 1 V ,L1 - 3 V 4.3 V ---~ 'L' Input Voltage 2 V,L2 D,~ - 0.5 V All input pin except EXT, D,N - 0.3 V EXT, ---------~- 'H' Output Current 10H Output pin VOUT = 2.4V 1.5 3.3 mA 'L' Output Current 10L Output pin VOUT = 0.8V 1.0 2.2 mA VSSA oWithout the external loads at all out pins. oNo signal is input Stand·by Current Iss 1 1.5 mA Table 6. DC characteristics c8SAMSUNG 257 KS5911 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT AC CHARACTERISTIC In the Case of Recording Description Symbol Min Low Address Set-up Time TAsR 150 - - Low Address Holding Time TRAH - - - Typ Max Unit ns - RAS Pulse Width TRAs - 4.58 Column Address Set-up Time TAsc 150 Column Address Holding Time TCAH 500 - - CAS Pulse Width TcAs - 3.05 - P.s - WE Pulse Width TwEP - 3.05 - P.s Data Output Set-up Time Tows 500 - - Data Output Holding Time TowH 500 - - P.s ns - ns Table 7. AC characteristics (1) ---tRAS RAS I( teAs-- CAS1-CAS4 I I AD-A8 WE -·tASR- -tRAHROW ADDRESS \I J\ --{ -tASC- f--tCAH- V J\ COLUMN ADDRESS ___________-'X 1\ t WEP - - - - )_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _"""" r t o w s - : j DOUT \V - - t o w H - - - I l _ _ _ __ r-I VALID ~ Figure 8. AC Timming Diagrams (1) c8SAMSUNG 258 KS5911 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT In the Case of Reproducing Description Symbol Min Typ Max Data Input Set-up Time tocs 500 - - Data Input Holding Time tOCH 0 - - Unit ns RAS II CAS1-CAS4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _""\, AO-AB ______________________________ ~~~ ::_:I~D~~~_~--~~-t-OC-H---- _______ Figure 7, AC Timing Diagrams (2) Analog Characteristics Description Input Voltage Range Voltage Gain Output Resistance Symbol Min Condition V'N' MIC'N AMP (1)+AMP (2) V'N2 MIC'N AMP (1) 125 V'N3 C2 AMP (2) 250 VG, MIC'N"MICoUT VG2 MIC'N"C1 Typ Max Specific Pin Unit 12.5 mV p.p 46 V,N=6mV p•p fin = 100 Hz -10 KHz 26 VG3 C2-MICouT 20 RouT1 C1 1.2 ROUT2 MICouT - Input Voltage Range V'N. ADI - Output Resistance ROUT3 DAO - db Kfl 1.2 3.75 1.25 0.9 V Kfl Table 9. Analog characteristics c8SAMSUNG 259 KS5912XX CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT CMOS 1·CHIP SPEECH SYNTHESIZER 16 DIP KS5912XX is a one chip voice/sound reproducing LSI using CVSD (Continuously Variable Slope Delta modulation) algorithm. This LSI is capable of reproducing voice/sound up to 8 seconds, seperating 4 phrases. KS5912XX consists of voice reproducing logic, 64 Kbits ROM to contain encoding data, 10 bits D/A converter, control logic, RC oscillator for cost effect. This LSI can be used for various applications required for voice and sound reproducing (especially, TOY industry), having simple control method and external circuit. Voice and sound encoding data that have been edited by ADM tooling system are programmed into internal ROM by changing one mask during the device fabrication. FEATURES • • • • • • • • • • • • Single chip voice & sound generation LSI by ADM method On·chip 64 Kbits mask ROM Simple manual control Repetition function: 3 times/8 times/infinite Selectable phrase: 4 phrase Maximum generation time: 8 sec (8 KHz sampling) Variable bit rate (make option): 32kbps/16kbps/11kbps/8kbpsss 660 KHz RC Oscillation On·chip 10 bits D/A converter Single 5V power supply Low power consumption by CMOS logic 16 DIP type ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 1) Absolute Rating Description Symbol Specifications Unit Power Supply Input -Voltage Storage Temperature Operation Temperature Voo -0.3-6.0 -0.3- Voo + 0.3 -55-120 -10-55 V V c8SAMSUNG Y,N TST Top 260 KS5912XX CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT 2) DC Characteristics Characteristics Symbol Test Conditions Power Supply Voltage Voo Operation Current looA Voo=5V Stand-by Current loDe Oscillation Frequency Typ Min Unit Max 3.5 5 5.5 V - 600 900 p.A Voo=5V 100 150 p.A fosc Voo=5V R=240KO 660 DAO Output Voltage VOUT NO load Pull Up Resistor R'NH MODE1,2 300 KO Pull Down Resistor PSO, 1 START 300 KO R'NL -ACL 17 KO kHz - 1.25 3.75 V II INTERNAL BLOCK DIAGRAM MODE 1 f--- LSB DECODER - MODE r f--- ~ 32K BITS r--PHR 1 ASE ~ - PS 1 - '7" I " iii 0 16 ? 1 '1 5 PSO () ~ SEL - ... 32K EITS MODE2 r--- r- ,------r--- I 1 14 ADDRESS COUNTER 12 SEL ,--- 12 '--'- - 1 ADM r--f--OSCOUT f-- TIMM ING rI '--- START _._- 2 I CONDITION LATCH -- 2 10 1- CONTROLLER 3_ DAO 261 c8SAMSUNG --------- ______ ~ ______ -_0_.__--- __ . __ ~ ____ ~~ __ KS5912XX CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION PHRASE SELECTION Before starting the sound reproducing, phrase must be specified by selection of PSO and PS1 PS1 PSO Selected Phrase L L #1 Phrase L H #2 Phrase H L #3 Phrase H H #4 Phrase Operating Mode Selection KS5912XX can be performed 3 kinds of mode by using 2 input terminals of mode 1 & mode 2 H: +5V L: OV Mode 2 Mode 1 H H Normal Mode L H REP3 Mode (3 times repetition mode) H L REP8 Mode (8 times repetition mode) L L Not Used Operating Mode Normal Mode (1) (2) (3) (4) Normal mode shall be specified by using 2 input terminals of mode 1 and mode 2 (M1:H, M2:H) The phrase shall be selected by PSO and PS1 switch. Sound reproduces by start input ("H" state). When the ACL terminal becomes "L" level under reproducing, the internal state of KS5912 is initialized and is become stand-by mode. c8SAMSUNG 262, KS5912XX PHRASE SELECTION CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ~~~-----------15.6ms START INTERNAL DISABLE OSCILLATION _ _ _oJ DISABLE DAO 2.5V Figure 1. Timming Diagram at Normal Mode REP3/REP8 Mode 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) REP3/REP8 model shall be specified by using 2 input terminal of mode 1 and mode 2 (M1:H, M2:LlM1:L, M2:H). The phrase shall be selected by PSO and PS1 switch. The sound of selected phrase repeats 3 times or 8 times by mode selection. Change of phrase or start input is ignored under reproducing. Reproducing can be stopped by ACL input ("L"). PHRASE SELECTION ~------------------115.6msC= START _ _--'I : I : *' 11......-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ \V IJ\.............: _________E_N_A_BL_E_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-.J'r' INTERNAL OSCILLATION _ _ DI_SA_B_L_E__ :1 DISABLE I I REPRODUCING DAO --1 2.5V 816ms f . - - - - Figure 2. Timming Diagram at REP3 Mode c8SAMSUNG 263 II KS5912XX CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT Infinite Mode When start signal keeps "H" state continuously, the sound reproduces continuously irrespective of mode (normal, REP3/REP8). -V PHRASE SELECTION...J\....._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ START --J I I I INTERNAL~~----------------------------------- OSCILLATI~.....- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I :~~"" 1-t=oo",,:W~,g--g 15.6ms 15.6ms REP3 DAO 15.6ms 15.6ms 15.6ms 15.6ms II$;J----0'/$;}-v11II!/A---10f""""1"'"1""WJ;....,...,...,..~ -+EPRODUCINGH! ~ 816ms ~- =i 816ms ~ ~ C =i 15.6ms 816ms 15.6ms F Figure 3. Timming Diagram at Infinite Mode Start Operation KS5912XX mask ROM is consist of 16 bits x 4K and index area is stored start address and bit rate for phrase 1, 2, 3 and 4. KS5912XX stops internal oscillation for power dissipation at stand-bY. After selection of phrase and start signal, it starts internal oscillation and reproduces sound by information of index area. Start signal debouncing time for protection of chattering by SW., etc. is 15.6ms. When start signal activates "H", sound reproducing is repeated continuously. c8SAMSUNG 264 KS5912XX CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT PIN CONFIGURATIONS 1) Pin Assignments KS5912XX II (KS5912XX Pin Assignments) 2) Pin Descriptions Pin No. Name 1/0 Descriptions 1 PS1 I 2 PSO I Phrase selection pins (pull·down) 3 RDUMP 0 Internal status output pin for test 4 MODE2 I MODE selection pin 2 (pull·up) 5 MODE1 I MODE selection pin 1 (pull·up) 6 OSCOUT 0 660 KHz, RC oscillator OUTPUT pin 7 OSCIN I 660 KHz, RC oscillator INPUT pin 8 Vss - GROUND 9 DAO 0 10 bit DIA converter output 10 -ACL I System reset pin (Low Active) 11 START I 12 DAR9 1/0 13 SYSCLK 0 System clock output pin (128 KHz) 14 TEST1 1/0 TEST pin (Normally Ground) 15 TEST2 1/0 TEST pin (Normally Ground) 16 VDD - +5 Volt c8SAMSUNG Start signal input pin (pull·down) TEST pin Normally N.C. 265 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT KS5912XX TYPICAL APPLICATION CIRCUIT NORMAL MODE +5V +5V t: PS', NC l~: Voo PSO TEST2 RDUMP TESn MODE2 SYSCLK. NC DAR9 NC KS5912XX MODEl OSCOUT START -L SW R 240K 50KIl 50KO OSCIN ACl Vss DAO C r SW 50KIl + ~-~~-,~~~~~~----~ c8SAMSUNG 266 ~ MELODY/MISCELLANEOUS ICs 6 Melody ICs Function Device KS5310 KS5313 KS5381 KS5814 Simple Melody with Watch Simple Melody IC Multi Melody Ie Sky-lark's or Cricker's Sound IC Package Page Bare Chip 8/16 DIP 16/20 DIP 14 DIP 269 273 277 286 Package Page Bare Chip 289 60 FOP 295 Miscellaneous ICs Device KS5116 KS5815 Function Functions 6 Digits UPIDOWN Counter Circuit for Triplexed LCD CentigradelFatirenhert Clinical Thermometer KS531 0 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT SIMPLE MELODY WITH WATCH The KS5310 series is a CMOS LSI chip which electronically plays a prearranged melody. FUNCTIONS • • • • • Tempo: 16 kinds (presto-largo) Sound range: 2.5 octave High start input Melody stop input Selection of automatic stop or repeat of the melody FEATURES • • • • • • • One chip CMOS construction Plays a melody consisting of 64 notes Starts from the head of melody Very low stand-by current Designed to use with CMOS digital watch circuit 32,768Hz operating frequency 1.5V operation II BLOCK DIAGRAM OSC ENV RPT OUTPUT MT Enable Fig. 1 QSAMSUNG ." 269 KS531 0 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta=25°C) Characteristic Supply Voltage In put Voltage Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Symbol Value Unit Vss Y'N +0.3- -2.0 Vss+0.3-Voo-0.7 -20-+70 -55-+125 V V °C °C Topr T"9 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Ta=25°C, Vss =-1.5V, Voo=OV unless otherwise specified) Characteristic I Symbol Test Conditions Min 1.2 IVssl Operating Voltage Typ 1.5 Max Unit 2 V - Stand-by Current 1ST Without Load Operating Current lop Without Load -- 0.3 pA 20 30 /LA Input Low Voltage V,L Vss Vss Vss +0.1 V Input High Voltage V,H Voo -0.1 Voo Voo V Input Low Current I,L V,L=VSS 0.05 pA I'H V,H=V OO 1.5 15 /LA 10H Vss= -1.2V VoH= -0.7V 30 Input High Current Output High Current (Output Terminal) I 0.1 pA Output Low Voltage VOL Without Load Vss Vss Vss+0.1 Output High Voltage VOH Without Load Voo-0.1 Voo Voo V -- V OUTPUT TIMING 1) RPT=Vss (OPEN) MT~ 2) RPT=VDD !----------- Melody~~-----f_i---------'-I t- atune ;-1 voo ....._ _ vss voo I LVOO MT---.J vss :::=:::1 r - voo I Melody Output vss I -------1""1--..... "". ~ stop atune vss atune ~ Length of a tune=20·30 sec Fig. 2 c8SAMSUNG 270 KS5310 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT APPLICATION CIRCUIT 32,768Hz vss ElectrocOil Transducer ROC =1200 D J r--- OSC MT 1·5K I 1.5V I -~ __ .JI KS5310 Series RPT OUT ,.A VDO from Switches of Watch Circuit MS 'Currently available types KS5310A: Oh! Susanna II Fig. 3 PAD DIAGRAM 2270 140 1330 D D D D D D OSC 1820 1550 T2 T1 1760 2000 Voo TC 2210 (2550, 2430) 2290 NC D D NC 1/60 NC KS5310 Series PAD DIAGRAM Chip Size: 2550x2430 Pad Size : 120x120 Unit : I'm NC D D MS vss RPT OUT NC 150 D D D D D (0.0) 140 360 610 1830 2100 2410 MT 350 150 Fig. 4 c8SAMSUNG 271 KS531 0 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT CUSTOM ORDER Changing the contents of melody ICs are possible by reprogramming the maskable ROM. Please free to contact us for more information including ORDER spec. CUSTOM ORDER SPEC 1. Request Date: 2. Development Term: 3. Melody a. Song name: b. Melody Time: c. Tempo: d. Octave Range: e. Repeated Syllable: (Yes/No) 4. Function • a. Melody Start Input (Active High/Active Floating) b. Melody Start Signal (Level Hold/One Shot) c. Repeat Input(RPT) d. Repeat Interval e. Melody Stop Input: f. Output Pad: g. Application Set 5. Others. c8SAMSUNG 272 KS5313 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT SIMPLE MELODY IC 8 DIP The KS5313 series is a CMOS LSI chip which electronically plays a prearranged melody. FUNCTIONS • Tempo: 16 kinds • Sound range: 2.5 octave • Selection of melody start switch (Active high swi.tch or active floating switch) • Selection of melody start signal (Level hold or one shot trigger) • Selection of automatic stop or repeat of the melody • Melody stop input • Level Hold mode/one shot mode user option: 16 Dip • Level Hold mode only: 8 Dip. 18 DIP FEATURES • • • • One chip CMOS construction Plays a melody consisting of 64 notes Starts from the head of melody Very low stand-by current • 33KHz operating frequency • 1.5V operation II BLOCK DIAGRAM OSC1 OSC2 MS MT1 MT2 SWITCH CONTROL CIRCUIT OS OUTPUT RPT Enable Fig. 1 c8SAMSUNG 273 KS5313 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta =25°C) Characteristic Supply Voltage Input Voltage Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Symbol Value Unit Voo Y,N 0.3--2.0 Vss+0.3-Voo-0.7 -20-+70 -55- +125 V V °C °C Topr Tstg ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Ta =25°C, Vss = -1.5V, Voo =OV unless otherwise specified) Characteristic Test Conditions Symbol Min IVssl Operating Voltage Typ 1.2 Max 1.5 Unit 2 V ------------ -~ Input High Voltage I ------ V'H - -------- 1---- ~ Input Low Voltage --------- .. _--- - - - - - - - - - - f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Strand-by Current Voo -0.1 Voo Vss Vss +0.1 1ST Without Load lop Without Load I'H r--------- -- Operating Current 0.1 20 - - - --- f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Input High Current ---------- I,L - - - ------ --- Output 0 Current f------------ V,L=VSS I-------------------~ 100 .. _----- -- Output 3, 4 Current 1---- Vss=-1.2V, VoH =-0.7V, ENV=VSS -~- 10 (3.4) -----'"'---- ----- 1.5 V,H=V OO 0.3 p.A 30 p.A 15 p.A 0.05 p.A Voo=IOV, Vss=-1.5V ----- -- p.A 15 - - -- ------------ V -- - - - - ---------1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -------" -----------------"--- Input Low Current V --------.--~- V,L --- ± 1.8 mA Output Low Voltage VOL Without Load Vss Vss +0.1 V Output High Voltage VOH Without Load Voo-O.l V DO V 36 KHz f----------------- Operating Frequency Fosc 30 33 TEST CIRCUIT 1) OUT 3 AND OUT 4 DRIVE CURRENT TEST CIRCUIT 2) OUT 0 CURRENT TEST CIRCUIT OSCl OUT3 p.G '" OUTO -c- KS5313 Series i'0:: .....-: ~:, J: 0 > OUT4 p.G: Pulse Generator (1020Hz) c8SAMSUNG f---~ V vss Fig. 2 Fig. 3 " r // 274 KS5313 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT TIMING 1) MELODY START INPUT 2) MELODY START SIGNAL a) Level Hold Mode a) MT1 (Active High Input) ,...------VDD MTl -----.-.;..-----VSS floating' ------+1------I MT2 Floating One Shot VSS VDD Floating MT1--~"" " " " ' - - - - VSS or MT2 _ _ _.... I VSS .-----VDD Floating I Melody Start SF-atun:H Melody Output ----iII.mmmmnl~llmnnlllllllrr-_!_"!-!- - - VDD Vss b) MT2 (Active Floating Input) b) One Shot Mode Floating vss MTl VDD One Shot VDD MT2 Floating n Vss MTl Melody Start VDD vss jOP Melody Output - -__ I I I I I!I !I!I I I~I I I I!1 !I I I I I I I I-___ ~I I I~Ij--___ -___ -____- VVDD Stjart 3) REPEAT INPUT a) Normal Mode a ture SS Floating R~------~---- vss 4) MELODY STOP VDD VDD MTl _ _ Flo_atin..;.g.... vss or MT2 _ _ _.... VDD Floating Melody Output vss MS vss Melody Time VDD I1111111111111111111111111111111111 Vss VDD 1IIIIIIIIIIIImllllllmlllllllllllllllili I Vss Melody Stop b) Repeat Mode p~--------------------- VDD VDD Floating MT1-------' or MT2 _ _ _ _ _ _- - , vss VDD I" " " " - - - - - - - V s s Floating ~a l u n e - t - a tune-----i "11111II111111111""IIII""IIIIIIIII"IIII"I"IIIIIIII~:: c8SAMSUNG 275 II KS5313 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT -APPLICATION CIRCUIT 1) ONE SHOT & LEVEL HOLD MODE 1.5V Electrocoil Transducer • Currently available types KS5313N: MINUET (BACH) KS5313Q: Home Sweet Home KS5313S: Big Ben KS5313T: For Elise KS5313P: Cuchoo's Waltz KS5313R: Oh! Susanna KS5313 Series T2 OSC2 OSC1 MT, os MT2 MS 2) LEVEL HOLD MODE 1.5V Voo OUT~ ENV Vss ·C1 and R1 are necessary only when employ ENVELOPE circuit. Otherwise, ENVELOPE terminal must be connected to Vss. KS5313 Series MTI c8SAMSUNG RPT 276 KS5381 CMOS DIGITAL IC MULTI MELODY IC The KS5381 is a CMOS melody IC, the circuit is composed of 512 word ROM, address counter, tempo & rhythm generator, address control circuit, envelope signal geAerator, switch control circuit, RC oscillator and tone generator_ Since the KS5381 includes envelope circuit, it can generate good melody sound without any external component for envelope circuit The KS5381 can select 8 melodies in serial select mode and 7 pieces of melody in binary select mode. The KS5381 can easily connect with the SST standard watch. 16 DIP 20 sOP FUNCTION • • • • • • • Tempo: 16 kinds Sound Range: 3 octave (G4-G7) Play one melody, auto stop Play all melodies serially Melody stop function Serial/binary select mode: bare chip, 20 DIP Serial select mode: 16 DIP II FEATURES • • • • • • • One chip CMOS construction Max. 8 melodies, 512 word ROM Internal envelope circuit Piezo direct drive Very low stand·by current 33 KHz operating frequency 1.5V or 3.0V operation BLOCK DIAGRAM - E C OSC R OSCILL OSC IN Ml, MS MTIN T, E E SWITCH DIVIDER GENERATOR OUTPUT & ENVELOPE CIRCUIT CONTROL CIRCUIT I E ~ B ~ P TONE '--GENERATOR ADDRESS Voo, VDD1 Vss T MT, TEMPO & RHYTHM r-- ATOR OSC C FREQUENCY P MO, P MO, r-ROM ADDRESS I-- CONTROL P - R CIRCUIT 10 bil x512 nolo=5120 bil COUNTER r--::;:J a 1-:] T 1-=:1 I-:J '-- Fig. 1. c8SAMSUNG 277 KS5381 CMOS DIGITAL IC ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta=25°C) Characteristics Symbol Value Supply Voltage 1 Vss ~ VOOl -0.3-4.0 Supply Voltage 1 Vss ~V002 -0.3-4.0 Input Voltage 1 V1N1 Vss - 0.3 - VOOl + 0.3 Input Voltage 2 V,N2 Vss - 0.3 - V002 + 0.3 Output Voltage 1 VOUTl Vss - 0.3 - VOOl + 0.3 Output Voltage 2 VOUT2 Vss-0.3 -Vo02+0.3 Storage Temperature Tstg -55 - + 125 °C Operation Temperature Topr -20-+70 °C Unit V V V ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 1.5V Battery Operation (Ta=25°C, Vss=OV, V001 , Vo02=1.55V) Characteristics Operation Voltage Switch Input Current Test Input Current Symbol Condition Value Min Typ Max VOOl 1.25 1.55 3.3 V002 1.25 1.55 3.3 0.2 1 10 I'Hl V'N= 1.55V I,u V,N=OV I'H2 V'N= 1.55V 1'L2 V,N=OV V,H 0.05 2 10 0.3 V'L Output Current M02, M02 *1 Output Resistor of MO, Switch Chartering Time V p.A p.A 1.25 Input Voltage Standby Current 100 0.05 Unit 0.1 100 Without load 10Hl VOH=1.0V 200 lOll VoL =0.5V 200 0.5 V p.A p.A RO, VOH = 0.7V t1 17 R02 VOH = O.7V t2 30 R03 VOH = O.7V t3 50 RO. VOH =O.7V t4 75 ROs VOH =O.7V t5 110 ROs VOH=0.7V t6 170 R0 7 VOH =O.7V t7 260 ROa VOH =0.7V tS 10L2 VoL =0.5V TCH F=3276S Hz K!l 450 p.A 2 62.5 mS t1. See Fig. 4 (t1 - tS) c8SAMSUNG 278 KS5381 BATTERY OPERATION Characteristics Operation Voltage Switch Input Current Test Input Current Input Voltage CMOS DIGITAL IC (Ta=25°C, Vss=ov, VOD1 = 1.5V, V002 = 3.0V) Symbol Condition Value Min Typ VOO1 1.25 1.5 2.4 VOO2 2.4 3.0 3.3 1 6 I'H1 V'N=3.0V I'L1 V,N=OV I'H2 V'N=3.0V 1'L2 V,N=OV V,H Output Current M02, M0 2 Output Resistor of MO, Switch Chartering Time c8SAMSUNG 60 0.1 5 60 300 0.1 Unit V p.A p.A 2.4 V 0.3 V,L Standby Current Max 100 Without load IOH1 VOH=2.5V 400 0.2 10L1 VOL = 0.5V 400 RO, VOH=2.1V t1 17 VOH=2.1V t2 30 R03 VOH=2.1V t3 50 RO. VOH = 2.1V t4 75 ROs VOH=2.1V t5 110 ROB VOH=2.1V t6 170 R0 7 VOH=2.1V t7 260 ROB VOH=2.1VtB VOL=0.5V TCH F=3276B Hz p.A p.A R02 10L2 1 II KO 450 p.A 2 62.5 mS 279 KS5381 CMOS DIGITAL IC MELODY SELECT 1. Binary Select Mode The KS5381 can repeat a melody which select from 7 melodies. (see Table 1 and Fig. 2) 2. Serial Select Mode While AS 3, AS2, AS, pins are low level or open, that is, melody select counter is reset, the first melody start by pushing the switches (MT" MT2) at the same time. The next simultaneous pushing of the switches (MT" MT:0 will change the melody to the next one. If the switch MT, and MT2 are pushed continuously, the 8 melodies will repeat by itself. The total number of melody can be selected at will within 8 by mask option. Fig. 2. The Sequence of Melody Usage Melody AS 3 AS. AS, Serial Selection No. 1·No. 8 L L L No.2 L L H No.3 L H L No.4 L H H No.5 H L L No.6 H L H No.7 H H L No.8 H H H Binary Selection 1 * Advanced by serial select mode 2* Selected by mask option 3* Selected by binary select mode KS5381A SONG LIST # # # # # # # 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Home Sweet Home Oh! Susanna Whispering Hope Dreaming of Home and Mother Oh! My darling Clementine Beautiful Dreamer Red River Valley Table 1. Serial and Binary Selection (H: VDD , L: Vss (open» c8SAMSUNG 280 KS5381 CMOS DIGITAL IC MELODY OPERATING There are two method to start the melody. One is pushing the MT, and MT2 at the same time. The other'is to supply DC or watch alarm signal at "MTIN" pin. 1. Switch Operation When the switch MT, and MT2 are pushed at the same time, the melody start. The switch MT" MT2, MS is used for melody stop. Continuous and simultaneous pushing of switch MT, and MT2 will repeat the same melody in binary select mode and change the 8 melodies serially in serial select mode. Fig. 2 shows operation of these switches. The melody keep on sounding until the switch MS is on. While MT, and MT2 switches are on, the melody is off as long as MS switch is on. The same melody will restart (binary select opt.) or the next melody will start (serial selection opt.) in 0.75 sec after the MS switch returns to off. II MT, / MELoDyr------+--------------------------+---------------~STOPBYMT2 START MT,. MT2: ON MT, or MT2: ON MT,. MT2: OFF Fig. 3. 2. Alarm Signal Operation • On-Hour and Switch Conformation Ct.ime The KS5381 has a 0.75 sec timer circuit to prevent the melody from starting by DC or AC signal. The melody does not start by chime sound of the KS5910 or signal below 0.75 sec. • Melody Start The signals to start melody are the DC or AC signal which is over 0.75 sec. The signals under 0.75 sec will make the KS5381 melody stand-by mode. • Melody Stop The melody does not stop until it plays the end of the melody even if alarm signal stopped. Though the alarm signal is longer than the melody Signal, the melody does not repeat. If the melody is needed to be stopped in the midway, it can be done using either switch MT, or MT2. • Melody Sound The output frequency of the melody is 400-1500 Hz (musical interval) with signal of 50% duty. c8SAMSUNG 281 CMOS DIGITAL IC KS5381 ENVELOPE FUNCTION The KS5381 has an envelope circuit for high tone quality without any external component. The envelope circuit make the melody output decrease exponencially. (as shown in Fig. 4.) The transistor for amplification would be NPN type and has proper hie in order to keep this waveform. CURRENT 0.61 0.37 r----+----, ---- ----t-----, 0.22 Hi t-----''-----I----------...J....-_-_-_-_-.!.-~_~_~_.::-_.::!.L..-_=-_.: =_- _~i. .J. . =_- _-~_~_~1.J.·_·_ ."---'1--_ _ _ _ _ TIME t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 ~------------·--------------o --.-----~ Fig. 4 RC OSCILLATOR The KS5381 oscillator is composed of 3 inverters, a resistor and a capacitor. The frequency of the oscillator is determined by a external capacitor and a resistor. The frequency of the oscillator vary by applying voltage and temperature, therefore it is right to use trimmer resistor for getting precise 32768 Hz. c8SAMSUNG 282 KS5381 CMOS DIGITAL IC PAD DIAGRAM 1814 1538 215 450 1449 1684 1919 ~ 0 0 0 ~ @] KS5381 Chip Size: 2330 x 2000 PAD Size: 90 x 90 Unit :/Lm (2330, 2000) 0 1642 [2J 1407 0 950 831 @] ~ 742 617 @] @l 625 382 ~ G 510 166 (0,0) ~ [!!] @] ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 226 461 696 931 1166 1572 1758 2165 165 Fig. 5 PAD DESCRIPTION No. Pin Name Description No. Pin Name Description 1 M02 Di rect Piezo Driver 13 MT2 Start & Stop Input 2 M02 Di rect Piezo Driver 14 MS Melody Stop 3 AS, Melody Selection 15 MTIN 4 AS2 Melody Selection 16 T2 Test Input 5 ASa Melody Selection 17 T, Test Input 6 OSC R Oscillation 18 RDa Test Terminal 7 OSCIN Oscillation & Ext. Input 19 RD. Test Terminal 8 OSCC Oscillation 20 RD2 Test Terminal 9 Voo, 1.5V·3.0V Power Supply 21 RD, Test Terminal 10 Voo" VOD2 VOD2 1.5V-3.0V Power Supply 22 Vss OV Power Supply 11 1.5V-3.0V Power Supply 23 MO, ENV. Melody Output 12 MT, Start & Stop Input 24 Trigger Signal Input • Pull-down resistor is incorporated into MT" MT2, MS, MTIN, T, and T2. c8SAMSUNG 283 KS5381 CMOS DIGITAL IC APPLICATION CIRCUIT 1. Combination with Watch 1) AgO Battery (1.55V) L.C.D. PIEZO MTIN 1-----+----------1 ALB OOC~ 00 MO, 01 KS5381 Series O.•• F KS5190 1--<.......---+--_+----1 VOO Vss Vss D S ._______--' * X·tal: 32768 Hz # 5·35pF 2) Lithium Battery (3.0V) P.I ~'O L.C.D. PIEZO DI~ .~~ ~ M02 M02 ALB MTIN OSCIN ;~ ~ # KSC 16230)- MO, L KS5381 Series Voo, I VOO2 >-- vss C'+ MT2 MT, l ~ sw,~ ~ SEGMENTS 00 01 Voo, .l3.0~ WATCH LSI VOO2 vsa SIN, sw ( SW2 * X·tal: 32768 Hz # 5·35pF C,(Cap): O.1,..F c8SAMSUNG 284 KS5381 CMOS DIGITAL IC 2. PACKAGJ: APPLICATION CIRCUIT 1) 16 DIP type AD, Vss MO, M02 M02 OSCA OSCIN MS MT = • Rose 320Kn at 3.0V operati ng OSCC KS5381 Series AD2 AD, ADs T2 II J, Vee <1.5V) 2) 20 DIP type Vee KS.El564Y Rose:;;;; 270KO Vss AS2 AS3 OSCA STOP STAAT 47pF OSCIN OSCC KS5381 Series Vee <1.5V) c8SAMSUNG 285 KS5814 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT SKY-lARK'S OR CRICKET'S SOUND IC 14 DIP The KS5814 is a CMOS LSI chip which generates either Sky-lark's sound or Cricket's sound. The RC oscillator frequency is used to generate acolIstic pulses for the sounds. The sound is initiated by AL-IN, and continued as long as AL-IN is connected to Vss. If the AL·IN switch is open, the oscillater will be stopped, thus all operation will be stopped. FUNCTIONS • Selectable either Sky-lark's sound or Cricket's sound by SLCT input I I AL-IN SOUND SLCT SKY-LARK'S SOUND CRICKET'S SOUND No operation FEATURES • • • • • • Single Chip CMOS construction. RC oscillator. Speaker drive by using a PNP transistor. Single battery (1.5V) operation. Low power dissipation. 14 pins dual-in-line plastic package. BLOCK DIAGRAM r10 I 11 I OSC2 OSC3 12 I SLCT 2 ~1 - - - - -- ------ - - I I OSC1 AL·IN - -- rr Vdd Vss -----------~ I SOUND OSCILLATOR I SELECT MODE , I j I 1 I I 9 I I I I I I I I I FREQUENCY GENERATOR ROM I 4 - r- GENERATOR c8 ,02 5,..,,03 I 6,..,,04 I 1 PRESET DATA 4 I I PRESETFUL DOWNCOIJNTER - - ,I OUT CIRCUIT 7 OUT I I I L ,01 I 8 I TC 3,.., I I I T1 I I __________________________ SAMSUNG , -l 286 KS5814 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta=2S0C) Characteristics Symbol Supply Voltage Input Voltage Operating Temperature Storage Temperature value VDD V,N Topr Tstg -0.3 Vss -0.3 -10 -55 - Unit V V °C °C +3.0 VDD +0.3 +55 + 125 'Value grater than this may result in damage to the circuit. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Vss =ov, VDD =1.5V, Ta =25°C; unless otherwise specified) Characteristics Symbol Operating Voltage VDD Stanby-by Current 1ST Operating Current lop Test Conditions Min 1.2 - - - - - - _ . _ . _ - - - - - - - - - -_._--- ----- ---------------- -- ._-_._- - - - - - - - - - . Input Low Voltage V'L Input High Voltage V,H Switch Input Current Isw - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -: - - - - - ._-- Alarm Sink Current Oscillation Frequency Without Load -----~ los --- _. - 100 Typ Max Unit 1.5 1.8 V 0.1 0.3 250 400 p.A 0.2 V VDD-OA -----~-------. Vin=Vss f----------.------ 60 100 ---_.-1 - - -1------- 0.7 - - _ . r---- - _ . - 210 200 Fosc V ------------ 0.4 Rm=lKO, VDD=1.2V p.A -- - - - 220 _".A_ mA ---.--~ KHz APPLICATION CIRCUIT OSC3 KS5814 OSC2 OSC1 43KIl 30KIl 'Notes: 01; 02, 03, 04, T1 and TC are pins for test purpose only. c8SAMSUNG 287 II CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT KS5814 PAD DIAGRAM G G KS5814 PAD DIAGRAM Chip Size : 1800x1570 PAD Size : 98x98 Unit : I'm ~ G 10 (O,O)--X 1-1---------I 1800 - - - - - - - - - - - 1 COORDINATES OF PAD (Unit/Lm) Pad No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Name of Pad SLCT AL-IN 01 02 03 04 OUT c8SAMSUNG Coordinates --- ~-,-,-- X Y 1671 1446 1043 522 334 129 129 800 1441 1441 1441 1441 1307 830 Coordinates Pad No. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Name of Pad X T, Tc OSC, OSC 2 OSCa Vss V DD 129 129 464 1029 1379 1671 1671 y 642 129 129 129 129 523 720 288 KS5116 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT FUNCTIONS 6 DIGITS UP/DOWN COUNTER CIRCUIT FOR TRIPLEXED LCD The KS5116 is a silicon-gate CMOS LSI for 6 digits LCD display up/down counter. It operates on single 1.5V battery and the circuit time base is a 16KHz internal RC oscillator. FUNCTIONS • • • • • • Count up, from zero to any setting number Count down, from any setting number to zero User selectable up/down mode Alarm function Output pulse for any external mechanism LCD, alarm test FEATURES • • • • • • • II Single chip CMOS construction. Built·in RC oscillator Built·in voltage doubler 6 digits triplexed LCD drive 4 Switch operation Low power consumption Single 1.5V battery operation. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta = 25°C) Characteristic Supply Voltage (VOD1 - Vss) Supply Voltage (V002 - VSS) Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Symbol Value Unit VOS1 VDS2 -0.3 -+2.0 -0.3 - +4.0 -20-+60 -30-+125 V V ·C ·C Tapr Tstg * Voltage greater than above may result in damage to the circuit. 289 c8SAMSUNG ------------~--------- CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT KS5116 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Characteristic Operating Voltage Symbol (T.=25°C, voo = 1.5V, Vss=OV; unless otherwise specified) Test Condition Voo1 Voo2 Min Typ Max Unit 1.2 1.5 1.8 V 2.4 3.0 3.6 V 9 18 p.A V Supply Current 100 Input High Voltage V,H Voo - 0.3 Voo Input Low Voltage V'L Vss Vss + 0.3 V Switch Activation Current Isw 5 p.A Alarm Drive Current Without Load Yin =Voo lapu V,a' =0.5V laou Vea, =0.5V Oscillator Frequency Fosc DC· DC Conversion Frequency FcON C1 =C2=0.1p.F 0.1 1.5 0.5 2 mA 50 p.A --'---- 25 32 40 KHz Hz 800 1,024 1,250 LCD Frequency Fd 33 43 53 Switch Debounce Time t, 25 mSEC Switch Periode Time t2 35 mSEC Hz FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION 1. LOCK MODE When power is on or AC switch is depressed, the state is in lock mode. Where D switch is blocked and S switch is enable. The depression of S switch in the lock mode will select setting mode. 2. SETTING MODE If S switch is depressed in the lock mode, the state becomes setting mode. The D switch is used to advance the function. The flag is off. • Digit 5,6 flashing mode Digit 5,6 will flash at a 1Hz rate when S switch is depressed in the lock mode. If D switch is depressed, the counter of digit 5,6 will advance. Whenever D switch is depressed, the counter of digit 5,6 will advance. • Digit 3,4 flashing mode The next depression of S switch will select digit 3,4 flashing mode. In digit 3,4 flashing mode, digit 3,4 flashes at a 1Hz rate. The operation by using 0 switch is same as digit 5,6 flashing mode. • Digit 1,2 flashing mode The next depression of S switch will select digit 1,2 flashing mode. In digit 1,2 flashing mode, digit 1,2 flashes at a 1Hz rate. The operation by using D switch is same as digit 5,6 flashing mode. 3. ALL FLASHING MODE The next depression of S switch will select all flashing mode. All digit flashes at a 1Hz rate with flag up or down. User can select up or down mode 4. NORMAL MODE The next depression of S switch will select normal mode. If user selects up mode in the all flashing mode, all of digits display 000000. If user selects down mode the digits display setting number in the Setting mode. The next depression of S switch will select digit 5, 6 flashing mode. If D switch is depressed. The counter is counted up or down by state of flag being up or down. c8SAMSUNG .290 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT KS5116 5. COUNTING MODE The depression of 0 switch in normal mode will enter counting mode. It counter is matched to setting number in up mode or down mode, alarm sound and outputs pulse output. 6. ALL CLEAR OPERATION The depression of AC switch will select lock mode in every mode. 7. LAMP TEST The deprEl8sion of S, 0 and AC switch at a same time will display all digit segment and cause 'alarm sound with flag (up or down). , 8. ALARM MODE The depression of 0 and S switch is blocked in alarm mode. After the counter is matched to setting number in up mode or down mode . • Switch can recognize minimum 30 times per second I I I t"~-I = II t1 25m sec t2 = 35m sec LCD FORMAT :iii 0 0 c '" :!! 0 0 :s 0 w c5 Ii:' <" 31 30 Pad No. 33 32 COM1 U 03 F1 COM2 0 02 G1 01 E1 COM3 c8SAMSUNG 0 8 8 rE ~ ~
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