1991_Harris_Digital_Signal_Processing 1991 Harris Digital Signal Processing

User Manual: 1991_Harris_Digital_Signal_Processing

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Copyright @ Harris Corporation 1991
(All rights reserved)
Printed in U.S.A., 1991

· &'


Harris Semiconductor products are sold by description only. All specifications in this
product guide are applicable only to packaged products; specifications for die are
available upon request. Harris reserves the right to make changes.in circuit design,
specificationsaild other,'information at any time without prior notice. Accordingly,
the reader is cautioned to ,verify that information intlJis public~(ion is c~rrent
before placing orders. Reference to products of other manufacturers are solely
for convenience of comparison and do not imply tota/requiva/enc;y of design,
performance, or otherwise.


General Information _
Multipliers _
1-0 Filters _

2-0 FilterS_

Signal Synthesizers"

Special Function.
Application Notes


Quality and Reliability


Packaging a n d .
Ordering Information •
Sales Offices.





For technical assistance on the Harris products listed in this databook, please
contact Field Applications Engineering staff available at one of the following
Harris Sales Offices:


Costa Mesa ............... 714-433-0600
San Jose .................. 408-922-0977
Woodland Hills ............ 818-992-0686


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Camberley ................ 44-2-766-86886

.. ,;f

For literature requests, please contact Harris at 407-724-3739.



Harris HSP43220 Decimating Digital Filter Development Software ................. . 3-31


16 x 16-Bit CMOS Parallel Multiplier Accumulator .................... ~ .......... . 2-29

HMA51 0/883

16 x 16-Bit CMOS Parallel Multiplier Accumulator ............................... . 2-36


16 x 16-Bit CMOS Parallel Multipliers .......................................... . 2-3


16 x 16-Bit CMOS Parallel Multiplier ........................................... . 2-13


16 x 16-Bit CMOS Parallel Multiplier ........................................... . 2-21


Dual FIR Filter ............................................................... . 3-102


Decimating Digital Filter ...................................................... . 3-3


Decimating Digital Filter .......................... :............................ . 3-23


Digital Filter ................................................................. . 3-81


Digital Filter ................................................................. . 3-96


Digital Filter ................................................................. . 3-58


Digital Filter ................................................................. . 3-73


Digital Filter ................................................................. . 3-35


Digital Filter ................................................................. . 3-50


12 Bit Numerically Controlled Oscillator ....................................... .. 5-43


16 Bit Numerically Controlled Oscillator ........................................ . 5-26

HSP451 06/883

16 Bit Numerically Controlled Oscillator ........................................ . 5-36


Numerically Controlled Oscillator/Modulator .................................... . 5-3


Numerically Controlled Oscillator/Modulator .................................... . 5-18


Address Sequencer .......................................................... . 6-3


Address Sequencer .......................................................... . 6-14


Binary Correlator ............................................................. . 6-33




Two Dimensional Convolver ................................................... . 4-3


Two Dimensional Convolver ................................................... . 4-19


Programmable Data Buffer .................................................... . 6-21


Multilevel Pipeline Register ..... '.' ............................................. . 6-28

x 3 Image Filter ............................................................. : 4-26

DEClo MATE~ Is a Trademark of Harris Corporation


..... 5!





' 16 x 16-Bit CMOS Parallel Multiplier Accumulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2-29

HMA51 0/883

16 x 16-Bit CMOS Parallel Multiplier Accumulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . .. 2-36


16 x 16-Bit CMOS Parallel Multipliers .................... , .. . . .. . .. .. .. .. . . .. ... 2-3


16 x 16-Bit CMOS Parallel Multiplier. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. ... 2-13


16x 16-BitCMOS Parallel Multiplier ............................................ 2-21


Harris HSP43.220 Decimating Digital Filter Development Software .................. 3-31


Dual FIR Filter ................................................................ 3-102


Decimating Digital Filter ....................................................... 3-3


Decimating Digital Filter ....................................................... 3-23


Digital Filter ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3-81


Digital Filter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3-96


Digital Filter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3-58


Digital Filter .................................................................. 3-73


Digital Filter .......................................•.............. , . . . . . . . . . .. 3-35


Digital Filter ...................................... , . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3-50


3 x 3 Image Filter ............................................................ "


Two Dimensional Convolver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4-3



Two Dimensional Convolver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4-19


12 Bit Numerically Controlled Oscillator



16 Bit Numerically Controlled Oscillator


HSP451 06/883

16 Bit Numerically Controlled Oscillator



Numerically Controlled Oscillator/Modulator ., .... '... '......'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5-3


Numerically Controlled Oscillator/Modulator.; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5-18


Address Sequencer .......................................................... , 6-3


Address Sequencer ........................................................... 6-14


Binary Correlator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6-33


Programmable Data Buffer .......................... : ........................... 6-21


Multilevel Pipeline Register ...........................•............. " . . . . . . . . .. 6-28

1883 Data Sheet Format - In the interests of conserving space. data sheets for 1883 qualified products have been printed without the Pinouts. Pin
Description, Waveforms, AC Test Load Circuit and Design Informatio"n sections. The information in these sections can be
obtained from the corresponding portion of the commercial data sheet.



16 x 16-Bit CMOS Parallel Multipliers ...•............•................•...•..... 2-3


16 x 16-Bit CMOS Parallel Multiplier ..•......................................... 2-13


16 x 16-Bit CMOS Parallel Multiplier ........................................... . 2-21

HMA51 0

16 x 16-Bit CMOS Parallel Multiplier Accumulator ............................... . 2-29


HMA51 0/883

16 x 16-Bit CMOS Parallel Multiplier Accumulator ............................... . 2-36






16 X 16-Bit CMOS
Parallel Multipliers.

May 1991



• 16 x 16-Blt Parallel Multiplier with Full 32-Blt

The HMU16/HMU17 are high speed, low power CMOS
16 x 16-bit multipliers ideal for fast, real time digital signal
processing applications.

• High-Speed (35ns) Clocked Multiply Time
• low Power Operation:
~ ICCSB = 50011A Maximum
7.0mA Maximum @ 1MHz


• Supports Two's Complement, Unsigned Magnitude
and Mixed Mode Multiplication
• HMU16Is Compatible with the AM29516, lMU16,
IDT7216 and the CY7C516
• HMU17Is Compatible with the AM29517, lMU17,
IDT7217 and the CY7C517
• TTL Compatible Inputs/Outputs
• Three-State Outputs
• Available In a Ceramic 68 Pin Grid Array (PGA) and
68 Pin Plastic leaded Chip Carrier (PlCC)

• Fast Fourier Transform Analysis
• Digital Filtering
• Graphic Display Systems
• Image Processing
• Radar and Sonar
• Speech Synthesis and Recognition

The X and Y operands along with their mode controls (lCX
and TCY) have 17-bit Input registers. The mode controls
independently specify the operands as either two's
complement or unsigned magnitude format, thereby
allowing mixed mode multiplication operations.
Two 16-bit output registers are provided to hold the most
and least significant halves of the result (MSP and lSP). For
asynchronous output these registers may be made
transparent through the use of the feedthroughcontrol (FT).
Additional Inputs' are provided for format adjustment and
rounding. The format adjust control (FA) allows the user to
select either a left. shifted 31-bit product or a full 32-bit
product, whereas the round' control (RNO.) provides the
capability of rounding the most significant portion .of the
The HMU16 has independent clocks (ClKX, ClKY, ClKl,
ClKM) associated with each of these registers to maximize
throughput and simplify bus interfacing. The HMU17 has
only a single clock input (ClK), but makes use of three
register enables (EiiiX, ENY and EN'i5). The ENX and ENY
inputs control the X and Y input registers, while ENP
controls both the MSP and lSP output registers. This
configuration facilitates the use of the HMU17 for
microprogrammed systems.
The two halves of the product may be routed to a single
l6-bit three-state output port via a multiplexer, and in
addition, the lSP is connected to the V-input port through a .
separate three-state buffer.
All outputs ofthe HMU l6/HMU 17· multipliers also offer threestate control for multiplexing results onto muitl-use busses.

CAUTION: Electronic devices are sensllive to electroslatlc discharge. Proper I.C. handling procedures should be followed.
Copyright @ HarriS CorPoration 1991

File Number






';Cti~A~C 68j:1INGR'i~ ~R~AY1PGA'

~<.: ~."

Package Pinouts'<'











. Xl0
" \




(ENX) , '










- - -FA






















68 lEAD



,P8 '






















VI 3/
P13.' .


, P5














ClKY (ENy)


a:: a:: '"
a:: a:: a:: a:: ~fS:ff:e~fS!a:f~
..; cO oj
<5 ¢'~~~~~~~;::¢
;:: ;:: ;:: ;:: ;:: ;::



Functional Block Diagram
XO -15 TCX



TCY YO - 15JPO -15


















P16 - 31JPO -15

XO -15 TCX


TCY YO - 151PO - 15










P16 - 31/PO -15


H Mf./J6/HIY/U;1.7
Pin Description






VCC' The +5V power supply pins. A O.lI'F capacitor between the VCC and GND pins
is recomm~nded.
GND. The device groun~.






X-Input Data. These ,16 data inputs provide the multiplicand which may be in two's
complement or unsiQned magnitude format.




Y-lnpuVLSP Output DatI!-. This .16~Blt port is used to provide the multiplier which
may be in two's complement .or unsigned magnitude formal It may also be used for
output of the Least Significant Product (LSP).








Output Data. This 16-Bit port may provide either the MSP (P16-31) or the
LSP (PO-151.


. Two's Complemenl'Control. Input data Is interpreted as two's complement when this
control is HIGH. A LOW indicates the data is to be interpreted as unsigned
magnitude format.




FE\9dthrough Control. When this control is HIGH, both the MSP and LSP registers are
tranllparent. When ·LOW, the registers are latched by their associated clock signals.




Format Adjust Control. A full 32-bit product is ,selected when this control line
is HIGH. A LOW on this control line selects a left shifted 31-bit product with the sign
hit replicated in the LSP. This control is normally HIGH except for certain two's
complement integer and fractional applications.




Round ·Cdntrol. When this control is HIGH, a one is added to the Most Significant Bit
(MSB) otthe LSP. This position is dependent on the FA control; FA = HIGH indicates
RND adds to the 2-15 bit (P15), and FA = LOW indicates RND adds to the 2- 16
bit (P14).




Output Multiplexer Control. When this control is LOW, the MSP is available for output
at the dedicated output port, and the lSP is available at the Y-inpul/lSP output
port. When MSPSEL is HIG H, the lSP is available at both ports and the MSP is not
available for output.




Y-ln/PO-15 Output Port Three-state Control. When OEl is HIGH, the output drivers
are in the high impedance state. This state is required for V-data input. When OEl
is lOW, the port is enabled for lSP output.




P16-31/Po-15 Output Port Three-state Control. A lOW on this control line enables
the output port. When OEP is HIGH, the output drivers are in the high impedance

The following Pin Descriptions apply to the HMU16 only.












X-Register Clock. 1he' rising edge of this clock loads the X-data input register along
with the TCX and RND regrsters•.


V-Register Clock. The rising edge ,of this clock loads the V-data input register along
with the TCY and RND registers.
MSP Register..CloCk. The rising edge of ClKM loads the most significant product
(MSP) register.


lSP Register Clock. The rising edge of ClKL loads the least significant product
(lSP) register.

The following Pin Descriptions apply to the HMU17 only.



~.tock: !he rish~g edge of this clock ~iIIload all enabled registers.







Enable. Wheh ENX is lOW, theX-register is enabled; X-input data and
TCX will be latched at the rising edge of ClK,When ENX is high, the X-register
is iMfhold mode.




Y-Register.Enable. ENY enables the Y-rElgister. (See ENX).




Product Register Enable. ENP ena~he product register. Both the MSP and LSP
sections are enabled by ENP. (See ENX).



Functional Description
The HMU16/HMU17 are high speed 16 X 16-bit multipliers
designed to perform very fast multiplication of two 16-bit
binary numbers. The two 16-bit operands (X and Y) may be
independently specified as either two's complement or
unsigned magnitude format by the two's complement
controls (TCX and TCY). When either of these control lines
is LOW, the respective operand is treated as an unsigned
16-bit value; and when it is HIGH, the operand is treated as
a signed value represented in two's complement format.
The operands along with their respective controls are
latched at the rising edge of the associated clock signal.
The HMU16 accomplishes this through the use of independent clock inputs for each of the input registers (CLKX and
CLKY), while the HMU17 utilizes a single clock signal (CLK)
along with the X and Y register enable inputs (ENX and ENY).
Input controls are also provided for rounding and format
adjustment of the 32-bit product. The Round input (RND) is
provided to accomodate rounding of the most significant
portion of the product by adding one to the Most Significant
Bit (MSB) of the LSP register. The position of the MSB is
dependent on the state of the Format Adjust Control (See
Pin Descriptions and Multiplier Input/Output Format
Tables). The Round input is latched into the RND register
whenever either of the input registers is clocked. The
Format Adjust control (FA) allows the product output to be
formatted. When the FA control is HIGH, a full 32-bit
product is output; and when FA is LOW, a left-shifted
31-bit product is output with the sign bit replicated in bit
position 15 of the LSP. The FA control must be HIGH for
unsigned magnitude, and mixed mode multiplication

operations. It may be LOW for certain two's complement
integer and fractional operations only (See Multiplier Input/
Output Formats Table).
The HMU16/HMU17 multipliers are equipped with two
16-bit output registers (MSP and LSP) which are provided
to hold the most and least significant portions of the
resultant product respectively. The HMU 16 uses independent clocks (CLKM and CLKL) for latching the two output
registers, while the HMU17 uses a single clock input (CLK)
along with the Product Latch Enable (ENP). The MSP and
LSP registers may also be made transparent for asynchronous output through the use of the Feedthrough control (FT).
There are two output configurations which may be selected
when using the HMU16/HMU17 multipliers. The first
configuration allows the simultaneous access of the most
and least significant halves of the product. When the
MSPSEL input is LOW, the Most Significant Product will be
available at the dedicated output port (P16-31/PO-15). The
Least Significant Product is simultaneously available at the
bi-directional port shared with the V-inputs (YO-15/PO-15)
through the use of the LSP output enable (OEL). The other
output configuration involves multiplexing the MSP and
LSP registers onto the dedicated output port through the
use of the MSPSEL control. When the MSPSEL control is
LOW, the Most Significant Product will be available at the
dedicated output port; and when MsPSEI. is HIGH, the
Least Significant Product will be available at this port. This
configuration allows access of the entire 32-bit product by
a 16-bit wide system bus.







Multiplier Input/Output Formats Table

• In this format an overflow occurs in the aUempted multiplication of the two's complement number 1,000 ••. 0
with 1,000 ••• 0 yie!di"ll an erroneous product of -1 in the fraction case and -:z30 in the integer case.




Multiplier Input/Output Formats Table



* In this lormat an overflow occurs in the attempted multiplication 01 the two's complement number 1,000 ••• 0
wHh 1,000 ••. 0 yielding an erroneous product 01-1 in the fraction case and -230 in the integer case.



1:f.T:-;;t::;;t:T.t:*t-::;!Gr:;;t:;::;t:T.t-:f.t-:;;;!r:;;~;t:;:;t:*:-:;t'7.i-'-*r.:r.it:-=+-*'::i-:;'!p.+::r;r*:*'it-:;;, DIGIT VALUE

IFA = 1 I




Absolute Maximum Ratings
Supply Voltage ., •.••.•••.••.••.••••••••.•••••••• ; •.•.•••••••• ;, •••••••• '•• : •••••••••••.••••••••••.••••.••.•••• +8.0 Volts
,Input, Output or I/O Voltage Applied ••••••••••..••.•••.•••••••..•.•••••••••..•••••••••••••••••••• GND-0.5V to VCC+0.5V
Storage Temperature Range .•.••.••••••••• , •••.•••.•••••••••..•.•••••.•••..••••••••.••••••••• , ••••••• -650 C to +1500 C
Gate Count •••••••••••.••••••.••••.•.••••••••••••••••..•.••••••••••••••••••••..•••••••••••••.••..•..••.••• 4500 Gates
aja •.•.••...••••• , •••• , : ••..•',. ',' '" ••.•,.•• , • ,,' " ", .,~':'. '" ~ '.•••••••••••••....••••••••• 43.2OCIW (PLCC), 42.690 CIW (PGA)
ajc ••..•.••.••• ;, •••• ,., ••••.••••• , •• : ••••• ". i •• , •••••••••••••••• , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.1 0 CIW(PLCC), 1O.OoCIW (PGA)
Maximum Package Power Dissipation at 70 0 C .................................................... 1.7W (PLCC), 2.46 (PGA)
Junction Temperature; ...... ;' ................. ",' ............. ',o''' " , ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . +l50o C (PLCC), +1750 C (PGA)
Lead Temperature (Soldering, Ten S!!C<;mds) .,," .... ; ................ , ............................................ +3000 C
CAUTION: Stresses above those listed in the "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This Is a stress only rating,
and operation at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operatio~.s sections of this speciflcatio.n is not implied.
Opera'ting Conditions
Operating Voltage Range ........... '•.• o' . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . +4.7SVto +5.25V
Operating Temperature 'Range ..........-.................................................................. OoC to + 700C
D.C. Electrical Specifications (VCC

= 5.0V + 5%, TA = OOC to HOOC)







Logical One Input Voltage






Logical Zero Input Voltage




Vcc= 4.75V




'IOH = -400llA, VCC = 4.75V


Qutput High Voltage




10L = +4.0mA, VCC = 4.75V


Input Leakage Current




VI =VCC orGND,VCC = 5.25V


Output or I/O Leakage Current




Vo = VCC or GND, VCC = 5.25V


Standby Power Supply Current




VI =VCCorGND, VCC = 5.25V
, Outputs C?pen


Operating Power Supply Current




VI =VCCorGND, VCC = 5.25V
f = 1 MHz (Note 1)


Output Low Voltage

CapaCitance (TA = +250 C, Note 2)



Inp'ut Capacitance



Frequency = 1 MHz.
All measurements referenced




to device Ground.

I/O Capacitance




1. Operating Supply Current is proportional to frequency. Typical rating is
2. Not tested. but characterized allnltlal design and at major processl
design changes.


Specifications HMU 16/HMU 17
A.C. Electrical Specifications (Vcc = 5.0V + 5%, TA = ooc to +700C, Note 3)








Unclocked MultiplyTime







Clocked Multiply Time







X, Y, R ND Setup Time







X, Y, RND Hold Time







Clock Pulse Width High







Clock Pulse Width Low







MSPSEL to Product Out






Output Clock to P








Output Clock to Y







3-State Enable Time







3-Stale Disable Time







Clock Enable Setup Time
(HMU17 only)







Clock Enable Hold Time
(HMU17 only)






Clock Low Hold Time CLKXY
Relative to CLKML







Output Rise Time




From 0.8V to 2.0V

Output Fall Time






From 2.0V to 0.8V




Note 1

Note 2


1. TransHion is measured at ±200mV from steady state voltage with loading
specified in Figure 1, V1
1.5V, R1 = 5000 and C1



3. For A.C. Test load, Refer to Figure 1, with V1
C1 = 40pF

2. To ensure the correct product is entered in the output registers, new data
may not be entered into the input registers before the output registers
have been clocked.


= 2.4V, R1 = 5000 and

A. C. Testing Input; OutputWalieforms

A.C. Test Circuit




* Includes Stray and Jig Capacitance

A.C. Testing: All parameters testildasper test circuit. Input rise and fall times
are driven at 1nsN.

Timing Diagram

I~~~ 'OOOC )()()(










OUTPUT - - - - - ,




j"TPWH. j

C~ __----~I







INPUT ~,I~=:!:::~:::::::j~,.,...,..,.....,.....,b...,....~.,....,~

~~~ ~~I'--~--',I~~~~~~~~~~'

OUTPUTY~~~~~~~~~~~~I~_ _ ___





May 1991


16-Bit CMOS Parallel Multiplier



• This Circuit is Processed in Accordance to Mil-Std883 and is Fully Conformant Under the Provisions
of Paragraph 1.2.1.

The HMU16 is a high speed, low power CMOS 16 x 16-bit
parallel multiplier ideal for fast, real time digital signal
processing applications. The 16-bit X and Y operands may
be independently specified as either two's complement or
unsigned magnitude format, thereby allowing mixed mode
multiplication operations .

.16 x 16-Bit Parallel Multiplier with Full 32-Bit
• High-Speed (45ns) Clocked Multiply Time
• low Power CMOS Operation:



= 500,..A Maximum
= 7.0mA Maximu'm @ lMHz

• HMU16 is compatible with the AM29516, lMU16,
IDT7216, and the CY7C516
• Supports Two's Complement, Unsigned Magnitude
and Mixed Mode Multiplication
• TTL Compatible Inputs/Outputs
• Three-State Outputs
• Available in a 68 lead Pin Grid Array Package

Additional Inputs are provided to accommodate format
adjustment and rounding of the 32-bit product. The Format
Adjust control allows the user to select a 31-bit product
with the sign bit replicated in the LSP. The Round control
provides for rounding the most significant portion of the
result by adding one to the most significant bit of the LSP.
Two 16-bit output registers (MSP and LSP) are provided to
hold the most and least significant portions of the result,
respectively. These registers may be made transparent for
asynchronous operation through the use of the feedthrough
control (FT). The two halves of the product may be routed to
a Single 16-bit three-state output port via the output
multiplexer control, and in addition, the LSP is connected to
the V-input port through a separate three-state buffer.
The HMU16 utilizes independent clock signals (ClKX,
CLKV, CLKL, CLKM) to latch the input operands and output
product registers. This configuration maximizes throughput
and simplifies bus interfaCing. All outputs of the HMU16
also offer three-state control for multiplexing onto mUlti-use
system busses.

Functional Diagram



TCY YO - 15A'O -15












., ...













e e








Cil ;::e e


...'" ,,;...'" ...'"'" ,:...'" ...'" ... ,;... ....,:'" '"... ...'"'" ... ,,;...
...ci M... ...- ... ...uS c;;-... ...uS ... 0: 0: ...ci ...M 0: 0:
;::- Cil 0; 0



































Packaging t

















PACKAGE MATEi'lJAl;:'Ceramic, A12039Q%
Material: Gold/Tin
Temperature: 32pOC ± 100 C
Method: Furnaci:(Braze

NOTE: All Dimensions are

Material: Aluminum
DiamEitEir: 1.25 Mil
Bonding Method: Ultrasonic Wedge

..Min.. . Dimensions are in inches.

tMil-M-38510 Compliant Materials, Finishes, and Dimensions.







May 1991

16-Bit CMOS Parallel Multiplier




• This Circuit is Processed in Accordance to
Mil-Std-883 and is Fully Conformant
Under the Provisions of Paragraph 1.2.1.

The HMU17 is a high speed, low power CMOS 16 x 16-bit parallel
multiplier ideal for fast, real time digital signal processing applications.
The 16-bit X and Y operands may be independently specified as
either two's complement or unsigned magnitude format, thereby
allowing mixed mode multiplication operations.

• 16 x 16-Bit Parallel Multiplier with Full
32-Bit Product
• High-Speed (45ns) Clocked Multiply Time
• Low Power CMOS Operation:

ICCSB = 5001lA Maximum


ICCOp = 7.0mA Maximum @ 1MHz

• HMU17 is compatible with the AM29517,
LMU17, IDT7217, and the CY7C517
• Supports Two's Complement, Unsigned
Magnitude and Mixed Mode Multiplication
• TTL Compatible Inputs/Outputs
• Three-State Outputs
• Available in a 68 Lead Pin Grid Array

Additional inputs are provided to accommodate format adjustment
and rounding of the 32-bit product. The Format Adjust control allows
the user the option of selecting a 31-bit product with the sign bit
replicated lSP. The Round control is provided to accommodate
rounding of the most significant portion of the result. This is accomplished by adding one to the most significant bit of the lSP.
Two 16-bit output registers (MSP and lSP) are provided to hold the
most and least significant portions of the result, respectively. These
registers may be made transparent for asynchronous operation
through the use of the feedthrough control (FT). The two halves of the
product may be routed to a single 16-bit three-state output port via
the output multiplexer control, and in addition, the lSP is connected to
the Y -input port through a separate three-state buffer.
The HMU17 utilizes a single clock signal (ClK) along with three
register enables (ENX, ENY, and ENP) to latch the input operands and
the output product registers. The ENX and ENY inputs enable the
X and Y input registers, while ENP enables both the lSP and MSP
output registers. This configuration facilitates the use of the HMU17
for micro-programmed systems.
All outputs of the HMU 17 also offer three-state control for multiplexing
onto multi-use system busses.

Functional Diagram
XO ·15 TCX



TCY YO· 15A'O -15


ENX -t-I--Cl["""""",



P16 - 31A'O -15



Harris Corporation 1991

File Number


Specifications HMU17/883







Absolute Maximum Ratings

Reliability Information

Supply Voltage •••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•.••••.•..•. +8.0V
Input or Output Voltage Applied •.•••••• GND-0.5V to VCC +0.5V
Storage Ter;nperature Range .•••••••••••.••• , -650C to +1500 C
Junction Temperalure .••••••••••....•••...•••.••..••. +1750 C
Lead Temperatur&(Solderlng 10 sec) •..•• '............... 3000C
ESD Classification ••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ',Glass 1

Thermal Resistance
Ceramic PGA Package. • . . • • • • • • • •• 42.690 C/W 10.00 C/W
Maximum Package Power Dissipation at +1250 C
Ceramic PGA Package .••••••••••••••••.•••..••••. 1.17 Watt
Gate Count ..•........••.•.•.. ,•••••••••••••.•..•. 4500,Gates

CAUTION: Stresses above those listed in "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress only rating and operation
of the deviqe at these or any other condlt!ons above those indicated in the operatjon~1 section'~ of this specification IE! ~t. implied..

Operating Conditions
Operating Voltage Range •••.•••••.••.• , •••••••• +4.5V to +5.5V
Operating Temperature Range •••• ',' •• " ••• ,"' -550 e to +1250 e
Device Guaranteed and 100% Tested




Logical One Input


Vee =5.5V

Logical Zero Input'










-550C ~TA!> +1250 e





-55°C !>TA S+1250 e




Output HIGH Voltage


' 10H =-400"A
'V ce =' 4.5V (Note 1)


-55°C!> TA S +1250 C




Output LOW Voltage


'Vce= 4.5V {Note 1)


-550 e!> TA S +125 0 e




VIlIt= Vee or GND


-55°C STA S +125 0 C




Input Leakage, Current


Output or I/O Leakage


Vee = 5.5V


-550C !>TAS +1250 0




Standby Power Supply


'VIN = VCC or GND,
VCC = 5.5V, Outputs


-550C!> TA!> +1250 C




Operating Power
Supply Current


f= 1.0MHz,
VCC = 5.5V (Note 2)


-55Oe !>TA~ +12500




'7,8 '

-55°C S TA S +1250 C



Functional Test


(Note 3)



1. Interchanging of force and sense conditions. is, J)ermiHed.
2. Operating Supply Current is proportiori8J to frequency, typical rating Is


3. Tested as follows: f
MHz. VIH (Clock Inputs)
3.0. VIH (All other
inpuls) ';' 2,6. VIL = 0.4. VOH :!: , .SV. and VOL

CAUTION: ThesE! ~evices are sensitive to electrostatic discharge. Proper IC handling procedures should be followed.



Specifications HMU17/883
Device Guaranteed and 100% Tested

Unclocked Multiply


(NOTE 1)



::5+ 125 0














-55 0

Clocked MultiplyTime



-550C :5TA::5+125OC






X, Y, RND Setup Time



-550C < TA:::: +125 0 C





Clock HIGH Pulse



-550C ::::TA:::: +125 0 C






Clock LOW Pulse



-55°C :5,TA::S: +125 6 C








-55°C :STA ::S:+125 0 C






Output Clock to P



-550C::5 TA::S: +125 0 C







Packaging t















11 [



.003 MIN


PACKAGE MATERIAL: Ceramic, AI203 9.0%
Material: Gold/Tin
Temperature: 32()OC ± 1QoC
Method: Furnace Braze

NOTE: All Dimensions are


Material: Aluminum
Diameter: 1.25 Mil
Bonding Method: Ultr~sonic Wedge


tMil-M-38510 Compliant Materials, Finishes, and Dimensions.

Dimensions are in inches.




16 x 16-Bit CMOS Parallel
Multiplier Accumulator

May 1991



• 16 x 16-bit Parallel Multiplication with
Accummulation to a 35-Bit Result

The HMA51 0 is a high speed, low power CMOS 16 x 16-bit
parallel multiplier accumulator capable of operating at 45ns
clocked multiply-accumulate cycles. The 16-bit X and Y
operands may be specified as either two's complement or
unsigned magnitude format. Additional inputs are provided
for the accumulator functions which include: loading the
accumulator with the current product, adding or subtracting
the accumulator contents and the current product, and
'preloading the accumulator registers from the external

• High-Speed (45ns) Multiply Accumulate Time
• Low Power CMOS Operation:
~ ICCSB = 500llA Maximum
~ ICCOp = 7.0mA Maximum @ 1.0MHz
• HMA510 is Compatible with the CY7C510 and the
• Supports Two's Complement or Unsigned Magnitude
• TTL Compatible Inputs/Outputs
• Three-State Outputs
• Available in 68 Pin Plastic Leaded Chip Carrier
(PLCC) and 68 Lead Pin Grid Array (PGA)

All inputs and outputs are registered. The registers are all
positive edge triggered, and are latched on the rising edge
of the associated clock signal. The 35-bit accumulator
output register is broken into three parts. The 16-bit least
significant product (LSPi, the 16-bit most significant prod·
uct (MSP), and the 3-bit extended product (XTP) registers.
The XTP and MSP registers have dedicated output ports,
while the LSP register shares the V-inputs in a multiplexed
fashion. The entire 35-bit accumulator output register may
be preloaded at any time through the use of the bidirectional
output ports and the preloaded control.

Block Diagram
XO ·15



YO ·15 PO ·15


ClKX - -......-1---1




OEX - - - - - - - '

P16 ·31


CAUTION: These devices are sensitive to electrostatic discharge. Proper I.C. handling procedures should be followed.
Copyright © Harris Corporation 1991


File Number



Pinouts ,', j"

X14 X13 X12 XII Xl0 X9 X8 X7 X6 xs X4 X3 X2 Xl XO PO PI







Y5/ F>5





Yl1/ Pll
YI21 P12
YI31 P13

Y151 PIS


, P33 P32 P31 P30 P29 P28 P27 P26 P25 P24 P23 P22 P21 P20 P19 P18 P17






















































Xf':' • X2






68 'LEAD































Pin Descriptions




The +5V power supply pins. O.l~F capacitors between the VCC and GND pins are



The device ground.




X-Input Data. These 16 data inputs provide the multiplicand which may be in two's
complement or unsigned magnitude format.


45-52, 55-62


Y-lnpuVLSP Output Data. This 16-bit port is used to provide the multiplier which
may be in two's complement or unsigned magnitude format. It may also be used for
output of the Least Significant P.roduCt (PO-P15) or for preloading the LSP




MSP Output Data. This 16-Bit port is used to provide the Most Significant Product
Output (P16-P31 ).It may also be used to preload the MSP register.




XTP Output Data. This 3-Bit port is used to provide the Extended Product Output
(P32-P34).lt may also be used to preload the XTP register.




Two's Complement Control. Input data is interpreted as two's complement when
this control is HIGH. A LOW indicates the data is to be interpreted as unsigned
magnitude format. This control is latched on the rising edge of CLKX or CLKY.




Accumulate Control. When this control is HIGH, the accumulator output register
contents are added to or subtracted from the current product, and the result
is stored back into the accumulator output register.



When LOW, the product is loaded into the accumulator output register overwriting
the current contents. This ..control Is also latched on the rising edge of CLKX or



Subtract Control. When both SUB and ACC are HIGH, the accumulator register
contents are subtracted from the current product. When ACC is HIGH and SUB is
LOW, the accumulator register contents and the current product are summed. The
SUB control input is latched on the rising edge of CLKX or CLKY.




Round Control. When this control is HIGH, a one is added to the most significant
bit of the LSP. When LOW, the product is unchanged.




Preload Control. When this control is HIGH, the three bidirectional ports may be
used to preload the accumulator registers. The three-state controls (OEX, OEM,
OEL) must be HIGH, and the data will be preloaded on the rising edge of CLKP.
When this control is LOW, the accumulator registers function in a normal manner.




Y-lnpuVLSP Output Port Three-state Control. When OEL .is HIGH, the output
drivers are in the high impedance state. This state is required for V-data input
or preloading the LSP register. When OEL is LOW, the port is enabled for LSP




MSP Output Port Three-state Control. A LOW on this control line enables the port
for output. When OEM is HIGH, the output drivers are in the high impedance state.
This control must be HIGH for preloading the MSP register.




XTP Output Port Three-state Control. A LOW on this control line enables the port
for output. When OEX is HIGH, the output drivers are in the high impedance state.
This control must be HIGH for preloading the XTP register.




X-Register Clock. The rising edge of this clock latches the X-data input register
along with the TC, ACC, SUB and RND inputs.




V-Register Clock. The rising edge of this clock latches the V-data input register
along with the TC, ACC, SUB and RND inputs.




Product Register Clock. The rising edge of CLKP latches the LSP, MSP and XTP
registers. If the preload control is active, the data on the I/O ports is loaded into
these registers. If preload is not active, the accumulated product is loaded into the
the registers.


Functional Description


The HMA510 is a high speed 16 x 16-bit multiplier
accumulator (MAC). It consists of a 16-bit parallel multiplier
follower by a 35-bit accumulator. All inputs and outputs are
registered and are latched on the rising edge of the
associated clock signal. The HMA510 is divided into four
sections: the input section, the multiplier array, the
accumulator and the outpuVpreload section.





























The input section has two 16-bit operand input registers for
the X and Y operands which are latched on the rising edge
of ClKX and ClKY respectively. A four bit control register
(TC, RND, ACC, SUB) is also included and is latched from
either of the input clock sighals.





























The 16 x 16 multiplier array produces the 32-bit product of
the input operands. Two's complement or unsigned
magnitude operation can be selected by the use of the TC
control. The 32-bit result may also be rounded through the
use of the RND control. In this case, a '1' is added to the
MSB of the lSP (bit P15). The 32-bit product is zero-filled
or sign-extened as appropriate and passed as a 35-bit
number to the accumulator section.











































The accumulator functions are controlled by the ACC, SUB
and PREl control inputs. Four functions may be selected:the accumulator may be loaded with the current product;
the product may be added to the accumulator contents; the
accumulator contents may be subtracted from the current
product; or the accumulator may be loaded from the
bidirectional ports. The accumulator registers are updated
at the rising edge of the ClKP signal.






















The output/preload section contains the accumulator/
output register and the bidirectional ports. This section is
controlled by the signals PREl, OEX, OEM and OEL. When
PREl is high, the output buffers are in a high impedance
state. When one of the controls OEX, OEM or 00 are also
high, data present at the outputs will be preloaded into the
associated register on the rising edge of ClKP. When PREl
is low, the signals OEX, OEM and OEl are enable controls
for their respective three-state output ports.


= Output Buffers at High Impedance (Disabled).



Output Buffers at LOW Impedance. Contents of Output Register
Available Through Output Ports.

PL = Output disabled. Preload data supplied to the output pins will be
loaded into the register at the rising edge of elKP.



























Fractional Two's Complement Input



L..:II~5~14---.:.13=--:1~2-=.;:---.:.1O=--:9_-=-----'------'6_'------'4----"----''----~1---C....JOI liS

14 13 12 II 10 9
_20 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-7 2-8 2-92-102-112-122-1l2-142-15

_20 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-7 2-8 2-9 2- 10 2-112-122-132-142-15

Integer Two's Complement Input



14 13







_215214 213 212 211 210 29 2 8 27 26 2 5 24 23 22




12 11

14 13




_215214 21l 212 211 210 29 28 27


26 2 5 24 2 3 22



Unsigned Fractional Input


I liS


14 13 12 11 10 9
I 0

14 13 12 II 10 9
2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-7 2-8 2-9 2-10 2-11 2-122-132-142-152-16

Unsigned Integer Input


Two's Complement Fractional Output



1343332113130292827262524232221 20
_2423 22




2-152-162-172-182-192-202-21 2-222-232-242-252-262-212-282-292-30


21 202-1 2-22-32-42-52-62-72-82-92-102-11 2-122-132-14







Two's Complement Integer Output



33 321131 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 161115 14 13

_234 233 232

231 230 229 228 227 226 225 224 223 222 221 220 219 218 217 216



10 9 8


6 5 4 3 2

I 0


215 214 21l 212 211 210 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20

Unsigned Fractional Output



134333211313029282726252423 22 .21






14 1312








2221 20 2-12-22-32-42-52-62-72-82-92-102-11 2-12 2-13 2-14 2-15 2-16 2-172-182-192-202-21 2-222-232'242-252-262-272-282-29.2-302-31 2-32

Unsigned Integer Output


134 33 321131


30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 161115 14 13





10 9 8


6 5 4 3 2



Specifications HMA510
Absolute Maximum Ratings

Operating CondItions

Supply Voltage •••..••••..• , •••••••.•.••••..••••••••••• +8.0V Operating Voltage Range ••••••••••.•••••.••• +4.75V to +5.25V
Input, Output or I/O Voltage Applied .•.. G ND -0.51/ to VCC +0.5V
Operating Temperature Range ••••••••••••.•••... OoC to + 700C
Storage Temperature Range ••••...•••.•..•.. -65 0 C to +150 0 C
Reliability Information
Gate Count •••••••••••.•••••..•.
4800 Gates
Oja •••••.••••••••••••••.•• 43.2 0 C/W (PLCC), 42.690 C/W (PGAl
Junction Temperature ...••• , '<' ••• 1500 C (PLCCl, +175OC (PGAl
Lead Temperature (Soldering, Ten Seconds) •• ; , ••..••.• +3000 C
0jc •••.•.••••••••••••••.••• 15.1 oc/w (PI-CCl, 1O.Ooc/W (PGAl
ESD Classification •..•...•...••••.•••••••••.••...•.••• Class 1 , Maximum Package Power Dissipation at 700 C .••••• 1.7W (PLCC)
2.46/W (PGAl
<• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

D.C. Electrical Specifications (Vcc = 5.0V ±5%, TA = OOc to H00C)



Logical One Input Vo~age





VCC = 5.25V

Logical Zero Input Vo~ge






Output HIGH Voltage





10H = -400"A, VCC = 4.75V

Output LOW Voltage





10L = +4.0mA, VCC = 4.75V
VIN = VCC or GND, VCC = 5.25V

f = 1.0MHz, VIN = VCC or GND
VCC = 5.25V (Note 1l

I n put Leakage Current









Standby Power Supply Current





Operating Power Supply Current




















Output or 110 Leakage



VOUT = VCC or GND, VCC = 5.25V
VIN = VCC or GND, VCC = 5.25V, Outputs Open

Capacitance (TA = +250 C, Note 2l


Input Capacitance
Output Capacitance
I/O Capacitance

FREQ = 1 MHz, VCC = Open all Measurements
are Referenced to Device Ground.

1. Operating Supply Current is proportional to frequency. typical rating is

2. Not tested, but characterized at initial design and at major process/design



A.C. Electrical Specifications (VCC = 5.0V ±5%, TA = oOC to +700 C)



HMA51 0-45

HMA51 0-55
















Note 1



Note 1











From 0.8V to 2.0V





From 2.0V to 0.8V

3-State Enable Time


3-State Disable Time



Input Setup Time



Input Hold Time







Multiply Accumulate Time


Output Delay

Clock High Pulse Width
Clock Low Pulse Width



Output Rise Time


Output Fall Time









1. Transition is measured at :t2oomV from steady state voltage wnh loading
specified in A.C. Test Circuit; V1 - 1.SV, R1 - soon and CL a 4OpF.

2. For A.C. Test load, refer to A.C. Test CircuH wHh V1 = 2.4V, R1 = 5000
and CL = 40pF.

CAUTION: These devices are sensitive to electrostatic discharge. Proper tC. handling procedures should be followed.


A.C. Test Circuit

A.C. Testing Input, Output Waveforms

V"",--- VOH
-J7""'\ 1.5'1

3.0V - - -.....~


1.5V7"':......_ _ _ _ _ _

A.C. Testing:

*Includes Stray and Jig Capacitance

All Parameters tested as per test circuit.
Input rise and fall times are driven at 1nsN.

Timing Diagram











~~~~ =============.~~~=.=='============!J~

TOIS 1-----1

OUTPUT - - - - - ,







k---- 2-35 "'"~t;::i::=~/-::'7'V"":7"'::"",,,""7-::'7'V"":~A"'7 mHARRIS 'HMA51 0/883 16 May 1991 16-Bit CMOS Parallel Multiplier Accumulator X Features Description • This Circuit is Processed in Accordance to Mil-Std883 and is Fully Conformant Under the Provisions of Paragraph 1.2.1. The HMA510/883 is a high speed, low power CMOS 16 x 16-bit parallel multiplier accumulator capable of operating at 55ns clocked multiply-accumulate cycles. The 16-bit X and V operands may be specified as either two's complement or unsigned magnitude format. Additional inputs are provided for the accumulator functions which include: loading the accumulator with the !TA.s +1250 C 30 - 30 - 35 ns " Output Delay 3-State Enable Time (Note 2) TENA NOTES: 1, AC Testing as follows: Input levels OV and 3,OV (OV and 3,2V for clock Inputs), Timing reference levels = 1 JjV. Input rise and fall times driven at 1nsN, Output load per test load circuit, with V1 = 2.4V, R1 = soon and CL = 40pF. ' T!,I.BLE 3. HMA51 0/883 2. Transijion is measured at ±200mV from steady state voltage,Output loading per test load circuit, wijh V, = 1.5V, R, = soon and CL= 40pF. ELECT~ICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS -55 PARAMETI;R SYMBOL CONDITIONS NOTE TEMPERATURE MIN CIN VCc=Open, f=1MHz All measurements are referenced to devlceGND. 1 TA=+250C 1 TA=+250C 1 TA=+250C - Input Capacitance, Output Capacitance VO Capacitance COUT CVO . -75 -6,5 MAX ,MIN MAX MIN 15 - 10 10 15 - 10 10 MAX UNITS 10 pF 10 pF 15 pF Input Hold Time TH 1 -550C!5 TA.s +1250 C 3 - 3 - 3 - ns 3-State Disable Time TDIS 1 -55°C 5, TAS +1250 C - 30 - 30 - 30 n8 - 10 - 10 - 10 n8 10 10 ns Output Rise Time Output Fall Time TR From 0.8V to 2.0V 1 -5SOCSTAS +12506 TF From 2.0V to 0.8V 1 -550C.s TAS +1250 C 10 NOTE: 1. The parameters listed in Table 3 are controlled via design ~r process parameters and afe nof directly tested. These parameters "are characterized upon initial design and after major process and/or design changes. TABLE 4. APPLICABLE SUBGROUPS CONFORMANCE GROUPS METHOD Initial Test 100%/5004 Interim Test 100%/5004 SUBGROUPS - PDA 100% 1 FinalTest 100% 2,3, 8A, 8B, 10,11 - 1,2,3, 7,8A, 8B,9,10,11 SamplesJ5005 1,7,9 Group A GroupsC&D CAUTION: These devices are sensitive to electrostatic discharge. Proper IC handUng procedures should be followed. 2-38 HMA510/883 A. C. Testing Inputf Output Waveform Test Load Circuit ..JX VIH - - - . . . , VIL 1.5V ~'-_ _ _ _ _ _ A.C. Testing: "'Includes Stray and Jig Capacitance , . . - - - - V OH 1.5V All Parameters tested as per test circuM. Input rise and fall times are driven at 1nsN. Timing Diagram SET-UP AND HOLD.TIME I~~~~ THREE STATE CONTROL )OOOOO()()( ~:~ )S200()()()( THREE STATE CONTROL ~~~~ ======I=}:.....Sf====== ~ OUTPUT -----~ THREE STATE HMA5l0 TIMING DIAGRAM PRELOAD TIMING DIAGRAM TPWL TpWH CLIO( CLKY TH ~ XIN, YIN RND, TC ~ ACC, SUB )l(.XXX CLKP --- TMA - I-- THCL X XXX To f--OUTPUT P, Y HIGH IMPEDANCE >-----------<1 XXXX X XX X X X X X X*______ 2-39 HMA510/883 Burn-In. Circuit N/C X1. RNO ACC CLKY TC PREL CLKP paa X1. X14 DEL SUB CLKX VCC 0Ei OEM P34 P •• NlC X11 X1, P3D P., X9 X1. P'. P.9 X7 X. P'B P'7 P.4 P•• 11 10 X. 68 LEAD PIN GRID ARRAY XB TOP VIEW 4 Xa X4 P •• P,. X1 X. P20 P., YO/ .. 0 xo P18 P19 P18 P17 N/C V1/ P1 V3/ P. V./ P. Y7/ P7 V8/ P8 V101 Y12/ P1. P1' Y14! P14 VO/ P, V4/ P4 VB/ P8 "NO VO/ P9 Y11/ Y13! Y15/ P11 P1. P1. C o A PGA PIN PIN NAME BURN-IN SIGNAL PGA PIN PIN NAME H/C K G BURN-IN SIGNAL PGA PIN PIN NAME BURN-IN SIGNAL PGA PIN PIN NAME BURN-IN SIGNAL 66 X6 F1 F1 Y9/P9 F2 K7 P26 VCC/2 E11 ACC F1 A6 X5 F2 G2 Y10/P10 F3 L7 P27 VCC/2 010 SU6 F2 65 X4 F3 Gl Y11/P11 F5 KS P2S VCC/2 011 RNO F3 A5 X3 F4 H2 Y12/P12 F4 L8 P29 VCC/2 C10 OEL VCC VCC/2 C11 X15 FS X14 F9 . 64 X2 F5 H1 Y131P13 F4.· K9 P30 A4 X1 F6 J2. Y14/P14 FS L9 P31 VCC/2 610 63 XO F7 J1 Y15/P15 F9 K10 P32 VCC/2 A10 X13 F10 A3 YO/PO FS K2 P16 VCC/2 K11 P33 VCC/2 B9 X12 F11 62 Y1/P1 F9 L2 P17 VCC/2 J10 P34 VCC/2 A9 X11 F12 61 Y2/P2 F10 K3 P1S VCC/2 J11 CLKP FO 6S X10 F13 C2 Y3/P3 F11 L3 P19 VCC/2 H10 OEM GND AS X9 F14 C1 Y4/P4 F12 K4 P20 VCC/2 H11 PREL F6 B7 XS F15 02 Y5/P5 F13 L4 P21 VCC/2 G10 OEX GND A7 X7 F7 01 Y6IP6 F14 K5 P22 VCC/2 G11 TC F5 A2 N.C. N.C. E2 Y7/P7 F15 L5 P23 Vcc/2 F10 VCC VCC K1 N.C. N.C. E1 GND GND K6 P24 Vcc/2 F11 CLKY FO l10 N.C. N.C. F2 YS/PS F1 L6 P25 VCC/2 E10 CLKX FO B11 N.C. N.C. NOTES: 1. Vee 2. FO = 5.5V +0.5V/-0.OV with 0.1pF decoupling capacitor to GND = 100kHz. F1 =FO/2. F2 = F1/2 • •..•.•.•.• 10% 3. VIH = Vee - 1V ± 0.5V (Min). VIL 4. 47kO load resistors used on all pins except Vee and GND (Pin-Grid identifiers F1 O. G 1O. G 11 and H 11 ) = 0.8V (Max) 2-40 HMA510/883 Die Characteristics DIE ATTACH: Material: Si-Au Eutectic Alloy Temperature: Ceramic PGA - 4200 C (Max) DIE DIMENSIONS: 184 x 176 x 19 ± 1 mils METALLIZATION: Type: Si-AI Thickness: 8kA WORST CASE CURRENT DENSITY: 0.9 x 105A/cm 2 GLASSIVATION: Type: Nitrox Thickness: 10kA Metallization Mask Layout HMA51 0/883 .. x x... ...x x'" . x o ... x., x'" X X ... ... x .. ... ... x x II) a: w ::::; 10 Y2/P2 60 NC c.. 5 Y3/P3 59 11 X15 Y4/P4 58 12 OEL Y5/P5 57 13 RND Y6/P6 56 14 SUB Y7/P7 55 15 ACC 16 CLKX 17 CLKY 18 Vcc 19 Vce 20 TC GND 54 GND 53 Y8/P8 52 Y9/P9 51 Y10/P10 50 Y11/P11 49 21 OEX 22 PREL 23 OEM 24 CLKP 25 P34 Y12/P12 48 Y13/P13 47 ·Y14/P14 46 Y15/P15 45 P16 44 ...... ...'" ... ., 0: 0: :; 0> 0: .. .. . .. . .. ...o ...'" ...., ...... ... .,...'" ...... ...... .,... ...o '" ., ... " ... ... o u g ~ ~ z "~ " ... ...'" .. 0. 0. 0. .. .. . 0. 0. 2-41 0. 0. 0. :;:) :;: HMA510/883 Packaging t 68 PIN CERAMIC PGA .120 -:T4Ol .040 .060 I L .000 1.140 1.180 sse -~ .100 1.000 sse sse B A 10 . 11 [ ,'.003 MIN 1. INCREASE MAXIMUM LIMIT BY .003" WHEN SOLDER DIP OR TIN PLA~ LEAD FINISH ApPLIES. LEAD. ¥ATE.~I~L:; Type B LEAD FINISH: ,Type C PACKAGEIViATERIAL: CeramicAI203 90% PACKAGE SEAL: Material: Gold/Tin Temper,atu ri{ 3200 C ± '1 OoC Method:. Fu'rnac~ Braze NOTE: All Dimensions are INTERNAL LEAD WIRE: Material: Aluminum , Diameter: 1.25 Mil Bonding Method: Ultrasonic Wedge COMPLIANT 38510 OUTLINE: P-AC ..Ml!:!... • Dimensions are in inches. tMil-M-38510 Compliant Materials, Finishes. and Dimensions. Max 2-42 ONE DIMENSIONAL FILTERS PAGE DATA SHEETS HSP43220 Decimating Digital Filter ......................................................• 3-3 HSP43220/883 Decimating Digital Filter ..........................•............................ 3-23 DECI • MATE Harris HSP43220 Decimating Digital Filter Development Software .................. . 3-31 HSP43891 Digital Alter ................................................................. . 3-35 HSP43891/883 Digital·Alter ..•..•......................................•..................... 3-50 HSP43881 Digital Filter ..•...•.•..•..............•..........................•.....•....... 3-58 II: HSP43881/883 Digital Filter .............................................•.................... 3-73 !:i HSP43481 Digital Alter ..•..............•..•........••....•........•..................... 3-81 aI HSP43481 1883 Digital Filter •.....•......•...............................•..•.....•........... 3-96 HSP43168 Dual FIR Filter ...•....•....•....•.......................•...........•.•....... 3-102 3-1 In w ii: m HSP43220 HARRIS Decimating Digital Filter May 1991 Features Description • Single Chip Narrow Band Filter with up to 96dB Attenuation The HSP43220 Decimating Digital Filter is a linear phase low pass decimation filter which is optimized for filtering narrow band signals in a broad spectrum of a signal processing applications. The HSP43220 offers a single chip solution to signal processing application which have historically required several boards of IC's. This reduction in component count results in faster development times as well as reduction of hardware costs. • DC to 33MHz Clock Rate .16 Bit 2's Complement Input • 20 Bit Coefficients in FIR • 24 Bit Extended Precision Output • Programmable Decimation up to a Maximum of 16,384 • Standard 16 Bit Microprocessor Interface • Filter Design Software Available DECI.MATE'" • Available in 84 Pin PGA and PLCC Applications • Very Narrow Band Filters • Zoom Spectral Analysis The HSP43220· is implemented as a two stage filter structure. As seen in the block diagram, the first stage is a high order decimation filter (HDF) which utilizes an efficient decimation (sample rate reduction) technique to obtain decimation up to 1024 through a coarse low-pass filtering process. The HDF provides up to 96dS aliasing rejection in the signal pass band. The second stage consists of a finite impulse response (FIR) decimation filter structured as a transversal FIR filter with up to 512 symmetric taps which can implement filters with sharp transition regions. The FIR can perform further decimation by up to 16 if required while preserving the 96dS aliasing attenuation obtained by the HDF. The combined total decimation capability is 16,384. The HSP43220 accepts 16 bit parallel data in 2's complement format at sampling rates up to 33MSPS. It provides a 16 bit microprocessor compatible interface to simplify the task of programming and three-state outputs to allow the connection of several IC's to a common bus. The HSP43220 also provides the capability to bypass either the HDF or the FIR for additional flexibility. • Channelized Receivers • Large Sample Rate Converter • Instrumentation • 512 Tap Symmetric FIR filtering Block Diagram DECIMATION UP TO 1024 INPUT CLOCK DATA INPUT CONTROL AND COEFFICIENTS ",16 ,,16 , DECIMATION UP TO 16 l l HIGH ORDER DECIMATION FILTER FIR DECIMATION FILTER I _,"24 T DATA OUT DATA READY FIR CLOCK DECI' MATEN is a registered trademark of Harris Corporation. IBM Pc ... XT1IiI. AT III , PS/2- are registered trademarks of mternational Business Machines, Inc. CAUTION: These devices are sensitive to electrostatic discharge. Proper I.C. handling procedures should be followed. Copyright @ Harris Corporation 1991 3-3 File Number 2486.2 CI) a: w !:i Li: CI I HSP43220 .~ :Packlige Pinouts 84 PIN GRID ARRAY (PGA) '0 L .&•.&•.&•...2. JLDht. 0 09A... oQA... DPA:..:"D~1_ oo66cro~ o 0 0 0 c....aus 66' 'ENooo o 0 out- OUT 23 CUT 21 OUT 20 OUT 18 CLBUS (LJIUS GND H 0 CJK,IS OUL- CLBUS 6 ..... Vee GNO GND Fit- DATA.... DATA- DATA... DATA.... OUT 22 OUT , . OUT 17 OUT 16 DATA... DATA.... eK ~s Vee G .&•.&•.&. 12 11 13 000 (LBUS C-BUS (LBUS 000 ~'. ()14 DA~A... DATA- OUT 18 OUT 12 HSP43220 BOTTOM VIEW PINS UP 9. 09A... 000 DQA... OUT 10 ~:~~ o Vee Q OUT 11 ~~~ o. DATA- DATA- DATA... OUT 5 8 OUT 7 0Jt. uO DATA.... DATA.... :9~ 9~ OUTO OUT. vee DATA.... OUT, 0 0 GND 84 PLASTI.C LEADED CHIP CARRIER (PLCC) • GND DATA....OUT D DATA...DUT 1 DATA..DUT 2 DATA..OUT 3 DATA...DUT 4 DATA....OUT S DATA..OUT8 DATA..OUT 7 84 LEAD PLCC 'aAl-AlDOra ..oAT~Ta· DATA..DUT 10 DAT~Tl1 GND Vee DATA....OUT 12 DATA.DUT 13 DATA.£jUT 1-4 DATA...DUT us DATA...,OUT 18 DATA....OUT 17 0 0 lIND , HSP43220 Pin Description DESCRIPTION NAME PLCCPIN TYPE VCC 13,28,42, 45, 60,75,78 The +5V power supply pins. GND 11,29,43,46, 61,74,77 The device ground. CK....JN 76 I Input sample clock. Operations in the HDF are synchronous with the rising edge of this clock signal. The maximum clock frequency is 33M Hz. CK.....IN is synchronous with FI~CK and thus .the two clocks may be tied together if required, or CICJN can be divided down from FIR CK. CK.....IN is a CMOS level signal. FIR_CK 44 I Input clock for the FIR filter. This clock must be synchronous with CICJN. Operations in the FIR are synchronous with the rising edge of this clock signal. The maximum clock frequency is 33 MHz. FIR CK is a CMOS level Signal. DINO-15 1-10,79-84 I Input Data bus. This bus is used to provide the 16-bit input data to the HSP43220. The data must be provided in a synchronous fashion, and is latched on the rising edge of the CIC..IN signal. The data bus is in 2's complement fractional format. C_BUSO-15 21-27,30-38 I Control Input bus. This input bus is used to load all the filter parameters. The pins WR#, CS# and AO , A 1 are used to select the destination of the data on the Control bus and write the Control bus data into the appropriate register as selected by AO and A 1. DATA.....OUT 48-59,62-73 0-23 0 Output Data bus. This 24-Bit· output port is used to provide the filtered result in 2's complement format. The upper 8 bits of the output, DATA.....OUT16-23 will provide extension or growth bits depending on the state of OUT_SELH and whether the FIR has been put in bypass mode. Output bits DATA.....OUTO-15 will provide bits 2 0 through 2- 15 when the FIR is not bypassed and will provide the bits 2- 16 through 2-31 when the FIR is in bypass mode. DATA.....RDY 47 0 An active high output strobe that is synchronous with FIR_CK that indicates that the result of the just completed FIR cycle is available on the data bus. RESET# 16 I RESET# is an asynchronous signal which requires that the input clocks CK.....IN and FIR_CK are active when RESET# Is asserted. RESET# disables the clock divider and clears all of the internal data registers in the HDF. The FIR filter data path is not initialized. The control register bits that are cleared are F BYP,H STAGES, and H DRATE. The F DIS bit is set. WR# 19 I Write strobe. WR# is used for loading the internal registers of the HSP43220. When CS# and WR# are asserted, the rising edge of WR# will latch the C_BUSO-15 data into the register specified by AO and A 1. CS# 20 I Chip Select. The Chip Select Input enables loading of the internal registers. When CS# and WR# are low, the AO and A1 address lines are decoded to determine the destination of the data on C_BUSO-15. The rising edge of WR# then loads the appropriate register as specified by AO and A 1 • AO,A1 18,17 I Control Register Address. These lines are decoded to determine which control register is the deslination for the data on C_BUSO-15. Register loading is controlled by the AO and A1, WR# and CS# inputs. ASTARTIN# 15 I ASTARTIN# is an asynchronous signal which is sampled on the rising edge of CK.....IN. It is used to put the DDF in operational mode. ASTARTIN# is internally synchronized to CK.....IN and is used to generate STARTOUT#. STARTOUT# 12 0 STARTOUT# is a pulse generated from the internally synchronized version of ASTARTIN#. It is provided as an output for use in multi-chip configurations to synchronously start multiple HSP43220's. The width of STARTOUT# is equal to the period of CICJN. STARTIN# 14 I STARTIN# Is a synchronous input. A high to low transition of this signal is required to start the part. STARTIN# is sampled on the rising edge of CK.....IN. This synchronous signal can be used to start single or multiple HSP43220's. OUT_SELH 39 I Output Select. The OUT_SELH input controls which bits are provided at output pins DATA.....OUT16-23. A HIGH on this control line selects bits 28 through 21 from the accumulator output. A LOW on this control line selects bits 2- 16 through 2-23 from the accumulator output. Processing is not interrupted by this pin. OUT_ENP# 40 I Output Enable. The OUT_ENP# input controls the state of the lower 16 bits of the output data bus, DATA.....OUTO-15. A LOW on this control line enables the lower 16 bits of the output bus. When OUT_ENP# is HIGH, the output drivers are in the high impedance state. Processing is not Interrupted by this pin. OUT_ENX# 41 I Output Enable. The OUT_ENX# input controls the state of the upper 8 bits of the output data bus, DATA.....OUT16-23. A LOW on this control line enables the upper 8 bits of the output bus. When OUT_ENX# is HIGH, the output drivers are in the high impedance state. Processing is not interrupted by this pin. 3-5 rn a: w !:i u: Q ,...I HSP43220 The HOF implemented as an adder followed by a register in the feed forward path. The integrator is clocked by the sample clock, CLIN as shown in Figure 2. The bit width of each integrator stage goes from 66 bits at the first integrator down to 26 bits at the output of the fifth integ rator. Bit truncation is performed at each integrator stage because the data in the integrator stages is being accumulated and thus is growing, therefore the lower bits become insignificant, and can be truncated without losing significant data. The first filter section is called the High Order Decimation Filter (H DF) and is optimized to perform decimation by large factors. It implements a low pass filter using only adders and delay elements instead of a large number of multiplier/ accumulators that would be required using a standard FIR filter. The HDF is divided into 4 sections: the HDF filter section, the clock divider, the control register logic and the start logic (Figure 1). There are three signals that control the integrator section; they are H_STAGES, H_BYP and RESET#. In Figure 2 these control signals have been decoded and are labelled INT_EN1 - INT_EN5. The order of the filter is loaded via the control bus and is called H_STAGES. H_STAGES is decoded to provide the enables for each integrator stage. When a given integrator stage is selected, the feedback path is enabled and the integrator accumulates the current data sample with the previous sum. The integrator section can be put in bypass mode by the H_BYP bit. When H_BYP or RESET# is asserted, the feedback paths in all integrator stages are cleared. Data Shifter After being latched into the Input Register the data enters the Data Shifter. The data is positioned at the output of the shifter to prevent errors due to overflow occurring at the output of the HDF. The number of bits to shift is controlled by H_GROWTH. Integrator Section The data from the shifter goes to the Integrator section. This is a cascade of 5 integrator (or accumulator) stages, which implement a low pass filter. Each accumulator is /10 -1 WR.# CS.# C BUS CK...IN H RESET.# RESET.# CK...IN ASTARTIN.# ORATE CLOCK DIVIDER BY? H ISTART START LOGIC STARTOUT.# 5 H- GROWTH I NT_ EN1 -5 COMB EN1 -5 - CK...DEC HDF FILTER SECTION ISTART H GROWTH INT_EN1 -5 RESET.# RESET.# TO FIR 16 TO FIR FIGURE 1. HIGH ORDER DECIMATION FILTER FROM SHIFTER CK..IN FIGURE 2. INTEGRATOR 3-6 HSP43220 Decimation Register The output of the Integ rator section is latched into the Decimation Register by CLDEC. The output of the Decimation register is cleared when RESET# is asserted. The HDF decimation rate = H_DRATE +1. which is defined as Hdec for convenience. Comb Filter Section The output of the Decimation Register is passed to the Comb Filter Section. The Comb section consists of S cascaded Comb filters or differentiators. Each Comb filter section calculates the difference between the current and previous integrator output. Each Comb filter consists of a register which is clocked by CLDEC. followed by an subtractor. where the subtractor calculates the difference between the input and output of the register. Bit truncatfons are done at each stage as shown in Figllre 3. The first stage bit width is 26 bits and the output of the fifth stage is 19 bits. The Rounder performs a symmetric round .of the 19' bit output of the last Comb stage, Symmetric rounding is done to prevent the synthesis of a OHz spectral component by the rounding process and thus causing a reduction in. spurious free dynamic range, Saturation logiC is also provided to prevent roll over from the largest positive value to the most negative value after rounding, The output of the last comb filter stage in the HDF section has a 16 bit integer portion with a 3 bit fractional part in 2's complement format. The rounding algorithm is as follows: There are three signals that control the Comb Filter; H_ STAGES. H_BYP and RESET#. In Figure 3these'control signals are decoded as COMB_EN1 - COMB_ENS. The order of the Comb filter is controlled by H_STAGES. which is programmed over the control bus. H_BYP is used to put the comb section in bypass mode. RESET# causes the register output in each Comb stage to be cleared. The H_ BYP and RESET# control pins. when asserted force the output of all registers to zero so data is passed through the subtractor unaltered. When the H_STAGES control bits enable a given stage the output of the register is ,subtracted from the input. It is important to note that the Comb' filter section has a speed limitation. The Input sampling rate divided by the decimation factor in the HDF (CLIN/Hdec) should not exceed 4MHz. Violating this condition causes the output of the filter to be incorrect. When the HDF is put in bypass mode this limitation does not apply. Equation 1,0 describes the relationship between F.:....TAPS. F_DRATE. H_DRATE. CLIN and FIR_CK, Rounder The filter accuracy is limited by the 16 bit data input. To maintain the maximum accuracy. the output of the comb is rounded to 16 bits, COMILEN5 COMILEN4 POSITIVE NUMBERS Fractional Portion Greater Than or Equal to 0,5 Round Up Fractional Portion Less Than 0,5 Truncate NEGATIVE NUMBERS Fractional Portion Less Than or Equal to 0.5 Round Up Fractional Portion Greater Than 0,5 Truncate The output of the rounder is latched into the HDF output register with CLDEC, CLDEC is generated by the Clock Divider section. The output of the register is cleared when RESET# is asserted, .,. ...a: !:i u:: ... CI I Clock Divider and Control Logic The clock divider divides CLIN by the decimation factor Hdec to produce CLDEC. CLDEC clocks the Decimation Register. Comb Filter section. HDF output register, In the FIR filter CLDEC is used to indicate that a new data sample is available for processing. The clock generator is cleared by RESET# and is not enabled until the DDF is started by an internal start signal (see Start logic). The Control Register logiC enables the updating of the Control registers which contain all of the filter parameter data, When WR# and CS# are asserted. the control register addressed by bits AO and A 1 is loaded with the data on the C_BUS, COMILEN3 FIGURE 3, COMB FILTER 3-7 COMILEN2 COMILEN1 HSP43220 DDF Contro/Registers F_Register (A1 i:: 0, AO=O) 15 ,FBO ESO TO 14 13 o F_TAPS Bits TO-T8 are used to specify the number of FIR filter taps. The number entered is one less than the number 'of taps requiFed. For example, to specify a 511 tap filter F_TAPS would be programmed to 510. ' - - - - - - - - - . F_ORATE Bits 00-03 are used to specify the amount of FIR decimation. The number entered is one less than the decimation required. For example, to specify decimation of 16, F_ORATE woutd be programmed to 15. FOr no FIR decimation, F-.:DRATE would be set equal to o.FDRATE .+1 is defined as Fdec. ~------------------~'F_ESYM . BitESO is used to selectthe FIR symmetry.F_ESYM is set equal to one to select even symmetry and set equal to zero to select odd symmetry. When F_ESYM is one, data is added in the pre-adder; when it is zero, data is .subtracted. Normally set to orie. F_BYP Bit FBO is used to select FIR bypass mode. FIR bypass mode is selected by setting F_BYP=l. When FIR bypass mode is selected, the FIR is internally set up for a 3 tap even symmetric filter, no decimation (F_DRATE=O) and F_OAD is set equal to one to zero one side of the preadder. In FIR bypass mode all FIR filter parameters are ignored, including the contents of the FIR .coefficient RAM. In FIR bypass mode the output data is brought output on the lower 16 bits of the output bus OAT~OUT 0-15. To disable FIR bypass mode, F_BYP is set equal to zero. When F_BYP is returned to zero, the coefficients must be reloaded. F_OAD Bit FAO is used to select the zero the preaddermode. This mode zeros one of the Inputs to the pre-adder. Zero preadder mode Is selected by setting F_OAD equal to one. This feature is useful when implementing arbitrary phase filters or can be used to verify the filter coefflclEmts. To disable the Zero Preadder mode F_OAD Is set equal to zero. FIGURE 4 3-8 HSP43220 DDF Control Registers FC_Reglster (A 1 (Continued) =0, AO =1) C4 C19 x 15 co 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 c: 5 6 4 2 3 o F_CF Bits CO-C19 represent the coefficient data, where C19 Is the MSB. Two writes are required to write each coefficient which is 2's complement fractional format. The first write loads C19 through C4; C3 through CO are loaded on the second write cycle. As the coefficients are written into this register they are formatted into a 20 bit coefficient and written Into the Coefficient RAM sequentially starting with address location zero. The coefficients must be loaded sequentially, with the center tap being the last coefficient to be loaded. See coefficient RAM, below. FIGURE 5 H_Reglster 1 (A1 =1, AO =0) tn a: w !:i 15 14 13 12 11 7 6 5 4 3 2 H_DRATE Bits RO-R9 are used to select the amount of decimation in the HDF. The-amount of decimation selected is programmed as the required decimation minus one; for instance to select decimation of 1024 H-':'DRATE Is set equal to 1023. HDRATE +1 is defined as Hdec. H_BYP Bit HBO is used to selact HDF bypass'mode. This mode is selected by setting H_BYP =1. When this mode is selected the input data passes through the HDF unfiltered. Internally H_STAGES and H.-DRATE are both set to zero and H.-GROWTH Is set to 50. H_REGISTER 2 must be reloaded when H_BYP Is returned to O. To disable HDF bypass mode H_BYP=O. In this mode CLIN must be slower than FIR-,-CK In order to-satisfy equation 1.0. F_CLA Bit FCO is used to select the clear aGCUmulator mode in the FIR. Thismode is enabled by setting F_CLA=l and is disabled by setting F_CLA=O. In normal operation this bit should be set equal to zero. This mode zeros the feedback path in the accumulator of the multipller/accumualator (MAC). It also .alows the multipUer output to be clocked off the chip by FIA.-CK,- thus DAT~RDY has no meaning In this mode. This mode call be used in conjunction with the F_OAD bit to read out the FIR coefficients from the coefficient RAM. FJ)IS Bit FDO is used to select the FIR disable mode. This feature enables the RR parameters to be changed. This feature is selected by setting F_DIS=l. This mode terminates the current FIR cycle. While this feature is selected, the HDF contino to process data and write it into the FIR data RAM. When the FIR re-programming is completed, the FIR can be re-enabled either by clearing F_DIS, or by asserting one of the start inputs, which automatically clears F_DIS. FIGURES 3-9 u: a .-I HSP43220 DDF Control Registers H_Reglster 2 (A1 15 14 13 12 (Continued) = 1, AO =1) 11 !! 10 8 7 6 5 4 3 Bits NO-N2 are used to select the number of stages or order of the HDF filter. The number that Is programmed in is equal to the required number of stages. For a 5th order filter, H_STAGES would be set equal to 5. ". ~ .;.. H-":'GROWTH , Bits GO-G5 are used to select the proper amount of growth bits. H_GROWTH Is calculated, using the follOWing equation: " ,' H_GROWTH = 50 - CEILING Iog(2») " {H_STAGESX~og (,",dec)1 where the CEILING { ) means use the next largest Integer'of the result of' the value In brackets and log Is the log to the ,,""J~llSe 10. ' ' . .~ The value of H_GROWTH represents the pOSition of the :, " tSe on the output of the data shIfter. .. ~, FIGURE 7 .. ' "; ~ .. .' ./ '. '. 3-10 HSP43220 Start Logic The Start Logic generates a start signal that is used internally to synchronously start the DDF. If ASTARTIN# is asserted (STARTIN# must be tied high) the Start LogiC synchronizes it to CtC-IN by double latching the signal and generating the signal STARTOUT#, which is shown In Figure 8. The STARTOUT# signal is then used to synchronously start other DDFs in a multi-chip configuration (the STARTOUT# signal of the first DDF would be tied to the STARTIN# of the second DDF). The NAND gate shown in Figure 8 then passes this synchronized signal to be used on chip to provide a synchronous start. Once started, the chip requires a RESET# to halt operation. When STARTIN# is asserted (ASTARTIN# must be tied high) the NAND gate passes STARTIN# which is used to provide the internal start, ISTART, for the DDF. When RESET# is asserted the internal start signal is held inactive, thus it is necessary to assert either ASTARTIN# or STARTIN# in order to start the DDF. In using ASTARTIN# or STARTIN# a high to low transition must be detected by the rising edge of CK_IN, therefore these signals must have been high for more than one CtC-IN cycle and then taken low. RESET# The coefficients are loaded into address 01 in two writes. The first write loads the upper 16 bits of the 20 bit coefficient, C4 through C19. The second write loads the lower 4 bits of the coefficient, CO th rough C3, where C 19 is the MSB. The two 16 bit writes are then formatted into the 20 bit coefficient that is then loaded into the Coefficient RAM starting at RAM address location zero, where the coefficient at this location is the outer tap (or the first coefficient value). To reload coefficients, the Coefficient RAM Address pointer must be reset to location zero so that the coefficients will be loaded in the order the FIR filter expects. There are two methods that can be used to reset the Coefficient RAM address pointer. The first is to assert RESET#", which automatically resets the pointer, but also clears the HDF and alters some of the control register bits. (RESET# does not change any of the coefficient values.) The second method is to set the F_DIS bit in control register H_ REGISTER1. This control bit allows any of the FIR control register bits to be re-programmed, but does not automatically modify any control registers. When the programming is completed, the FIR is re-started by clearing the F_DIS bit or by asserting one of the start inputs (ASTARTIN# or STARTIN#). The F_DIS bit allows the filter parameters to be changed more quickly and Is thus the recommended reprogramming method. a: w Data RAM !:i u:: The Data RAM stores the data needed for the filter calculation. The format of the data is: ISTART 2°.2-12-22-32-42-52-62-72-82-92-1°2-112-122-132-142-15 where the sign bit is in the 20 location. ' - - - - - STARTOUT # CK..IN The 16 bit output of the HDF Output Register is written into the Data Ram on the riSing edge of CtC-DEC. FIGURE 8. START LOGIC The FIR Section The second filter in the top level block diagram is a Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filter which performs the final shaping of the signal spectrum and suppresses the aliasing components in the transition band of the HDF. This enables the DDF to implement filters with narrow pass bands and sharp transition bands. The FIR is implemented in a transversal structure using a single multiplier/accumulator (MAC) and RAM for storage of the data and filter coefficients as shown in Figure 9. The FIR can implement up to 512 symmetric taps and decimation up to 16. The FIR is divided into 2 sections: the FIR filter section and the FIR control logiC. Coefficient RAM The Coefficient RAM stores the coefficients for the current FIR filter being implemented. The coefficients are loaded Into the Coefficient RAM over the control bus (C_BUS). The coefficients are written into the Coefficient RAM sequentially, starting at location zero. It is only necessary to write one half of the coefficients when symmetric filters are being implemented, where the last coefficient to be written in is the center tap. RESET# initializes the write pointer to the data RAM. After a RESET# occurs, the output of the FIR will not be valid until the number of new data samples written to the Data RAM equals TAPS. The filter always operates on the most current sample and the taps-1 previous samples. Thus if the F_DIS bit is set, data continues to be written into the data RAM coming from the HDF section. When the FIR is enabled again the filter will be operating on the most current data samples and thus another transient response will nof occur. The maximum throughput of the FIR filter is limited by the use of a single Multiplier/Accumulator (MAC). The data output from the HDF being clocked into the FIR filter by CtC-DEC must not be at a rate that causes an erroneous result being calculated because data is being overwritten. The equation shown below describes the relationship between, FIR_CK, CtC-DEC, the number of taps that can be implemented in the FIR, the decimation rate in the HDF and the decimation rate in the FIR. (In the Design Considerations section of the OPERATIONAL SECTION there Is a chart that shows the tradeoffs between these parameters.) CtC-IN[(TAPS/2)+4+Fdec] FIR_CK'= _ _--:--:-:--=-:-_ __ Hdec Fdec 3-11 en (1.0) Q I yo- H$P43220 This equation, ,expresses Jhe minimum FIR_CK, called FIR"':"CK'. FIR-.:.:.CK must be the smallest Integer multiple of CLINwhich is greater'than or eciuai to FIR_CK'. For example,: if CLIN Is 15 MHz and equation 1.0 indicates that FIR..:..'CK' is 29 MHz, then FIR_CK.tnust be equal to 30 MHz. Fdec Is the decimation rate inthe FIR {Fdec ';;, F_ORATE +1); where TAPS = the number of taps' in the FIR for even length filters and equals the number of tap's+1 for odd length filters. ' Solving the above equation for the maximum number of , ' taps: TAPS = 2 ( FIR~~~ec Fdec - Fdec -4) (2.0) In using this equation, it must be kept In mind that CLIN/ Hdec mustbe less than or equal to 4MHz (unless the HDF Is in bypass mode in which case this limitation in the HDF does not apply). In the OPERATIONAL SECTION under the Design ConSiderations, there is a table that shows the trade;'offs of these parameters. In addition, Harris provides a software package called DECI-MATE which designs the DDF filter from System specifications. N The registered outputs of the data RP.M"are added or subtrac~ed in the 17 bit pre-adder. The F_OAD control bit allows zeros ~o be Input Into ore side of the pre-adder. This provides the capability to implement non-symmetric filters. The selection of adding the register outputs for an even sym,metric filter or for subtracting the register outputs for odd symmetric filter Is provided by the control bit F_ESYM, which is programmed over the control bus. When subtraction is selected, the' new data' is subtracted from the old data. The 17 bit output of the adder forms one input of the multiplier/accumulator. A control bit F_CLA provides the capability to clear the feedback path In the accumulator such that niultlplier output will not be accumulated, but will instead flow directly to the output register. The bit welghtlngs of the data and coefficients as they' are processed In the FIR Is shown below. Input Data (from HDF) Pre-adder Output CoefficIent . Accumulator 2°.2- 1 ••• 2- 15 2l20 .2- 1 : ••• 2:- 15 20 .2-1"; •. 2- 19, 2 8 ••• '20 .2 1 ., •• 2- 34 , FIR Output The 40 most signifipant bits of ll1e a~c!Jmulatorar~ latched into the output register. TheJow,er 3 bits are, not brought to the output. The, 4Obit~o.u,tof the output register are selected to be output by a pair of multiplexers. This register Is clocked by FIR-,-CK (see Figure ,9). " ' ' There are two multiplexers that route 24 of the 40 output bits from the output register to the output pins. The first multiplexer selects the output register bits that will be routed to output pins DATLOUTt6~23 and the second multiplexer selects the output register bits that will be routed to output pins DATA_OUTO-15. The multiplexers are controlled ,by the control Signal F_ BYP and,the OUT_SELH ph,. F~BYP and OUT_SELH both control the first multiplexer that selects the upper 8 bits of the output bus, DATLOUT16-23. F_BYP conlrols the second multiplexer that selects the lower 16 bits of the output bus, DATA_OUTO:-15. The output formatter is shown in detail in Figure 10. FIR Control Logic The DATA_ROY strobe indicates that new data Is available on the output ofthe FIR. The rising edge of OATLRDY can be used to load the output data into an external register or RAM. Data Format The DDF maintains 16 bits of accuracy In both the HDF and FIR filter stages. The data formats and bit weightings are shown in Figure 11. Operational Section Start Configurations The scenario to put the DDF into operational mode is:' reset the DDF by asserting the RESET# input, configure the DDF over the control bus, and apply a start ~ignal, either by ASTARTIN# or STARTIN#. Until the DDF is put in operational mode with a start pulse, 'the DDF ignores all data in puts. To use the asynchronous start, an asynchronous' active low pUlse is applied to the ASTARTIN# input. ASTARTIN# Is internally synchronized to the sample clock, CLIN, and generates STARTOUT#. This Signal is also used internally when the asynchronous mode is selected. It puts the 0 OF in operational mode' and allows the DDF to begin accepting data. When the ASTARTIN# input is being used,the STARTIN# input must be tied high to ensure proper . operation. " To start the'DDF synchronously, theSTARTIN# is aSserted with a active low pulse that has been" 'externally synchronized to CLIN. Internally the DDF then uses this start pulse to put the DDF in operate mode and start accept'ing data inputs. When STARTIN#is used to start the DDF the ASTARTIN# input must be tied high to prevent false starts. ,3:-12 HSP43220 , FROM HDF 16" . 16 16 x 512 DATA RAM 20 x 256 FROM COEFFICIENT -"';''''~+I COEFFICIENT t-'----'~----. 20 FORMATTER 20'" RAM I MULTIPUER/ I ACCUMULATOR I SECTION FROM CONTROL REGISTERS F DRATE F TAPS F BVP F r-----........---......, I I DIS I I FIR CONTROL LOGIC F_CLA en c: w ~ FIFL-CK ;:;: FIFL-CK CI I DATA_RDY DATA_RDY DATA_ OUTO- 23 FIGURE 9. FIR FILTER F BVP = 0 OUT_SELH = 1 F BYP 2". 2- 31 F F BVP = BVP = 0 OUT_SELH = 0 OR F BVP = DATA_ 0UT16 - 23 FIGURE 10. FIR OUTPUT FORMATTER 3-13 O~_ _.....,F BVP = F BYP HSP43220 INPUT DATA FORMAT Fractional Two's Complement Input FIR COEFFICIENT FORMAT Fractional Two's Complement Input 119118117116115114113112111 110 I I 9 81 7 I I 6 5 141· 13 20 .2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-7 2-8 2-92-102-112-122-132:-142-15 I I 2 0 2-162-172-182-19 OUTPUT DATA FORMAT Fractional Two's Complement Output FOR: OUT_SELH = 1 F_BYP = 0 123122121 120 1191181171161 28 27 26 25 24 2~22 21 FOR: OUT_SELH F_BYP 0 = I I I I I I 115114113112111 110 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 0 20 .2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-7 2-8 2-92-102-112-122-132-142-15 =0 115114113112111 110 I 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 I I 0 20 .2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-7 2-8 2-9 2-102-112-122-132-142-15 123122121 120 1191181171161 2-162-172-182-192-202-212-222-23 FOR: OUT_SELH = X F_BYP = 1 123122121 120 1191181171161 2-162-172-182-192-202-212-222-23 I I I I I I I I 115114113112111 110 19 8 7 6 5 14 3 2 11 0 2-182-17 2-182-192-202-212-222-232-242-252-262-27 2-282-292-302-31 FIGURE 11 3-14 HSP43220 Multi-Chip Start Configurations Since there are two methods to start up the OOF, there are also two configurations that can be used to start up multiple chips. The first method is shown in Figure 12. The timing of the STARTOUT# circuitry starts the second OOF on the same clock as the first. If more OOPs are also to be started synchronously, STARTOUT# is connected to their STARTIN#'s. The second method to start up OOPs in a multiple chip configu ration is to use the synch ronous start scenario. The STARTIN# input is wired to all the chips in the chain, and is asserted by a active low synchronous pulse that has been externally synchronized to CLIN. In this way all OOF's are synchronously started. The ASTARTIN# input on all the chips is ti.ed high to prevent false starts. The STARTOUT# outputs are all left unconnected. This configuration is illustrated in Figure 13. TO OTHER DDF'S +5V- • STARTIN# ASTARTIN# +sv-- ASTARTIN# DDF STARTOUT# STARTIN# CICIN CICIN FIR_CK FIR _CK STARTOUT# - NC DDF 1 1 en a: w :; u:: FIGURE 12. ASYNCHRONOUS START UP C I I +5V- STARTIN# ASTARTIN# STARTOUT# f-- NC +5V- ASTARTIN# DDF STARTOUT# - STARTIN# CICIN CICIN FIR - CK FIR_CK I I I FIGURE 13. SYNCHRONOUS START UP 3-15 DDF f/SP43220 Chip S,t Applica1ion The HSP43-220is ideally suited for narroW band filtering in Communications, .Instrumentation and Signal Processing applications. The HSP43220 'prQvides a fully integrated . . solution to high order decimation filtering. The combination of the HSP43220 and the HSP45116 (which .is a NCOM Numerically Controlled Oscillator! Modulator) provides a complete solution to'digital receivers. The diagram in Figure.14111ustrates this concept. The HSP45116 down converts.. the signal of interest to baseband, generating a real component and an imaginary component. A HSP43220 then performs low pass filtering and' reduces the sampling rate of .each of the signals, The system scenario for the use. of the DDF involves a narrow band signal that has been over-sampled. The Signal is over-sampled in order to capture a wide frequency band containing many narrow band signals. The NCOM is "tuned" to the frequency of the signal of interest and performs a complex down conversion to baseband of this signal, which results in a complex signal centered at baseband. A pair of DDPs then low pass filters the NCOM output, extracting the signal of interest. HSP45116 NCOM HSP43220 DDF SAMPLED INPUT DATA l------I----f. \ ll'~ .. I HSP43220 DDF Ii\ o 10MHz o 20MHz FIGURE 14. DIGITAL CHANNELIZER .3-16 o HSP43220 Design Trade-Off Considerations Equation 2.0 in the Functional Description section expresses the relationship between the number of TAPS which can be implemented· in the FIR as a function of CK-IN, FIR_CK, Hdec, Fdec. Figure 15 provides a SPEED GRADE (MHz) * FIR_CK CLIN MIN Hdec tradeoff of these parameters. For a given speed grade and the ratio of the clocks, and assuming minimum decimation in the HDF, the number of FIR taps that can be implemented is given in equation 2.0. TAPS Fdec=·1 8 4 Fdec=2 Fdec=4 Fdec=8 Fdec = 16 24 16 4 56 40 16 120 88 40 248 184 88 28 20 4 64 48 16 136 104 40 280 216 88 80 48 16 168 104 40 344 216 88 112 48 48 232 104 104 472 216 216 33 25.6 15 1 1 1 9 7 4 33 25.6 15 2 2 2 5 4 2 10 6 33 25.6 15 4 4 4 3 2 1 14 6 * 36 20 4 33 25.6 15 8 8 8 2 1 1 22 6 6 52 20 20 * * Filter Not Realizable en FIGURE 15. DESIGN TRADE· OFF FOR MINIMUM Hdec ....a:: ~ u: DECI-MATE CI I Harris provides a development system which assists the design engineer to utilizing this filter. The DECI- MATE . software package provides the user with both filter design and simulation environments for fllter evaluation and design. These tools are integrated within one standard DSP CAD environment, The Athena Group's Monarch Professional DSP Software package. This software package runs on an IBM- PC-, XT-, AT-, PS/2- computer or 100% compatible with the following configuration: The software package 15 designed specifically for the DDF. It provides all the filter design software for this proprietary architecture. It provides a user-friendly menu driven interface to allow the user to input system level filter requirements. It provides the frequency response curves and a data flow simulation of the specified filter design (Figure 16). It also creates all the Information necessary to program the DDF, including a PROM file for programming the control registers. IBM PC-. XT-. AT-. PS/2- are registered tredemarks of Internallonal BUSiness Machines, Inc. 3-17 640K RAM 5.25" or 3.5" Floppy drive hard disk math co-processor MS/PC-DOS 2.0 or higher CGA, MCGA, EGA, VGA and Hercules graphics adapters HSP43220 HSP43220 DDF FILTER SPECIFICATION Filter F i l e · : vectors\example. DDF .' Input Sample Rate: 33;MHz Design Mode output Rate 100 kHz Generate Report Passband 20 kHz Display Response Transition. Band 7.5 kHz Save Freq Responses: Passband Atten 0.5 dB Save FIR Response Stopbc;\nd Atten. 80 dB FIR Type AUTO YES LOG YES YES PRECOMP HDF Ord'er HDF Decimation HDF Scale Factor FIR FIR FIR FIR 4 110 0.54542 Input Rate Clock (min) Order Decimation . 300 kHz 33 MHz 135 3 ' . (C) Harris Semiconductor 1990 -5, 2653~-""""---'--"---"'" , .", , ................................ , , : <, ~ , ........."",, ................................ . ,, ,, ,,, , , , , o o o o 0 ···············~·························l·· , 0 ..········,····\..··..····~··························.I··· .. ········........ o ••••••••••••••••••••••••••~ ••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ •••••,•••••••••,•••••\ ...,•••j. .....,••~ •• "'•••• " •••J.... ; ...... ,....... ".••••''"•••• ,.~ o , 0 >0 U~''I+···············,············~·························t··························~····················· o o .... o o ····· . _···· . __ ·· . ·· . ·· . . . f· . ··· . . ·. . . . . ····· . . ··· . ·:·· . . . . ····· . ······ . ··· . . . ·r . ·. ·. . . . ····· . ·········. ·:. ······. ·. ··--------------i o o o 0 0 0 -21617~~,~--------~*o~------~~'~-------r.~~------~~~------~~~'A FIGURE 16. DECI-MATE DESIGN MODULE SCREENS Specifications HSP43220 Absolute Maximum Ratings Supply Voltage •.....••••...............•..••...•••........•...•......••..•.••.•....•.....•................•..•• +8.0V Input, Output or I/O Voltage Applied •••..•..••..•••....••...•••••......••••••...••...•••••••...•. GND -0.5V to VCC +0.5V Storage Temperature Range ••••.........•••••...............................•..•...•........••.••.•.. -650C to +1500 C Maximum Package Power Dissipation .....•.•....................••..•........••.•.•••.....••••• 2.4W (PLCC), 3.2W (PGA) 0jc ..••••...•••.••....•.......•.••.••••..•..•.•.••••.••••......••....••.•••......•... 10.90 C/W (PLCC) , 7.2 0 C/W (PGA) 0ja .............................•..•.••........•.•••.•..•...•..•...•..•..••..•.••... 33.80 C/W (PLCC) , 32.9 0 C/W (PGA) Device Count ••••••••.•••••••••.......••••••............•.•.•.............•.•..................•.. 193,000 Transistors Junction Temperature ••••••.••••....••••..•••.....•.•....•.•.•.•••.........••............. 150oC (PLCC), +175 0 C (PGA) Lead Temperature (Soldering,Ten Seconds) ............•..........•••.•.......••.....••.....•••.•.••......•••.••• +3000 C ESD Classification •....•..••..•........••••...........••••.............•..•.•.....................•.•.•......•. Class 1 CAUTION: Stresses above those listed in the "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may CBuse permanent damage to the device. This is a stress only rating and operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Operating Conditions Operating Voltage Range •.......•..........•.........................•.............•.......•...•••... +4.75V to +5.25V Operating Temperature Range ••.•......••.•••..............•••.•........•..•••......•••..•••.•.•...•..... OoC to + 700C D.C. Electrical Specifications VCC = +4.75V to +5.25V (VCC = 5.0V ± 5%), TA = ooc to +70 oC PARAMETER SYMBOL MIN MAX UNITS TEST CONDITIONS Logical One Input Voltage VIH 2.0 - V VCC=5.25V Logical Zero Input Voltage VIL - 0.8 V VCC=4.75V 3.0 - V VCC= 5.25V High Level Clock Input VIHC Low Level Clock Input VILC - 0.8 V VCC=4.75V Output HIGH Voltage VOH 2.6 - V IOH=-400flA VCC=4.75V Output LOW Voltage VOL - 0.4 V IOL=+2.0mA VCC = 4.75V Input Leakage Current II -10 10 flA VIN=VccorGND VCC=5.25V 1/0 Leakage Current 10 -10 10 flA VOUT = VCC or GND VCC= 5.25V Standby Power Supply Current ICCSB - 500 flA VIN = VCC or GND, VCC = 5.25V, Note 3 Operating Power Supply Current ICCOp - 120 mA f= 15 MHz, VIN = VCC orGND VCC = 5.25V, Note 1, Note 3 SYMBOL MIN Capacitance (TA = +250 C, Note 2) PARAMETER MAX UNITS Input Capacitance CIN 12 pF Output Capacitance Co 10 pF NOTES: 1. Power supply current is proportional to operating frequency. Typical rat· ing for leeop is SmA/MHz. 2. Not tested, but characterized process/design changes. at initial design and at TEST CONDITIONS FREQ = 1 MHz, VCC = Open, all measurements are referenced to device ground. 3. Output load per test toad circuit and CL = 40pF. major 3-19 II> ....a: ~ u: C I Specifications HSP43220 A.C. Electrical Specifications vcc = +4.75V to +5.25V, TA = OOC to HOoC -15 PARAMETER -25 -33 SYMBOL MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX UNITS Input Clock Frequency, FCK 0 15 0 25.6 0 33 MHz MHz FIR ClOck Frequency FFIR 0 15 0 25.6 0 33 Input Clock Period TCK 66 39 - ns TFiR 66 30 - ,ns Clock Pulse Width Low TSPWL 26 16 - 30 FIR Clock Period 13 - ns Clock Pulse Width High TSPWH 26 - 16 - 13 - ns TSK 0 TFIR-25 0 TFIR-15 0 TFIR-15 ns 4TCK - ns 8TCK ns TCK+10 - Clock Skew Between FIR_CK and CK-IN RESET# Pulse Width Low TRSPW 4TCK RecoveryTime on RESET# TRTRS 8TCK TAST TCK+10 - ASTARTIN# Pulse Width Low 39 4TCK - TCK+10 - 8TCK TSTOD - 35 - 20 - 18 ns STARTIN# Setup to CK-IN TSTIC 25 - 15 10 ns Setup Time on DATA-IN TSET 20 - 15 - THOLD 0 .- 0 TWL 26 15 TWH 26 - Setup Time on Address Bus Before the Rising Edge of Write TSTADD 26 Setup Time on Chip Select Before the RiSing Edge of Write TSTCS Setup Time on Control Bus Before the Rising Edge of Write Hold Time on All inputs Write Pulse Width Low Write Pulse Width High .. 20 - 18 - 20 - 20 - 26 - 20 - 20 - ns TSTCB 26 - 20 - 20 - ns 0 12 . ns STARTOUT# Delay from CK-IN 14 TEST CONDITIONS ns ns ns ns . ns TDRPWL 2TFIR-20 - 2TFIR-10 - 2TFIR-10 - ns DATA-OUT Delay Relative toFIR_CK TFIRDV - 50 - 35 - 28 ns DATA ROY Valid Delay Relative tOFIR_CK TFIRDR - 35 - 25 - 20 ns DATA-OUT Delay Relative toOUT_SELH TOUT - 25 - 20 - 20 ns Output Enable to Data Out Valid TOEV ns Note 2 15 - 15 15 - 15 TOEZ - 15 Output Disable to Data Out Three State 15 ns Note 1 Output Rise, Output Fall Times TR,TF - 8 - 8 - 6 ns from .8V to 2V, Note 1 DATA-ROY Pulse Width Low NOTES: 1. Controlled by design or process parameters and not directly tested. Characterized upon in~.ial design and after major process and/or design changes. 2. Transition is measured at ±200mV from steady state voltage with loading as specified in test load circuit with and Cl = 40pF. 3. A.C. Testing is performed as follows: Input levels (ClK Input) 4.0V and OV, . Input levels (all. other Inputs) OV and 3.0V, Timing reference levels (ClK) = 2.0V, (Others) = 1.5V, Input rise and fall times driven at 1 nsN, Output load per test load CircuH and Cl = 40pF. 3-20 HSP43220 Test Load Circuit 1- - - - - - - - - - - - --1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ·INCLUDES STRAY AND JIG CAPACITANCE I 1 _ _ _ _EaUIVALEN~CIRCUrr_ _ _ _ Sw~ch Timing Waveforms 1 I S1 Open for ICCSB and ICCOp Tests INPUT TIMING ~TFIR~ U) a: w ~ u: Q I foo--~-t""- T SPWH CILIN - - T SPWL ~ TSK I . r - - - -...... I 1;---- 1 - - - - - T CK --~-I START TIMING ASTARTIN# tTAST1~---------- RES ET# TRSPW X TRTRS WR# CICIN -TWL- ""-TWH~ I' I::::::l AD -1 STARTOUT# T HOLD )I( C_BUS CICIN TSTADD THOLD TSTCB THOLD ~ ;1fTS~ STARTIN~ _ _ _ __ CS# i:=TSTCS- 1: 3-21 HSP43220 Timing Waveforms (Continued) OUTPUT TIMING DATA_OUT 16 -23 UPPER 8 BITS LOWER 8 BITS I OUT SELJ-I TOUT =';";;=~-'{ 1'-______________________ CURRENT OUTPUT OUT_ENP# OUT_ENX# TOEZ DATA-OUT 3-22 EliHARRIS HSP43220/883 Decimating Digital Fi.lter May 1991 Features Description • This Circuit is Processed in Accordance to Mil-Std883 and is Fully Conformant Under the Provisions of Paragraph 1.2.1. The HSP43220/883 Decimatin Di ital Filter is a linear phase low pass decimation filter which is optimized for fil· terin narrow band si nals in a broad spectrum of a si nal processin applications. The HSP43220/883 offers a sin Ie chip solution to si nal processin application which have historically required several boards of IC's. This reduction in component count results in faster development times as well,as reduction of hardware costs. • Single Chip Narrow Band Filter with up to 96dB Attenuation • DC to 33MHz Clock Rate • 16 Bit 2's Complement Input • 20 Bit Coefficients in FIR • 24 Bit Extended ,Precision Output • Programmable Decimation up to a Maximum of 16,384 • Standard 16 Bit Microprocessor Interface • Filter Design Software Available DECI.MATE lM • Available in 84 Pin PGA Applications The HSP43220/883 Is implemented as a two sta e filter structure. As seen in the block dia ram, the first sta e is a hi h order decimation filter (HDF) which utilizes an efficient decimation (sample rate redu'ctioo) technique to obtain decimation up to 1024 ihrou h a coarse low-pass filterin process. The HDF provides up to 96 dB aliasin rejectlonin the si nal pass band. The second sta e consists of a finite impulse response (FIR) decimation filter structured as a transversal FIR filter with up to 512 symmetric taps which can implement filters with sharp transition re lons.The FIR can perform further decimation by up to 16 if required while preservin the 96 dB aliasin attenuation obtained by the HOF. The combined total decimation capability is 16,384. The HSP43220/883 accepts 16 bit parallel data in 2's complement format at samplin rates up to 30MSPS. It provideS a 16 bit microprocessor compatible interface to simplify the task of pro ram min and three-State oUtputs to allow the connection of several IC'. to a common bus. The HSP43220/883 also provides the capability to bypass either the HDF or the FIR for additional flexibility." ' . • Very Narrow Band Filters • Zoom: Spectral Analysis • Channelized Receivers • Sample Rate Converter' • Instrumentation .512 Tap Symmetric FIR Filtering Block Diagram DECIMATION UP TO 1024 INPUT CL.OCK DATA INPUT CONTROL AND COEFFICIENTS .. 18 . ..16 DECIMATION UP TO 18 ~ ~ HIGH ORDER DECIMATION FILTER FIR DECIMATION FILTER r I .. .. 24 DATA OUT DATA READY T FIR CLOCK DECI • MATE- is a re istered trademark of Harris Corporation. IBM PC-, Xl-, AT-, PS/2- are re latered trademarks of International Business Machines, Inc. CAUTION: Theae devices' are sensHive to electrostatic diachar e. 'Proper I.C. h8ndlin procedures should be followed. Copyright C) Harris Corporation 1991 3-23 Flle Number 2802 Specifications HS1!!;4322 0/883 Absolute Maximum Ratings Reliability Information Supply Voltage , ....................................... +8.0V Input, Output Voltage Applied ........... GND-0.5V toVCC+0.5V Storage Temperature Range •.••....•.•...... -650C to +150oC Junction Temperature .... ~ ........................... +1750 C Lead Temperature (Soldering, Ten Seconds) ••.•........ +300o C ESD Classification .................................... Class 1 Thermal Resistance ' Sja Sjc 7.2oC/W Ceramic PGA Package. . •• •. . .• . • .. 32.90 C/W Maximum Package Power... Dissipation at +1250 C Ceramic PGA Package ...,......................... 1.52 Watt Gate Count • .. . . . .. • .. .. • .. .. .. . . .. . . . .. .. • .. •. 48,250 Gates CAUTION: Stresses above those listed in "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress only rating and operation. of the device at Ihese or any olher conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this' specification is' not Implied. . . Operating Conditions Operating Voltage Range ..•..••.•.••....••...•• +4.5V to +5.5V Operating Temperature Range .••....•.....•. '-SsoC to +12So C TABLE 1. D,C.ELECTRicAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS Devices Guaranteed and.100% Tested •. PARAMETER SYMBOL Logical One Input Voltage VIH Logical Zero Input Voltage VIL. ," LIMITS GROUPA SUBGROUPS TEMPERATURE MIN MAX UNITS VCC=S.SV 1,2,.3 -SSoc ~TA~ +12SoC 2.2 - V YCC=4.SV 1,2,3 -SSOC ~TA ~ +12SoC - 0.8 V CONDITIONS Output HIGH Voltage VOH IOH = -400pA' VCC = 4.SV (Note 1) 1,2,3 -sSOC ~TA~ +12SOC 2.6 - V OUljlut LOW Voltage VOL. IOL = +2.0mA· VCC ~4.SV(Note 1) 1,2,3 -sSOC ~ TA ~+12.SoC - 0.4 V II VIN:" VCC or GND VCC=5.SV 1,2,3 -SSOC,$TA ~ +12SQC '-10 +10 pA VOUT =VCC ()/"dNQ Vcc'=S.SV . 1,2,3 -SSOC !iTA~ +12SOC -10 +1q pA Vcc"=fi.SV 1,2,3 -SSOC ~TA <+12SOC 3.0 - V I Input Leakage Current QutpuU.eakage Current .. Clock Input High . 10 VIHC ,. VCC=4.SV 1,2,3 -SSOC~TA~+12SOC - 0.8 V Standby Power Supply Current ICCSB VIN = VCC or GND VCC = S.5V, Outputs Open . 1,2,3 -sSOC ~TA So +12SoC - SOO pA Operating PoWer Supply Current ICCOp" f=1S.0MHz VCC = S.SV (Note 2) 1,2,3 -SSOC~TA~.j.12S0C - 120.0 mA 7,8 -SSOC SoTA So +12SoC - - Clock InPill Low Functional Test VILC FT (Note 3) NOTES: 1. interchanging 01 force and sensa cond_ 18 parmlHad. 2. Operaling Supply CUrrent 18 proportion.rIo frfIquancy, tYPical rating is . IlmAIMHz. 3. Tasted as IoRowa: f - 1MHz, VIH - 2.8, Vil VOL So 1~5V, VIHC'!!' 3.4V, and VllC - 0.4V. .c·,· 3-24 = 0.4, VOH ~ 1.5V, Specifications HSP43220/883 TABLE 2. A.C. ELECTRICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS Device Guaranteed and 100% Tested LIMITS PARAMETER (NOTE1) CONDITIONS SYMBOL -15 (15MHz) GROUPA SUBGROUPS TEMPERATURE -25 (25.6MHz) MIN MAX MIN MAX UNITS - 39 - ns TCK 9,10,11 -550C s: TA s: +1250C 66 TFIR 9,10,11 -55°C s:TA s: +1250 C 66 TSPWL 9,10,11 -55°C +1250 C 26 TSPWH 9,10,11 -550C S:TA s: +1250 C 26 16 - ns TSK 9,10,11 -55°C s: TAS: + 125°C 0 TFIR - 25 a TFIR -19 ns RESET# Pulse Width Low TRSPW 9,10,11 -55°C s:TA s: +1250 C 4TCK - 4TCK - ns Recovery Time OnRESET# TRTRS 9,10,11 -55°C s:TA s: + 125°C 8TCK - 8TCK - ns ASTARllN# Pulse Width Low TAST 9,10,11 -55°C s:TAS: +1250C TCK +10 - TCK +10 - ns STARTOUT# Delay FromCK-IN TSTOD 9,10,11 -55°C s:TAS: +125OC - 35 - 20 ns STARTIN# Setup ToCK-IN TSTIC 9,10,11 -55°C s:TAS: +1250 C 25 - 15 - ns Setup Time on DATA....JN TSET 9,10,11 -55°C s:TAS: +1250C 20 16 - ns THOLD 9,10,11 -55°C s: TAS:+1250C 0 - 0 - ns Write Pulse Width Low TWL 9,10,11 -55°C s: TAS: +1250C 26 Write Pulse Width High TWH 9,10,11 -550C s:TAS: +1250C 26 Setup Time on Address Bus Before the Rising Edge of Write TSTADD 9,10,11 -55°C s:TAS: +1250C Setup Time on Chip Select Before the Rising Edge of Write TSTCS 9,10,11 Setup Time on Control Bus Before the Rising Edge of Write TSTCB Input Clock Period FIR Clock Period Clock Pulse Width Low Clock Pulse Width High Clock Skew Between FIR_CK and CK-IN Hold Time on All Inputs s: TA s: 39 16 ns ns U) ;:;: 20 28 - 24 - -55°C s: TAS: +1250C 28 - 24 - ns 9,10,11 -55°C s: TAS: +1250C ~8 - 24 - ns TDRPWL 9,10,11 -55°C s:TAS: +1250 C 2TFIR -20 - 2TFIR -10 - ns DATA.....OUT Delay Relative to FIR_CK TFIRDV 9,10,11 -55°C s:TAS: +1250 C - 50 - 35 ns DATA.....RDYValid Delay Relative to FIR_CK TFIRDR 9,10,11 -55°C s: TA s: +1250 C - 35 - 25 ns DATA.....OUT Delay Relative to OUT_SELH TOUT 9,10,11 -55°C s: TA s: +1250 C - 30 - 25 ns Output Enable to Data Out Valid TOEV 9,10,11 -55°C s:TA s: +1250 C - 20 - 20 ns DATA.....RDY Pulse Width Low 2 NOTES: 1. A.C. Testing: Inputs are driven at 3.0Vfor a Logic "1" and O.OV for a logic "0". Input and output liming measurements are made at 1.5V for both a LogiC "1" and "0". Inputs driven at lV/ns. elK is driven at 4.0V and OV and measured at 2.0V. 15 ns ns ns 2. Transition is measured at ±200mV from steady state voltage with loading as specWied by test load circuit and CL = 40pF. 3-25 a: w !:i C I HSP43220/883 , TABLE 3. ELECT>RICAL PEfU'ORMANCE'CHARACTERISTICS .. .~ ,,~ .. '.' LIMITS -15 (15MHz) " TEMpERATURE MIN ':.... 1, TA=+;!5 0C - .. 12 1 TI\.=+250 C - TOEZ 1,2 -550C~TA~+1250C - Output Rise Time TOR 1,2 -550C~TA <+1250 C Output Fall Time 'TOF 1,2 -550C~TA~+1250C NOTES PARAMETERS SYMBOL CONDITIONS Input Capacfiande , CIN "cc'=open, f= 1 !VI Hz, All mea~urements are referenced to deviceGND. Output Capacitance COUT ·V.CC = Open, f';' l~Hz,AlI MAX -25 (25.6MHz) MIN MAX UNITS - 12 pF 10 - 10 pF 20 - 20 ns 8 - 8 ns 8 - ..8 ns .. ,.., measurements are referenced to deviceGND. , Output Disable Delay NOTES: 1. Parameters listed in Table 3 are controlled via design or process parameters and are not directly tested. These parameters are characterized upon initial design and after major process 'and/or d~sign changes. - 2. Loading is as spacWied in the test load circuH with CL = 40pF. , , TABLE 4. APi>LlCABLE SUBGROUPS "' CONFORMANCEGROUPS; . Initial Iest InterjmTest .METHOD SUBGROUPS 100%/5004 - 100%/5004 - PDA 100% 1 Final Test 100% 2,3,8A,8B,10,11 - 1,2,3,7, 8A,8B, 9,10, 11 Sampll'lsJ5005 1,7,9 Group A GroupsC&D ... " .. , .- .. ... " 3-26 HSP43220/883 Burn-In Circuit DATA..... A IN. DATA..... IN. C G A1 RESET CS'" w_ AG c~us CJUS CJlUS 10 16 ,. " C.....BUS 11 CJlUS ,,-"us CJUS OND K DATAIN 7 DATAIN. DATAIN 11 IN 14 DATAIN8 DATA..... IN 13 DATAIN 12 DATAIN 15 DATA..... IN6 DATAIN 9 DATA..... IN 10 DATA..... 10 11 Vee GND GND CK-IN Vec DATA... OUT 1 DAT"-. DATA..... OUT 0 OUT 2 13 Vec C_BUB 7 eJlUs CJUS 8 rn a: PIN NAME PIN LEAD BURN-IN SIGNAL PIN LEAD BURN-IN SIGNAL PIN NAME PIN LEAD PIN NAME BURN-IN SIGNAL GND GND el ASTARTIN#' F1S Fll DATA-OUT 3 VCC/2 A2 DATA-IN 1 F2 e2 Vee Vee Gl C_BUS12 FS A3 DATA-IN 2 F3 es DATA_INS F6 G2 C_BUSll F4 A4 DATA-IN 4 FS e6 DATA-IN 9 F2 G3 C_BUS13 F6 AS DATA-IN 7 F8 e7 DATA-IN 10 F3 G9 DATA-OUT 10 Vce/2 A6 DATA-IN 8 Fl el0 DATA-OUT 0 Vee/2 Gl0 GND GND A7 DATA-IN 11 F4 ell DATA_OUT 2 Vee/2 Gll DATA-OUT 11 Vce/2 A8 DATA-IN 14 F7 01 Al F14 Hl C_BUS9 F2 A9 Vee Vee D2 RESET#' F16 H2 Vec VCC Al0 GND GND Dl0 DATA-OUT 3 Vee/2 Hl0 DATA-OUT 13 Vec/2 All GND GND 011 DATA_OUT 4 Vec/2 Hl1 DATA-OUT 12 VCC/2 GND 91 STARTIN#' F1S El es#' Fll Jl GND B2 STARTOUT#' Vee/2 E2 WR#' Fll J2 C_BUS7 FS B3 DATA-IN 0 Fl E3 AO F13 JS OUT_SELH FlO B4 DATA-IN 3 F4 E9 DATA-OUTS VCC/2 J6 GND GND BS DATA-IN 6 F7 El0 DATA-OUT 6 VCC/2 J8 FIR_CK FO B6 DATA--'N 13 F6 Ell DATA-OUT 7 VCC/2 Jl0 DATA-OUT 16 Vce/2 B7 DATA--'N 12 FS Fl C_BUS10 F3 Jll DATA-OUT 14 Vce/2 B8 DATA--'N 16 F8 F2 C_BUS1S F8 Kl C_BUS8 Fl B9 elCJN FO F3 C_BUS14 F7 K2 C_BUSS F6 Bl0 Vee Vee F9 DATA-OUT 9 VCC/2 K3 C_BUS4 FS Bll DATA-OUT 1 Vee/2 FlO Vcc K4 C_BUSl F2 NOTES: 1. Vee/2 (2.7V ±1 0%) used for outputs only. 2. 47KO (±20%) resistor connected to all pins except Vee and GND. 3. Vee = 5.5 ±0.5V. 5. FO = 100kHz ±1 0%, F1 Duty Cycle. =FO/2, F2 =F1 12 ..... F1 6 =F1 512, 40% - 60% 6. Input voHage limits: VIL = 0,8 max, VIH = 4.5V ±10%. 4. 0.1pF (min) capacitor between Vee and GND per position. 3-27 i:i: CI Al Vec LU !:i I HSP43220/883 Burn-In Circuit PIN LEAD PIN NAME (Con,t1nued) BURN,..IN SIGNAL PIN LEAD PIN 'NAME BURN-IN SIGNAL PIN LEAD PIN NAME BURN-IN SIGNAL K5 OUT_ENP# F9 K11 DAT~OUT15 Vcc/2 L6 DAT~RDY# VCC/2 K6 Vcc Vcc L1 C_BUS6 1"7 L7 VCC VCC K7 GND GND L2 'C_BUS3. F4 L8 DAT~OUT23 VCC/2 K8 DAT~OUT22 Vcc/2 L3 C_BUS2 F3 L9 DAT~OUT21 VCC/2 K9 DAT~OUT19 Vcc/2 L4 C_BUSO Fl L10 DAT~OUT20 VCC/2 K10 DAT~OUT17 Vcc/2 L5 OI:lT_ENP# F9 L11 DAT~OUT18 VCC/2 I NOTES: 1. Vee/2 (2.7V ±10%) used for outputs only, 2. 47KO (±20%) resistor connected to all pins except Vee a!,d GND. 3. Vee 4. = 5,5 ±0.5V. 0.1~F 5. FO = 100kHz ±10%, F1 Duty Cycle. 6. Input (min) capacitor between Vee and GND per position. 3-28 vo~age = FO/2,F2 =F1/2 ..... F16 = F15/2, 40%- 60% ' limits: VIL = O.B max, VIH = 4.5V ± 10%. HSP43220/883 Metal Topology DIE DIMENSIONS: 348 x 349.2 x 19±1 mils WORST CASE CURRENT DENSITY: 1.18 x 105 A/cm 2 METALLIZATION: Type: Si - AI or Si - AI - Cu Thickness: 8k.B. GLASSIVATION: Type: Nitrox Thickness: 10k.B. DIE ATTACH: Material: Silver Glass Metallization Mask Layout HSP43220/883 0 Z Z .. '" Z Z ... "' Z ~ J~~ ~ 0 Z l- I- I- lI« « « « « 0 0 0 0 0 Cl ;= Z . Z -I S«~ 0 S 0 0 ... N 0 en Z Z ~ l- '" Z "'Z Z Z I ~ « ~ l-~ I-~ I- l- IZ « 0 e( 0 e( e( 0 0 « 0 e( 0 Z 00 OZ l<: >Cl 0 I 0 0 > STARTOUT# (12) Vcc (13) STARTIN# (14) en a: w ASTARTIN# (15) ~ u::: RESET# (16) CI I A1 (17) AO (18) WR# (19) CS# (20) C_BUS15 (21) C_BUS14 (22) C_BUS13 (23) C_BUS12 (24) C_BUS11 (25) C_BUS10 (26) C_BUS9 (27) VCC (28) GND (29) C_BUS8 (30) C_BUS7 (31) C_BUS6 (32) M ., ;;; iO ;:: iO c;;- e e e e e e e "'::> ...::> ::>'" '"::> fIl fIl fIl fIl ID ID ID ID 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 (ij ::> ID 0 1 0 fIl ::> ID 0 1 J: oJ UJ j ::> 0 ., o N M :!. ~ :!. :!. :!. ,.. ,.. ... )( UJ UJ Z 1 l- ::> 0 Z 1 I- 0 0 > 0 Z Cl l<: 0 1 II: ii: ::> 0 ;;; iO ;:: ;0 me ~ M :!. :!. :!. :!. :!..!e !e!e. e o en 0 0 ;;j N ~ co Z )0- N N 0 Cl 0 l- I- l- I- I- ~ > ,.. II: ~ « 0 3-29 '" '" '" ::> ::> ::> ::> ::> ::> 0 00 00 0 JJ ~ ~ I-« ~ ~ « e( « « 0 00 00 0 1 e( I- 1 1 1 HSP43220/883 Packaging t 84 PIN CERAMIC PIN GRID ARRAY SEA TING PLANE } E_~;+:~_I_o_·_· .g,'g ---hL------, K J H G ®®®® ®®®®@l-t---. ®®®®®$®®®®® ®® ®®® ®® ®® I ®® .000 ®®® I ® ® ® s~e e-e -- + - - -e-e-e- - --.l I ®®® h-c::I~:;g 1.140 1.180 1.000 .100 sse sse = ~ .ooi 1. INCREASE MAXIMUM LIMIT BY WHEN SOLDER DIP OR TIN pl..,An:;' LEAD FINISH APPLIES. LEAD MATERIAL: Type B LEAD FINISH: :Type C PACKAGE MATERIAL: Ceramic, AI203 90% PACKAGE SEAL: Material: Gold/Tin Temperature: 3200C ± 100C Method: Furnace Braze ' NOTE: All Dimensions are INTERNAL LEAD WIRE: Material: Aluminum Diameter: 1.25 Mil Bonding Method:·. Ultrasonlp Wedge COMPLIAfilT OUTLINE: 38510 P-AC MMin ,Dimensions are in inches. ax tMA-M-38S10 Compllant Materials, Finishes, and Dimensions. 3-30 mHARRIS DECleMATE™ Harris HSP43220 Decimating Digital Filter Development Software May 1991 Harris DECI- MATE Development Software assists the design engineer to prototype designs for the Harris HSP43220 Decimating Digital filter (DDF). Developed specifically for the DDF, this software consists of three integrated modules: DDF Design, DDF Simulator and DDF PROM. The Design module designs a filter from a set of user specifications for the DDF. The Simulator module models the DDPs internal operation. The PROM module uses the device configuration created by the Design module to build a PROM data file that can be used to store and download the DDF configuration. DDF System Design The DDF consists of two stages: a High Decimation Filter (HDF) and a Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filter. Together these provide a unique narrow band, low pass filter. Because of this unique architecture, special software is required to configure the device for a given set of filter parameters. This software uses system level filter parameters (listed below) to perform the trade off analysis and calculate the values for the DDPs configuration registers,and FIR coefficients. Design specifications are supplied by the user in terms of: Frequency response curves are then displayed showing the resulting responses in the HDF, FIR and for the entire chip using the given filter design. Figure 2 is a typical display. ThE! user may save this frequency response data for further analysis. The design module, also creates a report file documenting tile filter design and providing the coefficients and setup register values for programming the device. DDF Simulator The simulator provides an accurate simulation of the device before any hardware is built. It can be used to simulate any filter designed with DECI- MATE. The simulator takes into account the fixed point bus widths and pipeline delays for every element in the DDF. The simulator provides the user with an input signal which can be used to stimulate the filter. This signal is created from the options shown in Table 1. The user can select a pure step, impulse, cosine, chirp, uniform or Gaussian noise as the input signal, or a more complex signal can be generated by combining that data with an option selectE!d from thE! Signal #2 column, with the combining operator chosen from the middle column. The user can also import a signal from an outside source. 1. Input sample frequency SIGNAL #1 Step Impulse 2. Required output sample frequency 3. Passband signal bandwidth 4. Transition bandwidth COSINE Chirp Uniform Noise Gaussian Noise 5. Amount of attenuation allowed in the passband 6. Amount of stopband attenuation required for signals outside of the band of interest. This information is entered into a menu screen (See Figure 1), providing immediate feedback on the design validity. The design module calculates the order of the HDF, HDF decimation required, the FIR input data rate, minimum clock frequency for the FIR, FIR order and decimation required in the FIR. The design module will then generate the FIR filter. Four different methods are provided for the FIR design: 1. A Standard FIR automatically designed by the module using the Parks-McClellan method to compute the coefficients of an equiripple (Chebyshev) filter. 2. Any FIR imported into the Design module from another FIR design program. 3. A precompensated FIR which is automatically designed by the module to compensate for the roll-off in the passband of the HDF frequency response. 4. The FIR may also be bypassed in which case the optimal HDF is designed from the user specifications. OPERATION No Operation Add Concatenate Multiply SIGNAL #2 Step Impulse COSINE Chirp Uniform Noise Gaussian Noise Imported From Outside Probes are provided to select specific areas to graphically display data values as well as save into data files for further processing. The DDF Simulator has two levels; the DDF Simulator Specification screen and the DDF Simulator Main Screen. The specification screen (see Figure 3) is used to input the simulation parameters. The users selects display modes in either continuous or decimated format and data formats in either decimal or hexadecimal. The specification screen also provides for selection of the input signal. The simulator main screen (see Figure 4) defines the simulator test probes and displays the data values per clock cycle. The interactive simulator screen consists of the HSP43220 block diagram, test probes and register contents. The user selects the step size of the input sample clock and also selects the probes to be monitored. The simulator will then clock through the specified number of clock cycles and display the resulting time domain response. Figure 5 shows a typical probe display. Copyright © Harris Corporation 1991 DECI- MATETM is a Trademark of Harris Corporation 3-31 rn I:C w !:i u: Q .... I DEC/-MATE Monarch 2.0'DSP Design 'Software System Requirements DECI- MATE is fully, integrated with Monarch 2.0 professional ·DSP design· software. Monarch is a fiJlIfeatured DSP. package. with FIR, IIR . filter design and analysis, Two dimensional and Three dimensional viewing, a programmable'sigFlal/systems laboratory with 100+ DSP/ , Math ..,unctions, extensive fixed-point support and FFTs/ IFFTs. Monarch ·.is available separately from The Athena . Group, Inc. IBM PC"', XT"', AT"', PS/2'" computer or 100% compatible with 640k RAM running MS/PC.,.DOS 2.0 or higher. One MegaByte of fixed-disk space with 5.25" or 3.5" floppy drive. CGA, MCGA, EGA, VGA,8514, or Hercules graphics adapter, A Math co-processor is strongly recommended. When used with Monarch 2.0, DECI- MATE becomes a full feature design environment for a DSP system." Data can easily be transferred from DECI- MATE modules to the Monarch modules for further analysis. . I "DESIGN MODULE SIMULATOR MODULE PROM MODULE HSP43220 DDF FILTER SPECIFICATION D E C I - Filter File : PRES.DDF Input .Sample Rate: 33 MHz Output Rate 100 kHz Passband 5 kHz Transition Band 700 Hz Passband Atten 1 dB Stopband Atten 96 dB FIR Type Design Mode Generate 'Report Display Response Save Freq Responses Save FIR Response AUTO YES LOG YES YES STANDARD M A T HDF Order HDF'Decimation HDF Scale Factor 4 330 0.6903 E FIR FIR FIR FIR Input Rate Clock (min) Order Decimation FIGURE 1. FILTER SPECIFICATION MENU IBM PC-. XT". AT-. PS/2- are Registered Trademarks of IBM 3-32 100 kHz 33 MHz 509 1 II DEC/-MATE 3.220~~=---~-----r----~-----, 1.3'1i4.t ... ,.. t ..... r.--l---·+. ,·. ·. ·. ,. 1 -O.0065r=====~-----:-----------:-----------:------------:-----------, -47.6682 +...... "..... .,. II: w !:i ;:;: Q I -238.31.4~r-------~ndbrrr-------~~~------~~~------~~v.------~~~~ FIGURE 2. FREQUENCY DISPLAY I SIMULATOR MODULE DESIGN MODULE PROM MODULE II HSP43220 DDF SIMULATOR SPECIFICATION D E Filter File Probe Display Save Cont. Output Display Mode PRES.DAR HEX YES CONTINUOUS Input Rate Output Rate 33 MHz 100 kHz C INPUT SIGNAL SPECIFICATION I - M A T Signal Origin Signal U Operator Signal it2 GENERATED Amplitude COSINE 1. 00 Frequency 5 kHz + GAUSS Mean 0.00 StdDev 0.500000 E FIGURE 3. SPECIFICATION MENU 3-33 Phase 0.00 DEC/-MATE DESIGti VIEW tWtLYSIS co,tFIG OsSHELL' HSP43228 DBF S II'IJLATOR - PIA I" BDrDES rmIGI DDrpJro" ~J out_seU. HIGH out_sel" LOU ~!.L!,;,!;L!J Step Size ....hel'· Sa.ples In ....'bar Sa.p lea Out: FIGURE 4. SIMULATOR - MAIN MENU 76~H""f""""""""'" ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 45IU+··································· .. ·············............... •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••• ...........................,...,.............. -0. FlGI.IRE 5. SIMULATOR PROBE DISPLAY :,l-34 1 It It HSP43891 mHARRIS Digital Filter May 1991 Features Description • Eight Filter Cells The HSP43891 is a video-speed Digital Filter (DF) designed to efficiently implement vector operations such as FIR digital filters. It is comprised of eight filter cells cascaded internally and a shift and add output stage, all in a single integrated circuit. Each filter cell contains a 9x9 two's complement multiplier, three decimation registers and a 26-bit accumulator. The output stage contains an additional 26-bit accumulator which can add the contents of any filter cell accumulator to the output stage accumulator shifted right by 8 bits. The HSP43891 has a maximum sample rate of 30M Hz. The effective mUltiply-accumulate (mac) rate is 240M Hz. The HSP43891 DF can be configured to process expanded coefficient and word sizes. Multiple DFs can be cascaded for larger filter lengths without degrading the sample rate or a single DF can process larger filter lengths at less than 30MHz with multiple passes. The architecture permits processing filter lengths of over 1000 taps with the guarantee of no overflows. In practice, most filter coefficients are less than 1 .0, making even larger filter lengths possible. The DF provides for 8-bit unsigned or 9-bit two's complement arithmetic, independently selectable for coefficients and signal data. • 0 to 30M Hz Sample Rate • 9-Blt Coefficients and Signal Data • 26-Blt Accumulator per Stage • Filter Lengths Over 1000 Taps • Shift-and-Add Output Stage for Combining Filter Outputs • Expandable Coefficient Size, Data Size and Filter Length • Decimation by 2, 3 or 4 • CMOS Power Dissipation Characteristics Applications • 1-0 and 2-D FIR Filters • Radar/Sonar • Digital Video and Audio • Adaptive Filters • Echo Cancellation • Correlation/Convolution Each DF filter cell contains three re-sampling or decimation registers which permit output sample rate reduction at rates of 1/2, 1/3 or 1/4 the input sample rate. These registers also provide the capability to perform 2-D operations such as matrix multiplication and NxN spatial correlations/ convolutions for image processing applications. • Complex Multiply-Add • Butterfly Computation • Matrix Multiplication • Sample Rate Converters Block Diagram Vss DING-DIN' iiiENi CIENB DCMO-1 EiiAsE C>---cf---i--;:::::==t=:;=±=t=:;===t=:;===t=:;===t=:;===t=:;===!-----, COUTO-' CINO-' iiESei' ClK ADRO-2 26 iiffiT ClK SHADD C>~------------------I°S~~UET SENBl SfNi'ij C>~-~if-----------.-----~ 26 SUMO-25 CAUTION: These devices are sensHive \0 electrostatic discharge. Proper I.C. handling procedures should be followed. Copyright @ Harris Corporation 1991 3-35 File Number 2785.1 rn a: w !:i u:: CI I HSP43891 PiJl-out~' 85 PIN GRID ARRAY (PGA) ,. 0 DCM1 K 0 0 0 SENBH 9UN14 0 e Vee H D 0 0 0 Vee 0 SUMt. 0 0 v•• Vee 0 0 0 0 Vss SutUt 0 0 SUNil SUNtS SUllt2 SUNtO 0 0 0 8U ..7. 0 SUMS 0eLK HSP43891 0 0 BOTTOM VIEW COUTO SHADD 0 coun Vss 0 0 0 SUM' 0 SUMO PINS UP 0 0 CIN, COUTO 0 0 coo,.. 0 0 coon Vee 0 eOENB 0 AUGH DIENB PIN 0 COOTe O .Q 0 Vss Vee 0 EiiME 0 "ESET 0 DINB 0 D",7 0 DIN. 0 DIN1 0 DINe 0 DIN< 0 DIN2 SUM23 10 II 8 7 8 6' 4 3 2 1 B4 83 a2 81 • 80 79 78 77 78 7& COUla COUT7 SUM.. vs. Vee COUTS BUMlt 9U ..20 SUM18 ....... SUM18 VS. SUMl7 9UM18 HSP43891 TOP VIEW IIE8ET DiENii DINO Vee 0lN7 BUYllS DIN8 SUMt. DIN5 8UM13 DIN4 8UM1. Y,ss DINI SUMt1 DJN1. 8UNl10 D ... CIENS 8UMa SUMO CINa 8UM7 Vee 3-36 0 DINa 84 PIN PLASTIC LEADED CHIP CARRIER (PLCC) 11 0 SUMS 0 0 elENS 0 DIN. 0 0 VS, 0 su ... 0 8UM2 0 vs. 0 0 cOHO iENii. 0 Vee 0 0 elNO GIN3 0 eIN7 CINa 0 0 CINa 0 su ... Vee 0 COUTS COUT4 ceUT5 0 SUM. 0 SUN20 8UMU' 8UM1. 0 DelIO " 0 8UMlS 0 0 G 0 ADRO ADA! 0 0 v,. 0 0 Vss 0 8UM25 AD"' G 0 SUM23 SUNn SUM2l 8UM18 8U"'4 Vee 0 c_ 0 vs • HSP43891 Pin Description SYMBOL PIN NUMBER TYPE NAME AND FUNCTION VCC Bl,Jl,A3, K4,L7,Al0, FlO, Dll +5 power supply input VSS Al, Fl, E2, K3,K6,L9, All,E11, Hll CLK G3 I The CLK input provides the DF system sample clock. The maximum clock frequency is 30MHz. 01NQ-8 A5-8, B5-7 C6,C7 I These nine inputs are the data sample Input bus. Nine-bit data samples are synchronously loaded through these pins to the X register of each filter cell of the OF simultaneously. The DIENB signal enables loading, which is synchronous on the rising edge of the clock signal. Power supply ground input .The data samples can be either 9-bit two's complement or 8-bit unsigned values. For 9-bit two's complement values, 0lN8 is the sign bit. For 8-bit unsigned values, 0lN8 must be held at logical zero. DlENB CINO-8 C5 A9, B9-11, Cl0,Cl1, 010, E9, I I A low on this input enables the data sample Input bus (0INO-8) to all the filter cells. A rising edge of the CLK signal occurring while DIENB is low will load the X register of every filter cell with the 9-bit value present on DINO-8. A high on this Input forces all the bits of the data sample input bus to zero; a rising CLK edge when OIENB is high will load the X register of every filter cell with all zeros. This signal is latched inside the device, delaying its effect by one clock internal to the device. Therefore it must be low during the clock cycle Immediately preceding presentation of the desired data on the 01NO-8 inputs. Detailed operation is shown in later timing diagrams. Thllse nine inputs are used to input the 9-bit coefficients. The coefficients are synchronously loaded into the C register of filter CELLO if a rising edge of CLK occurs while CIENB is low. The CIENB signal is delayed by one clock as discussed below. . El0 The coefficients can be either 9-bit two's complement or 9-bit u\1signed values. For 9-bit two's complement values, CIN8 is the sign bit. For 8-bit unsigned values, CIN8 must be held at logical zero. ALIGN PIN C3 Used for aligning chip on socket or printed circuit board. This pin must be left as a no connect in circuit CIENB B8 I A low on this input enables the C register of every filter cell and the 0 (decimation) registers of every filter cell according to the state of the DCMO-l inputs. A rising edge of the ClK signal occurring while CIENB is low will load the C register and appropriate 0 registers with the coefficient data present at their inputs. This provides the mechanism for shifting coefficients from cell to cell through the device. A high on this input freezes the contents of the C register and the D registers, ignoring the ClK signal. This signal is latched and delayed by one clock internal to the OF. Therefore it must be low during the clock cycle immediately preceding presentation of the desired coefficient on the CINO-8 inputs. Detailed operation is shown in later timing diagrams. COUTO-8 B2,B3,Cl, 01,El,C2, 02,F2,E3 0 These nine three-state outputs are used to output the 9-bit cosfficients from filter CEll7. These outputs are enabled by the COENB signal low. These outputs may be tied to the CINQ-8 inputs of the same OF to recirculate to coefficients, or they may be tied to the CINQ-8 inputs of another DF to cascade DFs for longer filter lengths. COENB A2 I A low on the COENB input enables the COUTO-8 outputs. A high on this input places all these outputs in their high impedance state. L1,G2 I These two inputs determine the use of the internal decimation registers as follows: . DCMO-l OCM1 0 DECIMATION FUNCTION DCMO 0 Decimation registers not used 0 1 One decimation register is used 1 0 Two decimation registers are used 1 1 Three decimation registers are used 3-37 ...a: !:i rn u:: CI I HSP43891, Pin Description (Continued) PIN NUMBER TYPE NAME AND FUNCTION DCMO-1 (Cont) L1,G2 I The coefficients pass from cell to cell at a rate determined by the number of decimation registers used. When no decimation registers are used, coefficients move from cell to cell on each clock. When one decimation register Is used, coefficients move from cell to cell on every other clock, etc. These signals are latched and delayed 'by one clock Internal to the device. . SUMO-25 J2,J5-8, J10,K2, K5-11 L2-6, LB, L10,L11 0 These 26 three-state outputs are used to output the resuits of the internal filter cell computations. Individual filter cell results or the result of the shift-and-add output stage can be output If an individual filter cell result is to be output, the ADRO-2 signals seiect the filter cell result. The SHADD signal determines whether the selected filter cell result or the output stage adder result is output. The signals SENBH and SENBL enable the most significant and least significant bits of the SUMO-25 result respectively. Both SENBH and SENBL may be enabled simu!taneously if the system has a 26-bit or larger bus. HoWever individual enables are provided to facilitate use with a 16-bit bus. SENBH K1 I A low on this Input enables result bits SUM16-25. A high on this input places these bits in their high impedance state. SENBL· E11 I A low on this input enables result bits SUMG-15. A high on this input places these bits in their high impedance state. ADRG-2 G1, H1, H2 I These three inputs select the one cell whose accumulator will be read through the output bus (SUMG-25) or added to the output stage accumulator. They also determine which accumulator will be cleared when ERASE is low. These inputs are latched in the OF and deiayed by one clock internal to the device. If ADRO-2 remains at the same address for more than one clock, the outPut at SUMO-25 will not change to reflect any subsequent accumulator updates in the addressed cell. Only the result available during the first clock, when ADRG-2 selects ths cell, will be output This does not .hinder normal operation since the ADRG-2 Hnes are changed ssqusntially. This feature facilitates the interface with slow memories where the output is required to be fixed for more than one clock. SHADD F3 I The SHADD input controls the activation of the shift and add operation in the output stage. This signal is latched on chip and delayed by one clock Internal to the device. Detailed explanation is given in the OF OutputStage section . RESET A4 I . A low on this input synchronously clears all the internal registers, except the cell accumulators It can be used with ERASE to also clear all the accumulators simultaneously. This signal is latched in the OF and delayed by one clock internal to the device. ERASE B4 I A low on this input synchronously clears the cell accumulator selected by the ADRO-2 signals. If RESET is also low simultaneously, all cell accumulators are cleared. SYMBOL 3..,38 HSP43891 Functional Description The Digital Filter Processor (DF) is composed of eight filter cells cascaded together and an output stage for combining or selecting filter cell outputs (See Block Diagram). Each filter cell contains a multiplier-accumulator and several registers (Figure 1). Each 9-bit coefficient is multiplied by a 9-bit data sample, with the result "added to the 26-bit accumulator contents. The coefficient output of each cell-is-cascaded to the coefficient input of the next cell to its right. DF Filter Cell A 9-bit coefficient (CINO-8) enters each cell through the C register on the left and exits the cell on the right as signals COUTO-8. The 'coefficients may move directly from the C register to the output, exiting the cell on the clock following its entrance. When decimation is selected the coefficient exit is delayed by 1, 2 or 3 clocks by passing through one or more decimation registers (D1, D2 or D3). adder output is loaded synchronously into both the accumulator and the TREG. The TREG loading is disabled by the cell select signal, CELLn, where n is the cell number. The cell select is decoded from the ADRO-2 signals to generate the TREG load enable. The cell select is inverted and applied as the load enable to the TREG. Operation is such that the TREG is loaded whenever the cell is not selected. Therefore, TR EG is loaded every clock except the clock following cell selection. The purpose of the TREG is to hold the result of a sum-ofproducts calculation during the clock when the accumulator is cleared to prepare for the next sum-of-products calculation. This allows continuous accumulation without ' wasting clocks. The accumulator is loaded with the adder output every clock unless it is cleared. It is cleared synchronously in two ways. When RESET and ERASE are both low, the accumulator is cleared along with all other registers on the device. Since ERASE and RESET are latched and delayed one clock internally, clearing occurs on the second CLK following the onset of both ERASE and RESET low. The combination of D registers through which the coefficient passes is determined by the state of DCMO and DCM1. The output signals (COUTO-8) are connected to the CINO-8 inputs of the next cell to its right. The COENB input The second accumulator clearing' mechanism clears a signal enables the COUTO-8 outputs of the right most cell single accumulator in a selected cell. The cell select signal, "CELLn, decoded from ADRO-2 and the ERASE signal to the COUTO-8 pins of the device. enable clearing of the accumulator on the next CLK. The C and D registers are enabled for loading by CIENB. Loading is synchronous with CLK when CIENB is low. Note The ERASE and RESET signals clear the DF internal that CIENB is latched internally. It enables the register for registers and states as follows: loading after the next CLK following the onset of CIENB low. ERASE RESET CLEARING EFFECT Actual loading occurs on the second CLK following the onset of CIENB low. Therefore CIENB must be low during No clearing occurs, internal state ' 1 1 the clock cycle immediately preceding presentation of the remains same. coefficient on the CINO-8 inputs. In most basic FIR 1 RESET only active, all registers except 0 operations, CTEiiJB will be low, throughout the prqcess, so accumulators are cleared, including, this latching and delay sequence is onlY'important during the internal pipeline registers. the initialization phase. When CIENB is high, the coefficients are frozen. EiRASE only active, the accumulator 0 1 whose address is given by the ADRo-2 inputs is cleared. These registers are cleared synchronously under control of RESET, which is latched and delayed exactly_like CIENB. 0 The output of the C register (CO-a) is one input to 9x9 multiplier. The other input to the 9x9 multiplier comes from the output of the X register. This register is loaded with a data sample from the device input signals DINO-8 discussed above. The X register is enabled for loading by DIENB. Loading"is synchronous with CLK when DIENB is low. Note that DIENB is latched internally. It ,enables the register for loading after the next CLK following the onset of DIENB low. Actual loading occurs on the second CLK following the onset of DIENB low; therefore, DIENB must be low during the clock cycle immediately preceding presentation of the data sample on the DINO-8 inputs. In most basic FIR operations, DIENB will be low throughout the process, so this latching and delay sequence is only important during the initialization phase. When DIENS"is high, the X register is loaded with all zeros. The multiplier Is pipelined and is modeled as a multiplier core followed by two pipeline registers, MREGO and MREG1 (Figure 1). The multiplier output is sign extended and input as one operand of the 26-bit adder. The other adder operand is the output of the 26-bit accumulator..The 0 Both" RESET and ERASE active, all accumulstors as '!'Iell as all, other registers are cleared. The DF Output Stage The output stage consists of a 26-bit adder, 26-bit register, feedback multiplexer from the register to the adder, an output multiplexer and a 26-bit three-state driver stage (Figure 2). The 26-bit output adder can add any filter cell accumulator result to the 18 most significant bits of the output buffer. This result is stored baCk in the output buffer. This operation takes place in one clock period. The eight LSBs of the output buffer are lost. The filter cell accumulator is selected by the ADRO-2 inputs. The 18 MSBs of the output buffer actually pass through the zero mux on their way to the output adder input. The zero mux is controlled by the SHADD input signal and selects either the output buffer 18 MSBs or all zeros for the adder input. A low on the SHADD input selects zero. A high on the SHADD input selects the output buffer MSBs, thus activating the shift-and-add operation. The SHADD signal is latched and delayed by one clock internally. 3-39 '"a:w !:i u: CI ..--I HSP438!!1 DCM1.D >---'----------'--------------~-------, DCMO.D, >-..,--.,----,--.,.--,----...:...-...:...----, RESET.D >---,-,--.,.~T_--.,.-------T_--+~----__1t_--__, CIENB.D >------'---'-----. DIENI.D' >-------, 1- - - - LD CLR X REO' XO-8 DINO-a I I C MUL TI- ":==~L1'o--lc===============::;:==JlX PLiER CORE L P8-17 CLK I LATCHES RESET.D rc>--+ DCMO.O 'iiEsif L>--~r­ , DIENI RESET.D C>----«I DIEN •• D Cifrii ADRO I I I I I I DCM1.D DCMl DCMO >-_---~I-_...._l CIENB.D C>---i ADRO.D AQR1.D lDRl ADR2 C>---ii-- AD!l2.D ERASE .->----11-- ERASE.D SIGN EXTENSION ACC:DO-25 CLK ) -_ _ _---' ERASE.D CLK ERASE CELL. CELL 0 ADRO ADRl ADR2 DEC,ODER ••• CELL 1 CELL 7 CELL •• D AOUTO-25 FIGURE 1. HSP43891 DF FILTER CELL 3-40 I COUTO-I I I I HSP43891 CELL RESULTS o 1 6 This does not hinder normal FIR operation since the ADRO-2 lines are changed sequentially. This feature facilitates the interface with slow memories where the output is required to be fixed for more than one clock. 7 The SUMO-25 output bus is controlled by the SENBH and SENBl signals. A low on SENBl enables bits SUMO-15. A low on SENBH enables bits SUM16-25. Thus all 26 bits can be output simultaneously if the external system has a 26-bit or larger bus. If the external system bus is only 16 bits, the bits can be enabled in two groups of 16 and 10 bits (sign extended). DF Arithmetic Both data samples and coefficients can be represented as either 8-bit unsigned or .9-bit two's complement numbers. The 9x9 bit multiplier in each cell expects 9":bit two's complement operands. The binary format 'of 8-bit two's complement is shown below. Note that if the most significant or sign bit is held at logical zero, the 9-bit two's complement multiplier can multiply 8-bit unsigned operands. Only the upper (positive) half of the two's complement binary range is used. SHADD eLK The multiplier output is 18 bits and the accumulator is 26 bits. The accumulator width determines the maximum possible number of terms in the sum of products without overflow. The maximum number of terms depends also on the number system and the distribution of the coefficient and data values. Then maximum numbers of terms in the sum products are: SUMO-25 FIGURE 2. HSP43891 DFP OUTPUT STAGE The,26 least significant bits (lSBs) from either a cell accumulator or the output buffer are output on the SUMO-25 bus. The output mux determines whether the cell accumulator selected by ADRO-2 or the output buffer is output to the bus. This muxis controlled by the SHADD input signal. Control is based on the state of the SHADD during two successive clocks; in other words, the output mux selection contains memory. If SHADD is low during a clock cycle and was low during the previous clock, the output mux selects the contents of the filter cell accumulator addressed by ADRO-2. Otherwise the output mux selects the contents of the output buffer. If the ADRO-2 lines remain at the same address for more than one clock, the output at SUMO-25 will not change to reflect any subsequent accumulator updates in the addressed cell. Only the result. available during the first clock when ADRO-2 'selects the cell· will be output. MAX # OF TERMS NUMBER SYSTEM 8-BIT 9-BIT Two unsigned vectors 1032 N/A Two two's complement vectors: • Two positive' vectors • Negative vectors • One positive and one negative vector 2080 2047 2064 1032 1024 1028 One unsigned 8 bit vector and one two's complement vector: • -Fostive two's complement vector • Negative two's complement vector 1036 1028 1032 1028 For practical FIR filters, the coefficients are never all near maximum .value, so even larger vectors are possible in practice. 3-41 en ...a:~ u: C I HSP43S91 Basic FIR Operation ft., siropl~,30MH;Z; s:"taP filter ex~mple'~erves to Illustrate mor~ clea~!y 'tlie oper~tion' of the; OF. The~eqU~n.fe fable (Table 1) shows the results of the multiply abcurilUlate in each ce'lIafter each clock. The cbefficient sequence,Cn; ellters the DF on the left· and moves from left to right titrough ,the cells. The data sample sequence,Xn, enters the DF from HS.~43891 TABLE 1.' the top, ,with each cell r~eivirig the same sample simultaneously; !=ach cell accumulates the sum of products for one output point. Eight.sums of products are calculated simultaneously. but staggered. in time I!O lllat a new output is available every system cloCk. 30M Hz, 8-TAP FIR FILTER SEQUENCE X15' .. X9. Xa. X7· . ,Xl'XO .----,------.. . CLK' CELLO 0 2 '. C7 xXO +Ca xXl +C5 XX2 . a· 4 5 +C4 X Xa +C3' x "", +C2 xX 5 L. . I a 7, a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 .. +Cl xXa -l:CoXXT: C7 XXa +Ca xX9 +C5 xX l0 ' +C4 xX l l +C3 xX12 +C2 xX13 +C1 XX14 +COX~15 CELL 1 0 O. 0 Cn,x2 +CaxXa +C5 xX4 +C4 xX5 C7 xX l +Ca.x l.<2 +C5 XXa +C4 xX4 +C3 xX5 " +C3XX~ +<;2 xXa +C1 XXT +CoxXa, C7 XX 9· +Ca xX l0 +C5 xX l l +C4 XX12 +C3 xX 13 +C2 xX 14 +Cl, xX 15 ~1·Hsp4aa911---~ ..... CELL 3 . CELL 2 +C2x.X7 +Cl xXa +CO xX9 C7 xX l0 +Ca xX l1 +C5 XX12 +C4 xX 13 +C3 xX14 +C;!X,X15 ,.'(,< Y15. Y14· •. Ya. Y7 CELL 4 CELLS CELLS CELL 7 - - - - 0 0 0 - C7 XXa' +Ca XX4 C7 xX4 ,+Ca xX5 +C5 xX5 +C4 XXa +C5 xXa +C3 xX7 +C4 XX7 +C2 XXa' +C3 xXa +Cl XX9' +C2 XX9 +CO xX l0 +Cl xXl0 C7 xX l1 +COxXl1 +Ca xX 12 C7 xX 12 +C5 XX 13 +Ca XX13 +C4 XX14 +C5 XX14 +C3~X15 +C4 xX 15 - ,. - - C7 xX 5 +CaxXEi +C5 xX 7 +C4 XXa +C3 xX9 +C2 xX l0 +Cl xXll +COXX12 C7 XX 13 +Ca XX'14 +C5 xX 15 , C7 xX a +Ca xX7 C7 XX7 +CaxXa +C5 xXa +C4 xX9 +C5 XX9 +C3 xX l0 +C4 xX 10 +C2 XX l l +C3 xXl1 +Cl XX12 +C2 xX12 +CO XX 13 +C1 xX13 +C7 XXt4 ,+CO XX14 +Ca XX 15 C7 xX 15 SAMPLE DATA IN (X.) 30MHz CLOCK >-- 3 BIT COUNTER' . Y2 . Yl' +5V Yo J ; ' I . ,~PR2 ~ r l I I ADR1 ADRO VCC SHADD DINO-8 " DIENB ... L 1 SENBHSENB~ " 26. SUMO-25 ~ ClK HSP43981 A2 Al AO 00-08 9x8 COEFF. RAM/ROM it-+- 9 CINO-B CiENi DCMl COUTO-8 DCMO RESET ERASE VSS COENB 1 I I SYSTEM RESET -+- NC 1 I ..I T ERASE FIGURE 3. HSP43891 30MHz, 8-TAP FIR FILTER APPLICATION SCHEMATIC 'SUM1CLR - - Cell o (Y7) Cell 1 (Ya) Cell 2 (Y9) Cell 3 (yl0) CeIl4(yll) Cell 5 (Y12) cella (y13). Cell 7 (Y14) CeIl0(y15) • HSP43891 Detailed operation of the DF to perform a basic 8-tap, 9-bit coefficient, 9-bit data, 30MHz FIR filter is best understood by observing the schematic (Figure 3) and timing diagram (Figure 4). The internal pipeline length of the DF is four (4) clock cYcles, corresponding to the register levels CREG (or XREG), MREGO, MREG1, and TREG (Figures 1 and 2). Therefore the delay from presentation of data and coefficients at the DINO-8 and CINO-8 inputs to a sum appearing at the SUMO-25 output is: k + Td, where k = filter length and Td 4, the internal pipeline delay of the DF. After the pipeline has filled, a new output sample is available every clock. The delay to last sample output from last sample input is Td. The output sums, Yn, shown in the timing diagram are derived from the sum-of-products equation: = C{O) x X{n) + C(1) x X{n-1) + C(2) x X{n-2) + C(3) Y{n) x X{n-3) + C(4) x X{n-4) + C(5) x X{n-5) + C(6) x X{n-6) + C(7) x X{n-7) = 0123456789 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17)8 19 20 ClK ERASE L--.J DINO-B DIENI ~ CINO-B CIEN. %Z0l ADRO-2 1011121314151617101 I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I SUMO-25 ...a: rn SHADD ~$WWWA ~ SENll ~~400'M u:: C SEN.H ij'h0/~~~~ DCMO-l I 1 1-1------------------------------.. 0 7 YN = L CK x XN-K K=O FIGURE 4. HSP43891 30M Hz, 8-TAP FIR FILTER TIMING SAMPLE DATA IN (X nl r=D C 30MH z CLOC K Q I I I I +jV-n 1 I 1+t-FI h ADR1 ADR' ADU Vee .HADD IENIH IENII. .}. DIND-I r ClK YO 4 BIT YI CTR, yz Y3 HSP43891 Ixl. COEFF. AORAM/RDM AI - AZ >----OA3 00-01 ~ DINa-I If iiiiiii '---- CLl IUMI..2& rt DF1 COUTI-' CINO-, ffiiji DCM1 DeMO f+ Z' HSP43891 DFO iiiiET Eiiiii 'SI 1L ~ , REr 8YSTEM RESET :. iiiENi ' - - - CLI .......... 'r- IUMI-25 h ADR1 ADRO ADRZ Vee SHADD SlNlM IENIL Ciiiii I COUlI-' CI.O-I Ciiii 'r' DCM1 DCMO I I r'--. NC iiiiU iiiiii ',. Ciiiiii ¥ 'r' I I I~ 'r' SUM OUT (Y.I FIGURE 5. HSP43891 30M Hz, 16-TAP FIR FILTER CASCADE APPLICATION SCHEMATIC 3-43 HSP43891 Extended FIR Filter Length .' Cascade Configuration Filter lengths greater that eight taps can be created by either cascading together multiple OF devices or "reusing" a single device. Using multiple devices, an FIR filter of over 1000 taps can ,be constructed to operate ata 30MHz sample rate. Using a single device clocked at 30M Hz, an FIR filter of over 500 taps can be constructed to operate at less than a 30MHz sample rate. Combinations of these two techniques are also possible. 10 design a filter length L>8, L/8 OFs are cascaded by connecting the COUTO-8 outputs of the (i)th OF to the CINO-8 inputs of the (1+1)th OF. The OINO-S inputs and SUMO-25 outputs of all the OFs are also tied 'together. A speCific example of two cascaded OFs illustrates' the technique (Figure 5). Timing (Figure 6) is similar to the simple 8-tap FIR, except the ERASE and SENBLiSENBH signals must be enabled independently for the two OFs in order to clear the correct accumulators and enable the SUMO-25 output signals at the proper times. DATA SEQUENCE TABLE 2. INPUT X30'" X9,X8,X22 ",Xl'XO COEFFICIENT SEQUENCE :t INPUT Co ",C14,C15,0 ... O,CO ... C14,C15 4HSP43891r. ... 0, Y30'" ! CLK CELL 0 CELL 1 CELL2 CELL 3 6 C15XXo 0 o 7 8 +C14XXl +C13xX2 C15XX1 0 0 9 10 11 12 +C12xX3 +Cll xX4 13 +Cl0 xX5 +C9 xX6 +C8 xX7 14 15 +C7 xX8 +C6 xX9 16 17 18 +C5 xX1O +C4 XX11 +C3 xX 12 19 +C2 XX13 +Cl x X14 20 o C15xX2 CELL 4 CELL 7 SUM/CLR 0 +C12 XX6 +Cll xX7 +C1O xX8 C15 XX7 +C14 XX8 +C13 xX 9 +C9 xX 9 +C8 XX 1O, +C7 XX l l +C6 xX 12 +C5 xX 13 +C12 XX 1O +Cll xX11 +Cl0 xX12 +C9 XX13 +C8 xX 14 +C4 XX 14 +C3 xX 15 +Co x X15 o CO xX 16 23 24 o Co x X17 +COxX18 CO xX 19 o o o o o o 0 26 27 o o o o 25 o o o +C2 xX 16 +Cl x X17 o o 0 0 0 0 o o o o CELL 6 C15 xX3 +C14 XX4 +C13 xX 5 21 22 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 CELLS Y23,0 ... 0,Y22 .•. Y15,0 ... 0 +C7 XX15 +C6 xX 16 o o o C15 XX8 o 0 o +C14 xX 9 +C15 xX9 +C15xX1O 0 o +C13 xX1O +C12 x X11 o +C15 XXl l +C11 XX12 +C15 XX12 +C1O xX 13 +C9 xX14 +C8 xX 15 +C7 XX16 +C6 xX 17 +C5 xX 18 +C4 x X19 +C3 xX20 +C2 xX21 +Cl XX22 +CO xX 23 o o o o 3-44 CeIlO(Y15) Celll(Y16) +C5 XX17 +C4 XX 18 +C3 xX 19 CeIl2(Y17) COXX21 +C2 XX20 +Cl xX21 CeIl5(Y20) CeIl6(Y21) o o +CoxX22 CeIl7(Y22) o o o o COXX20 o o o o o o o o o o CeIl3(Y18) CeIl4(Y19) o o o o o C15 xX 15 +C14 XX 16 +C13 xX 17 +C12 XX 18 +Cll xX19 +C1O XX20 +CgxX21 +C8 XX22 +C7 XX23 +C6 xX 24 +C5 xX 25 +C4 XX 26 +C3 xX27 CeIl0(Y23) Cell 1(Y24) CeIl2(Y25) CeIl3(Y26) CeIl4(Y27) HSP43891 o 1 2 3 4 5 I 1 • I 1811 12 13 14 15 11 17 ,. ,. 20 21 2223241 25212728283831 32333431 31 37 31 3. 48 CLK DFOERASE-=======================================;=============:;==============~========: _____________________________________________________________________________ DFliiiiii' _ DIND~8 I Xo I X, I X2 I X3 I X4 I X, I x,1 X7 I X. I X,I X,ol Xl1l X121 X131 X141 X,sl X,.I Xnl Xl.IX111X20 IX21I X221)(231 12411251121112711211121IX311131 1132I X33I X34 1135 1131' X371 D".'--'~ tING-. IC,51I:'4I C'3I C12I C11I C,oIC. ICa' C71 c.I C51 C4 1t 31 tzl CII Ca ICISIC'4IC'3IC12ICnIC,ol Cg Ie. It7 Ic.1c51c41c31C21 e,1 C.IC15lc'4Ic13lc12lc11lclll .".'--.L________________________________________________________--------------------I • l' I ' I 'D"-' 3 I' IS I • I 7 I• I 1 I' I, I• I 5 I' I 7 I' I 1 I, I• I OFO SUMO-ZS OFt SUMO-2S DfD ifriiIiii SHADD OF. SENIUH 0.0'-' =====================~;;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~;;; I ' ~I----------------------------------------------------------------------------.... IS K •• FIGURE 6. HSP43891 16-TAP 30MHz FILTER TIMING USING TWO CASCADED HSP43891s Single DF Configuration Using a single DF, a filter of length L>8 can be constructed by processing in Ll8 passes, as illustrated in Table 2, for a 16-tap FIR. Each pass is composed of Tp = 7 + L cycles and computes eight output samples. In pass i, the sample with indices i*8 to i*8 +(L-1) enter the DINO-8 inputs. The coefficients Co - CL - 1 enter the CINO-8 inputs, followed by ~even zeros. As these zeros are entered, the result samples are output and the accumulators reset. Initial filing of the pipeline is not shown in this sequence table. Filter outputs can be put through a FIFO to even out the sample rate. bine these partial products by shifting and adding to obtain the final result. The shifting and adding can be accomplished with external adders (at full speed) or with the DF's shift-and-add mechanism contained in its output stage (at reduced speed). Decimation/Resampling Extended Coefficient and Data Sample Word Size The HSP43891 DF provides a mechanism for decimating by factors of 2, 3, or 4. From the DF filter cell block diagram (Figure 1), note the three D registers and two multiplexers in the coefficient path through the cell. These allow the coefficients to be delayed by 1, 2, or 3 clocks through the cell. The sequence table (Table 3) for a decimate-by-twofilter illustrates the technique (internal cell pipelining ignored for simplicity). The sample and coefficient word size can be extended by utilizing several DFs in parallel to get the maximum sample rate or a single DF with resulting lower sample rates. The technique is to compute partial products of 9x9 and com- Detailed timing for a 30MHz input sample rate, 15MHz output sample rate (I.e., decimate-by-two), 16-tap FIR filter, including pipelining, is shown in Figure 7. This filter requires only a single HSP43891 DF. 3-45 en a: .... !:i u: Q • T"- HSP43891 TABLE 3. HSP4389116-TAP DECIMATE-BY-TWO FIR FILTER SEQUENCEj 30MHz IN, 15MHz OUT DATA SEQUENCE INPuT COEFRCIENT SEQUENCE INPuT CLK 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 -20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 36 36 37 eLK CELLO CELL 1 CELL 2 0 0 C15 xXO 0 0 +C14 xX 1 0 +C13 xX2 C15 xX 2 0 +C12 xX3 +C14 XX3 +C11 xX4 +C13x~ C15 xX4 +C10 xX 5 +C12 xX 5 +C14 xX5 +C9 xX6 +C11 xXa +C13 xX6 +C8 xX7 +C10 XX7 +C12 xX7 +Cg xX8 +C11 xX8 +C7 XX8 +C6 xX9 +C8 xX9 +C10 XX9 +C5 XX 10 +C7 XX10 +C9 xX10 +C4 xX11 +C6 xX11 +C8 xX11 +C3 xX12 +C5 xX 12 +C7 XX12 +C2 x X13 +C4 xX13 +C6 xX13 +C1 xX14 +C3 xX 14 +C5.xX 14 +CO XX15 +C2 XX15 +C4 xX 15 C15 XX 16 +C1 XX16 +C3XX1l~ +C14 XX17 +COxX17 +C2 XX17 +C13 xX 18 C15 XX 18 +C, XX18 +C12 xX 19 +C14 xX 19 +CO xX 19 +C1.1 XX20 +C13 xX 20 C15 x.X20 +C10 XX 21 +C12 XX 21 +C14 xX21 +C9 xX22 +C11 xX22 +C13 xX 22 +C8 xX23 +C10 xX 23 +C12 xX 23 +C7x X24 +C9 xX 24 +C,1 xX24 +C6 xX25 +C8 xX 25 +C,.O XX25 +C5 xX26 +C7 XX 26 +C9 xX26 +C4 XX27 +C6 xX27 +C8 xX27 +C3x X28 +C5 xX28 +C7 xX 28 +C2 xX29 +C4 xX 29 +Cs xX 29 +C1 xX30 +C3 xX30 +C5 XX30 +COXXa1 +C2 XX31 +C4 XX31 a 1 2 3 .. I • 7 • • l' 11 12 CELL 3 CELL4 CELL 5 CELL 6 CELL 7 SUM/CLR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ·0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - C15 XX6 +C14 xX7 +C13 xX8 +C12 xX9 +C11 XX10 +C10 XX 11 +C9 xX 12 +C8 xX13 +C7 xX14 +C6 xX15 +C5 XX16 +C4 XX17 +C3 xX 18 +C2 xX 19 +C1 xX20 +COXX21 C15 x X22. +C14 xX 23 +C13 xX 24 +C12 XX25 +C11 lrX26 +C1Q xX27 +C9 xX 28 +C8 xX 29 +C7 X)(30 +C6 xX 31 13 14 11 1. C15 xX8 +C14 xX9 +C13 xX 10 +C12 x X11 +C11 xX12 +C10 xX 13 +C9 xX 14 +C8 xX 15 +C7 XX16 +C6 x X17 +C5 XX18 +C4 XX 19 +C3 xX20 +C2 XX21 +C1 XX22 +CO xX23 +C15 x X24 +C14 X X25 +C13 x X26 +C12 xX27 +C11 xX28 +C10 xX29 +C9 X XaO +C8 x Xa1 17 11 1. ZI 21 1) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C15 xX10 +C14 XX11 +C13 xX12 +C12 xX13 +C11 xX14 +C10 xX15 +C9 xX 16 +C8 xX 17 +C7 xX18 +C6 xX 19 +C5 xX 20 +C4 XX21 +C3 xX 22 +C2 xX 23 C15 XX 12 +C14 XX13 +C13 xX 14 +C12 xX 15 +C11 xX16 +C10 xX 17 +C9 xX 18 +C8 xX 19 +C7 xX 20 +C6 xX21 +C5 xX 22 +C4 xX 23 +C1 xX24 +C3 xX24 +CO xX 25 +C2 xX 25 +C15 xX26 +C1 xX26 +C14 XX 27 +COxX27 +C13 xX 28 +C15 xX28 +C12 xX29 +C14 xX29 +C11 xX30 +C13 xX30 +C10 xX31 +C12 xX 31 22 23 24 21 21 27 2. 2t 30 - - C15 xX 14 +C14 xX 15 +C13 XX16 +C12 xX 17 +C11 xXHi +Cl0 xX 19 +C9x X20 +C8 xX21 +C7'XX22 CeIlO(Y15) Cell 1(Y17) CeIl2(Y19) CeIl3(y21) CeIl4(Y23) +C6 xX 23 +C5x X24 +C4 XX25 +C3 xX 26 +C2 XX27 CeIl5(Y25) CeIl6(Y27) - +C1 xX28 +COx X29 C15 xX30 +C14 xX31 31 32 33 CeIl7(Y29) CeIl8(Y31) 34 31i 3. 37 3' 3. ... mAsl----------------------------------------~ DIND-' ~--,~------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CINa-1 ~--,~--------------------------------------------~-------------------------------- ADRa-! o I , 1 • 1 3 1 • 1 • 1 • 1 7 1 0 1 , 1 SUMI-21 1y,,1 1y,,1 1y,,1 1y,,1 1Y..1 1y,,1 1y.,1 1y,,1 1Y.,1 1y,.1 S.A.O _______________________________________________________________________________ 1Ein _________________________________________________________________________________ HNIm ____----------------------------------------------------------------------------- .eMO-' I, 11--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ FIGURE 7. HSP4389116-TAP DECIMATE-BY-TWO FIR FILTER TIM1NGj 30MHz IN, 15MHz OUT 3:..46 Specifications HSP43891 Absolute Maximum Ratings Supply Voltage ••.••.••.•••••.•••.•••••••••••••.••.•••••••••••••••••••••.••.••.•.•••.•••••..••••.•••••••.••••... +8.0V Input, Output Voltage .••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••.••••...•••••.••...•...•.•...•••.•.••.•••.•• GND -0.5V to VCC +0.5V Storage Temperature •.••••••.•..••..•...••.••••••....•••.•••••••••.•• " ••• " ••..• , .• " ...•.• '" .•.••. -650 C to +1500 C ESD •••••...•••.••••. : •••...••...••....•••.••...••.••.•••.•••••••••••••••.••••• :.: .•••••.••••••••••••.••••••• Clas81 Maximum Package Power Dissipation at700 C ••••••••••••••• -• ••.•••••••••.••••.•...•..•..•••..• 2.4W (PLCC), 2.88W (PGA) Sjc .•••.•••.••••.•...•••..•••..••••••••.•••••••.•••••••••.••••••••••••••••.••••••••• 11.1 0 CIW (PLCC),7.780 C/W (PGA) Sja •.••••••.•••••••.•• : •••••••••••••..•••.•.•..•••.•••.•..••••••.•••••.•.•••••••••• 33.7OCIW (PLCC), 34.66OCIW (PGA) Gate Count •••••.••••.•••••.••••.•.•..••••.••••• ,--••.••.••••••••.••••••••.•.••.•.•••••••••.••.•••••••••••••••••• 17763 Junction Temperature .••••••••.••••• :. • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • . • • • . • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • •• 1500 C (PLCC), 1750 C (PGA) Lead Temperature (Soldering 1Os) •••••.•.•••••••..•••.••••.••••.••••••••••••••••••••• : ••.••••••••••••••••••••••• 3000C CAUTION: Stresses above those listed In the "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the clev;ce~ This ;s a· stress only rating and operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not imp/led. Operating Conditions Operating Voltage Range •••••••••••••••.••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••..••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 5V ±5% Operating Temperature Range ............................................................................ OoC to + 700C D.C. Electrical Specifications SYMBOL ICCOp PARAMETER Power Supply Current MIN MAX UNITS - 160 mA TEST CONDITIONS VCC=Max CLK Frequency 20M Hz Note 1, Note 3 c:n CI I - 500 pA VCC = Max, Note 3 II Input Leakage Current -10 10 pA VCC = Max, Input = OV or VCC 10 Output Leakage Current -10 10 pA VCC = Max, Input = OV or Vee VIH Logical One Input Voltage 2.0 - V Vcc=Mex VIL Logical Zero Input Voltage 0.8 V VeC=Min 10H = -400pA, Vec = Min ICCSB Standby Power Supply Current VOH Logical One Output Voltage 2.6 - V VOL Logical Zero Output Voltage - 0.4 V 10L = 2mA, Vee = Min VIHC Clock Input High Vee-0.8 - V Vee = Max VILe Clock Input Low 0.8 V Vce=Min elN Input Capacitance PLeC PGA 10 15 pF pF Output Capacitance PLee PGA 10 15 pF pF CLK Frequency 1 MHz All measurements referenced toGND TA=25OC. Note 2 COUT - NOTES: 1. Operating supply current Is proportional to frequency. Typical rating is BmA/MHz. 2. Controlled via design or process parameters and not directly tested. Characterized upon initial design and after major process and/or design changes. 3. Output load per test load circuit and CL - 40pF. 3-47 ex: w !:i u: ... Specifications HSP43891 A.C. Electrical Specifications - vcc = 5V ± 5%, TA = (lOC to +70OC -20 (20MHz) SYMBOL PARAMETER MIN TCp Clock Period 50 TCl' Clock low ,20 TCH Clock High 20 TIS IIlPutSetup 16 TIH Input Hold 0 TODC ClK to Coefficient Output Delay MAX -25 (25.6MHz) MIN - 39 16 - - 16 14 - 0 24 - TOED Output Enable Delay. TODD Output Disable Delay TODS ClKtoSUM Output Delay - 27 TOR Output Rise Output Fall - 6 TOF " 20 20 6 MAX - -'30 (30MHz) MIN MAX 33 - ns - 13 0 - ris 20 - 18. ns 15 ns 15 ns 13 ns ns 15 - 25 - 21 ns 6 - 6 ns Note 1 6 - 6 ns Note 1 - 15 - Note 1 NOTE: 1. Conlrolled by design or process parameters and not directly tested. Characterized upon initial design and after major process and/or design changes, Test Load Circuit r- - - - - - - - - - - - ~,,""-,- 1 : 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.5V 1 IOL .1 1 I , "INCLUDES STRAY AND JIG CAPACITANCE 1_ _ _ _ EQUIVALENT~IRcurr _ Swftch S1 Open for ICCSS and ICCOp Tests 3-48 TEST CONDITIONS 'ns - 13 UNITS., --'- ~ _ 1 J HSP43891 Waveforms ~;-TCL=1 cu<~VSV_ INPUT· .r---~--------VCC CLK O.OV . 3.0V-----...., y.2.-sv-""'""'L . O.OV------' - - --- ------- • Input includes: DINO-7, CINO-7, DIENB, CIENB, ERASE, RESET, DCMO-', ADRO-', TCS, TCCI, SHADD CLOCK AC PARAMETERS I ·0.4V INPUT SETUP A1IID HOLD \ . . . --- CLK 2. 5V 25~ __...;...---, rTODC1'.SVTODS SUMO - r COUTO-8 OUTPUT -----I SUMO-25, COUTO-S, OUTPUT DELAYS ENABLE RISE AND FALL TIMES 1.5V TOED OUTPUT 1.5V ~.~______________~~TODD 1.3V A.C. Testing: Inputs are driven at3.0V for a logic "'" and O.OV for a logic "0". Input and output liming measurements are made at'.5V for both a logic "'" and "0". Inputs driven at' V/ns. ClK is driven at VCC -0.4 and OVand measured at 2.5V. A.C. TESTING INPUT, OUTPUT WAVEFORM OUTPUT ENABLE, DISABLE TIMING 3-49 H$P43891/88.3 mHARRIS Digital Filter' May 1991 Features' Description • This Circuit Is Processed In Accordance to Mil-Std-883C and Is Fully Conformant Under the Provisions of Paragraph 1.2.1 - The HSP43891/883 is a video-speed Digital Filter (DF) designed to efficiently implement vector operations such as FIR digital filters. It Is comprised of eight filter cells cascaded internally and a shift and add output stage, all in a single integrated circuit. Each filter cell contains a 9x9 two's complement multiplier, three decimation registers and a 26-bit accumulator. The output stage contains an additional 26-bit accumulator which can add the contents of any filter cell accumulator to the output stage accumulator shifted right by 8 bits. The HSP43891/883 has a maximum sample rate of 25.6MHz. The effective multiply-accumulate (mac) rate is 204M Hz. The HSP43891/883 DF can be configured to process expanded coefficient and word sizes. Multiple DFs can be cascaded for larger filter lengths without degrading the sample rate or a single DF can process larger filter lengths at less than 25.6MHz with multiple passes. The architecture permits processing filter lengths of over 1000 taps with the guarantee of no overflows. In practice, most filter coefficients are less than 1.0, making even larger filter lengths possible. The DF provides for 8-bit unsigned or 9-bit two's complement arithmetic, Independently selectable for coefficients and signal data. • 0 to 25.6MHz Sample Rate • Eight Filter Cells • 9-Bit Coefficients and Signal Data • Low Power CMOS Operation ~ ICCSB 500jiA Maximum ~ ICCOp = 160jiA Maximum @ 20MHz = • 26-Blt Accumulator per Stage • Filter Lengths Up to 1032 Taps • Shlft-and-Add O·utput Stage Outputs " for Combining Filter • Expandable Coefficient Size, Data Size and Filter Length • Decimation by 2, 3 or 4 Applications • 1-0 and 2-D FIR Filters • Radar/Sonar • Digital Video and Audio • Adaptive Filters • Echo Cancellation • Correlation/Convolution Each DF filter cell contains three re-sampllng or decimation registers which permit output sample rate reduction at rates of 1/2,1/3 or 1/4 the Input sample rate. These' registers also provide the capability to perform 2-D operations such as matrix multiplication and NxN spatial correlations/convolutions for image processing applications. • Complex Mldtlply-Add • Butterfly Computation • Matrix Multiplication • Sample Rate Converters Block Diagram 'ss CINa-1 DINI-DINI c:,..:;,'-----I COUTa-1 iiEffi ADR~~: c:....:,'-t---:+--~-+--~+---+--I----4---+--'-'-+---+--I----4---+---' RESET CLK SHADD D-------------------I0SU::O~T UiIL c:~-~-------------~ SENIH 21 SUMI-ZI CALrrION: These deviceS are sensftlve to electrostatic discharge. Preper t.C. handling procedures should be followed. Copyright @ Harris Corporation 1991 3-50 File Number 2451.1 HSP43891/883 Pinouts 85 PIN GRID ARRAY (PGA) 4 " VS• COEiifs Vee RESET DIN7 .,NO DiNa OINO coo. Vee I. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BUNl13 0 0 DCMt SUM23 8UM22 SUM2t SUM18 SUMI4 Vee Vso v.s 0 0 0 BeNBH BUMU Vee Vso 0 0 0 BUMla Vee v •• 0 ADAI 0 ADAI 0 V•• "ss .... 0 SUM7 0 0 SUMIS ADAD 0 DeMO 0 0C1.K 0 0 HSP438911B83 BOTTOM VIEW COUTO SHADD 0 0 COUTl "ss 0 0 0 0 0 .ORI 0 0 0 0 0 BUNtS SUNI2 SUMIO 8UMB SUMB 0 0 0 SUM20 8UM17 8UMI8 0 0 Vee SUMIS SUMI 0 SUMO PINS UP 0 0 COUT2 OINI e COUll!! COUTI 0 Vee A DCM. 0 Vso 0 0 0 Vee 0 OINO 0lN2 0 0 iiiENi AUGN PIN 0 COUT7 COUTS eOENB 0 8UM3 0 COUT3 COUT4 vee 0 Vee 0 ERASE 0 RESEr 0 DIN5 0 0 DINS OINI 0 DIN7 " 0 0 SUMl1 SUMa 0 01N4 0 0 OINO DIN2 0 DIN3 0 ClENB 0 0",. 0 0 v.. 0 SUM4 0 SUMO 0 Vss 0 SENIL 0 vee 0 0 CIN5 0lN3 0 0 0lN7 elNo elN4 0 0 0 CINa Vee v•• tn a: w ~ ;:;: CI I 84 PIN CERAMIC QUAD FLATPACK COUT8 COUT7 VSS COUT8 SUM21 COENB Vee EAA8e HSP43891/883 TOP VIEW RESET DIENB DIN8 DIN7 DIN8 DIN& 01N4 DIM3 DIN2 DINI BUM', DINO CiENi CINS Vee 3-51 Specifications H8P43891 /883 Absolute Maximum Ratings Reliability Information Supply Voltage ••••••••••••.•••.•.•••••••••••••••••••.. +8.0V Input, Output Voltage Applied •••••••••• GND-0.5V to VCC+0.5V Storage Temperature Range •••••••••••••••.• -650C to +1500 C Junctian Temperature • .' ••••••••••••••••.•• "' ••••••••• +1750 C Lead Temperature (Solderirig, Ten Seconds) : •••.••••••• +3000 C ESD Classificaticm ••••••••. , .......................... Class 1 Thermal Re~istance Dia Dic Ceremic PGA Package ••••••••••••• 34.660 C/W 7.780 C/W Maximum Package Power Dissipation at +1250 C Ceramic PGA Package ............................ 1.44 Watt Gate Count .......... ~ •. ;; ............. ~'. ....... 17762 Gates permanent CAUTION: Stresses above those listed in "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause darjlage to the device. This is a stress only rating and op&'~tion of the device a"t these or . any. ot~r conditions above those >indicatSd in the operations' sections of this: specification is not implled~ . Operating Conditions Operating Voltage Range •••••••••••••••••.••••• +4.5V to +5.5V Operating Temperature Range •••••••••••••• , -550 C to +1250 C TABLE 1. HSP43891/883 D.C. ELECTRICAL PERFORMANCECHARACTERISnCS Devices Guaranteed and 00% Te~ted 1 PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS LIMITS GROUP A SUBGROUPS TEMPERATURE MIN MAX UNITS 2.2 - V Logical One Input Voltage VIH VCC=5.5V 1,2,3 -550C :$.TA$ +1250 C Logical Zero Input Voltage VIL VCC;=4.5V 1,2,3 -55°C $ TA !i;t1250 C - 0.8 V Output HIGH Voltage Voi; IOH=-400fJA VCC = 4.5V(Note 1) 1',2,3 -550C :$.TA$ +1250 C 2.6 - V Output lOW Voltage VOL IOL=+2.0mA VCC = 4.5V (Note 1) 1,2,3 -550C :$.TA:$. +1250 C - 0.4 V Input leakage Current II VIN = VCC or GND VCC=5.5V 1,2,3 -550C $TA:$. +1250 C -10 +10 fJA Output leakage Current 10 VOUT = VCC or GND " VCC= 5.5V 1,2,3 -55°C,,:$.TA:S..+1250 C -10 +10 fJA - V 0.8 V -55°C :$.TA:$. +125Oc - 500 fJA 1,2,3 -550 C$TA:$+1250C - 160.0 mA 7,8 -550 C$TA$+1250C - Clock Input High VIHG VCC"'5.5V 1,,2,3 -550C :S..TA < +1250 C VCC-0.8 Clock Input Low VllC VCC=4.5V 1,2,3 -550 C,:S..TA:$.+1250 C 1,2,3 Standby Power Supply Current ICCSB VIN = VCC or GND VCC = 5.5 V, Outputs Open Operating Power Supply Current 'oCOP f=20.0MHz VCC = 5.5V (Note 2) Functional Test -', FT (Note 3) = NOTES: 1. Interchanging of force' and sense conditions is permitted. 2. Operating Supply,Cu(rent is proportional to frequency,typical rating is 8mA/MHz. ' '. = 0.4. 3. Tested as follows: f 1 MHz. VIH -, 2.6. VIL VOL :5. 1.5V. VIHC = VCC -0.4V. a.~d VILC = 0.4V. 3-52 VOH 2: 1.5V. Specifications HSP43891/883 TABLE 2. HSP43891/883 A.C. ELECTRICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS Device Guaranteed and 100% Tested -20 (2OMHz) GROUP A SYMBOL CONDITIONS SUBGROUPS PARAMETER -25 (25.6MHz) TEMPERATURE MIN MAX MIN MAX UNITS TCp Note 1 9,10,11 -550 C 5. TA 5. +1250 C 50 39 - ns TCl Note 1 9,10,11 -550 C .ooa&--L.012 1iQIE; A INCREASE MAXIMUM LIMIT BY .00:5" WHEN SOLDER DIP OR TIN PLATE LEAD FINISH APPLIES. LEAD MATERIAL: Type B LEAD FINISH: Type A PACKAGE MATERIAL: Ceramic, 90% Alumina PACKAGE SEAL: Material: Glass Frit Temperature: 4500 C ± 100 C Method: Furnace Seal NOTE: All Dimensions are MMin ax • Dimensions are in inches. INTERNAL LEAD WIRE.: Material: Aluminum Diameter: 1.25 Mil Bonding Method: Ultrasonic COMPLIANT OUTLINE: 38510C-G6 tMil-M-38510 Complianl Malerial •• Finishes, and Dimensions. 3-57 m HSP4388 ,1 HARRIS- Digital Filter May 1991 Features Description • Eight Filter Cells • 0 to 30MHz Sample Rate The HSP43881 is a video speed Digital Filter (OF) designed to efficiently implement vector operations such as FIR digital filters. It is comprised of eight filter cells cascaded intein'idly and a shift and add output stage, all in a single integrated circuit. Each filter cell contains a 8x8 bit multiplier, three decimation registers and a 26-bit accumulator. The output stage contains an additional 26-bit accumulator which can add the contents of any filter cell accumulator to the output stage accumulator shifted right by 8 bits. The HSP43881 has a maximum sample rate of 30M Hz. The effective multiply "accumulate (mac) rate is 240M Hz. The HSP43881 OF can be configured to process expanded coefficient and word sizes. MultipleDFs can be cascaded for larger filter lengths without degrading the sample rate or a single DF can process larger filter lengths at less than 30M Hz with multiple passes. The architecture permits processing filter lengths of over 1000 taps with the guarantee of no overflows. In practice, most filter coefficients are less than 1.0, making even larger filter lengths possible. The DF provides for 8-bit unsigned or two's complement arithmetic, independently selectable for coefficients and Signal data. • 8-Bit Coefficients and Signal Data • 26-Bit Accumulator Per Stage • Filter Lengths Over 1000 Taps • Shift and Add Output Stage for Combining Filter Outputs • Expandable Coefficient Size, Data Size and Filter Length • Decimation by 2, 30r4. • CMOS Power Dissipation Characteristics Applications • 1-0 and 2-D FIR Filters • Radar/Sonar • Digital Video and Audio • Adaptive Filters • Echo Cancellation • Correlation/Convolution • Complex Multiply-Add Each OF filter cell contains three resampling or decimation registers which permit output sample rate reduction at rates of 1/2, 1/3.or 1/4 the input sample rate. These registers also provide the capability to perform 2-D operations such as matrix multipliCation and NxN spatial correlations/convolutions for image processing applications. • Butterfly Computation • Matrix Multiplication • Sample Rate Converters Block Diagram VCC vss rr DINo- DlN7 TCS DIENB CIENB 5 DCMO-l ~~,---+---~---r-+~~~~--.---+----.---i--~~--r---~---r--~ ERASE TCCI TCCO COUTO • COUTo-7 RESET AD~>75~7'+-r---~--+---~~~----~~r---~~~--~+--+----~--r---~ RESET COENB ~=---------.C:::' ClK SHADD,>-____________________ - -____------_I SENBL,)-__~2~/~----------~---------------I SENBH' ;" __~-J SUMo-25 CAUTION: 'These devices are-sensRiveto electrostatic dlsc~arge. Users should follow proper IC Handling Procedures. Copyright @ Harris Corporation 1991 3-58 File Number 2758. f HSP43881 Pinouts 85 PIN GRID ARRAY (PGA) Vss RESET DIN1 D'NS Vcc EiiAS£ TCS DIN' DIN3 D'IOI TCCI Vcc Vss D'" CiENii elN7 C'NS C,... e,NS C,... 0 0 0 0 0 0 DCM, SUN2a SUN22 SUM2l SUMl8 SUM14 0 SENiiH 0 SUM24 0 Vss 0 Vee 0 0 Vee 0 SUM20 SUMts 0 ADA, coun Vss G H AOAt A"'" Vee K 0 Vss A"". 0 COUTO v.. DeMO SUM3 SUMS A"... SUM2 0 0 SUM'S SUNIl SUN10 0 0 SUM'7 SUM I . 0 SUM5 0eLK HSP43881 0 0 BOTTOM VIEW COUTO SHADD 0 0 0 0 0 Vcc 0 0 SUMI 0 SUMO PINS UP 0 0 coun CINI 0 P'" 0 COUT7 TCCO V.. 0 vee 0 CINO 0 Q. 0 D'ENa 0 EiiASi! 0 Tes 0 ~ 0 RESET 0 0 C"""B Vee SU ... 0 SUM3 CIN2 eOUTB AUGH 0 0 SUMS SUNT 0 DeNa 0 SUMI, 0 0 0 COUT5 SUMB D CN, 0 0 Vss COUTa COUT4 Vss SUMI5 0 Vss 0 SUM1S A. . . coun Vss D su..., 0 SUMI. 0 Vee DIN7 DINS 0 DINI 0 DIN6 0 0 c, .. 0lN4 0 DIN2 0 DINa 0 e'ENB 0 DINa 0 0 elN7 CINe 0 0 TCCI Vcc 0 SUMa 0 SUMe 0 Vss 0 SUN4 0 SUM2 0 Vss 0 9ENii 0 vee 0 elN3 0 CIN4 0 Vss tn a:: .... ~ u:: C 84 LEAD PLCC PACKAGE ~ ~ SUM23 I &! ~ • COUT8 COUT1 SUM22 vss Vee Teeo SUM2l SUM20 COENB SUM19 Vee SUM18 ERASE Vss BUM17 SUM18 HSP43881 TOP VIEW RESET DIENB TeS DIN7 Vee SUM15 DINS SUM14 DINS BUM12 D'''' DIN. Vss DIN2 SUM11 DIN1 SUM13 DIND SUM10 SUMe elEND 8UMB Teel SUM7 Vee NOTE: An overbar on a signal name represents an active LOW signal. 3-59 HSP43881 Pin Description SYMBOL PIN NUMBER TYPE NAME AND FUNCTION VCC A3;A10,B1, ' 'D11,F10,J1; 'K4,L7 +5V Power Supply Input VSS A1,A11,E2,F1; E11,H11,K3. K6,l9 Power Supply Ground Input CLK G3 I The CLK Input provides the OF system sample clock. The maximum clock frequency is is30MHz. ' DIND-7 A5-8,B&-7, C6-7 I These eight inputs are the data sample input bus. Eight'bftdata samples are synchronously loaded through these pins to the X register of each filter cell simultaneously. The DiENe signal enables loading, which Is synchronous on the rising edge of the clock signal. TCS B5 I The TCS input determines the number system interpretation of1l1e data input samples on pins DlNO-7 as follows: TCS Low _ Unsigned Arithmetic TCS = =High _ .. Two's Complement Arithmetic The TCS signal is synchronously loaded into the X register in the same way as the DINO-7 inputs. . DIENB C5, A low on this enables the data sampie input bus (DINO-7) to all the fiHer cells. A riSing edge of the CLK signal occurring while DIENB is low will load the X register of every filter cell with the 8 tiit value present on DINO-7. A high on this inputforces all the bits ofthe data sample input bus to zero; a riSing CLK edge when DIENB is high will load the X register of every filter cell with all zeros. This signal is latched inside the OF, delaying its effect by one clock Intemal to the OF. Therefore, It must be low during the clock cycle immediately preceding presentation of the desired data on the DINO-7 inputs. Detailed operation Is shown In later timing diagrams. I .. CIND-7 TCCI B9-11,C1D-11, D10,E9-10 I A9 I , , .. , these eight i(lputs are used to input the ,8 bit coefficients. The coefficients are synchronously synchronously loaded Into the C register of filter CELL 0 if it rising edge of ClK occurs'While GIENB'is low; The CIENB signal is delayed tiy one clock as discussed below. The TCCI Input determines the number system interpretation of the coefficient inputs on pins CINO-7 as follows: TCCI LOW _ Unsigned Arithmetic TCCI = =HIGH _ Two's Complement Arithmetic The TCCI signal is synchronously loaded into the C register in the same way as the CINO-7 inputs. CIENB B8 I A low on this Input enable the C register of every filter cell and the 0 registers (decimation) of every filter cell according to the state ofthe DCMO-1 inputs. A rising edge of the ClK signal occur,ring while CIENB is low will load the C register and appropriate o registers with the coefficient data present at their inputs. This prlvides the mechanism for shifting the coefficients from cell to cell through the device. A high on this input freezes the contents of'the C register and the 0 registers, ignoringthe 'ClK signal. This signal is latched and delayed by one clock internal to the OF; Therefore, It must be low during the clock cycle immediately preceding presentation of the desired coefficient on the CINO-7 inputs. Detailed operation is shown In the Timing Diagrams section. 0 These eight three-state outputs are used to output the 8 bit coefficients from filter cell 7. These outputs are enabled by the COENB signal low. These outputs may be tied to the CINO-7 Inputs ofthe same OF to recirculate the coefficients, or they may belied 10 the CINO-7 Inputs of another DFto cascade DFs for longer filter lengths. , " COUTO-7 B2, C1-2;01-2 E1,E3,F2 TCCO B3 0 The TCCO three-state output determines the number system raprase(llation of the coefficients output on COUTO-7.ltlracks the TCCI signallo this same OF. II shOuld be tied to the TCCI input ofthe next OF in a cascade of DFs for increased filter lengths. This,signal is enabled by CoEiiiB low. COENB A2 I A"low on the C,OENJ;i input enables the COUTD-7 and the TCCOoutput. A high on this Input places allth~sEl ~tputs in their;hiQli Impedance state: ' ,,' 3-60 HSP43881 Pin Description (Continued) SYMBOL PIN NUMBER TYPE DCMO-1 G2,L1 I NAME FUNCTION These two inputs determine the use of the intemai decimation registers as follows: DCM1 DCMO Decimation Function ----0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 Decimation registers not used One decimation register is used Two decimation registers are used Three decimation registers are used The coefficients pass from cell 10 cell at a rate determined by the number of decimation registers used. When no decimation registers are used, coefficients move from cell to cell on each clock. When one decimation register is used, coefficients move from cell to cell on every other clock, etc. These signals are latched and delayed by one clock internal to the OF. J2,J5-8, J10,K2, K5-11, L2-6,L6, L1o-11 0 SENBH K1 I A iow on this input anables result bits SUM16-25. A high on this input placas these bits in their high impedance state. SENBL E11 I A low on this Input enables result bits SUMO-15. A high on this input placas these ADRo-2 G1, H1-2 I These inputs select the one cell whose accumulator will be resd through the output bus (SUMo-25) or added 10 the output stage accumulator. They also determine which accumulator will be cleared when ERASE is low. For selection of which accumulator to read through the output bus (SUMO-25) or which 10 add of the output stege eccumulalor, these inputs are latched in the OF and delayed by one clock Internal 10 the device. II the ADRO-2 linea remain at the same address for more than one clock, the output at SUMO-25 will not change to reflect any subsequent accumulator updates In the addressed cell. Only the result available during the first clock, when ADRO-1 selects the cell, will be output. This does not hinder normal operation since the ADRO-1 lines are changed sequentially. This feature facilltstea the Interface with slow memories where the output is required to be fixed for more than one clock. SHADD F3 I The SHADD input controls the activation of the shift-and-add operation in the output stage. this signal is latched in the OF and delayed by one clock internal 10 the device. A detailed explanation is given in the OF Output Stage section. RESET A4 I A low on this input ~ousIy clears aI the Internal registers, except the cell accumulators. It can be used with ERASE 10 also clear all the accumulators simultaneously. This signal is latched In the OF and delayed by one clock internal to the OF. ERASE B4 I A ~this Input synchronously clears the cell accumulator selected by the ADRO-1 signals. II RESET Is also low Simultaneously, all cell accumulators are cleared. ALIGN PIN C3 SUMO-25 These 26 three-slate outputs are used 10 output the results of the internal filter cell computations. Individual filter cell results or the result of the shift-and-add output stage cen be output. If an individual filter cell result is to be output, the ADRo-2 signals select the filter cell result The SHADD signal determinea whether the sel~ter cell result or the output stage adder result Is output. The signals SENBH and SENBL enable the most significant and least significant bits of the SUMO-25 result, respectively. Both SENBH and SENBL may be enabled simultaneously if the system has a 26 bit or larger bus. However, individual enables are provided to facilitate use with a 16 bit bus. ... rn a: Used for aligning chip in socket or printed circuit board. Must be left as a no connect in circuit. 3-61 ~ u:: CI .,...I HSP43881 Functional Description adder operand Is the outP\lt of the 26-bit.accumulator. The adder output is loaded synchronously into both the accumulator and the TREG. The TREG loa(jing is disabled by.the c:;ell sel~tsignal, CELLn, where n. is the cell number. The cell select is decoded from the ADRO-2 signals to generate the TREG load enable. The cell select is loverted and applied as the load enable to the TREG. Operation is such that the TREG is loaded whenever the cell is not selected. Therefore, TREG is loaded every clock except the clock following cell selection. The purpose of the TREG is to hold the result of a sum-ofDF Filter Cell products calculation during the clock when the accumulator A 8-bit coefficient (CINO:"7) enters each cell through the C . is cleared to prepare for the next sum-ot-products register on the left and exits the cell on the right as signals calculation. This allows continuous accumulation without COUTO,.7. The coefficients may move directly from theC wasting cloc.ks. register to the output, exiting the cell on the clock following The accumulator is loaded with the adder output every its entrance. When decimation is selected the coefficient clock unless it is. cleared. It Is cleared synch ronously in two exit is delayed by 1,2 or 3 clocks bypassing through one or ways. When RESET and ERASE are both low, the . more decimation registers (D1, 02 or D3). accumulator is cleared along with all other registers on the The combination of D· registers through which the device. Since ERASE and RESET are latched and delayed coefficient passes is determined by the state of DCMO and one clock internally, clearing occurs on the second CLK DCM1. The output signals (COUTO-7) are connected to the following the onset of both ERASE and RESET low. CINO-7 inputs of the next cell to its right. The COENBinput The second accumulator clearing mechanism clears a signal enables the COUTO-7 outputs of the right most cell single accumulator in a selected cell. The cell select signal, to the COUTO-7 pins of the:device. CELLn, decoded from ADRO-2 and the ERASE signal enable clearing of the accumulator on the next CLK. The C and· D registers are enabled for loading by CIENB. Loading is synchronous with CLK when CIENB is low: Note The ERASE and RESET Signals clear' the DF internal that CIENB is latched internally. It enables the register for registers and states as follows: loading after the next CLKfo.llowing the onset ofC'iENiflow. ERASE RESET CLEARING EFFECT Actual loa(jing occurs on the second CLK following the No clearing occurs, internal slate onset of CIENB low. Therefore ·CIENB must be low during 1 .1 remains same the 'cioCk cycle immediately preceding presentation of the coefficient on. the CINO-7 inputs. In mo::;t. basic FIR 1 0 RESET only active, all registers except .operations, CIENa will be low throughout the process, so accumulators are cleared, including this latching and delay sequence is only important during the internal pipeline registers. the initialization phase. Wi')en CIENB is high, the 1 ERASE only active, the accumulatOr 0 coefficients are frozen. whose address is given by the ADRO-2 The Dig Hal Filter Processor (DF) is composed of eight filter pells cascaded together and an output stage for combining or selecting tllter cell outputs (See Block Diagram). Each filter cell contains a multiplier-accumulator and several registers (Figure 1). Each8-bit cQ9fflcient is multiplied by a 8- bit data sample, with the result added to· the 26-bit accumulator contents. The coefficient output of each cell is cascaded to the coefficient input of the next cell to its right inputs is cleared. These registers are cleared synchronously under control of RESET, which is latched and delayed exactly like CIENB. 0 The output of the C register (CO..,8) is one input to 8 x 8 multiplier.. . The other input to the 8x8 multiplier comes· from the output .of the x register. Tills register is loaded with a data sample from the device input signals DINO-7 discussed above. The X register is enabled for loading by DIENB. Loading is synchronous with CLK when DIENB is low. Note that DIENB is latched internally. It enables the register for loading after the next CLK following the onset of DIENB low. Actual loading occurs on the second CLK following the onset of DIENB low; therefore, DIENB must be low during the clock cycle immediately preceding presentation of the data sample on the DINO-7 inputs. In most basic FIR operations, DIENB will be low throughout the process, so this latching and delay sequence is only important during the initialization phase. When DIENB is high, the X register is loaded with all zeros. The multiplier is pipelined and is core followed by two pipeline MREG1 (Figure 1). The multiplier and input as one operand of the modeled as a multiplier registers, MREGO and output is sign extended 26-bit adder. The other 0 Both RESET and ERASE active, all accumulators as well as ail other registers are cleared. The DF Output Stage The output stage cons isis of a 26-blt adder, 26-bitregister, feedback multiplexer from the register' to the adder, an output multiplexer and a 26-bit three-state driver stage (Figure 2). The 26-bit output adder can add any filter cell accumulator result to the 18 most significant bits of the output buffer. This result is stored back in the output buffer. This operation takes place in one clock period. The eight LSBs of the output buffer are lost. The filter cell accumulator is selected by the ADRO-2 inputs. The 18 MSBs of the output buffer actually pass through the zero mux on their way to the output adder input. The zero mux is controlled by the SHADD input signal and selects either the output buffer 18 MSBs or all zeros for the adder input. A low on the SHADD input selects zero. A high on the SHADD input selects the output buffer MSBs, thus activating the shift-and-add operation. The SHADD signal is latched and delayed by one clock internally. 3-62 HSP43881 DCM1.D DCMO.D >---------------------------------, >-------------------, ~>------~--------~--_r-----~----_, CIENaD>-------~~------------~_r----_r-------~_t-----, TCCI 3-STATE BUFFERS ON CEll 7 ONLY -------1 >--...-----1 1 1 I 1 TCCO COUTO-7 1 1 RESEtD DIENB.D >-----------, >-----, TCS >-...------1 C XO-I ~==~~..L>..JC==========~====:::;===~X DINO-7 L MUlTIPLiER CORE U> PO-17 ClK a: w ~ ;:;: LATCHES C I iiEiffi DCMl DCM1.D DCMO DCMO.D iiffiT iiiiNi CIENB iiEffiii iiiiiii.ii CiENB.ii ADRO ADRO.D ADRI ADR1.D ADR2 ADR2.D rnm iiiAsf.ii SIGN EXTENSION ACC.DO-25 18-25 ClK fAAif.ij ClK ERASE CEll. CEllO ADRO ADR1 ADR2 DECODER ••• CEllI CEll 7 CEll •• D ADUTO-25 FIGURE 1. HSP43881 FILTER CELL 3-63 HSP43881 o --ADBD.D- ADR2.D 1 The SUMO-25 output bus is controlled by the SENBH and SENBL signals. A low on SENBL enables bits SUMO-15. A low on SENBH enables bits SUM16-25. Thus all 26 bits can be output simultaneously if the external system has a 26-bit or larger bus. If the external system bus is only 16 bits, the bits can be enabled in two groups of 16 and 1_ 0 bits (sign extended). 6 7 ~ DF Arithmetic Both data samples and coefficients can be represented as either unsigned or two's complement numbers. The TCS Bnd TCCI inputs determine the type of arithmetic representation. Internally all values are represented by a 9-bit two's complement number. The value of the additional ninth bit depends on the arithmetic representation selected. For two's complement arithmetic, the sign is extended into the ninth bit. For unsigned arithmetic, bit 9 is O. 16 MSB'S SHIFTED 6 BfTS TO RIGHT (BfTS 0 - 17) The multiplier output is 18 bits and the accumulator is 26 bits. The accumulator width determines the maximum possible number of terms in the sum of products without overflow. The maximum number of terms depends ,also on the number system and the distribution of the coefficient and data values. Then maximum numbers of terms in the sum products are: NUMBER SYSTEM CLK FIGURE 2. SUMQ-25 HSP43881 OF OUTPUT STAGE The 26 least significant bits (LSBs) from either a cell _accumulator or the output buffer are output on the SUMO-25 bus. The output mux determines whether the cell accumulator selected by ADRO-2 or the output buffer is output to the bus. This mux is controlled by the SHADD input signal. Control is based on the state of the SHADD during two successive clocks; in other words, the output mux selection contains memory. If SHADD is low during a clock cycle and was low during the previous clock, the output mux selects the contents of the filter cell accumulator addressed by ADRO-2. Otherwise the output mux selects the contents of the output buffer. If the ADRO-2 lines remain at the same address for more than one clock, the output at SUMO-25 will not change to reflect any subsequent accumulator updates in the _addressed cell. Only the result available during the first clock when ADRO-2 selects the cell will be output. This does not hinder normal FIR operation since the ADRO-2 lines are changed sequentially. This feature facilitates the interface with slow memories where the output is required to be fixed for more than one clock. MAX # OFTERMS Two unsigned vectors 1032 Two two's complement • Two positive vectors • Negative vectors • One positive and one negative vector 2080 2047 2064 One unsigned and one two's complement vector: • Positive two's complement vector • Negative two's complement vector 1036 1028 For practical FIR filters, the coefficients are never all near maximum value, so even larger vectors are possible in practice. Basic FIR Operation A simple, 30MHz 8-tap filter example serves to illustrate more clearly the operation of the DF. The sequence table (Table 1) shows the results of the multiply accumulate in each cell after each clock. The coefficient sequence, Cn, enters the DF on the left and moves from left to right through the cells. The data sample sequence, Xn, enters the DF from the top, with each cell receiving the same sample simultaneously. Each cell accumulates the sum of products for one output point. Eight sums of products are calculated simultaneously, but staggered in time so that a new output is available every system clock. 3-64 HSP43881 TABLE 1. HSP43881 '30MHz, 8 TAP FIR FILTER SEQUENCE CO· .. Ca, C7, Co ... Ca, C7 CLK CELLO 0 1 C7 XXO +Ca xX1 +CSXX2 +C4 XX3 +C3 xX4 +C2 XXS 2 3 4 S a 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 lS CELL 1 CELL2 CELL 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 C7 xX 1 +Ca XX2 +CS XX3 +C4 xX4 C3 xX S +C2 XXa +C1 xXa +COxX7 C7 XXa +CaxXg +Cs xX 10 +C4 XX 11 +C3 XX 12 +C2 xX 13 C7 XX2 +Ca xX3 +CSxX4 +C4 XXS +C3 xXa +C2 xX7 +C1 xX7 +CoxXa C7 xX9 +Ca xX 10 +CSxX11 +C4 xX 12 +C3 xX 13 +C2 xX14 +C1 XX1S +C1 xX14 +CO xX1S - - . HSP43aa1 +C1 xXa +COxXg C7 xX 10 +Ca xXl1 +CSXX12 +C4 xX 13 +C3 xX 14 +C2 XX 15 ~ CELL4 CELLS ... Y1S, Y14 ... Ya, Y7 CELL 6 CELL 7 SUM/CLR - - C7 XX3 +Ca xX4 +CSxXS +C4 XXa +C3 xX7 C7 xX4 +CaxXs +CsxXa +C4 xX7 +C2 XXa +C1 xXg +CO XX 10 C7 xX 11 +Ca XX12 +CS xX 13 +C3 xXa +C2 xX9 +C1 xX10 +Cox X11 C7 XX 12 +Ca xX 13 +C4 xX 14 +C3 xX15 +Cs x X14 +C4 xX15 C7 xX S +CaxXa +CSXX7 +C4 XXa +C3 xX 9 +C2 xX 10 +C1 XX11 +COXX12 C7 xX13 +Ca XX 14 +C5 XX15 C7 XXa +Ca xX7 +CsxXa +C4 xX9 +C3 xX 10 +C2 xX 11 +C1 xX12 +CO xX 13 +C7 xX 14 +Ca XX15 - Cell o (Y7) Cell 1 (ya) Cell 2 (yg) C7 XX7 +CaxXa +CsxXg +C4 x X10 +C3 XX 11 +C2 XX 12 +C1 xX13 Cell 3 (Y10) Cell 4 (Y11) CeIlS(Y12) Cella (Y13) Cell 7 (Y14) Cell 0 (Y15) +COxX14 C7 XX15 en a: w :; u:: C SAMPLE DATA IN I (X n ) 30MHz CLOCK >- > 3 BIT COUNTER Y2 Y1 +5V Yo I I , /8 ~ A2 A1 AO DQ-D7 8x8 COEFF. RAMiROM SYSTEM RESET , ADR2 ADR1 ADRO VCC SHADD SENBH SENBL DINQ- 7 SUMO· 25 r: i5iENB t-- TCS HSP43881 /8 2a" NC TCCO TCCI CINO·7 CIENB DCM1 DCMO r 1 1 ERASE FIGURE 3. ~ CLK ~ r---, I 1 1 - -RESET ERASE r I COUTQ-7 VSS COENB 11 *- HSP43881 30M Hz, 8 TAP FIR FILTER APPLICATION SCHEMATIC 3-65 8" , NC HSP43881 Detailed operation of the DF to"perform a basic a-tap, a-bit coefficient, a-bit data, 30MHz FIR filter is best understood by observing the schematic (Figure 3) and timing diagram (Figure 4). The Internal pipeline length of the DF is four (4) clock cycles, corresponding to the register levels CREG (or XREG), MREGO, MREG1, and TREG (Figures 1 and 2). Ther.efore the delay ·from presentation of data and coefficients at the DINO-7 and CINO-7 Inputs to a sum appearing at the SUMO-25 output is: The output sums, Yn, shown in the timing diagram are derived from the sum-of-products equation: Y(n) = C(O) x X(n) -+- C(l) x X(n-l) + C(2) x X(n-2) + C(3) x X(n-3) + C(4) x X(n-4) + C(5) x X(n-5) + C(6) x X(n-6) + C(7) x X(n-7) Extended FIR Filter Length Filter lengths greater that eight taps can be created by either cascading together multiple DF devices or "reusing" a single device. Using multiple devices, an FIR filter of over 1000 taps can be constructed to operate at a 30MHz sample rate. Using a single device clocked at 30M Hz, an FIR filter of over 1000 taps" can be constructed to operate at less than a 30MHz sample rate. Combinations of these two techniques are also possible. k+Td where k = filter length = 4, the internal pipeline delay of DF Td After the pipeline has filled, a new output sample is available every clock. The delay to last· sample output from last sample Input Is Td. o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ClK ERASE ~r-------~--~------------1- _______________________ DINO-7 DIENI _______________________________________________________ IC71 C& I Csl C4 I C31 C21 c, ICo I C7 Ic&1 Cs I C41 CINO-7 C31 C21 c, I Co I C71 c&1 C. I CIENi _______________________________________________________ ADRO-2 101,1213141.1&17101 I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I SUMO-24 SHADDWV~A ifrii[ ~A000WffiW00VA iffiif~A DCMO-l 1 1-1----------------------------------------"--------0 7 YN=IcK,XN-K K FIGURE 4. =0 HSP43881 30MHz, 8 TAP FIR FILTER TIMING SAMPLE MfA .N Ir=D (X,.I D 3DMHz CLOCK Q I I I T~ I h 10111 MU.I ADD Vee 'HADD IEIiIN SEMIL !r- DINI-7 ,...... iiiiii ' - TCI --.£ I- ,---. 7 - 1111 COEFF. AI RAM/ROM eLK VI AI .. liT Y1 erR Y2 n SYSTEM RElET fI--- T FIGURE 5. O2 AI 01-07 aUMO-U DFO TceD ' - TCCI ~ CINO-7 Ciiii DC.1 COUTl-7 DCMa I I I T~ iiiiiT iiiiii va Ciiiiii I 4· :--l ADlil ADRI ADRI Vee 'MADD liNIM IEIIL t+ £ HSP43881 Cl. .. -+- DJ•• -1 IUMI-2" ~ TeeD r- DiEiii reI H$P43881 ClK DF1 -- I--- TCCI 4- I--- CINO-7 Ciiiii DCMl DC" COUTI-1 iiUif iiiiii '. ~ COl•• I I• HSP43881 3OMHz, 16 TAP FIR FILTER CASCADE APPLICATION SCHEMATIC. 3-66 -. ... Ie OUT ""I HSP43881 Cascade Configuration To design a filter length L>8. L/8 OFs are cascaded by connecting the CQUTO-7 outputs of the (i)th OF to the CINO-7 inputs of the (i+l)th OF. The OINO-7 inputs and SUMO-25 outputs of all the OFs are also tied together. A specific example of two cascaded OFs illustrates the technique (Figure 5). Timing (Figure 6) is similar to the simple 8-tap FIR. except the ERASE and SENBL/SENBH TABLE 2. X30'" X9. X8. X22 ... Xl. Xo Coefficient Sequence co ... C14.015.0 ... O.. Co ... C14.C15 Input. CLK 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 CELLO CELL 1 CELL 2 CELL 3 0 C15 XX1 o 0 C15 xX8 +C14 XX9 +C13 xX lO +C12 x Xll 42 +C2 xX21 +C1 xX22 +CO XX 23 44 48 o o o o HSP43881l---+ ... o. Y3Ci ... Y23.0 ... O. Y22· .. Y15.0 ... 0 CELL 4 CELLS CELL 6 C15 xX6 C15 xX7 +C14 xX8 +C13 xX9 o o o o o o o o +C4 XX14 +C3 xX15 +C2 xX 16 +C1 xX17 +CO xX 18 o o o o o o o C15XX11 (I) a: w !:i u:: Q +C12 xXlO +C11 XX11 +C10 XX12 +C9 xX 13 +C6 xX 12 o SUM/CLR C15 XX5 +CS XX 13 o CELL 7 C15 xX 4 +C9 xX 9 +C8 x XlO +C7 XX 11 +C11 xX12 +C10 xX 13 +C5 xX 18 +C4 XX19 +C3 xX 20 . +C12XX6 +C11 XX7 +ClO xX8 +CO xX 15 39 40 41 45 46 47 0 C15"X3 +C14 xX4 +C13xX5 +C3 xX 12 +C2 xX13 +C1 XX14 38 43 0 +C5 xX lO +C4 xX 11 +C9 xX 14 +C8 xX 15 +C7 XX 16 +C6 xX 17 36 37 o C15xX2 +C7 xX8 +C6 xX9 o o o Using a singie OF. a filter of length L>8 can be constructed by processing in L/8 passes as illustrated in the following table (Table 2) for a l6-tap FIR. Each pass is composed of ---1 ~ C15xXO +C14XX1 +C13 xX 2 +C12 xX3 +C11 xX4 +ClO xX5 +C9 xX6 +C8 xX7 o o o o Single OF Configuration HSP4388116-TAP FIR FILTER SEQUENCE USING A SINGLE OF Data Sequence Input signals must be enabled independently for the two OFs in order to clear the correct accumulators and enable the SUMO-25 output signals at the proper times. COxX19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C15 xX 12 o o Co x X21 o o o o o o o C15XX14 +C8 xX 14 +C7 XX 15 +C6 xX 16 +C5 XX 17 +C4 XX 18 +C3 xX 19 +C2 xX 20 +C1 x X21 +COXX22 I CELLO(Y15) CELL 1 (Y16) CELL 2 (Y17) CELL3(Y18) CELL4(Y19) CELL 5 (Y20) CELL6(Y21) CELL 7 (Y22) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C15 XX15 +C14 XX16 +C13 xX17 +C12 XX18 +Cl1 xX19 +Cl0 xX 20 +C9 xX21 +C8 xX22 o o 3-67 +C7 XX 23 +C6 xX 24 CELL o(Y23) +C5 XX25 +C4 xX 26 CELL 2 (Y25) CELL 3 (Y26) +C3 xX27 CELL 4 (Y27) CELL 1 (Y24) HSP43881 Tp= 7 + L cycles and computes eight output samples. In pass I, the sample with indices 1*8 to i*8 +(L-l) enter the OINO-7 Inputs. The c6efficients Co - CL - 1 enter 'the CINO-7 inputs, followed by seven zeros. As these zeros are entered, the result samples are output and the accumulators reset Initial filln.g of the pipeline Is not shown In this sequence table. Alter outputs can be put through a FIFO to even out the sample rate. accomplished with external adders (at full speed) or with the OF's shift-and-addmechanlsm contained in its output stage (at reduced sPl*ld). Decimatio'n/Resampling The HSP43881 OF provides a mechanism for decimating by factors of 2, 3, or 4. From the OF filter cell block diagr;lm (Figure 1), note the three 0 registers and two multiplexers In the coefficient path through the cell. These allow the coefficients to be delayed by 1, 2; or '3 clocks through the cell. The sequence table (Table 3) for a decimate-by-two- fHter illustrates the technique (internal cell pipelinlng Ignored for Simplicity). Extended Coefficient and Data Sample Word Size The sample and coefficient word size can be extended by utilizing several OFs in parallel to get the maximum sample rate or a single OF with resulting lower sample rates. The technique is to compute partial products of 8x8 and combine these partial products by shifting and adding to obtain the final result The shifting and adding can be ClK • 1 ! :I 4 5 I 1 • t " 11 12 13 M 15 11 11 11 Detailed timing for a 30MHz Input sample rate, 15M!"Iz output sample rate (I.e., declmate-by-two), 16-tap FIR filter, Including plpelinlng, is shown In Figure 7. This filter requires only a single HSP43881 OF. " 2f 21 22 23 24 ZI 2. II 2. ZI a8 31 32 33 14 H 31 J7 31 It 41 OflMAl<-ILJ~~==================================J===============~============~======::: ERiii' _ DIIII-> OFt IXo I x, I x,l x,l x. lis I x,l x,l XI I X,I X,ol X,,1 XIZI x"l X,,1 x..1X"I x"IX"lx"lx"lx" IX"'X.. IX"lx"IX,"II,,II.. ,I.. IX3I113IIX.,IXull.. ,I,,113I11.,1 m.M--'~ CIIII-' ____________________________________________________________________________ ICISIC" IC"IC"ICIIIC,.IC, ICI I C,I CI' c, 'c" c" c" c" c"clSlc"lc",c"lclI,c", C, IC. IC, Ic. 'c, 'c. I c. 'c, 'c, ,CIIC15,C",C"lclZ ICu,c,ol ..... --,~---------------------------------------------------------------------------,1"I'I"'15,1"I'I""'1'1 5 11I',I""j" ADRI-! OF. SUMO-ZS DF1 SUMO-IS ::: ::::~ =Wb.===?="z=w.===u==&=,,=,============~;;;;;;;E~~~~~~5;;;; OCMI-' 'I 1 - ,- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I.e. YH .. I XN· • • ·1 FIGURE 6. HSP4388118-TAP 30M Hz FIR FILTER TIMING USING TWO CASCADED HSP43881a 3-68 HSP43881 TABLE 3. HSP43881 l6-TAP DECIMATE-BY-TWO FIR FILTER SEQUENCE; 30MHz IN, l5MHz OUT Data Sequence Input Coefficient Sequence ... C15. Co· .. C13. C14. C15 Input 1 --..J HSP43881 ~ ... Y19.-. Y17.-. Y15 CLK CELLO CELL 1 CELL 2 CELL 3 CELL 4 CELLS CELL 6 CELL 7 SUM/CLR 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 C15 XXO +C14 XX1 +C13 xX2 +C12 XX3 +C11 XX4 +ClO xX5 +C9 xX6 +C8 xX7 0 0 C15 XX 2 0 0 0 0 C15 XX4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - C15 XX 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C15 XX 12 0 0 +C7 XX8 +C6 XX9 +C5 XX 10 +C4 xX 11 +C3 xX12 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 _26 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 C15 XX8 C15 xX lO +C2 xX13 +C1 XX14 +COxX15 C15 xX 16 +C14 XX17 +C13 xX 18 +C12 XX19 +C11 xX20 +C10 xX 21 +C9 xX 22 +Ca xX 23 +C7 XX24 33 34 - - - - C15 XX 14 +C14 XX 15 +C13 xX 16 +C12 xX 17 +C11 xX18 +ClO xX 19 +C9 xX 20 +Ca xX 21 +C7 xX 22 +C6 xX 23 CELLO(y15) - 36 37 1 1 1 1 l 1 eLK 2 3 .. S I 1 8' 9 10 11 14 15 CELL 2 (Y19) C CELL3(Y21) _ CELL 4 (Y23) CELL 5 (Y25) CELL 6 (Y27) CELL 7 (Y29) CELL 8 (Y31) 1 1 1 1 11 17 18 19 20 Z1 22 23 24 25 2& 27 28 29 30 32 33 1 12 13 IX10 IX111 x121 x'3P:141 x'51 1161 X171 X111 x 19 I1201 Xzt IX22lx231x241 X25Ix28lx27lx28Ix2!dx~o Ix3I1 x321 1331 x3 .. 1136 1X361 X371 :f1 34 35 36 37 31 39 40 ERASE I Ie I x, I X2 I X3 I X.. 1Xs I x, I Xl I x. I X, DINt-1 DIENI ---.L________________________________________________ CIN.·, elENa _______________________________________ I C"I c" I C"I C,,1 cnl c,,1 c, I c, I c, I c, I c, I c. I c, I c, I c, I c. I C,.I c" I cill c,,1 cnl c,,1 c, I c;-I c, I c. I c, I c. I c, I c, I c, I c. I C,.lc" I c,,1 c,,1 cnlc" I ---,L-_________________________________________________________________________________________ ADRO-2 • I Iv,,1 SUMO-25 DCM'-' ~ I, , I Iv,,1 , I , 1>,,1 I Iv~1 • I Iv,,1 , f • I , Iv,,1 Iv,,1 I Iv,,1 • I Iv,,1 , I Iv,,1 ~I----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ FIGURE 7. HSP43881 l6-TAP DECIMATE-BY-TWO FIR FILTER TIMING; 30M Hz IN, l5MHz OUT 3-69 ffii !:i u::: - +C3 xX 28 +C1 xX28 +C2 XX29 +CO xX 29 +C1 xX30 C15 XX30 +CO xX 31 +C14 XX 31 +C14 XX31 +C14 XX31 +C14 XX31 +C14 XX31 +C14 xX31 +C14 XX31 35 .,. - CELL 1 (Y17) +C5 xX 24 +C4 XX25 +C3 xX 26 +C2 xX 27 +C6 xX 25 +C5 xX 26 +C4 XX27 32 - I Specifications HSP43881 Absolute Maximum Ratings Supply Voltage •••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••.••••..•••••••••••••••••••••..•••••.••••••••. +8.0V Input. Output Voltage ••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••.•••••••••..•••••••••••••••••••• GND -0.5V to VCC +0.5V Storage Temperature ••••••••• , •.•••••••...•• " •••.•..••••.•.•••.•.••.•••••.••••....•••.•••.•••••• " •• -650 C to +1500C ESD ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••.•....•••••.••••••••.••.••••.•..•.••.•••....•.....•........••• Class1 Maximum Package Power Dissipation at 700 C ••••••••• , •.•.• , ••••••••.•• , • " •••••••••• " •.••.•• 2.4W (PLCC). 2.88W (PQA) 0jc ••••.•••..•.•••••••••••••••.••••••.•••••••••••••••..•••••••••••••• , •••••••••••••• 11.1 0 CIW(PLCC).7,780 CIW(PGA) 0ja ................................................................................ 33.7OCIW (PLCC). 34.66o CIW (PGA) Gate Count .................................................................................................... 17763 Junction Temp~rature ...................................................................... 1500 C (PLCC). 1750 C (PGA) Lead Temperature (Soldering 10s) ............................................................................... 3000C CAUTI9N: Stresses above those listed in the "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damagp to the device. This is a stress only rating and operation of the device at these or any other conditIons above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification ;8 not implied. Operating Conditions Operating Voltage Range ...................................................................................... 5V ±5% Operating Temperature Range ............................................................................ OoC to + 700 C D.C. Electrical Specifications SYMBOL ICCOp PARAMETER Power Supply 'Current MIN MAX UNITS - 160 mA VCC=Max CLKFrequency 20MHz Note 1. Note 3 TEST CONDITIONS - 500 IlA Vce = Max. Note 3 II Input Leakage Current -10 10 IlA VCC = Max. Input = OV orVCC 10 Output Leakage Current -10 10 "A VCC = Max. Input = OV orVCC VIH Logical One Input Voltage 2.0 - V VCC=Max VIL Logical Zero Input Voltage 0.8 V VCC=Min 2.6 - V IOH = -4001lA. VCC = Min ICCSB Standby Power Supply Current VOH Logical One Output Voltage VOL Logical Zero Output Voltage VIHC Clock Input High VILC Clock Input Low CIN Input Capacitance Cour PLCC PGA Output Capacitance PLCC PGA - 0.4 V 10L = 2mA. VCC = Min VCC-0.8 - V Vcc=Max - 0.8 V VCC=Min - 10 15 pF pF 10 15 pF pF CLK Frequency 1 MHz All measurements referenced toGND TA = +250 C, Note 2 - NOTES: 1. Operating supply current is proportional to frequency. Typical rating is 8mNMHz. 2. Controlled via design or process parameters and nol directly tested. Cha.... ecterized upon initial design and after major process and/or design changes. 3. Output load per test load circuit and CL = 40pF. 3-70 Specifications HSP43881 A.C. Electrical Specifications vcc = 5V ±5%, TA = ooc to +700 C -20 (20MHz) SYMBOL PARAMETER -25 (25.6MHz) -30 (30MHz) MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX UNITS 39 33 - ns 0 - TCp Clock Period 50 TCl Clock low 20 TCH Clock High 20 TIS Input Setup 16 TIH Input Hold 0 - TODC ClK to Coefficient Output Delay - 24 - TOED Output Enable Delay 20 TODD Output Disable Delay - TODS ClKtoSUM Output Delay - 27 - TOR Output Rise TOF Output Fall - 16 16 14 20 - 6 6 13 TEST CONDITIONS ns 13 - ns 0 - ns 20 - 18 ns 15 - 15 ns 15 ns 21 ns - 6 ns Note 1 6 ns Note 1 15 25 6 6 13 ns Note 1 ... NOTE: 1. Controlled by design or process parameters and not directly tested. Characterized upon initial design and after major process and/or design changes. IX: w !:i u:: ... CI I Test Load Circuit r--------------- Sl DUT~ I I I I I I I ,i , , , 'CLt , I 1.5V *INCWDES STRAY AND JIG CAPACITANCE , ____ EQUIVALENT~IRCUrr _ _ _ _ SwHch 51 Open for ICCSB and ICCOp Tests 3-71 i I J HSP43881 Waveforms or--""-------- VCC· 0.4V INPUT' 0.011 CLK 3.0V----......., O.ov-----'-l • Input includes: DINO-7, CINO-7, DIENB, CIENB, ERASE, RESET, DCMO-1, AD RO-2, TCS, TCCI, SHADD CLOCK AC PARAMETERS ,,~----- 5V CLK 2 . ; ( SUMO - 25 INPUT SETUP AND HOLD ~.-:::j_...;...--. r=l.~5VODC' TODS 'lll[V COUTO-7 ~ TCCO----' O.~ --TO-R-~- • SUMo-25, COuro-7, TCCO are assumed nol to be in high-impedance state SUMO-25, COUTO-7, TCCO OUTPUT DELAYS OUTPUT RISE AND FALL TIMES SENBl SENBH---, 1.5V COENB 3.0V---, INPUT O.OV---" TOED SUMO -25 COUTO. 7 _ _ _ _ _~ 1.7V TCCO HIGH j\.1.;.;."'3V-'-_ _ _ _ _ _..J HIGH IMPEDANCE IMPEDANCE AC. Testing: Inputs are driven at 3.0V for logic "1" and O.OV for logiC "0"'. Input and output timing measurements are made at 1.5V for both a logic "1" and "0". ClK is driven at VCC -0.4 and OV and measured at 2.5V. All inputs driven at 1VIns OUTPUT ENABLE, DISABLE TIMING A.C. TESTING INPUT, OUTPUT WAVEFORM 3-72 mHARRIS HSP43881/883 Digital Filter May 1991 Features Description • This Circuit is Processed in Accordance to Mil-Std883C and is Fully Conformant Under the Provisions of Paragraph 1.2.1. The HSP43881/883 is a video speed Digital Filter (DF) designed to efficiently implement vector operations such as FIR digital filters. It is comprised of eight filter cells cascaded internally and a shift and add output stage, all in a single integrated circuit. Each filter cell contains a 8x8 bit multiplier, three decimation registers and a 26-bit accumulator. The output stage contains an additional 26-bit accumulator which can add the contents of any filter cell accumulator to the output stage accumulator shifted right by 8 bits. The HSP43881/883 has a maximum sample rate of 25.6MHz. The effective multiply accumulate (mac) rate is 204M Hz. The HSP43881/883 DF can be configured to process expanded coefficient and word sizes. MultipleDFs can be cascaded for larger filter lengths without degrading the sample rate or a single DF can process larger filter lengths at less than 25.6MHz with multiple passes. The architecture permits processing filter lengths of over 1000 taps with the guarantee of no overflows. In practice, most filter coefficients are less than 1.0, making even larger filter lengths possible. The DF provides for 8-bit unsigned or two's complement arithmetic, independently selectable for coeffiCients, and signal data. • 0 to 25.6MHz Sample Rate • Eight Filter Cells • 8-Bit Coefficients and Signal Data • Low Power CMOS Operation ~ ~ ICCSB 500/JA Maximum ICCOp 1601JA Maximum @ 20MHz • 26-Bit Accumulator Per Stage • Filter Lengths Up to 1032 Taps • Shift and Add Output Stage for Combining Filter Outputs • Expandable Coefficient Size, Data Size and Filter Length • Decimation by 2, 3 or 4 Applications • 1-0 and 2-D FIR Filters Each DF filter cell contains three resampling or decimation registers which permit output sample rate reduction at rates of 1/2, 1/3 or 1/4 the input sample rate. These registers also provide the capability to perform 2-D operations such as matrix multiplication and NxN spatial correlations/convolu· tions for image processing applications. • Radar/Sonar • Digital Video and Audio • Adaptive Filters • Echo Cancellation • Correlation/Convolution • Complex Multiply-Add • Butterfly Computation • Matrix Multiplication • Sample Rate Converters Block Diagram Vee Vss Ir DIENB DIND- DIN7 TCS c'ENB)~5~~~:::t:;:E:t~:;:E::~;:t:::~;':E:::~~::~~;1::~~J DCMO-1 ERASE TCOO COUTO COUT().7 RESET MR~~5~~~r---1--+--~~+---~~t----4~r---~~----~-+--~ RESET C~~~ S~DD» :~::~, __ ~ COENB -+I ______________________ ________________________+I ~/ SUMJ-25 CAUTION: These devices are sensitive to electrostatic discharge. Users should follow proper IC Handling Procedures. Copyright @ Harris Corporation 1991 3-73 File Number 2449.1 rn a: w !:i u:: C I HSP43881/883 Pinouts 85 PIN GRID ARRAY (PGA) COENi Vee Vee CDUTY Tceo e0UT5 COUTO Vss e ALION PIN RESEr -- DI... DINT TCS DINa DIN1 ""'II' DIM2 DIN5 D... DINO 11 Vee Vos elNo CI. . Tea CIN7 aS3A-ISP43881 P4388101.Gf!M 10 10 elNO 0 DCN1 0 0 0 iENiH SUNM 0 C.NS Vee 0 0 v•• 0 V• • 0 SUN1. 0 0 v•• 0 ., ." "i .," II iii !II :I IiQ 1 :I :I til II) > :I N :I 0 .," >= :I 0 .. " lE lE ~ lE """" " " ~ i N > WI ... .. > lE " Note: An overbar on a signal name represents an active LOW signal. 3-74· 0 Vee 0 CONO 0 COUT7 TCCO eOENB 0 SUMS elN2 8UM21 :I 0 SUMO PINS UP eOUTS .. .. . . ." "" " g .." .," .,"i SUN' BOTTOM VIEW COUT7 SUMtS 0 HSP43881 eOJ( SUM23 Vss 0 0 0 0 SUMS SUM7 COUT4 0 0 SUM11 0 SUM22 SUM17 0 0 0 .,< § ~ ., S S 5 S " " 8 ~ 8 8 8 " ~" 51 !S 0 0 Vss SUN1S SUM'. SUM10 84 LEAD CERAMIC QUAD FLATPACK PACKAGE ~ 0 SUM13 SUM. COUTO SHADD 0 0 0 Vee SUM20 ,SUN,7 SUN1. 0 DeMO CDUTS eDUTO Vee Vee 0 0 0 0 0 0 AD... CDUn coun 0 Vso 0 0 AD. . 0 81,1MIII ADAI G 0 SUM23 8UN22 SUMI, SUM18 SUM14 0 elENS 0 DINa 0 0 su .. t 0 SUMe 0 v•• 0 SUN4 0 SUMII 0 V•• 0 iiEiiiii. 0 Vce 0 0 CINS elNS 0 0 el. . e"7 CINe 0 0 0 Vee V•• Tcel Specifications HSP43881/883 Absolute Maximum Ratings Reliability Information Supply Voltage ••.•••••••....••••.......••••..••.••.•.. +8.0V Input, Output Voltage Applied ..•.•.•.• , GND-0.5V to VCC+0.5V Storage Temperature Range ••••••.•••••••••• -650C to +1500 C Junction Temperature •••....•••.•.•••••••.••.•.•.•••• +175 0 C Lead Temperature (Soldering, Ten Seconds) .••.......•• +3000 C ESD Classification ••.••.•..•••••••.•.•...••••.•....... Class 1 Thermal Resistance Sja Sjc Ceramic PGA Package ...•.••••••.. 34.660 C/W 7.78 0 C/W Maximum Package Power Dissipation at +125 0 C Ceramic PGA Package .....•••......•.•....•...••• 1.44 Watt Gate Count ••••...••••.•..•.•••..•...••.•••..... 17762 Gates CAUTION: Stresses above those listed in "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to tbe device. This is a stress only rating and operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Operating Conditions Operating Voltage Range •...•.••...•.••••••.... +4.5V to +5.5V Operating Temperature Range •...••••••••.•• -550C to +1250 C TABLE 1. HSP43881/883 D.C. ELECTRICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS Devices Guaranteed and 100% Tested PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS LIMITS GROUP A SUBGROUPS TEMPERATURE MIN MAX UNITS 2.2 - V Logical One Input Voltage VIH VCC=5.5V 1,2,3 -550 C.:<;TA':<; +1250 C logical Zero Input Voltage VIL VCC=4.5V 1,2,3 -55°C ~TA~ +1250 C - 0.8 V Output HIG H Voltage VOH 10H = -400flA VCC = 4.5V (Note 1) 1,2,3 -550C.:<; TA:$; +1250 C 2.6 - V Output LOW Voltage VOL IOL=+2.0mA VCC = 4.5V(Note 1) 1,2,3 -550 C.:<;TA.:<;+1250C - 0.4 V VIN = VCC or GND VCC=5.5V 1,2,3 -550C~TA':<;+1250C -10 +10 I'A VOUT = VCC or GND VCC=5.5V 1,2,3 -550C':<;TA~+1250C -10 +10 flA Input Leakage Current II !::i 10 Clock Input High VIHC VCC=5.5V 1,2,3 -550 C.:<;TA.:<;+1250C VCC-0.8 - V VILC VCC=4.5V 1,2,3 -550C':<;TA~ +125 0 C - 0.8 V Standby Power Supply Current ICCSB VIN = VCC or GND VCC=5.5V, Outputs Open 1,2,3 -550 C.:<;TA':<; +125 0 C - 500 I'A Operating Power Supply Current ICCOp f=20.0MHz VCC = 5.5V (Note 2) 1,2,3 -550C':<;TA~+1250C - 160.0 mA 7,8 -550C .:<;TA~ +125 0 C - - Functional Test FT (Note 3) NOTES: 1. Interchanging u:: C I Output Leakage Current Clock Input Low fI) a: w of force and sense conditions is permitted. 2. Operating Supply Current is proportional to frequency, typical rating is 8.0mA/MHz. 3. Tested as follows: f = 1MHz, VIH = 2.6, VIL = 0.4, VOH ~ 1.5V, VOL S. 1.5V, VIHC VCC -0.4V, and VILC 0.4V. 3-75 = = Sp8cifications HSP43881/883 TABLE 2. HSP43881/883 A.C.ELECTRICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS Device Guaranteed and 100% Tested GROUP A SYMBOL CONDITIONS SUBGROUPS PARAMETER -20 (20M Hz) 25 (25.6MHz) TEMPERATURE MIN MAX MIN MAX UNITS 50 - 39 - ns 16 16 - ns 17 - ns 0 - ns - 20 ns - 1.5 ns 25 ns Clock Period TCp Note 1 9,10,11 -550 CSTA·S.+1250C Clock Low TCL Note 1 9,10,11 -550C.s:TA.s:+1250C 20 Clock High TCH Note 1 9,10,11 -550C5 TA5+1250C 20 TIS Note 1 9,10,11 -55°C 5TA.s: +1250 C 20 - 9,10,11 -55°C 5 TA.s: +1250 C Input Setup TIH Note 1 0 - CLK to Coefficient Output Delay TODC Note 1 9,10,11 -550C.s:TA~+1.250C - 24 Output Enable Delay TOED Note 1 9,10,11 -550 C5TA.s:+1250C - 20 CLKtoSUM Output Delay TODS Note 1 9,10,11 -55°C .s:TA.s: +1250 C - 31 Input Hold .. ns '.' NOTE: 1. Loading is as specified in .the test load circuit with CL = 4OpF. TABLE 3. HSP43881/883 A.C. ELECTRICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS -20 PARAMETER Input Capacitance -25 SYMBOL CONDITIONS NOTES TEMPERATURE MIN MAX MIN MAX UNITS CIN VCC=Open, f=1 MHz All measurements are referenced to deviceGND. 1 TA=+250C - 15 - 15 pF 1 TA=+250C - 15 15 pF 1,2 -550 C.s:TA.s:+1250C - 20 15 ns 6 ns - 7 - 6 ns Output Capacitance COUT Output Disable Delay TODD Output Rise Time TOR' 1,2 -550C5TA <+1250 C Output Fall Time TOF 1,2 -55 0 C5TA5+1250C 7 NOTES: 1. The parameters listed in Table 3 are controlled via design or process parameters and are not directly tested. These parameters are character.. ized uPQn initial design and after major process and/or design changes. 2.. Loading is as specified in the te~tload eireuR, CL = 4OpF. TABLE 4. APPLICABLE SUBGROUPS METHOD SUBGROUPS Initial Test 100%/5004 - Interim Test 100%/5004 - CONFORMANCE GROUPS PDA 100% 1 Final Test 100% 2,3,8A,8B, 10, 11 - 1,2,3, 7,8A, 8B,9, 10, 11 Samples/5OD5 1,7,9 Group A GroupsC&D 3-76 HSP43881/883 Burn-In Circuit 8UM2! COUT8 SUM22 eoUT7 Vss VCC 8UM21 TCCO COiNi Vee EFiASE ReSeT HSP43881j883 DIENS TOP VIEW TCS DIN7 DiNe DIN6 01. . DIN3 0lN2 DIN1 SUM11 DINO CIENa Teel .,. Vee ....a: !:i u::: CI .-I OFP LEAD PIN NAME BURN-IN SIGNAL OFP LEAD PIN NAME BURN-IN SIGNAL OFP LEAD PIN NAME BURN-IN SIGNAL OFP LEAD PIN NAME BURN-IN SIGNAL 1 SUM23 Vee/2 22 SUM6 Vecl2 43 Vee Vee 64 Vee 2 SUM22 Vecl 2 23 VSS GND 44 Teel F9 65 eOUT5 Vecl2 3 Vee Vee 24 SUM5 Vce/2 45 elENB FlO 66 eOUT4 Vecl2 Vee 4 SUM21 Vect2 25 SUM4 VCcl2 46 DINO FO 67 eOUT3 Vee/2 5 SUM20 Vecl2 26 Vee Vee 47 DINl Fl 66 eOUT2 Vee/2 6 SUM19 Vce/2 27 SUM3 Vecl2 48 DIN2 F2 69 VSS GND 7 SUM18 Vee/2 28 SUM2 Vecl2 49 DIN3 F3 70 eOUTl Vee/2 8 VSS GND 29 SUMl Vccl2 50 DIN4 F4 71 COUTO Vee/2 9 SUM17 Vee/2 30 SUMO Vecl2 51 DIN5 F5 72' SHADD F9 10 SUM18 Vee/2 31 VSS GND 52 DIN6 F6 73 CLK FO 11 vee Vee 32 SENBL FlO 53 DIN7 F8 74 ADDR2 F2 12 SUM15 Vee/2 33 elNO FO 54 TeS F7 75 DeMO F5 13 SUM14 Vee/2 34 CINl F1 55 DIENB FlO 76 VSS GND 14 SUM13 Vee/2 35 Vee Vce 56 RESET Fll 77 ADDRl F1 15 SUM12 Vee/2 36 elN2 F2 57 ERASE FlO 78 ADDRO FO 18 VSS GND 37 elN3 F3 58 Vee Vce 79 Vce Vce 17 SUMll vecl 2 38 elN4 F4 59 eOENB FlO 80 SENBH FlO 18 SUM10 Vccl2 39 elN5 F5 80 Tceo vecl2 81 SUM25 Vect2 19 SUM9 Vect2 40 VSS GND 61 VSS GND 82 DeM1 F6 20 SUM8 Vee/2 41 CIN6 F6 62 eOUT7 Vecl2 83 SUM24 Vee/2 21 SUM7 Vect2 42 CIN7 F7 63 eOUT6 Vee/2 84 VSS GND NOTES: 1. Vee/2 (2.7V ±10%) used for outputs only. 2. 471<0 (:1:20%) resis10r connected to all pins except Vee snd GND. 3. Vee - 5.5 :l:0.5V. 4. 0.1 ~F (min) cspacRor between Vee and GND per pooRion. 5. FO = 100KHz :1:10%. Fl = FO/2, F2 = Fl/2 •••.•• Fl I = Fl012. 40% - 60% Duty Cycle. 6. Input voltage limits: VIL = 0.8V max. VIH = 4.5V :I: 10% 3-77 HSP43'881/883 Burn-In Circuit HSP43881/883 PIN GRID ARRAY (PGA) , 1 b L 0 0 SENiii 0 J 0 0 0 0 0 V88 9UM24 0 0 Vee 0 V.S 8UMI. 0 Vee 0 0 0 Vsa 0 BUtoUS 8UM12 SUU10 0 8UM20 0 BUNlt3 • 0 0 HSP43881 0 0 BOTTOM VIEW COUTO SHADD 0 0 SUMI 0 SUMO PINS UP 0 COUT2 0 0 COUTIS 0 S Vee 0 A v•• PGA PIN PIN NAME BURN-IN SIGNAL PGA PIN 0 0 au ... aUMa 0 v•• 0 0 COUTe 0 0 0 0 8UM2 0 0 Vsa Veo 0 0 elNO 0 iiNii. 0 0 HSP/43881/4388102.GEM vee OINZ 0 0 ALIGN 0 OIENB DINS PIN 0 DIN" 0 .RAB. 0 DINI 0 0 0 Tea 0 RESET 0 0 0 0 COU17 TCCO co.... SUM< SUM3 OIN. caUT3 OOUT4 e 8UMS 0 0eLK S• 0 0 SUM11 SUM7 0 0 0 • coun V 11 BUMS DeMO "sa . , 0 9UMt7 BUMI. 0 0 D 0 • ,7 AORO ADR' F 0, 0 8UM215 ADRt G • 0 Vee H • BUM23 BUMD 8UM21 SUM1. 8UM14 DeNt K • 3 Vee PIN NAME DIN7 DIN8 BURN-IN SIGNAL 0 DIN2 CiENi DIN3 DINO PGA PIN 0 0 0 0 CIN8 0lN3 0 0lN7 CIHI 0 0 TeCI PIN NAME 0 0lN4 0 Vee V•• BURN-IN SIGNAL PGA PIN PIN NAME BURN-IN SIGNAL Al VSS GND el eOUT5 Veel2 F'10 Vee Vee K4 Vee Vee A2 eOENB FlO e2 eOUT6 Veel2 Fll VSS GND K5 SUM19 Vee/2 A3 Vee Vee C3 ALIGN Ne G1 ADR2 F2 K6 VSS OND A4 hESET Fl1 e5 DlENB F10 G2 DeMO F5 K7 SUM15 Vee/2 A5 DIN7 FS e6 DIN5 F5 G3 elK FO KS SUM12 Vee/2 A6 DlN6 F6 e7 DIN4 F4 G9 SUM1 Voe/2 K9 SUM10 Vee/2 A7 DIN3 F3 el0 elN5 F5 010 SUM3 Vee/2 K10 SUMS Veel2 AS DINO FO e11 , elN3 F3 011 SUM2 Vee/2 Kl1 SUM6 Veel2 A9 elNS/Teel FS 01 eOUT3 Veel2 H1 ADR1 Fl II DeMl F6 Al0 Vee Vee 02 eOUT4 Veel2 H2 ADRO FO L2 SUM23 Vee/2 A11 VSS GND 010 elN2 F2 H10 SUM5 Vee/2 L3 SUM22 Vee/2 B1 Vee Vee 011 Vee Vee Hl1 SUM4 Veel 2 L4 SUM21 Veel 2 B2 eOUT7 Vee /2 E1 eOUT1 Vee /2 J1 Vee Vee l5 SUM1S Vee/2 B3 eOUTS/TeeO Veel2 E2 VSS GND J2 SUM25 Veel2 l6 SUM14 Vee/2 B4 ERASE F10 E3 eOUT2 Vee/ 2 J5 SUM20 Vee/2 l7 Vee Vee B5 DINS/TCS F7 E9 elN1 F1 J6 SUM17 VoelZ L8 SUM13 Veel2 B6 DIN1 Fl E10 elNO FO J7 SUM16 Voe/2 L9 VSS GND B7 DIN2 F2 E11 SENBl F10 Jl0 SUM7 Voel2 l10 SUM11 Veel2 l11 SUM9 Vee/2 BS elENB F10 F1 VSS OND J11 VSS OND B9 elN7 ' F7 F2 eOUTO Veel2 Kl SENBH FlO B10 elN6 F6 F3 SHADD F9 K2 SUM24 Veel2 B11 elN4 F4 F9 SUMO vee/2 K3 VSS OND NOTES: 1. VCC/2 (2.7V ± 10%) used for outputs ,only. 2. 47KO (±20%) resistor connected to all pins except Vcc and GND. 3. VCC = 5.5V ± 0.5V. . 4. 0.1 ~F (min) capacitor between VCC and GND per device. 5. FO = 100kHz ± 10%. Fl Duty Cycle. 6. Input voltage Limits: VIL 3-78 = FO/2.F2 = F1/2 .... Fl1 = Fl0/2. 40% - 60% = 0.8V Max. VIH = 4.5V ±10% HSP43881/883 Die Characteristics DIE DIMENSIONS: 328 x 283 x 19 ±1 mils DIE ATTACH: Material: Si-Au Eutectic Alloy (PGA) Silver Glass (QFP) METALLIZATION: Type: Si-AI or Si-AI-Cu Thickness: 8kA WORST CASE CURRENT DENSITY: 1.2 x 105A/cm 2 GLASSIVATION: Type: Nitrox Thickness: 10kA Metallization Mask Layout HSP43881/883 . ..'" N ::l i0 C on . 0 0: a: C C " " " " 0 II: N ;c- U "~ !; 'c" "~ ~ u !!> ::l C U > = 0 U :I: fA ::l 12::l > U U 0- 0 " 0 0 0 > SUM23 COUTS SUM22 COUT7 Vee Vss SUM21 Teeo SUM20 COENB U) SUM18 Vee SUMi8 a: w !:i u::: C V__ ERASE RESET DIENB SUM17 TeS SUMil DIN7 Vee DINS SUMi5 DINS SUM14 DIN4 SUM13 DIN3 DIN2 SUM12 V__ olNi DINO SUM11 elENa SUM10 Teel SUMD Vee SUMB SELECT 891 SUM7 . .'" ::l . 0 .'" .l!! i. .'" ::l ::l ::l ::l N !; u .. . z ij z ij .. . . t• on !; ~ u w !; u ~ !; u I HSP43881/883 ". Paokaging t 85 PIN CERAMIC·PIN·GRID ARRAY (PGA) r - - - - - :::: ----j LEAD MATERIAL: Type B LEAD FINISH: Type C PACKAGE MATERIAL: Ceramic, 90% Alumina PACKAGE SEAL: Material: . GoldfTin Temperature: 3200C ± 100 C . Method: Furnace Seal .~ INTERNAL LEAD WIRE: 'Material: Aluminum Diameter: 1.25 Mil Bonding Method: Ultrasonic COMPLIANT OUTLINE: 38510 P-AC 84 PIN QUAD FLATPACK (QFP) 1.1&71~mm I'. I !!~I' I 20 .360 ..k. .105 MAX '. .J .050 BSC .OIZ r M1N = f D ·. • L.ll!! 1.167 ····EJ . . .012 . HI~ .~ .090 (lOTT[14 or L leAD) .J!.Q!!A-L., .012 1lQ!E; .&. INCREASE MAXINUN UNIT BY .OOY WHEN SOLDER DIP OR TIN PLATE LEAD fiNISH APPliES. LEAD MATERIAL: Type B LEAD FINISH: Type C PACKAGE MATERIAL: Ceramic, 90% Alumina PACKAGE SEAL: Material: GoldfTin TemperatiJre: 3200c ± 100 C Method: Furnace Braze NOTE: All Dimensions are e' Dimensions are in inche.: INTERNAL LEAD WIRE: Material: Aluminum Diameter: 1.25 Mil Bonding Method: Ultrasonic Wedge COMPLIANT OUTLINE: 38510 C-G6 tMI-M-38510 Compliant Materials, Finishes, and Dimensions. 3-80 ;II HSP43481 HARRIS Digital Filter May 1991 Features Description • Four Filter Cells The HSP43481 is a video-speed Digital Filter (OF) designed to efficiently implement vector operations such as FIR digital filters. It is comprised of four filter cells cascaded internally and a shift-and-add output stage, all in a single integrated circuit. Each filter cell contains an 8x8 multiplier, three decimation registers and a 26 bit accumulator which can add the contents of any filter cell accu mulator to the output stage accumulator shifted right by eight bits. The HSP43481 has a maximum sample rate of 30M Hz. The effective multiply-accumulate (MAC) rate is 120M Hz. • 0 to 30MHz Sample Rate • 8 Bit Coefficients and Signal Data • 26 Bit Accumulator per Stage • Filter Lengths Up to 1032 Tap • Shlft-And-Add Output Stage for Combining Filter Outputs • Expandable Coefficient Size, Data Size and Filter Length The HSP43481 can be configured to process expanded coefficient and word sizes. Multiple devices can be cascaded for larger filter lengths without degrading the sample rate or a single device can process larger filter lengths at less than 30M Hz with multiple passes. The architecture permits processing filter lengths of over 1000 taps with the guarantee of no overflows. In practice, most filter coefficients are less than 1 .0, making even larger filter lengths possible. The HSP43481 provides for unsigned or two's complement arithmetic, independently selectable for coefficients and signal data. • Decimation by 2, 3 or 4 • CMOS Power Dissipation Characteristics Applications • 1-0 and 2-D FIR Filters • Radar/Sonar • Digital Video and Audio • Adaptive Filters • Echo Cancellation • Correlation/Convolution Each OF filter cell contains three resampling or decimation registers which permit output sample rate reduction at rates of 1/2, 1/3 or 1/4 the input sample rate. These registers also provide the capability to perform 2-D operations such as NxN spatial correlations/convolutions for image processing applications. • Complex Multiply-Add • Butterfly Computation • Matrix Multiplication • Sample Rate Converters Block Diagram DINO-7 TCS TCCI C > - - - - - f CINO-7 TCCD L>--+-----i CDUTa-7 iiffiT CLKC>-~~~~-~--~-+---~+----" ADRO-l L--_<= COiNs 21 iiffiT CLK SHADD L....:'f-----------f C>----------~ol 0:r~~T fiiBLc=>---~-------~ iTNiii SUMO-25 CAUTION: These devices are sensitive to electrostatic discharge. Users should follow proper Ie Handling Procedures. Copyright @ Harris Corporation 1991 3-81 File Number 2759.1 U> c: w ::; u:: C 1 HSP43481 Pinouts" 68 PIN CERAMIC PIN GRID ARRAY (PGA) BOnOMVIEW TCCO CUt COENB COOTe COUT4 C0UT2 SHADD DCMl J iiiAiiE H iiEiiEi DENii G TC8 .... DIIS D D.., C DOlO coun COUTo C0UT7 1?0UT5 COIJT8 68 PIN CERAMIC PIN GRID ARRAY (PGA) TOP VIEW ADDRl ADDAo SUMas DCMD SUMI5 ADDM ADDRl cue COU1O court COUT8 COUTS coim iENiH DCN1 SHADD coun C0UT4 COUllI COEiii TCCO 911MB SUM.. ·cc ..... SUM.. SU.... .- RESEr DIN7 TC8 SENBH SUM.. SU". K SUMII SU.... SUM.. SUM.. J ·cc DIN7 BU". au.... SUM17 BUMto G DCMo SU"" SUMn 88 LEAD PIN GRID AARAY BOTTONIIIEW D... .... .... SUIUS &ulna CiNii ClN7 C_ CINa c., SEta. ... ,88 LEAD SUMt auMa SUMS F SUM1. su.... y. y .. su.. ,. • su .... sulua SUM .. D SU".. SUM'. SUMIO SUM" C SUUl1 SU"1O SUU8 8UMa PIN GRID AARAY TOPIIIEW D... D", Ciiii ,. SUM1. BUM7 ,. 11 SU_ SUIM .... 8UMJ CNI CINI CIN4 CINI SUMi SUMa aull, iEiiii: c., CINII CNi CIN7 68 PIN PLASTIC LEADED CHIP CARRIER (PLCC) TOP VIEW ~ IIIIII II ~ ~ ~ I Ci I ! l ~ " I I~ D I! u u > elN7 elNS elNS elN< CINa elNa COUT' CIN1 SHADD SENSL Cl... auMO DCM' auM' au ... ADR1 au .... au ... au .... SU" au ... ;; i iil :I iil 3-82 D... ... ..., .... TCCI HSP43481 Pin Description SYMBOL PIN NUMBER Vee 61 +5V Power Supply Input VSS 27 Power Supply Ground Input ClK 19 I The ClK input provides the DF system sample clock. The maximum clock frequency is is30MHz. DINo-7 64-68 1-3 I These eight inputs are the data sample input bus. Eight bit data samples are synchronously loaded through these pins to the X register of each filter cell simultaneously. The DIENB signal enables loading, which is synchronous on the rising edge of the clock signal. TCS 4 I The TCS input determines the number system interpretation of the data Input samples on pins DINO-7 as follows: NAME AND FUNCTION TYPE TCS TCS =low -+ Unsigned Arithmetic = High -+ Two's Complement Arithmetic The TCS signal is synchronously loaded into the X register in the same way as the DINO-7 inputs. DIENB 5 I A low on this enables the data sample input bus (DINO-7) to all the filter cells. A rising edge olthe ClK signal occurring while DIENB is low will load the X register of every filter cell with the 8 bit value present on DINO-7. A high on this input forces all the bits of the data sample input bus to zero; a rising ClK edge when DIENB is high will load the X register of every filter cell with all zeros. This signal is latched inside the DF, delaying its effect by one clock internal to the DF. Therefore, it must be low during the clock cycle immediately preceding presentation of the desired data on the DINO-7 inputs. Detailed operation is shown in later timing diagrams. CINO-7 53-60 I These eight inpuls are used to input the 8 bit coefficients. The coefficients are synchronously synchronously loaded into the C register of filter Cell 0 if a rising edge of ClK occurs while elENB is low. The CIENB signal is delayed by one clock as discussed below. TCCI 62 I The TCCI input determines the number system interpretation of the coefficient inputs on pins CINO-7 as follows: ... TCCI TCCI =lOW -+ Unsigned Arithmetic =HIGH -+ Two's Complement Arithmetic The TCCI Signal is synchronously loaded into the C register in the same way as the CINo-7 inputs. CIENB 63 I A low on this input enable the C register of every filter cell and the D registers (decimation) of every filter cell according to the state olthe DCMO-1 inputs. A rising edge of the ClK signal occurring while CIENB Is low will load the C register and appropriate D registers with the coefficient data present at their inputs. This privides the mechanism for shifting the coefficients from cell to cell through the device. A high on this input freezes the contenls of the C register and the D registers, ignoring the ClK signal. This signal is latched and delayed by one clock internal to the DF. Therefore, it must be low during the clock cycle Immediately preceding presentation of the desired coefficient on the CINO-7Inputs. Detailed operation is shown In the Timing Diagrams section. COUTO-7 10-17 0 These eight three-state outputs are used to output the 8 bit coefficients from filter cell 7. These outputs are enabled by the COENB signal low. These outputs may be tied to the CINO-7 inputs of the same 0 F to recirculate the coefficients, or they may be tied to the CINo-71nputs of another OF to cascade DFs for longer filter lengths. TCCO 9 0 The TCCO three-stale output determines the number system representation of the coefficients output on COUTO-7. Ittracks the TCCI signal to this same OF. It should be tied to the TCCI input of the next OF in a cascade of DFs for Increased filter lengths. This signal is enabled byCOENB low. 3-83 ...., rr: .... !:i u:: Q I HSP43481 Pin Descriptions SYMBOL PIN NUMBER TYPE COENB 8 I A low on the COENB input enables the COUTQ-7 and the TCCO output A high on this input places all these outputs In their high Impedance state. DCMQ-1 20-21 I These two Inputs determine the use of the internal decimation registers as follows: DCM1 DCMO Decimation Function NAME FUNCTION 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 Decimation registers not u!ied . Onll decimation register is used Twodecimation registers are used Three decimation registers are used The coefficients p13SS from cell to cell at a rate determined by the nu';'ber of decimation registers used. When no decjm-.,....-.......------,---------~-;......------.........---.:..., OCMO.O'>----_-------'---------, RESEtO>-----------~--------~------+_--~~----------~------~ CIENB.O >------~r_+_--_--_----~r_+_----~--------...,..--+----_, TCCI THREE-STATE BUFFERS ON CEll 3 ONLY -------1 >-1r----i I I CIND-7~==~ I I TCtO COUTO-7 RESEtO > - - - - - - - . D,IENB.D >-------,.-, TCS >-r----.j X REG 01NO-7 MUlTI- ~~=::::::L.A~c==========~====:::;:::=~~x L ClK LATCHES DCMl C>---i OCMe L-~----T mrr C>----"--q DCM1.D OCMD.D DIENB.D CIE'NB.D AORO L--;----' AORO.O ADRI C>----i AORtD liim L>------li- RESET.D >-~---------=----....--l RESET.D C>--c+, CffiiI CORE PLiER P<0.17> ERAU.D ClK >----------' ERASE,D ClK ERASE ADRD~., " . AORI DECODER CEllo CEllO CELL 1 CELL 2 CELL 3 CELlo.D >------1 --:»_-----1 AOUT 0-25 FIGURE 1. HSP43481 FILTER CELL 3-86 I I I I I HSP43481 CEll RESULTS o 1 2 3 lines are changed sequentially. This feature facilitates the interface wtith slow memories where the output is required to be fixed for more than one clock. The SUMO-25 output bus is controlled by the SENBH and SENBL signals. A low on SENBL enables bits SUMO-15. A low on SENBH enables bits SUM16-25. Thus all 26 bits can be output simultaneously if the external system has a 26 bit or larger bus. If the' external system bus is only 16 bits, the bits can be enabled in two groups of 16 and 9 bits -(Sign extended). DF Arithmetic Both data samples and coefficients can be represented as either unsigned or two's complement numbers. The TCS and TCCI input signals determine the type of arithmetic representation. Internally all values are represented by a 9 bit two's complement number. The value of the additional ninth bit depends on arithmentic representation selected. For two's complement arithmetic, the sign is extended into the ninth bit. For unsigned arithmetic, bit 9 is O. SHADD ClK FIGURE 2. SUMO-25 HSP43481 OUTPUT STAGE The 26 Least Significant Bits (LSBs) from either a cell accumulator or the output buffer are output on the SUMO-25 bus. The output mux determines whether the cell accumulator selected by ADRO-1 or the output buffer is output to the bus. The mux is controlled by the SHADD input signal. Control is based on the state of the SHADD during two successive clocks; in other words, the output mux selection contains memory. If SHADD is low during a clock cycle and was low during the previous clock, the output mux selects the contents of the filter cell accumulator addressed by ADRO-1. Otherwise the output mux selects the contents of the output buffer. If the ADRO-1 lines remain at the same address for more than one clock, the output at SUMO-25 will not change to reflect any subsequent accumulator updates in the addressed cell. Only the result available during the first clock when ADRO-1 selects the cell will be output. This does not hinder normal FIR operations since the ADRO-1 The multiplier output is 18 bits and the accumulator is 26 bits. The accumulator width determines the maximum possible number of terms in the sum-of-products without overflow. The maximum number of terms depends also on the number system and the distribution of the coefficient and data values. As a worst case assume the coefficients and data samples are always at their absolute maximum values. Then the maximum numbers of terms in the sum products are: NUMBER SYSTEM MAX # OF TERMS Two unsigned vectors 1032 Two two's complement vectors: • Two positive vectors • Two negative vectors • One positive and'one negative vector 2080 2047 2064 One unsigned and one two's complement vector: • Positive two's complement vector • Negative two's complement vector 1036 1028 For practical FIR filters, the coefficients are never all near maximum value, so even larger vectors are possible in practice. c:n a: w !:; u: C I HSP43481 Basic FIR. Operation A simple 30M Hz 4 tap fHter'example serves to illustrate more,clearly the operation :of the OF. ,Table 1 'showslhe results of the multiply accumulate·.!n each cell afte~ each' ·'cloek. The coefficient sequence,Cn, enters the DF on the left and moves .from left to right through the cells. The data sample sequence, Xn, enters the OF from.thetop, with each ·cel. recelvlng the same sample'slmultaneously. Each cell' l'ABLE 1.. accumulates the sum-of-products for one output pOint. Four sums-of-products are calculated simultaneously, but staggered In time so that a new output Is available every system clock. Detailed operation of the DF to perform.a basic 4 tap, 8 bit coefficient, 8 bit data, 30MHz FIR filter is best understood by observing the'schematic (Figure 3) and timing diagram 25MHz, 4 TAP FIR FILTER SEQUENCE DATA SEQUENCE INPUT COEFFICIENT SEQUENCE INPUT CLK CELLO CELL 1 CELL 2 . CELL 3 SUM/CLR , C3 x Xo +C2 xX, 0 0 0 2 3 4 5 +C, XX2 +COxX3 0 0 0 - C3 xX3 +C2 xX4 +C, xXs CeIlO(Y3) Cell, (Y4) 0 C3 xX, C3x~ +C2 XXS +CpxXS -+COXX7 S 7 SAMPLE DATA IN (X..) 30MHz CLOCK C3 xX2 +C2 xX3 +C, xX4 <+-CoxXs C3 xXS +C2 xX7 ' +C2 XX2 +C, xX3 +COxX4 C3 xX S +C2 XX S . +C, XX7 Cell 2 (yS) CelI3(yS) CeIlO(Y7) +CoxXS C3 xX7 RESET ~ 2B1T rp- ~ +5V COUNTER Y1 [J Yo +1 .r- Lf! I I DINO-7 AD DO- TCCO HSP4348I COUTO-7 CINO-7 CiEiii DCM1 DCMO I I MsiT iiiiSE T I SYSTEM , RESET VSS Ciifrii .. T I iiiiSE 30MHz, 4 TAP FIR FILTER APPUCATION SCHEMATIC , ) -+- SUM OUT - NC TCS T FIGURE 3. .. 1 SENll (Ynl "- TCCI n- ~ 411 COEFF. RAMJROM 1 SUMO-25 ClK A1 I 'DIENI ADR1ADRO VCC SHADD SENIH 3-88 .!-- NC HSP43487 (FIgure 4). The Internal pipeline length of the DF is four (4) clock cycles, corresponding to the register levels CREG (or XREG), MREGO, MREG1, and TREG (Figures 1 and 2). Therefore, the delay from. 'presentation of data and coefficients at the DtNO-7 and CINO~7 inputs to a sum appearing at the SUMO-25 output is: k + Td where k = filter length Td After the pipeline has filled, a new output sample is available ellery clock. The delay to last sample output from last sample input is Td. The output sums, Y(n), shown in the timing diagram are derived from the sum-of-products equation: YIn) ~ C(O) x X(n) + C(l) x X(n-l) + C(2) x X(n-2) + C(3) x X(n-3) = 4, the internal pipeline delay olDF 2 3 CLK RIiIR~------------------------------------------------------- ~~----------------~---------------------------------01NO-1 iiiiiii~ CINO-1 CiEiii ~ AORO-l 101,lz13101t1Z131 I v31 v41 v51 VI I V1 1v,1 Vg 1 8UMO-Z5 8HAOO~hWA en iiiiii W///////~/A ....a: ~ . Wiiii W///I/////ff//////h00WffiW/hi OCMO-t 1 1-1-----------------------------------------------------.. i:i: c 0 FIGURE 4. I 30MHz 4 TAP FILTER TIMING SAMPLE DATA IN ) (X.) .--, PROM PI P4 ClK P3 P2 , - A2 Pt, - At 30MHz CLOCK 7 .- YI 3C:~T SYSTEM RESET I Y1 yz '-- I.a COEFF. .... AI RAMIROM - ...... Al A2 00-7 SUMO-25 f-!!I HSP43411 DFI ClK ~ CIHD-7 ~ ~ TCCO COUTO-7 +iVYl ~ DIENI ADRt ADROVcc IHADD IENIH IENll • TCI TCCI SUMD-Z5 ~Z. DIND-7 TCI H8P43411 DF1 ClK TCCO r- TCCI • COUTO-7 CIHD-7 WiOCM1 DCMe REm mAshss Giifii miii DCM1 DCMO iiiiiT iiiAsi VSI Giifii 1 I . DDERAS~ FIGURE 5. ~I I h ~ DINO-1 DiiiW ClK ~ DIENI ADRl ADRD Vcc SHADDSENIH SENll DDERAS --.. >-- I I I +iV~ iiiiiiii~ 30MHz 8 TAP FILTER USING TWO CASCADED HSP43481s 3-89 .. r-- NC ~ r-- HC SUM OUT (Y.) HSP43481 Extended FIR Filter Length Filter IEulgths'greater than four taps 'can be created by either cascading together multiple OFs or "reusing" a Single OF. .using multiple devices, an FIR filter of over 1024 taps can be construct8dto operate at a ,,30MHz sample rate. Using a single DE clocked at 30M Hz, an FIR filter of over 1024 taps can be constructed to operate at less than a 30MHz sample rate. Combinations of these two techniques are also possible. Cascade Configur;,Jtion To design a filter length L> 4; LJ4 'OFs are cascaded by connecting the COUTO-7 outputs of the (i)th OF to the CINO-7 inputs of the (i + 1)th OF. The OINO-7 inputs and SUMO-25 outputs of all the OFs areslso tied together. A specific example of two cascaded OFs illustrates the technique (Figure 5). Timing (Figure 6) is similar to the simple 4 tap FIR, except the ERASE and SENBLJSENBH signals must be enabled independently of the two OFs in order to clear the correct accumulators and enable, the SUMO-25 output signals at the proper times. TABLE 2. Single 'OF Configuration Using a OF, a filte'r of length L > 4 can be constructed by processlngj" Li4passes as'illustrated in Table :2 fpi 8 tap FIR; Each paSs is composed of Tp =7+L cycles and computes four output samples. In pass i, the samples with Indices I x 4 to i x 4 + (L+2) enter the DINO-7 Inputs. The coefficients CO-CL-1 enter the CINO-7 inputs, followed by three zeros. As these zeros are entered, the result samples are output and the ' accumulators reset. Initial tilling of the pipeline is not shown in this sequence table. Filter outputs can be put through a 'FIFO to even out the sample rate. Extended Coefficient And, Data Sample Word Size The sample and coefficient word size can be extended by utilizing seileraJ OFsin parallel to get the maximum sample rate or a Single OF with resulting lower sample rates. The technique is to compute partial products of axa and combine these partial products by shifting and adding to obtain the final result The shifting and adding can be accomplished with external adders (for full speed) or with the OFs shift-and-add mechanism contained in Its output stage (at reduced speed). , 8 TAP FIR FILTER SEQUENCE USING SINGLE OF DATA SEQUENCE INPUT DATA SEQUENCE INPUT CLK CELLO 0 1 C7 X Xo +Ca XX1 +CSxX2 +C4 xX3 2 3 4 CELL 2 CELL 3 SUM/CLR 0 0 0 0 0 - C7 XX2 0 +Ca xX 3 +CSxX4 +C4 XXS C7 xX3 +Ca xX4 +CsxXs +C4 XXa +C3 X,X7 +C2 xXa - S +C3 xX4 +C2 XXS a +C1 xXa +C3 xXS +C2 XXa 7 +COxX7 0 0 +C1 xxi'''' +CO XX8' 0 8 9 10 11 , CELL 1 C7 xX 1 +Ca xX2 +CS xX3 +C4 xX4 12 13 14 1S 1a 17 1a 19 20 21 0 C7x~ +CaxXs +CsxXa +C4 XX7 +C3 XXa +C2 xX9 +C1'X'X10 +COxX11 () 0 0 0 0 C7 XXS +CaxXa +CSXX7 +C4 XXa +C3 XX,9 +C2 XX 10 +C1 xX11 +CoxX12 0 0 ar +C3 xXa +C2 XXT +C1 xXa +Co xX9 0 0 0 C7 xX a +Ca xX7 +CsxXa +C4 xX9 +C3 xX 10 +C2 xX11 +C1 xX12 +CO XX13 0 3-90 +C1 xX9 +Co xX 10 0 0 0 C7 xX7 +Cax.xa +CsxXg +C4 xX10 +C3 xX11 +C2 XX 12 +C1 XX13 +COXX14 Cell 0(Y7) CeIl1(Ya) CeIl2(Yg) Cell 3 (Y1O) - - Cell o (Y11) Cell 1 (Y12) Cell 2 (Y13) Cell 3 (Y14) HSP43481 2 3 4 5 6 7 L- DFO ERAsE ~ DF1ERAsE~--------------------------------------'L-______~'---- DINO-7 iiiENa WZI I c71 c61 c51 c41 c31 c21 c, I Co I c71 c61 C5 I c41 c31 C2 IC, I Col CINO-7 • • CiENa ~ ADRO-1 101'1213101'1213101'1 IV71 Val VgI V101 IV151 IV111 V121 V131 V141 DFO SUMO-25 DF1 SUMO-25 SHADD~/.&l SftiBiTti ---..J DF1 SftiBiTti -----,L________--.J L DFO DCMO-1 1 0 '------', 1-1- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7 VN = 2: CK x XN-K K=O FIGURE 6. 30MHz 8 TAP FIR FILTER TIMING Decimation/Resampling The HSP43481 provides a mechanism for decimating by factors of 2, 3 or 4. From the DF filter cell block diagram (Figure 1), note the three D registers and two multiplexers in the coefficient pass through the cell. These allow the coefficients to be delayed by 1, 2 or 3 clocks through the cell. The sequence table (Table 3) for a decimate-by-two filter illustrates the technique. Detailed timing for a 30M Hz input sample rate, 15MHz output sample rate (I.e., decimate-by-two), 8 tap FIR filter, including pipelining, is shown in Figure 7. 3-91 ""a:w !:; u:: C I HSP43481 TABLE 3. 8 TAP DECIMATE-BY-TWO FIR FILTER SEQUENCE, 30MHz IN, i5MHz OUT DATA SEQUENCE INPUT . COEFFICIENT SEQUENCE INPUT CLK CELLi CELLO CELL 2 CELL 3 SUM/CLR 6 +Cl xX6 +C3 xX6 +C5 xX6 +C7 xX6 - 7 +COxX7 +C2 xX7 +C4 XX7 +C6 xX7 CelIO(Y7) a C7 x Xa +Cl xXa +C3 xXa +C5 xXa CeIlO(Y7) 9 +C6 xX9 +CoxXg +C2 xX9 +C4 xX9 Cell 1 (Yg) 10 +C5 XX10 C7 XX10 +C1 XX10 +C3 xXl0 Cell 1 (Yg) 11 +C4 XX1l +Ca XXl l +COXX11 +C2 XX 11 CeIl2(Yl1) 0 C7 X Xo 0 1 +C6 xXl 0 2 +C5 XX2 C7 xX2 3 +C4 xX3 +C6 xX3 4 +C3 xX4 +C5 XX", C7 XX4 5 +C2 xX5 +C4 XX5 +C6 xX5 12 +C3 xX12 +C5 xX12 C7 XX12 +C1 XX12 Cell 2 (Yll) 13 +C2 xX13 +C4 XX13 +Ca XX13 +CO XX 13 Cell 3 (Y13) 14 +C1 xX14 +C3 xX14 +C5 XX14 C7 XX14 CeIl3(Y131 15 +CO XX15 +C2 XX15 +C4 XX15 +CS xX 15 Cell o (Y15) 3 4 S • 7 ClK iiEffi L.J iiiAii I Xo I Xl I Xz I X31 ~ I X51 Xi I X71 DINO-7 iii'ENi ~ I e71 e&1 csi CINO-7 e41 cal ez I Cl I Co I . . . Ciftii ZZZl ADRO-l SUMO·Z5 Va SHADD&~M SENBl 0"/&000W~~/ffffh1 iENiii ;;mrffh00'/00W~ffiW/~$Al D~O~ I 1 I~------------------------------------------------------~· FIGURE 7. 8 TAP DECIMATE-BY-TWO FIR FILTER TIMING, 30MHz IN, i5MHz OUT 3-9? Specifications HSP43481 Absolute Maximum Ratings Supply Voltage •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• +8.0V Input, Output Voltage .......................................................................... GND -0.5V to VCC +0.5V Storage Temperature ........' ......................................................................... -650 C to +1500C ESD ......................................................................................................... Class1 Maximum Package Power Dissipation a1700 C ••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••.• 1.9W (PLCC), 2.6W (PGA) Bjc ..•••••.•••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••.••••••••••••••••••••• '•••••••..•••••••.••... 15.0W,JOC (PLCC), 9.92WJOC (PGA) Bja ..•••••..••••••••••••••••••••.•••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••.••••• 43.0WJOC (PLCC), 38.44WJOC (PGA) Gate Count ..................................................................................................... 9371 Junellon Temperature. • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • •• 1500 C (PLCC), 1750 C (PGA) Lead Temperature (Soldering 1Os) •••••.•.•••..•.••..••.••••....•••••••....••.••...•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 3000 C CAUTION: Stresses above those listed in the "Absoluttt Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress only rating and operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Operating Conditions Operating Voltage Range .•••••••••..••.•.•.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••..••.••.••••••••••••• 5V ±5% Operating Temperature Ranges ••••..•••.••.•• , ••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••.••.•..••••••••••• OoC to + 700C D.C. Electrical Specifications SYMBOL a: '" w MAX UNITS ICCOp Power Supply Current PARAMETER MIN 110 mA VCC=Max CLK Frequency 20M Hz Note 1, Note 3 TEST CONDITIONS ICCSB Standby Power Supply Current 500 "A VCC = Max, Note 3 VCC= Max,lnput=OVorVCC Input Leakage Current -10 10 pA 10 Output Leakage Current -10 10 pA VCC = Max,lnput = OVorVCC VIH Logical One Input Voltage 2.0 V VCC=Max VIL Logical Zero Input Voltage 0.8 V VCc=Min V 10H = -400pA, VCC = Min 0.4 V 10L = 2mA, VCC = Min II 2.6 VOH Logical One VOL Logical Zero Output Voltage VIHC Clock Input High VILC Clock Input Low CIN Input Capacitance Output CapacRance COUT V Vcc=Max 0.8 V Vcc=Mln PLCC PGA 10 15 pF pF PLCC PGA 10 15 pF pF CLK Frequency 1 MHz All Measurements Referenced to GND TA = +250 C Note 2 VCC-O.8 NOTES: 1. Operaling supply currenl is propcrtional 10 frequency. Typical rating is 5.5mNMHz. 2. Controlled via design or process paramelers and nol direclly tested. Characterized upon initial design and after major process andlor design changes. 3. Oulpulload per lesl circuil and CL = 40pF. 3-93 !:i u::: Q I ! Specifitations HSP43481 A.C. Electrical Specifications Characterized Over Commercial Temperature Range OOC. to +700 C -20 (20MHz) SYMBOL PARAMETER -25 (25.6MHz) MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX UNITS 33 - n8 13 13 - 0 - TCI? Clock Period 50 - 39 TCl Clock Low 20 - 16 TCH Clock High 20 TIS Input Setup 16 TIH Input Hold 0 - - 26 - 22 20 - 15 TODC ClK to Coefficient Output Delay TOED Output Enable Delay -30 (30MHz) - 30 TODD Output Disable Delay TODS ClKtoSUM Output Delay TOR Output Rise - 6 TOF Output Fall - 6 16 14 - 20 15 13 0 - 6 - Ii - 26 TEST CONDITIONS n8 na - na 19 n8 15 na na 15 ns 21 ns Note 1 6 ns Note 1 6 na Note 1 NOTE: 1. Contrclled by design or process parameters and not d~ectly tested. Charecterized upon inRiai design and after maior process and/or design changes. Test Load Circuit r - - - - - - - - - - - - - --I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.5V 1 1 IOL 1 1 'INCLUDES STRAY AND 1 JIG CAPACITANCE 1____ 1 EQUIVAlENT~IRCUrr _ _ _ _ j SwHch 51 Open for ICCSB and ICCOp Tests 3-94 HSP43481 Waveforms ..r---~-------- VCC '0."" INPUT" OV CLK 3.OV-----OV-----J • Input includes: DlNo-7. CINo-7. DIENB, CIENB. ERASE. RESET. DCMo-l. ADRO-l. TCS. TCCI. SHADD CLOCK AC PARAMETERS INPUT SETUP AND HOLD QK~------- SUMO-25 COUTO -7 TCCO f-':=TODCo TODS ______ _ r 1.5V OUTPUT ------- RISE AND FALL TIMES SUMO-25, COUTO-7, TCCO OUTPUT DELAYS tn a: w !:i u: CI I 3.0V INPUT ----v::-:;-1 DEVICE r-----v::-::- OV _ _ _ _~U:~~~ A.C. TesUng: Inpuls are driven al3.0V for a Logic "1" and OV for a Logic "0". Inpul and outpuillming measurements are made all.5V for bolh a Logic "1· and "0". Inputs are driven al1V/ns. CLK is driven al VCC -0.4 and O.OV and measured al 2.5V. A.C. TESTING INPUT, OUTPUT WAVEFORM 3-95 {lJHARRIS HSP43481/883 Digital Filter May 1991 Features Description • This Circuit Is 'Processed In accordance to MII-Std-883C and Is Fully Conformant Under the Provisions of Paragraph 1.2.1 The HSP43481/883 is a Video-speed Digital Filter (OF) designed to efficiently implement vector operations such as FIR digital filters. It is, comprised of four filter cells cascaded internally and a shift-andadd output stage, all ina single integrated circuit. Each filter cell contains an 8x8 multiplier, three decimation registers and a 26 bit accumulator which can add the contents of any filter cell accumulator to the output stage accumulator shifted right by eight bits. The HSP43481/883 has a maximum sample rate of 25.6MHz. The effective multiply-accumulate (MAC) rate is 102MHz. • 0 to 2S.6MHz Sample Rate • Four Filter Cells • 8 Bit Coefficients and Signal Data • Low Power CMOS Operation ~ Iccse = SOOIlA Maximum ~ ICCOp = 11 OIlA Maximum @ 20MHz • 26 Bit Accumulator Per Stage • Filter Lengths Up To 1032 Taps • Shlft-And-Add Output Stage for Combining Filter Outputs • Expandable Coefficient Size. Data Size and Filter Length • Decimation by 2. 3 or 4 Applications • 1-0 and 2-D FIR Filters • Radar/Sonar • Digital Video and Audio • Adaptive Filters • Echo Cancellation The HSP43481/883 can be configured to process expanded coefficient and word sizes. Multiple devices can be cascaded for larger filter lengths without degrading the sample rate or a single device can process larger filter lengths at less than 25.6MHz with multiple passes. The architecture permits processing filter lengths of over 1000 taps with the guarantee of no overflows. In practice, most filter coefficients are less than 1.0, making even larger filter lengths possible. The HSP43481/883 provides for unsigned or two's complement arithmetic, independently selectable for coefficients and signal data. • Correlation/Convolution Each OF filter cell contains three resampling or decimation registers which permit output sample rate reduction at rates of 1/2, 1/3 or 1/4 the input sample rate. These registers also provide the capability to perform 2-D operations such as NxN spatial correlations/convolutions for image processing applications. • Complex Multiply-Add • Butterfly Computation • Matrix Multiplication • Sample Rate Converters Block Diagram 01NO-7 Tes TCCI L > - - - - - - - i CINO-7 TCCD C>-''+----I CQUTD-7 iiffiT CLKC=>-~~~~4-----~~----~-+----~ AORO-1 26 iiffii CLK c.-;~--------I SHADD c:::::>---------------___t DSU::'~T ~Lc=>--~~-----___t iENiii 28 SUMD-25 CAUTION: These devices are SlOnsHive to eleclroslstic discharge. Users should follow proper IC Handling Procedures. Harris Corporation 1991 Copyright e 3-96 File Number 2450.1 Specifications HSP43481/883 Absolute MaxImum RatIngs Reliability Information Supply Voltage ••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••.. +8.0V Input, Output Voltage Applied ••.•••.•.• GND-0.5VtoVCC+0.5V Storage Temperature Range •••••••••••••••.• -650C to +1500 C Junction Temperature .••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• +1750 C Lead Temperature (Soldering, Ten Seconds) ••.••••••••• +3000 C ESD Classification •••••••••••••.•••••••••...•.•••••••• Class 1 Thermal Resistance Dja Djc Ceramic PGA Package •••.•.••••••• 38.440 CIW 9.920 CIW Maximum Package Power Dissipation at +125OC. Ceramic PGA Package ••••••••.••••••••••••••••••• 1.30 Watt Gate Count •••••••••.•••••••.••.••••••••••••••••• 9370 Gates CAUTION: Stresses above those listed in "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is.a stress only rating and operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Operating Conditions Operating Voltage Range ••••••••••.•••••.•••••• +4.5V to +5.5V Operating Temperature Range ••••••••••••••• -550C to +1250C TABLE 1. HSP43481/883 D.C. ELECTRICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS Devices Guaranteed and 100% Tested PARAMETER TEMPERATURE MIN MAX UNITS VIH VCC=5.5V 1,2,3 -550 C.$.TA.$.+1250C 2.2 - V Logical Zero Input Voltage VIL VCC=4.5V 1,2,3 -550 C.$.TA.$.+1250C - 0.8 V 10H = -400,.A VCC=4.5V(Note1) 1,2,3 -550 C.$.TA.$.+1250C 2.6 - V Output LOW Voltage Input Leakage Current VOH VOL II CONDITIONS LIMITS Logical One Input Voltage Output HIGH Voltage SYMBOL GROUP A SUBGROUPS 0.4 -550 C.$.TA.$.+1250C -10 +10 ,.A 1,2,3 -5SOC.$.TA.$.+1250C -10 +10 ,.A - V 1,2,3 VIN=VCCorGND VCC=5.5V 1,2,3 VOUT= VCC orGND VCC=5.5V -550 C.$.TA.$.+1250C V I 10 Clock Input High VIHC VCC=5.5V 1,2,3 -5SOC.$.TA.$.+1250C VCe-° B Clock Input Low VILC VCC=4.5V 1,2,3 -550C .$.TA.$. +1250 C - 0.8 V Standby Power Supply Current ICCSB VIN = VCC or GND VCC=5.5V, Outputs Open 1,2,3 -550 C.$.TA.$.+1250C - 500 ,.A Operating Power Supply Current ICCOp f=20.0MHz VCC = 5.5V (Note 2) 1,2,3 -550 C.$.TA.$.+1250C - 110.0 mA 7,8 -550 C.$.TA.$. +1250 C - - FT ;:;: Q Output Leakage Current Functional Test w !:i - IOL=+2.0mA VCC=4.5V(Note1) en a: (Note 3) NOTES: 1. Interchanging of force and sense conditions is permitted. 2. Operating Supply Current is proportional to frequency, typical rating is 5.5mNMHz. 3. Tested as, follows: f - 1MHz. VIH - 2.6, VIL = 0.4, VOH :!: 1.5V, VOL 1.5V, VIHC = VCC -0.4V, and VILC = 0.4V. 3-97 s: Specifications HSP43481/883 TABLE 2. HSP43481'/883 A.C. ELECTRICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS Device Guaranteed and 100% Tested -20 (20M Hz) GROUP A SYMBOL CONDITIONS SUBGROUPS PARAMETER -25 (25.6MHz) TEMPERATURE MIN MAX MIN MAX UNITS - 39 ns TCH Note 1 Input Setup TIS Note 1 9,10,11 -550 C !2 B~ 4-4 ! u It It " ~ ~::> i§ ::> II . ~ ::> ~::> § 8 8 8 8 8 HSP48908 Block Diagram CASOO-7 CINO-9 ---..,..-~ FRAME-#~ RESET-#~ rn a::: w OE-#~ u: CASIO-15 3 AO-2----../-J.~ ADDRESS DECODER 1 I r-c CLOCK CU< HOLD---. GEN ' !:; CI I N LD.#" -------__ooo ..-li ......~--__, .. 1 T COH X CINO-9 ----------------------~ I X SYNCHRONOUS LOAD TIMING HOLD TIMING CLK I.. ..I .. 1 THS HOLD 1 THH J--,----:------ INTERNAL CLOCK FRAME#IRESET# TIMING CLK _ _ _ _..... 1 .. RESET#' TRPW"I ,-.,....-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ ~I 1"·Ii-F~1 FRAME#' -----~------------------- 4-18 ~---- mHARRIS HSP48908/883 Two Dimensional Convolver May 1991 Features Description • This Circuit is Processed in accordance to Mil-Std883C and is Fully Conformant Under the Provisions of Paragraph 1.2.1 The Harris HSP48908/883 is a high speed Two Dimensional Convolver which provides, a single chip implementation of a video data rate 3 x 3 kernel convolution on two dimensional data. It eliminates the need for externaL data storage through the use of the on-chip row buffers which are programmable for row lengths up to 1024 pixels. • Single Chip 3x3 Kernel Convolution • Programmable On-Chip Row Buffers • DC to 27MHz Clock Rate • Cascadable for Larger Kernels and Images • On-Chip 8-Bit ALU • Dual Coefficient Mask Registers, Switchable in a Single Clock Cycle • 8-Bit Signed or Unsigned Input and Coefficient Data Data is provided to the HSP48908/883 in a raster scan non~ interlaced fashion, and is internally buffered on images up to 1024 pixels wide for the 3 x 3 convolution operation. Images with larger rows and convolutiolT with larger kernel sizes can be accommodated by using external row buffers and/or multiple HSP48908/883's. Coefficient and pixel input data are 8-bit signed or unsigned integers, and the 20 bit convolver output guarantees no overflow for kernel sizes up to 4 x 4. Larger kernel sizes can be implemented however, since the filter coefficients will normally be less than their maximum 8-bit values. • 20-Bit Extended Precision Output • Standard ",p Interface • TTL Compatible Inputs/Outputs • Low Power CMOS • Available in 84 Pin PGA Package Applications • Image' Filtering The HSP48908/883 is manufactured using an advanced CMOS process, and is a low power fully statiC design. The configuration of the device is controlled through a standard microprocessor' interface and all Inputs/outputs are TTL compatible. The 2-D convolver is available In 84 pin P.GA.. package. • Edge Detection' • Adaptive Filtering • Real Time Video Filters • Image Warping Pinout HSP48908/883 (PGA) TOP VIEW There are internal register banks for storing two independent 3 x 3 filter kernels, thus facilitating the implementation of adaptive filters and multiple filter operations on the same data. The pixel data path also includes an on-chip ALU for performing real-time arithmetic· and logical pixel point operations. 11 CASCO DOUTO 10 CAS04 CAS06 CA807 9 CA803 GND B CASa1 CA803 7 oe# GND DOUT1 DOUT8 DOUT10 DOUT1! DOUT13 D0UT1S GND DOUTS DOUT8 DOU12 DOUT4 DOUT8 GND D0UT3 DOUT7 "cc D0UT11 D0UT1 "cc GND Vee REIIEI' CAS.. CASM CASI3 CASI7 CASB CASI10 CAS. CAB.,3 CASn1 CASB DIND 5 0lN2 DIN3 DI... 4 DIN& DIN6 3 DIN7 C0N1 2 elNO elM3 C1N4 CINT GND . vee 1 c.,. elMI CINe C ... CLI< A1 cs# III CASI1S A B e o E F G H J LD# EAW DOUT1 CAS.. CA80D . DOUT1O CAS" DIN1 HOLD DOUT1 _ME 6 CINI # IT CASI14 CAB"! K CAUTION: These devices are .ens.ive to electrostatic discharge. Proper I.e. handling procedures should be followed. Copyright @ Harris ColJloration 1991 4-19 D0UT1 CASn 84 PINPGA TOP VIEW GND L File Number 2783.1 en a: !:; LU u::: C I N Specifications HSP48908/883 Abs9lvteJl!laXlmum~ Ratings ReUabU)ty Information Supply Voltage •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• +8.0V Input, Output or I/O Voltage Applied •••• GND-0.5V to VCC+O.5V Storage Temperature Range ••••••••••••••••• ,:650 C to +1500C Junction Temperature, ••••••••••••••••••••••••' •••••••• +175OC Lead Temperature (Soldering 10 sac) •• , ••••••••••••••• +3000C ESD Classification •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Class 1 Thermal Resistance Sja Sjc Ceramic PGA Package •••••••••••••••• 34.56OC/W 7.730C/W Maximum Package Power Dissipation at +12SOC Ceramic PGA Package ............................... '. 1.45W G~ Count •••.••.••• , ..••••••••.•••••••• 190,OOQTransistors . CAUTION: Absolute maximum ratings are limmng valuss, appJiedindlvidual/y beyond which the servlceabiHIy of the circuit may be impaired. 'Functional operabiNly under any of these conditions is not necessarUy Implied. . ' Recommended Operating Conditions Operating Temperature Range, , , , , , ••••••••••• ~5SOC to +12SOe Operating Voltage Range .... , ...... ;' ........... +4.5Vto +5.511 TABLE 1. ,D.C. ELECTRICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS D.C. PARAMETERS SYMBOL logical 1 Input Voltage VIH VCC=5.5V Logical 0 Input Voltage VIL Vec= 4.5V , VIHe VILe Clock Input High ClockJnpuj Low CONDITIONS GROUP A SUBGROUP UMITS TEMPERATURE MIN MAX UNITS 1,2,3 -550C~TA~+1250e 2.2 - V 1,2,3 -5SOC i5 C Z ~ 0 -0: 0 (f) (f) (f) -0: 0 -0: 0 <'l 0 -0: .0 (f) ~ 0 -0: 0 '" 0 -0: 0 c (f) (f) Z ~ to C ., C (72) DOUTO (71) DOUT1 (70) DOUT2 (69) GND (68) DOUT3 (67) DOUT4 (66) DOUT5 (65) DOUT6 (64) DOUT7 (63) Vcc (62) DOUT8 (61) GND (60) DOUT9 (59) DOUT10 (58) DOUT11 (57) DOUT12 (56) DOUT13 (55) DOUT14 (54) GND CASI12 M ;~ '., to ~ .~ ~ ... .. r:- com s ~ co .... 0 ~~ CD 0 ., .. N M ;!. !. !. !. !. !. ~ .~ <'l 0 0 0 0 '" iii iii iii (f) iii iii 0 iii iii iii -0: -0: -0: -0: -0: -0: -0: > -0: 0 -0: 0 0 0 0 '" ~CJ .... .. 0 iii iii -0: 0 5 4-24 ., s e to r:- 'II 'II C I- Z l- '" I- l:;) :;) I- :;) I- :;) (f) 0 0 0 0 0 !. !. !. w ~ a: II- w w a: ~ 0; !. c co c ~ .... c N M e e CD c '" :;) C HSP48908/883 Packaging t 84 LEAD PIN GRID ARRAY (PGA) ~i SEA TING I I 4 5 6 7 8 .080 MAX 9 10 11 .100 L L .003 MIN LEAD MATERIAL: Type B LEAD FINISH: Type C ~ Max sse .080 .120 INTERNAL LEAD W,IRE: Material: Aluminum Diameter: 1.25 Mil Bonding Method: Ultrasonic Wedge COMPLIANT 38510 OUTLINE: P-AC PACKAGE MATERIAL: Ceramic, 90% AI203 PACKAGE SEAL: Material: Gold/Tln Temperature: 3200C ± 100 C Method: Furnace Braze NOTE: All Dimensions are J40 .040 .060 ...--+--{O]@)@)@)@)@)@)@)@)@) @)@)@)@)@)@)@)@)@)@)@)K @)@) @)@)@) @)@)J @)@) @)@) H o Ul @)@)@) @)@)@) G co o @)@)@) @)@)@) F o o @)@)@) @)@)@)E @)@) @)@) 0 @)@) @)@)@) @)@)c @)@)@)@)@)@)@)@)@)@)@)8 @)@)@)@)@)@)@)@)@)0A 3 PLANE .120 tn a: w !:i u::: CI I N tMd-M"38510 Compliant Mlllerials, Finishes, and Dimensions. , Dimensions are In inches. 4-25 HSP48901 mHARRIS 3 May 1991 X 3 Image Filter Features Description • DC to 30MHz Clock Rate The Harris HSP48901 is a high speed 9-Tap FIR Filter which utilizes 8-bit wide data and coefficients. It can be configured as one dimensional (1-0) 9-Tap filter for a variety of signal processing applications, or as a two dimensional (2-D) filter for image processing. In the 2-D configuration, the device is ideally suited for implementing 3 x 3 kernel convolution. The 30MHz clock rate allows a large number of image sizes to be processed within the required frame time for real-time video. • Configurable for 1-D and 2-D Correlation/ Convolution_ • Dual Coefficient Mask Registers, Switchable in a Single Clock Cycle • Two's Complement or Unsigned 8-Bit Input Data and Coefficients • 20 Bit Extended Precision Output a: Data is provided to the HSP48901 through the use of programmable data buffers such as the HSP9500 or any other programmable shift register. Coefficient and pixel input data are 8-bit signed or unsigned integers, and the 20 bit extended output guarantees no overflow will occur during the filtering operation . • Standard liP Interface • TTL Compatible Inputs/Outputs • Low Power CMOS • Available in 68 Pin PGA and PLCC Packages Applications • Image Filtering There are two internal register banks for storing independent 3 x 3 filter kernels, thus facilitating the implementation of adaptive filters and multiple filter operations on the same data. The configuration of the HSP48901 .Image Filter is controlled through a standard microprocessor interface and all inputs and outputs are TTL compatible. The HSP48901 is available in 68 pin PGA and PLCC packages. • Edge Detection/Enhancement • Pattern Matching • Real Time Video Filters Block Diagram DIN3 (0-7) DIN2 (0 - 7) DIN. (o· 7) FRAME# -~_ _....J ADDRESS DECODER I INTERNAL C L K - I CLOCK HOLO ----+ GEN CL~K rz:;"] ~DOUTO-'9 CAUTION: Electronic devices are sensitive to electrostatic discharge. Proper I.C. handling procedures should be followed. Copyright © Harris Corporation 1991 4-26 File Number 2459.1 HSP4890t Package Pinouts 68 LEAD PLCC TOP VIEW §:" - Ii ! ! ! ! E >" " iii 0 ;. Ii ~ ~ i 0 B 8 7 • 4 a 0 5 iii i iii • • iIS 0 • "D1N2 (7) DlN2 (8) §~ 0 0 0 . ~ i!! 80 !i00 80 80 >8 ~ . 88 87 .. B5 84 .. 8 • DOUT8 DOUT7 DlN2C5J DOUTI DIN2 C41 DOUTB DoNo cal qND DIN2 COl DOUT10 DIN2 C'I DOUTt 1 DIN2 COl DOUTt. qND DOUT13 DINa ClI DOUTt. DINa COl DOUTt5 DlN3C5J DOUTt' DINa C4I DOUTt7 DINa cal DOUTt. DIN3(2) DOUTt' DINa C'I Vee DINa COl 3D ~d iIS a. . . 33 34 35 38 37 S " I" !" i""; "iii II ~ . ...... FRAMES#" 4. .. ~ ; 1I 0 z 42 43 :c i 68 PIN GRID ARRA V TOP VIEW DOUT8 DOUTt DOUTt DOUT10 DOUT12 DOUTt. DOUTt. DOUTt. II FRAME #' AD DOUT4 A2 A. DOUT. DOUTO I.D# HOLO GND DOUTD elND GND DOurs Vee • DOUTS I 7 '0 Vee DOUT8 GND DOUT" OOUT1S DOUT15 DOUT17 DOUTt. • DIN. CII DIN1 (7) elN2 elN1 5 DII. C4I DIN. C" elM4 elNS 4 011. C2I 011. COl CIN. elNI a DII. COl 011. C'I GND elM7 Vee CLK 2 VCC DIN2f11 01121111 0112131 DIN21'1 GND DINSCII OIlS C41 OIlS C2I 01121111 DlN2 C4I DIN2 C2I 0112 COl DINSfII DINS,.. A 8 C D E F 4-27 Q DINS '''' H DII"'I DINS COl K HSP4S901 ,:'';.' ... Pin Descriptions , NAME PlCCPIN TYPE VCC 9,27,45,61 GND 18, 29, 38, 56 CLK 28 I Input and System clock. Operations are synchronQu$ with the rising edge of this clock signal. DIN1{O-7) 1-8 I Pixel Data Input bus #1. These inputs are,u~ed to provide B-bit pixel data to the HSP48901. The data must be provided in a synchronous fashion, and is latched on tha rising edge of the ClK signal. The OINt{O-7) inputs are also used to Input data when operating In the 9 Tap FIR mode. DIN2(Q-7) 10-17 I Pixel Data Input bus #2. Same as above. Th,ese inputs should be grounded when operating in the 1D mode. DIN3(O-7) 19-26 I Pixel Data Input bus #3. Same as above. These inputs should be grounded when operating In the 1D mode. CINQ-7 30-37 I Coefficient Data Input bus. This input bus is lJBed to load the Coefficient Mask register{s) and the Initialization register. The register to be loaded is defined by the register address bits AO-2. The CINO-7 data Is loaded to the addressed register through the use of the LD# input. DOUTO-19 46-55,57-60, 62-67 0 Output Date bus. This 20-Bit output port is ussd to provide the convolution result. The result is the sum of products of the input data,samples and their corresponding coefficients. FRAME# 44 I Frame# is an asynchronous new frame or, vertical sync input A low on this input resets all internal circuitry except for the Coefficient and INT registers. Thus, after a Frame# reset has occurred, a new frame of pixels may be convolved without reloading these registers. HOLD 40 I The Hold Input is used to gate the clock from all of the Internal circuitry of the HSP48901. This signal is synchronous, is sampled on the rising edge of ClK and takes effect on the following cycle. While this signal is active (high), the clock will have no effect on the HSP48901 and Internal dala will remain undisturbed. AO-2 41-~ I Control Register Address. These lines are decoded to determine which register in the control logic is the destination for the data on the CINQ-7 inputs. Register loading is controlled by the AO-2 and lD# Inputs. lD# 39 I load Strobe. LD# is ussd for loading the internal registers of the HSP48901. The rising edge of lD# will latch the CINQ-7 data into the register specified by AQ-2. The Address on AQ-2 must be set up with respect to the falling edge of lD# and must be held with respect to the rising edge of LD#. DESCRIPTION The, +5V power 'supply, pins. 0.11'F capacitors between the VCC and GND pins are recommended. The dllvk;e grou'nd. 4-28 HSP489 0 1 Functional Description 8-Bit Multiplier Array The HSP48901 can perform convolution of a 3 x 3 filter kernel with 8-bit image data. It accepts the image data in a raster scan, non-interlaced format, convolves it with the filter kernel and outputs the filtered image. The input and filter kernel data are both 8-bits, while the output data is 20-bits to prevent overflow during the convolution operation. Image data is input via the DIN1, DIN2, and DIN3 busses. This data would normally be provided by programmable data buffer such as the HSP9500 as illustrated in the operations section of this specification. The data is then convolved with the 3 x 3 array of filter coefficients. The resultant output data is then stored in the output register. The HSP48901 may also be used in a one-dimensional mode. In this configuration, it functions as a 1-D 9-tap FIR filter. Data would be input via the DIN1(O-7) bus for operation in this mode.. The multiplier array consists of nine 8 x 8 multipliers. Each multiplier forms the product of a filter coefficient with a corresponding pixel in the input Image. Input and coefficient data may be in either two's complement or unsigned integer formal The nine coefficients form a 3 x 3 filter kernel which is multiplied by the input pixel data and summed to form a sum of products for implementation of the convolution operation as shown below: Initialization of the convolver is done using the CINO-7 bus to load configuration data and the filter kernel(s). The address lines AO-2 are used to address the internal registers for initialization. The configuration data Is loaded using the AO-2, CINO-7 and LD# controls as address, data and write enable, respectively. This interface is compatible with standard microprocessors without the use of any additional glue logiC. Filtered image data is output from the convolver over the DOUTO-19 bus. This output bus is 20-bits wide to provide room for growth during the convolution operation. FILTER KERNEL INPUT DATA A 8 C P1 P2 P3 0 E F P4 P5 P6 G H I P7 P8 P9 OUTPUT = (A x P1) + (8 x P2) + (C x P3) + (0 x P4) + (ExP5) + (F xP6) + (G x P7) + (H xP8) +(1 x P9) Control Logic The control logiC (Figure 1) contains the Initialization Register and the Coefficient Registers. The control logic is updated by placing data on the CINO-7 bus and using the AO-2 and LD# cOntrol lines'to write to the addressed register (see Address Decoder). All of the control logiC registers are unaffected by FRAME#. .,. a:: w ~ u:: CI AO -2 LD-# I ENCRO-# ENCR1-# CAS-# CR1-# CRO-# 3 - - - - ; f - - -... ADDRESS DECODE N INITIALIZATION DATA CINO -7 COEFFICIENT REGISTER 0 CRO-# H G F E o C B A CR1-#--~::=F~~JI~1:!EjJ~il~~~~ii~J[~~[[~:!~~~~!] COEFFICIENT fJEGISTER 1 ENCR1-# ENCRO-# FIGURE 1. CONTROL LOGIC BLOCK DIAGRAM 4-2~ HSP48901 Initialization Register The initialization register is used to appropriately configure the convolver for a particular application. It is loaded through the use of the CINO-7 bus along with the lD# Input. Bit 0 defines the input data and coefficients format (unsigned or two's complement); Bit 1 defines the mode of operation (1-Dor 2- D); and Bits 2 and 3 determine the type of rounding to occur on the DOUTO-19 bus; The complete definition of the initialization register bits is given in Table 1. TABLE 1 •.INITIALIZATION REGISTER DEFINITION The address decoder (See. Figure 1) is used for writing to ,the control logic of the HSP48901. Loading an internal register is done by selecting the destination register with the AO-2 address lines, placing the data on CINO-7, and asserting lD# control line. When lD# goes high, the data on CINO-7Is latched into the addressed register. The address map for the AO-2 bus is shown in Table 2. FUNCTION = Input & Coefficient Data Format 0 Unsigned Integerformat 1 Two's complement format FUNCTION = Operating Mode BIT1 1-0 9-tap fllter 0 2-D 3 x 3 filter 1 3 BIT 2 FUNCTION = Output Rounding 0 0 No Rounding 0 1 Round to 16 bits (I.e. DOUT4-19) 1 0 Round to 8 bHs (i.e. DOUT12-19) 1 1 Not Valid The nine coefficients mlJst !:Ie loaded sequentially over the CINO-7 bus from A to I. The address of CREGO or CREG1 is placed on AO-2, arid then the coefficients are written to the, corresponding coefficient register,one at a time by using the lD# input. Address Decoder INITIALIZATION REGISTER BITO cient mask Is used to process the data. Thus, no clock cycles have been lost when changing between alternate 3 x 3 filter kernels. Coefficient Registers ~CREGO, CREG1) The control logic contains' two coefficient register banks, CREGO and CREG1. Each of these register banks Is capable of storing nine 8-bit filter coefficient values {3 x3 Kernel}. The output of the registers are connected to the coefficient Input of the corresponding multiplier in the 3 x 3 multiplier array (designated A through I). The register bank to be used for the convolution is selectable by writing to the approprlte address (See address decoder). All registers In a given bank are enabled simultaneously, and one of the banks is always active. While loading of the control logic registers is asynchronous to ClK, the target· register in the control logic is being read synchronous to the internal clock. Therefore, care must be taken when modifying the convolver setup parameters during proceSSing to avoid changing the contents of the registers near a rising edge of ClK. The required setup time relative to ClK is given by the specification TlCS. For example, in order to change the active coefficient register from CREGO to CREG 1 during an active convolution operation, a write will be performed to the address for selecting CREG1 for internal processing (AO-2 = 110). In order to provide proper uninterrupted operation, lD# should be deasserted at least TlCS prior to the next rising edge of ClK. Failure to meet this setup time may result in unpredictable results on the output of the convolver. Keep in mind that this requirement applies only to the case where changes are being made in the control logic during, an active convolution operation. In a typical convolver configuration routine, where the {configuration data is loaded prior to the actual conVolution operation, this specification would not apply. TABLE 2. ADDRESS MAP CONTROL LOGIC ADDRESS MAP A For most applications, only one of the register banks is necessary. The user can simply load CFiEGOafier power up; and use it for the entire CQnvolution operation. (CREGO is the default register). The alternate register bank allows the user to maintain two sets ,of filter coefficients and switch between them in real time. The coefficient masks are loaded via the CINO-:r bus by using AO-2 and lD#. The selection of the particular register bank to be used in proce$Slng is also done by writing to the .approprlate address (See address decoder). For example, if CREGO is being used to provide coefficients to the multipliers, CREG1 can be , updated at a low rate by an external processor; then, at the proper time, CREG1 can be selected,so thaUhe new coeffi- FUNCTION 2 1 0 0 0 0 Reserved for future use 0 0 1 Reserved for future use 0 1 0 Load Coefficient Register 0 (CREGO) 0 1 1 Load Coefficient Register 1 (CREG1) 1 0 0 Load Initialization Register (INT) 1 0 1 Select CREGO for Internal Processing 1 1 0 Select CREG1 for Internal Processing 1 1 1 No Operation 4-30 HSP489 0 1 Control Signals 8 20 Hold DOUT 0 -19 The HOLD control input provides the ability to disable internal clock and stop all operations temporarily. HOLD is sampled on the rising edge of ClK and takes effect during the following clock cycle (Refer to Figure 2). This signal can be used to momentarily ignore data at the input of the convolver while maintaining its current output data and operational state. FILTERED IMAGE DATA HSP48901 INITIALIZATION DATA ClK .....J/ HOLD _ _ _ _ ,'------- INTERNAL A B C PM -l,N-1 PM -1,N PM -l,N+ 1 D E F PM,N -1 PM,N PM,N+1 F H PM + l,N-1 PM+ l,N PM+ l,N+ 1 CLOCK FIGURE 2. HOLD OPERATION ALTER KERNEL FRAME# The FRAME# input initializes all internal flip flops and registers except for the coefficient and initialization registers. It is used as a reset between video frames and eliminates the need to re-initialize the entire HSP489D1 or reload the coefficients. The registers and flip flops will remain in a reset state as long as FRAME# is active. FRAME# is an asynchronous input and may occur at any time. However, it must be deasserted at least tFS ns prior to the rising clock edge that is to begin operation for the next frame in order to ensure the new pixel data is properly loaded. Operation A single HSP489D1 can be used to perform 3 x 3 convolution on 8-bit image data. A block diagram of this configurationis shown in Figure 3. The inputs of an external data buffer (such as the HSP95DD) are connected to the input data in parallel with the DIN1 (D-7) lines; the outputs of the . data buffer are 'connected to the DIN2(D-7) bus. A second external data buffer is connected between the outputs of the first buffer and the DIN3(D-7) inputs. To perform the convolution,operation, a group of nine image pixels is multiplied by the 3 x 3 array of filter coefficients and their products are summed and sent to the output. For the example in figure 3, the pixel value in the output image at location m,n is given by: DOUT(m,n) = A x Pm-1,n-1 + B x Pm-1,n + C x Pm-1,n+1 + 0 x Pm,n-1 + E x Pm,n + F x Pm,n+1 + GxPm+1,n-1 +HxPm+1,n +lxPm+1,n+1 IMAGE DATA FIGURE 3. 3 x 3 KERNEL ON AN 8-BIT IMAGE Multiple filter kernels can also be used on the same image data using the dual coefficient registers CREGD and CREG1. This type of filterIng Is used when the characteristics of the input pixel data change over the image in such a way that no one filter produces satisfactory results for the entire image. In order to filter such an image, the characteristics of the filter itself must change while the image is being processed. The HSP489D1 can perform this function with the use of an external processor. The processor is used to calculate the required new filter coeffiCients, loads them into the coefficient register not in use, and selects the newly loaded coefficient register at the proper time. The first coefficient register can then be loaded with new coefficients in preparation for the next change. This can be carried out with no interruption in processing, provided that the new register is selected synchronous to the convolver ClK signal. The HSP489D1 can also operate as a one dimensional 9 tap FIR filter by programming the initialization register to 1-D mode (i.e. INT bit 1 = 'D'). This configuration will provide for nine sequential input values to be multiplied by the coefficient values in the selected coefficient register .and provide the proper filtered output The input bus to be used when operating in this mode is the DIN1(D-7) inputs. The equation for the output in the 1-D 9-tap FIR case becomes: This process is continually repeated until the last pixel of the last row of the image has been input. It can then start again with the first row of the nextframe. The FRAME# pin is used to clear the internal multiplier registers and DOUTD-19 registers between frames. The row length of the image to be convolved is limited only by the maximum length of the external data buffers. The setup is straightforward. The user must first setup the HSP489D1 by loading a new value into the in itialization register. The coefficients can now be loaded one at a time from A to I via the CIND-7 coefficient bus, and the AD-2 and lD# control lines. OOUTn = Ax On-8 + B xOn-7 + C xOn-6 + 0 x On-5 + Ex On-4 + F x On-3 + G x On-2 + H x Dn-1 + IxOn Frame Rate The total time to process an image is given by the formula: T= RxC/F where: T = Time to process a frame 4-31 R = number of rows in the image C = number of pixels in a row F = clock rate of the HSP489D1 ...!:ia: C'I) ;:;: C I N Specifications HSP48901 Absolute Maximum Ratings Supply Voltage .....•..................•.•.•.........•..••••...............................••.•......•.......... +8.0V Input, Output or 110 Voltage Applied .......•...•..•.......••.•................................•.• GND -0.5V to VCC +0.5V Storage Temperature Range ....••.•.......•••••.•.•..............••..................••.....•.....••• -650 C to +1500 C Gate Count .••.•.•• : ........•.••.••...•..••.•••••.......•.........................•.••...••......•••.... 1:3,594 Gates Junction Temperature (TJ) . . . . . . . . • • . . . . • . • . . . . . • . . . • . • . . • • • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • •. + 1500 C (PLCG), + 1750 C (PGA) Lead Temperature (Soldering, Ten Seconds) .••.•••••••.............•.................•.•........................ +3000 C ESD Classification ......••.•••••••..•.......................•••••...............•............•.••.........•••.. Class 1 CAUTION: Stresses above those listed ;n the 'IAbsolute Maximum Ratings l l may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress only rating and operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Operating Conditions Operating Voltage Range .....•.•••••...•.•••••••••..........••...•....•............••••...••.......•• +4.75V to +5.25V Operating Temperature Range •.•..•.......••••..••...............•.................•.••...••......•••.••. OoC to + 700 C D.C. Electrical Specifications (Vcc = 5.0V ± PARAMETER 5%, TA = Ooc to +700 G) SYMBOL MIN MAX UNITS Logical One Input Voltage VIH 2.0 - V VCC Logical Zero Input Voltage VIL - 0.8 V VCC=4.75V High Level Clock Input VIHC VCC -0.8 - V VCC= 5.25V Low Level Clock Input VILC - 0.8 V VCC Output HIGH Voltage VOH 2.6 - V 10H Output LOW Voltage VOL - 0.4 V Input Leakage Current 110 Leakage Current Standby Power Supply Current II -10 10 fJA 10 -10 10 fJA ICCSS - 500 fJA ICCOp - 120 mA TEST CONDITIONS = 5.25V = 4.75V = -400fJA, VCC = 4.75V 10L = +2.0mA, VCC = 4.75V VIN = VCC or GND, VCC = 5.25V VOUT = VCC or GND, VCC = 5.25V VIN = VCC or GND, VCC = 5.25V, Outputs Open Operating Power Supply Current f = 20MHz, VIN = VCC or GND VCC = 5.25V (Note 1) Capacitance (TA = +250 C, Note 2) PARAMETER Input Capacitance Output Capacitance SYMBOL MIN MAX UNITS TEST CONDITIONS CIN - 10 pF 15 pF FREQ = 1 MHz, VCC = Open, all measurements are referenced to device ground. Co - NOTES: 1. Power supply current is proportional to operating frequency. Typical rating for ICCOp is 6mAlMHz. 2. Not tested. but characterized at initial design and at major process/design changes. CAUTION: These devices are sensitive to electrostatic discharge. Proper Ie handling 4-32 procedures should be followed. Specifications HSP489 0 1 A.C. Electrical Specifications (Vcc = 5.0V ± 5%, TA = Ooc to +700 C) -30 (30M Hz) PARAMETER SYMBOL MIN MIN MAX UNITS 50 ns 0 - TCYCLE 33 Clock Pulse Width High TpWH 13 Clock Pulse Width Low TpWL 13 Data Input Setup Time TDS 14 Data Input Hold TIme TDH 0 - Clock Period -20 (20MHz) MAX 20 20 16 ns ns ns ns TOUT - 21 - 30 ns Address Setup Time TAS 5 5 - ns Address Hold Time TAH 2 2 TCS 10 12 - ns Configuration Data Setup Time - Configuration Data Hold Time TCH 0 - 0 - ns LD# Pulse Width TLPW 13 ns TLCS 28 HOLD Setup Time THS 10 HOLD Hold Time THH 0 FRAME# Pulse Width TFPW TCYCLE FRAME# Setup Time TFS 28 - 20 LD# Setup Time Output Rise Time TR Output Fall Time TF Clock to Data Out - TEST CONDITIONS ns 40 - ns Note 2 8 - 8 ns From 0.8V to 2.0V 8 - 8 ns From 2.0V to 0.8V 40 12 0 TCYCLE NOTES: 1. This specification applies only to the case where a change in the active coefficient register is being selected during a convolution operation. It must be met in order to achieve predictable results at the next rising clock edge. In most applications, this selection will be made asynchronously. and the T lCS specification may be disregarded. 2. While FRAME# is asynchronous wHh respect to ClK, it must be ns Note 1 ns ns ns 3. A.C. Testing is performed as follows: Input levels (ClK Input) = VCC -O.4V and OV; Input levels (All other Inputs) = OV to 3.0V; Input timing reforence levels: (ClK) = 2.5V, (Others) = 1.5V; Other timing references: VOH?: 1.5V, VOL ~ 1.5V; Input rise and fall time. driven at 1nsN; Output load per test load circuR with Cl = 4OpF. begin loading new pixel data for the next frame. 1--------------- I I I I I I I I I 81 DUT~ 'Clt "INCLUDES STRAY AND JIG CAPACITANCE a: ILl !:i u:: , c N deasserted a minimum of T FS ns prior to the rising clock edge which is to Test Load Circuit Cf.I I I I i 1 5V . I OL I I I I I I i____ EQUIVALENT~IRCUrr _ _ _ _ j SwHch 51 Open for ICCSB and ICCOp Tests 4-33 HSP48901 Timing Waveforms ClK LD# DIN 0 -7 DOUT.O ~9 AOl! TOUT~ .. ----------------------- CINO'1 ---------------' FUNCTIONAL TIMING CONFIGURATION TIMING INTERNAL CLOCK SYNCHRONOUS LOAD TIMING HOLD TIMING FRAME. TIMING 4-34 SIGNAL SYNTHESIZERS PAGE DATA SHEETS HSP45116 Numerically Controlled Oscillator/Modulator ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. HSP45116/883 Numerically Controlled Oscillator/Modulator ..................................... 5-18 5-3 HSP45106 16 Bit Numerically Controlled Oscillator ......................................... 5-26 HSP451 06/883 1 6 Bit Numerically Controlled Oscillator ..•..........................•........... 5-36 HSP45102 12 Bit Numerically Controlled Oscillator ....................•.................•.. 5-43 ... c- (I) cc .... N z(l) Cl'" _::r: m!Z ~ 5-1 mHARRIS HSP45116 Numerically Controlled Oscillator/Mod ulator May 1991 Features Description • NCO and CMAC on One Chip The Harris HSP45116 combines a high performance quadrature numerically controlled oscillator (NCO) and a high speed 16-bit Complex Multiplier/Accumulator (CMAC) on a single IC. This combination of functions allows a complex vector to be multiplied by the internally generated (cos, sin) vector for quadrature modulation and demodulation. As shown in the block diagram, the HSP45116 is divided into three main sections. The Phase/Frequency Control Section (PFCS) and the Sine/Cosine Section together form a complex NCO. The CMAC multiplies the output of the Sine/ Cosine Section with an external complex vector. • 15MHz, 25.6MHz, 33MHz Versions • 32-bit Frequency Control • 16-bit Phase Modulation • 16-bit CMAC • O.008Hz Tuning Resolution at 33MHz • Spurious Frequency Components < -90dBc • Fully Static CMOS .145 Pin PGA Appliclltions • Frequency Synthesis • Modulation - AM, FM, PSK, FSK, CAM • Demodulation, PLL • Phase Shifter • Fast Fourier Transforms (FFT) The inputs to the Phase/Frequency Control Section consist of a microprocessor interface and individual control lines. The phase resolution of the PFCS is 32 bits, which results in frequency resolution better than O.008Hz at 33M Hz. The output of the PFCS is the argument of the sine and cosine. The spurious free dynamic range of the complex sinusoid is greater than 90dBc. The output vector from the Sine/Cosine Section is one of the inputs to the Complex Multiplier/Accumulator. The CMAC multiplies this (cos, sin) vector by an external complex vector and can accumulate the result. The resulting complex vectors are available through two 20-bit output ports which maintain the 90dB spectral purity. This result can be accumulated internally to implement an accumulate and dump filter. A quadrature down converter can be implemented by loading a center frequency into the Phase/Frequency Control Section. The signal to be downconverted is the Vector Input of the CMAC, which multiplies the data by the rotating vector from the Sine/Cosine Section. The resulting complex output is the down converted signal. • Polar to Cartesian Conversions Block Diagram VECTOR INPUT R MICROPROCESSOR INTERFACE INDIVIDUAl CONTROL SIGNALS PHASE! FREQUENCY CONTROL SECTION SINE! COSINE ARGUMENT SIN SINE! COSINE SECTION 1 1 CMAC COS ! ! R VECTOR OUTPUT CAUTION: These devices are sensitive to electrostatic discharge. Proper I.C. handling procedures should be followed. Copyright © Harris Corporation 1991 5-3 File Number 2485.2 CI) a: LU ..... N <:zCl) c.::JLU _::I: CI) .... :z >- CI) HSP45116 Pinouts 145 PIN PGA TOP VIEW 3 4 • IMIN IMIN IMIN IMIN I. IMIN IMIN IMIN 10 11 I. 12 13 14 15 10 10 10 10 GND Vee 12 10 10 10 10 10 7 • 10 10 10 RO GND Vee ,. 10 10 18 14 11 8 10 17 10 10 10 13 8 8 A Vee IMIN 4 8 8 11 B GND IMIN IMIN IMIN 1 7 10 13 14 e • IMIN RIN RIN IMIN IMIN 2 3 1M IN 8 IMIN 12 IMIN 17 4 1 18 0 RIN 13 RIN 17 IMIN INDEX 0 10 RO o 3 18 RO 17 E RIN RIN RIN 10 14 18 10 RO RO E 0 18 F RIN RIN RIN 11 12 RO RO I. 7 18 18 18 10 IMIN 18 2 I. 13 11 RO G Vee RIN 8 8 • 12 10 H GND RIN RO RO 8 RIN 5 GND RIN RIN RIN 3 1 4 K RIN RIN SH 2 0 1 L SH ACO ""', -# 0 M 'N.... REG N BINFMT TICO PACt -# -# Vee GND EN"" -# P a -# -# RO RO .MOD LOAD -# ....... """"" -# .N""" 'ENI ENCF REO -# ""- MODA lIP' -# es K -# 1 3 OEI RO -# -# 0 =-.-0 0...... DET 1 -# 0 GND P Vee a ..., oorr- M e e e I. 8 2 e e • e e e OER 10 8 3 1 -# GND e e e e e e 4 0 13 14 16 Vee A GND I. B RIN e o AD 1 8 8 RO 13 Vee -# 2 DET e -# 4 RO 1 PACO 14 WR -# Vee 0 -# 3 RO H AD eLK -# 4 G 0""""' 1 0 7 RO • PEAK MOD ... -# 8 B e RO 14 RO RO RIN A e 12 8 11 7 • 10 11 12 4 3 IMIN IMIN IMIN IMIN 11 9 8 4 IMIN IMIN 7 IMIN 5 IMIN 10 IMIN IMIN IMIN RIN 2 18 N BOTTOM VIEW I. 11 10 10 10 15 1. 13 12 A Vee GND 10 10 10 12 B 10 2 10 6 10 7 10 10 '10 10 8 11 14 18 e I. ,. " 8 Vee 18 GND 10 8 1M IN 18 IMIN IMIN IMIN 14 IMIN' IMIN 17 ' 12 1 RO 10 10 10 10 10 10 IMIN 18 1 4 8 9 13, 17 18 o RO RO 10 RIN RIN 17 19 3 0 17 13 E RO RO 10 RIN RIN RIN 18 0 18 14 10 RO RO RO RIN RIN RIN 11 13 14 12 11 7 G RO RO RO RIN RIN 10 12 9 8 9 Vee G H GND RO 7 RO RIN • RIN GND H Vee RO RIN RIN 4 RO 5 4 1 3 RO RO RO SH RIN RIN 8 2 1 1 0 2 RO DET PACO ACO SH 1 -# .".".. 3 RO OEI 0 ••. . , 0 -# -# DET OEOEXO" 0 -# OU""' GND K M N P a I. Vee 15 8 3' INDEX IMIN 8 8 MOD PEAK -# -# 0 -# es ENT_ PAel TICO -# c""". PM8a. -# -# -# GND Vee .... OUTIIaJ e e e e AD 0 1 2 8 13 14 OER e e e e e e AD -# 1 3 8 9 10 I. 0 1 e e e e e e GNO. WR eLK 4 5 7 11 12 Vee 0 14 13 12 11 10 8 5-4 .N... "'"-# EN"" """-# MO"" "P' -# REO 1 LOAD MOD -# .ENI -# -# 8 4 EN"'''' -# 3 -# •• NHIT F RIN 0 -# E K L M N p a HSP45116 Pin Description NAME NUMBER VCC A1,A9,A15,G1, J15, a1, 07, 015 TYPE +5 Power supply input GND A8,A14,B1,H1, H15, P15, 02, a8 Power supply ground input CO-15 N8-11,P8-13, 09-14 ADO-1 CS# DESCRIPTION I Control input bus for loading phase and frequency,data into the PFCS. C15 is the MSB. N7,P7 I Address pins for selecting destination of CO-1 5 data P6 I Chip select (Active low) WR# a6 i Write enable. Data is clocked into the register selected by ADO-1 on the rising edge of WR# when the CS# line is low. ClK 05 I Clock. All registers, except the control registers clocked with WR#,are clocked (when enabled) by the rising edge of ClK. ENPHREG# M1 I Phase register enable. (Active low) Registered on Chip, by ClK. When active, after being clocked onto chip, ENPHREG# enables the clocking of data into the phase register. ENOFREG# N1 I Frequency offset register enable.-(Active low) Registered on chip by ClK. When active, after being clocked onto chip, ENOFREG# enables clocking of data into the frequency offset register. ENCFREG# N5 I Center frequency register enable. (Active low) Registered on chip by ClK. When active, after being clocked onto- chip, ENCFREG# enables clocking of data into the center frequency register. ENPHAC# 03 I Phase accumulator register enable. (Active low) Registered on chip by ClK. When active, after being clocked onto chip, ENPHAC# enables clocking of the phase accumulator register. ENTIREG# P5 I Time interval control register enable. (Active low) Registered on chip by ClK. When active, after being clocked onto chip, ENTIREG# enables clocking of data into' the time accumulator register. ENI# a4 I Real and imaginary data input register (RIR, IIR) enable. (Active low) Registered on chip by ClK. When active, after being clocked onto chip, ENI# enables clocking of data into the real and imaginary input data register. MODPV 2P/# N6 I Modulo n/2n select. When low, the Sine and Cosine ROMs are addressed modulo 2n (360 degrees). When high, the most significant address bit is held low so thaI- the ROMs are addressed modulo n (180 degrees). This input is registered on chip by clock. ClROFR# P4 I Frequency offset register output zero. (Active low) Registered on chip by ClK. When active, after being clocked onto chip, ClROFR# zeros the data path from the frequency offset register to the frequency adder. New data can still be clocked into the frequency offset register; ClROFR# does not affect the contents of the register. lOAD# N4 I Phase accumulator load control. (Active low) Registered on chip by ClK. Zeroes feedback path in the phase accumulator without clearing the phase accumulator register. MODO-1 M3,N3 I External modulation control bits. When selected with thePMSEl line, these'bits add a 0,90, 180, or 270 degree offset to the current phase in the phase accumulator. The lower 14 bits of the phase control path are set to, zero. These bits are loaded into the phase register when ENPHREG# is low. PMSEl P3 I Phase modulation select line. This line determines the source of the data clocked into the phase register. When high, the--phase control register is selected. When low, the external modulation pins (MODO-1) are selected, for the most Significant two bits and the least significant two bits and the least significant 14 bits are set to zero. This control is registered byClK. RBYTllD# l3 I ROM bypass, timer load. Active low, Registered by ClK. This input bypasses the sinel cosine ROM so that the 16 bit phase adder output and lower 16 bits of the phase accumulator go directly to the CMAC's sine and cosine inputs, respectively. It also enables loading of the timer accumulator register by zeroing the feedback in the accumulator. 5-5 en a: W .... N cCzen w Cl _:x: en IZ ~ HSP45116 Pin Description NAME (Continued) NUMBER TYPE DESCRIPTION PACI# P2 I Phase accumulator carry Input. (Active 'low) A low on this pin' causes the phase accumulator to increment by one In addition to the values In the phase accumulator register and frequency adder. PACO# L13 0 Phase accumulator carry output Active'low and registered by Cll<. A low on this output indicates that the phase accumulator has overflowed, i.e., the end of one sine/cosine cycle has been reached. TICO# P1 0 Time interval accumulalor carry output Active low, registered by ClK. This output goes low when a carry is generated by the time interval accumulator. This function is provided to time out control events such as synchronizing register clocking to date timing. RINO-18 C1, C2, 01, 02, E1-3, F1-3, G2,G3,H2, H3, J1-3, K1, K2 I Real input data bus. This is the external real coniponent into the complex multiplier. The bus is clocked into the real input data register by ClK when ENI# is asserted. IMINO-18 A2-7,B2-7, C3-8,03 I Imaginary input data bus. This is the external imaginary component into the complex multiplier. The bus is clocked into the real input data register by ClK when ENI# is asserted. SHO-1 K3,L1 I Shift control Inputs. These lines control the input shifters of the RIN and liN inputs of the complex'multiplier. The shift controls are common to the shifters on both ofthe busses. ACC l2 I Accumulate/dump control. This input controls the complex accumulators and their holding registers. When high, the accumulators accumulate and the holding registers are disabled. When low, the feedback in ihe accumulators is zeroed to cause the accumulators to load. The holding registers are enabled to clock in the results of the accumulation. This input is registered by ClK BINFMT# N2 I This input is used to convert the two's complement output to offset binary (unsigned) for applications using O/A converters. When low, bits R019 and 1019 are inverted from the Internal two's complement representation. This Input Is registered by ClK PEAK# M2 I This input enables the peak detect feature of the block floating point detector. When high, the maximum bit growth In the output holding registers Is encoded and output on the OETO-1 pins. When the PEAK# input ia asserted, the block floating point detector output will track the maximum growth in the holding registers, Including the data in the holding registers at the time that PEAK# is activated. OUTMUXQ-1 N12,N13 I These inputs selectthe data to be output on ROO-19 and 100-19. ROO-19 C15, 014, 015 E14, E15, F13-15, G13-15, H13, H14, J13,J14;K13-15, l15,M15 0 Real ,output data bus. These three state outputs are controlled by OER# and OEREXT#. OUTMUXO-1 select the data output on the bus. 100-19 A10-13, B8-15, C9-14, 013, E13 0 Imaginary output data bus.These three state outputs are controlled by OEI# and OEIEXT#. OUTMUXO-1 select the data output on the bus. DETO-1 N15,L14 0 These output pins indicate the number of bits of growth in the accumulators. While PEAK# is low, these pins indicate the peak growth. The detector examines bits 15-18, real and Imaginary accumulator holding registers and bits 30-33 of the real and imaginary CMAC holding registers. The bits indicate the largest growth ofthe four registers. OER# P14 I T~ree state control for bits ROO-15• .outputs are enabled when the line Is low. OEREXT# M13 I Three state control for bits R016-19. Outputs are enabled when the line is low. OEI# M14 I Three state control for bits 100-15. Outputs are enabled when the line is low. OEIEXT# N14 I Three stete control for bits 1016-19. Outputs are enabled when the line is low. 5-6 HSP45116 Functional Description Phase and Frequency Control Section The Numerically Controlled Oscillator/Modulator (NCOM) produces a digital complex sinusoid waveform whose amplitude, phase and frequency are controlled by a set of input command words. When used as a Numerically Controlled Oscillator (NCO), it generates 16 bit sine and cosine vectors at a maximum sample rate of 33MHz. The NCOM can be preprogrammed to produce a constant (CW) sine and cosine output for Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS) applications. Alternatively, the phase and frequency inputs can be updated in real time to produce a FM, PSK, FSK, or MSK modulated waveform. The Complex Multiplier/ Accumulator (CMAC) can be used to multiply this waveform by an input signal for AM and QAM signals. By stepping the phase input, the output of the ROM becomes an FFT twiddle factor; when data is input to the Vector Inputs (see Block Diagram), the NCOM calculates an FFT butterfly. The phase and frequency of the internally generated sine and cosine are controlled by the PFCS (Figure 1). The PFCS generates a 32 bit word that represents the current phase of the sine and cosine waves being generated: the Sine/ Cosine Argument. Stepping this phase angle from o through full scale (232 - 1) corresponds to the phase angle of a sinusoid starting at 0 0 and advanCing around the unit circle counterclockwise. The PFCS automatically increments the phase by a preprogrammed amount on every rising edge of the external clock. The frequency of the two sinusoid is determined by the number of clocks it takes for the phase to step through its full range. For example, if the NCOM is clocked at 30M Hz, and the PFCS is program med with an incremental phase of n/2, it takes 4 clocks for the phase to step through a full cycle; the output frequency is 30MHz/4, or 7.5MHz. As shown in the Block Diagram, the NCOM consists of three parts: Phase and Frequency Control Section (PFCS), Sine/Cosine Generator, and CMAC. The PFCS stores the phase and frequency inputs and uses them to calculate the phase angle of a rotating complex vector. The Sine/Cosine Generator performs a lookup on this phase and outputs the appropriate values for the sine and cosine. The sine and cosine form one set of inputs to the CMAC, which multiplies them by the Input vector to form the modulated output. The PFCS is divided into 2 sections: the Phase Accumulator uses the data on CO-15 to compute the phase angle that is the input to the Sine/Cosine Section (Sine/Cosine Argument); the Time Accumulator supplies a pulse to mark the passage of a preprogrammed period of time. The Phase Accumulator and Time Accumulator work on the same principle: a 32 bit word is added to the contents of a 32 bit accumulator register every clock cycle; when the sum CLK_-....._--II---PACO# PHASE ADDER 18 LSB'. CLK 32 PHASE ACCUMULATOR PACI#" -;@=ffi § ADO CS#" WR#" ENCFREG#" ENOFREG#" CLROFR#" LOAD#" PMSEL ENPHREG# ENPHAC# MODPIf2PI#" ~ REG PHEN#" MSEN,#" LSEN#" 32 TIME INCREMENT R.ENCFREG#" R.ENOFREG# R.CLROFR# R.LOAD#" R.PMSEL R.ENPHREG#" R.ENPHAC# R.MODPIJ2PI TIME ACCUMULATOR I TICO# I I I I I I I 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ --' ClK FIGURE 1. PHASE/FREQUENCY CONTROL SECTION BLOCK DIAGRAM 5-7 HSP45116 causes .the adder tooverflow,the accumulation continues with the 32 bits of the adder going Into the accumulator register. The overflow bit is'used as an outputto Indicate the timing 'of the accumuiation 'overflows. In the Time Accumulator, tlie overflow bit generates TICO#, the Time Accumulator carry out (which is the only output of the Time Accumulator). In the Phase Accumulator, the overflow Is inverted to generate the Phase Accumulator Carry Out, PACO#. The output of the Phase Accumulator goes to the Phase Adder, which adds an offset to the top 16 bits of the phase. This 32 bit number forms the argument of the sine and cosine, which is passed to the Sine/Cosine Generator. Both' accumulators are loaded 16 bits at a time over the CO'-15 bus. Data on CO-15 is loaded Into one ofthiHhree input registers when CS# and WR# are low. The data in the Most Significant Input Register and Least Significant Input Register forms a 32 bit word that is the input to the Center Frequency Register, Offset Frequency Register and Time Accumulator. These registers are loaded by enabling the proper register enable signa]; for example, to load the Center Frequency Register, the data Is loaded into the LS and MS Input Registers, and ENCFREG# Is set to zero; the next rising edge of CLK will pass the registered version of ENCFREG#,R.ENCFREG#, to the clock enable of the Center Frequency Register; this register then gets loaded on the following rising edge of CLK. The contents of the Input Registers will be continuously loaded into the Center Frequency Register as long as R.ENCFREG# is low. The Phase Register is loaded In a similar manner. Assuming PMSEL Is low, the contents of the Phase Input Register is loaded into the Phase Register on every rising clock edge that R.ENPHREG Is low. If PMSE:L is high, MODO-1 supply the two most Significant bits Into the Phase Register (MOD1 is the MSB) and the I,east significant 14 bits are loaded with O. When PMSEL Is high, MODO-1 are used to generate a Quad Phase Shift Keying (QPSK) signal (Table 2). PSK modulation schemes. These three values are used by the Phase Accumulator and Phase Adder to form the phase of the Internally generated sine and cosine. The sum of the values in Center and Offset, Frequency Registers corresponds to the desired phase increment (modulo 232) from one clock to the next. For example, loading both registers with zero ,will cause the Phase Accumulator to add zero to Its current output; the output of the PFCS will remain at its current value; i.e., the output of the NCOM will bea DC signal. H a hexadecimal 00000001 Is loaded Into the Center Frequency Control Register, the output of the PFCS will increment by one after every clock. This will step through every location in the Sine/Cosine ,Generator, so that the output will be the lowest frequency above DC that can be generated by the NCOM, i.",., the clock frequency divided by 232. If the input to the Center Frequency Control Register is hex 80000000, the PFCS will step through the Generator with half of the maximum step size, so that frequency of the output waveform will be half of the sample rate.' The operation of the Offset Frequency Control Register Is Identical to that of the Center Frequency Control Register; having two separate registers allows the user to generate an FM signal by loading the carrier frequency in the Center Frequency 'Control Register and updating the Offset Frequency Control Register with ,the value of the frequency offset - the difference between the carrier frequency and the frequency of the output signal. A logic low on CLROFR# disables the outpuf of the Offset Frequency Register without clearing the contents of the register. TABLE 2. MODo-1 DECODE, TABLE 1. ADO-1 DECODING AD1 ADO CS# WR# FUNCTION 0 0 0 t Load least significant bits of frequency input 0 1 0 t Load most significant bits of frequency input 1 0 0 t Load phase register 1 1 X X Reserved MOD1 MODO PHASE SHIFT (DEGREES) 0 0 0 0 1 90 1 0 270 1 1 180 Initializing the Phase Accumulator Register is done by putting a low on the LOAD# line. This zeroes the feedback path to the accumulator, so that the register is loaded with the current value of the phase increment summer on the next clock. The final phase value going to the Generator can be adJusted using MODPI/2PI# to force the range of the phase to be 0 0 to 1800 (modulo n) or 0 0 to 3600 (modulo 2n). X X 1 X Reserved Modulo 2n Is the mode used for modulation, demodulation, , direct digital synthesis, etc. Modulo n Is used to calculate The Phase Accumulator consists of registers and adders FFTs. This is explained in greater detail in the Applications that compute the value of. the current phase at every clock. It section. has three inputs: Center Frequency, which corresponds to the carrier frequency ota signal; Offset Frequency, which Is The Phase Register adds an offset to the output of the the deviation from the Center Frequency; and Phase, which Phase Accumulator. Since the Phase Register is, only 16 is a 16 bit number that is added ,to the current ,c phase for bits, It Is added to the top 16 bits of the Phase AccumUlator. 5-8 HSP45116 The Time Accumulator consists of a register which is incremented on every clock. The amount by which it increments is loaded into the Input Registers and is latched into the Time Accumulator Register on rising edges of ClK while ENTIREG# is low. The output of the Time Accumulator is the accumulator carry out, TICO#. TICO# can be used as a timer to enable the periodic sampling of the output of the NCOM. The number programmed into this register equals 232 x ClK period/desired time interval. TICO# is disabled and its phase Is initialized by zeroing the feedback path of the accumulator with RBYTllD#. Sine/Cosine Section The Sine/Cosine Section (Figure 2) converts the output of the PFCS into the appropriate values for the sine and cosine. It takes the most significant 20 bits of the PFCS output and passes them through a look up table to form the 16 bit sine and cosine inputs to the CMAC. 32r-_---..~ r - -_ _ _ " Complex Multiplier/Accumulator The CMAC (Figure 3) performs two types of functions: complex multiplication/accumulation for modulation and demodulation of digital signals, and the operations necessary to implement an FFT butterfly. Modulation and demodulation are implemented using the complex mUltiplier and its associated accumulator; the rest of the circuitry in this section, i.e., the complex accumulator, input shifters and growth detect logic are used along with the complex multiplier/accumulator for FFTs. The complex multiplier performs the complex vector multiplication on the output of the Sine/Cosine Section and the vector represented by the real and Imaginary inputs RIN and liN. The two vectors are combined In the following manner: ROUT = COS x RIN - SIN x liN lOUT COS x liN + SIN x RIN = RIN and liN are latched into the input registers and passed through the shift stages. Clocking of the Input registers is enabled with a low on ENI#. The amount of shift on the latched data is programmed with SHO-1 (Table 3). The output of the shifters is sent to the CMAC and the auxiliary accumulators. TABLE 3. INPUT SHIFT SELECTION ....._... Q SH1 SHO SELECTED BITS 0 0 RINO-15,IMINO-15 0 1 RIN1-16,IMIN1-16 1 0 RIN2-17,IMIN2-17 1 1 RIN3-18,IMIN3-18 11-+-_ _ _----' RB;LD:r=tD eLK CLK __L -________ ~ FIGURE 2. SINE/COSINE SECTION The 20 bit word maps into 2" radians so that the angular resolution is 2"/220. An address of zero corresponds to 0 radians and an address of hex FFFFF corresponds to 2"(2"/2 20) radians. The outputs of the Generator section are 2's complement sine and cosine values. The sine and cosine outputs range from hexadecimal 8001, which represents -1, 'to 7FFF, which represents +1. Note that the normal range for two's complement numbers is 8000 to 7FFF; the output range of the NCOM is scaled by one so that it is symmetriC about O. The 33 bit real and imaginary outputs of the Complex Multiplier are latched in the Multiplier Registers and then go through the accumulator section of the CMAC. If the ACC line Is high, the feedback to the accumulators is enabled; a low on ACC zeroes the feedback path, so that the next set of real and imaginary data out of the complex multiplier is stored In the CMAC Output Registers. The data in the CMAC Output Registers goes to the Multiplexer, the output of which Is determined by the OUTMUXO- 1 lines (Table 4). BINFMT# controls whether the output of the Multiplexer is presented In two's 0 inverts complement or unsigned format; BINFMT# ROUT19 and IOUT19 for unsigned output, while BINFMT# = 1 selects two's complement The sine and cosine values are computed to reduce the amount of ROM needed. The magnitude of the error in the computed value of the vector is less than -90.2dB. The error in the sine or cosine alone is approximately 2dB better. If RBYTllD# is low, the output of the PFCS goes directly to the inputs of the CMAC. If the real and imaginary inputs of the CMAC are programmed to hex 7FFF and 0 respectively, then the output of the PFCS will appear on output bits 0 through 15 of the NCOM with the output multiplexers set to bring out the most significant bits of the CMAC output 00). The most significant 16 bits out of the (OUTMUX PFCS appears on IOUTO-15 and the least significant bits come out on ROUTO-15. = 5-9 = TABLE 4. OUTPUT MULTIPLEXER SELECTION OUT MUX 1 OUT MUX 0 0 0 Real CMAC 31-34 RealCMAC Imag 15-30 CMAC 31-34 ImagCMAC 15-30 0 1 Real CMAC 31-34 O,Real CMAC 0-14 O,lmag CMAC 0-14 1 0 RealAcc' RealAcc 16-19 0-15 ImagAcc ImagAcc 16-19 0-15 1 1 Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved R016-19 ROO-15 1016-19 Imag CMAC 31-34 100-15 Cf.I II: W .... N cC zCf.l c:s W _:z: Cf.I!z ~ HSP45116 R.ENI.# --..,...--4----, R.SHO -1 -_..,...--/_ _--, SIN COMPLEX MULTIPlIER o COMPLEX ACCUMULATOR Rl.ACC _ . l -_ __+=---+=-~-..L.---------'---_+=--------...J IOUT16 -19 ENI.# R.ENI.# SHO-l R.SHO -1 Rl.ACC ACe PEAK.# FIGURE 3. COMPLEX MUlTIPUER/ACCUMULATOR; All REGISTERS CLOCKED BY ClK 5-10 IOUTO -15 HSP45116 The Complex Accumulator duplicates the accumulator in the CMAC. The input comes from the data shifters, and its 20 bit complex output goes to the Multiplexer. ACC controls whether the accumulator is enabled or not OUTMUXO-1 determines whether the accumulator output appears. on ROUT and lOUT. while the binary point of ROUT and lOUT is to the right of the fifth most significant bit. These CMAC external input and output busses are aligned with each other to facilitate cascading NCOM's for FFT applications. TABLE 5. GROWTH ENCODING The Growth Detect circuitry outputs a two bit value that signifies the amount of growth on the data in the CMAC and Complex Accumulator. Its output, DETO-1, is encoded as shown in Table 5. If PEAK#" is low, the highest value of DETO-1 is latched in the Growth Detect Output Register. DET1 DETO NUMBER OF BITS OF GROWTH ABOVE 2 0 0 0 0 The relative weighting of the bits at the inputs and outputs of the CMAC is shown in figure 4. Note that the binary point of the sine and cosine is to the right of the most significant bit, 0 1 1 1 0 2 1 1 3 SIN/COS INPUT 15 14 13 12 11 I I I I I 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 o 2 o -20 . 2-1 t Radix Point COMPLEX MULTIPLIER/ACCUMULATOR INPUT (RIN, liN) SH =00 15 14 -20 . 2-1 I I I I I I I I 13 112 111 110 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 9 8 7 2-6 2-7 2-8 6 5 4 3 2-9 2-10 2-11 2-12 2-13 2-14 2-15 t Radix Point COMPLEX MULTIPLIER/ACCUMULATOR OUTPUT (ROUT, lOUT) OUTMUX=OO 19 18 17 16 115 114 113 112 111 110 -24 23 22 21 20 .2-1. 2-2 2-3 2-4 2- 5 I I I I I I I 9 8 7 6 2-6 2-7 2-8 2-9 5 4 3 2 o 2-10 2-11 2-12 2-13 2-14 2-15 t Radix Point COMPLEX MULTIPLIER/ACCUMULATOR OUTPUT (ROUT, lOUT) OUTMUX = 01 19 18 17 16 115 114 113 112 111 110 I I I 9 8 71 6 I I 5 41 3 2 o 5 4 2 o COMPLEX ACCUMULATOR OUTPUT (ROUT, lOUT) OUTMUX = 10 19 18 17 16 15 -24 23 22 21 20. 2-1 14 113 112 111 110 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 I I I I I 9 8 7 6 2-6 2-7 2-8 2-9 t Radix Point FIGURE 4. BIT WEIGHTING 5-11 3 2-10 2-11 2-12 2-13 2-14 2-15 HSP45116 Applications The NCOM can be used for Amplitude, Phase and Frequency .modulation, as well as in variations and combinations of these techniques, such as QAM. It is most effective in applications requiring multiplication of a rotating complex sinusoid .by an external vector. These include AM and QAM modulators and digital receivers. The NCOM implements AM and QAM modulation on a single chip, and is a element in demodulation, where it performs complex down conversion. It can be "combined with the Harris HSP43220 DeCimating Digital Filter to form the front end of a digital receiver. eLK 1 _______ _ Modulation/Demodulation 'Figure 5 shows a block diagram of an AM modulator. In this example, the phase increment for the carrier frequency is loaded into the center frequency register, and the modulating input is clocked into the real input of the CMAC, with the imaginary input set to O. The modulated output is obtained at the real output of the CMAC. With a sixteen bit, two's complement Signal input, the output will be a 16 bit real number, on ROUTO-15 (with OUTMUX = 00). SIGNAl. INPUT FIGURE 6.'QUADRATURE AMPLITUDE MODULATION IQAM) Frequency Control Section, the frequency tuning resolution equals the clock frequency divided by 232. For example, a 25MHz clock gives a tuning resolution of 0.006Hz. The NCOM also works with the HSP43220 DeCimating Digital Filter to Implement down conversion and low pass filterIng In a digital receiver (Rgure 7). The NCOM performs complex down conversion on the wideband input signal by multiplying the input vector and the internally generated complex sinusoid. The resulting signal has components at twice the center frequency and at DC. Two HSP43220's, one each on the real and imaginary outputs of the HSP45116, perform low pass filtering and decimation on the down converted data, resulting in a complex baseband signal. HSP45116 NCOM cos HSP43220 DDF (wt) FIGURE 5. "AMPLITUDE MODULATION By replacin.g the real.input with a complex vector, a similar setup can generate'QAM signals (Figure 6). In this case, the carrier frequency is loaded into the center frequency register as before, but the modulating vector now carries both amplitude and phase Information. Since the input vector and the internally generated sine and cosine waves are both '16 bits, the number-of states is onlY'limited by the characteristics of the transmission medium and by the analog electronics in the transmitter and receiver. SAMPLED INPUT DATA The phase and amplitude resolution for the Sine/Cosine section (16 bit output), delivers a spectral purity of greater than 90dBc. This means that the unwanted spectral components due to phase uncertainty (phase noise) will be greater than 90dS below the desired output (dBc, decibels below the carrier). With a 32 bit phase accumulator in the Phase/ 5-12 INPUT· DDF OUTPUT NCOM OUTPUT niL o 20 MHz 0 ,FIGURE7. CHANNELIZED RECEIVER CHIP SET HSP45116 FFT Butterfly Figure 8 shows a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) implementation. The FFT is a highly efficient way of calculating the Discrete Fourier Transform (1). The basic building block in FFTs is called the butterfly. The butterfly calculation involves adding complex numbers and multiplying by complex sinusoids. The Phase/Frequency Control Section and Sine/Cosine Generator provide the complex sinusoids and the CMAC performs the complex multiplies and adds. B~ ~ B,A B,A ACC CMAC calculates (A - B)Wk as AWk + B(_Wk). -Wk is generated by phase shifting the ROM address 180 degrees using the phase modulation inputs. For radix-2 decimation in frequency FFTs, the phase of the complex sinusoid starts at o degrees and increments by a fixed step size (for each pass) after each butterfly. The phase/frequency section is initialized to" 0 degrees and the frequency control loaded with the appropriate phase step size for the pass. The resulting words, A' and B', are held in output registers and multiplexed through the output pins for writing to memory. Using a single NCOM clocked at 25MHz, a 1024 point radix-2 FFT can be computed in (ClK .period) x (N1092N), or 410 microseconds.. A ...,..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - . . . . . " . . . _ - - _ - -... A' - - -- ~ CMAC R - r-- --""----+;:--_ B' B ""'-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - 1 T wK T ROM so,o MOD FIGURE 9. DECIMATION· BY FREQUENCY BUTTERFLY .. f • ; SEQUENCER A'=A+B B'={A. B)W K RGURE 8. RADIX-2 FFT BUTTERFLY The NCOM circuit shown implements the butterfly sbown in Figure 9. The two complex inputs A and B produce two complex outputs A' and B' using the equations A' = A + B, B' (A - B)Wk where Wk e-jwk cos(wk) + jsin(wk). Two clock cycles are required to calculate the butterfly. A is clocked into the chip first and then B" is clocked in. The complex accumulator in the CMAC section adds A and B. The = = wk = Circuitry is included to implement block floating point FFTs. In block floating point, an exponent is generated for an entire block of data. To implement block floating point, the maximum bit growth during a set of calculations is detected. The number "of bits of growth is used to adjust the block's exponent and to scale the block on the next set of calculations to" maintain a desired-number of bits of precision. This technique requires less memory than true floating point and yields better performance than fixed point implementations, though its resolution does not meet that of true floating point implementations. References (1) Oppenheim, A. V. and Schafer, R. W., Discrete Time Signal Processing, Prentice Hall 5-13 rn a: ..... .... N cCzrn c:I ..... _x en I- z rn Specifications HSP45116 Absolute Maximum Ratings Supply Voltage •.•••••••••••••• , ••••••• '•.••••••••..•••••••••••••••••••••.•.•••.•••••••••••••••.•••••..••..•••••• +8.0V Input, Output orl/O Voltage Applied •••• ' ••.•......•••••••••.••..•.•••••••••••••.•••••••.•••••.••• GND -0.5Vto VCC +0.5V Storage Temperature Range. " ••••••••••.••.••..••••••••••••...•••• , • " •.•.••..•••• , •.•.••••••..••••. -650 C to +1500C Maximum Package Power Dissipation .•....•.....•.........., ....•..................•... '" •....• '•••••••••••.••.•.• ~ 2.16W 9jc .•..• '....... '. '••••••••.•••..•.• : ..........•.••.••••.••.•.•.•.•..•••••••••••••••••..••••.•••• .' • • • • • . • • • • . .. 8.30 C/W 9ja •••..•••..•••••..•...•.••...•.•...•••••••••••.. : ..••.••.•••••..•.•..•.••.•••.•.•••••.••••••••••..••.••.. 23.1 o C/W Component Count ••••••••••••••...••.•..•••.. ; •...••••.. '. • • • . • • • • • . • • . • . . . • • • . • • • . . . • • • . • • • . • . • • •• 103,000 Transistors Junction Temperature ...••.••••.•.•••.• ; ........... , '" .••••..•.•••••.•..•.• , ••...••••••••••••.•••••• : ••.•••.•• +1750 C Lead Temperature (Soldering, Ten Secondsi ••••. " ••..••••••••...••...••.•.•..••••••••••••••••••.•••.•...•••...• +3000C ESD Classification ••..•.••.•••••••••••.•••••.•••.... '••••.••••..••.•.••..........••. '............................. Class 1 cAurioN: Stresst:ti above those listecJ in the uAbsolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress only fating operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. and Operating Conditions Operating Voltage Range ••••.•••.•.•••.•..•.•..••••.•...............• " ..•...•.•..•••..•.•...•.••••.. +4.75V to +5.25V Operating Temperature Range •••.•••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••..••......•••.••••..••... ',' •.•.••..•.••••.. OoC to + 700C D.C. Electrical Specifications SYMBOL VIH PARAMETER Logical One Input Voltage MIN MAX UNITS 2.0 - V TEST CONDITIONS VCC =5.25V - 0.8 V VCC=4.75V 3.0 - V VCC= 5.25V Low Level Clock Input - 0.8 V VCC=4.75V VOH Output HIGH Voltage 2.6 - V IOH = -400flA, VCC = 4.75V VOL Output LOW Voltage VIL Logical Zero Input Voltage VIHC High Level Clock Input VILe - 0.4 V IOL = +2.0mA, VCC = 4.75V II Input Leakage Current -10 10 flA VIN = VCC or GND, VCC = 5.25V 10 I/O Leakage Current -10 10 flA VOUT = VCC or GND, VCC= 5.25V ICCSB Standby Power Supply Current - 500 flA VIN=VCCorGND VCC = 5.25V, Note 3 ICCOp Operating Power Supply Current - 150 mA f= 15MHz, VIN =VCC orGND VCC = 5.25V, Notes 1 and 3 Capacitance (TA = +250 C, Note 2) MIN MAX UNITS CIN Input Capacitance - 15 pF Co Output Capacitance - 15 pF SYMBOL PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS FREQ = 1 MHz, VCC = Open, All measurements are referenced to device ground NOTES: 1. Power supply current is proportional to operating frequency. Typical rating for ICCOp is 10mNMHz. 3. Output load per test load circuit with switch open and CL = 40pF. 2. Not tested, but characterized at initial design and at major process/design changes. 5-14 Specifications HSP45116 A.C. Electrical Specifications (Note 1) -15(15MHz) SYMBOL PARAMETER MIN -25 (25.6 MHz) MAX MIN MAX -33 (33MHz) MIN MAX UNITS TCp CLKPeriod 66 39 30 ns TCH CLKHigh 26 15 12 ns TCL CLKLow 26 15 12 ns TWL WR#Low 26 15 12 ns TWH WR#High 26 15 12 ns TAWS Set-up Time; ADO-1, CS# to WR# going high 18 13 13 ns TAWH Hold Time; ADO, AD1, CS# from WR# going high 0 0 0 ns TCWS Set-up Time CO-15 from WR# going high 20 15 15 ns TCWH Hold Time CO-15 from WR# going high 0 0 0 ns TWC Set-up time WR# high to CLKhigh 20 16 12 ns TMCS Set-up Time MOOO-1 to CLK going high 20 15 15 ns TMCH Hold Time MOOO-1 from CLK going high 0 0 0 ns TpCS Set-up Time PACI# to CLK going high 25 15 11 ns TPCH Hold Time PACI# from CLK gOing high 0 0 0 ns TECS Set-up ENPHREG#, ENCFREG#, ENOFREG#, ENPHAC#, ENTIREG#, CLROFR#, PMSEL, LOAO#, ENI#,ACC, BINFMT#, PEAK#, MOOPI/2PI#, SHo-1, RBYTILO# from CLK going high 18 12 12 ns Note 3 '"a: W .... N Hold Time ENPHREG#, ENCFREG# ENOFREG#, ENPHAC#, ENTIREG#, CLROFR#, PMSEL, LOAD#, ENI#,ACC, BINFMT#, PEAK#, MOOPI/2PI#, SHO-1, RBYTILO# from CLK going high 0 TOS Set-up Time RINO-18, IMlNo-18to CLKgoing high 18 12 12 ns TOH Hold TimeRINo-18, IMINO-18 from CLK going high 0 0 0 ns TOO CLK to Output Delay ROO-19, 100-19 40 24 TOEO CLK to Output Delay OETO-1 40 27 20 ns TpO CLK to Output Delay PACO# 30 30 20 12 ns TECH TEST CONDITIONS 0 <:z:'" W ns 0 C!l _:r: "'!z ~ 19 ns TTO CLK to Output Delay TICO# 20 12 ns TOE Output Enable Time OER#, OEI#, OEREXT#,OEIEXT# 25 20 20 ns TMO OUTMUXO-1 to Output Delay 40 28 26 ns TOO Output disable time 20 15 15 ns Note 2 TRF Output rise, fall time 8 8 6 ns Note 2 NOTES: 1. AC. testing is performed as follows: Input levels (ClK Input) 4.0V and OV; Input levels (all other inputs) OV and 3.oV; Timing reference levels (ClK) 2.0V; All others 1.SV. Input rise and fall times driven at 1noN. Output load par test load circu~ with sw~ch closed and Cl = 40 pF. Output transition is measured at VOH ~ 1.SV and VOL ~ 1.5V. 2. Controlled via design or process parameters and not directly tested. Characterized upon In~iaI design and after major process and/or design changes. 3. Applicable only when outputs are being monHered and ENCFREG#. ENPHREG#. or ENTIREG# is active. 5-15 HSP45116 Waveforms WR# ....,...._ _--... CS# ADO -1 -----------~~~-+--'~-----------~--- ------------------------~~--+--'~------------------- CO-15 __________________________- - / ' -______- J ' -______________________ CONTROL BUS. TIMING CP TCH T ClK 7 ~ TCl ~ TM)k MODO-1 T)k PAC/#:. CONTROL -, 7 f- ... lMCH .:*. IPCH TE* *ECH TOl *OH INPUTS mNO-19 IINO -19 =*00 ROUTO-19 IOUTO -19 OETO 3(DEO -1 ~ITPO -*- PACO# 3 TlCO#: INPUT AND OUTPUT TIMING 5-16 TO HSP45116 Waveforms (Continued) OER# OEI# OEREXT# OEIEXT# OUTMUXO -1 TOO ROO -19 _ _ _ _~ 1.7V 100 - 19 HIGH 1'-1"'.3V;;.;..._ _ _ _ _--' IMPEDANCE ROO -19 100 -19 HIGH IMPEDANCE OUTPUT ENABLE, DISABLE TIMING MULTIPLEXER TIMING -F-T;:[ 1r:-T-R OUTPUT RISE AND FALL TIMES Test Load Circuit DUTT eLI 1------------1 I I I I I I I I I I t I lOLl *INCWDES STRAY AND JIG CAPACITANCE I EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Swilch 51 open for ICCSB and ICCOp lesls EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT 5-17 I I 1 HSP45116/883 {IlHARRIS Numerically Controlled Oscillator/Modulator May 1991 Features Description • This Circuit is Processed in Accordance to Mil-Std-883 and is Fully Conformant Under the Provisions of Paragraph 1.2.1 The Harris HSP45116/883 combines a high performance quadrature numerically controlled oscillator (NCO) and a high speed 16-bit Complex Multiplier/Accumulator (CMAC) on a single IC. This combination of functions allows a complex vector to be multiplied by the internally generated (cos, sin) vector for quadrature modUlation and demodulation. As shown in the block diagram, the HSP45116/883 is divided into three main sections. The Phase/Frequency Control Section (PFCS) and the Sine/Cosine Section together form a complex NCO. The CMAC multiplies the output of the Sine/Cosine Section with an external complex vector. • NCO and CMAC on One Chip • 15MHz and 25.6MHz Versions • 32-bit Frequency Control • 16-bit Phase Modulation • 16-bit CMAC • O.006Hz Tuning Resolution at 25.6MHz • Spurious Frequency Components < -90dBc • Fully Static CMOS • 145 Pin PGA Applications • Frequency Synthesis • Modulation - AM, FM, PSK, FSK, QAM • Demodulation, PLL The inputs to the Phase/Frequency Control Section consist of a microprocessor interface and individual control lines. The phase resolution of the PFCS is 32 bits, which results in frequency resolution better than O.OO6Hz at 25.6MHz. The output of the PFCS is the argument of the sine and cosine . The spurious free dynamic range of the complex sinusoid is greater than 90dSc. The output vector from the Sine/Cosine Section is one of the inputs to the Complex Multiplier/Accumulator. The CMAC multiplies this (cos, sin) vector by an external complex vector and can accumulate the result. The resulting complex vectors are available through two 20-bit output ports which maintain the gOdS spectral purity. This result can be accumulated internally to implement an accumulate and dump filter. A quadrature down converter can be implemented by loading a center frequency into the Phase/Frequency Control Section. The signal to be downconverted is the Vector Input of the CMAC, which multiplies the data by the rotating vector from the Sine/Cosine Section. The resulting complex output is the down converted signal. • Phase Shifter • Fast Fourier Transforms (FFT) • Polar to Cartesian Conversions Block Diagram VECTOR INPUT R MICROPROCESSOR INTERFACE DISCRETE CONTROL SIGNALS PHASE! FREQUENCY CONTROL SECTION SINE! COSINE ARGUMENT SIN SINE! COSINE SECTION 1 J CMAC COS 1 1 R VECTOR OUTPUT CAUTION: These devices are sensHive to electrostatic discharge. Proper I.C. handling procedures should be followed. Copyright © Harris Corporation 1991 5-18 File Number 2813 Specifications HSP45116/883 Absolute Maximum Ratings Reliability Information Supply Voltage •.••.•••••••••••..•.•.....••..•..••••••• +8.0V Input or Output Voltage Applied •.•.•.•• GND-0.5V to VCC+0.5V Storage Temperature Range ..••••••••..•.... -650 C to +150 0 C Junction Temperature •..............•.........•...... +175 0 C Lead Temperature (Soldering 10 sec) •••................ 3000 C ESD Classification ........••........••.•.............. Class 1 Thermal Resistance 0ja 0jc Ceramic PGA Package. . . • . • • • • . . . . . .• 23.1 0 C/W 8.30 C/W Maximum Package Power Dissipation at +125 0 C Ceramic PGA Package ...•.•.......••••......••••. 2.16 Watt Device Count ••..•••..........•..•....... 103,000 Transistors CAUTION: Stresses above those listed in "Absolute Maximum Ratjngs" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress only rating and operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Operating Conditions Operating Voltage Range •.••••.•.•..••...•.•••. +4.5V to +5.5V Operating Temperature Range ...........•••• -55 0 C to +1250 C TABLE 1. HSP45116/883 D.C. ELECTRICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS Device Guaranteed and 100% Tested PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS LIMITS GROUP A SUBGROUPS TEMPERATURE MIN MAX UNITS Logical One Input Voltage VIH VCC= 5.5V 1,2,3 -550C~..TA.s. +1250 C 2.2 - V Logical Zero Input Voltage VIL VCC= 4.5V 1,2,3 -550C~TA:5.+1250C - 0.8 V Logical One Input Voltage Clock VIHC VCC=5.5V 1,2,3 -550 C.s.TA.s.+1250 C 3.0 - V Logical Zero Input Voltage Clock VILC VCC=4.5V 1,2,3 -550C~TA.s.+1250C - 0.8 V Output HIGH Voltage VOH 10H =-4OOflA VCC = 4.5V (Note 1) 1,2,3 -550C~TA~+1250C 2.6 - V Output LOW Voltage VOL IOL=+2.0mA VCC = 4.5V (Note 1) 1,2,3 -550 C :5.TA.s. +125 0 C - 0.4 V VIN = VCC or GND VCC=5.5V 1,2,3 -550 C 5. TA:::; +125 0 C -10 +10 flA .... N VOUT = VCC or GND VCC=5.5V 1,2,3 -550 C 5.TA:::; +1250 C -10 +10 f1A 0:.:1 .... _:I: 1"1>"- 1"1> a: Input Leakage Current II Output or I/O Leakage Current 10 Standby Power Supply Current ICCSB VIN=VCCorGND, VCC= 5.5V, (Note 4) 1,2,3 -550 C :::;TA:::; +125 0 C - 500 flA Operating Power Supply Current ICCOp f= 15MHz, VIN = VCC or GND VCC = 5.5V (Notes 2, 4) 1,2,3 -550 C:5.TA.s.+1250 C - 150 mA 7,8 -550C.:5TA:S +1250 C - - Functional Test FT (Note 3) 1. Interchanging of force and sense conditions is permitted. 3. Tested as follows: f = 1MHz, VtH (clock inputs) = 3.4V, VIH (all other inputs) = 2.6V, VIL = O.4V, VOH ~ 1.5V, and VOL.5 1.5V. 4. Output per test load circuH wHh swHch open and CL = 40pF. CAUTION: These devices are sensHive to electrostatic discharge. Proper IC handling procedures should be followed. 5-19 Z ~ NOTES: 2. Operating Supply Current is proportional to frequency. typical rating is 10mNMHz. .... cCzl"l> Specifications HSP45.116/883 TABLE 2. HSP45116/883 ELECTRICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS Device Guaranteed and 100% Tested (NOTE 1) PARAMETER ClKPeriod 15 (15MHz) -25 (25.6MHz) GROUP A SYMBOL CONDITIONS SUBGROUPS TEMPERATURE MIN MAX MIN MAX UNITS TCp 9,10,11 -550 C:$.TA:$.+125OC 66 - 39 - ns TCH 9,10,11 -550C:>. TA:$. +1250 C 26 15 ns ClKlow TCl 9,10,11 -550 C:$.TA:$.+125OC 26 - 15 - WR#Low TWl 9,10,11 -550 C,5TA:$.+125OC 26 - 15 - ns WR#High TWH 9,10,11 -55°C ®®®®®®® ... ®®® ®®® L ®®® ®®® .000 K ®®® ®®® sse J ®®® ®®® H e - B - - - - + -----@-@_@_ 1.4-00 ®®® sse ®®® ®®® ®®® c ®®®®®®®$®®®®®®® B ®@®®®®®$®®®®®@® A. ®®®®®.®® ®®®®®®{~+-_-..... a P I I I 1.560 1.590 I I . 003 MIN .!!QliS; £ INCREASE MAXIMUM UMIT BY .003" WHEN SOLDER DIP OR TIN PLATE LEAD FINISH APPLIES. 2. ACTUAL STANDOFF CONFIGURATION MAY VARY. STANDOFFS SHOULD BE LOCATED ON THE PIN MATRIX OIAGONALS. J. THERE ~usr BE AN A1 CORNER IDENTIFIER ON BOTH TOP AND BOTTOM SURFACES. 10 TYPE 15 OpnONAl. AND MAY CONSIST OF NOTCHES. METALLIZED MARKINGS OR OTHER FEATURES. LEAD MATERIAL: Type B LEAD FINISH: Type A PACKAGE MATERIAL: Ceramic, 90% Alumina PACKAGE SEAL: Material: Glass Frit Temperature: 4500C ± 100 C Method: Furnace Seal NOTE: All Dimensions are ~:::. INTERNAL LEAD WIRE: Material: Aluminum Diameter: 1.25 Mil Bonding Method: Ultrasonic COMPLIANT OUTLINE: 38510 P-AC tMH-M-38510 Compliant Materials, Finishes, and D&nenslons. ,Dimensions are in inches. 5-25 en ex: W -' N < zen c:l W _:z:: en .... :z ~ HSP45106 mJHARRIS 16 Bit Numerically Controlled Oscillator May 1991 Features Description • 25.6MHz, 33MHz, 40MHz Versions The Harris HSP45106 is a high performance 16-bit quadrature numerically controlled oscillator (NC016). The NC016 simplifies applications requiring frequency and phase agility such as frequency-hopped modems, PSK modems, spread spectrum communications, and precision signal generators. As shown in the block diagram, the HSP45106 is divided into a Phase/Frequency Control Section (PFCS) and a Sine/Cosine Section. • 32-Bit Center and Offset Frequency Control • 16-Bit Phase Control • 8 Level PSK Supported Through Three Pin Interface • Simultaneous 16 Bit Sine and Cosine Outputs • Output in Two's Complement or Offset Binary • <0.01 Hz Tuning Resolution at 40MHz • Serial or Parallel Outputs • Spurious Frequency Components < -90dBc • 16 Bit Microprocessor Compatible Control Interface • 85 Pin PGA, 84 Pin PLCC Applications The inputs to the Phase/Frequency Control Section consist of a microprocessor interface and individual control lines. The frequency resolution is 32 bits, which provides for resolution of better than 0.01 Hz at 40MHz. User programma· ble center frequency and offset frequency registers give the user the capability to perform phase coherent switching between two sinusoids of different frequencies. Further, a programmable phase control register allows for phase control of better than 0.0060 • In applications reqUiring up to a-level PSK, three discrete inputs are provided to simplify implementation. The output of the PFCS is a 32-bit phase which is input to the Sine/Cosine Section for conversion into sinusoidal amplitude. The outputs of the sine/cosine section are two 16-bit quadrature signals. The spurious free dynamic range of this complex vector is greater than 90dSc. • Direct Digital Synthesis • Quadrature Signal Generation • Modulation - FM, FSK, PSK (BPSK, QPSK, 8PSK) For added flexibility when using the NC016 in conjunction with DAC's, a choice of either parallel of serial outputs with either two's complement or offset binary encoding is provid· ed. In addition, a synchronization signal is available which signals serial word boundaries. • Precision Signal Generation Block Diagram MICROPROCESSOR INTERFACE DISCRETE CONTROL SIGNALS CLOCK PHASE! FREQUENCY CONTROL SECTION SIN/COS ARGUMENT 32 Copyright @) Harris Corporation 1991 / SINE SINE! COSINE SECTION 16 / COSINE/16 / File Number 5-26 2809 HSP45106 Pinouts . 81N4 BINFUT OES Vee SER OEC '" '" " PACO COS2 # J 1'"';Ae H IEN~AC R£B " F Vee .AC STRB SlN9 ENOF REG#' es". PARI '" I"'"T AC# ""PO REO#' co.. C085 Rd :~ 85 LEAD PGA TOP VIEW C087 e088 H PIN Vee SIN14 81N18 91N12 COSO OE. # SINlIl OND C081 OEe # COS3 coss 0 Vee e084 e088 ON. COS" D co." COSIS COS" e co." COSIS IT'eo# COS,. • e08" 1!~1:: A II PIN 'AI' ptN 'AI' 10 10 • 84 LEAD PLCC TOP VIEW 5-27 SlNl0 91N11 .ONO 81N7 10 81NI SIN3 SIN1 Vee .IN' elX .... 11 SINO GND vee .'":;."T PARI .ER # 'N";AC PAC' EN";lAe INRT Ae# -~~ # INHOF coae R# 85 LEAD PGA BOTTOM VIEW eoss I e087 E e, .... .... C092 C099 WR# INDEX PMSEL . " coso INHOf Vee A DAC .TRB # l ~:~ WOW COSIO leo." ON. INDEX PON ee e8 e,. TOCO# e' c. Vee e" cO2 e05 e, e. e. e7 e. e" e,. .. ON. ::;'},. ENCF REG#' GN. e"," TEST Vee MODD I0Il002 A2 MOOl .. PMSEl HSP45106 Pin Description NAME PGAPIN NUMBER TYPE DESCRIPTION VCC 85,011, F1, K7,K10 +5 power supply pin. GNO A9,02,E10, K4, L11 Ground CQ-15 A1-8,B3-4 B6-8,C5-7 I Control input bus for loading phase, frequency, and timer' data intothe PFCS; CO is LSB. AO-2 A10,B9'-10 I Address pins for selecting destination of CQ-15 data (Table 2)•.- CS# E11 I Chip select (Active low). Enables data to be written into control registers by WR#. WR# E9 I Wrije enable' (Active low). Data Is clocked into the regisief. selected by AQ-2 on the rising edge of WR# when CS# is low. CLK K9 I Clock. All registers, except the control registers clocked with WR#, are clocked (when enabied) by the rising edge of CLK. NPOREG# F10 I Phase Offset Registar Enable (Active low). Registered on chip by CLK. When active, after being clocked onto chip, ENPOREG# enables the clocking of data into the Phase Offset Register. Allows ROM address to be updated regardless of ENPHAC#. ENOFREG# F9 I Offset Frequency Register Enable (Active low). Registered on chip by ClK. When active, after being clocked onto chip, ENOFREG# enables the clocking of data into the Offset Frequency Register. ENCFREG# F11 I Center Frequency Register Enable (Active low). Registered on chip by ClK. When active, after being clocked onto chip, ENCFREG#enabies the clocking of data into the Center Frequency Register. ENPHAC# H11 I Phase Accumulator Register Enabie (Active low). Registered on chip by CLK. When active, efter being clocked onto chip, ENPHAC#enables the clocking of data into the Phase Accumulator Registar. ENTIREG# G11 I Timer Increment Register Enable (Active low). Registered on chip by CLK. When active, after being clocked onto chip, ENTIREG# enables the clocking of data into the Timer Increment Register. INHOFR# G9 I Inhibit-Offset Frequency Register Output (active low). Registered on chip by ClK. When active, after being clocked onto chip, INHOFR# zeroes the data path from the Offset Frequency Register to the Frequency Adder. New-data can be still clocked into the Offset Frequency Register. INHOFR# does not affect the contents of the register. INITPAC# J11 I Initialize Phase Accumulator (Active low). Registered on chip by ClK. Zeroes the feedback path in the Phase Accumulator. Does not clear the Phase Accumulator Register. MOOO-2 B11, C10-11 I Modulation Control Inputs. When selected with the PMSEl line, these bits add an. offset of 0, 45, 90, 135, 180, 225, 270, or 315 degrees to the current phase (i.e., modulate the output). The lower 13 bits of the phase control are set to zero. These bits are registered when. the. Phase Offset Register is enabled. PMSEl A11 I Phase Modulation Select input. Registared on chip by CLK. This input determines the source of the data clocked into the Phase Offset Registar. When high, the Phase.lnput Register is selected. When low, the extemal modulation pins (MOOQ-2) control the three most significant bits of the Phase Offset Register and the 13 least significant bits are set to zero. PACI# H10 I Phase Accumulator Carry Input (Active low). Registered on chip by CLI~. INITTAC# G10 I Ini.tialize Timer Accumulator (Active low). This input is registered on chip by CLK. When active, after being clocked onto chip, INITTAC# enables the clocking of data into the Timer increment Register, and also zeroes the feedback path in the Timer Accumulator. TEST 010 I Test select input. Registered on chip by CLK. This input is ective high. When active, this input enables test busses.to the outputs instead of the sine and cosine data; PAR/SER# J10 I ParaileVSerial Output Select. This input is registered on chip by ClK. When low, the sine and cosine outputs are in serial mode. The output shift registers will load In new data after ENPHAC# goes low and will atar! shifting the data out after ENPHAC# goes high. When this input is high, the output registers are loaded every clock and no shifting takes place. BINFMT# K11 I Format This input Is registered on chip by CLK. When low, the MSB of the SIN and COS are inverted to form an offset binary (unsigned) number. OES# K2 I Three-state control for bits SINQ-15. Outputs are enabled when OES# is low. OEC# J2 I Three-state control for bits COSO-15. Outputs are enabled when OEC# is low. TICO# B2 0 Timer Accumulator Carry Output. Active low, registered. This output goes low when a carry is generated by the Timer Accumulator. 5-28 HSP45106 Pin Description (Continued) NAME PGAPIN NUMBER TYPE DESCRIPTION DACSTRB# L1 0 DAC Strobe (Actove low). In serial mode, this output will go low when the first bit of a new output word is valid at the shift register output. SINO-15 J5-7, K3, K5-6, K8, L2-10 0 Sine output data. When parallel mode is enabled, data is output on SINO-15. When serial mode is enabled, output data bits are shifted out of SIN15 and SINO. The bit stream on SIN 15 is provided MSB first while the bit stream on SINO is provided LSB first. COSG-15 B1, C1-2, D1,E1-3, F2-3,G1-3, H1-2,J1, K1 0 Cosine output data. When parallel mode is enabled, data is output on COSO-15. When serial mode is enabled, output data bits are shifted out of COS15 and COSO. The bit stream-on COS15 is provided LSB first. Index Pin C3 Used to align chip in socket or on circuit board. Must be left as a no connect in circuit. Functional Description The 16-bit Numerically Controlled Oscillator (NC016) produces a digital_ complex sinusoid waveform whose frequency and phase are controlled through a standard microprocessor interface and discrete inputs. The NC016 generates 16-bit sine and cosine vectors at a maximum sample rate of 40MHz. The NC016 can be preprogrammed to produce a constant (CW) sine and cosine output for Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS) applications. Alternatively; the phase and frequency inputs can be updated in real time to produce a FM, PSK, FSK, or MSK modulated waveform. To simplify PSK generation, a 3 pin interface is provided to support modulation of up to 8 levels. supplies a pulse to mark the passage of a user programmed period of time. Input Section The Input Section loads the data on CO-15 into one of the seven input registers, the lSB and MSB Center Frequency Input Registers, the lSB and MSB Offset Frequency Registers, the lSB and MSB Timer Input Registers, and the Phase Input Register. The destination depends on the state of AO-2 when CS# and WR# are low (Table 1). TABLE 1 A2-0 DECODING As shown in the Block Diagram, the NC016 is comprised of a Phase and Frequency Control Section (PFCS) and Sinel Cosine Section. The PFCS stores the phase and frequency control inputs and uses them to calculate the phase angle of a rotating complex vector. The Sine/Cosine Section performs a lookup on this phase and generates the appropriate amplitude values for the sine and cosine. These quadrature outputs may be configured as serial or parallel with either two's complement or offset binary-format The PFCS is comprised of a Phase Accumulator Section, Phase Offset adder, Input Section, and a Timer Accumulator Section. The Phase Accumulator computes the instantaneous phase angle from user programmed values in the Center and Offset Frequency Registers. This angle is then fed into the Phase Offset adder where it is o.ffset by the preprogrammed value in the Phase Offset Register. The Input Section routes data from a microprocessor compatible control bus and discrete- input signals into the appropriate configuration registers. The Timer Accumulator A1 AO 0 0 0 CS# WR# 0 t FUNCTION Load least significant bits of Center Frequency input. 0 0 1 0 t Load most significant bits of Center Frequency input. 0 1 0 0 t Load least significant bits of Offset Frequency input. 0 1 1 0 t Load most significant bits of Offset Frequency input. 1 0 0 0 t Load least significant bits of Timing Interval input. 1 0 1 0 t Load most significant bits of Timing Interval input. rn a: W .... N <_:r: z- rn ___ - - - - - - - - - - - - ___ CO-15 ~ PHEN#, ~ENCOOERI _ '0' :~3 PHASE OFFSET REGISTER Ir!;l , r:1 '6 1 PHASE OFFSET ADDER ,16 1r71 ,1. 'r PHASE INPUT PHASE INPUT REG (18} -----l CO-15 PHASE ACCUMUlATOR REGISTER MSCFEN#, 32 CO-15 E G LSCFEN#, INPUT CO-15 SECTION , (II c.l o ,. is c :D m ENPOREG ENOFREG ENCFREG ENPHAC ENTIREG INHOFR INITPAC PMSEl PAC. INmAC R E G MSOFEN#,_ MSB OFFSET FREQUENCY INPUT REG(18} R.ENOFREG R.ENCfREG LSOFEN#' R.ENPHAC R.ENTIREG RJNHOFR R.INITPAC CO-15 INPUT R.PAC#' REG(16J CO-1S LSTIEM# 1 I I I I ~ ~ 01 MSB ------------ INCREMENT INPUT TIMER 'NCRE. REG(18} ClK 32 _____ J FREQUENCY TIMER MSTIEN# R.PMSEL R.PACI R.lNITTAC PHASE ACCUMULATOR SECTION LSB OFFSET R.ENPOREG CO-1. R I II I ,1. ..... C) 0) HSP45106 clock enable of the Center Frequency Register; this register then gets loaded on the following rising edge of CLK. The contents of the input registers are downloaded to the control registers every clock if the control inputs are enabled. TABLE 2 MOD2-0 DECODING Phase Accumulator Section The Phase Accumulator adds the 32 bit output of the Frequency Adder with the contents of a 32 bit Phase Accumulator Register on every clock cycle. When the sum causes the adder to overflow, the accumulation continues with the least significant 32 bits of the result. Initializing the Phase Accumulator Register is done by putting a low on the INITPAC# and ENPHAC# lines. This zeroes the feedback path to the accumulator, so that the register is loaded with the current value of the Frequency Adder on the next clock. The frequency of the quadrature outputs is based on the number of clock cycles required to step from 0 to full scale. The number of steps required for this transition depends on the phase increment calculated by the frequency adder. For example, if the Center and Offset Frequency registers are programmed such that the output of the Frequency Adder is 4000 0000 hex, the Phase Accumulator will step the phase from 0 to 360 degrees every 4 clock cycles. Thus, for a 30 MHz CLK, the quadrature outputs will have a frequency of 30/4 MHz or 7.5MHz. In general, the frequency of the quadrature output is determined by N x FCLKl2 32, where N is the output of the Frequency Adder and FCLK is the frequency of CLK. The Frequency Adder sums the contents of both the Center and Offset Frequency Registers to produce a phase increment. By enabling INHOFR#, the output of the Offset Frequency Register is disabled so that the output frequency is determined from the Center Frequency Register alone. For 8FSK modems, INHOFR# can be asserted/ de-asserted to toggle the quadrature outputs between two programmed frequencies. Note: enabling/disabling INHOFR# preserves the contents of the Offset Frequency Register. Phase Offset Adder The output of the Phase Accumulator goes to the Phase Offset Adder, which adds the 16 bit contents of the Phase Offset Register to the 16 MSB's of the phase. The resulting 32-bit number forms the instantaneous phase which is fed to the Sine/Cosine Section. The user has the option of loading the Phase Offset Registers with the contents of the Phase Input Register or the MODO-2 inputs depending on the state of PMSEl. When PMSEL is high, the contents of the Phase Input Register are loaded. If PMSEL is low, MODO-2 encode the upper 3 bits of the Phase Offset Register while the lower 13 bits are cleared. The MODO-2 inputs simplify PSK modulation by providing a 3 input interface to phase modulate the carrier as shown in Table 2. The control input ENPOREG# acts as a clock enable and must be low to enable clocking of data into the Phase Offset Register. PHASE SHIFT (DEGREES) MOD2 MOD1 MODO 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 45 0 1 0 90 0 1 1 135 1 0 0 270 1 0 1 315 1 1 0 180 1 1 1 225 Timer Accumulator Section The Timer Accumulator consists of a register which is incremented on every clock. The amount by which it increments is loaded into the Timer Increment Input Registers and is latched into the Timer Increment Register on rising edges of CLK while ENTIREG# is low. The output of the Timer Accumulator is the accumulator carry out, TICO#. TICO# can be used as a timer to enable the periodic sampling of the output of the NCO-16. The number programmed into this register equals (2 32 x CLK period)/ (desired time interval). Sine/Cosine Section The Sine/Cosine Section (Figure 2) converts the instantaneous phase from the PFCS Section into the appropriate amplitude values for the sine and cosine outputs. It takes the most significant 20 bits of the PFCS output and passes them through a Sine/Cosine look up to form the 16 bit quadrature outputs. The sine and cosine values are computed to reduce the amount of ROM needed. The magnitude of the error in the computed value of the complex vector is less than -90.2dB. The error in the sine or cosine alone is approximately 2dB better. The 20 bit phase word maps into 211 radians so that the angular resolution is (211)/220. An address of zero corresponds to 0 radians and an address of hex FFFFF corresponds to 211-«211)/220) radians. The outputs of the Sine/Cosine Section are two's complement sine and cosine values. The ROM contents have been scaled by (2 16 -1)/(2 16+1) for symmetry about zero. To simplify interfacing with D/A converters, the format of the sine/cosine outputs may be changed to offset binary by enabling BINFMT#. When BINFMT# is enabled, The MSB of the Sine and Cosine outputs (SIN 15 and COS15 when the outputs are in parallel mode) are inverted. Depending upon the state of BINFMT#, the output is centered around midscale and ranges from 8001 H to 7FFFH (two's complement mode) or 0001 H to FFFFH (offset binary mode). Serial output mode may is chosen by enabling PAR/SER#. In this mode the user loads the output shift registers with Sine/Cosine ROM output by enabling ENPHAC#. After ENPHAC# goes inactive the data is shifted out serially. For 5-31 CI) a: W -'N cC- :zCl) t::!w _:t: Cl)1:z >- CI) HSP45106 example. to clock out one 16 bit sine/cosine output, ENPHAC#· would be active for one cycle to load the output shift register, and would then go inactive for the following 15 cycles to clock the remaining bits out Output bit streams are provided iriformats with either MSB .first or LSBfirsl The MSB. first. forrnlilt is available on ..the SIN15 and COS15 output pins. The LSB first format is available on the SINO and COSO output pins. InMSB first format, zero's follOw the LSB if a new output word is not loaded into the shift register. In LSB first format, the sine extension bit follows the MSB if a new. data word is not loaded. The output signal DACSTRB# is provided t()signal the first bit ofa new output word is valid (Figure 3). Note: all unused pins of SINO-15 and COSO-15 should be left floating. A test mode is supplied which enables the user to access the phase input to the Sine/C()sine ROM. if TEST and PARI SER# are both high, the 28 MSB's of the phase input to the Sine/Cosine Section are made available oil SINO:"15 arid COS4-15. The SINO-15 outputs represent the MSW ofthe address. . . 16 COSINE SINICOS ARGUMENT DACSTRB# 16 SINE OUTPUT CONTROL SlNO-15 1-+1.:,:6:..... COSO-.15 16- --1-1 1-+- BINFMT#-----------------------I ENPHAC#. TEST. PAR/SER# OES# OEC# ______________ ~-- __- -______________________________________ FIGURE 2.SINEICOSINE BLOCK DIAGRAM ~.~.34."'~ ENPHAC# DACSTRB# . . . . SERIAL DATA OUTPUT BIT>(I) HSP45106 A.C. Electrical Specifications (Note 1) 25.6MHz PARAMETER SYMBOL MIN 33M Hz 40MHz MAX MIN' MAX MIN MAX TCp ClKPeriod 39 - 30 25 12 - TCH ClKHigh 15 - 12 10 - 25 - 12 - 10 COMMENTS ns ns. TMCS Set-up Time MODO-2 to ClK going high 15 TMCH Hold Time MODO-2 from ClK going high 0 TECS Set-up Time ENPOREG#, ENOFREG#, ENCFREG#, ENPHAC#, ENTIREG#, INHOFR#, PMSEl#,INITPAC#, BINFMT#, TEST, PARISER#, PACI#,INITTAC#to ClKgoing high 12 - TECH Hold Time ENPOREG#, ENOFREG#, ENCFREG#, ENPHAC#, ENTIREG#, INHOFR#, PMSEl#,INITPAC#, BINFMT#, TEST,PARISER# ,PACI#,INITTAC# from ClK going high 0 - 0 - 0 - ns TOO CLK to Output Delay SINO-15, COSO-15, TICO# - 18 - 15 - 13 ns ClK to Output Delay DACSTRB# 2 18 2 15 2 13 ns TOE Output Enable Time 12 - 12 ns Output Disable Time 15 - 13 ns, Note 3 TRF Output rise, fall time - 12 TOO - 8 - 8 ns, Note 3 TCl ClKlow 15 Twp WR#Period 39 TWH WR#High 15 TWl WR#low 15 TAWS Set-up Time AO-2, CS# to WR# going high 13 TAWH Hold Time AO-2, CS# from WR# going high 1 TCWS Set-up Time CO-15 to WR# going high 15 TCWH Hold Time CO-15 from WR# going high 0 TWC Set-up time WR# high to ClK high 16 TDSO 15 8 12 30 12 12 13 1 15 0 12 15 0 - 10 10 12 1 12 0 10 - 12 0 ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns, Note 2 ns ns ns NOTES: 1. A.C. testing is performed as follows: Input levels (ClK Input) 4.0V and OV; Input levels (all other inputs) OV and 3.0V; Timing reference levels (ClK) 2.0V; All others 1.5V.lnput rise and fall times driven at 1nsN. Output load pertest load.circuit w~h switch closed and Cl = 40 pF. Output transftion is measured at VOH ::: 1.5V and VOL:$. 1.5V. 2. W ENOFREG#, ENCFREG#, ENTIREG#, OR ENPOREG# are active, care must be taken to not violate set-up and hold times to these registers when wrfting data into the chip via the CO-15 port. 3. Controlled via design or process parameters and not directly tested. Char· acterized upon initial design and after major process and/or changes. A.C. Test Load Circuit r-----------------, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.5V IOL 1 1 Switch S1 open for ICCSS and ICCOp 1 1 1____ EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT _ _ _ _ I ·5-34 HSP45106 Waveforms CLK MODO -2 ENABLE! CONTROL SIGNALS SINO - 15, COSO - 15, TICO# _ _.....,r'-_ _J DACSTRB# WR# AO -2, CS# ...a: cc- C'I> co -15 ..... N zC'l> c:s ... _:I; rn .... Z >- C'I> OUTPUT ENABLE, DISABLE TIMING OES#,OEC# COSO -15, SINO -15 OUTPUT RISE AND FALL TIMES 5-35 m HARRIS HSP451 06/883 16 Bit Numerically Controlled Oscillator May 1991 Features Description • This Circuit is Processed in Accordance to Mil-Std, 883 and is Fully Conformant Under the Provisions of Paragraph 1.2.1 The Harris HSP45106/883 is a high performance 16-bit quadrature numerically controlled oscillator (NC016). The NC016 simplifies applications requiring frequency and phase agility such as frequency-hopped modems, PSK modems, spread spectrum communications, and precision signal generators. As shown in the block diagram, the HSP451 06/883 is divided into a Phase/Frequency Control Section (PFCS) and a Sine/Cosine Section. • 25.6MHz and 33MHz Versions • 32-Bit Center and Offset Frequency Control • 16-Bit Phase Control • 8 Level PSK Supported Through Three Pin Interface • Simultaneous 16 Bit Sine and Cosine Outputs • Output in Two's Complement or Offset Binary • <0.01 Hz Tuning Resolution at 33MHz • Serial or Paranel Outputs • Spurious Frequency Components < -90dBc • 16 Bit Microprocessor Compatible Control Interface ·85 Pin PGA The inputs to the Phase/Frequency Control Section consist of a microprocessor interface and individual control lines. The frequency resolution is 32 bits, which provides for resolution of better than 0.01 Hz at 33M Hz. User programmable center frequency and offset frequency registers give the user the capability to perform phase coherent switching between two sinusoids of different frequencies. Further, a programmable phase control register allows for phase control of better than 0.006 0 • In applications requiring up to 8 level PSK, three discrete inputs are provided to simplify implementation. The output of the PFCS is a 32-bit phase argument which is input to the sine/cosine section for conversion into sinusoidal amplitude. The outputs of the sine/cosine section are two l6-bit quadrature signals. The spurious free dynamic range of this complex vector is greater than 90dBc. Applications • Direct Digital Synthesis • Quadrature Signal Generation For added flexibility when using the NC016 in conjunction with DAC's, a choice of either parallel of serial outputs with either two's complement or offset binary encoding is provided. In addition, a synchronization signal is available which signals serial word'boundaries. • Modulation - FM, FSK, PSK (BPSK, QPSK, 8PSK) • Precisio'n Signal Generation Block Diagram MICROPROCESSOR INTERFACE DISCRETE CONTROL SIGNALS CLOCK PHASE! FREQUENCY CONTROL SECTION PHASE 32 / SINE SINE! COSINE SECTION CAUTION: Electronic devices are sensitive to electrostatic discharge. Proper I.C. handling procedures should be followed. Copyright © Harris Corporation 1991 5-36 16 / COSIN~16 File Number 2815 Specifications HSP45106/883 Absolute Maximum Ratings Reliability Information SupplyVoitage ........................................ +8.0V Input, Output Voltage Applied ...•...... GND-0.5V to VCC+0.5V Storage Temperature Range ..•...........•.. -650C to +150 0 C Junction Temperature ................................ +175 0 C Lead Temperature (Soldering, Ten Seconds) ••.......... +3000 C ESD Classification ....•••...•.•..........•..••.•...... Class 1 Thermal Resistance Sja Sjc Ceramic PGA Package. . . . . . . . . . • .• 36.0 0 C/W 11.60 C/W Maximum Package Power Dissipation at +125 0 C Ceramic PGA Package ............................ 1.39 Watt Gate Count ....••...............•....••........ 18,750 Gates CAUTION: Stresses above those listed in "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress only rating and operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Operating Conditions. Operating Voltage Range .•••..................• +4.5V to +5.5V Operating Temperature Range ............•.. -550C to +125 0C TABLE 1. HSP45106/883 D.C. ELECTRICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS Devices Guaranteed and 100% Tested PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS LIMITS GROUPA SUBGROUPS TEMPERATURE MIN MAX UNITS 1,2,3 -55°C ;$TA5 +1250 C 2.2 - V Logical One Input Voltage VIH VCC=5.5V Logical Zero Input Voltage VIL VCC=4.5V 1,2,3 -550C ;$TA 5 +125 0 C - 0.8 V Output HIGH Voltage VOH 10H =-400~A VCC = 4.5V (Note 1) 1,2,3 -55°C 5TA;$ +1250 C 2.6 - V Output LOW Voltage VOL IOL=+2.0mA VCC = 4.5V (Note 1) 1,2,3 -550C 5TA 5 +125 0 C - 0.4 V Input Leakage Current II VIN = VCC or GND VCC=5.5V 1,2,3 -550C ;$TA::::' +125 0 C -10 +10 ~A Output Leakage Current 10 VOUT = VCC or GND VCC=5.5V 1,2,3 -550C5TA5 +125 0 C -10 +10 ~A W Clock Input High VIHC VCC=5.5V 1,2,3 -550C ;$TA::::' +125 0 C 3.0 - V Clock Input Low VILC VCC=4.5V 1,2,3 -55°C ;$TA5 +125 0 C - 0.8 V Standby Power Supply Current ICCSS VIN = VCC or GND VCC=5.5V, (Note 4) 1,2,3 -550C!> TA!> +125 0 C' - 500 ~A Operating Power Supply Current ICCOp f=25.6MHz VCC = 5.5V (Notes 2, 4) 1,2,3 -55°C :5.TA;$ +1250 C - 256 rnA 7,8 -550C :5.TA:5. +125 0 C - - - Functional Test FT ~ a: (Note 3) NOTES: = 1. Interchanging of force and sense conditions is permitted. '2. Operating Supply Current is proportional to frequency. typical rating is 10mNMHz. 3. Tested as follows: f = 1 MHz, VIH 2.6. Vll VOL ~ 1.5V. VIHC = 3.4V. and Vile = 0.4V. = 0.4. 4. Loading is as specified in the test load circuit with CL 5-37 VOH = 40pF. ~ 1.5V, -' N c(z:~ t!:Iw _:C ~ I- z: >~ HSP45 to 6/883 TABLE 2. A.C. ELECTRICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS Device Guaranteed and 100% Tested. PARAMETERS SYMBOL (NOTE 1) CONDITIONS GROUP A SUBGROUP LIMITS -25 -33 (25.6MHz) (33M Hz) TEMPERATURE MIN MAX MIN MAX UNITS ClKPeriod TCp 9,10,11 -55°C ~TA:::; +1250C 39 - 30 - ns ClKHigh TCH 9,10,11 -55°C :::,TA:::' +1250 C 15 - 12 - ns ClKlow TCl 9,10,11 -550C~TA$+125OC 15 12 TWp -550C~TA.5+1250C 39 30 - ns 9,10,11 - 15 WR#Period ns WR#High TWH 9,10,11 -550C ~TA $ +1250 C - ns TWl 9,10,11 -550C ~TA::;' +1250 C 15 - 12 WR#low 12 ns Set-up Time AO-2, CS# to WR# going high TAWS 9,10,11 -550C .5TA$ +125OC 13 - 13 - Hold Time AO-2; CS# from WR# going high TAWH 9,10,11 -550C ~TA~ +125OC 2 - 2 - ns Set-up Time CO-15 to WR# going high TCWS 9,10,11 -550C.5TA~ +1250C 15 - 15 - ns Hold Time CO-15 from WR# going high TCWH 9,10,11 -550C $TA.5 +1250C 1 - 1 - ns ns Set-up Time WR# high to CLK high TWC 9,10,11 -550C .5TA~ +1250C 16 - 12 - ns Set-up Time MODQ-2 to ClK gOing high TMCS 9,10,11 -550C :::;TA.5 +1250C 15 - 15 - ns Hold Time MODO-2 from ClK going high TMCH 9,10,11 -550C~TA::> +1250C 1 - 1 - ns Set-up Time ENPOREG#, ENOFREG#, ENCFREG#, ENPHAC#, ENTIREG#, INHOFR#, PMSEl#, INITPAC#, BINFMT#, TEST, PARISER#, PACI#, INITTAC# to ClK going high TECS 9,10,11 -550C:::,TA5+1250C 12 - 12 - ns Hold Time ENPOREG#, ENOFREG#, ENCFREG#, ENPHAC#, ENTIREG#, INHOFR#, PMSEl#, INITPAC#, BINFMT#, TEST, PARISER#, PACI#, INITTAC# from CLK going high TECH 9,10,11 -550C~TA.5+1250C 1 - 1 - ns TOO 9,10,11 -550C:::,TA~+125OC - 18 - 15 ns 9,10,11 -550C::;,TA.5.+1250C 2 18 2 15 ns 9,10,11 -550C ...a: <- .... N :zCl> c:s ... _::c CI>!:z ~ HSP45106/883 Burn-In Circuit HSP4510S/883 PIN GRID ARRAY (PGA) 10 8 8 7 8, SINO SINt SlM3 SINS SIN. 11 , L ·GND • • 4 6 SINS SIN12 SIN1. SlN13 -- 1 DAC ~TR8 L # Vee, FMY K CLK SIN. Yeo SINS SI~10 SINa SIN7 SINtt 0", .# COSO OEC # COSI COS2 CQS3 H cosa C0S4 cos. G COIJ7 cosa Yec F CDS11 COS10 coss E GND SlN1S K ,. J H I'N'TPAC PARI SEL #: IENj,HAC PACI ENTI IMITT AC#: G REG #: #: F REG# EMPO REG#: E CS#: GND D Vcc TEST C MO,," MODO ENCF PIN NAME ::-#: WR#: 85 LEAD PGA TOPV1EW Cl0 . C8 IHDE:" CB -- PIN GND I COS1' D I C081. C ITICO# IC0814 B COS15 B MOO1 A2 Al Cl. C12 Cl' VCC C4 Cl A PMSEL AD GND C14 Cl1 C8 C7 C. C3 C2 8 8 7 e • 4 3 • 10 11 PGA PIN IMHOF R# BURN-IN SIGNAL PGA PIN PIN NAME BURN-IN PGA SIGNAL PIN PIN NAME J A PIN 'At' ID 1 BURN-IN SIGNAL PGA PIN PIN NAME BURN-IN SIGNAL Al CO F7 Bl1 MOOl F13 F9 ENOFREG# F8 K2 OES# F14 A2 C2 F7 Cl COS13 VCcJ2 FlO ENPOREG# F4 K3 SIN15 VCC/2 A3 C3 F7 C2 COS15 VCC/2 Fll ENCFREG# F7 K4 GNO GNO A4 C5 F8 C5 C6 F8 Gl COS5 VCcJ2 K5 SIN10 VCcJ2 AS C7 F8 C6 C9 FlO G2 COS4 VCC/2 K6 SIN8 VCcJ2 A6 C8 FlO C7 Cl0 FlO G3 C056 VCC/2 K7 VCC VCC A7 Cl1 FlO Cl0 MODO F12 G9 INHOFR# Fll K8 SIN2 VCC/2 AS C14 Fl1 Cl1 M002 F14 Gl0 INITTAC# F13 K9 CLK FO A9 GND GNO 01 COS12 VCcJ2 Gl1 ENTIREG# F12 Kl0 AO F8 02 GNO GND Hl COS3 VCcJ2 Kll VCC BINFMT# VCC Al0 All PMSEL F14 010 TEST F14 H2 COS2 L1 OACSTRB# VCcJ2 F6 Bl COS14 VCC/2 011 VCC VCC Hl0 PACI# VCcJ2 Fl1 L2 SIN14 VCcJ2 B2 TICO# El COS9 VCcJ2 Hl1 ENPHAC# FlO L3 51N13 VCcJ2 B3 Cl VCcJ2 F7 E2 C0510 VCcJ2 Jl COSl L4 51N12 VCC/2 B4 e4 F8 E3 COS11 J2 OEC# L5 SIN9 VecJ2 B5 Vec Vec E9 WR# VCcJ2 F4 VCcJ2 F14 J5 SIN11 VecJ2 L6 SIN4 VecJ2 B6 C13 Fl1 El0 GNO GND J6 SIN7 VecJ2 L7 SIN5 VCcJ2 B7 C12 Fll Ell CS# F6 J7 SIN6 VCcJ2 18 SIN3 VecJ2 B8 e15 Fll Fl Vec Vec Jl0 PAR/5ER# F13 La SINl VecJ2 B9 Al F7 F2 COS8 VCcJ2 Jl1 INITPAe# F12 Ll0 SINO VecJ2 Bl0 A2 FlO F3 eOS7 Vee/2 Kl COSO VCcJ2 Ll1 GNO GNO NOTES: 1. Vee/2 (2.7V :1:10%) used for outputs only. 4. 0.1pF (min) capacitor between Vee and GND per p08ftion. 2. 47KO (:1:20%) resistor connected to all pins except Vee and GND. 5. FO = 100kHz :1:10%, F1 = FO/2, F2 - F1/2 ... , F11 = F10/2, 40% - 60% Duty Cycle. 6. Input voltage limas: VIL = O.BV Max VIH = 4.5V :1:10% 3. Vee = 5.SV ±C.5V. 5-40 HSP45106/883 Die Characteristics DIE DIMENSIONS: 251 x 240 x 19 ±1 mils DIE ATTACH: Material: Silver Glass METALLIZATION: Type: Si-A/ or Si-A/-Cu Thickness: akA GLASSIVATION: Type: Nitrox Thickness: 10kA Metallization Mask Layout HSP451 06/883 o o > ... 0 co 0 PMSEL MODO MODi MOD2 TEST VCC WR# GND CS# ENCFREG# ENOFREG# INHOFR# ENTIREG# INITTAC# ENPOREG# ENPHAC# PACI# INITPAC# BINFMT# PAR/SER# VCC 5-41 '"a: W .... N eez:'" w c::I _:I; "' ....z: >'" I I HSP45106/883 Packaging t 85 PIN GRID ARRAY (PGA) t-----,:;~,,~ .--+m@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@K @@ @@@ @@J @@ @@ H @@@ @@@G @@@ @@@F @ @ @ INDEX PIN @ @ @ E @@ / @@ D @@e @@@ @@ c @@@@@@@@@@@s @@0.@@@@@®€)A 9 10 11 .100 L J L sse .080 .120 .003 MIN LEAD MATERIAL:. Type B LEAD FINISH: Type C PACKAGE MATERIAL: Ceramic, AI203 90% PACKAGE SEAL: Material: Gold/Tin Temperature: 3200C ± 100 C Method: .Furnace Braze NOTE: All DImensiOns are ..M!!:!... Max INTERNAL LEAD WIRE: Material: Aluminum Diameter: 1.25 Mil Bonding Method: Ultrasonic Wedge COMPLIANT OUTLINE: 38510 P-AC tMil-M-38510 Compliant Materials, Finishes, and Dimensions. ,Dimensions are In inches. 5-42 Ell HARRIS HSP45102 PRELIMINARY 12-Bit Numerically Controlled Oscillator May 1991 Features Description • 33M Hz, 40MHz, 50MHz Versions The Harris HSP45102 is a 12 bit Numerically Controlled Oscillator (NC012) for Direct Digital Synthesis Applications where low cost is important. As shown in the block diagram, the chip consists of a Frequency Control Section, a 32 bit phase accumulator, a phase offset adder and a Sine ROM. • 32-Bit Frequency Control • Binary FSK Modulation • Quadrature Phase Modulation Two frequency control words are loaded serially, MSB or LSB first. A Single control pin, SELLlM#, selects which word is used to determine the output frequency. This pin is toggled for FSK modulation. The output of the Frequency Control Section is two 32 bit phase increments to the Phase Accumulator, of which one is selected using SELLlM#. • Serial Frequency Load • 12-Bit Sine Output • Offset Binary Output Format • O.012Hz Tuning Resolution at 50MHz • Spurious Frequency Components < -69dBc • Fully Static CMOS • Available in 28 Pin DIP and 28 Pin SOIC • Low Cost Applications The 13 bit output of the Phase Offset Adder is mapped to the sine wave amplitude via the Sine ROM. The output data format is offset binary to simplify interfacing to D/A converters. Spurious frequency components in the output sinusoid are less than -69dBc. The NC012 has applications as a Direct Digital Synthesizer and modulator in low cost digital radios, satellite terminals, and function generators. • Direct Digital Synthesis • Modulation - Two pins are provided for phase modulation. These two bits, PO-1, are encoded and added to the top two bits of the phase accumulator to offset the phase in 900 increments. QPSK and FSK CI'lI a: W .... N cczCl'll w c:l _:z:: CI'lI I Z Block Diagram ~ CLK PO -1 MSBILSB#_ SFTEN#_ SD_ SCLK_ FREQUENCY CONTROL SECTION ~ ~ PHASE ACCUMULATOR L ~ PHASE OFFSET ADDER 4 SINE ROM 12 aUTO -11 ~~~: ----1 J If ENPHAC#~ SEL..LJM# Copyright © Harris Corporation 1991 File Number 5-43 2810 HSP45102 Pinout 28 PIN DIP, 28 PIN sOle TOP VIEW OUT6 OUT5 oun OUT4 OUT8 OUT3 OUT9 OUT2 OUT10 OUT1 OUTO OUT11 vee GND GND VCC SEL:l.JM# PO SFTEN# P1 MSBILSB# LOAD# ENPHAC# TXFR# SD eLK SCLK GND Pin Description NAME PIN NUMBER VCC 8,22 GND 7,15,21 PO-1 19,20 I TYPE DESCRIPTION +5V power supply pin. Ground Phase modulation inputs,(become active after a pipeline delay of four clocks). A phase shift of 0, 90, 180, or 270 degrees can be selected (Table 1). CLK 16 I NCO clock.,(CMOSJevel) SClK 14 I This pin clocks the frequency control shift register. SELL/M# 9 I A high on this input selects the least significant 32 bits of the 64 bit frequency register as the Input to the phase, accumulator; a low selects the most significant 32 bits. SFTEN# 10 I The active low input enables the shifting of the frequency register. MSB/lSB# 11 I This input selects the shift direction of the frequency register. A low on this input shifts in the data lSB first; a high shifts in the data MSB first. ENPHAC# 12 I This pin, when low, enables the clocking of the Phase Accumulator. This input has a pipeline delay of four clocks. SO 13 I Data on this pin is shifted Into the' frequency register by the rising edge of SCLK when SFTEN# is low. TXFR# 17 I This active low input is clocked onto the chip by ClK and becomes active after a pipeline delay of four clocks. When low, the frequency control word selected by SELL/M# is transferred from the frequency register to the phase accumulator's input register. LOAD# 18 I This input becomes active after a pipeline delay of five clocks. When' low, the feedback In the phase accumulator is zeroed. OUTO-11 1-6,23-28 a Output data. aUTO is lSB. All Inputs are TTL level, with the exception of elK. # sign designates active low signals. 5-44 HSP45102 Functional Description The NC012 produces a 12 bit sinusoid whose frequency and phase are digitally controlled. The frequency of the sine wave is determined by one of two 32 bit words. Selection of the active word is made by SELl/M#. The phase of the output Is controlled by the two bit input PO-1, which is used to select a phase offset of 0 0 , 90 0 ,1800 , or 2700 . As shown in the Block Diagram, the NC012 consists of a Frequency Control Section, a Phase Accumulator, a Phase Offset Adder and a Sine ROM. The Frequency Control section serially loads the frequency control word into the frequency register. The Phase Accumulator and Phase Offset Adder compute the phase angle using the frequency control word and the two phase modulation inputs. The Sine ROM generates the sine of the computed phase angle. The format of the 12 bit output is offset binary. Frequency Control Section The Frequency Control Section (Figure 1), serially loads the frequency data into a 64 bit, bidirectional shift register. The shift direction is selected with the MSB/LSB# input. When this input is high, the Jrequency control word on the SD input is shifted into the register MSB first. When MSB/LSB# is low the data is shifted in LSB first. The register shifts on the rising edge of SCLK when SFTEN# is low. The timing of these signals is shown in Figure 2. 32 bits of the frequency control word. For example, if the control word is 20000000 hexadecimal and the clock frequency is 3OMhz, then the output frequency would be Fclk/8 or 3.75Mhz. The frequency control multiplexer selects the least significant 32 bits from the 64 bit frequency control register when SELl/M# is high, and the most significant 32 bits when SELl/M# is low. When TXFR# is asserted, the 32 bits selected by the frequency control multiplexer are clocked into the phase accumulator input register. At each clock, the contents of this register are summed with the current contents of the accu mulator to step to the new phase. The phase accumulator stepping may be inhibited by holding ENPHAC# high. The phase accumulator may be loaded with the value in ttie input register by asserting LOAD#, which zeroes the feedback to the phase accumulator. The phase adder sums the encoded phase" modulation bits PO-1 and the output of the phase accumulator to offset the phase by 0, 90, 180 or 270 degrees. The two bits are encoded to produce the phase mapping shown in Table 1. This phase mapping is provided for direct connection to the in-phase and quadrature data bits for QPSK modulation. TABLE 1 The 64 bits of the frequency register are sent to the Phase Accumulator Section where 32 bits are selected to control the frequency of the sinusoidal output. PO-1 CODING P1 PO PHASE SHIFT (DEGREES) Phase Accumulator Section 0 0 0 The phase accumulator and phase offset adder compute the phase of the sine wave from the frequency control word and the phase modulation bits PO-1. The architecture is shown in Figure 1. The most significant 13 bits of the 32 bit phase accumulator are summed with the two bit phase offset to"generatethe 13 bit phase input to the Sine Rom. A value of 0 corresponds to 0 0 , a value of 1000 hexadecimal corresponds to a value of 1800. 0 1 90 1 0 270 1 1 180 The phase accumulator advances the phase by the amount programmed into the frequency control register. The output frequency is equal to N*Fclk/232 , where N is the selected en a: LU .... N <:zen LU I".:l _:J: en ROM Section The ROM section generates the 12 bit sine value from the 13 bit output of the phase adder. The output format is offset binary and ranges from 001 to FFF hexadecimal, centered around 800 hexadecimal. 5-45 I- :z ~ HSP4'5tIJ2 PHASE OFFSET ADDER ,.. " R.PO,l R E G, 13 MSB'S !l'NE ROM 2,.DI.:Y, R., E . OUTO,ll G . :r I I I '0' I ' I ,32 • R.LOAD# r . ,A ACCUMULATOR INPUT ., REGISTER' I I o o E R SD'+I..-+-I-+.--I ~ SFTEN# , MSBA.SB # ..,..-_--1. II 1_ _ _ _ _ J l_ ~ (HIGH SELECTS FRCTRLO - 31,' :"OW ,SELECTSFRCTRL32~~ _ ~ _.~ ~ _ ~'_ PHASE ACCUMULATOR , PO ·1 R.PO -1 ENPHAC#, 4 - DLY 1')-,":"::;=":':'::=1: TXFR#, R, E' LOAD # , G' CLK R.LOAD.# CLK FIGURE 1. NCO-12 FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM SCLK~~ .' '~. SO.~~ MSBA.S~ ___ ~ __~__________~"~____________~;:== CLK TXFR# SEL.IJM# ENPHAC# OUTO -11 ~'<-_--"'-.J''-'''-.J''--''''''-.J''--''''''-.J'-''''''-' FIGURE 2. I/O TIMING 5-46 I I I I '1 I I I I J Specifications HSP45102 Absolute Maximum Ratings Supply Voltage ....•.•••••.................•••••.......•••.•....•..........•••.•••.•.••••••••...••..••.•.......• +8.0V Input, Output or I/O Voltage Applied ...........••.•.....•..•••••..•..........•...•••......•••••.. GND -0.5V to VCC +0.5V Storage Temperature Range •••••................••••.••...••••....... " .........•••••..•••••.•....... -65 0 C to +1500 C Junction Temperature ........................................................................•.••••..•.••..... +1500 C Lead Temperature (Soldering, Ten Seconds) .......•.•..•.....••••.•.....•..•........•••••......•......•......... +3000 C ESD Classification •.•.••....•••••............••.••••••••...•••..•.....•..•••.•...••••••••......••••.•••...••••• Class 1 CAUTION: Stresses above those listed in the IIAbsolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress only rating and operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Operating Conditions Operating Voltage Range •....•••••.•.......•.•••....•••••••.••..•...••.••••.••••.••••.••••.•.•....•.• +4.75Vto +5.25V Operating Temperature Range ••••..••........•........•....•......•••.••••........•....•....••••••••..•.• OoC to + 700C D.C. Electrical Specifications SYMBOL PARAMETER MIN MAX UNITS TEST CONDITIONS VIH Logical One Input Voltage 2.0 - V VCC=5.25V VIL Logical Zero Input Voltage - 0.8 V VCC=4.75V VIHC High Level Clock Input 3.0 - V VCC= 5.25V VILC Low Level Clock Input - 0.8 V VCC=4.75V VOH Output HIGH Voltage 2.6 - V 10H = -400flA, VCC = 4.75V VOL Output LOW Voltage - 0.4 V 10L = +2.0mA, VCC = 4.75V II Input Leakage Current -10 10 f1A VIN = VCC or GND, VCC = 5.25V 10 I/O Leakage Current -10 10 f1A VOUT = VCC or GND, VCC=5.25V ICCSB Standby Power Supply Current - 500 f1A VIN = VCC or GND VCC = 5.25V, Note 3 ICCOp Operating Power Supply Current - TBD mA f=33MHz, VIN =VCCorGND VCC = 5.25V, Noles 1 and 3 Capacitance (TA = +250 C, Note 2) SYMBOL MIN MAX UNITS CIN Input Capacitance PARAMETER - 10 pF Co Output Capacitance - 10 pF TEST CONDITIONS FREQ = 1 MHz, VCC = Open, All measurements are referenced to device ground NOTES: 1. Power supply current is proportional to operating frequency. Typical rating for ICCOp is 10mAlMHz. 3. Output load per test load circuit with switch open and CL = 40pF. 2. Not tested, but characterized at initial design and at major process/design changes. 5-47 Specifications HSP45102 A.C. Electrical Specifications SYMBOL (Note 1) PARAMETER -33 (33MHz) -40 (40MHz) -50 (50MHz) MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX TCp Clock Period 30 - 25 - TCH Clock High 12 - - 20 10 10 18 - 15 - Hold Time SFTEN#, MSB/lSB# from SClK going high 0 - 0 TSS Set-up Time SClK high to ClK going high 23 - TpS Set-up Time PO-1 toClK going high 18 TpH Hold Time'PO-1 from ClKgoing high 0 TES Set-up Time lOAD#, TXFR#, ENPHAC#, SEL-LlM# to ClK gOing high. TEH Hold Time lOAD#, TXFR#, ENPHAC#, SEL-LlM# from ClK going high TOH TRF TCl Clock low 12 TSW SCLI( High/Low 16 TDS Set-up Time SO to SClK going high 15 TDH Hold Time SO from SClK going high 0 TMS Set-up TUne SFTEN#, MSB/lSB# to SCLI( going high TMH 14 13 COMMENTS 'ns - 8 8 ns ns - 13 12 ns ns ns 12 - - 0 - ns 20 - 15 - ns, Note 2 - 15 - 12 18 - 15 - 12 - ns 0 - 0 - 0 - ns elK to Output Delay 2 20 2 16 2 12 ns Output Rise, Fall Time TBD - TBD - TBD - ns, Note 3 0 0 0 ns - 0 ns ns NOTES 1. A.C. testing is performed ss follows: Input levels (ClK Input) 4.0V and OV; Input levels (all 'other inputs) OV and 3.0V; Timing reference levels (ClK) 2.0V; All others 1.5V.lnput 'rise and fall times driven at 1nsN. Output load per test load circuft wHhswitch 'closed and Cl = 40 pF. Output trans,Hion is measured at VOH ~ 1.5V and Vol::' 1.5V. 2. If TXFR# Is active, care must be taken to nol violate set-up and hold times as d'ata from the shift registers may not have settled before ClK occurs. 3. Controlled via design or process parameters and not directly tested. Charac· terized upon inHial design and after majOr process and/or design changes. A.C. Test Load Circuit ,- - 'I -c-- - - - - - - ~,- - -- " 1 1 I I 1 1 I I I I 1 I I I : *TEST HEAD CAPACITANCE 1.5V I _ _ t IOl _ 1 1 _ _ _ _EQUIVALENT _ _ _ _CIRCUIT _____ Switch 51 open for ICCSS and ICCOp 5-48 : 1 _ J HSP45102 Waveforms CLK PO -1 LOAD#. TXFR#. TES TEH ENPHAC#,.SEL.I..JM.# OUTO -11 TSW SCLK TOS TOH SO TMS TMH MSBILSB#, en ....a: .... N < zen c.:I .... _:c .... !Z ~ 5-49 SPECIAL FUNCTION PAGE DATA SHEETS HSP45240 Address Sequencer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6-3 HSP45240/883 Address Sequencer..................................................... ...... 6-14 HSP9501 Programmable Data Buffer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6-21 HSP9520/9521 ISP9520/9521 Multilevel Pipeline Register. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6-28 HSP45256 Binary Correlator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6-33 6-1 HSP45240 EIIHARRIS Address Sequencer May 1991 Features Description • Block Oriented 24-Bit Sequencer The Harris HSP45240 is a high speed Address Sequencer which provides specialized addressing for functions like FFT's,1-0 and 2-D filtering, matrix operations,and image manipulation. The sequencer 'supports block oriented addressing of large data sets up to 24 bits at clock speeds up to 50MHz. • Configurable as Two Independent 12-Bit Sequencers • 24 x 24 Crosspoint Switch • Programmable Delay on 12 Outputs Specialized addressing requirements are met by using the onboard 24 x 24 crosspoint switch. This feature allows the mapping of the 24 address bits at the output of the address generator to the 24 address. outputs of the chip. As a result, bit reverse addressing, such as that used in FFT's, is made possible.. • Multi-Chip Synchronization -Signals • Standard ",p Interface • TTL Compatible Inputs/Outputs • 100pF Drive on Outputs • DC to 50MHz Clock Rate • Available in 68 Pin PGA and·PLCC Packages Applications A single chip solution to read/write addressing is also made possible by configuring the HSP45240 as two 12-bit sequencers. To compensate for system pipeline delay, a programmable delay is provided on 12 of the address outputs. The HSP45240 is manufactured using an advanced CMOS process, and is a low power fully static design. The configuration of the device is controlled through a standard microprocessor interface and all inputs/outputs, with the exception of clock, are TTL compatible. The Sequencer is available in 68 pin PGA and PLCC packages.. • 1-0,2-0 Fittering. • Pan/Zoom Addressing • FFT Processing • Matrix Math Operations Block Diagram" ~----------------------------------------------------------------+-STNrrOUT~ r-------------------------------------------------------------+ AOOV~ OONE~ BLOCKDONE# 0UT12- 23 STARTIN ~ STNrr CIRCUITRY SEQUENCE GENERATOR 24 1--"'-.:--11 CROSS- POINT SwrrCH 1...-_ _ OEH# 12 OUTo- 11 OLYBLK 1...-_ _ OEL# BUSY~ DO- 8, cs~. AD, WR~. CLK. RST~ CAUTION: Electronic devices are sensHiv. to electrostatic discharge. Proper I.C. handling procedures should be followed. Copyright @ Harris Corporation 1991 6-3 File Number 2489 ...... z <2 IUu ""z ~~ HSP45240 -~ ,h . . .,' 'pJckagjjJ:Piribirts'";" ;,NADDRESS SEQUENCER HSP45240 68 PIN PLASTIC LEADED CHIP CARRIER (PLCC) ~ ~ == ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ ~55855~§§8~~~§§~O ~OO>oo~oo>55~oo5z NC DO 01 02 03 Q4 VCC 05 06 OUT8 OUT1D OUT9 'GNO ,wR#' GNO, 'k OUT7 0' OUT6 "AD CS# GNO CLK OUT4 VCC GNO ,RST# OUT3 NC NC ~~~~~.~M~~D~$~~~~ § $ ~~ ~~~i~~·'$1!~~~ 5 t'Hj6~B~ '~~~ 0 0 ~ ~ ~ Ig Q I/) I/) "" CD 68 PIN GRID ARRAY (PGA) (BOTTOM VIEW) " GND ADD BUSY. DON,,#, VAl# OUT1 OUT2 Ne OUTO VCC Ne Ne RST. Vee GND H CLK GND OUTS Vce ,,8' e,S# AO 'OUTe OUp' ~ WAN GND E De 05 0 04 03 OUT10 e 02 01 GND OUT12 B DO NC OUT22 OUT21 GND OUT18 OUT17 GND Ne Ne GND OUT23 Vee OUT20 OUT19 Vee OUTle 2 3 4 5 e 7 8 ,,/ , A 0, START IN. 0El# BLOCK DONE# VCC Ne K , DLYBLK START OUT. OEIi#' L , " ....... ' OUT3 "OUT,4 , GND", ", :.oU'Ill ~. ""' I OUT14 oute Vee OUTll, , OUllS OUT13 9 10 11 ",-, j" ,";": 6-4 HSP45240 Pin Descriptions PLCC PIN NUMBER DESCRIPTION NAME TYPE VCC I 6,24,34,41 49,55,68 +5V power supply pin. GND I 3,9,18,22 38,46,52 58,65 GROUND RST# I 25 RESET: The "RST#" signal is a TIL, asynchronous input which causes the switch to be configured in a 1:1 mode; After "RST#" has been asserted and then taken away, it will take 26 clocks to configure the switch. During the 26 clocks after rstB has been de-asserted, "WR#" will be disabled to the chip. The clock must be running during reset. CLK I 23 CLOCK: The "CLK" signal is a CMOS input which provides the basic timing for address generation. WR# I 19 WRITE: This asynchronous input is used to clock the data on DO-6 into the address counter or the switch and configuration registers. CS# I 21 CHIP SELECT: A "low" on this jnput enables the data on DO-6 to be clocked into the address counter or the switch and configuration registers. This input is synchronous to "WR#". AO I 20 Address 0: AO being High enables DO-5 to be written to the Address Counter, AO being Low enables DO-5 to be written to the Configuration Registers. This signal is· synchronous to "WR#". DO-6 I 11-17 DATA BUS: The Data Bus lines are input only, and are used to input address and data to the configuration registers for the switch and sequencer. These are latched inputs, and are synchronous to "WR#". OEH# I 28 OUTPUT ENABLE HIGH: This asynchronous input is used to enable the output buffers for OUT12-23. OEL# I 29 OUTPUT ENABLE LOW: This asynchronous input is used to enable the output buffers for OUTO-11. STARTIN# I 31 START-IN: This synchronous Input is used for synchronizing several of these chips together. This pin is tied to "STARTOUT#" of a-master sequencer chip when cascading two or more chips together. DLYBLK I 30 DELAY BLOCK: This synchronous input is sampled every clock. If it is "high" at the end of a block, the next block of addresses will not be sequenced until this line goes "low". The sequence will be resumed 5 clocks after "DLYBLK" has been de-asserted. OUTo-23 0 39,40,42,45, 47,48,50,51, 53,54,56,57, 59,62-64,66, 67,1,2,4,5, 7,8 OUTPUT BUS: Addresses tha\ are being generated are output on this bus. Output "OUTo-l1" have a user programmable delay. This bus can be tristated with "OEH#" and "OEL#". BLOCKDONE# 0 36 BLOCK DONE: This output is used as a flag for completion of a block of addresses within a sequence. It is valid for one clock when the end of a block is reached within a sequence, and will remain low when a sequence is completed. DONE# 0 37 DONE: This output Is used as a flag for completion of a sequence of addresses. If the chip is programmed In Continuous Mode, this signal will never become active. If One-Shot mode with Restart Is selected, the flag will go active for one clock and then go inactive. - ADDVAL# 0 33 ADDRESS VALID: This output is used as a flag to indicate when the first valid address is available at the output pads. STARTOUT# 0 32 START-OUT: This output Is used for synchronizing several of these chips together. When an internal "start" has been generated or a restart, this signal will pulse "low". This Signal is tied to "STARTIN#" of slave sequencer chips. BUSY# 0 35 This output will go low, and stay low during a reset to the chip. While this signal is low, all writes to the chip will be disabled. This signal will go inactive 28 clocks after "RST#" goes high. # Denotes active low. 6-5 ..... z: -ce5? .... Wz: Uu ~~ Functional Description block. The muxes are then configured to feed-back-the adder outpu~ along with the co_ntents of th_e "step ~ize" register The Address Sequencer Is a 24"'bitprogrammable address 'generator. As shown in the Block Diagram, the sequencer for generation of the next,Ci,ddress. consists of 4 functional blocks: the start circuitry, the When "block size" ':lumber of addresses have been gener'seql.Je"cegenerCl!c;>r,the cro~polnt swit~ti,al1jft!1e p[pces- ated, the block Is complete and the "blockidone" signal Is sor interface. The addresses produced by the sequence as'serte~.Atthjs poi!!t, -tile muxes areconflgur9d to pass the generator are input Into the crosspoint switch. The contents oi'the "block starfadQress" and "block step size'.' 'crosspoint switch maps 24 bits of address input to a 24 bit registers. The corresponding addition produces the ,first adoutput This allows for addressing schemes like "bit- dress of the next block. This address is stored in the "block reverse" addressing for FFT's. A programmable delay block start address" register, and )he muxes are configured to ,is provided to allow. the MSW of the output to be skewed feed back the adder outpuf along witl) the contents of "step from the LSW. This ,feature may be used to compensate for, size" register. processor pipeline delay when the sequence generator Is The addre!!s SequElnCe Is complete when the programmed configuredas'two-lndependent12 bit sequencers. Address' "number blOCks" have been generated. At this point the Sequencer operation is controlled by values 10'Sded into' "done" .and "block done!' signals are asserted. In addition, configuration- registers assOciated with the sequence gen- _' the sequencer-generator either halts or restarts addre' ssing erator, crosspoint switch, and start circuitry. The configura- cjepending uporittle mode of operatiofl. tion registers are"loaded through the processor interface. The sequence generator is configured by programming five Start Circuitry '24-bit registers associated with ,add res,s generationanc;l The start circuitry receives configuration data from the pro- one 6-bit register associated with mode of operation. The cessor interface and is responsible for providing the configuration registers holding the address generation "START" signal to li:leseqUence generator block,. The parameters conta~n the following: : ,"START'~ is produced internally througl)t the processor 1) Start Address Interface, externally by the "STARTIN#" Input, or from a 2) BloCk Size - Number of addresses generated per :restart issued by the sequence generator. If programmed block' for delay, internal/external, "START" and restarts for the sequel)ce generator can be delayed from 1 to 31cinfigured'for.the first stage of addres!!lng by writing Ii 0. to switch output register 2, a 2 to !!witch output regi!!ter 1, and a 0. to switch output register 2. These' values are loaded' by flr!!t, writing the add res!! of 6-10. • x(O) x(1) x(2) x(3) x(4) x(5) x(6) x(7) FIGURE 7. COMPLETE EIGHT-poniJT IN-PLACE DECIMATION-IN-FREQUENCY FFT. Specifications HSP45240 Absolute Maximum Ratings Supply Voltage ......•••................•.•....•••.........•••...............•...•..........••..••............•. +8.0V Input, Output or I/O Voltage Applied .••••••••..•••••••••.••.••.•.......•••••.••..........•.••••.. GND-0.5V to VCC+0.5V Storage Temperature Range ....•......•...•............••........•.................................•. -65 0 C to +1500C Maximum Package Power Dissipation at + 700 C .........••..............•.••.••.•..........••• 1.86W (PLCC), 2.84W (PGA) 9jc ......•••...•••.•.....••...•.•...•........•.•••...••..•.•.•.••••••.••••••...•••.• 15.1 0C/W (PLCC), 10.1 oCIW (PGA) 9ja .....••.•...•.......•......•....•......••...••............••••.•.•..........•••.. 43.1 0 CIW(PLCC),37.1 0 CIW(PGA) Gate Count •.....•.....•••.................•.............•.....•...........••..•••............•.•.•....... 8388 Gates Junction Temperature •.....•.•.....••••••.•...•••••••••••........•...•••.•....•......... +l50o C (PLCC), +1750 C (PGA) Lead Temperature (Soldering, Ten Seconds) •.•.••••••••.•.•..•.......•.•••.............•....•........•••........ +3000C ESD Classification ...•....•••••.•..•.......••..........•..........•..............•.........•........•••......... Class 1 CAUTION: Stresses above those listed in the "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device .. This is a stress only rating.and operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated ·in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Operating Conditions Operating Voltage Range •••......•...........••••.................•.........•....•••••.....•....•...••••.•. +5.0V ± 5% Operating Temperature Range ....•.•.•.••••........•••••••••••.•...............•..........•.••..•.•...... OOC to + 700C D. C. Electrical Specifications (Vcc = 5.0V + 5%, TA = OOC to +700 C) PARAMETER SYMBOL MIN MAX UNITS Logical One Input Voltage VIH Logical Zero Input Voltag.e VIL 2.0 - V VCC=5.25V - 0.8 V VCC=4.75V VIHC 3.0 - V VCC=5.25V, Low Level Clock Input VILC - 0.8 V VCC=4.75V Output HIGH Voltage VOH 2.6 - V 10H Output LOW Voltage VOL - 0.4 V 10L = +2.0mA, VCC = 4.75V Input Leakage Current II -10 10 .,A VIN = VCC or GND, VCC = 5,25V I/O Leakage Current 10 -10 10 .,A VOUT = VCC or GND, VCC = 5.25V Standby Power Supply Current ICCSB - 500 .,A VIN = VCC or GND, VCC = 5.25V, Outputs open Operating Power Supply Current ICCOp - 99 rnA f=33MHz, VIN = VCC or GND, VCC = 5.25V, Outputs Open, (Note 1) Input Capacitance CIN - 10 pF Output Capacitance Co - 10 pF f = 1 MHz, VCC = Open, all measurements are referenced to device GND. (Note 2): High Level Clock Input TEST CONDITIONS = -400.,A, VCC = 4.75V NOTES: 1. Power supply current is proportional to operating frequency. Typical rating for ICCOp Is 3mA/MHz. 2. Not tested, but characterized process/design changes. at ,.,Initial design and at. major Specifications HSP45240 A. C. Electrical SpecificatIons (VCC = 5.0V + 5%. TA = OOC to +700 C) (Note 2) TEST CONDITIONS Hold Till)eDO-6 from WR#High TDf.., :0, 0 Set-up Time AO. CS#. to WR#Low TAS 5 5 0 0 0 0 Hold Time AO. CS#. from WR#High TIH , ' ns " ns ns Clock to Output Prop. Delay on OUTO-23 TpOO 15 13 ns Clock to Output Prc5ii. ' Delay on,STAAT.QUT.4t. BLKDONE;#,DONE#. ADDVAL#,and BUSY#' TpDS 15 '13 ns 1. Controlled by de;,ig~' or ,!?rocess 'Pa;ain~ers and not direclly tested. Characterized 'upon Inilial design and after major process and/or design "', " changes: 2. A.C. Tesling is performed ail follows: Input levels (ClK Input) = 4.0V and , oV;lnpii\ levels (All other InpulS) = oV and 3.0V; Input liming ief.rence level.: (ClK) - 21JV. (Others) - 1.5V; Output liming references: VOH'~ 1.5V;VOl ~ l.6V; Input'iise arid fall time. driven"8i 1 nsN::' ' A.C. Test Load Circuit, r - - - - - - -'- - - - -'---, I I I '~~"!cO;;::~EAND I EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT I I I I I I I I I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ --1 "Test Head Capacftance SwHch Sl Open for ICCSB and ICCOp Tests. OUTPUT PIN CL BlOCKDONE#' DONE#' ADDVAl#' STARTOUT# BUSY#' 40pF OUTo-23 100pF HSP45240 Timing Diagrams t CLK _ _ _ _ ~ j ,cHT 'c,-*---TCp CLOCK AC PARAMETERS DATA SETUP AND HOLD ADDRESS/CHIP SELECT SETUP AND HOLD WR# AC PARAMETERS % CLK~ ---f STARTIN#' DLYBLK _ _ __ TIS + ,,~ TIH Jc CLK----' ~~~g~~: DONE# ADDVAL# .... z: --i--, <2 - - i - _J ~~ - Wz: BUSY# INPUT SETUP AND HOLD OUTPUT PROPOGATION DELAY J OUTPUT ENABLE, DISABLE TIMING OUTPUT RISE AND FALL TIMING 6-13 I- e.:>e.:> ~.8V 'W TORF mHARRIS - HSP45240/883 Address Sequencer May 1991 Features Description • This Circuit Is Processed in Accordance to Mil-Std883 and is Fully Conformant Under the Provisions of Paragraph 1.2.1. The Harris HSP45240 is a high speed Address Sequencer which provides specialized addressing for functions like FFT's, 1-D and 2-D filtering, matrix operations, and image manipulation. The sequencer supports block oriented addressing of large data sets up to 24 bits at clock speeds up to 4OMHz. • Block Oriented 24-8it Sequencer • Configurable as Two Independent 12-8it Sequencers Specialized addressing requirements are met by using the onboard 24 x 24 crosspoint switch. This feature allows the mapping of the 24 address bits at the output of the address generator to the 24 address outputs of the chip. As a result, bit reverse addreSSing, such as that used in FFT's, is made possibie. • 24 x 24 Crosspoint Switch • Programmable Delay on 12 Outputs • Multi-Chip Synchronization Signals • Standard liP Interface A single 9hip solution to read/write addressing is also made possible by configuring the HSP45240 as two 12-bit sequencers. To compensate for system pipeline delay, a programmable delay is provided on 12 of the address outputs. • TTL Compatible Inputs/Outputs • 100pF Drive on Outputs • DC to 40MHz Clock Rate • Available in 68 Pin PGA Package The HSP45240 is manufactured using an advanCed CMOS process, and is a low power fully static deSign. The configu· ration of the device is controlled through a standard microprocessor interface and all inputs/outputs, with the exception of clock, are TTL compatible. The Sequencer is available in a 68 pin PGA package. Applications • 1-D, 2-D Filtering • Pan/Zoom Addressing • FFT Processing • Matrix Math Operations Block Diagram STARTOUT#' r-------------------------------------------------------------+ ADDV~ DONE#" BlOCKDONE#' OUT12 ·23 STARTIN #' START CIRCUITRY SEQUENCE GENERATOR 24 1-"':::'...,...-01 CROSS, POINT SWITCH ' - - - - - - OEH#' OUTO·11 DlYBLK '---"..;-- OEl#' BUSY#' DO • 6, CS#', AO, WR#', CLI<, RST#' CAUTION: Electronic devices are sensilive to electrostatic discharge. Proper I.C. handling procedures should be followed. Copyright @ Harris Corporation 1991 6-14 File Number 2816 Specifications HSP45240/883 Absolute Maximum Ratings Reliability Information Supply Voltage ••••••••.•••.••.••••.•••.•.•••••.••••.•. +8.0V Input, Output Voltage Applied ••••••••.. GND-0.5Vto VCC+0.5V Storage Temperature Range ••••••••••••••••• -650 C to +1500 C Junction Temperature •••••••••••••••••••••..•••.••.•• +175 0 C lead Temperature (Soldering, Ten Seconds) .• '" .•.•••• +3000 C ESD Classification ..................................... Class 1 Thermal Resistance Dja Djc CeramicPGAPackage ••••••••••••. 37.1 0 C/W 10.1 0 C/W Maximum Package Power Dissipation at +1250 C Ceramic PGA Package ••...••••..•.•••••••••••..•• 1.35 Watt Gate Count •.•••.••.•.•.•..•••.......•••••••••.• 8,388 Gates CAUTION: Stresses above those listed in f~Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This;s a stress only rating and operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Operating Conditions Operating Voltage Range ••••.•••••••••••••..••• +4.5V to +5.5V Operating Temperature Range •...••••...••.• -55 0 C to +1250 C TABLE 1. D.C. ELECTRICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS Devices Guaranteed and 100% Tested PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS LIMITS GROUP A SUBGROUPS TEMPERATURE MIN MAX UNITS Logical One Input Voltage VIH VCC"'5.5V 1,2,3 -550 C $.TA$. +1250 C 2.2 - V Logical Zero Input Voltage VIL VCC"'4.5V 1,2,3 -550 C $.TA $. +1250 C - 0.8 V Output HIGH Voltage VOH 10H '" -400,.A VCC '" 4.5V (Note 1) 1,2,3 -550 C$.TA$. +1250 C 2.6 - V Output LOW Voltage VOL IOL",+2.0mA VCC '" 4.5V(Note 1) 1,2,3 -550 C $.TA$. +1250 C - 0.4 V Input Leakage Current II VIN '" VCC or GND VCC"'5.5V 1,2,3 -550 C $. TA $. +1250 C -10 +10 ,.A Output Leakage Current 10 VOUT",VccorGND VCC",5.5V 1,2,3 -550 C.::;TA.::;+1250 C -10 +10 ,.A Clock Input High VIHC VCC"'5.5V 1,2,3 -550 C $.TA$. +125 0 C 3.0 - V VCC"'4.5V 1,2,3 -550 C $.TA$. +1250 C V 1,2,3 -550 C $.TA$. +1250 C - 0.8 VIN '" VCC or GND VCC",5.5V, Outputs Open 500 ,.A Clock Input Low Standby Power Supply Current Operating Power Supply Current Functional Test VILC ICCSB ICCOp FT -I f",33MHz VCC '" 5.5V (Note 2) W 1,2,3 -550 C $. TA $. +1250 C - 99 7,8 -550 C $.TA$. +1250 C - - (Note 3) mA NOTES: 1. Interchanging of force and sensa cond itions is permitted. 2. Operating Supply Current is proportional to frequency. typical rating is 3mAlMHz. 3. Tested as follows: f = 1MHz. VIH = 2.6, VIL = 0.4, VOH ~ 1.5V, VOL $. 1.5V. VIHC = 3.4V, and VILC = O.4V. 6-15 Z -<5! ..... Uu z ~i:c Specifications HSP45240/883 TABLE 2. A.C. ELECTRICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTics' Device Guaranteed and 100% Tested '. UMITS PARAMETERS SYMBOL CONOITIONS ~33(33MHz) -40 (40MHz) MIN MIN MAX UNITS 25 ns GROUP A SUBGROUP TEMPERATURE -550C~TA~+12SOC 30 MAX Clock Period TCp 9,10,11 Clock Pulse Width High TCH 9,10,11 -550 C TA :s + 125°C - 20 - 15 ns Output Rise Time TOR 1,2 -55OC!>TA~+1250C - 3 ns TOF 1,2 -55OC~TA!> +1250 C - 5 Output Fall Time 5 - 3 ns Input Capacitance NOTES: 1. Parameters listed in Table 3 are controlled via design or process 2. Loading is as specKled in the test load circuit with CL = 4OpF. parameters and are nol directly tested. These parameters. are characterized upon initial design and after major process and/or deSign changes. TABLE 4. ELECTRICAL TEST REQUIREMENTS CONFORMANCE GROUPS , METHOD SUBGROUPS Initial Test 100%/5004 - Interim Test 100%/5004 - PDA 100% 1 FinalTest 100% 2,3, 8A,8B, 10, 1 1 Group A- - 1,2,3, 7,8A,8B, 9,10,11 Samples/5005 1,7,9 GroupsC&D ..... z <2 -I- (,)(,) W z 3i~ .6-17 HSP4524 0/883 Burn-In Circuit START OEH#" "DLYBLM OUT#" .L G START ADD BUSY#" DONE#" VAL#" OUT2 Ne OUTO Vee Ne OUT3 RST#" "Vee GND OUT4 e"LK GND OUT5 Vee OUTe OUT7 GND OUT8 : ·cs# IN#" "0 68 LEAD PIN GRID ARRAY BOTTON VIEW F WR#" GND E D6 D. OUTe Vee D D4 03 ouno OUT11 e D. Dt GNO OUT12 B DO Ne OUT22 OUT21 GND OUT23 Vee GNO BURN-IN SIGNAL PGA PIN PIN NAME DUT18 aun7 GND OUT14 NC Vee OUT1a OUT15 OUT13 8 9 OUT20 OUT1. 5 4 "'PIN NAME oun Ne A PGA "'IN GND Ne K H OEL#" BLOCK DONE.#" Vec BURN-IN SIGNAL PGA PIN PIN "I:'IAME Ne to BURN-IN SIGNAL 11 IPGA PIN PIN NAME BURN-IN SIGNAL A2 GNO GND B9 OUT14 Vecl2 Fl1 0UT8 Vee/2 K8 BUSYB Vecl2 A3 'OlJT23 Vecl2 el 02 FlO Gl eSB F5 K7 OONEB Vecl2 A4 Vee Vee e2 01 F9 G2 AO F6 K8 OUTO Vee/2 AS OUT20 vecl'(. el0 GND GNO Gla OUT6 Vee/2 K9 Vee Vee A6 0UT19 'vecl2 " ell OUT12 Vecl2 Gl1 QUT7 'Vecf2 Kl1 OUT3 F12 Hl eLK A7 Vee AS A9 Vee 01 '04 OUT16 vecl2 02 03 Fl1 H2 OUT15 Vecl2 010 OUT10 Vee/2 Hl0 Al0 OUT13 Vecl2 011 OUT11 Vee/2 Bl DO F8 El 06 F7 B3 OUT22 Vecl2 E2 05 F13 Vecl2 OEHB F13 FO L2 GND GND L3 DLYBLK Fll OUT5 Vecl2 L4 STARTOUTB Vecl2 Hll Vee Vee L5 Vee Vee Jl RSTB F14 L6 BLoeKDONEB Vecl2 J2 Vee Vee L7 GND GND B4 OUT21 vecl2 El0 OUT9 vecl2 Jl0 GND GND La OUTl Vee/2 B5 GND GND Ell Vee Vee Jll OUT4 Vecl2 L9 OUT2 Vecl2 B6 OUT18 Vecf2 'Fl WRB F4 K3 OELB F12 B7 0UT17 vee/2 F2 GND GND K4 STARTINB F6 B8 GND GND FlO GND GND K5 ADVALB vecl2 NOTES: 1. Vee/2 (2.7V·±1 G'lb) used for outputs only. 4. O.1j1F·(mln) capacitor between Vee and GND per position. 2. 47KO (±20'lb) resistor connected to all pins except Vee and GND. 5. FO -" 100KHz ±10'lb, F1 ~ FO/2, F2 60% Duty Cycle. 3. Vee - 5.5 ±O.5V. = F1/2 •.••• , F11 ~ 6. Input .oKaga limits: VIL - O.8V max., VIH = 4.5V ±10%. 6-18 F10/2, 40%- HSP4524 0/883 Metallization Topology DIE DIMENSIONS: 186 x 222 x 19 ±1 mils METALUZATION: Type: SI - AI or Si-AI-Cu Thickness: 8kA GLASSIVATION: Type: Nltrox Thickness: 10kA DIE ATTACH: Material: Silver/Glass WORST CASE CURRENT DENSITY: 1.8 x 105A/cm 2 Metallization Mask Layout HSP45240/883 OUT12 DO GND 0.1 OUT11 02 03 OUT10 04 vee OUT9 05 OUT8 06 GND GNO WR#.. OUT7 AO OUT6 vee es# OUTS GNO eLK Vee OUT4 GND OUT3 •w •w J: 0 oJ 0 ~ oJ ~ C •i= • <• >o en• z•w z•w czCI Z a: ~ VI I- :J 0 I- oJ i!i a: c 0>:J 0 III C ~ < < CJ I- 0 VI oJ III 6-19 0 C ~ l= 0 0 :J :J o~ CJ:J > 0 -'z <2 -Wz: ..... <.:1<.:1 3iiZ HSP45240/883 Packaging t 68 PIN GRID ARRAY (PGA) SEATING. PLANE 1.140 1.180 1.000 E o C 00 00 Bse 00 00 00 I 00 0@000®000€)o 00 0 000(or~r-~--~ I 0 7 8 ,9 10 " [ .. 003. MIN 1. INCREASE MAXIMUM LIMIT BY .oo,}" WHEN SOLDER • DIP D~ TIN PLATE LEAD FlNISH APPLIES. ,.. LEAD MATERIAL: Type B . LEAD FINISH: TyPe C PACKAGE MATERIAL: Ceramic, AI293 90% PACKAGE SEAL: ': Material: Gold/Tin Temperature: 3200C ± 100 C Method: Furnace Braze' INTERNAL LEAD WIRE: . ,':' Material: Aluminum :'Oiameter: 1~2p Mil" Bondl~g Method: Ultrasonic Wedge CONlPL,iANT OUTLINE: 38Pl0 P-AC "" NOTE: All Dimensions are t MII-M-38510 Compliant Malerials, Finishes, and Dimensions. ..M!!l.. . Dimensions ara in Inches. Max 6-20 HSP9501 mHARRIS Programmable Data Buffer May 1991 Features Description • DC to 30MHz Operating Frequency The HSP9501 is a 1O-Bit wide programmable data buffer designed for use in high speed digital systems. Two different modes of operation can be selected through the use of the MODSEL input. In the delay mode, a programmable data pipeline is created which can provide 2 to 1281 clock cycles of delay between the input and output data. In the data recirculate mode, the output data path is internally routed back to the input to provide a programmable circular buffer. • Programmable Buffer Length from 2 to 1281 Words • Supports Data Words to 10-Blts • Clock Select Logic for Positive or Negative Edge System Clocks • Data Recirculate or Delay Modes of Operation • Expandable Data Word Width or Buffer Length The length of the buffer or amount of delay is program med through the use of the 11-bit length control input port (LCO-10) and the length control enable (LCEN#). An 11-bit value is applied to the LCO-l0 inputs, LCEN# is asserted, and the next selected clock edge loads the new count value into the length control register. The delay path of the HSP9501 consists of two registers with a programmable delay RAM between them, therefore, the value- programmed into the length control register is the desired length - 2. The range of values which can be programmed into the length control register are from 0 to 1279, which in turn results in an overall range of programmable delays from 2 to 1281. • Three-State Outputs • TTL Compatible Inputs/Outputs • Low Power CMOS • Available in 44 Pin PLCC Package Applications • Sample Rate Conversion • Data Time Compression/Expansion • Software Controlled Data Alignment • Programmable Serial Data Shifting • Audio/Speech Data Processing Video/Image Processing • l-H Delay Line of 910 NTSC, 1135 PAL or 1280 Samples: ~ High Resolution Monitor Delay Line ~ Comb Filter Designs ~ Progressive Scanning Display ~ TV Standards Conversion ~ Image Processing CAUTION: These devices are sensHlve Copyright © Harris Corporation 1991 Clock select logic is provided to allow the use of a positive or negative edge system clock as the CLK input to the HSP9501. The active edge of the CLK input is controlled through the use of the CLKSEL input. All synchronous timing (i.e. data setup, hold and output delays) are relative to the clock edge selected by CLKSEL. An additional clock enable input (CLKEN#) provides a means of disabling the internal clock and holding the existing contents temporarily. All outputs of the HSP9501 are three-state outputs to allow direct interfacing to system or multi-use busses. The HSP9501 is recommended for digital video processing or any applications which require a programmable delay or circular data buffer. to electrostatic discharge. Proper I.C. handling procedures should be followed. 6-21 File Number 2786 -JZ <:! -I- Uu "'z ~~ ._;N~. ~ HSP9501 , .....:. .' ~" .,,:,1-'1<: . Pinout 44 PIN PLASTIC LEADED CHIP CARRIER (PLCC) TOP VIEW ...I Iffi9 u~ I~ ~ d g Q 0 :; 010 000 001 011 002 012 003 013 004 014 Vec Vce GNO 1 GNO 005 006 016 007 1 Dl7 008 1 018 ., 0 Q I~ ., 0 § § § 9 .... 9 9 g !!! Q U Z Block Diagram 010- 9 MOOSEL CLKSEL_r----..., CLKEN .# 10 LC 0 -10 EN.# 0-12790ELAYS LCEN.# _ _ _- - I OE.# 000-9 6-22 HSP9501 Pin Descriptions NAME PIN NUMBER TYPE DESCRIPTION VCC 12,34 The +5V power supply pin. A 0.1 /IF capacitor between the VCC and GND pin is recommended. GND 13,33 ClK 1 I Input Clock. This clock signal is used to control the data movement through the programmable buffer. It is also the signal which latches the input date, length control word and mode· select. Input setup and hold times with respect to the clock must be met for proper operation. 010-9 27,29-32, 35""39 I Data Inputs. This 1O-bit input port is used to provide the input data. When MODSEl is low, data on the 010-9 inputs is latched on the clock edge selected by ClKSEl. 000-9 7-11, 14-18 0 Data Outputs. This 10-bit port provides the output data from the intllmal delay registers. Data latched into the 010-9 inputs will appear at the 000-9 outputs on the Nth clock cycle, where N is the total delay programmed. lC0-10 20-28, 41-'-44 I Length Control Inputs. These inputs are used to specify the number of clock cycles of delay between the 010-9 inputs and the 000-9 outputs. An integer value between 0 and 1279 is placed on the lCO-1 0 inputs, and the total delay length (N) programmed is the lCO-10 value plus 2. In order to properly load an active length control word, the value must be presented to the lCO-10 inputs and lCEN# must be asserted during an active clock edge selected by ClKSEL. lCEN# 6 I Length Control Enable. lCEN# is used in conjuction with lCO-10 and ClK to load a new length control word. An 11-bit value is loaded on the lC0-10 inputs, lCEN# is asserted, and the next selected clock edge will load the new count value. Since this operation is synchronous, lCEN# must meet the specified setup/hold times wilh respect to ClK for proper operation •. OE# 19 I Output Enable. This input controls the state of the 000-9 output port. A low on this control line enables the port for output. When OE# is high, the output drivers are in the high impedance state. Internal latching or transfer of data is not affected by this input. MOOSEl 40 I Mode Select. This input is used to control the mode of operation of the HSP9501. A low on MOOSEl causes the device to latch new data at the 010-!} inputs on every Clock. cycle, artd operate as a programmable pipeline register. When MOOSEl is high, the HSP9501 is in the recirculate mode, and will operate as a programmable length circular buffer. This control signal may be used in a synchronous fashion during device operation, however, care must be taken to ensure the required setup/hold times with respect to ClK are met. ClKSEl 5 I Clock Select Control. This input is used to determine which edge of the ClK signal Is used for controlling all Internal events. A Iowan CLKSEl selects the negative going edge, therefore, all setup, hold, and output delay times are with respect to the negative edge of ClK. When ClKSEL is high, the positive going edge is selected and all synchronous timing is with respect to the positive edge of the ClK signal. ClKEN# 2 I Clock Enable. This control signal can be used to enable or disable the ClK input. When low, the CLK Input is enabled and will operate in a normal fashion. A high on CLKEN# will disable the ClK input and will "hold" all internal operations and data. This control signal may also be used in a synchronous fashion, however, setup and hold requirements with respect to CLK must be met for proper device operation. The device ground. HSP9501 Functional Description The HSP9501 is a 10-bit wide programmable length data buffer. The length of delay Is programmable from 2 to 1281 delays In single delay increments. Data into the delay line. may be selected from the data Input bus (010-9) or as recirculated output, depending on the state of the mode select (MOOSEl) control input. Mode Select The MOOSEl control pin selects the source of .the data moving into the delay line. When MOOSEl is low, the data input bus (010-9) Is the source of the data. When MOOSEl is high, the output of the HSP9501 Is routed back to the input to form a circular buffer, The MOOSEl control line Is latched at the input by the ClK signal. The edge which latches this control signal is determined by the ClKSEl control line. In either case, the MODSEl line is latched on one edge of the ClK signal with the following edge moving data into and through the HSP9501. R'eler to the functional timing waveforms for specific timing references. Delay Path Control The HSP9501 buffer length Is programmable from 2 to 1281 data words in one word Increments. The minimum number of delays which can be programmed is two, consisting 01 the input and output buffer registers only. The length control Inputs (lCO-10) are used to set the length of the programmable delay ram which can vary In length from 0 to 1279. The total length of the HSP9501 data buffer will then be equal to the programmed value on lCO-10 plus 2. The programmed delay is established by the 11-blt Integer value of the lCO-10 inputs with lC 10 as the MSB and lCO as the lSB. For example, I LCO I LC10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 01 1 1 programs a length value of 26 + 2 0 = 65. The total length of the delay will be 65, + 2 or 67 delays. Clock, Select Logic The clock select logic is provided to allow the use of positive or negative edge system clocks. The active edge of 'the CLK input to the HSP9501 is controlled through the use of theClKSEl input. When ClKSEl is low, the negative going edge of ClK is used to control all internal operations. A high on ClKSEl .'selects the positive 1l0ing edge of ClK. 'Table 1 Indicates several programming values. The decimal value placed on lCO-10 must not exceed 1279. Controlled operation with larger values is not guaranteed. Values on lCO-10 are latched on the ClK edge selected by the ClKSEl control line, when lCEN# is active. lCO-10 and lCEN# must meet the specified setup and hold times relative to the selected ClK edge for proper device operation: All synchronous timing (l.e. setup, hold and output propagation delay times are relative to the ClKedge selected by ClKSEL. Functional timing waveforms for each state of ClKSEl are provided (refer to timing waveforms for details). TABLE 1. LENGTH CONTROL PROGRAMMING EXAMPLES LC10 LC9 !.Sa LC7 LC6 LC5 LC4 LC3 LC2 LC1 LCO 2 10 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 118 120 PROGRAMMED LENGTH TOTAL LENGTH N 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 808 810 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1049 1051 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1279 1281 6".24 Specifications HSP9501 Absolute Maximum Ratings Supply Voltage ••••••...••••••••••••.....•••••••••••.•••••.•.••••••••••...•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• +8.0V Input or Output Voltage Applied ••••...•••••••••••......••••••.•.••.••..•...•••.••••••...•••••••• GND -0.5V to VCC +0.5V Storage Temperature Range •....•.••.•..••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••• " ••••••• , •.•• -650 C to +1500 C Junction Temperature ••••••....••••••••..•..••••••.•••••••..•••...•.•..•••••••••••••....•••••••••.•••••..••••• +1500C Lead Temperature (Soldering, Ten Seconds) .•.....••••••.•••..•••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••.••••••.•••...••..•• +3000C CAUTION: Stresses above those listed in the ''Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress only rating and operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Operating Conditions Operating Voltage Range ................................................................. +4.75Vto +5.25V (Commercial) Operating Temperature Range ............................................................... OoC to +70 0 C (Commercial) D.C. Electrical Specifications PARAMETER Logical One Input Voltage (Vcc = 5.0V + 5%, TA = Ooc to +700 C, Commercial) SYMBOL MIN MAX UNITS VIH 2.0 - V VCC= 5.25V TEST CONDITIONS VIL - 0.8 V VCC= 4.75V Output HIGH Voltage VOH 2.4 - V IOH=-4mA VCC= 4.75V Output LOW Voltage VOL - 0.4 V IOL=+4.0mA VCC= 4.75V Input Leakage Current II -10 10 IJA VIN = GND or VCC VCC= 5.25V Output Leakage Current 10 -10 10 IJA VOUT=GNDorVcc VCC= 5.25V Standby Current ICCSB - SOO IJA VIN =VccorGND, VCC = 5.25V Outputs open Operating Power Supply Current ICCOp - 125 mA f = 25M Hz, VIN = VCC or GND VCC = 5.25V, Outputs open Logical Zero Input Voltage A.C. Electrlcai Specifications (VCC = 5.0V-+ 5%, TA = ooC to +700 C, Commercial) r-----~----~~----~--------~ TEST CONDITIONS NOTES: 1. Controlled by design or process parameters and not directly tested. Characterized upon inaial design and after major process and/or design changes. 2. A.C. Testing is performed as follows: Input levels: OV and 3.0V, Timing reference levels = 1.5V, Input rise and fall times driven at 1 noN, Output load CL = 40pF. 6-25 HSP9501 r-------- Test Load Circuit 51 OUT~ --, I I I I I I .cct t ·'.:~:::C~::~tND 1 ___ 10L EaUfVALENT~IRCUI~ _ _ I I I I J SwHch S 1 Open for ICCSS and ICCOp Tests Timing Waveforms CLK MOOSEL - - - - . . 010 -9 O~ +-_____/ _________ TENA 000 -9 FUNCTIONAL TIMING (CLKSEL = LOW) INTERNAL CLOO< CLKEN# TIMING (CLKSEL = LOW) CLK LCEN# LC 0 -10 -------"""--+-.J.~--------------- LENGTH CONTROL TIMING (CLKSEL'= LOW) 6-26 HSP9501 Timing Waveforms (Continued) CU< MOOSEL 010,9 O~ ----------------r-----------/ 000- 9 FUNCTIONAL TIMING (CLKSEL= HIGH) INTERNAL CLOCK CLKEN# TIMING (CLKSEL = HIGH) CU< LCEN# LCO-l0 ________~,---+~~---------------- LENGTH CONTROL TIMING (CLKSEL = HIGH) 6-27 HSP9520/HSP9521 mHARRIS ISP9520llSP9521 Multilevel Pipeline Register May 1991 Features Description • Four 8-Bit Registers These devices are multilevel pipeline registers implemented using a low power CMOS process. Jhey are pin for pin compatible replacements for, industry standard multilevel pipeline registers such as the L29C520 and L29C521. The HSF',9520 and HSP5921 ijre direct replacements for the AM29520/21 and WS59520/21. • Hold, Transfer and Load Instructions • Single 4-Stage or Dual-2 Stage Pipelining • All Register Contents Available at Output • Fully TTL Compatible • Three-State Outputs • High Speed, Low Power CMOS • Available in 24 Pin Dual-In-Line and SOIC Packages Applications • Array Processor • Digital Signal Processor • AID Buffer • Telecommunication • Byte Wide ShiH Register • Mainframe Computers They consist of four 8-bit registers which are dual ported. ,They can be configured as a Single four level pipeline or a dual two level pipeline.. A single 8,.bit input is provided, and the pipelining configuration is determined by the instruction code input to the 10 and 11 inputs (see instruction control). The contents of any of the four registers is selectable at the multiplexed outputs through the use of the SO and S1 multiplexer control inputs (see register select). The output is 8-bits wide and is three-stated through the use of the OE# input. The '9520 and '9521 differ only in the way data is loaded into and between the registers in dual two-level operation. In the '9520, when data is loaded into the first level the existing data in the first levei is moved to the second level. In the '9521, loading the first level simply causes the current data to be overwritten. Transfer of data to the second level is "aChieved using the single four level mode (11,10 = '0'). This instruction also causes the first level to be, loaded. The HOLD instruction (11, 10 = '1') provides a means of holding the countents of aU "registers. Pinout HSP9520/HSP9521 (24 PIN SOle) '9520/'9521 (24 PIN DIP) TOP VIEW Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y8 Y7 OE# are CAUTION':' These devices sensHive to electrostatic' discharge. Proper I.C. handling procedures should' be lollowed. Copyright @ Harris Corporation 1991 6-28 Fiie Number 2811 HSP9520/HSP9521 /SP9520//SP9521 Block Diagram laC>- DO -D7 '" '" 8 CLKC>- 11C>- REG.Al REG.A2 I L------ -[B-1 ~EF REG.Bl MUX rr H:(8/ YO -Y7 ~ OE# <=J so c::J Sl Pin Descriptions NAME DIPPIN VCC 24 TYPE The +5V power supply pin. recommended. GND 12 The device ground. ClK 11 I Input Clock. Data is latched on the low to high transition of this clock signal. Input setup and hold times with respect to the clock must be met for proper operation. 00-7 3-10 I Data Input Port. These inputs are used to supply the a bits of data which will be latched into the selected register on the next rising clock edge. YO-7 21-14 0 Data Output Port. This a-bit port provides the output data from the four internal registers. They are provided in a multiplexed fashion, and are controlled via the multiplexer control inputs (SO and Sl). 10,11 1,2 I Instruction Control Inputs. These inputs are used to provide the instruction code which determines the internal register pipeline configuration. Refer to the Instruction Control Table forthe specific codes and their associated configurations. DESCRIPTION A 0.1 flF capacitor between the VCC and GND pin is SO,Sl 23,22 I Multiplexer Control Inputs. These inputs select which of the four internal registers' contents will be available at the output port. Refer to the Register Select Table for the codes to select each register. OE# 13 I Output Enable. This input controls the state of the output port (YO-Y7). A lOW on this control line enables the port for ouput. When OE# is HIGH, the output drivers are in the high impedance state. Internal latching or transfer of data is not affected by this pin. 6-29 -I Z c:c:! -I(.)(.) W z ~~ $pecificationsHSP9!j2()/HSP9521 ' Absolute Maximum Ratings Operating Conditions Supply Voltage •••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••• +8.0V Input or Output Voltage Applied •••••••. GND -0.5V to VCC +0.5V Storage Temperature Range •••••..•••••••••• -650 C to +1500 C Junction Temperature •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• +150o C Lead Temperature (Soldering, Ten Seconds) •••••••••••• +300o C Operating Voltage Range. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• +4.75V to +5.25V Operating Temperature Range ••••••••••••••••••• OOC to + 700C Reliability Information 0ja '••••••••• ~ •••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••.••••• 51.40 CIW "Ojc .•••••••••••••••••••• , ••••••••••••.• ",' ••••••• ' 22.30 CIW Maximum Package Power Dissipation .••• : •••••••••••••••• 1.5W D.C. Electrical Specifications PARAMETER (Vcc = 5.0V ± 5%, TA = ooc to +700C) SYMBOL MIN MAX UNITS Logical One 'Input Voltage VIH 2;0 - V Vcc= 5.25V Logical Zero Input Voltage VIL TEST CONDITIONS - 0.8 V VCC=4.75V Output HIGH Voltage VOH 2.4 - V 10H = -6.5mA, VCC = 4.75V Output LOW Voltage VOL - 0.5 V 10L = +20.0mA, VCC = 4.75V Input Leakage Current II -10 10 I'A VIN =VeeorGND, VCC = 5.25V Output Leakage Current 10 -10 10 JJA Standby Power Supply Current ICCSB - 500 JJA VIN=VCCorGND VCC = 5.25V Outputs Open Operating Power Supply Current Iceop - 12 mA f = 5.0MHz, VIN = Vce or G NO VCC = 5.25V, Ouputs Open A.C. Electrical Specifications PARAMETER Clock to Data Out Mux Select to Data Out Input Setup Time ,(00-7/10-7) Input Hold Time {DO:"7 ilO-7) , ~ ... , VOUT=VCCorGND ,V,CC =; 5.25V (Vcc = 5.0V:!: 5%, TA = ooc to +700 C) MIN MAX UNITS - 22 ns ,TSELD 20 ns TS 10 ns TH 3 - SYMBOL TpD TEST CONDITIONS (NOt82) ns Output Enable Time TENA - 21 ns . Output DisableTime TDiS - 15 ns Clock Pulse Width TpW 10 - ns Note 1 ,NOTES: 1. Controlled by design or process paramelers and not directly tested. Characterized upon InHial design and a/ler .major design and/or process changes. 2. A.C. T'Isting!l! performed as follows: Input levels: OV ,;"d 3.0V. Timing reference lev';ls = 1.5V. Input riae and fall tilTiea driVen at 1naN. Output load CL - 40pF. 0,6-30 Specifications /SP9520//SP9521 Absolute Maximum Ratings Operating Conditions Supply Voltage ••••••••••••••••.••••••.••..•••••••••••• +8.0V Input or Output Voltage Applied ••••••.. GND -0.5V to VCC +0.5V Storage Temperature Range •••••••••••.••••• -650C to +1500 C Junction Temperature •••.. " ., •••.•••••••..•••••.•••• +1500 C Lead Temperature (Soldering, Ten Seconds) •••••••••••. +3000 C Operating Voltage Range. • • • • . • . • • • • • • • • • • •• +4.75V to +5.25V Operating Temperature Range ••••••••••••••••••. OoC to + 700C D.C. Electrical Specifications (Vcc = 5.0V ± 5%, TA = Ooc to HOOC) PARAMETER SYMBOL MIN MAX UNITS TEST CONDITIONS Logical One Input Voltage VIH 2.0 - V VCC=5.25V Logical Zero Input Voltage VIL - 0.8 V VCC=4.75V Output HIGH Voltage VOH 2.4 - V IOH = -2.0mA, VCC = 4.75V Output LOW Voltage VOL - 0.5 V IOL = +12.0mA, VCC = 4.75V Input Leakage Current II -10 10 VIN = GND orVcC, VCC = 5.25V Output Leakage Current 10 -10 10 JJA JJA Standby Power Supply Current ICCSB - 500 JJA VIN=VccorGND VCC = 5.25V Outputs Open Operating Power Supply Current ICCOp - 12 mA f = 5.0MHz, VIN = VCC or GND VCC = 5.25V, Ouputs Open VOUT=VCCorGND VCC=5.25V A.C. Electrical Specifications (Vcc = 5.0V ± 5%, TA = Ooc to HOOC) PARAMETER SYMBOL MIN MAX UNITS TpD - 25 ns TSELD 25 ns Input Setup Time(DQ-7,10-1) TS 15 - ns Input HoldTlme(DO-7,1Q-1) TH 3 - ns Output Enable Time TENA - 25 ns Output Disable Time TDiS - 20 ns Clock Pulse Width TpW 13 - ns Clock to Data Out Mux Select to Data Out TEST CONDITIONS (Note 2) .... z Note 1 NOTES: 1. Controlled by design or process parameters and not directly tested. Characterized upon initial design and after major design and/or process changes. 2. A.C •. Testing is performed as follows: Input levels: OV and 3.0V. Timing referen99 levels • 1.5V, Input rise and fall times driven at losN, Output load CL = 40pF. 6-31 c:c!: -IUu W z ~~ HSP9520/HSP9521 /SP9520//SP9521 Timing Waveform CLOCK (CLK) INST (10 -11) DATA (DO -07) MUXSEL (SO -Sl) OUTPUT (YO - Y7) THREE STATE OUTPUT (YO -Y1) i"r:- i'N An 8 bit counter is configured to count modulo l+N-1. To initialize the system, the first l-1 data samples are passed through FIFO #1 and written into FIFO #2. While this occurs N more samples are clocked into FIFO #1. Following that a repetitive steady state sequence begins as shown below: 1. Clock the firstl-1 samples from FIFO #2 into the DF. 2. Clock N samples from FIFO #1 into the DF. 3. Clock the last l-1 samples of the sequence in steps 1 ' and 2 back into FIFO #2. 4. Clock the next N samples into FIFO #1 concurrently with steps 1-3. The example above leads to the more general case of implementing an l tap filter with an N cell device (l>N). When an l tap fnter is implemented using an N cell DF (where l>N), the DF computes a block of N filter output samples at a time. Between these output blocks there are l-1 ClK cycles during wh ich no valid output points are available. Therefore, generating a block of N output points requires l+N-1 ClKs. During these l+N-1 ClKs there are l+N-1 new input samples being clocked into the DIN (Data IN) port. It can be seen from Table 1 that N·outputs are read out of the DF during the last N· ClKs of each l+N-1 ClK sequence. After inputting the first l data samples N-1 ClKs are required to flush the coefficients from the cells. The final l-1 of the previous l+N-1 input samples must be re-submitted at the input port. After the outputs are read out an additional l+N-1 samples are fed in and the process repeats itself until no more data is available. This sequence of steps 1 through 4 can be repeated ad infinitum. The output data is available in blocks of N points separated by l-1 ClK cycles. FIFO #3 acts as a rate buffer for the output and is optional. The coefficient memory contains the l coefficients followed by the necessary N-1 zeros. A design example using the above technique might include a 57 tap filter with a sample rate of 2.5MHz. This can be done with a single 8 cell device operating at 20M Hz. In this paper, throughput is defined as the average rate at which outputs are computed by the DF. When the number of taps exceeds the number of filter cells, the necessity to re-access the data stream determines the maximum throughput. The generalized performance of an l tap, 8x8 FIR filter is shown below. let: Higher Precision Filters and Correlators Several digital filtering applications require wider wordwidth calculations to maintain precision. The DFs are designed to be flexible in creating filters with input precision levels of 8, 16, 24, 32 bits or greater. l = Number of taps N = Number of filter cells in DF R = Maximum clock rate of DF (20,25.6, or 30MHz) Fs = Desired throughput (MHz) where R>Fs The first step is to restructure the data and/or coefficients into 8 bit quantities which can be processed by the DF. 7-5 Application Note 116 CAOO INPUT DATA OUTPUT DATA HSP43881 fIFO #1 iii iii DIN BLOCK DIAGRAM OF AN 8 CELL OF CONFIGURED TO IMPLEMENT EXTENDED FILTER LENGTHS (UP TO 249 TAPS) These quantities are used to form the partial products of the larger multiplication involving the full precision data and coefficients. An example of segmenting the partial products of a 16x8 multiplication (16 bit coefficients and 8 bit data) would be: C(16 bit) CH x 2 8 + CL x 20 H High Order Byte = X(8 bit) = X X20 . AO-2 ClK Of Wi FIGURE 3. IiiAsE COEffICIENT MEMORY = L = Low Order Byte Care must be taken when combining the upper and lower p 18 (lSBo) <0.17> RESElD z CI RESET.D SHADD ;:::.,. eC w y"- CI ~z D- eC 0'0 RESET.D SUMO-25 ClK FIGURE 7, OF OUTPUT STAGE 7-11 Application Note 116 A1ter the partial products' are made available to the output bus they are stored in, temporary registers. This allows the two sections of the final result to be combined properly, Following this the full result may be stored directly Into som'e form of memory. Figure' 6' shows a'block diagram illustrating the complete concept. ' The following summary describes the sequence of events listed In Table 3 (also refer to Figures 6 and 7). CLK 0-5 • Each Cell Is Accumulating Partial Product Data • SHADD Not Asserted CLK,6 • Cell 0 Selected (ADRO-l = 0) • Erase Accumulator of Cell 0 (ERASE = 0) • SHADD Not Asserted CLK7 • Cell 0 Contents Added to Zero and Available at Input to Output Buffer • Cell 0 Contents Available at SUMO-15 • Cell 1 Selected (ADRO-l = 1) • Erase Accumulator of Cell 1 (ERASE = 0) • SHADD Not Asserted CLK8 • External 8 Bit Register Clock Asserted. Lower 8 Bits of SUMO-15 (least Significant Byte of Y(3» Entered Into External 8 Bit Register • Cell 0 Contents Entered Into Output Buffer • Cell 1 Contents Added to Zero and Available at Input to Output Buffer • SHADD Asserted CLK9 • Shift Cell 0 Contents Down 8 Bits and Add to Contents of Cell 1 (Output Buffer). This 16 Bit Value Becomes Available at SUMO-15 • SHADD Not Asserted CLK 10 • External 16 Bit Register Clock Asserted. All 16 Bits:Of SUMO-15 (Most Significant Word of Y(3» Entered Into External 16 Bit Register ' • Cell 2 Selected (ADRO-l = 2) • Erase Accumulator of Cell 2 (ERASE = 0) • SHADD Not Asserted CLK 11 • Cell 2 Contents Added to Zero arid Available at Input to Output Buffer • Cell 2 Contents Available at SUMO-15 • Cell 3 Selected {ADRO-l = 3) • Erase Accumulator of Cell 3 (ERASE = 0) • Write Y(3) Into Output FIFO (Optional) • SHADD Not Asserted CLK 12 • External 8 Bit Register Clock Asserted. lower 8 Bits of SUMO-15 (least Significant Byte of Y(4» Entered Into External 8 Bit Register • Cell 2 Contents Entered Into Output Buffer • Cell 3 Contents Added to Zero .and Available at Input to Output Buffer • SHADD Asserted CLK 13 • Shift Cell 2 Contents Down 8 Bits and Add to Contents of Cell 3 (Output Buffer). This 16 Bit Value Becomes Available at SUMO-15 • SHADD Not Asserted CLK 14 • External 16 Bit Register Clock Asserted. All 16 Bits of SUMO-15 (Most Significant Word of Y(4» Entered Into External 16 Bit Register • SHADD Not Asserted This same pattern repeats until the input data Is exhausted. Note that the value stored in the External Register must be stored elsewhere before the low byte of the next output value is sequenced. The performance specifications for the'16x8 filter are listed below. • 2 Outputs/l0 ClKS = 1 Output/5.0 ClKS = 200ns/Output (25.6MHz Device) = 5MHz Throughput (25.6MHz Device) The results for the 16x8 design used in this implementation can be extended to the general case. Let: L = Number of taps Fs = Sample rate (MHz) N2 = Number of 2 cell groups R = M~ximuni clock rate of OF (20, 25.6, or 30MHz) (R>Fs) Then: 7-12 Fs = (N2 x R)/{2l+2{N2-1» N2 = 2Fs {L-l)/R-2Fs) Harris Semiconductor No.9102 Harris Signal Processing May 1991 NOISE ASPECTS OF APPLYING ADVANCED CMOS SEMICONDUCTORS By: R. Kenneth Keenan, Ph.D. and David F. Bennett Introduction and Summary This report is about noise aspects of high-speed logic, with a focus on Advanced CMOS semiconductor applications. The present report pertains to supression of ringing for both short and long traces, with experimental evidence provided for long traces. For long traces with distributed loading, AC shunt termination-a resistor in series with a small-value capacitor-is used from a trace to ground at the receiving end of a trace. The value of the capacitor depends on clock frequency, but it is typically 50pF to 200pF. Larger values result in improved pulse fidelity at the expense of increased power dissipation in the terminating resistor. Atthe exp-ense of a capacitor, AC shunt termination consumes much less power than purely resistive shunt termination. AC shunt termination does not appear to materially effect propagation and transition times, except insofar as it removes the ringing contributing to shorter transition and propagation times. Although termination and decoupling techniques cited here minimize ringing for all semiconductor technologies (AC! ACT, LSTTL, HCMOS, AS, etc.), external resistive termination is usually not required for slower semiconductor technologies. Decoupling is an important aspect of design for all semiconductor technologies. The preferred termination technique is a resistor, RT, equal in value to the trace's characteristic impedance, ZO, in series with a trace at the driving end of that trace. For AC! ACT, series termination results in a modest (1 ns to 3ns) increase in propagation and transition times. the increase in transition times incurred with series termination helps to minimize interference generation. Series Termination with a Single Receiver Resistive Termination Figure 1 illustrates the waveforms at the receiver for the case of no termination and for the case where the line is terminated at the driver end of the line. The termination resistor is 800, approximately equal to the 780 characteristic impedance of the line on the board. In this and all succeeding Figures, the line is 12 inches long. The length of traces with distributed loading to which series termination can be applied is limited by the increased transition times at intermediate points along those traces. :z: Q ;::(1.) CC w (.)1-Q ~:z: Q.. cc 5V n. -50.000 Ch. 1 Ch. 2 Tll'lebase • • - . i 80n. i . . . . . .M . 4. . . . . ._~. ._._:~R~_MN __~ __NJ_.NN. . . . ._~._. NN.__. . . . 0.00000.' 2.000 volh/dlv 2.000 volh/div 10.0 ns/d1v Offset Off.et Delay 50.000 • • • n. / 2;500 volt. 2.500 volts 0.00000 • FIGURE 1. UNTERMINATED AND TERMINATED (RT '" Zo) LINES This work was supported by Harris Semiconductor (Harris I and The Keenan Corporation (TKCI_ The authors thank the external reviewers. Mr. Richard E. Funk. Manager, Applications Engineering, Harris Semiconductor, and Dr. Leonard Rosi, EMC Engineer, of Howlett-Packard'. Corvallis Workstation Operation, for their helpful comments. Copyright Notice: Copyrighf 1989, TKC. Reprinted by Harris Semiconductor, April 1989, with permission of TKC. 7-13 Application Note 9102 .. . , Zero and five-vQlt reference lines are shoWn in e.ach of the above oscillograms.lt is Clear from Figure 1 that termination a~sists In reducing both the undershoot for the low-to-high' transition and the overshoot for the high-to-Iow transition. The noise immunity limits for CMOS are given in Table 1. • TABLE 1. NOISE IMMUNITIES AND MARGINS D.C. SPECIFICATION VOLTAGE LEVEL (V) Maximum Low-Level Input Voltage (Max VIL) O.S Minimum High-Level Input Voltage (Min VIH) 2.0 Maximum.Low-LeveIOutput Voltage (Max VOt.> 0.4 Minimum High-Level Output Voltage (Min VOH) 2.4 Low-Level Noise Margin (VNML =VIL - VOt.> .... __ ... 1.. -50.000 "5 eh. I Ch. 2 fiMebase .. '" • Table 1 summarizes the effects of terminating resistance on transition times and propagation delays. The propagation delay of the line, 1.8ns, has been subtracted from the experimentally-measured propagation delay in the data in Table 1. The propagation delay was measured as illustrated in Figure 3. 0.4 = The relative sensitivity of the value of termination resistor was assesed. Figure 2 Hlustrates experimental results. From Figure 2, the pulse waveform is marginally improved for termination resistance greater than the characteristic impedance, but it becomes more unterminated-like when a terminating resistance less than the characteristic impedance is used. 0.4 High-Level Noise Margin (VNMH VOW VIH) Off •• t Of fset Delay eon. / aon. / 130n. / n. - - 0.00000 --" - -- -- -- 2.000 vol h/div 2.000 volts/div 10.0 n~/dl" • • 2.500 volt. 2.500 volh 0.00000 • FIGURE 2. SENSITIVITY OF PULSE TO TERMINATING· RESISTANCE R T L .. For the unterminated line In Fi.gure1, the maximum VII:. 0.8V is breached . Therefore, CMOS gates driven -with the unterminated-line' (upper) waveform inF~gure 1 can mistake the "bump" between t == 20ns and t = 30ns for a "high". Thus, for the unterminated-line waveform, CMOS gates are subject to logic errors. The terminated line rings less and provides a signal which is well within the noise immunity limits for AC/ACT. F "I 1 .s ns TRANSITION TIMES, ~ SPECTRA ~ PROPAGATION DELAY-.::J FIGURE 3. MEASUREMENTS 7-14 Application Not.e 9102 Figure 4 illustrates the effects of AC shunt termination for two different values of capaCitors. TABLE 2. SUMMARY OF TRANSITION TIMES AND PROPAGATION DELAYS TRANSISTION TIMES (ns) PROPAGATION DELAYS (ns) (0) tr tf tplh 0 4.0 2.6 3.1 5.0 30 4.6 3.6 3.8 6.0 RT In designing an AC shunt termination. the value of the resistor is equal to the characteristic impedance of the line: RT ",. ZOo To allow for complete charging and discharging of the terminating capacitor (C1) during one-half the clock period: C1 < 1/6Z0fC. Then the power dissipated in RT is VCC 2fCC1 (see Table 7). For the present case of fC '" 12MHz. and Zo '" 80n. C1 < 1/6Z0fC '" 174pF. At the extreme. where C1 .... oo. the power dissipation approaches that of a resistive terminator: VCC2/2Z0 for a 50% duty cycle clock. tphl BO(=ZOl 5.4 5.B 4.8 B.O 130 8.4 7.4 5.6 10.6 Transition times are measured in the conventions 10%/90% and 90%/10%. and. similarly. propagation delay is measured between the 50% points of the waveforms. Termination with a resistor equal to the characteristic impedance of the line adds 1.7ns to 3.0ns to the propagation delays and increases the transition times. From the perspective of the emissions problems discussed in Section 9.0. an increase in transition times is good. However. increased propagation delays may be undesirable from a functional standpoint. With AC/ACT. some termination resistance must be used to prevent ringing which could exceed the noise immunity limits. For the case C1 '" 56pF. the power dissipation in the terminating resistor is relatively small: 16.8mW. For the case C1 '" 560pF. the power dissipation approaches that of a resistive terminator: 156mW (the power dissipation in the driver is approximately 30mW). However. the waveform with C1 = 560pF is somewhat better than that with C1 '" 56pF. In shunt termination. one is always trading power dissipation in the terminating resistor for pulse fidelity. Table 3 summarizes propagation and transition times for AC shunt termination. TABLE 3. PROPAGATION AND TRANSITION TIMES Shunt Termiliation with a Single Receiver AC shunt termination is a means of approximating a resistive termination without incurring the power dissipation of resistive termination. In laptop computers. power drain is a battery life issue. In computers and other powerlinepowered digital equipment. power drain causes heat dissipation and implies a diminution in reliability. CMOS. in spite of its speed. consumes relatively little power while operating and near zero power while in standby (or high-Z) states. Therefore. in a total power "budget". it is important to consider the power dissipation of termination resistors. TRANSISTION TIMES (ns) TERMINATION tplh tphi None 4.0 2.6 3.1 5.0 BOO/56pF 5.0 4.2 4.6 7.2 800/560pF 5.8 4.6 4.2 7.0 AC shunt termination at the sending end (only) was not tried. However. in the context of distributed loads with both ends of the bus AC shunt terminated. the driving-end termination did not improve the waveform. [> [> Ch. t Ch. 2 TI",ebae8 • • • 2.000 volh/dlv 2.000 volh/dlv 1111.' ns/dlv o" •• t orr •• t Delay • o o PROPAGATION DELAYS (ns) 2.500 volh 2.500 volta 1.00008 a FIGURE 4. AC SHUNT TERMINATION AT RECEIVER 7-15 Application Note 9102 Since computer bus lines may be in the active high state for relatively long periods of time;'the DC blocking capacitor, C1 (56pF and,560pF in Figure 4), can be of considerable benefit when driving CMOS logic. However, when driving bipolar logic, the current required by the inputs of driven gates can total much more than that required by a terminating resistor without a DC blocking capacitor. Then, AC termination offers insignificant advantages over conventional 'resistive termination. Terminations Applicable to Distributed Loads The measurements and wavefo'rms cited beloW were made at the gate four inches from'the driver and at the gate at the end of the line. The points designated by arrows in the figure are referred to as the "interr1;edi!ite gate" and "end gate" in the measurements to follow. In all cases, the waveform at the end gate was the worst case with respec!t to ringing. ' When a load is distributed along a trace, the characteristic impedance of that trace is modified in accordance with [2, p. 148] Zo '" Zoo/[1 + distributed load capacitance on line/ capacitance of line]'h (1) Description of Board with Simulated, Load The circuit shown in Figure 5 is the simulated load used along the bus-like structure on the test board. It is patterned after the equivalent input curcuitry. The inductor was formed by a small loop of wire. Vcc Zoo '" Characteristic distributed loading. impedance of line without, In the case of the test board, the capacitance along the unloaded line of 0.72pF/in. x 12in. '" B.6pF, and the distributed load, Including that at the last gate, was (4 x 5pF) + 7.5pF '" 27.5pF. Then, Zo '" BO/[1 + 27.5pF/B.6pF]'h .., 400. Series Termination Figure 7 illustrates waveforms, along the line for unterminated lines, with and without distributed loading, and for the series-terminated line with RT '" ZOo It is clear from a comparison of the top two oscillograms that the presence of distributed loading-:-even without terminationtends to smooth the waveforms. At least In part, this is probably due to the diodes in the simulated loads, which are also present in CMOS Input gates. 5pF FIGURE 5. SIMULATED'CMOS LOAD The average value of the input capacitarice ota CMOS gate is 7.5pF. That value was not available, so 5pF capacitors were used. The above load was distributed along one olthe bus traces at points shown in Figure 6. The diodes are 1N914's, high-speed silicon types. =12" " 2"1 __~ 2"f4"12"i t FIGURE 6, DISTRIBUTION OF SIMULATED LOADS ALONG BUS TRACE Distributed loading increases line propagation delays by the same factor by which the characteristic impedance is decreased, which is a factor of approximately two in the present case. Propagation delay measurements were taken as indicated in Figure 2, with 2 x 1.B '" 3.6ns subtracted from the measured propagation delays to provide the "distributed load" propagation times in Tables 4 and 5. The problem with using series termination with distributed loading is that the waveform along the line will tend to become a three-level waveform [2, p. 53]. This tendency is clear in the third OSCillogram from the top In Figure 7. Thus, in Table 5 the transition times. aUhe intermediate point on the line are greater than those at the end of the line given in Table 4. If the bus was longer, the "kink" at a line voltage of 2.5 volts would be more noticeable. However, in the present case, transition times are great enough to smooth the otherwise'sharp three-level waveform. In some applications, an increase in transition times may be acceptable, and the extra component In the form of the capacitor necessary for AC shunt termination-which does not "three-level" the waveform along the bus-is not necessary. AC shunt , termination is discussed in the next section.' 7-16 Application Note 9102 o / S0. ~00 'I, I.tl. I ? r r r1~bi'!'1!" 0.00000 . 50.000 orr,et 2.000 ,",oit,/dl ... 2.1'100 vol t,/dlv 10.0 n!l/dlv .. Oft!let Oellty 2.500 vol fa 2.500 volt!! 0.00000 , FIGURE 7. WAVEFORMS FOR DISTRIBUTED LOADING the terminating resistor when C = 560pF is substantially greater than when C = 56pF. TABLE 4. TRANSITION AND PROPAGATION TIMES-END GATE RT (0) TRANSISTION TIMES (ns) PROPAGATION DELAYS (ns) tr tf tpih tphl O(NoDist. load) 4.0 2.6 3.1 5.0 o (Dis!. 4.4 3.6 4.4 6.4 Table 6 summarizes propagation and transition time data. As in the preceding section, gate propagation delay measured delay -3.6ns. TABLE 6. SUMMARY OF TRANSITION TIMES AND PROPAGATION DELAYS 40(=ZO)+ Disl.load 4.8 5.2 5.2 RT (0) 7.8 PROPAGATION DELAYS (ns) TRANSISTION TIMES (ns) load only) TR I TF TpLH I TpHL 6.0 3.3 I 4.4 400/56pF TABLE 5. TRANSITION TIMES-INTERMEDIATE GATE RT (0) o (Dis!. TRANSISTION TIMES (ns) PROPAGATION DELAYS (ns) tr tf tpih 6.6 5.6 Not measured 8.0 7.8 Not measured I 6.0 9.0 I 8.3 8.0 I I 8.3 Not measured 400/560pF End Gate tphi IntGate I 8.8 9.0 3.7 I I 8.0 Not measured z o ;::<1> c:c w (..)1- load only) 40(=ZO)+ Dist.load I End Gate IntGate AC Shunt Termination This termination technique was previously explored in the context of a single load. For the case of loads distributed along a single line, the advantage of shunt termination is that the tendency toward a three-level waveform with series termination is absent. Figure 8 illustrates the waveforms obtained with AC shunt termination. As previously discussed, the corrected (for distributed loading) value of the characteristic impedance is 400,. The discussion of trading off waveform integrity for power dissipation also applies here. The power consumed by As is evident from a comparison of Tables 5 and 6, shunt termination with a small capacitor (56pF) does not extract as much propagation delay "penalty" as does series termination-nor does a 56pF shunt termination cause a tendency toward a three-level waveform on the bus. With a 560pF capacitor, the waveform is better in the sense that there is less ringing, but, as indicated earlier, the power dissipation of the terminating resistor is' substantially increased. From a comparison of Figures 7 and 8, series termination appears to suppress ringing better than shunt terminationat least that shunt termination where, in order" to reduce power consumed by termination resistors, the value of the capacitor is relatively small. Also, the increased transition times associated with series termination are very desirable from the standpoint of minimizing both ringing and ground bounce. 7-17 -0 ~Z c... c:c Application Note 9102 Termination Techniques Table 7 illustrates termination techniques which can be used ~at the receiving end of a trace; CI is the 'input capacitance of the driven semiconductor. The first three techniques require that the characteristic impedance of the trace structure be well-defined and constant along the trace run, which is complicated when a trace is to be run on both interior and exterior layers of a PCB. Diode termination allows uncontrolled impedance-such as that obtained on a two-sided board where the trace-toground trace spacing is variable-but requires more expensive components than other iechniques. In effect, CMOS input circuitry is a mixture of the series and diode termination techniques shown in Table 7. In Table 7, the Termination Dissipation has been computed by assuming a (worst-case) on source resistance. The power dissipation expressions apply to use of the terminating networks at either end of the line. For example, the expression given for the dissipation of a series termination applies whether the termination is used on the sending (proper) end of the line or the receiving (improper) end of the line. Series termination has been analyzed in some detail. For use at either the receiving or sending end, maximum clock frequency is determined by assuming that, after a high-tolow transition, the input capacitor, CI, must discharge to a voltage below 5% of VCC before the next clock low-to-high transition. This requires that three ZOCI time constants occur during one-half of the clock period, which leads to the clock-frequency limitation shown for series termination in Table 7. The relatively large power consumed in termination resistors can be a problem. AC shunt termination, as defined in Table 7 and used in Figures 4 and 8, provides a worthwhile low-power alternative, tei be applied at the receiving end of a trace. In AC ,shunt termination, pulse fidelity is traded off for power diSSipation: the larger the value of the DC blocking capacitor, C1, the better the pulse, but the higher the power consumption of the terminating resistor. In the limit as the value of C1 is made very large, the power dissipation of the terminating network approaches that of purely resistive termination. The improved pulse fidelity with larger values of C1 is apparent from Figure 8. The maximum value of C1 which still permits adequate charging/ discharging of t!1e shunt termination network over one-half of the clock cycle is C1 < 1/SfCZO; this inverse clock-frequency limitation is given in the "Max fC" column of Table 7. However, for C1 » 1/SfC ZO, the network is slow enough that full charging never occurs, the network begins to approach a purely resistive shunt terminator, and clock frequencies are limited only by the driver. AC shunt termination should be used whenever the DC drive capability of the driving device is approached via heavy TTL loading. Decoupling CMOS Clock-related noise on the VCC bus can arise if too few decoupling capacitors are used [5, p.3.11-1]. It is recommended that all board layouts allow for one decoupling capacitor per semiconductor package. However, it is sometimes possible to remove some of the decoupling capacitors after a working prototype is developed. This is best done experimentally while carefully monitoring emissions, particularly at frequencies less than 200M Hz:.' At those frequencies, cable radiation dominates radiated emissions spectra. Assuming good grounding, cable radiation is an accurate indicator of VCC bus contamination. On large (> 50-pin) devices with more than one VCC pin, use one decoupling capacitor at each VCC pin. In these cases, then, more than one decoupling capacitor per semiconductor package is recommended. Choosing the Value of a Decoupling CapaCitor A simplified diagram of the equivalent circuit for the output of a Harris CMOS device is shown in Figure 10. When the circuit shown transitions from low to high, switch 81 connects to terminal A and current is drawn from the VCC bus to charge the capacitor. On a high to low transition, the switch connects to B; cu rrent is sourced by the capacitor as it discharges into ground through S1. Note that the switch is, in the ideal case, a "break before make" circuit, so that no current is drawn from A to B as S1 changes state - a common source of current consumption in early CMOS logic. Departures from ideality include the totem-pole effect: for time intervals which are smaller than the transition time, both the upper (PMOS) and lower (NMOS) transistors are partially "on". Then, during both the low-to-high and high-to-Iow transitions, there is a pulse of current drawn from the VCC bus. This is in addition to the current pulse required-and predicted by the model-for the charging of Cs when making the low-to-high transition. Also, the internal gates-those which precede the output gate-require both totem-pole and charging currents (charging currents for internal gates are much smaller than that required for the output gate, as the source capacitance associated with those gates is on the order of tens of femptofarads [1 femptofarad = 10- 15 farad]). A decoupling capacitor is the VCC bus for the purpose of supplying current during transitions. The inductance of a VCC trace or plane precludes those sources from supplying all of the rapidly-changing current required during a transition. Between clock pulse transitions, a trace or plane supplies recharge current to decoupling capacitors. Recharging can take place over the much longer time of one-half of the clock period. A value of 0.1).1F will adequately decouple all known AC/ACT glue logic and VLSI circuits (even heavily loaded/fanned out), but the use of that relatively large value should be resisted in order to maintain the highest possible self-resonant frequency of the decoupling capacitor., Use 0.001 flF and 0.01 flF, not so much for reduced cost as for the purpose of increasing the self-resonant frequency of the decoupling capacitor. 7-18 Application Note 9102 56pF ~ 56pF ~ 560pF ~ 560pF ~ Ch. I Ch.:' • ... T1Pteoo!se • 2.000 volt~/div 2.000 volt~/dlV 10.J ns/dlv Oolta v • 5.~00 Off,et • 2.500 Off3et • =.500 1.600 Delay volt! volts ns volt. FIGURE 8. WAVEFORMS FOR AC SHUNT TERMINATION TABLE 7. RECEIVING END TERMINATION TECHNIQUES TERMINATION MAXIe ~c J o 1 5pF 1 -- 6ZOC1 (667MHz*) TERMINATION DISSIPATION Very Low: p=VCC 2fCC1 PULSE INTEGRITY Improves with small ZO,C1 (3.8mW) Want LowZO Series (Controlled ZO) EC 1Cif C NOTES Transition times increased. Driver-limited Very High: VCC 2 (250mW) 2Z0 1 Good Reflected % = 4.4Z0C1 rr-4.4ZOC1 Drive current = VCC=(100mA) Zo Shunt (Controlled ZO) 0 o R= Zo T ~ 1 1 (100 p 1 -6ZOC1 (33.3MHz, see text) AC Shunt (Controlled ZO) :b Driver-Limited Low to Moderate, increasing with C1 Best with largest possible value of Must use low-ESL C1 with short leads P=VCC 2fC C1 (75mW, about same as device) C1 =1/6Z0fC Intergrity improves withC1 Want LowZO Low External diodes Good with highcostly speed Schotky diodes or built-in protection diodes of some semiconductors °1 Diode (Uncontrolled ZO) • Examples are lor Zo = 50, Cl = 5pF, VCC = 5, IC = 30M Hz, Duty Cycle = 50% 7-19 App~ication Vee ' CMOS circuits. Two'-sided boards designed from an RF standpoint coutd be used; ,but the low component density associated with such boards is inconsistent with most contemporary system design requirements. Vee t~ -£>1" R2 Note, 9.102, The "Best" Termination Technique: Series Resistor at Driving End R2 When loads do not require much OCcurrent, as with CMOS inputs, the preferred termination technique for a single load and large class of multiple distributed loads is a terminating resistor at the driving end of the trace. The value of the terminating resistor, RT, is ideally equal to the characteristic impedance of the driven trace, ZO, as modified by any distributed loading. The correction for distributed loading is given in equation 1. FIGURE 9. RESISTIVE TERMINATION IS USED IN MOST STANDARD BUSES Vee ~ Reduction of the value of a series terminating resistor from RT = Zo'ieads to decreased propagation and transition times, However, for even zero-length traces, reduction of RT eventually leads to ringing. Although the internal diodes in the input circuitry of Harris CMOS tend to limit ringing, noise immunity problems can still occur. * FIGURE 10. EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT FOR CMOS OUTPUT The Equivalent Series Inductance (ESL) of a Decoupling Capacitor The equivalent series inductance (ESL) of a decoupling capacitor and the inductance of the leads/planes used to connect the decoupling capacitor to a semiconductor package should be as small as economics and manufacturing practicalities permit. This decreases both ringing and emissions. It is shown in [5, pp. 3.9-7 through 3.9-10] that maximum attenuation of noise on the power bus occurs at the self-resonant frequency of the decoupling capacitor. To have that attenuation occur at frequencies where ringing and emissions suppression is otherwise difficult, (generally 35MHz to 90MHz) using a capacitor value chosen according to the previous section requires ESl's less than tOnH. Surface-mount ("chip") capaCitors on a multilayer board with both VCCimd ground planes are particularly desirable. The ESL of a decoupling capacitor is at least as important as its capaCitance. Above the self-resQnant frequency of a decoupling capacitor which provides filtering; that inductance should be as small as manufacturing techniques and economy permit. Placement of Decoupling CapaCitor on a Board A decoupling capaCitor should always be placed on that end of the semiconductor package which points toward the power entry point on aboard. One of the purposes of decoupling is to minimize VCe: noise at thepbWer-entry point, and the filtration implied by adecouplingcapacitor should be between the semiconductorpackage.and the power entry point. ConclUSions and Recommendations ,Use Multilayer Boards The Inductances aSSOCiated, with two-sided boards are often too large for ,successful application of high speed Increasing the value of the terminating resistor beyond Zo tends to further enhance the smoothness of the pulse but can lead to undesirable increases in propagation delays. The resulting increased transition times tend to suppress emissions. For driving-end series termination with distributed loading on lines 12 inches long, transition times at intermediate loads are doubled relative to those at the end of the bus. Longer buses lead to even greater increases in transition times at intermediate bus points. Should this not be tolerable, the alternative AC shunt termination discussed below should be used. An Alternative Termination Technique In the above case and/or when a resistively-terminated bus and/or heavy TIL loads are to be driven by CMOS gates, AC shunt termination should be considered as an alternative to putely resistive termination. At least for the driven-end terminated case considered in this report, AC shunt termination does not appear quite as effictive as sending-end series termination in suppressing ' ringing. 'When terminating high-speed traces, SIP resistors and capaCitors 'should ,be avoided. The equivalent series inductance (ESL) is too large In many applications. Discrete SMO's are preferred to minimize ESL. Minimize Power Bus Ringing to Minimize Interference To minimize ringing on the power bus, -it is recommended that CMOS devices ,which handle high-frequency periodic signals be carefully decoupled from the power bus. Specifid decoupling recommendations have been provided in this 'report.' , 7-20 Application Note 9102 Bibliography [1] R.K. Keenan, FCC Emissions and Power Bus Noise (Second Edition), Pinellas Park, Florida: TKC, February 1988. [2] William R. Blood, Jr., MECL System Design Handbook (Fourth Edition, Rev. 1), Phoenix, Arizona: Motorola Inc., 1988. [3] RCNGE/Harris Semiconductor, GE Solid State Data Book (for) RCA Advanced CMOS Logic ICs, Somerville, N.J.: GE Corporation, 1987. [4] J.D. Kraus, Electromagnetics (Third Edition), New York: McGraw Hill, 1984. [5] R.K. Keenan, Decoupling and Layout of Digital Printed Circuits, Pinellas Park, Florida: TKC, 1987. [6] R.K. Keenan, Digital Design for Interference Specifications, Pinellas Park, Florida: TKC, 1983. [7] H.H. Skilling, Electrical Engineering Circuits, New York: Wiley, 1958. z c i=f3 --.....cc ""-cc ::. ..... OW a:: Harris Quality & Reliability Introduction Success in the integrated circuit industry means more than simply meeting or exceeding the demands of today's market. It also includes anticipating and accepting the challenges of the future. It results from a process of continuing improvement and evolution, with perfection as the constant goal. Harris Semiconductor's commitment to supply only top value integrated circuits has made quality improvement a mandate for every person in our work force - from circuit designer to manufacturing operator, from hourly employee to corporate executive. Price is no longer the only determinant in marketplace ·competition. Quality, reliability, and performance enjoy significantly increased importance as measures of value in integrated circuits. Quality organization is there to provide leadership and assistance in the deployment of quality techniques, and to monitor progress. The Improvement Process 1 STAGEIV I d PRODUCT OPTIMIZATION IMPACTON PRO DUCT QU ALITY STAGE III PROCESS OPTIMIZATION STAGE II PROCESS CONTROL Quality in integrated circuits cannot be added on or considered after the fact. It begins with the development of capable process technology and product design. It continues in manufacturing, through effective controls at each process or step. It culminates in the delivery of products which meet or exceed the expectations of the customer. STAGE I PRODUCT SCREENING SOPHISTICATION OF QUALITY TECHNOLOGY FIGURE 1. STAGES OF STATISTICAL QUAUTY TECHNOLOGY The Role of The Quality Organization The emphasis on building quality into the design and manufacturing processes of a product has resulted in a significant refocus of the role of the Quality organization. c1n addition to faCilitating the development of SPC and DOX programs and working with manufacturing to establish control charts, Quality professionals are involved in the measurement of equipment capability, standardization of inspection equipment and processes, procedures for chemical controls, analysis of inspection data and feedback to the manufacturing areas, coordination of efforts for process and product improvement, optimization of environmental or raw materials quality, and the development of quality improvement programs with vendors. At critical manufacturing operations, process and product quality is analyzed through random statistical sampling and product monitors. The Quality organization's role is changing from poliCing quality to leadership and coordination of quality programs or procedures through auditing, sampling, consulting, and managing Quality Improvement projects. Harris Semiconductor's quality methodology is evolving through the stages shown in Figure 1. In 1981 we embarked on a program to move beyond Stage I, and we are currently in the transition from Stage II to Stage III, as more and more of our people become involved in quality activities. The traditional "quality" tasks of screening, inspection, and testing are being replaced by more effective and efficient methods, putting new tools into the hands of all employees. Table 1 illustrates how our quality systems afe changing to meet today's needs. Harris Standard Flows Harris Semiconductor offers a variety of standard product flows which cover the myriad of application environmentsour customers experience. These flows run the gamut of. low cost commercial parts to fully qualified JAN microcircuits. All of these grades have one thing in common. They result from meticulous attention to quality, starting with design decisions made during 'product development and ending with the .Iabeling of shipping containers for delivery to our customers. The standard flows offered are: Commercial: Electrical performance guaranteed from To support specific market requirements, or to ensure OOCto +700 C conformance to military or customer specifications, the Quality organization still performs many of the conventionat /883: Mil-Std-883 - compliant product: contact quality functions (e.g., group testing for military products or the factory or local Harris Sales Office wafer lot acceptance). But, true to the philosophy that for details on availability and specifications quality is everyone's job, much of the traditional on-line. measurement and control of quality characteristics is where Details of the individual process requirements are it belongs - with the people who make the product. The contained in the flow charts on the following pages. 8-3 Harris Semiconductor Standard Processing Flows COMMERCIAL PROBE/DICE PREPARATION JAN CLASSB HIGH/ROOM TEMP PROBE TEST II /883 VISUAL INSPECTION MODIFIED MIL-STD-883 METHOD 2010 CONDITION B 50X WITH QA INSPECT VISUAL INSPECTION PER MIL-STD-883 METHOD 2010, CONDITION B, WITH QA INSPECT YES ASSEMBLY (1 ) • * DIE ATTACH CONTROL OPERATION QAMONITOR SILVER GLASS DISPERSAL MOUNT SILVER GLASS BAKE YES SILVER GLASS CURE YES YES SILVER GLASS FIRE YES YES * QA DIE ATTACH CONTROL WIRE BOND WIRE BOND CONTROL * QAWIREBOND CONTROL PRESEALCLEAN PRESEAL INSPECT ALL PRE-SEAL OPERATIONS IN CLASS 100 LAMINAR FLOW *I QA PRESEAL INSPECT 2HOUR YES 2 HOUR YES 2 HOUR AS APPLICABLE YES AS APPLICABLE PER MIL-STD-883 METHOD 2010, CONDITIONB YES YES WHEN REQUIRED WHEN REQUIRED PACKAGE SEALING YES YES STABILIZATION BAKE NO YES YES (5) YES (50) YES GSI II CSI I INSPECT TEMPERATURE CYCLE (CYCLES) ADDITIONALLY AVAILABLE 2 HOUR CENTRIFUGE YES TIN PLATING/SOLDER DIP NO NO * YES YES QA LEAD FINISH INSPECT 100% NONDESTRUCT BOND PULL YES YES GROSS LEAK TEST AS APPLICABLE YES PIND TEST 100% 20G PIND TEST 100% lOG AS APPLICABLE AS APPLICABLE METHOD 2010 CONDITION A FINE LEAK TEST FRAME REMOVAL NO NO LOAD SHIPPING TUBES YES YES YES YES (1) Example for a PGA Package Part 8-4 Harris Semiconductor Standard Processing Flows (Continued) ~~CO~M~M~E~R~C~IA~L~~II~~~~/~88~3~~~ TEST • * AC/DC SINGLE INSERTION TEST CAPABILITY; HIGH/LOW TEMP BURN-IN QUALITY CONFORMANCE BY MIL-STD-883 METHOD 5005, GROUPS A, B, C AND D AS REQUIRED I - OPERATION QAMONITOR ELECTRICAL TEST SORTING OPERATION f-* - IN HOUSE PACKAGE MOISTURE MONITOR CAPABILITY - COMPUTERIZED LOT TRACEABILITY MONITORING SYSTEM '--- YES NO NO QUAL SAMPLES PREBURN-IN ELECTRICAL TEST NO YES BURN-IN (2) NO I POST BURN-IN TEST NO 160HOURS@ +1250 C,OR PER SLASH SHEET YES I APPLY BURN-IN TEST NO YES I APPLY BURN-IN PDA (AS APPLICABLE) NO YES I BRAND YES YES EXTERNAL VISUAL QUALITY CONFORMANCE INSPECTION YES GROUP A YES GROUPA,B; C,D (AS APPLICABLE) IL- FINAL DATA REVIEW NO YES I QAMONITOR YES SERIALIZE h: - DELTAS PER SLASH SHEET REQUIREMENT IF APPLICABLE YES f-* I PACKAGE & SHIP OR STOCK (2) Burn-in lest temperatures can be increased and time reduced per regression tables in MiI-Sld-S83, Method 1015 Advantages of Standard Flows Wherever feasible, and in accordance with good value engineering practice, the Ie user should specify device grades based on one of the five standard Harris manufacturing flows. These are more than adequate for the overwhelming majority of applications and may be utilized quite effectively if the user engineer bases designs on the standard data sheet, military drawing or slash sheet (as applicable) electrical limits. Some of the more important advantages gained by using standard as opposed to custom flows are as follows: • Lower cost than the same or an equivalent flow executed on a custom basis. This results from the higher efficiency achieved with a constant product flow and the elimination of such extra cost items as special fixturing, test programs, additional handling and added docu mentation. • Faster delivery. The manufacturer often can supply many items from inventory and, in any case, can establish and maintain a better product flow when there is no need to restructure process and/or test procedures. • Increased confidence in the devices. A continUing flow of a given product permits the manufacturer to mointor trends which may bear on end-product performance or reliability and to implement corrective action, if necessary. • Reduction of risk. Since each product is processed independent of speCific customer orders, the manufacturer absorbs production variability within its scheduling framework without major impact on deliveries. In a custom flow, a lot failure late in the production cycle can result in significant delays in delivery due to the required recycling time. Despite the advantages of using standard flows, there are cases where a special or custom flow is mandatory to meet design or other requirements. In such cases, the Harris Marketing groups stand ready to discuss individual customer needs and, where Indicated, to accomodate appropriate custom flows. 8-5 oa ~ , ~:! .... cc - ... cC:> .... OW a: Measurement service until calibration is performed. The Quality organization performs periodic audits to assure proper control in the using areas. Statistical procedures are used where applicable in the calibration process. Analytical Services La'boratory Harris facilities, engineering, manufacturing, and p~oduct assurance are supported by the Analytical Services Laboratory. Organized into chemical or microbeam analysis methodology, staff and instrumentation from both labs cooperate in fully integrated approaches necessary to complete analytical studies. The capabilities of each area are shown below. Field Return Product Analysis System The purpose of this system is to enable Harris' Field Sales and Quality operations to properly route, track and respond to our customers' needs as they relate to product analysis. SPECTROSCOPIC METHODS: Colorimetry, Optical Emission, Ultraviolet Visible, Fourier Transform-Infrared, Flame Atomic Absorption, Furnace Organic Carbon Analyzer, Mass Spectrometer. CHROMATOGRAPHIC METHODS: Ion Chromatography. Gas Chromatography, THERMAL METHODS: Differential Scanning Colorimetry, Thermogravimetric Analysis, Thermomechanical Analysis. PHYSICAL Rheometry. METHODS: ,CHEMICAL METHODS: Ion Electrodes. Profilometry, Microhardness, Volumetric, Gravimetric, Specific ELECTRON MICROSCOPE: Transmission Electron Microscopy, Scanning Electron Microscope. X-RAY METHODS: Energy Dispersive X-ray Analysis (SEM), Wavelength Dispersive X-ray Analysis (SEM), X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry, X-ray Diffraction Spectrometry. SURFACE ANALYSIS METHODS: Scanning Auger Microprobe, Electron Spectroscope/Chemical Analysis, Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry, Ion Scattering Spectrometry, Ion Microprobe. The department also maintains ongoing working arrangements with commercial, university, and equipment manufacturers' technical service laboratories, and can obtain any materials analysis in cases where instrumental capabilities are not available in our own facility. Calibration Laboratory Another important resource in the product assurance system is Harris Semiconductor's Calibration Lab. This area is responsible for calibrating the electronic, electrical, electro/mechanical, and optical equipment used in both the production and engineering areas. The accuracy of instruments used at Harris in calibration is traceable to the National Bureau of Standards. The lab maintains a system which conforms to the current revision of MIL-STD-45662, "Calibration System Requirements." Each instrument reqUiring calibration is assigned a calibration interval based upon stability, purpose, and degree of use. The equiprnent is labeled with an identification tag on which is specified both the date of the last calibration and of the next required calibration. The Calibration Lab reports on a regular basis to each user department. Equipment out of calibration is taken out of The Product Failure Analysis Solution Team (PFAST) consists of the group of people who must act together to provide timeiy, accurate and meaningful results to customers on units returned for analysis. This team includes the salesman or applications engineer who gets the parts from the customer, the PFAST controller who coordinates the response, the Product or Test EngIneering people who obtain characterization and/or test data, the analysts who failure analyze the units, and the people who provide the Ultimate corrective action. It is the coordinated effort of this team, through the system described in this document that will drive the Customer responsiveness and continuous improvement that will keep Harris on the forefront of the semiconductor business. The system and procedures define the processing of product being returned by· the customer for analysis performed by Product Engineering, Reliability Failure Analysis and/or Quality Engineering. This system is designed for processing "sample" returns, not entire lot returns or lot replacements. The philosophy is that each site analyzes its own product. This applies the local expertise to the solutions and helps toward the goal of quick turn time. Goals: quick, accurate response, uniform deliverable (consistent quality) from each site, traceability: The PFAST system is summarized in the following steps: 1) Customer calls the sales rep about the unit(s) to return. 2) Fill out PFAST Action Request - see the PFAST form in this section. This form is all that is required to process a Field Return of samples for failure analysis. This form contains essential information necessary to perform root cause analysis. (See Figure 2). 3) The units must be packaged in a manner that prevents physical damage and prevents ESD. Send the units and PFAST form to the appropriate PFAST controller. This location can be determined at the field sales, office or rep using "look-up" tables in the PFAST doc.ument. 4) The PFAsT controller will log ttie units and route them to ATE testing for data log. 5) Test results will be reviewed and compared to customer complaint anda decision will be made to route the failure to the appropriate analytical group. 6) The customer will be contacted with the ATE test results and interim findings on the analysis. This may relieve a line down situation or provide a rapid disposition of material. The customer contact is ,valuable in analytical process to insure root cause is found. 8-6 7) A report will be written and sent directly to the customer with copies to sales, rep, responsible individuals with corrective actions and to the PFAST controller so that the records will capture the closure of the cycle. 8) Each report will contain a feedback form (stamped and preaddressed) so that the PFAST team can assess their performance based on the customers assessment of quality and cycle time. 9) The PFAST team objectives are to have a report in the customers hands in 28 days, or 14 days based on agreements. Interim results are given realtime. Failure Analysis Laboratory The Failure Analysis Laboratory's capabilities encompass the isolation and identification of all failure modes/failure mechanisms, preparing comprehensive technical reports, and assigning appropriate corrective actions. Research vital to understanding the basic physics of the failure is also undertaken. Failure analysis is a method of enhancing product reliability and determining corrective action. It is the finaland crucial step used to isolate potential reliability problems that may have occurred during reliability stressing. Accurate analysis results are imperative to assess effective corrective actions. To ensure the integrity of the analysis, correlation of the failure mechanism to the initial electrical failure is essential. A general failure analysis procedure has been established in accordance with the current revision of MIL-STD-883, Section 5003. The analysis procedure was designed on the premise that each step should provide information on the failure without destroying information to be obtained from subsequent steps. The exact steps for an analysis are determined as the situation dictates. (See Figures 3 and 4). Records are maintained by laboratory personnel and contain data, the failure analyst's notes, and the formal Product Analysis Report. FIGURE 4. DESTRUCTIVE FIGURE 3. NON-DESTRUCTIVE o!I~ >-:::i I- - -.... '"< < ::> .... oUJ a: 8-7 --. 1I1~6BBl§ Request # Customer Analysis # PFAST ACTION REQUEST Date: ORIGINATOR CUSTOMER No. DEVICE TYPE/PART No. No. SAMPLES RETURNED LoCATION LoCATION/PHONE PURCHASE ORDER No. QUANTITY RECEIVED THE COMPLETENESS AND TIMELY RESPONSE OF THE EVALUATION IS DIRECTLY RELATED TO THE COMPLETENESS OF THE DATA PROVIDED. PLEASE PROVIDE ALL PERTINENT DATA. ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NECESSARY. DETAILS OF REJECT TYPE OF PROBLEM 1. o (Wbere appropriale serialize units and specify for each) INCOMING INSPECTION ScREEN SAMPLE INSPECTION No. TEsTED No. OF REJECTS ARE RESULTS REPRESENTATIVE OF PREVIOUS LOTS? YES NO BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF EVALUATION AND RESULTS ATTACHED 2. IN PROCESS/MANUFACTURING FAILURE BOARD CHEcKOUT SYSTEM CHECKOUT FAILED ON TuRN-ON FAILED AFTER HOURS OPERATION WAS UNIT RETESTED UNDER INCOMING INSPECTION CONDITIONS? YES NO BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF HOW FAILURE WAS ISOLATED TO COMPONENT ATTACHED 3.0 FIELD FAILURE FAILED AFTER HOURS OPERATION EsTIMATED FAILURE RATE _ _% 'PER 1000 HOURS END USER LocATION AMBIENT TEMPERATURE C MIN. C MAx. C RIlL. HUMIDITY % END USER FAILURE CORRESPONDENCE ATTACHED -- o o o TEsT CONDITIONS RELATING TO FAILURE TEsTER USED (MFGRIMODEL) TEsT TEMPERATURE TEsT TiME: CONTINUOUS TEsT ONE SHOT (T = _ _ SEC) o 0100% o o o o o o -- o 0 o o DESCRIPTION OF ANY OBSERVED CONDITION TO WHICH FAILURE APPEARS SENSITIVE: o 1. 0 DC FAILURES o OPENS 0 SHORTS 0 LEAKAGE 0 STRESS o POWER DRAIN 0 INPUT LEVEL 0 OUTPUT LEVEL o LIST OF FORCING CONDITIONS AND MEASURED -- o o o RESULTS FOR EACH PIN IS ATTACHED o POWER -SUPPLY SEQUENCING ATTACHED 2.0 -- -- AC FAILURES LIST FAIUNG CHARACTERISTICS ADDRESS OF FAIUNG LocATION (IF APPUCABLE) -- ATTACHED: o o LIST OF POWER SUPPLY AND DRIVER LEVELS (Include pictures of waveforms). o LIST OF OUTPUT LEVELS AND LOADING CONDITIONS o INPUT AND OUTPUT TiMING DIAGRAMS o DESCRIPTION OF PATTERNS USED ACTION REQUESTED BY CUSTOMER SPECIFIC ACTION REQUESTED IMPACT OF FAILED UNITS ON CUSTOMER'S SITUATION: --- CUSTOMER CONTACTS WITH SPECIFIC KNOWLEDGE OF REJECTS NAME POSITION PHONE 3.0 4.0 (If not standard patterns, give very complete description including address sequence). PROM PROGRAMMING FAILURES ADDRESS OF FAILURES PROGRAMMER USED (MFGIMODEL/REV. No.) PHYSICAUAssEMBLY RELATED FAILURES SEE COMMENTS BELOW 0 SEE ATTACHED o Additional Comments: FIGURE 2. PFAST ACTION REQUEST 8-8 Reliability • Data base for determining FIT Rates and Failures Mode trends used drive Continuous Improvement. Reliability Assessment and Enhancement At Harris Semiconductor, reliability is built into every product by emphasizing quality throughout manufacturing. This starts by ensuring the excellence of the design, layout, and manufacturing process. The quality of the raw materials and workmanship is monitored using statistical process control (SPC) to preserve the reliability of the product. The primary and ultimate goal of these efforts is to provide full performance to the product specification throughout its useful life. Product reliability is maintained through the following sources: Qualifications, In-Line Reliability Monitors, Failure Analys·is. Qualifications Qualifications at Harris de-emphasize the sole dependence on production product which is only available late in the development cycle. The focus is primarily on the use of test vehicles to establish design ground rules for the product and the process that will eliminate any wearout mechanisms during the useful life of the product. However, to comply with the military requirements concerning reliability, product qualifications are performed. (See Figure 5). In-line Reliability Monitors In-line reliability monitors provide immediate feedback to manufacturing regarding the quality of workmanship, quality of raw materials, and the ultimate reliability implications. The rudimentary implementation of this monitoring is the "First Line of Defense," which is a pass! fail acceptance procedure based on control charts and trend analysis. The second level of monitoring is referred to as the "Early Warning System" and incorporates wafer level reliability concepts for extensive diagnostic and characterization capabilities of various components that may impact the device reliability or stability. The quick feedback from these schemes allows more accurate correlation to process steps and corrective actions. • Major source of reliability data for customers. • Customers have used this data to qualify Harris products. Reliability Fundamentals Reliability, by its nature, is a mixture of engineering and probability statistics. This combination has derived a vocabulary of terms essential for describing the reliability of a device or system. Since reliability involves a measurement of time, it is necessary to accelerate the failures which may occur. This, then, introduces terms like "activation energy" and "acceleration factor," which are needed to relate results of stressing to normal operating conditions (see Table 1). Also, to assess product reliability requires failures. Therefore, only a statistical sample can be used to determine the model of the failure distribution for the entire population of product. Failure Rate Calculations Reliability data for products may be composed of several different failure mechanisms and requires careful combining of diverse failure rates into one comprehensive failure rate: Calculating the failure rate is further complicated because failure mechanisms are thermally accelerated at varying rates and thereby have differing accelerating factors. Additionally, this data is usually obtained a variety of life tests at unique stress temperatures. The equation below accounts for these considerations and then inserts a statistical factor to obtain the confidence interval for the failure rate. FIT= K 1=1 xM L j=1 Product/Package Reliability Monitors B= Reliability of finished product is monitored extensively under a program called Matrix I, II, III monitor. All major technologies are monitored. K= '"' of distinct possible failure mechanisms '"' of life tests being combined '"' of failures for a given failure mechanism 1= 1, 2, ... B Matrix 1- Has a higher sampling size and rate per week and uses short duration test, usually less than 48 hours to assess day to day, week to week reliability. High volume types are prevalent in this data. Stresses - Operating Life, Static Life and HAST. TA = +125 0 C to +200o C Matrix II - Longer duration test, much like requaliflcation. The sample sizes are reduced in number and frequency, yet meet or exceed the JEDEC Standard 29. Stresses Operating Life, Storage, THB, Autoclave, Temp Cycle, and Thermal Shock. Matrix III - Package specific test. Tests Solderability, Lead Fatigue, Physical Dimensions, Brand Adhesion, Flammability, Bond Pull, Constant Acceleration, and Hermeticity. Data from these Monitor Stress Test provides the following information: • RoUtine reliability monitoring of products by die technology and package styles. (BL Xi TOG) = Total device hours of test time (un accelerated) for Life Testj . AFij = Acceleration factor for appropriate failure mechanism 1 1, 2, ... K M= Statistical factor for calculating the upper confidence limit (M is a function of the total number of failures and an estimate ofthe standard deviation of the failure rates) = In the failure rate calculation, Acceleration Factors (AFij) are used to derate the failure rate from thermally accelerated Life Test conditions to a failure rate indicative. of use temperatures. Though no standard!! exist, a temperature of +55 0 C has been popular and allows some comparison of product failure rates. All Harris Semiconductor Reliability Reports will derate to +550 C at both the 60% and 95% confidence intervals. 8-9 oII~ >-::::i -.....cC-""cC I- - ::> ..... OW a: RELIABILITY FOCUS FLOW - PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT I PRODUCT DEFINITION REVIEW I • Assumes Process Development Required I CONCEPT REVIEW I • Evaluate Reliability Risks Factors • Attain CommitmentforTestVehicle(T.V.) Development I DESIGN REVIEW PART 1 l- • Review TestVehicle Development and Stress Test Plan • Review Package Requirements • Review Latent Failure'Mechanism History for Design Sensitivity and Elimination • Review Ground Rules for Design and Elimination of Wearout Mechanisms • Review Process Characterization, Ststistical Control & Capability which are Design Considerations I DESIGN REVIEW PART 2 • Review Test Vehicle Stress Results J • -Review Device Modeling & Simulations .- Review Process Variability & Producibility • Define Wafer Reliability Monitor Vehicles, Application of Early Warning System I LAYOUT REVIEW PART 1 ~ • Verify Wearout Mechanisms are Eliminated by Design & Process Control (Test Vehicle + SPC) • Evaluate Design of Chip to Package Risk Factors • Review Ground Rule Checks (ORCs) • Establish Reliability Test, Stress and Failure Analysis Capabilities. Project Failure Rate Based on T.V. Oats. I LAYOUT REVIEW 2 I EVALUATION REVIEW + I • Review Burn-In Diagrams for Production and Qualification I • Review Product Characterization to Data Sheet, ESD, Latch-up & DPA Results & Define Corrective Actions • Review Overall Qualification Plan & Begin.Balance of Life Test • Review of-Ufe Test Oats & Failure Mechanisms. Define Corrective Actions • Utilize Ststistical-Designof Experiments (DOX) if Required to Adjust Process or DeSign • Define Necessary Changes to Eliminate Any Systematic Failure Mechanism • .tf Mature Process - Grant GeReric Release '" I rI NEW PRODUCT TRANSFER MANUFACTURE • Qualification Requirements Complete and Presented. Meet FIT Rate Requirements I • Review Infant Mortality (I.M.) Burn-in Results. If Greater Than 1 % at 1250 C Determine I.M. Burn-in Requirements J- • Reliabiltiy Monitors: ~ Real Time Early Warning Wafer Level Reliability control ~ Real Time Reliability Control of Burn-in PDA with Control Charts ~ Add-On Life Testing: - Mil Std Group C & 0 - IndustriaVCommercial Life Testing \ I t-t SHIPMENT CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT I l- • Trend Analysisof Reliability Performance Used to Develop Product Improvements Special Studies • High Quality and Reliability Products to Harris Customers • Failure Analysis - Determine Assignable Cause of Failure • Closed Loop Corrective Action Process • Continuous Improvement Objectives In Product Reliability & Quality FIGURE 5. NEW PROCESS PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT AND LIFE CYCLE 8-10 Acceleration Factors The Acceleration Factors (AF) are determined from the Arrhenius Equation. This equation is used to describe physiochemical reaction rates and is an appropriate model for expressing the thermal acceleration of semiconductor failure mechanisms. AF= EXP [~G K '\ Tuse AF = Ea = K = -__1_) ] Both Tuse and Tstress (in degrees Kelvin) include the internal temperature rise of the device and therefore represent. the junction temperature. With the use of the Arrhenius Equation, the thermal Activation Energy (Ea) term is .a major influence on the result. This term is usually empirically derived and can vary widely. Tstress Acceleration Factor Thermal Activation Energy in eV from Table 8 'Boltzmann's Constant (8.62 x 10-5 eVfJK) TABLE 1. FAILURE RATE PRIMER GLOSSARY OF TERMS TERMS/DEFINITION UNITS/DESCRIPTION FAILURE RATE)" FIT - Failure In Time For Semiconductors, usually expressed in FITs. 1 AT - 1 failure in 109 device hours. Equivalent to 0.0001 %/1 000 hours FITs = x 109 xm Failures Represents useful life failure rate (which implies a .constant failure rate). * ::* Devices x * hours stress x AF FITs are not applicable for infant mortality or wearout failure rate expressions. m- Factor to establish Confidence Interval 109 - Establishes in terms of ATs AF - Acceleration Factor at temperature for a given failure mechanism MTTF - Mean Time To Failure Mean Time is measured usually in hours or years. For semiconductors, MTIF is the average ormean life expectancy ofadevice. 1 Year = 8780 hours If an exponential distribution is assumed then the mean time to fail of the population will be when 83% of the parts have failed. .' Wben working with a constant failure rate the MTIF can be calculated by taking the reciprocal of the failure rate. MTIF = 1/).. (exponential model) Example: =10 ATs at +550 C The MTIF is: MTIF = 1/).. = 0.1 x 109 hours = 100M hours CONFIDENCE INTERVAL (C. I.) Establishes a Confidence Interval for failure rate predictions. Usually the upper limit Is most significant in expressing failure rates. . Example: "10 FITs@a95%C.I. @ 550 C· means only that you are 95% certain the the FITs <10 at +550 C use conditions. o/l~ ~~ - <= .... < ::. - .... OW II: 8-11 Activation Energy To determillethe Activation Energy (Ea) ola mechanism (see Table 2) you must run at least two (preferably inore) teSts'ah:lifferent stresses (ternpetatur'e 'and/or Voltage): The stresses will prOvidethe:tlme' to failure (Tf) for the Jjol'ulatlonswhlch will allow the simultaneous solution for the Activation Energy by putting the experimental results into the following equations. In In Then, by subtracting the two equations, the Activation Energy becomes the only variable, as shown. data on all factors necessary to calculate ana verifY the reported ,failure rate (in FITs) using the methods"outlined in t,hl,s primer." " '" ' " ' ' Qualification Procedures New products are'r~liably'ilitrociucedto, maik~t by th~, proper use of design techniques and strict adherericeto process layout ground rules. Each design is reviewed from its concE1ption through early production to ensure compliance to minimum failure rate stand'ards. Ongoing monitoring of reliability performance,' is,' ,accomplished through compliance to 883C and standard, Quality Conforinancelnspection as defined In M'ethod '5005. New process/prOduct'qualifications haile, tWo major requirements Imposea. First is a check to verify the proper use of process methodology, design techniques, and layout ground rules. Second is a series of stress tests designed to Ea = K* ((In(tf1) - In(tf2))/(1/T1 - 1/T2)) accelerate failure mechanisms and demonstrate the The Activation Energy may be estimated by graphical reliability of Integrated circuits. analysis plots. Plotting In time and In temperature then provides a convenient nOI)1()gram that Ilolves(estlmates) the, From the earliest stages of a new prociuct's life, the ci~slgn phase, through layout, and in every step of the manufactur~ Activ~tIOr:1 Energy. ' ing~process; 'reliability Is an integral part of every Harris Table 3 is a summary for the L7 process. Semiconductor product. This kind of attention to detail All Harris Reliability Reports from qualifications and Group "from the ground up", is the re,ason, why our customerll can C1 (ali high temperature operati'm;), life tests) will provide the, expect the highest quality for any application. TABLE 2. FAILURE MECHANISM FAILURE MECHANISM ACTIVATION ':'NERQY " ,', SCREI;NING AND, TESTING METHODOLOGY Oxide Dl;lfects 0.3-0.5eV Hfgh temperatureoperilting life (HTOL) and , voltage stress. Defect denSity ~st vehicles. ,Silicon Defects (Bulk) CONTROL METHODOLOGY 0.3-0.5eV" , HTOL & voltage stress screens. Corrosion 0.45eV " Assembly Defects Electromigratlon - AI Line - Contact Vendor Stetistical ,Quality ,Control programs, and ' Ststlstical Process Control on thermal prOCess9ll. Highly accelerated stress tesing (HAST)' Passivation dopant control, hermetic seal control, improved mold compounds"and product handling. Temperature cycling, temperature and mechanical sho,ck, and environinental stresSing. Vendor Statistical Quality Control programs,' Statlstcal' ProceSs Control of assembly p~ocesses proper handling methods. TestVehlcle characterizations at highly elevated temperatures.. Design ground rules, wafer process statistical process steps, photoresist, metals and passivation Mask FAB comparator; print checks, defect density monitor in FAB, voltage stress test ahdHTOL. Cieani'oom control"clean mask"pel~lcIeS Statistical Process Control or photoresistfetch processes. " ," 0.5-0.7eV O.6eV: 0.geV Mask Defecls/ Photoresist Defects 0.7eV Contamination 1.0eV Statistical Process Control of oxide parameters, defect density control, and voltage stress testing. " C-V stress at oxide/interconnect,-wafer . FAB device stress test (EWS).and HTOL." ",' Charge Injection HTOL & oxide characterization. 1.3eV statistical Process cOntrol of C-V data, oxide! . interconnect cleans,hlgh integrity glassivatlon and clean assembly processes. Design ground rules, wafer level Statistical Process Control and critical dimensions for oxides. TABLE 3. HIGH TEMPERATURE OPERATING LIFE TEST SUMMARY GENERIC GROUP C-105-5 GROUP NAME Microprocessor and Peripherals PROCESS DESCRIPTION SAJICMOSL7 8-12 QUANTITY QUANTITY FAIWRE HOURS @125 0 C 1452 0 5.72E+06 FAILURE RATEFITa @55 0 C60%CI 2 Harris High Reliability Product Specification Highlights Harris Semiconductor is a leading supplier of high reliability integrated circuits to the military and aerospace community and takes pride in offering products tailored to the most demanding applications requirements. Our Manufacturing facilities are JAN-Certified to MIL-M-38510 and provide JAN-qualified and MIL-STD-883 compliant products as standard data book items. This DSP Data Book contains detailed information on high-reliability integrated circuits presently available from Harris Semiconductor. The intent of the /883 data sheet is to provide to our customers a clear understanding of the testing being MIL-STD-883 performed in conformance with requirements. Additionally, it is our intent to provide the most effective and comprehensive testing feasible. Document Control Harris has established each of the /883 data sheets as an internally revised controlled document. Any product revision or modification must be approved and signed-.off throughout the manufacturing and engineering sections. Harris has made every effort to ensure accuracy of the information in this data book through quality control methods. Harris reserves the right to make changes to the products contained in this data book to improve performance, reliability and producibility. Each data sheet will use the printed date as the revision control identification. Contact Harris for the latest available specifications and performance data. /883 Data Sheet Highlights Each specific /883 data sheet documents the features, description, pinouts, tested electrical parameters, test circuits, burn-in circuits, die characteristics, packaging and design information. The following are notes and clarifications that will help in applying the information provided in the data sheet. Absolute Maximum Ratings: These ratings are provided as maximum stress ratings and should be taken into consideration during system design to prevent conditions which may cause permanent damage to the device. Operation of the device at or above the "Absolute Maximum Ratings" is not intended, and extended exposure may affect the device reliability. Reliability Information: Each /883 data sheet contains thermal information relating to the package and die. This information is intended to be used in system design for determining the expected device junction temperatures for overall system reliability calculations. Packaging: Harris utilizes MIL-M-38510, Appendix C for packages used for /883 products. The mechanical dimensions and materials used are shown for each individual product to complete each data sheet as a self contained document. D.C. and A.C. Electrical Parameters: Tables 1 and 2 define the D.C. and A.C. Electrical Parameters that are 100% tested in production to guarantee compliance to MIL-STD-883. The subgroups used are defined in MIL-STD-883, Method 5005 and designated under the provisions of Paragraph 1.2.1a. Test Conditions and Test Circuits are provided for specific parameter testing. Table 3 provides additional device limits that are guaranteed by characterization of the device and are not directly tested in production. Characterization takes place at initial device design and after any major process or design changes. The characterization data is on file and available demonstrating the test limits established. Table 4 provides a summary of the test requirements and the applicable MIL-STD-883 subgroups. Burn-In Circuits: The Burn-in circuits defined in the individual data sheets are those used in the actual production process. Burn-in is conducted per MIL-STD883, Method 101 5. Design Information Sections: Harris provides an additional Design Information Section in many of the data sheets to assist in system application and design. This information may be in the form of applications circuits, typical device parameters, or additional device related user information such as programming information. While this information cannot be guaranteed, it is based on actual characterization of the product and is representative of the data sheet device. O/l~ >--co ..IcC .. = cC- ::1..1 W C a: 8-13 r----f-"-"~~.;-,HighR:eliabUity Products,hlforrnation ......'-'. ;. .,~';"""',.....,-----, HarEis'·. High ,Reliability Products are' all prodiJced in" accordanoe" wit!1l military specifications and, standards, primarily' MIL.';'M;,3851 0 (General Specifications for Microoircuits)'cInd . MIL-STO-883 (Test Methods .and Procedures for Microelectronics). M]L-STO.,-883 contains test.methodsand proc~ures for various .electrical, mechanic.al and,' environmental tests.as well as requir.ementsfor screening; qualification and, quality conformance. inspection.' Method 5004 of MIL-STO-883 lists the 100% screening tests which are required for each qf t)1~.produ,c:t assural'1,~e, ~Iasses, d~fin~d;above. Following the devic8,screening, samples' are removed from the production lot(s) for Quality Conformance Inspection testing. This testing Is divided .intofour inspection ~roups: A,B, Gand O,whlch.areperformed at prescribed 'intervals per MIL-M-3851 0 to assure:the processes are ·in,control· and to ensure the continued quality level ·of the product being produced. ,":, Group A' electrical ilispection •..involves dynamic, static, functional and switching.tests'at maximum, minimum and room, operating· temperatures. Sample sizes' and specific tests 'performed depem::li ;.upon ·the' 'particular pro,duct assurance class chOsen., Eledtri!::ak test.· sampling': is performed on all subgroups as defined in MIL-STO-883" Method 50bS;' , .., . , . , . GrollP"C is oriented,toward.die integrity and consists of, operating life testing as defined· in MIL-STO.,,883;'Method 5005.:. Group 0 enilironinentart~~ting is p~ovi,ded to ~eritY die and. package reliability. Amoiig .. the,~roup.Dtes~; are leae:! integrity,' ~ermeticity,tetnpe'rature'cycling, thElrmal. and' rriec'h~nioefsh()~k, an~ !X'nsta~!aCceleratiori. " MIL-M-38510: requires that Group A and Group B inspection be Perf<;>rmea on each lot, while Group G inspection must be dgneevE!ry 311'10riths anll Group P every 6fT1ontiis to ,be in .compliance wiJh MIL-:M-3~p10 JAN rjlquir!lments. To ,limit the amo!;!n! ottesting, MIL -M-:3851 b allows the multitude of micro· circuits to pe grolip.ed by technology, commonly known as "generic families"'. Thus, one group C performed will cover all parts included In that generiq family, ,for three months.. For Group 0, whi9h is package related, although there, are some restrictions, olle Gr<,>up '0 p6rformed'on a 24;'pin ceramic'dual-in-'line packaged part will bover all devices. in the same package . . . ',' ." regardless' of the technology grpbp. ' .. "', ':' "",' " For MIL-STD.,883 products, Groups A and B are required oneliCh 10t,Groups G.and 0 are required eVery'52 weeks by generic die, family and package fabricated:.and manufactured from the same plant a!l·the ,die and .peck·age represented. ". .') Group B inspection includes tests. for. marking permimf;lnCy, .in~errial' 'visual and mechanical'cbrre«tness, bondsftength, apd solderabutty.lt isinterided to' provide assurance the absence of lot::to-Iotfabricafior, . and manufacturing variances. Group B tests are again defined". ,. in test Met"'od 5005. of 'ii:· " .",!i',' .' 8'-14 . . . - - - - - - - - - General Test Philosophy - - - - - - - - - - - , The general philosophy for test set development is to supply test software that guarantees the, high performance and quality of the products being designed and manufactured by Harris. The general final test set includes a guardbanded initial test program and a QA test program for the quality test step. Characterization software is an additional test program that parametrically measures and records the performance of the device under test. This test set is used to evaluate the performance of a product and to determine the acceptability of non-standard Source Control Drawings. BSPEC and RSPEC test programs are'custom final test programs written to conform to customer specifications. The general test development strategy' is to develop software using a "shell" programming technique which creates standard' test program flows, and reduces test development a~d execution tim'es. Statistically derived guardbands are utilized in the "shell" programs to null out test system variability. High performance hardware interface designs are' incorporated for maximized test effectiveness, and efficient fault graded vector sets are utilized for functional and AC testing. The initial step in generating the test set is the test vector generation. The test ve,ctors are the'binary stimulus applied to the device under test to functionally test the operation of the product. The vectors are developed against a behavioral model that is a software representation of the device functio~ality. The output of the behavioral model can be translated directly to ATE test vectors or prepared for CAD simulation. The philosophy' in the generation of' test vectors is to develop efficient fault graded patterns with a goal of greater than 90% fault coverage. There is no intent to generate a worst case or best case noise vector set. The intent is to maximize fault coverage through efficient vector use. Generally only' one vector set will be required to enable complete test cbversg,e within' a given test program. Exceptions to this would be vector generation to test certain identified critical AC speed paths or DC vectors for testing VIHNIL ,parameters. These vector sets typically will not increase fault.coverage and can not be substituted for fault graded vector sets. The ultimate goal for testing all /883 products is data sheet complianc;:y, thoroughness"and quality of testing. By taking this 'approach to test set generatiori, Harris is capable of supplying high performance semiconductors of the highest quality to the marketplace. Non-Standard Product Offerings Harris understandil the need for customer generated SoUrce Control Drawings with non-:standard parameter and/or screening requirements. A Customer Engineering Departmllnt is responsible for efficiently expediting your SCDs through a comprehensive review process. The Customer Engineering Group compares your SCD to ,its closest equivalent grade device type and works ciosely with the Product Engineer, Manufacturing Engineer, Design Engineer, or applicable individual to compare Harris' screening ability against your ,non-stam;!ard requirement(s). For product processed to non-standard requirements, a unique part,number suffix is assign e\'!. Harris shares theli1i1itary's objective to utilize standards wherever possible. We recOmmend usihg our /883 data sheet as the guideline for your SCD's. in instances where an available military specification or Harris /883 datasheet Is inappropriate, It is Harris' sincerest wish to work closely with the buyer in establishing an acceptable procurement document. For this reason, the customer is requesb3d to contact the nearest 'Harris Sales Office or Represehiative before finalizing the Source Control Drawing. Harris looks forward to working with 'the customer prior to implementation of the formal drawing so that both parties may create a mutually acceptable procurement document 8-15 Ie Handling,Procedures Harris, IC processes are designed to produce the most rugged products on the market. However, no semiconductor Is Imm1Jne fr.om'damage resulting from the sudden application of many' thousands of volts of static electricity. While the phenomenon of catastrophic failure of devices containing MqS transl~tors or ~apacltors Is well known, even bipolar circuits 9an be damaged by static discharge, with alterEid electrical properties and diminished reliability. None of ti,'ecommon IC interrial protection networks operate quickly enough to positively prevent damage. ' It is suggested that all semiconductors be handled, tested, and installed using standard "Mas hani:lling techniques" of proper grounding of personnel ancf, equipment. Part$ and subassemblies should not be in contact with untreated, plastic bags or wrapping material. High impedance IC inputs wjred to a P.C. connector should have Ii ,path to ground on the card. HANDLING RULES Since the introduction 'of integrated circuits with MOS structures and high quality junctions, a safe and effective means of handling these devices has been of primary importance. One method employed to protect gate' oxide structures is to incorporate Input protection diodes directly on the monolithic chip. However, there is no completely foolproof system of chip input prot8¢ion I'; existence in the indu$try. In addition, most compensation networks in linear circuits are located at, high impedance nodes, where protection networks would disturb normal circuit operation. H static discharge occurs at sufficient magnitude (2kY or more), some damage or degradation will usually occur. It has been found that handling equipment l!nd personnel can generate static potentials in exce$S of 10kV in a low humidity environment. Thus,.. it becomes necessary for additional measures to' be implemented to eliminate or reduce static charge. It is evident, therefore, that proper handling procedures or rules should be adopted. ---------, Elimination or reduction accomplished as follows: of static charge can be • Use statlc-fnle work stations. Static-dissipative mats on work benches and floor, connected to common point ground through a 1MO resistor, help eliminate static build-up and discharge. Do not use metallic surfaces. • Grounp all handling equipment. • Ground all handling personnel with a conductive bracelet through 1MO to ground (the 1MO resistor will prevent electroshock Injury to personnel). Transient product personnel should wear grounding heel Straps whEin conductive floorif\g is present • Smocks and clothing of certain insulating materials (notably nylon) should not be worn In areas where devices are handled. These materials, highly dielectric In nature, will hold, or ,aid In the generation of a static charge. Where they cannot be eliminated" ,natural materials, such as cotton should be used to minimize charge generation capacity. Conductive smocks are also available as an alternative. • Control relative humidity to as high a level as practical. 50% is generally considered sufficient. (Operations should cease If R.H. falls below 25%). • Ionized air blowers reduce charge build-up in areas where grounding is not possible or practical. • Devices should be ,in conductive static-shielded containers during all phases of transport. Leads may be shorted by tubular metallic carriers, conductive foam, or .foil. • In automated handling equipment, the belts, chutes, or other surfaces should be of conducting non-metal n:taterial. If this is not possible, Ionized air blowers or ionizing bars may be a good alternative. 8-16 ESO Handling Procedures Har.ris has developed a static control program that enables employees to detect problems generated by. static electricity whether on site, In transit, or in the field. Controlling the requirements, methods, materials, and training for static protection of our products is ongoing and updated with new developments in electrostatic prevention. Harris has responded with controls and procedures as part of dally operations to be followed in all areas. The challenge is to insure all electrostatic control procedures are followed throughout the system - from manufacturing through end' use. Unprotected integrated circuits can be destroyed or functionally altered by merely passing them through the electrostatic field of something as simple as Styrofoam'" or human contact Measures of Protection and Prevention When handling static sensitive devices, three standard procedures must be followed: 1. Prior to any handling of static-sensitive components, the individual must be properly grounded. 2. All static-sensitive components must be handled at static safeguarded work stations. 3. Containers and packing materials that are static-protective must be used when transporting all static-sensitive components. Controlling electrically conductive Items can be accomplished by bonding and grounding techniques. The human body is considered a conductor of electricity and is by far the greatest generator of static electricity. Personnel handling ICs must use con- ductive wrist straps to ground themselves. Simple body moves act like a variable capacitor, and can create static charges. In addition, conductive clothing is recommended for minimizing electrostatic build up. Static protective packaging prevents electric field from influencing or damaging ICs. An effective static-protective package exhibits three types of features: 1. Antistatic protection that prevents triboelectric or frictional charging, 2. Dielectric protection that Insulates discharging, and 3. Shielding or Faraday cage protection that prevents transient field penetration. Harris uses only packaging that exhibits all three features. Employees are required to adhere to tlie same static-protective packaging techiques during handling and shipment to assure device integrity is maintained. Special handling equipment (static-safeguarded work stations, conductive wrist straps, static-protected packaging, ionized air blowers) should be used to reduce damaging effects of electrostatic fields and charges. Ionized air blowers aid in neutralizing charges on nonconductors such as synthetic clothing, plastics, and Styrofoam'" . The blowers are placed at the work,site and in close proximity to the IC handling area, since nonconduqors do not lose or drain charges using normal .grounding techniques. Static-safeguarded work station is an area that is free from all damaging electricity, including people. To accomplish this, static on conductors and nonconductors must be controlled. By using wrist straps, static-protected work stations and static-protected containers, Harris product quality is maintained throughout the product cycle. CHAIR WITH GND (OPTIONAL) oIlf: .-. ...= >.... cc ccCfLU a: =. . R FIGURE 2. STATIC-SAFEGUARDED WOR!< STATION NOTE 1. All electrical equipment on the conductivelable top must be hard grounded and isolated from the table lop. 2.: Earth g,ou'nd is not computer ground or RF ground or any other IImH8d ground;· Styrofoam ~ is a trademark of Dow Chemical Corporation 8-17 Harris Semiconductor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- No. 52, --------------------- - -_ - - ------- . - - ------------------- ---- - -- ---- Harris Digital February 1989 ELECTROSTATIC DISCHARGE C.ONTROL A GUIDE TO HANDLlN,G INTEGRATED CIRCUITS This paper discusses methods and materials recommended for protection of ICs against ESD damage or degradation during manufacturing operations vulnerable to ESD exposure.Areas of concern include dice prep and handling, dice and package inspection, packing, shipping, receiving, testing, assembly and all operations where ICs are involved. All integrated circuits are sensitive to' electrostatic discharge (ESD) to some degree. Since the introduction of integrated, circuits with MOS structures and high quality junctions, safe and effective. means of handling these devices have.been of primary importance. If static discharge occurs at a sufficient magnitude, 2kV or greater, some.damage or degradation will usually occur. It has been found that handling eqUipment and personnel can generate static potentials In excess of 10kVin a low humidity environment; thus it becomes necessary for additional measures to be Implemented to eliminate or reduce static charge. Avoiding any damage or degradation by ESD when handling devices during the manufacturing flow Is therefore essential. ESD Protection and Prevention Measures One method employed to protect gate oxide structures is to incorporate input protection diodes directly on the monolithic ch ip. However, there is no completely foolproof system of chip Input protection in existence in the industry. In areas where ICs are being handled, certain equipment should be utilized to reduce the damaging effects of ESD. Typically, equipment such as grounded workstations, conductive'i.vriststraps, conductive floor mats, ionized air blowers and co~ductlve packaging materials are included in the IC handling environment. Any time an Individual intends to han'dle an IC, in any way, they must insure they have been grQunded, to .eliminate"circuit~.amage. In addition to. personnel grounding;'areas where work is being performed withlCs, should be equippedwith an ionized air blower, Ionized air blowers force positive and negative ions simultaneously over the work area so that· any nonconductors that are near the work surface would ,have their static charge neutralized before it would cause device damage or degradation. . Relative humidity in the work area should be maintained as high as practical. When the work environment Is less than 40% RH, a static build-up condition can exist on nonconductor!; allowing stored charges to remain near the ICs causing possible static el~tricity discharge to ICa. Integrated circuits that are being shipped or transported require special handling and packaging materials to eliminate ESD damage. Dice or packaged devices should be in conductive carriers during all phases of transport and handling. Leads of packaged' devices can be shorted by tubular metalic carriers, conductive foam or foil. Do's and Don'ts for. Integrated Circuit Hail dling , Do's Do keep paper; nonconductive plastic, plastic foams and films or cardboard off the static controlled conductive bench top. Placing devices,.Ioadedsticks or loaded burn-in boards' on top of any of these materials effectively insulates them from ground and defeats the purpose of the static controlled conductive surface. Do keep hand creams and food away from static controlled conductive work surfaces. If spilled on the bench top, these '.' materials will contaminate and increase the resistivity of the work area.. Do be especially carlilful when using soldering guns around conductive work surfaces. Solder spills and heat from the gun may melt' and damage the ,conductive mat. Do check the grounded wrist strap connections daily. Make Grounding personnel can, practically, be performed by two certain they are snugly .fitted· before ~tarting!l{.ork with the methods. First, grounded wrist straps which are usually product. made of a conductive material,such as Velostat or metal. A resistor value of 1 megohm (1/2. watt); in series with the Do put on grounded wrist strap before touching; any destrap to ground completes a discharge path for ESD'when . vices, This drains off any static build-up from the operator.. the operator wears the strap in contact with the skin. Anoth- Do know the ESO caution symbols. " er method Is to Insure direct phySical contact with a Do remove devices or loaded sticks from. shielding bags grounded, conductive work surface. only when grounded vIa wriststrap at grounded work staThis consists of a conductive surface like VEllostat, covering tion. This also applies when .loading or removing devices the work area. The surface is connected to a 1 megohm from the antistatic sticks or the loading on or removing from the burn-in boards. (1/2 watt) resistor In series with ground. Copyright @ HarriS Corporation 1989 8-18 Tech Brief 52 Do wear grounded wrist straps in direct contact with the bare skin - never over clothing. driver circuits when not grounded. This also applies to burn-in programming cards containing ICs. Do use the same ESD control with empty burn-in boards as with loaded boards if boards contain permanently mounted ICs as part of driver circuits. Don't unload stick on a metal bench top allowing rapid discharge of charged devices. Do insure electrical test equipment and solder irons at an ESD control station are grounded and only uninsulated metal hand tools be used. Ordinary plastic solder suckers and other plastic assembly aids shall not be used. Do use ionizing air blowers in static controlled areas when the use of plastiC (nonconductive) materials cannot be avoided. Don'ts Don't allow anyone not grounded to touch devices, loaded sticks or loaded burn-in boards. To be grounded they must be standing on a conductive floor mat with conductive heel straps attached to footwear or must wear a grounded wrist strap. Don't touch the devices by the pins or leads unless grounded since most ESD damage is done at these points. Don't handle devices or loaded sticks during transport from work station to work station unless protected by shielding bags. These items must never be directly handled by anyone not grounded. Don't use freon or chlorinated cleaners at a grounded work area. Don't wax grounded static controlled conductive floor and bench top mats. This would allow build-up of an insulating layer and thus defeating the purpose of a conductive work surface. Don't touch devices or loaded sticks or loaded burn-in boards with clothing or textiles even though grounded wrist strap is worn. This does not apply if conductive coats are worn. Don't allow personnel to be attached to hard ground. There must always be 1 megohm series resistance (1/2 watt between the person and the ground). Don't touch edge connectors of loaded burn-in boards or empty burn-in boards containing permanently mounted Don't touch leads. Handle devices by their package even though grounded. Don't allow plastic "snow or peanut" polystyrene foam or other high dielectric materials to come in contact with devices or loaded sticks or loaded burn-in boards. Don't allow rubber/plastic floor mats in front of static controlled work benches. Don't solvent-clean devices when loaded in antistatic sticks since this will remove antistatic inner coating from sticks. Don't use antistatic sticks for more than one throughput process. Used sticks should not be reused unless recoated. Recommended Maintenance Procedures Daily: Perform visual inspection of ground wires and terminals on floor mats, bench tops, and grounding receptacles to ensure that proper electrical connections via 1 megohm resistor (1/2 watt) exist. Clean bench top mats with a soft cloth or paper towel dampened with a mild solution-of detergent and water. Weekly: Damp mop conductive floor mats to remove any accumulated dirt layer which causes high resistivity. Annually: Replace nuclear elements for ionized air blowers. Review ESD protection procedures and equipment for updating and adequacy. Static Controlled Work Station The figure below shows an example of·a work bench properly equipped to control electro-static discharge. Note that the wrist strap Is connected to a 1 megohm resistor. This resistor can be omitted in the setup. if the wrist strap has a 1 megohm assembled on the cable attached. R I WRIST STRAP GROUND LEAD IS ATTACHED TO CONDUCTIVE BENCH TOP ... .r->. CONDUCTIVE WRIST STRAP CONDUCTIVE BENCH TOP _ 1///////// ESD WARNING SYMBOlS ' R L....r-....----~...,_J r1 CONDUCTIVE FLOOR MAT R R = 1 MEGOHM 8-19 ~~ = c .... .... a: I GROUND, I.e. COLD WATER PIPE OR EQUIVALENT ~~ -cC _ca .... cC i ,," PACKAGING AND ORDERING INFORMATION PAGE PACKAGING AVAILABILITY... . ... ........... .. ......... .. . ... ... .. . .... ... ... ...... ..... .. ... .. 9-2 PACKAGE OUTLINES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-3 ORDERING INFORMATION ..................................................................... 9-9 o!I~ z c::I ==(; c::IZ < :x:: a:: .... w eeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeK ee eee eeJ ee eeH eee eeeG eee eeeF eee e e e E· ee / ee 0 ee® eee ee C eeeeeeeeeeeB .100 sse INDEX PIN eeoeeeeee~A 9 10 11 L L .080 .120 .003 MIN NOTE: All Dimensions Are Min ,Dimensions Are In Inches. Max T4 145 PIN GRID ARRAY (PGA) 1.560 1.590 SEATING PLANE .120 14O --------1 1B1~0 ------~ 1.400 1.560 1.590 sse .tJQlU; .003 MIN & INCREASE MAXIMUM LIMIT BY .003"' WHEN SOLDER DIP OR TIN PLATE LEAD FINISH APPLIES. 2. ACTUAL STANDOFF' CONFIGURATION MAY VARY, STANDOFFS SHOULD BE LOCATED ON THE PIN MATRIX DIAGONALS. 3. THERE MUST BE AN Al CORNER IDENTiFIER ON BOTH TO? AND BOTTOM SURFACES. 10 TYPE IS OPTIONAL AND MAY CONSIST OF NOTCHES. METALLIZED MARKINGS OR OTHER FEATURES. NOTE: All Dimensions Are Min . Dimensions Are In Inches. Max 9-7 Package 0 utlines Z1 -'---"-------'------'--~ CERAMIC QUAD FLATPACK I 810 -,- 1,850 L..Ul"! • 105 .320_ .360 1.167 MAX , .050 Bse 1 J t .012 MIN ~ 1.1 1.1 L '''--( MIN t-' .070 _ .090 ' ,SPEED $,CREENING -45;-55 G C -55 G M -55, -65, -75 J C -35,-45 G C -35,-45 G M -45,-60 J C -15, -25, -33 G 'c -15, -25, -33 G M -15,-25 J C -20, -25, -30 G C ,-20, -25 ..,,30 G M -20,-25 J C -20, -25, -30 G C -20, -25, -30 G M -20,-25 1883 a M -20,-25 1883 P C -33, -40,-SO S C -33, -40, -50 1883 1883 1883 1883 " HSP45102 HSP45106 HSP45116 HSP45240 HSP489Q1, .", J C -25, -33, -40 G C -25, -33, -40 G M -25,-33 G C -15, -25, -33 G M -15,":25 J C -33, -40, -50 G C -33, -40, -50 G M -33,-40 J C -20',-30 G C -20,~30' J C -20,':32 G C -20,-32' G M -20,-27 J C -25,-30 TEMPERATURE PACKAGE SPEED HSP9520/21 C P,S ISP9520/21 C PX,SX HSP48908 HSP9501 DEVICE TYPE 9-10 188'3 1883 1883 1883 SCREENING [O)~-------t SALES OFFICE INFORMATION A complete and current listing of all Harris Sales, Representative and Distributor locations worldwide is available. Please order the "Harris Sales Listing" from the Literature Center (see page i). HARRIS HEADQUARTER LOCATIONS BY COUNTRY: U.S. HEADQUARTERS Harris Semiconductor 1301 Woody Burke Road Melbourne, Florida 32902 TEL: (407) 724-3000 EUROPEAN HEADQUARTERS Harris Semiconductor Mercure Centre Rue de la Fusse 100 1130 Brussels, Belgium TEL: (32) 2-246-21.11 SOUTH ASIA Harris Semiconductor H.K. Ltd 13/F Fourseas Building 208-212 Nathan Road Tslmshatsui, Kowloon Hong Kong TEL: (852) 3-723-6339 NORTH ASIA Harris K.K. Shinjuku NS Bldg. Box 6153 2-4-1 Nishi-Shinjuku Shinjuku-Ku, Tokyo 163 Japan TEL: (81) 03-3345-8911 HARRIS TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE AVAILABILITY: UNITED STATES CALIFORNIA Costa Mesa •.............. 714-433-0600 San Jose .................. 408-922-0977 Woodland Hills ............ 818-992-0686 FLORIDA Melbourne ................ 407-724-3576 GEORGIA Norcross .................. 404-246-4660 ILLINOIS Itasca .................... 708-250-0070 MASSACHUSETTS Burlington .•.............. 617-221-1850 NEW JERSEY Mt. Laurel ................. 609-727-1909 Rahway ................... 201-381-4210 TEXAS Dallas .................... 214-733-0800 FRANCE Paris ..................... 33-1-346-54090 GERMANY Munich ................... 49-8-963-8130 INTERNATIONAL ITALY Milano .................... 39-2-262-22127 JAPAN Tokyo .................... 81-03-3345-8911 SWEDEN Stockholm ................ 46-8-623-5220 U.K. Camberley ................ 44-2-766-86886 .", loLl U ;:;: .... Q .", loLl 10-1 ~

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