1990_Microprocessors_and_Peripheral_Circuits 1990 Microprocessors And Peripheral Circuits
User Manual: 1990_Microprocessors_and_Peripheral_Circuits
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RAND ___ CIRCUIT All values shown in this catalogue are subject to change for product improvement. The information, diagrams and all other data included herein are believed to be correct and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Mitsubishi Electric Corporation for their use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights belonging to third parties which may result from their use. MITSUBISHI LSls CONTENTS DGM'CRO M32 Family MICROPROCESSORS M33210GS-20/FP-20 M33220GS-20 CMOS 32-bit Parallel Microprocessor (M32/100) ··························· .. ················ .. ··7-3 CMOS 32-bit Parallel Microprocessor (M32/200) ................................................. 7-5 M33230GS-20 CMOS 32-bit Parallel Microprocessor (M32/300) ·················································7-7 DGM'CRO M32 Family PERIPHERAL CIRCUITS M33241GS CMOS DMA Controller (M32/DMAC) ...................................................... ···········8-3 M33242SP/J CMOS Interupt Controller (M32/IRC) ...................................................... ···········8-5 M33243GS-25, -30 CMOS TAG Memory (M32/TAGM) ...................................................... ··············8-7 M33244T-16, -20 Clock Pulse Generator for M32/200 (CPG/200) ................................................... 8-9 M33245GS CMOS Cache Controller/Memory (M32/CCM) .................................................... 8-10 M33281 GS-20 CMOS Floating-Point Processing Unit (M32/FPU) ················································8-12 Contact Addresses for Further Information • MITSUBISHI ~ELECTRIC MITSUBISHI LSls INDEX BY FUNCTION Electncal characteristics Type CircUit function and organization Structure Supply voltage (V) Typ Max pwr access diSSipation time (mW) (ns) Min Max cycle Ire- Package time quency (ns) (MHz) Page .CMOS PERIPHERAL CIRCUITS M5M81C55P-2 M5M81C55FP-2 M5M81C55J-2 M5M81C56P-2 M5M81C56FP-2 M5M81C56J-2 CMOS 2048-blt Static RAM with 1/0 Ports and Timer (CE="L" active) CMOS 2048-blt Static RAM with 1/0 Ports and Timer (CE="H" active) M5M82C37AP-5 M5M82C37AFP-5 M5M82C37AJ-5 CMOS Programmable DMA Controller M5M82C51AP M5M82C51AFP M5M82C51AJ CMOS Programmable Communication Interlace M5M82C54P M5M82C54FP M5M82C54J CMOS Programmable Interval Timer M5M82C55AP-2 M5M82C55AFP-2 M5M82C55AJ-2 CMOS Programmable Pertpheral Interface M5M82C59AP-2 M5M82C59AFP-2 M5M82C59AJ-2 M5M82C255ASP C,SI 5±1O% 35 120 200 5 40P4 4-3 C,SI 5±10% 35 120 200 5 40P2R 4-3 C,SI 5±1O% 35 120 200 44PO 4-3 e,SI 5±10% 35 120 200 5 5 40P4 4-13 C,SI 5±10% 35 120 200 5 40P2R 4-13 C,SI 5±10% 35 120 200 5 44PO 4-13 C,SI 5±10% 22,5 140 200 5 40P4 4-23 C,SI 5±10% 22.5 140 200 5 40P2R' 44PO e,SI 5±10% 6 170 320 3 28P4 C,SI 5±10% 6 170 320 3 28P2W C,SI 5±10% 6 170 320 3 28PO C,SI 5±10% 35 120 125 8 24P4 24P2W C,SI 5±10% 120 125 8 C,SI 5±10% - 120 320 - 40P4 C,SI 5±10% - 120 320 - 40P2R C,SI 5±10% - 120 310 - 28P4 35 28PO 44PO 4-23 4-43 4-43 4-61 4-61 4-72 4-72 4-88 CMOS Programmable Interrupt Controller C,SI 5±10% - 120 310 - 28P2W CMOS Programmable Pertpheral Interface C,SI 5±10% - 120 320 - 64P4B 4-105 Max frequency (MHz) Package Page 20 135S81160PS 7-3 20 135S8X-A 7-5 20 179S8X-B 7-7 28PO 4-88 .32-BIT MICROPROCESSORS GMICRO'" • M32 FAMILY Electrical characteristiCS Type No Structure CIrCUit function Supply voltage power (V) diSSipation Typ. (mW) ** ** M33230GS-20 ** M33241GS ** M33242SP/J ** M33243GS-25,-3Q ** M33244T-16,-20 ** M33245GS ** M33281 GS-20 ** - M33210GSlFP-20 32-Blt Mlcroprocessor( M32/1 00) C,SI 5+5% M33220G8-20 32-Blt Mlcroprocessor( M32/200) C,SI 5±5% 32-Blt Mlcroprocessor( M32/300) C,SI 5±5% DMA Controller(M32/DMAC) C,SI 5±5% 1200 20 179S8X-A 8-3 Interrupt Request Controller(M32/IRC) C,SI 5±5% 200 20 64P4X·AI 6BPOX·A 8-5 TAG Memory(M32/TAGM) C,SI 5±10% 1250 - 64S8X-A 8-7 - 5±5% 16/20 14T4X·A 8-9 Cache Controller/Memory( M32/CCM) C,SI 5±5% - - 135S8 8-10 Floating POint Processing Unit( M3,2/FPU) C,SI 5+5% - 20 135S8X-A 8-12 Clock Pulse Generator for M32/200(CPG/200) The GMICROn, trade mark indicates a G-MICRO group thoron type micro processor ** : Under development C = CMOS. SI = SIlicon gate 1-4 • MITSUBISHI " " ELECTRIC MITSUBISHI LSls PACKAGE OUTLINES TYPE 14P4 14-PIN MOLDED PLASTIC DIP 19+ 0 . 5 -0 2 762±0.3 I ,----, i\ 2 54±0 25 o 5±0 1 5 1 /' 7.6-10 :t:g:~ TYPE 16P4 16-PIN MOLDED PLASTIC DIP Dimension 7 62± 0 3 2 54 ± 0 25 o 5± 0 1 15::g ; 1-6 \ • MITSUBISHI " " ELECTRIC 7.6-10 In mm MITSUBISHI LSls PACKAGE OUTLINES Dimension in mm TYPE 20P4 20-PIN MOLDED PLASTIC DIP 7 62± 0 3 r ' . \ i\ 3MIN li O.27~g·g~ 0.S±0.1 2. 54± 0 .25 7.6-10 Dimension in mm TYPE 24P4 24-PIN MOLDED PLASTIC DIP 31.1~n ~I o 15.24±0.3 I i I J \ 0.27+ 0 . 1 ~,~~5 0.5±0.1 2.54 ±O. 25 1-8 1.2~n • MITSUBISHI "'ELECTRIC 15.2-17 i MITSUBISHI LSls PACKAGE OUTLINES TYPE 28P2W Dimension in mm 28-PIN MOLDED PLASTIC FLAT o o 8. 4±Q. 2 "CO 00 6 +1<'J ciei +1 "' 6 cJ~r==t!=--;;;~ ----,) ~ Q.5±Q.2 ;:;;6 11. 93±Q. 3 TYPE 40P4 Dimension In mm 40-PIN MOLDED PLASTIC DIP 15.24 ±O.3 ~~ ~ .. '"" ,.'"" • 1.2:':t~ 1-10 \ _. , ~5.5MAX . • . MITSUBISHI ..... ELECTRIC 15.2-17 MITSUBISHI LSls PACKAGE OUTLINES TYPE 64S8X-A 'Dimension in mm 64-PIN METAL-SEALED CERAMIC PGA (GMICRO™) 1.27 TYP DIA / :@ ' "~, \h~ ~0 I 18.24 sa TYP 26.20 0 coo 0 0 0 0 @ 0000000000 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 0 o 0 o 0 o o o 0 0 I ~U~ sa 5.33MAX TYPE 68POX-A 68-PIN MOLDED PLASTIC LEADED CHIP CARRIER (GMICRO™) 4 30+ 0. 22 . -0.11 0.51 Dimension 20·~ _ _ REF 1. 27±0. 13 MIN TYP :7 ~-=--_-~ ____________________ _ "A·· I I Details of "A" part I I I I I : O 20 +0.05 • -Q~ I I I (RO.95 ~ I I I : 23. 65±0. 51 : IL ______________________ RO.75 TYP 1 ~ 1-12 • MITSUBISHI ..... ELECTRIC No LEAD No In mm MITSUBISHI LSI. PACKAGE OUTLINES TYPE 14T4X-A 14-PIN HERMETIC· SEALED PACKAGE (GMICRO™) Dimension in mm 15. 24±0. 3 III d +t <> d N I.. 2O.0±0.5 ~ m ~--------, j;.,--------I TYPE 64P4X-A I 3g <> +i ~ Dimension in mm 64-PIN MOLDED PLASTIC DIP (LEAD PITCH 1.778mm) 58.00~~:~ ~ d +1 8 ~ '- --L O. 25±0. MAX MIN I. 778 MAX 1. 778±0. 18 ,II. O. 45±0. 10 '"'-_ _ _ _----'5~5.c.!.1~18_ _ _ R E F - - - - - _ . . I 1-14 • MITSUBISHI . . . .·ELECTRIC 0.51 MIN 05T MITSUBISHI LSls LETTER SYMBOLS FOR THE DYNAMIC PARAMETERS 1. INTRODUCTION A system of letter symbols to be used to represent the dynamic parameters of intergrated circuit memories and other sequential circuits especially for single-chip microcomputers, microprocessors and LSls for peripheral circuits has been discussed internationally in the TC47 of the International Electrotechnical Committee (IEC). Finally the IEC has decided on the meeting of TC47 in February 1980 that this system of letter symbols will be a Central Office document and circulated to all countries to vote which means this system of letter symbols wi II be a international standard. The system is applied in this LSI data book for the new products only. Future editions of this data book will be applied this system. The I EC document which describes "Letter symbols for dynamic parameters of sequential integrated circuits, including memories" is introduced below. In this data book, the dynamic parameters in the I EC document are applied to timing requirements and switching characteristics. 2. LETTER SYMBOLS Note 1 SubSCripts A to F may each conSists of one or more1ietters 2 Subscripts 0 and E are not used for tranSition times 3 The "-" In the symbol (1) above IS used to Indicate "to", hence the sym· bol represents the time Interval from Signal event B occurlng to slqnal event 0 occunng, and It IS Important to note that thiS convention IS used for all dynamiC parameters Including hold times Where no rnl$understarldlng can occur the hyphen may be omitted 2.2. Abbreviated Form The system of letter symbols outlined in this document enables symbols to be generated for the dynamic parameters of complex sequential circuits, including memories, and also allows these symbols to be abbreviated to simple mnemonic symbols when no ambiguity is likely to arise. 2.1. General Form The dynamic parameters are represented by a general symbol of the form: tA(BC-DC)F Subscript D indicates the name of the signal or terminal for which a change of state or level (or establ ishment of a state or level) constitutes a signal event assumed to occur last, that is, at the end of the time interval. If this event actually occurs first, that is, at the beginning of the time interval, the value of the time interval is negative. Subscript E indicates the direction of the transition and/or the final state or level of the signal represented by D. When two letters are used, the initial state or level is also indicated. Subscript F indicates additional informatioh such as mode of operation, test conditions, etc. The general symbol given above may be abbreviated when no misunderstanding is likely to arise. For' example to: or tA(B) or tA(D) often used for hold times or tAF no brackets are used in this case or tA or tBC-DE ..................................... (1) often used for unclassified time intervals where: Subscript A indicates the type of dynamic parameter being represented, for example; cycle time, setup time, enable time, etc. Subscript B indicates the name of the signal or terminal for which a change of state or level (or establishment of a state or level) constitutes a signal event assumed to occur first, that is, at the beginning of the time interval. If this event actually occurs last, that is, at the end of the time interval, the value of the time interval is negative. Subscript C indicates the direction of the transition and/or the final state or level of the signal represented by B. When two letters are used, the initial state or level is also indicated. 1-16 2.3. Allocation of Subscripts In allocating letter symbols for the subscripts, the most commonly used subscripts are given single letters where practicable and those less commonly used are designated by up to three letters. As far as possible, some form of mnemonic representation is used. Longer letter symbols may be used for specialised signals or terminals if this aids understanding. 3. SUBSCRIPT A (For Type of Dynamic Parameter) The subscript A represents the type of dynamic parameter to be designated by the symbol and, for memories, the parameters may be divided into tv~/O classes: a) those that are timing requirements for the memory and • MITSUBISHI "-ELECTRIC MITSUBISHI LSls . LETTER SYMBOLS FOR THE DYNAMIC PARAMETERS 6. SUBSCRIPT F. (For Additional Information) If necessary, subscript F is used to represent any additional qualification of the parameter such as mode of operation, test conditions, etc. The letter symbols for subscript F are given below. Subscript F should be in upper-case. Modes of operation Power-down Page-mode read Page-mode write Read Refresh Read-modify-write Read-write Write 1-18 Subscript PD PGR PGW R RF RMW RW W • MITSUBISHI . . . . ELECTRIC MITSUBISHI LSls SYMBOLOGY New symbol Parameter-definition Former symbol td Delay time-the time between the specified reference pOints on two pulses td(¢) Delay time between clock p'ulses-e g. symbology. delay time, clock 1 to clock 2 or clock 2 to clock 1 Delay time, column address strobe to row address strobe td (CAS-RAS) td (CAS-W) td (CAS WR) Delay time, column address strobe to write Delay time, row address strobe to column address strobe td (RAS-CAS) td (RAS-W) td(RAS-WR) Delay time, row address strobe to wnte tdls (R-O) tdls (R-DA) Output disable time after read tdIS(S) tpXZ(CS) tdIS(W) tPXZ(WR) , Output disable time after chip select Output disable time after write tDHL High-level to lOW-level delay time} -the time Interval between speCified reference POints on the Input and on the output pulses. when the tDLH LOW-level to high-level delay time output IS gOing to the low (high) level and when the deVice IS dnven and loaded by specified networks Output enable time after address ten(A-Q) tPZV(A-DQ) ten(R-Q) tPZV(R-DQ) Output enable time after read ten(S-Q) t PZX (CS-DQ) Output enable time after chip select tf Fail time th Hold time-the Interval time dunng which a slgndl at a specified Input terminal after an actIVe tranSition occurs at another speCified Input terminal theA) th(AD) Address hold time theA-E) th(AD-GE) Chip enable hold time after address theA-PRj th(AD-PRO) Program hold time after address Column address hold time after column address strobe th(CAS-CA) th(CAS-D) th(CAS-DA) Data-In hold time after column address strobe th(CAS-Q) th (CAS-OUT) Data-out hold time after column address strobe Row address strobe hold time after column address strobe th (CAS-RAS) th(CAS-W) t h (CAS-WR) Write hold time after column address strobe th(D) th(DA) Data-In hold time th(D-PR) theDA-PRO) Program hold time after data-m theE) th(CE) Chip enable hold time theE-D) th(CE-DA) Data-In hold time after chip enable theE-G) th(CE-OE) Output enable hold time after chip enable th(R) th(RD) Read hold time th(RAS-CA) Column address hold time after row address strobe t h(RAS-CAS) Column address strobe hold time after row address strobe Data-In hold time after row address strobe th(RAS-D) th(RAS-DA) th(RAS-W) th(RAS-WR) Write hold time after row address strobe th(S) th(CS) Chip select hold time thew) th(WR) Wnte hold time th(W-CAS) th(WR-CAS) Column address strobe hold time after write theW-D) th(WR-DA) Data-In hold time after write th (W-RAS) th(WR-RAS) Row address hold time after wflte tPHL High-level to low-level propagation time tpLH Low-level to high-level propagation time } the time Interval between specified reference pOints on the Input and on the output pulses when the output IS gOing to the low (high) level and when the deVice IS dnven and loaded ,by tYPical deVices of stated type Rise time tr trec(w) twr Write recovery time-the time Interval between the termination of a write pulse and the Initiation of a new cycle treC(PD) tR(PD) Power-down recovery time Setup time-the time Interval between the application of a Signal which IS maintained at a speCilfed Input terminal and a consecutive active tsu tarnSltlon at another speCified Input terminal tSU(A) tSU(AD) Address setup time tsu (A-E) tsu (AD-CE) Chip enable setup time before address tsu (A-W) tsu (AD-WR) tsu (CA-RAS) 1-20 Write setup time before address Row address strobe setup time before column address • MITSUBISHI ;"ELECTRIC MITSUBISHI MICROPROCESSOR AND PERIPHERAL CIRCUITS ICs QUALITY ASSURANCE AND RELIABILITY TESTING 1 INTRODUCTION (3) IC & LSI have made rapid technical progress in electrical performances of high integration, high speed, and sophisticated functionality. And now they have got boundless wider applications in electronic systems and electrical appliances. To meet the above trend of expanding utilization of IC & LSI, Mitsubishi considers that it, is extremely important to supply stable quality and high reliable products to customers. Mitsubishi Electric places great emphasis on quality as a basic policy "Quality First", and has striven always to improve quality and reliability. Mitsubishi has already developed the Quality Assurance System covering design, manufacturing, inventory and delivery for IC & LSI, and has supplied highly reliable products to customers for many years. The following articles describe the Quality Assurance System and examples of reliability control for Mitsubishi Microprocessor and Peripheral Circuits ICs. 2. QUALITY ASSURANCE SYSTEM The Quality Assurance System places emphasis on built-in reliability in designing and built-in quality in manufacturing. The System from development to delivery is summarized in Figure 1. 2.1 Quality Assurance in Designing The following steps are applied in the designing stage for a new product. (1). Setting of perfomance, quality and reliability target for new product. (2) Discussion of performance and quality for circuit design, device structure, process, material and package. (3) Verification of design by CAD system to meet standardized design rule. (4) Functional evaluation for bread-board device to confirm electrical performance. (5) Reliability evaluation for TEG (Test Element Group) chip to detect basic failure mode and investigate failure machanism. (6) Reliability test (In-house qualification) for new product to confirm quality and reliability target. (7) Decision of pre-production from the standpoint of performance, reliability,' production flow/conditions, production capability, delivery and etc. 2.2 2.3 Reliability Test To verify the reliability of a product as described in the Mitsubishi Quality Assurance System, reliability tests are performed at three different stages : new product development, pre-production, and mass-production. At the development of a new product the reliability test plan is fixed corresponding to the quality and reliability target of each product, respectively. The test plan includes in-house qualification test, and TEG evaluation, if necessary. TEG chips are designed and prepared for new device structure, new process and new material. After the proto-type product has passed the. in-house qualIfication test, the product advances to the pre-production. In the pre-production stage, the specific reliability tests are programmed and performed again to verify the quality of pre-production product. In the mass production, the reliability tests are performed periodically to confirm the quality of the mass production product according to the quality assurance test program. Table 1 TYPICAL RELIABILITY TEST PROGRAM FOR PLASTIC ENCAPSULATED IC & LSI Test Group 1 2 3 4 Test condition Solderability 230"C,5sec Soldering heal 260"C, 10sec Thermal shock -55"C, 125"C , l5cycles ROSin flux Temperature cycling -65"C, 150"C, 100cycles Lead fatigue 250gr, 90·, 2arcs Shock 1500G, O. 5msec Vibration 20G,100-2000Hz X, Y, Z direction 4mln Icycle, 4cycles/dtrection Constant acceleration 20000G, Y direction, 1min 5 Dynamic operation life T a- Toprmax, Vccmax 1000hours 6 High temperature. storage life T a =150"C,1000hours High temperature and high humidity 85"C, 85%, 1000hours Pressure cooker 121'C, 100%, 100hours Quality Assurance in Manufacturing Quality assurance in manufacturing is performed as follows (1) Environment control such as temperature, humidity and dust as well as deionized water and utility gases. (2) Maintenance and calibration control for automatized manufacturing eqUipment, automatic testing equipment, and measuring instruments. 1-22 Material control such as silicon wafer, lead frame, packaging material, mask and chemicals. (4) In-process inspections" in wafer-fabrication, assembly and testing. (5) 100% final inspection of electrical characteristics, visual inspection and burn-in, if necessary. (6) Quality assurance test -Electrical characteristics and visual inspection, lot by lot sampling -Environment and endurance test, periodical sampling. (7) Inventory and shipping control, such as storage environment, date code identification, handling and ESD (Electro Static Discharge) preventive procedure. 7 • MITSUBISHI ""ELECTRIC MITSUBISHI MICROPROCESSOR AND PERIPHERAL CIRCUITS ICs QUALITY ASSURANCE AND RELIABILITY TESTING Table 1 shows an example of reliability test program for plastic encapsulated Ie & LSI. 2.4 Returned Product Control When failed sales quest failure analysis is requested by a customer, the devices are returned to Mltsublshl Electric via the office of Mitsubishi using the form of "Analysis Reof Returned Product" Mitsubishi provides various failure analysis equipment to analyze the returned product. A failure analysis report is generated to the customer upon completion of the analysis. The failure analysis result enforces taking corrective action for the design, fabrication, assembly or testing of the product to improve reliability and realize lower failure rate. Figure 2 shows the procedure of returned product control from customer. FAILURE ANALYSIS r-------------------, ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS TEST CLASSIFICATION OF FAILURE MODES z ,---------~~~~~§ w Ul II: INTERNAL VISUAL INSPECTION CHIP ANALYSIS ~CE!'~A.!:!.CE REJECTION ________ _ I' I -,__-___- __- __...J______--fr CON'FiRMATiONOF-~ L_~I~REC~U~ _ _ ..J SURVEY OF PROCESS RECORD NO GO , Fig.2 1-24 PROCEDURE OF RETURNED PRODUCT CONTROL • MITSUBISHI "ELECTRIC MITSUBISHI MICROPROCESSOR AND PERIPHERAL CIRCUITS ICs QUALITY ASSURANCE AND RELIABILITY TESTING Table 4 MECHANICAL TEST RESULTS ~-:,:::: Package Pin Count 4 Solderability Lead Fatigue See Table 1 See Table 1 Shock Vibration Constant Acceleration See Table 1 Type Number'" Number of Samples Number of Failures Number of Samples Number of Failures Number of Samples Number of Failures 24P4 M5LB253P-5 2BP4 M5LB251AP-5 M5LB259AP 40P4 M5LBOB5AP M5LB255AP-5 60 30 30 30 30 2BP2W M5MB259AFP 15 40P2W M5M82C55AFP-5 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 30 22 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 22 15 30 30 22 22 22 22 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FAILURE ANALYSIS Accelerated reliability tests are applied to observe failures casued by temperature, voltage, humidity, current, mechanical stress and those combined stresses on chips and packages Examples of typical failure modes are shown below. (1) Wire Bonding Failure by Thermal Stress Figure 3, Figure 4 and Figure 5 are examples of a failure which occurs by high temperature storage test of 225"C, 1000hours. Au-AI Intermetallic formation, so-called "Purple plague", by thermal overstress makes Au wire lift off from aluminum metallization. The activation energy of this failure mode is estimated at approximately 1.0eV and no failure has been observed so far in practical uses. (2) Aluminum Corrosion Failure by Temperature/Humidity Stress. Figure 6, Figure 7 and Figure 8 are examples of corroded failure of aluminum metallization of plastic encapsulated IC after accelerated temperature/humidity storage test (pressure cooker test) of 121"C, 100% RH, 1000hours duration. Aluminum bonding pad is dissolved by penetrated water from plastic package, and chlorine concentration is observed on corroded aluminum bonding pad as shown in Figure 8. Fig.3 Micrograph of lifted Au ball trace on AI bonding pad Fig.6 Micrograph of corroded Aluminum metallization (3) Flg.4 Au-AI plague formation on bonding pad 1-26 Fig.5 Lifted Au wire ball base Destructive Failure by Electrical Overstress Surge voltage marginal tests have been performed to reproduce the electrical overstress failure in field uses. Figure 9 and Figure 10 are examples of failure observed by surge voltage test. The trace of destruction is verified as the aluminum bridge by X ray micro analysis. • MITSUBISHI ;"ELECTRIC MITSUBISHI LSls PRECAUTIONS IN HANDLING MOS ICs A MOS transistor has a very thin oxide insulator under the ing personnel should be grounded. Work tables should gate electrode on the silicon substrate. It is operated by be covered with copper or aluminum plates of good altering the conductance (gm) between source and drain to conductivity, and grounded. One method of grounding control mobile charges in the channel formed by the appl ied gate voltage. difference with electrical equipment, is by the use of a If a high voltage were applied to a gate terminal, the wristwatch metallic ring, etc. attached around the wrist insulator-film under the gate electrode could be destroyed, and grounded in series with a 1M .\1 resistor. Be sure that and all Mitsubishl MOS IC/lSls contain internal protection circuits at each input terminal to prevent this. It is inherently necessary to apply reverse bias to The P-N junctions of a MOS IC/lSI. personnel, after making sure that there is no potential the grounding meets national regulations on personnel safety. 2. Current leakage from electriC equipment must be prevented not only for personnel safety, but also to Under certain conditions, however, it may be impossible avert the destruction of MOS IC/lSls, as described to completely avoid destruction of the thin insulator-film above. Items such as testers, curve-tracers and synchro- due to the application of unexpectedly high voltage or scopes must be checked for current leakage before being thermal grounded. destruction due to excessive current from a forward biased P-N junction. The following recommendations should be followed in handling MOS devices. 4. PRECAUTIONS FOR MOUNTING OF MOS IC/LSls 1. KEEPING VOLTAGE AND CURRENT TO EACH TERMINAL BELOW MAXIMUM RATINGS 1. The printed wiring lines to input and output terminals 1. The recommended ranges of operating conditions of MOS IC/lSls should not be close to or parallel to high-voltage or high-power signal lines. Turning power on while the device IS short-circuited, either by a solder proVide adequate safety margins. Operating within these bridge made during assembly or by a probe during limits will assure maximum equipment performance and adjusting and testing, may cause maximum ratings to be quality. exceeded, which may result in the destruction of the 2. Forward bias should not be applied to any terminal since excessive current may cause thermal destruction. device. 2. When inputloutput, or input andlor output, term inals 3. Output terminals should not be connected directly to of MOS le/lSls (now open-circuits) are connected, the power supply. Short-circuiting of a terminal to a we must consider the possibility of current leakage and power supply having low impedance may cause burn-out take precautions similar to §2 above. To reduce such of the internal leads or thermal destruction due to undesirable trouble, it is recommended that an interface excessive current. circuit be inserted at the input or output terminal, or a resistor with a resistance that does not exceed the 2. KEEPING ALL TERMINALS AT THE SAME POTENTIAL DURING TRANSPORT AND STORAGE When MOS IC/lSls are not in use, both input and output terminals can be in a very high impedance state so that they are easily subjected to electrostatic Induction from AC fields of the surrounding space or from charged objects in their vicinity. For this reason, MOS IC/lSls should be protected from electrostatic charges while being transported and stored by conductive rubber foam, aluminum foil, shielded boxes or other protective precautions. output driving capability of the MOS IC/lSI be inserted between the power supply and the ground. 3. A filter circuit should be inserted in the AC power supply line to absorb surges which can frequently be strong enough to destroy aMOS IC/lSI. 4. Terminal connections should be made as described in the catalog while being careful to meet specifications. 5. Ungrounded metal plates should not be placed near input or output terminals of any MOS IC/lSls, since destruction of the insulation may result if they become electrostatically charged. 6. Equipment cases should provide shielding from electro- 3. KEEPING ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT, WORK TABLES AND OPERATING PERSONNEL AT THE SAME POTENTIAL 1. All electric equipment, work table surfaces and operat- 1-28 static charges for more reliable operation. When a plastic case is used, it is desirable to coat the inside of the case with conductive paint and to ground it. This is considered necessary even for battery-operated equipment. • MITSUBISHI "'ELECTRIC MITSUBISHI LSls MSMSOCSSAP-2/FP-21 J-2 CMOS a·BIT PARALLEL MICROPROCESSOR BLOCK DIAGRAM AD, x, ClK i-- x, ------«Y-: Vee Vss I I 8 I I I I I I I I H(8) U8) 0(8) E(a) 8(8) C(8) STACK POINTER (16) I I PROGRAM COUNTER (16) I I I L_ I I I -~ INTA I INTR RST 5.5 I RST RST 7.5 I TRAP SOD HlDA I READY I I . SID HOLD So 101M 6.5 2-4 • MITSUBISHI ...... ELECTRIC MITSUBISHI LSls MSM80C8SAP-2/FP-21 J-2 CMOS S-BIT PARALLEL MICROPROCESSOR PIN DESCRIPTIONS Pin X,. X2 RESET OUT SOD SID TRAP RST5.5 RST6.5 RST7.5 Name Input or Functions output Clock input In Reset output Out Serial output data Out Serial input data In Trap interrupt In Restart interrupt request In These pins are used to connect an external crystal to the internal clock generator An external clock pulse can also be input through Xl This signal indicates that the CPU is in the reset mode It can be used as a system RESET The signal is synchromsed to the processor clock This is an output data line for selial data, The output SOD may be set or reset by means of the SIM Instruction, It returns to high-level after the RESET. This is an mput data line for senal data, and the data on this line IS moved to the 7th bit of the accu- mulator whenever a RIM Instruction IS executed A non-maskable restart which IS recognized at the same time as an INTR It IS not affected by any mask or another interrupt It has the highest interrupt priority Input timing is the same as for INTR for these three signals They all cause an automatic insertion of an Internal RESTART RST 7.5 has the highest priority while RST 5.5 has the lowest All three slgnals have a higher PriOrity than INTR This signal is for a general purpose Interrupt and IS sampled only dUring the last clock cycle of the Interrupt request signal INTR instruction When an interrupt IS acknowledged, the program counter (PC) IS, held and an INTA slg- In nal IS generated During this cycle, a RESTART or CALL can be inserted to Jump to an interrupt service routine. The interrupt request may be enable and disable by means of software But It IS disable by the RESET and immeadlately after an accepted Interrupt. -INTA Interrupt acknowledge control signal Out ADo-AD 7 Bidirectional address and data bus Inlout Address bus Out As-A,5 - This signal IS used instead of RD dUring the instruction cycle after an INTR is accepted The low-order (110 address) appears during the first clock cycle' DUring the second and thIrd clock cycles, It becomes the data bus It remainS In the bus hold state during the HOLD and HALT modes. Output the high-order 8 bits of the memory address or the 8 bits of the 1/0 address It remains in the bus hold state dUring the HOLD and HALT modes. Indicates the status of the bus Status So. S, Out HALT WRITE READ. DAD FETCH The 8, signal can be S, 0 0 So 0 1 1 0 1 1 - used as an advanced R/W status This signal IS generated dUring the first clock cycle, to enable the address to be latched into the latches of ALE Address latch enable Out WR Write control Out RD Read control Out lo/Kif Data transfer control output Out peripherals The fall 109 edge of ALE is guaranteed to latch the address information The ALE can also be used to strobe the status Information, but it IS kept 10 the law-level state dUring bus Idle machine cycles Indicates that the data on the data bus IS to be written Into the selected memory at the failing edge of the signal WR It remains the bus hold state during the HOLD and HALT modes Indicates that the selected memory or 1/0 address IS to be read and that the data bus IS active for data transfer It remains In the bus hold state dUring the HOLD and HALT modes. This signal Indicates whether the read/wrlte IS to memory or to I/0s It remains In the bus hold state dUring the HOLD and HALT modes When It IS at high-level during a read or wnte cycle, the READY indicates that the memory or READY Ready input In peripheral IS ready to send or receive date. When the signal IS at low-level, the CPU will walt for the signal to turn high-level before completing the read or write cycle This signal (at least three clock cycles are necessary) sets the program counter to zero and resets RESET IN Reset input In Clock output Out Hold acknowledge signal Out the interrupt enable and HLDA flip-flops None of the other flags or registers (except the instruction register) are affected The CPU IS held m the reset mode as long as the signal is applied ClK HlDA Clock pulses are available from this pin when a cry;:;talls used as an mput to the CPU By this signal the processor acknowledges the HOLD request signal and mdlcates that It will relinquish the buses In the next clock cycle The signal IS returned to the lOW-level state after the HOLD request IS completed The processor resumes the use of the buses one half clock cycle after the signal HLDA gose lOW-level When the CPU receives a HOLD request It relinqUishes the use of the buses as soon as the current HOLD Hold request signal In machme cycle IS completed The CPU can regam the use of buses only after the HOLD state is removed Upon acknowledging the HOLD signal. the address bus. the data bus. RD. WR and 101M hnes are put Note 2-6 In the bus hold state HOLD. READY and all interrupt signals are synchronous with clock signal • MITSUBISHI . . . . ELECTRIC MITSUBISHI LSls MSM80C8SAP-2/FP-21 J-2 CMOS 8-BIT PARALLEL MICROPROCESSOR MACHINE INSTRUCTIONS ro ~~ Inst class 0706 050.03 .... •• n 01 01 01 00 DOD 1 1 0 DOD DOD MYI ". n o 0 1 1 0 LXI •• m 00 000 MOY MOY MOY rl. r2 II •• MYI <." <"" <."M M. M SP)+l M. M, M, M, M. M. , , M. M. M. 1M) , , M. M. M M. (M) (82) ,, M. M. M M. 1M) (82) , , M. M. M M. M) M M. (M) , , M. • MITSUBISHI . . . . ELECTRIC I M-,- X x x x x x 0 00000 X X X 1 X X X X o X * 2-8 M, M, (82) •• O. I D I I n Where. M-=(H)(L) S S • !lex M, M, o x X X X o X X X X 0 X x X X X 00000 00000 00000 , E I I <82) 00000 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 H X X I~~~~~ 1 0 1 0 1 1 I D (82) (82) n , NX INX I u"X DCX M, M, X X X X X H L -(D)(E) (H) (L) ...... «SP) f-1) (eSp» 000 000 000 ::: I (L) (H) Where. M-=(H) (L) ~~ 0:<0 (82) <83) M. M, (A)'" (A)V(r) (A) -(A)V(M) CAl ...... (Al ....... n fii~ M, M, , m m+l 1 2 ~ (jj:u (83) X X X X X n -- I 1 .. M, I I (m)-(L) (H) , , ' NA I (82) (m) 4 7 7 I~~: (82) M. A E E E c M. M. M. m 2 A 0 X X X 1 1 0 1 1 0 , M , , , X X X X X o 1 0 1 , X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X S 0 S , NA 0 (M) (A)-(m) (m+ ~ ~ ~ X X X X X X 1 01 1 o 1 1 01 CM, C .... CPO (d ~gl~~. (82) (83) 1 0 1 0 1.1 OA, M, x x x x n I ~:: M. M. Where. m= 1 1 0 M~(H)(L) X X X X X (0)-<82) (8) ..... (83) 3 o 1 0 ADC ADC AC, ~ 1 1 0 1 1 0 Mach S Z P CYzCy, Contents cycle- 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 AD, $ '0 '0 '0 LOA LHLD 0> 51 'in Instruction code Mnemonic State IS TI ** State IS T2 MITSUBISHI LSls MSM80C8SAP-2/FP-21 J-2 CMOS 8-BIT PARALLEL MICROPROCESSOR MACHINE INSTRUCTIONS SYMBOL MEANING Symbol Meaning Meanmg Symbol Bit pattern Two"byte data One·byte data <62) Second byte of Instruction (83) Third byte 01 Instruction AAA Binary representation for AST inStruction n a-bit data from the most to the least Slgmflcant 555 designating register or memory or 2-10 Program counler 5P Stack pointer 8 C D H Where L, M M;(H)(L) A bit S, Z, X, CY1, 0, P, X, CY2 (X IS Indeflmle) PC Data IS transferred Register or memory E DDD Meanmg Symbol Register direction shown Contents of register or memoy location 555 or DDD 0 0 o0 0 1 0 1 1 o 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 v ... InclUSive OR Exclusive OR Logical AND 1 s complement Content of flag 0 IS not changed after execution Content olflag IS set or reset aller execution Input mode 0 • MITSUBISHI ..... ELECTRIC In Output mode MITSUBISHI LSls MSM80C8SAP-2/FP-21 J-2 CMOS 8-BIT PARALLEL MICROPROCESSOR ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol Input voltage Vo Output voltage IOHMAX IOLMAX Ratings Unit -0.3-7 V -0. 3-V ee +0. 3 V Conditions Parameter Supply voltage Vee V, With respect to V55 MAX"H" All output and I/O pins output Output current "H" level and force same current. MAX"L" All output and 1/0 pins output Output current "L" level and force same current. Topr Operating free-air temperature range Tsto 8torge temperature range RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Vee Supply voltage Vss Supply voltage (GND) 4.5 I I Nom I ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Symbol Min V -500 J-lA 2.5 mA -20-75 "C -65-150 "c (Ta=-20-75"Cunless otherwise noted) Limits Parameter Symbol -0. 3-Vee+0. 3 5 0 I I Max 5.5 I Unit V V (Ta=-20-75t, Vee=5V±10%, Vss=ov. unless otherwise noted) Parameter Limits Test conditions Min Typ Max V'H H,gh·level input voltage 2.0 V'L Low-level input voltage -0.3 V 1HX X" X, High·level voltage 4.0 VeC+O.3 V1H(RESIN) High-level reset input voltage 2.4 Vce+O.3 VIL(RESIN) Low-level reset input voltage -0.3 VO H High·level output voltage VOL lee Low-level output voltage IOH=-400;.A 2.4 IOH=-20;.A 4.4 VeetO,3 0.8 0.8 0.45 15 Supply current from Vee (HALT) (Note 1 ) V V V V V V IOL=2mA Supply current from (Operation) Unit V 20 mA 7 10 mA 20 30 J-lA 10 J-lA Ices Supply current from Vee (Stand by) I, Input leak current V,=OV, Vee loz Off-state output current Vo=OV-Vee -10 10 J-lA ISHH Input current bus hold high V,=3.0V (Note 2 ) -50 -400 J-lA ISHL Input current bus hold low V,=O.8V (Note 3 ) 50 400 J-lA (Note 4 ) 10 pF (Note 4 ) 15 pF (Note4 ) 20 pF Vcc=,Vss, f= 1MHz Ci Co CliO Input terminal capacitance Output terminal capacitance Input/Output terminal capacitance 25mVrms, Ta=25'C Vee=Vss, f= 1MHz 25mVrms, Ta=25'C Vee=Vss, f= 1MHz 25mVrms, Ta=25'C Note 1 : -10 Ices should be measured after execution HALT instruction and then fixing clock on Vee or Vss V,=Vee or Vss, Vee=5, 5V, outputs unloaded. Note 2 . leHH should be measured after rasing V'N in bushold status to Vee and setting it for 3, OV. Measurable pins; ADo-AD?, A.-A", RD, WR, 101M Note 3 : leHL should be measured after lowering V'N in bushold status to Vss and setting it for O. 8V. Measurable pins; ADo-AD?, A.-A,s, RD, WR, 101M Note 4 : Unmeasured pins should be connected to Vss. 2-12 • MITSUBISHI ~ELECTRIC MITSUBISHI LSls MSMSOCSSAP-2/FP-21 J-2 CMOS 8-BIT PARALLEL MICROPROCESSOR Parameters described in the timing requirements and switching characteristics take relevant values in accord- ance with the relational expression shown in the following tables when the frequency is varied. Relational expression with the frequency T (tC(CLK» in the M5M80C85AP-2 nMMING REQUIREMENTS (Ta=-20-75"C, Vcc =5V±10%, Vss=ov, unless. otherwise noted) Symbol DA Input setup time tSU (OA-R'5) DA Input setup time tSU(RDY-AO) READY Input setup time tSU(OA-ALE) DA mput setup time CL = 150pF SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS Symbol ClK output low-level pulse width tW(CLK) ClK output high-level pulse width Id(Ao-ALE) Delay lime, address output to ALE signal td(ALE-AO) Delay time, ALE signal to address output tW(ALE) ALE pulse width td(ALE-CLK) Delay time, ALE to ClK td(ALE-CONT) Delay lime, ALE to conlrol signal tOZX(RO-AO) Address enable time from read td(CONT-AD) Address valid time after control signal Id(oA-wR) Delay time, data output to WR signal td(WR-DA) Delay time WR signal to data output tW(CONT) Control signal pulse width td(CONT-ALE) Delay time, CONT to ALE signal Id(cLK-HLoA) Delay time, ClK to HlDA signal tOXZ(HLDA-BUS) Bus disable lime from HlDA tOZX(HLDA-BUS) Bus enable time from HLDA td{ CONT.CONT) Control signal disable time Note 6 2-14 Relational expression (Note 6 ) limit 170-(5/2+N)T 150-(3/2+N)T 200 (3/2)T Min Min 150-(2+N)T Min Min (Ta=-20-7S'C, Vcc=5V±10%, Vss=ov, unless otherwise noted) Palameter tW(CLK) td(AD-COiiJf) Test conditions Parameter tSU(OA-AO) Test conditions I ADo-AD7 I Ae-A'5 C L=150pF Relational expression (Note 6 ) Min (3/2+N)T-70 Min (1/2)T-40 (3/2+N)T-70 (1/2)T-75 (1/2)T-60 (1/2)T+50 (1/2)T+50 (3/2)T-80 Min Delay time, address output to control I ADo-AD7 T-85 signal I Ae-A'5 T-85 N Indicates Ihe total number of walt cycles T=lc(CLKi • MITSUBISHI . . . . ELECTRIC Limit (1/2)T-60 (1/2)T-30 (1/2)T-50 (1/2)T-50 (1/2)T-50 (1/2)T-20 (1/2)T-50 (1/2)T-40 (1/2)T-10 (1/2)T-40 Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Max Max Min Min MITSUBISHI LSls MSM80C8SAP-2/FP-21 J-2 CMOS a·BIT PARALLEL MICROPROCESSOR Hold Cycle , T2 CLK ""\ HOLD Tl \ I,~ td~ thIHLD-CLKi HLDA THOLD \ / 1 tSUIHLD-CL3 T HOLO T3 t \ I toxz( HLDA- BUS) tOZX(HLDA-BUS) . I I ~~ (ADDRESS, CONTROLS) BUS II I Interrupt and Hold Cycle Tl T2 T3 T5 Ts T HOLD As-15 ADo-7 CALL INST BUS HOLD ALE RD INTR INTA tOZX(HLDA-BUS) ,".J: HOLD .::.::+_++...:t",hIHLD-CLKi HLDA --------------------------~t:tt-D-XZ-IH-L-DA---B-US-i----------~ td(ClK-HLOA) Clock Output Timing Waveform Xl INPUT CLOCK OUTPUT 2-16 • MITSUBISHI . . . . ELECTRIC I Tl T2 MITSUBISHI LSls MSM80C8SAP-21 FP-21 J-2 CMOS a-BIT PARALLEL MICROPROCESSOR DRIVING CIRCUIT OF X1 AND X2 INPUTS Input terminals, Xl and X2 of the M5M80C85AP-2 can be driven by either a crystal or external clock. Since the driver clock frequency is divided to 112 internally, the input frequency required is twice the actual execution frequency (10MHz for the M5M80C85AP-2 which is operated at 5MHz) RELATION OF RIM AND SIM INSTRUCTIONS WITH THE ACCUMULATOR (SUPPLEMENTARY DESCRIPTION). The contents of the accumulator after the execution of a RIM instruction is shown in Fig.7 . , - - - - - - - - - - - - - S E R I A L INPUT DATA (SID) 1 x, .---_ _.----'-1 ~ ± ,--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ STATE OF UNFULFILLED INTERRUPT REQUEST ~--+----=-1T x, 17.5·STATE OF PENDING FLIP-FLOP r 16.5)·STATE OF TERMINALS 15.5 RST 6.5 AND RST 5.5 STATE OF INTERRUPT ENABLE [ OSCILLATION FREQUENCY BELOW 10MHz PARALLEL RESONANT CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR IS USED Fig. 5 Connections when crystal is used for X 1 and X 2 inputs ~ ~FLAG External Clock Driver Circuit V ,H ;;: ,--------A----. 'CONTENTS OF ACCUMULATOR 7 Fig.7 1 Relation of the 81M instruction RIM with the accumulator O. BVee The contents of the accumulator after the execution of a SIM instruction is shown in Fig. 8 . HIGH TIME;;: 40ns LOW TIME;;: 40ns ----i STATE OF INTERRUPT MASK 1 WHEN THE MASK IS SET) r--- ( , d, d, d IE I.IM7·1M6.5,M5.5, d. d, d ISID.•.,7.5.,6.5.,5.5. 2 Fig. 5 is a typical connection diagrams for a crystal respectively. (1 WHEN ENABLE) . - - - - - - - - - - - - S E R I A L OUTPUT DATA ~oO-----L-----tX, , - - - - - - - - - - S O D SET ENABLE VALUE IN BIT 7 IS TRANSFERRED TO SOD LATCH WHEN SSE IS 1 MSM80C8SAP-2 . - - - - - - - - - - N O T USED , - - - - - - - R S T 7.5 PENDING RESET PENDING FLIP-FLOP OF RST 7.5 IS RESET WHEN R7.5 IS 1 .-------MASK SET ENABLE ENABLES SET IRESET OF MASKS FOIi BITS 0-2, WHEN MSE IS 1 X, open Tl[-[=j r WAIT STATE GENERATOR Fig. 6 shows a typical 1-wait state generator for low speed RAM and ROM applications. MASK SET/RESET OF RST7.5 MASK SET IRESET OF RST 6. 5 -MASK SET/RESET OF RST 5. 5 SET=1 INTERRUPT DISABLE RESET=O INTERRUPT ENABLE ~~~~~.r.r.-~ IlsoolSSEI x IR7.5IMSEIM7.5IM6.5IM5.51~g~~~~TL~-?6R 76543210 M5M80C85AP-2 CLK(OUT) j ~ I 1 2D 2CK 2Q M7 4LS7 4P lRD lCK lQ ( -.lD 1 READY M5M80C85AP-2 Fig. 8 Relation of the 81M instruction with the accumulator 1'- IALEJ +5V M5MBOC85AP-2 Fig. 6 2-18 I-wait state generator • MITSUBISHI ...... ELECTRIC MITSUBISHI LSls MSLSOSSAP S·BIT PARALLEL MICROPROCESSOR PIN DESCRIPTIONS Pin X" X2 RESET OUT SOD SID TRAP RST5.5 RST6,5 RST7.5 Name Input or Functions output Clock input In Reset output Out Serial output data Out Serial input data In Trap interrupt In Restart interrupt request In These PinS are used to connect an external crystal or RC ClfCUlt to the internal clock generator An external clock pulse can also be Input through-Xl This signal Indicates that the CPU IS In the reset mode It can be used as a system RESET The slg~ nal is synchronised to the processor clock This IS an output data. Ime for senal data The output SOD may be set or reset by means of the 81M Instruction It returns to high-level after the RESET This IS an mput data Ime for serial data, and the data on this line mUlator whenever a RIM instruction A non-maskable restart which IS IS IS moved to the 7th bit of the accu- executed. recognized at the same time as an INTR It IS not affected by any mask or another Interrupt It has the highest mterrupt Priority Input timing IS the same as for INTR for these three signals They all cause an automatic insertion of an '"ternal RESTART RST 7.5 has the highest Priority while RST 5.5 has the lowest All three slg· nals have a higher prlonty than INTR This signal IS for a general purpose Interrupt and IS sampled only dUring the last clock cycle of the InstructIOn When an Interrupt IS acknowledged, the program counter (PC) IS held and an INTA slg- Interrupt request signal In -INTA Interrupt acknowledge control signal Out ADo-AD7 Bidirectional address and data bus Inlout Address bus Out INTR nal IS generated DUring this cycle, a RESTART or CALL can be Inserted to Jump to an Interrupt service routme The Interrupt request may be enable and disable by means of software But It IS disable by the RESET and Immeadlately after an accepted Interrupt As-A'5 This signal IS used Instead of RD during the instruction cycle after an INTR IS accepted The low-order (110 address) appears dUring the first clock cycle Dunng the second and third clock cycles, it becomes the data bus It remains 10 the high-Impedance state dunng the HOLD and HALT modes Output the high-order 8 bits of the memory address or the 8 bits of the 1/0 address It remains In the high-Impedance state dunng the HOLD and HALT modes Indicates the status of the bus So, S, Status Out HALT WRITE READ, DAD FETCH S, 0 0 So 0 , ,, , 0 - The 81 signal can be used as an advanced R/W status This signal IS generated durmg the first clock cycle, to enable the address to be latched mto the latches of ALE Address latch enable Out WR Write control Out peripherals The failing edge of ALE IS guaranteed to latch the address Information The ALE can also be used to strobe the status mformatlon, but It IS kept m the low-level state dUring bus Idle machine cycles. RD - 101M Read control Out Data transfer control output Out Indicates that the data on the data bus IS to be written IOta the selected memory at the fallmg edge - of the signal WR It remains the high-impedance state during the HOLD and HALT modes Indicates that the selected memory or I/O address IS to be read and that the data bus IS active for data transfer It remains In the high-Impedance state dUring the HOLD and HALT modes This signal mdlcates whether the read/wnte IS to memory or to lIDs It remains In the hlgh-Ipedance state dUring the HOLD and HALT modes When It IS at hIgh-level dUTIng a read or write cycle, the READY indicates that the memory or READY ---RESET IN Ready input In penpheral IS ready to send or receive date When the signal IS at low-level, the CPU Will walt for the signal to turn high-level before completing the read or wnte cycle ThIs signal (at least three clock cycles are necessary) sets the program counter to zero and resets Reset input In Clock output Out Hold acknowledge Signal Out the Interrupt enable and HLOA flip-flops None of the other flags or registers (except the mstructlon register) are affected The CPU IS held In the reset mode as long as the signal IS applied ClK HlDA Clock pulses are available from this pin when a crystal or RC circuit is used as an Input to the CPU By thiS signal the processor acknowledges the HOLD request signal and Indicates that It Will rehnqUlsh the buses In the next clock cycle The signal IS returned to the lOW-level state after the HOLD request IS completed The processor resumes the use of the buses one half clock cycle after the signal HLDA gose low-level When the CPU receives a HOLD request It relinquishes the use of the buses as soon as the current HOLD Hold request signal In machine cycle IS completed The CPU can regain the use of buses only after the HOLD state is removed Upon acknowledging the HOLD signal, the address bus, the data bus, RD, WR and loiiii! lines are put In the high-Impedance state Note 2-20 HOLD, READY and all Interrupt signals are synchronous with clock signal • MITSUBISHI "ELECTRIC MITSUBISHI LSls MSL808SAP a-BIT PARALLEL MICROPROCESSOR MACHINE INSTRUCTIONS 't 10 a a a ~ b>~.em Instruction code MnemoniC In5t;s""class 0106 MOV MOV MOV MYI rl.n o 050.03 ODD '. M , • n 1 01 01 o 0 MVI M. n o 0 LX' a .m o 0 1 1 0 o 0 0 0 1 1 0 3 • 10 2 3 o o 10 3 3 0 1 1 <82> LX, LX, . LX, O.m H .m SP,m o 1 1 0 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 M M, (82) X x X x x x x x (82) (Llo----(82> (H) .... (83) m =<83>(82) (83) x x x x x (SP)---m LDAX 0 SfA m o o (82) 0 o c 0 "." 1 1 1 o 1 0 3 A 13 3 4 (Al..-.-(m) O' 1 <82> <.. > o 0 o 1 0 2 2 16 3 5 (m) ....... (L) (m+1}--(H) o 1 0 2 A 16 3 5 0 1 1 0 1 1 E a E 3 4 16 1 1 1 5 4 1 7 7 A A (Al -- (A) + (M) (A) 0-- (A) t- n Where M - (H) (L) 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 (Al -(Al + {rl /- (CY2) (A} ...· (Al t (M) + (CY2) (A) ..... (Al I• (CY2) Where M , 3 3 3 3 (H) (L) •.. (H) (Ll ' (8) (C) (H) (L) ..... (H) (L) + (D) (E) x x :~: :~: =- :~: :~:: :~iJLl x x m o SHLD m o LHLD m o 0 1 o 1 LOA <82> x x x m M. (m) , +1 M. M, (Ll (H) m m +1 M. M, 1m) (m+ 1) (SP) (SP) + 1 M, M, «SP) ) (SP +1) m m 0 0 <83> <82) (83) XCMG XTML I;~~ AD. AOC AOC AC, , M n , M n 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 o 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 o o o 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 S! u ANA ANA AN, ~ ~ ~ XAA XAA XA, c ~ &~ ~." ~~ "'.E ~ ~~~ *~~ &8~ , , M n , M n , 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 , DAA DAA DA, M n CM. CM. CPO M n 1 0 1 0 1 1 , o o NA , NA IOCA ~CA , , , , NX NX NX NX IU"X OCX OCx OCX RLC , M , M a, 0 H S. a 0 H s. 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o o o o o o 00 1 o 1 1 1 1 1 1 o 1 0 o 1 0 o 1 0 <82> o 1 1 o 1 1 o 1 1 <82> 1 o 0 1 o 0 1 o 0 <82> 1 o 1 1 o 1 1 o 1 <82> 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 <82> 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 <82> ODD 1 1 0 1 o , o 0 0 1 1 0 o 0 0 o 1 0 1 .1 o o 1 1 o o 0 1 0 0 1 1 o 1 0 1 1 1 0 o o o o 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 0 1 1 0 o • 7 2 I2 • E o E 7 7 1 1 2 1 2 2 (Al ---(A) ~ I. ) (A)-IA) 1M) (Al -- (Al- 1 2 2 ' (Al <- (A) A(r) (Al -(A) A(M) '(A)" (Al A • •• 1 1 0 1 1 0 Where M 2 (A)<- (AlV(rl IA) - (A)V(M) (A) <- (Al...,.. n Where M (A) "-'(A) \ (r) (A)"-'(A)\ (M) {Al ---(Al \ Where, M A • E • 5 5 5 1 1 0 1 1 0 5 5 5 1 1 0 1 1 0 5 5 5 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 o 0 1 o 0 1 o 1 1 0 1 o 1 1 o 1 1 o 1 1 0 1 1 o 1 1 o 1 1 0 1 1 o 1 1 1 1 1 00--1--111 o AAL o 0 o 1 0 1 1 1 o 0 o 1 1 1 1 1 o o o o 0 0 0 0 1 o 1 1 o 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 7 a E F E 3 3 o 1 2 3 o 1 2 3 o 2 7' 1 1 7 2 4 a • F • 2 j I; 4 A E E E , , I2 '! 7 7 1 1 I 2 2 2 4 , i 1 7 7 " 2 , 1 10 1 4 I 5 10 1 1 3 6 1 3 6 6 1 3 1 3 1 a a 1 6 B 6 1 B i , 1 1 7 i 4 , 4 ,, 0.+, , 2 2 1 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 o<:lc:J ~- Accumu CMA campen OAA Carry se t STC CMC 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 , , , • , t-i-i- • 1 1 F 1 1 2 F 2 1 1 1 1 ~4 1 1 IA)-(A) (Al ..-. (Al IA)-(A) Ie) 1M) (H) IL) (CYz) (CYzl (eY2) , , Where M I Compare, Where " I (r) ..... ( r)+ 1 (M) ..... (M)+ 1 (r) ...... ( r) 1 (8) (C) t (D) (El· (0) (El t (H) (L). (H) (Ll t (SPl - (sP) f 1 (8) (c) - (8) (C) (D) (El <- (0) (E) (H) (L) <-- (H) ( l l (sp) <--, (SP) , Right shift (A)- M (H) (L) (H) (L) (H) (L) = (H) (L) (H) (L) x o AlAs A1AO~l 00000 00000 00000 M 000 000 000 0 0 0 1 1 1 M 000 000 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 M 000 000 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 M 00000 00000 00000 M 66-6 x 6 X X X X x x X X 0 X x X X 0 x CYz~_ _ ~ W x x x o x x x x M. M. X M. , , M. M. , , M. M. ~~ M M. M M. , M. State IS T2 1M) I .1 I 00000 I X ey, x • MITSUBISHI "-ELECTRIC , , (M) <8z> X x x X X X X ~6_.~_.~ M. ,82> X X 1 X x x 0 x -- • 2-22 M. M. (82) X CYz~----== A1AO_~ x , , (M) M, M, ~ M 000 x 0 1 M. M. M, M. M. (M) <8z> X~x (H) (Ll 1 M M. M, , , , , <82> 000001 00000 00000 1 X X X X x X x X x x x x x X x X x X x x x X x x x X X X x x x v , , X X X Where. M 1 e"G- x o x x o 000 x 0 000 x 0 Results 0 blnarv addition are adjusted to B D CYz (CYz) <- M. M 00000 00000 00000 (H) ( l l 1 1 1 Right shift CY2Q _ Left shift 12525252525 M Where (M)-(M)~l Left shift (H) (L) " (8) (e)' x x x X x x x x x X Where, M , (A) (e) (Al - (M) IA) x x x 7 5 •• 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 • •• •• • • AAC 0 • 1 2 • 3 • X 00000 (82) DAD DAD DAD DAD sua sua x M. ~~ State IS TI j--•• ~- MITSUBISHI LSls MSL808SAP I-BIT PARALLEL MICROPROCESSOR MACHINE INSTRUCTIONS SYMBOL MEANING Symbol Meaning Bit pattern Two-byte data (82) 60ns 7 are typical connection diagram for a crystal circuit respectively. M5L8085AP 4700 L.....--4--j X2 Pullup resistors are required to assure that the high level voltage of the Input IS at least 4V OSCILLATION FREQUENCY 1~6MHz PARALLEL RESONANT CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR IS USED Fig. 2-32 7 Connections when crystal is used for Xl and X2 inputs • MITSUBISHI ..... ELECTRIC MITSUBISHI LSls MSL8212P 8- BIT INPUT jOUTPUT PORT WITH 3- STATE OUTPUT DESCRIPTION The M5L8212p is an Input/output port consisting of an 8-bit latch with 3-state output buffers along with control and device selection logic. Also a service request flip-flop for the generation and control of interrupts to a microprocessor IS included. PIN CONFIGURATION (TOP VIEW) DEVICE SELECT DS, - • • • • • • vee (5V) 1 -INT ~J~~~grTSIGNAL 22-DI, DATA INPUT MODE INPUT MD- 2 FEATURES Parallel 8-blt data register and buffer Service request flip-flop for interrupt generation Three-state outputs Low input load current: I'L =-250,uA( max.) High output sink current: IOL =16mA(max,) High-level output voltage for direct interface to a M5L8085AP, CPU: VoH =3. 65V( min.) 2 -DO, DATA OUTPUT 2 +- DI, DATA INPUT 1 -DO, DATA OUTPUT 1 -DI, DATA INPUT 7-DO, DATA OUTPUT DATA INPUT DI,- 9 DATA OUTPUT DO,-l STROBE I NPUT STB - APPLICATION 16-Dls DATA INPUT (OV)GND Input/output port for a M5L8085AP Latches, gate buffers or multiplexers Peripheral and input/output functions for microcomputer systems FUNCTION - 11 DOs DATA OUTPUT -CLR CLEAR 12 _ _ _ _.r - DS, DEVICE SELECT ~ Outline 24P4 Device select 1 (OS,), and device select 2 (OS2) are used for chip selection when the mode input MO is low. When OS, is low and OS2 is high, the data in the latches is transferred to the data outputs DO, - DOs, and the service request flip-flop SR is set. Also, the strobed input STS is active, the data inputs 01 , - Dis are latched in the data latches, and the service request flip-flop SR is reset. When MO is high, the data in the data latches is transferred to the data outputs. When OS, is low and OS2 is high, the data inputs are latched in the data latches. The low-level clear input CLR resets the data latches and sets the service request flip-flop SR, but the state of the output buffers is not changed. BLOCK DIAGRAM r--------------------. STROBE INPUT STB MODE INPUT 11 DEVICE SELECT DS, DEVICE SELECT I INTERRUPT CONTROL SIGNAL Dh DATA INPUTS CLEAR 2-34 Diz 5 Db 7 DI, 9 Dis 16 01, 18 DI, 20 01, 22 DATA OUTPUTS ~------~--------------------_4==i[~F=~-=~~-------------{21 CLR 14 ~ I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _._J • MITSUBISHI ...... ELECTRIC DO, MITSUBISHI LSls MSL8212P 8-BIT INPUT/OUTPUT PORT WITH 3-STATE OUTPUT SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS (T a=O-75'C, Vee=5V±5%, unless otherwise noted) Limits Symbol Unit Test conditions (Note 4) Parameter Min tpHL(OI~OO) High-to-Iow-Ievel and low-to-high-Ievel output propagation tPLH (Ol-DO) time, from Input 01 to output DO Typ Max 30 ns 40 ns 40 ns 45 ns 45 ns 55 ns CL =30pF, R,,=300n, R,,=600n tPHUOS2-DO) High-to-Iow-Ievel and low-to-hlgh-Ievel output propagatIOn tPLH (OS2-DO) time. from input DS1, DS2 and STS to output DO tPHUSTB-INT) High-io-iow-ievel output propagation time, from Input STB to output INT tPZL(MD-DO) Z-to-Iow-Ievel and Z-to-high-Ievel output propagation CL =30pF, R,,=300n, R,,=600n tPZH(MD-DO) time, from inputs MD, DSl and DS2 to output DO CL =30pF, R,,=10kn, R,,=lkn tPHZ(MD-OO) High-to-Z-Ievel and low-to-Z-Ievel output propagation C L =5pF, R,,=10kn, R,,=lkn tPLZ(MD-OO) time, from inputs MD, DSl and DS2 to output DO CL =5pF, R,,=300n, R,,=600n High-to-Iow-Ievel output propagation time, from Input tPHL(CLR_DO) C L =30pF. R,,=300n, R,,=600n CLR to output DO Note 4: Test circuit Vee T R" IN OUT RL.2 2-36 • MITSUBISHI ;"ELECTRIC MITSUBISHI LSls MSL8216P / MSL8226P 4-BIT PARALLEL BIDIRECTIONAL BUS DRIVERS DESCRIPTION The M5LB216P and M5LB226P are 4-bit bidirectional bus drivers and suitable for the B-bit parallel CPU M5LBOB5AP. CHIP s~~~8t FEATURES • • • • • PIN CONFIGURATION (TOP VIEW) Parallel 8-bit data bus buffer driver I'L =-500,uA(max.) Low input current OlEN, CS: 01, DB: I'L =-250,uA(max.) High output current M5L8216P IOL =55mA( max.) DB: IOH=-10mA(max.) IOH=-lmA(max.) DO: M5LB226P DB: IOL=50mA(max.) IOH=-10mA(max.) DO: IOH=-lmA(max.) Outputs can be connected with VoH =3.65V(min.) the CPU M5LBOB5AP: Three-state output cs- vee (5V) DATA OUTPUT 000- DATA INPUT 010 - 4 12 - 01, DATA INPUT DATA OUTPUT 00,- BIDIR6~·no~Ct DB, - 11 - 002 DATA OUTPUT DATA INPUT 01, - 10 - DB2 9 - 012 DATA INPUT (OV) GND g~i~E~J~ONAL Outline 16P4 APPLICATION Bidirectional bus driver/receiver for various types of microcomputer systems. FUNCTION The M5LB216P is a non-inverting and the M5LB226P is an inverting 4-bit bidirectional bus driver. When the terminal CS is. high-level, all outputs are in high-impedance state, and when low-level, the direction of the bidirectional bus can be controlled by the terminal OlEN. The terminal OlEN controls the data flow. The data flow control is performed by placing one of a pair of buffers in high-impedance state and allowing the other to transfer the data. BLOCK DIAGRAM DATA INPUT 010 4}-----n>---+~ DATA INPUT 010 DATA OUTPUT 000 2 )----1--<1-+--' DATA INPUT Db 7j---+--t::>---+- DATA OUTPUT DO, 5l---f--- ---+~ DATA OUTPUT 003 14}---+--<:'--+--' 12 DATA OUTPUT 003 14 1 cs CHIP SELECT INPUT ENABLE I~~~~ 'BiEN 15 M5L8226P M5L8216P 2-3B 4 DATA OUTPUT 000 2 • MITSUBISHI ..... ELECTRIC MITSUBISHI LSls MSL8216P /MSL8226P 4-BIT PARALLEL BIDIRECTIONAL BUS DRIVERS SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS Symbol tPHL(OB-DO) tpLH ( DB-DO) tPHUOI-DB) tPLH(OI_DB) tPHZ(cs-oo) (Vee=5V±5%, Ta=25'C, unless otherwise noted) Parameter Test conditions Hlgh-to-Iow and low-to-hlgh output propagation time. from input DB to output DO CL=30pF, RLl=300n, RL2=600n High-to-Iow and low-to-high, output propagation time. from Input 01 to output DB CL=300pF, RLl=90n, RL2=180n M5L8216P M5L8226P limits (Note 3) Min Typ 25 30 25 CL=5pF, RLl=10kn, RL2=lkn High-to-Z and low-to-Z output propagation time. from inputs OlEN CS, to output DO 35 ~-- tPLZ(CS-DO) CL=5pF, RLl=300n, RL2=600n M5L8216P tPZHCCS-DO) Output enable time. M5L8226P from inputs OlEN CS to output DO M5L8216P tPZL(Cs-DO) tPHZCCS-OB) tPLZ(Cs-DB) 54 54 CL=5pF, RLl=10kn, RL2=lkn OlEN. CS. to output DB M5L8216P tPZL(Cs-DB) 65 CL=300pF, RLl=10kn, RL2=lkn 54 65 CL=300pF, RLl=90n, RL2=180n M5L8226P TIMING DIAGRAM 35 CL=5pF, RLl=90n, RL2=180n M5L8216P M5L8226P 65 CL=30pF, RLl=300n, RL2=600n Output disable time, from inputs OlEN. CS to output DB Output enable time from Inputs 65 CL=30pF, RLl=10kn, RL2=lkn M5L8226P tPZHCCS-DB) Max 54 (Reference level=1.5V) Note Unit ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns 3: Test circuit DBa-DB, Dlo-DI, - - - - ' " "--:t-PL-H~(D-B-_-DO-:)-''l"tp-LH-:(-:D-'_-D~B)-:-- ______,,1 Vee tPHL(OB-DO), tPHUOI-DBJ 000- 00, DBa-DB, _ _ _ _ _J' ' -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ RLl OUT tPHZ(CS-DO), tPHZ(Cs-DS) tPLZ(Cs-DO), tPLZ(Cs-DB) m-------j'" DBIN 15 APPLICATION EXAMPLES 4DIDIEN 3 2 DB 7 DO 6 5 9 M5L8216P OR 11~ M5L8226P Fig. 1 shows a pair of M5L8216Ps or M5L8226Ps which are directly connected with the 8080A CPU data bus, and their control signal. Fig. 2 shows an example circuit in which the M5L8216P or M5L8226P is used as an interface for memory and 110 to a bidirectional bus. 13 14 DBa OB, DB, DB, SYSTEM DATA BUS 8080A 15 DB, DBs DB, 13 CS DB, BUsrn Fig. 1 2-40 • MITSUBISHI ~ELECTRIC Data bus buffer MITSUBISHI LSls MSL8282P/MSL8283P OCTAL LATCH ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (T a =0-75'C, unless otherwise noted) Parameter Symbol Vee Supply voltage V, Input voltage Va Output voltage Topr Operating free-alf temperature range Tstg_ Storage temperature range Conditions RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Symbol Unit V -0.5-+5.5 V -0.5- V ee V 0-+75 "C -65-+150 "C (Ta=0-7S"C, unless otherwise noted) Limits Parameter Min Unit Nom Max 5 Vee Supply voltage 5.5 V 10H High-level output current I VoH ;;,2.4V 0 -5 10L Low-level output current I Vo,;i;O.45V 0 32 rnA rnA 4.5 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Symbol Ratings -0.5-+7 (T a=0-7S'C , unless otherwise noted) Parameter Limits Test conditions V ,H High-level Input voltage V IL Low-level input voltage Vie Input clamp voltage Vcc=4.5V, l,c=-5mA V OH High-level output voltage Vcc=4.5V, IOH=-5mA VOL LOW-level output voltage Vcc=4.5V, 10'=32mA IOZH Off-state output current, high-level applied to the output Vcc=5.5V, V,=2V, Vo=5. 25V IOZL Off-state output current, low-level applied to the output Vcc=5.5V, V,=2V, Vo=O. 4V Min Typ Max 2 Unit V 0.8 V -1 V 0.45 V 2.4 V I'H High-level Input current Vcc =5. 5V, V,=5. 25V 50 III LOW-level input current Vcc=5. 5V, V,=O.45V -0.2 lee Supply current Vcc =5.5V 80 J..) l-MEGABYTE ... V ADDRESS BUS ~~ ~OE M5L8286P TRANSCEIVER ' - -_ _,,', (2) A K:=======J16-BIT DATA BUS (2) Use in the minimum mode r Vcc 1 r rD~ M5L8284AP MN/MX I---Vcc CLOCK...... GENERATOR CLK MIlO RES ro- READY INTA ~ RESET RDY T )CC""'" '" RD WR DT/R DEN MELPS 86 CPU -----1 I I I I I I I I ----l ALE I I A ADo-AD" A16 ...... A19 " ,",1\£ SHE I--- r-----' I :~ ;"DATA " I I I I , STB I I I I I OE M5L8282P LATCH 20R3 r I : '\ l-MEGABYTE ADDRESS BUS -'-'-"1","":"' - - ( .J r-----' ----, I : L_-,~ I I I I M5L8286P * I ~ ~---tOE " • TRANSCEIVER (2) I I I I IL _____ .JU * : Option Required when the number of devices driving the bus increases 3-6 " • MITSUBISHI ~ELECTRIC MITSUBISHI LSls MSL8284AP CLOCK GENERATOR AND DRIVER PIN DESCRIPTIONS Inpul Name Pin or Function Inpul When AENl and AEN2 are sel low. RDYl and RDY2 are enabled. respecllvely. By using Ihese two inpuls separately, the CPU can be used to access two Multlbusses. When not used as a multimaster, AEN should oulpul AEN1. AEN2 RDY1. RDY2 Address enable Inpul be set to low. These mputs are active low. These inputs are connected to the output signal indicating the completion of data reception from a system Bus ready inpul Inpul bus deVice or. indicaling Ihal dala IS valid RDYl and RDY2 are.enabled when AENl and AEN2 are low. respectively. These inputs are active high. This signal is used to select the synchronization mode of the READY signal generation Circuit. When the ASYNC Active low input Inpul ASYNC signal Is sel low. Ihe READY signal is generaled 10 two synchronlzalion sleps. When Ihe ASYNC signal is set high, the READY signal IS generated in one step READY Ready oulpul Oulpul The state of ROY appears at this output In synchronization with the elK output This is done to synchronize Ihe READY oulpul 10 Ihe M5L8284AP mlernal clock because Ihe RDY inpul generalion is unrelaled 10 Ihe CLK signal. This pin IS normally connecled 10 Ihe CPU ready inpul and cleared after Ihe reqUired hold CPU time has elapsed. These pins are used to connect the crystal. The crystal frequency is 3 times of CPU clock frequency The Cryslal elemenl terminals Inpul FIC Clock seleclion inpul Inpul EFI Exlernal clock inpul Inpul ClK Clock oulpul X,. X2 - crystal should be in the 12-25M Hz range with the serres resistance as possible as small. Care should be laken Ihat Ihese pms are not shorled 10 ground When FIC is sel low. CLK and PCLK oulpuls are driven from the cryslal oscLlIalor circuli When il is sel high. Ihey are driven from Ihe EFI mput. When FIC is sel high, CLK and PCLK oulput signals are driven from Ihls pin. A TTL level reclangular signal and Ihree limes of Ihe CPU frequency should be used. This output is connected to the clock in puis of the CPU and the peripheral deVices on the local bus. The Oulpul output waveform is 1/3 the frequency of the crystal oscillator connected at Xl and Xl or the signal applied to Ihe FEI inpul. and has a duly cycle of 1/3. Since for Vcc=5V. VOH=4. 5V. Ihls oulpul can be dlreclly drive the CPU clock input. PClK asc -RES RESET CSYNC 3-8 Peripheral clock oulpul Oscilialor oulpul Resel inpul Reset output Clock input synchronization Oulpul Oulpul Inpul Oulpul This output provides a clock signal for use with peripheral devices. The output waveform is 50% duty cycle TTL level rectangular waveform with a frequency 1/2 that of the clock output. Thi~ output is a TTL level crystal oscillator output. The frequency IS the same as that of the crystal con- nected at Xl and X2, but care should be taken as the frequency will be unstable if these pins are left open. This active low mput is used to generate the reset output signal for the CPU The Input IS a schmitt tngger input so that by connecting a capacitor and a resistor, the CPU reset signal can be generated at power on. This pm IS connected to the CPU reset input. The signal at this pin is synchronized the RES input With the CLK signal. This oulpul is aclive high. When using multiple M5L8284AP devices. Ihis mpul is used as a clock synchronlZalLon inpul When CSYNC Inpul is high. Ihe inlernal counler of Ihe M5L8284AP is resel and when CSYNL LS low. II begins operation. CSYNC must be synchronized with EFI. See application notes. • MITSUBISHI " " ELECTRIC MITSUBISHI LSls MSL8284AP CLOCK GENERATOR AND DRIVER SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS (Vcc=SV±10%, Ta=O-7S"C, unless otherwise noted) Alternate Symbol Limits symbol CLK repetition period Te Min CLK high pulse width TW 0---........ (EFIi 3-14 • MITSUBISHI . . . . ELECTRIC MITSUBISHI LSls MSL8286P/MSL8287P OCTAL BUS TRANSCEIVER DESCRIPTION The M5L8286P and M5L8287P are semiconductor integrated circuits consisting of a set of eight 3-state output bus transceivers for use with a variety of microprocessor systems. PIN CONFIGURATIONS (TOP VIEW) vee FEATURES • • 3-state, high-fanout outputs (l oL = 16mA, IOH = -1 mA for the A 'outputs and 10L = 32mA, IOH = - 5mA for the B outputs) Low power dissipation LOCAL BUS DATA SYSTEM BUS DATA APPLICATION Two-way bus transceivers for microcomputer systems OUTPUT ENABLE INPUT (ov) GND FUNCTION The M5L8286P and M5L8287P are two-way bus transceivers with non-inverted and inverted outputs respectively. When the output enable input OE is high, the local bus data pins Ao - A7 and system data pins Bo - B7 are both placed in the high-impedance state. When the output enable input OE is low, the input and output states are controlled by the transmit input T. When T is high, Ao-A7 are input pins and Bo-B7 are output pins. When T is low, Bo- B7 are input pins and Ao- A7 are output pins. 11 -T TRANSMIT INPUT Outline 20P4 vee LOCAL BUS DATA SYSTEM BUS DATA OUTPUT ENABLE INPUT 11 - (OV) GND T TRANSMIT INPUT Outline 20P4 BLOCK DIAGRAM LOCAL BUS DATA SYSTEM BUS DATA OUTPUTE~~:b~ OE 9)--~===::::'..l---(1I LOCAL BUS DATA T TRANSMIT INPU,fUTPUT E~~:M SYSTEM BUS DATA OE 9)---~===:::1-{1I 10 GND (Ov) M5L8286P 3-16 M5L8287P • MITSUBISHI . . . . ELECTRIC T TRANSMIT INPUT 10 GND (Ov) MITSUBISHI LSls MSL8286P/MSL8287P OCTAL BUS TRANSCEIVER SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS Symbol t pLH t pHL t PZH t PZL t pHZ t pLZ (Vee=5V±10%, Ta=0-75"C , unless otherwise noted) Parameter Alternate Test symbol conditIons Low-level to high-level and high-level and low-level transition time from input A B to outputs B, A TIVOV Output enable time from OE input to A or B output mput to A or B output Symbol Typ Min Unit Limits Max Min Typ Max 5 30 5 22 ns TELOV 10 30 10 30 ns TEHOZ 5 18 5 18 ns (Vee=5V±10%, Ta =0-75'C, unless otherwise noted) Alternate Parameter Test conditions Symbol tsu T setup time with respect to DE TTVFL th T hold time with respect to OE T EHTV Note 2: M5L8287P Limits (Note 2) Output disable time from OE TIMING REQUIREMENTS M5L8286P limits Min Typ Max Unit 10 ns 5 ns Test Circuit INPUT Vee OUTPUT 1"'-----., PG 50n I : DEVICE : LOAD I UNDER ~-~-i CIRCUIT: TEST : (Note 3): I IL I _____ .JI Note 3 Test Item tpLH , tPHL tpLZ • tPZL tpHZ • tPZH 1.5V 1.5V 2.28V A OUTPUT LOAD CIRCUIT A OUTPUT ~'''O A OUTPUT -to Il00PF 2.14V B OUTPUT LOAD CIRCUIT B OUTPUT ~2m B OUTPUT r:300PF 3-18 • MITSUBISHI ..... EI,.ECTRIC 1900n A OUTPUT--1 r:l00PF rl00PF 1. 5V 1.5V ~~O r300PF B OUTPUT ~"'o r300PF MITSUBISHI LSls MSL8288P BUS CONTROLLER DESCRIPTION The M5L8288P is a semiconductor integrated circuit consisting of a bus controller and bus driver for the M ELPS 86, 88, l6-bit microprocessors. By using the status signals from the CPU a Multibus (Intel trademark) control signal is generated. PIN CONFIGURATION (TOP VIEW) I/O BUS ~~~~ 10B- V e d5V) CLOCK INPUT ClK- FEATURES STATUS INPUT • ~:J~,J~A~JWJ~ DTlR~~~:cnM~~~ AlE- • • High-fanout outputs Command output 10L =32mA, IOH=-5mA Control output IOL=16mA, IOH=-lmA Advanced command outputs (AIOWC outputs) and AMWC ADDRESS E~~~M S, - AEN - 3 16 - DEN DATA ENABLE OUTPUT 15 -CEN ~~~~AND ENABLE . INTERRUPT 14 -'NTA ACKNOWLEDGE COMMAND OUTPUT 6 MEMOR6u~~~ MRDC- 7 Low power dissipation APPLICATION ADVANCED _ _ MEMORY WRITE AMWC"4COMMAND OUTPUT 13 -'ORcggMR~~2D COMMJ~N~Rb~~JI 12 -+ AIOWC Bus controller and bus driver for maximum mode operation of the MELPS 86, 88 MWTC ~ (OV)GND 11 -IOWC '--------' Outline OUTPUT ¢?R~:~~~MI~~ND OUTPUT ggM%~~~ OUTPUT 20P4 FUNCTION The M5L8288P is a bus controller and driver for maximum mode operation of theMELPS 86, 88 processors. The command signals and control signals are decoded by means of the So-S2 outputs from the CPU and the control signals for I/O devices and memory are output. The device can be used in the Multimaster mode in which several CPUs acting as masters are connected to one data bus. An input pin for the control signal AEN. from an 8289 bus arbiter is provided. By using the M5L8288P as a bus controller, a highperformanca 16-bit microcomputer system can be configured. BLOCK DIAGRAM vee (5V) r----------------~ I STATUS INPUTS r ~ , 7 MRDC MEMORY READ COMMAND OUTPUT STATUS DECODER 1 S2 8 COMMAND SIGNAL f - - - - - - f GENERATOR 9 iiMWC ~gv,:~~~g ~~~p~~Y WRITE MWfC MEMORY WRITE COMMAND OUTPUT 11 10WC I/O WRITE COMMAND OUTPUT 12 AIOWC ~g¥::J;~g g~T~~+TE 13 10RC I/O READ COMMAND OUTPUT INTERRUPT ACKNOWLEDGE COMMAND OUTPUT 1/0 BUS MODE INPUT lOB I CLOCK INPUT ClK 2 ADDRESS ENABLE INPUT AEN 6 COMMAND ENABLE INPUT CEN 15 DATA TRANSMIT/RECEIVE OUTPUT CONTROL I-__~ Cg~~~~L lOGIC GENERATOR DATA ENABLE OUTPUT 16 DEN 17 MCEIPDEN L _________.___ -4 GND (OV) 3-20 ADDRESS LATCH ENABLE OUTPUT • MITSUBISHI "ELECTRIC ~::'~~~~:LS~~~~ ~~:~t~ ~~i~~r ge~p~~~D I ge~~~~i MITSUBISHI LSls MSL8288P BUS CONTROLLER FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION The state of the command outputs and control outputs are determined by the CPU status outputs So - &.1. The table summarizes the states of the outputs S;; - S2 and their cor- responding valid command output names. Depending upon whether the M5L8288S is in the 1/0 bus mode or system bus mode, the command output sequence will vary. STATUS INPUTS AND COMMAND OUTPUTS RELATIONSHIPS So 8, So L L L Interrupt acknowledge L L H Data read from an I/O port IORC L H L Data write to an I/O port IPWC,AIOWC L H H Halt - H L L Instruction fetch MRDC H L H Read data from memory MRDC H H L Write data to memory MWTC,AMWC H H H Passive state - INTA 1. 1/0 bus mode operation When I~B is high, the M5L8288S function in the 1/0 bus mode. ----'- - In the 1/0 Bus mode all 1/0 command lines (IORC, 10WC, AIOWC, INTA) are always enabled (i.e., not dependent on AEN). When an 1/0 command IS initiated by the processor, the 8288 immediately activates the command lines using PDEN and DTiR" to control the 1/0 bus transceiver. The 1/0 command lines should not be used to control the system bus in this configuration because no arbitration is present. This mode allows one 8288 Bus Controller to handle two external busses. No waiting is involved when the CPU wants to gain access to the 1/0 bus. Normal memory access requires a "Bus Ready" signal (AEN LOW) before it will proceed. It is advantageous to use the lOB mode if 1/0 or peripherals dedicated to one processor exist in a multi-processor system. 2. Valid command output name 8086, 8088 status 3. AMWC and AIOWC outputs With respect to the normal write control signals MWTC and 10WC, the advanced-write command signals AMWC and AIOWC transit low one clock cycle earlier and remain low for two clock cycles. These signals are used with peripheral devices or static RAM devices which require a long write pulse, so that the CPU does not go into an unnecessarily wait cycle. System bus mode operation When lOB is set to low, the M5L8288S enters the system bus mode. In this mode no command is issued until 115 ns after the AEN Line is activated (LOW). This mode assumes bus arbitration logic will inform the bus controller (on the AEN line) when the bus is free for use. Both memory and 110 commands wait for bus arbitration. This mode is used when only one bus exists. Here, both 1/0 and memory are shared by more than one processor. • MITSUBISHI l!i-.ELECTRIC MITSUBISHI LSls MSL8288P BUS CONTROLLER SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS Alternate Symbol t pLH t pHL (Vcc=SV±10%, Ta=0-7S"C, unless otherwise noted) Parameter Output low~level to hlgh~level Test conditions symbol Limits Min Typ Max Unit propagation time From elK mput to DEN output Output hIgh-level to low-level propagation time TCVNV 5 45 ns TCVNX 10 45 ns From elK rnput to PO EN output t pLH Output low-level to high-level propagation time From elK Input to DEN output t pHL Output high-level to low-level propagatlOll time From elK Input to PO EN output Output low-level to high-level propagation time TCLLH 20 ns tpLH Output low-level to high-level propagalon time From elK Input to MCE output TCLMCH 20 ns t pLH Output low-level to high-level propagation time From rnputs to ALE output TSVLH 20 ns t pLH Output low· level to high-level propagation time From Inputs to MCE output TSVMCH 20 ns t pHL Output high-level to low-level propagation time From ClK Input to ALE output TCHLL 4 15 ns t pHL Output high-level to low-level propagatioo time From ClK Input to MRDC, IORC, INTA, AMWC, MWTC, AIOWC, and lowe outputs TCLML 10 35 ns t pLH Output low-level to high-level propagation time From ClK Input to MRDC, IORC, INTA, AMWC, MWTC, AIOWC, and IOWC outputs TCLMH 10 35 ns t pHL Output high-level to low· level propagatton time From ClK Input to DTiR output TCHDTL 50 ns t pLH Output low-level to high-level propagation time From elK inPut to DT IR output TCHDTH 30 ns t PZH High-level output enable time From AEN Input to MRDC, lORe, INTA, AMWC, MWTC, AIOWC, and IOWC outputs TAELCH 40 ns t pHZ High-level output disable time From AEN Input to MRDC, IORC, INTA, AMWC, MWTC, AIOWC, and IOWC outputs TAEHCZ 40 ns t pHL Output high-level to low-level propagation time From AEN Input to MRDC, IORC, INTA, AMWC, MWTC, AIOWC, and IOWC outputs TAELCV 200 ns Output low-level to high-level and high-level to low-level propagation time From AEN Input to DEN output TAEVNV 20 ns Output low-level to high-level and high· level to low-level propagation time From CEN Input to DEN and POEN outputs TCEVNV 25 ns Output low-level to high-level and high-level to low-level propagation time, From CEN Input to MRDC, IORC, INTA, AMWC, MWTC, AIOWC and IOWC outputs TCELRH 35 ns t pLH t pLH t pHL t pLH t pHL t pLH t pHL From eLK Input to ALE output So'-51 SO-s, TIMING REQUIREMENTS Symbol (Note 1) 115 (Vcc=SV±10%, Ta=0-7S"C, unless otherwise noted) Parameter Alternate symbol Test conditions Limits Min Typ Max Umt te Clock ClK cycle time TCLCL 100 ns tW(CLKU Clock ClK low pulse width TCLCH 50 ns tW(CLKH) Clock ClK high pulse width TCHCL 30 ns TSVCH 35 ns TCHSV' 10 ns TSHCL 35 ns TCLSH 10 ns 80---32 setup time with respect to tsuCso-Sz) thCSO-S2) T for the Tl state So-&.> hold time with respect to T for the T4 state 80---32 setup time with respect to t SU (SO-S2) T for the T3 state 80---32 hold time with respect to thCsO-S2) 3-24 T for the T3 state 'MITSUBISHI ..... ELECTRIC MITSUBISHI LSls MSL8288P BUS CONTROLLER TIMING DIAGRAM 1. Command output timing T4 STATE T r-\ CLK I --I th(So-S,) (TCHSV) , T tplH .,.. .- twl elK ) tW(CLKHJ J!--- (TCHCL) ~WJt tsu(S,-S,) thCS,-S,) 1\ (TSVCH) (TCLSH) ADDRESS/DATA (TCLLH) T3 ~::'''Lf' ~ '\ s"s"SQ ALE , te (TCLCL) ~ ft ~ I .... ~ef* DATA VALID VALID -AEN) Propagation time from clock to AEN 200 ns t pHL ( > -AEN) Propagation time from clock to AEN 130 ns tpzv( >-A) Propagation time from clock to address active 170 ns tpHL(;' -A) Propagation time from clock to address stable 170 ns t pVZ ( Propagation time from clock to address floating 90 ns ;'-A) t pzv( >-00) Propagation time from clock to data bus 200 ns tpVZ ( Propagation time from clock to data bus 170 ns tpLH ( (> -AOSTB) Propagation time from clock to ADSTB 130 ns tPHL.(;' -ADSTB) Propagation time from clock to ADSTB 90 ns tSU(OQ.ADSTB) Data output setup time before ADSTB 100 th(ADSTB-OQ) Data output hold time before ADSTB 30 t pzv ( '" -R) tpzv( >-w) Propagation time from clock to read or write active -co) > C~=150pF ns ns 150 ns Propagation time from clock to read or write 190 ns tpLH( I> -R) Propagation time from clock to read 190 ns t pLH ( Propagation time from clock to write 130 ns Propagation time from clock to read or write floating 120 ns t pHL ('; -R) t pHL ( I>-W) I>-w) t pvz ( I>-R) t pVZ ( ';-w) thIA-A) Address output hold time after read el' )-100 ns thIW-A) Address output hold time after write tel.,-50 ns tsU(OQ-MEMW) Data output setup time before MEMW 125 ns th(MEMW-OQ) Data output hold time after MEMW 10 ns t pHL( ~ -DACK) Propagallon time from clock to DACK 170 ns t pHL ('; -EOP) Propagation time from clock to EOP 170 ns tpLH( I> -EOP) Propagation time from clcok to EOP 170 ns Propagation time from clock to H RQ 120 ns tpLH ( (> -OACK) t pLH ( ;. -HRQ) t pHL ('; Note 4-36 -HRQ) A.C Testing waveform Input pulse level Input pulse rise time Input pulse fall time Reference level input output O. 45-2. 4V 10ns 10ns V'H=2V. V'L =0. 8V VOH=2V. VOL =0. 8V • MITSUBISHI ;"ELECTRIC MITSUBISHI LSls MSM82C37AP-S/FP-S/ J-S CMOS PROGRAMMABLE DMA CONTROLLER Slave mode timing (WRITE) tsu(cs-W) \ I tr tSU(A_W) } thlw-Ai K ADDRESS VALID tw(w) lOW \ thlw-OQi tSU(DO-W) ) 4-38 INPUT DATA VALID • MITSUBISHI ;"ELECTRIC f---- K MITSUBISHI LSls MSM82C37AP-S/FP-SI J-S CMOS PROGRAMMABLE DMA CONTROLLER READY input timing ClK READY ( - - - signifies expansion write) Compressed timing ClK READY 4-40 • MITSUBISHI . . . . ELECTRIC MITSUBISHI LSls MSM82CS1AP/FPI J CMOS PROGRAMMABLE COMMUNICATION INTERFACE DESCRIPTION The M5M82C51 AP is a universal synchronous/asynchronous receiver/transmitter (USART) IC chip designed for data communications use. It is produced using the silicon-gate CMOS process and is mainly used in combination with 8-bit microprocessors. It is housed in a 28-pin plastic molded DIP. And preparatory for surface equipment M5M82C51 AFP (SOP) and M5M82C51AJ(PLCC). FEATURES • • • • • • PIN CONFIGURATION (TOP VIEW) BIDIRECTIONAL DATA BUS RECEIVER-DATA INPUT 0,- ..... Dl - 00 -- Rx e 04 05 0, .... 07 TRANSMITTERCLOCK INPUT ~~~';~~~~~PUT - s: 01 s: ex> N READ-DATA CONTROL INPUT '"IJ »'"IJ 18 cio-+ Modem control of data communications using microcomputers Control of CRT, TTY and other terminal equipment • MITSUBISHI ;"ELECTRIC ~~!~1~JpUT RESET RESET INPUT CLOCK INPUT -+ TxD 6~~~~M~~~~- -+ TxEMPTY ET~~~';~~"7~~T 15 - ~i~~~iJ~UT SO IBREAK DETECT TxAOY OUTPUT TRANSMITTERREADY OUTPUT 28P4 (M5M82C51AP) 28P2W (M5M82C51AFP) M5M82C51AJ FUNCTION 4-42 ~~~~~J~~~~ 16 ..... SYNDETI f~~tTT ~g~~~~T o APPLICATION RTS 17 -- CTS AO- Outline -+ ....- eLK WR-+ ~Eg~~~~PUT OTR ~:;~yT~~~~~~L +- R~~~~16~~-PUTRxRDY -- The M5M82C51 AP is used in the peripheral circuits of a CPU. It permits assignments, by means of software, of operations in all the currently used serial-data transfer systems. The M5M82C51 AP receives parallel-format data from the CPU, converts it into a serial format, and then transmits via the TxD pin. It also receives data sent in via the RxD pin from the external circuit, and converts it into a parallel format for sending to the CPU. On receipt of parallel-format data for transmission from the CPU or serial data for the CPU from external devices, the M5M82C51 AP informs the CPU using the TxRDY or RxRDY pin. In addition, the CPU can read the M5M82C51 AP status at any time. The M5M82C51 AP can detect the data received for errors and inform the CPU of the presence of errors as status information. Errors include parity, overrun and frame errors. BIDIRECTIONAL DATA BUS -+ -- DSR N 0 Q 0 ~ ~ »"'T1 Tx C - s: 01 s: ex> CHIP-SELECT INPUT gg~~=~t/l~~~AT l I Vee (5V) Ax O - (OV) Vss BIDIRECTIONAL DATA BUS Single 5V supply voltage TTL compatible Synchronous and asynchronous operation Synchronous: 5~8-bit characters Internal or external synchronization Automatic SYNC character insertion Asynchronous system: 5~8-bit characters Clock rate~ 1 , 16 or 64 times the baud rate 1 , 1y" or 2 stop bits False-start-bit detection Automatic break-state detection Baud rate: DC~64K-baud Full duplex, double-buffered transmitter/receiver Error detection: parity, overrun, and framing 1 103 - t t >- >- 0 0 0 I~ m 0 a:: a:: f:: x a:: ~ UJ 10 I~ 0 Z >CfJ Outline 28PO >f- a. ::;; UJ x f- MITSUBISHI LSls MSM82CS1AP/FPI J CMOS PROGRAMMABLE COMMUNICATION INTERFACE OPERATION M5M82C51AP Access Methods Table The M5M82C51 AP interfaces with the system bus as shown in Fig.l, positioned between the CPU and the modem or terminal equipment, and offers all the functions required for data communication. 16 ADDRESS BUS C/D RD WR cs Funcllon L L H L Data bus - Data in USART USART - Data bus L H L L H L H L H H L L Control - Data bus X H H L 3-State - Data bus X X X H 3-State - Data bus Data bus - Status Ao 4 CONTROL BUS CLK IIOR I/OW RESET 8 DATA BUS 8 CID CS 0 0 ......... 0 7 RD WR RESET CLK M5M82C51AP Fig, 1 M5M82C51AP interface to CPU system bus When using the M5M82C51 AP, it is necessary to program, as the initial setting, assignments for synchronous/asynchronous mode selection, baud rate, character length, parity check, and even/odd parity selection in accordance with the communication system used. Once programming is completed, functions appropriate to the communication system can be carried out continuously. When initial setting of the USART is completed, data communication becomes possible. Though the receiver is always in the enable state, the transmitter is placed in the transmitter-enable state (TxEN) by a command instruction, and the application of a low-level signal to the CTS pin prompts data-transfer start-up. Until this condition is satisfied, transmission is not executed. On receiving data, the receiver informs the CPU that reading for the receiver data in the USART by the CPU has become possible (the RxRDY terminal has turned to high-level) . Since data reception and the entry of the CPU into the data-readable state are output as status information, the CPU can access USART status without accessing the RxRDY terminal. During receiving operation, the USART checks errors and gives out status information. There are three types of errors: parity, overrun, and frame. Even though an error occurs, the USART continues its operations, and the error state is retained until error reset (ER) is effected by a command instruction. The M5M82C51 AP access methods are listed in Table 1. 4-44 ReadlWrite Control Logic This logic consists of a control word register and command word register. It recei·ves signals from the CPU control bus and generates internal-control signals for the elements. Modem Control Circuit This is a general-purpose control-signal circuit designed to simplify the interface to the modem. Four types of control signal are available: output signals DTR and RTS are controlled by command instructions, input signal DSR is given to the CPU as status information and input signal CTS controls direct transmission. Data-Bus Buffer This is an 8-bit 3-state bidirectional bus through which control words, command words, status information, and transfer data are transferred. Fig. 2 shows the structure of the databus buffer. ~D7 100 Do ·l H H y STATUS BUFFER l RECEIVE-DATA. BUFFER r CONTROL BUFFER Fig. 2 TO INT ERNAL 0 ATA BUS r TRANSMIT-DATA ~ BUFFER r-- Data-bus buffer structure Transmit Buffer This buffer converts parallel-format data given to the databus buffer in to serial data with addition of a start bit, stop bits and a parity bit, and sends out the converted data through the TxD pin based on the control signal. Transmit-Control Circuit This circuit carries out all the controls required for serial data transmission. It controls transmitter data and outputs the signals required by external devices in accordance with the instructions of the read/write control logic. • MITSUBISHI "'ELECTRIC MITSUBISHI LSls MSM82CS1AP/FP/J CMOS PROGRAMMABLE COMMUNICATION INTERFACE Clear-To-Send Input (CTS) When the TxEN bit (Do) of the command instruction has been set to 1 and the CTS input is low-level serial data is sent out from the TxD pin. Usually this is used as a clearto-send signal for the modem Note: CTS indicates the modem status as follows: ON means data transmission is possible; OFF means data transmission is impossible. Transmitter-Empty Output (TxEMPTY) When no transmisison characters are left in the transmit buffer, this pin enters the high-level state. In the asynchronous mode, the following transmission character is shifted to the transmit buffer when it is loaded from the CPU. Thus, it is automatically reset. In the synchronous mode, a SYNC character is loaded automatically on the transmit buffer when no transfer-data characters are left. In this case, however, the TxEMPTY does not enter the low-level state when a SYNC character has been sent out, since TxEMPTY =" H" denotes the state in which there is no transfer character and one or two SYNC characters are being transferred or the state in which a SYNC character is being transferred as a filler. TxEMPTY is unrelated to the TxEN bit of the command instruction. . Transmission-Data Output (TxD) Parallel-format transmission characters loaded on the M5M82C51 AP by the CPU are assembled into the format designated by the mode instruction and sent in serial-data form via the TxD pin. Data is output, however, only in cases where the Do bit (T xEN) of the command instruction is 1 and the CTS terminal is in the low-level state. Once reset, this pin is kept at the mark status (high-level) until the first character is sent. Clock Input (ClK) This system-clock input is required for internal-timing generation and is usually connected to the clock-output (ClK) pin of the M5l8085AP. Although there is no direct relation with the data-transfer baud rate, the clock-input (ClK) frequency is more than 30 times the TxC or RxC Input frequency in the case of the synchronous system and more than 4.5 times in the case of the asynchronous system. Reset Input (RESET) Once the USART is shifted to the idle mode by a high-level input, this state continues until a new control word is set Since this is a master reset, it is always necessary to load a control word following the reset process. The reset input requires a minimum 6-clock pulse width. Data-Set Ready Input (DSR) This is a general-purpose input signal, but is usually used as a data-set ready signal to test modem status. Its status can be known from the status reading process. The D7 bit of the status information equals 1 when the DSR pin is in the low-level state, and 0 when in the high-level state. DSR="l"-+D7 bit of status information=l DSR="H"-+D7 bit of status information=O Note. DSR indicates modem status as follows: 4-46 ON means the modem can transmit and receive; OFF means it cannot. Request-To-Send Output (RTS) This is a general-purpose output signal but is used as a request-to-send signal for the modem. The RTS terminal is controlled by the D5 bit of the command instruction. When D5 is equal to 1, RTS="l", and when D5 is 0, RTS="H". Command register D5=1-+RTS="l" Command register D5=0-+RTS="H" Note: RTS controls the modem transmission carrier as follows: ON means carrier dispatch; OFF means carrier stop. Data-Terminal Ready Output (DTR) This is a general-purpose output signal, but is usually used as a data-terminal ready or rate-select signal to the modem. The DTR pin is controlled by the DJ bit of the command instruction; if DJ=l, DTR="l", and if DJ=O, DTR= "H". DJ of the command register=l-+DTR="l" DJ of the command register=O-+DTR="H" Receiver-Clock Input (RxC) This clock signal controls the baud rate for the sending in of characters via the RxD pin. The data is shifted in by the rising edge of the RxC signal. In the synchronous mode, the RxC frequency is equal to the actual baud rate. In the asynchronous mode, the frequency is specified as 1, 16, or 64 times the baud rate by mode setting. This relationship is parallel to that of TxC, and in usual communication-line systems the transmission and reception baud rates are equal. The TxC and RxC terminals are, therefore, used connected to the same baud-rate generator. PROGRAMMING It is necessary for the M5M82C51 AP to have the control word loaded by the CPU prior to data transfer. This must always be done following any resetting operation (by external RESET pin or command instruction IR). There are two types of control words: mode instructions specifying general operations required for communications and command instructions to control the M5M82C51 AP actual operations. Following the resetting operation, a mode instruction must be set first. This instruction sets the synchronous or asynchronous system to be used. In the sysnchronous system, a SYNC character is loaded from the CPU. In the case of the bi-sync system, however, a second SYNC character must be loaded in succession. loading a command instruction makes data transfer possible. This operation after resetting must be carried out for initializing the M5M82C51 AP. The USART command instruction contains an internal-reset IR instruction (D 6 bit) that makes it possible to return the M5M82C51 AP to its reset state. The initialization flowchart is shown in Fig. 3 and the mode,instruction and command-instruction formats are shown in Figs. 4 and 5. • MITSUBISHI "-ELECTRIC MITSUBISHI LSls MSM82CS1AP/FP/J CMOS PROGRAMMABLE COMMUNICATION INTERFACE Asynchronous Transmission Mode When data characters are loaded on the M5M82C51 AP after initial setting, the USART automatically adds a start bit (0), an odd or even parity bit specified by the mode in~truction during initialization, and a specified number of stop bits (1). After that, the assembled data characters are transferred as serial data via the TxD pin, if transfer is enabled (TxEN=l·CTS="L"). In this case, the transfer data (baud rate) is shifted by the mode instruction at a rate of 1X, 1f16X, or 1f64X the TxC period. If the data characters are not loaded on the M5M82C51 AP, the TxD pin enters a mark state ("H"). When SBRK is programmed by the command instruction, break characters (0) are output continuously through the TxD pin Asynchronous Reception Mode The RxD line usually starts operations in a mark state ("H"), triggered by the falling edge of a low-level pulse when it comes to this line. This Signal is again strobe at the middle of the bit to confirm that it is a perfect start bit. The detection of a second low-level indicates the validity of the start bit (again strobe is carried out only in the case of 16X and 64X) After that, the bit counter inside the M5M82C51 AP starts operating; each bit of the serial information on the RxD line is shifted in by the riSing edge of RxC, and the data bit, parity bit (when necessary), and stop bit are sampled at the middle position. The occurrence of a parity error causes the setting of a parity-error flag. If the stop bit is 0, a frame error flag is set. Attention should be paid to the fact that the receiver requires only one stop bit even though the program has designated 1.5 or 2 stop bits. Reception up to the stop bit means reception of a complete character. This character is then transferred to the receiver-data buffer shown in Fig.2, and the RxRDY becomes active. In cases where this character is not read by the CPU and where the next character is transferred to the receiver- data buffer, the preceding character is destroyed and an overrun-error flag is set. These error flags can be read as the M5M82C51 AP status information. The occurrence of an error does not stop USART operations. The error flags are cleared by the ER (D 4 bit) of the command instruction. The asynchronous-system transfer formats are shown in Figs. 6 and 7. Synchronous Transmission Mode In this mode the TxD pin remains in the high-level state until initial setting by the CPU is completed. After initialization, the state of CTS = "L" and TxEN = 1 enables serial transmission of characters through the TxD pin. Then, data characters are sent out and shifted by the falling edge of the TxC signal. The transmission rate equals the TxC rate. Thus, once data-character transfer starts, it must continue through the TxD pin at the same rate as that of TxC. Unless data characters are provided from the CPU before the transmitter buffer becomes empty, one or two SYNC characters are automatically output from the TxD pin. In this case, it should be noted that the TxEMPTY pin enters the high-level state when there are no data characters left in the M5M82C51 AP to be transferred, and that the low-level state is not entered until the USART is provided with the next data character from the CPlJ. Care should also be taken over the fact that merely setting a command instruction does not effect SYN C character insertion, because the SYNC character insertion is enabled after sending out the first data character. In this mode, too, break characters are sent out in succession from the TxD pin when SBRK is deSignated (D3=1) by a command instruction. CPU-USART (5-S-BIT/CHARACTER) DATA CH~RACTER I TRANSMITTER DATA OUTPUT (TxD) USART-CPU (5-S-BIT/CHARACTER) I DATA CHARACTER (5-S) Note I When the data character IS 5, 6, or 7 bits/character length, the unused bits (for USART - CPU) are set to o Fig, 6 Asynchronous transmission format I (transmission) 4-48 Fig,7 • Asynchronous transmission format II (reception) MITSUBISHI ~ELECTRIC MITSUBISHI LSls MSM82CS1AP/FP/J CMOS PROGRAMMABLE COMMUNICATION INTERFACE Status Information FE: The CPU can always read USART status by setting the C/O to high-level and RD to low-level. The status information format is shown in Fig. 10. In this format RxROY, TxEMPTY and SYNDET have the same definitions as those of the pins. This means that these three pieces of status information become high-level when each pin is 1. The other status information is defined as follows: DSR: When the OSR pin is in the low-level state, status information OSR becomes 1. OE: PE: TxRDY: 11 FOR DSR The occurrence of a frame error in the receiver section makes the status information FE=l. The occurrence of an overrun error in the receiver section makes the status information OE=l. The occurrence of a parity error in the receiver section makes this status information PE= 1. This information becomes 1 when the transmit data buffer is empty. Be careful because this has a different meaning from the TxRDY pin that enters the high-level state only when the transmitter buffer is empty, when the CTS pin is in the lowlevel state, and when TxEN is 1. "L",Q FOR DSR "H" I SAME DEFINITION AS SYNDET/BD PIN 1FE IS SET WHEN A VALID STOP BIT IS NOT DETECTED AT THE END OF EVERY CHAR 1ACTER (ASYNC ONLY) IT IS RESET BY THE ER BIT OF THE COMMAND INSTRUCTION I II FE DOES NOT INHIBIT OPERATION OF THE M5M82C51AP 1g~6~~~1 ~~.J:I~,;~t"E 9m ~~~~P~J f~t~t~~'6Rl{J~IM~3NEi~NEs~~6b~~~ OE DOES NOT INHIBIT OPERATION OF THE M5M82C51AP _I PE IS SET WHEN A PARITY ERROR IS DETECTED IT IS RESET BY THE ER BIT OF THE COMMAND INSTRUCTION PE DOES NOT INHIBIT OPERATION OF THE M5M82C51AP SAME DEFINITION AS TxEMPTY PIN SAME DEFINITION AS RxRDY PIN I I 5~~ I DSR D, Fig. 10 D, FE D5 I OE D4 I PE D3 I TxE D, I I =OY D, 1-----11 I ~OY I I I I Do Status information C/D="H", RO="L") APPLICATION EXAMPLES Fig. 11 shows an application example for the M5M82C51 AP in the asynchronous mode. When the port addresses of the M5M82C51 AP are assumed to be 00 # and 01 # in this figure, initial setting in the asynchronous mode is carried out in the following manner: MVI A,86# Mode setting OUT 01 # Command instruction MVI A,27# OUT 01 # In this case, the following are set by mode setting: Asynchronous mode 6-bitlcharacter Parity enable (even) 1. 5 stop bits Baud rate: 16X Command instructions set the following RTS=l-+RTS pin="L" RxE=l DTR=1-+0TR pin="L" Tx EN =l When the initial setting is complete, transfer operations are allowed. The RTS pin is initially set to the low-level by setting RTS to 1, and this serves as a CTS input with TxEN 4-50 FOR TRANSMIT DATA BUFFER IS EMPTY I I being equal to 1. For this reason the same definition applies to the status and pin of TxRDY, and 1 is assigned when the transmit-data buffer is empty. Actual transfer of data is carried out in the following way: IN 01 # Status read The IN instruction prompts the CPU to read the USART's status. The result is; if the TxRDY equals 1 transmitter data is sent from the CPU and written on the M5M82C51 AP. Transmitter data is written in the M5M82C51 AP in the following manner: MVI A,20# 20'6 is an example of transmitter data. OUT 00# USART-(A) Receiver data is read in the following manner: IN 00# (A)+-USART In the above example, the status information is read and as a result, the transmitter data is written and read. Interruption processing by using the TxROY and RxRDY pins is also possible. Fig. 12 shows the status of the TxD pin when data written in the USART is transferred from the CPU. When the data shown in Fig.12 enters the RxD pin, data sent from the M5M82C51 AP to the CPU becomes 2016 and bits 0 6 and 0 7 are treated as O. • MITSUBISHI "ELECTRIC MITSUBISHI LSI. MSM82CS1AP/FP/J CMOS ,PROGRAMMABLE COMMUNICATION INTERFACE ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Power.supply V, Input voltage Va Output voltage IOHMAX MAX"H" Output current IOLMAX MAX"L" Output current Topr Operating free-air temperature range Tstg Storage temperature range Ratings Unit -0.3-7 V -0. 3-Vee+0. 3 V Conditions Parameter Symbol Vee vo~age With respect to Vss -0. 3-Vee+0. 3 V All output and 1/0 pins output "H~ level and force same current -500 p,A All output and 1/0 pins output "L" level and force same current 2.5 mA -20-75 "C 65-150 ·c RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Parameter Symbol Limits M,n 4.5 Vee Supply vollage Vss Power·supply voltage (GNO) ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Symbol (Ta=-20-75'C unless otherwise noted) I I Nom I 0 5 I Max I I 5.5 Unit V V (Ta=-20-75'C, Vcc =5V±10%, Vss=ov unless otherwise noted) Parameter Test conditions L,mns Min V'H High·level input voltage 2.0 V'L Low·level Input voltage -0.3 VOH High·level output voltage IOH=-400!,A 2.4 IOH=-20!,A 4.4 VOL Low·level output voltage IOL-2.2mA Icc Supply current from Vce All outputs are high·level Typ Max Unit Vcc +O.3 V 0.8 V V 0.45 V ;'H High-levellnput current VI=VCC -10 I'L loz Low-level Input current V,=OV -10 10 Off·state Input current Vo=OV-Vcc -10. 10 mA p,A p,A p,A C, Input term,nal capacitance Vce=Vss, f=l MHz, 25mV rms , Ta=25'C 10 pF CliO Input/output terminal capacitance Vcc=Vss, f=lMHz, 25mV rms , Ta-25'C 20 pF 4-52 . , MITSUBISHI "E'-EtTRIC 5 10 MITSUBISHI LSls MSM82CSIAP/FP/J CMOS PROGRAMMABLE COMMUNICATION INTERFACE SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS Symbol (Ta =-20-7S'C, Vcc =5V±10%, Vss=ov unless otherwise noted) Llm~s Parameter tPZV(R-OQ) Output data enable time after read (Note8) tPVZ(R-OQ) Output data disable time after read tpZVCTxC-TxO) T XD enable time after falling edge of TxC tPLH(CLB-TxR) tPHL.(W-TxR) Test conditions Min CL=150pF Typ Max 200(170) 10 Unit ns 100 ns 1 I-'S Propagation time from center of last bit to TxROY (Noteg) 8 t C( ~) Propagation time from write data to TxROY clear (Noteg) 400 ns tpLH(CLS-RxR) Propagation time from center of last bit to RxROY (Noteg) 26 t C( ~) tPHL(R-RxA) Propagation time from read data to RxROY clear (Noteg) tPLH(RxC-SYO) Propagalron time from rising edge of RxC to internal SYNDET (Note9) 26 tPLH(CLB-TxE) Propagation time from center of last bit to TxEMPTY (Noteg) 20 t C( ~) tpHL(W-C) Propagation time from rising edge of WR to control (Noteg) 8 tcU) 400 Note B : Assumes that address is valid before falling edge of RD. 9 : Status-up data can have a maximum delay of 2B clock periods from the event affecting the status. 10: Input pulse level O. 45-2. 4V Reference level Input V ,H =2V, VIL=O.BV Output VOH=2V. VOL =0. BV Input pulse rise time IOns Input pulse fall time IOns 11: M5MB2CSI AP is also invested with the extended specification showed in the brackets. 4-54 • MITSUBISHI ;"ELECTRIC ns tC( ~) MITSUBISHI LSls MSM82CS1AP/FP/J CMOS PROGRAMMABLE COMMUNICATION INTERFACE , Write Control Cycle (CPU-+USART) t C/O t ISUIA-W) I ~ tSUCA-wl IWlw) ~tSU(OQ_W) ) 0,-00 (DATA INPUT) ~ VAll) K tPHL(W_C) } Read Control Cycle (USART-+CPU) Isule R) } ISUIA-R) IhIR_A) .j C/O ISUIA-R) th(R_A) IWIR) .1 -j tPVZ(R-OQ) IpZVIR-OQ) 0,-0 0 (DATA OUTPUT) 4-56 iJJ \\' • .MITSUBISHI "'ELECTRIC ~ VALID \ MITSUBISHI LSls M5M82C51AP/FP/J CMOS PROGRAMMABLE COMMUNICATION INTERFACE Transmitter Control & Flag Timing (Async Mode) C/O ] \~~\~[J~~ WR-TxEN _____ \~/____~__ I ______~I \ WR-DATA 1 WR-OATA2 WR-DATA3 WR-OATA4 WR-SB_RX ~------~ ~--------~ ~--------------~ r------ TxRDY (PIN) TxRDY (STATUS) TxEMPTY TxD BREAK STATE Note 12: Example format= 7 bits/character with parity & 2 stop bits 13: TxROY(pin)="H"-(Transmit-data buffer is empty) • (TxEN= 1) • (CTS="L") 14: TxROY(status)= 1 -(Transmit-data buffer is empty) Receiver Control & Flag Timing (Async Mode) C/O .-J ,\. . ____-1\'---11 LD ''-----L..\---L...I_----JJ V '" __________________~R~D OATrA~I________________~R~D OATrA~3~______~RD~A~LLOrD~A~TA~_______________ WR-Rrx~E_______________+------------------------+----W~R-E~R--------4_-----------W__,R-RxE WR-Rx E so (PIN) OATA2 LOST rt______1 OE (STATUS) RxROY ~ T Rx O BREAK STATE Note 15: Example format= 7 bits/character with parity & 2 stop bits 4-58 S T SO:23456PpS0123406Pp • MITSUBISHI ;"ELECTRIC MITSUBISHI LSls MSM82CS4P/FPI J CMOS PROGRAMMABLE INTERVAL TIMER DESCRIPTION The M5M82C54P is a programmable general-purpose timer device developed by using the silicon-gate CMOS process. It offers counter and timer functions in systems using an 8bit parallel-processing CPU. The use of the M5MS2C54P frees the CPU from the execution of looped progra·ms, count-operation programs and other simple processing involving many repetitive operations, thus contributing to improved system throughputs. It is housed in a 24-pin plastic molded DIP. And preparatory for surface equipment M5M82C54FP (SOp) and M5M82C54J(PLCC). PIN CONFIGURATION (TOP VIEW) D7 Vee (5V) - 23 - WR WRITE INPUT READ INPUT BIDIRECTIONAL DATA BUS 18 - CLK2 CLOCK INPUT 17 - OUT2 FEATURES • • • • • • • • CLOCK INPUT CLKO- Single 5V supply voltage TTL compatible Pin connection compatible with M5LS253P-5 (except M5M82C54J) cg~~~5~ OUTO _ 10 GATE INPUT GATEO - Clock period: DC-SMHz 3 independent bUilt,-in 16-bit down counters 6 counter modes freely assignable for each counter Binary or decimal counts Read-back command for monitoring the count and status 11 g~¥~JiR 16 - GATE2 GATE INPUT 15 - ClK1 CLOCK INPUT 14 - GATE1 GATE INPUT COUNTER OUTPUT (OV) Vss 24P4 (M5M82C54P) 24P2W (M5M82C54FP) Outline () Q Q 0- z f f f >" " I~ I~ ~ ~ APPLICATION Delayed-time setting, pulse counting and rate generation in microcomputers. 0 FUNCTION M5M82C54J Three independent 16-bit counters allow free programming based on mode-control instructions from the CPU. When roughly classified, there are 6 modes (0 - 5). Mode 0 is mainly used as an interruption timer and event counter, mode 1 as a digital one-shot, modes 2 and 3 as a rate generator, mode 4 for a software triggered strobe, and mode 5 for a hardware triggered strobe. The count can be monitored and set at any time. Besides the count, the status of the counter can be monitored by Read-back command. The counter operates with either the binary or BCD system. 4-60 NC • MITSUBISHI "ELECTRIC NC 0 f- :::> 0 0 W f« (!) ~ > () Z Outline t= u:;f- :::> 0 ~ ...J « (!) () 28PO NC : NO CONNECTION MITSUBISHI LSls MSM82CS4P/FPI J CMOS PROGRAMMABLE INTERVAL TIMER DESCRIPTION OF FUNCTIONS CONTROL-WORD AND INITIAL-VALUE LOADING Data-Bus Buffer The function of the M5M82C54P depends on the system software. The operational mode of the counters can be specified by writing control words (AD, A1 = 1, 1) into the control-word registers. The programmer must write out to the M5M82C54P the programmed number of count register bytes (1 or 2) prior to actually using the selected counter. Fig. 1 shows control-word format, which consists of 4 fields. Only the counter selected by the D7 and D6 bits of the control-word is set for operation. Bits D5 and D4 are used for specifying operations to read values in the counter and to initialize. Bits D3 ~ D1 are used for mode designation, and Do for specifying binary or BCD cOl!nting. When Do=O, binary counting is employed, and any number from 000016 to FFFF16 can be loaded into the count regist~r. The counter is counted down for each clock. The counting of 0000 16 causes the transmission of a time-out signal from the countoutput pin. The maximum number of counts is obtained when 0000 16 is set as the Initial value. When Do = 1, BCD counting is employed, and any number from 000010 to 999910 can be loaded on the counter. Neither system resetting nor connecting to the power supply sets the control word to any specific value. Thus to bring the counters into operation, the above-mentioned control words for mode designation must be given to each counter, and then 1 ~ 2 byte initial counter values must be set. The following is an example of this programming step. To designate mode 0 for counter 1 ,with initial value 8254 16 set by binary count, the following program is used: MVI A, 7016 Control word 70 16 OUT n1 n1 is control-word-register address MVI A,54 16 Low-order 8 bits OUT n2 is counter 1 address A,82 16 MVI High-order 8 bits OUT n2 is counter 1 address Thus, the program generally has the following sequence: (1) Control-word output to counter i (i=O, 1,2). (2) Initialization of low-order 8 counter bits (3) Initialization of high-order 8 counter bits The three counters can be executed in any sequence. It is possible, for instance, to designate the mode of each counter and then load initial values in a different order. Initialization of the counters designated by RL 1 and RL 0 must be executed in the order of the low-order 8 bits and then the high-order 8 bits for the counter in question. This 3-state, bidirectional, 8-bit buffer is used to interface the M5M82C54P to the system-side data bus. Transmission and reception of all the data including control words for mode designation and values written in, and read from, the counters are carried out through this buffer. ReadIWrite Logic The read/write logic accepts control signals (RD, WR) from the system and generates control signals for each counter. It is enabled or disabled by the chip-select signal (CS); if CS is at the high-level the data-bus buffer enters a floating (high-impedance) state. Read Input (RD) The count of the counter designated by address inputs Ao and A1 on the low-level is output to the data bus. Write Input (WR) Data on the data bus is written in the counter or controlword register designated by address inputs AD and A1 on the low-level. Address Inputs (An, A 1 ) These are used for selecting one of the 3 internal counters and either of the control-word registers. Chip-Select Input (CS) A low-level on this input enables the M5M82C54P. Changes in the level of the CS input have no effect on the operation of the counters. Control-Word Register This register stores information required to give instructions about operational modes and to select binary or BCD counting. It allows reading,using Read back command. Counters 0,1 and 2 These counters are identical in operation and independent of each other. Each is a 16-bit, presettable, down counter, and has clock-input, gate-input and output pins. The counter can operate in either binary or BCD using the falling edge of each clock. The mode of counter operation and the initial value from which to start counting can be designated by software. The count can be read by input instruction at any time, and there is a "read-on-the-fly" function which enables stable reading by latching each instantaneous count to the registers by a special counter-latch instruction. 4-62 • MITSUBISHI . . . . ELECTRIC "2 "2 MITSUBISHI LSls MSM82CS4P/FP/J CMOS PROGRAMMABLE INTERVAL TIMER MODE DEFINITIOf\i Mode 4 (Software Triggered Strobe) Mode 0 (Interrupt on Terminal Count) After the mode is set, the output will be high-level. By loading a number on the counter, however, clock-input counts can be started and on the terminal count, the output will go lOW-level for one input-clock period and then will go highlevel again. Mode 4 differs from Mode 2 in that pulses are not output repeatedly with the same set count. The pulse output is delayed one clock period in Mode 2, as shown in Fig. 6 . When a new value is loaded into the count register during its count operation, it is reflected on the next pulse output without affecting the current count. The count will be inhibited while the gate input is low-level. Mode set and initialization cause the counter output to go low-level (see Fig. 2 ). When the counter is loaded with an initial value, it will start counting the clock input. When the terminal count is reached, the output will go high-level and remain high-level until the selected count register is reloaded with the mode. This mode can be used when the CPU is to be interrupted after a certain period or at the time of counting up. Fig. 2 shows a setting of 4 as the initial value. If gate input goes low-level, counting is inhibited for the duration of the low-level period. Reloading of the initial value during count operation will stop counting by the loading of the first byte and start the new count by the loading of the second byte. Mode 1 (Programmable One-Shot) The gate input functions as a trigger input. A gate-input rising edge causes the generation of low-level one-shot output with a predetermined clock length starting from the next clock. Fig. 3 shows an initial setting of 4. While the counter output is at the lOW-level (during one-shot), loading of a new value does not change the one-shot pulse width, which has already been output. The current count can be read at any time without affecting the width of the one-shot pulse being output. This mode permits retriggering. Mode 2 (Rate Generator) Low-level pulses during one clock operation are generated from the counter output at a rate of one per n clock inputs (where n is the value initially set for the counter). When a new value is loaded during the counter operation, it is reflected on the output after the pulses by the current count have been output. In the example shown in Fig. 4 , n is given as 4 at the outset and is then changed to 3. In this mode, the gate input provides a reset function. While it is on the loW-level, the output is maintained high-level; the counter restarts from the initial value, triggered by a rising gate-input edge. This gate input, therefore, makes possible external synchronization of the counter by hardware. After the mode is set, the counter does not start counting until the rate n is loaded into the count register, with the counter output remaining at the high-level. Mode 5 (Hardware Triggered Strobe) This is a variation of Mode 1. The gate input provides a trigger function, and the count is started by its rising edge. On the terminal count, the counter output goes low for on one clock period and then goes high-level. As in Mode 1, retriggering by the gate input is possible. An example of timing in Mode 5 is shown in Fig. 7 . As mentioned above, the gate input plays different roles according to the mode. The functions are summarized in Table 3. Table ~ Mode a Low-level or going lOW-level 2 Rismg High-level Enables counting Disables counting (1) Initiates counting (2) Resets output after next clock 1 (1) Disables counting (1) Reloads counter Enables (2) Sets output high (2) Initiates counting counting (1) Reloads counter (2) Initiates counting Enables counting immediately 3 (1) Disables counting (2) Sets output high immediately 4 Disables counting 5 Mode 3 (Square Rate Generator) This is similar to Mode 2 except that it outputs a square wave with the half count of the set rate. When the set value n is odd, the square-wave output will be high-level for (n+ 1) 12 clock-input counts and low for (n-1 ) 12 counts. When a new rate is reloaded into the count register during its operation, it is immediately reflected on the count directly following the output transition (high-to-Iow or low-to-high) of the current count. Gate-input operations are exactly the same as in Mode 2. Fig. 5 shows an example of Mode 3 operation. 4-64 2 Gate Operations • MITSUBISHI "'ELECTRIC Enables counting Initiates counting MITSUBISHI LSls MSM82CS4P/FPI J CMOS PROGRAMMABLE INTERVAL TIMER READ BACK COMMAND M5M82C54P has a function of reading not only the count but also status (Read Back Command). The read back command enables the next four functions. (1) read the current count "on the fly" (2) monitor the current state of the OUT pin (3) monitor the current state of the counter element (whether the count is loaded into the counter element or not) (4) read the control-word Read back operation can be specified by writing read back command_ into the control word registers (Ao, A1 =1.1). Fig. 8 shows the format of read back command. Bits D7 and D6 are used for specifying read back command and fixed 1 (D 7 = 1. D6 = 1). Respectively bits D5 (count) and D4 (status) are used for reading the count and the status of the counter selected by the D3- D1 bits. Bit Do must be fixed O. Only the count can be read "on the fly" by setting D5 = 0 and D4 = 1 as well as counter latch command above mentioned. If D3 - D1 are set 1 all, the counts of three counters are simultaneously latched by one read back command. (By counter-latch command, it must be latched for each counter.) Next, by read operation, the latched count is read out. Only the status can be latched by setting D5 =1 and D4 =0. By read operation, the status shown in Fig. 9 can be read . .. lit D7 gives the current state of OUT pin. When D7 = 1, OUT = "H", and when D7 =0, OUT = "l". Bit D6 indicates the current state of counter element. When D6 = 1, the initial counter value has not been loaded to counter e.lement. This state is following. (1) The control word is written, but the initial counter value is not loaded (2) The initial counter value is written to count register, and the ClK inputs are not. When 0 6 = 0, the initial counter value has already been loaded. It is the state when the ClK falls following the rising edge after the initial value is written. Bits D5- Do show the current state of the control-word regsiter. It is possible to read both the count and the status. By setting D5 =0 and D, =0, the status can be read first, and the count next. The count and/or the status are unlatched when read, so by the next read operation the current counting value can be read. And they are unlatched too when the control-word is set, so the read back command must be set on all such occasions. If multiple read back commands are written before the read operation, only the first one is valid. Thus, the read of the status is effective when the state of output and the timing of count reading can be monitored by software. 4-66 • MITSUBISHI "'-ELECTRIC MITSUBISHI LSls MSM82CS4P/FPI J CMOS PROGRAMMABLE INTERVAL TIMER ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Power supply voltage V, Input voltage Va Output voltage With respect to Vss IOLMAX Output current "H" level and force same current MAX "L" All output and 1/0 pins output Output current "Lit level and force same current Toor Operating free-air temperature range Tstg Storage temperature range RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Vee Power supply voltage Vss Supply voltage (GN D) Min 4.5 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Symbol V -0. 3-Vee+0. 3 V -0. 3-Vee+0. 3 V -500 I-'A 2.5 mA -20-75 "c -65-150 "C (Ta=-20-75'C, unless otherwise noted) limits Parameter Symbol Unit All output and 1/0 pins output MAX·'H" IOHMAX Ratings -0.3-7 Conditions Parameter Symbol Vee I I I Nom 5 0 I I I Max 5.5 Un!t V V (Ta=-20-75"C, Vee =5V±10%, Vss=ov, unless otherwise noted) Parameter Test conditions Limits Min V ,H High-level input voltage 2.0 V ,L Low-level Input voltage -0.3 IOH=-400"A 2.4 IOH=-20"A 4.4 Typ Max Vee +O.3 0.8 Unit V V V OH High-level output voltage VOL Low-level output voltage 10,=2,OmA 0.45 V I'H High-level input current Vr=Vcc I'L Low-level input current V,=OV +10 +10 loz Off -state output cu rrent Vo=OV-Vee ±10 lee Supply current from Vee (operallng) f=8MHz 10 I-'A I-'A I-'A mA Ices Supply current from Vee (stand by) V,=OV, Vee 10 "A Ci Input termiral capacitance V,,=Vss , f=lMHz, 25mVrms, Ta=25'C 10 Cilo Input/output termiral capacitance V,/OL =Vss , f=l MHz,25mVrms, Ta=25'C 20 pF pF 4-68 • .MITSUBISHI "ELECTRIC V MITSUBISHI LSls MSM82CS4P/FPI J CMOS PROGRAMMABLE INTERVAL TIMER TIMING DIAGRAMS Read Cycle V "\IL tSU(S-R) ~ r\ tSU(A-R) Ao. A, tW(R) .v I X tPZV(A-OQ) - - "'ZVeR-CO) /~ 00-0, I---- ~ th(R-A) K tpVZ(R-OQ) '?l/"' Write Cycle J/ tsues-w) tsueA-W) ~ I tw(w) I Ao. A, )( V I--- theW-A) K tSUCOQ-W) thew-co) X ~ (Recovery Time) ~~=t=rece=R).=trec=eW)~~_ _ _~~ ,, _____ RD. WR Clock and Gate Cycle GATE elK OUT tPXV(t\ 4-70 ~OUT) • MITSUBISHI ..... ELECTRIC MITSUBISHI LSI. MSM82CSSAP-2/FP-21 J-2 CMOS PROGRAMMABLE PERIPHERAL INTERFACE BLOCK DIAGRAM PA, PA, READ INPUT RD PA, PA 4 WRITE INPUT WR PA 3 CONTROL A, lOGIC Ao RESET INPUT RESET CHIP SELECT ~ CS INPUT D, 0, D, DATA BUS (SV) (OV) 4-72 (8-BIT) I-----U PA, DATA BUS BUFFER 0, 0, 0, "l------ PC, PC, 8·81T r--1 GROUP B It------I. PC. 110 PC 3 PORTS C PC, 1--;~-1II-"'1 JI (LEAST PORT C l SIGNIFI· t - - - - - - I . PC, 1--+----:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-_{=1=~:;::C:A:N:T:~:'T:9~~======::c5 PC, DATA BUS "l------ PA, PC, PORT C (MOST SIGNIFICANT 4BITS) 4 I INTERNAL )-------0 )-------0 )-------0 vcct I~----~I~~~~==~ L~GROUPA I )-----)-------0 )-------0 D. D, r- a CONTROL PA, ADDRESS { INPUTS 110 PORTS A I a Lt---- PB, PB, PB, GROUP c- GROUP B B PORTS CONTROL PB, PB, PB, (8-BIT) PS, PB, , ~ --------------------------------------------------~ • MITSUBISHI .... ELECTRIC 110 PORTS B MITSUBISHI LSls MSM82CSSAP-2/FP-21 J-2 CMOS PROGRAMMABLE PERIPHERAL INTERFACE BASIC OPERATING MODES The PPI can operate in anyone of three selected basic modes. (group A, group B) Mode 0: Basic input/output (group A, group B) Mode 1: Strobed input/output (group A only) Mode 2: Bidirectional bus The mode of both group A and group B can be selected independently. The control word format for mode set is shown in Fig. 2. 0, 06 05 0, 0, 0, 0, Do 0, 06 05 0, 0, 0, 0, Do 11101010101011101 1tl010101010ll1n Mode sel flag I Active = 1 I Group A mode sel Mode U 06. 0, Mode 1 06, 05 = Mode 2 06, 05 = Port A input/oulpul louIPut 0 onput = 1 I 0, 0 0, 1 1, X set 0, 06 05 0, 0, 0, 0, Do 11 101010111010101 I I Port C (high-order 4 bits) inpuVoutput sel I I I ,".""~." I loutpul - 0 ,npul = 1 . - - - - Group B mode sel ModeO-O Model = 1 PA,-PAo 0, 06 05 0, 0, 0, 0, Do 0, 06 05 0, 0, 0, 0, Do 11 101010111011101 111010101110111t! I; '"' , ,. loutpul 0 onput = 1 Port C (low-order 4 bits) inpuVoulput set ,.......--, louIPut - 0 10,10610510,10,10,1011001. inpul = 1 • I Fig. 2 1. PA,-PAo I 0, 06 05 0, 0, 0, 0, Do 11 10 10111010101t! Control word format for mode set. Mode 0 (Basic Input/Output) This functional configuration provides simple input and output operations for each of the 3 ports. No "handshaking" is \ required; data is simply written in, or read from, the specified port. Output data from the CPU to the port can be held, but input data from the port to the CPU cannot be held. Any one of the a-bit ports and 4-bit ports can be used as an input port or an output port. The diagrams following show the basic input/output operating modes. PA,-PAo 4-74 0, 06 05 0, 0, 0, 0, Do 11 10 10111010101 0 1 0, 06 05 0, 0, 0, 0, Do 07 D6 Os 04 03 02 01 Do 11 1010111010111 0 1 111010111010111t! 0, 0 6 05 0, 0, 0, 0, Do 0, 06 05 0, 0, 0, 0, Do 11 101011111010101 1 1 1010111110101t! PA,-PAo 0, 06 05 0, 0, 0, 0, Do 0, 06 05 0, 0, 0, 0, Do 11 1010101010101 01 11 10 1010101010ln PA,-PAc 0, 06 05 0, 0, 0, 0, Do 11 10 10 111110 11 10 ' . MITSUBISHI . . . . ELECTRIC I 0, 06 05 0, 0, 0, 0, Do 111010111110111t! MITSUBISHI LSls MSM82CSSAP-2/FP-21 J-2 CMOS PROGRAMMABLE PERIPHERAL INTERFACE MODE I (PORT A) MODE 8 I (PORT B) 8 OBFA OBFa ACKA ACK a INTRa INTRA WR I/O WR CONTROL WORD WR OBF ACK INTR CONTROL WORD D7 D6 D5 D, D3 D, D, Do PORT OUTPUT l'IXIXIXlxIIIOlxl Note 2' o=OUTPUT Fig. 5 Fig. 6 An example of mode 1 output state When INTE is low-level. then the output of INTR is aways low-level Timing diagram I/O OBF B PC, IBF. PCa INTRa PORT A (STROBED OUTPUT) PORT B (STROBED INPUT) ACK B PORT A (STROBED INPUT) PORT B (STROBED OUTPUT) o =OUTPUT 4-76 INTRa CONTROL WORD CONTROL WORD Fig. 7 PCa Mode 1 port A and port B 1/0 example O=OUTPUT Fig. 8 • MITSUBISHI "ELECTRIC Mode 1 port A and port B 1/0 example MITSUBISHI LSls MSM82CSSAP-2/FP-21 J-2 CMOS PROGRAMMABLE PERIPHERAL INTERFACE 4. Control Signal Read Table 2 Read-out control signals In mode 1 or mode 2 when using port C as a control port, by CPU execution of an IN instruction, each control signal and bus status from port C can be read. ~ 1. 5. Mode I, output OBFA INTEA Control Word Tables Control word formats and operation details for mode 0, mode 1, mode 2 and set/reset control of port C are given in Tables 3, 4, 5 and 6, respectively. Table input Mode 2 D. I/O D5 OBFA INTE, D. D3 D, D2 Do IBFA INTEA INTRA INTEB IBFB INTRB 1/0 1/0 INTRA INTEB OBFB INTRB By group B mode IBFA INTE2 INTRA 3 Mode 0 control words D7 D, D5 D, D, D2 D, Do HexadeCImal Port A Port e (high-order 4 bits) Port e (low-order 4 bits) Port B 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 80 OUT OUT OUT OUT 1 0 a 1 81 OUT OUT IN OUT 1 0 1 a 82 OUT OUT OUT IN 1 0 1 1 83 OUT OUT IN IN 1 0 OUT IN OUT OUT a 89 OUT IN IN OUT 1 0 a a a 1 1 a 88 1 8A OUT IN OUT IN 1 0 1 1 8B OUT IN IN IN 1 0 a a 0 a a 0 0 a a 0 a a 0 1 0 a a 1 a a 0 1 a a a 1 0 a 1 a 0 a 1 0 a a 1 0 a a 1 a a a 1 1 a a 1 1 a 0 1 1 a 0 1 1 a a a a 1 90 IN OUT OUT OUT 91 IN OUT IN OUT 1 0 92 IN OUT OUT IN 1 1 93 IN OUT IN IN a a 0 98 IN IN OUT OUT 1 99 IN IN IN OUT 1 0 9A IN IN OUT IN 1 1 9B IN IN IN IN Group A Control words 1 0 1 a a a 1 1 1 0 1 a a 1 0 Note 4 OUT indicates output port, and I N Indicates Input port Table 4 Control words Group A Do Hexadecimal 1 a 1 0 a 1 0 x A4 1 a 1 0 a 1 1 x A6 1 0 1 a 1 1 a X 1 0 1 a 1 1 1 X 1 a 1 1 0 1 a X 1 a 1 1 a 1 1 x 1 a 1 1 1 1 a X 1 Note 5 6' 0 Group B Mode 1 control words D7 D, D5 D, D, D2 D, 4-78 D7 1/0 Mode Mode 1 1 1 1 1 X A5 A7 AC AD AE AF B4 85 B6 B7 BC BD BE BF Port A Group B porte Port e PC7 PC. OUT -OBFA OUT PC5 PC. PC3 Port B PC2 PC, PCo INTRB OUT ACKA OUT INTRA ACKB -OBF B -OBFA ACKA OUT INTRA STBB IBF. INTRB IN OUT -OBFA -ACKA IN INTRA ACK. -OBF. INTR. OUT OUT -OBFA -ACKA IN INTRA STBB IBF. INTRB IN ... ~- IN OUT IBFA STBA INTRA ACKB OBFB INTR. OUT IN OUT IBFA -STBA INTRA STB. IBF. INTR. IN IN IN IBFA -STBA INTRA ACKB -OBF. INTRB OUT IBFA -STBA INTRA STB. IBFB INTR. IN IN IN Mode of group A and group B can be programmed independently. It IS not necessary for both group A and group B to be in mode 1 • MITSUBISHI "'ELECTRIC MITSUBISHI LSls MSMS2CSSAP-2/FP-21 J-2 CMOS PROGRAMMABLE PERIPHERAL INTERFACE ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol Parameter Vee Supply voltage V, Input voltage Va Output voltage Conditions With respect to Vss IOLMAX Unit V -0. 3-V ee +0. 3 V All output and I/O p,ns output -0. 3-V ee +0. 3 -4 Port Output current "H" level and force same current Data bus MAX"L" All output and I/O pms output Port Output current "L" level and force same current 2 Data bus MAX "H" IOHMAX Ratmgs -0.3-7 Topr Operatmg free-alf temperature renge Tstg Storage temperature range RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Symbol Vee Supply voltage Vss Supply voltage (GND) ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Symbol Min J Nom I Max 4.5 I 5 5.5 I 0 I I V Test conditions Limits Min 2.0 V'L Low-level input voltage -0.3 VOL lee Supply current from Vee "C V High-level input voltage Output high voltage (NotelO) "C -65-150 Unit V'H Output low voltage (NotelO) mA -20-75 (Ta=-20-75'C, Vcc =5V±10%, Vss=ov, unless otherwise noted) Parameter V OH 4 2.5 (Ta=-20-75'C, unless otherwise noted) Limits Parameter -500 V mA I'A IOH=-400,uA 2.4 IOH=-20,uA 4.4 Typ Max Unit Vcc+0.3 V 0.8 V V III Input leak current loz Off-state output current Vo=OV-Vce Ci Input terminal capacitance f=lMHz 10 pF GilD Input/output terminal capacitance Unmeasured plns=OV 20 pF Note 9 : Current flowing into an Ie IS positive, out is negative, 10: Output current must be less than ±4mA for each Port pin 4-80 • MITSUBISHI ;"ELECTRIC 0.4 V IOL=2.5mA All ,nput mode RESET=OV. Other pins=Vcc. V,=OV, Vee 10 I'A ±10 ±10 I'A I'A MITSUBISHI LSls MSM82CSSAP·2/FP·21 J·2 CMOS PROGRAMMABLE PERIPHERAL INTERFACE TIMING DIAGRAM Data Bus Read Operation tW(R) ~l~ ~\ -'-.: thIR_A) l 2 IOL(DATA BUS) (rnA) VoL-l oL CHARACTERISTICS (PORT) 0.3r------------r----------~------------+_----------~--~~~--~ Vcc=4.5V Vcc=5V Vcc =5.5V Vcc=4.5V ~ -;:: 0.2 Vcc=5V Vcc =5.5V Vcc=4.5V Vcc=5V Vcc =5.5V 0: 0 II. ~ oJ 0.1 3 IOL(PORT) (rnA) 4-86 • MITSUBISHI ..... ELECTRIC 4 MITSUBISHI LSI. MSM82CS9AP-2/FP-21 J-2 CMOS PROGRAMMABLE INTERRUPT CONTROLLER BLOCK DIAGRAM INTERRUPT ACKOWLEDGE INPUT INTA INTERRUPT AEOUEST OUTPUT INT 0, CONTROL LOGIC 0, DATA BUS 0, BUFFER 0, BIDIRECTIONAL DATA BUS lA, lA, lA, lA, INTERRUPT AEQUEST INPUTS WR READ/WRITE lA, CONTROL IRs 3 LOGIC lA, lA, '-----( 1 WRITE CONTROL INPUT RD READ CONTROL INPUT Ao ADDRESS INPUT CS CHIP SELECT INPUT CAS, 1 CASCADE LINES INTEAAUPT MASK AEGISTEA (lMAI J SP/EN I SLAVE PROGRAM INPUT/ENABLE 1_ _ _ _ _ _- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4-88 ,. MITSUBISHI ~ELECTRIC BUFFER OUTPUT MITSUBISHI LSls MSM82CS9AP-2/FP-21 J-2 CMOS PROGRAMMABLE INTERRUPT CONTROLLER Interrupt Sequence 1. When the CPU is a MELPS85 IRU"IRR SET (1) When one or more of the interrupt request inputs are raised high, the corresponding IRR bites) for the high-level inputs will be set. (2) Mask state and priority levels are considered and, if appropriate, the M5M82C59AP-2 sends an INT sig(3) nal to the CPU. The acknowledgement of the CPU to the INT signal, the CPU issues an INTA pulse to the M5M82C59AP- 2. (4) Upon receiving the first INTA pulse from the CPU, a CALL instruction is released onto the data bus. (5) A CALL is a 3-byte instruction, so additional two INTA pulses are issued to the M5M82C59AP-2 from the CPU. (6) These two INTA pulses allow the M5M82C59AP-2 to release the program address onto the data bus. The low-order 8 bits vectored address is released at the second INTA pulse and the high-order 8 bits vectored address is released at the third INTA pulse. The ISR bit corresponding to the interrupt request input is set upon receiving the third INTA pulse from the CPU, and the corresponding IRR bit is reset. (7) This completes the 3-byte CALL instruction and the interrupt routine will be serviced. The ISR bit is reset at the trailing edge of the third INTA pulse in the AEOI mode. In the other modes the ISR bit is not reset until an EOI command is issued. r-- 1 r----:J 2 L--J /L--J\!~~ INTA - - - - , RESET ISR RESET (AEOI MODE) ISR SET The interrupt request input must be held at high-level until the first INTA pulse is issued. If it is allowed to return to low-level before the first INTA pulse is issued, an interrupt request in IR7 is executed However, in this case the ISR bit is not set. This is a function for a noise countermeasure of interrupt request inputs. In the interrupt routine of IR7, if ISR is checked by software either the interrupt by noise or real interrupt can be acknowledged. In the state of edge -trigger mode normally the interrupt request inputs hold high-level and its input low-level pulse in the case of interrupt. Interrupt sequence outputs 1. When the CPU is a MELPS85 A CALL instruction is released onto the data bus when the first INTA pulse is issued. The low-order 8 bits of the vectored address are released when the second INTA pulse is issued, and the high-order 8 bits are released when the third INTA pulse is issued. The format of these three outputs is shown in Table 2. Table 2 Formats of interrupt CALL instruction and vectored addre.ss First INTA pulse (CALL instruction) IRUt'IRR SET 06 0, 05 a a Do o Second INTA pulse (low-order 8 bits of vectored address) 2. When the CPU is a MELPS86 or MELPS88 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 4-90 When one or more of the interrupt request inputs are raised high, the corresponding IRR bit(s) for the high-level inputs will be set. Mask state and priority levels are considered and if appropriated, the M5M82C59AP-2 sends an INT signal to the CPU. As an acknowledgement to the INT signal, the CPU issues an INTA pulse to the M5M82C59AP-2. Upon receiving the first INTA pulse from the CPU, the M5M82C59AP-2 does not drive the data bus, and the data bus keeps high-impedance state. When the second INTA pulse is issued from the CPU, an 8-bit pOinter is released onto the data bus. This completes the interrupt cycle and the interrupt routine will be serviced. The ISR bit is reset at the trailing edge of the second INTA pulse in the AEOI mode. In the other modes the ISR bit is not reset until an EOI command is issued from the CPU. IR Interval= 4 07 06 05 0_ 03 02 0, IRa A7 A6 A5 0 0 0 0 0 IR, A7 As A5 0 0 1 0 0 Do IR2 A7 A6 A5 0 1 0 0 0 IR3 A7 As A5 0 1 1 a 0 IR_ A7 A6 A5 1 0 0 0 0 IR5 A7 As A5 1 0 1 0 0 IR6 A7 A6 A5 1 1 0 0 0 IR7 A7 A6 A5 1 1 1 0 0 • MITSUBISHI ' " ELECTRIC MITSUBISHI LSls MSM82CS9AP-2/FP-21 J-2 CMOS PROGRAMMABLE INTERRUPT CONTROLLER Write Control Input (WR) When WR goes to low-level the M5M82C59AP-2 can be written. Read Control Input (RD) When RD goes low-level status information in the Internal register of the M5M82C59AP-2 can be read through the data bus. Address Input (Ao) The address input is normally connected with one of the address lines and is used along with WR and RD to control write commands and reading status information. Cascade Buffer/Comparator The cascade buffer/comparator stores or compares identification codes. The three cascade lines are output when the M5M82C59AP-2 is a master or input when it is a slave. The identification code on the cascade lines select it as master or slave. PROGRAMMING THE M5M82C59AP-2 The M5M82C59AP-2 is programmed through the Initialization Command Word (ICW) and the Operation Command Word (OCW). The following explains the functions of these two commands. Initialization Command Words (ICWs) The initialization command word is used for the initial setting of the M5M82C59AP-2. There are four commands in this group and the following explains the details of these four commands. The command flow of ICWs is shown Fig. 2. ICW1 The meaning of the bits of ICW1 is explained in Fig. Fig. 2 4-92 along with the functions. ICW1 contains vectored address bits A7- A5, a flag indicating whether interrupt input is edge triggered or level triggered, CALL address interval, whether a single M5M82C59AP-2 or the cascade mode is used, and whether ICW4 is required or not. Whenever a command is issued with Ao=O and 04=1, this is interpreted as ICW1 and the following will automatically occur. (a) The interrupt mask register (IMR) is cleared. (b) The interrupt' request input IR7 is assigned the lowest priority. (c) The special mask mode is cleared and the status read is set to the interrupt request register (IRR). (d) When IC4=O all bits in ICW4 are set to O. ICW2 ICW2 contains vectored address bits A15 - As or interrupt type T7-T3, and the format is shown in Fig. 3. ICW3 When SNGL = 1 it indicates that only a single M5M82C59AP-2 is used in the system, in which case ICW3 is not valid. When SNGL=O, ICW3 is valid and indicates cascade connections with other M5M82C59AP-2 devices. In the master mode, a 1 is set for each slave. When the CPU is a MELPS85 the CALL instruction is released from the master at the first I NTA pulse and the vectored address is released onto the data bus from the slave at the second and third I NTA pulses. When the CPU is a MELPS86 the master and slave are in high-impedance at the first INTA pulse and the pointer is 3 Initialization sequence • MITSUBISHI ~ELECTRIC MITSUBISHI LSls MSM82CS9AP-2/FP-21 J-2 CMOS PROGRAMMABLE INTERRUPT CONTROLLER released onto the data bus from the slave at the second INTA pulse. The master mode is specified when SP/EN pin is highlevel or BUF = 1 and M/S = 1 in ICW4, and slave mode is specified when SP/EN pin IS low-level or BUF=1 and M/S =0 in ICW4. In the slave mode, 3-bit ID2~IDo identify the slave. And then when the slave code released on the cascade lines from the master, matches the assigned ID code, the vectored address is released by it onto the data bus at the next INTA pulse ICW4 Only when IC4= 1 in ICW1 is ICW4 valid. Otherwise all bits are set to O. When ICW4 is valid it specifies special fully nested mode, buffer mode master/slave, automatic EOI and microprocessor mode. The format of ICW4 is shown in Fig. 3. Operation Command Words (OCWs ) The operation command words are used to change the contents of IMR, the priority of interrupt request inputs and the special mask. After the ICW are programmed into the M5M82C59AP-2, the device is ready to accept interrupt requests. There are three types of OCWs; explanation of each follows, and the format of OCWs is shown in Fig 4 OCW1 The meaning of the bits of OCW1 are explained in Fig. 4 along with their functions. Each bit of IMR can be indepen- , . - - - - , - - , - _ - - ,_ _. - - _ - ,_ _,--_---,_ _ _ _--11. INTERRUPT MASK SET INTERRUPT MASK RESET OCW1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1· 0 1 0 NON-SPECIFIC EOI } EOI SPECIFIC EOI (RESETS ISR BITS L,-Lo) ROTATE ON NON-SPECIFIC EOI SETS AUTOMATIC ROTATION FLIP-FLOP } AUTOMATIC ROTATION RESET AUTOMATIC ROTATION FLIP-FLOP ROTATE ON SPECIFIC EOI (RESETS ISR BIT L2-Lo) :J L Ao0 I R 0, I } SPECIFIC ROTATION 1 0 SETS PRIORITY COMMAND (SET LOWEST PRIORITY BIT L,-Lo) 1 0 NO OPERATION 10 LEVEL TO BE ACTED UPON SL EOI 06 05 I 0 I 0 I 03 L, 0, I I 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 I I L, 0, Lo 2 3 4 5 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 6 I Do OCW2 0 1 X NO OPERATION 0 RESET SPECIAL MASK MODE 1 1 SETS SPECIAL MASK MODE 11 0 I , I 0 Ao Fig, 4 4-94 I 0 0, ESMM I SMM I 06 05 OCW3 0 I 1 03 I P 0, I X NO OPERATION 1 1 0 SETS STATUS READ REGISTER IN IRR 1 SETS STATUS READ REGISTER IN ISR I 0, POLL COMMAND NO POLL COMMAND 0 RR I I RIS Do Operation command word format • MITSUBISHI ..... ELECTRIC 7 1 1 1 1 0 1 MITSUBISHI' LSls MSM82CS9AP-2/FP-21 J-2 CMOS PROGRAMMABLE INTERRUPT CONTROLLER of those that are set. Other ISR bits are reset by a specific EOI and the bit to be reset is specified in the EOI by the program. The SEOI is useful in modes other than fully nested mode. When the M5M82C59AP-2 is in special mask mode ISR bits masked in IMR are not reset by EOL EOI and SEOI are selected when OCW2 is executed. Automatic EOI (AEOI) In the AEOI mode the M5M82C59AP-2 executes nonspecific EOI command automatically at the trailing edge of the last INTA pulse. When AEOI = 1 in ICW4, the M5M82C59AP-2 is put In AEOI mode continuously until reprogrammed in ICW4. Automatic rotation The automatic rotation mode is used in applications where many interrupt requests of the same level are expected such as multichannel communication systems In this mode when an interrupt request is serviced, that request is assigned the lowest priority so that if there are other interrupt requests they will have higher priorities. This means that the next request on the interrupt request being serviced must wait until the other interrupt requests are serviced (worst case is waiting for all 7 of the other controllers to be serviced). The priority and serving status are rotated as shown in Fig. 5. BEFORE ROTATION (IR3 THE HIGHEST PRIORITY REQUIRING SERVICE) Specific rotation Specific rotation gives the user versatile capabilities in interrupt controlled operations. It serves in those applications in which a specific device's interrupt priority must be altered. As opposed to automatic rotation which automatically sets priorities, specific rotation is completely user controlled. That is, the user selects the interrupt level that is to receive lowest or highest priority. Priority changes can be executed during an EOI command. Level triggered mode/Edge triggered mode Selection of level or edge triggered' mode of the M5M82C59AP-2 is made by ICW1, When using edge triggered mode not only is a transition from low-level to highlevel required, but the high-level must be held until the first INTA.· If the high-level is not held until the first INTA, the interrupt request will be treated as if it were input on IR7, except that the ISR bit is not set. When level triggered mode is used the functions are the same as edge triggered mode except that the transition from low-level to high-level is not required to trigger the interrupt request. In the level triggered mode and using AEOI mode together, if the high-level is held too long the interrupt will occur immediately. To avoid this situation interrupts should be kept disabled until the end of the service routine or until the IR input returns low-level. In the edge triggered mode this type of mistake is not possible because the interrupt request is edge triggered. Reading the M5M82C59AP-2 internal status IS, IS. IS5 ISR STATUS IS, a IS3 IS, ISo I HIGHEST PRIORITY LOWEST PRIORITY PRIORITY STATUS IS, i ! AFTER ROTATION (IR3 WAS SERVICED AND ALL OTHER PRIORITIES ROTATED CORRESPONDINGLY) IS, Is" IS5 IS, IS3 IS, IS, ISo ISR STATUS HIGHEST P,110RITY PRIORITY STATUS Fig. 5 i ,I LOWEST PRIORITY CASCADING 7 An example of priority rotation In the non-specific EOI command automatic rotation mode is selected when R=l, EOI=l, SL=O in OCW2. The internal priority status is changed by EOI or AEOI commands. The rotation priority A flip-flop is set by R = 1, EOI = and SL=O which is useful when the M5M82C59AP-2 is used in the AEOI mode. a 4-96 The contents of IRR and ISR can be read by the CPU with status read. When an OCW3 is issued to the M5M82C59AP2 and an RD pulse issued the contents of IRR or ISR can be released onto the data bus. A special command is not required to read the contents of 1M R. The contents of 1M R can be released onto the data bus by issuing an RD pulse when Ao=l. There is no need to issue a read register command every time the IRR or ISR is to be read. Once a read register command i~ received by the M5M82C59AP-2, it remains valid until it is changed. Remember that the programmer must issue a poll command every time to check whether there is an interrupt request and read the priority level. Polling overrides status read when P = 1, RR = 1 in OCW3. The M5M82C59AP-2 can be interconnected in a system of one master with up to 8 slaves to handle up to 64 priority levels. A system of 3 units that can be used with the MELPS85 is shown in Fig. 6. The master can select a slave by outputting its identification code through the 3 cascade lines. The INT output of each slave is connected to the master interrupt request inputs. When an interrupt request of one of the slaves is to be serviced the master outputs the identification code of the slave through the cascade lines, so the slave will release the vectored address on the next INTA pulse. • MITSUBISHI . . . . ELECTRIC MITSUBISHI LSI. MSM82CS9AP-2/FP-21 J-2 CMOS PROGRAMMABLE INTERRUPT CONTROLLER ADDRESS aus 16 CONTROL BUS DATA BUS 8 3 3 3 8 8 es 8 1 es INT Ao M5M82C59AP-2 MASTER CASo CAS, CASo CAS, CAS, CAS, SP/EN IR,IR IRs IR41R31R21R,IRo I f Vee 7 6 l ~S I Ao INT CASo --00 CAS ,----' CAS, M5M82C59AP-2 SLAVE SP/EN IR,IR.IR.IR.IR3IR2IR,IRo ! ! f3! !! M5 M82C59AP-2 SLAVE SP/EN IR,IR IR5 IR.IR3IR,IR,IR ttl!!t!! G!D r=- INT Ao ' G!D tI!!!!r! y INTERRUPT REQUEST INPUTS Fig. 6 Cascading the M5M82C59AP-2 DEN DATA BUS ADDRESS BUS Do -D, (Note 3) ADo- AD, RD OR-IORC WROR~ WC INTA M/iO 8 Do-D, ~ Ao I .... Ao A, A, A. As As .......... ...... .. RD LS30 s::: s::: '"co N )0- 0 '"~""~[~--REQUEST INPUTS - IRo IR, IR, IR, IR, IR, IR. IR, '"~ ~ Note 3 : Do-D, of the M5M82C59AP-2 are direct connected with ADo-AD, of the MELPS86 Fig. 7 Example of interface with the MELPS86 4-98 OE TO BUS BUFFER jjj'f7( I000o- A, INTR • 5. Wii sp/rn ~ . , J'" .... .... II INT • MITSUBISHI . . . . ELECTRIC R>- MITSUBISHI LSls MSM82CS9AP-21 FP-21 J-2 CMOS PROGRAMMABLE INTERRUPT CONTROLLER ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol Parameter Vee Supply voltage V, Input\voltage Vo Output voltage IOHMAX IOLMAX Conditions With respect to Vss MAX"H" All output and liD pins output Output current "H" level and force same current MAX "L" All output and liD pins output Output current "L" level and force same current free~air Topr Operating Tstg Storage temperature range Ratings Unit -0.3-7 V -0. 3-Vee+0. 3 V -0. 3-Vec+0. 3 V -500 /-lA temperature range RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS 2.5 mA -20-75 ·C -65-150 ·C (Ta=-20-75'C, unless otherwise noted) Limits Symbol Unit Parameter Min Vee Supply voltage Vss Supply voltage (GND) Nom 4.5 Max 5 5.5 0 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS V V (Ta=-20-75'C, Vcc =5V±10%, Vss=OV, unless otherwise noted) Limits Symbol Parameter Test conditions Unit Min V'H High·level input voltage V'L Low~level 2.0 -0.3 input voltage VO H High·level output voltage VOH(INT) High-level output voltage, interrupt request output IOH=-400,uA 2.4 IOH=-20,uA 4.4 Typ Max Vcc+0.3 0.8 V V V IOH=-400,uA 2.4 IOH=-100,uA 3.5 IOH=-20,uA 4.4 V V VOL Low-level output voltage 10L =2.2mA Icc Standby supply current Irom Vee V,=OV, Vee output open I'H High-level input current VI=VCC I'L Low-level input current v,=ov loz Off~state vo=ov-Vcc ILIR1 I R pin input current V,=OV ILIR2 IR pin input current VI=VCC 10 /-lA Ci Input capacitance Vcc=Vss, 1=1 MHz. 25mVrms. Ta=25'C 10 pF Ci/o Input/output capacitance Vcc=Vss, 1=1 MHz. 25mVrms, Ta=25'C 20 pF 4-100 output current • MITSUBISHI "-ELECTRIC 0.45 10 /-lA -10 10 /-lA -10 10 /-lA -10 10 /-lA /-lA -300 MITSUBISHI LSls MSM82CS9AP-2/FP-21 J-2 CMOS PROGRAMMABLE INTERRUPT CONTROLLER TIMING DIAGRAM Write Mode >- K Ih(w-A) ISU(A-W) -00- \ Iw(w) >-- -/ r tSU{oc-w) Ih(w-oo) I~r- '}F- 0,-00 ~ r-- K Read Mode es, Ao }: ~ tSU(A_R) Ih(R-A) IW(R) \~ ¥ tPYZ(R-OO) tPZV(R-OQ) IpZV(A-OO) ~ tpHL(R-ENl ~ W tPlH(R-EN) I \-r 4-102 • MITSUBISHI ..... ELECTRIC MITSUBISHI LSls M5M82C255ASP CMOS PROGRAMMABLE PERIPHERAL INTERFACE DESCRIPTION The M5M82C255ASP is a LSI equivalent to two M5M82C55AP-2. It is housed in a single 64-pin shrink DIP. The M5M82C255ASP is fabricated using silicon-gate CMOS technology for a single supply voltage. This LSI is a simple input and output interface for TTL circuits, having 48 input/output pins which correspond to six 8-bit input/output ports. PIN CONFIGURATION (TOP VIEW) PA04 CHIP S~L~~; PORT • • • • • • • • • Single 5V supply voltage Input: TTL compatible (l oL =2.5mA) Output: CMOS/TTL compatible Each I/O pin has ±4mA driving capability Read access time: 120ns Timing specification enable easy design of system bus timing Noise limiter is built-in to provide high noise margin (RESET, ACK, STB) 48 programmable I/O pins Direct bit set/reset capability 64-pin shrink DIL package (lead pitch 0.07 inch) is. used for easy mounting 1 2 PAo,.... 3 1/0 PORTS Ao A~~~5~~ FEATURES ++ PA03 - 1 64 .... PA051 63 ++ PAoe PA o, - 4 62 .... PA07 61 - R/W PAoo '" 5 60 - eso -+ A, -+ f I/O PORTS Ao READIWRITE Y,?pNJfOL RESET RESET INPUT 6 7 Ao -+ 8 DATA BUS 1/0 PORTS Co 1/0 PORTS Bo 110 PORTS A1 APPLLlCATION Input/output ports for microprocessor If0 PORTS 8 t FUNCTION A Block diagram of the M5M82C255ASP is shown in the following page. The M5M82C255ASP consists of block 0 and block 1 each of which is functionally equivalent to the M5M82C55AP-2. Block 0 and block 1 have independent chip select inputs CSo and CS" and independent ports PAo, PBo, PCo, PA" PB, and PC,. The 8-bit data bus, address inputs Ao and A" and the RESET input are shared by block 0 and block 1. The CPU's RD signal and WR signal must be multiplexed to generate the R/W signal. The 48 I/O pins consist of two blocks each with two 12-bit sub blocks A and B. All four blocks can be programmed independently by three mode control commands from the CPU. In mode 0, four 8-bit I/O ports and four 4-bit I/O ports are available for use as output ports. In mode 1, the 24 I/O pins of each bJock are divided into groups A and B. In each group, 8 bits are used for input or output data ports. And 4 bits are used for control data ports. In mode 2, 8 bits of group A are used as a bidirectional bus with a 5-bit control signal. Any of the 8 data bits at port C of each block can set or reset. When reset input (RESET) is high, all ports are set to the input mode (high-impedance state). 4-104 1/0 PORTS C, • MITSUBISHI . . . . ELECTRIC Outline 64P4B MITSUBISHI LSls MSM82C2SSASP CMOS PROGRAMMA8LE PERIPHERAL INTERFACE FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION Table 1 Basic Operations Block 0 has the same function as block 1. Therefore, block o is explained in the following. A, Aa eSa es, R/W 0 0 L H H Data bus - Port Read function operates when the R/W is high-level, and data input at the port is transferred to the CPU. Write function operates when the R/W is low-level, and data or control from the CPU are written. 0 0 H L H Data bus - Port A, 0 1 L H H Data bus - Port Bo 0 1 H L H Data bus - Port B, 1 0 L H H Data bus - Port Co Ao, 1 0 H L H Data bus - Port C, 0 0 L H L Port 0 0 H L L Port AI - Data bus RiW (ReadlWrite) Input Al (Port address) Input These input signals are used to select one of the three ports: port A, port B, and port C, or the control register. They are normally connected to the least significant two bits of the address bus. RESET (Reset) Input At high-level, the control register is cleared. Then all ports are set to the input mode (high-impedance state). CSo, CS1 (Chip-Select) Input At low-level, the communication between M5M82C255ASP and the CPU is enabled. When CSo is low-level block 0 is selected, and when CS, is low-level, block 1 is selected. When CSo and CS, are both high-level, the data bus maintains high impedance state and control from the CPU is ignored. In modes 0 or 1, the previous data is stored. Ao - Data bus 0 1 L H L Port 0 1 H L L Port B, - Data bus So - Data bus 1 0 L H L Port Co - Data bus 1 0 H L L Port Cl - Data bus 1 1 L H L Control register 0 - Data bus 1 1 H L L Control register 1 - Data bus X X H H X Data bus is high-impedance state 1 1 L H H 1 1 H L H ReadlWrite Control Logic The function of this block is to control transfers of both data and control words. It accepts the address signals (Ao, A" CSo, CS1 ), I/O control signals (R/W) and RESET signal, and then issues commands to both of the control groups. Data Bus Buffer This three-state, bidirectional, 8-bit buffer is used to transfer the data when an input or output instruction is executed by the CPU. Control words and status information are also transferred through the data bus buffer. Group A and Group B Control Accepting commands from the read/write control logic, the control blocks (Group A, Group B) receive 8 bit control words from the internal data bus and issue the proper commands for the associated ports. Control group A is associated with port A and the 4 high-order bits of port C. Control group B is associated with port B and the 4 low-order bits of port C. The control register, which stores control words, can only be written into. Port 'A, Port B and Port C M5M82C255ASP contains six 8-bit ports whose modes and input/output settings are programmed by the system software. Port A has an output latch/buffer and an input latch/buffer. Port B has an input-output latch/buffer. Port C has an output latch/buffer and an input buffer. Port C can be divided into two 4-bit ports which can be used as ports for control signals for port A and port B. The basic operations are shown in Table 1. 4-106 Operation Ao • MITSUBISHI "ELECTRIC Illegal condition MITSUBISHI LSls M5M82C255ASP CMOS PROGRAMMABLE PERIPHERAL INTERFACE chip select Signal, care must be taken when connecting the M5M82C255ASP to a high-speed microprocessor. The ad~~~ss setup time and hold time of the M5M82C55AP-2 read signal are defined as tSU(A-R) and th(R-A) but, in the M5M82C255ASP, they are defined as tsu (A,-CS) and th (CS-A,) due to above reason, where Ai means address inpus of AD or A1 . The time is specified to be Ons minimum for each. CPU INTERFACE Fig. 1 shows an application with the M5L8085AP as the CPU. In this figure, the M5M82C255ASP is mapped in the 1/0 space, but it could also be mapped in the memory space. The following description applies to the circuit in the Fig. 1. Characteristics are shown in Figs. 2, 3 and 4. Chip select signal Note The term "address" used in describing the address setup time and address hold time of M5M82C55AP-2 means the address Inputs Ao, A, and CS The M5M82C255ASP chip select signal (CS a, CS, ) is the logical product of the 10· RD (10· WR) signal derived from the read (write) Signal and 101M signal from the CPU, and the address decoder output generated by decoding the address. Therefore, the timing of chip select signal (CS a, CS, ) is delayed from that of 10· RD (10· WR) signal. The chip select signals CS a and CS, must not be active simultaneously. Read operation Write operation Fig. 4 shows the write timing. The phase relationship of the R/W and chip select signals is marked by an For the M5M82C55AP-2, the phase relationship is defined as the (Note) • ) address setup time tsu (A-W) ( or tAW before WR ,an d .IS specified to be Ons minimum. In the M5M82C255ASP, however, the phase relationship is reversed by the circuit which generates the control signal (See Fig. 1), when the chip select signal becomes active after the R/W Signal goes low-level. Therefore, we have discarded the previous definition. The phase difference of write Signal and chip select Signal is defined as tsu (CS-W) and specified as Ons maximum and - 30ns minimum. The phase difference of the write signal and address inputs of AD and A, is defined as tSU(A'-W) and the minimum value is -30ns. This means that the address inputs of AD and A, and the chip select signal must become stable within 30ns after the R/W signal goes low-level. The signals AD and A, can become stable before R/W goes low-level, but the chip select signal must be activated after the R/W signal goes low-level. This is required because, if the chip select signal is active before R/W Signal, the R/W signal will be highlevel, causing the M5M82C255ASP to enter the read operation. The address inputs of AD and A, will write properly as long as the minimum value is -30ns. *. _ The read operation of M5M82C255ASP starts when RD· CS = 1, just as with the M5M82C55AP-2. When the M5L8085AP CPU enters into 1/0 read operation, the M5M82C255ASP R/W signal, obtained by inverting the 10 • WR signal, is kept at high-level. The actual read operation starts when the chip select signal is activated by the 10 • RD signal and address decoder output. The access time of the M5M82C255ASP is specified by the falling edge of the chip select signal, and is defined a,s t pzv (CS-DQ). Fig. 3 shows the read timing. The delay time (marked by *) extends from the time when the RD signal of CPU become's active until the chip select signal becomes active. It is obtained by adding the delay time of LS02 and LS51 in Fig. 1. Table 2 shows the gate delay time of LS02, LS51, LS04 and LSOO used in the circuit of Fig. 1. The sum of the gate delay times of LS02 and LS51 is 35ns, after which the actual read operation starts. The access time of the M5M82C255ASP is 120ns maximum, so the total access time is 155ns maximum. As the access time of the M5M82C255ASP is specified by the falling edge of the M5M82C255ASP R/W CPUWR "H"------------ f ' ' -_ _....J M5M82C255ASP _ _ _ _""'" R/W CPU RD +"" M5M82C255ASP _ _ _ _ _ CSo or CS, M5M82C255ASP CSo or CS, Ao, A, Fig. 3 Read operation of the M5M82C255ASP Fig. 4 Write operation of the M5M82C255ASP Table 2 Gate delay time Type LS02 Typ tpLH 6 tpHL 6 4-108 I I I LS51 Max Typ 15 6 15 8 I 1 1 LSOO LS04 Max Typ 20 6 20 6 I I L Max Typ 15 6 15 6 I I I Max Unit 15 nsee 15 nsee • MITSUBISHI . . . . ELECTRIC Refer to the Bipolar Digital ICs Section of, ) ( Mltsubishl Semiconductor Handbook MITSUBISHI LSls MSM82C25SASP CMOS PROGRAMMABLE PERIPHERAL INTERFACE ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol Parameter Vee Supply voltage V, Input voltage Vo Output voltage Conditions With respect to Vss IOLMAX Unit V -0. 3-Vee+0. 3 V All output and liD pins output Port "H" level and force same current. Data bus MAX"L" All output and I/O pins output Port Output current "L" level and force same current. Data bus Topr Operating temperature range Tstg Storage temperature RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Vee Supply voltage Vss Supply voltage (GND) 4.5 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Symbol Min -500 4 2.5 -20-75 "C -65-150 "C (Ta = -20-75"C, unless otherwise noted) limits Parameter mA !LA mA mA -4 Output current Symbol V -0. 3-Vee+0. 3 MAX "H" IOHMAX Ratings -0.3-7 I I Nom 5 I I I 0 I Max 5.5 Unit V V (Ta = -20-75"C, Vee = 5V±10%, Vss = OV, unless otherwise noted) Test conditions Parameter Limits Min V ,H High~level input voltage 2.0 V ,L Low-level Input voltage -0.3 VOH High-level output voltage (Note2) VOL Low-level output voltage (Note2) lee Supply current I'L loz Input leak current Off-state output current IOH--400I'A 2.4 IOH=-2OI'A 4.4 IOL=2.5mA All Input Mode Typ Max Unit Vee+O.3 V 0.8 V V 0.4 V 10 f"A V,=OV, Vee ±1O Vo=OV-Vec ±10 !LA f"A RESET=OV, Other Pins=Vec Ci Input capacitance f=l MHz, 25mVrms, Ta=25'C 10 pF Clio 1/0 capacitance OV except test pms 30 pF Note1: Current flowing into an IC is positive (no sign). 2: The maximum value of the output current should be held within ±4mA at each port pin. 4-110 • MITSUBISHI ..... ELECTRIC MITSUBISHI LSls M5M82C255ASP CMOS PROGRAMMABLE PERIPHERAL INTERFACE TIMING DIAGRAM Data Bus Read Timing R/W tw(CS) ~ cSa or cs, V th(CS-AI) tSU(AI-CS) ). Ao, A, K tplIZ( CS-DQ) tPZV(CS-DQl /// \\\ ~\ ) ~// Data Bus Write Timing t W (R/W - '\ R/W t!r- 1 W th(W.AI) ) )( Ao, A, K tsU(cs-wl th(w_cs) i cSo or cs, th(w-OQ) tSU(DQ-W) K ) Mode 0 Port Input ~ CSoorCS,="L" and R/W="H" PORT INPUT --------------- ~ • ._ ~ -------------------- i Mode 0, 1 Port Output CSo or CS,="L" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . \ and.R/W="L" '-------PORT OUTPUT 4-112 ~ '-~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _. • MITSUBISHI . . . . ELECTRIC .. tPHL(W-PE) _ "~'w,,' x~------- __ MITSUBISHI LSI. MSM82C2SSASP CMOS PROGRAMMABLE PERIPHERAL INTERFACE Mode 2 Bidirectional esc or eS, ="L" and R/W="L" J OBF tPLH(ACK-OSF) ~---1---"/ lNTR tWCACKl V \ /1I!...--3-----\ STB I \ IBF esc or eS, ="L" ----------------+---e--I------1~ and R/W="H" tSU(PE-STB) PORTA R/W thCSTB-PE) t\\ ------H1'/"'L) Timer input low-level pulse width 80 Ic( ~) Timer input cycle time tr( ~) Timer input rise time 30 ns tf( ~) Timer Input fall time 30 ns ns DC 320 SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS ns (Ta=-20-75'(;, Vcc =5V±5%, Vss=ov, unless otherwise noted.) Limtts Symbol Test conditions Parameter Unit Min Typ Max tpZV(R~DQ) Propagation time from read to data output 170 ns tPZV(A~DQ) Propagation tIme from address to data output 400 ns tPYZ(R-DQ) Propagation time from read to data floating (Note 6) 100 ns Propagation time from write to data output 400 ns tPHL(W-P) 0 tPLH(W_P) tPLH(STB-BF) Propagation time from strobe to SF lIag 400 ns tPHL(R-BF) Propagation time from read to SF flag 400 ns tpLH(STB4NTR) PropagatIon time from strobe to Interrupt 400 ns tPHL(R-INTR) Propagation time from read to Interrupt 400 ns tpHL(STB-BF) Propagation tIme from strobe to SF flag 400 ns tPLH(W_BF} Propagation time from write to SF flag 400 ns tPHL(W_INTR) Propagation time from write to Interrupt 400 ns Propagation time from timer input to timer output 400 ns tpHL( I-OUT) C L = 150pF tpLH(; -OUT) Note 6 7 5-8 Test conditions are not applied. A.C Testing waveform Input pulse level O. 45-2. 4V Input pulse rise tIme 20ns 20ns Input pulse fall time Reference level input V,H =2V, V'c =0. 8V VoH=2V, Vo L =0.8V output 2.4-V2 2Y- 0.45 -A""O.",,8_...;;;O'..:;;8A- • MITSUBI$HI ~ELECTRIC MITSUBISHI LSls M5LS155P 2048·BIT STATIC RAM WITH I/O PORTS AND TIMER Strobed Output Strobed Input K ) PORT tSU(P-STB) \ tplH(STB-BF) th(STB-p) II _\ H~~ tpLHCSTS-tNTR) \ BF J INTR \ tPHll(~-BF~ \ Q /L .t Timer (Note 8) 5 TIMER IN TIMER OUT \.. ___ ":'J (Note9) PULSE MODE riMERMODE OUT _________________ J ' (Note9) SQUARE WAVE Note 8 : The wave form IS shown for the case of counting down from 5 to 1 9 : As long as the Ml mode flag of the timer register is at hi,gh-Ievel, pulses are continuously output. 5-10 • MITSUBISHI ..... ELECtRIC MITSUBISHI LSls MSL81S6P 2048-BIT STATIC RAM WITH I/O PORTS AND TIMER OPERATION Table Data Bus Buffer This 3-state bidirectional S-bit buffer is used to transfer the data while input or output instructions are being executed by the CPU. Command and address information IS also transferred through the data bus buffer. ReadlWrlte Control Logic The read/write control logic controls the transfer of data and commands by interpreting the signals (CE, RD, WR, 10iM, ALE and RESET) from CPU. Bidirectional Address/Data Bus (ADo-AD 7) The bidirectional address/data bus is a 3-state S-bit bus. The S-bit address is latched in the internal latch by the failing edge of ALE. Then if 10iM input signal is at high-level, the address of I/O port, counter/timer, or command register Is selected. If it is at low-level, address of RAM is selected. The S-bit data is transferred by read input (RD) or write input (WR). Chip Enable Input (CE) When CE is at high-level, the address information on address/data bus is stored in the M5L8156P. Read Input (RD) When RD is at low-level, the data bus buffer is active. If 10/ M Input signal is at low-level, the contents of RAM are read through the address/data bus. If 10iM input is at high-level, the contents of selected I/O port or counter/timer are read through the address/data bus. Write Input (WR) When WR is at low-level, the data on the address/data bus are written into RAM if 10iM is at low-level, or they are written into I/O port, counter/timer or command register if 10iM is at high-level. Address Latch Enable Input (ALE) An address on the address/data bus is latched in the M5LS156P on the falling edge of ALE along with the levels of CE and 10/M. . 10lMemory Input (101M) When 10/M is at low-level, the RAM is selected, while at high-level the I/O port, counter/timer or command register are selected. 110 Port A (PAo-PA7) Port A is an S-bit general-purpose I/O port. Input/output setting is controlled by the system software. 110 Port B (PBo-pa7) Port B is an S-bit general-purpose I/O port. Input/output setting is controlled by the system software. 1/0 Port C (PCo-PC s) Port C is a 6-bit I/O port that can also be used to output control signals of port A (PA) or port B (PB). The functions of port C are controlled by the system software. When port C is used to output control signals of ports A or B, the assignment of the signals to the pins is as shown in Table 1. 5-12 1 Pin assignment of control signals of port C Pin PCs PC. PC3 PC2 PC, PCa Function BSTB B BF (port B strobe) BINTR (port B Interrupt) ASTB (port A strobe) A BF (port A buffer full) AINTR (port A Interrupt) (port B buffer full) Timer Input (TIMER IN) The signal on this input terminal is used by the counter/timer for counting events or time. (3MHz max.) Timer Output (TIMER OUT) A square wave signal or pulse from the counter/timer is output through this pin when in the operation mode. Command Register (8 bits) The command register is an B-bit latched register. The loworder 4 bits (bits 0-3) are used for controlling and determination of the mode of the ports. Bits 4 and 5 are used as interrupt enable flags for ports A and B when port C is used as a control port. Bits 6 and 7 are used for controlling the counter/timer. The contents of the command register are rewritten by output instructions (110 address XXXXXOOO). Details of the functions of the individual bits of the command register are shown in Table 2. Table Bit 2 Bit functions of the command register Symbol 0 PA 1 PB 2 PC, 3 PC2 4 lEA 5 IEB Function PORT A I/O SET PORT B I/O SET 1: Output port A 0: Input port A 1. Output port B O' Input port B PORT C SET 00. ALTl 11. ALT2 01. ALT3 10' ALT4 PORT A INTERRUPT ENABLE FLAG PORT B INTERRUPT ENABLE FLAG 1. Enable Inte~rupt 0: Disable interrupt l' Enable interrupt 0: Disable interrupt COUNTER/TIMER CONTROL 6 TMl 00. No Influence on counter/timer operation 01. Counter/timer operation discontinued (If not already stopped) 10: Counter/timer operation discontinued after the current 7 TM2 • MITSUBISHI . . . . ELECTRIC counter/timer operation IS completed 11: Counter/timer operation started MITSUBISHI LSls M5L8156P 2048·BIT STATIC RAM WITH I/O PORTS AND TIMER CONFIGURATION OF PORTS A block diagram of 1 bit of ports A and B is shown in Fig. 1. While port A or B is programmed as an output port, if the port is addressed by an input instruction, the contents of the selected port can be read. When a port IS put In Input mode, the output latch is cleared and writing into the output latch is disabled. Therefore when a port is changed to output mode from input mode, low-level signals are output through the port. When a reset signal is applied, all 3 ports (PA, PB, and PC) will be input ports and their output latches are cleared. Port C has the same configuration as ports A and B in modes ALT1 and ALT2. M5L8156P EXTERNAL PIN ( PORT A OR) PORT B Note 1. WR PORT=IO/M·WR·CE (PORT ADDRESS SELECTED) 2. RD PORT=IO/M·RD·CE (PORT ADDRESS SELECTED) 3. MULTIPLEX CONTROL 1 STROBE INPUT MODE *2 INPUT MODE 3 OUTPUT MODE 4. MD= 1 : OUTPUT MODE o : INPUT MODE * MD Configuration for 1 bit of port A or B Fig. 1 Table 5 XXXXXOOO XXXXXOO1 XXXXX010 XXXXX011 5-14 The basic functions of the 1/0 ports are shown in Table 5. The control signal levels to ports A and B, when port C is programmed as a control port, are shown in Table 6. Basic functions of I/O ports Address Table * 6 RD WR L H AD bus - Status register H L Command register - AD bus L H AD bus - Port A Function H L Port A - AD bus L H AD bus - Port B H L Port B -AD bus L H AD bus - Port C ' H L Port C - AD bus COUNTERITIMER The counter/timer is composed of a 14-bit counting register and 2 mode flags. The register has two sections: 1/0 address XXXXX100 is assigned to the low-order 8 bits and II o address XXXXX101 is assigned to the high-order 6 bits and timer mode flag 2 bits. The low-order bits 0 - 13 are used for counting or timing. The counter is initialized by the program and then counted down to 0." The initial value can be ranged from 216 to 3FF16. Bits 14 and 15 are used as Port control signal levels at ALT3 and AL T4 Control Signal Output mode Input mode STB Input Input SF "L" "L" INTR "H" "L" mode flags. The mode flags select 1 of 4 modes with functions as follows: Mode 0: Outputs high-level signal during the former half of the counter operation Outputs low-level signal during the latter half of the counter operation • MITSUBISHI . . . . ELECTRIC MITSUBISHI LSls M5L8156P 2048-BIT STATIC RAM WITH I/O PORTS AND TIMER TIMING REQUIREMENTS (T a=-20~75°C, Vcc= 5 V± 5 %, Vss=OV, unless otherwise noted) Limits Symbol Parameter Test conditions Min Typ Unit Max tSU(A-L) Address setup time before latch 50 ns theL-A) Address hold time after latch 80 ns td{L-RW) Delay time, latch to read/write lOa ns tweL) Latch pulse width lOa ns tdCRW-L) Delay time, read/write to latch 20 ns tWCRW) Read/write pulse width 250 ns tSU(OQ-W) Data setup time before write 150 ns theW-DQ) Data hold time after wnte ' 0 ns tC(RW) Read/write cycle time 300 ns tSU(P-R) Port setup time before read 70 ns theA-p) Port hold time after read 50 ns tWCSTS) Strobe pulse width 200 ns tSU(P-STB) Port setup time before strobe 50 ns thCSTB-P) Port hold time after strobe 120 ns tW ( Timer input high-level pulse width 120 ns Timer mput low-level pulse width 80 tW >H) ( 1>L) ns DC 320 ns tce. ) Timer input cycle time tre • ) Timer Input rise time 30 ns tfe • ) Timer input fall ttme 30 ns SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS (Ta=-20~75°C, Vcc= 5 V± 5 %, Vss=OV, unless otherwise noted.) Limits Symbol Parameter Test condlttons Min Typ Unit Max tpZV(R~DQ) Propagation time from read to data output 170 ns tPZV(A-DQ) Propagation time from address to data output 400 ns tPVZ(R-DQ) Propagation time from read to data floatmg (Note 6) 100 ns Propagation time from write to data output 400 ns tPLH(STB_BF) Propagation time from strobe to BF flag 400 ns tPHL(R-BF) Propagation time from read to BF flag 400 ns tPLH(STB-INTR) Propagation time from strobe to interrupt 400 ns tPHL(R_INTR) Propagation time from read to mterrupt 400 ns tPHL(STB-BF) PropagatIon time from strobe to BF flag 400 ns tPLH(W_BF) Propagation time from write to BF flag 400 ns tPHL(W-INTR) Propagation time from write to mterrupt 400 ns 400 ns 0 tpHLCW_P) tPLHCW-P) tpHLC '" -OUT) C L = 150pF Propagation time from ~Imer input to timer output tpLHC '" -OUT) Note 5-16 Test conditions are not applied. A.C Testmg waveform Input pulse level 0, 45~2. 4V Input pulse rise time 20ns Input pulse fall time 20ns Reference level input V,H =2V, V'L =0. 8V output VoH =2V, VoL=0.8V 2.4-V2 2V- 0,45-.-1\""0,,,,8_ _..:;0,c.::.~ • MITSUBISHI ;"ELECTRIC MITSUBISHI LSla ) MSL8156P 2048·BIT STATIC RAM WITH I/O PORTS AND TIMER Strobed Output PORT ) I-- 'i INTR "J;~V tPLH(W-P) tPHL(W-P) / tPLH(W~/ SF ~ ~"'~-,:~ ~f(71 / Basic Input PORT SF INTR Timer (Note 1) TIMER IN TiMER OUT PULSE MODE '- ____ J (Note9) TIMER bUT , SQUARE WAVE MODE - - - - - - - - - - - - _____ J (Note 9) Note 8 : The wave form IS shown for the case of counting down from 5 to 1 9 : As long as the Ml mode flag of the timer register IS at high-level, pulses are continuously output 5-18 • MITSUBISHI ..... ELECTRIC MITSUBISHI LSls MSL82S1AP-S PROGRAMMABLE COMMUNICATION INTERFACE Table OPERATION The M5L8251 AP-5 interfaces with the system bus as shown in Fig.l, positioned between the CPU and the modem or terminal equipment, and offers all the functions required for data communication. 16 ADDRESS BUS AD 4 IIOR IIOW RESET C/D RD WR CS L L H L L H L L H L H L H H L L Control - Data bus X H H L 3-Stat. - Data bus X X X H 3-8tate - Function Data bus - Data in USART USART - Data bus Data bus - Status Data bus elK DATA BUS 8 CID CS 00-07 RD WR RE'SET ClK M5L8251AP-5 M5L8251AP-5 interface to CPU system bus When using the M5L8251 AP-5, it is necessary to program, as the initial setting, assignments for synchronous/asynchronous mode selection, baud rate, character length, parity check, and even/odd parity selection in accordance with the communication system used. Once programming IS completed, functions appropriate to the communication system can be carried out continuously. When initial setting of the USART is completed, data communication becomes possible. Though the receiver is always in the enable state, the transmitter is placed in the transmitter-enable state (T xEN) by a command instruction, and the application of a low-level signal to the CTS pin prompts data-transfer start-up. Until this condition is satisfied, transmission is not executed. On receiving data, the receiver informs the CPU that reading for the receiver data in the USART by the CPU has become possible (the RxRDY terminal has turned to high-level) . Since data reception and the entry of the CPU into the data-readable state are output as status information, the CPU can access USART status without accessing the RxROY terminal. During receiving operation, the USART checks errors and gives out status information. There are three types of errors: parity, overrun, and frame. Even though an error occurs, the USART continues its operations, and the error state is retained until error reset (ER) is effected by a command instruction. The M5L8251 AP-5 access methods are listed in Table 1. 5-20 M5L8251AP-5 Access Methods CONTROL BUS 8 Fig, 1 1 Read/Write Control Logic This logic consists of a control word register and command word register. It receives signals from the CPU control bus and generates internal-control signals for the elements. Modem Control Circuit This is a general-purpose control-signal circuit designed to simplify the interface to the modem. Four types of control signal are available: output signals OTR and RTS are controlled by command instructions, input signal DSR is given to the CPU as status information and input signal CTS controls direct transmission. Data-Bus Buffer This is an 8-bit 3-state bidirectional bus through which control words, command words, status information, and transfer data are transferred. Fig. 2 shows the structure of the databus buffer. %210 , 7 TO INT ERNAL ATA BUS Do I Do STATUS BUFFER I RECEIVE-DATA BUFFER I- CONTROL BUFFER ~ ~ ~ Y TRANSMIT-DATA BUFFER Fig. 2 ~ 0 f---- Data-bus-buffer structure Transmit Buffer This buffer converts parallel-format data given to the databus buffer in to serial data with addition of a start bit, stop bits and a parity bit, and sends out the converted data through the TxD pin based on the control signal. Transmit-Control Circuit This circuit carries out all the controls required for serial data transmission. It controls transmitter data and outputs the signals required by external devices in accordance with the instructions of the read/write control logic. • MITSUBISHI ' " ELECTRIC MITSUBISHI LSls MSL82S1AP-S PROGRAMMABLE COMMUNICATION INTERFACE Clear-To-Send Input (CTS) When the TxEN bit (Do) of the command instruction has been set to 1 and the CTS input is low-level serial data is sent out from the TxD pin. Usually this is used as a clear-tosend signal for the modem Note: CTS indicates the modem status as follows: ON means data transmission is possible; OFF means data transmission is impossible. Transmitter-Empty Output (TxEMPTV) When no transmisison characters are left in the transmit buffer, this pin enters the high-level state. In the asynchronous mode, the following transmission character is shifted to the transmit buffer when it is loaded from the CPU. Thus, it is automatically reset. In the synchronous mode, a SYNC character is loaded automatically on the transmit buffer when no transfer-data characters are left. In this case, howeyer, the TxEMPTY does not enter the low-level state when.a SYNC character has been sent out, since TxEMPTY= "H" denotes the state in which there is no transfer character and one or two SYNC characters are being transferred or the state in which a SYNC character is being transferred as a filler. TxEMPTY is unrelated to the TxEN bit of the command instruction. Transmission-Data Output (TxD) Parallel-format transmission characters loaded on the M5L8251 AP-5 by the CPU are a~sembled into the format designated by the mode instruction and sent in serial-data form via the TxD pin. Data is output, however, only in cases where the Do bit (T xEN) of the command instruction is 1 and the CTS terminal is in the low-level state. Once reset, this pin is kept at the mark status (high level) until the first character is sent. Clock Input (ClK) This system-clock input is required for internal-timing generation and is usually connected to the clock-output (CLK) pin of the M5L8085AP. Although there is no direct relation with the data-transfer baud rate, the clock-input (CLK) frequency is more than 30 times the TxC or RxC input frequency in the case of the synchronous system and more than 4.5 times in the case of the asynchronous system. Reset Input (RESET) Once the USART is shifted to the idle mode by a high-level input, this state continues until a new control word is set Since this is a master reset, it is always necessary to load a control word following the reset process. The reset input requires a minimum 6-clock pulse width. Data-Set Ready Input (DSR) This is a general-purpose input signal, but is usually used as a data-set ready signal to test modem status. Its status can be known from the status reading process. The 07 bit of the status information equals 1 when the OSR pin is in the lowlevel state, and 0 when in the high-level state. OSR="L"-+07 bit of status information=l OSR="H"-+07 bit of status information=O Note: OSR indicates modem status as follows: 5-22 ON means the modem can transmit and receive; OFF means it cannot. Request-To-Send Output (RTS) This is a general-purpose output signal but is used as a request-to-send signal for the modem. The RTS terminal is controlled by the 0 5 bit of the command instruction. When 0 5 is equal to 1, RTS="L", and when 0 5 is 0, RTS="H". Command register D5=1-+RTS="L" Command register D5=0-+RTS="H" Note: RTS controls the modem transmission carrier as follows: ON means carrier dispatch; OFF means carrier stop. Data-Terminal Ready Output (DTR) This is a general-purpose output signal, but is usually used as a data-terminal ready or rate-select signal to the modem. The OTR pin is controlled by the 01 bit of the command instruction; if 01=1, OTR="L", and if 0 1=0, OTR="H". 01 of the command register=1-+0TR="L" 01 of the command register=O-+OTR="H" Receiver-Clock Input (RxC) This clock signal controls the baud rate for the sending in of characters via the RxO pin. The data is shifted in by the rising edge of the RxC signal. In the synchronous mode, the RxC frequency is equal to the actual baud rate. In the asynchronous mode, the frequency is specified as 1, 16, or 64 times the baud rate by mode setting. This relationship is parallel to that of TxC, and in usual communication-line systems the transmission and reception baud rates are equal. The TxC and RxC terminals are, therefore, used connected to the same baud-rate generator. PROGRAMMING It is necessary for the M5L8251 AP-5 to have the control word loaded by the CPU prior to data transfer. This must always be done following any resetting operation (by external RESET pin or command instruction IR). There are two types of control words: mode instructions specifying general operations required for communications and command instructions to control the M5L8251 AP-5 actual operations. Following the resetting operation, a mode instruction must be set first. This instruction sets the synchronous or asynchronous system to be used. In the sysnchronous system, a SYNC character is loaded from the CPU. In the case of the bi-sync system, however, a second SYNC character must be loaded in succession. Loading a command instruction makes data transfer possible. This operation after resetting must be carried out for initializing the M5L8251 AP-5. The USART command instruction contains an internal-reset I R instruction (Dsbit) that makes it possible to return the M5L8251 AP-5 to its reset state. The initialization flowchart is shown in Fig. 3 and the modeinstruction and command-instruction formats are shown in Figs. 4 and 5. • MITSUBISHI . . . . ELECTRIC MITSUBISHI LSls MSL82S1AP-S PROGRAMMABLE COMMUNICATION INTERFACE Asynchronous Transmission Mode When data characters are loaded on the M5L8251 AP-5 after initial selling, the USART automatically adds a start bit (0), an odd or even parity bit specified by the mode instruction during initialization, and a specified number of stop bits (1). After that, the assembled data characters are transferred as serial data via the TxD pin, if transfer is enabled (T xEN = l·CTS="L"). In this case, the transfer data (baud rate) is shifted by the mode instruction at a rate of 1X, 1/16X, or 1I 64X the TxC period. If the data characters are not loaded on the M5L8251 AP-5, the TxD pin enters a mark state ("H"). When SBRK is programmed by the command instruction, break characters (0) are output continuously through the TxD pin. Asynchronous Reception Mode The RxD line usually starts operations in a mark state ("H"), triggered by the falling edge of a low-level pulse when it comes to this line. This signal is again strobe at the middle of the bit to confirm that it is a perfect start bit. The detection of a second low-level indicates the validity of the start bit (again strobe is carried out only in the case of 16X and 64X) . After that, the bit counter inside the M5L8251 AP-5 starts operating; each bit of the serial information on the RxD line is shifted in by the rising edge of RxC, and the data bit, parity bit (when necessary), and stop bit are sampled at the middle position. The occurrence of a parity error causes the setting of a parity-error flag. If the stop bit is 0, a frame error flag is sel. Attention should be paid to the fact that the receiver requires only one stop bit even though the program has designated 1/1.5 or 2 stop bits. Reception up to the stop bit means reception of a complete character. This character is then transferred to the receiverdata buffer shown in Fig.2, and the RxRDY becomes active. In cases where this character is not read by the CPU and where the next character is transferred to the receiver-data buffer, the preceding character is destroyed and an overrunerror flag is sel. These error flags can be read as the M5L8251 AP-5 status information. The occurrence of an error does not stop USART operations. The error flags are cleared by the ER (D 4 bit) of the command instruction. The asynchronous-system transfer formats are shown in Figs. 6 and 7. Synchronous Transmission Mode In this mode the TxD pin remains in the high-level state until initial selling by the CPU is completed. After initialization, the state of CTS="L" and TxEN =1 enables serialtransmission of characters through the TxD pin. Then, data characters are sent out and shifted by the falling edge of the TxC signal. The transmission rate equals the TxC rate. Thus, once data-character transfer starts, it must continue through the TxD pin at the same rate as that of TxC. Unless data characters are provided from the CPU before the transmiller buffer becomes empty, one or two SYNC characters are automatically output from the TxD pin In this case, it should be noted that the TxEMPTY pin enters the high-level state when there are no data characters left in the M5L8251 AP-5 to be transferred, and that the low-level state is not entered until the USART is provided with the next data character from the CPU. Care should also be taken over the fact that merely selling a command instruction does not effect SYNC-character insertion, because the SYNC character insertion is enabled after sending out the first data char-. acter. In this mode, too, break characters are sent out in succession from the T"D pin when SBRK is designated (D 3 = 1) by a command instruction. CPU-USART (5-8-BIT/CHARACTER) DATA CH~RACTER ASSEMBLED GTARTIDATA IT DATA CH~RACTER I FORMAT (5-8) PARITY IT RECEIPTION FORMAT STO~ BITSI (1, 1.5. 2) I STBAITRTI L.~_J.L.. ST0{?m __~:";;~~__...L.2W....L:.:..,(l, 1.5, 2) USART-CPU (5-8-BIT/CHARACTER) I DATA Note : CHARA~TER (5-8) I When the data character is 5, 6, or 7 bits/character length, the unused bits (for USART- CPU) are set to O. Fig. 5-24 6 Asynchronous transmission format I (transmission) Fig. 7 Asynchronous transmission format II (reception) • MITSUBISHI "ELECTRIC MITSUBISHI LSls MSL82S1AP-S PROGRAMMABLE COMMUNICATION INTERFACE OE: STATUS INFORMATION The CPU can always read USART status by setting the C/O to high-level and RO to low-level. The status information format is shown in Fig. 10. In this format RxROY, TxEMPTY and SYNOET have the same definitions as those of the pins. This means that these three pieces of status information become high-level when each pin is 1. The other status information is defined as follows: OSR: When the OSR pin is in the low-level state, status information OSR becomes 1. FE: The occurrence of a frame error in the receiver section makes the status information FE=1. PE: TxROY: 11 I FOR DSR The occurrence of an overrun error in the receiver section makes the status information OE=1. The occurrence of a parity error in the receiver section makes this status information PE=l. This information becomes 1 when the transmit data buffer is empty. Be careful because this has a different meaning from the TxROY pin that enters the high-level state only when the transmitter buffer is empty, when the CTS pin is in the low-level state, and when TxEN js 1. "L" 0 FOR DSR "H" SAME DEFINITION AS SYNDET/SD PIN I I FE IS SET WHEN A VALID STOP BIT IS NOT DETECTED AT THE END OF EVERY CHAR'l ACTER (ASYNC ONLY) IT IS RESET BY THE ER BIT OF THE COMMAND INSTRUCTION FE DOES NOT INHIBIT OPERATION OF THE M5L8251AP·5 OE IS SET WHEN THE CPU DOES NOT READ A CHARACTER BEFORE THE NEXT ONE BECOMES AVAILABLE IT IS RESET BY THE ER BIT OF THE COMMAND INSTRUCTION OE DOES NOT INHIBIT OPERATION OF THE M5L8251AP·5 1 PE IS SET WHEN A PARITY ERROR IS DETECTED IT IS RESET BY THE ER BIT OF THE COMMAND INSTRUCTION PE DOES NOT INHIBIT OPERATION OF. THE M5L8251AP-5 I I I 8~~ I DSR 0, Fig. 06 FE Os I OE 0, I PE I Tx E 0, 10 Status information 02 I I FOR TRANSMIT DATA SUFFER IS EMPTY I Do (c/D="H", WR="L") APPLICATION EXAMPLES Fig. " shows an application example for the M5L8251 AP-5 in the asynchronous mode. When the port addresses of the M5L8251 AP-5 are assumed to be 00:1:1 and 01:1:1 in this figure, initial setting in the asynchronous mode is carried out in the following manner: Mode setting MVI A,86:1:1 OUT 01:1:1 Command instruction MVI A,27:1:1 OUT 01:1:1 In this case, the following are set by mode setting: Asynchronous mode 6 bits/character Parity enable (even) 1. 5 stop bits Baud rate: 16X Command instructions set the following RTS=1""RTS pin="L" Rx E=1 OTR=1""OTR pin="L" TxEN=1 When the initial setting is complete, transfer operations are allowed. The RTS pin is initially set to the low-level by setting RTS to 1, and this serves as a CTS input with TxEN 5-26 SAME DEFINITION AS TxEMPTY PIN SAME DEFINITION AS RxRDY PIN 1--------11 I I =ty I ~DY I 0, I I being equal to 1. For this reason the same definition applies to the status and pin of TxROY, and 1 is assigned when the transmit-data buffer is empty. Actual transfer of data is carried out in the following way: IN 01 :1:1 Status read The IN instruction prompts the CPU to read the USART's status. The result is; if the TxROY equals 1 transmitter data is sent from the CPU and written on the M5L8251 AP-5. Transmitter data is written in the M5L8251 AP-5 in the following manner: MVI A,2D:I:I 20,6 is an example of transmitter data. USART+-(A) OUT 00:1:1 Receiver data is read in the following manner: IN 00:1:1 (A)+-USART In the above example, the status information is read and as a result, the transmitter data is written and read. Interruption processing by using the TxROY and RxROY pins is also possible. Fig. 12 shows the status of the TxO pin when data written in the USART is transferred from the CPU. When the data shown in Fig.1 2 enters the RxO pin, data sent from the M5L8251 AP-5 to the CPU becomes 20 16 and bits 06 and 07 are treated as 0., • MITSUBISHI . . . . ELECTRIC MITSUBISHI LSls MSL82S1AP-S PROGRAMMABLE COMMUNICATION INTERFACE ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol Parameter Vee Power-supply voltage V, Input voltage Vo Output voltage Conditions With respect to vss Pd Power dissipation Topr Operating free-air temperature range Tstg Storage temperature range Ta=25'C Ratings Unit -0.5-7 V -0.5-7 V -0.5-7 V 1000 mW -20-75 'c 'c -65-150 (Ta~-20-7S'C, unless otherwise noted) RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Limits Symbol Parameter Unit Min Vee Supply voltage Vss Power-supply voltage (GN D) Max 5 5.25 4.75 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Symbol Nom 0 V V (Ta=-20-7S'C, Vee=SV±S%, Vss=OV, unless otherwise noted) Limits Parameter Test conditions Min Typ Max Unit V'H High-level input voltage 2.0 Vee V V'L LOW-level input voltage -0.5 0.8 V V OH High-level output voltage IOH=-400!,A VOL LOW-level output voltage IOL=2.2mA Icc Supply current from Vee All outputs are high-level I'H High-level Input current VI=VCC IlL' Low-level input current V,=O.45V loz Off-state input current Vo=O.45V- Vec C, Input terminal capaCitance GIIO Input/output terminal capaCitance 5-28 • 2.4 V 0.45 V 100 mA -10 10 I-/A -10 10 I-/A -10 10 I-/A Vec=Vss, f-1 MHz, 25mV rms , T.=25'C 10 pF Vcc=Vss, f=lMHz, 25mV rms , Ta=25'C 20 pF MITSUBISHI . . . . ELECTRIC I MITSUBISHI LSls M5L8251AP-5 PROGRAMMABLE COMMUNICATION INTERFACE ,SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS (Ta=-20-75'C, Vcc =5V±5%, Vss=OV, unless otherwise noted) Limits Symbol Test conditions Parameter Min tPZV(R-OQ) Output data enable time after read (Note8) tPVZ(R-OQ) Output data disable time after read CL=150pF IpZV(TxC-TxD) TxD enable time after falling edge of TxC IpLH(CLS-TxR) tPHL(W-TJlR) IPL.H (ClB-RxR) Propagation time from center of last bit to RxRDY (Note9) Typ Unit Max 200 ns 100 ns 1 I-'S Propagation time from center of last bit to TxRDY (Noteg) 8 tcc. ) Propagation time from write data to TxRDY clear (Noteg) 400 10 26 ns tcc. ) tPHl(R-RxA) Propagation time from read data to RxRDY clear (Noteg) tPLH(AxC-SYD) Propagation time from rising edge of RxC to internal SYNDET (Noteg) 26 tpL.HCCLB-TxE) Propagation time from cenU,r of last bit to TxEMPTY (Noteg) 20 tcc. ) tPHLCW-Cl Propagation time from rising edge of WR to control (Note9) 8 tcc. ) - Note 8 : Assumes that address is vaild before falling edge of RD 9 : Status-up date can have a maximum delay of 28 clock periods from the event affecting the status. 10: Input pulse level 0.45-2. 4V Reference level Input V,H =2V, VIL =0. 8V Input pulse rise time 20ns Output VoH =2V, VOL =0. 8V Input pulse fall time 20ns 5-30 • MITSUBISHI ..... ELECTRIC 400 ns tcc. ) MITSUBISHI LSI. MSL82S1AP·S PROGRAMMABLE COMMUNICATION INTERFACE , Write Control Cycle (CPU-USART) cio J ~V tSU(A_W) ~I\ tSU(A-W) Iw(w) ~~ tSU(OQ-w) ) D,-Do (DATA INPUT) ( VAll tPHL(W_C) } DTR. RTS Read Control Cycle (USART-CPU) Isu(c R) } \ C/O / tSU(A_R) Ih(R-A) ISU(A_R) Ih(R_A) IW(R) j IpVZ(R-DQ) tPZV(R_DQ) D,-Do (DATA OUTPUT) 5-32 //) \\' • MITSUBISHI "'ELECTRIC ~ VALID V ~ MITSUBISHI LSls MSL82S1AP-S PROGRAMMABLE COMMUNICATION INTERFACE Transmitter Control & Flag Timing (Async Mode) c/o ] \~~'~Cl~~/ WR-TxEN ____~\~/_____\~~/______~1 \ WR-DATA 1 WR-DATA 2 WR-DATA 3 WR-DATA 4 WR-SBRK ~------~ ~--------~ ~---------------, r------ TxRDY (STATUS) TxEMPTY BREAK STATE Note 11: Example format = 7 bits/character with parity & 2 stop bits 12: TxRDY(pin) = "H" ~(Transmit-data buffer is empty)· (TxEN = 1)· (CTS= "L") 13: TxRDY(status) = 1 ~(Transmit-data buffer is empty) Receiver Control & Flag Timing (Async Mode) c/o OJ \'-____......1\---', LD \~ __~\'___'I___. . . . I. V \0 ___________________~R=,D DATrA~1__________________~RD~DATrA~3--------~R~D~A~LLOrD-A-TA------------______ +-___________W..;...,R-RxE WR-Rrx_E_______________t-______________________.....,____...,WR-Er_R________ BD (PIN) OE (STATUS) RxRDY S S0123456P~S0123456P~ RxD BREAK STATE Note 14: Example format = 7 bits/character with panty & 2 stop bits 5-34 • MITSUBISHI ..... ELECTRIC WR-RxE MITSUBISHI LSls MSL8253P-S PROGRAMMABLE INTERVAL TIMER DESCRIPTION The M5L8253P-5 is a programmable general-purpose timer device developed by using the N-channel silicon-gate EDMOS process. It offers counter and timer functions in systems using an 8-bit parallel-processing CPU. The use of the M5L8253P-5 frees the CPU from the execution of looped programs, count-operation programs and other simple processing involving many repetitive operations, thus contributing to improved system throughputs. The M5L8253P-5 works on a single power supply, and both its input and output can be connected to a TTL circuit. PIN CONFIGURATION (TOP VIEW) vee (5V) 23 ~ WR WRITE INPUT BIDIRECTIONAL DATA BUS • • • • • • ~ CS ~~~;.SElECT RD READ INPUT I 20 ~ A, 19 ~ Ao 0,- 7 18 ~CLK2 CLOCK INPUT 00 - 8 17 ~OUT2 g~¥~JiR 16 ~ GATE2 GATE INPUT C~~~;~~ OUTO~ Single 5V supply voltage TTL compatible Clock period: DC-2.6MHz 3 independent built-in 16-bit down counters 6 counter modes freely assignable for each counter Binary or decimal counts ~ 21 02- 6 CLOCK INPUT ClKO~ 9 FEATURES 22 ADDRESS INPUTS 10 15 ~ ClK1 CLOCK INPUT GATE INPUT GATEO~ 11 14 ~GATE1 GATE INPUT (OV) Vss "-1-_ _ _- - '13 - Outline ~OUT1 g3¥~JfR 24P4 APPLICATION Delayed-time setting, pulse counting and rate generation in microcomputers. FUNCTION Three independent 16-bit counters allow free programming based on mode-control instructions from the CPU. When roughly classified, there are 6 modes (0-5). Mode 0 IS mainly used as an interruption timer and event counter, mode 1 as a digital one-shot. modes 2 and 3 as a rate generator, mode 4 for a software triggered strobe, and mode 5 for a hardware triggered strobe. The count can be monitored and set at any time. The counter operates with either the binary or BCD system. BLOCK DIAGRAM CLKO CLOCK INPUT GATE INPUT COUNTER OUTPUT BIDIRECTIONAL DATA BUS CLOCK INPUT GATE INPUT COUNTER OUTPUT READ INPUT CLOCK INPUT WRITE INPUT GATE INPUT CHIP-SELECT INPUT ADDRESS INPUTS { 5-36 COUNTER OUTPUT A120 19 Ao INTERNAL DATA BUS I _____________ - - l • MITSUBISHI ~ELECTRIC MITSUBISHI LSls MSL8253P-S PROGRAMMABLE INTERVAL TIMER Table Basic Functions CS RD WR A, Ao L L L H a a a Data bus-Counter 0 H 1 Data bus-Counter 1 H L L L 1 a Data bus-Counter 2 L H L 1 1 Data bus-Control-word register L L L L H a a Data bus-Counter 0 L L H a 1 Data bus-Counter 1 H 1 a Data bus-Counter 2 L L H 1 1 3-state H X X X X 3-state L H H X X 3-state Function eSC(Select Counter) SCl a sca a Select counter 0 a 1 Select counter 1 1 a Select counter 2 1 1 Prohibited combination e RL(Read/Load) RLl a RLa a a 1 Read/load low-order 8 bits only 1 a Read/load high-order 8 bits only 1 1 Read/load low-order 8 bits and then high-order 8 bits Counter Latch Command eM(Mode) D, D7 D6 D5 D3 SCl RLa M2 sca RLl f--sc RL I I I Fig. 1 5-38 I I I I I b Ma a a a 1 Model X 1 a Mode2 ModeO X 1 1 Mode3 1 a a Mode4 1 a 1 Mode5 Binary counter (l6-bit) \ D2 Ml M Ml a ieBCaD , ~~, M2 I D, Ma Do 1 I I BCD BCD-j I Control-Word Format • MITSUBISHI "ELECTRIC Binary-coded decimal counter (4 decades) I I MITSUBISHI LSls MSL82S3P-S PROGRAMMABLE INTERVAL TIMER ClK CLK WR GATE 4 3 OUT(GATE="H") GATE~ OUT Fig. 4 OUT(n=4) LJ GATE 4 1 4 3 LJr-....... ..:.......;t...r- 4 1 Mode 2 3 OUT(n=4) Fig. 7 Mode 5 COUNTER MONITORING Read-on-the-Fly Operation Sometimes the counter must be monitored by reading its count or using it as an event counter. The M5L8253P-5 offers the following two methods for count reading: This method makes it possible to read the current count without affecting the count operation at all. A special counter-latch command is first written in the control-word register. This causes latching of all the instantaneous counts to the register, allowing retention of stable counts. An example of a program to execute this operation for counter 2 is given below. MVI A, 1000XXXX .... D5 = D4 = 0 designates counter latching OUT n 1 .... n1 is the control-word-register address IN n3 .... n3 is the counter 2 address MOV D, A IN n3 MOV E, A In this example, the IN instruction is executed twice. Due to the internal logic of the M5L8253P-5 it is absolutely essential to complete the entire reading procedure. If 2 bytes are programmed to be read, then two bytes must be read before any OUT instruction can be executed to the same counter. Read Operation The count can be read by designating the address of the counter to be monitored and executing a simple I/O read operation. In order to ensure correct reading of the count, it is necessary to cause the clock input to pause by external logic or prevent a change in the count by gate input. An example of a program to read the counter 1 count is shown below. If RL1, RLO=l, 1 has been specified in the control word, the first IN instruction enables the low-order 8 bits to be read and the second IN instruction enables the high-order 8 bits. IN n 2 .... n2 is the counter 1 address MOV D,A IN n2 MOV E, A The IN instruction should be executed once or twice by the RLl and RLO designations in the control-word register. 5-40 • MITSUBISHI . . . . ELECTRIC MITSUBISHI LSls MSL82S3P-S PROGRAMMABLE INTERVAL TIMER TIMING REQUIREMENTS (T a=-20-75'C, Vcc= 5 V±10%, Vss= ° V, unless otherwise noted) Read cycle Symbol Parameter limits Test conditions Min tW(R) Read pulse width tsU{A~R) Address setup time before read th(R-A) Address hold time after read treC(R) Read recovery time Unit Typ Max 300 ns 30 ns 5 ns 1000 ns Write cycle Symbol T est conditions Parameter Limits Min Unit Typ -,---",.- Max tW(W) Write pu Ise width 300 ns tSU(A-W) Address setup time before wnte 30 ns theW-A) Address hold time after write 30 ns tsuCOQ-W) Data setup time before write 250 ns 30 ns th(W-DQ) Data hold time after wnte trec(w) Write recovery time ---- 1000 ns Clock and gate timing Limits Test conditions Parameter Symbol Unit Min Typ Max tW ( > H) Clock high pulse width 230 tW ( Clock low pulse width 150 tc (' ) Clock cycle time 380 tW(GH) Gate high pulse width 150 sn tWCGL) Gate low pulse width 100 ns tsu(G-'" ) Gate setu p time before clock 100 ns th<1-G) Gate hold time after clock 50 ns 1> L) SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS (Ta=-20-75'C, Vcc= 5 V±10%, Vss= ns ns DC ns ° V, unless otherwise noted) Limits Parameter Symbol Test conditions Unit Min Max 200 ns 100 ns Propagation time from gate to output 300 ns Propagation time from clock to output 400 ns tPZV(R-OQ) Propagation time from read to output tPVZ(R_OQ) Propagation time from read to output floating (Note 2 ) tPXV(G-OUT) tpXV( ¢ -OUT) 25 CL=150pF Notel: A C Testing waveform Input pulse level Input pulse rise time Input pulse fall time Reference level mput output 2 : Test conditIOn is not applied 0. 45~2.4V 20ns 20ns V'H=2. 2V, VIL =0. BV VoH=2.0V, VOL =0. BV 2.4 --v'2.2 2.2V- 0. 45 --""'...0..... 8 _..;0...... 8"Input 5-42 Typ • MITSUBISHI ..... ELECTRIC ° 2.0V~O;;,.'8~...:::.0•.::.8" - 2.4:X 2 0. 45 MITSUBISHI LSls MSL82SSAP-S PROGRAMMABLE PERIPHERAL INTERFACE DESCRIPTION The M5L8255AP-5 is a family of general-purpose programmable inputl output devices designed for use with an 8-bit/16bit parallel CPU as input/output ports. Device is fabricated using N-channel silicon-gate ED-MOS technology for a single supply voltage. They are simple input and output interfaces for TTL circuits, having 24 input/output pins which correspond to three 8-bit input/output ports. PIN CONFIGURATION (TOP VIEW) INPUT/OUTPUT [ : : : : PORTSA PA,- INPUT/OUTPUT PORTS A PAoREAD INPUT CHIP RD~ S~~~Si CS~ 35 - RESET RESET INPUT (Ov) Vss PORT ADDRESS { A, ~ INPUTS Ao~ FEATURES • • • • • Single 5V supply voltage TTL compatible Darlington drive capability 24 programmable 1/0 pins Direct bit set/reset capability BI-DIRECTIONAL DATA BUS INPUT/OUTPUT PORTS C APPLICATION Input/output ports for microprocessor INPUT/OUTPUT PORTS B FUNCTION These PPls have 24 input/output pins which may be individually programmed in two 12-bit groups A and B with mode control commands from a CPU. They are used in three major modes of operation, mode 0, mode 1 and mode 2. Operating in mode 0, each group of 12 pins may be programmed in sets of 4 to be inputs or outputs. In mode 1, the 24 1/0 terminals may be programmed in two 12-bit groups, group A and group B. Each group contains one 8-bit data port, which may be programmed to serve as input or output, and one 4-bit control port used for handshaking and interrupt control signals. Mode 2 is used with group A only, as one 8- ~ _ _ _ _-r- -PB 3 Outline 40P4 bit bidirectional bus port and one 5-bit control port. Bit set/ reset is controlled by CPU. A high-level reset input (RESET) clears the control register, and all ports are set to the input mode (high-impedance state). BLOCK DIAGRAM 1---------------- t= t=~-' READ INPUT RD WRITE INPUT WR ADDRESS INPUTS 6 J AI 8 1Ao 9 3 ->- 1 GROUP A PORT C J(MOST SIGNIFI CANT 4 BITS) 8-BIT INTERNAL DATA BUS 4 29~ 0, 3 0, 33>------Do 4~ 5-44 ~H 8 0, 30~ DATA BUS 3 ) - - - BUFFER 1 I L;... ,..,. f.-..;.. l 1 0" ;:~; ~:: 8 I ~ 0, Os DATA BUS ~ 8 8 CONTROL LOGIC I-- RESET INPUT RESET 3 6 GROUP A CONTROL GROUP A PORT A (8-BIT) GROUP B CONTROL 8 8 L 11 GROUP B PORT C WLEAST SIGNIFI CANT 4 BITS) PAs 4 1 2 3 4 :1 ~ 1~ i----'GROUP B PORT B (8-BIT) 8 • MITSUBISHI "-ELECTRIC PA., INPUT/OUTPUT PA3 PORTSA PA, PA, PAo PC, PC, PCs PC, INPUT/OUTPUT PC3 PORTS C PC, PC, PCo =~:1 PBs PB, INPUT/OUTPUT 2 PB3i PORTS B PB, PB, PBo t _______________'_______________ ~ L.,.. 26 PA, PA, MITSUBISHI LSls MSL82SSAP-S PROGRAMMABLE PERIPHERAL INTERFACE BASIC OPERATING MODES The PPI can operate in anyone of three selected basic modes. (group A, group B) Mode 0: Basic input/output (group A, group B) Mode 1: Strobed input/output (group A only) Mode 2: Bidirectional bus The mode of both group A and group B can be selected independently. The control word format for mode set is shown in Fig. 2. ,-~~~~~~~ Mode set flag I Active - 1 07 06 05 04 03 0, 0, Do 111 0 10 10101 0 111 0 1 07 06 05 04 03 0, 0, Do 11101010101011111 07 06 05 04 03 0,0, Do 111 0 10 10111 0 10 101 07 06 05 04 03 0, 0, Do 11101010111010111 I , - - - - - - - - Group A mode set Mode 0 06. 05 - 0, 0 Mode 1 06, 05 = 0, 1 Mode 2 06, 05 = 1, X , - - - - - Port A Input/output set output - 0 _ Input = 1 . I I I PA7-PAo I Port C (high-order 4 bits) Input/output set I ~ I I output 0 Input = 1 I ,--'----, output 0 Input =1 1. 07 06 05 04 03 02 0, Do 11101010111011101 07 06 05 04 03 0, 0, Do 11101010111011111 07 06 05 04 03 0, 0, Do 11101011101010101 07 06 05 04 03 02 0, Do 11101011101010111 I,-port C (high-order 4 bits) input/output set 10710610510410310,1 0,1001 Fig. 2 I I Group B mode set Mode 0 - 0 Mode 1 = 1 Port B Input/output set I output 0 Input = 1 I Control word format for mode set. Mode 0 (Basic Input/Output) This functional configuration provides simple input and output operations for each of the 3 ports. No "handshaking" is required; data is simply written in, or read from, the specified port. Output data from the CPU to the port can be held, but input data from the port to the CPU cannot be held. Any one of the 8-bit ports and 4-bit ports can be used as an input port or an output port. The diagrams following show the basic input/ output operating modes. 5-46 07 06 Os 04 03 02 0, Do 111010111010111n 07 06 05 04 030, 0, Do 11101011111010101 07 06 05 04 03 0, 0, Do 11101011111010ln PA7-PAo PA7-PAo 07 06 05 04 03 0, 0, Do 11101010101010101 07 06 Os 0 4 03 02 0, Do 11101011101011101 0 7 06 05 04 03 0, 0, Do 11101010101010111 07 06 05 04 03 02 0, Do 11 0 0 1111 0 11 10 1 • MITSUBISHI ...... ELECTRIC II I MITSU~ISHI LSls MSL82SSAP-S PROGRAMMABLE PERIPHERAL INTERFACE MODE 1 (PORT A) 8 MODE 1 (PORT B) OBFA OBFB ACKA ACKB INTRA INTRB WR 1/0 WR CONTROL WORD WR OBF ACK INTR CONTROL WORD 0, D, 05 04 0, 0, 0, Do PORT OUTPUT 11IXlXlXlXlllOlXl Note 2. o=OUTPUT Fig. 5 An example of mode 1 output state Fig. 6 When INTE is low-level. then the output of INTR is aways low-level Timing diagram PA,-PAo OBF A WR ACK A IBFA INTRA INTRA 1/0 1/0 STBB RD PC, PCo INTRB ACKB PORT A (STROBED INPUT) PORT B (STROBED OUTPUT) o=OUTPUT 5-48 PCo INTRB CONTROL WORD CONTROL WORD Fig. 7 OBF B WR IBFB PORT A (STROBED OUTPUT) PORT B (STROBED INPUT) STBA RD Mode 1 port A and port B 1/0 example O=OUTPUT Fig. 8 • MITSUBISHI . . . . ELECTRIC Mode 1 port A and port B 1/0 example MITSUBISHI LSls MSL82SSAP-S PROGRAMMABLE PERIPHERAL INTERFACE 4. Control Signal Read Tabl~ In mode 1 or mode 2 when using port C as a control port, by CPU execution of an IN instruction, each control signal and bus status from port C can be read. 5. Read-out control signals ~ Mode Control Word Tables Mode 1, input Control word formats and operation details for mode 0, moqe 1, mode 2 and set/reset control of port C are given in Tables 3, 4, 5 and 6, respectively. Table 2 D? 06 I/O 1/0 05 OBFA INTE, 0, 02 03 Do IBFA INTEA INTRA INTEe IBFe INTRe Mode I, oolpul OBFA INTEA Mode 2 0_ I/O INTRA INTEe OBFe INTRe I/O IBFA INTE2 INTRA By group B mode 3 Mode 0 control words D7 D6 D5 D, D, D2 D, Do Hexadecimal PortA Port C (high-order 4 bits) Port C (low-order 4 bits) Port B 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 80 OUT OUT OUT OUT 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 81 OUT OUT IN OUT 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 82 OUT OUT OUT. IN 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 83 OUT OUT IN IN 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 88 OUT IN OUT OUT 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 89 OUT IN IN OUT 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 8A OUT IN OUT IN 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 8B OUT IN IN IN 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 90 IN OUT OUT OUT 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 91 IN OUT IN OUT 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 92 IN OUT OUT IN 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 93 IN OUT IN IN 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 98 IN IN OUT OUT 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 99 IN IN IN OUT 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 9A IN IN OUT IN 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 9B IN IN IN IN Note 4' OUT indicates output port, and IN indicates input port Table 4 Mode 1 control words Group A Control words D7 Do D5 D, D, D2 D, Do I Group B Group A Control words 0 1 0 0 1 0 I 0 1 0 0 1 1 X I 0 1 0 1 1 0 X I 0 1 0 1 1 1 X 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 X 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 X X Port A A4 A5 Port C PC_ PC2 PC, PCo OUT INTRA -ACK e -OBFe INTRe OUT ACKA OUT INTRA -STBe IBFe INTRe IN OBFA -ACKA IN INTRA -ACK B -OBF B INTRe OUT -OBFA -ACK A IN INTRA -STB B IBFe INTRe IN PCe OUT -OBFA -ACKA OUT OBFA OUT OUT PC5 A6 A7 AC AD AE AF Port B PC3 PC? decimal Group B PortC Hexa- B4 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 X 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 X Note 5: 6: 5-50 B5 IN OUT IBFA STBA INTRA ACK B OBFe INTRe OUT IN OUT IBFA STBA INTRA STB B IBFe INTRe IN IN IN IBFA -STB A INTRA -ACK e OBFe INTRe OUT IN IN IBFA STBA INTRA STB B IBFe INTRe IN B6 B7 BC BD BE BF Mode of group A and group B can be programmed independently It is not necessary for both group A and group B to be in mode 1. • MITSUBISHI ..... ELECTRIC MITSUBISHI LSls MSL825SAP-S PROGRAMMABLE PERIPHERAL INTERFACE ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol Parameter Conditions Vee Supply voltage V, Input voltage Va Output voltage Pd Power disSipation Topr Tstg Operating free-air temperature range With respect to vss Ta=25'C Storage temperature range RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Symbol Vee Supply voltage Vss Supply voltage (GND) Min 4.75 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Symbol Unit V -0.5-7 V -0.5-7 V 1000 mW -20-75 65 150 'c 'c (Ta =-20-75'C, unless otherwise noted) Limits Parameter Ratings -0.5-7 I I I Nom 5 0 I I Max 5.25 1 Unit V V (T a=-20-75'C, Vcc =5V±5%, Vss=OV, unless otherwise noted) Test conditions Parameter Limits Min Typ Max Unit V ,H High-level Input voltage 2.0 Vee V V ,L Low-level input voltage -0,5 0.8 V VOH High-level output voltage VOL low-level output voltage IOH High-level output current (NoteIO) Icc Supply current from Vee 120 mA I,H High-level input current VI=VCC ±10 I-'A I'L loz Low-level Input current V,=OV ±10 I-'A Off-state output current Vo=OV-Vcc +10 Ci Input terminal capacitance VIL =Vss, f=1 MHz, 25mVrms Ta=25'C 10 I-'A pF Input/output terminal capacitance VIIOL=V SS, f-I MHz, 25mVrms Ta=25"C 20 pF Gila Note g. 10 Data bus IOH=-400"A Port IOH=-200"A Data bus 10L =2. 5mA Port 2,4 V 0.45 10L -1. 7mA -1 VoH=I. 5V, R,xT=750n -4 V mA Current flowing mto an Ie IS positive. out is negative It IS valid only for any8,nput/output pins of PB and PC. TIMING REQUIREMENTS (T a=-20-75'C, Vcc =5V±5%, vss=ov, unless otherwise noted) Symbol Prameter Test conditions limits Min Typ Max Umt tW(R) Read pulse width 300 ns tSU(PE-R) Peripheral setup time before read 0 ns th(R-PE) Peripheral hold time after read 0 ns tSUCA-R) Address setup time before read 0 ns th(R-A) Address hold time after read 0 ns twCW) Write pulse Width 300 ns tSU(DQ-W) Data setup time before write 100 ns th(w-oQ) Data hold time after write 30 ns tSU(A-W) Address setup time before write 0 ns th(W-A) Address hold time after write 20 ns tW(ACK) Acknowledge pulse Width 300 ns tW(STB) Strobe pulse Width 500 ns tsu( PE-STB) Penpheral setup time before strobe 0 ns th(STB-PE) Penpheral hold time after strobe 180 ns tC(RW) Read/write cycle time 850 ns 5-52 • MITSUBISHI ..... ELECTRIC MITSUBISHI LSls MSL825SAP-S PROGRAMMABLE PERIPHERAL INTERFACE TIMING DIAGRAM Data Bus Read Operation twiRl -' ..., v~ j\~ ~ CS, Ao, A, ~ ~K ~~ -' ..... tPVZ(R_DQ) tPZV(R_DQ) X: ~ Do-D, ~ Data Bus Write Operation ~ ~147 tW(W) -' J? I\~ ~ CS, Ao, A, X ~ thlw_AI X ~ Ir th{w_oQ) tSU(oQ_wl :K ~: ModeO Port Input PORT INPUT ModeO, 1 Port Output w(w) '\ Jl jL tPHL(W-PE) tPLH(W-PE) X'- PORT OUTPUT -'I.- 5-54 • MITSUBISHI "ELECTRIC MITSUBISHI LSls MSL825SAP-S PROGRAMMABLE PERIPHERAL INTERFACE Mode2 Bidirectional \ / tPHUW.OBF) \ \ / tPLH(ACK-OBF) INTR tW(ACKJ / V \ \-/~ tW(STB} \~ tPLH(STB-IBF) Vr ~I- I<- }~ IBF -\tPHL{R-1BF) fE----> ,I- th(STB-PE) tSU(PE-STB) PORT A Note 13 5-56 11"/- k\\ \\~ ~ INTR=IBF' MASK' STB • RD tPZV(ACK-PE) ~ ~~II II} \ \~t- + OBF • MASK' ACK • WR • .MITSUBISHI "ELECTRIC tPVZ{ACK-PE) E------':o k\\ -¥II MITSUBISHI LSls MSL82SSAP-S PROGRAMMABLE PERIPHERAL INTERFACE 2. Mode 1 The actual program for the circuit of Fig. 12 is as follows: An example of a circuit for an application using mode 1 is shown in Fig. 12. MVI A,BO# OUT 03# A,09# 03# MVI OUT EI FROM ROM FROM FROM INPUT{ DATA DATA STROBE SIGNAL ADDRESS A, ADDRESS Ao DECODER CPU 0, 02 0, 0, PC, TO DATA } BUS Os 0, PBo-PB, 0, HLT If the data has been set in a terminal unit, and the strobe signal has been input, then the data will be latched in port A and the CPU RST7.5 goes high-level. In the case of Fig. 11, a jump to 003C16 is executed to continue the program as follows: 003C16 IN 00# CPU register A +- Port A PC 3 interrupt Signal becomes lOW-level EI RET CPU ' - - - - - - - - - TO RST7. 5 (INTERRUPT INPUT) Fig. 12 A circuit for an application using mode 1 Transferring data from a'terminal unit to port A and sending a strobe signal to PC4 will hold the data in the internal latch of the PPI, and PCs (IBF input buffer full flag) is set to highlevel. If a bit-set of PC4 has been executed in advance, the CPU can be interrupted by the INTR signal of PC s when the input data is latched in the PPI. In this way, port A becomes an interrupting port; and at the same time, port B can select its mode independently. 5-58 Control word is 10110000, port A is the mode 1 input and the others are output Outputting to the control address PC4bit-set 00001001 Outputting to the control address Interrupt enable Halt • MITSUBISHI . . . . ELECTRIC MITSUBISHI LSls MSL825SAP-S PROGRAMMABLE PERIPHERAL INTERFACE 1. Master CPU subroutine for transmitting data to the slave CPU. 2. Subroutine for receiving data from the slave CPU. Program example Program example MOUT OBF PUSH PSW MIN IN 02# IN 02# ANI 20# ANI 80# JZ MIN JZ OBF IN 00# POP PSW RET OUT 00# RET RET RET 3. Slave CPU subroutine for transmitting data to the master CPU. 4. Subroutine for receiving data from the master CPU. Program example Program example SOUT PUSH PSW IBF IN ANI JNZ SIN IN 01# 01# ANI 01# 02# JNZ SIN 00# IBF IN POP PSW RET OUT 00# RET RET 5-60 • MITSUBISHI .... ELECTRIC MITSUBISHI LSls MSL82S7P-S PROGRAMMABLE DMA CONTROLLER DESCRIPTION PIN CONFIGURATION (TOP VIEW)' The M5L8257P-5 is a programmable 4-channel direct memory access (DMA) controller. It is produced uSing the Nchannel silicon-gate ED-MOS process and is specifically designed to simplify data transfer at high speeds for microcomputer systems The LSI operates on a single 5V power supply. INPu,Jf8u~~t9 IIOR ~ INPu¥?o~~~f I/OW~ MEMORdu~~t9 MEMR MEMORbtfr~~f MEMW MARK OUTPUT MARK - 1 2 3 4 5 READY INPUT READY - 6 FEATURES HOLDE~~~~2~J-T HLDA - ? • • • • • • • STOROBEAgB~~crl ADSTB - 8 Single 5V supply voltage TTL compatible interface Priority DMA request logic Channel-masking function Terminal count and Modulo 128 outputs 4-channel DMA controller Compatible with MELPS85 devices ENABLEA8B~~~¥ AEN 9 HRQ-l0 R5~¥~~t ST~~8t HOLD CHIP CS - 11 CLOCK INPUT CLK-12 OATA INPUTS! OUTPUTS RESET INPUT RESET-13 DMA ( DACK, - AC'6Nu~~~¥E~.~\. APPLICATION DMA REQUEST 'INPUTSO-3 DMA control of peripheral equipment such as floppy disks and CRT terminals that require high-speed data transfer. 14 DACK" -15 r DRQ,-16 DRQ,-I? l DRQ, -18 DRQo-19 Vss (ov) FUNCTION The M5L8257P-5 controller is used in combination with the M5L8212P 8-bit input/output port in 8-bit microcomputer systems. It consists of a channel section to acknowledge DMA requests, control logic to exchange commands and data with the CPU, read/write logic, and registers to hold transfer addresses and count the number of bytes to be transferred. When a DMA request is made to an unmasked channel from the peripherals after setting of the transfer mode, transferstart address and the number of transferred bytes for the registers, the M5L8257P-5 issues a priority request for the use of the bus to the CPU. On receiving an HLDA signal BLOCK DIAGRAM Outline 40P4 from the CPU, it sends a DMA acknowledge signal to the channel with the highest priority, starting DMA operation. During DMA operation, the contents of the high-order 8 bits of the transfer memory address are transmitted to the M5L8212P address-latch device through pins Do - 07. The contents of the low-order 8 bits are transmitted through pins Ao - A7. After address transmission, DMA transfer can be started by dispatching read and write signals to the memories and peripherals. .-------------------; (~ CH 0 ; ~'ilI (5V) Vee (OV) Vss ~~ DATA INPUTSIOUTPUTS 1~: ~ a DATA BUS BUFFER a ~ "" 3 cs~l ~ ADDRESS OUTPUTS { A.A' DATA I f--J l I ~ CONTROL 7 f ';II DACKo OUTPUT CH·O , DMA REQUEST INPUT CH-2 DACK, DMA ACKNOWLEDGE OUTPUT CH-2 CH·2 16·BIT ADDRESS REGISTER DRQ, CH·3 16·BIT ADDRESS REGISTER ORO, J I DMA REQUEST INPUT CH·3 DMA ACKNOWLEDGE DACK, OUTPUT CH·3 ~'TC 5 MARK PRIORITY, RESOLVER READY INPUT READ~16~~ LOGIC i---t;;-a HOLD REQUEST OUTPUT HRQ~ HOLD ACKNOWLEDGE INPUT HLD~" 1~3! k: ---l DMA REQUEST CH·I ;~)~ DRQ, INPUT CH-I 16·BIT ADDRESS' DMA ACKNOWLEDGE REGISTER DACK, OUTPUT CH·I H a BU~ I I 1---+--------------' ADDRESS ENABLE OUTPUT AEN ADDRESS STROBE OUTPUT ADSTB~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5-62 • MITSUBISHI . . . . ELECTRIC DMA REQUEST INPUT CH-O DMA ACKNOWLEDGE 16.BIT ADDRESS REGISTER H a ~DRQo r-l ~ 1---++::-1,--+-1 1/0 READ INPUTIOUTPUT IIOR 1;- __ 1/0 WRITE INPUT/OUTPUT I/OW 2".... CLOCK INPUT ClK ff"";r--_-' L-............. RESET INPUT RESET r READ/WRITE I - ' a LOGIC { a·BIT ADDRESS INPUTS/OUTPUTS ~ INTERN~~ CHIP SELECT INPUT 20 ----,_ _ _ _ _.r- , I --.-J 6t~~~TAL COUNT MARK OUTPUT MITSUBISHI LSls MSL82S7P-S PROGRAMMABLE DMA CONTROLLER Register Initialization Two 16-bit registers are provided for each of the 4 channels. DMA Address register 15 MODESET: MVI A, ADDL OUT 00 #: 0 '~5~4~3~2~'~O~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~I DMA TRANSFER STARTING ADDRESS Terminal count register 15 o 1413 '"i:>MAMoDE ' Channel 0 lower-order address MVI A,ADDH OUT 00 #: Channel 0 upper-order address MVI A, TCL OUT 01 #: Channel 0 terminal count lower-order MVI A, TCH OUT 01 #: Channel 0 terminal count upper-order MVI A, XX OUT 08 #: Mode set resister NUMBER OF TRANSFERRED BYTES-l The DMA transfer starting address, number of transferred bytes, and DMA mode are written for each channel in 2 steps uSing the 8-blt data bus. The lower-order and upperorder bytes are automatically indicated by the first-last flipflop for the writing and reading in 2 continuous steps. The DMA mode (read, write, or verify) is indicated by the upper 2 bits of the terminal count register. The read mode refers to the operation of peripheral devices reading data out of memory. The write mode refers to data from peripheral devices being written into memory. The verify mode sends neither the read nor the write Signals and performs a date check at the peripheral device. In addition to the above-mentioned registers, there is a mode set register and a status register. Mode set register (write only) 7 0 i---r--,---.,.---;--,---,--:-;______, As can be seen from the above example, until the contents of the address register and terminal count register become valid, the enable bit of the mode set register must not be set. This prevents memory contents from being destroyed by improper DRO signals from peripheral devices. DMA OPERATION DESCRIPTION When a DMA request signal is received at the DRO pin from a peripheral device after register initialization for a channel that is not masked, the M5L8257P-5 outputs a hold request signal to the CPU to begin DMA operation (S,). The CPU, upon receipt of the HRO signal, outputs the HLDA signal which reserves capture of the bus after it has executed the present instruction to place this system in the hold state. When the M5L8257P-5 receives the HLDA signal, an internal priority determining circuit selects the channel with the highest priority for the beginning of data transfer (So) . ...:'=A::L==I=T::c::s::;I=E=W==1=R=p=I=E:N:3=:E:N:2=::E=N:l~=E:N:O=- Upon the next S, ADDED FUNCTION SETTING BITS CHANNEL ENABLE BITS Status Register (read only) 7 o '---o-"---o-r--o--rI-u-p--"I-TC-3--'-T-C-2-'--T-C-1- r -T-C-o'l The upper-order 4 bits of the mode set register are used to select the added function, as described in 5-66. The lowerorder 4 bits are mask bits for each channel. When set to I, DMA requests are allowed. When the reset signal is input, all bits of the mode set and status registers are reset and DMA is inhibited for all channels. Therefore, to execute DMA operations, registers must first be initialized. An example of such an initialization is shown below. 5-64 state, the address signal is sent. The lower-order 8 bits and upper-order 8 bits are sent by means of the Ao - A7 and Do - D7 pins respectively, latched into the M5L8212P and output at pins As-A,5. Simultaneous with this, the AEN signal is output to prohibit the selection of a device not capable of DMA. In the S2 state, the read, extended write, and DACK signals are output and data transferred from memory or a peripheral device appea~s on the data bus. In the S3 state, the write signal required to write data from the bus is output. At this time if the rernaining number of bytes to be transferred from the presently selected channel has reached 0, the terminal count (TC) Signal is output. Simultaneously with this, after each 128-byte data transfer a mark signal is output as required. In addition, in this state the READY pin is sampled and, if low-level, the wait state (Sw) is entered. This is used to perform DMA with slow access memory devices. In the verify mode, READY input is ignored. • MITSUBISHI i1IL·ELECTRIC MITSUBISHI LSls MSL8257P·S PROGRAMMABLE DMA CONTROLLER INTERNAL REGISTERS OF THE M5L8257P-5 Lower Upper DMA address channel-O terminal count DMA address channel-l terminal count DMA address channel-2 terminal count DMA address channel-3 terminal count Mode setting (tor write only) Status (for read only) Rd. Wr AL EW TCS RP : Address of the memories for which DMA WIll be carned out from now on In initialization, DMA start addresses must be written : Terminal counts-in th,s IC (the number of remainIng transfer bytes mInus 1) The address IS decremented for each DMA transfer of one byte, and when the transfer IS finished, becomes ( 3 FFF) H If addItIonal DRQ signals are input, the address continues to be decremented. : Used for DMA-mode setting by the following convention' Rd Wr Mode to be set 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 DMA verify DMAwnte DMA read Prohibition : Automatic load mode. When this bit has been set, contents of the channel 3 register are written, as are on the channel 2 register when channel 2 DMA transfer comes to an end This mode allows qUick, automatic chaining operations without intervention of the software : Extended write signal mode When this bit has been set, write signals can be transmitted in advance to memories and peripheral equipment requiring long access time : Terminal count stop When a DMA transfer process is complete, with terminal-count output, the channel-enable mask of that channel is reset, prohibiting subsequent DMA cycles. : Rotating priority mode The setting of this mode allows the priority order to be rotated by each byte transfer. The setting priority is fixed with the channel 0 as highest, followed by channell, 2 and 3 In descending order CH-O CH-l CH-2 1 CH-l CH-2 CH-3 CH-O 2 CH-2 CH-3 CH-O CH-l 3 CH-3 CH-O CH-l CH-2 4 CH-O CH-l CH-2 CH-3 Channel used for the present data transfer Pnoflty list for the next cycle ENO-EN3 UP TCO-TC3 5-66 CH-3 Channel-enable bit. This mask prohibits or allows the DMA request When the reset signal IS applied, all channels are disabled. Update flag. This is set when register contents are transferred in an automatic load mode from channel 3 to channel 2. Terminal-count status flags. At the time of terminal-count output, the flag corresponding to the channel is set The flag is, set by reading the status register, annd IS unaffected by the TCS bits • MITSUBISHI . . . . ELECTRIC MITSUBISHI LSls MSL8257P-S PROGRAMMABLE DMA CONTROLLER ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Symbol V ,H V,L VOL V OH 1 V OH2 V OH3 Test conditions High-level Input voltage laL=I.6mA High-level output voltage far AB, DB and AEN laH=-150"A High-level output voltage for HRO High-level output voltage far others loz C, Input terminal capacitance ClIO InpuVoutput terminal capaCItance TIMING REQUIREMENTS Limits Typ Min Max 2.0 -0.5 Low-level Input voltage Low-level output voltage Supply current from Vcc Input current Off-state output current Icc I, (Ta=-20-75"C, Vee=5V±5%, unless otherwise noted) Parameter Vee 0.8 0.45 2.4 3.3 IOH=-80"A 2.4 V,=OV, Vee Vo-OV-Vcc Ta-25'C, Vcc=Vss Pins other than that under measurement are set to OV, fC=1 MHz 120 10 10 -10 -10 Unit V V V V V V mA J.lA J.lA 10 pF 20 pF (Ta=-20-75'C, Vcc= 5 V± 5 %, Vss= 0 V, unless otherwise noted) Symbol Parameter Test conditions Limits Typ Min Max Unit tweRI Read pulse Width 250 ns tsu(A-R) tau(eS-R) Address or CS setup time before read 0 ns 0 ns 200 ns 20 ns ns :~l==~~1 Address or CS hold time after read twewl White pulse Width tsueA-wl theW-AI Address setup time before write Address hold time after write 0 tsueoo-wl Data setup time before write thew-Dol Data hold time after write Reset pulse width tW(RST) 200 ns 0 300 ns ns tSU(vcc-RSTl Supply voltage setup time before reset tr Input signal rise time tf tSU(RST-W) Input signal fall time Reset setup time before write tce ~I twe ~I Clock cycle time Clock pulse Width high-level tsueDRQ-~ I ORO setup time before clock lh(HLDA-DRQ) ORO hold time after HLDA tSU{RDV-; ) HLDA setup time before clock Ready setup time before clock Ihc; -RDYI Ready hold time after clock tSU{HLDA-; ) 500 tPZV(R_DQ) tPVZ(R_DQ) 5-68 4 O. 8tce~) 80 70 I ns ns tce~ I 2 0.32 J.lS ns ns 0 ns ns 100 30 20 SLAVE MODE SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS Symbol ns 20 20 ns ns (Ta=-20-75"C, Vec=5V±5%, Vss=ov, unless otherwise noted) Parameter Test conditions Output data enable time after read Output data disable time after read C L =150pF • MITSUBISHI ..... ELECTRIC Limits Min 0 20 I I I Typ I I I Max 200 100 Unit ns ns MITSUBISHI LSls MSL8257P-S PROGRAMMABLE DMA CONTROLLER TIMING DIAGRAMS DMA Mode .1 • I·. 1 • 1 • 1 • 1 • 1 • 1 • 1 • 1 • I • I • I. ISUIO~~ ~:~~0:[V'-1U ru ~ ClK , I OROo-ORO, IPLHI .... HRQI ... )( II \ H- tpHL(~HRQ) ISUIH~A-'I -+ I- HRO th(HLDA-ORQ) :::1 X- - \ ____ 1 r HLDA I IPLHI ....AENI-~ AEN ~PHLI ....AEN) 1 .... Ipzvl ....AI .... I-- IpLHI '-AI ~tPVZ(f-A) Ao-A7 .. (lOWER ADORE SS) ~~~l-OQI Ipzvl .... oQ) ... 00-07 t ~ tPLH(?-ASTB) .. AOSTB I --=l-- IPHLTAST81 /./7 ----------------------- \ ... '---!-IPLHI ....R) , ... I tPHL(ASTB-WE) tW(R) 1 ~LI~lpLHI ....WI , '--t--- -i ~ Ihl .... Royl tSU(RDY ~) ~ tPHL(ASTB-R) 1 \ IPHLI .... RI~ /U' TC/MARK 1 IpZVI .... R)-~ MEMR/i7OR n ~ tPHL(A-ASTB) ... ~LHI~~I IPHLI .... ~ACKI '\ OACKo-_ _ OACK, READY h ..!WI (UPPER ADORE SS) ~ Ihl ....AI '"!thIAST8-AI IPLHI ....Te/MARKI~PHLI ....Te/MARKI ------------ ~--. '~ / \ ~" ....... tPVZ(~A) ~ \wIWEI .~ Slave Mode Read Write cs 00-07 CS ~-A7 ________-'~~------~--~~'-~--~----_ 00-07 -----------------'~~--~--~r'--------- ----------------------~::==~--------RESET Vee 5-70 • MITSUBISHI "ELECTRIC MITSUBISHI LSls M5L8259AP PROGRAMMABLE INTERRUPT CONTROLLER DESCRIPTION The M5L8259AP is a programmable LSI for interrupt control. It is fabricated using N-channel silicon-gate ED-MaS technology and is designed to be used easily in connection with an MELPS85, MELPS86 or MELPS88. PIN CONFIGURATION (TOP VIEW) CHIP ST~~8t CS~ \%~~~ WR ~ CONTROL I~~t~ RD~ CONTROL 0, - FEATURES • • • • • • Single 5V supply voltage TTL compatible CALL instruction to the CPU is generated automatically Priority, interrupt mask and vectored address for each interrupt request input are programmable Up to 64 levels of interrupt requests can be controlled by cascading with M5L8259AP 1 Vc d5V) 27 26 2 3 4 ~ Aa ADDRESS INPUT _ _ INTERRUPT ~INTAACKNOWLEDG INPUT Os - 05 BIDIRECTIONAL DATA BUS INTERRUPT REQUEST INPUTS 0, 03 0, - 19 ~IR, 18 -IRo -INT 17 Polling functions 16 INTERRUPT ~'G~~G~T -SP/EN~~til~~ 15 -CAS, CASCADE -.._ _ _ _ _..rLINE APPLICATION The M5L8259AP can be used as an interrupt controller for MELPS85, MELPS86 and MELPS88. Outline 28P4 FUNCTION The M5L8259AP is a device specifically designed for use in real time, interrupt driven microcomputer systems. It manages eight level requests and has built-in features for expandability to other M5L8259APs. The priority and interrupt mask can be changed or reconfigured at any time by the main program When an interrupt is generated because of an interrupt request at 1 of the pins, the M5L8259AP based on the mask and priority will output an INT to the CPU. After that, when an INTA signal is received from the CPU or the system controller, a CALL instruction and a programmed vector address is released onto the data bus. BLOCK DIAGRAM INTERRUPT ACKNOWLEDGE INPUT INTA CONTROL LOGIC INTERRUPT REQUEST OUTPUT INTERRUPT REQUEST INPUTS DATA BUS BUFFER I Ro 18'>---r---""'" IR, IR, IR3 IR, IRs IRs IR, 25 READ/WRITE CONTROL LOGIC BIDIRECTIONAL DATA BUS 2 WR WRITE CONTROL INPUT 3 RD READ CONTROL INPUT 27 ....._-.:::=:;--1.1 Ao ADDRESS INPUT CS CHIP SELECT INPUT 12 CAsa} 13 CAS, CASCADE LINES 15 L - 5-72 AS, L-----{16 SP/EN - --- - --- - --- - --- - --- - • MITSUBISHI ;"ELECTRIC SLAVE PROGRAM INPUT/ ENABLE BUFFER OUTPUT MITSUBISHI LSls MSL82S9AP PROGRAMMABLE INTERRUPT CONTROLLER Interrupt Sequence 1. When the CPU is a MELPS85 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 'R~'RRSET When one or more of the interrupt request inputs are raised high-level, the corresponding IRR bit(s) for the high-level inputs will be set Mask state and priority levels are considered and, if appropriate, the M5L8259AP sends an INT signal to the CPU. The acknowledgement of the CPU to the INT signal, the CPU issues an INTA pulse to the M5L8259AP. Upon receiving the first INTA pulse from the CPU, a CALL instruction is released onto the data bus. A CALL is a 3-byte instruction, so additional two INTA pulses are issued to the M5L8259AP from the CPU. These two INTA pulses allow the M5L8259AP to release the program address onto the data bus. The low-order 8 bits vectored address is released at the second INTA pulse and the high-order 8 bits vectored address is released at the third INTA pulse. The ISR bit corresponding to the interrupt request input is set upon receiving the third INTA pulse from the CPU, and the corresponding IRR bit is reset. This completes the 3-byte CALL instruction and the interrupt routine will be serviced. The ISR bit is reset at the trailing edge of the third INTA pulse in the AEOI mode In the other modes the ISR bit is not reset until an EOI command is issued. INTA ----"l 1 (5) (6) 5-74 ISR RESET (AEOI MODE) A CALL instruction is released onto the data bus when the first INTA pulse is issued. The low-order 8 bits of the vectored address are released when the second INTA pulse is issued, and the high-order 8 bits are released when the third INTA pulse is issued. The format of these three outputs is shown in Table 2. Table 2 Formats of interrupt CALL instruction and vectored address 06 0, 05 o o Do o Second INTA pulse (low-order 8 bits of vectored address) 2. When the CPU is a MELPS86 or MELPS88 (4) ISR SET Interrupt sequence outputs 1. When the CPU is a MELPS85 ISR SET (3) r-' The interrupt request input must be held at high-level until the first INTA pulse is issued. If it is allowed to return to lowlevel before the first INTA pulse is issued, an interrupt request in IR7 is executed. However, in this case the ISR bit is not set. This is a function for a noise countermeasure of interrupt request inputs. In the interrupt routine of IR7, if ISR is checked by software either the interrupt by noise or real interrupt can be acknowledged. In the state of edge trigger mode normally the interrupt request inputs hold high-level and its input low-level pulse in the case of interrupt iNTA (2) 2 ~~'\!~~ RESET First INTA pulse (CALL instruction) IRI...fi" IRR SET (1) r---J ~ When one or more of the interrupt request inputs are raised high-level, the corresponding IRR bit(s) for the , high-level inputs will be set. Mask state and priority levels are considered and if appropriated, the M5L8259AP sends an INT signal to the CPU. As an acknowledgement to the INT Signal, the CPU issues an INTA pulse to the M5L8259AP. Upon receiving the first INTA pulse from the CPU, the M5L8259AP does not drive the data bus, and the data bus keeps high-impedance state. When the second INTA pulse is issued from the CPU, an 8-bit pOinter is released onto the data bus. This completes the interrupt cycle' and the interrupt routine will be serviced. The ISR bit is reset at the trailing edge of the second INTA pulse in the AEOI mode. In the other modes the ISR bit is not reset until an EOI command is issued from the CPU. IR Interval= 4 07 Os 05 04 Dg 02 0, Do IRo A7 As 0 0 0 0 0 IR, A7 As 0 0 1 0 0 IR2 A7 As 0 1 0 0 0 IRg A7 As 0 1 1 0 0 IR4 A7 As 1 0 0 0 0 IRs A7 As 1 0 1 ' 0 0 IRs A7 As 1 1 0 0 0 IR7 A7 As As As As As As As As As 1 1 1 0 0 • MITSUBISHI "'ELECTRIC MITSUBISHI LSls MSL82S9AP PROGRAMMABLE INTERRUPT CONTROLLER Read Control Input (RD) When RO goes low-level status information in the internal register of the M5L8259AP can be read through the data bus. Address Input (Ao) The address input is normally connected with one of the address lines and is used along with WR and RO to control write commands and reading status information. Cascade Buffer/Comparator The cascade buffer/comparator stores or compares identification codes. The three cascade lines are output when the M5L8259AP is a master or input when it is a slave. The identification code on the cascade lines select it as master or slave. PROGRAMMING THE M5L8259AP The M5L8259AP is programmed through the Initialization Command Word (ICW) and the operation command word (OCW) . The following explains the functions of these two commands. Initialization Command Words (ICWs) The initialization command word is used for the initial setting of the M5L8259AP. There are four commands in this group and the following explains the details of these four commands. The command flow of ICWs is shown Fig. 2. ICW1 The meaning of the bits of ICWl is explained in Fig. 3 along with the functions. ICWl contains vectored address bits A7~ A5 , a flag indicating whether interrupt input is edge triggered or level triggered, CALL address interval, whether a single M5L8259AP or the cascade mode is used, and whether ICW4 is required or not. Whenever a command is issued with Ao=O and 04=1, this is interpreted as ICW1 and the following will automatically occur. (a) The interrupt mask register (IMR) is cleared. (b) The interrupt request input IR7 is assigned the lowest priority. (e) The special mask mode is cleared and the status read is set to the interrupt request register (IRR). (d) When IC4=O all bits in ICW4 are set to O. ICW2 ICW2 contains vectored address bits A15 ~ As or interrupt type T7~T3, and the format is shown in Fig. 3. ICW3 When SNGL= 1 it indicates that only a single M5L8259AP is used in the system, in which case ICW3 is not valid. When SNGL=O, ICW3 is valid and indicates cascade connections with other M5L8259AP devices. In the master mode, a 1 is set for each slave. When the CPU is a MELPS85 the CALL instruction is released from the master at the first INTA pulse and the vectored address is released onto the data bus from the slave at the second and third INTA pulses. When the CPU is a MELPS86 the master and slave are in high-impedance at the first INTA pulse and the pointer is released onto the data bus from the slave at the second INTA pulse. ICWl ICW2 ICW3 ICW4 Fig. 2 5-76 Initialization sequence • MITSUBISHI ;"ELECTRIC MITSUBISHI LSls MSL82S9AP PROGRAMMABLE INTERRUPT CONTROLLER The master mode is specified when SP/EN pin is high-level or BUF=l and M/S=l in ICW4, and slave mode is specified when SP/EN pin is low-level or BUF = 1 and M/S = 0 in ICW4. In the slave mode, three bits ID2 ~ IDo identify the slave. And then when the slave code released on the cascade lines from the master, matches the assigned ID code, the vectored address is released by it onto the data bus at the next INTA pulse. ICW4 Only when IC4=1 in ICWl is ICW4 valid. Otherwise all bits are set to O. When ICW4 is valid it specifies special fully nested mode, buffer mode, master/slave, automatic EOI and microprocessor mode The format of ICW4 is shown in Fig. 3. Operation Command WOrds (OCW s) The operation command words are used to change the contents of IMR, the priority of interrupt request inputs and the special mask. After the ICW are programmed into the M5L8259AP, the device is ready to accept interrupt requests. There are three types of OCWs; explanation of each follows, and the format of OCWs is shown in Fig. 4. OCW1 The meaning of the bits of OCWl are explained in Fig. 4 along with their functions. Each bit of IMR can be independently changed (set or reset) by OCW1. OCW2 The OCW2 is used for issuing· EOI commands to the M5L8259AP and for changing the priority of the interrupt reINTERRUPT MASK SET INTERRUPT MASK RESET OCWl 0 0 1 1 1 NON-SPECIFIC EOI 1 SPECIFIC EOI (RESETS ISR BITS L2-Lo) 1 ROTATE ON NON-SPECIFIC EOI 0 SETS AUTOMATIC ROTATION FLIP-FLOP 0 RESET AUTOMATIC ROTATION FLIP-FLOP 0 1 0 0 0 0 }EOI } AUTOMATIC ROTATION , 1 1 1 ROTATE ON SPECIFIC EOI (RFRFT~ "'" ~'T !..'_·!..o) 1 1 0 SETS PRIORITY COMMAND (SET LOWEST PRIORITY BIT L2-Loi 0 1 0 NO OPERATION ~ I o 1 Ao R 07 ,I } SPECIFIC ROTATION 10 LEVEL TO BE ACTED UPON I SL EOI 1 0, 05 0 1 0 1 03 L2 1 L, 0, 02 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 I I Lo Do 3 4 5 6 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 I OCW2 0 1 1 X NO OPERATION 0 1 RESET SPECIAL MASK MODE SETS SPECIAL MASK MODE 11 1 o. I Fig. 4 5-78 o Ao 1 0 07 ESMM 1 SMM 1 0, 05 OCW3 o 1 1 03 1 P 02 1 0 X NO OPERATION 1 1 0 1 SETS STATUS READ REGISTER IN IRR I I RR 1 RIS 0, POLL COMMAND NO POLL COMMAND SETS STATUS READ REGISTER IN ISR I Do Operation command word format • MITSUBISHI ..... ELECTRIC 7 1 1 1 MITSUBISHI LSls MSL82S9AP PROGRAMMABLE INTERRUPT CONTROLLER mode. When the M5L8259AP is in special mask mode ISR bits masked in IMR are not reset by EOI. EOI and SEOI are selected when OCW2 is executed. Automatic EOI (AEOI) In the AEOI mode the M5L8259AP executes non-specific EOI command automatically at the trailing edge of the last INTA pulse. When AEOI=l in ICW4, the M5L8259AP is put in AEOI mode continuously until reprogrammed in ICW4. The AEOI mode can only be used in a master M5L8259AP and not a slave. Automatic rotation The automatic rotation mode is used in applications where many interrupt requests of the same level are expected such as multichannel communication systems. In this mode when an interrupt request is serviced, that request is assigned the lowest priority so that if there are other interrupt requests they will have higher priorities. This means that the next request on the interrupt request being serviced must wait until the other interrupt requests are serviced (worst case is waiting for all 7 of the other controllers to be serviced) . The priority and serving status are rotated as shown in Fig. 5. BEFORE ROTATION (IR3 THE HIGHEST PRIORITY REQUIRING SERVICE) IS, ISR STATUS ISs ISs Is., IS, IS, 1 , HIGHEST PRIORITY i AFTER ROTATION (IR3 WAS SERVICED AND ALL OTHER PRIORITIES ROTATED CORRESPONDINGLY) IS, ISR STATUS ISs ISs Is., IS, IS, ISo 1010111010101010 HIGHEST PRIORITY PRIORITY STATUS Fig. 5 IS, LOWEST PRIORITY i * An example of priority rotation In the non-specific EOI command automatic rotation mode is selected when R=l, EOI=l, SL=O in OCW2. The internal priority status is changed by EOI or AEOI commands. The rotation priority A flip-flop is set by R=l, EOI=O and SL=O which is useful when the M5L8259AP is used in the AEOI mode. Specific rotation Specific rotation gives the user versatile capabilities in interrupt controlled operations. It serves in those applications in 5-80 Level triggered mode/Edge triggered mode Selection of level or edge triggered mode of the M5L8259AP is made by ICW1 , When using edge triggered mode not only is a transition from low-level to high-level required, but the high-level must be held until the first INTA. If the high-level is not held until the first I NT A, the interrupt request will be treated as if it were input on IR7, except that the ISR bit is not set. When level triggered mode is used the functions are the same as edge triggered mode except that the transition from low-level to high-level is not required to trigger the in, terrrupt request. In the level triggered mode and using AEOI mode together, if the high-level is held too long the interrupt will occur immediately. To avoid this situation interrupts should be kept disabled until the end of the service routine or until the IR input returns low-level. In the edge triggered mode this type of mistake is not possible because the interrupt request is edge triggered. Reading the M5L8259AP internal status ISo 01 00 01011101 LOWEST PRIORITY PRIORITY STATUS IS, which a specific device's interrupt priority must be altered. As opposed to automatic rotation which automatically sets priorities, specific rotation is completely user controlled. That is, the user selects the interrupt level that is to receive lowest or highest priority. Priority changes can be executed during an EOI command. The contents of IRR and ISR can be read by the CPU with status read. When an OCW3 is Issued to the M5L8259AP and an RD pulse issued the contents of IRR or ISR can be released onto the data bus. A special command is not required to read the contents of IMR. The contents of IMR can be released onto the data bus by issuing an RD pulse when Ao= 1. There is no need to issue a read register command every time the IRR or ISR is to be read. Once a read register command is received by the M5L8259AP, it remains valid until it is changed. Remember that the programmer must issue a poll command every time to check whether there is an interrupt request and read the priority level. Polling overrides status read when P=l, RR=l in OCW3. CASCADING The M5L8259AP can be interconnected in a system of one master with up to 8 slaves to handle up to 64 priority levels. A system of 3 units that can be used with the MELPS85 is shown in Fig. 6. The master can select a slave by outputting its identification code through the 3 cascade lines. The INT output of each slave is connected to the master interrupt request inputs. When an interrupt request of one of the slaves is to be serviced the master outputs the identification code of the slave through the cascade lines, so the slave will release the vectored address on the next INTA pulse. The cascade lines of the master are nomally low-level, and will contain the slave identification code from the leading edge of the first INTA pulse to the trailing edge of the last • MITSUBISHI ..... ELECTRIC MITSUBISHI LSls M5L8259AP PROGRAMMABLE INTERRUPT CONTROLLER INSTRUCTION SET ~ Ao D7 D6 Ds D4 D3 D2 D, A7 A7 A7 A7 A7 A7 A7 A7 A7 A7 A7 A7 A7 A7 A7 A7 A6 A6 A6 A6 A5 As As As 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 A'4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ICW1 ICW1 ICW1 ICW1 ICW1 ICW1 ICW1 ICW1 ICW1 ICW1 ICW1 ICW1 ICW1 ICW' ICW1 ICW1 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N 0 P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 18 19 ICW2 ICW3 M ICW3 S 1 1 1 A'5 S7 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 ICW4 A ICW4 B ICW4 C ICW4 D ICW4 E ICW4 F ICW4 G ICW4 H ICW4 I ICW4 J ICW4 K ICW4 L ICW4 M ICW4 N ICW40 ICW4 P ICW4 NA ICW4 NB ICW4 NC ICW4 ND ICW4 NE ICW4 NF ICW4 NG ICW4 NH ICW4 NI ICW4 NJ ICW4 NK ICW4 NL ICW4 NM ICW4 NN ICW4 NO ICW4 NP 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 OCW1 OCW2 E OCW2 SE OCW2 RE OCW2 RSE OCW2 R OCW2 CR OCW2 RS OCW3 P OCW3 RIS OCW3 RR OCW3SM OOW3 RSM Note 4· 5-82 Function Instruction code Mnemonic Number a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 , 1 1 1 1 ,, , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 a a a 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a a 0 a a a 0 a As As As As A6 A6 A6 A6 A6 A6 As As So 0 a 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 a a 0 0 a a 0 0 0 a 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 M7 M6 a a a 1 a a As As A5 As ,, a 1 b 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 a 0 1 1 0 0 A13 Ss 0 A'2 S4 0 All S3 0 A,o S2, 1D2 A9 S, ID, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 a 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 a a 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 a a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 a a a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 Ms 1 1 1 1 a 0 0 a a 0 0 0 0 a 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M4 , , , 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 M, Mo L2 0 L2 0 L, L2 1 L, 0 1 1 Lo 0 Lo 0 0 La 0 1 a 0 a 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 M2 0 0 0 0 1 0 , , 0 M3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 a a 0 0 0 0 , 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 a a L, a a 0 0 a 1 0 1 0 , , a 0 1 a 0 0 0 Y. yes, N no, E edge, L. level, M: master, S· slave • MITSUBISHI ...... ELECTRIC 4 4 4 4 8 8 8 8 4 4 4 4 8 8 8 8 Single y y N N y y N N y y N N y y N N Trigger E L E L E L E L E L E L E L E L 8~blt vectored address Slave connections (master mode) Slave Identification code (slave mode) IDa a Intervel N N N N N N N N y y y y y y y y As So ,, a a a a 1 a 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 a 1 a 1 0 a a 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 a a 0 a a a a 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 a a a 0 a a a a a Do ICW4 required? SFNM BUF AEOI MELPS86 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y N N N N N N N N N N Y Y N N y Y N N y y N N y y N N y Y N N Y y N N y y N N y y N Y N Y N y N Y N y N y N Y N y N Y N Y N Y N y N Y N y N Y N y y y y S S S S M M M M Y Y Y y y N N N N N N N N y y y y y y y y S S S S M M M M Interrupt mask EOI SEOI Rotate on Non-Specific EOI command (Automatic rotation) Rotate on Specific EOI command (Specific rotation) Rotate in AEOI Mode (SET) Rotate in AEOI Mode (C LEAR) Set Priority without EO I Poll mode Sets Status Read Resister In ISR Sets Status Read Resister In IRR Sets Special Mask mode Reset Special Mask mode MITSUBISHI LSls MSL82S9AP PROGRAMMABLE INTERRUPT CONTROLLER SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS (Ta=-20-75°C, Vcc =5V±10%, Vss=OV, unless otherwise noted) Limits Symbol Test conditions Parameter Typ Min tpZV(R~DQ) Data output enable time after read tpvzeA-OQ) Data output disable time after read tpZV(A-DQ) Data output enable time after address tPHL(R-EN) Propagation time from read to enable signal output tPLH(R-EN) Propagation time from read to disable signal output tPL.H(IR_INT) Propagation time from Interrupt request input to mterrupt request output tPLV(INTA_CAS) Propagation time from INTA to cascade output (master) 10 C L =100pF Where $PiEN pin is 15pF Data output enable trme after cascade output (slave) tpZV ( CAS-DO) -Note 5 : INTA signal is considered read signal CS signal is considered address signal 0.45-2. 4V Input pulse level Input pulse rise time 20ns Input pulse fall time 20ns Reference level input V'H=2V, V'L =0. BV output VoH =2V, VOL =0. BV TIMING DIAGRAM Write Mode CS. Ao } \ twlwl K --- thlw-AI tSU(A-W) J'--- ~ thlw-DO) -r- I- tsu(oo-w) ~~ 0,-00 :K Read Mode CS,Ao J~ K thiR-AI tSU(A-R) twiRl \ j tPVZeR-DQ) tpZV(A-DQ) tpzv(A-ool i/7r- 0,-00 tPHL(R-EN} \ ~r 5-84 ~\ \~l- • MITSUBISHI ...... ELECTRIC ~/ tPLH(R-EN) I. Unit Max 200 ns 100 ns 200 ns 125 ns 150 ns 350 ns 565 ns 300 ns MITSUBISHI LSls MSL8279P-S PROGRAMMABLE KEYBOARD/DISPLAY INTERFACE DESCRIPTION PIN CONFIGURATION (TOP VIEW) The M5L8279P-5 is a programmable keyboard and display interface device that is designed to be used In combination with an 8-bitl16-bit microprocessor. This device is fabricated with N-channel silicon-gate ED-MOS process technology and is packed in a 40-pin OIL package. It needs only single 5V power supply. RETURN LINE J R2 ~ 1 INPUTS R3 ~ 2 Vee (5V) 1 CLOCK INPUT ClK ~ 3 REQUE~~T6~~~0t ~ 4 R4~ 5 INT RETURN LINE INPUTS FEATURES SCAN TIMING OUTPUTS 8 RESET INPUT RESET ~ 9 READ S~~~Bf RD ~ 10 WRITE S~~~Bf WR ~ 11 00-12 R7~ • • Single 5V supply voltage TTL compatible • • • • • • • • • Keyboard mode Sensor matrix mode Strobed mode Internally provided key bounce protection circuit Programmable debounce time 2-key 10ckoutlN-key rollover 8-character keyboard FIFO Internally contained 16 X 8-bit display RAM Programmable right and left entry DISPLAY (B) OUTPUTS DISPLAY (A) OUTPUTS BIDIRECTIONAL DATA BUS 24-0A3 23 ~ ~rtpNl~~gUTPUT BD 22 ~ CS fNH~0TSElECT (OV) vss 2-1 ~ AD ~mtRplf,;~d:v ---,'--_ _ _ _- I APPLICATION Outline 40P4 Microcomputer 1/0 device 64 contact key input device for such items as electronic cash registers Dual 8- or single 16-alphanumeric display debounce buffer and an 8 X 8-bit FIFOISENSOR RAM. It operates In anyone of the scanned keyboard mode, scanned sensor matrix mode or strobed entry mode. The display portion is provided with a 16 X 8-bit display RAM that can be organized into a dual16X 4 configuration. Also, an 8-digit display configuration is possible by means of programming. FUNCTION The total chip, consisting of a keyboard interface and a display interface, can be programmed by eight 8-bit commands. The keyboard portion is provided with a 64-bit key BLOCK DIAGRAM RESET CLOCK INPUT INPUT BIDIRECTIONAL DATA BUS ~~~~~~~~~ CONTROL/DATA SELECT INPUT CHIP SELECT INPUT WRITE STROBE INPUT READ STROBE INPUT I, RETURN LINE INPUTS I, OA, OA, OA, 01<, OB3 OB, OB, aBo BD ~ DISPLAY (B)BLANKING OUTPUTS OUTPUTS gl~~~~i 5-86 • MITSUBISHI ' " ELECTRIC -~ MITSUBISHI LSls MSL8279P-S PROGRAMMABLE KEYBOARD/DISPLAY INTERFACE COMMAND DESCRIPTION 4. There are eight commands provided for programming the operating modes of the M5L8279P-5. These commands are sent on the data bus with the signal CS in low-level and the signal Ao in 1 and are stored in the M5L8279P-5 at the rising edge of the signal WR. The order of the command execution is arbitrary. 1. Mode Set Command MSB Code: LSB 1 0 1 0 1 OlD 1 D 1 K 1 K 1 K 1 QJ2... (Display mode set command) oa 8-8-bit character display-left entry 16-8-bit character display-left entry (Notel) 1 a 8-8-bit character display-right entry 1 1 16-8-bit character display-right entry KKK (Keyboard mode set command) 0 Encoded display keyboard mode - 2-key lockout (Notel) o a 1 Decoded display keyboard mode - 2-key lockout o 1 0 Encoded display keyboard mode - N-key rollover 1 1 Decoded display keyboard mode - N-key rollover 100 Encoded display, sensor mode 1 0 1 Decoded display, sensor mode Encoded display, strobed entry mode 1 1 1 1 Decoded display, strobed entry mode o1 a a o a Note1: Default after reset. 2. MSB Code: MSB Code: LSB 11 1 0 1 0 1AliA 1 A 1 A 1 A I With this command, following display RAM read/write addressing is achieved without changing the data readout source (FIFO or display RAM). Meaning of AI and AAAA are identical with read display RAM command. 6. Display Write inhibit/Blanking Command MSB LSB r-11-r"1-0TI--r"I-x'I-IW-'I-'W-r-1B-L"!"""IB-'LI X = Don't care A 1 0 1 0 l i p 1 pip 1 pip 1 MSB I0 i 1 I 0 1 B A B LSB The external clock is divided by the prescaler value PPPPP designated by this command to obtain the basic internal frequency. When the internal clock is set to 100kHz, it will give a 5. 1ms keyboard scan time and alD. 3ms debounce time. The prescale value that can be specified by PPPPP is from 2 to 31. In case PPPPP is 00000 or 00001, the prescale is set to 2. Default after a reset pulse is 31, but the prescale value is not cleared by the clear command. 3. Read FIFO Command Code: IA This command is used to specify that the following data readout (CS'Ao'RD) is from the display RAM. As long as data is to be read from the display RAM, no additional commands are necessary. The data AAAA is the value with which the display RAM read/write counter is set, and it specifies the address of the display RAM to be read or written next. AI is the auto-increment flag. Turning AI to 1 makes the address automatically incremented after the second read/ write operation. This auto-increment bit does not affect the auto-increment of FIFO readout in the sensor mode. 5. Write Display RAM Command Program Clock Command Code : LSB 1 0 11 11 1AliA 1 A 1 A Code: MSB LSB 1AI I X I A 1A 1A 1 X = Don't care This command is used to specify that the following data readout (CS'Ao'RD) is from the FIFO. As long as data is to be read from the FIFO, no additional commands are necessary. AI and AAA are used only in the sensor mode. AAA designates the address of the FIFO to be read, and AI is the autoincrement flag. Turning AI to 1 makes the address automatically incremented after the second read operation. This auto-increment bit does not affect the auto-increment of the display RAM. 5-88 Read Display RAM Command The IW is a write inhibit bit to the display RAM that corresponds with the output A or B. Inhibit is activated by turning the IW 1. The BL is used in blanking the out A or B. Blanking is activated by turning the BL 1. Setting both BL flags makes the signal BD low-level so that it can be used in 8-bit display mode. Resetting the flags makes all IW and BL turn O. 7. Clear Command MBS LSB 11 11 1 0 IColColColcFlcAI Code: Co: Clears the display RAM. Co CD CD X X No specific performance X Entire contents of the display RAM are turned O. The contents of the display RAM are turned 20H (00100000 = OA30A20A I OAo OB 30B20B I OBo) . Entire contents of the display RAM are turned 1. o • MITSUBISHI ...... ELECTRIC o o MITSUBISHI LSls MSL8279P-S PROGRAMMABLE KEYBOARD/DISPLAY INTERFACE CPU INTERFACE 1. Command Write A command is written on the riSing edge of the signal WR with CS low-level and AQ 1. 2. Data Write Data is written to the display RAM on the rising edge of the signal WR with CS low-level and Ao O. The address of the display RAM is also incremented on the riSing edge of the signal WR if AI is set for the display RAM. 3. Status Read The status word is read when CS and RD are low-level and AQ is 1. The status word appears on the data bus as long as the signal RD is low-level. 4. Data Read Data is read from either the FIFO or the display RAM with CS and RD are low-level and Ao is O. The source of the data (FIFO or display RAM) is decided by the latest command (read display or read FIFO). The data read appears on the data bus as long as the signal RD is low-level. The trailing edge of the signal RD increments the address of the FIFO or the display RAM when AI is set. After the reset, data will be read from the FIFO, however. H~ever, 'both the key scan cycle and the key debounce cycle are the same as in the encoded mode.) 1. 2-Key Lockout (Scanned Keyboard Mode) The detection of a new key closure resets the internal debounce counter and starts counting. At the end of a key debounce cycle, the key is checked and entered into the FIFO if it is still down. An entry in the FIFO sets the INT output high. If any other keys are depressed in a key debounce cycle, the internal key debounce counter is reset each time it encounters a new key. Thus only a single-key depression within a key debounce duration is accepted, but all keys are ignored when more than two keys are depressed at the same time. Example 1 : Accepting two successive key depressions KEY1 t~EY DEBOUNC~lCYCLE KEY2 Note 2 : : Debounce counter reset : Key input Ao 1 CS RD WR Operation L H L Command wnte 0 L H L Data write 1 L L H Status read 0 L L H Data read X H X X No operation Example 2 : Overlapped depression of three keys KEY 1 KEY2 +.-----1 KEY DEBOUNCE CYCLE KEY 3 KEYBOARD INTERFACE Keyboard interface is done by the scan timing signals (80S3) , the return line inputs (Ro - R7) , the SHIFT and the CNTRL inputs. In the decoded mode, the low-order of 2 bits of the internal scan counter are decoded and come out on the timing pins (So-S3). In the encoded mode, the four binary bits of the scan counter are directly output on the timing pins, thus a 3\ to-8 decoder must be employed to generate keyboard scan Note 3 : Only key 2 Is acceptable timing. The return line inputs (Ro-R7), the SHIFT and the CNTL Inputs are pulled up high-level by internal pullup transistors until a switch closure pulls one low. The internal key debounce logic works for a 64-key matrix that is obtained by combining the return line inputs with the scan timing. For the keyboard interface, M5L8279P-5 has four distinctive modes that allow various kinds of applications. In the following explanation, a "key scan cycle" is the time needed to scan a 64-key matrix, and a "key debounce cycle" needs a duration of two "key scan" cycles. (In the decoded mode 32 keys, unlike 64 keys in the encoded mode, can be employed for a maximum key matrix due to the limit of timing signals 5-90 u-u + t • MITSUBISHI ..... ELECTRIC MITSUBISHI LSls MSL8279P-S PROGRAMMABLE KEYBOARD/DISPLAY INTERFACE DISPLAY INTERFACE The display interface is done by 8 display outputs (OAoOA3. OBo - OB3). a blanking signal (BD). and scan timing outputs (SO-S3). The relation between the data bus and the display outputs is as shown below: Timing relations of So. BD. and display outputsTbAo - OA3• OBo-OB3) are shown below. So ( E n c : : l L - - - . J mode) Do ! OA3 OA2 OA, OAo OB3 OB2 OBI OBo Clearing the display RAM is not achieved by the reset signal (9-pin) but requires the execution of the clear command. The timing diagrams for both the encoded and decoded modes are shown below. For the encoded mode. a 3-to-8 or 4-to-16 decoder is required. according to whether eight or sixteen digit display used. (1) Encoded mode II 8, L 83 L (2) Decoded mode So 8, 8, 83 Note 4 : Here Pw is 640",s If the internal clock frequency is set to 100kHz. 5-92 " " Note 5 : Values of the output data shown in the slanted line areas are decided upon the clear command executed last to become the value of the display RAM after the reset. The values in the slanted areas after reset will go low-level. In the same manner. the values OAo-OA3. 08 0 -083 are dependent on the clear command executed last. When the both A and 8 are blanked. the signal BD will be in low-level. So 8, " • MITSUBISHI "'ELECTRIC MITSUBISHI LSls MSL8279P-S PROGRAMMABLE KEYBOARD/DISPLAY INTERFACE ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol Conditions Parameter Vee Supply voltage V, Input voltage Va Output voltage With respect to Vss Pd Maximum power dissipation Topr Operatmg free-arr temperature range TstQ Storage temperature range Ta=25'C RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Ratings Unit -0.5-7 V -0.5-7 V -0.5-7 V 1000 mW -20-75 "C -60-150 'C (Ta=-20-75'C. unless otherwIse noted.) Limits Symbol Unit Parameter Vee Supply voltage Vss Supply voltage (GNO) Min Nom Max 5 5.5 4.5 .- V -- 0 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS V (T a=-20-75'C , Vee =5V±10%, Vss=OV, unless otherwise noted.) limits Symbol Parameter Test conditions Min Typ Max Unrt V1H(RL) HIgh-level mput voltage, for return line Inputs 2.2 V,H High-level mput voltage, all others 2.0 V'L(RU Low-level mput voltage, for return line mputs Vss-O.5 1.4 V V,L Low-Jevel Input voltage, all others Vss-O.5 0.8 V V OH High-level output voltage IOH=-400,uA 2.4 VOH(INT) High-level output voltage, Interrupt request output IOH=-400,uA 3.5 VOL Low-level output voltage 10L =2. Icc Supply current from V cc 2mA V V V V 0.45 120 - V rnA 10 Input current, return line Inputs, shift Input and control VI=VCC Input V,=OV I, Input current, all others V,=OV, Vee -10 10 /lA loz Off-state output current Vo=OV-Vee -10 10 ,uA C, Input terminal capacitance VI=VCC 5 10 pF Co Output terminal capacitance Vo=Vcc 10 20 pF II(RL) 5-94 • MITSUBISHI . . . . ELECTRIC /lA -100 MITSUBISHI LSls MSL8279P-S PROGRAMMABLE KEYBOARD/DISPLAY INTERFACE TIMING DIAGRAM Read operati on tOIRl tWIRl th(R-AJ tSU{A-R) CS, Ao - X: K '" .-~ tPVZ(R tPZV(R-OQ) tPZV(A-DQ) q Do-D, (DATA OUTP UTS) 00) ~~ ~ ~ J Write operation tOlwl tW(W) thlw-Al tSU{A-W) Do-D, (DATA INPUTS) Clock input tOI tWill ClK 5-96 3'-- V~ ~~ • MITSUBISHI . , . , ELECTRIC ¢) W MITSUBISHI LSls MSL8279P-S PROGRAMMABLE KEYBOARD/DISPLAY INTERFACE APPLICATION EXAMPLE CNTL CONTROL SHIFT x SHIFT RETURN a-ROW LINES KEY CODE a a a KEY KEYBOARD MATRIX ~Vcc(5V) a LINES 37 36 CNTL SHIFT Ro-R, INTERRUPT REQUEST DATA BUS 8-BIT MICROPROCESSOR SYSTEM CONTROL! ADDRESS BUS { CLOCK INT 4 INT BIDIRECTIONAL BUS a 00-0, Vee Vss ~ 8 20 r-;h GND(OV) 3-8 DECODER RD 10... WR u RESET 9 CS 22.. Ao 21 ClK 3 3 RD WR 4 So-S, SCAN LINE 4 RESET CS 4-16 DECODER DRIVE Ao ClK BD ~3 BD 16 OBo-OB, OAo-OA, M5L8085AP BLANKING 4 4 Note 8 5-98 (Note a) M5L8279P-5 DISPLAY DATA ADDRESS DISPLAY 16-DIGITS When using an a-bit character display of more than 9 digits for the decoder display, it is necessary to provide two decoders for example 4 -10 decoder, 4 -16 decoder and key scan 3 - a decoder. Only So, S, and So may be used as inputs to the key scan 3 - 8 decoder. (Don't drive the keyboard decoder with the MSB of the scan line) • MITSUBISHI ..... ELECTRIC (Note a) MITSUBISHI LSls NOTICE FOR CMOS PERIPHERALS 4. TRANSFER' CHARACTERISTICS AND POWER DISSIPATION For COMS devices, the circuit threshold voltage is approximately one-half of Vcc. Contrasted with NMOS logic, where threshold voltage is a fixed level not related to supply voltage, ideal transfer characteristics can be achieved. In order to maintain compatibility with the conventional NMOS devices, transfer characteristics of CMOS peripherals 110 circuits have been established at TTL level. Fig. 4 illustrates input voltage V'N versus supply current Icc for M5M82C55AP-2. Here, when V'N reaches 1.3 to 1.5V, the resulting switch in internal circuits causes a sharp increase in Ice flow. creases power diSSipation. The M5M82C55AP-2 illustrated in Fig. 4 has parallelconnected I/O ports, and is relatively limited in switching operations. However, devices such as the programmable timer M5M82C54P are subjected to constant clock operations, and the current flow for each CMOS circuit must be added to get the total for the device. As shown in Fing. 5, currnet dissipation increases along with increases in operating frequency. I Vee=SV DUTY=SO% Ta=25l: (PORT-Ao MODE 0 INPUT) 2S0 1 Ta =2S·C Vee=S.SV""", " --tln put 0 utput 1---(').-'VV'v--1. 1'1, O.Ol.uF Condition (e) can be created by exceeding the absolute maximum voltage ratings at the Vee pin. Also, even though Vee is within the recommended operating conditions, device latchup can be caused by the surge voltage superimposing at power ON, or crosstalk between lines. The voltage at Vee should never exceed absolute maximum rating values under any circumstances. Provisions should be made to reduce power ON surge voltage to a minimum. and as described in section 6, a capacitor should be connected beteen Vec and Vss to reduce impedance in the power line. InputJUL Vee~---Vee Vee 14 ~---Vee Nocapacitor Capaeitorused Preventing latchup when driving large current circuits Conditions (b) or (d) Applying a constant voltage to an output pin is not one of the normal usage configurations of a CMOS device, but a capacitor connected between output and Vcc (or Vss) would be a cause for latchup. This is due to the high Impedance created in the power supply line, combined with the fact that switching the power supply on and off produces fluctuations in the power supply line which causes the capacitor to discharge a trigger current. 6-8 It:. _ _ ________ V ss Preventing latchup when using differential circuits Vee Fig. - , . - - - " - Vee • MITSUBISHI . . . . ELECTRIC MITSUBISHI LSls M33210GS-20/FP-20 CMOS 32-BIT PARALLEL MICROPROCESSOR (M32/100) BLOCK DIAGRAM INSTRUCTION I FETCH UNIT BRANCH BUFFER DATA INPUT/ I , OUTPUT CIRCUIT DATA BUS il INSTRUCTION DECODE UNIT BRANCH EI PREDICTION TABLE 1'1 I .; OPERAND ADDRESS AND PC ADDRESS GENERATION UNIT r= ~ ADDRESS OUTPUT CIRCUIT 11 MICRO-ROM AND CONTROL UNIT 7-4 f----3o EXECUTION UNIT INTERNA\I REGISTERS • MITSUBISHI . . . . ELECTRIC G ADDRESS BUS MITSUBISHI LSls M33220GS-20 CMOS 32·BIT PARALLEL MICROPROCESSOR (M32/200) BLOCK DIAGRAM ,----.. INSTRUCTION PREFETCH UNIT INSTRUCTION CACHE BRANCH WINDOW I I CONTROL UNIT ~ INSTRUCTION DECODE UNIT ~ I MICROPROGRAMS 1 EXECUTION UNIT MEMORY MANAGEMENT UNIT I ALU I I I TLB I REGISTERS I 1 I I ~ INPUT/OUTPUT CONTROL UNIT 1 ADDRESS BUS 7-6 t DATA BUS • MITSUBISHI ;"ELECTRIC STACK CACHE I STORE BUFFER I I MITSUBISHI LSls M33230GS-20 CMOS 32-BIT PARALLEL MICROPROCESSOR (M32/300) PIN ASSIGNMENT PIN CODE NAME PIN CODE NAME PIN CODE NAME PIN CODE NAME PIN CODE NAME A2 *2 OCCPRG C3 G2 FLOAT N2 T18 Vee G3 *2 N3 A'3 A,s Ul *1 Vss C5 Vss GBR WAY G16 N16 Vss U2 A"._ Vss C6 Vee G17 Vee CPSTo N17 Vee C7 Gl,8 CPST, N18 U4 D30 C8 *2 RNG, A'9 A30 U3 *2 HACK HI A, Pl A,. U5 D28 Vss BATo HALT C9 BAT, H2 Ao P2 A" U6 Vss Cl0 Vss CLK! H3 P16 A" A,. U7 H16 Vee CPST, P3 Cl1 U8 D'3 D,o A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 Al0 All HREQ C12 CLK! H17 NCA P17 A27 U9 Vee A12 RESET C13 Vss H18 BLACKF P18 A28 Ul0 Vee A13 Vee BCLK, C14 Vee Jl A. Rl Ul1 C15 J2 D'8 D,s BCLK, C16 J3 A3 A, R2 A15 Vss L/C A" Vss R3 A21 U13 A16 A19 Vss C17 BLOCK J16 BLACKS R4 Vee U14 A17 A" AS C18 Vss J17 Vss R15 D8 *2 Dl IRLo J18 Vee R16 Vss D, U15 Bl U16 D, B2 *2 jCCPRG D2 IRL, Kl As R17 A,s U17 D3 B3 D3 *2 K2 Vs• R18 A'6 U18 D, B4 TCS D15 A'9 V2 Vee D16 K16 A6 BC, Tl *1 Vss DS K3 B5 T2 A" V3 Vss B6 D17 RETRY K17 BC, T3 D'9 D18 BERR K18 BC3 T4 V5 B8 RNG o El *1 Ll A7 T5 A'3 Vss D3, V4 B? Vee DAT D'6 D,s B9 BAT, E2 L2 As T6 E3 L3 E16 Vee U6 A9 NCAO T7 Bl1 Vee Vee D" D,. V7 Bl0 *1 IRL, CPST, D" V8 V9 B12 Vss E17 ASDC L17 Vss T9 Vss Vl0 Vss B13 Vss E18 SDC U8 BCo T10 Vee Vl1 *2 Fl *1 Ml ~~ D'9 B14 Ttl V12 B15 Vee F2 *1 M2 D" D,. V13 D" Vss B16 Vee Vss BS F3 B17 F16 *1 CPDC B18 Vee R/W F17 Cl Vee C2 Vss A14 * 1 : Connect to Vee. * 2 : No connect 7-8 C4 T8 T12 f- U12 V6 D'3 D,o D" Vee Vss M3 A" Vee .- M16 A31 T14 D" Vss V15 D" D9 Vee M17 MVIN T15 Ds V16 v,,,,,----- F18 Vss M18 LOC T16 D. V17 Gl Vss Nl A" T17 Do • MITSUBISHI ..... ELECTRIC T13 V14 D5 -- MITSUBISHI LSls M33241GS CMOS D~A CONTROLLER (M32/DMAC) BLOCK DIAGRAM INTERRUPT aus ARBITRATION DIITA CONTROL EXCEPTION SIGNAL t----t ~~~~~~N SECTION ADDRESS __-~,... CLOCK _ TRANSFER REQUEST SIGNAL PERIPHERAL EQUIPMENT CONTROL SIGNAL TRANSFER REQUEST CONTROL SIGNAL MICRO CONTROL SIGNAL PLA SECTION TRANSFER OPERATION CONTROL SECTION MICROSEQUENCE CONTROL UNIT 8-4 • MITSUBISMI "ELECTRIC ERROR TESTING SECTION MITSUBISHI LSls M33242SP/J CMOS INTERRUPT CONTROLLER (M32/IRC) BLOCK DIAGRAM LOCAL INTERRUPT INPUT R, -;.. q ~J " BUS BIRo-BIR , ---;0 INTERRUPT - LEVEL INTERRUPT CONVERSION OUTPUT r'" ~BI ~I RLo-IRL, r'" l~ f-U VECTOR GENERATION INPUT ACKNOWLEDGMENT CONTROL FSE L - - 30---;0 Ni-- cs-- CKIN - - ; 0 . f---- U BUS INTERFACE r--- A EL- 0 C E B ETLK- 8-6 • MITSUBISHI ..... ELECTRIC MITSUBISHI LSls M33243GS-2S,-30 CMOS TAG MEMORY (M32/TAGM) BLOCK DIAGRAM Ao A. TO, HITIREPLACE INFO MHENSL OUTPUT CONTROUMULTIPLEX BLOCK EXTH MHIT ~--+--------------oHIT .---------------0 HITo/REPo ~--------0 HIT,/REP, .----------0 HIT,/REP, MPX .----------
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