1991_National_FDDI_Handbook 1991 National FDDI Handbook
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42 2,0) ! \ t 8!:r. :::10 ~::::J ~e!. /1 l\ II --- FODI DATABOOK 1991 Edition FOOl Overview DP83200 FOOl Chip Set Development Support Application Notes and System Briefs Appendix/Physical Dimensions iii •• • III TRADEMARKS Following is the most current list of National Semiconductor Corporation's trademarks and registered trademarks. ABiCTM Abuseable™ Anadig™ ANS-R-TRANTM' APPSTM ASPECTTM Auto-Chem Deflasher™ BCPTM BI-FETTM BI-FETIITM BI-LiNETM BIPLANTM BLCTM BLXTM BMACTM Brite-Lite™ BSITM BTLTM CDDTM CheckTrack™ CIMTM CIMBUSTM CLASICTM Cloc~ChekTM COMBO'Chek™ MenuMaster™ Microbus™ data bus MICRO-DACTM p.talker™ Microtalker™ MICROWIRETM MICROWIRE/PLUSTM MOLETM MPATM MSTTM Naked-8™ National® National Semiconductor® National Semiconductor Corp.® NAX800TM Nitride PIUS™ Nitride Plus Oxide™ NMLTM NOBUSTM NSC800TM NSCISETM NSX-16TM NS-XC-16TM NTERCOMTM NURAMTM OXISSTM p2CMOSTM PC Master™ Perfect WatchTM Pharm~ChekTM PLANTM PLANARTM PLAYERTM Plus-2TM Polycraft™ POSilinkTM POSitaiker™ Power + Control™ POWERplanar™ QUAD3000TM QUIKLOOKTM RATTM RTX16TM SABRTM Scripl>'Chek™ SCXTM SERIESI800™ Series 900TM Series 3000TM Series 32000® Shelf,.....ChekTM Simple Switcher™ SofChekTM SONICTM SPIRETM Staggered RefreshTM STARTM StarlinkTM STARPLEXTM Super-Block™ SuperChipTM SuperScript™ SYS32TM TapePak® TDSTM TeleGate™ The National Anthem® Time,.....ChekTM TINATM TLCTM Trapezoidal™ TRI-CODETM TRI-POLYTM TRI-SAFETM TRI-STATE® TURBOTRANSCEIVERTM VIPTM VR32TM WATCH DOGTM XMOSTM XPUTM Z STARTM 883B/RETSTM 883S/RETSTM ABELTM is a trademark of Data 1/0 Corporation. GAL® is a registered trademark of Lattice Semiconductor. IBM®, PC® and PC-AT c..> x x '" '" Z '">ti () !;( 6x w '" >° I c ~ PLAYER TTlSD 25 LBD+ CLKDET 24 LBD- CRD EN 23 OSC FLTR+ DP83231 DATA+ DATA- 22 OSC FLTR- TTL SO, 21 DIF AMP ClK OET TEST EN 10 20 OSC IN AVec 11 19 OSC OUT RXD :t lBD :t, ElB, CRD EN 18 III > ...'" ~ 0 C Z C Z '" c'" « () <.J ~ I C VI + c VI c..> > TL/F/103B4-2 Order Number DP83231AV See NS Package Number V28A TL/F/10384-4 FIGURE 2-2. DP83231 Pinout FIGURE 2-3. System Connection Diagram 2-7 .... C") N C") co a. C 3.0 Pin Descriptions Symbol Description Pin No. 1/0 DATA + , DATA- 8, 9 I DATA±: 4B/5B serial NRZI data inputs originating from a fiber optic receiver and presented for the purpose of resynchronization and clock recovery: These differential100k ECl compatible inputs are selected when the ElB input is at a logic low level. lBD+, lBD- 25, 24 I loopback Data±: 4B/5B serial NRZI data inputs originating from a local PLAYER device and presented for the purpose of station diagnostics. These differential 1Oak ECl compatible inputs are selected when the ElB input is at a logic High level. ElB 4 I Enable loopback: TTL compatible input which selects between the DATA ± inputs or the lBD ± inputs. The lBD inputs are selected when the ElB" pin is at a logic High level and the DATA inputs when at a logic low level. ClKDET 6 0 Clock Detect: CMOS output used to indicate that the chip has detected the presence of a continuous data frequency greater than 3.0 MHz. A logic High level on the output will indicate that valid input data has been detected. CRDEN 7 I CRD Enable: TTL compatible input which directs the differential charge pump outputs to either operate the crystal oscillator at the center of its operating range or to track out the VCO phase errors in the second PlL. The CRD EN input will reset the ClK DET function and will force the oscillator to the center of its operating range when at a logic lOW level and will allow normal Pll tracking operation when at a logic High level. Deassertion of the CRD EN input will momentarily stop the VCO. OSCFlTR+, OSCFlTR- 23, 22 0 Oscillator Filter ± : The differential charge pump up and down outputs which are part of the second PlL. A three element filter should be connected to each of these pins which consists of one capacitor in parallel with a resistor and another capacitor to ground. These outputs are driven to their maximum upper operating level when the CRD EN pin is at a logic lOW level or when valid data frequencies are not recognized at the data inputs. DIFAMP OUT 21 0 Differential Amplifier Output: The differential amplifier output associated with the second Pll which is used to adjust the frequency of the external crystal. OSC_IN, OSC_OUT 20, 19 I Oscillator Input and Output: The terminals for the crystal oscillator which require connection of , the crystal tank circuit, varactors, and capacitors. RXC+, RXC- 3, 2 0 Receive Clock: Differential 1OOK ECl receive clock outputs which operate at 125 MHz synchronized to the selected inputs (NRZI DATA ± or lBD ±) when valid line state data is present. When valid line state data is not present these outputs continue to operate at a nominal frequency of 125 MHz ± 12 kHz. These outputs should be terminated externally with a conventional ECl 500. equivalent load. RXD+, RXD- 27, 26 0 Receive Data: Differential 1OaK ECl received data outputs which provide a resynchronized equivalent of the selected NRZI DATA or lBD inputs. The received data output transitions occur concurrent with the falling edge of the RXC ± output. These outputs should be terminated externally with a conventional ECl 500. equivalent load. VCOFlTR 13 0 VCO Filter: low pass filter associated with the first PlL. A three element filter should be connected to this pin which consists of one capaCitor in parallel with a resistor and another capaCitor to ground. SD+, SD- 18, 17 I Signal Detect: Differential inputs to a 1OaK ECl to TTL translator intended for conversion of the fiber optiC receiver's ECl Signal detect to TTL for a player device. The inputs are used in the test modes as inputs for single stepping and gating the VCO. TTlSD 5 0 TTL Signal Detect: Intended to be a Signal detect output in TTL format for use by the PLAYER chip. TEST EN 10 DVcc 16 I Test Enable: CMOS input which enables the test functions. This input must be at a logic low level in normal operation. Digital Vee: Positive power supply for most of the internal logic circuitry intended for + 5V operation ± 5% relative to ground. Bypass capaCitors should be placed as close as possible across the DVcc and DGND pins. DVcc, AVec and EXTVcc should be tied together through chokes. -"- 2-8 C 3.0 Pin Descriptions "C CO (Continued) W I\) Symbol Pin No. W ...... Description I/O EXTVee 28 External Vee: Positive power supply for all the input and output buffers intended for + 5V operation ± 10% relative to ground. Bypass capacitors should be placed as close as possible across the EXTVee and EXTGND pins. DVee, AVec and EXTVee should be tied together at the device pins through chokes. DGND 15 Digital Ground: Power supply return for the internal circuitry. DGND. AGND and EXT GND pins should be tied together. EXTGND 1 External Ground: Power supply return for the input and output buffers. DGND, AGND and EXT GND pins should be tied together. AVec 11 Analog Vee: Positive power supply for the critical analog circuitry intended for + 5V operation ± 5 % relative to ground. Bypass capacitors should be placed as close as possible across the AVec and AGND pins. DVee, EXTVee and AVec should be tied together through chokes. AGND 14 Analog Ground: Power supply return for the critical analog circuitry. DGND, EXTGND and AGND pins should be tied together. VCOBIAS 12 I VCO Bias: TTL compatible input that sets the nominal frequency for the VCO by the selection of the resistor value between this input and AVec. A 30 kD value for this resistor will provide nominally 125 M Hz on the RXC outputs. 4.0 Electrical Characteristics ECL Signals Output Current 4.1 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/Distributors for availability and specifications. Storage Temperature - 65°C to + 150°C TTL Signals Inputs Outputs -20 rnA Supplies EXTVee to EXTGND DVeetoDGND AVec to AGND -0.5Vto +7V -0.5Vto +7V -0.5Vto +7V ESD Susceptibility 5.5V 5.5V 2000V 4.2 RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Units 4.75 5 5.25 V VeetoGND Power Supply VIH High Level Input Voltage TTL 2.0 ECl Vee- 1.165 Vee - 0.880 low level Input Voltage TTL Vee - 1.810 Vee - 1.475 IOH High Level Output Current TTL Outputs (Note 1) -0.4 rnA IOl low Level Output Current TTL Outputs (Note 1) 4.0 rnA FVCO VCO Frequency Vil ECL FXTL Crystal Frequency TA Operating Temperature Note 1: TTL outputs include Eel outputs include V 0.8 250 MHz 10.416667 0 elK DET and TTLSD. RXC± and RXD±. 2-9 25 V MHz 70 °C • 4.0 Electrical Characteristics (Continued) 4.3 DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Symbol Conditions Parameter VIC Input Clamp Voltage liN = 18mA VOH High Level Output Voltage TTL Outputs: IOH = -400/LA VOL Low Level Output Voltage ECL Outputs: 50n Load to Vee - 2V Min II Max High Level Input Current TTL Inputs: VIN = 7V IIH High Level Input Current TTL Inputs: VIN = 2.7V IlL Low Level Input Current TTL Inputs: VIN = 0.4V Ifilter Charge Pump Current Source Units V VCC- 2 V Vee - 880 mV 0.5 V Vee - 1620 mV 100 /LA -20 20 /LA -20 20 /LA -0.3 -0.7 mA 0.3 0.7 mA -500 500 nA Vee - 1025 TTL Outputs: IOL = 4 mA ECL Outputs: 50n Load to Vee - 2V Max -1.5 Vee - 1810 Sink TRI·STATE'" Supply Current 180' mA ICC 'Includes 60 mA due to external EOl termination of two differential Signals. For lOOk EOl output buffers, output levels are specHied as: VOH--",ax = Vee - 0.88V VOLmax = Vee - 1.62V Since the outputs are differential, the average output level Is Vee - 1.25V. The test load per output is son at Vee - 2V. The external load current through this 50n resistor is thus: Uoad = [(Vee - 1.25) - (Vee - 2)1/50A = 0.015A = 15 rnA There are 2 pairs of differential EOl signals, so lhe total EOl current is 60 mA. 4.4 AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Symbol Parameter Conditions Tl Phase Difference T2 RXC Pos. Pulse Width (Note 1) T3 CLKDETTime CRD EN Neg. Pulse Width = 1 /Ls (Valid DATA ± Present) T4 Valid Data Time CROEN = High Note 1: These parameters are not tested, but are assured by correlation with characterization data. 2·10 Min Max Units -2 2 ns 3 5 ns 100 /Ls 100 /Ls ,----------------------------------------------------------------------, c ~ 4.0 Electrical Characteristics (Continued) Co) ... N TYPICAL WAVEFORMS Co) RXD RXC /-T3 elK DET DATA :t: elK DET TLlF/l0384-5 FIGURE 4-1. DP83231 Timing Waveforms DATA CD CRD EN -----' ------------------------~ LJ ~ RXC r m TEST EN or DATA RXC DIF AMF fII In lock ~\----------------________~ln~l~oc~k_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _r \ Centor Tuning Vollago TL/F/l0384-6 FIGURE 4-2. Typical Waveforms 2-11 ~ CO) C"I CO) eX) r----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, 4.0 Electrical Characteristics (Continued) a. Q DATA + (Bit shift shown) RXD + RXC + DATA + 1 __ 0 (Logic Value) • --r- o • o ~ OP83231 Ganal1ltad BR Capture Windows Nominal Window Cantor / . (M.an Bit Position) Window Truncation Window Truncation Id ••1 Window Width. tw = Tvco = 8 ns - - - - i.. TLlF/l0384-7 FIGURE 4·3. Synchronization Window iI ~~1 i1 7Pf 10kn 27pf H AGND 240 kn GND 2.2kn 15pf +5V 330pf 150pf R=1.6Zo OSC flTR ClK Olff. OSC AMP OUT ose veo IN R= 1.6Zo _-+---+ flTR RXO+t---..... DEl R=2.6Zo R=2.6Zo TTLSD ElB DP83231 +5V DATA :t lBD i R = 1.6 Io R=1.6Io SO i EXT DGND GND VCO BIAS AGNO CRD EN ---+ R X e : t - - - - t -.... R=2.6Io R=2.6Io Zo Is the line impedance 30kn TLlF/l0384-8 All component values ± 5%. FIGURE 4·4. General Wiring Diagram 2·12 r----------------------------------------------------------------------.c ;g 5.0 Detailed Information Co) Capacitance: Crystals C5400N 800A-A-10.41667-32 Frequency Calibration: ± 20 PPM ± 20 PPM Aging: < Pull ability: either a ;"0.021 • The crystal, asc FLTRs and the vca FLTA circuitries should be connected to Ground on isolated branches off of the DGND pin. If using a multilayered board with dedicated Vee and Ground planes ensure that for the ground plane that the ceramic resonator, asc FLTRs and the vca FLTR circuitries have their own small isolated islands that are connected to the DGND and AGND pins as described above. ±10 PPM motional capacitance of or • The DVee and AVec pins should be connected to Vee on an isolated branches off of the EXTVee pin, preferably being connected through a ferrite bead or a small inductor. a change of at least 100 PPM when the CL is changed from 32 pF to 18 pF and a change of -100 PPM when the CL is changed from 32 pF to 50 pF. • The DGND and AGND pins should be connected to GND on an isolated branches off of the EXTGND pin. Connection to the ground plane should be made only at the EXTGND pin. Varactors • Manufacturer: Alpha Industries (617) 935-5150 Part#: 30 pF • No TTL logic lines should pass through the crystal asc FLTAs or vca FLTR circuitry areas to avoid the possibility of noise due to crosstalk. 10.41667 MHz Load Capacitance, CL: 32 pF Frequency Stability (0·C-70·C): < • The part should be bypassed between the EXTVee and EXTGND as close to the chip as possible (preferably under the chip using chip caps). The part should also be bypassed between the DVee and DGND and the AVec and AGND as close to the chip as possible. Key Specifications: Center Frequency: Vr = 1V: C > 85 pF Vr = 4V: 15 pF < C 5.2 LAYOUT RECOMMENDATIONS • Manufacturer: Standard Crystal Corporation (818) 443-2121 Part#: Co) @ @ • Manufacturer: Nel Frequency Controls (414) 763-3591 Part#: N .... Key Specifications: 5.1 SPECIAL EXTERNAL COMPONENTS DKV651 0-71 Connection to Ground plane or exlernal Ground Conneclion 10 Vee plane or exlernal Vee Analog Area do not route TIL Logic signals Ihrough Ihls area. 4 1\ Analog :e: :o-n:1 ~O~I: - - - - - - - • TIL Logic signals Ihrough Ihls area. TL/F/l03B4-10 This drawing was done with convenience in mind. FIGURE 5-1. Recommended Layout 2-13 • .... ('I) ~ CD ~ 5.0 Detailed Information (Continued) 5.3 INPUT AND OUTPUT SCHEMATICS SD± - DATA±,LBD± ,---....--ovcc .....- - . - -.....- - - D VCC DGND DGND -= TlIF/l0S84-12 Tl/F/l0S84-11 DIFAMP OSCFLTR osc FLTR TLlF/l0S84-1S Tl/F/l0384-14 VCOFLTR OSCIN,OSCOUT . . . - - - - -....- - - D VCC p---veo FLTR DGND TL/F/l0S84-15 TlIF/l0S84-16 2-14 5.0 Detailed Information (Continued) 5.3 INPUT AND OUTPUT SCHEMATICS (Continued) CRDEN,ElB DVcc - TEST EN ....- - -....- - - - DVcc DGND _ TL/F/103B4-17 DGND TL/F/10384-1B RXC±,RXD± ClK DET, TTlSD EXTVCC DVcc RXC+. RXC-. RXD+, RXD- CLK DET, TTLSD TLlF/103B4-19 DGND TL/F/103B4-20 Typical ESD Structure TLlF/103B4-21 2-15 _ r------------------------------------------------------------------------------ C") ~ D- C 5.0 Detailed Information (Continued) 5.4 DEBUG PROCEDURE from the nominal value dependent on temperature and data rate frequency error. If this pin is oscillating then the OSC FLTR pins are unstable and the filters should be examined for possible PC board shorts, opens or instability. If the OIF AMP pin is near ground then check to see if the ELB input is selecting the correct data input. If the OIF AMP pin continues to be near ground or Vee, then the accuracy of the 62.5 MHz source should be examined to verify it is within the ± 3 KHz (50 PPM) FOOl system data rate specification. Evaluation of the OP83231 should begin by tying the CRO EN and TEST EN pins low and confirming that the SO ± pins are above 2V. This will disable the differential phase comparator allowing the crystal resonator to run at its center frequency and will keep the part out of a test mode. The first PLL (see Figure 5-2) should be evaluated. The variable capacitor in the crystal resonator circuitry should be tuned so that the crystal resonator oscillates at 10.41666 MHz. If the oscillator circuit fails to oscillate the voltage levels of the OSC IN and OSC OUT pins should be examined. The DC voltage on these pins should be equal to approximately Vee + 2 (with or without the crystal present). The capacitors which form the oscillator tank circuit should be returned to the isolated ground branch in close proximity. After checking the crystal frequency, examine the RXC ± output and verify that this frequency is twelve times the crystal frequency. If this is not true then the VCO FLTR output should be examined for possible PC board shorts, opens or filter instability. The VCO FLTR pin should be stable at approximately a 1.5V DC level in operation. OSC OSC In Out If the VCO FLTR pin is oscillating then the loop filter components for this pin were either chosen inappropriately or were placed in the incorrect position. Once it is known that the first PLL is working, force CRO EN high and input a constant 62.5 MHz ± 50 ppm (1T pattern) data stream to the OATA± inputs (see Agure 5-3). To see how well the second loop is working examine the OIF AMP pin. If the incoming data rate is exactly 62.5 MHz and the crystal resonator was accurately adjusted as described above, then the OIF AMP pin voltage should be stable at approximately 2.25V. The voltage at this pin will vary FLTR Test EN TUF/l03B4-22 FIGURE 5-2. 1st PLL CRD EN Data VCO RXC:t _ _...;:a,... OSC FLTR + Dill Amp :t Sync LBO :t and Delay Line ELB--.....I 1-_ _ _... RXD :t -~;.J....- - - - I Slmpllfled R~:t_~~+---------~--------------------i 1st PLL (VCO) TUF/l03B4-23 FIGURE 5·3. 2nd PLL 2-16 r----------------------------------------------------------------------.c 5.0 Detailed Information "'U ~ (Continued) N .... 5.5 AC TEST CIRCUITS (0) 5V -.1.0 kll TLlF/l03B4-25 FIGURE 5·5. Switching Test Circuit for All ECl Input and Output Signals TLlF/l03B4-24 FIGURE 5·4. Switching Test Circuit for All TTL Output Signals fII 2·17 ~National ~ Semiconductor DP83241 CDDTM Device (FDDI Clock Distribution Device) General Description Features The COD device is a clock generation and distribution device intended for use in FOOl (Fiber Distributed Data Interface) networks. The device provides the complete set of clocks required to convert byte wide data to serial format for fiber medium transmission and to move byte wide data between the PLAYERTM and BMACTM devices in various station configurations. 12.5 MHz and 125 MHz differential ECl clocks are generated for the conversion of data to serial format and 12.5 MHz and 25 MHz TTL clocks are generated for the byte wide data transfers. • Provides 12.5 MHz and 25 MHz TTL clocks • 12.5 MHz and 125 MHz ECl clocks • 5 phase TTL local byte clocks eliminate clock skew problems in concentrators • Intemal VCO requires no varactors. coils or adjustments • Option for use of High Q external VCO • 125 MHz clock generated from a 12.5 MHz crystal • External Pll synchronizing reference for concentrator configurations • 28-pin PlCC package • BiCMOS processing TO HOST SYSTEM DP83231 CRD (CLOCK RECOVERy) ~ TO FIBER OPTIC TRANSCEIVER PAIR FIGURE 1-1. FOOl Chip Set Block Diagram 2-18 TLlF/10385-1 ~--------------------------------------------------~c Table of Contents 1.0 FOOl CHIP SET OVERVIEW 5.0 DETAILED INFORMATION ~ Co) ~ .... 5.1 External Components 2.0 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION 5.2 Concentrator and Dual Attach Station Configurations 3.0 PIN DESCRIPTIONS 5.3 Layout Recommendations 4.0 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 5.4 Input and Output Schematics 4.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings 5.5 System Debugging Flowchart 4.2 Recommended Operating Conditions 5.6 AC Test Circuits 4.3 DC Electrical Characteristics 4.4 AC Electrical Characteristics • 2·19 _ "1:1' N CO) co a. C r---------------------------------------------------------------------~ DP83261 BMACTM Device Media Access Controller 1.0 FDDI Chip Set Overview National Semiconductor's FDDI chip set consists of five components as shown in Figure 1-1. For more information about the other devices in the chip set, consult the appropriate data sheets and application notes. The BMAC device implements the Timed Token Media Access Control protocol defined by the ANSI FDDI X3T9.5 MAC Standard. DP83231 CRDTM Device Clock Recovery Device Features • All of the standard defined ring service options • Full duplex operation with through parity • Supports all FOOl Ring Scheduling Classes (Synchronous, Asynchronous, etc.) The Clock Recovery Device extracts a 125 MHz clock from the incoming bit stream. Features • Supports Individual, Group, Short, Long, and External Addressing • PHY Layer loopback test • Crystal controlled • Clock locks in less than 85 • Generates Beacon, Claim, and Void frames internally '""S • Extensive ring and station statistics gathering DP83241 CDDTM Device Clock Distribution Device • Extensions for MAC level bridging • Separate management port that is used to configure and control operation From a 12.5 MHz reference, the Clock Distribution Device synthesizes the 125 MHz, 25 MHz and 12.5 MHz clocks required by the BSI, BMAC, and PLAYER devices. • Multi-frame streaming interface DP83265 BSITM Device System Interface DP83251/55 PLAYERTM Device Physical Layer Controller The BSI Device implements an interface between the National FDDI BMAC device and a host system. The PLAYER device implements the Physical Layer (PHY) protocol as defined by the ANSI FDDI PHY X3T9.5 Standard. Features • 32-bit wide Address/Data path with byte parity • Programmable transfer burst sizes of 4 or 8 32-bit words • Interfaces to low-cost DRAMs or directly to system bus Features • 4B/5B encoders and decoders • Provides 2 Output and 3 Input Channels • Framing logic • Elasticity Buffer, Repeat Filter, and Smoother • Supports Headerllnfo splitting • Efficient data structures • Line state detector/generator • Programmable Big or Little Endian alignment • Full Duplex data path allows transmission to self • Comfirmation status batching services • Link error detector • Configuration switch • Full duplex operation • Separate management port that is used to configure and control operation. • Receive frame filtering services • Operates from 12.5 MHz to 25 MHz synchronously with host system In addition, the DP83255 contains an additional PHY_Data. request and PHY_Data.indicate port required for concentration and dual attach stations. 2-20 2.0 Functional Description The CDD device clocks are all generated from and phase aligned to either a 12.5 MHz crystal oscillator or a TTL input reference source using digital phase locked loop techniques. The architecture of the Clock Distribution Device ensures that the output clocks which are generated have frequency tolerances identical to the 50 PPM crystal reference. When the reference input signal is a backplane signal, the matching of the phase comparator input path delays guarantees phase alignment within 3 ns. The phase locked loop generates the desired clocks as shown in the device Block Diagram. One of the local By1e Clock (lBC) phases is connected to the FEEDBK IN input of the phase comparator where its phase and frequency are compared against that of the selected input reference signal. Any phase error between these signals results in a correction of the voltage into the Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO) which is proportional to the amount of phase error. The correction voltage tends to drive the frequency of the VCO in the direction which, when divided down, minimizes the lBC to reference signal phase difference. When the phase transition of the lBC occurs before that of the reference input the VCO frequency is sensed as being too fast and produces a negative going correction to the VCO input. This in turn slows down the VCO's frequency and delays the subsequent lBC phase transitions. The device's differential 125 MHz ECl transmit clock and differential 12.5 MHz ECl load strobe are used by the PLAYER device to convert data from by1e wide NRZ format to serial NRZi format for fiber medium transmission. A 12.5 MHz TTL local by1e clock is provided for use by the PLAYER and the BMAC devices. Five phases of the local by1e clock are provided for use in large multi-board concentrator configurations to aid in cancelling out backplane delays. A 25 MHz local Symbol Clock (lSC) is provided which is in phase with the local by1e clocks and has a 40% HIGH and 60% lOW duty cycle. mon reference signal. The VCO SEl input provides the option to use the internally provided VCO or an external lC voltage controlled oscillator. Although the stability of the internal VCO should be adequate for most applications the external VCO option provides the means of obtaining the maximum possible oscillator Q. The PHASE SEl input pin provides the option of selecting whether the five phase lBC outputs are phase offset 36 degrees or 72 degrees (8 ns or 16 ns). The phase locked loop (Pll) elements, with the exception of the loop filter which consist of two capacitors and a resistor, are fully contained within the device. The internal VCO associated with the Pll has been implemented totally within the device and requires no external lC oscillator tank coils, capacitors, or varactors. The external VCO option does provide a means of using these conventional lC oscillator techniques if desired. Connection Diagram 28-Pin PlCC Package REFIN 5 LBCI XTLOUT LBC2 NC LBC3 DPB3241B XTtIN REFSEL LBC4 LBC5 FILTER 10 LSC VCORST 11 PHASESEL TLlF/l0385-25 The device provides three user-selectable features. The REF SEl input provides the option to lock the device's outputs to a crystal oscillator or to an external TTL signal (REF IN). The REF IN signal is particularly useful in concentrators where multiple boards need to be phase locked to a com- Order Number DP83241BV See NS Package Number V28A FIGURE 2-1. DP83241 Pinout Block Diagram XTL IN XTL OUT REF SEL INT Vee EXT Vee INT GND EXT GND SUB GND ...L...L...L...L...L - - - - - - REF IN FILTER FEEDBK IN VCO RST PHASE SEL II LSC XVCO IN XVCO INB veo SEL LBC5 LBC4 LBC5 LBC2 LOCI TBC TBC TXC TXC + - + - FIGURE 2-2. DP83241 Block Diagram 2-21 TLlF/l0385-3 3.0 Pin Descriptions Symbol Pin No. Desc'riptlon 110 DVee 16 Digital Vee: Positive power supply for all the internal circuitry intended for operation at 5V ± 5% relative to GND. A bypass capacitor should be placed as close as possible across the DVee and DGND pins. EXTVcc 28 External Vee: Positive power supply for all the output buffers intended for operation at 5V ± 5% relative to GND. A bypass capacitor should be placed as close as possible across the EXTVee and EXTGND pins. DGND 15 Digital Ground: Internal circuit power supply return. EXTGND 1 External Ground: Output buffer power supply return. AGND 14 Analog Ground: Substrate ground used to ensure proper device biasing and isolation. AVee 18 Analog Vee: Positive power supply for the critical analog circuitry, intended for + 5V operation ± 5% relative to Ground. A bypass cap should be placed as close as possible between AVee and AGND. XTLIN B XTLOUT 6 REF IN I External Crystal Oscillator Input: XTL IN can also be used as a CMOS compatible reference frequency input for the PLL. This input is selected when REF SEL is at a logical LOW level. The component connections required for oscillator operation are shown in the application diagrams. 5 I Reference Input: TTL compatible input for use as the PLL's phase comparator reference frequency input when the REF SEL is at a logic HI level. This input is for use in concentrator configurations where there are multiple CDD devices at a given site requiring synchronization. FEEDBKIN 4 I Feedback Input: TTL compatible input for use as the PLL's phase comparator feedback input to close the loop. This input is intended to be driven from one of the LBCs (Local Byte Clocks). This input is designed to provide the same frequency and within 2 ns of the same phase as REF IN when REF IN is in active operation. REFSEL 9 I Reference Select: TTL compatible input which selects either the crystal oscillator inputs XTL IN and XTL OUT or the REF IN inputs as the reference frequency inputs for the PLL. The crystal oscillator inputs are selected when REF SEL is at a logic LOW level and the REF IN input is selected as the reference frequency when REF SEL is at a logic HI level. FILTER 10 a Filter: Low pass PLL loop filter pin. A three element filter, consisting of one capacitor in parallel with a resistor and another capacitor, should be connected between this pin and ground. VCOSEL 17 I VCO Select: TTL compatible input used to select either the internal VCO or an external VCO through the XVCO IN and XVCO INB pins. The internal VCO is selected when the VCO SEL pin is at a logic HIGH level and the external veo is selected when at a logic LOW level. XVCOIN, XVCOINB 13, 12 I External VCO Inputs: Differential inputs for use with an external VCO. These inputs are D.C. biased to approximately one half Vee, and can be connected to either a full differential VCO, or a single-ended VCO. To use a Single-ended VCO, couple the signal into one of the inputs through a series low value capacitor and bypass the other input to GND through a 0.01 p.F capacitor. When not in use, ground one input, and let the other float. External Crystal Oscillator Output: XTL OUT is not intended for use as a logic drive output pin. 2-22 3.0 Pin Descriptions (Continued) Pin No. 110 VCORST 11 I VCO Reset: TTL compatible input used to reset the internal VCO on system power up. This input stops the VCO from oscillating when at a logic HI level thereby reinitializing each of the gates in the ring oscillator. TXC+. TXC- 3. 2 a Transmit Clock: lOOK ECL compatible differential outputs for use at 125 MHz as the fiber medium Transmit Clock (TXC) source for the PLAYER device. TBC+, TBC- 27, 26 a Transmit Byte Clock: lOOK ECL compatible differential outputs for use at 12.5 MHz as a load strobe or transmit byte clock by the PLAYER device to convert byte wide data to serial format for fiber medium transmission. These outputs are positioned to transition on the falling edge of the TXC + clock output to provide the maximum setup and hold margin. They are also phase coherent with the TTL LBCl output, but the phase transition occurs approximately IOns earlier. 25,24, 23,22,21 a Local Byte Clocks: TTL compatible local byte clock outputs which are phase locked to crystal oscillator reference signals. These outputs have a 50% duty cycle waveform at 12.5 MHz. The PHASE SEL input determines whether the five phase outputs are phase offset by 8 ns or 16 ns. LSC 20 a Local Symbol Clock: TTL compatible 25 MHz output for driving the BMAC device. This output's negative phase transition is aligned with the LBCl output transitions and has a 40% HI and 60% LOW duty cycle. PHASESEL 19 I Phase Select: TTL compatible input used to select either a 8 ns or 16 ns phase offset between the 5 local byte clocks. The LBC's are phase offset 8 ns apart when PHASE SEL is at a logic LOW level and 16 ns apart when at a logic HI level. Symbol LBCl thru 5 Description fII 2-23 4.0 Electrical Characteristics 4.1 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/Distributors for availability and specifications. - 65·C to + 150·C Storage Temperature TIL Signals Inputs -0.5Vto +5.5V Outputs -0.5Vto +5.5V ECL Signals Output Current Supplies EXTVee to EXTGND DVeetoDGND AVeeto AGND ESD Protection -50mA -0.5Vto +7V -0.5Vto +7V -0.5Vto +7V 1500V 4.2 RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Symbol Min Typ Max Units 4.75 5.0 5.25 V Parameter VeetoGND Power Supply VIH High Level Input Voltage Low Level Input Voltage Vil TTL 2.0 ECL Vee - 1.165 Vee - 0.880 Vee - 1.810 Vee -1.475 V TTL 0.8 ECl V IOH High level Output Current TTL Outputs (Note 1) -0.4 mA IOl low level Output Current TTL Outputs (Note 1) 8.0 mA Fveo VCO Frequency (lNT or EXT) 250 FREF Reference Input Frequency 12.5 Operating Temperature TA Note 1: TTL outputs Include lBC1, lBC2, lBC3, lBC4, lBe5 and lSC. 0 25 MHz MHz 70 ·C Max Units -1.5 V 4.3 DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Symbol Parameter Conditions Min = 18mA Vie Input Clamp Voltage liN VOH High level Output Voltage TTL Outputs: IOH = -400/LA EClOutputs: 50n load to Vee - 2V V Vee - 2 Vee -1025 = 8 mA Vee - 880 mV 0.5 V Vee - 1620 mV 100 /LA /LA low level Output Voltage TTL Outputs: IOl II Max High level Input Current TTL Inputs: VIN = 7V IIH High level Input Current TTL Inputs: VIN = 2.7V -20 20 III low level Input Current TTL Inputs: VIN = 0.4V -20 20 /LA IFilter Charge Pump Current Source -0.7 +0.7 mA 0.2 0.7 mA -250 250 nA VOL EClOutputs: 50n load to Vee - 2V Sink TRI·STATEIID Vee - 1810 mA Supply Current 170' lee 'Includes 60 mA due to external ECl termination of two differential signals. For tOOk ECl output buffers, output levels are specified as: VOH-Max ~ Vee - O.BBV VOL~ax ~ Vee - 1.62V Since the outputs are differential, the average output level is Vee - 1.25V. The test load per output is son at Vee - 2V. The extemalload current through this 500. resistor is thus: I_load [(Vee - 1.25) - (Vee - 2)]/50 Amps 0.015 Amps ~ 15mA There are 2 pairs of differential ECl Signals, so the total ECl current is 60 mAo ~ ~ 2·24 C "U 4.0 Electrical Characteristics (Continued) co Co) N 4.4 AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Symbol Parameter Tl TBCtoTXC T2 TBCto LBCl TPhase1 LBCl toLBC2 TPhase2 Conditions LBCl toLBC4 TPhase4 LBCl to LBC5 Max Units -1.5 1.5 ns 10 20 ns PHASE SEL = Low 3 13 ns PHASE SEL = High 43 53 ns ns (Note 1) LBCl to LBC3 TPhase3 Min PHASE SEL = Low 11 21 PHASE SEL = High 11 21 ns PHASE SEL = Low 19 29 ns PHASE SEL = High 59 69 ns PHASE SEL = Low 27 37 ns PHASE SEL = High 27 37 ns T3 LSCtoLBCl -4 6 ns T4 LSC Positive Pulse Width 12 19 ns T5 REF IN to FEEDBK IN In Lock (Note 1) -3 3 ns T6 TXC Positive Pulse Width (Note 1) 3.5 4.5 ns T7 LBC Positive Pulse Width 35 45 ns ..... ""'" Note 1: These parameters are not tested, but are assured by correlation with characterization data. r4~r;;;;.,-... TXC .....T6 ... ~~ TBC 50" • •• I-T2 LBCl --~~, 1.5V-'!\ '--~--- ~ ,r------ ..... 1.5V..., .... .... LBC2-5 50"2 T ... - - - - - - ' ..... Tphasel-4 i- Tphasel-4 ... -'\"1.5V ~C ,,,~ D-~ .'\o~-~-V---··· -l--r-4-+.-·. . 1.5V7~ T3- . 1 REf IN FEEDBK IN ,,,{~ f TL/F/l038S-4 FIGURE 4-1. AC Timing Waveforms 2-25 fII _ r----------------------------------------------------------------------, 'OS' C'I) 4.0 Electrical Characteristics (Continued) a. 4.4 AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Continued) N co Q TXC TBC j LBC1 J LBC2 ~ I LBC3 -_ ....... PHASE SEL IS LOW LBC4 ...;._ _ _~ L LBCS ......_ _ _ _~ LSC LBC1 J LBC3 -+-_....... L LBCS _ _ _ _ _..... PHASE SEL IS HIGH I LBC2 -;--,..._ _ _ _ _... '--__ LBC4 ~I TLlF/10385-5 FIGURE 4-2. Typical Clock Relationships 2-26 Loop Filter Calculations Let us now design an example system with the following characteristics: Several constants need to be known in order to determine the loop filter components. They are the loop divide ratio, N, the phase detector gain, Kp, the vce gain, Ko, the loop bandwidth, Wo, and the phase margin, cp. The constants Kp and Ko for the DP83241 are fixed at 80 ",Alrad and 0.8 GradlV respectively. N is equal to the vce frequency divided by the reference frequency. Wo is recommended to be less than 1/20th of the reference frequency (times 21T rads). Having found all these constants, the following equations are used to find the component values: For cp = 57' phase margin: • 12.5 MHz Crystal reference. • 250 MHz vce. Since the vce is twenty times the frequency of the reference frequency, we get N = 20. We will set Wo to be 1/30th of the reference frequency or 2.62 x 106 Rad. From these values we get: Cl = 1400 pF, C2 = 140 pF, and Rl = 9000. Let us now design an example system with the following characteristics: Rl = (1.1 N wo)/(Kp Ko) Cl = (3 Kp Ko)/(N wo2) C2 = (0.3 Kp Ko(l(N wo2) For a phase margin other than 57': Rl = (Cosec cp + 1)((N wo/2 Kp Ko)) Cl = (Tan cp) ((2 Kp Ko)/(N wo2)) C2 = (Sec cp - Tan cp) ((Kp Ko/(N wo2)) • 12.5 MHz Crystal reference. • 250 MHz External vee with a gain of 40 MRadlV. We will set Wo to be 1/78th of the reference frequency or 1.0 x 106 Rad. From these values we get: Cl = 470 pF, C2 = 47 pF, and Rl = 6.8 kn. FILTER PIN The component equations above are not meant to provide optimal solutions for all implementations. ::0 TL/F/l0365-27 2-27 ..... ..,. ~ CD ~ 5.0 Detailed Information 5.1 EXTERNAL COMPONENTS .-_-----+--. DGNO 9104 +5V 1000pr veo RST LSC R=I.6Zo R= 1.6 Zo R=2.6Zo R=2.6Zo TXC~ +5V PHASE SEL veo SEL - DP83241 +5V REr SEL GNO EXT LBC2- GNO LaC5 LBCI FE£OBK IN R= 1.6Zo R=I.6Zo R=2.6Z0 R=2.6Zo TBC~ - Zo Is the line Impedance TLIFII0385-6 The Filter components are based on a 12.5 MHz Crystal and a 250 MHz VCO. All component values ± I 0%. FIGURE 5·1. General Wiring Diagram 6.8K 470pr +5V DGNO 24pr +5V 47pr 5104 tOKQ +5V i--L----.J=~~:1.----.!.--.l---., XTL OUT XTL IN LSC R= 1.6Zo R= 1.6Zo R=2.6Zo R=2.6Zo +5V R= t.6Zo R=I.6Zo R=2.6Zo R=2.6Zo Zo Is the lint Impedance The Filter components are based on a 12.5 MHz Crystal and an external 250 MHz VCO with a gain of 40 MRadlV. All component values ±10%. FIGURE 5·2. General Wiring Diagram with an External VCO 2·28 TLlF110385-7 r-----------------------------------------------------------~c "'U CD 5.0 Detailed Information (Continued) Co) I\) 0l:Io ..... TABLE 5·1. Special External Components Crystal Resonator: Part #: Manufacturer: Key Specifications: C5410N NEL 12.5000 MHz Center Frequency, 20 PPM Accuracy, O·C to + 70·C 15 pF Load Capacitance Varactor Diode: Part#: Manufacturer: Key Specifications: MV21 05 Motorola Cap Tolerance ± 10% VHF NPN Transistor: Part#: Manufacturer: Key Specifications: PN3563 National Semiconductor Inductor. Part#: Manufacturer: Key Specifications: 5.2 CONCENTRATOR AND DUAL ATTACH STATION CONFIGURATIONS period and the skew between the COD devices on the two boards is minimal. In a larger concentrator configuration where this skew becomes too large, the data setup time of the downstream station will be directly impacted. One way to avoid this problem is to latch data into the next station. The strobe for the latch will be supplied by one of the LBC outputs from the upstream station's CDO device. An LBC output phase is chosen that occurs after the physical layer data is stable. Assuming that the data and LBC flight times are equal, the LBC output will latch data for the next station. The LBC output phase should be selected to give the optimum setup and hold time for the receiving station's physical layer function. 5.2.1 Concentrator Applications An application where many of the features of the COD de· vice are used is a FOOl concentrator. A concentrator is used to connect several workstations and peripherals to a Single node in the network. A concentrator provides the ability to easily bypass or insert multiple stations into the network. The COO device in each station is driven from a common oscillator instead of each COD device being driven by its own crystal. In a small concentrator, the same LBC phase can be used in each station since the data flight time from one board to another is small compared to the LBC -- --- - - - -- -- - - ~7 ~~ 1 PHY 1% Turns ~7 J.~ J I PHY I COO ~~ I .-- - - -I I I I ~7 1 J.), PHY J jlOCI lOCI 1 COD J+- 1+ I OscillatorJ - lOCI 1 coo ---.. ;;:st~;-----TLlF/l0385-8 FIGURE 5-3. Small Concentrator Application fII 2-29 5.0 Detailed Information (Continued) LBC1 ----------------Master ----------------_. Board 1 -----------Board N TLlF/l03B5-9 FIGURE 5-4. Large Concentrator Application Board 1 LBCI (BOARD I) DATA OUT Board N DATA IN -t=\ ~ * Th~ i, LBC3 (BOARD I) I \ \ >®C I LATCH OUT i----Td---i LBCI (BOARD N) TLlF/l03B5-10 T. = Tb = Tc = Td = Time to latch data out of the Physical Layer (Board 1) Data flight time Latch delay Ideal setup time for incoming data = Tdl + Td2 + Td3 Tdl = Reference error between COD devices Td2 = Minimum phase resolution of COD device = 8 ns Td3 = Setup time FIGURE 5-5. Large Concentrator Timing 2-30 c 5.0 Detailed Information "co (Continued) c.,) needed at the CDD device for this method of routing the ECL signals. The value of this resistor can be calculated from the following equation: 5.2.2 CDD Device Driving Multiple PLAYER Devices In a FDDI concentrator or dual attach station, it may be necessary for a single DP83241 Clock Distribution Device (CDD device) to drive multiple DP83251 155 PLAYER devic· es. Since these PLAYER devices will be running synchro· nously to each other they must have the same clocks. The easiest way to accomplish this is to have one CDD device drive multiple PLAYER devices. R (Max) = 10Zo - RS e n Where: Re (Max) - We are only concerned with the ECL outputs being able to drive multiple loads. The conventional way of directly wiring the one output to many inputs will not work. If the ECL signals are split into multiple traces then reflections will result which may ruin the signal's integrity. An appropriate method, where individual traces with a series resistor connected to each load, is used instead. The series resistor should match the line impedance and be placed as close to the CDD device as possible. The resistor will act as a voltage divider and cut the voltage level of the signal in half. When this modified signal reaches the input of the unterminated gate, reflections will cause the signal to double and the receiving input will see the full voltage swing. The reflection will then travel back towards the CDD device, but the series resistance will stop this action. An emitter pulldown resistor is n- Largest emitter pulldown resistor that can be used Number of parallel lines being driven Zo - Trace impedance RS - Series damping resistor Another method for sending the ECL signal to multiple players is to route the ECL signal as a bus line and have each load connected to the bus. The ECL bus line must be terminated only at the very end with a matching impedance (e.g.: a 50.0. line will be terminated with a 50.0. load to Vee - 2V). It is preferred that the input pin be directly connected to the bus and not have a signal tap connected to the bus. However, if a tap off the bus is necessary, the shortest possible tap is recommended. DP83251 DP83251 Rs TXC+ 1-1>---'111/\,----/ DP83241 DP83251 R. DP83251 TLlF/10385-12 FIGURE 5-7. CDD Device Driving Four PLAYER Devices in Parallel 2-31 N .... ~ ,.. ..,. N C') co Il. C ,-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, 5.0 Detailed Information (Continued) As with any high speed Signal, the routing of the Signal must be carefully done. Sharp corners and other changes in trace impedance should be avoided to reduce reflections in high speed signal traces. Traces longer then one inch should have a series or parallel termination scheme. Further system considerations can be found in National's F100K Design Guide. If these methods are followed the DP83241 signals will be able to drive multiple DP83251/55 PLAYER devices without any problems. The most conservative method for routing the ECl signals to multiple loads is to use the F100115 Quad low Skew Driver. This device takes a differential ECl signal and outputs four of the same differential signals with a skew between them of less than 75 ps. Two of these devices will allow the CDD device to drive four PLAYER devices. This setup allows the ECl signals to be routed in a point to point configuration to each PLAYER device. ~ DP83241 I.SZo TXC+ Zo 1 DP83251 1 1 DP83251 DP83251 2.6Zo -== TL/F/lD385-13 FIGURE 5·8. Proper Bus Line Termination and Connections DP83251 TOC+ nec+ DP83251 TSe- nec+ nee- necTSC+ TOC nec+ F100115 nee- DP83241 TOC+ F100115 TSCnec+ I nec- TSC+ DP83251 TSC- nec+ TSC+ TOC nec- DP83251 TL/F/l0385-14 o Parallel Terminalion FIGURE 5·9. CDD Device Driving Four PLAYER Devices Using Two F100115 Quad Low Skew Drivers 2-32 5.0 Detailed Information (Continued) 5.3 LAYOUT RECOMMENDATIONS • The external crystal circuitry should be connected to Ground on an isolated branch off of the DGND pin . • The part should be bypassed between the EXTVee and EXTGND as close to the chip as possible (preferably under the chip using chip caps). The part should also be bypassed between the DVee and DGND as close to the chip as possible. • The DGND pin should be connected to Ground off of an isolated branch of the EXTGND pin, connected through a ferrite bead or small inductor. • The AGND pin should be connected to Ground off of an isolated branch of the DGND pin, connected through a ferrite bead or small inductor. • The part should be bypassed between AVec and AGND as close to the chip as possible. • No TTL logic lines should pass through the external crystal or filter circuitry areas to avoid the possibility of noise due to crosstalk. • If the part is being driven by an external reference, the XTL IN pin should be tied to either GND or Vee. • If using a multilayered board with dedicated Vee and Ground planes, ensure that the external crystal circuitry has its own small isolated ground island that is connected to the AGND, DGND and EXTGND pins as described above. • The filter circuitry should be connected to Ground on an isolated branch off of the AGND pin. • The DVcc pin should be connected to Vee on an isolated branch off of the EXTVee pin, preferably being connected through a ferrite bead or small inductor. • See Figure 5. 1 for component values. • For best performance tie the VCORST pin to AGND. • The AVec pin should be connected to Vee on an isolated branch off of the DVee pin, preferably being connected through a ferrite bead or small inductor. GND Vee 25 24 External Crystal Circuitry 23 22 21 ~""" ~ ~ ~ • ______ _ Iio!io.""..... 20 ~ ~'\~"''''''''''''''''~~i.: )(~~ ~ L" ~",~A: I""''''' :·:i~, This area should not have any other : TTL signals passing through it. --+ Filter Circuitry This drawing was done with convenience in mind. Note: Pin 7 need nol be hooked up. TLIFI1038S-IS FIGURE 5-10. Recommended Layout • 2-33 5.0 Detailed Information (Continued) 5.4 INPUT AND OUTPUT SCHEMATICS XTL IN, XTL OUT XVCO IN, XVCO INB ...-_ _-DVec DVec +2 _ DGND EXTGND -=- TL/F/1038S-17 , TLlF/1D38S-16 Filter TTL Outputs: LBC1-LBC5, Symbol Clock . - - - - -.....---DVee EXTVCC - .....- -.....- - - - - - - - , 2611 p. ••• TTL OUTPUTS: (LBC1-L8CS, Symbol Clock) FlLTtR EXTGNO TL/F/1038S-18 CMOS Inputs: REF IN, FEEDBK IN, PHASE SEL, VCO RST, VCO SEL TLlF/1038S-19 Typical ESD Structure r----.....-ovcc TXC+, TXC-, TBC+, TBCEXTVec TXC+, TXC-, TBC+, TBC- TL/F/1038S-21 EXTGND TLlF/1038S-22 TL/F/1038S-20 2-34 5.0 Detailed Information (Continued) 5.5 SYSTEM DEBUGGING FLOWCHART Check to make sure that the VCO RST Is at a logic lOW and that the VCO SEl Is No set to the correct VCO (EXT or INT). The loop filter Is unstabla and should be examlnad. Check MOD SEl and make sure tho VCO Is set for the correct VCO Range. Make sure that ana of tho lBC outputs Is connected to the fEEDBK IN pin. Ves Maka sure that the REf SEl Input Is selecting the correct raferenca Input and check to make sure tho referanca Input Is at the correct frequency. Tho Part should be In lock. If using an axtemal VCO, adjust tho circuitry to give a nominal value of 2.0 Volts on the filTER pin. Ves TL/F/l03B5-23 Note 1: If the crystal oscillator is chosen as the input reference source then the XTl OUT pin should be checked for the correct frequency of oscillation. If the oscillator fails to oscillate then the DC voltage on these pins should be checked and be equal to approximately Vee" 2 (with or without the crystal oscillator present). 5.6 AC TEST CIRCUITS SV 1.3kn Tl/F/l03B5-26 FIGURE 5·12. Switching Test Circuit for All ECl Output Signals TUF/l03B5-24 fII FIGURE 5·11. Switching Test Circuit for All TTL Output Signals 2-35 it) it) C'I ~ a. ~National ~ Semiconductor ..... .,... C it) C'I ('I) CD a. C OP83251/55 PLAVERTMOevice (FOOl Physical Layer Controller) General Description Features The DP83251/DP83255 PLAYER device implements one Physical Layer (PHY) entity as defined by the Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) ANSI X3T9.5 Standard. The PLAYER device contains NRZ/NRZI and 4B/5B encoders and decoders, serializer/deserializer, framing logic, elasticity buffer, line state detector/generator, link error detector, repeat filter, smoother, and configuration switch. • • • • • • • • • Low power CMOS-BIPOLAR process Single 5V supply Full duplex operation . Separate management interface (Control Bus) Parity on PHY-MAC Interface and Control Bus Interface On-Chip configuration switch Internal and external loopback DP83251 for single attach stations DP83255 for dual attach stations TO HOST SYSTEM DP83241 CDD (CLOCK DISTRIBUTION) DP83231 CRD (CLOCK RECOVERY) '----y--J TO FIBER OPTIC TRANSCEIVER PAIR FIGURE 1-1. FOOl Chip Set Block Diagram 2-36 TL/F/10386-1 C Table of Contents "'D (XI w I\) ..... U1 7.0 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 7.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings 7.2 Recommended Operating Conditions 7.3 DC Electrical Charcteristics 7.4 AC Electrical Charcteristics 7.5 Test Circuits 8.0 DETAILED DESCRIPTIONS 8.1 Framing Hold Rules 8.2 Noise Events 8.3 Link Errors 8.4 Repeat Filter 8.5 Smoother 8.6 National Byte-wide Code for PHY-MAC Interface 1.0 2.0 FOOl CHIP SET OVERVIEW ARCHITECTURE DESCRIPTION 2.1 Overview 2.2 Interfaces 3.0 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION 3.1 Receiver Block 3.2 Transmitter Block 3.3 Configuration Switch 4.0 MODES OF OPERATION 4.1 Run Mode 4.2 Stop Mode 4.3 Loopback Mode 4.4 Cascade Mode 5.0 REGISTERS 6.0 PIN DESCRIPTIONS 6.1 DP83251 6.2 DP83255 2-37 ....... C "'D (XI W I\) U1 U1 ~ ~ N C") ~ C ...... .... ~ N ,---------------------------------------------------------------------------------, 1.0 FDDI Chip Set Overview National Semiconductor's FOOl chip set consists of five components as shown in Figure '1·1. For more information on the other devices of the chip set, consult the appropriate datasheets and application notes. ' C") co Q. C DP83231 CRDTM Device' Clock Recovery Device DP83261 BMACTM Device Media Access Controller The Clock Recovery Device extracts a 125 MHz clock from the incoming bit stream. The BMAC device implements the Timed Token Media Ac· cess Control protocol defined by the ANSI FDDI X3T9.5 MAC Standard. Features Features • PHY Layer loopback test • Crystal controlled • Clock locks in less than 85 p.s • All of the standard defined ring service options • Full duplex operation with through parity Supports all FDDI Ring Scheduling Classes (Synchro· nous, Asynchronous, etc.) DP83241 CDDTM Device Clock Distribution Device • Supports Individual, Group, Short, Long, and External Addressing • Generates Beacon, Claim, and Void frames internally o Extensive ring and station statistic gathering From a 12.5 MHz reference, the Clock Distribution Device synthesizes the 125 MHz, 25 MHz, and 12.5 MHz clocks required by the BSI, BMAC and PLAYER devices. • Extensions for MAC level bridging • Separate management port that is used to configure and control their operation DP83251/55 PLAYERTM Device Physical Layer Controller • Multi·frame streaming interface The PLAYER device implements the Physical Layer (PHY) protocol as defined by the ANSI FOOl PHY X3T9.5 Stan· dard. DP83265 BSITM Device System Interface The BSI device implements the interface between the BMAC device and a host system. Features • 4B/5B encoders and decoders • Framing logic • Elasticity Buffer, Repeat Filter and Smoother Features • Line state detector/generator • Programmable transfer burst sizes of 4 or 8 32·bit words • Interfaces to low cost DRAMs or directly to system bus • 32·bit wide Address/Data path with byte parity • • • • Link error detector Configuration switch Full duplex operation Separate management port that is used to configure and control their operation In addition, the DP83255 contains an additional PHY_Data. request and PHY_Data.indicate port required for concentrators and dual attach stations. • Provides 2 Output and 3 Input Channels • Supports Header/Info splitting • Efficient data structures • Programmable Big or Little Endian alignment • Full duplex data path allows transmission to self • Confirmation status batching services • Receive frame filtering services • Operates from 12.5 MHz to 25 MHz synchronously with the host system 2·38 C "'tI 2.0 Architecture Description CD Co) • Generates Idle, Master, Halt, Quiet or other user defined symbol pairs upon request. 2.1 OVERVIEW The PLAYER device is comprised of four blocks: Receiver, Transmitter, Configuration Switch and Control Bus Interface as shown in Figure 2-1. Receiver During normal operation, the Receiver Block accepts serial data as inputs at the rate of 125 Mbps from the Clock Recovery Device (DP83231). During the Internal Loopback mode of operation, the Receiver Block accepts data from the Transmitter Block as inputs. The Receiver Block performs the following operations: • Converts the incoming data stream from NRZI to NRZ, if necessary C • Provides smoothing function when necessary. During normal operation, the Transmitter Block presents serial data to the fiber optic transmitter. While in the External Loopback mode, the Transmitter Block presents serial data to the Clock Recovery Device. N CI1 CI1 • Program the Configuration Switch. • Enable/disable functions within the Transmitter and Receiver Blocks (Le., NRZ/NRZI Encoder, Smoother, PHY Request Data Parity, Line State Generation, Symbol Pair Injection, NRZ/NRZI Decoder, Cascade Mode, etc.). The Control Bus Interface also performs the following functions: o Monitors Line States received • Compensates for the differences between the upstream and local clocks • Decodes Line States • Detects link errors Finally, the Receiver Block presents data symbol pairs (bytes) to the Configuration Switch Block • Monitors link errors detected by the Receiver Block • Monitors other error conditions 2.2 INTERFACES The PLAYER device connects to external components via 5 functional interfaces: Serial Interface, PHY Port Interface, Control Bus Interface, Clock Interface, and the Miscellaneous Interface. Configuration Switch An FDDI station may be in one of three configurations: Isolate, Wrap or Thru. The Configuration Switch supports these configurations by switching the transmitted and received data paths between the PLAYER and BMAC devices. The configuration switching is performed internally, therefore no external logic is required for this function. Serial Interface The Serial Interface connects the PLAYER device to a fiber optic transmitter (FOTX) and the Clock Recovery Device (DP83231). Transmitter The Transmiter Block accepts 1O-bit bytes from the Configuration Switch. The Transmitter Block performs the following operations: • Encodes the data from 4B to 5B coding. • Filters out code violations from the data stream. TO BMAC OR PLAYER DEVICE TO BMAC OR PLAYER DEVICE PHY PORT INTERFACE PHY REQUEST DATA PHY PORT INTERFACE PHY INDICATE DATA PHY REQUEST DATA V> :::> co -' o ................................~~o <.> e SERIAL INTERFACE PMD INDICATE DATA SERIAL INTERFACE PMD REQUEST DATA TO FIBER OPTIC TRANSMITTER FROM CRD DEVICE TLlF/l0386-2 FIGURE 2-1. PLAYER Device Block Diagram 2-39 ...... ....... • Converts the data stream from NRZ to NRZI format ready for transmission, if necessary. Control Bus Interface The Control Bus Interface allows a user to: • Decodes the data from 5B to 4B coding • Converts the serial bit stream into 10-bit bytes N CI1 "'tI CD Co) 2.0 Architecture Description 3.0 Functional Description (Continued) The PLAYER Device is comprised of four blocks: Receiver, Transmitter, Configuration Switch and Control Bus Interface. PHY Port Interface The PHY Port Interface connects the PLAYER device to one or more BMAC devices and/or PLAYER devices. Each PHY Port Interface consists of two byte-wide-interfaces, one for PHY Request data input to the PLAYER device and one for the PHY Indicate data output of the PLAYER device. Each byte-wide interface consists of a parity bit (odd parity), a control bit, and two 4-bit symbols. 3.1 RECEIVER BLOCK During normal operation, the Receiver Block accepts serial data as inputs at the rate of 125 Mbps from the Clock Recovery Device (DP83231). During the Internal loopback mode of operation, the Receiver Block accepts data from the Transmitter Block as input. The Receiver Block performs the following operations: The DP8355 PLAYER device has two PHY Port Interfaces and the DP83251 has only one PHY Port Interface. • Converts the incoming data stream from NRZI to NRZ, if necessary Control Bus Inter1ace The Control Bus Interface connects the PLAYER device to a wide variety of microprocessors and microcontrollers. The Control Bus is an asynchronous interface which provides access to 32 8-bit registers. • Decodes the data from 5B to 4B coding • Converts the serial bit stream into National byte-wide code • Compensates for the differences between the upstream and local clocks Clock Inter1ace The Clock Interface consists of 12.5 MHz and 125 MHz clocks used by the PLAYER device. • Decodes Line States • Detects link errors Finally, the Receiver Block presents data symbol pairs to the Configuration Switch Block. The clocks are generated by either the Clock Distribution Device (COD device) or the Clock Recovery Device (CRD device). • User definable enable signals • Synchronization for cascaded PLAYER devices (a highperformance non-FOOl mode) The Receiver Block consists of the following functional blocks: NRZI to NRZ Decoder Shift Register Framing logiC Symbol Decoder line State Detector Elasticity Buffer link Error Detector • CMOS power and ground, and ECl ground and power See Rgure 3-1. Miscellaneous Inter1ace The Miscellaneous Interface consists of: • A reset signal • User definable sense signals TO CONFIGURATION SWITCH TO REGISTERS FROM TRANSMITTER BLOCK (INTERNAL LOOPBACK) FROM SERIAL INTERFACE TLlF/103B6-3 FIGURE 3·1. Receiver Block Diagram 2-40 C 3.0 Functional Description ." Q) c.,) (Continued) Idle Line State The Line State Detector recognizes the incoming data to be in the Idle Line State upon the reception of 2 Idle symbol pairs nominally (plus up to 9 bits of 1 in start up cases). Idle Line State indicates the preamble of a frame or the lack for frame transmission during normal operation. Idle Line State is also used in the handshake sequence of the PHY Connection Management process. NRZI TO NRZ DECODER The NRZI to NRZ Decoder converts Non-Return-To-ZeroInvert-an-Ones data to Non-Return-To-Zero data. This function can be enabled and disabled through bit 7 (RNRi) of the Mode Register (MR). When the bit is cleared, it converts the incoming bit stream from NRZI to NRZ. When the bit is set the incoming NRZ bit stream is passed unchanged. SHIFT REGISTER The Shift Register converts the serial bit stream into symbol-wide data for the 58/48 Decoder. The Shift Register also provides byte-wide data for the Framing Logic. TABLE 3-1. Symbol Decoding Symbol a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B FRAMING LOGIC The Framing Logic performs the Framing function by detecting the beginning of a frame or the Halt-Halt or Halt-Quiet symbol pair. The J-K symbol pair (11000 10001) indicates the beginning of a frame during normal operation. The Halt-Halt (00100 00100) and Halt-Quiet (00100 00000) symbol pairs are detected during Connection Management (CMT). Framing can be temporarily suspended (Le. framing hold), in order to maintain data integrity. The Framing Hold rules are explained in Section B.l. 9 A 8 C 0 E F SYMBOL DECODER The Symbol Decoder is a two level system. The first level is a 5-bit to 4-bit converter, and the second level is a 4-bit symbol pair to the NSC byte-wide code converter. The first level latches the received 5-bit symbols and decodes them into 4-bit symbols. Symbols are decoded into two types: data and control. The 4-bit symbols are sent to the Line State Detector and the second level of the Symbol Decoder. See Table 3-1 for the 58/48 Symbol Decoding list. The second level translates two 4-bit symbols from the 58/ 48 converter and the line state information from the Line State Detector into the National byte-wide code. More details on the National byte-wide code can be found 'in Section B.6. I (Idle) H(Halt) JK (Starting Delimiter) T (Ending Delimiter) R (Reset) S(Set) Q(Quiet) V (Violation) V V V V V V V V' LINE STATE DETECTOR The FOOl Physical Layer (PHY) standard specifies eight Line States that the Physical Layer can transmit. These Line States are used in the Connection Management process. They are also used to indicate data within a frame during the normal operation. The Line State Detector detects nine Line States, one more than the required Line States specified in the standard. The Line States are reported through the Current Receive State Register (CRSR), Receive Condition Register A (RCRA), and Receive Condition Register 8 (RCR8). I' Incoming 5B Decoded4B 11110 01001 10100 10101 01010 01011 01110 01111 10010 10011 10110 10111 11010 11011 11100 11101 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 11111 00100 11000& 10001 01101 1010 0001 1101 00111 11001 00000 00001 00010 00011 00101 00110 01000 01100 10000 0101 0110 0111 0010 0010 0010 0010 0010 0010 0010 0010 0010 0011 1011 Noles: V' denotes PHY Invalid or an Elasticity Buffer stuff byte. I' denotes Idle symbol in ILS or an Elasticity Buffer stuff byte. Line States Description Active Line State The Line State Detector recognizes the incoming data to be in the Active Line State upon the reception of the Starting Delimiter (JK symbol pair). The Line State Detector continues to indicate Active Line State while receiving data symbols, Ending Delimiter (T symbols), and Frame Status symbols (R and S) after the JK symbol pair. Super Idle Line State The Line State Detector recognizes the incoming data to be in the Super Idle Line State upon the reception of eight consecutive Idle symbol pairs nominally (plus 1 symbol pair). The Super Idle Line State is used to insure synchronization. 2-41 N U1 ..... ...... C ." Q) c.,) N U1 U1 3.0 Functional Description (Continued) ceive Clock, while data is read from the registers with the Local Byte Clock. ' No Signal Detect The Line State Detector recognizes the incoming data to be in the No Signal Detect state upon the deassertion of the Signal Detect signal. No Signal Detect indicates that the incoming link is inactive. The Elasticity Buffer will recenter (i.e. set the read and write pOinters to a predetermined distance from each other) upon the dete,ction of a JK or every four byte times during PHY Invalid (i.e. MLS, HLS, QLS, NLS, NSD) and Idle Line State. To resolve metastability problems, the Elasticity Buffer is deSigned such that a given register cannot be written and read simultaneously under normal operating conditions. In a symbol-wide station, a 5-bit off boundary JK following after a maximum size frame situation may be produced which may result in a sma" increase in the probability of an error caused by a metastability condition. Master Line State The Line State Detector recognizes the incoming data to be in the Master Line State upon the reception of eight consecutive Halt-Quiet symbol pairs nominally (plus up to 2 symbol pairs in start up cases). The Master Line State is used in the handshake sequence of the PHY Connection Management process. Halt Line State LINK ERROR DETECTOR The Line State Detector recognizes the incoming data to be in the Halt Line State upon the reception of eight consecutive Halt symbol pairs nominally (plus up to 2 symbol pairs in start up cases). The Link Error Detector provides continuous monitoring of an active link (i.e. during Active and Idle Line States) to insure that it meets the minimum Bit Error Rate requirement as set by the standard or user to remain on the ring. Upon detecting a link error, the internalB-bit Link Error Monitor Counter is decremented. The start value for the Link Error Monitor Counter is programmed through the Link Error Threshold Register (LETR). When the Link Error Monitor Counter reaches zero, bit 4 (LEMn of the Interrupt Condition Register (lCR) is set to 1. The current value of the Link Error Monitor Counter can be read through the Current Link Error Count Register (CLECR). For higher error rates the current value is an approximate count because the counter rolls over. There are two ways to determine Link Error Rate: polling and interrupt. The Halt Line State is used in the handshake sequence of the PHY Connection Management process. Quiet Line State The Line State Detector recognizes the incoming data to be in the Quiet Line State upon the reception of eight consecutive Quiet symbol pairs nominally (plus up to 9 bits of 0 in start up cases). The Quiet Line State is used in the handshake sequence of the PHY Connection Management process. Noise Line State The Line State Detector recognizes the incoming data to be in the Noise Line State upon the reception of 16 noise symbol pairs. Polling The Link Error Monitor Counter is set to the value of FF. This start value is programmed through the Link Error Threshold Register (LETR). The Noise Line State indicates that data is not received correctly. A detailed description of a noise event can be found in Section B.2. Upon detecting a link error, the Current Link Error Counter is decremented. The Host System reads the current value of the Link Error Monitor Counter via the Current Link Error Count Register (CLECR). The Counter is then reset to FF. Line State Unknown The Line State Detector recognizes the incoming data to be in the Line State Unknown state upon the reception of one inconsistent symbol pair (i.e. data that is not expected). This may be the beginning of a new line state. Interrupt The Link Error Monitor Counter is set to the value of FF. This start value is programmed through the Link Error Threshold Register (LETR). Upon detecting a link error, the Line Error Monitor Counter is decremented. When the counter reaches zero, bit 4 (LEMn of the Interrupt Condition Register (ICR) is set to 1, and the interrupt Signal goes low. Line State Unknown indicates that data is not received correctly. If the condition persists the noise line state may be entered. ELASTICITY BUFFER The Elasticity Buffer performs the function of a "variable depth" FIFO to compensate for clock skews between the Receive Clock (RXC ±) and the Local Byte Clock (LBC). Bit 5 (EBOU) of the Receive Condition Register B (RCRB) is set to 1 to indicate an error condition when the Elasticity Buffer cannot compensate for the clock skews. The Host System is interrupted when the Link Error Monitor Counter reaches O. A state table describing Link Errors in more detail can be found in Section B.3. The Elasticity Buffer wi" support maximum clock skews of ± 50 ppm with a maximum packet length of 4500 bytes. To make up for the accumulation of frequency disparity between the two clocks, the Elasticity Buffer wi" insert or delete Idle symbol pairs in the preamble. Data is written into the byte-wide registers of the Elasticity Buffer with the Re- Miscellaneous Items When bit d (RUN) of the Mode Register (MR) is set to zero, or when the PLAYER device is reset through the Reset pin (RSn, the Signal Detect line (TTLSD) is internally forced to zero and the Line State Detector is set to Line State Unknown. 2-42 C ." 3.0 Functional Description (Continued) CD Co) While in the External Loopback mode, the Transmitter Block presents serial data to the Clock Recovery Device. 3.2 TRANSMITTER BLOCK The Transmitter Block accepts 1a-bit bytes from the Configuration Switch. The Transmitter Block consists of the following functional blocks: The Transmitter Block performs the following operations: Data Registers Parity Checker 4B/5B Encoder Repeat Filter Smoother Line State Generator Injection Control Logic Shift Register NRZ to NRZI Encoder • Encodes the data from 4B to 5B coding • Filters out code violations from the data stream • Is capable of generating Idle, Master, Halt, Quiet, or other user defined symbol pairs • Converts the data stream from NRZ to NRZI ready for transmission • Serializes data During normal operation, the Transmitter Block presents serial data to the fiber optic transmitter. ! I REPEATER FILTER I SMOOTHER ! \ 1 1 ! I SHIFT REGISTER r NRZ TO NRZI ENCODER ~ --. I (II (II PARITY CHECKER • I ! \ TO RECEIVER BLOCK .. I ... 4B/5B ENCODER N REGISTERS DATA REGISTER I (II ...... .... C ~ See Figure 3-2. CONFIGURATION SWITCH I N I I LINE STATE GENERATOR --. ~ / ! / I INJECTION CONTROL LOGIC I I I SERIAL INTERFACE TUF/10386-4 FIGURE 3-2. Transmitter Block Diagram 2-43 • :g N CO) co D- C ...... .... It) N CO) 3.0 Functional Description (Continued) LINE STATE GENERATOR The Line State Generator allows the transmission of the PHY Request data and can also generate and transmit Idle, Master, Halt, or Quiet symbol pairs which can be used to implement the Connection Management procedures as specified in the FOOl Station Management (SMT) document. The Line State Generator is programmed through Transmit bits 0 to 2 (TM <2:0» of the Current Transmit State Register (CTSR). Based on the setting of these bits, the Transmitter Block operates in the Transmit Modes where the Line State Generator overwrites the Repeat Filter and Smoother outputs. DATA REGISTERS Data from the Configuration Switch is stored in the Data Registers. The 10-bit byte-wide data consists of a parity bit, a control bit, and two 4-bit symbols as shown in Figure 3-3. ~ b8 C Control Bit bO b7 Data Bits FIGURE 3·3. Byte·Wide Data PARITY CHECKER The Parity Checker verifies that the parity bit in the Data Register represents odd parity (I.e. odd number of 1s). The parity checking is enabled and disabled through bit 6 (PRDPE) of the Current Transmit State Register (CTSR). If a parity error occurs, the Parity Checker will set bit 0 (OPE) in the Interrupt Condition Register (ICR) and report the error to the Repeat Filter. See Table 3-3 for the listing of the Transmit Modes. TABLE 3·2. 4B/5B Symbol Encoding 4B/5B ENCODER The 4B/5B Encoder converts the two 4-bit symbols from the Configuration Switch into their respective 5-bit codes. See Table 3-2 for the Symbol Encoding list. REPEAT FILTER The Repeat Filter· is used to preven.t the propagation of code violations in data frames, to the downstream station. Symbol 4BCode Outgoing5B 0 1 2 3 4 5 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 11110 01001 10100 10101 01010 01011 01110 01111 10010 10011 10110 10111 11010 11011 11100 11101 0000 111100r 11111 11000 and 10001 01101 6 7· B Upon receiving violations in data frames, the Repeat Filter replaces them with two Halt symbol pairs followed by Idle symbols. Thus the code violations are isolated and recovered at each link and will not be propagated throughout the entire ring. 9 A B C Details on Repeat Filter operation are described in Section 0 8.4. E F SMOOTHER The Smoother is used to keep the preamble length of a frame to a minimum of 6 Idle symbol pairs. Idle symbols in the preamble of a frame may have been added or deleted by each station to compensate for the difference between the Receive Clock and its Local Clock. The preamble needs to be maintained at a minimum length to allow stations enough time to complete processing of one frame and prepare to receive another. Without the Smoother function, the minimum preamble length (6 Idle symbol pairs) may not be maintained as several stations may consecutively delete Idle symbols. N JK T R S (Starting Delimiter) (Ending Delimiter) (Reset) (Set) 1101 0100 or 0101 0110 0111 00111 11001 TABLE 3-3. Transmit Modes The Smoother attempts to keep the number of Idle symbol pairs in the preamble at 7 by: Active Transmit Mode Normal Transmission Mode Off Transmit Mode • Deleting an Idle symbol pair in preambles which have more than 7 Idle symbol pairs and lor Transmit Quiet symbol pairs and disable the Fiber OptiC Transmitter Idle Transmit Mode Transmit Idle symbol pairs Master Transmit Mode Transmit Halt·Quiet symbol pairs Quiet Transmit Mode Transmit Quiet symbol pairs Reserved Transmit Mode Reserved for future use. If selected, Quiet symbol pairs will be transmitted. Halt Transmit Mode Transmit Halt symbol pairs • Inserting an Idle symbol pair in preambles which have less than 7 idle symbol pairs (i.e. Extend State). The Smoother Counter starts counting upon detecting an Idle symbol pair. It stops counting upon detecting a JK symbol pair. More details on the operation of the Smoother can be found in Section 8.5. 2-44 3.0 Functional Description (Continued) In the No Injection mode, the data stream is transmitted unchanged. In the One Shot mode, ISRA and ISRB are injected once on the nth byte after a JK, where n is the programmed value specified in the Injection Threshold Register. In the Periodic mode, ISRA and ISRB are injected every nth symbol. In the Continuous mode, all data symbols are replaced with the contents of ISRA and ISRB. This is the same as periodic mode with IJTR = O. INJECTION CONTROL LOGIC The Injection Control Logic replaces the data stream with a programmable symbol pair. This function is used to transmit data other than the normal data frame or Line States. The Injection Symbols overwrite the Line State Generator (Transmit Modes) and the Repeat Filter and Smoother outputs. These programmable symbol pairs are stored in the Injection Symbol Register A (ISRA) and Injection Symbol Register B (ISRB). The Injection Threshold Register (IJTR) determines where the Injection Symbol pair will replace the data symbols. The Injection Control LogiC is programmed through the bits o and 1 (IC<1:0» of the Current Transmit State Register (CTSR) to one of the following Injection Modes (see Figure SHIFT REGISTER The Shift Regiser converts encoded parallel data to serial data. The parallel data is clocked into the Shift Register by the Transmit Byte Clock (TBC±), and clocked out by the Transmit Bit Clock (TXC ±). 3-4): NRZ TO NRZI ENCODER The NRZ to NRZI Encoder converts the serial Non-ReturnTo-Zero data to Non-Return-To-Zero-Invert-On-One data. This function can be enabled and disabled through bit 6 (TNRZ) of the Mode Register (MR). When programmed to "0", it converts the bit stream from NRZ to NRZI. When programmed to "1", the bit stream is transmitted NRZ. 1. No Injection (i.e. normal operation) 2. One Shot 3. Periodic 4. Continuous One Shot (Notes 1, 3) nth I I D I D I· I D I··· I D n=O I 1 1 XX TL/F/l0386-5 • • :~:~ 1 xx 1 xx I·· ·1 xx 1:~:d 1 xx 1 xx I·· ·1 xx 1 n=O XX n=IJTR Periodic (Notes 2, 3) XX I:;::1 n=1 n=IJTR n=O n=1 n=IJTR TL/F/l0366-6 Continuous (Note 3) TUF/l0386-33 Where ISRA: Iniection Symbol Register A ISRB: Injection Symbol Register B IJTR: Iniection Threshold Register Note 1: In one shot when n + 0 the JK is replaced. Note 2: In periodic when n = 0 all symbols are replaced. Note 3: Max value on n = 255. FIGURE 3-4. Injection Modes 2-45 • ~~------------------------------------------------~ ~ C'I C') co a. C ..... ..~ C'I C') co a. C 3.0 Functional Description (Continued) PHY Port Interface output data paths, A-Indicate and B_lndicate, that can drive output data paths of the external PHY Port Interface. The third output data path is connected internally to the Transmit Block. The Configuration Switch is the same on both the DP83251 device and the DP83255 device. However, the DP83255 has two PHY Port interfaces connected to the Configuration Switch, whereas the DP83251 has one PHY Port Interface. The DP83255 uses the A-Request and A-Indicate paths as one PHY Port Interface and the B_Request and B_lndicate paths as the other PHY Port interface (see Figure 35a). The DP83251, having only one port interface, uses the B_Request and A-Indicate paths as its external port. The A-Request and B_lndicate paths of the DP83251 are null connections and are not used by this device (see Figure 35b). 3.3 CONFIGURATION SWITCH The Configuration Switch consists of a set of multiplexors and latches which allow the PLAYER device to configure the data paths without the need of external logic. The Configuration Switch is controlled through the Configuration Register (CR). The Configuration Switch has four internal buses, the A-Request bus, the B_Request bus, the Receive bus, a?d the PHY_Invalid bus. The two Request buses can be drIven by external input data connected to the external PHY Port Interface. The Receive bus is internally connected to the Receive Block of the PLAYER device, while the PHY_ Invalid bus has a fixed 10-bit LSU pattern, useful during the connection process. The configuration switch also has three internal multiplexors, each can select any of the four buses to connect to its respective data path. The first two are ~ ~ !;! .~ ~ z >= >' >- il: il: § fl 0; il: ...:z:>= il: "-REQUEST "-REQ BUS PHY INVALID PHY INVALID REC BUS REC BUS """~ 1 ~IT ~ ::E g ~ 0 eo DATA A '"enz g """~ ""u I'" I: ~ TL/Fho386-7 B_INDICATE J 1 "--~ITDATA DP83251 """~ !: ~B_REQUEST L B.REQ BUS "-REQ BUS "-- 1 UNDICATE I DP83255 ~ L ~ ., B.REQ BUS fl 0; >= L ~B_REQUEST "-REQUEST ~ B_INDICATE UNDICATE L ~ io! ' ~ z ~ ::E ~ g . g TL/F/10386-34 FIGURE 3-5a. Configuration Switch Block Diagram for DP83255 FIGURE 3-5b. Configuration Switch Block Diagram for DP83251 2-46 C 3.0 Functional Description ." ~ • Flushes the Elasticity Buffer. • Forces Line State Unknown in the Receiver Block. • Outputs LSU symbol pairs (0 1 0011 1010) through the PHY Data Indicate pins (AlP, AIC, AID <7:0>, BIP, BIC, BID<7:0». 12 e: TUF/103B6-42 FIGURE 4-1a. Configuration Switch Loopback for DP83255 • Outputs Quiet symbol pairs through the PMD Data Request pins (TXD±). • Resets all Control Bus register contents to zero or default values. oUNDICATE 4.3 LOOPBACK MODE The PLAYER device provides three types of loopback tests: Configuration Switch Loopback, Internal Loopback, and External Loopback. These Loopback modes can be used to test different portions of the device. A..REQUEST B..REQUEST 4.3.1 Configuration Switch Loopback The Configuration Switch Loopback can be used to test the data paths of the BMAC device(s) that are connected to the PLAYER device before transmitting and receiving data through the network. In the Configuration Switch Loopback mode, the PLAYER device performs the following functions: B-REQ BUS _ _ _ J ... ~ UEQ BUS..... ... ~ ... ~ I _1_ RECBUS----.l---- DP83251 I I I I I I I I I J_~ _1_ ~ ..... I I _1_ ...... -.-I ~ ............... i'" r _1_I ...... .. PHY INVALID ........... i .................. • Selects Port A PHY Request Data, Port B PHY Request Data, or PHY Invalid to connect to Port A PHY Indicate Data via the A-IND Mux. ... I I I -~ , ... ~ ......... i'" .............. .. --'------- TRANSMIT DATA • Selects Port A PHY Request Data, Port B PHY Request Data, or PHY Invalid to connect to Port B PHY Indicate Data via the B_IND Mux. • Connects data from the Receiver Block to the Transmitter Block via the Transmitter_Mux. (The PLAYER device is repeating incoming data from the media in the Configuration Switch Loopback mode.) TLlF/10386-43 See Figure 4-18 and 4-1b for block diagrams. FIGURE 4-1b. Configuration Switch LoopbackforDP83251 FIGURE 4-1. 2-50 4.0 Modes of Operation (Continued) • Outputs Quiet symbols through the External Loopback Data pins (LBD±). The level of the Quiet symbols transmitted through the TXC ± pins is programmable through the Transmit Quiet Level bit of the Mode Register. The level of the Quiet symbols transmitted through the LBD ± pins is always high, regardless of the Transmit Quiet Level bit of the Mode Register. If both Internal Loopback and External Loopback modes are selected, Internal Loopback mode will have priority over External Loopback mode. See Figure 4-2 for a block diagram. 4.3.2 Internal Loopback The Internal Loopback mode can be used to test the functionality of the PLAYER device and to test the data paths between the PLAYER and BMAC devices before ring insertion. When in the Internal Loopback mode, the PLAYER device performs the following functions: • Directs the output data of the Transmitter Block to the input of the Receiver Block through internal paths (see Figure 2-1 PLAYER Device Block Diagram). • Ignores the PMD Data Indicate pins (RXD ± and RXC ±), • Outputs Quiet symbols through the PMD Data Request pins (TXD±), and TO B~AC OR PLAYER DEVICE TO BMAC OR PLAYER DEVICE PHY PORT INTERFACE PHY REQUEST DATA PHY PORT INTERFACE PHY INDICATE DATA I PHY REQUEST DATA PHY INDICATE DATA I CONFIGURATION SWITCH T o C o N T I I t SERIAL INTERFACE INDICATE DATA P~D + -L RECEIVER BLOCK CONTROL BUS INTERFACE REGISTERS 1 'I TRANSMlnER BLOCK I R o L B U S INTERNAL LOOPBACK PATH SERIAL INTERFACE REQUEST DATA IGNORED INPUTS P~D TO FIBER OPTIC FROM CRD DEVICE FORCED QUIET SYMBOLS TRANS~lnER TL/F/10386-16 FIGURE 4-2. Internal Loopback fII 2-51 ~r-------------------------------------------------------------~ ~ N CO) CD D.. Q ...... ~ N CO) ~ Q 4.0 Modes of Operation (Continued) • Outputs Quiet symbols through the PMD Data Request pins (TXD±). 4.3.3 External Loopback The External Loopback mode can be used to test the functionality of the PLAYER device and to test the data paths between the PLAYER, CRD, and BMAC devices before transmitting and receiving data through the network. The level of the Quiet symbols transmitted through the TXC± pins is programmable through the Transmit Quiet Level bit of the Mode Register. When in the External Loopback mode, the PLAYER device performs the following functions: If both Internal Loopbackand External Loopback modes are selected, Internal Loopback mode will have priority over External Loopback mode. • Directs the output data of the Transmitter Block to the external Loopback Data pins (LBD ±), which are normally connected to the Clock Recovery Device (see Figure 2. PLAYER Device Block Diagram).· TO B~AC See Figure 4-3 for a block diagram. TO OR PLAYER DEVICE PHY PORT INTERFACE PHY REQUEST DATA B~AC OR PLAYER DEVICE PHY PORT INTERFACE PHY INDICATE DATA PHY REQUEST DATA PHY INDICATE DATA T 1 RECEIVER BLOCK I REGISTERS SERIAL INTERFACE INDICATE DATA o I CONFIGURATION SWITCH C o CONTROL BUS INTERFACE L. 'I TRANS~lmR BLOCK I N T R o L B U S SERIAL INTERFACE REQUEST DATA P~D P~D EXTERNAL LOOPBACK FORCED QUIET SY~BOLS CLOCK RECOVERY DEVICE IGNORED INPUTS FROM FIBER OPTIC RECEIVER TO FIBER OPTIC TRANSMITTER TUF/l0386-17 FIGURE 4·3. External Loopback 2-52 ~----------------------------------------------------------------'C 4.0 Modes of Operation "V co (Continued) Co) • Data frames must be a minimum of three bytes long (including the JK symbol pair). Smaller frames will cause Elasticity Buffer errors. • Data frames must have a maximum size of 4500 bytes, with a JK starting delimiter and a (T or R or SIx or x(T or R or S) ending delimiter byte. 4.4 CASCADE MODE The PLAYER device can operate in the Cascade (parallel) mode-Figure 4-4-which is used in high bandwidth, pointto-point data transfer applications. This is a non-FDDI mode of operation. CONCEPTS 3. Due to the different clock rates, the JK symbol pair may arrive at different times at each PLAYER device. The total skew between the fastest and slowest cascaded PLAYER devices receiving the JK starting delimiter must not exceed 80 ns. 4. The first PLAYER device to receive a JK symbol pair will present it to the host system and assert the Cascade Ready signal. The PLAYER device will present one more JK as it waits for the other PLAYER devices to recognize their JK. The maximum number of consecutive JKs that can be presented to the host is 2. 5. The Cascade Start Signal is set to 1 when all the cascaded PLAYER devices release their Cascade Ready signals. 6. Bit 4 (CSE) of the Receive Condition Register B (RCRB) is set to 1 if the Cascade Start signal (CS) is not set before the second falling edge of clock signal LBC from when Cascade Ready (CR) was released. CS has to be set within approximately 80 ns of CR release. This condition signifies that not all cascaded PLAYERs have received their respective JK symbol pair within the allowed skew range. 7. If the JK symbols are corrupted in the point-to-point links, some PLAYER devices may not report a Cascaded Synchronization Error. 8. To guarantee integrity of the interlrame information, the user must put at least 8 Idle symbol pairs between frames. The PLAYER device will function properly with only 4 Idle symbol pairs, however the interlrame symbols may be corrupted with random non-JK symbols. The BMAC device could be used to provide required framing and optical FCS support. In the Cascade mode, multiple PLAYER devices are connected together to provide data transfer at multiples of the FDDI data rate. Two cascaded PLAYER devices provide a data rate twice the FDDI data rate; three cascaded PLAYER devices provide a data rate three times the FDDI data rate, etc. Multiple data streams are transmitted in parallel over each pair of cascaded PLAYER devices. All data streams start simultaneously and begin with the JK symbol pair on each PLAYER device. Data is synchronized at the receiver of each PLAYER device by the JK symbol pair. Upon receiving a JK symbol pair, a PLAYER device asserts the Cascade Ready signal to indicate the beginning of data reception. The Cascade Ready signals of all PLAYER devices are open drain ANDed together to create the Cascade Start signal. The Cascade Start signal is used as the input to indicate that all PLAYER devices have received the JK symbol pair. Data is now being received at every PLAYER device and can be transferred from the cascaded PLAYER devices to the host system. See Figure 4-5 for more information. OPERATING RULES When the PLAYER device is operating in Cascade mode, the following rules apply: 1. Data integrity can be guaranteed if the worst case fiber optic transmission skew between parallel fiber cables is less than 40 ns. This amounts to about 785 meters of fiber, assuming a 1 % worst case variance. 2. Even though this is a non-FDDI application, the general rules for FDDI frames must be obeyed. N U1 ..... ..... C "V co Co) N U1 U1 fI 2-53 II) II) C'\I C') co 4.0 Modes of Operation (Continued) D.. C ....... ..... II) C'\I C') co D.. C HOST SYSTEM HOST SYSTEM TLlF/l0386-18 FIGURE 4·4. Parallel Transmission CASCADE READY f .D.AT.A...·:..1Ij PLAYER 1::IDEVICE:1 RX RX ...011 .. ... ... 14J___D•A•TAiiIIji.·.otI PLAYER ...... 1 DEVICE 2 ~ ::: HOST SYSTEM ... RX .. ...011 ~ illij' DATA ..: I 1+.+"::":;=~':';;;':''--, ~ 1.1-""":::"-'+--CA-S-C-AD-E-S-T-A-RT-+-+I ~ .... CASCADE READY :z ~ I::: z Cl ~~ .. ::. r ....... ::: •..... I"-If~:".. . .I ,I"'....·--....+-C-A-SC-A-D-E-S-TA-R-T--H PLAYER DEVICE N .. . r.I:.•.•. CASCADE READY CASCADE START TLlF/l0386-19 FIGURE 4·5. Cascade Mode of Operation Note: N is recommended to be less than 3 for this mode. See Application Note 679 for larger values of N. 2·54 c 5.0 Registers The PLAYER device is initialized, configured, and monitored via 32 8·bit registers. These registers are accessible through the Control Sus Interface. ..... ...... U1 C Table 5·1 is a Register Summary List. Table 5·2 shows the contents of each register. " 0) (0) I\) TABLE 5·1. Register Summary Register Address Register Symbol Access Rules OOh MR Mode Register Always Always Register Name Read Write 01h CR Configuration Register Always Always 02h ICR Interrupt Condition Register Always Conditional 03h ICMR Interrupt Condition Mask Register Always Always 04h CTSR Current Transmit State Register Always Conditional 05h IJTR Injection Threshold Register Always Always 06h ISRA Injection Symbol Register A Always Always 07h ISRB Injection Symbol Register B Always Always 08h CRSR Current Receive State Register Always Write Reject 09h RCRA Receive Condition Register A Always Conditional OAh RCRB Receive Condition Register B Always Conditional OSh RCMRA Receive Condition Mask Register A Always Always OCh RCMRB Receive Condition Mask Register B Always Always ODh NTR Noise Threshold Register Always Always OEh NPTR Noise Prescale Threshold Register Always Always OFh CNCR Current Noise Count Register Always Write Reject 10h CNPCR Current Noise Prescale Count Register Always Write Reject llh STR State Threshold Register Always Always 12h SPTR State Prescale Threshold Registger Always Always 13h CSCR Current State Count Register Always Write Reject 14h CSPCR Current State Prescale Count Register Always Write Reject ISh LETR Link Error Threshold Register Always Always 16h CLECR Current Link Error Count Register Always Write Reject 17h UDR User Definable Register Always Always 18h IDR Device ID Register Always Write Reject 19h CIJCR Current Injection Count Register Always Write Reject lAh ICCR Interrupt Condition Comparison Register Always Always ISh CTSCR Current Transmit State Comparison Register Always Always lCh RCCRA Receive Condition Comparison Register A Always Always tDh RCCRB Receive Condition Comparison Register B Always Always lEh RRO Reserved Register 0 Always Write Reject lFh RRI Reserved Register 1 Always Write Reject 2·55 " 0) (0) I\) U1 U1 5.0 Registers (Continued) TABLE 5·2. Register Content Summary Register Address Register Symbol Bit Symbols 07 06 04' 05 03 CM 02 01 00 EXLB ILB RUN OOh MR RNRZ TNRZ TE TaL 01h CR BIE AlE TRS1 TRSO BIS1 BISO AIS1 AlSO 02h ICR UDI RCB RCA LEMT CWI CCR CPE DPE 03h ICMR UDIM RCBM RCAM LEMTM CWIM CCRM CPEM DPEM 04h CTSR RES PRDPE SE IC1 ICO TM2 TM1 TMO 05h IJTR IJT7 IJT6 IIJ5 IJT4 IJT3 IJT2 IJT1 IJTO 06h ISRA RES RES RES IJS4 IJS3 IJS2 IJS1 IJSO 07h ISRB RES RES RES IJS9 IJSB IJS7 IJS6 IJS5 OBh CRSR RES RES RES RES LSU LS2 LS1 LSO OLS NSD 09h ' RCRA LSUPI LSC NT NLS MLS HLS OAh RCRB RES SILS EBOU CSE LSUPV ALS ST ILS OBh RCMRA LSUPIM LSCM NTM NLSM NLSM HLSM OLSM NSDM OCh RCMRB RES SILSM EBOUM CSEM LSUPVM ALSM STM ILSM ODh NTR RES NT6 NT5 NT4 NT3 NT2 NT1 NTO OEh NPTR NPT7 NPT6 NPT5 NPT4 NPT3 NPT2 NPT1 NPTO OFh CNCR NCLSCD CNC6 CNC5 CNC4 CNC3 CNC2 CNC1 CNCO 10h CNPCR CNPC7 CNPCS CNPC5 CNPC4 CNPC3 CNPC2 CNPC1 CNPCO 11h STR RES ST6 ST5 ST4 ST3 ST2 ST1 STO SPT2 SPT1 SPTO SPT6 SPT5 SPT4 SPT3 SCLSCD CSC6 CSC5 CSC4 CSC3 CSC2 CSC1 CSCO CSPC7 CSPC6 CSPC5 CSPC4 CSPC3 CSPC2 CSPC1 CSPCO LET6 LET5 LET4 LET3 LET2 LET1 LETO LEC4 LEC3 LEC2 LEC1 LECO SBO 12h SPTR 'SPT7 13h CSCR 14h CSPCR 15h LETR LET7 CLECR LEC7 LECS LEC5 17h UDR RES RES RES RES EB1 EBO SB1 1Bh IDR DID7 DID6 DID5 DID4 DID3 DID2 DiD1 DIDO 19h CIJCR IJC7 , IJC6 IJC5 IJC4 IJC3 IJC2 IJC1 IJCO 1Ah ICCR UDIC RCBC RCAC LEMTC CWIC CCRC CPEC DPEC 1Bh '. CTSCR RESC PRDPEC SEC IC1C ICOC TM2C TM1C TMOC 1Ch RCCRA LSUPIC LSCC NTC NLSC MLSC HLSC OLSC NSDC 1Dh RCCRB RESC SILSC EBOUC CSEC LSUPVC ALSC STC ILSC .1Eh RR1 RES RES RES RES RES RES RES RES 1Fh RR2 RES RES RES RES RES RES RES RES 16h 2-56 c 5.0 Registers ;;g (Continued) w ~ ..... MODE REGISTER (MR) ...... The Mode Register is used to initialize and configure the PLAYER device. In order to minimize interruptions on the network, it is recommended that the PLAYER device first be put in STOP mode (Le. set the RUN bit to zero) before programming the Mode Register, the Configuration Register, or the Current Transmit State Register. READ ADDRESS I OOh D7 I RNRZ Bit Always D6 I "tJ CD W N c.n c.n ACCESS RULES I C TNRZ WRITE I D5 I TE Always D4 I TQL I D3 I CM Symbol D2 I D1 EXLB I ILB DO I RUN I Description DO RUN RUN/STOP 0: Enables the STOP mode. Refer to Section 4.2, STOP Mode of Operation, for more information. 1: Normal Operation (i.e. RUN mode). Note: The RUN bil is aulomalically sello 0 when Ihe RST pin is asserted (i.e. sello ground). D1 ILB INTERNAL LOOPBACK: 0: Disables Internal Loopback mode (i.e. normal operation). 1: Enables Internal Loopback mode. D2 EXLB EXTERNAL LOOPBACK 0: Disables External Loopback mode (i.e. normal operation). 1: Enables External Loopback mode. D3 CM CASCADE MODE: 0: Disables synchronization of cascaded PLAYER devices. 1: Enables the synchronization of cascaded PLAYER devices. 04 TQL TRANSMIT QUIET LEVEL:. This bit is used to program the transmission level of the Quiet symbols. 0: Low level Quiet symbols are transmitted through the PMD Data Request pins (i.e. TXD+ = low, TXD- = high). 1: High level Quiet symbols are transmitted through the PMD Data Request pins (i.e. TXD+ = high, TXD- = low). D5 TE TRANSMIT ENABLE: The TE bit controls the action of FOTX Enable (TXE) pin independent of the current transmit mode. When TE is 0, the TXE output disables the optical transmitter; when TE is 1, the optical transmitter is disabled during the Off Transmit Mode (OTM) and enabled otherwise. The On and Off level of the TXE is dependent on the FOTX Enable Level (TEL) pin to the PLAYER device. The following rules summarizes the output of TXE: (1) If TE = 0, then TXE = Off (2) If TE = 1 and OTM, then TXE = Off (3) If TE = 1 and not OTM, then TXE = On. D6 TNRZ TRANSMIT NRZ DATA: 0: Transmits data in Non-Return-To-Zero-Invert-On-Ones format. 1: Transmits data in Non-Return-To-Zero format. 07 RNRZ RECEIVE NRZ DATA: 0: Receives data in Non-Return-To-Zero-Invert-On-Ones format. 1: Receives data in Non-Return-To-Zero format. Refer to Section 4.3, Loopback Mode of Operation, for more information. Refer to Section 4.3, Loopback Mode of Operation, for more information. Refer to Section 4.4, Cascade Mode of Operation, for more information. 2-57 • 5.0 Registers (Continued) CONFIGURATION REGISTER (CR) The Configuration Register controls the Configuration Switch Block and enables/disables both the A and B Indicate output ports. Note that the B_lndicate output port is offered only on the DP83255 (for Dual Attach Stations), and not in the DP83251 (for Single Attach Stations). For further information, refer to Section 3.3, Configuration Switch. ACCESS RULES ADDRESS I 07 I BIE Bit DO,D1 AlE I Always 06 I WRITE READ I 01h 05 I TRS1 Always I I BIS1 04 I TRSO BISO,BIS1 BISO I AIS1 DO I AlSO I Description A.-INDICATE SELECTOR <0, 1>: The ~Indicate Selector <0, 1> bits select one of the four Configuration Switch data buses for the ~Indicate output port (AlP, AIC, AID < 7:0». AIS1 0 0 1 1 D2,D3 I Symbol AISO,AIS1 01 02 03 AlSO 0 1 0 1 PHY Invalid Bus Receiver Bus A-Request Bus B_Request Bus B_INDICATE SELECTOR <0, 1>: The B_lndicate Selector <0, 1> bits select one of the four Configuration Switch data buses for the B_lndicate output port (BIP, BIC, BID <7:0». BIS1 BISO 0 PHY Invalid Bus 0 0 1 Receiver Bus 1 0 A-Request Bus B_Request Bus 1 1 Note: Even though this bit can be set andlor cleared in the DPB3251 (for Single Attach Stations), it will not affect any lias since the DPB3251 does not offer a B_lndicate port. 04,05 TRSO, TRS1 TRANSMIT REQUEST SELECTOR <0, 1>: The Transmit Request Selector <0, 1> bits select one of the four Configuration Switch data buses for the input to the Transmitter Block. TRS1 TRSO PHY Invalid Bus 0 0 0 1 Receiver Bus 1 0 A-Request Bus B_Request Bus 1 1 Note: If the PLAYER device is in Active Transmit Mode (i.e. the Transmit Mode bits (TM < 2:0> ) of the Current Transmit State Register (CTSR) are set to 000) and the PHY Invalid Bus is selected, then the PLAYER device will transmit a maximum of four Halt symbol pairs and then continuous Idle symbols due to the Repeat Filter. 06 AlE "-INDICATE ENABLE: 0: Disables the A-Indicate output port. The A-Indicate port pins will be at TRI·STATE when the port is disabled. 1: Enables the A-Indicate output port (AlP, AIC, AID<7:0». 07 BIE B_INDICATE ENABLE: 0: Disable the B_lndicate output port. The B_lndicate port pins will be at TRI·STATE when the port is disabled. 1: Enables the B_lndicate output port (BIP, BIC, BID<7:0». Note: Even though this bit can be set andlor cleared in the DPB3251 (for Single Attach Stations), it will not affect any lias since the DPB3251 does not offer a B_lndicate port. 2·58 5.0 Registers (Continued) INTERRUPT CONDITION REGISTER (ICR) The Interrupt Condition Register records the occurrence of an internal error event, the detection of Line State, an unsuccessful write by the Control Bus Interface, the expiration of an internal counter, or the assertion of one or more of the User Definable Sense pins. The Interrupt Condition Register will assert the Interrupt pin (IND when one or more bits within the register are set to 1 and the corresponding mask bits in the Interrupt Condition Mask Register (ICMR) are also set to 1. ACCESS RULES READ ADDRESS I D7 I UDI Bit DO I 02h D6 I RCB WRITE Always I Conditional I LEMT D5 I D4 RCA I D3 I D2 CWI Symbol DPE I D1 CCR I CPE DO I DPE I Description PHY_REQUEST_DATA PARITY ERROR: This bit will be setto 1 when: (1) The PHY Request Data Parity Enable bit (PRDPE) of the Current Transmit State Register (CTSR) is set to 1 and (2) The Transmitter Block detects a parity error in the incoming PHY Request Data. The source of the data can be from the PHY Invalid Bus, the Receiver Bus, the A-Bus, or the B_Bus of the Configuration Switch. D1 CPE CONTROL BUS DATA PARITY ERROR: This bit will be set to 1 when: (1) The Control Bus Parity Enable pin is asserted (CBPE = Vecl and (2) The Control Bus Interface detects a parity error in the incoming Control Bus Data (CBD<7:0» during a write cycle. D2 CCR CONTROL BUS WRITE COMMAND REJECT: This bit will be set to 1 when an attempt to write into one of the following read-only registers is made: Current Receive State Register (Register 08, CRSR) Current Noise Count Register (Register OF, CNCR) Current Noise Prescale Count Register (Register 10, CNPCR) Current State Count Register (Register 13, CSCR) Current State Prescale Count Register (Register 14, CSPCR) Current Link Error Count Register (Register 16, CLECR) Device ID Register (Register 18, IDR) Current Injection Count Register (Register 19, CIJCR) Reserved Register 0 (Register 1E, RRO) Reserved Register 1 (Register 1F, RR1) D3 CWI CONDITIONAL WRITE INHIBIT: Set to 1 when bits within mentioned registers do not match bits in compare register. This bit ensures that new (i.e. unread) data is not inadvertently cleared while old data is being cleared through the Control Bus Interface. This bit is set to 1 to prevent the setting or clearing of any bit within the following registers: Interrupt Condition Register (Register 02, ICR) Current Transmit State Register (Register 04, CTSR) Receive Condition Register A (Register 09, RCRA) Receive Condition Register B (Register OA, RCRB) when they differ from the value of the corresponding bit in the following registers respectively: Interrupt Condition Compare Register (Register 1A, ICCR) Current Transmit State Compare Register (Register 1B, CTSCR) Receive Condition Compare Register A (Register 1C, RCCRA) Receive Condition Compare Register B (Register 1D, RCCRB) This bit must be cleared by software. Note that this differs from the BMAC device bit of the same name. 2-59 5.0 Registers (Continued) INTERRUPT CONDITION REGISTER (ICR) (Continued) Bit Symbol 04 LEMT LINK ERROR MONITOR THRESHOLD: This bit is set to 1 when the internalS-bit Link Error Monitor Counter reaches zero. It will remain set until cleared by software. During the reset process (i.e. RS'i" = GND), the Link Error Monitor Threshold bit is set to 1 because the Link Error Monitor Counter is initialized to zero. D5 RCA RECEIVE CONDITION A: This bit is set to 1 when: (1) One or more bits in the Receive Condition Register A (RCRA) is set to 1 and (2) The corresponding mask bits in the Receive Condition Mask Register A (RCMRA) are also set to 1. In order to clear (i.e. set to 0) the Receive Condition A bit, the bits within the Receive Condilion Regisler A Ihal are sello 1 musl firsl be either cleared or masked. D6 RCB RECEIVE CONDITION B: This bit is sel to 1 when: (1) One or more bits in the Receive Condition Register B (RCRB) is set to 1 and (2) The corresponding mask bits in the Receive Condilion Mask Register B (RCMRB) are also sello 1. In order 10 clear (i.e. set to 0) the Receive Condition B bit, the bits within the Receive Condilion Register B that are sello 1 musl first be either cleared or masked. D7 UDI USER DEFINABLE INTERRUPT: This bit is set to 1 when one or both of the Sense Bits (SBO or SB1) in the User Definable Register (UDR) is set to 1. In order to clear (i.e. set to 0) the User Definable Interrupt Bil, both Sense Bits must be set to O. Description 2-60 Ie ." 5.0 Registers (Continued) CD Co) INTERRUPT CONDITION MASK REGISTER (ICMR) The Interrupt Condition Mask Register allows the user to dynamically select which events will generate an interrupt. The Interrupt pin will be asserted (i.e. INT = GND) when one or more bits within the Interrupt Condition Register (lCR) are set to 1 and the corresponding mask bits in this register are also set to 1. This register is cleared (i.e. set to 0) and all interrupts are initially masked during the reset process. ACCESS RULES ADDRESS I I 03h 07 I UDIM READ I I Always 05 06 RCBM WRITE I RCAM Always 04 I LEMTM I 03 I 02 CWIM I CCRM 01 I CPEM DO I DPEM I Bit Symbol Description DO DPEM PHY_REQUEST_DATA PARITY ERROR MASK: The mask bit for the PHY_Request Data Parity Error bit (DPE) of Interrupt Condition Register (ICR). D1 CPEM CONTROL BUS DATA PARITY ERROR MASK: The mask bit for the Control Bus Data Parity Error bit (CPE) of the Interrupt Condition Register (ICR). D2 CCRM CONTROL BUS WRITE COMMAND REJECT MASK: The mask bit for the Control Bus Write Command Reject bit (CCR) of the Interrupt Condition Register (ICR). D3 CWIM CONDITIONAL WRITE INHIBIT MASK: The mask bit for the Conditional Write Inhibit bit (CWI) of the Interrupt Condition Register (lCR). D4 LEMTM LINK ERROR MONITOR THRESHOLD MASK: The mask bit for the Link Error Monitor Threshold bit (LEMT) of the Interrupt Condition Register (ICR). D5 RCAM RECEIVE CONDITION A MASK: The mask bit for the Receive Condition A bit (RCA) of the Interrupt Condition Register (ICR). D6 RCBM RECEIVE CONDITION B MASK: The mask bit for the Receive Condition B bit (RCB) of the Interrupt Condition Register (ICR). D7 UDIM USER DEFINABLE INTERRUPT MASK: The mask bit for the User Definable Interrupt bit (UDI) of the Interrupt Condition Register (lCR). 2·61 N .... ..... (It Ie ." CD Co) N (It (It 5.0 Registers (Continued) CURRENT TRANSMIT STATE REGISTER (CTSR) The Current Transmit State Register can program the Transmitter Block to internally generate and transmit Idle, Master, Halt, Quiet, or user programmable symbol pairs, in addition to the normal transmission of incoming PHY Request data. The Smoother and PHY Request Data Parity may also be enabled and disabled through this register. The Transmit Modes overwrite the Repeat Filter and Smoother outputs, while the Injection Symbols overwrite the Transmit Modes. During the reset process (i.e. RSi = GND) the Transmit Mode is set to Off (TM <2:0> = 010), the Smoother is enabled (i.e. SE is set to 1), and the Reserved bit (b7) is set to 1. All other bits of this register are cleared (i.e. set to 0) during the reset process. ACCESS RULES ADDRESS I 07 I RES READ I 04h 06 I PRDPE WRITE I Always Conditional 05 I SE 04 I IC1 I 03 I ICO 02 I TM2 01 I TM1 DO I TMO I Bit Symbol Description 00,01, 02 TMO, TM1, TM2 Transmit Mode < 0, 1, 2>: These bits select one of the 6 transmission modes for the PMD Request Data output port (TXD ±). TM2 TM1 TMO o o o o o Active Transmit Mode (ATM): Normal transmission of incoming PHY Request data. Idle Transmit Mode (ITM): Transmission of Idle symbol pairs (11111 11111). o o o Off Transmit Mode (OTM): Transmission of Quiet symbol pairs (00000 00000) and . deassertion of the FOTX Enable pin (TXE). Reserved: Reserved for future use. Users are discouraged from using this transmit mode. If selected, however, the transmitter will generate Quiet symbol pairs (00000 00000). o o o Master Transmit Mode (MTM): Transmission of Halt and Quiet symbol pairs (0010000000). Halt Transmit Mode (HTM): Transmission of Halt symbol pairs (00100 00100). o Quiet Transmit Mode (QTM): Transmission of Quiet symbol pairs (00000 00000). Reserved: Reserved for future use. Users are discouraged from using this transmit mode. If selected, however, the transmitter will generate Quiet symbol pairs (00000 00000). 2·62 o 5.0 Registers " CO W (Continued) I'\) CURRENT TRANSMIT STATE REGISTER (CTSR) (Continued) Bit Symbol D3,D4 ICO,lCl Description Injection Control < 0, 1 >: These bits select one of the 4 injection modes. The injection modes overwrite data from the Smoother, Repeat Filter, Encoder, and Transmit Modes. en .... ...... o " CO W I'\) en en ICO is the only bit of the register that is automatically cleared by the PLAYER device after the One Shot Injection is executed. The automatic clear of ICO during the One Shot mode can be int!lrpreted as an acknowledgment that the One Shot has been completed. D5 SE IC1 0 ICO 0 0 1 One Shot: In one shot mode, Injection Symbol Register A (ISRA) and Injection Symbol Register B (ISRB) are injected n symbol pairs after a JK, where n is the programmed value of the Injection Count Register (IJCR). If IJCR is set to 0, the JK symbol pair is replaced by ISRA and ISRB. Once the One Shot is executed, the PLAYER device automatically sets ICO to 0, thereby returning to normal transmission of data. 1 0 Periodic: In Periodic mode, Injection Symbol Register A (ISRA) and Injection Symbol . Register B (ISRB) are injected every (n + 1)th symbol pair, where n is the programmed value of the Injection Count Register (IJCR). If IJCR is set to 0, all data symbols are replaced with ISRA and ISRB. 1 1 Continuous: In Continuous mode, all data symbols are replaced with Injection Symbol Register A (ISRA) and Injection Symbol Register B (ISRB). No Injection: The normal transmission of incoming PHY Request data (i.e. symbols are not injected). SMOOTHER ENABLE: 0: Disables the Smoother. 1: Enables the Smoother. When enabled, the Smoother can redistribute Idle symbol pairs which were added or deleted by the local or upstream receivers. Note: Once the counter has started, it will continue to count irrespective of the incoming symbols with the exception of a JK symbol pair. This bit should be enabled for interoperable operation. D6 PRDPE PHY_REQUEST DATA PARITY ENABLE: 0: Disables PHY_Request Data parity. 1: Enables PHY_Request Data parity. D7 RES RESERVED: Reserved for future use. Note: Users are discouraged from using this bit. The reserved bit is set to 1 during the reset process. It may be set or cleared without any effects to the functionality of the PLAYER device. 2-63 • U) , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , ,U) C'I C") CIO ~ ..... .... U) C'I C") ~ C 5.0 Registers (Continued) INJECTION THRESHOLD REGISTER (lJTR) The Injection Threshold Register, in conjunction with the Injection Control bits (IC< 1:0» in the Current Transmit State Register (CTSR), set the frequency at which the Injection Symbol Register A (ISRA) and Injection Symbol Register B (ISRB) are inserted into the data stream. It contains the start value for the Injection Counter. The Injection Threshold Register value is loaded into the Injection Counter when the counter reaches zero or during every Control Bus Interface write-cycle of this register. The'lnjection Counter is an 8-bit down-counter which decrements every 80 ns. Its current value is read for CIJCR. The counter is active only during One Shot or Periodic Injection Modes (i.e. Injection Control<1:0> bits (lC<1:0» of the Current Transmit State Register (CTSR) are set to either 01 or 10). The Transmitter Block will replace a data symbol pair with ISRA and ISRB when the counter reaches 0 and the Injection Mode is either One Shot or Periodic. If the Injection Threshold Register is set to 0 during the One Shot mode, the JK will be replaced with ISRA and ISRB. If the Injection Threshold Register is set to 0 during the Periodic mode, all data symbols are replaced with ISRA and ISRB. The counter is initialized to 0 during the reset process (i.e. RST = GND). For further information, see the' Injection Control Logic subsection within Section 3.2. ACCESS RULES ADDRESS I 07 I IJT7 Bit Always 06 I WRITE READ I 05h IJT6 I 05 I IJT5 Always 04 I IJT4 I 02 03 I IJT3 Symbol I IJT2 01 I IJT1 DO I IJTO I Description 00 IJTO INJECTION THRESHOLD BIT <0>: Least significant bit (LSB) of the start value for the Injection Counter. 01-6 IJTl-6 INJECTION THRESHOLD BIT < 1-6>: Intermediate bits of start value for the Injection Counter. 07 IJT7 INJECTION THRESHOLD BIT <7>: Most significant bit (MSB) of the start value for the Injection Counter. 2-64 c 5.0 Registers ~ (Continued) Co) N U1 INJECTION SYMBOL REGISTER A (ISRA) The Injection Symbol Register A, along with Injection Symbol Register B, contains the programmable value (already in 5B code) that will replace the data symbol pairs. The One Shot mode, ISRA and ISRB are injected n bytes after the next JK, where n is the programmed value of the Injection Threshold Register. In the Periodic mode, ISRA and ISRB are injected every nth symbol pair. In the Continuous mode, all data symbols are replaced with ISRA and ISRB. ACCESS RULES ADDRESS I D7 I READ I 06h RES Bit Always D6 I RES I "'CJ c» Co) N U1 U1 WRITE I D5 RES ..... "C Always D4 I IJS4 I D2 D3 I IJS3 Symbol I IJS2 D1 I IJS1 DO I IJSO I Description 00 IJSO INJECTION THRESHOLD BIT <0>: Least significant bit (LSB) of Injection Symbol Register A. 01-3 iJSl-3 INJECTION THRESHOLD BIT < 1-3>: intermediate bits of Injection Symbol RegisterA. 04 IJS4 INJECTION THRESHOLD BIT <4>: Most significant bit (MSB) of injection Symbol Register A. 05 RES RESERVED: Reserved for future use. Note: Users are discouraged from using this bit. The reserved bit is set to 1 during the reset process. It may be set or cleared without any effects to the functionality of the PLAYER device. D6 RES RESERVED: Reserved for future use. Note: Users are discouraged from using this bit. The reserved bit is set to 1 during the reset process. It may be set or cleared without any effects to the functionality of the PLAYER device. 07 RES RESERVED: Reserved for future use. Note: Users are discouraged from using this bit. The reserved bit is set to 1 during the reset process. It may be set or cleared without any effects to the functionality of the PLAYER device. • 2-65 it) it) C'I C") 5.0 Registers (Continued) CCI a. Q ...... .,.. it) C'I C") CCI a. Q INJECTION SYMBOL REGISTER B (ISRB) The Injection Symbol Register B, along with Injection Symbol Register A, contains the programmable value (already in 5B code) that will replace the data symbol pairs. The One Shot mode, ISRA and ISRB are injected n bytes after the next JK, where n is the programmed value of the Injection Threshold Register. In the Periodic mode, ISRA and ISRB are injected every nth symbol pair. In the Continuous mode, all data symbols are replaced with ISRA and ISRB. ACCESS RULES ADDRESS I 07 I READ I 07h RES Bit Always 06 I RES WRITE I 05 I RES Always 04 I IJS9 I 03 I 02 IJS8 I Symbol IJS7 01 I IJS6 DO I IJS5 I Description 00 IJS5 INJECTION THRESHOLD BIT<5>: Least significant bit (LSB) of Injection Symbol Register B. 01-3 IJS6-8 INJECTION THRESHOLD BIT <6-8>: Intermediate bits of Injection Symbol Register B. 04 IJS9 INJECTION THRESHOLD BIT <9>: Most significant bit (MSB) of Injection Symbol Register B. 05 RES RESERVED: Reserved for future use. Note: Users are discouraged from using this bit. The reserved bit is set to 1 during the reset process. It may be set or cleared without any effects to the functionality of the PLAYER device. 06 RES RESERVED: Reserved for future use. Note: Users are discouraged from using this bit. The reserved bit is set to 1 during the reset process. It may be set or cleared without any effects to the functionality of the PLAYER device. 07 RES RESERVED: Reserved for future use. Note: Users are discouraged from using this bit. The reserved bit is set to 1 during the reset process. It may be set or cleared without any effects to the functionality of the PLAYER device. 2-66 C 5.0 Registers "'tI CCI (Continued) IN N U1 CURRENT RECEIVE STATE REGISTER (CRSR) The Current Receive State Register represents the current line state being detected by the Receiver Block. Once the Receiver Block recognizes a new Line State, the bits corresponding to the previous line state are cleared, and the bits corresponding to the new line state are set. During the reset process (RST = GND), the Receiver Block is forced to Line State Unknown (Le. the Line State Unknown bit (LSU) is set to 1). ACCESS RULES ADDRESS 08h READ WRITE Always Write Reject D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 DO RES RES RES RES LSU LS2 LS1 LSO Bit Symbol 00,01 02 LSO, LS1, LS2 .......... C "'tI CCI IN N U1 U1 Description LINE STATE <0, 1,2>: These bits represent the current Line State being detected by the Receiver Block. Once the Receiver Block recognizes a new line state, the bits corresponding to the previous line state are cleared, and the bits corresponding to the new line state are set. LS2 0 LS1 0 LSO 0 0 0 1 Idle Line State (ILS): Received a minimum of two consecutive Idle symbol pairs (11111 11111). 0 1 0 No Signal Detect (NSD): The Signal Detect pin (TTLSD) has been deasserted, indicating that the Clock Recovery Device is not receiving data from the Fiber Optic Receiver. 0 1 1 Reserved: Reserved for future use. 1 0 0 Master Line State (MLS): Received a minimum of 8 consecutive Halt-Quiet symbol pairs (0010000000). 1 0 1 Halt Line State (HLS): Received a minimum of 8 consecutive Halt symbol pairs (00100 00100). 1 1 0 Quiet Line State (QLS): Received a minimum of 8 consecutive Quiet symbol pairs (0000000000). 1 1 1 Noise Line State (NLS): Detected a minimum of 16 noise events. Refer to the Receiver Block for further information on noise events. Active Line State (ALS): Received a JK symbol pair (11 000 10001), and possibly followed by data symbols. 03 LSU LINE STATE UNKNOWN: The Receiver Block has not detected the minimum conditions to enter a known line state. When the Line State Unknown bit is set, LS < 2:0 > represent the most recently known line state. 04 RES RESERVED: Reserved for future use. The reserved bit is set to O. Note: Users are discouraged from using this bit. An attempt to write into this bit will cause the PLAYER device to ignore the Control Bus write cycle and set the Control Bus Write Command Reject bit (CCR) of the Interrupt Condition Register (ICR) to 1. 2-67 • 5.0 Registers (Continued) CURRENT RECEIVE STATE REGISTER (CRSR) (Continued) Bit Symbol 05 RES Description RESERVED: Reserved for future use. The reserved bit is set to O. Note: Users are discouraged from using this bit. An attempt to write into this bit will cause the PLAYER device to ignore the CBUS write cycle and set the Control Bus Write Command Reject bit (CCR) of the Interrupt Condition Register (ICR) to 1. 06 RES RESERVED: Reserved for future use. The reserved bit is set to O. Note: Users are discouraged from using this bit. An attempt to write into this bH will cause the PLAYER device to ignore the CBUS write cycle and set the Control Bus Write Command Reject bit (CCR) of the Interrupt Condition Register (lCR) to 1. 07 RES RESERVED: Reserved for future use. The reserved bit is set to O. Note: Users are discouraged from using this bit. An attempt to write into this bit will cause the PLAYER device to ignore the CBUS write cycle and set the Control Bus Write Command Reject bit (CCR) of the Interrupt Condition Register (lCR) to 1. 2-68 5.0 Registers (Continued) RECEIVE CONDITION REGISTER A (RCRA) The Receive Condition Register A maintains a historical record of the Line States recognized by the Receiver Block. When a new Line State is entered, the bit corresponding to that line state is set to 1. The bits corresponding to the previous Line States are not cleared by the PLAYER device, thereby maintaining a record of the Line States detected. The Receive Condition A bit (RCA) of the Interrupt Condition Register (ICR) will be set to 1 when one or more bits within the Receive Condition Register A is set to 1 and the corresponding mask bit(s) in Receive Condition Mask Register A (RCMRA) is also set to 1. ACCESS RULES ADDRESS I 07 I LSUPI Bit READ I 09h 06 I WRITE Always I Conditional 05 I LSC NT 04 I I D3 NLS I D2 MLS Symbol I HLS D1 I QLS DO I NSD I Description DO NSD NO SIGNAL DETECT: Indicates that the Signal Detect pin (TTLSD) has been deasserted and that the Clock Recovery Device is not receiving data from the Fiber Optic Receiver. D1 QLS QUIET LINE STATE: Received a minimum of eight consecutive Quiet symbol pairs (00000 00000). D2 HLS HALT LINE STATE: Received a minimum of eight consecutive Halt symbol pairs (00100 00100). D3 MLS MASTER LINE STATE: Received a minimum of eight consecutive Halt-Quiet symbol pairs (00100 00000). D4 NLS NOISE LINE STATE: Detected a minimum of sixteen noise events. D5 NT NOISE THRESHOLD: This bit is set to 1 when the internal Noise Counter reaches O. It will remain set until a value equal to or greater than one is loaded into the Noise Threshold Register or Noise Prescale Threshold Register. During the reset process (i.e. RST = GND), since the Noise Counter is initialized to 0, the Noise Threshold bit will be set to 1. D6 LSC LINE STATE CHANGE: A line state change has been detected. D7 LSUPI LINE STATE UNKNOWN & PHY INVALID: The Receiver Block has not detected the minimum conditions to enter a known line state. In addition, the most recently known line state was one of the following line states: No Signal Detect, Quiet Line State, Halt Line State, Master Line State, or Noise Line State. 2-69 Lt) Lt) C'I C") co a.. Q ".... Lt) C'I C") co a.. Q 5.0 Registers (Continued) RECEIVE CONDITION REGISTER B (RCRB) The Receive Condition Register B maintains a historical record of the Line States recognized by the Receiver Block. When a new Line State is entered, the bit corresponding to that line state is set to 1. The bits corresponding to the previous Line States are not clear by the PLAYER device, thereby maintaining a record of the Line States detected. The-Receive Condition B bit (RCB) of the Interrupt Condition Register (ICR) will be set to 1 when one or more bits within the Receive Condition Register B is set to 1 and the corresponding mask bits in Receive Condition Mask Register B (RCMRB) is also set to 1. ACCESS RULES ADDRESS I 07 I READ I OAh RES Bit Always 06 I SILS WRITE I Conditional 05 I EBOU 04 I CSE I 03 I 02 LSUPV Symbol I ALS 01 I ST DO I ILS I Description DO ILS IDLE LINE STATE: Received a minimum of two consecutive Idle symbol pairs (11111 11111). D1 ST STATE THRESHOLD: This bit will be set to 1 by the PLAYER device when the internal State Counter reaches zero. It will remain set until a value equal to or greater than one is loaded into the State Threshold Register or State Prescale Threshold Register, and this register is cleared. During the reset process (I.e. RST = GND), since the State Counter is initialized to 0, the State Threshold bit is set to 1. D2 ALS ACTIVE LINE STATE: Received a JK symbol pair (1100010001), and possibly data symbols following. D3 LSUPV LINE STATE UNKNOWN & PHY VALID: Receiver Block has not detected the minimum conditions to enter a know line state when the most recently known line state was one of the following line states: Active Line State or Idle Line State D4 CSE CASCADE SYNCHRONIZATION ERROR: When a synchronization error occurs, the Cascade Synchronization Error bit is set to 1. A synchronization error occurs if the Cascade Start signal (CS) is not asserted within approximately 80 ns of Cascade Ready (CR) release. D5 EBOU ELASTICITY BUFFER UNDERFLOWIOVERFLOW: The Elasticity Buffer has either overflowed or underflowed. The Elasticity Buffer will automatically recover if the condition which caused the error is only transient. D6 SILS SUPER IDLE LINE STATE: Received a minimum of eight Idle symbol pairs (11111 11111). D7 RES RESERVED: Reserved for future use. The reserved bit is set to 0 during the reset process. Note: Users are discouraged from uSin~ this bit. It may be set or cleared without any effects to the functionality of the PLAY R device. 2-70 5.0 Registers (Continued) RECEIVE CONDITION MASK REGISTER A (RCMRA) The Receive Condition Mask Register A allows the user to dynamically select which events will generate an interrupt. The Receive Condition A bit (RCA) of the Interrupt Condition Register (lCR) will be set to 1 when one or more bits within the Receive Condition Register A (RCRA) is set to 1 and the corresponding mask bites) in this register is also set to 1. Since this register is cleared (i.e. set to 0) during the reset process, all interrupts are initially masked. ACCESS RULES ADDRESS I I OSh 07 I READ LSUPIM Bit Always 06 I WRITE I 05 LSCM I NTM 04 I I Always 03 NLSM I 02 MLSM Symbol I HLSM 01 I QLSM DO I NSOM I Description 00 NSOM NO SIGNAL DETECT MASK: The mask bit for the No Signal Oetect bit (NSO) of the Receive Condition Register A (RCRA). 01 QLSM QUIET LINE STATE MASK: The mask bit for the Quiet Line State bit (QLS) of the Receive Condition Register A (RCRA). 02 HLSM HALT LINE STATE MASK: The mask bit for the Halt Line State bit (HLS) of the Receive Condition Register A (RCRA). 03 MLSM MASTER LINE STATE MASK: The mask bit for the Master Line State bit (MLS) of the Receive Condition Register A (RCRA). 04 NLSM NOISE LINE STATE MASK: The mask bit for the Noise Line State bit (NLS) of the Receive Condition Register A (RCRA) 05 NTM NOISE THRESHOLD MASK: The mask bit for the Noise Threshold bit (Nn of the Receive Condition Register A (RCRA). 06 LSCM LINE STATE CHANGE MASK: The mask bit for the Line State Change bit (LSC) of the Receive Condition Register A (RCRA). 07 LSUPIM LINE STATE UNKNOWN & PHY INVALID MASK: The mask bit for the line State Unknown & PHY Invalid bit (LSUPI) of the Receive Condition Register A (RCRA). 2-71 It) It) ~ co a. Q ..... .... It) N ('I) co a. Q 5.0 Registers (Continued) RECEIVE CONDITION MASK REGISTER B (RCMRB) The Receive Condition Mask Register B allows the user to dynamically select which events will generate an interrupt. The Receiver"ConditionB bit (RCB) of the Interrupt Condition Register (ICR) will be set to 1 when one or more bits within the Receive Condition B (RCRA) is set to 1 and the corresponding mask bits in this register is also set to 1. Since this register is cleared (i.e. set to 0) during the reset process, all interrupts are initially masked. ACCESS RULES ADDRESS I 07 I RES Bit READ I OCh Always 06 I SILSM WRITE I 05 I EBOUM Always 04 I I 03 CSEM I 02 LSUPVM Symbol I ALSM DO 01 I STM I ILSM I Description DO ILSM IDLE LINE STATE MASK: The mask bitforthe Idle Line State bit (ILS) of the Receive Condition Register B (RCRB). 01 STM STATE THRESHOLD MASK: The mask bit of the StateThreshold bit (Sn of the Receive Condition Register B (RCRB). 02 ALSM ACTIVE LINE STATE MASK: The mask bit for the Active Line State bit (ALS) "of the Receive Condition Register B (RCRB). 03 LSUPVM LINE STATE UNKNOWN & PHY VALID MASK: The mask bitfor the Line State Unknown & PHY Valid bit (LSUPV) of the Receive Condition Register B (RCRB). 04 CSEM CASCADE SYNCHRONIZATION ERROR MASK: The mask bit for the Cascade Synchronization Error bit (CSE) of the Receive Condition Register B (RCRB)." 05 EBOUM ELASTICITY BUFFER OVERFLOWIUNDERFLOW MASK: The mask bit for the ElasticitY Buffer Overflow/Underflow bit (EBOU) of the Receive Condition Register B (RCRB). 06 SILSM SUPER IDLE LINE STATE MASK: The mask bitfor the Super Idle Line State bit (SILS) of the Receive Condition Register B (RCRB). 07 RESM RESERVED MASK: The mask bit for the Reserved bit (RES) of the Receive Condition Register B (RCRB). 2·72 c ~ 5.0 Registers (Continued) ~ NOISE THRESHOLD REGISTER (NTR) The Noise Threshold Register contains the start value for the Noise Counter. This counter may be used in conjunction with the Noise Prescale Counter for counting the Noise events. Definiton of Noise event is explained in detail in Section B.2. The Noise Counter decrements once every BO ns if the noise Prescale counter is zero and there is a noise event. As a result, the internal noise counter takes ((NPTR+ 1) x (NTR+1)) x BO ns .........C ." CO Co) II.) en en to reach zero in the event of continuous Noise event. The threshold values for the Noise Counter and Noise Prescale Counter are simultaneously loaded into both counters if one of the following conditions is true: (1) Both the Noise Counter and Noise Prescale Counter reach zero and the current Line State is either Noise Line State, Active Line State, or Line State Unknown. or (2) The current Line State is either Halt Line State, Idle Line State, Master Line State, Quiet Line State, or No Signal Detect or (3) The Noise Threshold Register or Noise Prescale Threshold Register goes through a Control Bus Interface write cycle. In addition, the value of the Noise Prescale Threshold register is loaded into the Noise Prescale Counter if the Noise Prescale Counter reaches zero. The Noise Counter and Noise Prescale Counter will continue to count, without resetting or reloading the threshold values, if a Line State change occurs and the new line state is either Noise Line State, Active Line State or Line State Unknown. When both the Noise Threshold Counter and Noise Counter both reach zero, the Noise Threshold bit of the Receive Condition Register A will be set. ACCESS RULES ADDRESS I D7 I READ I ODh NT? Bit Always D6 I NT6 WRITE I D5 I NT5 Always D4 I I D3 NT4 I D1 D2 NT3 Symbol I NT2 I NT1 DO I NTO I Description DO NTO NOISE THRESHOLD BIT : Least significant bit (LSB) of the start value for the Noise Counter. D1-5 NT1-5 NOISE THRESHOLD BIT < 1-5>: Intermediate bits of start value for the Noise Counter. D6 NT6 NOISE THRESHOLD BIT <6>: Most significant bit (MSB) of the start value for the Noise Counter. D7 RES RESERVED: Reserved for future use. Note: Users are discouraged from using this bit. Write data is ignored since the reserved bit is permanently set to O. fII 2·73 U) U) N ('f) CD a. C ...... .... U) N ('f) ~ C r---------------------------------------------------------------------------------. 5.0 Registers (Continued) NOISE PRESCALE THRESHOLD REGISTER (NPTR) The Noise Prescale Threshold Register contains the start value for the· Noise Prescale Counter. The Noise Prescale Counter is a count-down counter and it is used in conjunction with the Noise Counter for counting the Noise events. The Noise Pre scale Counter decrements once every 80 ns while there is a noise event. When the Noise Prescale Counter reaches zero, it reloads the count with the content of the Noise Prescale Threshold Register and also causes the Noise Counter to decrement. The threshold values for the Noise Counter and Noise Prescale Counter are simultaneously loaded into both counters if one of the following conditions is true: (1) Both the Noise Counter and Noise Prescale Counter reach zero and the current Line State is either Noise Line State, Active Line State, or Line State Unknown. or (2) The current Line State is either, Halt Line State, Idle Line State, Master Line State, Quiet Line State, or No Signal Detect or (3) The Noise Threshold Register or Noise Prescale Threshold Register goes through a Control Bus Interface write cycle. In addition, the value of the Noise Prescale Threshold register is loaded into the Noise Prescale Counter if the Noise Prescale Counter reaches zero. The Noise Counter and Noise Prescale Counter will continue to count, without resetting or reloading the threshold values, if a Line State change occurs and the new line state is either Noise Line State, Active Line State, or Line State Unknown. When both the Noise Threshold Counter and Noise Counter both reach zero, the Noise Threshold bit of the Receive Condition Register A will be set. ACCESS RULES ADDRESS I D7 I NPT7 Bit DO 01-6 07 READ I OEh Always D6 I NPT6 WRITE I D5 I NPT5 Always D4 I I D3 NPT4 I D2 NPT3 I Symbol NPTO NPTI-6 NPT7 NPT2 D1 I NPT1 DO I NPTO I Description NOISE PRESCALE THRESHOLD BIT < 0>: Least significant bit (LSB) of the start value of the Noise Prescale Counter. NOISE PRESCALE THRESHOLD BIT : Intermediate bits of start value for the Noise Prescale Counter. NOISE PRESCALE THRESHOLD BIT < 7>: Most significant bit (MSB) of the start value for the Noise Prescale Counter. 2-74 o ;g 5.0 Registers (Continued) Co) N U1 CURRENT NOISE COUNT REGISTER (CNCR) The Current Noise Count Register takes a snap-shot of the Noise Counter during every Control Bus Interface read-cycle of this register. During a Control Bus Interface write-cycle to the Current Noise Count Register, the PLAYER device will set the Control Bus Write Command Reject bit (CCR) of the Interrupt Condition Register (ICR) to 1 and will ignore a write-cycle. ACCESS RULES ADDRESS I 07 I NCLSCD Bit READ I OFh I I Write Reject 05 CNC6 I co Co) N U1 U1 WRITE Always 06 .... o "." CNC5 03 04 I CNC4 I I 02 CNC3 Symbol I CNC2 01 I CNC1 DO I CNCO I Description DO-6 CNCO-6 CURRENT NOISE COUNT BIT <0-6> D7 NCLSCD NOISE COUNTER LINE STATE CHANGE DETECTION • 2-75 U) , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , U) C'I Cf) ~ Q ..... .... ~ Cf) co a. Q 5.0 Registers (Continued) CURRENT NOISE PRESCALE COUNT REGISTER (CNPCR) The Current Noise Prescale Count Register takes a snap-shot of the Noise Prescale Counter during every Control Bus Interface read-cycle of this register. During a Control Bus Interface write-cycle to the Current Noise Prescale Count Register, the PLAYER device will set the Control Bus Write Command Reject bit (CCR) of the Interrupt Condition Register (ICR) to 1 and will ignore a write-cycle. ACCESS RULES ADDRESS 10h D7 I READ WRITE Always Write Reject D6 CNPC7 Bit 00-7 I D5 CNPC6 I I I CNPC5 Symbol CNPCO-7 D4 I D3 CNPC4 I I I D1 D2 CNPC3 I CNPC2 I CNPC1 DO I CNPCO Description CURRENT NOISE PRESCALE COUNT BY <0-7> 2-76 I C 5.0 Registers "U m Co) (Continued) N CI1 STATE THRESHOLD REGISTER (STR) The State Threshold Register contains the start value of the State Counter. This counter is used in conjunction with the State Prescale Counter to count the Line State duration. The State Counter will decrement every 80 ns if the State Prescale Counter is zero and the current Line State is Halt Line, Idle Line State, Master Line State, Quiet Line State, or No Signal Detect. State The State Counter takes «SPTR+ 1) x (STR+ 1» x 80 ns to reach zero during a continuous line state condition. The threshold values for the State Counter and State Prescale Counter are simultaneously loaded into both counters if one of the following conditions is true: (1) Both the State Counter and State Prescale Counter reach zero and the current Line State is Halt Line State, Idle Line State, Master Line State, Quiet Line State, or No Signal Detect or (2) A line state change occurs and the new Line State is Halt Line State, Idle Line State, Master Line State, Quiet Line State, or No Signal Detect or (3) The State Threshold Register or State Prescale Threshold Register goes through a Control Bus Interface write cycle. In addition, the value of the State Prescale Threshold register is loaded into the State Prescale Counter if the State Prescale Counter reaches zero. The State Counter and State Prescale Counter will reset by reloading the threshold values, if a Line State change occurs and the new Line State is Halt Line State, Idle Line State, Master Line State, Quiet Line State, or No Signal Detect. ACCESS RULES ADDRESS I D7 I READ I 11h ST7 Bit DO Always D6 I ST6 WRITE I D5 I ST5 Always D4 I I D3 ST4 I D2 ST3 I D1 I ST1 DO I STO I Description Symbol STO ST2 STATE THRESHOLD BIT <0>: Least significant bit (LSB) of the start value for the State Counter. 01-5 ST1-5 STATE THRESHOLD BIT < 1-5>: Intermediate bits of start value for the State Counter. 06 ST6 STATE THRESHOLD BIT < 6 >: Most significant bit (MSB) of the start value for the State Counter. 07 RES RESERVED: Reserved for future use. Note: Users are discouraged from using this bit. Write data is ignored since the reserved bit is permanently set to O. 2·77 .... ..... C "U m Co) N CI1 CI1 U) , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , U) ~ co 5.0 Registers (Continued) a. STATE PRESCALE THRESHOLD REGISTER (SPTR) U) The State Prescale Threshold Register contains the start value for the State Prescale Counter. The State Prescale Counter is a down counter. The Register is used in conjunction with the State Counter to count the Line State duration. c ..... ..C'oI C") co a. C The State Prescale Counter will decrement every 80 ns if the current Line State is Halt Line, Idle Line State, Master Line State, Quiet Line State, or No Signal Detect. As a result, the State Prescale Counter takes SPTR x 80 ns to reach zero during a continuous line state condition. When the State Prescale Counter reaches zero, the State Prescale Threshold Register will be reloaded into the State Prescale Counter. The threshold values for the State Counter and State Prescale Counter are simultaneously loaded into both counters if one of the following conditions is true: (1) Both the State Counter and State Prescale Counter reach zero and the current Line State is Halt Line State, Idle Line State, Master Line State, Quiet Line State, or No Signal Detect. or (2) A Line State change occurs and the new Line State is Halt Line State, Idle Line State, Master Line State, Quiet Line State, or No Signal Detect or (3) The State Threshold Register or State Prescale Threshold Register goes through a Control Bus Interface write cycle. The State Counter and State Prescale Counter will reset by reloading the threshold values, if a Line State change occurs and the new Line State is Halt Line State, Idle Line State, Master Line State, Quiet Line State, or No Signal Detec.t. ACCESS RULES ADDRESS I D7 I SPT7 Bit Always D6 I WRITE READ I 12h SPT6 I D4 D5 I SPT5 Always I I D2 D3 SPT4 I SPT3 I Symbol SPT2 D1 I SPT1 DO I SPTO I Description DO SPTO STATE PRESCALE THRESHOLD BIT <0>: Least significant bit (LSB) of the start value for the State Prescale Counter. 01-6 SPT1-6 STATE PRESCALE THRESHOLD BIT < 1"'6>: Intermediate bits of start value for the State Prescale Counter. 07 SPT7 STATE PRESCALE THRESHOLD BIT < 7 >: Most significant bit (MSB) of the start value for the State Prescale Counter. 2-78 .----------------------------------------------------------------------.0 5.0 Registers "'U co Co) (Continued) N U'I CURRENT STATE COUNT REGISTER (CSCR) The Current State Count Register takes a snap-shot of the State Counter during every Control Bus Interface read-cycle of this register. During a Control Bus Interface write-cycle to the Current State Count Register, the PLAYER device will set the Control Bus Write Command Reject bit (CCR) of the Interrupt Condition Register (ICR) to 1 and will ignore a write-cycle. ACCESS RULES ADDRESS I 07 I Bit I CSC6 I Always 06 SCLSCD Write Reject 04 05 I , WRITE READ I 13h CSC5 I CSC4 I 03 I 02 CSC3 Symbol I CSC2 01 I CSCI DO I CSCO I Description < 0-6 > DO-6 CSCO-6 CURRENT STATE COUNT BIT D7 SCLSCD STATE COUNTER LINE STATE CHANGE DETECTION 2-79 .... ..... o"'U co Co) N U'I U'I 5.0 Registers (Continued) CURRENT STATE PRESCALE COUNT REGISTER (CSPCR) The Current State Prescale Count Register takes a snap-shot of the State Prescale Counter during every Control Bus interface read-cycle of this register. During a Control Bus Interface write-cycle to the Current State Prescale Count Register, the PLAYER device will set the Control Bus Write Command Reject bit (CCR) of the Interrupt Condition Register (lCR) to 1 and will ignore a write-cycle. ACCESS RULES ADDRESS I D7 READ I 14h Always D6 I CSPC7 I Bit 00-7 CSPC6 WRITE I D5 I I I CSPC5 I Write Reject D3 D4 I CSPC4 Symbol CSPCO-7 I D2 CSPC3 I I I CSPC2 D1 I DO CSPC1 I CSPCO I Description CURRENT STATE PRESCALE COUNT <0-7> 2-80 C ""0 5.0 Registers (XI Co) (Continued) ... N LINK ERROR THRESHOLD REGISTER (LETR) U1 The Link Error Threshold Register contains the start value for the Link Error Monitor Counter, which is an 8-bit down-counter that decrements if link errors are detected. When the Counter reaches 0, the Link Error Monitor Threshold Register value is loaded into the Link Error Monitor Counter and the Link Error Monitor Threshold bit (LEMT) of the Interrupt Condition Register (ICR) is set to 1. The Link Error Monitor Threshold Register value is also loaded into the Link Error Monitor Counter during every Control Bus Interface write-cycle of LETR. C ""0 (XI Co) N U1 U1 The Counter is initialized to 0 during the reset process (i.e. RST = GND). ACCESS RULES ADDRESS I 07 I READ I 15h LET7 Bit 06 I LET6 WRITE I Always D5 I LET5 Always D4 I I D3 LET4 I D1 D2 LET3 Symbol I LET2 I LET1 DO I LETO I Description DO LETO LINK ERROR THRESHOLD BIT <0>: Least significant bit of the start value for the Link Error Monitor Counter. D1-6 LET1-6 LINK ERROR THRESHOLD BIT < 1-6>: Intermediate bits of start value for the Link Error Monitor Counter. D7 LET7 LINK ERROR THRESHOLD BIT <7>: Most significant bit of the start value for the Link Error Monitor Counter. FJI 2-81 U) , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , U) N ('I) ~ Q ..... .... U) ~ ~ Q 5.0 Registers (Continued) CURRENT LINK ERROR COUNT REGISTER (CLECR) The Current Link Error Count Register takes a snap-shot of the Link Error Monitor Counter during every Control Bus Interface read-cycle of this register. During a Control Bus Interface write-cycle, the PLAYER device will set the Control Bus Write Command Reject bit (CCR) of the Interrupt Condition Register (lCR) to 1 and will ignore a write-cycle. ACCESS RULES ADDRESS I D7 I LEC7 READ I 16h Always D6 I Bit 00-7 LEC6 WRITE I Write Reject D5 I LEC5 I I D4 I LEC4 I D2 D3 I LEC3 I I I Symbol LECO-7 2-82 LEC2 D1 I LEC1 DO I LECO I Description LINK ERROR COUNT BIT <0-7> C 5.0 Registers 'a 00 (Continued) Co) USER DEFINABLE REGISTER (UDR) The User Definable Register is used to monitor and control events which are external to the PLAYER device. The value of the Sense Bits reflects the asserted/deasserted state of their corresponding Sense pins. On the other hand, the Enable bits assert/ deassert the Enable pins. I READ I 17h D7 RES Bit Always D6 I .... ..... C 'a 00 Co) N ACCESS RULES ADDRESS I N c.n RES I D5 I RES c.n c.n WRITE Always D4 I RES I D3 I D2 EB1 Symbol I EBO DO D1 I SB1 I SBO I Description DO SBO SENSE BIT 0: This bit is set to 1 if the Sense Pin 0 (SPO) is asserted (i.e. SPO = Vee! for a minimum of 160 ns. Once the asserted signal is latched, Sense Bit 0 can only be cleared through the Control Bus Interface, even if the signal is deasserted. This ensures that the Control Bus Interface will record the source of events which can cause interrupts in a traceable manner. D1 SB1 SENSE BIT 1: This bit is set to 1 if the Sense Pin 1 (SP1) is asserted (i.e. SP1 = Vee! for a minimum of 160 ns. Once the asserted signal is latched, Sense Bit 1 can only be cleared through the Control Bus Interface, even if the signal is deasserted. This ensures that the Control Bus Interface will record the source of events which can cause interrupts in a traceable manner. D2 EBO ENABLE BIT 0: The Enable Bit 0 allows control of external logic through the Control Bus Interface. The User Definable Enable Pin 0 (EPO) is asserted/deasserted by this bit. 0: EPO is deasserted (i.e. EPO = GND). 1: EPO is asserted (i.e. EPO = Vee). D3 EB1 ENABLE BIT 1: This bit allows control of external logic through the Control Bus Interface. The User Definable Enable Pin 0 (EPO) is asserted/deasserted by this bit. 0: EP1 is deasserted (i.e. EP1 = GND). 1: EP1 is asserted (i.e. EP1 = Vee!. D4-7 RES RESERVED: Reserved for future use. The reserved bit is set to 0 during the initialization process (i.e. RST = GND). Nole: Users are discouraged from using this bit. It may be set or cleared without any effects to the functionality of the PLAYER device. II 2-83 ~ ~ ~ CIO ~ ...... ~ ~ ~ C ,---------------------------------------------------------------------------------, 5.0 Registers (Continued) DEVICE ID REGISTER (IDR) The Device 10 Register contains the binary equivalent of the revision number for this device. It can be used to ensure proper software and hardware versions are matched. During the Control Bus Interface write-cycle, the PLAYER device will set the Control Bus Write Command Register bit (CCR) of the Interrupt Condition Register (ICR) to 1, and will ignore write-cycle. ACCESS RULES ADDRESS I I 18h D7 I READ 0107 Bit Always D6 I 0106 WRITE I Write Reject D5 I 0105 D4 I I D3 0104 I D2 0103 I Symbol 0102 DO D1 I 0101 I DIDO I Description DO DIDO DEVICE ID BIT <0>: Least significant bit (LSB) of the revision number. 01-6 0101-6 DEVICE ID BIT 07 0107 DEVICE ID BIT < 1-0-6>: Intermediate bits of the revision number. <7>: Most significant bit (MSB) of the revision number. 2-84 ,----------------------------------------------------------------------, C "'til co 5.0 Registers (Continued) (0) N CURRENT INJECTION COUNT REGISTER (CIJCR) .... ..... C ;g (II The Current Injection Count Register takes a snap-shot of the Injection Counter during every Control Bus Interface read-cycle of this register. During a Control Bus Interface write-cycle, the PLAYER device will set the Control Bus Write Command Reject bit (CCR) of the Interrupt Condition Register (lCR) to 1 and will ignore a write-cycle. The Injection Counter is an 8-bit down-counter which decrements every 80 ns. (0) N (II (II The counter is active only during One Shot or Periodic Injection Modes (i.e. Injection Control <1:0> bits (IC<1:0» of the Current Transmit State Register (CTSR) are set to either 01 or 10). The Injection Threshold Register (IJTR) value is loaded into the Injection Counter when the counter reaches zero and during every Control Bus Interface write-cycle of IJTR. The counter is initialized to ACCESS RULES ADDRESS I 07 I IJC7 Bit Always 06 I IJC6 I Write Reject 05 I IJC5 GND). WRITE READ I 19h a during the reset process (i.e. RST = 04 I I 03 IJC4 I 02 IJC3 Symbol I IJC2 01 I IJC1 DO I IJCO I Description DO IJCO INJECTION COUNT BIT <0>: least significant bit (lSB) of the current value of the Injection Counter. D1-6 IJC1-6 INJECTION COUNT BIT < 1-6>: Intermediate bits representing the current value of the Injection Counter. D7 IJC7 INJECTION COUNT BIT <7>: Most significant bit (MSB) of the current value of the Injection Counter. II 2-85 5.0 Registers (Continued) INTERRUPT CONDITION COMPARISON REGISTER (ICCR) The Interrupt Condition Comparison Register ensures that the Control Bus must first read a bit modified by the PLAYER device before it can be written to by the Control Bus Interlace. The current state of the Interrupt Condition Register (ICR) is automatically written into the Interrupt Condition Comparison Register (i.e. ICCR = ICR) during a Control Bus Interface read-cycle of ICA. During a Control Bus Interlace write-cycle, the PLAYER device will set the Conditional Write Inhibit bit (CWI) of the Interrupt Condition Register (ICR) to 1 and disallow the setting or clearing of a bit within ICR when the value of a bit in ICR differs from the value of the corresponding bit in the Interrupt Condition Comparison Register. ACCESS RULES ADDRESS I 07 I UDIC Bit READ I 1Ah 06 I RCBC WRITE I Always 05 I RCAC Always 04 I I 03 LEMTC I 02 CWIC Symbol I CCRC 01 I CPEC DO I DPEC I Description DO DPEC PHY-REQUEST DATA PARITY ERROR COMPARISON: The comparison bit for the PHY_Request Data Parity Error bit (OPE) of the Interrupt Condition Register (lCR). D1 CPEC CONTROL BUS DATA PARITY ERROR COMPARISON: The comparison bit for the Control Bus Data Parity Error bit (CPE) of the Interrupt Condition Register (ICR). 02 CCRC CONTROL BUS WRITE COMMAND REJECT COMPARISON: The comparison bit for the Control Bus Write Command Reject bit (CCR) of the Interrupt Condition Register (ICR). D3 CWIC CONDITIONAL WRITE INHIBIT COMPARISON: The comparison bit for the Conditional Write Inhibit bit (CWI) of the Interrupt Condition Register (lCR). 04 LEMTC LINK ERROR MONITOR THRESHOLD COMPARISON: The comparison bit for the Link Error Monitor Threshold bit (LEMn of the Interrupt Condition Register (lCR). 05 RCAC RECEIVE CONDITION A COMPARISON: The comparison bit for the Receive Condition A bit (RCA) of the Interrupt Condition Register (ICR). 06 RCBC RECEIVE CONDITION B COMPARISON.: The comparison bit for the Receive Condition B bit (RCB) of the Interrupt Condition Register (lCR). 07 UDIC USER DEFINABLE INTERRUPT COMPARISON: The comparison bit for the User Definable Interrupt bit (UDIC) of the Interrupt Condition Register (lCR). 2-86 5.0 Registers (Continued) CURRENT TRANSMIT STATE COMPARISON REGISTER (CTSCR) The Current Transmit State Comparison Register ensures that the Control Bus must first read a bit modified by the PLAYER device before it can be written to by the Control Bus Interface. The current state of the Current Transmit State Register (CTSR) is automatically written into the Current Transmit State Comparison Register A (i.e. CTSCR = CTSR) during a Control Bus Interface read-cycle of CTSR. During a Control Bus Interface write-cycle, the PLAYER device will set the Conditional Write Inhibit bit (CWI) of the Interrupt Condition Register (lCR) to 1 and disallow the setting or clearing of a bit within the CTSR when the value of a bit in the CTSR differs from the value of the corresponding bit in the Current Transmit State Comparison Register. ACCESS RULES ADDRESS I I Bit Always 06 07 RESC READ I 1Bh I WRITE I 05 PROPEC I SEC Always 04 I IC1C I 02 03 I ICOC I TM2C 01 I TM1C DO I TMOC I Description Symbol DO TMOC TRANSMIT MODE <0> COMPARISON: The comparison bitfor the Transmit Mode < 0 > (TMO) of the Current Transmit State Register (CTSR). D1 TM1C TRANSMIT MODE < 1 > COMPARISON: The comparison bit for the Transmit Mode < 1 > bit (TM1) of the Current Transmit State Register (CTSR). D2 TM2C TRANSMIT MODE < 2> COMPARISON: The comparison bit for the Transmit Mode < 2 > bit (TM2) of the Current Transmit State Register (CTSR). D3 ICOC INJECTION CONTROL <0> COMPARISON: The comparison bit for the Injection Control <0> bit (I CO) of the Current Transmit State Register (CTSR). 04 IC1C INJECTION CONTROL < 1 > COMPARISON: The comparison bit for the Injection Control < 1 > bit (IC1) of the Current Transmit Register (CTSR). 05 SEC SMOOTHER ENABLE COMPARISON: The comparison bit for the Smoother Enable bit (SE) to the Current Transmit State Register (CTSR). 06 PROPEC PHY_REQUEST DATA PARITY ENABLE COMPARISON: The comparison bit for the PHY_Request Data Parity Enable bit (PROPE) of the Current Transmit State Register (CTSR). 07 RESC RESERVED COMPARISON: The comparison bit for the Reserved bit (RES) of the Current Transmit State Register (CTSR). • I 2-87 5.0 Registers (Continued) RECEIVE CONDITION COMPARISON REGISTER A (RCCRA) The Receive Condition Comparison Register A ensures that the Control Bus must first read a bit modified by the PLAYER device before it can be written to by the Control Bus Interface. The current state of RCRA is automatically written into the Receive Condition Comparison Register A (i.e. RCCRA = RCRA) during a Control Bus Interface read-cycle of RCRA. During a Control Bus Interface write-cycle, the PLAYER device will set the Conditional Write Inhibit bit (CWll of the Interrupt Condition Register (lCR) to 1 and prevent the setting or clearing of a bit within RCRA when the value of.a bit in RCRA differs from the value of the corresponding bit in the Receive Condition Comparison Register A. ACCESS RULES ADDRESS I I D7 I READ 1Ch LSUPIC D6 I LSCC WRITE I Always D5 I D4 NTC I I Always NLSC I D1 D2 D3 MLSC I HLSC I QLSC DO I NSDC I Bit Symbol DO NSDC NO SIGNAL DETECT COMPARISON: The comparison bit for the No Signal Detect bit (NSDl of the Receive Condition Register A (RCRA). Description D1 QLSC QUIET LINE STATE COMPARISON: The comparison bit for the Quiet Line State bit (QLS) of the Receive Condition Register A (RCRAl. D2 HLSC HALT LINE STATE COMPARISON: The comparison bit for the Halt Line State bit (HLSl of the Receive Condition Register A (RCRA). D3 MLSC MASTER LINE STATE COMPARISON: The comparison bit for the Master Line State bit (MLSl of the Receive Condition Register A (RCRA). 04 NLSC NOISE LINE STATE COMPARISON: The comparison bit for the Noise Line State bit (NLS) of the Receive Condition Register A (RCRA). D5 NTC NOISE THRESHOLD COMPARISON: The comparison bit for the Noise Threshold bit (NT) of the Receive Condition Register A (RCRAl. 06 LSCC LINE STATE CHANGE COMPARISON: The comparison bit for the Line State Change bit (LSC) of the Receive Condition Register A (RCRA). 07 LSUPIC LINE STATE UNKNOWN" PHY INVALID COMPARISON: The comparison bit for the Line State Unknown & PHY Invalid bit (LSUPI) of the Receive Condition Register A (RCRA). 2-88 5.0 Registers (Continued) RECEIVE CONDITION COMPARISON REGISTER B (RCCRB) The Receive Condition Comparison Register B ensures that the Control Bus must first read a bit modified by the PLAYER device before it can be written to by the Control Bus Interface. The current state of RCRB is automatically written into the Receive Condition Comparison Register B (i.e. RCCRB = RCRB) during a Control Bus Interface read-cycle RCRB. During a Control Bus Interface write-cycle, the PLAYER device will set the Conditional Write Inhibit bit (CWI) of the Interrupt Condition Register (ICR) to 1 and prevent the setting or clearing of a bit within RCRB when the value of a bit in RCRB differs from the value of the corresponding bit in the Receive Condition Comparison Register B. ACCESS RULES ADDRESS I 06 07 I I 1Dh RESC READ I SILSC WRITE I Always 05 I I Always 04 EBOUC I CSEC 02 03 I LSUPVC I ALSC DO 01 I STC I ILSC I Bit Symbol DO ILSC IDLE LINE STATE COMPARISON: The comparison bit for the Idle State bit (ILS) of the Receive Condition Register B (RCRB). Description D1 STC STATE THRESHOLD COMPARISON: The comparison bit for the State Threshold bit (ST) of the Receive Condition Register B (RCRB). D2 ALSC ACTIVE LINE STATE COMPARISON: The comparison bit for the Active Line State bit (ALS) of the Receive Condition Register B (RCRB). D3 LSUPVC LINE STATE UNKNOWN 8. PHY VALID COMPARISON: The comparison bit for the Line State Unknown & PHY Valid bit (LSUPV) of the Receive Condition Register B (RCRB). D4 CSEC CASCADE SYNCHRONIZATION ERROR COMPARISON: The comparison bit for the Cascade Synchronization Error bit (CSE) of the Receive Condition Register B (RCRB). D5 EBOUC ELASTICITY BUFFER OVERFLOWIUNDERFLOW COMPARISON: The comparison bit for the Elasticity Buffer Overflow/Underflow bit (EBOU) of the Receive Condition Register B (RCRB). D6 SILSC SUPER IDLE LINE STATE COMPARISON: The comparison bit for the Super Idle Line State bit (SILS) of the Receive Condition Register B (RCRB). D7 RESC RESERVED COMPARISON: The comparison bit for the Reserved bit (RES) of the Receive Condition Register B (RCRB). RESERVED REGISTER 0 (RRO) ADDRESS 1Eh-DO NOT USE RESERVED REGISTER 1 (RR1) ADDRESS 1Fh-DO NOT USE 2-89 It) It) N CW) co 11. Q .... '" It) N CW) co 11. Q 6.0 Pin Descriptions 6.1 DP83251 The pin descriptions for the DP83251 are divided into 5 functional interfaces: Serial Interface, PHY Port Interface, Control Bus Interface, Clock Interface, and Miscellaneous Interface. For a Pinout Summary List, refer to Table 6-1. .., .., .... :;: c 0 0 c '"0 0 0 0 0 0 i5 c0 " " e; f!; ...en u ... en u en u ... >" uen en u z '" ... en u en u z '" en u en u ...... ...uen ......uen >" uen en u ... en u I~ iNT CE GND 12 PE 13 SPO 14 SP1 15 RST 74 0 73 72 R/W AlP 16 BRP Ale 17 BRC AID7 18 BRD7 AID6 19 BROS GND 20 AID5 21 Vee 22 AID4 23 DP83251 PLAYER 84-PIN PLCC GND BRD5 Vee BRD4 GND 24 AID3 25 BRD3 AID2 26 BRD2 AID1 27 BRD1 AIDO 28 CS 29 GND BRDO 57 LBC CR 30 N/C 31 55 N/C N/c 32 54 N/C TXE 0 u 0 CIl t= en ;;:l + I U u '" '" >< >< " ~ + >u I 0 >< 0 z '" '" '" + 0 en ..J ... I 0 ..J !:l + > ~ l- I 0 ~ 0 z '" + u >< I- I u >< l- Order Number DP83251V See NS Package Number V84A FIGURE 6-1. DP83251 84-Pln PLCC Pinout 2-90 <> + u >" ... I- I ...u I- ~ TL/F/10388-20 6.0 Pin Descriptions (Continued) TABLE 6-1. DP83251 Pinout Summary Pin No. Signal Name Symbol I/O Eel/TTL/Open Drain/Power 1 Control Bus Data < 2 > CBD2 1/0 TTL 2 Control Bus Data < 3 > CBD3 1/0 TTL 3 CMOS 1/0 Ground GND 4 Control Bus Data < 4 > CBD4 1/0 5 Control Bus Data < 5 > CBD5 1/0 6 CMOS 1/0 Power Vee 7 Control Bus Data <6> CBD6 1/0 TTL 8 Control Bus Data < 7 > CBD7 1/0 TTL 9 Control Bus Data Parity CBP 1/0 TTL 10 Enable Pin 0 EPO 0 TTL 11 Enable Pin 1 EP1 0 TTL +OV TTL TTL +5V 12 CMOS Logic Ground GND 13 Control Bus Data Parity Enable CBPE I TTL 14 Sense Pin 0 SPO I TTL 15 Sense Pin 1 SP1 I TTL 16 PHY Port A Indicate Parity AlP 0 TTL 17 PHY Port A Indicate Control AIC 0 TTL 18 PHY PortA Indicate Data<7> AID7 0 TTL 19 PHY Port A Indicate Data < 6 > AID6 0 20 CMOS 1/0 Ground GND +OV TTL +OV 0 21 PHY Port A Indicate Data < 5 > AID5 22 CMOS 110 Power Vee TTL 23 PHY PortA Indicate Data<4> AID4 24 CMOS Logic Ground GND 25 PHY PortA Indicate Data<3> AID3 0 26 PHY Port A Indicate Data < 2 > AID2 0 TTL 27 PHY Port A Indicate Data < 1 > AID1 0 TTL +5V 0 TTL +OV TTL 28 PHY PortA Indicate Data AIDO 0 TTL 29 Cascade Start CS 0 TTL 30 Cascade Ready CR I Open Drain 31 No Connect N/C I TTL 32 No Connect N/C 33 Clock Detect CD 34 Signal Detect TTLSD I TTL 35 External Loopback Enable ELB 0 TTL 2-91 fI 6.0 Pin Descriptions (Continued) TABLE 6·1. DP83251 Pinout Summary (Continued) Pin No. Signal Name Symbol I/O Eel/TTL/Open Drain/Power ECl 36 Receive Bit Clock + RXC+ I 37 Receive Bit Clock - RXC- I 38 ECl logic Power Vee 39 Receive Data + RXD+ I I ECl +5V ECl 40 Receive Data - RXD- 41 ECl logic Ground GND 42 Extemal loopback Data + lBD+ 0 ECl 43 Extemal loopback Data - lBD- 0 ECl 44 ECl 1/0 Power Vee 45 Transmit Data+ TXD+ 0 46 Transmit Data+ TXD- 0 47 ECl logic Ground GND 48 Transmit Bit Clock + TXC+ I 49 Transmit Bit Clock - TXC- I 50 ECl logic Power Vee ECl +OV +5V ECl ECl +OV ECl ECl +5V 51 Transmit Byte Clock + TBC+ I ECl 52 Transmit Byte Clock - TBC- I ECl 53 FOTX Enable level TEL I TTL 54 No Connect N/C 55 No Connect N/C 56 FOTXEnable TXE 0 TTL 57 local Byte Clock lBC I TTL 58 PHY Port B Request Data < 0> BRDO I TTL 59 PHY Port B Request Data < 1 > BRD1 I TTL 60 PHY Port B Request Data <2> BRD2 I TTL 61 PHY Port B Request Data < 3 > BRD3 I TTL 62 CMOS logic Ground GND 63 PHY Port B Request Data <4> BRD4 64 CMOS 110 Power Vee 65 PHY Port B Request Data < 5> BRD5 66 CMOS 110 Ground GND 67 PHY Port B Request Data <6> BRD6 I TTL 68 PHY Port B Request Data < 7> BRD7 I TTL 69 PHY Port B Request Control BRC I TTL 70 PHY Port B Request Parity BRP 0 TTL 2·92 +OV I TTL +5V I TTL +OV c ;g 6.0 Pin Descriptions (Continued) Co) N CII TABLE 6-1. DP83251 Pinout Summary (Continued) Pin No. Signal Name Symbol I/O Eel/TTL/Open Drain/Power 71 - PLAYER Device Reset RSf I TTL 72 Read/- Write R/W I TTL 73 Chip Enable CE I TTL 74 -Interrupt INT 0 Open Drain 75 - Acknowledge ACK 0 Open Drain 76 Control Bus Address CBAO I TTL 77 Control Bus Address < 1 > CBA1 I TTL 78 Control Bus Address < 2> CBA2 I TTL 79 Control Bus Address < 3 > CBA3 I TTL I 80 Control Bus Address<4> CBA4 81 CMOS Logic Power Vee 82 Control Bus Data <0> CBDO I/O 83 Control Bus Data < 1 > CBD1 I/O 84 CMOS Logic Ground GND ..... ..... C "'U co ~ CII CII TTL +5V TTL TTL +OV fII 2·93 6.0 Pin Descriptions (Continued) SERIAL INTERFACE The Serial Interface consists of I/O signals used to connect the PLAYER device to the Physical Medium Dependent (PMD) sublayer. The PLAYER device uses these signals to interface to a Fiber Optic Transmitter (FOTX), Fiber Optic Receiver (FOXR), Clock Recovery Device (CRD device), and Clock Distribution Device (CDD device). Symbol Pin No. I/O Description CD 33 I Clock Detect: A TIL input signal from the Clock Recovery Device indicating that the Receive Clock (RXC ±) is properly synchronized with the Receive Data RXD ±). TIlSD 34 I Signal Detect: A TIL signal from the clock Recovery Device indicating that a signal is being received by the Fiber Optic Receiver. RXD+ RXD- 39 40 I Receive Data: Differentiai lOOK ECl, 125 Mbps serial data input signals from the Clock Recovery Device. TXD+ TXD- 45 46 0 Transmit Data: Differential, lOOK ECl, 125 Mbps serial data output Signals to the Fiber Optic Transmitter. ElB 35 0 External Loopback Enable: A TIL output signal to the Clock Recovery Device which enables/disables loopback data through the Clock Recovery Device. This signal is controlled by the Mode Register. lBD+ lBD- 42 43 0 Loopback Data: Differential, lOOK ECl, 125 Mbps, external serialloopback data output . signals to the Clock Recovery Device. When the PLAYER device is not in externalloopback mode, the lBD+ signal is kept high and the lBD- signal is kept low. TEL 53 I FOTX Enable Level: A TIL input signal to select the Fiber Optic Transmitter Enable (TXE) signal level. TXE 56 0 FOTX Enable: A TIL output signal to enable/disable the Fiber Optic Transmitter. The output level of the TXE pin is determined by three parameters, the Transmit Enable (TE) bit in the Mode Register, the TM2-TMO bits in the Current Transmit State Register, and also the input to the TEL pin. The following rules summarizes the output of the TXE pin: (1) liTE = and TEL = GND,thenTXE = Vee (2) liTE = 0 and TEL = Vee, then TXE = GND (3) liTE = 1 and OTM and TEL = GND, then TXE = Vee (4) liTE = 1 and OTM and TEL = Vee, then TXE = GND (5) liTE = 1 and not OTM and TEL = GND, then TXE = GND (6) liTE = 1 and not OTM and TEL = Vee, then TXE = Vee o 2-94 C "tI co 6.0 Pin Descriptions (Continued) (0) N U1 PHY PORT INTERFACE ..... The PHY Port Interface consists of I/O signals used to connect the PLAYER Device to the Media Access Control (MAC) sublayer or other PLAYER Devices. The DP63251 Device has one PHY Port Interface which consists of the B_Request and the A-Indicate paths. ...... Each path consists of an odd parity bit, a control bit, and two 4-bit symbols. N U1 U1 Refer to Section 3.3, the Configuration Switch, for further information. Description Pin No. 1/0 AlP 16 a PHY Port A Indicate Parity: A TTL output signal representing odd parity for the 10-bit wide Port A Indicate signals (AlP, AIC, and AID<7:0». AIC 17 a PHY Port A Indicate Control: A TTL output signal indicating that the two 4-bit symbols (AID<7:4> and AID<3:0» are either control symbols (AIC = 1) or data symbols (Ale = 0). AID7 AID6 AIDS AID4 16 19 21 23 a PHY Port A Indicate Data: TTL output signals representing the first 4-bit data/control symbol. AID3 AID2 AIDI AIDO 25 26 27 26 a BRP 70 I PHY Port B Request Parity: A TTL input signal representing odd parity for the 10-bit wide Port A Request signals (BRP, BRC, and BRD<7:0». BRC 69 I PHY Port B Request Control: A TTL input signal indicating that the two 4-bit symbols (BRD<7:4» and BRD<3:0» are either control symbols (BRC = 1) or data symbols (BRC = 0). BRD7 BRD6 BRD5 BRD4 66 67 65 63 I PHY Port B Request Data: TTL input signals representing the first 4 bit data/control symbol. BRD3 BRD2 BRD1 BRDO 61 60 59 56 I Symbol AID7 is the most significant bit and AID4 is the least significant bit of the first symbol. PHY Port A Indicate Data: TTL output signals representing the second 4-bit datal control symbol. AID3 is the most significant bit and AIDO is the least significant bit of the second symbol. BRD7 is the most significant bit and BRD4 is the least significant bit of the first symbol. PHY Port B Request Data: TTL input signals representing the second 4-bit datal control symbol. BRD3 is the most significant bit and BRDO is the least significant bit of the second symbol. 2-95 C "tI co (0) 6.0 Pin Descriptions (Continued) CONTROL BUS INTERFACE The Control Bus Interface consists of I/O signals used to connect the PLAYER device to Station Management (SMn. The Control Bus is an asynchronous interface between the PLAYER device and a general purpose microprocessor. It provides access to 32 8-bit internal registers. Refer to Figure 22, Control Bus Timing Diagram, for more information. Symbol Pin No. I/O Description CE 73 I Chip Enable: An active-low, TTL, input signal which enables the Control Bus port for a read or write cycle. R/W, CBA<4:0>, CBP, and CBD<7:0> must be valid at the time -eE is low. R/W 72 I Read/-Write: A TTL input signal which indicates a read Control Bus cycle (R/W = 1), or a write Control Bus cycle (R/W = 0). This signal must be valid when -eE is low and held valid until ACK becomes low. ACK 75 0 - Acknowledge: An active low, TTL, open drain output signal which indicates the completion of a read or write cycle. During a read cycle, CBD<7:0> are valid as long as ACK is low (ACK = 0). During a write cycle, a microprocessor must hold CBD<7:0> valid until ACK becomes low. Once ACK is low, it will remain low as long as CE remains low (CE = 0). INT 74 0 -Interrupt: An active low, open drain, TTL, output signal indicating that an interrupt condition has occurred. The Interrupt Condition Register (ICR) should be read in order to find out the source of the interrupt. Interrupts can be masked through the use of the Interrupt Condition Mask Register (ICMR). CBA4 CBA3 CBA2 CBA1 CBAO 80 79 78 77 76 I Control Bus Address: TTL input signals used to select the address of the register to be read or written. CBA4 is the most significant bit (MSB), CBAO is the least significant bit (LSB) of the address signals. These signals must be valid when is low and held valid until ACK becomes low. CBPE 13 I CBP 9 I/O Control Bus Parity: A bidirectional, TTL signal representing odd parity for the Control Bus data (CBD < 7:0 > ). During a read cycle, the signal is held valid by the PLAYER device as long as ACK is low. During a write cycle, the signal must be valid when CE is low, and must be held valid until ' ACK becomes low. If incorrect parity is used during a write cycle, the PLAYER device will inhibit the write cycle and set the Control Bus Data Parity Error (CPE) bit in the Interrupt Condition Register (lCR). CBD7 CBD6 CBD5 8 7 5 I/O CBD4 CBD3 CBD2 CBD1 CBDO 4 2 1 83 82 Control Bus Data: Bidirectional, TTL signals containing the data to be read from or written to a register. During a read cycle, the signal is held valid by the PLAYER device as long as ACK is low. During a write cycle, the signal must be valid when CE is low, and must be held valid until ACK becomes low. a: Control Bus Parity Enable: A TTL input signal which, during write cycles, will enable or disable the Control Bus parity checker. Note that the Control Bus will always generate parity during read cycles, regardless of the state of this signal. 2-96 6.0 Pin Descriptions (Continued) CLOCK INTERFACE The Clock Interface consists of 12.5 MHz and 125 MHz clocks used by the PLAYER device. The clocks are generated by either the Clock Distribution Device or Clock Recovery Device. Symbol PlnNo. 1/0 LBC 57 I Local Byte Clock: A TTL, 12.5 MHz, 50% duty cycle, input clock from the Clock Distribution Device. The Local Byte Clock is used by the PLAYER device's internal CMOS logic and to latch incoming/outgoing data of the Control Bus Interface, Port A Interface, Port B Interface, and other miscellaneous lias. Description RXC+ RXC- 36 37 I Receive Bit Clock: Differential 1OOk ECL, 125 MHz clock input signals from the Clock Recovery Device. The Receive Bit Clock is used by the Serial Interface to latch the Receive Data (RXD ±). TXC+ TXC- 48 49 I Transmit Bit Clock: Differential 1OOk ECL, 125 MHz clock input signals from the Clock Distribution Device. The Transmit Bit Clock is used by the Serial Interface to latch the Transmit Data (TXD ±). TBC+ TBC- 51 52 I Transmit Byte Clock: Differental1 OOk ECL, 12.5 MHz clock input signals from the Clock Distribution Device. The Transmit Byte Clock is used by the PLAYER device's internal Shift Register Block. 2·97 II) II) IN Cf) co a. Q ..... .... II) 6.0 Pin Descriptions (Continued) MISCELLANOUS INTERFACE The Miscellaneous Interface' consists of a reset signal, user definable sense signals, user definable enable signals, Cascaded PLAYER devices synchronization signals, ground signals, and power signals. IN Cf) Pin No. I/O Description RST 71 I Reset: An active low, TTL, input signal which clears all registers. The signal must be kept asserted for a minimum of 160 ns. Once the RSi' signal is asserted, the PLAYER device should be allowed 960 ns to reset internal logic. Note that bit zero of the Mode Register will be set to zero (i.e. Stop Mode). See Section 4.2, Stop Mode of Operation for more information. SPO 14 I User Definable Sense Pin 0: A TTL input signal from a user defined source. Bit zero (Sense Bit 0) of the User Definable Register (UDR) will be set to one if the signal is asserted for a minimum of 160 ns. Once the asserted signal is latched, Sense Bit 0 can only be cleared through the Control Bus Interface, even if the signal is deasserted. This ensures that , the Control Bus Interface will record the source of events which can cause interrupts. Symbol co a. Q , SPI 15 I User Definable Sense Pin 1: A TTL input signal from a user defined source. Bit one (Sense Bit 1) of the User Definable Register (UDR) will be set to one if the signal is asserted for a minimum of 160 ns. Once the asserted signal is latched, Sense Bit 1 can only be cleared through the Control Bus Interface, even if the signal is deasserted. This ensures that the Control Bus Interface will record the source of events which can cause interrupts. EPO 10 0 User Definable Enable Pin 0: A TTL output signal allowing control of external logic through the CBUS Interface. EPO is asserted/deasserted through bit two (Enable Bit 0) of the User Definable Register (UDR). When Enable Bit 0 is set to zero, EPO is deasserted. When Enable Bit 0 is set to one, EPO is asserted. EPI 11 0 User Definable Enable Pin 1: A TTL output signal allowing control of external logic through the CBUS Interface. EPI is asserted/deasserted through bit two (Enable Bit 1) of the User Definable Register (UDR). When Enable Bit 1 is set to zero, EPI is deasserted. When Enable Bit 1 is set to one, EPI is asserted. CS 29 I Cascade Start: A TTL input signal used to synchronize cascaded PLAYER devices in pOint-to-point applications. The signal is asserted when all of the cascaded PLAYER devices have the Cascade Mode (CM) bit of Mode Register (MR) set to one, and all of the Cascade Ready pins of the cascaded PLAYER devices have been released. For further information, refer to Section 4.4, Cascade Mode of Operation. CR 30 0 Cascade Ready: An Open Drain output signal used to synchronize cascaded PLAYER devices in point-to-point applications. The signal is released (i.e. an Open Drain line is released) when all the cascaded PLAYER devices have the Cascade Mode (CM) bit of the Mode Register (MR) set to one and a JK symbol pair has been received. For further information, refer to Section 4.4, Cascade Mode of Operation. 2-98 C "tI 6.0 Pin Descriptions (Continued) CD Co) N POWER AND GROUND All power pins should be connected to a single 5V power supply. All ground pins should be connected to a common OV supply. U1 ..... ..... Symbol "tI PinNo. I/O Description C CD Co) GND 3 Ground: Power supply return for Control Bus Interface CMOS I/Os. Vee 6 Power: Positive 5V power supply (±5% relative to ground) for Control Bus Interface CMOSI/Os. GND 12 Ground: Power supply return for internal CMOS logic. GND 20 Ground: Power supply return for Port A Interface CMOS I/0s. Vee 22 Power: Positive 5V power supply (± 5% relative to ground) for the Port A Interface CMOS I/Os. GND 24 Ground: Power supply return to internal CMOS logic. Vee 38 Power: Positive 5V power supply (± 5% relative to ground) for internal ECl logic. GND 41 Ground: Power supply return for internal ECl logic. Vee 44 Power: Positive 5V power supply (± 5% relative to ground) for the Serial Interface ECl II Os. GND 47 Ground: Power supply return for internal ECl logic. Vee 50 Power: Positive 5V power supply (± 5% relative to ground) for the Serial Interface ECl II Os. GND 62 Ground: Power supply return for internal CMOS logic. Vee 64 Power: Positive 5V power supply (± 5% relative to ground) for the Port A Interface CMOS I/Os. Ground: Power supply return for Port A Interface CMOS I/0s. GND 66 Vee 81 Power: Positive 5V power supply (± 5% relative to ground) for internal CMOS logic. GND 84 Ground: Power supply return for internal CMOS logic. NO CONNECT PINS Symbol N/C N/C N/C N/C Pin No. Description I/O 31 No Connect: Not used by the PLAYER device 32 No Connect: Not used by the PLAYER device 54 No Connect: Not used by the PLAYER device 55 No Connect: Not used by the PLAYER device 2-99 N U1 U1 U) U) C'I CO) r---------------------------------------------------------------------------------, 6.0 Pin Descriptions (Continued) ~ 6.2 DP83255 .- The pin descriptions for the DP83255 are divided into six functional interfaces; Serial Interface, PHY Port Interface, Control Bus Interface, Clock Interface, and Miscellaneous Interface. c...... ~ CO) ~ For a Pinout Summary List; refer to Table 6-2. c o DP83255 PLAYER 132-PIN PQFP TLlF/l0386-21 Order Number DP83255AVF See NS Package Number VF132A FIGURE 6-2. DP83255 132-Pln PQFP Pinout 2-100 c ;g 6.0 Pin Descriptions (Continued) Co) N UI TABLE 6-2. DP83255 Pinout Summary Pin No. Signal Name Symbol 1 CMOS Logic Ground GND 1/0 Eel/TTl/Open DralnlPower +OV 2 Control Bus Data<2> CBD2 1/0 3 Control Bus Data<3> CBD3 1/0 4 CMOS 1/0 Ground GND 5 Control Bus Data<4> CBD4 1/0 TTL 6 Control Bus Data < 5 > CBD5 1/0 TTL 7 CMOS 1/0 Power Vee 8 Control Bus Data<6> CBD6 1/0 TTL 9 Control Bus Data<7> CBD7 1/0 TTL 10 Control Bus Data Parity CBP 1/0 TTL TTL +5V Enable Pin 0 EPO 0 TTL Enable Pin 1 EP1 0 TTL 13 No Connect 14 No Connect 15 No Connect 16 No Connect N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C No Connect No Connect 19 No Connect 20 CMOS Logic Ground GND 21 Control Bus Data Parity Enable CBPE I TTL 22 Sense Pin 0 SPO I TTL 23 Sense Pin 1 SP1 I TTL 24 PHY Port A Indicate Parity AlP 0 TTL 25 PHY Port A Request Parity ARP I TTL 26 PHY Port A Indicate Control AIC 0 TTL 27 PHY Port A Request Control ARC I TTL 28 PHY Port A Indicate Data <7> AID7 0 TTL +OV 29 PHY PortA Request Data<7> ARD7 I TTL 30 PHY PortA Indicate Data<6> AID6 0 TTL 31 PHY Port A Request Data <6> ARD6 I 32 CMOS 1/0 Ground GND 33 PHY A Indicate Data<5> AID5 0 34 PHY A Request Data<5> ARD5 I 35 CMOS 1/0 Power Vee 2-101 ~ UI UI TTL 11 18 C ;g +OV 12 17 .... ..... TTL +OV TTL TTL +5V fII 6.0 Pin Descriptions (Continued) TABLE 6-2. DP83255 Pinout Summary (Continued) Pin No. Signal Name Symbol I/O Eel/TTL/Open Drain/Power TTL PHY A Indicate Data<4> AID4 0 37 PHY A Request Data<4> ARD4 I 38 CMOS logic Ground GND 39 PHY Port A Indicate Data < 3 > AID3 0 TTL 40 PHY Port A Request Data < 3 > ARD3 I TTL 41 PHY Port A Indicate Data <2> AID2 0 TTL 42 PHY Port A Request Data <2> ARD2 I TTL 43 PHY Port A Indicate Data < 1 > AID1 0 TTL 44 PHY Port A Request Data < 1 > ARD1 I TTL 45 PHY Port A Indicate Data < 0 > AIDO 0 TTL 46 Port A Request Data < 0 > ARDO I TTL 47 Cascade Start CS I TTL 48 Cascade Ready CR 0 Open Drain 36 TTL +OV 56 No Connect N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C 57 Clock Detect CD I TTL 58 Signal Detect TTlSD I TTL 59 External loopback Enable ElB 0 TTL 60 Receive Bit Clock + RXC+ I ECl 61 Receive Bit Clock - RXC- I 62 ECl logic Power Vee 63 Receive Data + RXD+ I 64 Receive Data - RXD- I 65 ECl logic Ground GND 49 No Connect 50 No Connect 51 No Connect 52 No Connect 53 No Connect 54 No Connect 55 No Connect ECl +5V ECl ECl +OV 66 External loopback Data + lBD+ 0 67 External loopback Data - lBD- 0 68 ECl I/O Power Vee 69 Transmit Data + TXD+ 0 ECl 70 Transmit Data - TXD- 0 ECl 2-102 ECl ECl +5V Ie "'U 6.0 Pin Descriptions (Continued) Q) Co) N TABLE 6-2. DP83255 Pinout Summary (Continued) Pin No. Signal Name Symbol 110 71 ECl logic Ground GND 72 Transmit Bit Clock + TXC+ I ECl 73 Transmit Bit Clock - TXC- I ECl +OV 74 ECl logic Power Vee 75 Transmit Byte Clock + TBC+ I ECl 76 Transmit Byte Clock - TBC- I ECl 77 FOTX Enable level TEL I TTL 78 No Connect N/C 79 No Connect 80 No Connect 85 No Connect 86 FOTXEnable TXE 0 TTL 87 local Byte Clock LBC I TTL 88 PHY Port B Indicate Data <0> BIDO 0 TTL 89 PHY Port B Request Data <0> BRDO I TTL 90 PHY Port B Indicate Data < 1 > BID1 0 TTL 81 No Connect No Connect 83 No Connect 84 No Connect 91 PHY Port B Request Data < 1 > BRD1 I TTL 92 PHY Port B Indicate Data<2> BID2 0 TTL 93 PHY Port B Request Data < 2 > BRD2 I TTL 94 PHY Port B Indicate Data<3> BID3 0 TTL 95 PHY Port B Request Data <3> BRD3 I TTL 96 CMOS Logic Ground GND 97 PHY Port B Indicate Data <4> BID4 0 98 PHY Port B Request Data <4> BRD4 I 99 CMOS I/O Power Vee 100 PHY Port B Indicate Data BIDS 0 "'U Q) Co) N en en I +OV TTL TTL +SV TTL 101 PHY Port B Request DataBROS 102 CMOS I/O Ground GND 103 PHY Port B Indicate Data < 6 > BID6 0 TTL 104 PHY Port B Request Data <6> BRD6 I TTL 10S PHY Port B Indicate Data<7> BID7 0 TTL 2-103 Ie +5V N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C 82 .... ..... en Eel/TTL/Open Drain/Power TTL +OV • 6.0 Pin Descriptions (Continued) TABLE 6·2. DP83255 Pinout Summary (Continued) Eel/TTL/Open Drain/Power Pin No. Signal Name 106 PHY Port B Request Data<7> BRD7 I TTL 107 PHY Port B Indicate Control BIC a TTL 108 PHY Port B Request Control BRC I TTL 109 PHY Port B Indicate Parity BIP a TTL 110 PHY Port B Request Parity BRP I TTL 111 - PLAYER Device Reset RSf I TTL 112 Read/-Write R/W I TTL 113 Chip Enable ~ I TTL 114 -Interrupt a Open Drain 115 No Connect 116 No Connect 117 No Connect 118 No Connect 119 No Connect 120 No Connect Symbol I/O 121 No Connect 122 No Connect iN'f N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C 123 - Acknowledge ~ a Open Drain 124 Control Bus Address <0> CBAO I TTL 125 Control Bus Address < 1> CBA1 I TTL 126 Control Bus Address <2> CBA2 I TTL 127 Control Bus Address <3 > CBA3 I TTL 128 Control Bus Address < 4> CBA4 I 129 CMOS Logic Power Vee 130 Control Bus Data <0 > CBDO 110 TTL 131 Control Bus Data < 1 > CBD1 110 TTL 132 CMOS Logic Ground GND 2-104 TTL +5V +OV C -a 6.0 Pin Descriptions (Continued) C» w SERIAL INTERFACE N U1 The Serial Interface consists of I/O signals used to connect the PLAYER device to the Physical Medium Dependent (PM D) sublayer. C The PLAYER device uses these signals to interface to a Fiber Optic Transmitter (FOTX), Fiber Optic Receiver (FORX), Clock Recovery Device (CRD device), and Clock Distribution Device (CDD device). PlnNo. 1/0 CD 57 I Clock Detect: A TTL input signal from the Clock Recovery Device indicating that the Receive Clock (RXC ±) is properly synchronized with the Receive Data (RXD ±). TTlSD 58 I Signal Detect: A TTL input signal from the Clock Recovery Device indicating that a signal is being received by the Fiber Optic Receiver. RXD+ RXD- 63 64 I Receive Data: Differential lOOK ECl, 125 Mbps serial data input signals from the Clock Recovery Device. TXD+ TXD- 69 70 0 Transmit Data: Differential, lOOK ECl, 125 Mbps serial data output signals to the Fiber Optic Transmitter. ElB 59 0 External Loopback Enable: A TTL output signal to the Clock Recovery Device which enables/disables loopback data through the Clock Recovery Device. This signal is controlled by the Mode Register. lBD+ lBD- 66 67 0 Loopback Data: Differential, lOOK ECl, 125 Mbps, serial externalloopback data output signals to the Clock Recovery Device. Symbol ...... ....... -a C» w N U1 U1 Description When the PLAYER device is not in externalloopback mode, the lBD+ signal is kept high and the lBD- signal is kept low. TEL 77 I TXE 86 0 FOTX Enable Level: A TTL input signal to select the Fiber Optic Transmitter Enable (TXE) signal level. FOTX Enable: A TTL output signal to enable/disable the Fiber Optic Transmitter. The output level of the TXE pin is determined by three parameters, the Transmit Enable (TE) bit in the Mode Register, the TM2-TMO bits in the Current Transmit State Register, and also the input to the TEL pin. The following rules summarizes the output of the TXE pin: (1) If TE = 0 and TEL = GND, then TXE = Vee (2) If TE = 0 and TEL = Vee, then TXE = GND (3) If TE = 1 and OTM and TEL = GND, then TXE = Vee (4) If TE = 1 and OTM and TEL = Vee, then TXE = GND (5) If TE = 1 and not OTM and TEL = GND, then TXE = GND (6) If TE = 1 and not OTM and TEL = Vee, then TXE = Vee • 2-105 6.0 Pin Descriptions (Continued) PHY PORT INTERFACE The PHY Port Interface consists of I/O signals used to connect the PLAYER Device to the Media Access'Control (MAC) sublayer or other PLAYER Devices. The DP83255 Device has two PHY Port Interfaces. The LRequest and Llndicate paths form one PHY Port Interface and the B_Request and B_lndicate paths form the second PHY Port Interface. Each path consists of an odd parity bit, a control bit, and two 4-bit symbols. Refer to Section 3.3, the Configuration Switch, for more information. Symbol Description IIlnNo. 1/0 AlP 24 0 PHY Port A Indicate Parity: A TTL output signal representing odd parity for the 10-bit wide Port A Indicate signals (AlP, AIC, and AID <7:0». AIC 26 0 PHY Port A Indicate Control: A TTL output signal indicating that the two 4-bit symbols (AID<7:4> and AID<3:0» are either control symbols (AIC = 1) or data symbols (AIC = 0). AID7 AID6 AID5 AID4 28 30 33 36 0 PHY Port A Indicate Data: TTL output signals representing the first 4-bit data/control symbol. AID7 is the most significant bit and AID4 is the least significant bit of the first symbol. AID3 AID2 AIDI AIDO 39 41 43 45 0 PHY Port A Indicate Data: TTL output signals representing the second 4-bit datal control symbol. AID3 is the most significant bit and AIDO is the least significant bit of the second symbol. ARP 25 I PHY Port A Request Parity: A TTL input signal representing odd parity for the 10-bit wide PortA Request signals (ARP, ARC, and ARD<7:0». ARC 27 I PHY Port A Request Control: A TTL input signal indicating that the two 4-bit symbols (ARD<7:4> and ARD<3:0» are either control symbols (ARC = 1) or data symbols (ARC = 0). ARD7 ARD6 ARD5 ARD4 29 31 34 37 I PHY Port A Request Data: TTL input signals representing the first 4 bit datal control symbol. ARD7 isthe most significant bit and ARD4 is the least significant bit of the first symbol. ARD3 ARD2 ARDI ARDO 40 42 44 46 I PHY Port A Request Data: TTL input signals representing the second 4-bit datal control symbol. ARD3 is the most significant bit and ARDO is the least significant bit of the second symbol. 2-106 C 6.0 Pin Descriptions "tI co (Continued) Co) I\) U'I ..... ..... PHY PORT INTERFACE (Continued) Symbol BIP PlnNo. 1/0 109 0 Description PHY Port B Indicate Parity: A TTL output signal representing odd parity for the 10-bit wide Port B Indicate signals (BIP, BIC, and BID<7:0». BIC 107 0 PHY Port B Indicate Control: A TTL output signal indicating that the two 4-bit symbols (BID<7:4> and BID<3:0» are either control symbols (BIC = 1) or data symbols (BIC = 0). BID7 BID6 BIDS BID4 105 103 100 97 0 PHY Port B Indicate Data: TTL output signals representing the first 4-bit datal control symbol. BID3 BID2 BIDl BIDO 94 92 90 88 0 BRP 110 I PHY Port B Request Parity: A TTL input signal representing odd parity for the 10-bit wide Port B Request signals (BRP, BRC, and BRD<7:0». BRC 108 I PHY Port B Request Control: A TTL input signal indicating that the two 4-bit symbols (BRD<7:4» and BRD<3:0» are either control symbols (BRC = 1) or data symbols (BRC = 0). BRD7 BRD6 BROS BRD4 106 104 101 98 I PHY Port B Request Data: TTL input signals representing the first 4-bit datal control symbol. BRD3 BRD2 BRDl BRDO 95 93 91 89 I C "tI co Co) I\) U'I U'I BID7 is the most significant bit and BID4 is the least significant bit of the first symbol. PHY Port B Indicate Data: TTL output signals representing the second 4-bit datal control symbol. BID3 is the most significant bit and BIDO is the least significant bit of the second symbol. BRD7 is the most significant bit and BRD4 is the least significant bit of the first symbol. PHY Port B Request Data: TTL input signals representing the second 4-bit datal control symbol. BRD3 is the most significant bit and BRDO is the least significant bit of the second symbol. • 2-107 II) II) C"I C") co a. C ..... ..... ~ co a. 6.0 Pin Descriptions (Continued) CONTROL BUS INTERFACE The Control Bus Interface consists of 1/0 signals used to connect the PLAYER device to Station Management (SMn. The Control Bus is an asynchronous interface between the PLAYER device and a general purpose microprocessor. It provides access to 32 8-bit internal registers. Refer to Figure 22, Control Bus Timing Diagram, for further information. C PlnNo. 1/0 Description CE 113 I Chip Enable: An active-low, TTL, input signal which enables the Control Bus port for a read or write cycle. R/W, CBA <4:0>, CBP, and CBD<7:0> must be valid atthe time CE is low. R/W 112 I Readl - Write: A TTL input signal which indicates a read Control Bus cycle (R/W = 1), or a write Control Bus cycle (R/W = 0). This signal must be valid when CE: is iow and held valid until ACK becomes low. ACK 123 0 - Acknowledge: An active low, TTL, open drain output signal which indicates the completion of a read or write cycle. During a read cycle, CBD<7:0> are valid as long asACKis low (ACK = 0). During a write cycle, a microprocessor must hold CBD<7:0> valid until ACK becomes low. Once ACK is low, it will remain low as long as CE remains low (CE = 0). INT 114 0 -Interrupt: An active low, open drain, TTL, output signal indicating that an interrupt condition has occurred. The Interrupt Condition Register (lCR) should be read in order to determine the source of the interrupt. Interrupts can be masked through the use of the Interrupt Condition Mask Register (ICMR) CBA4 CBA3 CBA2 CBA1 CBAO 128 127 126 125 124 I Control Bus Address: TTL input signals used to select the address of the register to be read or written. CBA4 is the most significant bit and CBAO is the least significant bit of the address signals. These signals must be valid when CE is low and held valid until ACK becomes low. CBPE 21 I Control B,us Parity Enable: A TTL input signal which, during write cycles, will enable or disable the Control Bus parity checker. Note that the Control Bus will always generate parity during read cycles, regardless of the state of this signal: CBP 10 1/0 Control Bus Parity: A bidirectional, TTL signal representing odd parity for the Control Bus data (CBD<7:0». During a read cycle, the signal is held valid by the PLAYER device as long as ACK is low. During a write cycle, the signal must be valid when CE is low, and must be held valid until ACK becomes low. If incorrect parity is used during a write cycle, the PLAYER device will inhibit the write cycle and set the Control Bus Data Parity Error (CPE) bit in the Interrupt Condition Register (ICR). CBD7 CBD6 CBD5 CBD4 CBD3 CBD2 CBD1 CBDO 9 8 6 5 3 2 131 130 1/0 Control Bus Data: Bidirectional, TTL signals containing the data to be read from or written to a register. During a read cycle, the signal is held valid by the PLAYER device as long as ACK is low. During a write cycle, the signal must be valid when CE is low, and must be held valid until ACK becomes low. Symbol 2-108 6.0 Pin Descriptions (Continued) CLOCK INTERFACE The Clock Interface consists of 12.5 MHz and 125 MHz clocks used by the PLAYER device. The clocks are generated by either the Clock Distribution Device or Clock Recovery Device. PlnNo. 1/0 lBC Symbol 87 I Local Byte Clock: A TTL, 12.5 MHz, 50% duty cycle, input clock from the Clock Distribution Device. The local Byte Clock is used by the PLAYER device's internal CMOS logic and to latch incoming/outgoing data of the Control Bus Interface, Port A Interface, Port B Interface, and other miscellaneous I/Os. Description RXC+ RXC- 60 61 I Receive Bit Clock: Differential, lOOk ECl, 125 MHz clock input signals from the Clock Recovery Device. The Receive Bit Clock is used by the Serial Interface to latch the Receive Data (RXD ±). TXC+ TXC- 72 73 I Transmit Bit Clock: Differential, lOOk ECl, 125 MHz clock input signals from the Clock . Distribution Device. The Transmit Bit Clock is used by the Serial Interface to latch the Transmit Data (TXD ±). TBC+ TBC- 75 76 I Transmit Byte Clock: Differental, lOOk ECl, 12.5 MHz clock input signals from the Clock Distribution Device. The Transmit Byte Clock is used by the PLAYER device's internal Shift Register Block. 2·109 6.0 Pin Descriptions (Continued) MISCELLANEOUS INTERFACE The Miscellaneous Interface consists of a reset signal, user definable sense signals, user definable enable signals, Cascaded PLAYER device's synchronization signals, ground signals, and power signals. Pin No. I/O Description RSi 111 I ' Reset: An active low, TIL, input signal which clears all registers. The signal must be kept asserted for a minimum of 160 ns. Orice the RST signal is asserted, the PLAYER device should be allowed 960 ns to reset internal logic. Note that bit zero of the Mode Register will be set to zero (i.e. Stop Mode). See Seqtion 4.2, Stop Mode of Operatjon for more information. SPO 22- I User Definable Sense Pin 0: A TIL input signal from a user defined source. Bit zero (Sense Bit 0) of the User Definable Registe(UDR) will be set to one if the signal is asserted for a minimum of 160 ns. Once the asserted signal is latched, Sense Bit 0 can only be cleared through the Control, Bus Interface, even if the signal is deasserted. This ensures that the Control Bus Interface will record the source of events which can cause interrupts. SP1 23 I User Definable Sense Pin 1: A TIL input signal from a user defined source. Bit one (Sense Bit 1) of the User Definable Register (UDR) will be set to one if the signal is asserted for a minimum of 160 ns. Once the asserted signal is latched, Sense Bit 0 can only be cleared through the Control Bus Interface, even if the signal is deasserted. This ensures that the Control Bus Interface will record the source of events which can cause interrupts. EPO 11 0 User Definable Enable Pin 0: A TIL output signal allowing control of external logic through the Control Bus Interface. EPO is asserted/deasserted through bit two (Enable Bit 0) of the User Definable Register (UDR). When Enable Bit 0 is set to zero, EPO is deasserted. When Enable Bit 0 is set to one, EPO is asserted. EP1 12 0 User Definable Enable Pin 1: A TIL output signal allowing control of external logic through the Control Bus Interface. EP1 is asserted/deasserted through bit two (Enable Bit 1) of the User Definable Register (UDR). When Enable Bit 1 is set to zero, EP1 is deasserted. When Enable Bit 1 is set to one, EP1 is asserted. CS 47 I Cascade Start: A TIL input signal used to synchronize cascaded PLAYER devices in pOint-to-point applications. The signal is asserted when all of the cascaded PLAYER devices have the Cascade Mode (CM) bit of the Mode Register (MR) set to one, and all of the Cascade Ready (CR) pins ofthe cascaded PLAYER devices have been released. For further information, refer to Section 4.4, Cascade Mode of Operation. CR 48 0 Cascade Ready: An Open Drain output signal used to synchronize cascaded PLAYER devices in point-to-point applications. The signal is released when all the cascaded PLAYER devices have the Cascade Mode (CM) bit of the Mode Register (MR) set to one and a JK symbol pair has been received. For further Information, refer to section 4.4, Cascade Mode of Operation. , Symbol 2-110 6.0 Pin Descriptions (Continued) POWER AND GROUND All power pins should be connected to a single 5V power supply. All ground pins should be connected to a common OV ground supply. Symbol Pin No. Description I/O GND 1 Ground: Power supply return for internal CMOS logic. GND 4 Ground: Power supply return for Control Bus Interface CMOS I/0s. Vee 7 Power: Positive 5V power supply (± 5% relative to ground) for Control Bus Interface CMOSI/Os. GND GND 20 Ground: Power supply return for internal CMOS logic. 32 Ground: Power supply return for Port A Interface CMOS I/0s. Vee 35 Power: Positive 5V power supply (± 5% relative to ground) for the Port A Interface CMOSI/Os. GND 38 Ground: Power supply return for internal CMOS logic. Vee 62 Power: Positive 5V ppwer supply (± 5% relative to ground) for internal ECL logic. GND 65 Ground: Power supply return for internal ECL logic. Vee 68 Power: Positive 5V power supply (±5% relative to ground) for the Serial Interface ECL II Os. Ground: Power supply return for internal ECL logic. GND 71 Vee 74 Power: Positive 5V power supply (± 5% relative to ground) for internal ECL logic. GND 96 Ground: Power supply return for internal CMOS logic. Vee 99 Power: Positive 5V power supply (± 5% relative to ground) for Port B Interface CMOS II Os. GND 102 Ground: Power supply return for Port B Interface CMOS 1/05. Vee 129 Power: 5V power supply (± 5% relative to ground) for internal CMOS logic. GND 132 Ground: Power supply return for internal CMOS logic. 2-111 Lt) a a. C ..... .,... Lt) N C") f c 6.0 Pin Descriptions (Continued) NO CONNECT PINS Description Symbol Pin No• N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C I/O 13 No Connect: Not used by the PLAYEA device 14 No Connect: Not used by the PLAYEA device 15 No Connect: Not used by the PLAYEA device 16 No Connect: Not used by the PLAYEA device 17 No Connect: Not used by the PLAYEA device 18 No Connect: Not used by the PLAYEA device 19 No Connect: Not used by the PLAYEA device 49 No Connect: Not used by the PLAYEA device 50 No Connect: Not used by the PLAYEA device 51 No Connect: Not used by the PLAYEA device 52 No Connect: Not used by the PLAYEA device 53 No Connect: Not used by the PLAYEA device 54 No Connect: Not used by the PLAYEA device 55 No Connect: Not used by the PLAYEA device 56 No Connect: Not used by the PLAYEA device 78 No Connect: Not used by the PLAYEA device 79 No Connect: Not used by the PLAYEA device 80 No Connect: Not used by the PLAYEA device 81 No Connect: Not used by the PLAYEA device 82 No Connect: Not used by the PLAYEA device 83 No Connect: Not used by the PLAYEA device 84 No Connect: Not used by the PLAYEA device 85 No Connect: Not used by the PLAYEA device 115 No Connect: Not used by the PLAYEA device 116 No Connect: Not used by the PLAYEA device 117 No Connect: Not used by the PLAYEA device 118 No Connect: Not used by the PLAYEA device 119 No Connect: Not used by the PLAYEA device 120 No Connect: Not used by the PLAYEA device 121 No Connect: Not used by the PLAYEA device 122 No Connect: Not used by the PLAYER device 2-112 C "'D 7.0 Electrical Characteristics CD Co) N UI 7.1 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol Vee Parameter Conditions Supply Voltage Min Typ -0.5 Max Units 7.0 V DCIN Input Voltage -0.5 Vee + 0.5 DCOUT Output Voltage -0.5 Vee + 0.5 V Storage Temperature -65 150 ·C V .... ..... C "'D CD Co) N UI UI 7.2 RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Symbol Parameter Vee Supply Voltage TA Operating Temperature Conditions Min Typ Max Units 4.75 5.25 V 0 70 ·C 7.3 DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS The DC characteristics are over the operating range. unless otherwise specified. DC electrical characteristics for the TIL. TRI-STATE output signals of PHY. Port Interfaces. and CBUS Interface. Symbol Parameter Conditions IOZ1 TRI-STATE Leakage (CBP & CBD7 -0) VOUT = Vee IOZ2 TRI-STATE Leakage (CBP & CBD7 -0) VOUT = VGND IOZ3 TRI-STATE Leakage (AID & BID) VOUT = Vee (Note 1) IOZ4 TRI-STATE Leakage (AID&BID) VOUT = GND Min Typ Max Units 10 /LA -10 /LA 60 /LA -500 /LA Note 1: Output buffer has a p-channel pullup device. DC electrical characteristics for all TIL input signals and the following TIL output signals: External Loopback (ELB). Fiber Optic Transmitter Enable (TXE). Enable Pin 0 (EPO). and Enable Pin 1 (EP1). Symbol Parameter Conditions VOH Output High Voltage 10H = -2mA VOL Output Low Voltage 10L = 4mA VIH Input High Voltage VIL Input Low Voltage Vie Input Clamp Voltage liN = -18 mA IlL Input Low Current IIH Input High Current Min Typ Max Units 0.5 V V Vee - 0.5 2.0 V 0.8 V -1.5 V VIN = GND -10 /LA VIN = Vee +10 /LA fII 2-113 II) II) N f c ...... .... II) N C") CD a. C 7.0 Electrical Characteristics (Continued) DC electrical characteristics for all Open Drain output signals (INT, ACK and CR). Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units VOL Output Low Voltage IOL = SmA 0.5 V loz TRI-STATE Leakage VOUT = Vee 10 ,.A DC electrical characteristics for all 100k ECL input and output signals. Symbol Parameter Conditions Min VOH Output High Voltage VIN = VIH (max) VOL Output Low Voltage VIN = VIL(min) VIH VIL Typ Max Units Vee - 1.025 Vee - 0.S80 V Vee - 1.810 Vee - 1.620 V Input High Voltage Vee -1.165 Vee - 0.S80 V Input Low Voltage Vee - 1.S10 Vee - 1.475 V ,.A ,.A IL Input Low Current VIN = GND -10 IH Input High Current VIN = Vee 100 Supply Current electrical characteristics Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units Total Supply LBC = 12.5 MHz Icc mA 440' TXC = 125 MHz Current 'Note: The PLAYER device has two pairs of differential ECL outputs, therefore 60 mA of the total supply current is actually consumed by external termination resistors and the maximum current consumed by the PLAYER device alone is only 3BO mAo The EeL termination current is calculated as follows: VOILmax = Vee - 0.88V VOLmax = Vee - 1.S2V Since the outputs are differential, the average output level is Vee - 1.25V. The test load per output is son at Vee - 2V, therefore the extemalload current through the son resistor is: 'LOAD = [(Vee - 1.25) - (Vee - 2)]/50 = 0.015A =15mA. As result, two pairs of EeL outputs consume so mAo 2-114 7.0 Electrical Characteristics (Continued) 7.4 AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS The AC Electrical characteristics are over the operating range, unless otherwise specified. AC Characteristics for the Control Bus Interface Symbol Parameter Min Max Units T1 CE Setup to LBC 5 ns T2 LBCPeriod 80 ns T3 LBC to ACK Low T4 CE Low to ACK Low T5 LBC Low to CBO(7-0) and CBP Valid 290 45 ns 540 ns 60 ns 60 ns T6 LBC to CBO(7-0) and CBP Active T7 CE Low to CBO(7 -0) and CBP Active 225 475 ns T8 CE Low to CBO(7 -0) and CBP Valid 265 515 ns T9 LBC Pulse Width High 35 45 ns T10 LBC Pulse Width Low 35 45 ns T11 CE High to ACK High 45 ns T12 R/W, CBA(7-0), CBO(7-0) and CBP Set up to CE Low T13 CE High to R/W, CBA(7-0), CBO(7-0) and CBP Hold Time 5 ns 0 ns T14a R/W to LBC Setup Time 0 ns T14b CBA to LBC Setup Time 10 ns T14c CBO and CBP to LBC Setup Time 0 ns T15 ACK Low to CE High Lead Time 0 ns T16 CE Minimum Pulse Width High 20 T17 CE High to CBO(7-0) and CBP TRI-STATE T18 ACK High to CE Low T19 CBO(7-0) Valid to ACK Low Setup 20 ns T20a LBC to R/W Hold Time 10 ns T20b LBC to CBA Hold Time 10 ns T20c LBC to CBO and CBP Hold Time 20 ns ns 55 0 ns ns T21 LBC to INT Low 55 ns T22 LBC to TNT High 60 ns Asynchronous Definitions T4(min) T1 +(3*T2)+T3 T4 (max) T1 + (4 * T2) + T3 T7(min) T1 + (2 • T2) + T6 T7(max) T1 + (3 • T2) + T6 T8(min) T1 + (2' T2) + T9 + T5 T8 (max) T1 + (3 • T2) + T9 + T5 Note: MinIMax numbers are based on T2 ~ 80 ns and T9 ~ fJI T10 ~ 40ns. 2-115 ~ ~ C") co .--------------------------------------------------------------------, 7.0 Electrical Characteristics (Continued) Q. Q ..... .- -h ~ ~ N C") --, ~ ~ 116 R/W Q ~ CBA XXX ADDRESS VAUD IN caD & 2QQ{ DATA YALID IN CBP [XXX ~X :X :X .~7 ~ ~ T~ \ ~ TL/F/1038B-23 TL/F/1D3BB-22 FIGURE 7·1. Control Bus Write Cycle Timing FIGURE 7-2. Control Bus Read Cycle Timing TLlF/103BB-35 FIGURE 7-3. Control Bus Synchronous Write Cycle Timing LBC R/fl COBCBP It ---------..::::..~~~~~~iP m ------------+--""'\ TLlF/103B6-24 FIGURE 7-4. Control Bus Synchronous Read Cycle Timing 'TL/F/103BB-44 FIGURE 7-5. Control Bus Interrupt Timing 2·116 C "tI 7.0 Electrical Characteristics (Continued) ext Co) N AC Characteristics for the Clock Signals Symbol Parameter T23 TBC to TXC Hold Time T24 TBC to TXC Setup Time T25 TBC to LBC Skew Conditions Min (Note 1) (Note 1) Typ Max 2 ns 2.5 10 Units ns 22 ns T26 RXC Duty Cycle (Note 1) 3.0 5.0 ns T27 TXC Duty Cycle (Note 1) 3.5 4.5 ns T2B TBC Duty Cycle 37 43 ns T29 LBC Duty Cycle 35 45 ns C1I .... .... C "tI ext Co) N C1I C1I Note 1: RXC duty cycle, TXC duty cycle, and TBC to TXC setup time are not tested, but are assured by correlation with characterization data. Note 2: When PLAYER is used in FOOl applications, TBC and LBC periods will be 80 ns and RXC and TXC periods will be 8 ns. RXC TXC TSC LOC i---T29---i TL/F/l0386-36 FIGURE 7-6. Clock Signals fII 2-117 II) II) N C') co a.. C ..... .,... II) N C') 7.0 Electrical Characteristics (Continued) AC Characteristics for PHY Port Interfaces Symbol Conditions Min Typ Max Units T30 LBC to Indicate Data Changes from TRI-STATE to Data Valid 70 ns T31 LBC to Indicate Data Changes from Active to TRI-STATE 70 ns T32 LBC to Indicate Data Sustain T33 LBC to Valid Indicate Data T34 Request Data to LBC Setup Time 15 ns T35 Request Data to LBC Hold Time 5 ns ~ C Parameter LBC 7 ns 45 ns 'r- -' ..... AIP,BIP, AIC,BIC, AID,BID T30 Jm -- J ..... T31 I- ~. VALID DATA XX) VALID DATA 'IJ -T34----- !--T35 ..... ARP, BRP, ARC,BRC, ARD,BRD J VALID DATA TLlF/10386-37 FIGURE 7·7. PHY Port Interface Timing , 2-118 c ." 7.0 Electrical Characteristics (Continued) CD Co) N U'I AC Characteristics for the Serial Interface Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units T36 RXD to RXC Setup Time 2 ns T37 RXD to RXC Hold Time 2 ns T38 TXC to TXD Change Time 8 ns T39 TXC to LBD Change Time 8 ns T40 CD Min Pulse Width 120 ns T41 SD Min Pulse Width 120 ns RXC+/- RXD+/- TXC+/- TXD+/- LBD+/- ; CD SD '~=1 141 f ~ FIGURE 7-8. Serial Interface Timing 2·119 TL/F/l038B-38 ..... ..... C ." CD Co) N U'I U'I ~r-------------------------------------------------------------------~ N CO) ~ C ...... .\I) 7.0 Electrical Characteristics (Continued) 7.5 AC TEST CIRCUITS N CO) ~ C Tl/F/l0386-28 FIGURE 7·10. Switching Test Circuit for All TTL Output Signals 2k.Q - 521. TLlF/l0386-26 Note: 51 is closed for TPZL and TPLZ 52 is closed for TPZH and TPHZ 51 and 52 are open otherwise FIGURE 7·9. Switching Test Circuit for All TRI-STATE Output Signals TL/F/l0386-30 Note: CL = 30 pF Includes seepe and all stray capacitance without device In test fixture TL/F/l0386-29 FIGURE 7-11. Switching Test Circuit for All Open Drain Output Signals (INT, ACK and eli) FIGURE 7·12. Switching Test Circuit for All ECL Input and Output Signals 2·120 IC "tI Test Waveforms 00 Co) N .... ..... U1 IC "tI 00 VCC -l.165V VCC -1.475V Co) ...F\... N U1 U1 , i~-1.4V , J ,~V 'CC- ,.~' ,~' TLlF/l0386-39 FIGURE 7-13. EeL Output Test Waveform 3.0V ''='" , OVJ. 1.5V \.... '~ :~ ,~.' TL/F/l0386-40 Note: All CMOS inputs and outputs are TTL compatible FIGURE 7-14. TTL Output Test Waveform --7:'" 1.5V ___-+,___...J11.5V ,T , pHZ 0/, LBC CBD<7:0>II< CBP f ~ : ;TpLZ, ~, , 1.5V' , VOL +O.5V TL/F/l0386-41 FIGURE 7-15. TRI-STATE Output Test Waveform 2-121 II) II) C"I CO) co a. C ..... .... ~ CO) co a. C 8.0 Detailed Descriptions 8.2 NOISE EVENTS This section describes in detail several functions that had been discussed previously in Section 3.0, Functional Descriptions . A Noise Event is defined as follows: A noise event is a noise byte, a byte of data which is not in line with the current line state, indicating error or corruption. 8.1 FRAMING HOLD RULES DETECTING JK Noise Event = [SO. - CD) + The JK symbol pair can be used to detect the beginning of a frame during Active Line State (ALS) and Idle Line State (ILS). [SO • CD • PI • - (II + JK + AB)) + [SO • CD • - PI • (PB = II) • AB) While the Line State Detector is in the Idle Line State the PLAYER device "reframes" upon detecting a JK symbol pair and enters the Active Line State. During Active Line State, acceptance of a JK symbol (reframing) is allowed on anyon-boundary JK which is detected at least 1.5 byte times after the previous JK. Where: • + Logical AND Logical OR Logical NOT SO = Signal Detect CD = Clock Detect Previous Byte PB PLS = Previous Line State During Active Line State, once reframed on a JK, the subsequent off-boundary JK is ignored, even if it is detected beyond 1.5 byte times after the previous JK. During Active Line State, an Idle or Ending Delimiter symbol will allow reframing on any subsequent JK, if a JK is detected at least 1.5 bytes times after the previous JK. m PI DETECTING HALT·HALT 8. HALT·QUIET During Idle Line State, the detection of a Halt-Halt, or HaltQuiet symbol pair will still allow the reframing of any subsequent on-boundary JK. PHY Invalid = HLS + QLS + NLS + ( ULS • (ALS + ILS))l ILS = Idle Line State ALS = Active Line State ULS = Unknown Line State Once a JK is detected during Active Line State, off-boundary Halt-Halt, or Halt-Quiet symbol pairs are ignored until the Elasticity Buffer (EB) has an opportunity to recenter. They are treated as violations. HLS = Halt Line State QLS = Quiet Line State MLS = Master Line State NLS = Noise Line State ULS = Unknown Line State After recentering on a Halt-Halt, or Halt-Quiet symbol pair, all off-boundary Halt-Halt or Halt-Quiet symbol pairs are ignored until the EB has a chance to recenter during a line state other than Active Line State (which may be as long as 2.8 byte times). J K R S 2-122 Idle symbol First symbol of start delimiter Second symbol of start delimiter Reset symbol Set symbol T End delimiter A B n+R+S+T n = Any data symbol n+R+S+T+1 MLS [PLS + .----------------------------------------------------------------------.0 ;g 8.0 Detailed Descriptions (Continued) Co) N U1 8.3 LINK ERRORS ..... ...... o A Link Error is defined as follows: ;g Link Error Event = [ALS • (1-1 + xV + Vx + H-H)) + [ALS. -SOl + [ILS. -(II + JK)) + ilLS. -SD)1 + [ULS • (PLS = ALS) • LinLError_Flag • - SB • - (HH + HI + II + JK)1 Set LinLError_Flag = [ALS • (HH SH + TH)1 + NH + RH Co) N U1 U1 + Clear LinLError_Flag = [ALS. JKI + ilLS. JKI + [ULS • (PLS = ALS • LinLError_Flag • - SB • - (HH + HI + II + JK)1 Where: + Logical NOT Logical OR • Logical AND ILS Idle Line State ALS = Active Line State ULS = Unknown Line State x = Any symbol H J K V = Halt symbol R S = Reset symbol T N = End delimiter symbol Idle symbol = First Symbol of start delimiter = Second symbol of start delimiter = Violation symbol = Set symbol = Data symbol converted to 0000 by the PLAY- ER device Receiver Block in symbol pairs that contain a data and a control symbol PLS = Previous Line State SO = Signal Detect SB = Stuff Byte: Byte inserted by EB before a JK symbol pair for recentering or due to off-axis JK 2-123 Ln r-------~----------------------------------------------------------------------__, Ln N CO) 8.0 Detailed Description (Continued) C ..... .,... The repeat filter prevents the propagation of code violations to the downstream station . co D.; 8.4 REPEAT FILTER Ln N CO) ~ C REPEAT nn ~ JK ~ END IDLE WW TW TW JK+TPARITY ~ JK JK WW :Ll WI F_IDLE OK·W) + TPARITY NT NT " " JK JK TW TI NI+IX (PHY VALID) (V'+I') ALSZILSZ " "HALT (H+S+R+V)X+N(f·~ + TPARITY a·JK)x + TPARITY HH JK JK HH IX " (PHY VALID) (V'+I') ALSZILSZ HH TL/F/l0386-31 Note: Inputs to the Repeat Filter state machine are shown above tha transition lines, while outputs from the state machine are shown below the transition lines. Nota: Abbreviations used in the Repeat Filter State Diagram are shown in Table VIII. FIGURE 8·1. Repeat Filter State Diagram 2·124 8.0 Detailed Descriptions (Continued) The Repeat Filter complies with the FOOl standard by ob· serving the following: 1. In Repeat State, violations cause transitions to the Halt State and two Halt symbol pairs are transmitted (unless JK or Ix occurs) followed by transition to the Idle State. 2. When Ix is encountered, the Repeat Filter goes to the Idle State, during which Idle symbol pairs are transmitted until a JK is encountered. 3. The Repeat Filter goes to the Repeat State following a JK from any state. The END State, which is not part of the FOOl standard, allows an R or S prior to a T within a frame to be recognized as a violation. It also allows NT to end a frame as opposed to being treated as a violation. TABLE 8·1. Abrevlatlons used In the Repeat Filter State Diagram Force Idle-True when not in Active Transmit Mode W: Represents the symbols R, or S, or T -TPARITY: Parity error nn: Data symbols (for C = 0 in the PHY·MAC Interface) N: Data portion of a control and data symbol mixture X: Any symbol (i.e. don't care) V': Violation symbols or symbols inserted by the Receiver Block I': Idle symbols or symbols inserted by the Receiver Block Active Line State or Idle Line State (i.e. ALSZILSZ: PHY Invalid) - ALSZILSZ: Not in Active Line State nor in Idle Line State (i.e. PHY Valid) H: Halt symbol R: Reset symbol S: Set symbol T: Frame ending delimiter Frame start delimiter JK: I: Idle symbol (Preamble) V: Code violations • 2·125 ~r--------------------------------------------------------------------, ~ N C') ~ C ..... .... 8.0 Detailed Descriptions (Continued) 8,5 SMOOTHER CONTRACT EXTEND ~ N C') SE + F_IDLE co a. ~ C SE+F_IDLE II II'X n_1= w. Xn C=C+ 1 Xn+1 C= C +1 _ . R'c>o . 1I'(Xn- 1 = II +X n- 1 = nn) ... jj'JK Xn C= C+ 1 Xn C=C+ 1 . ...... JK'C> 7'X n_1 = II JK'C< 7'X n_1= II Xn- I ... Xn C=O Xn C=O JK'X n_1 = II ...... Xn- 1 C=O -II'JK'C = 0 Xn ..L "" . Notes: SE: Smoother Enable C: Preamble Counter F_IDLE: Force_Idle (Stop or A'fM) Xn: Current Byte Xn-l: Previous Byte TL/F/l0388-32 WoRST FIGURE 8-2, Smoother State Diagram 2·126 C ." co Co) 8.0 Detailed Descriptions (Continued) Line State are Idle symbols, then the Symbol Decoder generates l'kiLS as its output. Note that in this case the coded byte is represented in the form Receive State (b7-4), Known/Unknown Bit (b3) and the Last Known Line State (b2-0). The Receive State is 4 bits long and it represents either the PHY Invalid (0011) or the Idle Line State (1011) condition. The Known/Unknown Bit shows if the symbols received match the line state information in the last 3 bits. 8.6 NATIONAL BYTE·WIDE CODE FOR PHY·MAC IN· TERFACE The PLAYER device outputs the National byte-wide code from its PHY Port Indicate Output to the MAC device. Each National byte-wide code may contain data or control codes or the line state information of the connection. Table 8-2 lists all the possible outputs. During Active Line State all data and control symbols are being repeated to the PHY Port Indicate Output with the exception of data in data-control mixture bytes. That data sybmol is replaced by zero. If only one symbol in a byte is a control symbol, the data symbol will be replaced by 0000 and the whole byte will be presented as control code. Note that the Line State Detector recognizes the incoming data to be in the Active Line State upon reception of the Starting Delimiter (JK symbol pair). During any line state other than Idle Line State or Active Line State, the Symbol Decoder generates the code V'kLS if the incoming symbols match the current line state. The symbol decoder generates V'uLS if the incoming symbols do not match the current line state. During Idle Line State any non Idle symbols will be reflected as the code l'uILS. If both symbols received during Idle 2-127 ~ U1 ..... ....... C ." co Co) ~ U1 II) II) N Cf) ~ 8.0 Detailed Descriptions (Continued) Table 8-2. C ...... .... Current Line State II) N Cf) Symbol 1 Data Control Bit Symbol 2 Control Bit Data National Code Control Bit Data co ALS 0, n 0, n 0, non C ALS 0, n 1, C 1, N-C a. ALS 1, C 0, n 1, CoN ALS 1, C 1, C 1, C-C ILS 1, I 1, I 1, I'-k-LS ILS 1, I x, Not! 1, I'-u-LS ILS Not! 1, I 1, I'-u-LS Not I 1, I'-u-LS x x, x, Not! Stuff Byte during ILS x, x, x, x 1, I'-k-ILS Not ALS and Not ILS 1, M 1, M 1, V'-k-LS Not ALS and Not ILS 1, M x, NotM 1, V'-u-LS Not ALS and Not ILS x, x, x, NotM 1, M 1, V'-u-LS NotM x, x, NotM 1, V'-u-LS x 1, V'-k-LS, V'-u-LS or I'-u-ILS ILS Not ALS and Not ILS Stuff Byte during NotlLS x EB Overflow/Underflow 1, 00111011 SMT PI Connnection (LSU) 1, 00111010 Where: n = Any data symbol in [0,1,2, ... Fl C = Any control symbol in [V, R, S, T, I, HI N = 0000 = Code for data symbol in a data control mixture byte I = Idle Symbol M = Any symbol that matches the current line state I' = 1011 = First symbols of the byte in Idle Line State V' = 0011 = PHY Invalid LS = Line State ALS = 000 ILS = 001 NSD = 010 MLS = 100 HLS = 101 QLS = 110 NLS = 111 u = 1 = Indicates symbol received does not match current line state k = 0 = Indicates symbol received matches current line state x = Don't care 2-128 C '"D 8.0 Detailed Descriptions (Continued) Q) Example: (II W N Incoming 5B Code Decoded 4B Code National Byte-Wide Code (wlo parity) ..... ..... 9876543210 C321 0 C 3210 C 7653 3210 Q) 1111111111 (II) 1 10101 1010 (II) 110110001 (I'-k-ILS)* W N 11111 11111 (II) 1 10101 1010 (II) 110110001 (I'-k-ILS) 1111111111 (II) 1 10101 1010 (II) 110110001 (I'-k-ILS) 11000 10001 (JK) 1110111101 (JK) 1 1101 1101 (JK Symbols) ...... -- --- -- (xx) O----O----(xx) 0---- - - - - (Data Symbols) .......... .......... -----(xx) 0----0---- (xx) 0---- - - - - (Data Symbols) --- -- (xx) O----O----(xx) 0---- - - - - (Data Symbols) (More data ...) .......... .......... ---- - (xx) O----O----(xx) 0- - -- - - - - (Data Symbols) --- -- (xx) 0----0---- (xx) 0---- - - - - (Data Symbols) ----- --- -- (xx) O----O----(xx) 0- - -- - - - - (Data Symbols) 01101 00111 (TR) 1010110110 (TR) 1 0101 0110 (T and R Symbols) 0011100111 (RR) 1011010110 (RR) 1 01100110 (Two R Symbols) 11111 11111 (II) 1 10101 1010 (II) 1 1010 1010 (Idle Symbols) 11111 11111 (II) 1101011010 (II) 110101010 (Idle Symbols) 11111 11111 (II) 1101011010(11) 110110001 (I'-k-ILS) 110110001 (I'-k-ILS) 1111111111 (II) 1101011010 (II) 11111 11111 (II) 1 10101 1010 (II) 1 10110001 (I'-k-ILS) 0010000100 (HH) 1 0001 1 0001 (HH) 110111001 (I'-u-ILS) 0010000100 (HH) 1 0001 1 0001 (HH) 110111001 (I'-u-ILS) 0010000100 (HH) 1 0001 1 0001 (HH) 110111001 (I'-u-ILS) 0010000100 (HH) 1 0001 1 0001 (HH) 110111001 (I'-u-ILS) 0010000100 (HH) 1 0001 1 0001 (HH) 110111001 (I'-u-ILS) 0010000100 (HH) 1 0001 1 0001 (HH) 110111001 (I'-u-ILS) 0010000100 (HH) 1 0001 1 0001 (HH) 110111001 (I'-u-ILS) 0010000100 (HH) 1 0001 1 0001 (HH) 100110101 (V'-k-HLS) 0010000100 (HH) 1 0001 1 0001 (HH) 1 0011 0101 (V'-k-HLS) 0010000100 (HH) 1 0001 1 0001 (HH) 100110101 (V'-k-HLS) 11111 11111 (II) 1101011010(11) 1 0011 1101 (V'-u-HLS) 11111 11111 (II) 1 101011010 (II) 110110001 (I'-k-ILS) 1111111111 (II) 1 10101 1010 (II) 110110001 (I'-k-ILS) ·Assume the receiver is in the Idle Line State. 2-129 C '"D (II (II ~ r------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, I ~National c ~ Semiconductor OP83261 BMACTM Oevice (FOOl Media Access Controller) General Description Features The OP83261 BMAC device implements the Media Access Control (MAC) protocol for operation in an FOOl token ring. The BMAC device provides a flexible Interface to the BSITM device. The BMAC device offers the capabilities described in the ANSI X3T9.5 MAC Standard and several functional enhancements allowed by the Standard. • Full duplex operation with through parity • Supports all FOOl ring scheduling classes (asynchronous, synchronous, restricted asynchronous, and immediate) • Supports individual, group, short, long and external addressing • Generates Beacon, Claim and Void frames without intervention • Provides extensive ring and station statistics • Provides extensions for MAC level bridging • Provides separate management interface • Uses low power microCMOS The BMAC device transmits, receives, repeats, and strips tokens and frames. It uses a full duplex architecture that allows diagnostic transmission and self testing for error isolation. The duplex architecture also allows full duplex data service on point-to-point connections. Management software is also aided by an array of on chip statistical counters, and the ability to internally generate Claim and Beacon frames without program intervention. A multi-frame streaming interface is provided to the system interface device. TO HOST SYSTEM DP83241 COD (CLOCK DISTRIBUTION) DP83231 CRD (CLOCK RECOVERY) '----...r--' TO FIBER OPTIC TRANSCEi.ER PAIR FIGURE 1-1. FOOl Chip Set Block Diagram 2-130 TL/F/10387-1 Table of Contents 1.0 FOOl CHIP SET OVERVIEW 6.0 CONTROL INFORMATION 6.1 Conventions 6.2 Access Rules 6.3 Operation Registers 6.4 Event Registers 6.5 MAC Parameters 6.6 Timer Thresholds 6.7 Event Counters 2.0 ARCHITECTURAL DESCRIPTION 2.1 Ring Engine 2.2 Interfaces 3.0 FEATURE OVERVIEW 4.0 FOOl MAC FACILITIES 4.1 Symbol Set 4.2 Protocol Data Units 4.3 Frame Counts 4.4 Timers 4.5 Ring Scheduling 7.0 SIGNAL DESCRIPTIONS 7.1 Control Interface 7.2 PHY Interface 7.3 MAC Indication Interface 7.4 MAC Request Interface 7.5 Electrical Interface 7.6 Pinout Summary 7.7 Pinout Diagram 5.0 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION 5.1 Token Handling 5.2 Servicing Transmission Requests 5.3 Request Service Parameters 5.4 Frame Validity Processing 5.5 Frame Status Processing 5.6 SMT Frame Processing 5.7 MAC Frame Processing 5.8 Receive Batching Support 5.9 Immediate Frame Transmission 5.10 Full Duplex Operation 5.11 Parity Processing 8.0 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 8.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings 8.2 Recommended Operating Conditions 8.3 DC Electrical Characteristics 8.4 AC Electrical Characteristics APPENDIX A. RING ENGINE STATE MACHINES A.l Receiver A.2 Transmitter 2-131 ,.. CD N C') CO a.. C r---------------------------------------~--------------------------------------------, 1.0 FDDI Chip Set Overview National Semiconductor's DP83200 FDDI chip set consists of five components as shown in Figure't-t. For more information on the other devices of the chip set, consult the appropriate datasheets and application notes. DP83261 BMACTM Device Media Access Controller The BMAC device implements the Timed Token Media Access Control protocol defined by the ANSI X3T9.5 FDDI MAC Standard. DP83231 CRDTM Device Clock Recovery Device Features The Clock Recovery Device extracts a 125 MHz clock from the incoming bit stream. • All of the standard defined ring service options. ' • Full duplex operation with through parity Features • PHY Layer loopback test • Crystal controlled • Clock locks in less than 85 • Supports all FDDI Ring Scheduling Classes (Synchronous, Asynchronous, etc.) • Supports Individual, Group, Short, Long, and External Addressing "'S • Generates Beacon, Claim, and Void frames internally DP83241 CDDTM Device Clock Distribution Device • Extensive ring and station statistic gathering • Extensions for MAC level bridging • Separate management port that is used to configure and control operation '' The Clock Distribution Device generates the clocks required by the FDDI Devices on a board. • Multi-frame streaming interface Features " .. • Utilizes a 12.5 MHz crystal or reference DP83265 BSITM Device System Interface • Generates the 125 MHz, 25 MHz, and 1,2.5 MHz clock required by the BMAC, PLAYER, and BSI devices The BSI device implements the interface between the BMAC device and a host system. • Generates 5 phases of the 12.5 MHz clock for use by external system logic Features DP83251155 PLAYERTM Device Physical Layer Controller • 32-bit wide Address/Data path with byte parity • Programmable transfer burst sizes of 4 or 8 32-bit words • Interfaces to low cost DRAMs or directly to system bus The PLAYER device implements the Physical Layer (PHY) protocol as defined by the ANSI FDDI PHY X3T9.5 Standard. • Provides 2 Output and 3 Input Channels • Supports Headerllnfo splitting • Operates from 12.5 MHz to 25 MHz synchronously with the host system Features • 4B/5B encoders and decoders • Efficient data structures • Framing logic • Elasticity Buffer, Repeat Filter and Smoother • Programmable Big or Little Endian alignment • Full duplex data path allows transmission to self • Line state detector/generator • Confirmation status batching services • Link error detector • Receive frame filtering services • Configuration switch • Full duplex operation • Separate management port that is used to configure and control operation In addition, the DP83255 contains an additional PHY_ Data.request and PHY_Data.indicate port required for concentrators and dual attach stations. 2-132 r----------------------------------------------------------------------.c "tI co Co) 2.0 Architectural Description Source Address. Frames with a Source Address matching one of the station individual addresses are stripped by the Ring Engine. Status is available at the MAC interface for every transmitted frame. The BMAC device receivers, transmits, and strips or repeats Protocol Data Units (PDUs, i.e., Tokens and Frames) and handles the token management functions required by the timed token protocol in accordance with the FOOl MAC Standard. For reception, the Ring Engine sequences through the incoming byte stream, comparing received destination addresses against the station's short or long address. The results of these comparisons are made available at the MAC interface. The System Interface then decides how to handle the frame. In the normal case, a frame with a Destination Address matching one of the station addresses is copied and passed to the system. The BMAC device is comprised of the Ring Engine (RE) and interfaces to the Control Bus (Control Interface), the PLAYER device (PHY Interface) and a System Interface such as the BSI device (MAC Interface) as shown in Figure 2-1. On transmission, the system interface prepares one or more frames for transmission and requests a service opportunity. Based on the requested service class and requested token type, the Ring Engine waits for a token meeting the requested criteria. When a token is captured, the Ring Engine signals the interface and soon thereafter transmission begins. After traversing the ring, frames are stripped based on the ... The BMAC device utilizes a full duplex, byte-wide (symbol pair) architecture. There are two bytes of delay in the Transmit path, three bytes of delay in Receive and Repeat paths, and two bytes of delay in the Loopback path. To HOST SYSTEM H Flags II: Control Signals MA..INDICATE (7:0) MA..INDICATE PARITY I Transmit" Parameters II: Handshake Signals ~ ~ MA..REQUEST (7:0) MA.:..REQUEST PARITY ~" I MAC INTERFACE r--- 8 z iI 0 r- ID RING ENGINE I I I PHY INTERFACE .oil "PH_INDICATE (7:0) PH_INDICATE CONTROL PH_INDICATE PARITY PH_REQUEST (7:0) PH_REQUEST CONTROL PH_REQUEST PARITY c '"z ;;:I '"n>! ... I- . ... 0' ... I r- ID c '" 'II" To PLAYER DEVICE TUF/10387-2 FIGURE 2-1. BMAC Device Interfaces 2-133 ... N en .CD r-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ ~ 2.0 Architectural Description c 2.1 RING Er,lGINE The BMAC device is operated by the'Ring Engine which is comprised of four blocks: Receiver, Transmitter, MAC Pa, rameter RAM, and Counters/Timers as shown in Figure 2-2. ~ (Continued) lected. During Frame Repeating, data from the Receiver Block is selected. During Frame Transmission, thEi Transmitter Block performs the following functions: ' • Captures a token to gain the right to transmit 2.1.1 Receiver The Receiver Block accepts data from the PLAYER device in the, byte stream format (PH_Indicate). Upon receiving the data, the Receiver Slack performs the following functions: . . , • Transmits one or more frames • Generates the Frame Check Sequence during transmission and appends it at the end of the frame • Generates the Frame Status field that is transmitted at the end of the frame • Determines the beginning and ending of a Protocol Data Uflit(PDU) • Decodes the Frame Control field to determine the PDU type (frame or token) • Issues the token al'the erid of frame transmission' During Frame Repeating, the Transmitter Block performs the following functions: • Repeats the received frame and modifies the Frame Status field at the end of the frame as specified by the standard • Compares the received Destination and Source Addresses with the internal addresses • Processes data within the frame • Calculates and checks the Frame Check Sequence at the end of the frame Whether transmitting or repeating frames, the Transmitter Block also performs the following functions: • Strips the frame(s) that are transmitted by this station • Checks the Frame Status field And finally, the Receiver Biock presents the data to the MAC Interface along with the appropriate control signals (MLlndicate). • Generates Idle symbols between frames Data is presented from the Transmitter Block to the PLAYER device in the byte stream format (PH_Request). 2.1.2 Transmitter 2.1.3 MAC Parameter RAM The Transmitter Block inserts frames from this station into the ring in accordance with the FDDI Timed Token MAC protocol. It also repeats frames from other stations in the ring. The Transmitter block multiplexes data from the ML Request Interface and data from the Receiver Block. During Frame Transmission, data from the Request Interface is se- The MAC Parameter RAM block is a dual port RAM that contains MAC parameters such as the station's short and long addresses. These parameters are initialized via the Control Interface. Both the Receiver and Transmitter Blocks may access the RAM. To MAC INTERFACE A ~A..lndlcate Flags Be Control Signals " " , i,':> ' .,' .1 Parameter 1 AMC ,0, I <::::FCSf'l ........ ," ,', ..... ,' ,' .' ,',' " .......... ':':~":'.:: .:::: ," I TSM RSM '," ...... . '," ",'.' ", ., .. ' .... . ...... . ., ,' ,, '' ", ", ROM: I Countersl TImers I ,',' .... RAM .: f ".,' Repeat Path ..... , ' , ' ",' ['~~s';;i\t~r :;';:;:: QU D'."'-\..1. To PHY INTERFACE TLlF1103B7-4 FIGURE 2-2. Ring Engine OV6i"ylew Block Clagiam 2-134 C "U CD 2.0 Architectural Description (Continued) The Receiver uses these parameters to compare addresses in incoming frames with its addresses stored in the Parameter RAM. The Transmitter uses the Parameter RAM for generating the Source Address for all frames (except when Source Address Transparency is enabled) and for the Destination Address and Information fields in Claim and Beacon frames. The MAC Parameter RAM block is described in greater details in Section 6.5. 2.1.4 Counter/Timer The Counter/Timer block maintains all of the Counters and Timers required by the Standard. Co) The MAC Interface is synchronous and is divided into separate MAC Request and MAC Indication interfaces. Data is transferred from the system interface to the Ring Engine via the MAC Request Interface. The M~Request Interface consists of a parity bit (Odd parity) and byte-wide data along with the transmit parameters and handshake signals. The MAC Request Interface utilizes a handshake that separates token capture from data transmisson. A captured token may be held until it is no longer usable. Void frames are automatically generated to allow data interface logic as much time as it needs to prepare a transmission. N G) ..... Data is transferred from the Ring Engine to the system interface via the MAC Indication Interface. The M~lndicate Interface consists of a parity bit (Odd parity) and byte-wide data along with Addressing Flags and Frame Sequencing signals. The Addressing Flags give the result of the address comparisons performed by the Ring Engine. These are used to decide whether to continue to copy or to reject frames. The MAC Indication Interface also accepts inputs to determine how to set the control indicators and increment the statistical counters based on external address comparison logic and frame copying logic. Frames may also be stripped based on external comparisons. Events which occur too rapidly for software to count. such as the various Frame Counts. are included in the Event Counters. The size of the wrap around counters has been chosen to require minimal software intervention even under marginal operating conditions. Most of the Counters increment in response to events detected by the Receiver. The Counters are readable via the Control Interface. The Token Rotation and Token Holding Timers which are used to implement the Timed Token Protocol are contained within the Timer Block. The Counters and Timers are described in detail in Sections 6.6 and 6.7. 2.2.3 Control Bus Interface The Control Interface implements the interface to the Control Bus by which to initialize. monitor and diagnose the operation of the BMAC device. The Control Interface is an 8-bit asynchronous interface in order to minimize pinout and layout. All information that must be synchronized with the data stream crosses the MAC Interface. 2.2 INTERFACES 2.2.1 PHY Interface The PHY Intreface is a synchronous interface that provides an encoded byte stream to the PLAYER device (the PHY Request byte stream). and receives an encoded byte stream from the PLAYER device (the PHY Indication byte stream). . The Control bus is separated completely from the MAC and PHY Interfaces in order to allow independent operation of the processor on the Control Bus. The Control Interface provides the synchronization between the Control Bus and the Ring Engine. The BMAC device connects to one or two PLAYER devices via the PH_Indicate and P~Request Interfaces. Data is transferred from the PLAYER device to the Ring Engine via the PH_Indicate Interface. Data is transferred from the Ring Engine to the PLAYER device via the PH_ Request Interface. The 10-bit byte transferred in both directions across the PH_Indicate and PH_Request interfaces consists of one parity bit (Odd parity). one Control bit. and 8 bits of data. The Control Bit determines if the 8 data bits are a data symbol pair or a control symbol pair. 3.0 Feature Overview The BMAC device implements the standard FDDI MAC protocol. It also provides additional addressing. bridging. and service class functions to allow maximal flexibility in designing an FDDI station. The BMAC device offers extensive diagnostic features including a number of diagnostic counters. a dedicated interface for control and configuration. and a capability to perform Self Testing. Furthermore. the BMAC device allows the tuning of certain parameters to increase the performance of the network. 2.2.2 MAC Interface The MAC Interface provides the required information and handshakes to allow a system interface (such as the DP83265 BSI) to exploit the capabilities of the Ring Engine. • 2·135 .... ~ CO) CD a. Q 3.0 Feature Overview (Continued) 3.1 FDDI MAC SUPPORT The BMAC device implements the Standard ANSI X3T9.5 FOOl MAC protocol for transmitting, receiving, repeating and stripping frames. Many of the. capabilities defined in MAC-2 are included in the BMAC device such as bridging end station support for setting the control indicators, and the statistic counters. The BMAC device provides all of the information necessary to implement the service primitives defined in the standard. The BMAC device also implements many of the permitted extensions to the FOOl-MAC standard as captured In the FOOl MAC-2 document. These include the extensions for MAC level bridging, Group Addressing support that can be used for SMT, reporting of additional events to aid the ring management processes and enhanced versions of the state machines. These counters allow measurement of the following: • Number of frames transmitted and received by the station • Number of frames copied as well as frames not copied because of insufficient buffering • Frame error rate of an incoming phYSical connection to the MAC • Load on the ring based on the number of tokens received and the ring latency • Ring latency • Lost frames The size of these counters has been selected to keep the frequency of overflow small, even under. worst case operating conditions. 3.6 MANAGEMENT SERVICES The BMAC device provides management services to the Host System via the Control Bus Interface. This interface allows access to internal registers to control and configure the BMAC device. 3.2 MAC ADDRESSING SUPPORT Both long (4B-bit) and short (16-bit) addressing are supported simultaneously, for both Individual and Group addresses. Up to 12B contiguous programmable group addresses and up to 15 Fixed Group Addresses plus the universal/broadcast address are recognized. Limited operation with null addresses is supported. An interface to external address matching logic is provided to augment the Ring Engine's addressing capabilities. . 3.7 RING PARAMETER TUNING The BMAC device includes settable parameters to allow tuning of the network to increase performance over a large range of network sizes. The BMAC device supports systems of two stations with little cable between them to ring configurations much larger than the 1000 physical attachments and/or 200 km distance that are specified as the default values in the standard. The BMAC device also handles frames larger than the 4500 byte default maximum frame size as specified in the Standard. 3.3 MAC BRIDGING SUPPORT Several features are provided to aid in Bridging applications. On the receive side, external address matching logic can be used to examine the PH_Indicate byte stream to decide whether to copy a frame, how to set the control indicators and how to increment the counters. On the transmit side, transparency options are provided on the Source Address, the most significant bit of the Source Address, and the FCS. 3.8 MULTI-FRAME STREAMING INTERFACE The BMAC device provides an interface to support a multiframe streaming interface. Multiple frames can be transmitted after a token is captured within the limits of the token timer thresholds. In addition, support for an alternate Void stripping mechanism provides maximal flexibility in the generation of frames. 3.4 MAC SERVICE CLASS SUPPORT All of the FOOl MAC service classes are supported by the BMAC device. These include the Synchronous, Asynchronous, Restricted Asynchronous, and Immediate service classes. For Synchronous transmission, one or more frames are transmitted in accordance with the station's synchronous bandwidth allocation. For Asynchronous transmission, one programmable asynchronous priority threshold is supported in addition to the threshold at the Negotiated Target Token Rotation time. For Restricted Asynchronous transmission, support is provided to begin, continue and end restricted dialogues. For Immediate transmissions, support is provided to send frames from either the Oata, Beacon or Claim states and either ignore or respond to the received byte stream. After an immediate transmission a token may optionally be issued. 3.9 GENERATES BEACON, CLAIM, AND VOID FRAMES INTERNALLY For purposes of transient token and ring recovery, no processor intervention is required. The BMAC device automatically generates the appropriate MAC frames. 3.10 SELF TESTING Because the BMAC device is full duplex, loopback testing is possible before entering the ring and during normal ring operation. There are several posible loopback paths: • internal to the BMAC device • through the PLAYER device(s) using the PLAYER device configuration switch • through the CRO device. These paths allow error isolation down to the device level. The BMAC device also supports through parity. 3.5 DIAGNOSTIC COUNTERS The BMAC device includes a number of diagnostic counters that monitor ring and station performance. 2-136 c -a co Co) 4.0 FOOl MAC Facilities 4.1 SYMBOL SET 4.2 PROTOCOL DATA UNITS The Ring Engine recognizes and generates a set of sym· bois. These symbols are used to convey Une States (such as the Idle Une State), Control Sequences (such as the Starting and Ending Delimiters) and Data. Additional information regarding the symbol set can be found in the FDDI PHY Standard. The Ring Engine recognizes and generates two types of Protocol Data Units (PDUs): Tokens and Frames. The Token is used to control access to the ring. Only the station that has captured the token has the right to transmit new information. The format of a token is shown in Figure 4·1. The Ring Engine expects that the Starting Delimiter will al· ways be conveyed on an even symbol pair boundary. Fol· lowing the starting delimiter, data symbols should always come in matched pairs. Similarly the Ending Delimiter should always come in one or more matched symbol pairs. FIGURE 4-1. Token Format Frames are used to pass information between stations. The format of a frame is shown in Figure 4·2 with the field defini· tions in Table 4·2. The symbol pairs conveyed at the PHY Interface are shown in Table 4·1. FIGURE 4-2. Frame Format TABLE 4-1. Symbol Pair Set Type Symbols Starting Delimiter JK Ending Delimiter TT orTR orTS or nT Frame Status RR orRS orSR orSS Idle II or nl Data Pair nn Note: n represents any data symbol (O-F). Symbol pairs others than the defined symbols are treated as code violations. Section 7.2 has additional information on the symbol pairs generated and interpreted by the Ring Engine. TABLE 4-2. PDU Fields Name Description SFS Start of Frame Sequence Size PA Preamble 8 or More Idle Symbol Pairs SD Starting Delimiter JK Symbol Pair FC Frame Control Field 1 Data Symbol Pair DA Destination Address 2 or 6 Symbol Pairs 2 or 6 Symbol Pairs SA Source Address INFO Information Field FCS Frame Check Sequence EFS End of Frame Sequence ED Ending Delimiter At Least 1T Symbol for Frames; At Least 2T Symbols for Tokens FS Frame Status 3 or More R or S Symbols 2·137 4 Symbol Pairs N .... Q) .... ~ CO) CD a. Q 4.0 FDDI MAC Facilities (Continued) TABLE 4-4. MAC/SMT Frames Types 4.2.1 PDU Fields Start of Frame. Sequence CLFF rZZZ PDUType The Start of Frame Sequence (SFS) consists of the Preamble (PA) followed by the Starting Delimiter (SD). 1000 0000 Non-Restricted Token 1100 0000 Restricted Token OLOO 0000 Void Frame OLOO 0001 to 1110 SMTFrame OLOO 1111 SMT Next Station Addressing Frame 1LOO ·0001 Other MAC Frame 1LOO 0010 MAC Beacon Frame 1LOO 0011 MAC Claim Frame 1LOO 0100 to 1111 Other MAC Frame The Preamble is.a sequence of zero or more Idle symbols that is used to separate the PDUs. The Ring Engine Receiver can process and repeat a frame or token with no preamble. The Ring Engine Transmitter generates frames with at least 8 bytes of preamble. The Ring Engine Transmitter also guarantees that valid FDDI frames will never be transmitted with more than 40 bytes of preamble. The Starting Delimiter is used to indicate the start of a new PDU. The Starting Delimiter is the JK symbol pair. The Ring Engine expects the Starting Delimiter to be conveyed across the PH_Indication Interface as a single byte. Similarly, the Ring Engine only generates Starting Delimiters aligned to the byte boundary. Frame Control The Frame Control (FC) field is used to discriminate PDUs. For tokens, the FC field identifies Restricted and Non-restricted tokens. For frames, the FC field identifies the frame types and format and how the frame is to be processed. Destination Address The Destination Address (DA) field is used to specify the station(s) that should receive and process the frame. The DA can be an Individual or Group address. This is determined by the Most Significant Bit of the DA (DAIG). When DAIG is 0 the DA is an Individual Address, when DA.lG is 1 the DA is a Group Address. The Broadcast/Universal address is a Group Address. The one byte FC field is form~tted as shown in Figure 4-3. IclLIFFlrltzzl FIGURE 4-3. Frame Control Field The C (Class) bit specifies the MAC Service Class as Asynchronous (C = 0) or Synchronous (C == 1). The DA field can be a Long or Short Address. This is determined by the L bit in the FC field (FC.L). If FC.L is 1, the DA is a 48-bit Long Address. If FC.L is 0, the DA is a 16-bit Short Address. The L (Length) bit specifies the length of the MAC Address as Short (L = 0) or Long (L = 1). A Short Address is a 16bit address. A Long Addres.s is a 48-bit address. The Ring Engine maintains both a 16-bit Individual Address, My Short Address (MSA) and a 48·bit Individual Address, My Long Address (MLA). The FF (Format) bits specify the PDU types as shown in Table 4-3. The r (Reserved) bit is currently not specified and sh'ould always be transmitted as Zero (Exception: SMT NSA Frames). . On the receive side, if DAIG is 0 the incoming DA is com· pared with MLA (if FC.L = 1) or MSA (if FC.L = 0). If the received DA matches MLA or MSA the frame is intended for this station and the address recognized flag (A....Flag) is set. If DAIG is 1, the DA is a Group Address and is compared with the set of Group Addresses recognized by the Ring Engine. If a match occurs the address recognized flag (A....Flag) is set. The A....Flag is used by system interface logic as part of the criteria (with FC.L, DAIG and M_Flag) to determine whether or not to copy the frame. If the A....flag is set, the system interface will normally attempt to copy the frame. The ZZZ (Control) b.its are used in conjunction with the C and FF bits to specify the type of PDUs. These bits may be used to affect protocol processing criteria such as the Priority, Protocol Class, Status Handling, etc. TABLE 4-3. Frame Control Format Bits FC.FF PDUTypes 0 0 SMT/MAC 0 1 LLC 1 0 Reserved for Implementer 1 1 Reserved for Future Standardization On the transmit side, the DA is provided by the system interface logic as part of the data stream. The length of the address to be transmitted is determined by the L bit of the .FC field. (The FC field is also passed in the data stream.) The Destination Address can be an Individual, Group, or Broadcast Address. When the Frame Control Format bits (FG.FFJ indicate a SMT or MAC PDU, the frame type is identified as shown in Table 4-4. . Source Address The Source Address (SA) field is used to specify the ad· dress of the station that originally transmitted the frame. 2-138 C 4.0 FOOl MAC Facilities ." co (Continued) (0) N End of Frame Sequence The Source Address has the same length as the Destination Address (i.e., if the DA is a 16-bit Address, the SA is a 16-bit Address; if the DA is a 4B-bit Address, the SA is a 48-bit Address). On the receive side, the incoming SA is compared with either MSA or MLA. If a match occurs between the incoming SA and this station's MLA or MSA, the M_Flag is set. This flag is used to indicate that the frame is recognized as having been transmitted by this station and is stripped. The most significant bit of the SA (SA.IG) is not evaluated in the comparison. The End of Frame Sequence (EFS) always begins with a T symbol and should always contain an even number of symbols. For Tokens an additional T symbol is added. For frames the Ending Delimiter (ED) is followed by one or more Frame Status Indicators (FS). The Frame Status (FS) field is used to indicate the status of the frame. The FS field consists of three Indicators: Error Detected (E), Address Recognized (A), and Frame Copied (C). These Indicators are created and modified as specified in the Standard. For frames transmitted by the Ring Engine, the E, A and C Indicators are appended to all frames and are transmitted as R symbols. No provisions are made to generate additional trailing control indicators. On the transmit side, the station's individual address is transmitted as the SA. Since the SA field is normally used for stripping frames from the ring, the SA stored by the Ring Engine normally replaces the SA from the data stream. The length of the address to be transmitted is determined by the L bit of the FC field. (The FC field is passed in the data stream.) The most significant bit of the SA (SA.IG) is normally transmitted as 0, independent of the value passed through the data stream. For frames repeated by the Ring Engine, the E, A and C Indicators are handled as specified in the Standard. Additional trailing control indicators are repeated unmodified provided they are properly aligned. See Section 5.5 for details on Frame Status Processing. As a transmission option, the SA may also be transmitted transparently from the data stream. When the SA Transparency option is used, an alternate stripping mechanism is necessary to remove these frames from the ring. (The Ring Engine provides a Void Stripping Option. See Section for futher information.) As a separate and independent transmission option, the MSB of the SA may also be transmitted transparently from the data stream. This is useful for end stations participating in the Source Routing protocol. 4.2.2 Token Formats The Ring Engine supports non-restricted and restricted Tokens. See Figures 4-4 and 4-5. FIGURE 4-4. Non-Restricted Token Format Information The Information field (Info) contains the Service Data Unit (SDU). A SDU is the unit of data transfer between peer users of the MAC data service (SMT, LLC, etc). There is no INFO field in a Token. SFS FC SD CO FIGURE 4-5. Restricted Token Format Non-Restricted A non-restricted token is used for synchronous and non-restricted asynchronous transmissions. Each time the non-restricted token arrives, a station is permitted to transmit one or more frames in accordance with its synchronous bandwidth allocation regardless of the status of the token (late or early). The INFO field contains zero or more bytes. On the receive side, the INFO field is checked to ensure that it has at least the minimum length for the frame type and contains an even number of symbols, as required by the Standard. The first 4 bytes of the INFO field of MAC frames (e.g., MAC Beacon or MAC Claim) are stored in an internal register and compared against the INFO field of the next MAC frame. If the data of the two frames match, the Samelnfo signal is generated. This signal may be used to copy MAC frames only when new information is present. Asynchronous transmissions occur only if the token is early (usable token) and the Token Holding Timer has not reached the selected threshold. Restricted A restricted token is used for synchronous and restricted asynchronous transmissions only. A station which initiates the restricted dialogue captures a non-restricted token and releases a restricted token. Stations that participate in the restricted dialogue are allowed to capture the restricted token. A station ends the restricted dialogue by capturing the restricted token and releasing a non-restricted token. On the transmit side, the Ring Engine does not limit the maximum size of the INFO field, but it does insure that frames are transmitted with a valid DA and SA. Frame Check Sequence The Frame Check Sequence (FCS) is a 32-bit Cyclic Redundancy Check that is used to check for data corruption in frames. There is no FCS field in a Token. On the receive side, the Ring Engine checks the FCS to determine whether the frame is valid or corrupted. On the transmit side, the FCS field is appended to the end of the INFO field. As a transmission option, appending the FCS to the frame can be inhibited (FCS Transparency). 4.2.3 Frame Formats The Ring Engine supports all of the frame formats permitted by the FDDI standard. All frame types may be created external to the BMAC device and be passed through the MAC Request Interface to the Ring. The BMAC device also has the ability to generate Void, Beacon and Claim frames internally. 2-139 c» ..... 4.0 FOOl MAC Facilities (Continued) Frames Generated by the Ring Engine The Ring Engine generates and. detects several frames in order to attain and maintain an operational ring. Frames Generated Externally The Ring Engine transmits frames passed to it from the System Interface. The data portion of the frame is created by the System Interface. This begins with the FC field and ends with the last byte of the INFO field. The FC field is passed transparently to the ring. The length bit in the FC field is used to determine the length of the transmitted addresses. The data is passed as a byte stream across the MAC Request Interface as shown in Table 4-5. Before the frame is transmitted, the Ring Engine inserts the Start of Frame Sequence with at least 8 bytes of Preamble but no more than 40 bytes of Preamble. The starting delimiter is transmitted as a JK symbol pair. The Source Address is normally transmitted by the Ring Engine since it uses the Source Address to strip the frame from the ring. This can be overridden by using the Source Address transparency capability. Similarly, the Frame Check Sequence (4 bytes) is normally transmitted by the Ring Engine. This can be overridden with the FCS transparency capability. With FCS transparency, the FCS is transmitted from the data stream. The End of Frame Sequence is always transmitted by the Ring Engine as TR RR. Frames transmitted by the Ring Engine must have a valid DA and SA field. If the end of a frame is reached before a valid length is transmitted, the frame will be aborted and a Void frame will be transmitted. Void Frames Void frames are used during normal operation. The Ring Engine generates two types of void frames: regular Void frames and My_Void frames. See Table 4-S. If short addressing is enabled, Void frames with the short address are transmitted, otherwise Void frames with the long address are transmitted. Void frames are transmitted in order to reset the Valid Transmission timers (TVX) in other stations in order to eliminate an unnecessary entry to the Claim state. Stations are not required to copy Void frames. Void frames are transmitted by the Ring Engine in two situations: 1. While holding a token when no data is ready to be transmitted. 2. After a frame transmission is aborted. My_Void frames are transmitted by the Ring Engine in three situations: 1. After a request to measure the Ring Latency has been· made when the next early token is captured. 2. After this station wins the Claim Process before the token is issued. 3. After a frame has been transmitted with the STRIP option before the token for that service opportunity is issued. Void frames are also detected by the Ring Engine. A Void frame with a Source Address other than MSA or MLA is considered an Other_Void frame. TABLE 4-5. Frame Formats Field Size PA :0:8; S:40 SD 1 FC 1 FC FC DA 20rS DA DA SA 2 orS SA MSA,MLA, or SA INFO :0:0 INFO INFO FCS 4 if Present FCS FCS ED 1 TR FS 1 RR MLRequest PH_Request Idle Pairs JK Claim Frames Claim frames are generated continuously with minimum preamble while the Ring Engine is in the Transmit Claim state. The format of Claim frames generated by the Ring Engine is shown in Table 4-7. When long addressing is enabled, frames with the long address are transmitted, otherwise frames with the short address are transmitted. The Ring Engine detects reception of valid Claim frames. A comparison is performed between the (first) four bytes of the received INFO field and TREQ in order to distinguish Higher_Claim, Lower_Claim, and My_Claim. Details are given in Appendix A. TABLE 4-6. Void Frames Type Enable Size SFS FC DA FCS EFS MSA FCS TRRR MLA FCS TRRR MSA MSA FCS TRRR MLA MLA FCS TRRR Void ESA Short PA SD 40 Null Void' NotESA Long PA SD 00 Null My_Void ESA Short PA SD 40 My_Void NotESA Long PA SD 00 SA TABLE 4-7. Claim Frames Type Enable Size My_Claim NotELA Short PA My_Claim ELA Long PA FC DA SA INFO FCS EFS SD 83 MSA MSA TREQ FCS TRRR SD C3 MLA MLA TREQ FCS TRRR SFS I I 2-140 C "'CJ 4.0 FOOl MAC Facilities (Continued) 4.3.3 Lost Frame Count The Lost Frame Count (LFCn is specified in the FDDI MAC Standard, and is the count of all instances where a format error is detected in a frame or token such that the credibility of PDU reception is placed in doubt. The Lost Frame Count is incremented when any symbol other than data or Idle symbols are received between the Starting and Ending Del· imiters of a PDU (this includes parity errors). Beacon Frames Beacon frames are transmitted continuously with minimum preamble when the Ring Engine is in the Transmit Beacon state. The format of Beacon frames generated by the Ring Engine is shown in Table 4·8. When long addressing is en· abled, frames with the long address are transmitted, other· wise frames with the short address are transmitted. When the Transmit Beacon State is entered from the Trans· mit Claim State the first byte of the 4 byte TBT Field is transmitted as Zero. Beacon frames that require alternative formats such as Di· rected Beacons must be generated externally. The Ring Engine detects reception of valid Beacon frames and distinguishes between Beacon frames transmitted by this MAC (My_Beacon) and Beacon frames transmitted by other stations (Other_Beacon). Details are given in Appen· dix A. 4.3.5 Frames Not Copied Count The Frames Not Copied Count (FNCT) is specified in the FDDI MAC·2 Standard, and is the count of frames intended for this station that were not successfully copied by this station. The count is incremented when an internal or exter· nal (when Option.EMIND is enabled) Destination Address match occurs, no errors were detected in the frame, and the frame was not successfully copied (VCOPY = 0). This count is an indication of insufficient buffering or frame pro· cessing capability for frames addressed to the station. MAC frames, Void frames and NSA frames received with the A indicator set are not included in this count. The size of the counters has been chosen such that minimal software intervention is required, even under marginal oper· ating conditions. The following counts are maintained by the Ring Engine: Frame Received Error Isolated Lost Frame Frames Copied Frames Not Copied Frames Transmitted 4.3.6 Frames TransmItted Count The Frames Transmitted Count (FTCn is specified in the FDDI MAC·2 Standard, and is incremented every time a complete frame is transmitted from the MAC Request Interface. The count is provided as an aid to accumulate station performance statistics. Void and MAC frames generated by the Ring Engine are not included in the count. 4.3.1 Frame Received Count The Frame Received Count (FRCT) is specified in the FDDI MAC Standard, and is the count of all complete frames reo ceived. This count includes frames stripped by this station. 4.4 TIMERS 4.4.1 Token Rotation Timer 4.3.2 Error Isolated Count The Error Isolated Count (EICT) is specified in the FDDI MAC Standard, and is the count of error frames detected by this station and no previous station. It increments when: The Token Rotation Timer (TRn times token rotations from arrival to arrival. TRT is used to control ring scheduling duro ing normal operation and to detect and recover from serious ring error situations. 1. An FCS error is detected and the received Error Indicator (Er) is not equal to S. 2. A frame of invalid length (I.e., off boundary T) is received and Er is not equal to S. 3. Er is not R or S. TRT is loaded with the maximum token rotation time, TMAX, when the ring is not operational. TRT is loaded with the negotiated Target Token Rotation Time, TNEG, when the ring is operational. TABLE 4-8. Beacon Frames Type Enable Size My_Beacon NotELA Short PA My_Beacon ELA Long PA m ..... 4.3.4 Frame Copied Count The Frames Copied Count (FCCn is specified in the FDDI MAC·2 Standard, and is the count of the number of frames copied by this station. The count is incremented when an internal or external match occurs (when Option.EMIND is enabled) on the Destination Address, no errors were detect· ed in the frame and the frame was successfully copied (VCOPY = 1). This can be used to accumulate station per· formance statistics. Frames copied promiscuously, MAC frames, Void frames and NSA frames received with the A indicator set are not included in this count. 4.3 FRAME COUNTS To aid in fault isolation and to enhance the management capabilities of a ring, the Ring Engine maintains several frame counts. The Error and Isolated frame counts incre· ment when a frame is received with one or more errors that were previously undetected. The Ring Engine then corrects the error such that a downstream station will not increment its count. FRCT EICT LFCT FCCT FNCT FTCT co ~ SFS I I FC DA SA SD 82 Null MSA SD C2 Null MLA 2·141 INFO FCS EFS TBT FCS TRRR TBT FCS TRRR fII ~ CD C\I CO) CO a. Q r----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, 4.0 FOOl MAC Facilities (Continued) The Latency Counter increments every 16 byte times (1.28 its) and is used to measure ring latencies up to 1.3421772 seconds directly with an accuracy of 1.2 its. No overflow or increment event is provided with this counter. 4.4.2 Token Holding Timer The Token Holding timer (THT) is used to limit the amount of ring bandwidth used by a station for asynchronous traffic once the token is captured. THT is used to determine if the captured token is (still) usable for asynchronous transmis· sion. A token is usable for asynchronous traffic if THT has not reached the selected threshold. Two asynchronous thresholds are supported; one that is fixed at the Negotiated Target Token Rotation Time (TNEG), and one that is pro· grammable at one of 16 Asynchronous Priority Thresholds. Requests to transmit frames at one of the priority thresholds are serviced when the Token Holding Timer (THT) has not reached the selected threshold. 4.5 RING SCHEDULING FDDI uses a timed token protocol to schedule the use of the ring. The protocol measures load on the network by timing the rotation of the token. The longer the token rotation time the greater the instantaneous load on the network. By limit· ing the transmission of data when the token rotation time exceeds a target rotation time, a maximum average token rotation time is realized. The protocol is used to provide different classes of service. Multiple classes of service can be accommodated by setting different target token rotation times for each class of service. The Ring Engine supports Synchronous, Non-Restricted Asynchronous, Restricted Asynchronous, and Immediate service classes. The Immediate service class is supported when the ring is non-operational; the other classes are supported when the ring is operational. 4.4.3 Late Count The Late Count (LTCT) is implemented differently than sug· gested by the Standard, but provides similar information. The function of the Late Count is divided beween the Late_ Flag that is equivalent to the standard Late Count with a non·zero value and a separate counter. Late Flag is main· tained by the Ring Engine to indicate if it is possible to send asynchronous traffic. When the ring is operational, Late Count indicates the time it took the ring to recover the last time the ring went non·operational. When the ring is non·op· erational, Late Count indicates the time it has taken (so far) to recover the ring. ' 4.5.1 Synchronous Service Class The Synchronous service class may be used to guarantee a maximum response time (2 times TIRT), minimum bandwidth, or both. Each time the token arrives, a station is permitted to transmit one or more frames in accordance with its synchronous bandwidth allocation regardless of the status of the token (late or early; Restricted or Non-Restricted). Since the Ring Engine does not provide a mechanism for monitoring a station's synchronous bandwidth ,utilization, the user must insure that no synchronous request requires more than the allocated bandwidth. The Late Count is incremented every time TRT expires while the ring is non·operational and Late_Flag is set (once every TMAX). The Late Count is provided to assist Station Management, SMT, in the isolation of serious ring errors. In many situa· tions the ring will recover very quickly and late count will bel of marginal utility. However in the case of serious ring er· rors, it is helpful for SMT to know how long it has been since the ring went non·operational (with TMAX resolution) in or· der to determine if it is necessary to invoke recovery proce· dures. When the ring goes no operational there is no way to know how long it will stay non·operational, therefore a timer is necessary. If the Late Count were not provided, SMT would be forced to start a timer every time the ring goes non·operational even though it may seldom be used. By us· ing the provided Late Count, an SMT implementation may be able to alleviate this additional overhead. To help ensure that synchronous bandwidth is properly allocated after ring configuration, synchronous requests are not serviced after a Beacon frame is received. After a major reconfiguration has occurred, management software must intervene to verify or modify the current synchronous bandwidth allocation. 4.5.2 Non-Restricted Asynchronous Service Class The Non-Restricted Asynchronous service class is typically used with interactive and background trafiic. Non-restricted Asynchronous requests are serviced only if the token is early and the Token Holding Timer has not reached the selected threshold. 4.4.4 Valid Transmission Timer The Valid Transmission Timer (TVX) is reset every time a valid PDU is received. TVX is used to increase the respon· siveness of the ring to errors. Expiration of the TVX indio cates that no PDU has been received within the timeout period and causes the Transmitter to invoke the recovery Claim Process. Asynchronous service is available at two priority thresholds, the Negotiated Target Token Rotation Time plus one programmable threshold. Managemef!t software may use the priority thresholds to discriminate additional classes of traffic based on current loading characteristics of the ring. The priority thresholds may be determined using the current TIRT and the Ring Latency. In this case, application software is only concerned with the priority level of a request. 4.4.5 Token Received Count The Token Received Count (TKCT) is incremented every time a valid token arrives. The Token Count can be used with the Ring Latency Count to calculate the average net· work load over a period of time. The frequency of token arrival is inversely related to the network load. As an option, Asynchronous Requests may be serviced with THT disabled. This is useful when it is necessary to guarantee that a multi-frame request will be serviced on a single ioken opportuniiy. Because of ihe possibiiiiy of causing laie tokens, this capability should be used with caution, and should only be allowed when absolutely necessary. 4.4.6 Ring Latency Count The Ring Latency Count (RLCT) is a measurement of time for PDUs to propagate around the ring. This counter con· tains the last measured ring latency whenever the Ring La· tency Valid bit of the Token Event Register (TELR.RLVLD) is one. 2-142 C "tJ 4.0 fOOl MAC Facilities (Continued) co Co) 4.5.3 Restricted Asynchronous Service Class Immediate requests are only serviced when the ring is nonoperational. Immediate requests may be serviced from the Transmitter Data, Claim, and Beacon states Options are available to force the Ring Engine to enter the Claim or Beacon state, to prohibit it from entering the Claim state, or to remain in the Claim state when receiving My_Claim. On the completion of an Immediate request, a Token (Nonrestricted or Restricted) may optionally be issued. Immediate requests may also be used in non-standard applications such as a full duplex point to point link. The Restricted Asynchronous service class is useful for large transfers requiring all of the available Asynchronous bandwidth. The Restricted Token service is useful for large transfers requiring all of the available (remaining) asynchronous bandwidth. The Restricted Token service may also be used for operations requiring instantaneous allocation of the remaining synchronous bandwidth when Restricted Requests are serviced with THT disabled. This is useful when it is necessary to guarantee atomicity, i.e., that a multi-frame request will be serviced on a single token opportunity. A Restricted dialogue consists of three phases: 1. Initiation of a Restricted dialogue: o Capture a Non-Restricted Token 5.0 Functional Description 5.1 TOKEN HANDLING 5.1.1 Token Timing Logic The FDDI Ring operates based on the Timed Token Rotation protocol where all stations on the ring negotiate on the maximum time that the stations have to wait before being able to transmit frames. This value is termed the Negotiated Target Token Rotation Time (nRn. The nRT value is stored in the TNEG Register. o Transmit zero or more frames to establish a Restricted dialogue with other stations o Issue a Restricted Token to allow other stations in the dialogue to transmit frames 2. Continuation of a Restricted dialogue: o Capture a Restricted Token Stations negotiate for nRT based on their TREQ that is aSSigned to them upon initialization. o Transmit zero or more frames to continue the Restricto Each station keeps track of the token arrival by setting the Token Rotation Timer (TRT) to the nRT value. If the token is not received within nRT (the token is late), the event is recorded by setting the Late_Flag. If the token is not received within twice nRT (TRT expires and Late_Fiag is set), there is a potential problem in the ring and the recovery process is invoked. ed dialogue Issue a Restricted Token to allow other stations in the dialogue to transmit frames 3. Termination of a Restricted dialogue: o Capture a Restricted Token o Transmit zero or more frames to continue the Restrict- ed dialogue Furthermore, the Token Holding Timer (THT) is used to limit the amount of ring bandwidth used by a station for Asynchronous traffic once the token is captured. Asynchronous traffic is prioritized based on the Late_Flag which denotes a threshold at nRT and an additional Asynchronous Priority Threshold (THSH). The Asynchronous Threshold comparison (Apri 1) is pipe lined, so a threshold crossing may not be detected immediately; however, the possible error is a fraction of the precision of the threshold values. o Issue a Non-restricted Token to return to the Non-re- stricted service class Initiation of a Restricted dialogue will prevent all Non-restricted Asynchronous traffic throughout the ring for the duration of the dialogue, but will not affect Synchronous traffic. To ensure that the Restricted traffic is operating properly, it is possible to monitor the use of Restricted Tokens on the ring. When a Restricted Token is received, the event is latched and under program control may generate an interrupt. In addition, a request to begin a Restricted dialogue will only be honored if both the previous transmitted Token and the current received Token were Non-restricted tokens. This is to ensure that the upper bound on the presence of a Restricted dialogue in the ring is limited to a single dialogue. The Token Timing Logic consists of two Timers, TRT and THT, in addition to the TMAX and TNEG values loaded into these counters (See Figure 5-1). The Timers are implemented as count-up counters that increment every 80 ns. The Timers are reset by loading TNEG or TMAX into the counters where TNEG and TMAX are unsigned twos complement numbers. This allows a Carry flag to denote timer expiration. On an early token arrival (Late_Flag is not set), TRT is loaded with TNEG and counts up. On a late token arrival (Late_Flag is set), Late_Flag is cleared and TRT continues to count. When TRT expires and Late_Flag is not set, Late_Flag is set and TRT is loaded with TNEG. THT follows the value of TRT until a token is captured. When a token is captured, TRT may be reloaded with TNEG while THT continues to count from its previous value (THT does not wrap around). THT increments when enabled. THT is disabled during synchronous transmission and a special class of asynchronous transmission. THT is used to determine if the token is usable for asynchronous requests. As suggested by the MAC-2 Draft standard, to help ensure that only one Restricted dialogue will be in progress at any given time, Restricted Requests are not serviced after a MAC frame is received until Restricted Requests are explicitly enabled by management software. Since the Claim Process results in the generation of a Non-restricted Token, this prevents stations from initiating another restricted dialogue without the intervention of management software. 4.5.4 Immediate Service Class The Immediate service class facilitates several non-standard applications and is useful in ring failure recovery (e.g., Transmission of Directed Beacons). Certain ring failures may cause the ring to be unusable for normal traffic, until the failure is remedied. 2-143 N CD .... ,.. re C') ~ C 5.0 Functional Description (Continued) ~----~ THEG I -" I I ~TE FLAG ASYNCHRONOUS THRESHOLD ~ " ~ I I TMAX ~ ~ RING OPERATIONAL TRT + I THT + COIAPARISON LOGIC I I TRT LOAD c: THT LOAD THT ENABLE / USEABLE TOKEN TL/F/103B7-3 FIGURE 5-1. Token Timing Logic It TRT expires while Late_Flag is set, TRT is loaded with TMAX and the recovery process (Claim) is invoked. When TRT expires and the ring is not operational, TRT is loaded with TMAX. TRT is also loaded with TMAX on a MAC Reset. own Beacon frame. That station then enters the Claim Process, to re·initialize the ring. 5.2 SERVICING TRANSMISSION REQUESTS A Request to transmit one or more frames is serviced by the Ring Engine. After a Request is submitted to the Ring Engine, the Ring Engine awaits an appropriate Service Opportunity in which to service the Request. Frames associated with the Request are transmitted during the Service Opportunity. The definition of a Service Opportunity is different depending on the operational state of the ring. 5.1.2 Token Recovery While the ring is operational, every station in the ring uses the Negotiated Target Token Rotation Time, TNEG. The MAC implements the protocol for negotiation of this target token rotation time (TTRT) through the Claim Process. The shortest requested Token Rotation Time is used by all of the stations in the ring as the TNEG. A Service Opportunity begins when the criteria presented to the Ring Engine are met. This criteria contains the requested service class (synch, asynch, asynch priority, immediate) and the type of token to capture (restricted, non-restricted, any, none). If TRT expires with Late_Flag set, a token has not been received within twice TTRT (Target Token Rotation Time). If TVX (Valid Transmission Timer) expires, the station has not received a valid token within TVX Max. Both these events require token recovery and cause the Ring Engine to enter the Claim Process. During a service opportunity, the Ring Engine guarantees that a valid frame is sent with at most 40 bytes of preamble. When data is not ready to be transmitted, Void frames are transmitted to reset the TVX timers in all stations. During an immediate request while in the Claim or Beacon States, when no Claim or Beacon frames are ready to be transmitted, the internally generated Claim or Beacon frames are transmitted. In the Claim Process a MAC continuously transmits Claim frames containing TREQ. Should the MAC receive a Claim frame with a shorter TREQ (larger value-Higher_Claim) it leaves the Claim State. A station that receives its own Claim frame gains the right to send the first token and make the ring operational again. If the Claim Process does not complete successfully, TRT will expire and the Beacon Process is invoked. 5.2.1 Service Opportunity While Ring Operational Beginning of Service Opportunity The Beacon Process is used for fault isolation. A station may invoke the Beacon Process through an SM_ Control.request(Beacon). When a station enters the Beacon Process, it continuously sends out Beacon frames. The Beacon Process is complete when a station receives its Table 5-1 shows the conditions that must be true when a valid token is received in order to begin a Service Opportunity when the ring is operational. TABLE 5-1. Beginning of Service Opportunity Requested Service Class Requested Token Capture Class Asynchronous Priority non-restricted THT> THSH Late_Flag = 0 RinQ-Op = 1 non-restricted Asynchronous non-restricted Late_Flag = 0 RinQ-Op = 1 non-restricted Asynchronous restricted Late_Flag = 0 RinQ-Op = 1 restricted Synchronous any Criteria RinQ-Op 2·144 =1 Received Token Class any .----------------------------------------------------------------------,0 "g 5.0 Functional Description co (Continued) In addition to the criteria mentioned above, additional criteria apply to the servicing of Synchronous and Restricted Requests. • Synchronous Requests are not serviced if RELR.BCNR is set (See Section 4.5.1). • Restricted requests are not serviced when RELR.BCNR, RELR.CLMR, or RELR.OTRMAC are set. (See Section 4.5.3). Co) transmitter Data, Claim or Beacon State, and the transmitter is in the appropriate state. The service opportunity continues until anyone of the following conditions exist: 1. No (additional) frames are to be sent 2. TMAX of time elapses on this request N en -" 3. The transmitter exits the requested state 4. The ring becomes operational while servicing an immediate request • Restricted Dialogues may only begin when a non-restricted token has been received and transmitted (See Section 4.5.3). 5.2.3 Frame Transmission Frames associated with the current request may be transmitted at any time during a Service Opportunity. In many applications, data is ready to be transmitted when the request is presented to the interface. Soon after the Service Opportunity begins, frame transmission begins. In other applications in order to minimize the effects of ring latency it is desirable to capture the token when no data is ready to be transmitted. This capability results in wasted ring bandwidth and should be used judiciously. During transmission, a byte stream is passed from the System Interface to the MAC Request Interface. The data is passed through the Ring Engine and appears at the PHY Request Interface two byte times later. While a frame is being transmitted, the request parameters for the next request (if different) may be presented to the interface. At the end of the current frame transmission, a decision is made to continue or cancel the current service opportunity based on the new request parameters. End of Service Opportunity The Service Opportunity continues until either a token is issued or the ring becomes non-operational. A token is issued after the current frame, if any, is transmitted when: 1. It is no longer necessary to hold the token • All frames of all active requests have been transmitted 2. The token became unusable while servicing a request • Asynchronous Priority threshold reached (If an Asynch Priority Request is being serviced) • THT expired (if enabled) When the ring becomes non-operational the current frame transmission is aborted. The ring may go non-operational while holding a token as a result of anyone of the following conditions: • A MAC Reset • Reception of a valid MAC frame • TRT expiration, (TRT was reset when the token was captured) During a transmission several errors can occur. A transmission may be terminated unsuccessfully because of external buffering or interface parity errors, internal Ring Engine errors, a MAC reset, or reception of a MAC frame. When a transmission is aborted due to an external error (and Option.IRPT is not set), a Void frame is transmitted to reset the TVX timers in all stations in the ring. When a frame is aborted due to a transmission error, the Service Opportunity is not automatically ended. Issue Token Type The criteria presented to the Ring Engine to begin a Service Opportunity, also contains the Issue Token Class. The Issue Token Class is used if servicing of that request was completed (the last frame of that request was transmitted), otherwise a token of the Capture Token Class is issued. 5.3 REQUEST SERVICE PARAMETERS When servicing multiple requests on a single service opportunity, the Issue Token Class of the previous class becomes the capture class for the next request for purposes of determining usability. The type of token issued depends on the service class and the type of token captured as shown in Table 5-2. 5.3.1 Request Service Class The Request Service corresponds to the Request Service Class and the token class parameters of the (SM-lMA-DATA.request and (SM_)MA-Token.request primitives as specified in the Standard. 14 useful combinations of the Requested Service Class (Non-Restricted Asynchronous, Restricted Asynchronous, Synchronous, Immediate), the Token Capture and Issue Class, and THT Enable are supported by the Ring Engine as shown in Table 5-3. 5.2.2 Service Opportunity while Ring Not Operational While the ring is not operational, a service opportunity occurs if an immediate transmission is requested from the TABLE 5-2. Token Transmission Type Service Class Token Captured Token Issued Non-Restricted Non-Restricted Non-Restricted Begin Restricted Non-Restricted Restricted Continue Restricted Restricted Restricted End Restricted Restricted Non-Restricted Immediate None None Immediate Non-Restricted None Non-Restricted Immediate Restricted None Restricted 2-145 Ell 5.0 Functional Description (Continued) TABLE 5-3. Request Service Classes RQRCLS Name 0000 None None 0001 Apri_1 Async THSH1 0010 Reserved Reserved 0011 Reserved Reserved 0100 Syn Synch 0101 Imm Immediate THT Token Capture Token Issue Enabled Non-rstr Non-rstr Disabled Any Captured 1 Disabled None None 4 Class Notes 0110 ImmN Immediate Disabled None Non-rstr 4 0111 ImmR Immediate Disabled None Rstr 4 Non-rstr 1000 Asyn Asynch Enabled Non-rstr 1001 Rbeg Restricted Enabled Non-rstr Rstr 2,3 1010 Rend Restricted Enabled Rstr Non-rstr 2 1011 Rcnt Restricted Enabled Rstr Rstr 2 Non-rstr 1100 AsynD Asynch Disabled Non-rstr 1101 RbeginD Restricted Disabled Non-rstr Rstr 2,3 1110 RenD Restricted Disabled Rstr Non-rstr 2 1111 RcntD Restricted Disabled Rstr Rstr 2 Note 1: Synchronous Requests are not serviced when bit BCNR of the Ring Event Latch Register is set. Note 2: Restricted Requests are not serviced when bit BCNR, CLMR, or OTRMAC of the Ring Event Latch Register is set. Note 3: Restricted Dialogues only begin when a Non-Restricted token has been received and transmitted. Note 4: Immediate Requests are serviced when the ring is Non-Operational. These requests are serviced Irom the Data state H ne~her signal ROCLM nor ROBCN is asserted. If signal ROCLM is asserted, Immediate Requests are serviced lrom the Claim State. II signal ROBCN is asserted, Immediate Requests are serviced from the Beacon State. ROCLM and ROBCN do not cause transitions to the Claim and Beacon States. Requests are serviced on a Service Opportunity meeting the requested criteria. External support is required to limit the requests presented to the MAC Interface by different MAC Users (SMT, LLC, etc.). A Token Capture Class of non-rstr indicates that the Transmitter Token Class must be Non-Restricted to begin servicing the request. A Token Capture Class of rstr indicates that the Transmitter Token Class must be Restricted to begin servicing the Request. A Token Issue Class of non-rstr means that the Transmitter Token Class will be Non-Restricted upon completion of the request. A Token Issue Class of rstr means that the Transmitter Token Class will be Restricted upon completion of the request. Source Address Transparency Normally the SA field in a frame is generated by the BMAC device, using either the MSA or MLA. When the SA Transparency option is selected, the SA from the data stream is transmitted in place of the MSA or MLA. The SAT option can be invoked on 'a per frame basis upon the assertion of the SAT signal (Pin 12). , When the SA Transparency option is selected, it is necessary to rely on an alternate stripping mechanism because stripping based on the returning SA only guarantees that frames with MSA or MLA will be stripped. Either the Void Stripping option (described below) may be invoked, or external hardware that forces stripping using the EM (External M_Flag) Signal is required. The MSB of the SA is not controlled by this option. It is normally forced to Zero. It can be controlled using the Source Address MSB Transparency option described below. SA Transparency is possible for all frames (including MAC frames). External support is required to limit the use of SA Transparency to certain MAC Users. SA Transparency should not be used with externally generated MAC Frames in order to maintain accountability, but this is not enforced by the Ring Engine. 5.3.2 Request Options The Request Options provide the ability for Source Address Transparency (SAT) and FCS Transparency (FCSn. In both cases, data from the request stream is transmitted in place of data from either the Ring Engine. The use of Source Ad· dress transparency has no effect on the sequencing of the interface. When Source Address transparency is not used, the SA from the internal parameter RAM is substituted for the SA bytes in the request stream, which must still be present. Since the FCS is appended to the frame, when FCS transparency is not used, no FCS bytes are present in the request stream. 2-146 5.0 Functional Description (Continued) SA Transparency also overrides the Long and Short Addressing enables. For example, if Long Addressing is not enabled, it is still possible to transmit frames with Long Addresses. Similarly, if Short Addressing is not enabled, it is still possible to transmit Frames with Short Addresses. This may be useful in full duplex point to point applications and for diagnostic purposes. Void Stripping is also automatically invoked by this station if it wins the Claim Process before the initial token is issued. This removes all fragments and ownerless frames from the ring when the ring becomes operational. FCS Transparency Normally, the BMAC device generates and transmits the FCS. When the Frame Check Sequence Transparency option is selected, the Ring Engine device does not append the FCS to the end of the Information field. This option is selected by asserting signal FCST (Pin 14). The receiving stations treat the last four bytes of the data stream as the FCS. This option may be useful for end to end FCS coverage when crossing FOOl bridges, for diagnostic purposes, or in Implementer frames. Source Address Most Significant Bit Transparency With the Source Address MSB Transparency option, the MSB of the SA is sourced from the data stream, as opposed to being transmitted as Zero. The SA MSB Transparency option is selected by asserting signal SAIGT (Pin 11). Unless the Source Address Transparency option is also selected, the rest of the SA is generated by the Ring Engine. The MSB of the SA is used to denote the presence of the Routing Information Field used in Source Routing algorithms (as in the IEEE 802.5 protocol). This option is useful for stations that utilize Source Routing. In these applications, the SA can still be generated by the Ring Engine, even when routing information is inserted into the data stream. 5.4 FRAME VALIDITY PROCESSING A valid frame is a frame that meets the minimum length criteria and contains an integral number of data symbol pairs between the Starting and Ending Delimiters as shown in Table 5-4. On the Transmit side, frames are checked to see that they are of a minimum length. If the end of a frame is reached before a valid length is transmitted, the frame will be aborted and a Void frame will be transmitted (as with all aborted frames). A MAC frame with a zero length INFO field will not be aborted even though the Receiver will not recognize it as a valid frame. Frame lengths are not checked for the maximum allowable length (4500 bytes). Void Stripping This option is useful for removing bridged and ownerless frames and remnants (fragments) from the ring. In the Void Stripping protocol, two My_Void frames are transmitted at the end of a service opportunity. Stripping continues until one of the following conditions occur: • One My_Void frames returns (The Second My_Void will be stripped on the basis of the SA) Also on the Transmit side, the L bit in the FC field is checked against the ESA and ELA bits in the Option Register (if the SA Transparency option is not selected) to insure that a frame of that address length can be transmitted. If the selected address length is not enabled, the frame is aborted at the beginning of the SA field. If SA Transparency is selected, the frame is not aborted. • A Token is received • An Other_Void is received • A MAC frame other than My_Claim is received • A MAC Reset occurs If any frame of a Service Opportunity requests this option, then all frames on that service opportunity will be stripped using this method. Void Stripping is invoked upon the assertion of the STRIP signal (Pin 13) at the beginning of a frame transmission. TABLE 5-4. Valid Frame Length Frame Types Short Address Long Address Notes (Minimum Number of Bytes) Void 9 17 MAC 13 21 Ineluding a 4 Byte INFO Field Non-MAC 9 17 Including a 0 Byte INFO Field 2-147 .... CD C'II C') CO D. C 5.0 Functional Description (Continued) The received value of the Control Indicators for every frame received is reported at the MAC Indicate Interface on signals MID(7-0). On a frame transmitted by this station, the returning Control Indicators give the transmission status. 5.5 FRAME STATUS PROCESSING Each frame contains three or more Control Indicators. The FDDI Standard specifies three: the E, A, and C Indicators. When a frame is transmitted, the Control Indicators are transmitted as R (Reset) symbols. If an error is detected by a station that receives the frame, the E Indicator is changed to an S (Set) symbol. If a station recognizes the DA of a frame as its own address (Individual, Group or Broadcast), the A Indicator is changed to an S symbol. If that station then copies the frame, the C Indicator is changed to an S symbol. The Ending Delimiter followed by the Frame Status Indicators should begin and end on byte boundaries. Control Indicators are repeated until the first non R, S, or T is received. The processing of properly aligned E, A, and C indicators by the Ring Engine is detailed in Table 5-5. Given the shown received Control Indicator values and the settings of the internal flags, the noted control indicator values will be transmitted. TABLE 5-5. Control Indicators Processing Flags Received Indicators Transmitted Indicators E A C E A Copy N E A R R R 0 0 X X R R S R R R 0 1 0 X R S R R R R 0 1 1 X R S S X R R 1 X X X S R R S C R R S 0 0 X X R R R R S 0 1 a X R S R R R S 0 1 1 X R S S X R S 1 X X X S R S R S R 0 X X 1 R S R R S R 0 X 0 0 R S R R S R 0 1 1 0 R S S R S R 0 0 X X R S R R S S 0 X X X R S S X S S 1 X X X S S S R R T 0 0 X X R R T R R T 0 1 a X R S R S R R T 0 1 1 X R S X R T 1 X X X S R T R S T 0 1 1 0 R S S R S T 0 0 X X R S T R S T 0 1 0 X R S R R S T 0 1 1 1 R S R S T 1 X X X S S T X E_Flag is set when the local FCS check fails or when the E Indicator is received as anything other than R. A-Flag is the internal _Flag or the external A Flag (pin EA) when Option.Emind is set. The Copy Flag is a one cycle delayed version of the VCOPY input. N_Flag indicates that an NSA frame is being received. This signal is sampled at the same time that the received A indicator is being investigated. X Represents a Don't Care Condition, 2-148 5.0 Functional Description (Continued) 5.5.1 Odd Symbols Handling A Higher_Claim frame is a Claim frame with a Source Ad· dress that does not match this station address and the T_Bid_Rc in the INFO field is greater than this station's TREQ. When the first T symbol of a frame is received as the second symbol of a symbol pair (the T symbol is received offboundary), the Ring Engine corrects this condition by send· ing out the symbol sequence TSII. This symbol sequence indicates the end of the frame and that an error has been detected in the frame. Note that this is a low probability error event. A lower_Claim frame is a Claim frame with a Source Address that does not match this station address and the T_Bid_Rc in the INFO field is less than this station's TREQ. Reception of symbols other than R, S, and T during the Frame Status processing is also a low probability event. This event is handled slightly differently on the first byte of the Ending Frame Status. Transmit Claim frames are transmitted continuously while in the Claim State. Claim frames are generated by the Ring Engine, unless an Immediate Claim Request is present at the MAC Request Interface. Even if an Immediate Claim Request is present at the MAC Request Interface, at least one Claim frame must be generated by the Ring Engine before Claim frames from the Interface are transmitted. On the first byte of the Ending Frame Status, if the symbol following the T symbol is not [R or Sl, the symbol sequence TSII is transmitted and the error and frame counts are incre· mented. After the first byte of the Ending Frame Status, if either the first symbol is not [R or S1 or the second symbol is not [R or S or Tl, an Idle symbol pair (II) is transmitted. For internally generated Claim frames, the Information field is transmitted as the 4·byte Requested Target Token Rota· tion Time. 5.6 SMT FRAME PROCESSING All SMT frames are handled as all other frames with the exception of the SMT Next Station Addressing (SMT NSA) frame. NSA frames are used to announce this station's ad· dress to the next addressed station. The current SMT protocol requires stations to periodically (at least once every 30 seconds) transmit an NSA frame. Since the Broadcast ad· dress is used, and every station is required to recognize the broadcast address, the downstream neighbor will set the A Indicator. A station can determine its upstream neighbor by finding NSA frames received with the A Indicator received as R. By collecting this information from all stations, a map of the logical ring can be built. The Information field of a Claim frame consists of the station's Requested Target Token Rotation Time. In the Ring Engine implementation, TREQ is programmable with 20.48 resolution and a maximum value of 1.34 seconds. "'S Claim Protocol Entry to the Claim state occurs whenever token recovery is required. The Recovery Required condition occurs when: • TRT expires and late_Flag is set o TVX expires • A lower Claim frame or My_Beacon frame is received Entry to the Claim state may be blocked by enabling the Inhibit Recovery Required option (bit Option.ITR). Additionally, only the station that sets the A Indicator is permitted to set the C Indicator on such frames. In this way, the station that sends out the NSA frame can determine if the next addressed station copied the frame by examining the returning C Indicator. The Claim state is entered (even if Option.IRR = 1) with a SM_MLControl.request (Claim) (Set Function.ClM to 1). While in the Claim state: • Claim frames are transmitted continuously 5.7 MAC FRAME PROCESSING • If a Higher Claim frame is received, the station exits the Claim state and enters the IDLE state. In this state it then repeats additional Higher Claim frames. Upon the reception of a valid MAC frame (Claim, Beacon, or Other), the Ring_Operational flag is reset and the Ring Engine enters the Idle, Claim or Beacon State. Received Claim and Beacon frames are processed as defined in the Standard (See Appendix A), unless inhibited by the bits in the Option Register. • If a lower Claim frame is received, this station continues to send its own Claim frames and remains in the Claim state. Eventually, if a logical ring exists, the station with the shortest TREQ on the ring should receive its own Claim frames, the My Claim frame. This completes the Claim Token Pro· cess. This one station then earns the right to issue a token to establish an Operational ring. 5.7.1 Claim Token Process Receive When a Claim frame is received, its Frame Type is reported (Claim frame) along with the type of Claim frame. There are three types of Claim frames: Higher_Claim, and lower_Claim. An option is provided to remain in the Claim state if this station won the Claim Token Process by enabling the Inhibit Token Release Option (bit Option.ITR). My_Claim, A My_Claim frame is a Claim frame with a Source Address that matches this station address and the T_Bid_Rc in the INFO field is equal to this station's TREQ. 2-149 ?- CD C'oI C") IX) Q. C r----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, 5.0 Functional Description (Continued) 5.7.2 Beacon Process 5.8 RECEIVE BATCHING SUPPORT The Ring Engine stores each received SA and compares the incoming SA with the previous SA. This may be used to batch status on frames received from the same station. The SameSA signal is asserted when: 1. The curent and previous non-Void frames were not MAC frames Receive When a Beacon frame is received, its Frame Type is reported (Beacon frame) along with the type of Beacon frame. There are two types of Beacon frames: My_Beacon and Other_Beacon. A Beacon frame is considered a My_Beacon if its Source Address matches this station's address (long or short). A Beacon frame is marked as Other_Beacon if its Source Address does not match this station's address. 2. The size of the address of the current frame is the same as the size of the address of the previous non-Void frame 3. The SA of the current frame is the same as the SA of the previous non-Void frame. On MAC frames, the Information fields are compared. This information may be useful to inhibit copying MAC frames with identical information. This is particularly useful for copying Claim and Beacon frames when new information is pres· ent. The Same INFO signal is asserted when: 1. The current and previous non-Void frames were both MAC frames (not necessarily the same FC value). 2. The first four bytes of the INFO field of the current frame is the same as the first four bytes of the INFO field of the previous non·Void frame. The size of the addre,ss of MAC frames is not checked. Transmit Beacon frames are transmitted continuously while in the Beacon state. Beacon frames are generated by the Ring Engine, unless an Immediate Beacon Request is present at the MAC Request Interface. Even if an Immediate Beacon Request is present at the MAC Request Interface, at least one Beacon frame must be generated by the Ring Engine before Beacon frames from the Interface are transmitted. For internally generated Beacon frames, the Ring Engine uses the TBT in the Information field. Beacon Protocol Entry to the Beacon state occurs under two conditions: 5.9 IMMEDIATE FRAME TRANSMISSION Immediate requests are used when it is desirable to send frames without first capturing a token. Immediate requests are typically used as part of management processes for error isolation and recovery. Immediate requests are also use· ful in full duplex applications. Immediate requests are serviced only when the station's Ring_Operational flag is not set (CTSR.ROP = 0). • A failed Claim Process (TRT expires during the Claim process) • An SM_M~Control.request (Beacon) (Set Function.BCN to 1). Beacon frames are then transmitted until the Beacon process is completed. If an Other_Beacon frame is received, this station exits the Beacon state, stops sending its own Beacon frames, and repeats the incoming Beacon frames., To transmit an Immediate request, the request must first be queued at the M~Request Interface. If the Ring is not operational (RinQ-Operational flag is not set), the request will be serviced immediately. If the Ring is operational (Ring_Operational flag is set), the request will be serviced when the Ring becomes non·operational. The Ring becomes non-operational as a result of a MAC Reset (Function.MCRST is set to One) or any of the conditions causing the Reset or Recovery Actions are performed. If a My_Beacon frame is received, the station has received back its own Beacon frame; thus successfully completing the Beacon process. The station then enters the Claim Process. 5.7.3 Handling Reserved MAC Frames A Reserved MAC frame is any MAC frame aside from the Claim and Beacon frame. Tokens are not considered MAC frames even though Format bit (FC.FF) are the same as for MAC frames. When a Reserved MAC frame (Other_MAC) is received, it is treated as a Higher Claim. If the Transmitter is in the Claim state when a Reserved MAC frame is received, the Transmitter returns to the Idle state and then repeats the next Reserved MAC frame received. If the Transmitter is in the Beacon state and a Reserved MAC frame is received, the Transmitter continues to transmit Beacon frames. If the Transmitter is in the Idle state, the Reserved MAC frame is repeated. In addition to servicing an Immediate request from the Tx-Data State, it is also possible to service Immediate requests from the Claim or Beacon State. When transmitting from the Claim or Beacon state, in addition to requesting an Immediate Transmission Service Class, the RQCLM or RQBCN signals (pins 15 and 16) must be asserted to indio cate an Immediate Claim or Immediate Beacon request. These requests will only be serviced when in the Claim or Beacon state. Entry to the Beacon State can be forced 2-150 5.0 Functional Description (Continued) When parity is not used on an Interface, the parity provided by the BMAC device for its outputs may be ignored. For the BMAC device's inputs, the result of the parity check is used only if parity on that Interface is enabled. by setting bit Function.BCN to One. Entry to the Claim State can be forced by setting bit Function.ClM to One. While in the Claim or Beacon state, the Ring Engine will transmit internally generated Claim or Beacon frames except when an Immediate Claim or Beacon request is present at the MA-Request Interface, signal RQClM or ROBCN is asserted, and a frame is ready to be transmitted. At least one internally generated Claim or Beacon frame must be transmitted before an Immediate Claim or Beacon request is serviced. It is possible for the internally generated frame to return before the end of the requested frame has been transmitted. To allow time for the requested frame(s) to be transmitted before leaving the Claim or Beacon state, bit ITR (for Claim) or bit IRR (for Beacon) of the Option Register should be set to One. Interface parity is enabled by setting the appropriate bit in the Mode register: Mode.CBP for Control Bus Parity, Mode.PIP for PHY Indication parity and Mode.MRP for MAC Request Parity. A Master Reset (Function. MARST) disables parity on all interfaces. On the PHY Request interface, parity is generated for internally sourced fields (such as the SA or FCS on frames when not using SA or FCS transparency, and internally generated Beacon, Claim and Void frames). In REV 1 of the BMAC device, MRP is passed transparently to PRP for externally sourced fields independent of the value of the Mode.MRP. In all later revisions, correct Odd parity is always generated for PRP. This allows through parity support at the PHY interface even if parity is not used at the MAC interface. This is very desirable since every byte of data that traverses the ring travels across the PHY Interface which is actually part of the ring. While an Immediate request is being serviced (from any state), if bit IRPT of the Option Register is set to One (Inhibit Repeat option), all received frames (except lower_Claim and My_Beacon frames) are ignored and the Immediate request continues. lower_Claim and My_Beacon frames can also be ignored by setting bit IRR of the Option Register. Through parity is not supported in the Control Interface Registers and the Parameter RAM. Parity is generated and stripped at the Control Interface. 5.10 FUll DUPLEX OPERATION The BMAC device supports full duplex operation by 1. Suspending the Token Management and Token Recovery protocols (set Option.IRR) Handling Parity Errors Parity errors are reported in the Exception Status Register when parity on that interface is enabled. A parity error at the PHY interface (when Mode.PIP is set) is treated as a code violation and ESR.PPE is set. If the parity error occurs in the middle of a POU (token or frame) reception, the POU is stripped, a Format Error is Signaled (Fa ERROR) and the lost Count is incremented. 2. Inhibiting the repetition of all PO Us (set Option.IRpn 3. Using the Immediate Service Class Frames of any size may be transmitted or received, subject to the minimum length specified in Section 5.4. 5.11 PARITY PROCESSING The BMAC device contains five data interfaces as shown in Table 5-6. A parity error at the MAC Interface (when Mode.MRP is set) during a frame transmission from the MAC interface (while TXACK is asserted) causes the frame transmission to be aborted. When a frame is aborted, a Void frame is transmitted to reset every station's TVX timer. A parity error (when enabled) causes ESR.MPE to be set. Through Parity is supported on the internal data paths between any Request interface and any Indicate interface. Odd Parity is provided every clock on all data outputs and is checked every clock on all data inputs. Parity errors are not propagated through the BMAC device (from the MAC Request and PHY Indication interface to the PHY Request interface or from the PHY Indication interface to the MAC Indication interface). Parity errors are isolated and resolved. A parity error at the Control Interface (when Mode.CBP is set) will cancel the current write access. ESR.CPE is set to indicate that a parity error occurred and ESR.CCE is set to indicate that the write was not performed. TABLE 5-6. BMAC Device Parity Parity On Parity MAC Request Interface MRD(7:0) MRP I MAC Indication Interface MID(7:0) MIP a PHY Request Interface PRD(7:0), PRC PRP a PHY Indication Interface PID(7:0), PIC PIP I Control Interface CBD(7:0) CBP 1/0 Interface 2-151 Direction til .,... CD N C") CO a.. Q 6.0 Control Information 6.2 ACCESS RULES The Control Information includes Operation, Event, Status and Parameter Registers that are used to manage and operate the Ring Engine. A processor on the external Control Bus gains access to read and write these parameters via the Control Interface. The Control Information Address Space is divided into 4 groups as shown in Table 6-1. An information summary is given for each group (see Tables 6-2 through 6-5) followed by a detailed description of all registers. All parameters are accessible in Diagnose Mode. Reserved address space is not accessible in any mode. Certain Status and Parameter Registers are not accessible while in Run mode. All Control Interface accesses are checked against the current operational mode to determine if the register is currentIy accessible. If not currently accessible, the Control Bus Interface access is rejected (and reported in an Event Register). This means that all Control Bus Interface accesses complete in a deterministic amount of time. 6.1 CONVENTIONS When referring to multi-byte fields, by1e 0 is always the most significant by1e. When referring to bits within a byte, bit (7) is the most significant bit and bit (0) is the least significant bit. The Exceptional Status Register can be checked to verify that the operation terminated normally. When referring to the contents of a byte, the most signficant bit is always referred to first. When referring to a bit within a byte the notation register_name.biLname is used. For example, Mode.RUN references the RUN bit in the Mode Register. TABLE 6-1. Control Information Address Space Write Conditions Address Range Description Read Conditions 00-07 Operation Registers Always (Note 2) Always (Note 2) 08-2F Event Registers Always (Note 2) Always (Cond) (Note 2) 30-3F Reserved N/A N/A 40-7F MAC Parameters Stop Mode (Notes 1,3) Stop Mode (Notes 1, 3) 80-BF Counters/Timers Always Stop Mode (Note 1) CO-FF Reserved N/A N/A Note 1: An attempt to access a currently inaccessible location because of the current mode or because it is in a reserved address space will cause a command error (bit CCE of the Exception Status Register is set to One). Note 2: Read and write accesses to reserved location within the Operation and Event Address ranges cause a command error (bit CeE of the Exception Status Register is set to One). Note 3: The MAC Parameter RAM is also accessible when conditions a, b, and c are true. Otherwise accesses will cause a command error (ESR.GEE set to One) and the access will not be performed. a. The MAC Transmitter is in states TO, T1 or T3; b. Bits ITC and IRR of the Option Register are set to One. c. Bits ClM and BCN of the Function Register are not set to One. Note 4: Reserved bits in registers are always read as 0 and are not writable. TABLE 6-2. Operation Registers Addr Name 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 DO Read Write 0 Mode DIAG IlB RES RES PIP MRP CBP RUN Always Always 1 Option ITC EMIND IFCS IRPT IRR ITR ELA ESA Always Always Always 2 Function RES RES RES ClM BCN MCRST RES MARST Always 3-6 Reserved RES RES RES RES RES RES RES RES N/A N/A 7 Revision Always Always REV(7-0) Note: Attempts to access reserved locations will result in Command Rejects (ESR.CCE set to ONE). 2-152 C "tI 6.0 Control Information (Continued) CO Co) N Addr 9-8 C D E F 10 Name CMP Reserved CRSO Reserved CTSO Reserved RELRO 11 REMRO 12 13 14 15 16-17 18 RElR1 REMR1 TElRO TEMRO Reserved CllR 19 CIMR 8 1A-1B Reserved 1C COLR 1D COMR 1E-27 Reserved 28 IElR 29-2B 2C 2D 2E 2F Reserved ESR EMR ICR IMR TABLE 6-3. Event Registers 04 03 02 01 DO Read Write Always Always CMP(7-0) N/A N/A RES RES RES RES RES RES RES RES RFLG RS1 RSO RTS2 RTS1 RTSO Always Ignore RS2 RES N/A N/A RES RES RES RES RES RES RES RES ROP TS2 TS1 TSO TTS3 TTS2 TTS1 TTSO Always Ignore N/A N/A RES RES RES RES RES RES RES RES DUP Always Condition RES PINV OTR CLMR 8CNR RNOP ROP ADD MAC DUP OTR RES PINV 8CNR ROP Always Always CLMR RNOP ADD MAC LOClM HIClM MYClM RES RES RES MYBCN OTRBCN Always Condition LOCLM HICLM MYCLM RES RES RES MYBCN OTRBCN Always Always RlVD TKPASS TKCAPT CBERR DUPTKR TRTEXP TVXEXP ENTRMD Always Condition RlVD TKPASS TKCAPT CBERR DUPTKR TRTEXP TVXEXP ENTRMD Always Always N/A N/A RES RES RES RES RES RES RES RES RES TK FR FR FR FR FREI FR Always Condition RCVD TRX NCOP COP lST RCV Always Always RES TK FR FR FR FR FREI FR RCVD TRX NCOP COP LST RCV N/A N/A RES RES RES RES RES RES RES RES Always Condition RES TK FR FR FR FR FREI FR RCVD TRX NCOP COP lST RCV RES TK FR FR FR FR FREI FR Always Always RCVD RCV TRX NCOP COP LST RES RES RES RES N/A N/A RES RES RES RES TSM RSM RES RES RES RES MPE Always Condition RES ERR ERR N/A N/A RES RES RES RES RES RES RES RES CWI CCE CPE RES RES RES RES PPE Always Condition ZERO CCE CPE RES RES RES RES PPE Always Always ESE IERR RES RES COE CIE TIE RNG Always Ignore ESE IER RES RES COE CIE TIE RNG Always Always 07 06 05 Note 1: Attempts to access reserved locations will result In Command Rejects (ESR.CCE set to ONE). Note 2: Bits in the conditional write registers are only written when the corresponding bit in the Compare Register is equal to the bit to be overwritten and the bit is not changing in that cycle. 2-153 .... en ~ r---------------------------------------------------------------~--------------__, ~ C") co a. 6.0 Control Information (Continued) TABLE 6-4. MAC Parameter RAM (Continued) TABLE 6-4. MAC Parameter RAM C Register Contents Address Name Register Contents 40 MLAO MLA(47-40) 60 PGM10 PGM(87-80) 41 MLA1 MLA(39-32) 61 PGMll PGM(8F-88) 42 MLA2 MLA(31-24) 62 PGM12 PGM(97-90) 43 MLA3 MLA(23-16) 63 PGM13 PGM(9F-98) 44 MLA4 MLA(15-8) 64 PGM14 PGM(A7-AO) PGM(AF-A8) Address Name 45 MLA5 MLA(7-0) 65 PGM15 46 MSAO MSA(15-8) 66 PGM16 PGM(B7-BO) 47 MSAl MSA(7-0) 67 PGM17 PGM(BF-B8) 48 GLAO GLA(47-40) 68 PGM18 PGM(C7-CO) 49 GLAl GLA(39-32) 69 PGM19 PGM(CF-G8) 4A GLA2 GLA(31-24) 6A PGM1A PGM(D7-DO) 4B GLA3 GLA(23-16) 6B PGM1B PGM(DF-D8) 4C GLA4 GLA(15-8) 6C PGM1C PGM(E7-EO) 4D Reserved 6D PGM1D PGM(EF-E8) 6E PGM1E PGM(F7-FO) 6F PGM1F PGM(FF-F8) 70 PGMO PGM(7-0) 4E GSAO 4F Reserved 50 TREQO TREQ(31-24) GSA(15-8) 51 TREQl TREQ(23-16) 71 PGMl PGM(F-8) 52 TREQ2 TREQ(15-8) 72 PGM2 PGM(17-10) 53 TREQ3 TREQ(7-0) 73 PGM3 PGM(lF-18) 54 TBTO TBT(31-24) 74 PGM4 PGM(27-20) PGM(2F-28) 55 TBTl TBT(23-16) 75 PGM5 56 TBT2 TBT(15-8) 76 PGM6 PGM(37-30) 57 TBT3 TBT(7-0) 77 PGM7 PGM(3F-38) 58 FGMO FGM(7-0) 78 PGM8 PGM(47-40) 59 FGMl FGM(F-8) 79 PGM9 PGM(4F-48) 5A-5F RES Reserved 7A PGMA PGM(57-50) 7B PGMB PGM(5F-58) Note: The MAC Parameler RAM is accessible in Stop mode and In RUN mode while Ihe MAC Transmitter is in Ihe stales TO, T1 or T3; Option.ITC and Oplion.lRR are sel; and Function.BCN and Funclion.ClM are not set. Other· wise a command reiect Is given (ESA.CCE) and the Parameter RAM will not be read or written. 2-154 7C PGMC PGM(67-60) 7D PGMD PGM(6F-68) 7E PGME PGM(77-70) 7F PGMF PGM(7F-78) r-------------------------------------------------------------------------~ 6.0 Control Information 0:1 (0) TABLE 6-5. MAC Counters and Timer Thresholds (Continued) TABLE 6-5. MAC Counters and Timer Thresholds Address Name 80-86 Reserved 87 THSH1 88-92 Reserved 93 TMAX Register Contents Null(7-4), THSH1(3-0) Null(7-4), TMAX(3-0) Address Name Register Contents BO FNCTO Zero(31-24) B1 FNCT1 Null(7-4), FNCT(19-16) B2 FNCT2 FNCT(15-8) B3 FNCT3 FNCT(7-0) B4 FTCTO Zero(31-24) 94-96 Reserved B5 FTCT1 97 TVX Null(7-4), TVX(3-0) Null(7-4), FTCT(19-16) B6 FTCT2 FTCT(15-8) 98 TNEGO TNEG(31-24) B7 FTCT3 FTCT(7-0) 99 TNEG1 TNEG(23-16) B8 TKCTO Zero(31-24) 9A TNEG2 TNEG(15-8) B9 TKCT1 9B TNEG3 TNEG(7-0) Null(7-4), TKCT(19-16) 9C-9E Reserved TKCT(15-8) 9F LTCT Null(7-4), LTCT(3-0) AO FRCTO Zero(31-24) A1 FRCT1 Null(7-4), FRCT(19-16) A2 FRCT2 C ." (Continued) FRCT(15-8) BA TKCT2 BB TKCT3 TKCT(7-0) BC RLCTO Zero(31-24) BD RLCT1 Null(7-4), RLCT(19-16) BE RLCT2 RLCT(15-8) BF RLCT3 RLCT(7-0) A3 FRCT3 FRCT(7-0) Note: The MAC event counters and timer thresholds are always readable, and are writable in Stop mode. A4 EICTO Zero(31-24) Note: Null(7-4) indicates that these bits are forced to zero on reads, and are ignored on writes. A5 EICT1 Null(7-4), EICT(19-16) A6 EICT2 EICT(15-8) A7 EICT3 EICT(7-0) A8 LFCTO Zero(31-24) A9 LFCTO Null(7-4), LFCT(19-16) AA LFCT1 LFCT(15-8) AB LFCT2 LFCT(7-0) AC FCCTO Zero(31-24) AD FCCT1 Null(7-4), FCCT(19-16) AE FCCT2 FCCT(15-8) AF FCCT3 FCCT(7-0) Note: The value obtained on reads from reserved locations is not specified. The Event Counters are 20·bit counters and are read through three control accesses. In order to guarantee a consistent snapshot, whenever byte 3 of an event counter is read, byte 1 and byte 2 of the counters are loaded into a holding register. Byte 1 and byte 2 may then be read from the holding register. A single holding register is shared by all of the counters but (for convenience) is accessible at several places within the address space. Consistent readings across counters can be accomplished using the Counter Increment Latch Register (CILR). The Event Counters are not reset as a result of a Master Reset. This may be done by either reading the counters out and keeping track relative to the initial value read, or by writing a value to all of the counters in stop mode. The counters may be written in any order. With some exceptions, interrupts are available when the counters increment or wraparound. 6_3 OPERATION REGISTERS The Operation Registers are used to control the operation of the BMAC device. The Operation Registers include the following registers. • Mode Register (Mode) • Option Register (Option) • Function Register (Function) • Revision Register (REV) 2-155 N a> -'" 6.0 Control Information (Continued) Mode Register (Mode) The Mode Register (Mode) contains the current mode of the BMAC device. ACCESS RULES Address I Read I OOh Write I Always I Always REGISTER BITS 07 I DIAG Bit 06 I ILB 05 I RES 04 I RES 03 I PIP 02 I MRP 01 I CBP Symbol DO I RUN I Description DO RUN RUN/Stop: 0: Stop Mode All state machines return to and remain in their zero state. All counters and timers are disabled. The Ring Engine transmits Idle symbols. 1: Run Mode. Must'be in Run Mode to achieve an operational Ring. D1 CBP Control Bus Parity: Enables Odd Parity checking on the Control Bus Data pins (CBD7 -0) during write accesses. If a parity error occurs, the CPE bit of the Exception Status Register is set to One and an 'interrupt is generated. The write data will not be deposited in the register. Parity is always generated on CBD7 -0 during read accesses D2 MRP MAC Request Parity: Enables Odd Parity checking on the MAC Request Data pins (MRD7 -0). A parity error causes the transmission to be aborted. In REV 1 of the BMAC device MIP is always passed transparently from PIP. In all later revisions correct Odd parity is always generated on MIP. D3 PIP PHY Indicate Parity: Enables Odd Parity checking on the PHY Indicate Data pins (PID7 -0). Parity errors are treated as code violations and cause the byte in error to be replaced with Idle symbols. In REV 1 of the BMAC device Parity is passed transparently between, MRP,and PRP during transmission. When repeating, Parity is passed transparently from PIP to PRP. Odd Parity is generated for all internally generated fields. In all later revisions correct Odd Parity is always generated on the PHY Request Data pins (PRD7 -0). D4-5 RES Reserved D6 ILB Internal Loopback: Enables the internalloopback that connects PRP, PRC, and PRD7 -0 to PIP, PIC, and PID7 -0 respectively. When enabled, the PHY Indicate Interface is ignored. Since the Ring Engine Transmitter and Receiver work as independent processes, a ring can be made operational in this mode, albeit consisting only of a single MAC. With an operational ring many diagnostic tests can be performed to test out MAC level and system level diagnostics including: the Beacon Process, the Claim Process, Ring Engine frame generation, token timers, event counters, transmission options, test of event detection capabilities, test of addressing modes, test of state machine sequencing options, etc. In addition, a large portion of the system interface logic can be tested, such as full duplex transmission to self within the limits of the system interface performance constraints, status handling and generation, etc. The same system tests can also be performed at different levels of loopback including through the various paths within a station: through the PMD interface of the PLAYER device, and through the CRD device. System level tests can also be performed through the ring during normal operation. D7 DIAG Diagnose Mode: Enables access to all BMAC device registers. When set, interoperability is not guaranteed. This bit should only be set when the BMAC device is not inserted in a ring. In diagnose mode, should an internal error occur the Current Receive and Transmit Status Registers are frozen with the errored state until the internal state machine error condition is cleared (lELR.RSMERR and/or IELR.TSMERR). 2·156 .----------------------------------------------------------------------,0 ~ 6.0 Control Information (Continued) Option Register (Option) The Ring Engine supports several options. These options are typically static during operation but may be altered during operation. This register is initialized to Zero after a master reset. ACCESS RULES Read Address I I 01h Always w ~ .... Write I Always I REGISTER BITS D7 I D6 ITC I D5 EMIND D4 I IFCS I IRPT D3 I IRR D2 I ITR D1 I ELA DO I ESA I Bit Symbol DO ESA Enable Short Addressing: Enables the setting of A-J'lag on matches of received Short Destination Addresses with MSA. Enables the setting of M_Flag and stripping on matches of received Short Source Addresses with MSA. Permits transmission of frames with Short Addresses. Frames with Short Addresses can be transmitted when Short Addressing is not enabled if the SA Transparency option is selected. Void frames are sent with the Short Address if ESA is set to One. If ESA is Zero and ELA is One, Void frames are sent with the Long Address. When both the ESA and ELA bits are Zero, the ring is effectively interrupted at this station. The token capture process and Error Recovery logic are suspended and no frames are repeated. Immediate requests are serviced if the SA Transparency option is selected. Description D1 ELA Enable Long Addressing: Enables the setting of A-Flag on matches of received Long Destination Addresses with MLA. Enables the setting of M_Flag and stripping on matches of received Long Source Address with MLA. Permits transmission of frames with Long Addresses. Frames with long addresses can be transmitted when long addressing is not enabled if the SA transparency option is selected. Claim and Beacon frames are sent with the Long Address if ELA is One. If ELA is Zero and ESA is One, Claim and Beacon frames are sent with the Short Address. When both ESA and ELA are Zero, the ring is effectively interrupted at this station. The token capture process and Error Recovery logic are suspended and no frames are repeated. Immediate requests are serviced if the SA Transparency option is selected. D2 ITR Inhibit Token Release: When bit ITR is set to One, the station will not issue a token after winning the Claim Process. The station remains in the Claim state while the station's Claim frames are returning to the station and it has won the Claim Process. At this point the station is in control of the ring as long as no Higher_Claim or Beacon frames are received. While in control of the ring, the station may transmit special Claim or Management frames for a variety of implementation specific purposes. For example, the station might send out a Claim frame with a unique identifier to make sure that another station with its address and TREQ is not also Claiming. D3 IRR Inhibit Recovery Required: When bit IRR is set to One, the Ring Engine does not take the transitions into the Claim state (T4). This option inhibits all the recovery required transitions as defined in the FDDI MAC Standard. This bit does not inhibit entry to the Claim state on a Claim Request generated at the MAC Request Interface via the Function Register. This option can be used to guarantee that implementation specific Beacon frames will be transmitted from the Beacon state. It is also useful in systems where Local Address Administration is used, to prohibit stations with the Null Address (or any address) from Claiming. The option could also be used to enable the use of the Ring Engine in full duplex applications (in conjunction with the Inhibit Repeat option) to disable the recovery timers. 2·157 • 6.0 Control Information (Continued) Option Register (Continued) Bit Symbol 04 IRPT Inhibit Repeat: When enabled, 1. the Ring Engine cannot enter the Transmitter Repeat and Issue_Token states. This causes all received POUs to be stripped and prevents tokens from being issued. 2. Void frames are not transmitted during a service opportunity. 3. Idle to Repeat transition is inhibited and all received tokens and MAC frames except Lower_Claim and My_Beacon frames are ignor~d (Lower_Claim and My_Beacon frames may be ignored by setting Option.IRR). When the ring is operational, enabling this option causes the Reset actions to occur upon the completion of the Service Opportunity, if any. When the ring is not operational, Immediate Requests are serviced and continue to completion. The Inhibit Repeat option can be used to scrub the ring for a period longer than the Ring Latency. The option is also useful in full duplex applications. Description 05 IFCS Implementer FCS: Enables use of the standard CRC as the FCS on Implementer frames (FC.FF = 10). When enabled, Implementer frames are treated like all other frames. When Implementer frames are received with bad FCS and Er= R, the E Indicator is transmitted as Sand EICT is incremented. On Implementer frames, the Standard does not mandate the setting of the E Indicator on the result of the FCS check. This allows Implementers to use alternate Frame Check Sequences aside from the standard 32-bit CRC. Implementers may also choose not to use any FCS in applications such as packet voice. If other stations in the ring are using Implementer frames with a non-standard FCS, if used, this option may cause an interoperability problem. 06 EMINO External Matching Indicators: Enables the setting of the transmitted A Indicator (Ax) as an S symbol when the EA pin is set. Also enables the setting of the transmitted C Indicator (Cx) as an S symbol when the VCOPY pin is set if the A Indicator is set as a result of an external match. The Copied/Not Copied Frame Counters are also incremented as a result of external comparisons when this option is enabled. 07 ITC Inhibit Token Capture: When enabled, the Ring Engine is prohibited from transmitting any (more) frames. This option prohibits entry to the Transmit Void and Data states from the Idle state, and causes exit from the Data state aiter the current frame has been transmitted .. When enabled, it is still possible to perform Immediate transmissions from the transmitter Claim and Beacon states, but not from the Data state. This option can be used to temporarily block normal data service. it can also be used in conjunction with the Inhibit Recovery Required option to permit access via the Control Interface to the MAC Parameter RAM during MAC operation. 2-158 6.0 Control Information (Continued) Function Register (Function) The Ring Engine performs the MAC Reset, Claim Request, and Beacon Request using the Function Register. The Register is initialized to Zero after a master reset. A function is performed by setting the appropriate bit to One. When the function is complete, the bit is cleared by the Ring Engine. ACCESS RULES Address Read Write 02h Always Always I I I I REGISTER BITS I D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 DO RES RES RES ClM BCN MCRST RES MARST Bit DO I I I I I I Symbol MARST I I Description Master Reset: Produces the functions of an SM_CONTROl(MAC Reset) as specified by the FDDI MAC Standard. Sets all internal state machines and registers to known values. Master Reset causes the MCRST bit to be set. It also clears the Mode, Option, Event and Mask Registers. The Timers are set to their defaults. The Event Counters are not cleared. When the Master Reset function is complete, MARST is cleared. At this time, all bits in the Function Register should be Zero. D1 RES D2 MCRST Reserved MAC Reset: Forces the Receiver to state RO (Listen) and the Transmitter to state TO (Idle). TNEG (Registers 98-9B) is not loaded with TMAX (this operation can be performed as part of the MAC Reset Request actions by writing to TNEG before the MAC Reset is initiated). MCRST takes precedence over bits D3 (BCN) and D4 (ClM), but does not clear these bits. A MAC Reset that occurs while a frame is being transmitted will cause the frame to be aborted. Frames without the Frame Status are not transmitted by the Ring Engine. Whenever the byte with the Ending Delimiter is transmitted, valid frame status is transmitted as well. If a MAC Reset occurs during the byte where the Ending Delimiter and E Indicator should be transmitted, it will not be transmitted. If a MAC Reset occurs on the cycle where the A and C Indicators are transmitted, they will still be transmitted. D3 BCN Beacon Request: Produces the functions of an SM_CONTROL.request (Beacon) as required by the FDDI MAC Standard. The Ring Engine Transmitter is forced to enter the Beacon State. Beacon frames are then transmitted until the Beacon Process completes. The Beacon Process will not complete if Option.IRR = 1. Beacon frames are generated by the Ring Engine unless an Immediate Beacon Request is present at the MAC Request Interface and a frame is ready to be transmitted. Even with an External Immediate Beacon Request the Ring Engine transmits at least one Beacon frame before the Beacon frames from the MAC Request Interface are transmitted. If an external Beacon frame is to be transmitted, the Beacon frame should first be set up, then the request should be given to the MAC Request Interface and then bit BCN should be set to One. Writing to this bit also sets bit D2 (MCRST). This bit is cleared on entry to the Beacon state. If both bits D3 (BCN) and D4 (ClM) are set, bit D3 takes precedence. D4 ClM Claim Request: Produces the functions equivalent to an SM_CONTROL.request (Claim) and causes entry to the Claim State. The Ring Engine Transmitter is forced to enter the Claim State unless the Transmitter is in the Beacon State or bit BCN is set to One. Claim frames are then transmitted until the Claim Process completes. The Claim Process will not complete if Option.ITR = 1. A Claim Request is honored immediately from any state except the Beacon state. It is honored in the Beacon state when a My_Beacon returns. Claim requests are honored even when Option.IRR = 1. Claim frames are generated by the Ring Engine unless an Immediate Claim Request is available at the MAC Request Interface. Even with an Immediate Claim Request at the interface, the Ring Engine transmits at least one Claim frame before the Claim frames from the MAC Request Interface are transmitted. If an external Claim frames is to be transmitted, the Claim frame should first be set up, then the request should be given to the MAC Request Interface before the ClM bit is set to One. The Claim bit is reset upon entry to the Claim or Beacon state. D5-7 RES Reserved 2-159 ~ ~ co C') a. C r-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ 6.0 Control Information (Continued) Revision Register (Rev) The Revision Register (Rev) contains the revision number of the BMAC device. ACCESS RULES Address I Write Read I 02h Always I I Data Ignored REGISTER BITS 07 I REV7 Bit 00-7 06 I REV6 I 05 REV5 04 I REV4 02 03 I REV3 I REV2 01 I REV1 Symbol REV 00 I REVO I Oescription Revision Number: Bits 00-7 contain the version 10 of the BMAC device. Software should consult this register for any software-specific issues related to the current version. OOh reserved 01 h Initial Release 02h First Revision • Programmable Group Address Modification • Not copied count does not increment on reception of NSA frames with Ar = S • Detection of Idle on reception of nl • Generation of ODD Parity at all times • Reset of Latency Count on initiation of new measurement 2-160 6.0 Control Information (Continued) 6.4 EVENT REGISTERS The Event Registers record the occurrence of events or series of events. Events are recorded and contribute to generating the Interrupt signal. There is a two-level hierarchy in generating this signal. ' , that have not changed since the last read can be written to a new value. Whenever a Condition Latch' Register is read, its contents are stored in the Compare Register. Each bit of the Compare Register is compared with the current contents of the Register that is to be written. Writing a bit with a new value to a Condition Register is only possible when the corresponding bit in the Compare Register matches the bit in the Condition Register. For any bit that has not changed, the new value of the bit is written into the Register. For any bit that has changed, the writing of the bit is inhibited. The fact that an attempt was made to change a modified bit in the Register is latched in the Condition Write Inhibit bit in the Exception Status Register (ESR.CWI). At the first level of the hierarchy. events are recorded as bits in the Latch Registers (e.g., Ring Event Latch Registers, Counter Increment Latch Register). Each Latch Register has a corresponding Mask Register (e.g., Ring Event Mask Registers, Counter Increment Mask Register). When a bit in the Latch Register is set to One and its corresponding bit in the Mask Register is also set to One, a bit in the Interrupt Condition Register is set to One. At the second level of the hierarchy, if a bit in the Interrupt Condition Register is set to One and the corresponding bit in the Interrupt Mask Register is set to One, the Interrupt signal is asserted. Bits in Conditional Write Registers (e.g., Ring Event Latch Registers) are only written when the corresponding bits in the Compare Register are equal to bits to be overwritten. In the BMAC device, the Compare Register is shared by all of the Condition Latch Registers and always reflects the most recent read of one of these registers. (In the DP83251/5 PLAYER Device, there is a Compare Register for every Event Register.) For the cases where more than one register must be read before writing a new value, the software may write the Compare Register with the most recently read value before writing the register again. Alternatively, the register may be read again before being written. The Event Registers include the following registers as: Servicing Interrupts In the process of servicing an interrupt, a Management Entity may use one or both levels of condition masks to disable new interrupts while one is being serviced. Soon after the Management Entity has processed the interrupt to some extent, it is ready to rearm the interrupt in order to be notified of the next condition. • Compare Register (CMP) • Current Receiver Status Register (CRSO) • Current Transmitter Status Register (CTSO) • Ring Event Latch Registers (RELRO-1) The Interrupt Control Register always contains the merged output of the masked Condition Registers as shown in Figure 6-1. It is only possible to remove a condition by setting the corresponding Condition Latch Register bit to Zero. By storing the events on-chip, and having the ability to selectively set bits to Zero, the need for the software to maintain a copy of the Event Registers is alleviated. • Ring Event Mask Registers (REMRO-1) • Token and Timer Event Latch Register (TELRO) • Token and Timer Event Mask Register (TEMRO) • Counter Increment Latch Register (CILR) • Counter Increment Mask Register (CIMR) • Counter Overflow Latch Register (COLR) To prevent the overwriting and consequent missing of events, an interlock mechanism is used. In the period between the Read of a Condition Latch Register, and the corresponding Write to reset the condition, additional events can occur. • Counter Overflow Mask Register (COMR) • Internal Event Latch Register (IELR) • Exception Status Register (ESR) • Exception Mask Register (EMR) In order to prevent software from overwriting bits which have changed since the last read and losing interrupt events a conditional write mechanism is employed. Only bits • Interrupt Condition Register (lCR) • Interrupt Mask Register (lMR) II TLlF/103B7-7 FIGURE 6-1. Event Registers Hierarchy 2-161 ,.. CD N M CO a. C r-------------~--------------------------------------------------------------------__, 6.0 Control Information (Continued) Compare Register (CMP) The Compare Register (CMP) is written with the contents of a coriditional event latch registers when it is read. The Compare Register may also be written to directly. During a write to any of the conditional write registers, the contents of the Compare Register (CMP) is compared with bits 00-7 of the accessed register. Orily bits for which the comparison matches can be written to a new value. ACCESS RULES Address Read Write OSh Always Always REGISTER BITS 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 DO CMP7 CMP6 CMP5 CMP4 CMP3 CMP2 CMP1 CMPO 2·162 6.0 Control Information (Continued) Current Receiver Status Register (CRSO) The Current Receiver Status Register (CRSO) records the status of the Receiver state machine. It is continuously updated. ·It remains stable when accessed. When in Diagnose Mode, this register is frozen on an internal error until the internal error event is cleared by resetting the RSMERR bit in the Internal Event Latch Register. ACCESS RULES Address I Write Read I OCh I Always Data Ignored I REGISTER BITS 07 I RFLG 06 I RS2 05 I RS1 Bit Symbol DO-2 RTS(0-2) 04 I RSO D3 I RES D2 I RTS2 01 I RTS1 DO I RTSO I Description Receive Timing State: RTS(0-2) represent the current state of the Receiver Timing state machine. The encoding is shown below. RTS2 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 RTS1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 RTSO 1 1 0 1 0 1 x Receive Timing State AwaiLSD ChecLFC Check-SA Check-DA Check-INFO ChecLMAC Reserved D3 RES Reserved D4-6 RS(0-2) Receive State: RS(0-2) represent the current state of the Receive state machine that implements the ANSI standard MAC Receive Functions. The encoding is shown below. RS2 RS1 RSO Receive State 0 0 0 Listen 0 0 1 AwaiLSD RC_FR_CTRL (Receive FC) 0 1 0 RC_FR_BODY (Rec FR Body) 1 0 1 RC_FFL-STATUS (A & C Ind) 0 0 1 1 0 1 CHECK-TOKEN (Check Token) RC_FR_STATUS (Optionallnd) 1 1 0 1 1 1 Reserved D7 RFLG R_Flag: Current value of the Restricted Flag. When not holding the token indicates the type of the last valid token received. When holding the token indicates the type of token that will be issued at the end of the current service opportunity. 0: Non-restricted 1: Restricted I 2-163 ~ ~ C") CD ~ r-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, 6.0 Control Information (Continued) Current Transmitter Status Register (CTSO) The Current Transmitter Status Register (CTSO) records the status of the Transmitter state machine. It is continuously updated. It remains stable when accessed. When in Diagnose Mode, this register is frozen on an internal error until the internal error event is cleared by resetting the TSMERR bit of the Internal Event Latch Register. " ACCESS RULES Address I Read I OEh Write I Always I Data Ignored REGISTER BITS D7 I ROP D6 I TS2 D5 I TSI Bit Symbol DO-3 TTS(O-3) D4 I TSO D3 I D2 TTS3 I Dl "TTS2 I TTSI TTSO I TRANSMIT TIMING STATE: TTS(O-3) represent the current state of the Transmitter Timing state machine. The encoding is shown below. TTS2 o o TTSI TTSO 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 o 1 0 o 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 o o 1 9h-Fh TS(O-2) I Description TTS3 D4-6 DO Transmit Timing State Idle Transmit Preamble Wait for Data (FIFO) Transmit SD & FC Fields TransmitDA Transmit SA Transmit INFO Transmit FCS Transmit ED & FS Reserved Transmit State: TS(O-2) represent the current state of the Transmit state machine that implements the ANSI standard MAC Transmit Functions. The encoding is shown below. TS2 TSI TSO Transmit State' o 0 0 Idle 0 1 Repeat o 1 0 Data o 1 1 Issue Token 1 0 0 Claim 1 0 1 Beacon 1 1 0 Reserved 1 1 1 Void o D7 ROP Ring Operational Flag: Indicates the current value of the local Ring Operational Flag. 2-164 6.0 Control Information (Continued) Ring Event Latch Register (RELRO) The Ring Event Latch Register 0 (RELRO) captures conditions that occur on the Ring including the receipt of Beacon and Claim frames, transitions in the Ring Operational flag, and the receipt of duplicate addresses. Each bit may be masked via the Ring Event Mask Register 0 (REMRO). ACCESS RULES Address I Read I 10h Always Write I Condition I D3 D2 REGISTER BITS D7 D6 D5 D4 D1 DO I RES I OUPAOO I PINV I OTRMAC I CLMR I BCNR I RNOP I ROP I Bit Symbol Description DO ROP Ring Operational Set: Is set when the Local Ring Operational flag transitions from 0 to 1. 01 RNOP Ring Non·Operatlonal Set: Is set when the Local Ring Operational flag transitions from 1 to O. 02 BCNR Beacon Frame Received: Indicates that a valid Beacon frame was received. When set, restricted and synchronous requests are not serviced. The type of Beacon frame received is given in Register RELR 1. 03 CLMR Claim Frame Received: Indicates that a valid Claim frame was received. When set, restricted requests are not serviced. The type of Claim frame received is given in Register RELR1. 04 OTRMAC Other MAC Frame Received: Indicates that a MAC frame other than a Beacon or Claim frame was received. When set, restricted requests are not serviced. 05 PINV PHY_Invalid Received: Indicates that a PHY_Invalid was received. This could be the result of a PLAYER device Reset operation. PHY_Invalid causes the MAC Receiver to enter state RO (Listen). 06 DUPAOO Duplicate Address Received: Indicates that a valid individual frame addressed to this station was received with the A indicator set. This could be caused by either a MAC using the same address (duplicate address) or a strip error at the Source (the frame was received twice). D7 RES Reserved 2·165 .,... co N C') co Il.. C 6.0 Control Information (Continued) Ring Event Mask Register 0 (REMRO) The Ring Event Mask Register 0 (REMRO) is used to mask bits in Register RELRO. If a bit in Register REMRO is set to One, the corresponding bit in Register RELRO will be applied to the Interrupt Condition Register, which can then be used to generate an interrupt. ACCESS RULES Address I I 11h Write Read I Always Always I REGISTER BITS 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 DO I RES I OUPAOO I PINV I OTRMAC I CLMR I BCNR I RNOP I Rap I Bit Symbol Description 00 Rap Ring Operational Mask: This bit is used to mask RELRO.ROP. 01 RNOP Ring Non-Operational Mask: This bit is used to mask RELRO.RNOP. 02 BCNR Beacon Frame Mask: This bit is used to mask RELRO.BCNR. 03 CLMR Claim Frame Mask: This bit is used to mask RELRO.CLMR. 04 OTRMAC Other MAC Frame Mask: This bit is used to mask RELRO.OTRMAC. 05 PINV PHY_lnvalid Mask: This bit is used to mask RELRO.PINV. 06 OUPAOO Duplicate Address Mask: This bit is used to mask RELRO.DUPAOO. 07 RES Reserved 2-166 6.0 Control Information (Continued) Ring Event Latch Register 1 (RELR1) The Ring Event Latch Register 1 (RELR1) captures the progress of the Beacon and,Claim Processes. During the Beacon Process, it records reception of an Other_Beacon or a My:.....Beacon. It also identifies Claim frames as Higher, Lower, or My Claim. Each bit may be masked via the Ring Event Mask Register 1 (REMR1). ACCESS RULES Read Address I I 12h Always Write I Condition I REGISTER BITS D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 DO I LOCLM I HICLM I MYCLM I RES I RES I RES I MYBCN I OTRBCN I Bit DO Description Symbol OTRBCN Other_Beacon Received: Indicates that an Other_Beacon frame was received. D1 MYBCN My_Beacon Received: Indicates that a My_Beacon frame was received. D2-4 RES Reserved D5 MYCLM My_Claim Received: Indicates that a My_Claim frame was received. (This includes the comparison between the T_Bid_Rec and TREQ as specified in the standard). D6 HICLM Higher_Claim Received: Indicates that a Higher_Claim frame was received. D7 LOCLM Lower_Claim Received: Indicates that a Lower_Claim frame was received. 2-167 .... I Q 6.0 Control Information (Continued) Ring Event Mask Register 1 (REMR1) The Ring Event Mask Register 1 (REMR1) is used to mask bits in Register RELR1.lf a bit in Register REMR1 is set to One,the corresponding bit In Register RELR1 will be applied to the Interrupt Condition Register, which can then be used to generate an Interrupt to the CPU. All bits in this register are set to Zero upon reset. ACCESS RULES Addre88 I Read I 13h Write I Always Always I REGISTER BITS I D7 LOCLM Bit 00 I D6 HICLM I D5 MYCLM I D4 RES I D3 RES I D2 RES I D1 MYBCN Symbol OTRBCN I DO OTRBCN I Description Other_Beacon Mask: This bit is used to mask RELR1.0TRBCN. 01 MYBCN My_Beacon Mask: This bit is used to mask RELR1.MYBCN. 02-4 RES Reserved 05 MYCLM My_Claim Mask: This bit is used to mask RELR1.MYCLM. 06 HICLM Higher_Claim Mask: This bit is used to mask RELR1.HICLM. 07 LOCLM Lower_Claim Mask: This bit is used to mask RELR1.LOCLM. 2-168 6.0 Control Information (Continued) Token and Timer Event Latch Register 0 (TELRO) The Token and Timer Event Latch Register 0 (TELRO) informs software of expirations of the Token Rotation Timer (TRT) and Valid Transmission Timer (TVX). The TELRO Register also reports token events such as duplicate token detection, restricted token reception, and general token capture and release. The completion of the Ring Latency measurement Is also indicated in the TELRO Register. Each bit may be masked via the Token and Timer Event Mask Register (TEMRO). ACCESS RULES Address I 14h I Read Write Always Condition I I REGISTER BITS D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 DO IRLVDITKPAsslTKCAPTICBERRIDUPTKRITRTEXplTVXEXplENTRMDI Bit Symbol DO ENTRMD Enter Restricted Mode: Indicates that a Restricted Token was received and that the R_Flag transitioned from 0 to 1. Description D1 TVXEXP TVX Expired: Indicates that a valid frame or token was not received in TVX time. D2 TRTEXP TRT Expired: Indicates that a valid token was not received within 2·TNEG. D3 DUPTKR Duplicate Token Received: Indicates that a valid token was received while the transmitter was in state T2 orT3. D4 CBERR Claim and/or Beacon Error: Indicates that the Claim and/or Beacon Process failed because TRT expired while the Transmitter was in state.T4 or T5. D5 TKCAPT Token Captured: Indicates that a token has been captured. D6 TKPASS Token Passed: Indicates that a valid token has been passed (without capturing it) or has been issued after a service opportunity. D7 RLVD Ring Latency Valid: 0: This bit is set to Zero to request a new latency value from the Ring Engine. In Rev 01 and all future Revisions, the Ring Latency count is set to zero before each measurement. 1: This bit is set to One when the Ring Latency measurement is complete. This bit is written unconditionally and is not protected by the Compare Register. • 2-169 ... ~ CD a. Q 6.0 Control Information (Continued) Token and Timer Event Mask Register 0 (TEMRO) The Token and Timer Event Mask Register 0 (TEMRO) is used to mask bits in Register TELRO. If a bit in Register TEMRO is set to One, the corresponding bit in Register TELR will be applied to the. Interrupt Condition Register, which can then be used to generate an interrupt. All bits in this register are set to Zero upon reset. ACCESS RULES Address I 15h I Read Write Always Always I I REGISTER BITS D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 DO IRLVolTKPASSITKCAPTICBERRIOUPTOKITRTEXplTVXEXplENTRMOI Bit Symbol 00 ENTRMO Enter Restricted Mode Mask: This bit is used to mask TELRO.ENTRMD. Description 01 TVXEXP TVX Expired Mask: This bit is used to mask TELRO.TVXEXP. 02 TRTEXP TRT Expired and Set Lat8.-Flag Mask: This bit is used to mask TELRO.TRTEXP. 03 OUPTOK Duplicated Token Received Mask: This bit is used to mask TELRO.OUPTOK. 04 CBERR Claim/Beacon Error Mask: This bit is used to mask TELRO.CBERR. 05 TKCAPT Token Captured Mask: This bit is used to mask TELRO.TKCAPT. 06 TKPASS Token Passed Mask: This bit is used to mask TELRO.TKPASS. 07 RLVO Ring Latency Valid Mask: This bit is used to mask TELRO.RLVO. 2·170 6.0 Control Information (Continued) counter Increment Latch Register (CllR) The Counter Increment latch Register (CllR) records the occurrence of any increment to the Event Counters. Each bit corresponds to a counter and is set when the corresponding counter is incremented. Each bit may be masked via the Counter Increment Mask Register (CIMR). ACCESS RULES Address I Read I 1Bh Write I Always Condition I REGISTER BITS 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 DO I RES I TKRCVO I FRTRX I FRNCOP I FRCOP I FRlST I FREI I FRRCV I Bit Symbol DO FRRCV Frame Received: Is set when the Frame Received Counter (FRCT) is incremented, indicating the reception ofa frame. D! FREI Frame Error Isolated: Is set when the Error Isolated Counter (EICT) is incremented, indicating an error has been insolated. 02 FRlST Frame lost Isolated: Is set when the lost Frame Counter (lFCT) is incremented, indicating a format error has been detected in the frame. 03 FRCOP Frame Copied: Is set when the Frame Copied Counter (FCCT) is incremented, indicating a frame has been copied. 04 FRNCOP Frame Not Copied: Is set when the Frame Not Copied Counter (FNCT) is incremented, indicating a frame could not be copied. 05 FRTRX Frame Transmitted: Is set when the Frame Transmitted Counter (FTCT) is incremented, indicating a frame has been transmitted. 06 TKRCVO Token Received: Is set when the Token Received Counter (TKCT) is incremented, indicating that a token has been received. 07 RES Reserved Description I II 2-171 ... CD N C') CD a. Q 6.0 Control Information (Continued) Counter Increment Mask Register (CIMR) The Counter Increment Mask Register (CIMR) is used to mask bits from the Counter Increment Latch Register (CILR). If a bit in Register CIMR is set to One, the corresponding bit in Register CILR will be applied to the Interrupt Condition Register, which can then be used to generate an interrupt. All bits in this register are set to Zero upon reset. ACCESS RULES Address I 19h Read I Write I Always I Always REGISTER BITS D7 D6 RES TKRCVO I I I D5 FRTRX I D4 FRNCOP I D3 FRCOP I D2 FRLST I D1 FREI I DO FRRCV I Bit Symbol 00 FRRCV Frame Received Counter Increment Mask: This bit is used to mask CILR.FRRCV. Description Error Isolated Counter Increment Mask: This bit is used to mask CILR.FREI. 01 FREI 02 FRLST Lost Frame Counter Increment Mask: This bit is used to mask CILR.FRLST. 03 FRCOP Frame Copied Counter Increment Mask: This bit is used to mask CILR.FRCOP. 04 FRNCOP Frame Not Copied Counter Increment Mask: This bit is used to mask CILR.FRNCOP. 05 FRTRX Frame Transmitted Counter Increment Mask: This bit is used to mask CILR.FRTRX. 06 TKRCVO Token Received Counter Increment Mask: This bit is used to mask CILR.TKRCVO. 07 RES Reserved 2·172 6.0 Control Information (Continued) Counter Overflow Latch Register (COLR) The Counter Overflow Latch Register (COLR) records carry events from the 20th bit of the Event Counters. Each bit in the COLR corresponds to an individual counter. Each bit may be masked via the Counter Overflow Mask Register (COMR). ACCESS RULES Address I Read I lCh Write I Always Condition I REGISTER BITS 06 07 05 04 03 02 01 DO I RES I TKRCVO I FRTRX I FRNCOP I FRCOP I FRLST I FREI I FRRCV I Bit Symbol DO FRRCV Frame Received: Is set to One when the Frame Received Counter (FRCT) overflows. Description 01 FREI Frame Error Isolated: Is set to One when the Error Isolated Counter (EICT) overflows. 02 FRLST Frame Lost Isolated: Is set to One when the Lost Frame Counter (LFCT) overflows. 03 FRCOP Frame Copied: Is set to One when the Frame Copied Counter (FCCT) overflows. 04 FRNCOP Frame Not Copied: Is set to One when the Frame Not Copied Counter (FNCT) overflows. 05 FRTRX Frame Transmitted: Is set to One when the Frame Transmitted Counter (FTCT) overflows. 06 TKRCVO Token Received: Is set to One when the Token Received Counter (TKCT) overflows. 07 RES Reserved • 2-173 6.0 Control Information (Continued) Counter Overflow Mask Register (COMR) The Counter Overflow Mask Register (COMR) is used to mask bits Irom the Counter Overflow Latch Register (COLR). II a bit in Register COMR is set to One, the corresponding bit in Register COLR will be applied to the Interrupt Condition Register, which can then be used to generate an interrupt. All bits in this register are set to Zero upon reset. ACCESS RULES Read Address I 10h I Write I Always Always I REGISTER BITS 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 I RES I TKRCVO I FRTRX I FRNCOP I FRCOP I FRLST I FREI I FRRCV I Bit Symbol 00 FRRCV Frame Received Counter Overflow Mask: niis bit is used to mask COLR.FRRCV. 01 FREI Error Isolated Counter Overflow Mask: This bit is used to mask COLR.FREI. 02 FRLST Lost Frame Counter Overflow Mask: This bit is used to mask COLR.FRLST. 03 FRCOP Frame Copied Counter Overflow Mask: This bit is used to mask COLR.FRCOP. 04 FRNCOP Frame Not Copied Counter Overflow Mask: This bit is used to mask COLR.FRNCOP. 05 FRTRX Frame Transmitted Counter Overflow Mask: This bit is used to mask COLR.FRTRX. 06 TKRCVO Token Received Counter Overflow Mask: This bit is used to mask COLR.TKRCVO. 07 RES Reserved Oescription 2-174 6.0 Control Information (Continued) Internal Event Latch Register (IELR) The Internal Event Latch Register (IELR) reports internal errors in the BMAC device. These errors include MAC Parity errors and inconsistencies in the Receiver and Transmitter state machines. After an internal state machine is detected and reported (bit RSMERR for the receiver and TSMERR for the transmitter), the Current Receive Status Register (CRSO) and Current Transmit Status Register (CTSO) continue to be updated as normal. Errors internal to the BMAC device cause a MAC_Reset. ACCESS RULES Address I Read I 28h Write I Always Condition I REGISTER BITS 07 I RES Bit DO 06 I RES 05 I RES 04 I RES 03 I TSMERR 02 I 01 RSMERR I Symbol MPE DO RES I MPE I Description MAC Interface Parity Error: Indicates a Parity Error on the MAC Request Data pins (MR07-0) when parity is enabled on the MA-Request interface (bits MRP of the Mode Register is set and pin TXACK is asserted). 01 RES Reserved 02 RSMERR Receive State Machine Error: Indicates inconsistency in the Receiver state machine. When set, causes bit MCRST of the Function Register to be set. 03 TSMERR Transmit State Machine Error: Indicates inconsistency in the Transmitter state machine. When set, causes bit MCRST of the Function Register to be set. 04-7 RES Reserved 2-175 .- I c 6.0 Control Information (Continued) Exception Status Register (ESR) The Exception Status Register (ESR) reports errors to the software. Errors include PHY Interface Parity errors, illegal attempts to access currently inaccessible registers, and writing to a conditional write location if a register bit has changed since it was last read. Each bit may be masked via the Exception Mask Register (EMR). ACCESS RULES Address I Write Read I 2Ch I Always I Condition REGISTER BITS D7 I CWI Bit DO D6 I CCE D5 I CPE D4 I RES D3 I RES D2 I RES D1 I RES Symbol PPE DO I PPE I Description PHY Interface Parity Error: Indicates parity error detected on PID7 -0. Parity errors are reported when parity is enabled on the PHY_Request Interface (bit PIP of the Mode Register is set). 01-4 RES Reserved 05 CPE Control Bus Parity Error: Indicates a Control Bus Parity Error was detected on the Control Bus Data pins (CBD7 -0) during a write operation to a register. Parity errors are reported if parity is enabled on the Control Bus Interface (bit CBP of the Mode Register is set). 06 CCE Control Bus Command Error: Indicates that a Control Bus command was not performed due to an error, i.e., illegal command or a Control Bus Write Parity error. An illegal command is an attempt to access a currently inaccessible register. 07 CWI Conditional Write Inhibit: Indicates that at least one bit of the previous conditional write operation was not written. This bit is set unconditionally after each write to a conditional write register if the value of the Compare Register is not equal to the value of the register that was accessed for a write before it was written. This may Indicate that the accessed register has changed since it was last read. This bit is cleared after a successful conditional write. This occurs when the value of the Compare Register is equal to the value of the register that was accessed for a write before it was written. CWI does not contribute to setting the ESE bit of the Interrupt Condition Register (it is always implicitly masked). 2-176 C .." 6.0 Control Information (Continued) OCI Co) N The Exception Mask Register (EMR) is used to mask bits in the Exception Status Register (ESR). If a bit in Register EMR is set to One, the corresponding bit in Register ESR will be applied to the Condition Register, which can then be used to generate an interrupt. All bits in this register are set to Zero upon request. ACCESS RULES Address I Read I 20h Write I Always Always I REGISTER BITS 07 I ZERO Bit 00 06 I CCE 05 I CPE 04 I RES 03 I RES 02 I RES 01 I 00 RES Symbol PPE .... en Exception Mask Register (EMR) I PPE I Oescription PHY Interface Parity Error Mask: This bit is used to mask ESR.PPE. 01-4 RES Reserved 05 CPE Control Bus Parity Error Mask: This bit is used to mask ESR.CPE. 06 CCE Control Bus Error Mask: This bit is used to mask ESR.CCE. 07 ZERO Zero: This bit is always Zero. This implies that the CWI bit never contributes to the Interrupt Signal. 2-177 6.0 Control Information (Continued) Interrupt Condition Register (ICR) The Interrupt Condition Register (ICR) collects unmasked interrupts from the Event Registers. Interrupts are categorized into Ring Events, Token and Timer Events, Counter Events, and Error and Exceptional Status Events. If the bit in the Interrupt Mask Register (IMR) and the corresponding bit in the ICR are set to One, the INT pin is forced low and thus triggers an interrupt. Note: Bits are cleared ONLY by cleartng underlying conditions (Mask bit andlor Event Bit) In the approprtate Event Register. ACCESS RULES Address I Read I 2Eh Write I Always Data Ignored I REGISTER BITS 07 I ESE Bit 06 I IERR 05 I RES 04 I RES 03 I CaE 02 I CIE 01 I TIE Symbol DO I RNG I Description DO RNG Ring Event Interrupt: Is set if corresponding bits in the Ring Event Latch and Mask Registers are set. D1 TIE Token and Timer Event Interrupt: Is set if corresponding bits in the Token and Timer Event Latch and Mask Registers are set. D2 CIE Counter Increment Event Interrupt: Is set if corresponding bits in the Counter Increment Latch and Mask Registers are set. D3 CaE Counter OverflOW Event Interrupt: Is set if corresponding bits in the Counter Overflow Latch and Mask Registers are set. D4-5 RES Reserved D6 IERR Internal Error Interrupt: Is set if any bits in the Internal Event Register are set. D7 ESE Exception Status Event Interrupt: Is set if corresponding bits in the Exception Status and Mask Registers are set. 2-178 C "tI co 6.0 Control Information (Continued) c.:I N Interrupt Mask Register (IMR) 0) The Interrupt Mask Register (IMR) is used to mask bits in the Interrupt Condition Register (lCR). If a bit in Register IMR and the corresponding bit in Register ICR are set to One, the INT pin is forced low and causes an interrupt. Each bit in the IMR corresponds to an Event Register or a pair of Event Registers and associated bits. ACCESS RULES Address I Write Read I 2Fh I Always I Always REGISTER BITS D7 I ESE Bit D6 I IERR D5 I RES D3 D4 I RES I CaE D2 I CIE D1 I TIE Symbol DO I RNG I Description DO RNG Ring Event Mask: This bit is used to mask ICR.RNG. D1 TIE Token and Timer Event Mask: This bit is used to mask ICR.TIE. D2 CIE Counter Increment Event Mask: This bit is used to mask ICR.CIE. D3 CaE Counter Overflow Event Mask: This bit is used to mask ICR.COE. D4-5 RES Reserved D6 IERR Internal Error Mask: This bit is used to mask ICR.IER. D7 ESE Exception Status Event Mask: This bit is used to mask ICR.ESE. 2-179 ...... 6.0 Control Information (Continued) 6.S MAC PARAMETERS The MAC Parameters are accessible in the Stop Mode. These parameters are also accessible in the Run Mode when the following conditions are met: a) the MAC Transmitter is in state TO, T1, or T3; and b) bits ITC and IRR of the Option Register are set to One; and c) bits CLM and BCN of the Function Register are set to Zero. Otherwise read and write accesses will cause a command error (bit CCE of the Exception Status Register is set to One) and the access will not be performed. The MAC Parameters are stored in the MAC Parameter RAM. They include the following control information: • Individual Addresses: My Long Address (MLAO-5) and My Short Address (MSAO-1). • Group Addresses: Group Long Address (GLAO-4) and Group Short Address (GSAO), Programmable Group Map (PGMO-1F), and Fixed Group Map (FGMO-1) . • MAC Frame Information: Requested Target Token Rotation Time (TREQO-3) and Transmit Beacon Type (TBTO-3). 6.S.1 Individual Addresses The Ring Engine supports both Long and Short Individual Addresses simultaneously. The Station's Long Address is stored in registers MLAO-5. The Station's Short Address is stored in register MSAO-1. For received frames, MLA or MSA is compared with the received DA in order to set the Address recognized Flag (A Flag) and compared with the received SA in order to set the My Address recognized Flag (M Flag). In transmitted frames, MLA or MSA normally replaces the SA from the frame data stream (exception: when SA transparency is used). Bits MLA(47) and MSA(15) are the most significant bits of the address and are transmitted and received first. Bits MLA(O) and MSA(O) are the least significant bits of the address and are transmitted and received last. MLA and MSA should be valid for at least 12 byte times before the Addressing Mode is enabled and should remain valid for at least 12 byte times after the Addressing Mode is disabled in order to guarantee proper detection. Bits ELA (Enable Long Addressing) and ESA (Enable Short Addressing) in the Option Register determine the address types that may be recognized and generated by this MAC. My Long Address My Long Address (MLAO-MLA5) represent this station's long 48-bit address. ACCESS RULES Address Read Write 40-45h Stop Mode Stop Mode 07 D6 os 04 D3 02 01 DO MLAO MLA(47) MLA(46) MLA(45) MLA(44) MLA(43) MLA(42) MLA(41) MLA(40) MLA1 MLA(39) MLA(38) MLA(37) MLA(36) MLA(35) MLA(34) MLA(33) MLA(32) MLA2 MLA(31) MLA(30) MLA(29) MLA(28) MLA(27) MLA(26) MLA(25) MLA(24) MLA3 MLA(23) MLA(22) MLA(21) MLA(20) MLA(19) MLA(18) MLA(17) MLA(16) MLA4 MLA(15) MLA(14) MLA(13) MLA(12) MLA(11) MLA(10) MLA(9) MLA(8) MLAS MLA(7) MLA(6) MLA(5) MLA(4) MLA(3) MLA(2) MLA(1) MLA(O) Note: MLA(47) should always be set to O. My Short Address My Short Address (MSAO-MSA1) represent this station's short 16-bit address. ACCESS RULES Address Read Write 46-47h Stop Mode Stop Mode MSAO MSA1 Note: MSA(15) should always be set to O. 2-180 6.0 Control Information (Continued) 6.5.2 Group Addresses The Ring Engine supports detection of Group Addresses within programmable and fixed blocks of consecutive addresses. The algorithm used by the Ring Engine first performs a comparison between the most significant bits of the received DA with programmable and fixed addresses. If the most significant bits match, the remaining bits are used as an index into a programmable bit map. If the indexed bit is 1, the A Flag is set to 1; if the indexed bit is 0 the A flag remains O. One programmable block of 128 group addresses is supported for group long addresses (GLA) and one programmable block of group addresses is supported for group short addresses (GSA). Both of the programmable ranges share the same programmable group address map (PGM). For short addresses, the first byte of a received DA is compared with GSAO (bits GSA(15-8)}. If they match then the second byte is used as an index into the PGM. For long addresses the first 5 bytes of a received DA are compared with GLAO through GLA4 (bits GLA(47-8)}. If all 5 of these bytes match the corresponding byte in the received DA, then the 6th byte of the received DA is used as an index into the PGM. The last byte of the address is used as an index into the PGM in both long and short group addressing. A fixed block of 16 group addresses is supported for both long and short addresses at the end of the address space that includes the Universal/Broadcast address (FF ... FF). For short addresses, if the first 12 bits of the received DA are all 1 's then the last 4 bits are used as an index into the 16-bit Fixed Group Map (FGM). Similarly, for long addresses if the first 44 bits are all 1's, the last 4 bits are also used as an index into the 16-bit FGM. The Group Addresses should be valid for at least 12 byte times before the Addressing Mode is enabled and should remain valid for at least 12 byte times after the Addressing Mode is disabled in order to guarantee proper detection. Bits ELA (Enable Long Addressing) and ESA (Enable Short Addressing) in the Option Register determine the address types that will be recognized by this MAC. Alternative group addressing schemes may be implemented using external matching logic that monitors the byte stream at the PHY Interface. The result of the comparison is returned using the EA (External A-Flag) pin. Group Long Address Group Long Address (GLAO-GLA4) represents the first 5 bytes of the long address, bit GLA(47} to bit GLA(8}. To disable Long Group Address matches, bits GLA(46-8} should be set to all 1 'so ACCESS RULES Address Read Write 48-4Ch Stop Mode Stop Mode 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 DO GLAO GLA(47} GLA(46} GLA(45} GLA(44} GLA(43} GLA(42} GLA(41} GLA(40} GLAl GLA(39} GLA(38} GLA(37} GLA(36} GLA(35} GLA(34} GLA(33} GLA(32} GLA2 GLA(31} GLA(30} GLA(29} GLA(28} GLA(27} GLA(26} GLA(25} GLA(24} GLA3 GLA(23} GLA(22} GLA(21} GLA(20} GLA(19} GLA(18} GLA(17} GLA(16} GLA4 GLA(15} GLA(14} GLA(13} GLA(12} GLA(ll} GLA(10} GLA(9} GLA(8} Nole: Bit GLA(47) should always ba sat to ONE. 2-181 ~ CD N C") CD a.. Q r-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, 6.0 Control Information (Continued) Group Short Address Group Short Address (GSAO) represents the station's short 16-bit address, bit GSA(15) to bit GSA(8). It is possible to disable Short Group Addressing by programming bits GSA(14-8) to all Ones. ACCESS RULES Address Read Write 4Eh Stop Mode Stop Mode GSA4 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 GSA(15) GSA(14) GSA(13) GSA(12) GSA(11) GSA(10) GSA(9) GSA(8) Design Note: GSA(15) is not used in the comparison since the comparison will only be accomplished if the received OA(15) is a One. Fixed Group Address MAP (FGMO-FGM1) Ifthe first 44 bits of a long DA, DA(47-4), or ifthe first 12 bits of a short DA, DA(15-4) are 1, the last 4 bits of the DA, DA(3-0), are used as an index into FGM. The 4-bit index into FGM can be viewed in two different ways. It can be viewed as 4 bits selecting one of 16 bits where the hexidecimal equivalent of DA(3-0) can be used as the index. For example the broadcast address would index FGM(F). Alternatively it can be viewed as one bit, DA(3), selecting the byte (FGMO or FGM1) and three bits, DA(2-0) selecting one of 8 bits within a byte. ACCESS RULES Address Read Write 58-59h Stop Mode Stop Mode FGMO FGM1 Note: Bit FGM(F) must be set to One to ensure proper handling of frames with the Universal/Broadcast address including the SMT NSA frames. This is mandatory for interoperability on an FOOl Ring. 2-182 C 6.0 Control Information "'a co (Continued) Co) N Programmable Group Address MAP (PGMO-PGM1F) 0) If the first 40 bits of a long DA, DA(47-8), match the GLA or if the first 8 bits of a short DA, DA(15-8), match the GSA, the last 8 bits of the DA are used as an index into PGM. The 8-bit index into PGM can be viewed in two different ways. 1. As B bits selecting one of 256 bits where the hexidecimal equivalent of DA(7 -0) can be used as the index. For example a DA with the last byte as A2h indexes PGM(A2). 2. As 5 bits, DA(7-3), selecting the byte (PGMO to PGM1F) and three bits, DA(2-0) selecting one of B bits within a byte. For example a DA with the last byte of A2h (10100010b) selects PGM14 bit 2. It is possible to disable Long and Short Group Addressing by filling the Group Address Map with O's. In REV 1 of the BMAC device, PGM(OO) to PGM(7F) are hardwired to 0 and are not accessible via the Control Interface. This implies that group addresses with DA(7) = 0 can not be recognized. In REV 2 of the BMAC device, PGM(OO) to PGM(7F) are set equal to PGM(BO) to PGM(FF) and are accessible via the Control Interface. This implies that DA(7) of group addresses is a don't care. ACCESS RULES Address Read Write 70-7Fh Stop Mode Stop Mode PGMO 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 DO PGM(7) PGM(6) PGM(5) PGM(4) PGM(3) PGM(2) PGM(1) PGM(O) PGM1 PGM(F) PGM(E) PGM(D) PGM(C) PGM(B) PGM(A) PGM(9) PGM(8) PGM2 PGM(17) PGM(16) PGM(15) PGM(14) PGM(13) PGM(12) PGM(11) PGM(10) PGM3 PGM(1F) PGM(1E) PGM(1D) PGM(1C) PGM(1B) PGM(1A) PGM(19) PGM(18) PGM4 PGM(27) PGM(26) PGM(25) PGM(24) PGM(23) PGM(22) PGM(21) PGM(20) PGM5 PGM(2F) PGM(2E) PGM(2D) PGM(2C) PGM(2B) PGM(2A) PGM(29) PGM(28) PGM6 PGM(37) PGM(36) PGM(35) PGM(34) PGM(33) PGM(32) PGM(31) PGM(30) PGM7 PGM(3F) PGM(3E) PGM(3D) PGM(3C) PGM(3B) PGM(3A) PGM(39) PGM(38) PGM8 PGM(47) PGM(46) PGM(45) PGM(44) PGM(43) PGM(42) PGM(41) PGM(40) PGM9 PGM(4F) PGM(4E) PGM(4D) PGM(4C) PGM(4B) PGM(4A) PGM(49) PGM(4B) PGMA PGM(57) PGM(56) PGM(55) PGM(54) PGM(53) PGM(52) PGM(51) PGM(50) PGMB PGM(5F) PGM(5E) PGM(5D) PGM(5C) PGM(5B) PGM(5A) PGM(59) PGM(58) PGMC PGM(67) PGM(66) PGM(65) PGM(64) PGM(63) PGM(62) PGM(61) PGM(60) PGMO PGM(6F) PGM(6E) PGM(6D) PGM(6C) PGM(6B) PGM(6A) PGM(69) PGM(68) PGME PGM(77) PGM(76) PGM(75) PGM(74) PGM(73) PGM(72) PGM(71) PGM(70) PGMF PGM(7F) PGM(7E) PGM(7D) PGM(7C) PGM(7B) PGM(7A) PGM(79) PGM(78) 2-183 ...... _,-------------------------------------------------------------------------, re CO) CD a. C 6.0 Control Information (Continued) Programmable Group Address MAP (PGMO-PGM1F) (Continued) ACCESS RULES Address Read Write 60-6Fh Stop Mode Stop Mode 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 PGM10 PGM(B7) PGM(B6) PGM(B5) PGM(B4) PGM(B3) PGM(B2) PGM(B1) PGM(BO) PGM11 PGM(BF) PGM(BE) PGM(BD) PGM(BC) PGM(BB) PGM(BA) PGM(B9) PGM(BB) PGM12 PGM(97) PGM(96) PGM(95) PGM(94) PGM(93) PGM(92) PGM(91) PGM(90) PGM13 PGM(9F) PGM(9E) PGM(9D) PGM(9C) PGM(9B) PGM(9A) PGM(99) PGM(9B) PGM14 PGM(A7) PGM(A6) PGM(A5) PGM(A4) PGM(A3) PGM(A2) PGM(A1) PGM(AO) PGM15 PGM(AF) PGM(AE) PGM(AD) PGM(AC) PGM(AB) PGM(AA) PGM(A9) PGM(AB) PGM16 PGM(B7) PGM(B6) PGM(B5) PGM(B4) PGM(B3) PGM(B2) PGM(B1) PGM(BO) PGM17 PGM(BF) PGM(BE) PGM(BD) PGM(BC) PGM(BB) PGM(BA) PGM(B9) PGM(BB) PGM18 PGM(C7) PGM(C6) PGM(C5) PGM(C4) PGM(C3) PGM(C2) PGM(C1) PGM(CO) PGM19 PGM(CF) PGM(CE) PGM(CD) PGM(CC) PGM(CB) PGM(CA) PGM(C9) PGM(CB) PGM1A PGM(D7) PGM(D6) PGM(D5) PGM(D4) PGM(D3) PGM(D2) PGM(D1) PGM(DO) PGM1B PGM(DF) PGM(DE) PGM(DD) PGM(DC) PGM(DB) PGM(DA) PGM(D9) PGM(DB) PGM1C PGM(E7) PGM(E6) PGM(E5) PGM(E4) PGM(E3) PGM(E2) PGM(E1) PGM(EO) PGM10 PGM(EF) PGM(EE) PGM(ED) PGM(EC) PGM(EB) PGM(EA) PGM(E9) PGM(EB) PGM1E PGM(F7) PGM(F6) PGM(F5) PGM(F4) PGM(F3) PGM(F2) PGM(F1) PGM(FO) PGM1F PGM(FF) PGM(FE) PGM(FD) PGM(FC) PGM(FB) PGM(FA) PGM(F9) PGM(FB) 2-184 6.0 Control Information (Continued) 6.5.3 Claim Information: Requested Target Token Rotation Time (TREQ) The Requested Target Token Rotation Time (TREQ) is stored in registers TREQO-TREQ3. TREQ(31-0) is represented as a negative two's complement number. This value is transmitted in all Claim frames generated by the Ring Engine. Bits TREQ(31-24) are always transmitted as and compared with FFh and bits TREQ(7-0) are always transmitted as and compared with OOh, independent of the value stored in the MAC Parameter RAM. TREQ is therefore programmable with 20.48 p.s resolution and a maximum value of 1.34 seconds. ACCESS RULES Address Read Write 50-53h Stop Mode Stop Mode 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 DO TREQO TREQ(31) TREQ(30) TREQ(29) TREQ(28) TREQ(27) TREQ(26) TREQ(25) TREQ(24) TREQ1 TREQ(23) TREQ(22) TREQ(21) TREQ(20) TREQ(19) TREQ(18) TREQ(17) TREQ(16) TREQ2 TREQ(15) TREQ(14) TREQ(13) TREQ(12) TREQ(11) TREQ(10) TREQ(9) TREQ(8) TREQ3 TREQ(7) TREQ(6) TREQ(5) TREQ(4) TREQ(3) TREQ(2) TREQ(1) TREQ(O) 6.5.4 Beacon Information: Transmit Beacon Type (TBT) Transmit Beacon Type 0-3 (TBTO-3) represents the Transmit Beacon Type to be transmitted in the information field of a Beacon frame. When the Beacon state is reached as a result of a failed Claim process, the first byte of the Beacon Information field, bits TBT31-24, are forced to Zero to produce a Beacon Type 0 as required by the MAC Standard. Bits TBT(23-0) are transmitted as the rest of the Information field. When the Beacon state is reached as a result of a Beacon Request (when Function.BCN is set), bits TBT(31-0) are transmitted as the Information field. Bit TBT(O) is transmitted last. ACCESS RULES Address Read Write 54-57h Stop Mode Stop Mode 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 DO TBTO TBT(31) TBT(30) TBT(29) TBT(28) TBT(27) TBT(26) TBT(25) TBT(24) TBT1 TBT(23) TBT(22) TBT(21) TBT(20) TBT(19) TBT(18) TBT(17) TBT(16) TBT2 TBT(15) TBT(14) TBT(13) TBT(12) TBT(11) TBT(10) TBT(9) TBT(8) TBT3 TBT(7) TBT(6) TBT(5) TBT(4) TBT(3) TBT(2) TBT(1) TBT(O) • 2·185 9- ~ co CO) a. C .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ 6.0 Control Information (Continued) 6.6 TIMER VALUES The Ring Engine stores several timer values and thresholds used in normal operation. With the exception of TNEG. the timers use an exponential expansion on a 4·bit value to produce a negative twos complement 24·bit value used by the Timer Logic. The timer values are always readable and are writable in Stop Mode. Asynchronous Priority Threshold (THSH1) The Ring Engine currently supports one Asynchronous Priority Threshold (THSH1) in addition to the one at TTRT. The Asynchronous Priority Threshold is used in a magnitude comparison with THT when an Asynchronous Priority Request is presented to the MAC Request Interface. Bits 7-4 are always written to Zero and are always read as Zero. When more than one threshold is used, the users of THSH1 have the lowest priority. All asynchronous transmissions are limited by TTRT. If the Late Flag is set, no frames may be transmitted, regardless of the value of the Asynchronous Priority Threshold. ACCESS RULES . Address 87h THSH1 Read Write Always Stop Mode I 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 Zero Zero Zero Zero THSH(3) THSH(2) THSH(1) THSH(O) THSH1(3-0) Time remaining In THT when token becomes unusable 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 10.24/-f.S 20.48/Ls 40.96/Ls 81.92/Ls 163.84/Ls 327.68/Ls 655.36/Ls 1.3107ms 2.6214ms 5.2429ms 10.486 ms 20.972 ms 41.943 ms (default) 83.886ms 167.77 ms 335.54ms Warning: The default value may not be appropriate for aU values of TNEG. In some cases, this could result in a request that is NEVER serviced. 2-186 6.0 Control Information (Continued) Maximum Token Rotation Time (TMAX) The Maximum Token Rotation Time (TMAX) denotes the maximum Target Token Rotation Time supported by this station. TMAX is stored as a 4·bit value that is expanded to a binary exponential value. Bits 7-4 are ignored during write operations and are always read as Zero. TMAX has a maximum value of 1.34 seconds with a threshold of 40.96 x 2TMAX p,s. On a Master Reset (Function.MARST set to One), TMAX is set to the value of Ch which corresponds to 167.772 ms, the default specified by the FOOl MAC Standard. ACCESS RULES Address 93h TMAX Read Write Always Stop Mode 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 DO Zero Zero Zero Zero TMAX(3) TMAX(2) TMAX(1) TMAX(O) TMAX(O-3) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C 0 E F Time 40.96 p,s 81.92 p,s 163.84 p,s 327.68 p,s 655.36 p,s 1.3107 ms 2.6214 ms 5.2429ms 10.486 ms 20.972ms 41.943 ms 83.886ms 167.77 ms (default) 335.54ms 671.09 ms 1.3422s fI 2·187 ~ !j ~ c r---------------------------------------------------------------------------------, 6.0 Control Information (Continued) Valid Transmission Time (TVX) The Valid Transmission Timer (TVX) is used to increase the responsiveness of the ring to errors that cause ring recovery. The TVX value denotes the maximum time in which a valid frame or token should be seen by this station. TVX is stored as a 4-bit value that is expanded to a binary exponential value. Bits 7-4 are ignored during write operations and read as Zero .. TVX has a maximum value of 1.34 seconds with a threshold of 40.96 X 2TVX p.s. On a Master Reset (Function.MARST is set to One), TVX is set to the value of 6h which corresponds to 2.62 ms, the default by the FOOl MAC Standard. ACCESS RULES Address Read Write 97h Always Stop Mode TVX 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 Zero Zero Zero Zero TVX(3) TVX(2) TVX(1) TVX(O) TVX(O-3) Time 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C 0 E F 40.96 p.s 81.92 p.s 163.84 p.s 327.68 p.s 655.36 p.s 1.3107 ms 2.6214 ms (default) 5.2429ms 10.486ms 20.972ms 41.943ms 83.886ms 167.77ms 335.54ms 671.09ms 1.3422s 2-188 6.0 Control Information (Continued) Negotiated Target Rotation Time (TNEG) The Negotiated Target Rotation Time (TNEGO-3) is a 32·bit twos complement value. It is the result of the Claim Process. TNEG is loaded either directly from the received Claim Information field (T_Bid-Rc) or via the Control Interface. The first byte of TNEG (bits TNEG(31-24)) always contains FFh. TNEG has a maximum value of 1.34 seconds and a resolution of 80 ns. TRT is loaded with TNEG when the RinQ-Operational flag is set. TNEG is not automatically compared with TREQ when the RinQ-Operational flag is set. This should be checked by software whenever the ring becomes operational to make sure that TNEG is less than or equal to TREQ. An implementation of the SM_Control.Request (Reset) should load TNEG with TMAX to remove any possibility of the station entering Claim early. On a Master Reset (Function.MARST is set), TNEG is set to FFEOOOOO, which corresponds to 167.772 ms, the default TMAX specified by the FDDI MAC Standard. ACCESS RULES Address Read Write 98-9Bh Always Stop Mode D7 D6 DS D4 D3 D2 D1 DO TNEGO TNEG(31) TNEG(30) TNEG(29) TNEG(28) TNEG(27) TNEG(26) TNEG(25) TNEG(24) TNEG1 TNEG(23) TNEG(22) TNEG(21) TNEG(20) TNEG(19) TNEG(18) TNEG(17) TNEG(16) TNEG2 TNEG(15) TNEG(14) TNEG(13) TNEG(12) TNEG(11) TNEG(10) TNEG(9) TNEG(8) TNEG3 TNEG(7) TNEG(6) TNEG(5) TNEG(4) TNEG(3) TNEG(2) TNEG(1) TNEG(O) EI 2·189 ~ ~ co CO) a. C ,-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, 6.0 Control Information (Continued) 6.7 EVENT COUNTERS The Event Counters are used to gain access to the internal 20·bit counters u'sed to gather statistics. The following event counters are included: • Frame Received Counter (FRCT1-3) • Error Isolated Counter (EICT1-3) • Lost Frame Counter (LFCT1-3) • Frame Copied Counter (FCCT1-3) • Frame Not Copied Counter (FNCT1-3) • Frame Transmitted Counter (FTCT1-3) • Token Received Counter (TKCT1-3) • Ring Latency Counter (RLCT1-3) • Late Count Counter (LTCT) 6.7.1 Processing Procedures The counters are 20·bit wrap·around counters except for the Late Count Counter which is a 4·bit sticky counter (see Figure 6·2). Since the Control Bus Interface is an a·bit interface and the counters are 20·bits wide, a register holding scheme is implement· ed. In order to provide a conSistent snapshot of a counter, while the least significant byte is read, the upper 12 bits are loaded into a holding which can then be read. The least significant byte must be read first. The Counters are always readable and are writable in Stop Mode., The Counters are not reset as a result of a Master Reset. This may be done by either reading the Counters out and keeping track relative to the initial value read, or by writing a value (Zero) to all of the Counters in Stop Mode. The Counters may be written in any order. Interrupts may be requested when the counters increment (except for Ring Latency Counter) or wrap·around (except for Ring Latency Counter and Late Count Counter). .. .. .. "" FRRCV Overflow Increment FRRCV .. FREI Overflow Increment FREI .c FRlST Overflow Increment FRlST ~ FRCOP Overflow Increment FRCOP 1: 'E !I! 0 . .s FRNCOP Overflow Increment FRNCOP c FRTRX Overflow Increment FRTRX . 1l TKRCVD Overflow Increment TKRCVD il.,. ""u :3 .3" il.,. .c ~ .. E ~ u .E .3" START RING LATENCY l TCT Increment Holding Regr-l~st-ers--...,..--L---.---....I.---., Counters Must be Read In this order (3,2, 1) TLlF/10387-10 FIGURE 6·2. Event Counters 2·190 r----------------------------------------------------------------------, C ~ 6.0 Control Information (Continued) Co) Frame Received Counter (FRCn The Frame Received Counter (FRCn is specified in the FDDI MAC Standard. It is the count of all complete frames received including MAC frames, Void frames and frames stripped by this station. Interrupts are available on increment (CILR.FRRCV) and when the 20-bit counter overflows and wraps around (COLR.FRRCV). ACCESS RULES Address Read Write AO-A3h Always Stop Mode 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 FRCTO Zero Zero Zero Zero Zero Zero Zero Zero FRCT1 Zero Zero Zero Zero CT(19) CT(18) CT(17) CT(16) FRCT2 CT(lS) CT(14) CT(13) CT(12) CT(ll) CT(10) CT(9) CT(8) FRCT3 CT(7) CT(6) CT(S) CT(4) CT(3) CT(2) CT(l) CT(O) 2-191 ... N Q) .- I Q ,---------------------------------------------------------------------------------, 6.0 Control Information (Continued) Error Isolated Counter (EICT) The Error Isolated Counter (EICn is specified in the FOOl MAC Standard. It is the count of aU error frames detected by this station and no previous station. It is incremented when: 1) an FCS error is detected and the received Error Indicator (Er) is not equal to S; or 2) a frame of invalid length (i.e., off-boundary n is received and Er is not equal to S; or 3) Eris not R orS Interrupts are available on increment (CILR.FREI) and when the 20-bit counter overflows and wraps around (COLR.FREI). ACCESS RULES Address Read WrIte A4-A7h Always Stop Mode 02 07 06 05 EICTO Zero Zero Zero Zero Zero Zero Zero Zero EICT1 Zero Zero Zero Zero CT(19) CT(18) CT(17) CT(16) EICT2 CT(15) CT(14) CT(13) CT(12) CT(11) CT(10) CT(9) CT(8) EICT3 CT(7) CT(6) CT(5) CT(4) CT(3) CT(2) CT(1) CT(O) D4 2-192 03 01 00 6.0 Control Information (Continued) Lost Frame Counter (LFCn The Lost Frame Counter (LFCT) is specified in the FDDI MAC Standard. It is the count of all instances where a Format Error is detected in a frame or token such that the credibility of the PDU reception is in doubt. The Lost Frame Counter is incremented when any symbol other than a data or Idle symbol is received between the Starting and Ending Delimiters of a PDU (this includes parity errors). Interrupts are available on increment (CILR.FRLST) and when the 20·bit counter overflows and wraps around (COLR.FRLST). ACCESS RULES Address Read Write AS-ABh Always Stop Mode 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 LFCTO Zero Zero Zero Zero Zero Zero Zero Zero LFCT1 Zero Zero Zero Zero CT(19) CT(1S) CT(17) CT(16) LFCT2 CT(15) CT(14) CT(13) CT(12) CT(11) CT(10) CT(9) CT(S) LFCT3 CT(7) CT(6) CT(5) CT(4) CT(3) CT(2) CT(1) CT(O) In REV 1 of the BMAC device the Lost Count includes frames stripped on an ODD symbol boundary. This may cause larger than expected counts in Rings where an upstream station produces valid remnants that begin on an ODD symbol boundary. (The Ring Engine converts these remnants to byte aligned remnants, so that only the downstream station would increment its Lost Count.) In subsequent revisions remnants that begin on an odd symbol boundary are not considered lost frames and do not cause the Lost Count to increment. 2·193 ... re Cf) co a,. , C .---------~--------------------~--------~------------------------------------------, 6.0 Control Information (Continued) Frame Copied Counter (FCCT) The Frame Copied Counter (FCCT) maintains the count of the number of frames successfully copied by this station. This counter can be used to accumulate station performance statistics. The Frame Copied Counter is incremented when an internal or external match occurs on the Destination Address, no errors were detected in the frame, and the frame was successfully copied (VCOPY signal is asserted). Copied MAC and Void frames are not included in this count. For 8MT N8A frames, the Frame Copied Count only increments for N8A frames received with the A Indicator as an R symbol for which the frame was copied. 8MT N8A frames received with the A Indicator as an 8 do not cause this count to increment, even if the frame is successfully copied. Increments are available on increment (CILR.FRCOP) and when the 20-bit counter overflows and wraps around (COLR.FRCOP). ACCESS RULES Address Read Write AC-AFh Always Stop Mode 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 FCCTO Zero Zero Zero Zero Zero Zero Zero Zero FCCT1 Zero Zero Zero Zero CT(19) CT(18) CT(17) CT(16) FCCT2 CT(15) 'CT(14) CT(13) CT(12) CT(II) CT(10) CT(9) CT(8) FCCT3 CT(7) CT(6) CT(5) CT(4) CT(3) CT(2) CT(I) CT(O) 2-194 6.0 Control Information (Continued) Frame Not Copied Counter (FNCT) The Frame Not Copied Counter (FNCn maintains a count of the number of frames intended for this station that were not successfully copied by this station. This count can be used to accumulate station performance statistics such as insufficient buffering or deficient frame processing capabilities for frames addressed to this station. The Frame Not Copied Counter is incremented when an internal or external match (when Option.EMIND enabled) occurs on the Destination Address, no errors were detected in the frame, and the frame was not successfully copied (VCOPV Signal not . asserted). Not Copied MAC frames and Void frames are not included in this count. Interrupts are available on increment (CILR.FRNCOP) and when the 20-bit counter overflows and wraps around (COLR.FRNCOP). ACCESS RULES Address Read Write BO-BSh Always Stop Mode FNCTO 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 DO Zero Zero Zero Zero Zero Zero Zero Zero FNCT1 Zero Zero Zero Zero CT(19) CT(1B) CT(17) CT(16) FNCT2 CT(15) CT(14) CT(1S) CT(12) CT(11) CT(10) CT(9) CT(B) FNCT3 CT(7) CT(6) CT(5) CT(4) CT(S) CT(2) CT(1) CT(O) In REV 1 of the BMAC device, the Frame Not Copied Counter does increment for all NSA frames received with the A indicator as an S symbol, if it was copied or not. This will result in higher than expected values in the Not Copied Counter. To obtain a more accurate value with REV 1 of the BMAC device, the number of copied NSA frames received with the A Indicator set should be subtracted from the value in the Not Copied Counter. In subsequent revisions of the BMAC device, NSA frames received with the A Indicator as S that are not copied will not be counted. In REV 2 the handling of SMT NSA has been modified in accordance with the MAC-2 Draft Standard. For SMT NSA frames, the Frame Not Copied Count only increments for NSA frames received with the A Indicator as an R symbol for which the frame was not copied. SMT NSA frames received with the A Indicator as an S do not cause this count to increment, even if the frame is not successfully copied. Group addressed frames transmitted by this station and recognized by this station that are not copied will also cause this counter to increment. 2-195 ,.. r---------------------------------------------------------------------------------, ~ f c 6.0 Control Information (Continued) Frame Transmitted Counter (FTCT) The Frame Transmitted Counter (FTCT) maintains the count of frames transmitted successfully by this station. The counter can be used to accumulate station performance statistics. The Frame Transmitted Counter is incremented everY time a complete frame is transmitted from the MAC Request Interface. MAC'and Void frames generated by the Ring Engine are not included in the count. Interrupts are available on increment (CILR.FRTRX) and when the 20·bit counter overflows and wraps around (COLR.FRTRX). ACCESS RULES Address Read Write B4-B7h Always Stop Mode FTCTO 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 Zero Zero Zero Zero Zero Zero Zero Zero CT(16) FTCT1 Zero Zero Zero Zero CT(19) CT(1B) CT(17) FTCT2 CT(15) CT(14) CT(13) CT(12) CT(11) CT(10) CT(9) CT(8) FTCT3 CT(7) CT(6) CT(5) CT(4) CT(3) CT(2) CT(1) CT(O) 2·196 .----------------------------------------------------------------------.0 ;g 6.0 Control Information (Continued) w Token Received Counter (TKCT) The Token Received Counter (TKCn maintains the count of valid tokens received by·this station. The counter can be used with the Ring Latency Counter to calculate the average network load over a period of time. The frequency of token arrival is inversely related to the network load. ....~ The Token Received Counter is incremented every time a valid token arrives. Interrupts are available on increment (CILR.TKRCVD) and when the 20-bit counter overflows and wraps around (COLR.TKRCVD). ACCESS RULES Address Read Write BS-BBh Always Stop Mode TKCTO 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 Zero Zero Zero Zero Zero Zero Zero Zero TKCT1 Zero Zero Zero Zero CT(19) CT(1S) CT(17) CT(16) TKCT2 CT(lS) CT(14) CT(13) CT(12) CT(1l) CT(10) CT(9) CT(S) TKCT3 CT(7) CT(6) CT(S) CT(4) CT(3) CT(2) CT(l) CT(O) fII 2-197 .- r------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, CD C"I Cf) CO a. C 6.0 Control Information (Continued) Ring Latency Counter (RLCT) The Ring Latency Counter (RLCT) is a measurement of time for PDUs to propagate around the ring. This counter contains the last measured ring latency whenever the RLVD bit of the Token and Timer Event Latch Register (TELR.RLVD) is One. The current ring latency is measured by timing the propagation of a My_Void frame around the ring. A new latency measurement can be requested by clearing the Ring Latency Valid bit of the Token Event Register (TELR.RLVLD). When the ring is operational, the next early token is captured. Before the token is re-issued, a My_Void frame is transmitted and the Ring Latency Counter (RLCn is reset. The token will not be captured if the Inhibit Token Option (Option.ITG) is set and the ring latency will not be measured. When the ring is not operational, ring latency timing will commence at the end of the next immediate request. A My_Void is transmitted and RLCT is reset. This could be used to time how long the ring is non-operational since the My_Void frame will not return. The Ring Latency Counter increments once every 6 byte times from when the Ending Delimiter of the My_Void frame is transmitted, until the Ending Delimiter of the My_Void frame returns. When the My_Void frame returns, the ring latency valid bit (TELR.RLVLD) is set and may cause an interrupt. When set, RELR.RLVLD indicates that RLCTwili be valid within 1.28I£s. The Ring Latency Counter can measure ring latencies up to I.S421772 seconds with accuracy of 1.28 I£s. The ring latency timing function is automatically disabled when exceptions are detected and retried at the next opportunity. Since a Master Reset (Function.MARSn causes TELR.RLVLD to be cleared, the ring latency will automatically be measured on the first opportunity (at the end of the first immediate request or with the first early token). ACCESS RULES Address Write Read BC-BFh, Always Stop Mode 07 06 05 04 RLCTO Zero Zero Zero Zero Zero Zero Zero Zero RLCTI Zero Zero Zero Zero CT(19) CT(18) CT(17) CT(16) RLCT2 CT(15) CT(14) CT(IS) CT(12) CT(II) CT(10) CT(9) CT(8) RLCT3 CT(7) CT(6) CT(5) CT(4) CT(S) CT(2) CT(I) CT(O) 03 02 01 00 In REV 1 of the BMAC device, the Latency Counter is not reset to Zero when a new latency measurement is initiated. The latency count will be the difference between the value of RLCT after the measurement is complete and the value of RLCT before the measurement was initiated. If a new latency measurement causes the latency counter to overflow, the new latency value will be less than the previous value. In this case, no subtraction is necessary. The new value is equal to the ring latency. This is because the Ring Engine recognizes the overflow condition and restarts the latency count from zero. It is not possible to reset the Latency counter in software once the BMAC device has been put into RUN mode (Mode. Run = 1). This counter is only writable while in STOP mode (Mode. Run = 0). 2-198 C "tJ co Co) 6.0 Control Information (Continued) N Late Count (LTCT) Late Count is provided to assist Station Management in the isolation of serious ring errors. In many situations, it is helpful for SMT to know how long it has been since the ring went non-operational in order to determine if it is necessary to invoke recovery procedures. When the ring becomes non-operational, there is no way to know how long it will stay non-operational, therefore a timer is necessary. If the Late Count Counter is not provided, SMT would be forced to start a timer every time the ring goes nonoperational even though it may seldom be used. By using the provided Late Count Counter, an SMT implementation may be able to alleviate this additional overhead. Late Count is incremented every time TRT expires while the ring is non-operational and Late_Flag is set (once every TMAX). This counter is never writable, not even in Stop Mode. The counter is set to Zero as a result of a MAC Reset when a Beacon or Claim Request is not also present (Function.MCRST is set and Function.BCN and Function.CLM are not set) and every time the ring becomes non-operational. The Late Count Counter is a sticky counter at 15. Events reported in the Token and Timer Event Latch Register (TELR.CBERR, TELR.TRTEXP) can be used to determine that Late Count Counter has incremented. No overflow event is provided. ACCESS RULES Address Read Write OFh Always n/a LTCT .... Q) The Late Count Counter (LTCn is implemented differently than suggested by the FDDI MAC Standard, but provides similar information. The function of the Late Count Counter is divided between the Late_Flag and a separate counter. The Late_Flag is equivalent to the Standard Late Count with a non-zero value. It is maintained by the Ring Engine to indicate if it is possible to send asynchronous traffic. When the ring is operational, Late Count indicates the time it took the ring to recover the last time the ring went non-operational. When the ring is non-operational, Late Count indicates the time it has taken (so far) to recover the ring. 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 DO Zero Zero Zero Zero CT3 CT2 CT1 CTO 2-199 I Q 7.0 Signal Descriptions Interface Organization The BMAC device signals are organized into five Interfaces: Control Interface: Used for processor access to the BMAC device. PHY Interface: Interface signals to the DP83251 155 PLAYER device. MAC Indicate Interface: Signals for receiving and processing incoming frames. MAC Request Interface: Signals used to capture tokens and transmit frames. Electrical Interface: Signals associated with power supply and clocking. Application Note 689, BMAC Device Hardware Design Guide, provides a discussion of design considerations and tradeoffs for using the BMAC Device. 7.1 CONTROL INTERFACE The Control Interface operates asynchronous to the operation of the data services. During an access, the external Control Bus is synchronized with the internal Control Bus. The ACK and INT signals are open drain signals to allow wire ORing several such signals. Symbol Pin # 1/0 Description 10 110 Control BU8 Parity: Odd parity on CBD7 -0. CBD7-0 9-6,3-1, 132 110 Control BU8 Data CBA7-0 131-129, 127-123 I Control BU8 Addre..: Address of a particular register. ~ 120 I Control BU8 Enable: Handshake signal used to begin a Control Interface access. Active low signal. R/W 119 I Read/- Write: Determines current direction of a Control Interface access. AOR 122 00 - Acknowledge: Acknowledges that the Control Interface access has been performed. Active low, open drain signal. !NT 121 00 -Interrupt: Indicates presence of one or more enabled condition(s) from the Event Registers. Active low, open drain Signal. CBP 2-200 7.0 Signal Descriptions (Continued) 7.2 PHY INTERFACE The PHY Interface signals transfer symbol pairs between the BMAC and PLAYER devices. Transfers are synchronous using the 12.5 MHz Local Byte Clock signal (signal provided by the Clock Distribution Device). A control bit is used to indicate if a Data symbol pair or Control symbol pair or a mixed Control/Data symbol pair are being transferred. Parity is generated on the PHY_Indicate and MA....Jndicate data. Parity is checked on the PHY_Request and MA-Request data. Pin # I/O PRP 114 0 PHY Request Parity: Odd parity for PRC and PRD7 -0. PRC 112 0 PHY Request Control: Symbol Description 0: Indicates PRD7 -0 contains a Data symbol pair. 1: Indicates PRD7 -0 contains a Control or mixed Control/Data symbol pair. PRD7-0 110,108, 105, 103, 99,97, 95,92 0 PHY Request Data: Contains a Data or Control symbol pair. PIP 115 I PHY Indicate Parity: Odd parity for PIC and PID7 -0. PIC 113 I PHY Indicate Control: 0: Indicates PID7 -0 contains a Data symbol pair. 1: Indicates PID7 -0 contains a Control or mixed Control/Data symbol pair. PID7-0 111,109, 107,104, 102,98, 96,93 I PHY Indicate Data: Contains a Data or a mixed Control/Data symbol pair. fII 2·201 ~ ~ ell) ~ Q r-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, 7.0 Signal Descriptions (Continued) 7.2.1 PHY Interface Codes The DPB3251/155 PLAYER device converts the Standard 4B/5B FDDI symbol code to the internal code used at the PHY Interface. The PH_DATA.lndication table shows how the Ring Engine interprets the codes generated by the PLAYER device and the PH-DATA. Request table shows the codes generated by the Ring Engine. The internal code is actually an BB/9B code with parity where one bit is used to determine whether the symbol pair contains two data symbols or at least one control. symbol. PH-DATA.lndlcatlon The Ring Engine interprets the byte stream the PLAYER device as defined in Table 7·1. TABLE 7-1. Internal PHY Indicate Coding PIP PIC PID(7-4) PID(3-0) Type 0 1 0 0000 0000 Data Symbol Pair Data Symbol Pair Value where: PIP 1 0 0 0000 0001 : : : : : 254 0 0 1111 1110 255 1 0 1111 1111 Data Symbol Pair JK P 1 1101 xxxx Start Delimiter PI P 1 x011 x1xx PH_Invalid PI P 1 x011 xx1x PH_Invalid II P 1 10xx xxxx Idle Symbols : Data Symbol Pair nl P 1 0000 10xx Data/Idle Symbol RR P 1 0110 0110 Frame Status RS P 1 0110 0111 Frame Status RT P 1 0110 0101 Frame Status SS P 1 0111 0111 Frame Status SR P 1 0111 0110 Frame Status ST P 1 0111 0101 Frame Status SX P 1 0111 xxxx Frame Status TX P 1 0101 xxxx Ending Delimiter TR P 1 0101 0110 Ending Delimiter TS P 1 0101 0111 Ending Delimiter Ending Delimiter TT P 1 0101 0101 nT P 1 0000 0101 Mixed Symbol Pair Parity Error -P 0 1??1 1111 Code Violation Otherwise 1 1 Else Code Violation PHY Indicate Parity bit, ODD parity PIC PHY Indicate Control bit: 0= > data byte, 1 = >control/mixed byte PID(7-0) PHY Indicate Data(7-0) P represents ODD Parity ( - P is Bad Parity) x1 represents a don't care and is not decoded represents a 1 or 0 but not both. The PLAYER device aligns the received JK to a byte boundary. Thus, no provision is made in the internal code or by the Ring Engine for off boundary JKs. The Idle and PH_Invalid encodlngs overlap. Idle symbols received while the PLAYER device is in Active Line State (ALS) or Idle Line State (ILS) are not considered PH_INVALID. Idle symbols received while the PLAYER device is in states other than ALS or ILS are treated as PH_Invalid. 2·202 ,----------------------------------------------------------------------, C ~ 7.0 Signal Descriptions (Continued) W N PH_OATA.Request The Ring Engine generates the 10 bit byte stream as defined in Table 7-2. Note that all symbol pairs are either control or data symbol pairs. Mixed data/control symbol pairs are never generated or repeated by the Ring Engine. TABLE 7-2. Internal PHY Request Coding Value PRP PRC PRO(7-4) PRO(3-0) Type 0 1 0 0000 0000 Data Symbol Pair 1 0 0 0000 0001 Data Symbol Pair : : : : : : 254 0 0 1111 1110 Data Symbol Pair 255 1 0 1111 1111 Data Symbol Pair JK 0 1 1101 1101 Start Delimiter II 0 1 1010 1010 Idle Symbols RR 0 1 0110 0110 Frame Status RS 1 1 0110 0111 Frame Status RT 0 1 0110 0101 Frame Status SS 0 1 0111 0111 Frame Status SR 1 1 0111 0110 Frame Status ST 1 1 0111 0101 Frame Status TR 0 1 0101 0110 Ending Delimiter TS 1 1 0101 0111 Ending Delimiter IT 0 1 0101 0101 Ending Delimiter Where: PRP PRC .... Q) PHY Request Parity bit, parity for all symbol pairs is ODD PHY Request control bit: 0= > data byte 1 = > control byte PRD(7 -0) PHY Request Data (7-0) The Ring Engine can repeat the RS, RT and ST symbol pairs but does not create them. 2-203 .- r-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, re CO) CD a. C 7.0 Signal Descriptions (Continued) 7.3 MAC INDICATION INTERFACE The MAC Indication Interface provides a delayed version of the byte stream presented to the Ring Engine at the PHY Indication Interface. Every byte of all incoming frames is presented at the MAC Indication Interface. Every byte time (80 ns) one byte of data with Odd parity is presented at the MAC Indication Interface. This byte stream is interpreted by the system interface logic using the control signals that are provided in parallel with the byte stream. These control signals are used to determine frame boundaries in the byte stream, determine whether or not to (continue to) copy a frame, and to provide status on received PDUs. In the following sections, an overview of the signals is provided (Section 7.3.1) as well as a detailed explanation (Section 7.3.2) with several example timing scenarios (Section 7.3.3). 7.3.1 Overview The MAC Indication Interface is divided into one group of data signals and five groups of control signals. The data signals consist of the 8 bits of MAC Indicate Data (MID) with parity. The control signals consist of 5 groups: • PDU Sequencing to aid in delimiting PDUs from the byte stream and sequencing through fields in the received PDUs. • PDU Flags to aid in the decision of whether or not to continue to copy a PDU. • Termination Event to determine when and how a PDU terminated. • Termination Status to provide status on received frames. • External Flags to allow external address comparison and copy information to be conveyed back to the Ring Engine. The PDU Sequencing signals are asserted at different pOints within a PDU. RCSTART when the Starting Delimiter is present on MID FCRCVD when the Frame Control Field is on MID DARCVD when the last byte of the DA is on MID until the next Starting Delimiter SARCVD when the last byte of the SA is on MID until the next Starting Delimiter INFORCVD when the fourth byte of the info field is on MID until the next Starting Delimiter Not all of the sequencing signals would be used in a typical implementation. The PDU Flags provide the input for potential copy criteria and status breakpoints. The results of the comparisons between the station's long or short address and the frame's source and destination addresses are provided in the AFLAG and MFLAG signals. The sequencing information is used to determine when this information is valid. Since the Ring Engine is capable of accomplishing four internal comparisons on any given frame, two signals give the internal comparison that was accomplished. AFLAG Internal DA Match. There are actually four AFLAGs as determined by the two signals: FCSL-Short/Long, DAIGIndividual/Group. Valid with DARCVD. MFLAG Internal SA Match. There are actually two MFLAGs as determined by the values of FCSL. Valid with SARCVD. SAMESA SA same as in previous frame. Valid with SARCVD on Non-MAC frames. Can be used by external logic to batch status or reduce the number of interrupts when multiple frames are received from the same station. SAMEINFO First four bytes of Info same as in previous frame. Valid with INFORCVD on MAC frames. Can be used to inhibit copying of identical MAC frames. No temporary buffering is provided in the Ring Engine. The system interface must provide this buffering while the decision is made on whether or not to continue to copy the frame. Termination Event: One of these signals is asserted at the end of every PDU: EDRCVD when the Ending Delimiter is on MID until the end of the Frame Status (typically asserted for two byte times) TKRCVD when the Ending Delimiter of a token is on MID FRSTRP when the first Idle byte of a stripped frame is on MID FOERROR when the byte with the format error is on MID MACRST when a MACRST occurs or Ring Engine in Stop Mode 2-204 7.0 Signal Descriptions (Continued) Termination Status: These signals provide status on reception of a valid ending delimiter on a frame. VDL Valid Data Length. Criteria: 1. more than the minimum number bytes 2. integral number of symbol pairs. Valid with EDRCVD VFCS Valid FCS Criteria: Received FCS matches with standard CRC polynomial. Valid with EDRCVD External Flags: These signals are used for setting the outgoing control indicators, the interface accepts: EA For external address matches for the setting of the A indicator (bridging, Group addressing, Aliasing) VCOPY For the setting of the C Indicator when AFLAG or EA is set. • 2-205 7.0 Signal Descriptions (Continued) 7.3.2 Signals All output signals change relative to the rising edge of the Local Byte Clock signal (provided by the Clock Distribution Device) and are active high. Indication Data Symbol MIP MID7-0 Pin ;I' Description 1/0 73 0 MAC Indicate Parity: Odd parity on MID7-0. Only valid with Data and Status Indicators. 74-76, 79-83 0 MAC Indicate Data: Data: Indicates data is being presented on MID7 -0 between the rising edge of Frame Control Receive FCRCVD and the rising edge of one of the following signals: Ending Delimiter Received (EDRCVD), Token Received (TKRCVD), Format Error (FOERROR), Frame Strip (FRSTRP), or MAC Reset (MACRST). Status: Indicates Status Indicators are being presented on MID7 -0 while Ending Delimiter Received (EDRCVD) or Token Received (TKRCVD) is asserted. The Contents and interpretation of MID7-0 are given in Table 7·3. TABLE 7·3. MAC Indication Coding Contents Value MID(7-4) MID(3-0) Data 0 1 2 : : 254 255 0 0 0 : : F F 0 1 2 : : E F Status TT TR TS TX nT RT RR RS ST SR SS 5 5 5 5 0 6 6 6 7 7 7 5 6 7 *5,60r7 5 5 6 7 5 6 7 otherwise x x undefined 2·206 Condition Between RCSTART and EDRCVDor TKRCVDor FRSTRPor FOERRORor MACRST with EDRCVD or TKRCVD withEDRCVD with EDRCVD withEDRCVD withEDRCVD withEDRCVD withEDRCVD withEDRCVD withEDRCVD withEDRCVD withEDRCVD otherwise C "tJ 7.0 Signal Descriptions (Continued) CD W N PDU Sequencing The PDU Sequencing signals apply to the data and status available at the MAC Indicate Interface. They are used to determine the validity of the data (MID7 -0) and parity (MIP). In addition the sequencing signals are used to determine the validity of the Addressing Flags, and the Frame Status such as the Control Indicators. All timing is explained relative to the byte present on the MAC Indicate Interface. Symbol Pin # 1/0 RCSTART 51 0 Receive Start: Indicates that a MAC PDU Starting Delimiter has been received. It is asserted when the Starting Delimiter is present at the MAC Indicate Interface. FCRCVD 52 0 Frame Control Received: Indicates that the Frame Control field is present. It is asserted when the Frame Control field is present at the MAC Indicate Interface. DARCVD 55 0 Destination Address Received: Indicates that the Destination Address has been received. It is asserted on the last byte of the Destination Address and remains asserted until the next PDU Starting Delimiter is received. SARCVD 59 0 Source Address Received: Indicates that the Source Address has been received. It is asserted on the last byte of the Source Address and remains asserted until the next PDU Starting Delimiter is received. INFORCVD 62 0 Information Field Received: Indicates that four bytes of the Information field have been received. It is asserted on the fourth byte of the INFO field and remains active until the next PDU Starting Delimiter is received. Description 2·207 Q) ..... 7.0 Signal Descriptions (Continued) PDU Flags The PDU flags may be used with the received Frame Control field to determine if an attempt should be made to copy the frame. Pin .., I/O AFLAG 56 0 My Destination Address Recognized: Indicates that an internal address match occurred on the Destination Address field. The internal address (MSA, MLA, GSA, GLA) match is indicated by the assertion of FCSL and DAIG. AFLAG is asserted along with DARCVD. It is reset when the next PDU Starting Delimiter is received. DAIG 54 0 Individual/Group Address Flag: Indicates the address type. Valid on the first byte of the Destination Address. Symbol Description 0: Individual Address 1: Group Address FCSL 53 0 Short/Long Address Flag: Indicates the size of the Destination Address. Signal is valid when FCRCVD is asserted. 0: Short Address 1: Long Address Used in conjunction with TKRCVD to indicate the type of token received. 0: Non-restricted token 1: Restricted token MFLAG 60 0 My Source Address Recognized: Indicates that the received Source Address field matched the MLA or MSA. SA.lG is ignored in the comparison. MFLAG is asserted along with SARCVD. It is reset when the next PDU Starting Delimiter is received. SAMESA 61 0 Same Source Address: Indicates three conditions: 1. The Source Address of the current frame is the same as the Source Address of the previous frame AND 2. The current and previous frames were not MAC frames AND 3. The current and previous frames have the same address field size. SAMESA is asserted along with SARCVD. It is reset when the next PDU starting delimiter is received. SAMEINFO 63 0 Same MAC Information: Indicates two conditions: 1. The first 4 bytes of the information field of the current frame are identical to the first 4 bytes of the previous non-Void frame AND 2. The current and previous non-Void frames were MAC frames. SAMEINFO is asserted along with INFORCVD. It is reset when the next PDU Starting Delimiter is received. Note that the FC field is not checked to insure that it is the same as in the previous frame. This includes the address size comparison. In REV1 of the BMAC Device Void frames are not ignored as stated in 1 and 2 above. 2-208 C "tI 7.0 Signal Descriptions (Continued) Q) Termination Event Q) W N The terminating event for all PDUs is provided in the PDU Status signals. When a token is terminated by a valid Ending Delimiter (TT symbol pair), the TKRCVD signal is asserted. When a frame is terminated by a valid Ending Delimiter, the EDRCVD is asserted and remains asserted until all frame status has been passed to the MA-Indicate Interface. Every PDU is terminated by one of the following: 1. A valid Ending Delimiter (TKRCVD or EDRCVD) 2. An IDLE symbol indicating that the frame was stripped by another station (FRSTRP) 3. A symbol other than data, Idle or an Ending Delimiter indicating that a Format Error occurred (FOERROR) 4. A MAC Reset (MACRST) Pin # I/O TKRCVD Symbol 69 0 Token Received: Indicates that the Ending Delimiter for a valid token is being received. EDRCVD 66 0 Ending Delimiter Received: Indicates that the Ending Delimiter for a frame is being received. The values of the received Status Indicators are available through the MID byte stream on this and subsequent cycles while this signal is asserted. FRSTRP 71 0 Frame Stripped: Indicates that an Idle symbol was received while expecting part of a PDU. This usually indicates that the PDU was stripped by an upstream station. This signal may be asserted anytime during reception of a frame after RCSTART is asserted. FOERROR 70 0 Format Error: Indicates that a Format Error (non· DATA, IDLE or Ending Delimiter Symbol) was detected. This signal may be asserted anytime during reception of a frame including with RCSTART for the next frame. MACRST 72 0 MAC Reset: Indicates that a MAC Reset has been issued. This signal is asserted as a result of a software or hardware reset, or internal errors. This signal is asserted whenever bit MCRST of the Function Register is set. This signal may be asserted anytime. Description Termination Status When a valid Ending delimiter is received after a valid starting delimiter, the termination status signals provided the results of the Frame validity check and the Frame Check Sequence Check. The received values of the control indicators are presented in the data stream while EDRCVD is asserted. Pin # I/O VDL 68 0 Valid Data Length: Indicates that a frame meeting the minimum length requirements of the Standard and of an even number of symbols was received. This signal is valid with EDRCVD. VFCS 67 0 Valid Frame Check Sequence: Indicates that a frame with the standard CRC was received. This signal is valid with EDRCVD. Symbol Description 2·209 ...... 7.0 Signal Descriptions (Continued) External Flags The External Flags provide input to the Ring Engine in order to set the A and C indicators or in order to initiate stripping based on external logic. Pin '" 110 Description EA 38 I External A.....Flag: Indicates that an external address match occurred. The value of EA is used to alter the values of the transmitted A and C Indicators (Ax and Cx). EA must be valid one byte time before EDRCVD is asserted. When the EMIND bit in the Option Register is set, the A Indicator is repeated as set (S symbol) and either the Copied or Not Copied Frame Counter is incremented depending on the value of VCOPY. EM 39 I External M_Flag: Indicates that the current frame should be stripped. Three byte times after the EM signal is asserted, the Ring Engine begins to source Idle symbols and the frame is stripped. VCOPY 85 I Valid Copy: Indicates that the C Indicator (Cx) should be repeated as an S symbol for received frames when VCOPY is asserted, the received frame is not an SMT NSA frame received with the A indicator as Set and Symbol 1. the internal A-flag is set or 2. Option.EMIND= 1 and the external A-flag (EA) is set; See Section 5.5 for a complete description of the setting of the control indicators. VCOPY must be valid one byte time before EDRCVD is asserted and remain asserted until EDRCVD is asserted. The sampled value of VCOPY with EDRCVD also affects the incrementing of the frame copied and frame not copied counters. See the description of the event counters for more information. 2·210 7.0 Signal Descriptions (Continued) 7.3.3 Timing Examples The following examples show the sequencing of signals at the MAC Indicate Interface for well formed frames, for stripped frames and for several special cases. The diagrams show the logical operation of the interface with 0 ns delays. The actual delays are specified in Section 8. Also, in place of specifying the actual values for the flags and inputs, the cycles where they are valid (for outputs) or must be valid (for inputs) are shown. Frame Reception The examples shown in Figures 1-1 through 1-3 display normal frame reception for a frame with a Short Address and a frame with a Long Address. LBC UID IDLE R~~~ 101..[ IDLl IDlE IJK Ire PAD ~I SAD :s-" IHroO INFOI INF02 ~r03 :[0 rs !DlE IDlE :::::: IDLE :JK Fe r--,~:--~'~~-------+'--------------+'------~--~'-------+--------------J~ ------t----!~,....:-i_-_t------+--~_:i_-_t-----....;..-n ~SL ____________~--~~~~~~N~~Vlli~E~--~----------~----~~~----~------------t______ ,CRCVO ~O ____________t_-+--t_~ AFUG __________________________~~.~W~.________________________~------------------------_+------~RCVO _____________+--~--+_~----___! MRAG ______________ S~~ ~~~~--~------L-~.=~=---------~----~--~------~------------+------- _______________+--_r--~--~------~-V~Mm~--------_+------~--~------+-------------_+------- INfORCVO ______________~---!---~--"!_------~------------~ ~DNfO _______________+--_r--~--~------+_------------_+~·~W~.--~--~------_+--------------+_------ , DmCVO ______________ ~ ~--~--~--"!_------~------------_+------~_:~--------------~----, , ________________--__--__--__________--__________________~rwel~·~W~.~--______------_______+------_ VOOpy ______________ V,~ , _+--~--~--+_------r_------------_+------~~~.~W~.~:------_+--------------+_------ ____________________________________________________________ ~~VMm~ _________________+_______ VOL ______________-+__-r__~--~------~------------_+------~--4_~VMm~--~------------_+------TLlF/10387-5 FIGURE 7-1. Frame Reception with Short Address 2-211 DP83261 LBe MID "" b rL ru IDLE RCSTART IDLE IDlE JK n Fe DAD FCRCVD .-------------+--~r___1, FCSL ~'"'""l DAt rw: OM DA5 SAO SAt SA2 SAl SA4 SA5 INroo INFOt 1NF02 1NF03 ED FS fS IDLE r-L en is' :::J !!. (I) () .... ~- L....: r VALID ...--,.--...----r---------,------------- - -6' 0' , l--- - ---------------.-----r , , U SARCVD IIFlAG VALID SAIIESA VALID :::J (I) g a __ : _________ _ I\l INFDRCVD . . . . r SAllElNFD _ EDRCVD _ _ , :. VAIl) ~--------------~----~~~Im EA {!¥I VCOPV tvm ~ B B IL-________~~~ C~ YDL VALID TUF/l03B7-B FIGURE 7-2. Frame Reception with Long Address :::I <: e , 'l' ~ :.Ie : FC NEW VALUE DARCVD mAG :::::: III.E ~ cCD ~ ',.,"'''. ".~ NEW VALUE DAIG DA3 c -a 7.0 Signal Descriptions (Continued) CD Co) I\) en .... LBC MID IDLE IDLE IDLE IDLE Fe JK TT IDLE IDLE JK Fe RCSTART ________~r_1~__________~ FCRCVD __________~r_1~___________r_l ~ ~ FCSL TKRCVD NEW VALUE (RESTRICTEO/NON) ______________~r-l~____________ EDRCVD TL/F/l0SB7-B FIGURE 7·3. Token Reception Remnant Reception In these examples, the remnants of frames that were stripped by an upstream station are received. Examples are shown for frames where the strip point occurred at an upstream station before, during and after the SA field. (See Figures 7-4 through 7-6.) LBC MID IDLE RCSTART IDLE IDLE IDLE ,'JK ,'Fe OM ,'IOLE LE :::::::::: IDLE , :JK ,'Fe , --------~~r__~I-+--------~~----~~r-l , FCSL ~ , , DAIG ~~~ FRSTRP DA3 -------~rl~ , ____------~~-----rlL_ , FCRCVD DA2 DAI NEW;ALUE , NEW VALUE ~ --------~~~~--------~, FIGURE 7·4. Frame Stripped before SA Field 2-213 ,~----~~-- TLiF/103B7-9 DP83261 ...... b en iQ" ::l !!!. c C1) (II LBC RCSTART n ___n MID IDLE IDLE IDLE IDLE DAI DA2 DA3 DA4 SAO SAl SA2 SA3 IDLE SA4 IDLE rl- - "'" ii" 0" ::l (II FCRCVD FCSL DAIG "---------+~r_l ~ - r-l g> 3:i" c: ~ ~~ NEW VALUE ~ ~'\.~ NEW VALUE I\) ~ .... 1 u DARCVD r-vAUD AFLAG ---~~ I FRSTRP ~~~ ____________~______________~r-l~______~~ I TUF/103B7-12 FIGURE 7-5. Frame Stripped during SA Field ...... (:) en cO' :::l ~ LBe MID RCSTART FCRCVD C IDLE IDLE IDLE IDLE JK , FC ______~r1 'DAD 'DAl DA2 DA3 DM 'DA5 SAO SAl SA2 SA3 SA4 SA5 INFDD INFDl IDLE IDLE IDLE' JK r-1 __________~r_1 ~"\fNEW FCSL CD , FC ~ VALUE -_. - - - ----- - :--: en (') .., - ii' 0' :::l en g> ::J S" c: DARCVD ~I CD ~~~ NEW VALUE DAIG .& --------------+--+--+---------~r_ ~ AFLAG ~ j SARCVD MFLAG VALID SAMESA VALID -- ---- ~~~--------~--------------~------~~~'------~~ FRSTRP TLlF/10387-l3 FIGURE 7-6, Frame Stripped after SA Field ~9~£9dO II DP83261 "TI .... iii • :I CD UI r:tca LBC MID 111£ IDlE III.E IILE PRO DJI£ IDlE IDLE w: :.1( ,,FC DAD I SAO SAl IlAI SAO 1lLE1ILE1ILE1DLE1lLE1lLE1lLE1lLE1lLE1lLE1OLE I DAD INf06 IlAI INFOO INFOI IIIf02 MOIl 14104 I4Ill5 1ml7 INf06 I 14F09 m FS IILE IDLE IDlE IDLE IDLE IDlE IlLE IlLE IILE IDLE ,H I ~ I ~ ~ DAlG ~~~ ~I SARCYD ,FC ~ II) CD 0 I n '2. O· :l (II ~ a NEW VALUE :::1 r 1 -.=:::i -I I~ ---------+~--~+---~.- ~, , ~- U MFLAG SAIIESA . , NEW VALUE ,----+-+---!---~- AFLAG ,JK I FtsL DARCYD -, , -6" :l :::I _ t-L ~ :I. H ReSTART en Q tn _. VAIJD w INFORCYD I VAUD ---- --- ----- I SAllEiNFO EIlRCYD _ ~-~-~-+------------~---------------~Im FS IVAIJD VFts _, fYiLiD-- VIll _, TUF/l03B7-14 FIGURE 7-7. Stripping Based on M Flag L8C IL.....I'--I.....,L...IL-IL....IL-IL--IL....IL....IL-I.....,.....,I.-I PIO IDlE JK PC DAD OAl SAO SAl MID IDLE IDLE IDLE IDLE : JK : Fe : DAD PRO IDLE IOLE IDLE IDLE RCSTART h IJK IFe INroo INFOI : DA 1 lOA! SAO ...... IDLE :IDLE lNF'02 INF'03 INF04 INF'OS IHf'OS INto7 tHrOB INF09 ::::::::ED rs : SAl tHFOO INFOI INF02 I~F03 INF04 lNfOS INF06 INF07 tHrOB INF09:::::: IDLE IDLE IDLE IDLE IDLE IDLE IDLE IDLE 1Dl£ "" lOAD I SAl IIDLE ""oen L-IL-IL--IL-i....., :::::: : ED : rs , , 'IDlE IIDlE IDLE IDL£ JK Fe ::::::: IDlE tDl[ ::::::; IDLE IDLE 10lE lOI...£ ::::::: lDL£ 1Dl£ : .II< Fe r--tIJ!( n FCRCVO Fe n g- -~--- c CD 8: AFLAG VAUD , SARCVO , , , I\) ~ ..... MFLAG VAUD r~------ SAMESA EM _____-+_+--+---,1, VAUD -,-;- I IXXX~XXxxxxxxZm~ZXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX~XXj INFORCVO VALID SAMEINFO ~~ EDRCVO - __~~____~__________~______________________~~rn l~ -1 ____________ ~ I VAUD .- VFCS ,~~ VOL 1 TLlF/10387-15 Note that stripping begins 3 byte times after EM is asserted. FIGURE 7-8. Stripping Based on External M Flag ~9~£Sda II DP83261 » ...... • t:J' :I 3~ 0 0_. !!!.CQ -of !!l :::J s» 35· ~ CD o tn :I c LBC MID IDLE RCSTART IDLE IDLE IDLE JK ______~" FC DAD ------~rt fCSL ,-- ~""'\:::I DAI DAl DA3 DA4 DA5 SAO SAl SAl SA3 SA4 SA5 INfOO INfOl : NOT (~1\) IDLE ' JK FC r-L- rJ fCRCVD oo §, () ::::!. " g. O· iil :::J tn '0 o ::J g- NEW VALUE c:: CD ,e, ~~~""""'\:::I UAIG NEWVALUE - -. ---,---, L...; , DARCVD '" '" 0>, -. , I AfLAG - VAUD ------, ---~--. --!-!- + - SARI::¥O MfI..AG VALID SAMI;SA VAUD fOERftOR ~ __ ~~ ---,------,- ________ ____________________ ~ - -----. ._- ~r-l~ ______ ~~ TLlF/l0387-16 FIGURE 7-9. Format Error 7.0 Signal Descriptions (Continued) LBC M10 RCSTART IDLE IDLE IDLE IDLE : JK : fC : DAD :DAI DA2 DA3 :DA4 ::::::: IDLE : JK : fC ------~rl~~__----~--------rlL_ I FCRCVO --------~~r_'~I~------~--------~-r_l I FCSL ~ NEW~ALUE OAIG ~~~ NEW VALUE I MACRST* ----------~~~~--~------~~~--------~~-- TLlF/10387-17 'MAC Rese1 can be asserted at any time. When MODEO.RUN = 0 MACRST is asserted and remains asserted. FIGURE 7·10. MAC Reset PI 2·219 ~ CD ~ ~ Q r-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, 7.0 Signal Descriptions (Continued) 7.4 MAC REQUEST INTERFACE The MAC Request Interface is used to gain access to the ring and to transmit data Into the ring. After a Request is submitted to the interface, the Ring Engine awaits for an appropriate Service Opportunity in which to service the Request. Frames associated with the Request are transmitted during an appropriate Service Opportunity. Sections 5.2 and 5.3 provide important information related to the functional operation of the interface. In the following sections, an overview (Section 7.4.1) and detailed signal description (Section 7.4.2) are provided. The detailed description includes a signal by signal description followed by a state diagram that details the operation of the handshaking signals. Finally several example timing scenarios are shown (Section 7.4.3). 7.4.1 Overview The MAC Request Interface signals provide the Request and Frame level handshakes required to transmit frames. The MAC Request Interface is divided into one group of data signals and four groups of control signals. The data signals consist of the 8 bits of MAC Request data with optional parity. The control signals consist of: • Handshake signals that implement a Request level and Frame level handshake. The state machines that specify the interface handshake are provided and described in detail in Section 7.4.3. • Service Parameters that convey the requested type of Service Opportunity. • Frame Options that convey the special transmission options. These are especially useful for MAC level bridging applications. • Transmission Status that report the success and/or failure of the transmission. 7.4.2 Signals Request Data The MRD7 -0 signals change on the rising edge of the Local Byte Clock signal (provided by the Clock Distribution Device). Symbol MRP MRD7 -0 Pin # 110 41 I MAC Request Parity: Odd parity on MRD7 -0. 42-49 I MAC Request Data: Data byte conveyed for transmission while the Transmit Acknowledge (TXACK) signal Is asserted. Description 2-220 7.0 Signal Descriptions (Continued) Handshake The Handshake signals control the Request Interface handshaking process. They are used for token capture and transmission of PDUs. Symbol Pin ", 1/0 Description TXPASS 28 0 Transmit Pass: Indicates the absence of a Service Opportunity. This could result from an unusable request class, waiting for a token, timer expiration or MAC Reset. TXPASS is always asserted between service opportunities. It is deasserted when TXRDY signal is asserted at the beginning of a Service Opportunity. TXRDY 29 0 Transmit Ready: Indicates that the Transmitter is ready for another frame. For a non-immediate request, a usable token must be held in order to transmit frames. TXRDY is asserted when: a) A usable token is being held or b) An immediate request becomes serviceable or c) After frame transmission if the current Service Opportunity is still usable for another frame. It is deasserted when the TXPASS or TXACK signal is asserted. RORDY 23 I Request Ready: Indicates that the Transmitter should attempt to provide a Service Opportunity as indicated by the RORCLS(3-0) signals one cycle before RORDY is asserted. The Service Opportunity will be maintained as long as possible. If RORDY is asserted within 6 byte times after TXRDY signal is asserted, the Transmitter will wait at least LMax plus one Void frame (4.16 /Ls or 4.80 /Ls) for ROSEND to be asserted before releasing the token. ROSEND 24 I Request Send: Indicates that the Transmitter should send the next frame. The MRD(7 -0) signals convey the FC byte when the ROSEND signal is asserted. If ROSEND is asserted within 6 byte times after the TXRDY signal Is asserted, the Transmitter will send the frame with a minimum length preamble. If ROSEND is not asserted within LMax plus one Void frame after RORDY signal has been asserted (4.16 /Ls or 4.60 /Ls), the token may become unusable (due to a timer expiration). For Immediate transmissions from the Claim or Beacon State (when ROCLM or ROBCN is asserted), ROSEND must be asserted no later than 8 byte times after TXRDY is asserted. ROSEND may only be asserted when TXRDY and RORDY signals are asserted and ROFINAL is deasserted. ROSEND must be deasserted not later than one byte time after TXRDY is deasserted. TXACK 30 0 Transmit Acknowledge: Indicates that the Transmitter is ready for the next data byte. TXACK is asserted when the FC byte is accepted on MRD7 -0, and remains asserted for each additional data byte accepted. It is deasserted one byte time after ROEOF ro ROABT is asserted. The signal is also deasserted when TXABORT or TXPASS is asserted. ROEOF 25 I Request End of Frame: Indicates that MRD7-0 conveys the last data byte when asserted. Normally, this is the last byte of the INFO field of the frame (exceptions: FCS transparency, invalid frame length). ROEOF causes TXACK to be deasserted and is ignored if TXACK is not asserted. ROABT 27 I Request Abort: Indicates that the current frame should be aborted. Normally this causes the Transmitter to generate a Void, Claim, or Beacon frame. ROABT causes TXACK to be deasserted and is ignored when TXACK is not asserted. ROFINAL 26 I Request Final: Indicates that the final frame of the request has been presented to the MAC Interface. When asserted, the Issue Token Class (as opposed to the Capture Token Class) becomes the new Token Class (TXCLASS). ROFINAL may only be asserted when RORDY Is asserted and ROSEND is deasserted. ROFINAL is ignored unless RORDY has been asserted for at least one byte time and the service parameters have been valid for at least three byte times. ROFINAL must be deasserted not later than two byte times after ROSEND is deasserted. 2-221 .,... <0 C\I CO) 7.0 Signal Descriptions (Continued) a.. Service Parameters co C The Service Parameters define the Service Request. They must be valid for at least one byte time before the RQRDY signal is asserted and must not change while RDRDY remains asserted. See Section 5.3.1 for the encoding of RQRCLS. The Requested Service corresponds to the Request Service Class and the Token Class parameters of the (SM_)MLDATA.request and (SM_)MLToken.request primitives as specified in the Standard. Encoded into each of the 14 possible values of RQRCLS in the Service Class (Non-Restricted Asynchronous, Restricted Asynchronous, Synchronous, Immediate), the Token Capture and Issue Class, and THT Enable. Requests are serviced on a Service Opportunity meeting the requested criteria. External support is required to limit the requests presented to the MAC Interface by different MAC Users (SMT, LLC, etc.). Symbol Pin # I/O RQRCLS(3-0) 19-22 I Description Request Class: Indicates the Service Class parameters for this request (see Section 5.3.1). When RQRCLS > 0, the Transmitter will capture a usable token (for non-immediate requests) and assert TXRDY. The Service Opportunity continues as long as the token is usable with the current service parameters, even if RQRDY is not asserted. If RQRCLS indicates a service class that is not serviceable for any cycle of a service opportunity, the service opportunity will conclude after the current frame and a token of the issue .token class will be issued. If RQRCLS = 0, the Service Opportunity will terminate after the current frame and a token of the issue token class will be issued (even if RQRCLS subsequently becomes non-zero). See Table 5-3. RQCLM 15 I Request Claim: Indicates that this request is to be serviced in the Claim state. Ignored for nonimmediate requests. RQBCN 16 I Request Beacon: Indicates that this request is to be serviced in the Beacon state. Ignored for non-immediate requests. Frame Options The Frame Options signals are selected for each frame. They must be valid while the RQSEND signal is asserted. These options are typically used in bridging applications. Pin # I/O STRIP 13 I Void Strip: Forces two My_Void frames to be transmitted on end of current Service Opportunity. Stripping continues until a My_Void frame returns. If any frame of a Service Opportunity requests this option, then all frames on that Service Opportunity will be stripped using this method. SAT 12 I Source Address Transparency: When SA transparency is selected, the SA from the data stream is transmitted in place of the internal MSA or MLA stored in the MAC Parameter RAM. SAIGT 11 I Source Address I/G Transparency: With this option, the MSB of the SA is sourced from the data stream, as opposed to being forced to zero. FCST 14 I Frame Check Sequence Transparency: When selected, the Ring Engine generated FCS is not, appended to the end of the Information field. Symbol Description 2-222 C "tJ 7.0 Signal Descriptions (Continued) 01) W N Transmission Status Q) ..... Pin # 1/0 Description TXED 31 0 Transmitted Ending Delimiter: Indicates that the Transmitter completed transmission of the current or previous PDU. TXED is asserted when the current PHY Request byte is a transmitted (not repeated) Ending Delimiter. It remains asserted until the beginning of either the next transmitted (not repeated) PDU or the next Service Opportunity. TXED is cleared by the Master Reset (bit MARST of the Function Register). TXABORT 32 0 Transmission Aborted: Indicates that the Transmitter aborted transmission of the current or previous PDU before the Ending Delimiter, or that the current Service Opportunity was aborted by Reset or Recovery actions. TXABORT is asserted when the current transmitted (not repeated) PDU has been aborted, and remains valid until the beginning of either the next transmitted (not repeated) PDU or the next Service Opportunity. Symbol TXABORT is cleared by Master Reset (bit MARST of the Function Register). It is also cleared when an Immediate Claim or Beacon Service Opportunity is terminated by My_Claim or My_Beacon received (I.e., when transition T(47) or T(54) occurs during an Immediate Service Opportunity). TXRINGOP 37 0 Ring Operational: Indicates the current value of the Ring_Operational flag. TXCLASS 35 0 Token Class: Indicates the class of the current or previous token in the Transmitter. TXCLASS is set to FL-Flag when a valid token is received. TXCLASS is set to the Issue Token Class when the RORDYand ROFINAL signals are asserted (before Token FC time) for the current Service Opportunity. It is cleared by Reset and Recovery actions. THTDIS 36 0 Token Holding Timer Disabled: Indicates that the Token Holding Timer was disabled when the current PHY Request byte was generated. THTDIS only changes between frames. When either signal TXRDY or TXPASS is asserted after a frame, THTDIS reflects the THT usage for that frame for at least two byte times. When TXPASS is asserted while THTDIS is asserted it indicates that TRT expired. 2-223 ..... CD C'I ('I) CD a. C 7.0 Signal Descriptions (Continued) 7.4.3 Operation The MAC Request Interface has three logical states as determined by TXRDY and TXPASS. The interface state machine is shown in Figure 1·11 followed by a description of the conditions. states and transitions. State Description TXRDY MRO: Not Ready Ring Engine is not ready to service a request 0 1 MR1: Ready Ring Engine is ready to transmit a frame 1 0 MR2: Sending Ring Engine is sending a frame 0 0 MRO: NOT READY f.lR(01) MR1:READY MR2: SENDING SERVICE OPPORTUNITY f.lR(12) SET TXRDY. CLEAR TXPASS END OF SERVICE OPPORTUNITY SET TXPASS. CLEAR TXRDY SEND FRAf.lE CLEAR TXRDY. TXPASS FRAf.lE SENT It CONTINUE SERVICE OPPORTUNITY MR(10) TXPASS SET TXRDY. CLEAR TXPASS END OF SERVICE OPPORTUNITY SET TXPASS. CLEAR TXRDY f.lR(21) f.lR(20) TL/F/10387-18 FIGURE 7-11. MAC Request Interface State Machine Conditions Send Frame A frame can be sent from the interface when at least 8 bytes of preamble have been transmit· ted. TXRDY. RQRDY and RQSEND are asserted. and RQFINAL has not yet been asserted for this request. Service Opportunity A Service Opportunity occurs when it is possible to service the current request. as defined by the current service parameters (RQRCLS. RQCLM and RQBCN). The rules for servicing reo quests are described in Section 5.2. Continue Service Opportunity A Service Opportunity is continued after the current frame if valid service parameters continue to be presented during the frame. and the timer(s) used for the (next) requested service class have not reached their threshold. End of Service Opportunity The end of a Service Opportunity occurs when it is no longer necessary or possible to continue the Service Opportunity. The service parameters are continuously compared with the current state of the Transmitter. If an unserviceable request is presented or any timer threshold is reached. the Service Opportunity will not continue after the current frame (if any). Table 7·4 shows the timer thresholds used to determine if a Service Opportunity is possible for each service class. TABLE 7·4. Thresholds Used to Determine Service Opportunities Request Service Class Threshold All Requests TRT Expiration All Requests with THT Enabled THT Expiration Priority Asynchronous Requests Asynchronous Priority Threshold 2·224 7.0 Signal Descriptions (Continued) State Descriptions The send window is held open until MRO: Not Ready 1) ROSEND or ROFINAL is asserted or In this state the Ring Engine does not have a Service Opportunity. If RQRCLS is not zero, the Ring Engine is trying to secure a Service Opportunity meeting the requested service parameters. 2) until LMax has expired (3.20 ,""s), a Void frame has been sent (0.96 '""S or 1.60 ,""s), and 7 more bytes of preamble have been sent (0.56 ,""s). (When Op1ion.IRPT = 1 this condition does not apply.) On a valid Service Opportunity, the MR(01) transition is taken. The status signals TXED and TXABORT are cleared and TXRDY is set to indicate that the Transmitter is ready to service a request. At any time after RORDY has been asserted and the final frame of the request has been sent, ROFINAL may be asserted to indicate that a token of the Issue Token Class should be transmitted at the end of the current Service Opportunity. If the MR(10) transition occurs while ROFINAL is asserted, and all the other conditions for accepting ROFINAL hold, the transmitted token will be of the Issue Token Class. MR1: Ready In this state the Ring Engine has secured a Service Opportunity and is ready to service the current request. The Transmitter is sourcing Preamble, Fill or internally generated Void (from the Data state), Claim (from the Claim state) or Beacon (from the Beacon state) frames. After ROFINAL has been asserted, no more frames can be sent until RORDY has been deasserted and then reasserted. RORDY should be deasserted and the service parameters updated to reflect the next request (if any) as soon as pOSSible, to allow the Ring Engine to make better ring scheduling decisions. If RORDY is not deasserted by the end of the last frame of a Service Opportunity, a Void frame will be transmitted before the token. The Service Opportunity is governed by the requested service parameters. If an unserviceable request is presented for one or more cycles the Service Opportunity ends. If THT expires or a priority threshold is reached, the Service Opportunity will end immediately or after the next frame, depending on the state of the send window. When the Service Opportunity ends, the MR(10) transition is taken and TXPASS is asserted to indicate the end of the current Service Opportunity. ROFINAL (and RORDY) must be asserted not later than one byte time after TXPASS to insure that a token of the appropriate issue class is issued. The send window is an opportunity to send a frame without being interrupted by time thresholds. The Service Opportunity may end during a send window if the service parameters change. The send window opens each time TXRDY is asserted (entry to MR1). It remains open for a minimum of 6 byte times. The send window also opens if RORDY is asserted while TXRDY is asserted, and if TXPASS is not asserted within one byte time after RORDY is asserted. When a frame can be sent from the interface, the MR(12) transition is taken and TXACK is set to indicate that the Transmitter is sending the frame. The state diagram for the internal substates within state MR1 is shown in Figure 7-12. MRRO:PREAMBLE MRR1: FILL AFTER 8 BYTES & RQRDY & RQSEND & (lRPT I... TXABORT) RQRDY & RQSEND MR( 12) --C-LEA=-R-TX-=--ED-;-SET-T-'XA'--C-K--<.( MR2 l---C-LEA-R'--T-X-ED-;-SET'----TX-A-CK-- MR( 12) AFTER 8 BYTES & T2 & ... RQSEND & (IRPT 1(RQRDY & ... TXABORT» MRR(01) - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - ' - ' - - - - - - - ' - ' - - - - - 1 MRR2: SOURCE_FR ELSE AFTER 8 BYTES MRR(02) - - - - - - - - - - 1 AFTER ED 1---------SET TXED; CLEAR TXABORT ELSE ... IRPT & (AFTER 32 BYTES I... RQRDY) 1---'-----'--'----:.......- MRR(12) MRR(20) r::::::\ MR(10) END OF SERVICE OPPORTUNITY END OF SERVICE OPPORTUNITY SET TXPASS • ~. SET TXPASS MR(10) TLlF/l0387-19 FIGURE 7-12_ MR1 Substate Diagram 2-225 ~ re CO) f Q r------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, 7.0 Signal Descriptions (Continued) On entry to MR2 TXACK is asserted. It remains asserted while data is being accepted from the interface. ROSEND must be deasserted within one byte time after entering MR2. SUBSTATE MRRO: Preamble Upon entry to MR1, 8 bytes of Preamble (Idles) are transmitted in substate MRRO. After the Preamble, if a frame can be sent from the interface, transition MR12 occurs. The frame options are latched, TXED is cleared and TXACK is asserted. At any time after ROSEND is deasserted for the final frame of a request, ROFINAL may be asserted to indicate that a token of the Issue Token Class should be transmitted at the end of the current Service Opportunity. If the MR(20) transition occurs while ROFINAL is asserted, and all the other conditions for accepting ROFINAL hold, the transmitted token will be the issue token class. If a frame cannot be sent from the interface, either Fill (additionalldles) or an Internally generated frame (Void, Claim, or Beacon) is transmitted. SUBSTATE MRR1: Fill For requests, if RORDY is asserted (indicating that the current request has been selected for service) or Option.IRPT is set (indicating that the ring is being interrupted), additional fill bytes (Idles) are transmitted in substate MRR1. After ROFINAL has been asserted, no more frames can be sent until RORDY has been deasserted and then reasserted. RORDY should be deasserted and the service parameters updated to reflect the next requests (if any) as soon as pOSSible, to allow the Ring Engine to make better ring scheduling decisions. Fill continues until: 1) a frame can be sent from the interface, or The last byte of data at the interface is indicated by ROEOF, which must be asserted with the last byte of data. After the Ending Delimiter of a frame is transmitted, TXED is asserted. When not using FCS transparency, TXED is asserted 7 byte times after ROEOF is asserted. When using FCS transparency, it is asserted 3 byte times after ROEOF is asserted. TXACK is deasserted no later than one byte time after ROEOF is asserted. 2) the Service Opportunity ends, or 3) 32 bytes of Idles are transmitted or RORDY is deasserted. After that, an internal Void frame is generated in substate MRR2. (If Option.IRPT is set Void frames are not generated.) If RORDY is not asserted, if ROCLM or ROBCN is asserted, or (unless Option.IRPT is set) if the previous frame in the current Service Opportunity was aborted, an internal Void, Claim or Beacon frame is generated in substate MRR2. At any time during frame transmission, TXABORT may be asserted. This indicates that the frame was aborted due to internal errors, buffering errors, parity errors, ROABT, MAC reset, reception of a MAC frame etc. TXACK is deasserted no later than TXABORT is asserted. When a transmission is aborted due to an error (and Option.IRPT is not set), a Void frame is transmitted to reset the TVX timers in all stations in the ring. At the end of an internal frame, TXED is set, TXABORT is cleared and another preamble is generated in substate MRRO. MR2: Sending In this state the Ring Engine is transmitting a frame from the MAC Request Interface. While the frame is being sent, if an unserviceable request is presented or any timer threshold is reached, the Service Opportunity will end after the current frame. After a successful or unsuccessful frame transmission, if the current Service Opportunity can be continued transition MR(21) occurs and TXRDY is asserted; otherwise transition MR(20) occurs and TXPASS is asserted. This implies that a Service Opportunity is never longer than TMAX plus one maximum length frame interval for Immediate Requests (unless Option.IRPT is set), or TNEG plus one maximum length frame interval for Non-immediate Requests. The maximum length of the frame interval is the maximum send window open time (4.64 ,,"s-5.28 ,,"s) plus F_max. F_max is the maximum length of a frame, including 2 bytes of Preamble. The default value of F_max for FOOl is 4500 bytes = 360.00 ,,"s. If at any time during a frame transmission, the end of Service Opportunity condition is detected, transition MR(20) will occur after the current frame transition. 2-226 .----------------------------------------------------------------------.0 "'CI 7.0 Signal Descriptions (Continued) CC) an over-allocation of synchronous bandwidth or a station used more than it was allocated. The ring will likely be claiming when this occurs. Transmission Status Upon leaving MR2, transmission status is available after TXRDY or TXPASS is asserted. TXED and TXABORT are normally valid for at least 9 byte times (exception: 2 byte times when an Immediate Service Opportunity ends without issuing a token, and another Service Opportunity begins immediately upon return to state MRO). THTDIS is valid for at least 2 byte times. When TXPASS is deasserted and for at least two byte times after is reasserted, TXCLASS denotes the token that will be issued at the end of the current Service Opportunity. 7.4.4 Timing Examples Several example sequences of the MAC Request Interface are provided. While this in no way is an exhaustive list of sequences, several likely sequences are shown. It is useful to follow the state diagrams of Section 7.4.3 (Figures 7-11 and 7-12) while examining the scenarios. The timing is shown for all signals available at the MAC Interface. The data shown in MRD and PRD are the data at those interfaces. TXED indicates that the Ending Delimiter of the previous PDU was transmitted. TXABORT indicates that the previous frame was aborted as a result of a request abort (RQABT), an internal error or the Reset or Recovery Required condi· tions became true. The data at PRD is duplicated with the TXED to show its relationship with the transmitted Ending Delimiter. TXPASS and TXRDY show the relationship to the data at the transmitter. This is one byte time before the data is transmitted. The relationship to incoming tokens is shown explicitly. RQRCLS contains the Requested service class. In several examples this is shown as generic requests (rt, r2) to make the examples more general purpose. The RQCLM and RQBCN signals are not shown, but have the same timing as the RQRCLS signals. The Frame Options are grouped together since they have the same timing. These include the SAT, SAIGT, FCST and STRIP options. If TXED is asserted, TXABORT may also be asserted (within 9 byte clocks) if this station backed off to another station after a complete Claim frame was transmitted. When transmitting Claim/Beacon frames from the Transmitter Claim or Beacon, if TXPASS is asserted the Claim or Beacon Process has completed. In this case, TXABORT indicates if this station won (TXABORT = 0) or lost (TXABORT = t) the Claim or Beacon process. The interpretation of TXED and TXABORT is given in Table 7-5. TXED TABLE 7-5. Transmission Status TXABORT Condition 0 0 Single Frame Transmission with Prestaglng Prestaging refers to the staging of data before the Service Opportunity begins. Prestaging occurs in interfaces where data is loaded into a FIFO or dedicated memory used as a FI FO before the token arrives. In Figure 7-13 RQRDY is asserted one byte time after RQRCLS has been passed to the interface. At this pOint the Ring Engine is awaiting an appropriate Service Opportunity. Upon capture of a usable token, TXRDY is asserted. TXRDY causes RQSEND to be asserted. RQSEND causes TXRDY to be deasserted, which in turn causes RQSEND to be deasserted. After a Master Reset or frame aborted during successful immediate Claim or Beacon service due to My_Claim or My_Beacon. t 0 Complete frame transmitted. 0 t Frame aborted. t t Complete frame transmitted, followed by reset or recovery actions or unsuccessful immediate Claim or Beacon service due to timeout. Notice that after RQSEND is deasserted, RQFINAL is asserted for one cycle to indicate that the issue token class should be used for the token. RQRDY is then deasserted and RQRCLS is set to zero. Since RQRCLS goes to zero, the end of Service Opportunity condition becomes true and the token is issued at the end of the current frame. If TXPASS is asserted and THT was disabled during the last frame that was transmitted (THTDIS is asserted), TRT has expired. This is a serious error and indicates that there was 2-227 W N ...c» DP83261 ..... o en TXRINGOP ~i jk TXPASS RORCLS : re ulL 1_____________________________ ::::J r1 1 n ____________---1 rr ::J !. nUjkfcU ii cCD 11 en ., () ROROY THTDIS TXRDY FR OPTIONS - .~: -6' 0' ::J en 1r1 ~1-·- i __,_-:-....,........,....-..,....-,.....--------.J.1 ::s c 1,..........,-,...--:--:-...,....-_ CD valid ... So ROSENO 1\)' MRD i\:, _ _ _ _ _ _ _--,- 11 :, 11 111 i21 i3114IiSfi6fl7fi8 : f1YJizlr....,--:---:-_--:---:---..,..._,_...,....---------- I\) ROFINAI. . . . :~~~--------~-----i1 11 n UUnjkfcU n --,---,---,-.--,-.--,-.--,-.--,-.--,-.--,-.--,---,---,---,-~ . . ~.--,-.--,-.~ TXCLASS PRO _ _ _ _ _...;.._u...;...;.n...;.......;;,.U I jk 11 i2 i3 S A i6 ~ ~ ~ ~ n a a M ~ ITlii fi fi fi TUF/l03B7-20 FIGURE 7·13. Asynchronous Request with Prestaglng 7.0 Signal Descriptions (Continued) If RORCLS remained asserted the token would be held as long as possible and multiple frames could be transmitted. In this case the t TXRDY t ROSEND - J- TXRDY - J- ROSE NO handshake for the beginning of each frame remains identical. In Figure 7-16 the MAC Reset occurs while the Ending Delimiter is being transmitted. In Figure 7-17the boundary case is shown where the MAC Reset occurs during the Frame Status. Note that the Ending Delimiter of the frame is transmitted with the frame status. TXRDY is asserted for one cycle followed by TXPASS with TXABORT. Single Frame Transmission without Prestaglng In Figure 7-14, prestaging is not used. Multiple requests are present at the interface, of which only the highest priority request is presented to the interface. RORCLS is changing because higher priority requests become ready to be serviced. The scheduling decision is made until a Service Opportunity occurs. Once TXRDY is asserted, RORDY is asserted and the rS request is serviced. Synchronous Request followed by Asynchronous Request In Figure 7-18, frames from two requests are serviced on the same Service Opportunity. Once the synchronous frame is being transmitted, the RORCLS is changed to that for the asynchronous frame. At the end of the synchronous frame TXRDY is asserted since the token is still usable for the asynchronous request. RORDY is then asserted and the Asynchronous frame is then transmitted. Notice that the value of THTDIS changes after the Frame Status for the synchronous frame is transmitted. THT is disabled for synchronous transmission and enabled for normal asynchronous transmission. When the data associated with rS is ready to be transmitted, ROSEND is asserted. This in turn causes TXRDY to be deasserted when transmission begins (entrance to MR2). The deassertion of TXRDY causes ROSEND to be deasserted. During the first frame of the request, the end of Service Opportunity condition becomes true as a result of: THT reaching the THT priority threshold if the request was an asynchronous priority request, THT expiration if the request was an asynchronous request or TRT expiration if the request was a synchronous request. TXPASS is asserted to indicate that this Service Opportunity is complete. Restricted Begin In Figure 7-19, a restricted dialogue is begun. A non-restricted Token is captured, a single frame is transmitted and a Restricted Token is issued. An Rbeg Request is a request to capture a Non-restricted Token and issue a Restricted Token. Since there is only one frame in this example, ROFINAL is asserted during the first frame. In the example, ROFINAL is asserted one byte time after ROSEND is deasserted while RORDY is still asserted, but it may be asserted anytime while RORDY is asserted. Notice that TXCLASS changes to restricted after ROFINAL is asserted. If RORCLS remains greater than 0, the next usable token will be captured and servicing of the request will continue. If RORCLS remained asserted the token would be held as long as possible and multiple frames could be transmitted. In this case the t TXRDY - t ROSEND J- TXRDY - J- ROSEND handshake for the beginning of each frame remains identical. Immediate Claim In Figure 7-20, an immediate Claim frame is transmitted from the Claim state. A Lower_Claim frame is received from an upstream station, causing this station to enter its Claim state and deassert TXRINGOP.RORCLS is set to immediate and ROCLM is asserted. Aborted Frame Transmission A transmission as in Figure 7-14 is started. During the transmission, an interface error occurs (for example) and ROABT is asserted to cause the current frame to be aborted (see Rgure 7-15). TXACK is then deasserted and TXABORT is asserted to indicate that the frame was aborted as a result of a FIFO underrun or an equivalent reason. This is signaled with ROABT. After the frame is aborted, TXRDY is asserted to indicate that another frame may be transmitted. Since no frames are ready to be transmitted a Void fill frame is transmitted. During the Void frame transmission, the interface then sets RORCLS to zero to indicate that the Token should be issued. TXPASS is then asserted once the Ending Delimiter of the Void frame is transmitted. In this scenario the transmitted Void frame serves two purposes. It is transmitted because the interface was stalling waiting for another frame and also in response to the aborted frame. A Void frame is transmitted every time a transmission is aborted. An internally generated Claim frame is first transmitted (at least one internally generated Claim or Beacon frame is always transmitted upon entry to the Claim or Beacon state). After the internally generated Claim frame is transmitted, TXRDY is asserted since the transmitter is still in the Claim state (the ring can hold more than one Claim frame). The frame is then transmitted following the normal handshake. Similar timing applies for externally generated Beacon frames. Remember that for Immediate Requests from the Claim and Beacon States, ROSE NO must be asserted no later than B byte times after TXRDY is asserted. This guarantees that a minimum size preamble will be generated. After the frame is transmitted, TXRDY is asserted again since the transmitter is still in the Claim state. MAC Reset If this station wins the Claim Process TXPASS is asserted without TXABORT. If another station causes this station to backoff (this station receives a Higher_Claim), TXPASS is asserted with TXABORT. In Figure 7-16, a MAC reset occurs during a frame transmission. This causes the current frame to be aborted and the Ring Operational Flag (TXRINGOP) to be deasserted. TXPASS is asserted with TXABORT after the frame is aborted. Since the ring is not operational, no Void frames are transmitted. 2-229 DP83261 ...... b TXRINGOP en ~r6 TXPASS nCRDY '"'" 0, II Jk fe It ::l !!. cCD tn ...n .:s' - iiI r6 TX1HTDIS 1\)' II -r6 RQRDY RQSEND ~...,..-..,..-~....,.....,.~I rr II rl I r21 r31 r41 rsl r6 RQRCLS : _ FR OPlIONS (6' II 0' ::l tn gs Jk fe tt I r41 rsl r6 , . . . . ~ ~ . vand .... 1:'""....,..-..,..---,._ _ . . . . . . . ,. E .... ~ :~I ------~~.~ . . . . . . ~.~.~~~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~~~~~~~~ t.4RD 11 11 11 Ji2lI31i4PSfI6 ri71 18 : IIy liZ 1.....--,.__..,....---,.....,...-..,.....--,.-....,...----,.- :1 D:ACK ~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~~~.~.~.~.~.~.~ RCIABT TXABORT ~~~~~~~~:~~~-:-~~-:-~~~~~~~~....,... RCiEOF lXED _____~...L..-,......,......':'"": ~ Itr rr Ii II iI II II iI II Jk feltt RQFINAL TXCLASS PRO " " II II fiklL.;.1....;;:......;;;....,;,;.....:;... ____"....1jk 11 i2 i3 S Ii. i6 I -ii _---' iw Ix Iy Iz f1 f2 f3 f4 tr rr .._iI_ _ _ _ _ TLlF/10387-21 FIGURE 7-14. Asynchronous Request without Prestaging ...... (:) TXRINGOP TXPASS ~Ii RORCLS L.C jk en cO' j e!. Ie tt cCD en (') ~, RORDY "0 0' j en -----, r TXTHTOIS ~ TXRDY Ii I oo :::J 5' c FR OPTIONS '" S ROSEND ~I MRD fi6Ti7l i8 ! iI --:--:---:---:---:-......,..---:-......,..---:---:---:---:-,..-,---:---:---:---:---:-~ L..:,! TXACK .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ROABT .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ -:-~---:i1-'1 ii TXABORT Ii Ii Ii jk 0 0 0 SAl 12 13 14 LI_ _ _ _ _ _ __ RQEOF ________~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~---'!tr rr TXED jk Ie IIt RQFINAL TXCLASS PRD S A 6 ij ik iI I ii iI iI I jk 0 0 0 SAl 12 13 14 tr rr L'...;......;...,.;...___,.;... ~ TL/F/l0387-22 FIGURE 7,15. Frame Abort ~9~C9da II ~ CI) f Q .---------------------------------------------------~---------------------, 7.0 Signal Descriptions (Continued) :~:-:--:-~ ~~~~~~~:~: TXRINGOP RQRDY ~lr6 TXTHIDIS TXRDY FR OPTIONS RQSEND MRD ~~~~~~":"'"""~~_ : ~ 1 ..._ _ _-.,._...,... valid """:"'""":---:--:--:~~~-:- :.-J ~"":"'"""~~...,..."":"'"""~~: ~ 1" 1111211311~11~11~1~11~ : 1 ;11 ...,......,... lk 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 :"ik"iil-: .. . --:---,- 11 -_.....I TXACK ~ RQAST TXABORT RQEOF TXED RQFINAL TXCLASS .... PRD nllnll[jkJIIIRIlIl II n n nllk 11 1213 SA 16 :~: _ _ __ TL/F110387-23 FIGURE 7·16. MAC Reset 2·232 r----------------------------------------------------------------------, C ;g 7.0 Signal Descriptions (Continued) ~ a) -:--:--:-~~-:--:--:-,I TXPASS RQRCLS .... L TXRINGOP :oJ ;q r~. .r~ .r~ .r~ . I TXTHTOIS I I I r6 r51 r6 TXROY FR OPTIONS RQSENO -:--:--:--:--:--:--:--:--:-~ ::oJ -:--:--:--:--:--:--:--:--:-~ : .alld & . . 1: - - : - - : - - : - - : - - : - - : - .J II iI II -:--:--:-,1 jk 11211~ II~ II~ II~ II~ 118 : II~ I I~ I,-:-,,":-,,-:--:--:--:,,--:--:-~ 12 13 14 15 16 17 : ~,-':--:--:--:--:--:--:--:--:- II ~-:--:--:--:--:--:---:-,I tr RQFINAL PRO rr ii ~-:--:--:--:--:--:--:--:--:- Ii ii i~ HklL.I_;__1_1_ii_li_ Iw Ix Iy Iz 11 12 13 14 Ir rr I!.. TL/F/l0387-24 FIGURE 7·17. MAC Reset at End of Frame 2·233 DP83261 ..... b en ~. ::l e!- lXRINGOP lXPASS ---:~~,~~~~~~~~ ROReLS :J~: THlDIS lXRDY FR OPTIONS · .. --- ~ ""'" "'" MRO L!!..!J"nll ...,....,....,.....,.....,.....,.....,....,_y"J.. va.1Id ~ ...C,.....,......,.....,.....,....,....,... · .. ~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~ . . . ~.~.~~~ --· .. r--'"""l ..,......,....,.....,.....,.....,....,.....,.....,...11 11 11~5lf6T17P8 lXACK · ROAST TXABORT RQEOr lXED ROnNAL lXCLASS PRO "tJ ----.""'.-.,.....,....,-.,.. .... . r I o"n I .. . "",.I....,.....,.....,.....,......,.....,.....,....,.. valid ~~~~~~...,....,...I. . o: CD .l~.~~~ fiYTiZl:--.-.-.-.--.-.-.---.-.-.• " " i i ,ipifl3fUPsp 1 pa Ilyll%..,I,....,......,.....,....,.....,.....,.....,....,.. -"--l -' -"--l...,......,.....,....,.....,....,.....,....~ 6 17 ~...,......,......,.....,...~,.....,.,...I'r -=___ ·:::::J n n n :..!ffl 8 ~ 8 n n n ~ Ilk 11 8 8 8-n-8-8ol...,.. . ...,......,.....,-..,....,....,.....,,.. . ................. :n~:~~ n · .. .~~:....,......,~~....,....~ rr 12 i3 S A 16 iw Ix Iy Iz f1 f2 f3 14 Ir rrl R i n 8 n n 8 Ilk 11 12 13 S A i6 ~~~~~~~.~ tw Ix I)' iz f1 f2 f3 ,.e. tr rrl.!... TlIF/l0387-25 FIGURE 7-18. Synchronous Request followed by Asynchronous l' .s · .. -::· ___ •:::::J ...... en g- I...,......,.....,-,-....,......,,.....,.. ....,....~~....,....~....,......,~~....,.....,-,-....,....,.....,...~: o::l· ::l -::___ ::::::J · .. ~. I I luyn .. · ROSENO I ~"n I I ";Yn ,""""",....;.....,.....,.....,.....,...1 ~yn ).yn RQRDY O CD en ~~~~~~~.~ () ..... b en TXRINGOP I rbeg TXPASS RQRCLS RQRDY .:=J -:-_:___:__~~___:_~I rr cO" :::s !!. Jk Ie It C I I rbeg I rbeg . ---:--:----:....-~:-:~ ~=====-----------~~t=============-. I I rbeg THTDIS TXRDY Jk Ie It I ii II I" II Ii iI II ... CD (I) () -S" 0" ii L.I,.........,_ _---,-.....,...._ _ :::s (I) '§ :::I g. -:--:--:--:--:--:--:--:--:-~I FR OPTIONS valid MRD -:--.,........,.........,......,.........,......,.........,.........,.---,..- 11 N "" CD B -~I----:----:~...,.... RQSEND 1\)1 C -L.I,....-,....-,....-,....-,....-,....-,.... 11 11 1 i21 i31141151161 i7118 U1 : riy 1 iz ~I-:---:---:---:----:--:--:--:--:----:--:-:---:--.,........,..---:--:--,........,.... :~~~~~~~-,....--,....--,....-~-:--,..- TXACK RQABT TXABORT -----~~-------------------------:~~-:--.....,....~---:-.....,....-,....-:---:--~~---:-.....,....---:---:--~,.... RQEOF _ _ _ _ _ _ _....JI tr TXED rr II II jk Ie It II II 1 Jk Ie It -,....--:--:--:--:--:--:--:--:--:--:-~n~-:--:-_ __ RQFINAL TXCLASS . PRD _ _ _"_"_ : ~ II rotr token II II Ii I jk i1 12 13 S A 6 Iw ix iy iz 11 12 13 14 tr rr III II ~ TLlF/l0387-26 FIGURE 7-19" Restricted Begin ~9~&8da II DP83261 ..... b tn iff ::J !. llCRINGOP oCD :~ llCPASS ----- RORClS : ::1-.-: : (IJ ...n ........... RORIJY . ...... r:_~Io~I~ ----- lower claim .......................................... I» I\) Co> C» MRD lXABDRT ------------- . . . . . . . III' rr Inn 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 111~1i31~1~1~[I7I~II9- . . . .. ------------- liil~ ..r:,... ..,....,....,......,....,.-,....,....,....,....,... ...,.....,....,.-,.....,.-.,......,....,....,....,... ~L,.: ........................................ :~L,.:-.,....,....,.....,.....,.-.,....,....,....,....,.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lirrr----g •• 1XED ::J ............................................. RQEOF RQFIIIAL (IJ g a Bunlal ...... . . . . . . .. 11 12 13 '" Ix IJ Iz II f2 13 14 III' rr B • U ----- lXClASS PRD ~: i..i.fii;l~ n D Illk 10 A A cO.l c2 c3 II f2 13 14 II' rrll .Ilk A 115 17 II' rrl.!...!...!.. TUF/l0387-27 FIGURE 7-20. Immediate Claim c: ! lXACK RQABT ::J ..Del FR OPlIOHS RQS£ND ..... . I. 1IIIIIIS 1XRDY - ii' 0' 111!III1Od1a1o .lalm C 7.0 Signal Descriptions (Continued) ." 7.5 ELECTRICAL INTERFACE .... co ~ en The Electrical Interface signals comprise all of the clocking, power supply, and ground pins. Pin # 1/0 LSC 87 I Local Symbol Clock: 25 MHz clock with a 40/60 duty·cycle. Typically generated by the COD. LBC 86 I Local Byte Clock: 12.5 MHz clock 50/50 duty·cycle in phase with LSC. Typically generated by the COD. RST 118 I Master Reset: Equivalent to setting the Master Reset bit in the Function Register. An asynchronous input that must be asserted for at least 5 LSC clock cycles. When asserted, all bi·directional signals are tri·stated. Active low signal. Vee[ll] 4,17,34 58, 78 94, 100 106,117 I Positive Power Supply: 5V, ± 5% relative to GND. GND[11] 5,18,33 57,77, 88-91, 101, 116,128 I Power Supply Return Symbol Description 7.6 PINOUT SUMMARY TABLE 7·6. Pinout Summary Pin # Signal Name Symbol 110 1 Control Bus Data 1 CBD1 I/O 2 Control Bus Data 2 CBD2 1/0 3 Control Bus Data 3 CBD3 1/0 4 Positive Power Supply Vee I 5 Ground GND I 6 Control Bus Data 4 CBD4 1/0 7 Control Bus Data 5 CBD5 1/0 8 Control Bus Data 6 CBD6 1/0 9 Control Bus Data 7 CBD7 I/O 10 Control Bus Parity CBP I/O 11 Source Address I/G Transparency SAIGT I 12 Source Address Transparency SAT I 13 Void Strip STRIP I 14 Frame Check Sequence Transparency FCST I 15 Request Claim ROCLM I 16 Request Beacon ROBCN I 17 Positive Power Supply Vee I 18 Ground GND I 19 Request Class 3 RORCLS3 I 2·237 7.0 Signal Descriptions (Continued) 7.6 PINOUT SUMMARY (Continued) TABLE 7·6. Pinout Summary (Continued) Symbol I/O 20 Request Class 2 RORCLS2 I 21 Request Class 1 RORCLS1 I 22 Request Class 0 RORCLSO I 23 Request Ready RORDY I 24 Request Send ROSEND I 25 Request End of Frame ROEOF I 26 Request Final ROFINAL I 27 Request Abort ROAST I 28 Transmit Pass TXPASS 0 29 Transmit Ready TXRDY 0 30 Transmit Acknowledge TXACK 0 31 Transmit Ending Delimiter TXED 0 32 Transmit Abort TXASORT 0 33 Ground GND I 34 Positive Power Supply Vee I 35 Token Class TXCLASS 0 36 Token Holding Timer Disabled THTDIS 0 37 Ring Operational TXRINGOP 0 38 External A-Flag EA I 39 External M_Flag EM I 40 Positive Power Supply Vee I 41 MAC Request Parity MRP I 42 MAC Request Data 7 MRD7 I 43 MAC, Request Data 6 MRD6 I 44 MAC Request Data 5 MRD5 I 45 MAC Request Data 4 MRD4 I 46 MAC Request Data 3 MRD3 I 47 MAC Request Data 2 MRD2 I 48 MAC Request Data 1 MRD1 I 49 MAC Request Data 0 MRDO I 50 Ground GND I Pin # Signal Name 51 Receive Start RCSTART 0 52 Frame Control Recevied FCRCVD 0 53 Short/Long Address Flag FCSL 0 54 Individual/Group Address Flag DAIG 0 55 Destination Address Received DARCVD 0 56 My Destination Address Recognized AFLAG 0 57 Ground GND I 58 Positive Power Supply Vee I 59 Source Address Received SARCVD 0 2-238 C "U 7.0 Signal Descriptions (Continued) OJ Co) I\) .... en 7.6 PINOUT SUMMARY (Continued) TABLE 7·6. Pinout Summary (Continued) Pin # Signal Name Symbol 1/0 60 My Source Address Recognized MFLAG 0 61 Same Source Address ,SAMESA 0 62 Information Field Received INFORCVD 0 63 Same MAC Information SAMEINFO 0 64 Ground GND I 65 Positive Power Supply Vee I ,0 66 Ending Delimiter Received EDRCVD 67 Valid Frame Check Sequence VFCS 0 68 Valid Data Length VDL 0 69 Token Received TKRCVD 0 70 Format Error FOERROR 0 71 Frame Stripped FRSTRP 0 72 Media Access Control Reset MCRST 0 73 MAC Indicate Parity MIP 0 74 MAC Indicate Data 7 MID7 0 75 MAC Indicate Data 6 MID6 0 76 MAC Indicate Data 5 MID5 0 77 Ground GND I 78 Positive Power Supply Vee I 79 MAC Indicate Data 4 MID4 0 80 MAC Indicate Data 3 MID3 0 81 MAC Indicate Data 2 MID2 0 82 MAC Indicate Data 1 MID1 0 83 MAC Indicate Data 0 MIDO 0 84 Ground GND I 85 Valid Copy VCOPY I 86 Local Byte Clock LBC I 87 Local Symbol Clock LSC I 88 Ground GND I 89 Ground GND I 90 Ground GND I 91 Ground GND I 92 PHY Request Data 0 PRDO 0 93 PHY Indicate Data 0 PIDO I 94 Positive Power Supply Vee I 95 PHY Request Data 1 PRD1 0 96 PHY Indicate Data 1 PID1 I 97 PHY Request Data 2 PRD2 98 PHY Indicate Data 2 PID2 I 99 PHY Request Data 3 PRD3 0 2·239 0 • I .... m c 7.0 Signal Descriptions (Continued) 7.6 PINOUT SUMMARY (Continued) TABLE 7-6. Pinout Summary (Continued) Pin # Symbol Signal Name 1/0 100 Positive Power Supply Vee I 101 Ground GND I 102 PHY Indicate Data 3 PID3 I 103 .PHY Request Data 4 PRD4 0 104 PHY Indicate Data 4 PID4 I 105 PHY Request Data 5 PRD5 0 106 Positive Power Supply Vee I 107 PHY Indicate Data 5 PID5 I 108 PHY Request Data 6 PRD6 0 109 PHY Indicate Data 6 PID6 I 110 PHY Request Data 7 PRD7 0 111 PHY Indicate Data 7 PID7 I 112 PHY Request Control PRC 0 113 PHY Indicate Control PIC I 114 PHY Request Parity PRP 0 115 PHY Indicate Parity PIP I 116 Ground GND I 117 Positive Power Supply Vee I 118 Master Reset RSf I 119 Read/- Write RIW I 120 - Control Bus Enable CE I 121 -Interrupt INT 0 122 - Acknowledge ~ 0 123 Control Bus Address 0 CBAO I 124 Control Bus Address 1 CBA1 I 125 Control Bus Address 2 CBA2 I 126 Control Bus Address 3 CBA3 I 127 Control Bus Address 4 CBA4 I 128 Ground GND I 129 Control Bus Address 5 CBA5 I 130 Control Bus Address 6 CBA6 I 131 Control Bus Address 7 CBA7 I 132 Control Bus Data 0 CBDO I/O 2-240 .----------------------------------------------------------------------,0 "U 7.0 Signal Descriptions (Continued) C» Co) N .... 7.7 PINOUT DIAGRAM GND RQRCLS3 RQRCLS2 RQRCLSI RQRCLSD RQRDY RQSEND RQEOF RQFINAL RQABT TXPASS TXRDY TXACK TXED TXABORT GND Vee TXCLASS THTDIS TXRINGOP EA EM Q) o Vee DP83261 BMAC Vee PRD5 PID4 PRD4 PID3 GND Vee PRD3 PID2 PRD2 PIDI PRDI Vee MRP MRD7 MRD6 MRD5 MRD4 MRD3 MRD2 MRDI MROO GND PIOO PROD GND GND GND GND LSC LBC VCOPY GND TUF11 03B7 -11 FIGURE 7-21. DP83261132-Pin PQFP Pinout Order Number DP83261AVF See NS Package Number VF132A • 2-241 .... CD N C') CO Il.. C 8.0 Electrical Characteristics 8.1 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/ Distributors for availability and specifications. Symbol Parameter Min Conditions Max Units Vee Supply Voltage -0.5 7.0 V VIN DC Input Voltage -0.5 Vee + 0.5 V VOUT DC Output Voltage -0.5 Vee + 0.5 V TSTG Storage Temperature Range -65 +150 ·C h Lead Temperature Soldering, 10 sec. (IR or Vapor) (Phase Reflow) 230 ·C ESD Rating RZAP CZAP BOO V = = 1.5k, 120 pF 8.2 RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Symbol Parameter Vee Supply Voltage PD Power Dissipation T Operating Temp Conditions Min Max 4.75 5.25 V 400 mW 70 ·C 0 Units 8.3 DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Symbol Parameter Conditions = VOHl Minimum High Level Output Voltage Cl VOH2 Minimum High Level Output Voltage IOH VOll Maximum Low Level Output Voltage Cl = 50pF VOL2 Maximum Low Level Output Voltage 10l = 4mA VOl3 Maximum Low Level Output Voltage INT and ACK (Open Drain) IOL = BmA = 50 pF -2mA Min Max Units Vee - 0.5 V 2.4 V 0.4 V 0.4 V 0.4 V VIH Minimum High Level Input Voltage Vil Maximum Low Level Input Voltage O.B V V 2.0 IIH Input High Current +10 p.A III Input Low Current -10 p,A 10Zl TRI·STATE Leakage for CBD(7-0) and CBP ±10 p,A IOZ2 TRI-STATE Leakage for INT and ACK (Open Drain) ±10 p,A IOZ3 Dynamic Supply Current 70m rnA Cl = 50 pF. 12.5 MHZ 2-242 8.0 Electrical Characteristics (Continued) 8.4 AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS See Figures 8-8 and 8-9 for AC Signal and TRI-STATE Testing Criteria. 8.4.1 Control Bus Interface Symbol T1 Parameter Min Max Units CE Setup to LBC 15 T2 LBCPeriod SO T3 LBC to ACK Low T4 CE Low to ACK Low T5 LBC Low to CBD(7 -0) and CBP Valid T6 LBC to CBD(7 -0) and CBP Active T7 CE Low to CBD(7 -0) and CBP Active 225 475 ns TS CE Low to CBD(7 -0) and CBP Valid 265 515 ns 290 ns ns 45 ns 540 ns 60 ns 60 ns T9 LBC Pulse Width High 35 45 ns T10 LBC Pulse Width Low 35 45 ns 45 ns T11 CE High to ACK High T12 R/IN, CBA(7-0), CBD(7-0) and CBP Set up to CE Low 5 ns T13 CE High to R/W, CBA(7-0), CBD(7 -0) and CBP Hold Time 0 ns T14 R/W, CBA (7-0), CBD(7-0) and CBP Setup to LBC 20 ns ns T15 ACK Low to CE High Lead Time 0 T16 CE Minimum Pulse Width High 20 T17 CE High to CBD(7-0) and CBP TRI-STATE T1S ACK High to CE Low 0 ns T19 CBD(7 -0) Valid to ACK Low Setup 20 ns T20 LBC to INT Low 55 Asynchronous Definitions T4(min) T1 T4 (max) T1 T7 (min) T1 T7 (max) T1 TS(min) T1 TS (max) T1 + (3 * T2) + (6 * T2) + (2 • T2) + (5 • T2) + (2 • T2) + (5 • T2) Note: MiniMax numbers are based on T2 ~ ns 55 + T3 + T3 + T6 + T6 + T9 + T5 + T9 + T5 eo ns and T9 ~ T1 0 ~ 40 ns. 2-243 ns ns ,.. ~ C') CIO ,---------------------------------------------------------------------------------, 8.0 Electrical Characteristics (Continued) a. C Tl6 R/W T13 CBA ADDRESS VALID IN CBD &: CBP DATA VALID IN T1S T4 TLlFI10387-28 FIGURE 8-1. Control Bus Interface Write Cycle CE T1S T12 R/W T13 CBA ADDRESS VALID IN CBD &: CBP T8 T19 T1S T11 T4 TLIF110387-29 FIGURE 8-2. Control Bus Interface Read Cycle 2-244 C 8.0 Electrical Characteristics ""D 00 c.:I (Continued) N 0'1 ..... T16 R/W T13 CBA CBD & CBP TL/F/l0387-30 FIGURE 8-3. Control Bus Interface Synchronous Write Cycle TL/F/l0387-31 FIGURE 8-4. Control Bus Interface Synchronous Read Cycle 2-245 fJI .,... CD N C') CC) a. C 8.0 Electrical Characteristics (Continued) 8.4.2 Clock Signals Symbol Parameter Min Max T21 LSC to LBC Lead Time (Skew Left) -4 6 T22 LSC Pulse Width High 12 Units ns ns T23 LSC Pulse Width Low 21 T24 LBC Pulse Width High 35 45 ns T25 LBC Pulse Width Low 35 45 ns T23 LSC T22 r 'I I ns 121 I+- LBC~ ~ 125 124 TUF/l0387-32 FIGURE 8·5. Clock Signals 8.4.3 PHY Interface Symbol T26 Parameter Min PHY Data Input Setup 15 Max ns Units T27 PHY Data Input Hold 5 ns T28 PHY Data Sustain 10 ns T29 PHY Data Valid 45 I LBC 126 PID7-0. PIP, 8c PIC ns ~ 127 DOOOOQOOO~. XXXXl I--i PRD7-0, PRP, 8c PRC 129 T28 IXXXXXX TL/F/l0387-33 Note: All setup and hold testing is done on single edges only (i.e., no combined setup/hold testing Is done for pulse signals. This Implies that the signal makes only one low to high or high to low transition per CYcle). FIGURE 8·6. PHY Interface Timing 2·246 - C "tI 8.0 Electrical Characteristics (Continued) (X) Co) II.) 0) 8.4.4 MAC Interface ..... Pin Groups Group # 1/0 1 I Pins SAIGT, SAT, STRIP, EA, VCOPY, ROEOF, ROSEND, ROFINAL 2 I RORDY 3 I FCST, ROBCN, ROCLS(3-0), EM, ROABT 4 I ROCLM 5 I MRD(7-0), MRP 6 0 TXPASS, TXED, TXABORT, RCSTART, FCRCVD, SAMESA, INFORCVD, SAMEINFO, TXRDY, TXACK, TXCLASS, THTDIS, TXRINGOP, DIAG, DARCVD, AFLAG, SARCVD, MFLAG, EDRCVD, VFCS, VDL, TKRCVD, FOERROR, FRSTRIP, MACRST 7 0 MID(7-0), MIP Symbol Max Units Parameter Min T30 MAC Control Setup (Groups # 1 and # 3 and # 4) 15 ns T31 MAC Control Setup (Group #2) 30 ns T32 MAC Control Hold (Group #3) 2 ns T33 MAC Control Hold (Groups #1 and #2 and #4) 5 ns ns T34 MAC Data Setup (Group #5) 15 T35 MAC Data Hold (Group #5) 6 ns T36 MAC Control Sustain (Group #6) 15 ns T37 MAC Control Valid (Group #6) T3B MAC Data Sustain (Group # 7) T39 MAC Data Valid (Group #7) 45 15 ns ns 45 ns LBC 130 131 T34 IofAC INPUTS GROUPS 1-5 T32 T33 135 T30 T31, T34 r-- IXXXXXXXX~ XXXXl _ IofAC OUTPUTS GROUPS 6-7 T36 T38 T37 T39 XXXXXX TUF/I0387-34 Note: All selup and hold testing is done on single edges only (i.e., no combined setup/hold testing is done for pulse signals. This implies that the signal makes a single low to high or high to low transition per cycle). FIGURE 8·7. MAC Interface Timings 2·247 .... CD C'II C") CO a. Q 8.0 Electrical Characteristics (Continued) Test Conditions for AC Testing VIH 3.0V VIL O.OV VOH 1.SV VOL 1.SV IOL 8.0 mA (AeR, iliJ'I') CL SOpF AC Signal Testing REF SIGNAL MEASURE SIGNAL MEASURE SIGNAL MEASURE SIGNAL TUF/t0387-35 Nole: All setup and hold testing is done on single edges only (i.e.. no combined setup/hold testing Is done lor pulse signals. This Implies that the signal makes only one single low to high or high to low transition per cycle). FIGURE 8-8. A.C. Signal Testing TRI-STATE Timing LBC 50% CBD(7-0) .II CBP CBD(7-0) .II CBP VOL + 0.5V TUF/t0387-36 FIGURE 8-9. TRI-STATE Timing 2-248 .----------------------------------------------------------------------,0 "'C 8.0 Electrical Characteristics (Continued) co W N .... Q) Test Equivalent Loads VOL2 Testing VOH2 Testing 61''- ~ I OUT OUTPUT i SOPf SOPf TL/F/103B7-3B TL/F/103B7-37 Tlo-trl Thi-tri 61''- ~ I 18!smA ~"ft~" I SOPf SOPf TLlF/103B7-40 TL/F/103B7-39 Open Drain VOL Testing T~!smA I AC, VOL1, VOH1 Testing OUT OUTPUT OUT OPEN DRAIN OUTPUT TL/F/103B7-42 S0Pf TL/F/103B7-41 FIGURE 8-10. Test Equivalent Loads fI 2·249 Appendix A. Ring Engine State Machines A.1 RECEIVER A.1.1 MAC Receiver State Diagram RO: LISTEN DISABLE lVX Rl:AWAIT SO PH_INDICATION(II) R(Ol) RESET TVX; ENABLE TVX MAC_RESET R(10A) PH_INVALID R(10B) SET RELR.PINV R5:CHECK_TK PH_INDICATlON(II) R(SlA) MAC_RESET SIGNAL FR_STRIP R(SOA) PH_INVALID R(SOB) SIGNAL FO_ERROR; INC LOSLCT; SET RELR.PINV PH_INDICATlON(NOT{II, TT) R(SlB) SIGNAL FO_ERROR; INC LOSLCT R2:RC FR CTRL AFTER FCr & FCr R(2S) AFTER PH_INDICATION(TT) R(SlC) = TOKEN TlLRECEIVEDJCTlONS PH_INDICATION{JK) SIGNAL RC_START; CLEAR A, M, E, L, H-FLAGS MAC_RESET R(20A) PH_INDICATION(II) R(21 A) SIGNAL FR_STRIP PH_INDICATlON(NOT(II, NN» R(21 B) PH_INVALID SIGNAL FO_ERROR; INC LOSLCT; SET RELR.PINV SIGNAL FO_ERROR; INC LOSLCT R3: RC FR BODY DA. SA. CT ACTIONS R(20B) R(23) AFTER FCr & FCr .. TOKEN IF FCr = NSA THEN SET N_FLAG MAC_RESET R(31 B) R4:RC FR STATUSl AR ACTIONS R(31 C) PH_INDICATION(TK) EDJCTlONS R(41) PH_INVALID SET RELR.PINV SIGNAL FR_STRIP PH_INDICATlON(NOT(II. TK. nT. NN» SIGNAL FO_ERROR; INC LOSLCT R(30B) SIGNAL FO_ERROR; INC LOSLCT; SET RELR.PINV R(40A) PH_INDICATION(II) R(31A) R(30A) PH_INVALID MAC RESET R(12) R(34) PH_INDICATION (nT) SIGNAL FILRECElVED; SIGNAL EDRCVD; INC FRAME..CT; IF ER " S INC ERROILCT PH_INDICATlON(NOT(RR, RS, RT, SR, SS, sT) R6:RC FR STATUS2 R(40B) R(46) PH_INDICATlON(RR, RS, RT, SR, SS, ST} R(61) PH_INVALID PH_INDICATlON(NOT(RR, RS, RT, SR, 5S, sT) R(60) SET RELR.PINV TUF/10387-43 FIGURE A·1, Ring Engine Receiver State Diagram 2-250 C Appendix A. Ring Engine State Machines (Continued) "'tJ CD A.l.2 MAC RECEIVER FOOTNOTES en ..... ~ A 1.2.1 Internal Conditions (1) ESA: Option.Enable_Short_Address (2)ELA: Option.Enable_Long_Address (3)IRR: Option.Inhibit_Recovery_Required I (~ESA & ~ELA) (4)IFCS: Option. Implementer_FCS (5)EMIND: Option.External_Matching_Indicators (6) MAC_Reset: Function.MAC_Reset I~Mode.Run A.l.2.2 Transition Conditions (1) PH_Invalid: See encoding of PH_Invalid in Section (2) PH_Indication (Sl S2): Sl is the first symbol received, S2 is the second symbol received. See encoding of PH_ Indication in Section (3) Transition R( 12): This Transition may be a 0 time transition from any state except RO:Listen A.l.2.3 Actions 1. DA-Actlons: IF FC.L = 0 CLEAR FCSL ;short address ELSE SET FCSL ;long address After DAOr IF DA.IG = 0 CLEAR DAIG ;individual address ELSE SET DAIG ;group address IF FCSL = 0 ;short address After DAlr SIGNAL DARCVD IF DAIG = 1 THEN IF DAr is contained in set of Group Addresses THEN SET A_Flag IF DAIG = 0 THEN IF DAr = MSA THEN SET A_Flag IF FCSL = 1 ;long address After DA5r SIGNAL DARCVD IF DAIG = 1 THEN IF DAr is contained in set of Group Addresses THEN SET A_Flag IF DAIG = 0 THEN IF DAr = MLA THEN SET A_Flag NOTE: A_Flag may be set on reception of VOID frames. 2-251 II ... CD N ('I) fc r-------~--------------------------------------------------------------------------__, Appendix A. Ring Engine State Machines (Continued) 2. SAJctlons: IF FCSL = 0; short address After SAlr SIGNAL SARCVD IF ESA THEN IF SAr = MSA THEN SET MFLAG. Signal FR_Strip ELSE IF SAr > MSA THEN SET HFLAG ELSE SET LFLAG IF ((SAr = previous SArI & (previous FCSL = 0) & (FC.FF = ~MAC & previous FC.FF = ~MAC) THEN SIGNAL SAMESA IF FCSL = 1: long address After SA5r SIGNAL SARCVD IF ELA THEN IF SAr = MLA THEN SET MFlag. Signal FR_Strip ELSE IF SAr > MLA THEN SET H_Flag -ELSE SET L_Flag IF ((SAr = previous SArI & (previous FCSL = 1) & (FC.FF = ~MAC & previous FC.FF = ~MAC) THEN SIGNAL SAMESA NOTE; A station, with a null address may not win Claim when Option.IRR is set •• 3. CT-Actions: After 4_Info_Octets If FCr = Claim IF T_Bid_Rc TREQ CLEAR MFLAG IF T_Bid_Rc > TREQ THEN IF L_Flag SET H_Flag CLEAR L_Flag ELSE IF H_Flag SET L_Flag CLEAR H_Flag IF L_Flag SIGNAL FR_Strip IF ((INFOr = previous INFO) & (FCSL = previous FCSL) & (FC.FF = MAC'& previous FC.FF'= MAC) THEN SIGNAL SAME INFO *' 4. TLRecelved-Actions: IF Token_Class = Restricted THEN IF ~R_Flag THEN SET R_Flag SET TELR.ENTRMD [Entered_Restricted_Model ELSE RESET TVX CLEAR R_Flag SIGNAL TK_Received INC TKCT [token countl SET CILR.TKRCVD [Token-Receivedl 2-252 Appendix A. Ring Engine State Machines (Continued) 5. ED-AcUons: INC FRCT {Frame_Received_Ctl SIGNAL FR_Received, EDRDVD SET CILR.FRRCV If Valid_Data_Length & (Valid_FCS_Rc I (FCr = Void) (FCr = Implementer and ~(Option.IFCS» THEN RESET TVX; IF (A_Flag I(EA & Option.EMIND» & VCOpy THEN SET C_Flag ELSE SET E_Flag {This E_Flag is used during rest of the ED_Actionsl CLEAR A_Flag, M_Flag, H_Flag, L_Flag IF Er S & E_Flag THEN INC EICT {Error_Ctl SET CILR.FREI {Frame_Error_Isolatedl IF Er = R & ~E_Flag THEN IF FCr = Claim THEN SET RELR.CLM IF A_Flag & M_Flag THEN SIGNAL My_Claim SET RELR.MYCLM CLEAR R_Flag SET TNEG = T_Bid_Rc IF H_Flag THEN SIGNAL Higher_Claim SET RELR.HICLM CLEAR R_Flag SET TNEG = T_Bid_Rc IF L_Flag THEN SIGNAL Lower_Claim SET RELR.LOCLM CLEAR R_Flag IF FCr = Beacon THEN SET RELR.BCN IF M_Flag THEN SIGNAL My_Beacon SET RELR.MYBCN CLEAR R_Flag IF ~ (M_Flag IE_Flag) THEN SIGNAL Other_Beacon SET RELR.OTRBCN CLEAR R_Flag IF FCr = Other_MAC THEN SIGNAL Other_MAC SET RELR.OTRMAC IF FCr = VOID THEN IF M_Flag & A_Flag & ~DAIG SIGNAL My_Void ELSE IF ~A_Flag SIGNAL Void ELSE IF ~M_Flag SIGNAL Other_Void '* 2·253 fI ~ r-------~------------------------------------------------------------~----~--~ CD C'I ('I) 'CO DC Appendix A. Ring Engine State Machines (Continued) 6. ArJctlons: After Ar IF Ar = R THEN CLEAR N_Flag IF A_Flag & Ar = S & DA.IG = 0 & ~E_Flag' THEN SET RELR.DUPADD (Duplicate_Address I Strip Error' detected} IF REVl & ~E_Flag & (A_Flag I (EA & EMIND)) & FCr 9= (MAC I Void) . IF (VCOPY & FCr 9= NSA) I (VCOPY & FCr = NSA & Ar = R) THEN SET CILR.FRCOP INC FCCT (Frame_Copied_Ct} ELSE IF ~VCOPYI (FCr =' NSA & Ar = S) SET CILR.FRNCOP INC FNCT (Frame_Not_Copied_Ct} IF REV2 & ~E_Flag & (A_Flag I (EA & EMIND)) & FCr 9= (MAC I Void) & ~ (FCr = NSA & Ar = S) IF VCOPY THEN SET CILR.FRCOP INC FCCT (Frame_Copied_Ct} ELSE SET CILR.FRNCOP INC FNCT (Frame_Not_Copied_Ct} 2-254 C -a 01) Appendix A. Ring Engine State Machines (Continued) w N A.2 TRANSMITTER Q) ...... A.2.1 MAC Transmitter State Diagram TO:TLIDlE T4: ClAIM_TK 11: REPEAT RC_START Ie T(OI) VOID_STRIP Ie ~ = TOKEN BErORE rcx /I; rCr ~ llCRECEIVED Ie ~ IRPT Ie CAPTURE-TK T(10A) IRPT T(10B) PASS_ACTIONS I rO_ERROR rR_STRIP RECOVERY-ACTIONS T(IOC) MAC_RESET I IRPT T(IOO) RESET-ACTIONS rR-RECEIVED T(10E) TILRECEIVED I< USABLE-TOKEN I< T(02A) RECOVERY-REQUIRED T(14) ~ ITC T2:TLDATA Ie ~ IRPT CAPTURUCnONS USABlUMMEDIATE Ie T(02B) ~ ITC RESET_REQUIRED RESET-ACTIONS = LOPR; RESET lMAX = NONE T(20B) SET LATE T(22) T7:TX VOID llCRECEIVED /I; ~ USABLE-TOKEN ~ITC T(07) I< I I< T(27) ArTER rsx &: T(72) SET VSENT ~ TX.PASS ~ TX.PASS <~:I RECOVERY-REQUIRED T(74) ANOTHER_VOID ArTER rsx Ie ELSE ArTER rsx Ie TX.PASS Ie SEND_VOID ~IRPT PASS-ACTIONS RECOVERY-ACTIONS T(20A) ELSE ArTER rsx I< TX.PASS I< TX.CLASS RESET TRT RECOVERY-REQUIRED T(24) IMMEDIATE-ACTIONS RECOVERY-ACTIONS T(77) MY-CLAIM I< I ~ ITR /I; ~ IRPT T(47) START-ACTIONS RESET_REQUIRED T(70A) RESET-ACTIONS ELSE ArTER rsx /I; TX.PASS '" TX.CLASS ¢ NONE RESET TRT = LOPR; SET LATE T3; ISSUE-TK T(70B) T(73) ELSE ArTER rsx &: TX.PASS '" TX.CLASS ¢ NONE llCRECEIVED '" ITC Ie ~ IRPT T(03) PASS-ACnONS T(34) RESET_REQUIRED RECOVERY_REQUIRED RECOVERY-ACTIONS T(30A) RESET-ACTIONS ArTER ED(lT) T(30B) ISSUUCTIONS RECOVERY-REQUIRED T(04) RECOVERY-ACnONS RESET_REQUIRED T(40) RESET-ACTIONS T(OO) I T5: TX BEACON RESET-ACTIONS TRT EXPIRES MAC-'!ESET I (OTHER_BEACON '" ~ IRPT) RESET-ACTIONS T(OS) fII RESET_REQUIRED BEACON_REQUEST RESET TRT SET BEACON_TYPE = UNSUCCESSrUl CLAIM; SET DA = NUll; RESET-ACTIONS T(SO) T(54) = LOPR T(45) MY-BEACON'" (CLAIM_REQUEST I .."RR) RECOVERY-ACTIONS Tl/F/l0387-44 FIGURE A·2. Ring Engine Transmitter State Diagram 2-255 ..CD N C') Appendix A. Ring Engine State Machines (Continued) CO a.. C A.2.2 MAC TRANSMITTER FOOTNOTES A.2.2.1 Internal Conditions (1) ESA: Option.Enable_Short_Address (2) ELA: Option.Enable_Long_Address (3)IRPT: Option. Inhibit_Repeat I (,ESA & ,ELA) (4)ITC: Option. Inhibit_Token_Capture (5)IRR: (6)ITR: Option. Inhibit_Token_Release (7)IFCS: Option. Implementer_FCS (8)EMIND: Option. External_Mat ching_Indicators (9) MAC_Reset: Function.MAC_Reset I ,Mode.Run (10) Beacon,Request: Function.Beacon_Request & ,MAC_Reset (11) Claim_Request: Function.Claim_Request & ,Beacon_Request & ,MAC_Reset A.2.2.2 Transition Conditions (1) Usable_Token: Ring_Operational & ,RQ.Send & ((RQ.Class = synchronous & ,RELR.Beacon_Received) (RQ.Class = asynchronous & ,Late & RQ.Class.Capture = FCr.L & (RQ.Class oF priority I TRT < T_Pri[RQ.Class.Priority]) & ,(RQ.Class = restricted & (RELR.Beacon_Received I RELR.Claim_Received I (RQ.Class.Capture = nonrestricted & ,RbeginOK))))) (2) Capture_TK: ,ITC & ,IRPT & (Usable_Token I (Ring_Operational & ,TELR.Ring_Latency_Valid & ,Late & ,FCr.L)) (3) Immediate Request: RQ.Class = immediate & ,RQ.Claim & ,RQ.Beacon (4) Usable_Immediate: ,Ring_Operational & TX.Class = none & ,(TK_Received & ,IRPT) & ,RQ.Send & Immediate_Request (5) Send_Void: TX.Abort I (After FSx & ((TX.Ready & (,RQ.Ready I ((Immediate_Request I Lmax expired) & ,RQ.Send)) (TX.Pass &; (Void_Strip I (,TELR.Ring_Latency_Valid & Early) ,(TX.ED I TX.Class = none)) 2-256 I Appendix A. Ring Engine State Machines (Continued) (6) Another_Void: After FSx & TX.Pass & Void_Strip & ,Vsent (7) ReseLRequired: MAC_Reset I (,IRPT & (Higher_Claim I Other_Beacon I Other_MAC» I (IRPT &: (T3 I (TO & (Ring_Operational I TX.Class 7'= none I ,Late»» Note: Any other MAC frame received while RING_Operational must be a My_Claim or a bad frame. These frames are ignored here. (8) Recovery_Required: Claim_Request I (,IRR &: (Lower_Claim I My_Beacon I TVX expires I (TRT expires &: Late & ,«TO I TIl & TK_Received»» Nole: (Ring_Operational & T_Opr < T-Req) must be detected by softwarel A.2.2.3. Transition Actions (1) PassJctions: CLEAR TX.Ready, Void_Strip; IF Tl THEN SET RbeginOK = ,FCr.L; SET TX.Class = FCr.L; SET TX.Pass, TELR.Token_Passed; If Ring_Operational THEN IF ,Late THEN RESET TRT = T_Opr ELSE CLEAR Late ELSE SET T_Opr T_Neg; RESET TRT T_Opr; SET Late; SET RELR.Ring_Operational_Set, Ring_Operational = = (2) Capture-Actions: CLEAR TX.ED, SET TX.Class RESET Lmax; IF ,Late THEN ELSE TX.Abort, TX.Pass, Void_Strip; = FCr.L; SET TX.Ready, TELR.Token_Captured; SET Early; SET THT CLEAR Early, Late =TRT; RESET TRT =T_Opr (3) Immedlate-Actlons: CLEAR TX.ED, TX.Abort, TX.Pass, Void_Strip; SET TX.Class = none; SET TX.Ready; SET Early; RESET TRT = T_Opr; CLEAR Late (4) Reset-Actions: IF T41T51(T2 &: ,TX.Ready &: ,TX.Pass &: ,TX.ED) THEN SET TX.Abort CLEAR TX.Ready, TX.Ack, Void_Strip; SET TX.Class = none; SET TX.Pass; SET T_Opr T_Max; RESET TRT T_Opr; SET Late; IF Ring_Operational THEN SET RELR.Ring_Operational_Reset IF MAC_Reset IRing_operational CLEAR Late_Count, Ring_Operational, Function.MAC_Reset = = 2-257 ~ r-----------------------~------------------------------------------------------------, ~ co C") Appendix A. Ring Engine State Machines (Continued) a. (5) Recovery-Actlons: C IF T2 & ~TX.Ready & ~TX.Pass & ~TX.ED THEN SET TX.Abort IF T5 THEN CLEAR TX.Abort CLEAR TX.Ready, TX.Ack, Void_Strip; SET TX.Class = nonrestricted; SET TX.Pass; SET T_Opr T_Max; RESET TRT T_Opr; SET Late; IF Ring_Operational THEN SET RELR.Ring_Operational_Reset; CLEAR Late_Count, Ring_Operational = = (6) StarLActlons: CLEAR TX.Ready, TX.Ack, TX.Abort; SET Void_Strip, TX.Pass; RESET TRT = T_Opr (7) Issue-Actlons: IF ~Ring_Operational = THEN SET T_Opr T_Neg; RESET TRT IF TX.Class = nonrestricted & ~R_Flag THEN SET RbeginOK ELSE CLEAR RbeginOK = T_Opr; SET Late A.2.2.4 State Actions (1) TRT-Actlons: Always: IF TRT expires THEN RESET TRT = T_Opr; IF ~ «Tolnl & TK_Received & ~IRPTl THEN IF ~Late THEN SET Late ELSE SET TELR.TRT_Expired; IF ~Ring_Operational THEN INCREMENT Late_Count IF (T4 & ~(My_Claim & ~ITR & ~IRPTlll (T5 & ~(My_Beaoon & (Claim_Requestl~IRRlll THEN SET TELR.Recovery_Failed (2) RLCT-Actlons: Always: IF TELR.Ring_Latenoy_ValidIMAC_Resetl (~ESA & ~ELAll (TRT expires & LatellPH_Invalidl Lower_ClaimlMy _BeaoonlHigher_Claiml Other_BeaoonlOther_MACITK_Recei vedlOther _Void THEN DISABLE Latency_Count IF My_Void & Latency_Count enabled THEN SET TELR.Ring_LatencY_Valid (3) T)Lldle-Actlons (TO): Always: PH_Data. request (Ill ; IF My_VoidIOther_Void THEN CLEAR Void_Strip 2·258 .----------------------------------------------------------------------.0 "tI Appendix A. Ring Engine State Machines (Continued) co Co) Po) Q) (4) RepeaLActlons (T1): IF -llRPT II: (Higher_ClaimIOther_BeaconIOther_MACl II: (Ring_Operationallrx.Class oF nonel,Late) THEN SET TX.Class = none; SET T_Opr = T_Max; RESET TRT = T_Opr; SET Late; IF Ring_Operational THEN SET RELR.Ring_Operational_Reset; CLEAR Late_Count. Ring_Operational Still-Usable: Ring_Operational II: ,RQ.Send II: «RQ.Class = synchronous II: ,RELR.Beacon_Receivedll (RQ.Class asynchronous II: ,Late II: RQ.Capture FCr.L II: (RQ.Class oF prioritylTRT < T_Pri[RQ.Class.Priority)l II: ,(RQ.Class = restricted II: (RELR.Beacon_ReceivedIRELR.Claim_Receivedl (RQ.Class.Capture = nonrestricted II: ,RbeginOKlllll = = (5) T}L.DatLActlons (T2): IF Lmax = expired II: RQ.Ready THEN RESET Lmax; SET Used IF ,RQ.Ready THEN RESET Lmax; CLEAR Used IF Abort THEN SET TX.Abort; IF Still_Usable THEN SET TX.Ready ELSE SET TX.Pass After ED SET rx.ED; IF Still_Usable THEN SET TX.Ready ELSE SET TX.Pass (6) IssuL-TKJctions (T3): Always: IF My_Void THEN CLEAR Void_Strip (7) Clal'"-.TKJctlons (T4): CLEAR Function. Claim_Request· (8) T}L.BeaconJctlons (T5): CLEAR Function.Beacon_Request (9) T}L.VolcLActlons (T7): Always: IF MY_Void II: Vsent THEN CLEAR Void_Strip 2-259 .... U) , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , CD C'I ('I) CO a. Q ~National PRELIMINARY ~ Semiconductor DP83265 BSITM Device (FOOl System Interface) General Description Features The DP83265 BSI device implements an interface between the National FOOl BMACTM device and a tiost system. It provides a multi-frame, MAC-level interface to one or more MAC Users. The BSI device accepts MAC User requests to receive and transmit multiple frames (Service Data Units). On reception (Indicate), it receives the byte stream from the BMAC device, packs it into 32-bit words and writes it to memory. On transmission (Request), it unpacks the 32-bit wide memory data and sends it a byte at a time to the BMAC device. The host software and the BSI device communicate via registers, descriptors, and an attention/notify scheme using clustered interrupts. • 32-blt wide Address/Data path with byte parity • Programmable transfer burst sizes of 4 or 8 32-bit words • Interfaces to low-cost DRAMs or directly to system bus • 2 Output and 3 Input Channels • Supports Headerllnfo splitting • Bridging support • Efficient data structures • Programmable Big or Little Endian alignment • Full Duplex data path allows transmission to self • Confirmation status batching services • Receive frame filtering services • Operates from 12.5 MHz to 25 MHz synchronously with host system TO HOST SYSTEM fJ;J.Kf.t~iE~:*f:m ~.: (SYSTEM INTERFACE) :. ; .~ :.: :.: :.: :.:..:.: :.: :.: :.;.........:.; ;.; ,'.;: .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. DP83241 CDD (CLOCK DISTRIBUTION) DP83231 CRD (CLOCK RECOVERY) "---v----' TO FIBER OPTIC TRANSCEIVER PAIR FIGURE 1. FOOl Chip Set Block Diagram 2-260 TL/F/10791-1 r-----------------------------------------------------------------,c Table of Contents 5.0 CONTROL INFORMATION 1.0 FOOl CHIP SET OVERVIEW 5.1 Overview 2.0 ARCHITECTURE DESCRIPTION 5.2 Operation Registers 2.1 Interfaces 5.3 Control and Event Register Descriptions 2.2 Data Structures 5.4 Pointer RAM Registers 2.3 Map Engine 5.5 Limit RAM Registers 5.6 Descriptors 3.0 FEATURE OVERVIEW 3.1 32-Bit address/Data Path to Host Memory 5.7 Operating Rules 3.2 Multi-Channel Architecture 5.B Pointer RAM Register Descriptions 3.3 Support for Header/Info Splitting 5.9 Limit RAM Register Descriptions 3.4 MAC Bridging Support 5.10 BSI Device Descriptors 3.5 Confirmation Status Batching Services 6.0 SIGNAL DESCRIPTIONS 3.6 Receive Frame Filtering Services 6.1 Pin Organization 3.7 Two Timing Domains 6.2 Control Interface 3.B Clustered Interrupts 6.3 BMAC Device Indicate Interface 6.4 BMAC Device Request Interface 4.0 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION 4.1 Overview 6.5 ABus Interface 4.2 Operation 6.6 Electrical Interface 4.3 Bus Interface Unit 2-261 "U co Co) ~ en ~ re C') ~ c r---------------------------------------------------------------------------------, 1.0 FDDI Chip Set Overview National Semiconductor's FOOl chip set consists of five components as shown in Figure 1-1. For more information about the other devices in the chip set, consult the appropriate data sheets and application notes. DP83261 BMACTM Device Media Access Controller The BMAC device implements the Timed Token Media Access Control protocol defined by the ANSI FOOl X3T9.5 MAC Standard. DP83231 CRDTM Device Clock Recovery Device Features The Clock Recovery Device extracts a 125 MHz clock from the incoming bit stream. • All of the standard defined ring service options • Full duplex operation with through parity • Supports all FOOl Ring Scheduling Classes (Synchronous, Asynchronous, etc.) • Supports Individual, Group, Short, Long and External Addressing Features • PHY Layer loopback test • Crystal controlled • Clock locks in less than 85 p.s • Generates Beacon, Claim, and Void frames internally DP83241 CDDTM Device Clock Distribution Device • Extensive ring and station statistics gathering • Extensions for MAC level bridging • Separate management port that is used to configure and control operation From a 12.5 MHz reference, the Clock Distributon Device synthesizes the 125 MHz, 25 MHz, and 12.5 MHz clock required by the BSI, BMAC, and PLAYER devices. • Multi-frame streaming interface DP83251/55 PLAYERTM Device Physical Layer Controller DP83265 BSITM Device System Interface The PLAYER device implements the Physical Layer (PHY) protocol as defined by the ANSI FOOl PHY X3T9.5 Standard. The BSI Device implements an interface between the BMAC device and a host system. Features Features • 32-bit wide Address/Data path with byte parity • Programmable transfer burst sizes of 4 or 8 32-bit words • Interfaces to low-cost DRAMs or directly to system bus • 4B/5B encoders and decoders • Framing logic • Elasticity Buffer, Repeat Filter and Smoother • Provides 2 Output and 3 Input Channels • Line state detector/generator • Supports Header/Info splitting • Efficient data structures • Programmable Big or Little Endian alignment • Link error detector • Configuration switch • Full duplex operation • Separate management port that is used to configure and control operation In addition, the DP83255 contains .an additional PHY_Data. request and PHY_Data.indicate port required for concentrators and dual attach stations. • Full duplex data path allows transmission to self • Confirmation status batching services • Receive frame filtering services • Operates from 12.5 MHz to 25 MHz synchronously with host system 2-262 2.0 Architecture Description The BSI device is comppsed of three interfaces and the Map Engine, ' The Control Bus Interface is separate from the BMAC device and ABus Interfaces to 'allow independent operation of the Control Bus. The three interfaces are the BMAC device, the ABus, and the Control Bus. They are used to connect the BSI device to the BMAC device, Host System, and external Control Bus. The host uses the Control Bus to access the BSI device's internal registers, and to manage the attention/notify logic. The Map Engine manages the operation of the BSI device. 2.2 DATA STRUCTURES 2.1 INTERFACES 2.2.1 Data Types The BSI device connects to external components via three interfaces: the BMAC device Interface, the ABus Interface, and the Control Bus Interface (see Figure 2-1). The architecture of the BSI device defines two basic kinds of objects: Data Units and Descriptors. A Data Unit is a group of contiguous bytes which forms all or part of a frame (Service Data Unit). A Descriptor is a two-word (64-bit) control object that provides addressing information and control/ status information about BSI device operations. 2.1.1 BMAC Device Interface The BSI device connects to the BMAC device via the MA-Indicate (receive) and MA-Request (transmit) Interfaces, as shown in Figure 2-1. ' Data and Descriptor objects may consist of one or more parts, where each part is contiguous and wholly contained within a 1k or 4k memory page. A single-part object consists. of one Only Part; a multiple-part object consists of one First Part, zero or more Middle Parts, and one Last Part. In Descriptor names, the object part is denoted in a suffix, preceded by a dot. Thus an Input Data Unit Descriptor (IDUD), which describes the last Data Unit of a frame received from the ring, is called an IDUD.Last. Received Data is transferred from the BMAC device to the BSI device via the MA-Indicate Interface. the MA-Indicate Interface consists of a parity bit (odd parity) and byte-wide data along with flag and control signals. Transmit Data is transferred from the BSI device to the BMAC device via the MA-Request Interface. The MA-Request Interface consists of a parity bit (odd parity) and byte-wide data along with flag and control signals. A single-part Data Unit is stored in contiguous locations within a single 4k byte page in memory. Multiple-part Data Units are stored in separate, and not necessarily contiguous 4k byte pages. Descriptors are stored in contiguous locations in Queues and Lists, where each Queue or List occupies a Single 1k byte or 4k byte memory page, aligned on the queue·size boundary. For both Queues and Lists, an access to the next location after the end of a page will automatically wrap-around and access the first location in the page. 2.1.2 ABus Interface The BSI device connects to the Host System via the ABus Interface. The ABus Interface consists of four bits of parity (odd parity) and 32 bits of multiplexed address and data along with transfer control and bus arbitration signals. 2.1.3 Control Bus Interface The Control Bus Interface connects the BSI device to the external Control Bus. To HOST SYSTEM Bus Control &: Arbitration Signal. AB..AD(3t:O) - ABUS INTER.ACE B U 5 MAP ENGINE I I N T E R I • BMAC INTERFACE MA.JNDICATE(7:0) MA.JNDICATE PARITY Flags I< Control Signals Transmit Parameters & Handshake Signals C 0 N T R 0 L - II A C E MILREQUEST(7:0) MILREQUE5T PARITY To BMAC DEVICE TLlF/l079t -2 FIGURE 2·1. BSI Device Interfaces 2-263 ~r-----------------~----------------~---------------------------------, I c 2.0 Architecture Description (Continued) Data Units (MAC Service Data Units) are transferred between the BSI device and' BMAC device via five simplex Channels, three used for Indicate (receive) data and two for Request (transmit) data. Parts of frames received from the ring and copied to memory are called' Input Data Units (IDUs); parts of frames read from memory to be tansmilled to the ring are called Output Data Units (ODUe). Descriptors are transferred between the BSI device and Host via the ABus, whose operation is 'for the most part transparent to the user. There are five Descriptor types rec· ognized by the BSI device: Input Data Unit Descriptors (IOU Os}, Output Data Unit Descriptors (ODUDs); Pool Space Descriptors (PSPs), Request Descriptors (REQs), and Confirmation Message Descriptors (CNFs): Input and Output Data Unit Descriptors describe a single Data Unit part, i.e., its address (page number and offset), its size In bytes, and its part (Only, First, Middle, 'or Last). 'Frames consisting of a single part are described by a Descriptor.Only; frames consisting of multiple parts are described by a Descriptor.First, zero or more Descriptor.Middles, and a Descriptor.Last. Every Output Data Unit part is described by ari Output Data Unit Descriptor (ODUD). Output Data Unit Descriptors are fetched from memory so that frame parts can be assembled for transmission, Every Input Data Unit part is described by an Input Data Unit Descriptor (lOUD). Input Data Unit Descriptors are generat· ed on Indicate Channels to describe where the BSI device wrote each frame part and to report status for the frame. Request Descriptors (REQs) are wri~en by the user to spec· ify the operational parameters for aSI deviCe Request oper· ations. Request Descriptors also contain the start address of part of a stream of ODUDs and the number of frames represented by the ODUD stream part (i.e., the number of ODUD.Last descriptors). Typically, the user will define a sin· gle Request Object consisting of multiple frames of the same request and service class, frame control, and expect· ed status. ' Confirmation Messages (CNFs) are created by the BSI de· vice to record the result of a Request operation. Pool Space Descriptors (PSPs) describe the location and size of a region of memory space available for writing Input Data Units. Request (transmit) and Indicate (receive) data structures are summarized in Figures 2·2 and 2-3. --, I First ODU REQuest.Only ~ I I I I I I I I .--------04 ~_:r-----· l J Frame #1 ODUD.Flrst I--Last ODU ODUD.Last ODUD.F1rst ODUD.Mlddle I--First ODU ODUD.Last '1 Last ODU Middle ODU l Frame #2 j TL/F/l0791-3 FIGURE 2·2. aSI DeVice Request Data Structures 2·264 C ." 2.0 Architecture Description (Continued) CD Co) N r--+r---, -, Q) U1 Frame #1 I -_ _---I.-J l L..-----,J Frame #2 IDUD.La.t l II~ I r--------, I I ~- l I - - - - - - - ~ La,t IOU Frame #3 U------~ ~J Middle ODU TL/F/l0791-4 FIGURE 2·3. BSI Device Indicate Data Structures 2.2.2 Descriptor Queues and Lists The BSI device utilizes 10 Queues and two Lists. These queues and lists are circular. There are six Queues for Indicate operations, and four Queues and two Lists for Request operations. Each of the three Indicate Channels has a Data Queue containing Pool Space Descriptors (PSPs), and a Status Queue containing Input Data Unit Descriptors (lDUDs). Each Request Channel has a Data Queue containing Request Descriptors (REQs), a Status Queue containing Confirmation Messages (CNFs), and a List containing Output Data Unit Descriptors (DOUDs). 2.3 MAP ENGINE The Map Engine, which manages the operation of the BSI, is comprised of seven basic blocks: Indicate Machine, Request Machine, Status/Space State Machine, Operation RAM, Pointer RAM, Limit RAM, and Bus Interface Unit. An internal block diagram of the BSI device is shown in Figure 2-4. 2.3.1 Indicate Machine The Indicate Block accepts Service Data Units (frames) from the BMAC device in the byte stream format (MA.-Indicate). During Indicate and Request operations, Descriptor Queues and Lists are read and written by the BSI device, using registers in the Pointer and Limit RAM Register files. The Pointer RAM Queue and List Pointer Registers pOint to a location from which a Descriptor will be read (PSPs, REQs, and ODUDs) or written (IDUDs and CNFs). Upon receiving the data, the Indicate Block performs the following functions: • Decodes the Frame Control field to determine the frame type • Sorts the received frames onto Channels according to the Sort Mode For each Queue Pointer Register there is a corresponding Queue Limit Register in the Limit RAM Register file, which holds the Queue's limit as an offset value in units of 1 Descriptor (8 bytes). The address in the Queue Pointer is incremented before a Descriptor is read and after a Descriptor is written, then compared with the value in the corresponding Queue Limit Register. When a Descriptor is accessed from the location defined by the Queue Limit Register, an attention is generated, informing the host that the Queue is empty. When a pOinter value is incremented past the end of the page, it wraps to the beginning of the page. • Filters identical MAC frames • Copies the received frames to memory according to Copy Criteria • Writes status for the received frames to the Indicate Status Queue • Issues interrupts to the host at host-defined status breakpoints 2.3.2 Request Machine The Request Machine presents Service Data Units (MAC frames) to the BMAC device in the byte stream format (MA.-RequestJ. The Request Machine performs the following functions: 2.2.3 Storage Allocation The maximum unit of contiguous storage allocation in external memory is a Page. All BSI device addresses consist of a 16-bit page number and a 12-bit offset. • Reads frames from host memory and assembles them onto Request Channels The BSI device uses a page size of 1K or 4k bytes for storage of Descriptor Queues and Lists (as selected by the user), and a page size of 4K bytes for storage of Data Units. A Single page may contain multiple Data Units, and multiplepart Data Units may span multiple disjoint or contiguous pages. • Prioritizes active requests • Transmits frames to the BMAC device • Writes status for transmitted and returning frames • Issues interrupts to the host on user-defined group boundaries 2-265 • U) CD N ~ a.. r---------------------------------------------------------------------------------, 2.0 Architecture Description (Continued) Control C Address/Data Bu. Clock ABu. Interface BIU Bus Interface Un" Control Bus r---..., Interface Data Indicate Burst Request Burst FIFO FIFO Reque.t Machine Indicate Machine Indicate Data Request Data FIFO FIFO Indicate Data Control Bus 1-____t>llndlcate Control Request 1+____-1 Request Data Control BMAC Device Interface TL/F/10791-5 FIGURE 2·4. BSI Device Internal Block Diagram 3. Confirmation Message Descriptor stream 2.3.3 Status/Space Machine The Status/Space Machine is used by both the Indicate Ma· chine and the Request Machine. 4. Request Descriptor stream The BIU arbitrates between the Subchannels and issues a Bus Request when any Subchannel requests service. The priority of Subchannel bus requests is generally as follows, from highest priority to lowest priority: The Status/Space Machine manages all descriptor Queues and writes status for received and transmitted frames. 2.3.4 Bus Interface Unit 1. Output Data Unit reads (highest priority) The Bus Interface Unit (BIU) is used by both the Indicate and Request Blocks. It manages the ABus Interface, provid· ing the BSI device with a 32·bit data path to local or system memory. The Bus Interface Unit controls the transfer of Data Units and Descriptors between the BSI device and Host memory via the ABus. Data and Descriptors are transferred between the BSI de: vice and Host memory in streams, where a stream is a flow of logically related information (I.e., a single type of data or descriptor object) in one direction (either to or from host memory). Each Channel supports a subset of object streams, via Subchannels. The three Indicate Channels each support three Subchannels: 1. input Data Unit stream 2. Input Data Unit writes 3. Input Data Unit Descriptor writes 4. 5. 6. 7. Confirmation Message Descriptor writes Pool Space Descriptor reads Mailbox reads/writes Pointer RAM and Limit RAM Service functions (lowest priority) Addresses for Subchannel accesses are contained in the Pointer RAM Registers. 2.3.5 Pointer RAM The Pointer RAM Block is used by both the Indicate and Request Machines. It contains pOinters to all Data Units and Descriptors manipulated by the BSI device, namely, Input and Output Data Units, Input and Output Data Unit Descrip· tors, Request Descriptors, Confirmation Messages, and Pool Space Descriptors. 2. input Data Unit Descriptor stream 3. Pool Space Descriptor stream The two, Request Channels each support four Subchanne!s: 1. Output Data Unit stream 2. Output Data Unit Descriptor stream 2·266 3.2 MULTI-CHANNEL ARCHITECTURE The BSI device provides three Input Channels and two Output Channels, which are designed to operate independently and concurrently. They are separately configured by the user to manage the reception or transmission of a particular kind of frame (for example, synchronous frames only). 2.0 Architecture Description (Continued) The Pointer RAM Block is accessed by clearing the PTOP (Pointer RAM Operation) bit in the Service Attention Register, which causes the transfer of data between the Pointer RAM Register and a mailbox location in memory. 3.3 SUPPORT FOR HEADERIINFO SPLITTING In order to support high performance protocol processing, the BSI device can be programmed to split the header and information portions of (non-MAC/SMT) frames between two Indicate Channels. Frame bytes from the Frame Control field (FC) up to the user-defined header length are copied onto Indicate Channel 1, and the remaining bytes (info) are copied onto Indicate Channel 2. 2.3.6 Limit RAM The Limit RAM Block is used by both the Indicate and Request Machines. It contains data values that define the limits of the ten Queues maintained by the BSI device. Limit RAM Registers are accessed by clearing the LMOP (Limit RAM Operation) bit in the Service Attention Register, which causes the transfer of data between the Limit RAM Register and the Limit Data and Limit Address Registers. 3.4 MAC BRIDGING SUPPORT 3.0 Feature Overview Support for bridging and monitoring applications is provided by the Internal/External Sorting Mode. All frames matching the external address (frames requiring bridging) are sorted onto Indicate Channel 2, MAC and SMT frames matching the internal (BMAC device) address are sorted onto Indicate Channel 0, and all other frames matching the BMAC device's internal address (short or long) are sorted onto Indicate Channel 1. The BSI device implements a system interface for the FOOl BMAC Device. It is designed to provide a high-performance, low-cost interface for a variety of hosts. On the system side, the BSI device provides a simple yet powerful bus interface and memory management scheme to maximize system efficiency. It is capable of interfacing to a variety of host busses/environments. The BSI device provides a 32-bit wide multiplexed address/data interface, which can be configured to share a system bus to main memory or communicate via external shared memory. The system interface supports virtual addressing using fixed-size pages. 3.5 CONFIRMATION STATUS BATCHING SERVICES The BSI device provides confirmation status for transmitted and returning frames. Interrupts to the host are generated only at status breakpoints, which are defined by the user on a per Channel basis when the Channel is configured for operation. On the network side, the BSI device performs many functions which greatly simplify the interface to the BMAC device, and provides many services which simplify network management and increase system performance and reliability. The BSI device is capable of batching confirmation and indication status, filtering out MAC frames with the same information field, and performing network monitoring functions. The BSI device further reduces host processing time by separating received frame status from the received data. This allows the CPU to quickly scan for errors when deciding whether to copy the data to memory. If the status were embedded in the data stream, all the data would need to be read contiguously to find the Status Indicator. 3.6 RECEIVE FRAME FILTERING SERVICES 3.1 32-BIT ADDRESS/DATA PATH TO HOST MEMORY To increase performance and reliability, the BSI device can be programmed to filter out identical (same FC and Info field) MAC or SMT frames received from the ring. Filtering unnecessary frames reduces the fill rate of the Indicate FIFO, reduces CPU frame processing time, and avoids unnecessary memory bus transactions. The BSI device provides a 32-bit wide synchronous multiplexed address/data interface, which permits interfacing to a standard multi-master system bus operating from 12.5 MHz to 25 MHz, or to local memory, using Big or Little Endian byte ordering. The memory may be static or dynamic. For maximum performance, the BSI device utilizes burst mode transfers, with four or eight 32-bit words to a burst. To assist the user with the burst transfer capability, the three bits of the address which cycle during a burst are output demultiplexed. Maximum burst speed is one 32-bit word per clock, but slower speeds may be accommodated by inserting wait states. 3.7 TWO TIMING DOMAINS To provide maximum performance and system flexibility, the BSI device utilizes two independent clocks, one for the MAC (ring) Interface, and one for the system/memory bus. The BSI device provides a fully synchronized interface between these two timing domains. The BSI device can operate within any combination of cached/non-cached, paged or non-paged memory environments. To provide this capability, all data structures are contained within a page, and bus transactions never cross a page. The BSI device performs all bus transactions within aligned blocks to ease the interface to a cached environment. 3.8 CLUSTERED INTERRUPTS The BSI device can be operated in a polled or interrupt-driven environment. The BSI device provides the ability to generate attentions (interrupts) at group boundaries. Some boundaries are pre-defined in hardware; others are defined by the user when the Channel is configured. This interrupt scheme significantly reduces the number of interrupts to the host, thus reducing host processing overhead. ( 2-267 c-g Q) W N en en U) i c r---------------------------------------------------------------------------------, 4.0 Functional Description whether they are synchronous or asynchronous, high-priority asynchronous or low-priority asynchronous, whether their address matches an internal (BMAC device) or external address, or the header and Information fields of all non-MACI SMTframes. The Synchronousl Asynchronous Sort Mode is Intended for use in end-stations or applications using synchronous transmission. With High-priority/Low-priority sorting, high-priority asynchronous frames are sorted onto Indicate Channel 1 and low-priority asynchronous frames are sorted onto Indicate Channel 2. The most-significant bit of the three-bit priority field within the FC field determines the priority. This Mode Is intended for end stations using two priority levels of asynchronous transmission. The BSI device is composed of the Map Engine and Interfaces to the Control Bus (Control Bus Interface), the BMAC device (BMAC Device Interface) and the ABus (Abus Interface). In this section, the Map Engine is described in detail to provide an in-depth look at the operation of the BSI device. 4.1 OVERVIEW The Map Engine consists of two major blocks, the Indicate Machine and the Request Machine. These blocks share the Bus Interface Unit, Status/Space Machine, Pointer RAM, and Limit RAM blocks. The Map Engine provides an interface between the BMAC FDDI Protocol chip and a host system. The Map Engine transfers FDDI frames (Service Data Units) between the FDDI device and host memory. With External/Internal sorting, frames matching the internal address (In the BMAC device) are sorted onto Indicate Channel 1 and frames matching an external address (when the EA input is asserted) are sorted onto Indicate Channel 2. This mode is intended for bridges or ring monitors, which would utilize the ECIP/EA/EM pins with external address matching circuitry. 4.1.1 Indicate Machine On the Receive side (from the ring) the Indicate Machine sequences through the incoming byte stream from the BMAC device. Received frames are sorted onto Indicate Channels and a decision is made whether or not to copy them to host memory. The Indicate Machine uses the control signals provided by the BMAC device Receive State Machine on the MAC Indicate Interface. The proper use of the ECIP, EA, and EM pins is as follows. External address matching circuitry must assert ECIP somewhere from the assertion of FCRCVD (from the BMAC device) up to the clock cycle before the assertion of INFORCVD (from the BMAC device). Otherwise, the BSI device assumes that no external address comparison is taking place. ECIP must be negated for at least one cycle to complete the external comparison. If it has not been deasserted before EDRCVD (from the BMAC device) the frame is not copied. EA and EM are sampled on the clock cycle aiter ECIP is negated. ECIP is ignored aiter it is negated until FCRCVD is asserted again. Note that this design allows ECIP to be a positive or negative pulse. To confirm frames in this mode, (typically with Source Address Transparency enabled), EM must be asserted within the same timeframe as EA. With the Headerllnfo Sort Mode, Indicate Channels 1 and 2 receive all non-MAC/SMT frames that are to be copied, but between them split the frame header (whose length is userdefined) and the remaining portions of the frame (Info). Indicate Channel 1 copies the initial bytes up until the host-defined header length is reached. The remainder of the frame's bytes are copied onto Indicate Channel 2. Only one IDUD stream is produced (on Indicate Channel 1), but both PSP Queues are used to determine where the IDUs will be written. When a multi-part IDUD is produced, the Indicate Status field is used to determine which parts point to the header and which point to the Info. This Mode is intended for high-performance protocol processing applications. The Indicate Machine filters identical MAC and SMT frames when the SKIP bit in the Indicate Mode Register is set, and the Indicate Configuration Register's Copy Control field (2 bits) for Indicate Channel 0 is set to 01 or 10. 4.1.2 Request Machine On the Transmit side (to the ring) the Request Machine prepares one or more frames from host memory for transmission to the BMAC device. The Request Machine provides all the control signals to drive the BMAC device Request Interface. 4.2 OPERATION 4.2.1 Indicate Operation The Indicate Block accepts data from the BMAC device as a byte stream. Upon receiving the data, the Indicate Block performs the following functions: • Decodes the Frame Control field to determine the frame type • Sorts the received frames onto Channels according to the Sort Mode • Filters identical MAC frames • Copies the received frames to memory according to Copy Criteria • Writes status for the received frames to the Indicate Status Queue • Issues interrupts to the host on host-defined status breakpoints The Indicate Machine decodes the Frame Control (FC) field to determine the type of frame. Ten types of frames are recognized: Logical Link Control (LLC), Restricted Token, Unrestricted Token, Reserved, Station Management (SMT), SMT Next Station Addressing, MAC Beacon, MAC Claim, Other MAC, and Implementer. The Indicate Machine sorts incoming frames onto Indicate Channels according to the frame's FC field, the state of the AFLAG signal from ihe BMAC device, and the host-defined sorting mode programmed in the Sort Mode field of the Indicate Mode Register. SMT and MAC Service Data Units (SDUs) are always sorted onto Indicate Channel O. On Indicate Channels 1 and 2, frames can be sorted according to Received frames are copied to memory based on the AFLAG and MFLAG, ECIP, EA, and EM input signals from external address matching logic, input signals from the BMAC device, as well as the Indicate Channel's Copy Control field. Received frames are written as a series of Input Data Units to the current Indicate page. Each frame is aligned to the start of a currently-defined, burst-size memory block (16 or 32 bytes as programmed in the Mode Register's SMLB bit). The first word contains the FC only, copied 2-268 4.0 Functional Description (Continued) into all bytes of the first word written, with the DA, SA and INFO fields aligned to the first byte of the next word. The format differs according to the setting of the Mode Register's BIGEND (Big Endian) bit, as shown in Figure 4-1. Byte 0 Bit 31 Byte 3 Bit 0 Big Endlan Indicate Data Unit Format FC FC FC FC DAO DAI SAO SAl Byte 3 Bit 31 Breakpoint bits (Breakpoint on Burst End, Breakpoint on Service Opportunity, and Breakpoint on Threshold) in the Indicate Mode Register, and enabling the breakpoints to generate an attention by setting the corresponding BreakpOint bit in the Indicate Notify Register. Little Endlan Indicate Data Unit Format When an Indicate exception occurs, the current frame is marked complete, status is written into an lOUD. Last, and the Channel's Exception (EXC) bit in the Indicate Attention Register is set. When an Indicate error (other than a parity error) is detected, the Channel's Error (ERR) bit in the State Attention Register is set. The host must reset the INSTOP Attention bit to restart processing on the Indicate Channel. Byte 0 Bit 0 FC FC FC FC SAl SAO DAI DAO When parity checking is enabled and a parity error is detected in a received frame, it is recorded in the Indicate Status field of the lOUD, and the BMAC device Parity Error (PBE) bit in the Status Attention Register is set. FIGURE 4·1. Indicate Data Unit Formats (Short Addresses) 4.2.2 Request Operation The Request Block transmits frames from host memory to the BMAC device. Data is presented to the BMAC device as a byte stream. For each Input Data Unit, the Indicate Machine creates an Input Data Unit Descriptor (lOUD), which contains status information about the IOU, its size (byte count), and its location in memory. For IDUs that fit within the current Indicate page, an IDUD.Only Descriptor is created. For IDUs that span more than one page, a mUlti-part lOUD is created, i.e., when a frame crosses a page boundary, the BSI device writes an IDUD.First; if another page is crossed, an IDUD.Middle will be written; and at the frame end, an IDUD.Last is written. IDUDs are written to consecutive loca· tions in the Indicate Status Queue for the particular Indicate Channel, up to the host-defined queue limit. The Request Block performs the following functions: • Prioritizes active requests to transmit frames • • • • Requests the BMAC device to obtain a token Transmits frames to the BMAC device Writes status for transmitted and returning frames Issues interrupts to the host on user-defined group boundaries The Request Machine processes requests by reading Request Descriptors from the REQ Queue, then assembling frames of the specified service class, frame control and expected status for transmission to the BMAC device. Request and ODUD Descriptors are checked for consistency, and the Request Class is checked for compatibility with the current ring state. When an inconsistency or incompatibility is detected, the request is aborted. When a consistency failure occurs, the Request is terminated with appropriate status. The Request Machine then locates the end of the current object (REQ or ODUD). If the current Descriptor is not the end (Last bit not set), the Request Machine will fetch subsequent Descriptors until it detects the end, then resume processing with the next Descriptor.First or Descriptor.Only. Requests are processed on both Request Channels simultaneously. Their interaction is determined by their priorities (Request Channel 0 has higher priority than Request Channell) and the Hold and Preempt/Prestage bits in the Request Channel's Request Configuration Register. An active Request Channel 0 is always serviced first, and may be programmed to preempt Request Channel I, such that uncommitted Request Channell's data already in the request FIFO will be purged and then refetched after servicing Request Channel o. When prestaging is enabled, the next frame is staged before the token arrives. Prestaging is always enabled for Request Channel 0, and is a programmable option on Request Channell. When a REQ.First is loaded, the Request Machine commands the BMAC device to capture a token of the type specified in the REQ Descriptor, and concurrently fetches the first ODUD. If prestaging is enabled, or a service opportunity exists for this Request Channel, data from the first The Indicate Machine copies IDUs and IDUDs to memory as long as there are no exceptions or errors, and the Channel has data and status space. When a lack of either data or status space is detected on a particular Channel, the Indicate Machine stops copying new frames for that Channel (only). It will set the No Status Space attention bit in the No Space Attention Register when it runs out of Status Space. It will set the Low Data Space bit in the No Space Attention Register when the last available PSP is prefetched from the Indicate Channel PSP Queue. The host allocates more data space by adding PSPs to the tail of the PSP Queue and then updating the PSP Queue Limit Register, which causes the BSI device to clear the Low Data Space attention bit and resume copying (on the same Channel). The host allocates more status space by updating the lOUD Queue Limit Register and then explicitly clearing the Channel's No Status Space bit, after which the Indicate Machine resumes copying. The BSI device provides the ability to group incoming frames and then generate interrupts (via attentions) at group boundaries. To group incoming frames, the BSI device defines status breakpoints, which identify the end of a group (burst) of related frames. Status breakpoints can be enabled to generate an attention. The breakpoints for Indicate Channels are defined by the host in the Indicate Mode, Indicate Notify, and Indicate Threshold registers. Status breakpoints include Channel change, receipt of a token, SA change, DA change, MAC Info change, and the fact that a user-specified number of frames have been copied on a particular Indicate Channel. Status breakpoint generation may be individually enabled for Indicate Channels 1 and 2 by setting the corresponding 2-269 4.0 Functional Description (Continued) ODU is loaded into the Request FIFO, and the BSI device requests transmission from the BMAC device. When the BMAC device has captured the appropriate token and the frame is committed to transmission (the FIFO threshold has been reached or the end of the frame is in the FIFO), transmission begins. The BSI device fetches the next ODUD and starts loading the ODUs of the next frame into the FIFO. This continues (across multiple service opportunities if required) until all frames for that Request have been transmitted (I.e., an REO.ONLY or an REO. LAST is detected), or an exception or error occurs, which prematurely ends the Request. The BSI device will load REO Descriptors as long as the ROSTOP bit in the State Attention Register is Zero, the REO Oueue contains valid entries (the REO Oueue Pointer Register does not exceed the REO Oueue Limit Register), and there is space in the CNF Oueue (the CNF Oueue Pointer Register is less than the CNF Oueue Limit Register). frames are ignored by the BSI device. The frame count ends when any of the following conditions occur: 1. All the frames have been transmitted, and the transmitted and confirmed frame counts are equal. 2. There is a MACRST (MAC Reset). 3. The state of the ring-operation has changed. 4. A stripped frame or a frame with a parity error is received. 5. A non-matching frame is received. 6. A token is received. When Source Address Transparency is selected (by setting the SAT bit in the Request Configuration Register) and Full confirmation is enabled, confirmation begins when a frame end is detected with either MFLAG or EM asserted. When a non-matching frame is received, the BSI device ends the Request, and generates the Request Complete (RCM), Exception (EXC), and Breakpoint (BRK) attentions. Any remaining REOs in the Request object are fetched until a REO.Last or REO.Only is encountered. Processing then resumes on the next REO.First or REO.Only (any other type of REO would be a consistency failure). Request errors and exceptions are reported in the State Attention Register, Request Attention Register, and the Confirmation Message Descriptor. When an exception or error occurs, the Request Machine generates a CNF and ends the Request. The Unserviceable Request (USR) attention is set to block subsequent Requests once one becomes unserviceable. Request status is generated as a single confirmation object (single- or multi-part) per Request object, with each confirmation object consisting of one or more CNF Descriptors. The type of confirmation is specified by the host in the Confirmation Class field of the REO Descriptor. The BSI device can be programmed to generate CNF Descriptors at the end of the Request object (End Confirmation), or at the end of each token opportunity (Intermediate Confirmation), as selected in the E and I bits of the Request Class Field of the REO Descriptor. A CNF Descriptor is always written when an exception or error occurs (regardless of the value in the Confirmation Class field), when a Request completes (for End or Intermediate Confirmation Class), or when an enabled breakpoint occurs (Intermediate Confirmation Class only). 4.2.3 State Machines There are three state machines under control of the host: the Request Machine, the Indicate Machine, and the Status/Space Machine. Each Machine has two Modes: Stop and Run. The Mode is determined by the setting of the Machine's corresponding STOP bit in the State Attention Register. The STOP bits are set by the BSI device when an error occurs or may be set by the user to place the Machine in Stop Mode. The BSI Control Registers may be programmed only when all Machines are in Stop Mode. When the Status/Space Machine is in Stop Mode, only the Pointer RAM and Limit RAM Registers may be programmed. When the Indicate and Request Machines are in Stop Mode, all indicate and request operations are halted. When the Status/Space Machine is in Stop Mode, only the PTOP and LMOP service functions can be performed. There are three basic types of confirmation: Transmitter, Full, and None. With Transmitter Confirmation, the BSI device verifies that the Output Data Units were successfully transmitted. With Full Confirmation, the Request Machine verifies that the ODUs were successfully transmitted, that the number of (returning) frames "matches" the number of transmitted ODUs, and that the returning frames contain the expected status. When the None Confirmation Class is selected, confirmation is written only if an exception or error occurs. For Full Confirmation, a matching frame must meet the following criteria: 1. The frame has a valid Ending Delimiter (ED). 2. The selected bits in the FC fields of the transmitted and received frames are equal (the selected bits are specified in the FCT bit of the Request Configuration Register). 3. The frame is My_SA (MFLAG or both SAT & EM asserted). 4. The frame matches the values in the Expected Frame Status Register. 4.3 BUS INTERFACE UNIT 4.3.1 Overview The ABus provides a 32-bit wide synchronous multiplexed address/data bus for transfers between the host system and the BSI device. The ABus uses a bus request/bus grant protocol that allows multiple bus masters, supports burst transfers of 16 and 32 bytes, and supports virtual and physical addressing using fixed-size pages. The BSI is capable of operating directly on the system bus to main memory, or connected to external shared memory. 5. FCS checking is disabled or FCS checking is enabled and . the frame has a valid FCS. 6. All bytes from FC to ED have good parity (when the FLOW bit in the Mode Register is set, i.e., parity checking is enabled). The confirmed frame count starts after the first Request burst frame has been committed by the BMAC device, and when a frame with MY_SA is received. Void and My_Void All bus signals are synchronized to the master bus clock. The maximum burst speed is one, 32-bit word per clock, but slower speeds may be accommodated by inserting wait states. The user may use separate clocks for the ring (FDDI MAC) and system (ABus) interfaces. The only restriction is that the ABus clock must be at least as fast as the ring clock 2-270 C "U 4.0 Functional Description 01) Co) (Continued) (lBC). It is important to note that all ABus outputs change and all ABus inputs are sampled on the rising edge of AB_ClK. Burst transfers are always word-aligned on a 16- or 32-by1e (burst-size) address boundary. Burst transfers will never cross a burst-size boundary. If a 32-by1e transfer size is chosen, the BSI device will perform both 16-by1e and 32-by1e bursts, whichever is most efficient (least number of clocks to load/store all required data). The Bus Interface Unit can operate in either Big Endian or Little Endian Mode. The bit and by1e alignments for both modes are shown in Figure 4-2. Byte 0 is the first by1e received from the ring or transmitted to the ring. Addressing Modes The Bus Interface Unit has two Address Modes, as selected by the user: Physical Address Mode and Virtual Address Mode. In Physical Address Mode, the BSI device emits the memory address and immediately begins transferring the data. In Virtual Address Mode, the BSI device inserts two clock cycles and TRI-STATE™s the address between emitting the virtual address and starting to transfer the data. This allows virtual-to-physical address translation by an external MMU. N en U1 Bus Arbitration The ABus is a multi-master bus, using a simple Bus Request/Bus Grant protocol that allows an external Bus Arbiter to support any number of bus masters, using any arbitration scheme (e.g., rotating or fixed priority). The protocol provides for multiple transactions per tenure, and bus master preemption. The BSI device asserts a Bus Request, and assumes mastership when Bus Grant is asserted. If the BSI device has another transaction pending, it will keep Bus Request asserted, or reassert it before the completion of the current transaction. If Bus Grant is (re)asserted before the end of the current transaction, the BSI device retains mastership and runs the next transaction. This process may be repeated indefinitely. The BSI device interfaces to byte-addressable memory, but always transfers information in words. The BSI device uses a word width of 32 data bits plus 4 (1 per byte) parity bits. Parity may be ignored. Bus Transfers The bus supports several types of transactions. Simple reads and writes involve a single address and data transfer. Burst reads and writes involve a single address transfer followed by multiple data transfers. The BSI device provides the incrementing address bits during the burst transaction. Burst sizes are selected dynamically by the BSI. On Indicate Channels, when 8-word bursts are enabled, all transactions will be 8 words until the end of the frame; the last transfer will be 4 or 8 words, depending on the number of remaining by1es. If only 4-word bursts are allowed, all Indicate Data transfers are 4 words. On Request Channels, the BSI will use 4- or 8-word bursts to access all data up to the end of the ODU. If 8-word bursts are enabled, the first access will be an 8-word burst if the ODU begins less than 4 words from the start of an 8-word burst boundary. If 8-word bursts are not allowed, or if the ODU begins 4 or more words from the start of an 8-word burst boundary, a 4-word burst will be used. The BSI will ignore unused bytes if the ODU does not start on a burst boundary. At the end of an ODU, the BSI will use the smallest transfer size (1, 4, or 8 words) which completes the ODU read. To coexist in a system that assumes implicit wraparound for the addresses within a burst, the BSI device never emits a burst that will wrap the 4- or 8-word boundary. If the Bus Arbiter wishes to preempt the BSI device, it deasserts Bus Grant. The BSI device will complete the current bus transaction, then release the bus. From preemption to bus release is a maximum of (11 bus clocks + (8 times the number of memory wait states» bus clocks. For example, in a 1 wait-state system, the BSI device will release the bus within a maximum of 19 bus clocks. Big-Endian Byte Order 0[31] 0[0] Word HalfwordO By1eO I By1e1 I I Halfword 1 By1e2 I By1e3 llttle-Endian Byte Order 0[31] A Function Code identifying the type of transaction is output by the BSI device on the upper four address bits during the address phase of a data transfer. This can be used for more elaborate external addressing schemes, for example, to direct control information to one memory and data to another (e.g., an external FIFO). To assist the user with the burst transfer capability, the BSI device also outputs three demultiplexed address bits during a burst transfer. These indicate the next word within a burst to be accessed. 0[0] Word Halfword 1 By1e3 I By1e2 I I HalfwordO Byte 1 I By1eO FIGURE 4-2. ABus Byte Orders Parity There are two options for parity: one for systems using parity, the other for systems not using parity. Parity checking on the ABus can be disabled by clearing the FLOW bit in the Mode Register. When parity is enabled (FLOW bit is set), it operates in flow-through mode on the main datapath, that is, parity is not checked at the ABus but simply flows between the ABus and the BMAC device interface, and is checked by the BMAC device as it is received. When the FLOW bit is set, parity checking is also enabled on the Control Bus and MAC Indicate Interfaces. The BSI device generates parity on all addresses output on the ABus. Byte Ordering The basic addressable quantum is a byte, so request data may be aligned to any by1e boundary in memory. All information is accessed in 32-bit words, however, so the BSI device ignores unused bytes when reading. Descriptors must always be aligned to a word address boundary. Input Data Units are always aligned to a burstsize boundary. Output Data Units may be any number of by1es, aligned to any by1e-address boundary, but operate most efficiently when aligned to a burst-size boundary. 2-271 fII U) , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , ~ CO) ~ c 4.0 Functional Description (Continued) Bandwidth The ABus supports single reads and writes, and burst reads and writes. With physical addressing, back-to-back single reads/writes can take place every four clock cycles. Burst transactions can transfer 8, 32·bit words (32 bytes) every 11 clock cycles. With a 25 MHz clock this yields a peak bandwidth of 72.7 Mbytes/sec. two Burst FIFOs, each containing two banks of 32 bytes, which provide ABus bursting capability. The amount of latency covered by the Data FIFO plus one of the banks of the Burst FIFO must meet the average and maximum bus latency of the external memory. With a new byte every 80 ns from the ring, a 64-byte FIFO provides 64 x 80 = 5.12,..s maximum latency. To assist latency issues, the BSI device can completely empty or fill the Burst FIFO in one bus tenure by asserting Bus Request for multiple transactions. Since one bank of the Burst FIFO is 8 words deep, if 8-word bursts are enabled, that half of the Burst FIFO can be emptied in one transaction. If the second half of the burst FIFO is also full, it can be emptied in the same bus tenure by again granting the bus to the BSI device. The BSI device may be preempted at any time by removing Bus Grant, which causes the BSI device to complete the current transaction and release the bus. There will be a maximum of 11 clocks (plus any memory wait states) from preemption to bus release (fewer if 8-word bursts are not enabled). To allow the bus to operate at high frequency, the protocol defines all signals to be both asserted and deasserted by the bus master and slaves. Having a bus device actively deassert a signal guarantees a high-speed inactive transition. If this were not defined, external pull-up resistors would not be able to deassert signals fast enough. The protocol also reduces contention by avoiding cases where two bus devices simultaneously drive the same line. The BSI device operates synchronously with the ABus clock. In general, operations will be asynchronous to the ring, since most applications will use a system bus clock that is asynchronous to the ring. The BSI device is designed to interface either directly to the host's main system bus or to external shared memory. When interfaced to the host's bus, there are two parameters of critical interest: latency and bandwidth. 4.3.2 Bus Ststes An ABus Master has eight states: idle (Ti), bus request (Tbr), virtual address (Tva), MMU translate (Tmmu), physical address (Tpa) , data transfer (Td), wait (Tw) and recovery (Tr). The ABus Master state diagram is shown In Figure 4-3. An ABus Slave has five states: idie (Ti), selected (Ts), data transfer (Td), wait (Tw), and recovery (Tr). Data moves between the Request and Indicate Channels and the ABus via four FIFOs, two in the receive path (Indicate) and two in the transmit path (Request). On the BMAC Device Interface, there are two, 16 x 32 bit data FIFOs for Indicate and Request data. On the ABus Interface, there are 2-272 01:0. BO:Ti --.-(00) Bl:Tbr !rqst ] B2:Tpo rqst (01) AB_BR;ociLrqst ~I (23b) ABiiG &; imode.VIRT AB-AS;AB_SIZO;AB-AO;AB-AD(Addr); (12) --.- - I e!.. B3:Td --.-(23a) iAB_BG (11)-= AB_BR bursLend AB-DEN;iAB-AS;losLdoto;AB-AD(doto) !bursLend AB_DEN;AB-AD(doto) -+ ~ II(read)AB_R/W=I;else AB_R/W=O AB_BG &; mode.VIRT B5:Tvo B6:Tmmu -.- -,- (15) ~I (62) AB-AS;AB_SIZO;AB-AO;A8-AD(Addr ); II(reod)A8_R/W=I;else ALR/W=O (56) TRISTATE AB-ACK &; bursLend &; !losLdota 10sLdato;iAB-AS ---+ (330) AiLACK &: !bursLend &: !lasLdata ~I I (33b) nexLdata (AB-AD) 85:Tr (:) ." c:::: :::J n 0" :::J cCD en .,n -6" c)" :::J '§ a 5' t: B4:Tw (D .90 14 '"..... '"'" 14 rqst ockJqst iAiLACK -.(51) ilosLdoto (50) 'AB-ACK &; bursLend • !AB-AS;losLdoto (44a) I !A8-ACK irqst TRISTATE(oU outputs) &; ~ &; 10sLdoto (44b) iAB-ACK 14 &; (340) ibursLend ) (34b !A8-AS;losLdoto (43a) A8-ACK &; bursLend &; ilosLdoto !AB-AS;losLdoto 14 A8-ACK &; 10sLdota (45) 1 4 AB-ACK (43b) Negote(AB_SIZO.A8_R/W.AB_DEN); TRISTATE(AB-AS) AB-ACK &; lasLdoto &; !bursLend nexLdata ~I (35) Negate(AB_SIZO.AB_R/W.A8-DEN); TRISTATE(A8-AS) TUF/l0791-6 Note 1: If (AB-AGK) nexLdata decrements bursLcQunt, processes data. Note 2: BursLcount is pipelined 1 ahead, so is true in last Td state. Note 3: II (AB-ACK) lasLdata negates AB-AS. processes data. Note 4: Timing for AB_BR not shown. FIGURE 4-3. BSI Device ABus Master State Machine (from the BSI Device) S9l!£8dO II ~ CD ,-------------------------------------------------------------------------, ~ 4.0 Functional Description (Continued) a. Master States The Ti state exists when no bus activity is required. The BIU does not drive any of the bus signals when it is in this state (all are released). If the BIU requires bus service, it may assert Bus Request. When a transaction is run, the BIU enters Tbr and asserts Bus Request, then waits for Bus Grant to be asserted. CD Q cle). If the slave can drive data at the rate of one word per clock (in a burst), it keeps ABJCK asserted. Following the final Td/Tw state, the BIU enters a Tr state to allow time to turn off or turn around bus transceivers. A bus retry request is recognized in any Td/Tw state. The BIU will go to a Tr state and then rerun the transaction when it obtains a new Bus Grant. The whole transaction is retried, i.e., all words of a burst. Additionally, no other transaction will be attempted before the interrupted one is retried. The BIU retries indefinitely until either the transaction completes successfully, or a bus error is signaled. The state following Tbr is either Tva or Tpa. In Virtual Address Mode, the BIU enters Tva and drives the virtual address and size lines onto the bus. In Physical Address Mode, Tpa occurs next (see Section 4.3.3). Following a Tva state is a Tmmu state. During this cycle the external MMU is performing a translation of the virtual address emitted during Tva. Bus errors are recognized in Td/Tw states. 4.3.3 Physical Addressing Bus Transactions Bus transactions in Physical Address Mode are shown in Figure 4-4 through 4-7. BSI device signals are defined in Chapter 6. Following a Tmmu state (when using virtual addressing) or a Tbr state (when using physical addressing), is the Tpa state. During the Tpa state, the BSI device drives the read/write strobes and size signals. In physical address mode, it also drives ABJD with address. In virtual address mode, the BSI device TRI-STATEs AB_BD so the host CPU or MMU can drive the address. Single Read Tbr: BSI device asserts AB_BA to indicate it wishes to perform a transler. Host asserts AB_BG. Moves to Tpa on the next clock. BSI device drives ABJ and ABJD with the adTpa: dress, asserts ABJS, drives AB~W and AB_SIZ[2:0], negates AB_BR if another transaction is not required. Following the Tpa state, the BIU enters the Td state to transfer data words. Each data transfer may be extended indefinitely by inserting Tw states. A slave acknowledges by asserting ABJCK and transferring data in a Td state (cylbr AB~R ~~~ lbr Tpa Tr Td ______~~~ F%a~A_ lbr --------------~~a- - A1LRW address ______~'b_~~----~~~~__________~~_------- BSI addr AB-AD(31:0) Tr Tw Td ______________________________________ address AB-A(4:2) Tpa Slave data BSI data ~ >?< >;>~------~ ;>--------- t2221 '2223 12,,3 P221 F%a IZZZ3...-- WI IZZZ3...-- V,)] Master B - - - -.. TUF/l0791-7 FIGURE 4·4. ABus Single Read, Physical Addressing, 0 W-S, 1 W-S, Bus Handover 2·274 4.0 Functional Description Td: Tr: (Continued) BSI device negates ABJS, asserts AB_DEN, samples ABJCK and AB_ERR. Slave asserts ABJCK, drives AB_ERR, drives ABJD (with data) when ready. The BSI device samples a valid ABJCK, capturing the read data. Tw states may occur after Td. BSI device negates AB_RW, AB_DEN, AB_SIZ[2:01. releases ABJ, and ABJS. Slave deasserts ABJCK and AB_ERR, releases ABJD Tpa: BSI device drives ABJ and ABJD with the ad- Td: Tr: Single Write Tbr: BSI device asserts AB_BR to indicate it wishes to perform a transfer. Host asserts AB_BG. Moves to Tpa on the next clock. Tbr Tbr Tpa Td Tr Tbr dress, asserts ABJS, drives AB_RW and AB_SIZ[2:01. and negates AB_BR if another transaction is not required. BSI device negates ABJS, asserts AB_DEN, drives ABJD with the write data and starts sampling ABJCK and AB_ERR. Slave captures ABJD data, asserts ABJCK, drives AB_ERR. Tw states may occur after Td if the slave deasserts ABJCK. BSI device negates AB_RW, AB_DEN, AB_SIZ[2:01, releases ABJ, ABJD, ABJS. Slave deasserts ABJCK and AB_ERR, and stops driving ABJD with data. Tpa ----------~~~ ____~»u~------0g~__________~»~~~----- BSI addr AB..AD(31 :0) Tr address address AB..A(4:2) Tw Td BSI data BSI addr 0g }'?( };;> (2223 ® ')<2) BSI data «Z2) 1/2;3 1/223 M '2223 23 M .2223 2a Master B TL/F/l0791-B FIGURE 4-5. ABus Single Write, Physical Addressing, a W-S, 1 W-S, Bus Handover 2-275 fII 4.0 Functional Description (Continued) Td: Burst Read Tbr: BSI device asserts AB_BR to indicate it wishes to perform a transfer. Host asserts AB_BG. Moves to Tpa on the next clock. Tpa: BSI device drives ABJ and ABJD with the address, asserts ABJS, drives AB_RW and AB_SIZ[2:0], and negates AB_BR if another transaction is not required. AB~R ~~~______~~~ ~~~________________________________________ • addre •• (n) AB..A{4:2) addre •• (n + I) addro •• (n + 2) addr... (n + 3) addre .. (n) _____*£".aill....____..*r.:2i_____*I2!l...____....»,~~ --------~"'~_ _MiIE~ BSI addr AB..AD{31:0) Tr: BSI device asserts AB_DEN, samples AECACK and AB_ERR, increments the address on ABJ. Slave asserts ABJCK, drives AB_ERR, and drives ABJD (with data) when ready. BSI device samples a valid ABJCK, capturing the read data. Tw states may occur after Td. Td state is repeated four or eight times (according to the burst size). On the last Td state, the BSI device negates AB.::AS. BSI device negates AB_RW, AB_DEN, AB_SIZ[2:0], and releases ABJ and ABJS. Slave deasserts ABJCK and AB_ERR, and releases ABJD. Slave data{n) -------- ---¢( Slave dat.{n+l) »----« »-- Siavo dat.{n+2) »>---« »>---« _____________~~_____I~~ --------,~ZZL_ ««1 ~ Siavo data{n+3) 1222J ----- 12 223 AB-SIZ{2:0) ________ ~~,.~~--------------------------.~~ft-- AB~EN -------------------~ZL 12223 __________________________________________ r AB..ACK _______________.....JtlZ?4 --,LW.! ~ f@ ~ I~~ ~ ~~.,."..--r... It?.,.,~""~---'rmr-""" TL/F110791-9 FIGURE 4·6. ABus Burst Read, Physical Addressing, 16 Bytes, 1 W-S 2·276 C "tI 4.0 Functional Description (Continued) Q) Co) Td: Burst Write Tbr: BSI device asserts AB_BR to indicate it wishes to perform a transfer. Host asserts AB_BG. Moves to Tpa on the next clock. Tpa: BSI device drives ABJ and ABJD with the address, asserts ABJS, drives AB_RW and AB_SIZ[2:01, and negates AB_BR if another transaction is not required. AO~R ~~~______~~~ •a ~~~__________________________________________ addre •• (n + 1) addre ..?< addre •• (n + 2) OSI data (n + 1) OSI data (n) OSI addr >?< address (n + 3) >?< >?< >?< address (n) >?< OSI data (n + 2) >?< OSI dota (n + 3) >?< f@I »-»-- P2?d AO...AS t2223 AO_RW 12223 w.r ® ~ AO_SIZ(2:0) AD_DEN AO...ACK wa- 12223 f221 L.W.I E%I f%I ~ ~ VAl rmrTLlF/l0791-10 FIGURE 4-7. ABus Burst Write, Physical Addressing, 16 Bytes 1 W-S 2-277 N en UI 4.0 Functional Description (Continued) 4.3.4 Virtual Addressing Bus Transactions Burst Read BSI device asserts AB_BR to indicate it wishes to Tbr: perform a transfer. Host asserts AB_BG, BSI drives ABJ and ABJD when AB_BG is asserted. Moves to Tva on the next clock. Tva: BSI device drives ABJ and ABJD with the virtual address for one clock, negates ABJS, asserts AB_RW, drives AB_SIZ[2:0], and negates AB_BR if another transaction is not required. Tmmu: Host MMU performs an address translation during this clock. Tpa: Host MMU drives ABJD with the translated (physical) address. BSI device drives ABJ and asserts ABJS. Td: BSI device asserts AB_DEN, samples ABJCK and AB_ERR. Slave asserts ABJCK, drives AB_ERR, drives ABJD (with data) when ready. BSI device samples a valid ABJCK, capturing the read data. Tw states may occur after Td. This state is repeated four or eight times (according to burst size). On the last Td state the BSI device negates ABJS. BSI device negates AB_RW, AB_DEN, Tr: AB_SIZ[2:01, releases ABJ and ABJS. Slave deasserts ABJCK and AB_ERR, and releases ABJD. Single Read BSI device asserts AB_BR to indicate it wishes to Tbr: perform a transfer. Host asserts AB_BG, and B~I device drives ABJ and ABJD when AB_BG IS asserted. Moves to Tva on the next clock. Tva: BSI device drives ABJ and ABJD with the virtual address for one clock, negates ABJS, asserts AB_RW, drives AB_SIZ[2:01, and negates AB_BR if another transaction is not required. Tmmu: Host MMU performs an address translation during this clock. Tpa: Host MMU drives ABJD with the translated (physical) address, BSI device drives ABJ and asserts ABJS. Td: BSI device negates AB::AS, asserts AB_DEN, samples ABJCK and AB_ERR. Slave asserts ABJCK, drives AB_ERR, drives ABJD (with data) when ready. BSI device samples a valid ABJCK, capturing the read data. Tw states may occur after Td. Tr: BSI device negates AB_RW, AB_DEN, and AB_SIZ[2:01, releases ABJ and ABJS. Slave deasserts ABJCK and AB_ERR and releases ABJD. Single Write BSI device asserts AB_BR to indicate it wishes to Tbr: perform a transfer. Host asserts AB_BG, BSI d~. vice drives ABJ and ABJD when AB_BG IS asserted. Moves to Tva on the next clock. Tva: BSI device drives ABJ and ABJD with the virtual address for one clock, negates ABJS, negates AB_RW, and drives AB_SIZ[2:0]. Tmmu: Host MMU performs an address translation during this clock. Tpa: Host MMU drives ABJD with the address, BSI device drives ABJ asserts ABJS, and negates AB_BR if another transaction is not required. Td: BSI device negates ABJS, asserts AB_DEN, drives ABJD with the write data and starts sampling ABJCK and AB_ERR. Slave captures ABJD data, asserts ABJCK, and drives AB_ERR. BSI device samples a valid ABJCK. Tw states may occur after Td. Tr: BSI device negates AB_RW, "'"A=B_--":D""EN"', AB SIZ[2:01, releases ABJ, ABJD, and ABJS. Slave deasserts ABJCK and AB_ERR, and stops driving ABJD with data. Burst Write Tbr: BSI device asserts AB_BR to indicate it wishes to perform a transfer. Host asserts AB_BG, BSI d~ vice drives ABJ and ABJD when AB_BG IS asserted. Moves to Tva on the next clock. Tva: BSI device drives ABJ and ABJD with the virtual address for one clock, negates ABJS, negates AB_RW, drives AB_SIZ[2:0]. Tmmu: Host MMU performs an address translation during this clock. Tpa: Host MMU drives ABJD with the address, BSI device drives ABJ asserts ABJS, and negates AB_BR if another transaction is not required. Td: BSI device asserts AB_DEN, drives ABJD with the write data and starts sampling ABJCK and AB_ERR. Slave captures ABJD data, asserts ABJCK and drives AB_ERR. BSI device samples a valid ABJCK. Tw states may occur after Td. This state is repeated as required for the complete burst. On the last Td state, the BSI device negates ABJS. Tr: BSI device negates AB_RW, AB_DEN, AB_SIZ[2:01, releases ABJ, ABJD, ABJS. Slave deasserts ABJCK and AB_ERR, stops driving ABJD with data. 2-278 5.0 Control Information 5.1 OVERVIEW Control information includes the parameters that are used to manage and operate the BSI device. Control information is divided into four basic groups: Opera· tion Registers, Pointer RAM Registers, Limit RAM Regis· ters, and Descriptors. The Control information Register Ad· dress Space is shown in Table 5·1. Operation registers are accessed directly via the Control Bus. Limit RAM Registers are accessed indirectly via the Control Bus, using the Limit RAM Data and Limit RAM Ad· dress Registers. The Pointer RAM Registers are accessed indirectly via the Control Bus and ABus using the Pointer RAM Address and Control Register, the Mailbox Address Register, and a mailbox location in ABus memory. • Limit Address Register (LAR) is used to program the parameters and data used in the LMOP (Limit RAM Op· eration) service function. • Limit Data Register (LOR) is used to program the data used in the LMOP service function. o Request Channel 0 Configuration Register (ROCR) is used to program the operational parameters for Request ChannelO. o Request Channel 1 Configuration Register (R1CR) is used to program the operational parameters for Request Channell. • Request Channel 0 Expected Frame Status Register (ROEFSR) defines the expected frame status for frames being confirmed on Request Channel O. o Request Channel 1 Expected Frame Status Register (R1EFSR) defines the expected frame status for frames being confirmed on Request Channell. o Indicate Threshold Register (ITR) is used to specify a maximum number of frames that can be copied onto an Indicate Channel before a breakpoint is generated. 5.2 OPERATION REGISTERS The Operation Registers are divided into two functional groups: Control Registers and Event Registers. They are shown in Table 5·2. Control Registers The Control Registers are used to configure and control the operation of the BSI device. o Indicate Mode Register (IMR) specifies how the incom- ing frames are sorted onto Indicate Channels, enables frame filtering, and enables breakpoints on various burst boundaries. o Indicate Configuration Register (ICR) is used to program the copy criteria for each of the Indicate Channels. The Control Registers include the following registers: • Mode Register (MR) establishes major operating pa· rameters for the BSI device. • Pointer RAM Control and Address Register (PCAR) is used to program the parameters for the PTOP (Pointer RAM Operation) service function. • Indicate Header Length Register (IHLR) defines the length of the frame header for use with the Header/Info Sort Mode. • Mailbox Address Register (MBAR) is used to program the memory address of the mailbox used in the data transfer of the PTOP service function. Table 5.1 Control Register Address Space Address Range Description Read Conditions Write Conditions 00-IFh 00-15h* 0-9h*' Operation Registers Pointer RAM Registers Limit RAM Registers Always Always Always Always (Conditional) Always Always 'Bits 0-4 of Pointer RAM Address and Control Register "Bits 4-7 of Limit RAM Address Register 2-279 5.0 Control Information (Continued) TABLE 5-2. Control and Event Registers Register Group Address Access Rules Register Name Write Read C 00 Mode Register (MR) Always C 01 Reserved N/A Always N/A C 02 Pointer RAM Control and Address Register (PCAR) Always Always C Always 03 Mailbox Address Register (M8AR) Always E 04 Master Attention Register (MAR) Always Data Ignored E 05 Master Notify Register (MNR) Always Always E 06 State Attention Register (STAR) Always Conditional E 07 State Notify Register (STNR) Always Always E 08 Service Attention Register (SAR) Always Conditional E 09 Service Notify Register (SNR) Always Always E OA No Space Attention Register (NSAR) Always Conditional E 08 No Space Notify Register (NSNR) Always Always C OC Limit Address Register (LAR) Always Always C OD Limit Data Register (LDR) Always Always E OE Request Atlention Register (RAR) Always Conditional E OF Request Notify Register (RNR) Always Always C 10 Request Channel 0 Configuration Register (ROCR) Always Always C 11 Request Channel 1 Configuration Register (R1 CR) Always Always C 12 Request Channel 0 Expected Frame Status Register (ROEFSR) Always Always C 13 Request Channel 1 Expected Frame Status Register (R1 EFSR) Always Always E 14 Indicate Atlention Register (IAR) Always Conditional E 15 Indicate Notify Register (INR) Always Always C 16 Indicate Threshold Register (ITR) Always INSTOP Mode or EXC = 1 Only C 17 Indicate Mode Register (lMR) Always INSTOPMode Only C 18 Indicate Configuration Register (ICR) Always Always C 19 Indicate Header Length Register (IHLR) Always INSTOPMode or EXC = 1 Only 1A-C E 1F Reserved N/A N/A Compare Register (CMP) Always Always C - Control Register E = Event Register 2-280 5.0 Control Information (Continued) TABLE 5·3. Control and Event Registers Following Reset Address Register 00 Mode Register 00 02 Pointer RAM Control and Address Register NA 03 Mailbox Address Register 04 Master Attention Register 00 05 Master Notify Registers 00 . 06 State Attention Register 07 07 State Notify Register 00 08 Service Attention Register OF 09 Service Notify Register 00 OA No Space Attention Register FF OB No Space Notify Register 00 OC Limit Address Register NA 00 Limit Data Register NA OE Request Attention Register 00 OF Request Notify Register 00 10 Request Channel 0 Configuration Register NA 11 Request Channell Configuration Register NA 12 Request Channel 0 Expected Frame Status Register NA 13 Request Channell Expected Frame Status Register NA 14 Indicate Attention Register 00 15 Indicate Notify Register 00 16 Indicate Threshold Register NA 17 Indicate Mode Register NA 18 Indicate Configuration Register NA 19 Indicate Header Length Register NA lF Compare Register NA • = Initialized to a silicon Revision code upon reset. The Revision code remains until it is overwritten by the host. NA Reset = Not altered upon reset. 2·281 U) CD C\I C") ~ c r---------------------------------------------------------------------------------, 5.0 Control Information (Continued) Event Registers The Event Registers record the occurrence of events or series of events. Events are recorded and contribute to generating the Interrupt signal. There is a two-level hierarchy in generating this signal, as shown in Figure 5-1. At the first level of the hierarchy, events are recorded as bits in the Attention Registers (e.g., No Space Attention Register). Each Attention Register has a corresponding Notify Register (e.g., No Space Notify Register). When a bit in the Attention Register is set to One and its corresponding bit in the Notify Register is also set to One, the corresponding bit in the Master Attention Register will be set to one. At the second level of the hierarchy, if a bit in the Master Attention Register is set to One and the corresponding bit in the Master Notify Register is set to One, the Interrupt signal is asserted. Bits in Conditional Write Registers (e.g., No Space Attention Register) are only written when the corresponding bits in the Compare Register are equal to the bits to be overwritten. TL/F/10791-11 FIGURE 5-1. Event Registers Hierarchy Events are recorded in Attention Registers and contribute to the Interrupt when the bit in the corresponding Notify Register is set (see Table 5-2). • Service Notify Register (SNR) is used to enable attentions in the Service Attention Register. • No Space Attention Register (NSAR) presents attentions generated when the lOUD, PSP, or CNF Queues run out of space or valid entries. The Event Registers include the following registers: • Master Attention Register (MAR) collects enabled attentions from the State Attention Register, Service Attention Register, No Space Attention Register, Request Attention Register, and Indicate Attention Register. • Request Attention Register (RAR) presents attentions generated by both Request Channels. • Request Notify Register (RNR) is used to enable attentions in the Request Attention Register. • Master Notify Register (NMR) is used to selectively enable attention in the Master Attention Register. • Indicate Attention Register (IAR) presents the attentions generated by the Indicate Channels. • State Attention Register (STAR) presents attentions for major states within the BSI device and various error conditions. • Indicate Notify Register (INR) is used to enable attentions in the Indicate Attention Register. • State Notify Register (STNR) is used to enable attentions in the State Attention Register. • Compare Register (CMP) is used for comparison with a write access of a conditional write (Attention) register. • Service Attention Register (SAR) presents attentions for the PTOP and LMOP service functions. 2-282 5.0 Control Information (Continued) 5.3 CONTROL AND EVENT REGISTER DESCRIPTIONS Mode Register (MR) The Mode Register (MR) is used to program the major operating parameters for the BSI device. This register should be programmed only at power-on, or after a software Master Reset. This register is cleared upon reset. Access Rules Address I Read I OOh Write I Always Always I Register Bits D7 I SMLB D6 I SMLQ D5 I VIRT D4 I BIGEND D3 I FLOW Dl D2 I MRST I FABCLK DO I TEST I Description . Bit Symbol DO TEST Test Mode: Enables test logic, in which the transmitted frames counter will cause a service loss after four frames, instead of 255 frames. Dl FABCLK Fast ABus Clock: Determines the metastability delay period for synchronizing between the ABus clock and the Ring clock (LBC). Upon reset this bit is cleared to Zero, which selects one ABus clock period as the delay. When this bit is set to One, only % of an ABus clock delay is used. When AB_CLK = LBC, (i.e., at 12.5 MHz and in phase), this bit should be set. For any AB_CLK greater then LBC, this bit must be Zero. D2 MRST Master Reset: When this bit is set, the Indicate, Request, and Status/Space Macines are placed in Stop Mode,and BSI device registers are initialized to the values shown in Table 5-5. This bit is cleared after the reset is complete. D3 FLOW Flow Parity: When this bit is set, parity flows between the ABus and the BMAC device, that is, incoming data is not checked at the ABus interface, but is Checked (by the BMAC device) as it is passed to the BMAC device. The parity check includes the frame's FC through ED fields. When this bit is set, Control Bus parity is also checked, and errors are reported in the CPE bit of the State Attention Register. When this bit is Zero, no parity is checked on the Control Bus or ABus. D4 BIGEND Big Endlan Data Format: Selects between the Little Endian (BIG END = 0) or Big Endian (BIGEND = 1) data format. See Figure 4-2. D5 VIRT Virtual Address Mode: Selects between virtual (VIRT = 1) or physical (VIRT = 0) address mode on the ABus. D6 SMLQ Small Queue: Selects the size of all Descriptor queues and lists. When SMLQ = 0, the size is 4k bytes; when SMLQ = I, the size is 1k bytes. Note that data pages are always 4k bytes. D7 SMLB Small Bursts: Selects size of bursts on ABus. When SMLB = 0, the BSI device uses 1-, 4-, and 8-word transfers. When SMLB = I, the BSI device uses 1- and 4-word transfers. fII 2-283 5.0 Control Information (Continued) Pointer RAM Control and Address Register (PCAR) The Pointer RAM Control and Address Register (PCAR) is used to program the parameters for the PTOP (Pointer RAM Operation) service function, in which data is written to or read from a Pointer RAM Register. This register is not altered upon reset. Access Rules Address Read Write 02h Always Always Register Bits D7 I Bit BP1 D6 I SPO I D5 04 D3 D2 01 DO PTRW A4 A3 A2 A1 AO Description Symbol 00-4 AO-4 Pointer RAM Address: These five bits contain the Pointer RAM Register address for a 05 PTRW PTOP Read/Write: This bit determines whether a PTOP service function will be a read subsequent PTOP service function. from the Pointer RAM Register to the mailbox in memory (PTRW Pointer RAM Register from the mailbox (PTRW = 0). 06-7 SPO-1 = 1), or a write to the Byte Pointer: These two bits are used to program an internal byte pointer for accesses to the 32-bit Mailbox Address Register. They are normally set to Zero to initialize the byte painter for four successive writes (most-significant byte first) and are automatically incremented after each write. 2-284 5.0 Control Information (Continued) Mailbox Address Register (MBAR) The Mailbox Address Register (MBAR) is used to program the word-aligned 28-bit memory address of the mailbox used in the data transfer of the PTOP (Pointer RAM Operation) service function. The address of this register is used as a window into four internal byte registers. The four byte registers are loaded by successive writes to this address after first setting the SPR bits in the Pointer RAM Control and Address Register to Zero. The bytes must be loaded most-significant byte first. The BSI device increments the byte pOinter internally after each write or read. Mailbox Address bits 0 and 1 forced internally to Zero. This register is initialized to a silicon Revision code upon reset. The Revision code remains until it Is overwritten by the host. Access Rules Address Read Write 03h Always Always Register Bits o 7 Mailbox Address [27:24] Mailbox Address [23:16] Mailbox Address [15:8] Mailbox Address [7:0] 2-285 5.0 Control Information (Continued) Master Attention Register (MAR) The Master Attention Register (MAR) collects enabled attentions from the State Attention Register, Service Attention Register, No Space Attention Register, Request Attention Register, and Indicate Attention Register. If the Notify bit in the Master Notify Register and the corresponding bit in the MAR are set to One, the INT is forced to LOW and thus triggers an interrupt. Writes to the Master Attention Register are permitted, but do not change the contents. All bits in this register are set to Zero upon reset. Access Rules Address I Read I 04h Write I Always Data Ignored I Register Bits D7 I Bit DO-2 STA D6 I NSA D5 I SVA D4 I RQA D2 D3 I INA Symbol I RES D1 I RES DO I RES I Description RES Reserved D3 INA Indicate Attention Register: Is set if any bit in the Indicate Attention Register is set. D4 RQA Request Attention Register: Is set if any bit in the Request Attention Register is set. Service Attention Register: Is set if any bit in the Service Attention Register is set. D5 SVA D6 NSA No Space Attention Register: Is set if any bit in the No Space Attention Register is set. D7 STA State Attention Register: Is set if any bit in the State Attention Register is set. 2-286 C "0 5.0 Control Information (Continued) co W Master Notify Register (MNR) The Master Notify Register (MNR) is used to enable attentions in the Master Attention Register (MAR). If a bit in Register MNR and the corresponding bit in Register MAR are set to One, the INT signal is deasserted and causes an interrupt. N en U1 All bits in this register are set to Zero upon reset. Access Rules Address I Read I 05h Write Always I I Always Register Bits 07 I Bit STAN 06 I NSAN 05 I SVAN 04 I ROAN 03 I INAN Symbol 01 02 I RES I RES DO I RES I Description 00-2 RES Reserved 03 INAN Indicate Attention Register Notify: This bit is used to enable the INA bit in Register MNR. 04 ROAN Request Attention Register Notify: This bit is used to enable the ROA bit in Register MNR. 05 SVAN Service Attention Register Notify: This bit is used to enable the SVA bit in Register MNR. 06 NSAN No Space Attention Register Notify: This bit is used to enable the NSA bit in Register MNR. 07 STAN State Attention Register Notify: This bit is used to enable the STA bit in Register MNR. EI 2-287 5.0 Control Information (Continued) State Attention Register (STAR) The State'Attention Register (STAR) controls the state of the Indicate, Request, and Status/Space Machines. It also records parity, internal logic, and ABus transaction errors. Each bit may be enabled by setting the corresponding bit in the State Notify Register. Access Rules Address I Read I 06h Write I Always Conditional I Register Bits 07 I ERR 06 I BPE 05 I 04 CPE I CWI 03 I CMDE 02 I 01 SPSTOP I ROSTOP DO I INSTOP I Bit Symbol Description DO INSTOP Indicate Stop: This bit is set by the host to place the Indicate Machine in Stop Mode. This bit is set ,by the BSI device when the Indicate state machine detects an internal error, enters an invalid state, or when the host loads the Indicate Header Length Register with an illegal value. This bit is set upon reset. D1 ROSTOP Request Stop: This bit is set by the host to place the Request Machine in Stop Mode. This bit is set by the BSI device when the Request Machine detects an internal error or enters an invalid state. It is also set when an ABus error occurs while storing a Confirmation Status Message Descriptor (CNF). This bit is set upon reset. D2 SPSTOP Status/Space Stop: This bit is set by the host to place the Status/Space Machine in Stop Mode. This bit is set by the BSI device when the Status/Space Machine has entered STOP Mode because of an unrecoverable error. In STOP Mode, only PTOP or LMOP service functions will be performed. This bit is set upon reset. D3 CMDE Command Error: Indicates that the host performed an invalid operation. This occurs when an invalid value is loaded into the Indicate Header Length Register (which also sets the INSTOP attention). This bit is cleared upon reset. D4 CWI Conditional Write Inhibit: Indicates that at least one bit of the previous conditional write operation was not written. This bit is set unconditionally after each write to a conditional write register. It is also set when the value of the Compare Register is not equal to the value of the register that was accessed for a write before it was written. This may indicate that the accessed register has changed since it was last read. This bit is cleared after a successful conditional write. CWI bit does not contribute to setting the STA bit of the Master Attention Register because its associated Notify bit is always O. This bit is cleared upon reset. D5 CPE Control Bus Parity Error: Indicates a parity error detected on CBD? -0. If there is a Control Bus parity error during a host write, the write is suppressed. Control Bus parity errors are reported when flow-through parity is enabled (the FLOW bit of the Mode Register is set). This bit is cleared upon reset. D6 BPE BMAC Device Parity Error: Indicates parity error detected on MID? -0. BMAC device parity is always checked during a frame. This bit is cleared upon reset. D? ERR Error: This bit is set by the BSI device when a non-recoverable error occurs. These include an ABus transaction error while writing confirmation status, an internal logic error, or when any state machine enters an invalid state. This bit is cleared upon reset. 2-288 5.0 Control Information (Continued) State Notify Register (STNR) The State Notify Register (STNR) is used to enable bits in the State Attention Register (STAR). If a bit in Register STNR is set to One, the corresponding bit in Register STAR will be applied to the Master Attention Register, which can be used to generate an interrupt to the host. All bits in this register are cleared to Zero upon reset. Access Rules Address I Write Read I 07h I Always I Always Register Bits D7 I ERRN D6 I BPEN D5 I CPEN D4 I CWIN. D3 I D2 CMDEN I SPSTOPN DO D1 I RQSTOPN I INSTOPN I Bit Symbol DO INSTOPN Indicate Stop Notify: This bit is used to enable the INSTOP bit in Register STAR. Description D1 RQSTOPN Request Stop Notify: This bit is used to enable the RQSTOP bit in Register STAR. D2 SPSTOPN Status/Space Stop Notify: This bit is used to enable the SPSTOP bit in Register STAR. D3 CMDEN Command Error Notify: This bit is used to enable the CMDE bit in Register STAR. D4 CWIN Conditional Write Inhibit Notify: This bit is used to enable the CWI bit in Register STAR. D5 CPEN Control Bus Parity Error Notify: This bit is used to enable the CPE bit in Register STAR. D6 BPEN BMAC Device Parity Error Notify: This bit is used to enable the BPE bit in Register STAR. D7 ERRN Error Notify: This bit is used to enable the ERR bit in Register STAR. • 2·289 5.0 Control Information (Continued) Service Attention Register (SAR) The Service Attention Register (SAR) is used to present the attentions for the service functions. Each bit may be enabled by setting the corresponding bit in the State Notify Register. Access Rules Read Address I I OSh Write Always I Conditional I RES I Register Bits D7 I RES D6 I RES D5 I RES D3 D4 I ABRO D2 I ABR1 DO D1 I LMOP I PTOP I Description Bit Symbol DO PTOP Pointer RAM Operation: This bit is cleared by the host to cause the BSI device to transfer data between a Pointer RAM Register and a mailbox location in memory. The Pointer RAM Control and Address Register contains the Pointer RAM Register address and determines the direction of the transfer (read or write). The memory address is in the Mailbox Address Register. This bit is set by the BSI device after it performs the data transfer. While PTOP = 0 , the host must not aiter the Pointer RAM Address and Control Register or the Mailbox Address Register. D1 LMOP Limit RAM Operation: This bit is cleared by the host to cause the BSI device to transfer data between a Limit RAM Register and the Limit Data and Limit Address Registers. The Limit Address Register contains the Pointer RAM Register address and determines the direction of the transfer (read and write). This bit is set by the BSI device after it data performs the transfer. While LMOP = 0, the host must not alter either the Limit Address or Limit Data Registers. D2 ABR1 Abort Request RCHN1: This bit is cleared by the host to abort a Request on RCHN1. This bit is set by the BSI device when RQABORT ends a request on RCHN1. The host may write a 1 to this bit, which mayor may not prevent the request from being aborted. When this bit is cleared by the host, the USR1 bit in the Request Attention Register is set and further processing on RCHN1 is halted. D3 ABRO Abort Request RCHNO: This bit is cleared by the host to abort a Request on RCHNO. This bit is set by the BSI device when RQABORT ends a request on RCHNO. The host may write a 1 to this bit, which mayor may not prevent the request from being aborted. When this bit is cleared by the host, the USRO bit in the Request Attention Register is set and further processing on RCHNO is halted. D4-7 RES Reserved 2·290 5.0 Control Information (Continued) Service Notify Register (SNR) The Service Notify Register (SNR) is used to enable attentions in the Service Attention Register (SAR). If a bit in Register SNR is set to One, the corresponding bit in Register SAR will be applied to the Master Attention Register, which can be used to generate an interrupt to the host. All bits in this register are set to Zero upon reset. Access Rules Address I Read I 09h Write I Always I Always Register Bits 07 I RES 06 I RES Bit Symbol 00 PTOPN 05 I 04 RES I RES 03 I 02 ABRON I ABR1N 01 I LMOPN DO I PTOPN I Description Pointer RAM Operation Notify: This bit is used to enable the PTOP bit in Register SAR. 01 LMOPN Limit RAM Operation Notify: This bit is used to enable the LMOP bit in Register SAR. 02 ABR1N Abort Request RCHN1 Notify: This bit is used to enable the ABR1 bit in Register SAR. 03 ABRON Abort Request RCHNO Notify: This bit is used to enable the ABRO bit in Register SAR. RES Reserved 04-7 2-291 5.0 Control Information (Continued) No Space Attention Register (NSAR) The No Space Attention Register (NSAR) presents the attentions generated when the CNF, PSP, or lOUD Queues run out of space. The host may set any attention bit to cause an attention for test pUrposes only, though this should not be done during normal operation. The No Data Space attentions are set and cleared by the BSI device automatically. The No Status Space attentions are set by the BSI device, and must be cleared by the host. Upon reset this register is set to Oxffh. Access Rules Address I Read I OAh Write I Always I Conditional Register Bits D7 I NSRO D6 I NSR1 D5 I LDIO D4 I NSIO D3 I LDI1 D1 D2 I NSll I LDI2 DO I NSI2 I Bit Symbol DO NSI2 No Status Space on ICHN2: This bit is set by the BSI device upon a Reset, or when an IDUD has been written to the next-to-Iast available entry in the Indicate Channel's IDUD Status Queue. When this occurs, the BSI device stops copying on ICHN2 and the last lOUD is written with special status. This bit (as well as the USR Attention bit) must be cleared by the host before the BSI device will resume copying on this Channel. Description 01 LDI2 Low Data Space on ICHN2: This bit is set by the BSI device upon a Reset, or when a PSP is prefetched from ICHN2's last PSP Queue location (as defined by the PSP Queue Limit Register). Note that the amount of warning is dependent on the length of the frame. There will always be one more page (4k bytes) available for the BSI device when this attention is generated. Another FDDI maximum-length frame (after the current one) will not fit in this space. If SPS fetching was stopped because there were no more PSP entries, fetching will resume automatically when the PSP Queue Limit Register is updated. D2 NSll No Status Space on ICHN1: This bit is set by the BSI device upon a Reset, or when an lOUD has been written to the next-to-Iast available entry in the Indicate Channel's lOUD Status Queue. When this occurs, the BSI device stops copying on ICHNl and the last lOUD is written with special status. This bit (as well as the USR Attention bit) must be cleared by the host before the BSI device will resume copying on this Channel. D3 LOll Low Data Space on ICHN1: This bit is set by the BSI device upon a Reset, or when a PSP is prefetched from ICHNl 's last PSP Queue location (as defined by the PSP Queue Limit Register). Note that the amount of warning is dependent on the length of the frame. There will always be one more page (4k bytes) available for the BSI device when this attention is generated. Another FOOl maximum-length frame (after the current one) will not fit in this space. If PSP fetching was stopped because there were no more PSP entries, fetching will resume automatically when the PSP Queue Limit Register is updated. D4 NSIO No Status Space on ICHNO: This bit is set by the BSI device upon a Reset, or when an lOUD has been written to the next-to-Iast available entry in the Indicate Channel's IDUD Status Queue. When this occurs, the BSI device stops copying on ICHNO and the last IDUD is written with special status. This bit (as well as the USR Attention bit) must be cleared by the host before the BSI device will resume copying on this Channel. D5 LDIO Low Data Space on ICHNO: This bit is set by the BSI device upon a Reset, or when a PSP is prefetched from ICHNO's last PSP Queue location (as defined by the PSP Queue Limit Register). Note that the amount of warning is dependent on the length of the frame. There will always be one more page (4k bytes) available for the BSI device when this attention is generated. Another FDDI maximum-length frame (after the current one) will not fit in this space. If PSP fetching was stopped because there were no more PSP entries, fetching will resume automatically when the PSP Queue Limit Register is updated. D6 NSRl No Status Space on RCHN1: This bit is set by the BSI device upon a Reset, or when it has written a CNF Descriptor to the next-to-Iast Queue location. Due to internal pipelining, the BSI device may write up to two more CNFs to the Queue after this attention is generated. Thus the Host must set the CNF Queue Limit Register to be one less than the available space in the Queue. This bit (as well as the USR attention bit) must be cleared by the Host before the BSI device will continue to process requests on RCHN1. D7 NSRO No Status Space on RCHNO: This bit is set by the BSI device upon a Reset, or when it has written a CNF Descriptor to the next-Io-Iast Queue location. Due to internal pipelining, the BSI device may write up to two more CNFs to the Queue after this attention is generated. Thus the Host must set the CNF Queue Limit Register to be one less than the available space in the Queue. This bit (as well as the USR attention bit) must be cleared by the Host before the BSI device will continue to process requests on RCHNO. 2-292 5.0 Control Information (Continued) No Space Notify Register (NSNR) The No Space Notify Register (NSNR) is used to enable attentions in the No Space Attention Register (NSAR). If a bit in Register NSNR is set to One, the corresponding bit in Register NSAR will be applied to the Master Attention Register, which can be used to generate an interrupt to the host. All bits in this register are set to Zero upon reset. Access Rules Address I Read I OSh Write Always I I Always Register Bits D7 I D6 NSRON I NSR1N D5 I LDION D4 I NSION D3 I LDl1N D2 I NSI1N D1 I LDI2N DO I NSI2N I Bit Symbol DO NSI2N No Status Space on ICHN2 Notify: This bit is used to enable the NSI2 in Register NSAR. Description D1 LDI2N Low Data Space on ICHN2 Notify: This bit is used to enable the LDI2 in Register NSAR. D2 NSI1N No Status Space on ICHN1 Notify: This bit is used to enable the NSI1 in Register NSAR. D3 LDI1N Low Data Space on ICHN1 Notify: This bit is used to enable the LDI1 in Register NSAR. D4 NSION No Status Space on ICHNO Notify: This bit is used to enable the NSIO in Register NSAR. D5 LDION Low Data Space on ICHNO Notify: This bit is used to enable the LDIO in Register NSAR. D6 NSR1N No Status Space on RCHN1 Notify: This bit is used to enable the NSR1 in Register NSAR. 07 NSRON No Status Space on RCHNO Notify: This bit is used to enable the NSRO in Register NSAR. PI 2-293 5.0 Control Information (Continued) Limit Address Register (LAR) The Limit Address Register (LAR) is used to program the parameters for a LMOP (Limit RAM Operation) service function. This register is not altered upon reset. Access Rules Address I Read I OCh Always Write I I Always Register Bits 07 I LRA3 06 I LRA2 05 I LRA1 04 I LRAO 03 I LMRW 02 I RES 01 I RES DO I LROS I Bit Symbol DO LROS Limit RAM Data Bit 8: This bit contains the most-significant data bit read or written from the addressed Limit RAM Register. RES Reserved LMRW LMOP Read/Write: This bit determines whether a LMOP service function will be a read (LMRW = 1) or write (LMRW = 0). LRAO-3 Limit RAM Register Address: Used to program the Limit RAM Register address for a subsequent LMOP service function. D1-2 03 04-7 Description 2-294 5.0 Control Information (Continued) Limit Data Register (LDR) The Limit Data Register (LOR) is used to contain the B least-significant Limit RAM data bits transferred in a LMOP service function. (The most-significant data bit is in the Limit Address register.) This register is not altered upon reset. Access Rules Read Address I I ODh Always Write I Always I Register Bits D7 I LRD7 D6 I LRD6 Bit Symbol 00-7 LRDO-7 D5 I LRD5 D4 I LRD4 D2 D3 I LRD3 I LRD2 D1 I LRDl DO I LRDO I Description Limit RAM Data Bits 0-7: These bits contain the least-significant data bits read from or written to a Limit RAM Register in a LMOP service function. 2-295 I Q 5.0 Control Information (Continued) Request Attention Register (RAR) The Request Attention Register (RAR) Is used to present exception, breakpoint, request complete, and unserviceable request attentions generated by each Request Channel. Each bit may be enabled by setting the corresponding bit in the Request Notify Register. All bits in this register are set to Zero upon reset. Access Rules Address I Read I OEh Register Bits D7 D6 Write I Always D5 Conditional D4 I D3 02 01 00 I USRRO I RCMRO I EXCRO I SRKRO I USRR1 I RCMR1 I EXCR1 I SRKR1 I Bit Symbol DO SRKR1 Breakpoint on RCHN1: Is set by the SSI device when a CNF DeSCriptor Is written on RCHN1. No action Is taken by the SSI device if the host sets this bit. Description D1 EXCR1 Exception on RCHN1: Is set by the SSI device when an exception occurs on RCHN1. No action Is taken by the SSI device if the host sets this bit. D2 RCMR1 Reque.t Complete on RCHN1: Is set by the SSI device when it has completed processing a Request object on RCHN1, an error occurs. or a completion exception occurs. No action is taken if the Host sets this bit. D3 USRR1 Un.ervlceable Reque.t on RCHN1: Is set by the SSI device when a Request cannot be processed on RCHN1. This occurs when the Request Class is inappropriate for the current ring state, or when there Is no CNF status space, or when the host aborts a request by clearing the ASR bit in the Service Attention Register. While this bit is set, no requests will be processed on RCHN1. The host must clear this bit to resume request processing. D4 SRKRO Breakpoint on RCHNO: Is set by the SSI device when a CNF Descriptor Is written on RCHNO. No action Is taken by the SSI device if the host sets this bit. D5 EXCRO Exception on RCHNO: Is set by the SSI device when an exception occurs on RCHNO. No action Is taken by the SSI device If the host sets this bit. D6 RCMRO Request Complete on RCHNO: Is set by the SSI device when it has completed processing a Request object on RCHNO, an error occurs, or a completion exception occurs. No action is taken if the Host sets this bit. D7 USRRO Unserviceable Request on RCHNO: Is set by the SSI device when a Request cannot be processed on RCHNO. This occurs when the Request Class is inappropriate for the current ring state, or when there Is no CNF status space, or when the host aborts a request by clearing the ASR bit in the Service Attention Register. While this bit is set, no requests will be processed on RCHNO. The host must clear this bit to resume request processing. 2-296 5.0 Control Information (Continued) Request Notify Register (RNR) The Request Notify Register (RNR) Is used to enable attentions in the Request Attention Register (RAR). If a bit in Register RNR is set to One, the corresponding bit in Register RAR will be applied to the Master Attention Register, which can be used to generate an interrupt to the host. All bits in this register are set to Zero upon reset. Access Rules Read Address I I OFh Register Bits D7 I USRRON Always D6 I RCMRON Bit Symbol 00 BRKR1N Write I D5 I EXCRON Always D4 I BRKRON I D3 I USRR1N D1 D2 I RCMR1N I EXCR1N DO I BRKR1N I Description Breakpoint on RCHN1 Notify: This bit is used to enable the BRKR1 bit in Register RAR. 01 EXCR1N Exception on RCHN1 Notify: This bit is used to enable the EXCR1 bit in Register RAR. 02 RCMR1N Request Complete on RCHN1 Notify: This bit is used to enable the RCMR1 bit in Register RAR. 03 USRR1N Unserviceable Request on RCHN1 Notify: This bit is used to enable the USRR1 bit in Register RAR. 04 BRKRON Breakpoint on RCHNO Notify: This bit is used to enable the BRKRO bit in Register RAR. 05 EXCRON Exception on RCHNO Notify: This bit is used to enable the EXCRO bit in Register RAR. 06 RCMRON Request Complete on RCHNO Notify: This bit is used to enable the RCMRO bit in Register RAR. 07 USRRON Unserviceable Request on RCHNO Notify: This bit is used to enable the USRRO bit in Register RAR. !II 2·297 5.0 Control Information (Continued) Request Channel 0 and 1 Configuration Registers (ROCR and R1CR) The two Request Configuration Registers (ROCR and R1CR) are programmed with the operational parameters for each of the Request Channels. These registers may only be altered between Requests, i.e., while the particular Request Channel does not have a Request loaded. These registers are not altered upon reset. Access Rules Address I Write Read I 10-11h Always I Always I Register Bits D7 I TI1 D6 I TIO D5 I PRE D4 I HLD D3 I FCT D1 D2 I SAT I VST .DO I FCS I Bit Symbol DO FCS Frame Check Sequence Disable: When this bit is set, the BSI device asserts the FCST signal throughout the request. This may drive the BMAC device FCST pin, or also the SAT or SAIGT pins, depending on the application. This bit is normally used to program the BMAC device not to concatenate its generated FCS to the transmitted frame. The Valid FCS bit in the Expected Frame Status Register independently determines whether a frame needs a valid FCS to meet the matching frame criteria. Description D1 VST Void Stripping: When this bit is set, the BSI device asserts the STRIP output signal out throughout the request. This may drive the BMAC device STRIP (Void Strip) pin, or also the SAT pin, depending on the application. D2 SAT Source Address Transparency: When this bit is set, the BSI device asserts the SAT output signal throughout the request. This may drive the BMAC device's SAT and/or SAIGT pins, depending on the application. When SAT is set, Full Confirmation requires the use of the EM (External SA Match) signal. D3 FCT Frame Control Transparency: When this bit is set, the FC will be sourced from the ODU (not the REO. First Descriptor). When Full Confirmation is enabled and FCT = 0, all bits of the FC in returning frames must match the FC field in the REO Descriptor; if FCT = 1, only the C, Land r bits must match. Note that since the BSI device decodes the REO.F Descriptor FC field to determine whether to assert ROCLM/ROBCN, FC transparency may be used to send Beacons or Claims in any ring non-operational state, as long as the FC in the REO Descriptor is not set to Beacon or Claim. By programming a Beacon or Claim FC in the REO Descriptor, then using FC transparency, any type of frame may be transmitted in the Beacon or Claim state. D4 HLD Hold: When this bit is set, the BSI device will not end a service opportunity until the Request is complete. When this bit is Zero, the BSI device ends the service opportunity on the Request Channel when all of the following conditions are met: 1. There is no valid request active on the Request Channel. 2. The service class is non-immediate. 3. There is no data in the FIFO. 4. There is no valid REO fetched by the BSI device. This bit also affects Prestaging on RCHN1 (Request Channel 1). When HLD = 0, prestaging is enabled on RCHN1, regardless of the state of the PRE bit (except for Immediate service classes). When HLD = 1, prestaging is determined by the PRE bit. This option can potentially waste ring bandwidth, but may be required (particularly on RCHNO, Request Channel 0) if a small guaranteed service time is required. When using the Repeat option, HLD is required for small frames. If HLD is not used, the other Request Channel will be checked for service before releasing the token between frames. This may not be the desired action, particularly if there is a request on RCHN1 that needs servicing after the completion of RCHNO's Repeated Request. 2-298 C ." 5.0 Control Information (Continued) CD Co) Request Channel 0 and 1 Configuration Registers (ROCR and R1CR) (Continued) Symbol Bit Description D5 PRE Preempt/Prestage: When this bit is set, preemption is enabled for RCHNO, and prestaging is enabled for RCHN1 (prestaging is always enabled for RCHNO). When this bit Zero, preemption is disabled and prestaging is enabled only on RCHNO. When preemption is enabled, RCHNO preempts a (non-committed) frame of RCHN1 already in the FIFO, causing it to be purged and refetched after RCHNO's request has been serviced. When the Request Machine is servicing a request on RCHN1 and a request on RCHNO becomes active, if preemption is enabled on RCHNO, the Request Machine will finish transmitting the current frame on RCHN1, then release the token and move back to the start state. This has the effect of reprioritizing the Request Channels, thus ensuring that frames on RCHNO are transmitted at the next service opportunity. When RCHNO has been serviced, transmission will continue on RCHN1 with no loss of data. When prestaging is enabled, the next frame for RCHN1 is staged (ODUs are loaded into the FIFO before the token arrives). If prestaging is not enabled, the Request Machine waits until the token is captured before staging the first frame. Once the token is captured, the Request Machine begins fetching data, and when the FIFO threshold has been reached, transmits the data on that Request Channel. For requests with an Immediate service class, prestaging is not applicable. When this bit is Zero, preemption is disabled for RCHNO, and requests on RCHN1 will not be prestaged unless the HLD bit is Zero, in which case RCHN1 will prestage data regardless of the setting of the PRE bit. Note that when prestaging is not enabled on RCHN1, data is not staged until the token is captured. Since there is no data in the FIFO (if there is no active request on RCHNO), the BSI device will immediately release the token if the HLD option is not set. D6-7 TTO-1 N CD en Transmit Threshold: Determines the threshold on the output data FIFO before the BSI device requests transmission. TT1 TTO Threshold Value o 0 a Words o 1 16 Words 1 o Reserved 1 1 Reserved • 2-299 5.0 Control Information (Continued) Request Channel 0 and 1 Expected Frame Status Registers (ROEFSR and R1EFSR) The Expected Frame Status Registers (ROEFSR and R1EFSR) define the matching criteria used for Full Confirmation of . returning frames on each Request Channel. A returning frame must meet the programmed criteria to be counted as a matching frame. These registers are not altered upon reset. Access Rules Address I 12-13h Read I Always Write I I Always Register Bits D7 I VOL Bit Symbol 00-1 ECO-1 02-3 04-5 EAO-1 EEO-1 D6 I VFCS D5 I EE1 D4 I EEO D3 I EA1 D2 I EAO DO D1 I EC1 I ECO I Description Expected C Indicator: EC1 ECO 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 Value Any R S RorS Expected AIndicator: EA1 EAO 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 Value Any R S RorS Expected E Indicator: EE1 EEO 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 Value Any R S RorS 06 VFCS Valid FCS: When this bit is set, returning frames must have a valid FCS field to meet the confirmation criteria. 07 VOL Valid Data Length: When this bit is set, returning frames must have a valid VOL field to meet the confirmation criteria. 2-300 5.0 Control Information (Continued) Indicate Attention Register (lAR) The Indicate Attention Register (IAR) is used to present exception and breakpoint attentions generated by each Indicate Channel. An Attention bit is set by hardware when an exception or breakpoint occurs on the corresponding Indicate Channel. Each bit may be enabled by setting the corresponding bit in the Indicate Notify Register. Access Rules Address I Write Read I 14h Always I Conditional I Register Bits D7 I RES D6 I RES D5 I EXCIO D4 I BRKIO D3 I EXCI1 D2 I BRKI1 D1 I EXCI2 DO I BRKI2 I Bit Symbol 00 BRKI2 Breakpoint on ICHN2: Is set when a breakpoint is detected on Indicate Channel 2. No action is taken if the host sets this bit. 01 EXCI2 Exception on ICHN2: Is set by the BSI device when an exception occurs on Indicate Channel 2. May be set by the host to disable copying on ICHN2, which is convenient when updating the Indicate Header Length and Indicate Threshold registers. While this bit is set, copying is disabled on ICHN2. 02 BRKI1 Breakpoint on ICHN1: Is set when a breakpoint is detected on Indicate Channel 1. No action is taken if the host sets this bit. 03 EXCI1 Exception on ICHN1: Is set by the BSI device when an exception occurs on Indicate Channel 1. May be set by the host to disable copying on ICHN1, which is convenient when updating the Indicate Header Length and Indicate Threshold registers. While this bit is set, copying is disabled on ICHN1. 04 BRKIO Breakpoint on ICHNO: Is set when a breakpoint is detected on ICHNO. No action is taken if the host sets this bit. 05 EXCIO Exception on ICHNO: Is set by the BSI device when an exception occurs on Indicate Channel O. May be set by the host to disable copying on ICHNO, which is convenient when updating the Indicate Header Length and Indicate Threshold registers. While this bit is set, copying is disabled on ICHNO. RES Reserved 06-7 Description - --- _. - -- • 2·301 5.0 Control Information (Continued) Indicate Notify Register (INR) The Indicate Notify Register (lNR) is used to enable attentions in the Indicate Attention Register (lAR). If a bit in Register INR is set to One, the corresponding bit in Register IAR will be applied to the Master Attention Register, which can be used to generate an interrupt to the host. All bits in this register are set to Zero upon reset. Access Rules Address I Read I 15h Write I Always Always I Register Bits D7 I RES Bit DO D6 I RES D5 I D4 EXCON I BRKON D3 I EXC1N Symbol D2 I BRK1N 01 I EXC2N DO I BRK2N I Description BRK2N Breakpoint on ICHN2 Notify: This bit is used to enable the BRK2 bit in Register IAR. D1 EXC2N Exception on ICHN2 Notify: This bit is used to enable the EXC2 bit in Register IAR. D2 BRK1N Breakpoint on ICHN1 Notify: This bit is used to enable the BRK1 bit in Register IAR. Exception on ICHN1 Notify: This bit is used to enable the EXC1 bit in Register IAR. D3 EXC1N D4 BRKON Breakpoint on ICHNO Notify: This bit is used to enable the BRKO bit in Register IAR. D5 EXCON Exception on ICHNO Notify: This bit is used to enable the EXCO bit in Register IAR. D6-7 RES Reserved 2-302 .----------------------------------------------------------------------.0 "'CI CCI 5.0 Control Information (Continued) Co) N Indicate Threshold Register (ITR) Q) The Indicate Threshold Register (lTR) specifies the maximum number of frames that can be received on Indicate Channel 1 or Indicate Channel 2 before an attention will be generated. This register may be written only when the INSTOP bit in the State Attention Register is set, or when the Indicate Channel's corresponding EXC bit in the Indicate Attention Register is set. U1 This register is not altered upon reset. Access Rules Address 16h Read Always I Write I INSTOP Mode or EXC = 1 Only I Register Bits 07 I THR7 06 I THR6 05 I THR5 04 I THR4 03 I THR3 01 02 I THR2 I THR1 DO I THRO I Bit Symbol Description DO-7 THRO-7 Threshold Data Bits 0-7: The value programmed in this register is loaded into an internal counter every time the Indicate Channel changes. Each valid frame copied on the current Channel decrements the counter. When the counter reaches Zero, a status breakpoint attention is generated (i.e., the Channel's BRK bit in the Indicate Attention Register is set) if the Channel's Breakpoint on Threshold (BOn bit in the Indicate Mode Register is set. Loading the Indicate Threshold Register with Zero generates a breakpoint after 256 consecutive frames are received on anyone Indicate Channel. FII 2-303 5.0 Control Information (Continued) Indicate Mode Register (IMR) The Indicate Mode Register (lMR) defines configuration options for all three Indicata Channels, including the sort mode, frame filtering, and status breakpoints. This register may be written only when the INSTOP bit in the State Attention Register is set. It may be written with Its current value any time, which is useful for one-shot sampling. This register is not altered upon reset. Access Rules Address I Read I 17h Always Write I INSTOP Mode Only I Register Bits D7 I SMl D6 I SMO D5 I SKIP D4 I RES D3 I BOTl D1 D2 I BOT2 I BOB DO I BOS I Bit Symbol 00 BOS Breakpoint on Service Opportunity: Enables the end of a service opportunity to generate an Indicate breakpoint attention (i.e., set the Channel's BRK bit in the Indicate Attention Register). Service opportunities include receipt of a Token, a MAC Frame, or a ring operational change following some copied frames. Description 01 BOB Breakpoint on Burst: Enables the end of a burst to generate an Indicate breakpoint attention (i.e., set the Channel's BRK bit in the Indicate Attention Register). End of burst includes Channel change, OA change, SA change, or MAC INFO change. A Channel change is detected from the FC field of valid, copied frames. A OA change is detected when a frame's OA field changes from our address to any other. A SA change is detected when a frame's SA field is not the same as the previous one. A MAC INFO breakpoint occurs when a MAC frame does not have the identical first four bytes of INFO as the previous frame. This breakpoint always sets the BRK bit (I.e., this breakpoint is always enabled). 02 BOT2 Breakpoint on Threshold for ICHN2: Enables the value in the Indicate Threshold Register to be used to generate an Indicate breakpoint attention on Indicate Channel 2, (i.e., set the BRK2 bit in the Indicate Attention Register). 03 BOTl Breakpoint on Threshold for ICHN1: Enables the value in the Indicate Threshold Register to be used to generate an Indicate breakpoint attention on ICHN1, (i.e., set the BRKl bit in. the Indicate Attention Register. 04 RES Reserved 05 SKIP Skip Enable: Enables filtering on Indicate Channel 0 when the Copy Control field for ICHNO in the Indicate Configuration Register is set to 01 or 10. When this bit is set, only the unique MAC and SMT frames received on Indicate Channel 0 will be copied to memory, i.e., those having an FC field or first four bytes of the Information field that differs from the previous frame. A write to the Indicate Mode Register disables filtering. 2-304 .----------------------------------------------------------------------,0 ;g 5.0 Control Information (Continued) ~ m Indicate Mode Register (lMR) (Continued) UI Bit Symbol Description SMO-1 06-7 Sort Mode: These bits determine how the BSI device sorts Indicate data onto Indicate Channels 1 and 2. (Indicate Channel 0 always receives SMT and MAC frames.) SM1 SMO ICHN2 ICHN1 o 0 Asynchronous Synchronous o 1 External Internal 1 0 Info Header 1 1 Low Priority High Priority The Synchronous/Asynchronous Sort Mode is intended for use in end-stations or applications using synchronous transmission. The Internal/External Sorting Mode is intended for bridging or monitoring applications. MAC/SMT frames matching the internal (BMAC device) address are sorted onto ICHNO, and all other frames matching the BMAC device's internal address (short or long) are sorted onto ICHN1. All frames matching the external address (frames requiring bridging) are sorted onto ICHN2 (including MAC/SMT). This sorting mode utilizes the EM, EA, and ECIP input signals with external address matching circuitry. External address circuitry must assert ECIP sometime from the assertion of FCRCVD up to the clock before the assertion of INFORCVD. Otherwise, the BSI device assumes no external address comparison is taking place. ECIP must be negated before EDRCVD; if not, the frame is not copied. EA and EM are sampled on the clock after ECIP is negated. ECIP is ignored after it is negated, until FCRCVD is asserted again. To confirm transmitted frames in this mode (typically using SAT), EM must be asserted within the same time frame as EA. Note that internal matches have precedence over external matches. The Header/Info Sort Mode is intended for high performance protocol processing. MAC/SMT frames are sorted onto ICHNO, while all other frames are sorted onto ICHN1 and ICHN2. Frame bytes from the FC up to the programmed header length are copied onto ICHN 1. The remaining bytes (info) are copied onto ICHN2. Only one stream of IDUDs is produced (on ICHN1), but both Indicate Channel's PSP queues are used for space (i.e., PSPs from ICHN1 for header space, and PSPs from ICHN2 for info space). Frames may comprise a header only, or a header+ info. For frames with info, multi-part lOUD objects are produced. For mUlti-part IDUDs, the Indicate Status field in the lOUD is used to determine which part of the lOUD object pOints to the end of the header. The remainder of the lOUD object points to the Info. For example, if page crosses occur while writing the header and while writing out the Info, the BSI Device will generate a four part lOUD object (lDUD.First, IDUD.Middle, lOUD. Middle, lOUD. Last). The lOUD. First will have a status of "page cross". The first IDUD.Middle will have a status of "end of header". The next IDUD.Middle will have a status of "page boundary crossed". The IDUD.Last will have an "end of frame" status. The High Priority/Low Priority Sort Mode is intended for end stations using two priority levels of asynchronous transmission. The priority is determined by the most-significant z-bit of the FC (zzz = Oxx = low-priority; zzz = 1xx = high-priority). fJI 2-305 5.0 Control Information (Continued) Indicate Configuration Register (lCR) The Indicate Configuration Register (ICR) is used to program the copy criteria for each of the Indicate Channels. This register is not altered upon reset. Access Rules Address I 18h Read I Always Write I Always I D4 D3 Register Bits D7 I D6 Bit 00-1 D5 I CCO RES I D1 D2 I CC1 RES I DO CC2 I Description Symbol CC2 Copy ControllCHN2: CC1 CCO 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 02 RES Reserved 03-4 CC1 Copy ControllCHN1: CC4 CC3 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 05 RES Reserved 06-7 cco Copy ControiICHNO: CC7 CC6 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 Copy Mode 00 Not Copy Copy if (AFLAG ECIP & EA)) & - MFLAG ECIP & EA)) MFLAG Copy if (AFLAG Copy Promiscously. I(I (- I Copy Mode 00 Not Copy Copy if (AFLAG ECIP & EA)) & - MFLAG Copy if (AFLAG ECIP & EA)) MFLAG Copy Promiscuously. I (I (- I Copy Mode 00 Not Copy Copy if (AFLAG ECIP & EA)) & - MFLAG ECIP & EA)) MFLAG Copy if (AFLAG Copy Promiscuously. I (I (- I ~ .- 2-306 r----------------------------------------------------------------------.c ;;g 5.0 Control Information (Continued) Co) I\) en Indicate Header Length Register (IHLR) The Indicate Header Length Register (IHLR) defines the length (in words) of the frame header, for use with the Header/Info Sort Mode. The Indicate Header Length Register must be initialized before setting the Sort Mode to Headerllnfo. This register may be changed while the INSTOP bit in the State Attention Register or the EXC bit in the Indicate Attention Register is set. This register is not altered upon reset. Access Rules I Address 19h Read I Always I HL6 I Write INSTOP Mode or EXC = 1 Only I Register Bits D7 I HL7 D6 Bit Symbol DO-7 HLO-7 D5 I HL5 I D4 HL4 I D2 D3 HL3 I HL2 I D1 DO HL1 HLO I Description Header Length: Specifies the length (in words) of the frame header, for use with the Headerllnfo Sort Mode. The frame FC is written as a separate word, and thus counts as one word. For example, to split after four bytes of header data in a frame with long addresses, this register is programmed with the value 05 (1 word FC, 1.5 DA, 1.5 SA, 1 HDR_DATA).IHLR must not be loaded with a value less than 4. If it is, the SSI device sets the Command Error (CMDE) and Indicate Stop (INSTOP) attentions. 2-307 UI U) CD N ('I) CO D- C r---------------------------------------------------------------------------------, 5.0 Control Information (Continued) Compare Register (CMP) The Compare Register (CMP) is used in comparison with a write access of a conditional write register. The Compare Register is loaded on a read of any of the conditional event Attention Registers or by directly writing to it. All bits in this register are set to Zero upon reset. Access Rules Address Read Write 1Fh Always Always Register Bits I D7 CMP7 I D6 CMP6 Bit Symbol DO-7 CMPO-7 I D5 CMP5 I D4 CMP4 I D3 CMP3 I D2 CMP2 I D1 CMP1 I DO CMPO I Description Compare: These bits are compared to bits DO-7 of the accessed register, and only the bits in the Attention Register that have the same current value as the corresponding bit in the Compare register will be updated with the new value. 2·308 5.0 Control Information (Continued) 5.4 POINTER RAM REGISTERS Pointer RAM Registers contain pointers to all data and DesCriptors manipulated by the SSI device, namely, Input and Output Data Units, Input and Output Data Unit Descriptors, Request Descriptors, Confirmation Messages, and Pool Space Descriptors. Pointer RAM Registers are shown in Table 5-4. Descriptors include the following: • Input Data Unit Descriptors (IDUDs) specify the location, size, part, and status information for Input Data Units. • Output Data Unit DescrIptors (ODUDs) specify the location and size of Output Data Units. For multi-ODUD frames, they also specify which part of the frame is pOinted to by the ODUD. 5.5 LIMIT RAM REGISTERS • Pool Space DescrIptors (PSPs) describe the location and size of a region of memory space available for writing Indicate data. The Limit RAM Registers are used by both the Indicate and Request machines. Limit RAM Registers contain data values that define the limits of the ten queues maintained by the SSI device. Limit RAM Registers are shown in Table 5-5. • Request Descriptors (REQs) describe the location of a stream of Output Data Unit Descriptors and contain operational parameters 5.6 DESCRIPTORS Descriptors are used to observe and control the operation of the SSI device. They contain address, status, and control information about Indicate and Request operations. Descriptors are stored in lists and wrap-around queues in memory external to the SSI device and accessed via the ASus. • ConfirmatIon Status Messages (CNFs) describe the result of a Request operation. 5.7 OPERATING RULES Multi-Byte Register Ordering When referring to multi-byte fields, byte 0 is always the most significant byte. When referring to bits within a byte, bit 7 is the most significant bit and bit 0 is the least significant bit. When referring to the contents of a byte, the most significant bit is always referred to first. 2-309 U) . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , CD C\I C') ~ 5.0 Control Information (Continued) c TABLE 5-4. Pointer RAM Registers Group P 0 N T E R R A M Address Register Name Access Rules Read Write 00 ODU Pointer RCHN1 (OPR1) Always Always 01 ODUD List Pointer RCHN1 (OLPR1) Always Always 02 CNF Queue Pointer RCHN1 (CQPR1) Always Always 03 REQ Queue Pointer RCHN1 (RQPR1) Always Always 04 ODU Pointer RCHNO (OPRO) Always Always 05 ODUD List Pointer RCHNO (OLPRO) Always Always 06 CNF Queue Pointer RCHNO (CQPRO) Always Always 07 REQ Queue Pointer RCHNO (RQPRO) Always Always 08 IOU Pointer ICHN2 (lPI2) Always Always 09 lOUD Queue Pointer ICHN2 (IQPI2) Always Always OA PSP Queue Pointer ICHN2 (PQPI2) Always Always OB Next PSP ICHN2 (NPI2) Always Always OC IOU Pointer ICHN1 (lPI1) Always Always 00 lOUD Queue Pointer ICHN1 (IPQI1) Always Always OE PSP Queue Pointer ICHN1 (PQPI1) Always Always OF Next PSP ICHN1 (NPI1) Always Always 10 IOU Pointer ICHNO (IPIO) Always Always 11 lOUD Queue Pointer ICHNO (IQPIO) Always Always 12 PSP Queue Pointer ICHNO (PQPIO) Always Always 13 Next PSP ICHNO (NPIO) Always Always 14 lOUD Shadow Register (ISR) Always Always 15 ODUD Shadow Register (OSR) Always Always 161F Reserved N/A N/A TABLE 5-5. Limit RAM Registers Group Address R A M Access Rules Read Write REQ Queue Limit RCHN1 (RQLR1) Always Always CNF Queue Limit RCHN1 (CQLR1) Always Always 2 REQ Queue Limit RCHNO (RQLRO) Always Always 3 CNF Queue Limit RCHNO (CQLRO) Always Always 4 lOUD Queue Limit ICHN2 (IQLl2) Always Always 5 PSP Queue Limit ICHN2 (PQLl2) Always Always 6 lOUD Queue Limit ICHN1 (IQLl1) Always Always 7 PSP Queue Limit ICHN1 (PQLl1) Always Always 8 lOUD Queue Limit ICHf\lO (IQLlO) Always Always PSP Queue Limit ICHNO (PQLlO) Always Always N/A N/A 0 L I M I T Register Name 9 A-F Reserved 2-310 5.0 Control Information (Continued) PSP Queue Pointer Register: Points to the next available PSP. Initialized by the host with the start address of the PSP Queue, after the Queue has been initialized with valid PSP Descriptors. As each PSP is read from memory, this register is loaded with the address in the Next PSP Register. Next PSP Register: Written by the BSI device with the PSP fetched from the PSP Queue. 5.8 POINTER RAM REGISTER DESCRIPTIONS The Pointer RAM Register set contains 32, 28·bit registers. Registers 23 through 31 are reserved, and user access of these locations produces undefined results. Pointer RAM Registers are read and written by the host usirig the Pointer RAM Operation (PTOP) service function and are accessed directly by BSI device hardware during Indicate and Request operations. During Indicate and Request operations, Pointer RAM registers are used as addresses for ABus accesses of data and Descriptors, i.e., the subchannel addresses for loads (reads) of streams of PSPs, ODUs, ODUDs, and REQs, and for stores (writes) of streams of IDUs, IDUDs, and CNFs. Indicate Shadow Register: Written by the BSI device with the start address of the last IDU copied to memory. Request Shadow Register: Written by the BSI device with the address of the current ODUD. See Table 5-4 for Summary including address and access rules. Pointer RAM Registers include the following: 5.9 LIMIT RAM REGISTER DESCRIPTIONS The Limit RAM Register set contains 16, 9-bit registers. Registers 11 through 15 are reserved, and used access of these locations produces undefined results. The Limit RAM registers contain data values that define the limits of each of the ten queues maintained by the BSI device. Limit RAM Registers are read and written by the host using the Limit RAM Operation (LMOP) service function when the Status/Space Machine is in STOP Mode, and are read directly by BSI device hardware during Indicate and Request operations. Limit RAM Registers include the following: ODU Pointer: Contains the address of an Output Data Unit. During Request operations, this register is loaded by the BSI device from the Location Field of its Output Data Unit Descriptor. ODUD List Pointer: Loaded by the BSI device from the Location Field of the REQ Descriptor when it is read from memory. The address is incremented by the BSI device as each ODUD is fetched from memory. CNF Queue Pointer: Contains the current CNF Status Queue address. This register is written by the user after he has allocated space for the CNF Queue. During Request operations, this register is incremented by the BSI device after each CNF is written to the CNF Queue. REQ Queue Pointer: Initialized by the host with the start address of the REQ Descriptor Queue after the Queue has been initialized. During Request operations, the address is incremented by the BSI device as each REQ is fetched. REQ Queue Limit: Defines the last valid REQ written by the host. CNF Queue Limit Register: Defines the last Queue location where a CNF may be written by the BSI device. Due to pipelining, the BSI device may write up to two CNFs after it detects a write to the next-to-Iast CNF entry (and generates a No Status Space Attention). For this reason, the host must always define the CNF queue limit to be one Descriptor less than the available space. IOU Pointer: Written by the BSI device with the Location Field of the PSP Descriptor when it is read from memory. lOUD Queue Pointer: Points to the Queue location where IDUDs will be stored. Written by the user after he has allocated space for the IDUD Status Queue. Incremented by the BSI device as IDUDs are written to consecutive locations in the Queue. lOUD Queue Limit Register: Defines the last Queue location where an IDUD may be written by the BSI device. PSP Queue Limit: Defines the last valid PSP written by the host. See Table 5-5 for Summary including address and access rules. II 2-311 5.0 Control Information (Continued) 5.10 BSI DEVICE DESCRIPTORS Input Data Unit Descriptor (lOUD) Input Data Unit Descriptors (IOU Os) are generated on Indicate Channels to describe where the BSI device wrote each frame part and to report status for the frame. For multi.part IDUDs, intermediate status is written in each lOUD, and when a status event occurs, definitive status is written in the last IDUO. A detailed description of the encodings of the Indicate Status bits is given in Table 5·6. 31 29 30 28 27 IS I I F-L 24 FRA I RES 23 I 16 FRS 15 I VC I 14 13 RES 12 I LOC 0 CNT I WordO Word 1 Word 0 Bit Symbol Description 00-12 CNT Byte Count: Number of bytes in the SOU. 013-14 RES Reserved VC VCOPY: Reflects the state of the VCOPY signal sent to the BMAC device for this frame. 0: VCOPY was negated. 1: VCOPY was asserted. FRS Frame Status: This field is valid only for Full Confirmation, and if the frame ended with an ED. 016-17 C C Indicator: 00: none 01: R 10: S 11: T 018-19 A A Indicator: 00: none 01: R 10: S 11: T 020-21 E E Indicator: 00: none 01: R 10: S 11 : T 022 VFCS Valid FCS: 0: FCS field was invalid 1: FCS field was valid 023 VOL Valid Data Length: 0: Data length was invalid 1: Oata length was valid 015 016-23 2·312 5.0 Control Information (Continued) 5.10 BSI DEVICE DESCRIPTORS (Continued) Input Data Unit Descriptor (IDUD) (Continued) Word 0 (Continued) Bit Symbol 024-27 Description FRA Frame Attributes 02425 TC Termination Condition: This field is valid only for Full Confirmation. 00: Other (e.g., MAC Reset/token). 01: ED. 10: Format error. 11: Frame stripped. 026 AFLAG AFLAG: Reflects the state of the AFLAG input Signal, which is sampled by the BSI device at INFORCVO.This field is valid only for Full Confirmation. 0: External OA match. 1: Internal OA match. 027 MFLAG MFLAG: Reflects the state of the MFLG input signal, which is sampled by the BSI device at INFORCVO. This field is valid only for Full Confirmation. 0: Frame sent by another station. 1: Frame sent by this station. IS Indicate Status: The values in this field are prioritized, with the highest number having the highest priority. A detailed description of the encodings is given in Table 5-6. 153 152 151 ISO Meaning Non-end Frame Status 0 0 0 0 Last IOU of queue, page-cross. 0 1 Page boundary crossed. 0 0 0 0 1 0 End of header. 0 0 1 1 Page-cross with header-end. Normal-end Frame Status 0 0 0 Intermediate (no breakpoints). 1 Burst boundary. 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 Threshold. 1 1 Service opportunity. 0 1 Copy Abort due to No Space 1 0 0 0 No data space. 0 0 1 No header space. 1 0 Good header, info not copied. 1 0 1 Not enough info space. 1 0 1 1 Error 1 1 0 0 FIFO overrun. 0 1 Bad frame (no VOL or no VFCS). 1 1 0 Parity error. 1 1 1 Internal error. 1 1 1 1 028-31 Word 1 Bit 00-27 Symbol LOC Description Location: 28-bit memory address of the start of an IOU. For the first IOU of a frame, the address is of the fourth FC byte of the burst-aligned frame (i.e., bits [1 :0] = 11). For subsequent 10Us, the address is of the first byte of the IOU (i.e, bits [1 :0] = 00). 028-29 RES Reserved 030-31 F-L First/Last Tag: Identifies the IOU object part, i.e., Only, First, Middle, or Last. 2-313 ,. 5.0 Control Information (Continued) TABLE 5-6. Indicate Status Field (IS) of IOU Descriptor NON-END FRAME STATUS [0000] Last lOUD of Queue, with a Page Cross: The last available location of the ICHN's lOUD queue was written. Since there was a page cross, there was more data to be written. Since there was no more lOUD space, the remaining data was not written. Note that this code will not be written in a IOU. Middle, so that a Zero IS field with Zero F-L tags can be utilized by software as a null descriptor. [0001] Page Cross: Must be an IDUD.FIRST or IDUD.MIDDLE. This is part of a frame that filled up the remainder of the current page, requiring a new page for the remainder of the data. [0010] Header End: This refers to the last IOU of the header portion of a frame. [0011] Page Cross and Header End: The occurrence of a page cross and header end. NORMAL-END FRAME STATUS [0100] Intermediate: A frame ended normally, and there was no breakpoint. [0101] Burst Boundary: A frame ended normally, and there was a breakpoint because a burst boundary was detected. [0110] Threshold: The copied frame threshold counter was reached when this frame was copied, and the frame ended normally. [0111] Service Opportunity: This (normal end) frame was preceeded by a token or MACRST, a MAC frame was received. or there was a ring-op change. Any of these events marks a burst boundary. NO SPACE COPY ABORT [1000] Insufficient Data Space: Not all the frame was copied because there was insufficient data space. This code is only written in non-Headerllnfo Sort Mode. [1001] Insufficient Header Space: The frame copy was aborted because there was insufficient header space (in Headerllnfo Sort Mode). [1010] Successful Header Copy, Frame Info Not Copied: There was sufficient space to copy the header, but insufficient data space to copy info, or insufficient IOU space (on ICHN2), or both. No info was copied. [1011] No Info Space: The frame's header was copied. When copying the data, there was insufficient data and/or IOU space. ERROR [1100] FIFO Overrun: The Indicate FIFO had an overrun while copying this frame. [1101] Bad Frame: The frame did not have a valid data length, or had invalid FCS, or both. [1110] Parity Error: There was a parity error during this frame. [1111] Internal Error: There was an internal logic error during this frame. 2-314 5.0 Control Information (Continued) The BSI device checks for the following inconsistencies when the REO is loaded from memory: REQ Descriptor (REQ) Request Descriptors (REOs) contain the part, byte address, and size of one or more Output Data Unit Descriptors. They also contain parameters and commands to the BSI device associated with Request operations. 1. REO.F with invalid Confirmation Class (as shown in the Table 5-8). 2. REO. First with Request Class = O. Multiple REO Descriptors (parts) may be grouped as one Request Descriptor object by the host software, with the REO. First defining the parameters for the entire Request object. Also, multiple Output Data Unit Descriptors may be grouped contiguously, to be described by a single REO Descriptor. 3. REO.First, when the previous REO was not a REO.Last or REO.Only. 4. REO which is not a REO. First, when the previous REO was a REO. Last or a REO.Only. When an inconsistency is detected, the BSI device aborts the Request, and reports the exception in the Request Status field of the CNF Descriptor. Each REO part is fetched by the BSI device from the Request Channel's REO Descriptor Oueue, using the REO Oueue Pointer Register. Each Request Channel processes ane Request Descriptor, per service opportunity, until a REO. Last is encountered. 31 30 29 28 RES I 27 UID I F-L RES I 24 The encodings of the ROCLS and CNFCLS bits are described in more detail in Tables 5-7 and 5-8 respectively. 23 I 16 SIZE 15 I 12 CNFCLS 11 I 8 ROCLS LOC 0 7 I FC Word 0 I Word 1 Word 0 Bit Description Symbol 00-7 FC Frame Control: Frame control field to be used unless FC transparency is enabled. This field is decoded to determine whether to assert ROCLM or ROBCN. This decoding is always active, i.e., regardless of frame control transparency. This field is also used for comparing received frames when confirming (without FC transparency). 08-11 ROCLS Request/Release Class: This field encodes the Request Class for the entire Request object, and is thus only sampled on a REO.First or REO.Only. The field is asserted on the RORCLS output signals to the BMAC device when requesting a token. If the Request Class is incompatible with the current ring state, the BSI device sets the RCHN's USR bit in the Request Attention Register. The encoding of this field is shown in Table 5-7. 012-15 CNFCLS Confirmation Class: This field encodes the Confirmation Class for the entire Request object, and is only sampled on a REO.First or REO.Only. The encoding of this field is shown in Table 5-8. 012 E End: Enables confirmation on completion of request. 0: CNFs on completion disabled. 1: CNFs on completion enabled. 013 I Intermediate: Enables Intermediate Confirmation. 0: Intermediate CNFs disabled. 1: Intermediate CNFs enabled. 014 F Full/Transmitter: Selects between Transmitter and Full Confirmation. 0: Transmitter confirm. 1: Full confirm. 015 R Repeat: Enables repeated transmission of the first frame of the request until the request is aborted. This may be used when sending BEACON or CLAIM frames. 0: Fetch all frames of REO. 1: Repeat transmission of first frame of REO. A Request may use Repeat on RCHN1, and have a Request loaded on RCHNO, but not vice-versa. Specifically, when a Request with the Repeat option is loaded on RCHNO, RCHN1 must not have any REOs active or visible to the BSI device. Thus REOs on RCHN1 may be queued externally but the queue's Limit Register must not be set at or after that point. Requests with the Repeat option should only be used on one Request Channel at a time, and preferably on RCHNO. 2-315 fI 5.0 Control Information (Continued) REO Descriptor (REO) (Continued) Word 0 (Continued) Bit Symbol Description Size: Count of number of frames represented by the ODUD stream pOinted to by LOC. REO Descriptors with a frame count are permitted, and are typically used to end a Request, without having to send data. For example, to end a restricted dialogue, a REO.Last with SIZE = 0 will cause the Request Machine to command the BMAC device to capture and release the specified classes of token. The response of the BSI device to REOs with SIZE = 0 is as follows: 1. REO. First: BSI device latches the REO DeSCriptor fields, then fetches the next REO. REORCLS is asserted, but RORDY remains deasserted. 2. REO.Middle: BSI device fetches the next REO. 3. REO.Only: BSI device requests the capture of the appropriate token. When it is captured, the BSI asserts ROFINAL and ends the request. 4. REO. Last: BSI device captures the token, asserts ROFINAL, then marks the req~est complete. D16-23 SIZE D24-29 UID User Identification: Contains the UID field from the current REO.First or REO.Only. D30-31 RES Reserved Word 1 Bit DO-27 Symbol Description LOC Location: Bits [27:2] are the memory word address of ODUD stream. Bits [1 :0] are expected to be 00, and are not checked. D28-29 RES Reserved D30-31 F-L FlrsVLast Tag: Identifies the ODUD stream part, i.e., Only, First, Middle, or Last. 2-316 5.0 Control Information (Continued) TABLE 5·7. REQ Descriptor Request Class Field Encodlngs RQCLS Value RQCLS Name Class Type THT Token Capture Token Issue Notes 0000 None None - none non 0001 Apr1 Async pri1 E non-r non-r 0010 Reserved Reserved 0011 Reserved Reserved 0100 Syn Sync D any capt 1 0101 Imm Immed D none none 4 0110 ImmN Immed D none non-r 4 4 0111 ImmR Immed D none restr 1000 Asyn Async E non-r non-r 1001 Rbeg Restricted E non-r restr 2,3 1010 Rend Restricted E restr non-r 2 2 1011 Rent Restricted E restr restr 1100 AsynD Async D non-r non-r 1101 RbegD Restricted D non-r restr 2,3 1110 RendD Restricted D restr non-r 2 1111 RcntD Restricted D restr restr 2 E = enabled, D = disabled, non·r = non·restricted, restr = restricted, capt = captured Note 1: Synchronous Requests are not serviced when bit BCNR of the Ring Event Latch Register Is set. Note 2: Restricted Requests are not serviced when bit BCNR, CLMR, or OTRMAC of the Ring Event Latch Register is set. Note 3: Restricted Dialogues only begin when a Non-Restricted token has been received and transmitted. Nota 4: Immediate Requests are serviced when the ring is Non-Operational. These requests are serviced from the Data state I! neither signal ROCLM nor ROBCN is asserted. I! signal ROCLM is asserted, Immediate Requests are serviced from the Claim State. I! signal ROBCN is asserted, Immediate Requests are serviced from the Beacon State. ROCLM and ROBCN do not cause transitions to the Claim and Beacon States. TABLE 5·8. REQ Descriptor Confirmation Class Field Encodlngs [R] [F] [I] [E] Confirmation Class x x 0 0 0 0 x x 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 Invalid (conSistency failure) Invalid (consistency failure) None: Confirmation only on exception Tend: Transmitter confirm, CNF on exception or completion Tint: Transmitter confirm, CNF on exception, completion or intermediate Fend: Full Confirm, CNF on exception or completion Fint: Full Confirm, CNF on exception, completion or intermediate NoneR: Confirmation only on exception, repeat frame TendR: Transmitter confirm, CNF on exception or completion, repeat frame TintR: Transmitter confirm, CNF on exception, completion or intermediate, repeat frame FendR: Full confirmation, CNF on exception or completion, repeat frame FintR: Full Confirmation, CNF on exception, completion, or intermediate, repeat frame 2-317 5.0 Control Information (Continued) Output Data Unit Descriptor (ODUD) An Output Data Unit Descriptor (ODUD) contains the part, byte address and size of an Output Data Unit. During Request operations, ODUDs are fetched by the BSI device from a list in memory, using the address in the ODUD List Pointer Register (in the Pointer RAM). ODUDs may have a zero byte count, which is useful for fixed protocol stacks. One layer may be called, and if it has no data to add to the frame, it may add an ODUD with a zero byte count to the list. The BSI device checks for the following inconsistencies when an ODUD is loaded from memory: 1. ODUD.First, when the previous ODUD was not an ODUD.Last or ODUD.Only. 2. ODUD which is not an ODUD.First, when the previous ODUD was an ODUD.Last or ODUD.Only. 3. ODUD.First with zero byte count. When an inconsistency is detected, the BSI device aborts the Request, and reports the exception in the Request Status field of the CNF Descriptor. ODUDs must contain at least 4 bytes (for short addresses). 31 30 29 28 27 I F-L I RES 12 13 I RES I LOC 0 Word 0 CNT I Word 1 Word 0 Bit Description Symbol 00-12 CNT Byte Count: Number of bytes in the ODU. The size may be Zero, which is useful for fixed protocol stacks. 013-31 RES Reserved Word 1 Bit 00-27 Symbol Description Location: Memory byte address of SOU. LOC 028-29 RES Reserved 030-31 F-L First/Last Tag: Identifies the Output Data Unit part, i.e., Only, First, Middle, or Last. , 2-318 5.0 Control Information (Continued) Confirmation Status Message Descriptor (CNF) A Confirmation Status Message (CNF) describes the result of a Request operation. A more detailed description of the encoding of the RS bits is given in Table 5-9. 31 30 29 28 27 I RS I I F-L UID 24 23 FRA 16 15 FRS I FC 7 8 TFC I CS 0 CFC I RES Word 0 I Word 1 Word 0 Bit Symbol Description DO-7 CFC Confirmed Frame Count: Number of confirmed frames. Valid only for Full Confirmation. D8-15 TFC Transmitted Frame Count: Number of frames successfully transmitted by the BSI device and BMAC device. Valid for all confirmation classes. D16-23 FRS Frame Status: This field is valid only for Full Confirmation, and if the frame ended with an ED. D16-17 C C Indicator: 00: None 01: R 10: S 11 : T D18-19 A A Indicator: 00: None 01: R 10: S 11: T D20-21 E E Indicator: 00: None 01: R 10: S 11: T D22 VFCS Valid FSC: 0: FSC Field was Invalid. 1: FSC Field was Valid. D23 VDL Valid Data Length: 0: Data Length was Invalid. 1: Data Length was Valid. D24-27 FRA Frame Attributes: This field is valid only for Full Confirmation. TC Terminating Condition: 00: Other (e.g., MAC Reset/token). 01: Ed. 10: Format Error. 11: Frame Stripped. D26 AFLAG AFLAG: Reflects the state of the AFLAG input signal, which is sampled by the BSI device at INFORCVD. 0: No DA Match. 1: DAMatch. D27 MFLAG MFLAG: Reflects the state of the MFLAG input Signal, which is sampled by the BSI device at INFORCVD. 0: Frame Sent by another Station. 1: Frame Sent by this Station. D24-25 2-319 5.0 Control Information (Continued) Confirmation Status Message Descriptor (CNF) (Continued) Word 0 (Continued) Bit 028-31 Description Symbol RS Request Status: This field represents a priority encoded status value, with the highest number having the highest priority. This field is described in Table 5-9. Meaning RS2 RS3 RS1 RSO Intermediate 0 0 0 0 None 0 0 Preempted 1 0 0 0 1 0 Part Done Breakpoints 0 0 1 1 Service Loss 0 0 1 Reserved 0 Completion 0 1 0 1 Completed BEACON 0 1 1 0 Completed OK Exception Completion 0 1 1 1 Bad Confirmation 1 0 0 0 Underrun 1 0 1 Host Abort 0 1 0 1 0 Bad Ringop 0 1 1 1 MAC Abort 1 1 0 0 Timeout 1 1 1 MAC Reset 0 1 1 1 0 Consistency Failure Error 1 1 1 1 Internal or Fatal ABus Error 2-320 5.0 Control Information (Continued) Confirmation Status Message Descriptor (CNF) (Continued) Word 1 Bit Symbol 00-7 RES 08-15 Description Reserved CS Confirmation Status FT Frame Type: This field reflects the type of frame that ended Full Confirmation. 00: Any Other. 01: Token. 10: Other Void. 00: My Void. 010 F Full Confirm: This bit is set when the Request was for Full Confirmation. 011 U Unexpected Frame Status: This bit is set when the frame status does not match the value programmed in the Request Expected Frame Status Register. This applies only to Full Confirmation. 012 P Parity: This bit is set when a parity error is detected in a received frame. Parity is checked from FC to EO inclusive if the FLOW bit in the Mode Register is set. 013 E Exception: This bit is set when an exception occurs. The RCHN's EXC bit in the Request Attention Register is also set. 014 R Ring-Op: This bit is set when the ring enters a bad operational state after transmission but before all returning frames have been confirmed. 015 T Transmit Class: 0: Restricted. 1:· Non-Restricted. 016-23 FC Frame Control: Frame Control field of the last frame of the last confirmed burst, Valid only for Full Confirmation. 024-29 UIO User Identification: Contains the UIO field copied from the current REQ.FIRST or REQ.ONLY. D30-31 F-L First/last Tag: Identifies the CNF part, i.e., Only, First, Middle, or Last. 08-9 2-321 5.0 Control Information (Continued) TABLE 5-9. Request Status (RS) Field of CNF Descriptor INTERMEDIATE [0000] None: Non status is written. This may be used by software to identify a NULL or invalid CNF. [0001] [0010] Preempted: RCHN1 was preempted by RCHNO. RCHNI will be serviced following RCHNO. Part None: The BSI device is servicing a Request, but it cannot hold onto a token, and the last frame of a Request.part has been transmitted. BREAKPOINTS [0011] Service Loss: The THT expired during a Request with THT enabled. Only occurs for Intermediate Confirmation. [0100] Reserved COMPLETION [0101] Completed BEACON: When transmitting from the BEACON state, this status is returned when the BMAC device receives a My_Beacon. When transmitting from the CLAIM state, this status is returned when the BMAC device wins the CLAIM process. [0110] Completed OK: Normal completion with good status. EXCEPTION COMPLETION [0111] Bad Confirmation: There was an error during confirmation, causing the Request to complete with this status, or one of higher priority. Confirmation errors include MACRST, ring-operational change, receiving an Other_Void or My_ Void or token, receiving a bad frame, or receiving a frame that did not match the programmed expected frame status. [1000] Underrun: There was no data in the request data FIFO when it was required to be presented to the BMAC device. [1001] Host Abort: The host aborted the Request on this Request Channel, either directly by clearing the ABT bit in the Service Attention Register or indirectly by having insufficient entries in the CNF queue. [1010] Bad Rlngop: A Request was loaded with a Request Class inappropriate for the current ring operational state. [1011] MAC Device Abort: The BMAC device aborted the Request and asserted TXABORT. This could be from an interface parity error, or because the transmitted frame failed the FC check, or because the BMAC device received a MAC frame while transmitting in the BEACON state. This status is also returned when the BMAC device receives an Other_Beacon while the BSI device is transmitting in the BEACON state, or when the CLAIM process is lost while the BSI device is transmitting in the CLAIM state. [1100] Timeout: The TRT expired during a Request with THT disabled. The Request is aborted. [1101] MAC Reset: The BMAC device asserted MACRST. [1110] Consistency Failure: There was an inconsistency within the REQ or ODUD stream. ERROR [1111] Internal or Fatal ABus Error: There was an internal logic error or a fatal ABus error while writing a CNF. 2-322 C "tJ 5.0 Control Information (Continued) CC) Pool Space Descriptor (PSP) en Co) N Pool Space Descriptors (PSPs) contain the address and size (in bytes) of a free space in host memory available for writing Input Data Units. When PSPs are read by the BSI device, the address field of the PSP is loaded into the Indicate Channel's IOU Pointer Register, and is used as the subchannel address for the IOU memory write. 31 30 29 28 27 13 12 0 I RES I I F-L RES I Word 0 CNT LOC I Word 1 Word 0 Bit Symbol Description 00-12 CNT Byte Count: Number of bytes in the available memory area (up to 4k bytes). 013-31 RES Reserved Word 1 Bit Symbol Description 00-27 LOC Location: Memory byte address of memory area available for writing 10Us. Normally the page offset will be Zero to simplify space management. 030-31 RES Reserved 2-323 CJ1 U) , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , CD C\I C') CD D- C 6.0 Signal Descriptions 6.1 PIN ORGANIZATION The BSI device pinout is organized into five groups: Control Interface: Used for host microprocessor access to the BSI device. BMAC Device Indicate Interface: Pins for receiving and processing incoming frames from the DP82361 BMAC device. BMAC Device Request Interface: Pins for transmitting frames to the BMAC device. ABus Interface: Pins for transferring data and data information between system memory and the BSI device. Electrical Interface: Pins associated with power supply, clocking, and scan test. I :IL.iCR(O 2 oILERR(O 3 AU4(0) 4 .lLA3(o) .lLAD5(VO) AUD4(VO) AB..AD.l(Vo) oILAD2(I/O) ABUS Interface 5 AIl..A2(O) oILRYi(O) Ai:iiEN(O) I 10 II 12 13 14 15 18 17 18 II 20 21 22 23 24 25 21 27 28 21 30 31 32 33 34 GND Vee Vee GNO ALSIZ2(O) ALSIZ1(0) ALSIZO(O) lDR(0) .100(1) FCRCVil(I) MIDS(O AfUG(1) MFUG(I) SAMESA(O INroRCVD(O SAWDNrO(Q EDRCVD(Q YFCS(I) DP83265 BSI 160-PIN PQFP VDL(Q TKRCVD(O ttl tt8 tt7 ttl tt5 tt4 oILADl(VO) m AB...AOD(I/O) tt2 oIL8PO(I/O) Itt CBP(I/O) ttO CBD7(I/O) 101 CBDI(VO) 108 ~I/O) 107 CB04(I/O) 108 GND 105 Vee 104 CBD3(I/O) 103 CB02(I/O) 102 CBDt(VO) 101 CBDO(I/O) 100 CBA4(Q II CW(Q 88 CIA2(Q 17 CBAl(Q CBAO(Q ACK(DO) iili(OD) roERRoR(Q FRSTRP(Q VCOPY(O) WACRST(Q MIP(I) WID7(Q MI06(O WID5(I) WI04(O 18 15 14 15 ii(O 12 RYi(Q II RST(Q 10 SAT(O) STRI'(O) GND 81 88 87 35 "103(0 Vee 86 31 WI02(O WID1(Q WIDO(O rcsr(O) RQCLII(O) RQ8CN(O) 85 84 83 GNO(....) 82 81 37 38 31 Vcc<....) 40 GNO(....) MAC Request Interface Vcc<....) TL/F/l0791-12 FIGURE 6·1. DP83265 160·Pin Pinout Order Number DP83265VF See NS Package Number VF160A 2-324 6.0 Signal Descriptions (Continued) DP83265 Pinout Description Pin 1 Description ABJCK 2 AB_ERR 1/0 Pin Description I 41 LBC1 I 42 1/0 Pin I 81 1/0 Pin Description 1/0 Vee Core 121 ABJD7 I/O Core 122 AB_BP1 I/O I/O Description LBC3 I 82 GND I 3 ABJ4 0 43 LBC5 83 RQBCN 0 123 ABJD8 4 ABJ3 0 44 GND 84 RQCLM 0 124 GND FCST 0 125 Vee 126 ABJD9 5 ABJ2 0 45 NC 85 6 AB_RW 0 46 NC 86 7 AB_DEN 0 47 GND 87 GND 8 Vee 48 NC 88 STRIP 0 9 GND Vee I/O 127 ABJD10 I/O 128 ABJD11 I/O I/O 49 ECIP I 89 SAT 0 129 ABJD12 10 AB_SIZ2 0 50 EA I 90 RST I 130 ABJD13 I/O 11 AB_SIZ1 0 51 EM I 91 RW I 131 ABJD14 I/O 12 AB_SIZO 0 52 MRQO 0 92 CE I 132 ABJD15 i/O 13 AB_BR 0 53 MRQ1 0 93 INT OD 133 AB_BP2 I/O 14 AB_BG I 54 MRQ2 0 94 ACK OD 134 GND 15 FCRCVD I 55 MRQ3 0 95 CBAO I 135 Vee 16 MIDS I 56 Vee 96 CBA1 I 136 ABJD16 I/O 17 AFLAG I 57 GND 97 CBA2 I 137 ABJD17 I/O 18 MFLAG I 58 MRQ4 0 98 CBA3 I 138 ABJD18 I/O 19 SAMESA I 59 MRQ5 0 99 CBA4 I 139 ABJD19 100 CBDO I/O 140 GND Core Core I/O 20 INFORCVD I 60 MRQ6 0 21 SAMEINFO I 61 MRQ7 0 101 CBD1 I/O 141 Vee 22 EDRCVD I 62 MRP 0 102 CBD2 I/O 142 ABJD20 I/O 23 VFCS I 63 TXRINGOP I 103 CBD3 I/O 143 ABJD21 I/O 24 VDL I 64 TXCLASS I 104 144 ABJD22 I/O 25 TKRCVD I 65 TXABORT I 105 GND 145 ABJD23 I/O 26 FOERROR I 66 TXED I 106 CBD4 I/O 146 GND Vee Vee 27 FRSTRP I 67 MRDS I 107 CBD5 I/O 147 28 VCOPY 0 68 TXRDY I 108 CBD6 I/O 148 AB_BP3 I/O CBD7 I/O 149 ABJD24 I/O I/O 29 MACRST I 69 TXPASS I 109 30 MIP I 70 RQABORT 0 110 CBP I/O 150 ABJD25 31 MID7 I 71 RQFINAL 0 111 AB_BPO I/O 151 ABJD26 I/O 32 MID6 I 72 RQEOF 0 112 ABJDO I/O 152 ABJD27 I/O 33 MID5 I 73 RQSEND 0 113 ABJD1 I/O 153 ABJD28 I/O 34 MID4 I 74 Vee 114 Vee 154 ABJD29 I/O 35 MID3 I 75 GND 115 GND 155 ABJD30 I/O 36 MID2 I 76 RQRDY 0 116 ABJD2 I/O 156 GND 37 MID1 I 77 RQRCLSO 0 117 ABJD3 I/O 157 Vee 38 MIDO I 78 RQRCLS1 0 118 ABJD4 I/O 158 ABJD31 I/O 39 Vee Core 79 RQRCLS2 0 119 ABJD5 I/O 159 ABJB I/O 40 GND Core 80 RQRCLS3 0 120 ABJD6 I/O 160 AB_CLK I/O 2-325 6.0 Signal Descriptions (Continued) 6.2 CONTROL INTERFACE The Control Interface operates asynchronously to the operation of the BMAC device and ABus interfaces. The ACK and TfiI'j' signals are open drain to allow wire ORing. Symbol Pin # 1/0 Description 110 1/0 Control Bus Parity: Odd parity on CBD7 -0. CBD7-0 109-106, 103-100 I/O Control Bus Data: Bidirectional Data bus. CBA4-0 99-95 I Control Bus Address: Address of a particular BSI device register. CE 92 I Control Bus Enable: Handshake signal used to begin a Control Interface access. Active low signal. R/W 91 I Read/Write: Determines current direction of a Control Interface access. ACK 94 00 Acknowledge: Acknowledges that the Control Interface access has been performed. Active low, open drain signal. INT 93 00 Interrupt: Indicates presence of one or more enabled conditions. Active low, open drain signal. RST 90 I Reset: Causes a reset of BSI device state machines and registers. CBP 2-326 6.0 Signal Descriptions (Continued) 6.3 BMAC Device Indicate Interface The BMAC Device Indicate Interface signals provide data and control bytes as received from the BMAC device. Each Indicate Data byte is also provided with odd parity. MID7-0 signals are valid on the rising edge of the Local Byte Clock signal (provided by the Clock Recovery Device). Data: Symbol MIP MID7-0 Pin # I/O Description 30 I MAC Indicate Parity: This is connected directly to the corresponding BMAC device pin of similar name. Odd parity on MID7-0. Only valid with Data and Status indicators. 31-38 I MAC Indicate Data: This is connected directly to the corresponding BMAC device pin of similar name. Data: The BMAC device indicates data is being presented on MID7 -0 during the time when RCSTART is asserted until one of the following Signals is asserted: EDRCVD, TKRCVD, FOERROR, or MACRST. Status: The BMAC device indicates Status Indicators are being presented on MID7 -0 when EDRCVD or TKRCVD is asserted. , Frame Sequencing: The Frame Sequencing Signals apply to the data available at the MAC Indicate Interface (MIP and MID7-0). The Frame Sequencing signals can be used to control the latching of appropriate Frame Status. Pln# I/O Description FCRCVD 15 I Frame Control Received: This is connected directly to the corresponding BMAC device pin of similar name. The BMAC device indicates that the Frame Control Field has been received. INFORCVD 20 I Information Field Received: This is connected directly to the corresponding BMAC device pin of similar name. The BMAC device indicates that four bytes of the Information Field have been received. It is asserted by the BMAC device on the fourth byte of the INFO field and remains active until the next JK symbol pair is received. EDRCVD 22 I EDFS Received: This is connected directly to the corresponding BMAC device pin of similar name. The BMAC device indicates that the End of Frame Sequence has been received. MIDS 16 I MAC Indicate Data Strobe: Asserted by BMAC device to indicate valid data. This signal should be tied to Vee for FDDI-I, and used for FDDI-II. Symbol Frame Information: Pin # I/O AFLAG 17 I My Destination Address Recognized: This is connected directly to the corresponding BMAC device pin of similar name. The BMAC device indicates that an internal address match occurred on the Destination Address field. It is reset when the next JK symbol pair is received. MFLAG 18 I My Source Address Recognized: This is connected directly to the corresponding BMAC device pin of similar name. The BMAC device indicates that the received Source Address field matched the MLA or MSA BMAC device registers. It is reset when the next JK symbol pair is received. SAMESA 19 I Same Source Address: This is connected directly to the corresponding BMAC device pin of similar name. The BMAC device indicates that the SA of the current frame is the same as the previous frame, that the frames were not MAC frames, and that the frames are the same size. It is reset when the next KJ symbol pair is received. SAMEINFO 21 I Same MAC Information: This is connected directly to the corresponding BMAC device pin of similar name. The BMAC device indicates that the first four bytes of the IF of the current frame are the same as the previous frame, that the frames were MAC frames, and that their address lengths are the same. SAMEINFO is asserted along with INFORCVD. It is reset when the next JK symbol pair is received. Symbol Description 2-327 6.0 Signal Descriptions (Continued) Frame Status: Pin # I/O VOL 24 I Valid Data Length: The BMAC device indicates a valid data length for the current frame. VFCS 23 I Valid Frame Check Sequence: The BMAC device indicates a valid FCS for the current frame. TKRCVD 25 I Token Received: The BMAC device indicates that a complete token was received. FRSTRP 27 I Frame Stripped: The BMAC device indicates that the current frame was stripped. FOERROR 26 I Format Error: The BMAC device indicates a standard-defined format error. MACRST 29 I MAC Reset: The BMAC device indicates an internal error, MAC frame, MAC reset, or hardware or software reset. EA 50 I External AFlag: This signal is used by external address matching to signal that a Destination Address (DA) match has occurred. Assuming that the proper timing of EA and ECIP are met, the assertion of EA will cause the BSI device to copy this frame. EA is sampled on the cycle after ECIP is deasserted. The sample window is from FCRCVD to EDRCVD. EM 51 I External MFlag: This signal is used by external address matching logic to signal a Source Address (SA) match. II is sampled on the clock cycle after ECIP is deasserted. VCOpy 28 0 Valid Copy: Affects the setting of the transmitted ex (Copied Indicator). The value of VCOPY is used to determine the value of the transmitted Cx. VCOPY must be asserted one byte time before EDRCVD is asserted. ECIP 49 I External Compare In Progress: This signal is asserted to indicate that external address comparison has begun. II is deasserted to indicate that the comparison has completed. EA and EM are sampled upon the deassertion of ECIP. ECIP must be asserted during the period from the assertion of FCRVCD (by the BMAC device) to the assertion of INFORCVD (by the BMAC device) in order for the BSI to recognize an external comparison. II must be deasserted for at least one cycle for the external comparison to complete. If ECIP has not been deasserted before EDRCVD (from the BMAC device), the BSI device will not copy this frame. ECIP may be implemented as a positive or negative pulse. Symbol Description 2-328 6.0 Signal Descriptions (Continued) 6.4 BMAC Device Request Interface The BMAC Device Request Interface signals provide data and control bytes to the BMAC device as received from the Host System. Each Request Data byte is also provided with odd parity. Symbol MRP MRD7-0 Pin # I/O Description 62 0 MAC Request Parity: This is connected directly to the corresponding BMAC device pin of similar name. Odd parity on MRD7 -0. 61-58, 0 MAC Request Data: This is connected directly to the corresponding BMAC device pin of similar name. The BMAC device Indicates data is being presented on MRD7-0. 55-52 Service Parameters: Symbol Pin # I/O Description RQRCLS3-0 80-77 0 Request Class: This is connected directly to the corresponding BMAC device pin of similar name. The BMAC device Indicates the service class parameters for this request. When RQRCLS > 0, the BMAC device Transmitter will capture a usable token for non-immediate requests) and assert TXRDY. The service opportunity continues as long as the token is usable with the current service parameters, even if RQRDY is not asserted. When RQRCLS = 0, the service opportunity will terminate aiter the current frame (even if RQRCLS subsequently becomes non-Zero). RQCLM 84 0 Request CLAIM: This is connected directly to the corresponding BMAC device pin of similar name. The BMAC device indicates that this request is to be serviced in the Transmit CLAIM state. Ignored for non-immediate requests. RQCBN 83 0 Request BEACON: This is connected directly to the corresponding BMAC device pin of similar name. The BMAC device Indicates that this request Is to be serviced in the Transmit BEACON state. Ignored for non-Immediate requests. 2-329 6.0 Signal Descriptions (Continued) Frame Options: Pin # 1/0 STRIP 88 0 Void Strip: Connected to STRIP and possibly SAT on the BMAC device. SAT 89 0 Source Address Transparency: Connected to SAIGT on the BMAC device and to SAT on the BMAC device if STRIP is not: FCST 85 0 Frame Check Sequence Transparency: This is connected directly to the corresponding BMAC device pin of similar name. When selected. the BMAC device will not append FCS to the end of the Information field. Symbol Description Request Handshake: Symbol Pin # 110 Description TXPASS 69 I Transmit Pass: This is connected directly to the.corresponding BMAC device pin of similar name. The BMAC device indicates the absence of a service opportunity. This could result from an unusable request class. waiting for a token. timer expiration. or MAC Reset. TXPASS is always asserted between service opportunities. It is deasserted when TXRDY is asserted at the beginning of a service opportunity. TXRDY 68 I Transmit Ready: This is connected directly to the corresponding BMAC device pin of similar name. The BMAC device indicates that the BMAC device transmitter is ready for another frame. For a non-immediate request. a useable token must be held in order to transmit frames. TXRDY is asserted by the BMAC device when: a. a usable token is being held. or b. an immediate request becomes serviceable. or c. after frame transmission if the current service opportunity is still usable for another frame. TXRDY is deasserted when TXPASS or TXACK is asserted. RORDY 76 0 Request Ready: This is connected directly to the corresponding BMAC device pin of similar name. The BMAC device indicates that the BMAC device transmitter should attempt to use a service opportunity. If RORDY is asserted within 6 byte times after TXRDY is asserted. the BMAC device transmitter will wait at least LMax plus one Void frame (4.16 ms - 4.80 ms) for ROSEND to be asserted before releasing the token. ROSEND 73 0 Request Send: This is connected directly to the corresponding BMAC device pin of similar name. The BMAC device indicates that the BMAC device transmitter should send the next frame. The MRD7-0 signals convey the FC byte when this signal is asserted. If ROSEND is asserted within 6 byte times after TXRDY is asserted. the BMAC device transmitter will send the frame with a minimum length preamble. If ROSEND is not asserted within LMax plus one Void frame after RORDY has been asserted (4.16 ms - 4.60 ms). the token may become unusable due to timer expiration. ROSEND may only be asserted when TXRDY and RORDY are asserted and ROFINAL is deasserted. ROSEND must be deasserted not later than one byte time after TXRDY is deasserted MRDS 67 I MAC Request Data Strobe: This is connected directly to the corresponding BMAC device pin of similar name. The BMAC device indicates that data on MRD7 -0 is valid. This signal should be connected to the TXACK on the BMAC device. ROEOF 72 0 Request EOF: This is connected directly to the corresponding BMAC device pin of similar name. The BMAC device indicates that MRD7 -0 conveys the last data byte when asserted. Normally. this is the last byte of the INFO field of the frame (exceptions: FCS transparency. invalid frame length). ROEOF causes TXACK to be deasserted and is ignored when TXACK is not asserted. 2-330 6.0 Signal Descriptions (Continued) Request Handshake: (Continued) Symbol Pin # 1/0 Description ROABORT 70 0 Request Abort: This is connected directly to the corresponding BMAC device pin of similar name. The BMAC device indicates that the current frame should be aborted. Normally this causes the BMAC device transmitter to generate a Void, CLAIM, or BEACON frame. ROABORT causes TXACK to be deasserted and is ignored when TXACK is not asserted. ROFINAL 71 0 Request Final: This is connected directly to the corresponding BMAC device pin of similar name. The BMAC device indicates that the final frame of the request has been presented to the BMAC device Interface. When asserted, the Issue Token Class (as opposed to the Capture Token Class) becomes the new Token Class (TXCLASS). ROFINAL may only be asserted when RORDY is asserted and ROSEND is deasserted. ROFINAL is ignored unless RORDY has been asserted for at least one byte time and the service parameters have been valid for at least three byte times. ROFINAL must be deasserted not later than two byte times after TXPASS is deasserted. TXED 66 I Transmit End Delimiter: This is connected directly to the corresponding BMAC device pin of similar name. The BMAC device indicates that the ED is being transmitted. TXABORT 65 I Transmit Abort: This is connected directly to the corresponding BMAC device pin of similar name. The BMAC device indicates that the MAC Transmitter aborted the current frame. Symbol Pin # 1/0 Description TXRINGOP 63 I Transmit Ring Operational: This is connected directly to the corresponding BMAC device pin of similar name. The BMAC device indicates the state of the MAC Transmitter. TXCLASS 64 I Transmit Token Class: This is connected directly to the corresponding BMAC device pin of similar name. The BMAC device indicates the class of the current token. Transmit Status: • 2-331 U) r-----------------------------------------------------------------------~------__, ~ C") co ~ 6.0 Signal Descriptions (Continued) 6.5 ABus Interface The ABus Interface signals provide a 32-bit multiplexed address/data bus for transfers between the host system and the BSI device. The ABus uses a bus request/bus grant protocol that allows for multiple bus masters, supports burst transfers of 4 or 8 32-biI words, and permits both physical and virtual addressing using fixed-size pages. Address and Data: Symbol Pin # I/O AB_BP3-0 148,133, 122,111 110 ABus Byte Parity: These TRI-STATE signals contain the BSI device-generated parity for each address byte of ABJD, such that AB_BPO is the parity for ABJD7 -0, AB_BP1 is the parity for ABJD15-B, etc. ABJD31-0 15B, 155-149, 145-142, 139-136, 132-126, 123, 121-116, 113-112 110 ABus Address and Data: These TRI-STATE signals are the multiplexed ABus address and data lines. During the address phase of a cycle, ABJD27 -0 contain the 28-bit address, and ABJD31-28 contain a 4-bit function code identifying the type of transaction, encoded as follows: ABJD[31:28] Transaction Type o RSAP1 ODU Load 1 RSAP1 ODUD Load/CNF Store RSAP1 REO Load 2 RSAPO ODU Load 3 4 RSAPO ODUD Load/CNF Store RSAPO REO Load 5 ISAP2 IDU Store 6 ISAP2 IDUD Store 7 ISAP2 PSP Load B ISAP1 IDU Store 9 ISAP1 IDUD Store A B ISAP1 PSP Load C ISAPO IDU Store D ISAPO IDUD Store ISAPO PSP Load E PTR RAM Load/Store F 3-5 o ABus Burst Address: These TRI-STATE signals contain the word address during burstmode accesses. They are driven from Tpa to the last Td state, negated in the following Tr state, then released. Note that the address presented allows external pipelinlng for optimum memory timing. ABJ4-2 Description 2-332 6.0 Signal Descriptions (Continued) Bus Control: Symbol ABJS Pin # I/O 159 Description 0 ABus Address Strobe: When asserted, This TRI-STATE signal indicates that data on ABJD is valid. When this signal is inactive and ABJCK is asserted, the next cycle is a Tr state, in which the bus arbiter can sample all bus requests, then issue a bus grant in the following cycle. AB_RW 6 0 ABus Read/Write: This TRI-STATE signal determines the current direction of an ABus access. AB_DEN 7 0 ABus Data Enable: This TRI-STATE signal indicates that data on ABJD31-0 is valid. AB_SIZ2-0 10-12 0 ABus Size: These TRI-STATE signals indicate the size of the transfer on ABJD31-0, encoded as follows: Transfer AB_SIZO AB_SIZ2 AB_SIZ1 Size 4 Bytes 0 0 0 Reserved 0 0 1 Reserved 1 0 0 1 Reserved 0 1 16 Bytes 0 1 0 1 32 Bytes 1 0 0 Reserved 1 1 Reserved 1 1 1 ABJCK 1 I ABus Acknowledge: Indicates a bus slave's response to a bus master. The meaning of this signal depends on the state of ABus Error (AB_ERR), as described below. AB_ERR 2 I ABus Error: This signal is asserted by a bus slave to cause a transaction retry or transaction abort. Together with ABJCK, the encoding is as follows: AB_ERR AB-ACK Definition 1 1 Insert Wait States Bus Error 1 0 Transaction Retry 0 0 Acknowledge 0 1 Bus Arbitration: Symbol Pin # I/O Description AB_BR 13 0 ABus Bus Request: This signal is used by a bus master to request use of the ABus. AB_BG 14 I ABus Bus Grant: This signal is asserted by external bus arbitration logiC to grant use of the ABus to the BSI device. When AB_BG is deasserted, the BSI device completes the current transaction and releases the bus. If AB_BG is asserted at the start of a transaction (Tbr), the BSI device will run a transaction. AB_ClK 160 I ABus Clock: All ABus operations are synchronized to the rising edge of AB_ClK. • 2-333 6.0 Signal Descriptions (Continued) 6.6 ELECTRICAL INTERFACE Symbol Pin # I/O LBC5, 3, 1 43-41 I Description Local Byte Clock: 12.5 MHz clock with a 60/40 duty-cycle. Generated by CDD. Vccl13) 8,39,56 74,81,86, 104,114, 125,135, 141,147,157 Positive Power Supply: 5V, ± 100/0 relative to GND. GND[13) 9,40,57 75,82,87, 105,115,124, 134,140,146, 156 Power Supply Return. GND NC 44,47 45,46,48 Must be grounded. No Connect: Must be left unconnected. 2-334 Section 3 Development Support Ell Section 3 Contents OP83200EB FOOl AT Evaluation Kit...... ........... ..... ........... .... ............. OP83200SMT XLNT Manager FOOl Station Management (SMT) Software Support Package. 3-2 3-3 3-15 C "tI co ~National W ~ ~ Semiconductor OP83200EB FOOl AT Evaluation Kit o m til General Description The OP83200EB FOOl is a complete design/evaluation kit (using an AT or compatible platform), that includes hardware, software and application documentation, to implement a single node compliant with an ANSI X3T9.5 FOOl network. The kit has been designed to demonstrate the capabilities of National Semiconductor's FOOl chip set. The DP83200EB can be combined with a OP83200EK Kit to create a dual attach station. The OP83200EK Kit contains the additional Link card (PHY Layer) and appropriate cables. It contains a Link card and MAC card, that together implement one FOOl Single Attach node. The Evaluation Boards allow evaluation of the many capabilities of the chip set and serve as an educational tool for customers deSigning products with the FOOl chip set. High performance as a goal was sacrificed at the expense of simplicity and accessibility. There are many laboratories around the world with a spare IBM® PC® or compatible. • System modularity supports single attachment or dual attachment • Utilizes a PC-AT® compatible form factor • Built-in diagnostic capability for fault detection • Supports an external optical bypass switch • Supports asynchronous and synchronous transmission classes II PAL based buffer management III Supported by demonstration and diagnostic software III Board schematics Features These boards allow users to experiment and gain experience with the FOOl chip set in order to unleash its capabilities in their own products. II 3-3 m w oo N CO) CO a. C TLlF/11122-2 SAS Configuration TLlF/III22-3 DAS Configuration FIGURE 1. Single attach and optional dual attach configuration 3-4 IC "tJ 1.0 Link Card CI) • System modularity supports single attachment or dual attachment configurations. • Utilizes a PC-AT compatible form factor • Built-in diagnostic capability for fault detection • Supports an external optical bypass switch • Power consumption is 1.5 amps typical per Link Card 1.1 Link Card Description The Link Card is intended for evaluation of the following three National Semiconductor devices which implement the FOOl Physical Layer and clock distribution. DPB3255 Physical Layer Controller (PLAYERTM device) DPB3241 Clock Distribution Device (CDDTM device) DPB3231 Clock Recovery Device (CRDTM device) 2.0 Link Card System Description 2.1 Block Diagram Description The design goal of the Link Card was to allow the user to exercise the Physical Layer devices and COD device. The Link Card can be used in tandem with the DPB3291 EB MAC Card (see Section 2.3). A Link Card connected to a single MAC Card inplements a single attachment station. Dual attachment stations require two Link Cards. The Link Card requires a PC-AT compatible machine which is a readily available platform capable of supporting an FOOl application. The Link Card block diagram is composed of the following seven blocks: 1. AT Bus Interface 2. Clock Bus Interface 3. Clock Distribution Device (COD device) 4. Clock Recovery Device (CRD device) 5. Link Bus Interface 1.2 Link Card Features 6. Physical Layer Controller (PLAYER device) The Link Card offers many features to provide a flexible and convenient evaluation platform: • Utilizes the National FOOl Chip Set DP83255 PLAYER Device DP83241 COD Device DP83231 CRD Device 7. Transceiver Interface Figure 2 is a detailed representation of the block diagram . 3-5 W I'.) o o m m lEI UJ ~ 2.0 Link Card System Description C') EXTERNAL CONNECTORS co a. (Continued) liNK CARD INTERFACE '~--+ C --+ CLOCK BUS ...z~ ":~ r- A PORT ... B PORT CDDClK 12.5 + CDDClK 12.5- CDDClK 12.5 DS3695 TRANSCEIVER A PORT INDICATE 0 >= LINK _ U '::>!;;: Y 10 -244 ' 10 'L::' '::>!;;: ::E 0 b'" t;; 3 --+ lA ADDR "- 841 MAC CTl 0 '"u0 ..J ,S! B PORT REQUEST u ,L B PORT INDICATE BUS '":::> ;;: "z .r;;l A PORT REQUEST "S! .... SA ADDR "t:: DATA co AT CTl ".... IRQ ".... AT DATA co AT ADDR ,on" u PLAYER DP83255 PHYSICAL lAYER CONTROllER -,.... AT CTl AT BUS ...'" '" ..J , u lBC DIAG PE - '"<><> TBC N TXC N COD DP83241 CLOCK DISTRIBUTION DEVICE ..J 0 '" t;; f:l '"<> ~ '"..J '"'"... Q <> <> D.. >- '" ..J ..J '" x '" <> U <> x t; 2 ~ :5 U III u u 5 2 lZ 0 '" if 2 , 2 ' 2 ... U ~ >= D.. - RJ-45 PHONE JACK CRD DP83231 CLOCK RECOVERY DEVICE 0 I+- 75452 DRIVER ... ~ Q '" !;;: Q ...~ C i ! l.- 2 ELECTRICAL (ELECTRONS) I.2 x l- RX OUT EN FIBER OPTIC TRANSCEIVER OPTICAL (PHOTONS) TO FIBER OPTIC RING !l ;::! ... c ~ TlIF111122-4 FIGURE 2. Link Card Block Diagram 3·6 C 2.0 Link Card System Description (Continued) "a 00 Co:! N 2.2 AT Interface Block The function of the AT Interface Block is to interface the Link Card with the AT host. This block features a full 24-bit address bus for flexible Link Card memory map placement. The data bus is B bits wide which is adequate for this demo platform. Bits B through 15 are not used on the base Link Card, but they have been tapped to test points on the board. The test pOints are included in the event that an application requires a 16-bit data bus. In addition to the address and data buses, seven AT bus interrupts and the necessary control signals are included. All address and data signal lines are buffered with independent parity generation supplied for the data bus. 2.5 CRD Device Block The Clock Recovery Device has been designed for use in this FDDI implementation. The device receives serial data from a Fiber Optic Receiver (FORX) in differential ECl NRZI 4B/5B group code format and outputs resynchronized NRZI received data and a 125 MHz received clock in differential ECl format for use by the PLAYER device. 2.6 link Bus Block The function of the Link Bus is to provide a data path between the Link and MAC Cards that form an FDDI station. Each connection contains two 10-bit data buses (Indicate and Request) and station configuration signals. The pinout of the Link Bus has been designed to allow the user to build Single Attachment and Dual Attachment/Single MAC configurations. To build one of these configurations, the user must simply connect the cabling in the manner shown in Appendix E of the User's Guide. Every otlier write in the Link Bus is grounded to insure data integrity. This cabling scheme has been tested for resistance to data corruption induced by crosstalk. The AT bus block is the 50/e power supply for the link Card. The address decoding scheme is accomplished with generic array logic devices (GAls). Equations for each of the four GAL devices are included in Appendix G of the DPB3290EB FDDI Physical layer Evaluation Board User's Guide. Beyond these basic functions, the AT Interface offers a number of modes such as autoconfiguration, base register area select, and memory map configuration. 2.3 Clock Bus Block The Clock Bus Block is included in the Link Card design to provide a physical bus among all Link and MAC Cards that form a station. The consruction of the bus is a twenty pin ribbon cable capable of supporting 9 Signals. Each Signal is surrounded on either side by a ground line to reduce crosstalk. 2.7 PLAYER Device Block The Physical layer Controller is a part of National Semiconductor's FDDI Chip Set. It implements one Physical layer entity as defined by the ANSI X3T9.5 PHY standard. The PLAYER device performs the 4B/5B encoding and decoding, serialization and deserialization of data, repeat filter, and line state control and detection. It also contains a configuration switch. The PLAYER device supports many types of station configurations as allowed by the standard. 2.4 COD Device Block The Clock Distribution Device is a clock generation and distribution device intended for use in FDDI networks. The device provides the complete set of clocks required to convert byte wide data to serial format for fiber medium transmission and to move byte wide data between the PLAYER and BMAC devices in various station configurations. 12.5 MHz and 125 MHz differential ECl clocks are generated for the conversion of data to serial format and 12.5 MHz and 125 MHz TIL clocks are generated for the byte wide data transfers. Although tailored to the FDDI specification, the PLAYER device is also well suited for use in high speed pOint-to-point communication links over optical fibers and coaxial cable. 2.8 Transceiver Block The transceiver block consists of two parts: fiber optic receiver and fiber optiC transmitter. The Link Card supports the following FDDI optical transceiver modules: AT&T ODl 125 Lightwave Data Links Sumitomo DM-742 1300nm Data Link Any Transceiver pair which supports the AT&T footprint 2.1.B.1 pin format composed of 2 independent 16·pin DIP (footprints) See Appendix A of the User's Guide for a detailed footprint description. 3-7 o o m m m W g r-------------------------------------------------------------------------~ 2.0 Link Card System Description (Continued) N C') ~ 2.9 Installation A.1.1 Setup ON orr ON ADDRESS SET TO OCCOO ChAP - ENABLED SEL - DISABLED hAAP - DISABLED orr ON INTERRUPTS DISABLED orr SELECT REr IN rOR COD DEVICE SELECT INTERNAL VCO rOR COD DEVICE SELECT 8 ns LBC SKEW rOR COD' DEVICE PLYRa 13~ +---- SELECT LBC3 rOR PLAYER LBC II ~ r L1 L2 L3 SELECT LBCI rOR AT I/r ~~ TL/F/11122-5 3·8 C ." 2.0 Link Card System Description (Continued) CI) ~ o o m A.1.1 Setup (Continued) m NO CK NO SELECT CLOCKED t.40DE FOR REQUEST DATA LATCHES INSURE PROPER PART SEATING AND PLACEt.4ENT il TL/F/11122-6 3·9 m w <:) <:) ('II C') co D.. Q 3.0 MAC Card 3.1 MAC CARD DESCRIPTION 3.3 MAC CARD SYSTEM DESCRIPTION The DP83291 EB FDDI MAC Layer Evaluation Board is a PC-AT compatible board that implements the MAC Layer functions of the FDDI standard. The Board utilizes the National Semiconductor DP83261 BMACTM device along with PAL®-based Buffer Management Logic to implement a simple MAC Layer. The MAC Evaluation Board is designed to perform simple transmission and reception scenarios. One 8k and 8 Static RAM is used for Transmission and another is used for Reception and Status. See Figure 3 for a detailed block diagram. On Transmission, the Transmission Counter is used to address the TlL-RAM where the frames to be transmitted are written. The Transmit Sequencer controls the sequencing of frames across the BMAC device's MAC Request Interface. 3.2 MAC CARD FEATURES The MAC card offers many features on a convenient platform: • PC-AT compatible full size card On Reception, the Receive Sequencer controls the sequencing of frames across the BMAC device's MAC indicate interface. Transmit and Receive Status is stored and multiplexed into the RlL-RAM between frames. The Receive Counter is used to address the RlL-RAM. The Receive Counter is under the control of the Receive Sequencer. The Copy PAL monitors the addressing information across the BMAC device and determines whether to continue to copy frames. This is signaled to the Receive Sequencer which then adjusts the Receive Counter accordingly. • Dual ported memory interface-full duplex data path • Interfaces to link cards for DAS or SAS configurations • Supported by demonstration software • Utilizes DP83261 BMAC device • Full network statistics • Supports asynchronous and synchronous transmission classes • PAL based buffer management PCJDDRESS BMAC COD TL/F/11122-7 FIGURE 3. MAC Card Block Diagram 3-10 ,----------------------------------------------------------------------, c ;g 3.0 MAC Card (Continued) The Tx-RAM contains either one maximum size frame or up to 16 frames of 512 bytes or less. The Rx-RAM may be filled with up to B frames. o o m 1000-3FFF reserved for future use tD See Figure 4. The DPB570A is used as a timer on this board and provides support for Station Management. Its registers are accessed via the PC interface and is memory mapped. MAC Registers OOOO-OOFF BMAC Device Registers 0100-01FF Board Registers The PC interface provides access to the Transmit and Receive RAM in addition to the Board Registers and BMAC device. The Board Registers include a Mode, Function and Status Register. BMAC Device Registers The BMAC Device Registers are mapped directly into the 64k segment of the address space as defined in the BMAC Device Datasheet. 3.4 ADDRESS MAPPING PC BUS INTERFACE MAC Evaluation Board Registers The board registers are mapped into the 64k segment of the address space as: 0100 Mode Register 0140 Function Register 01 BO Status Register 01AO Timer Registers 01 CO Board Reset Board Address Mapping The Evaluation Board Control Bus is mapped into a 64k segment within the lowest 1M of the PC address space. The 64k offset is selected (by a jumper) as shown below: Sel = 0 Sel = 1 (,) I\) 0400-0FFF reserved for future use offset is COOOO offset is 00000 64k Segment Mapping Note: For MACI add 200lh 10 each address. The 64k segment reserved for the evaluation board is divided as shown below: 0000-3FFF Used for control registers (See Figure 3) 4000-7FFF reserved BOOO-9FFF used to access Bk Tx-RAM AOOO-BFFF shadow to Tx-RAM COOO-DFFF used to access Bk Rx-RAM EOOO-FFFF shadow of Rx-RAM Board Register Address Mapping The address space used for control registers is divided into 512 byte pages for each PHY or MAC. The MAC is selectable as either MAC 0 or MAC 1. 0000-01 FF MACO 0200-03FF MAC1 BMAC 0 REGISTERS OOOO-OOFF BOARD 0 REGISTERS 00FF-01FF BMAC 1 REGISTERS 0200-02FF BOARD 1 REGISTERS 0300-03FF RESERVED 0400-0FFF RESERVED 1000-3FFF RESERVED 4000-7FFF TXRAM BOOO-9FFF SHADOW TX RAM AOOO-BFFF RXRAM COOO-DFFF SHADOW RX RAM EOOO-FFFF FIGURE 4. Board Address Map • 3-11 III W g 3.0 MAC Card ~ 3.5 MAC Board Installation The MAC Card requires a full length slot. It can be installed in either an AT or XT slot. There are several options that can be programmed via jumpers provided on the MAC Card. The position of the jumpers on the board are shown in Figure 5. ~ C (Continued) Interrupts ·m 10 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • i~ • • • • • • • • • • JUMPER SETTINGS 10 J1: Base Address, MA~ Select, Interrupt and Option Selection J1 is used to select the Base Address of the MAC Card, MAC Number. interrupt to be used for the interconnected MAC and Link Cards and Option Selections on the BMAC device. The possible settings and factory defaults follow. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ........ : • • • • • • • • .jl · .. IRQ4 ' 10 Iff·. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • :;~ • • • • • • • • • • 10 OPTION SELECT IRQ3 rt ~ IRQ5 10 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • :'.':, m·. INTERRUPT SELECT L._- - - - B A S E AOORESS SELECT L . . . - - - - - M A C SELECT TLlF/11122-B Factory Default Shown IRQ6 TL/F/11122-9 Factory Default = IRQ4 MAC Select 10 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • t.tACO 10 MACI TLlF/11122-10 Factory Default = MACO J5 TL/F111122-11 FIGURE 5. MAC Card Jumper Locations 3·12 3.0 MAC Card c"'tI CD W (Continued) N Base Address Select 0 0 2 3 4 5 6 8 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 2 4 m m 10 5 BOARD BASE=DOOO 10 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • BOARD BASE=COOO TL/F/11122-12 Factory Default = DODO Options Selection 7 8 10 • • • • • • • • • • • • 7 8 9 10 • • • • • • • • • • • • 7 8 9 SAIGT, SAT AND STRIP OPTIONS CONTROLLED BY SAT OPTION IN t.40DE REGISTER OPTIONS GROUNDED 10 • • • • • • • • • • • • OPTIONS ALWAYS SET HIGH TL/F/11122-13 Factory Default = Options Controlled by SAT Option in Board Mode Register II 3-13 m III ! CO a. C 3.0 MAC Card (Continued) J5: Master Clock Select J5 programs whether or not this board provides the master clock for the node. Typically in a DAS or SAS configuration, only a Single MAC is used. The MAC card will provide the clock for the entire system. If two MACs are present in the node, only one of the MAC Boards should provide a clock. This jumper should only be programmed when configuring Dual MAC systems. J5: Master Clock Select J2: Latch Clock Select J2 is used to select which phase of the LBC to transfer data between the Link and MAC Cards. This is used to optimize set up and hold time on data transfers between the BMAC and PLAYER devices when using a bus. This jumper ' should always be left at the default setting (LBC5). J2: Latch Clock Select • • • • • • It' LBC1 LBC2 3 LBC3' • • '2 ,',.", 4 LBC4 :¥:, J: ,f4 ....... "" "'""Y ""'" = 5 LBCS (FACTORY SETTING) TL/F/11122-14 J3: CDD Device Feedback Select J3 is used to select which phase of the LBC that the CDD device will use in its feedback loop This jumper should be left at the default setting (LBC1). J3: CDD Device Feedback Select ::, ::i:~:::: 2 3 4 5 • • • • • • • • LBC1 -+ BOARD SUPPLIES MASTER CLOCK 1.-_ _ _ _ (FACTORY SETTING) TL/F/11122-17 INSTALLING THE BOARD WITH A LINK CARD The MAC Card should be Inserted into the PC-AT or XT slot along with the Link Card. Make sure that the board is inserted into the connectors accurately. The next step Is to connect the cabling between the MAC Card and the Link Card. Two configurations are pOSSible, Single Attach Station (SAS) and a Dual Attach Station (DAS). (FACTORY SETTING) LBC2 LBC3 LBC4 SAS Configuration To implement a SAS Configuration a MAC Card and a Link Card are inserted into two slots on the AT. Two cables are required. First connect the 20-Pln Clock Cable Into the 20 Pin header on the top of both the Link Card and MAC Card. Then connect the 50-Pin Cable between the two "A" port connectors on the Cards. This is the connector farthest from the back of the AT chassis (see Figure 5). Make sure the cables are properly engaged with the pins by pressing down on the top of the cable with your thumbs. Once the cables have been attached inspect the cards to make sure that they are straight in the connectors. Pressing in the cables has a tendancy to skew the cards in the slots. LBCS TL/F/11122-15 J4: Reference Select J4 is used to select either the clock on the clock bus or the local crystal oscillator as a reference. In order to provide less skew between the Link and the MAC Cards, the CDD device is locked to the Clock Bus signal. This jumper should be left at he default setting. J4 Reference Select :1 3 • I'" :~ '~ 1.-_ _ _ _• """"' ""'"'" (LOO< " ..... (FACTORY SElT1NG) DAS Configuration To implement a DAS Configuration an additional Link Card is required. (Two Link Cards + 1 MAC Card implements a DAS). Insert a MAC Card and two Link Cards adjacent to each other as shown in Figure 1. Connect the Cable between the Link Cards as shown, then connect the Clock Bus Cable and the final Data Cable between the Link and MAC Cards as shown. Note that the clock cable must attach to all three boards. Make sure the cables are properly engaged with the pins on the cards. Also confirm that the cards are straight in the card cage after connecting the cables. '"'J INTERNAL REFERENCE (LOCK TO LOCAL XTAL) TLlF/11122-16 3-14 ~National ~ Semiconductor OP83200SMT XLNT Manager™ FOOl Station Management (SMT) Software Support Package General Description The XLNT Manager™ Software Package completely implements all required and most optional FOOl SMT Protocol functions. It comes complete with well documented source code written in the C programming language and an easy to use Integration Guide. The source code is modular so that it can be partitioned over multiple processors and can be used in all FOOl applications including concentrators, and dual and single attach stations. The porting guide includes step by step instructions how to port the software to your hardware platform. XLNT Manager FOOl SMT Software is a product of XLNT Design Inc., and is made available to National Semiconductor FOOl customers through a sublicensing agreement. Technical support is provided by National Semiconductor's fully trained FOOl Applications team. XLNT Manager FOOl SMT Software combined with National Semiconductor's FOOl chip set provides a complete FOOl solution. The software can easily be integrated into an operating environment using minimal hardware and system support from the operating environment. The design of the software also allows for rapid updating to implement changes to the SMT Standard. Custom Management services can interface with the SMT software through a standard, well defined, soft- ware interface. An integration sequence example is included. Features • Implements all required and most optional ANSI X3T9.5 Station Management Protocol functions • Complete portability of the code to most hardware platforms • Oirect interface with the FOOl Chip Set for compact and efficient implementation • Flexible architecture to allow code partitioning for single and multiple processors • Standard interface between SMT software and custom management applications • Well documented source code (C Language) • Supports single and dual attach stations and concentrators • Operating System Independent • Includes easy-to-use porting guide • Free updates through 1991 Managemenl Service. Process (MSP) I I I I XLNT lIanager ~-------------., TLlF111121-1 FIGURE 1. Station Management (SMT) Software Block Diagram 3-15 2.0 Functional Description Table of Contents The XLNT Manager Software Package completely imple· ments all required and most optional FOOl SMT Protocol Functions. The software package consists of three main functional blocks as shown in Figure 1. The three main functional blocks are 1) Management Services Process (MSP), 2) the Frame Services Process (FSP) and 3) the Connection Services Processes (CSP). . 1.0 OVERVIEW 2.0 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION 3.0 INTEGRATION PROCEDURE 4.0 SUBLICENSE AGREEMENT AND MAINTENANCE 2.1 MANAGEMENT SERVICES PROCESS 5.0 TECHNICAL SUPPORT The Management Services Process (MSP) processes information in the Management Information Sase (MIS). The MIS is an information database which is defined by the FOOl SMT Standard. It includes Information about the status and performance of a station. The information is collected from the hardware and other processes and stored in a central database. The Management Information Sase (MIS) can be accessed by a Management Application Process like the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) or by a remote station over the network. The Management Services Process maintains the MIS and provides a uniform interface to the Management Application Process, the Frame Services Process (FSP) and the Connection Services Process (CSP). 1.0 Overview One of the key areas in the FOOl standardization process has been Station Management (SMT). The SMT document provides the guidelines and protocols which can be used to manage an FOOl network. To ensure inter.operability in a multi-vendor environment, some of the protocols described in the SMT document are mandatory. However, to facilitate the diverse network environments envisioned for FOOl, many of the protocols described are optional. Implementation of the optional protocols' will depend upon the application need. The basic SMT functions required are: - Fault management for high network availability Reliable error detection and.recovery Access to networked resources Fast and reliable connection management procedure - Management for multi·vendor networks Access to individual station information - Flexible network configuration 2.2 FRAME SERVICES PROCESS The Frame Services Process (FSP) implements the framed based services defined by the FOOl SMT Protocol. The FOOl SMT Protocol defines several different frame types which are used to convey status and control information between stations on the network. For example, Neighbor Information Frames (NIFs) convey information about the station to its neighbor. This information can be used in the Frame Service. Proce•• (FSP) r-- r--------~~--------~I Ring Manarment (RMT 2 g I. "'"c '""c VI tj E ~ c ." '" E J. :$ ~ I I Optional Optical Bypass Switch Control Configuration SwRch Physical Layer Protocol (PHy) Physical Connection Management (PCM) :! Media Access Control (MAC) I I I I T .. ;; .!i L...- I I I I I I Configuration Management (CFM) 'ii:' VI ...I .,. .. + ,.t...l 1 >0 SAC 1 1-3 >1 >0 DAC 2 2-3 >1 >0 • testing of slave before insertion into ring • determining the topology of a concentrator tree before insertion into the Primary or Secondary ring • graceful insertion of slave stations or concentrator trees. There are still several problems associated with each of these uses. There is no interoperable method for setting parameters in a slave station and no protocol defined for testing a slave before inserting it into a ring. Similarly it is not clear that a roving MAC could find out more about a slave station than a station self test could. Naming Conventions The concentrators are named according to the greatest number of attachments they can handle (Null, Single or Dual Attachment Concentrator NAC, SAC, DAC respectively). It is debatable whether this is the best way to name concentrators since the other parameters are more likely to vary. These same problems could be solved in the context of SMT without resort to a non-standard local path. A slave could do a self test before requesting insertion into the ring by causing remote loopback at the concentrator. The station could come into the ring with default parameters that could also be changed during normal operation. And to solve the ring mapping problems, an efficient protocol using well known SMT Group Addresses could be used. There is still a fair amount of work to be done in the area of inserting slave stations into a ring. Use of the local path does not solve these problems and the extra cost and complexity of adding an additional path is questionable in terms of the minimal payoff. Attach Count This refers to the number of attachments that are available for use to either the trunk ring or to the concentrator tree. A concentrator with an attach count of 2 could default to a concentrator with an attach count of 0 or 1 if those attachments are not connected to anything else. Paths This refers to the number of token paths possible in a concentrator. These paths may then be used as part of the 4-13 III ment services between stations that do not implement the particular management protocol but do implement SMT and the actual management application. MACs In order for a Concentrator to provide management services and act as a manageable entity in a network, it should contain at least one MAC. This gives the concentrator the ability to participate in the SMT frame based protocols and help isolate, announce and recover from all types of problems. By having MACs in concentrators, better logical and physical ring maps can be built. To simplify the relationship between MACs and Paths, it is easiest to have one MAC per Path. Otherwise it is necessary to multiplex a MAC between the paths. It is difficult to manage inserted stations on a path that has no MAC. The data throughput requirements for a MAC implementation are rather minimal, thus low cost management MACs can easily be added. The cost associated with MACs has been one of the main points of resistance to standardizing the presence of at least one MAC in a concentrator. The incremental cost of adding a MAC compared with the benefits of the added manageability makes it worthwhile, especially in configurations where it amounts to only two extra chips. (In these configurations all of the memory and processor support is already present.) 2.4 Diagnostic Capabilities Since a concentrator is one of the most complex nodes in the network, it should contain extensive diagnostic capabilities. Essential to this is the ability to perform sophisticated Path Testing and Resource testing of all resources within the concentrator. The National Semiconductor DP83200 FDDI chipset has numerous diagnostic capabilities built in to aid in isolating and resolving problems. 2.5 Bridging/Routing Capabilities The concentrator is also a natural location to add in a MAC level bridging or routing function between similar or different media, networks, speeds, and protocols. Because of the concentrator position within an installation it may offer a natural point to segment the local traffic contained exclusively in the tree versus traffic that must go outside of the tree. Such a concentrator would become a multi purpose network attachment that could be a repeater/bridge/router and manager where each function is added in as needed on a common backplane. You could think of it as a ring in a box. Master Ports A concentrator will have several Master Ports, each of which can connect to a Slave or Peer Port. The number of ports is very implementation specific, and ranges from small departmental concentrators with 4 M Ports to large multiboard concentrators with up to over 250 ports. 3.0 USING THE NATIONAL DP83200 FOOl CHIPSET The National Semiconductor DP83200 FDDI chip set was partitioned for use in all of the Standard FDDI configurations including Single and Dual Attach Stations with one or two MACs and in numerous Concentrator configurations. The DP83251/55 Physical Layer Controller (PLAYER device) implements the Physical Layer (PHY) of FDDI and provides all of the support required by a processor running SMT. In addition to providing all of the functions required by an FDDI PHY, the PLAYER device includes support for the Link Error Monitor Function, the Noise Counter (TN E), Line State Detection and Generation, and Configuration Management. Two full duplex parallel ports are supported along with a built in Configuration Switch in order to provide the flexibility to support all of the station types (SAS, SM-DAS, DM-DAS) and configurations (THRU, WRAP, ISOLATE). Concentrator configurations with numerous M Ports and 2 internal paths can be created without any external logic. The low power dissipation and minimal real estate required by the PLAYER device makes these chips ideal for concentrator applications. The DP83231 Clock Recovery Device (CRDTM device) provides a very high performance analog Phased Locked Loop with very high noise immunity. It can lock to the worst legal patterns in under 85 and provides a very high dynamic lock range. The DP83261 Basic MAC Layer Controller (BMAC device) implements the Media Access Control Layer (MAC) of FDDI and provides the support required by a processor running SMT. In addition to providing all of the functions required by an FDDI MAC, the BMAC device includes support for RMT, all of the required and optional frame counters, measurements of the ring/path latency and many tunable parameters. The DP83265 BMAC System Interface (BSITM device) is also available for providing a straightforward system memory interface. Tile BSI device also provides several features that are useful for SMT such as independent channels for Management Data (SMT /MAC). 2.2 Expandability/Configurability Another way in which concentrators can be differentiated is by their packaging. In many instances a low cost fixed configuration makes sense. In other cases an expandable and configurable concentrator might be attractive. An attractive fixed configuration might consist of 8 ports that could be used as an 8 port NAC, a 7 port SAC or a 6 port DAC. An attractive flexible configuration might consist of Slave or Peer Attach boards and Master Port boards. On each Master Port Board there might be 4 or 8 Master Ports. An example of both a fixed and flexible concentrator are outlined as examples in Section 4. Another dimension in which concentrators can be configurable is in the PMD that is supported. FDDI already supports both a multi-mode and a single mode fiber optic PMD and it is very likely that additional lower cost PMDs such as Shielded Twisted Pair and shorter distance fiber optic connections will be supported. By isolating the PMD to a separate board the PMD could be a configurable option. "'S The Concentrator could also serve as a repeater between different media domains by using different PMDs in different ports. 2.3 Management Capabilities Concentrators can also be differentiated by the management capabilities that they provide. The SMT Standard provides many implementation options does not specify how the services that it provides will be used. The Concentrator is a convenient location to run Network Management Applications slich as a ring monitor, ring mapper, traffic analyzer, traffic generator, etc. It also is a logical location to run higher level management agents such as SNMP and/or CMIP. Management agents serve as proxy agents for manage- 4-14 The DPB3241 Clock Distribution Device (CDDTM device) generates all of the clocks required by the PLAYER, BMAC and BSI devices. The CDD device accepts either an external reference or a local crystal. In a concentrator the CDD device is particularly useful in that all of the clocks required by the PLAYER device can be generated locally and only slower speed 12.5 MHz clocks need be distributed. The CDD device also provides 10 different phased clock outputs. The chipset also provides numerous diagnostic features. These include full duplex data paths to allow diagnostic transmission to self, multiple levels of loopback to isolate individual chip and interconnect errors and the ability to inject errors and make sure that proper recovery takes place. In addition, while operational, several levels of self checking are also employed. These include through parity support, full duplex data paths so that every frame transmitted can also be received and the FCS can be checked (the frames could also be copied), and a full implementation of the FDDI protocol which is self checking in itself. The chipset also includes several programmable features that allow compatibility with the ongoing enhancements to the ANSI specification. A and B Ports (A to Sand B to S connections). When there is a tree to connect into, the concentrator can be configured to allow M to A and/or M to B connections. In this way, this concentrator could be used as a Null Attach Concentrator with 10 leaf connections, a Single Attach Concentrator with 9 leaf connections or a Dual Attach Concentrator with 8 leaf connections. With the two path design shown and correct programming of the configuration switches, the second path could be used as a local path while bypassing the ring's secondary path within the concentrator (see Figure 4-4). Note the subtle differences between Figure 4-2 and Figure 4-4. Only the connection surrounding the Peer Ports is changed. Thus effectively, three paths are present within the concentrator, although not all of them can be active simultaneously. With additional external multiplexing, a dedicated third path could be added to the deSign. The third local path would then always be available for internal testing for use with a roving MAC. The benefits of a dedicated third path versus the additional cost are questionable. The processor controls the BSI, BMAC and PLAYER devices through the common control interface. The control bus uses a simple asynchronous handshake. The processor can accomplish all of software oriented portions of SMT (CMT, RMT, monitoring functions) using this common interface. The SMT frames are typically generated and processed in a shared memory. For more details see the appropriate device datasheets. 4.0 EXAMPLE DESIGNS The following examples illustrate the simplicity of building concentrators with the National Semiconductor DPB3200 FDDI chipset. Two example designs are shown representing two ends of the spectrum. First a Single Board, Single Processor Concentrator is shown, followed by a Multi-Board, Multi-Processor deSign. » z ...... "'......"' I Moderate interrupt response time is required to assure compliance with the default requirements (3 ms) of the Physical Connection Management (T_REACT, PC_REACT, etc.). Depending on the interrupt latency of the processor, as additional M Ports are added, the processor will eventually reach its limit in terms of the number of ports that can be handled Simultaneously. In concentrators with many M Ports, in order to guarantee the required response times, it may become necessary to partition tasks among multiple processors or switch to a processor with a better interrupt latency (provided that it is not saturated). 4.1 A Single Board Single Processor Concentrator A simple FDDI concentrator contains a Single processor and is designed on a single card. The clear advantage of this type is reduced cost, though forfeiting flexibility and expandability. Figure 4-1 shows a simple single processor dual attach dual path deSign. The diagram also suggests a physical layout of the devices. Even the pinout of the devices in the chipset were optimized for these applications. A concentrator requires a moderately high performance processor with support peripherals such as timers and interrupt control. In many designs it is preferable to use a processor that includes these support peripherals. National Semiconductor offers a full range of processors that are appropriate for this application from the HPC family of High Performance Controllers to the 32000 family of processors. The concentrator shown has an A Port, B Port, 4 or more M Ports and 2 MACs. It also has two complete physical paths, one of which can be used as the Primary Path, and the other as a Secondary Path or Local Path. The M Ports connect into the Primary or Secondary Path through the PLAYER device's configuration switch as shown in Figure 4-2. 4.2 A Multi-Board Multi-Processor Concentrator A multi-board concentrator will be used where flexibility and expand ability is desired over lower cost. For an organization where adding functionality with time is attractive, the multiboard design is appropriate. Extensive Path testing can be accomplished as two complete rings can be made operational as shown in Figure 4-3. For the ring to be operational, all data paths have to be working properly. The MAC on each ring will go through the Claim Process and if it receives its own Claim frame successfully, a token will be issued which will continue to circulate. That MAC could then send frames to itself for even more robust path testing. The port types are distinguishable by the fiber optiC connector receptacle keying. During the connection establishment procedures of SMT (Physical Connection ManagementPCM), the connected port types are checked for compatibility. Typically SMT will only allow A to B, B to A and M to S connections, but SMT can be configured to override this protection mechanism. The design is partitioned into three basic cards and a backplane is defined (see Figure 4-5). The three cards include: a Master Port Card, a Slave Port Card, and a Peer Port Card. A controller is present on each card to allow very large configurations beyond the constraints of a single processor. This also decreases the performance requirements of the main processor by reducing the response time requirements. Having a processor on each card coupled with a high enough performance serial bus between all cards also reduces the size and complexity of the backplane to less than 50 Signal pins all at or below 12.5 MHz. When there is no trunk ring or concentrator tree to connect into, SMT can be configured to allow slaves to attach to the 4-15 • AN-741 TO RING TO RING !en TO SLAVE TO SLAVE TO SLAVE TO SLAVE TL/F/11120-1 FIGURE 4-1. Single Board Concentrator PRUN PIUND A..JND ---+ PH-.lND I PH--'lEO --. ...J r--- I J,. I SEC_OUT SEC-.lN PILREO PM-.lND B--'lEO r--- PHYI .LREO ~ - A..JND ! I PRLOUT IL ~ UEO B--'lEO ~ .LIND B--'lEO - PHY2 B-.lND MAC2 PM--'lEO ~ PH--'lEO I PH-.lND +-- B-.lND MACI !-oJ - - .LIND ~ .LREO B--'lEO -, PM-.lND - PHY3 r I B-.lND PM--'lEO TO SLAVE ACTIVE ON PRIMARY +-- --. UNO r--.LREO -, PM-.lND r--- PHY4 r I B_IND PM--'lEO TO SLAVE ACTIVE ON PRIMARY ---- .LREO B--'lEO ~ / ..... PM-.lND I - B_IND PM--'lEO ~ r----+ .LIND r--.LREQ PM-.lND B--'lEO r--- PHY6 .--------. I B_IND +- - PILREO TO SLAVE ACTIVE ON SECONDARY TUF/11120-2 FIGURE 4-2. Configuration Switch Insertion ~tl·NV II AN-741 PRLlN.~ PM_IND J SEC_OUT SECIN PM_REQ PM_IND I L--.....I r-+ PH_IND I PH_REQ --. - ~IND LREQ ----'- PHYl ~REQ ~ B_IND r---+ B_REQ +-- 1I PRLOUT I L--.....I B_REQ ~IND I--- MAC2 PILREQ +-- PH_REQ I--- PHY2 I PH_IND ~ B_IND ~REQ MACl !CD '--- --+ B_REQ ~IND r-~REQ PM_IND r--- PHY3 ,..------, I ISOLATE LIND PfoLREQ +-----+ ~IND - - PHY4 ~REQ PM_IND ,..------, I ISOLATE B--'ND PM_REQ r-----+ B_REQ ~IND r-~REQ PM_IND r-- PHY5 ,..------, I ISOLATE B_IND PM_REQ I+- - UNO r-----+ ~REQ PM_IND B_REQ - PHY6 ,..------, I B_IND +- - PM_REQ ISOLATE TL/F/11120-3 FIGURE 4-3. Internal Path Testing PRUN P~UND A.JND i-J r--- r-+ PH_IND I PH_REQ f----+ I J, SEC_OUT IL P~LREO B_REQ r--- PHYl UEO +-- B_IND ---- B_REQ +-- - J_ .1 IL ..J SEC_IN PRLOUT P~UND PM_REO A.JND B.JlEQ - PHY2 /LREO MAC2 ~ PH_REO I PH.JND ~ B_IND MACl ! CD ""- ---- B.JlEQ /LIND - /LREQ .., PtLtND PHY3 I r - B.JND PM.JlEQ /LIND ~ r--- f---+ /LREQ r--- PHY4 h PM.JND I r B.JND PM.JlEQ ---- /LIND /LREQ B.JlEQ ~ / PM.JND ....... 1 ~ A.JND B.JlEQ I-- B.JND PM_REQ ~ UEQ PHY6 I-- ..---. B.JND PM.JND I I ~ r--- PM.JlEQ TUF/11120-4 FIGURE 4-4. Use of Local Path ~tl-N" II AN·741 PRIMARY PATH SECONDARY OR LOCAL PATH ,...---,(1;11 -I> '" o INCLUDES: 1,2 OR 3 MACS AND MAIN SMT PROCESSOR INCLUDES: 2,4 OR MORE MASTER PORTS AND LOCAL SMT PROCESSOR ••••• INCLUDES: 2,4 OR MORE MASTER PORTS AND LOCAL SMT PROCESSOR TLlF/11120-5 FIGURE 4-5. Concentrator Backplane memory used for frame transactions (PDUs). The SMT processor handles all lower level SMT tasks (PCM, CFM, etc.). This main SMT processor also uses a serial controller, to interface to the other processors in the concentrator across the serial bus. National Semiconductor offers a variety of processors and controllers for this task. The NS32GX320 is a 15 MIP CISC machine with on-chip cache, timers, interrupt control and DMA support. The NS32CG160 is a lower performance and lower cost alternative and is suitable for the SMT function as is the HPC. The HPC also includes an on-chip 1 MHz serial interface and an on-chip UART that could be used for a local RS-232 connection. This connection can be used for diagnostic purposes, or for connection to a network analyzer console. Master Port Card The Master Port card provides several (2, 4, 8 +) M Ports. The Card shown in Figure 4-6 shows 4 M Ports. These M Ports are typically connected to the S Port of slave stations. The slave station could be a single attach workstation or single attach concentrator at the next lower (or same) level of the concentrator tree. The M Ports could also be used to connect Dual Attach Stations and Dual Attach Concentrators where Dual Homing is permitted. In these configurations, to maximize redundancy, the two attachments would be connected onto two different concentrators. The M Port card can be designed with multiple PLAYER devices (PHY layers). The number of ports per card is restricted by the physical limitations of the card such as the space required by the connectors, optical components and PLAYER and CRD devices. The processor or microcontroller must service physical SMT tasks within the maximum times specified in the Standard (T_React, PC react, etc.). The increase in service latency that accumulates as additional PLAYER devices are connected to the control bus might also limit the number of Ports that can be supported on a card for a given processor configuration. SMT tasks are serviced locally by the processor and reported back to the main SMT processor located on the slave (or peer) card. » z . ..... 0l:Io ... Backplane Design The cards plug into a common backplane as shown in Figure 4-4. The backplane provides the interconnection between the various cards and provides a common clock reference and the serial bus. Less than 50 signal pins are necessary, all at or below 12.5 MHz so no sophisticated backplane design is required. At each slot, two complete token paths are provided. The 10-bit internal National code is sent over the backplane. For each path, 10 input and 10 output signals are used. For each slot, 40 signals are present. The output of one slot is connected to the input of the next slot in order to create the token paths. The two physical paths are used by SMT as in the single board design. A backplane design can use speCial shorting connectors on a terminator card which would keep the daisy chain paths connected when no board is plugged into a slot. In a single processor design, the backplane must also provide a control path for inter-board communications. The control bus would have to be extended across the backplane in order to provide access to all of the devices. Depending on the capabilities of the main processor, the limitations of its response time, the desired extendability of the concentrator, this mayor may not be warranted. The requirements placed on the serial bus/ring are rather minimal if partitioning of the SMT functions is done well. Typically, all of PCM would be done locally on each M Port Card and the simple portions of CMT as well. One very simple protocol to run on a serial bus uses a two or three wire interface where a main processor polls the other processors in the system, one at a time. Small (size and cost) RS-485 transceivers such as National's DS75176B or DS3695 can be used for a simple interface to the backplane. The National Semiconductor High Performance Microcontroller (HPC) is well suited for this local task. It provides low interrupt response time, fast 25 MHz operation, embedded timers for CMT and serial communications capabilities for implementing a serial bus. Peer and Slave Port Cards The Peer and Slave Port Cards provides ports for connection into the larger Ring. With the Peer Port Card, A and B Ports are provided for connection into either the trunk ring or a concentrator tree. With the Slave Port Card, an S Port is provided for connection into a concentrator tree. Figure 4-7 shows a Peer Port Card design which includes the A and B Ports, two MACs and the main SMT processor. The Slave Port Card shown in Figure 4-8 includes one S Port, one MAC and the main SMT processor. An advantage of placing the main SMT processor on the same card as the MAC implementations is to avoid providing support for a full databus on the backplane or on another potentially expensive special connector. With the DP83200 chipset including the DP83265 BSI, System Interface device, space efficient and cost-effective memory interfaces are possible. The Clock Distribution Device provides all of the clocks required for the DP83200 chipset. Since there is typically only one Slave or Peer Port in a system, this card drives the 12.5 MHz reference clock onto the backplane. Each card has a local CDD device which uses the reference to generate the appropriate clocks for the card. Clock distribution in very large concentrators is discussed separately. The SMT processor interfaces directly to the local PLAYER, BMAC and BSI devices across the 8-bit Control Bus. This bus is used for access to registers, parameters and counters (configuration switch, line state detector, statistic counters, etc.). The SMT processor also interfaces to the local Concentrator Extensions The backplane defined could be viewed as links between stations. The SMT standard only makes assumptions about the MAC at the exit ports and makes provisions for additional MACs within concentrators. This allows additional cards to be developed to provide a bridging function either to other rings, or even between paths. II 4-21 AN-741 B;;J.i.~SE{R~Tg0f.·;··;::::;:·:·::;:·:;·ljB ~~}}: 1I SERIAL BUS TRANSCEIVERS SERIAL BUS 12.5 MHz REF { }}{ SERIAL { COMMUNICATIONS \ 1ttL. . . .S.U.P:~R: CD!..I CLOCKS INTERRUPT CONTROL ... ... fa W ROM SUPPORT A'~L,..~~"'}"'j"'\.,t"'i,..i.,..~~"'i,.,.tr RAM -"PROCESSOR l .,.. PRIMARY OUT I ~ J I SECONDARYIN---------------------------4-t-----------------------I--------------------------------------------, N I\) I CONTROL INTERFACE SECONDARY OUT PRIMARY IN +---i A...IND PLAYER -----+\ A...REO PM_IND B_REO B_IND PM_REO ~ I I I CONTROL INTERFACE CONTROL INTERFACE CONTROL INTERFACE A...IND PLAYER A...REO PM...JND B_REO B_IND PM_REO T FIBER OPTIC TRANSCEIVER I ~ + TO SLAVE 1-----l- ---~ A...IND PLAYER A...REO PM_IND B_REO B_IND PM...JlEO A...IND PLAYER A...REO PM_IND B_REO B_IND PM_REO I ~ i T ~ FIBER OPTIC TRANSCEIVER FIBER OPTIC TRANSCEIVER FIBER OPTIC TRANSCEIVER M_PORT M_PORT M_PORT TO SLAVE TO SLAVE TO SLAVE FIGURE 4·6. Master Port Card ~ i + TLlF/11120-6 RAM DATA ~ CONTROL INTERFACE 1 ADDR TO RING TO RING T T ! B_PORT FIBER OPTIC TRANSCEIVER FIBER OPTIC TRANSCEIVER ~ RAM ADDR 1 DATA I I BSI t .! MA-IND P~UlEO lolA-REO BMAC PH-'lEO PH-.lND CONTROL INTERFACE B_REO ~ I CRD .! PM-.lNO PLAYER PM_REO A-.lND B-'lEO BSI CRD CONTROL INTERFACE .! .! f PM_INO lolA-REO MA-INO PLAYER UNO B-.lND UEO CONTROL INTERFACE B-.lND UEO CONTROL INTERFACE I I I t ! AJ'ORT - ..... PH-'lEO - BMAC PH-.lND CONTROL INTERFACE I PRIMARY TO SECONDARY OU BACKPLANE SECONDARY C.:I PRIMARY OU I CONTROL INTERFACE I ~ CLOCKS 12.5 MHz REI SERIAL BU ----1 COO I J SERIAL BUS 1 "I TRANSCEIVERS 1 ·tr·~·::::::·:::·I~r:·:·'·:··:·:··:·:·":···':··:·X':'':':"'X':":':"":":':"~8 ff·:···':··.':··:·:·'·:··:··'·.':··:··'·~ : } CONTROL Et. pPROCESSOR ~ ~ RAM ~~ l~i;;}:~!~I~t:~~;::j TUF/1112D-7 FIGURE 4-7. Peer Port Card ~"l·N\f II AN·741 TO RING DATA I- CONTROL INTERFACE BYORT 1 FIBER OPTIC TRANSCEIVER ADD BS) r CRD f l M"-IND MUEQ PMJlEQ PHJlEQ BJ!EQ PLAYER "-IND B-.lND "-REQ CONTROL INTERFACE BMAC J PH_INO CONTROL INTERFACE I ~ ~ T RAM PM-'ND f--- ~ J PRIMARY TO { SECONDARY OU BACKPLANE SECONDARY PRIMARY OU L CONTROL INTERFACE 12.5 MHz R SERIAL BU ----1 c CDD CLOCKS I J SERIAL BUS I ~I TRANSCEIVERS I J ~~I;~;;;::I ~;;:~ .}[:~,,~ SUPPORT ••~ TIMER/COUNTER ~. ~ ROM .:~. ~1:a~i.~.~g~.~:~·~~JjjMiLg,.:.,:::::'::.:::.:.:.:.:.:.Ifi.:.:.:.:., :.:,.:. : .:.:.,.:,j FIGURE 4-8. Port Board TL/F/11120-8 Another possibility for add in cards for a concentrator are special network monitoring cards and network testing cards. Before moving a MAC from one path to the other, it is necessary to remove all frames transmitted by this MAC in order not to create ownerless frames on the path that the MAC is leaving. Another extension is the ability to support live insertion of boards to avoid interruptions. This might even involve intelligent backplanes that could involve sophisticated multiplexing functions. With the BMAC device, one way to accomplish this is to enable the Inhibit Token Capture option (Option.ITC) for at least one ring latency (after this station issues the token, if it is being held) before changing paths. Before leaving, it is also helpful to capture the token in order to avoid corrupting any frames. When placing the MAC on the new ring, it is necessary to insert while claiming. It is not possible to guarantee graceful entry if a token is not being held on that path. When the situation exists for this station to scrub the ring of ownerless frames, several options are provided. The BMAC device provides a robust stripping mechanism that can be used without any destructive side effects, namely the STRIP option where stripping continues until a My_Void frame comes back around the ring, thus stripping all of the ownerless frames. This occurs automatically after this station wins Claim before the first token is issued. Similarly, the Inhibit Repeat option or the ability to block the MAC input from the PLAYER device for more than one ring latency also provide this function. A standard for a concentrator backplane is a likely possibility at some pOint so that many different cards could be developed. This would allow customers to build concentrators with boards from many different vendors just as standard buses are used today to create customized computing environments. This does cause one problem, when does a concentrator stop being a concentrator? 5.0 SMT NOTES Several topics relating to implementations of Station Management for a Concentrator are worthy of discussion, many of these are covered below. Some of these topics relate to SMT implementations for stations as well. 5.1 Processor Performance Requirements The most stringent requirement on an implementation of PCM using the PLAYER device is the Active to Break transition. The Standard requires that this transition takes place within 3 ms. This implies that within 3 ms after an interrupt is generated by the PLAYER device, a register is written to send out Quiet symbols and change the programming of the configuration switch. By using a low end processor to control several M Ports, the requirements on the main processor are reduced significantly. When bringing links up and going through the PCM signalling, the timing constraints are much less severe since there are no requirements for bringing up multiple links simultaneously. It is acceptable to distribute processing with several PLAYER devices controlled by a single processor. 5.4 Graceful Insertion of Slaves The graceful insertion (also known as smooth or bumpless insertion) of slave stations or slave concentrators into a ring allows stations to be placed Into a ring without disrupting other stations in the ring. Unlike a ring consisting only of Dual Attach Stations where the ring must go through at least the Claim Process on each insertion/deinsertion and possibly cause frames to be corrupted, with concentrators it is possible to provide the capability to insert and deinsert stations gracefully without any data corruption. Two methods of varying complexities are shown for graceful insertion. With the first method to gracefully insert a slave the following must be accomplished: 5.2 Path Test A complete path test in a concentrator is invaluable for isolating problems. Especially in large configurations, the ability to isolate errors, such as marginal connectors or connections, faulty components, etc., is extremely important. The two complete token paths suggested in both example designs allows operational rings to be created within concentrators to check connectivity and components. The DP83200 chipset provides numerous features that aid in isolating problems down to the chip level. Modes such as 4 loopback paths, error insertion and statistic counters are just a few of the features included that give true networkl system testing capability without complex external circuitry or equipment. 1) make the slave ready to bring the ring operational on the next received token 2) capture a token on the path on which the slave will be inserted 3) while holding the token, modify configuration switch of the M Port to insert the slave 4) hold the token for at least actual ring latency of the new ring (the inserted slave concentrator might be bigger than the rest of the ring) 5) issue the token Step 2 above requires a MAC on the path on which the slave will be inserted. The slave is inserted into the ring in step 3 above. The token must be held for a ring latency in order to guarantee that no frames are corrupted. This could occur if a slave connected to this concentrator transmitted a frame to an upstream slave connected to this concentrator. To avoid a TRT expiration in a downstream station while holding the token, a pool of synchronous bandwidth could be allocated and shared by all concentrators on the ring. This can be done using asynchronous transmission with THT disabled (one of the service classes provided by the BMAC device). By having two complete paths, if a fault exists, the fault can be isolated precisely by careful programming of the configuration switch (see Figure 4-3). Once it is known which configurations are physically possible, it then becomes necessary to decide which paths should be connected and when this should be done. The current configuration must always be valid and up to date (there are still conflicting views on how this information should be kept in the MIB). 5.3 Moving MACs between Paths In designs with fewer MACs than paths, it is necessary to move the MAC between paths. In many cases it is easier to just put a MAC on each path than to build all of the necessary software interlocks.. 4-25 ,- r----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, -.:r Depending on the assumptions you can rely on concerning Concentrators have more stringent packaging demands ..... than most end attachments due to environmental, modulari:Z a slave station after PCM, Step 1 mayor may not require a Since all frames that are transmitted, must be stripped before the 7th symbol of the INFO field, the VOIO stripping still must be used, because it would not be tolerable to strip based on a bridge number later in the frame. There are some subtle requirements placed on the transmission of frames in Source Routing Bridges. For example in some frames, the Most Significant Bit of the SA remains unchanged for some frames and is forced to zero in others. The SAT and SAIGT BMAC device input signals can be driven from the SAT signal on the BSI device. In addition, the STRIP option also needs to be used to strip frames forwarded by this station. ing Information Field is denoted when the most significant bit of the SA field is set to One. The Routing Information Field contains a string of 16-bit bridge numbers that the frame is to be routed to. These 16-bit bridge numbers are considered aliases of a certain bridge. Source Routing Bridges fall under the category of explicit bridges used in the MAC-2 Oraft Standard. In explicit bridges, the addresses that the bridge recognizes are considered its aliases, and the A Indicator is set for this class of address matches. (For this reason, in these implementations it is possible to connect the EA signals of the BMAC and BSI devices together.) 5_1 Address Filter The Address filter is much simpler in Source Routing bridges than in transparent bridges. The address filter is required to parse the Routing Information Field, when present, and look for this bridge's 16-bit 10 number. If the number is present in the Routing Information Field then the frame is copied and the control indicators are set appropriately using the EA and ECIP inputs to the BMAC and BSI devices. The frame is then forwarded to the next destination in the list. 5.2 Discovery Process In order for an end station to determine the route to another end station, the discovery process is necessary. In one variation of the discovery process, a station transmits out several all route frames. Each bridge then adds its bridge number into the Routing Information Field, until the addressed station has been reached. The addressed station then transmits back a frame according to the "best" route. This route is then used for future transmission. 5_3 Forwarding Once the bridge's, bridge number is detected in the Routing Information Field, the frame can be forwarded to the next bridge number using the appropriate port (in a multi-port bridge). 5.4 End to End FCS Checking Between FOOl and FOOl rings complete End to End FCS checking is possible. It may also be possible to provide this type of service between IEEE802.5 and FOOL In any event, the FCST (FCS Transparency) input is used to control this option. 6.0 SOURCE ROUTING BRIDGING IMPLICATIONS FOR END STATIONS There are a few requirements placed on End Stations that participate in Source Routing protocols. The end station maintains the responsibility for discovering the route to its peers using the All route frame. Once the route has been discovered, it must be used in all future correspondences as part of the Routing Information Field. An End station has no requirements for any ex1ernal address matching logic. End stations can use the ability to transmit only the MSB of the SA (the Routing Indication Indicator) from the data stream using SAIGT. When using the BSI device, the BSI device SAT could be connected to the BMAC device SAIGT; similarly, SAT could be grounded and the BSI device STRIP could be connected to the BMAC device STRIP Signal. The reason the rest of the SA can come from the Ring Engine is to insure proper stripping based only on the transmitted SA. This implies that in End Stations there is no need to use Void stripping. 4-35 z I -...I o """ co .... N National Semiconductor Application Note 726 :Z Station Management < Simplified MyLe INTRODUCTION One of the key areas in the FOOl standardization process has been the work on Station Management (SMT). The SMT document provides the guidelines and protocols which can be used to manage an FOOl network. To ensure interoperability in a multi-vendor environment, some of the protocols described in the SMT document are mandatory. On the other hand, to facilitate the diverse network environments enviSioned for FOOl, many protocols described are optional. Thus the users need to determine the SMT protocols to be implemented based on their application and configuration requirements. This application note provides an introduction to FOOl Station Management with the assumption that the reader is familiar with the MAC, PHY, and PMO portions of the FOOl protocol. The following topics are included in this paper: • Station Management Requirements • Structure of FO,OI Station Management • Basic SMT frame work to manage an FOOl network • Optional management protocols based on configurations and applications • SMT features provided by the National's OP83200 FOOl chip set 1.0 SMT Requirements Before determining the SMT requirements for FOOl, let's define the major types of users of the network. Based on the requirements of the users, we can then determine the functions required by SMT. ue to operate. And finally, the error should be detected and removed from the network in a deterministic fashion as quickly as possible. Thus, SMT needs to provide extensive and complete Fault Oetection and Recovery procedures to satisfy the requirement of network's reliability. • Access to All Authorized Networked Resources SMT can be used to provide the mechanism for the End-Users to obtain the services available on the network. This service is useful, especially in a multi-vendor environment, to guarantee that all stations can receive the same types of network services regardless of their particular implementations. An example of the services provided by the FOOl network is Synchronous Bandwidth Allocation. Using this service, stations can then obtain part of the bandwidth to transmit synchronous data. • Plug-and-Play Connection to a network should be made as simple as possible such that the End-Users can plug into the network without the need for complicated instructions or the possibility of bringing down the network by mistake. This requirement is especially important in a large network such as FOOl where a large number of stations can potentially be connected, disconnected, or moved at any given time. To satisfy this reqUirement, SMT needs to provide a comprehensive connection management procedure to allow stations to be connected quickly and correctly to the network. 1.1 TYPES OF USERS Network Administrators Users can be divided into two main groups: End-Users and Network Administrators. The main requirements of the network by Network Administrators are: The End-Users are mainly interested in the services which the network provides; thus, SMT operations on the network should appear transparent to the End-Users. The second major type of user in an FOOl network is the Network Administrators. While the End-Users would like to know as little as possible about the network, the Network Administrator's goal is to gather as much information about the network and its attachments as possible; thus SMT should be designed to allow the Network Administrators to control the network in a manner that is unobtrusive to the End-Users. End-Users • Ability to Gather Information One of the key functions of Network Administrators is to monitor the status of the network and the attached stations. To achieve this goal, the Network Administrators must have the capability of requesting and receiving information from stations on the network. From the information gathered, the Network Administrators can then determine the status of the network and invoke any recovery mechanisms if necessary. To meet this reqUirement, SMT needs to provide a monitoring procedure where the Network Administrator can gather information frequently and accurately. The main requirements of the network by End-Users are: • Standardized Management Services • Network Services Reliability One of the top requirements from the End-Users is the reliability of the network. The network should remain up and running with the probability of an error occurring as infrequently as possible. When an error does occur, it should be isolated while the rest of the network that is free from the error should contin- In an open network environment where the Network Administrators have to control equipment from a large number of vendors, there is a need for standardized management services to allow the Network Administrators to communicate with any station on the network regardless of its implementation. 4-36 l> The standardized management services also allow the Network Administrators to interpret the information received from the stations. • Reliable error detection and recovery management • Flexible Network Configuration • Management for multi-vendor networks Networks can be designed in many configurations depending on many factors such as applications used, building structure, etc. A network that can be configured in many different forms gives the Network Administrators the flexibility to design the network based on their own requirements and constraints. • Access to individual station information • Access to networked resources • Fast and reliable connection management procedure • Flexible configuration 2.0 SMT Structure SMT is the layer management service for FOOl networks which covers the Physical (PHY) and Media Access Control (MAC) Layers. SMT serves two main purposes in an FOOl network: 1. To collect information to report to the Management Agent Process which is responsible for the management of the entire station (above the PHY and MAC Layers), and FOOl Station Management provides the Connection Management procedure which allows the network to be connected into many different configurations (e.g., dual ring of trees, single tree, dual ring, etc.). • Ability to Manage the Network Remotely It is desirable for the Network Administrators to monitor activities on the network or trouble-shoot problems from a central location. It is also desirable to down-load information without physically being at the stations. 2. To manage stations on the network by starting and maintaining the PHY and MAC Layers. To provide these types of services, SMT needs the capabilities to control the remote stations and order them to perform certain operations. SMT is divided into three main groups: Connection Management, Ring Management, and SMT Frame Services. The functions of these entities are described followed by a more detailed discussion on each. 1.2 SMT FUNCTIONS Figure 1 shows the overall SMT Architectural model. Based on the types of users on an FOOl network and their applications as described above, a list of the SMT requirements can be drawn up as follows: • Fault management for high network availability SMT rrame Services Ring t.tanagement (RMT) Management Agont Process Connection Management (CMT) notification operatio~ I I I I I I I StotT FOOl STATION TLlF/110BO-1 FIGURE 1. Station Management (SMT) Architectural Model 4-37 z I ...... N Q) Configuration Control Management The Configuration Control Management (CCM) controls the interconnection of PHYs and MACs within a node to configure one of the following node types: • Single Attach Station (SAS) • Dual Attach Station (DAS) • Single Attach Concentrator (SAC) • Dual Attach Concentrator (DAC) There is one CCM entity per Port. 2.1 Connection Management Connection Management (CMT) is the management entity in SMT that is responsible for the Ports (a Port is a PHY and PMD pair) and their interconnections to their neighboring Ports. It Is also responsible for the configuration of MACs and PHYs within a station. CMT's functions include the following: • Establish and initialize physical connections • Control station configuration • Detect Physical Layer faults The CMT entity is further divided into three sub·entities: Entity Coordination Management, Physical Connection Man· agement, and Configuration Control Management. 2.2 Ring Management Ring Management (RMn is the entity in SMT that is responsible for the MACs within a station. RMT's functions include the following: • Notify station of MAC availability • Detect logical MAC Layer faults The RMT entity receives status information from the MAC and the Configuration Control Management (CCM) entity. The information is then reported to the higher-level management entity. There is one RMT entity for each MAC in a Station or Concentrator. Figure 2 shows the internal structure of the CMT and RMT entities. Entity Coordination Management The Entity Connection Management (ECM) indicates when the media is available (i.e. when signals can be transmitted and received). It is also used to coordinate activities of other entities within CMT and RMT. There is one ECM entity per Station or Concentrator. Physical Connection Management The Physical Connection Management (PCM) initializes the connection of Ports and manages the Signaling Sequence between each physical connection. The PCM uses the Line States available in the PHY to perform the Signaling Sequence. There is one PCM entity for each Port. Media Access Control (MAC) Ring Managomont (RMT) --il--------} --f- --Configuration Control Managemont (CCM) ~ ::E ~ 0 e i " ~ Configuration Conlrol Element (CCE) ~ "'"" " '" Physical layer Protocol (PHY) Physical Connoctlon Managemont (PCM) :8" " " ~ 0 I 0 ... 0 :$ ..." Physical ! I I Medium Optional Optical Bypass Switch Conlrol I Dopendenl (PMD) Connection Management (CMT) TL/F/ll080-2 FIGURE 2. RMT and CMT Entities 4-38 2.3 Frame Services Frame Services is the management entity in SMT that is responsible for providing a number of frames that may be used to gather information and control the stations attached to the network. These frames are used in SMT protocols which collect information for higher-level management entities. Frame Services are used by the Management Agent Process to: - ECM performs the Trace function by invoking the PCM to transmit the appropriate Line States. • Disconnects the PMD from the network • A Path Test function is used to test all the components and paths within a node. Since the test occurs entirely within a node and cannot be verified, it is considered an implementation dependent issue and is not specified by the Standard. The Path Test is used to ensure that the node will operate correctly once it joins the ring. It is also used to determine if the node causes errors on the ring. For example a Path Test can include the following steps: • Gather statistics • Detect, isolate, and resolve network failures • Tune performance • Change topology • Test all accessible data paths within the node • Perform loopback testing of the PHY as close as possible to the PMD interface 3.0 Basic SMT Framework • Confirm parameters provided to the MAC: addresses, timer values, etc. All entities within SMT, Connection Management, Ring Management, and Frame Services, are operated based upon the following inputs: • The MAC recovery process for this node including the resolution of the Beacon and Claim Processes • Signals from higher level management • Internal conditions'triggered by the expiration of timers • Signals received from other stations on the network Since SMT is considered as an intelligent entity, the higher level management does not need to control every level of operation within SMT. Rather, SMT will perform the necessary procedures and protocols to accomplish a task requested when the ,higher layer management entities set the appropriate signals (Connect, Disconnect, Reset, etc.). Physical Connection Management PCM is initialized by the PC_Start signal from the ECM. PCM provides the following services: • Initializes a physical connection. The physical connection procedure is performed at the PHY Layer as follows: - Determines that a neighboring PHY exists - 3.1 CONNECTION MANAGEMENT CMT controls the Physical Layer (PHY and PMD) and the Configuraiton Control Element which connects the MACs and PHYs within a station or concentrator. The operation of CMT is based upon the requests from SMT which in turn come from a higher level of management. The requests used to control CMT are: Determines that the neighboring PHY has the correct PC_Type to establish a legal connection between the two Ports. [In a typical network configuration, there are two types of legal connections: A to B (Dual Attach Stations on dual rings) and M to S (Single Attach Station connected to a Concentrator).] • Runs the Link Confidence Test. The Link Confidence Test is used to determine if the link quality is adequate for ring operation. Its aim is to detect major link quality problems, not to determine the exact Link Error Rate. • Connect Request: this request is used to signal the Physical Layer to connect to or disconnect from the network (signals Connect and Disconnect). The Link Confidence Test is performed in the PCM State Machine before the link is allowed to join the ring. A minimum Link Confidence test requires the transmission of Idle symbols for a period of 50.0 ms providing that the link has not had any recent link quality problem. Errors that occur during the testing period are recorded. If the number of errors recorded exceeds the acceptable error rate, the test fails. Otherwise, the link is considered to have passed the Link Confidence test. The result of the Link Confidence Test is reported to higher level management. If the link fails the test, it will continue to be tested until the test is passed or until higher level management disconnects the link. Once the Link Confidence test has been completed successfully, the link is ready to be included in the network. The PCM then signals the CCM to connect the appropriate MACs and PHYs together within a station. The Link Error Monitor (LEM) is used to examine the link error rate of an active link. The LEM function complements the initial Link Confidence test to monitor the link quality once it has joined the ring. LEM is performed by SMT using the facilities available in the PHY. • Control Request: this request is used to signal the CMT to perform certain operations or to report status. CMT communicates with SMT via Status Indication which is used to report CMT status changes. Entity Coordination Management The ECM is initialized when the CMT receives a Connect Control Request from SMT. The services provided by the ECM Entity are: • Connects the PMD to the network when CMT is initialized: - Allows the Transmitter and Receiver to begin to transmit and to receive. - Once the Fiber Optic Transmitter and Receiver are ready, a signal is set to initialize the PCM. • Starts the Trace process to localize a Stuck Beacon condition based on the Trace_Prop signal from the Ring Management or Physical Connection Management entity. - After the ring is stuck in the Beacon state for a period of time (:20 8.0 seconds), a signal is set to begin the Trace process. 4-39 Once the Trace function has been completed, it will indicate the result to ECM. Link Error Events are counted to produce the LEM.-CT count. A Threshold test is used to compare the current Link Error Rate with the cutoff and alarm Link Error Rate thresholds. • Supports Maintenance. In the Maintenance state, the PCM can transmit any sequence of symbols. This feature is useful to ensure that the PHY Transmitter can transmit all the symbols in the FDDI Code. It is also used to force the other end of the connection into a particular state manually without going through the Connection Sequences. Once the LER reaches the alarm LER threshold, SMT reports the status to higher level management. If the LER is equal to or greater than the cutoff LER thresholds, the link is automatically removed from the ring and this event is reported to higher level management. • Performs the Trace function. Upon the reception of signal PC_Trace from ECM, PCM transmits the appropriate Line States required by the Trace function. The Trace function provides a recovery mechanism for Stuck Beacon conditions on the FDDI ring. Whereas PCM is designed to recover from most physical faults that occur between two nodes, the Trace function is intended to provide recovery from a Stuck Beacon condition which cannot be localized to a single link. Configuration Control Management The CCM is initialized by the CF---Join signal from the PCM. The services provided by the CCM Entity are: • Inserts Single Attachment Station or Concentrator to the Primary Path. • Connects the MAC of Dual Attachment Station or Concentrator with a Single MAC to the Primary Path. In this configuration, all Dual Attach Stations with one MAC are connected to the Primary Ring. Only Dual Attach Stations with two MACs can transmit and receive frames on both the Primary and Secondary Rings. The Trace function causes all stations and concentrators in the suspected fault domain to leave the ring and complete a Path test, so that the fault may be localized. The fault domain is defined as the area between the Beaconing MAC and its nearest upstream neighbor MAC. The Trace function is performed as follows: Single Attach Stations are connected to the Primary ring as the default configuration. • When a station enters the Beacon State, a timer is reset. If the station is still in the Beacon state when the timer expires, a Stuck Beaconing condition has occurred and the RMT sets the Trace_Prop signal to the ECM to initialize the Trace function. - The Trace function starts at the node with the Beaconing MAC and traverses to the nearest upstream MAC. - The ECM controls the configuration information and sets the PC_Trace signal to the appropriate PCM. When a PCM receives a PC"":'Trace signal, it tral]sitions to the Trace state to transmit a special line state that indicates Trace. The Port at the other end of the link receives the "Trace" Line State and will set the Trace_Prop flag to indicate that the Trace function is to be propagated upstream. - - - When the Trace Line State arrives at a Port that is connected to the input of a MAC, the Trace has been completed. The node with the MAC that receives the Trace removes itself from the ring from Path Test. The removal of this node causes the node downstream from it to remove itself also. Thus, all nodes in the Trace domain will eventually remove themselves from the ring to perform Path Tests. This process should take less than the Trace_Max timer value (7 seconds). • Performs the Scrub function. The Scrub function is used to remove PDUs sourced by MACs that no longer form part of the same token path. These MACs may have been removed from the token path internally within its node or due to a network topology change. It is controlled by the CEM entity. The Scrub function removes left over PDUs after a reconfiguration to ensure that aU PDUs on the ring have been created since the last reconfiguration. The Scrub function may be performed by using one of several mechanisms listed below. - Transmit Beacon or Claim frames for a sufficient time while the input to the MAC is blocked (stripping old frames while transmitting Beacon or Claim frames) - Transmit Idle symbols for a sufficient time while discarding input stream received at the PHY. This method may be used for a node that does not have a MAC after reconfiguration. - Frames can also be stripped by the node that is performing the Scrub function. ' 3.2 RING MANAGEMENT RMT manages the basic information and condition of each MAC. The operation of RMT is based upon the control request from SMT, which in turn comes from the higher level of management. This request is used to signal RMT to reset, to change the basic information in the MAC, or to report its status. RMT is also responsible for initiating fault recovery actions to recover the ring. If the Trace function has not been completed within the Trace_Max time, the process has failed and manual intervention is required. 4-40 Based on the Upstream Neighbor Address provided in NIF frames, a station can then build a ring map of the stations' locations and their connections to other stations. There are three types of NIFs: Announcement, Request, and Response. RMT communicates with SMT via the Status Indication which is used to report its status changes. Services provided by RMT are: • Identification of a Stuck Beacon condition If the ring remains in the Beaconing state for a long time (~ B.O seconds), the Stuck Beacon condition has occurred. RMT will report this error condition to higher level management as well as starting a new error recovery mechanism. RMT uses a timer (T_Stuck) to keep track of the Struck Beacon condition. • Announcement A NIF Announcement frame is broadcast to the entire ring. A station can choose to transmit a NIF Announcement or NIF Request. If a NIF Announcement is to be transmitted, it will be sent every 30 seconds when the ring is operational and under zero load conditions. • Initiation of the Trace function Once the ring has been identified to be in the Stuck Beacon condition, RMT starts the Trace function by setting the Trace_Prop signal to ECM. • Request A NIF Request is sent to a station, a group of stations, or the entire ring. The NIF Request announces the station's information while requesting that the corresponding station(s) respond with a NIF Response. If an NIF Request is to be transmitted, it will be sent every 30 seconds when the ring is operational, under zero load conditions. • Notification of MAC availability After the CCM sets the RM_Join signal to indicate that the MAC is connected to the appropriate PHY in a station (or concentrator), the RMT can then set the MACJvaiiable signal to higher level management to indicate that the MAC is ready to transmit and receive data. • Response A NIF Response is sent in response to a NIF Request. Upon receiving a NIF Request, a station is required to send a NIF Response within 30 seconds if the ring is operational, under zero load conditions. In addition to the Upstream Neighbor Address, the NIF Response frame also provides the Downstream Neighbor Address, and the mechanism to detect Duplicate Addresses. • Detection of Duplicate Addresses By observing the order in which Beacon and Claim frames are received at the MAC, RMT can detect Duplicate Addresses which can prevent the ring from becoming operational. Upon detecting this condition, RMT will notify higher level management of the condition. It will also take actions to resolve the Duplicate Address problem. Resource Allocation Frame A Resource Allocation Frame (RAF) is defined to support a variety of network policies for allocation of resources. At this point, only the Synchronous Bandwidth is identified as the only resource supported by the Resource Allocation Frames. However, the protocol can also be used to support other types of resource allocation which have yet to be specified in the Standard. • Resolution of Duplicate Address Problem One of three possible solutions can be taken by RMT to eliminate the Duplicate Address problem: 1. Change the MAC's address to a unique universal address 2. Change the bidding time to guarantee that this station will lose the Claim Process Request Denied Frame A Request Denied Frame (RDF) is used to respond to optional frames that the station does not support. It is also used to respond to an SMT frame with a Version ID that this station does not support. 3. Remove the station from the ring 3.3 FRAME SERVICES A number of frames are specified as SMT frames. These frames are used to gather information and control the operation of the stations on the network. There are four types of mandatory SMT frames: Status Report Frame The Status Report Frame (SRF) is used to periodically announce the station's status which may be of interest to the Network Administrator. • Neighbor Information Frame • Resource Allocation Frame • Request Denied Frame Two types of information are included in the SRF: Conditions and Events. Conditions include the station state which may be of interest to a network manager as long as the condition remains asserted. Events are instantaneous occurrences which are of interest to a network manager. • Status Report Frame Neighbor Information Frame A Neighbor Information Frame (NIF) is used by a station for periodic announcement of its basic operating information. 4-41 ~r---------------------------------------------------------~ z~ cc Although these connections are considered legal, higher level management needs to be notified so that the link can then be rejected. 4.0 Optional Protocols Aside from the mandatory functions listed in Section 2.0, FDDI SMT also provides many optional protocols that can be implemented in addition to the mandatory ones. • LInk Confidence Test Aside from the minimum Link Confidence Test described in Section 3.4, other types of Link Confidence tests can be performed. The two PHYs of the link need to agree beforehand which type of Link Confidence test is to be carried out. This information is exchanged via a bit in the PCM Signaling Sequence. 4.1 CONNECTION MANAGEMENT Entity Coordination Management ECM has two optional features, the Optical Bypass Switch Control and Hold Policy. • Optical Bypass Option The Optical Bypass is used to allow a Dual Attachment Station or Concentrator to be inserted and deinserted from a dual ring without disrupting the operation of the ring. Other Link Confidence tests to be considered include the following: • Transmitting PDUs and counting link errors. Errors are detected and counted at the PHY. If the Optical Bypass Option is available, the ECM allows for the switching time of the optical bypass switch during the Insertion process. It also allows time for the optical bypass switch to deinsert during the Deinsertion Process., This Link Confidence test requires at least one MAC connected to one of the two PHYs. • Transmitting PDUs and counting Frame Check Sequence errors. Errors are detected and counted as frame errors at the MAC. This Link Confidence 'test requires at least one MAC connected to one of the two PHYs. • Hold Policy Option When the Hold Policy is invoked, it prevents the dual rings from wrapping when a fault occurs on one of the two rings. The Hold Policy may be used in Dual Attachment Stations and Concentrators. • Looping back symbols received from the other end of a connection and counting link errors on reception. Errors are detected and counted at the MAC. This Link Confidence test is performed at the PHY layer. The length of the Link Confidence Test can be: The Hold Policy is useful in preventing the disruption of a ring when an error occurs on the other ring of the dual rings (disruption occurs when the ring attempts to wrap). Physical Connection Management PCM has the following two optional Features • Short (50.0 ms) • Medium (500.0 ms) • Physical Connection In a normal dual ring of trees structure, there are two types of physical connections between two ports: A-B (A port to B port) and M-S (Master port to Slave port). In addition to these two connections, other connections can also be acceptable as legal: • Long (5.0 sec.) • Extended (rio maximum time specified) The length of the Link Confidence test is indicated by two bits of the PCM Signaling Sequence. • A port to A port (A-A) • B port to B port (B-B) • A port to Master port (A-M) • B port to Master port (B-M) • Slave port to Slave port (S-S) The A-A and B-B connections may be used when two Dual Attachment Stations are connected together to form a ringlet (a dual ring with two stations). The A-M and 8-M connections may be used when a Dual Attachment Station is used as two Single Attachment Station. In this case, the station can only be connected to the ring via a Concentrator. This scenario is called Dual-Homing. Configuration Control Management Aside from the Primary Path, there are two other optional paths available in CCM: Secondary and Local. • A PHY or a MAC can be connected to the Local Path. While connected to the Local Path, these entities are removed from the ring and can be used to perform local testing. • A Single Attachment Station can initially be connected to the Secondary Path. Single Attach Stations can then choose to transmit and receive frames on either the Primary or Secondary ring depending upon the initial connection. • The MAC of a Dual Attachment Station with a Single MAC can also optionally be connected to the Secondary Path. Stations with one MAC can then choose to transmit and receive frames on either the Primary or Secondary ring. The S-S connection may be used to connect two Single Attachment Stations together to form a link. The two stations thus form a single ring. 4-42 r----------------------------------------------------------------,~ 4.2 FRAME SERVICES The following SMT frames are provided by the Frame Servo ices to gather status and control the nodes on the ring: o Station Information Frames The structure of the ESF is defined by the owner of the Extended_Type. o Echo Frames o Extended Service Frames o Status Report Frames o Parameter Management Frames Station Information Frame (SIF) Station Information Frames (SIFs) are used to request and provide, in response, a station's configuration and operating information. There are two classes of SIFs: Configuration and Operation. o Extended Service Frame The Extended Service Frame (ESF) can be used to test new SMT services that are intended for inclusion in later versions of the FDDI SMT document. Configuration SIF Parameter Management Frames The Parameter Management Frames (PMF) are used to get, change, add or remove parameters in a node. There are 4 classes of PMFs: PMF Get, PMF Change, PMF Add, and PMF Remove. There are two types of frames for each class: Request and Response. PMFs are transmitted with an optional authorization code to provide a type of security check. A station can request a station, a group of stations, or all stations on the ring to respond with its (their) configuration information using the SIF Configuration Request. The transmission of these Request frames is optional. A station is required to respond to SIF Configuration Request frames with a SIF Configuration Response frame within 30 seconds of receiving a Request frame, under zero load conditions. Stations can also deny the request by sending back a Request Denied Frame. PMFGet A station can issue a PMF Get Request Frame to query the value of one or a group of attributes in the Management Information Base (MIB) of an individual, group, or all stations. The receiving station can respond with the current value of the requested attributes. If the protocol is not supported, a station can transmit a Request Denied Frame in return. The SIF Configuration Response provides the configuration structure of the node by describing the connections of the PHYs and MACs within the node. It is used to build the full ring map (both logical and physical). PMFChange A station can issue a PMF Change Request Frame to change the value of a single attribute in the Management Information Base of an individual, group, or all stations. The receiving station can act to change the requested attribute. It can then respond with a PMF Change Response. A station could also transmit a Request Denied Frame in return. o Operation SIF A station can request a station, a group of stations, or all stations on the ring to respond with its (their) operation information using the SIF Operation Request. The transmission of these Request frames is optional. A station is required to respond to SIF Operation Request frames with a SIF Operation Response frame within 30 seconds of receiving a Request frame, under zero load conditions. The SIF Operation Response provides the operating parameters in a node; information such as timer values, counter values, etc. It is used to detect faults by monitoring the station's status and counter values. Echo Frames A station can request another station on the ring to re-transmit a test pattern using the Echo Request Frame (ECF). This test pattern is stored in the Information field of the Echo Request Frame. Upon receiving the Echo Request Frame, the recipient builds an Echo Response Frame and sends it to the Request Frame's Source Address. The Response Frame is required to be transmitted within 30 seconds after receiving the Request frame if the ring is operational and there is zero load. The recipient can also send a Request Denied Frame instead of the Response Frame. Echo Frames can be used to test for data-sensitive network failures by placing the suspect data pattern in the Echo Information field. It can also confirm that a station's Port, MAC, and SMT are partially operational. PMFAdd A station can issue a PMF Add Request Frame to add a value of a single attribute in the Management Information Base of an individual, group, or all stations. The receiving station can act to add the requested value. It can then respond with a PMF Add Response. A station could also transmit a Request Denied Frame in return. PMF Remove A station can issue a PMF Remove Request Frame to remove the value of a single attribute in the Management Information Base of an individual, a group, or all stations. The receiving station can act to remove the requested value. It can then respond with a PMF Remove Response. The station could transmit a Request Denied Frame in return instead. 5.0 National's FDDI Chip Set National's DP83200 FDDI Chip Set has been designed to provide maximum support to the Station Management functions. Both the PLAYER and BMAC devices have separate management interfaces via the Control Bus. Furthermore, each chip has many registers on-board to provide the information required by the different SMT entities. 5.1 PLAYER DEVICE Connection Management The Connection Management Entities (ECM, PCM, and CCM) can control the operation of the PMD and PHY using the registers available on the PLAYER Device. 4-43 ZI ...... N en • Entity Coordination Management The user can control the operation of the PMD by setting or resetting bits 4 to 7 of the MODE Register. • Physical Connection Management The PCM Signaling Sequence can be implemented using the Current Transmit State Register and Current Receive State Register in the PLAYER device. Line States can be transmitted by setting the appropriate bits in the Current Transmit State Register. Line States received can be monitored observing the Current Receive State Register. Furthermore, a historical record of the Line States received is kept in the Receive Condition Registers. This information is useful for keeping track of the Signaling Sequence. The Noise Threshold and Noise Prescale Threshold Registers are used to ensure that the noise conditions do not persist beyond the maximum tolerated level. • Configuration Control Management Using the Configuration Register, the CCM can control the connection of the PHYs and MACs in a node. Each PLAYER Device can be connected to the Primary Path, Secondary Path, and Local Path. In addition, it can also be connected to the PHY Invalid Bus where the PLAYER Device can continuously transmit PHY Invalid to the ring or indicate PHY Invalid to the entity it is connected to internally within the node (I.e., a BMAC Device or another PLAYER Device). The PLAYER Device can be configured via the Configuration Register without external logic. Link Error Monitor SMT can use the following registers to perform the Link Error Monitor functions once the PLAYER Device is connected to the ring: • Current Noise Count Register • Current Noise Prescale Count Register • Link Error Threshold Register These registers enable the user to implement different methods of monitoring link errors according to their requirements. Loopback The PLAYER Device can be programmed to perform Internal or External Loopback. These Loopback operations are useful during Path Testing. The Internal Loopback mode can be used to test the functionality of the PLAYER Device or to test the data path between the PLAYER and BMAC Devices. The External Loopback mode can be used to test the functionality of the PLAYER Device and to test the data paths between the PLAYER Device, Clock Recovery Device, and BMAC Device. This mode is especially useful when the Path Test requires testing as close to the PMD as possible. 5.2 BMAC Device The BMAC Device provides extensive ring and station statistics via the on-board Timer and Counter Registers. Furthermore, it can internally generate Claim and Beacon frames that are used in the FDDI MAC Protocol to detect errors. Timers and Counters Information can be provided to RMT and other SMT entities to represent the operating status of the node using the following Counters and Timers: • • • • • Late Count Counter Frame Received Counter Error Isolated Counter Lost Frame Counter Frame Copied Counter • Frame Not Copied Counter • Frame Transmitted Counter • Token Received Counter • Ring Latency Counter • Negotiated Target Rotation Timer • Maximum Token Rotation Timer • Valid Transmission Timer • Asynchronous Priority Threshold The information provided can then be transmitted to other stations on the ring in the Station Information Operation Response Frame and Status Report Frame. Loopback The BMAC Device can be programmed to perform loopback testing. There are three Self-Test Paths: • Internal to the BMAC Device • Through the PLAYER Device(s) • Through the CRD Device These paths allow the user to perform Path Tests on the BMAC, PLAYER, and CRD Devices. Stripping Protocol A special stripping protocol can be invoked by asserting the STRIP signal (pin 13). The stripping protocol starts with the transmission of two My_Void frames at the end of a current service opportunity. The stripping will continue until a My_Void frame returns. The stripping protocol can be invoked when the initial token is issued after a successful Claim to remove all fragments and ownerless frames from the ring as required by the Scrub function of the Configuration Control Management entity. Inhibit Recovery By setting bit 3 of the Option Register, the MAC can be prevented from entering the Claim state. This option is useful in allowing the ring to recover from the Duplicate Address scenario where two stations with the same address also have the winning Claim frames. By prohibiting one station to enter the Claim state, the other station can then win the Claim process thus allowing the ring to become operational. Claim and Beacon Frames The BMAC Device reports the reception of a Claim or Beacon frame by setting the appropriate bit in the Ring Event Latch Registers. By keeping track of the received Claim and Beacon frames, the user can then determine if the Error Recovery process (Claim or Beacon) has succeeded or failed. 4-44 Duplicate Address Detection Upon the detection of a Duplicate Address, the BMAC Device reports the incident by setting the appropriate bit in the Ring Event Latch Registers. Duplicate Token Detection Upon the detection of a Duplicate Token, the BMAC Device reports the incident by setting the appropriate bit in the Token and Timer Event Latch Register. 6.0 Summary The Station Management (SMT) facilities, an essential part of an FDDI network, provide a rich set of tools to manage an FDDI network. As a summary, the Connection Management services of SMT manage the configuration of the station and the link between the station's Ports and their neighboring Ports; the Ring Management facilities provide control of the MACs of a station in the FDDI rings; the Frame Services provide a tool to manage the complete FDDI network, the services are the most flexible and extensive part of SMT. The implementation of Station Management software can be rather complicated without adequate support from the hardware. As a result, the National Semiconductor Corporation DP83200 FDDI Chip Set integrated many essential functions on the chip set and provides maximum support to FDDI Station Management functions. The PLAYER Device and the BMAC Device support the Connection Management services and the Ring Management service respectively. The BSI Device provides separate Station Management channel and data frame channels for the maximum support of the SMT Frame Services. The invaluable Station Management features in the DP83200 Chip Set can shorten the Station Management software development cycle and provide higher reliability of the FDDI network. • 4-45 I ~ ,------------------------------------------------------------------------, ~ A Guide to the cc Implementation National Semiconductor Application Note 727 My Le, Michael Yip z of Physical Connection Management . 1.0 Introduction The FDDI Station Management (SMn standard provides the necessary control of an FDDI station (node) so that the node may work cooperatively as a part of an FDDI network. To effectively implement the functions required, SMT is divided into three entities, namely the Connection Management entity (CMn, the Ring Management entity (RMT) and also the Frame Based Services. The Connection Management is further divided into three entities, the Physical Connection Management (PCM), Configuration Element Management (CEM), and Entity Coordination Management (ECM). The Physical Connection Management is an entity within Connection Management whose functions include: • Initialization of the connection of neighboring ports pair where each port is comprised of one PMD entity and one PHYentity. • Enforcement of port connection policies and withholding of unacceptable connections • Testing of link confidence and monitoring of link quality between neighboring ports • Detection of physical connection level faults between two ports and invocation of path test • Support of maintenance line state • Participate in the Trace action For a general description of SMT, please consult the application note entitled "SMT Simplified", AN-726. In this document, the operation of the Physical Connection Management entity is described along with a guide to the implementation of the PCM using the PLAYERTM device. In addition, one implementation of the Link Error Monitor using the PLAYER device is also discussed. For a more detailed description of PCM and other SMT entities, please consult the ANSI FDDI Station Management Standard. 2.0 PCM Functions Overview Many instances of PCM can exist on a FDDI node and each instance of PCM controls one port in a node. For example, two separate instances of PCM exist in a Dual Attached Station (DAS) and only one instance of PCM exists in a Single Attached Station (SAS). Each PCM communicates with the ECM and CEM entities and directly controls the PHY layer device of a port. One of the most important functions of PCM is to establish a connection between two ports. The connection process is achieved through a lock-step handshaking procedure. The handshaking procedure controlled by PCM is divided into three stages: • Initialization sequence • Signaling sequence • Join sequence The initialization sequence is used to indicate the beginning of the PCM handshaking process. It forces the neighboring PCM into a known state so that the two PCM state machines can run in a lock-step fashion. Following the initialization sequence is the signaling sequence. The signaling sequence communicates information about the port and the node with the neighboring port. A Link Confidence Test (LCn is also conducted during the signaling sequence to test the link quality between the two ports. If the link quality is not acceptable or the type of connection is not supported by the nodes then the connection will be withheld. If the connection is not withheld during the signaling sequence, the PCM state machine can move onto the join sequence and establish the connection between the two neighboring ports. In addition to establishing the connection, PCM also supports the Maintenance function and performs the Trace function. During the Maintenance function, PCM forces the PHY layer device to transmit a specified line state continuously. The Maintenance function allows SMT to force the PCM of the neighbOring port into a known state manually and line faults may be traced when both end nodes are in known states and do not change state due to line noise. The operation of PCM can be implemented by a state machine. The state machine is comprised of ten states: Off, Break, Trace, Connect, Next, Signal, Join, Verify, Active and Maintenance. The next section of this document describes the PCM State Machine. 3.0 Detailed PCM Description 3.1 CONNECTION SEQUENCE The connection sequence starts with the reception of the PC_Start signal from the Entity Coordination Management. PC_Start indicates that the physical media is available for communication. The PC_Start signal causes the PCM state machine to enter the Break state which is the beginning of the initialization sequence. In each sequence the two PCM state machines exchange a sequence of line states. The PCM state machine sends the line state to its neighboring PCM by directing the PHY layer devices to transmit a continuous stream of line state symbols. This line state is transmitted for a duration of time to ensure that the neighboring PCM receives the information. While transmitting, the PCM state machine also expects to receive a particular line state from the neighboring PCM. If things go as planned, the connection progresses through the three sequences and PCM Signals the Configuration Element Management entity to include the connection into the token path. 4-46 :I> The remainder of this section describes the detail operation of each sequence in the connection process. Join Sequence The final stage of the connection sequence is the join sequence. The join sequence is comprised of three states running in sequence. The three states are Join state, Verify state and finally the Active stage. The join sequence is a unique sequence of transmitted symbol streams received as line states (HLS-MLS-ILS) that leads to an active connection. At the end of the join sequence, the PCM state machine signals the CEM entity and CEM will incorporate the connection into the token path. Initialization Sequence The Break state and the Connect state are used in the initialization sequence to start the connection. The Break state is the entry point in the start of a PCM connection. In the Break state, a continuous stream of Quiet Symbols is transmitted to force the other end of the connection to break any existing connection and restart the connection sequence. The Break state is entered upon the reception of the PC_Start signal from ECM or other PCM states when external events force a reinitialization of the connection. Reinitialization is required if the Link Confidence Test fails, the expected line state is not received, a noise condition occurs for a period of time, or the neighboring port is forced to break the connection. ....z• ~ The PCM state machine enters the Join state when the signaling sequence finishes exchanging the ten bits of information. After the tenth bit is transmitted, the PCM state machine enters the Next state. The reception of Idle line state in the Next state causes the PCM state machine to transition to the Join state. In the Join state, a continuous stream of Halt symbols is transmitted. When Quiet line state or Halt line state is entered during Break state, the connection has been initialized successfully in the Break state and the PCM state machine can transition to the Connect state. The Connect state is used to synchronize the two ends of the connection to begin the signaling sequence. In the Connect state, a continuous stream of Halt symbols is transmitted for a sufficient amount of time for clock acquisition by the receiving PHY. The reception of Halt line state in the Join state causes the PCM state machine to transition to the Verify state. In the Verify state, a continuous stream of Halt-Quiet (Master) symbol pairs is transmitted. The last state of the connection sequence is the Active state. The reception of Master line state in the Verify state causes the PCM state machine to transition to the Active state. In the Active state, a continuous stream of Idle symbols is transmitted. Upon the reception of Idle line state in the Active state, the PCM state machine directs the PHY device into the Active Transmit Mode, which transmits the PDUs from the PHY device's request port. Signaling Sequence The second stage of the connection sequence is the signaling sequence. The Next state and the Signal state is used in the signaling sequence to exchange port information with the neighboring PCM. Link Confidence Test and/or MAC Loop Back Test are also performed during the signaling sequence. Many timers are used to ensure the connection sequence proceeds in lock-step fashion on the two ports of the link. The timers used in PCM are listed in Section 5.3 together with a brief explanation of each timer. The state diagram of the PCM state machine and a list of PCM states are also presented in Section 5.1. The PHY line states are used to signal bit information and provide handshaking during the signaling. During the signaling sequence, three line states are used. The Idle line state is used as a bit delimiter, the Halt line state is used to represent a logical one (set) and the Master line state is used to represent a logical zero (clear). If Quiet line state is entered during any part of the signaling sequence, the PCM state machine should make a transition to the Break state and restart the connection sequence again. During the signaling sequence, ten bits of information are exchanged with the neighboring PCM. Section 5.2 has a list of the format of the 10 bits of information. 3.2 MAINTENANCE FUNCTION The Maintenance state is used to perform the Maintenance Function. In the Maintenance state, the symbol stream specified by higher level management agent shall be forced. During the Maintenance state, the PCM state machine is insensitive to the received line state. The Maintenance state is useful to ensure that the PHY and PMD devices can transmit all the symbols specified in the FDDI standard. The Maintenance state is also used to force the other end of the connection to a particular state manually (without going through the Connection Sequence). The Initialization sequence leaves the PCM state machine in the Connect state while the PHY Port is transmitting Halt symbols. The reception of Halt line state in the Connect state causes the PCM state machine to transition to the Next state. The signaling sequence starts upon the first transition to the Next state. In the Next state, a continuous stream of Idle symbols is transmitted. The Next state is used to separate the bit Signaling performed in the Signal state. 3.3 TRACE SUPPORT Trace support is needed to localize a Stuck Beacon condition. The Trace function is used to recover from the Stuck Beacon condition by propagating the Trace signal along the ring, causing all the stations and concentrators in the suspected fault domain to leave the ring and perform a Path Test. In the Trace state, a continuous stream of Halt-Quiet (Master) symbol pairs is transmitted to the upstream station. The reception of Idle line state in the Next state causes the PCM state machine to transition to the Signal state. In the Signal state, a continuous stream of Halt symbols or HaltQuiet (Master) symbol pairs are transmitted. Therefore one bit of information is transferred each time when the Signal state is entered. The reception of Halt line state or Master line state in the Signal state will cause the PCM state machine to transition to the Next state again. The Next state and Signal state cycle repeats ten times to exchange all ten bits of information in the Signaling sequence. Two possible sequences of events can cause the PCM state machine to enter the Trace state. In the first case, the reception of Master (or Trace) line state in the Active state causes the PCM state machine to send the Trace_Prop signal to ECM. ECM will direct the appropriate PCM state machine to transition to the Trace state by sending the PC_Trace signal to that PCM. Upon the reception of the PC_Trace Signal, a continuous stream of Halt-Quiet (Master) symbol pairs is transmitted. 4-47 • ~ r-------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ C'I I';Z 011( The LCT can be performed using one of the following methods: • Transmit Idle symbols and count link errors. The error measurement is taken from the PHY device. • Transmit valid PDUs and count link errors. Again, the error measurement is taken from the PHY layer device. • Transmit valid PDUs and count Frame Check Sequence (FCS) errors from the MAC frames. In this method, the MAC layer device is used to source the PDUs and also take error measurements. • The PHY will reiransmit what is received and the transmitter will check for link errors. This method requires at least one MAC device connected to the link to send PDUs. The error measurement is taken from the PHY layer device. Because multiple levels of the LCT can be performed, a minimum capability of transmitting Idle symbols and counting link errors is required for each port. The second situation that causes PCM state machine to enter the Trace state is a bit more involved. When the Ring Management entity detects a Stuck Beacon condition, RMT sends the TraceJrop signal to the ECM. Like the first case, the ECM entity will direct the appropriated PCM state machine to transition to the Trace state. 3.4 Link Confidence Test The Link Confidence Test (LCT) tests the link quality before the link is inserted into the token path. If the link quality is not adequate for ring operation then LCT will fail. Failure of LCT will cause PCM to return to the Break state and the connection is reinitialized. As a result, the LCT and the whole connection sequence will be repeated until the LCT is passed. The LCT is intended to detect major link problems and not to determine the exact Link Error Rate. The Link Confidence Test is performed after bit 6 is transmitted in the Signaling sequence. During the duration of the test, either Idle symbols or valid PDUs are transmitted. The reception of Master line state signifies the successful completion of the LCT, while the reception of Halt line state signifies the failure of the LCT. If Quiet line state is entered during the LCT, the test is aborted and PCM returns to the Break state. The duration of the LCT and the type of LCT is determined by the bit signaling process in the Signaling sequence. LCT is defined to have four durations, namely LC_Short (50 ms), LC_Medium (500 ms), LC_Long (5 sec) and LC_ Extended (50 sec). When a port is started the first time, it requests the shortest test duration. Every time the LCT fails, the duration is increased up to a maximum duration of LC_ Extended. If the two ports on the link request different LCT duration in the Signaling sequence, the longer LCT duration is used to ensure a better measurement of link quality. 3.5 LINK ERROR MONITOR The Link Error Monitor (LEM) continuously examines the link error rate (LER) of an Active connection. Its function complements the LCT to ensure that the link quality is adequate for ring operation at all times. When the LER exceeds the cutoff value, the connection is flagged as faulty and shall be removed from the token path. The LEM and LER are based on the link error count from the PHY level device. However, the implementation of LEM and LER is not specified in the FDDI SMT Standard. One way of calculating LER is to keep a running time average of link error events occurred in a given time period. See Table I. TABLE I. Link Error Rate (LER) Calculation Example Time (In ms) LEC in Starting Time Ending Time Total Time (In ms) Total LEC LER (In BIt/Sec) T+100 T+200 T+300 T+400 T+500 T+600 T+700 T+BOO T+900 0 1 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 T T+100 T+100 T+200 T+300 T+400 T+500 T+600 T+700 T+100 T+200 T+300 T+400 T+500 T+600 T+700 T+BOO T+900 100 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 0 1 1 1 0 2 3 3 1 T.Out THEN BreakCondi tion = TRUE, Done = TRUE 07 End Loop i f Done = TRUE 08 Wait (TL.Min) 09 IF BreakCondi tion = TRUE THEN DO BreakAction 10 IF LSF1ag = TRUE THEN TxLS = RCode (n) , CTSR = TxLS The LETR value is loaded into the LEM counter when a value is written to the LETR or when the internal LEM counter reaches zero. When the internal LEM counter reaches zero, an interrupt condition is generated. The interrupt condition is registered in the Interrupt Condition Register. If the corresponding bit (Bit4) in the Interrupt Condition Mask Register is also set, an interrupt is generated. Current Link Error Count Register The Current Link Error Count Register (CLECR) serves a function similar to the Current Noise Count Registers. The CLECR takes a snap shot of the internal LEM counter, thus allowing the control process to read the LEM counter without interrupting the LEM counter. The CLECR can be used to calculate the Link Error Rate and it is also needed in the Link Confidence Test during the PCM connection sequence. FIGURE 1. Polling Technique Example Code Let's examine the code in more detail. Line 01 instructs the PLAYER device to transmit Idle symbols. Line 02 is the beginning of the polling loop which ends at line 07. State Threshold Register and State Prescale Threshold Register The State Threshold Register (STR) and the State Prescale Threshold Register (CPTR) are used to set the threshold value of the internal 15-bit state counter. The state counter counts the duration that the PLAYER device receives a line state. The State threshold Register is a 7-bit register. It forms the most significant bits of the state counter threshold value. The State Prescale Threshold Register is an 8-bit register. It forms the least significant bits of the state counter threshold value. Like the Noise Threshold Registers, the STR and SPTR together can specify a threshold value of 2.62 ms. When the internal state counter reaches zero, the State Threshold (Bit1) is set to one, therefore, an interrupt can be generated. In the polling loop, line 03 polls the CRSR register and stores the received line state in the variable RxLS. If received line state is Quiet line state, line 04 sets the BreakCondition variable to indicate the PCM state machine needs to return to the Break state. If the received line state is Super Idle line state, it sets the variable LSFlag, indicating that the correct line state is received. Super Idle line state is tested instead of Idle line state because it is required to wait for at least 12 Idle symbols in the Next state before any action. Line 06 checks for the time out condition to ensure the state machine does not get stuck in the Next state waiting for Idle symbols. The polling loop is repeated until one of the conditions is met. After existing the polling loop, the PCM state machine has to wait for 30 ms (TLMin) before starting the next action (Line 08). It is used to make sure that the PHY device on the other side has enough time to recognize the line state symbols. If the BreakCondition is TRUE, line 09 will transit to the Break state by executing a subroutine BreakAction. If everything is fine and the expected line state is received, the PCM Psuedo Code machine determines the next transmission mode and directs the PCM state machine to transmit the new line state symbols. During the polling loop, the PCM software needs to monitor the Current Receive State Register very frequently so that line state information will not be missed. Failure to recognize all the changes of line state can cause failure in the connection sequence and reinitialization of the connection. The internal state counter can be used to keep track of the length of time a particular line state is required to be transmitted or received before the PCM state machine can take appropriate actions. For example, while the PCM state machine is in the Next state, the State Counter can be set at a threshold of 1.6 ms to ensure that the state machine has sent a sufficient number of line state symbols in the Connection state before it moves to the Next state. 4-51 l> Z ..:... N ...... ~ ~ ~ r-------------------------------------------------------------------~ At this point, the PLAYER device is ready to receive new line states. Line 14 sets up the mask for RCRA so that when the expected line state is received, an interrupt can be generated. The value 0010 1111 written to RCMRA in this example allows the PLAYER to watch for Halt line state, Master line state, Quiet line state and also the Noise condition. All these are required in the Next state. Line 15 clears the mask for RCRB. This line is not necessary since RCMRB is cleared at the beginning of the code. It is only included as a reminder for other PCM states. The next line state is finally transmitted in line 16. After the new line state is transmitted, this code segment ends and returns to the calling process. 4.3 INTERRUPT TECHNIQUE The interrupt technique can also be used in implementing the PCM software. This section explains a simple sample of a portion of the PCM software using the interrupt capability built in to the PLAYER device. The code segment shown in Figure 2 is part of an interrupt handler that responds to the line state reception during the signaling sequence. It serves the same purpose as the'code shown in the previous section. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 RCMRA =O. RMMRB =0 tmp = ICR tmp = tmp AND 1001 0000 ICR = tmp 4.4 OTHER TECHNIQUES Interrupt and polling are by far the most popular techniques used to implement PCM software. However, implementation of the PCM software is not limited by the two techniques. One other approach is to use the interrupt technique together with an event queue schedular. The mix design that uses the interrupt technique and the event queue provides less interrupt handling time and decouples the interrupt handling code from the PCM software. When an event or line state occurs and an interrupt is generated, the interrupt handler unmasks the interrupt condition and enqueues the line state event into the event queue. Events in the event queue are taken care of one after another outside of the interrupt handling routines. Many more possible designs can be used to Implement PCM with the PLAYER device. The implementations depend on the underlying hardware platform and cannot be covered by this paper. RxLS = CRSR IF RxLS = QLS THEN DO BreakAction. RETURN IF RxLS = lLS THEN TxLS = RCode(nl. tmp = RCRA. RCRA = O. tmp RCRB. RCRB O. RxLS = CRSR. RCRA = RCRARxMsk [RxLsl. RCRB = RCRBRxMsk [RxLsl. RCMRA = 0010 1111. RCMRB = 0000 0000. CTSR = TxLS . RETURN FIGURE 2. Interrupt Technique Example Code = = Line 01 is first line of this part of the interrupt handler. The interrupt handler has to examine the device and condition that generates the interrupt before executing the code. Lines 01 to 04 stop the PLAYER device from generating the interrupt. It first stops the interrupt condition by clearing both RCMRA and RCMRB. Then, it clears the Receive Condition A (Bit5) and the Receive Condition B (BitS) in the Interrupt Condition Register. Note that the ICR Is a conditional write register, as a result, it is read in line 02 before a value is written to it. Lines 05 to 07 decide what to do with the received line state. If the current line state is Quiet line state, BreakAction is executed and this section of the interrupt handler is com· pleted. However, if the received line state is Idle line state, the interrupt handler needs to prepare the PLAYER for the reception of the next line state and also transmits the next line state. 5.0 Appendix This section provides explanations and definitions of terms needed to help understand PCM. However, the ANSI SMT document shall be used as the standard reference. The State diagram from the ANSI SMT document is reprinted in Figures 3 and 4. 5.1 PCM STATES The PCM State Machine is comprised of ten states. Section 4.1 explains the meaning and functions of each PCM state. PCG: Off State The Off state is the initial state of the PCM State Machine. The PCM returns to this state upon the reception of the PC_Stop signal from the Entity Coordination Management Entity (ECM). It first runs the PCM Psuedo Code machine by calling the subroutine RCode(n), where n is the nth bit during the sig· naling sequence. Lines 09 and 10, prepare the reception of the next line state by clearing the registers RCRA and RCRB. However, clearing all the line states in the RCRA and RCRB register means that the current line state information is also cleared from the two registers. As a result, the line state that PCM is expecting may also be erased. Lines 11 to 13, prevent such a condition by writing the current line state information back to RCRA or RCRB. In the Off state, the PMD optical transmitter is optionally disabled and the PHY device is required to transmit Quiet symbols. PC1: Break State The Break state is the entry point of the PCM connection sequence. The Break state is entered upon the recepiion of the PC_Start signal from ECM. The Break state is also entered from any other state when the connection sequence cannot be completed and a reinitialization is required. In the Break state, the PMD optical transmitter is disabled and the PHY device is required to transmit Quiet symbols. A few variables are also cleared and intialized during the Break state. 4-52 PCO:OFF PC1:BREAK From st.t.s 0 to S: PC( 00 ) -PC (SO) PC-St.rt Br •• Uclions PC9:MAINT CD OILActions PC_Stop PC_t.l.int(m.inUs) PC(09) !.f.inLActions @ From st.t.s 0 to S: PC(01)-PC(S1) CD PC.J:n.bl. PC(90 PCJlis.bl. OILActions CD From .11 st.t.s: PC(09)-PC(99) PC.J.t.int(m.inUs) PC(99) - - - - - : : " . , M.inLActions @I PC3:CONNECT PC4:NEXT T10>lS_J.fln &. not lS....FI.g PC( 44.) I SET lS_FI.g PC5:SIGNAL lS....FI.g &. not RC....FI.g &. TPC>TLMin PC(44b) SET RC....FI.g; PC....RCod.(n)....Actions PUS = HlS &. not lS....FI.g PC_Sign.1 PC(55.)I+------...;..;;==-=---PC(45) SET lS....Fl.g; SET U.I{n) l~igFI:~c¥P~~T@Min r------ 'I PC-LS = MlS &. not lS....FI.g ...------PC(55b) SET lS....Fl.g; CLEAR fLV.I(n) PC(54)-~~=O"';;'~;...;.;:~----~ ® INC n; N.xLAclions PC....POR PC(44c) ISM....PHJ.INE-STATE,r.qu.st{TRANSMIT....POR) TD....FI.g &. not TC....FI.g &. (PC_lS=(HlS or t.tlS) or TPC>LN.xt{n» SET TC....FI.g; PC TCod.(n)....Actions PC( 44d) I Br •• k-R.quir.d ® 1+----""--:::PC(51) Br •• Uctions CD PC6:JOIN Br •• k-R.quir.d ® or (PC_lS = IlS &. lS....FI.g) 1+-----....:...-.....::::..........:....----:------....::.:. PC(61) PC Join PC(46) Br •• k....Actions CD Join....Actions TLMin ,,®PC(67) V• .,fy_Act,ons S PUS = HlS &. not lS....FI.g PC(66)-::::::-:-::-:::----, SET lS_FI.g I ® PC8:ACTIVE Br •• k....R.qulr.d or PC{7S)-----..;;l...;S....F;;..;;;I."'g...;&..;.,TP.;.,..;;C->TLt.I=;:::i~n---_+I (PC-LS = IlS &. not LS....FI.g) Acliv• ....Aclions 1+-----;:::-PC(71) TIO>lS_t.tin &. not LS....FI.g PC{SS.) Br•• k_Actions I SET LS....FI.g ® CD not TlLFI.g &. (PUS=HlS or RE..FI.g &. (Br•• k....R.quir.d ® or LEt.I....F.iI or TNE>NU.x» 1+--------------=~-------PC(SI) CD Br •• k....Actions PC2:TRACE TPC>Tl_Min &. LS FI.g &. not CF _Join ( ) PC_lS = (OlS or HlS) &. 1SET CF_Join PC BBb not lS....FI.g &. P.lh_T.st = P.ss.d SM PH lINE-STATE,r.qu.st(TRANSMIT POR) PC(22.) SET P.th_T.sI = P.nding lS....FI.g &. PC-LS = MLS &. not TR....FI.g PC_LS = MlS &. not lS....FI.g &. not TR....FI.g SET TR FI.g; SET Tr.c. Prop PC(SSc) PC{22b) SET LS FI.g; SET Tr.c. Prop I I 1+___________--'p~C;;;;T~r.::.c:.:·:..",,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ PC(82) TraceJ.ctions ® FIGURE 3. PCM State Diagram 4-53 TL/F111081-1 ..... C'II r;- Physical Connection Management Footnotes. Z 1. OILActions: SM_PM-CONTROLrequest(TransmiLOisable)' SM_PH_Line-State.request(TRANSMIT_QUIET) CLEAR CF_Loop CLEAR CF---Join CLEAR BS_Flag T_Out) Optionally. BreaLRequired may include the condition TNE> NS_Max: PC_LS=QLS or (not LS_Flag & TPC> T_Out) or TNE> NS_Max 12. RestarLRequired: PC_LS=QLS or (not LS_Flag & m"O & TPC>T_Out) Optionally, RestarLRequired may include the condition TNE>NS_Max: PC_LS=QLS or (not LS_Flag & ",00 & TPC>T_Out) or TNE>NS_Max 13. Transitions effected by the BreaLRequired or RestarLRequired conditions shall take precedence over other transitions. The reception of QLS while in states 4 to B shall cause the PCM to transition to the Break State within PC_React time. 14. RESET TPC on every transition. This includes transitions where the destination state is the same as the originating state. *This primitive is not required for all PMD implementations. FIGURE 4. PCM State Diagram Footnote 4-54 Upon the reception of Quiet line state or Halt line state, the PCM state machine leaves the Break state and enters the Connect state. If the state machine is stuck in the Break state for a long time (TB_Max), the state machine sets the BS_Flag so that other management agents can examine the condition and takes the appropriate action. Once each individual bit has been transmitted and received, the state machine moves to the Next state before returning to the Signal state for the next transmission. Thus the Next state is used as the bit delimiter between two signaling bits. PC2:Trace The Trace state is used to localize the fault domain of a Stuck Beacon condition where the ring cannot recover from its Beacon state. The state machine enters the Trace state when receiving the PC_Trace signal from ECM while in the Active state. During the Trace state, the PHY entity transmits a stream of Halt-Quiet (Master) symbol pairs. PC6: Join State The Join state is the first of three states in the join sequence that leads to an active connection. The join sequence assures that both ends of a connection enter the Active state together at the completion of the sequence. The Join state is entered upon the completion of the signaling sequence when the PC---Join signal is issued from the Psuedo Code machine. In Join state, a continuous stream of Halt symbols is transmitted. When all signaled bits have been transmitted and received, the Signaling Sequence ends. The only way to leave the Trace state is receiving the PC_Start or PC_Off signals from ECM. PC7: Verify State The Verify is the second of three states in the join sequence. The Verify state is entered when Halt line state is received when the state machine is in the Join state. PC3: Connection State The Connection state is used to synchronize the two ends of the connection to begin the signaling sequence. It is also used for clock recovery since the Break state does not transmit any clocking information through the optical transmitter. In the Connect state, the PMD level optical transmitter is enabled and a continuous stream of Halt symbols is transmitted. Upon the reception of Halt line state, the state machine leaves the Connect state to the Next state. If Idle line state is received before Halt line state, then the connection is not synchronized and the state machine transmits to the Break state to restart the connection sequence. A continuous stream of Halt-Quiet (Master) symbols pairs is transmitted during the Verify state. PCB: Active State The Active state is the last of three states in the join sequence. In this state, the port is incorporated into the token path. On initial entry into the Active state, a continuous stream of Idle symbols is transmitted. Upon the reception of Idle line state during the Active state, the PHY device is allowed to enter the Active Transmit Mode and PDUs presented to the PHY Port Request interface can be transmitted. In addition to the normal break conditions, when Halt line state is received in place of Idle line state, the connection is not synchronized and a reinitialization of the connection is required. If the Link Error Rate is too high, the connection also needs to be reinitialized upon entering the Active state. PC4: Next State The Next state is one of the two states used in the signaling sequence. The main purpose of the Next state is to separate the "bit" signaling performed in the Signal state. The Next state is also used to transmit PDUs while MAC Local Loop or Link Confidence Test is performed. The PCM PSl!edo Code machine is also started in the Next state. On initial entry into the Next state, a continuous .stream of Idle symbols is transmitted. While in the Next state, either a continuous stream of Idle symbols or PDU symbol stream is transmitted. The Next state terminates and the state machine transits to the Signal state upon the reception of Halt or Master Iilne state or when the PC_Signal signal is received from the Psuedo Code machine. The state machine transit to the Break state upon the reception of Quiet line state. PC9: Maintenance State The Maintenance state is tr.led to perform the Maintenance function. The Maintenimce state is entered upon the reception of the PC_Maint or PC_Disable signal from other management agency. 5.2 PCM PSEUDO CODE The PCM Pseudo Code provides and processes the information that Is sent between the neighboring PCMs during the signaling sequence. As mentioned in the previous sections, the information is communicated via the bit signaling technique whereas a bit value is represented by a stream of line state symbols. The Halt symbols are used to represent a logical one and the Master symbols pairs for a logical zero. This section explains the meaning of the ten bits of information communicated during the signaling sequence. PC5: Signal State The Signal state is one of the two states used for the signaling sequence. In the Signal state, individual bits of information are communicated across the connection by transmitting either Halt symbols or Halt-Quiet (Master) symbols pair. Transmitting the Halt symbols is equated to the transmission of a logical one and the transmission of the Master symbols pairs is a logical zero. Blt{O): Escape Bit Bit(O) is called the Escape Bit. It's value is zero for SMT Version 6.2. The setting of Bit(O) is reserved for future assignment by the standard. II 4-55 ~ ~ Z c( r---------------------------------------------------------------------------------, Blt(1,2): PC_Type Bit(1) and 'Bit(2) together state the PC_Type of this port. The four PC_Types defined in the FOOl standard are encoded as shown in Table V. TABLE V. PC rype Encoding Blt(7): LCT Failed Bit(7) is set to indicate that the Link Confidence Test was failed by this end of the connection. If either side signals that the LCT failed, the connection is restarted and a long Link Confidence test is used next time. - PC_Type Blt(1) Blt(2} 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 PHY-A PHY_B PHY_S PHY_M Blt(8): MAC for Local Loop Bit(8) is set to indicate that this end of the connection will provide a MAC for the MAC Local Loop. MAC Local Loop may optionally be used to verify MAC recovery processes, token passing and the neighbor notification process. If neither side set Bit(8), then the MAC Local Loop is omitted. If this end does not support MAC Local Loop and the other end does, this end of the connection has the option of not performing the MAC local Loop. The PC_Type is communicated during the signaling sequence so that the connection policy can be enforced be,fore the station is inserted into the token path. Blt(3): Port Compatible Blt(9): MAC on Port Output Bit(9) is set to indicate that this end of the connection intends to place a MAC in the output token path. Bit(3) is set to one if the two ports on the link are compatible which means that this connection is allowed and supported by both stations. Connections that are not allowed are withheld until Bit(9) is received and a PC_Start signal is generated to reinitialize the connection. All the conne,ctions are allowed in the standard except a M-M connection, however certain types of connection can be rejected depending on the implementation. 5.3 PCM TIMERS AND TIMER EXPIRATION VALUES There are only a few timers used in PCM to determine the length of certain operations and the time in which an appropriate response is expected However, one timer can have different expiration values depending on the state of the PCM software. For most of the time, the timers are used to measure the maximum timer to wait for the reception of certain line states, the minimum duration to transmit certain line states, the duration for LCT, etc. Therefore, the timer operations help to ensure the two PCMs are synchronized. The following timers are employed in PCM: Blt(4,5): LCT Duration Four durations of Link Confidence Test are allowed and Bit(4) and Bit(5) specify the LCT duration suggested by this port. If the suggested values from the two ports are different, then the longer duration is used for the Link Confidence Test. The LCT duration is encoded into Bit(4) and Bit(5) as shown in Table VI. TABLE VI. LCT Duration Encoding LCT Duration Blt(4) Blt(5) Short Medium Long Extended 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 TPC Physical Connection Timer is the main timer that PCM uses. It is used to ensure state transitions proceed at the desired rate. TID The Timer for Idle Detection is used by PCM to measure the time of continuous ILS reception. The Short LCT duration is used when' there is no recent history of excessive link errors. The Medium LCT duration is used when a failure in LCT occurred. The Long LCT duration is used after the rejection of a link due to an excessive Link Error Rate. And finally, the Extended LCT duration is used when LCT is used to withhold an undesirable connection. TNE The Timer for Noise Event is used by PCM to detect the length of noise events. If an excessive number of noise is received, the PCM state machine can optionally reinitialize the connection by moving to the Break state, The rest of this section lists the timer expiration values used in the PCM state machine. All of the expiration values are used for TPC timer unless specified otherwise. The default value is also highlighted for the ease of referencing. Bit(6): MAC Available for LCT Bit(6) is set to indicate that a MAC will be placed at this end of the connection during the Link Confidence Test. PC-React: 3.0 rns PC_React states the maximum timer for PCM to make a state transition to the Break state when the connection needs t6 be restarted. The reinitialization of the connection is needed upon the reception of Quiet line state, when a fault condition is detected, or PC_Start is presented. If the other port on the link does not have a MAC available for the Link Confidence Test, then this end may optionally source valid PDUs. If this end cannot connect to a MAC during the Link Confidence Test, then this PHY device is configured to repeat any received PDUs. Note that LCT is performed after Bit(6) is communicated, during the Next state. 4-56 TB-Mln:ems The minimum time that PCM transmits Quiet symbols and receives Quiet line state during Break state. This value is rather large because PCM has to wait for the other end to response. NLMax: 1.3 ms The maximum time that noise is tolerated before the connection is considered to be unreliable and needs to be restarted. This timeout value is based on the TNE timer. 5.4 SIGNALS A signal is used to initiate a state change within PCM. It is also used to communicate with other SMT entities. The signals can be generated by PCM or other entities. TBJax:50 ms The maximum time the state machine is allowed to remain in the Break state before an error flag (BS_Flag) is set to indicate that the PCM is stuck in the Break state. The following signals are used in PCM: C_Mln: 1.6 ms PC_Start The minimum time the state machine is required to send Halt symbols after the reception of Halt line state during the Connect state. This timer is used to assure that the other end of the connection has recognized the Halt symbols being transmitted in the Connect state. A signal that is set by the Entity Coordination Management Entity (ECM) to PCM. PC_Start is used to signal the PCM to initialize a connection. PC_Start is also signaled by PCM when the Link Confidence Test fails and the connection is re-initialized. LLMln: 480 ns The minimum time of continuous reception of Idle line state before Idle line state is recognized by the PCM state machine. The duration of LS_Min is greater than or equal to 12 symbol times to ensure robustness. This expiration value to be used in the Next state and the Active state. It is measured by the TID timer. PCJaint A signal that is set by a higher-level management entity to PCM. PC_Maint is used to signal PCM to enter the Maintenance state. PC_Trace A signal that is set by ECM to PCM. PC_Trace is used to signal PCM to enter the Trace State. TLMln: 0.3 ms TLMin is the minimum time to transmit a line state before advancing to the next state. It is used in the following states: Next. Signal. Join. Verify and Active. The TLMin value is set to twice the time required for a line state to be recognized by the PHY device in the other end of the link. PC_Stop A signal that is set by ECM to PCM. PC_Stop is used to signal PCM to enter the Off state. PCJnable A Signal that is set by a management entity to PCM. PC_Enable is used to signal PCM to move from the Maintenance state to the Off state. T_Out: 100 ms T_Out specifies the Signaling timeout value. It is defined as the minimum time the state machine is required to remain in a state to wait for the line state reception before reinitializalion of the connection. The expiration of T_Out indicates that a line state change is expected but did not happen. the connection has failed and needs to be re-started in the Break state. PC_Disable A signal that is set by a management entity to PCM. PC_Disable is used to signal PCM to move from any state to the Maintenance state. PC_Signal A signal that is set by PCM for its internal use during the Signaling Sequence. PC_Signal is used to indicate that the next value is available and ready for transmission. TJext(n): 100 ms T_Next(n) is the same as the T_Out values but it is used in the Next state since LCT and MAC Local Loop is to be performed during the Next state. T_Next(n) specifies the timeout value for the nth bit in the signaling sequence. T_Next(7) and T_Next(9) specifies a different timeout value other than the default ones. PC_PDR A signal that is set by PCM for its internal use. PC_PDR is used to indicate that a PDR is to be transmitted. PC-",oln TJext(7): LCT Duration The T_Next(7) value is the negotiated value of the Link Confidence Test duration after the Signaling of Bit(4) and Bit(5). It can take on one of the following values: LC_Short (50 ms). LC_Medium (500 ms). LC_Long (5.0 sec) or LC_Extended (50 sec). A signal that is set by PCM for its internal use. PC--!oin is used to indicate that the Signaling Sequence has been completed successfully and the Join Sequence is started. T_Next(9): 200 ms The maximum time for the optional MAC Local Loop to be performed. This timer is used to prevent deadlock while allowing sufficient time for MAC recovery process completion and exchange of neighbor information frames. II 4-57 ~ ~ :i r---------------------------------------------------------------------------------, 5.5 PCM FLAGS AND VARIABLES A flag is a variable that shall take one of two values: set(I) or cleared(O). Flags are used to reflect the status of the state machine and also to signal other entities of the PCM status. Variables can take on a wider but still a limited set of values. Variables serve the same function of Flags. The following is a list of flags and variables used in PCM: PCJelghbor A variable that is set by PCM to other management entities. This variable is set to indicate the PC_Type of the PHY at the other end of the connection. PC_Neighbor is set during the signaling sequence. PC_Neighbor can have one of five values: A, B, S, M, or None. PC_MAC_LCT A variable that is set from PCM to other management enti· ties. This variable is set after the signaling sequence has been completed to indicate the mode of physical connection that has been performed. PC_Mode can have one of three values: Peer PC_Mode is set to Peer when neither the port under control or the port at the other end are of type M. It indicates that this connection exists within the trunk ring. PC_Mode A flag that is available internally to PCM. This flag is used to indicate that a MAC will be used for the Link Confidence test. PC-MAC_Loop A flag that is available internally to PCM. This flag is used to indicate that the MAC Local Loop will be performed before the connection is made active. CFJAC A flag that is set by the Configuration Control Management (CCM) to PCM. This flag is used to indicate that a MAC is available for the Link Confidence test or MAC Local Loop. Tree None BS-Flag The Break State Flag (BS_Flag) is set by PCM to indicate that the PCM state machine is not leaving the Break state in an expected time interval and a problem is suspected. It can be used by other management agencies to indicate a prob· lem in PCM or the link that needs to be resolved. PC_Withold A variable that is set by PCM to other management entities. This variable is used to indicate the reason the connection did not get incorporated in the ring. PC_Withold can have one of the following three values: None, Port M to Port M, or Other incompatible Port Types. LEMJaii A flag that is set by PCM to other management entities. It is set to indicate that the Link Error Rate exceeds the LEA-Cutoff threshold. The flag is cleared when the Link Error Rate Threshold test is passed. It is used to remove connection with excessive Link Error Rate. MalnLLS A variable that is set by other management entities to PCM. This variable is used to indicate the symbol stream to be transmitted when the PCM is in the Maintenance state. PC_Type MainLLS has one of the following values: Quiet, Halt, Idle, .Master or PDR. A variable that is set by the higher level management agen· cy to PCM. It is used to specify the type of port being man· aged by the PCM. Four different ports are defined: A The port in a Dual Attachment Station or Concentrator which attaches to the Primary In and Secondary Out when attaching to the dual ring. B The port in a Dual Attachment Station or Concentrator which attaches to the Secondary In and Primary Out when attaching to the dual ring. The port in a Single Attachment Station (SAS) or one of the port in a Single Attachment Concentrator (SAC). S M PC~ode is set to Tree when orie of the port is of type M. It indicates that the connection exists with a concentrator tree. The connection is neither of the two previous values. PC_Mode is set to None when the connection type is yet unknown. PC_LS A variable that is set by PCM to another management entity. This variable is set to indicate the line states received by the PHY. PC_LS can have one of the following values: QLS, HLS, MLS, ILS, ALS, NLS or LSU. PC_LCT_Faii A variable that is set by PCM to other management entities. This variable is used to indicate the number of consecutive failures of the Link Confidence Test. n The port in a Concentrator that is used to connect with aSASorSAC. A variable that is set by PCM for its internal use. This variable is used to indicate the number of the next value to be signaled in the Next state and the current value being signaled in the Signal state. 4-58 . l> National Semiconductor Application Note 728 Robert M. Grow, Jim Schuessler fDOI Station Ma.nagement with the Na.tional Chip Set 1.0 INTRODUCTION The National OP83200 FOOl Chip Set includes special features that aid in the management of an FOOl station as well as the management of an FOOl ring. An attempt is made here to guide you through some of the details of Station Management (SMT) using National's OP83200 FOOl Chip Set with as little pain as possible. Special circumstances for non-standard applications are also discussed. Oue to the universally acknowledged complexity of the FOOl Standard, it is always a wise idea to have ready access to the original documents when reading collateral material-this is no exception! We recommend obtaining the ANSI X3T9.5 FOOl Standards set1. The BMACTM device and PLAYERTM device are two of the devices comprising the National OP83200 FOOl Chip Set. They both provide a rich set of fully maskable interrupts. These interrupts are used to drive SMT protocols, including Frame Based Management, Connection Management and Ring Management. The BMAC device includes counters for fault isolation and station and ring performance monitoring that ease the implementation of SMT protocols. The PLAYER device includes multiplexing capability to implement the node configurations called out in the SMT Configuration Management state machine (the most popular being a Single Attach Station (SAS) and Oual Attach Station (OAS)), internal hardware for link error monitoring, and noise timing (see Figure 1). The full duplex architecture of the chip set provides for comprehensive testing and fault isolation. DP83261 BMAC DEVICE (BASIC MEDIA ACCESS CONTROLLER) IJ SMT multicast addressing on·chip IJ Full duplex architecture IJ Auto generation of Beacon and Claim frames IJ Multiple transmit immediate modes [] [] [] [] Multiple diagnostic counters Ring latency timer 4-bit late counter Same information field detection for MAC frame filtering IJ Ouplicate address detection [] Multiple token detection DP83251 155 PLAYER DEVICE (PHYSICAL LAYER CONTROLLER) IJ On-chip configuration switch [] Line state history registers IJ Link error detector IJ Noise threshold timer IJ Unique injection register IJ Full duplex architecture FIGURE 1. National DP83200 FDDI Chip Set SMT Features 1 There are four documents comprising the FDDI Standard: PMD, PHY, MAC and SMT. The first three are published standards available through ANSI (phone: 212·6424900), the last, SMT, is still in draft form at the publication time of this Application Note. It can be obtained through Global Engineering Documents, phone 800·854·7179, or 714-261-1455. 4-59 z ...... N co co N ":" z CC r---------------------------------------------------------------------------------, A simplified Claim Process flow is shown in Table I: Four general areas of management will be discussed in this paper: how to select values of operational parameters, how to use the BMAC device for fault isolation, how to use the PLAYER device for implementing Connection Management (CMn, and how to monitor network status and performance. TABLE I. Timer Values In the Claim Process 2.0 OPERATIONAL PARAMETERS FDDI supports a broad range of network configurations, and the FDDI standard specifies default parameters for operation of large configurations. The National FDDI Chip Set is designed to operate over an even larger range of configurations for special applications. The default values of these parameters must be changed for larger configurations. In a few systems, it is also valuable to optimize parameters in small ring configurations. At the core of the timed token protocol implemented in the BMAC device are timers used to control the transmission of information on the network and to detect when ring recovery is required. These timers are loaded with values which ultimately determine the performance of the ring. Ring recovery/startup is a function which can be performed by the BMAC device automatically with default timer values. Other values for these timers can be loaded, but be warned: changing these values from the defaults may cause poor performance, (high usable token latency or low throughput) or worse yet, oscillation between Claim and operational states. For instance, a shorter Valid Transmission Timer (TVX) value might be used on a small ring to accelerate ring recovery, but if the shorter value was used on a large ring it could cause the above problems. Value Becomes Value TREQ Shortest Tbid TNEG -+ -+ -+ Tbid in a station's Claim frames TNEG in all stations Token Rotation Timer (TRn when the ring becomes operational Note: See Recovery Required in MAC Standard The BMAC device is capable of automatically generating Claim frames. It starts the Claim Process when TVX times out or Tlate = 2 (Tlate is a 4-bit counter which increments once each time TRT goes to zero). When the frames are transmitted, the BMAC device places the TREQ value stored in the BMAC device Parameter RAM into the Claim frame. This value then becomes Tbid to the next station on the ring. The receiving BMAC device saves the Tbid from the Claim frame as the potential TNEG, while comparing it to its TREQ. If the received Tbid time is shorter than its own TREQ, it stores the Tbid value as its new TNEG, stops transmitting Claim frames and repeats incoming Claim frames. If the received Tbid is larger than the current TREQ, the station keeps (or starts) transmitting its current Claim frame. The Claim Process completes when the BMAC device receives Claim frames with both source and destination address equal to its own, (its own Claim frame) as well as the Tbid value equal to its TREQ. This process insures that the shortest Tbid value of any node participating in the Claim process ends up as TNEG for all nodes. If an implementation externally generates Claim frames instead of letting the BMAC device generate them, then it is very important that TREQ in the BMAC device Parameter RAM be equal to the first four bytes of the Claim frame (Tbid). If this isn't done, the Claim Process may not complete, and a false duplicate address condition may be detected by the SMT Ring Management protocol. In most cases, the operation and performance of FDDI is determined by the most demanding (typically the shortestl) parameter in all stations on the ring. For example, the station with the shortest TVX value will frequently be the station starting a Claim Process. This is because any timed out TVX will cause the BMAC device to start the Claim Process (TVX timeout indicates no frame received within TVX time). When powering up, or after a hardware reset, the BMAC device has been designed to revert to default values for many critical parameters; though, a station must initialize the Parameter RAM before participating in an FDDI ring. Parameter RAM values include the long and short addresses, for example. The use of the BMAC device's programmable timers is discussed below to help illustrate the different alternatives for management of the parameters and selection of proper values for desired operational characteristics. 2.2 Selection of TREQ Two major factors are used in selecting a TREQ value. The first is the delay and segment size for synchronous traffic. The second is the desired queuing delay for all traffic, both asynchronous and synchronous. 3 The first factors: delay and segment size are just another way of specifying the throughput necessary for the synchronous application. The data source is usually isonchronous (periodic) and therefore must be serviced or "disaster" will strike. (An example might be voice data, where a delay would result in a noticeable blank spot in continuous speech.) An application must be able to rely on the stability of TNEG, therefore, TREQ should not be changed frequently. It is generally a bad idea to change TREQ as application processes start and stop. In fact, there are really only two reasons for changing TREQ from the default TMAX: To create a synchronous service period, or to adjust the asynchronous maximum usable_token latency-both relate to token latency. 2.1 The Claim Process Claim is a ring state which must be completed before the ring can become operational. The objective is to create an interoperable environment in which all stations may communicate with both asynchronous and synchronous traffic. The process does this by setting the ring's Target Token Rotation Time (TTRn and determining who will issue the first token (the "winner" of claim). Following FDDI rules for the Claim Process, the station with the shortest Requested Target Rotation Time (TREQ) is the "winner", and will determine the Negotiated Token Rotation Time (TNEG) for the ring. TNEG is used as the operational value for the Token Rotation Time (TRn in all stations on the ring.2 3 For B discussion of Asynchronous versus Synchronous traffic, see the ANSI X3T9.5 FOOl MAC Standard. 2 In many cases, stations will have the same TREQ value. In this case other information in the Claim frame is used to select the "winner". 4-60 2.2.1 Selection of TAEQ for Synchronous Traffic 20 ms Case: 28 bytes overhead + 200 bytes data = 228 bytes/ frame-12% overhead 228 bytes/frame • 50 frames = 11,400 total bytes (10,000 bytes data) Changing TNEG, and thus TRT, has significant implications on synchronous traffic. Synchronous service is usually viewed as some number of bits per second; but in FOOl, synchronous service is provided in bytes per token rotation. Each time a token is received, a station may transmit X bytes based on its synchronous allocation. The total synchronous bandwidth allocation for the ring may not exceed TNEG less overhead. 4 A synchronous application will generally determine the bandwidth requirement on application layer (OSI Layer 7) data; but the synchronous allocation requested in SMT protocols must include overhead for placing the application data in a frame. A change in TNEG changes the framing overhead. This is because the number of bytes of overhead is the same for 1 byte of application data or 4 kBytes of application data. Since an objective of synchronous service is to guarantee bandwidth to an application, a shorter TTRT will cause the application data to be segmented into smaller sizes. So as TNEG is lowered, response time decreases (faster token rotation) but overhead increases and therefore overall throughput decreases. This is the tradeoff between response time and throughput. There is a 37% decrease in bandwidth in the 5 ms TRT case verses the 20 ms TRT. If other protocol information like an LLC is transmitted on each frame, the increase would be even worse. In addition, a change in TNEG also creates ring stability problems for previously enqueued synchronous information. Frames which are queued at 20 bytes, for example, would cause the ring to go into the Claim Process if enough of them were queued when TRT changed to a lower value requiring 50 byte frames. Synchronous service is not well specified in current FOOl documents. If each synchronous application is allowed to pick its own TREQ, then as applications start and stop, TNEG will increase or decrease. In most cases, it is better for an application to learn what the synchronous target time is and segment to that size, rather than dynamically changing it as applications start and stop. This Simpler model of operation can be handled in the ring's synchronous bandwidth allocation algorithm. For example, the synchronous requirement for an application layer requiring 10,000 bytes per second above the MAC layer would increase 37% on MAC overhead alone when TNEG changes from 20 ms to 5 ms. A little math will illustrate this. Remember that all bytes transmitted must be counted in the synchronous allocation. The fixed bytes of overhead per frame are shown in Table II. All this is to say that applications (OSI Layer 7) should not specify or have control over TREQ. Synchronous allocation should be done by a process which has global knowledge of the throughput and latency requirements of all stations. SMT is uniquely qualified for this purpose. 2.2.2 Selection of TAEQ for Asynchronous Traffic Asynchronous traffic is not effected significantly by the value of TNEG in typical systems. Here, the desired TNEG is based on a tradeoff between network throughput and response time. For example, on a large ring of 150 stations (n) at 1 p.s latency per station, the maximum throughput is 99% at 20 ms. TNEG, and 97% at 5 ms TNEG. TABLE II. Fixed Bytes of Overhead per Frame Number of Bytes Portion of Frame 8 1 1 12 2 Preamble SO (JK Symbol) FC Addresses: SA, OA OATA FCS EO 28 Total ... 4 n(TNEG - Ring Latency) n(TNEG) + Ring Latency = Percentage Throughput Therefore: 150 (20 ms - 150 p.s)/(150(20 ms) = 99% and: 150 (5 ms - 150 p.s)/(150(5 ms) = 97% + + (1) 150 p.s) 150 p.s) Another important performance characteristic is the maximum usable_token latency. Usable_token latency is the time for a token to return to a particular station, and be usable for asynchronous traffic. This means the TRT has not timed out once since the station last saw the token. (This is opposed to maximum token latency which is 2 times TNEG, a much smaller time.) If TRT is 20 ms that means the token will circulate 50 times per second (1/20 ms) at the maximum network utilization. Our requirement is for 10,000 bytes/s which means 200 bytes per frame (10,000 bytes/s)/(50 frames/s). If TRT is 5 ms, the other alternative, the token rotates 200 times per second (1/5 ms). The same 10,000 bytes are delivered in 50 bytes per frame (10,000 bytes/s)/(200 frames/s). Therefore: It is possible, though highly improbable, that each station in an overloaded ring could use the token for TNEG time (minus ring latency) when the token is captured. This is a worst case scenario. The maximum usable_token latency would then be (n - 1) (TNEG) + 2 (Ring Latency). For this improbable event to occur each station on the ring must transmit for the maximum allowable time-in this case TNEG minus ring latency. 5 ms Case: 28 bytes overhead + 50 bytes data = 78 bytes/ frame - 36% overhead 78 bytes/frame • 200 frames = 15,600 total bytes (10,000 bytes data) In the above configuration, the maximum usable_token latency is 3 seconds at 20 ms TNEG, and 0.75 seconds at 5 msTNEG. 4 Actual time Is Target Token Rotation TIme (TTRT) less the sum of maxi· mum Ring Latency (D_MAX = 1.617 ms), maximum Frame Time (F-MAX = 0.361 ms), and Token TIme (0.00088 ms). 4-61 » z • ..... N OC) (n - 1) (TNEG) Latency + frames were transmitted on the last rotation. In the large 150 station ring described earlier, a 1 kByte frame would represent 50% network load to the MAC timers. A longer latency would require a larger frame to get the same 50% load factor. The latency timing feature of the BMAC device allows determination of the appropriate threshold for a load factor. (See Network Monitoring, Section 5, for an example load factor calculation). The threshold may also be viewed as a reservation of time for transmission of frames at higher priority. In this case the thresholds can be set directly from the tables contained in the BMAC device datasheet (end of Section 5). 2 (Ring Latency) = Max. Usable Token (2) Therefore: (150 - 1) • 20 ms + 2(150 ,..s) = 3.0s and: (150 - 1) • 5 ms + 2(150 ,..s) = 0.75s This kind of tradeoff can best be made by a network management station as described later, since a station that attemps to minimize the usable_token latency can adversely effect network throughput in some configurations. For example, if the Ring_latency were 1· ms, instead of the 150 ,..S above, the change in TNEG from 20 ms to 5 ms would change the maximum throughput from 95% to 85%. TABLE III. Example Configurations and TNEG Value Stations TNEG Maximum Throughput Maximum Usabl&-Token Latency 10 8 64 167 0.9986 0.9998 0.9999 0.072ms 0.576ms 1.503 s 150 8 64 167 0.9811 0.9976 0.9991 1.192s 9.536s 24.883 s 500 8 64 167 0.9374 0.9922 0.9970 3.993 s 31.937s 83.334s 2.4 Selection of TMAX and TVX Stations should only change the TVX and TMAX values when there are critical responsiveness requirements. No improvement in throughput will be achieved, and in most rings, no improvement in network availability will be achieved. However, a discussion of their selection. criteria is provided her as guidance for tuning these parameters to the latency of the network. 2.4.1 Selection of TMAX The BMAC device has been designed so that it can be applied to rings with extremely large latencies. In these cases, the value of TMAX will need to be longer than the default. Making TMAX shorter has a statistically insignificant impact on ring availability, therefore, most implementors need only use the default specified in the FOOl Standard. The BMAC device sets TMAX to default on reset. Special closed systems may benefit from a shorter TMAX value, since a very small set of ring failures is detected by timing for TMAX. In either the longer or shorter TMAX case, the BMAC device can be loaded with the desired value after reset. S Note: At 1 f's per stetlon latency (Including optical fiber propagation delay). actual latency may be different. . Note that a TNEG (TREQ) of 8 ms can significantly reduce the usable_token latency (a good thing) and still not decrease throughput significantly for rings of under about 150 stations. A· robust method of contrOlling the TNEG of a ring can be created using the operational characteristics described above, and the management features of the BMAC device. Normal stations operate with the default TMAX (approximately 167 ms) and TREQ equal to the TMAX. A network management station determines the desired TNEG for the ring based on knowledge of synchronous applications requirements and ring throughput implications. The network management station sets its TREQ to the desired TNEG value, thus determining the TNEG resulting from the Claim Process. See Table III. If implementors allow stations to set TREQ independently, then it is advisable that a lower bound on TREQ be enforced to protect the network from serious denial of service problems. When TREQ is changed, the station can cause a Claim Process by setting the ClM bit of the Function Register (FR) in the BMAC device. If this is not done, then it may be a long time before the desired change in TNEG would occur. 2.4.2 Selection of TVX The Valid Transmission Time (TVX) register is used to hold the FOOl parameter TVX....valid. The token is assumed to be lost if the time between receiving valid frames or non-restricted tokens is longer than TVX. The BMAC device loads TVX with the default value recommended in the FOOl MAC Standard upon reset. TVX need only be changed in rings with latencies larger than 1.7 ms. If a station has a TVX value that is too small, the likely symptom will be a ring that oscillates between the Claim Process and being operational. The optional SMT Parameter Management Frame (PMF) capability can be used by a network manager to attempt to fix an oscillation condition. The National FOOl chip set has been deSigned with larger than default counters to allow large latency networks, other implementations may not be able to interoperate in one of these very large networks. In stations which need a non-default TVX value, station implementors can provide a non-volatile storage location. This feature would avoid potential oscillation between the ring being operational and being in the Claim Process, when stations are powered off and on in a larger network than supported by the default value. 2.3 Selection of Asynchronous Priority Thresholds Asynchronous priorities are set in the THSH1, THSH2, and THSH3 Registers. These priorities are of greatest value when the ring latency is large. Two approaches can be used for setting the thresholds. The first sets the threshold at a load factor, for example 50% load. In the majority of systems, the latency will be small enough that all load factors default to the same effective leilel, namely transmit if no 2.5 Adjustment of Value for Parameter Encoding Two representations are used for timer values in the BMAC device. Where accuracy and resolution are important, the chip uses binary encoding. Where network manageability 5 See the FOOl Standard for the calculation of these values. The value of OMAX should be computed from the equations In the PHY Stendard. TVX and TMAX equations are given in the MAC Stendard. 4-62 the ring being non-operational, and other times the ring may be OSCillating between operational and non-operational states. The BMAC device is designed to support network management applications that correct or isolate these rare faults. Described below are several methods which facilitate fault isolation. would not be compromised, an exponential representation was used. Tables for converting exponential values are included in the BMAC device datasheet. This optimization saved circuitry which allowed other functions to be included in the BMAC device. When desired values cannot be represented exactly in the chip, the guidelines shown in Table IV can be used. 3.1 How to Perform Transmit Immediate Transmit Immediate is a BMAC device feature which allows the transmission of any frame without the ring becoming operational. In other words, no token needs to be received, the station just strips anything received and transmits its frame-thus: Transmit Immediate. The transmit immediate capability can be used to isolate many faults. One tool that is useful is to allow a network manager to segment the ring. USing this capability, faults can be localized by monitoring the symptom of the failure. For example, if the ring cannot become operational, an application can segment the ring by forCing a configuration change in a remote station(s). If the symptom goes away in the segment containing the network management station, the fault is probably in the isolated segment of the network, if it doesn't, the fault is probably in the remaining segment of the network. The same procedure can then be used with a different remote station until the fault domain is located. TABLE IV. BMAC Device Parameter Encoding Guidelines TREQ TMAX TVX THSH Loaded Time s: Desired Time Loaded Time :2: Desired Time Loaded Time :2: Desired Time Loaded Time Is the Closest to Desired Time 2.6 Changing Addresses The BMAC device has been designed to reduce the number of things that an implementor needs to worry about. The setting of the station addresses, unfortunately, is not one of those things. Addresses can be changed by the SMT processor through the control interface, and here lies potential danger. Dangers exist for both Group and Individual Addresses; but the more serious implications are in changing an Individual Address. If an Individual Address is changed while a frame is on the ring, or still enqueued, then a no owner frame can be created, since the address is changed one byte at a time (a no owner frame will eventually be stripped when it runs into a station which is transmitting). This can be avoided by waiting for the transmit queue to become empty, then disable the Individual Address with the BMAC Device Option Register, until the change is complete. If the implementation uses the optional external Claim or Beacon frames, the address must be changed in those frames also. In the case of timer parameter faults, the problem may be corrected directly by performing a transmit immediate of an SMT PMF Request Frame to the station with the invalid parameter. Applications using the transmit immediate capability must take into account three important items. Differing implementations of transmit immediate, transmission of MAC frames, and the effect of the Ring being Operational. The BMAC device has the capability to perform transmit immediate under all ring conditions; other implementations do not. Therefore, the application cannot expect a response from other stations. The fault isolation protocol must take into account that in a ring stuck at the Beacon Process, each repeating station will enter Claim every TMAX, destroying traffic being repeated at that time. As a result, the source or destination of the frame, or any station between may make the transition to Claim, causing an abort of the management frame. The probability of getting a frame to the destination is improved with a few techniques. Setting the Inhibit Recovery Required option (lRR bit in the BMAC device Option Register) will allow the station to transmit complete frames independent of the station's TRT expirations. Setting the IRPT option will stop MAC frames generated by other stations from aborting transmission. A short frame has a statistically smaller chance of being aborted by other stations; but retry of the frame may also be necessary. The BMAC device also includes an on-chip SMT group address recognition capability. The SMT committee has request addresses for use in SMT frame protocols. These reserved addresses are for the exclusive use of SMT processes. Changes to the base group addresses may result in frames being copied as the result of comparison against a partially changed address. If the group address capability is used for SMT addresses, individual addresses can be enabled and disabled without this problem. 2.7 Denial of Service Protection Some of the discussion on individual parameters indicated how the ring can become unusable with the improper setting of that parameter. Improper use of parameters or frames can result in disruption of service to the entire ring, or in some cases, to a single station. These conditions can be grouped together as denial of service problems. In general, it is prudent that an implementor only allow operational changes by trusted software. This includes the setting of parameters, as well as the ability to source MAC frames (e.g., Claims and Beacons) and SMT frames. This is simplified by features in the BMAC device like internal Claim and Beacon generation, transmission of Source Address from the Parameter RAM, and reset to default values of important parameters. 3.2 Implementing SMT Events The BMAC device and PLAYER device are deSigned to allow for reporting of significant network events. This includes timer expirations, received frame conditions, and counter increments and overflows. All 0.1 these conditions are implemented as maskable interrupts. Use of these interrupt conditions can eliminate any need for pOlling of status in the FOOl logic. SMT frames are transmitted as the result of some of these events. The ability for generation of interrupts on increment of a BMAC device statistical counter (e.g., Error Counter) allows for generation of event report frames directly from BMAC device interrupts. 3.0 USE OF THE BMAC DEVICE FOR FAULT ISOLATION In some failure cases, communication on an FOOl ring will be impossible because of a low probability failure within some station on the network. Sometimes, this may result in 4-63 =r-------------------------------------------------------------~ . ~ ~ 4.0 USE OF THE PLAYER DEVICE FOR CONNECTION MANAGEMENT The interface between the PLAYER device and the FOOl connection management (CMD protocol is designed so that time critical operations are performed by the PLAYER device. The most time critical operation to be performed by the CMT software is PC_React. PC_React is equal to 3 ms and is defined by the standard as the maximum time for the Physical Connection Management (PCM) state machine (implemented by a combination of hardware and software) to make a transition from the active state to the break state in response to the Quiet Line state (QLS), a fault condition, or a request to start the PCM protocol (PC_Start). LOAD TRT I I ROTATION TIME Important fault isolation features are provided in the Connection Management (CMD protocols specified in the SMT standard. The PLAYER 'device includes counter and interrupt logic to aid in implementing these protocols. The line state reporting of the PLAYER device includes individual reporting of each state transitioned, thus providing a history of all line states seen since the register was cleared. (Registers: Receive Condition A and B (RCRA, RCRB». This is important since the Physical Connection Management (PCM) is intended to run, even when the optical link has an extremely high error rate. The line state history thus provides greater flexibility to the software implementing these protocols. In addition, individual masking of line state interrupts can eliminate interrupts for line states that are ignored in a specified operational state. TUF/11084-1 FIGURE 2. Timed Token Protocol If the Token Rotation Time is equal to TNEG, then the network is at the maximum utilization. In a similar way, a T-pri value can be determined for loading into a THSH register by picking the desired load factor and determining the corresponding time value. Conversely, a time value can be picked to determine the maximum utilization at that T_pri. LOAD Another fault isolation capability supported directly by the PLAYER device is the noise timer, which detects jabber conditions (continuous transmission) and other faults that may occur in a system. This timer is referred to as the TNE timer in the standard. The PLAYER device has prescale and count registers which load countdown counters. Each Noise Line State, Active Line State or Line State Unknown symbol will decrement the noise counter. The noise counter is used by the Physical Connection Management (PCM) state machine to detect the length of the noise events. When the TNE timer threshold is exceeded, an interrupt can be generated by the PLAYER device which causes the PCM state machine to transition from the active to the break state. The PLAYER device also includes hardware that implements the Link Error detector function of SMT. The LETR and CLECR registers are also used for performing the Link Confidence Test during link establishment. 5.0 NETWORK MONITORING Maximum network throughput can be calculated as: n(TTRT - Ring Latency)/(n(TTRT) + Ring Latency) I I I Lprl I I I I L e9 I I ROTATION TIME TL/F/11084-2 FIGURE 3. Asynchronous Priorities The same basic equation (Eqn. 3) is used to monitor the throughput of the network. Either monitoring the throughput or setting timer parameters requires determination of the rhig latency. The BMAC device includes hardware that performs a latency measurement of the ring. The latency of a ring will vary slightly through expansion and contraction of the elasticity buffers and smoothers required in PHY components like the PLAYER device, and more significantly through stations entering and exiting the network. Therefore periodic measurement may be necessary for network monitoring. The latency measurement, obtained through the RLCT counter in the BMAC device, can be used in conjunction with the token counter (TKCT) to determine average load over time. Average load is then represented by the equation. (Time - (Token_Ct· Ring Latency»/Time (4) (1) Again Where n is the number of stations in the network. This basic equation can be used to determine the proper values for TREQ. This function determines the asymptote for network throughput. The actual utilization of the network can be calculated as: (3) (TRT - Ring Latency)/TRT For example: (5 sec - (5000 Tokens· 150 ,",s»/5 sec = 85% Utilization Where TRT is the actual token rotation time. This function produces the curve shown in Rgure 2. 4-64 r-------------------------------------------------------------------~~ REFERENCES Over a measurement period of 5 seconds, 5000 tokens were counted in TKCT and the ring latency counter read 150 '""S. Working the formula through results in an 85% load on the ring. The BMAC and PLAYER devices also include required and optional statistical counters that can be used to evaluate traffic in terms of frames. One of the important counters added is the Frame Not Copied (FNCT) count of the BMAC device. This counter is very useful for evaluation of overload on stations in a network, since it indicates inability of the station to keep up with frames sent to it. Network managers need this type of information for proper administration of server stations. The BMAC device transmit and receive frame counters (FTCT and FRCT) provide valuable traffic information with virtually no software overhead. The error counters in the BMAC and PLAYER devices are useful indications of error rate problems on communication links in the ring. All of these counters are designed to simplify the implementation of station software. 1. National Chip Specifications. 2. Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI)-Token Ring Media Access Control (MAC), ANSI XS.139-1987. 3. Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI)-Token Ring Physical Layer Protocol (pHy), ANSI XS.148-1988. Z ..:.. N C» 4. Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI)-Token Ring Physical Layer Medium Dependent (PM D), ANSI X3.166-1990. 5. Fiber Distrubuted Data Interface (FDDI)-Station Management (SMT), X3T9.5/84-49, Rev. 6.2. 6. R. Jain, Performance Analysis of FDDI Token Ring Networks: Effect of Parameters and Guidelines for Setting nRT, DEC-TR-655, September 1989. III 4-65 Interfacing the HPC46064 to the OP83200 FOOl Chip Set National Semiconductor Application Note 736 Simon Stanley TABLE OF CONTENTS 2.0 FDDIINTELLIGENT STATION ARCHITECTURE In FOOl, the Station Management (SMT) service is split into three main sections, SMT Frame Services, Ring Management (RMn and Connection Management (CMT). Within the National Semiconductor implementation of FOOl, any controller handling RMT and CMT services need only access the Control Bus directly, although a communications channel to the host is also required. An architecture using the HPC from National Semiconductor is shown in Figure 1. This can be implemented directly using the interface shown in Figure 2. Using this architecture, the SMT frame services are provided by the host. 1.0 INTRODUCTION 2.0 FDDIINTELLIGENT STATION ARCHITECTURE 3.0 DP83200 FDDI CHIPSET 4.0 HPC46064 HIGH PERFORMANCE MICROCONTROLLER (HPCTM) 5.0 CONTROL BUS INTERFACE 1.0 INTRODUCTION Fiber Oistributed Oata Interface (FOOl) is a high bandwidth (100 Mbits per second) local area network (LAN) which uses a dual redundant ring architecture. The network consists of a number of pOint to point links connected to form a . ring. The physical and electrical characteristics of the ring protocol are covered by the Physical Media Dependent (PM D), Physical (PHy) and Media Access Control (MAC) Standards as defined by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) X3T9.5 committee, and can be implemented using the OP83200 FOOl chipset from National Semiconductor. The on-line verification of these point to point links, and the formation of a ring is covered by the FOOl Station Management (SMn Standard. This application note covers the use of the HPC46064 High Performance Microcontroller from National Semiconductor to provide the local processing power required within a Fiber Distributed Oata Interface (FOOl) node for Station Management (SMn. The note covers the interface between the HPC and the FOOl chipset from National Semiconductor and a possible system architecture. The architecture shown is one of several that could be implemented with the HPC and the National FOOl chipset. This architecture connects the HPC multiplexed address/ data bus to the control bus of the FOOl devices, allowing the HPC to access these devices directly with single instructions. The 16 Kbyte ROM of the HPC46064 is used to minimize chip count, though this architecture allows external ROM or RAM to be used if additional functions are implemented. The HPC has sufficient performance to handle all of SMT, including frame based management, but this would require that the HPC have access to the frame buffer memory. This requires an arbitration scheme to resolve conflicts between the host and the HPC in accessing the buffer RAM. The arbitration scheme could be simply implemented using the HOLD and HLOA (Hold Acknowledge) pins of the HPC. An advantage of putting all of SMT on the board is that the SMT function need not be resident in the host memory. The removal of TSRs or daemons from host memory leaves more room for applications. An alternative architecture would run the HPC in single chip mode, reducing the chip count and allowing the Universal Peripheral Interface (UPI) port to be used as the host interface. This would require software drivers to simulate the FOOl control bus signals using the 1/0 ports of the HPC. 4-66 INTERRUPT TO HOST INTERRUPT FROM HOST HOST SYSTEM BUS Station Management (SMT) Task Allocation SMT Frame Services HOST Ring Management (RMT) HPC Connection Management (CMT) HPC To Fiber Optic Transceiver TUF/lll03-1 FIGURE 1. FDDI Station Architecture Using HPC for Partial Station Management • 4-67 AN·736 ;. . Vee vee Q" _ =" - I r ~~"L po~ ,,~ ~Tl- + ~ ~ 01 >02 II 1 I L- NC -¥- 10 ......-,6'-11I "",- .... • "..------ S 13 -'_" 17 ' (_ 13 DO I;-11-" , , " L-- -,,-" B4 67 .r,r-,. 1M... L!L ",,BID '-ll ~ '" ... _ ., -"- ., "- ..a~" ."'~" """,--, J tH' i:: · .. " f_ r_ '_ :jt 04 1t 06 ,," B14 -"., ~~~"" ~~ ,,>L ~ ~ '~":ii: !Ii.m~-, H!!'~ ~ _ _ '" -<- I '1i.m :;;: m 00 OST INO , .m ,. HOST INI HOST IN" @ST IN. ",mI. "", .., _ ....,_ CK2 f T~ ~:01 _ ; OJ ~" ~IS -t-f16 ." " ' "' . ,.... r_ i25 !;--,F r_ "iF,_..- 101." ~ ":: ~..• ""' :.... ~ .. " I 101.. "-l1 , ' ,.:g 1013 I l 11 I l - ,- CBA' 4~r-~ t::~_ 0- B7 r_ ,- 'Lc.!E- - I .!!L D1 ~" ----..14 .. 04 L- 17 -'-' D. Itfl " •OC I"I!V I. ""'"-( ACK BSI 9. i .rrCBAI ,r .r =CBA3 - f._ m 101 ;-- - ,_ .- - ,- 'I_!......., ". 7 • C'P I I hi c --;;J, C'DO C'D2 C'03 6 -h .. .. '• I • j;;;;;; I " ' ,,' A7 • 701 CBDO CBDI 106 CSD3 m 10. m -CBD6 110 CBP I - cr -,,- 2 102 I oJ -'--' ._1 I DO III ".. t m.-~.~ TLl ~, ~ .. · ~ ~ L---..-. . ~~~~ I~ ~ ~LAY£R 1 Vee •• " ,-, ---' 1- C'A3 !!fW L ~ C'AI ~ • .. • ~ ~ol!J I ~. ~m~ ~I lli~7 cP u. 1--1~ ~:~! ~ . ."-~ .. I .. '" m~I~~ ~~ :...- •• fl!- = r I.!!.. ID-PS-3-26-'-- ~~ ~" • I ~ 123 "' I .. " r- " , - " AID 37 2 ~ , . INT ' titr< I- W. 11 .. " " .... AI3 I 3 ". 06 _ -_ -1..A rc _.: - .Iit::: .. " ... ilii~~~f======"""'~~~~~~~~~~L.!!W ...,!!!!.STOU' _ OU7 =-t Q!S m - . ~'M II - ~ ~~ ~" ~ ..A12~ HOSTOU2 \.. HOST OU4).... 1 ru;-1- ."'- m 1'-1-~ _ ~ i.L BI.L B2 .:!:" -'!- " £ BO _ - P31-lL ,-,< r Trlr~===~===; I "--1,11 I-~I ::: r·~' 'i"~--, l ! ., 124 jj -ACK -..- r.- -m- 0:IJt. ~ c--msk-----r. ~t' ---~ ••,~f.-'.:~ ,-o/tt. ",,0 12 --'l 74ALS373 - ' C'A2 ~ ,~- ' 130 C'DO CBD3 CBD4 CBDS ~ ~:~~ ~ _ _-,.!2......u CBP TUF/lll03-2 FIGURE 2. HPC to FOOl Chipset Interface 3.0 DP83200 FDDI CHIPSET The DPB3200 FDDI chipset from National Semiconductor implements the PHY and MAC Standards as defined by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) X3T9.5 com· mittee. The chipset includes the following devices. The HPC46064 features include 16 bit internal architecture, 16- or B-bit external data bus, 16 bit address and up to 52 general purpose I/O lines. The HPC46064 also includes a full duplex UART, four 16-bit timers, 16 Kby1es of ROM and 512 by1es of RAM. The HPC46064 is used in this design because its 16 Kbytes of on-Chip ROM remove the need for an external EPROM. For prototyping or small production runs the pin compatible HPC467064 may be used, which has 16 Kbytes of on-Chip EPROM. Devices in the HPC family can directly address 64 Kbytes of external memory. This address range can be expanded to over 500 Kbytes without additional devices by using I/O pins to implement a simple bank switching technique. This additional addressing range may be needed if the HPC implements the whole SMT function. The HPC development tools support this bank switching technique, allowing this low-cost microcontroller to handle the whole SMT function while minimizing the software development effort. The performance of the system will not be affected by using this bank switching approach because many of the SMT functions are never performed simultaneously. The HPC could, for example, run the Physical Connection Management (PCM) from one memory bank, then switch to the bank containing the frame-based management functions at its leisure. DP83231 Clock Recovery Device (CRDTM DEVICE) The Clock Recovery Device extracts a 125 MHz clock from the incoming data of the upstream station. Its features in· clude on-chip loop back control, on-chip PLL, ability to lock to a Master Line State in less than 100 p's, and a Single +5V supply. DP83241 Clock Distribution Device (CDDTM DEVICE) From a 12.5 MHz reference. the CDD generates the 125 MHz, 25 MHz and 12.5 MHz clocks required by the PLAYERTM and BMACTM devices. DP83251/DP83255 Physical Layer Controller (PLAYERTM DEVICE) The PLAYER device converts the BMAC 12.5 Mby1e/s stream into a 125 Mbaud 4B/5B encoded bit stream as specified in the FDDI PHY Standard. It synchronizes the received bit stream to the local 12.5 MHz clock and decodes the 4B/5B data into internal code. The DPB3255 PLAYER device also contains a configuration switch for use in dual attachment stations and concentrators. DP83261 Basic Media Access Controller (BMACTM DEVICE) The BMAC implements the functions defined by ANSI X3T9.5 FDDI Media Access Control Standard. The BMAC consists of the transmit and receive state machines, an address magnitude compare unit, a CRC checker, a CRC generator, protocol timers and diagnostic counters. 5.0 CONTROL BUS INTERFACE The FDDI chipset from National Semiconductor provides the PHY and MAC services as detailed in the FDDI Standard. The chipset does not provide the Station Management (SMT) services, but does provide access to all the necessary data through a large array of B-bit registers located onboard the PLAYER, BMAC, and BSI devices. The interface to these registers is via the Control Bus defined in the data sheet for the BMAC Device (Media Access Controller). The interface consists of an B-bit address bus, B-bit data bus and several control lines. The control lines consist of a read/write Signal, a chip enable signal and an acknowledge signal. There is also an interrupt signal and a parity bit, which for this application, has been disabled. The interrupt signal and the acknowledge Signal are open drain signals and can be wire-ORed. DP83265 BMAC System Interface (BSITM DEVICE) The BSI device provides a multiframe, multiple channel interface between the BMAC device and a host system. The BSI device interfaces directly to the system bus or through low-cost DRAMs. The efficient data structures employed provide high throughput with minimal host intervention. For more information on these and other devices in the chipset please consult the appropriate data sheets and application notes. A transfer cycle on the bus is started when the processor drives the Chip Enable (CE) signal low. Within 20 ns, the data (write cycle only), address and read/write signals must all be valid. The device being accessed will respond by driving the Acknowledge (ACK) Signal low when data is valid (read cycle) or when the data has been clocked in (write cycle). The processor can now end the transfer by driving CE high and the device will complete the cycle by driving ACK TRI-STATE®. 4.0 HPC46064 High Performance Microcontroller (HPC DEVICE) The HPC46064 is a member of the HPC family of High Performance Microcontrollers. Each member of the family has the same core CPU with a unique memory and I/O configuration to suit specific applications. The HPC46064 has 16 Kby1es of on-chip ROM and is fabricated in National's microCMOS technology. This process combined with the advanced architecture provides fast, flexible I/O, efficient data manipulation, and high speed computation. 4-69 U) ~ z• c( r---------------------------------------------------------------------------------, No pOlling of the Control Bus is required as the interrupt signals for each device are brought into the HPC separately. A simple host interface is provided consisting of two interrupt signals and two eight bit ports, one for read and one for write. Device U1 is a GAL16V8 (a programmable logic device) and performs all of the logic functions required to generate the control signals used by this system. The programming of this device using the ABEL language is straightforward, as shown by Figure 5. The HPC provides a multiplexed 16 bit bus for interfacing to external memory. As only 8 bits are required for the Control Bus, the interface can be achieved with minimal components (see Figure 2). The multiplexed address is latched by the flow-through latch, US. The data bus is buffered by the bi-directional buffer, U2, which is enabled whenever either read or write signals is asserted by the HPC. The direction is controlled by the Write (WR) signal. Two chip enables are provided (PCE and BCE) by decoding the read, write and upper address bits. The chip enables are delayed until the next Clock (CK2) falling edge so that during a write cycle, the data is available within 20 ns of the chip enable. The Ready (ROY) signal forces the HPC to insert wait states until an ji£j( is received from the Control Bus. (See Figures 3 and 4 for interface waveforms.) TA CKI CK2 ALE AD-IS iW WR ~~~~;(~:::==========C=ON=TR=O=L=BU=S=A=OO=R=ES=S~VA=l1=D==~~~~~~~~~~~}-~ CONTROL BUS DATA VALID }-- CBA(0-7) CBD (0 -7) : ~ \~--------~--------------------------~I FIGURE 3. Control Bus Interface READ Cycle 4-70 TLlF/lll03-3 TA TW CK1 CK2 ALE AO-15 iW ViR iffiY CE ACK CBA(0-7) CONTROL BUS ADDRESS VALID CBD(0-7) CONTROL BUS DATA VALID BOE \ / TLlF/11103-4 FIGURE 4. Control Bus Interface WRITE Cycle Title 'HPC to C Bus Interface Simon Stanley National Semiconductor 12 Dec. 1990 UOl device 'GAL16V8'; CK2,WR,RD,ACK pin 2,3,4,8; A15,A14,A13 pin 5,6,7; RDY,NCK2,PCE,BCE, BSICE, BOE pin 18,19,16,17,14,15; Address = [A15,A14,A13,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,xl; equations !PCE := (!RD# !WR) II: (Address >= h8000) II: (Address <= h9FFF) ; !BCE := (!RD# !WR) II: (Address >= hAOOO) II: (Address <= hBFFF) ; RDY = (WR II: RD)# !ACK; !BOE = !WR# !RD; NCK2 = !CK2; FIGURE 5. ABEL Source File for HPC FDDllnterface PAL 4-71 BMACTM Device Software Design Guide National Semiconductor Application Note 678 David Brief Table of Contents 1.0 INTRODUCTION This application note describes how to initialize the BMAC device and what to do while it is inserted in a ring. The software support to implement the Media Access Control (MAC) level protocol and the necessary services to a Sta· tion Management (SMn entity in an FDDI node are de· scribed. The necessary data service support for transmitting and copying frames is not covered in this application note. The MAC protocol and all of the services required by SMT (except the SMT data services) are supported through the BMAC device's Control Interface. The processor running this software must have access to the Control Bus and have the ability to respond to interrupts. 1.0 INTRODUCTION 2.0 CONTROL SERVICES 3.0 INITIALIZATION PROCEDURE 3.1 Put the BMAC Device in Stop Mode 3.2 Load the MAC Parameter RAM 3.3 Clear the MAC Event Counters 3.4 Clear the Event and Mask Registers-Optional 3.5 Modify the Timer Thresholds-Optional 3.6 Set the Option Register 2.0 CONTROL SERVICES The Control Services provided by the BMAC device are accessed through the Control Interface. A more detailed de· scription of the facilities and services provided by the BMAC device is given in the BMAC device datasheet. 3.7 Set the Mode Register 3.B Loopback Testing-Optional 4.0 DURING OPERATION The BMAC Control Bus address space is divided into 4 ad· dress ranges: The Operation registers control the current mode of opera· tion of the BMAC device (Run/Stop, Internal Loopback) in· cluding the options that are being used (Short/Long Addressing, MAC state machine options). In addition several functions may be initiated (Master Reset, MAC Reset, Claim, Beacon). The Event registers record the occurrence of events which may cause interrupts (each event bit has a corresponding mask bit). These include Ring, Token and Counter Incre· ment/Overflow Events. 4.1 Control Interface Event Registers 4.2 Event Control 4.3 Servicing Interrupts 4.4 Event Counters 5.0 EXAMPLE PROCEDURES 5.1 Getting the Ring Operational 5.2 Receiving and Copying a Frame 5.3 Initiating Claim 6.0 DIAGNOSTIC SCENARIOS The MAC Parameter RAM contains all of the MAC related parameters such as this station's long and short addresses. The MAC Counter/Timer Thresholds contain the event counters (Frame, Error, Lost, Copied, Not Copied, Transmit· ted, Token) in addition to the programmed thresholds for the various MAC timers such as TMAX and TVX. 6.1 For (At Least) One Station 6.2 For Two or More Stations 6.3 Path Tests The various ranges may be accessed for reading and/or writing either always or only in stop mode as shown below. Address Range Description 00-07 OB-2F 40-7F SO-BF Operation Registers Event Registers MAC Parameter RAM MAC Counters/Thresholds ReadCond always2 always2 stopl,3 always WriteCond always2 always (Cond)2 stop1,3 stop1 Nota 1: An attempt to access a currently inaccessible location because of the current mode or because it is a reserved address space will cause a command error (ESR.CCE set to One). Nota 2: Read and write accesses to reserved locations within the Operation, Event Address ranges cause a command error (ESR.CCE set to One). Note 3: The MAC Parameter RAM is also accessible when: a) the MAC Transmitter Is In states TO, Tt or T3; b) Option.ITC and Optlon.lRR are set c) Function.ClM and Function.BCN are not set otherwise accesses will cause a command error (ESR.CCE set to One). Nota 4: Reserved bits In registers are always read as 0 and are not writable. 4-72 Determining TREQ TREQ is this MAC's requested value for the token rotation time, I.e., in the worst case, this station wants to "see" a token at least once every 2"TREQ. For example if a station wanted to be guaranteed to capture a token every 2 ms it would set TREQ to 1 ms. 1 ms is 12,500 ticks of the 80 ns clock or 3004 hex. Subtracting this from 1-0000-0000 yields. FF-FF-CF-2B for TREQ since TRT is an unsigned twos complement up counter. Since the least significant byte of TREQ is transmitted as 0, the value should be rounded up in order to guarantee that this station will see the token as often as it needs to. In this case TREQ would be written to FF FF 00 00. 3.0 INITIALIZATION Before being inserted into a ring, the BMAC device must be initialized. To initialize the BMAC device the following steps should be followed. Each action is explained further below. Put the BMAC device in Stop Mode Load the MAC Parameter RAM Individual Addresses (MLA, MSA) Group Addresses (GLA, GSA, MAP, SGM) Requested Token Rotation Time-TREQ Beacon Information-TBT Clear the MAC Event Counters Clear the Event and Mask Registers-Optional Modify the Timer Thresholds-Optional TVX TMAX Asynchronous Priority Set the Option Register Set the Mode Register Loopback Testing-Optional Beacon Informatlon-TBT TBT(31 :0) should be loaded with 00 00 00 00. This is only modified in the case of specialized Beacon Frames. Additional Beacon frames are being defined by the FOOl standards committee. The BMAC device has two limitations on the Beacon Frames it can transmit. Firstly, only frames with a Null OA with four bytes of information are transmitted by the BMAC device. This precludes the use of the internally generated Beacon Frames for the directed Beacon because it can not be sent to the SMT multicast address. Secondly the size restrictions on Beacon Frames also preclude their use for conveying useful information. The Beacon Frame is the penultimate immediate transmission. (Blocking the MAC Indication Input with Option.IRPT will allow transmission of Beacon Frames in the presence of an upstream Beaconer.) 3.1 Put the BMAC Device in Stop Mode The Mode Register is programmed first to place the BMAC device into STOP mode so that all registers can be accessed. The Parity for the different interfaces is enabled here as is the ability to be in MAC Loopback. At Initialization it doesn't matter if the part is configured in loopback, but since loopback testing will probably be done after initialization it could be set now as well. In a system without parity checking on the Control Bus or the MAC Interface the Mode register would be set to 44h. This enables the parity checking on the PHY interface which is actually part of the Ring. (Parity is always generated by the BMAC device to the PLAYERTM device.) 3.3 Clear the MAC Event Counters The counters are 20-blt counters, but SMT requires 32-blt counters. This implies that the upper 12 bits are maintained by software. In order to use the low order bits directly without having to calculate how much they have changed since the last time they were read, the counters should be cleared at initialization. 3.2 Load the MAC Parameter RAM Load RAM with values as indicated in the following passages. Individual Addresses (MLA, MSA) MLA-the 48-bit address MSA-the 16-bit address-Optional 3.4 Clear the Event and Mask Reglster&-Optlonal Group Addresses (GLA, GSA, MAP, SGM) The same MAP is used for the short and long group addresses. To disable Group Addressing, GLA and/or GSA must be set to all ONE's. Long Addresses-GLA plus MAP (Optional) Short Addresses-GSA plus MAP (Optional) Fixed Group Address-FGM(15:1) This is located at FF (FF FF FF FF) Ox where the last nibble is fanned out using the Fixed Group Map (SGM). The Broadcast Address-FGM(O) must be set to One in order to participate properly in the Next Station Addressing protocols that rely on the Broadcast Address. The Event and Mask registers are actually cleared on a Master Reset. If you did not do a Master Reset before the initialization sequence it is good practice to clear these registers. 3.5 Modify the Timer Threshold&-Optlonal At Master Reset the timer thresholds are set to the defaults recommended by the standard. In most applications there is little incentive to modify the defaults. TVX In most applications, the valid transmission timer, TVX, would remain at its default value. The value of TVX determines in how long a valid transmission should be seen. If a valid frame is not seen in this period of time the Claim process is started. This is one of the recovery required conditions. Requested Token Rotation Time-TREQ This should be loaded with FFOOOOOO unless this station is using/managing Synchronous Bandwidth. When this station is using Synchronous Bandwidth and needs a faster average response time for its Synchronous Bandwidth, the value of TREQ is used in the Claim process to negotiate the target timer rotation time. If this station wins the Claim process, every station will use this station's value of TREQ as TNEG. II 4-73 co ~ Z Z I CJ) ...... co Example Interrupt Service Routine 1. Disable Interrupts 2. Determine which event is triggering the interrupt 3. Determine which condition(s) exist that need(s) attention After a conditional write register is read, if another conditional write register is read before a condition is cleared, the compare register will no longer have the appropriate value in it. In such cases the compare register should be written with the previously read value of the register. a. Read ICR b. Read appropriate Condition Register 4. Process event a. Complete Processing for the event or The compare register may also be useful for software compare/update sequences and for diagnostic purposes. b. Queue a process to handle the event 5. Clear or Mask the condition a. To Clear: i. Will only clear conditions that have not changed since last read ii. Make sure that last value read is in the Compare Register b. To Mask: i. Clear the appropriate Mask Bit ii. Before the Mask Bit is set to reenable interrupts, the condition must be cleared as shown above. 6. Reenable interrupts Additional Notes 1. Nesting of Interrupts: Nesting of interrupts may be of use in driver level software. For example if an error condition occurs while "processing" a frame it may be prudent to stop processing the frame and handle the error condition. Alternatively, once processing of frames begins, it may not be necessary to reenable frame related interrupts until all copied frames have been processed. This is especially true with token ring protocols where bursts of frames between stations is common (or at least should be common to optimize performance of the media and the software. Software performance would be increased because the software performance can be related closely to the number of interrupts that need to be processed). 2. Conditional Writes: In the period between the Read of a condition latch register, and the corresponding Write to reset the condition, additional events could occur. To prevent the overwriting and consequent missing of events, an interlock mechanism is used. Whenever a condition latch register (RELRO, RELR1, TELR, GILR, COLR, or ESLR) is Read, its contents are stored in the Compare Register. Each bit of the Compare Register is compared with the current contents of the register that is to be written. For any bit that has not changed, the new value of the bit is written into the register. For any bit that has changed the writing of the bit is inhibited. This prevents the software from overwriting bits which have changed since the last read and losing interrupt events. The fact that an attempt was made to modify a changed bit in the register is latched in the Conditional Write Inhibit bit of the Exceptional Status Register (ESR.CWI). This bit is written unconditionally after each write to a conditional write register. This is different than in the PLAYER device. The Compare Register may also be written unconditionally by software. There is a single compare register for all of the conditional write registers in the BMAC device. This is different than in the PLAYER device where each conditional write register has its own compare register. 4.4 Event Counters The event counters are 20-bit counters, but the SMT MIB and SMT frames requires 32-bit counters. This implies that the upper 12 bits are maintained by software. The counters may be read either periodically or upon an event. The fact that individual counters incremented or overflowed is reported as an event in the GILR or GOLR event registers respectively. In order to use the low order bits directly without having to calculate how much they have changed since the last time they were read, the counters should be cleared at initialization. Some uses of the counter may require that a consistent value be obtained across two counters. Since the event that a counter incremented is stored, software can tell if a consistent reading was obtained. When reading individual counters, the upper 12 bits of the counter are latched when the low order 8 bits are read. This allows consistent readings of a single counter and implies that the low order byte must be read first. At least one of the event counters is incremented for every Starting Delimiter (JK) received. After a Starting Delimiter (JK) is detected: If Token Ending Delimiter-Increment Token Count (or) If Format Error-Increment Lost Count (or] If Frame Ending Delimiter-Increment Frame Count If Er = Rand FCS error detected-Increment Error Isolated Count Else If AFLAG and VCOPY-Increment Frame Copied Count Else If AFLAG and not VCOPY-Increment Frame Not Copied Count 5_0 EXAMPLE PROCEDURES 5_1 Getting the Ring Operational To get the ring operational requires setting the Run bit in the Mode Register to a ONE. Once TVX expires, the Claim process will be entered, and if a single token path exists, the Claim process will quickly complete, a token will be issued and the ring will become operational. This occurs even when in internal loopback. e.g.: - Set Mode.Run = 1. - 4-76 TVX will soon expire causing entrance to Claim. Claim will resolve and a token will be issued. The reception of a valid token causes the ring to become operational. Once the ring is operational the station should check to make sure that TNEG > T min to ensure that it can operate on the ring as an equal station (if this is not true it may be denied service for excessively long periods of time). .---------------------------------------------------------------~~ 5.2 Receiving and Copying a Frame All frames are received by the BMAC device, but only frames addressed to this station are copied. Every frame received by this station causes the frame received counter to be incremented. In addition for frames addressed to this staion (when the A flag is set) either the frame copied (FRCOP) or frame not copied (FRNCOP) bit is set and the appropriate counter is incremented. e.g.: - CILR.FRCOP is set indicating that a frame was copied by external_logic - Can be used to wake up driver software - Software that receives this interrupt should • Process the Frame Status • Process some of the frame • Pass remainder of frame to another process to be processed 5.3 Initiating Claim - Enter stop mode (this breaks the ring) Load a new value of TREO into the parameter RAM. Load TNEG with TMAX. - Clear the events related to claim in RELRO and RELR1 Enter run mode. Initiate the claim process by writing the Function Register with 14. Wait until Function Register is zero. - Check that TNEG :<: TREO when claim completes. See if this station won claim: 6.1 For (At Least) One Station z a, ..... 00 Control Interface Checkout Internal Frame Generation Tests State Machine Sequencing Tests External Frame Transmissions Test of Token Timers Test of Transmission Options Full Duplex Operation 6.2 For Two or More Stations Beacon Scenarios Claim Scenarios (Need Three To Do Complete Testing) Duplicate Token Conditions Duplicate Address Conditions Abnormal Frame Termination (Format Errors. FCS Errors. etc.) 6.3 Path Tests - - 6.0 DIAGNOSTIC SCENARIOS A path test is performed to determine that everything is working in that path. By doing successive path tests on parts of the same path, the Fault Domain can more accurately be determined (i.e., which chip/connector is broken). The fact that the chip set is full duplex greatly aids the path tests. This allows identical tests to be run at all levels. Paths that can be tested in a node: Through the BMAC Device Through All of the Station Paths Through the CRD device for SAS and through Each CRD device for DAS and Concentrators Through Every Station on the (Logical) Ring • See if RELR1.MYCLM is set • If set see that TNEG = TREO. II 4-77 BMACTM Device Hardware Design Guide National Semiconductor Application Note 689 David Brief Introduction ring of stations. CLAIM, BEACON and Void frames are generated by the Ring Engine when appropriate. The Ring Engine transmits, strips or repeats Protocol Data Units (PDUs~ i.e., Tokens and Frames) and handles the token management functions required by the timed token protocol in accordance with the FDDI MAC standard. On output (to the ring), interface logic prepares one or more frames for transmission and requests a service opportunity. Based on the requested service class and requested token type, the Ring Engine waits for a token meeting the requested criteria. When a token is captured, the Ring Engine signals the interface and soon thereafter transmission begins. After traversing the ring, frames are stripped based on the Source Address. Frames with a Source Address matching one of the station individual addresses are stripped by the Ring Engine. Status is available at the MAC interface for every transmitted frame. On input, the Ring Engine sequences through the incoming byte stream, comparing against the station short or long addresses. The results of these comparisons are made available at the MAC Interface. Interface logic then decides how to handle the frame. In the normal case, a frame with a Destination Address matching one of the station addresses is copied and passed to the system. The BMAC device provides the basic facilities required to implement the Media Access Control functions required by the ANSI X3T9.5 FDDI MAC standard. This document describes how to use the BMAC device to implement the MAC level functionality required by stations in an FDDI network. A short overview of the BMAC device is given followed by a discussion of design considerations and tradeoffs for using the BMAC device. Familiarity with the ANSI standard and BMAC Device Datasheet is recommended before using this document. The state machines and timing shown in this document provide illustrative examples only. Should there be a descrepancy, the BMAC Device Datasheet is the overriding authority. Table of Contents 1.0 OVERVIEW 2.0 CONTROL INTERFACE 3.0 PHY INTERFACE 4.0 MAC INTERFACE 5.0 BRIDGING/EXTERNAL MATCHING SUPPORT 1.0 Overview The BMAC device interfaces to one or more PLAYERTM components, a Control Bus and to external logic that tunes the MAC interface to the requirements of the system. The BMAC device is comprised of the Ring Engine, the PHY Interface, the Control Interface and the MAC Interface as shown in Figure 1. The BMAC device utilizes a full duplex, byte wide (symbol pair) architecture. There are two bytes of delay in the transmit path, and three bytes of delay in the receive and repeat paths. Two bytes of delay are present in the loopback path. 1.1 RING ENGINE The Ring Engine implements the FDDI MAC protocol for transmitting, receiving, repeating and stripping frames in a 1.2 CONTROL INTERFACE The Control Interface implements the interface to the Control Bus by which to initialize, monitor and diagnose the operation of the BMAC device. The Control Interface of the BMAC device is identical to the control interface of the PLAYER device. Typically, all of the BMAC and PLAYER devices within a station will all be addressable on a shared Control Bus. 1.3 PHY INTERFACE The PHY Interface provides a byte stream to the PLAYER device (PHY Request) and receives a byte stream from the PLAYER device (PHY Indication). The Configuration Switch in the PLAYER device allows the BMAC device to be switched into the Primary and Secondary rings as desired. MAC Indication PHY Indication PHY Request FIGURE 1. BMAC Device Block Diagram 4-78 TL/F/10825-15 1.4 MAC INTERFACE The MAC Interface provides the interface to external buffering and control logic. A byte stream is provided to interface logic with appropriate control signals (MAC Indication), and a byte stream is provided to the BMAC device with appropriate handshake control signals (MAC Request). ported in an Event Register). This means that all Control Interface accesses complete in a deterministic amount of time. This can be useful in the design of certain interfaces to simplify synchronization circuitry. The Exceptional Status Register must be checked to insure that the operation terminated normally. The registers accessible through the Control Interface maintain the Operation, Event, Status and MAC Parameters. The Operation Registers are used to control the operation of the BMAC device. The Operation Registers include the Mode, Option and Function Registers. The Mode Register determines the current operational mode (run/stop, loopback, etc.). The Option Register determines how the BMAC device will work while in run mode. The Function Register initiates functions and provides polled status on their completion. These include a Software Master Reset, a MAC reset and the CLAIM and BEACON requests. The Event Registers are used to report the occurrence of events. The Event Registers are used to generate interrupts when selected conditions occur (under program control). The Status Registers are used to access either current status or long term status from event counters. It is the job of the external interface logic to transform the byte streams to and from the BMAC device to implement the data services required by the system interface. 2.0 Control Interface The Control Interface provides an a-bit asynchronous interface to the Control Bus. Through the Control Interface, access is provided to all internal registers. These registers control the operation of the BMAC device as described below. The interface to the Control Bus is identical to that of the PLAYER device. The Control Interface provides the synchronization between the asynchronous Control Bus and the synchronous operation of the Ring Engine. The Ring Engine is a synchronous device running exclusively on the 12.5 MHz Local Byte Clock and the in phase 25 MHz Local Symbol Clock. FDDI components within a station will typically share the same Control Bus. The processor on this bus may be a dedicated microcontroller that is running time critical portions of SMT (i.e., CMT), or it may be a more general purpose microprocessor which gets called on to handle interrupts. The Parameter Registers are used to set up parameters used by the Ring Engine such as the station's address and the group address maps. 3.0 PHY Interface The PHY Interface provides the data paths to connect the BMAC device to one or more PHY Layer devices. The interface is synchronous; with every rising edge of the Local Byte Clock ten bits are transferred in each direction-from the BMAC device to the PLAYER device on the PHY Request Interface and from the PLAYER device to the BMAC device on the PHY Indicate Interface. The elasticity buffer of the PLAYER device removes the asynchronous element from the data stream and allows the BMAC device to work as a synchronous device with synchronous interfaces. One BMAC device may drive one or more PLAYER devices while only one PLAYER device should be driving the BMAC device at any given time. TRI-STATE® control and pullups are provided within the PLAYER device to allow several PLAYER devices to share one PHY Indicate Bus. This is very important in most Dual Attach and many Concentrator configurations. The Control Interface is separated completely from the MAC Interface in order to allow the data paths to run at full speed and not be shared with the slower control transfers. Access to registers may occur simultaneously with the data transfer. All communication that is not synchronized with the (high speed) data services uses the Control Interface. For example, error conditions are reported through the Control Interface, while frame reception status is reported at the MAC interface synchronized with the data stream. Likewise, options for frame transmission that can change with every frame are submitted to the interface with every frame. All events are latched in condition latch registers, and may generate interrupts. Only enabled events may generate interrupts. Events are reported through a two level logical hierarchy. Events are grouped into classes according to their probable usage. Each event of a class may be enabled individually in the mask registers and event classes are enabled via mask registers at the Interrupt Register. Conditions are used to signify that an event or series of events has occurred. The Interrupt signal becomes active to notify the managing entity that a condition or set of conditions exist. All of the events suggested by the MAC standard are reported by the BMAC device. In addition, the BMAC device provides events on each counter increment and overflow. The Control Interface also manages access to shared registers. Certain Status and Parameter Registers are not accessible while in Run mode because the Ring Engine may be accessing those locations. All Control Interface accesses are checked against the current operational mode to determine if the register is currently accessible. If not currently accessible, the Control Interface access is rejected (and re- FDDI uses a 4B/5B symbol encoding scheme that is normally byte aligned. The PLAYER device aligns starting delimiters of all PDUs to the byte boundary. This allows the BMAC device to detect the JK starting delimiter as a single code point and greatly simplifies the alignment issues. The BMAC device aligns delimiters of all transmitted or repeated PDUs to the byte boundary. The 10 bits transferred with each clock consist of B bits of data and one bit of control to say if the data represents a data code pOint or a control code pOint. Mixed data/control symbol pairs are encoded to a set of control code pOints with the data being given as zero regardless of the actual data symbol value. Odd parity is also provided with every byte. Through parity is important in this path because every station's data goes through this path. Parity errors detected in the MAC are treated as all other code violations (format errors). 4-79 4.0 MAC Interface INFORCVD when the fourth byte of the Info Field is on MID until the next JK 4.1 OVERVIEW Not all of the Signals would be used by a typical implementation. The sequencing signals are reset on a Master Reset. The BMAC device is partitioned at the MAC Interfaces to allow a full spectrum of system interface organizations. We discovered early on that it would be difficult, if not impossible to develop an interface that met cost and performance goals for all potential uses of FDDI. However, in crafting the MAC Interface, we did not just guess what a good interface would include. We modeled a complete System Interface Architecture including a real time multi-tasking operating system at the register transfer level on top of the MAC under the assumption that all lower performance interfaces would be some subset of a very high performance interface architecture. One of these Termination Event Signals is asserted at the end of every PDU as described below: EDRCVD when the Ending Delimiter of a frame is on MID until the end of the Frame Status (typically asserted for two byte times) TKRCVD when the Ending Delimiter of a token is on MID for one byte time FRSTRP when the first Idle byte of a stripped frame is on MID FOERROR when the byte with the format error is on MID The MAC Interface provides independent Indication (receive) and Request (transmit) Interfaces. Separate signals for control and data are presented at the interface to allow overlapping/pipelining of data and control (status/ command) processing. A byte stream is transferred in each direction. On input, the MAC Indication Data byte stream (MID(7:0» is handled by interface logic using the provided sequencing and status signals. On output, the MAC Request Data byte stream (MRD(7:0» is generated by interface logic and passed through the BMAC device to the ring on a service opportunity. MACRST The Flags provide the input for potential copy criteria and status breakpoints as follows: The interface is synchronous using the 12.5 MHz Local Byte Clock (LBC). All Outputs change and all Inpuls are latched on the riSing edge of LBC. AFLAG Internal DA Match (Short/Long: FCSL); Individual/Group: DIAG): Valid with DARCVD. MFLAG INTERNAL SA Match (Short/Long: FCSL); Valid with SARCVD SAMESA SA Same as in previous frame: Valid with SARCVD on non-MAC frames. SAMEINFO First four bytes of Info same as in previous frame; Valid with INFORCVD on MAC frames. VDL Valid Data Length; Criteria-more than the minimum number of bytes and an integral number of symbol pairs: Valid with EDRCVD. VFCS Valid FCS: Criteria-received FCS matches with standard CRC polynomial: Valid with EDRCVD. The remainder of this section describes the structure of the MAC Interface. 4.2 MAC INDICATION INTERFACE Overview Every byte of all incoming frames is presented at the MAC Indication interface. The MID byte stream is effectively a three byte time delayed version of the PID byte stream. Sequencing signals and addressing flags are provided to help make the decision of whether or not to (continue to) copy the frame. Nate: The Flags are only valid when the corresponding sequencing Signal is also set. For setting the outgoing control indicators, the interface accepts the following: The Sequencing Signals are asserted at different paints within the frame. They are asserted under the following conditions: when the Frame Control Field is on MID DARCVD when the last byte of the DA is on MID until the next JK SARCVD when the last byte of the SA is on MID until the next JK EA For external address matches for the setting of the A Indicator (Bridging Group addressing, Aliasing) VCOpy For the setting of the C Indicator When AFLAG or EA is set and the EMIND bit of the Option Register is set, the frame copied counter or the frame not copied counter will be incremented depending on the value of VCOPY for all repeated frames. RCSTART when the Starting Delimiter is present on MID FCRCVD when a MACRST occurs or BMAC device is in Stop Mode Ten MAC Indication Timing Examples are shown in Figures 2-11. 4-80 LBC MID IDLE RCSTART FCRCVD FCSL DAIG IDLE IDLE IDLE :JK ,'FC pAO OAI SAO (AI INFOO INF'01 INF'02 I~F'03 :::::::i::: 'ED rs 10LE ------~Il IDLE :::::: IDLE :JK FC ~ --------~~r-1 r-l ~'_~ NEW ~ALUE I NEW VALUE ------ --, , ----, DARCVD AFLAG 1--vAliD ---~ SARCVD .". ~ MFLAG VALID SAMESA VALID -----, -~ INFORCVD SAMEINFO EDRCVD I VAUD ------------~~--~~------~----------~----;i=~:UD~i lED Irs EA VCOPY I VALID I VFCS VALID VOL IVAUD ~ TL/F/10825-1 FIGURE 2. MAC Indication Timing Example-Short Frame 6S9"NV iii AN-6S9 LBC . MID IDLE RCSTART .......,......., .............................................................................................................................................. ..... IDLE IDlE IDlE JK n Fe DAO ~ H , , F'CSL I DAIG DAI DA2 0A3 DA4 DA5 SAD SAl SAl SA3 SA-4 SAS !Hroo INFOI IHF02 INF03 ED FS FS IDlE : JK : Fe rL ' ~ , NEW VAlUE , NEW VALUE ~ DARCVD AFLAG :::::: IDlE VAUD ----- , ~ SARCVD MFLAG VAUO SAMESA VAUO .j>. Co I\) ~ INFORCVD SAMEINFO EDRCVD fV!U0-:-________~------.;,...--..,;.....JI - ED '" 1______ '" .. Sl EA ~ vrcs I -VAliD VOL VAlID ----, TL/F/10825-2 FIGURE 3. MAC Indication Timing Example-Long Frame LBC MID IDLE IDLE IDLE IDLE RCSTART : JK n :rc ~Al pAO DA2 DA3 OM :IDLE :IDLE:::::::::: IDLE : JK o H rCRCVD , rCSL :rc n0 h , 0 NEW ,VALUE DAIG NEW VALUE nl--------...;_-.-- rRSTRP TLiF/1DB2S-3 Note: FRSTRP may be asserted any time after ReSTART; All signals are held at their current value until the next ReSTART. FIGURE 4. MAC Indication Timing Example-5tripped Frame before SA f" LBC '" MID a> RCSTART rCRCVD rCSL IDLE IDLE IDLE IDLE o n o JK o o Fe 'DAD DAl DA2 DA3 DA4 'DA5 SAO SAl SA2 SA3 SA4 'IDLE n IDLE o o JK rL II o I NEW VALUE I NEW VALUE DAIG ---- -- L.: DARCVD ~ rRSTRP IDLE ~ ~~~ 1 ____________~______________~f-l~______~~ TL/F/1DB25-4 Note: FRSTRP may be asserted any time afier RCSTART; All signals are held at their value until the next RCSTART. FIGURE 5. MAC Indication Timing Example-Stripped Frame during SA 689-N'd iii AN·689 LBC MID IDLE RCSTART fCRCVD fCSL DAIG IDLE IDLE IDLE JK , Fe ______~r1, 'DAD 'DAt DA2 CAl DA4 'CAS SAD SAt SA2 SAl SA4 SA5 INFOO INFOt IDLE ' IDLE IDLE' JK , Fe ~ , , -----------~rl rI --IIiEW~E I NEW VALUE DARCVD f"1 AfLAG VALID ex> -'" --ll---i-- SARCVD , MfLAG VAlID SAIAESA VALID fRSTRP ~~~ i __________~______________~______~r-1~______~~ TUF/l0825-5 Note: FRSTRP may be asserted any time aiter RCSTART; All signals are held at their value until the next RCSTART. FIGURE 6. MAC Indication Timing Example-Stripped Frame after SA LBC ~ ______~rJ MID IDLE RCSTART FCRCYD IDLE IDLE IDLE JK re DAD -------. -----. OAt DA2 DA3 DA4 DAS ----, SAO SAt SA2 SA3 SA4 SAS I INrOD INrOt, NOT (DATA ' OR 1) ---. ::::::: IDLE !I FCSL N~)ALUE DAIG I DARCYD ---,---- NEW VALUE 7-'---:---!------.Jr-, ---- c" (J1 r AFLAG 1 1 ~ SARCYD I!-:--+_ r-VAL-ID- MFLAG SAMESA FOERROR re r-L- ------~~~ .j>. -. JK --- - 1 VALID ~ __~~________~______________~____~r-1~______~~ TUF/t0825-6 Note: FOERROR may be asserted at any time. FIGURE 7. MAC Indication Timing Example-Format Error 689-N\f iii AN-689 LBC I L-I L-I L-I L-I IDLE IDLE IDLE : JK MID IDLE n RCSTART rCRCVD : Fe :DAO :DA1 0A2 DA3 :DM ::::::: IDLE : JK : Fe r-L ---------i--In n NEW ~ALUE rCSL NEW VALUE DAIG , ~..._ _ _ _......_.....;.._ _ MACRST* TUF/l0825-7 Note: MACRST may be asserted if Mode Run ~ o. FIGURE 8. MAC Indication Timing Exampl_MAC Reset f" g: LBC MID IDLE RCSTART rCRCVD IDLE IDLE IDLE JK n Fe IDLE IDLE JK Fe r-L n n I NEW VALUE (RESTRICTED/NON) rCSL TKRCVD TT ___________ ~nl.-... ___________ EDRCVD TUF/l0825-8 FIGURE 9. MAC Indication Timing Exampl_Token Reception LDC WID IDLE FRD RCSTART ~ rCSL IDLE IDLE IDLE IIlLE IDLE IDLE :JK , ,: Fe , JK ,re , , -------~, , IDLE n DAD I ArLAG ~ ..... SAO SAl INfOO INf01 INF02 INf03 SAO ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ INf04 !NrOS iNros INf07 INf08 INf09 ED rs IDLE IDLE IIlLE IDLE ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ IDLE IDLE IDLE IDLE IDLE IDLE I SAYESA INrORCVD ,JK , "n ,: re , re ~ , n NEW'JALUE I HEW VAlUE :--- -.- H --------~-+_7~ 1 , VALID I, SARCVD MrLAG : JX , i---l DAIG DARCVD DAI OAl I DAD ~--~--------------------~LJ VALID ~------------------------ILJ , . I VALID ------- ---------- SAMEINrO EDRCVD vrcs VOL +-__~--------------------~----------------------------~Iro rs I VALID I VALID -----1 TUF/l0825-9 FIGURE 10. MAC Indication Timing Example-Internal Stripping based on MFLAG 6S9-NY II AN·SS9 LBC PID IDLE J]( PC DAO OAf MID IDlE IDLE IDLE IDlE :JK :rc PRO IDLE IDLE IDLE IDLE IJI( Ire RCSTART FCRCVD SAO INF01 INroz IHF03 INFO"' INf05 INFOS INr07 INF08 INF'09 ::::::::rn FS IDlE IDLE JK SAO :SA1 INFOO INFOf INF02 I~F03 INFO"' INf'OS INrcG tNF07 INroa INFog :::::::ED :rs IDlE IDLE ::::::: IDlE IDLE:JK SAO 'SA1 IDLE IDlE IDLE IDlE IDlE IDLE IDLE IDLE IDLE !IDLE IDLE IDl.£ ::::::: IDlE IX.[ 'DAD I 'OAf 'IDlE I IDlE :::::: 'IDLE , NEW *,"u, CD ----- VAll1l .., MFLAG VAll) SAUESA VAll) Elf Fe :-~ AFLAG SARCVD Fe fIn IJK ' DARCVD f> CD I :- I NEW VAlUE DAIG rc ::::::: INroo :DA1 hi" n FCSL :lDLE SAt :DAO ______-;-_i--r_~'VAlJD IXXX~XXXX~ r " I I INFORCVD I SAUBNFO EDRCVD VAll1l jm ~~~~--~------~------------~ VFCS VOL ~ I~ ------. rvAiiil;- .~ TL/F/l0825-10 Note: EM may be asserted at any time; Stripping begins 3 byte times after EM is asserted. FIGURE 11. MAC Indication Timing Example-External Stripping based on External MFLAG RECEIVE SEQUENCER An example receive sequencer is shown in Figure 12 for the Indicate byte stream.. COPY CRITERIA The decision to copy or not copy a frame is made by external hardware that looks at flags from the BMAC device qualified by the sequencing signals. The Copy decision may also use inputs from additional address matching logic. The Copy Criteria may be different for frames with different FC values. For example, SMT frames might only be copied on the basis of internal address matches while LLC frames might be copied on the basis of external matches as well. When using different frame copying criteria for different FC values, the copy logic must latch the relevant bits of the FC, or alternatively map the FC, or other fields within the frame, to one of several groups, each of which share the same copy criteria. The frame copying criteria might also be programmable in each group. The BMAC device thus provides the mechanisms by which to create very complicated or simple copy criteria. A simple copy criteria might be as follows: RSO:ldle Remain in the Idle state while not copying any data or writing any status. Leave Idle when there is a place to put an incoming frame and the beginning of a frame (RCSTARn is received. At this point the Stage state is entered. RSl1:Stage Remain in the Stage state while deciding whether or not to copy a frame. The decision is made at the commit point. The commit pOint occurs any time after both the relevant address comparisons are complete, and after the pOint in the frame where it is not considered a legal fragment (4 bytes into the Information Field, when INFORCVD Is asserted). At the commit pOint the results of the address comparisons as indicated by the Flags from the BMAC device are compared against the copy criteria. If the criteria matches and no frame termination event has occurred, the decision Is made to continue copying the frame and the Copy state is entered. Otherwise, the Idle state is entered and the rest of the frame is not copied. All Frames AFLAG and not MFLAG (so that you don't copy frames that you sent, i.e., broadcast and multicast) A more sophisticated copy criteria might have different copy criteria for each of several groups. In this example, groups are differentiated by the FC. MAC Not (SAMEINFO and SAMEFC) SMT LLC Synch AFLAG or MFLAG Short and AFLAG and Not MFLAG LLC Asynch Reserved Long and AFLAG and Not MFLAG Do not copy RS2:Copy Remain in the Copy state while copying a frame into memory or temporary storage. Once committed to copying, continue copying until a Termination Event (TE) occurs. Upon a TE, status is written. For every frame or partial frame copied, there should be a place to record status. RS3:Status Remain in the Status State while Status is being written. After Status has been written, return to the Idle state. Implementer Short and external address match The copy criteria for MAC frames allows a station to skip copying MAC frames with the same (first four bytes of) information and the same FC value. RSO: Idle RS1: Stage RS2: Copy RS3: Status -~ -..-- -..-- -..-- RCSTART &c ,lasLpage 1£ ,RSTART I lasLpage I no status status loop I ST5 TLlF/10825-16 FIGURE 12. Example Receive Sequencer 4-89 en ,---------------------------------------------------------------------------------, co As a burst of frames is being received, several options are CONDITIONS ~ z set the TVX timers in all stations. During an immediate request from the CLAIM or BEACON states, when no CLAIM or BEACON frames are ready, the internally generated CLAIM or BEACON frames are transmitted. Reporting Status related to a transmission is one of the most challenging aspects of designing an interface to the BMAC device. During a transmission several errors can occur. A transmission may be terminated unsuccessfully because of external buffering or interface parity errors, internal Ring Engine errors, a MAC reset, or reception of a MAC frame. When a transmission is aborted due to an external error (and Option.IRPT is not set), a Void frame is transmitted to reset the TVX timers in all stations in the ring. The BMAC device also guarantees that a valid frame is sent with at most LMAX preamble (3.20 /Ls of preamble). This alleviates the requirement from being handled by the interface logic. During a service opportunity when data is not ready to be transmitted, Void frames are transmitted to re- SERVICE CLASSES A token capture class of "non-rstr" indicates that the transmitter token class must be non-restricted to begin servicing the request. A token capture class of "rstr" indicates that the transmitter token class must be restricted to begin servicing the request. A token issue class of "non-rstr" means that the transmitter token class will be non-restricted upon completion of the request. A token issue class of "rstr" means that the transmitter token class will be restricted upon completion of the request. (See Figure 13.) RQRCLS (3:0) Name Class THT Token Capture Token Issue 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 None April_1 April-2 ApriL3 Syn Imm ImmN ImmR Asyn Rbeg Rend Rcnt AsynD RbegD RendD RcntD None Asyncthsh1 Asyncthsh2 Asyncthsh3 Synch Immediate Immediate Immediate Async Restricted Restricted Restricted Async Restricted Restricted Restricted enabled enabled enabled disabled disabled disabled disabled enabled enabled enabled enabled disabled disabled disabled disabled non-rstr non-rstr non-rstr any none none none non-rstr non-rstr rstr rstr non-rstr non-rstr rstr rstr non-rstr non-rstr non-rstr captured none non-rstr rstr non-rstr rstr non-rstr rstr non-rstr rstr non-rstr rstr Notes 1 4 4 4 2,3 2 2 2,3 2 2 Note 1: Synchronous requests are not serviced when RElR.BCNR is set. Note 2: Restricted requests are not serviced when RElR.BCNR or RElR.ClMR are set. Note 3: Restricted Dialogues only begin when a non~restricted token has been received and transmitted. Note 4: Immediate Requests are serviced when the ring is non-operational. These requests ars serviced from the Data stats if neither RQCLM nor RaBeN are asserted. tl RaClM is asserted, Immediate requests are serviced Irom the CLAIM state and il RaBCN is assarted, Immediate requests are serviced from the BEACON state. RaClM and RaBCN do not cause transitions to the CLAIM and BEACON states. Function.ClM and Function.BCN cause these tranSitions. FIGURE 13. Request Service Classes MRO: NOT READY MR1: READY MR2: SENDING MR(OI) __S;.;E;;;.RV;.;.IC==E~O-=PP~O~RT~U;.;NI;.;TY_ _ _-+I ( ) SEND FRAME SET TXRDY MR 12 SET TXACK FRAME SENT & END OF SERVICE OPPORTUNITY MR(10) SET TXPASS ~ CONTINUE SERVICE OPPORTUNITY SET TXRDY MR(21) I+_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..::E:.;;ND;..O;;;F;.;.S::;E::;.RV;.;IC::;E;.;O;.:.P;.;PO:.:.R:.:.;TU;.:.N::;ITY.:...._ _ _ _ _ _ _ MR(20) SET TXPASS TL/F/l0B25-12 FIGURE 14. MAC Request Interface State Diagrams 4-91 Z en CD CQ en co ~ Z cc r---------------------------------------------------------------------------------, The Logical States of the MAC Request Interface The MAC Request Interface has three logical states: either RORDY and ROSEND are asserted, and ROFINAL has not yet been asserted for this request. the Ring Engine is not ready to service a request, the Ring Engine is ready for the next frame from the interface, or the Ring Engine is sending a frame from the interface. See Figure 14. Continue Service Opportunity: The Service Opportunity is continued after the current frame if valid service parameters continue to be presented during the frame, and the timer(s) used for the (next) requested service class have not reached their threshold. The values of TXRDY and TXPASS associated with these three states are shown below. State TXRDY TXPASS Not ready Ready Sending Internal error =0 = 1 =0 = 1 = 1 =0 =0 =1 The table below shows the timer thresholds used for each service class: Conditions Service Opportunity: A service opportunity occurs when it Service Class Threshold All Requests All Requests with THT Enabled Priority Asynchronous Requests TRT Expiration THT Expiration Asynchronous Priority Threshold End of Service Opportunity: The end of a service opportu- The last latched version of RORCLS is used when RORDY is asserted. nity occurs when it is no longer necessary or possible to continue the service opportunity. The service parameters are continuously compared with the current state of the Transmitter. If an unserviceable request is presented or any time threshold is reached, the service opportunity will not continue after the current frame (if any). Send Frame: A frame can be sent from the interface when at least 8 bytes of preamble have been transmitted, TXRDY, Two MAC Request Timing Examples are shown in Figures 1Sand 16. is possible to service the current request, as defined by the current service parameters (RORCLS, ROCLM and ROBCN). 4-92 TXRINGOP RORCLS .............. ~L'~r1_'__________________________ TXPASSK ______________...1rr 1 ~. THTDIS ------- FR Options ROSEND MRD i ------. . . . . cC . . . . . ROEOF ;11;2Ii~I;41;51;61~,;81·li~li~l· ~ ..... TXCLASS : : : : : PRD ii Ii Ii ii .......... : 1~1 ~1:1 :11;2Ii~II~II:511:4~1:8 :li~l:z" .................. . •••••••••••••••••••• j •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ·4···············I··:······~····················· JJ'-____________ jJ' "'--'--'-1 .. ROFINAL LI__.--.--.-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~~~~~.~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~~.~:~~~~~~~~~~~~ -.-.-.-.-. -.-.-.- TXED -'-'-'-'-' • .'. ~AI.~Dn~IL.• TXACK : : : : : • ...i;'---________________ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _-1 VALID I . . . . . . . ROABT • Ir1 ------- ......... ";1 ;1 TXABORT • . . . . . . . . .l>- "'I • Ir1 ~-- TXRDY \I n :(~ ~. RORDY n jk Ie Itrrr Ii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _.-.-,..""'.-,-._.-.--' ................ ii'l' , . • n' 11' ______________..., tr rr . . . . . 1...-...,-,-..,.....-,.- iI jk Ie \I . ................. '. [lL..,.. . .,.-,-,....... ~ ~ ~ Itkfn ..~ ~ .. .. .. .. " .. " .. , jk i1 12 i3 S A i6 iw ix Iy iz 11 12 f3 14 tr IT I ii ii 1 I jk 111 i2 i3 S A is iw ix iy iz 11 12 13 14 tr IT I" " .. .. .. .. .. .., TUF/10825-13 FIGURE 15. Asynchronous Request with Prestaging (normal completion after two frames) 689-N'd II AN·689 lXRINGOP lXPASS~ · ................... . , . , . ,. ,. i . rrOOOOOOOOJkfcllOO . RQRCLS ..Jr,Ir2lr3Ir4IrSlrS RQRDY r;;-- . • • . •• ~ ........................ . · ............ . ---'L,-,.....,.....,....,.....,....,....,.. lXRDY~.~. IrS TXTHTDIS .~ .VA~ID .1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~. V~LID. LI._._._._._._.. ________________ ....................................... fR Options RQSEND MRD t .".. ••••••••••. .••••••••• ~ ••••.•••••••••• ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• :jl~ I~ '~H~Hi~H+ .1'd~L lXACK _ _ _ _ _ _ __ :j~lI~ ,+H,~H,~H{H~z --, ~ .(. .,. .,. . ,. . ,. . ,. . ,. . ,. . ,. . . . ,. . ,. .,. . ,. . ,. ,. . ,. . ,. . ,. .,. 1 ....._ _ _ _ _- - - ~ RQABT . . . . . . . . . . • • • . • • • • • . • • . • • • • • • • • • • • . • lXABORT . I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..J;;J RQEOf _.:--:".-:".-:.-:".""!."""'!'".-:."""'!'"._.:". • • • • • • • • • • • .............. . .. . .... .. .. . .... .. .. . .... .. . . ...................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~ . . .................... ................ . . ;-.;.....;....~ lXED _ _ _ _ _ _ _....I.trrr II 0 0 D 000 OJkfc11t 0 i i Ilr rr 0 0 0 0 -;;-;;-;;"] RQflNAL ",.:--:".-:".-:.-:".""!."""!"."'.:--:-.",.:". lXCUSS _______ ·.. ~ . . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ......... n........... . • _____________________________________ .............. PRD~ HHH" . IJkI1I213SA'6 . . . . ......... iwixlyizllf2f3f41rrr l!.!.!. . ................ . IJkl11213SAi6 lwixlylzllf2f3f4trrr 10000 o~ TUF/l0825-14 FIGURE 16. Asynchronous Request without Prestaging (token times out during second frame) . l> REQUEST MACHINE rising edge of TXPASS or TXRDY. While TXACK is asserted, data is transmitted rrXACK could be used as an enable for a byte counter). On the last byte of the frame, ROEOF is asserted and in response TXACK is deasserted. TXACK is used by the frame level handshake and ROEOF is returned from the frame level handshake. The Request Machine does not use TXACK or provide ROEOF. The Last Frame and Last Request Signals help control the sequencing for multiframe requests or multirequest service opportunities. Only between requests can the Requested Service Class change. The frame options may change on each frame. The Request Machine shown in Figure 17 is a simplified version of a Transmit Sequencer. This could be used as the basis for many designs. Note that all signals that begin with TX come from the BMAC Device Transmitter, and all signals that begin with RO come from the PAL Sequencer (the Request Machine or Transmit Sequencer). RQO:IDLE While in the Idle State, there are no frames to be sent and all of the status from previous frames has been reported. When a frame is to be sent, it is loaded into the temporary buffer. Once a frame is ready to be sent RORCLS is loaded with the appropriate value. This requests a service opportunity as described by the 4-bit RORCLS field in addition to the ROCLM and ROBCN which are used with Immediate transmissions. A transition to the Ready State then occurs. RQ3:STATUS After the frame is sent, status related to that frame is written or accumulated as appropriate either on the transmitted frame only or the returning frame as well. In short rings, this should be several byte times after the frame is transmitted, but in large rings there could be a several microsecond delay. RQ1:READY RORDY is asserted to indicate that the interface has or will soon have a frame that is ready to be sent. RORDY causes the RORCLS to be latched into the BMAC device and used while RORDY is asserted. Once the token is captured a transition to the Send State occurs. Alternatively, enough data could be loaded into temporary storage to keep it not empty over transmission of the frame. Conditions Frame_Ready • Frame_Ready is True when a frame is ready to be sent • The Frame options (SAT, SAIGT, STRIP, FCST) must be valid at this time. Instead of loading the entire frame into the temporary buffer before telling the MAC Interface, it would be possible to load in enough of the frame to guarantee that the temporary buffering will have enough data to keep up with the ring over the duration of the frame. An implementation like this could employ a FIFO or an equivalent speed matching device to match or smooth the bandwidth characteristics of the hardware feeding the temporary buffering. RQ2:SEND Upon entry to the Send State ROSEND is asserted and the Frame Options are latched by the MAC interface. TXRDY is deasserted and TXACK asserted when the beginning of the frame is sent. A flag is set that causes us to remain in the Send State until the end of the frame as denoted by the - ..-- -r-- -r-- RQRCLS >0 & Frame_Ready SET RQRDY z 0) CD CD -..-- Started_to_Send & (TXRDYI TXPASS) TXRDY Set RQSENDClear Started_to_Send ~ Frame_Ready ~ TXRDY&~ TXPASS Set Started_to_Send If LastJrame Clear RQRDY If Last_Request Set RQRCLS =0 IRQRCLS =0 I Status Complete & ~ LasLFrame Status Complete & LasLFrame TL/F/l0B25-17 FIGURE 17. Example Transmit Sequencer III 4-95 Holding the Token At end of the frame, TXRDY is asserted if possible (THT or TRT has not expired) or desirable (there are more frames to transmit on this service opportunity). Otherwise TXPASS is asserted. Issue Token Class If RQRCLS goes to zero at any time during a service opportunity a token will be issued. TXCLASS indicates the class of token that was issued, in the case of TXPASS, or would have been issued in the case of TXRDY. Since the issue token class is given in the RQRCLS encoding, this is a sanity check, especially in a non-pipelined implementation . For certain SMT frames (NSA frames), the returning status is of considerable interest. In these cases, it may be easier to just turn on copying of SMT frames based on MFLAG (i.e., AFLAG or MFLAG instead of the normal AFLAG and not MFLAG). The status can be the same as the reception status. Notice that on the transition to the Ready State RQRCLS>O is also used as a condition. This implies that the token could be captured before the data is actually ready. In other words, from the word go a race takes place between the data becoming ready in the temporary buffering and the MAC capturing a useable token. StartecL.to_Send • This is true any time after the MAC transmitter has started to send a frame. Status-Complete • This is true when status for the transmitted frame has been recorded. • This may be a result of the transmitted frame, and optionally the returning frame. Notice that in the case where status is written for every frame, additional frames may not be transmitted until after status is written. A further alternative approach would allow status on frames of a request to be stored in a temporary location and then only write status between requests. An extension to this idea would be to store temporary status separately for each individual request. This last approach would allow both of the Status Complete transitions to occur immediately. At some point however the interlock with the actual writing of status would have to occur. For example, even in the case where status is written into temporary storage for each request, a new request could not be started until status for the previous request has been written. PROVIDING A TRANSMISSION CONFIRMATION SERVICE Providing a Transmission Confirmation Service is one of the most challenging aspects of designing an interlace to the BMAC device. Some useful hints for providing such a service are given below. Overview A transmission confirmation service returns ending status for a request to transmit one or more frames. As frames of a request are transmitted, the status on the returning frames is accumulated. When all of the frames of the request return around the ring, a positive status is given. Should anything other than the expected frames (with the correct FC, SA, FCS, and frame status values) return before all of the transmitted frames return, a negative status is generated. Status is thus generated when either all of the frames return, or an abnormal condition is detected. A pipelined multiple request machine could even take the status-complete and lasLframe transition before the end of the frame and begin to load in the new parameters for the next frame. This would allow frames of the next Request to be transmitted very soon after the frames of the previous Request. TRANSMISSION STATUS Transmission status concerning the previous transmission is valid in all cases one cycle after TXRDY or TXPASS is asserted. Transmission Completion If an Ending Delimiter was transmitted TXED will be active one cycle after TXRDY or TXPASS is asserted until the starting delimiter of the next frame is transmitted. If the frame was aborted TXABORT is active one cycle after TXRDY or TXPASS is asserted. The frame could have been aborted for several reasons: The transmission confirmation service is similar to the (SM_)MA-UNITDATA-STATUS.indication (formerly called (SM-lMA-DATA.confirmation) defined in the ANSI FDDI MAC standard. Ring Assumptions • Returning frames can be associated with transmitted frames. At most one request can be serviced (for each SAP) during a given token opportunity. Since the order of SAP serviced is fixed, the order for matching returning frames with their corresponding requests is also known. The returning FC, SA and FCS could be used to distinguish a frame transmitted by this station and match it with its corresponding SAP. Additional fields may be used to increase confidence in the association. • Frames return in the order transmitted. • a MAC Reset • the ring going non operational • an internal BMAC device error • an RQABORT during the frame TRT Expiration If TXPASS is asserted and THT was disabled during the last frame that was transmitted (THTDIS is asserted), TRT has expired. This is a serious error and indicates that there was an overallocation of synchronous bandwidth or a station used more than it was allocated. The ring will likely be in the CLAIM state when this occurs. We assume that no frames are maliciously inserted into the ring. • After a token is captured by a station for transmission, the next returning frames will be those transmitted by this station. External CLAIM/BEACON Transmission When transmitting CLAIM/BEACON frames from the CLAIM/BEACON state, if TXPASS is asserted the CLAIM/ BEACON process is complete. In this case TXABORT indicates if this station won (TXABORT=O) or lost (TXABORT= 1) the CLAIM/BEACON process. Since there is a single token, the next frame received by this station should be the (first) one it transmitted unless another station has failed to strip its frame(s). 4-96 ~----------------------------------------------------~~ • Synchronization points: At these synchronization pOints, the number of frames transmitted and the number of frames received should be equal. • Frame Lost due to line hit This type of error is more difficult to handle because it cannot be detected until the next synchronization point. At the next synchronization point the received and transmitted counts for the current request will not be equal. A negative confirmation is generated and the request is optionally terminated. • Token received • Frame with a different SA is received, after receipt of a frame with my SA. • Frame not recognized by source station Error Conditions This type of error is more difficult to handle because it creates a false synchronization point. At this point the received and transmitted counts for the current request will not be equal. A negative confirmation is generated and the request is optionally terminated. • Frame not recognized by addressed station No station recognizes the Destination Address, and as a result the A indicator is not set. Either the station is not present or a line hit corrupted the Destination Address. • Frame not copied by addressed station • Frame incorrectly recognized by source station The addressed station runs out of buffering resources and as a result does not set the C indicator. This is probably the most likely of the error conditions. This condition will be detected unless the line hit caused a formerly invalid FCS to become valid. When detected, this condition may produce a false negative confirmation, but it will not produce a false positive confirmation. • Frame Error due to line hit For example when a line hit causes an FCS error. 5.0 Bridging/External Matching Support • Frame Lost due to line hit For example the starting or ending delimiter is destroyed, or a data symbol becomes a non-data symbol. This may have different effects when the lost frame is: There are two major considerations for MAC level Bridging products on FDDI: • first frame of request 1. How stripping will be accomplished and • • a middle frame of a request the last frame of a request 2. How the control indicators will be handled. The FDDI standard does not have a recommended Bridging algorithm like 802.3's Transparent Bridging and 802.5's Source Routing Bridging. • Frame not recognized by source station A line hit corrupted the FC or the Source Address. The issue with stripping is that every station needs to strip every frame it transmits. Typically this is accomplished by stripping based only on the Source Address. However, in bridging applications where the SA is not necessarily of this station, this station needs to either watch out for all of its frames (and use CAM technology to assist the strip decision) or use some other mechanism. Currently, the FDDI X3T9.5 Committee has agreed that the strip pOints of all frames is before the fourth byte of the INFO field. That implies that any fragment with more than three bytes of INFO is an illegal fragment. • Frame incorrectly recognized by source station Frame insertion or misdirection can occur during reconfiguration, but CMT will remove such frames by scrubbing. An alias could be caused by a line hit on the FC or SA, but it is highly unlikely to contain the proper FCS value (this would require multiple errors or an unfortunate pattern on a transparent FCS transmission). Indiscriminate use of transparent FCS transmission could diminish the integrity of the confirmation service. Error Handling For each request, an expected status parameter is given either explicitly with the request or implicitly (it was given explicitly previously and has not changed). The expected status contains the expected value of the returning FCS, E, A and C indicators. If the expected value of these indicators is not returned, a negative confirmation is generated. The BMAC device provides an alternate stripping mechanism to accomplish the stripping by sending out two My_Void frames before the token and stripping everything until the first My_Void returns. The definition of a bridgeable frame also has impact in bridging applications. Only LLC frames are bridgeable. Management frames (MAC and SMT frames) are not bridgeable. BEACON frames, CLAIM frames and SMT frames are local to a Single ring. Likewise, synchronous and restricted dialogs are local to a Single ring. • Frame not recognized by addressed station This condition can be handled using the expected status. The returning A indicator is not set, so the expected frame status is not returned. A negative confirmation is generated and the request is optionally terminated. 5.1 EXTERNAL MATCHING LOGIC • Frame not copied by addressed station External Matching Logic is used to allow this station to recognize additional addresses. These additional addresses may be aliases (additional addresses that are not this station's management address) or additional group addresses not recognized by the BMAC device. In addition, more perfect filtering or routing could be done on certain classes of frames. Certain bridges and routers (not 802.1 d transparent bridges since these address matches do not set the ~ind) can be viewed as having a set of aliases. This condition can be handled using the expected status. The returning C indicator is not set, so the expected frame status is not returned. A negative confirmation is generated and the request is optionally terminated. • Frame Error due to line hit This condition can be handled using the expected status. The returning E indicator is not reset or the FCS is invalid, so the expected frame status is not returned. A negative confirmation is generated and the request is optionally terminated. 4-97 z &, Q) CD en ,---------------------------------------------------------------------------------, CD (I) :Z cC bridge will only set the A-INO if the frame is explicitly addressed to the bridge and may optionally set the C_INO for all frames copied with the intent to be forwarded. If an end station receives a frame addressed to it with the A indicator reset, the C indicator set, and it does not copy the frame, the station sends it out with the A indicator set but the C indicator reset. The result of the address comparison is then fed into the copy criteria and used to set the A indicator .(the BMAC device EA input). The C indicator should be set as usual unless the frames recognized by the external matching logic are sent to a different buffer memory and generate a separate VCOPY signal. There are two choices of where the external matching logic may tap into the data stream, either at the PHY Indicate Interface or at the MAC Indicate Interface. We recommend using the PHY Indicate Interface between the PLAYER device and BMAC device, because it provides a three byte time advantage over the alternative. END STATIONS For end stations and bridges which also act as end stations, the BMAC device always implements the option recommended by the Bridging Working Committee to X3T9.5. For frames with A not set and C set for which the station intends to Set the A indicator but not the C, the A indicator is transmitted as set and the C indicator is transmitted as Reset. When using alias addressing it is also possible to strip frames on the basis of these additional aliased source addresses if the STRIP option is not used or desired. Three byte times aiter the EM signal is asserted, Idle symbols are transmitted into the ring and the frame is stripped. BRIDGES For stations acting as bridges, the committee recommends that for frames copied with the intent to forward (for which a station address or alias match did not occur), only the C indicator should be set, not the A indicator. 5.2 SA, SAIG, FCS TRANSPARENCY OPTIONS These transparency options are particularly useful in bridging applications. The SA transparency options are useful in certain Transparent Bridging algorithms and in Source Routing Protocols. The SA and SAIG transparency options allow the SA to be sent transparently from the data stream as opposed to being sent from the MAC Parameter RAM. The FCS transparency is particularly useful between bridged rings (end to end FCS checking with FOOl to FOOl bridges). The FCS transparency could also be useful for diagnostic purposes and with implementer defined FCSs on implementer frames. To accomplish this, since the BMAC device will not set the C indicator without setting the A indicator as well, it is necessary to intercept the byte stream between the BMAC device and the PLAYER device. Fortunately, the difference between the Rand S symbol is only a single bit. Thus, when a frame is copied with the intent to forward it, the received A indicator is not set, and the station's AFLAG is not set, the C indicator must be changed from an R to an S. This occurs one byte time aiter EORCVO is asserted and requires that PRO(O) be changed from a 0 to a 1. 5.3 IMPLEMENTING THE BRIDGING COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS This easily fits into a small slice of a PAL and is only required in bridges implementing this option. The meaning of the control indicators also is impacted in bridging applications. The ANSI committee decided that a 4-98 .------------------------------------------------------------------.~ ~~ BSITM Device Software Design Guide National Semiconductor Application Note 730 Robert Macomber, Mark Travaglio Table of Contents corresponding bits in the CMP register will be actually stored in STAR. With the BSI device in "Stop Mode", and no intervening accesses to the BSI device Control Bus, it is guaranteed that all 8 bits will match. 1.0 INTRODUCTION 2.0 INITIALIZATION Finally, write Ox07 to the STAR. This clears all the error bits and sets all the stop bits (the STAR is automatically loaded with Ox07 upon reset of the BSI device). 3.0 SERVICING INTERRUPTS 4.0 MEMORY MANAGEMENT SCHEMES 5.0 SENDING FRAMES 2.2 Set the Mailbox Address Register 6.0 RECEIVING FRAMES When loading Pointer RAM data into the BSI device, a "mailbox" mechanism is used. The mailbox is a 32-bit word in off-chip memory which the BSI device uses to load or dump the Pointer RAM Registers. This mailbox may be located anywhere within the 28-bit ABus address space of the BSI device and accordingly its address must be explicitly defined. This is accomplished via the 8-bit Mailbox Address Register (MBAR). 7.0 QUEUE MANIPULATION 1.0 INTRODUCTION This application note describes how to initialize the National Semiconductor BSI device (DP83265) and interact with it. Initialization and data service support occur through the Control Bus and via memory that is accessible by both the BSI device and the host. The host processor must be able to respond to interrupts and have access to both the BSI device Control Bus and some mutually accessible memory. This application note should be read in conjunction with the BSI datasheet. To load the Mailbox Address Register (MBAR) first load OxOO into the Pointer RAM Control and Address Register (PCAR). This tells the BSI device to internally point to the first byte of the mailbox address. Then execute four successive writes to the MBAR to load the full mailbox address; writing the most significant bytes first. Each write automatically increments the byte pointer to the next byte. When the BSI device is reset, the Mailbox Address Register (MBAR) is loaded with a hardware revision code. The host may obtain this revision code by sequentially reading four bytes from the MBAR before loading the mailbox address. 2.0 INITIALIZATION Before BSI device operation can begin, the device must be initialized. The BMACTM and PLAYERTM devices must also be individually initialized. To initialize the BSI device, the steps shown below should be followed. Each action is explained further in the subsections that follow. o Put the BSI Device in Stop Mode o Set the Mailbox Address Register o Load the Pointer RAM o Set the Event Notify Registers o Set the Mode Register o Set the Request Configuration Registers o Set the Request Expected Frame Status Registers o Set the Indicate Configuration Register o Set the Indicate Mode Register o Set the Indicate Threshold Register o o Set the Indicate Header Length Register Load the Limit RAM 2.3 Load the Pointer RAM The BSI device maintains pointer registers for acceSSing and manipulating the various queues. Prior to normal operation, some of these pointer registers must be initialized with queue addresses (see Table I). For active Request queues the host software must load the Confirmation Message (CNF) Queue Pointer Register and the Request (REQ) Queue Pointer Register. For Indicate queues the host software must load the Indicate Data Unit Descriptor (lOUD) Queue Pointer Register and the Pool Space (PSP) Queue Pointer Register. For information about choosing initial Pointer RAM values see Section 7 on Queue Manipulation. TABLE I. Pointer Registers Used during Queue Initialization o Clear the Attention Register • Put the BSI Device in Run Mode Painter Registers CNF REQ CNF REQ lOUD PSP lOUD PSP lOUD PSP 2.1 Put the BSI Device in Stop Mode During initialization the BSI device must be in "Stop Mode". This is necessary to prevent the device from attempting to perform any actions or respond to any external stimulus prior to the completion of the initialization sequence. The BSI device may be placed in Stop Mode by setting three bits in the State Attention Register (STAR). Since the State Attention Register (STAR) is a conditional write register, it must be read before it is written. By doing so the original contents of the STAR register are loaded into the Compare Register (CMP). When a subsequent write to the STAR register occurs, only those bits that match the Queue Pointer Register (RCHN1) Queue Pointer Register (RCHN1) Queue Pointer Register (RCHNO) Queue Pointer Register (RCHNO) Queue Pointer Register (ICHN2) Queue Pointer Register (ICHN2) Queue Pointer Register (ICHN1) Queue Pointer Register (lCHN1) Queue Pointer Register (ICHNO) Queue Pointer Register (ICHNO) Addr Ox02 Ox03 Ox06 Ox07 Ox09 OxOa OxOd OxOe Oxll Ox12 Before loading a Pointer RAM Register, first read the Service Attention Register (SAR) to verify that the PTOP bit is 4-99 • C) ~ :i r---------------------~--------------------------------------------------------__, Indicate breakpOints are instances that generate interrupts. You may configure the BSI device to interrupt at the end of each service opportunity, at the end of a burst (i.e., channel change) or after a user defined number of frames have been received. Prudent use of Indicate breakpoints can significantly reduce interrupt processing overhead by reducing the number of Interrupts generated by the BSI device. set; signifying that a previous Pointer RAM operation has completed. If this bit is not set wait for the previous operation to finish. Write the value one wishes to store in the Pointer RAM Register (i.e., the base address of the relevant queue) in the memory location selected as the BSI device Mailbox. Next configure the Pointer RAM Control and Address RegIster (PCAR) with the PTRW bit cleared and the address of the Pointer RAM Register placed in the least significant five bits. A zero value in the PTRW bit specifies that the next Pointer RAM operation will read from the Mailbox and write to the Pointer RAM Register. The two most significant bits in the PCAR (BPO, BP1) are not used in this context and may be loaded with O's. For example, when loading the PSP Queue Pointer for Indicate Channel 0, one would write Ox12 to the PCAR. Finally, clear the PTOP bit in the Service Attention Register (SAR). The SAR is a conditional write register, so it is necessary to read it immediately before writing to it. Clearing the PTOP bit causes the BSI device to perform the actual Pointer RAM operation. The device Signals the completion of the operation by setting the PTOP bit in the SAR. 2.10 Set the Indicate Threshold Register The Indicate Threshold Register (ITR) specifies how many frames must be received before a threshold breakpoint is realized. The value in this register is only used when the appropriate bits are set in the IMR. Loading the ITR with OxOO specifies a value of 256. This value is loaded into an internal working register each time the state of any Indicate Channels change. 2.11 Set the Indicate Header Length Register If the Headerllnfo frame sorting mode is specified. one must load the Indicate Header Length Register (IHLR) with the length (in units of four byte words) of the header portion of the frame. The FC field occupies an entire word. For example, to separate an 8 octet header when using long. sixoctet MAC addresses, one would load a value of 6 (FC = 1. DA/SA = 3, header = 2) into this register. The above steps must be done for all painters associated with those channels that will be used. 2.12 Load the Limit RAM During normal operation of the BSI device, the CNF and lOUD queues must be given status space. This, may be done as part of the initialization procedure. For information about choosing initial Limit RAM values see Section 7 on Queue Manipulation. 2.4 Set the Event Notify Registers You may specify which events will trigger an interrupt by setting the corresponding bit in the Notify Registers; where a 1 enables interrupts from that event and a 0 disables those interrupts. The Notify Registers may be written without being read previously (not conditional write registers). See Section 3, Servicing Interrupts, for a more complete treatment of this subject. Before loading a Limit RAM Register, first read the Service Attention Register (SAR) to verify tihat tihe LMOP bit is set (signifying that the previous Limit RAM operation has completed). If this bit is not set wait for the previous operation to finish. Next load the Limit Address Register (LAR). The top four bits of the LAR define the target Limit RAM Register, the LMRW bit specifies what the next Limit RAM operation will be (LMRW = 0 means a write to the Limit RAM) and the MSBD bit contains the most-significant data bit of the 9-bit Limit value. Next load the Limit Data Register (LOR) with the lower 8 bits of the limit value. 2.5 Set the Mode Register Load the BSI device Mode Register (MR) to configure the BSI device with global bus and queue parameters. For example a value of Ox52 causes the BSI device to generate 32 byte bursts when accessing the data bus, use 1k (small) queues, operate in a physical memory environment, use "big-endian" data alignment, check parity on access to the ABus and Control Bus and optimize operation for clock speeds over 12.5 MHz. 2.6 Set the Request Configuration Registers Finally. write a 0 into the LMOP bit in the Service Attention Register (SAR). The SAR is a conditional write register, making it necessary to read it immediately before writing to it. Clearing the LMOP bit causes the BSI device to perform the actual Limit RAM operation. The BSI device signals the completion of the operation by setting the LMOP bit in the SAR. Repeat the above steps for all desired limits. Load the Request Configuration Registers (ROCR and R1CR) for both Request Channels (RCHNO and RCHN1) to establish channel specific operating parameters; such as Source Address and Frame Control Transparency. 2.7 Set the Request Expected Frame Status Registers Load the Request Expected Frame Status Registers (ROEFSR and R1EFSR) for both Request Channels (RCHNO and RCHN1) to set up the expected status for frame confirmation services. A value of OxOO in these registers means that any frame status is acceptable. 2.13 Clear the Attention Registers Clear the Request Attention (RAR) and Indicate Attention Registers (IAR) by first reading the register, to load the Compare Register (CMP), and then writing a OXOO value to the register. Both of these registers are automatically initialized to 0 upon BSI device reset. The No Space Attention Register (NSAR) should be initialized to reflect the state of space of all the queues. If space was given to all of the CNF and PSP queues, read and write OXOO into NSAR. 2.8 Set the Indicate Configuration Register Load the Indicate Configuration Register (ICR) to establish copy control parameters for each Indicate Channel. A typical register value is Ox49; which instructs the BSI device to copy frames addressed for the owned MAC address or to an externally matched group address. 2.9 Set the Indicate Mode Register Load the Indicate Mode Register (lMR) to set the frame sorting mode, skip option and the desired Indicate breakpOints. 4-100 r-------------------------------------------------------------------,> 2.14 Put the BSI Device In Run Mode =F ...... TABLE II. Attention Registers Initialization of the BSI device is now complete. The device may be made fully operational by reading the State Atten· tion Register (STAR) and immediately writing OxOO to it. This will clear the stop bits for the Indicate, Request and Status/ Space machines; putting them in "Run Mode". Master Attention Register (MAR) State Attention Register (STAR) No Space Attention Register (NSAR) Service Attention Register (SAR) Request Attention Register (RAR) Indicate Attention Register (IAR) The BSI device should immediately begin fetching PSP De· scriptors for the Indicate Channels to use for frame recep· tion. At this point a write to one of the REQ queue Limit RAM Registers would cause the BSI device to begin fetch· ing REQ Queue Descriptors for frame transmission. The host may control which attention bits will generate an interrupt by configuring the Notify Registers (see Table III). TABLE III. Notify Registers 3.0 SERVICING INTERRUPTS Master Notify Register (MNR) State Notify Register (STNR) No Space Notify Register (NSNR) Service Notify Register (SNR) Request Notify Register (RNR) Indicate Notify Register (INR) The BSI device provides facilities for selecting which events will generate an interrupt and a mechanism for determining which events are present after an interrupt has been raised. 3.1 Event Registers The BSI device supports a two-level hierarchy of Event Registers; where the presence of attention signals in lower level attention registers is recorded in a single upper level attention register. Attention signals may be disabled at either of the two levels. Events may only be cleared by resetting the attention bits in the lower level registers. For each Attention Register a corresponding Notify Register exists. Each Attention Register is ANDed with its corresponding Notify Register and then all of the resulting signals are ORed together and presented to the next level (see Figure 1). The upper level attention register is called the Master Attention Register (MAR). It contains five attention bits that indicate the presence or absence of any events recorded in each of the five corresponding attention lower level registers. Those registers are listed in Table II. For example, to disable all interrupts caused by service events: clear the Service Attention Register Notify (SVAN) bit in the Master Notify Register (MNR). To disable only interrupts caused by Pointer RAM Operations: set the SVAN bit in the MNR and clear the PTOPN bit in the Service Notify Register (SNR). Int.rrupt Signal Ma.t.r Notify Ma.t.r Att.ntion stat. Notify Stat. Att.ntlon TLlF/ll088-1 FIGURE 1. BSI Device Event/Notify Registers 4-101 ~ or-------------------------------------------------------------------i ~ Z 11( When checking attention registers for the cause of an interrupt, one should perform a bit-wise AND operation between the attention and notify registers and examine the result. Just checking the attention registers may be misleading. For example, to disable an Indicate Channel one may wish to leave its PSP queue empty and mask off the "Low Data Space" attention bit for that channel; via the Indicate Notify Register (INR). Under these circumstances the IAR, by itself, may contain misleading information. • attaching the previous page to a PSP Descriptor of the same queue • incrementing the PSP Limit Register for that queue The management of space for ODUs (outgoing frame data) and ODU Descriptors (ODUDs) must be done by the host. A fully allocated 1k PSP queue consumes 512 kbytes of buffer space. A fully allocated 4k PSP queue uses 2 MB of buffer space. 3.2 Example Procedure 4.3 Shared Buffer Pool A typical procedure for servicing BSI device interrupts is as follows: To maximize memory utilization, multiple Indicate Channels may share a single pool of data buffers. This does not mean that Indicate Channels can be made to share a Pool Space (PSP) queue, but rather that data buffers attached to the various PSP queues are allocated and freed from a global buffer pool on an "as needed" basis. When using a shared buffer pool, the Indicate buffer management becomes the following: • disable host interrupts • determine the event that triggered the interrupt by checking the Master Attention Register and then querying the appropriate lower level attention register • process the event (or post the event to a service queue) • clear the attention bit (or mask the attention bit) • Detecting page boundary crosses; to determine when the BSI device is finished filling the previous page • enable host interrupts 4.0 MEMORY MANAGEMENT SCHEMES • Obtaining confirmation that the host has finished processing all frames in that page The BSI device may be configured to use memory shared between itself and the host or it may be configured to use the host's memory. In addition, it can be made to operate in a vitural memory environment. • Returning that page to a shared buffer pool or, upon determining that the page has been dedicated to a given channel, reattach the page to the channel's PSP queue • Responding to interrupts caused by a "Low Space" condition by allocating buffer space to one or more PSP Descriptors and incrementing the PSP Limit Register for that queue Although the BSI device manages space for incoming data (from channel specific Pool Space (PSP) queues); the host must implement a memory management mechanism to replenish the PSP queues and manage the space needed to hold output data (ODU) and ODU Descriptors (ODUDs). Again, the management of space for ODUs (outgoing frame data) and ODU Descriptors (ODUDs) must be done by the host. 4.1 Memory Requirements Up to ten distinct queues may be established; two for each channel. Depending upon the value of the Small Queue (SMLQ) bit in the Mode Register (MR), these queues will each consume 1k or 4k of memory; collectively occupying either 10k or 40k of memory. One danger with sharing pool space is that a heavily used low priority channel may starve a high priority channel by consuming all of the buffer space. This is contrary to the idea of priority. It is recommended that some mechanism be implemented for reserving memory for a given channel and that at least four buffer pages be dedicated to Indicate Channel 0 (ICHNO). This is to ensure that FDDI-SMT frames will not be dropped when there is a greal deal of activity on the other Indicate Channels. A 4 byte word must be allocated as the BSI device Mailbox. This word is only used when accessing the BSI device Pointer RAM Registers. Space must also be allocated for buffering frames. Any buffers drawn from this space must be no larger than 4 kbytes and may not cross a 4 kbyte boundary. At the current time the Count (CND field in the PSP Descriptor is ignored by the BSI device. Pool space is intended to be allocated in 4 kbyte pages. 5.0 SENDING FRAMES This section describes how to use the BSI device to queue a frame for transmission on an FDDI ring. It is assumed that the BSI device has been initialized and that the Request Configuration Registers (ROCR and R1 CR) and the Request Expected Frame Status Registers (ROEFSR and R1 EFSR) have been previously loaded with the desired values. Space must be allocated for buffering ODU Descriptors (ODUDs). As with frame data, buffers drawn from this space must be no larger than 4 kbytes and may not cross a 4 kbyte boundary. The mechanism for sending a frame is as follows: • Obtain space for data structures 4.2 Dedicated Buffer Pools • Load the ODU(s) • Process previous CNFs (optional) To simplify memory management, buffer pages may be dedicated to individual PSP queues. When using dedicated buffers, the Indicate buffer management task becomes a matter of: • Build the ODUD(s) • Build the REQ • Signal the BSI device • detecting page boundary crosses; as an indication that the BSI device has finished filling the previous page • obtaining confirmation that the host has finished proceSSing all frames in the previous page 4-102 Subsection 5.7 describes some special considerations for sending multiple frames in a single request object. be set to a value of 1; since, in this case, only a single frame will be transmitted. 5.1 Obtain Space for Data Structures The Confirmation Class (CNFClS) field defines the level of request confirmation that the BSI device will use and should be set as needed. To turn off request confirmation put a hex value of Ox4 in the CNFClS field; although, the BSI device will always generate CNF Descriptors whenever an exception is encountered. Please note that request processing will halt for a given channel should that channel's CNF queue become full. Thus, a provision for processing CNF Descriptors must be included in all applications; even those applications that do not wish to receive confirmation for most requests. The Request Class (ROClS) field defines the class of the request (i.e., asynchronous, synchronous, restricted token, etc.). The FC field should be loaded with an appropriate FDDI Frame Control value. BSI device addressable memory must be obtained to: • hold the frame data • hold the ODU Descriptor(s) • hold the Request Descriptor It is the responsibility of the host software to manage space for frame data and the ODUDs. Section 4, Memory Management Schemes, describes two simple memory allocation methods. If multiple ODUDs are required, these must be contiguously allocated in the form of an array of ODUDs. Space for the Request Descriptor must be located within the area designated as the Request queue (see Section 2.3). It must also be allocated in a serially contiguous fashion; immediately following the previously allocated descriptor. All BSI device queue pOinters "wrap" to the first location upon reaching the end of the queue area. The frame data may need to be divided between multiple ODUs. Each ODU may start anywhere within a 4k page, but it must end at or before the next 4k boundary. Multiple ODUs must be generated for frames over 4k in length. When sending a single frame, both bits in the First and last bits should be set; indicating that this is the only REO Descriptor in this request object. Finally, the address of the first ODUD should be put into the laC field. 5.6 Signal the BSI Device about the Request The BSI device may be caused to examine either of its REO queues by writing to the corresponding Limit RAM Register with a value that raises the limit to reference the new REO Descriptor. For each ODU, space must be allocated for a corresponding ODU Descriptor (ODUD). System configurations in which the BSI device directly addresses host memory, may be able to contrive ODU Descriptors (ODUDs) that refer directly to host specific memory buffers. 5.7 Sending Multiple Frames in a Single Request Object The BSI device is capable of transmitting multiple frames in a single service opportunity. This feature becomes important on a heavily loaded FDDI ring, with relatively infrequent service opportunities. The BSI device can be caused to process multiple frames by: o building an ODUD list that contains multiple frames 5.2 Process Confirmation Status Message Descriptors (CNF)-Optional When the BSI device processes a request it places confirmation messages in the CNF queue for that Request Channel. By examining these messages, the host may determine when the BSI device has finished using ODU, ODUD and REO queue space. If the BSI device has been instructed to generate interrupts after writing confirmation messages, then an autonomous interrupt handler should be available to asynchronously process CNFs. Conversely, if these interrupts have been disabled, then CNFs should be processed when attempting to send a frame. • building a request object that contains multiple REO Descriptors or o a combination of the above two methods. The first method is extremely simple. Allocate and fill the ODU buffers for all of the frames. Build multiple ODU Descriptor objects (demarcated by the First and last bits in each ODUD) and concatenate the ODUDs together into one array of descriptors. Build the REO Descriptor, as before, except load the frame count into the SIZE field. 5.3 Copy Frame Data to Buffer If the ODU buffers are distinct from the host specific memory buffers, copy the frame data from the host buffer(s) to the ODU buffer(s). The second method consists of a creating a REO Descriptor marked as being "first", zero or more REO Descriptors marked as "middle" descriptors and an ending REO Descriptor marked as being "last". The Limit RAM Register, for the given request queue, must be set beyond the last REO Descriptor. The parameter fields in first REO Descriptor are used for the entire request object. 5.4 Build the ODU Descrlptor(s) An ODU Descriptor (ODUD) must be written for each ODU. The address and size of the ODU must be recorded in the ODUD.lOC and ODUD.CNT fields, respectively. When only a single ODUD is needed both the First and last bits should be set (only). With multiple ODUDs the first ODUD should has the just First bit set (first) and the last ODUD should have the just last bit set (last). Any intervening ODUDs should have both bits cleared (middle). 5.8 Batching Single Frame Requests On a heavily loaded FDDI ring service opportunities occur less frequently than on an FDDI ring with only light traffic. On a loaded network it makes sense to send multiple frames per service opportunity. However, many network communication systems send only a single frame at a time. This subsection tells how one may use the capabilities of the BSI device to batch single frame requests into a larger request object. The BSI device will only attempt to send a single request object in any given service opportunity. A request object is defined here to consist of one or more REO Descriptors delimited using the First and last bits found inside each 5.5 Build the Request Descriptor A Request Descriptor must be constructed which references the ODUD(s) that were just built. The User Identification (UID) field may be assigned a host defined value. This UID value will reemerge in one or more CNFs and may be useful when processing a CNF (i.e., deallocating ODUD and buffer space). The SIZE field should 4-103 • Interrupt Service Routine Logic (Optional) if Open_Req = TRUE generate empty REO. LAST Open_Req = FALSE Req_Size = 0 endif Queue_Cnt is the number of queued request objects on the request queue and is set to 0 queue initialization time. Rell-Slze is the number of frames in the currently open request object and is set to 0 at queue initialization time. Open_Req is a boolean variable indicating the presence or absence of an open request object and is set to FALSE at queue initialization time. MalL-Req is a maximum number of frames per request object defined by the host software. Please note that the BSI device will not hold the token unnecessarily when processing an open request object. It will only hold the token when explicitly instructed to do so, via the ROCLS field in the Request Descriptor (REO). descriptor. The BSI device interface software needs to build different types of REQ Descriptors when queuing a frame such that: • A single frame request object is generated when the queue is empty • The resulting request object is limited to a maximum size • Optionally the resulting request object is closed whenever a service opportunity is detected. The following pseudo-code may be used to satisfy the above requirements. Transmit Logic Rell-Size = Req_Size + 1 if Queued-Cnt = 0 mark as REQ.ONLY Ope"--Req = FALSE Queued_Cnt = 1 RE • How to handle queue "wraps" • How to detect boundary conditions (empty queue, full queue) • Each active Indicate Channel should have at least two buffers placed on its PSP queue. With only one buffer, the BSI device will immediately raise the Low Data Space attention bit for that channel. The host software must maintain its own pOinter and limit variables for each queue. For REO and PSP queues, the limit variable should reference the next available queue slot for writing a new descriptor; while the pOinter variable should correspond to the pointer variable on BSI device. For CNF and lOUD queues, the software pointer should reference the next queue slot to be used when reading a new descriptor. The software limit variable must always reflect the limit variable on the BSI device. The software pointer variable must be maintained independently from the BSI device queue pointer. 7.1 Queue Organization A BSI device queue consists of a contiguous block of BSI device addressable memory logically sub-divided into eight byte queue slots. Oueues sized at 1 kbytes must be aligned on 1 kbyte boundaries, while queues sized at 4 kbytes must be aligned on 4 kbytes boundaries. The BSI device embodies two indexing variables for each queue: a pOinter to the next available queue position to read or write (stored in BSI device Pointer RAM) and a queue limit (stored in BSI device Limit RAM). The BSI device increments the pointer variable after reading from a queue or writing to a queue. The host software may control channel operation by manipulating the value of the limit variable. With this in mind there are a few simple rules governing queue manipulation by the BSI device. To initialize queues that the BSI device writes (lOUD, CNF) one must set the limit variable to reference the penultimate available queue slot (required due to pipelining). For example, to make all but one of the queue slots available one could set the pOinter variable to reference the first queue slot and the limit variable to reference the "next to the next to the last" queue slot. Also, one should clear the queue area by overwriting it with binary zeroes; effectively marking all queue slots as "null descriptors". See Figure 5 for a pictorial description of initialized queues. 7.3 Queue "Wraps" Upon reaching the end of the queue memory block, queue indexing variables "wrap" to the beginning of the queue memory block. The BSI device automatically performs queue "wraps" for pointer variables; while the host software must perform queue "wraps" for limit variables and software queue pointers. The method for calculating the next 6. Read operations are triggered by Limit RAM updates. There are also some special considerations caused by the pipe lined processing of CNF, lOUD and PSP Descriptors. • The BSI device may generate two additional CNF/IDUD Descriptors after detecting pointer/limit equality. It is necessary to set the limit value such that it references the penultimate available queue slot. hardware/software hardware/software CNF PSP null ~ lOUD null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null nutl null ~ o 7.2 Queue Initialization To initialize queues that the BSI device reads (REO, PSP) simply set the pointer (BSI device and software versions) and software limit to reference the first queue slot. Do not update the queue's Limit RAM Register until actually queuing the queue's first descriptor. 1. Pointer and limit variables reference a given queue slot by pointing to the first word of the descriptor. 2. The pOinter variable always pOints to the next available position on the queue. 3. The BSI device always increments the pointer variable after a read or write operation. 4. The BSI device halts channel processing when the pointer and limit variables are logically equal. 5. The BSI device tests for pointer/limit equality during queue read operations (REO, PSP) and after queue write operations (lOUD, CNF). When detecting pointer/limit equality during a read operation, the current read operation and no further read operations are made. ~ Z cj null null null null null null null null null ~ null null null hardware/software hardwa.re/software TL/F/11088-5 FIGURE 5. Suggested Queue Initialization 4-107 II queue position is dependent upon the form of data representation that the host software uses (i.e., BSI device addressable pOinters, queue byte offset, ... ). For example, when representing the limit variable as a queue offset one could use simple modulo arithmetic. When the limit variable is maintained as a pointer into BSI device addressable memory the host software might use the following method to increment the variable (specified with C code using 4 kbyte queues). new = «old + 8)& Oxfff) + (old & OxOffffOOO) 7.4 Detecting Boundary Conditions The BSI device detects both queue empty (when reading) and queue full conditions (when writing) by testing for pointer/limit variable equality. As noted above, this test is done during read operations and after write operations. REQ/PSP Queue When reading, a queue empty condition cannot be determined by comparing the pointer and limit variables. Instead the host software may recognize the presence of a "null descriptor" on the queue. To ensure that there will always be at least one "null descriptor" to demarcate the queue empty condition; the host software must never set the limit variable to indicate that all of the queue slots are available and must mark each available queue slot as a "null description" (binary zeroes are recommended). The host software can detect a queue full condition using the same basic mechanism as the BSI device. When writing, a queue may be considered full when the software limit pointer references the queue slot immediately "before" the slot referenced by the software pOinter variable. Queue "wraps" must be taken into account in the queue variable arithmetic. See Figure 6 for a graphical representation of the various queue boundary conditions. REQ/PSP Queue CNF/IDUD Queue CNF/IDUD Queue null null null 851 device sees Empty Queue null O.Req null F.Req null null null null null null oS Host sees Full Queue Host sees Empty Queue null aSI device sees Full Queue TLlF/11088-6 FIGURE 6. Queue Boundary Conditions 4-108 Layout Recommendations for a System Using National's FOOl Chip Set National Semiconductor Application Note 674 Bruce Wolfson This application note covers basic PCB layout recommen· dations and design techniques for high speed signal distri· bution in National's FDDI system. Due to the high signal speeds in FDDI, proper layout is critical. Many digital design· ers are not aware of problems that can arise in a high speed system from improper routing, incorrect termination, and poor power and ground layout. the differential ECl signals. In National's FDDI chip set these include the following: • 125 MHz and 12.5 MHz ECl clocks from the DP83241 (CDDTM device) • Receive Data and Receive Clock from the DP83231 (CRDTM device) • Data to and from the fiber optic transceiver, and ROUTING Line reflections are a reflection of the signal waveform in a transmission line. They are caused by a difference in imped· ance between the transmission line and the load at the end of the line. If the line propagation delay is small compared to the rise time of the signal, the reflection is hidden during the rise time and is not seen as overshoot or ringing. However with the fast edge rates of the signals in a FDDI system, the line length becomes critical. The distortion that results from reflections can give false triggering or data errors. The sig. nals most susceptible to reflections in a FDDI system are o DP83251/55 • loopback data from the DP83251 155 (PLAYERTM device) It is imperative that these signal lines be kept as short as possible. To achieve this, the DP83241 should be placed close to the DP83251 155, the DP83231 should be placed close to the fiber optic receiver and the DP83251/55, and the fiber optiC transmitter should be placed close to the DP83251/55 (Figures 1 and 2). The pinout of the PLAYER device determines the placement of the CDD and CRD devices. All the ECl signals that travel between these devices line up perfectly. To keep the ECl signals traveling between these three devices as short as possible, the CDD and CRD devices should be oriented with pin 1 facing the TBC :I: ~ TBC :I: TXC :I: ~ TXC :I: o DP83241 TXD :I: ... LBO :I: RXD :I: ~ RXC :I: ~ FOTX LBO :I: RXD :I: o DP83231 RXC :I: DATA :I: ... FORX TL/F/10790-1 FIGURE 1. Recommended Component Placement for a Single Attach Station (SAS) 4-109 o DP83251/55 TBC :I: +- TXC:I: .- TXD :I: • LBO :I: rOTX LBO :I: RXD :I: RXD :I: RXC :I: RXC :I: . o DP83231 DATA :I: • rORX TBC :I: o DP83241' TXC :I: TBC :I: TXC :I: o DP83251/55 .- t.- TXD :I: ... LBO :I: rOTX LBO :I: RXD :I: RXD :I: RXC :I: RXC :I: o DP83231 DATA :I: • FORX TLlF/l0790-2 'See DP83241 Datasheet for driving multiple DP83251 155 devices. FIGURE 2. Recommended Component Placement for a Dual Attach Station (DAS) 4-110 PLAYER device. In addition, the PLAYER device must have its ECl signals facing toward the fiber optic transceiver. but the orientation was chosen to allow an easy connection to the system interface, the control logic and the PLAYER device. Since the system interface logic is on the end of the board opposite the fiber optic transceiver, it was logical to have these signals facing that end of the board. It also allowed the control signals of the BMAC device to be near the control signals of the PLAYER device. All the TTL signals in this design can be autorouted. However, none of these signals should pass through the CDD or CRD device circuitry areas to avoid the possibility of noise due to crosstalk. In a Dual Attach Station (DAS) or a Concentrator design, the CRD device should still be placed as close as possible to the PLAYER device but the one CDD device responsible for clocking all the PLAYER and BMAC devices should be placed so as to minimize the skews between each PHY layer. More information regarding the CDD device driving multiple PLAYER devices can be found in the DP83241 datashee!. A Single Attach Station (SAS) in an AT form factor was chosen to demonstrate recommended chip placement and signal routing. Figures 3 through 7 show the basic connections between National's FDDI chips in a Single Attach Station. The silkscreen showing chip and component placement is shown in Figure 8 and the actual signal traces are shown in Figure 9. The FOTX and FORX placement is set by the PMD specification. The CDD, CRD and PLAYER devices should be placed as described in the previous paragraph. However, due to the constraints of the AT form factor, it is necessary to rotate the CDD device and its external components 90 degrees counter clockwise. The only remaining chip to be placed was the DP83261, BMACTM device. Once again the form factor determined the placement, CONTROL BUS CONTROL DATA CONTROL ADDRESS 1 CONTROL SIGNALS ~ TXD :!: FOTX TXE MAC INDICATE PHY INDICATE lBD :!: BMAC ! PLAYER MAC REQUEST PHY REQUEST DATA :!: RXC :!: RXD :!: CRO SO :!: FORX TTlSD LSC I LBC ClK DEl I CRD CONTROL SIGNALS L--- I-- COO TXC:!: TBC :!: TL/F/10790-3 FIGURE 3. Basic Block Diagram of a Single Attach Station Using National's FOOl Chips 4-111 ~ ,.... CD Z• To BMAC device 900n z APPENDIX A ECl DESIGN GUIDE: TRANSMISSION liNE CONCEPTS CD ..,. .,.. I (eq.3) Lo = IlZo II (eq.4) Co=Zo More formal treatments of transmission line characteristics, including loss effects, are available from many sources. 1- 3 INTRODUCTION The interactions between wiring and circuitry in high-speed systems are more easily determined by treating the interconnections as transmission lines. A brief review of basic concepts is presented and simplified methods of analysis are used to examine situations commonly encountered in digital systems. Since the principles and methods apply to any type of logic circuit, normalized pulse amplitudes are used in sample waveforms and calculations. TERMINATION AND REFLECTION A transmission line with a terminating resistor is shown in Figure t. As indicated, a positive step function voltage travels from left to right. To keep track of reflection polarities, it is convenient to consider the lower conductor as the voltage reference and to think in terms of current flow in the top conductor only. The generator is assumed to have zero internal impedance. The initial current 11 is determined by V1 and Zoo SIMPLIFYING ASSUMPTIONS For the great majority of interconnections in digital systems, the resistance of the conductors is much less than the input and output resistance of the circuits. Similarly, the insulating materials have very good dielectric properties. These circumstances allow such factors as attenuation, phase distortion, and bandwidth limitations to be ignored. With these simplifications, interconnections can be dealt with in terms of characteristic impedance and propagation delay. V1,h ---.. ,.~ CHARACTERISTIC IMPEDANCE The two conductors that interconnect a pair of circuits have distributed series inductance and distributed capacitance between them, and thus constitute a transmission line. For any length in which these distributed parameters are constant, the pair of conductors have a characteristic impedance Zoo Whereas quiescent conditions on the line are determined by the circuits and terminations, Zo is the ratio of transient voltage to transient current passing by a point on the line when a signal charge or other electrical disturbance occurs. The relationship between transient voltage, transient current, characteristic impedance, and the distributed parameters is expressed as follows: ~= Zo = I [CO 'iCc 1.=.'2 zo --v~1 l) I, RT DELAV=T= lb TL/F/l0790-14 FIGURE 1. Assigned Polarities and Directions for Determining Reflections If the terminating resistor matches the line impedance, the ratio of voltage to current traveling along the line is matched by the ratio of voltage to current which must, by Ohm's law, always prevail at RT. From the viewpoint of the voltage step generator, no adjustment of output current is ever required; the situation is as though the transmission line never existed and RT had been connected directly across the terminals of the generator. From the RT viewpoint, the only thing the line did was delay the arrival of the voltage step by the amount of time T. When RT is not equal to Zo, the initial current starting down the line is still determined by V1 and Zo but the final steady state current, after all reflections have died out, is determined by V1 and RT (ohmic resistance of the line is assumed to be negligible). The ratio of voltage to current in the initial wave is not equal to the ratio of voltage to current demanded by RT. Therefore, at the instant the initial wave arrives at RT, another voltage and current wave must be generated so that Ohm's law is satisfied at the lineload interface. This reflected wave, indicated by Vr and Ir in Figure t, starts to return toward the generator. Applying (eq.1) PROPAGATION VELOCITY Propagation velocity v and its reciprocal, delay per unit length II, can also be expressed in terms of Lo and Co. A consistent set of units is nanoseconds, microhenries and picofarads, with a common unit of length. II = ~LoCo v, LINE LENGTH = I where La = inductance per unit length, Co = capacitance per unit length. Zo is in ohms, Lo in Henries, Co in Farads. 1 v = ~LoCo - 1._ (eq.2) Equations t and 2 provide a convenient means of determining the La and Co, of a line when delay, length and impedance are known. For a length I and delay T, II is the ratio TIl. To determine Lo and Co, combine Equations t and 2. 4-117 greater than ZOo In turn, this means that the initial current I, is larger than the final quiescent current, dictated by V, and RT. Hence, Ir must oppose I, to reduce the line current to the final'quiescent value. Similar reasoning shows that if V, is negative, I, flows in the same direction as I,. Kirchoff's laws to the end of the line at the instant the initial wave arrives, results in the following. I, + I, = IT = current into RT (eq. 5) Since only one voltage can exist at the end of the line at this instant of time, the following is true: V, + V, = VT VT V, + V, IT = RT = ~ thus V, It is sometimes easier to determine the effect of Vr on line conditions by thinking of it as an independent voltage generator in series with RT. With this concept, the direction of I, is immediately apparent; its magnitude, however, is the ratio of V, to Zo, i.e., RT is already accounted for in the magnitude of V,. The relationships between incident and reflected Signals are represented in Figure 2 for both cases of mismatch between RT and Zoo The incident wave is shown in Figure 2a, before it has reached the end of the line. In Figure 2b, a positive V, is returning to the generator. To the left of V, the current is still I" flowing to the right, while to the right of V, the net current in the line is the difference between I, and I,. In Figure 2c, the reflection coefficient is negative, producing a negative V,. This, in turn, causes an increase in the amount of current flowing to the right behind the V, wave. (eq. 6) V, I, = - and I, = - Zo Zo with the minus sign indicating that V" is moving toward the generator. Combining the foregoing relationships algebraically and solving for V, yields a simplified expression in terms of V" Zo and RT. also V, _ V, = V, + V, = V, + V, Zo Zo RT RT RT V, (2. - ...!.-) Zo RT = V, (...!.+ 2.) RT Zo (eq.7) ~II--__ V, = V, (RT - Zo) = PL V, RT + Zo The term in parenthesis is called the coefficient of reflection p. With RT ranging between zero (shorted line) and infinity (open line), the coefficient ranges between -1 and + 1 respectively. The subscript L indicates that P refers to the coefficient at the load end of the line. Equation 7 expresses the amount of voltage sent back down the line, and since VT = V, + V, (eq.8) I Zo (eq.9) The foregoing has the same form as a simple voltage divider involving a generator V, with internal impedance Zo driving a load RT, except that the amplitude of VT is doubled. The arrow indicating the direction of V, in Figure 1 correctly indicates the V, direction of travel, but the direction of I, flow depends on the V, polarity. If V, is positive, I, flows toward the generator, opposing I,. This relationship between the polarity of V, and the direction of I, can be deduced by noting in Equation 7 that if V, is positive it is because RT is TL/F/l0790-17 c. Reflected Wave for Rr < Zo FIGURE 2. Reflections for Rr Zo '* 4-118 SOURCE IMPEDANCE, MULTIPLE REFLECTIONS ducing Rs (Figure 3) to 130. increases Ps to -0.75V, and the effects are illustrated in Figure 4. The initial value of VT is 1.BV with a reflection of 0.9V from the open end. When this reflection reaches the source, a reflection of 0.9V x -0.75V starts back toward the open end. Thus, the second increment of voltage arriving at the open end is negative going. In turn, a negative-going reflection of 0.9V x -0.75V starts back toward the source. This negative increment is again multiplied by -0.75 at the source and returned toward the open end. It can be deduced that the difference in amplitude between the first two positive peaks observed at the open end is When a reflected voltage arrives back at the source (generator), the reflection coefficient at the source determines the response to Yr. The coefficient of reflection at the source is governed by Zo and the source resistance Rs. Rs - Zo Ps = Rs + 20 (eq.10) If the source impedance matches the line impedance, a reflected voltage arriving at the source is not reflected back toward the load end. Voltage and current on the line are stable with the following values. PU V1 - (1 + PU V1 p2L p 2s (eq.12) PU V1 (1 - p2L p 2sl. The factor (1 - p2L p 2s) is similar to the damping factor associated with lumped constant circuitry. It expresses the attenuation of successive positive or negative peaks of ringing. (eq.11) VT - V'T = (1 = (1 If neither source impedance nor terminating impedance matches Zo, multiple reflections occur; the voltage at each end of the line comes closer to the final steady state value with each succeeding reflection. An example of a line mismatched on both ends is shown in Figure 3. The source is a step function of 1V amplitude occurring at time to. The initial value of V1 starting down the line is 0.75V due to the voltage divider action of 20 and Rs. The time scale in the photograph shows that the line delay is approximately 6 ns. Since neither end of the line is terminated in its characteristic impedance, multiple reflections occur. + + - The amplitude and persistence of the ringing shown in Figure 3 become greater with increasing mismatch between the line impedance and source and load impedances. Re- Vr - v, Zo=930 RT= co 1 VT H =20 nsldiv V=0.4 V/div TL/F/l0790-1B 31 - 93 + 93 = -0.5 PS = 31 I .. mtlally: v, TL/F/l0790-20 "" - 93 PL=""+93=+1 FIGURE 4. Extended Ringing when Rs of Figure 31s Reduced to 130. Zo 93 = Zo + Rs • Vo = 124'1 = 0.7SV LATTICE DIAGRAM In the presence of multiple reflections, keeping track of the incremental waves on the line and the net voltage at the ends becomes a bookkeeping chore. A convenient and systematic method of indicating the conditions which combines magnitude, polarity and time utilizes a graphic construction called a lattice diagram.4 A lattice diagram for the line conditions of Figure 3 is shown in Figure 5. The vertical lines symbolize discontinuity pOints, in this case the ends of the line. A time scale is marked off on each line in increments of 2T, starting at to for V1 and T for VT. The diagonal lines indicate the incremental voltages traveling between the ends of the line; solid lines are used for positive voltages and dashed lines for negative. It is helpful to write the reflection and transmission multipliers p and (1 + p) at each vertical line, and to tabulate the incremental and net voltages in columns alongside the vertical lines. Both the lattice diagram and the waveform photograph show that VI and VT asymptotically approach 1V, as they must with a 1V source driving an open-ended line. Vr v, H =20 ns/div V =0.5 V/div TL/F/l0790-19 FIGURE 3. Multiple Reflections Due to Mismatch at Load and Source 4-119 . l> Z en ..... -'=" ~ r--------------------------------------------------------------------------- CD - - VT V, Z c( SUM: :+0.76 V + 0.375 V +1.125V ~ +0.937V - P=+1 p= -0.5 (Hp)- +0.6 1=10 (1 +p)_ +2 SUM: T +1.60V 3T -0.75 V +0.75 V 5T +0.375 V + 1.125 V 7T ~::~:;: 9T +0.094 V +1.031 V 2T 4T + 0.094 V +1.031 V 8T -0.047 V + G.984 V 8T TLlF/l0790-21 FIGURE 5. lattice Diagram for the Circuit of Figure 3 SHORTED LINE The open-ended line in Figure 3 has a reflection coefficient of + 1 and the successive reflections tend toward the steady state conditions of zero line current and a line voltage equal to the source voltage. In contrast, a shorted line has a reflection coefficient of -1 and successive reflections must cause the line conditions to approach the steady state conditions of zero voltage and a line current determined by the source voltage and resistance. Shorted line conditions are shown in Figure 6a with the reflection coefficient at the source end of the line also negative. A negative coefficient at both ends of the line means that any voltage approaching either end of the line is reflected in the opposite polarity. Figure 6b shows the response to an input step-function with a duration much longer than the line delay. The initial voltage starting down the line is about + 0.75V, which is inverted at the shorted end and returned toward the source as -0.75V. Arriving back at the source end of the line, this voltage is multiplied by (1 + ps), causing a -0.37V net change in V1. Concurrently, a reflected voltage of +0.37V (-0.75V times Ps of -0.5) starts back toward the shorted end of the line. The voltage at V 1 is reduced by 50% with each successive round trip of reflections, thus leading to the final condition of zero volts on the line. When the duration of the input pulse is less than the delay of the line, the reflections observed at the source end of the line constitute a train of negative pulses, as shown in Figure 6e. The amplitude decreases by 50% with each successive occurrence as it did in Figure 6b. TLlF/l0790-99 0-93 PL ~ 0 + 93 ~ -1 PS ~ -0.5 a. Reflection Coefficients for Shorted Line v, v, H = 10nsldiv V=O.2 V/dlv H= 10 ns/div V=O.2 V/dlv TLlF/l0790-23 TL/F110790-22 b. Input Pulse Duration > Line Delay c. Input Pulse Duration FIGURE 6. Reflections of Long and Short Pulses on a Shorted Line 4-120 < Line Delay EXTRA DELAY WITH TERMINATION CAPACITANCE DeSigners should consider the effect of the load capacitance at the end of the line when using series termination. Figure 9 shows how the output waveform changes with increasing load capacitance. Figure 9b shows the effect of load capacitances of 0, 12, 24, 48 pF. With no load, the delay between the 50% pOints of the input and output is just the line delay T. A capacitive load at the end of the line causes an extra delay I!o.T due to the increase in rise time of the output signal. The midpoint of the output is used as a criterion because the propagation delay of an ECl circuit is measured between the 50% points of the input and output signals. SERIES TERMINATION Driving an open-ended line through a source resistance equal to the line impedance is called series termination. It is particularly useful when transmitting signals which originate on a PC board and travel through the backplane to another board, with the attendant discontinuities, since reflections coming back to the source are absorbed and ringing thereby controlled. Agure 1 shows a 930 line driven from a 1V generator through a source impedance of 930. The photograph illustrates that the amplitude of the initial signal sent down the line is only half of the generator voltage, while the voltage at the open end of the line is doubled to full amplitude (1 + PL = 2). The reflected voltage arriving back at the source raises VItO the full amplitude of the generator signal. Since the reflection coefficient at the source is zero, no further changes occur and the line voltage is equal to the generator voltage. Because the initial signal on the line is only half the normal signal swing, the loads must be connected at or near the end of the line to avoid receiving a 2step input signal. An ECL output driving a series terminated line requires a pull-down resistor to VEE, as indicated in Figure 8. The resistor Ro shown in Figure 8 symbolizes the output resistance of the EeL gate. The relationships between Ro, RS, RE and Zo are discussed in Appendix B. TUF/l0790-27 a. Series Terminated line with load Capacitance TUF/l0790-24 HI::1 ns/div V=O.2 Vldlv TL/F/l0790-28 b. Output Rise Time Increase with Increasing load Capacitance O% ~ LINE INPUT LINE OUTPUT H=1D nsldiv V=O.4V/dlv TLlF/l0790-29 TUF/l0790-25 c. Extra Delay I!o. T Due to Rise Time Increase FIGURE 7. Series Terminated line and Waveforms AS T FIGURE 9. Extra Delay with Termination Capacitance Zo TUF/l0790-26 FIGURE 8. ECl Element Driving a Series Terminated line 4-121 ~ "'CD :Z c( r-------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ V~N (I) The increase in propagation delay can be calculated by using a ramp approximation for the incident voltage and characterizing the circuit as a fixed impedance in series with the load capacitance, as shown in Figure 10. One general solution serves both series and parallel termination cases by using an impedance Z' and a time constant T, defined in Figure 10a and 10b. Calculated and observed increases in delay time to the 50% point show close agreement when T is less than half the ramp time. At large ratios of Tla (where a = ramp time), measured delays exceed calculated values by approximately 7%. Figure 11, based on measured values, shows the increase in delay to the 50% point as a function of the Z'C time constant, both normalized to the 10% to 90% rise time of the input signal. As an example of using the graph, consider a 1oon series terminated line with 30 pF load capacitance at the end of the line and a no-load rise time of 3 ns for the input signal. From Figure 10a, Z' is equal to 100n; the ratio Z'Clt, is 1. From the graph, the ratio AT It, is 0.8. Thus the increase in the delay to the 50% point of the output waveform is 0.8 t" or 2.4 ns, which is then added to the no-load line delay T to determine the total delay. Had the 100n line in the foregoing example been parallel rather than series terminated at the end of the line, Z' would be 50n. The added delay would be only 1.35 ns with the same 30 pF loading at the end. The added delay would be only 0.75 ns if the line were 50n and parallel terminaled. The various trade-offs involving type of termination, line impedance, and loading are important considerations for crilical delay paths. -_zo'---l"" r TLlF/10790-30 a. Thevenln Equivalent for Series Terminated Case z'=~ Zo 2 V'N ( I ) l 1 C 1,.-1'-... VIN(I)~·i C RT=Zo~ ~ T=Z'C=ZoC 2 ~ I Vo ~ TLlF/l0790-31 b. Thevenin Equivalent for Parallel Terminated Case v 1,=0.88 8=1.251, I 1=0 1=8 TLlFI1 0790-32 Vin(t) = a[tu(t) V Ofor I < u(t) = 1 for t > (t - a)u (I - a)) a a 2.5 ~I u(t - a) = Ofort < a, 1forl>a N V :e " a: 1.5 z iii en ~ a: T(1 - e- tlT )) u(t) 1.0 V u ~ 5w V --[(I-a) a 0.5 0 !.=.! o /' / 0 V 1 Vc(S) = - . (1 - e- as) ar s2(s+1/T) aV [I - 7 ::i VIN(S) = as2 (1 - e- as) vc(t) = 2.0 0 W / ./ / 1/ 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 LINE·LOAD TIME CONSTANT, NORMALlZED-Z'CIt, - T(1 - e)1 u (I - a) c. Equations for Input and Output Voltages T TLlF110790-33 FIGURE 11. Increase in 50% Point Delay Due to Capacitive Loading at the End of the Line, Normalized to T r FIGURE 10. Determining the Effect of End-of-Line Capacitance 4-122 DISTRIBUTED LOADING EFFECTS ON LINE CHARACTERISTICS This analogy is strengthened by observing the effect of reducing RT from 930 to 750, which leads to the middle waveform of Figure 12c. Note that the final (steady state) value of the line voltage is reduced by about the same amount as that caused by the capacitive reflections. In the lower trace of Figure 12c the source resistance Rs is reduced from 930 to 750, restoring both the initial and final line voltage values to the same amplitude as the final value in the upper trace. From the standpoint of providing a desired signal voltage on the line and impedance matching at either end, the effect of distributed capacitive loading can be treated as a reduction in line impedance. The reduced line impedance can be calculated by considering the load capacitance CL as an increase in the intrinsic line capacitance Co along that portion of the line where the loads are connected. 6 Denoting this length of line as I, the distributed value Co of the load capacitance is as follows. When capacitive loads such as ECL inputs are connected along a transmission line, each one causes a reflection with a polarity opposite to that of the incident wave. Reflections from two adjacent loads tend to overlap if the time required for the incident wave to travel from one load to the next is equal to or less than the signal rise time. s Figure 12a illustrates an arrangement for observing the effects of capacitive loading, while Figure 12b shows an incident wave followed by reflections from two capacitive loads. The two capacitors causing the reflections are separated by a distance requiring a travel time of 1 ns. The two reflections return to the source 2 ns apart, since it takes 1 ns longer for the incident wave to reach the second capacitor and an additional 1 ns for the second reflection to travel back to the source. In the upper trace of Figure 12b, the input signal rise time is 1 ns and there are two distinct reflections, although the trailing edge of the first overlaps the leading edge of the second. The input rise time is longer in the middle trace, causing a greater overlap. In the lower trace, the 2 ns input rise time causes the two reflections to merge and appear as a single reflection which is relatively constant (at ::::: -10%) for half its duration. This is about the same reflection that would occur if the 930 line had a middle section with an impedance reduced to 750. With a number of capacitors distributed all along the line of Figure 12a, the combined reflections modify the observed input waveform as shown in the top trace of Figure 12c. The reflections persist for a time equal to the 2-way line delay (15 ns), after which the line voltage attains its final value. The waveform suggests a line terminated with a resistance greater than its characteristic impedance (RT > Zo). RS=93Q Co is then added to Co in Equation duced line impedance Zoo Z' - {TO _~ o - ,,~ - Co ( 1 to determine the re- Lo CD) 1+Co (eq.13) fCO Z' + VCo = Zo °RH 1 +....Q Co 1 +....Q Co Zo=93Q I Vo 2V I .1. ! I TLlF/l0790-34 a. Arrangement for Observing Capacitive Loading Effects .. Rs=Rl= 93 ~! Rs=93~! +-Rr=7Stl .. Rs=RT= 75 n H=2ns/div V = 0.25 V/div H =5nsldlv V =0.25 V/dlv TL/F/l0790-35 TL/F/l0790-36 b. Capacitive Reflections Merging as Rise Time Increases c. Matching the Altered Impedance of a Capacitively Loaded Line FIGURE 12. Capacitive Reflections and Effects on Line Characteristics 4-123 • .... ,---------------------------------------------------------------------------------, In the example of Figure 12c, the total load capacitance is MISMATCHED LINES ~ ~ z cc 33 pF while the total intrinsic line capacitance lCo is 60 pF. (Note that the ratio ColCo is the same as Cll/CO.) The calculated value of the reduced impedance is thus 93 93 Z'o = g 3 = ff.55 = 750 (eq.14) 1+60 This correlates with the results observed in Figure 12c when RT and Rs are reduced to 750. The distributed load capacitance also increases the line delay, which can be calculated from Equation 2. 8' = ~Lo(Co + Co) = ~LoCo~1 + ~~ Reflections occur not only from mismatched load and source impedances but also from changes in line impedance. These changes could be caused by bends in coaxial cable, unshielded twisted-pair in contact with metal, or mismatch between PC board traces and backplane wiring. With the coax or twisted-pair, line impedance changes run about 5% to 10% and reflections are usually no problem since the percent reflection is roughly half the percent change in impedance. However, between PC board and backplane wiring, the mismatch can be 2 or 3 to 1. This is illustrated in Figure 14 and analyzed in the lattice diagram of Figure 15. Line 1 is driven in the series terminated mode so that reflections coming back to the source are absorbed. The reflection and transmission at the pOint where impedances differ are determined by treating the downstream line as though it were a terminating resistor. For the example of Figure 14, the reflection coefficient at the intersection of lines 1 and 2 for a signal traveling to the right is as follows. Z2 - ZI 93 - 50 P12 = - - - - - = - - = +0.3 (eq.18) Z2 + ZI 143 Thus the signal reflected back toward the source and the signal continuing along line 2 are, respectively, as follows. (eq.15) =8~1 + CD Co The line used in the example of Figure 12c has an intrinsic delay of 6 ns and a loaded delay of 7.5 ns which checks with Equation 15. 18' = 18 ff.55 = 6 ff.55 = 7.5 ns (eq.16) Equation 15 can be used to predict the delay for a given line and load. The ratio ColCo (hence the loading effect) can be minimized for a given loading by using a line with a high intrinsic capacitance Co. A plot of Z' and 8' for a 500 line as a function of CD is shown in Figure 13. This figure illustrates that relatively modest amounts of load capacitance will add appreciably to the propagation delay of a line. In addition, the characteristic impedance is reduced significantly. 8 ~ \ / /' L.J=-"V V Vlr= P12Vl = +0.3Vl (eq.19a) V2 = (1 + P12) VI = + 1.3 VI (eq.19b) At the intersection of lines 2 and 3, the reflection coefficient for signals traveling to the right is determined by treating Za as a terminating resistor. Za-Z239-93 P23 = - - - - - = - - = -0.41 (eq.20) Za + Z2 132 When V2 arrives at this pOint, the reflected and transmitted signals are as follows. 80 co I 50i V2r = P23 V2= -0.41 V2 = (-0.41) (1.3) VI = -0.53Vl 6' =1.778n8l11 CD=2.8pFlin 40~ "! / () ~ r-.... 10 - 30 20 V3 = (1 + P2a) V2 = 0.59 V2 = (0.59)(1.3) VI (eq.21b) = 0.77 VI Voltage V3 is doubled in magnitude when it arrives at the open-ended output, since Pl is + 1. This effectively cancels the voltage divider action between Rs and ZI. ~ ~ II: :l! ZD' 20 iii () 10 I ~ o V4 = (1 + pu V3 = (1 + Pu (1 + P2a) V2 = (1 + pu (1 + P23)(1 + P12) VI 30 CD- DISTRIBUTED CAPACITANCE- pFlln (eq.22) Vo = (1 + pu (1 + P23)(1 + P1V"2 TL/F/l0790-37 FIGURE 13. Capacitive Loading Effects on Line Delay and Impedance Worst case reflections from a capacitively loaded section of transmission line can be accurately predicted by using the modified impedance of Equation 9. 6 When a signal originates on an unloaded section of line, the effective reflection coefficient is as follows. Z'o - Zo P = Z'o + Zo (eq.21a) V4 = (1 + P23) (1 + P12) Vo Thus, Equation 22 is the general expression for the initial step of output voltage for three lines when the input is series terminated and the output is open-ended. (eq.17) 4-124 Note that the reflection coefficients at the intersections of lines 1 and 2 and lines 2 and 3 in Figure 15 have reversed signs for signals traveling to the left. Thus the voltage reflected from the open output and the signal reflecting back and forth on line 2 both contribute additional increments of output voltage in the same polarity as Vo. Lines 2 and 3 have the same delay time; therefore, the two aforementioned increments arrive at the output simultaneously at time 5T on the lattice diagram (Figure 15). In the general case of series lines with different delay times, the vertical lines on the lattice diagram should be spaced apart in the ratio of the respective delays. Figure 16 shows this for a hypothetical case with delay ratios 1:2:3. For a sequence of transmission lines with the highest impedRs=500 ance line in the middle, at least three output voltage increments with the same polarity as Vo occur before one can occur of opposite polarity. On the other hand, if the middle line has the lowest impedance, the polarity of the second increment of output voltage is the opposite of Vo. The third increment of output voltage has the opposite polarity, for the time delay ratios of Figure 16. When transmitting logic signals, it is important that the initial step of line output voltage pass through the threshold region of the receiving circuit, and that the next two increments of output voltage augment the initial step. Thus in a series terminated sequence of three mismatched lines, the middle line should have the highest impedance. Z,=500 Z,=930 z.,=390 ;-~~~~--------~~----------.-----------.. ~== Ps=o P12= +0.3 P21= -0.3 P23= -0.41 P32= +0.41 TL/F/l0790-38 H = 2Ons/div V=0.4 Vldl. TUF/l0790-39 FIGURE 14_ Reflections from Mismatched Lines v, + 0.50 V 1=0 ~ + 0.55 V T P12=+O.3 V3 P23= -0.41 P21 P32= +0.41 V. p=O = -0.3 -- V. PL=1 (1+PLl= +2 2T +0.77 V 3T -0.19V +0.46 V 4T +O.40Y 5T +D.35V +D.8IV +1.17V 5T 7T +0.24 V IT.1"5V 6T -0.12V +1.05V 9T ETC. TLlF/l0790-40 FIGURE 15_ Lattice Diagram for the Circuit of Figure 14 4-125 • v~ Tl_.+r•.--T2--...,. .Vt-i'._----T3-----i.~y taO ...TL/F/l0790-41 FIGURE 16. Lattice Diagram for Three Lines with Delay Ratios 1:2:3 RISE TIME VERSUS LINE DELAY When the 2-way line delay is less than the rise time of the input wave, any reflections generated at the end of the line are returned to the source before the input transition is completed. Assuming that the generator has a finite source resistance, the reflected wave adds algebraically to the input wave while it is still in transition, thereby changing the shape of the input. This effect is illustrated in Figure 11, which shows input and output voltages for several comparative values of rise time and line delay. In Figure 11b where the rise time is much shorter than the line delay, VI rises to an initial value of 1V. At time T later, VT rises to 0.5V, i.e., 1 + PL = 0.5. The negative reflection arrives back at the source at time 2T, causing a net change of -0.4V, i.e., (1 + psI (-0.5) = -0.4. The net input voltage at any particular time is determined by adding the reflection to the otherwise unaffected input. It must be remembered that the reflection arriving back at the input at a given time is proportional to the input voltage at a time 2T earlier. The value of V 1 in Figure 11d can be calculated by starting with the 1V input ramp. 1 VI = -et forO"; t ,,;4T t, = 1V ~ fort (eq.23) 4T The reflection from the end of the line is V - pdt - 2T). ,- t, (eq.24) ' the portion of the reflection that appears at the input is The negative coefficient at the source changes the polarity of the other 0.1 V of the reflection and returns it to the end of the line, causing VT to go positive by another 50 mV at time 3T. The remaining 50 mV is inverted and reflected back to the source, where its effect is barely distinguishable as a small negative change at time 4T. In Figure 11c, the input rise time (0% to 100%) is increased to such an extent that the input ramp ends just as the negative reflection arrives back at the source end. Thus the input rise time is equal to 2T. The input rise time is increased to 4T in Figure 11d, with the negative reflection causing a noticeable change in input slope at about its midpoint. This change in slope is more visible in the double exposure photo of Figure 11e, which shows VI (t, still set for 4T) with and without the negative reflection. The reflection was eliminated by terminating the line in its characteristic impedance. V' = (1 + psI pdt - 2T). , t,' (eq.25) the net value of the input voltage is the sum. _-.,::2-'-!.T) v,1_- -t +-,-,(1_+---"-p,,,S)_+-,-,PL::..:(,-,-t - t, t, (eq.26) The peak value of the input voltage in Figure 11d is determined by substituting values and letting t equal 4T. V'I = 1 + (0.8) (-0.5) (4T - 2T) t, (eq.27) = 1 - 0.4 (0.5) = 0.8V After this peak pOint, the input ramp is no longer increasing but the reflection is still arriving. Hence the net value of the input voltage decreases. In this example, the later reflections are too small to be detected and the input voltage is thus stable after time 6T. For the general case of repeated reflections, the net voltage Vl(l) seen at the driven end of the line can be expressed as follows, where the Signal caused by the generator is VI (I)' 4-126 The voltage at the output end of the line is expressed in a similar manner. V'I(t) = Vl(t) forO < t < 2T V'I(t) = Vl(t) + (1 + VT(t) = 0 PS) PL Vl(t-2T) forO <- T 2T 3T 4T 5T 6T 7T 8T 9T lOT l1T 12T 13T TL/F/l0790-49 c. Net Output Signal Determined by Superposition FIGURE 18. Basic Relationships Involved in Ringing 4-128 In Figure 18c, the output increments are added algebraically by superposition. The starting point of each increment is shifted upward to a voltage value equal to the algebraic sum of the quiescent levels of all the preceding increments (i.e., 0, 2B, O.4B, 1.68B, etc.). For time intervals when two ramps occur simultaneously, the two linear functions add to produce a third ramp that prevails during the overlap time of the two increments. are intended to focus attention on the general methods used to determine the interactions between high-speed logic circuits and their interconnections. Considering an interconnection in terms of distributed rather than lumped inductance and capacitance leads to the line impedance concept, i.e., mismatch between this characteristic impedance and the terminations causes reflections and ringing. Series termination provides a means of absorbing reflections when it is likely that discontinuities and! or line impedance changes will be encountered. A disadvantage is that the incident wave is only one-half the signal swing, which limits load placement to the end of the line. ECl input capacitance increases the rise time at the end of the line, thus increasing the effective delay. With parallel termination, i.e., at the end of the line, loads can be distributed along the line. ECl input capacitance modifies the line characteristics and should be taken into account when determining line delay. It is apparent from the geometric relationships, that if the ramp time A is less than twice the line delay, the first output increment has time to rise to the full 2B amplitude and the second increment reduces the net output voltage to O.4B. Conversely, if the line delay is very short compared to the ramp time, the excursions about the final value VG are small. Agure 18c shows that the peak of each excursion is reached when the earlier of the two constituent ramps reaches its maximum value, with the result that the first peak occurs at time A. This is because the earlier ramp has a greater slope (absolute value) than the one that follows. REFERENCES 1. Metzger, G. and Vabre, J., Transmission Lines with Pulse EXCitation, Academic Press, (1969). Actual waveforms such as produced by ECl or TTL do not have a constant slope and do not start and stop as abruptly as the ramp used in the example of Figure 18. Predicting the time at which the peaks of overshoot and undershoot occur is not as simple as with ramp excitation. A more rigorous treatment is required, including an expression for the driving waveform which closely simulates its actual shape. In the general case, a peak occurs when the sum of the slopes of the individual signal increment is zero. 2. Skilling, H., Electric Transmission Lines, McGraw-Hili, (1951). 3. Matick, R., Transmission Lines for Digital and Communication Networks, McGraw-Hili, (1969). 4. Millman, J. and Taub, H., Pulse Digital and Switching Waveforms, McGraw-Hili, (1965). 5. "Time Domain Reflectometry", Hewlett-Packard Journal, Vol. 15, No.6, (February 1964). SUMMARY 6. Feller, A., Kaupp H., and Digiacoma, J., "Crosstalk and Reflections in High-Speed Digital Systems", Proceedings, Fall Joint Computer Conference, (1965). The foregoing discussions are by no means an exhaustive treatment of transmission line characteristics. Rather, they 4-129 ~ ""CD :2: : 5 u 0= 0.1481nslln z ::;: ;4 (eq.2) w u where d = wire diameter, h = distance from ground to wire center. Comparing Equation 1 and 2, the term 0.67 (0.8 w + t) shows the equivalence between a round wire and a rectangular conductor. The term 0.475 Er + 0.67 is the effective dielectric constant for microstrip Ee, considering that a microstrip line has a compound dielectric consisting of the board material and air. The effective dielectric constant is determined by measuring propagation delay per unit of line length and using the following relationship. Il = 1.016. ~ nslft (eq. 3) z ~ 3 Q 2 ::(j<> :!! ::> III iE Ii; 1 is I 80 where Il = propagation delay, ns/ft. Propagation delay is a property of the dielectric material rather than line width or spacing. The coefficient 1.016 is the reciprocal of the velocity of light in free space. Propagation delay for microstrip lines on glass-filled G-10 epoxy boards is typically 1.77 nslft, yielding an effective dielectric constant of 3.04. "'""" -----40 60 80 100 120 Zo - CHARACTERISTIC IMPEDANCE-II TL/F/l0790-54 FIGURE 3. Mlcrostrlp Distributed Capacitance Versus Impedance, G-10 Epoxy Stripline Stripline conductors are totally embedded. As a result, the board material determines the dielectric constant. G-10 epoxy boards have a typical propagation delay of 2.26 nslft. Equation 4 is used to calculate stripline impedances. 1•2 120~'-----r----.-----r----;-, c: I w Z _ (60) I ( 4b .fEr n 0.67 1T (0.8 w o- u ~100~~~--+-----r-----r---~~ + t) ) (eq.4) where b = distance between ground planes, w = trace width, t = trace thickness, w/(b-t) < 0.35 and lib < 0.25. Figure 4 shows stripline impedance as a function of trace width, using Equation 4 and various ground plane separations for G-10 glass-filled epoxy boards. Related values of Co are plotted in Figure 5 . w Do ;;§ u ti iE ... :!! u II: :>: u I co I w ~ <> z ~ 70 f--l1r-.....30<4------+------l'-----l Do ;;§ TUF/l0790-53 <> ti FIGURE 2. Microstrip Impedance Versus Trace Width, G-10 Epoxy 60 ""',---*-.....::!~+-----l-----l iE ~ Using Er = 5.0 in Equation 1, Figure 2 provides microstrip line impedance as a function of width for several G-10 epoxy board thicknesses. Figure 3 shows the related Co values, useful for determining capacitive loading effects on line characteristics, (Equation 15). ~ 50~---~----~~--~~~~ <> I ~ ~.0~5::-0-......~:::---~~~-~~:O""'~0.025 System designers should ascertain tolerances on board dimensions, dielectric constant and trace width etching in order to determine impedance variations. If conformal coating is used the effective dielectric constant of microstrip is increased, depending on the coating material and thickness. TRACE WIDTH - INCHES TUF/l0790-55 FIGURE 4. Strlpllne Impedance Versus Trace Width, G-10 Epoxy 4-131 ~ r-------------------------------------------------~----------------------------__, ..... z~ II( supply can provide the Thevenin equivalent of a single resistor to - 2V if a separate termination supply is not available, Figure 6b. The average power dissipation in the Thevenin equivalent resistors is about 10 times the power dissipation in the single resistor returned to - 2V, as shown in Figures 10 and 13. For either parallel termination method, decoupling capacitors are required between the supply and ground (Chapter 6). :z: 5 ~0.188 nslln ~ ~ 4 ...... w CJ z i! ~ ~ .. ~ 3 ~ ............... '--.... _ a. Parallel Termination 2 o--~:>- o -D• --"-0 II E --=......-q 1 is I (] VTT 0 40 Zo - 50 60 70 80 CHARACTERISTIC IMPEDANCE - II TLlF/t0790-57 TLlF/l0790-56 b. Thevenln Equivalent of RT and Vrr FIGURE 5. Strlpline Distributed Capacitance Versus Impedance, G-l0 Epoxy Wire Wrap Rl= VEE RT VEE-VTT Rl ~~ --f~ Wire-wrap boards are commercially available with three voltage planes, positions for several 24-pin Dual-In-Line Packages (DIP), terminating resistors, and decoupling capacitors. The devices are mounted on socket pins and interconnected with twisted pair wiring. One wire at each end of the twisted pair is wrapped around a signal pin, the other around a ground pin. The #30 insulated wire is uniformly twisted to provide a nominal 930 impedance line. Positions for Single-In-Line Package (SIP) terminating resistors are close to the inputs to provide good termination characteristics. VEE '" R2= VEE RT VTT TL/F/l0790-58 c. Equivalent Circuit for Determining Approximate VOH and VOL Levels Stitch Weld 60 EOH= -0.85 v --'"\N'v--. VOH Stitch-weld boards are commercially available with three voltage planes and buried resistors between planes. The devices are mounted on terminals and interconnected with insulated wires that are welded to the backside of the terminals. The insulated wires are placed on a controlled thickness over the ground plane to provide a nominal impedance of 500. The boards are available for both DIPs and flatpaks. Use of flatpaks can increase package density and provide higher system performance. EOL=-1.67V ~ Rr VOL VTT 811 TL/F/l0790-59 Discrete Wired d. FlOOK Output Characteristic with Terminating Resistor RT Returned to Vrr = -2.0V Custom Multiwire' boards are available with integral power and ground planes. Wire is placed on a controlled thickness above the ground plane to obtain a nominal impedance line of 550. Then holes are drilled through the wire and board. Copper is deposited in the drilled holes by an additive-electrolysiS process which bonds each wire to the wall of the holes. Devices are soldered on the board to make connection to the wires. -0 ~ .J/:. SLJPE~8.0~ , ~slopt=aro I 1 -8 '\ r-..~r--... I\~ f'., 1'..., I ...z -12 ........ ~=1000 w \\ -4 II: II: :::I 'Multiwire is a registered trademark of the Multiwire Corporation. ... ...... CJ Parallel Termination Terminating a line at the receiving end with a resistance equal to the characteristic line impedance is called parallel termination, Figure 6a. FlOOK circuits do not have internal pull-down resistors on outputs, so the terminating resistor must be returned to a voltage more negative than VOL to establish the LOW-state output voltage from the emitter follower. A -2V termination return supply is commonly used. This minimizes power consumption and correlates with standard test specifications for ECL circuits. A pair of resistors connected in series between ground (Vee) and the VEE :::I \ -20 \ -24 :::I 0 I I'\. I\. ['\. -16 \ .......... "- 1\ -28 \ !; -32 E RT=2501\ -36 -40 -2.0 VOL V6Hl \ ~n '\.RT=500 ['.1 "e.~ = 37 j5 0 1 -1.2 -0.6 -0.4 Vour - OUTPUT VOLTAGE - V -1.6 -0 TLlF/t0790-60 FIGURE 6. Parallel Termination 4-132 Using 15% reflection limits as examples, the range of the RT/ZO ratio is as follows. FlOOK output transistors are designed to drive low-impedance loads and have a maximum output current rating of 50 mAo The circuits are specified and tested with a 50D.load returned to -2V. This gives nominal output levels of -0.955V at 20.9 mA and -1.705V at 5.9 mAo Output levels will be different with other load currents because of the transistor output resistance. This resistance is nonlinear with load current since it is due, in part, to the base-emitter voltage of the emitter follower, which is logarithmic with output current. With the standard 50D. load, the effective source resistance is approximately 6D. in the HIGH state and 6D. in the lOW state. The foregoing values of output voltage, output current, and output resistance are used to estimate quiescent output levels with different loads. An equivalent circuit is shown in Figure 6e. The ECl circuit is assumed to contain two internal voltage sources EOH and EOL with series resistances of 6D. and 6D. respectively. The values shown for EOH and EOL are -0.65V and -1.67V respectively. 1.15 RT 0.65 RT - > - > - 1.35>->0.74 (eq.6) Zo 1.15 Zo 0.65 The permissible range of the RT/ZO ratio determines the tolerance ranges for RT and ZOo For example, using the foregoing ratio limits, RT tolerances of ± 10% allow Zo tolerance limits of + 22% and -19%; RT tolerances of ± 5% allow Zo tolerance limits of +26% and -23%. An additional requirement on the maximum value of RT is related to the value of quiescent 10H current needed to insure sufficient negative-going signal swing when the ECl driver switches from the HIGH state to the lOW state. The npn emitter-follower output of the ECl circuit cannot act as a voltage source driver for negative-going transitions. When the voltage at the base of the emitter follower starts going negative as a result of an internal state change, the output current of the emitter follower starts to decrease. The transmission line responds to the decrease in current by producing a negative-going change in voltage. The ratio of the voltage change to the current change is, of course, the characteristic impedance Z00 Since the maximum decrease in current that the line can experience is from 10H to zero, the maximum negative-going transition which can be produced is the product 10H Zoo If the 10H Zo product is greater than the normal negative-going signal swing, the emitter follower responds by limiting the current change, thereby controlling the signal swing. If, however, the 10H Zo product is too small, the emitter follower is momentarily turned off due to insufficient forward bias of its base-emitter junctions, causing a discontinuous negative-going edge such as the one shown in Figure 14. In the output-lOW state the emitter follower is essentially nonconducting for VOL values more positive than about -1.55V. Using this value as a criterion and expressing 10H and VOH in terms of the equivalent circuit of Figure 6e, an upper limit on the value of RT can be developed. The linearized portion of the FlOOK output characteristic can be represented by two equations: For VOH: VOUT = -650 -6 OUT For VOL: VOUT = -1670 -6 lOUT where lOUT is in mA, VOUT is in mY. If the range of lOUT is confined between 6 mA to 40 mA for VOH, and 2 mA to 16 mA for VOL, the output voltage can be estimated within ± 10 mV (Figure 6d). An ECl output can drive two or more lines in parallel, provided the maximum rated current is not exceeded. Another consideration is the effect of various loads on noise margins. For example, two parallel 75D. terminations to -2V (Figure 6d) give output levels of approximately -1.000V and -1.716V. Noise margins are thus 35 mV less in the HIGH state and 11 mV more in the lOW state, compared to 50D.load conditions. Conversely, a single 75D.load to -2V causes noise margins 36 mV greater in the HIGH state and 11 mV less in the low state, compared to a 50D. load. The magnitude of reflections from the terminated end of the line depends on how well the termination resistance RT matches the line impedance Z00 The ratio of the reflected voltage to the incident voltage Vi is the reflection coefficient AV p. RT (eq.5) Vi RT+ZO The initial signal swing at the termination is the sum of the incident and reflected voltages. The ratio of termination signal to incident signal is thus: RT < 1.64 Zo + 3.86D. For Zo = 50D., the emitter follower cuts off during a negative-going transition if RT exceeds 66D.. Changing the voltage level criteria to -1.60V to insure continuous conduction in the emitter follower gives an upper limit of 77D. for a 50D. line. For a line terminated at the receiving end with a resistance to -2V, a rough rule-of-thumb is that termination resistance should not exceed line impedance by more than 50%. This insures a satisfactory negative-going signal swing to ECl inputs connected along the line. The quiescent VOL level, after all reflections have damped out, is determined by RT and the ECl output characteristic. VT 2RT 1 + P = --(eq.6) Vi RT + Zo The degree of reflections which can be tolerated varies in different situations, but to allow for worst-case circuits, a good rule of thumb is to limit reflections to 15% to prevent excursions into the threshold region of the ECl inputs connected along the line. The range of permissible values of RT as a function of Zo and the reflection coefficient limitations can be determined by rearranging Equation 5. - = = 1+ P 1- P Zo - - < (EOH - Vn) Zo - (1.55 - IVnl) Ro (eq.9) 1.55 -IEoHI For a Vn of -2V, Ro of 6D. and EOH of -0.65V, Equation 4-9 reduces to -=p=-- RT 10HZO > 1.55 - IVOHI ( EOH - Vn) Zo > 1.55 _IVnRo = EOHRTI Ro + RT Ro + RT RT - Zo V, = (eq. 7) INPUT IMPEDANCE The input impedance of ECl circuits is predominately capacitive. A single-function input has an effective value of about 1.5 pF for FlOOK flatpak, as determined by its effect on reflected and transmitted signals on transmission lines. 4-133 III signal. The initial signal at the driver end is half amplitude, rising to full amplitude only after the reflection returns from the open end of the line. In Figure 7, one load is shown connected at point D, aways from the line end. This input receives a full amplitude signal with a continuous edge if the distance I to the open end of the line is within recommended lengths for unterminated line (Figure 10). In practical calculations, a value of 2 pF should be used. Approximately one third of this capaCitance is attributed to the internal circuitry and two thirds to the flatpak pin and internal bonding. For F100K flatpak circuits, multiple input lines may appear to have up to 3 pF to 4 pF but never more. For example, in the F1 001 02, an input is connected internally to all five gates, but because of the philosophy of buffering these types of inputs in the FlOOK family this input appears as a unit load with a capacitance of approximately 2 pF. For applications such as a data bus, with two or more outputs connected to the same line, the capacitance of a passivelOW output can be taken as 2 pF. Capacitive loads connected along a transmission line increase the propagation delay of a signal along the line. The modified delay can be determined by treating the load capacitance as an increase in the intrinsic distributed capacitance of the line, discussed in Chapter 3. The intrinsic capacitance of any stubs which connect the inputs to the line should be included in the load capaCitance. The intrinsic capaCitance per unit length for G-10 epoxy boards is shown in Figure 3 and 5 for microstrip and stripline respectively. For other dielectric materials, the intrinsic capacitance Co can be determined by dividing the intrinsic delay a (Equation 3) by the line impedance Zoo The length of a stub branching off the line to connect an input should be limited to insure that the signal continuing along the line past the stub has a continuous rise, as opposed to a rise (or fall) with several partial steps. The point where a stub branches off the line is a low impedance point. This creates a negative coefficient of reflection, which in turn reduces the amplitude of the incident wave as it continues beyond the branch pOint. If the stub length is short enough, however, the first reflection returning from the end of the stub adds to the attenuated incident wave while it is still rising. The sum of the attenuated incident wave and the first stub reflection provides a step-free signal, although its rise time will be longer than that of the original signal. Satisfactory signal transitions can be assured by restricting stub lengths according to the recommendations for unterminated lines (Figure 10). The same considerations apply when the termination resistance is not connected at the end of the line; a section of line continuing beyond the termination resistance should be treated as an unterminated line and its length restricted accordingly. RS Zo RE VEE TL/F/l0790-61 FIGURE 7. Series Termination The signal at the end has a slower rise time that the incident wave because of capacitive loading. The increase in rise time to the 50% point effectively increases the line propagation delay, since the 50% point of the signal swing is the input signal timing reference pOint. This added delay as a function of the product line impedance and load capacitance is discussed in Chapter 3. Quiescent VOH and VOL levels are established by resistor RE (Figure 7), which also acts with VEE to provide the negative-going drive into Rs and Zo when the driver output goes to the lOW state. To determine the appropriate RE value, the driver output can be treated as a simple mechanical switch which opens to initiate the negative-going swing. At this instant, Zo acts as a linear resistor returned to VOH. Thus the components form a simple circuit of RE, Rs and Zo in a series, connected between VEE and VOH. The initial current in this series circuit must be sufficient to introduce a 0.38V transient into the line, which then doubles at the load end to give 0.75V swing. VOH - VEE 0.38 (eq.10) ~-RE + Ps + Zo Zo Any IOH current flowing in the line before the switch opens helps to generate the negative swing. This current may be quite small, however, and should be ignored when calculating RE. Increasing the minimum signal swing into the line by 30% to 0.49V insures sufficient pull-down current to handle reflection currents caused by impedance discontinuities and load capaCitance. The appropriate RE value is determined from the following relationship. IRE = SERIES TERMINATION Series termination requires a resistor between the driver and transmission line, Figure 7. The receiving end of the line has no termination resistance. The series resistor value should be selected so that when added to the driver source resistance, the total resistance equals the line impedance. The voltage divider action between the net series resistance and the line impedance causes an incident wave of half amplitude to start down the line. When the signal arrives at the unterminated end of the line, it doubles and is thus restored to a full amplitude. Any reflections returning to the source are absorbed without further reflection since the line and source impedance match. This feature, source absorption, makes series termination attractive for interconnection paths involving impedance discontinuities, such as occur in VOH - VEE ,0.49 '" (eq.11) RE + Rs + Zo Zo For the RE range normally used, quiescent VOH averages approximately 0.955V and VEE = -4.5V. The value of Rs is equal to Zo minus Ro (Ro averages 70). Inserting these values and rearranging Equation 11 gives the following. RE s: 5.23 Zo + 70 (eq. 12) Power dissipation in RE is listed in Figure 14. The power dissipation in RE is greater than in Rr of a parallel termination to - 2V, but still less than the two resistors of the Thevenin equivalent parallel termination, see Figure 10, 13 and 14. bac~Plane wiring. . ... .. The number of driven inputs on a series terminated line is A disadvantage of series ter.mlnallOn I.S that .d~lven Inputs -limited by the voltage drop across Rs in the quiescent HIGH must be near the end of the line to aVOid receiving a 2-step state, caused by the finite input currents of the ECl loads. IIH values are specified on data sheets for various types of 4-134 . r-------------------------------------------------------------------,~ Z en inputs, with a worst-case value of 265 /LA for simple gate inputs. The voltage drop subtracts from the HIGH-state noise margin as outlined in Figure 8a. However, there is more HIGH-state noise margin initially, because there is less IOH with the RE load than with the standard 50nload to -2V. This makes VOH more positive; the increase ranges from 43 mV for a 50n line to B2 mV for a 100n line. Using this VOH increase as a limit on the voltage drop across Rs assures that the HIGH-state noise margin is as good as in the parallel terminated case. Dividing the VOH increase by Rs + Ro (= Zo) gives the allowed load input current (Ix in Figure 8a). This works out to 0.B6 mA for a 50n line, 0.92 mA for a 75n line and 0.B2 mA for a 100n line. load input current greater than these values can be tolerated at some sacrifice in noise margin. If, for example, an additional 50 mV loss is feasible, the maximum values of current become 1.B6 mA, 1.59 mA and 1.32 mA for 50n, 75n and 100n lines respectively. An ECl output can drive more than one series terminated line, as suggested in Figure 8b, if the maximum rated output current of 50 mA is not exceeded. Also, driving two or more lines requires a lower RE value. This makes the quiescent IOH higher and consequently VOH lower, due to the voltage drop across Ro. This voltage drop decreases the HIGHstate noise margin, which may become the limiting factor (rather than the maximum rated current), depending on the particular application. The appropriate RE value can be determined using Equation 13 for VEE = - 4.5V. .2... ~ RE 1 6.23 Zl - RS1 + 6.23 Z2 - RS2 ...... ""' TL/F/l0790-62 a. Noise Margin loss Due to Load Input Current TL/F/l0790-63 b. Driving Several lines from one Output --~--+--4----VEE TUF/l0790-64 c. Using Multiple Output Element for load Sharing FIGURE 8. loading Considerations for Series Termination able. Undershoot (following the overshoot) must also be limited to prevent signal excursions into the threshold region of the loads. Such excursions could cause exaggerated transition times at the driven circuit outputs, and could also cause multiple triggering of sequential circuits. Signal swing, exclusive of ringing, is slightly greater on unterminated lines that on parallel terminated lines; IOH is less and IOL is greater with the RE load, (Figure 9a) making VOH higher and VOL lower. For worst case combinations of driver output and load input characteristics, a 35% overshoot limit insures that system speed is not compromised either by saturating an input on overshoot or extending into the threshold region on the following undershoot. For distributed loading, ringing is satisfactorily controlled if the 2-way modified line delay does not exceed the 20% to BO% rise time of the driver output. This relationship can be expressed as follows, using the symbols from Chapter 3 and incorporating the effects of load capacitance on line delay. + ..,....".,:-::-'---::-- 6.23 Zs - Tss (eq.13) Circuits with multiple outputs (such as the F1 00112) provide an alternate means of driving several lines simultaneous (Figure 8e). Note, each output should be treated individually when assiging load distribution, line impedance, and RE value. UNTERMINATED LINES Lines can be used without series or parallel termination if the line delay is short compared to the signal rise time. Ringing occurs because the reflection coefficient at the open (receiving) end of the line is positive (nominally + 1) while the reflection coefficient at the driving end is negative (approximately - O.B). These opposite polarity reflection coefficients cause any change in signal voltage to be reflected back and forth, with a polarity change each time the signal is reflected from the driver. Net voltage change on the line is thus a succession of increments with alternating polarity and decreasing magnitude. The algebraic sum of these increments if the observed ringing. The general relationships among rise time, line delay, overshoot and undershoot are discussed in Chapter 3, using simple waveforms for clarity. Excessive overshoot on the positive-going edge of the signal drives input transistors into saturation. Although this does not damage an ECl input, it does cause excessive recovery times and makes propagation delays unpredict- tr = 2T' = 2t 8' = 2t 8 ~1 + CL tCo Solving this expression for the line length (t ): _ 1 ~(CL)2 (tr)2 t max-+2 4-135 Co 8 _..9:. 2Co (eq.14) ~ r-------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ ..... ~ z011( (II and Co), maximum lengths are calculated using Equation 14. For the convenience of those who are also using 10K ECl, maximum recommended lengths of unterminated lines are listed in Figure 10b to 10e. -w- -r>. .;:-e . . ~Zo-----'+:~, Vee Number of Fan-Out Loads Zo TLlF110790-65 a. Untermlnated Line 1 2 3 4 50 62 1.37· 1.33 1.13 1.07 0.95 0.S7 O.Sl 0.70 75 90 100 1.25 1.18 1.15 0.95 0.85 0.S2 0.75 0.66 0.61 0.61 0.53 0.49 ·Length in inches. Unit load = 2 pF, 8 = 0.148 nslinch FIGURE 10a. F100K Maximum Worst-Case Line Lengths for Untermlnated Microstrip, Distributed Loading Zo H = 10 ns/diy V =0.3 V/diy TLIF110790-66 b. Line Voltages Showing Stair-step Trailing Edges Number of Fan-Out Loads 2 3 4 6 8 50 62 4.15· 3.95 3.75 3.50 3.45 3.15 2.S5 2.55 2.45 2.10 75 90 100 3.75 3.55 3.45 3.25 3.00 2.85 2.85 2.60 2.45 2.25 2.00 1.85 1.S5 1.60 1.45 'Length In Inches. Unit load = 3 pF, 8 = 0.148 ns/ln. FIGURE 10b. 10K Maximum Worst-Case Line Lengths for Unterminated Mlcrostrip, Distributed Loading Number of Fan-Out Loads Zo c 1 2 4 6 8 50 62 4.40· 4.30 3.65 3.45 2.60 2.30 1.90 1.60 1.40 1.15 75 90 100 4.20 4.05 3.90 3.20 2.95 2.80 2.05 1.75 1.60 1.40 1.05 0.90 0.95 0.65 0.50 'Length In Inches. Unn load = 3 pF, 8 = 0.148 ns/ln. FIGURE 10c. 10K Maximum Worst-Case Line Lengths for Unterminated Microstrip, Concentrated Loading H = 1 ns/div V =0.3 V/diy TLIF110790-67 c. Load Gate Output Showing Net Propagation Increase for Increasing Values of RE: 3300, 5100,1 kO Zo FIGURE 9. Effect on RE Value on Trailing-Edge Propagation The shorter the rise time, the shorter the premissible line length. For F100K ECl, the minimum rise time from 20% to SO% is specified as 0.5 ns. Using this rise time and 2 pF per fan-out load, calculated maximum line lengths for G-l0 epoxy microstrip are listed in Figure 10a. The length (I) in the table is the distance from the terminating resistor to the input of the device(s). For FlOOK ECl the case described in Figure 10a is the only one calculated, since all other combinations are approximately the same. For other combinations of rise time, impedance, fan-out or line characteristics Number of Fan-Out Loads 2 3 4 6 8 50 62 3.30· 3.15 3.00 2.S0 2.70 2.50 2.25 2.00 2.90 1.65 75 90 3.00 2.S0 2.60 2.40 2.25 2.05 1.80 1.55 1.45 1.25 ·Length in inches. Unit load = 3 pF, 8 = 0.188 ns/in. FIGURE 10d. 10K Maximum Worst-Case Line Lengths for Untermlnated Strlpllne, Distributed Loading 4-136 lines to the driver output. Waveforms at the termination resistor (point A) are shown in the multiple exposure photograph of Figure 11b. The upper trace shows a normal signal without stubs connect.3d to the driver. The middle trace shows the effect of connecting one stub to the driver. The step in the negative-going edge indicates that the quiescent IOH current through RT is not sufficient to cause a full signal for both lines. The relationship between the quiescent IOH current through RT and the negative-going signal swing was discussed earlier in connection with parallel termination . The bottom trace in Figure 11 shows the effect of connecting two stubs to the driver output. The steps in trailing edge are smaller and more pronounced. The deteriorated trailing edge of either the middle or lower waveform increas- Number of Fan-Out Loads Zo 1 2 4 6 8 50 62 3.45· 3.40 2.85 2.70 2.00 1.80 1.50 1.30 1.10 0.90 75 90 100 3.30 3.15 3.10 2.55 2.35 2.20 1.60 1.40 1.25 1.10 0.85 0.70 0.75 0.50 0.40 • Length in inches. Unit load ~ 3 pF, 8 ~ 0.188 ns/in. FIGURE 10e. 10K Maximum WorstCase Line Lengths for Unterminated Stripllne, Concentrated Loading A load capacitance concentrated at the end of the line restricts line length more than a distributed load does. Maximum recommended lengths for fiberglass epoxy dielectric and a 0.5 ns rise time are listed in Figure 10 for microstrip. For line impedances not listed, linear interpolation can be used to determine appropriate line lengths. Appropriate line lengths for dielectric materials with a different propagation constant /) can be determined by multiplying the listed values by the fiberglass epoxy /) and then dividing by the /) of the other material. For example, a line length for a material which has a microstrip /) of 0.1 ns/inch is determined by multiplying the length given in the microstrip table (for a desired impedance and load) by 0.148 and dividing by 0.1. Resistor RE must provide the current for the negative-going signal at the driver output. Line input and output waveforms are noticeably affected if RE is too large, as shown in Figure 9b. The negative-going edge of the signal falls in stair-step fashion. with three distinct steps visible at point A. The waveform at point B shows a step in the middle of the negative-going swing. The effect of different RE values on the net propagation time through the line and the driven loads is evident in Figure ge which shows the output signal of one driven gate in a multiple exposure photograph. The horizontal sweep (time axis) was held constant with respect to the input signal of the driver. The earliest of the three output signals occurs with an RE value of 330n. Changing RE to 510n increases the net propagation delay by 0.3 ns, the horizontal offset between the first and second signals. Changing RE to 1 kn produces a much greater increase in net propagation delay, indicating that the negative-going signal at B contains several steps. In practice, a satisfactory negative-going signal results when the RE value is chosen to give an initial negative-going step of 0.6V at the driving end of the line. This gives an upper limit on the value of RE, as shown in Equation 15. initial step = t:. t • Zo = (VOH - VEE) RE +Zo a. Multiple Lines vn TUF/l0790-68 b. Waveforms at Termination Point A H= 5 ns/dlv V=O.S V/dlv Tl/F/l0790-69 c. Equivalent Circuit for Determining Initial· Zo ~ 0.6 Negative Voltage Step at the Driver Output -'AT RE = s: 6.25 Zo (eq.15) An ECl output can drive two or more unterminated lines, provided each line length and loading combination is within the recommended constraints. The appropriate RE value is determined from Equation 15. using the parallel impedance of the two or more lines for Zo0 z, - Q -r-x R Z3 An ECl output can simultaneously drive terminated and unterminated lines, although the negative-going edge of the signal shows two or more distinct steps when the stubs are long unless some extra pull-down current is provided. Figure 11a shows an ECl circuit driving a parallel terminated line, with provision for connecting two worst-case unterminated VEE TL/F/l0790-70 FIGURE 11. Driving Terminated and Unterminated Lines in Parallel 4-137 es the switching time of the cirucit connected to point A. If this extra delay cannot be tolerated, additional pull-down current must be provided. One method uses a resistor to VEE as suggested in Figure 11a. The initial negative-going step at point A should be about 0.7V to insure a good fall rate through the threshold region of the driven gate. The initial step at the driver output should also be 0.7V. If the driver output is treated as a switch that opens to initiate the negative-going signal, the equivalent circuit of Figure 11c can be used to determine the initial voltage step at the driver output (point X). The value of the current source IRT is the quiescent IOH current through RT. Using Z' to denote the parallel impedance of the transmission lines and I::. V for the desired voltage step at X, the appropriate value of RE can be determined from the following equation, using absolute values to avoid polarity confusion. RE = (IVEEI -lvoHI- I::. VI) • (II::. vi vn TLlF/10790-71 FIGURE 12. Data Bus or Party Line using multiple output gates (F100112) and paralleling two outputs for each driver. In the quiescent LOW state, termination current is shared among all the output transistors on the line. This sharing makes VOL more positive than if only one output were conducting all of the current. For example, a 1000 line terminated at both ends represents a net 500 DC load, which is the same as the data sheet condition for VOL. If one worst-case output were conducting all the current, the VOL would be -1.705V. If another output with identical DC characteristics shares the load current equally, the VOL level shifts upward by about 25 mV. Connecting two additional outputs for a total of four with the same characteristics shifts VOL upward another 22 mY. Connecting four more identical outputs shifts VOL upward another 20 mY. Thus the VOL shift for eight outputs having identical worstcase VOL characteristics is approximately 67 mV. In practice, the probability of having eight circuits with worst-case VOL characteristics is quite low. The output with the highest VOL tends to conduct most of the current. This limits the upward shift to much less than the theoretical worst-case value. In addition, the LOW-state noise margin is specified greater than the HIGH-state margin to allow for VOL shift when outputs are paralleled. In some instances a single termination is satisfactory for a data bus, provided certain conditions are fulfilled. The single termination is connected in the middle of the line. This requires that for each half of the line, from the termination to the end, the line length and loading must comply with the same restrictions as unterminated lines to limit overshoot and undershoot to acceptable levels. The termination should be connected as near as possible to the electrical mid-point of the line, in terms of the modified line delay from the termination to either end. Another restriction is that the time between successive transitions, i.e., the nominal bit time, should not be less than 15 ns. This allows time for the major reflections to damp out and limits additive reflections to a minor level. ~'IIRTIZ') For a sample calculation, assume that RT and the line impedances are each 1000, VOH is -0.955V, I::. V is 0.750V, VEE is -4.5V and Vn is - 2V. IRT is thus 10.45 mA and the calculated value of RE is 2320. In practice, this value is on the conservative side and can be increased to the next larger (10%) standard value with no appreciable sacrifice in propagation through the gate at pOint A. Again, the foregoing example is based on worst-case stub lengths (the longest permissible). With shorter stubs, the effects are less pronounced and a point is reached where extra pull-down current is not required because the reflection from the end of the stub arrives back at the driver while the original signal is still falling. Since the reflection is also negative going, it combines with and reinforces the falling Signal at the driver, eliminating the steps. The net result is a smoothly falling signal but with increased fall time compared to the stubless condition. The many combinations of line impedance and load make it practically impossible to define just with stub length begins to cause noticeable steps in the falling Signal. A rough ruleof-thumb would be to limit the stub length to one-third of the values given in Figure 10. DATA BUSSING Data bussing involves connecting two or more outputs and one or more inputs to the same signal line, (Figure 12). Any one of the several drivers can be enabled and can apply data to the line. Load inputs connected to the line thus receive data from the selected source. This method of steering data from place to place simplifies wiring and tends to minimize package count. Only one of the drivers can be enabled at a given time; all other driver outputs must be in the LOW state. Termination resistors matching the line impedance are connected to both ends of the line to prevent reflections. For calculating the modified delay of the line (Chapter 3) the capacitance of a LOW (unselected) driver output should be taken as 2 pF. An output driving the line sees an impedance equal to half the line impedance. Similarly, the quiescent IOH current is higher than with a single termination. For line impedance less than 1000, the IOH current is greater than the data sheet test value, with a consequent reduction of HIGH-state noise margin. This loss can be eliminated if necessary by WIRED-OR In general-purpose wired-OR logic connections, where two or more driver outputs are expected to be in the HIGH state simultaneously, it is important to minimize the line length between the participating driver outputs, and to place the termination as close as possible to the mid-point between the two most widely separated sources. This minimizes the negative-going disturbances which occur when one HIGH output turns off while other outputs remain HIGH. The driver output going off represents a sudden decrease in line current, which in turn generates a negative-going voltage on the line. A finite time is required for the other driver outputs (quiescently HIGH) to supply the extra current. The net re- 4-138 suit is a "V" shaped negative glitch whose amplitude and duration depend on three factors: current that the off-going output was conducting, the line impedance, and the line length between outputs. If the separation between outputs is kept within about one inch, the transient will not propagate through the driven load circuits. If a wired-OR connection cannot be short, it may be necessary to design the logic so that the signal on the line is not sampled for some time after the normal propagation delay (output going negative) of the element being switched. Normal propagation delay is defined as the case where the element being switched is the only one on the line in the HIGH state, resulting in the line going LOW when the element switches. In this case, the propagation delay is measured from the 50% point on the input signal of the off-going element to the 50% point of the signal at the input farthest away from the output being switched. The extra wiring time required in the case of a severe negative glitch is, in a worst-case physical arrangement, twice the line delay between the off-going output and the nearest quiescently HIGH output, plus 2 ns. transient reaches point B. Consequently, the transient duration observed at C is shorter by twice the line delay from A to B. I'DRr VTT TLlF110790-72 FIGURE 13_ Relative to Wired-OR Propagation BACKPLANE INTERCONNECTIONS Several types of interconnections can be used to transmit a signal between logic boards. The factors to be considered when selecting a particular interconnection for a given application are cost, impedance discontinuities, predictability of propagation delay, noise environment, and bandwidth. Single-ended transmission over an ordinary wire is the most economical but has the least predictable impedance and propagation delay. At the oPPosite end of the scale, coaxial cable is the most costly but has the best electrical characteristics. Twisted pair and similar parallel wire interconnection cost and quality fall in between. For single-wire transmission through the backplane, a ground plane or ground screen (Chapter 5) should be provided to establish a controlled impedance. A wire over a ground plane or screen has a typical impedance of 1500. with variations on the order of ±33%, depending primarily on the distance from ground and the configuration of the ground. Figure 14 illustrates the effects of impedance variations with a 15-inch wire parallel terminated with 1500. to -2V. Figure 14b shows source and receiver waveforms when the wire is in contact with a continuous ground plane. An idea of how the extra waiting time varies with physical arrangement can be obtained by qualitatively comparing the signal paths in Figure 13. With the outputs at A and B quiescently HIGH, the duration of the transient observed at C is longer if B is the off-going output than if A is the off-going element. This is because the negative-going voltage generated at B must travel to A, whereupon the corrective signal is generated, which subsequently propagates back toward C. Thus the corrective signal lags behind the initial transient, as observed at C, by twice the line delay between A and B. On the other hand, if the output at A generates the negativegoing transient, the corrective response starts when the A 1=15" WIRE OVER GND PLANE OR SCREEN 1500 -2.0V TL/F/l0790-73 a. Wire over Ground Plane or Screen _A _B H::;5 nsJdiv V=O.4 Vldiv H =5 nsldiv V=O.4 nsldiv TLIF/10790-7S TL/F110790-74 c. Wire Spaced 'Ia" from Ground Screen b. Wire in Contact with Ground Plane FIGURE 14. Parallel Terminated Backplane Wire 4-139 » z I CD :;;:! Signal propagation along a single wire tends to be fast because the dielectric medium is mostly air. However, impedance variations along a wire cause intermediate reflections which tend to increase rise and fall times, effectively increasing propagation delay. Effective propagation delays are in the range of 1.5 to 2.0 ns per foot of wire. Load capacitance at the receiving end also increases rise and fall time (Appendix A), further increasing the effective propagation delay. The negative-going signal at the source shows an initial step of only 80% of a full signal swing. This occurs because the quiescent HIGH-state current IOH (about 7 mAl multiplied by the impedance of the wire (approximately 900) is less than the normal signal swing, and this condition allows the driver emitter follower to turn off. The negative-going signal at the receiving end is greater by 25% (1 + P = 1.25). The receiving end mismatch causes a negative-going reflection which returns to the source and establishes the VOL level. The positive-going signal at the source shows a normal Signal swing, with the receiving end exhibiting approximately 25% overshoot. Figure 14c shows waveforms for a similar arrangement, but with the wire about Ys inch from a ground screen. The impedance of the wire is greater than 1500 termination, but small variations in impedance along the wire cause intermediate reflections which tend to lengthen the rise and fall times of the signal. As a result, the received signal does not exhibit pronounced changes in slope as would be expected if a 2000 constant impedance line were terminated with 1500. Series source resistance can also be used with single wire interconnections to absorb reflection. Figure 15a shows a 16-inch wire with a ground screen driven through a source resistance of 1000. The waveforms (Figure 15b) show that although reflections are generated, they are largely absorbed by the series resistor, and the signal received at the load exhibits only slight changes and overshoot. Series termination techniques can also be used when the Signal into the wire comes from the PC board transmission line. Figure 16a illustrates a 12-inch wire over a ground screen, with 12inch microstrip lines at either end of the wire. The output is heavily loaded (fan-out of 8) and the combination of impedances produces a variety of reflections at the input to the first microstrip line, shown in the upper trace of Figure 16b. The lower trace shows the final output; a comparison between the two traces shows the effectiveness of damping in maintaining an acceptable signal at the output. Figure 16c shows the signals at the input to the driving gate and at the output of the load gate, with a net through-put time of 8.5 ns. The circuit in Figure 16a is a case of mismatched transmission lines, discussed in Appendix A. 16" WIRE OVER GROUND SCREEN B TLlF/10790-76 a. Wire over Ground Screen H = 10 ns/dl. V =0.3 V/dl. TLlF/10790-77 b. Series Terminated Waveform FIGURE 15. Series Terminated Backplane Wire 4·140 ~------------------------------------------------------------------,> [ P 12' MICROSTRIPSl OUTPUT 12' WIRE OVER GROUND SCREEN r£>- _ _ .-1- _ _ INPUT 10011 a -D;::::-~-=,~t!--- -----,-l--.-tR~ ~ 1 'h = 10011 Zo = 150 lila = 100 liB I ~ Vn TLiF/l0790-81 a. Single-ended Twisted Pair VEE P TL/F/l0790-78 a. Backplane Wire Interconnecting PC Board Lines TL/F/l0790-82 -A b. Differential Transmission Reception H= 10 ns/di. V=0.4 V/dl. TL/F/l0790-79 TLiF/l0790-83 b. Signals into the First Microstrip and at the Loads c. Backplane Data Bus FIGURE 4-17. Twisted Pair Connections gle-ended driving and receiving. In addition to improved propagation velocity, the magnetic fields of the two conductors tend to cancel, minimizing noise coupled into adjacent wiring. Differential line driving and receiving complementary gates as the driver and an F100114 line receiver is illustrated in Figure 4-17b. Differential operation provides high noise immunity, since common mode input voltages between -0.55Vand -3.0V are rejected. The differential mode is recommended for communication between different parts of a system, because it effectively nullifies ground voltage differences. For long runs between cabinets or near high power transients, interconnections using shielded twisted pair are recommended. Twisted pair lines can be used to implement party line type data transfer in the backplane, as indicated in Figure 4-17c. Only one driver should be enabled at a given time; the other outputs must be in the VOL state. The VBB reference voltage is available on pin 22 of the fiatpak and pin 19 of the dual-in-line package for the F100114. In the differential mode, a twisted pair can send high-frequency symmetrical signals, such as clock pulses, of 100 MHz over distances of 50 to 100 feet. For random data, however, bit rate capability is reduced by a factor of four or five due to line rise effects on time jitter.3 H= 10 nsldi. V=O.4 Vldiv TL/F/l0790-80 c. Input to Driving Gate and Output of Load Gate FIGURE 4-16. Signal Path with Sequence of Microstrip, Wire, Mlcrostrlp Better control of line impedance and faster propagation can be achieved with a twisted pair. A twisted pair of AWG 26 Teflon' insulated wires, two twists per inch, exhibits a propagation delay of 1.33 nslft and an impedance of 1150. Twisted pair lines are available in a variety of sizes, impedances and multiple-pair cables. Figure 4-178 illustrates sin'Teflon is a registered trademark of E.I. du Pont de Nemours Conpany. 4-141 ZI en ~ Coaxial cable offers the highest frequency capability. In addition. the outer conductor acts as a shield against noise. while the uniformity of characteristics simplifies the task of matching time delays between different parts of the system. In the single-ended mode. Figure 4-188.50 MHz signals can be transferred over distances of 100 feet. For 100 MHz operation. lengths should be 50 feet or less. In the differential mode. Figures 4-18b.c, the line receiver can recover smaller signals, allowing 100 MHz signals to be transferred up to 100 feet. The dual cable arrangement of Figure 4-18c provides maximum noise immunity. The delay of coaxial cables depends on the type of dielectric material. with typical delays of 1.52 nslft for polyethylene and 1.36 nslft for cellular polyethylene. . REFERENCES 1. Kaupp. H. R., "Characteristics of Microstrip Transmission Lines." IEEE Transaction on Electronic Computers. Vol. EC-16 (April. 1967). 2. Harper. C. A.. Handbook of Wiring, Cabling and Interconnections for Electronics. New York: McGraw-Hili, 1972. 3. True. K. M.• "Transmission Line Interface Elements." The TTL Applications Handbook, Chapter 14 (August 1973). pp.14-1-14-14. -D-irH;---:;'Zo------+l+J .... -, -rRT=Zo D- f VTT -If ' TLlF/l0790-84 a. Single-Ended Coaxial Transmission ~~"2 2 VTT TL/F/l0790-85 b. Differential Coaxial Transmission VTT ,- 4 ,- ~ ,- RT fj> i JR~ VTT TL/FI10790-86 c. Differential Transmission with Grounded Shields FIGURE 4-18. Coaxial Cable Connections 4-142 APPENDIXC ECl DESIGN GUIDE: POWER DISTRIBUTION AND THERMAL CONSIDERATIONS INTRODUCTION In practice, two communicating circuits might be located on widely separated PC cards with other PC cards in between. The net resistance then includes the incremental resistance of the ground distribution bus from card to card, while the ground current is successively increased by the contribution from each card. Figure 2 illustrates a distribution bus for a row of cards with incremental resistances along the bus. High-speed circuits generally consume more power than similar low-speed circuits. At the system level, this means that the power supply distribution system must handle the larger current flow; the larger power dissipation places a greater demand on the cooling system. The direct current (DC) voltage drop along ground busses affects noise margins for all types of ECl circuits. Voltage drops along VEE busses have only a slight effect on F100K circuits, but they require consideration to obtain the performance available from the family. ~~~.-~---~ 3 _ _ _ j· _ _ _ _ _ k _ _ _ _ _ n CARD POSITION LOGIC CIRCUIT GROUND, Vee TL/F/l0790-BB The positive potential Vee and VeeA in ECl circuits is the reference voltage for output voltages and input thresholds and should therefore be the ground potential. When two circuits are connected in a single-ended mode, any difference in ground potentials decreases the noise margins, as discussed in Chapter 1. This effect for TTLlDTl circuits, as well as for ECl circuits, is illustrated in Figure 1. The following analysis assumes some average value of current flowing through the distributed resistance along the ground path between two circuits. For the indicated direction of IG, the shift in ground potential decreases the lOW-state noise margin of the TTLlDTl circuits and the HIGH-state noise margin of the ECl circuits. If IG is flowing in the opposite direction, it increases these noise margins, but decreases the noise margins when the drivers are in the opposite state. For tabulation of ground currents in ECl, the designs must include termination currents as well as lEE operating currents. ECl logic boards which use microstrip or stripline techniques generally have large areas of ground metal. This causes the ground resistance to be quite low and thus minimizes noise margin loss between pairs of circuits on the same board. r = Incremental Bus Resistance between Positions i = Average Ground Current per Card FIGURE 2. Ground Shift Along a Row of PC Cards The ground shift can be estimated by first determining an average value of current per card based on the number of packages, the mix of 881 and M81, and the number and types of terminations. With n cards in the row, an average ground current (i) per card, and an incremental bus resistance (r) between card positions, the bus voltage drops between the various positions can be determined as follows: between pOSitions 1 and 2: vl-2 = (n - 1) ir between positions 1 and 3: vl-3 = (n - 1) ir (n - 2) ir + between pOSitions 1 and 4: vl-4 = (n - 1) ir (n - 2)ir (n - 3)ir + + between 1 and n: I rr: vl-n = ir [en - 1) + (n - 2) + (n - 3) + ... + [n - (n - 1)1l = ir [1 + 2 + 3 + ... + (n - 1)1 n-l vl-n = ir TOTAL RESISTANCh Ro L n 1 For a row of 15 cards, for example, the total ground shift between positions 1 and 15 is expressed as in Equation 1. 14 vl-15 = ir TTl/DTl L 1 TL/F/l0790-B7 = 105 ir ECl V'OL =VOL = +IGRG V'OH=VOH+IGRG IGRG=(V'OL -VmJ = Noise Margin Decrease=IGRG=(V'OH-VOH) FIGURE 1. Effect of Ground Resistance on Noise Margins 4·143 n = ir (1 + 2 + 3 + ... + 13 + 14) (eq.1) ~ "'~" z c( ,---------------------------------------------------------------------------------, The ground shift between any two card positions j and k can be determined as follows for the general case. + [n - 0 + 1)1 ir + + 2)1 ir + ... + (n - ij + (k-j-1)11 ir (k - j) nir - ir (j + 0 + 1) + 0 + 2) + ... + ij + (k-j-1)]l Vj-k = (n - j) ir [n - (j = k-I Vj_k = (k - j) nir - ir L (eq. 2) k-I n = irl(k - j) n - j L nl Resistance mn Per Foot #2 #6 #10 #12 #18 #22 #26 #30 0.156 0.395 0.999 1.588 6.385 16.14 40.81 103.2 Cross-Sectional Area Square Inches· 5.213 x 10- 2 2.062 x 10- 2 8.155 x 10- 3 5.129 x 10- 3 1.276 X 10- 3 5.046 X 10- 4 1.996 x 10- 4 7.894 x 10- 5 FIGURE 3. Resistance and Cross-Sectional Area of Several Sizes of Annealed Copper Wire J In a row of 15 cards, the ground shift between positions four and nine, for example, is determined as follows. Vj_k = ir [(9 - 4) 15 - (4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8)1 (eq. 3) = ir (75 - 30) = 45 ir Copper resistivity = p = 1.724 X 10 -6 ncm @ 20·C . I I ReSistance of a conductor = p A= p tw The ground shift between the same number of positions further down the row is less because of the decreasing current along the row. Consider the ground shift between card positions 10 and 15. vIO-15 = ir [(15 - 10)15 (10 + 11 + 12 + 13 + 14)] = ir (75 - 60) = 15 ir . AWG BaS Gauge t = thickness where: I = length Sheet resistance Ps = w = width £ 0. per.!.. t w The length/width ratio (lIw) is dimensionless; therefore, the resistance of a length of conductor of uniform thickness can be calculated by first determining the number of "squares," then multiplying by the sheet resistance. For example, a conductor one-eighth inch wide and three inches long has 24 squares; its resistance is 24 times the sheet resistance. Since many thickness dimensions are given in inches, it is convenient to express the resistivity in ohm-inch, as follows. p(nin.) = p(ncm) + 2.54 = 6.788 x 10- 7 nino (eq.4) These examples illustrate several principles the designer should consider regarding the ground distribution bus and assignment of card positions. The bus resistance should be kept as low as possible by making the cross-sectional areas as large as practical. Logic cards which represent the heaviest current drain should be located nearest the end where ground comes into the row of cards. Cards with single-ended logic wiring between them should be assigned to positions as close together as possible. Conversely, if the ground shift between two card positions represents an unacceptable loss of noise margin, then the differential transmission and reception method i.e., twisted pair, should be used for logic wiring between them, thereby eliminating ground shift as a noise margin factor. The use of sheet resistance and the "squares" concept is illustrated by calculating the resistance of the conductor shown in Figure 4. Assume the conductor is a 1 oz. copper cladding with a 0.0012 inch minimum thickness on a PC card. + 11=2' 13=I.S"..i. 12=1- Wl=114'I-Rl_:~R2 . .'~R3---" t CONDUCTOR RESISTANCES Conductors with large cross-sectional areas are required to maintain low voltage drops along power busses. For convenience, Agure 3 lists the resistance per foot and the crosssectional area for more common sizes of annealed copper wire. Other characteristics and a complete list of sizes can be found in standard wire tables. A useful rule-of-thumb regarding resistances and, hence, areas is: as gauge numbers increase, resistance doubles with every third gauge number; e.g., the resistance per foot of # 10 wire is 1 mn, for # 13 wire it is 2 mo.. Similarly, the resistance per foot of #0 wire is 0.078 mn, which is half that of # 2 wire. I ' • , ~ IT R TOTAL 11 w2=1/2" TL/F/l0790-B9 FIGURE 4, Conductor of Uniform Thickness but Non-Uniform Cross Section Sheet resistance = Ps = ~ = 5.657 X 10- 4 0. per square The number of squares S for the rectangular sections are as follows. For calculations involving conductors having rectangular cross sections, it is often convenient to work with sheet resistance, particularly for power distribution on PC cards. Copper resistivity is usually given in ohm-centimeters, indicating the resistance between opposing faces of a 1 cm cube. The sheet resistance of a conductor is obtained by dividing the resistivity by the conductor thickness. These relationships follow. S1 = .!!. = 8 WI 13 S3=-=3 W2 The middle average segment of the conductor has a trapeziodal shape. The average of WI and w2 can be used as the effective width, within 1% accuracy, if the W2/WI ratio is 1.5 or less. Otherwise, a more exact result is obtained as follows. S2 = __ 12_ln (W2) = 41n 2 = 2.77 squares w2 -WI WI Total R = Rt + R2 = 7.51 mn 4-144 + R3 = Ps(SI + S2 + S3) (eq.5) 1.0~~m As another example, assume that a 1 oz. trace must carry a 200 rnA current six inches with a voltage drop less than 10 mY. Vmax 0.Q1 Rmax = - , - = Q.2 = 0.050 (eq.6) 0.05 = PSw ~ \ ~ 0.10 \ . ~ T= 0.5 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ." " ,\.1\ ~ 0.20'1--~1\1r-P..r-r.:1W-H1"",\,.-l.d-I\-4.-+++++H--~~ I w ffl~ 1\ .. ~ 0°'" is',-0J\''' ~ 20 Ps ti 0.05 ~-+~~~c~~~.~~~~~,~~~ Il:~ E 0.." w = 120 Ps = (120) 5.657 X 10- 4 = 67.9 X 10- 3 :. minimum trace width, w = 6B mils At a higher current level, consider the voltage drop in a conductor 20 mils thick, 1.25 inches wide and 3 feet long carrying a 50A current. 6.7BB X 10-7 Ps = 2 X 10 2 = 3.364 X 10- 5 0 per square 8 2 oz. 3 oz. 5 oz. 0.Q1 in. Sheet Resistance o per Square 2.715 1.B86 1.077 6.7BB X X X X Thickness 0.02 in. 0.05 in. Y1s in. % in. 1 X X X X Nominal Weight oz/ft2 Weight, % In. 0.0007 0.0014 0.0178 0.0355 1f2 +10 +10 +0.0002 +0.0004 -0.0002 +0.0007 -0.0003 +0.0006 +0.0006 +0.0007 +O.OOOB +0.001 +0.0014 +0.002 2 +10 0.0042 0.0056 0.0070 0.0084 0.0098 0.014 0.Q196 0.1065 0.1432 0.17BO 0.2130 0.2460 0.3530 0.4920 3 4 5 6 7 10 14 +10 +10 +10 +10 +10 +10 +10 20 50 100 200 500 mn PER FOOT RT = R20'C [1 + 0.004 (T + 20'C)1 At 55'C: (eq. B) R = R20'C [1 + 0.004 (55'C - 20'C)1 = 1.14 R20'C When specifying power bus dimensions for PC cards can· taining many IC packages, designers should bear in mind that excessive current densities can cause the copper tern· perature to rise appreciably. Figure 8 illustrates the ohmic heating effect of various current densities.1 10r----,-----r~~~-- mm 0.0715 10 TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT The resistances in Figures 3, 5, and 7, as well as those used in the sample calculations, are 20'C values. Since copper resistivity has a temperature coefficient of approximately 0.4%I"C, the resistance at a temperature (T) can be deter· mined as follows. __----~ J~/V Tolerances By 0.0028 5 TUF/10790-90 10- 5 10- 5 10- 5 10- 6 In. 1 \rI\ FIGURE 7. Conductor Resistance vs Thickness and Width FIGURE 5. Sheet Resistance for Various Thicknesses of Copper Nominal Thickness 2 RESISTANCE - Sheet Resistance 3.364 1.358 1.OB6 2.715 II \. I\~ 0.011-....L.....L..u.u.u~I...L...L.:L.L.IlI.J.I.u......IlI..A.u 0 per Square 10- 4 10- 4 10- 4 10- 5 ~I'\ f'%l." I- 0.02 V = IR - (50) (3.364 X 10- 5) ~ (eq.7) 1.25 = 0.0484 = 48.4 mV Sheet resistances for various copper thicknesses are listed in Figure 5. Standard thicknesses and tolerances for copper cladding are tabulated in Figure 6 and resistance per foot as a function of width is shown in Figure 7. Weight or Thickness " c .. I 8.01----t-V,~/(~0.C+-/--1-/--..1 zw a: a: ::> 6.0 / / 1 ' V (.) / / 4.0,/ /10'C Y 2.0 5~0-----'1~00~--1.,-J5~0----2J...00----2..L50----300.J CROSS-SECTIONAL AREA - mU2 TUF/10790-91 FIGURE 8. Temperature Rise with Current Density In PC Board Traces FIGURE 6. Thickness and Tolerances for Copper Cladding 4·145 ..... r---------------------------------------------------------------------, DISTRIBUTION IMPEDANCE ground direclly underneath the signal trace. Therefore, if ~ ~ z l~ R2 VEE = -4.5 V VTT= -2 V TL/F/l0790-96 RT .n R1fi = 1.80RT R2.!l = 2.25RT lEE (avg) mA PO(8vg)mW Resistors 50 62 75 82 90 100 120 150 90 112 135 148 162 180 216 270 113 140 169 185 203 225 270 338 28.2 22.7 18.8 17.2 15.7 14.1 11.7 .9.4 109 87.9 72.7 66.5 60.5 54.5 45.4 36.3 FIGURE 13. Series Divider for Thevenln Equivalent Terminations rVEE= -4.5 v TUF/l0790-97 Po (avg)mW Zo .n RE .n lEE (8Vg) mA ICOutput RE 50 62 75 90 100 120 150 269 331 399 477 530 634 791 9.8 7.9 6.5 5.4 4.9 4.1 3.2 12.9 10.4 8.6 7.1 6.5 5.4 4.2 25.8 20.6 16.8 13.9 12.7 10.6 8.1 TJ = TA + P08JA (eq.10) 24·PIN FLATPAK (4 VI Al203 BASE 24-PIN FLATPAK (4 0) BoO BASE FIGURE 14. Average Current and Power Dissipation Using Pull-Down Resistor to VEE THERMAL CONSIDERATIONS System cooling requirements for ECl circuits are based on three considerations: (1) the need to minimize temperature gradients between circuits communicating in the single-ended mode, (2) the need to control the temperature environment of each circuit to assure that the parameters stay with· in guaranteed limits, and (3) the need to insure that the maximum rated junction temperature is not exceeded. Temperature gradients are of no practical concern with F100K circuits since they are temperature compensated; AIR FLOW RATE - LINEAR FTJMIN. TL/F/l0790-98 FIGURE 15. Junction-to-Air Thermal Resistance vs Air Flow Rate 4·148 . 3> instance, on a densely packed logic board in a horizontal attitude in still air, the effective ambient temperature for an IC varies with its position. An IC in the middle of the board is subjected to air that is partially heated by surrounding ICs. Additionally, the temperature of the board rises due to heat flow through the component leads. These effects can cause a much higher junction temperature than might be expected. Conversely, when the maximum rate junction temperature (+ 150·C), the package power dissipation, and the air temperature are known, the minimum flow rate can be determined by first determining the maximum thermal resistance. Maximum 6JA = (150~~ TAl (eq.11) For this value of 6JA the minimum flow rate is determined from Figure 15. When the system designer plans to depend on natural convection for cooling, it is recommended that thermal tests be conducted to determine actual conditions. The effectiveness of natural convection for cooling varies greatly. For REFERENCE 1. Harper, C.A., Editor, Handbook of Wiring, Cabling and Interconnecting for Electronics, McGraw-Hili, 1972. 4-149 Z en ..... .;:. National Semiconductor Application Note 679 FilipeSanna Louise Yeung Point-to-Point Fiber Optic Links TABLE OF CONTENTS FOOl PHY layers in parallel require only one pair of fiber optiC cables, one pair of transceivers, and one set of PHY layer chips per channel, while yielding a typical data throughput of 600 Mbits/sec (for a system with eight channels). 1.0 POINT-TO-POINT APPLICATIONS 2.0 SYSTEM OVERVIEW 3.0 CHANNEL SYNCHRONIZATION 3.1 Synchronization Timing Examples 4.0 PHY LAYER COMPONENTS 4.1 System Block Diagram 4.2 Channel Block Diagram 5.0 HOST INTERFACE CONSIDERATIONS 5.1 Data Interface 5.2 Control Bus Interface 6.0 TIMING BUDGET FOR WIRED AND STRUCTURE 6.1 Pull-Up Scheme 6.2 GAL Scheme INTRODUCTION A station using the ANSI X3T9.5 (FDDI) physical layer standard can transmit and receive data at 100 Mbits/ sec through a fiber optic cable. However, with several physical layers connected together in parallel, each with its own fiber optic cables for transmission and reception, the station can transmit and receive data at much higher speeds. National Semiconductor's physical (PHy) layer devices can be connected together in parallel to achieve such high bandwidth pOint-to-point links. The National devices required to implement a PHY layer are the DP63231 Clock Recovery Device (CRDTM device), the DP63241 Clock Distribution Device (CDOTM device), and the OP63251/55 Physical Layer Controller Oevice (PLAYERTM device). The bandwidth of the system depends on the number of PHY layers used-each set of PHY layer devices contributes 100 Mbits/ sec to the system. Any application where data throughput is the limiting factor to system performance is a candidate for a high-speed point-to-point link. For example, a pOint-to-point link can be installed between a CPU and a disk controller to speed up information storage and retrieval times. Another application area could be in the display capabilities of a graphics workstation which can be combined with the data processing power of a supercomputer to achieve visualization for data intensive simulations (Figure 1). As a third example, a highspeed networking backbone using a point-to-point link is depicted in Figure 2. Here, separate FOOl rings are connected together with a high speed link which provides bridging between rings without loss of performance. Fiber optiCS afford a greater physical separation between stations than electrical signals. Hence, a fiber pOint-to-point link can be used to extend SCSI or IPI transmissions up to one kilometer. TLlF/10797-1 FIGURE 1. Polnt-To-Polnt Link between a Supercomputer and a Graphics Workstation 1.0 POINT-TO-POINT APPLICATIONS The use of parallel FOOl PHY layers is a cost effective method to increasing the data throughput in multiples of 100 Mb/s. This task can be accomplished utilizing an existing FDOI fiber plant. 4-150 TLlF/10797-2 FIGURE 2. High Speed Networking Backbone Using a Fiber OptiC Point-To-Point Link 2.0 SYSTEM OVERVIEW After travelling through the fibers, the data arrives at Stetion II. Each PHY layer on the receiving end reads data from the fiber and presents its byte to the corresponding PHY"--INO port (at 12.5 MHz) in Stetion II. SYS_INO then rejoins the bytes back into the 32-bit word sent by Station I and can present the data to the host (at 12.5 MHz). This demonstrates how Station I can send 32 bits to Station II in BO ns, giving an effective data throughput of 400 Mbits/sec. Even though this is a non-FOOl application, the general rules for FOOl framing must be followed. In particular, each frame must start with a JK symbol and end with valid FOOl ending delimiter (Figure 4). Furthermore, the frame size must be between three and 4500 bytes long (see PLAYER device datasheet for more detail). At least four pairs of idle symbols should be inserted between the frames to allow for readjustment of the PLAYER device's elasticity buffer. However, to guarantee at least one opportunity to recenter the elasticity buffer between frames in the event of clock drift or a single line hit in the interframe gap, the user is advised to insert eight idle symbol pairs. A system using four PHY layers in parallel is shown in Figure 3. The diagram demonstrates conceptually how data is passed from Station I to Station II at 400 Mbits/sec. Each of the four PHY layers in Station I is connected to a PHY layer in Station II with fiber optic cables. Since National Semiconductor PHY layers are full duplex, each pair of PHY layers is linked by two fibers, one for transmission in each direction. The system interface shown contains two parts. SYS_REQ. which handles data transmission, and SYS_INO, which handles data reception. Suppose that Station I wants to transmit a 32-bit word of data to Station II. SYS_REQ in Station I takes the data and splits it into four bytes, one for each PHY channel. Each PHY layer reads its byte from the PHY"--REQ ports of SYS_REQ (at 12.5 MHz) and sends the data out across the fiber as an B-bit serial stream at 100 Mbits/sec. (Note that due to the 48/58 encoding scheme used by the PLAYER devices the data actually passes through the fiber as a 10-bit serial stream at 125 MHz.) 132 bits 130D47FAI SYSJND SYS..REQ 1 .1- I .1- T T .1- PHYLIND PHYLREQ PHYLREQ PHY3_REQ PHY4_REQ i T PHY2JND 1 PHY3_IND PHY4_IND ~'~$. 3D D4 7F AI ! AJND A..REQ A..IND PHYI PlUND I I A..REQ A..IND PHY2 PM_REQ PM../HD I PM_REQ A..REQ ------ - - - - - - - - - - - -- PM_IND A..REQ AJND PHY4 PHY3 PM_IND PILREQ PM-REQ - -- ------- -------- Station I Fibor Optic Links -- - PM_REQ -------- - - PM_REQ I PM_IND PM_INO , PHYI A..REQ -- - - -- ----------- -I- PILREQ PHY2 A..IND A..REQ I A..IND A..REQ ~ 3D I i T PILREQ PM_IND A..IND A..REQ T .1PHY1..JHD T .1- SYS_REQ A..IHD 8 AI 7F I Station II PHY4 $. PHY1-REQ PHY2_REQ PHY3_REQ PHY4_REQ i P\LIND PHY3 IPHY2JND I PHY3JNDl PHY4_IND 1 1 1 SYSJND 132 bits 13DD47FAI TL/F/l0797-3 FIGURE 3. System Using Four PHY Layers In Parallel 4-151 ~ z LBC _ _----' + ___. . . Cascado Roady _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ + __________---1 Cascado Start _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ..JX'-_____-'X~__...;;...__..JX....__....;J;;..K_ _..JX~___J;;;K_ _ _>G!:: A...lnd Pert _ _ _ TL/F/10797-5 FIGURE 5a_ First PLAYER device to receive a JK symbol in a large skew scenario. The CS signal goes high about 60 ns after the CR line Is asserted. This Indicates that some of the channels received JK symbols more than one LBC period after the channel shown. PWD_IND <'____JK_ ____"X'____n_n_1_ _-'X'____n;;..n;;..2_ _-'X'____n_n;;..3_ _-'X'____n;;..n4_ _--'> LBC _ _---' Cascado Ready Cascade start ------------t-----' ------------t-------~ X A...lndPort X X JK X nn1 ~ TUF/10797-6 FIGURE 5b. First PLAYER device to receive a JK symbol In a small skew scenario. The CS signal goes high shortly after assertion of the CR slgnal,indlcating that all of the channels received JK symbols within t4. PMD_IND < JK X nn1 X > nn2 X nn3 X nn4 X JK X nn1 ~ LBC Cascado Roady Cascado start X A...lnd Port X TL/F/10797-7 FIGURE 5c. Last PLAYER device to receive JK symbol (in any scenario). Since this device was the last to assert its CR line, is is due only to the delay of the wired-AND structure. PMD_IND <'-___JK_ ____"X'____n_n_1_ _-'X'____n_n_2_ _-'X'-___n_n3_ _--'X'____n_n4_ ____"> LBC _ _---I + ___-' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _+ ________________________________________ Cascade Ready _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Casc~eStart JX'___..;;..__-'X~__...;;...__..JX'___....;J;;..K_ _JX. . ____...;J;;..K___.....>G!:: A...Ind Port _ _ _ TL/F/10797-8 FIGURE 5d. PLAYER device which receives JK symbol In scenario where one or more channels never receive JK symbols. 4-153 ~ ~ Figure 7 illustrates the source of timing deviations between 4.0 PHY LAYER COMPONENTS the channels and demonstrates the need to minimize timing skews between the channels wherever possible. In Station I, we are concerned with TXC and TBC while in Station Ii we examine LBC, since Station I is transmitting to Station Ii. The time parameters shown in the figure represent the maximum deviations in propagation delay between channels. For example, if t1 were 10 ns, this would mean that TXCI TBC could arrive at PHYI up to IOns before arriving at PHY2. 4.1 System Block Diagram The number of PHY layers connected together in parallel is limited only by the timing budget of the CS line (explained in Section 5.2) and the timing skews between channels. As an example, a system level block diagram using four PHY layers connected together in parallel is presented in Figure 6. All of the PHY layers within a given station are driven with a single set of clock Signals, and all are controlled and monitored by the host system through the Control Bus interface. Each channel has two dedicated fibers, one for transmission and one for reception. The full duplex architecture eliminates the need for complex handshaking between the two stations. The four channels communicate through the CR and CS signals. For simplicity, the CR lines are shown connected to a pullup resistor-a more detailed look at the connection of these pins is given in Section 6. t1 represents the skews in TXC/TBC between the channels, t2 encompasses the skews in the PHY layer's transmitting path, t3 represents the differential skews amongst the fibers, I.j includes all of the skews inherent in the PHY layer's receiving path, and ts represents the skews in LBC between the channels in the receiving station. All of the skews together must not exceed 80 ns in order to prevent synchronization errors, and smaller total skews will provide greater stability across temperature and power fluctuations. In a worst case scenario where all devices were badly skewed, t2 together with I.j yields a base 30 ns of skew between the channels. This leaves 50 ns available for differential skews in the clock Signals and the fiber. It is recommended that t1 be held to 4 ns and ts kept under 8 ns to prevent misclocking of the data. Hence, the maximum skew among fibers should be less than 38 ns. The global clock scheme should be arranged to minimize the skews in the clock signals between PHY layers. Smaller clock skews between channels will leave more tolerance for device skews and fiber optic variations. For further recommendations concerning the COD device in a multiple PLAYER device environment, see the COD device datasheet (COD Device Driving Multiple PLAYER Devices). Vec Contro I Bu, Interface /). pullu PHYI .. To FOTX ... From FORX r r- TX Data RX Data Port A Req . From rORX ,...... r Port A Ind Clock Inputs JK Deloci 1 Cascade Ready 10 10 Data In Data Out ij PHY2 To FOTX ... Cascad. Start Cascade Ready Ca,cade Start TX Data Cascade start Cascade Ready RX Data Port A Req Port A Ind Clock Inputs Cascade Start JK Detecl2 Cascade Ready 10 10 Data In Data Out j'j .... . To FOTX ... From FORX ,...... r PHY3 TX Data Cascade Start Cascade Ready RX Data Port A Req Port A Ind Clock Inputs Cascade Start JK 0elocl3 Cascade Ready 10 10 Data In Dala Out j'j PHY4 .... To FOTX .... From FORX .- COO LBC TBC TXC 5 TX Data Cascade Start Cascade Ready RX Data Port A Req Clock Inpuls Port A Ind Cascade Start JK Detect 4 Ca,cade Ready 10 10 Data In Data Oul -iJ TL/F/l0797-9 FIGURE 6. PHY Layer Block Diagram for an Example System Using Four PHY Layers In Parallel 4-154 . ~------------------------------------------------------------------~~ For example, for a typical FOOl fiber optic cable, s = 1.9 X 108 mIs, v = 0.005, and w =0.001. Solving for I with these parameters results in a length of 667 meters. The following equation summarizes the tradeoff between cable length and variance: ~-~<38ns s (1 - w) s (1 + w) z G'I ........ co where: s is the speed of the signal in the cable I is the average length of the fiber in meters v is the variance in the length of the cable w is the variance in the speed of the signal through the fiber TXC ~ COD 11 Slation I ' , I I I I Slation II ~ LBC -+- 12 - - : - - 13 - . : - 14 -+- 15 H H PHY1: PHY2 ~ -: PHYl 11--. "'_1IIj1 PHY2 ~--~I ~ COD t-t-- I~__~ TUF/10797-10 Where: t, ~ Worst case clock skew between two PHYs t2 ~ Worst case skew between PLAYER device propagation delays ta = Worst case skew between Fibers t, ~ Worst case skew between PLAYER device propagation delays t5 = Worst case clock skew between two PHYs Total skew = t1 + t2 + t3 + t, + t5 Note: Total skew must not exceed 80 ns in order to prevent synchronization errors. FIGURE 7. Origin of skew between channels. Adding all of the skews (tl through t5) gives the total possible skew for the system. 4.2 Channel Block Diagram Figure 8 shows the components which constitute a single PHY channel (the COO device is common to all channels so it is not shown here). The fiber optic transceivers are stan· dard FOOl devices which translate electric signals to light pulses and vice versa. The fiber optic receiver accepts data from the fiber and sends two pairs of differential ECl signals to the CRO device. namely signal detect and data. The CRO device extracts a clock signal from the incoming data and passes a resynchronized equivalent of this data and are· covered clock signal to the PLAYER device, as well as sig· nal detect and clock detect signals. PLAYER device, then the Cascade Sync Error (CSE) bit will be set in the Control Bus register RCRB by the first PLAYER device to have recognized a JK symbol. 5.0 HOST INTERFACE CONSIDERATIONS 5.1 Data Interface The system interface should consist of a transmit holding register and buffer for transmission and a buffer and receive register for incoming data. A state machine is required to decode the symbols coming from the PLAYER device so that only data is stored. Furthermore, a controller will be required to monitor and manage the PLAYER device through the Control Bus interface. This controller must han· die the initialization of the PLAYER device and report error conditions to the host. Within the PLAYER device, the incoming data stream is de· coded (from 5B to 4B) and placed in the elasticity buffer. When in cascade mode, the elasticity buffer is used not only to absorb variations between the received clock and the local clock, but also to smooth out skews between incoming data presented to the different PHY channels. If all of the PLAYER devices receive JK symbols within 80 ns of each other and release their CR pins, then the CS pin will go high and all of the PLAYER devices will read from the first data location of the elasticity buffer. This cell contains the first byte of data received after the JK symbol. Hence, the elas· ticity buffers facilitate the coordination of data output be· tween the different PHY channels. If the last PLAYER de· vice receiving a JK does so more than 80 ns after the first Each PLAYER device takes ten bits of data at the A Request Port, a pair of 4·bit data symbols plus a parity and control bit. (See the PLAYER device datasheet for the PHY_MAC byte wide interface table.) The system interface can thus generate parity and control for each PLAYER device separately and check control and parity coming from each channel. To simplify the system interface, however, the parity pins can be tied to ground and parity checking can be disabled in the Current Transmit State Register (CTSR). Parity information coming from the PLAYER device can similarly be ignored. 4·155 II AN·679 --------------------------------------------------------------------. Channel N (PHY N) I l~~Q PLAYER N lJ( lJ( out~~~~ Data Control fOTX IncomIng Fiber , I FORX Signal Detect RX Clock RX Data Data eRD ~ I Decoding :I Clock Detect Logic I ~ Loopback Data CRD Control I I A 81C I D r ElasticHy Buffer L~~D E ~ I M,5 Data 10 1MUX Select L----JI-"-;;;..;=;.;.;..1 U1 O'l 8egln Set JK DQ D 8egln DQ ~ I~ ~ ~ ....- - -...........- - - - - - - - - ' 000 ~ ~ ~ Con~!~~tlon ).... Sync Error I r<:I....J _- I~ "'?~'J:. From Host Transmit Register 8 : I I Control I I Parity Data I • cascade Start pin 47 cascade Ready pin 48 ~ '" To Host Receive Register : Control8u. Interfaca ------------------------ --------------------'" CDD Int.rface (Global) I I I I L.....,.[JK ! Control Parity Data 8 TX Block ""'--'""1 Signal Detect : ... 15 I I I JK Detect I ~ I I I I ~---------------. 7 To Host Controller TL/F/l0797-11 FIGURE 8. Block diagram of one PHY channel. The components shown here are repeated for each separate channel in the system. In error situations, one or more PLAYER devices may report a Cascade Sync Error, but they may not do so simultaneously depending on when they receive JK symbols. The Cascade Sync Error (CSE) bit of the Receive Condition Register B (RCRB) will be set by each PLAYER device which receives a JK but does not sense the CS pin go high before the second falling edge of LBC from when CR was released. CS has to be set approximately within 80 ns of CR release. If a JK symbol is completely corrupted from a line hit or bad connection, the PLAYER device on that channel will not report a CSE. Only the data on the channel(s) which did not report a CSE will be corrupt, however, these are the channels which were unable to synchronize with the rest of the group. All of the PLAYER devices which receive a JK symbol (and release the CR pin) will read data from the first cell of the Elasticity Buffer. Therefore, a line hit on a single fiber will not wipe out the entire frame. The rest of the channels may still output synchronized data. This is particularly important in applications where partial data reception is still useful. For example, during screen updates in high resolution graphics systems, only one line of pixels would be lost instead of an entire block of the screen blanking out. Thus if m is 20 pF and n is 2, the maximum pullup resistor is 5000, which meets the specification for the minimum resistor size. However, it is apparent that for many PLAYER devices a passive pullup resistor is too slow. 6.2 GAL Scheme As a result, we recommend using external logic devices for any system with three or more cascaded PLAYER devices. The choice of devices is limited by the propagation delay as well as fan in or fan out. Each CR pin should be pulled up with a 4000 resistor and fed into the AND gate. A recommended device to perform the AND function is the GAL16V8A chip, which offers 8 inputs and supplies 8 outputs with a propagation delay of IOns. This chip will allow up to eight PLAYER devices to be cascaded together while still maintaining the necessary delay, fan in and fan out characteristics. The device should be place in the electrical center of the cascaded devices to prevent excessive timing skews among the chips. Figure 9 depicts an eight channel system using the GAL16V8A to AND the CR signals together. v .~ 5.2 Control Bus Interface If no JK symbols are corrupted, but they arrive with more than 80 ns of skew, all of the PLAYER devices will eventually report a CSE error. Hence the control microprocessor has the ability to pin point the corrupted channel or determine if the problem is due to excessive skew between the channels. Note that the Control Bus registers can be programmed to assert the interrupt (INn pin upon detection of the CSE flag. To place the PLAYER devices in Cascade Mode, the Mode Register (MR) must have the Cascade Mode (CM) bit set to one. The Cascade Synchronization Error (CSE) of the Receive Condition Register B (RCRB) is set to one if the CS signal fails to go high within 80 ns of recognizing the JK symbol. The RCRB also reports Elasticity Buffer errors through the EBOU bit, signaling a loss of data from the fiber. These bits must be cleared by the Control Bus controller. When the number of PLAYER devices and the total capacitance is small, it may be possible to tie all CR pins and CS pins together and use a single pullup resistor. The lower limit of the pullup resistor is calculated as follows. The CR pins typically sink a 13 mA maximum, so the equation for the smallest resistor which should be used is: RMIN = Vee/0.0130 Hence for a voltage supply of 5V, the resistor value is 5/0.013 = 3850. The upper limit of the pullup resistor depends on the capacitance of the system and the number of PLAYER devices used. Restricting the timing budget (tb) to 20 ns (worst case) for the AND function, we arrive at the following equation: RMAX = tb/(m x n) 0 where: m is the capacitance associated with each PLAYER device's CR line (including the IC capacitance (4 pF), the socket capacitance, and the trace capacitance) measured in pF n is the number of PHY channels (number of cascaded PLAYER devices). 4-157 ,. 400D. CRLt-_+_---. PHYl c~ !t----+---------. 400D. PHY2 CR I C~ I '. '-'---- • • • • • ~J r-- GAL 16V8A Vee ;: 400D. .. CRLt-_+_---' PHYB cs:L ........................................~ ~ ---' TL/F/10797-12 FIGURE 9. Example of an eight channel system using a GAL16V8A chip to perform the AND function on the CR lines. The resulting signal (CS) is fed bacl, Into each of the PLAYER devices. ...mr----------------------------------------------------------------------------. High Speed, Point to Point, r-. o tn National Semiconductor System Brief 107 Fiber, Data Communication HOST HOST FIBER OP1lC CABLE TL/F/l0857-1 Serial Polnt-to-Polnt Data Communications SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Point-to-Point links are needed in any application where data throughput is the limiting factor to system performance. They can be installed between a CPU and disk controller to speed up information storage and retrieval times or the display capabilities of a graphics workstation can be combined with a supercomputer to achieve visualization for data intensive simulation. Point-to-Point links can also be used in a high-speed networking backbone where separate FOOl rings are connected with a fiber link to provide bridging with- out loss of performance. Fiber optics can be used to extend SCSI or IPI transmissions. High bandwidth, greater than 100 Mb/s, pOint-to-point applications can use parallel FOOl PHY layers. High bandwidth point-to-point solutions prove parallel FOOl PHY layers to be cost effective, simple systems with minimal logic, and requiring only standard FOOl fiber optic transceivers (which operating at 125 MHz, are less expensive than a GHz laser). System Block Diagram: Two Parallel PHY Layer In Cascade Mode __ CONTROL BUS INTERFACE L..--._~~ pullup PLAYER 1 Cosoade Start -I1J( Data Cosoade Start JK Delect 1 Cosoade Ready I-:Co:-so-ad-:-e-=R:-e.--d:-y...... t----+-+---tlRX Data PortA Roql+--...,.S"-+-Data In Pori A Ind S Data Oul 200Mb!. fiber Optic Link PLAYER2 Co ~""'''''_''-I1J( Data RX Data d start Coscade Start soa 0 1-:,..........,...-=-.......---1 JK Delect 2 Coscade Roady Coscade Roady Port A Req PortA Ind S S Data In DataOui CDD LBC TBCI-~'" 1J(C TLlFI10857-2 4-158 DESIGN CHALLENGES 1. Need for high bandwidth, high throughput, and high reliability. 2. Need to interface with a variety of system applications and maintain security and reliability. KEY COMPONENTS 1. Clock Distribution Device (CDDTM) provides the clocks needed for the PLAYERTM device and the host if needed. It provides 125 MHz differential ECl signals from an inexpensive 12.5 MHz crystal. 2. Physical layer Controller Device (PLAYERTM) performs the encoding and serialization of transmitted data, and deserialization and decoding of received data. It is compatible with 48/58 and NRZI transmission code, and supports both Single and dual attach station configurations. 3. Clock Recovery Device (CRDTM) extracts the clock signal from incoming data and passes a resynchronized equivalent and a recovered clock signal to the PLAYER Device. 4. Transceiver provides electrical to light conversions. BilL OF MATERIAL Function Description Decoding PLAYER Clock Recovery NSC Other Mfg. Qty DP83251/55 2 CRD DP83231 2 Clock Distribution CDD DP83241 Transceiver FOTX FORX AND Function GAL 2 2 GAl16V8A 1-8 II 4-159 .... N.---------------------------------------------------~====::l National Semiconductor System Brief 112 ;i; FOOl Concentrator rn FOOl Applications FOOl TO FOOl BRIOG!: FOOl TO ETHERNET BRIDGE FOOl F1I0NTINO TUF/11005-1 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION The Concentrator plays an important role in the Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) architecture. FDDI offers a whole range of network topology alternatives. The concentrator simplifies the wiring of networks and allows logical ring topologies to be created from the typical star wiring configuration. The concentrator provides a very reliable and economic method of obtaining fault tolerance. The concentrator provides drops to individual nodes in order to include them in the network. When the concentrator senses a failure on one of the drops, it 'heals' the ring by electronically bypassing that station. Properly designed concentrators can bypass any number of drops with no degradation in performance. The concentrator is an extremely chip intensive system. The small footprint, low power consumption, and special bridging features provide the ideal solution for concentrator applications. Concentrators are ideal for the needs of interconnectivity as addressed through high performance FDDI networks. KEY DESIGN CHALLENGES Management Software Developing the Network Management software to manage all aspects of the concentrator and participate in the network management protocols is not a trivial task. The concentrator is also the best location for network diagnostic support including network monitors. Modular Design Keeping the design modular, while maintaining its manageability and flexibility, can save design time and manufacturing costs. Key to the architecture is to provide high throughput and flexibility to interface to a variety of system configurations. In a multiboard design several other design challenges are present including other clock distribution, multi-processor communication, and backplane design issues. Clock Distribution Each port within a concentrator requires 125 MHz and 12.5 MHz clocks; the distribution of these clocks is not a Simple task; the CDD device provides an elegant solution. 4-160 System Diagram HETWORI( WONITOR -OR- ~ TO TR1JHX """ ! ~ 10 STATlOM TO STATION TO STATION TO STAmM TLlF/11005-2 Single Board Concentrator Design U~·8S iii N .,.... .,.... iii (/) CDDTM KEY COMPONENTS PLAYERTM (Physical Layer Controller) device converts the BMAC device Mby1e stream into an encoded bit stream as specified in the FDDI PHY standard. It synchronizes the received bit stream to the local clock and decodes the 4B/5B data into internal code. The PLAYER device also contains a configuration switch for use in dual attachment stations and concentrators. BMACTM (Basic Media Access Controller) device implements the functions defined by the ANSI X3T9.5 FDDI Media Access Control (MAC) standard. The device consists of the transmit and receive state machines, an address magnitude compare unit, a CRC generator and checker, protocol timers, and diagnostic counters. (Clock Distribution Device) device generates the clocks required by the PLAYER and BMAC devices, one per board. (Clock Recovery Device) device extracts specific incoming clock data from the upstream station. Its features include on-chip loopback control, crystal control, the ability to lock to a master line state in less than 100 P.s, and a single +5V supply. CRDTM NS32GX32 or HPC Performs the control interface with fast and flexible 1/0 control, efficient data manipulation, and high speed computation. BILL OF MATERIAL Function Description Part No. Quantity Controller Controller Clock Distribution Clock Recovery Controller or Processor Logic RAM BMAC PLAYER CDD CRD HPCor GX PAL 8k DRAM or 16kSRAM +5VSupply DP83261 DP83251 155 DP83241 DP83231 HPC16400 NS32GX32 1/2 Power 4-162 4 1(4) 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 . en m ...... ...... National Semiconductor System Brief 115 An FODI-Ethernet Router U1 ETHERNET LAN COMPUTERS/ TERMINALS ROUTER FILE SERVER TL/F/11047-1 FIGURE 1. A Router Configuration in a Typical Network SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A router connects multiple networks and routes packets between them. Figure 1 illustrates a typical router configuration. Here, a dual attach FDDI node and four Ethernet ports enable the router to interconnect an FDDI ring and up to four Ethernet LANs. The FDDI and Ethernet interfaces are implemented using high performance peripherals: the DP83200 FDDI chip set and the DP83932 Systems Oriented Network Interface Controller (SONICTM). TCP/IP is an industry standard for networking and many routers implement the IP protocol. The router presented here implements TCP/IP in full, providing reliable routing of packets across multiple networks. In doing so it offers such services as confirmation of packet delivery, packet routing and fragmentation, error reporting, address filtering and so on. Such a software intensive application requires a highly integrated, high performance embedded processor and therefore the NS32GX320 was chosen. Figure 2 illustrates the router architecture. It consists of two 32-bit wide buses that separate network traffic from the processor bus activity. Each contains a 4/16 Mbyte bank of DRAM: one for the GX320 to run it's application software and the second for buffering received packets and queuing new ones to be transmitted. In addition, there is a third "bus" for accessing the FDDI chip set registers and all the 8-bit system devices, such as EPROMs, an EEPROM, a UART and a SCSI controller. 4-163 r--------------------------------------------------------------------------------.... .... U) cD U) TO ETHERNET LANS TLlF/11047-2 FIGURE 2. The Router Block Diagram KEY COMPONENTS a. DP83200 FOOl Product. Includes: BSI, BMAC, PLAYER, CRD, COD Devices and SMT software. The FOOl chip set fully implements a 32bit wide system interface, all MAC (Media Access Control) functions and the physical layer interface to the fiber optic ring. The FOOl Product also includes FOOl SMT software. b. DP83932 SONIC The Systems Oriented Network Interface Controller provides a 32-bit wide system interface, implements all MAC functions and includes an ENDEC (Encoder-Decoder) for the serial interface to an Ethernet transceiver. c. NS32GX320 The GX320 is a highly integrated, high performance embedded system processor designed for compu1ation intensive applications. It incorporates a four stage instruction pipeline, on chip instruction and data caches and a hardware multiplier unit. The internal organization allows for a high degree of parallelism in instruction execution. Integrated on the same chip with the CPU are also two channel DMA controller, a fifteen level Interrupt Controller Unit and three 16-bit timers. DESIGN CHALLENGES Throughput and Bandwidth Considerations A router must be able to process frames arriving at a peak rate of 100 Mbits/sec over the FOOl ring and 10 Mbits/sec on each of the four Ethernet LANs and then route them back onto the network with minimum latency. This is achieved using the above architecture and National Semiconductor's advanced chips. Application Software The application software plays a dominant role in a router. The software design consists of a router program and TCPI IP protocol (compatible with BSD UNIX 4.3 implementations of Routed and TCPIIP, respectively), buffer management and device drivers. Also included is FOOl SMT (Station Management) software. All these modules must run coherently to produce high performance and throughput. Future Expansion The router's design accommodates future enhancement and expansion. It may also serve as a hardware platform for other applications such as a multiple network file server or a network printer interface. a BILL OF MATERIALS Description Function Part No. Quantity System Processor Embedded Controller NS32GX320 1 Controller BSITM DP83265 1 Controller BMACTM DP83261 1 Controller PLAYERTM DP83255 2 Clock Recovery CRDTM DP83231 2 Clock Distribution CDDTM DP83241 1 Controller SONIC DP83932 Memory 4/16 Mbyte Bank of DRAM 2 Logic PAL4Ds/GAL4Ds Octels 17 12 Optical Transceivers 2 Power +5V, + 12V, -12V 1 4-164 1 . (/) m ..... ..... National Semiconductor System Brief 116 FOOl-Adapter Card CD roDI BACK END DISK CONTROLLER fOOl TO fOOl BRIDGE roor TO ETHERNET CONCENTRATOR BRIDGE TlIF/l104B-l FIGURE 1. System Diagram of Adapter Cards Found in WS/PCs and the Concentrator SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Computer vendors have unique system architectures like countries of the world have different languages. The goal of an FOOl adapter card is to bridge the "language barrier" between the host and an FOOl network in a speedy and efficient manner. Choosing the interface that best fits the application is the key to achieving this goal. The National Semiconductor FOOl chipset provides a simple but powerful interface that can deliver the potential bandwidth of an FOOl network to a wide variety of system architectures. This interface gives the designer the flexibility to define systems which require high network bandwidth with minimal latency or systems in which footprint size and system cost are the most important constraints. An example of the need for a high bandwidth network can be found in a factory environment. Such a network would be responsible for tying together time critical tasks in a highly reliable manner. An FOOl network, which is fiber based and inherently reliable, is ideally suited for this application. The interface from the FOOl network to the system host must provide low latency and high throughput. With the National Semiconductor FOOl chipset, it is possible to connect di- rectly to the system bus as a bus master with a peak bandwidth of 96 megabytes per second. In this configuration, the constraints of the design are met with a solution that is efficient and requires little or no external logic. Workstations that pack supercomputer power, fit into a footprint that fits on a desktop, and cost under $10,000 are leading edge example of the evolutionary growth of computer technology. This ability to process information at break neck speeds has increased the need for high bandwidth, cost effective networking solutions that can effectively connect these systems. Features of the National Semiconductor chipset allow the designer to tailor the network interface to satisfy constraints imposed by the host architecture. For example, the chipset may be connected directly as a bus master on the system bus or through shared memory which may use low-cost ORAMs or faster SRAMs. Bit ordering and high-speed protocol processing are also handled by the National Semiconductor FOOl implementation. Additionally, the chipset can easily be used to implement an FOOl concentrator which delivers the power of FOOl at a lower cost by reducing the number of networking ICs built into each end station. 4-165 • ~r-----------------------------------------------------------~ ..- m BUFFER MEMORY 64k x 32 .t. ?AI~--------------~" ...; !:rr'f---;::=::=;---v'il' PC-AT BACKPLANE AT INTERFACE r--~~-.......I--.JI LOCAL L-----. ____ SYSTE~~~;ERFACE rr 1 OSCILLATOR .-----ro (BSI) 1+-+ DP83265 ARBITER r+ ... CLOCK DISTRIBUTION DEVICE (CDD) DP83241 1---1..... 7' .... 7" PHYSICAL L.. LAYER CONTROLLER --. ... ". BASIC MEDIA ACCESS . ._ _ _ _ _ _+1 CONTROLLER (BMAC) DP83261 ... ~ I PROM I TIMER j+-. CONTROL BUS j+-. -(PLAYER) DP83251/55 CLOCK RECOVERY DEVICE (CRD) DP83231 1 TO FIBER OPTIC TRANSCEIVER TLlF/ll048-2 FIGURE 2. Example of AT Based FOOl Adaptor Card KEY C~MPONENTS DP83261 Basic Media Access Controller (BMACTM Device) DP83255/51 Physical Layer Controller (PLAYERTM Device) DP83231 Clock Recovery Device (CRDTM Device) DP83241 Clock Distribution Device (CDDTM Device) MAJOR CHALLENGES 1. Choice of an FDDI implementation A successful adapter card design must first start with the best FDDI solution. The National Semiconductor FDDI chipset offers a full-featured and complete solution. The four devices listed above compose an FDDI-compliant, full-featured networking solution. The solution offers a fullduplex data pipe that delivers maximum FDDI bandwidth. Additional features include a thorough SMT interface and provisions for the straight forward design of bridges, routers, and concentrators. 2. Design of the network/host interface The design of an FDDI interface must eliminate data "bottle necks without demanding excessive design complexity or component count. The National Semiconductor FDDI chipset provides full FDDI bandwidth through a simple but powerful system interface. This interface can be tailored to create an optimal interface to a variety of system architectures. DP83265 BMAC System Interface (BSITM Device) The BSI provides a simple but powerful system interface. The architecture can be connected directly to the host bus as a bus master or connected to the host through a shared memory -architecture which uses low-cost DRAMs or faster SRAMs. 3. Future Integration In order to maintain a leadership position in FDDI networking, an FDDI vendor must follow the same evolutionary path on the performance/value curve that has been defined by the computer industry. National Semiconductor has developed an aggressive strategy to provide the user with a consistent interface to work with while driving toward a one chip FDDI solution. 4-166 .----------------------------------------------------------------------.~ BILL OF MATERIAL Function Description Part No. Quantity System I/F BSI DP83265 1 Controller BMAC DP83261 1 Controller PLAYER DP83251/55 1 Clock Recovery CRD DP83231 1 Clock Distribution CDD DP83241 1 SMT Node Processor Embedded Controller HPC46003 1 SMTTimer Real Time Clock DP8570A 1 Memory DRAM/SRAM PROM (if necessary) Logic PALS/GALS Octels (if necessary) (if necessary) Fiber Optic Transceivers 125 MHz RX/TX 4-167 1 2 'P ..... ..... G) Section 5 Appendixl Physical Dimensions II Section 5 Contents FOOl and Networking Acronyms. . . • . . . . . . . • . • . . . . . . . • . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Glossary of Terms for FOOl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . Physical Dimensions............................................... ................. Bookshelf Distributors 5·2 5·3 5·4 5·7 FOOl and Networking Acronyms Description Acronym Acronym Description ALS Active Line State LSU Line State Unknown ANSI American National Standards Institute MAC Media Access Control Layer BMAC Basic Media Access ControllerPart of National's Solution MIB Management Information Base BMAC System InterfacePart of National's Solution MIC Media Interface Connector MLS Master Line State BSI CCE Configuration Control Element MPM MAC Placement Management CDD Clock Distribution DevicePart of National's Solution NFS Network File System NIF Neighborhood Information Frame CFM Configuration Management NLS Noise Line State CMT Connection Management NRZ Non-Return to Zero CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check CRD Clock Recovery DevicePart of National's Solution NRZI Non-Return to Zero Invert on Ones OSI Open Systems Interconnection CSMAlCD Carrier-Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection PCM Physical Connection Management PDU Protocol Data Unit DA Destination Address PHY Physical Layer DAC Dual Attach Concentrator PLAYER DAS Dual Attach Station Physical Layer ControllerPart of National's Solution DLL Data Link Layer PMD Physical Medium Dependent Layer ECM Entity Coordination Management QLS Quiet Line State Fe Frame Control RMT Ring Management FCS Frame Check Sequence SA Source Address FDDI Fiber Distributed Data Interface SAS Single Attach Station FTP File Transfer Protocol SDU Service Data Unit HLS Halt Line State SMT Station Management IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol ILS Idle Line State TCPIIP ISO International Standards Organization Transmission Control Protocollinternet Protocol Token Holding Time LAN Local Area Network THT LCT Link Confidence Test TNE Noise Events Timer LED Light Emitting Diode TRT Token Rotation Timer LEM Link Error Monitor TVX Valid Transmission Timer LLC Logical Link Control WAN Wide Area Network 5-3 .~National ~ Semiconductor Glossary of Terms for FOOl (listed alphabetically) 4B/5B: The symbol coding method specified by the FOOl standard where each set of four bits is encoded as five bits as compared with the Manchester coding method which requires eight bits of coding for each four bit set. Concentrator: A Node on the FOOl ring, which in tum provides connections for multiple FOOl stations so that they may communicate with other attachments to the FOOl ring. A concentrator has at least two Physical Layer entities and mayor may not have one or more Oata Link Layer entities. It provides a logical star topology while stations are physically connected as a ring. The concentrator (or center of the star topology) can actively bypass a station connected to it. Connection Management (CMT): That portion of the Station Management (SMn function that controls network insertion, removal, and connection of PHY and MAC entities within a station. ANSI: The American National Standards Institute. They are responsible for setting many standards, including FOOl. Asynchronous: A class of data transmission service whereby all requests for service contend for a pool of dynamically allocated ring bandwidth and response time. Attenuation: Level of optical power loss expressed in units of dB. Average Power: The optical power measured using an average reading power meter when the FOOl station is retransmitting a stream of Halt symbols. Connector Plug: A device used to terminate an optical conductor(s) cable. Connector Receptacle: The fixed or stationary half of a connection that is mounted on a panel/bulkhead. Receptacles mate with plugs. Dual Attachment Concentrator (OAC): A concentrator that offers two attachments to the FOOl network which are capable of accommodating a dual (counter-rotating) ring. Backbone Network: A network which interconnects networks via gateways, bridges, and concentrators. Back End Network: A network which interconnects mainframe computers to high performance mass storage devices, high speed controllers and file servers. Bandwidth: The level of communication capability of a transmission link. The greater the bandwidth, the greater the volume of information the link can carry in a given time. Dual Station (or dual attachment station): A station that offers two attchments to the FOOl network which are capable of accommodating a dual (counter-rotating) ring. It may offer additional attachments (see concentrator). BEACON Frame: Frame sent during the BEACON process to indicate and recover from a break in the ring. Entity: An active element, or functional agent, within an Open System Interconnection (051) layer, or sublayer, or SMT, in a specific station, including both operational and management functions. Extinction Ratio: The ratio of the low, or off optical power level, (PL) to the high, or on optical power level, (PH) when the station is transmitting a stream of Halt symbols. Extinction Ratio (%) = (PL/PH) °100 Bit: A single character of a language having just two characters, as either of the binary digits 0 or 1. Bypass: The ability of a station to be optically isolated from the network while maintaining the integrity of the ring. Cable Plant: This term refers to the installed cabling, connectors, splices and patch panels within a given plant. Carrier Source: The component of a fiber optic system which generates the light wave, or carrier, on which information is transmitted. e.g., LEOs or LOs. FOOl: Fiber Oistributed Oata Interface. Fiber: Oielectric material that guides light; waveguide. Fiber Optic Cable: A jacketed fiber(s). Capture: The act of removing a Token from the ring for the purpose of Frame transmission. Fiber Optics: A technology whereby signals are transmitted over an optical waveguide medium through the use of lightgenerating transmitters and light-detecting receivers. Center Wavelength: The average of the two wavelengths measured at the half amplitude points of the power spectrum. CLAIM Frame: Frame sent during the CLAIM process whereby one or more stations bid for the right to initialize the ring. Frame: A Protocol Oata Unit (POU) transmitted between cooperating MAC entities on a ring, conSisting of a variable number of octets. Front End Network: A network which interconnects workstations, word processors, personal computers, facsimiles, terminals, and printers. Code-Bit: The smallest Signaling element used by the Physical Layer for transmission on the medium. Code Group: The specific sequence of five code bits representing an FOOl symbol. 5-4 Multlmode: An optical fiber which allows the signal carrying light to travel along more than one path. Network: A set of communication channels interconnecting several or many locations. Hub: An active fiber optic device which allows multiple connections. Signals are transmitted on all connections or ports. Signals are not retimed. IEEE: The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (American). They are active in setting lAN standards. It has established a number of technical committees, prefixed by IEEE 802 (e.g., 802.3, 802.5, 802.6). Interchannel Isolation: The ability to prevent undesired optical energy from appearing in one signal path as a result of coupling from another signal path: cross talk. Jitter, Data Dependent (DDJ): Jitter that is related to the transmitted symbol sequence. DDJ is caused by the limited bandwidth characteristics and imperfections in the optical channel components. DDJ results from non-ideal individual pulse responses and from variation in the average value of the encoded pulse sequence which may cause base-line wander and may change the sampling threshold level in the receiver. Jitter, Duty Cycle Distortion (DCD): Distortion usually caused by propagation delay differences between low-tohigh and high-to-low transitions. DCD is manifested as a pulse width distortion of the nominal baud time. Jitter, Random (RJ): RJ is due to thermal noise and may be modeled as a Gaussian process. The peak-peak value of RJ is of a probabilistic nature and thus any specific value requires an associated probability. LAN: A local Area Network is a communications network that provides interconnection of a variety of data communicating devices within a small area (e.g., a single site or group of buildings). lED: A Light Emitting Diode is an electrical component which produces light when stimulated by electricity. It is commonly used as a method for transmitting infra-red light along an optical fiber. Node: A generic term applying to any FDDI network attachment (station, concentrator, or repeater). Nonrestricted Token: A Token denoting the normal mode of asynchronous bandwidth allocation, wherein the available bandwidth is time-sliced among all requesters. Nonreturn to Zero (NRZ): A technique in which a polarity level high, or low, represents a logical "1" (one), or "0" (zero). Nonreturn to Zero Invert on Ones (NRZI): A technique in which a polarity transition represents a logical "1" (one). The absence of a polarity transition denotes a logical "0" (zero). Numerical Aperture (NA): The sine of the radiation or acceptance half-angle of an optical fiber, multiplied by the refractive index of the material in contact with the exit or entrance face. Octet: A data unit composed of eight ordered bits (a pair of data symbols). Optical Fall Time: The time interval for the falling edge of an optical pulse to transition from 90% to 10% of the pulse amplitude. Optical Reference Plane: The plane that defines the optical boundary between the MIC Plug and the MIC Receptacle. Optical Rise Time: The time interval for the riSing edge of an optical pulse to transition from 10% to 90% of the pulse amplitude. OSI: The Open Systems Interconnect is an objective designed to obtain the most effective internetworking. Namely, it allows different devices to communicate without regard to the manufacturer. It is obtained by adhering to appropriate international standards throughout the system. Physical (PHy): The Physical layer responsible for delivering a symbol stream produced by an upstream MAC Transmitter to the logically adjacent downstream MAC Receiver in an FDDI ring. ' llC: logical Link Control (IEEE 802.2) is the part of the ISO 7 layer model which is responsible for contrOlling the flow of information over the link between stations. logical Ring: A network which is treated logically as a ring even though it may be cabled as a physical star topology. Media Access Control (MAC): The Data Link layer (Dll) responsible for scheduling and routing data transmissions on a shared medium local Area Network (LAN) (e.g., an FDDI ring). Physical Connection: The full-duplex physical layer association between adjacent PHY entities (in concentrators, repeaters, or stations) in an FDDI ring, i.e., a pair of Physical Links. Media Interface Connector (MIC): An optical fiber connector which connects the fiber media to the FDDI attachment. The MIC consists of two halves. The MIC plug is the male half used to terminate an optical fiber signal transmission cable. The MIC receptacle is the female half which is associated with the FDDI attachment. Physical link: The simplex path (via PMD and attached medium) from the transmit function of one PHY entity to the receive function on an adjacent PHY entity (in concentrators, repeaters, or stations) in an FDDI ring. Physical Medium Independent (PMD): The portion of the FDDI protocol which provides the digital baseband pOint to point communication between stations in the FDDI network. It specifies the point of interconnection requirements for conforming station and cable plants (i.e., optical power budget, MIC receptacle mating, optiC cable specifications, and services provided to the PHY and SMT layers). MIC Plug: The male half of the MIC which terminates an optical signal transmission cable. MIC Receptacle: The fixed or stationary female half of the MIC which is part of an FDDI station. Modulator: The component of a fiber optic system which converts the electrical message into the proper format. 5-5 Station: An addressble'logical and physical node on an FOOl ring capable of transmitting, repeating and receiving information. Primitive: An element of the services provided by one entity to another. Protocol Data Unit (PDU): Information delivered as a unit between peer entities that may contain control information, address information, and data (e.g., a Service Data Unit (SOU) from a higher layer) or any combination of the three. The FOOl MAC PO Us are Tokens and Frames. Station Management (SMT): The supervisory entity within an FOOl station that monitors station activity and exercises overall appropriate control of station activity. Symbol: The smallest signaling element used by the Data Link Layer (OLL). The symbol set consists of 16 data symbols and 8 control symbols. Each symbol corresponds to a specific sequence of code bits (code group) to be transmitter by the Physical Layer. Receive: The action of a station of accepting a frame, token, or control sequence from the medium. Receiver: An optoelectronic circuit that converts an optical signal to an electrical logic signal. Synchronous: A class of data transmission service whereby each requester is preallocated a maximum bandwidth and guaranteed a response time not to exceed a specific delay. Repeat: The action of a station in receiving a code-bit stream (e.g., frame or token) from an upstream station and placing it on the medium to the next station. The station repeating the code-bit stream examines it and may copy it into a buffer and modify control indicators as appropriate. TCPIIP: A widely used de facto standard transport/network protocol. It requires a Type Field when carried over Ethernet V2 networks. Repeater: An FOOl node that minimally comprises the functionality of two PMOs and provides only a repeat function. A repeater does not have any MACs or concentrator functionality. Token: An explicit indication of the right to transmit on a shared medium. On a Token Ring, the Token circulates sequentially through the stations in the ring. At any time, it may be held by zero or one station. FOOl uses two classes of Tokens: restricted and non-restricted. Restricted Token: A Token denoting a special mode of asynchronous bandwidth allocation, wherein the bandwidth available for the asynchronous class of service is dedicated to a single extended dialogue between specific requesters. Topology: The layout or configuration of a network. The principal network topologies !ire star, bus, and ring. Ring: Two or more stations connected by a physical medium wherein information is passed sequentially between active stations, each station in turn examining or copying the information, finally returning it to the originating station. Transmit: The action of a station that consists of generating a frame, token, or control sequence, and placing it on the medium to the next station. Ring Management: The part of SMT which ensures the integrity of unique addresses on the FDOI ring. Transmitter: An optoelectronic circuit that converts an electrical logic signal to an optical Signal. Service Data Unit (SOU): The unit of data transfer between a service user and a service provider. Services: A set of functions, or services, provided by one OSI.layer or sublayer entity, for use by a higher layer or sublayer entity or by management entities. TTRT: The Target Token Rotation Time is the target time for the token to pass every FOOl node in the token path. WAN: A Wide Area Network is a network that uses links provide by the postal, telegraph, and telephone (PT&T) administrations and usually connects disperse locations (e.g., greater than 50 miles). Singlemode: An optical fiber which allows the Signal carrying light to travel along only one path. It is also called monomode. Wavelength: A measurement of the length of any electromagnetic wave. The shorter the wavelength, the higher the frequency. SlngleAHachment 'Concentrator (SAC): A concentrator that offers one attachment to the FOOl network. Workstation: An end user device typically comprised of high resolution screens, local graphics proceSSing, keyboard, pointing device, and network connection. Single Station (or Single Attachment Station): A station that offers one attachment to the FOOl network. X3T9.5: The ANSI committee responsible for specifying the FOOl standard. Spectral Width, Full Width Half Maximum (FWHM): The absolute differenc!l between the wavelengths at which the spectral radiant intensity is 50.0 percent of the maximum power. Sources 1. ANSI X3T9.5 Protocol Documents for PMO, PHY, MAC and SMT Layers. ST: One type of connector used for terminating optical fibers. 2. BICC Booklet "FOOl, Business Communications for the Star: A network configuratio!1 where all th~ nodes are connected to one common central pOint via individual cables. 1990's". 3. Handbook of Computer Communications Standards, V2 (W. Stallings). 5-6 ~National ~ Semiconductor All dimensions are in inches (millimeters) 28 Lead Plastic Chip Carrier (V) NS Package Number V28A r l [UpJ:AL B&PACESAT 0.050 11.270) O.lSO 13.302) -+8 SPACES AT VIEW A·A ~~ 11.143) x45° 0.165-0.1ID ~ * * ~ 10.660-0.813) TYP t t~ 12.842-2.9971 V28AIREVG) 84 Lead Plastic Chip Carrier (V) NS Package Number V84A ..!U!!.::!J.!! (2.642-2.991) 1{j:: ND• ..!J!!!. IZ9.211 LEADNO.1IDENT 0.060 i1.ffii IlIA L:... .!:!!!.=!!!!. 5-7 o .§ 5i r-------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ 132 Lead Plastic Quad Flatpack (VF) NS Package Number VF132A E is 11 I l O.950±O.OO3 1.I00±O.OO3 ii4.iffiijij iffiiillii PlNNl d'OENT JW 1+---------~2:~103=;°O:-----------+I ITJ __J'-_ 13". ~OO~!:::; 1*1 :3~®H A®I B®I VF132AIREVCI 5·8 r--------------------------------------------------------------------------, 160 Lead Plastic Quad Flatpack (VF) NS Package Number VF160A ~ ::r ~ ~ o 3' 1-_ _ _ _ 039X 0.0256 ;0.998 _ _ _ _- / 0.650 ;25.35 CD ::I (II 0' ::I (II I, I, 1.228:1:0.018 31.20:t0.4S ----+---- o 1.102:t0.006 2B.oO:t0.15 , I, I 0.007:t 0.001 ~ 0.18:1:0.03 r-r.;;;;;;;...---==~~~100 --l1-0.012:t0.004 1YP 0.30:t0.l0 0.024:tO.014 0.60:t0.35 1-________ 1.ll8 :t0.018 31.20:t0.4S 5-9 IA ---I /J....., ,. MAX 1YP NOTES ~National D Semiconductor Bookshelf of Technical Support Information National Semiconductor Corporation recognizes the need to keep you informed about the availability of current technical literature. This bookshelf is a compilation of books that are currently available. The listing that follows shows the publication year and section contents for each book. Please contact your local National sales office for possible complimentary copies. A listing of sales offices follows this bookshelf. We are interested in your comments on our technical literature and your suggestions for improvement. Please send them to: Technical Communications Dept. M/S 16-300 2900 Semiconductor Drive P.O. Box 58090 Santa Clara. CA 95052-8090 ALS/AS LOGIC DATABOOK-1990 Introduction to Advanced Bipolar Logic. Advanced Low Power Schottky. Advanced Schottky ASIC DESIGN MANUAL/GATE ARRAYS & STANDARD CELLS-1987 SSI/MSI Functions. Peripheral Functions. LSIIVLSI Functions· Design Guidelines· Packaging CMOS LOGIC DATABOOK-1988 CMOS AC Switching Test Circuits and Timing Waveforms. CMOS Application Notes. MM54HC/MM74HC MM54HCT/MM74HCT. CD4XXX. MM54CXXX/MM74CXXX. Surface Mount DATA ACQUISITION LINEAR DEVICES-1989 Active Filters. Analog Switches/Multiplexers. Analog-to-Digital Converters • Digital-to-Analog Converters Sample and Hold • Temperature Sensors. Voltage Regulators. Surface Mount DATA COMMUNICATION/LAN/UART DATABOOK-1990 LAN IEEE 802.3 • High Speed Serial/IBM Data Communications • ISDN Components. UARTs Modems • Transmission Line Drivers/Receivers DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTOR PRODUCTS DATABOOK-1989 Selection Guide and Cross Reference Guides. Diodes. Bipolar NPN Transistors Bipolar PNP Transistors • JFET Transistors • Surface Mount Products. Pro-Electron Series Consumer Series. Power Components. Transistor Datasheets • Process Characteristics DRAM MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK-1989 Dynamic Memory Control • Error Detection and Correction. Microprocessor Applications for the DP8408A109A117/18/19/28/29. Microprocessor Applications for the DP8420Al21A122A Microprocessor Applications for the NS32CG821 EMBEDDED SYSTEM PROCESSOR DATABOOK-1989 Embedded System Processor Overview. Central Processing Units • Slave Processors • Peripherals Development Systems and Software Tools FDDI DATABOOK-1991 FDDI Overview. DP83200 FDDI Chip Set. Development Support. Application Notes and System Briefs F100K ECL LOGIC DATABOOK & DESIGN GUIDE-1990 Family Overview. 300 Series (low-Power) Datasheets • 100 Series Datasheets • 11 C Datasheets ECl BiCMOS SRAM, ECl PAL, and ECl ASIC Datasheets. Design Guide • Circuit Basics. logic Design Transmission Line Concepts. System Considerations. Power Distribution and Thermal Considerations Testing Techniques. Quality Assurance and Reliability. Application Notes FACTTM ADVANCED CMOS LOGIC DATABOOK-1990 Description and Family Characteristics • Ratings, Specifications and Waveforms Design Considerations • 54AC174ACXXX • 54ACT/7 4ACTXXX • Quiet Series: 54AC0174ACQXXX Quiet Series: 54ACTQ174ACTQXXX • 54FCT 174FCTXXX • FCTA: 54FCTXXXA174FCTXXXA FAST® ADVANCED SCHOTTKY TTL LOGIC DATABOOK-1990 Circuit Characteristics. Ratings, Specifications and Waveforms. Design Considerations. 54F174FXXX FAST® APPLICATIONS HANDBOOK-1990 Reprint of 1987 Fairchild FAST Applications Handbook Contains application information on the FAST family: Introduction. Multiplexers. Decoders. Encoders Operators. FIFOs • Counters. TTL Small Scale Integration • Line Driving and System Design FAST Characteristics and Testing • Packaging Characteristics GENERAL PURPOSE LINEAR DEVICES DATABOOK-1989 Continuous Voltage Regulators. Switching Voltage Regulators. Operational Amplifiers. Buffers. Voltage Comparators Instrumentation Amplifiers. Surface Mount GRAPHICS HANDBOOK-1989 Advanced Graphics Chipset. DP8500 Development Tools. Application Notes INTERFACE DATABOOK-1990 Transmission Line Drivers/Receivers. Bus Transceivers • Peripheral Power Drivers. Display Drivers Memory Support • Microprocessor Support • level Translators and Buffers • Frequency Synthesis. Hi-Rei Interface LINEAR APPLICATIONS HANDBOOK-1986 The purpose of this handbook is to provide a fully indexed and cross-referenced collection of linear integrated circuit applications using both monolithic and hybrid circuits from National Semiconductor. Individual application notes are normally written to explain the operation and use of one particular device or to detail various methods of accomplishing a given function. The organization of this handbook takes advantage of this innate coherence by keeping each application note intact, arranging them in numerical order, and providing a detailed Subject Index. LS/S/TTL DATABOOK-1989 Contains former Fairchild Products Introduction to Bipolar logic • low Power Schottky. Schottky. TTL. TTl'-low Power MASS STORAGE HANDBOOK-1989 . Rigid Disk Pulse Detectors. Rigid Disk Data Separators/Synchronizers and ENDECs Rigid Disk Data Controller. SCSI Bus Interface Circuits • Floppy Disk Controllers. Disk Drive Interface Circuits Rigid Disk Preamplifiers and Servo Control Circuits. Rigid Disk Microcontroller Circuits. Disk Interface Design Guide MEMORY DATABOOK-1990 PROMs, EPROMs, EEPROMs. TTL I/O SRAMs. ECl I/O SRAMs MICROCONTROLLER DATABOOK-1989 COP400 Family. COP800 Family. COPS Applications. HPC Family. HPC Applications MICROWIRE and MICROWIRE/PlUS Peripherals. Microcontroller Development Tools MiCROPROCESSOR DATABOOK-1989 Series 32000 Overview. Central Processing Units. Slave Processors. Peripherals Development Systems and Software Tools. Application Notes. NSC800 Family PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC DATABOOK & DESIGN MANUAL-1990 Product Line Overview. Datasheets • Designing with PLDs • PLD Design Methodology. PLD Design Development Tools Fabrication of Programmable Logic. Application Examples REAL TIME CLOCK HANDBOOK-1989 Real Time Clocks and Timer Clock Peripherals • Application Notes RELIABILITY HANDBOOK-1986 Reliability and the Die • Internal Construction. Finished Package. MIL-STD-883. MIL-M-38510 The Specification Development Process. Reliability and the Hybrid Device. VLSIIVHSIC Devices Radiation Environment • Electrostatic Discharge • Discrete Device • Standardization Quality Assurance and Reliability Engineering • Reliability and Documentation. Commercial Grade Device European Reliability Programs. Reliability and the Cost of Semiconductor Ownership Reliability Testing at National Semiconductor. The Total MilitarylAerospace Standardization Program 883B/RETSTM Products. MILS/RETSTM Products. 883/RETSTM Hybrids. MIL-M-38510 Class B Products Radiation Hardened Technology. Wafer Fabrication. Semiconductor Assembly and Packaging Semiconductor Packages. Glossary of Terms. Key Government Agencies. ANI Numbers and Acronyms Bibliography. MIL-M-3851 0 and DESC Drawing Cross Listing SPECIAL PURPOSE LINEAR DEVICES DATABOOK-1989 Audio Circuits. Radio Circuits. Video Circuits • Motion Control Circuits. Special Function Circuits Surface Mount TELECOMMUNICATIONS-1990 Line Card Components. Integrated Services Digital Network Components. Analog Telephone Components Application Notes ~ National ~ Semiconductor
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