1993_Linear_ASIC_Databook 1993 Linear ASIC Databook
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4CXXJ60 LINEAR APPLICATION SPECIFIC IC's DATABOOK 1993 Edition Audio Circuits • Radio Circuits • Video Circuits • Display Drivers • Clock Drivers • Frequency Synthesis • Special Automotive • Special Functions • Surface Mount Appendices/Physical Dimensions &II l1li TRADEMARKS Following is the most current list of National Semiconductor Corporation's trademarks and registered trademarks. ABiCTM Abuseable™ Anadig™ APPSTM ASPECTTM Auto-Chem Deflasher™ BCPTM BI-FETTM BI-FET IITM BI-LINETM BIPLANTM BLCTM BLXTM BMACTM Brite-UteTM BSITM BSI-2TM CDDTM CIMTM CIMBUSTM CLASICTM COMBoe COMBO ITM COMBO IITM COPSTM microcontrollers CRDTM DA4TM DENSPAKTM DIBTM DISCERNTM DISTILLTM DNRe DPVMTM E2CMOSTM ELSTARTM Embedded System Processor™ EPTM E-Z-LlNKTM FACTTM FACT Quiet Series™ FAIRCADTM Fairtech™ FASTe FASTr™ FlashTM GENIXTM GNXTM GTOTM HEX3000TM HPCTM HyBal™ 13Le ICMTM IntegrallSETM IntelisplayTM Inter-LERICTM Inter-RICTM ISETM ISE/06TM ISE/08TM ISE/16TM ISE32TM ISOPLANARTM ISOPLANAR-ZTM LERICTM LMCMOSTM M2CMOSTM Macrobus™ Macrocomponent™ MAPLTM MAXI-ROMe Microbus™ data bus MICRO-DACTM Jl-talker™ Microtalker™ MICROWIRETM MICROWIRE/PLUSTM MOLETM MPATM MSTTM Naked-8TM National e National Semiconductore National Semiconductor Corp.e NAX800™ Nitride Plus™ Nitride Plus Oxide™ NMLTM NOBUSTM NScaOOTM NSCISETM NSX-16TM NS-XC-16™ NTERCOMTM NURAMTM OPALTM OXISSTM p2CMOSTM Perfect WatchTM PLANTM PLANARTM PLAYERTM Plus-2TM Polycraft™ Power + ControlTM POWERplanar™ QSTM QUAD3000TM QUIKLOOKTM RATTM RICTM RTX16TM SCXTM SERIES/800TM Series 32000 e Simple Switcher™ SofChekTM SONICTM SPIRETM Staggered RefreshTM STARTM StarlinkTM STARPLEXTM ST-NICTM SuperATTM Super-Block™ SuperChipTM SuperScript™ SYS32™ TapePak e TDSTM TeleGate™ The National Antheme TLCTM Trapezoidal™ TRI-CODETM TRI-POLYTM TRI-SAFETM TRI-STATEe TROPICTM Tropic Pele'TM Tropic ReefTM TURBOTRANSCEIVERTM VIPTM VR32TM WATCHDOGTM XMOSTM XPUTM ZSTARTM 883B/RETSTM 883S/RETSTM Dolbye and the double-D symbol are registered trademarks of Dolby Laboratories Licensing Corporation. IBMe is a registered trademark of Interl1ational Business Machines Corporation. LIFE SUPPORT POLICY NATIONAL'S PRODUCTS ARE NOT AUTHORIZED FOR USE AS CRITICAL COMPONENTS IN LIFE SUPPORT DEVICES OR SYSTEMS WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE PRESIDENT OF NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR COR PORATION. As used herein: 1. Life support devices or systems are devices or systems which, (a) are intended for surgical implant into the body, or (b) support or sustain life, and whose failure to perform, when properly used in accordance with instructions for use provided in the labeling, can be reasonably expected t~ result in a significant injury to the user. 2. A critical component is any component of a life support device or system whose failure to perform can be reason ably expected to cause the failure of the life support device or system, or to affect its safety or effectiveness. NatlonalSemlconductorCorporatlon 2900 Semiconductor Drive, P.O. Box 58090, Santa Clara, California 95052-8090 1-800-272-9959 TWX (910) 339-9240 National does not assume any responsibility for use of any circuitry described, no circuH patent licenses are Implied, and National reserves the right, at any time without notice, to change said circuHry or specifications. ·1 ~National ~ Semiconductor Product Status Definitions Definition of Terms Data Sheet Identification Product Status Definition Formative or In Design This data sheet contains the design specifications for product development. Specifications may change in any manner without notice. First Production This data sheet contains preliminary data, and supplementary data will be published at a later date. National Semiconductor Corporation reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice in order to improve design and supply the best possible product. Full Production This data sheet contains final speCifications. National Semiconductor Corporation reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice in order to improve design and supply the best possible product. Not In Production This data sheet contains specifications on a product that has been discontinued by National Semiconductor Corporation. The data sheet is printed for reference information only. National Semiconductor Corporation reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein to improve reliability, function or design. National does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit described herein; neither does it convey any license under its patent rights, nor the rights of others. iii Table of Contents Alphanumeric Index .......................................................... . Additional Available Linear Devices ............................................ . Cross Reference by Part Number .............................................. . Industry Package Cross Reference Guide ....................................... . viii xii xxvi xxxviii Section 1 Audio Circuits Audio Circuits Definition of Terms .............................................. . Audio Circuits Selection Guide ................................................ . LM380 Audio Power Amplifier ................................................. . LM,;383 7 Watt Audio Power Amplifier ........................................... . LM3~4 5 Watt Audio Power Amplifier ........................................... . LM386 Low Voltage Audio Power Amplifier ...................................... . LM388 1.5-Watt Audio Power Amplifier ......................•........•.......... LM389 Low Voltage Audio Power Amplifier with NPN Transistor Array .............. . LM390 1 Watt Battery Operated Audio Power Amplifier ........................... . LM391 Audio Power Driver .................................................... . LMM1 Low Voltage Audio Power Amplifier ...................................... . LM832 Dynamic Noise Reduction System DNR .................................. . ,... LM833 Dual Audio Operational Amplifier ........................................ . - LM837 Low Noise Quad Operational Amplifier ................................... . -LM1 035/LM1 036 Dual DC Operated TonelVolume/Balance Circuits ............... . ...... LM1037 Dual Four-Channel Analog Switch ...................................... . _ LM1040 Dual DC Operated TonelVolume/Balance Circuit with Stereo Enhancement Facility ................................................................... . - LM1131A Dual Dolby B-Type Noise Reduction Processor ......................... . ..... LM1151 Dolby B-Type Noise Reduction System ................................. . LM1875 20 Watt Power Audio Amplifier ......................................... . LM1877 Dual Power Audio Amplifier ........................................... . - LM1894 Dynamic Noise Reduction System DNR ................................. . LM1896/LM2896 Dual Power Audio Amplifiers .................................. . LM2877 Dual 4 Watt Power Audio Amplifier ..................................... . LM2878 Dual 5 Watt Power Audio Amplifier ..................................... . LM28V9 Dual 8 Watt Audio Amplifier ........................................... . LM3875 High Performance 40 Watt Audio Power Amplifier ........................ . LM3876 High Performance 40 Watt Audio Power Amplifier ........................ . LMC835 Digital Controlled Graphic Equalizer .................................... . LMC1982 Digitally-Controlled Stereo Tone and Volume Circuit with Two Selectable Ste~eo Inputs ............................................................. . LMC1983 Digitally-Controlled Stereo Tone and Volume Circuit with Three Selectable Stere61nputs .................................•............................ LMC1992 Digitally-Controlled Stereo Tone and Volume Circuit with Four-Channel Input~Selector ............................................................. . 1-3 1-4 1-7 1-11 1-15 1-20 1-25 1-31 1-39 1-44 1-55 1-67 1-75 1-84 1-90 1-100 1-106 1-116 1-121 1-122 1-128 1-133 1-141 1-149 1-156 1-163 1-170 1-171 1-172 1-187 1-198 1-209 Section 2 Radio Circuits Radio Circuits Definition of Terms. . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . .. . . .. .. . . . . Radio Circuits Selection Guide ...............................................•. LM1211 Broadband Demodulator System ....................................... LM1596/LM1496 Balanced Modulator-Demodulators....... ...................... lM1865 Advanced FM IF System. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . .. . . LM1868 AM/FM Radio System. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. LM3089 FM Receiver IF System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '" LM3189 FM IF System ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..,....LM3361 A Low Voltage/Power Narrow Band FM IF System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv 2-3 2-4 2-6 2-16 2-21 2-35 2-43 2-49 2-56 Table of Contents (Continued) -. Section 3 Video Circuits Video Definition of Terms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ... .. . . . . . . . . ... . .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. . Video Circuits Selection Guide ................................................. LH4266 SPDT RF Switch...................................................... LM1044 Analog Video Switch... .. ............... ................. ............. LM1201 Video Amplifier System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LM1202 230 MHz Video Amplifier System ....................................... LM1203 RGB Video Amplifier System........................................... LM1203A 150 MHz RGB Video Amplifier System ................................. LM1203B 100 MHz RGB Video Amplifier System...... ........ ................... LM1204 150 MHz RGB Video Amplifier System .... , ...................... '" .. .. . LM1391 Phase-Locked Loop................................................... LM1823 Video IF Amplifier/PLL Detector System .... , ............................ LM 1881 Video Sync Separator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54ACT174ACT715. LM1882 Programmable Video Sync Generators................ LM2416/LM2416C Triple 50 MHz CRT Drivers..... ........... ................... LM2418 Triple 30 MHz CRT Driver... ........................................... LM2419 Triple 65 MHz CRT Driver.............................................. Section 4 Display Drivers Display Drivers-Introduction.................... .............................. Display Drivers-Selection Guide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . DS8187 Vacuum Fluorescent Display Driver...... . .............................. DS75491 MOS-to-LED Quad Segment Driver..... ........... .................... DS75492 MOS-to-LED Hex DigitDriver............ ........... ................... DS55494/DS75494 Hex Digit Drivers ........................................... MM5450/MM5451 LED Display Drivers......................................... MM5452/MM5453 Liquid Crystal Display Drivers ................................. MM5480 LED Display Driver ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MM5481 LED Display Driver ......................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MM5483 Liquid Crystal Display Driver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MM548416-Segment LED Display Driver........................................ MM5486 LED Display Driver ................................................... MM58201 Multiplexed LCD Driver .............................................. MM58241 High Voltage Display Driver. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MM58242 High Voltage Display Driver............ ......... ...................... MM58248 High Voltage Display Driver. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MM58341 High Voltage Display Driver..... ....... ............................... MM58342 High Voltage Display Driver. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MM58348 High Voltage Display Driver. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LM3909 LED Flasher/Oscillator... .... ......................................... LM3914 Dot/Bar Display Driver ................................................ LM3915 Dot/Bar Display Driver ................................................ LM3916 Dot/Bar Display Driver................................................ Section 5 Clock Drivers Clock Drivers-Selection Guide ................................................ * MH0007/MH0007C DC Coupled MOS Clock Drivers DS0025C Two Phase MOS Clock Driver. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DS0026/DS0056 5 MHz Two Phase MOS Clock Drivers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DS75325 Memory Driver...................................................... DS75361 Dual TIL-to-MOS Driver. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DS75365 Quad TIL-to-MOS Driver ........................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'See Appendix G v 3-3 3-5 3-7 3-14 3-23 3-36 3-52 3-66 3-82 3-83 3-101 3-106 3-113 3-121 3-133 3-137 3-141 4-3 4-4 4-6 4-17 4-17 4-20 4-22 4-28 4-35 4-39 4-43 4-46 4-49 4-54 4-60 4-65 4-70 4-75 4-80 4-85 4-90 4-97 4-112 4-130 5-3 5-4 5-8 5-16 5-29 5-34 Table of Contents (Continued) Section 6 Frequency Synthesis Frequency Synthesis-Introduction . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. .. . . . .. . Frequency Synthesizers-Selection Guide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DS8615/DS8616 130/225 MHz Low Power Dual Modulus Prescalers .......... . . . . . DS8673/DS8674 Low Power VHF/UHF Prescalers ............................... DS89088 AM/FM Digital Phase-Locked Loop Frequency Synthesizer............... DS8911 /DS8913 AM/FM/TV Sound Up-Conversion Frequency Synthesizers. . . . . . . . MM5368 CMOS Oscillator Divider Circuit ................................... . . . . . MM5369 Series 17 Stage Oscillator/Divider..................................... . MM5437 Digital Noise Source. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 7 Special Automotive Automotive Standard Products Selection Guide .................................. LM903 Fluid Level Detector. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LM1042 Fluid Level Detector....................... ............................ LM1815 Adaptive Sense Amplifier.............................................. LM1819 Air-Core Meter Driver ........................ , ......................... LM1830 Fluid Detector..... ....... ......................... ................... LM1921 1 Amp Industrial Switch.......... ...................................... LM1946 Over/Under Current Limit Diagnostic Circuit........... ................... LM1949 Injector Drive Controller................... ............................ LM1950 750 rnA High Side Switch.............................................. LM1951 Solid State 1 Amp Switch..................................... ......... LM1964 Sensor Interface Amplifier....................... ... .. ............... .. LMD18400 Quad High Side Driver........ ........... .................. ......... Section 8 Special Functions Special Function Circuits Selection Guide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DH0006/DH0006C Current Drivers .......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DH0008 High Voltage, High Current Driver. ................... .. ................. DH0011A High Voltage High Current Driver................ ... ................... DH0035/DH0035C PIN Diode Drivers........................................... DH0034 High Speed Dual Level Translator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . .. .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . * LH0091 True RMS to DC Converter LH0094 Multifunction Converter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LM122/LM322/LM3905 Precision Timers ....................................... LM194/LM394 SuperMatch Pairs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LM195/LM295/LM395 Ultra Reliable Power Transistors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LM555/LM555C Timers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LM556/LM556C Dual Timers .................................................. LM565/LM565C Phase Locked Loops.......................................... LM566C Voltage Controlled Oscillator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LM5671LM567C Tone Decoders ............................................... LM1851 Ground Fault Interrupter ............................................... LM2240 Programmable Timer/Counter.......................................... LM2907/LM2917 Frequency to Voltage Converters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LM3045/LM3046/LM3086 Transistor Arrays..... ................................ LM3146 High Voltage Transistor Array...... ................. ............... .... LMC555 CMOS Timer. . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . LMC567 Low Power Tone Decoder .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. .. .. . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . LMC568 Low Power Phase-Locked Loop. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . LP395 Ultra Reliable Power Transistor .......................................... ·s.. Appendix G vi 6-3 6-5 6-6 6-10 6-13 6-21 6-30 6-33 6-36 7-3 7-4 7-10 7-17 7-21 7-29 7-35 7-40 7-51 7-59 7-64 7-72 7-76 8-3 8-6 8-10 8-14 8-17 8-20 8-24 8-33 8-45 8-53 8-64 8-72 8-76 8-84 8-88 8-94 8-101 8-110 8-124 8-129 8-134 8-137 8-141 8-145 Table of Contents (Continued) Section 9 Surface Mount Surface Mount .•....................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 10 Appendices/Physical Dimensions Appendix A General Product Marking and Code Explanation ....................... Appendix B Device/Application Literature Cross-Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Appendix C Summary of Commercial Reliability Programs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Appendix D Military Aerospace Programs from National Semiconductor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Appendix E Understanding Integrated Circuit Package Power Capabilities. . . . . . . . . . . . Appendix F How to Get the Right Information from a Datasheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Appendix G Obsolete Product Replacement Guide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Physical Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bookshelf Distributors ·See Appendix G vii 9-3 10-3 10-4 10-11 10-13 10-22 10-27 10-31 10-33 Alpha-Numeric Index 54ACT715 Programmable Video Sync Generator ............................................ 3-121 74ACT715 Programmable Video Sync Generator ..•......................................... 3-121 DH0006 Current Driver ................................................................••, ., .". 8-6 DH0006C Current Driver ..............•..................................................... 8-6 DH0008 High Voltage, High Current Driver .. , ......• , .•...................................... 8-10 DH0011 A High Voltage High CurrentDriver ...••............................................. 8-14 DH0034 High Speed Dual Level Translator ................................................... 8-20 DH0035 PIN Diode Driver ...•............................................................. '. 8-17 DH0035C PIN Diode Driver .............., .••..........••...... '............•...•.......•.... 8-17 DS0025C Two Phase MOS Clock Driver ...•.•...........•.................................... 5-4 DS0026 5 MHz Two Phase MOS Clock Driver ..................................... , ......... ; . 5-8 DS0056 5 MHz Two Phase MOS Clock Driver .........•....................................... 5-8 DS8187 Vacuum Fluorescent Display Driver .............•..................................... 4-6 DS8615 130 MHz Low Power Dual Modulus Prescaler .......................................... 6-6 DS8616225 MHz Low Power Dual Modulus Prescaler .......................................... 6-6 DS8673 Low PowerVHF/UHF Prescaler ...••............................................... 6-10 DS8674 Low PowerVHF/UHF Prescaler ..........•.•....................................... 6-10 DS89088 AM/FM Digital Phase-Locked Loop Frequency Synthesizer ........................... 6-13 DS8911 AM/FM/TV Sound Up-Conversion Frequency Synthesizer ............................. 6-21 DS8913 AM/FM/TV Sound Up-Conversion Frequency Synthesizer ............................. 6-21 DS55494 Hex Digit Driver .................................................................. 4-20 DS75325 Memory Driver ........................•...•..................................... 5-16 DS75361 Dual TIL-to-MOS Driver ...................•...................................... 5-29 DS75365 Quad TIL-to-MOS Driver ......................................................... 5-34 DS75491 MOS-to-LED Quad Segment Driver ................................................ 4-17 DS75492 MOS-to-LED Hex Digit Driver ...................................................... 4-17 DS75494 Hex Digit Driver .....•............................................................ 4-20 * LH0091 True RMS to DC Converter LH0094 Multifunction Converter .....................•...........•.......................... 8-24 LH4266 SPDT RF Switch .....•.•.•....•....•............................................... 3-7 LM122 Precision Timer .................................................................... 8-33 LM194 SuperMatch Pair ................................................................... 8-45 LM195 Ultra Reliable Power Transistor ............•......................................... 8-53 LM295 Ultra Reliable Power Transistor .....••............................................... 8-53 LM322 Precision Timer •................................................................... 8-33 LM380 Audio Power Amplifier .............................•................................. 1-7 LM383 7 Watt Audio Power Amplifier ........................................................ 1-11 LM384 5 Watt Audio Power Amplifier .....•...•............•................................. 1-15 LM386 Low Voltage Audio Power Amplifier .................•................................ 1-20 LM388 1.5-Watt Audio Power Amplifier ...................................................... 1-25 LM389 Low Voltage Audio Power Amplifier with NPN Transistor Array ........................... 1-31 LM390 1 Watt 8attery Operated Audio Power Amplifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-39 LM391 Audio Power Driver ..............•..............•................................... 1-44 LM394 SuperMatch Pair .....••............•........•...................................... 8-45 LM395 Ultra Reliable Power Transistor ........•.•..............•............................ 8-53 LM555 Timer ....................••••............•....................................... 8-64 LM555C Timer ...........•...•........................................................... 8-64 LM556 Dual Timer ...•.•.............••.............•...•................................. 8-72 LM556C Dual Timer .....••.••............•.•............................................. 8-72 LM565 Phase Locked Loop ...•..............................•............................. 8-76 LM565C Phase Locked Loop ........................•..................................... 8-76 viii Alpha-Numeric Index(continUed) LM566C Voltage Controlled Oscillator ..........................................•. : .....•.... 8-84 LM567 Tone Decoder ............................................................•........ 8-88' LM567C Tone Decoder ...............................•.........................•......... 8-88 LM831 Low Voltage Audio Power Amplifier ................•.............................•... 1-55 LM832 Dynamic Noise Reduction System DNR ............................................... 1-67 LM833 Dual Audio Operational Amplifier ..................................................... 1-75 LM837 Low Noise Quad Operational Amplifier ................................................ 1-84 LM903 Fluid Level Detector ................................................................. 7-4 LM1035 Dual DC Operated TonelVolume/Balance Circuit ..................................... 1-90 LM1036 Dual DC Operated TonelVolume/Balance Circuit ..•...........•.................... " 1-90 LM1037 Dual Four-Channel Analog Switch ................................................. 1-100 LM1040 Dual DC Operated TonelVolume/Balance Circuit with Stereo Enhancement Facility ............................................................................... 1'-106 LM1042 Fluid Level Detector ...................................••...•..•.......•........... 7-10 LM1044 Analog Video Switch .............................................................. 3-14 LM1131A Dual Dolby B-Type Noise Reduction Processor ..................................... 1-116 lM1151 Dolby B-Type Noise Reduction System ............................................. 1-121 LM1201 Video Amplifier System ............•..............................••............... 3-23 LM1202 230 MHz Video Amplifier System ................................................... 3-36 LM1203 RGB Video Amplifier System ............................................•.......... 3-52 LM1203A 150 MHz RGB Video Amplifier System ............................................. 3-66 LM1203B 100 MHz RGB Video Amplifier System ............................................. 3-82 LM1204 150 MHz RGB Video Amplifier System ..........•.................................... 3-83 LM1211 Broadband Demodulator System ..................................................... 2-6 LM1391 Phase-Locked Loop ............................................................. 3-101 LM1496 Balanced Modulator-Demodulator .................................................. 2-16 LM1596 Balanced Modulator-Demodulator .................................................. 2-16 LM1815 Adaptive Sense Amplifier .......................................................... 7-17 LM1819 Air-Core Meter Driver ............................................•...............•. 7-21 LM1823 Video IF Amplifier/PLL Detector System ............................................ 3-106 LM1830 Fluid Detector .............................................•...................... 7-29 LM1851 Ground Fault Interrupter ........................................................... 8-94 LM1865 Advanced FM IF System ....................................•...................... 2-21 LM1868 AM/FM Radio System ...................•..........•. ; .........•.................. 2-35 LM1875 20 Watt Power Audio Amplifier .................................................... 1-122 LM1877 Dual Power Audio Amplifier ....................................................... 1-128 LM 1881 Video Sync Separator ............................................................. 3-113 LM1882 Programmable Video Sync Generator .............................................. 3-121 LM1894 Dynamic Noise Reduction System DNR ............................................ 1-133 LM 1896 Dual Power Audio Amplifier .....•..........................•.........•............ 1-141 LM19211 Amp Industrial Switch ............................................................ 7-35 LM1946 Over/Under Current Limit Diagnostic Circuit .......................................... 7-40 LM1949 Injector Drive Controller ........................................................... 7-51 LM1950 750 mA High Side Switch ......................•...............•................... 7-59 LM1951 Solid State 1 Amp Switch .......................................................... 7-64 LM1964 Sensor Interface Amplifier ......................................................... 7-72 LM2240 Programmable Timer/Counter ..................................................... 8-101 LM2416 Triple 50 MHz CRT Driver ......................................................... 3-133 LM2416C Triple 50 MHz CRT Driver .....................................•................. 3-133 LM2418 Triple 30 MHz CRT Driver .................•............•...•.•.................•.. 3-137 LM2419 Triple 65 MHz CRT Driver ......................................................... 3-141 'See Appendix G ix Alpha-Numeric Index(ContinUed) LM2877 Dual 4 Watt Power Audio Amplifier ...........................•.....••....•......... 1-149 LM2878 Dual 5 Watt Power Audio Amplifier .......•......•...•.•••..••.•..•...•.••.••••.•.•. 1-156 LM2879 Dual 8 Watt Audio Amplifier .......................•...............•..•.........•.. 1-163 LM2896 Dual Power Audio Amplifier .............•.........................•...•.......••.. 1-141 LM2907 Frequency to Voltage Converter ......•........•..•..•••••••.•.•.••..•...•...•••... 8-110 LM2917 Frequency to Voltage Converter .................................•........•..•..•.. 8-110 LM3045 Transistor Array ..............•......•.....•.•...•..••.....•..•..••••.....•..•.•. 8-124 LM3046 Transistor Array •....................................••..••.•..•.••.•••.•......•. 8-124 LM3086 Transistor Array ...........................................••...............•.... 8-124 LM3089 FM Receiver IF System ...........................•.........•..•...•..•.•..•....... 2-43 LM3146 High Voltage Transistor Array ........•......•...•...•.•.•.••......••.•.......•...• 8-129 LM3189 FM IF System ......................................•............•..•............... 2-49 LM3361 A Low Voltage/Power Narrow Band FM IF System ..............•...•................. 2-56 LM3875 High Performance 40 Watt Audio Power Amplifier ......•.•.....•••..•.•..•..••••..... 1-170 LM3876 High Performance 40 Watt Audio Power Amplifier .................•...•........••.•.. 1-171 LM3905 Precision Timer ...............•...................•.........•..•.....••...•..•.... 8-33 LM3909 LED Flasher/Oscillator .............................•.•..•...•..•...•.•..•......•.. 4-90; LM3914 Dot/Bar Display Driver .........................................•.•...............• 4-97 LM3915 Dot/Bar Display Driver ..........•..........•....•....•..•.•.....•.....••..•.••... 4-112 LM3916 Dot/Bar Display Driver ......................•..•........•.........•........••.••. 4-130 LMC555 CMOS Timer .........•...........................•............•........•........ 8-134 LMC567 Low Power Tone Decoder ...............•...........••.......•...•..•..•..••.•... 8-137 LMC568 Low Power Phase-Locked Loop .................•.•...••...........•......•••..••. 8-141 LMC835 Digital Controlled Graphic .Equalizer .....•.•............................•........... 1-172 LMC1982 Digitally-Controlled Stereo Tone and Volume Circuit with Two Selectable Stereo Inputs ......................•.•....•.....................•..... ! • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1-187 LMC1983 Digitally-Controlled Stereo Tone and Volume Circuit with Three Selectable Stereo Inputs ..................................................•.....•..•..••••..••.•••••..• 1-198 LMC1992 Digitally-Controlled Stereo Tone and Volume Circuit with Four-Channel Input-Selector ...............................................•..•...•.•.•...•..•...... 1-209 LMD18400 Quad High Side Driver .................••.....•...•.•..•...........•............ 7-76 LP395 Ultra Reliable Power Transistor ...........•.............•...•........•.....••.•..••. 8-145 * MH0007 DC Coupled MOS Clock Driver * MH0007C DC Coupled MOS Clock Driver MM5368 CMOS Oscillator Divider Circuit ..........................•..•.....•......•......... 6-30 MM5369 Series 17 Stage Oscillator/Divider ......................•.••..•••.••................ 6-33 MM5437 Digital Noise Source .........................•...•.....•.....••.••.•...•.•..•..... 6-36 MM5450 LED Display Driver ................•...........•......•.•..•...•..•.....•••...•..• 4-22 MM5451 LED Display Driver ...........................•..............•.....••...•.•..•.... 4-22 MM5452 Liquid Crystal Display Driver .....................•...•.......••••.•.••.••.••.•.•..• 4-28 MM5453 Liquid Crystal Display Driver ...........•........•........•..•...•••••••• , •.•...•..• 4-28 MM5480 LED Display Driver ........•.............•..••............••.•••..•......•.••.•..• 4-35 MM5481 LED Display Driver ....•...•..............•.....................•..••.....•.•.•... 4-39 MM5483 Liquid Crystal Display Driver .........•.....•.•..........•....••••••.••.•..•..••...• 4-43 MM5484 16-Segment LED Display Driver ...........•...•..•.•.....•..•..•..•.....•••....•... 4-46 MM5486 LED Display Driver ....................................•..•....•...........•.••... 4-49 MM58201 Multiplexed LCD Driver ......................................•.••••..••.•.••...•. 4-54 MM58241 High Voltage Display Driver ...............•.....................•..••.••.••••••.•• 4-60 MM58242 High Voltage Display Driver .........•...........•..•..•..•.•••••.••••••.••••..••.• 4-65 MM58248 High Voltage Display Driver ...................................•.•........••....... 4-70 MM58341 High Voltage Display Driver ...............•...•.....•..•..•..•..•.•••..•.•••••..•. 4-75 "See Appendix G x Alpha-Numeric Index (Continued) MM58342 High Voltage Display Driver .................................................... , .. 4-80 MM58348 High Voltage Display Driver ....................................................... 4-85 "See Appendix G xi Additional Available Linear Devices ADC0800 8·Bit A/D Converter ........................................ Section 2 ADC0801 8·Bit,...P Compatible A/D Converter .......................... Section 2 ADC0802 8·Bit ,...p Compatible AID Converter ....•..................... Section 2 ADC0803 8·Bit ,...p Compatible AID Converter .......................... Section 2 ADC0804 8·Bit ,...p Compatible AID Converter .......................... Section 2 ADC0805 8·Bit ,...p Compatible AID Converter •......................... Section 2 ADC0808 8·Bit ,...p Compatible AID Converter with 8·Channel Multiplexer .. Section 2 ADC0809 8·Bit ,...p Compatible AID Converter with 8·Channel Multiplexer .. Section 2 ADC0811 8·Bit Serial 110 AID Converter with 11·Channel Multiplexer ...... Section 2 ADC0816 8·Bit ,...p Compatible AID Converter with 16·Channel Multiplexer ..........•..•.........................•............... Section 2 ADC0817 8·Bit ,...p Compatible AID Converter with 16·Channel Multiplexer ...•.....•.•...•....................................... Section 2 ADC0819 8·Bit Serial 110 AID Converter with 19·Channel Multiplexer ...... Section 2 ADC0820 8·Bit High Speed ,...p Compatible AID Converter with Track/Hold Function ......................................................... Section 2 ADC0831 8·Bit Serial 110 A/D Converter with Multiplexer Options ......... Section 2 ADC0832 8·Bit Serial 110 AID Converter with Multiplexer Options ......... Section 2 ADC0833 8·Bit Serial 110 AID Converter with 4·Channel Multiplexer ....... Section 2 ADC0834 8·Bit Serial 110 AID Converter with Multiplexer Options ......... Section 2 ADC0838 8·Bit Serial 110 A/D Converter with Multiplexer Options ......... Section 2 ADC0841 8·Bit,...P Compatible AID Converter .......................... Section 2 ADC0844 8·Bit ,...p Compatible AID Converter with Multiplexer Options ..... Section 2 ADC0848 8·Bit ,...p Compatible AID Converter with Multiplexer Options ..... Section 2 ADC0851 8·Bit Analog Data Acquisition and Monitoring System ........... Section 1 ADC0852 Multiplexed Comparator with 8·Bit Reference Divider ........... Section 2 ADC0854 Multiplexed Comparator with 8·Bit Reference Divider ........... Section 2 ADC0858 8·Bit Analog Data Acquisition and Monitoring System ........... Section 1 ADC0881 8-Bit 20 MSPS Flash AID Converter ...........•.............. Section 2 ADC0882 8·Bit 20 MSPS Flash AID Converter .......................... Section 2 ADC08031 8·Bit High·Speed Serial 110 AID Converter with Multiplexer Options, Voltage Reference, and Track/Hold Function ....•.....•...... Section 2 ADC08032 8·Bit High·Speed Serial I/O AID Converter with Multiplexer Options, Voltage Reference, and Track/Hold Function ...............•. Section 2 ADC08034 8·Bit High·Speed Serial 110 AID Converter with Multiplexer Options, Voltage Reference, and Track/Hold Function ................. Section 2 ADC08038 8·Bit High·Speed Serial 110 AID Converter with Multiplexer Options, Voltage Reference, and Track/Hold Function ................. Section 2 ADC08061 500 ns AID Converter with S/H Function and Input Multiplexer .. Section 2 ADC08062 500 ns AID Converter with S/H Function and Input Multiplexer .. Section 2 ADC08064 500 ns AID Converter with S/H Function and Input Multiplexer .. Section 2 ADC08068 500 ns AID Converter with S/H Function and Input Multiplexer .. Section 2 ADC08131 8·Bit High·Speed Serial 110 AID Converter with Multiplexer Options, Voltage Reference, and Track/Hold Function ................. Section 2 ADC08134 8·Bit High·Speed Serial 110 AID Converter with Multiplexer Options, Voltage Reference, and Track/Hold Function ................. Section 2 ADC08138 a·Bit High·Speed Serial 110 AID Converter with Multiplexer Options, Voltage Reference, and Track/Hold Function: ................ Section 2 ADC08161 500 ns AID Converter with S/H Function, 2.5V Bandgap Reference, and Input Multiplexer .••...••............................ Section 2 xii Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition: I Data Acquisition I Data Acquisition', Data Acquisition Data Acquisition i Additional Available Linear Devices (Continued) ADC08164 500 ns AID Converter with S/H Function, 2.5V Bandgap Reference, and Input Multiplexer .................................... Section 2 ADC08168 500 ns AID Converter with S/H Function, 2.5V Bandgap Reference, and Input Multiplexer .................................... Section 2 ADC08231 8-Bit 2 ,..,s Serial 1/0 AID Converter with MUX, Reference, and Track/Hold ....................................................... Section 2 ADC08234 8-Bit 2 ,..,s Serial I/O AID Converter with MUX, Reference, and Track/Hold ....................................................... Section 2 ADC08238 8-Bit 2 ,..,s Serial I/O AID Converter with MUX, Reference, and Track/Hold ....................................................... Section 2 ADC1001 1O-Bit ,..,p Compatible AID Converter ......................... Section 2 ADC1005 1O-Bit ,..,p Compatible AID Converter ......................... Section 2 ADC102110-Bit,..,P Compatible AID Converter ......................... Section 2 , ADC1025 1O-Bit ,..,p Compatible AID Converter ......................... Section 2 ., ADC1 031 1O-Bit Serial 110 AID Converter with Analog Multiplexer and , Track/Hold Function .............................................. Section 2 : ADC1 034 1O-Bit Serial 110 A/D Converter with Analog Multiplexer and Track/Hold Function .............................................. Section 2 ADC1038 1O-Bit Serial I/O A/D Converter with Analog Multiplexer and Track/Hold Function .............................................. Section 2 ADC1061 10-Bit High-Speed ,..,P-Compatible AID Converter with Track/Hold Function .............................................. Section 2 ADC1205 12-Bit Plus Sign,..,p Compatible AID Converter ................ Section 2 ADC1210 12-Bit CMOS AID Converter ................................. Section 2 ADC1211 12-Bit CMOS AID Converter ................................. Section 2 ADC1225 12-Bit Plus Sign,..,p Compatible AID Converter ................ Section 2 ADC1241 Self-Calibrating 12-Bit Plus Sign ,..,P-Compatible AID Converter with Sample/Hold ................................................. Section 2 ADC1251 Self-Calibrating 12-Bit Plus Sign AID Converter with Sample/Hold ..................................................... Section 2 ADC3511 3%-Digit Microprocessor Compatible AID Converter ........... Section 2 ADC3711 3%-Digit Microprocessor Compatible AID Converter ........... Section 2 ADC10061 1O-Bit 600 ns AID Converter with Input Multiplexer and Sample/Hold ..................................................... Section 2 ADC10062 1O-Bit 600 ns AID Converter with Input Multiplexer and Sample/Hold ..................................................... Section 2 ADC10064 1O-Bit 600 ns AID Converter with Input Multiplexer and Sample/Hold ..................................................... Section 2 ADC1 0154 10-Bit Plus Sign 4 ,..,s ADC with 4- or 8-Channel MUX, Track/Hold and Reference ......................................... Section 2 ADC1 0158 10-Bit Plus Sign 4 ,..,s ADC with 4- or 8-Channel MUX, Track/Hold and Reference ......................................... Section 2 ADC10461 10-Bit 600 ns AID Converter with Input Multiplexer and Sample/Hold ..................................................... Section 2 ADC10462 1O-Bit 600 ns AID Converter with Input Multiplexer and Sample/Hold ..................................................... Section 2 I ADC10464 1O-Bit 600 ns AID Converter with Input Multiplexer and I Sample/Hold ..................................................... Section 2 ADC10662 1O-Bit 360 ns AID Converter with Input Multiplexer and Sample/Hold ..................................................... Section 2 xiii Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Additional Available Linear Devices (Continued) ADC10664 1O-Bit 360 ns AID Converter with Input Multiplexer and Sample/Hold ..................................................... Section 2 ADC10731 1O-Bit Plus Sign Serial I/O AID Converter with MUX, Sample/Hold and Reference ....................................... Section 2 ADC1073210-Bit Plus Sign Serial I/O AID Converter with MUX, Sample/Hold and Reference ....................................... Section 2 ADC10734 10-Bit Plus Sign Serial I/O AID Converter with MUX, Sample/Hold and Reference ....................................... Section 2 ADC10738 10-Bit Plus Sign Serial 110 AID Converter with MUX, Sample/Hold and Reference ....................................... Section 2 ADC10831 10-Bit Plus Sign Serial 110 AID Converter with MUX, Sample/Hold and Reference ....................................... Section 2 ADC10832 10-Bit Plus Sign Serial I/O AID Converter with MUX, Sample/Hold and Reference ....................................... Section 2 ADC1083410-Bit Plus Sign Serial I/O AID Converter with MUX, Sample/Hold and Reference ....................................... Section 2 ADC10838 10-Bit Plus Sign Serial I/O AID Converter with MUX, Sample/Hold and Reference ....................................... Section 2 ADC12030 Self-Calibrating 12-Bit Plus Sign Serial I/O A/D Converter with MUX and Sample/Hold ............................................ Section 2 ADC12032 Self-Calibrating 12-Bit Plus Sign Serial I/O AID Converter with MUX and Sample/Hold ...................•........................ Section 2 ADC12034 Self-Calibrating 12-Bit Plus Sign Serial I/O AID Converter with MUX and Sample/Hold ............................................ Section 2 ADC12038 Self-Calibrating 12-Bit Plus Sign Serial I/O AID Converter with MUX and Sample/Hold ............................................ Section 2 ADC12441 Dynamically-Tested Self-Calibrating 12-Bit Plus Sign AID Converter with Sample/Hold ....................................... Section 2 ADC12451 Dynamically-Tested Self-Calibrating 12-Bit Plus Sign AID Converter with Sample/Hold ....................................... Section 2 ADD3501 3Yz-Digit DVM with Multiplexed 7-Segment Output .............. Section 2 ADD3701 3%-Digit DVM with Multiplexed 7-Segment Output .............. Section 2 AF100 Universal Active Filter ...........•.•........................... Section 7 AF151 Dual Universal Active Filter ..................................... Section 7 AH0014 Dual DPST-TIL/DTL Compatible MOS Analog Switch ............ Section 8 AH0015 Quad SPST Dual DPST-TIL/DTL Compatible MOS Analog Switch ..................................•........................ Section 8 AH0019 Dual DPST-TIL/DTL Compatible MOS Analog Switch ............ Section 8 AH5009 Monolithic Analog Current Switch .............................. Section 8 AH5010 Monolithic Analog Current Switch .............................. Section 8 AH5011 Monolithic Analog Current Switch .... , ......................... Section 8 AH5012 Monolithic Analog Current Switch .............................. Section 8 AH5020C Monolithic Analog Current Switch ; ........................... Section 8 AN-450 Small Outline (SO) Package Surface Mounting MethodsParameters and Their Effect on ProdUct Reliability ..................... Section 7 CD4016B Quad Bilateral Switch ....................................... Section 8 CD4051B Single 8-Channel Analog Multiplexer/Demultiplexer ............ Section 8 CD4052B Dual4-Channel Analog Multiplexer/Demultiplexer .............. Section 8 CD4053B Triple 2-Channel Analog Multiplexer/Demultiplexer ............. Section 8 CD4066B Quad Bilateral Switch ....................................... Section 8 CD4529BC Dual 4-Channel or 8-Channel Analog Data Selector .........•. Section 8 xiv Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition : Data Acquisition', \ \ Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition PowerlCs Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition : Data Acquisition; Data Acquisition, I Additional Available Linear Devices (Continued) i I DAC0800 8-Bit 01 A Converter ........................................ Section 3 DAC0801 8-Bit 01 A Converter ........................................ Section 3 DAC0802 8-Bit 01 A Converter ........................................ Section 3 DAC0806 8-Bit 01 A Converter ........................................ Section 3 DAC0807 8-Bit 01 A Converter ........................................ Section 3 DAC0808 8-Bit 01 A Converter ........................................ Section 3 DAC0830 8-Bit IJ.P Compatible Double-Buffered 01 A Converter ........... Section 3 DAC0831 8-Bit IJ.P Compatible Double-Buffered 01 A Converter ........... Section 3 DAC0832 8-Bit IJ.P Compatible Double-Buffered 01 A Converter ........... Section 3 DAC0854 Quad 8-Bit Voltage-Output Serial 01 A Converter with Readback .. Section 3 DAC0890 Dual 8-Bit IJ.P-Compatible 01 A Converter ...................... Section 3 DAC1000 IJ.P Compatible, Double-Buffered 01 A Converter ............... Section 3 DAC1001 IJ.P Compatible, Double-Buffered 01 A Converter ............... Section 3 DAC1002 IJ.P Compatible, Double-Buffered 01 A Converter ............... Section 3 DAC1006 IJ.P Compatible, Double-Buffered 01 A Converter ............... Section 3 DAC1007 IJ.P Compatible, Double-Buffered 01 A Converter ............... Section 3 DAC1008 IJ.P Compatible, Double-Buffered 01 A Converter ............... Section 3 DAC1020 1O-Bit Binary Multiplying 01 A Converter ....................... Section 3 DAC1021 1O-Bit Binary Multiplying 01 A Converter ....................... Section 3 DAC1022 10-Bit Binary Multiplying 01 A Converter ....................... Section 3 DAC1208 12-Bit IJ.P Compatible Double-Buffered 01 A Converter .......... Section 3 DAC1209 12-Bit IJ.P Compatible Double-Buffered 01 A Converter .......... Section 3 DAC1210 12-Bit IJ.P Compatible Double-Buffered 01 A Converter .......... Section 3 DAC1218 12-Bit Multiplying 01 A Converter ............................. Section 3 DAC1219 12-Bit Multiplying 01 A Converter ............................. Section 3 DAC1220 12-Bit Binary Multiplying 01 A Converter ....................... Section 3 DAC1221 12-Bit Binary Multiplying 01 A Converter ....................... Section 3 DAC1222 12-Bit Binary Multiplying 01 A Converter ....................... Section 3 DAC1230 12-Bit IJ.P Compatible Double-Buffered 01 A Converter .......... Section 3 DAC1231 12-Bit IJ.P Compatible Double-Buffered 01 A Converter .......... Section 3 DAC1232 12-Bit IJ.P Compatible Double-Buffered 01 A Converter .......... Section 3 DAC1265 Hi-Speed 12-Bit 01 A Converter with Reference ................ Section 3 DAC1266 Hi-Speed 12-Bit 01 A Converter .............................. Section 3 DM2502 Successive Approximation Register ........................... Section 2 DM2503 Successive Approximation Register ........................... Section 2 DM2504 Successive Approximation Register ........................... Section 2 DP7310 Octal Latched Peripheral Driver ............................... Section 5 DP7311 Octal Latched Peripheral Driver ............................... Section 5 DP831 0 Octal Latched Peripheral Driver ............................... Section 5 DP8311 Octal Latched Peripheral Driver ............................... Section 5 DS1631 CMOS Dual Peripheral Driver ................................. Section 5 DS1632 CMOS Dual Peripheral Driver ................................. Section 5 DS1633 CMOS Dual Peripheral Driver ................................. Section 5 DS1634 CMOS Dual Peripheral Driver ................................. Section 5 DS2001 High CurrentlVoltage Darlington Driver ......................... Section 5 DS2002 High CurrentlVoltage Darlington Driver ......................... Section 5 DS2003 High CurrentlVoltage Darlington Driver ......................... Section 5 DS2004 High CurrentlVoltage Darlington Driver ......................... Section 5 DS3631 CMOS Dual Peripheral Driver ................................. Section 5 DS3632 CMOS Dual Peripheral Driver ................................. Section 5 DS3633 CMOS Dual Peripheral Driver ................................. Section 5 Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition PowerlCs PowerlCs PowerlCs PowerlCs PowerlCs PowerlCs PowerlCs PowerlCs PowerlCs PbwerlCs PowerlCs PowerlCs PowerlCs PowerlCs PowerlCs Additional Available Linear Devices (Continued) DS3634 CMOS Dual Peripheral Driver •................................ Section 5 DS3654 Printer Solenoid Driver ....................................... Section 5 DS3658 Quad High Current Peripheral Driver ........................... Section 5 DS3668 Quad Fault Protected Peripheral Driver ......................... Section 5 DS3669 Quad High Current Peripheral Driver ........................... Section 5 . DS3680 Quad Negative Voltage Relay Driver ........................... Section 5 DS9665 High Current/Voltage Darlington Driver ......................... Section 5 DS9666 High CurrentlVoltage Darlington Driver ...........•.....•....•.. Section 5 DS9667 High CurrentlVoltage Darlington Driver .....•......•.........•.. Section 5 DS9668 High CurrentlVoltage Darlington Driver ......................... Section 5 DS55451 Series Dual Peripheral Drivers ................................ Section 5 DS55452 Series Dual Peripheral Drivers ................................ Section 5 DS55453 Series Dual Peripheral Drivers ................................ Section 5 DS55454 Series Dual Peripheral Drivers ................................ Section 5 DS75450 Series Dual Peripheral Drivers .•......•....•.................. Section 5 DS75451 Series Dual Peripheral Drivers ................................ Section 5 DS75452 Series Dual Peripheral Drivers ................................ Section 5 DS75453 Series Dual Peripheral Drivers ....................•.•.......•. Section 5 DS75454 Series Dual Peripheral Drivers ................................ Section 5 HS7067 7-Amp, Multimode, High Efficiency Switching Regulator ..•....... Section 3 LF111 Voltage Comparator •.......................................... Section 3 LF147 Wide Bandwidth Quad JFET Input Operational Amplifier ............ Section 1 LF155 Series Monolithic JFET Input Operational Amplifiers •.............. Section 1 LF156 Series Monolithic JFET Input Operational Amplifiers ...•..........• Section 1 LF157 Series Monolithic JFET Input Operational Amplifiers .....•......... Section 1 LF198 Monolithic Sample and Hold Circuit .............................. Section 6 LF211 Voltage Comparator .••..................•..........•.....•..•. Section 3 LF298 Monolithic Sample and Hold Circuit. ............................. Section 6 LF311 Voltage Comparator ........................................... Section 3 LF347 Wide Bandwidth Quad JFET Input Operational Amplifier ......•..... Section 1 LF351 Wide Bandwidth JFET Input Operational Amplifier ................. Section 1 LF353 Wide Bandwidth Dual JFET Input Operational Amplifier ............ Section 1 LF398A Monolithic Sample and Hold Circuit ..•......................... Section 6 LF411 Low Offset, Low Drift JFET Input Operational Amplifier ............. Section 1 LF412 Low Offset, Low Drift Dual JFET Operational Amplifier ............. Section 1 LF441 Low Power JFET Input Operational Amplifier ...•....••...•..•.... Section 1 LF442 Dual Low Power JFET Input Operational Amplifier .............•... Section 1 LF444 Quad Low Power JFET Input Operational Amplifier ................ Section 1 LF451 Wide-Bandwidth JFET Input Operational Amplifier .........•...•..• Section 1 LF453 Wide-Bandwidth Dual JFET Input Operational Amplifier •....•...... Section 1 LF11201 Quad SPST JFET Analog Switch .............................. Section 8 LF11202 Quad SPST JFET Analog Switch .............................. Section 8 LF113;31 Quad SPST JFET Analog Switch ...............•.............. Section 8 LF11332 Quad SPST JFET Analog Switch .......••..•..•...•..•.•..•... Section 8 LF11333 Quad SPST JFET Analog Switch .............................. Section 8 LFt3006 Digital Gain Set. ............................................ Section 6 LF13007 Digital Gain Set. ............................................ Section 6 LF13201 Quad SPST JFET Analog Switch ...............•..•..•.••..... Section 8 LF13202 Quad SPST JFET Analog Switch ....•......................... Section 8 LF13331 Quad SPST JFET Analog Switch .............................. Section 8 LF13332 Quad SPST JFET Analog Switch .•......••...••..•......•..•.. Section 8 xvi PowerlCs PowerlCs PowerlCs PowerlCs PowerlCs PowerlCs PowerlCs PowerlCs PowerlCs PowerlCs PowerlCs PowerlCs PowerlCs PowerlCs PowerlCs PowerlCs PowerlCs PowerlCs PowerlCs PowerlCs OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps Data Acquisition OpAmps Data Acquisition OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps Data Acquisition OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition . Data Acquisition . Data Acquisition . Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition: Additional Available Linear Devices (Continued) LF13333 Quad SPST JFET Analog Switch .............................. Section 8 LF13508 8-Channel Analog Multiplexer ................................ Section 8 LF13509 4-Channel Analog Multiplexer ................................ Section 8 LH0002 Buffer ...................................................... Section 2 LH0003 Wide Bandwidth Operational Amplifier .......................... Section 1 LH0004 High Voltage Operational Amplifier ............................. Section 1 * LH0020 High Gain Operational Amplifier ............................... Section 6 * LH0022 High Performance FET Operational Amplifier .................... Section 6 LH0023 Sample and Hold Circuit ...................................... Section 6 LH0024 High Slew Rate Operational Amplifier .......................... Section 1 LH0032 Ultra Fast FET-Input Operational Amplifier ...................... Section 1 LH0033 Fast and Ultra Fast Buffers ................................... Section 2 LH0036 Instrumentation Amplifier ..................................... Section 4 LH0041 0.2-Amp Power Operational Amplifier .......................... Section 1 LH0042 Low Cost FET Operational Amplifier ............................ Section 1 LH0043 Sample and Hold Circuit ...................................... Section 6 * LH0044 Series Precision Low Noise Operational Amplifiers ............... Section 6 * LH0052 Precision FET Operational Amplifier ............................ Section 6 LH0053 High Speed Sample and Hold Amplifier ......................... Section 6 * LH0061 0.5 Amp Wide Band Operational Amplifier ....................... Section 6 * LH0062 High Speed FET Operational Amplifier .......................... Section 6 LH0063 Fast and Ultra Fast Buffers ................................... Section 2 LH0070 Series BCD Buffered Reference ............................... Section 4 LH0071 Series Precision Buffered Reference ........................... Section 4 * LH0075 Positive Precision Programmable Regulator ..................... Section 8 * LH0076 Negative Precision Programmable Regulator .................... Section 8 * LH0082 Optical Communication Receiver/Amplifier ..................... Section 6 * LH0086 Digitally-Programmable-Gain Amplifier ................. , ........ Section 6 LH0101 Power Operational Amplifier ................................... Section 1 LH 1605 5 Amp, High Efficiency Switching Regulator ..................... Section 3 LH2003 100 MHz Video Line Driver .................................... Section 2 LH2033 100 MHz Video Line Driver .................................... Section 2 * LH2101A Dual High Performance Operational Amplifier .................. Section 6 * LH2108 Dual Super Beta Operational Amplifier .......................... Section 6 * LH211 0 Dual Voltage Follower ........................................ Section 6 LH2111 Dual Voltage Comparator ..................................... Section 3 * LH2201A Dual High Performance Operational Amplifier .................. Section 6 * LH2210 Dual Voltage Follower ........................................ Section 6 LH2211 Dual Voltage Comparator ..................................... Section 3 * LH2301A Dual High Performance Operational Amplifier .................. Section 6 * LH2308 Dual Super Beta Operational Amplifier .......................... Section 6 * LH231 0 Dual Voltage Follower ........................................ Section 6 LH2311 Dual Voltage Comparator ..................................... Section 3 LH4001 Wideband Current Buffer ..................................... Section 2 LH4002 Wideband Video Buffer ....................................... Section 2 * LH4003 Precision RF Closed Loop Buffer .............................. Section 6 • LH4006 Precision RF Closed Loop Buffer .............................. Section 6 • LH4008 Fast Buffer ................................................. Section 6 , LH4009 Fast Buffer ................................................. Section 6 LH4010 Fast FET Buffer ............................................. Section 6 LH4011 Fast Open Loop Buffer ....................................... Section 6 OSee Appendix G xvii Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps Data Acquisition OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps Data Acquisition OpAmps OpAmps Data Acquisition OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps Data Acquisition Data Acquisition PowerlCs Power ICs OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps Power ICs OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps Additional Available Linear Devices (Continued) .• • • • LH4012 Wideband Buffer ............................................ Section 6 LH4033C Fast and Ultra Fast Buffer Amplifiers .......................... Section 6 LH4063C Fast and Ultra Fast Buffer Amplifiers .......................... Section 6 LH4101 Wideband High Current Operational Amplifier ................... Section 6 LH41 04 G-MIL Fast Settling High Current Operational Amplifier ........... Section 1 • LH41 05 Precision Fast Settling High Current Operational Amplifier ......... Section 6 • LH4106 ± 5V High Speed Operational Amplifier ......................... Section 6 • LH4117 Precision RF Amplifier. ....................................... Section 6 LH4118 G-MIL Current Feedback Wide Band RF Amplifier ................ Section 1 • LH4124C High Slew Rate Operational Amplifier ......................... Section 6 • LH4141 C 0.2 Amp Power Operational Amplifier .............•........... Section 6 • LH4161 High Speed Operational Amplifier .............................. Section 6 • LH4162 Dual High Speed Operational Amplifier ......................... Section 6 * LH4200 General Purpose GaAs FET Amplifier .......................... Section 6 LH4860 Super Fast 12-Bit Track-Hold Amplifier ......................... Section 6 * LH7001 Positive/Negative Adjustable Regulator ........................ Section 8 LH7070 Series Precision BCD Buffered Reference ...................... Section 4 LH7071 Series Precision Binary Buffered Reference .....•............... Section 4 LM10 Operational Amplifier and Voltage Reference ...... " .....•.......• Section 1 LM 11 Operational Amplifier ................... : ....................... Section 1 LM 12L 150W Operational Amplifier .................................... Section 1 LM 12L 150W Operational Amplifier .................................... Section 4 LM34 Precision Fahrenheit Temperature Sensor, ................•...... Section 5 LM35 Precision Centigrade Temperature Sensor ........................ Section 5 LM78G 4-Terminal Adjustable Regulator ..... , ............. , ..........• Section 1 LM78LXX Series 3-Terminal Positive Regulators ........................ Section 1 LM78MG 4-Terminal Adjustable Voltage Regulator .. , ................... Section 1 LM78MXX Series 3-Terminal Positive Regulator .......... , .......... , ..• Section 1 LM78S40 Universal Switching Regulator Subsystem ..................... Section 3 LM79LXXAC Series 3-Terminal Negative Regulator ....................•. Section 1 LM79MXX Terminal Negative Regulators ............................... Section 1 LM79XX Series 3-Terminal Negative Regulators ...................•.... Section 1 LM101A Operational Amplifier ............. , .......................... Section 1 LM102 Voltage Follower ...... , ..... , .................•..........•.•• Section 2 LM104 Negative Regulator ........................................... Section 1 LM105 Voltage Regulator, ............ , .... , ......................... Section 1 LM106 Voltage Comparator ........................... , .............. Section 3 LM107 Operational Amplifier .......................................... Section 1 LM 108 Operational Amplifier ..... , ................... , ................ Section 1 LM109 5-Volt Regulator. ............. , ............................... Section 1 LM110 Voltage Follower ............................................. Section 2 LM111 Voltage Comparator .......................................... Section 3 LM 112 Operational Amplifier .......................................... Section 1 LM113 Reference Diode ............................................. Section 4 LM117 3-Terminal Adjustable Regulator ................................ Section 1 LM117HV 3-Terminal Adjustable Regulator ............................. Section 1 LM 118 Operational Amplifier .......................................... Section 1 LM119 High Speed Dual Comparator .................................. Section 3 LM120 Series 3-Terminal Negative Regulator ........................... Section 1 LM121 Precision Preamplifier ......................................... Section 4 LM123 3-Amp. 5-Volt Positive Regulator ............................... Section 1 ·Se. Appendix G xviii OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps Data Acquisition PowerlCs Data Acquisition Data Acquisition OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps PowerlCs Data Acquisition Data Acquisition PowerlCs PowerlCs PowerlCs PowerlCs PowerlCs PowerlCs PowerlCs PowerlCs OpAmps OpAmps PowerlCs PowerlCs OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps PowerlCs OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps Data Acquisition PowerlCs PowerlCs OpAmps OpAmps ' PowerlCs OpAmps' Power ICs Additional Available Linear Devices (Continued) LM 124 Low Power Quad Operational Amplifier .......................... Section 1 LM125 Voltage Regulator ............................................ Section 1 LM126 Voltage Regulator ............................................ Section 1 LM 129 Precision Reference .......................................... Section 4 LM131 Precision Voltage-to-Frequency Converter ....................... Section 2 LM133 3-Amp Adjustable Negative Voltage Regulator ................... Section 1 LM 134 3-Terminal Adjustable Current Source ........................... Section 4 LM135 Precision Temperature Sensor ................................. Section 5 LM136-2.5V Reference Diode ........................................ Section 4 LM136-5.0V Reference Diode ........................................ Section 4 LM137 3-Terminal Adjustable Negative Regulator ....................... Section 1 LM137HV 3-Terminal Adjustable Negative Regulator (High Voltage) ....... Section 1 LM138 5-Amp Adjustable Regulator ................................... Section 1 LM139 Low Power Low Offset Voltage Quad Comparator ................ Section 3 LM140 Series 3-Terminal Positive Regulator ............................ Section 1 LM 140L Series 3-Terminal Positive Regulator ........................... Section 1 LM143 High Voltage Operational Amplifier .............................. Section 1 LM144 High Voltage, High Slew Rate Operational Amplifier ............... Section 1 LM145 Negative 3-Amp Regulator ..................................... Section 1 LM146 Programmable Quad Operational Amplifier ....................... Section 1 LM 148 Quad 741 Operational Amplifier ................................ Section 1 LM149 Wide Band Decompensated (Av(MIN) = 5) ...................... Section 1 LM 150 3-Amp Adjustable Power Regulator ............................. Section 1 LM158 Low Power Dual Operational Amplifier ........................... Section 1 LM160 High Speed Differential Comparator ............................. Section 3 LM161 High Speed Differential Comparator ............................. Section 3 LM168 Precision Voltage Reference ................................... Section 4 LM169 Precision Voltage Reference ................................... Section 4 LM185 Adjustable Micropower Voltage Reference ....................... Section 4 LM185-1.2 Micropower Voltage Reference Diode ....................... Section 4 LM185-2.5 Micropower Voltage Reference Diode ....................... Section 4 LM193 Low Power Low Offset Voltage Dual Comparator ................. Section 3 LM 194 Supermatch Pair ............................................. Section 1 LM196 10-Amp Adjustable Voltage Regulator ........................... Section 1 LM199 Precision Reference .......................................... Section 4 LM201A Operational Amplifier ........................................ Section 1 LM204 Negative Regulator ........................................... Section 1 LM205 Voltage Regulator ............................................ Section 1 LM206 Voltage Comparator .......................................... Section 3 LM207 Operational Amplifier .......................................... Section 1 LM208 Operational Amplifier .......................................... Section 1 LM210 Voltage Fo"ower ............................................. Section 2 LM211 Voltage Comparator .......................................... Section 3 LM212 Operational Amplifier .......................................... Section 1 LM218 Operational Amplifier .......................................... Section 1 LM219 High Speed Dual Comparator .................................. Section 3 LM221 Precision Preamplifier ......................................... Section 4 LM224 Low Power Quad Operational Amplifier .......................... Section 1 LM231 Precision Voltage-to-Frequency Converter ....................... Section 2 LM234 3-Terminal Adjustable Current Source ........................... Section 4 LM235 Precision Temperature Sensor ................................. Section 5 ·See Appendix G xix OpAmps PowerlCs PowerlCs Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Power ICs Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Power ICs PowerlCs Power ICs OpAmps PowerlCs PowerlCs OpAmps OpAmps Power ICs OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps PowerlCs OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps Data: Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition OpAmps OpAmps Power ICs Data Acquisition OpAmps PowerlCs Power ICs OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Additional Available Linear Devices(continUed) LM236-2.5V Reference Diode .........••................•............ Section 4 LM236-5.0V Reference Diode ........................................ Section 4 LM239 Low Power Low Offset Voltage Quad Comparator ................ Section 3 LM246 Programmable Quad Operational Amplifier ...............•....... Section 1 LM248 Quad 741 Operational Amplifier ................................ Section 1 LM258 Low Power Dual Operational Amplifier ........................... Section 1 LM261 High Speed Differential Comparator ............................. Section 3 LM268 Precision Voltage Reference ................................... Section 4 LM285 Adjustable Micropower Voltage Reference ....................... Section 4 LM285-1.2 Micropower Voltage Reference Diode ....................... Section 4 LM285-2.5 Micropower Voltage Reference Diode ....................... Section 4 LM293 Low Power Low Offset Voltage Dual Comparator ................. Section 3 LM299 Precision Reference .......................................... Section 4 LM301A Operational Amplifier ........................................ Section 1 LM302 Voltage Follower ............................................. Section 2 LM304 Negative Regulator ........................................... Section 1 LM305 Voltage Regulator ............................................ Section 1 LM306 Voltage Comparator .......................................... Section 3 LM307 Operational Amplifier .......................................... Section 1 LM308 Operational Amplifier .......................................... Section 1 LM309 5-Volt Regulator .........................•.................... Section 1 LM310 Voltage Follower ...................•......................... Section 2 LM311 Voltage Comparator .......................................... Section 3 LM312 Operational Amplifier .......................................... Section 1 LM313 Reference Diode ............................................. Section 4 LM317 3-Terminal Adjustable Regulator ................................ Section 1 LM317HV 3-Terminal Adjustable Regulator ............................. Section 1 LM317L 3-Terminal Adjustable Regulator .............................. Section 1 LM318 Operational Amplifier ..................•....................... Section 1 LM319 High Speed Dual Comparator .................................. Section 3 LM320 Series 3-Terminal Negative Regulator ........................... Section 1 LM320L Series 3-Terminal Negative Regulator .......................... Section 1 LM321 Precision Preamplifier ......................................... Section 4 LM323 3-Amp, 5-Volt Positive Regulator ......................•........ Section 1 LM324 Low Power Quad Operational Amplifier .......................... Section 1 LM325 Voltage Regulator ............................................ Section 1 LM326 Voltage Regulator ............................................ Section 1 LM329 Precision Reference .......................................... Section 4 LM330 3-Terminal Positive Regulator .................................. Section 2 LM331 Precision Voltage-to-Frequency Converter ....................... Section 2 LM333 3-Amp Adjustable Negative Voltage Regulator ................... Section 1 LM334 3-Terminal Adjustable CUlTent Source ........................... Section 4 LM335 Precision Temperature Sensor ................................. Section 5 LM336-2.5V Reference Diode ........................................ Section 4 LM336-5.0V Reference Diode ........................................ Section 4 LM337 3-Terminal Adjustable Negative Regulator ....................... Section 1 LM337HV 3-Terminal Adjustable Negative Regulator (High Voltage) ....... Section 1 LM337L 3-Terminal Adjustable Regulator .......•...................... Section 1 LM3385-Amp Adjustable Regulator ................................... Section 1 LM339 Low Power Low Offset Voltage Quad Comparator ...........•.... Section 3 LM340 Series 3-Terminal Positive Regulator .........•.................. Section 1 -See Appendix 0 xx Data Acquisition Data Acquisition OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition OpAmps Data Acquisition OpAmps OpAmps PowerlCs PowerlCs OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps PowerlCs OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps Data Acquisition PowerlCs PowerlCs PowerlCs OpAmps OpAmps PowerlCs PowerlCs OpAmps Power ICs OpAmps PowerlCs PowerlCs Data Acquisition PowerlCs Data Acquisition PowerlCs Data Acquisition ' Data Acquisition • Data Acquisition , Data Acquisition • PowerlCs' PowerlCs, PowerlCs: PowerlCs. OpAmpsr PowerlCs Additional Available Linear Devices(ContinUed) LM340L Series 3-Terminal Positive Regulator ............•.............. Section 1 LM341 Series 3-Terminal Positive Regulator ............................ Section 1 LM342 Series 3-Terminal Positive Regulator ............................ Section 1 LM343 High Voltage Operational Amplifier .............................. Section 1 LM344 High Voltage, High Slew Rate Operational Amplifier ............... Section 1 LM345 Negative 3-Amp Regulator ..................................... Section 1 LM346 Programmable Quad Operational Amplifier ....................... Section 1 LM348 Quad 741 Operational Amplifier ................................ Section 1 LM349 Wide Band Decompensated (Av(MIN) = 5) ...................... Section 1 LM350 3-Amp Adjustable Power Regulator ............................. Section 1 LM358 Low Power Dual Operational Amplifier ........................... Section 1 LM359 Dual, High Speed, Programmable Current Mode (Norton) Amplifier .. Section 1 LM360 High Speed Differential Comparator ............................. Section 3 LM361 High Speed Differential Comparator ............................. Section 3 LM368 Precision Voltage Reference ................................... Section 4 LM368-2.5 Precision Voltage Reference ............................... Section 4 LM369 Precision Voltage Reference ................................... Section 4 LM376 Voltage Regulator ............................................ Section 1 LM385 Adjustable Micropower Voltage Reference ....................... Section 4 LM385-1.2 Micropower Voltage Reference Diode ....................... Section 4 LM385-2.5 Micropower Voltage Reference Diode ....................... Section 4 LM392 Low Power Operational AmplifierlVoltage Comparator .........•.. Section 1 LM393 Low Power Low Offset Voltage Dual Comparator ................. Section 3 LM394 Supermatch Pair ............................................. Section 1 LM396 10-Amp Adjustable Voltage Regulator ........................... Section 1 LM399 Precision Reference .......................................... Section 4 LM431 A Adjustable Precision Zener Shunt Regulator .................... Section 1 LM604 4-Channel MUX-Amp ......................................•.. Section 1 LM607 Precision Operational Amplifier ................................. Section 1 LM611 Operational Amplifier and Adjustable Reference .................. Section 1 LM612 Dual-Channel Comparator and Reference ....................... Section 3 LM613 Dual Operational Amplifier, Dual Comparator, and Adjustable Reference ....................................................... Section 3 LM613 Dual Operational Amplifier, Dual Comparator, and Adjustable Reference ....................................................... Section 1 LM614 Quad Operational Amplifier and Adjustable Reference ............. Section 1 LM615 Quad Comparator and Adjustable Reference ..................... Section 3 LM621 Brushless Motor Commutator .........•........................ Section 4 LM627 Precision Operational Amplifier ................................. Section 1 LM628 Precision Motion Controller ............................•..•.... Section 4 LM629 Precision Motion Controller .................................... Section 4 LM637 Precision Operational Amplifier ................................. Section 1 LM675 Power Operational Amplifier ............................•...... Section 1 LM709 Operational Amplifier .......................................... Section 1 LM710 Voltage Comparator .......................................... Section 3 LM715 High Speed Operational Amplifier ............................... Section 1 LM723 Voltage Regulator ..........................................•. Section 1 LM725 Operational Amplifier .................................•........ Section 1 LM741 Operational Amplifier ........................•.....•........... Section 1 LM747 Dual Operational Amplifier ..................................... Section 1 . LM748 Operational Amplifier .........................................• Section 1 'See Appendix G xxi Power ICs PowerlCs PowerlCs OpAmps OpAmps Power ICs OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps Power ICs OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition PowerlCs Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps PowerlCs Data Acquisition Power ICs OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps PowerlCs OpAmps Power ICs PowerlCs OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps PowerlCs OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps Additional Available Linear Devices(continUed) LM759 Power Operational Amplifier ................................... Section 1 LM760 High Speed Differential Comparator ............................. Section 3 LM1201 Video Amplifier System .................•..................•.• Section 1 LM1202 230 MHz Video Amplifier System ....................•........• Section 1 LM1203 RGB Video Amplifier System .................................. Section 1 LM1203A 100 MHz RGB Video Amplifier System ........................ Section 1 LM1414 Dual Differential Voltage Comparator .......................... Section 3 LM1458 Dual Operational Amplifier .................................... Section 1 LM1524D Regulating Pulse Width Modulator ............................ Section 3 LM1558 Dual Operational Amplifier .................................... Section 1 LM1575 Simple Switcher 1A Step-Down Voltage Regulator ............... Section 3 LM1575HV Simple Switcher 1A Step-Down Voltage Regulator ............ Section 3 LM1577 Simple Switcher Step-Up Voltage Regulator .................... Section 3 LM1578A Switching Regulator ........................................ Section 3 LM1801 Battery Operated Power Comparator ........................... Section 3 LM1875 20 Watt Power Audio Amplifier ................................ Section 1 LM1877 Dual Power Audio Amplifier ................................... Section 1 LM1921 1 Amp Industrial Switch ...................................... Section 6 LM1950 750 rnA High Side Switch ..................................... Section 6 LM 1951 Solid State 1 Amp Switch ..................................... Section 6 LM2524D Regulating Pulse Width Modulator ............................ Section 3 LM2574 Simple Switcher 0.5A Step-Down Voltage Regulator ...•......... Section 3 LM2574HV Simple Switcher 0.5A Step-Down Voltage Regulator ........... Section 3 LM2575 Simple Switcher 1A Step-Down Voltage Regulator ............... Section 3 LM2575HV Simple Switcher 1A Step-Down Voltage Regulator ............ Section 3 LM2576 Simple Switcher3A Step-Down Voltage Regulator ............... Section 3 LM2576HV Simple Switcher 3A Step-Down Voltage Regulator ............ Section 3 LM2577 Simple Switcher Step-Up Voltage Regulator .................... Section 3 LM2578A Switching Regulator ........................................ Section 3 LM2877 Dual 4 Watt Power Audio Amplifier ............................. Section 1 LM2878 Dual 5 Watt Power Audio Amplifier ..................•.......... Section 1 LM2879 Dual 8 Watt Audio Amplifier ......•............................ Section 1 LM2900 Quad Amplifier .............................................. Section 1 LM2901 Low Power Low Offset Voltage Quad Comparator ............... Section 3 LM2902 Low Power Quad Operational Amplifier ......................... Section 1 LM2903 Low Power Low Offset Voltage Dual Comparator ................ Section 3 LM2904 Low Power Dual Operational Amplifier ..............•........... Section 1 LM2924 Low Power Operational AmplifierlVoltage Comparator ........... Section 1 LM2925 Low Dropout Regulator with Delayed Reset ..................... Section 2 LM2926 Low Dropout Regulator with Delayed Reset ..................... Section 2 LM2927 Low Dropout Regulator with Delayed Reset ..................... Section 2 LM2930 3-Terminal Positive Regulator ................................. Section 2 LM2931 Series Low Dropout Regulators ............................... Section 2 LM2935 Low Dropout Dual Regulator ...............•.................. SeCtion 2 LM2936 Ultra-Low Quiescent Current 5V Regulator ...................... Section 2 LM2937 500 rnA Low Dropout Regulator ............................... Section 2 LM2940/LM2940C 1A Low Dropout Regulators ......................... Section 2 LM2941 I LM2941 C 1A Low Dropout Adjustable Regulators ................ Section 2 LM2984 Microprocessor Power Supply System ......................... Section 2 LM2990 Negative Low Dropout Regulator .............................. Section 2 LM2991 Negative Low Dropout Adjustable Regulator ...•.•............... Section 2 OSee Appendix G ·xxii OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps Power ICs OpAmps PowerlCs Power ICs Power ICs PowerlCs OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps PowerlCs PowerlCs PowerlCs Power ICs Power ICs PowerlCs Power ICs Power ICs PowerlCs PowerlCs PowerlCs PowerlCs OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps Power ICs Power ICs PowerlCs PowerlCs Power ICs PowerlCs Power ICs PowerlCs PowerlCs Power ICs PowerlCs Power ICs PowerlCs Additional Available Linear Devices(continUed) LM3080 Operational Transconductance Amplifier ....................... Section 1 LM3301 Quad Amplifier .............................................. Section 1 LM3302 Low Power Low Offset Voltage Quad Comparator ............... Section 3 LM3303 Quad Operational Amplifier ................................... Section 1 LM3401 Quad Amplifier .............................................. Section 1 LM3403 Quad Operational Amplifier ................................... Section 1 LM3524D Regulating Pulse Width Modulator ............................ Section 3 LM3578A Switching Regulator ........................................ Section 3 LM3875 High Performance 40 Watt Audio Power Amplifier ................ Section 1 LM3900 Quad Amplifier .............................................. Section 1 LM3911 Temperature Controller ...................................... Section 5 LM3999 Precision Reference ......................................... Section 4 LM4040 Precision Micropower Shunt Voltage Reference ................. Section 4 LM4041 Precision Micropower Shunt Voltage Reference ................. Section 4 LM4136 Quad Operational Amplifier ................................... Section 1 LM4250 Programmable Operational Amplifier ........................... Section 1 LM4431 Micropower Shunt Voltage Reference .......................... Section 4 LM6118 Fast Settling Dual Operational Amplifier ........................ Section 1 LM6121 High Speed Buffer ........................................... Section 2 LM6125 High Speed Buffer ........................................... Section 2 LM6161 High Speed Operational Amplifier .............................. Section 1 LM6162 High Speed Operational Amplifier .............................. Section 1 LM6164 High Speed Operational Amplifier .............................. Section 1 LM6165 High Speed Operational Amplifier .............................. Section 1 LM6181 100 mA, 100 MHz Current Feedback Amplifier .................. Section 1 LM6218 Fast Settling Dual Operational Amplifier ........................ Section 1 LM6221 High Speed Buffer ........................................... Section 2 LM6225 High Speed Buffer ........................................... Section 2 LM6261 High Speed Operational Amplifier .............................. Section 1 LM6262 High Speed Operational Amplifier .............................. Section 1 LM6264 High Speed Operational Amplifier .............................. Section 1 LM6265 High Speed Operational Amplifier .............................. Section 1 LM6313 High Speed, High Power Operational Amplifier .................. Section 1 LM6321 High Speed Buffer ........................................... Section 2 LM6325 High Speed Buffer ........................................... Section 2 LM6361 High Speed Operational Amplifier. ............................. Section 1 LM6362 High Speed Operational Amplifier .............................. Section 1 LM6364 High Speed Operational Amplifier .............................. Section 1 LM6365 High Speed Operational Amplifier .............................. Section 1 LM6685 Ultra Fast Single Latched Comparator .......................... Section 3 LM6687 Ultra Fast Voltage Comparator ................................ Section 3 LM7800 Series 3-Terminal Positive Regulator ........................... Section 1 LM9140 Precision Micropower Shunt Voltage Reference ................. Section 4 LM12454 12-Bit + Sign Data Acquisition System with Self-Calibration ..... Section 1 LM12458 12-Bit + Sign Data Acquisition System with Self-Calibration ..... Section 1 LM13080 Programmable Power Operational Amplifier .................... Section 1 LM13600 Dual Operational Transconductance Amplifier with Linearizing Diodes and Buffers ................................................ Section 1 LM18293 Four Channel Push-Pull Driver ............................... Section 4 LM18298 Dual Full-Bridge Driver ...................................... Section 4 LMC660 CMOS Quad Operational Amplifier ............................ Section 1 "see Appendix G xxiii OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps Power ICs Power ICs OpAmps OpAmps Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition OpAmps OpAmps Data Acquisition OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps Power ICs Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition OpAmps OpAmps Power ICs Power ICs OpAmps Additional Available Linear Devices (Continued) LMG662 CMOS Dual Operational Amplifier ............................. Section 1 LMC6022 Micropower CMOS Dual Operational Amplifier ....•.•••..•...•. Section 1 LMC6024 Micropower CMOS Quad Operational Amplifier .•.......•...... Section 1 LMC6032 CMOS Dual Operational Amplifier ............................ Section 1 LMC6034 CMOS Quad Operational Amplifier ........................... Section 1 LMC6041 CMOS Single Micropower Operational Amplifier ....•......•.... Section 1 LMC6042 CMOS Dual Micropower Operational Amplifier ................. Section 1 LMC6044 CMOS Quad Micropower Operational Amplifier .......•......•. Section 1 LMC6061 Precision CMOS Single Micropower Operational Amplifier •..•... Section 1 LMC6062 Precision CMOS Dual Micropower Operational Amplifier ........ Section 1 LMC6064 Precision CMOS Quad Micropower Operational Amplifier •....... Section 1 LMC6081 Precision CMOS Single Operational Amplifier ....•.......•..... Section 1 LMC6082 Precision CMOS Dual Operational Amplifier ...........•....... Section 1 LMC6084 Precision CMOS Quad Operational Amplifier .•.•....•••........ Section 1 LMC6482 CMOS Dual Rail-to-Rail Input and Output Operational Amplifier .. Section 1 LMC6484 CMOS Quad Rail-to-Raillnput and Output Operational Amplifier .. Section 1 LMC7660 Switched Capacitor Voltage Converter ......•.........•......• Section 3 LMD18200 3A. 55VH-Bridge ...................•......•.•.......••.... Section 4 LMD18201 3A. 55VH-Bridge .......................................... Section 4 LMD18400 Quad High Side Driver ......•..................•.....••••.. Section 6 LMF40 High Performance 4th-Order Switched Capacitor Butterworth Low-Pass Filter ................................................... Section 7 LMF60 High Performance 6th-Order Switched Capacitor Butterworth Low-Pass Filter .............................................•..•.. Section 7 LMF90 4th-Order Elliptic Notch Filter .................................. Section 7 LMF100 High Performance Dual Switched Capacitor Filter ................ Section 7 LMF120 Mask Programmable Switched Capacitor Filter .................. Section 7 LMF380 Triple One-Third Octave Switched Capacitor Active Filter ......... Section 7 LP124 Low Power Quad Operational Amplifier ..........•..•...•.....•.• Section 1 LP265 Micropower Programmable Quad Comparator .•....•.•.....•..... Section 3 LP311 Voltage Comparator ............•........•......•.•............ Section 3 LP324 Low Power Quad Operational Amplifier .......................... Section 1 LP339 Ultra-Low Power Quad Comparator ...•...............••......•.. Section 3 LP365 Micropower Programmable Quad Comparator ...............•.... Section 3 LP2902 Low Power Quad Operational Amplifier ..........•......•....... Section 1 LP2950 5V Adjustable Micropower Voltage Regulator ......•.........•... Section 2 LP2951 Adjustable Micropower Voltage Regulator ..•.•............•..... Section 2 LP2952 Adjustable Micropower Low-Dropout Voltage Regulator ........... Section 2 LP2953 Adjustable Micropower Low-Dropout Voltage Regulator .•.•.....•• Section 2 LP2954 5V Micropower Low-Dropout Voltage Regulator ...•••.•...••..... Section 2 LPC660 Low Power CMOS Quad Operational Amplifier .................. Section 1 LPC661 Low Power CMOS Operational Amplifier ........................ Section 1 LPC662 Low Power CMOS Dual Operational Amplifier ........•.•....•.•. Section 1 MF44th Order Switched Capacitor Butterworth Lowpass Filter .•....•.•... Section 7 MF5 Universal Monolithic Switched Capacitor Filter ...................... Section 7 MF6 6th Order Switched Capacitor Butterworth Lowpass Filter ..•••....... Section 7 MF8 4th Order Switched Capacitor Bandpass Filter ...................... Section 7 MF10 Universal Monolithic Dual Switched Capacitor Filter ..•.•.....••••.. Section 7 MM54C905 12-Bit Successive Approximation Register ....•...•.......... Section 2 MM54HC4016 Quad Analog Switch ..................•.....••••..••••• Section 8 MM54HC4051 8-Channel Analog Multiplexer •.......••.....•••..••..•.. Section 8 osee Appendix G xxiv OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps .0pAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps Power ICs PowerlCs ·PowerlCs PowerlCs Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps PowerlCs PowerlCs PowerlCs PowerlCs PowerlCs OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition ! Additional Available Linear Devices (Continued) MM54HC4052 Dual 4-Channel Analog Multiplexer ....................... Section a MM54HC4053 Triple 2-Channel Analog Multiplexer ...................... Section a MM54HC4066 Quad Analog Switch ................................... Section a MM54HC4316 Quad Analog Switch with Level Translator ................ Section a MM74C905 12-Bit Successive Approximation Register ................... Section 2 MM7 4HC4016 Quad Analog Switch ....•.............................. Section a MM74HC4051 a-Channel Analog Multiplexer ........................... Section a MM74HC4052 Dual4-Channel Analog Multiplexer ....................... Section 8 MM74HC4053 Triple 2-Channel Analog Multiplexer ...................... Section 8 MM74HC4066 Quad Analog Switch ................................... Section 8 MM74HC4316 Quad Analog Switch with Level Translator ................ Section 8 OP07 Low Offset, Low Drift Operational Amplifier ........................ Section 1 TL081 Wide Bandwidth JFET Input Operational Amplifier ................. Section 1 TL082 Wide Bandwidth Dual JFET Input Operational Amplifier ............ Section 1 ·s.. Appendix G xxv Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Data Acquisition OpAmps OpAmps OpAmps .. -.. ~~~!!2~~ CI» .c E ::J Z «I Q. Cross Reference by Part Number >.c CI» .. () C CI» CI» CI» a: II) II) e 0 A complete interchangeability list of Linear IC's offered by most Integrated Circuit Manufacturers is listed in this section, and references the nearest National Semiconductor Corporation direct replacement or recommended replacement with either an improved or functional replacement. The following companies are included in this cross reference: Analog Devices Burr Brown Cherry Elantec Fairchild (NSC) Part Number Harris (GE/RCAllntersil) Hitachi Linear Technology Corp. Maxim Motorola NSC Part Number Part Number Philips Precision Monolithics Inc. Raytheon Samsung SGS Thompson NSC Part Number Part Number Signetics Siliconix Texas Instruments Toshiba Unitrode NSC Part Number ANALOG DEVICES ADOO42 AD101A AD201A AD301A AD5035 LHOO42 LM101A LM201A LM301A LHOO42 I S AD590 AD590 AD590 AD6ll AD624 LM135 LM34 LM35 LF441 LM363 S S S I S AD7542 AD7545 AD7545 AD7545 AD7548 DAC12l0 DAC1208 DAC1209 DAC1?10 DAC1230 S S S S S AD506 AD509 AD521 AD521 AD522 LHOO22 LHOOO3 LHOO36 LM363 LHOO38 S S S S S AD650 AD651 AD654 AD673 AD707 LM331 LM331 LM331 ADC0841 LM607 S S S S I AD7548 AD7548 AD7552 AD7552 AD7575 DAC123l DAC1232 ADC1220 ADC1225 ADC0820 S S S S S AD524 AD537 AD546 AD546 AD548 LM363 LM331 LPC660 LPC662 LF441 S S I D AD7ll AD7l2 AD741 AD746 AD7502 LF4ll LF4l2 LM741 LM6218 LF13509 S S D I S AD7576 AD7578 AD7578 AD7820 AD7821 ADC0820 ,... ADC1205 ADC1225 ADC0820 ADC08061 S S S D I AD549 AD549 AD562 AD563 AD565A LPC660 LPC662 DAC1266 DAC1265 DAC1265 I S S S AD7523 AD7523 AD7523 AD7524 AD7524 DAC0830 DAC0831 DAC0832 DAC0830 DAC0831 S S S S S AD7824 AD7828 AD844 AD846 AD847 ADC08064 ADC08068 LM6l8l LM6l8l LM6l6l I D AD566A AD567 AD573 AD581 AD582 DAC1266 DAC1230 ADC1005 LHOO70 LF398 S S S I S AD7524 AD7533 AD7533 AD7533 AD7541 DAC0832 DAC1020 DAC102l DAC1022 DAC12l8 S D D D S AD848 AD849 AD96685 AD96687 ADDAC-08 LM6l64 LM6l65 LM6685 LM6687 DAC0800 D D AD583 AD588 AD589M AD589U AD590 LF398 LM369 LM385 LM185 LM134 S S AD7541 AD7541A AD7541A AD7542 AD7542 DAC12l9 DAC12l8 DAC12l9 DAC1208 DAC1209 S S S S S ADDAC-08 ADDAC-08 ADOP07 HTC-0300 DAC0801 DAC0802 LM607 LH4860 D D I S I S The following notations are appended to assist you In finding the best option. S - NSC Similar Device I - NSC Improved Device xxvi D - NSC Direct Replacement D ... (") Part Number NSC Part Number Part Number NSC Part Number Part Number BURR-BROWN ~ fI) NSC Part Number ::a CD CHERRY CD 3507 3507 3507 3507 3510 LHOO03 LMl18 LM6361 LM709 LM10l S S S S S OPAlll OPA121 OPA121 OPA121 OPA156 LH0052 LF441 A LH0022 LH0042 LF156 S S S S S 3510 3510 3510 3510 3533 LM107 LMl12 LM725 LM748 LH0033 S S S S S OPA21 OPA21 OPA2111 OPA2111 OPA2111 LM108A LMll LF353 LF412A LF442A S S S S S 3542 3550 3551 3551 3553 LH0042 LM6361 LH0024 LM6361 LHOO02 S S S S S OPA2111 OPA2111 OPA2111 OPA2111 OPA2111 LH2011 LH2101A LH2108A LM1558 LM358 S S S S S 3553 3554 3571 3572 3573 LH0063 LH0032 LM675 LH0021 LM675 S S S S S OPA2111 OPA2111 OPA27 OPA27 OPA37 LM2904 LM747A LH0044 LM627 LM637 S S S S S 3580 3580 3580 3606A6 3606A6 LHOO04 LMl43 LM144 LH0084 LH0086 S S S S S OPA404 OPA404 OPA404 OPA511 OPA541 LF444A LM837 LMC660 LM675 LH010l S S S S S 3626 3629 AOC80 OAC7541A OAC7541A LH0036 LH0038 AOC1280 A07521 A07531 S S S S S OPA541 OPA602 OPA605 OPA605 OPA633 LM12 LF4ll LHOO05 LH0032 LH0033 S S S S S OAC7541A OAC7541A OAC811 HOS-l00 HI-508 OAC1218 OAC1219 ADC1230 LH0033 LF13508 S S S S S OPA633 PGA100/l02 PGA200/201 SHC298 SHC298 LH4001 LH0086 LH0084 LF298 LH0043 S S S 0 S HI-509 INA10l INA101HP INA102 INA102 LF13509 LM163 LM363 LH0038 LM363 S S S S S SHC5320 SHC80 SHC85 SHC85 VFC32 LH0053 LF398 LF398 LH0053 LM131/331 0 S S S S CS-189 CS-2907 CS-2917 CS-925 CS-935 LM1819 LM2907 LM2917 LM2925 LM2935 S 0 0 S S EHA2500 EHA2502 EHA2505 EHA251 0 EHA2512 LM6161 LM6161 LM6361 LM6161 LM6161 S S S S S EHA2515 EHA2520 EHA2522 EHA2525 EHA2600 LM6361 LM6164 LM6164 LM6364 LM6161 S S S S S EHA2602 EHA2605 EHA2620 EHA2622 EHA2625 LM6161 LM6361 LM6164 LM6164 LM6364 S S S S S EL2006 EL2006C EL2020 ELHOO02 ELH0021 LM6161 LM6261 LM6181 LHOO02 LH0021 S S ELH0032 ELH0033 ELH004l ELH010l LH0032 LH0033 LH004l LH010l 0 0 0 0 = NSC SImilar Device I = NSC Improved Device xxvii D = NSC Direct Replacement CD C" '< -a ... I» Z ELANTEC The lollowlng notations ara appandecl to aaaist you In IIndlng the bast option. S CiJ ::J n c 0 0 3 C" CD ... xxviii ...0 Part Number NSC Part Number Part Number NSC Part Number Part Number 0 NSC Part Number 0 0 ::D !!. CD HARRIS (GE/RCAllntersil) (Continued) ADC0804 CA08l CA08l CA082 CA082 ADC0804 LF4ll TL08l LF412 TL082 D CA084 CA084 CA124 CA139 CA139A LF147 LF347 LM124 LM139 LM139A 5 5 CA1458 CA1558 CA158 CA158A CA224 LM1458 LM1558 LM158 LM158A LM224 0 0 0 0 0 CA239 CA239A CA258 CA258A CA301A LM239 LM239A LM25B LM258A LM301A 0 0 0 0 0 CA307 CA3l 05 CA3ll CA324 CA3290 LM307 LM675 LM3ll LM324 LM393 0 CA339 CA339A CA3401 CA358 CA35BA LM339 LM339A LM3401 LM358 LM358A 0 0 D 0 D CA741 CA747 CA748 DG201 DG211 LM741 LM747 LM748 LF13201 LF13201 D 0 0 0 0 DG212 HA-OP07 HA2400 HA2404 HA2405 LF13202 LM607 LM604 LM604 LM604 0 I 5 0 5 0 D 0 0 5 0 D 5 5 5 5 HA2406 HA2420 HA2420 HA2500 HA2502 LM604 LH0023 LH0043 LM6l6l LM6161 5 5 S S S HA5l4l HA5l42 HA5l44 HA5l60 HA5160 LM4250 LF442 LF444 LF357 LH0062 5 HA2505 HA251 0 HA251 0 HA251 0 HA2512 LM6361 LM118 LM3l8 LM6161 LM6l61 5 5 5 5 5 HA5162 HA5170 HA5l70 HA5170 HA5170 LHOO62 LF151 LF155 LF156 LF157 5 5 5 5 5 HA2515 HA2520 HA2520 HA2522 HA2522 LM6361 LM6l64 LM6ll3 LM6l64 LM6113 5 S 5 S 5 HA5170 HA5170 HA5l80 HA51BO HA5180 LF355 LF356 LH0022 LHOO42 LH0052 5 5 5 5 5 HA2525 HA2525 HA2529 HA2530 HA2535 LM6364 LM6313 LM6313 LH0024 LH0024 5 5 5 5 5 HF-l0 HF-201 HF-300 HI-20l HI-508 MF10 LF1320l AH5020 LF1320l LF13508 0 0 5 HA2540 HA2541-2 HA2541-5 HA2542 HA2620 LH0032 LM6l6l LM6361 LH0032 LH4l 04 5 5 5 5 S HI-509 HI-56l8 HI-56l8 HI-56l8 HI-561B LF13509 DAC0800 DACOB06 DAC0807 DAC0808 5 5 5 5 S HA2620 HA2622 HA2625 HA2640 HA2640 LM6l64 LMl18 LM31B LHOO04 LM143 5 5 5 5 5 HI-565A HI-5660 HI-5680 HI-5685 HI-5685 DAC1265 DAC1266 DAC1280 DAC1200 DAC1285 0 0 5 5 5 HA2640 HA2645 HA2645 HA4741 HA5002 LMl44 LM343 LM344 LM348 LHOO02 5 5 5 5 5 HI-5687 HI-5687 HI-5690 HI-5695 HI-5697 DAC120l DAC1285 DAC1280 DAC1285 DAC1285 5 5 5 5 5 HA5033 HA5020 HA5l 02 HA5l 04 HA5l35 LH0033 LM6181 LM833 LM837 LM637 5 HI-574 HI-574 HI-574 HI-574 HI-674 ADC1080 ADC1210 ADC12ll ADC1280 ADC1080 5 5 5 5 5 I 5 5 5 The following notallon8 are appended to eeelst you In IIndlng the belli option. S - NSC Similar Device I - NSC Improved Device xxix D - NSC Direct Replacement Cil 0 0 :::I 5 5 '< 0 5 (') CD 0' -... "U S» Z c 3 0' ...CD ...4D .CI E :::s Z 1:: :.>.CI 3C e4D 4D a: II) e 0 Part Number NSC Part Number Part Number HARRIS (GE/RCAllntersil) (Continued) NSC Part Number Part Number LINEAR TECHNOlOGY CORP. HI-674 ICH8530 ICL7114 ICL7114 ICL7660 ADC1280 LH0101 ADC1205 ADC1225 LMC7660 S S S S 0 LF155 LF155A LF156 LF156A LF198 LF155 LF155A LF156 LF156A LF198 0 0 .0 0 0 ICL8069 ICL8069 IH5009 IH5010 IH5011 LM313 LM385·1.2 AH5009 AH5010 AH5011 0 0 0 0 0 LF198A LF355A LF356A LF398 LF398A LF198A LF355A LF356A LF398 LF398A 0 0 0 0 0 IH5012 IH6106 IH6206 LM741 AH5012 LF13508 LF13509 LM741 0 0 0 0 LF412A LH0070 LH21 08 LH2108A LM10 LF412A LH0070 LH21 08 LH2108A LM10 0 0 0 0 0 LM101A LM107 LM108 LM108A LM111 LM101A LM107 LM108 LM108A LM111 0 0 0 0 0 LM117 LM117HV LM118 LM119 LM123 LM117 LM117HV LM118 LM119 LM123 0 0 0 0 0 LM129 LM129A LM134 LM136 LM137 LM129 LM129A LM134 LM136 LM137 0 0 0 0 0 LM137HV LM138 LM150 LM185 LM199 LM137HV LM138 LM150 LM185 LM199 0 0 0 0 0 LM234 LM308A LM311 LM317 LM317HV LM234 LM308A LM311 LM317 LM317HV 0 0 0 0 0 HITACHI HA12012 HA12411 HA12412 HA12413 HA12417 LM833 LM3089 LM3189 LM1868 LM1863 S 0 S S S HA13421A HA1374 HA1389 HA1394 HA1397 LM18293 LM2877 LM384 LM2879 LM1875 S S S S S HA17082 HA17082A HA17084 HA17084A HA17094 LF353 LF412 LF347 LF347B LM2904 HA17301 HA17324 HA17339 HA17358 HA17393 LM3301 LM324 LM339 LM358 LM393 HA17458 HA17741 . HA17747 HA17901 HA17902 HA17903 LM458 LM741 LM747 LM2901 LM2902 LM2903 LM318 LM319 LM323 LM329 LM329A LM318 LM319 LM323 LM329 LM329A 0 0 0 0 0 LM334 LM336 LM337 LM337HV LM338 LM334 LM336 LM337 LM337HV LM338 0 0 0 0 0 LM350 LM385 LM399 LM399A LT1001 LM350 LM385 LM399 LM399A LH0044 0 0 0 0 0 LT1001 LT1003 LT1003 LT1003 LT1004 LM607 LM123 LM323 LM337 LM113 S S 0 0 LT1004 LT1004 LT1005 LT1008 LT1008 LM185 LM385 LM2935 LM108 LM308 0 0 S 0 0 LT1009 LT1009 LT1010 LT1011 LT1012 LM136 LM336 LHOO02 LM311 LM312 0 0 S 0 0 LT1013 LT1014 LT1014 LT1019 LT1020 LM358 LM324 LM348 LM368 LP2951 0 0 0 0 S LT1021 LT1022 LT1029 LT1031 LT1033 LM369 LF356 LM336 LH0070 LM133 0 0 0 0 The followtng notallon. are appended 10 .....1you In flndlng Ihe best opllon. S = NSC SImilar Device I = NSC Improved DevIce xxx D NSC Part Number = NSC Direct Replacemenl I 0 Part Number NSC Part Number Part Number LINEAR TECHNOLOGY CORP. (Continued) NSC Part Number Part Number a NSC Part Number (I) (I) LT1033 LT1033 LT1034 LT1038C LT1038M LM137 LM333 LM385 LM396 LM196 S 0 0 S S LT1055 LT1056 LT111 LM317HV LT117 LF355 LF356 LM111 LM317HV LM117 0 0 0 0 0 LT118 LT119 LT123 LT123A LT1223 LM118 LM119 LM123 LM123A LM6181 0 0 0 0 I LT137 LT150 LT1524 LT311 LT317 LM137 LM150 LM15240 LM311 LM317 0 0 0 0 0 LT317A LT318 LT319 LT323 LT323A LM317A LM318 LM319 LM323 LM323A 0 0 0 0 0 LT337 LT338 LT338A LT350A LT3524 LM337 LM338 LM338A LM350A LM35240 0 .0 0 0 0 LTC1059 LTC1060 LTC1099 REF-01 SG1524 MF5 MF10 ADC0820 LM368 LM15240 0 0 0 S SG3524 LM35240 A0565 A0566 A07523 A07523 A07523 OAC1265 OAC1266 OAC0830 OAC0831 OAC0832 0 0 S S S LF444 LM101 LM108 LM109 LM11 LF444 LM101 LM108 LM109 LM11 0 0 0 0 0 A07524 A07524 A07524 A07533 A07533 OAC0830 OAC0831 OAC0832 OAC1020 OAC1021 S S S 0 0 LM111 LM117 LM123 LM124 LM137 LM111 LM117 LM123 LM124 LM137 0 0 0 0 0 A07533 A07541 A07541 A07542 A07542 OAC1022 OAC1218 OAC1219 OAC1208 OAC1209 0 S S S S LM139 LM140 LM148 LM150 LM158 LM139 LM140 LM148 LM150 LM158 0 0 0 0 0 A07542 A07545 A07545 A07545 A07548 OAC1210 OAC1208 OAC1209 OAC1210 OAC1230 S S S S S LM193 LM201 LM208 LM209 LM211 LM193 LM201 LM208 LM109 LM211 0 0 0 0 0 A07548 A07548 A07820 ICL7642 MAX480 OAC1231 OAC1232 AOC0820 LMC6044 LMC6041 S S 0 S S LM217 LM223 LM224 LM237 LM239 LM117 LM123 LM224 LM137 LM239 0 0 0 0 0 LM248 LM250 LM258 LM285 LM2900 LM248 LM150 LM258 LM285 LM2900 0 0 0 0 0 LM2901 LM2902 LM2903 LM2904 LM293 LM2901 LM2902 LM2903 LM2904 LM293 0 0 0 0 0 LM2931 LM301 LM307 LM308 LM309 LM2931 LM301 LM307 LM308 LM309 0 0 0 0 0 MOTOROLA A0562 A0563 OAC-08 OAC-08 OAC-08 OAC1266 OAC1265 OAC0800 OAC0801 OAC0802 S S 0 0 0 LF347 LF351 LF353 LF355 LF356 LF347 LF351 LF353 LF355 LF356 0 0 0 0 0 LF357 LF411 LF412 LF441 LF442 LF357 LF411 LF412 LF441 LF442 0 0 0 0 0 The following notations are appended to assist you In finding the best option. S = NSC S1mUar Device I = NSC Improved Device xxxi D = NSC Direct Replacement -. :D MAXIM CD CD CD :::::II ~ go '< -..-: Z C 3 .i ... CII .a E ~ Z 1: as a. >- .a CII C,) c ! J!! CII a:: = 2 0 NSC Part Number NSC Part Number Part Number NSC Part Number Part Number Part Number MC79MXXA MC79XX MC79XX MC79XXA LM79MXX LM320-XX LM79XX LM320-XX .1 /LA723 /LA741 1J-A747 AOCOB03 AOCOB04 LM723 LM741 LM747 AOCOB03 ADCOB04 0 0 0 0 0 AOCOB05 AOCOB20 AM26LS30 CA30B9 OAC-OB AOCOB05 AOCOB20 083691 LM30B9 OACOB01 0 0 0 0 0 OAC-OB OAC-08 ICM7555 LF198 LF224 OACOBOO OAC0802 LMC555 LF198 LM224 0 0 0 0 0 LF298 LF398 LM111 LM119 LM124 LF298 LF398 LM111 LM119 LM124 0 0 0 0 0 LM139 LM139A LM15B LM193 LM193A LM139 LM139A LM15B LM193 LM193A 0 0 0 0 0 LM211 LM219 LM224 LM239 LM239A LM211 LM219 LM224 LM239 LM239A 0 0 0 0 0 LM25B LM2901 LM2903 LM293 LM293A LM258 LM2901 LM2903 LM293 LM293A 0 0 0 0 0 MOTOROLA (Continued) LM311 LM317 LM323 LM324 LM337 LM311 LM317 LM323 LM324 LM337 0 0 0 0 0 MC1596 MC1709 MC1710 MC1723 MC1741 LM1596 LM709 LM710 LM723 LM741 D LM339 LM340-XX LM34B LM350 LM35B LM339 LM340-XX LM34B LM350 LM35B 0 0 0 0 0 MC1747 MC174B MC3301 MC3302 MC3307B LM747 LM74B LM3301 LM3302 LMB33 0 0 0 0 8 LM3B5 LM3900 LM393 LMB33 MC1391 LM3B5 LM3900 LM393 LMB33 LM1391 0 0 0 0 0 MC33079 MC3346 MC3346 MC3356 MC3356 LMB37 LM3046 LM3146 LM30B9 LM31B9 8 0 I 8 8 MC140B MC140B MC140B MC1414 MC1436 OACOB06 OACOB07 OACOBOB LM1414 LM343 0 0 0 0 I MC3361 MC34001 MC34001 MC34001 MC34002 LM3361A LF351 LF353 LF411 LF412 I MC1437 MC14442 MC14444 MC145040 MC145041 LH2301 AOC0829 ADC0830 AOC0811 AOC0811 8 8 8 8 0 MC34004 MC3401 MC341 0 MC3412 MC3456 LF347 LM3401 OAC1020 OAC1265 LM556 I 0 0 8 0 MC1455 MC1456 MC1458 MC146B MC1488 LM555 LM212 LM1458 LM325 081488 0 8 0 8 0 MC35001 MC35002 MC351 0 MC4741 MC7812 LF411 LF412 OAC1020 LM348 LM7812 I I 0 0 0 MC14B9 MC1496 MC1508 MC1514 MC1536 081489 LM1496 OACOB08 LM1514 LM143 0 0 0 0 I MC7815 MC7824 MC78LXX MC78LXXA MC78MXX LM7815 LM7824 LM78LXX LM78LXXA LM341-XX 0 0 0 0 0 MC1537 MC1537 MC1556 MC1558 MC1568 LH2101 LH2201 LM112 LM1558 LM125 8 8 8 0 8 MC78MXX MC7BXX MC78XXA MC79LXX MC79LXX LM7BMXX LM78XX LM340A-XX LM320L-XX LM79LXXA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PHILIPS The foll_lng notaUana are appended to assist you In finding the beat option. S ~ NSC Similar Device I ~ NSC Improved Device xxxii D ~ I D NSC Dlract Replacement . n Part Number NSC Part Number Part Number NSC Part Number Part Number 0 ••:2J NSC Part Number CD PHILIPS (Continued) LM311 LM319 LM324 LM324A LM339 LM311 LM319 LM324 LM324A LM339 LM339A LM358 LM393 LM393A MC1408 LM339A LM358 LM393 LM393A OAC0807 0 0 0 0 0 AOC-910 ADC-91 0 AMP-01 AMP01 BUF-03 AOC1025 AOC1061 LHOO38 LM363 LHOO33 S S S S MC1408 MC1458 MC1488 MC1488 MC1489 ·OAC0808 LM1458 051488 0514C88 051489 0 0 0 BUF-03 CMP-08 CMP-08 OAC-02 OAC-02 LHOOO2 LM260 LM360 OAC1020 OAC1021 S S 5 5 5 OAC-02 OAC-03 OAC-03 OAC-03 OAC-05 OAC1022 OAC1020 OAC1021 OAC1022 OAC1020 S 5 5 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SG2524 SG3524 LM2524 LM3524 0 0 PRECISION MONOLITHICS INC. I MC1489A MC1489A MC1496 MC1508 MC1596 051489A 0514C89A LM1496 OAC0808 LM1596 0 0 0 MC3302 MC3403 NE4558 NE5034 NE5118 LM3302 LM3403 LM833 AOC0841 OAC0830 0 0 5 5 5 OAC-05 OAC-05 OAC-08 OAC-08 OAC-08 OAC1021 OAC1022 OAC0800 OAC0801 OAC0802 5 5 0 0 0 NE5119 NE541 0 NE5532 NE5532 NE555 OAC0830 OAC1020 LM833 LM833 LM555 S 5 0 0 0 OAC-100 OAC-100 OAC-100 OAC-1408 OAC-1408 OAC1020 OAC1021 OAC1022 OAC0806 OAC0807 5 5 5 5 5 NE556 NE565 NE566 NE567 5A532 LM556 LM565 LM566 LM567 LM2904 0 0 0 0 OAC-1408 OAC-312 OAC-888 OAC-888 OAC-888 OAC0808 OAC1266 OAC0830 OAC0831 OAC0832 5 0 5 5 5 5A534 5E529 5E5537 5E555 5E556 LM2902 LM161 LF398 LM555 LM556 MAT02 MAT02AH MUX-08E MUX-24E OP-05 LM394 LM194H LF13508 LF13509 LM607 S 5 0 0 S 5E567 5G1532 LM567 LM1524 I I 5 0 0 0 LM607 OP07 LF411 LF412 LM607 OP02 OP04 OP06 OP08 OP09 LM741 LM747 LM725 LM101 LM4136 S S S S S OP11 OP11 OP14 OP14 OP14 LM324 LM348 LM1458 LM1558 LM358 S 5 5 5 5 OP15 OP15 OP15 OP160 OP177 LF351 LM301 LM310 LM6181 LM607 5 5 5 OP215 OP22 OP221 OP221 OP42 LF353 LM4250 LM2904 LM358 LHOO62 5 5 5 5 5 OP42 OP421 OP421 OP421 OP421 LM318 LM2902 LM324 LM3303 L2902 5 5 S 5 5 OP421 OP43 OP43GP OP471 OP471 LP324 LM348 LF441ACN LM149 LM837 5 S 5 5 5 OP490 OP77 OP97 PM0820 PM1008 LMC6044 LM607 LM311 ADC0820 LM308 S S 5 0 0 0 The following notations are appended to assist you In finding the best option. S = NSC Similar Device I = NSC Improved Device xxxiii D I OP-07 OP-07 OP-15 OP-215 OP-77 = NSC Direct Replacement 0 Cit i~ n ., CD 0' I I 5 '< ::a. Z c :I . 0' CD . CD .a E ~ Z Part Number NSC PartN"mber 1: PRECISION MONOLITHICS INC. ~ (Continued) :. CD Co) C ~ .;a:: .a II) (J Part Number NSC Part Number REF·43 5MP10 5MP10 5MP11 5MP11 LM136 LF398 LHOO43 LF398 LHOO23 SSM2139 SSM221 0 5W.Q6 5W-201 5W-202 LM833 LM394 LF13333 LF13201 LF13202 Part Number 0 5 5 5 5 PM1012 PM111 PM119 PM139 PM139A LM312 LM111 LM119 LM139 LM139A 5 PM148 PM155 PM155A PM156 PM156A LM148 LF155 LF155A LF156 LF156A 0 0 0 0 0 RAYTHEON PM157 PM157A PM208 PM208A PM211 LF157 LF157A LM208 LM208A LM211 0 0 0 0 0 DAC-08 DAC-10 DAC-10 DAC-8012 DAC-6012 DAC0800 DAC-1020 DAC-1021 DAC-1220 DAC-1221 5 5 5 5 ·5 PM219 PM248 PM308 PM308A PM319 LM219 LM248 LM308 LM308A LM319 0 0 0 0 0 LH2101A LH2111 LM101A LM111 LM124 LH2101A LH2111 LM101A LM111 LM124 0 0 0 0 0 PM339A PM355 PM355A PM356 PM356A LM339A LF355 LF355A LF356 LF356A 0 0 0 0 0 LM139 LM148 LM2900 LM301A LM324 LM139 LM148 LM2900 LM301A LM324 0 0 0 0 0 PM357 PM357A PM725 PM741 PM747 LF357 LF357A LM725 LM741 LM747 0 0 0 0 0 LM339 LM348 LM3900 LP365 RC1458 LM339 LM348 LM3900 LP365 LM1458 0 0 0 0 0 PM7533 PM7533 PM7533 PM7541 PM7541 DAC1020 DAC1021 DAC1022 bAC1218 DAC1219 0 0 0 LM1558 LM348 LM348 LM325 LM326 0 5 5 RC1558 RC4156 RC4157 RC4195 RC4195 REF.Q1 REF·01 REF-02 REF.Q3 REF-03 LM368 LM369 LM368·5.0 LM336 LM385-2.5 5 5 5 5 5 RC714 RC741 RC747 REF·01 REF.Q1 !-M607 LM741 LM747 LHOO70 LM368 0 0 0 0 5 5 0 0 0 5 5 5 5 0 0 5 5 REF·01 REF.Q2 REF-02 REF.Q3 LM369 LM336·5.0 LM368-5 LM368·5 I 5 5 KA219 KA2803 KA2807 KA301 KA319 LM219 LM1851 LM1851 LM301 LM319 0 KA331 KA3524 KA431 KA710 KA78S40 LM331 LM3524D LM431 LM710 LM78S40 0 0 0 0 0 KF347 KF351 KF442 LM224A LM239 LF347 LF351 LF442 LM224A LM239 0 0 0 0 0 LM248 LM258A LM2901 LM2902 LM2903 LM248 LM258A LM2901 LM2902 LM2903 0 LM2904 LM293 LM311 LM324 LM324A LM2904 LM293 LM311 LM324 LM324A 0 0 0 0 0 LM3302 LM339A LM348 LM358A LM393 LM3302 LM339A LM348 LM358A LM393 0 0 0 0 0 LM393A LM741 MC1458 MC78LXX MC78MXX LM393A LM741 LM1458 LM78LXX LM78MXX 0 0 0 0 0 SAMSUNG Tbe following notations are appended to assist you In findIng tile best option. S = NSC SImIlar DevIce I = NSC Improved Device xxxiv D NSC Part Number = NSC DIrect Replacement 5 5 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 Part Number NSC Part Number Part Number NSC Part Number Part Number a :::::u NSC Part Number SAMSUMG (Continued) MC78XX MC79MXX MC79XX NE555 NE556 LM78XX LM79MXX LM79XX LM555 LM556 D D D D D SGSTHOMPSON p.A741 p.A748 L293 L4940 L4941 LM741 LM748 LM18293 LM2940 LM2940 D D D S S L78MXX L78S05 L78XX L78XX L7912 LM78MXX LM323 LM340-XX LM78XX LM7912 D L79XX L79XX LF198 LF255 LF256 LM320-XX LM79XX LF198 LF255 LF256 D D D D D LF257 LF298 LF351 LF353 LF355 LF257 LF298 LF351 LF353 LF355 D D D D D LF355A LF356 LF356A LF357 LF357A LF355A LF356 LF356A LF357 LF357A D D D D D LF398 LM101A LM109 LM117 LM123 LF398 LM101A LM109 LM117 LM123 D D D D D LM124 LM124A LM134 LM135 LM137 LM124 LM124A LM134 LM135 LM137 D D D D D I D D D LM139 LM139A LM148 LM158 LM158A LM139 LM139A LM148 LM158 LM158A D D D D D LM334 LM335 LM336 LM336B LM339 LM334 LM335 LM336 LM336B LM339 D D D D D LM1837 LM193 LM193A LM201A LM208 LM1837 LM193 LM193A LM201A LM208 D D D D D LM339A LM346 LM348 LM358 LM358A LM339A LM346 LM348 LM358 LM358A D D D D D LM211 LM218 LM219 LM223 LM224 LM211 LM218 LM219 LM223 LM224 D D D D D LM393 LM393A NE555 NE556 SE555 LM393 LM393A LM555 LM556 LM555 D D D D D LM224A LM234 LM235 LM236 LM239 LM224A LM234 LM235 LM236 LM239 D D D D D SG556 SG2524 SG3524 SG3525 SG3527 LM556 LM2524 LM3524 LM3525 LM3527 D D D D D LM239A LM246 LM248 LM258 LM2901 LM239A LM246 LM249 LM258 LM2901 D D D D D TSA2040 TS272 TS274 TS27L2 TS27L4 LM1875 LMC662 LMC660 LPC662 LPC660 S S S S S LM2902 LM2903 LM2904 LM293 LM2930 LM2902 LM3903 LM2904 LM293 LM2930 D D D D D TS27M2 TS27M4 LMC662 LMC660 S S LM2931A LM301A LM308 LM308A LM311 LM2931A LM301A LM308 LM308A LM311 D D D D D p.A723 p.A741 p.A747 ADC0801 ADC0802 LM723 LM741 LM747 ADC0801 ADC0802 D D D D D LM318 LM319 LM323 LM324 LM324A LM318 LM319 LM323 LM324 LM324A D D D D D ADC0803 ADC0804 ADC0805 ADC0820 CA3089N ADC0803 ADC0804 ADC0805 ADC0820 LM3089 D D D D D SIGNETICS The following notations are appended to asalat you In finding the best option. S = NSC Similar Device I = NSC Improved Device xxxv D = NSC Direct Replacement -... CD CD CD ~ n CD ~ ." I» :::. Z C 3 0" ... CD ... ! E ~ Z 1:: Part Number' NSC Part Number Part Number SIGNETICS (Continued) NSC Part Number Part Number NSC Part Number SILICON IX CIS a. ~ CD () C !CD CD a: I 0 OAC-08 OAC-08 OAc-08 ICM7555 LF198 OAC0800 OAC0801 OAC0802 LMC555 LF198 0 0 0 0 0 OG201 OG202 OG211 OG212 OG508 LF13201 LF13202 LF13201 LF13202 LF13508 0 0 0 0 0 LM158 LM185 LM193 LM201 LM207 LM158 LM185 LM193 LM201 LM207 0 0 0 0 0 LF298 LF398 LM2901 LM2903 LM311 LF298 LF398 LM2901 LM2903 LM311 0 0 0 0 0 OG509 LF13509 0 LM211 LM217 LM218 LM224 LM237 LM211 LM217 LM218 LM224 LM137 0 0 0 0 0 LM319 LM324 LM339 LM358 LM393 LM319 LM324 LM339 LM358 LM393 0 0 0 0 0 LM239 LM248 LM258 LM2900 LM2901 .LM239 LM248 LM258 LM2900 LM2901 0 0 0 0 0 MC1408 MC1458 MC1496 NE5034 NE5118 OAC0807 LM1458 LM1496 AOC0841 OAC0830 0 0 0 LM2902 LM2903 LM2904 LM2907 LM2917 LM2902 LM2903 LM2904 LM2907 LM2917 0 0 0 0 0 NE529 NE532 NE5410 NE5517 NE5537 LM361 LM358 OAC1020 LM13600 LF398 S LM293 LM2930 LM2931 LM301 LM307 LM293 LM2930 LM2931 LM301 LM307 0 0 0 0 0 NE555 NE565 NE566 NE567 SA532 LM555 LM565 LM566 LM567 LM2904 0 0 0 0 LM317 LM318 LM324 LM330 LM337 LM317 LM318 LM324 LM330 LM337 0 0 0 0 0 SA534 SE5118 SE529 SE532 SE541 0 LM2902 OAC0830 LM161 LM158 OAC1020 I S S S S LM339 LM348 LM358 LM385 LM3900 LM339 LM348 LM358 LM385 LM3900 0 0 0 0 0 SE566 SE567 SG3524 LM566 LM567 LM3524 0 0 0 LM393 LP111 LP211 LP239 LP2901 LM393 LP311 LP311 LP339 LP339 S S 0 S 0 0 I TEXAS INSTRUMENTS UA2240 ,...A709 ,...A723 ,...A741 ,...A747 LM2240 LM709 LM723 LM741 LM747 0 0 0 0 0 ,...A748 ,...A78LXX ,...A78MXX ,...A78XX ,...A79MXX LM748 LM78LXX LM78MXX LM78XX LM79MXX 0 0 0 0 0 ,...A79XX ADC0803 ADC0804 AOC0805 AOC0808 LM79XX AOC0803 AOC0804 ADC0805 AOC0808 0 0 0 0 0 ADC0809 ADC0820 AOC0831 AOC0832 AOC0834 AOC0809 AOC0820 ADC0831 ADC0832 ADC0834 0 0 0 0 0 AOC0838 LF198 LF347 LF351 LF353 ADC0838 LF198 LF347 LF351 LF353 0 0 0 0 0 LF398 LF411 LF412 LM101A LM107 LF398 LF4l1 LF412 LM101A LM107 0 0 0 0 0 LM108 LM111 LM124 LM139 LM148 LM108 LM1l1 LM124 LM139 LM148 0 0 0 0 0 lbe following notation. are appended to aS8Ist you In finding the bast option. S = NSC Similar Device I = NSC Improved Device xxxvi D = NSC Direct Replacement 0 S 'S S S n Part Number NSC Part Number Part Number TEXAS INSTRUMENTS (Continued) LP311 LP339 LT1004 LT1009 MC1458 MC155 MC3303 MC3403 MC79LXX MF10 LM1558 LM3303 LM3403 LM79LXX MF10 Part Number TLC14 TLC1541 TLC20 TLC252 TLC254 MF4-100 ADC1031 MF10 LMC662 LMC660 0 0 0 0 0 0 TLC25L2 TLC25M2 TLC25M4 TLC27L2 TLC27L4 LMC662 LMC662 LMC660 LMC6042 LMC6044 S S S 0 0 0 0 0 TLC27L7 TLC27M2 TLC27M4 TLC271 TLC272 LMC6062A LMC682 LMC660 LMC6041 LMC6032 0 0 0 TLC274 TLC277 TLC339 TLC532 TLC533 LMC6034 LMC6082A LP339 ADC0829 ADC0829 TLC540 TLC541 TLC545 TLC546 TLC549 ADC0811 ADC0811 ADC0819 ADC0819 ADC0831 S TLC555 LMC555 0 TA7133 TA7140 TA7230 TA7232 TA7233 LM1391 LM386 LM1877 LM2896 LM2877 S S S S S TA7268 TA7269 TA7282 TA7283 TA7313 LM1875 LM2878 LM2896 LM2896 LM386 S S S S S TA7338 TA7366 TA7367 TA7370 TA7504 LM390 LM3914 LM3914 LM3361 LM741 S S S S TA75061 TA75062 TA75064 TA75071 TA75072 LF441 LF442 LF444 LF351 LF353 0 0 0 0 0 LP311 LP339 LM385 LM336 LM1458 NSC Part Number MF4 NE555 NE555 NE592 OP07 MF4 LM555 LM556 LM592 OP07 OP27 OP37 RC4136 RC4558 SA555 LM627 LM63 LM4136 LM833 LM555 SA556 SE2524 SE3524 SE555 SE556 LM556 LM2524D LM3524D LM555 LM556 SE592 TL061 TL062 TL064 TL071 LM592 LF441 LF442 LF444 LF351 TL071 TL072 TL072A TL074 TL0808 LF411 LF353 LF412 LF347 ADC0808 TL0809 TL081 TL082 TL084 TL087 ADC0809 TL081 TL082 LF347 LF411 TL088 TL287 TL288 TL317 TL431 LF411 LF412 LF412 LM317 LM431 S S S TL592 TLC04 TLC0820 TLC10 TLC1225 LM592 MF4 ADC0820 MF10 ADC1225 0 0 0 0 0 0 I I 0 0 0 I S 0 S S I I S S I I S S 0 S 0 0 S TOSHIBA I 0 0 D D I S 0 0 0 a NSC Part Number I :II TA75074 TA75092 TA75092 TA75339 TA75339 LF347 LM2902 LM324 LM2901 LM339 TA75358 TA75358 TA75393 TA75393 TA75458 LM2904 LM358 LM2903 LM393 LM1558 TA7555 TA7612 TA7613 TA7630 TA7640 LM555 LM3914 LM1868 LM1036 LM1868 S S S S TA76524 TA7654 TA7667 TA7688 TA7758 LM3624 LM3914 LM3915 LM1896 LM1868 S S S S S TA7769 TA78LXX TA78MXX TA78XXX TA79LXXX LM1896 LM78LXX LM78MXX LM78XX LM79LXX S TA79XXX TA8117 TA8119 TA8202 TA8211 LM79XX LM1868 LM1896 LM1877 LM2878 S S S S TC9154 LMC1982 S L293 UCH7 UC137 UC150 UC1524 LM18293 LM117 LM137 LM150 LM1524D 0 0 0 0 UC2524 UC317 UC337 UC350 UC3524 LM2524D LM317 LM337 LM350 LM3524D UC78XX UC78XX UC79XX UC79XX LM340-XX LM78XX LM320-XX LM79XX I S 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 fCil :::a a a" '< -: ::l Z C :I a" CD ~ 0 0 0 0 0 UNITRODE I 0 0 D I 0 0 0 0 The following notations are appended to ....81 you In flndlnll the beat option. S - NSC Similar Davlce I - NSC Improved DevIce D - NSC DIrac! Replacement xxxvii ~~- .-~---. ~-- .. ----. ... _----- ---------- rIJ Industry Package Cross-Reference Guide NSC CJ MmV ~= ~ In @ CJ ~ ? 0 D m NSC p.A Signetics Motorola TI AMD Spraque 0 R 4/16 Lead Glass/Metal DIP 0 0 I L Glass/Metal Flat Pack F F Q F F, 5 F TO-99, TO-100, TO-5 H H T, K, L, DB G L H B-, 14- and 16-Lead Low Temperature Ceramic DIP J F U J 0 H P A, B, M R, 0 (Steel) K5 K T0-3 KC K OA K N T,' P N, V P K (Aluminum) B-, 14- and 16-Lead Plastic DIP 'With dual-in-Une formed leads "With radically formed leads xxxviii P, N NSC f~ ~; ~=~ I TO-202 (0-40, Ourawatt) TO-220 3-&5-Lead TO-220 11-, 15- & 23-Lead NSC p.A Signetics Motorola TI AMD Sprague P T U KC U T Low Temperature Glass Hermetic Flat Pack W F TO-92 (Plastic) z W M 5 5 F W F P LP 0 0 L OW LW G 0 bUUUUUd RRRRRRRRRR SO (Narrow Body) (Wide Body) WM ) • 1::1 1::1 IH:I I:H::I 1::1 1::1 1::1 1::1 bJOOUUtR:R:RJ xxxix 5, 0 U 'a "5 CJ u Co) c !u '; a: NSC NSC p.A S1gnetlcs Motorola TI AMD Spraque PCC V Q A FN FN L EP LCC Leadless Ceramic Chip Carrier E L1 G U FKI FG/FH L EK • (I) 2 (.) U a» as ~ Co) l. . tnIlilIIDDJ ~ :;:, 'a oS II~~~~~~~II xl Section 1 Audio Circuits III Section 1 Contents Audio Circuits Definition of Terms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Audio Circuits Selection Guide ....................................................... LM380 Audio Power Amplifier. . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . ... .. .. .. . . . . .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .•. .. . .. . . . LM383 7 Watt Audio Power Amplifier. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LM384 5 Watt Audio Power Amplifier. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LM386 Low Voltage Audio Power Amplifier. .. . . .. ..... .. .. .. . . .•.. . . .. . ..•. .. .... ... .. LM388 1.5-Watt Audio Power Amplifier. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LM389 Low Voltage Audio Power Amplifier with NPN Transistor Array. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LM3901 Watt Battery Operated Audio Power Amplifier.................................. LM391 Audio Power Driver.......................................................... LM831 Low Voltage Audio Power Amplifier............................................ LM832 Dynamic Noise Reduction System DNR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LM833 Dual Audio Operational Amplifier....... ........................................ LM837 Low Noise Quad Operational Amplifier. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . LM1035/LM1036 Dual DC Operated TonelVolume/Balance Circuits...................... LM1037 Dual Four-Channel Analog Switch............................................ LM1040 Dual DC Operated TonelVolume/Balance Circuit with Stereo Enhancement Facility. LM1131A Dual Dolby B-Type Noise Reduction Processor.. .. .. .. .. .. . .. • ... .. .. .. .. ... .. LM1151 Dolby B-Type Noise Reduction System........................................ LM1875 20 Watt Power Audio Amplifier............................................... LM1877 Dual Power Audio Amplifier.................................................. LM1894 Dynamic Noise Reduction System DNR ..................•.................... LM1896/LM2896 Dual Power Audio Amplifiers......................................... LM2877 Dual 4 Watt Power Audio Amplifier. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LM2878 Dual 5 Watt Power Audio Amplifier. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LM2879 Dual 8 Watt Audio Amplifier. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LM3875 High Performance 40 Watt Audio Power Amplifier. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LM3876 High Performance 40 Watt Audio Power Amplifier. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . LMC835 Digital Controlled Graphic Equalizer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LMC1982 Digitally-Controlled Stereo Tone and Volume Circuit with Two Selectable Stereo Inputs. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . .. .. ... . ... .. . .. .. ... . .. .•. .. . . . . .. ... . LMC1983 Digitally-Controlled Stereo Tone and Volume Circuit with Three Selectable Stereo Inputs........................................................................... LMC1992 Digitally-Controlled Stereo Tone and Volume Circuit with Four-Channel Input-Selector ................................................................... 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-7 1-11 1-15 1-20 1-25 1-31 1-39 1-44 1-55 1-67 1-75 1-84 1-90 1-100 1-106 1-116 1-121 1-122 1-128 1-133 1-141 1-149 1-156 1-163 1-170 1-171 1-172 1-187 1-198 1-209 ~National ~ Semiconductor Audio Circuits Definition of Terms Amplifier the audio channel. Dolby level provides this reference and corresponds to a specified tape flux density when recorded with a 400 Hz tone. For reel to reel and eight track cartridge tapes this is 185 nWb/m, and for cassettes Dolby level is 200 nWb/m. Class A A class A transistor audio amplifier refers to an amplifier with a single output device that has a collector flowing for the full 360' of the input cycle. Large-8ignal Voltage Gain The ratio of the output voltage swing to the change in input voltage required to drive the output from zero to this voltage. ClassB The most common type of audio amplifier that basically consists of two output devices each of which conducts for 180' of the input cycle. Output Resistance The ratio of the change in output voltage to the change in output current with the output around zero. ClassC In a class C amplifier the collector current flows for less than 180'. Although highly efficient, high distortion results and the load is frequently tuned to minimize this distortion (primarily used in R.F. power amplifiers). Output Voltage Swing The peak output voltage swing, referred to zero, that can be obtained without clipping. Class 0 A switching or sampling amplifier with extremely high efficiency (approaching 100%). The output devices are used as switches, voltage appearing across them only while they are off, and current flowing only when they are saturated. Power Bandwidth The power bandwidth of an audio amplifier is the frequency range over which the amplifier voltage gain does not fall below 0.707 of the flat band voltage gain specified for a given load and output power. Power bandwidth also can be measured by the frequencies at which a specified level of distortion is obtained while the amplifier delivers a power output 6 dB below the rated output. For example, an amplifier rated at 60 watts with ';:0.25% THD, would make its power bandwidth measured as the difference between the upper and lower frequencies at which 0.25% distortion was obtained while the amplifier was delivering 30 watts. Crossover Distortion Distortion caused in the output stage of a class B amplifier. It can result from inadequate bias current allowing a dead zone where the output does not respond to the input as the input cycle goes through its zero crossing point. Also for IICs an inadequate frequency response of the output PNP device can cause a turn-on delay giving crossover distortion for negative going transition through zero at the higher audio frequencies. Power Supply Rejection The ratio of the change in input offset voltage to the change in power supply voltages producing it. DolbyB Dolby B is a simplified version of the Dolby A professional quality noise reduction system. The amplitude of low level signals over a selected frequency range is increased prior to recording to enhance them above tape noise. On playback the original levels are restored causing a corresponding reduction in the audible tape noise. The major difference with Dolby A which used four frequency bands, is the use of a single variable frequency band with a cut-off frequency that increases in the presence of high level high frequency signals. Slew Rate The internally limited rate of change in output voltage with a large amplitude step function applied to the input. Supply Current The current required from the power supply to operate the amplifier with no load and the output at zero. Thermal Resistance (RTH) An analogy for heat transfer where the ability of a heat conductive system to transfer heat is described in similar terms to those used in an electrical system for power dissipated in a resistor with a given applied voltage. The thermal resistance is given by the temperature differential established when a given amount of power is being dissipated (8 = T1 - T2/Po) with units of ·C/watt. Dolby Level Because of the complementary nature of the Dolby B noise reduction system, the audio channel between the encoder and the decoder must have a fixed gain such that the decoding signal level is within 2 dB of the encoding signal level. Also if recordings are interchangeable the signals in the noise reduction system must be related to the levels in 1-3 II ~National Semlconduclor Audio Circuits Selection Guide Preamplifiers/Systems Application Portable Package Voltage Range Equivalent Input Noise THO PSR Input Coupling Notes Home Auto LM833 (Note 1) • • 8 Pin DIP 8 Pin SO ±5V-±15V 0.5/LV 0.0020/0 100dB DC Low Noise DualOpAmp LM837 (Note 1) • • 14 Pin DIP 14 Pin SO ±5V-±15V 0.5/LV 0.0020/0 100dB DC Low Noise Quad Op Amp Drives SOOO Load Audio Power Amplifiers Application • LM380 LM383 • LM384 Power· Package Portable Home Auto 80 8 Pin DIP 14 Pin DIP • • • 40 @ Voltage 20 2.5W 14.4V Yes 0.20/0 22V Yes 0.250/0 Single Fixed Gain 8 Pin DIP 8 Pin SO 0.33W SV 0.20/0 Single 4V Operation 20 mW Quiescent 0.10/0 Single 4V Operation Min Externals 0.20/0 Single Includes Transistor Array 5.5W 8.SW • 14 Pin DIP 2.2W 12V LM389 • 18 Pin DIP 0.33W SV LM831 • 16PinDIP 1SPinSOlC O.44W LM1877 LM2877 • • • • Single Protected Yes 0.250/0 3/LV SV Yes 0.20/0 Single Battery Operation 10-100W 6OV-100V Yes 0.010/0 3/LV Single Shutdown Pin, Thermal Protected Power Driver 14 Pin DIP 3W 20V 0.050/0 2.5/LV Dual 6V-24V 11 Pin SIP 4.5W 20V 0.070/0 2.5 /LV Dual Flexible Application 1S Pin DIP • • Yes 2/LV 3V 14 Pin DIP • LM391 Single See AN-S9 Fixed Gain 5.5W LM388 • 0.20/0 Notes 14 Pin DIP 5 Pin TO-220 • LM390 bl THO. Input Singlel rl gea e Noise. Dual 18V LM38S • B ·d 1W Dual 1.8V-6V I i I 1-4 Audio Power Amplifiers Application (Continued) Power· Package all Portable Home Auto LM1896 • • • 14 Pin DIP LM2896 • • • • 11 Pin SIP LM2878 LM12 @ 411 20. Voltage 1.1W Bridgeable THO· 6V Yes Input Singlel Noise' Oual 0.1 % 1.4 !LV Dual Notes Low AM Radiation, 3V Op 9V Yes 0.1 % 1.4 !LV Dual No Pops, 3-15V Op 22V Yes 0.15% 2.5 !LV Dual 6V-32V 50W 85W ±30V Yes 0.01 % 9 !LV Single Power Op Amp; SeeAN-446 25W ±25V 0.015% 3,..V Single Low Distortion AtH. Power 2.5W 11 Pin SIP 5.5W • 4-Pin TO-3 LM1875 • 5 Pin TO-220 LM2879 • 11 Pin TO-220 8W 28V Yes 0.05% 2.5 !LV Dual 6V-32V 'Note that all values shown are typical. Please refer to datesheets for test conditions. Audio Controls Application Package Voltage Range 20 Pin DIP 8V-18V 18 Pin DIP 5V-25V Portable Home Auto LM1035/ LM1036 • • LM1037 • • LM13600 (Note 1) LM13700 • • ·• • • • LM3080 (Note 1) • • • 8 Pin DIP • • 24 Pin DIP • • LM1040 LMC835 • Volume Signal to THO Control Range Noise BOdB Separation BOdB 0.05% 75dB Dual DC Controlled TonelVolume/Balance 100dB 0.04% 100dS DC Audio Switch 0.5% 100dS Dual Transconductance Amplifiers 16 Pin DIP ±2V-±18V 16PinSO 16 Pin DIP 16 Pin SO Transconductance Amplifier ±2V-±18V 9V-16V Notes 75dB 80dB 0.06% 28 Pin DIP ±2.5V-±8V ±12dB/Sand 114dB • 75dS Dual DC Controlled TonelVolume/Balance Stereo Enhancement 7 Band Stereo Graphic Equalizer MICROWIRETM Controlled; See AN-435 LMC1982 • 28 Pin DIP 7V-15V 80 dB 95dB 0.008% BOdB 2 Stereo Inputs Volume/ Tone/Fade/Select Enhanced Stereo Loudness Comp. 1M Controlled LMC1983 • 28 Pin DIP 7V-15V 80dB 95dB 0.008% 80 dB 3 Stereo Inputs Volume/ ~one/Fade/Select Loudness Compo 1M Controlled LMC1992 • • 28 Pin DIP 7V-15V BOdB 'Oistorlicn determined by external op amps. Note 1: Oatesheet in Operational AmplHiers Oalabook. 1-5 105dB 0.03% 95dB 4 Stereo Inputs Volume/ Tone/Fade/Select MICROWIRETM Controlled II Noise Reduction Application Package Portable Home Auto LM1131 LM1894 LM832 • • • • • • • • Voltage Range NR Type SV-20V Encoding Singlel Decode NR Effect" Required Duall SIN' Notes Dolby® 10dB Ves Dual 90 dB 14 Pin DIP, SO 4.SV-18V DNR® 12dB No Dual 76 dB NSCSystem DNR® 10dB No Dual 72 dB See AN-384, 386, 390 18 Pin DIP 14 Pin DIP, SO 1.SV-9V 'Note that all values shown are typical; Please refer to datasheets for test conditions. CNRe is a registered trademark of National Semiconductor Corporation. Colby"' Is a registered tradarnark of Dolby Laboratories Licensing Corporation. 1-6 DC Switched ~National ~ Semiconductor LM380 Audio Power Amplifier General Description A selected part for more power on higher supply voltages is available as the LM384. For more information see AN-69. The LM380 is a power audio amplifier for consumer application. In order to hold system cost to a minimum, gain is internally fixed at 34 dB. A unique input stage allows inputs to be ground referenced. The output is automatically self centering to one half the supply voltage. The output is short circuit proof with internal thermal limiting. The package outline is standard dual-in-line. A copper lead frame is used with the center three pins on either side comprising a heat sink. This makes the device easy to use in standard p-c layout. Features • • • • • • • • Wide supply voltage range Low quiescent power drain Voltage gain fixed at 50 High peak current capability Input referenced to GND High input impedance Low distortion Quiescent output voltage is at one-half of the supply voltage • Standard dual-in-line package Uses include simple phonograph amplifiers, intercoms, line drivers, teaching machine outputs, alarms, ultrasonic drivers, TV sound systems, AM-FM radio, small servo drivers, power converters, etc. Connection Diagrams (Dual-In-Line PackaSles, Top View) BVPASS 1 '4 v. NDN·INVERTINO INPUT 2 13 Ne Ne , 11 GND , * INVERTING INPUT 3 • Me INVERTING INPUT • GND 1 • , >, MUlotNVERTING INPUT 2 '.] oaNu{: • BYPASS • VOUT I GND GND " V OUT TLlH/6977 -2 Order Number LM380N·8 See NS Package Number N08E TUH/6977-, Order Number LM380N See NS Package Number N14A Block and Schematic Diagrams LM380N BVPASS . - - - - - - - - - - - -. .----1_0>,1141 v. .... , INPUT r-_ _ _"'2S~·""""----J---_~-o~~TPUT aN. al. TUH/6977-3 BYPASS III LM380N-8 BYPASS >, ... " 'NPUT VOUT '.UT al. -,.Itl 1--.....-0". 121 01. TUH/6977-4 171 GND (,12) al. TLlH/6977-5 1-7 • Absolute Maximum Ratings If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/Distributors for availability and specifications. Supply Voltage 22V Peak Current 1.3A Package Dissipation 14-Pin DIP (Notes 6 and 7) S.3W 1.67W Package Dissipation S-Pin DIP (Notes 6 and 7) Input Voltage Storage Temperature Operating Temperature Junction Temperature Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec.) ESD rating to be determined ±0.5V -55·Cto + 150·C O"Cto +70"C + 150"C +26O"C Electrical Characteristics (Note 1) Symbol Parameter POUT(RMS) Output Power Conditions RL = sn, THO = Min 3% (Notes 3, 4) Typ Max Units 50 60 VIV 2.5 40 W Av Gain VOUT Output Voltage Swing ZIN Input Resistance THO Total Harmonic Distortion (Notes 4, 5) 0.2 % PSRR Power Supply Rejection Ratio (Note 2) 3S dB Vs Supply Voltage BW Bandwidth RL = sn 14 Vp-p 150k n 10 POUT = 2W; RL = 10 Quiescent Supply Current VOUTO Quiescent Output Voltage ISlAS Bias Current sn S Inputs Floating 22 7 25 9.0 10 100 Short Circuit Current 1.3 Isc Note 1: Vs = ISV and TA = 25'C unless otherwise specified. Note 2: Rejection ratio referred to the output with CSYPASS = 5,..F. Note 3: With device Pins 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12 soldered into a 'h." epoxy glass board with 2 ounce copper foil with a minimum surface of 6 square inches. Note 4: CaVPASS = 0.47 ,..fd on Pin 1. Note 5: The maximum junction temperature of the LM380 is t 50'C. Note 6: The package is to be derated at 15'C/W junction to heat sink pins for 14-pln pkg; 75'C/W for S-pin. Heat Sink Dimensions ,y 3~" ~ r- '"---1 1.5 I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ TT 1.5" J 1.55 j Staver Heat Sink #V-7 Staver Company 41 Saxon Ave. P.O. Drawer H Bayshore, NY 11706 Tel: (516) 666·8000 Copper Wings 2 Required Soldered to Pins 3, 4, 5, 10,11,12 Thickness 0.04 Inches --l0.25!-TL/H/6977 -6 1-8 V Hz 100k mA V nA A Typical Performance Characteristics Maximum Device Dissipation vs Ambient Temperature 10 9 I I I I I I I I .,.... INFINnt HEAT SINK 111 STA~lvJ- 6 liN. SQ. ,COPPER WINGS 'I':LER ~ 3SCC/J! ~ ~CC~ FREE AIR o 2 IN. SQ. COPPER FOIL (P.C. IIOARO) o so 10 20 30 40 60 70 80 90 100 TA-AMBIENT lIMPERATURE (CC) Note: 2 oz••opper 101, IIng...."d.d PC board•• 3.5 LEVEL i... r;;. ~ ,:... -. I.D i 1.5 12V lDV .. !. ! "- ,... U 1.0 0.5 ./ "":'" '" ~. ~ / "'ill.... I- :: r;-' JIIU: . "1% B I-~I- iiI- i." i ! 3.0 / /.f"" 2.5 I.!;.v ,. 2.0 1.5 16 1.D ~ 0.5 1.0 1.5 'Z.O Z.S U '" I o 0.5 3.5 4.8 7.1 , i 5.• -...... ,...... 2.0 12 14 I. 16 10 .. 1.0 ~ -,~ 20 1\. an t; 7.0 ~ ~ 1.4 1.2 ;; I.. 1-+++1-+-++1+-+-1 1-+t+I-+-++t+-+-l D. IDO 200 500 I ! D•• V -~ r- ... ~ 181. iii 11/ u 0.2 ~ 0.1 2k 0.6 1.0 5. .L,~ 2.1 I.D Po - OUTPUT _ER (WATTS) lOll 2!H1 . ~. ~ III I I P1 AfEI IS 10 0.1 0.2 wi 1 WI' POUT· ZW 300' 0 10 50dS 6,R 100 310' " " I ''''' 10010 " 1M 10M lOd. II I 11111 11111 .... UdS I I _Ivc~ • IV 0.3 120' I\-IIi" 10 A 2.F lL V 0.' OUTPUT POWER (WATTS) lDd. F:: " U7p.F II!III I I I/~"'" ~'3%THO 1\ ~ 40ul ... III 20 2Ddl 1,.,.1" .. ~!~ 25 Supply Decoupling vs Frequency 'T~O / Vc. -IIV FREQUENCY 1Hz) I I I 1/ 1 I 0.2 i C '" > / 10.3 w 2.0 1.0 0 II Device Dissipation vs Output Power is 0.1 •• . LE,VEL, Output Voltage Gain and Phase vs Frequency 30 ~ ~u c ~~. :--'" ~~~t:!t 40 36 ~ ~ e lIfl I- • 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.' 2.5 3.0 15 .... 4.5 5.0 I-+++I-+-++I+:~v= In l..;' .... - 0.5 1-+t+I-+-++t+-+--i 0.5 COPHRWINGS SEE FIG. PAGE 4 : .... ~ FREDUENCY 1Hz) NUTSINK "TWO :: I.D ; 5.0 6 1.8 22 Ycc= uv I.' • 1.0 l:l U '" 1kHz 211 ~ Total Harmonic Distortion vs Output Power = 1.5 z y. SUPPLY VOLTAGE IV) l '"~ ii5 ....-....-,...,...---....---r.....,....-...,......., lW' 10 ~ 5! OUTPUT POWER (WATTS) ~ O.21!!.r~9:M::j=~~~~II~ L 1.0 •.0 LEVEL I .• 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 •. 5 5.1 - :: -jiTlf-i 3.0 ~ 3% OIST. Total Harmonic Distortion vs Frequency ! 4.0 i, ~~~'-tt "1% II ",2.1 S 2.0 OUTPUT POWER (WATTSI T.=25"C- 1.0 -I": OIST . 2.• 10.0 9.0 V,> A" Device Dissipation vs Output Power-160 Load u LEVEL Power Supply Current vs Supply Voltage .... '.0 ~r-. l- 0.5 OUTPUT POWER IWATTSI C .! r-. I- 12Vr,: !" u o • - 3.' 3%01ST. 3.0 TUH/6977-'2 Device Dissipation vs Output Power-80 Load Device Dissipation vs Output Power-40 Load NO .Y~l~I~APACltm 11111111 D.' 10Hz 100Hz 1kHz III '.k"z FREQUENCY TUH/6977-7 1-9 • Typical Applications Phono Amplifier CRYSTAL CARTRIDGE TlIH/6977 -8 Bridge Amplifier TlIH/6977-9 Intercom v, LISTEN I *,t.F! TILl ~ R_TE~,:, _ I L__________________________ I I I ~ -FDR STABILITY WITH HIBH CURRE.' LOADS TlIH/8977-10 Phese Shift Oscillator '!!iUHa: T"T"T.1 ":" -:" ":" TlIH/6977-11 1-10 ~National ~ Semiconductor LM383/LM383A 7 Watt Audio Power Amplifier General Description Features The LM383 is a cost effective, high power amplifier suited for automotive applications. High current capability (3.5A) enables the device to drive low impedance loads with low distortion. The LM383 is current limited and thermally protected. High voltage protection is available (LM383A) which enables the amplifier to withstand 40V transients on its supply. The LM383 comes in a 5-pin TO-220 package. • • • • • • • • • High peak current capability (3.5A) Large output voltage swing Externally programmable gain Wide supply voltage range (5V-20V) Few external parts required Low distortion High input impedance No turn-on transients High voltage protection available (LM383A) • Low noise • AC short circuit protected Equivalent Schematic 5 ........H ......;,40 L-~~~ __ +INPUT ~ __ ~ ______ ~ __ ~ __ ~ ____ ~ ____________________ Vs VOUT • ~3~GNO -INPUT TL/H17145-1 Connection Diagram Plastic Package 6 SUPPLY VOLTAGE o 4 OUTPUT 3 GROUND 2 INVERTING INPUT 1 NON·INVERTING INPUT TUH/7145-2 Order Number LM383T or LM383AT See NS Package Number T05B 1-11 Absolute Maximum Ratings Input Voltage If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/Distributors for svailability and specifications. Peak Supply Voltage (SO ms) LM383A (Note 2) LM383 40V 25V Operating Supply Voltage 20V Output Current Repetitive Non-repetitive 3.5A 4:5A Conditions 100 (40 dB), RL Typ Max 7.2 8 V 45 80 rnA 20 5 = 40dB = 13.2V, f = 1 kHz = 40, THD = 10% = 20, THD = 10% = 13.8V, f = 1 kHz = 40, THD = 10% = 20, THD = 10% = 14.4V, f = 1 kHz = 40, THD = 10% = 20, THD = 10% = 1.60, THD = 10% = 16V, f = 1 kHz = 40, THD = 10% = 20, THD = 10% = 1.60, THD = 10% Po = 2W, RL = 40, f = 1 kHz Po = 4W, RL = 20, f = 1 kHz Rs = 500,f = 100Hz Rs = 500, f = 1 kHz RS = 0, 15 kHz Bandwidth Rs = 100 kO, 15 kHz Bandwidth Bandwidth Gain Output Power Vs RL RL Vs RL RL Vs RL RL RL Vs RL RL RL Input Noise Current 40, unless otherwise specified 6.4 Input Resistance Input Noise Voltage = 260"C Min Excludes Current in Feedback Resistors Supply Voltage Range Ripple Rejection - 6O"C to + 15O"C Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec.) DC Output Level THD O"Cto +70"C Storage Temperature D Quiescent Supply Current 15W Operating Temperature Electrical Characteristics Vs = 14.4V, TTAB = 25 C,Av = Parameter ±0.5V Power Dissipation (Note 3) 4.8 7 30 Units V 150 kO 30 kHz 4.7 7.2 W W 5.1 7.8 W W 5.5 8.6 9.3 W W W 7 10.5 11 W W W 0.2 0.2 % % 40 44 dB dB 2 p,V 40 pA Note 1: A 0.2 p.F capacitor in series with a HI resistor should be placed as close as possible to pins 3 end 4 for stability. Note 2: The LM383 shuts down above 25V. Note 3: For operating at elevated temperatures, the device must be derated based on a 150'C maximum junction temperature and a thermal resisiance of 4"C/W Junction to case. 1-12 Typical Performance Characteristics Power Dissipation vs Output Power Device Dissipation vs Ambient Temperature 11 . i co S T 14 12 1r7~'--r-.--r-~~ tFljTE jEAT II'~- rl a I I I I I I I I I W H H ~ o m DO n DO 4 .. ~ m c 21 -30 i: --40 1111 5 -so i .. 12 I ~ ~ 100 ........ 30 ~ II o lk 10k o I 4 6 8 11 12 U 11 11 20 FREQUENCY (Hz! VSUPPLY (VI Distortion vs Frequency Distortion vs Output Power ~Ho'.,~ RL .... 10 10 I I f- AV ' 1DO VS"UV f-RL -4 ~21L I VI 10 8 co 1'/ o 40 -80 1M Output Power vs Supply Voltage " " 14 50 ill .~ -- FREQUENCY (H,' 20 C .! I- ~ lOOk 11110 8 W 12 U 11 11 E~CL'uois C~RR'ENi IN FEEo8ACK RESISTORS f - - f - RS'SO -1. ~ ~ I" 10 0 100 146 Supply Current vs Supply Voltage . ~ -20 l"- DO 41 30 I I o 70 ;;; .-"1HO-1011 OUTPUT POWER !WI Supply Ripple Rejection vs Frequency II I 111214 OUTPUT POWER !WI I. II 7' V V~'2JV- r- ..... ~ i""" ,THO - 3% I VS',5V :1/ 1/ ~ ~~V Open Loop Gain vs Frequency ,.co ...co - II TA - AMIIENT TEMPERATURE rCI w RL -2 14 12 t- J.c~ HElT II,!;" ...... il:co .... ~ II - 1~cJ HEA~ SlJK J II !!!co I •C Power Dissipation vs Output Power .o{L' 4 o I D._ r1.5W~: I:;; I '" o 1:=:I:::I::I:I:I:I:III==='='!&WlIJ 4 I I W 12 U 11 11 20 0.1 o II 10 50 loa 100 5DD lk Ik OUTPUT POWER (W) VSUPPLY IVI Output Swing vs Supply Voltage Distortion vs Frequency 10 10 f-AV"00 VS' 14.4V f-RL =2 ~L~~ ~ II 1 ~ i I l- Z.5W~~ I 5k 10k 28Ic FREQUENCY (Hz! o 18 14 RL-4 7 II 10 V I ~ & ~ ......RL·I_f- liP o 20 10 lao 200 5ID 1k 2k Sk 10k 10k o FREQUENCY (HzI I 4 8 I 10 II 14 16 II 10 VSUPPLY (VI TL/HI7145-4 1-13 • Typical Applications Single Amplifier TLlH17145-3 16W Bridge Amplifier Vs Vs lUV lUV lhF SIGNAL INPUT. .......J 1M lOOk TL/H17145-5 Component Layout Single Amplifier Vs RL = 20V = 40 Healsink from: Staver Company 41 Saxon Ave. P.O. Drawer H Bay Shore, .NY 11706 Tel: (516) 666-8000 TL/H17145-6 1-14 IIZI National ~ Semiconductor LM384 5 Watt Audio Power Amplifier General Description Features The LM384 is a power audio amplifier for consumer application. In order to hold system cost to a minimum. gain is internally fixed at 34 dB. A unique input stage allows inputs to be ground referenced. The output is automatically selfcentering to one half the supply voltage. • • • • • • • • The output is short-circuit proof with internal thermal limiting. The package outline is standard dual-in-line. A copper lead frame is used with the center three pins on either side comprising a heat sink. This makes the device easy to use in standard p-c layout. Uses include simple phonograph amplifiers. intercoms. line drivers. teaching machine outputs. alarms. ultrasonic drivers. TV sound systems. AM-FM radio. sound projector systems. etc. See AN-69 for circuit details. Schematic Diagram Wide supply voltage range Low quiescent power drain Voltage gain fixed at 50 High peak current capability Input referenced to GND High input impedance Low distortion Quiescent output voltage is at one half of the supply voltage • Standard dual-in-line package r----------------....-----...-O V.(4) .5 25k OUTPUT fB) BYPASS .5 fH t--t--o+IN -INn..._--' fBI (2) 150k fl,4. 5, 10, 11, 12) (7) GNO GND TL/HI7B43-3 1-15 II Absolute Maximum Ratings If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/Distributors for availability and specifications. Supply Voltage 28V Peak Current 1.3A Power Dissipation (See Notes 3 and 4) Input Voltage Storage Temperature Operating Temperature Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec.) 1.67W ±0.5V -65·Cto + 150"C O·Cto +70"C 26O"C Electrical Characteristics (Note 1) Symbol Parameter ZIN Input Resistance IBIAS Bias Current Av Gain POUT Output Power Conditions Min Typ Max 150 kO 100 Inputs Floating THO = 10%, RL = 80 40 50 5 5.5 Units nA 60 VIV W 10 Quiescent Supply Current 8.5 VOUTO Quiescent Output Voltage 11 V BW Bandwidth 450 kHz V+ Supply Voltage Isc Short Circuit Current (Note 5) 1.3 A PSRRRTO Power Supply Rejection Ratio (Note 2) 31 dB POUT = 2W, RL = 80 12 THO Total Harmonic Distortion POUT = 4W, RL = 80 Note 1: V+ ~ 22V and TA ~ 25"C operating with a Staver V7 heat sink for 30 seconds. Nole 2: Rejection ratio referred to the output with CSYPASS ~ 5 p.F, lreq ~ 120 Hz. Note 3: The maximum lunction temperature 01 the LM384 is 150'C. Nole 4: The package is to be derated at t 5'C/W lunction to heat sink pins. Note 5: Output is fully protected against a shorted speaker cond~ion at all voHages up to 22V. 26 0.25 Heat Sink Dimensions Staver "V7" Heat Sink Staver Company 41 Saxon Ave. P.O. Drawer H Bay Shore. N.Y. Tel: (516) 686-8000 ~16 '''1 l' \\\\\\\\ "ppp.. 1.35 ~v;S 1--- 15 . TL/HI7843-4 1-16 25 1.0 mA V % Typical Performance Characteristics Device Dissipation va Ambient Temperature 12.0 .. ( ',,,,, 10.0 ;: f I '''''' .,." ...... 1.0 Thermal Resistance vs Square Inches 90 ....... ''''''EO'' ~~t... f- r',:~ ::';i1-!;!~!;~ ~';'2~~ ~5'~"~ ..." ~ '.0 . '~" t"" ."" w u ~ '.0 2.8 10 !.... 10 !Ii: 78 w i. I. ~ 60 30 '8 50 &0 70 80 vcc • 2Iv R, -8 lllIlI ........ r- r-- i 21 ~ 3l 4J. ;rr V IrIF NOCA~ .- II o Total Harmonie Distortion vs Frequency ...:;; .. i ..iii d.• III II. ~ I u ii I'" c '" 0.3 0.2 I.~ 1111l1li III 1"111111"" 2W E RL -8 ~ 18 IDle 1M lotio Power Supply Current vs Supply Voltage 2A ..... .- ( !" f I w ~ l!: 2.2 2.0 1.1 1.6 U 1.2 I .• 0.1 D.& GA 0.2 1. 22 SUPPLY VOLTAGE IVI 2& iATSINK 10k 1. 100 FREQUENCY IHzl 111M Device Dissipation vs Output Power-160 Load 10 1. STAVER "yr' FREQUENCY IHzl OUTPUT POWER IWI II ~ ~Vcc -22V 0.1 ~ ;!: 1.0 tOk " FREQUENCY fHl) u '0 111111111 100 10 ~~V~~ ··J7!.IJ~IAT Sl~K 8 t- 41/IF to ,/ o .0 I"'TTTI11"-m,II1II'""'M' I 111111 31 Output Voltage Gain vs Frequency tI~~~TMmr--~-nTMn I :!! ... ........ '1 SQUARE tNCHES OF COPPER FOIL P.C. BOARO HEAT SINK Total Harmonic Distortion vs Output Power ...:;; .. i , 40 T. - AMBtENT TEMPERATURE r'cl ~ ... \ \ 50 30 20 Supply Decoupling vs Frequency lOOk Device Dissipation vs Output Power-80 Load 6 r-- ~ 121VI MV tf uv ......... 1'0. r-7'~ r-o"; 16V V 1'0. -- ~ ~Y ,,' " "" '"' olr. MY uv II C>-~ .,.17" ~ I ..... ~OY [2'..,. 3% OIST. LEVEL LEyEL_ ~;.JJ I I ~~ t:: '10%IDIST.I LEVE~_ I I I I I "vr' HEAT SINK r-- - - STAYER "V7" HEAT SINK STAYER 1 311 OUTPUT POWER IWl 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 OUTPUT POWER IWI Device DISSipation vs Output Power--40 Load OUTPUT POWER 11'11 TUHI7843-5 1-17 ~ CD CO) ~ r---------------------------------------------------------------------------------, Block and Connection Diagrams Dual·ln·Llne Package BYPASS BYPASS 1 14 Vs NDN·INVERTING INPUT Z 13 NC Vs 121 11 GND' Vour 10 I INVERTING INPUT 6 GND GND 7 GND NC Vour TUHI7843-1 "Heatsink Pins TUH/7843-2 Top View Order Number LM384N See NS Package Number N14A Typical Applications Typical 5W Amplifier +22V V,N ...... 11111~t---- 8n TUHI7843-6 Bridge Amplifier 8.1~F ,~ V. TUHI7843-7 1-18 r----------------------------------------------------------------------,~ iii: Typical Applications (Continued) ! Intercom v. l.lpF b. Co ":' 51IpF LISTEN • LISTEN T1 ·25:1 PALK I I I I I _ II L ~ I __________________________ I 'For stability with high current loads TL/HI7843-8 Phase Shift Oscillator v. lk ' .. 4kHz l' l' l' D.lpF D.lpF D.l~F TL/HI7843-9 \ 1-19 ! =s ~ National ~ Semiconductor LM386 Low Voltage Audio Power Amplifier General Description The LM386 is a power amplifier designed for use in low voltage consumer applications. The gain is internally set to 20 to keep external part count low, but the addition of an external resistor and capacitor between pins 1 and 8 will increase the gain to any value up to 200. The inputs are ground referenced while the output is automatically biased to one half the supply voltage. The quiescent power drain is only 24 milliwatts when operating from a 6 volt supply, making the LM386 ideal for battery operation. Features • • • • Battery operation Minimum external parts Wide supply voltage range Low quiescent current drain 4V-12V or 5V-18V 4mA • • • • • Voltage gains from 20 to 200 Ground referenced input Self-centering output quiescent voltage Low distortion Eight pin dual-in-line package Applications • • • • • • • • AM-FM radio amplifiers Portable tape player amplifiers Intercoms TV sound systems Line drivers Ultrasonic drivers Small servo drivers Power converters Equivalent Schematic and Connection Diagrams Dual-In-Llne and Small Outline Packages r----------------------------------------------t--------~~~ GAIN GAIN -INPUT -r-..--I ..... BYPASS +INPUT v. VOUT GNO -INPur TLlH/6976-2 Top View 4 L--4--~----------------__~-4----~--------~~--------~~G.O TL/H/6976-1 Order Number LM386M-1, LM386N-1, LM386N-3 or LM386N-4 See NS Package Number M08Aor N08E Typical Applications Amplifier with Gain = 200 Amplifier with Gain = .20 Minimum Parts v. v,. I~)" I ~PASS -,- ~ 10 ':' ':' TL/H/6976-4 TLlH/6976-3 1-20 Absolute Maximum Ratings If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/Distributors for availability and specifications. Supply Voltage (LM386N·1, -3, LM386M·1) 15V Supply Voltage (LM386N-4) 22V 1.25W Package Dissipation (Note 1) (LM386N) (LM386M) 0.73W Input Voltage ±0.4V -65·Cto + 150"C Storage Temperature Operating Temperature O"Cto +70"C Electrical Characteristics Parameter Junction Temperature + 150"C Soldering Information Dual-ln·Une Package Soldering (10 sec) +26O"C Small Outline Package +215·C Vapor Phase (60 sec) Infrared (15 sec) + 220"C See AN-450 "Surface Mounting Methods and Their Effect on Product Reliability" for other methods 01 soldering surface mount devices. TA = 25·C Conditions Operating Supply Voltage (Vs) LM386N-1, -3, LM386M-1 LM386N-4 Min Typ 4 5 Quiescent Current (Ia) Vs = 6V, VIN = 0 Output Power (POUT) LM386N-1, LM386M-1 LM386N-3 LM386N-4 Vs = 6V, RL = 80, THO = 10% Vs = 9V, RL = 80, THO = 10% Vs = 16V, RL = 320, THO = 10% 4 250 500 700 Max Units 12 18 V V 8 mA 325 700 1000 mW mW mW Voltage Gain (Av) Vs = 6V,I = 1 kHz 10 ,..F from Pin 1 to 8 26 46 dB dB Bandwidth (BW) Vs = 6V, Pins 1 and 8 Open 300 kHz Total Harmonic Distortion (THO) Vs = 6V, RL = 80, POUT = 125 mW f = 1 kHz, Pins 1 and 8 Open 0.2 % Power Supply Rejection Ratio (PSRR) Vs = 6V, f = 1 kHz, CBYPASS = 10,..F Pins 1 and 8 Open, Referred to Output 50 dB Input Resistance (RIN) 50 kO Vs = 6V, Pins 2 and 3 Open 250 nA Input Bias Current (IBIAS) Note 1: For operation in ambient temperatures above 25"C. the device must be derated based on a 150"C maximum junction temperature and 1) a thermal resistance of 80"C/W iunction to ambient for the dual·in·line package and 2) a thermal resistance of 170"C/W for the amall outline package. Application Hints GAIN CONTROL To make the LM386 a more versatile amplifier, two pins (1 and 8) are provided for gain control. With pins 1 and 8 open the 1.35 kO resistor sets the gain at 20 (26 dB). If a capacitor is put from pin 1 to 8, bypassing the 1.35 kO resistor, the gain will go up to 200 (46 dB). If a resistor is placed in series with the capacitor, the gain can be set to any value from 20 to 200. Gain control can also be done by capacitively coupiing a resistor (or FEn from pin 1 to ground. Additional external components can be placed in parallel with the internal feedback resistors to tailor the gain and frequency response for individual applications. For example, we can compensate poor speaker bass response by frequency shaping the feedback path. This is done with a series RC from pin 1 to 5 (paralleling the internal 15 kO resistor). For 6 dB effective bass boost: R .. 15 kO, the lowest value for good stable operation is R = 10 kO if pin 8 is open. If pins 1 and 8 are bypassed then R as low as 2 kO can be used. This restriction is because the amplifier is only compensated for closed-loop gains greater than 9. INPUT BIASING The schematic shows that both inputs are biased to ground with a 50 kO resistor. The base current of the input transistors is about 250 nA, so the inputs are at about 12.5 mV when left open. If the dc source resistance driving the LM386 is higher than 250 kO it will contribute very little additional offset (about 2.5 mV at the input, 50 mV at the output). If the dc source resistance is less than 10 kO, then shorting the unused input to ground will keep the offset low (about 2.5 mV at the input, 50 mV at the output). For dc source resistances between these values we can eliminate excess offset by putting a resistor from the unused input to ground, equal in value to the dc source resistance. Of course all offset problems are eliminated if the input is capacitively coupled. When using the LM386 with higher gains (bypassing the 1.35 kO resistor between pins 1 and 8) it is necessary to bypass the unused input, preventing degradation of gain and possible instabilities. This is done with a 0.1 ,..F capacitor or a short to ground depending on the de source resistance on the driven input. 1-21 ~ Typical Performance Characteristics Power Supply Rejection Ratio (Referred to the Output) vs Frequency Quiescent Supply Current vs Supply Voltage -- I I- i.. I- -~ B ii :!! I- HmrHioHlt+lilllllH+I+IHH iO II ! i i • ~~~~~~OO-H*~ I 7 I I 10 11 ,. IZ sumv VOLTAGE evOlTSI Voltage Gain vs Frequency . ;; z.a ii 4U 10 I. ,. I. 11 I I~ R, =11' POUT" 12& mW co 1.4 1.2 Av .. i 11 D.I 0.1 i • 1M 10 50 lat 2. iOl 1.2 is 1.8 fA fA t.Z ........ . / Vs-IV ./ ~ I .J ~THO ~ " . lEVEL _ v.-tv 1.1 I J .... ,BTHO lEVEL t.Z D.3 fA OUTPUT POWER CWI II i I I~ " Zk ~ i 1 I D••' Ik 1Il10 ZIIIo Device Dissipation vs Output Power-80 Load 2.1 1.1 v.Lzv- I--- 1.4 iiii !" ... Vs=IV RL -Iu '·1kHz G.l1 ... 1.8 FREOUENCV CHII I I 1.1 Distortion vs Output Power ;! .... O.Z Device Dissipation vs Output Power-40 Load 1.1 4i17891111'Z ;; =DdB ce ... - 01 ~ - 4 f- 11 '.0 u .!. I- I !! II I I I 1.6 FREQUENCV CHII z.o I I' SII"l VVOL lAGE evOl TSI I V. =IV co i ..•.cco~ 31 > ~ ~~ Distortion vs Frequency !! '.1 ; 1k ~ ~~ .;'! ~ Ie FREQUENCV CHII II 3 !! cco w co ......:: ~ co w zo HtHllll'1fttHfll--tt '0 I R';,-~ ~ 11 ~ 4U i ~~~Tm~~~~~ 4 I Peak-to-Peak Output Voltage Swing vsSupply Voltage- a.5 .. i I I I I I I 1.1 'r~ co 1.4 Ii I I.Z 1.1 D.I I ... "u t.Z I "I I 1/ I.a Device Dissipation vs Output Power-160 Load -, I V,a12Y rt~ "'V.-~ I ffJ' YJ.-I!I..,J:.::~THO ~ LEVEL IBTHO * I ' " D.Zt.3fAUO.IUa.tD.lI.8 D D.Z DA D.5 fA 1.1 1.2 1.4 1.1 I.t Z.I OUTPUT POWER CWI OUTPUT POWER CWI 1-22 TUH/6976-5 Typical Applications (Continued) Amplifier with Gain = 50 Low Distortion Power Wienbrldge Oscillator 311 v. ELDEMA Vo CF-5-ZI58 I-UHz TL/H/6976-6 Uk a.lloF T TL/H/6976-7 Amplifier with Bass Boost Square Wave OSCillator v. V. +~r" I Ion Ik 1= 1kHz TUH/6976-8 TUH/6976-9 Frequency Response with Bass Boost 21 26 25 iii :!! 24 C 23 z CD III 22 CD ...... c 21 '"> 20 II" I\. J I I \ \ 19 ~ ...... 18 11 20 50 100 200 500 lk 2k 5k 10k 20k FREQUENCY (Hz) TUH/6976-IO 1-23 CD ~ Typical Applications (Continued) AM Radio Power Amplifier Cc FRDM~ Vso-+-..., DETECTOR ..,...., FERRITE BEAD = +1 250pF + *D.Os"F all SPEAKER ":" TUH/6976-11 Note 1: Twist supply lead and supply ground very tlghUy. Note 4: R1Cl band IimHs input signals. Note 2: Twist speaker lead and ground very tighUy. Note 5: All components must be spaced very close to IC. Note 3: Ferrite bead is Ferroxcube K5·001'()OI/3B with 3 turns of wire. 1-24 ~National ~ Semiconductor LM388 1.5 Watt Audio Power Amplifier General Description The LM388 is an audio amplifier designed for use in medium power consumer applications. The gain is internally set to 20 to keep external part count low, but the addition of an external resistor and capacitor between pins 2 and 6 will increase the gain to any value up to 200. The inputs are ground referenced while the output is automatically biased to one half the supply voltage. Features • • • • • Minimum external parts Wide supply voltage range Excellent supply rejection Ground referenced input Self-centering output quiescent voltage • • • • Variable voltage gain Low distortion Fourteen pin dual-in-line package Low voltage operation, 4V Applications • • • • • • • • • AM-FM radio amplifiers Portable tape player amplifiers Intercoms TV sound systems Lamp drivers Line drivers Ultrasonic drivers Small servo drivers Power converters Equivalent Schematic and Connection Diagrams Dual-In-Line Package 14 Vs 14 BYPASS 15k Vs GAIN 13 Your . .! II GAIN -INPUT -INPUT TL/H/7846-2 Top View 3.4.5. 10.11.12 GNU TL/HI7846-1 1-25 Order Number LM388N-1 See NS Package Number N14A Absolute Maximum Ratings If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/Distributors for availability and specifications. Supply Voltage Input Voltage -65'Cto +15O"C Operating Temperature 15V Package Dissipation 14-Pin DIP (Note 1) ±0.4V Storage Temperature 8.3W O"Cto +70"C Junction Temperature 15O"C Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec.) 26O"C Electrical Characteristics TA = 25'C, (Figure 1) Symbol Parameter Conditions Vs Operating Supply Voltage LM388 10 Quiescent Current LM388 VIN = 0 Vs = 12V POUT Output Power (Note 2) LM388N-1 R1 Vs Vs Voltage Gain Av Min Typ Bandwidth THO Total Harmonic Distortion PSRR Power Supply Rejection Ratio (Note 3) RIN Input Resistance Input Bias Current 12 V 23 mA 16 = R2 = 1800, THO = 10% = 12V,RL = 80 = 6V, RL = 40 Vs = 12V, f = 1 kHz 1.5 0.6 2.2 0.8 23 26 46 = 12V,Pins2and60pen Vs = 12V, RL = 80, POUT = 500 mW, f = 1 kHz, Pins 2 and 6 Open Vs = 12V, f = 1 kHz, CBYPASS = 10 p.F, Vs IBIAS Units 4 10 p.Ffrom Pins 2t06 BW Max 30 dB dB 300 kHz 0.1 Pins 2 and 6 Open, Referred to Output 10 Vs W W = 12V, Pins 7 and 8 Open % 1 50 dB 50 kO 250 nA Note 1: Pins 3. 4. 5, 10. 11. 12 at 25'C. Derate at 15'C/W above 25'C case. Note 2: The amplifier should be in high gain for full swing on higher supplies due to Input voltage limitations. Note 3: If load and bypass capacitor Bra retumed to Vs (F1(JUf9 2), rather than ground (Figurrll), PSRR is typically 30 dB. Typical Performance Characteristics Maximum Device DI88lpatlon vs Ambient Temperature 10 . i co 1= i co ! 9 • • 7 5 4=~ 3 2 1 D II 10 I I I I ii IIIFINITEftEATSIIIIC I I I I I I FREE AI Power Supply Rejection Ratio (Referred to the Output) va Frequency Quiescent Supply Current vs Supply Voltage "!""CIW HIN. 0. C.~E~;.IL ==: IT"" r-1C; i::i~:'L ~7.J.r.; If.!:tII ZI 3D 40 .1 II 71 II II 1. T. - AMBIENT TEII'ERATURE rCI N...: 2 ... coppor foil."'_ PUallll. 1 i.. .. :!! •co 41 Ii i .. :!a: 30 a: ./ ZO I/' 10 V- ~ iii a: V- I D .. 4 II 1. I SUPfLYVOLTA8EM ID 11" 1.~ 31 V m V.-1ZV Av o 2ldB .&oF II za 10 11111 ,~ 41 D 0 ll~F V I' l' I. l' 1. FREQUENCY (Hz) I. Tl/HI7846-5 1-26 Typical Performance Characteristics Peak-to-Peak Output Voltage Swing vs Supply Voltage (Continued) Voltage Gain vs Frequency IDr--'~-,--~---.~~ an I~~_,'~ij so J .. i ~ II II: co ..I.= Ii co ~ - r- c ZI '" 1111 SUPPLY VOLTAGE IV) ..= II .. D." 21 1M 1.1 ' 0.81 - 1.1 ~ '1.0 ~v.~v I. , •• 20. r--,---,---,--...,..--, .. Z.I 1--+-+-+---+--1 ~ 1.D1-:::;ii.t"'d--+ i. /. ~ fT V~i 12V - ri-f51 1011111 III Il 2k co ~~~~ \ ~ '"'!-1" 2.1 i II1!1THO LEVEL r--.. Av' ZIII Device Dissipation vs Output Power-80 Load VI-fIV '-1kHz Cu-D / " FREOUENCY IHI) Device Dissipation vs Output Power-40 Load ;! S = 10111< RL -10 ~ Ii= Ii .== 1.0 II o.z I"- FREDUENCY 1Hz) Distortion vs Output Power i! 1. lk 1 I" D.6 0.4 L.~ o 10 V.-12V RL =3r! ·D·O.5W i!!!i 10 II 10 I ;:: .Il~-! 30 Distortion vs Frequency i! s·av ~ .. 1.5 III 11 POWER DUTPUT IWl OUTPUT POWER IWl DUTPUT POWER IWl Device Dissipation vs Output Power-160 Load Z.I .. i 2 i I ~ z.o II 1.& 1.0 .. ~12V ~ 1.5 ~.-. !liTHO LEVEL IIIITHOrvuf V.-IV ~_ o OUTPUT POWER IWl TL/HI7846-6 Application Hints GAIN CONTROL To make the LM388 a more versatile amplifier, two pins (2 and 6) are provided for gain control. With pins 2 and 6 open, the 1.35 kO resistor sets the gain at 20 (26 dB). If a capacitor is put from pins 2 to 6, bypassing the 1.35 kO resistor, the gain will go up to 200 (46 dB). If a resistor is placed in series with the capacitor, the gain can be set to any value from 20 to 200. A low frequency pole in the gain response is caused by the capacitor working against the external resistor in series with the 1500 internal resistor. If the capacitor is eliminated and a resistor connects pins 2 to 6 then the output dc level may shift due to the additional dc gain. Gain control can also be done by capacitively coupling a resistor (or FEn from pin 6 to ground, as in Figure 7. Additional external components can be placed in parallel with the internal feedback resistors to tailor the gain and frequency response for individual applications. For example, we can compensate poor speaker bass response by frequency shaping the feedback path. This is done with a series RC from pin 6 to 13 (paralleling the internal 15 kO resistor). For 6 dB effective bass boost: R '" 15 kO, the lowest value for good stable operation is R = 10 kO if pin 2 1-27 Application Hints (Continued) is open. If pins 2 and 6 are bypassed then R as low as 2 kO can be used. This restriction is because the amplifier is only compensated for closed-loop gains greater than 9 VIV. beta is the value required for the current in R 1 and R2: (R1 INPUT BIASING + R2) = Po (Vs/2) - VBE lOMAX Good design values are VBE = 0.7V and Po = 100. The schematic shows that both inputs are biased to ground with a 50 kO resistor. The base current of the input transistors is about 250 nA, so the inputs are at about 12.5 mV when left open. If the dc source resistance driving the LM388 is higher than 250 kO it will contribute very little additional offset (about 2.5 mV at the input, 50 mV at the output). If the dc source resistance is less than 10 kO, then shorting the unused input to ground will keep the offset low (about 2.5 mV at the input, 50 mV at the output). For dc source resistances between these values we can eliminate excess offset by putting a resistor from the unused input to ground, equal in value to the dc source resistance. Of course all offset problems are eliminated if the input is capacitively coupled. Example: 1 watt into 80 load with Vs = 12V. lOMAX (R1 + R2) =~ - PO = 500mA RL = 100 (12/2) - 0.7) = 10600 0.5 To keep the current in R2 constant during positive swing capaCitor CB is added. As the output swings positive CB lifts R1 and R2 above the supply, maintaining a constant voltage across R2. To minimize the value of CB, R1 = R2. The pole due to CB and R1 and R2 is usually set equal to the pole due to the output coupling capacitor and the load. This gives: When using the LM388 with higher gains (bypassing the 1.35 kO resistor between pins 2 and 6) it is necessary to bypass the unused input, preventing degradation of gain and possible instabilities. This is done with a 0.1 ,..F capacitor or a short to ground depending on the dc source resistance on the driven input 4Co Co CB"'-""- Po .25 Example: for 100 Hz pole and RL = 80; Co = 200 ,..F and CB = 8 ,..F, if R1 is made a diode and R2 increased to give the same current, CB can be decreased by about a factor of 4, as in Figure 4. BOOTSTRAPPING For reduced component count the load can replace R1. The value of (R1 + R2) is the same, so R2 is increased. Now CB is both the coupling and the bootstrapping capacitor (see Figure 2). The base of the output transistor of the LM388 is brought out to pin 9 for Bootstrapping. The output stage of the amplifier during positive swing is shown in Rgure 3 with its extemal circuitry. R1 + R2 set the amount of base current available to the output transistor. The maximum output current divided by Typical Applications RI Vs Va 510 IDk~""-""I TLlHI7846-3 TLlHI7846-4 FIGURE 1. Load Returned to Ground (Amplifier with Gain = 20) FIGURE 2. Load Returned to Vs (Amplifier with Gain = 20) 1-28 Typical Applications (Continued) ~ r----...-O v• r. ~OV' F_. ._ . . 14 Rl R2 TlIHI7848-7 FIGURE 3 Tl/HI7848-8 FIGURE 4. Amp"ler with Gain = 200 and Minimum CB Vs m 270 22,.F V,N 22"F 270 = 411 Vs- 6V RL Vs - 12V RL- TlIHI7848-9 PO-l.OW Po=4W eo FIGURE 5. Bridge Amp 610 Z1 21 . 24 Z3 ow zz j g ;,. CD ~::...--....-~.....~ I-~~Ovo II II II I. II 17 I I " I\, ~ ~ " II 50 lID III III Ik a 110 Ilk 2ft FREQUENCY (HII TlIH/7848-11 FIGURE TlIHI7846-IO FIGURE 6a. Amplifier with Bass Boost 1-29 ab. Frequency Respon. . with Ba.. Boost • Typical Applications (Continued) ..-------, vso-~.- 2.7 3.4.5 10.11.12 TALK TALK .. --------.....,~---o LISTEN REMOTE TL/H/7846-12 FIGURE 7. Intercom 510 Cc FROM........j DETECTOR ""I 10ilF FERRITE BEAD 4.7 TLlHI7846-13 FIGURE 8. AM Radio Power Amplifier Note 1: Twist supply lead and supply ground very tightly. Note 4: RICI band limits input signals. Note 2: Twist speaker lead and ground vsry tighUy. Note 5: All components must be spaced very close to IC. Note 3: Ferrite bead is Ferroxcube KS'()OI'()OI/38 with 3 tums of wire. 1-30 ~National ~ Semiconductor LM389 Low Voltage Audio Power Amplifier with NPN Transistor Array • Low quiescent current drain • Voltage gains from 20 to 200 • Ground referenced input • Self-centering output quiescent voltage • Low distortion Transistors • Operation from 1 ,.A to 25 mA • Frequency range from DC to 100 MHz • Excellent matching General Description The LM389 is an array of three NPN transistors on the same substrate with an audio power amplifier similar to the LM386. The amplifier inputs are ground referenced while the output is automatically biased to one half the supply voltage. The gain is internally set at 20 to minimize external parts, but the addition of an external resistor and capacitor between pins 4 and 12 will increase the gain to any value up to 200. The three transistors have high gain and excellent matching characteristics. They are well suited to a wide variety of applications in DC through VHF systems. Applications • • • • • • • Features Amplifier • Battery operation • Minimum external parts • Wide supply voltage range AM-FM radios Portable tape recorders Intercoms Toys and games Walkie-talkies Portable phonographs Power converters Equivalent Schematic and Connection Diagrams , r-------------------~--_.-O~ • " -INPUT TUH/7847-1 Dual-In-Llne Package s•• • ~ ~ VOUT V. ~ " '''All GAIl n ~ ~ ~ u -II Cl .1 £1 EI Order Number LM389N See NS Package Number N18A 1-31 TL/HI7847-2 Absolute Maximum Ratings If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/Distributors for availability and specifications. Supply Voltage 260"C Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec.) 15V Collector to Emitter Voltage, VCEO 12V Collector to Base Voltage, VCSO 15V Package Dissipation (Note 1) 1.S9W Collector to Substrate Voltage, VCIO (Note 2) Input Voltage ±0.4V Collector Current, Ic 25mA Emitter Current, IE 25mA Storage Temperature -65'Cto + 150"C Operating Temperature O"Cto +70'C Junction Temperature Symbol I Base Current, Is 150'C Electrical Characteristics TA = Parameter 15V 5mA Power Dissipation (Each Transistor) TA ,;: + 70'C 150mW 25'C I Conditions I Min I Typ I Max I Unita AMPLIFIER Vs Operating Supply Voltage IQ Quiescent Current 4 POUT Output Power (Note 3) Av Voltage Gain Vs = 6V, f = 1 kHz 10 p.F from Pins 4 to 12 6 Vs = 6V, VIN = OV THD = 10% Vs = 6V, RL = SO Vs = 9V,RL = 160 250 325 500 23 26 46 12 V 12 mA mW mW 30 dB dB BW Bandwidth Vs = 6V, Pins 4 and 12 Open 250 THD Total Harmonic Distortion Vs = 6V, RL = 80, POUT = 125 mW, f = 1 kHz, Pins 4 and 12 Open 0.2 PSRR Power Supply Rejection Ratio Vs = 6V, f = 1 kHz, CSYPASS = 10 p.F, Pins 4 and 12 Open, Referred to Output RIN Input Resistance ISlAS Input Bias Current Vs = 6V, Pins 5 and 16 Open VCEO Collector to Emitter Breakdown Voltage Ic = 1 mA, Is = 0 VCSO Collector to Base Breakdown Voltage Ic=10p.A,IE=0 VCIO Collector to Substrate Breakdown Voltage Ic = 10 p.A, IE = Is = 0 VESO Emitter to Base Breakdown Voltage IE = 10 p.A,lc = 0 HFE Static Forward Current Transfer Ratio (Static Beta) Ic=10p.A Ic=1mA Ic=10mA hoe Open-Circuit Output Admittance Ic = 1 mA, VCE = 5V, f = 1.0 kHz 20 VSE Base to Emitter Voltage IE = 1 mA 0.7 0.85 V IVSE1-VSE21 Base to Emitter Voltage Offset IE = 1 mA 1 5 mV VCESAT Collector to Emitter Saturation Voltage Ic = 10 mA, Is = 1 mA 0.15 0.5 V CES Emitter to Base Capacitance VES = 3V 1.5 pF CCS Collector to Base CapaCitance Vcs = 3V 2 pF CCI Collector to Substrate Capacitance VCI = 3V 3.5 pF hIe High Frequency Current Gain Ic = 10 mA, VCE = 5V, f = 100 MHz 30 10 kHz 3.0 % 50 dB 50 kO 250 nA 12 20 V 15 40 V 15 40 V 6.4 7.1 100 100 275 275 TRANSISTORS 1.5 7.8 V p.mho 5.5 Note 1: For operation in ambient temperatures above 25'C, the devi09 must be derated based on a 150"C maximum junction temperature and a thermal resistance of 66'C/W junction to ambient. Note 2: The collector of each transistor is isolated from the substrate by an integral diode. Therefore. the collector voltage should remain posHive with respect to pin 17 at all times. Note 3: If Oscillation exists under some load condHions. add 2.70 and 0.05 p.F series network from pin 1 to ground. 1-32 Typical Amplifier Performance Characteristics Power Supply Rejection Ratio (Referred to the Output) vs Frequency Quiescent Supply Current vs Supply Voltage 10 60 - - ~ ~~ ~ -~ '0 ~ 3D > ! ::l & 5 9 7 10 11 ~ w 20 'zc" 10 '" 3D '" ~> Vs=6V 1.4 1.2 Ay =26dB(C•. 12 =0) In u 1.0 i;:!! 0.8 0.& ~ 0.' 0.2 S iii e e 10k 101lle 1.0 .... = e ~ 0.1 ";:::f 0.& 0.5 S 1.4 " ~ 0.3 I.Z z iii w \ it""Vs ·9V \ ~w LE,VEL "~ ,I 0.1 0.1 0.2 i.. ~ Vs=6W ~~E~EL 3% OIST. ./ 0.3 5 0 D.' OUTPUT POWER (WArnl " 0.5 0.8 0.1 0.1 0.8 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 7 8 9 10 12 11 SUPPL Y VOLTAGE (VOL TSI 9 8 Vs "6V RL "Iu f= 1 kHz r-- - ~ ~ J u .." ;;; e ~ g.... 10' , 1.0 II J"D%DIST. ~ ......... Z ;::: 0 0.001 5k 10k 20k 0.01 0.1 POWER OUT (WATTSI v!. 1-. ,'2V ·~AiIMJM ~~CONTINUOUS ~~ ;.... DISSIPATION , , r-,IL ~;!.v;. .Jt-1I%DIST.LEVEL ~Vs'&Y l.£~ f/[ 3"DIST. LEVEL ,, ,--+- 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.' D.5 0.& 0.1 0.8 0.8 1.0 OUTPUT POWER (WATTSI 1.0 Device Dissipation vs Output Power-160 Load Device Dissipation vs Output Power-80 Load , J • FREQUENCY (Hzl r-Vs~u/ \ \ MAXIMUM - ~- ~....... ~~ONTINUOUS DISSlrATION L . 20 50 100 200 500 lk 2k Device Dissipation vs Output Power-40 Load • r-- Distortion vs Output Power !! o 1M '" .!.- 10 ~~u: 8:Z12s'mw I I FREQUENCY (Hd 0.9 0.8 , 1.8 1.8 ~ 10 lk lOOk Distortion vs Frequency 2.0 '"";::: 20 100 10k 10 ~ ~ /. ~r' ~ ~ f- > 100 !! """BI c! !!~~- .0 ~ ~ FREOUENCY (Hz) C!.~!I!I!lo,J 50 iO .. ..'".... ~. ~ 12 Voltage Gain vs Frequency r-nrrnm.......mn.,....,.,.",...,.....,rrmml R';,'~ ~ ~ SUPPL V VOL TAGE (VOL lSI 60 10 ~ ~ I Peak-to-Peak Output Voltage Swing vs Supply Voltage ::; 50 t; ;;; 0.5 ~ .~ z ;:: V.:.;.!~ D.' 0.3 f ~ w u 0.2 ~ 0.1 " / //b l:rg~/ r- I~OIST. " LEVEL V l~~ ,.,.' _3%0IST. LEVEL Vs =IV I ' 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.60.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 OUTPUT POWER (WATTSI TUH/7847-3 1-33 II ; :5 Typical Transistor Performance Characteristics i.. S .. Forward Current Transfer Ratio vs Collector Current 500 250 400 ;; .! 200 I- ~ g; tOO i--" 0 ~ ~ ~ OYNAM;s.. .... 280 l5 ~ . . ..'"-= IUD w 3GO . I I1 )~~~I!ml~11 Ie =101• w ~ Open Circuit Output Admittance VB Collector Current Saturation Voltage vs Collector Current 0.1 8.01 Tile II - 1611 g; .... :1 i -; 50 u o I 0.01 10 M••I i.. 100 c E I. 0.1 COLLECTOR CURRENT (mAl 0.1 COLLECTOR CURRENT (..AI 1.1 IILI COLLECTOR CURRENT (mAl TLlHI7847-4 High Frequency Current Gain vs Collector Current Noise Current vs Frequency Noise Voltage vs Frequency 20 II I IUD la ~ :! w 14 ,.~ 1O .. !!lco '" ~.... 12 ,. :I! 1O c . • co '" I FREQUENCY (Hzl 18 .. ... .. 14 ".. :l .L. 508 C~ ~ co 400 B .... 380 == co 210 I 110 .I °° / , o o FREQUENCY (Hzl g08 and Coe vs Collector Current 7111 1 6ICI t ". .I 0.1 L....JL...UoWLIL.-......u.wll-......u.wu 10 100 Ik IUk "i ,.. !.... ~ ~ w I 8lIO VeE "'SV '·IOOMH. ~ 18 12 10 V 200 I - 180 ~ ..e:= 120 ~ ~ ~ ::; Va.. 'i 10.7 MHz ... I - VeE-SV ._ 10 Ie - COLLECTOR CURRENT (mAl 12 ~ ° 1 ~ 140 8 ~ 80 I 60 40 I 20 .! C...... 180 co o 28 I ~ / ,/ / ,.. ........ ~ :/' I 10 I 10 Ie - COLLECTOR CURRENT (mAl 10k 7k 18 12 c :;I c S ~ S I.. .. ~ "' ;0 ::; ! I o I. r" 14 VeE -IV '-IMHz / 4 1"121418 Contours of Constant NOise Figure g08 and Coe vs Collector Current ."" 1'" 2 Ie - COLLECTOR CURRENT (mAl 4k 2k 700 200 lDO 12 IW 2kHz f-1MHz ~a "" Ik ;;: co 4DO I rl 4d~=~ 8d ~2.B ~4d. l'l1) ..l(J~ 'Ida ,1;; 0.1 0.3 1.0 3.0 10 Ie - COLLECTOR CURREIIT (mAl TLlH17847-5 1-34 Application Hints bypass the unused input, preventing degradation of gain and possible instabilities. This is done with a 0.1 ,...F capacitor or a short to ground depending on the dc source resistance of the driven input. Gain Control To make the LM389 a more versatile amplifier, two pins (4 and 12) are provided for gain control. With pins 4 and 12 open, the 1.35 kO resistor sets the gain at 20 (26 dB). If a capacitor is put from pin 4 to 12, bypassing the 1.35 kO resistor, the gain will go up to 200 (46 dB). If a resistor is placed in series with the capacitor, the gain can be set to any value from 20 to 200. A low frequency pole in the gain response is caused by the capacitor working against the external resistor in series with the 1500 internal resistor. If the capacitor is eliminated and a resistor connects pin 4 to 12, then the output dc level may shift due to the additional dc gain. Gain control can also be done by capacitively coupling a resistor (or FET) from pin 12 to ground. Supplies and Grounds The LM389 has excellent supply rejection and does not require a well regulated supply. However, to eliminate possible high frequency stability problems, the supply should be decoupled to ground with a 0.1 ,...F capacitor. The high current ground of the output transistor, pin 18, is brought out separately from small signal ground, pin 17. If the two ground leads are returned separately to supply then the parasitic resistance in the power ground lead will not cause stability problems. The parasitic resistance in the signal ground can cause stability problems and it should be minimized. Care should also be taken to insure that the power dissipation does not exceed the maximum dissipation of the package for a given temperature. There are two ways to mute the LM389 amplifier. Shorting pin 3 to the supply voltage, or shorting pin 12 to ground will turn the amplifier off without affecting the input signal. Additional external components can be placed in parallel with the internal feedback resistors to tailor the gain and frequency response for individual applications. For example, we can compensate poor speaker bass response by frequency shaping the feedback path. This is done with a series RC from pin 1 to 12 (paralleling the internal 15 kO resistor). For 6 dB effective bass boost: R '" 15 kO, the lowest value for good stable operation is R = 10 kO if pin 4 is open. If pins 4 and 12 are bypassed then R as low as 2 kO can be used. This restriction is because the amplifier is only compensated for closed-loop gains greater than 9VIV. Transistors The three transistors on the LM389 are general purpose devices that can be used the same as other small signal transistors. As long as the currents and voltages are kept within the absolute maximum limitations, and the collectors are never at a negative potential with respect to pin 17, there is no limit on the way they can be used. For example, the emitter-base breakdown voltage of 7.W can be used as a zener diode at currents from 1 ,...A to 5 mA. These transistors make good LED driver devices, VSAT is only 150 mV when sinking 10 mAo In the linear region, these transistors have been used in AM and FM radios, tape recorders, phonographs and many other applications. Using the characteristic curves on noise voltage and noise current, the level of the collector current can be set to optimize noise performance for a given source impedance. Some of the circuits that have been built are shown in Figures 1-7. This is by no means a complete list of applications, since that is limited only by the designers imagination. Input Biasing The schematic shows that both inputs are biased to ground with a 50 kO resistor. The base current of the input transistors is about 250 nA, so the inputs are at about 12.5 mV when left open. If the dc source resistance driving the LM389 Is higher than 250 kO it will contribute very little additional offset (about 2.5 mV at the input, 50 mV at the output). If the dc source resistance is less than 10 kO, then shorting the unused input to ground will keep the offset low (about 2.5 mV at the input, 50 mV at the output). For dc source resistances between these values we can eliminate excess offset by putting a resistor from the unused input to ground, equal in value to the dc source resistance. Of course all offset problems are eliminated if the input is capacitively coupled. When using the LM389 with higher gains (bypassing the 1.35 kO resistor between pins 4 and 12) it is necessary to Vs ~I.7LL(Lll ~~~14 LOCAL OSC & MIXER 1ST If -(13 15 2ND If DETECTOR OUTPUT AMPLIfiER 10 SPEAKER TUH/7847-6 FIGURE 1. AM Radio 1-35 II Application Hints (Continued) . ... t-------~~------_1~----~------_P~------~,~~~------~-1~.o,y , HE"" '" ]) ... "" ... All switches in record mode Head characteristic 280 ~H/3OOll Ul TUH17847-7 FIGURE 2. Tape Recorder ,,,. 5.• -'IV T'·'·' TLlHI7847-8 FIGURE 3. Ceramic Phono Amplifier with Tone Controls 1·36 Application Hints (Continued) FM DETECTOR OUTPUT +IZV . '7", + T VOL TL/HI7847-9 FIGURE 4. FM Scanner NOise Squelch Circuit V. ON RATE 11-7Hd 1& tl2W FRED (251-1510 Hz) II 1= _ _ ' __ O.69R1Cl Ik TLlHI7847 -10 FIGURE 5. Siren +IZV I. Ik +IIV I. Uk " 2.111. • Tremolo Iraq. ,;; 211" (R : 10klC TLlHI7847-11 FIGURE 6. Voltage-Controlled Amplifier or Tremolo CIrcuit 1-37 = :::& Application Hints (Continued) ...I 12V v. NC TL/H17847-12 FIGURE 7. Noise Generator Using Zener Diode 1-38 ~National ~ Semiconductor LM390 1 Watt Battery Operated Audio Power Amplifier General Description The LM390 Power Audio Amplifier is optimized for 6V, 7.5V, 9V operation into low impedance loads. The gain is internally set at 20 to keep the external part count low, but the addition of an external resistor and capacitor between pins 2 and 6 wil increase the gain to any value up to 200. The inputs are ground referenced while the output is automatically biased to one half the supply voltage. • • • • Applications • AM-FM radio amplifiers • Portable tape player amplifiers • • • • • • • Features • Battery operation • 1W output power • Minimum external parts • Excellent supply rejection • Ground referenced input Self-centering output quiescent voltage Variable voltage gain Low distortion Fourteen pin dual-in-line package Intercoms TV sound systems Lamp drivers Line drivers Ultrasonic drivers Small servo drivers Power converters Equivalent Schematic and Connection Diagrams . , " v, lOOT Dual-In-Llne Package STR.. • BYPASS 14 Vs I GAIN 13 VOUT GND GAIN -INPUT -'NPUT +INPUT TL/H/7848-2 3,4,i, to,11,12 GND TLlH/7S48-1 1-39 Order Number LM390N See NS Package Number N14A • Absolute Maximum Ratings If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/Distributors for availability and specifications. Supply Voltage 10V Package Dissipation 14-Pin DIP (Note 1) 8.3W Input Voltage Storage Temperature Operating Temperature Junction Temperature Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec.) ±0.4V - 65'C to + 150'C O'Cto +70'C 150'C 260'C Electrical Characteristics TA = 25'C, (Figure 1) Symbol Conditions Parameter Min Typ Vs Operating Supply Voltage 10 Quiescent Current Vs = 6V, VIN = 0 POUT Output Power Vs = 6V, RL = 4n, THO = 10% 0.8 1.0 Av Voltage Gain Vs = 6V, f 1 kHz 10 ,...Ffrom Pin 2 to 6 23 26 46 Max 4 10 Units 9 V 20 rnA 30 dB dB W BW Bandwidth Vs = 6V, Pins 2 and 6 Open 300 THO Total Harmonic Distortion Vs = 6V, RL = 4n, POUT = 500 mW f = 1 kHz, Pins 2 and 6 Open 0.2 PSRR Power Supply Rejection Ratio Vs = 6V, f = 1 kHz, CBYPASS = 10 ,...F, Pins 2 and 6 Open, Referred to Output (Note 2) 50 dB 50 kn 250 nA 10 Input Resistance RIN Input Bias Current Vs = 6V, Pins 7 and 8 Open Note 1: Pins 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12 at 25'C. Above 25'C case, derate at 15'C/W junction to case. or 85'C/W junction to ambient. Nota 2: If load and bypass capacitor are returned to Vs (F/{JUre 2), rather than ground (Figure 1), PSRR is typically 30 dB. IBIAS kHz 1 % Typical Performance Characteristics Maximum Device Dissipation vs Ambient Temperature 10 .'" i ;: f iii is ~ " ~ J.Ll 9 8 7 & 12 '" 5 l'IIi'c/w 4 ~ C0'rjIOIL r- FflEE AIR ~ r-r;;;;2/~'L ~;7.JZ::; I&°t/W .. ./ 6 o 10 20 30 40 51 80 78 80 80 108 T. - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE rc) °4 50 ~ 40 > 30 . ill ZO ~ 10 t 4 2 r- ~ z V 5 7 6 SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V) Power Supply Rejection Ratio (Referred to the Output) vs Frequency 60 iD l/V 8 ~ ..."" iT"""'" ~g: f-- 3 l/~ 10 II. ~._ ~ SlAVERY7 2 V 14 IN!!.!!I~EATSINK I I I 16 Quiescent Supply Current vs Supply Voltage HIJ~~ ~I I"F 9 Peak-to-Peak Output Voltage Swing vs Supply Voltage RL ~" 8 ""f ~ ~ I...- 7 6 & RL ·an Voltage Gain vs Frequency 80 ;7k"" ~~ i7S ~ ...... 50 40 W i-".: ...... ... 4~ ~~4n ZO co 10 ...c c: > ~ 30 ( I 3 2 1 I 4 5 6 7 a SUPPLY VOLTAGE (VI 9 0 100 IIIII~ II 10 ~ 8.0 " 4.0 . . . ..I" Ii CZ,8"'0"F I~!~~J ~ I 10 100 i! 1.0 0.8 ,.c D.4 ...co 1M 0.1 100. Distortion vs Frequency PO~T .1&OOlmW f-1 kHz I " ............. AJ-ZOO -,.. I~ ;:! 0.2 boo. 10k 1l1li. FREQUENCY (Hz) 1k 10k FREQUENCY (Hzl 2.0 ~ . AV'Z6dS III No.. : 2 oz, topper filii. single...... PC hInI. 8 II I~ I 0 8 ~ O.&.F II" ~v=~O 20 50 1l1li 200 500 1k 2k FREQUENCY (Ht) / / 610 10k ZtIk TL/H/7B4B-5 1-40 Typical Performance Characteristics 'II! ~ 6.0 f=1 kHz 10'0~" VS=6V J.O ~;;; CI u ~ 1.0 0.3 il! ~ ~ ... ;::: ~ ~~'II~~II 2 1.2 ~ :~:~~ r-+-ff~~~~~~ 0.1 ,---'-W-UJJ."--'-...L.-I..u..LW 0.3 0.6 1.0 0.01 0.03 0.06 0.1 Device Dissipation vs Output Power an Load Device Dissipation vs Output Power 40. Load Distortion vs Output Power £ (Continued) 1.0 0.8 ~ 0.4 .. ~ II 0.8 i ;;; V~.Jv ~ VS·7.5V ..- V I-I-.IL 0.8 ~t ,,r' , r-- 0.7 THb.\} 0.6 ', ~rll"'- " 0.5 0.1 0 0 OA POWER OUTPUT IWI o.a 1.2 1.6 2.0 'If ITH~·TI ~ " 0.2 o ~'~ .... VS'6V 0.3 0.2 THO'3%P VS· 7.5V V-" 1 0.4 VTi I I V~ .Jv 11 o 0.2 I I I I 0.' 0.6 0.8 OUTPUT POWER IWI OUTPUT POWER IWI TL/H/7848-8 Application Hints Gain Control To make the LM390 a more versatile amplifier, two pins (2 and 6) are provided for gain control. With pins 2 and 6 open, the 1.35 kn resistor sets the gain at 20 (26 dB). If a capacitor is put from pin 2 to 6, bypassing the 1.35 kn resistor, the gain will go up to 200 (46 dB). If a resistor is placed in series with the capacitor, the gain can be set to any value from 20 to 200. A low frequency pole in the gain response is caused by the capaCitor working against the external resistor in series with the 1500. internal resistor. If the capacitor is eliminated and a resistor connects pin 2 to 6 then the output dc level may shift due to the additional dc gain. Gain control can also be done by capacitively coupling a resistor (or FEn from pin 6 to ground, as in Figure 7. Additional external components can be placed in parallel with the internal feedback resistors to tailor the gain and frequency response for individual applications. For example, we can compensate poor speaker bass response by frequency shaping the feedback path. This is done with a series RC from pin 6 to 13 (paralleling the internal 15 kn resistor). For 6 dB effective bass boost: R "" 15 kn, the lowest value for good stable operation is R = 10 kn if pin 2 is open. If pins 2 and 6 are bypassed then R as low as 2 kn can be used. This restriction is because the amplifier is only compensated for closed-loop gains greater than 9 VIV. bypass the unused input, preventing degradation of gain and possible instabilities. This is done with a 0.1 ,..F capacitor or a short to ground depending on the dc source resistance on the driven input. Bootstrapping The base of the output transistor of the LM390 is brought out to pin 9 for Bootstrapping. The output stage of the amplifier during positive swing is shown in Figure 3 with its external circuitry. R1 + R2 set the amount of base current available to the output transistor. The maximum output current divided by beta is the value required for the current in R1 and R2: (R1 + R2) = flo (Vs/2) - VBE lOMAX Good design values are VBE = 0.7V and flo = 100. Example 0.8 watt into 40. load with Vs = 6V. 10 MAX = (R1 + R2) = /? 100 Po - - = 632 mA RL (!6/~~6;20.7) = 3640. To keep the current in R2 constant during positive swing capacitor CB is added. As the output swings positive CB lifts R1 and R2 above the supply, maintaining a constant voltage across R2. To minimize the value of CB, R1 = R2. The pole due to CB and R1 and R2 is usually set equal to the pole due to the output coupling capaCitor and the load. This gives: Input Biasing The schematic shows that both inputs are biased to ground with a 50 kn resistor. The base current of the input transistors is about 250 nA, so the inputs are at about 12.5 mV when left open. If the dc source resistance driving the LM390 is higher than 250 kn it will contribute very little additional offset (about 2.5 mV at the input, 50 mV at the output). If the dc source resistance is less than 10 kn, then shorting the unused input to ground will keep the offset low (about 2.5 mV at the input 50 mV at the output). For dc source resistances between these values we can eliminate excess offset by putting a resistor from the unused input to ground, equal in value to the dc source resistance. Of course all offset problems are eliminated if the input is capacitively coupled. When using the LM390 with higher gains (bypassing the 1.35 kn resistor between pins 2 and 6) it is necessary to CB""4CC ",,CC flo 25 Example: for 100 Hz pole and RL = 40.; Cc = 400,..F and CB = 16 ,..F, if R1 is made a diode and R2 increased to give the same current, CB can be decreased by about a factor of 4, as in Figure 4. For reduced component count the load can replace R1. The value of (R1 + R2) is the same, so R2 is increased. Now CB is both the coupling and the bootstrapping capacitor (see Figure 2). 1-41 Ir---------------------------------------------------------------~ ,-, :!I Typical Applications IV BV TUH/7848-4 TUHI784B-9 FIGURE 2. Load Returned to Supply (Amplifier with Gain = 20) FIGURE 1. Load Returned to Ground (Amplifier with Gain = 20) r----...-oVs HI ~ 14 r. _ovs F_. ._ . . H2 Tl/HI7848-7 FIGURE 3 TUHI7848-B FIGURE 4. Amplifier with Gain = 200 and Minimum Ca IV 120 120 FIGURE 5. 2.5W Bridge Amplifier 1·42 TUHI7848-9 Typical Applications (Continued) Vs 27 180 . ~ 24 C 23 ...... z c 470,.F I ~ +TvO o.os"F 2. c:::I > 25 22 21 I \ 1 , \.. 20 II i"-- I. RL 17 20 2.7 \. I 58 100 200 500 1k 2k . 5k 10k 20k . FREQUENCY (Hzl TL/HI7B48-11 ':" ':" TUHI7B48-10 FIGURE 6(b). Frequency Response with Bass Boost FIGURE 6(a). Amplifier with Bass Boost 6Vo--1~""'---, TALK TALK MASTER II REMOTE TLlH/7848-12 FIGURE 7. Intercom 180 Cc FROM......j DETECTOR "I Rl 10k ~'k~~~~t-----~~ !50"1JF In SPEAKER ~O.',.F '::" TL/H/7B48-13 FIGURE 8. AM Radio Power Amplifier Note 1: Twislsupply lead and supply ground very tightly. Note 2: Twisl speaker lead and ground very tightly. Nol. 3: Ferrite bead is Ferroxcube KS-001'()OI13B with 3 turns of wire. Note 4: Rl Cl band limits input signals. Note 5: All components must be spaced very close to IC. 1-43 ~ r--------------------------------------------------------------------------------, :5= ~ National ~ SemIconductor LM391 Audio Power Driver General Description Features The LM391 audio power driver is designed to drive external power transistors in 10 to 100 watt power amplifier designs. High power supply voltage operation and true high fidelity performance distinguish this IC. The LM391 is internally protected for output faults and thermal overloads; circuitry providing output transistor protection is user programmable. • • • • • • • ±50V max 0.01% 3,..V 90 dB High Supply Voltage Low Distortion Low Input Noise High Supply Rejection Gain and Bandwidth Selectable Dual Slope SOA Protection Shutdown Pin Equivalent Schematic and Connection Diagram ~--~--~----------._----------t_----------_1~--1_-o15 v+ 21i1c 26k '---+_0 a OUTPUT SOURCE >-....----+--010 + I LIMIT "".i-+--o 11 +SOA +---------+-0. OUTPUT SENSE ~"I-+--o 12 -SOA 1+----+-0 13 -I LIMIT ...------...--------+-0 5 OUTPUTSIIK 21i1c 21i1c L-____~~----~~----~~--------------~~~16 vTLlHI7146-1 Dual-In-Une Package v- +IN v+ -IN SHUTDOWN COMPC -I LIMIT RIPPLE C SINK -SOA DIODE alAS +SOA DIODE BIAS +1 LIMIT OUTPUT SENSE SOURCE TLlHI7146-2 Top View Order Number LM391N-100 See NS Package Number N16A 1-44 Absolute Maximum Ratings Shutdown Current (Pin 14) If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, plesse contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/Distributors for availability and specifications. Supply Voltage LM391N-100 Parameter -65'Cto + 15O'C Storage Temperature O"Cto +70"C Lead Temp. (Soldering, 10 sec.) Supply Voltage less 5V Electrical Characteristics TA = 1.39W Operating Temperature ±50Vor + 100V Input Voltage 1 mA Package Dissipation (Note 1) 26O"C 25'C (The following are forV+ = 90% V+MAXandV- = 90% V-MAX.) Conditions Min Quiescent Current LM391N-100 Current in Pin 15 VIN = 0 Output Swing Positive Negative Drive Current Source (Pin 8) Sink (Pin 5) Typ Max 5 6 V+ - 5 V- + 5 V+ -7 V- + 7 Noise (20 Hz-20 kHz) Input Referred Input Referred Total Harmonic Distortion f = 1 kHz f = 20kHz mA mA 70 3 ",V 90 dB 0.01 0.10 Intermodulation Distortion 60 Hz, 7 kHz, 4:1 Open Loop Gain f = 1 kHz mA V V 5 5 Supply Rejection Units 1000 Input Bias Current 0.25 % % 0.01 % 5500 VIV 0.1 1.0 !LA 5 20 mV Input Offset Voltage Positive Current Limit VBE Pin 10-9 650 650 mV mV Negative Current Limit V BE Pin9-13 Positive Current Limit Bias Current Pin 10 10 100 Negative Current Limit Bias Current Pin 13 10 100 !LA !LA Pin 14 Current Comments Minimum pin 14 current required for shutdown is 0.5 mA, and must not exceed 1 mAo Maximum pin 14 current for amplifier not shut down is 0.05 mA. The typical shutdown switch point current is 0.2 mAo Note 1: For operation in ambient temperatures above 25"C, the device must be derated based on a 150'C maximum Junction temperature and a thermal resistance of 90'C/W junction to ambient Typical Applications If' t Rft ::t r-. CI - THERMAL SWITCH, j,..j- R TH r-"D-t.h ":" OPEN ...1! ~ "LRf2 5 HE ...AR~ ,/ ;;F'CC~ ...A RA "'~ C~B -.!' v- RE Il 9 "'~ RIN .~ 54 LM391 ~. CIN ~ . ~ L +* to f7 "RO iCO ":" TUH/7146-3 FIGURE 1. LM391 with External Components--Protection Circuitry Not Shown 1-45 • Typical Performance Characteristics Total Harmonic Distortion vs Frequency (RL aO) 2111 .. 100 I 81 0: ~ 0.18 RL"411 0.14 V ./ 80 .. !; :: 2:~ ~ I-"" fo0 tlO ./ V I- D.1' 0.08 5 iii e 70 101 Ii 52 * ... C ." ....... := '\.. 61 MI0: 0 .. I:! 50 0.08 90 I I 29 IE Li!! lD • 100 '\... lk 10k IIOk 1M 10M fREQUENCY (HERTZ) 20 51 Total Harmonic Distortion vs AB Bias Current I DA NEJTlV~ sJPPLY 80 60 50 100200 500 lk 2. It 10.2Ok fREQUENCY (HERTZ) POSITIVE SUPPLY WITH CR ~o: '\.. AV=2D 0.14 0.1 t .. ~ 70 411 Cc' IpfWlTH 1 MIl RESISTOR 3D L 0.12 Input Referred Power Supply Rejection vs Frequency I 80 J j!: D.18 20 50 180288 580 1k 210 Ik 10k 20k fREQUENCY (HERTZ) CC-5pf J Av-201l! a D.ZO AV'20 0.D2 Open Loop Gain va Frequency 90 1 1 '.32 0.21 I O.M 1 1 I V D•• . / RL=11l = OAG 0.38 l°.24 = >40 .20 t30 SUPPLY VOLTAGE (VOLTS) 180 I I Av-2DD1 l8.12 ./ ./ I I 0.18 1 a 120 b 1.20 I I ! liD 1'1611 ..E1411 TotalHarmonie Distortion vs Frequency (RL 40) = Output Power vs Supply Voltage "'I" W1TH.OUTCR 1 1 1 1 I'\. I'\. I\. 20 10 1111200 501 lk 2k It 10k 20k CR - Cc fREIlUENCY (HERTZ) ...... l f!20~H' 0.3 1.2~ 0.1 \ 0 0 ""I RL-41l RVIIl 10 1& 20 2& 3D 3& 4D 4& &0 AI 81AS CURRENT (MILLIAMPS) TUHI7146-4 Pin Descriptions Pin No. Pin Name Comments 1 2 3 4 5 6 + Input -Input Compensation Ripple Filter Sink Output BIAS BIAS Source Output Output Sense + Current Limit +SOADiode -SOADiode - Current Limit Shutdown V+ V- Audio input Feedback input Sets the dominant pole Improves negative supply rejection Drives output devices and is emitter of AB bias VBE multiplier Base of VBE multiplier Collector of VBE multiplier Drives output devices Biases the IC and is used in protection circuits Base of positive side protection circuit transistor Diode used for dual slope SOA protection Diode used for dual slope SOA protection Base of negative side protection circuit transistor Shuts off amplifier when current is pulled out of pin Positive supply Negative supply 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ~ ! I i 1-46 External Components (Figure 1) Component Typical Value CIN l,...F Comments Input coupling capacitor sets a low frequency pole with RIN. 1 27TRINCIN fL = RIN lOOk Sets input impedance and DC bias to input. RI2 lOOk Feedback resistor; for minimum offset voltage at the output this should be equal to RIN. Rll 5.1k Feedback resistor that works with RI2 to set the voltage gain. Av = 1 Ct 10,...F Cc 5pF +~ Rll Feedback capacitor. This reduces the gain to unity at DC for minimum offset voltage at the output. Also sets a low frequency pole with Rll. 1 fL=--27TRllC, Compensation capacitor. Sets gain bandwidth product and a high frequency pole. GBW = 1 f = GBW 27T5000Ce' h Av Max fh for stable design :::: 500 kHz. RA 3.9k AB bias resistor. RB 10k AB bias potentiometer. Adjust to set bias current in the output stage. CAB O.l,...F Bypass capacitor for bias. This improves high frequency distortion and transient response. CR 5pF Ripple capacitor. This improves negative supply rejection at midband and high frequencies. CR, if used, must equal Ce. Reb 1000 Bleed resistor. This removes stored charge in output transistors. Ro 2,70 Output compensation resistor. This resistor and Co compensate the output stage. This value will vary slightly for different output devices. Co O.l,...F Output compensation capacitor. This works with Ro to form a zero that cancels f{3 of the output power transistors. RE 0.30 Emitter degeneration resistor. This resistor gives thermal stability to the output stage quiescent current. IRC PW5 type. RTH 39k Shutdown resistor. Sets the amount of current pulled out of pin 14 during shutdown. C2,C'2 1000 pF Compensation capacitors for protection circuitry. XL 1oo115,...H Used to isolate capacitive loads, usually 20 turns of wire wrapped around a 100, 2W resistor. 1-47 • ~ r-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ ~ :5 Application Hints To prevent thermal runaway of the AB bias current the following equation must be valid: GENERALIZED AUDIO POWER AMP DESIGN Givens: Power Output 8JA Load Impedance 8JA is the thermal resistance of the driver transistor, junction to ambient, in ·C/W. Bandwidth The power output and load impedance determine the power supply requirements. Output signal swing and current are found from: VOpeak = ~2 RL Po IOpeak = ~2PO ~ RE is the emitter degeneration resistance in ohms. Pmin is that of the output transistor. (1) VCEOMAX is the highest possible value of one supply from equation (3). (2) K is the temperature coefficient of the driver base-emitter voltage, typically 2 mVl·C. Often the value of RE is to be determined and equation (5) is rearranged to be: Add 5 volts to the peak output swing (VOp) for transistor voltage to get the supplies, i.e., ± (Vop + 5V) at a current of Ipeak' The regulation of the supply determines the unloaded voltage, usually about 15% higher. Supply voltage will also rise 10% during high line conditions. + 5)(1 + regulation)(1.1) RE ~ 8JA (VCEOMAX) K (6) PMIN + 1 The maximum average power dissipation in each output transistor is: (3) J5DMAX = 0.4 POMAX The power dissipation in the driver transistor is: The input sensitivity and output power specs determine the required gain. Ay (5) where: Input Impedance max supplies ::::: ±(VOpeak s: RE (.8MIN + 1) VCEOMAX(K) Input Sensitivity ~ ~Po RL = VORMS (4) VIN VINRMS Normally the gain is set between 20 and 200; for a 25 watt, 8 ohm amplifier this results in a sensitivity of 710 mV and 71 mV, respectively. The higher the gain, the higher the THD, as can be seen from the characteristics curves. Higher gain also results in more hum and noise at the output. J5DRIYER(MAX) = (7) J5DMAX (8) ... MIN Heat sink requirements are found using the following formulas: -Q-- 8 s: TJMAX - TAMAX JA Po 8SA The desired input impedance is set by RIN. Very high values can cause board layout problems and DC offsets at the output. The bandwidth requirements determine the size of Ct and Cc as indicated in the external component listing. s: 8JA - 8JC - 8cs (9) (10) where: TjMAX is the maximum transistor junction temperature. T AMAX is the maximum ambient temperature. The output transistors and drivers must have a breakdown voltage greater than the voltage determined by equation (3). The current gain of the drive and output device must be high enough to supply IOpeak with 5 mA of drive from the LM391. The power transistors must be able to dissipate approximately 40% of the maximum output power; the drivers must dissipate this amount divided by the current gain of the outputs. See the output transistor selection guide, Table A. 8JA is thermal resistance junction to ambient. eSA is thermal resistance sink to ambient. 8JC is thermal resistance junction to case. 8cs is thermal resistance case to sink, typically 1·C/W for most mountings. 1-48 Application Hints (Continued) PROTECTION CIRCUITRY The protection circuits of the LM391 are very flexible and should be tailored to the output transistor's safe operating area. The protection V-I characteristics, circuitry, and resistor formulas are described below. The diodes from the output to each supply prevent the output voltage from exceeding the supplies and harming the output transistors. The output will do this if the protection circuitry is activated while driving an inductive load. resistor is set to limit the current to less than 1 mA (the absolute maximum). This resistor with the capacitor gives a time constant of RC. The turn-ON delay is approximately 2 time constants. Example: Amplifier with maximum supply of 30V, like the 20W, 80 example in the data sheet, requiring a delay of 1 second. Time delay = 2 RC MaxV+ R=-1 mA TURN-ON DELAY It is often desirable to delay the turn-ON of the power amplifier. This is easily implemented by putting a resistor in series with a capacitor from pin 14 to ground. The value of the So: R = 30k. Solving for C gives 16.7 /LF. Use C = 20 /LF with a 30V rating. Protection Circuitry with External Components Protection Characteristics v+_.....- ...~........., RE OUTPUT RE VeE TLlHI7146-6 II Cz IS FOR STABILITY ~ llIOGpF y--......- .....- ......TL/H17146-5 Protection Circuit ReSistor Formulas (Va = V+) Type of Protection RE.R' R1. R'1 R2. R'2 R3. R '3 Current Limit RE =!. IL Not Required Short Not Required Single Slope SOA Protection RE =!. IL R1 =R2 (VM - » ->- 1 kO Not Required Dual Slope SOA Protection (VB = V+) RE =!. IL R1 =R2 (VM - » 1 kO R3=R2[~-1] ILRE - > Note: > is the current limit VBE voltage. 650 mV. Assumptions: V' transistors. ->- > > >. YM > > >. V' is the load supply voltage. VM is the maximum rated VeE of the output 1-49 ,.. ~ ...:E ,-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, OSCILLATIONS" GROUNDING Most power amplifiers work the first time they are turned on. They also tend to oscillate and have excess THO. Most oscillation problems are due to inadequate supply bypassing and/or ground loops. A 10 JoLF, 50V electrolytic on each power supply will stop supply-related oscillations. However, if the signal ground is used for these bypass caps the THO is usually excessive. The signal ground must return to the power supply alone, as must the output load ground. All other grounds--bypass, output R-C, protection, etc., can tie together and then return to supply. This ground is called high frequency ground. On the 40W amplifier schematic all the groun~s are labeled. Capacitive loads can cause instabilities, so they are isolated from the amplifier with an inductor and resistor in the output lead. Application Hints (Continued) TRANSIENT INTERMODULATION DISTORTION There has been a lot of interest in recent years about transient intermodulation distortion. Matti Otala of University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland has published several papers on the subject. The results of these investigations show that the open loop pole of the power amplifier should be above 20 kHz. To do this with the LM391 is easy. Put a 1 MO resistor from pin 3 to the output and the open loop gain is reduced to about 46 dB. Now the open loop pole is at 30 kHz. The current in this resistor causes an offset in the input stage that can be cancelled with a resistor from pin 4 to ground. The resistor from pin 4 to ground should be 910 kO rather than 1 MO to insure that the shutdown circuitry will operate correctly. The slight difference in resistors results in about 15 mV of offset. The 40W, 80 amplifier schematic shows the hookup of these two resistors. AB BIAS CURRENT To reduce distortion in the output stage, all the transistors are biased ON slightly. This results in class AB operation and reduces the crossover (notch) distortion of the class B stage to a low level, (see performance curve, THO vs AB bias). The potentiometer, Re, from pins 6-7 is adjusted to give aoout 25 mA of current in the output stage. This current is usually monitored at the supply or by measuring the voltage across RE. BRIDGE AMPLIFIER A switch can be added to convert a stereo amplifer to a single bridge amplifer. The diagram below shows where the switch and one resistor are added. When operating in the bridge mode the output load is connected between the two outputs, the input is VIN #1, and VIN #2 is disconnected. Typical Applications (Continued) Bridge Circuit Diagram --.5.1k 5.a lOOk lOOk I TLlHI7146-7 Output Transistors Selection Guide Table A. Power Output Driver Transistor Output Transistor PNP NPN PNP NPN 20W@80 30W@40 MJE711 MJE171 043C8 MJE721 MJE181 042C8 TIP42A 2N6490 TIP41A 2N6487 40W@80 60W@40 MJE712 MJE172 043C11 MJE722 MJE182 042C11 2N5882 2N5880 1-50 Application Hints (Continued) A 20W, SO; 30W, 40 AMPLIFIER Givens: Power Output Solving for Ct: 1 7.8,...F;use10,...F 2'IT f1 L The recommended value for Cc is 5 pF for gains of 20 or larger. This gives a gain-bandwidth product of 6.4 MHz and a resulting bandwidth of 320 kHz, better than required. The breakdown voltage requirement is set by the maximum supply; we need a minimum of 58V and will use 60V. We must now select a 60V power transistor with reasonable beta at IOpeak, 3.87A. The TIP42, TIP41 complementary pair are 60V, 60W transistors with a minimum beta of 30 at 4A. The driver transistor must supply the base drive given 5 mA drive from the LM391. The MJE711, MJE721 complementary driver transistors are 60V devices with a minimum beta of 40 at 200 mAo The driver transistors should be much faster (higher fT) than the output transistors to insure that the R-C on the output will prevent instability. To find the heat sink required for each output transistor we use equations (7), (9), and (10): Po = 0.4 (30) = 12W (7) 150"C - 55°C (JJA:;;; 12 = 7.9"C/WforTAMAX = 55°C (9) Ct;;, - R f = 20W into 80 30W into 40 Input Sensitivity Input Impedance Bandwidth 1VMax 100k 20 Hz-20 kHz ± 0.25 dB Equations (1) and (2) give: 20W/80 Vop = 17.9V lOp = 2.24A 30W/40 VOP = 15.5V lop = 3.87A Therefore the supply required is: ± 23V @ 2.24A, reducing to ... ±21V @ 3.87A With 15% regulation and high line we get ± 29V from equation (3). Sensitivity and equation (4) set minimum gain: ~20 x 8 Av ;;, - 1 - = 12.65 We will use a gain of 20 with resulting sensitivity of 632 mY. Letting RIN equal100k gives the required input impedance. For low DC offsets at the output we let Rf2 = 100k. SOlving for Rf1 gives: (JSA :;;; 7.9 - 2.1 - 1.0 = 4.8°C/W (10) If both transistors are mounted on one heat sink the thermal resistance should be halved to 2.4°C/W. The maximum average power dissipation in each driver is found using equation (8): 12 PoRIVER(MAX) = 30 = 400 mW Rf2 = 100k 100k Rh = 20 _ 1 = 5.26k; use 5.1k The bandwidth requirement must be stated as a pole, i.e., the 3 dB frequency. Five times away from a pole gives 0.17 dB down, which is better than the required 0.25 dB. Therefore: Using equation (9): 155 - 55 (JJA :;;; ~ = 23rC/W 20 fL="5=4HZ fh = 20k x 5 = 100kHz 1-51 • ~ ~ ~ ...J r------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, Application Hints (Continued) Since the free air thermal resistance of the MJE711, MJE721 is 100"C/W, no heat sink is required. Using this information and equation (6) we can find the minimum value of RE required to prevent thermal runaway. 100 (30)(0.002) R E~ 30,+ 1 - 0.190 The data points from the curve are: VM = 60V, VB = 23V, IL = 3A, I~ = 7A Using ·the dual slope protection formulas: 0.65 RE = -3- = 0.220 (6) R2 = lk We must now use the SOA data on the TIP42, TIP41 transistors to set up the protection circuit. Below is the SOA curve with the 40 and BO load lines. Also shown are the desirEid protection lines. Note the value of VB is equal to the supply voltage, so we ,use the formulas in the table. 60 - 0.65) RI = lk ( 0.65 :::: 91k , 23 ) ( Rs = 1k 7(0.22) _ 0.65 - 1 :::: 24k Note that an RE of 0.220 Satisfies equation (6). The final schematic of this amplifier is below. If the output is shorted the current will be 1.BA and VeE is 23V. Since the input is AC, the average power is: D_C. SOA ofT1P42, TIP41 Translstora 8~~---r--~~._~--, short f5D = 1f2(l.B) (23) :::: 21 W This power is greater than was used in the heat sink calculations, so the transistors will overheat for long-duration shorts unless a larger heat sink is used. DL-~ D ____ 10 ~~~~~~~ 20 VeE (VOLTS) TL/H17146-8 Typical Applications (Continued) 2OW-SO, 30W-40 Amplifier with 1 Second Turn-oN Delay V+--t---------------~~~._------~--_.~ I 9U 5.1k -21 V TO -29V V-~~--------6_----~~----~--~...J Tl/HI7148-9 • Additional protection for LM391 N; Schottky diodes and R .. 1-52 loon. r-----------------------------------------------------------------------------, r !Ii: Application Hints (Continued) ~ .... Since a heat sink is required on the driver, we should invesA 40W/80, 60W/40 AMPLIFIER tigate the output stage thermal stability at the same time to optimize the design. If we find a value of RE that is good for the protection circuitry, we can then use equation (5) to find the heat sink required for the drivers. The SOA characteristics of the 2N5882, 2N5880 transistors are shown in the following curve along with a desired protection line. Given: Power Output 40W/80 60W/40 1VMax 100k 20 Hz-20 kHz ± 0.25 dB Input Sensitivity Input Impedance Bandwidth Equations (1) and (2) give: to 40W/80 VOPeak = 25.3V IOPeak = 3.16A 60W/40 VOPeak = 21.9V IOPeak = 5.48A Therefore the supply required is: ±30.3V@3.16A,reducingto ... ±26.9V @ 5.48A SOA 2N5882, 2N5880 •\ ~ \ ~ '\ With 15% regulation and high line we get ±38.3V using equation (3). The minimum gain from equation (4) is: ~ .'\:" ...- '" ~. t The input impedance and bandwidth are the same as the 20 watt amplifier so the components are the same. ,..... ~. o o U H H RIN = 100k Cc = 5pF Rft = 5.1k Rf2 = lOOk Ct = 10,..F The maximum supplies dictate using 80V devices. The 2N5882, 2N5880 pair are 80V, 160W transistors with a minimum beta of 40 at 2A and 20 at 6A. This corresponds to a minimum beta of 22.5 at 5.5A (IOpeak>. The MJE712, MJE722 driver pair ara 80V transistors with a minimum beta of 50 at 250 rnA. This output combination guarantees IOpeak with 5 rnA from the LM391. 40 LOAD f-IOLOAO ~ ~I\. ~ !2"HOTECTION ~~ I"< \ Av;;' 18 We select a gain of 20; resulting sensitivity is 900 mV. SOA ---- ~ \ ~ ~ H ~ n H VCE (VOLTS' TUHI7146-10 The desired data points are: VM = 80V Va = 47V IL = 3A I~ = 11A Since the break voltage is not equal to the supply, we will use two resistors to replace R3 and move Va. Circuit Used v, Output transistor heat sink requirements are found using equations (7), (9), and (10): = 0.4 (60) = 24W (7) Po 6JA s: 200 - 55 -2-46SA = 6.O"C/WforTAMAX = 55"C s: 6.0 - 1.1 - 1.0 = 3.9"C/W HE (9) (10) For both output transistors on one heat sink the thermal resistance should be 1.9"C/W. Now using equation (8) we find the power dissipation in the driver: _ 24 (8) PDRIVER = 20 = 1.2W 6JA 150 - 55 s: -1-.2- = 79"C/W TUHI7146-11 Thevenin Equivalent (9) Where: RTH = R~ HE II R~ VTH=V-[~] R~ + R~ TL/HI7146-12 1-53 ~ ~ ::s r------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, Application Hints (Continued) The easiest way to solve these equations is to iterate with standard values. If we guess R~ = 62k, then R~ = 47.12k; use 47k. The Thevenin impedance comes out 26.7k, which is close enough to 25.55k. Now we will use equation (5) to determine the heat sinking requirements of the drivers to insure thermal stability: The formulas for RE, RI , and R2 do not change: 0.65 RE = SA = 0.220 RI = 1k 80 - 0.65 = 120k 0.65 The formula for R3 now gives RTH when the V+ in the formula becomes VB. RTH = R2 kR~B_ 8 JA 8SA';;; 57 - 6 - 1 = 50'C/W (10) This is the required heat sink for each driver. For low TIM we add the 1 MO resistor from pin 3 to the output and a 910k resistor from pin 4 to ground. The complete schematic is shown below. If the output is shorted, the transistor voltage is about 28V and the current is 5A. Therefore the average power is: short j5[) = %(28) 5 = 70W = 1k [11 (0.2;;- 0.65 - 1] = 25.55k VTH is the additional voltage added to the supply voltage to get VB. VTH = -(VB - V+) = -(47 - 30) = -17V Now we must find R~ and R~ using the Thevenin formulas. Putting VTH, V-, and RTH into the appropriate formulas reduces to: and (5) This value is lower than we got with equation (9), so we will use it in equation (10): > - 1] R~ = 0.76 R~ ,;;; 0.22 (20 + 1) ::: 57"C/W 40 (0.002) 25.55k = R~ This is much larger than the power used to calculate the heat sinks and the output transistors will overheat if the output is shorted too long. II R~ Typical Applications (Continued) 40w·ao, 6OW·40 Amplifier 27VT03tV 41k T1D~F 12k 120~ -. 680 114003 S.lk SHUTDOWN .10 'High Frequency Ground -27VTO-3tV "Input Ground •• "Speaker Ground TUH/7146-13 Note: All Grounds Should be Tied Togelher Only al Power Supply Ground. t Additional protection for LM391 N; Schottky diodes and R '" 1000. 1-54 ~National ~ Semiconductor LM831 Low Voltage Audio Power Amplifier General Description Features The LMB31 is a dual audio power amplifier optimized for very low voltage operation. The LMB31 has two independent amplifiers, giving stereo or higher power bridge (BTL) operation from two- or three-cell power supplies. The LMB31 uses a patented compensation technique to reduce high-frequency radiation for optimum performance in AM radio applications. This compensation also results in lower distortion and less wide-band noise. The input is direct-coupled to the LMB31, eliminating the usual coupling capacitor. Voltage gain is adjustable with a single resistor. • • • • • Low voltage operation, 1.BV to 6.0V High power, 440 mW, BO, BTL, 3V Low AM radiation Low noise LowTHD Applications • • • • Portable tape recorders Portable radios Headphone stereo Portable speakers Typical Application Dual Amplifier with Minimum Parts LM831 1&kQ 16kQ R Av 2 +IN 3 -IN 10k ~---------' TL/H/6754-1 AV~46 dB.BW~250 POUT ~ Hz to 35 kHz 220 mW/Ch.RL 1-55 ~ 40 Absolute Maximum Ratings 1.3W (M Package) 1.4W (N Package) If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/Distributors for availability and specifications. Power Dissipation (Note 1), PD Operating Temperature (Note 1), Topr Supply Voltage, Vs Storage Temperature, Tslg 7.5V ±0.4V Input Voltage, VIN + 85'C + 150'C + 150'C + 260'C - 40'C to - 65'C to Junction Temperature, Tj Lead Temp. (Soldering, 10 sec.), T l Electrical Characteristics Unless otherwise specified, TA = 25'C, Vs = 3V, f = 1 kHz, test circuit is dual or BTL amplifier with minimum parts. Symbol Parameter Conditions Vs Operating Voltage 10 Supply Current VIN = 0, Dual Mode VIN = 0, BTL Mode Vos Output DC Offset VIN = 0, BTL Mode RIN Input Resistance Av Voltage Gain Typ Tested Limit Unit (Limit) 3 3 1.8 6 V(Min) V(Max) 5 6 10 15 mA(Max) mA(Max) VIN = 2.25 mVrms , f = 1 kHz, Dual Mode + 200 mVrms @ f = 1 kHz 10 50 mV(Max) 25 15 35 k(Min) k(Max) 46 44 48 dB (Min) dB (Max) PSRR Supply Rejection Vs = 3V 46 30 dB (Min) POD Power Out Vs = 3V, Rl = 40, 10% THO, Dual Mode 220 150 mW(Min) PODl Power Out Low, Vs Vs = 1.8V, Rl = 40, 10% THO, Dual Mode 45 10 mW(Min) POB Power Out Vs = 3V, Rl = 80, 10% THO, BTL Mode 440 300 mW(Min) POBl Power Out Low, Vs Vs = 1.8V, Rl = 80, 10% THO. BTL Mode 90 20 mW(Min) Sep Channel Separation Referenced to Vo = 200 mVrms 52 40 dB (Min) Ie Input Bias Current 1 2 ",A (Max) EnO Output Noise Wide Band (250 - 35 kHz) 250 500 ",V (Max) THO Distortion Vs = 3V, Po = 50 mW, f = 1 kHz, Dual 0.25 1 % (Max) Note 1: For operation in ambient temperatures above 25°C. the device must be derated based on a 1500C maximum junction temperature and a thennal resistance of 98'C/W iunctlon to ambient lor the M package or 9!Y'C/W junction to ambient lor the N package. Connection Diagram Dual-In-Line Package 8TLR Ay +INPUT -INPUT '-' ..!. 2 - - 2. ..., ~ Av 13 ~tt BYPASS 15 r- ~ 4 ..! ~ POWER GROUND ...! SIGNAL GROUNO .!. OUTPUT ..!. rBOOTSTRAP ~ .Eo +INPUT -INPUT BOOTSTRAP 11 POWER GROUND .!!!. ..!. OUTPUT POWER SUPPLY TL/H/6754-2 Top View Order Number LM831M or N See NS Package Number M16B or N16E I 1-56 Typical Performance Characteristics Supply Current vs Supply Voltage PSRR vs Supply Voltage 80 10 NO SIGNAL 70 60 ~L:1:. :r r 2 kHz,S kHz 50 _if' 1 kHz I-if' 400Hz :-1/' 20 1011Hz ~ DUAL MODE I""" '" 40 30 DUAL MODE 10 RAV=O, CBW=O VSWINB s 200mVRMS I-' o o 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 SUPPLY VOLTAGE IV) 4.5 5 5.5 200Hz 6 1.5 Supply Current vs Temperature 2.5 3.5 4 4.5 SUPPLY VOIIADE (V) 5.5 PSRR vs Supply Voltage 80 70 BTL M~OE ~ "" :-- DUAL JDDE ..... 60 ...... ... ~ :-- r r-.. " ~ 50 ~ 40 - -:;; I!~ ::".,.., 30 VCc s3V DUAL MODE 10 -50 -25 25 50 TEMPERATURE 100 75 125 1.5 2.5 2.25 1.25 ~ V V 1.5 1/ V v 70 1 kHz V ~ iii Ii i o 05 1 1.5 2 50 1110kHZ 40 AOOHZ 30 20 CHr Cj.B 2.5 3 3.5 4 SUPPLY VOLTAGE DulL MODE CH·A TO CH·B Vour=20~ mV 10 0.25 o 5.5 60 J ~. 0.5 3.5 4 4.5 SUPPLY VOIIAGE IV) 80 V 1/ 0.75 2.5 Separation vs Supply Voltage 2.75 " li! I F-l kHz DC Output vs Supply Voltage 3 1.75 4OOC VSMN. = 200mVRMS o E QAIN-34 dB IRAV-24OO, caw-no pF) Tr- 20 ~NOStAL GAIN=46 dB (RAV=OO. Caw-O pFI 4.5 5 5.5 o 6 1.5 2.5 3.5 4 '.5 SUPPLY VOLTAGE IV) 5.5 TLlH/6754-4 1-57 .- r---------------------------------------------------------------------------------, CO) CD ~ Typical Performance Characteristics (Continued) Power Output va Supply Voltage Separation va Frequency : :::::11:11111::111:11 : UJllt. - - u I 11111 BTL. , 50 H-+tH#-++tll,w_2401l.C.. _270PFI - - ! i!i i ! 50 ~~Ull~~~~~+=~;t~~~~~ V =:O~.~..-. pfl = ! -.. 40 ~it~~-r~~~-r;"tffi~~ 30 // i. 0.1 I 0.05 co HjlffH#-+-H-!+IfIH--H-H~fI---1 ::~3V. ~~'A TO CH'B-!+IfIH--H-H~fI---1 10 / 0.2 20 50 100 200 500 lK 2K FREQUENCY tHzI 5K , .,/ " DUAL.RL-411 ...... = ..""". ~RL-Jo- - ~ I Jl fl 0.02 I VOUT-IUD mV OL..J..J...U..LJ.I---I-I..J....LLLW..--1.....J...LJ.U.I.LL.....J - '.lkHz THD-l0% 0.01 10K 20K 1.5 2.533.544.1 SUPPlY VOLTAGE tVI 5.5 Power OUtput va Temperature Gain va Frequency 10 6G~~mr-r~Mmr-~Tr 75rttH~-+-HK#m-++++ rort~~~++~~++~ 15 r++H~-+-H~m--r+++ 6G r++H~-+-H~m--r+++ ! i 55 r++H~-+-+iGA'N_4I dB -Oll. Cew-O~PFI _ 50 40 35 30 i JR•• Ioo-~IIII 45 I IIII =F'..rHifII ~ -IH-~HII ru~~'~~I~ 111I!:11I~1~1i"t1++HI11'"1~lM GAIN-3UB' "" I I- 25 1-h9f~~-+tR•• -2401l. Caw-2ro pFI !: ~ 0.1 U 0.1 -Il-+ttI1lW 0.01 Vet-3V DUAL MDOE-+-t+tItIlt-+t-Hiffilt-HtHtIII 0.02 ,-an mM OE 10 20 50 100 200 Yt:c-3V. THD-fO% O ..............WI--'-...u..........L.-..L..L..L.UWL-L...u.oWIII Ul -10 500 lK 2K 5K lDK 20K 50K lOOK FREOUEHCY tHzI I -21 75 25 10 TEMPERATURE t·CI 101 121 500 1II1II Bandwidth va BW Capacitance 50 , 40 "' "' 10 DUALMOOE Vee-IV. RL-40 8AlNj4l., I o lD FREOUEHCV tHzI 20 10 100 20D 8W CAPACITOR tpFI TUH/6754-5 1-58 Typical Performance Characteristics (Continued) Dual Mode, RL = 4n Distortion vs Frequency Dual Mode, RL !z .-to"" 0.2 is ~ GAIN-4& dB (Ro,-OD. Cow-O pFI 0.5 52 :;; 1Ji I J ~:~::::U~~ Cow ~ 270 pFI ~ 0.1 1111 0.2 DUAL MODE. RL - 40 Vee -1.8 TO 6V PoUT-50 mW ICONST.1 0.01 20 50 100 200 500 lK FREQUENCY (HzI ZK 5K 10K ZOK ZO Distortion vs Power Output (Note 2) ~ ~ 0.5 ~ :;; ~ ~ 0.2 ~ 0.1 = 1 kHz 0.1 DUAL MODE 0.2 I T'"~ 0.2 S! 0.1 iiiis O.OS i .••';' .~ 0.5 ieii ;;..- O.S 0.01 0.001 0.002 0.005 0.01 0.02 O.OS 0.1 POWER OUTPUT (WATTI 1 ~l l!t:·)O~ 0.005 emS' ,4V :: ~ /- 0.5 0.2 e- I !! :!l I 0.1 ;;; O.OS 0.02 0.01 O.OOS :D~ ~L 'RL~~I~R\;~1IrHZ: 0.001 0.001 0.0020.00S 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 O.S 1 POWER OUTPUT (WATTI 0.002 2 O.S 1 1111 tHii~3%. 0.01 0.002 0.2 Power Dissipation vs Power Output ill 0.02 ~ Vcc=3V, Rl=80 C,w-Ro,-O,", Power Dissipation vs Power Output ~ 10kHz 0.2 0.02 0.01 0.001 0.002 0.005 0.01 0.02 O.OS 0.1 POWER OUTPUT IWATTI z 5K 10K 0.05 Vcc-3V, RL=40 -CjWjRj'itllll i: 500 lK 2K FREQUENCY IHzI 0.5 DUAL MODE 0.02 100 200 10 io- 10 kHz 0.05 50 Distortion vs Power Output (Note 2) 10 is .§ P~I= DUAL MODE. RL -80 Vee-l.B TO 6V PoUT=5M~ (CO~STil 0.02 0.01 1 .JA" I GAiN:':U dB (Ro, = 2400. Caw-270 0.05 0.02 ~ an Distortion vs Frequency GAIN-46 dB (R",,-OO, CIW=O pFI 0.5 0.1 0.05 ~ ;:: = 10 10 • .Vlto-lo'!, V- ~ ~;~~~~~:~I1lI:,.n, 0.001 0.0010.002 O.OOS 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 O.S POWER OUTPUT IWATTI S e-· ',:.~.' 1 TLlH/6754-6 1·59 II Typical Performance Characteristics (Continued) Device Dissipation vs Ambient Telllperature BTL Mode, RL = SO Distortion vs Frequency 10 U .. ;; 0.5 ~ - GAIN 46 dB ~ 1.6 i if i ~ 0.2 I BAIN-a. dB (R" - 24on. Caw - 270 PI') ~ 0.05 50 100 200 500 lK 2K FREQUENCY (Hzl 5K 10K O.B o Distortion vs Power Output (Note 2) , o 10 2D 30 40 50 60 70 BO AMBIENT TEMPERATURE ('CI 90 100 Supply Current vs Power Output 100D - 500 2DO ~~ l ! ~ 0.5 ~~ ...... o.B 201( 10 !z "", 0.2 ~Uli~OIl"lf (Co~STjl 20 FREE AIR 9O'CIW 0.4 BTL MODE, RL. Bn Vcc=I.B TO 6V 0.02 ~ 1.2 5! (RAV·on, CBW-O pFI 0.1 1.4 z ... 1 kHz 0.2 ~ ..= II: 0.1 ~ 100 50 2D 10 0.05 '" rBTL MODE 0.02 Vee-3V, RL=80 CBW-=RAV=O 0.01 0.001 0.002 0.005 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 POWER OUTPUT (WATTI 0.2 0.5 1 1 f~?rl" 0.0010.0020.0050. 0.2 0.5 1 POWER OUTPUT (WATTI 2 5 10 Power Dissipation vs Power Output 2 v..lJ Vcc-5Y 0.5 ~ ~ ", z 5! 1.00":: 0.2 if ~ 0.1 ~ 0.05 iii' ~ ~'" Vcc-4¥ I THD!3~ Vcc-3Y ~". Vee-2V 1HO':'10% 0.02 BTL MODE RL-an, 1,;,11,~HZ 0.01 0.0010.0020.0050.010.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 POWER OUTPUT (WATTI Note 2: 1 kHz curve is measured with 400 Hz-30 kHz 1 Fi~er. 2 TLlH/6754-7 1-60 Typical Applications BTL Amplifier with Minimum Parts 80 Av +IN Z 3 + VIN], 10"~ lOl~ TL/H/6754-B AV = 52 dB, BW = 250 Hz to 25 kHz POUT = 440 mW, RL = 81l BTL Amplifier for Hi-Fi Quality • 330 pF TLlH/6754-9 AV = 40 dB, BW = 20 Hzto20 kHz POUT = 440 mW, RL = 81l (Dynamic Range Over 80 dB) 1-61 ..- ~ Typical Applications (Continued) Dual Amplifier for HI-Fi Quality 0.33,., ~ &GOpf +n - .~ r¥ AV • +IN 3 2400 ~'J. 22~ J-----' 10 TL/H/6754-10 = 34 dB, BW = 50 Hz 10 20 kHz POUT = 220 mW ICh, RL = 40 Av (Dynamic Range Over 80 dB) Low-Cost Power Amplifier (No Bootstrap) 0.33,.1' ,P: ~':i 10k I '12Ok +1 + 10fX '77,h ,. 15 BYP Av " +IN 13 -IN '-LM831 " asp 1&OJ'F 3. 11~ GND + Vo ~~ 9 ... 47"d~ ~ *120k r-R 1f]+ 1 A, • +IN -IN 3 4 FP' ps~ 5 8ND Vo In Jh • + ;1;0.33,.1' ~. 10k TUH/6754-11 POUT = 150 mW/Ch, BW = 300 Hz to 35 kHz BTL Mode is also possible 'For 3-ce1l applications, 1he 120k resistor should be changed to 20K. 1-62 r-----------------------------------------------------------~~ LM831 Circuit Description Refer to the external component diagram and equivalent schematic. The power supply is applied to Pin 9 and is filtered by resistor R1 and capacitor CSY on Pin 16. This filtered voltage at Pin 16 is used to bias all of the LM831 circuits except the power output stage. Resistor Ro generates a biasing current that sets the output DC voltage for optimum output power for any given supply voltage. co Co) .... The capacitor CNF on Pin 2 provides unity DC gain for maximum DC accuracy. 02 provides voltage gain and the rest of the devices buffer the output load from 02'S collector. Bootstrapping of Pin 5 by CBS allows maximum output swing and improved supply rejection. Feedback is provided to the input transistor 01 emitter by R6 and R7. R5 is provided for bridge (BTL) operation. External Component Diagram ¥t.~~"'~'-(GRO-U-N-DFO_R_B_TL... I _ _- , e" ~F~~ 18 15 BYP Av 14 +IN 13 -IN LMB31 1m ¥t. "'J--------' TL/H/6754-12 1-63 II LM831 .... I: LM831 Equivalent Schematic CD w ..... o ~. C ::;: 12 0, ~ BOOTSTRAP (AI BOOTSTRAP (BI '" " " "" R2 >5011 5011 BYPASS ¥SUPPLY 35011 160 •• n 05 (I) ~. l. o ~ :s i'" 1 ~ ~ 16k OUTPUT (B) 1006 r 1 16k I~ ~511 15 131 R6 R7 I r:= ~ I 'OU~:T(A) 4 -INPUT (B) -INPUT (AI 141 3 +INPUT(BI +INPUT(AI'RB 24k 11 POWER GROUND (B) 24k Q1 .'_R9_ _-I 23k 6 SIGNAL GROUND POWER GROUND (A) TUH/6754-13 r!!I: External Components (Refer to External Component Diagram) Component CD Min Max Co Required to stabilize output stage. Comments 0.33,...F 1,...F Cc Output coupling capacitors for Dual Mode. Sets a low-frequency pole in the frequency response. 1 fL=--21TCcRL 100,...F 10,000,...F Cas Bootstrap capacitors. Sets a low-frequency pole in the power BW. Recommended value is C _ 1 as - 10-21T-fL-RL 22,...For (short Pins 4& 12t09) 470,...F Cs Supply bypass. Larger values improve low-battery performance by reducing supply ripple. 47,...F 10,000,...F Cay Filters the supply for improved low-voltage operation. Also sets turn-on delay. 47,...F 470,...F CNF Sets a low-frequency response. Also affects turn-on delay. 1 fL = 21T-CNF-(RAV + 80) 10,...F 100,...F 0.1,...F 1,...F In BTL Mode, CNF on Pin 15 can be reduced without affecting the frequency response. However, the turn-on "POP" will be worsened. CaTL Used only in the Bridge Mode. Connects the output of the first amplifier to the inverting input of the other through an internal resistor. Sets a lowfrequency pole in one-half the frequency response. 1 fL = 21T.CaTL·16k Caw Improves clipping waveform and sets the high-frequency bandwidth. Works with an internal 16k resistor. (This equation applies for RAV ". For 46 dB application, see BW-Caw curve.) f _ 1 H - 21T.Caw.16k RAV Used to reduce the gain and improve the distortion and signal to noise. If this is desired, Caw must also be used. TypicalAv See table below o. See table below Caw RAY Min Max 46 dB Short Open 4700pF 40dB 82 100 pF 4700pF 34dB 240 270pF 4700pF 28 dB 560 500pF 4700pF 1-65 ....w ~ ~ r-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, Printed Circuit Layout for LM831 N (Foil Side View) Refer to External Component Diagram A·CH INPUT TLlH/6754-14 Not.: Power ground pattern should be as wide as possible. Supply bypass capacitor should be as close to the IC as possible. Output compensation capscitors should also be close to the IC. . 1-66 ~National ~ Semiconductor DYNAMIC NOISE REDUCTION SVS1EM LM832 Dynamic Noise Reduction System DNR® General Description Features The LM832 is a stereo noise reduction circuit for use with audio playback systems. The DNR system is noncomplementary, meaning it does not require encoded source material. The system is compatible with virtually all prerecorded tapes and FM broadcasts. Psychoacoustic masking, and an adaptive bandwidth scheme allow the DNR to achieve 10 dB of noise reduction. DNR can save circuit board space and cost because of the few additional components required. The LM832 is optimized for low voltage operation with input levels around 30 mVrms. For higher input levels use the LM1894. • • • • • • • • • Low voltage battery operation Non-complementary noise reduction, "single ended" Low cost external components, no critical matching Compatible with all prerecorded tapes and FM 10 dB effective tape noise reduction CCIR/ARM weighted Wide supply range, 1.5V to 9V 150 mVrms input overload No royalty requirements Cascade connection for 17 dB noise reduction Applications • • • • The DNA. system is licensed to National Semiconductor Corp. under U.S. patent 3,678,416 and 3,753,159. A trademark and licensing agreement is required for the use of this product Headphone stereo Microcassette players Radio cassette players Automotive radio/tape players Order Number LM832M See NS Package M14A Order Number LM832N See NS Package N14A Application Circuit L INPUT FROM SOURCE SELECTOR 18.-----......, TAPE PREAMP. STEREO I FM DEMODULATOR. MONO AM DETECTOR. ETC. sw L r----------..::::::::;::::::~-~~~~ME CONTROL C1 39nf R3 2k ON ~f 3 C3 v+ ~22nF Cl lOp.!' R + .. sJ~:~------- FROM SELECTOR R ~~-----------------~ME CONTROL FIGURE 1. Component Hook-up for Stereo DNR System 1-67 "TLlH/5176-1 • Abtjiolute Maximum Ratings Soldering Information • Dual-In-Line Package Soldering (10 seconds) 260"C • Small Outline Package Vapor Phase (60 seconds) 215°C Infrared (15 seconds) 220"C See AN-450 "Surface Mounting Methods and Their Effects on Products Reliability" for other methods of soldering surface mount devices." If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/Distributors for availability and speclflcatlons_ > Supply Voltage Power Dissipation (Note 1) Input Voltage Storage Temperature Operating Temperature (Note 1) 10V 1.2W 1.7Vpp -65 to + 150"C -40 to +85° DC Electrical Characteristics TA = 25°CVcc = 3.0V Symbol Conditions Min Typ Max 1.5 3.0 9.0 V 2.5 4.0 mA 5.0 8.0 mA 0.36 0.5 V 0.65 0.8 V 0.50 0.65 0.8 V Pin 4, Pin 11 0.20 0.35 0.50 V Output Voltage (2) Pin 5 Stereo Mode 0.15 0.28 0.40 V VOUT(3) Output Voltage (3) Pin 5 Monaural Mode, DC Ground Pin 14 0.10 0.20 0.30 V VOUT(4) Output Voltage (4) Pin 8 0.25 0.40 0.60 V VOUT(5) Output Voltage (5) Pin 10 BW = Max, Note 2 1.00 1.27 1.50 V VOUT(6) Output Voltage (6) Pin 10 BW = Min, Note 2 0.50 0.65 0.75 V Vos Output DC Shift Pin 4, PIN 11; Change BW Min to Max 1.0 3.0 mV Parameter VOP Icd1) Operating Voltage Supply Voltage for Normal Operation Supply Current (1) Pin 9to GNDO.1 ",F, BW=Min, Note 2 Icd2) VIN(1) Supply Current (2) DC GND Pin 9 with 2k, BW = Max, Note 2 Input Voltage (1) Pin 2, Pin 13 0.20 VIN(2) Input Voltage (2) Pin 6 0.50 VIN(3) Input Voltage (3) Pin 9 VOUT(1) Output Voltage (1) VOUT(2) Units AC Electrical Characteristics Symbol I Parameter MAIN SIGNAL PATH (Note 3) I Conditions I Min I Typ I Max I Units Av C.B. Voltage Gain VIN = 30 mVrms, f = 1 kHz, BW = Max, Note 2 -1.0 0.0 +1.0 dB Channel Balance VIN= 30 mVrms, f= 1 kHz, BW=Max, Note 2 -1.0 0 +1.0 dB fMIN Min Bandwidth 0.1 ",F between Pin 9 - GND 600 1000 1500 Hz fMAX THO Max Bandwidth DC Ground Pin 9 with 2k 24 30 46 kHz Distortion VIN=30 mVrms, f=1 kHz, BW=Max, Note 2 0.07 0.5 MVIN Max Input Voltage THD=3%, f= 1 kHz, BW= Max Note 2 120 150 % mVrms SIN Signal to Noise REF = 30 mVrms, BW = Max, CCIRIARM 60 68 ZIN C.S. Input Impedance Pin 2, Pin 13 14 20 Channel Separation Ref = 30 mVrms, f = 1 kHz, BW = Max, Note 2 40 68 dB PSRR PSRR VRIPPLE=50 mVrms, f= 100 Hz 40 55 dB dB 26 kO CONTROL PATH Avsum(1) Summing Amp Gain (1) VIN=30 mVrms at Rand L, f= 1 kHz -3.0 -1.5 Avsum(2) Summing Amp Gain (2) DC Ground Pin 14, f= 1 kHz -9.0 -6.0 0.0 -3.0 Av 1st Gain Amp Gain Pin 6 to Pin 8 25 30 35 dB ZIN 1st Input Impedance Pin 6 28 40 52 kO AVPKD Peak Detector Gain AC In, DC Out; Pin 9 to Pin 10 25 30 35 VIV ZINPKD VRPKD Input Impedance Pin 9 Pin 10, Change BW Min to Max 500 800 1100 0 0.5 0.62 0.8 Output DC Change Nota 1: For operation in ambient temperature above 25°C, the device must b ~ E ~ ~-0.8%)- r-- ............ 1-000- 30 20 10 o -25 o 25 50 75 TEMPERATURE (OC) TUH/SI76-11 FIGURE 11. Change in main signal path maximum bandwidth vs temperature 1-70 ~ 40 r- JWITHOUT 30 l!; 20 ~ 10 19 kHz PlLOT_ I- 100 FIGURE 9. Frequency response . for various Input levels !... 50 o 10k TL/H/SI76-9 TL/H/SI76-8 FIGURE 8. Output vs frequency and control path signal i;' :!!. I N= ,30.d~_ ~ -3~ S 60 "'0=10dB I -Od8 10 10k TLlH/SI76-7 TUH/SI76-6 FIGURE 5. Output level change vs supply voltsge S 10k TUH/SI76-4 -80 ~ -10 100 lk FREQUENCY (Hz) FIGURE 4. Power supply rejection ratio vs frequency i!' Vee (V) . -60 -70 -BO 20 -70 - 6 1-H~1f-t+1#H#-++H#1!I-I -90 MAXIMUM BW ~ -40 -50 -60 o iil !Ill 12 10k lllIlN.I. r~:~:~~M I..Q' -10 -20 MINIMUMBW - - I - "'0=30 mVrms '=400 Hz REF 1 AT Vee = 3V AND MAX BW 1-H+H+It-H-Hi!liI-++HtlIH-I TL/H/S176-3 -4 co -10 -12 -14 -16 1-H+I*1f-t+1#H#-++H#1!I-I I-H~lf-I+!I#H#-++H#I!I-I FIGURE 3. Channel separation vs frequency I I MAXIMUM BW -2 .. '- lk FREQUENCY (Hz) TL/H/5176-2 FIGURE 2. Supply current vs supply voltsge ! I-HttfttH-ttttH+H-t+HttII-I E-50H+~-+~~++~~ 1-60 I VRIPPLE =500 mVnns NOMINAL BW -I-++i++iIH ;a Ii !'i ~ 10 0 ;- -10 ~ -20 -30 '" -40 i 0 Vifj =30lIIVrms i(l lk 10k FREQUENCY (Hz) lOOk TL/H/SI76-10 FIGURE 10. Gain of control path vs frequency Circuit Operation The LM832 has two signal paths, a main signal path and a bandwidth control path. The main path is an audio low pass filter comprised of a gm block with a variable current, and a unity gain buffer. As seen in Figure 1, DC feedback constrains the low frequency gain to Ay = -1. Above the cutoff frequency of the filter, the output decreases at -6 dB/oct due to the action of the 0.022 ,..F capacitor. The purpose of the control path is to generate a bandwidth control signal which replicates the ear's sensitivity to noise in the presence of a tone. A single control path is used for both channels to keep the stereo image from wandering. This is done by adding the right and left channels together in the summing amplifier of F/{/ure 1. The R1, R2 resistor divider adjusts the incoming noise level to slightly open the bandwidth of the low pass filter. Control path gain is about 60dB and is set by the gain amplifier and peak detector gain. This large gain is needed to ensure the low pass filter bandwidth can be opened by very low noise floors. The capacitors between the summing amplifier output and the peak detector input determine the frequency weighting as shown in the typical performance curves. The 1 ,..F capacitor at pin 10, in conjunction with internal resistors, sets the atteck and decay times. The voltage is converted into a proportional current which is fed into the gm blocks. The bandwidth sensitivity to gm current is 70 Hz/,..A. In FM stereo applications a 19 kHz pilot filter is inserted between pin 8 and pin 9 as shown in Figure 16. acts as an integrator and is unable to detect it. Because of this, signals of sufficient energy to mask noise open the bandwidth to 90% of the maximum value in less than 1 ms. Reducing the bandwidth to within 10% of its minimum value is done in about 60 ms: long enough to allow the ambience of the music to pass through, but not so long as to allow the noise floor to become audible. 3. Reducing the audio bandwidth reduces the audibility of noise. Audibility of noise is dependent on noise spectrum, or how the noise energy is distributed with frequency. Depending on the tape and the recorder equalization, tape noise spectrum may be slightly rolled off with frequency on a per octave basis. The ear sensitivity on the other hand greatly increases between 2 kHz and 10kHz. Noise in this region is extremely audible. The DNR system low pass filters this noise. Low frequency music will not appreciably open the DNR bandwidth, thus 2 kHz to 20 kHz noise is not heard. Application Hints The DNR system should always be placed before tone and volume controls as shown in F/{/ure 1. This is because any adjustment of these controls would alter the noise floor seen by the DNR control path. The sensitivity resistors R1 and R2 may need to be switched with the input selector, depending on the noise floors of different sources, i.e., tape, FM, phono. To determine the value of R1 and R2 in a tape system for instance; apply tape noise (no program material) and adjust the ratio of R 1 and R2 to slightly open the bandwidth of the main signal path. This can easily be done by viewing the capaCitor voltege of pin 10 with an oscilloscope, or by using the circuit of Figure 12. This circuit gives an LED display of the voltage on the peak detector capaCitor. Adjust the values of R 1 and R2 (their sum is always 1 kfi) to light the LEOs of pin 1 and pin 18. The LED bar graph does not indicate Signal level, but rather instantaneous bandwidth of the two filters; it should not be used as a signal-level indicator. For greater flexibility in setting the bandwidth sensitivity, R1 and R2 could be replaced by a 1 kO potentiometer. To change the minimum and maximum vaiue of bandwidth, the integrating capaCitors, C3 and C10, can be scaled up or down. Since the bandwidth is inversely proportional to the capaCitance, changing this 0.022 ,..F capacitor to 0.015 ,..F will change the typical bandwidth from 1 kHz-30 kHz to 1.5 kHz-44 kHz. With C3 and C10 set at 0.022 ,..F, the maximum bandwidth is typically 30 kHz. A double pole double throw switch can be used to completely bypass DNA. The capacitor on pin 10 in conjunction with internal resistors sets the atteck and decay times. The atteck time can be altered by changing the size of C9. Decay times can be decreased by paralleling a resistor with C9, and increased by increaSing the value of C9. Normal methods of evaluating the frequency response of the LM 832 can be misleat;ling if the input signal is also applied to the control path. Since the control path includes a frequency weighting network, a constant amplitude but varying frequency input signal will change the audio signal path bandwidth in a non-linear fashion. Measurements of the audio signal path frequency response will therefore be in error since the bandwidth will be changing during the measurement. See Figure 9 for an example of the misleading results thet can be obtained from this measurement approach. Although the frequency response is always flat below a single high-frequency pole, the lower curves do not resemble single pole responses at all. A more accurate evaluation of the frequency response can be seen in F/{/ure 8. In this case the main signal path is frequency swept while, the control path has a constant frequency applied. It can be seen that different control path frequencies each give a distinctive gain roll-off. PSYCHOACOUSTIC BASICS The dynamic noise reduction system is a low pass filter that has a variable bandwidth of 1 kHz to 30 kHz, dependent on music spectrum. The DNR system operates on three principles of psychoacoustics. 1. Music and speech can mask noise. In the absence of source material, background noise can be very audible. However, when music or speech is present, the human ear is less able to distinguish the noise--the source material is said to mask the noise. The degree of masking is dependent on the amplitude and spectral content (frequencies) of the source material, but in general multiple tones around 1 kHz are capable of providing excellent masking of noise over a very wide frequency range. 2. The ear cannot detect distortion for less than 1 ms. On a transient basis, if distortion occurs in less than 1 ms, the ear When measuring the amount of noise reduction of DNR in a cassette tape system, the frequency response of the cassette should be flat to 10 kHz. The CCIR weighting network has substantial gain to 8 kHz and any additional roll-off in the cassette player will reduce the benefits of DNR noise reduction. A typical signal-to-noise measurement circuit is shown in Figure 13. The DNR system should be switched from maximum bandwidth to nominal bandwidth with tape noise as a signal source. The reduction in measured noise is the signal-to-noise ratio improvement. 1-71 II ~ r-------------------------------------------~--------------------------~----------------_, ~ ~ Application Hints (Continued) 2.2,.F A~:~~~--------------------~--~ 620 620 'TUH/5176-12 FIGURE 12. Bar Graph Display of Peak Detector Voltage TL/H/5176-13 FIGURE 13. Technique for Measuring SIN Improvement of the DNR System CASCADE CONNECTION Additional noise reduction can be obtained by cascading the DNR filters. With two filters cascaded the rollof! is 12 dB per octave. For proper operating bandwidth the capacitors on pin 3 and 12 are changed to 15 nF. The resulting noise reduction is about 17 dB. L INPUT ----1 Figure 15 shows the monaural cascade connection. Note that pin 14 is grounded so only the pin 2 input is fed to the summing amp and therefore the control path. Figure 14 shows the stereo cascade connection. Note that pin 14 is open circuit as in normal stereo operation. r------------L + ~47pF...L 1 pF ":' OUTPUT 39 nF v+---t~--~--_+~--~--~~--~--~~------. T 15nF + Rl* 1/Af RINPUT W ----1 'Rl + R2 = 1 kll (refer to application hints) FIGURE 14. Stereo Cascade Connection 1-72 TL-l_/Af________ ROUTPUT TUH/5176-14 Application Hints (Continued) r------------ OUTPUT 2k 39 nF ON r-~~____~~__~~____~____~~____~____~~~~F~: V+-i---t I N P U T - - - - - -..... 'Rl + R2 ~ TLlH15176-15 1 kll (refer to application hints) FIGURE 15. Monaural Cascade Connection FMSTEREO When using the DNR system with FM stereo as the audio source, it is important to eliminate the ultrasonic frequencies that accompany the audio. If the radio has a multiplex filter to remove the ultrasonics there will be no problem. This filtering can be done at the output of the demodulator, before the DNR system, or in the DNR system control path. Standard audio multiplex filters are available for use at the output of the demodulator from several filter companies. Figure 16 shows the additional components L1, C15 and C16 that are added to the control path for FM stereo applications. The coil must be tuned to 19 kHz, the FM pilot frequency. ~---------~L~I-----LOOO"" 4.7mK C16 15nF II FROM FM MPX 'Rl+R2~1 ~~---6-1!Il~ 1,.1' R INPUT ----1 Kil (refer to application hints) ~---------------ROOOPUT + TLlH15176-16 FIGURE 16. FM Stereo Application FOR FURTHER READING Tape Noise Levels Noise Masking 1. "Masking and Discrimination", Bos and De Boer, JAES, Volume 39, #4,1966. 1. "A Wide Range Dynamic Noise Reduction System" Blackmer, 'dB' Magazine, August-September 1972, Volume 6, #8. 2. "The Masking of Pure Tones and Speech by While Noise", Hawkins and Stevens, JAES, Volume 22, # 1, 1950. 3. "Sound System Engineering", Davis, Howard W. Sams and Co. 4. "High Quality Sound Reproduction", Moir, Chapman Hall, 1960. 2. "Dolby B-Type Noise Reduction System", Berkowitz and Gundry, Sert Journal, May-June 1974, Volume 8. 3. "Cassette vs Elcaset vs Open Reel", Toole, Audioscene Canada, April 1978. 4. "CCIRI ARM: A Practical Noise Measurement Method", Dolby, Robinson, Gundry, JAES, 1978. 5. "Speech and Hearing in Communication", Fletcher, Van Nostrand, 1953. 1-73 LM832 Simple Circuit Schematic i... - ::: n ,... = ~ rf1 '"' ,,10 I ,... '1. ).r1' I '-' I ,... -e. "iN"""'\. ~ '-' , -- -~ rsc J. - ..., )..-1" ~ .. \.. _zg i --'" il lD~i ~ - ..! III ~ 1...t ~ .10 -i r"'\ '-' Y r::v - L ~ N i. 1-74 l _zill .. . r"'\ '-' y S --"o...L r:yY' ¥ I"":'" ifg ~!"" T Y ... - ~ ,... ~ '-' I! ~ ~ l).~ ~ ,... X \.~ A . ~ J...... ..!Cl 1.~ 7 ;: u - A '-' . . Ii • r------------------------------------------------------------------.r ~ ~National E ~ Semiconductor LM833 Dual Audio Operational Amplifier General Description Features The LM833 is a dual general purpose operational amplifier designed with particular emphasis on performance in audio systems. • Wide dynamic range This dual amplifier IC utilizes new circuit and processing techniques to deliver low noise, high speed and wide bandwidth without increasing external components or decreasing stability. The LM833 is internally compensated for all closed loop gains and is therefore optimized for all preamp and high level stages in PCM and HiFi systems. The LM833 is pin-for-pin compatible with industry standard dual operational amplifiers. Schematic Diagram 7 V/p.s (typ) 5 V/p.s (min) 15 MHz (typ) 10 MHz (min) 120 kHz 0.002% 0.3 mV • High slew rate • High gain bandwidth product • • • • Wide power bandwidth Low distortion Low offset voltage Large phase margin 60" Connection Diagram (1/2 LM833) +VCC"-B_ _ _....._ _ _ _......_ _......_ >140 dB 4.5 nV/./Hz • Low input noise voltage ...._ _...._ _....- - , OUlA +Vcc -INA OUlB 360 +INA ......- -INB ...... L--t=-+INB TL/H/5218-2 Order Number LM833M or LM833N See NS Package Number M08A or NOSE TL/H/5218-1 Typical Application RIM Preamp 33 ~F rrr---~I I PHONO CARTRIDGE: I I I I 470 47k IL":'___ ..1I 16k 200k 390 TUH/5218-3 A., ~ En ~ SIN 35 dB f 0.33,.V 90 dB A Weighted, VIN ~ ~ 1 kHz A Weighted @f~1kHz 1-75 ~ 10 mV Absolute Maximum Ratings If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/Distributors for availability and speclflcatlons_ Soldering Information Dual-In-Line Package Soldering (10 seconds) 260"C Small Outline Package Vapor Phase (60 seconds) 21S'C 220"C Infrared (1S seconds) See AN-4S0 "Surface Mounting Methods and Their Effect on Product Reliability" for other methods of soldering surface mount devices. Supply Voltage 36V Vee-VEE ±30V Differential Input Voltage (Note 1) VIO ±1SV Input Voltage Range (Note 1) VIC SOOmW Power Dissipation (Note 2) Po Operating Temperature Range -40 - 8S'C TOPR -60 - 1SO"C Storage Temperature Range TSTG DC Electrical Characteristics (TA = Symbol ESD tolerance (Note 3) 1600V 2S'C, Vs = ±1SV) Typ Max Units 0.3 S mV Input Offset Current 10 200 nA Input Bias Current SOO 1000 nA Parameter Vas Input Offset Voltage los 18 Min Conditions Rs = 10.0 Av Voltage Gain RL=2k.o,Vo= ±10V VOM Output Voltage Swing RL=10k.o RL = 2 k.o VCM Input Common-Mode Range CMRR Common-Mode Rejection Ratio VIN = ±12V PSRR Power Supply Rejection Ratio Vs = 1S-SV, -1S- -SV IQ Supply Current Vo = OV, Both Amps AC Electrical Characteristics (TA = 90 110 dB ±12 ±10 ±13.S ±13.4 V V ±12 ±14.0 V 80 100 dB 80 100 dB S 8 mA 2S'C, Vs = ± 1SV, RL = 2 k.o) Conditions Min Typ SR Slew Rate RL = 2kO S 7 V/p,s GBW Gain Bandwidth Product f 10 1S MHz Symbol Parameter = 100kHz Design Electrical Characteristics (TA = 2S'C, Vs The following parameters are not tested or guaranteed. Symbol Parameter AVoslIH Average Temperature Coefficient of Input Offset Voltage THO Distortion = RL = 2 k.o, f = 20-20 kHz VOUT = 3 Vrms, Av = 1 en Input Referred Noise Voltage Rs Input Referred Noise Current f PBW Power Bandwidth Vo fu Unity Gain Frequency >M Phase Margin = = Units 2 p,VI'C 0.002 0/0 4.S nVl.JHz 0.7 pA/.JHz = 120 kHz Open Loop 9 MHz Open Loop 60 deg -120 dB Input Referred Cross Talk f Note 1: If supply voltage is less than ± 15V, H is equal to supply voltage. Note 2: This is the permissible value at TA :;;; 85'C. Note 3: Human body model, 1.5 kll in series with 100 pF. 1 kHz Typ 1 kHz = 100.0, f Units ±1SV) Conditions in Max 27 Vpp , RL = 2 k.o, THO';;: 10/0 = 20-20 kHz 1-76 Typical Performance Characteristics Maximum Power Dissipation vs Ambient Temperature Input Bias Current vs Supply Voltage Input Bias Current vs BOO Ambient Temperature _1000 800 Vs= ±15V I 700 ~ BOO .!~; =; - ~ 600 ffi l- ~ 300 ...... 300 200 ~ 200 ;s 500 L-- '.,.,- ~ ~ 400 iE ~ 200 ~ 0 => -, -50 ,, 50 100 TEMPERATURE ("C) ~ ~ 7 6 1 . .- 5 0 25 50 75 100 125 TEMPERATURE ("C) DC Voltage Gain vs Supply Voltage 120 120 ~ VS=±15V RL=2 kll r- ~Ioo. r-- -. ~ 110 ~ 100 ~ . 0 ". BO -50 - 25 0 20 25 Gain Bandwidth Product vs Ambient Temperature Voltage Gain" Phase vs Frequency 100 iz :c ...coco ~ g -... Vs= ±15V Rt 2 D r "' BAIN BO PHAS~- I' 60 " 40 ~~ , 30 ~ -60 -150 1 ,.3! '" m -90 " -~O 10 100 lk 10k lOOk 1M 10M FREQUENCY (Hz) . ~ -30 Vs= ±15V '=100 kHz .... => 0 0 -; IE ill,., I; 1"""" -120 .§ 20 o 75 100 125 TUH/5218-8 TUH/5218-7 120 50 TEMPERATURE ("C) 20 :z: ~ lI! CD z :c co ..... r---. 10 -r- "- I-- o -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 TEMPERATURE ("C) TL/H/5218-11 TLlH/5218-10 1-77 20 TUH/5218-8 DC Voltage Gain vs Ambient Temperature 10 15 SUPPLY VOLTAOE (± V) 10 15 SUPPLY VOLTAGE (± V) TL/H/5218-5 0 o 400 o -50 -25 I o io-. 500 100 o Supply Current vs Supply Voltage TA=25"C RL=OO -- ~ '" => ~ TL/H/5218-4 10 9 .... 100 150 - ~ 600 i = BOO TA=25"C 700 90 TA=25"C RL=2 kO ~ f-" - Typical Performance Characteristics (Continued) Slew Ratev8 . Ambient Temperature ,.. , 10 l ~ ~ ~ '" Slew Ratev8 Supply Voltage Vs= ±15V 9 RL=2knAII=l . 8 FALUNG;; ~ 7 ' 'd$f 6 5 4 3 2 1 ..n..~ + 10 9 RL=2kn 8 AII-l l Ii '" ~ '" Yo .... Q +1 J FALUNG ".~ 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 TEMPERATURE (OC) ..n..~ + . ~ ~ co ...,.. f; 6 10 ~ ~ 0 . i !; ....... -5 -10 l"""'- -15 10 15 SUPPLY VOLTAGE (± V) 10 15 Vs= ±15V RL=10kn 20 iii :e. '" IE u 80 - 8D r- 40 r- 20 I ~VD~ 13 VoM r- 0 100 _ 2lt .... lk , 2 -~ '" .... 10k lOOk 1M FREOUENCY (Hz) -- 11 - r1 + 0.1 "- ~ 0.01 .... Va 2k fi I l' Vo=3 Vlms - 1 Yo~1 0.001 10M ! 8D i' 10 100 lk 10k FREGUENCY (Hz) TL/H/521B-19 VIm. lOOk TL/H/5218-20 1-78 10M - Vs= ±15V ,, ,-PSRR 6~ 40 20 RL=2 kn - ~ i!!i +PSRR 100 '" DI8tortion V8 Frequency Vo- lOOk 1M FREGUENCY (Hz) TUH/5218-15 '" If N'W \ .... 10k PSRR V8 Frequency 12 1 ~.~ lk 120 TLlH/5218-17 I I 100 , , 14 CMR V8 Frequency Vs- f15V \ 100 2D Maximum Output Voltage V8 Ambient Temperature TLlH/5218-16 120 \ 10 ::> 10 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 TEMPERATURE (OC) -20 5 ... ...coi Va 2k TL/H/5218-14 ...~ ",.,... 5 15 SUPPLY VOLTAGE (± V) 15 ~ 2D ,..~ 0 5 Maximum Output Voltage V8 2D Supply Voltage 15 !!j co Vs= ±15V RL=2kn THD"l" 25 5 TL/H/5218-13 TA-25°C RL=10kll ~ 7 ~ 2k Power Bandwidth 3D 1A=25°C , 0 100 lk 10k lOOk 1M FREGUENCY (Hz) 10M TLiH/5218-18 Typical Performance Characteristics (Continued) Spot Noise Voltage vs Frequency 10 Spot NOise Current 10 ~~~,t I"- Va ±15V ~:8~requency 100 TA-25'C Va +15V I'l 6;:;- m~ ~B 0.5 Ill.~ If$ ~ z~ ... z ...... I."" Input Referred Noise Voltage vs Source Resistance ~~~~!!~~~I , . . . . .NT ...DllA1JDI~~~' WEIG~T1 ~ ~ 0.2 t+-++-H-++-+-ir-+-+i lOOk 0.1 L..L......L..J......l---'-....L...-J......J..J....L...L..I 10 100 lk 10k lOOk FREQUENCY (Hz. TUH/5218-21 TLlH/5218-22 1 10 1l1li lk 10k FREQUENCY (Hz. Nonlnverting Amp ,~ 0.1 1l1li LJ83~ 1A =25'C Va=±15V lk 10k lOOk SOURCE RESISTANCE (0) 1M TUH/5218-23 Nonlnverting Amp TIME (0.2 pl/DIY. TIME (2 pl/DIY) TUH/5218-24 TLlH/5218-25 Inverting Amp TIME (2 pl/DIY) TL/H/5218-26 Application Hints Capacitive loads greater than 50 pF must be isolated from the output. The most straightforward way to do this is to put a resistor in series with the output. This resistor will also prevent excess power dissipation if the output is accidentally shorted. The LM833 is a high speed op amp with excellent phase margin and stability. Capacitive loads up to 50 pF will cause little change in the phase characteristics of the amplifiers and are therefore allowable. 1-79 • Noise Measurement Circuit Complete shielding is requlred to prevent .induced pick up from external sources. Always check with oscilloaoope for power line noise. +Vcc -VEE > .....-:t'Il-ovo AVERAGE RESPONDING AC VOLT MmR ~---- __ ------~'\~ ________________ ~. RIAA PREAMP 3& dB, 1~1 kHz _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- J FLAT AMP. 40 dB +40 dB TLlH/~218-27 Total Gain: 115 dB @f = 1 kHz Input Referred Noise Voltage: en = VO/S60,OOO (V) RIM Preamp Voltage Gain, RIM Deviation vs Frequency 50 ;;- i 90 ¥o=OdBv ..... VIN-l0mV f"'O 35.0 dB, '=1 kHz i 30 ~ 20 !i! 10 ~ Flat Amp Voltage Gain vs Frequency IIII1I11I1 itHIIIIIIII!IIIIIIIIII :!!. co 20 100 lk 60 !i! 50 40 ~ 40 70 i 30 20 10 '10k 20 100 lk 10k lOOk FREOUENCY (HzI FREOUENCY (HzI TL/H/5218-29 TL/H/5218-28 1·80 r-----------------------------------------------------------------------------'r i: Typical Applications C» ~ NAB Preamp Voltage Gain 70 vs Frequency NAB Preamp 1Jttm~t:+1~.Y!N 10 mY 34.5=dB, 1=1 kHz 60 .. ;;o' 50 ~ ...... z Vo C ~ co '" Av = 34.5 F = 1 kHz En = 0.38,.V 20 10 0 20 A Weighted 200k 40 30 100 lk FREQUENCY (Hz) 10k 20k TL/H/5218-31 200 + 47 pF TUH/5218-30 Balanced to Single Ended Converter Adder/Subtracter Sine Wave OSCillator R V2 -Yv"-'" Vo V2-Yv",,""+i Va Vo V3-Yv"-.. Vl-Yv"-..... R V4-Yv'\f-" Vo = VI + V2 - V3 - V4 • TUH/5218-32 1=_1_ o Second Order High Pass Filter (Butterworth) 2".RC Second Order Low Pass Filter (Butterworth) Cl 0.022 pF Rl 11k Va Vo TL/H/5218-36 TL/H/5218-35 HRI = R2 IIC1=C2=C R2 C2=2!. 2 = 20Rl Illustration is 10 =R = 1 kHz Illustration is fa 1-81 = 1 kHz ~ ~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------, :3 :::::& .... Typical Applications (Continued) State Variable Filter R2 10k Cl 0.01 pf Rl 16k R2 10k Rl 16k VaP VtiP R2 RO 556 ':' 10k TLlH/5218-37 1 2".C1Rl' 1 ( 1+-+R2 R2) ABP~QALP~QALH~R2 2 RO RG' RG lo~---Q~- Illustration is 10 ~ 1 kHz, Q ~ 10, Asp ~ 1 AC/DC Converter Cl 10pf R5 20k 'R3 10k R2 20k R4 20k 01 IS1588 Vo~IV,"1 02 IS1588 R8 15k R7 6.2k ':' TLlH/5218-38 2 Channel Panning Circuit (Pan Pot) Line Driver R2 3.41Rl 51k Rl 15k Rl 15k Rl VJ-wy.-.... -+_., O,70~:~ ~_ _ Rl Rl 15k 15k t--+-Vo Yo. TLlH/5218-39 TLlH/5218-40 1-82 Typical Application (Continued) Tone Control I IL Rl 11k v, BOOST -BASS-CUT R2 lOOk Cl 0.05 pi' I = 27TR2CI' ILB = 27TRICI 1 - _1_ 1 - :=-::::--:-::~-::=::: H - 27TR5C2' HB - 27TCRI + R5 + 2R3)C2 Rl 11k Illustration is: IL = 32 Hz, IL8 = 320 Hz IH = 11 kHz, IHB = 1.1 kHz Cl D.DSpI' 20dB---....... 17 dB -----"k. R3 11k 3 dB ----+--,~ C2 v. D.DD5,F R5 3.61< R4 50Dk -20dB---J BOOST - TIIOLE-CUT TUH/5218-41 IHB IH TUH/5218-42 Balanced Input Mlc Amp v, R4 10k R3 10k IIR2 = R5,R3 = R6,R4 = R7 vo= 2R2) R4 ( 1+ - -(V2-VI) RI R3 10 Band Graphic Equalizer Illustration is: VO = 101(V2 - VI) r ':' Rl 200 CUT R2 10k v. R5 10k A6 10k v, , - 3k Yo II R7 10k I ':' V2 L TL/H/5218-43 ':' fo(Hz) Cl C2 Rl R2 32 64 125 250 500 1k 2k 4k 8k 16k 0.12p.F 0.056p.F 0.033p.F 0.015p.F 8200pF 3900pF 2000pF 1100pF 510pF 330pF 4.7p.F 3.3p.F 1.5p.F 0.82p.F 0.39p.F 0.22p.F 0.1p.F 0.056p.F 0.022p.F 0.012p.F 75kO 68kO 62kO 68kO 62kO 68kO 68kO 62kO 68kO 51kO 5000 5100 5100 4700 4700 4700 4700 4700 5100 5100 At volume 01 change = ± 12 dB a= 1.7 Reference: "AUDIO/RADIO HANDBOOK", National Semiconductor, 1980, Page 2-61 1-83 ~ ~National ~ Semiconductor LM837 Low Noise Quad Operational Amplifier General Description Features The I-M837 is a quad operational amplifier designed for low noise, high speed and wide bandwidth performance. It has a new type of output stage which can drive a 6000. load, making it ideal for almost all digital audio, graphic equalizer, preamplifiers, and professional audio applications. Its high performance characteristics also make it suitable for instrumentation applications where low noise is the key consideration. • High slew rate • Wide gain bandwidth product • • • • • • The LM837 is internally compensated for unity gain operation. It is pin compatible with most other standard quad op amps and can therefore be used to upgrade existing systems with little or no change. Power bandwidth High output current Excellent output drive performance Low input noise voltage Low total harmonic distortion Low offset voltage 10 Vlp.s (typ) 8 Vlp.s (min) 25 MHz (typ) 15 MHz (min) 200 kHz (typ) ±40mA >6000. 4.5 nV/JHz 0.0015% 0.3 mV Schematic and Connection Diagrams 114 Quad r-----------~----------------.__ov~ Dual-In-Line Package I-.....---t--OOUT OUT1 -IN 1 +IN1-:-1-=;;;....I v~ +IN2 -:-If-=~ -IN2 OUT2 TUH/9047-2 Top View L-__~--------~----------~--~~~v~ TUH/9047-1 1-84 Order Number LM837M or LM837N See NS Package Number M14A or N14A Absolute Maximum Ratings If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/Distributors for availability and specifications. Supply Voltage VcclVEE ±18V ±30V Differential Inpu1 Voltage (Note 1) VID Common Mode Input Voltage (Note 1) VIC ±15V Power Dissipation (Note 2) PD 1.2W(N) 830 mW (M) Operating Temperature Range TOPR - 40'C to Storage Temperature Range TSTG - 60'C to VOS 215'C 220'C ESD rating is to be determined. 25'C, Vs = ±15V Parameter Inpu1 Offset Voltage 260'C See AN-450 "Surface Mounting Methods and Their Effect on Product Reliability" lor other methods 01 soldering surlace mount devices. + 85'C + 150'C DC Electrical Characteristics TA = Symbol Soldering Inlormation Dual-In-Line Package Soldering (10 seconds) Small Outline Package Vapor Phase (60 seconds) Infrared (15 seconds) Condition Min Typ Max Units 0.3 5 mV 10 200 nA 500 1000 Rs = 500 los Input Offset Current 18 Input Bias Current Av large Signal Voltage Gain RL = 2 kO, VOUT = ±10V VOM Output Voltage Swing VCM Common Mode Input Voltage CMRR Common Mode Rejection Ratio VIN = ±12V PSRR Power Supply Rejection Ratio Vs = 15 - 5, -15 - Is Power Supply Current RL = nA 90 110 dB RL = 2kO ±12 ±13.5 V RL = 6000 ±10 ±12.5 V ±12 ±14.0 V 80 100 dB 80 100 AC Electrical Characteristics TA = -5 Four Amps dB 10 15 mA 25'C, Vs = ±15V Min Typ SR Slew Rate RL = 6000 8 10 V//Ls GBW Gain Bandwidth Product 1= 100 kHz, RL = 6000 15 25 MHz Symbol Parameter 00, Condition Design Electrical Characteristics TA = Symbol Max Units 25'C, Vs = ± 15V (Note 3) Parameter Condition = 25 Vp.p, RL = 6000, THD < 1 % Min Typ 200 Max Units PBW Power Bandwidth Vo en1 Equivalent Input Noise Voltage JISA, Rs = 1000 0.5 kHz /LV en2 Equivalent Input Noise Voltage 1= 1 kHz 4.5 nV/,fHz in Equivalent Input Noise Current 1= 1 kHz 0.7 pAl,fHz THD Total Harmonic Distortion Av = 1, VOUT = 3Vrms, I = 20 - 20 kHz, RL = 6000 0.0015 % Iu Zero Cross Frequency Open loop 12 MHz >m Phase Margin Open loop 45 deg Input-Relerred Crosstalk 1=20-20kHz l:.vos/t:..T Average TC of Input Offset Voltage -120 dB 2 /LV/'C Note 1: Unless otherwise specHied the absolute maximum input voltage is equal to the power supply voltage. Note 2: For operation at ambient temperatures above 25'C, the device must be derated based on a 15O'C maxlmum junction temperature and a thermal resistance, iunction to ambient, as follows: LMB37N, 9O'C/W; LMB37M, 15fY'C/W. Note 3: The following parameters are not tested or guaranteed. 1-85 • ~ co :i Detailed Schematic 1/4 QUAD OUT ANOTHER CH. ,...----...-.. TLlH/9047 -9 1·86 ,-----------------------------------------------------------------------------, Typical Performance Characteristics Maximum Power Dlll8lpatlon vs Ambient Temperature g iI !i Ili I!I I i Normalized Input Bias Current vs Supply Voltage 1.5 2.0 1.8 1.8 1.4 1.2 o.a o.a " IIpIcg ~o I ~ .... - - lD 0.9 0.5 o 25 !lO 75 lC11 125 1!lO 10 lENPERAlURE (Ge) ! :: i ~ - ,. 8 11 9 o 10 15 I I ~ ......... i"o-"" 10 ~ ~-i 5 5 0 l~oc ~ I I!! tVOI/AX <:> 14 Go 15 ~ ~. 11 : -VOI/AX -15 -14 -- -15 -!lO -25 0 25 50 75 lC11 125 150 AII81EIIT TEMPERAlURE (OC) i 5 ~ .... -5 15 ........... ........ ...... -10 -15 -20 10 20 o 10 15 SUPPLY VOLTAGE (iV) Power Bandwidth 50 VS=iI5V.I\=6000 VS=i15V.R L=8004 TA-25"C·1HD .e III 1\ - :Ii C> ......'" ~ OUT " K V ... J Tlt.iE (0.1 /.Is/flV) TIME (0.1 ms/DIY) TLiH/9047-6 Large Signal Non-Inverting Large Signal Inverting TA = 2so C,RL = 600n, Vs = ±1SV TA = 25°C, RL = 600n, Vs = ± 1SV ~ .I I J TL/H/9047-7 , 1 , \ L \ .I 1 I I \ I , 1 \ TIME (1 /.Is/DIY) TIME (1 /.Is / DIY) TLiH/9047-8 TLiH/9047-9 1-89 • ~National ~ Semiconductor LM1035/LMt036 Dual DC Operated Tone/Volume/Balance Circuits General Description Features The LM1035/LM1036Is a DC controlled tone (bass/treble), volume and balance circuit for stereo applications in car radio, TV and audio systems. An additional control input allows loudness compensation to be simply effected. • • • • • Four control inputs provide control of the bass, treble, balance and volume functions through application of DC voltages from a remote control'system or, alternatively, from four potentiometers which may be biased from a zener regulated supply provided on the circuit. Wide supply voltage range, 8V to 18V Large volume control range, 75 dB typical Tone control, ±15 dB typical Channel separation, 75 dB typical Low distortion, 0.06% typical for an Input level of 1 Vrms (0.3 Vrms for LM1036) • High signal to noise, 80 dB typical for an input level of 1 Vrms (0.3 Vrms for LM1036) • Few external components required Each tone response is defined by a single capaCitor chosen to give the desired characteristic. Block and Connection Diagram Dual-in-Une Package INTERNAL SUPPLY DECOUPLE ..1.J==::;-'7---, INPUT 1 18 TREBLE CAPACITOR 2 TREBLE CAPACITOR 1 17 ZENER VOLTAGE TREBLE CONTROL INPUT AC BYPASS 1 BASS CAPACITOR 1 BASS CAPACITOR 2 LOI/DNESS COMPENSATION CONTROL INPUT BASS CONTROL INPUT OUTPUT 1 OUTPUT 2 12 VOLUME CONTROL INPUT BALANCE CONTROL INPUT GND TOP VIEW Order Number LM1035N or ~M1036N See NS Package Number N20A 1-90 TlfHf5142-1 Absolute Maximum Ratings If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/Distributors for availability and specifications. Supply Voltage LM1036 16V LM1035 20V Control Pin Voltage (Pins 4,7,9,12,14) Vee O·Cto +700C Operating Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range - 65·C to + 1500C Power Dissipation 1W Lead Temp. (Soldering, 10 seconds) 2600C Electrical Characteristics Vee = 12V, TA = 25·C (unless otherwise stated) Parameter Supply Voltage Range Min Max Units I I LM1036 9 16 V LM1035 8 18 V 45 mA 5 V mA Supply Current 35 Zener Regulated Output Voltage Current Pin 17 Maximum Output Voltage LM1036 Pins 8,13; f= 1 kHz Vee = 9V, Maximum Gain Vcc=12V Maximum Output Voltage LM1035 Typ Conditions Pin 11 5.4 Pins 8,13; f= 1 kHz Vcc=8V Vcc=12V VCC=18V 0.8 1.0 Vrms Vrms 1.3 2.5 3.5 Vrrns Vrms Vrms 1.3 1.1 1.6 Vrms Vrms 2.5 Vrrns 30 kO 0.8 2 Maximum Input Voltage LM1036 (Note 1) Pins 2, 19; f= 1 kHz, Vee = 9V Flat Response, Vee = 12V Gain = -10dB Maximum Input Voltage LM1035 (Note 1) Pins 2,19; f= 1 kHz Flat Response 2 Input Resistance Pins 2,19; f= 1 kHz 20 Output Resistance Pins 8, 13;f = 1 kHz Maximum Gain V(Pin 12)=V(Pin 17); f= 1 kHz Volume Control Range f= 1 kHz Gain Tracking Channel1-Channel2 f= 1 kHz o dB through -40 dB -40 dB through -60 dB Balance Control Range Pins8,13;f=1 kHz l 1 0 20 -2 0 LM1036 70 75 dB LM1035 70 80 dB 1 2 2 3 dB dB dB 1 -26 -20 dB dB Bass Control Range (Note 2) f=40 Hz, Cb = 0.39 ,...F V(Pin 14) = V(Pin 17) V(Pin 14)=OV 12 -12 15 -15 18 -18 dB dB Treble Control Range (Note 2) f= 16 kHz, CI,=0.01 ,...F V(Pin 4)=V(Pin 17) V(Pin4)=OV 12 -12 15 -15 18 -18 dB dB Total Harmonic Distortion LM1036 f= 1 kHz, VIN=0.3 Vrrns Gain=O dB Gain = -30dB 0.06 0.03 0.3 % % Total Harmonic Distortion LM1035 f=1 kHz, VIN=1 Vrms Maximum Gain 0.05 0.2 % 1-91 • Electrical Characteristics Vcc= 12V, TA = 25"C (unless otherwise stated) (Continued) Parameter Channel Separation Signal/Noise Ratio LM1036 Signal/Noise Ratio LM1035 Conditions f= 1 kHz, Maximum Gain LM1036 Supply Ripple Rejection 200mVrms, 1 kHz Ripple 75 75 Unweighted 100 Hz-20 kHz Maximum Gain, 0 dB = 1 Vrms CCIR/ARM (Note 3) Gain=O dB Gain=-20dB CCIR/ARM (Note 3) Typ 60 LM1035 Unweighted 100 Hz-20 kHz Maximum Gain, 0 dB = 0.3 Vrms CCIR/ARM (Note 3) Gain=O dB, VIN=0.3 Vrms Gain= -20 dB, VIN= 1.0 Vrms Output Noise Voltage at Minimum Gain Min 76 Units dB 75 dB 80 dB 79 72 dB dB 80 dB 80 64 dB dB LM1036 10 16 /LV LM1035 25 35 /LV LM1036 35 LM1035 50 dB 40 dB Control Input Currents Pins 4, 7,9,12,14(V=0V) -0.6 Frequency Response -1 dB (Flat Response 20 HZ-16 kHz)" 250 Nota 1: The maximum permissible input level is dependent on tone and volume sellings. Note 2: The tone control range is defined by capacitors Cb and Max -2.5 !LA kHz See Application Notes. c.. See Application Notes. Note 3: Gaussian noise, measured over a period of 50 ms per channel, with a CCIR filter referenoed to 2 kHz and an averagEHllsponding meter. I I 1-92 r----------------------------------------------------------------------,r !iii: ..... Typical Performance Characteristics Volume Control Characteristics -20 iz is l/ I -40 Balance Control Characteristic V ~ -88 o ! 16 -20 II' -24 -28 1 4 5 V12 - CONTROL VOIlMlE (V) !z 1\ -10 2 3 4 nr-""-.-..-,-,, 2Or--r--1,-,.-,--.---r--,,......, 151o.:::-Hf---!; 15 Loudness Compensated Volume Characteristic 10 I.::-+-H-H-+-I-+:A 10 1-t-t-7F-t-+-~-H -5 z 11 5 1--+-1-'1(."' ; -3"~-+-+~ 0 -5 t----1r+>"t -10 -15 -15 I""'+-H-H-+-I-+""I - 20 L...-.l-JL......L--1---'--L.....J......L....J 20 100 500 ak 20k FREOUENCY (Hz) 20 100 5GO 5k FREQUENCY (Hz) 20k -10 -20 ~ ~2.6 0.08 FLAT FIIEQII£NCY 0.115 i2.4 I=SE GAINS 2.2 1,\ Iii !2D f ). 1.8 ~u I~ I:: i V , ~ LMl036 I B 10121416182022 SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V) Loudness Control CharacteristiC Z5 20 ! I I. TOI CONTROLS FLAT -5 ~ Ii \ o ~ I \. o 0 Ii 40 3D 6 t"'~ 20 10 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 GAIN (dB) 40 FLAT FREQUENCY RESPONSE BALANCED IIAIMS 20 FREDUENC:Ii~ D.• FLAT HESPONBE ... BALANCED MIllS ~ 0.2 MAXIMUIiIAIN .. Vce=l2V ~Ioo' 0.1 ! 0.01 -40 -110 GAIN (dB) lDO SOD 5k!Ok FREGI/ENCY (Hz) THO vs Input Voltage-LM1036 ~" -20 .... 1' ~ 1.0 0.02 ~ .J. ~""'" ~; -!~ ,.!, 0.01 ¥t:c=9V o II I"'-r-- 60 30 !: ~ j,;~ iii z 50 ...i TONE CONTROLS FLAT BALANCED GAINS 50 CCIR FILTER o 1 3 4 5 V7-CONTROL VOLTAGf (V) I III ~HZ 10 . ~ Output Noise Voltage vs Galn-LM1036 YtI=ll11mV 18 kHz ...... ill Ci 70 IlAlJlllCEOIIAIN. 10 20k go " 0.00 PIN 12 100 SOD Bk FREOUENCY (Hz) 20 ii :!!. 80 0.01 1-1 kHz I-FLAT FREQUENCY RESPONSE 1 1 1.0 6 , 0.04 .... "'- " r-- -60 ~ ./ Channel Separation vs Frequency r\ !: 0.03 ~ 0.02 LMI035 1' .... :"~I~~.iEcm, -50 THO vs Gain 1~~;H~'OaD ..... 1-30 rr- " 1'" Input Signal Handling vs 12.8 Supply Voltage ..... .... I""-r-. -40 -10I-Hl-+ -20~~~~~~~~~ CUT 40 Hz OR 16 kHz 4 V4 OR VI4-CONTROL VOLTAGE (V) Tone Characteristic (Gain vs Frequency) i lL V o 5 Tone Characteristic (Gain VB Frequency) i IL -15 1 / o ~ j :i -5 II o 10 VI - CONTROL VOLTAGE (V) 10 I J 800ST 40 Hz OR 16 kHz r !iii: ..... / "1\\ 1/ 1_ 15 t\.. CHANNEL , - I '-8 -12 Tone Control Characteristic J CHNlNEL2~ -4 ) -61 1. J o ~~::mv_ If 2 !!! -80 0.00 D.O 0.2 0.4 0.8 0.8 INPUT VOIlMlE (VlOII) 1.0 TUH/5142-2 1-93 I.... ........::E an S ....::E .... Typical Performance Characteristics (Continued) Output Noise Voltage vs Galn-LM1035 THO vslnput Voltag_LM1035 ~~~~~~--~~~~ 'i ~ 70 ~ 60 - I-r-..~.---If--+---+ BW = 20 80 r--.. kHz ~~~r:~~UENCY 1'\ BALACED GAINS I'\~ g 50 5 Vcc=BV ....... i'oo... ~~~~~~+=~~--~~ ;: § 0.50 , '\ Vcc=12V .... ~ 10~4--+--~+-~~--+-~ oL-~~-L~--~~~~ o -20 -40 -60 D.25 0.75 1.25 1.75 2.25 INPUT VOLTAGE (Vrrns) GAIN (dB) TL/H/5142-20 TL/H/5142-21 Application Notes TONE RESPONSE LOUDNESS COMPENSATION A simple loudness compensation may be effected by applying a DC control voltage to pin 7. This operates on t~e tone control stages to produce an additional boost limited by the maximum boost defined by ~ and Ct. There is no loudness compensation when pin 7 is connected to pin 17. Pin 7 can be connected to pin 12 to give the loudness compensated volume characteristic as illustrated without the addition of further external components. (Tone settings are for flat response, Cb and Ct as given in Application Circuit.) Modification to the loudness characteristic is possible by changing the capaCitors Cb and Ct for a different basic response or, by a resistor network between pins 7 and 12 for a different threshold and slope. The maximum boost and cut can be optimized for individual applications by selection of the appropriate values of Ct (treble) and Cb (bass). The tone responses are defined by the relationships: 1 + 0.00065(1 - ab) jClJCb Bass Response = -----~::!!...-- O.00065ab 1 + . ro. JCIJ"t) Treble Response = 1 + jCIJ5500(1 - at)Ct 1 + jCIJ5500atCt Where lib = at = 0 for maximum bass and treble boost respectively and lib = at = 1 for maximum cut. SIGNAL HANDLING The volume control function of the LM1036 is carried out in two stages, controlled by the DC voltage on pin 12, to improve signal handling capability and provide a reduction of output noise level at reduced gain. The first stage is before the tone control processing and provides an initial 15 dB of gain reduction, so ensuring that the tone sections are not overdriven by large input levels when operating with a low volume setting. Any combination of tone and volume settings may be used provided the output level does not exceed 1 Vrms, Vcc=12V (0.8 Vrms, Vcc=9V). At reduced gain ( < - 6 dB) the input stage will overload if the input level exceeds 1.6 Vrms, VCC=12V (1.1 Vrms, Vcc=9V). As there is volume control on the input stages, the inputs may be operated with a lower overload margin than would otherwise be acceptable, allowing a possible improvement in signal to noise ratio. For the values of Cb and Ct of 0.39 "F and 0.D1 "F as shown in the Application Circuit, 15 dB of boost or cut is obtained at 40 Hz and 16 kHz. ZENER VOLTAGE A zener voltage (pin 17=5.4V) is provided which may be used to bias the control potentiometers. Setting a DC level of one half of the zener voltage on the control inputs, pins 4, 9, and 14, results in the balanced gain and flat response condition. Typical spread on the zener voltage is ± 100 mV and this must be taken into account if control signals are used which are not referenced to the zener voltage. If this is the case, then they will need to be derived with similar accuracy. 1-94 E .... Application Circuit C) w .... I"'" iii: .... UI ,uPP. II 0.01,.F 47k ...-'10""'....<47k BASS CONTROL ;J;0.22,.F C) w 10,.F G) 0.47 pF LMl038N 47,.F ~ LOUDNESS COMPENSATiON 0.47,.F IN~ BALANCE CONTROL Ct O.01PF;J; T OUTPUT 1 47k ...- - - - -......W~-------+<47k =~~L ;/;0.22,.F TLlH/5142-3 Applications Information OBTAINING MODIFIED RES~ONSE CURVES The LM1036 is a dual DC controlled bass, treble, balance and volume integrated circuit ideal for stereo al!dio systems. In the various applications where the LM1036 can be used, there may be requirements for responses different to those of the standard application circuit given in the data sheet. This application section details some of the simple variations possible on the standard responses, to assist the choice of optimum characteristics for particular applications. Figures 2 and 3 show the effect of changing the response defining capacitors Ct and Cb to 2Ct, Cb/2 and 4Ct, Cb/4 respectively, giving increased tone control ranges. The values of the bypass capacitors may become significant and affect the lower frequencies in the bass response curves. 20 15 10 i Z TONE CONTROLS is Summarizing the relationship given in the data sheet, basically for an increase in the tre~le cpntrol range Ct must be increased, and for increased bass range Cb must be reduced. ' 0 -5 Iz iil 5.4 10 4.0 5 3.4 0 2.7 -5 2.0 1.4 0.7 0.0 4.7 -10 -15 -20 20 100 500 5k ~ 100 ~ 2.7 Ii 1.4 S .... 500 5k FREQUENCY (Hz} 3.4 2.0 ~:--- ! i ::! .:s! -20 20 i 4.0 :!i I.;I~ -10 10- I-~" Coo/I 2Ct ~t::: 20k TLlH/5142-5 FIGURE 2. Tone Characteristic (Gain vs Frequency) 20 15 5.4 4.7 ~ ~~ ~ r-r-;:~ """"II i-" ~ -15 Figure 1 shows the typical tone response obtained in the standard application circuit. (Ct=O.01 /LF, ~=O.39 /LF). Response curves are given for various amounts of boost and cut. 20 INCREASED CONTROL RAMIE I- ...... ~ 15 I 10 I ! 5 Z 0 is . ! :II iii 5.4 ~ U.,... 4.7 ~ -15 -20 - ,~ -:- 20 Co/4 4Ct 100 i! 3.4 2.7 III ...-:: ,.~ ~ 4.0 ~ ~ """" ~ -5 -10 i ~~EASBI CONTROL RANBE~ f- r-..... ~..... 580 SIc: 2.0 " ill 1.4; 0.7 ;: D.O :3 20t FREDUENCY (Hzl 20k TL/H/5142-6 FRllIUENCY (Hz} FIGURE 3. Tone Characteristic (Gain vs Frequency) TLlH/5142-4 FIGURE 1. Tone Characteristic (Gain vs Frequency) 1-95 • Applications Information (Continued) Figure 4 shows the effect of changing Ct and Cb in the opposite direction to Ct/2, 2~ respectively giving reduced control ranges. The various results corresponding to the different Ct and Cb values may be mixed if it is required to give a particular emphasis to, for example, the bass control. The particular case with Cb/2, Ct is illustrated in Figure 5. for greater control range also has the effect of flattening the tone control extremes and this may be utilized, with or without additional modification as outlined above, for the most suitable tone control range and response shape. Other Advantages of DC Controls The DC controls make the addition of other features easy to arrange. For example, the negative-going peaks of the output amplifiers may be detected below a certain level, and used to bias back the bass control from a high boost condition, to prevent overloading the speaker with low frequency components. Restriction of Tone Control Action at High or Low Frequencies It may be desired in some applications to level off the tone responses above or below certain frequencies for example to reduce high frequence noise. This may be achieved for the treble response by including a resistor in series with Ct. The treble boost and cut will be 3 dB less than the standard circuit when R= Xc. LOUDNESS CONTROL The loudness control is achieved through control of the tone sections by the voltage applied to pin 7; therefore, the tone and loudness functions are not independent. There is normally 1 dB more bass than treble boost (40 Hz-16 kHz) with loudness control in" the standard circuit. If a greater difference is desired, it is necessary to introduce an offset by means of Ct or Cb or by changing the nominal control voltage ranges. A similar effect may be obtained for the bass response by reducing the value of the AC bypass capacitors on pins 5 (channel 1) and 16 (channel 2). The internal resistance at these pins is 1.3 kG and the bass boost/cut will be approximately 3 dB less with Xc at this value. An example of such modified response curves is shown in Figure 6. The input coupling capaCitors may also modify the low frequency response. Figure 7 shows the typical loudness curves obtained in the standard application circuit at various volume levels (Cb=0.39,...F). It will be seen from Figures 2 and 3 that modifying Ct and Cb 20 I:::' ~ 5 :II 0 -5 -10 !5 . REDUCED CONTROL RANGE 10 z 20 a 15 ~ 3.4 ..... ~I-" 2.7 ~ ii? N 2 Ct. Ct/2 -15 1.4 0.7 0.0 j ! I ... i! '" :;;: 20 100 500 FREQUENCY (Hz) 5k -5 -10 .. ,.. ...... ~ ~ 0 -15 :s -20 l- t- t-. 10 :II 1IIii~ 2.0 z ~ iii" ~ 5.4 co '" 4.7 r4.0 C'!i B 5.4 z 4.7 ~ 4.0 rC'!i ~i"" 3.4 ...!,NCREASED BASS CONTROL RANGE 15 ..... ~ 10-I- ~ I- t::;.~ i ~ t::= ,....~ I'§t'I-"'" 2.7 :II 2.0 z I' Ct./2 Ct 1.4 0.7 z 0.0 ..'" :s -20 20 20k 100' 500 5k .FREQUENCY (Hz) 20k TL/H/5142-7 TLlH/5142-8 FIGURE 4. Tone Characteristic (Gain vs Frequency) FIGURE 5. Tone Characteristic (Gain vs Frequency) 10 20 "---r-r-r~~-r~-'-' STANDARD AI'I'l.ICATlDN CIRCUIT 15 10 'I 5 z 0 -5 li -10 I-+-+--+-~"'i-++-I I-H~-++-f-,-3o,t-+-l -10 -15 - 20 ~ I"'-r--. !-2O l,. . . r-.... to.... ! -30 t- ,..... r-.... I..... -40 . . . r--.., -50 .. 100 500 5k 20 20k FREQUENCY (Hzl 1-"'1". 1-"""", ..... i"""io-" / PIN 7 CONNEC7EtI TO PIN 12 -60 L-.J-.I.......L--JL......L---'---'-...J......J 20 1"'- 100 ~ FREQUENCY (Hzl -D.39,." Ct=D.Dl,.F 5k 20k TL/H/5142-10 TLlH/5142-9 FIGURE 7. Loudness Compensated Volume Characteristic FIGURE 6. Tone Characteristic (Gain vs Frequency) 1-96 Applications Information (Continued) Figures 8 and 9 illustrate the loudness characteristics obtained with Cb changed to Cb/2 and Cb/4 respectively, Ct being kept at the nominal 0.01 p.F. These values naturally modify the bass tone response as in Figures 2 and 3. ance, this is easily done and high value resistors may be used for minimal additional loading. It is possible to reduce the rate of onset of control to extend the active range to -50 dB volume control and below. The control on pin 7 may also be divided down towards ground bringing the control action on earlier. This is illustrated in Figure 12, With a suitable level shifting network between pins 12 and 7, the onset of loudness control and its rate of change may be readily modified. With pins 7 (loudness) and 12 (volume) directly connected, loudness control starts at typically -8 dB volume, with most of the control action complete by -30 dB. Figures 10 and 11 show the effect of resistively offsetting the voltage applied to pin 7 towards the control reference voltage (pin 17). Because the control inputs are high imped10 -10 ! -20 z ~ -30 -40 10 INCREASED BASS RESPONSE -- ......... C!./2 Ct i-a ", ~ i'" l"'- t-.... I' l- -50 -10 ..... I- r-.. I- 1-30 . / ~ i..-" --......... -40 ./ t-.... INCREASED BASS RESPONSE ".- ....... I-.... ...... ~ t,....- r-... ....... ....... C!./4 Ct -50 ~ t,...../ "". "" -60 -60 20 100 500 5k 20 20k 100 500 5k 10k FREQUENCY (Hz) FREQUENCY (Hz) TUH/5142-11 TL/H/5142-12 FIGURE 8. Loudness Compensated Volume FIGURE 9. Loudness Compensated Volume Characteristic Characteristic 10 10 ~=:M~=T~ONOF -10 i i! li -20 r-- i"'" .... I--. 1----0 ....... ....... -30 -40 -50 -&0 i ". 5k -.... ~- -50 -60 10k ftN~~7 20 FREQUENCY (Hz) -- .....1- i'--.. .N" I ............... c,,=O.39,.F Ct=O.01jg 100 3(18) TREBLE CAlRCITOR • Connections reversed 4 lIIEILE CONTROL 7 LOUONUS COM_OIl 14 BASS CONTROl. 9£O~W'/S£O~W' II ~National ~ Semiconductor LM 1037 Dual Four-Channel Analog Switch General Description Features The LM1037 is a dual, electronically controlled, analog switch with an internal muting facility. Anyone of four stereo signal sources may be selected by means of four control inputs. • • • • • • • Its features make it ideal for stereo source selection in audio equipment and for use in a wide range of industrial, automotive, multiplexing or sampling applications. Wide supply voltage range, 5V-28V Low distortion, 0.04% typical Low noise, typically 5 p.V High input impedance Low output impedance TTL compatible control inputs Very low control current An additional pin is included to allow parallel connection of two or more integrated circuits. Block Diagram (16) A (18) B CONTROL INPUT STAGES lA (2) (1) C 2A (4) lB (6) (5) y+ 2B (8) SIGNAL INPUTS lC (11) ~~ 2C (13) __-+__....;..(1...;.2) VBIAS .- AND MUTE lD (17) 20 (15) (14) y_ 2 1 MUTE 'OuWiiTs' INHIBIT TLlH/5199-1 Order Package Number LM1037N See NS Package N18A 1-100 Absolute Maximum Ratings If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/Distributors for availability and specifications. Supply Voltage 28V Pin 7 Input Current Operating Temperature Range + 70'C + 150'C - 20'C to Storage Temperature Range Power Dissipation (Note 1) - 65'C to 1.3W Lead Temp. (Soldering, 10 seconds) 260'C 5mA Electrical Characteristics Vs=12V, TA=25'C Parameter Conditions Tested Limit (Note 7) Typical Supply Voltage Design Limit (Note 8) Units (Limits) 28 V(max) Supply Voltage 5 Supply Current VSUPPLy=12V 6.4 VSUPPLy=28V Voltage Gain Signal Handling (Notes 2, 6) VSUPPLy=12V Small,Signal Bandwidth V(min) 8.5 mA(max) 10 14 mA(max) 0 ±0.7 dB 3.0 2.8 Vrms(min) 0.1 % (max) 300 Distortion THD kHz 0.04 VSIGNAL = 1 Vrms @ 1 kHz Noise Voltage at Output (Note 3) CCIRIARM RS = 00 5 20 I''v(max) Channel Separation (Note 4) VSIGNAL = 1 Vrms @ 1 kHz -95 -70 dB(min) Relative Output in Muted State VSIGNAL = 1 Vrms -90 @ 1 kHz -70 dB(min) Output Impedance 10 0 Signal Input Impedance 30 MO Logic Low Input Level 0.8 Logic High Input Level 2.0 V(min) Logic High Input Level VSUPPLY V(max) V(max) Typical Performance Characteristics (Vs= 12V, TA = 25'C unless otherwise noted) Supply Current va Supply Voltage Supply Current va Tempereture 11 7.5 10 C .s i... 8 7 ~ 6 ill V 9 => V 1/ 5 / ! 7.0 I... 6.5 .... => V -115 i ;; -110 ..,~ r--.. az ;! -100 1il 5.5 10 20 30 SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V) i ;; -105 ~ ~-100 ~ ~ ...os ;! -95 -90 0.1 -95 0 40 Signal-to-Noise va Source Impedance (Note 3) .... " ~ '" 0 105 .:. r--. !'o!o. it 6.0 => 3 ...-- w ..... 1'-0.. ~ 4 -110 Signal-to-Noise vs Temperature (Note 3) -70 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 AM81ENT TEMPERATURE ('C) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 AM81ENT TEMPERATURE ('C) Attenuation of Unselected Inputs va Frequency (Note 5) Channel Separation vs Frequency (Note 4) -70 I i . i' -80 " "- ./ ~ /' 1-90 '" 1 10 100 lk SOURCE IMPEDANCE (kll) 10k 0.1 1 10 FREQUENCY (kHz) if z J => ~ "'-100 :1-100 ~ -110 0.01 . ~ -90 ./ ~ !iI! I ~ -80 100 lk -110 0.01 - I II V 0.1 1 100 10 FREQUENCY (kHzl lk TUH/5199-2 1-101 ~ C') o..... ~ r---------------------------------------------------------------------------------, Typical Performance Characteristics Total Harmonic Distortion vs Frequency 0.2 t-- 0.15 ~ ;; 0.1 ~ "' o 0.01 100 lk SUPPLY VOLTAGE = 2aV VsIGNIL =5 Vrm. ~ ;; 0.1 " 0.05 ~ 0.01 0.1 1 -10 100 lk ...... o 0.01 ...... I-""'" l / 0.1 FREQUENCY (kHz, FREQUENCY (kHz, -- - i5 I'-. o 10 0.2 - 0.1 ./ 0.1 - 0.15 0.05 0.05 SUPPLY VOLTAGE =12V VsIGNAL = 1 Vrms 0.15 ~ i5 Total Harmonic Distortion vs Frequency Total Harmonic Distortion vs Frequency 0.2 SUPPLY VOLTAGE=12V VsIIlNAL=I00 mVTrns - (Continued) (Vs= 12V, TA = 25'C unless otherwise noted) 10 100 lk FREQUENCY (kHz, TL/H/5199-3 Note 1: Above TA=25'C derate based on TJ max = 150'C and 6JA=90'C/W. Note 2: The inslanteneous maximum voltage difference be1ween any 1wo Input pins of one channel is 9.6V. Voltages in excess of this level may cause increased distortion and degraded channel separation. Signal Handling vs Frequency (Note 6) Note 3: Gaussian noise, monRored over a period of 50 ms per channel, wRh a CCIR finer referenced to 2 kHz, and an average-responding meter. Signal to noise ratios are referenced to tv rms input signal. \ \ Note 4: The level of output signal of a selected undriven amplifier _ respect to the output level of a selected driven amplifier. For test purposes, signal is applied to only one input and all other inputs are decoupled to eliminate stray pick·up through external components. Channel separation is then defined as the ratio of Signal levels of the 1wo output pins. \ \ Note 5: For test purposes, signals are connected to three unselected input pins of one channel group and all other inputs are decoupled to eliminate stray pick-up through external components. Note 6: Supply voltage 12V; signal handling defined at 1% distortion, 1 kHz. o Note 7: Guaranteed and 100% production tested. 0.01 0.1 10 100 lk FREQUENCY (kHz) Note 8: Guaranteed but not 100% production tested. These limits are not used to calculate outgoing qualRy levels. TUH/5199-4 Typical Application CONTROL INPUTS C'N lA "---++-t ~ 10 L....._+_ _----I 2A "----+-t ~ 20 C'N INPUTS INPUTS C'N -+--1 ,&...._ _ _ = R 100 kIl1/4 watt Cl=10pF C2=1 pF C3=I00pF C'N=I"F ~IC C3 TD PIN 7 NmOEVICE (MUTE INHIBIT) T AUDIO OUTPUTS TL/H/5199-5 1-102 .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------, r i: ... Truth Tables ~ LM1037 Channel selection is achieved by the application of DC voltages to the control pins. Unselected control pins should be held low. DC Control Pin In HIGH State Input Pair Switched to Output Pins (10, 9) A 16 18 1 (2,4) (6,8) (11,13) (17,15) (12) B C D Mute 3 None Low switching level (VtJ "'f !z -5~~~~~~d-~ CUT 40 Hz OR 16 kHz -15 V Tone Characteristic (Gain vs Frequency) 15 Ioo::-+--I--±: / -10 V14 - CONTROL VOLWIE (VI 20~~~-r;~~~-, V 15 -5 I o z \ / / ( \ J BOOST 40 Hz OR 16 kHz 10 4 5 vn- CONTROL VOLllUlE (VI 20 i 1/ !. z -12 iI -16 -28 2 ! i -4 -8 -24 1 , CHANNEL2? "CHANNEL 1 -20 ~' -60 Tone Control Characteristic 15 ~ a j -60 Balance Control Characteristic 4 Application Notes out to facilitate this. The arrangement is shown below in basic form. TONE RESPONSE The maximum boost and cut can be optimized for individual applications by selection of the appropriate values of Ct (treble) and Cb (bass). The tone responses are defined by the relationships: 1 Bass Response = + 0.00065(1 - ab) jwCb PIN 2 ---..!.=.::.!!...-- 1 Uk Uk + 0.000658b jwCb Treble Response = 1 CHANNEL 2 OUTPUT CHANNEL 1 OUTPUT + jw5500(1 - atlCt 1 + jw5500atCt TLlH/5147-3 With a monophonic source, the emitters have the same signal and the resistor and capacitor connected between them have no effect. With a stereo signal each transistor works in the grounded base mode for stereo components, generating an in-phase Signal from the opposite channel. As the normal signals are inverted at this point, the appropriate phase-reversed cross-coupling is achieved. An effective level of coupling of 60% can be obtained using 4.7k in conjunction with the internal 6.5k emitter resistors. At low frequencies, speakers become less directional and it becomes desirable to reduce the enhancement effect. With a 0.1 p.F coupling capacitor, as shown, roll-off occurs below 330 Hz. The coupling components may be varied for alternative responses. Where ab = at = 0 for maximum bass and treble boost respectively and 8b = at = 1 for maximum cut. For the values of Cb and Ct of 0.39 p.F and 0.01 p.F as shown in the Application Circuit, 15 dB of boost or cut is obtained at 40 Hz and 16 kHz. STEREO ENHANCEMENT When stereo system speakers need to be closer than optimum because of equipment/cabinet limitations, an improved stereo effect can be obtained using a modest amount of phase-reversed interchannel cross-coupling. In the LM 1040 the input stage transistor emitters are brought Application Circuit 47k 47k BASS CONTROL VOLUME CONTROL STEREO ENHANCEMENT ON LOUDNESS COMPENSATION 47k ~----~~-y.,""'_'<47k BALANCE CONTROL t--------~~~-------.~~k~~~L TL/H/5147-4 1-109 • Application Notes (Continued) ZENER VOLTAGE A zener voltage (pin 19=5.4V) is provided which may be used to bias the control potentiometers. Setting a DC level of one half of the zener voltage on the control inputs, pins 6, 11, and 16, results in the balanced gain and flat response condition. Typical spread on the zener voltage is ± 100 mV and this must be taken into account if control signals are used which are not referenced to the zener voltage. If this is the case, then they will need to be derived with similar accuracy. TONE CONTROLS Summarizing the relationship given in the data sheet, basically for an increase in the treble control range Ct must be increased, and for increased bass range Cb must be reduced. Agure 1 shows the typical tone response obtained in the standard application circuit. (Ct=0.01 p.F, Cb=0.39 p.F). Response curves are given for various amounts of boost and cut. 20 LOUDNESS COMPENSATION A simple loudness compensation may be effected by applying a DC control voltage to pin 9. This operates on the tone control stages to produce an additional boost limited by the maximum boost defined by Ct, and Ct. There is no loudness compensation when pin 9 is connected to pin 19. Pin 9 can be connected to pin 14 to give the loudness compensated volume characteristic as illustrated without the addition of further external components. (Tone settings are for flat response, Cb and Ct as given in Application Circuit.) Modification to the loudness characteristic is possible by changing the capaCitors Cb and Ct for a different basic response or, by a resistor network between pins 9 and 14 for a different threshold and slope. 15 10 iii !!. 5 0 ~ -5 ~ -10 -15 -20 n STANDARD APPlICATION CIRCUIT ::-- ,BASS AND TREBLE BOOST r- ~~ ....... ~ ~Y'" ~r- _~111""" i 5.4 4.7 4.0 Ii! ;§ 3.4 i 2.7 :II I- 2.0 ili ~ ~~S~D~EB~f~ Ct.=0.39,.F Ct=O.Ol,.F 1.4 0.7 I-' 0.0 20 100 50D FREQUENCY (Hz) 5k .!!... I: ~ 20k TUH/S147-S FIGURE 1. Tone Characteristic (Gain vs Frequency) Figures 2 and 3 show the effect of changing the response defining capacitors Ct and Ct, to 2Ct, Cb/2 and 4Ct, Cb/4 respectively, giving increased tone control ranges. The values of the bypass capacitors may become significant and affect the lower frequencies in the bass response curves. SIGNAL HANDLING The volume control function of the LM1040 is carried out in two stages, controlled by the DC voltage on pin 14, to improve signal handling capability and provide a reduction of output noise level at reduced gain. The first stage is before the tone control processing and provides an initial 15 dB of gain reduction, so ensuring that the tone sections are not overdriven by large input levels when operating with a low volume setting. Any combination of tone and volume settings may be used provided the output level does not exceed 1 Vrms, Vcc=12V(0.7 Vrms, Vcc=9V). At reduced gain « -6 dB) the input stage will overload if the input level exceeds 1.6 Vrms, Vcc=12V (1.1 Vrms, Vcc=9V). As there is volume control on the input stages, the inputs may be operated with a lower overload margin than would otherwise be acceptable, allowing a possible improvement in signal to noise ratio. TL/H/S147-6 FIGURE 2: Tone Characteristic (Gain vs Frequency) 20 15 Applications Information OBTAINING MODIFIED RESPONSE CURVES The LM1040 is a dual DC controlled bass, treble, balance and volume integrated circuit ideal for stereo audio systems. In the various applications where the LM1040 can be used, there may be requirements for responses different to those of the standard application circuit given in the data sheet. This application section details some of the simple variations possible on the standard responses, to assist the choice of optimum characteristics for particular applications. iz ~ ,...!!I~EASED CONTRDL RANGE~ .... bfo'"" __ ~ 10 5 0 ~ -5 -10 -15 -20 -- - 20 -~ ~ 100 ~~ ,~ 5.4 n 4.7 !i ;l 4.0 Ii! c 3.4 2.7 r~ co i ..,.... . :31 2.0 z ,~ 1.4 z ~ 1"--- 0.7 iii 1 ' - 0.0 :3 Ct./4 4Ct 500 5k 20k FREQUENCY (Hz) TLlH/S147 -7 FIGURE 3: Tone Characteristic (Gain vs Frequency) ~------------------------------------------------------~I 1-110 Applications Information (Continued) Figure 1# shows the effect of changing Ct and Cb in the oPPOsite direction to Ct/2, 2Cb respectively giving reduced control ranges. The various results corresponding to the different Ct and Cb values may be mixed if it is required to give a particular emphasis to, for example, the bass control. The particular case with Cb/2, Ct is illustrated in Figure 5. It will be seen from Figures 2 and 3 that modifying Ct and Cb for greater control range also has the effect of flattening the tone control extremes and this may be utilized, with or without additional modification as outlined above, for the most suitable tone control range and response shape. OTHER ADVANTAGES OF DC CONTROLS The DC controls make the addition of other features easy to arrange. For example, the negative-going peaks of the output amplifiers may be detected below a certain level, and used to bias back the bass control from a high boost condition; to prevent overloading the speaker with low frequency components. R~STRICTION OF TONE CONTROL ACTION AT HIGH OR LOW FREQUENCIES It may be desired in some applications to level off the tone responses above or below certain frequencies for example to reduce high frequency noise. This may be achieved for the treble response by including a resistor in series with Ct. The treble boost and cut will be 3 dB less than the standard circuit when R = Xc. LOUDNESS CONTROL The loudness control is achieved through control of the tone sections by the voltage applied to pin 9; therefore, the tone and loudness functions are not independent. There is normally 1 dB more bass than treble boost (40 Hz-16 kHz) with loudness control in the standard circuit. If a greater difference is desired, it is necessary to introduce an offset by means of Ct or Cb or by changing the nominal control voltage ranges. A similar effect may be obtained for the bass response by reducing the vallie of the AC bypass capacitors on pins 7 (channel 1) and 18 (channel 2). The internal resistance at these pins is 1.3 kO and the bass boost/cut will be approximately 3 dB less with Xc at this value. An example of such modified response curves is shown in Figure 6. The input coupling capacitors may also modify the low frequency response. 20 i i L:""' REOUCl:O CONTROL RANGE ~ 5 ... I:i:I.. 0 -5 ;~ ..... ~ iii" ~ Ii? ..... -15 -10 . S 15 10 Figure 7 shows the typical loudness curves obtained in the standard application circuit at various volume levels (Cb=0.39 fLF). 2 c.. ~ CtI2 !!i 20 ..,!NCREASEO BASS CONTROL RANIE 15 co .... 10 ;i 100 500 FREOUENCY (Hz) 5k r-r--~ .... 1- i ; 0 m -5 .'" = 5.4 !!i 4.7 co .... 4.0 oC ~ ~ ~ ..... I-o::::i"'" t:1~-~ 2.7 :!i! z 2.0 co ~ 1.4 '" z 0.7 co 0.0 ;;\ ~I-t::;:;,. =~: f-J::;~ ;;\ . S 5~~~~~~~~~~~~ !l! :!i! z co :3 -20 20 5.4 4.7 4.0 3.4 2.7 2.0 1.4 0.7 0.0 I§t'Cb/2 Ct co I 3.4 ,. :3 - 20 '--.J.....L......l'--.L......Jc.....J._L........l-l 20 100 500 5k 20k FREQUENCY (Hz) 20k TLlH/5147-8 TLlH/5147-9 FIGURE 4. Tone Characteristic (Gain vs Frequency) FIGURE 5. Tone Characteristic (Gain vs Frequency) _50'--.J.....L........l_L......lc.....J.~L........l-l 20 100 500 FREQUENCY (Hz) 5k 20k TLlH/5147-11 TLlH/5147-10 FIGURE 7. Loudness Compensated Volume Characteristic FIGURE 6. Tone Characteristic (Gain vs Frequency) 1-111 Applications Information (Continued) Figures 8 and 9 illustrate the loudness characteristics obtained with C!) changed to Cb/2 and ~f4 respectively, Ct being kept at the nominal 0.01 p.F, These values naturally modify the bass tone response as in Figures 2 and 3. voltage (pin 19). Because the control inputs are high impedance, this is easily done and high value resistors may be used for minimal additional loading. It is possible to reduce the rate of on$8t of control to extend the active range to -50 dB volume control and below. The control on pin 9 may also be divided down towards ground bringing the control action on earlier. This is illustrated in FJgure 12. With a suitable level shifting network between pins 14 and 9, the onset of loudness control and its rate of change may be readily modified. With pins 9 (loudness) and 14 (volume) directly connected, loudness control starts at typically - 8 dB volume, with most of the control action complete by -30 dB. Figures 10 and 11 show the effect of resistively offsetting the voltage applied to pin 9 towards the control reference 111 10 --- r...r... -10 i ....... ...... 1-20 z -30 -40 INCREASED BASS RESPONSE !MCRE! SED BASS RESPONSE o ~ ./~ ....... I'- ......... ......... 14/2 Ct -50 .... - -10 ..... 1'- i- 1- 20 ,.... r- r... i' i,...oo" too... 1-30 . / I-'~ I' r-..... I' 1-0.. l...;' -40 ./" '" I' , .... CIo/. Ct -50 too... "". ./ -60 -60 20 100 500 5k FREDUENCY (Hz' 20 2IIk 1110 500 5k FREDUENCY (Hz, 20k TUH/5147-13 TL/H/5147-12 FIGURE 9. Loudness Compensated Volume Characteristic FIGURE 8. Loudness Compensated Volume Characteristic 10 -10 1-20 z i -30 -40 -50 -60 !""'r-- -.."I.' . . . . ,~ ..... ~ i" .... ft~. 20 100 =:...;.0::.::' 10 ~~=:::.~a::a: o o -- -10 1-20 1-30 -40 . " I-' - ~::.:: -60 500 FREQUENCY (Hz, ...... .:~"b. .. " -60 _fr- r--. 20, I ........... 100 500 FREQUENCY (Hz, o -10 (-20 - ~ 1-0..' t--.. r- 1-0.. ...... ~ ! -30 r-. ~: ...... -40 ""'""1~~ -50 -60 20 6k 2IIk FIGURE 11. Loudness Compensated Volume Characteristic -- 11IC=~':.ur~F ~ ..... 1- TUH/5147-15 TL/H/5147-14 FIGURE 10. Loudness Compensated Volume Characteristic 10 ..... i""f- ~ -f100 .." ""., ./ "". ./ "". ~ Co-D.... I:o-D.01" 500 5k FREDUENCY (Hz, 2IIk TL/H/5147-16 FIGURE 12. Loudness Compensated Volume Characteristic 1-112 Applications Information (Continued) USE OF THE LM1040 ABOVE AUDIO FREQUENCIES The LM1040 has a basic response typically 1 dB down at 250 kHz (tone controls flat) and therefore by scaling Cb and Ct. it is possible to arrange for operation over a wide fre· quency range for possible use in wide band equalization applications. As an example Figure 15 shows the responses obtained centered on 10 kHz with Cb=0.039 p.F and Ct=0.001 p.F. When adjusted for maximum boost in the usual application circuit. the LM·1040 cannot give additional boost from the loudness control with reducing gain. If it is required. some additional boost can be obtained by restricting the tone con· trol range and modifying Ct. Cb. to compensate. A circuit illustrating this for the case of bass boost is shown in Figure 13. The resulting responses are given in Figure 14 showing the continuing loudness control action possible with bass boost previously applied. 24 23 22 21 20 LM1040N 19 18 5k 17 c" =0.22 # -;J; 47k 16 25k 15 r O . 22 # 5k 14 12 13 TOPYIEW TUH/S147-17 FIGURE 13. Modified Application Circuit for Additional Bass Boost with Loudness Control 10 r--r--r-..--r-r....,........,.....,...., 20 15 10 -10 i i I--.. V 1,\ i 5 c:.=D.~,.F ..... V o Co=O.DDJ,.F I ' ./ i"-... lfI -5 -20 ,.....'i'"lr;...o~+++-+1...-! -30 -40 I-+-+-t- -10 -50 1-+-+-+-+-+-+-++-1 -15 -20 100 500 5k FREQUENCY (Hz) II MAXIMUM BASS AND TREBLE.at N.. 20k 200 1/ 1\ ,......,.AXIMUM lASS AND TREBLE CUT' 1 lk 5k 50k 200k FREQUENCY (Hz) TUH/S147 -19 TL/H/5147 -1 B FIGURE 15. Tone Characteristic (Gain vs Frequency) FIGURE 14. Loudness Compensated Volume Characteristic 1·113 Applications Information (Continued) DC CONTROL OF STEREO ENHANCEMENT AND LOUDNESS CONTROL The high impedance PNP base input of the loudness control pin 9 is readily switched with a general purpose NPN transistor. " Figure 16 shows a possible circuit if electronic cOntrol of these functions is required. the typical DC level at pins 3 and 22 is 7.5V (Vcc= 12V), with the input signal superimposed, and this can be used to bias a FET switch as shown to save components. For switching with a OV-5V signal a lowthreshhold FET is required when using a 12V supply. With larger switching levels this is less critical. 47k r---------....-'W'¥-""""~~47k BASS CONTROl ;,;O.22pf 0.47 pf INPUT 2--1 Vee YOWME 2N4393 CONTROL LOUDNESS 390k L-.~WI.-----4-- COMPENSATION 51 ON, OVDFf BAlANCE STEREO ENHANCEMENT 5V ON, OY OFF CONTROL ~OUTPUTI 47k +---------W\,--------+~47k =~l TL/H/5147 -20 FIGURE 16. Application Circuit with Electronic Switching 1-114 , ,TT'"1--. I .=:"- 4~7k I) J r -~EG 11 -,-~ (!) r r en 3" ~ r r ~r" ~!~ ii r ._. I .... All ~ 1 I ~ n I :::r I CD 3 C» c:;" I o i" CQ ; 3 "0 15 --. 9 4.7k !ll 12 ~ <.n 24 100 4(21) TREBI£ CAPACITOR 8 TREBI£ CONTROL 9 LOUDNESS COMPENWIDN ZENER REGULATED OUTPUT YOLTABE otoun II 0.------------------------------------------------------------------. .... .... .... 'ZI National ::Ii ~ Semiconductor .... iii .... ........ LM1131A/LM1131B/LM1131C CO) I)[] CO) :!I Dual Dolby® 8-Type Noise Reduction Processor :c.... General Description • Wide supply voltage range, 5V-20V .... .... CO) ~ The LM1131 is a monolithic integrated circuit specifically designed to realize the Dolby B-Type noise reduction system. The circuit includes two completely separate noise reduction processors and will operate in both encode and decode modes. It is ideal for stereo applications in compact equipment or for mono applications in 3-head equipment where two processors with very closely matched internal gains are required. Features • Stereo Dolby noise reduction with one IC • Very high signal/noise ratio, 79 dB encode, 90 dB decode (CCIR/ARM) • Very close gain matching for 3-head recorders • Close matching to standard Dolby characteristics • Very low temperature drift of Dolby characteristics • High signal handling capability, > +20 dB (VS = 20V) • FUll-wave rectifier in both channels • Operates with both single and split supply voltages • Excellent transient response characteristics • Minimal input switch-on transients • Reduced number of external components per channel • Improved input protection Available to licensees of Dolby Laboratories Licensing Corporation, San Francisco, from whom licensing and appJlcation information must be obtained. Schematic Diagram (1 channel shown only) TLlH/8858-1 1-116 Absolute Maximum Ratings If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/Distributors for availability and specifications. Supply Voltage Operating Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Soldering Information Dual-In-Line Package Soldering (10 seconds) 260"C Small Outline Package 215·C Vapor Phase (60 seconds) Infrared (15 seconds) 220"C See AN-450 "Surface Mounting Methods and Their Effect on Product Reliability" for other methods of soldering surface mount devices. 24V - 20·C to + 70"C -65·Cto + 150·C Electrical Characteristics Vs = 12V, TA = 25·C unless otherwise specified. 0 dB refers to Dolby level and is 580 mV, measured at TP1 and TP2. Parameter LM1131A Conditions Min Supply Voltage Range Typ 5 Supply Current LM1131B Max Min 20 5 20 Typ LM1131C Max 20 20 Min Typ 5 ~ ..... ..... W ..... ~ !i: ..... ..... ..... m .... ~ ..... ..... W ..... o W Units Max 20 20 V mA Voltage Gain (Pins 7-10 and 14-11) (Pins 10-9 and 11-12) 1 kHz Decode 1 kHz Decode 19.2 -0.5 19.7 0 20.2 0.5 18.7 -0.5 19.7 0 20.7 0.5 18.2 -1.0 19.7 0 21.2 1.0 dB dB Difference in Voltage 1 kHz Noise -0.2 0 0.2 -0.5 0 0.5 -1.0 0 1.0 dB -60 -90 -60 -90 -60 -90 dB 77 79 82 90 92 75.5 79 82 90 92 74 79 82 90 92 dB dB dB dB 0 -16.2 -17.3 -21.7 -22.3 -30.1 0.5 -15.7 -16.8 -21.2 -21.8 -29.6 0.2 -16.7 -17.8 -22.2 -22.8 -30.3 0.5 -15.7 -16.8 -21.2 -21.8 -29.6 -0.5 -17.2 -18.3 -22.7 -23.3 -30.6 0.5 -15.7 -16.8 -21.2 -21.8 -29.6 Gain between Channels Reduction OFF Crosstalk between Channels 1 kHz,OdB Signal/Noise Ratio at Pins 9 and 12 Encode (Note 1) Decode Encode Characteristics Variation in Encode Characteristics Temperature Voltage Distortion Signal Handling Rs = 10kfi Rs=1kfi Rs=10kfi Rs=1kfi 10 kHz, 0 dB 1.3 kHz, -20 dB 5kHz, -20dB 3 kHz, -30dB 5kHz, -30dB 10 kHz, -40 dB O"C-70"C 5V-20V 1 kHz,OdB 10 kHz, 10 dB 1 kHz, Dist = 0.3% Vs = 5V Vs = 7V Vs = 12V Vs = 20V Input Resistance Pins 7 and 14 Output Resistance Pins 9 and 12 Pins10and11 1.0 -15.2 -16.3 -20.7 -23.0 -29.1 <±0.5 <±0.2 0.03 0.2 14.0 45 <±0.5 <±0.2 0.03 0.2 0.1 6.5 10.5 16.0 21.0 14.0 65 80 30 30 55 55 45 1.2 -14.7 -15.8 -20.2 -20.8 -28.9 <±0.5 <±0.2 0.03 0.2 0.1 6.5 10.5 16.0 21.0 14.0 65 80 30 30 55 55 45 0.2 6.5 10.5 16.0 21.0 dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB % % dB dB dB dB 65 80 kfi 30 30 55 55 fi fi Note 1: Gaussian noise, measured over a period of 50 ms per channel, with a CCIR filter referenced to 2 kHz and an average-responding meter. 1-117 1.5 -14.2 -15.3 -19.7 -20.3 -28.6 • .... .... .... or-----~---------------------------------------------------------------. C') :i..... III .... ........ :i .... .... .... Typical Performance Characteristics Supply Current vs Supply Voltage (1 kHz, 0 dB; NR ON) Signal Handling vs Supply Voltage 22 C') • 1 ~ i22 u C') ~ 20 ... ... ... ... 30 26 ... ... -- '" J 18 ~ .... fo"'" 14 ~ ~ fo"'" - ...... V ... V 12 ... 10 6 8 / 10 10 12 14 IL V " 1/ 8 20 18 16 V V ....... ... ........ ~ 6 8 Supply Voltage IV) 10 12 14 16 20 18 Supply VoI1age (VI TLlH/6858-2 Signal to Noise Ratio vs Source Impedance Encode Mode (CCIRtARM) Gain vs Frequency (NR OFF) 32 B2 BO 26 ~18 24 P7-Pl0 (PI41'111 J18 ~20 1 172 ~ 16 12 III 70 8 .... 74 as P7 P9 (PI4-PI21 4 10 100 lK 10K Source Impedance In) o lOOK 0.1 1000 100 10 Frequency 1kHz) TL/H/BB58-3 Back to Back Response Error vs Frequency and Supply Voltage (Standard Dolby Encoder) o ~ 6:12:2OV +1 0 -1 +1 0 lI" 8:12:2OV ~-10 1 6:12:2OV -40 0.1 10 20 1-+2&"C 1-30 1-+2&"C -40 100 0 1 +7I5"C_ +1 0 O"C -1 +1 _0: +2&:+75"C 0 -1 O"C ! +1 0 -1 +1 0 -1 I."'" 6:12:2OV 1-30 1-20 - +1 0 -1 +1 0:+2&:+75"C 0 -1+715°C_ +11 ~-10 ~IJ l20 0: +2&: +75"C o ;:j lI" 6:12:2OV Back to Back Response Error vs Frequency and Temperature (Encode Temperature + 25"C) 10 0.1 20 J 100 Frequency 1kHz) Frequency 1kHz) TL/H/685B-4 1-118 E ... Application Notes NOISE REDUCTION SWITCH LM1131 may operate with either single or split supply voltages. Noise reduction OFF is normally effected by means of a mechanical switch which open-circuits the sidechain input. Single Supply Voltage Pin 1 is connected to ground, pin 20 to Vs. An alternative method which permits the control of NA OFF by means of a DC voltage is shown in Flf/ure 1. The DC control voltage forces the internal impedance to a minimum value and heavily attenuates the sidechain input. When using this circuit the following points should be noted: Pins 8 and 13 are internally generated reference voltages set to approximately half-supply. They should be connected together externally. a) Signal boost in encode mode (signal cut in decode) is reduced by increasing DC voltages on pins 3 and 18. A voltage of approximately 3V above signal ground is adequate to achieve NA OFF. A 220 p.F capacitor must be connected between pins 8 and 13 and ground. Device turn-on time is delayed by the rise time of pins 8 and 13. ...... ~ ......E ... w SUPPLY VOLTAGE w ~ r- ......a: ... W (') b) Supply current may be increased significantly by high pin 3/18 forcing voltages. Thus, values for V3 and A3 should ideally be chosen such that pin 3/18 forced voltage is only 3V-5V greater than signal ground. Maximum permissible voltage on pin 3/18 is equal to supply voltage. SpIlt Supply Voltages Pin 1 is connected to the negative supply, pin 20 to the positive supply. Pins 8 and 13 are connected to OV and no capacitor is required. Device turn-on time is delayed only by the rise times of the supply voltages. c) When electrical NA switching is used in this way, NA OFF signal level is slightly affected by the restriction that the internal variable impedance cannot achieve zero impedance. Thus, at 10 kHz-10 dB, a residual boost in encode (or cut in decode) of approximately 0.4 dB remains. At low frequencies this value reduces to insignificant levels. This is not the case for mechanical NA switching. SIGNAL GAIN AND FILTERING It should be noted that LM1131 has only one internal preamplifier, AB, with no provision for interconnection of a low pass filter to remove bias or multiplex tones. In addition, main chain gain has been reduced by 6 dB in comparison with LM1112/LM1 011. If a low pass filter is required it should be connected at the input of the LM1131. Pre-adjustment of Dolby input level may then be performed, at the input of LM1131 if required. v+ V3 J"o I 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 6 7 8 9 10 • WI. ON ~ D R3 OFF 1 LMl131 2 4 3 5 J"o v I J: INPUT 10l'F 101'F+ 15K 471< 270K r I SIGNAL GROUND 0.33 I SIDECHAIN liP I :1=0.0047 O.~ .. ,;<0.047 0.1 MONITOR O/P 3.3K --l ~ v- vTL/H/6858-5 FIGURE 1. LM1131 Decode Processor with Electrical NR Switch (1 Channel Shown) 1-119 o ......... .~ Test Circuit Encode Mode (components shown for channel 1 only) v+ :Ii .::I ..... m .... .... .... C') !l...... .... 111( . ........ C') !l 20 r I I I I I I lov I I I Note 1: Where 'not otherwise specified component tolerances are ±1.0% . L, Note 2: For LM1131AN use 2% components lor 0304, R303, R305. (5% components may cause errors up to ± 0.3 dB). TLlH/6658-6 Connection Diagram Dual-In-Llne and Small Outline Packages :II POSITIVE SUPPLY NEGATIVE SUPPLY DECOUPLING DECOUPUNG RECTIFIER OUTPUT VARIABLE IMPEDANCE CONTROL AMPLIFIER D ~DBACK DECOUPUNG SIDECHAIN INPUT AMPLIFIER AB INPUT SIGNAL GROUND AMPLIFIER EK OUTPUT RECTIFIER OUTPUT 4 .- N VARIABLE IMPEDANCE CONTROL & ....I ....I W AMPLIFIER D • Z Z Z Z « :I: SIDECHAIN INPUT 7 • • W « :I: U ~EDBACKDECOUPUNG AMPUFIERAB INPUT U SIGNAL GROUND 12 AMPUFIEREK OUTPUT II MONITOR OUTPUT 10 MONITOR OUTPUT TUH/6658-7 Order Number LM1131AN, LM1131BN, LM1131CM or LM1131CN See NS Package Number M20B or N20A 1-120 r------------------------------------------------------------------------,~ ~ ........ .... i: National PRELIMINARY [ ] [ ] ~ Semiconductor U'I LM1151 Dolby® B-Type Noise Reduction System General Description Features The LM11151 is a two-channel encode/decode switchable Dolby B-type noise reduction processor. • • • • • The circuit includes two completely separate noise reduction processors and will operate in both encode and decode modes. Electronic switching simplifies switching from record to playback modes of operation and turn on/off of noise reduction. Minimum number of external components Electronic NR ON/OFF and REC/PB switching Small surface mount package Two channel processors on one chip Operates with both single and split supply voltages Key Specifications • Supply Voltage Range • LINE OUT Level • Signal Handling Applications • Compact stereo audio equipment • Dubbing cassette decks 6.5V to 15V 387.5 mV (-6 dBm) ;?;+14 dB Block Diagram and Typical Application CI2 CI4 4.7 J'F I J'F ~~~r+~------------, REC/PB r---------------+~L....,.. LINE ""'" OUT II ATTENUATOR 3 ATTENUATOR 3 REC~ IN -..r-, + L..-_+.... L....,.. REC ""'" OUT C25 C21 4.7 J'F I J'F -+__"" PB ~I-+_ _ _ IN -..r-, C22 L..-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ +... L....,.. LINE ON/Off ""'" OUT C24 4.7 J'f I J'F TUH/II439-1 1-121 ~National ~ Semiconductor LM1875 20 Watt Power Audio Amplifier General Description Features The LM1875 is a monolithic power amplifier offering very low distortion and high quality performance for consumer audio applications. • • • • • • • • • • • The LM1875 delivers 20 watts into a 40 or 80 load on ± 25Vsupplies. Using an 80 load and ± 30V supplies, over 30 watts of power may be delivered. The amplifier is designed to operate with a minimum of external components. Device overload protection consists of both internal current limit and thermal shutdown. The LM1875 Clesign takes advantage of advanced circuit techniques and proceSSing to achieve extremely low distortion levels even at high output power levels. Other outstanding features include high gain, fast slew rate and a wide power bandwidth, large output voltage swing, high current capability, and a very wide supply range. The amplifier is internally compensated and stable for gains of 10 or greater. Connection Diagram Up to 30 watts output power Avo typically 90 dB Low distortion: 0.015%,1 kHz, 20 W Wide power bandwidth: 70 kHz Protection for AC and DC short circuits to ground Thermal protection with parole circuit High current capability: 4A Wide supply range 1SV-SOV Internal output protection diodes 94 dB ripple rejection Plastic power package TO-220 Applications • • • • • High performance audio systems Bridge amplifiers Stereo phonographs Servo amplifiers Instrument systems Typical Applications +Vcc: r Cl 2.2"" VJN ::~ C3 O.1""T '=' HI 1M +IN TUH/5030-1 Front View -YEE-+-""I C4 O.I""T '='14 2011 ea ![ioo,.F '=' Order Number LM1875T See NS Package Number T05S TUH/5030-2 1-122 Absolute Maximum Ratings If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/Distributors for availability and specifications. Supply Voltage Storage Temperature - 65'C to + 15O'C Junction Temperature 150'C Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 seconds) 260'C 60V Input Voltage -VEE to Vee Electrical Characteristics Vee= + 25V, -VEE= -25V, TAMBIENT=25'C, RL =80, Av=20 (26 dB), fo= 1 kHz, unless otherwise specified. Parameter Typical Tested Umlts Units Supply Current POUT = OW Conditions 70 100 mA Output Power (Note 1) THD=1% 25 THD(Note 1) POUT=20W, 10= 1 kHz POUT=20W, 10=20 kHz POUT=20W, RL =40,10 =1 kHz POUT=20W, RL =40,10 =20 kHz Offset Voltage Input Bias Current Input Offset Current Gain-Bandwidth Product W 0.6 % % % % ±1 ±15 mV ±0.2 ±2 ,.,.A 0 ±0.5 0.015 0.05 0.022 0.07 fo=20kHz 5.5 Open Loop Gain DC 90 PSRR Vee, 1 kHz,1 Vrms VEE, 1 kHz, 1 Vrms 95 83 Max Slew Rate 20W, 80, 70 kHz BW 8 Current Limit VOUT = VSUPPLY -10V 4 Equivalent Input NOise Voltage Rs=6000, CCIR 3 0.4 /LA MHz dB 52 52 dB dB V/,.,.s 3 A ,.,.Vrms Note 1: Assumes the use of a heal sink having a thermal resistance of I'C/W and no insulator wHh an ambient temperature of 25'C. Because the output limiting circuHry has a negative temperature coefficient, the maximum output power delivered to a 40 load may be slightly reduced when the tab tempereture exceeds 55'C. Typical Applications (Continued) Typical Single Supply Operation HI 22k -:b - Cl H2 22k .J!.C2 T'0J.'F ~pr ~ HC 1M C4 Vee 0,1 "" !~ ~~OOJ.'F ::k 1 r.:--.... 5 ":' 4 LM1875 ---1 H7 1 ;/3 C5- .... C6 ~1- 0.22""T C3 10 J.'F p:+ H5 10k -=:F H6 200k TlIH/5030-3 1-123 • ,... ,------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, ~ CD .... ::::E Typical Performance Characteristics ...I THD vs Power Output Power Output vs Supply Voltage THD vs Frequency 1.0 35 0.1 Vs =U5V 0JI9 Po = lOW 0JI8 :t g om g 0.It:;; eRL = " j!; ~ e'~I1I1~ 0.01 0.1 o.os \. D.D3 0.D2 r-. I 111111 Q.06 0J)4 1\.44 I-- 'r-t r-... RL = l1.li '" 0.01 1.0 o POWER OU1P\JT (W) Il! 10 ; 051015202530 SUPPLY VOLTAGE INTERFACE = I'C/We See Application Hints. Power Dissipation vs Power Output . ~-- -~- --t--- 30 45 g ~ !Ii ~ 40 35 30 25 20 Vs =:l3OV -- - -- 1 ~- -- 0 0 - 45 Vs = = I ~ III Il! lit. = 44 fo=lkHz 30 lit. =811 .... f- ... fo= 1kHz ~ ...... 30 Vs D: nov 10 15 20 25 POWER OUTPUT (W) 15 10 /. r/ "" ~ =;s=!15V o o 30 Vs = =~~,.rI80 15, 135 W 80 ~ ~ Ol--+-HH~~~~~~: ~ -51-+-HH~~~++''Iil'IOtH-45 ~ -101-+-1-H+t+f!-++++*Ifll-8O -151-+-HH~~~++~I\I-I35 ~ ~80 1M F- !52OD i ~ ..... "" -6 30 -25-20-15-10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 OUTPUT VOLTAGE (V) ..... ~700c !ZiO ~ ~ \ 10-- Input Bias Current vs Supply Voltage 30D ~::~ 25 20 , .... 1\ nov I-e--- 10 15 20 25 POWER OUTPUT (W) \ L.. f- ..... = t30V Vs = t25V Open Loop Gain and Phase vs Frequency lOOk lOUT VS VourCurrent Llmltl Safe Operating Area Boundary 6 g40 35 ..". I ' Vs = :l25V I ,.. "'Ys t15~ 15 10 5 Power Dissipation vs Power Output 30 130 .... ~r---. .... = r- rTA OOC- 100 30 o 051015202530 SUPPLY VOlTAGE (tV) 10M FREQUENCY - 1A1L ... ClfHII FDILP.c.IOAIlD ~ 10 11 luIHI1TII.J I~ ID.I 31 41 .. ii 3 Ii 10 10 10 10 10 ; i§ i... V~I~LE ~ OJ :V~ VRI"LE·8.5V~ "BYPASS' • CI.· ••I.F _ VRIPPLE - I v .... 12 14 10 vo· ...Vnns AV-. t-1~7Iil~l.il 40 L..LW1IIL..J.................... 10 110 It Ilk .. .~ ... ~ iii ~ I-' ~ ZIII "'" -- j..-- z !:! E a: c Ii 1.1 C ...'"c ~ .... e a 0.1 0.11 II 1.5 110 .OWER OUT'UT CWICHANNELI Power Dissipation (W) Both Channels Operating 8 1\ - ...... ""'2OV L14Dl1THO - I 7 T A/ IN 3lITHO ~1zY" •o II 101 It Ilk FREQUENCY 1Hz) L RL -an 10 11: § ....!1 ..~ I. Output Swing vs Supply Voltage VS'20V .. i ..~ ~ I' &0 .... ~ 41 ~ > 20 a 1111 .OWER OUTPUT CW/CHANNELl 0.01 I< II 100 /. ....IIV ~~4V 10k It FREQUENCY 1Hz) 1.1 Open Loop Gain vs Frequency an 2~V Total Harmonic Distortion vs Frequency la ..Iii .. ~ ..I. '" i I'" It 10k FREQUENCY 1Hz) is z ;:: a: &ID a 10 Total Harmonic Distortion vs Frequency I. llllIIll 4D IlIIt is C ~ c:~~I~l~F 51 10 >- 411 CBYPASS' &i~F' VCC'IV FREQUENCY 1Hz) .! 5 Channel Separation (Referred to the Output) vs Frequency I I-++Ill~~~~ 18 1m C 10k FREOUENCY 1Hz) 80 Average Supply Current vs POUT a: II I-I-.j.jjjlr=ffilll~ 70 SUPPLY VOLTAGE IV) . 20 i ~ - f'l20 Hz Ay-5D ....~ a: 10 r-rmmr-riTITllllrT 'j". II ~ H iii Channel Separation (Referred to the Output) vs Frequency .QI8E~ ~VviRI"LE -I V~ 50 40 IDB FREQUENCY 1Hz) Power Supply Rejection Ratio (Referred to the Output) vs Supply Voltage 1 II ;$ a: 3D TA - lIMllENT TEMPERATURE rc) 10 Power Supply Rejection Ratio (Referred to the Output) vs Frequency V , , Ilk I'" FREQUENCY 1Hz) 1M ~ L' a It V IZ a 5 II II ZI II SUPPLY VOLTAIE IV) TLlH17913-3 1-130 Typical Applications Stereo Phonograph Amplifier with Bass Tone Control Slk 510k 1?r+r ":' I I ":' I I I STEREO CERAMIC CARTRIOGE I l iJ L II 51k + T 'OhF TUH17913-4 Frequency Response of Bass Tone Control ; Vs 65 ....CI ~ Inverting Unity Gain Amplifier MAXIMUM BOOST ;;;;;; 55 ...... z 45 :: 35 - ~ ~ESPONSE lOOk CI TONE.\, CONTROL FLAT ...:;! c ~ 25 > 15 CI ----J ~-+--~ 1/ - - CD ... 0.11'1' "7 20 ~ ....... lOOk IDle /MAXIMUM -~~~PONSE 1 sa 100 200 500 lk 2k &II 10k 2ak FREQUENCY (Hz) TL/H/7913-5 TUH/7913-6 1·131 Typical Applications (Continued) Stereo AmplIfIer wIth AV = 200 TLlH17913-7 Non-InvertIng Amplifier Using Spllt,Supply Zk TypIcal SpIlt Supply 11M TLlH/7913-9 TLlH17913-8 1·132 r-------------------------------------------------------------------------, ~National ~ Semiconductor r iii: .... I.... DYNAMIC NOISE REDUCTION svmM LM1894 Dynamic Noise Reduction System DNR® • Compatible with all prerecorded tapes and FM • 10 dB effective tape noise reduction CCIA/ AAM weighted • Wide supply range, 4.5V to 18V • 1 Vrms input overload General Description The LM 1894 is a stereo noise reduction circuit for use with audio playback systems. The DNA system is non-complementary, meaning it does not require encoded source material. The system is compatible with virtually all prerecorded tapes and FM broadcasts. Psychoacoustic masking, and an adaptive bandwidth scheme allow the DNA to achieve 10 dB of noise reduction. DNA can save circuit board space and cost because of the few additional components required. Applications • • • • • Features Automotive radio/tape players Compact portable tape players Quality HI-FI tape systems VCA playback noise reduction Video disc playback noise reduction • Non-complementary noise reduction, "single ended" • Low cost external components, no critical matching Typical Application Cl1 I.F + CD D.D41.F C13 I.F C12 0.0033 "F + LEFT INPUT 13 LEFT OUTPUT TO VOLUME CONTROL AND POWER AMPLIFIERS FROM TAPE PREAMP OR FM RIGHT INPUT * RIGHT OUTPUT 5~~.F C& ':' Rp D.DD1~ C3 0.0033 ,.F *R2 C4 I.F + 'RI + R2 =I kfitotal. See Application Hints. TLIHI7918-1 FIGURE 1. Component Hook-Up for Stereo DNR System Order Number LM1894M or LM1894N See NS Package Number M14A or N14A 1-133 III Absolute Maximum Ratings ,. If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/Distributors tor availability and specifications. Supply Voltage Soldering Information Dual-In-Line Package Soldering (10 seconds) 20V Input Voltage Range, Vpk Vst2 O·Cto +70·C Operating Temperature (Note 1) Storage Temperature 26O"C Small Outline Package Vapor Phase (60 seconds) Infrared (15 seconds) 215·C 220·C See AN-450 "Surface Mounting Methods and Their Effect on Product Reliability" for other methods of soldering surface mount devices. -65·C to + 1500C Electrical Characteristics Vs = 8V, T A = 25·C, VIN = 300 mV at 1 kHz, circuit shown in Figure 1 unless otherwise specified Parameter Conditions Operating Supply Range Supply Current Vs = Min Typ Max Units 4.5 8 18 V 17 30 rnA -0.9 -1 -1.1 VIV 3.7 4.0 4.3 V 1.0 dB 8V MAIN SIGNAL PATH Voltage Gain DC Ground Pin 9, Note 2 DC Output Voltage Channel Balance DC Ground Pin 9 -1.0 Minimum Balance AC Ground Pin 9 with 0.1 ,...F Capacitor, Note 2 675 965 1400 Hz Maximum Bandwidth DC Ground Pin 9, Note 2 27 34 46 kHz Effective Noise Reduction CCIRt ARM Weighted, Note 3 -10 -14 dB Total Harmonic Distortion DC Ground Pin 9 0.05 0.1 % Input Headroom Maximum VIN for 3% THO AC Ground Pin 9 Output Headroom Maximum VOUT for 3% THO DC Ground Pin 9 Signal to Noise BW = 20 Hz-20 kHz, re 300 mV AC Ground Pin 9 DC Ground Pin 9 CCIRtARM Weighted re 300 mV Note 4 AC Ground Pin 9 DC Ground Pin 9 CCIR Peak, re 300 mV, Note 5 AC Ground Pin 9 DC Ground Pin 9 82 70 1.0 Vrms Vs - 1.5 Vp-p 79 77 dB dB 88 76 dB dB 77 dB dB 64 Input Impedance Pin 2 and Pin 13 14 20 Channel Separation DC Ground Pin 9 -50 -70 dB Power Supply Rejection C14 = 100,...F, VRIPPLE = 500 mVrms, f = 1 kHz -40 -56 dB Output DC Shift Reference DVM to Pin 14 and Measuree Output DC Shift from Minimum to Maximum Bandwidth, Note 6. 1-134 4.0 26 20 kO mV ...r- iii: Electrical Characteristics Vs = av, TA = 25"C, VIN = 300 mVat 1 kHz, circuit shown in Figure 1 unless otherwise specified (Continued) I Parameter CONTROL SIGNAL PATH Conditions Min I Typ I I i Max Units I Summing Amplifier Voltage Gain Both Channels Driven 0.9 1 1.1 VIV Gain Amplifier Input Impedance Voltage Gain Pin 6 Pin 6 to Pin a 24 21.5 30 24 39 26.5 kO VIV Peak Detector Input Impedance Pin 9 560 700 840 0 Voltage Gain Pin 9 to Pin 10 30 33 36 VIV Attack Time Measured to 900/0 of Final Value with 10kHz Tone Burst Measured to 900/0 of Final Value with 10kHz Tone Burst Minimum Bandwidth to Maximum Bandwidth 300 500 700 p.s 45 60 75 ms 3.8 V Decay Time DC Voltage Range 1.1 Note 1: For operation In ambient temperature above 25'C. the device must be derated based on a 150'C maximum junction temperalure and a thermal resiS1ance of 1) 8O'CIW junctton to ambient for the dual-in-Une package. and 2) 105'CtW junction to ambient for the smaU outUne pacl 4G so ;: MlllMUIIBW :: 50 21 I C14= IIDpF 10 VIN-tV..... 10 lID SU"LYVOLTAGE IVI THD VB F,.quency 10 FULL IMDWlDTH J Vo!J .. 0 . g Hz r-: CONTROL PATH stONAL AT PIN B-2mV 5~. > UI I -411 21 &I I . ZID SID I. 2Ir FREDUENCY (HzI Ik 10k 2Ik .1HZ I I,I klfz/I, 6\ '''/' -20 -3D I I r-- I V'Ni~"r 21 TiHzI 10 100 2DD 5DD Ik 2k FREQUENCY IHzI 1= laD Ik FREQUENCY (HzI 10k Gain of Control Path VB Frequency (with 10 kHz FM Pilot Filter) 5l~l~~~"" -10 iD 3 .... r.I 10 10 V.I-··Y ~~ J. 0 11. 1k II ~ ilL ;r r.t. FREQUENCY (llzi 8.11 ..i!: Hi! rCI• - 3 dB Bandwidth Frequency and Control Signal g •• ;:rrt:;,.!.v.... 20 VB l.1li ~ IRs'1Il t 0: • I I Power Supply Rejection Ratio (Referred to the Output) VB Frequency II V- II 4 Channel Separation (Referred to the Output) vs Frequency \ r \ 5k I . 20k iD 3 '"~ ...'" .... ~ f.I( 50 4D 30 20 !aJHOUT 1111kHz PILOT FILTER ;00 u .. ~ 10 f-D- -10 -211 100 Ik 18k lOOk FREQUENCY (HzI TL/H17918-2 1-135 Typical Performance Characteristics (Continued) Main Signal Path Bandwidth vs Voltage Control 21 r- Peak Detector Response fII fff- 12 ff- D lID It Ilk BANDWIDTH (Hz! IOIt P~K~~--~~--~~~~~~~~~ TL/H/7918-3 DETECTOR '---'--_ ~ OUWUT~~--~~--~~~~~~--~~ TIME: 20 ms/DIV TL/H17918-4 Output Response INPUT I--+---j. DNR OUWUT 1--1--+ TIME: 20 ms/DIV TL/H17918-5 External Component Guide (Figure 1) Component C1 C2,C13 C14 C3,C12 Value 0.1 p.F100 p.F 1 p.F 25 p.F100 p.F 0.0033 p.F Purpose Component Value C4, C11 1 p.F May be part of power supply, or may be added to suppress power supply OSCillation. Blocks DC, pin 2 and pin 13 are at DC potential of Vs/2. C2, C13 form a low frequency pole with 20k RIN· 1 fL = 2'ITC2R'N Improves power supply rejection .. Forms integrator with internal gm block and op amp. Sets bandwidth conversion gain 01 33 Hzl p.A of gm current. 1-136 C5 0.1 p.F C6 0.001 p.F ca 0.1 p.F Purpose Output coupling capacitor. Output is at DC potential 01 Vs/2. Works with R1 and R2 to attenuate low frequency transients which could disturb control path operation. 1 15 = 2'IT C5 (R1 + R2) = 1.6 kHz Works with input resistance 01 pin . 6 to lorm part 01 control path frequency weighting. 1 fS = 2 C6 R = 5.3 kHz 'IT 1pINS Combined with La and CL forms 19 kHz filter for FM pilot. This is only required in FM applications (Note 1). peak detector input determine the frequency weighting as shown in the typical performance curves. The 1 p.F capacitor at pin 10, in conjunction with internal resistors, sets the attack and decay times. The voltage is converted into a proportional current which is fed into the gm blocks. The bandwidth sensitivity to gm current is 33 Hz/ p.A. In FM stereo applications at 19 kHz pilot filter is inserted between pin 8 and pin 9 as shown in Figure ,. External Component Guide (Figure 1) (Continued) Component L8,CL Value 4.7mH, 0.015 p.F C9 0.047 p.F Purpose Forms 19 kHz filter for FM pilot. L8 is Toko coil CAN1A185HM' (Note 1). Works with input resistance of pin 9 to form part of control path frequency weighting. 1 f9 = 2 C9 R = 4.8 kHz PINg 'IT C10 1 p.F Set attack and decay time of peak detector. R1, R2 1 kn Sensitivity resistors set the noise threshold. Reducing attentuation causes larger signals to be peak detected and larger bandwidth in main signal path. Total value of R1 + R2 should equal 1 kn. Forms RC roll-off with C8. This is only required in FM applications. R8 100n Figure 3 is an interesting curve and deserves some discussion. Although the output of the DNR system is a linear function of input Signal, the -3 dB bandwidth is not. This is due to the non-linear nature of the control path. The DNR system has a uniform frequency response, but looking at the -3 dB bandwidth on a steady state basis with a Single frequency input can be misleading. It must be remembered that a single input frequency can only give a single -3 dB bandwidth and the roll-off from this point must be a smooth -6 dB/oct. A more accurate evaluation of the frequency response can be seen in Figure 4. In this case the main signal path is frequency swept, while the control path has a constant frequency applied. It can be seen that different control path frequencies each give a distinctive gain roll-off. Psychoacoustic Basics • Toko America Inc.• 1250 Feehanville Drive. Mt. Prospect IL 60056 The dynamic noise reduction system is a low pass filter that has a variable bandwidth of 1 kHz to 30 kHz, dependent on music spectrum. The DNR system operates on three principles of psychoacoustics. 1. White noise can mask pure tones. The total noise energy required to mask a pure tone must equal the energy of the tone itself. Within certain limits, the wider the band of masking noise about the tone, the lower the noise amplitude need be. As long as the total energy of the noise is equal to or greater than the energy of the tone, the tone will be inaudible. This principle may be turned around; when music is present, it is capable of masking noise in the same bandwidth. Note 1: When FM applications are not required. pin B and pin 9 hook-up as follows: C9 '047~F __ ~ 9 8 LM1894 I TUHI791B-6 Circuit Operation The LM1894 has two signal paths, a main signal path and a bandwidth control path. The main path is an audio low pass filter comprised of a gm block with a variable current, and an op amp configured as an integrator. As seen in Figure 2, DC feedback constrains the low frequency gain to Av = -1. Above the cutoff frequency of the filter, the output decreases at -6 dB/oct due to the action of the 0.0033 p.F capacitor. 2. The ear cannot detect distortion for less than 1 ms. On a transient basis, if distortion occurs in less than 1 ms, the ear acts as an integrator and is unable to detect it. Because of this, signals of sufficient energy to mask noise open bandwidth to 90% of the maximum value in less than 1 ms. Reducing the bandwidth to within 10% of its minimum value is done in about 60 ms: long enough to allow the ambience of the music to pass through, but not so long as to allow the noise floor to become audible. The purpose of the control paths is to generate a bandwidth control signal which replicates the ear's sensitivity to noise in the presence of a tone. A single control path is used for both channels to keep the stereo image from wandering. ThiS is done by adding the right and left channels together in the summing amplifier of Figure 2. The R1, R2 resistor divider adjusts the incoming noise level to open slightly the bandwidth of the low pass filter. Control path gain is about 60 dB and is set by the gain amplifier and peak detector gain. This large gain is needed to ensure the low pass filter bandwidth can be opened by very low noise floors. The capaCitors between the summing amplifier output and the 3. Reducing the audio bandwidth reduces the audibility of noise. Audibility of noise is dependent on noise spectrum, or how the noise energy is distributed with frequency. Depending on the tape and the recorder equalization, tape noise spectrum may be slightly rolled off with frequency on a per octave basis. The ear sensitivity on the other hand greatly increases between 2 kHz and 10 kHz. Noise in this region is extremely audible. The DNR system low pass filters this noise. Low frequency music will not appreciably open the DNR bandwidth, thus 2 kHz to 20 kHz noise is not heard. 1-137 • ~r-----------------------------------------------------------------, I.... :i Block Diagram CHZ 10 CHZ OUTPUT _____ !!....._ CHI OUTPUT CHIlO 11 V+ ---.1-1 ZOII I . -_ _;-~ZIIII~, ~.~e-~2~0II~~____+--o~~~T I I I I I I I I I BYP~~~~---~~-+--~~----------------~---1--~ I I 31k I.ZVt-""'f'v-., I I I II 7110 I L ____ _ 7 5 !AMP OUTPUT GAIN AMP INPUT GAIN AMP OUTPUT PEAK DETECTOR INPUT PEAK DETECTOR OUTPUT _J GND TLlH17918-7 FIGURE 2 21 I. I -II .. -2. -30 ~ -4G I I I VIN-·"'V 11I2!Y 31mV I " .. ;;; 10 ..V 311V -a ~ -21 ~ -81 I--t-H-IH -30 -7' :~:~ :'klll FILTER- I-4G~~~~~-L~~~ -H 20 -I' I--+--"H=iH--PY-""~.1 3 58 III 200 500 ,. 2k fRE~UENCY 20 5k 10k 20k 50 III 200 l1li Ik 2k 5k 10k 2Ik FREOUENCY (Hz' (III' TLlH17919-8 TLlH/7918-9 FIGURE 4. -3 dB Bandwidth V8 Frequency and Control Signal FIGURE 3. Output vs Frequency Application Hints The DNR system should always be placed before tone and volume controls as shown in FlfJure 1. This is because any adjustment of these controls would alter the noise floor seen by the DNR control path. The sensitivity resistors R 1 and R2 may need to be switched with the input selector, depending on the noise floors of different sources, i.e., tape, FM, phono. To determine the value of R1 and R2 in a tape system for instance; apply tape noise (no program material) and adjust the ratio of R 1 and R2 to open slightly the bandwidth of the main signal path. This can easily be done by viewing the capacitor voltage of pin 10 with an oscilloscope, or by using the circuit of FlfJure 5. This circuit gives an LED display of the voltage on the peak detector capaCitor. Adjust the values of R1 and R2 (their sum is always 1 kO) to light the LEOs of pin 1 and pin 18. The LED bar graph does not indicate signal level, but rather instantaneous bandwidth of the two filters; it should not be used as a signal-level indica- tor. For greater flexibility in setting the bandwidth sensitivity, R1 and R2 could be replaced by a 1 kO potentiometer. To change the minimum and maximum value of bandwidth, the integrating capacitors, C3 and C12, can be scaled up or down. Since the bandwidth is inversely proportional to the capaCitance, changing this 0.0039 ,...F capacitor to 0.0033 ,...F will change the typical bandwidth from 965 Hz34 kHz to 1.1 kHz-40 kHz. With C3 and C12 set at 0.0033 ,...F, the maximum bandwidth is typically 34 kHz. A double pole double throw switch can be used to completely bypass DNA. The capacitor on pin 10 in conjunction with internal resistors sets the attack and decay times. The attack time can be altered by changing the size of C10. Decay times can be decreased by paralleling a resistor with C10, and increased by increasing the value of C10. 1-138 r-----------------------------------------------------------------------------, Application Hints (Continued) When measuring the amount of noise reduction of the DNR system, the frequency response of the cassette should be flat to 10 kHz. The CCIR weighting network has substantial gain to 8 kHz and any additional roll-off in the cassette player will reduce the benefits of DNR noise reduction. A typical signal-to-noise measurement circuit is shown in F/{Jure 6. The DNR system should be switched from maximum bandwidth to nominal bandwidth with tape noise as a signal source. The reduction in measured noise is the signal-tonoise ratio improvement. ~ ....CD !I: ~ ~-t--~--~~--~----~--~~--~----._--~~--~----._-~=8V O.II'F r 17 16 15 14 13 LM3915 4 lk FROM PIN 10"-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1-_...... IN LM1894" 430 910 TL/H17918-10 FIGURE 5. Bar Graph Display of Peak Detector Voltage TONE AND CASSETTE VOLUME CCIR WEIGHTING FILTER II AVERAGE RESPONDING METER TUH/7918-11 FIGURE 6. Technique for Measuring SIN Improvement of the DNR System 1-139 Application Hints (Continued) FOR FURTHER READING Noise Masking Tape Noise Levels 3. "Cassette vs Elcaset vs Open Reel", Toole, Audioscene Canada, April 1978. 1. "Masking and Discrimination", Bos and De Boer, JAE8, Volume 39, #4,1966. 2. "The Masking of Pure Tones and Speech by White Noise", Hawkins and Stevens, JAE8, Volume 22, #1,1950. 3. "Sound System Engineering", Davis Howard W. Sams and Co. 4. "High Quality Sound Reproduction", Moir, Chapman Hall, 1960. 4. "CCIR/ARM: A Practical Noise Measurement Method", Dolby, Robinson, Gundry, JAES, 1978. 5. "Speech and Hearing in Communication", Fletcher, Van Nostrand, 1953. 1. "A Wide Range Dynamic Noise Reduction System", Blackmer, 'dB'Magazine, August-September 1972, Volume 6, #8. 2. "Dolby B-Type Noise Reduction System", Berkowitz and Gundry, SertJournal, May-June 1974, Volume 8. Printed Circuit Layout DNR Component Diagram VOUTI 0----4 TlIH/7918-12 1-140 ~Nattonal ~ Sernlcorduclor LM 1896/LM2896 Dual Power Audio Amplifier General Description Features The LM1896 is a high performance 6V stereo power amplifier designed to deliver 1 wattl channel into 40 or 2 watts bridged monaural into 80. Utilizing a unique patented compensation scheme, the LM1896 is ideal for sensitive AM radio applications. This new circuit technique exhibits lower wideband noise, lower distortion, and less AM radiation than conventional designs. The amplifier's wide supply range (3V-9V) is ideal for battery operation. For higher supplies (Vs > 9V) the LM2896 is available in an 11-lead single-inline package. The LM2896 package has been redeSigned, resulting in the slightly degraded thermal characteristics shown in the figure Device Dissipation vs Ambient Tempera- • • • • • • • • • ture. • Compact AM-FM radios • Stereo tape recorders and players • High power portable stereos Low AM radiation Low noise 3V, 40, stereo Po = 250 mW Wide supply operation 3V-15V (LM2B96) Low distortion No turn on "pop" Adjustable voltage gain and bandwidth Smooth waveform Clipping Po = 9W bridged, LM2B96 Applications Typical Applications ..,........- -. .O+Ys I&DpF II TD.IPF ":' ( YOUT Ra 1_ +Vs an SPEAKER \ Zt + laPF T &DpF TD.IPF TL/H/7920- I FIGURE 1. LM2896 in Bridge Configuration (Av = 400, BW = 20 kHz) Order Number LM1896N Order Number LM2896P See NS Package Number N14A See NS Package Number P11A 1-141 Absolute Maximum Ratings If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/Distributors for availability and specifications. Supply Voltage LM1896 LM2896 Vs Vs = = Operating Temperature (Note 1) OOCto +700C -65°C to + 1500C Storage Temperature Junction Temperature 150°C Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec.) 2600C 12V 18V Electrical Characteristics Unless otherwise specified, TA = 25°C, Av = 200 (46 dB). For the LM1896; Vs TTAB = 25°C, Vs = 12Vand RL = 80. Test circuit shown in Fl{Jure 2. Parameter Po = OW, Dual Mode Operating Supply Voltage Output Power LM1896N-1 LM1896N-2 LM2896p·1 LM2896p·2 Distortion 6V and RL } Vs - 12V, R, • ) = = = ,.0"" Modo 12V, RL = 80 Bridge Mode 9V, RL = 40 Bridge Mode 9V, RL = 40 Dual Mode 0.9 TA = TTAB 25"C Max 15 25 = 10 1.1 1.8 1.3 Min Units Typ Max 25 40 mA 15 V 3 2.5 9.0 7.8 2.5. W/ch W W/ch W/ch W W W/ch 0.09 0.11 0.14 % % % 2.1 2.0 7.2 25°C f = 1 kHz Po = 50mW Po = 0.5W Po = 1W 40. For LM2896, LM2898 Typ 3 THO = 10%, f = 1 kHz Vs = 6V, RL = 40 Dual Mode Vs = 6V, RL = 80 Bridge Mode Vs = 9V, RL = 80 Dual Mode Vs Vs Vs = LM1898 Conditions Min Supply Current = 0.09 0.11 Power Supply Rejection Ratio (PSRR) CBY = 100 ,..F, f = 1 kHz, CIN = 0.1 ,..F Output Referred, VRIPPLE = 250 mV -40 -54 -40 -54 dB Channel Separation CBY = 1QO ,..F, f Output Referred -50 -64 -50 -64 dB Noise Equivalent Input Noise Rs = 0, CIN = 0.1 ,..F, BW = 20 - 20kHz CCIR/ARM Wideband 1.4 1.4 2.0 ,..V ,..V ,..V = 1 kHz, CIN = 0.1 ,..F 1.4 1.4 2.0 DC Output Level 2.8 Input Impedance 50 Input Offset Voltage Voltage Difference between Outputs 3 3.2 100 350 5 LM1896N·2, LM2896p·2 10 Input Bias Current 120 5.6 6 6.4 V 50 100 350 kO 5 20. 10 120 mV 20 mV nA Note 1: For operation at ambient temperature greater than 25"C, the LM1896/LM2896 must be derated based on a maximum 15O"C iunction temperature using a thermal resistanos which depends upon mounting techniques. 1-142 Typical Performance Curves LM1896 Maximum Device Dissipation va Amblanl Temperature LM2898 Device DIssipation va Ambient Temperature 10 !: iI ZOU 1.8 I AlAI_MUM TMlCIIUI-1/11111Ctt • 'X1=~' "j,. .. i...T.l..15·C/W U~~::::~~:~ r-....I 3d.II·C/W~ 5 - 4 ... E \~ ;:: ;: ~ ""~ "'c/W ~ ~~ u ~ FEAlIU·C,W 1 o I 1.1 1A ....... 1.2 C ~ o o ro ID LMIBII Vs-IV Po-a.5W RL'40 OUALMOOE rr 1-- , 1.0 ~ ~ D.I 0.& I.e / I'.... 1.2 ./ 50 100 ZIIII 600 Ik 2k '"Cco. ! •0 ", LMII1I& VS'IV Po - 0.5W RL -411 DUAL MODE 30 1.0 . ~ ~ D.4 0.2 o - 20 50 180 200 LM1191 Vs'IV Po - 0.5W RL =40 ~UAL MOOE 40 3G sao Ik Zk .'" ~II! i. ~ rc) AV (v/V) THD and Gain V8 Frequency Av ~ 46 dB, BW ~ 50 kHz . ~ - ~ ...., 60 ....'" ~ D.4 " o H 60 1l1li200 5l1li Ik Zk I &0 40 LMIII6 VS'IV PO=0.5W RL ·40 DUAL MODE 3D 1.0 I 0.2 ZO 50 100 HO 500 Ik Zk ..'" f-I--: ~ I-r- 10 40 1.0 f-f- a.B i--r ~ 0.& "...'" DA " p--F 30 5k 10k ZOk ~ ~ il-. LMII1I6 VS'IV PO' 0.5W RL -4.11 DUAL MODE 2~ ,,2Cl -10 -20 c .. -30 .... . ... !:~ .... O.Z ZO II E .. c • AM Recovered Audio and Noise va Field Strength for Different Speaker Lead Placement ;.. I I ill 60 50 100 200 50e Ik Zk &k 10k 2Dk -40 w -60 ~ -60 ~ 0.01 fREQUENCY (Hz) 70 .. i ! i 30 ZO !Ii z ZO ~ ~ 12 50 38 Power Output vs Supply Voltage RL -811 ~ BRIOOE CBYPASS-IIIII.F CIN'''O.1,101F Av"21X1 POUT- 0.5W Wu~ ~L -811 DUAL 10 0 10 -ttt~L=4.u BRIDIE LM289& 10 40 10 0.1 FIELD STRENGTH (..VIM) Channel Separation (Referred to the Output) va Frequency &0 5k 10k ZOk FREQUENCY (Hzl THD and Gain va Frequency Av ~ 34 dB, BW ~ 50 kHz a -- 0.4 o &k 10k Hk rr- 0.& FREQUENCY (Hz) 60 FREQUENCY (Hz) I: tt:t~~~~~=tj 0.1 &0 10 I1-~~AI&C6 o 1l1li 210 3011 4011 610 IMIO 10 1.0 FREQUENCY (Hoi .0 10 0.8 Power Supply Rejection Ratio (Rafarred to the Output) va Frequency ii 38 20 a~ 0.2 D.8 D.I 60 ~ 0.8 "~ 5k 10k 20k I 50 ~ 10 THD and Gain va Frequency Av ~ 40 dB, BW ~ 20kHz &0 40 50 FREQUENCY (Hoi I ,. 'i' THD and Gain VB Frequency Av ~ 54dB,BW ~ 5kHz a ZO ~ TA - AMBIENTTEMPERATURE a &8 H 90 18 10 I : ~~~~~~;t~~~~:'~E~ D.4 ••Z I I 30 . ...... ••& 01020304050607010 40 .. ~ IO"CIW D.I THD and Gain VB Frequency AV ~ 54dB,BW ~ 30kHz a 1011-1''!I'-Ir+-+ i FA~EAI~_ - 1.0 lA-AMBlENl TEMPERATURE ('CI ....'" - 3 dB Bandwidth VB Voltage Gain for Stable Operation .A: 100 Ik FREQUENCY (Hz) ll1k lOOk o IIIifI:= o 10 12 SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V) TL/H17920-2 1-143 Typical Performance Curves (Continued) I'. Total Harmonic Distortion vs Power Output LOI~ __ 0.11 Power DIssipation vs Power Output RL = 40 Power Dissipation vs Power Output RL = 80 U~-r~~~-r~'-' i 2.6 ~i 2.0 HA-+-+++......bF-l Ii; .... !! I.S rT:;;.r;,..~n71 1.0 I-"IH~7"I,..q.-+-+++-I 1.6 1-'!1~1!9.,¥.=-+-+++-I III iI!~ LI I.D .i LIII. . OL-J'--L-l.-I....J-.l-L.....J'--L...J ~L-~~L-~~W a 10 POWER OUTPUT CW/cHANNELI 0L-J......L....L.....L....L...L..'--L-l....J o D.' 1.0 I.S 2.1 I POWER OUTPUT CW/CHANNELI 'OWER OUTPUT IWICHANNELI TLlH/7920-3 Equivalent Schematic BOOTSTRAP I BOOmRAP2 3191 12131 r---_r--r_------_1~--------_1----------_.--------_r--r_--~~~ 10k OUTPUT 1 0-+.....1-. . . . . . . . . . .OOUTPUT2 1012) lOOk lOOk 61101 10k ~------~--~~~----~~-i~~~~----~~~-----t---+,~~------~~GNO 1171 -INPUT 1 71111 +INPUT I BYPASS 13141 4.1116) -INPUT 2 +INPUT 2 6,9 No connection on LM1896 TL/H/7920-4 () indicates pin number for LM2896 Connection Diagrams Slngle-In-Une Package +Ys • Dual-In-Llne Package OUTPUT2 +IN I o BOOmRAP2 -IN I -IN 2 -112 BoomRAPI GNO LMII96 +112 GNO OUTPUT I ONO NC NC BYPASS LM211B +111 o +Vs -IN 1 TLlHI7920-5 BoomRAPI Top View OUTPUT I BYPAIB TLlH/792D-B Top VIew 1-144 Typical Applications (Continued) ijP.:~-~~-~~o v+ Cs y+ R2 5111n + FT C2 10 P TL/H/7920-8 TL/H17920-7 6,9 No connection on LMI896 () Indicates pin number for LM2896 FIGURE 2. Stereo Amplifier with AV = 200, BW = 30 kHz External Components (FigUr92j Components 1. R2, R5, R10, R13 2. R3, R12 3.Ro 4. C1, C14 5.C2,C13 6.C3,C12 7.C5,C10 B.C7 9.Cc Comments Sets voltage gain, Av = 1 + R5/R2 for one channel and Av = 1 + R10/R13 for the other channel. Bootstrap resistor sets drive current for output stage and allows pins 3 and 12 to goaboveVs· Works with Co to stabilize output stage. Input coupling capacitor. Pins 1 and 14 are at a DC potential of Vs/2. Low frequency pole set by: 1 fL =-..,..;--:2'7TRINC1 Feedback capacitors. Ensure unity gain at DC. Also a low frequency pole at: 1 fL = 2'7TR2C2 Bootstrap capacitors, used to increase drive to output stage. A low frequency pole is set by: 1 fL = 2'7TR3C3 Compensation capaCitor. These stabilize the amplifiers and adjust their bandwidth. See curve of bandwidth vs allowable gain. Improves power supply rejection (See Typical Performance Curves). Increasing C7 increases tum-on delay. Output coupling capacitor. Isolates pins 5 and 10 from the load. Low frequency pole set by: 1 10. Co 11. Cs fL=--2'7TCcRL Works with Ro to stabilize output stage. Provides power supply filtering. 1-145 II to G) CD C"I :I i.,.. :E ....I r---------------------------------------------------------------------------------, Application Hints Amp 1 has a voltage gain set by 1 + R5/R2. The output of amp 1 drives amp 2 which is configured as an inverting amplifier with unity gain. Because of this phase inversion in amp 2, there is a 6 dB increase in voltage gain referenced to Vi. The voltage gain in bridge is: AM Radios The LM1896/LM2896 has been designed fo fill a wide range of audio power applications. A common problem with IC audio power amplifiers has been poor signal-to-noise performance when used in AM radio applications. In a typical radio application, the loopstick antenna is in close proximity to the audio amplifer. Current flowing in the speaker and power supply leads can cause electromagnetic coupling to the loopstick, resulting in system oscillation. In addition, most audio power amplifiers are not optimized for lowest nOise because of compensation requirements. If noise from the audio amplifier radiates into the AM section, the sensitivity and signal-to-noise ratio will be degraded. The LM1896 exhibits extremely low wideband noise due in part to an external capaCitor C5 which is used to tailor the bandwidth. The circuit shown in Figure 2 is capable of a signal-to-noise ratio in excess of 60 dB referred to 50 mW. Capacitor C5 not only limits the closed loop bandwidth, it also provides overall loop compensation. Neglecting C2 in Figure 2, the gain is: VO =2(1+ R5 ) Vi . R2 Cs is used to prevent DC voltage on the output of amp 1 from causing offset in amp 2. Low frequency response is influenced by: 1 fL=---2'IT RsCs Several precautions should be observed when using the LM1896/LM2896 in bridge configuration. Because the amplifiers are driving the load out of phase, an 80 speaker will appear as a 40 load, and a 40 speaker will appear as a 20 load. Power dissipation is twice as severe in this situation. For example, if Vs = 6V and RL = 80 bridged, then the maximum dissipation is: V~ Av(S) = S + AVCllo S + ClIo R2+R5 where Av = R2' 1 ClIo = R5C5 This amount of dissipation is equivalent to driving two 40 loads in the stereo configuration. A curve of -3 dB BW (ClIO) vs Av is shown in the Typical Performance Curves. When adjusting the frequency response in the bridge configuration, R5C5 and R10C10 form a 2 pole cascade and the -3 dB bandwidth is actually shifted to a lower frequency: Figure 3 shows a plot of recovered audio as a function of field strength in /J-V/M. The receiver section in this example is an LM3820. The power amplifier is located about two inches from the loopstick antenna. Speaker leads run parallei to the loopstick and are 118 inch from it. Referenced to a 20 dB SIN ratio, the improvement in noise performance over conventional designs is about 10 dB. This corresponds to an increase in usable sensitivity of about 8.5 dB. BW = 0.707 2'ITRC where R = feedback resistor C = feedback capacitor To measure the output voltage, a floating or differential meter should be used because a prolonged output short will over dissipate the package. Figure 1 shows the complete bridge amplifier. Bridge Amplifiers The LM1896/LM2896 can be used in the bridge mode as a monaural power amplifier. In addition to much higher power output, the bridge configuration does not require output coupling capacitors. The load is connected directly between the amplifier outputs as shown in Figure 4. ~ ...5:w oc w !l :iii CI:!!. :i!co Si, ..iiigE oc . !:;: co w oc 62 Po=--X2=--X2 20 RL 20 X 4 Po = 0.9 Watts dB o r-10 -20 -30 ~~~t~ERJD AUDIO AT SPEAKER III / II: "- RECOVERED NOISE AT -40 " ~ srEm~1 I-iii III -60 -50 • 0.01 NOISE WITH SPEAKER LEADS 1/8·· FROM LOOPSTICK Tiiiiii=~::~~:J!~N:":'OR 0.1 10 FIELD STRENGTH (mV/M) TLlH17920-9 FIGURE 3. Improved AM Sensitivity over Conventional Design 1-146 Application Hints (Continued) -fov-Vio-f C14 ~ RU RS T C13 TUH17920-10 Figure 4. Bridge Amplifier Connection Printed Circuit Layout less than 50 kO to prevent an input-output oscillation. This oscillation is dependent on the gain and the proximity of the bridge elements Rs and Cs to the (+) input. If the bridge mode is not used, do not insert Rs, Cs into the PCB. To wire the amplifer into the bridge configuration, short the capacitor on pin 7 (pin 1 of the LM1896) to ground. Connect together the nodes labeled BRIDGE and drive the capacitor connected to pin 5 (pin 14 of the LM1896). Printed Circuit Board Layout Figure 5 and Figure 6 show printed circuit board layouts for the LM1896 and LM2896. The circuits are wired as stereo amplifiers. The signal source ground should return to the input ground shown on the boards. Returning the loads to power supply ground through a separate wire will keep the THD at its lowest value. The inputs should be terminated in COMPONENT SIDE FIGURE 5. Printed Circuit Board Layout for the LM1896 1-147 TUH/7920-11 Printed Circuit Layout (Continued) YIN1 BRIDGE INPUT INPUT GROUND COMPONENT SIDE TLlHI7920-12 FIGURE 6. Printed Circuit Board Layout for the LM2896 1-148 .------------------------------------------------------------------------.r i: ~National ~ CD ...... ...... ~ Semiconductor LM2877 Dual 4-Watt Power Audio Amplifier General Description The LM2877 is a monolithic dual power amplifier designed to deliver 4W/channel continuous into 80 loads. The LM2877 is deSigned to operate with a low number of external components, and still provide flexibility for use in stereo phonographs, tape recorders and AM-FM stereo receivers, etc. Each power amplifier is biased from a common internal regulator to provide high power supply rejection and output Q point centering. The LM2877 is internally compensated for all gains greater than 10, and comes in an 11-lead single-in-line package. Features • 4W/channel • - 68 dB ripple rejection, output referred • - 70 dB channel separation, output referred • • • • • Wide supply range, 6-24V Very low cross-over distortion Low audio band noise AC short circuit protected Internal thermal shutdown Applications • • • • • • • Multi-channel audio systems Stereo phonographs Tape recorders and players AM-FM radio receivers Servo amplifiers Intercom systems Automotive products Connection Diagram (Single-In-Line Package) BIAS...! • OUTPUT1....!. o INPUT1...! FEEDBACK 12 FEEDBACK2~ III o GND...! 10 OUTPUT 2 .-.. "....!!. '------....... TL/H/7933-1 Top View Order Number LM2877P See NS Package Number P11A 'Pin 6 must be connected to GND. 1-149 Absolute Maximum Ratings If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/Distributors for availability and specifications. Supply Voltage Input Voltage Electrical Characteristics Vs = Parameter Total Supply Current Junction Temperature 1500C Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec.) 2600C 20V, TTAB = 25·C, RL = 80, Av = 50 (34 dB) unless otherwise specified. Conditions Distortion, THD f = Vs Vs Vs 1 kHz, THD = 10%, TTAB = 25"C = 20V = 18V = 12V, RL = 40 f = Po Po Po f = Po Po Po 1 kHz, Vs = 20V = 50 mW/Channel = 1W/Channel = 2W/Channel 1 kHz, Vs = 12V, RL = 40 = 50 mW/Channel = 500 mW/Channel = 1W/Channel RL = 80 Channel Separation CF = 50 ,...F, CIN = 0.1 ,...F, f = 1 kHz, Output Referred Vs = 20V, Vo = 4 Vrms Vs = 7V, Vo = 0.5 Vrms PSRR Power Supply CF = 50 ,...F, CIN = 0.1 ,...F, f = 120 Hz Rejection Ratio Output Referred Vs = 20V, VRIPPLE = 1 Vrms Vs = 7V, VRIPPLE = 0.5 Vrms Open Loop Gain Typ Max Units 25 50 mA 24 V 6 Output Swing Noise Min Po=OW Operating Supply Voltage Output Power/Channel -65"Cto Storage Temperature 26V ±0.7V 4.0 1.5 0.25 0.20 0.15 Vs = 20V 1 % % % % % % -50 -70 -60 dB dB -50 -68 -40 dB dB 2.5 ,...V 0.80 mV Input Bias Current DC Output Level 1 Vp_p Rs = 0, f = 1 kHz, RL = 80 9 Slew Rate W W W Vs-4 Input Offset Voltage Open Loop 4.5 3.6 1.9 0.1 0.07 0.07 Equivalent Input Noise Rs = 0, CIN = 0.1 ,...F, BW = 20 Hz-20 kHz Output Noise Wideband Rs = 0, CIN = 0.1 ,...F, Av = 200 Input Impedance + 700C + 150·C .O·C to Operating Temperature 70 dB 15 mV 50 nA 4 MO 10 11 V 2.0 VI,...s Power Bandwidth 65 kHz Current Limit 1.0 A Note 1: For operation at ambient temperature greater than 2SOC, tha LM2Sn must be derated baaed on a maximum 150'C iunction temperature using a thermal resistance which depends upon device mounting techniques. 1-150 rn .a c iCD :::lI , , , en n , • • • 11 ov+ ::r CD 3 a n' SIc o ii co AI 3 ..... ..... 3Gk ~ ik RSUB 5 -FEEDBACK 1 TAB _4 +INPUTI 1 08 +INPUT2 7 -FEED-SACK 2 TL/H17933-2 1.1.8~W' III ........ ~ ::I Typical Performance Characteristics Power Supply Rejection Ratio (Referred to the Output) vs Frequency Device Dissipation vs Ambient Temperature 10 ~ z co I 8 7 at.u.. ,,1....1.....l..- lXl~=~~,;' 15°C/W . r-...I ,J.,.i;i.... 3x1IN28° IUW.\, ~ .... ............,; NI )..~. is fj ..·C/W FIE, ", ... C/W 1 o I o 10 ~ ~ 40 .. ii iil.. .. I ;;; 3 ~ ..'" ~. . ii 10 &0 41 3. ~ I: -~ s..o::: ~ ~ 70 70 TIIDIIUS_1/11INCH 1.4~~:=::~~:~ Ii a '" ~ 20 '0 .10. ~ '00 TA-AMBIENT TEMPERATUIE (OC) I j l!i ~ ..i:lt a 15 ca i'" .. ie .. ~ 'rf..~R'PPLE •• ' ~'m~ VR'PPLE" 0.3 Vrms V~IPP~E ".'0.5 v~ o 8 '0 '2 14 SUPPLY VOLTAGE IV) BID RL = 8[l BOTH CHANNELS DRIVEN .! .... 800 ;. 8 .i V a 1/ t-ICi~III~·IIF, 10 llJIIl '00 10 'Ok FREIIUENCY IH.) ~ t; iii 0.' ,.c ~ c .... 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 '110 POWER OUTPUT !W/CHANNEL) Power Dissipation vs Power Output 20V ~~~ '-t" ~i;i" Q Ii 'Ok FREIIUENCY 1Hz) THO-3lI ;:::r-t..,. :::or1 THO' 10" II II o 100 Output SWing vs Supply Voltage 16 10 I ...:c'" ..~ 1 .. ~ i' 6G RL =10 i' 20 L '2 I ~ 40 > 'OOk FREIIUENCY IH.) VS' 20V RL =In ~ ~ IL IL V '" ~ o 0 IOU POWER OUTPUT !W/CHANNEL) lOUk Open Loop Gain vs Frequency '00 'IV ,. ,.. .... .... V 0.1 . ~ -' L I I lOOk 6 c .... RL =8n 1. 'III FREOUENCY IH.) l ~ Ii 100 Total Harmonic Distortion vs Frequency .. .. .." I ~ c o 111111 Total Harmonic Distortion vs Frequency .." ..~ ..." ,. .. 1"1 c:~ ~1~~ilMl!F 50 iii 200 o Channel Separation (Referred) to the Output) vs Frequency CBYPASS' 50,F VCC' 7V Vo =SOOmVrrnl AV = 511 10 f- t- 'Ok 'k 10 1& ffi :: '00 FREIIUENCY IH.) 40 w c Vcrrim"I' "j "'"'''' , 5'; w l---io"" caD 'I o 70 Average Supply Current vs Power Output C ~ 'O~ 20 ~ "BYPASS· 5 • _ C'N"O.I"F VRIPPLE =, V,"" 1·120 Hz Av=50 20 lL u~I 30 '0 10 ""i.. I 100.F Channel Separation (Referred) to the Output) vs Frequency NO'S~;:;;;bl, I 10 &a 40 10k 'k VR'PP~E • 1 v .... C'N"I.004hF AV'!i8 II II 10 FREQUENCY IH.) Power Supply Rejection Ratio (Referred to the Output) vs Supply Voltage 10 Power Supply Rejection Ratio (Referred to the Output) vs Frequency ,. 1l1li lOOk FREIIUENCY IH.) 'M 4 6 I 10 12 14 '6 11 20 SUPPLY VOLTAGE IVI TL/HI7933-3 1-152 Typical Applications Stereo Phonograph Amplifier with Bass Tone Control + IOhFT 0.033pF STEREO CERAMIC CARTRIDGE • 51k + T1DhF TL/HI7933-4 Frequency Response of Bass Tone Control ii 65 II: 55 ... '" !; :!! ;;;;;;;;; ..'" z 46 - ~ TONE.~ ....'" ..'" L ., ~ z 35 co co 25 '"> 15 MAXIMUM BOOST ~ESPDNSE CONTROL FLAT ~ ~ 20 I ........ ~AXIMUM CUT RESPONSE 1 50 100 20U 600 lk 2k 5k lDk 2Uk FREQUENCY (Hz) TUHI7933-5 1-153 ~r----------------------------------------------------------------------, Ii; C'\I ....::E Typical Applications (Continued) Stereo AmplHler with Ay = 200 VSo-.~""I I ... L _ _ _ _ .J liD + TlhF TUHf7933-8 Non-Inverting AmplHler Using Spilt Supply Zk Y+11~ r;I -- D.t".F ":" II --, I Zk lOll TYPICAL SPLIT SUPPLY TUHf7933-7 1-154 ,-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, riC Typical Applications (Continued) § Window Comparator Driving High, Low Lamps r---t---------t-----t---O+v I. LOW 2. 10 I. TUHI7933-8 Truth Table Y,N High Low <',4 V+ ',4 V+ to% V+ Off Off On On Off Off >%V+ Application Hints The LM2877 is an improved LM377 in typical audio applications. In the LM2877, the internal voltage regulator for the input stage is generated from the voltage on pin 1. Normally, the input common-mode range is within ±O.7V of this pin 1 voltage. Nevertheless, the common-mode range can be increased by externally forcing the voltage on pin 1. One way to do this is to short pin 1 to the positive supply, pin 11. The only special care required with the LM2877 is to limit the maximum input differential voltage to ± 7V. If this differential voltage is exceeded, the input characteristics may change. Figure 1 shows a power op amp application with Av = 1. The 1OOk and 10k resistors set a noise gain of 10 and are dictated by amplifier stability. The 10k resistor is bootstrapped by the feedback so the input resistance is dominated by the 1 MO resistor. lOOk 12V >.--00 vour TO. 11lF TL/H/7933-9 FIGURE 1 1-155 • ~National ~ Semiconductor LM2878 Dual 5 Watt Power Audio Amplifier General Description Features The LM2878 is a high voltage stereo power amplifier designed to deliver 5W/channel continuous into 80 loads. The amplifier is ideal for use with low regulation power supplies due to the absolute maximum rating of 35V and its superior power supply rejection. The LM2878 is designed to operate with a low number of external components, and still provide flexibility for use in stereo phonographs, tape recorders, and AM-FM stereo receivers. The flexibility of the LM2878 allows it to be used as a power operational amplifier, power comparator or servo amplifier. The LM2878 is internally compensated for all gains greater than 10, and comes in an 11-lead single-in-line package (SIP). The package has been redeSigned, resulting in the slightly degraded thermal characteristics shown in the figure Device Dissipation vs Ambient Temperature. • • • • • • • Wide operating range 6V -32V 5W/channeloutput 60 dB ripple rejection, output referred 70 dB channel separation, output referred Low crossover distortion AC short circuit protected Internal thermal shutdown Applications • • • • Stereo phonographs AM-FM radio receivers Power op amp, power comparator Servo amplifiers Typical Applications + lOO"F*" UhF 51k Ik .... 85 ...z 55 f-- w 45 :s C> a: 51Dk Frequency Response of Bass Tone Control f""" 8 llOk "... C> 500"F +~ -!r+r ":' STEREO CERAMIC CARTRIOGE I I I > un 1/ / 35 25 AAXIMUM ~ -~~~PONSE "7 I IS 20 -: 8u -= +) I ft 5OO"F un 8n To.I"F 510k lOOk ":' ":' + TlIHI7934-1 FIGURE 1. Stereo Phonograph Amplifier with Bass Tone Control 1-156 5k 10k 20t FREQUENCY (Hz) TL/H/7934-2 I I I 50 100 200 500 It 2k TO.I"F ":' MAXIMUM BOOST ~ESPONSE TONE.['... CONTROL FLAT ~ C> " < '"w '" ~ C> O.D33"F ~ Absolute Maximum Ratings If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/Distributors for availability and specifications. Supply Voltage Storage Temperature 35V Input Voltage (Note 1) O'Cto +70'C -65'C to + 150'C Junction Temperature + 150'C lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec.) + 260'C ±0.7V Electrical Characteristics Vs = Parameter Total Supply Current Operating Temperature (Note 2) 22V, T TAB = 25'C, RL = an, Av = 50 (34 dB) unless otherwise specified. Conditions Min Po= OW Operating Supply Voltage Typ Max Units 10 50 mA 6 Output Power/Channel f = 1 kHz, THD = 10%, TTAB = 25'C Distortion 5 32 V 5.5 W f = 1 kHz, RL = an Po = 50mW 0.20 % % Po = 0.5W 0.15 Po= 2W 0.14 % Output Swing RL = an Vs - 6V Vp-p Channel Separation CBYPASS = 50 /l-F, C,N = 0.1/l-F f = 1 kHz, Output Referred Vo = 4Vrms -50 -70 dB -50 -60 dB -60 dB ±13.5 V PSRR Power Supply Rejection Ratio CBYPASS = 50 /l-F, C,N = 0.1/l-F f = 120 Hz, Output Referred Vripple = 1 Vrms PSRR Negative Supply Measured at DC, Input Referred Common-Mode Range Split Supplies ± 15V, Pin 1 Tied to Pin 11 Input Offset Voltage Noise 10 mV Equivalent Input Noise Rs = 0, C,N = 0.1 /l-F BW=20-20kHz 2.5 /l-V CCIReARM 3.0 /l-V o.a mV Output Noise Wideband Rs = 0, C'N = 0.1/l-F, Av = 200 Open loop Gain Rs = 51.0, f = 1 kHz, RL = an Input Bias Current Input Impedance DC Output Voltage dB nA Open loop 4 Vs = 22V 11 10 Slew Rate Power Bandwidth 70 100 3 dB Bandwidth at 2.5W Current limit Mn 12 V 2 V//l-S 65 kHz 1.5 A Note 1: ±O.7V applies to audio applications; for extended range. see Application Hinls. Note 2: For operation at ambient temperature greater than 25·C. the LM2878 must be derated based on a maximum 150"C iunction lemperature using a thennal resistance which depends upon device mounting techniques. 1-157 II Typical Performance Characteristics Power Supply Rejection Ratio (Referred to the Output) vs Frequency Device Dissipation vs Ambient Temperature UM._-lI."'" I .~IIITtI.....J..- 10 10 ,..rrmrnrTT'l'I IIWI.. I 1Xl~~~/;" u~~::::~~~ ...... - ~_NI .. .I;S 15·C/. 3dIIlZl-C/W'\\ I .J...i:..... ,":l,. o o 80 ~ 50 l-~fffillF7''tiI'+tHIIII-+-I-tttHfl a: i FlHAIIIWC/W I ! a: Zl'C/W IIJ: ~ ~ 1 I-H-HirIlY'>4'r>1 4G 30 20 10 I 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 10 18 Ie co I: ~ 3D 51 I ttl - 50 .. .. ;: a: 0.3 vrm;.5'v:'" I-- t'\ .. ; r--- 70 l! 60 ljl .. 10 w c 40 10 14 16 ZZ 1.5 ; 0.2 3D 34 ,. 1111 ;: a: II 1111 ,. ImIII'~~'iili 10. Total Harmonic Distortion vsPowerOut ./ '\. = '.1 II'... : 1.Di ~ O.DZ 1.01 -. :e ~ . ..~ jVjSO RL~.J > 511 1111 ZIII SOD 1. Z. 6k 10k ZO. 0.11 FREQUENCV IHrI 511 100 200 SOD ,. Z. 5. 10k ZOO 'YsoZ2V RL·an 80 III 0.1 1.D 40 zo 0 lDO 10 POWER OUT IW/CHANNELI Power Output/Channel vs Supply Voltage 10k 1k lOOk 1M FREQUENCV IH.I Power Dissipation vs Power Out RL-an THD-1Dl1 RL·an .,- / / t:> ~ TF-l::?~~ THB- ./ ~r V • • ro n " ro " ZZ?~THD -ZOY / ... ~ AV-SOrRL"61l VCC" zzv w VC~ - 22V ZO j 100 po·o.• = 0.D2 Open Loop Gain vs Frequency I I ./ ~o'-;'i/~ 1\.Pl"'2.0 w FREQUENCY (Hz) y! ./ ~ 'PouT'ro~ ~~ ZO t~ VI 1/ V' 0.2 /~ 0.01 Total Harmonic Distortion vs Frequency V' O.S 100. FREQUENCV IH.I r-... 2.0 1.0 cz 0.1 0.05 ;;! SUPPLY VOLTAGE IVI 10.0 6.0 i50! Z6 l:~ -~.l~~ ,"\ C, • O. l4ioF 10.0 5.0 !! C6VPASS - 50 of VCc-ZZV AV'50 50 ~ ... .Iii . ..IIi ........ \ IE o Z.o 1.0 Total HarmoniC Distortion vs Frequency 11111 111111 II ~ rr--'-III Hz rAv-511 r- ZI II ~ a: BYPASS' eoF C'N-O.l.F 6 !! Channel Separation (Referred to the Output) vs Frequency YRIPPU· 1.1 Yrml III a: FREQUENCV IH.I III 70 I 10k FREQUENCV IH.I Power Supply Rejection Ratio (Referred to the Output) vs Supply Voltage :e ,. 188 TA-AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (OCI ;;; Power Supply Rejection Ratio (Referred to the Output) vs Frequency o II 22 SUPPLY VOLTAGE IVI I o POWER OUTPUT IW/CHANNELI 1·158 TLlHI7934-3 Equivalent Schematic Diagram :: r-----.... ........ ... c -o~ ... III 1 .. ... I.-----+~O~5 + . ;:: -----I-Oi + II .... ... c ....----+--O~ ... III III 1 - -......-O-=~II 1-159 Connection Diagram Application Hints The LM2878 is an improved LM378 in typical audio applications. In the LM2878. the internal voltage regulator for the input stage is generated from the voltage on pin 1. Normally. the input common-mode range is within ±0.7V of this pin 1 voltage. Nevertheless the common-mode range can be increased by extemally forcing the voltage on pin 1. One way to do this is to short pin 1 to the positive supply. pin 11. The only special care required with the LM2878 is to limit the maximum input differential voltage to ± 7V. If this differential voltage is exceeded. the input characteristics may change. Figure 2 shows a power op amp application with Av = 1. The 1OOk and 10k resistors set a noise gain of 10 and are dictated by amplifier stability. The 10k resistor is bootstrapped by the feedback so the input resistance is dominated by the 1 MO resistor. Single-In-Une Package BIAS OUTPUT I o GND INPUT I 4 FEEDBACK I *TAB FEEDBACK 2 o IIIPUT2 GND lOOk 15V >~-OYDUT TL/H/7934-5 YIN Top View 000-"""""'4 2.m. 'Pin 6 must be connected to GND. Order Number LM2878P T See NS Package Number P11A O•1 IJ. F TLlHI7934-8 FIGURE 2. Operational Power Amplifier, Ay = 1 1-160 External Components (Figure 3) 1. R2. R5. R7. R10 Sets voltage gain Av = 1 + R2/R5 for one channel and Av = 1 + R10/R7 for the other channel. 2. R4. R8 Resistors set input impedance and supply bias current for the positive input. 3.RO 4.C1 Works with Co to stabilize output stage. Improves power supply rejection (see Typical Performance Characteristics). 5. C11 Stabilizes amplifier. may need to be larger depending on power supply filtering. 6.C4.C8 Input coupling capacitor. Pins 4 and 8 are at a DC potential of Vs/2. Low frequency pole set by: 1 fL = 2'ITR4C4 Feedback capacitors. Ensure unity gain at DC. Also low frequency pole at: 7. C5. C7 1 fL = 2'ITR5C5 8. Co 9. C2.C10 Works with Ro to stabilize output stage. Output coupling capacitor. Low frequency pole given by: 1 fL=~ Typical Applications (Continued) I&V lOOk 10k G.I~ ~ C2 I I I R:~lRL un T an co_ a.I • F - 2m MOTOR 1I11III I~ "=" I CIG II :~~~ 1- IDle Co RIO TO.I~ 2.m 1I11III TG.I~F TLlH/7934-8 FIGURE 4. LM2878 Servo Amplifier In TLlH/7934-7 Bridge Configuration FIGURE 3. Stereo Amplifier with Ay = 200 1-161 Typical Applications (Continued) r-~.--------t----~--~.v Truth Table 1k YIN High Low o/4V+ Off Off On On Off Off 10 TUH17934-9 FIGURE 5. Window Comparator Driving High, Low Lamps 1·162 ~National ~ Semiconductor LM2879 Dual8-Watt Audio Amplifier General Description The LM2879 is a monolithic dual power amplifier which offers high quality performance for stereo phonographs, tape players, recorders, AM-FM stereo receivers, etc. The LM2879 will deliver 8W/channel to an 80 load. The amplifier is designed to operate with a minimum of external components and contains an internal bias regulator to bias each amplifier. Device overload protection consists of both internal current limit and thermal shutdown. Features • • • • Avo typical 90 dB 9W per channel (typical) 60 dB ripple rejection 70 dB channel separation • • • • Self-centering biasing 4 MO input impedance Internal current limiting Internal thermal protection Applications • • • • • • • • • • Multi-channel audio systems Tape recorders and players Movie projectors Automotive systems Stereo phonographs Bridge output stages AM-FM radio receivers Intercoms Servo amplifiers Instrument systems Connection Diagram and Typical Application Stereo Amplifier Plastic Package o 11 lU 9 8 7 6 ,.,. v+ -, OUTPUT 2 GNU INPUT 2 FEEDBACK 2 Ne 5 FEEDBACK 1 4 3 2 1 INPUT 1 I.""', GND OUTPUT 1 BIAS .. , 1.1'" • c, TOPYIEW TL/H/5291-1 I.""', .. 1""""--......-'9"''''1+ T .... ,.,. .. I - " - -......-~.:.t+ u .. Order Number LM2879T See NS Package NumberTA11B ,.,. 'TAB must be connected to GND. TLlH/5291-2 FIGURE 1 1-163 • Absolute Maximum Ratings + 15O"C If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, Storage Temperature please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/Distributors for availability and specifications. Junction Temperature 150"C Lead Temp. (Soldering, 10 seconds) 260"C Supply Voltage 35V Input Voltage (Note 1) ESD rating to be determined. ±0.7V Operating Temperature (Note 2) + 70"C O"Cto Electrical Characteristics Vs = 28V, TTAB = Parameter 25"C, RL = 80, Av = 50 (34 dB), unless otherwise specified. Conditions Total Supply Current - 65"C to Min Po=OW Operating Supply Voltage Typ Max Units 12 65 mA 6 Output Power/Channel f=1 kHz, THD=10%, TTAB= 25'C Distortion f= 1 kHz, RL =80 PO= 1 W/Channel 6 RL =80 Channel Separation CBVPASS=50 ,..F, CIN=0.1 ,..F f = 1 kHz, Output Referred VO=4 Vrms CBVPASS=50 ,..F, CIN=0.1 ,..F f = 120 Hz, Output Referred Vripple= 1 Vrms PSRR Negative Supply Measured at DC, Input Referred Common-Mode Range Split Supplies ± 15V, Pin 1 Tied to Pin 11 1 % Vp-p -50 -70 dB -50 -60 dB -60 dB Equivalent Input Noise Rs=O,CIN=0.1,..F BW=20 -20 kHz CCIR-ARM Output Noise Wideband Rs=O,CIN=0.1,..F,Av=200 Open Loop Gain W VS-6V Input Offset Voltage Noise V 8 0.05 Output Swing PSRR Positive Supply 32 Rs=510, f=1 kHz, RL =80 Input Bias Current ±13.5 V 10 mV 2.5 3.0 0.8 ,..V ,..V mV 70 dB 100 nA MO Input Impedance Open Loop 4 DC Output Voltage Vs=28V 14 V 2 VI,... 65 kHz Slew Rate Power Bandwidth 3 dB Bandwidth at 2.5W Current Limit 1.5 A Note 1: The input voltage range is normally limited to ±O.7V with respect to pin 1. This range may be extended by shorting pin 1 to the positive supply. Note 2: For operation at ambient tempereture greater than 25'C, the LM2879 must be derated based on a maximum 15O'C junction temperature. Thermal reslstance,lunction to case, is :r'C/W. Thermal resistance, case to ambient is 4rf'C/W. Typical Performance Characteristics Device Dissipation vs Ambient Temperature 22 INFIlllTE HEAT SINK ~ z iII !:f iii Z8 18 18 14 12 18 8 8 4 2 I'. lD'C/W IEATSiNK • I I I I - 4'C/W HEAT SINK ..... Open Loop Gain vs Frequency 1111 Power Dissipation va Power Output 11 VS-zzv 10 U IIi ~i III 10 ali 41 r- .... 1. Z8 30 40 50 50 70 ID TA-AM8IBIT TEIII'ERATURE ('CI Ii ~ ZI • 1111 Ik 1l1li 10IIe FREIIUENCY (Hz) I• ze 18 RL -Ill 1M 8 7 8 5 4 ZIV MY ""zzy ~ 2 1 • I 4V' LA 1... THD ,~~ IfvIllY 3 3~D + '=11111z 111.=111 -,-ID 1 234 5 8 7 • • POWEll OUTPUT (W/CHANNa.) ~ TUH/5291-3 1-164 Typical Performance Characteristics Supply Current vs Output Power ..., 800 1171111 ~i !§ ~ ..... i~ iii ~ w'" III o iOo'~ ", '" 50 40 3D ='" 20 ~ o ~ ;.~ i I 0.5 0.2 0.1 ~ 0.05 e 0.02 0.01 1 ~ ~f=r ~,. ~I ~ ~ POlo.rr-~ ~ z i'" ... ...~ lOOk I...._~:: I 0.5 Av=20o ~ 0.2 c 0.1 ~ 0.05 ~'" " ~ 0.02 0.01 ~ ~ ..... ~ ~ ~ ,/ 15 i!... 10 i ~ lk 10k FREQUENCY (Hz) lOOk 1=1 kHz RL=BII / c::o o 20 50 100 200 500 lk 2k 5k 10k 20k FREQUENCY (Hz) ~ ~ ,/ !; 10 15 20 25 V SUPPLY (V) 30 35 • Power Output/Channel va Supply Voltage 10 , 10 '" z RL=BII 9 THO=10% iii 1.0 :If :z: ...i!is ...~ C> 0.1 ::0 C> :z: i ...g0.01 0.01 100 20 co z ~ ~ Output Swing vs Vs Avi~ ;:: IE 10 25 RL-BII Po=0.5W Vee=2BV !: = C III I II CBYMSS=50 p!' Vee =2BV Av=50 YoUT =4 VIm. RL=BII 50 40 100 lk 10k FREQUENCY (Hz) i§ t; 60 W Z z Total Harmonic Distortion vs Power Output . Tni..'"\.. IlcIN =~.Jo~~1 J'. 5! Total Harmonic Distortion va Frequency 20 50 100 200 50D lk 2k 5k 10k 20k FREQUENCY (Hz) ~ ~lrF' 70 !i C VALUES ARE RIPPLE FILTER 10 10.0 ~ 5.0 Av=50 5 RL=BlI vee=~v H j II .!Vs=2oV, I. Av=5o Total Harmonic Distortion vs Frequency 10 11) 1 pF 10 1 2 3 4 6 OUTPUT POWER (W/CHANNEL) so I I 60 20p!' ... ::oW "Il:; !Iv-50, Vs-2BV, RL=BO, 1=1 kHz o 80 70 ~~ ... 1 I 100 .. ~~ til;! , 400 300 Channel Separation (Referred to the Output) Frequency Supply Rejection vs Frequency ;!. ~ 600 500 ~~ 200 Ii ~ (Continued) 0.1 1.0 POWER OUT (WI CHANNEL) 10 ~ o " 6 B 10 12 14 16 lB 20 22 24 26 2B SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V) TUH/5291-4 1-165 LM2879 m .a c ii' ~ t J) n :::J' CD 3 II) ct n C cZ· iii 3 . ~ ~ 8l GND03 06 NC 5 -FEEDBACK 1 401 TAB +INPUT 1 08 +INPUT 2 7 -FEEDBACK 2 GND09 TlIH/5291-5 r-----------------------------------------------------------------------------, a: ~ Typical Applications N ~ Two-Phase Motor Drive o C2 0.1 pi Me ., 27k .3 27k II lOOk u 2.7 mo 2.7 17 10k TD.I,.F C3 •·.. plT TO.'I'F ":' TUH/5291-6 12W BrIdge Amplifier ~~~------~~------.-------------------~ 1M 1M 0.47 pi 10k TUH/5291-7 1-167 Typical Applications (Continued) Simple Stereo Amplifier with Bass Boost D.02'" 2.7 1.... 11 r 2Il 1'5,., + 0 Y· -, TO. 1 ".F "=' 10 IN""'I-1C, llIDII D.l,., 1 TN,., IIIMZ-1 1I11III I "=' CF D.l'" Zk L + IS'" 2.7 1. 1I11III "=' .- 0.1 ".F Power Op Amp (Using Spilt Supplies) lOOk y. 18k IN""T~\M,...-4~:.t 2.7 v- 'I -:c- O.I".F "=' 0.1,., TLlH/5291 -9 1-168 TL/H/5291 -8 r-----------------------------------------------------------------------------, Typical Applications (Continued) ~ Stereo Phonograph Amplifier with Bass Tone Control STEREO CERAMIC CARTRIDGE + 1 1DDpf TL/H/5291-10 Frequency Response of Bass Tone Control i I 65 .... w ...~ .. z ~ 55 45 I I I ~:~~UM_ r-TON~'" CONTROL ,RESPONSE- 1-FLAT 35 w 25 ~ 15 ~ I I ~ i..;' i""" 4AXIMJM- 1-CUT - r-r- .'ES~NfE- ~t- 20 50 100 200 500 lk 2k 5k 10k 20k FREQUENCY (Hz) TL/H/5291-11 1-169 ~ iii: ~ r-----------------------------------------------------------------------~ i ~ ~National ~ Semiconductor ADVANCE INFORMATION" LM3875 High Performance 40W Audio Power Amplifier General Description Features The LM3875 is a high-performance audio power amplifier. II is capable of delivering 40W to an 80 load. It is fully protected using circuit techniques similar to those found in the LM12. • • • • • • The output stage is protected from a short to ground or to the supplies. Protection against transients from inductive loads is provided at the output stage via internal clamp diodes. The LM3875 also contains thermal shutdown protection against operation outside its operating temperature range. 40W output power into 80 Over-voltage protection Dynamic Safe Area Protection Fully protected from AC and DC short-circuits 11-lead TO-220 package Under-voltage shutdown The LM3875 is internally compensated and stable for gains ~10. Typical Application Connection Diagram Y+ Plastic Package ,.. lkll INPUT II) OUTPUT 3 -. .i.. 220pF 47kll III .-= .i.. - ... I O . 1 J.1F - 4 3 2 TUHI11449-2 Order Number LM3875CCT See NS Package Number T11A 3.3kll -. ..... TopYlew 39kll I (II) ~ ... Y- 10J.lF 0 CD He Ne He YINYIN+ Ne Ne YOUTPUT Ne Y+ 10 pF TUH/II449-1 C-Power supply bypass using low ESR 680 p.F elec1rolytic, 10 p.F elec1rolytic, and 0.1 ceramic chip capacitor. Ground CoMections 'Input signal ground. "Power supply bypass ground. "'Output signal ground. Those three ground connecticns should have separate rewm paths to the power supply ground ("ster ground"). 1-170 ~National ADVANCE INFORMATION ~ Semiconductor LM3876 High Performance 40W Audio Power Amplifier General Description Features The LM3876 is a high-performance audio power amplifier with an output mute that eliminates turn-on and turn-off transients. It is capable of delivering 40W to an 80 load. It is fully protected using circuit techniques similar to those found in the LMI2. The output stage is protected from a short to ground or to the supplies. Protection against transients from inductive loads is provided at the output stage via internal clamp diodes. The LM3876 also contains thermal shutdown protection against operation outside its operating temperature range. • • • • • • • 40W continuous output power into 80 Turn-on and turn-off mute Over-voltage protection Dynamic Safe Area Protection Fully protected from AC and DC short-circuits II-lead TO-220 package Under-voltage shutdown The LM3876 is internally compensated and stable for gains ;;'10. Connection Diagram Typical Application Plastic Package V+ 11 10 CO INPUT 1 kO OUTPUT -. ..i.. 220 pF 47 kO ..i.. - ... 10 . -= IO. - .. = 0 .... CO (II) ::::i ~ 9 8 7 6 " 3 2 1 J.'F ... Ne VIN+ VINMUTE GND Ne Ne VOUTPUT Ne V+ TL/H/I1450-2 Top View Order Number LM3876CCT See NS Package Number Tl1A V39kO 3.3kO 10 pF TL/H/II450-1 C-Power supply bypass using low ESR 880 "F electrolytic, 10 "F electrolytic, and 0.1 ceramic chip capacHor. Mute-In this example, the mute pin is tied high Ground Connections 'Input signal groYnd. "Power Supply bypass ground . • "Output signal ground. These three ground connections should have separate return paths to the power supply ground ("star ground"). 1-171 II r--------------------------------------------------------------------------------, B ~National :=!i ~ CO) ~ semiconductor LMC835 Digital Controlled Graphic Equalizer General Description Features The LMC835 is a monolithic, digitally-controlled graphic equalizer CMOS LSI for Hi-Fi audio. The LMC835 consists of a Logic section and a Signal Path section made of analog switches and thin-film silicon-chromium resistor networks. The LMC835 is used with external resonator circuits to make a stereo equalizer with seven bands, ± 12 dB or ± 6 dB gain range and 25 steps each. Only three digital inputs are needed to control the equalization. The LMC835 makes it easy to build a p.P-controlied equalizer. The signal path is deSigned for very low noise and distortion, resulting in very high performance, compatible with PCM audio. • • • • • • No volume controls required Three-wire interface 14 bands, 25 steps each ±12 dB or ±6 dB gain ranges Low noise and distortion TTL, CMOS logic compatible Applications • • • • • Hi-Fi equalizer Receiver Car stereo Musical instrument Tape equalization • Mixer • Volume controller Connection Diagrams Molded Chip Carrier Package Dual-In-Une Package 21 All" 27 AiM! 26 A'M3 A.GND A'M5 A'M. 18 AtN6 LCI. A'M4 A'M7 AtN5 27 17 Voo LCI LCI A.GND 28 16 DATA LC2 LC9 AtNl 15 STROBE LC3 LCI. AtN2 I. CLOCK LC4 LCll AtN3 13 D.GND AjN4 12 Vss LC5 LC12 LCI LC13 LC7 LC14 ¥Sa VDD TLlH/6753-26 Top View OATA D.GNO 16 CLOCK Order Number LMC835V See NS Package V28A STROBE TUH/6753-1 Top View Order Number LMC835N See NS Package N28B 1-172 m I ~'" ~ LY HO-160ECODER LATCH II • is' n - -All LATCH AI TI!!!! OUT II II II II II II II II II II II II II II 8/C Ll1i4.-.......... R5c k 5. :!:6 dB 28 OR ~ :!:12dB Sb ~ RbC Uk 25 R3c R2c RI. ~~ ~rs..""". PO R5b55k R... 25k R3bllk A'N' RbZ 1.ak ca D; ~ :~:~~k ROk3k L -------- ---- 3 '--- '-- AAM~M~~M~~'«'«~AA II 11:1 I: II II :1 I; P II : ~ SELECTOR AI 800ST RdC Uk A,., 0 - - ii I I ~ ~=~m lit II ; ~J????????~tL?:: r----Ht~+tt lIIIO Uk 28 C 17 r- A_GNO ~ , A II!;I II II II II II II II II II II II II II II .. II II II II II II II .. II n II II II II II :11 I II II II II II II II II II II II II U 111I U I,I ;1 U ; II I II I II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II I II II III II I II II II II II II ~UIIUUUI I~J' II II II II II II II II II II I II I; II I II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II I II II I II I I I I I I I II II II II II IW~I . ~ ITTllT~r~-=rrrI1lII1I1l'rrr 111111 )IT 21 A,•• I lC2 Lei 01 LC3 O' lC4 09 lC5 Oa 0" OM ou ou lCI lC1 LCB lC9 LCI. o~ lCn On lCIZ o~ lCia ou lCU TUH/6753-2 9£~W' II Absolute Maximum Ratings Operating Ratings If MIlitary/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/Distributors for availability and specifications. 18V Supply Voltage, Voo-Vss Allowable Input Voltage (Note 1) Vss-0.3V tOVoo+0.3V -60"Cto + 150"C Storage Temperature, T819 Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec), N Pkg + 260"C Lead Temperature, V Pkg Vapor Phase (60 sec) +215·C Infrared (15 sec) + 220·C Supply Voltage, Voo-VSS Digital Ground (Pin 13) Digital Input (Pins 14, 15, 16) Analog Input (Pins 1, 2, 3, 4, 25, 26, 27) (Note 1) 5Vto 16V VsstoVoo VsstoVoo Vssto Voo -40"Cto +85·C Operating Temperature, Tapr Electrical Characteristics (Note 2) Voo=7.5V, VSS= -7.5V, A.GND=OV LOGIC SECTION Symbol Parameter Test Conditions Typ Tested Limit (Note 3) Design Limit (Note 4) Unit (Limit) 0.D1 0.01 1.3 0.9 0.5 0.5 5 5 0.5 0.5 5 5 mA(Max) mA(Max) mA(Max) mA(Max) 1.8 2.3 2.5 V (Min) IDOL ISSL IOOH ISSH Supply Current Pins 14,15,16 are OV Pins 14,15, 16areOV Pins 14, 15,16are5V Pins 14,15,16 are 5V VIH High-Level Input Voltage @Pins14, 15,16 VIL Low-Level Input Voltage @Pins14, 15, 16 0.9 0.6 0.4 V (Max) @Pin14 2000 500 500 kHz (Max) '0 Clock Frequency 1w"lSm Width 01 STIi Input See Figure 1 0.25 1 1 ,,"s(Min) !setuP Data Setup Time See Figure 1 0.25 1 1 ,,"s(Min) thold Data Hold Time See Figure 1 0.25 1 1 ,,"s(Min) tcs Delay Irom Rising Edge 01 CLOCK toSTS See Figure 1 0.25 1 1 ,,"s(Min) liN Input Current @Plns 14, 15, 16 OV (i) - Valid Above Input Gain Code -+ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------~ ~ iii: oco Test Circuits Co) CI'I VIII. 470 ~-4~~~--------------------------------~~UR +7.5V 680 25 680 680 680 680 680 680 r--,I r-______~~=U~ r-__.:S'!;TR=OB;E~ 2C 21 18 23 22 20 19 LC8 LC9 LClo LCll LC12 LC13 LC1. CLOCK LCl LC2 LC3 LCC 7 8 5 lOOp lOOp lOOk lOOk 680 680 680 I I D.GND I L __ .J LMC835 A••• WORD GENERATOR LC5 680 ':' -7.5V 470 >-....JItI~-----------------------------------oVDUTA V••• +15V -15V TUH16753-5 FIGURE 3. Test Circuit for AC Measurement DATA r--,I r----=~ WORD GENERATOR I D.GND I I L __ .J LMC835 VL2.3 VL5 VL6 V1.7 Vu Vu VL1D VLll -7.5V TLIH16753-6 FIGURE 4. Test Circuit for Leakage Current Measurement 1-177 II U) C') CD (.) r---------------------------------------------------------------------------------, Test Circuits (Continued) r-----' :E ...I > .....~.....-oYLOUT ILlNo-....-;;.......... ~ Tl/H/6753-7 FIGURE 5. I to V Converter v· CLOCK 8 10 CLOCK 111I74HCOO 11 ClK Q 9 DATA 1oI1oI74HC74 MIoI74HCOO 12 D Q 5 0 RC 15 2 CLK INH 15 111I74HCI63 PR Q 5 CLKt-=2'-<1_+=3:t'ClK MM74HC74 IoIM74HC163 lOAD 9 2 0 1 lOAD v. D7 D6 os 8 0.,:6:""'-1----0 STROBE D4 D3 D2 Dl DO TL/H/6753-8 FIGURE 6. Simple Word Generator Typical Performance Characteristics Supply Current vs Supply Voltage .... !. Ii . ..E :0 U :0 2.0 !A-25'C I .• CE - DATA - STO - 5Y 1.6 O.IINO-A.8NO-OY 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.' 1/ 0.6 0.4 ~," 0.2 Supply Current vs Temperature 2.1 1.8 .. 1.6 100 ...... 12345678910 SUPPLY YOlTAGE (:t VI !. 1.4 10 ~:::T:~m-5V O.GNO-A.BNO-OV I••. 5 1.2 I 1.0 .. a.8 a.6 iii 0.4 0.2 Iss E a Input Capacitance vs Input Voltage -50 -25 PINS 14, 15, 1. I O.GNO-A.BNO-OY .--- 9 Va. :t7.5Y, TA-ZS'C - r - - --- '-I MHz 4 IJ ~ ---- -.-- 3 2 1 0 25 50 75 100 125 TEMPERATURE ('CI a 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 • • 10 INPUT YOLTAGE (VI TLlH/8753-9 1-178 Typical Performance Characteristics (Continued) 1. Maximum Output Voltage vs Supply Voltage •• Maximum Output Voltage vs Temperature ~u ~~.::. •• 7 1 i V • 5 - ~ -- • : 1 1 D 01234S171.,D SUPPLY VOLTAGE 12: V, D -II -25' IS so 7S 101 lZS TEMI'I!IIATUII 1°C, Distortion vs Frequency @ ± 12 dB Range D.l ! !I D•• •. ,.. 01 ',. V'III I.ODI ,. • ! -1Vnna JIIII. 1lI11L ~~~ ir; _ D• • Gain vs Frequency @ ± 12 dB Range (Boost) r::-.....,~C":""-:::="'='...,.'" ~;':_"'T 11 • 1.'Dl~11111 ; ~D._ •.012 t-Htf1~;::::jt:tmtttl D'OO1 L..-...L-.L...L.j"j.JJu..L.-...J.....J.:;::':":= -1 lD lD Gain vs Frequency @ ± 6 dB Range (Boost) t::~ ! I I~'!:!'! •1. ! i -.-. -9 -" -11 IIOK -13 lD -- .*•• ..-m I. 11K 111 FllEUENCY IH., ll1K ".liliiii ,..2:7.5V _ - "8 _ 1 2:12 dnANGE -1 -2 UI 4 •• -3 -4 -I • Gain vs Temperature 10 9 .... n .•• s-c 3d ,.. UI -5 r'i !tIftltt"" I. 111 11K FllEOUENCY IH., -1 -3 -5 -7 Gain vs Frequency @ ± 6 dB Range (Cut) 1 .. ,. • 3 ...... .+.... 101 11K FIIEUENCY 1Hz, lD Gain vs Frequency @ ± 12 dB Range (Cut) ~ .... a7" ,._zrl: ~~~~~C+~~4 15 13 D.II I--MMi+tttt---t-+A,*ftl , O""'.........L...I..u..u. '.1 D.I D.S 1 DUTPUT VDIIAGE IV_, FIIEUENCY IH., us •. 1 D.2 D.5 1 DUTPUT VDLTABE IV_, t-Tiiifrt~IFlI:.~za!J-~H~ I....III:.;;."":.::F""'H·'-'-WoJ.u D.IIIIZ I.ODI UDI 11L.:,lL;;:.:..;= • .........IIIIL. ,. ........... _ ...u. , _ 1II1II( Distortion vs Output Voltage @ ±6dBRange ! 2:7.5V. TA.ZSoC::: 2:11 dlllANlE --FLAT ...., D.DI --+12d1 ID~~ ~===Ml!'.iiljJli~I,I)~-:·:~~I~1 D••' D.0I5 .... D H so 7S 101 lH TEIII'EIlATUIi 1°C, .."...-=.-:--::=-= v•• =.....== .t D.l ! hTtTTnr-'i-m D.DI • -- Distortion vs Output Voltage @ ± 12 dB Range D.OS FREaUENCY IH., '.1 D."-SO-H Distortion vs Frequency @ ±6dBRange ~ va. IV.... ,. 'a.17 D." US r; D." 0.012 - Ii .... D.l.."...-"""",.."..-=!:'!"O...".,..,_ 2:7.5V. TA.HoC 2:11 .. WIllE FLAT -+12. --- ;!it ,."1 =D•• / D.OI 1.14 1.03 1.12 ~- FLAT 1.1 _H•• THD < 1'4- I - , : us 10 TA·HOC 2:11 .IRAIIIE FLAT 1.' _H•• THD,...-"WM ..... 27k +l5V VOUfA -15V TL/H/8753-11 FIGURE 7. Stereo 7-Band Equalizer TABLE I: Tuned Circuit Elements Z1 fo(Hz) r Z1 Z2 Z3 Z4 Z5 Z6 Z7 63 160 400 1k 2.5k 6.3k 16k CL(F) RL(O) Ro(O) 1p. 0.1p. 0.47p. 0.15p. 0.033p. 0.015p. 0.0068p. 0.0033p. 0.0015p. 680p 100k 100k 100k 82k 82k 62k 47k 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 Co(F) 0.068p. 0.022p. 0.01p. 0.0047p. PIN 2. 3 DR 2& PIN "LC" Qo=3.5, Q12dB= 1.05 --, Ico I lOOk Ic~o I I L I RL I L~ + I _ _ _ _ JI - Lo=CL RL Ro 1 lo=~ Oo=~Co~02 RoOo Q12dS=Ro+1590 LM833 (l590n-55k#l&k#11k#8kRa kll) TL/H/8753-12 FIGURE 8. Tuned Circuit for S.tereo 7-Band Equalizer (Figure 7) 1-180 riii: Typical Applications (Continued) o CD Performance Characteristics (Circuit of Figure 7) LMC835 Gain vs Frequency LMC835 Gain vs Frequency @ ± 12 dB Range @ ± 12 dB Range (1 kHz Boost or Cut) (All Boost or Cut) W CII 1 4 -8. 16 lZ lZ 16 41111 -8 i"iD iZ 0 g-4 0 ~-4 -lZ -lZ -16 L..LJ.WIIL.I.J.lUIIL...,I;l, 10 100 lK 10K FREQUENCY (Hz) -16 lOOK I!'o 10 !z iD !!. 0 0 ;1-2 :A_ z -4 -4 -6 -6 -8 -8 10K lOOK 8 ;5 lK 10K LMC835 Gain va Frequency @ ±6dBRange (1 kHz Booat or Cut) 81=Ri~~_m 100 lK FREQUENCY (Hz) LMC835 Gain va Frequency @ ±6 dB Range (All Boost or Cut) 10 100 lOOK 10 100 FREQUENCY (Hz) lK 10K lOOK FREQUENCY (Hz) TUH/6753-13 +15V Uk II Z7k V,. 470 > ...-O\f'\j'\r-------------o() VOUT Z7k . p-.p-.r-.p-.p-• ":' 1 I II .. II I Z8 II Zg1lZ10" Zl111Z1Z1 1111111111 ":' 10k +7.5V lOOk DATA 28 STROBE 27 A.GND A,.5 Z6 Ai•• Z5 A,., 24 Z3 LCB Lca 2Z LC10 21 20 LCll LC12 19 18 17 LC13 LC14 VDD LC6 Vss LMC835 LCI LCZ 5 LC3 LC4 6 LC5 8 10 LC7 11 12 CLOCK ....._-+ D.GND L -_ _ _ _ -7.5V .-.. ..-.. 11111111111111 I Zl II Z2 II Z3 II Z4 .. Z5 II Z6 II Z7 I ..... 111111111 -~.-~.- FIGURE 9. 12-Band Equalizer 1-181 -~.-~ TUH/6753-14 Typical Applications (Continued) TABLE II. Tuned Circuit Elements PIN "LC" QO=4.7, Q12dB= 1.4 Z1 Z2 Z3 Z4 Z5 Z6 Z7 Z8 Z9 Z10 Z11 Z12 fo(Hz) Co(F) 16 31.5 63 125 250 500 1k 2k 4k 8k 16k 32k 3.3,... 15,... 1,... 0.39,... 0.22,... 0.1,... 0.047,... 0.022,... 0.01,... 0.0068,... 0.0033,... 0.0015,... CL(F) RL(O) Ro(O) 0.47,... 0.22,... 0.1,... 0.068,... 0.033,... 0.015,... 0.01,... 0.0047,... 0.0022,... 0.001,... 680p 470p 100k 110k 100k 91k 82k 100k 82k 91k 110k 82k 62k 68k 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 510 PIN 26 r --, ::~100k I RD : + I Lo=CL RL An 1 10= 2".JCQCO .00=~Co~ I RL - LM833 I I L.::: ____ .II RoOo Q12dB=RO+1590 (16901/-55k#16k#11k#8k#3 kll) TL/H/6753-15 FIGURE 10. Tuned Circuit for 12·Band Equalizer (FIgure 9) Performance Characteristics (Circuit of Figure 9) 12 Band Equalizer Application LMC835 Gain vs Frequency @ ±6dBRange (All Boost or Cut) LMC835 12 Band E.Q. Application Gain vs Frequency @ ± 12 dB Range (1 kHz Boost or Cut) ., .~;,; ,.."'".h OI'''':''II''::''I.~~1I1lI II r~~IIIIII • •IIIIIII"'.IIIIII• • 1'1111 ••• 11111 • •111111 • • 111111••• ,1111 1"-;'" r.. 'r, ",',,&~: flT1r:'II III .'IIIIII'li U L~'H'J,I,lh .'Jll'l: •• V.~ll'l"'.I." ,~, ! i'U"tII.'ll~lh" '1' "'.':,1' II '","j,',,:,a .11,'111 .. ,"", ..... ..... 'I.~·lh. \"jll'''.~~4'·'I.''~,~~~h ! -2 .'-, ii !!. I z ..,.....,:'.,.- I. UI "",'...".".'I' .. ...... "','1'. .... r.o1','r,' ~~~'~!' I !,'~. ~!" !1'.,!~,~1.1!',;'!'~ ~!' ~!!' "~,~,~,,.,.- ~ - ~~-.' 100 lK 10K t:mh 41111 4 ii_ '.' 0 -8 -12 -6 -4 • • -8 10 RfIilFFf 128Bl1H -16 10 100 lOOK 1K 10K lOOK FREQUENCY (Hz) FREQUENCY (Hz) 12 Band Equalizer Application LMC835 Gain vs Frequency @ ± 12dBRange (All Boost or Cut) !~ LMC835 12 Band E.Q. Application Gain vs Frequency @ ±6dBRange (1 kHz Boost or Cut) 11~lIIIr!!mm~.~ 8 12 6 iz 0 ~ -4 -8 0 -2 -4 -12 -6 -16 -8 10 100 lK 10K lOOK 10 FREQUENCY (Hz) 100 lK 10K lOOK FREQUENCY (Hz) TL/H/6753-16 1·182 Typical Applications (Continued) PIN "LC" PIN 2. 3 OR 26 Lo - r~--'I ICo C... AL. AO 1 Fo-~ lOOk I I ICL I I I I I I I v+ 00 - JCoR(l. AoOo Q'2dB - AO + 15'C L.I ____ J (159G1l-55kQI6kQ11kQ8kn kill TL/H/6753-25 v.. 1. V",.~ "+--1~-f+"~ ........:..t 1 - - - - - - - - - - o O V••18 >"'~w. lOOk '-,,-,,-,,-,r-,'-"-' 1111111111111' I ZII1 Z211 Z311 Z4 II Z5 II Z611 Z11 , .. .. II II " II I v•• r - - - - + V.. 8V TO 15V DATA STR08E 1---. v+ 0 - -............ T 100 CLOCK "F D.GND lOOk > ..........\M,....;.t t - - - - - - - - - - O v "••• TUH/6753-17 The V2+ output is used to bias the gyrators FIGURE 11. Single Supply Stereo Equalizer 1-183 II an (II) ~ Typical Applications (Continued) :! Your. YOUTI TL/H/6753-18 TLlH/6753-19 FIGURE 12. Stereo 7-Input/1-output Mixers (THD is not as low as equalizer circuit) FIGURE 13. Stereo Volume Control, Very Low THD +5Y . ._'-..;.;;;......_ _ _~~~ - , - IOn REsET m LMC836 DATA 1-----ISTRoii D.GNO TL/H/6753-20 FIGURE 14. LMC835-COP404L CPU Interface 1-184 riii: Typical Applications (Continued) o CD Sample Subroutine Program for Figure 14, LMC835-COP404L CPU Interface W CI'I HEX CODE LABEL MNEMONICS 3F LMC835: LBI 05 SEND LD ;RAMDATA TO A SC ; SET CARRY 335F OGI ; SET PORT G= 1111, OPEN THE AND GATES 4F ; SWAP A AND SIO, CLOCK START 05 XAS LD 07 XDS ; SWAP A AND RAMDATA. RAMADDRESS=RAMADDRESS-1 22 COMMENTS 3F ;POINT TO RAMADDRESS 3F ;RAMDATA TO A. MAKE SURE A = DATA 05 LD ;RAMDATA TO A 4F XAS ;SWAPAANDSIO 05 LD ;RAMDATA TO A. MAKE SURE A=NEWDATA 07 ; SWAP A AND RAMDATA. RAMADDRESS=RAMADDRESS-1 32 XDS RC 4F XAS 335D OGJ 13 ;SET PORT G=1101, MAKE STROBE LOW 335B OGI 11 ;SET PORT G=1011. MAKE STROBE HIGH. CLOSE THE 4E CBA 43 AISC 48 RET 80 JP ;RESET CARRY ; SWAP A AND SIO. CLOCK STOP GATES ;BD TOA 3 ;RAMADDRESS<3C THEN RETURN SEND RAM ADDRESS 3C DATA COMMENTS ;GAIN DATA D4-D7 3D DATA ;GAIN DATA DO-D3 3E DATA ;BAND DATA D4-D7 3F DATA ;BAND DATA DO-D3 II Application Hints SWITCHING NOISE The LMC835 uses CMOS analog switches that have small leakages (less than 50 nA). When a band is selected for flat gain, all the switches in that band are open and the resonator circuit is not connected to the LMC835 resistor network. It is only in the flat mode that the small leakage currents can cause problems. The input to the resonator circuit is usually a capacitor and the leakage currents will slowly charge up this capacitor to a large voltage if there is no resistive path to limit it. When the band is set to any value other than flat, the charge on the capacitor will be discharged by the resistor network and there will be a transient at the output. To limit the size of this transient, RLEAK is necessary. SIMPLE WORD GENERATOR (Figure 6) Circuit operation revolves around an MM74HC165 parallelin/serial-out shift register. Data bits DO through D7 are applied to the parallel of the MM74HC165 from 8 toggle switches. The bits are shifted out to the DATA input of the LMC835 in sync with the clock. When all data bits have been loaded, CLOCK is inhibited and a STROBE pulse is generated: this sequence is initiated by a START pulse. LMC835-COP404L CPU INTERFACE (Refer to Figure 14) The diagram shows AND gates between the COP and the LMC835. These permit G2 to inhibit the CLOCK and DATA lines (SK and SO) during a STROBE (G1) pulse. This function may also be implemented in software. As shown in Figure 2, the data groups are shifted in DO first. Data is loaded on positive clock edges. HOW TO AVOID SWITCHING NOISE DUE TO LEAKAGE CURRENT (Refer to Figures 7 and 8) To avoid switching noise due to leakage currents when changing the gain, it is recommended to put RLEAK= 100 kO between Pin 3 and Pin 5-11 each, Pin 26 and Pin 1224 each. The resistor limits the voltage that the capacitor can charge to, with minimal effects on the equalization. The frequency response change due to RLEAK are shown in Figure 15. The gain error is only 0.2 dB and Q error is only 5% at 12 dB boost or cut. POWER SUPPLIES These applications show LM317/337 regulators for the ± 7.5V supplies for the LMC835. Since the latter draws only 5 mA max., 1k series dropping resistors from the ± 15V op amp supply and a pair of 7.5V zeners and bypass caps will also suffice. 1-185 Application Hints (Continued) MODEL RESULT > ...-OVoUT , t-.6!NIt---' 12dB I----''---.----::I-=c--- II.adB I---'-r-I--+_~~ I I OdB .... 110 TUH/6753-21 TL/H/6753-22 FIGURE 15. Effect of RLEAK REDUCING EXTERNAL COMPONENTS The typical application shown in Figure 7 is switching noise free. The DC-coupled circuit in Figure 16 is also switching noise free, except at 12 dB/6 dB switch tum ON/OFF. This switching noise is caused by the lbias and Voffset of the op amps. Selecting a low Ibias and Voffset op amp can minimize the switching noise due to the 12 dB/6 dB switch. The DCcoupled application can also eliminate the RF= 100k resistors with only a 0.5 dB gain error at 12 dB boost or cut. ACCOUPLING DC COUPLING ·.,r lOOk LMCB35 LMCB35 TUH/6753-24 TL/H/6753-23 FIGURE 16. Reducing External Components 1-186 ~National ~ semiconductor LMC1982 Digitally-Controlled Stereo Tone and Volume Circuit with Two Selectable Stereo Inputs General Description The LMC1982 is a monolithic integrated circuit that provides volume, balance, tone (bass and treble), enhanced stereo, and loudness controls and selection between two pairs of stereo inputs. These functions are digitally controlled through a three-wire communication interface. There are two digital inputs for easy interface to other audio peripherals such as stereo decoders. The LMC1982 is designed for line level input signals (300 mV-2V) and has a maximum gain of -0.5 dB. Volume is set at minimum and tone controls are flat when supply voltage is first applied. Low noise and distortion result from using analog switches and poly-silicon resistor networks in the signal path. Additional tone control can be achieved using the LMC835 stereo 7-band graphic equalizer connected to the LMC1982's SELECT OUT/SELECT IN external processor loop. Features • Low noise and distortion • Two pairs of stereo inputs • • • • • • • • • • • Enhanced stereo function Loudness compensation 40 position 2 dB/step volume attenuator plus mute Independent left and right volume controls Low noise-suitable for use with DNR~ and Dolby~ noise reduction External processor loop Signal handling suitable for compact discs Pop-free switching Serially programmable: INTERMETAL bus (1M) interface 6V to 12V single supply operation 28 Pin DIP or PLCC package Applications • • • • • Stereo television Music reproduction systems Sound reinforcement systems Electronic music (MIDI) Personal computer audio control Block and Connection Diagrams 23 22 R SElECT OUT R SELECT IN 21 20 R TONE IN R TONE OUT 19 R OP AMP OUT 25~~--"'" R. INPUT 1 4 L. INPUT 1 24 R. INPUT 2 18 R LOUDNESS l 17 R ENHANCE ST. 6.5k.D. Y+/2 16 RIGHT OUT .'50k.D. INPUT AND MODE SELECT 28 1.5k.D. 5 LOGIC AND CONTROL L...+-_______.... • Loudn... L. INPUT2 50k.D. ·r 6 7 L SELECT OUT L SELECT IN 8 9 L TONE IN L TONE OUT 10 L OP AMP OUT (EnhanCed Stereo 11 12 L LOUDNESS L ENHANCE ST. 2 13 LEFT , 50k.D. Y+/2 50k.D. 27 10 DIGITAL INPUT 1 3 DIGITAL INPUT 2 1.5k.D. BYP~~ 0-+--1 OATA 1 CLK OUT TL/H/11028-1 1-187 • Absolute Maximum Ratings (Notes 1 and 2) -65"Cto +15O"C Storage Temperature Lead Temperature N Package, (Soldering, 10 Seconds) +26O"C 215"C V Package, (Vapor Phase, 60 Sec9nds) 220"C Infrared, (15 Seconds) 2kV ESD Susceptabillty (Note 5) If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Salea Office/Distributors for availability and speclflcatlons. Supply Voltage (V+ - GND) 15V GND - 0.2VtoV+ + 0.2V Voltage at any Pin Input Current at any Pin (Note 3) 5mA Package Input Current (Note 3) 20mA Power Dissipation (Note 4) 500mW Junction Temperature + 125"C Operating Ratings (Notes 1 and 2) Temperature Range TMIN s: TA s: TMAX LMC1982CIN, LMC1982CIV -4O"C s: TA s: +85°C Supply Voltage Range (V+ - V-) 6Vto 12V Electrical Characteristics The following specifICations apply for V+ = 9V, fiN = 1 kHz~ Input signal (300 mV) applied to INPUT 1, volume = 0 dB, bass = 0 dB, treble = 0 dB, enhanced stereo is off, and loudness is off unless otherwise specified. All limits apply for TA = TJ = + 25°C. Symbol Parameter Conditions Is Supply Current VIN Input Voltage Clipping Level (1,.0% THD), Select Out (Pins 6, 23) THD Total Harmonic Distortion Left and Right channels; . Output Pins 13, 16 VIN = 0.3 Vrms; fiN = 100 HZ,1 kHz,10 kHz VIN = 2.0Vrms; fiN = 100 HZ,1 kHz VIN = 2.0 Vrms; fiN = 10 kHz VIN = 0.5 Vrms; Bass and Treble Tone Controls Set at Maximum VIN = 0.3 Vrms; Volume Attenuator at - 20 dB, Bass and Treble Tone Controls Set at Maximum DC Shifts VIN = 0.3 Vrms; Between Any Two Adjacent Control Settings VIN = 0.3 Vrms; All Mode and Input Positions Typical (Note 6) Umlt (Note 7) Unit (Umlt) 15 25 mA(max) 2.3 2.0 0.008 0.1 % (max) 0.4 1.0 % (max) 0.5 1.0 % (max) 0.07 0.5 % (max) 0.06 0.15 % (max) 2.0 4.0 mV(max) 18 20 mV(max) Vrms(min) ROUT AC Output Impedance Pins 6, 23, (4700. to Ground at Input) Pins 13,16 150 26 200 40 o (max) o (max) RIN AC Input Impedance Pins 4, 5, 24, 25 50 72 35 kO(max) kO(min) Volume Attenuator Range Pins 13, 16; Volume Attenuation at 010001 OXXXoooooO (0 dB) 01 0001 OXXX1 01 XXX (80 dB); (Relative to Attenuation at the 0 dB Setting) 0.5 1.5 dB (max) 80 78 82 dB (min) dB (max) All Volume Attenuation Settings from 01 0001 OXXX1 01XXX (80 dB) to 0100010XXXOOOOoo (0 dB) (Note 9) 2.0 1.5 2.5 dB (min) dB (min) Channel-to-Channel Volume Tracking Error All Volume Attenuation Settings from 010001 OXXX1 01 XXX (80 dB) to 010001 OXXXOOOOOO (0 dB) ±0.1 ±1.5 dB (min) Mute Attenuation VIN 105 86 dB (max) Volume Step Size = 1.0 Vrms 1-188 Electrical Characteristics The following specifications apply for V+ = 9V, fiN = 1 kHz, input signal (300 mV) applied to INPUT 1, volume = 0 dB, bass = 0 dB, treble = 0 dB, enhanced stereo is off, and loudness is off unless otherwise specified. All limits apply for TA = TJ = + 25°C. (Continued) Symbol Parameter Conditions Typical (Note 6) Limit (Note 7) Unit (Umlt) Bass Gain Range fiN = 100Hz,Pins13,16 ±12 ±10.0 ±14.0 dB (min) dB (max) Bass Tracking Error fiN = 100 Hz, Pins 13,16 ±0.1 ±1.5 dB (max) Bass Step Size fiN = 100 Hz, Pins 13,16 (Relative to Previous Level) 2.0 1.5 2.5 dB (min) dB (max) Treble Gain Range fiN = 10 kHz, Pins 13,16 ±12 ±10.0 ±14.0 dB (min) dB (max) Treble Tracking Error fiN = 10 kHz, Pins 13, 16 ±0.1 ±1.5 dB (max) Treble Step Size fiN = 10kHz, Pins 13, 16 (Relative to Previous Level) 2.0 1.5 2.5 dB (min) dB (max) Enhanced Stereo Cross Coupling (Note 10) -4.4 -2.5 -6.9 dB (min) dB (max) Frequency Response VIN Applied to Input 1 and Input 2; fiN = 20 Hz - 20 kHz (Relative to Signal Amplitude at 1 kHz) ±0.1 ±1.0 dB (max) Volume Attenuator = 40 dB, Loudness on (See Figure 5) Gain at 100 Hz (Referenced to Gain at 1 kHz) Gain at 10kHz (Referenced to Gain at 1 kHz) 11.5 13.5 9.5 8.5 4.5 dB (max) dB (min) dB (max) dB (min) Loudness 6.5 Signal-to-Noise Ratio VIN = 1.0 Vrms, A Weighted, Measured at 1 kHz, Rs = 470.0. 95 90 Channel Balance All Volume Settings 0.2 1.0 dB (max) Channel Separation Input Pins 4, 25: Output Pins 13, 16; VIN = 1.0 Vrms (Note 8) 80 60 dB (min) Input-Input Isolation 470.0. to AC Ground on Unused Input 95 60 dB (min) PSSR Power Supply Rejection Ratio V+ = 9 Voc; 200 mVrms , 100 Hz Sinewave Applied to Pin 26 32 28 dB (min) dB (min) fCLK Clock Frequency 5.0 1.0 MHz (max) VIN(l) Logic "1" Input Voltage Pins 1, 27, 28 (1M Bus) Pins 2, 3 1.3 2.9 2.0 5.5 V (min) V (min) VIN(O) Logic "0" Input Voltage Pins 1, 27, 28 (1M Bus) Pins 2, 3 0.4 1.2 0.8 3.5 V (max) V (max) Logic "1" Output Voltage Pin 28 (1M Bus) 2.0 V (min) VOUTill V (max) Logic "0" Output Voltage Pin 28 (1M Bus) 0.4 0.8 VOUTCOI Note 1: Absolute Maximum Ratings indicate limits beyond which damage to the deivee may occur. Operating Ratings Indicate condifions for which the device is functional. but do not guarantee specific perfonnance IimHs. For guaranteed specifications and test condHions, see the Electrical Characteristics. The guaranteed specifications apply only for the test condHions listed. Some perfonnance characteristics may degrade when the device is not operated under the listed test conditions. Note 2: All voltsges are specHied with respect to ground. Note 3: When the input voltsge (YIN) at any pin exceeds the power supply voltsges (YIN < V- or VIN > V+) the absolute value of the current at thai pin should be IimHed to 5 rnA or less. The 20 mA package input current limits the number of pins that can exceed the power supply voItsges with 5 mA current limH to four. Note 4: The maximum power dissipation must be derated at elevated temperatures and is dictated by TJMAX, 9JA, and the ambient temperature TA. The maximum allowable power dissipation is Po = (TJMAX - TAl/9JA or the number given in the Absolute Maximum Ratings, whichever is lower. For the LMCl982CIN, TJMAX = + 125"C, and the typical junction-Io-ambient thermal resistance, when board mounted, Is 67"CfW. Note 5: Human body model; tOO pF discharged through a t.5 kG resistor. Note 6: Typicals are at TJ = + 25"C and represent the most likely parametric norm. Note 7: UmHs are guaranteed to National's AOOL (Average Outgoing OualHy Level). Note 8: The Input-Input Isolation is tested by driving one input and measuring the output when the undriven input are selectad. Note 9: The Volume Step Size is defined as the change in attenuation between any two adjacent volume attenuation settings. The nominal Valuma Step Size is 2 dB. Note 10: Enhanced Stereo Cross Coupling is a measure of the ratio between the undriven right channel output signal and the driven left channel output Signal. It is measured by driving the left inputs with a 300 mVrm• signal while the right inputs are grounded. 1-189 II Typical Performance Characteristics Supply Current vs Supply Voltage 30 ~ .s I TA =25"C TA V V+=9V 25 15 0.05 = RL THO= 1~ ~~~me Attenuator ~ 10 is Your =1Vrma - Q.6 !rl 0..4 'is" !!l z 0.2 :!:;! '\ r- o lD o 100 THDvsVIN (VOUT Constant) 1.0 TA=25OC Y+=9V Output Pins: 13. 16 z t; D.S ~ iJ -VOUT""30mVrml i :0 D.03 ~ rt VOUT=IOOmVrma Vour =300mVfIIIII 0.0 0.0 1.0 D.S ~ 2D 60 SO 10 100 lk 10k lOOk FREQUENCY (Hz) vs Frequency 1.5 ~ 0.06 ~ YIN = 1Vrma J D.02 0.01 0.00 2.5 2.0 T.. =2SOC Y+=9V Input Pins: 4, 25 Output Pins: 13, 16 Tone nat 0.07 O.os III0 :!:;! '- D.08 Ii; is Right Output- (Left ohann.! drfven) Left Output -_ ••• (Right channel driven) ~ !l1 I,... Mute Gain g Input Pins: ".25 III0 -105 z THD vs Frequency .I. z 0 r---r-;~=:-----,---, VOLUME ATTENUATION (dB) AC LOAD IYPEDANCE (kJl) g -70 -110 3 10D 10 m ~ 1\ I 1 Channel Separation vs Frequency \ Tone Flat 1 \ ::II '\ AC LOAD IMPEDANCE (kJl) V+=9V Input Pins: Grounded Output Pins: 13.16 Tone Flat ~~~~! ~1~:~u6~t:03n 1= ~IJB r- :;! \ 0.01 16 TA = 25°C IIIII IIIII V"'=9V =0 dB Volume Attenuation Tone Flat 0.00 1~ 12 CCIR Output Noise vs Volume Setting T.=25"C 0.02 SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V) THDvs Load Impedance - rr- Output Pin.: 13. 16 0.03 :;! 10 SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V) O.S I i;! 2 12 v+ = 9V Vour= 1Vrms ~ o oJ o - ;! / IIIIII b.8±lli 0.04 ~ / V Ii; / TA =25"C r- z 0 Tone Flat ,/ 10 g =:t g IL Output Pins: 13, 16 .,...v THDvs Load Impedance =250C Y+=9V / 20 i Output Voltage vs Supply Voltage 10 - / 1I k-". .........-'vIN =O.3Vnns 100 1Ic 10k lOOk FREQUENCY (Hz) INPUT VOLTAGE (V"".) Tone Control Response with Equal Bass and Treble Control Settings FREQUENCY (Hz) Select Input Impedance vs Frequency Loudness Response vs Frequency lM,----,---,,---,----, OdS TA. = 25°C S -2OdB ~ I ;~dB ~ '" ~ ~ -&OdS , 3: I V+=9V Inputs: pins 7,22 MAX CUT tOOk 1-=:-,...."'"1:. .--\----+----1 10k z -8DdS ~ .....- .... IkL-_-L_ _~_~·A~X~'~OO=~~ 10 100 Ik 10k FREQUENCY (Hz) lOOk 100 Ik 10k FREQUENCY (Hz) 10Dk ID 100 I. 10k lOOk FREQUENCY (Hz) TLlH111028-3 1-190 r- iii: Connection Diagram 0..... CC) ~ GO N :0 CLOCK 28 DATA DIGITAL INPUT I 27 10 5 15 DIGITAL INPUT2 26 v+ ~ LEFT INPUTI 25 RIGHT INPUT I "" LEFT INPUT 2 24 RIGHT INPUT 2 LEFT SELECT OUTPUT LEFT SELECT INPUT LMCI982 LEFT TONE INPUT LEFT TONE OUTPUT 15 ..... g" 0 0 ~ :>; ~ ~ 01~ ~ ~ 23 RIGHT SELECT OUTPUT 22 RIGHT SELECT INPUT V+ 26 18 RIGHT LOUDNESS 21 RIGHT TONE INPUT ID 27 17 RIGHT ENHANCED STEREO 20 RIGHT TONE OUTPUT DATA 28 16 RIGHT OUTPUT LEFT OP AMP OUTPUT 10 19 RIGHT OP AMP OUTPUT LEFT LOUDNESS 11 18 RIGHT LOUDNESS LEFT ENHANCED STEREO 12 17 RIGHT ENHANCED STEREO LEFT OUTPUT 13 16 RIGHT OUTPUT BYPASS 14 15 GROUND LMC1982 15 GROUND DIGITAL INPUT 1 14 BYPASS DIGITAL INPUT 2 13 LEFT OUTPUT LEFT INPUT 1 12 LEFT ENHANCED STEREO CLOCK N ~ TL/H/ll028-2 Top View ~ ~ 6 ~ '" ~ ~ 6~ ~ tl~ "" ~ e g "... g t: :>; § ':f ~ ~ § ~ ~ III~ Order Number LMC1982CIN See NS Package Number N28B ~ ~ ~ z .. 0 ~ TL/H/l1028-12 Top View Order Number LMC1982CIV See NS Package Number V28A Pin Description The INTER METAL (1M) Bus clock is applied to the CLOCK pin. This input accepts a TTL or CMOS level signal. The input is used to clock the DATA signal. A data bit must be valid on the rising clock edge. DIGITAL INPUT Internally tied high to V+ through a 30 kO 1 & 2 (2, 3) pull-up resistor, these inputs allow a peripheral device to place any single-bit, active low digital information onto the 1M Bus. It is then sent out to the contrOlling device through the DATA pin. Examples of such information could include indication of the presence of a Second Audio Program (SAP) or an Frvt stereo carrier. INPUTS 1 & 2 These are the LMC1982's two stereo input (4, 25; 5, 24) pairs. CLK (1) SELECT OUT (6,23) These are the inputs that an external signal processor uses to return a signal to the LMC1982. These pins should be capacitively coupled to pins 6 and 23, respectively, if no external processor is used. TONE IN (8,21) These are the inputs to the tone control amplifier. See the Application Information section titled "Tone Control Response". Tone control amplifier output. See the Application Information section titled "Tone Control Response". OPAMP OUT (10,19) These outputs are used with external tone control capacitors. Internally, this output is applied to the volume attenuators. LOUDNESS (11, 18) The output signal on these pins is a voltage taken from the volume attenuator's -40 dB tap point. An external R-C network is connected to these pins. ENHANCED STEREO (12,17) An external R-C network is connected across these pins. This provides left-right channel cross-coupling and cancellation to create an enhanced stereo channel separation effect. The output Signal from these pins drives a stereo power amplifier. The output can typically sink 1 mA. A 10 poF capacitor is connected between this pin and ground to provide an AC ground for the internal half-supply voltage reference. MAIN OUTPUT (13,16) The selected INPUT signal is available at this output. This feature allows external signal processors such as noise reduction or graphic equalizers to be used. This output can typically sink 1 mA. These pins should be capacitively coupled to pins 7 and 22, respectively, if no external processor is used. SELECT IN (7,22) TONE OUT (9,20) BVPASS(14) GROUND (15) This pin is connected to analog ground. V+ (26) This is the power supply connection. The LMC1982 is operational with supply voltages from 6V to 12V. This pin should be bypassed to ground through a 1.0 poF capacitor. 1-191 II ~ g: .... o ::& ....I ,---------------------------------------------------------------------------------, Pin Description (Continued) 10 (27) This is the IDENTITY digital input that, when low, signals the LMC1982 to receive, from a controlling device, a device address (40H47H), present on the DATA line. DATA (28) This is the serial data input for communications sent by a controller. The controller must have open drain outputs used with external pull-up resistors. The data rate has a maximum frequency of 1 MHz. The LMC1982 requires 16 bits of data to control or change a function: the first 8 bits select the LMC1982 and one of eight functions. The final eight bits set the function to a desired value. The data must be valid on the rising edge of the CLOCK input signal. TABLE I. 1M Bus Programming Codes for LMC1982 Address (A7-AO) Function Data Function Selected 01000000 Input Select + Mute XXXXXXOO XXXXXX01 XXXXXX10 XXXXXX11 INPUT1 INPUT2 N/A MUTE 01000001 Loudness, Enhanced Stereo XXXXXXOO Loudness OFF Enhanced Stereo OFF Loudness ON Enhanced Stereo OFF Loudness OFF Enhanced Stereo ON Loudness ON Enhanced Stereo ON XXXXXX01 XXXXXX10 XXXXXX11 01000010 Bass XXXXOOOO XXXX0011 XXXX0110 XXXX1001 XXXX11XX -12dB -SdB FLAT +SdB +12dB 01000011 Treble XXXXOOOO XXXX0011 XXXX0110 XXXX1001 XXXX11XX -12dB -SdB FLAT +SdB +12dB 01000100 Left Volume XXOOOOOO XX010100 XX101XXX XX11XXXX OdB -40dB -80dB -80 dB 01000101 Right Volume XXOOOOOO XX010100 XX1 01 XXX XX11XXXX OdB -40 dB -80 dB -80 dB 01000110 Mode Select XXXXX100 XXXXX101 XXXXX11X Left Mono Stereo Right Mono 01000111 Read Digital Input 1 or Digital Input 2 onlM Bus XXXXXXD1DO 1-192 DO D1 = Digital Input 1 = Digitallnput 2 r----------------------------------------------------------------------,~ ~ General Information The lMC1982 is a CMOS/bipolar building block intended for high fidelity audio signal processing. It is designed for line level inputs signals (300 mV - 2V) and has a maximum gain of -0.5 dB. While the lMC1982 is manufactured with CMOS processing, NPN transistors are used to build low noise op amps. The combination of CMOS switches, bipolar op amps, and poly-silicon resistors make it possible to achieve an order of magnitude quality improvement over other bipolar circuits that use analog multipliers to accomplish gain adjustment. Internal circuits set the volume to minimum, tone controls to flat, the mute to on, and all other functions off when power is first applied. Individual left and right volume controls are software programmed to achieve the stereo balance function. Figure 1 shows the connection diagram of a typical lMC1982 application. The lMC1982 has internal decoding logic that allows a microprocessor (p.P) or microcontroller (p.C) to communicate directly to the audio control circuitry through an INTERMETAl (1M) Bus interface. This three-wire interface consists of a bi-directional DATA line, a Clock (ClK) input line, and an Identity (10) line. Address and function selection data (8 bits) are serially shifted from the controller to the lMC1982. This is followed by 8 bits of function value data. Data present in the internal shift register is latched and the instruction is executed. DIGITAL DIGITAL INPUT 2 INPUTI elK DATA 240 PF~;;....::::.:.::::......_~ 12 0.22 P F: 13 + 10 17 1:0.22PF 16 14 II i·Skll 15 .I 10"j;F ~ N 240pF I l.Sk~ n ..... 10kll 680kll lOUT ROUT 0.047 pF TL/H/ll028-5 FIGURE 1. Typical Application 1-193 Application lriformation couple the SELECT OUT signals directly to pins 7 and 22, respetively. INPUT SELECTOR The LMC1982's inpllt selector and mode control are shown in Figure 2. The input selector selects one of two stereo signal sources or a mute function with typical attenuation of 100 dB. The selected signals are then sent to a mode control matrix. As shown in Table I, the matrix provides normal stereo or can direct either channel to both LEFT or RIGHT SELECT OUTPUTs. The third matrix mode is normal stereo. The control matrix output is buffered and appears on each channel's respective SELECT OUT pin (6, 23). Switching noise is kept to a minimum when mute is selected by using a 50 kG bias resistor. MINIMUM LOAD IMPEDANCE The LMC1982 employs emitter-followers to buffer the selected stereo channels. The buffered signals are available at pins 6 and 23 (SELECT OUT). The SELECT OUT buffers operate with a typical bias current 1 mA. The Electrical Specifications table lists a maximum input signal of 2.0 Vrms (2.5 VpeaiJ for 1 % THO at the SELECT OUT pins. This distortion level is achieved when the minimum AC load impedance seen by the SELECT OUT pins is 2.5 kG (2.5v/1 mAl. Using lower load impedances resul1s in clipping at lower output levels. If the load impedance is DC-coupled, an increased quiescent current can flow. Latch-up may occur if the total emitter current exceeds 5 mA. Thus, maximum output voltage can be increased and much lower distortion levels can be achieved using load impedances of at least 25 kG. Noise performance is optimized through the use of emitter followers in the mode control matrix's output. Internal 50 kG resistors are connected to each input selector pin to provide the proper bias point for the emitter follower buffers. Each internal 50 kG bias resistor is connected to a common halfsupply (V+ /2) source. This produces a voltage at pins 6 and 23 (SELECT OUT) that is 1.4V below V+/2 (typically 3.W with V+ = 9V). Since a DC voltage is present at the input pins (4, 5, 24, and 25), input signal should be AC coupled through a 1 /LF capacitor. INPUT IMPEDANCE The input impedance of pins 4, 5, 24 and 25 is defined by internal bias resistors and is typically 50 kG. The output signal at pins 6 and 23 can be used to drive exteral audio processing circuits such as noise reduction (LM1894-DNR or Dolby) or graphic equalizers (LMC835). It is important that if any noise reduction is used it be placed ahead of any tone controls or equalizers in the external circuit path to preserve the frequency spectrum of the selected input signal. Otherwise, any frequency equalization could prevent the proper operation of the noise reduction circuit. If no external processor is used, a capacitor should be used to The SELECT IN pins have an input impedance that varies with the BASE and TREBLE control settings. The input impedance is 100 kG at DC and 19 kG at 1 kHz when the controls are set at 0 dB. Minimum input impedance of 30.4 kG at DC and 16 kG at 1 kHz occurs when maximum boost is selected. At 10kHz the minimum input impedance, with the tone controls flat, is 6.8 kG and, with the tone controls at maximum boost, is 2.5 kG. V +/2 50 kllx4 v+ RIGHT INPUT 1 0-.....--1-+-+---<),. RIGHT INPUT 2 0----;--11--0 51: Inpu! Soloc! 52: Iotodo Soloc! RIGHT SELECT OUT V+/2 50 kll x 4 v+ LEFT INPUT 1 LEFT INPUT 2 o--+-t--ll-t--- ......1-0 OUT lEFT • lTONEIN 10 LTONE OUT 11 12 LOPAIIIPOUT LLOUDNESS TLlH/11279-1 1-198 !i: Absolute Maximum Ratings (Notes 1 and 2) Storage Temperature please contact the National Semiconductor Sales OffIce/DIstrIbutors for availability and specifications. Lead Temperature N Package, (Soldering, 10 Seconds) V Package, (Vapor Phase, 60 Seconds) Infrared, (15 Seconds) Supply Voltage (V+ - GND) lSV GND - 0.2V to V+ + 0.2V Voltage at any Pin Input Current at any Pin (Note 3) Package Input Current (Note 3) 20mA Power Dissipation (Note 4) SOOmW Junction Temperature + 12S·C -6S·C to + lSO"C w +26O"C 21S·C 220"C ESO Susceptability (Note 5) SmA 2kV Operating Ratings (Notes 1 and 2) Temperature Range LMC1983CIN, LMC1983CIV TMIN S; TA S; TMAX -40·C S; TA S; +8S·C Supply Voltage Range (V+ - V-) 6Vt012V Electrical Characteristics (300 mV) applied to INPUT 1, volume limits apply for T A = T J = + 2S·C. Symbol = The following specifications apply for V+ = 9V, fiN = 1 kHz, input signal 0 dB, bass = 0 dB, treble = 0 dB, and loudness is off unless otherwise specified. All Typical (Note 6) Limit (Note 7) Unit (Umlt) 15 25 mA(max) 2.3 2.0 0.008 0.1 % (max) 0.4 1.0 % (max) 0.5 1.0 % (max) 0.07 0.5 % (max) 0.06 0.15 % (max) 2.0 4.0 mV(max) 18 20 mV(max) Pins 7, 22, (4700 to Ground at Input) Pins 13,16 150 26 200 40 o (max) o (max) AC Input Impedance Pins 4, 5, 23, 24, 25 50 72 35 kO(max) kO(min) Volume Attenuator Range Pins 13,16; Volume Attenuation at 010001 OXXXOOOOOO (0 dB) 01 0001 OXXXl 01 XXX (80 dB); (Relative to Attenuation at the 0 dB Setting) 0.5 1.5 dB (max) 80 78 82 dB (min) dB (max) 2.0 1.5 2.5 dB (min) dB (min) ±0.1 ±l.S dB (min) ±2.0 dB (min) 86 dB (max) Parameter Conditions Is Supply Current VIN Input Voltage Clipping Level (1.0% THD), Select Out (Pins 7, 22) THD Total Harmonic Distortion Left and Right channels; Output Pins 13, 16 VIN = 0.3 V rms; fiN = 100 HZ,l kHz,10 kHz VIN = 2.0 Vrms; fiN = 100 Hz, 1 kHz VIN = 2.0 V rms; fiN = 10 kHz VIN = 0.5 V rms; Bass and Trable Tone Controls Set at Maximum VIN = 0.3 Vrms; Volume Attenuator at - 20 dB, Bass and Treble Tone Controls Set at Maximum DC Shifts ROUT RIN AC Output Impedance Volume Step Size Channel-to-Channel Tracking Error Mute Attenuation VIN = 0.3 Vrms; between Any Two Adjacent Control Settings VIN = 0.3 Vrms; All Mode and Input Positions All Volume Attenuation Settings from 0100010XXX101XXX (80 dB) to 01 0001 OXXXOOOOOO (0 dB) (Note 9) All Volume Attenuation Settings from 0100010XXX100ll0 (76 dB) to 01 0001 OXXXOOOOOO (0 dB) from 010001 OXXXl 01 XXX (80 dB) to 010001 OXXXl 00111 (78 dB) VIN = 105 1.0Vrms 1-199 ... I (") If Military/Aerospace speeRleeI devices are required, Vrms(min) Electrical Characteristics The following specifications apply for V+ = applied to INPUT 1, volume = 0 dB, bass for TA = TJ = + 25'C. (Continued) Symbol = 0 dB, treble Parameter = 9V, fiN = 1 kHz, input signal (300 mY) 0 dB, and loudness is off unless oth!lrwise specified. All limits apply. Conditions Typical (Note 6) Limit (Note 7) Unit (Limit) Bass Gain Range fiN = 100 Hz, Pins 13, 16 ±12 ±10.0 ±14.0 dB (min) dB (max) Bass Tracking Error fiN = 100 Hz, Pins 13, 16 ±0.1 ±1.5 dB (max) Bass Step Size fiN = 100 Hz, Pins 13, 16 (Relative to Previous Level) 2.0 1.5 2.5 dB (min) dB (max) Treble Gain Range fiN = 10 kHz, Pins 13,16 ±12 ±10.0 ±14.0 dB (min) dB (max) Treble Tracking Error fiN = 10 kHz, Pins 13,16 ±0.1 ±1.5 dB (max) Treble Step Size fiN = 10 kHz, Pins 13,16 (Relative to Previous Level) 2.0 1.5 2.5 dB (min) dB (max) Frequency Response VIN Applied to Input 1 and Input 2; fiN = 20 Hz - 20 kHz (Relative to Signal Amplitude at 1 kHz) ±0.1 ±1.0 dB (max) Volume Attenuator = 40 dB, Loudness on (See Figure 5) Gain at 100 Hz (Referenced to Gain at 1 kHz) Gain at 10kHz (Referenced to Gain at 1 kHz) 11.5 13.5 9.5 8.5 4.5 dB (max) dB (min) dB (max) dB (min) Loudness 6.5 Signal-to-Noise Ratio VIN = 1.0 Vrms, A Weighted, Measured at 1 kHz, Rs = 4700. 95 90 dB (min) Channel Balance All Volume Settings 0.2 1.0 dB (max) Channel Separation Input Pins 4, 25: Output Pins 13, 16; VIN = 1.0Vrms (Note8) 80 60 dB (min) Input-Input Isolation 4700. to AC Ground on Unused Input 95 60 dB (min) PSSR Power Supply Rejection Ratio V+ = 9 VDC; 200 mVrms , 100 Hz Sinewave Applied to Pin 26 32 28 dB (min) fCLK Clock Frequency 5.0 1.0 MHz (max) VIN(l) Logic "1" Input Voltage Pins 1, 27, 28 (1M Bus) Pins 2, 3 1.3 2.9 2.0 5.5 V (min) V (min) VIN(O) Logic "0" Input Voltage Pins 1, 27, 28 (1M Bus) Pins 2, 3 0.4 1.2 0.8 3.5 V (max) V (max) VOUT(1) Logic "1" Output Voltage Pin 28 (1M Bus) 2.0 V (min) VOUTlO) Logic "0" Output Voltage Pin 28 (1M Bus) 0.4 0.8 V (max) Nota 1: Absolute Maximum Ratings indicate limns beyond which damage to the deivce may occur. Operating Ratings indicate condnions lor which the device is lunctional, but do not guarantee specHic perlormance limits. For guaranteed specifications and test conditions, see the Electrical Characteristics. The guaranteed specifications apply only lor the test conditions listed. Some performance characteristics may degrade when the device is not operated under the listed test conditions. Nota 2: All voltages are specified with respect to ground. Note 3: When the input voltage (YIN) at any pin exceeds the power supplyvoHages (YIN < V- orVIN> V+) the absolute value 01 the current at that pin should be limited to 5 rnA or less. The 20 mA package input current limns the number 01 pins that can exceed the power supply voltages with 5 rnA current limn to lour. Nota 4: The maximum power dissipation must be derated at elevated temperatures and is dicteted by TJMAX, BJA, and the ambient temperature TA. The maximum allowable power dissipation is PD ~ (TJMAX - T!>J/B JA or the number given in the Absolute Maximum Ratings, whichever is lower. For the LMC1983CIN, TJMAX ~ + 125'C, and the typical junction·to-arnbient thermal resistance, when board mounted, is 67"C/W. Nota 5: Human body model; 100 pF discharged through a 1.5 kll resislor. Note 6: Typicals are at TJ ~ + 25'C and represent the most likely pararnelric norm. Nota 7: Umits are guaranteed to National's AOQL (Average Outgoing Quality Level). Nota 8: The Input·lnput Isolation is tested by driving one input and measuring the output when the undriven Input are selected. Note 9: The Volume Step Size is defined as the change in attenuation between any two adjacent volume attenuation settings. The nominal Volume Step Size is 2dB. 1-200 Typical Performance Characteristics Supply Current vs Supply Voltage 30 'A =25°C 'C i ~~~m. Attenustor;, o oJ 10 12 O.B 2 0.6 10 I-0.4 :c 0.2 ~ ~ 12 14 o 3 100 o r- 20 AC LOAD IMPEDANCE (kll) -70r----r,~~~--,_---, is ~ O.OB .1 g ,... - 40 -80 60 ~g -100 -105 Right Output (lift channel driven) _ t 10 left Output - - - (RIght chlnnll driven BO 10 100 lk 10k lOOk FREQUENCY (Hz) Mute Gain vs Frequency OdBr-----~mm_rrrrnm_rnmm '1+= 9V -30dB Input Pin.: ",25 output Pins: 13.16 Tone Flat 'iD' -60dS 3 0.5 VIN is -VOUT '" 30 mVrml ~ -75 -B5~~~~~~~~---4 TA =25°C 0.07 Input Pins: 4, 25 Output Pins: 13. 16 ~ .3 THO vs Frequency 1.0 i 'iD' VOLUME ATTENUATION (dB) THO vs VIN (VOUT Constant) 100 -90 ~--''''''----i---,f-''''---4 " TA = 25°C '1+=9'1 10 Channel Separation vs Frequency :;! ~ " 1 \ t\ 10 \ AC LOAD IMPEDANCE (kll) Input Pins: Grounded Output Pins: 13. 16 Tone Flat \ \ 1 16 v+ =9V ~~~ P~~t:~u6~t~o!I=IJjB Out Vol Tone Flat ~ 0.01 Tio = 25°C 1111 VOUT = lVrms r- ~ = I-- SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V) II II v+ =9V r- 0.03 0.02 CCIR Output NOise vs Volume Setting TA =25°C g =9V VOU T= lYrrna Output Pins: 13.16 Volu me Attenuation 0 dB Tone Flat 0.00 SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V) THOvs Load Impedance v+ rr- is ~ / 4 'is" is TA= 25°C r- 0.04 ~ / o is i L Tone Flat ,/ i g / 1\= THD= 1" V 10 0.05 =25°C Output Pins: 13, 16 /V 15 THOvs Load Impedance v+ =9V / 20 i TA V '1+ = 9'1 25 .s Output Voltage vs Supply Voltage e~ VOUT-100mVI'1III J. -:J ~ 0.0 1 Vour,"300IllV".. 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 =1Vrms 1.5 0.00 2.0 2.5 10 - / !!; II ~ -90dB I ~ ~N=0.3Vm 100 lk 10k -120dB -135dB lOOk 10 100 FREQUENCY (Hz) INPUT VOLTAGE (V,m.) Tone Control Response with Equal Bass and Treble Control Settings lk 10k lOOk FREQUENCY (Hz) Loudness Response vs Frequency Select Input Impedance vs Frequency lMr---~----'---~----~ BdB I OdB i!! 'iD' 3 z ~ =25°C v'=9vl TA s: 16dB MAX CUT lOOk Inputs: pins 7.22 1-::-""~X---+---4-----i 10k -BdB ......... -16dB lkL-__-L____~__~"=AX~~==~T 10 100 lk 10k FREQUENCY (Hz) 10 lOOk FREQUENCY (Hz) 100 lk 10k lOOk FREQUENCY (Hz) TL/H/11279-9 1-201 II Connection Diagram '-./ CLOCK- 1 DIGITAL INPUT 1- 2 28 r-DATA 27 t-ID 26 t-y+ DIGITAL INPUT 2- 3 LEn INPUT 1 - 4 LEFT INPUT 2 - 5 24 t-RIGHT INPUT 2 LEn INPUT 3- 6 23 t-RIGHT INPUT 3 LEn SELECT OUTPUT - 7 25 t- RIGHT INPUT 1 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 LMC 1983 22 t- RIGHT SELECT OUTPUT LEn SELECT INPUT- 8 21 r-RIGHT SELECT INPUT LEn TONE INPUT- 9 20 r-RIGHT TONE INPUT LEFT TONE OUTPUT - 10 19 t- RIGHT TONE OUTPUT LEn OP AWP OUTPUT - 11 LEn LOUDNESS - 12 LEn MAIN OUTPUT- 13 V+ - 26 18 - RIGHT OP AWP OUTPUT ID - 27 17 - RIGHT LOUDNESS DATA - 16 - RIGHT WAIN OUTPUT 28 LMC1983 CLOCK - 1 18 r-RIGHT OP AIIP OUTPUT DIGITAL INPUT 1 - 2 15 - GROUND 14 - BYPASS 17 t- RIGHT LOUDNESS DIGITAL INPUT 2 - 3 13 - LEFT WAIN OUTPUT 18 t-RIGHT MAIN OUTPUT BYPASS- 14 15 t-GROUND TL/H/I1279-2 Top View Order Number LMC1983CIN See NS Package Number N28B TL/H/11279-10 Top View Order Number LMC1983CIV See NS Package Number V28A Pin Description ClK(I) DIGITAL INPUT 1&2(2,3) The INTERMETAl (1M) Bus clock is applied to the CLOCK pin. This input accepts a TIL or CMOS level signal. The input is used to clock the DATA signal. A data bit must be valid on the rising clock edge. Intemally tied high to V+ through a 30 kG pull-up resistor, these inputs allow a peripheral device to place any singlebit, active low digital information onto the 1M Bus. It is then sent out to the controlling device through the DATA pin. Examples of such information could include indication of the presence of a Second Audio Program (SAP) or an FM stereo carrier. INPUTS I, 2 & 3 (4, 25; 5, 24; 6,23) These are the LMC1983's three stereo input pairs. SELECT OUT (7,22) The selected INPUT signal is available at this output. This feature allows external signal processors such as noise reduction or graphic equalizers to be used. This output can typically sink 1 mA. These pins should be capacitively coupled to pins 8 and 21, respectively, if no external processor is used. SELECT IN (8,21) These are the inputs that an external signal processor uses to return a signal to the LMC1983. These pins should be capacitively coupled to pins 7 and 22, respectively, if no external processor is used. 1-202 TONE IN (9,20) These are the inputs to the tone control amplifier. See the Application Information section titled "Tone Control Response". TONE OUT (10, 19) Tone control amplifier output. See the Application Information section titled "Tone Control Response". OPAMP OUT (11,18) These outputs are used with external tone control capacitors. Internally, this output is applied to the volume attenuators. lOUDNESS (12, 17) The output signal on these pins is a vo"- MAIN OUTPUT (13,16) The output signal from these pins drives a stereo power amplifier. The output can typically sink 1 mAo BYPASS (14) A 10 ",F capacitor is connected between this pin and ground to provide an AC ground for the internal half-supply voltage reference. age taken from the volume attenuator's -40 dB tap pOint. An external R-C network is connected to these pins. GROUND (15) This pin is connected to analog ground. V+ (26) This is the power supply connection. The lMC1983 is operational with supply vo"ages from 6V to 12V. This pin should be bypassed to ground through a 1.0 ",F capacitor. 10 (27) This is the IDENTITY digital input that, when low, signals the lMC1983 to receive, from a contrOlling device, a device address (40H-47H), present on the DATA line. op amps, and poly-silicon resistors make it possible to achieve an order of magnitude quality improvement over other bipolar circuits that use analog multipliers to accomplish gain adjustment. Internal circuits set the volume to minimum, tone controls to flat, the mute to on, and all other functions off when power is first applied. Individual left and right volume controls are software programmed to achieve the stereo balance function. Figure 1 shows the connection diagram of a typical lMC1983 application. Pin Description (Continued) DATA (28) This is the serial data input for communications sent by a controller. The controller must have open drain outputs used with external pull-up resistors. The data rate has a maximum frequency of 1 MHz. The lMC1983 requires 16 bits of data to control or change a function: the first 8 bits select the lMC1983 and one of eight functions. The final eight bits set the function to a desired value. The data must be valid on the rising edge of the CLOCK input signal. The lMC1983 has internal decoding logiC that allows a microprocessor (,...P) or microcontroller (,..C) to communicate directly to the audio control circuitry through an INTERMETAl (1M) Bus interface. This three-wire interface consists of a bi-directional DATA line, a Clock (ClK) input line, and an Identity (10) line. Address and function selection data (8 bits) are serially shifted from the controller to the lMC1983. This is followed by 8 bits of function value data. Data present in the internal shift register is latched and the instruction is executed. General Information The lMC1983 is a CMOS/bipolar building block intended for high fidelity audio signal processing. It is designed for line level inputs signals (300 mV - 2V) and has a maximum gain of -0.5 dB. While the lMC1983 is manufactured with CMOS processing, NPN transistors are used to build low noise op amps. The combination of CMOS swilches, bipolar DIGITAL DIGITAL INPUT 2 INPUT 1 elK DATA ID ~4 lEFT INPUT 1 .....-----, • LEFT INPUT 2 ~ .....-----, lEFT INPUT 3 ~ 0.47 ).IF LMC1983 0.0082 ).IF 10 19 11 240 pF 240 pF 12 ' ' '1 1.5 kll + 13 16 14 15 ::::c f"" 1.5kll - 10 ).IF LOUT ROUT FIGURE 1. Typical Application 1-203 TL/H/11279-3 ~~--------------------------------------------------------~ I.... (.) :!i ~pplication Information couple the SELECT OUT signals directly to pins 8 and 21, respectively. INPUT SELECTOR The LMC1983's input selector and mode control are shown in Ftgure 2. The input selector selects one of three stereo signal sources or a mute function with typical attenuation of 100 dB. The selected signals are then sent to a mode control matrix. As shown in Table I, the matrix provides normal stereo or can direct any given channel to both LEFT or RIGHT SELECT OUTPUTs. The third matrix mode is normal stereo. The control matrix output is buffered and appears on each channel's respective SELECT OUT pin (7, 22). Switching noise is kept to a minimum when mute is selected by using a 50 kO bias resistor. Noise performance is optimized through the use of emitter followers in the mode control matrix's output. Internal 50 kO resistors are connected to each input selector pin to provide the proper bias point for the emitter follower buffers. Each internal 50 kO bias resistor is connected to a common halfsupply (V+ 12) source. This produces a voltage at pins 7 and 22 (SELECT OUT) that is 1.4V below V+/2 (typically 3.1V with V+ = 9V). Since a DC voltage is present at the input pins (4, 5, 6, 23, 24, and 25), input signals should be AC coupled through a 1 p.F capacitor. The output Signal at pins 7 and 22 can be used to drive exteral audio processing circuits such as noise reduction (LM1894-DNR or Dolby) or graphic equalizers (LMC835). It is important that if any noise reduction is used it be placed ahead of any tone controls or equalizers in the external circuit path to preserve the frequency spectrum of the selected input signal. Otherwise, any frequency equalization could prevent the proper operation of the noise reduction circuit. If no external processor is used, a capaCitor should be used to MINIMUM LOAD IMPEDANCE The LMC1983 employs emitter-followers to buffer the selected stereo channels. The buffered signals are available at pins 7 and 22 (SELECT OUT). The SELECT OUT buffers operate with a typical bias current of 1 mAo The Electrical SpeCifications table lists a maximum input signal of 2.0 Vrms (2.8 Vpeakl for 1% THO at the SELECT OUT pins. This distortion level is achieved when the minimum AC load impedance seen by the SELECT OUT pins is 2.5 kO (2.5VII mAl. Using lower load impedances resul1s In clipping at lower output levels. If the load impedance is DC-coupled, an increased quiescent current can flow. Latch-up may occur if the total emitter current exceeds 5 mAo Thus, maximum output voltage can be increased and much lower distortion levels can be achieved using load impedances of at least 25 kO. INPUT IMPEDANCE The input impedance of pins 4, 5, 6, 23, 24 and 25 is defined by internal bias resistors and is typically 50 kO. The SELECT IN pins have an input impedance that varies with the BASS and TREBLE control settings. The input impedance is 100 kO at DC and 19 kO at 1 kHz when the controls are set at 0 dB. Minimum input impedance of 30.4 kO at DC and 16 kO at 1 kHz occurs when maximum boost is selected. At 10kHz the minimum input impedance, with the tone controls flat, is 6.8 kO and, with the tone controls at maximum boost, is 2.5 kO. SOkAx4 v· SI : Input Select S2: Wode Select RIGHT SELECT OUT SOkAx4 v· LEFT INPUT 1 ~~::J;:::t::t:=~~ LEFT INPun LEFT INPUT 3 +.-:-Wu'":t-.0 c: O----.... ..,..........-O.'--~ LEFT SELECT OUT TLlH/II279-4 FIGURE 2. Input and Mode Select Circuitry 1-204 Iiio ... Application Information (Continued) Iw TABLE I. 1M Bus Programming Codes for LMC1983 Address (A7-AO) Function Data Function Selected 01000000 Input Select + Mute XXXXXXOO XXXXXX01 XXXXXX10 XXXXXX11 INPUT1 INPUT2 INPUT3 MUTE 01000001 Loudness XXXXXXXO XXXXXXX1 Loudness OFF Loudness ON 01000010 Bass XXXXOOOO XXXX0011 XXXX0110 XXXX1001 XXXX11XX -12dB -6dB 01000011 Treble FLAT +6dB +12dB XXXXOOOO XXXX0011 XXXX0110 XXXX1001 XXXX11XX -12dB -6dB +6dB +12dB FLAT 01000100 Left Volume XXOOOOOO XX010100 XX1 01 XXX XX11XXXX OdB -40 dB -SO dB -SOdB 01000101 Right Volume XXOOOOOO XX010100 XX1 01 XXX XX11XXXX OdB -40 dB -SOdB -SO dB 01000110 Mode Select XXXXX100 XXXXX101 XXXXX11X Left Mono Stereo Right Mono 01000111 Read Digital Input 1 or Digital Input 2 on 1M Bus XXXXXX01DO DO = Digital Input 1 01 = Digital Input 2 1·205 C') I.... o :::E ....I Application Information (Continued) EXTERNAL SIGNAL PROCESSING response is achieved when C2 = C3. However, with C2 = 2(C3) and the tone controls set to "flat", the frequency response will be flat at 20 Hz and 20 kHz, and + 6 dB at 1 kHz. The SELECT OUT pins (7 and 22) enable greater system design flexibility by providing a means to implement an external processing loop. This loop can be used for noise reduction circuits such as DNR (LM1894) or multi-band graphic equalizers (LMC835). If both are used, it is important to ensure that the noise reduction circuitry precede the equalization circuits. Failure to do so results in improper operation of the noise reduction circuits. The system shown in Figure 3 utilizes the external loop to include DNR and a multi-band equalizer. The frequency where a tone control begins to deviate from a flat response is referred to as the turn-over frequency. With C = C2 = C3, the LMC1983's treble turn-over frequency is nominally fn = The bass turn-over frequency is nominally TONE CONTROL RESPONSE 1 fBT = 21TC(30.4 kG) Bass and treble tone controls are included in the LMC1983. The tone controls use just two external capacitors for each stereo channel. Each has a corner frequency determined by the value of C2 and C3 (see Rgure 4 ) and internal resistors in the feedback loop of the internal tone amplifier. The maximum-boost or cut is determined by the data sent to the LMC1983 (see Table I). when maximum boost is chosen. The inflection points (the frequencies where the boost or cut is within 3 dB of the final value) are for treble and bass 1 fTl The typical tone control response shown in Typical Performance Curves were generated with C2 = C3 = 0.0082 p.F and show the response for each step. When modifying the tone control response it is important to note that the ratio of C3 and C2 sets the mid-frequency gain. Symmetrical tone INPUT 1 INPUT 2 INPUT3 1 21TC(14 kG) f = 21TC(1.9 kG) _ 1 BI - 21TC(169.6 kG) INPUT AND MODE SELECT I I I : : I ~---------.---------.----------. I DIGITAL INPUT 1 DIGITAL INPUT 2 LOGIC AND CONTROL TL/H/11279-5 FIGURE 3. System Block Diagram Utilizing the External Processing Loop (One Channel Shown) 1-206 r-----------------------------------------------------------------------------, Application Information 8(21) SE\.ECTIN 9(20) TONE IN r i: .... (") (Continued) 10(19) 11(18) TONEOUT OPAMPOUT of boost is dependent on the volume attenuator's setting. The loudness characteristic, with the volume attenuator set at 40 dB, has a transfer function of ~ ~ VI (sC5R2 + 1j[sC4(Rl + 156k) + 1] (s2)C4C5R2(163k) + s[C4(156k) + C5(4.9A2 + 156k)l CD CD Co) +1 The external components R1 and C4 can be eliminated and pin 11 (18) left open if bass boost is the only desired loudness characteristic. V+/2 TLlH/11279-6 FIGURE 4. The Tone Control Amplifier Increasing the values of C2 and C3 decreases the turnover and inflection frequencies: i.e., the Tone Control Response Curves shown in Typical Performance Curves will shift left when C2 and C3 are increased and shift right when C2 and C3 are decreased. With C2 = C3 = 0.0082, 2 dB steps are achieved at 100 Hz and 10kHz. Changing C2 and C3 to 0.01 /LF shifts the 2 dB per step frequency to 72 Hz and 8.3 kHz. If the tone control capacitors' size is decreased these frequencies will increase. With C2 = C3 = 0.0068 /LF the 2 dB steps take place at 130 Hz and 11.2 kHz. TLlH/11279-7 FIGURE 5. Loudness Control Circuit SERIAL DATA COMMUNICATION The lMC1983 uses the INTERMETAl serial bus (1M Bus) standard. Serial cata information is sent to the lMC1983 over a three wire 1M Bus consisting of Clock (ClK), Data (DATA), and Identity (ID). The DATA line is bidirectional and the ClK and ID lines are unidirectional from the microprocessor or micontroller to the lMC1983. The lMC1983's bidirectional capability is accomplished by using an open drain output on the DATA line and an external 1 k.!l pull-up resistor. The lMC1983 responds to address values from 01000000 (40H) through 01000111 (47H). The addresses select one of the eight available functions (see Table I). The 1M Bus' lines have a logic high standby state when using TTL logic levels. As shown in Figure 6, data transmission is initiated by low levels on ClK and ID. Next, eight address bits are sent. This address information includes the code to select one of the lMC1983's desired functions. Each address bit is clocked in on the rising edge of ClK. The ID line is taken high after the eight bits of address data are received by the lMC1983. LOUDNESS The human ear has less sensitivity to high and low frequencies relative to its sensitivity to mid-range frequencies between 2 kHz and 6 kHz for any given acoustic level. The low and high frequency sensitivity decreases faster than the sensitivity to the mid-range frequencies as the acoustic level drops. The lMC1983's loudness function can be used to help compensate for the decreased sensitivity by boosting the gain at low and high frequencies as the volume control attenuation increases (see the curve labeled "Gain vs Frequency with Loudness Active"). The lMC1983's loudness function uses external components R1, R2, C4 and C5, as shown in Figure 5, to select the frequencies where bass and treble boost begin. The amount lo--,~--------------------------~I -11250 11-250 ns ns elK DATA I AO I Al I A2 I A3 I A4 I A5 I A61 A7 I DO I 01 I 02 I 03 04 I 05 I 06 I 07 I-TL/H/11279-8 FIGURE 6. LMC1983's INTERMETAL Serial Bus Timing 1-207 • Application Information (Continued) The controlling system continues toggling the CLK line eight more times. Data that determines the selected function's operating point is written into, or single bit information on DIGITAL INPUT 1 or DIGITAL INPUT 2 is read from, the LMC1983. Finally, the end of transmission is signaled by pulsing the 10 line low for a minimum of 3 /los. The transmitted function data is latched and the function changes to its new setting. Table I also details the serial data structure, range, and bit assignments that sets each function's operating point. The volume and tone controls' function control data binarily increments from zero to maximum as the function's operating pOint changes from 80 dB attenuation to 0 dB attenuation (volume) or -12 dB to +12 dB (tone controls). Note that not all data bits are needed by each function. The extra bits shown as "X"s ("don't cares") are position holders and have no affect on a respective control. They are necessary to properly position the data in the LMC1983's internal data shift register. Unexpected results may take place if these bits are not sent. The LMC1983's internal data shift register can handle either a 16-bit word or two 8-bit serial data transmissions. It is the final 8 bits of data received before the 10 line goes high that are used as the LMC1983 selection and function addresses. The final eight bits after the 10 line returns high are used to change a function's operating point. CLK must be stopped when the final 8 data bits are received. The data stored in the internal data latch remains unchanged until the 10 is pulsed, signifying the end of data transmission. When 10 is pulsed, the new data in the data shift register is latched into the data latch and the selected function takes on a new operating point. A complete description and more information concerning the 1M Bus is given in the appendix of In's CCU2000 datasheet. DIGITAL 1/0 The LMC1983's two Digital Input pins, 2 and 3, provide single-bit communication between a peripheral device and the controller over the 1M Bus. Each pin has an internal 30 kO pull-up resistor. Therefore, these pins should be connected to open collector/drain outputs. The type of information that could be received on these lines and retrieved by a controller include FM stereo pilot indication, power on/off, Secondary Audio Program (SAP), etc. According to Table I, the logiC state of DIGITAL INPUT 1 and DIGITAL INPUT 2 is latched and can be retrieved over the 1M Bus using the read command (47H). The single-bit information sent on the 1M Bus is active low Since these lines are internally pulled high. 1-208 ~National ~ Semiconductor LMC1992 Digitally-Controlled Stereo Tone and Volume Circuit with Four-Channel Input-Selector General Description Features The LMC1992 is a monolithic integrated circuit that provides four stereo inputs, bass and treble tone controls, and volume, balance, and front-rear fader controls. These functions are digitally controlled through a three-wire communication interface. All of the LMC1992s functions are achieved with only three external capacitors per channel. It is designed for line level input signals (300 mV - 2V) and has a maximum gain of 0 dB. The internal design is optimized for external capacitors having values of 0.1 ,...F or less. This allows the use of chip capacitors for coupling and tone control functions. Low noise and distortion result from using analog switches and thin-film silicon-chromium resistor networks in the signal path. Volume and fader are at minimum and tone controls are flat when supply voltage is first applied. • • • • • • • • • Additional tone control can be achieved using the LMC835 stereo 7 -band graphic equalizer connected to the LMC1992's select-out/select-in external processor loop. • • • • Low noise and distortion Four stereo inputs 40 volume levels including mute 20 fader levels All attenuators have a 2 dB of attenuation per step Front/back fade control External processor loop Only three external components per channel Serial programmable: standard MICROWIRETM interface Single supply operation: 6V to 12V supply voltage Protection address (similar to DS8906) DC-coupled inputs Single supply operation Applications • Automotive audio systems • Sound reinforcement systems • Home entertainment-stereo television and music reproduction systems • Electronic music (MIDI) Block and Connection Diagrams II DATA 28 v+ a.OCK 27 BYPASS 2& RIGHT INPUT1 EiWiLE LEFT INPUTI 4 LEFT INPUT2 LEFT INPUT3 LEFT IlPUT4 LEFT SELECT OUT LEFT sa.ECT IN REAR OUTPUT 13 (17) 7 8 9 LMC1992 25 RIGHT INfUT2 24 RIGHT INPUT 3 23 RIGHT INPUT4 R1GHT sa.ECT OUT 22 21 RIGHT sa.ECT IN 20 RIGHT TONE II LEFT TONE IN 10 19 LEFT TONE OUT 11 18 RIGHT TONE OUT RIGHT OP AMP OUT LEFT OP AUP OUT 12 17 RIGHT REAR OUT LEFT REAR OUT 13 16 LEFT FRONT OUT 14 15 RIGHT FfIONT OUT GROUND TLlH/l0789-2 Order Number LMC1992CCN See NS Package Number N288 TL/H/l0789-1 Left channel shown. Pin numbers In parentheses are for the right channel. 1-209 N en en .... o :::& ....I Absolute Maximum Ratings (Notes 1 and 2) If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/Distributors for availability and specifications. Storage Temperature .. Supply Voltage (V+ - GND) ESD Susceptibility (Note 5) Pins9,10, 11,19,20,21 Voltage at Any Pin 15V GND - 0.2VtoV+ + 0.2V Input Current at Any Pin (Note 3) Package Input Current (Note 3) Power Dissipation (Note 4) Junction Temperature '-65°Cto + 150"C Lead Temperature N Package, Soldering, 10 sec. 5mA +26O"C 2000V 850V Operating Ratings (Notes 1 and 2) 20mA TMIN ~ TA ~ TMAX O"C ~ TA ~ 70"C Temperature Range LMC1992CCN 500mW 125°C SupplyVoltageRange(V+ - V-) 6Vto 12V Electrical Characteristics The following specifications apply for V+ = 8V, fiN = 1 kHz, input signal applied to channell, volume = 0 dB, bass = 0 dB, treble = 0 dB, and faders = 0 dB unless otherwise specified. All limits T A = T J = 25°C. Symbol Parameter Conditions Typical (Note 6) Limit (Note 7) Units (Limit) 27.0 mA(max) Is Supply Current VIN Input Voltage Clipping Level (1.0% THO), Select Out (Pins 8, 22) 2.3 2.0 Vrms(min) VOUT Output Voltage Clipping Level (1.0% THO), Outputs (Pins 13, 14, 16, 17) 1.2 0.65 Vrms(min) THO Total Harmonic Distortion All Four Channels Volume Attenuator at 0 dB, Input Level 0.3 Vrms Volume Attenuator at - 20 dB, Input Level 0.6 Vrms 0.15 0.03 0.3 0.1 % (max) % (max) EnOUT Output Noise All Four Channels CCIRt ARM Filter, Rs = 00 6.5 30.0 ",Vrms (max) EnOUT Output Noise All Four Channels CCIRtARM Filter, Rs = 00 Volume Attenuator = - 80 dB 5.0 20.0 ,..Vrms(max) ROUT DC Output Impedance Pins 8, 22 Pins 13,14,16,17 100 80 150 120 o (max) o (max) RIN DC Input Impedance Pins 4, 5, 6, 7, 23, 24, 25,26 Volume Attenuator Range Pins 16, 17; Volume Attenuation at 0101110100X (0 dB); (Absolute Gain) 01011000000 (80 dB); (Relative to Attenuation at the 0 dB setting) Volume Step Size All Volume Attenuation Settings from 01011001010 (60 dB) to 01011101 OOX (0 dB) (Note 9) Channel-to-Channel Volume Tracking Error Fader Attenuation from 1XXXOOOOOO (40 dB) to lXXX1010X (0 dB) Fader Attenuation Range Pins 16, 17; Fader Attenuation at 011 XXXl 01 OX (0 dB); (Absolute Gain) 011XXXOOOOO (40 dB); (Relative to Attenuation at the 0 dB setting) Fader Step Size All Fader Attenuation Settings from 011 XXXOOOOO (40 dB) to 011XXX10l0X (0 dB) (Note 10) 1-210 MO 2 -1.0 -1.5 dB (max) 80.0 75.0 dB (min) 2.0 0.7 4.3 dB (min) dB (max) ±0.5 ±1.0 dB (max) -1.0 -1.5 dB (max) 40 38.0 dB (min) 2.0 1.0 4.5 dB (min) dB (max) Electrical Characteristics The following specifications apply for V+ channel 1, volume 25'C. (Continued) Symbol = 0 dB, bass = 0 dB, treble = 0 dB, and faders = = 8V, fiN = 1 kHz, input signal applied to 0 dB unless otherwise specified. All limits T A = T J = Typical Limit Units (Note 6) (Note 7) (Limit) 100 Hz, Pins 14, 16 ±12 ±10.0 dB (min) 100 Hz, Pins 14,16 ±0.1 ±1.0 dB (max) 100 Hz, Pins 14, 16 2.0 1.0 dB (min) 3.0 dB (max) Parameter Conditions Bass Gain Range fiN Bass Tracking Error fiN Bass Step Size fiN = = = (Relative to Previous Level) Treble Gain Range fiN Treble Tracking Error fiN Treble Step Size fiN = = = 10 kHz, Pins 14, 16 ±12 ±10.0 dB (min) 10 kHz, Pins 14, 16 ±0.1 ±1.0 dB (max) 10 kHz, Pins 14, 16 2.0 1.0 dB (min) 3.0 dB (max) 20 kHz (min) (Relative to Previous Level) Frequency Response -3dB 450 -0.3 dB (Relative to Signal Amplitude at 1 kHz) PSRR Channel Separation VIN Input-Input Isolation VIN Power Supply Rejection Ratio V+ = = = kHz 1.0Vrms 97 70 dB (min) 1.0 V rms (Note 8) 90 70 dB (min) 40 31 dB (min) 8 VDC; 100 mVp_p, 100 Hz Sinewave Applied to Pin 28 fCLK Clock Frequency 1.0 0.5 MHz (max) VIN(l) Logic "1" Inpm Voltage 1.3 2.0 V (min) VIN(O) Logic "0" Input Voltage 0.4 0.8 V (max) Note 1: Absolute Maximum Ratings indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. Operating Ratings indicate conditions for which the device is functional, but do not guarantee specific performance limits. For guaranteed specifications and test conditions, see the Electrical Characteristics. The guaranteed specifications apply only for the test conditions listed. Some performance characteristics may degrade when the device is not operated under the listed test conditions. Nota 2: All voltages are specified with respect to ground. Note 3: When the input vonage (YIN> at any pin exceeds the power supply voltages (YIN < V- or VIN > V+) the absolute value of the current at that pin should be limited to 5 mA or less. The 20 rnA package input current limits the number of pins that can exceed the power supply voltages with 5 mA current IimR to four. Nota 4: The maximum power dissipation must be de-rated at elevated temperatures and is dictated by TJMAX. JA. and the ambient temperature TA. The maximum allowable power dissipation is PO ~ (TJMAX - TA)/6JA or the number given in the Absolute Maximum Ratings. whichever is lower. For the LMC1992CCN. TJMAX ~ 125'C. and the typical junction-ta-ambient thermal resistance. when board mounted. is 67'C/W. Note 5: Human body model; 100 pF discharged through a 1.5 kO resistor. Note 6: Typicals are at TJ ~ 25'C and represent the most likely parametric norm. Note 7: Limits are guaranteed to National's AOQL (Average Outgoing QualRy Level). Nota 8: The Input·lnput Isolation is tested by driving one input and measuring the 'front outputs when the undriven inputs are selected. Note 9: The Volume Step Size is defined as the change in attenuation between any two adjacent volume attenuation settings. The nominal Volume Step Size is 2dB. Note 10: The Fader Step Size is defined as the change in attenuation between any two adiacent fader attenuation settings. The nominal Volume Step Size is 2 dB. 1-211 III ~ 8: ..- o .---------------------------------------------------------------------------------, Typical Performance Characteristics ~ Quiescent Current vs Maximum Output Swing va 24 Supply Voltage ! ~ vt'=8V VIN =300mV ~ 10 V TA=25"C vt'=8V 8 6 ~ SOl 4 2 o o 2 4 6 8 10 12 o o 14 4 6 8 10 SUPPLY VOLTAGE TLlH/l0789-S Total Hannonlc Distortion z i,. 1. J.I.llll Jl .....-1- VIN =300mV Inputs: pins 4.26 0.8 Outputs: pin. 13. 14. 16. 17 f-+- !i!0 0.6 I D.4 ~ 1111111 z 0.18 ~ 0.16 ~ z 0 I..... \ D.2 i! M ~ , o 100 10 ~ ~ 10 100 --VO=30mV --Vo=IOOmV ----Vo =300mV L- I 10000 ,, ,, 100000 FREQUENCY (Hz) TLlH/l0789-9 o ~ 1- o ... I'" ~ t-.. I'" W 20 30 ~ 50 50 70 80 VOLUME SET11NG (-dB) TL/H/l0789-8 ~ TA = 25"1:-.lJJJlJl v+=8 VIN =300 mY~ -10dB ~~1n.4.26 !-20dB iii! -3OdB Outputo: pin. 13 r,', ~ !i! -«IdS :!i-SOdB , -70dB -80dB 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 INPUT VOLTAGE (mY) TLlH/l0789-10 1-212 Attenuation vs Frequency OdS Ii -BOdB ,~ ~ 1000 , TA=25"1: vt'=8V Inputs: pins 4. 26 Outputs: pins 14. 16 " -1110 ~ TL/H/l0789-7 R- ~ o Total Hannonlc Distortion vs Input Voltage 0.8 TA=25~~~JU I 'f Rs=QllJ. Ton. Control flat 1 J-- I-- Inputs: pins 4.26 I-- j Outpula:plns TLlH/10789-6 v+=8.av VIN =300 mV Inpula: pin. 4. 26 Qlltputo: pin. 14 16 r.. SELECT OUT LOAD (k.G.) Channel Separation vs Frequency -70 6 TA =25"C 1 OUTPUT LOAD RESISTANCE (k.o.) 100000 I-- r- vt' =8Y I 0.12 100 10 10000 CCIR Output Noise Voltage vs Volume Setting \ 0.14 0.10 I 1000 TLlH/l0789-6 vt'=8V VIN =300mV Inpuls: pin. 4. 26 Outputs: pin. 8,22 ~ 0.0 100 FREQUENCY (Hz) TA=25"C1.~~ g !..! \ 10 14 Total Hannonlc Distortion va Select Out AC Load D.2O ~:~~~ 12 TL/H/l0789-4 1.2 vs Output AC Loed 1.0 IIIIIIIII ....~ o L-J...JWJjj(J'--'-J. M SUPPLY VOLTAGE g --VOL=OdB - - VOL =-80dB 200 TA=25"C vt'=8V Inputs: pins 4.26 Outpula:plnl13.14.16.17 Rs=OIl 100 CCLR AR;uy-ioWti.~hUl'I.:n::tg-ttH1IIH I THO = '" fiN = I kHz Output Noise Voltage vs Frequency 2SO ~~:~In~ ,13.'11.116.I,il" 22 20 18 16 I: ~ 2.S Supply Voltage j,..o' 100 lk 10k lOOk FREQUENCY (Hz) TLlH/l0789-11 Typical Performance Characteristics Tone Control Response with Equal Bass and Treble Control Settings ! ~ Ii:o .... (Continued) :8 N Tone Control Response with Reciprocal Bass and Treble Control Settings Treble Tone Control Response 20 2O,....,.,..".rmr-"TTTTTTT......."TTITTm""...,.., 20 16 12 16 I-t±ltlltll-++t 12H"I"HoII!!I.ml:'. 16 12 8 8H~~,*, • • 0 --4 -t -12 -16 -20 1-f'ffl1~!1'1 Iii' o 1-+++-H1lfI--E ~ -.H:r±l:~:>r.: ij z -t H+i'I!I!IK:*l-12 H:::IoIo!oi1IlI''-.C" =c" =o.OOIIl~pfrll-+-t -16r;=fR~-:' -20 L...l..I.J..1llJ,.:;;==:"":':;:":"":':":"::"':;,.,J 20 100 lk 100 20k FREQUENCY (Hz) 0 --4 -t -12 -16 -20 ~ TA =25"C v+=8V VIN = 300 mV ~ I- I'MHI-- I I IfIlIII-.: Cz =~=O.0D82pf 111111111 (s.. Figure 1) Outputs:plno13,I.,16,17 111111 lk 100 FREQUENCY (Hz) TL/H/l0789-12 20 ~ I- 4 lk FREQUENCY (Hz) TUH/l0789-13 B888 Tone Control Response TUH/l0789-14 Select In Impedance YS Frequency 1.0M 16~~~-rH*~++~~, 300k 12r;~~~H*~++~~, 8~~~~#m~~~-H s: • 1-f'ffl111!!!-oi!t-O o H+I+IIH!I-£ lOOk is --4 H333lIllll-'!>Ili -tH-M'!'iIIII'WH++H!I--!-+ !:!.. ..,,=..,,=0....... -12 H:IoI+IIlII"+ttti '1""1 -16 r;=fR1IHI-+H++-'l-20 .........J..LI.wa.;==;;;;;;...;.;;.:..;..:.:.;c;.:.;.;.J 20 100 lk --- -. TA=25"C v+=8V Inputs: pins 9,21 --~-- --- ""\ 30k 10k Ba.. and Trebl. Salting.: -----12dB 3.0k -OdB ._.-+1 2 dB - \ 1 1.0k 10 100 FREQUENCY (Hz) l.ok -- 10k lOOk Frequoncy (Hz) TUH/l0789-15 TUH/l0789-18 Connection Diagram DATA •1 28 v+ CLOCK 2 27 BYPASS ENABLE 3 26 RIGHT INPUT 1 LEFT INPUT 1 4 25 RIGHT INPUT2 24 RIGHT INPUT 3 LEFT INPUT2 I LEFT INPUT3 RIGHT INPUT" LEFT INPUT4 RIGHT SELECT OUT LMC1992 LEFT SELECT OUT RIGHT SELECT IN LEFT SELECT IN RIGHT TONE IN LEFT TONE IN RIGHT TONE OUT LEFT TONE OUT 11 18 RIGHT OP AMP OUT LEFT OPAMP OUT 12 17 RIGHT REAR OUT LEFT REAR OUT 13 16 RIGHT FRONT OUT LEFT FRONT OUT 14 15 GROUND TUH/l0789-17 1-213 II ~ g r---------------------------------------------------------------------------------, .... Pin Description :! DATA(1) o This is the serial data input for communications sent by a controller. The data rate has a maximum frequency of 500 kHz. The LMC1992 requires 11 bits of data to control ' or change a function: the first two bits, a 1 and 0, select the LMC1992, the next three bits select a function, and the final six bits set the function to a desired value. The data must be valid on the riSing edge of the CLOCK input signal. CLOCK(2) The CLOCK input accepts a TIL or CMOS level clocking signal. The input is used to clock the DATA input Signal and determines when a data bit is valid. EiiIABlJ:(3) This input accepts a logiC low signal when a controller is addressing the LMC1992. When ~ is active, the LMC1992 responds to input signals present on the DATA and CLOCK inputs. INPUT 1-4 Four two-channel analog inputs are available (4-7,23-26) on the LMC1992. These pins should be dc-biased to mid-supply. SELECT OUT The selected INPUT Signal is available at this (8, 22) output. This feature allows the use of external signal processing such as noise reduction or graphic equalizers. This output can typically sink 1 mA. SELECT IN This is the input that an external signal proc(9,21) essor uses to return a signal to the LMC1992. This is the input to the tone control amplifier. TONE IN (10,20) See the Application Information section titled "Tone Control Response". TONE OUT Tone control amplifier output. See the Appli(11,19) cation Information section titled "Tone Control Response". OP AMP OUT This output is used externally with the tone (12, 18) control capaCitors. Internally, this output is applied to the volume attenuators. REAR OUT (13, 17) This pin's output signal is intended for the rear amplifiers in a four speaker stereo system. The output can typically sink 350 pA FRONT OUT This pin's output signal is intended for the front amplifiers in a four speaker stereo sys(14, 16) tem. The output can typically sink 350 pA GROUND (15) This is the system ground connection. V+ (28) This is the power supply connection. The LMC1992 is operational with supply voltages from 6V to 12V. It is recommended that this pin is bypassed with 0.1 ",F capacitor. BYPASS (27) A 10 ",F capaCitor is connected between this pin and ground. General Information The LMC1992 is a CMOS/bipolar high quality building block intended for high fidelity audio signal processing. It is designed for line level input signals (300 mV - 2V) and has a maximum gain of -1 dB. While the LMC1992 is manufactured with CMOS processing, NPN transistors are used to build low noise op amps. The combination of CMOS switches, bipolar op amps, and SiCr resistors make it possible to achieve an order of magnitude quality improvement over other bipolar circuits that use analog multipliers to accomplish gain adjustment. The LMC1992 has internal decoding logiC that allows a computer (",P) to communicate directly to the audio control circuitry through a standard MICROWIRE interface. This three-wire interface consists of a DATA input line, a CLOCK input line, and an i:lilAB[E line. When the EiiiA8[l: line is low, data can be serially shifted from the controller to the LMC1992. As the ENABLE line goes through the low-tohigh transition, any additional data is ignored. Data present in the internal shift register is latched and the instruction is executed. Figure 1 shows the connection diagram of a typical LMC1992 application. y+ (+8V) DATA FROW ~P CLOCK CONTROLLER ENABLE LEFT INPUT 1 LEFT INPUT2 LEFT INPUT3 LEFT INPUT4 o.1~~ SELECT OUT 0.0082~fr= TONE IN T SELECT IN TONE OUT \..../ 1 2 27 3 26 <4 25 5 2<4 6 23 7 LMC1992 8 TO POWER AWPS LEFT FRONT OUT 22 21 9 20 10 19 11 18 0.0082 ~r OP AWP OUT 12 LEFT REAR OUT 28 17 13 16 14 15 Vee i BYPASS - RIGHT INPUT 2 RIGHT INPUT 3 RIGHT INPUT <4 SELECT OUT SELECT IN 1 d· T TONE IN ~ TONE OUT OP AWP OUT ~.O * 0.0 RIGHT REAR OUT RIGHT FRONT OUT To POWER AMPS GROUND ~ FIGURE 1. Typical Connection Diagram 1-214 + RIGHT INPUT 1 RIGHT LEFT O.~ 10 F TLlH/10789-18 ...ri: Applications Information (') MINIMUM LOAD IMPEDANCE The LMC1992 employs emitter-follower buffers at pins 8 and 22 (SELECT OUT), 13 and 14 (LEFT FRONT and REAR OUTPUTs), and 16 and 17 (RIGHT FRONT-andREAR OUTPUTs) that buffer output signals. Typical bias current of 1 rnA is used for the SELECT OUTPUT buffers and 350 p.A for the LEFT-and-RIGHT, FRONT-and-REAR OUTPUT buffers. The Electrical Specifications table lists a maximum input signal of 2.3 Vrms (3.25 VpeaiJ for 1% THO at the SELECT OUT pins. This distortion level is achieved when the minimum ac load impedance seen by the SELECT OUT pin is 3.25 kO (3.25V11 mAl. For the LEFT-and-RIGHT, FRONTand-REAR OUTPUTs, the typical maximum output is 1.2 Vrms (1.55 VpeaiJ. Therefore, the minimum load impedance is 4.43 kO (1.55 V10.35 mAl. Trying to use a lower impedance results in a clipped output signal. Therefore, the chBnce of clipping can be greatly reduced and much lower distortion levels can be achieved by using load impedances that are an order of magnitude higher than shown here. For applications that require dc coupling and the INPUTs biased to V+ 12, the minimum load impedance will differ from that detailed in the above discussion. The emitter followers may be potentially operating at high currents because there is a dc voltage V+ 12 - 0.7V at the SELECT OUT pins; dc resistance to ground will result in increased current flow. Latch-up may occur if the total emitter current exceeds 5 rnA. This current is a combination of the emitter follower's 1 mA current source and 4 mA drawn by the external load. Therefore, to prevent this possibility, the minimum dc load impedance should be Vpeak + (V+ 12 - 0.7V) 4 rnA = 16380 = N 10kA I 10},F'~~ Rl 50kA 10kA -== O.'},F~~ Input "Signal I Pln4 TL/H/l0789-20 FIGURE 2. Input Bias Network To allow for variations and part tolerances, 10 kO is a good choice for this minimum dc load impedance. INPUT IMPEDANCE For ac coupled input signals the input impedance value is determined by bias resistor R1, as shown in Figure 2. A directly coupled input signal will see an emitter follower's nominal input impedance of 2 MO. The SELECT IN pins have an input impedance that varies with the BASS and TREBLE control settings. The input impedance is 96 kO at de and 27 kO at 1 kHz when the controls are set at 0 dB. Minimum input impedance of 28 kO at dc and 24 kO at 1 kHz occurs when maximum boost is selected. At 10kHz the minimum input impedance, with the tone controls flat, is 8 kO and, with the tone controls at maximum boost, is 3 kO. STEREO SIGNAL INPUTS When operating with a single supply voltage, the stereo signal inputs must be dc biased to one-half of the supply voltage, as shown in Figure 2. As an example, with a supply voltage of 8V, all signal sources should have a dc bias of 4V. The maximum input signal level of 6.5 Vp_p (for 10/0 THO) would then SWing from 0.75V to 7.25V. Input-to-input crosstalk can be minimized by using a separate dc bias circuit for each stereo input pair. Vpeak = 3.25V V+ = 8V To allow for variations and part tolerances, 2.0 kO is a good choice for this minimum dc load impedance. When dc coupling is used at the LEFT-and-RIGHT, FRONTand-REAR OUTPUTs, the output emitter followers will be operating at a nominal dc voltage of V+ 12 - 2(0.7V). Latch-up may occur if the total emitter current exceeds 1 mAo This current is a combination of the emitter follower's 0.35 mA current source and 0.65 mA drawn by the external load. Therefore, to prevent this possibility, the minimum dc load impedance should be Vpeak + (V+ 12 - 2(0.7V» "'!:'::'::;';"'-:0~.6::5~m~A:--"'----'- = 9 kO EXTERNAL SIGNAL PROCESSING The signal present at the selected input will be available at the SELECT OUT pins 8 (left) and 22 (right). The de bias voltage at those pins will be one base-emitter voltage, approximately 0.7 Vdc, below the source because of the internal emitter follower. Therefore, if the selected input has a bias of 4.0 Vde the dc component at pins 8 and 22 will be about 3.3 Vdc. The LMC1992's SELECT OUT emitter followers allow additional signal sources using emitter follower outputs (such multiple LMC1992s) to be "wired-ORed" together. When this feature is in use, the input channel of the LMC1992 not in use should be set to "open" input codes 01 OOOXXOOOO or 01 000XX011 X. as Vpeak = 3.25V V+ = 8V 1-215 - -----_._------ II Applications Information (Continued) CLOCK p.P CONTROLLER t:S::E=RIA:::L~D::-:"''::T'''~----'' 1 .------------------------------------LMC1992 • • FUNCTIONS ~ ISTEREO 2Pi • +---<>,S:=EL=E"CT • ~ NIC DECODING, LOGIC, ETC. TONE CONTROL BASS - TREBLE STEREO" 7' TL/H/10789-19 FIGURE 3. System Block Diagram Showing Inclusion of DNR@ Noise Reduction (LM1894) and Equalizer (LMC835) (One Channel Only-LMC1992) The SELECT OUT pins (8 and 22) enable greater system design flexibility by providing a means to implement an ex· ternal processing loop. This loop can be used for noise reo duction circuits such as DNR (LM1894) or mulit-band graphic equalizers (LMC835). It is important to ensure that if both are used, the noise reduction circuitry precede the equalization circuits. Failure to do so will result in improper operation of the noise reduction circuits. The system shown in Figure 3 utilizes the external loop to include DNR and a multi-band equalizer. The typical tone control response shown in the Typical Performance Curves were generated with C2 = C3 = 0.0082 f.£F and show the response for each step. When modifying the tone control response it is important to note that the ratio of C3 and C2 sets the mid-frequency gain. Symmetrical tone response is achieved when C2 = C3. However, with C2 = 2(C3) and the tone controls set to "flat", the frequency response will be flat at 20 Hz and 20 kHz, and + 6 dB at 1 kHz. The frequency where a tone control begins to deviate from a flat response will be referred to as the turn-over frequency. With C = C2 = C3, the LMC1992's treble turn-over frequency is nominally AUDIO MUTE A mute function with attenuation of 100 dB is possible with the volume control set to -80 dB and the INPUT select code set to 01000XXOOOO (open circuit). 1 fn TONE CONTROL RESPONSE = 2'ITC(14.2 kO) The base turn-over frequency is nominally Base and treble tone controls are included in the LMC1992. The tone controls use just two external capacitors for each stereo channel. Each has a corner frequency determined by the value of· C2 and C3 (Figure 4) and internal resistors in the feedback loop of the internal tone amplifier. The maximum amplitude boost or cut is determined by the data sent to the LMC1992 (see Table I). 1 fBT = 2'ITC(27.7 kO) when maximum boost is chosen. The inflection points (the frequencies where the boost or cut is within 3 dB of the final value) are for treble and bass Irl = 2'ITC(2.3 kO) fBI = 2'ITC(164.1 kO) 1-216 Applications Information (Continued) SERIAL COMMUNICATION INTERFACE Figure 5 shows the LMC1992's timing diagram for its three wire MICROWIRE interface. A controller's data stream can be any length; once the correct device address is received by the LMC1992, any number of data bits can be sent; the last nine bits occurring before EiiIABLE goes high are used by the LMC1992. The first two bits in a valid data stream are decoded and used as device address bits. The LMC1992 uses a unique address of 1,0. The LMC1992 will not respond to information on the DATA line if any other address is used. This allows other MICROWIRE serially programmable devices to share the same three-wire communication bus. When ENABLE goes high, any further serial data is ignored and the contents of the shift register is transferred to the data latches. Only when information is received by the data latches do any function or setting changes take place. The first three of nine bits select one of the LMC1992s functions. The remaining six bits set the selected function to the desired value or position. C3 0.0082pF 12(18) 11(19) OUT 10(20) 2.6 k4 11.4k4 2.6 k4 Treble Bass 116.4 k4 116.4k4 S09.2k4 Volume V+/2 A data bit is accepted as valid and clocked into an internal shift register on each rising edge of the signal appearing at the LMC1992s CLOCK input pin. Proper data interpretation and operation is ensured when ENABLE makes its falling transition during the time when CLOCK is low. Erroneous operation will result if the ENABLE Signal makes its falling transition at any other time. TL/H/10789-22 FIGURE 4. The Tone Control Amplifier Increasing the values of C2 and C3 decreases the turnover and inflection frequencies: i.e., the Tone Control Response Curves shown in Typical Performance Curves will shift left when C2 and C3 are increased and shift right when C2 and C3 are decreased. With C2 = C3 = 0.0082, 2 dB steps are achieved at 100 Hz and 10kHz. Changing C2 and C3 to 0,01 p.F shifts the 2 dB per step frequency to 72 Hz and 8.3 kHz. If the tone control capaCitors' size is decreased these frequencies will increase. With C2 = C3 = 0.0068 p.F the 2 dB steps take place at 130 Hz and 11.2 kHz. FADER FUNCTION The four fader functions are all independently adjustable and therefore no balance control is needed. Emulating a balance control is accomplished through software by simultaneously changing a channel's front and rear faders by equal amounts. To satiSfy normal balance requirements the faders have an attenuation range of 40 dB. II CLOCK DATA DON'T CARE I I I WSB 0 ENABLE A2 I LSB Al AO OS D4 03 02 01 DO I I DON'T CARE , :'(Note2) CHIP SELECT ADDRESS FUNCTION ADDRESS DATA WORD TL/H/10789-21 Nota 1: Negative transition on ENAm:E clears previous address. Clock must be low during transition. Note 2: Additional don't care states may be inserted here for ease of programming. (Optional.) Note 3: Positive transition on ~ latches In new data If the LMC1992 has been addressed. Clock osn eRher be high or low during trsnsRion. FIGURE 5. Clocking Data Into the Standard MICROWIRE Interface (Minimum Number of Bits In Data Stream) 1-217 Applications Information (Continued) TABLE I. Programming Codes for LMC1992 A2 Address A1 AO Function 05 04 Oata 03 02 01 00 Values 1 1 1 Left Rear Fader X MSB N N N LSB -40 dB = XOOOOO -20 dB = X01010 OdB = X1010X 1 1 0 Right Rear Fader X MSB N N N LSB -40 dB = XOOOOO -20dB = X01010 OdB = X1010X 1 0 1 Left Front Fader X MSB N N N LSB -40 dB = XOOOOO - 20 dB = X01010 OdB = X1010X 1 0 0 Right Front Fader X MSB N N N LSB - 40 dB = XOOOOO -20 dB = X01010 OdB = X1010X 0 1 1 Volume MSB N N N N LSB -80 dB = 000000 -40 dB = 010100 OdB = 10100X 0 1 0 Treble X X MSB N N LSB -12dB = XXOOOO FLAT = XX0110 +12dB = XX1100 0 0 1 Bass X X MSB N N LSB -12 dB = XXOOOO FLAT = XX0110 +12dB = XX1100 0 0 0 Input Select X X 0 MSB N LSB OPEN = XXOOOO iNPUT1 = XXOO01 INPUT2 = XX0010 INPUT3 = XX0011 INPUT4 = XX0100 Note 1: All allenuators 2 dBfstep. Note 2: Tone controls 2 dBfstep 111100 Hz and 10 kHz. Note 3: Use of data that deviates from the values shown in the table may resuH in erroneous resuHs. controls' input code increases from XXOOOO (-12 dB) to XX0110 (0 dB) to XX1100 (+12 dB). The code for the FADERs starts from XOOOOO (-40 dB) and goes to X1010X (0 dB). SERIAL OATA FORMAT Table I displays the required data format needed by the LMC1992. Not shown is the 2-bit device address (10). These two bits of information must precede the final ninebits used as the data word. The first three of these nine bits is the function address. The table shows that VOLUME is the only function that uses all six bits to choose that function's setting. The remaining functions use less than six bits; the unused bits are shown as "X"s ("don't care"). While these "don't care" bits have no effect on their respective function, the LMC1992 must receive them for proper operation. If neglected, erroneous or unknown results will occur. The VOLUME, TONE, and FADER controls are designed to increment their settings (in 2 dB steps) as the control data is incremented by one LSB. Disregarding the device address and the function address, the VOLUME input code increases from 000000 (-80 dB) to 10100X (0 dB). The TONE 1-218 Applications Information (Continued) DATA TRANSFER EXAMPLE DATA TRANSFER ROUTINE 2 The following routines, based on the flowchart shown in Figure 6, are examples of COPSTM microcontroller instruction code that can be used to control the LMC1992 (see National Semiconductor's COPS Microcontrollers Databook for more information). These routines arbitrarily select COPS register 0 for I/O purposes. When these routines are entered, it is assumed that chip select is high, SK (clock) is low, and SO (data) is low. These routines exit with chip select high and SK and SO low. Output port GO is arbitrarily chosen to send the chip select signal to the LMC1992. The 11 data bits needed to control the LMC1992 are assumed to be in the 4-bit registers, 13-15, with the 4 MSBs in register 13. With this configuration there is an extra bit for a data stream that is 12 bits long. As previously mentioned, there can be any number of extra bits between the device address and the function address. This routine performs the same function as routine 1 while preserving the contents of the data registers. This routine takes only 21 ROM memory locations. OUT1: This general purpose routine handles all the overhead except loading data into registers 13-15. It sends the data according to the conditions discussed above. The data will be lost at the conclusion of the routine. This routine consumes only 17 ROM memory locations. SEND: LBI 0,13 SC OGI 14 LEI 8 LD XAS XIS JP SEND RC OGI 15 LEI RET 0 0,13 SC OGI 14 LEI 8 JP SEND1: XAS SEND2: LD XIS JP XAS RC DATA TRANSFER ROUTINE 1 OUU: LBI SEND2 ;DATA TRANSMISSION LOOP ;TURN-ON CLOCK SEND1 CLRA NOP XAS OGI 15 LEI 0 RET ;POINT TO START OF DATA ;WORD ;SET C TO ENABLE SK CLOCK ;SELECT EXTERNAL DEVICE GO ;= 0 ;ENABLE SHIFT REGISTER ;OUTPUT ;POINT TO START OF DATA ;WORD ;SET C TO ENABLE SK CLOCK ;SELECT EXTERNAL DEVICE GO ;=0 ;ENABLE SHIFT REGISTER ;OUTPUT ;SEND LAST DATA ;WAIT 4 CYCLES - DATA ;GOING OUT ;TURN SK CLOCK OFF ;DE-SELECT DEVICE ;SET SO TO 0 ;DATA TRANSMISSION LOOP ;TURN-ON CLOCK II ;DE-SELECT EXTERNAL DEVICE ;SET SO TO 0 1-219 Applications Information (Continued) - - - SETUP INITIAL CONDmONS (clock "low", enable "high") - - - ENABLE LIotC1992's MICROWIRE INTERFACE SELECT LtotC1992 WITH LEADING "ID" ADDRESS FUNCTION ADDRESS AND DATA WORD OUTPUT LOOP (9BITS) no ---DISABLE LtotC1992's IotICROWIRE INTERFACE TLlH/l0789-23 FIGURE 6. General Data Transmission Flowchart to Send Serial Data to the LMC1992's MICROWIRE Compatible Digital Inputs 1-220 Section 2 Radio Circuits fI Section 2 Contents Radio Circuits Definition of Terms ...........................•.........•.............. Radio Circuits Selection Guide ....................................................... LM1211 Broadband Demodulator System .........................................•..• LM1596/LM1496 Balanced Modulator·Demodulators ..................................• LM1865 Advanced FM IF System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LM1868 AM/FM Radio System....................................................... LM3089 FM Receiver IF System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LM3189 FM IF System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • LM3361A Low Voltage/Power Narrow Band FM IF System.............................. 2·2 2·3 2-4 2·6 2·16 2·21 2·35 2·43 2·49 2·56 ~National ~ Semiconductor Radio Circuits Definition of Terms AGC de Output Shift: The shift of the quiescent Ie output voltage of the AGe section for a given change in AGe central voltage. -3 dB Limiting Sensitivity: In FM the input signal level which causes the recovered audio output level to drop 3 dB from the output level with a specified large signal input. AGC Figure of Merit: The widest possible range of input signal level required to make the output signal drop by a specified amount from the specified maximum output level. Typical F.O.M. numbers are from 40 dB to 50 dB, for domestic radios and about 60 dB for automotive radios (for -10 dB output level change). Lock In Range: That range of frequencies about the free running frequency for which the phase locked loop will come into lock if initially starting out of lock. Maximum Sweep Rate: The maximum rate that the veo may be made to vary its oscillating frequency over its Sweep Range. Output Resistance: The ratio of the change in output voltage to the change in output current with the output around zero. AGC Input Current: The current required to bias the central voltage input of the AGe section. AM Rejection Ratio: The ratio of the recovered audio output produced by a desired FM signal of specified level and deviation to the recovered audio output produced by an unwanted AM signal of specified amplitude and modulating index. Output Voltage Swing: The peak output voltage swing, referred to zero, that can be obtained without clipping. Phase Detector Sensitivity: The change in the output voltage of the phase detector for a given change in phase between the two input Signals to the phase detector. Channel Separation: The level of output signal of an undriven amplifier with respect to the output level of an adjacent driven amplifier. Power Bandwidth: The power bandwidth of an audio amplifier is the frequency range over which the amplifier voltage gain does not fall below 0.707 of the flat band voltage gain specified for a given load and output power. Power bandwidth also can be measured by the frequencies at which a specified level of distortion is obtained while the amplifier delivers a power output 6 dB below the rated output. For example, an amplifier rated a 60W with ';;0.25% THD, would make its power bandwidth measured as the difference between the upper and lower frequencies at which 0.25% distortion was obtained while the amplifier was delivering 30W. Power Supply Rejection: The ratio of the change in input offset voltage to the change in power supply voltages producing it. Slew Rate: The internally limited rate of change in output voltage with a large amplitude step function applied to the input. Supply Current: The current required from the power supply to operate the amplifier with no load and the output at zero. Sweep Range: That ratio of maximum oscillating frequency to minimum operating frequency produced by varying the central voltage of the veo from its maximum value to its minimum value with fixed values of timing resistance and capacitance. VCO Sensitivity: The change in operating frequency for a given change in veo central voltage. Detection Bandwidth: That frequency range about the free running frequency of the tone decoder/phase locked loop where a signal above a specified level will cause a detected signal condition at the output. Detection Bandwidth Skew: The measure of how well the detection bandwidth is centered about the free running frequency. It is equal to the maximum detection bandwidth frequency plus the minimum detection bandwidth frequency minus twice the free running frequency. Hold In Range: That range of frequencies about the free running frequency for which the phase locked loop will stay in lock if initially starting out in lock. Input Resistance: The ratio of the change in input voltage to the change in input current on either input with the other grounded. Input Sensitivity: The minimum level of input signal at a specified frequency required to produce a specified signalto-noise ratio at the recovered audio output. Input Voltage Range: The range of voltages on the input terminals for which the amplifier operates within specifications. Large-5ignal Voltage Gain: The ratio of the output voltage swing to the change in input voltage required to drive the output from zero to this voltage. 2-3 ~National Semiconductor Radio Circuits Selection Guide AM RF/IF Detector Device Portable Home LM1868 • • Auto Synthesized Pin Count (Dip Package) Supply Range Max Input Sensitivity for 20 dB SIN Ratio AM and FMIF Audio Power Amplifier Internal Detector 20 4.5-15V 12 p.V • • • Meter Output 'SO Surface Mount Package Only Stereo Decoder Device Portable Home Auto Pin Count Dip Package LM4500A • • • 16 Supply Range THD Separation 8-16V 0.1% 40 dB Blend High Cut Lamp Driver Output Buffer ARI Interference Rejection • • • Modulators & Demodulators Selection Guide LM1211 LM1496 Typical Application Broadband Demodulator Balanced Modulator-Demodulator Key Features • Configurable for AM or FM Based Signals • Wide Frequency Response to 100 MHz • 20 MHz-80 MHz Operating Frequency Range • Fully Balanced Inputs and Outputs • 25 MHz Detector Output Bandwidth • Adjustable Gain and Signal Handling • Linear Output Phase Respcnse 2-4 FM IF/Detector Portable LM1865 LM1868 • LM3089 ~ U1 LM3189 LM3361 A" * • Home Auto Synthesized Pin Count Dip Pin Count • • • • • • 20 20 S.O. Supply Range -3 dB Limiting Sensitivity THD Mute AGC Outputs AFC Meter Output • Reverse • • 7.3·16V 60/LV· 0.1% 20 4.5-15V 15/LV 1.1% • 16 8-16V 12/LV 0.5% • • 16 8-16V 12/LV 0.5% 2-9V 2/LV - 16 16 AM/ FMIF • • • • • • • • • • 'Exclusive of 22 dB Buffer "Narrow-Band FM-IF ap!no UO!IOaI8S SI!nOJ!:l O!peu II .,... .,... N .,... ....:::& ~National ~ Semiconductor LM 1211 Broadband Demodulator System General Description Features The LM1211 is a high performance IF amplifier and product detection system for operation in the 20-80 MHz frequency range. It is suitable for data or video recovery from broadband local area networks and other communications systems. • • • • • • • • • • The high gain IF amplifier has a SAW filter compatible input and can be gain-controlled in excess of 40 dB. A flexible product detector is used in which the input signal is multiplied by a reference derived from limiting and phase-shifting the input. The signal input is separate from the reference path, which has a port for external connections. A DC-operated phase control is provided for detection phase adjustment. Configurable for AM or FM based Signals 20-80 MHz operating frequency range IF input SAW filter compatible >40 dB IF gain control range 25 MHz detector output bandwidth Linear output phase response Output swings ±3.5V referenced to ground Gateable peak-following AGC detector DC-adjustable detection phase DC-adjustable 0 carrier output level The detector is followed by a 25 MHz bandwidth amplifier which has a symmetric output swing capability around OV. A fast attack, peak-following AGC detector is also provided for use in AM systems. Connection Diagram r-_ _ _ _+-l0~ REF. LIMITER INPUT I.F. OUTPUT-~I------. 9 r-+-- DETECTOR INPUT 12V SUPPLY-~I-. 8 I.F. REGULATOR-~H~-I .----l1-l1-f.;..7- I.F. DECOUPLE-...;..;..jL..-r., ..~ {-~--- " ...... GROUND DEl. PHASE ADJUST +:;.-.-} - - - I - -.... r------+4~-OUTPUT D.C. ADJUST I.F. DECOUPLE-~------' >_---1~-+3~- DETECTOR OUTPUT GROUND --.;~--, 2 AGe FlLTER-~--6-{ SUPPLY DECOUPLE L-----.':"'"+--AGe THRESHOLD AGe BIAS/GATE-~------' TL/H/9127-1 Order Number LM1211N See NS Package Number N20A 2-6 Absolute Maximum Ratings If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Seles OffIce/Distributors for availability and specifications. Power Supply Voltage, V12 15V IF Supply Current, 113 40mA Detector Output Current, 13 15mA Detector Input Signal, V9 1 Vrms Ref. Limiter Input Signal, Vl 0 1 Vrms AGC Bias/Gate Current, 120 3mA Power Dissipation Thermal Resistance Junction Temperature Operating Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Lead Temp. (Soldering, 10 sec.) ESD Susceptibility (Note 1) 1.67W 60"C/W 125°C - 40"C to + 85°C - 65°C to + 150"C 26O"C 3000V Ii: .... N .... .... DC Electrical Characteristics TA = 25°C, Test Circuit, VIF = VOe! = 0, VAGC = 0, VPH = 4V, Vec = 6V, all switches open unless noted. Symbol Paremeter Teat Condltlona Typ = 3V· = 3V 67 6.5 Is V13 Supply Current IF Regulator Voltage SW 3 closed, VAGC SW 3 closed, VAGC V15/16 IF Input Voltage SW 2, 3 closed V14-V17 111 IF Decouple Vas IF Output Current SW 2,3 closed, measure V14-V17 Vl0 Limiter Input Bias SW 1, 2, 3 closed 5.1 V9 Detector Input Bias SW 1, 2, 3 closed 5.1 V5/6 Reference DC Voltage SW 1, 2, 3 closed 4.6 Vec o Carrier Output Voltage o Carrier Adjust Voltage SW 1, 2, 3 closed SW 1, 2, 3 closed, adjust Voc for V3 119(0) AGC Discharge Current SW 1, 3 closed, VAGC - 2V -11 119(C) AGC Charge Current SW 1, 4 closed, VAGC = 6V 1.0 V3 SW 2, 3 closed, VAGC 3.9 = 6V, 111 = 12V-Vll 50 = OV 0 4.0 0 6.0 Tested Umlt (Note 2) 80 5.8 7.0 3.4 4.4 ±50 2.5 5.0 4.5 5.5 4.5 5.5 4.0 5.2 ±0.5 1.0 11.0 -7 -16 0.7 1.3 ±200 -25 AGC Leakage Current SW 1, 2, 4 closed, VAGC = 4V 119(l) Note 1: Human body model, 100 pF dlacharead through a 1.5 kIl resistor. Note 2: Tested limits are guaranteed and 100% production tested. Note 3: Design limits are guaranteed, bu1 no11 00% production tested. These limits are no1 used to determine ou19Oing quall1y levels. 2·7 Design Umlt (Note 3) Unlta (Limit) mA(max) V (min) V (max) V (min) V (max) mV(max) mA(min) mA(max) V (min) V (max) V (min) V (max) V (min) V (max) V (max) V (min) V (max) lJA(min) IJA (max) mA(min) mA(max) nA(max) fII -N ~ Detector AC Set-up Procedure TA = 25'C, TestCircuit,Sw1,2,3closed, VAGC=O,VPH= 4V. 1. With no input (VOet = 0), adjust VOC for V3 = OV. 2. Apply VDet = 100 mVrms, 60 MHz CW at th,e input. Tune L2 for maximum DC voltage at output Pin 3. AC Electrical Characteristics TA = " 25'C, Test Circuit, Follow AC set-up procedure, f = 60 MHz, VAGC ;., 0, VPH = 4V, VOC as per set-up, all switches open unless noted. Symbol Parameter Z15/16 IF Input Impedance Measure Differential Impedance between Pins 15 and 16. Av(IF) Maximum IF Gain (Note 3) SW 2 Closed, VIF = 0.5 mVrms, Measure YOu!. Test Conditions Av(IF) = 201 09 VAGC20 20 dB Gain Reduction VAGC40 40 dB Gain Reduction 1M IF Intermodulation (Note 3) (5XV~~ 4) Z9 Detector Input Impedance Z10 Reference Limiter Input Impedance Measure Impedance into Pin 10 Av(D) Detector Conversion Gain SW 1, 2, 3 Closed, VDet = 100 mVrms, LIN Detector-6dB Linearity SW 1, 3 Closed, VOet = 50 mVrms, Measure Va'. LIN = 20 log AGC Threshold Va(Th) (~~ ) (~~) SW 1, 3 Closed, Increase VDet until 119 = 100 iJ-A, Measure Va. 2.6 3.8 Detector Harmonic Levels 40 80 Units (Umit) o (min) o (max) 20 dB (min) 2.2 3.0 3.3 4.3 V (min) V (max) V (min) V (max) -40 -30 dB (min) 3.0 2.0 5.0 2.0 1.3 5.0 KO(min) pF(max) KO(min) pF(max) 24 -6 20 dB (min) 30 dB (max) -5 dB (min) -7 dB (max) 3.5 V (min) V (max) V (min) 0.95 VIV(max) 0.60 VIV(max) -3.0 V (min) 2.6 3.0 2.8 Detector Overload Capability SW 1,2,3 Closed, VDet = 1 Vrms, Measure Va. 4.1 Va(ol) PHA(+) DC Phase Adjust ( + ) SW 1, 2, 3 Closed, VOet = 100 mVrms, Measure 0.65 RatiO of Va with VPH = 6V to Va with VPH = 4V. PHA(-) DC Phase Adjust ( - ) SW 1, 2, 3 Closed, VOet = 100 mVrms, Measure 0.30 Ratio of Va with VPH = 2V to Va with VPH = 4V. Negative Output Swing SW 1, 2, 3 Closed, f = 70 MHz, VOet = 300 mVrms, -3.7 Va(-) VPH = 6V, Measure Va. DBW Detector Output Bandwidth SW 1, 2, 3 Closed, Modulate VDet with 30% AM 25 Modulation. Increase Modulation Frequency Until Pin 3 Signal Drops 3 dB. DHL Tested Design Limit Limit (Note 1) (Note 2) 60 30 SW 2 Closed, VIF = 5 mVrms, Adjust VAGC for Same VOu! as in Av(IF) Test. SW 2 Closed, VIF = 50 mVrms, Adjust VAGC for Same Vout as in Av(IF) Test. SW 2 Closed, f, = 60 MHz, f2 = 65 MHz, VIF = 10 mVrms Ea, Adjust VAGC for VOu! = 10 mVrms Ea, Measure 1M Products Relative to YOu!. Measure Impedance into Pin 9 Measure Vaoc. Av(D) = 20 log Typ 20 MHz (min) SW 1,2, 3 Closed, VOet = 100 mVrms, Measure -35 -20 dB (min) 60 MHz and 120 MHz Levels Relative to Va Note 1: Tested limits are guaranteed and 100% production tested. Note 2: Oeslgn limits are guaranteed, but not 100% production tested. These limbs are not used to determine outgoing quality levels. Note 3: The IF arnplifl9r output is measured with the IF output connected to a 500 measurament system resulting in a 250 loaded impedance. The gain In an actual application will typically be 20 dB higher. I 2-8 ~ ..... ..... ..... Test Circuit ~ Measure Parameters at Indicated Test Points ~ Your ~O'OIPF O.OIP~ ~------------------------~ VIIo--",IIVO"K_+-...;;.;.+~----------~---~~~--oVIO ___-. 240 0.001 pF .::c. VI4 10K '--1~~IV_0."Kir"OV5/ 6 SW3 20 +12 • 10K 1 - 0-0-5V +12V BK IK 3K TL/H/9127-2 Tl = 501l unbal. to bal. Mlnl-circuits Lab TMOH·H L2 = 4% T #22 wire on %," form with HF core, shielded 2-9 FJI ..~ :=; r-----~----~------------~----------~----------------------------------------~ Typical Performance Characteristics (All characteristics apply to the typical application circuit. Figure numbers are referenced in the applications information.) FIGURE 1 IF Amplifier Gain o Reduction Characteristic '\ FIGURE 3 IF Amplifier Noise 12 Figure vs. AGC FIGURE 2 IF Amplifier oFrequency Response r- r... 1\ =2004 ...... f=60WHz 10 'r\. \ \ ~ ~ ;: \ -12 RL=2004 -60 -15 90 0102030405060708090 PIN 19 VOLTAGE (V) fREQutIICY (11Hz) '~ V9=Vl0 V7=4V "\ ~ I" L2=3.9t'H FIGURES Detector Phase 90 Adjust Characteristic 60 \. ~ -90 GAIN REDUCIlON -20dB 01234567 FIGURE 4 LM1211 Detection Phase ~=1 H "'\ ~ .... r.... N 4045 50 55 80 65 70 75 80 65, fREQUDlCY (WHz) !, lr GAIN o GAIN REDUCIION (dB) FIGURE 6 Output Amplifier o Frequency Response ~ ", '\ " . -- -90 = 60 dB 0102030405080 r-.!~ 60WHz f==40"H~, ~=2.21' lL V \ '\ ,i' r- 2.0 2.5 3.0 !.5 4.G 4.5 5.0 !.5 8.0 PIN 7 VOLTAGE (V) \ -5 o 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 F'REQUDlCY (MHz) TL/H/9127-3 Typical Application Circuit +12V +12V 10K 0 CAR. LML >-~~-T---t----oOUT 2K ~=-.#tNIr-()-5V + 2V 9.1 K 3K TL/H/9127 -4 2-10 Applications Information (Refer to Typical Performance Characteristics and Application Circuit.) The LM1211 broadband demodulator system provides essentially independent IF amplifier and wideband detector blocks on the same integrated circuit. The IF amplifier consists of 5 differential stages, 3 of which have gain control capability. The detector is a highly flexible product detector with separate signal and reference input pins and a wideband output amplifier. An AGC comparator operating from the detector output is also provided. The operation of each of these blocks will now be described. put or detector reference signals couple into these pins it can cause changes in the frequency response and can easily promote oscillation. A spectrum analyzer is invaluable for helping determine the system susceptibility to this phenomenon. With the Input terminated by the IF filter (or an equivalent resistor), the IF amplifier output noise spectrum will show if oscillation is likely to occur at maximum gain. A good layout will have symmetrical input leads placed as close together as possible, shielded input coils (where used), and external components mounted as close to the I.C. as possible. The DC feedback decoupling capaCitor connected between Pins 14 and 17 should be right against the pins. IF AMPLIFIER The IF amplifier is powered from an internal shunt regulator between IF supply Pin 13 and IF ground Pin 18. The regulator has a nominal value of 6.5V and the IF amplifier current is delivered through a dropping resistor from the 12V rail supplying the remainder of the LM1211. The 0.001 /LF ceramic RF decoupling capaCitor at Pin 13 should be grounded through very short leads-preferably on the copper side of the PCB. A nominal current level into Pin 13 is 23 mA, set by a 2400 resistor. This current should not exceed 40 mA and the minimum current is about 16 mA, below which the IF amplifier will start to lose gain as the Pin 13 voltage drops below the regulated level. Gain Control Stages The second through fourth differential stages of the IF amplifier are gain controlled by the voltage at the AGC Filter Pin 19. OV corresponds to maximum IF gain, while increasing the Pin 19 voltage results in the gain reduction curve shown in Figure 1. In most AM applications, the Pin 19 voltage will be under control of the AGC detector (to be described later) in a closed feedback loop. If Pin 20 of the AGC detector is grounded, Pin 19 is tri-stated, allowing it to be externally controlled. In the tri-stated condition the typical input bias current at Pin 19 is only 25 nA, allowing small filter capacitors to be used in gated AGC systems. The Agure 1 characteristics has a temperature dependence of approximately -0.1 dB/oC. While this has no bearing in a closed loop system, it precludes setting a temperature stable fixed gain via a resistive divider at Pin 19. For FM applications, the IF amplifier may be locked at maximum gain by grounding Pin 19. Under these conditions none of the 5 stages saturate when overdriven, allowing the amplifier to function as a basic wideband limiter. IF Amplifier Input Configuration Circuit detail for the IF amplifier input Pins 14-17 is shown in Figure 1. The input stage is a common-base differential amplifier designed to give good rejection of unwanted IF output and detector reference signals that may be radiated back to the input. The low differential input impedance of 600 ensures that SAW filters are terminated sufficiently to keep the triple transit echo (TTE) more than 40 dB below the signal level, even with low impedance SAW filters. Because it is a common base stage, the input stage gain is inversely proportional to the source impedance Zs presented to the input. A normal range for differential Zs is from 1000 to 1 KO. As an example, a typical high impedance SAW filter has an output impedance that can be modeled as a 2 KO resistor in parallel with 6 pF capacitance, yielding Zs = 3720 at 70 MHz. Alternatively, the IF may be used with a transformer input configuration similar to that shown in the Test Circuit, as long as the required source impedance is maintained. A balanced input is extremely important since the input leads to Pins 14-17 are the most sensitive points in the system to unwanted IF coupling. For example, if the IF out- 150--......- __ IF Amplifier Output The fifth and final IF amplifier stage has a single-ended output, with no internal connection to the detector block. The output Pin 11 is an open collector NPN transistor which must be returned to Pin 12 via a DC path. Pin 11 is also a point at which any additional signal filtering may be applied. A resistive load connected to Pin 12 can be used, but the maximum value is limited in practice to less than 5000 at intermediate frequencies because of stray capaCitance and the loading of the detector stage input Impedance. 270 _-f------'\M---o5.4V 10K 1K 1 IF OUTPUT BALANCED INPUT j >-+--011 1K . 10K 16o--6--~ 270 '-----4_---"""'I'---o5.4V FIGURE 7. Low Impedance Common Base Input Stage 2-11 TL/H/9127-5 II ..~ .- :!l .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ Applications Information (Refer to Typical Performance Characteristics and Application Circuit.) (Continued) The frequency response. for the IF amplifier with a 2000 load is shown in Figure 2. The high frequency rolloff gives rise to a potential problem called "tilt." This occurs in wide bandwidth signals when the upper frequency components are attenuated relative to the lower frequency components, which can cause amplitude distortion following demodulation. Tilt can be easily compenSllted at Pin 11 by using an inductive load to provide an increasing impedance with frequency. The impedance of inductive load L1, including the effects of stray capacitance, is given by: Izd = A _ (1000)IZd v - IZsl + 60 The IF amplifier noise figure (NF) as a function of gain reduction is shown in Figure 3. The contribution of IF NF to the overall system NF depends on the amount of gain ahead of the IF in the mixer and IF filter. The SAW filter output mistermination, determined by the IF amplifier input impedance, is desirable from the viewpoint of keeping the TIE more than 40 dB below the signal. However, the mismatch at the input to the SAW filter is not so desirable as it simply increases the filter losses. Therefore a preferable solution is to use a low impedance SAW filter which will reduce losses, or to provide a pre-amplifier stage such as shown in Figure 8 between the mixer and SAW filter. Since this stage can also be used to match the mixer output to the SAW filter input, the filter losses can be reduced. To illustrate the effectiveness of this approach, a 10 dB gain pre-amp with a 4 dB NF will put the NF after the mixer stage at 23 dB, and the increase in NF with AGC action (by about 4 dB) will not contribute significantly to the system NF. A useful rule of thumb is that the total NF of the stages following the mixer should not exceed the mixer gain. CilL1 1 - C112L1CS For example, a 0.33 ",H coil with 8 pF stray capacitance at Pin 11 has an impedance of 3000 at 70 MHz, and this impedance is on a frequency dependent slope of 0.4 dB/MHz. As the inductance is increased, the slope becomes steeper until resonance with the stray capacitance is reached. By using this technique, a flat IF response can be obtained over the frequency range of interest. IF Amplifier Gain and Noise Figure As described earlier, the maximum IF amplifier gain in the LM1211 is externally determined by the input source impedance, Zs, in conjunction with the output load impedance, ZL. This gain is approximately given by: 330 61<8 ~III J. I -= Ci 3~0 75 0.01 p.F I, 0.~1~-r:;; (l.~P--i".------. 0.5p.H 12V o.J~ t{S-Hl0 ~ 1 Kl 36 TLlH/9127-6 FIGURE 8_ SAW Filter Gain Stage Detector The detector section operates from a 12V supply between Pin 12 and ground Pin 8. The LM1211 uses a product detector comprised of a multiplier, reference limiter, detector phase adjuster, and wideband output amplifier (see block diagram). The demodulation process of multiplying the detector input by a limited version of the Input is called quasisynchronous detection. This process provides a wider reference bandwidth but reduced effIC:iency· in carrier nulls relative to a true synchronous qetector. While the following description will app,lyto quasi-synchronous detection, the LM1211 can be made to function as a true synchronous detector if an external phase-locked loop (PLL) is used. In this mode, the reference limiter input Pin 10 Is decoupled and the voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) signal from the PLL is coupled into the reference port at Pins 5 and 6. Differential coupling of any external Signal into the reference port Is critical to minimize feedback to the IF amplifier inputs. Multiplier The heart of the product detector is the 6 transistor balanced multiplier shown in Figure 9. The detector input Vs(t) at Pin 9 is coupled to the linear differential pair, while the reference input Vr(t) switches the upper quad devices at the carrier rate. . If Vs(t) is an amplitude modulated carrier Fm(t)coswt and Vr(t) is a SQuare wave of the same frequency wand relative phase >, then the filtered output is given by: 2 RL VOUT = ;: Re Fm(t)cos> The output depends on the amplitude of Vs(t) and relative phase > between Vs(t) and Vr(t). If > is made 0 degrees so cos> is 1, then the multiplier acts as an amplitude detector and can be used to detect the amplitude modulation Fm(t) on the IF carrier. Note that around 0 degrees cos> changes very little with phase. The multiplier can also be used as a 2-12 r- Detector (Continued) phasing the detector is to first select the external components which produce the desired detection phase when the phase adjust control is in the center of its range (V7 = 4V), and then use the control to trim part-to-part and external component variations. The curves of Figure 4 give the multiplier detection phase versus frequency for different values of L2 with Pins 9 and 10 shorted together. These curves can be used to select the L2 value and to determine whether additional phase shift between Pins 9 and lOis required. The detection phase versus temperature is approximately - 0.25 degrees/ ·C. A detection phase of > = 0 degrees corresponds to maximum (+) amplitude detection efficiency, i.e. the detector output voltage increasing with Pin 9 input level. In the simplest case this can be obtained by choosing the L2 for which the Figure 4 curve passes through 0 degrees at or near the IF frequency. When the proper phasing cannot be obtained by this means, phase lead or lag must be introduced at Pin 10 relative to Pin 9. A simple RC lead-lag network which can provide up to ± 90 degrees phase shift is shown in Figure 10. When XC1 = XC2 = 2400 in the Figure 10 circuit, approximately 90 degrees of phase difference between Pins 9 and lOis produced with 3 dB additional attenuation. Pin lOis shown lagging Pin 9, but the two pins could be reversed to produce phase lead. If C1 is increased or C2 is decreased, the phase difference is reduced. A wideband FM quadrature detector is implemented in Figure 11 by configuring the IF Amplifier for maximum gain and replacing L2 with an LC tank tuned to the IF frequency. Since the IF Amplifier performs the limiting function, the reference limiter is not used; rather, the quadrature Signal is fed directly to the reference port via an RC phasing network. The DC offset at Pin 10 (13 KO to 12V) prevents signal leakage through the reference limiter to Pins 5 and 6. The FM detector sensitivity depends on the phase slope of the LC tank, which is determined by the Q. For example, the tank in Figure 11 is resonant around 70 MHz and has a Q '" 2 defined by the internal 1 KO resistance across Pins 5 and 6 in parallel with the external resistor. Deviating the input frequency produces an output characteristic given by: TL/H/9127 -7 FIGURE 9. Balanced Multiplier Circuit phase or frequency detector if Vs(t) is limited to remove amplitude information and > is centered at 90 degrees, where cos> produces the largest change in output for a given change in phase. Thus a vital part of setting up the detector will be to obtain the correct relative phase for the type of demodulation desired. Reference limiter The purpose of the reference limiter is to create the reference signal required for product detection by stripping AM modulation off the input signal. This should not be confused with the limiter required in an FM system, which is in the main signal path. FM limiting would be performed by locking the IF amplifier at maximum gain as previously described, in which case the reference limiter becomes redundant. A Single differential limiter stage is provided between Pin 10 and the reference port at Pins 5 and 6. Pin lOis internally biased from a 5.1V source through a 3.3 KO resistor; the detector input Pin 9 is biased from the same source through 5 KO. By sharing a common bias point Pins 9 and 10 can be directly shorted together when fed from the same signal, thus saving a coupling capacitor. Alternatively, Pins 9 and 10 may be fed separately allowing phase and/or amplitude differences to be introduced. V3 = Vpk[COS(90 ± .10» where Vpk is the theoretical peak output level set by the IF Pin 11 load impedance, and .10 is the combined phase swing produced by the tank and detector. For the Figure 11 circuit, Vpk = 6V and .1 0 "" 5 degrees/MHz, yielding an output swing of ± 0.5 V/MHz. The reference limiter output is a differential signal across the reference port Pins 5 and 6. Pins 5 and 6 are internally biased at 4.6V and have a 1 KO differential impedance. Limiting begins with 20 mVrms at Pin 10 and heavy limiting occurs above 100 mVrms input. The maximum limited output voltage is 350 mVrms. 12V Detector Phasing As we have seen, the relative phase between the detector and reference inputs of the multiplier determines the LM1211 demodulation characteristic. The detector input phase is known since it connects directly to Pin 9. However, the reference phase depends on several factors: The external components at Pins 10, 5, and 6, the phase shift through the reference limiter, and lastly the setting of the detector phase adjust control at Pin 7. The general approach for TL/H/9127-8 FIGURE 10. Detector Input Phasing Network 2·13 iii: ..... N ..... ..... ~ r---------------------------------------------------------------------~ C'\I .- ::E -' Detector (Continued) in Figure 12. The nominal 0 carrier (no input signal) output voltage is OV, and a negative supply is required as a return point for the external load resistor R3. The output may be biased at up to 5 mA in order to maintain the (-) slew rate into capacitive loads. The 0 carrier output voltage is adjusted by the control voltage on a potentiometer at Pin 4. The center of the Pin 4 range is % supply with an adjustment sensitivity of approximately 0.1 VIV. Thus on a 12V supply up to ± 0.6V part-topart output variation can be trimmed out. The Pin 3 output is capable of swinging up to ±4V; however, in certain AM detector applications the output will always remain above OV. In these cases it may be possible to omit the negative supply and return the Pin 3 load resistor directly to ground. This will result in some degradation in linearity at low output voltages which can be minimized by pre-biasing the 0 carrier level high (V4 = 12V). Phase Adjust Control Once the external components have been selected for the correct nominal phasing, the detector phase adjust is used to perform the final set-up by monitoring the detector output either for maximum output in the case of AM detection or for OV average level for FM detection. The phase adjust control Pin 7 is externally biased via a potentiometer and resistor from 12V and requires a 2V to 6V minimum range at Pin 7. The amount of phase lead or lag added to the reference path as a function of V7 is given in Agure 5. For example, at 70 MHz a cumulative phase error of ± 50 degrees could be compensated for by the phase adjust control. While the previously cited -0.25 degreesl"C detection phase temperature dependence is not noticeable in AM detection applications, it can cause the average DC level of the FM detector output to drift. This can be reduced by using the phase adjust control in a feedback loop as shown in FlfJure 11. Finally, it should be re-emphasized that the Pin 7 adjustment is intended as a trim rather than a substitute for correct detector phasing. The output amplifier frequency response is shown in Figure 6. The output exhibits a linear phase response of approximately -5.5 degrees/MHz out to 30 MHz. The first 70 MHz carrier harmonic is approximately -46 dB and the second harmonic -40 dB referenced to a 3V peak output. Detector Output The LM1211 output amplifier has an NPN emitter follower driving Pin 3 through a 500 damping resistor as shown o.oOluF 12Y 12Y 13K 11 12V'o--....---~-H 10 12 33K 10K INPUT~I~luF L;-te:, 82 12Y 4 o.OluF 1SK O.ooluF 82 17 T1 : Communication Assoc,.tts ·000801 18 OUTPUT D.C. ADJUST 1----..:::---+<> OUTPUT 19 o lK R3 -5V TL/H/9127-10 FIGURE 12. Detector Output Amplifier -5V TUH/9127-9 ALIGNMENT SEQUENCE: 1. With no input, adlust Roc for V3 - OV. 2. Apply Vin ;;, 10 mVrms, Fa - 70 MHz ±5 MHz Dev, Fm - 100 kHz; Tune Quadrature coil for best outputlinearily. 3. Adjust RpH for output DC centering. FIGURE 11.70 MHz FM Detector Application 2-14 Detector (Continued) cause of the large ratio of charge to discharge current, the LM1211 AGC has inherently faster recovery from a step increase in signal than from a decrease. The overall speed is inversely proportional to the AGC filter capacitor, with 0.05 ,...F being a practical lower limit for 120 = 1 mAo It is important to use a quality (low Rs) capacitor at Pin 19 to prevent AGC oscillation. The AGC detector can be used at lower charge/discharge ratios by reducing 120 which has a direct effect on the charge current but only a second order effect on the discharge current. For 120 = 100 ,...A a 15:1 ratio is produced and a 0.Q1 ,...F minimum capaCitor can be used. As the charge/discharge ratiO is reduced, peak detection no longer occurs and gating of Pin 20 may be necessary. This requires an external gate pulse generator to tum on the Pin 20 bias current only during the time the detector output is to be sampled. In between gate pulses the Pin 19 output will be tri-stated and the filter capacitor will hold the previous voltage until the next gate pulse. Permanently grounding Pin 20 turns off the AGC comparator, allowing an external AGC signal at Pin 19 to control the IF amplifier gain. AGC Comparator An AGC comparator is provided for use in AM systems. The (+ ) input is internally connected to the detector output Pin 3 while the (-) input is biased from an external resistive divider at AGC threshold Pin 1. An output current charges and discharges the AGC filter capacitor at Pin 19 to control the IF amplifier gain. The comparator is biased by a current into bias/gate Pin 20. Internally, Pin 20 has a diode in series with 1 KO to ground so that the current level from an external resistor R20 to 12V is given by: 120 _ 11.3 - R20 + 1000 Whenever the detector output exceeds the AGC threshold, a current equal to the Pin 20 bias current is delivered to Pin 19 to charge the AGC filter capaCitor. When the detector output is below the AGC threshold, approximately 11 ,...A discharge current flows into Pin 19. Thus the charge to discharge current ratio at Pin 19 is given by 120/11 ,...A, or 90:1 for 120 = 1 mA. This large ratio creates a peak-detecting action in which the AGC loop holds the detector (+ ) output peaks at the AGC threshold voltage, typically 1-3V. Be- IF PHASE ADJUST • TL/H/9127-11 Printed Circuit Layout (component side) 2-15 ! ~ ~National .... ~ Semiconductor ! ~ LM 1596/LM 1496 Balanced Modulator-Demodulator General Description Features The LM1596/LM1496 are doubled balanced modulator-demodulators which produqe an output voltage proportional to the product of an input (signal) voltage and a switching (carrier) .signal. Typical applications include suppressed carrier modulation, amplitude modulation, synchronous detection, FM or PM detection, broadband frequenqy doubling and chopping. • Excellent carrier suppression 65 dB typical at 0.5 MHz 50 dB typical at 10 MHz • Adjustable gain and signal handling • Fully balanced inputs and outputs • Low offset and drift • Wide frequenqy response up to 100 MHz The LM1596 is specified for operation over the -55·C to + 125·C military temperature range. The LM1496 is specified for operation over the O·C to + 700C temperature range. Schematic and Connection Diagrams Metal Can Package V- GAIN ADJUST -CARRIER INPUT GAIN ADJUST +CARRIER INPUT 8(10) -t---+--..... CARRIERo-7~(8~} -+____+_--' INPUlo-..;..;._....._ _ 4{4} SIGNAL INPUT + 1(1) t---.--.o GAIN t-----+-~;.:..o ADJUST BIAS .~5(5~}~~-+~____~ BIAS", TUH/7BB7-2 Top View Note: Pin lOis connected electrically to the case through the device substrate. 500 V- 500 Order Number LM1496H or LM1596H See NS Package Number HOeC 10{14} Dual-In-Llne and Small Outline Packages TLlHI7BB7-1 Numbers in parentheses show DIP connections. GAIN ADJUST -SIGNAL IN BIAS +OUTPUT 3 4 12 5 6 10 7 8 -OUTPUT 11 -CARRIER INPUT 9 +CARRIER INPUT TL/HI7887-3 Order Number LM1496M or LM1496N See NS Package Number M14A or N14A 2-16 Absolute Maximum Ratings If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/Distributors for availability and specifications. Internal Power Dissipation (Note 1) 500mW Applied Voltage (Note 2) Differential Input Signal (V7 - Va) Differential Input Signal (V4 - V1) Soldering Information 30V ±5.0V ±(5+lsRo)V Input Signal (V2 - V1, Va - V4) 5.0V Bias Current (15) 12mA Operating Temperature Range LM1596 - 55'C to + 125'C LM1496 O'Cto +70'C Storage Temperature Range -65'C to + 150'C Electrical Characteristics (TA = • Dual·ln·Line Package Soldering (10 seconds) 260'C • Small Outline Package Vapor Phase (60 seconds) Infrared (15 seconds) 215'C 220'C See AN·450 "Surface Mounting Methods and their effects on Product Reliability" for other methods of soldering sur· face mount devices. 25'C, unless otherwise specified, see test circuit) Parameter LM1596 Conditions LM1496 Min Typ Max Min Typ Carrier Feedthrough Carrier Suppression Transadmittance Bandwidth Vc = 60 mVrms sine wave fc = 1.0 kHz, offset adjusted Vc = 60 mVrms sine wave fc = 10kHz, offset adjusted Vc = 300 mVpp square wave fc = 1.0 kHz, offset adjusted Vc = 300 mVpp square wave fc = 1.0 kHz, not offset adjusted fs fc fs 1c = = = = 10 kHz, 300 mVrms 500 kHz, 60 mVrms sine wave offset adjusted 10 kHz, 300 mVrms 10 MHz, 60 mVrrns sine wave offset adjusted 50 RL = 500 Carrier Input Port, Vc = 60 mVrrns sine wave 1s = 1.0 kHz, 300 mVrrns sine wave Signal Input Port, Vs = 300 mVrrns sine wave V7 - Va = 0.5Vdc Units Max 40 40 ",Vrms 140 140 ",Vrms 0.04 0.2 0.04 0.2 mVrms 20 100 20 150 mVrms 50 65 dB 50 50 dB 300 300 MHz 80 80 MHz 3.5 VIV 65 Voltage Gain, Signal Channel Vs = 100mVrms,f= 1.0 kHz V7 - Va = 0.5 Vdc Input Resistance, Signal Port f = 5.0 MHz V7 - Va = 0.5Vdc 200 200 kO Input Capacitance, Signal Port 1 = 5.0 MHz V7 - Va = 0.5Vdc 2.0 2.0 pF Single Ended Output Resistance f = 10MHz 40 40 kO Single Ended Output CapaCitance f = 10MHz 5.0 5.0 pF Input Bias Current (11 + 14)/2 12 25 12 30 ",A Input Bias Current (17 + la)/2 12 25 12 30 ",A ,..A ,..A 2.5 3.5 2.5 Input Offset Current (11 -14) 0.7 5.0 0.7 5.0 Input Offset Current (17 -Ia) 0.7 5.0 5.0 5.0 Average Temperature Coefficient 01 Input Offset Current (-55'C < TA < +125'C) (O'C < TA < +70'C) 2.0 nArC nAI'C 2.0 Output Offset Current (16 -19) 14 Average Temperature Coefficient of Output Offset Current (-55'C < TA < + 125'C) (O'C < TA < +70'C) 90 50 14 90 2·17 60 ",A nAl'C nAl'C • ..,.... CD en ~ ...... Electrical Characteristics (TA = 25°C, unless otherwise specified; see test cirCuit) (Continued) .... ..J LM1596 Conditions Parameter CD en an ::IE Min Typ = 1.0 kHz. Signal Port Common Mode Input Voltage Range fs Signal Port Common Mode Rejection Ratio V7 - Va LM1496 Max Min Units Max Typ 5.0 5.0 Vp•p -85 -85 dB Common Mode Quiescent Output Voltage 8.0 8.0 Vdc Differential Output Swing Capability 8.0 8.0 Vp•p = 0.5Vdc + I) Positive Supply Current (16 Negative Supply Current (110) Power Dissipation 2.0 3.0 2.0 3.0 rnA 3.0 4.0 3.0 4.0 rnA 33 Not. I: LMI596 rating applies to case temperatures to temperatures to + 70'C. 33 mW + 125'C; derate linearly at 6.5 mW/'C for ambient temperature above 75'C. LMI496 rating applies to case Note 2: Voltage applied between pins 6-7,8·1,9·7,9-8,7-4,7·1,8·4,6·8,2·5,3·5. Not. 3: Refer to re101596. drawing for apecificalions of military LMI596H versions. Typical Performance Characteristics Carrier Suppression vs Carrier Input Level carrier Suppression vs Frequency carrier Feedthrough vs Frequency 10 10 10 20 20 30 30 ~-~ -40 I"'r-.. 50 60 70 r-. .... ~ f.=10MHz r- ::. o.os 0.1 Q.5 1.0 60 70 300 -400 300 CARRIER INPUT LEVEL (mVnno) I I I I 1.6 - f- I~ I~PUT~ sm\ ma 1= a ., 0.4 o o V ! o.a 11111111 3 mV "I; SIGNAL PORT .. ~11,l!:!Nri· mV ,.. ~ ~ 50 1.0 l' 0.& ", 50 0.4 SIGIW. PORT 11tIHS.\OM1TTAHC£ lour ~...J..J.L.LIIIL-I-.LI.LWlL.....L..Ju. o.os 0.1 Q.5 1.0 5.0 10 CARRIER FREQUENCY (MHz) Sideband and Signal Port Transsdmlttances vs Frequency w o.a 0.1 0.01 5.0 10 CARRIER FREQUEHCY (MHz) Sideband Output vs Carrier Levels 1.2 3fc 1A 1-I 50 i-'" -r:roOkHz 200 100 I -40 !'~ ~ o ,. I Signal-Port Frequency Response ;;; - Wl.::;:l:=o~1 20 mV loomV I 100 150 CARRIER LEVEL (mVrms) 200 o 0.1 Wl'lour(W:H SlJEllAND) VOUT=O v" (SIGNAL) 1.0 10 100 CARRIER FEQUEHCY (MHz) Re -30 1000 A.= "-+2 0.01 0.1 .. HlIIIf-+ftHIIII-+f 1.0 10 100 FREQUENCY (MHz) Tl/H/7887-5 2-18 ri!: ..... Typical Application and Test Circuit CII CD ..... r- Suppressed Carrier Modulator G) lk i!: ..... +12V .j:oo O.I}1f CD 51 lk I CARRIER~ INPUT Vc O.I}1f G) 51 - 3.9k 6(6) +Vo 9(12) -Yo 8(10) LM1596 Vs MODULATlON INPUT 3.9k 2(2) 7(8) 1(1) 4(4) 10k CARRIER NULL 51 51 t ... I l 0.47 }If 6.8k Numbers in parentheses show DIP connections. ~--~o-- -8 V TL/HI7887-4 Note: 51 is closed for "adjusted" measurements. SSB Product Detector +8 VDC lk CARRIER INPUTo-_ _......_ _ _ _-I 300mVrms 2(2) 7(8) 3.9k 3(3) 6(6) 51 8(10) -------f SSB SIGNAL o-ff-..... INPUT Ltot1596 1 }If 1(1) 9(12) 1----+..IoIIIIr-......-tL,.. DEMODULATED ~AfOUTPUT 4(4) 55) I 0.005I 0.005 }If }IF lk lk Uk lk Numbers in parentheses show DIP connections. -8 Vd. TLlH17887-6 This figure showe the LM1596 used .. a single sldebend (SSB) suppressed carrier demodulator (product detector). The carrier signal is applied to the carrier input port with sufficient amplitude for switching operetion. A carrier input level of 300 mVrms Is optimum. The composite SSB signal is spplied to the signal input port with an amplitude of 5.0 to 500 mVrms. All output signal components except the desired demodulated audio are filtered out, so that an offset adjustment is not required. This circuit may also be used .. an AM detector by applying composite and carrier signals in the same manner .. described for product detector operation. 2·19 fJI !.::E .... Typical Applications (Continued) Broadband Frequency Doubler i.- +12 Vdc lk ::E .... lk 2(2) ..........IVVv---I 7(8) 3(3) -+-0 ¥o coa2. 8(6) 1-..... HI--...Jt,f.tIY-........ 8(10) '0 coalilt 0-....-..-4....- ...---11(1) 9(12) t---t-O -Ayeo c0l2. , - - i -.....-I4(4) Numbers in parentheses show DIP connections. -8VOC TLlH17887 -7 The frequency doubler clrcuH shown will double low.levelsignels with low distortion. The value of C should be chosen for low reactance at the operating frequency. Signal level at the carrier input must be less than 25 mV peak to maintain operation in the linear region of the switching differential amplHier. Levels to 50 mV peak may be used wHh some distortion of the output waveform. If a larger input Signal is avall8ble a resistive divider may be used at the carrier input, with full signal applied to the signal input. 2·20 . ~National ~ Semiconductor LM 1865 Advanced FM IF System General Description • Meter output proportional to signal level Reduced external component cost, improved performance, and additonal functions are key features to the LM1865 FM IF system. The LM1865 is designed for use in electronically tuned radio applications. It contains both deviation and signal level stop circuitry in addition to an open-collector stop output. The LM1865 generates a reverse AGe voltage (ie: decreaSing AGe voltage with increasing signal). • Stop detector with open-collector output Features • Dual threshold AGe eliminates need for local/distance switch and offers improved immunity from third order intermodulation products due to tuner overload • On-chip buffer to provide gain and terminate two ceramic filters • Low distortion 0.1 % typical with a single tuned quadrature coil for 100% modulation. • Broad off frequency distortion characteristic • Adjustable signal level mute/stop threshold, controlled either by ultrasonic noise in the recovered audio or by the meter output • Adjustable deviation mute/stop threshold • Separate time constants for signal level and deviation mute/stop • User control of both AGe thresholds • Excellent signal to noise ratio, AM rejection and system limiting sensitivity • Low THD at minimum AFT offset Block Diagram y+ AFT OUT AND D£YIAnoN MUTE/STOP WINDOW ADJUST W1DEBAND---1' AGe IN I I I I I I ITD~!:!!! ___ L__ 13 NARROW BAND THRESHOLD AIIIIIIT J 11 .-I Order Number LM1885M orLM1885N See NS Package Number M20BorN20A FIGURE 1 2-21 TL/H/7509-1 • Absolute Maximum Ratings If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/Distributors for availability and specifications. Supply Voltage, Pin 17 Soldering Information Dual-In-Une Package Soldering (10 seconds) Small Outline Package VapOr Phase (60 seconds) Infrared (15 seconds) 16V Package Dissipation (Note 1) 2.0W Storage Temperature Range - 55·C to Operating Temperature Range + 1500C + 85·C 215·C 2200C See AN-450 "Surface Mounting Methods and Their Effect on Product Reliability" for other methods of soldering sur· face mount devices. - 20·C to Max Voltage on Pin 16 (Stop Output) 2600C 16V Electrical Characteristics Test Circuit, T A = 25·C, V+ = 12V; S1 in position 2; S2 in pOSition 1; and S3 in position 2 unless indicated otherwise I Parameter I Conditions Min I Typ I Max I Units STATIC CHARACTERISTICS Supply Current 33 Pin 9, Regulator Voltage 45 5.7 Operating Voltage Range (See Note 2) 7.3 Pin 18, Output Leakage Current Pin 20 Open, V,F Pin 16, Stop Low Output Voltage SI in Position 1, S2 in Position 3 Pin 16, Stop High Output Leakage Current S2 in Position 2, V14 = 0, S3 in Position 1 = V 16 0.1 V9 mA V p.A 0.3 V 0.1 p.A 4.7 k{} Pin I, Buffer Input Resistance Measured at DC 350 {} Pin 3, Buffer Output Resistance Measured at DC 350 {} Pin 20, Wide Band Input ReSistance Measured at DC 2 {} 1 k{} Pin 15, AudiO Output Resistance Pin 8, Meter Output Resistance . DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS fMOD = 400 Hz, fo = 10.7 MHz, Deviation -3 dB Umiting Sensitivity IF Only (See Note 3) Buffer Voltage Gain Y,N Pin 1 Recovered Audio V,F = = ± 75 kHz 10 mVrmsat 10.7 MHz = 10 mVrms, V14 = V9 V,F = 10 mVrms, V14 = V9 (See Note 4) V14 = V9 V,F = 1 mV, 30% AM Mod Signal·to-Noise AM Rejection = 10 mV, 30% AM Mod V,F = 10mV V,F = 10mV, TuneuntilV14 = V9 V,F Minimum Total Harmonic Distortion THO at Frequency where V14 (Zero AFT Offset) = V9 THO ± 10kHz from Frequency where V14 = V9 60 120 19 22 25 dB 275 320 470 mVrms 70 84 dB 50 50 60 dB dB 60 p.Vrms 0.1 0.35 % 0.1 0.45 % V,F = 10mV 0.15 % AFT Offset Frequency for Low Stop Output at Pin 16 V,F = 10 mV, S2 in PositiOn 3, fMOD = 0 Offset = (Frequency for Pin 16 Low) (Frequency Ylhere V14 = V9) ±50 kHz Ultrasonic Mute/Stop Level Threshold V14 = V9, SI in Position 3 (See Note 5) V,F = 10mV fMOD = 100 kHz S2 in Position 3 Low Amount of Deviation where V16 - 60 kHz 2-22 .... ill: .... CD Electrical Characteristics Test Circuit, TA = 25'C, V+ = 12V; Sl in position 2; S2 in position 1; and S3 in position 2 unless indicated otherwise (Continued) I Parameter en CI'I IMlnlTyplMaxl Units Conditions DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS IMOD = 400 Hz, 10 = 10.7 MHz, Deviation = ± 75 kHz (Continued) Pin 13 Mute/Stop Threshold Voltage V14 = V9, Sl in Position 4 S2 in Position 3 V13whereV16 Low 220 mV Amount 01 Muting (LM1965 Only) S2 in Position 4, Sl in Position 1, VIF = 10 mV 66 dB Amount of Muting with Pin 13 and Pin 16 Grounded S1 in Position 1 V14, = V9, VIF = 10 mV 0 dB Narrow Band AGe Threshold Increase IF Input until I AGC = 0.1 mA Pin 20 = 30 mVrms Wide Band AGe Threshold VIF = 100 mVrms Increase Signal to Pin 20 until IAGC = 0.1 mA Pin 18, Low Output Voltage (LM1865 and LM1965 only) 100 210 300 p.Vrms 5 12 22 mVrms VIN Pin 20 = 100 mY, VIF = 100 mVrms 0.2 0.5 V Pin 18, High Output Voltage (LM2065 only) VIN Pin 20 = 100 mY, VIF = 100 mVrms, (See Note 6) 11.7 V Pin 8, Meter Output Voltage VIF = 10 p.V VIF = 300 p.V VIF = 3mV 0.1 1.1 2.6 V V V Note 1: Mx1ve TA = 25'C derate based on TJ(max) = 150'C and 9JA = 60'C/W. Note 2: All data sheet speciflcations are for V + = t 2V may change slighHy with supply. Note 3: When the IF Is preceded by 22 dB gain In the buffer, excellent system sensitivity is achieved. Note 4: Measured with a notch at 60 Hz and 20 Hz to 100 kHz bandwidth. Note 5: FM modulate RF source with a tOO kHz audio signal and find what modulation level, expressed as kHz deviation, results in V16 -+ 12V. Test Circuit .... -!~ ,ir~ cu: " 11k ~ ~,~ 12V p:+ 2 1 b 12V SUPrLY CURRENT / METER l:0.~'F WlOE BUFFER IllPUT BUFFER fIIIOUNO BU_ DECOUPlE AGe 17 V' OUT BUFFER OUT IF DECOUPLE 1- 04 16 STOP OUT IF IN SO@ 10.7 MHz TDK Electronics TP041 0-180K or equivalent Qu>70 @ 10.7 MHz, L to , resonatew/82 pF @ 10.7 MHz 14' ...F TOKO KAC-K2318HM or equivalent O Comments AC coupling for wide band AGC input Buffer and AGC supply decoupling IF decoupling capacitors Meter decoupling capacitor AC coupling for IF output Regulator decoupling capacitor, affects SIN floor Level mute/stop time constant AFT decoupling, affects stop time Disables noise mute/stop AC coupling for noise mute/stop threshold adjust Supply decoupling AGC output decoupling capacitor Wide band AGC threshold adjust Gain set and bias for IF; R2 + R3 = 330!} to terminate ceramic filter Sets full-scale on meter Deviation mute/stop window adjustment Mute/stop filter, affects stop time Level mute/stop threshold adjustment Level mute/stop threshold adjustment Noise mute/stop threshold adjustment, decrease resistor for lower SIN at threshold, for optimum performance over temp. and gain variation, set this resistor value so that the signal level mute/ stop threshold occurs in the radio at 4SdB SIN (±3 dB) in mono. Load for open-collector stop output AGC o·utput load resistor for open-collector output Sets Q of quadrature coil affecting THD, SIN and recovered audio Optimises minimum THD Sets signal swing across quadrature coil, High Q is important to minimize effect variation of Q has on both minimum THD and AFT offset. 10.7 MHz quadrature coil: QUL > 70 TL/H17509-5 CF1,CF2 Murata SFE1 o. 7ML or equivalent 10.7 MHz ceramic resonators provide selectivity; good group delay characteristics important for low THD of system 2-2S Typical Application LAYOUT CONSIDERATIONS Although the pinout of the LM1865 has been chosen to minimize layout problems, some care is required to insure stability. The ground terminal on CF1 should return to both the input Signal ground and the buffer ground, pin 19. The ground terminal on CF2 should return to the ground side of C4. The quadrature coli T1 and inductor L1 should be separated from the input circuitry as far as possible. PC Layout (Component Side) TLlHI7509-6 PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS OF TYPICAL APPLICATION WITH TUNER The following data was taken using the typical application circuit in conjunction with an FM tuner with 43 dB of gain, a Meter Output and Signal-to-Nolae va Tuner Input I 10 AUDIO"., ,...... ~i-l: 'lr i'-20 ~ III it -30 3V 40 -50 2V ;1- ~ I~DIJS' \ ;-1 EI- 50 h\II l! 70 IV ;-80 -80 / 0.1 I \ I I / 1 "/' / .- - i.- HOIJ, IF .ARROW 8ANII LOOP IS ACTUATED ....... /::O:R':~LD ./ ~ NUISEldl, ::T~~:~HDLD m~~ID~~ TUNER INPUT u.VI Ii 1_ Total Harmonic Dlatortlon va Tuner Input 100 ~-10 "Ii -20 Ii! -30 .1-40 ai- 50 .11=: 'II! II! 5.5 dB noise figure, and 30 dB of AGC range. The tuner was driven from a 500 source. 75 ","S of de-emphasis was used on the audio output, pin 15. The 0 dB reference is for ± 75 kHz deviation at 400 Hz modulation. AUDIO Ii! 1_ 10 0 ! l/ IMoD=400Hz X "Tito +NOISE N~SE -80 -80 ~lm~~ID_~ TUNER INPUT (~V) A 010 -10 20 -38 111- IL .\ .1-40 \\ !!.f Iii \\ \\ AM Rejection va Tuner Input Ii EI -50 -50 -70 \1/ -80 II! '" AM (30% MOO) 1\ IV II \ ~OISE I -80 0.1 1 10 100 lk 10k lOOk l000k TUNER INPUT (~V) TLlHI7509-7 -3 dB IImHing = 0.9,.V 30 dB quieting = 1.4,.V Level stop/mute threshold = 1.4 ,.V = ± 45 kHz Deviation mute window (- 3 dB) 2-26 ,-----------------------------------------------------------------------------, r !Ii: ..... Application Notes sponds to a weaker signal at the antenna of the radio. In choosing the correct value for R9 it is important to make sure that recovered audio below 75 kHz is not sufficient to cause mute/stop action. This is because stereo and SCA information are contained in the audio signal up to 75 kHz. Also note that the ultrasonic mute/stop circuit will not operate properly unless a tuner is connected to the IF. This is because, at low signal levels, the noise at the tuner output dominates any noise sources in the IC. Consequently, driving the IC directly with a 50n generator is much less noisy than driving the IC with a tuner and therefore not realistic. The RC filter on pin 12 not only filters out noise from the comparator output but controls the "feel" when manually tuning. For example, a very long time constant will cause the mute to remain active if you rapidly tune through valid strong stations and will only release the mute if you slowly tune to a valid station. Conversely, a short time constant will allow the mute to kick in and out as one tunes rapidly through valid stations. The advantage in using the noise mute/stop approach versus the meter driven approach is that the point at which mute/stop action occurs is directly related to the signal-tonoise ratio in the recovered audio. Furthermore, the mute/ stop threshold is not subject to production and temperature variations in the meter output voltage at low signal levels, and thus might be able to be set without a production adjustment of the radio. The noise mu1e/ stop threshold is very insensitive to temperature and gain variations. Proper operation of this circuit requires that the signal level mute/stop threshold be set at a signal level that achieves 45 dB SIN (± 3 dB) in mono. in a radio. In an electronically tuned radio, the signal level stop threshold can be set to a much larger level by gain reducing the tuner (ie. pulling the AGC line) in scan mode and then releasing the AGC once the radio stops on a station. In an environment where temperature variations are minimal and manual adjustment of the signal level mute/stop threshold is desired, then the meter driven approach is the best alternative. ADJUSTABLE MUTE/STOP THRESHOLD The threshold adjustments for the mute and stop functions are controlled by the same pins. Thus, the term mute/stop will be used to designate either function. The adjustable mute/stop threshold in the LM1865 allows for user programming of the signal level at which muting or stop indication takes place. The adjustment can be made in two mutually exclusive ways. The first way is to take a voltage divider from the meter output (pin 8) to the off channel mute input (pin 13). When the voltage at pin 13 falls below 0.22V, an internal comparator is tripped causing muted or causing the stop output to go low. Adjustment of the voltage divider ratio changes the signal level at which this happens. The second method of mute/stop detection as a function of signal level is to use the presence of ultrasonic noise in the recovered audio to trip the internal comparator. As the signal level at the antenna of the radio drops, the amount of noise in the recovered audio, both audible and ultrasonic, increases. The recovered audio is internally coupled through a high pass filter to pin 13 which is internally biased above the comparator trip pOint. Large negative-going noise spikes will drive pin 13 below the comparator trip pOint and cause mute/stop action. A simplified circuit is shown in Figure 4. Since the input to the comparator is noise, the output of the comparator is noise. Consequently, a mu1e/stop filter on pin 12 is required to convert output noise spikes to an average DC value. This filter is not necessary if pin 13 is driven from the meter. Adjustment of the mute/stop threshold in the noise mode is accomplished by adjusting the pole of the high pass filter coupled to the comparator input. This is done with a series capacitor/resistor combination, R9 C11, from pin 13 to ground. As the pole is moved higher in frequency (i.e., R9 gets smaller) more ultrasonic noise is required in the recovered audio in order to initiate mute/stop action. This corre- g: CII fII I I 50k + :t; O.35V 'HIGH FOR MUTE OR I STOP OUTPUT LOW : I I L_____ 13------- 12-- R ;2;-.J mml~F TLlHI7509-8 FIGURE 4. Simplified Level Mute/Stop Circuit 2-27 Application Notes (Continued) Signal Level Stop Using the Meter Output, Pin 8 As mentioned previously, R6 C8 is not necessary when the meter output is used to drive pin 13. Consequently, this time constant is not a factor in determining the stop time. However, the speed at which the meter voltage can move may become important in this regard. This speed is a function of the reSistive load on pin 8 and filter capacitance, C5. STOP TIME An electronically tuned radio (ETR) pauses at fixed intervals across the FM band and awaits the stop indication from the LM1865. If within a predetermined period of time, no stop indication is forthcoming, the controller circuit concludes that there is no valid station at that frequency and will tune to the next interval.. There are several time constants that can affect the amount of time it takes the LM1865 to output a valid stop indication on pin 16. In this section each time constant will be discussed. AGC Time Constant In tuning from a strong station to a weaker station above the level stop threshold, the AGC voltage will move in order to try to maintain a constant tuner output. The AGC voltage must move sufficiently fast so that the tuner is gain increased to the point that the level stop indicates a valid station. This time constant is controlled by Rll and C13. Deviation Stop Time Constant An offset voltage is generated by the AFT if the LM1865 is tuned to either side of a station. Since deviation stop detection in the LM 1865 is detected by the voitage at pin 14, it is important that this voltage move fast enough to make the deviation stop decision within the time allowed by the controller. The speed at which the voltage at pin 14 moves is governed by the RC time constant, R5 C9. rhis time constant must be chosen long enough to remove recovered audio from pin 14 and short enough to allow for reasonable stop detection time. . DISTORTION COMPENSATION CIRCUIT The quadrature detector of the LM1865 has been designed with a special circuit that compensates for distortion generated by the non-linear phase characteristic of the quadrature coil. This circuit not only has the effect of reducing distortion, but also desensitizes the distortion as a function of tuning characteristic. As a result, low distortion is achieved with a single tuned quad coil without the need for a double tuned coil which is costly and difficult to adjust on a production basis. The lower distortion has been achieved without any degradation of the noise floor of the audio output. Futhermore, the compensation Circuit first-order cancels the effect of quadrature coil Q on distortion. When measuring the total harmonic distortion (THO) of the LM1865, it is imperative that a low distortion RF generator be used. In the past it has been possible to cancel out distortion in the generator by adjustment of the quadrature coil. This is because centering the quadrature coil at other than the point of inflection on the S-curve introduces 2nd harmonic distortion which can cancel 2nd harmonic distortion in the generator. Thus low THO numbers may have been obtained wrongly. Large AFT offsets asymmetrical off tuning characteristic, and less than minimum THO will be observed if alignment of the quadrature coil is done with a high distortion RF generator. Signal Level Stop Using Ultrasonic Noise Detection As previously mentioned, the R6 C8 time constant on pin 12 is necessary to filter the noise spikes on the output of the internal comparator in the LM1865. This time constant also determines the level stop time. When the voltage at pin 12 is above a threshold voltage of about 0.6V, the stop output is low. The maximum voltage at pin 12 is about 0.8V. The level stop time is dominated by the amount of time it takes the voltage at pin 12 to fall from 0.8V to 0.6V. The voltage at pin 12 follows an exponential decay with RC time constant given by R6 C8. For example if R6 = 25k and C6 = 2.2 IJoF the stop time is given by t = - (24k) (2.2 1JoF) i n ( 0.6) 0.8 which yields t = 15 ms. It should be noted that the 0.6V threshold at pin 12 has a high temperature dependence and can move as much as 100 mV in either direction. Care must also be taken in choosing ceramic filters for the LM1865. It is important to use filters with good group delay characteristics and wide enough bandwidth to pass enough FM sidebands to achieve low distortion. 2-28 Application Notes (Continued) The LM1865 has been carefully designed to insure low AFT offset current at the pOint of minimum THO. AFT offset current will cause a non-symmetric deviation mute/stop window about the point of minimum THO. No extemal AFT offset adjustment should be necessary with the LM1865. The amount of resistance in series with the 18 pH quadrature coil drive inductor, L 1, has a significant effect on the minimum THO. This series resistance is contributed not only by R13 but also by the 0 of L 1. The 0 of L 1 should be as high as possible (ie: 0>50) in order to avoid production problems with the 0 variation of L 1. Once R 13 has been optimized for minimum THO, adjustment on a radio by radio basiS should be un-necessary. With the LM1865 system, a low AGC threshold is achieved whenever there are strong out-of-band signals that might generate an interfering 1M3 product, and a high AGC threshold is achieved if there are no strong out-of-band signals. The high AGC threshold allows the receiver to obtain its best signal-to-noise performance when there is no possibility of an 1M3 product. The low AGC threshold allows for weaker desired stations to be received without gain-reducing the tuner. It should be noted that when the AGC threshold is set low, there will be a signal-to-noise compromise, but is assumed that it is more desirable to listen to a Slightly noisy station than to listen to an undesired 1M3 product. The simplified circuit diagram (Figure 5) of the AGC system shows how the dual AGC thresholds are achieved. DUAL THRESHOLD AGC (AUTOMATIC LOCAL/DISTANCE SWITCH) Vm = 1V corresponds to a fixed in-band signal level (defined as VNB) at the tuner output. VNB will be referred to as the "narrow band threshold". VWB also corresponds to a fixed tuner output which can either be an in-band or out-ofband signal. This fixed tuner output will be called the "wide band threshold". Always VWB > VNB. R11 and C13 define the AGC time constant. A reverse AGC system is shown. This means that VAGe decreases to gain-reduce the tuner. The LM1865 AGC output is an open-collector current source capable of sinking at least 1 mAo There is a well recognized need in the field for gain reducing (AGCing) the front end (tuner) of an FM receiver. This gain reduction is important in preventing overload of the front end which might occur for large signal inputs. Overloading the front end with two out-of-band signals, one channel spacing apart' and one channel spacing from center frequency, or, two channel spacings apart and two channel spacings from center frequency, will produce a third order intermodulation product (1M3) which falls inband. This 1M3 product can completely block out a weaker desired station. The AGC in the LM1865 has been specially designed to deal with the problem of 1M3. ANTENNA ••• PIN 8 1V METER OUTPUT y+ I I HIGH OUTPUT ..._ _+,YAllt:oo..t()--o~ CLOSE SW2 ;,;C13 PIN 18 til HIBH OUTPUT TO CLOSE SW1 °SWI SW2 I IAGe ' TLlHI7509-9 FIGURE 5. Dual Threshold AGC 11 = GM1 Vm only if Vm > 1V otherwise 11 = 0 Gm1. VWB = constants IAGC = Gm2 Vo where Gm2 = 11/26 mV and Vo > VWB otherwise IAGC = 0 2-29 Application Notes (Continued) First examine what happens with a single in-band signal as we vary the strength of this signal. Figures 6 and 7 illustrate what happens at the tuner and AGe outputs. In Figure 7 there is no AGe output until the tuner output equals the wide band threshold. At this point both SW2 and SW1 are closed and the AGe holds the tuner output in Rgure 6 relatively constant. Another simple case to examine is that of the-single out-of~ band signal. Here there is no AGe output even if the signal exceeds VWB. There is no output because the' ceramic filters prevent the out-of-band signal from getting to the input of the IF. With no Signal at the IF input there is no meter output and SW1 is open, which means No AGe. TUNER OUTl'IIT SLOI'E IS INVERSELY PROPORTIONAL TO LOOP GAIN OF WlOE lAND AGC CIRCUIT Figures 8 and 9 illustrate what happens at the tuner and AGe outputs when the strength of an in-band signal is varIed in the presence of a strong out-of-band signal (I.e., greater than VWB) which is held constant at the tuner input. For this example, the in-band signal at the tuner output will be referred to as Ve (desired signal), and the out-of-band signal as Vue (undesired ~ignal). In Figure 9, we see that there is no AGe output until the tuner output exceeds the narrow band threshold, VNB. At this point Vm > 1V and SW1 closes. Further increase of the desired signal at the tuner input results in an AGe current that tries to hold the desired signal at the tuner output constant. This gain reduction of the tuner forces the undesired signal at the tuner. output to fall. At the point that Vue reach.es the wide band threshold, no further gain reduction can occur as Vo would fall below VWB (refer to Figure 5). At this point, control of the AGe shifts from the meter output (narrow band loop) to the out-of-band Signal (wide band loop). Here Vue is held constant along with the AGe TUNER OUTPUT ------, '............ VB REACHES VWI . -----n---'\", " IN-IIANO SIGNAL (Yo) , '" OUT·OF BAND SIGNAL (¥UB) L-------~~---~------r_~---------~V6 'Ni Ywi (TUNER INPUT) FIGURE 8 REVERSE Me OUTPUT ,+1----1". ~ ____________ ~ ______ ~ ______ ~~V6 (TUNER INPUT) Prime Indicates referenced to tuner Input FIGURE 9 2-30 TL/HI7S09-11 Application Notes (Continued) voltage, while Vo is allowed to increase. Vo will increase until it reaches the level of the wide band threshold at the tuner output. When this occurs Vuo is no longer needed to keep Va > VWB as Vo takes over the job. Thus Vuo will drop as the amount of AGe increases, while Vo is held constant by the AGe. NARROW BAND AGC THRESHOLD ADJUSTMENT Both the narrow band and wide band AGe thresholds are user adjustable. This allows the user to optimize the AGe response to a given tuner. Referring to Figure 5, when the meter output exceeds 1V a comparator closes SW1. A simplified circuit diagram of this comparator is shown in Figure 10. When compared to the simple case of a single in-band signal, we see that because of the presence of a strong out-ofband signal, AGe action has occurred earlier. For the simple case, AGe started when Vo ~ VWB. For the two signal case above, AGe started when Vo ~ VNB. Thus, the LM1865 achieves an early AGe when there are strong adjacent channels that might cause 1M3, and a later AGe when these signals aren't present. The 1K resistor in series with pin 8 allows for an upward adjustment of the narrow band threshold. This is accomplished by externally loading pin 8 with a resistor. Figure 11 illustrates how this adjustment takes place. For the range of signal levels that the tuner was gain-reduced and Vo < VWB there was loss in signal-to-noise in the recovered audio as compared to the case where there was no gain reduction in this interval. Note, however, thst the tuner is not desensitized by the AGe to wesk desired ststions below the nsrrow band threshold. In general one chooses the narrow band threshold based on what signal-to-noise compromise is considered acceptable. From Figure 11 it is apparent that loading the meter output not only moves the narrow band threshold, but also decreases the meter output for a given input. HIGH - SW1 CLOSED LOW -SW1 OPEN TL/H17509-12 FIGURE 10. Narrow Band Threshold Circuit METER LOAD = 33k • :::--J==:::;...----......L.... vo TUNER L....... TL/HI7509-13 FIGURE 11. Affect of Meter Load on Narrow Band Threshold 2-31 Application Notes (Continued) VUD2 = out-of-band signal 800 kHz from center frequency and 400 kHz away from VUD1. applied to tuner input. In general. due to tuned circuits within the tuner. the tuner gain is not constant with frequency. Thus. if the tuner is kept fixed at one frequency while the input frequency is changed. the output level will not remain constant. Figure 12 illustrates this. It can be shown that for a given IMa. the combination of VUD1 and VUD2 that produces the smallest rms sum at the tuner output is given by the equations: WIDE BAND AGe THRESHOLD ADJUSTMENT There are a number of criteria that determine where the wide band threshold should be set. If the threshold is set too high. protection against IMa will be lost. If the threshold is set too low. the front end. under certain input conditions. may be needlessly gain-reduced. sacrificing signal-ta-noise performance. Ideally. the wide band threshold should be set to a level that will insure AGC operation whenever there are out-of-band signals strong enough to generate an IMa product of sufficient magnitude to exceed the narrow band threshold. Ideally. this level should be high enough to allow for a single in-band desired station to AGC the tuner. only after the maximum signal-to-noise has been achieved. a In order to insure that the wide band loop is activated whenever the IMa exceeds the narrow band threshold. VNB. determine the minimum signal levels for two out-of-band signals necessary to produce an IMa equal to VNB. Then. arrange for the wide band loop to be activated whenever the tuner output exceeds the rms sum of these signals. There are many combinations of two out-of-band signals that will produce an IMa of a given level. However. there is only one combination whose rms sum is a minimum at the tuner output. IMa at the tuner output is given according to the equation: IMa = aVUD1 2 VUD2 (assuming no gain reduction) (1) A2IM a)'h VUD1 = 1.12 ( A1 (2) A12 IMa)'h VUD2 = 0.794 ( - A22 a (3) Therefore. in order to guarantee that the AGC will be keyed for an IMa = VNB we need only satisfy the condition: vws';' vJB + [(A1)(1.12) (~r:S)%]2 + [A2{0.794) (~:v:s) %]2(4) where a = constant dependent on the tuner; The right hand term of equation (4) defines an upper limit for VWB called VWBUL. VWBUL is the rms sum of all the signals at the tuner output for two out-of-band signals. VUD1 and VUD2 [as expressed in equations (2) and (3)1. applied to the tuner input. VUD1 = out-of-band signal 400 kHz from center frequenCY. applied to tuner input; TUNER GAIN A I I ___ ...1I __ _ A2 I I I : I I - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' " - - - - ' - - - - ' - - - - - - - T U N E R INPUT FREQUENCY 10 10+ 10+ 400 kHz 880 kHz Define A ~ tuner gain at center treciuency A1 ~ tuner gain at f 0 + 400 kHz A2 ~ tuner gain at f 0 + 800 kHz FIGURE 12 2-32 TlIH/7509-14 Application Notes (Continued) In order to make the calculation in equation (4), the constants a, A 1, A2 must first be determined. This is done by the following procedure: If the wide band threshold was set to VWBUL, then when a single in-band station reached the level VWBUL at the tuner output, AGC action would start to take place. For this reason it is hoped that VWBUL is above the level that will allow for maximum signal-to-noise. If, however, this is not the case, consideration might be given to improving the intermodulation performance of the tuner. 1. Connect together two RF generators and apply them to the tuner input. Since the generators will terminate each other, remove the 500 termination at the tuner input. 2. Connect a spectrum analyzer to the tuner output. Most spectrum analyzers have 500 input impedances. To make sure that this impedance does not load the tuner output use a FET probe connected to the spectrum analyzer. The tuner output should be terminated with a ceramic filter. 3. Disconnect the AGC line to the tuner. Make sure that the tuner is not gain-reduced. 4. Adjust the two RF generators for about 1 mV input and to frequencies 400 kHz and 800 kHz away from center frequency (Figure 13). The lower limit for VWB is the minimum tuner output that achieves the best possible signal-to-noise ratio in the recovered audio. In general, it is desirable to set VWB closer to the upper limit rather than the lower limit. This is done to prevent AGC action within the narrow band loop except when there is a possibility of an 1M3 greater than VNB. The wide band threshold at the pin 20 input to the LM1865 is fixed at 12 mVrms. Generally speaking, if pin 20 were driven directly from the tuner output. VWB would be too low. Therefore, in general, pin 20 is not connected directly to the tuner output. Instead the tuner output is attenuated and then applied to pin 20. Increasing attenuation increases the wide band threshold, VWB. Pin 20 has an input impedance at 10.7 MHz that can be modeled as a 5000 resistor in series with a 19 pF capacitor, giving a total impedance of 9400 L - 58°. Thus an easy way to attenuate the input to pin 20 is with the arrangement shown in Figure 14. Notice that pin 20 must be AC coupled to the tuner output and that C1 is a bypass capacitor. R1 adjusts the amount of attenuation to pin 20. The wide band threshold will roughly increase by a factor of (R1 + 9400)/9400. 5. Note the three output levels in volts. 6. Knowing the tuner input levels for VUDl and VUD2 and the resulting 1M3 just measured, "a" is calculated from the formula: a = 1M3 VUD1 2VUD2 (5) where all levels are in volts rms. A typical value for "a" might be 2 x 106. 7. A1 and A2 are calculated according to the following formulas A1 = V1 VINI fa A2 = + 400kHz V2 VINI fa AGC CIRCUIT USED AS A CONVENTIONAL AGC If for some reason the dual AGC thresholds are not desired, it is easy to use the LM1865 as a more conventional LM3189 type of AGC. This is accomplished by AC coupling the pin 20 input after the ceramic filters rather than before the filters. Thus, as with the LM3189, only in-band signals will be able to activate the AGC. (6) (7) + 800kHz 330(1 OUTPUT Y1 '- - - ' _ r 10 10+400 kHz 10+800 kHz IMPEDANCE /" ~ l. CERAMIC FILTER !r- I~. Tl/H/7509-16 10=10.7 MHz FIGURE 14. Wide Band Threshold Adjustment TUHI7509-15 FIGURE 13_ Spectrum Analyzer Display of Tuner Output 2-33 Simplified Diagram I II iI !i~n J • • = _----o.~~ .. • '-+--+--1"'lH Ii ; 2-34 .~ L .------------------------------------------------------------------.~ iii::: .... ~National Ii ~ Semiconductor LM 1868 AM/FM Radio System General Description Features The combination of the LM1868 and an FM tuner will provide all the necessary functions for a 0.5 watt AM/FM radio. Included in the LM 1868 are the audio power amplifier, FM IF and detector, and the AM converter, IF, and detector. The device is suitable for both line operated and 9V battery applications. • DC selection of AM/FM mode • Regulated supply • Audio amplifier bandwidth decreased in AM mode, reducing amplifier noise in the AM band • AM converter AGC for excellent overload characteristics • Low current internal AM detector for low tweet radiation Block Diagram ii": CI7 O.OI"F FM IF~ ..INPUT OFM 51 • r ,....._........., ....-Qo-f tGI LI ~ ~r:r=~-LM-'888__r====b~=!::;-lI • I I L_ iL_..I.tJ' ~8~" A9 240k AI Ill! li~ Vs i + CII I'" -+-.......__":"___ ..J TL/HI7909-1 Order Number LM1868N See NS Package Number N20A Note: See table for coil data 2-35 Absolute Maximum Ratings - 55'C to + 150'C O'Cto +70'C 260'C Storage Temperature Range Operating Temperature Range Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec.) If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/Distributors for availability and specifications. 15V Supply Voltage (Pin 19) Package Dissipation 2.0W Above TA = 25'C, Derate Based on TJ(MAX) = 150·C and 8JA = 60·C/W Electrical Characteristics Test Circuit, TA = 25'C, Vs = 9V, RL = 80 (unless otherwise noted) Parameter I I Conditions I Min I Typ Max I Units STATIC CHARACTERISTICS eAM = 0, eFM = 0 Supply Current AM Mode, S1 in Position 1 Regulator Output Voltage (Pin 16) 3.5 Operating Voltage Range 4.5 22 30 mA 3.9 4.8 V 15 DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS-AM MODE fAM = 1 MHz, fmod = 1 kHz, 30% Modulation, Sl in Position 1, Po = 50 mW unless noted = 50 mW, 8 Maximum Sensitivity Measure eAM for Po Maximum Volume Signal-to-Noise eAM Detector Output eAM = 1 mV Measure at Top of Volume Control Overload Distortion eAM Total Harmonic Distortion (THO) eAM = 10 mV DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS-FM MODE fFM = 10mV 16 40 50 40 60 85 2 10 % 1.1 2 % = 50 mV, 80% Modulation dB mV = 10.7 MHz, fmod = 400 Hz, ~f = ±75 kHz, Po = 50 mW, Sl in Position 1 -3 dB Limiting Sensitivity 15 Signal-to-Noise Ratio eFM = 10mV 50 64 Detector Output eFM = 10 mV, ~f = ±22.5 kHz Measure at Top of Volume Control 40 60 AM Rejection eFM = 10 mV, 30% AM Modulation 40 Total Harmonic Distortion (THO) eFM = 10 mV 45 p,V dB 85 mV 50 dB 2 1.1 DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS-AUDIO AMPLIFIER ONLY f Power Output p,V % = 1 kHz, eAM = 0, eFM = 0, S1 in Position 2 THO = 10%, RL 80 Bandwidth Total Harmonic Distortion (THO) ~=~ ~ ~ ~=W ~ ~ mW mW AM Mode, Po = 50 mW FM Mode, Po = 50 mW 22 11 Po = 50 mW, FM Mode 0.2 % 41 dB Voltage Gain kHz kHz Typical Performance Characteristics (Test Circuit) All curves are measured at audio output Quiescent Supply Current vsVoltage 3IrT~~~rT~~~I~ 24 II A~ MbDE +-I::::jloo+-.L'I""I--l J...I.- El-iI-I~H+-HF~:.:IM~OD1=E+-I 11-++1-++1-+-1-1-++-1 aL..J.....l..-L..J.....l..-L..J.....l..-L....I......1...J 4111'12141. SUPPLVVDLTAGE (V) FM Limiting Characteristics ~ID ~ II: i -II i -20 1/ i -30 -41 R!o... ~ I / :: -ID \ -70 I E 10.0 I 1\ a ..= f .. -4I1OHI -10 i a ol--+._t--'+--+-I 1. f--tf-~oU&kHzI--+---f • I ... II ul u ~ TH .. III N laG n I. IF INPUTVDLTAOE ("v) 2-36 D.I 1liii0 ~ !., . Ii ~ ID FM IF AM Rejection ,..-""'T-.,...---'-:--'---. ... or-~_+-~~~~ I-+l---!---+--+---f -.21 I-.,I'L-+--!---+_-+---f .. -10 ~ ! -3D / ii - S !i -40 -10 l!!.. -II ;) -71 1 ~ " " AMH+N AfoU6kHzI-..3jo-+-"""" "".~4OD Hz _ AM MOO~LAT(ON " 100 1k I 10k IF INPUT VOLTAGE lIN) '1IOk TL/HI7909-2 Typical Performance Characteristics (Continued) All curves are measured at audio output (Test Circuit) AM Characteristics Iii 10 .., ... StN ~ ~ t .. z »- -10 III I -28 i lD.D 3.2 -3D I.. ~ i THD+N 1.1 W -ID -8G lD lDO ,. 11k ..~ ..'" !! ~ D.32 ~~:~~l;,~: IIII I i D.l 3Recovered ~ I I I I I FM 2 .t -! 1. t F ~ -1 -7 lDOk 1M co ' .. -1I1HI f,-1 MHz I.D 1:f 0.8 r- t· au ~ 3"TH IiID.I 'i'~TJO r- :: 0.1 ..t Ii s·g is ~ GA ~ :;; l!! D.2 it"vs·.v II I U 1.2 1.1 11k D.2 I I I ..r.; ''''THO I I I DA 1.2 OUTPUT POWER IWI ~ ~Ll I ... POUT-SDoIW RL -Ill 4 AM/ / ....-T/FM 1 a ... 1.1 ZI I.Z / Z z I I I vs:"'av Z.8 Distortion vs Frequency AudiO Amplifier Only 5 Iii VS"ZV ~ lDM 1M lDDk FREQUENCY (Hz) 3"TH VS'9V I OA -21 ~ I I L /II ~ III I 1= 1kHz DA a D "" Power Dissipation vs Power Out,RL = 16.11 ~"2V ., AM 1m 101Z1411 1.0 '· 1k ~ II ZD SUPPLY VOLTAGE (VI Power Dissipation vs Power Output, RL = 8.11 i lD.7MH. 4 41 is > -IN-'··V. 31n1 AM MOO RF INPUT VOLTAGE IINI 1.2 :! Af'±Zz'&k1~ .... ,amV cI'" 2 . FMMODE ' .. -400111 AM MODE :: -& SD •:e I I -2 ;-4 POUT'iDOIW RL ·en AM"" AM s-3 Gain vs Frequency Audio n Amplifier Only Audio vs Supply 50 111 zn J &ID lk Zk 5k 1111 ZDk FREQUENCY (H.I OUTPUT POWER (WI TLlHI7909-3 Test Circuit AUDIDI! OUTPUT Z5DpF 8 • • D.1jJf VS-.---t--~A~UD~'D~-r------------~-------------9 5D F "T ~"F INPUT 11 n ,. ~'F. LII'888 a,01~F I ____., fIpI -.r"1"! ~~I t~D~t I !~ .l. ..( I L _____: . __ !!:,___ __ !!__ ...J Note: See table for coil data FM I ____ .J U.F ~ TL/HI7909-4 2-37 LM1868 :J 'a ~ UpF cn '.TE':'~......j ....' 43,. ~ L' Vs I,(I~ 1"IJlF C14' 3. 19 c,c ~ CI5 O· :::s ":" L5 .,.. ( I "2- ., ...U , •• ~ 1\ 'a - en 33pF ~ » ~;.~'. :. I' '*" I ( .... •I 331 ' 1 T .:;.- '"~ +""vs .. Uh ' • -3 dB limHing sensitivity: 7 ,.V • Maximum sensitivity: 100 ,.V/m • 20 dB quieting sensitivity: 250 ,.Vlm • Tweet' worst case: 5% 100 mVlm: 1.5% 'Tweel is an audio lone producad by Ihe 2nd and 3rd harmonic of the IF bealing against Ihe received signal. II is measured as an equivalent modulation level: i.e.• a 30% tweet has Ihe same amplitude althe delector as a desired signal with 30% modulation. .,.. I - I I FMParl~ce(8;;H:-1;;M;)-~';;';;:nn:";;5;;;;--;;;:HZ) • 30 dB quieting sensitivity: 3.5 ,.V ~i I II - - -l I .,.L_ •. ~'C2 t~F ~ L.._ . .. , .,.. • L ,It _ _ _ _ _ _ ...1I - - .,.. r til TUHI7909-5 PC Board Layout TL/H/7909-6 Component Side Typical Performance Characteristics Typical Application All curves are measured at audio output 10 'I . !II -20 •.... :3 :0 I!: :0 "... a:: / 51 -10 .... ... 5i S+N -38 ~ -&0 iii c -10 :0 -70 51 -10 !II" -20 FMMOOE \ S+N • ii , fO'9IMHZZ~ "f' ±75 kHz fm ' 400 Hz . .. :3 :0 I!: :0 co ~N iii :0 -38 • ...V ~. 1/ -40 10 L V AM MODE , r- l""'-40 ~ -&8 fm= I kHz fo=1 MHz 30% MODULATION N r- C I 10 100 I. 10k RF INPUT VOLTAGE ,,",VI lOOk 0.1 10 100 lk RF FIELD STRENGTH (mVlml TL/HI7909-7 TL/HI7909-B 2-39 CD CD CD ,... ....:::& IC External Components (Application Circuit) Component Typical Comments Value Typical Component Comments Value } C1 100pF Removes tuner LO from IF input R9 240k C2 0.1 p.F Antenna coupling capacitor C19 1 p.F C4,C5 0.01 p.F FM IF decoupling capacitors C7 10 p.F IF coupling C6,C9 0.005 p.F } AM smoothing/FM de-emphasis 1k network, de-emphasis pole is given by. C8 0.1 p.F IF coupling C20 0.1 p.F R10 50 R5 fl e< 2'IT (C6 R6) + C9) (R4 R4 + R6 C10 10 p.F C11 0.1 p.F Regulator decoupling capacitor C12 10p.F AC coupling to volume control 0.1 p.F C14 50 p.F Power supply decoupling C15 0.1 p.F Audio amplifier input coupling R7 3k } Roll off signals from detector in 0.001 p.F the AM band to prevent radiation R8 } Power supply decoupling 100 p.F Power amplifier feedback decoupling, sets low frequency supply rejection 16k AM detector bias resistor High frequency load for audio amplifier, required to stabilize audio amplifier C21 250 p.F Output coupling capacitor Rl 6k2 Sets Q of quadrature coil, determining FM THD and recovered audio Regulator decoupling capacitor C13 C16 C17 Set AGC time constant R2 12k IF amplifier bias R R3 5k6 Sets gain of AM IF and Q of AM IF output tank R4 10k Detector load resistor R6 50k Volume control C18 0.02 p.F Power supply decoupling R11, R12 1500 Terminates the ceramic filter, biases FM IF input stage D1 1N4148 Optional. Quickens the AGC response during turn on Coil and Tuning Capacitor Specifications Cl AM ANT 140 pF max 5.0 pF min AM OSC 82 pF max 5.0 pF min Trimmers 6 pF FM 20 pF max 4.5 pF min TOKO CY2·22124PT L1 640 "H, au - 200 Rp-3k5@F-796kHz (At secondary) AM antenna 1 mV/meterinduces approximately 100 "V open circuit at the secondary LO, L2 360 "H, au > 80 @F - 796 kHz 31 E Tl TOKO RWO·6A5105 or equivalent TL/HI7909-10 T2 Toko America 1250 Feehanville Drive Mount Prospect. IL 60056 (312) 297·0070 TUHI7909-9 L4 SWG #20, N - 3'12T, inner diameter = 5 mm L5 SWG #20, N - 3%T, inner diameter = 5 mm L6 L - 0.44 "H, N - 4 %T, au - 70 SWG #20, N - 2 'I2T, inner diameter - 5 mm L7 CF2 10.7 MHz ceramic fi~er MURATASFE 10.7 mAor equivalent 10·. au> 70@ 10.7 MHz, L to resonate w/82 pF @10.7 MHz TOKO KAC-K2318 or equivalent II~}' au> 14@455kHz,Lto resonate w/180 pF @455 kHz TOKO 159GC-A3785 or equivalent TL/HI7909-11 eFl :;f°'1~ .... .... TOKO CFU-G90D or equivalent BW > 4.8 kHz @ 455 kHz 13T TUHI7909-12 .Murata 2200 Lake Perk Drive Smyrna, GA 30080 (404) 436·1300 T3 :i)I@: 51pF TL/HI7909-13 2-40 Apollo Electronics N8-107C or equivalent Layout Considerations Circuit Description AM SECTION Most problems in an AM radio design are associated with radiation of undesired signals to the loopstick. Depending on the source, this radiation can cause a variety of problems including tweet, poor signal-to-noise, and low frequency oscillation (motor boating). Although the level of radiation from the LM1868 is low, the overall radio performance can be degraded by improper PCB layout. Listed below are layout considerations association with common problems. 1. Tweet: Locate the loopstick as far as possible from detector components C6, C9, R4, and R5. Orient C6, C9, R4, and R5 parallel to the axis of the loopstick. Return R8, C6, C9, and C19 to a separate ground run (see Typical Application PCB). 2. Poor Signal-to-Noise/Low Frequency Oscillation: Twist speaker leads. Orient R1 0 and C20 parallel to the axis of the loopstick. Locate C11 away from the loopstick. AM SECTION The AM section consists of a mixer stage, a separate local oscillator, an IF gain block, an envelope detector, AGC circuits for controlling the IF and mixer gains, and a switching circuit which disables the AM section in the FM mode. Signals from the antenna are AC-coupled into pin 7, the mixer input. This stage consists of a common-emitter amplifier driving a differential amp which is switched by the local oscillator. With no mixer AGC, the current in the mixer is 330 ,.A; as the AGC is applied, the mixer current drops, decreasing the gain, and also the input impedance drops, reducing the signal at the input. The differential amp connected to pin 8 forms the local oscillator. Bias resistors are arranged to present a negative impedance at pin 8. The frequency of oscillation is determined by the tank circuit, the peak-to-peak amplitude is approximately 300 ,.A times the impedance at pin 8 in parallel with 8k2. After passing through the ceramic filter. the IF signals are applied to the IF input. Signals at pin 11 are amplified by two AGC controlled common-emitter stages and then applied to the PNP output stage connected to pin 13. Biasing is arranged so that the current in the first two stages is set by the difference between a 250 ,.A current source and the Darlington device connected to pin 12. When the AGC threshold is exceeded, the Darlington device turns ON, steering current away from the IF into ground, reducing the IF gain. Current in the IF is monitored by the mixer AGC circuit. When the current in the IF has dropped to 30 /LA, corresponding to 30 dB gain reduction in the IF, the mixer AGC line begins to draw current. This causes the mixer current and input impedance to drop, as previously described. . \ ".".. , \ \ 6 101 1% LOOPSTICK / 1 1 /<.... I "'" , / / / 1 \ \ \ \ "-..../ I TL/H/7909-14 In general, radiation results from current flowing in a loop, In case 1 this current loop results from decoupling detector harmonics at pin 17; while in case 2, the current loop results from decoupling noise at the output of the audio amplifier and the output of the regulator. The level of radiation picked up by the loopstick is approximately proportional to: 1) 1/r3; where r is the distance from the center of the loopstick to the center of the current loop; 2) SIN 9, where 9 is the angle between the plane of the current loop and the axis of the loopstick; 3) I, the current flowing in the loop; and 4) A, the cross-sectional area of the current loop. Pickup is kept low by short leads (low A), proper orientation (9 '" 0 so SIN 9 '" 0), maximizing distance from sources to loopstick, and keeping current levels low. (See Equivalent Schematic) The IF output is level shifted and then peak detected at detector cap C1. By loading C1 with only the base current of the following device, detector currents are kept low. Drive from the AGC is taken at pin 14, while the AM detector output is summed with the FM detector output at pin 17. FMSECTION The FM section is composed of a 6-stage limiting IF driving a quadrature detector. The IF stages are identical with the exceptions of the input stage, which is run at higher current to reduce noise, and the last stage, which is switched OFF in the AM mode. The quadrature detector collectors drive a level shift arrangement which allows the detector output load to be connected to the regulated supply. FMSECTION The pinout of the LM1868 has been chosen to minimize layout problems, however some care in layout is required to insure stability. The input source ground should return to C4 ground. CapaCitors C13 and C18 form the return path for signal currents flowing in the quadrature coil. They should connect directly to the proper pins with short PC traces (see Typical Application PCB). The quadrature coil and input circuitry should be separated from each other as far as possible. AUDIO AMPLIFIER The audio amplifier has an internally set voltage gain of 120. The bandwidth of the audio amplifier is reduced in the AM mode so as to reduce the output noise falling in the AM band. The bandwidth reduction is accomplished by reducing the current in the input stage. REGULATOR A series pass regulator provides biaSing for the AM and FM sections. Use of a PNP pass device allows the supply to drop to within a few hundred millivolts of the regulator output and still be in regulation. AUDIO AMPLIFIER The standard layout considerations for audio amplifiers apply to the LM1868, that is: positive and negative inputs should be returned to the same ground point, and leads to the high frequency load should be kept short. In the case of the LM 1868 this means returning the volume control ground (R6) to the same ground point as C17, and keeping the leads to C20 and R10 short. 2-41 Equivalent Schematic HII i ~ ~ i , 5 ~ ..,dll II II 2-42 ~------------------------------------------------------~~ ~ ~National CD CO ~ Semiconductor LM3089 FM Receiver IF System General Description The LM3089 has been designed to provide all the major functions required for modern FM IF designs of automotive, high-fidelity and communications receivers. Features • Three stage IF amplifier/limiter provides 12 /LV (typ) -3 dB limiting sensitivity • Balanced product detector and audio amplifier provide 400 mV (typ) of recovered audio with distortion as low as 0.1 % with proper external coil designs. • Four internal carrier level detectors provide delayed AGC signal to tuner, IF level meter drive current and interchannel mute control • AFC amplifier provides AFC current for tuner and/or center tuning meters • Improved operating and temperature performance, especially when using high Q quadrature coils in narrow band FM communications receivers • No mute circuit latchup problems • A direct replacement for CA3089E Connection Diagram Dual-In-Une Package AlGC NTC 16 15 UNO l14 TUNE MEIER MUTE LOGrlC 113 12 REF Vee 1"11 81~S bo D J: r OUT OUT TLlHI7149-2 TopYIew Order Number LM3089N See NS Package Number N16E 2-43 LM3089 m 0' n ~ ,------, KAC-K2318HM' I II I 2z"H v· 10.7 MHz - f±jOOPf I II I ii CO iil 3 L ___ .J f"rvV"'.........~M,..... If OUTPUT C REf 5.1k _ _ _ _, o.:BI:;,:A=-S_ _..J.\I\j"""' 18 AFC ~OUTPUT I\) t DELAYED AGC FOR RFAMPLIflER ~ 4 MUTING SENSITIVITY TLfHI7149-1 Taka America 1250 Feehanvill" Drive Mount Prospect, IL 60056 (312) 297-0070 Absolute Maximum Ratings If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/Distributors for availability and specifications. Supply Voltage Between Pin 11 and Pins 4, 14 5mA DC Current Out of Pin 13 5mA DC Current Out of Pin 15 2mA I Symbol Parameter 1500mW - 40"C to + 85'C Storage Temperature Range +16V DC Current Out of Pin 12 Electrical Characteristics (TA = Power Dissipation (Note 2) Operating Temperature Range -65'Cto + 150"C Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 seconds) 260"C 25'C, Vee = + 12V, see Test Circuit) I I Conditions Min I Typ I I Max Units DC CHARACTERISTICS (YIN = 0, NOT MUTED) Supply Current IF Input and Bias Audio Output AFCOutput Reference Bias Mute Control IF Level DelayedAGC 111 V1,2,3 V6 V7 V10 V12 V13 V15 DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS fo = 10.7 MHZ, af = Input Limiting -3 dB AM Rejection Recovered Audio Total Harmonic Distortion Single Tuned (Note 1) Double Tuned (Note 1) Signal to Noise Ratio Mute Control IF Level IF Level DelayedAGC DelayedAGC Audio Muted VIN(UM) AMR VO(AF) THO S+N/N V12 V13 V13 V15 V15 Vo(AF) 4.2 23 1.9 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.4 0 4.7 30 2.4 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 0.5 5.3 mA V V V V V V V 12 55 400 25 45 300 ILV -dB mVrms 16 1.2 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 ± 75 kHz @ 400 Hz VIN = 100 mV, AM: 30% VIN=10mV VIN VIN VIN VIN VIN VIN VIN VIN VIN = = = = = = = = = 100mV 100mV 100mV 100mV 100mV 500ILV 100mV 30mV 100 mV, V5 = +2.5V 500 0.5 0.1 70 0 5.0 1.5 0.1 2.5 60 60 4.0 1.0 % % dB V V V V V -dB 1.0 0.3 0.5 6.0 2.0 0.5 Nota 1: Distortion is a function of quadrature coil used. Nota 2: For operation in ambient temperatures above 25'C, the device must be derated based on a 150"C maximum iunction temperature and a thermal resistence of BO"C/W iunction to ambient Typical Performance Characteristics Typical AGC (Pin 15) and Meter Output (Pin 13) vs IF Input Signal Typical S + N/N and IF Limiting Sensitivity vs IF Input Signal AUDIO OUTPUT ,75 kHz DEVIATION 0 lIT 1111111111111 11111111111111, I 10 20 . IN~I~E OUTPUT " HP334A 01SToRTION ANALYZER) 30 40 50 I 0 5 Pin 15 ~ 3 / &Q I &Q 1 10 100 1k 11. IF INPUT VOLTAGE ,"V) lOOk jPin13 4 2 70 AM Rejection (30% Mod) vs IF Input Signal 25 I /. Z I / \ \ 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 " • I , I 10 ll1e 1II1II 100 1k IF INPUT VOLTAGE -.V 1 10 100 lk 1.. lOOk IF INPUT VOLTAGE ,"V) TLlH17149-3 2-45 LM3089 IF Amplif_ Quadratu... Detector/IF Output Y:-J V' n :on:: "'R... -t::... ::"1 GIlD AND SUISTRATE en ~ :II n ~ CI 3 Dol ! (i' 0" ;:U = c ""'" aU"D~:uRE ~ Ii[~t=~~:=::~~~~~~~~::~~~~tj~;";Hr ~ .::I-t-+H';;;;IPUT~ ~ IF.WUT ~++""O.=U1M ,"PUT ~ I"PASSIIIG ..... , If Do ~~k!~ l·' ..... •1. :l. R16~R151Rn rHD 'IZ'!'"l'' t.nS-Uk 368 znSzlfI ........ 'u f~ ., l~"... IIIII I» 3 . t-mll 0" :: l'l: r---- ~ ::J:~I ~;.--------m"" ~Iy:"l4i... ~ 0" ...... .., ~~=F===r.::n . . 4:: ... 1- 0" Oil :w I ~ ~i.. inf-l' 1M , '" *MUTtu I~'l CONTROL OUTPUT LEVU MElfA OUTPUT °JAUDHI OUTPUT Ok A.. .:.t: IF ....k Detecto.. oncl Drivers ... ....... toO 7,"'1: OUTPUT Il&o ~I on :tI • MUTE ....r AFC, Audio and Mute Control Amplifi. . TUHI7149.-4 Typical Performance Characteristics • 21 ZJ i.. .... .." ill ~ ;;I 24 io- 23 I-' zz io- ~ I I II 1 1 ~ !OLT~8E ~EFJRE.~E J. 1 21 2& Mute Control Output (Pin 12) vs IF Input Signal Reference Voltage, AGC and Meter Output vs Supply Voltage Supply Current (111) vs Supply Voltage (V11) -- .....-. .- "\. 1\ AGC OUTPUT 1"1111 AT V,N -ID ..V I 1 I I \. \. I I-- Hr:~:,~T~~N~ I-- ~ 21 • 20 • 8 l' 11 12 13 14 15 • ,. I 8 " 1 1 1 I 11 12 13 14 1& 23 & l' 203010180 IF INPUT VOLTAGE -.V 16 SUPPLY VOLTAGE IV) SUPPLY VOLTAGE M TLlH/7149-5 DC Test Circuit Typical Audio AHenuatlon (Pin 8) vs Mute Input Voltage (Pin 5) -10 :I : D 10 • 20 5is 38 ~ 5 5! ~ \ \ 40 50 , \ 10 1\ 71 .1 , ~ o U 1 2 1.& 2.& MUTE INPUT VOLTAGE IPIN .IIVI TL/H17149-6 TLlH17149-7 AC Test Circuit 3. ,.. I I KAC-K2318HM 'SINGLE TUNED DEtECTOR COIL ,..-----, I I I I I-I I I I I I lOOpF I I I I I I I I L _J L. 3.lk ~ "OOU8LETUNEO DETECTOR COIL --~ IGOpF 'For single tuned dectector coil: La tunes wHh 100 pF at 10.7 MHz QUL (unloadedl .. 75 QL (Ioadedl .. 13 for V9 .. 150 mVrms - "For double tuned de1ector coli: = auLSEC .. 75 kQ .. 0.7 for V9 .. 150 mVrms QULPRI Note: The recovered audio output voltage will be approximately 0.5 dB les. when uslng the double tuned detector coil. For proper operation of the mute cireuR, the RF voltage at pin 9 should be 150 mVrms ±30 mV. 8.2. TL/H17149-8 2-47 • G) ! :!I AC Test Circuit (Continued) TLlH/7149-9 2-48 ~National ~ Semiconductor LM3189 FM IF System General Description Features The LM3189N is a monolithic integrated circuit that provides all the functions of a comprehensive FM IF system. The block diagram of the LM3189N includes a three stage FM IF amplifier/limiter configuration with level detectors for each stage, a doubly balanced quadrature FM detector and an audio amplifier that features the optional use of a muting (squelch) circuit. • Exceptional limiting sensitivity: 12 ",V typ at -3 dB pOint • Low distortion: 0.1 % typ (with double-tuned coil) • Single-coil tuning capability • Improved (S + N)/N ratio • Externally programmable recovered audio level • Provides specific signal for control of inter-channel muting (squelch) • Provides specific signal for direct drive of a tuning meter • On channel step for search control • Provides programmable AGC voltage for RF amplifier • Provides a specific circuit for flexible audio output • Internal supply voltage regulators • Externally programmable ON channel step width, and deviation at which muting occurs The advanced circuit design of the IF system includes desirable deluxe features such as programmable delayed AGC for the RF tuner, an AFC drive circuit, and an output signal to drive a tuning meter and/or provide stereo switching logic. In addition, internal power supply regulators maintain a nearly constant current drain over the voltage supply range of +8.5V to + 16V. The LM3189N is ideal for high fidelity operation. Distortion in an LM3189N FM IF system is primarily a function of the phase linearity characteristic of the outboard detector coil. The LM3189N has all the features of the LM3089N plus additions. The LM3189N utilizes the 16-lead dual-in-line plastic package and can operate over the ambient temperature range of -400C to + 85°C. Block Diagram 2lJ,1H TO INTERNAL REGULATORS IF ourl 11 QUADR~~:; 9 Uk LM318B1I 7 AFC DUTflUT Ok AUDIO OUTPUT DELAYED 'U' FOR RFAMPL -.-c..::+--1 ,. '" 1Z '10 1& (,(JI-'W_~13~==_O~~:;:::~D ... TUNING METER OUTPUT LOGIC CIRCUITS U ONCHAIIiINEL INDICATOR .n TL/HI7960-1 All resistance values are In 0 'L tunee with 100 pF (e) at 10.7 MHz. 00 '" 75 (Toko No. KACS K586HM or equivalent) 2-49 Absolute Maximum Ratings If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/Distributors for availability and specifications. Supply Voltage Between Pin 11 and Pins 4, 14 16V DC Current Out of Pin 12 5mA DC Current Out of Pin 13 5mA DC Current Out of Pin 15 2mA Electrical Characteristics TA = 25'C, v+ Symbol Power Dissipation (Note 2) Operating Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Lead Temperature (Soldering. 10 sec.) = 12V Conditions (See Single-Tuned Test Circuit) Parameter 1500mW -4O"Cto +85"C -65"C to + 15O"C 260"C Min Typ Max Units 20 31 44 mA 1.2 1.2 1.2 7.5 5 2.0 2.0 2.0 9.5 5.75 2.4 2.4 2.4 11 6 V V V V V 12 25 p.V 45 55 325 500 650 mV 0.5 0.1 1 % % STATIC (DC) CHARACTERISTICS 111 Quiescent Circuit Current V1 V2 V3 V15 V10 DC Voltages: Terminal 1 (IF Input) Terminal 2 (AC Return to Input) Terminal 3 (DC Bias to Input) Terminal 15 (RF AGC) Terminal 10 (DC Reference) No Signal Input, Non Muted DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS VI(lim) Input Limiting Voltage (-3 dB Point) AMR AM Rejection (Term. 6) VIN VO(AF) Recovered AF Voltage (Term. 6) AM Mod. THO Total Harmonic Distortion (Note 1) Single Tuned (Term. 6) Double Tuned (Term. 6) S + N/N Signal Plus Noise to Noise Ratio (Term. 6) fOEV V16 Deviation Mute Frequency VIN = 0.1V = 30% fo = 10.7 MHz, fmod = 400 Hz, Deviation ± 75 kHz = O.W 65 fmod = 0 RF AGC Threshold dB 80 dB ±40 kHz 1.25 V 0 fOEY < ± 40 kHz V 5.6 fOEY > ± 40 kHz Nota 1: THO characteristics are essentially a function of the phase characteristics of the networl< connected between terminals 8, 9, and 10. Note 2: For operation in ambient temperatures above 25'C, the device must be derated based on a 150'C maximum junction temperature and atharmaI resistance of 80'C/W juncUon to ambient. V12 On Channel Step VIN = 0.1V Connection Diagram Dual-In-Line Package AGe I,. AGe 1,5 TUNE METER MUTE LOGIC j" 112 1~3 IF!:D uJ: OND I,. Vee REF BIAS AU!:O J: QUAD INPUT j;, I,D I. ~ )I~ DECOI:PLE .'AS 'NPUT OUT OUT Top View Order Number LM3189N See NS Package Number N1SE 2·50 !: OUT TLlH/7960-2 Test Circuits Test Circuit for LM3189N Using a Single-Tuned Detector Coil r----'I 1 All resistance values are in n 'L tunes with 100 pF (C) at 10.7 MHz, 0o(unloaded) .. 75 (Taka No. KACS K586HM or equivalent) 1 I lO I c I 'lIOp' "c - O.Ot ,..F for 50 p.S de-emphasis (Europe) u. J - O.ot 5 ,..F for 75 p.S de-emphasis (USA) Pt.TO13 -='0. J U3 "F TUNING METER 150~A FULL· SCALE TL/H/7960~3 Test Circuit for LM3189N Using a Double-Tuned Detector Coli ,----, All resistance values are in n 'T:PRI-Oo(unloaded- '" 75 (tunes with 100 pF (CI2» 201 of 34e on 7132' dla form SEC-O.,(unloaded) '" 75 (tunes with 100 pF (C2» 20t of 34e on 7/32' dla form kO(percent of critical coupling) .. 70% (adjustad for COIl voltage (Vel - 150 mV Above values permR proper operation of mute (squelch) circuR "E" type slugs, spacing 4 mm "c - O.ot ,..F for 50 p.S de-emphasis (Europe) 1 3k 1 100pF 188' I 1 I _TO_ 1 1 I cz 'OOpF I 1 1I I 1 I I I - O.ot 5 ,..F for 75 p.S de-emphasis (USA) Uk 5' ~""F >..iI..------....--.~~~~:h TO PIN 13 TUNING METER 15hA FULL· SCALE TLlH/7960-4 2-51 Complete FM IF System for High Quality Tuners The circuit provides a complete FM IF system for a high quality receiver. Either one or two stages of amplification and bandpass filtering may be desired, depening on the receiver requirements. See graph for rypical Limiting and Noise Characteristics for each circuit configuration which can be compared to the LM3189N alone. Complete FM IF System for High Quality Receivers ,.k r-"1'--........,.IIr-~-"1'---------------o12V -rIO., rIO., ":" Uk 381 3.311 ":" 311 47 >,~ ___-I~-:-:-_""''''UDl. UnF All resistance values are In n CF: Ceramic filters. Toko CSFE or equivalent 'L tunes with 100 pF (0) at 10.7 MHz Qo(unloadedj .. 75 (Toko No. KACS K586 HM or equivalent) RfAGC TLlH/7960-5 Printed Circuit Board and Component Layout TL/HI7960-6 Component Side 2·52 Typical Performance Characteristics ..a AM Rejection (30% Mod) vs IF Input Signal Mute Control Output (Pin 12) vslF Input Signal co :il -10 ~i -30 ;1 co- il ill !!~ ! ... 8 0 . l -21 L\ -40 -fiG r- 4 -aD S > 1\ !iii . 3 \. 1 ~ 100 II lk 10k 1 lOOk 10DDk IF INPUT VOLTAGE I.VI 2 3 5 10 ... co .... =~ -10 r--- j:~ -20 r--r-- im g=:! .... c .. .... -3~ ~~~A~~C,,~ .. C >,.. -4D coc ~ ~V8LUIISU"'LY I- V.1111 AMIIIUTTEWlIIATUJlf: r---- 8 TEITCI::t:~1 :I.'1~,.t.~..~ 10 110 4 -' lk :":::::::TT~~ :'A';~oc .. . . ~ ~ zoa .,.. 1&1 101 Iii D i n ~ !! = .. II! 2 &I /' -fiG -150 -100 0 '1III1c . IiII co '" ~ I!I V ,.. _l \ \ 10 BD 20 0 0 0 3 -II 5 ..~ -20 II! -eo ~ ....... / D -60 101 5' 150 2D PI -3~ ..'UlHY...TI... ··".", ~ - _._.- :~:,~~~~:~~r::1 2mnRAIiDOAIIlIr"GII \'. '\.. '\.. \ -50 ~ ........"IIIOIlE ... .1 '. .1, -70 1& ....-- / 1/ -10 10 r--r--- f-I- -:.~- :::=::i:tO~O" > -40 " 40 3 Typlcsl Limiting and Noise Characteristics iii '20 100 2.5 L DCSUPPLYVDLTAGE y+ '12V AMBIENTTEMPEftATURE TA • %i·C 140 2 41 - CHANGE IN FREIIUENCY IkHzl Deviation Mute Threshold as a Function of Load Resistance (Between Term 7 and Term 10) 9 ~0: i! 1.5 V B -100 10k 1 AFC Characteristics (Current at Term 7 as a Function of Change In Frequency) INPUT SIGNAL ,"VI i~ 1.5 MUTE INPUT VOLTAGE CPtN &1 IVI ~ < T,,"+HC UElIlIlILtT\llln 'l "1'.7''''~ 1 \. \. 78 0 ~ \~ -50 1111 2030 III 100 C I [ftIDNTCD DJlDlNATfI 1I'I1I11"".Ul ~iC 50 DC ......UPPLy v· -1ZV FIIOII'ULL DUtl'UT!UFr GIIII.OlllAn] TrIlMlI"LIlUlt I \. \. 4D 10 10 JlRIYEIIIDAUIiO 13 \ 30 IF INPUT VOL lADE '"VI Muting Action, Tuner AGC, and Tuning Meter Output as a Function o of Input Signal Voltage ~iii \. 20 ..~ ..~. a 2 0 1 0 10 & ~ I!: -70 .• 'r\. CD c -Ii 3 &1--1-0 is Typical Audio Attenuation (Pin 6) vs Mute Input Voltage (Pin 5) 21 1 LDAD RESISTANCE IBETWEEN TERM 7 AND TERM 1111 Cltnl 11 lei 103 ," ,05 SIGNAL LEVEL ,"Vi TLlHI7960-7 2-53 Schematic Diagram n .. ).: J~ 10k ........ .11 ':" .. '" " "' , II .ND f- ~t'" 010011 RIIA '" . , '13 '" 'A' .1< ",SO ''"" JJI ,,, '00 "' • IS ~ .,k .,........ ~ o!I ~y ... .. , AI' 'BJ 'DO .". .". . ... .. ", " ... " ", Q&J . ... 'U .... .". '" 'IS '" ~ RIIiA ~ '" """ •• " Ku' ", . .11 co ... " 'lID 52 ...'" ~ 1.:... ~, .... HZ' '"'" ~ ... .kJ Q8' ,.. ror 'e .50 ;. .13.>: ). .,. .. '",'10 h: 1"'." .,. 0101 •• ...... 21. RJ ~,JO ,~ ~ rr:.I<. HZ ......, ....... ~~ .u ~ 01A oz. . I-- RIZA ............ :.~ • ... OZ, RllA 2k2 ~Y .... RI m 3 ", '" 0.., n. . .11 ,"'II U R5 If ~ ..n ~'~ ~~ ....... ......, .... , "'II " ~m " I~· T INPUT J." ~> ~~Z1'" H&'A ", .... ~.11 ... '56 "D - .". '" '" IJY t"'." CI ",F ." " " TMllfCI. TLlH/7960-8 2-54 Schematic Diagram (Continued) .".., ...--If---------'::'O ~~~ID .".. RIO .,. RJ3 RlI .. to ":' '" ":' '" ". v· ":' R" T '" 50' 'OpF ":' ":' ":' " ":' TL/H/7960-9 2-55 .... ,----------------------------------------------------------------, ~National ~ I ....I ~ Semiconductor LM3361A Low Voltage/Power Narrow Band FM IF System General Description Features The LM3361A contains a complete narrow band FM demodulation system operable to less than 2V supply voltage. Blocks within the device include an oscillator, mixer, FM IF limiting amplifier, FM demodulator, op amp, scan control, and mute switch. The LM3361A is similar to the MC3361 with the following improvements: the LM3361A has higher voltage swing both at the op amp and audio outputs. It also has lower nominal drain current and a squelch circuit that draws significantly less current than the MC3361. Device pinout functions are identical with some slightly different operating characteristics. • • • • • • Functions at low supply voltage (less than 2V) Highly sensitive (-3 dB limiting at 2.0 p.V input typical) High audio output (increased 6 dB over MC3361) Low drain current (2.8 mA typ., Vcc=3.6V) Minimal drain current increase when squelched Low external parts count Block Diagram and Test Circuit TO Vs Op AMP INPUT RF INPUT (10.7 MHz) Op AMP OUTPUT o--....IV\".,........ l =10Vlml) KHz (3111,. 0.1,.f \f 1K M5 r+_OAUDIO r _ _ _""",7K OUTPUT T O.01 ,.F 1K8 3 4 5 120 pF - - ~----~----------. .-----------------------~----------_oVs Is TL/H/5586-1 Order Number LM3661AM orLM3361AN See NS Package Number M16AorN16E T1·TOKO RMC·2A6597HM CF·MURATA CFU 455E 2-56 Absolute Maximum Ratings If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/Distributors for availability and specifications. Package Dissipation (Note 1) 1500mW Soldering Information Dual·ln·Line Package Soldering (10 seconds) 260"C Small Outline Package 215·C Vapor Phase (60 seconds) 220"C Infrared (15 seconds) See AN·450 "Surface Mounting Methods and Their Effect on Product Reliability" for other methods of soldering sur· face mount devices. 12V Power Supply Voltage (Vs) RF Input Voltage (Vs>3.6V) 1 Vrms Mute Function (pin 14) -0.7t05Vp Operating Ambient Temperature Range O"Cto +70"C -55·Cto + 150"C Storage Temperature Range Parameters Guaranteed By Electrical Testing (Test ckt., TA=25·C, Vs=3.6V, fo=10.7 MHz, A.f= ±3 kHz, fMoe=1 kHz, 500 source) Parameter Measure Min Typ Max Units 2.0 3.6 9.0 V Is Is 2.8 3.6 5.0 6.0 mA mA RF Input for -3 dB Limiting RF Input 2.0 6.0 Recovered Audio at Audio Output Audio Output 200 350 Audio Out DC Vg 1.2 1.5 OpAmpGain Vll/VIN 40 55 Op Amp Output DC Vl0 0.4 0.7 Op Amp Input Bias Current (V1O- Vll)/1MO Scan Voltage Pin 12 high (2V) Pin 12 Low (OV) V13 V13 Supply Voltage Range Vs Supply Current Squelch Off Squelch On Mute Switch Impedance, Pin 12 = OV Switch S1 from pos.1 to pos.2 3.0 A.VI4/A.114 ,..V mVRMs 1.8 Vee dB Vee 20 75 nA 0 3.4 0.5 Vee Vee 15 30 0 Design Parameters Not Tested or Guaranteed Typ Mixer Conversion Gain (Note 2) 46 VIV kO Mixer Input Resistance 3.6 pF Mixer Input Capacitance 2.2 Detector Output Impedance 500 0 100 mV Squelch Hysterisis Mute Off Impedance (measure pin 14 with pin 12 @ 2V) 10 MO 0.65 Squelch Threshold Vee V/kHz Detector Center Frequency Slope 0.15 Note 1. For operation above 25'C ambient temperature, the device must be derated based on 150"C maximum lunction temperature and a thermal resistance 8JA of80"C/W. Note 2. Mixer gain is supply dependent and effects overall sensitivity accordingly (See TypiceJ Performance Characteristics). Filters: Murata 2200 Lake Park Drive Smyrna, GA 30080 (404) 436-1300 Colis: Toko America 1250 Feehanville Drive Mount Prospect, IL 80058 (312) 297'()070 2·57 c~-------------------------------------------------------------------, .~ Typical Performance Characteristics (Test Circuits) :!i I. va. v. 10 I 8 ....... 6 4 """ 2 00 2 4 ~TE ~ ON I MUTE OFF I 6 20dl I'. 8EIII1n"" AID AUDIO OUT IS. I. 111 8 • • I"" 4 , a I I 10 00 2 4 6 ·20 ·30 ·40 ", '\. ·60 ·60 0.001 0.01 0.1 10 I 10· 10.6 THO i 1 .! _ 0.8 ; '.4 \.. tv*1 • 841! TIl. AIO AUD OUT VI Q AUDIO /r ~ 1 OUT /~". ___ ~,.. 0.• 1 S+N ~ !:i IUDIO_ OIT II FM IF CHARACTERISTIC ·10 . 1= ,~ V. 10 -.. ~ I;" 2 Vs (Valtsl • I SENSITIVITY I' J / 0.4~ / 0.2 ......'-+-+----1--10.2 o0!:--:1::-0-=2D:--~3D::---!.4DO 100 aUAD COIL Q RF IN (IIVmIIl TL/H/5586-2 2-58 ~·t -t 211 a20 e' 8_ ~a2 Rl 03, 51K 04'7 R3 10K a5'7 i "a6 R2 ,'K8 H4 10K y H5 10K Q8 H15 6K8 R6 10K H7 10K H9 10K HI 10K ~al1 H16 10K ~ <0 HID 10K H4Q 7K ...ra43 v. H41 7K H14 2114 H19 13K 10PF ..a18 ~~ I 2 "051 r05P-- KQ41 145 27K H46 2K ~ R31 3K 27K ... tn n :::T CD 3 I» ( ;' ~1Il H23 3K3 R24 33K H25 7K5 H26 33K 4 H50 IKe r- rr ....058:PJ H52 H53 51K 36K H54 3KI H55 2K r' , 7054 ... 147 27K ' -' ::s ~055 H48 27K kE 064 R51 10K '~j~ . 065 R61 39K H60 220K 061'-. Q60'at fA H49 56K .: f:;056 039'?144 27K a3~7 3 053...... "'" ....a· Il!iDPF I.,i' a33::S~ l~~ H31 ... 3K H33 ~2. ~32 "- .... 050 R43 3K6 CD 3 et R34 lOOK a: i1 )08 H2O H3 H42 10K ~~~~~> .... H38 15K R37 4K3 ~ 021 a22 'A .... 038 04Q::S~ H13 2K4 '''~ ... 15 037::S~ R36 75K H12 10K -- Front Porch: The section of the composite video signal between the end of the picture information on a scan line (start of blanking) and the start of the line synchronization pulse. Horizontal Blanking: The blanking signal at the end of each scan line that prevents the retrace of the display tube electron beam from being visible. Horizontal Retrace: The rapid return of the scanning electron beam from the right side of the raster to the leit side. Horizontal Hum Bars: Relatively broad horizontal bars driiting slowly up the screen as a result of interierence from the 60 Hz main frequency. Hue (TInt): Describes the color that is being represented on the screen, i.e., red, blue, magenta, green, orange, etc. Interlace: A scanning process in which each adjacent line belongs to the alternate field. I_R.E.: Institute of Radio Engineers. Now combined with the AlEE to form the IEEE. I.R.E_ Scale: An oscilloscope scale calibrated for composite video and divided vertically into 140 units. The picture signal occupies the range from 0 to 100 with syncs in the range 0 to -40. Luminance: The monochrome or brightness part of the color Signal, composed of specific' prQPortions of the three primary colors, red, blue, and green. N.T.S.C.: National Television System Committee, used in reference to the system adopted for color television broadcasting in the U.S. at the end of 1953. Noise: In a television picture, 'noise' refers to random interference producing a salt and pepper pattern over the picture. Heavy noise totally obscuring the picture is called signal. For U.S. television, the audio signal is increased at a 6 db/octave rate above Z.1 kHz. ' Raster: The area on the face of the display tube that is scanned by the electron beam. This is not always entirely visible since commercial receivers employ overscan so that the edges of the raster are hidden by the faceplate. Reference Signals: See V.I.T.S. and V.I.R.S. Resolution (Horizontal): The amount of resolvable detail in the horizontal direction of the picture. This depends on the high frequency and phase response of the transmission system and the receiver. Resolution (Vertical): The amount of resolvable detail in the vertical direction of the picture. This depends primarily on the number of scan lines that are used and secondarily on the size (shape) of the electron scanning beam. Saturation (Color): The amplitude of the chrominance signal. Increased saturation means increased chrominance signal level. Visibly, this refers to a color increasing from pale or pastel to deep. S.E.C.A.M.: Sequential Couleur Avec Memoire. The color broadcasting system used predominantly in France which utilizes sequential transmission of the color difference signals, which are FM modulated on two separate subcarriers (1967). Setup: The difference in level between the blanking level and the reference black level expressed as a percent of the reference white level. Smear: Smear describes' a picture condition where objects appear extended in the horizontal direction producing an illdefined, blurry picture. This oiten occurs when the receiver is tuned Slightly above the proper pix carrier frequency. Sync: Abbreviation for synchronizing or synchronization. Sync Level: The level of the synchronizing pulse tips. Vertical Blanking: The blanking signal at the end of each field starting three lines before the vertical sync pulse. Vertical Retrace: The return of the electron beam from !,he bottom of the display to the top aiter a complete field has been scanned. V.I.R.S.: Vertical Interval Reference Signal. A quality control signal added to a horizontal scan line during the vertical blanking period. It is used to provide a chrominance, luminance and black level reference. V.I.T.S.: Vertical Interval Test Signals. A series of test signals that are added to horizontal lines during the vertical blanking for' in-service testing of the transmission equipment. They can be deleted or added at various points in the transmission link, unlike the VIRS, which is added at program origination and stays with the program material. Vestlgal Sideband Transmission: A broadcast transmission,technique wherein only one side band of an amplitude modulated carrier is fully transmitted with the other sideband ,(usually lower) truncated. Video: The visible portion of the transmitted' signal representing the picture: "snow". Overshoot: An (excessive) response to a unidirectional signal change. Overshoot is oiten used deliberately to enhance the luminance portion of a signal. Pairing: A partial or complete failure of interlace in which scan lines of alternate fields fall in pairs, one on top of the other. Pedestal Level: See Blanking Level. Percentage Sync: Video: The ratio in percent of the amplitude of the synchronizing pulse to the peak amplitude of the picture signal between blanking and reference white level. For a properly constituted compOSite video signal this is 40%. RF: The ratio is a percent of the amplitude of the synchronizing pulse to the peak amplitude of the modulated RF Signal. For correct modulation this is 25%. P.A.L.: Phase Alternation Line. A variation of the NTSC system involving phase reverl!81 of one of the color difference Signals on a line by line basis, introduced into the U.K. and Germany in 1967. Picture Signal: That portion of the composite video signal which is above the blanking level and contains the picture information. Pre-emphasis: An increase in the level of a band of frequency components with respect to the remainder of the 3-4 IjNational Semiconductor Video Circuits Selection Guide Video Amplifiers Bandwidth Gain Package Supply Voltage LM1201 200 MHz 4-10 16Pin DIP +12V Single Amplifier with Black Level and Contrast Control LM1203 70 MHz 4-10 28 Pin DIP +12V Triple Amplifier System with Black Level and Balanced Contrast Control LM1204 150 MHz 1-10 44 Pin PLCC 12V Triple Amplifier System with DC Controls and Sync Detector. Provides Blanking at CRT Cathode. LM2416 45 MHz -13 11 PinT0220 80V • Triple CRT Driver • 50 Vpp Output Swing with 10 ns 1,/tl LM2418 30 MHz -19 11 PinT0220 90V • Triple CRT Driver • 50 Vpp Output Swing with 10 ns trltl Comments Video Timing Function Package Supply Voltage Comments LM1391 Low-Freq PLL 8 Pin DIP Internally Regulated For Horizontal Section LM1881 Sync Separator 8 Pin DIP 8 Pin SO 5V-12V Outputs Provided: CompOSite Sync Vertical Burst Gate OddlEven Field LM1882 Sync Generator 20 Pin DIP 20 Pin LCC 5V 130 MHz Max Clock Frequency. Both Interlaced and NonInterlaced Formats. Control Via Register Programming with NTSC Default Values. 3-5 • Video Circuits (Continued) VldeolFs Application Package Comments LM1211 Broadband Demodulator Date or Video Recovery from LANs, Other Comm. Systems 20 Pin DIP Operating Range 20 MHz-80 MHz Quasi-Synchronous Detector 25 MHz Output Amplifier LM1823 Video IF Signal Processing 28 Pin DIP Operating Range 20 MHz-70 MHz Synchronous Detector using PLL 9 MHz Output Amplifier Other Video Products Function Package SUpply Voltsge Comments LM1044 Video Switch 24 Pin DIP 8V-16V • DC Switch between 3 Composite Video Channels or 2 RGB Channels • 60 dB Channel Separation LH4266 SPDT rf Switch 24 Pin Hermetic ±8V-±18V 3-6 • • • • DC to 150 MHz Switch Break-before-Make TTL Control Input Low Insertion Loss 1.5 dB (500) ~National ~semlconductor LH4266 SPOT RF Switch • • • • • • General Description The LH4266 is a single pole double throw switch intended for RF and video switching applications. The device has a TIL compatible control signal and can be configured as a multiplexer or demultiplexer which will fulfill most switching needs. The non-selected input may be terminated to provide a match to the source driving that port and prevent spurious oscillations that might occur from an unterminated transmission line. +27.5 dBm maximum signal (500) Low insertion loss 1.5 dB (500) Non-selected input terminated Break before make TIL compatible control signal Internal power supply bypassing Applications • • • • Features ATE pin driver switch Computer RF switch Tester switching matrix RF voltage multiplexer • Single pole double throw (SPDn • DC to 150 MHz Connection Diagram Ne Ne Ne Ne GROUND OUTPUT(VO> CONTROL GROUND Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne ---F:"'TERMINATION' '------t""-INPUT' (v,) TL/K/9404-1 Top View Note: NC means no internal connection. Order Number LH4266CD or LH4266D See NS Package Number D241 3-7 Absolute Maximum Ratings If Mllitary/Aero.pace specified devices are rsqulred, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Offlce/Dlstrlbutora for availability and specifications. Supply Voltage, (Vs) ±18V Power Dissipation, (Po)(See Curve) Input Signal, (VIN) ESO Control Voltage, (Vel Storage Temperature Range, (TSTG) Operating Temperature Range, (TAl LH4266CD LH42880 2.0W u Parameter ± 15V, Rs = 500, RL Conditions Typical Supply Current Is - 25°C to + 85°C - 55°C to + 125°C = 300"C 500, TA = 25°C unless otherwise noted. LH4266C Symbol + 150°C Lead Temperature (T (Soldering, < 10 seconds) ±VS TSO DC Electrical Characteristics Vs = Vs-2V -65°C to Tested Limit (Note 2) V+ 4.8 7 V- -47 -60 Design Limit (Note 3) Unite (Max. unless otherwise noted) mA VTH Logic High 1.5 2.0 V (Min) VTL Logie Low 0.5 0.8 V p.A liN Control Input Current VIN = OVto 5V 2.0 3.0 RON On Resistance 15 18 ar ReSistance Match V1 = V2 = OV, 10 = 1 mA Leakage Current 0 4 V1-2 = Vo = ±5V, Switch On, Note 4 100 V1-2 = Vo = ±5V, Switch Off, Note 4 100 V1-2 = Vo = ±5V, Input to Input 100 nA DC Electrical Characteristics Vs = ±15V, Rs = 500, RL = 500, TA = 25°C unless otherwise noted. (Note 1) LH4266 Symbol Parameter Conditions Typical Is Supply Current Tested Limit (Note 2) V+ 4.8 7 V- -47 -80 Design Limit (Note 3) Unite (Max. unless otherwise noted) mA V (Min) VTH Logic High 1.5 1.8 VTL Logie Low 0.5 0.8 V liN Contrallnput Current 2.0 3.0 p.A RON On Resistance ar Resistance Match Leakage Current = OVt05V V1 = V2 = OV, 10 = 1 mA VIN 30 15 0 8 V1-2 = Vo = ±5V, Switch On, Note 4 1 V1-2 = Vo = ±5V, Switch Off, Note 4 1 V1-2 = Vo = ±5V, Input to Input 1 3·8 p.A AC Electrical Characteristics Vs = ± 15V, Rs = 500, RL = 500, TA = 25°C, unless otherwise noted. LH4266C/LH4266 Symbol Parameter Condltlon8 Typical Insertion Loss VSWR Tested Limit De81gn Limit (Note 2) (Note 3) 10MHz 1.0 1.5 100 MHz 2.0 2.3 Isolation Input to Output See Test Circuit 10MHz 90 75 100 MHz 75 60 Isolation Input1 to Input2 10MHz 90 Distortion VOUT 100 MHz Units (Max. unle88 otherwise noted) dB dB (Min) 60 = 10 Vp_p Unselected Input 1.0 % 1.5: 1 Ratio Switching Speed ns 500 Boldface limits are guaranteed over full temparature range. Note 2: Tested limits are guaranteed and 100% production tested. Note 3: Design limits are guaranteed (but not production tested) over the Indicated temparature range. These limits are not used to calculate outgOing quality level. Note 4: Leakage current is measured with signal applied to each Input. See test circuit. Tsw Note 1: • 3·9 Typical Performance Characteristics Insertion Loas Supply Current Allowable Input Signal 6 250C +125OC/ 5 /1 4 ~ ~ ! 13 ~J '=5,!,J 1/ 1/ 3 2_ 1 0,01 J ! -~. r Negative --40 ~ t::.. ....... j J ~ ..,. . / t ~ J I 30 J i 2 I 20 i 10 -so 0 so T........I_ (OC) 80 :t8 2.0 / :tl0 :t12 :t14 :t16 *18 Pow... Supply Voltage (Volts) 100 " «I j 70 60 "!I so ! I ~ I 20 "!I 1102 90 80 103 ....... «I 30 20 10 0 10' 102 -5SCC ~ 1 , 1.5 \ 1.4 '\ 1.3 1.2 1.1 102 -so 103 0 50 T.mperaluno (OC) J 0.8 0.8 E f! Q.4 125°C 4.5 ./ 4.D - --....- ...- g j J -SSoC 0.0 *8 :tl0 :t12 *14 *16 Power SUpply Voltage 3.5 3.0 0.1 l'-.. :t8 -*10 125°C 2SCC -55°C *12 *14 *16 Supply Vollage *18 " 'JC=«JC CfW " "" 1.5 Amble;;r-.. 'JI,=7SCC!W 1.0 o.s ....... " .......... I 0.0 0 :t18 I I Ca ~ f: 25°C Q.2 E f! 125 s.o 1.0 Q.2 Maximum Power Dissipation Turn On Time 1.2 ! g / 1.8 lA 0.3 '\ frequency (11Hz) 6 Turn Off Time 1.81\. 1.7 \ 1.8 103 Frequency (11Hz) Termination VSWR 1./ 1 - r-- - Frequency (11Hz) 1.0 r0o- 10' 1 RL =504 Output Isolation ~ 0,0, 100 125 +IJJ 3.0 -8 -12 1il' 60 Termination VSWR 4.0 Or-- -4 20 ~ 0 ~ f itil - 100 «I~ 6 4 J.-.-o -I Input to 80 60 ~ 12 8 Input to Input Isolation 90 so ~ 3 4 10 15 Supply Voltago (+/- Volts) i ~ 8 -- --- 16 ! +125OC i"""" 5 103 Internal Termination Resistance s: -SSOC ~ ....... -30 Frequency (11Hz) 70 g;JF -so -20 I 102 -60 25 50 15 100 125 Tempel8lure (OC) 150 TUK/9404-7 3-10 r-----------------------------------------------------------------------------~~ Leakage Current Equivalent Te.t Circuit for ease of use. Thus for high frequency applications bypass capacitors are not required, however, at low frequencies (10 MHz or less) a 4.7 Il-F bypass capacitor for each supply is recommended. Due to the unique design of the LH4266 it can easily be used as a multiplexer or demultiplexer. In fact several units can be connected to give a 1 to 4 multiplexer or a 4 to 1 demultiplexer by simply adding the required units as shown in Figures 2 to 5. The action of the switches can be seen in the following truth table. +5V LH4266 Truth Table TL/K/9404-11 ·Same test for Input 2. D Pin 24 Input 2 Pin 13 Input 1 Low = 0 On Off High = 1 Off On Control Teat Circuit for I.olatlon Input to Output HP8753A NETWORK ANALYZER Double Sided Board, Bottom Side Input 1 lH4266 TLlK/9404-12 Applications Information, LH4266 The LH4266 uses hybrid technology to give increased circuit performance. In order to maintain its excellent cross talk and feedthru specifications, proper RF grounding and shielding should be incorporated in the printed circuit board layout. For example; the input traces should not run next to output traces and grounds should be provided by a ground plane under the device (see Figure 1a, b for suggested PC board layout). The device contains two internal termination resistors and switches. If termination of the non-selected input is desired, connect the termination pin to the adjacement input pin and the deselected input will be terminated with approximately TL/K/9404-2 FIGURE 1a. LH4266, Recommended Printed Circuit Board Layout Double Sided Board, Top Side 500. Note that the internal termination resistors are internally connected to the device's ground pin. Thus If the internal termination reSistors are used then the input ground planes should remain isolated from the output ground plane (as in Figure 1) so as not to form a ground loop. When using external termination resistors at the input, the resistors should be connected to their respective ground planes, and, pin 16 should be tied to inputl's ground plane while pin 21 is tied to input2's ground plane. Since pins 16 and 21 are internally connected to the device ground pin, the input and output ground planes should remain isolated. LH4266's power supplies are internally bypassed with high frequency capaCitors TLlK/9404-13 FIGURE 1b. LH4266, Recommended Printed Circuit Board Layout 3-11 ... :::E: 8i ~ 'r-------------------------------------------------------------~--------------, ~ '3....!: Video Switch , The lH4266 is ideally ~uited for video signal switching applications. Figure 7 shows 'how the LH4266 may be used to select one of two video input signals while the LH4006 buffer allows driving four doubly terminated 750 cables.R1 biases the buffer's output to OV and prevents the output stage from saturating when both switches are momentarily open. Meanwhile, R2 eliminates the offset voltage caused by the buffer's input bias current, and, a 10 pF capacitor across R2 prevents undesirable oscillations caused by stray capacitance at the buffers's inverting input. The circuit is capable of producing ± 1V at the terminated ends of the 750 cables. To maintain LH4266's excellent input to output isolation and input to input crosstalk specifications; extreme care should be exercised while laying out the printed circuit board. From Figure 1's recommended printed circuit board layout it can be observed that there are three separate ground planes. Each input signal should be referenced to it's respective ground plane while the output Signal, control signal and power supplies are referenced to the output ground plane. Note that LH4266's internal termination resistors are internally connected to the device's ground pin. Consequently, if LH4266'sinternai termination re~istors are ,used then the input and output ground planes should remain isolated (as in Figure 1) so 'as to prevent a ground, loop from occurring. When an,external termination resistor is used as in Figure 7, the resistOr should be connected to its respective ground plane, while pi'!116 is tied to inpuh's ground plane and pin 21 is tied to input2's ground plane. Moreover, all ground planes should remain isolated because pins 16 and 21 are internally connected to the device ground Pin. TLlK/9404-5 FIGURE 4. 4 to 1 Multiplexer Application Circuits, LH4266 TL/K/9404-6 FIGURE 5. 1 to 4 Demultiplexer +15V TL/K/9404-3 FIGURE 2. 2 to 1 Multiplexer 7 CONTROL -15V TLlKl9404-8 FIGURE 6. ATE Pin Driver SWItch TL/K/9404-4 FIGURE 3: 1 to 2 Demult,plexer .:, ' 3-12 7S.n 7S.n Transmission L1n.s INPUT l(ol~..!.:::f--o' 6 INPUT2@}"t-~~-o""",._.J ......._ _...J LH4266 17 7S.n Rl 1 k.n 20 -SV +SV CONTROL 7S.!l +ISV -ISV 7S.n = Zo 7S.n 'Inpull GND Plane "lnput2 GND Plane TUK/9404- I 0 FIGURE 7, Video Switch 3-13 ~National ~ Semiconductor LM 1044 Analog Video Switch General Description Features Primarily intended for, but not restricted to, the switching of video signals, the LM1044 is a monolithic DC controlled an· alog switch with buffered outputs, allowing the selection of three 5 MHz bandwidth, 6 dB gain channels, or two RGB + Sync, 30 MHz bandwidth, 0 dB gain channels. Chan· nel selection is achieved via latched, TTL compatible, logic inputs which may be controlled by microprocessor derived signals. The device is supplied in a 24 pin dual in line plastic package. • • • • • • Wide RGB bandwidth, typically 30 MHz High signal to noise ratio, typically 60 dB Excellent channel Isolation typically -60 dB @ 5 MHz High RGB output currents; typically 4 mA peak RGB channels may be DC restored or clamped Logically compatible with the LM1038 stereo audio switch IC Block Diagram CVl I/P CV2 liP VW/l---11-+=2;.2 ENABLE CV3 I/P -1-_+1.:2:,:.1 CDNTROLA Rl I/P Gl I/P Bl I/P 18 CLAMP KEY I/p SYNC1 I/P R21/P >..-ri+-I-'"""i :>-~.,:1.:..7 RO/p G21/P :>........-+--1 B21/P > ...._-t---1-:>_¥1~5 Bo/p 1,,;,.._.,:1..;..4 CV BIAS SYNC2 liP GND :>-........,:1.::.6 GO/p 12 ~_+1.::.3 RGB BIAS (INTERNALLY SET) TUH/9252-1 Order Number LM1044N See NS Package Number N24A 3-14 Absolute Maximum Ratings If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/Distributors for availability and specifications. Supply Voltage (Vs) 17V Package Dissipation at TA = 25°C (Note B) 2.0W Voltage at Control and Signal Inputs -0.2Vto Vs +0.2V 10mA 2000V O"Cto +70"C - 65°C to + 15O"C 265°C 150"C Output Current,123,117,116,115 ESD Susceptibility (Note 5) Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec.) Junction Temperature Electrical Characteristics Vs = 12V, RL = 6000, CL = 20pF, TA = 25°C unless otherwise stated Parameter TestUmlt (NoteS) Conditions Supply Voltage, Vs Supply Current RGB1 Channel Selected with No Input Signals Applied Control Inputs Logic High Level Control Inputs Logic Low Level } Control Inputs A, B, C and Enable Input Enable Input Current, Pin 22 OVtoVs Control Input Current OV Logic Level 5V Logic Level DealgnUmlt (Note 7) Units Min Max Min Typ Max B 16 B 12 1B V 42 60 mA O.B V V 2 10 tJ- A 20 250 50 500 tJ-A tJ-A 5 7 1.5 1.7 60 2.0 2.0 O.B Enable Pulse Width 5 Channel Select Time COMPOSITE VIDEO CHANNELS Inputs-Pins 1, 2, 3 Output-Pin 23 Maximum Input Voltage Swing For Output THO = 1"10 @ 1 kHz tJ-s 1.2 Input Impedance 1.2 Dynamic Output Impedance tJ-s Vp-p 10 kO 0 Voltage Gain Input Signal = 0.5 Vp-p @ 100 kHz 5.3 5.3 5.B Bandwidth Input Signal = 0.5 Vp-p, -3 dB, 4.0 4.0 5.0 MHz 60 dB 60 dB -60 dB = 5 MHz Signal to Noise Ratio Bandwidth Channel Isolation (Note 1) Input Signal = 0.5 Vp_p @ 3 MHz = 0.5 Vp_p @ 3 MHz Crosstalk (Note 2) Input Signal Load Resistance (Note 3) ACCoupled DC Coupled to GND Power Supply Rejection Ratio Vs Modulated 1 Vp-p @ 1 kHz 600 2 CV Bias (Pin 14) Input Impedance 3-15 40 6.3 dB 0 kO 50 dB 1.0 kO Electrical Characteristics = 12V, RL = 6000, CL = 20 pF, TA = 25°C unless otherwise stated (Continued) Vs T.st Limit Parameter Conditions Min RGB CHANNELS CLAMP INPUT·Pln 18 Minimum Input Voltage Maximum InputVoltage Input Current O.slgn Limit (Note 7) (Note 6) Max Min Typ Inputs-Pins 4, 5, 6, B, 9,10 Outputs-Pins 15, 16, 17 For Clamp on For Clamp off . Pin 18 9 = OV Clamp Pulse Delay (Note 4) = 1% @1 kHz Maximum Input Voltage Swing for Output THD Input Bias Current Clamp off, Channel Selected Bandwidth Signal to Noise Ratio AC Coupled 3 Vp•p DC Coupled to GND Channel Isolation (Note 1) Input Signal Crosstalk (Note 2) Power Supply Rejection Ratio Vs Modulated 1 Vp-p @1 kHz p.A p.s Vp-p 20 -0.5 -0.5 6.0 24 Pin 13 Output Impedance SYNC CHANNELS Inputs-Pins 7,11 Outputs-Pin 23 Maximum Input Voltage Swing for Output THD = 1% @1 kHz p.A 0 0 +0.5 30 MHz dB 0 kO 60 dB -50 dB 50 dB 60 0 Vp-p 1.8 2.3 -1.0 -1.0 -0.4 B.O 18 24 MHz 60 dB Dynamic Output Impedance 2.B kO +0.2 dB 40 = 1 Vp•p @100kHz Input Signal = 1 Vp•p, -3 dB, RIN = 500, Bandwidth = 10 MHz Input Signal Nole 1: CV channels defined with a CV mute condition set up (ABC dB 60 3.0 Input Impedance Bandwidth 10 0.2 600 2 = 1 Vp-p @5 MHz Input Signal = 1 Vp•p @5 MHz Signal to Noise Ratio V V 20 = 1 Vp-p @100 kHz Input Signal = 1 Vp-p, -3dB RIN = 500, Bandwidth = 10 MHz Input Signal Load Resistance (Note 3) Voltage Gain 5 3.0 Dynamic Output Impedance Voltage Gain Units Max 0 = 001) and all CV Inpu\S driven. Isolation Is the output measured with respect to the Input laval for RL of 600n. Channel Isolation for RGB channels is meaaured In the same way with signals applied to the R, G or B Inputs while a RGB mute condHion Is selected. Note 2: CV crosataJk measured with selactad channel Input AC grounded and with signal applied to the other CV Inputs. Resulting output voltage is measured with RL of 600n. RGB crosstalk II measured Ilmllarly with slgnala applied to unselactad channel Inputs and meaauring the selected channel output. Note that high frequency croaetalk measurements are very dependant on board layout An effective ground piane and Input to Input shleldlng are required. Note 3: DC output currant 10uroad from device to load should not exceed 10 mA, care should be taken to avoid shorting outputs to GND. Note 4: Delay between clamp pulse Input at Pin 16 and resulting clamping action as seen at RGB Inputs. Note S: Human body model, 100 pF discharged through a 1.5 kn resistor. Note 8: Guaranteed and 100% production teatad. Note 7: Design limila are guaranteed to National's AOQl, but are not 100% production tested. Note 8: When operating at elevated temperatures, the maximum power dissipation must be derated baaed on a maximum Junction temperatura of 15O"C and 8JA - 6O'C/W. 3·16 r-----------------------------------------------------------------------------,~ ....a::: Typical Performance Characteristics Supply Current va Supply Voltage --- 60 - RG81 SELECI[I) r-- 4 6 8 12~+-~~-+-+,.(·0~~~ E I 10 W 1--1--f--f--1-:6~::::: P::::::C"'l::::: ~ 6~4--+~~~~0~~:~:~~;~~~~~:~~ to:::::::::::~ 1:1 L I o 14~~~--r-~-r~ - NO SIGNALS t CV Output Signal Range va Supply Voltage 2~~~--~~~~ ~ U " 4 6 SUPPLY VOLAlGE (V) 8 W ~ U 8 " CV Frequency Reapon.. RGB Frequency Reaponae 8 ~ i= 2OPF 1 -2 0.1 D.2 0.5 1 2 5 lVp-p RL = 6004 \ 0.1 0.5 1 2 -8 rrl 0.5 1 2 FREOUENCY (MHz) \ 5 10 20 50 FREQUENCY (MHz) CVand RGB Blaa va Temperature CV and RGB Blaa va Supply Voltage 12 7" i 0.1 5 10 20 50 7S !~ 1\ 1 Vp-p RL = 6004 rii -8 10 FREOUENCY (MHz) E \ 1\ \ 6004 16 Sync Frequency Reaponse 1\ \ a. 14 ..... ......... RL 12 2 2 SOOmvp-p 10 SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V) SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V) 10 7.2 E ....... 711 1.8 0 20 60 80 TEllf'£RATURE ("1:) «I ./ i 6 i 4 100 4 ,/ /' o U -20 ./ 8 \1! 6 8 W U ~ " SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V) TLlH/9252-2 3·17 • Application Notes Pin Description Now: The pin designations CV, R, G, B, and Sync are assigned for the convenience of, description and are not intended to be a limitation. For example RGB could be YUV, or they could all be independent signal sour~. Pin 1 Composite video input 1 (CV1), biased internally via 1.8 kG to ~s + 1V. Pin 2 Composite video input 2 (CV2), biased as for pin 1 (CV1) abOve. PinS Composite video input 3 (CV3), biased as for pin" 1 (CV1) above. Pin 4 RGB input R1. This pin is internally biased via a clamp circuitto ~s + 1V and should be AC coupled to a low impedance source. The input coupling capacitor also acts as a clamp capacitor, see application notes. Pin5 RGB input G1, biased as for pin 4 (R1) above. Pin 6 RGB input B1, biased as for pin 4 (R1) above. Pin7 Sync input 51, biased internally via 2.5k to Vs + 1V 2 ., Pin8 RGB input R2, biased as for pin 4 (R1) above. Pin 9 RGB input G2, biased as for pin 4 (R1) above. Pin 10 RGB input B2, biased as for pin 4 (R1) above. Pin 11 Sync input 52, biased as for pin 7 (51) above. Pin12 Negative supply (GND) Pin 13 Connect a capaCitor to GND to decouple the internal bias of the RGB amplifiers. Pin 14 DEVICE DESCRIPTION The LM1044 video switch circuit has a' configuration as iIIus'trated in F/{/ure 1 and consists of a 3 input to 1 output, 5 MHz switch with 6 dB gain, three 2 input to 1 output, 30 MHz, 0 dB gain switches, coupled together with a 2 input to 1 output switch sharing the 3 way switch output. All switch stages are current switched differential amplifers with feedback, providing low impedance buffered outputs. Latched logic inputs with control decoding are provided for switch control and a DC clamp facility is available on the 30 MHz channels. The Principle application of this device is the selection between various composite video (CV) or Red, Green, and Blue (RGB) sources now found in video systems using various signal sources, e.g., VCR's, satellite receivers, home computers and video games. Other possible application examples, for example security camera switching, are shown towards the end of these notes. The 5 MHz channels are ideally suited for the switching of composite video sources and have a gain of 6 dB to allow amplification from terminated inputs back up to internal signallevels. The 30 MHz channels are suitable for direct RGB inputs to display high quality graphics and will also handle high quality linear Signals. The fourth switch channel shares the CV output pin and is ideal for routing synchronization , signals from the RGB/YUV sources into the path to the sync separator and timebase circuits. CHANNEL SELECTION , The switch selections are made via the enable and 3 logic control inputs, according to the truth table shown on the following page. This gives a choice of 3 CV video Signal sources or 2 RGB plus Sync signals on the video display. tvl Internal bias for the CV and Sync Amplifiers, decouple with a capacitor to GND. Pin 15 B Output. Pin 16 G Output. Pin 17 ROutput. Pin 18 This is the clamp pulse input pin. A positive going pulse activates the RGB input bias clamps. See application notes. Pin 19 Channel select input, control C. Pin 20 Channel select input, control B. CV3 51 52 Channel select input, control A. Pin 22 Enable input for control latches. Channel selection is locked while this input is low and is updated when high. The minimum enable pulse width is 5 ","s. Pin 23 CV output or Sync output when an RGB channel is selected. Pin 24 Supply pin (Vs). This pin should be well decoupled at high frequencies, a 100 nF capacitor connected close to the supply pins is normally adequate. >--+-R Rl R2 [3 IL Pin 21 >""T-+- CV + 5 tv2 ;; >--+-G Gl G2 >--+-B Bl B2 BIAS ENABC TUH/9252-3 FIGURE 1 3-18 Application Notes (Continued) Truth Table provided the output remains within the output window. Note this bias will also affect the voltage at pin 13. Control Logic EN C B 22 19 20 1 o o o X X A 21 o o X INPUT BIAS FOR RGB CHANNELS Channel Selected The 6 RGB inputs may be biased in one of three ways; 1) DC restored above an internal 4.5V level 2) Clamped to an internal 7V bias level 3) Driven directly with DC coupled signals CV1, RGB Outputs Muted CV2, RGB Outputs Muted eV3, RGB Outputs Muted RGBl with Syncl RGB2 with Sync2 Mute Mute Mute Previous selection retained With an AC coupled input signal and the clamp pulse held low the negative going peaks will DC restore to a level greater than 3 diode drops below the reference bias level at pin 13, typically 4.5V for Vs = 12V. The source resistance of the diode restoring path is 1 kO for currents below 200 pA Simplified Schematic of RGB Stage The shaded section of the truth table indicates selection compatible with the LM1038 four channel stereo audio switch logic to give a possible selection of CV1 + Audiol, eV2 + Audi02, eV3 + Audi03, RGBl + Audi04 and RGB2 + Mute or Audi04; see Figure 3. The mute conditions in the table correspond to disabled ev /Sync (output pulled low) and high impedance RGB outputs which may be connected in parallel with other device outputs for further expansion of the switch system. If all the RGB inputs are being used to switch compOSite video signals then the RGB outputs can be connected into the ev inputs to allow multiplexing down to 1 output from a large number of input Signals. LOGIC AND ENABLE INPUTS If undriven the enable input will assume a high impedance logic 1 condition and should be defined externally. The Logic selection inputs have internal pulldowns, typically 20 kO, which will define logiC low levels if unconnected, giving eVl in default of any other control input. TUH/9252-6 The simplified schematic of the CV stage is virtually identical to the RGB stage except that the CV stage does not incorporate the clamp cirCUitry. INPUT BIAS FOR CV CHANNELS The ev and Sync inputs are biased via Internal 1.5 kO and 2.3 kO resistors, respectively, to the internally generated 7V bias (VS = 12V) level at pin 14. Input coupling capacitors need to be chosen to give an adequate low frequency response when driving the 1.5 kO input impedance, for example, for less than 2% tilt on a frame rate waveform 330 p.F will be required. Depending on the effectiveness of any following clamp circuitry the input coupling capacitors may be reduced in value. These inputs may also be driven with DC coupled Signals, provided the standing DC level is sufficiently near to 7V to maintain the output within the output signal range (4.5 to 8.5V for Vs = 12VJ. Clamping to the internal 7V bias is arranged by applying a positive going clamp pulse to pin 18 during a time when the input signals are at a black reference level. This is usually during the back porch or during the blanking period of signals without syncs. The clamp pulse width should not be less than 3 p.s. During the time pin 18 is high all six inputs R1, R2, Gl, G2, B1 and B2 are connected to the RGB bias voltage developed at pin 13, charging the input coupling capaCitors to this level. These coupling capacitors are chosen to optimize value versus tilt introduced during the active line period. A value of 330 p.F gives less than 1% tilt for input currents less than 20 p.A. The effective impedance of the clamp path when conducting is 3000. The voltage at pin 13 is a low impedance, 600, buffered version of the CV bias voltage at pin 14 and decoupling is required to remove high frequencies and maintain channel separation. The voltage at pin 13 may be changed by driving pin 14 as described for CV bias. The bias at pin 14 has a DC output resistance typically of 1 kO and requires a decoupling capacitor to properly define the gain and crosstalk. To ensure an adequate low frequency response this capacitor should be 100 p.F or more. This pin may also be biased from an external voltage source 3-19 • ~ .... o. .::1 Application Notes (Continued) ...I OUTPUTS CON'lROL EN C 9 A CLAIotPJL PULSE R G OUTPUT COUPLING CAPACITORS TO SUIT LOAD IIotPEDANCE 0/ AND SYNC INPUT COUPLING CAPACITORS =330~F GND RG9 INPUT COUPLING AND CLAIotP CAPACITORS 330nF . = 0/1 0/2 0/3 Rl Gl 91 SI INPUTS INPUTS R2 G2 92 S2 INPUTS TUH/9252-7 FIGURE 2. LM1044 Basic Application Circuit Relation of Clamp Pulse to Video are such as to remain within the output window. Such sig· nals could be. directly coupled from the RGB outputs of a preceeding LM1044, avoiding the need for cOl!pling capaci· tors WhEln expanding the switching capapility. External resis· tive biasing to the bias voltage available at pin 13 may also be used for a mean level bias with AC coupled sig·nals not having reference levels. --~----~-7V9~ ~ .fLJl OPERATION AT SUPPLIES OTHER THAN 12V TLlH/9252-4 If the clamp pulse input is held low the RGB inputs may be driven directly with DC coupled signals provided the levels The LM1044 may be operated at supply voltages between BVand 16V. Note that .the CV and RGB bias voltages, to· gether with the clamp pulse threshold, will track with supply variatic;ms whilst the logic input thresholds will remain essen· tially constant. At lower supply voltages the signal handling may beoptimi:ied with an external bias voltage to pin 14. 3-20 Application Notes (Continued) CYI r----+ I/O TO SYNC PROCESSOR CY2 R CY3 B OUTPUTS G Rl (.HI--.....--1 LUMINANCE" CHROMINANCE PROCESSOR Gl (~H--.....--1 Bl R2(~~---+--1c=~---~ G2 ( . H - -.....--1 B2 CLAMP '-t-....- - - - - - - PIN 21 DATA t--+-I-------- PIN 20 DATA 7511. VIDEO TERMINATIONS t - I I - + - I - - - - - - - - PIN 19 DATA (RGB 1) BIAS r:.,--++----L O/P ........r..IIo.I..................... (CY 1) (CY 2) L.-_ _ _ _ _ R O!p (CY 3) TL/H/9252-5 FIGURE 3. LM1044 Application Circuit Showing System InterfaCing and LM1038 Iy -30 mV for CV and RGB channels. and -140 mV for Sync channels. OPERATION WITH SPLIT SUPPLIES The LM1044 may be operated with split supplies with due regard to the maximum supply voltage (16V) and output signal range. An example of operation in this way is illustrated below. With ±5V and pin 14 held at OV the RGB outputs can swing + 2V. -1.5V and the CV and Sync output can swing + 1.3V. -1.3V. Similarly with +10V. -5V supplies. pin 14 to OV. RGB output swings of + 5.5V. -1.5V and CVI Sync swings of + 4.5V and -1.5V can be obtained. This supply configuration has the advantage that pin 14 can be grounded and all signals may be DC coupled avoiding the need for coupling capacitors. Offsets introduced are typical- OTHER APPLICATIONS The LM1 044 can be used in other than the standard CV with RGB circuit and an example is given below of a dual 6 input to 1 output multiplexer for video or indeed any kind of signals up to 2 Vp-p. In this particular example the RGB outputs are cross-coupled into the CV inputs of the other channel to complete the multiplexing down to 2 outputs. The clamp circuits are disabled to allow direct drive on the inputs. Such circuits are ideal for security cameras and other multiple video source monitoring systems. 3-21 • Application Notes (Continued) X2 VIDEO OUTPUTS FOR BUFFERING TO CABLE OR DISPLAY ON MONITORS Will ........................................................................................... ................................................................................. ......... .................................................................................. ........ .. 100nF 6 LOGIC CONTROl. lilES FOR SELEC110N OF INPUTS. ENABLES WIRED .HIGH 12 FIGURE 4. Application Circuit Example U81ng Two LM1044 Devlce8 a8 a DualS Channel Multiplexer and lIIu8trating U8e of Split Supplle8 3-22 r-------------------------------------------------------------------------,~ ....iii: o .... ~National N ~ SemIconductor LM1201 Video Amplifier System General Description The LM1201 is a wideband video amplifier system intended for high resolution monochrome or RGB monitor applications. In addition to the wideband video amplifier the LM1201 contains a gated differential input black level clamp comparator for brightness control and an attenuator circuit for contrast control. The LM1201 also contains a voltage reference for the video input. For medium resolution RGB color monitor applications also see the LM1203 Video Amplifier System data sheet. Features • Wideband video amplifier (200 MHz @ -3 dB) • Attenuator circuit for contrast control (>40 dB range) • Externally gated comparator for brightness control • Provisions for external gain set and peaking of video amplifier • Video input voltage reference • Low impedance output driver Typical Applications • • • • • • • CRT video amplifiers Video switches High frequency video preamplifiers Wideband gain controls PC monitors Workstations Facsimile machines • Printers Block and Connection Diagram VIDEO IN Vee 1 16 15 GNDI ClAMP CAP CONTRAST CONTRAST CAP CAP 14 13 CONTRAST Vee 2 DRIVE Vee 3 12 11 10 9 GND 2 8 VIDEO ClAMP CLAMP (+) GATE FIGURE 1 Order Number LM1201M or LM1201N See NS Package Number M16A or N16E 3-23 ClAMP (-) OUT TUH/l0006-1 Absolute Maximum Ratings If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/Distributors for availability and specifications. Supply Voltage Vcc Pins 10,12,15 to Ground Pins, 1, 7 13.5V Voltage at Any Input Pin (VIN) Vcc ~ VIN ~ GND Video Output Current (Ie) 26mA Package Power Dissipation at TA = 25·C 1.56W (Above 25'C derate based on (9JA and TJ) Package Thermal Resistance (9JA) N16E 60"C/W Package Thermal Resistance (9JA) M16A 100"C/W Junction Temperature (TJ) 150"C Operating Temperature Range (TAl O'Cto +70"C -65·Cto + 150"C Storage Temperature Range (TSlG) 265·C Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec.) ESD Susceptibility 2kV Human body model: 100 pF discharged through a 1.5 kG resistor Electrical Characteristics See Test Circuit (Figure 2), TA = 25'C; VCC1 = VCC2 = Vccs = 12V DC Static Tests S9 Open; V4 = 6V; V5 = OV; V6 = 2.0V unless otherwise stated Symbol Parameter Is Suppiy Current Vs Video Input Reference Voltage Conditions Vcc Pins 12, 15 Only Typical Tested Limit (Note 1) 45 57 2.65 Design Limit (Note 2) Units (Limits) mA(max) 2.4 V(min) 2.95 V(max) i16 Video Input Bias Current (VS-V16)/l0 kG 5.0 20 llA(max) VSL Clamp Gate Low Input Voltage Clamp Comparator On 1.2 0.8 V(min) VSH Clamp Gate High Input Voltage Clamp Comparator Off ISL Clamp Gate Low Input Current Vs ISH Clamp Gate High Input Current 12+ Clamp Cap Charge Current 12- Clamp Cap Discharge Current VeL Video Output Low Voltage VeH Video Output High Voltage = OV V5 = 12V V2 = OV V2 = 5V V2 = OV V2 = 5V VOS Comparator Input Offset Voltage V6-V9 1.6 2.0 V(max) -0.5 -5.0 llA(max) 0.005 1 ,.A(max) 1 0.55 mA(min) -1 -0.55 mA(min) 0.5 0.9 V(max) 8.5 8.0 V(min) ±0.5 ±25 mV(max) AC Dynamic Tests S9 Closed, V5 = ov, V6 = 4V Symbol Parameter Conditions = 12V Avmax Video Amplifier Gain V4 t:.Av5V Attenuation @ 5V Ref: Av max, V4 t:.Av2V Attenuation Ref: Av max, V4 THO Video Amplifier Distortion @ 2V f(-3dB) Video Amplifier Bandwidth (Note 3) tr Output Rise Time (Note 3) tf Output Fall Time (Note 3) = 5V = 2V = 5V, Vo = 1 Vp-p V4 = 12V, Vo = 100 mVrms Vo = 4Vp_p Vo = 4Vp-p V4 Typ Tested Limit (Note 1) 8 5.5 Design Limit (Note 2) Units (Limits) VIV(min) -10 dB -45 dB 0.3 % 200 170 MHz(min) 2.5 ns 3 ns Note 1: lhess parameters are guaranteed and 100% production _ed. Note 2: Oaalgn IImHs are guaranteed (but not 100% production tasted). Theas limits are not ussd to calculate outgoing quality lavels. Note 3: When measuring video ampllHar bandwidth or pulss riss and fall times, a double sided lull ground plane printed clrcuH board wHhoutsockal I. recommended. 3-24 Yee r-------~~-------.----~~----.-{J+12Y R9 LIoI1201 D.U.T. 10k YOUT TLlH/l0006-2 FIGURE 2. LM1201 AC/DC Test Circuit Nole: When Vs <: O.SV and 89 is closed. DC feedback around the Video Amplifier is provided by the clamp comparator. Under these condHlons sine wave or 50% duty cycle square waves can ba used for test purposes. The low frequency dominant pole is determined by C2 at Pin 2. capacitor C8 at pin 9 prevents overloading the clamp comparator Inverting Input. See applications secUon lor additional Inlormatlon. Vee .12Y Video In 10 ... P,F 10k * __O.,.II'F ~ ~r~" W HV .60V Bright.... Control 10 15 Gl LM120t &I GND 33011 DIE 5.1k 43k tODD pF TL/HI10006-3 FIGURE 3. Typical Application of the LM1201 • 30n resistor Is added to the Input pin for protection against current surges coming Irom the 10 p,F input capacitor. By Increasing this resistor to wall over loon the rise and fall times of the LMI201 can be incnsased for EMI considerations. 3-25 ~ r---~~-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------, re ~ ::IE ...I APPLICATIONS INFORMATION Figure 4 shows the block diagram of a typical analog monochrome monitor. The monitor is used with CAD/CAM work stations, PCs, arcade games and in a wide range of other applications that benefit from the use of high resolution display terminals. Monitor characteristics may differ in such ways as sweep rates, screen size, or in video amplifier speed but will still be generally configured as shown in Figure 4. Separate horizontal and vertical sync signals may be required or they may be contained as a composite Signal in the video input signal. The video input Signal is usually Sync In V0-11---1 Ho-II---I supplied by coaxial cable which is terminated in 750 at the monitor input and internally AC coupled to the video amplifier. The input signal is approximately 1V peak-to-peak in amplitude and at the input of the high voltage video section, approximately 6V peak-to-peak. At the cathOde of the CRT the video Signals can be as high as 60V peak to peak. The block in Figure 4 labeled "Video Amplification with DC Controlled Gain/Black Level" contains the function of the LM1201 video amplifier system. VERTICAL/HORIZONTAl SWEEP AND POWER SUPPLY CIRCUITS Video In Contrast TUH/10006-4 FIGURE 4. Typical Monochrome Monitor Block Diagram 3-26 Circuit Description F/gure 5 Is a block diagram of the LM1201 along with the to pin 16 via the 10 /A-F coupling capaCitor. DC bias to the video input is through the 10 kO resistor which is connected to the 2.6V reference at pin 3. The low frequency roll-off of the amplifier is set by these two components. Transistor 01 buffers the video signal to the base of 02. The 02 collector current is then directed to the VCCl supply through 03 or to VCC2 through 04 and the 5000 load resistor depending upon the differential DC voltage at the bases of 03 and 04. The 03 and 04 differential base voltage is determined by the contrast control circuit which is described below. The black level DC voltage at the collector of 04 is maintained by 05 and 06 which are part of the black level clamp circuit also described below. The video signal appearing at the collector of 04 is then buffered by 07 and level shifted down by Z1 and 08 to the base of 09 which will then provide additional system gain. contrast and brightness controls. The contrast control is a DC operated attenuator which varies the AC gain of the amplifier without introducing any signal distortions or DC output shift. The brightness control function requires a "sample and hold" circuit (black level clamp) which holds the DC bias of the video amplifier and CRT cathodes constant during the black level reference portion of the video waveform. The clamp comparator, when gated on during this reference period, will charge or discharge the clamp capacitor until the non-inverting input of the clamp comparator matches that of the Inverting input voltage which was set by the brightness control. F/gure 6 Is a simplified schematic of the LM1201 video amplifier along with the recommended external components. The IC pin numbers are Circled with all external components shown outaide of the dashed line. The video input is applied Clamp Gate Lr' -------' TL/H/10006-5 FIGURE 5. Block Diagram of LM201 Video Amplifier with Contrast and Black Level Control • 3-27 LM1201 o ~" C ;::; c CD OJ +12VO • • • n ""'I • - -6" ~3 ----------------------~~ 0" :::s ~ :::> HV RIO 5004 CI: :::> ! 504 ; In VIdeo =r 754 LV lO }oF 10k -------1-'-----W----------o;;8-Clf O.I}OF 'V ..LClamp Cap To Clamp Comparator (-) Input =£·1~ FIGURE 6. SimplHied LM1201 Video Amplifier Section with Recommended External Components or ~ • To Clamp Comparator (+) Input TUH/l0006-6 Circuit Description (Continued) The "Drive" pin will allow the user to set the maximum gain of the amplifier based on the range of input video signal levels and the CRT stage gain if it is fixed or limited. When using three LM1201 devices for high resolution RGB applications, the "Drive" pin allows the user to trim the gain of each channel to correct for differences in the three CRT cathodes. A small capacitor (12 pF) in shunt with a 510 drive resistor at this pin will extend the high frequency gain of the video amplifier by compensating for some of the internal high frequency roll off. The 510 resistor will set the system gain to approximately 8 or 18 dB. The video signal at the collector of 09 is buffered and level shifted down by 010 and 011 to the base of the output emitter follower 012. Between the emitter of 012 and the video output pin is a 500 resistor which is included to prevent spurious oscillations when driving capacitive loads. An external emitter resistor must be added between the video output pin and ground. The value of this resistor should not be less than 3300, otherwise package power limitations may be exceeded when worst case (high supply, max supply current, max temp) calculations are made. If negative going pulse slewing is a problem because of high capacitive loads (> 10 pF), a more efficient method of emitter pull down would be to connect a suitable resistor to a negative supply voltage. This has the effect of a current source pull down when the minus supply voltage is -12V, and the emitter current is approximately 10 mA. The system gain will also increase slightly because less signal will be lost across the internal 500 resistor. Precautions must be taken to prevent the video output pin from going below ground since IC substrate currents may cause erratic operation. The collector current from the video output transistor is returned to the power supply at VCC3, pin 10. When making power dissipation calculations note that the datasheet specifies only the VCCI and Vee2 supply currents at 12V. The IC power dissipation contribution of VCC3 is dependent upon the video output emitter pull down load. • In normal operation the minimum black level voltage that can be set at the video output pin is approximately 2V at maximum contrast setting. In applications that require a lower black level voltage, a resistor (approximately 16 kO) can be added from pin 3 to ground. This has the effect of raising the DC voltage at the collector of 04 which will extend the range of the black level clamp by allowing 05 to remain active. In applications that require video amplifier shutdown due to fault conditions detected by monitor protection circuits, pin 3 and the wiper arms of the contrast and brightness controls can be grounded without harming the IC. This assumes some series resistance between the top of the control potentiometers and Vee. Figure 7 shows the internal construction of the pin 3 2.6V reference circuit which is used to provide temperature and supply voltage tracking compensation for the video amplifier input The value of the external DC biasing resistors should not be larger than 10 kO when using more than one LM1201 (e.g. in RGB systems) because minor differences in input bias currents on the individual video amplifiers may cause offsets in gain. 12 V_______________ • cc2 I I I I I I I I to Video Input 10k 10k t--¥iIv--t--{ Joo-....'""""""i~ Contrast Control • TL/H/10006-7 FIGURE 7. LM1201 Video Input Voltage Reference and Contrast Control Circuits 3-29 ~ ~ ~ ~ r-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; Circuit Description (Continued) Figure 7 all$Oshows how the contrast control circuit is configured. Resistors R23. R24. diodes 03. 04. and transistor 013 are used to establish a low impedance zero TC half supply voltage reference at the base of 014. The differential amplifier formed by 015. 016 and feedback transistor 017 along with resistors R27. R28 establish a differential base voltage for 03 and 04 In Figure 6. When externally adding or subtracting current from the collector of 016. a new differential voltage is generated that reflects the change in the ratio of currents in 015 and 016. To provide voltage control of the 016 current. resistor R29 is added between the 016 collector and pin 4. A capaCitor should be added from pin 4 to ground to prevent noise from the contrast control pot from entering the IC. Figure 8 is,a.simplified schematic of the clamp gate and clamp comparator section of the LM1201. The clamp gate circuit consists of a PNP input buffer transistor (018). a PNP emitter coupled pair referenced on one side to 2.1V (019. 020) and an output switch (021). When the clamp gate Input at pin 5 is high (>1.5V). the 021 switch is on and shunts the 11 1mA current to ground. When pin 5 is low «1.3V). the 021 switch is off and the 11 1mA current source Is mirrored or "turned around" by reference diode 05 and 026 to provide a 1mA current source for the clamp comparator. The inputs to the comparator are similar to the clamp gate input except that an NPN emitter coupled pair Is used to control the current which will charge or discharge the clamp capaCitor at pin 2. PNP transistors are used at the inputs because they offer a number of advantages over NPNs. PNPs will operate with base voltages at or near ground and will usually have a greater reverse emitter-base breakdown voltage (BVebo). Because the differential input voltage to the clamp comparator during the video scan period could be greater than the BVebo of NPN transistors. resistor R34 with a value one half that of R33 or R35 is connected between the bases of 023 and 027. This resistor will limit the maximum differential input to 024. 025 to approximately 350 mV. The clamp comparator common mode range extends from ground to approximately 9V and the maximum differential input voltage is Vee and ground. Vr;c2 +Icllmp Clamp Gat. In TL/H/l0006-8 FIGURE 8. Simplified SchematiC of LM1201 Clamp Gate and Clamp Comparator Circuits 3-30 Applications Information Figure 9 shows the configuration of a high frequency amplifier with non-gated DC feedback. Pin 5 is tied low to turn on the clamp comparator (feedback amplifier). The inverting input (pin 9) is connected to the amplifier output from a low pass filter. Additional low frequency filtering is provided by the clamp capaCitor. The Drive pin is grounded to allow for the widest range of output signals. Maximum output swing is achieved when the DC output is set to approximately 4.5V. Vee ~-.------~~------t--t----------t-~-lJ+12V 0.1 PF~ 47pF ~ 15 LM1201 10k 2 0.1 pF ~0.1 pF 10 5 3 10k 7 6 ~ ~______________....... +12V +12V GND 330n TUH/l0006-9 FIGURE 9. High Frequency Amplifierl Attenuator Circuit with Non-Gateci DC Feedback (Non-Video Appllcatlona) 3-31 .- r-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, ~ .~ Applications Information (Continued) Figure 10 shows the LM1201set up as a video amplifier with biphase outputs. Because the collector of output transistor Q12 is the only internal connection to Vcca, a 750 termination to the power supply voltage allows one to obtain inverted video at pin 10. Black level on the non-inverted video output (pin 8) is set to 1.5V by the voltage divider on pin 6. be OR'ed together assuming no more than one channel is selected at any given time. Channel selection is accomplished by keeping the appropriate SELECT SWITCH open. Closing the SELECT SWITCH on a given channel disables that channel's output (pin 8) leaving it in a high impedance state. A single pair of contrast and brightness potentiometers control the selected channel's gain and output DC level. Figure 11 shows how a high frequency video switch may be designed using multiple LM1201 devices. All outputs can ,......_ _ _ _ _........-(~) Vee ,. . . . . . ---..JVVtv----.......... 20011. O.II'F O.II'F 15 T V +12V ..._ _ _- 40 dB range) • OV to 4V high input impedance DC drive control (±3 dB range) • Easy to parallel three LM1202s for optimum color tracking in RGB systems • Output stage clamps to 0.65V and provides up to 9V output voltage swing • Output stage directly drives most hybrid or discrete CRT amplifier stages Applications High resolution CRT monitors Video switches Video AGC amplifier Wideband amplifier with gain and DC offset control • Wideband video amplifier (f -3dS = 230 MHz at Vo = 4 Vpp) • 1,-, tl = 1.5 ns at Vo = 4 Vpp Block and Connection Diagram ATTENUATOR IN+ 1 ATTENUATOR IN- 2 I---------.....J I------------...J 3 1----------, CLAMP CAP CONTROL OUT+ CONTROL OUT- CLAMP(+) CLAMP(-) SYSTEM Vee 1 CONTRAST CONTROL ORIVE CONTROL [!] 8 9 1-----------..1 1-_________________---.1 CLAMP GATE GROUND 'TUH/11440-1 Order Number LM1202N or LM1202M See NS Package Number N20A or M20B 3-36 Absolute Maximum Ratings (Note 1) If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/Distributors for availability and specifications. Supply Voltage Vee Pins 4,7, 16 to Ground Pins 5,13,15 Voltage at Any Input Pin (VIN) Junction Temperature (TJ) Lead Temperature N Package (Soldering, 10 sec.) 13.5V 28mA Package Power Dissipation at TA = 25°C (Above 25°C Derate Based 6JA and TJ) 1.56W Package Thermal Resistance (6JN N20A M20B Operating Ratings 1.5kV (Note 2) - 20°C to + 800C 8V ,;; Vee';; 13.2V Temperature Range 68°C/W 900C/W + 1500C 265°C ESD Susceptibility Human Body Model: 100 pF Discharged through a 1.5k Resistor Vee ;;;: VIN ;;;: GND Video Output Current (117) 1500C -65°C to Storage Temperature Range (Tslg) Supply Voltage (Vecl DC Electrical Characteristics See Test Circuit (Figure 1), TA = 25°C, V4 = V7 = V16 = 12V, S1 Open, V19 = 4V, V8 = 4V, V9 = 4V, V14 = OV unless otherwise noted. Symbol Parameter Conditions Typical (Note 3) Limit (Note 4) Units 48 60 mA(max) 2.4 2 V (min) Is4, 7,16 Total Supply Current V6 Video Input Bias Voltage V14L Clamp Gate Low Input Voltage Clamp Comparator On 0.8 V (max) V14H Clamp Gate High Input Voltage Clamp Comparator Off 2 V (min) 114L Clamp Gate Low Input Current V14 = OV -0.5 114H Clamp Gate High Input Current V14 = 12V 0.005 112+ Clamp Cap Charge Current V12 = OV 800 500 /LA (min) 112- Clamp Cap Discharge Current V12 = 5V -800 -500 p.A (min) V17L Video Output Low Voltage V12 = OV 0.2 0.65 V (max) V17H Video Output High Voltage V12 = 6V 10 9 V (min) Vas Comparator Input Offset Voltage V1S - V19 15 ±50 mV(max) RLoad = 00 (Note 5) /LA /LA AC Electrical Characteristics See Test Circuit (Figure 1), TA = 25°C, V4 = V7 = V16 = 12V, S1 Closed, V19 = 4V, V8 = 4V, V9 = 4V, V14 = OV unless otherwise noted. Symbol Parameter Conditions Typical (Note 3) Limit (Note 4) Units 16 V/V(min) -38 -23 dB (min) RIN Video Amplifier Input Resistance fiN = 12 kHz 20 Av max Video Amplifier Gain Vs = 4V. Vg = 4V 20 I1Av2V Attenuation at 2V Ref: Av max, Vs = 2V -6 kO dB I1AvO.5V Attenuation at 0.5V Ref: Av max, Vs = 0.5V 11 Drive 11 Gain Range V9 = OVt04V 6 5 dB (min) THD Video Amplifier Distortion Va = 4 Vpp, fiN = 12 kHz 0.5 1 % (max) f-3dB Video Amplifier Bandwidth (Note 6) Va = 4Vpp 230 2 ns(max) 2 ns(max) t,. Output Rise Time (Note 6) Va = 4Vpp 1.5 t, Output Fall Time (Note 6) Va = 4Vpp 1.5 3·37 MHz &I Electrical Characteristics (Continued) Note 1: Absolute Maximum Ratings indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. Note'2: Operating Ratings indicate condHlons for which the device is functional but do not guarantee specific performance limits. For guaranteed epecifications and test conditions 888 the Electrical Characterlalics. The guaranteed specifications apply only for the teat conditions listed. Some performance characteriatioa may degrade when the device is not operated under the listed teat condHlon8. Note 3: Typical 8pecifications are speclfled at + 25'C and rapreeentthe moat likely peramatric norm. Note 4: Tested limite are guaranteed 10 National's AOQL (Average Outgoing Quality Level). Note S: The supply current apeciiied is the quie8C8nt current for VCC1, VCC2 and VCC3 wHh RLoad - .. , 888 FIgure circuit The totel supply current alsO depend8 on the output load, RLood. The increase In device power dlaalpetlon due 10 RLoad must be teken Into aooount when operating the devlca at the maximum ambient temperature. "s _ Note 8: When measu~ng video amplHler bandwidth or pulee riee and fali times, a double sided full ground plane printed circuH board Is recommended. The measured rise and fali times are effective nee and fall times, taking Into acccuntthe riee and fali times of the genenator and the oacilloeccpe. Test Circuit 100 VIDEO Vee (+12V) OUT Vee (+12V) LM1202 TOP VIEW VIDEO IN 51 CLAMP GATE Uk (4V) iN 1OOk ~"'I--...--1 lOOk ~"'I-----4"-'-I DRIV[ CAP 0.01 p.F TLlH111401O-2 FIGURE 1. LM1202 Te.t Circuit 3-38 r-----------------------------------------------------------------------------, Typical Performance Characteristics (Vee = 12V, TA = 25"C unless otherwise specifiedj Quiescent Supply Current vs Supply Voltage 55 ...... 50 ... ::> ...... .... 45 >- 40 ::> III 35 V V "" / ~ V --" / V ./ -I V" ....e2 -3 ,/' ::> ... S ~ / Ii' -2 3 z z -4 -5 ./ -6 o 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5 13.0 13.5 , ./ 0.5 SUPPLY VOLTAGE PINS 4, 7 AND 16 (V) / / 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 TLlH/II440-13 Contrast vs Frequency Drive vs Frequency 10 0.54V .3 . Iii .., -30 !Z " ~~ -" ~"' l..--' 0.9V -50 0.40V ~ 0.33V 0.27V i-"l' Vg =lv ~'" -90 I dv I I I ov I I -1 10 100 1/ , ,. I ~ Vg =4V -70 - Iva =4V V8 -4V -10 4.0 DRIVE CONTROL (PIN 9) VOLTAGE TLlH/I1440-12 8 "z :c 2 Attenuation vs Drive Control Voltage 30 ~ ~ ~OAD~J 60 '< .5 .... z ~ ... 1 400 FREQUENCY (MHz) 10 ,.~ ,. '" 1/ I" 1/ 1\ 100 400 FREQUENCY (MHz) TLlHI11440-14 TLlH/II440-15 &I Attenuation vs Contrast Control Voltage 10 o I- "iii" -10 .., ~ -20 ~ -30 z -40 ::> 5 / .- . " - -50 -60 -70 V o 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 CONTRAST CONTROL (PIN 8) VOLTAGE 3-39 TL/HI11440-16 Circuit Description voltage at the minus input of the comparator matches the voltage set at the plus Input of the comparator. During the video portion of the Signal, the clamp comparator is disabled and the clamp capaCitor holds the proper DC bias. In a DC coupled cathode drive application, picture brightness function can be achieved by varying the voltage at the comparator's plus input. Note that the back porch clamp pulse width (tw in Figure 2) must be greater than 100 ns for proper operation. Figure 2 shows a block diagram of the LM1202 video amplifier along with contrast and brightness (black level) control. Contrast control is a DC-operated attenuator which varies the AC gain of the amplifier. Signal attenuation (contrast) is achieved by varying the base drive to a differential pair and thereby unbalancing the current through the differential pair. As shown in Figure 2, pin 20 provides a 5.3V bias voltage for the positive input of the attenuator (pin 1). Pin 3 provides a control voltage for the negative input (pin 2) of the attenuator. The voltage at pin 3 varies as the voltage at the contrast control input (pin 8) varies thus providing signal attenuation. The gain is maximum (0 dB attenuation) if the voltage at pin 8 is 4V and is minimum (maximum attenuation) if the voltage at pin 8 is OV. The OV to 4V DC-operated drive control at pin 9 provides a 6 dB gain adjustment range. This feature is necessary for RGB applications where independent gain adjustment of each channel is required. VIDEO AMPLIFIER SECTION (Input Stage) A simplified schematic of LM1202's video amplifier input stage is shown in Figure 3. The 5.4V zener diode, 01, 06 and R2 bias the base of 07 at 2.6V. The AC coupled video signal applied to pin 6 is referenced to the 2.6V bias voltage. Transistor 07 buffers the video signal, VIN, and 08 converts the voltage to current. The AC collector current through 08 is Ica = VIN/R9. Under maximum gain condition, transistors 09 and 011 are off and all of Ica flows through the load resistors R10 and R11. The maximum Signal gain at the base of 013 is, AV1 = -(R10 + R11)/R9 = -2. Signal attenuation is achieved by varying the base drive to the differential pairs 09, 010 and 011, 012 thereby unbalancing the collector currents through the transistor pairs. Base of 010 is biased at 5.3V by externally connecting pin 1 to pin 20 through a 100n resistor. Pin 2 is connected to pin 3 through a 100n resistor. Adjusting the contrast voltage at The brightness or black level clamping requires a "sample and hold" circuit which holds the DC bias of the video amplifier constant during the black level reference portion of the video waveform. Black level clamping, often referred to as DC restoration, is accomplished by applying a back porch clamp signal to the clamp gate input pin (pin 14). The clamp comparator is enabled when the clamp signal goes low during the black level reference period (see Figure 2). When the clamp comparator is enabled, the clamp capacitor connected to pin 12 is either charged or discharged until the T VIDEOIN CI RI 75 10)lf C2 O.OI)lf RIO 510 +4V WHITE - BLACK I-- BLACK LEVEL REfERENCE PERIOD BACK PORCH CLAMP SIGNAL U --l I-- to, > 100 n. U r------~:·~~~O~H=~~I~.8~V______~ VOL::50.8V_U TLlH/II440-3 FIGURE 2. Block Diagram of the LM1202 Video Amplifier with Contraat and Brightness (Black Level) Control 340 Circuit Description (Continued) pin 8 produces a control voltage at pin 3 which drives the base of 09. By varying the voltage at the base of 09, 08's collector current (Ice) is diverted away from the load resistors A 10 and A 11, thereby providing signal attenuation. Maximum attenuation is achieved when all of Ice flows through 09 and no current flows through the load resistors. The differential pair 011 and 012 provide drive control. 012's base is internally biased at 7.3V. Adjusting the voltage at the drive control input (pin 9) produces a control voltage at the base of 011. With 09 off and 012 off, all of Ice flows through R10, thus providing a gain of AV1 = -(R10/R9) X VIN = -1. Drive control thus provides a 6 dB attenuation range. SYSTEM Vee Vee -----------------------. PUSH PULL CURRENT FROM CLAMP COMPARATOR , - -.....- - 1 -......- -......- - , Rl 45k CLAMP CAP R2 1.2k R3 200 R4 20k RIB Uk TO VIDEO AMP OUTPUT STAGE TO Q19 Q8 R7 200 1.0V S.4V Zen" ._---------- Re R5 Uk R8 3k ------ --------------------- ------------------- 5 6 GROUND VIDEO INPUT R14 100 500 CONTRAST CAP R15 100 II GROUND TL/H/11440-4 FIGURE 3. Slmp"fled Schematic of the LM1202 Video Amp"fler Input Stage 3-41 Circuit Description (Continued) and 040. 040's base is internally biased at 5.3V and made available at pin 20. Pin 20 is externally connected to pin 1 through a 1000 resistor (see Figures 2 and 3). The base of 038 (pin 3) is externally connected to pin 2 through a 1000 resistor (see Figures 2 and 3). With Veont = 2V, the differential pair (038, 040) is balanced and the voltage at pins 1 and 2 is 5.3V. Under this condition, 08's collector current is equally split between 09 and 010 (see Figure 3) and the amplifier's gain is half the maximum gain. If contrast voltage at pin 8 is greater than 2V then 036's collector current increases, thus pulling 038's collector node lower and consequently moving 038's base below 5.3V. With pin 2 at a lower voltage than pin 1, current through 010 (see F/{/Ure 3) increases and the amplifier's gain increases. With Veont = 4V, the amplifier'S gain is maximum. If the contrast voltage at pin 8 is less than 2V then 036's collector current decreases and 038's base is pulled above 5.3V. With pin 2 voltage greater than pin 1 voltage, less current flows through 010 (see Figure 3), consequently the amplifier's gain decreases. With Veont = OV, the amplifier's gain is minimum (i.e., maximum attenuation). VIDEO AMPLIFIER SECTION (Output Stage) A simplified schematic of lM1202's video amplifier output stage is shown in F/{Jure 4. The output stage is the second gain stage. Ideally the gain of the second gain stage would be AV2 = -R21/R18 = -16. Because of the output stage's low open loop gain, the gain is approximately AV2 = -10. Thus the maximum gain of the video amplifier is Av = AVI X AV2 = 20. Transistors 023 and 024 provide a push-pull drive to the load. The output voltage can swing from 0.2V to 10V. CONTRAST CONTROL SECTION A simplified schematic of lM1202's contrast control section is shown in Figure 5. A OV to 4V DC voltage is applied at the contrast input (pin 8). Transistors 029, 030 and 034 buffer and level shift the contrast voltage to the base of 036. The voltage at the emitter of 036 equals the contrast voltage (Vcont> and the current through 036's collector is given by 1C36 = Veont/R28. Transistor 036's collector current is used to unbalance the current through the differential pair comprised of 038 p----------------------------Vee r-----t-~~....:::.-.....- - -...._i__C 16 R24 Vee lk Q23 .....--'--f 17 VIDEO OUTPUT R17 aoo ---------------------------- .. FIGURE 4. Simplified Schematic of LM1202 Video Amplifier Output Stage 3-42 TL/H/11440-5 n a c::;: p-------------------------------------------------------------------------. ::c Vee R25 50k n R30 2k - :::!. 'a R32 9.4k 0" ::J i ::I 1 S.3V BIAS c.> R31 50 b 5.4V Zener R27 100 R34 50 R29 10k R33 R36 10k 8.8k R37 12k .-------------.-----------------------------.-------------.--------------8 3 20 CONTRAST CONTROL INPUT TLlHI11440-6 FIGURE 5. Simplified Schematic of LM1202 Contrast Control .., ~o~u iii Nr-------------------------------------------------------------------~ ....~ ~ Circuit Description (Continued) DRIVE CONTROL SECTION CLAMP GATE AND CLAMP COMPARATOR SECTION A simplified schematic of the LM1202's drive control section is shown in Figure 6. A OV to 4V DC voltage is applied at the drive control input (pin 9). Transistors 049, 050 and 054 buffer and level shift the contrast voltage to the base of 056. The voltage at the emitter of 056 equals the drive voltage, Vdrive and the current through 056's collector is given by IC56 = V drive/R43. Transistor 056's collector current is used to unbalance the current through the differential pair comprised of 058 and 060. 060's base is internally biased at 7.3V and connected to the base of 012 (see Figure 3). 058's base is internally connected to the base of 011 (see Figure 3). With Vcont = 2V, the differential pair (058, 060) is balanced and the voltage at the bases of 011 and 012 is 7.3V. Under this condition, 010's collector current is equally split between 011 and 012 (see Rgure 3). If the drive voltage at pin 9 is greater than 2V then 056's collector current increases, thus pulling 058's collector node lower and consequently moving 058's base below 7.3V. With base of 011 below 7.3V, current through 012 (see Figure 3) increases and the amplifier's gain increases. With Vdrive = 4V, the amplifier'S gain is maximum under maximum contrast condition (i.e., Vcont = 4V). Figures 7 and 8 show simplified schematics of the clamp gate and clamp comparator circuits. The clamp gate circuit (Figure 7) consists of a PNP input buffer transistor (082), a PNP emitter coupled pair (085 and 086) referenced on one side to 2.1 V and an output switch transistor 089. When the clamp gate input at pin 14 is high (> 1.5V) the 089 switch is on and shunts the 200 IIA current from current source 090 to ground. When pin 14 is low « 1.3V) the 089 switch is off and the 200 /LA current is mirrored by the current mirror comprised of 091 and 075 (see Figure 8). Consequently the clamp comparator comprised of the differential pair 074 and 077 is enabled. The input of the clamp comparator is similar to the clamp gate except that an NPN emitter coupled pair is used to control the current that will charge or discharge the clamp capacitor externally connected from pin ·12 to ground. PNP transistors are used at the inputs because they offer a number of .advantages over NPNs. PNPs will operate with base voltages at or near ground and will usually have a greater emitter base breakdown voltage (BVebo). Because the differential input voltage to the clamp comparator during the video scan period could be greater than the BVebo of NPN transistors, a resistor (R63) with a value one half that of Reo or R68 is connected between the bases of 071 and 079. The clamp comparator's common mode range is from ground to approximately 9V and the maximum differential input voltage is Vcc. If the drive voltage at pin 8 is less than 2V then 056's collector current decreases and 058's base is pulled above 7.3V. With base of 011 greater than 7.3V, less current flows through 012 (see Figure 3), consequently the amplifier'S gain decreases. With Vdrive = OV, the amplifier'S gain is 6 dB less than the maximum gain. 3-44 n a' c::; cCD o Vee R40 SOk ... n - -6' R47 R44 2k 6.4k 0' ::::I '9 I TO VIDEO AMP TO VIDEO AMP 011 012 7.3V BIAS R46 Co> in 50 S.4V Zener R42 100 R4S R48 R51 10k 12.8k 10k 9 10 11 DRIVE CONTROL INPUT DRIVE CAP DRIVE CAP TLlHI11440-7 FIGURE 6. Simplified SChematic of the LM1202 Drive Control ~o~u., II Circuit Description (Continued) R70 200 14 CLAMP GATE INPUT TLlH/11440-8 FIGURE 7. Simplified Schematic of the LM1202 Clamp Gate Circuit 3·46 Circuit Description (Continued) Vee RS9 100 R61 SOk R62 400 R6S 400 SOI'A 069 4X PUSH PULL OUTPUT CURRENT TO CLAMP CAP R67 100 R66 SOk SOI'A 081 4X ! 400 I'A 400 I'A! 12 074 077 R60 SOk R63 ~ 40 0 l'A RSS 500 RS6 500 079 068 2Sk CURRENT SOURCE CONTROL FROM CLAMP GATE RS7 9k ! 200l'A RS8 100 19 18 (_)COMPARATOR INPUT (-)COMPARATOR INPUT TUH/11440-9 FIGURE 8. Simplified Schematic of the LM1202 Clamp Comparator Circuit 3·47 Applications of the LM 1202 SINGLE VIDEO CHANNEL A typical application for a single video channel is shown in Figure 9. The video signal is AC coupled to pin 6. The LM1202 internally biases the video signal to 2.6 Vee. Contrast control is achieved by applying a OV to 4V DC voltage at pin 8. The amplifier's gain is minimum (i.e., maximum signal attenuation) if pin 8 is at OV and is maximum if pin 8 is at 4V. With pin 9 (drive control) at OV, the amplifier has a maximum gain of 10. For DC restoration, a clamp signal must be applied to the clamp gate input (pin 14). The clamp signal should be logic low (less than 0.6Y) only during the back porch (black level reference period) interval (see Figure 2). The clamp gate input is TIL compatible. Brightness control is provided by applying a OV to 4V DC voltage at pin 19. For example, If pin 19 is biased at 1V then the video signal's black level will be clamped at 1V. A 5100 load resistor is connected from the video output pin (pin 17) to ground. This resistor biases the output stage of the amplifier. For power dissipation considerations, the load resistor should not be much less than 5100. ROB VIDEO PREAMPLIFIER Ftg/Jre 10 shows an AGB video preamplifier circuit using three LM1202s. Note that pins 1 and 2 of IC1 are connected to pins 1 and 2 of IC2 and 103 respectively. This allows IC1 to provide a master contrast control and optimum contrast tracking. Adjusting the contrast voltage at pin 8 of IC1 will vary the gain of all three video channels. Drive control input (pin 9) of each LM1202 allows individual gain adjustment for achieving white balance. The black level of each video channel can be individually adjusted to the desired voltage by adjusting the voltage at pin 19. In a DC-coupled cathode drive application, adjusting the voltage at pin 19 of each IC will provide cutoff adjustment. In an AC-coupled cathode drive application, the video signal is AC coupled and DC restored at the cathode. In such an application, the video Signal's black level may be clamped to the desired level by simply biasing pin 19 to the black level voltage by using a voltage divider at pin 19. 3-48 Applications of the LM 1202 (Continued) 100 VIDEO Vee (+12V) OUT Vee (+12V) LM1202 TOP VIEW VIDEO IN 75 CLAMP GATE iii 510 0.01 p'r Tl/H/114<1O-10 FIGURE t. Typical LM1202 Application (Single Video Channel) 3·49 Applications of the LM 1202 (Continued) v" +11V Ill .. " .v'"" CIO! 5O JJFV' m~:~~~ ____,,_.. __ ~ ";: ~~~~ __ ~ Uk HOI " " : : !--.,...:::::---I .v"" .. R314 V'" +Uy --1I---'\_-III---I GREEN~: @)-~______ O.OI,.r FIGURE 10. Typical RGB Application with Contrast, Drive and Black Level (Cutoff) Control 3-50 TL/H/11440-11 r-----------------------------------------------------------------------------, Power Down Characteristics PC Board Layout Considerations The LM1202 includes a built-in power down spot killer to prevent a flash on the screen upon power down. The LM1202's output voltage decreases as the device is being powered down, thus preventing a flash on the screen. In some preamplifiers, the video output signal may go high as the device is being powered down. This may cause a whiterthan-white level at the output of the CRT driver, thus causing a flash on the screen. For optimum performance and stable operation, a doublesided printed circuit board with adequate· ground plane and power supply decoupling as close to the Vee pins as possible is recommended. For suggestions on optimum PC board layout, please see the reference section below. ~ ....~ ~ N Reference Ott, Henry W, Noise R8duction Techniques in Electronic Systems, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1976. • 3-51 ~·.National ~ semiconductor LM 1203 RGB Video Amplifier System General Description Features The LM1203 is a wideband video amplifier system intended for high resolution RGB color monitor applications. In addition to three matched video amplifiers, the LM1203 contains three gated differential input black level clamp comparators for brightness control and three matched attenuator circuits for contrast control. Each video amplifier contains a gain set or "Drive" node for setting maximum system gain (Av = 4 to 10) as well as providing trim capability. The LM1203 also contains a voltage reference for the video inputs. For high resolution monochrome monitor applications see the LM1201 Video Amplifier System datasheet. • Three wideband video amplifiers (70 MHz @ -3dB) • Inherently matched (± 0.1 dB or 1.2%) attenuators for contrast control • Three externally gated comparators for brightness control • Provisions for independent gain control (Drive) of each video amplifier • Video input voltage reference • Low impedance output driver Block and Connection Diagram LM 1203 RGB AMP (TOP VIEW) Vee l 28 Vee l CONTRAST CAP 2 27 R DRIVE CONTRAST CAP 3 26 R CLAMP(-) R VIDEO IN 4 25 R VIDEO OUT 24 R CLAMP CAP 5 G VIDEO IN 6 R CLAMP(+) 23 Vcc2 22 G DRIVE GROUND 7 G CLAMP CAP 8 21 G CLAMp(-) B VIDEO IN 9 20 G VIDEO OUT B CLAMP CAP 10 19 G CLAMP(+) V REF 11 18 B DRIVE CONTRAST 12 17 B CLAMP(-) Vee l 13 16 B VIDEO OUT CLAMP GATE 14 15 B CLAMP(+) TL/H/9178-1 FIGURE 1 Order Number LM1203N See NS Package Number N28B 3-52 Absolute Maximum Ratings If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/Distributors for availability and specifications. Supply Voltage, Vee Pins 1, 13,23,28 (Note 1) 13.5V Voltage at Any Input Pin, VIN Vee;;;' VIN ;;;, GND Video Output Current, 116, 20 or 25 28mA Power Dissipation, Po (Above 25'C) Derate Based on 6JA and TJ Thermal Resistance, 6JA Junction Temperature, TJ O"Cto +70"C Operating Temperature Range, TA Storage Temperature Range, T8TG Lead Temperature, (Soldering, 10 sec.) ESD susceptibility 1 kV Human body model: 100 pF discharged through a 1.5 kO resistor 2.5W 50"C/W 150'C Electrical Characteristics See Test Circuit (Figure 2), TA = 25'C;VCC1 = Vee2 = 12V DC Static Tests S17, 21, 26 Open; V12 = 6V; V14 = OV; V15 = 2.0V unless otherwise stated Label Conditions Parameter -65'Cto + 150"C 265'C Is Supply Current V11 Video Input Reference Voltage Ib Video Input Bias Current Any One Amplifier V141 Clamp Gate Low Input Voltage V14h Clamp Gate High Input Voltage 1141 Clamp Gate Low Input Current 114 h Clamp Gate High Input Current Iclamp+ Clamp Cap Charge Current Iclamp- Vee 1 only Typ Tested Limit (Note 2) 73 90.0 mA(max) 2.2 V(min) 2.4 Design Limit (Note 3) Units (Limits) 2.6 V(max) 5.0 20 ,...A(max) Clamp Comparators On 1.2 0.8 V(max) Clamp Comparators Off 1.6 2.0 V(min) V14 = OV -0.5 -5.0 ,...A(max) V14 = 12V 0.005 1 ,...A(max) V5,80r10 = OV 850 500 ,...A(min) Clamp Cap Discharge Current V5, 8 or 10 = 5V -850 -500 ,...A(min) Vol Video Output Low Voltage V5, 80r 10 = OV 0.9 1.25 V(max) Voh Video Output High Voltage V5,80r10 = 5V 8.9 8.2 V(min) l::.Vo(2V) Video Output Offset Voltage Between Any Two Amplifiers V15 = 2V ±0.5 ±50 mV(max) aVo(4V) Video Output Offset Voltage Between Any Two Amplifiers V15 = 4V ±0.5 ±50 mV(max) AC Dynamic Tests S17,21,26Closed;V14 = Symbol Parameter OV;V15 = 4V;unlessotherwisestated Conditions Typ Tested Limit (Note 2) 4.5 Design Limit (Note 3) Units (Limits) Avmax Video Amplifier Gain V12 = 12V, VIN = 560 mVp-p 6.0 aAv5V Attenuation @ 5V Ref: Av max, V12 = 5V -10 aAv2V Attenuation @ 2V Ref: Av max, V12 = 2V -40 dB Avmatch Absolute gain match V12 = 12V (Note 5) ±0.5 dB aAvtrack1 Gain change between amplifiers V12 = 5V (Notes 5, 8) ±0.1 ±0.5 dB (max) aAvtrack2 Gain change between amplifiers V12 = 2V (Notes 5, 8) ±0.3 ±0.7 dB(max) THD Video Amplifier Distortion V12 = 3V, Vo = 1 Vp·p 0.5 % f(-3dB) Video Amplifier Bandwidth (Notes 4, 6) V12 = 12V, Vo = 100 mVrms 70 MHz tr Output Rise Time (Note 4) Vo = 4Vp·p 5 ns tf Output Fall Time (Note 4) Vo = 4Vp-p 7 ns @ Av max 3-53 VIV(min) dB • AC Dynamic Tests 517,21, 26 Closed; V14 = OV; V15 = 4V; unlessotherwiseatated (Continued) Typ Symbol Parameter Vsep 10kHz Video Amplifier 10kHz Isolation V12 = 12V (Note 7) Vsep 10MHz Video Amplifier 10 MHz Isolation V12 = 12V(Notes4, 7) CO!ldltlona Tested Limit (Note 2) OHlIn Limit (Note 3) UnIta -65 dB -46 dB Note 1: Vee supply pins 1, 13,23,28 must be externally wired together to prevent Internal damage during Vee power onloff cycIea. Note 2: These parameters are guaranteed and 100% production tested. Note 3: Design limits are guaranteed (but not 100% production tested). These IImRs are not used to calculate outgoing quality levels. Note 4: When measuring video amplifier bandwidth or pulse rise and fall times, a double sided full ground plane printed circuit board without socket iSl'8COIIIIII8nd· ed. Video AmplHler 10 MHz Isolation test also requires this printed circuR board. Note 5: Measure gain difference between any two amplifiers. VIN = 1 Vp-p. Note 6: Adjust input frequency from 10 kHz (Avmax ref level) to the -3 dB comer frequency (f -3 dB). Note 7: Measure output levels of the other two undriven amplifiers relafive to driven amplifier to detenmine channel separation. Terminate the undriven amplifier inpuls to simulate generator loading. Repeat test at fiN = 10 MHz for Vsep = 10 MHz. Note 8: flAv track is a measure of the ability of any two amplifiers to track each other and quantifies the matching of the three attenuators. 1118 tha difIerWIce In gain change between any two amplHiers with tha Contrsst Voltege V12 at either 5V or 2V measured relativ8 to an Av max condition V12 = 12V. For example, at Av max the three amplifiers gains might be 17.4 dB, 16.9 dB, and 16.4 dB and change to 7.3 dB, 6.9 dB, and 6.5 dB respectively for V12 = SV. ThiS yields the measured typical ± 0.1 dB channel tracking. 0,01 pF 5pF R;N J' 1:' ". 1:' O,lpF 10K ~ ~ ~ 0.1 pF ~ 0.1 pF I Vee I 0.1 pF 27 3 26 4 25 5 24 6 7 5pF 0.1 pF 28 2 50n B;N Vee I Vee 2 LM 1203 D.U.T. 8 23 22 21 20 50n Va CONTRAST ~.1 pF V" ~.Ol 10 19 11 18 12 17 13Vccl 16 14 15 pF CLAMP GATE 'Peaking capacoors. See Frequency Response using various peaking cups graph on next page. TL/H/tl18-2 FIGURE 2. LM1203 Teat Circuit 3-54 r-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ Typical Performance Characteristics r- s::: ..... N Q Co) Contrast vs Frequency o VI2=12V 5V -10 -20 3V 2.3V 2V I. -30 -40 -50 ........t' -60 1.7V -70 o ~ ~ ~ - II Crosstalk vs Frequency ~ -10 -20 R -30 -40 -50 -60 B -70 R Ref:OdB = 6V/V IN ION lOOk 100M 1M Frequency (Hz) 10M 100M Frequency (Hz) TL/H/9178-11 TLlH/9178-12 Attenuation vs Contrast Voltage Frequency Response Using Various Peaking Caps 0 II +2 +1 - o -I -2 -3 Rdrfve IN =100.11 ION 'iii" -10 c -20 c -40 .:!!.. 62pF 50pF 33pF OpF !.. ~ , -4 -5 Ii I;' J.oo" L........ I -30 -50 -60 -70 -I-' o Vee = 12V 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1112 100M Contrast Voltage V12 (V) Frequency (Hz) TL/H/9178-14 TL/H/9178-13 Pulse Response Rise & Fall Times Vert. Horiz. ~ ~ 1V IDiv. 10 ns/Div. - GND TL/H/9178-15 3-55 • Vee +12V ~~------~~-------1~"'+ V- 28 100 !'F RED DRIVE 5111 27 H---'IIV\r-""'Y""''' 26 H----., 25 H-----1--~--. TO RED CASCODE DRIVER 390ll 5 24 23 GREEN DRIVE TO HV SUPPLY VIDEO OUT 60V pop 51ll LW1203 8 21 20 H-+-1~--+------i CUTOFF 390ll ADJ. 10K ~.I!'F H-t----., 10 19 11 18 I-II-t-'IV\_..... 91ll 12 17HH----, 13 16 14 15 H-t--....+.-. 390ll TO BLUE CASCODE DRIVER max CONTRAST CONTROL 10K 10K 10K ,*0.11' 10K BLACK LEVEL (BRIGHTNESS) CONTROL ""BL""A"';CK~LE"'V=EL GATE IN TLlH/9178-3 FIGURE 3. LM1203 Typical Application • 300 resistors are added to 1he Input pins for protection against current surges ccming through the 10 p.F input capacitors. By Increasing these resistors to well over 1000 the rise and fall times of the LMI203 can be Increased for EMI considerations. 3-56 r-----------------------------------------------------------------------------, Applications Information Figure 4 shows the block diagram of a typical analog RGB color monitor. The RGB monitor is used with CAD/CAM work stations, PC's, arcade games and in a wide range of other applications that benefit from the use of color display terminals. The RGB color monitor characteristics may differ in such ways as sweep rates, screen size, CRT color trio spacing (dot pitch), or in video amplifier bandwidths but will still be generally configured as shown in Figure 4. Separate horizontal and vertical sync signals may be required or they may be contained in the green video input signal. The video input signals are usually supplied by coax cable which is terminated in 750 at the monitor input and internally ac cou· 0--+-"" Ho--+-.... V SYNC IN pled to the video amplifiers. These input signals are approxi· mately 1 volt peak to peak in amplitude and at the input of the high voltage video section, approximately 6V peak to peak. At the cathode of the CRT the video signals can be as high as 60V peak to peak. One Important requirement of the three video amplifiers is that they match and track each other over the contrast and brightness control range. The Figure 4 block labeled "VIDEO AMPLIFICATION WITH GAIN AND DC CONTROL" describes the function of the LM1203 which contains the three matched video amplifiers, contrast control and brightness control. ~ ....~ B VERTICAL / HORIZONTAL SWEEP AND POWER SUPPLY CIRCUITS VIDEO IN Ro--++-.... G 0--+........ B VIDEO At.lPUFICATION WITH GAIN / DC CONTROL CONTRAST BRIGHTNESS TL/H/9178-4 FIGURE 4. Typical RGB Color Monitor Block Diagram • 3·57 ~ C) ,---------------------------------------------------------------------------------, C'I .,... Circuit Description ::::!!! Figure 5 is a block 'diagram of one of the .video amplifiers along with the contrast and brightness controls. The contrast control is a dc-operated attenuator which varies the ac gain of all three amplifiers simultaneously while not introducing any signal distortions or tracking errors. The brightness control function requires a "sample and hold" circuit (black level clamp) which holds the dc bias of the video amplifiers and CRT cathodes constant during the black level reference portion of the video waveform. The clamp comparator, when gated on during this reference period, will charge or discharge the clamp capacitor until the plus input of the clamp comparator matches that of the minus input voltage which was set by the brightness control. ....I to the video input is through the 10 kO resistor which is connected to the 2.4V reference at pin 11. The low frequency roll-off of the amplifier is set by these two components. Transistor 01 buffers the video signal to the base of 02. The 02 collector current is then directed to the Vee 1 supply directly or through the 1k load resistor depending uPon the differential DC voltage at the bases of 03 and 04. The 03 and 04 differential base voltage is determined by the contrast control circuit which is described below. RF decoupiing capacitors are required at pins 2 and 3 to insure high frequency isolation between the three video amplifiers which share these common connections. The black level dc voltage at the collector of 04 is maintained by 05 and Q6 which are part of the black level clamp circuit also described below. The video signal appearing at the collector of 04 is then buffered by 07 and level shifted down by Z1 and 08 to the base of 09 which will then provide additional system gain. Figure 6 is a simplified schematic of one of the three video amplifiers along with the recommended external components. The IC pin numbers are circled with all external components shown outside of the dashed line. The video input is applied to pin 6 via the 10 ,..F coupling capacitor. DC bias LW1203 LOW VOLTAGE VIDEO EXTERNAL HIGH VOLTAGE VIDEO >-1--"'1 CRT CATHODE B TLlH/9178-5 FIGURE 5. Block Diagram of LM1203 Video Amplifier with Contrast and Black Level Control 3-58 n ·12VO • • • • i • ;:; i' ...ii'~ .. 0~ l' g. -r IN C ! 10pF 754 ~ 10 pF). a more efficient method of emitter pull down would be to connect a suitable resistor to a negative supply voltage. This has the effect of a current source pull down when the minus supply voltage is -12V and the emitter current is approximately 10 mA. The system gain will also increase slightly because less signal will be lost across the internal 400 resistor. Precautions must be taken to prevent the video output pin from going below ground because IC substrate currents may cause erratic operation. The collector currents from the video output transistors are returned to the power supply at Vee 2 pin 23. When making power dissipation calculations note that the data sheet specifies only the Vee 1 supply current at 12V. The IC power dissipation contribution of Vee 2 is dependent upon the video output emitter pull down load. In applications that require video amplifier shut down because of fault conditions detected by monitor protection circuits, pin 11 and the wiper arms of the contrast and brightness controls can be grounded without harming the IC. This assumes some series resistance between the top of the control pots and Vee. Figure 7 shows the internal construction of the pin 11 2.4V reference circuit which is used to provide temperature and supply voltage tracking compensation for the video amplifier inputs. The value of the external DC biasing resistors should not be larger than 10 kO because minor differences in input bias currents to the individual video amplifiers may cause offsets in gain. :.-----------------------------V~~--._--~--..----_t_t------, I TO VIDEO INPUT 10K 10K I R21 R28 12K R29 8K 14K3 I I I IZ3 I 10K I R30 10K TUH/9178-7 FIGURE 7. LM1203 Video Input Voltage Reference and Contrast Control Circuits 3-60 .-----------~----------------------------------------------------------------~r ....iii: Circuit Description (Continued) the 11 850 ",A current to ground. When pin 14 is low « 1.3V) the 021 switch is off and the 11 850 ",A current source is mirrored or "turned around" by reference diode 05 and 026 to provide a 850 ",A current source for the clamp comparator(s). The inputs to the comparator are similar to the clamp gate input except that an NPN emitter coupled pair is used to control the current which will charge or discharge the clamp capaCitors at pins 5, 8, or 10. PNP transistors are used at the inputs because they offer a number of advantages over NPNs. PNPs will operate with base voltages at or near ground and will usually have a greater reverse emitter base breakdown voltage (BVebo). Because the differential input voltage to the clamp comparator during the video scan period could be greater than the BVebo of NPN transistors a resistor (R34) with a value one half that of R33 or R35 is connected between the bases of 023 and 027. This resistor will limit the maximum differential input to 024, 25 to approximately 350 mV. The clamp comparator common mode range is from ground to approximately 9V and the maximum differential input voltage is Vee and ground. Figure 7 also shows how the contrast control circuit is configured. Resistors R23, 24, diodes 03, 4 and transistor 013 are used to establish a low impedance zero TC half supply voltage reference at the base of 014. The differential amplifier formed by 015, 16 and feedback transistor 017 along with resistors R27, 28 establish a diferential base voltage for 03 and 04 in Figure 6. When externally adding or subtracting current from the collector of 016, a new differential voltage is generated that reflects the change in the ratio of currents in 015 and 016. To provide voltage control of the 016 current, resistor R29 is added between the 016 collector and pin 12. A capacitor should be added from pin 12 to ground to prevent noise from the contrast control pot from entering the IC. Figure 8 is a simplified schematic of the clamp gate and clamp comparator sections of the LM1203. The clamp gate circuit consists of a PNP input buffer transistor (018), a PNP emitter coupled pair referenced on one side to 2.1V (019, 20) and an output switch (021). When the clamp gate input at pin 14 is high (>1.5V) the 021 switch is on and shunts ~ w CI..AMP GATE IN R32 5K TO OTHER '-+----------i---+ COMPARATORS TL/H/9178-8 FIGURE 8. Simplified Schematic of LM1203 Clamp Gate and Clamp Comparator Circuits 3-61 • Additional Applications of the LM 1203 Figure 9 shows how the LM1203 can be set up as a video buffer which could be used in low cost video switcher applications. Pin 14 is tied high to turn off the clamp comparators. The comparator Input pins should be grounded as shown. Sync tip (black level if sync is not included) clamping is provided by diodes at the amplifier inputs. Note that the clamp cap pins are tied to the Pin 11 2.4V reference. This was done, along with the choice of 2000 for the drive pin resistor, to establish an optimum DC output voltage. The contrast control (Pin 12) ,will provide the necessary gain or attenuation required for channel balancing. Changing the contrast control setting will cause minor DC shifts at the amplifier output which will not be objectionable as the output is AC coupled to the load. The dual NPN/PNP emitter follower will provide a low impedance output drive to the AC coupled 750 output Impedance setting resistor. The dual 500 JolF capacitors will set the low frequency response to approximately 4 Hz. r-~~--------""--<~+12V 0.1 28 2004 Dl 2 27 3 26 4 25 5 24 6 23 7 +12V 22 LM1203 8 21 9 20 10 1. 11 18 12 17 13 16 14 15 D4 2K TUH/9178-9 FIOURE 9. ROB Video Buffer with Diode Sync Tip Ciampa and 750 Cable DrIver 3-62 Additional Applications of the LM 1203 (Continued) When diode 04 at Pin 11 is switched to ground the input video signals will be DC shifted down and clamped at a voltage near ground (approximately 250 mV). This will disable the video amplifiers and force the output DC level low. The DC outputs from other similarly configured LM1203s could overide this lower DC level and provide the output signals to the 750 cable drivers. In this case any additional LM1203s would share the same 3900 output resistor. The maximum DC plus peak white output voltage should not be allowed to exceed 7V because the "off" amplifier output stage could suffer internal zener damage. See Figure 3 and text for a description of the internal configuration of the video amplifier. Figure 10 shows the configuration for a three channel high frequency amplifier with non gated DC feedback. Pin 14 is tied low to turn on the clamp comparators (feedback amplifiers). The inverting inputs (Pins 17, 21, 26) are connected to the amplifier outputs from a low pass filter. Additional low frequency filtering is provided by the clamp caps. The drive resistors can be made variable or fixed at values between 0 and 3000. Maximum output swings are achieved when the DC output is set to approximately 4V. The high frequency response will be dependent upon external peaking at the drive pins. +12V 0.1 V 28 0-300n ~ ~ 30n '1i ". ~ 10K 2 27 3 26 4 25 5 24 23 0-300n son 22 10K Lt./1203 ~ 8 21 9 20 10 19 11 18 V 12 17 GAIN ADJUST 13 16 14 15 ~ ". 10K son ~ 1 )'F 10K DC OUTPUT ADJUST TL/H/9178-10 FIGURE 10. Three Channel High Frequency Amplifier with Non-gated DC Feedback (Non-video Applications) 3-63 J3 CI4: O.I",r*, ~ . ~~ o.l,,,,r . r-!~ 0.1 ",r I ~r R2 £t 10K i ~r RS 10K ~t i ~r t- R7 10K l Cl ~",r J2 I ~ ........, 1 LII1203 ICI C23 28 2 27 3 26 ~- R8 OK " 25 5 2" ;0 '; ~.1"'~"'~ Rl1 -'3K 6 23 7 22 8 21 r- O:I'",F ';7 33pF fj~ UT ;0 R20200.o. 9 20 10 19 11 18 r- R19 3904 r~F ';7 RI8100,., 17 13 16 1" 15 BOUT R172oo.o. ;0 R16 3904 RIO ';7 0.1"'~ SKI C14 10H 1 Cl~ 1000pF \,..,/ R1312K Rl" 10K Cl~ BRIGHTNESS CONTROL 0.1"'~ 8 ~ RIS 2K L111881 1C2 ,..- V R9 C21 .,1 ",F R211oo~7 CIS s.o. R22 3904 J" 12 :+::: Cl~~Cl;~ ROUT R232004 Jl CONTRAST CONTROL rj!!lr R2" 100'7 cl1l:10",r I ~loo",r 2 7 3 6 *" 5 vo- -COfE r- ';7 Jg17 R12 680K 0; ., ~.I"'F TLlH/9178-18 FIGURE 11. LM1203/LM1881 ApplicatiOn Circuit for PC Board 9-64 PC Board with Components <00 var , <~~':V~;::~t WEOQJT. '.J~,~ . '* R • '''> . ". . .~' . • G:. .','. c.> 0. (II : ~ . ;. . .B>. . ; .. .~'; .~,) : .. : , ·'~~'+f;.......... . . . . . . . ," ';'.' .:-,. :. ~ ,'~ ,/BRIGfTNESS" '. 'lM 1203iLM'f$Sl , J'Q2~~' 'FGVt(Bl:'>' ;" • < ",'<, " . ;i:al«Ri 'AMPLIF~, ...... FEvS~>~; < TUH/9178-17 tou ..., iii ~ ~ ~National ~ ~ semiconductor LM1203A 150 MHz RGB Video Amplifier System General Description The LM1203A is an improved version of the popular LM1203 wideband video amplifier system. The device is intended for high resolution RGB CRT monitors. In addition to three matched video amplifiers, the LM1203A contains three gated differential input black level clamp comparators for brightness control and three matched attenuator circuits for contrast control. Each video amplifier contains a gain set or "Drive" node for setting maximum system gain or providing gain trim capability for white balance. The LM1203A also contains a voltage reference for the video inputs. The LM1203A is pin and function compatible with the LM1203. Features • Three wideband video amplifiers 150 MHz @ -3 dB • Matched (±0.1 dB or 1.2%) attenuators for contrast control • Three externally gated comparators for brightness control • Provisions for individual gain control (Drive) of each video amplifier • Video input voltage reference • Low impedance output driver Improvements over LM 1203 • • • • 150 MHz vs 70 MHz bandwidth VOUT low: 0.15V vs 0.9V t r,t,:4nsvs7ns Built in power down spot killer Applications • High resolution RGB CRT monitors • Video AGC amplifiers • Wideband amplifiers with gain and DC offset controls Block and Connection Diagrams ~----------'-r-----------~ LM 1203A ROa AMP (TOP VIEW) Vcc 1 1 28 CONTRAST CAP 2 27 R DRIVE CONTRAST CAP 3 26 R CLAMP(-) R VIDEO IN 4 25 R VIDEO OUT R CLAMP CAP 5 24 R CLAMP(» G VIDEO IN 6 23 Vee 2 GROUND 7 22 G DRIVE G CLAMP CAP 8 21 G CLAMP(-) a VIDEO IN 9 2D G VIDEO OUT a CLAMP CAP 10 19 G CLAMP(» V REF 11 18 a DRIVE CONTRAST 12 ~=~=:::r"'" 17 a CLAMP(-) Vee 1 13 1----:---------fJ 16 B VIDEO OUT CLAMP GATE 14 1----1 15 B CLAMP(_) Vee ' Tl/H/II441-1 FIGURE 1 Order Number LM1203AN See NS Package Number N28B 3-66 Absolute Maximum Ratings (Note 1) If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/Distributors for availability and specifications. Thermal Resistance (8J,v 50"C/W Junction Temperature (TJ) 150"C Supply Voltage {Vcel Pins 1, 13, 23, 28 (Note 3) Storage Temperature Peak Video Output Source Current (Any One Amp) Pins 16, 20 or 25 ESD Susceptibility (Note 4) 13.5V 2kV -65"Cto 150"C Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec.) 28mA 265'C Operating Ratings (Note 2) Vcc ~ VIN ~ GND Power Dissipation, (Po) (Above 25'C derate based on 8JA and TJ) 2.5W Voltage at Any Input Pin (VIN) -20"Cto +80"C Temperature Range Supply Voltage (Vcc) 10.8V s: Vcc s: 13.2V DC Electrical Characteristics See Test Circuit (Figure 2), TA = 25'C; VCC1 = VCC2 = 12V. S17, 21,26 = 6V; V14 = OV; V15 = 2.0V unless otherwise stated. Open; V12 Symbol Parameter Is Supply Current V11 Video Input Reference Voltage Conditions VCC1 + VCC2, RL = co (Note 7) Typical (Note 5) 70 2.8 Limit (Note 6) Unlta 95 mA(max) 2.5 V (min) 3.1 V (max) Ie Video Input Bias Current Any One Amplifier 7 20 IlA (max) V14L Clamp Gate Low Input Voltage Clamp Comparators On 1.2 0.8 V (max) V14H Clamp Gate High Input Voltage Clamp Comparators Off 1.6 2.0 V (min) 114L Clamp Gate Low Input Current -1 -5.0 llA(max) 114H Clamp Gate High Input Current = OV V14 = 12V 0.07 0.2 llA(max) ICLAMP+ Clamp Cap Charge Current V5,80r10 750 500 llA(min) ICLAMP- Clamp Cap Discharge Current -750 -500 llA(min) VOL Video Output Low Voltage 0.15 0.5 V (max) VOH Video Output High Voltage 7.5 7 V (min) I1VO(2V) Video Output Offset Voltage Between Any Two Amplifiers, V15 = 2V 2 ±25 mV(max) I1VO(4V) Video Output Offset Voltage Between Any Two Amplifiers, V15 = 4V 2 ±25 mV(max) V14 = OV V5, 8 or 10 = 5V V5,80r10 = OV V5,80r10 = 5V 3·67 AC Electrical Characteristics See Test Circuit (Figure2j, TA = 25°C;VCC1 = VCC2 = 12V.S17,21,26 Closed; V14 Symbol = OV; V15 = 4V unless otherwise stated. Parameter Conditions AVmax Video Amplifier Gain V12 I::.AV5V Attenuation @ 5V Ref: Av max, V12 I::.AV2V Attenuation @ 2V AVmatch Absolute Gain Match @ Av max I::.AVtrack 1 Gain Change Between Amplifiers I::.Avtrack2 Gain Change Between Amplifiers THD Video Amplifier Distortion f(-3dB) Video Amplifier Bandwidth = 560 mVpp = 5V Ref: Av max, V12 = 2V V12 = 12V (Note 8) V12 = 5V (Notes 8, 9) V12 = 5V (Notes 8, 9) V12 = 3V, Vo = 1 Vpp V12 = 12V, Vo = 4 Vpp (Notes 10, 11) (No External Peaking Capacitor) Video Amplifier Bandwidth V12 (Notes 10,11) With 18 pF Peaking Cap from f(-3dB) = 12V, VIN = Typical Umit (Note 5) (Note 6) 6.5 4.5 . -8 Units VIV(min) dB -30 dB ±0.3 dB ±0.1 dB ±0.3 dB 1 % 100 MHz 150 MHz 3 ns 4 ns 12V (Note 12) -70 dB 12V (Notes 10, 12) -50 dB 12V, Vo = 4 Vpp Pins 18, 22 and 27 to GND Ir Output Rise Time (Note 10) Vo = 4Vpp (No External Peaking Capacitor) tf Output Fail Time (Note 10) Vo = 4Vpp (No External Peaking Capacitor) Vsep 10kHz Vsep 10 MHz Video Amplifier 10kHz isolation Video Amplifier 10 MHz Isolation V12 V12 = = Note 1: Absolute Maximum Ratings indicals IlmHs beyond which damage to the device may occur. Note 2: Operating Ratings indicate conditions for which the device Is functional, but do not guarantee specific performance IImHB. For guaranteed specifications and test condHions, see the Elecbical Charactsrlstlcs. The guaranteed specifications apply only for the test conditions listsd. Some performance characteristics may degrade when the device is not operated under the listed test conditions. Note 3: Vee supply pins 1,13,23,28 must be externally wired together to prevent internal damage during Vee power onloff cycles. Note 4: Human body model, 100 pF discharged through a 1.S kll resistor. Note 5: Typical Specifications are specified at + 2S"C and represent the mosl likely parametric norm. Note 6: Tested limits are guaranteed to National's AOOL (Average Outgoing Quality Level). Note 7: The supply current specified Is the quiescent current for Vee1 and VCC2 with RL = 00, see Figure 2'8 test circuH. The supply current for VCC2 (pin 23) also depends on the output load. With video output at 2V DC, the additional current through VCC2 Is 18 rnA for Figure 2'8 Isst circuH. Note 8: Measure gain difference between any two amplHiers. VIN = 1 Vpp. Note 9: t;. Av track is a measure of the abilHy of any two amplifiers to track each other and quantifies the matching of the three attenuators. It is the difference in gain change between any two amplHiers with the contrast voltage (V12) at either SV or 2V measured relative to an Av max condition, V12 = 12V. For example, at Av max the three ampiHiers' gains might be 17.4 dB, 16.9 dB and 16.4 dB and change to 7.3 dB, 6.9 dB, and 6.S dB respectively for V12 = SV. This yields the measured typical ± 0.1 dB channel traCking. Note 10: When measuring video amplifier bendwidth or pulse rise and fall times, a double sided full ground plane prinlsd circuit board wilhout socket is recommended. Video amplHier 10 MHz Isolation test also requires this printed circuH board. Note 11: Adiust input frequency from 10 kHz (Av max reference level) to the -3 dB corner frequency (L3 dB). Note 12: Measure output levels of the other two undriven amplifiers relative to the driven amplHier to delsrmine channel seperation. Terminate the undriven amplifier Inputs to simulate generator loading. Repeat tsst at fiN = 10 MHz for Vsep = 10 MHz. " 3-68 ,-----------------------------------------------------------------------------, Vee 1 28 30 V:01J.1F 2 27 loon 26 4 25 5 24 10K ~ 0.1 J.lF 6 Vee 2 10K 23 BLACK LEVEL SET LM 7 1203A 22 D.U.T. 8 21 20 10 19 11 18 12 17 13Veel 16 14 15 CLAMP GATE TUH/II441-2 FIGURE 2. LM1203A Test Circuit Typical Performance Characteristics Vee = 12V, TA = 25°C unless otherwise specified Contrast vs Frequency VOUT 0 ~ .:s III -30 . ~ z :cto (REF) = 4V ~- V12 -..... ~ 4V 2.2V -1(\" lo9V -40 ~ 1.74V -50 1.68V -60 lOOk ~ 12V 6V -10 -20 ... ......z = Hpp ~ BRIGHTNESS 1M 10M FREQUENCY (Hz) 3-69 .... e 0.01 J.lF 1 Vee 1 ~ I: 31 100M TUH/II441-3 Typical Performance Characteristics Vee = 12V, TA = 25"C unless otherwise specified (Continued) Crosstalk vs Frequency GREEN (WAX CONTRAST) 0 'iii' ~ :'-.. -20 z ~ -40 !;( -60 .......'" RED ~ "-" '1 ~ P • ~ p( z BLUE) .....:::: ~ 1 1 -80 lOOk lW 10M 100M fREQUENCY (Hz) TL/H/11441-4 Frequency Response Using Various Peaking Caps tt2 t- = VOUT 4 Vpp CONTRAST = 12V BRIGHTNESS 4V RoRIVE 1Don = = 33pf 'iii' ~ z ~ 24pf 0 ............ -1 -2 ....... r-.. 1\1 ~18pf t.-' ~Opf , 1\ I~ -3 1M \ I" 10M 100M fREQUENCY (Hz) TL/H/11441-5 Attenuation vs Contrast Voltage z I""'" ~ 'iii' -12 ~ - VOUT = 4 Vpp BRIGHTNESS = 4V -6 /' -18 0 ~ -24 :::> z -30 ... S I I -36 -42 -48 -52 J o 2.4 4.8 7.2 CONTRAST'VOLTAGE V12 (v) 3-70 9.6 12 TL/H/11441-6 ~~--------~--------~~~+ 'V 28 "; "n' 7sn VI~:O O.I/o1F 10K ~ ,?it'' ·' IN /ol F RED DRIVE O.OI/o1F 30 100 SUI. 2 27 3 26 " 25 5 24 6 23 7 22 390n TO RED CASCODE DRIVER TO HV SUPPLY lK GREEN DRIVE 7sn VIDEO OUT SOV P-P sIn LM1203A 8 21 9 20 10 19 11 18 12 17 13 16 390n 'V + 10/01 91n *"O.OI/o1F 390n 14 IS TO BLUE CASCODE DRIVER max CONTRAST CONTROL 10K 10K 10K BLACK LEVEL (BRIGHTNESS) CONTROL BLACK LEVEL GATE IN TL/H/II441-7 '470 resistors are added to the input pins for protection against current surges ccming from the 10".F capacitors. By increasing these resistors to well over 1000 the rise and fall times of the LM1203A can be increased for EMI considerations. FIGURE 3. LM1203A Typical Application 3-71 II VIDEO AMPLIFIER SECTION Applications Information Figure 6 is a simplified schematic of one of the three video amplifiers along 'with the recommended external components. The IC pin .numbers are circled and all external components are shown outside the dashed line. The video input is applied to pin 6 via a 10 p.F coupling capaCitor. DC bias for the video input is through the 10k resistor connected to the 2.8V reference at pin 11. The low frequency roll-off of the amplifier is set by these two components. Transistor 01 buffers the video signal to the base of 02. 02's collector current is then directed to the VCCl supply directly or through the 2k load resistor depending upon the differential DC voltage at the bases of 03 and 04. This differential DC voltage is generated by the contrast control circuit which is described in the follOwing sections. A 0.Q1 p.F decoupling capaCitor in series with a 300. resistor is required between pins 2 and 3 to ensure high frequency isolation between the three video amplifiers which share these common connections. The video Signal is buffered by 05 and 06 and DC level shifted by the voltage drop across R5. The magnitude of the current through R5 is determined by the voltage at pin 8. The voltage at pin 8 is set by the clamp comparator output current which charges or discharges the clamp hold capacitor during the black level period of the video waveform. Transistors 09 and 010 are Darlington connected to ensure ~ minimum discharge of the clamp hold capaCitor during the time that the clamp capaCitor is gated off. 07, 08 and R6 form a current mirror which sets a voltage at the base of 011. 011 buffers the video signal to the base of 012 which provides additional signal gain. The "Drive" pin allows the user to trim the 012 gain of each amplifier to correct for gain differences in the CRT and high voltage cathode driver gain stages. A small capacitor (severalpico-Farads) from the "Drive" pin to ground will cause high frequency peaking and slightly improve the amplifier'S bandwidth. Figure 4 shows the block diagram of a typical analog RGB color monitor. The RGB monitor is used with CAD/CAM work stations, PC's, arcade games and in a wide range of ' othe~ applications that benefit from the use of color display ~ermlnals. The RGB color monitor characteristics may differ In such ways as sweep rates, screen size, CRT color trio spacing (dot pitch), or in video amplifier bandwidths but will still be generally configured as shown in Figure 4. Separate horizontal and vertical sync signals may be required or they may be contained in the green video input signal. The video input signals are usually supplied by coax cable which is terminated in 750. at the monitor input and internally AC coupled to the video amplifiers. These input signals are approximately 1V peak to peak in amplitude and at the input of the high voltage video section, approximately 6V peak to peak. At the cathode of the CRT the video signals can be as high as 60V peak to peak. One important requirement of the three video amplifiers is that they match and track each other over the contrast and brightness control range.' The Figure 4 block labeled "VIDEO AMPLIFICATION WITH GAIN AND DC CONTROL" describes the function of the LM1203A which contains the three matched video amplifiers, contrast control and brightness control. Circuit Description Figure 5 is a block diagram of one of the video amplifiers along with the contrast and brightness controls. The contrast control is a DC-operated attenuator which varies the AC gain of all three amplifiers simultaneously while not introducing any signal distortions or tracking errors. The brightness control function requires a "sample and hold" circuit (black level clamp) which holds the DC bias of the video amplifiers and CRT cathodes constant during the black level reference portion of the video waveform. The clamp comparator, when gated on during this reference period, will charge or discharge the clamp capaCitor until the plus input of the clamp comparator matches that of the minus input voltage which was set by the brightness control. v 0---11---1 SYNC IN Ho--+--I VERTICAL / HORIZONTAL SWEEP AND POWER SUPPLY CIRCUITS VIDEO IN G o---1J-t.--1 VIDEO AMPLIFICATION WITH GAIN / DC CONTROL CONTRAST BRIGHTNESS FIGURE 4. Typical RGB Color Monitor Block Diagram 3-72 TL/H/11441-8 Circuit Description (Continued) For individual gain adjustment of each video channel, a 510 resistor in series with a 1000 potentiometer should be used with the red and green channel drive pins. A 910 resistor used with the blue channel drive pin sets the blue channel amplifier gain at approximately 6.2. The 1000 potentiometer at the red and green channel drive pins allow a gain of 6.2 with ± 25% gain adjustment. The video signal at the collector of 012 is buffered and level shifted down by 013,014 and 015 to the base of the output emitter follower 016. A 500 decoupling resistor is included in series with the emitter of 016 and the video output pin so as to prevent oscillations when driving capacitive loads. An external resistor should be connected between the video output pin and ground. The value of this resistor should not be less than 3900 or else package power limitations may be exceeded under worst case conditions (high supply voltage, maximum current, maximum temperature). The collector current from the video output transistor of each video channel is returned to the power supply at VCC2, pin 23. When making power dissipation calculations note that the data sheet specifies only the VCC1 and VCC2 supply current at 12V supply voltage with no pull down resistor at the output (i.e., RL = 00, see test circuit Figure 2). The IC power diSSipation due to VCC2 is dependant upon the external video output pull down resistor. Lt.t1203 LOW VOLTAGE VIDEO EXTERNAL HIGH VOLTAGE VIDEO >--4J~-" CRT CATHODE 8 CLAt.tP GATE J TL/H/11441-9 FIGURE 5. Block Diagram of LM1203A Video Amplifier with Contrast and Black Level Control 3-73 • Circuit Description (Continued) Vee +12V 23 RIO 50 R3 2k O.OlpF VIDEO IN QI6 Y~~k .• ~ 2.BV IOpF RI4 50 ~ REF _. 5 10------~----------18 27 16 25 O.lpF CLAMP T CAP ' " VIDEO OUT TLlH/11441-10 FIGURE 6. Simplified Schematic of LM1203A Video Amplifier Section with Recommended External Components 3·74 Circuit Description (Continued) INPUT REFERENCE AND CONTRAST CONTROL SECTION (Figure 8) consists of a PNP input buffer transistor (046), a PNP emitter coupled pair (047 and 049) referenced on one side to 2.1 V and an output switch transistor 053. When the clamp gate input at pin 14 is high (> 1.5V) the 053 switch is on and shunts the 200 /LA current from current source 054 to ground. When pin 14 is low « 1.3V) the 053 switch is off and the 200 /LA current is mirrored by the current mirror comprised of 055 and 036 (see Figure 9). Consequently the clamp comparator comprised of the differential pair 035 and 037 is enabled. The input of each clamp comparator is similar to the clamp gate except than an NPN emitter coupled pair Is used to control the current that will charge or discharge the clamp capacitors at pins 5, 8 and 10. PNP transistors are used at the inputs because they offer a number of advantages over NPNs. PNPs will operate with base voltages at or near ground and will usually have a greater emitter base breakdown voltage (BVebo). Because the differential input voltage to the clamp comparator during the video scan period could be greater than the BVebo of NPN transistors, a resistor (R37) with a value one half that of R36 or R39 is connected between the bases of 034 and 038. The clamp comparator's common mode range is from ground to approximately 9V and the maximum differential input voltage is Vee and ground. Figure 7 shows the input reference and contrast control circuitry. A temperature compensated 2.8V reference voltage is made available at pin 11. The external DC biaSing resistors shown should not be larger than 10k because minor differences in input bias currents of the individual video amplifiers may cause offsets in gain. Figure 7 also shows how the contrast control circuit is configured. R21, R22, 022, 023 and 024 establish a low impedance zero TC half supply voltage reference at the base of 025. The differential amplifier formed by 027, 028 and feedback transistor 029 along with R28 and R29 establish a differential base voltage for 03 and 04 in Figure 6. When externally adding or subtracting current from the collector of 028, a new differential voltage is generated that reflects the change in the ratio of currents in 027 and 028. To allow voltage control of the current through 028, resistor R27 is added between the collector 028 and pin 12. A capaCitor should be connected from pin 12 to ground to prevent noise from the contrast control potentiometer from entering the IC. CLAMP GATE AND CLAMP COMPARATOR SECTION Figures 8 and 9 show simplified schematics of the clamp gate and clamp comparator circuits. The clamp gate circuit -------------------------------------------. vee R28 12k R27 8k ~.ll'r 10k TO VIDEO INPUT 029 I R26 R30 200 200 TO VIDEO &I TO VIDEO AWP AWP 03 BASE 04 BASE R29 4.7k R31 10k ------------------------------------------_. TL/H/11441-11 FIGURE 7. Simplified Schematic of LM1203A Video Input Reference and Contrast Control Circuits 3-75 Circuit Description (Continued) CLAMP GATE INPUT TLlH/11441-12 FIGURE 8. Simplified Schematic of LM1203A Clamp Gate Circuit 3·76 r-----------------------------------------------------------------------------, Circuit Description (Continued) r ....~ m Vee R41 100 R42 50k 040 4 X R43 400 50 S'A 50 S'A ! ! 042 1X R44 400 Q45 4X 043 1X 400 S'A 400 S'A ~ ! PUSH PULL OUTPUT CURRENT TO CLAMP CAP(S) R46 100 035 034 037 R37 25k CURRENT SOURCE CONTROL FROII CLAtotP GATE R40 100 R38 500 26 17 21 19 (+) COMPARATOR INPUT (-) COMPARATOR INPUT TLlH/11441-13 FIGURE 9. Simplified Schematic of LM1203A Clamp Comparator Circuits 3·77 Additional Applications of the LM 1203A FigufB 10 shows the cOnfiguration for a three channel high Sync input Signal may have either polarity. The back porch clamp signal applied to LM1203A's pin 14 allows clamping the video output signals to the black reference level, thereby providing DC restoration. The back porch clamp pulse width is determined by the time constant due to the product of R11 and C15. For fast horizontal scan rates, the back porch clamp pulse width can be made narrower by decreasing the value of R11 or C15 or both. Note that an MM74C86 Exclusive-OR gate may also be used, however, the pin out is different than that of the MM74HC86. For optimum performance and maximum bandwidth, high speed buffer transistors (01, 02 and 03 in Figure 11) are recommended. The 2N5770 NPN transistors maintain high speed at high currents when driving the inputs of high voltage CRT drivers. frequency amplifier with non gated DC feedback. Pin 14 is tied low to turn on the clamp comparators (feedback amplifiers). The inverting inputs (Pins 17, 21, 26) are connected to the amplifier outputs from a low pass filter. Additional low frequency filtering is provided by the clamp caps. The drive resistors can be made variable or fixed at values between on and 300n. Maximum output swings are achieved when the DC output is set to approximately 4V. The high frequency response will be dependent upon external peaking at the drive pins. Figure 11 shows a complete RGB video preamplifier circuit using the LM1203A. A quad Exclusive-OR gate (MM74HC86) is used to generate the back porch clamp signal from the compOSite sync input signal. The composite H r---t--------------------.---[)+12V 0.1 28 0-300Q ~ ,~ 47£\ 10k .7Q ~ 2. 27 3 26 • 25 5 24 6 23 7 22 0-300Q LM1203 10k 21 8 ,~ 47£\ 20 1 pr V GAIN ADJUST 10 19 11 18 12 17 13 16 14 15 10k TL/HI11441-14 FIGURE 10. Three Channel High Frequency Amplifier with Non-gated DC Feedback (Non-video Application) 3·78 Additional Applications of the LM 1203A (Continued) Cl R25 51 O.OI!'F~ C5 RED VIDEO IN 25 R27 24 51 GREEN VIDEO IN RED VIDEO OUT 23 22 21 BLUE VIDEO IN 20 10 R30 19 51 11 18 12 17 13 16 14 15 GREEN VIDEO OUT Cll 10!'F~ CIl o.,!'r~ R32 51 EXTERNAL +/ - H SYNC IN C17 LMI40LAZ-5.0 1 CONTRAST R8 10k BLUE VIDEO OUT o.,!'r~ VEE (-12V) • RIO TL/H/11441-18 FIGURE 11. LM1203A Applications Circuit 3·79 LM 1203A vs LM 1203 LM1203A is an improved version of the LM1203 RGB video amplifier system and is pin and function compatible with the LM1203. LM1203A's output voltage can swing as low as 0.15V as opposed to 0.9V for the LM1203. This eliminates the need for a level shift stage between the preamplifier and the CRT driver in most applications. The LM 1203A also offers faster rise and fall times of 4 ns vs 7 ns for the LM1203 and 100 MHz bandwidth vs 70 MHz for LM1203. With a peaking capacitor across the drive resistor, LM1203A's bandwidth can be extended to 150 MHz. Because of LM1203A's wide bandwidth, the device may oscillate if plugged directly into an existing LM1203 board. For optimum performance and .stable operation, a double sided printed circuit board with adequate ground plane and power supply decoupling as close to the Vee pins as possible is recommended. Figure 12 shows the layout of the PC board for Figure 11's circuit. For suggestions on optimum PC board layout, please see the reference section below. The LM1203A also includes a built-in power down spot killer to prevent a flash on the screen upon power down. In some preamplifiers, the video output Signal may go high as the device is being· powered down. This may cause a whiter than white level at the output of the CRT driver, thus causing a flash on the screen. REFERENCE Ott, Henry W. Noise Reduction Techniques in Electronic Systems, John Wiley &50ns, New York, 1976. vmEO IN GNO 9 RI VCC J3 R34~3B9~I-J3 J4 (l R3~HR2 H ~ ~ D -HSYNC 0 9~ : .L • -c:::J- CI4T R9 LMI4ILAZ-S -11-0 CSB EXTERNAL SYNC IN R3IIJ G r=-----,- r-* --1 RI6 C RSI -dOr R32 RIS -c:J- CI6 B ~L.--....J~CI7 11 R33 TCIS !.L JIB RI2 .L CI9T -c:::J- --c::J::- -II-aa JIB r- R28 =E3=R29 B Or ~ RI7 + ....C13 RII: -c:JfLAG R4S ~ R ~ R~ 28 RI9 =t I-a~ -II- B ~~ J4~ ~2 R6 C ~ cill- C R7 C8::t I- ~ B ~~ ~ ~ G VDEO OUT VEE -c:::J- l.t...::;J29 C7+~; ~"~N R4 VEE ~~ GNO R VCC T R 13 JS CONTRAST ~:7 0 V CONTROL --c::J--- BRIiHTNESS 0V CONTROL NATmNAL SEMlCO NOUCTO R LM 121/J3A RG B AMPLFIER SYSTEM REV A 12112191 TL/H/11441-16 FIGURE 12(a). PC Board Silk Screen 3-80 ~-------------------------------------------------------------------------, ~ .... i: Additional Applications of the LM 1203A (Continued) ~ TL/H/11441-17 FIGURE 12(b). PC board layout of bottom side. Top side of PC board (not shown) Is full ground plane• • 3·81 mr------------------------------------------------------------------. PRELIMINARY 2.... ~National ~ ~ Semiconductor LM1203B 100 MHz RGB Video Amplifier System General Description Features The LM1203B is an improil,ed version of the popular LM1203 wideband video amplifier system. The device is intended for high resolution RGB CRT monitors. In addition to three matched video amplifiers, the LM1203B contains three gated differential input black level clamp comparators for brightness control and three matched attenuator circuits for contrast control. Each video amplifier contains a gain set or "Drive" node for setting maximum system g8.in or providing gain trim capability for white balance. The LM1203B also contains a voltage reference for the video inputs. The LM1203B is pin and function compatible with the LM1203. • Three wideband video amplifiers (100 MHz @ -3 dB) • Matched (± 0.1 dB or 1.2%) attenuators for contrast control .. Three externally gated comparators for brightness control • Provisions for individual gain controt (Drive) of each video amplifier • Video input voltage reference • Low impedance output driver • Stable on a single sided board Improvements over LM1203 Applications • High resolution RGB CRT monitors • Video AGC amplifiers • Wideband amplifiers with gain and DC offset controls • 100 MHz vs 70 MHz bandwidth • VOUT low: tf: • Built In power down spot killer .1" 0.15V vs 0.9V 3.7 ns vs 5 ns Block and Connection Diagrams 28-Leacl Molded DIP LM 1203B RCB AMP (TOP VIEW) Vee l 1 28 Vee 1 CONTRAST CAP 2 27 R DRIVE CONTRAST CAP 3 26 R CLAMP(-) R VIDEO IN 4 25 R VIDEO OUT R CLAMP CAP 24 R CLAMP(» 5 G VIDEO IN 6 23 Vee 2 GROUND 7 22 G DRIVE G CLAMP CAP 8 21 G CLAMP(-) B VIDEO IN 9 20 G VIDEO OUT B CLAMP CAP 10 19 G CLAMP(» V REF 11 18 B DRIVE CONTRAST 12 ~=~=:r--l 17 B CLAMP(-) Vee l 13 I-----=-------_f_' 16 B VIDEO OUT CLAMP (lATE 14 1----1 15 B CLAMP(» TL/H/114B9-1 Order Number LM1203BN See NS Package Number N28B 3-82 r- iii: .... ~National I ~ Semiconductor LM 1204 150 MHz RGB Video Amplifier System General Description Features The LM1204 is a triple 150 MHz video amplifier system designed specifically for high resolution RGB video display applications. In addition to three matched video amplifiers, the LM1204 contains a DC operated contrast control, a DC operated drive control for each amplifier, and a dual clamping system for both brightness control and video blanking. The LM1204 also contains a back porch clamp pulse generator which is activated by an extemally supplied ± H/HV sync Signal or by an extemal composite video signal. The ± H/HV sync input will have priority over the composite video input. A single -H/HV sync output is provided for the automatically selected sync Input signal. The back porch clamp pulse width is user adjustable from 0.3 p.s to 4 p.s. The LM1204 video output stage will directly drive most Hybrid or discrete CRT amplfier input stages without the need for an extemal buffer transistor. The device has been designed to operate from a 12V supply with all DC controls operating over a OV to 4V range providing for an easy interface to serial digital buss controlled monitors. • • • • • Built-in video blanking function Built-in sync separator for composite video input Includes DC restoration of video signals Back porch clamp pulse width user adjustable DC control of brightness, contrast, blanking level, drive and cutoff • DC controls are OV to 4V for easy interfacing to a digitally controlled system Key Specifications • • • • 150 MHz large Signal bandwidth (typ) 2.6 ns rise/fall times (typ) 0.1 dB contrast tracking (typ) ±3 dB drive (~ gain) adjustments on R, G, B channels (typ) Applications • High resolution CRT monitors • Video AGC amplifier • Wideband amplifier with gain and DC offset control Block Diagram and Connection Diagram Top View R VIDEO IN 7 ~ • ONTRAST ~ AI --A GAIN ADJ. COWPOSITE VIDEO SYNC SEPARATOR !lil! Jl "5 I !l ~ Ii SACK PORCH CLAMP GENERATOR B1.ANKING iRiiiiiiiiESS CONTRAST I '" ~ ~ iii A2 II'" i : ~ ~ ~ i +/- HSYNC PROCESSOR 8 ~ : , Ordering Information Order Number LM1204V See NS Package Number V44A 3-83 ~ iflI u TL/H/II238-1 Absolute Maximum Ratings (Note 1) If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/Distributors for availability and specifications. Supply Voltage. Vee Pins 2. 4. (Note 3) 13.5V Peak Video Output Source Current (Any One Amplifier) Pins 30. 35 or 39 30mA Voltage at Any Input Pin. VIN GND :5: VIN :5: Vee Maximum ± H Sync Input Voltage 5.5Vpp Power DisSipation. PO (Above 25°C Derate Based on (JJA and TJ) 2.4W Thermal Resistance, (JJA Junction Temperature. TJ ESD Susceptibility (Note 4) Storage Temperature Lead Temperature Vapor Phase (60 seconds) Infrared (15 seconds) 52°C/W . 150"C 2.5kV - 65°C to 150"C 215°C 220"C Operating Ratings (Note 2) Temperature Range Supply Voltage. Vee O"C to 70"C 10.8V:5: Vee:5: 13.2V DC Electrical Characteristics (Video Amplifier Section) The following specifications apply for VCC (pins 2. 4. and 44) = 12Vand TA = 25°C unless otherwise specified. 51 = B.S2 = B. 53. 4.5 closed. V9. 13. 15 = 2V. V20. 21. 22. 24. 43 = 0.5V unless otherwise specified; see test circuit. Figure 1. Symbol Parameter Conditions Is Supply Current No Video or Sync Input Signals. 51 = A IB Input Bias Current (Pin or 22) 51 124h Blank Gate Input High Current V24 = 4V 1241 Blank Gate Input Low Current V24 = OV IFB Feedback Input Current (Pin 28. 33 or 38) IBlank+ Blank Cap Charge Current IBlank- Blank Cap Discharge Current IBB =A Typical (NoteS) Limit (Note 6) Units 100 125 mA (Max) 0.3 2 ,...A (Max) 0.01 2 ,...A (Max) 2 5 ,...A (Max) 150 V32,37,42 = OV V32,37,42 = 5V Blank Cap Bias Current (Pins 32. 37. 42) nA 185 75 ,...A (Min) -185 -75 ,...A(Min) nA 20 IClamp+ Clamp Cap Charge Current V5,10,14 = OV 185 75 ,...A (Min) IClamp- Blank Cap Discharge Current V5,10,14 = 5V -185 -75 ,...A(Min) 2 V (Min) 0.8 V (Max) 2 50 mV (Max) ICB Clamp Cap Bias Current (Pins 5, 10, 14) 20 Input Signal is Not Blanked nA V24h Blank Gate High Input Voltage V241 Blank Gate Low Input Voltage Input Signal is Blanked Blank Comparator Offset Voltage Voltage between V43 and Any One Video Output VH Video Output High Voltage (Pins 30. 35, 40) RL = 350n V28, 33, 38 = OV 8.7 7 V(Min) VL Video Output Low Voltage (Pins 30. 35. 40) RL = 350n V28. 33. 38 = 4V 0.1 0.5 V(Max) VCM43 Common Mode Range of Blank Comparator (Pins 43. 28. 33. 38) 0.5 V(Min) 4 V(Max) 3-84 DC Electrical Characteristics (Sync Separator/Processor Section) The following specifications apply for Vee (Pins 2, 4, 6, 19,31,36,41 and 44) = 12V and TA = 25°C, unless otherwise specified. S1 = B, S2 = B, S3, 4, 5 closed, V9, 13, 15 = 2V, V20, 21, 22, 24, 43 = 0.5V, unless otherwise specified; see Test Circuit Figure 1. Typical (Note 5) Limit (Note 6) - H Sync Output Logic High (Pin 26) 4.2 2.4 V(Min) - H Sync Output Logic Low (Pin 26) 0.1 0.4 V(Max) Symbol Parameter -HVOH -HVOL V23 Quiescent DC Voltage at ± H Sync Input Conditions 3 Units V AC Electrical Characteristics (Video Amplifier Section) The following specifications apply for Vee (Pins 2, 4, 6, 19,31,36,41 and 44) = 12V and TA = 25°C, unless otherwise specified. S1 = B, S2 = B, S3, 4, 5 closed, V9, 13, 15, 21, 24, 43 = 4V, V20 = 2V, unless otherwise specified; see Test Circuit Figure 1. Symbol Parameter Typical (Note 5) Conditions RIN Video Amplifier Input Resistance Avmax Maximum Video Amplifier Gain aAVtrack Amplifier Gain (Contrast) Tracking (Note 7) aAV2V Attenuation at 2V Ref: Avmax V21 = aAvO.5V Attenuation at 0.5V Ref: Avmax V21 = aGain a Gain Range (Pins 9, 13, 15) V9, 13, 15 = 10 12 kHz 5.5 V/v(Min) = dB 2V 6 dB 0.5V 28 ±3 OVto4V Max Brightness Tracking Error (Note 8) Video Amplifier Bandwidth (Note 9) THO Video Amplifier Distortion VOUT tR Video Output Rise Time (Note 9) Square Wave Input VOUT = 3.5 Vpp, RL = 3500 Square Wave Input VOUT = 3.5 Vpp, RL = 3500 VOUT = = 3.5 Vpp 1 Vpp, f = kO 0.1 aVo Video Output Fall Time (Note 9) Units 20 fiN L3dS tF Umlt (Note 6) 12 kHz 20 dB (Min) dB 100 mV 150 MHz 0.3 % 2.6 ns 2.6 ns VISO(l MHz) Video Amplifier 1 MHz Isolation (Notes 9, 10) -50 dB VISO (130 MHz) Video Amplifier 130 MHz Isolation (Notes 9,10) -10 dB 3-85 AC Electrical Characteristics (Sync Separator/Processor Section) The following specifications apply for Vcc (Pins 2, 4, 6, 19, 31, 36, 41 and 44) = 12V and TA = 25°C, unless otherwise specifiacJ. .Sl = A, S2 = B,S3, 4, 5 closed, V9, 13, 15, 20, 21, 43 = 2V, unJess otherwise specified; see Test Circuit Figure 1 and Timing Diagram for input waveform. Symbol VI8(Min) VI8(Max) V23 Parameter Conditions Composite Video Input Voltage (Pin 18) Composite Video Input Voltage (Pin 18) S2 = A,lnput = 10% Duty Cycle, Test for Loss of BP Pulse at Pin 26 ± H Sync Input Voltage (Pin 23) Input Back Porch Clamp Pulse Width atV24 = 1V Back Porch Clamp Pulse Width atV24 = 4V S2 = = A, Pin 26 = BP Output Max Duty Cycle of Active High H Sync (Pin 23) Max Duty Cycle of Active Low H Sync (Pin 23) Test for Loss of Sync at Pin 26 ipdll ± H Sync Inputto - H Sync Output Low Delay Input = 10% Duty Cycle tpdhl ± H Sync Inputto - H Sync Output High Delay Input = 10% Duty Cycle tpdl ± H Sync Input Trailing Edge to Back Porch Clamp Output Delay Input = 10% Duty Cycle, S2 - A ipdl2 Composite Video Input to - H Sync Output Low Delay Input = 10% Duty Cycle ipdh2 Composite Video Input to - H Sync Output High Delay Input = 10% Duty Cycle tpd2 Composite Video Input Trailing Edge to Back Porch Clamp Output Delay Input = 10% Duty Cycle S2 = A ipdl2- tpdll Composite Video and ± H Sync Input to - H Sync Output Delta Delay Input DLO = 10% Duty Cycle LlmH (NotaS) 0.15 2 10% Duty Cycle Maximum ± H Sync Input Frequency DHI Typical (Note 5) 1.6 1 1.4 300 600 Units Vpp (Min) Vpp (Max) Vpp (Min) IJ-S (Max) ns (Max) 600 KHz 22 % 22 % 100 ns 65 ns 70 ns 106 ns 68 ns 78 ns 6 ns Note 1: Absolute Maximum Ratings indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may ooeur. Note 2: Operating Ratings Indicate conditions for which the device Is functional, but do not guarantee specific performance limits. For guaranteed specifications and test conditions, see the Electrical Characteristics. The guaranteed specifications apply only for the test condHlons listed. Some performance charactarfstics may degrade when the device is not operated under the listed test conditions. Note 3: Vee supply pins 2,4,6,19,31,36,41 and 44 must be externally wired together to prevent internal damage during Vee power on/off cycle. Note 4: Human body model, 100 pF discharged through a 1.5 ktl resistor. Note 5: Typical specifications are specified at + 25'C and represent the most likely parametriC norm. Note 6: Tested IimHs are guaranteed to National's AOQL (Average OutgOing Quality Level). Note 7: AAv tracking is a measure of the abilHy of any two amplifiers to track each other and quantifies the matching of the three attenua1ore. Itla the difference In gain change between any two amplifiers with the contrast voHage, V21, at eHher 4V or 2V measured relative to an Ay max condHfon V21 = 4V. For example, at Ay max, the thrae amplijiergains might be 17.4 dB, 16.9 dB and 16.4 dB and change to 7.3 dB, 6.9 dB and 6.5 dB respectively for V21 = 2V. This yields the measured typical ± O. t dB channel tracking. Note 8: Brightness tracking error Is measured wHh all three video channels set for equal gain. The measured value is limHad by the resolution of the measurement eqUipment. Note 8: When measuring video amplifier bsndwldth or pulse rise and fall times, a double sided full ground plane printed clreuH board Is recommended. Video amplifier iaolation tests also require this printed circuit board. The measurad rise and fall times are effective rise and fall times, taking Into account the rise and fall times of the generator. Nole 10: Measure output levels of either undrlven amplifier relative to the driven amplifier to determine channellaolation. Terminate the undriven amplHler Inputs. 3·88 r-----------------------------------------------------------------------------~r Typical Performance Characteristics a:::: .... .,.. Vee = 12V, TA = 25°C unless otherwise specified N o Attenuation vs Contrast Control Voltage (f = 12 kHz) l;t ~ -10 .". ...... -20 ~ !C -30 '" -40 iii ". - -60 -70 ... -3 l;t ~ ~ ~ S -so ~ 3.0 .. 2.8 !: 2.8 § z i! .... I~H-++-+-IH-I---I-H-r-l v 1/ o ~ 2.5 Q. 2.0 ~ I.S ~ ~ ~ -20 ~ -30 ~ ~ -40 -SO 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 18 18 20 22 24 1V ,.• 1 ,.. o 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.S 3.0 3.5 4.0 BACK PORCH CLAWP WIDTH CONTROL VOLTAGE V22 (V) Drive Control vs Frequency -1 2.IV -3 2.OV -S Va!.700mVpp ~~~:,t ~TVfM~ v,. • IWEG H SYNC INPUT DUTY CYCLE V23 (II) 1,.4V r'::t·7=r'VHlflH+H!fII!--I+ ovl -6 r lOWEll 3.2V -2 -4 MAX "GAIN lOOk ........ VDRM-·V fo' -80 BaGHTNESS, Vza .. tV -70 \ 1.0 0.5 V21 -"V -10 I l.5 3.0 Contrast vs Frequency ::: L-L--'-...Jo-.J....J'--'--'--'--J......L--'--' +/- 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.G 4.0 S • S DRIVE CONTROL VOLTAGE ve.13 OR IS (V) H-++-+-IH-I---I-H-r-l EXTERNAL V -s HI-++t-1H+-t-H-+-l HI-++-+-IH-I---I-Hl-+-I ~ HI-++-+-IH-I---I-Hl-+-I 1.0 -3 Minimum External ± H SynclnputLevelfVpp) vs Input Duty Cycle (%) i ~! H"""+-+-IH-I--.....H-+-I E~!H-++-+-IH-I---I-H-r-l ~ L -2 D.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 l.5 4.0 CONTRAST CONTROL VOLTAGE V21 (V) ,. -I -6 i""" o Back Porch Clamp Pulse Width vs Pin 22 Voltage Attenuation vs Drive Control Voltage (f = 12 kHz) Vu!.700mV,. IRIOIfTHESS. .. 7 100 WEll FREQUENCY (Hz) Vzo" tV -=t-t1tttttF CUTOfF, Vu .. v,.:s • Yw .. 3V _ 111111111 _ _ Yo" •.sv" AT tMHz "I f lOOk I MEG lOWEll 100UEll FREQUENCY (Hz) Crosstalk vs Frequency R -10 ! -20 i!l -30 ~ -40 ~ -50 8 or C -60 111111 -70 111111 111111 lOOk I WEG lOWEll 100MEG FREQUENCY (Hz) TL/H/I1238-2 3-87 LM1204 .-----,.,-0 :~2V ... * ** (+4V) RED t---1-"?'"".....0 VIIJ(O OUT V':o@ I, 'Ho IN ~I I BlUE ~'o':;@ I, w. ~I I ~-+-..--~r-~~OWIJ(O OUT IN ; 1---.,....--.,..... . . .,.........0 OUT GREEN WDEO ~=@ I , 'II> IN U-I---I O.1"r BP WIDTH OUT FOR Sl=A. S2=A O.1p.F COMPOSIT£t-t IN ~:f':::V ~ IN 75 1 V .....- ....HIM... ......... T 0.'", -H/HV SYNC OUT 75 ruH/1123B-3 FIGURE 1. LM1204 Test CIrcuit ,-----------------------------------------------------------------------------, Timing Diagram 2 2Vpp :I: H SYNC INPUT OR SYNC ON GREEN INPUT ~ ____. . . ,"' •.•.•••.t. .•.. _ - H SYNC OUTPUT BACK PORCH CLAMP PULSE OUTPUT TLlH/11238-4 Input/Output Stages - H Sync Output Stage Composite Video Input 5V (INTERNAL REGULATOR) TLlHI1 1238-6 TLlH/11238-5 Video Output Stage r---------~~--~~----------~--~~--~V~ 2K 50 8k 500 (PINS 30.35.40) 800 TLlH/11238-21 3-89 ~ ... II: Input/Output Stages (Continued) ± H/HV Sync Input r----~,....O Video Input Stage S.6V (INTERNAL REGULATOR) 20k 2k 23).....;w...---it--t--l1-+ 20k TL/H/1123B-7 TLlH/1123B-B Pin Descriptions Vee (Pins 2, 4, 6,19, 31,36,41,44) Contrast Cap (Pins 1, 3) R Clamp Cap (Pin 5) B Clamp Cap (Pin 10) G Clamp Cap (Pin 14) R Video In (Pin 7) B Video In (Pin 11) G Video In (Pin 17) R I:!.. Gain (Pin 9) B I:!.. Gain (Pin 13) G I:!.. Gain (Pin 15) Compose Video Input (Pin 18) Brightness Control (Pin 20) Contrast Control (Pin 21) All Vee pins must be extemally wired together. For stable operation, each supply pin should be bypassed with a 0.01 ,...F and a 0.1 ,...F capacitor connected as close to the pin as is possible. An external decoupling capacitor of value 0.1 ,...F should be connected between pins 1 and 3 for contrast control. A 0.022 ,...F to 0.1 ,...F capacitor should be connected from this pin to ground. This capacitor allows clamping of the red channel video signal to the reference black level. A 0.022 ,...F to 0.1 ,...F capacitor should be connected from this pin to ground. This capacitor allows clamping of the blue channel video signal to the reference black level. A 0.022 ,...F to 0.1 ,..F capacitor should be connected from this pin to ground. This capacitor allows clamping of the green channel video signal to the reference black level. This is the input for the red channel video signal, the signal should be AC coupled to the input through a 10 ,...F capacitor. This is the input for the blue channel video signal, the signal should be AC coupled to the input through a 10 ,...F capacitor. This is the input for the green channel video signal, the signal should be AC coupled to the input through a 10 ,...F capaCitor. This is the gain adjustment pin for the red video channel. A OV to 4Voe voltage is applied to this pin to vary the gain of the red channel. Usually, the red channel is set for maximum gain and the gains of the blue and green channels are reduced relative to the red channel until white balance is achieved on the CRT screen. This is the gain adjustment pin for the blue video channel. A OV to 4 Voc voltage is applied to this pin to vary the gain of the blue channel. This is the gain adjustment pin for the green video channel. A OV to 4 Voe voltage is applied to this pin to vary the gain of the green channel. This is the sync separator input pin. For Sync on Green systems, the green channel video signal should be AC coupled to pin 18 through a 0.1 ,...F capacitor. If the LMI204 is used without blanking then this pin should be biased at 2.0 Voc. Brightness control for all three video channels is now controlled by pin 43 (blank level adjust pin). See F/{/ure 4. If the LM1204 is used with blanking then this pin allows the user to simultaneously DC offset the video portion of the output signals of all three channels thus allowing brightness control (See F/{/ure 5). This pin simultaneously controls the gain of all three video channels. A OV to 4 Voc input voltage is applied to this pin, with OV corresponding to minimum gain (i.e., maximum attenuation of video signal) and 4V corresponding to maximum gain (i.e., minimum attenuation of the video signal). 3·90 Pin Descriptions (Continued) Back Porch Clamp Width Adjust (Pin 22) ± H Sync In (Pin 23) Blank Gate In (Pin 24)· Integrator Cap (Pin 25) - H Sync Out (Pin 26) G Feedback (Pin 28) B Feedback (Pin 33) R Feedback (Pin 38) G Video Output (Pin 30) B Video Output (Pin 35) R Video Output (Pin 40) G Blank Clamp Cap (Pin 32) B Blank Clamp Cap (Pln3n R Blank Clamp Cap (Pin 42) Blank Level Adjust (Pin 43) GND (Pins 8, 1216,27, 29,34,39) The LM1204 provides DC restoration or clamping during the back porch interval of the video signal. The width of LM1204's internally generated back porch clamp signal can be varied by applying a OV to 4 Voe voltage to this pin. The back porch clamp signal width can be varied from approximately 0.3 p.s to 4.0 p.s by applying 4V to 0.5V respectively. By connecting the blank gate input pin (pin 24) to Vee, the back porch clamp pulse can be monitored on the - H Sync output pin (pin 26). See Figures 4 and 5. By connecting pin 22 to Vee, the LM1204 functions as a non-gated amplifier requiring no clamping. See Section 4 under application hints for further information. This is the external sync input pin, it accepts a negative or positive polarity signal, either horizontal sync or a composite sync (1.2 Vpp minimum amplitude). The LM 1204 also provides a negative polarity (TTL compatible) horizontal sync or composite sync output on pin 26. If the composite video input (pin 18) is not used then an H Sync Signal should be AC coupled to this pin through a 0.1 p.F capaCitor. The ± H Sync input has priority over the composite video input if both signals are present. This is the blank gate input pin. The LM1204 allows video blanking at the preamplifier. If blanking is desired then a TIL compatible, negative polarity blanking signal should be applied to this pin. During the blanking interval, a" three video outputs are level shifted to the blank level set by the voltage at pin 43. If blanking is not required then, pin 24 should be biased at 4V. Connecting pin 24 to Vee will cause pin 26 to output the internally generated back porch clamp signal. The user can observe the change in back porch width as the potential at pin 22 is varied (see Figures 4 and 5). A 0.1 p.F capacitor should be connected from this pin to ground. This capaCitor allows the LM1204 to integrate the ± H Sync input signal and genreate the proper polarity switch for - H Sync output. This output pin provides a negative polarity horizontal sync signal for other system uses. There is approximately 100 ns delay between the ± H Sync input signal at pin 23 and the - H Sync output signal at pin 26. Connecting pin 24 to Vee wi" cause pin 26 to output the internally generated back porch clamp Signal. The user can observe the change in back porch clamp pulse width as the potential at pin 22 is varied (See Figures 4 and 5). This is the cutoff adjustment input for the green video channel. The green video output signal from pin 30 is fed back to this input through a potentiometer thus allowing the user to indlvidua"y adjust the cutoff (black reference) level for each gun. The signal level at this pin should be between 0.5V and4V. This is the cutoff adjustment Input for the blue video channel. The blue video output signal from pin 35 is fed back to this input through a potentiometer thus allowing the user to individually adjust the cutoff (black reference) level for each gun. The signal level at this pin should be between 0.5V and 4V. This is the cutoff adjustment input for the red video channel. The red video output signal from pin 40 is fed back to this input through a potentiometer thus allowing the user to individualy adjust the cutoff (black reference) level for each gun. The signal level at this pin should be between 0.5V and 4V. This is the green channel video output. This is the blue channel video output. This is the red channel video output. A 0.022 p.F to 0.1 p.F capacito·r should be connected from this pin to ground. This capacitor allows blanking for the green video channel. A 0.022 p.F to 0.1 p.F capacitor should be connected from this pin to ground. This capaCitor allows blanking for the blue video channel. A 0.022 p.F to 0.1 p.F capaCitor should be connected from this pin to ground. This capacitor allows blanking for the red video channel. This pin serves two functions depending on whether the LM1204 is used with blanking or without blanking. If blanking is not selected then pin 20 should be biased at 2.0 Voe and pin 43 assumes the role of brightness control. Varying the potential at pin 43 will simultaneously DC offset the video output signals of a" three channels (See Figure 4 ). If the LM1204 is used with blanking then during the blanking interval, a" three video output signals wi" be level shifted to the blank level. The desired blank level can be set by adjusting the potential at pin 43. Brightness control is now made possible by varying the potential at pin 20. Adjusting the brightness control DC offsets the video portion of the signal relative to the fixed blank level (a" channels are affected simultaneously). See Figure 5. Ground. A" ground pins must be connected to the ground plane. 3-91 -- -------_._-------- II ~r---------------------------------------------------------~ ....re :Ii .,.J ment for each channel is done by varying the ~eed!Jack voltage at each of the R, G and B feedback inputs (Pins 38, 28 and 33). For example, cutoff adjustment for the green chan~ nel is done by potentiometer R8 shown in Figure 2. Adjusting the contrast control (potentiometer R3 in Figure 2) varies the peak to peak amplitude (includes sync tip if present) of all three video output signals relative to their black reference level. The t:. Gain adjust (pins 9,15 and 13 for R, G, and B channels respectively) allows the user to individually adjust the AC gain of each channel. For example the AC gain of the green channel is adjusted using potentiometer R5 as shown in Figure 2. Normally the red channel is set for maximum gain and the gains of the blue and green channels are reduced until white balance is achieved on the CRT monitor's screen. Figure 4 shows the adjustments for operation without blanking. Applications Hints TheLM1204 is a wideband video amplifier-system designed specifically for high resolution RGB CRT monitors. The device includes circuitry for DC restoration of video signals and also allows contrast and brightness control. DC restoration is done during the back porch interval of the video signal. An internal sync separator generates a back porch clamp signal either from a "Sync on Green" signal applied to the composite video input (pin 18) or from an externally supplied ±H Sync signal. The LM1204 first looks at the ± H Sync input (pin 23), if an external horizontal sync signal is not present then the device syncs off the composite video input. The internally generated back porch clamp pulse width is user adjustable. A blanking function is also included. This allows the user to cutoff the beam current in the CRT's guns during the blanking interval thereby preventing horizontal retrace lines from being visible. Normally blanking is done by applying a high voltage pulse at the grid. However, blanking at the cathode using the LM1204 leads to ease of design and lowered cost. Figure 2 shows the block diagram of the green video channel and the control logic. The two modes of operation, with and without blanking, are described below in detail. 2.0 Operation with Blanking Much of what was discussed in Section 1.0 also applies when the LM1204 is used with the blanking function. However, there are notable differences as described herein. For operation with blanking, a TTL compatible blanking signal must be applied to the blank gate input (pin 24). During the blanking period, the blanking comparator connects switch S2 to position X (See Figure 2). This causes the LM1204 to level shift the video output signal to the blank level. Adjusting R9 will adjust the blank level of all three channels. Individual blank level adjustment for each channel is done by varying the feedback voltage at each of the R, G and B feedback inputs (pin 38, 28 and 33). In Figure 2 this is done by adjusting potentiometer R8 for the green channel. During the video portion of the video signal, S2 is connected to position Y. Brightness control is now accomplished by varying the potential at the brightness control pin (pin 20). Adjusting R6 offsets the video portion of all three output signals relative to the fixed blank level, restoring the DC level of the video signal. Figure 5 shows the adjustments for operation with blanking. 1.0 Operation without Blanking For operation without blanking, the blank gate input (pin 24) should be connected to +4V. This causes the blank comparator to connect switch S2 to position Y (See Figure 2). Furthermore, the brightness control input pin (pin 20) should be biased at a potential between 1V (Min) and 3.8V (Max), it is best to bias this pin at 2V. The video signal is AC coupled to the input of the LM 1204 as shown for the green channel in Figure 2. During the back porch interval of the video signal (See Figure 3), the internally generated back porch clamping pulse goes low, causing switches S1A and S1 B to be closed. The closure of S1 A causes gm 1 to charge capacitor C2 to a potential determined by the DC voltage at pin 20. This allows gm 1 to set up an average DC bias for the AC coupled video signal at the input of A1. When the back porch clamping pulse is high, S1A and S1B are opened. With S1A open, gm 1 is effectively disconnected from C2, C2 now holds the DC bias voltage. The transconductance stage gm 1 therefore functions as a sample and hold device and holds the input of A 1 at the desired DC bias. The LM1204 uses black level clamping at the back porch of the video signal to accomplish DC restoration. The transconductance stage gm2 is enabled during the back porch clamp period to provide a sample and hold function. During the back porch clamp period, DC feedback from LM1204's video output is compared with the voltage set by potentiometer R9. Depending on A2's output voltage, C6 is either charged or discharged so that the feedback loop conSisting of gm2 and A2 is stabilized and the output is clamped to the black level. All this occurs during the back porch clamp period. During the video portion of the signal, gm2 is disabled and C6 holds the fixed black level reference voltage. The beginning of each new line on the raster always starts from a fixed reference black level thus restoring the DC component of each line. A2 is a summing amplifier that adds a DC offset component from gm2 to the video signal frO!l1 the multiplier. Adjusting R9 will DC offset the output signals of all three channels thus providing brightness control. Individual cutoff adjust- 3.0 Stability Considerations For optimum performance and stable operation, a double sided PC board with adequate ground plane is essential. Moreover, soldering the LM1204 on to the PC board will yield best results. Each supply pin (pins 2, 4, 6, 19, 31, 36, 41 and 44) should be bypassed with a 0.Q1 ,...F and a 0.1 ,...F capacitor connected as close to the supply pin as is possible. When driving the LM1204 from a 750 video source, the cable is terminated with 750 to minimize reflections caused by transmission line effects. However, the input impedance of LM1204 is capacitive and is also affected by the stray capacitance of the PC board. Thus the input impedance is a function of frequency. This changes the impedance of the cable termination. This can introduce overshoot and ringing in LM1204's pulse response. A 1000 resistor in series with the blocking capacitor at the video input will minimize overshoot and ringing (see Figure 8). The value of the resistor is empirically determined. 1000 is a good starting value. Since the LM1204 is a wide bandwidth amplifier with high gain at high frequenCies, the device may oscillate when driving a large capacitive/inductive load. To prevent oscillation, the amplifier's gain is rolled off at high frequencies. This is accomplished by an RC network comprised of a reSistor in 3-92 3.0 Stability Considerations (Continued) Non-Gated High Frequency Application series with a capacitor connected from the video output pin to ground (see Test Circuit, Figure 1). A 110n to 200'.1 resistor in series with 10 pF is quite adequate for most applications. However, if oscillations don't cease then the value of the resistor should be decreased or the value of the capacitor should be increased or a combination of the two. By connecting the back porch width adjust pin (pin 22) to Vee, the LM1204 functions as a non-gated amplifier requiring no sync or blanking signals. Figure 9 shows a triple high frequency amplifier with variable gain and DC offset control. In this mode of operation, filtered DC feedback must be provided to pins 28, 33 and 38 as shown in Figure 9. LM1204 CRT VIDEO A~PLlFIER R,8 4V R,8 COMPOSITE 1 VIDEO 181 INPUT BACK PORCH CLAMP PULSE GENERATOR ~--, t> I BLANK I COMPARATOR I R4 ~;.....-+~ ~~~:~~~H +/- H ~L.::23:.t,_S_Y_NC_PROC_ES~SO~R.J.;;.26;....._ _-o INPUT 25 C3 INTEGRATINGI CAPACITOR _ """'-'1 ADJUST 1.4V _ H SYNC OUTPUT + 24 _ I __01 BLANK GATE INPUT TLlH/1123B-9 FIGURE 2. Block Diagram Showing Timing Circuitry and Green Video Channel COMPOSITE VIDEO SIGNAL BACK PORCH - L I REFERENCE BLACK LEVEL (CUTOFF VOLTAGE) VIDEO .-.LSYNC.J PORTION------r-PORTIONI BLANKING PERIOD CLAMPING PULSE ---u c== SI A,B OPEN - H SYNC PULSE ....._ _ _ _- , 1.J ==tF- ~ BACK PORCH CLAMP PERIOD SI A, B CLOSED -=LF U H SYNC PERIOD TL/H/1123B-l0 FIGURE 3. CompOSite Video and Timing Signals 3-93 • 4V R, G, B VIDEO INPUT 7,11,17 40,35,30 R, G, B FEEDBACK 38,28,33 (CUTOFF ADJUST) 4V Vee +4V +12V BP CLAI/P WIDTH ADJUST BLANK LEVEL ADJUST (FOR BRIGHTNESS CONTROL) lOOk TL/HI11238-11 ~ np CONTRAST CONTROL VARIES AC GAIN (PEAK TO PEAK AI/PLITUDE) RELATIVE TO THE FIXED BLACK REFERENCE LEVEL (ALL THREE CHANNELS). SEE DASHED WAVEFORI/. ~ BL:CK :FER:CE LEVEL VIDEO OUTPUT AT CRT - _ II. GAIN ALLOWS INDIVIDUAL ADJUSTI/ENT DF AC GAIN OF EACH CHANNEL. WV " • " ~ VIDEO SYNC - H SYNC OUTPUT, PIN 2& L j ( W I T H PIN 24 AT +4V) ----==t " ~ ~ INTERNAL BACK PORCH CLAI/P PULSE OUTPUT, PIN 28 (WITH PIN 24 CONNECTED TO Vee) --U~ BP WIDTH ADJUSTABLE FROI/ 0.3 PI TO 4 PI TLlHI11238-12 R, G, B FEEDBACK ALLOWS INDIVIDUAL ADJUSTI/ENT OF BLACK REFERENCE (CUTOFF) LEVEL FOR EACH CHANNEL. TLlHI1123B-13 BLANK LEVEL ADJUST DC OFFSETS THE ENTIRE WAVEFORI/, ALLOWING BRIGHTNESS CONTROL (ALL THREE CHANNELS). SEE DASHED WAVEFORI/. TLlHI1123B-14 FIGURE 4. LM1204 Adjustments without Blanking 3-94 r-----------------------------------------------------------------------------,~ ... !II: 4V N R B G .3. GAIN .3. GAIN .3. GAIN C) 0100 lOOk - H SYNC OUTPUT R. G. B VIDEO INPUT 26 7.11.17 40.35.30 R. G. B FEEOBACK 38.28.33 4V CRT CATHODE (INDIVIDUAL BLANK LEVEL ADJUST) 20 o--t----. BLANK GATE INPUT _ _ _ _ _ _...., ~ Sl~ Vcc +12V 6 --, r----=l r::-- - 4V W -w-- -OV BLANKING PERIOD BP WIDTH ADJUST lOOk ~ BLANK LEVEL ADJUST ---r--..r.-.. VIDEO OUTPUT _ AT CRT BLANK PEDESTAL VIDEO SYNC TIP , r --. BLANKING PULSE ,BLANKING SIGNAL APPLIED TO PIN 24 . - - BLANKING PERIOD CONTRAST CONTROL VARIES AC GAIN (PEAK TO PEAK AMPLITUDE) OF VIDEO PORTION RELATIVE TO THE FIXED BLANK REFERENCE LEVEL (ALL THREE CHANNELS). 1...-_---1 .3. GAIN ALLOWS INDIVIDUAL ADJUSTMENT --,L.....Jr - - H SYNC OUTPUT. PIN 26 (WITH BLANKING SIGNAL APPLIED TO PIN 24) INTERNAL BACK PORCH CLAMP PULSE OUTPUT. PIN 26 (WITH PIN 24 CONNECTED TO VCC ) ~ 0.3}'s OF AC AND DC GAIN OF EACH CHANNEL. II VIDEO OUTPUT _ --~r--~r-, AT CRT BLANK PEDESTAL INCREASED BLANK PEDESTAL DUE TO BRIGHTNESS CONTROL BP WIDTH ADJUSTABLE FROM TO 4}'s BRIGHTNESS CONTROL DC OFFSETS THE VIDEO PORTION OF THE SIGNAL RELATIVE TO THE FIXED BLANK LEVEL. ALSO INCREASES OR .. / ' NEW BLACK LEVEL ,/ ' ,. ," • " " I I DECREASES THE BLANK PEDESTAL HEIGHT. SEE DASHED WAVEFORM. TUH/11238-15 FIGURE 5. LM1204 Adjustments with Blanking 3-95 LM1204 :J "a ~ Vee R13 R VIDEO 40k IN C14 "a CRT VIDEO AMPLIFIER "2- (GREEN CHANNEL) n R1 7511 I » R VIDEO OUT ao· V+ +60V CONTRAST d GAIN ADJ. ~ fn =G>-1 .. mm d GAIN ADJ. n ri c ~ A2 TO CRT CATHODE if =G>-1"'~ ~ Al Co) ii d GAIN ADJ. A2 LM1204 G VIDEO 0 , ,-·1 COMPOSITE VIDEO SYNC SEPARATOR BLANKING BRIGHTNESS BACK PORCH CLAMP GENERATOR Vee +/- HSYNC PROCESSOR G VIDEO OUT IN 200 20 G FEEDBACK (CUTOFF ADJUST) IOPF 4V TUHI1 1238-16 FIGURE 6. The LM1204 driving cascode CRT video amplifiers and operating without blanking. Brightness control is accomplished by potentiometer R12 (See FIgure 4 for explanation of adjustments). Each Vee pin should be bypassed with a 0.01 ,...F and a 0.1 ,...F capacitor connected as close to the pin as is possible. ;J "a ~ Vee 0 ----I VIDfO IN R12 33k C14 I » "a R VIDEO OUT R CRT VIDEO AMPLIFIER C3 "2- - (GREEN CHANNEL) RI =G>--1000Dill~ 754 " ~. V+ +60V O· : • "'. ,w. :::J fn o ~r =G>--1mNnlli~ " c if .,,,. ,w. TO CRT CATHODE &> a =G>--1mNnlli~ 4. GAIN ADJ. A1 !S'" G VIDEO 0 IN , ,-- I BLANKING BRIGHTNESS ~ A2 LM1204 COMPOSITE VIDEO SYNC SEPARATOR :::J c: Vee BACK PORCH CLAMP GENERATOR +/- HSYNC PROCESSOR G VIDEO OUT G FEEDBACK (CUTOFF ADJU5T) -= I BP CONTRA5T - WIDTH BRIGHTNE5S ADJU5T BLANK GATE IN 10PF BlANKING SIGNAL ~INGPERIOD TUH/II238-17 FIGURE 7. The LM1204 driving cascade CRT video amplifiers and operating with blanking. The video signal Is level shifted to the user adjustable blank level during the blanking period. Brightness control DC offsets the video signal relative to the fixed blank level and is accomplished by potentiometer R7. See FIgure 5 for explanation of adjustments. Each Vee pin should be bypassed with a 0.01 ,...F and a 0.1 ,...F capacitor connected as close to the pin as is possible. to~U'n iii Typical Applications Circuits (Continued) 'cc +12'1 R2 27k (+4V) ~45 ~22~2' 30 68' BLUE .23 R22 VIDEO~+....._,......jIHf---=::""'1-j IN RED VIDEO@+.....-,......jHf---=::.....1-j IN ... .20 RIO ...68..17 GREEN VIDEO ~+'-_-.41-+-==-4-1 IN C13 O,'pF CONTRAST BP WIDTH ±H!HV SYNC IN 75 TLlH/11238-18 FIGURE S. Complete circuitry for an RGB CRT video board using the LM1204 and LH2426AS. The video output signals from LH2426AS are AC coupled and diode clamped to greater than SOV. 3-98 Typical Applications Circuits (Continued) 471/2W ... ... 11 471/ZW 8 471/'lW 6 O. NC NC 220k m"D'~ ., o-JoNr-t---+-C 1k COTOND'~ DI 00"""''r-....---f---f CRT SOCKET FIGURE 8. (Continued) 3·99 &I TL/H/11238-20 LM1204 ~ DC OFFSET CONTROl (ALL THREE CHANNELS) 'a 0.1 ~ Vee » 'a Your 1 '2. R13 SOk & o· . .".. "". H3>~""- = I : ~""" .".. "". H3>- A1 A GAIN ADJ. CD !'F n ~i" c ;: Your 2 l' a :> 10k ~~H3>- ~ 8 ~ 10 A2 1 I 10 !'F I 10 !'F LM1204 VIN3~P.- 7::1 COMPOSITE VIDEO SYNC SEPARATOR BLANKING BRIGHTNESS BACK PORCH CLAMP GENERATOR +/- H SYNC PROCESSOR Your 3 10k 10!,F DC OFFSET CONTROL, Vour 3 TLlH/11238-19 FIGURE 9. Three channel high frequency amplifier with gain and DC offset control (non-video application). Each Vee pin should be bypassed with a 0.01 p.F and a 0.1 p.F capacitor connected as close to the pin as Is possible. ~National ~ Semiconductor LM1391 Phase-Locked Loop General Description • Output transistor with low saturation and high voltage swing • APe of the oscillator with a synchronizing signal • De controlled output duty cycle • ± 300 Hz typical pull-in • Linear balanced phase detector • Low thermal frequency drift • Small static phase error • Adjustable De loop gain The LM1391 integrated circuit has been designed primarily for use in the horizontal section of TV receivers, but may find use in other low frequency signal processing applications. It includes a stable veo, linear pulse phase detector, and variable duty cycle output driver. Features • Internal active regulator for improved supply rejection • Uncommitted collector of output transistor Schematic Diagram PRE·oRIVER OSCILLATOR OSCillATOR REGULATOR REGULATOR VOLTAGE TIMING ., J3D .8 "' 2.111 6 PHASE DETECTOR .14 Uk Uk 5 PHASE DETferDA OUTPUT •• } SAWTOOTH INPUT OUTPUT OJ R2 8.Ik .J 7.&11 •• 2.4. " ". '20 'lD .21 .. 185 ,," 0' SYNC INPUT TLlHI7889-1 (') Pin 4 Base of 016 (LM1391) for use with (+) flyback pulse 3-101 • Absolute Maximum Ratings If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Ottlce/Dlstrlbutors for availability and specifications. Supply Current 4OmAoc Output Voltage 40Voc Output Current 3OmAoc Sync Input Voltage (Pin 3) 5.0Vp-p Electrical Characteristics TA = Parameter Flyback Input Voltage (Pin 4) 5.. 0Vp-p Power Dissipation (Package Limitation) 1000mW Plastic Package (Note 1) Operating Temperature Range (Ambient) O"C to + 70"C Storage Temperature Range - 65'C to + 150"C Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec.) 26O"C 25'C (see test circuit, all switches In position 1) Conditions Regulated Voltage (Pin 6) Is = 22mAoc Min Typ Max B.O B.B 9.2 Supply Current (Pin 6) Units Voc 20 Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage of Output Transistor (Pin 1) ICI = 20 rnA mAoc 0.30 Pin 4 Voltage 0.40 Vee 2.0 Voc Oscillator Pull-in Range AdjustRH ±300 Hz Oscillator Hold-in Range AdjustRH ±900 Hz 0.5 pos ±3.0 HzlVoc Static Phase Error .1f = 300 Hz Free-running Frequency Supply Dependance S1 in position 2 Phase Detector Leakage (Pin 5) All switches in position 2 ±1.0 poA Sync Input Voltage (Pin 3) 2.0 5.0 Vp-p Sawtooth Input Voltage (Pin 4) 1.0 3.0 Vp-p Maximum Oscillator Frequency kHz 500 Note 1: For operation In ambient temperatures above 25'C, the device must be derated baaed on a 150'C maximum lunctlon temperature and a thermal resistance of 120'C/W lunctlon to ambient. Typical Performance Characteristics Frequency Drift vs Warm-Up Time 30 20 REFERENCE FREQUENCY f0- r- to "1&,750Hz 150 100 10 1.0 = ~ REFERENCE FREQUENCY fo = 1&,760 Hz 1: ~ .. 60 -20 0 I\. -30 -60 .... r-.... -100 j,~~o -150 -40 -200 0 15 30 46 60 TIME 15 (.1 80 106 120 x lOB ~ -ZOO ppm! C ~ (MAY 8E COMPENSATEO_ rWITH N220 CAPACITORI - r- -50 0 10 REFERENCE FREQUENCY 6.6 fa -16, 750Hz f0- r- 6.0 0 -10 Output Duty Cycle vs VM Voltage Frequency vs Tempereture 20 30 40 50 c- ~ 60 10 AM81ENT TEMPERATURE ( CI 10 ..~.. > > 5.5 6.0 4.6 ...- 4.0 3.5 ". ". 3.0 2.6 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 10 80 80 ptN 1 OUTPUT DUTY CYCLE "" TL/H/7889-3 3-102 Application Information DC Loop Gain p.{J '" 3.2 X 10- 5 Rofo Hz/rad Noise Bandwidth The following equations may be considered when using the LM1391 in a particular application. R201 = R301 = Vee - 8.6 n 0.02 1 fo '" - R C Hz1.5k';; Ro < 51k 0.6 0 0 R204'" 10 Ro C203 = C204 "" 600 Damping Factor 7TRX2 K "" --Ccp.{J 2 Ry f~(HZ) F Test Circuit Vee 3tlV lk 2k lk 880DpF 12k lOOk 3.3k 02 S2 12.. PULSE} { +50V FOR LM1311 ----. TLlHI7889-4 Connection Diagram Dual-In-Llne Package OUTV CYCLE CONTROL OSCILLATOR TIMING REGULATOR VOLTAGE PHASE DETECTOR OUTPUT OUTPUT GNU SYNC INPUT SAWTOOTH INPUT Top View Order Number LM1391N See NS Package Number N08E 3-103 TL/H17889-2 9- . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , ~ 9- ~ Typical Applications VCC 24VTYP Rl0l 620 lW Rl06 2.7k Rl07 2.4k R110 1.2k 112W TO YOKE RIll Uk 12", FL YBACK PULSE +4OV FOR lMI391 -20V NEG SYNC TL/HI7889-5 FIGURE 1. TV Horizontal Processor VCC 24VTYP R201 R203 3k R204 R206 2.7k R207 2.4k RO FRED TRIM - Co Ry '=' ~ R202 1.5k lM1391 3 Vp·p INPUT SYNCHRONIZING SIGNAL TL/HI7889-8 FIGURE 2. General Purpose Phase·Lock Loop (See Appllcatlonllnformatlon) 3·104 Typical Applications (Continued) Vee 24VTYP FREQADJ R30a 25k R305 2.5k R30l R302 1.7k R303 lk R307 Uk --+---+-0 OUTPUT PULSE T e301 PULSE·WIDTH MODULATlDN TL/H17889-7 FIGURE 3. Variable Duty Cycle Oscillator (See Applications Information) 3-105 ~ r-------------------------------------------~------------------------------~ C'oI CD .... !I ~National ~ Semiconductor LM1823 Video IF Amplifier/PLL Detector System General Description Features The LM1823 is a complete video IF signal processing system on a chip. It contains a 5-stage gain-controlled IF amplifier, a PLL synchronous amplitude detector, self-contained gated AGC, and a switchable AFC detector. The increased flexibility of the LM1823 makes it suitable for a wide variety of television applications where high quality video or sound carrier recovery is required. These include home receiver video IFs, cable and subscription TV decoders, and parallel sound IF/intercarrier detector systems. Typical operating frequencies are 38.9 MHz, 45.75 MHz, 58.75 MHz, and 61.25 MHz. • • • • • • • • • • • • Low differential gain and phase IF and detector pin compatible with LM1822 Common-base IF inputs for SAW filters True synchronous video detector using PLL Excellent stability at high system gains Noise-averaged gated AGC system Uncommitted AGC comparator input Internal AGC gate generator Superior small-signal detector linearity AFC detector with adjustable output bias 9 MHz video bandwidth Reverse tuner AGC output Test Circuit Measure parameters at indicated test points V28 12V 11k IFOU~'01 30k ...-,.....+-0.27 • 10k Vlo-Jlll._+-----, 12. .0 90 3 V3.V4o--'VV'v--4-'V9DI/Iro''t-----t 180 1/IW 0.01 aWl 'I'_ V6 10k Y23.V26 10k 2k o-'W~,""".::r--. D-'lNIr----. 1l1li: V19.V2D lao Wo-~~----~ 12V 6k 68k 6k "::' V... 6¥-1.. . .. 12V T1 • 50n unbal to bal Mlni-Circults Lab TM01-1T Order Number LM1823N See NS Package N28B Ll . 9YoT} #22 wire L2 • 4V. T on 31,s" form with L3 - av.T HF core, shielded All caps in "F unless noted 3-106 TL/H/5222-1 ....~ Absolute Maximum Ratings If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/Distributors for availability and speCifications. Power Supply Voltage, V2 15V IF Supply Current, 15 60mA AGC Gate Voltage, V14 ±5V Video Output Current, 116 PLL Filter Current, 118 Detector Input Signal, VDET Power Dissipation Thermal Resistance, iJJA Junction Temperature Operating Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Lead Temp. (Soldering, 10 seconds) 10mA 5mA 1 Vrms 2W 50'C/W 125'C O'Cto 70'C - 65'C to + 150'C 260'C CCI N W DC Electrical Characteristics PARAMETERS GUARANTEED BY ELECTRICAL TESTING TA=25'C, Test Circuit, vIF=VDET=O, VPH=4V, VCOMP=4V, and all switches in pOSition 0 (open) unless noted. Min Typ Max Units 12V Supply Current,ll + 12 VAGc=6.7V. VCOMP=6V 35 60 BO mA IF Regulator Voltage, V5 VAGc=6.7V, SW4 Position 1 5.B 6.4 7.0 V IF Input Voltage, V7, VB VAGc=2V, SW 2,3,4 Position 1 3.2 3.7 4.1 V IF Decouple Offset, V6-V9 VAGc=2V, SW 2, 3, 4 Position 1 0 ±30 mV Parameter Conditions IF Peaker Voltage (Max Gain), V3, V4 VAGc=2V, SW 2, 3, 4 Position 1 2.3 3.0 3.6 V IF Output Current, 11 VAGc=9V, SW 2, 3, 4 Position 1, Measure V1,Il =(12-V1)/50 3.1 5.5 7.B mA IF Peaker Voltage (Min Gain), V3, V4 VAGc=9V, SW 2, 3, 4 Position 1 5.5 6.2 Detector Input Voltage, V2B VAGc=6.7V, SW 1, 4 Position 1 4.3 4.9 5.5 V Limiter Tank Voltage, V24, V25 VAGc=6.7V, SW 1, 4 Position 1 6.4 7.0 7.6 V V AFCTankVoltage, V23, V26 VAGC = 6.7V, SW 1, 4 Position 1 4.3 4.9 5.5 V VCO Tank Voltage, V19, V20 VAGc=6.7V, SW 1, 4 Position 1 4.7 5.2 5.7 V AGC Sync Threshold, V17 SW 1, 2 Position 1, Adjust VCOMP for 113 = 0 3.B 4.0 4.2 V AGC Filter Leakage Current,I13 SW 1, 2, 4 Position 1 0 ±5 p.A AGC Filter Charge Current, 113 SW 1, 2 Position 1, VCOMP= 3.5V 1.6 2.2 2.B mA AGC Filter Discharge Current, 113 SW 1, 2 Position 1, VCOMP=4.5V -0.45 -0.70 -0.90 mA RF AGC Leakage current, 111 VAGC= 2V, All Switches Position 1, Measure V11, 111 =(12-V11)/6000 0 20 p.A RF AGC Output Current, 111 VAGC = 10V, All Switches Position 1, Measure V11,Ill = (12-V11)/BOOO 3·107 1.5 1.B mA • Detector AC Set-Up Procedure sw 1,4 position 1, VAGC= OV 1. Apply VOET = 10 mVrms, 45.75 MHz CW at the detector input. Tune L1 for maximum AC signal at pin 25, measured with a lOx FET probe or through a 1 pF capacitor to prevent loading of the limiter tank'. 2.lnctease vOET to 60 mVrms. Adjust L3 until the PLL locks, as indicated by a DC voltage at the video output pin 16. 3. With the detector locked, adjust L3 for 4.0V at pin 18. 4. Adjust VPH for maximum detector efficiency by monitoring pin 16 for a minimum DC voltage. 5. Adjust L2 for 3.OV at pin 27 (on sensitive slope of AFC curve). AC Electrical Characteristics PARAMETERS GUARANTEED BY ELECTRICAL TESTING TA = 25°C, Test Circuit, detector set-up as above, f = 45.75 MHz, VAGC = 6.7V, VCOMP = 4V, and all switches in position 0 (open) unless noted. Min Typ IF Amplifier Gain, VOUT!VIF (Note 1) VAGc=2V, sw 2,3,4 Position 1, v1F=500 ,..Vrms 25 35 VAGC for 15 dB Gain Reduction SW 2, 3, 4 Position 1, VIF = 2.8 mVrms, Adjust VAGC for Same VOUT as Gain Test 4.2 4.6 5.0 V VAGC for 45 dB Gain Reduction SW 2, 3, 4 Position 1, VIF = 89 mVrms, Adjust VAGC for Same VOUT as Gain Test 5.1 5.5 6.1 V Zero Carrier Level, V16 SW 1, 2, 4 Position 1, VOET=O 6.6 7.4 8.4 V Detected Output Level, a V16 SW 1, 2, 4 Position 1, VOET= 60 mlVrms, Measure Change in V16 from Zero Carrier Test 2 3 4.3 V Overload Output Voltage, V16 SW 1, 2, 4 Position 1, vOET = 600 mVrrns 2 3 V AFC Output Voltage (OFF), V27 sw 1,2,4 Position 1, VOET= 0 2.8 3.0 3.2 V AFC Minimum Output Voltage, V27 SW 1, 4 Position 1, vOET = 60 mVrms, 46.75 MHz 0.5 1.0 V AFC Maximum Output Voltage, V27 SW 1, 4 Position 1, VOET = 60 mVrms, 44.75 MHz 9 10 V PLL Pull-In Range, af SW 1, 4 Position 1, VOET = 60 mVrms, Vary Frequency and Measure the Difference between Lock Points 2 3 MHz Parameter Note 1: The IF amplifier gain is spac~ied wilh the actual application will typically be 26 dB higher. Conditions IF output connected to a 500 Max Units dB measurement system which results in a 250 loaded impedance. The gain in 3-108 an r- iii: .... CD Design Parameters NOT TESTED OR GUARANTEED Typical Application Circuit N Parameter Typ Units Maximum System Operating Frequency IF Input Impedance (Differential Pin 7-8), 45 MHz IF Output Impedance, 45 MHz IF Gain Control Range Detector Input Impedance, 45 MHz Detector Output Bandwidth, - 3 dB Detector Differential Gain (Note 2) Detector Differential Phase (Note 2) Detector Output Harmonic Levels below 3 Vp-p Video VCO Temperature Coefficient 70 60 10 55 MHz 2 9 3 1 -40 -150 Co) 0 kO dB kO MHz % deg dB ppml"C Note: 2: Differential gain and phase measured with the limiter tank adiusted for minimum differential phase. Typical Application 45.75 MHz (see Application Notes) '" 11.001 30t • 430 AFC OUTPUT 10k .". 2k 680 IF AMPLIFIER IF INPUT '" '" RFAGC ;:150 10. OUToPU_T-'\',..70,..,......._....:.+-1. AGe 3Dk DELAy>-4I-------....;;.t+1 ADJUST 20k v 16k TUH/5222-2 SAW Filter - MuRata SAF45MC/MA L1 - 9%T} #22 wire L2 - 4%T on 3.1a" form with L3 • a%T HF core, shielded All caps in ",F unless noted 3-109 II Application Notes Refer to Typical Application Circuit '7 COMMENTS ON RF Coupling The LM1823 is a high gain RF system which is critically dependent on the ground plane and positioning of the external components. For this reason, it is suggested that the printed circuit layout shown in Figure 3 be strictly adhered to. The most sensitive points in the system to unwanted RF coupling are the IF input pins 6-9. There are two different signals which can cause different problems when coupling into the IF inputs. If the IF output is coupling to the input, it can cause bandpass tilting, peaking, and in extreme cases, oscillation. The other Signal which can couple to the IF inputs is the PLL detector VCO. This VCO coupling can cause AFC skewing, non-symmetrical detector pull-in, and failure of the detector to acquire lock at weak signal levels. These input coupling problems will be most acute at maximum gain and will decrease as the IF is gain reduced by AGC action. The differential IF inputs offer a large amount of inherent rejection to unwanted RF coupling. Therefore, A FULLY BALANCED INPUT SOURCE IS MANDATORY. The input leads must be routed together and socketless operation is recommended above 50 MHz. However, residual coupling may still dictate the maximum IF amplifier gain which can be taken (see Pin Descriptions). ~--"'..J\Jy,,-&.2V ' - - -.....IIJ""'"-6,2V TUH/S222-3 FIGURE 1. IF Input Stage Both the input network to pins 7 and 8 and decoupling capacitor between pin 6 and pin 9 must be as close to the device as is physically possible to minimize RF coupling. Pin 10-IF Ground: Pin 10 grounds the IF and AGC circuits in the LM 1823. It is separate from the detector and chip substrate grounds to prevent internal coupling. Pin II·RF AGC Output: Pin 11 is connected to an opencollector NPN device. It begins to conduct current when the voltage on the AGC filter capaCitor at pin 13 exceeds the voltage set at the takeover pin 12 by approximately 0.6V. When connected to a resistor to 12V, this produces a falling voltage at pin 11 suitable for reverse tuner AGC inputs. Pin 12·RF AGC Takeover Adjust: The voltage preset at pin 12 determines when the IF stops gain reducing and the tuner begins gain reducing as the pin 13 AGC filter capaCitor voltage increases with signal level. A higher voltage at pin 12 delays the RF AGC takeover until more IF gain reduction has been taken (higher Signal levels), while a lower voltage limits the IF gain reduction before RF takeover. When the LM1823 is being used without a tuner, pin 12 may be connected to supply. Pin 13·AGC Filter: Pin 13 is a push-pull current source output from the AGC comparator. The comparator compares the negative sync tips of noise-averaged pin 17 video with an internal4V reference. Increases in signal produce a current out of pin 13 which charges the filter capacitor, while decreases discharge the capaCitor. The resulting change in voltage at pin 13 controls the IF and tuner gains to maintain the pin 17 sync tip level a:t 4V. An optional capaCitor between pin 13 and the takeover pin 12 couples the ripple produced by a rapidly varying signal into the takeover pin to enhance the AGC loop response. Pin 14-AGC Gate Generator Time Constant: The AGC comparator is gated on during sync time by a pulse from an internal gate generator. The gate pulse which activates the comparator is derived from the sync pulse in the same video which feeds the comparator input (see pin 17 description). An RC time constant on pin 14 determines the slice level on the leading edge of the sync pulse at which the comparator is gated on. This level is approximately VSLICE= 1/(2RC) in millivolts above the sync tip, and should be set at :5:25% of the sync amplitude. Note that VSLlCE only determines when the AGC comparator turns on, and is unrelated to the comparator reference. In the Typical Application, VSLICE= 100 mV, or 10% of a tv sync pulse. Increasing VSLICE improves the AGC recovery from step changes in signal level but increases the risk of video interaction. When modifying the time constant, change the capaCitor value only. PIN DESCRIPTIONS Pin 1·IF Amplifier Output: Pin 1 is connected to an opencollector NPN device. The load on pin 1 must be returned to the 12V supply as close as possible to pin 2. The IF output load may be either resistive as shown in the Typical Application, or an LC tank. The tank need only be used if a tunable bandpass characteristic is desired, or in conjunction with a sound trap. Pin 2-12V Supply: The LM1823 requires a nominal 12V supply but can accept a ± 10% variation. Pin 2 must be RF decoupled to a good ground as close as possible to the IC. Pins 3, 4·IF Gain Adjustment: Pins 3 and 4 are connected to the two emitters of the 4th IF differential amplifier such that the gain of the stage is set by the impedance between the pins. There is an internal 13600 resistor to set the minimum gain when the pins are' left open. Adding an external resistor increases the gain by the ratio of the parallel impedance to the original 13600. The pin 3 to 4 external resistor primarily affects the maximum IF gain; the relative gain increase goes away over the first 20 dB of AGC. Pin 5·IF Supply: The IF supply employs an Internal 6.4V shunt regulator which is fed by an external dropping resistor from pin 2 to pin 5. RF decoupling from pin 5 to the pin 10 ground plane is critical. Pins 6-9-IF Input and Decouple Pins: The LM1823 uses a common-base differential input stage as shown in Figure 1. Pins 7 and 8 connect directly to the emitters of the input devices, while pins 6 and 9 decouple the DC feedback loop at the bases. The gain of a common-base amplifier depends inversely on the source impedance. The LM1823 is designed to operate from differential impedances in the 5000 to 20000 range, which is typical for surface acoustic wave (SAW) filters. Alternatively, the IF may be used with a transformer input configuration similar to that shown in the Test Circuit, as long as the required source impedance is maintained. In all cases a balanced source must be used. 3-110 Application Notes (Continued) Refer to Typical Application Circuit Pin IS-Supply Decouple: Pin 15 is an additional connection to the 12V supply to allow RF decoupling on the detector side of the chip. Pin 16-Video Output: Pin 16 is a Darlington NPN emitterfollower output supplying negative sync video. With no detector input signal the pin 16 voltage sits at the zero carrier level, representing peak white. As the input signal level increases, the pin 16 voltage decreases towards black. The sync pulses are normally the most negative portion of the recovered video. 15000 resistor. Increasing the Q (larger C) improves stability but reduces the VCO control range. The tank shown in the Typical Application will yield a loaded Q of around 15, providing stable operation with a control range in excess of 2 MHz. Pin 21-Substrate Ground: Pin 21 grounds the chip substrate along with all of the AFC and PLL detector grounds. Pin 22-Detector Phase Adjust: The video detector requires a reference Signal in phase with the input Signal carrier for maximum detection efficiency. However, the action of the PLL inherently sets the veo phase in quadrature (at 90 degrees) with the limiter output. Therefore a variable phase shift network, controlled by pin 22, is used internally between the VCO and video detector to insure proper phaSing. Pin 22 requires an adjustment voltage centered at % supply with ± 2V of control range. The pin 22 adjustment procedure described in the Detector AC Set-Up Procedure is an open loop approach where the voltage is adjusted for maximum detected output with a fixed detector input signal. In the Typical Application, with the detector input being fed from the IF amplifier and the AGC loop active, the pin 22 adjustment is made by maximizing the AGe filter voltage at pin 13. In all cases the detector phase adjustment must be performed after the limiter is tuned. Pins 23, 26-AFC Tank: A parallel LC tank between pins 23 and 26 sets the center of the AFC characteristic. The internal resistance is typically 20 kO, so that Q will be dominated by the coil Rp. The L/C ratio shown in the Typical Application maximizes Q to provide a steep AFC output slope. 12V 18 10k 5k 17 lk lk6 16 - 15 VIDEO '::" OUTPUT TL/H/5222-4 FIGURE 2. Adjustable Recovered Video Level Pin 17-AGC Comparator Input: External negative sync video is fed to the AGC comparator and gate generator via pin 17. An internal low pass filter removes high frequency noise and transients. The peak-to-peak video level with the AGC loop active is determined by the difference between the zero carrier level at pin 17 and the 4V sync tip level being held by the AGC comparator (see pin 13 description). When the LM1823 is being used to recover normal video, pin 17 may simply be returned to pin 16. This results in a nominal 3 Vp-p video level, but which is subject to variations in the pin 16 zero carrier level. The network shown in Figure 2 can be used to change the zero carrier at pin 17, thus providing an adjustable recovered video level. The pin 16 video level should be maintained at between 1 Vp-p minimum and 4 Vp-p maximum. A quadrature input signal is required at the AFC tank to operate the AFC detector. This signal is derived by light capacitive coupling from the limiter tank. For applications at 45 MHz and above, the stray printed circuit capaCitance from the adjacent limiter tank couples sufficient signal for proper operation. However, at lower IF frequencies, small (1 pF-5 pF) capacitors may be required between the adjacent pins as shown in the Test Circuit. A second function of pins 23 and 26 allows turning the AFC detector OFF by grounding either side of the AFC tank. Up to 2 kO may be placed in series with the switch connection to prevent unbalancing the tank. Pins 24, 2S-Llmlter Tank: A parallel LC tank between pins 24 and 25 forms the tuned load for a single stage limiting amplifier which strips amplitude information from the Signals feeding the AFC and phase detectors. The amplifier has a small signal gain of approximately 50, with internal Schottky diodes across the tank to limit the output amplitude to 500 mVp-p. In suppressed sync systems, the recovered video at pin 16 may require processing to restore normal sync amplitude before being fed to pin 17. In this case, it is mandatory that a DC path be maintained for the zero carrier level through any external circuitry. Any DC level shift between pins 16 and 17 will have the effect of changing the video level as previously described. Pin 18-PLL Filter: Pin 18 is connected to both the output of the phase detector and the control input of the VCO. The polarity of the veo control characteristic is such that increasing the pin 18 voltage increases the VCO frequency. An external resistive divider at pin 18 serves two functions. The divider parallel impedance sets the gain of the phase detector, while the divider ratio places the quiescent voltage at the center of the VCO control characteristic. The 20 kO impedance, % supply divider shown in the Typical Application has been chosen to provide optimum performance. The series capacitor and resistor to ground complete the PLL filter. An internal zener clamp to ground at pin 18 prevents the phase detector output from pulling the VCO control input over 5.6V. For this reason, external voltages should not be forced at pin 18 to avoid damaging the clamp. The linearity of the detector video outputs depends directly on limiter tuning. Making the limiter adjustment based on maximum signal level at pins 24, 25 as outlined in the Detector AC Set-Up Procedure results in nearly optimum output linearity. However, to completely null the output differential phase the limiter should be adjusted while monitoring this parameter. Pin 27-AFC Detector Output: Pin 27 is push-pull current source output from the AFC detector. The polarity is such that pin 27 sources current when the input signal is below the center frequency, and sinks current above the center frequency. An external resistive divider sets both the gain and quiescent output voltage of the AFC. Although the net- Pins 19, 20-VCO Tank: A parallel LC tank between pins 19 and 20 sets the VCO center frequency. The tank Q is RpLlXc, where RpL is the coil Rp loaded by an internal 3-111 Application Notes (Continued) Refer to Typical Application Circuit work shown in the Typical Application sets up the output at Y4 supply, it could easily be changed to Va supply by using equal-valued resistors. When setting up the AFC detector, the tank should always be tuned so the output is at the quiescent divider voltage with the desired center frequency applied. PIn 28·Detector Input: Pin 28 is Internally DC-biased and requires an AC-coupled input signal. The network between pins 1 and 28 should not allow over 1 Vrms at the input during signal transients to prevent overloading the detector. When a tank Is being used for the IF output load, a capacitive divider may be used from pin 1 to pin 28 in which the series equivalent capacitance resonates with the coil. TL/H/5222-5 FIGURE 3. Printed Circuit Layout (Component Side). 3-112 ~Nattonal ~ Semiconductor LM 1881 Video Sync Separator General Description Features The LM1881 Video sync separator extracts timing information including composite and vertical sync, burst/back porch timing, and odd/even field information from standard negative going sync NTSC, PAL', and SECAM video signals with amplitude from 0.5V to 2V pop. The integrated circuit Is also capable of providing sync separation for non-standard, faster horizontal rate video signals. The vertical output is produced on the rising edge of the first serration in the vertical sync period. A default vertical output is produced after a time delay if the riSing edge mentioned above does not occur within the externally set delay period, such as might be the case for a non-standard video signal. • AC coupled composite input Signal • > 10 kO input resistance • < 10 mA power supply drain current • Composite sync and vertical outputs • Odd/even field output • Burst gate/back porch output • Horizontal scan rates to 150 kHz • Edge triggered vertical output • Default triggered vertical output for non-standard video signal (video games-home computers) Connection Diagram LM1881N Vee COMPOSITE SYNC OUTPUTo-------I -----1I 1------05-12V 0.1 J.'F COt.lPOSITE VIDEO INPUT O 2 7 1 - - - -__-0 ODD/EVEN 5 1- OUTPUT VERTICAL SYNC OUTPUTo-------I 3 ------0 BURST/BACK PORCH OUTPUT COt.lPOSITE VIDEO INPUT COMPOSITE ::t~===:;1:=::H=::;~=J:=:;t=::;!==;==t.===t==t;==;;:=t;: SYNCOUTPUT:=t::::::::t=::1=::=t::::~::t=::=t::::::=t::~t:::t::::t:::!:: VERTICAL SYNC OUTPUT BURST OUTPUT ...r--------- ODD/EVEN _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ OUTPUT Tl/H/9150-1 Order Number LM1881M or LM1881N See NS Package Number M08A or N08E 'PAL In this datasheet refers to European broadcast TV standard "'Phass Alternating Une"', and not to Programmable Array Logic. 3-113 ..- I..- :::& ....I Absolute Maximum Ratings If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/Distributors for availability and specifications. Supply Voltage ESD Susceptibility (Note 2) 3 Vpp (Vee = 5V) 6 Vpp (Vcc :2: 8V) Output Sink Currents; Pins 1, 3, 5 5mA Output Sink Current; Pin 7 Operating Temperature Range 260"C 215°C 220"C See AN-450 "Surface Mounting Methods and their Effect on Product Reliability" for other methods of soldering surface mount devices. 2mA 1100mW Package Dissipation (Note 1) + 150"C 2kV Soldering Information Dual-in-Line Package (10 sec.) Small Outline Package Vapor Phase (60 sec.) Infrared (15 sec.) 13.2V Input Voltage -65°C to Storage Temperature Range O"C-70"C Electrical Characteristics Vee = 5V; Rset = 680 ko.; T A = 25°C; Unless otherwise specified Parameter Conditions Supply Current Outputs at Logic 1 DC Input Voltage Pin 2 Input Threshold Voltage Note 5 Input Discharge Current Pin 2; VIN = 2V Input Clamp Charge Current Pin 2; VIN = tV RSET Pin Reference Voltage Pin 6; Note 6 Composite Sync. & Vertical Outputs lOUT = 40 /LA; Logic 1 Vee = 5V Vec = 12V lOUT = 1.6mA LogiC 1 Burst Gate & Odd/Even Outputs lOUT = 40 /LA; Logic 1 Composite Sync. Output lOUT = -1.6 mA; Logic 0; Pin 1 Vertical Sync. Output lOUT = -1.6 rnA; Logic 0; Pin 3 Burst Gate Output lOUT = -1.6 mA; Logic 0; Pin 5 Odd/Even Output lOUT = -1.6 mA; Logic 0; Pin 7 Vcc = 5V Vee = 12V Typ Tested Limit (Note 3) Design Limit (Note 4) Units (Limits) 5.2 5.5 10 12 mAmax mAmax 1.5 1.3 1.8 Vmin Vmax :70 55 85 mVmin mVmax 11 6 16 /LAmin /LAmax 0.8 0.2 mAmin 1.22 1.10 1.35 Vmin Vmax 4.5 4.0 11.0 Vmin Vmin Vee = 5V Vee = 12V 3.6 2.4 10.0 Vmin Vmin Vee = 5V Vee = 12V 4.5 4.0 11.0 Vmin Vmin 0.2 0.8 Vmax 0.2 0.8 Vmax 0.2 0.8 Vmax 0.2 0.8 Vmax 230 190 300 /Lsmin /Lsmax 4 2.5 4.7 /Lsmin /Lsmax 65 32 90 /Lsmin /Lsmax Vertical Sync Width Burst Gate Width 2.7 ko. from Pin 5 to Vcc Vertical Default Time Note 7 Note 1: For operation in ambient temperatures above 25'C, the device must be derated based on a 150'C maximum Junction temperature and a package thermal resiatence of 110' C/W, junction to ambient. No1e 2: ESD susceptibility test uses the "human body model, 100 pF discharged through a 1.5 kO resisto('. Nole 3: Typicals are at TJ ~ 25'C and represent the most likelY parametric norm. Note 4: Tested Umits are guaranteed to National's AOQL (Average Outgoing Quality Level). No1e 5: Relative difference between the input clamp voltage and the minimum input voltage which produces a horizontsl output pulse. Nole 6: Careful attention should be made to prevent parasitic capacitance coupling from any output pin (Pins I, 3, 5, and 7) to the RSET pin (Pin 6). Nole 7: Delay time between the start of vertical sync (at input) and the vertical output pulse. 3-114 Typical Performance Characteristics Vertical Default Sync Delay Time Raet Value Selection va Vertical Serration Pulse Separation • D.I 0.4 V 0.2 0.0 10 15 20 25 3D o VERTICAL SERRATION PULSE SEPARATION (1") I.0 Ci' 3 .1 0,8 0.4 / .1 40 60 80 100 o Supply Current va Supply Voltage """- •o - I o 10 SOD 10 BURST/BLACK LEVEL GATE TIME (jI') 10 r-- r-- 0.0 / V 0.0 20 400 I IDO 200 300 400 VERTICAL PULSE WIDTH 0.4 0.2 0.2 o 0.6 Vertical Pulae Width va Temperature V 0.8 Q 3 / J VERTICAL DErAULT SYNC DELAY TIWE (p.) Vertical Pulse Width va Raet / 0.8 / 3 .1 I.0 V o.8 Ci Burst/Black Level Gate Time va Rut va Rut I. 20 80 70 o 10 12 TEMPERATURE (Oc) (po) TL/H/9150-2 • 3-115 - - I ~ r---------------------------------------------------------------------~ Application Notes The LM1881 is designed to strip the synchronization signals from composite video sources that are in, or similar to, the N.T.S.C. format. Input signals with positive polarity video (in- . creasing signal voltage signifies increasing scene brightness) from 0.5V (p-p) to 2V (p-p) can be accommodated. The LM1881 operates from a single supply voltage between 5V DC and 12V ~C. The only required external components beside power supply and set current decoupling are the input coupling capacitor and a single resistor that sets internal current levels, allowing the LM1881 to be adjusted for source signals with line scan frequencies differing from 15.734 kHz. Four major sync Signals are available from the I/C: composite sync including both horizontal and vertical scan timing information; a vertical sync pulse; a burst gate or back porch clamp pulse; and an oddleven output. The oddl even output level identifies which video field of an interlaced video source is present at the input. The outputs from the LM1881 can be used to gen-Iock video camera/VTR signals with graphics sources, provide identification of video fields for memory storage, recover suppressed or contaminated sync signals, and provide timing references for the extraction of coded or uncoded data on specific video scan lines. To better understand the LM1881 timing information and the type of signals that are used, refer to Figure 2(a-e) which shows a portion of the composite video signal from the end of one field through the beginning of the next field. COMPOSITE SYNC OUTPUT The composite sync output, Figure 2(b), is simply a reproduction of the signal waveform below the composite video black level, with the video completely removed. This is obtained by clamping the video signal sync tips to 1.5V DC at Pin 2 and using a comparator threshold set just above this voltage to strip the sync signal, which is then buffered out to Pin 1. The threshold separation from the clamped sync tip is nominally 70 mV which means that for the minimum input level of 0.5V (p-p), the clipping level is close to the halfway pOint on the sync pulse amplitude (shown by the dashed line on Figure 2(a). This threshold separation is independent of the signal amplitude, therefore, for a 2V (p-p) input the clipping level occurs at 11 % of the sync pulse amplitude. The charging current for the input coupling capacitor is 0.8 mA, whereas the discharge current is only 11 p.A, typically. This allows relatively small capacitor values to be used-O.1 p.F is generally recommended. Normally the signal source for the LM1881 is assumed to be clean and relatively noise-free, but some sources may have excessive video peaking, causing high frequency video and chroma components to extend below the black level reference. Some video discs keep the chroma burst pulse present throughout the vertical blanking period so that the burst actually appears on the sync tips for three line periods instead of at black level. A clean composite sync signal can be generated from these sources by filtering the input signal. When the source impedance is low, typically 750, a 6200 resistor in series with the source and a 510 pF capacitor to ground will form a low pass filter with a corner frequency of 500 kHz. This bandwidth is more than sufficient to pass the sync pulse portion of the waveform; however, any subcarrier content in the signal will be attenuated by almost 18 dB, effectively taking it below the comparator threshold. Filtering will also help if the source is contaminated with thermal noise. The output waveforms will become delayed from between 40 ns to as much as 200 ns due to this filter. This much delay will not usually be significant but it does contribute to the sync delay produced by any additional signal processing. Since the origin~1 video may also undergo processing, the need for time delay correction will depend on the total system, not just the sync stripper. VERTICAL SYNC OUTPUT A vertical sync output is derived by internally integrating the composite sync waveform (Figure 3). To understand the generation of the vertical sync pulse, refer to the lower left hand section Figure 3. Note that there are two comparators in the section. One comparator has an internally generated voltage reference called V1 going to one of its inputs. The other comparator has an internally generated voltage referance called V2 going to one of its inputs. Both comparators have a common input at their noninverting input coming from the internal integrator. The internal integrator is used for integrating the composite sync signal. This signal comes from the input side of the composite sync buffer and are positive going sync pulses. The capacitor to the integrator is internal to the LM1881. The capacitor charge current is set by the value of the external resistor Rsat. The output of the integrator is going to be at a low voltage during the normal horizontal lines because the integrator has a very short time to charge the capacitor, which is during the horizontal sync period. The equalization pulses will keep the output voltage of the integrator at about the same level, below the V1. During the vertical sync period the narrow going positive pulses shown in Figure 2 is called the serration pulse. The wide negative portion of the vertical sync period is called the vertical sync pulse. At the start of the vertical sync period, before the first Serration pulse occurs, the integrator now charges the capacitor to a much higher voltage. At the first serration pulse the integrator output should be between V1 and V2. This would give a high level at the output of the comparator with V1 as one of its inputs. This high is clocked into the "0" flip-flop by the falling edge of the serration pulse (remember the sync signal is inverted in this section of the LM1881). The "a" output of the "0" flip-flop goes through the OR gate, and sets the RIS flipflop. The output of the RIS flip-flop enables the internal oscillator and also clocks the OOO/EVEN "0" flip-flop. The OOO/EVEN field pulse operation is covered in the next section. The output of the oscillator goes to a divide by 8 circuit, thus resetting the RIS flip-flop after 8 cycles of the oscillator. The frequency of the oscillator is established by the internal capacitor going to the oscillator and the external Rsat. The output of the RIS flip-flop goes to pin 3 and is the actual vertical sync output of the LM 1881. By clocking the "0" flip-flop at the start of the first serration pulse means that the vertical sync output pulse starts at this point in time and lasts for eight cycles of the internal oscillator as shown in Figure 2. "a" How Rset affects the integrator and the internal oscillator is shown under the Typical Performance Characteristics. The first graph is "Rsat Value Selection vs Vertical Serration Pulse Separation". For this graph to be valid, the vertical sync pulse should last for at least 85 % of the horizontal half line (47% of a full hOrizontal line). A vertical sync pulse from any standard should meet this requirement; both NTSC and PAL do meet this requirement (the serration pulse is the remainder of the period, 10 % to 15% of the horizontal 3-116 Application Notes (Continued) ST=ART.::....:0.:...F.:...FI:.:EL::.D...:.1.!:(0:.:DD;,!>+_ _ _ _ _ _ _ VERTICAL BLANKING INTtRVAL _ _ _ _ _ _---1 EQUALIZING PULSES h-J 63.5pa -II31.81's -+I SERRATED VERTICAL PULSE ~ +I EQUALIZING--l PULSES I --II-- --II-4.7pa 2.41'1 2301'.typ--I --------~--------~ ~------~--- ODD FIElD EVEN FIELD TlIH/9150-3 FIGURE 2. (a) Composite Video; (b) Composite Sync; (c) Vertical Output Pulse; (d) Odd/Even Field Index; (e) Burst Gate/Back Porch Clamp COMP~~~~ 8 SUPPLY VOLTAGE REG o--t--clC VIDEO INPUT ~~I'_Fo-2-t_+-_i4~--' 7 0001 EVEN FIELD INDEX II 510 PF,I !!sET S80k Vee 5 'Components Optional, See Text - BURST GATEI BACK PORCH CLAMP TL/H/9150-4 FIGURE 3 3·117 - I :& -I r-------------------------------------------------------------------------~ Application Notes (Continued) half line). Remember this pulse is a positive pulse at the integrator but negative in Figure 2. This graph shows how long it takes the integrator to charge its internal capacitor above V1. WITH Rset too large the charging current of the integrator will be too small to charge the capacitor above V1, thus there will be no vertical synch output pulse. As mentioned above, Rset also sets the frequency of the internal oscillator. If the oscillator runs too fast its eight cycles will be shorter than the vertical sync portion of the composite sync. Under this condition another vertical sync pulse can be generated on one of the later serration pulses after the divide by 8 circuit resets the RIS flip-flop. The first graph also shows the minimum Rset necessary to prevent a double vertical pulse, assuming that the serration pulses last for only three full horizontal line periods (six serration pulses for NTSC). The actual pulse width of the vertical sync pulse is shown in the "Vertical Pulse Width vs Rset" graph. Using NTSC as an example, lets see how these two graphs relate to each other. The Horizontal line is 64 /JoS long, or 32 /Jos for a horizontal half line. Now round this off to 30 /Jos. In the "Rset Value Selection vs Vertical Serration Pulse Separation" graph the minimum resistor value for 30 /Jos serration pulse separation is about 550 kO. Going to the "Vertical Pulse Width vs Rset" graph one can see that 550 kO gives a vertical pulse width of about 180 ,","S, the total time for the vertical sync period of NTSC (3 horizontal lines). A 550 kO will set the internal oscillator to a frequency such that eight cycles gives a time of 180 ,","s, just long enough to prevent a double vertical sync pulse at the vertical sync output of the LM 1881. The LM1881 also generates a default vertical sync pulse when the vertical sync period is unusually long and has no serration pulses. With a very long vertical sync time the integrator has time to charge its internal capacitor above the voltage level V2. Since there is no falling edge at the end of a serration pulse to clock the "0" flip-flop, the only high signal going to the OR gate is from the default comparator when output of the integrator reaches V2. At this time the RIS flip-flop is toggled by the default comparator, starting the vertical sync pulse at pin 3 of the LM 1881. If the default vertical sync period ends before the end of the input vertical sync period, then the falling edge of the vertical sync (positive pulse at the "0" flip-flop) will clock the high output from the comparator with V1 as a reference input. This will retrigger the oscillator, generating a second vertical sync output pulse. The "Vertical Default Sync Delay Time vs Rset" graph shows the relationship between the Rset value and the delay time from the start of the vertical sync period before the default vertical sync pulse is generated. Using the NTSC example again the smallest resistor for Rset is 500 kO. The vertical default time delay is about 50 /Jos, much longer than the 30 /Jos serration pulse spacing. A common question is how can one calculate the required Rset with a video timing standard that has no serration pulses during the vertical blanking. If the default vertical sync is to be used this is a very easy task. Use the "Vertical Default Sync Delay Time vs ,Rset" graph to select the necessary Rset to give the desired delay time for the vertical sync output Signal. If a second pulse is undesirable, then check the "Vertical Pulse Width vs Rset" graph to make sure the vertical output pulse will extend beyond the end of the input vertical sync period. In most systems the end of the vertical sync period may be very accurate. In this case the preferred design may be to start the vertical sync pulse at the end of the vertical sync period, similar to starting the vertical sync pulse after the first serration pulse. A VGA standard is to be used as an example to show how this is done. In this standard a horizontal line is 32 /Jos long. The vertical sync period is two horizontal lines long, or 64 /Jos. The vertical default sync delay time must be longer than the vertical sync period of 64 /Jos. In this case Rset must be larger than 680 kO. Rset must still be small enough for the output of the integrator to reach V1 before the end of the vertical period of the input pulse. The first graph can be used to confirm that Raet is small enough for the integrator. Instead of using the vertical serration pulse separation, use the actual pulse width of the vertical sync period, or 64 /Jos in this example. This graph is linear, meaning that a value as large as 2.7 MO can be used for Rset (twice the value as the maximum at 30 /Jos). Due to leakage currents it is advisable to keep the value of Rset under 2.0 MO. In this example a value of 1.0 MO is selected, well above the minimum of 680 kO. With this value for Rset the pulse width of the vertical sync output pulse of the LM 1881 is about 340 /Jos. ODD/EVEN FIELD PULSE An unusual feature of LM1881 is an output level from Pin 7 that identifies the video field present at the Input to the LM1881. This can be useful in frame memory storage applications or in extracting test signals that occur only In alternate fields. For a composite video signal that is interlaced, one of the two fields that make up each video frame or picture must have a half horizontal scan line period at the end of the vertical scan--i.e., at the bottom of the picture. This is called the "odd field" or "field 1". The "even field" or "field 2" has a complete horizontal scan line at the end of the field. An odd field starts on the leading edge of the first equalizing pulse, whereas the even field starts on the leading edge of the second equalizing pulse of the vertical retrace interval. Figure 2(8) shows the end of the even field and the start of the odd field. To detect the oddleven fields the LM1881 again integrates the composite sync waveform (Figure 3). A capacitor is charged during the period between sync pulses and discharged when the sync pulse is present. The pariod between normal horizontal sync pulses is enough to allow the capacitor voltage to reach a threshold level of a comparator that clears a flipflop which is also being clocked by the sync waveform. When the vertical interval is reached, the shorter integration time between equalizing pulses prevents this 3-118 Application Notes (Continued) threshold from being reached and the Q output of the flipflop is toggled with each equalizing pulse. Since the half line period at the end of the odd field will have the same effect as an equalizing pulse period, the Q output will have a different polarity on successive fields. Thus by comparing the Q polarity with the vertical output pulse, an odd/even field index is generated. Pin 7 remains low during the even field and high during the odd field. signal (VIRS) and line 21 is reserved for closed caption data for the hearing impaired. The remaining lines are used in a number of ways. Lines 17 and 18 are frequently used during studio proceSSing to add and delete vertical interval test signals (VITS) while lines 14 through 18 and line 20 can be used for Videotex/Teletext data. Several institutions are proposing to transmit financial data on line 17 and cable systems use the available lines in the vertical interval to send decoding data for descrambler terminals. Since the vertical output pulse from the LM1881 coincides with the leading edge of the first vertical serration, sixteen positive or negative transitions later will be the start of line 14 in either field. At this point simple counters can be used to select the desired line(s) for insertion or deletion of data. BURST/BACKPORCH OUTPUT PULSE In a composite video signal, the chroma burst is located on the backporch of the horizontal blanking period. This period, approximately 4.8 P.s long, is also the black level reference for the subsequent video scan line. The LM1881 generates a pulse at Pin 5 that can bo used either to retrieve the chroma burst from the composite video signal (thus providing a subcarrier synchronizing signal) or as a clamp for the DC restoration of the video waveform. This output is obtained simply by charging an internal capacitor starting on the trailing edge of the horizontal sync pulses. Simultaneously the output of Pin 5 is pulled low and held until the capacitor charge circuit times out-4 P.s later. A shorter output burst gate pulse can be derived by differentiating the burst output using a series CoR network. This may be necessary in applications which require high horizontal scan rates in combination with normal (60-120 Hz) vertical scan rates. VIDEO LINE SELECTOR The circuit in Figure 4 puts out a single video line according to the binary coded information applied to line select bits bO-b7. A line is selected by adding two to the desired line number, converting to a binary equivalent and applying the result to the line select inputs. The falling edge of the LM1881's vertical pulse is used to load the appropriate number into the counters (MM74CI93N) and to set a start count latch using two NAND gates. Composite sync transitions are counted using the borrow out of the desired number of counters. The final borrow out pulse is used to turn on the analog switch (CD4066BC) during the desired line. The falling edge of this Signal also resets the start count latch, thereby terminating the counting. The circuit, as shown, will provide a single line output for each field in an interlaced video system (television) or a single line output in each frame for a non-interlaced video system (computer monitor). When a particular line in only one field of an interlaced video signal is desired, the oddl even field index output must be used instead of the vertical output pulse (invert the field index output to select the odd field). A single counter is needed for selecting lines 3 to 14; two counters are needed for selecting lines 15 to 253; and three counters will work for up to 2046 lines. An output buffer is required to drive low impedance loads. APPLICATIONS Apart from extracting a composite sync signal free of video information, the LM1881 outputs allow a number of interesting applications to be developed. As mentioned above, the burst gate/backporch clamp pulse allows DC restoration of the original video waveform for display or remodulation on an R.F. carrier, and retrieval of the color burst for color synchronization and decoding into R.G.B. components. For frame memory storage applications, the odd/even field level allows identification of the appropriate field ensuring the correct read or write sequence. The vertical pulse output is particularly useful since it begins at a precise time-the rising edge of the first vertical serration in the sync waveform. This means that individual lines within the vertical blanking period (or anywhere in the active scan line period) can easily be extracted by counting the required number of transitions in the composite sync waveform following the start of the vertical output pulse. The vertical blanking interval is proving popular as a means to transmit data which will not appear on a normal T.V. receiver screen. Data can be inserted beginning with line 10 (the first horizontal scan line on which the color burst appears) through to line 21. Usually lines 10 through 13 are not used which leaves lines 14 through 21 for inserting signals, which may be different from field to field. In the U.S., line 19 is normally reserved for a vertical interval reference MULTIPLE CONTIGUOUS VIDEO LINE SELECTOR WITH BLACK LEVEL RESTORATION The circuit in Figure 5 will select a number of adjoining lines starting with the line selected as in the previous example. Additional counters can be added as described previously for either higher starting line numbers or an increased number of contiguous output lines. The back porch pulse output of the LM1881 is used to gate the video input's black level through a low pass filter (10 kO, 10 p.F) providing black level restoration at the video output when the output selected line(s) is not being gated through. 3-119 II .- r------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, :& .- ::! Typical Applications +~o-.-----------.-_.------._------------_.------~ 680kA D.lI'F 2kA ~~---------~~~---------~~~~------~ r-l....,....,..........-'.....~ VIDEO INPUT SELECl[Jl VIDEO LINE OUT TL/H/9150-5 FIGURE 4. Video Line Selector +5Vo-.----1~----~_1~----~------------~~----_t--------------------, 68Dk4 2k4 ____ e. ~--_t~~--------~~------1_------r_--~~ : I I I I I 6204 I I I I I 0.1 O.II'F: ~~---~+--~------~----4--+---~ I: __ VIDEO INPUT - +5V I I I I I '-t------:§ ~____....J = : ._----------_. t SElECTED VIDEO LINE(S) OUT TLlH/9150-6 FIGURE 5. Multiple Contiguous Video Une Selector With Black Level Restoration 3-120 ... c: ...Cf1 ...... ~National ...... ~ Semiconductor ::a • r- ... a: 54ACT17 4ACT715 eLM 1882 54ACT17 4ACT715-ReLM 1882-R Programmable Video Sync Generator General Description The 'ACT715/LM1882 and 'ACT715-R/LM1882-R are 20-pin TTL-input compatible devices capable of generating Horizontal, Vertical and Composite Sync and Blank signals for televisions and monitors. All pulse widths are completely definable by the user. The devices are capable of generating signals for both interlaced and noninterlaced modes of operation. Equalization and serration pulses can be introduced into the Composite Sync signal when needed. Four additional Signals can also be made available when Composite Sync or Blank are used. These signals can be used to generate horizontal or vertical gating pulses, cursor position or vertical Interrupt signal. These devices make no assumptions concerning the system architecture. Line rate and field/frame rate are all a function of the values programmed into the data registers, the status register, and the input clock frequency. The 'ACT715/LM1882 is mask programmed to default to a Clock Disable state. Bit 10 of the Status Register, Register 0, defaults to a logic "0". This facilitates (re)programming before operation. The 'ACT715-R/LM1882-R is the same as the 'ACT715/LM1882 in all respects except that the E • 'ACT715-R/LM1882-R is mask programmed to default to a Clock Enabled state. Bit 10 of the Status Register defaults to a logic "1". Although completely (re)programmable, the 'ACT715-R/LM1882-R version is better suited for applications using the default 14.31818 MHz RS-HO register values. This feature allows power-up directly into operation, following a single CLEAR pulse. !i: ... II)' ::a Features • Maximum Input Clock Frequency> 130 MHz • Interlaced and non-interlaced formats available • Separate or composite horizontal and vertical Sync and Blank signals available • Complete control of pulse width via register programming • All inputs are TTL compatible • 8 mA drive on all outputs • Default RS170/NTSC values mask programmed into registers • 4 KV minimum ESD immunity • 'ACT715-R/LM1882-R is mask programmed to default to a Clock Enable state for easier start-up into 14.31818 MHz RSHO timing Connection Diagrams '-./ ~ 00 - 1 0, - 2 20 t-vcc 19 t- ADOR/DATA O2- 3 18 t-L/HBYTE 03 04- 4 17 t-LOAO 5 16 I-ODO/EVEN 05- 6 15 rHSYNVDR 06- 7 14 rVCSYNC ~- 8 13 rHBLHOR CLR- 9 12 rVCBLANK GNO- 10 11 t-CLOCK II Pin Assignment forlCC Pin Assignment for DIPsndSOIC Os Os 04 ~ OO[IJOOOO[!] ~ CLR~~ '" 1II02 GNO ImI ~ ~ [II 0, >r '" CD DO CLOCK [jJ VCBLANK HBLHOR ~~ Mi ~ " ~ ~ Vee It, IiID AOOR/DATA -"'-"'-"I.~ ~~liIDliiJllE !I'~~ =0 TUF/10137-1 Order Number lM1882CN or lM1882CM For Default R8-170, Order Number lM1882-RCN or lM1882-RCM 3-121 TL/F/10137-2 II: i.... :!i • co Logic Block Diagram C\oI ~ Do-~ C~r---" ~ ~~~---t-r~~---1r-J • II: .n .... ..... • Ln .... ..... ADDR/DATA LHBYTE LOAD '"i::i ~ CLR ~ '" ODD/E'lEN VCSYNC VCBLANK HBLHDR CLOCK HSYNVDR TLlF/l0137-3 Pin Description ODD/EVEN: Output that identifies if display is in odd (HIGH) or even (LOW) field of interlace when device is in interlaced mode of operation. In noninterlaced mode of operation this output is always HIGH. Data can be serially scanned out on this pin during Scan Mode. VCSYNC: Outputs Vertical or Composite Sync signal based on value of the Status Register. Equalization and Serration pulses will (if enabled) be output on the VCSYNC signal in composite mode only. VCBLANK: Outputs Vertical or Composite Blanking Signal based on value of the Status Register. There are a Total of 13 inputs and 5 outputs on the 'ACT715/LM1882. Data Inputs DO-D7: The Data Input pins connect to the Address Register and the Data Input Register. Al)'i)fi/DATA: The ADDR/DATA signal is latched into the device on the falling edge of the LOAD signal. The Signal determines if an address (0) or data (1) is present on the data bus. LtHBYTE: The LtHBYTE signal is latched into the device on the falling edge of the LOAD signal. The signal determines if data will be read into the 8 LSB's (0) or the 4 MSB's (1) of the Data Registers. A 1 on this pin when an ADDRI DATA is a 0 enables Auto-Load Mode. HBLHDR: Outputs Horizontal Blanking Signal, Horizontal Gating signal or Cursor Position based on value of the Status Register. LOAD: The LOAD control pin loads data into the Address or Data Registers on the rising edge. Ai5DR/DATA and [/HBYTE data is loaded into the device on the falling edge of the LOAD. The LOAD pin has been implemented as a Schmitt trigger input for better noise immunity. HSYNVDR: Outputs Horizontal Sync Signal, Vertical Gating signal or Vertical Interrupt signal based on value of Status Register. Register Description CLOCK: System CLOCK input from which all timing is derived. The clock pin has been implemented as a Schmitt trigger for better noise immunity. The CLOCK and the LOAD signal are asynchronous and independent. Output state changes occur on the falling edge, of CLOCK. CLR: The CLEAR pin is an asynchronous input that initializes the device when it is HIGH. Initialization consists of setting all registers to their mask programmed values, and initializing all counters, comparators and registers. The CLEAR pin has been implemented as a Schmitt trigger for better noise immunity. A CLEAR pulse should be asserted by the user immediately alter power-up to ensure proper initialization of the registers-even if the user plans to (re)program the device. All of the data registers are 12 bits wide. Wid1h's of all puls'es are defined by specifying the start count and end count of all pulses. Horizontal pulses are specified with-respect-to the number of clock pulses per line and vertical pulses are specified with-respect-to the number of lines per frame. REGO-STATUS REGISTER The Status Register controls the mode of operation, the signals that are output and the polarity of these outputs. The default value for the Status Register is 0 (000 Hex) for the 'ACT715/LM1882 and is "512" (200 Hex) for the 'ACT715R/LM1882-R. Note: A CLEAR pulse will disable the CLOCK on the 'ACT715/LM1882 and will enable the CLOCK on the 'ACT715·R/LM1882·R. 3-122 Register Description ..... ..... CI'I (Continued) Bits 0-2 HORIZONTAL INTERVAL REGISTERS The Horizontal Interval Registers determine the number of clock cycles per line and the characteristics of the Horizontal Sync and Blank pulses. REG1- Horizontal Front Porch REG2- Horizontal Sync Pulse End Time REG3- Horizontal Blanking Width B2 B1 BO VCBLANK VCSYNC HBLHDR HSYNVDR 0 0 0 (DEFAULT) 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 CBLANK CSYNC HGATE VGATE VBLANK CBLANK VBLANK CSYNC VSYNC VSYNC HBLANK HGATE HBLANK VGATE HSYNC HSYNC CBLANK VBLANK CBLANK VBLANK CSYNC CSYNC VSYNC VSYNC CURSOR HBLANK CURSOR HBLANK VI NT VI NT HSYNC HSYNC REG4- Horizontal Interval Width VERTICAL INTERVAL REGISTERS The Vertical Interval Registers determine the number of lines per frame, and the characteristics of the Vertical Blank and Sync Pulses. REG5- Vertical Front Porch Blt83-4 B4 0 0 (DEFAULn 0 1 1 0 1 1 ;b • ~ ..... !• r- ill: ..... OCI OCI ~ :::a REG6- Vertical Sync Pulse End Time REG7- Vertical Blanking Width REG8- Vertical Interval Width # of Lines per Frame Mode of Operation B3 # of Clocks per Line • ..... ..... Interlaced Double Serration and Equalization Non Interlaced Double Serration Illegal State Non Interlaced Single Serration and Equalization EQUALIZATION AND SERRATION PULSE SPECIFICATION REGISTERS These registers determine the width of equalization and serration pulses and the vertical interval over which they occur. REG 9- Equalization Pulse Width End Time REG10- Serration Pulse Width End Time REGll- Equalization/Serration Pulse Vertical Interval Start Time Double Equalization and Serration mode will output equalization and serration pulses at twice the HSYNC frequency (i.e., 2 equalization or serration pulses for every HSYNC pulse). Single Equalization and Serration mode will output an equalization or serration pulse for every HSYNC pulse. In Interlaced mode equalization and serration pulses will be output during the VBLANK period of every odd and even field. Interlaced Single Equalization and Serration mode is not possible with this part. REG12- Equalization/Serration Pulse Vertical Interval End Time VERTICAL INTERRUPT SPECIFICATION REGISTERS These Registers determine the width of the Vertical Interrupt Signal if used. REGl3- Vertical Interrupt Activate Time REGl4- Vertical Interrupt Deactivate Time Bits 5-8 Bits 5 through 8 control the polarity of the outputs. A value of zero in these bit locations indicates an output pulse active LOW. A value of 1 indicates an active HIGH pulse. CURSOR LOCATION REGISTERS B5- VCBLANK Polarity B6- VCSYNC Polarity B7- HBLHDR Polarity These 4 registers determine the cursor position location, or they generate separate Horizontal and Vertical Gating signals. REGl5- Horizontal Cursor Position Start Time B6- HSYNVDR Polarity REGl6- Horizontal Cursor Position End Time REG17- Vertical Cursor Position Start Time REG18- Vertical Cursor Position End Time Bits 9-11 Bits 9 through 11 enable several different features of the device. B9- Enable Equalization/Serration Pulses (0) Disable Equalization/Serration Pulses (1) Signal Specification Blo- Disable System Clock (0) Enable System Clock (1) HORIZONTAL SYNC AND BLANK SPECIFICATIONS All horizontal Signals are defined by a start and end time. The start and end times are specified in number of clock cycles per line. The start of the, horizontal line is considered pulse 1 not o. All values of the horizontal timing registers are referenced to the falling edge of the Horizontal Blank signal (see Figure 1). Since the first CLOCK edge, CLOCK # 1, causes the first falling edge of the Horizontal Blank reference pulse, edges referenced to this first Horizontal edge are n + 1 CLOCKs away, where "n" is the width of the timing in question. Registers 1, 2, and 3 are programmed in this manner. The horizontal counters start at 1 and count until HMAX. The value of HMAX must be divisible by 2. This Default values for Bl0 are "0" in the 'ACT715/ LM1882 and "1" in the 'ACT715-R/LM1882-R. Bll- Disable Counter Test Mode (0) Enable Counter Test Mode (1) This bit is not intended for the user but is for internal testing only. 3-123 &I a:: " N ~ .... Signal Specification (Continued) ~ • N CD CD SYSCK .... :i .... HilA>< REG4 • a:: an .... ,... ....,...• It) REG10 HIIAX/2 Tl/F/10137-4 FIGURE 1. Horizontal Waveform Specification limitation is imposed because during interlace operation this value is internally divided by 2 in order to generate serration and equalization pulses at 2 x the horizontal frequency. Horizontal signals will change on the falling edge of the CLOCK signal. Signal specifications are shown below. Horizontal Period (HPER) = REG(4) x ckper Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Front Porch = [REG(5) where n = 1 for noninterlaced n = 2 for interlaced Horizontal Blanking Width = [REG(3) - 11 x ckper Horizontal Sync Width = [REG(2) - REG(l)] x ckper Horizontal Front Porch = [REG(l) - Frame Period (VPER) = REG(8) X hper Field Period (VPER/n) = REG(8) X hper/n Blanking Width = [REG(7) - 11 X hper/n Syncing Width = [REG(6) - REG(5)1 X hper/n 11 X hper/n COMPOSITE SYNC AND BLANK SPECIFICATION 11 X ckper Composite Sync and Blank signals are created by logically ANDing (ORing) the active LOW (HIGH) signals of the corresponding vertical and horizontal components of these signals. The CompOSite Sync signal may also include serration and/or equalization pulses. The Serration pulse interval occurs in place of the Vertical Sync interval. Equalization pulses occur preceding and/or following the Serration pulses. The width and location of these pulses can be programmed through the registers shown below. (See Figure 28.) VERTICAL SYNC AND BLANK SPECIFICATION All vertical signals are defined in terms of number of lines per frame. This is true in both interlaced and noninterlaced modes of operation. Care must be taken to not specify the Vertical Registers in terms of lines per field. Since the first CLOCK edge, CLOCK # 1, causes the first falling edge of the Vertical Blank (first Horizontal Blank) reference pulse, edges referenced to this first edge are n + 1 lines away, where "n" is the width of the timing in question; Registers 5, 6, and 7 are programmed in this manner. Also, in the interlaced mode, vertical timing is based on half-lines. Therefore registers 5, 6, and 7 must contain a value twice the total horizontal (odd and even) plus 1 (as described above). In non-interlaced mode, all vertical timing is based on wholelines. Register 8 is always based on whole-lines and does not add 1 for the first clock. The vertical counter starts at the value of 1 and counts until the value of VMAX. No restrictions exist on the values placed in the vertical registers. Vertical Blank will change on the leading edge of HBLANK. Vertical Sync will change on the leading edge of HSYNC. , (See Figure 2A.) Horizontal Equalization PW = [REG(9) - REG(l)1 X ckper REG 9 = (HFP) + (HEap) +1 Horizontal Serration PW = [REG(4)/n + REG(l) REG(10)] X ckper REG 10 = (HFP) + (HPER/ 2) - (HSERR) + 1 Where n = 1 for noninterlaced single serration/equalization n = 2 for noninterlaced double serration/ equalization n = 2 for interlaced operation 3-124 Signal Specification (Continued) HBLANK TL/F/l0137-5 FIGURE 2A. Vertical Waveform Specification HBLANK CSYNC I: 'I VSYNC~~~~==J== REGS REG. I I I REGI2 REGl1~,+~-------+------..:=----+--------1, EQUALIZATION /SERRATION INTERVAL TL/F110137-12 FIGURE 2B. Equalization/Serration Interval Programming HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL GATING SIGNALS Horizontal Drive and Vertical Drive outputs can be utilized as general purpose Gating Signals. Horizontal and Vertical Gating Signals are available for use when Composite Sync and Blank signals are selected and the value of Bit 2 of the Status Register is O. The Vertical Gating signal will change in the same manner as that specified for the Vertical Blank. Horizontal Gating Signal Width = [REG(16) _ REG(15)] x ckper [ Vertical Gating Signal Width = REG(18) - REG(17)] x hper and Bit 2 of the Status Register is set to the value of 1. The Cursor Position generates a single pulse of n clocks wide during every line that the cursor is specified. The signals are generated by logically ORing (ANDing) the active LOW (HIGH) Signals specified by the registers used for generating Horizontal and Vertical Gating signals. The Vertical Interrupt signal generates a pulse during the vertical interval specified. The Vertical Interrupt signal will change in the same manner as that specified for the Vertical Blanking signal. Horizontal Cursor Width = [REG(16) - REG(15)] X ckper CURSOR POSITION AND VERTICAL INTERRUPT Vertical Cursor Width = [REG(18) - REG(17)] X hper Vertical Interrupt Width = [REG(14) - REG(13)] X hper The Cursor Position and Vertical Interrupt signal are available when CompoSite Sync and Blank Signals are selected 3-125 &I a: ~ I,.. :! • i,.. :! • ~ ,.. ..... • ,.. 1.1) ..... Addressing Logic The register addressing logic is composed of two blocks of logic. The first is the address register and counter (ADDRCNTR), and the second is the address decode (ADDRDEC). time the High Byte is written the address counter Is incremented by 1. The counter has been implemented to loop on the initial value loaded into the address register. For example: If a value of 0 was written Into the address register then the counter would count from 0 to 18 before resetting back to O. If a value of 15 was written Into the address register then the counter would count from 15 to 18 before looping back to 15. If a value greater than or equal to 18 Is placed Into the address register the counter will continuously loop on this value. Auto addressing Is Initiated on the failing edge of LOAD when ADDRDATA is 0 and LHBYTE is 1. Incrementing and loading of data registers will not commence until the failing edge of LOAD after ADDRDATA goes to 1. The next rising edge of LOAD will load the first byte of data. Auto Incrementing Is disabled on the falling edge of LOAD after ADDRDATA and LHBYTE goes low. ADDRCNTR LOGIC Addresses for the data registers can be generated by one of two methods. Manual addressing requires that each byte of each register that needs to be loaded needs to be addressed. To load both bytes of all 19 registers would require a total of 57 load cycles (19 address and 38 data cycles) • Auto Addressing requires that only the initial register value be specified. The Auto Load sequence would require only 39 load cycles to completely program all registers (1 address and 38 data cycles). In the auto load sequence the low order byte of the data register will be written first followed by the high order byte on the next load cycle. At the Manual Addre88lng Mode Cycle # Load FaIling Edge 1 Enable Manual Addressing Enable Lbyte Data Load Enable Hbyte Data Load Enable Manual Addressing Enable Lbyte Data Load Enable Hbyte Data Load 2 3 4 5 6 Addr REG (m) D7-DO Lbyt. (m) Hbyto Load RIling Edge Load Address m Load Lbytem Load Hbytem Load Address n Load Lbyten Load Hbyten Lbyte Addr REG (n) (m) J J J J (n) I L/HBYTE I \ \ I \ (n) * LOAD ADDR/DATA " Hbyt. \ I r \ TUF/l0137-7 Auto Addre88lng Mode Cycle # Load Failing Edge Load Rlalng Edge 1 2 3 4 5 6 Enable Auto Addreaslng Enable Lbyte Data Load Enable Hbyte Data Load Enable Lbyte Data Load Enable Hbyte Data Load Enable Manual Addressing Load Start Address n Load Lbyte (n) Load Hbyte (n); Inc Counter Load Lbyte (n + 1) Load Hbyte (n+ 1); Inc Counter Load Address Addr REG (n) D7-DO Lbyto (n) Hbyto Lbyto (n) (n+1) J J J J Hbyto (n+1) * LOAD • ADDR/DATA \ [/HBYTE I I Addr REG (m) \ \ TL/F/l0137-8 3-126 Addressing Logic (Continued) ADDRDEC LOGIC ...IX ADDR _ _ _ _ The ADDRDEC logic decodes the current address and generates the enable signal for the appropriate register. The enable values for the registers and counters change on the falling edge of LOAD. Two types of ADDRDEC logic is enabled by 2 pair of addresses, Addresses 22 or 54 (Vectored Restart logic) and Addresses 23 or 55 (Vectored Clear logic). Loading these addresses will enable the appropriate logic and put the part into either a Restart (all counter registers are reinitialized with preprogrammed data) or Clear (all registers are cleared to zero) state. Reloading the same AD DR DEC address will not cause any change in the state of the part. The outputs during these states are frozen and the internal CLOCK is disabled. Clocking the part during a Vectored Restart or Vectored Clear state will have no effect on the part. To resume operation in the new state, or disable the Vectored Restart or Vectored Clear state, another nonADDRDEC address must be loaded. Operation will begin in the new state on the rising edge of the non-ADDRDEC load pulse. It is recommended that an unused address be loaded following an ADDRDEC operation to prevent data registers from accidentally being corrupted. The following Addresses are used by the device. • OUTPUT/COUNT FREEZES • PART IS IN RESTART/CLEAR • ORIGINAL PROGRAMMED COUNT DATA IS RELOADED INTO COUNT REGISTERS (VECTOR RESTART) • ALL REGISTERS CLEARED TO ZERO (VECTOR CLEAR) r COUNT RESUMES ATl PIXEL ONE (RESTART ONLY) TL/F/l0137-9 FIGURE 3. ADDRDEC Timing GENLOCKING The 'ACT715/LM1882 and 'ACT715-R/LM1882-R is designed for master SYNC and BLANK signal generation. However, the devices can be synchronized (slaved) to an external timing Signal in a limited sense. Using Vectored Restart, the user can reset the counting sequence to a given location, the beginning, at a given time, the rising edge of the LOAD that removes Vector Restart. At this time the next CLOCK pulse will be CLOCK 1 and the count will restart at the beginning of the first odd line. Preconditioning the part during normal operation, before the desired synchronizing pulse, is necesasry. However, since LOAD and CLOCK are asynchronous and independent, this is possible without interruption or data and performance corruption. If the defaulted 14.31818 MHz RS-170 values are being used, preconditioning and restarting can be minimized by using the CLEAR pulse instead of the Vectored Restart operation. The 'ACT715-R/LM1882-R is better suited for this application because it eliminates the need to program a 1 into Bit 10 of the Status Register to enable the CLOCK. Gen Locking to another count location other than the very beginning or separate horizontal/vertical resetting is not possible with the 'ACT715/LM1882 nor the 'ACT715-RI LM1882-R. Address 22/54 Restart Vector (Restarts Device) Address 23/55 Clear Vector (Zeros All Registers) 24-31 32-50 51-53 56-63 ~ LOAO Address 0 Status Register REGO Address 1-18 Data Registers REG1-REG18 Address 19-21 Unused Address Address Address Address ADDRDEC Address .. DUMMY a.ddress cannot be ADDRDEC Address Unused Register Scan Addresses Counter Scan Addresses Unused At any given time only one register at most is selected. It is possible to have no registers selected. VECTORED RESTART ADDRESS The function of addresses 22 (16H) or 54 (36H) are similar to that of the CLR pin except that the preprogramming of the registers is not affected. It is recommended but not required that this address is read after the initial device configuration load sequence. A 1 on the ADDRDATA pin (Auto Addressing Mode) will not cause this address to automatically increment. The address will loop back onto itself regardless of the state of ADDRDATA unless the address on the Data inputs has been changed with ADDRDATA at o. SCAN MODE LOGIC A scan mode is available in the ACT715/LM1882 that allows the user to non-destructively verify the contents of the registers. Scan mode is invoked through reading a scan address into the address register. The scan address of a given register is defined by the Data register address + 32. The internal Clocking Signal is disabled when a scan address is read. Disabling the clock freezes the device in it's present state. Data can then be serially scanned out of the data registers through the ODD/EVEN Pin. The LSB will be scanned out first. Since each register is 12 bits wide, completely scanning out data of the addressed register will require 12 CLOCK pulses. More than 12 CLOCK pulses on the same register will only cause the MSB to repeat on the output. Re-scanning the same register will require that register to be reloaded. The value of the two horizontal counters and 1 vertical counter can also be scanned out by using address numbers 51-53. Note that before the part will scan out the data, the LOAD signal must be brought back HIGH. VECTORED CLEAR ADDRESS Addresses 23 (17H) or 55 (37H) is used to clear all registers to zero simultaneously. This function may be desirable to use prior to loading new data into the Data or Status Registers. This address is read into the device in a similar fashion as all of the other registers. A 1 on the ADDRDATA pin (Auto Addressing Mode) will not cause this address to automatically increment. The address wiil loop back onto itself regardless of the state of ADDRDATA unless the address on the Data inputs has been changed with ADDRDATA at o. 3-127 ~ .1 .~ • i.~ • ~ .... ,... • .... ,... 1.1) Addressing Logic (Continued) Normal device operation can be resumed by loading In a non-scan address. As the scanning of the registers Is a nondestructive scan, the device will resume correct operation from the pOint at which it was halted. Reg RS170 Default Register Values The tebles below show the values programmed for the RS170 Format (using a 14.31818 MHz clock signal) and how they compare against the actual EIA RS170 Specifications. The default Signals that will be output are CSYNC, CBLANK, HDRIVE and VDRIVE. The device initially starts at the beginning of the odd field of interlace. All signals have active low pulses and tlie clock is disabled at power up. Registers 13 and 14 are not involved in the actual signal information. If the Vertical Interrupt was selected so that a pulse indicating the active lines would be output. o Value H Register Description REGO REGO 0 512 000 200 Stetus Register (715/LM1882) Stetus Register (715-R/LM1882-R) REGl REG2 REG3 REG4 23 91 157 910 017 05B 09D 38E HFPEndTime HSYNC Pulse End TIme HBLANK Pulse End Time Totel Horizontel Clocks REG5 REG6 REG7 REG8 7 13 41 525 007 OOD 029 20D VFPEndTime VSYNC Pulse End Time VBLANK Pulse End Time Totel Vertical Lines REG9 REG10 REGll REG12 57 410 1 19 038 19A 001 013 Equalization Pulse End Time Serration Pulse Sterl Time Pulse Interval Start Time Pulse Interval End Time REG13 REG14 41 526 029 20E Vertical Interrupt Activate Time Vertical Interrupt Deactivate Time REG15 REG16 REG17 REG18 911 92 1 21 38F 05C 001 015 Horizontel Drive Stert Time Horizontel Drive End Time Vertical Drive Stert Time Vertical Drive End Time Rate 14.31818 MHz 15.73426 kHz 59.94 Hz 29.97 Hz Input Clock Line Rate Field Rate Frame Rate Period 69.841 ns 63.556 p.s 16.683 ms 33.367ms RS170 Horizontal Data Signal Width HFP HSYNCWidth HBLANK Width HDRIVE Width HEQPWidth HSERRWidth HPER iod 22 Clocks 68 Clocks 156 Clocks 91 Clocks 34 Clocks 68 Clocks 910 Clocks VFP VSYNCWidth VBLANK Width VDRIVE Width VEQP Intrvl VPERiod (field) VPERiod (frame) 3 Lines 3 Lines 20 Lines 11.0 Lines 9 Lines 262.5 Lines 525 Lines p.s 1.536 4.749 10.895 6.356 2.375 4.749 63.556 %H 7.47 17.15 10.00 3.74 7.47 100 Specification (p.s) 1.5 4.7 10.9 O.lH 2.3 4.7 ±0.1 ±0.1 ±0.2 ±0.005H ±0.1 ±0.1 RS170 Vertical Date 190.67 190.67 1271.12 699.12 16.683 ms 33.367 ms 7.62 4.20 3.63 6 EQP Pulses 6 Serration Pulses 0.075V ± 0.005V 0.04V ± 0.006V 9 Lines/Field 16.683 ms/Field 33.367 me/Frame ... ...Cf!......• ...... Absolute Maximum Ratings (Note 1) UI If Military/Aerospace specified devlcea are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Ottlce/Dlstrlbutors for availability and specification •• Supply Voltage (Vecl -0.5Vto +7.0V DC Input Diode Current (Ilid -20mA VI = -0.5V VI = Vee +0.5V +20mA DC Input Voltage (VI) -0_5VtoVee +0.5V DC Output Diode Current (10K) Vo = -0.5V -20mA +20mA Vo = Vee +0.5V DC Output Voltage (Vo) -0.5V to Vee +0.5V DC Output Source or Sink Current (10) ±15mA DC Vee or Ground Current ±20mA per Output Pin (lee or IGND) Storage Temperature (TSTG) -65°C to + 1500C Junction Temperature (TJ) Ceramic 175°C Plastic 1400C Nota 1: Absolute maximum ratings are those values beyond which damage to the device may occur. The databook specifications should be met, without exception, to ensure that the system design is reliable over its power supply. temperature and output/input loading variables. National does not racommend operation of FACTTM circuits outside databook _pecDications. Recommended Operating Conditions Supply Voltage (Vecl Input Voltage (VI) Output Voltage (Vo) Operating Temperature (TA) 74ACT 54ACT Minimum Input Edge Rate (II.V/ II.t) VIN from O.SV to 2.0V Vee @ 4.5V, 5.5V 4.5Vto 5.5V OV to Vee OV to Vee ::a • roo ... a: CD CD N • !i:... ;::a -400C to + S5°C - 55°C to + 125°C 125 mVins DC Characteristics For 'ACT Family Devices over Operating Temperature Range (unless otherwise specified) Symbol Parameter Vee (V) ACT/LM1882 54ACT/LM1882 74ACT/LM1882 TA = +25"C CL = 50pF TA = -55"C to + 125"C CL = 50pF TA = -400C to +85"C Typ VOH Minimum High Level Output Voltage 4.5 5.5 4.49 5.49 4.5 5.5 VOL Maximum Low Level Output Voltage 4.5 5.5 0.001 0.001 4.5 5.5 Units Condition. Guaranteed Llmita = - 50 /LA 4.4 5.4 4.4 5.4 4.4 5.4 V V lOUT 3.S6 4.S6 3.7 4.7 3.76 4.76 V V 'VIN = VILIVIH 10H = -SmA 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 V V lOUT 0.36 0.36 0.5 0.5 0.44 0.44 V V 'VIN = VILIVIH 10H = +SmA = 50 !LA 10LD Minimum Dynamic Output Current 5.5 32.0 32.0 mA VOLD = 1.65V 10HD Minimum Dynamic Output Current 5.5 -32.0 -32.0 mA VOHD = 3.S5V liN Maximum Input Leakage Current 5.5 ±0.1 ±1.0 ±1.0 /LA lee Supply Current Quiescent 5.5 S.O 160 SO /LA VIN = Vee, GND leer Maximum Icc/Input 5.5 1.6 1.5 mA VIN = Vee - 2.1V 0.6 •All outputs loaded; thrasholds on input aSSOCiated with input under test. Note 1: Test Load 50 pF, soon to Ground. 3-129 VI = Vee,GND II a: a .... AC Electrical Characteristics " :Ii! S4AcTILM1882 74ACT/LM1882 TA = +25"C CL = SOpF TA = -S5"C to + 12S"C CL = SOpF TA = -40"C to +8S"C CL = SOpF -I • ('II = Symbol Parameter Vee (V) i-I Min Typ 5.0 170 190 130 150 MHz 5.0 190 220 145 175 MHz 5.0 4.0 13.0 15.5 3.5 19.5 3.5 18.5 ns Clock to ODDEVEN (Scan Mode) 5.0 4.5 15.0 17.0 3.5 22.0 3.5 20.5 ns Load to Outputs 5.0 4.0 11.5 16.0 3.0 20.0 3.0 19.5 ns fMAXI Interlaced fMAX (HMAX/2 is ODD) ..... fMAX Non-Interlaced fMAX (HMAX/2 is EVEN) tpLH1 tpHL1 Clock to Any Output tpLH2 tpHL2 tpLH3 • an .... ..... Min Units Min • ~ .... " ACT/LM1882 Max Max Max AC Operating Requirements ACT/LM1882 Symbol Parameter Vee TA ~ +2S"C (V) Typ tsc tsc Control Setup Time AODR/OATA to LOAOLlHBYTE to LOAO- tsd Data Setup Time D7 -DO to LOAD + Control Hold Time LOAD- to AOOR/OATA LOAD- to LlHBYTE the 54ACT/LM1882 TA = -S5"C to + 125"C 74ACT/LM1882 TA = -40"C to +85"C Units Guaranteed Minimums 5.0 3.0 3.0 4.0 4.0 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 ns ns 5.0 2.0 4.0 4.5 4.5 ns 5.0 0 0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 ns ns· thd Data Hold Time LOAD+ to 07-00 5.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 ns tree LOAD + to CLK (Note 1) 5.0 5.5 7.0 8.0 8.0 ns IwldIwld+ Load Pulse Width LOW HIGH 5.0 5.0 3.0 3.0 5.5 5.0 5.5 7.5 5.5 7.5 ns ns Iwelr CLR Pulse Width HIGH 5.0 5.5 6.5 9.5 9.5 ns iwck CLOCK Pulse Width (HIGH or LOW) 5.0 2.5 3.0 4.0 3.5 ns Note 1: Removal of Vectored Reset or Restart to Clock. Capacitance Symbol Parameter Typ Units Conditions CIN Input Capacitance 7.0 pF Vee CPO Power Dissipation Capacitance 17.0 pF Vee 3-130 = 5.0V = 5.0V ...en r-----------------------------------------------------------------------------,~ AC Operating Requirements (Continued) ...• ~ ~ LOAD • ...fir: CLOCK Ii• Ii:... OUTPUTS -,x Iwld 1" LHBYTE ADDRDATA It.dJ Iwld LOAD .. I :J. ! X 'oct It., .1 x :Jx -1I TL/F/l0137-6 FIGURE 4. AC Specifications Additional Applications Information PREPROGRAMMING "ON-THE-FLY" POWERING UP The'ACT715/LM1882 default value for Bit 10 of the Status Register is o. This means that when the CLEAR pulse is applied and the registers are initialized by loading the default values the CLOCK is disabled. Before operation can begin, Bit 10 must be changed to a 1 to enable CLOCK. If the default values are needed (no other programming is required) then Figure 5 illustrates a hardwired solution to facilitate the enabling of the CLOCK after power-up. Should control signals be difficult to obtain, Figure 6 illustrates a possible solution to automatically enable the CLOCK upon power-up. Use of the 'ACT715-R/LM1882-R eliminates the need for most of this circuitry. Modifications of the Figure 6 circuit can be made to obtain the lone CLEAR pulse still needed upon power-up. Although the 'ACT715/LM1882 and 'ACT715-R/LM1882-R are completely programmable, certain limitations must be set as to when and how the parts can be reprogrammed. Care must be taken when reprogramming any End Time registers to a new value that is lower than the current value. Should the reprogramming occur when the counters are at a count after the new value but before the old value, then the counters will continue to count up to 4096 before rolling over. For this reason one of the follOWing two precautions are recommended when reprogramming "on-tha-fly". The first recommendation is to reprogram horizontal values during the horizontal blank interval only and/or vertical values during the vertical blank interval only. Since this would require delicate timing requirements the second recommendation may be more appropriate. The second recommendation is to program a Vectored Restart as the final step of reprogramming. This will ensure that all registers are set to the newly programmed values and that all counters restart at the first CLK position. This will avoid overrunning the counter end times and will maintain the video integrity. Note that, although during a Vectored Restart none of the preprogrammed registers are affected, some Signals are affected for the duration of one frame only. These signals are the Horizontal and Vertical Drive signals. After a Vectored Restart the beginning of these Signals will occur at the first CLK. The end of the signals will occur as programmed. At the completion of the first frame, the signals will resume to their programmed start and end time. ADDR/DATA CLEAR I/H BYTE LOAD INPUT OODEYEN LOAD VDRIYE CSYMC HDRIVE CBLANK CLOCK TL/F/l0137-10 FIOURE 5. Default RS170 Harclwlre Conflguratlon 3-131 a:: cc. I.... Additional Applications Information ::E (Continued) Vee ..... • i.... ::E ..... Rl GND • a:: .b .... ..... ..., ....• ..... M M 7 4 H C Rl wv-........ Vee ..... 4 2 3 A 16 15 14 C2 Rl 13 CLEAR PIN 12 ~OAD PIN NOT NECESSARY fOR 'ACT7~5-R/ L1I1882-R 11 10 I C1 TUF/l0137-11 Note: A 74HC221A may be substituted for the 74HC423A Pin 6 and Pin 14 must be hardwired to GND Components Rl: 4.7k Cl: 10 I'F R2: 10k C2: 50 pF FIGURE 6. Circuit for Clear and Load Pulse Generation 3-132 ~National ~ Semiconductor LM2416/LM2416C Triple 50 MHz CRT Driver General Description Features The LM2416 contains three wide bandwidth. large signal amplifiers designed for large voltage swings. The amplifiers have a gain of 13. The device is intended for use in color CRT monitors and is a low cost solution to designs conforming to VGA. Super VGA and the IBMIID 8514 graphics standard. The part is housed in the industry standard 11-lead TO-220 molded power package. The heat sink is floating and may be grounded for ease of manufacturing and RFI shielding. • 50 Vpp output at 45 MHz drives CRT directly • Rise/falltime typically 10 ns with 8 pF load • 65V output swing capability Applications • CRT driver for RGB monitors • High voltage amplifiers Schematic and Connection Diagram (One Section) 11 11 V+ 10 Rl 9 8 7 VSIAS 6 5 4 3 2 V+ VOUT3 BIAS 3 VIN3 BIAS 2 VIN2 GND VOUT2 VOUT I BIAS 1 VIN1 5 PIN 1 DESIGNATOR GND TUKI10738-2 Top View TL/K/l0738-1 3-133 Order Number LM2416T or LM2416CT See NS Package Number TA 11B &I Absolute Maximum Ratings Supply Voltage, V+ +85V Power Dissipation, Po 10W Storage Temperature Range, TSTG - 25·C to + 100·C Operating Temperature Range, TCASE - 20"C to + 90·C Lead Temperature (Soldering, < 10 sec.) 300·C ESD Tolerance 4kV Electrical Characteristics v+ = 80V, CL = 8 pF, DC input bias, VIN otherwise noted. Symbol Parameter If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contsct the National Semiconductor Sales Office/Distributors for availability and specifications. = 3.6 Voc. 50 Vpp output swing, VBIAS = LM2418 Conditions Icc Supply Current (per Amplifier) No Input or Output Load +12V. See FigUfB1. TA = 25·C unless LM2418C Units Min Typical Max Min Typ Max 18 22 26 16 22 28 mA 38 35 42 48 Voc = 3.6V VOUT Output Offset Voltage VIN 42 46 tr Rise Time 10% to 90% (Note 3) 8 13 12 16 ns tf Fall Time 10%t090% (Note 3) 10 13 12 16 ns BW Bandwidth -3dB Av Voltage Gain OS Overshoot Figure 1 0 0 % LE Linearity Error (Note 1) 8 10 % 0.5 Input signal. dB 42 -11 Gain Matching (Note 2) I::..Av Note 1: Lln. .~ty Error Is defined as the vaMUon In smail signal gain Irom Note 2: CsIcula1ad value lrom Voltage Gain test on each channel. Note 3: Guaranteed parameter. not tasted. 0.47/1or t1j~ 1.6.8l1'" _ I MHz, -13 MHz -16 VIV Typical Performance Characteristics .± 3,4.10 CL 360 -10 0.2 output with a 100 mV AC, +8OV 2.7.9~ 35 -15 +20V to +70V Test Circuit y2YBlU 200 -13 4950 8pr' YOUT 10 5011 Scope LM2418 Frequency Response 0'1~ 0 ~ i 3.6Y TUK/I0738-3 -3 • 8 pF is total load capacitance. It includes all psrasRic cspscltancs. FIGURE 1. Test Circuit (One Section) FigufB 1 shows a typical test circuit for evaluation of the LM2416. This circuit is deSigned to allow testing of the LM2416 in a 50.0 environment such as a pulse generator, oscilloscope or network analyzer. 1 10 100 FREQUENCY (MHz) TUK/I0738-4 LM2418 Pulse Response 80 ~ i 70 80 50 «l 1\ 50 20 0 20 «l 80 TIlE (oSoc) TUK/I0738-5 3-134 LM2416-Theory of Operation Thermal Considerations The LM2416 is a high voltage triple CRT driver suitable for VGA, Super VGA, IBM 8514 and 1K by 768 non-interlaced display applications. The LM2416 features 80 volt operation and low power dissipation. The part is housed in the industry standard 11 lead TO-220 molded power package. The heat sink is floating and may be grounded for ease of manufacturing and RFI shielding. The circuit diagram of the LM2416 is shown in Figure 2. 01 and R2 provides a conversion of input voltage to current, while 02 acts as a common base or cascode amplifier stage to drive the load resistor R1. Emitter followers 03 and 04 isolate the impedance of R1 from the capacitance of the CRT cathode, and make the circuit relatively insensitive to load capacitance. The gain of this circuit is -R1/R2 and is fixed at -13. The bandwidth of the circuit is set by the collector time constant formed by the load resistor R 1 and associated capacitance of 02, 03, 04, and stray layout capacitance. Proprietary transistor design allows for high bandwidth with low operating power. The transfer characteristics of the amplifier are shown in F1[Jure 3. Power supply current increases as the input Signal increases and consequently power dissipation also increases. The LM2416 cannot be used without heat sinking. Figure 3 shows the power dissipated in each channel over the operating voltage range of the device. Typical "average" power dissipation with the device output voltage at one half the supply voltage is 1.8W per channel for a total dissipation of 5.4W package dissipation. Under white screen conditions, i.e.: 15V output, dissipation increases to 3W per channel or 9W total. The LM2416 case temperature must be maintained below 90"C. If the maximum expected ambient temperature is 50"C, then a heat sink is needed with thermal resistance equal to or less than: Rth = (90 ;~O"C) = 4.4"C/W The Thermalloy #6400 is meets this requirement. one example of a heatsink that WARNING: THE LM2416IS NOT PROTECTED AGAINST OUTPUT SHORT CIRCUITS. The minimum resistance the LM2416 can drive is 600n to ground or V+ . LM2416 90 ~ ~ VCC1 OUTPUT h 70 60 ~ 50 <10 30 ~ 5 - "- ~ VOLTAGE ~ ~ INPUT 80 20 10 POWER ...... / ' ~ - ~ .... ...... z ~ ~ a, 2.0 L ..... ./ ~ .!.. 3.0 1.0 ffi ~ a.. I' o 234567 INPUT VOLTAGE TL/K110738-7 FIGURE 3. LM2416 DC Characteristics TL/K/l0738-6 FIGURE 2. LM2416 CRT Driver (One Section) 3-135 • ii(L,..1-....,'-"t""T...,..~~_2V-2B., ii~2 ~i: ......- -~~ ---I4 :±; 100 J.lF *" RED~ .1'. 1 100A 26H-----, 3 500 0 1 F 75A rl~ 5 10k ~i: 75 -y . 75A 23 10k V 7 ~~ OJ.lF 8 < o--'-II~-HI-+---------I·9 VIDEO IN 5.1k r 24 o--.-II~~~----I6 VI~EO 200· . 25H---~--+---~ o--.-II~ VIDEO IN * 51A 27 H--IoIIfy---'WI""" 75A 10k 100A ~>" LM1203 75 2IH+----, LM2416 500 20~~--._--r-----~_, ~II 5 I IL- r-!r:- -y0.1J.1F 10 19 5.1k 18 200 17H+-----, 16H+--. .--~--~--~---o 200 CONTRAST CONTROL min == ~7 ~ 5k 9 75 10 0.1 J.lF 10k 10k :~ --.J.L BLACK LEVEL GATE IN ~7 -rV BLACK LEVEL (BRIGHTNESS) CONTROL 0.1 J.lF 11 5.1k ~ 1000pF ..c-H--;t~ 10~V" ..... - 70 60 50 Y+ = gOY ,, 30 0 20 V o " 234 ~~ z;;:l / Oz 3.0 ;:z ...... """ ... :z; 2.0 1.0 70 /! / Porn 60 / ai5 z'-' iii U ~ 10 . ,.... II' 'POWER 40 ....... ::> VOLTAGE' Thermal Considerations ~~ ::>~ ~g "'~!;... ::II .... ::>::> ~~ 50 i--'" VOLTAGE V ",0 l- ~ / / 40 o ./ 2.0 z '3 ... 2Z ~~ 1.5 ... :z; -u ..... !aeJ 1.0 ell!! ~~ 0.5 &I 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 6 INPUT YOLTAGE (v) Y' (Y) TLlK/1 1 125-7 TLlK/11125-9 FIGURE 4. LM2418 DC Characterfstlcs FIGURE 5. LM2418 Output Swing and Power Characteristics 3-139 ~ ..- ~ ~ r-----------------------------------------------------------------------------~ Typical Application A typical application of the LM2418 is shown in Figure 6. better than 50 Vpp drive Signals available to a 10 pF load. In this application, feedback is local to the LM1203, an alternative scheme would feed back from the output of the LM2418 to the positive clamp inputs of the LM1203. This would provide better black level control of the system. Used in conjunction with an LM1203, a complete video channel from monitor input to CRT cathode is shown. Performance is satisfactory for all applications up to 640 by 480 lines. Typical riselfall times of this circuit are 15 ns, with ,.. 0.1 JoIF ~l ii~ :... ~~ 10 JoIF Ii 0 II iDEo V 7511 IN 10k U G ii~ 0 Ii 0 "* 10011 3 26 4 25 ~ 5 24 10k Ir- 10JolF~ 2 ~7 23 LM2418T ........ RED CUTOFF i .n -¢. 'Jo1F 75 3 GREEN DRIVE 22 ~JoIF U 1 ~ 500 9 7511 .n RED DRIVE 5111 7 11 IN 27 ~~8 10 JoIF iDEo 2 5111 V " V 28 10k u B 1 6 7511 IN :::!;; 100 JoIF ......, 10 JoIF Ii 0 iDEo Tvo o12V LM1203 4 10011 75 21 ~II 5 500 20 10 19 11 18 12 17 13 16 14 IS I :........ GREEN ~UTOFF f-< ~7 5111 = ,*'Jo1F 6 V 7 8 CONTRAST CONTROL max 10k :........= min '7 '* 5kt ~0'01~ f- ~+I-- ~7 500 0.1 JoIF 10k ---.J.L BLACK LEVEL GATE IN 10k 10k '* BLUE ==CUTOFF 1 JoIF 9 BLACK LEVEL (BRIGHTNESS) CONTROL ~~7 ~O"Jo1F 75 10 11 1000 pF ~r+i~ - 100V - o90V TLIK/11125-10 FIGURE 6. Typical Application LM1203-LM2418 Application 3-140 ~National PRELIMINARY ~ Semiconductor LM2419 Triple 65 MHz CRT Driver General Description Features The LM2419 contains three wide bandwidth, large signal amplifiers designed for large voltage swings. The amplifiers have a gain of -15. The device is intended for use in color CRT monitors and is a low cost solution to designs conforming to 1024 x 768 display resolution. • • • • • The device is mounted in the industry standard 11-lead TO-220 molded power package. The heat sink is electrically isolated and may be grounded for ease of manufacturing and EMI/RFI shielding. 50 Vpp output swing at 65 MHz Rise/Fall time < 7 ns with 12 pF load 60 Vpp output swing capability Pin and function compatible with LM2416 No low frequency tilt Applications • CRT driver for SVGA, IBM 8514 and 1024 x 768 display resolution RGB monitors Schematic and Connection Diagrams One Channel ~ . . . - - -.....--0 Y+ 11 11 ~ Your 3,4,10 R3 YSIAS 2,7,9 Y+ 10 0 150 R4 9 8 r<: '. IlL 550 YIN 1,6,8 7 6 5 GND 4 3 GND 5 - TUH/11442-1 " ~o 2 1 /' ./ PIN 1 DESIGNATOR TLlH/11442-2 Order Number LM2419T See NS Package NumberTA11B 3-141 Section 4 Display Drivers Section 4 Contents Display Drivers-Introduction ........................................................ Display Drivers-Selection Guide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DS8187 Vacuum Fluorescent Display Driver......... ........................ .......... DS75491 MOS·to·LED Quad Segment Driver ................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DS75492 MOS·to·LED Hex Digit Driver................. ..... ......................... . DS55494/DS75494 Hex Digit Drivers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MM5450/MM5451 LED Display Drivers ............................................... MM5452/MM5453 Liquid Crystal Display Drivers ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MM5480 LED Display Driver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MM5481 LED Display Driver . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MM5483 Liquid Crystal Display Driver. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MM5484 16·Segment LED Display Driver. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MM5486 LED Display Driver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MM58201 Multiplexed LCD Driver .................................................... MM58241 High Voltage Display Driver ................................................ MM58242 High Voltage Display Driver ................................................ MM58248 High Voltage Display Driver ................................................ MM58341 High Voltage Display Driver.............................................. .. MM58342 High Voltage Display Driver ................................................ MM58348 High Voltage Display Driver ................................................ LM3909 LED Flasher/Oscillator.................................................... .. LM3914 Dot/Bar Display Driver........................... ........................... LM3915 Dot/Bar Display Driver. ... .................................................. LM3916 Dot/Bar Display Driver.... ............................. ..................... 4·2 4·3 4·4 4·6 4·17 4·17 4·20 4·22 4·28 4·35 4·39 4·43 4·46 4-49 4·54 4·60 4·65 4·70 4·75 4·80 4·85 4·90 4·97 4·112 4·130 ~National ~ Semiconductor Display Drivers National's comprehensive family of display drivers provides direct interface to all of the common display technologieslight-emitting diode (LED), liquid crystal display (LCD), and vacuum fluorescent (VF). for direct or multiplexed interface to large complex VF panel arrays or 5 X 7 (or larger) dot-matrix character strings. Each of the drivers are cascadable for further expansion. Application note AN-371 provides further details and other application information. FUNCTION SIMILAR FAMILY THE MM5450 SERIEs-LED Each driver utilizes a simple serial-data input channel, onchip shift register, latches and buffer/driver outputs. The serial input channel allows direct interface to most microprocessors, including COPSTM, NSC800™, 8080 series, and TMS1000 series. Besides a serial-data input, each driver requires a clock input. Some offer a latch (data) input and/or data output for easy cascade interconnect of additional drivers. National's MM5450 series of LED display drivers rounds out this comprehensive product family. This popular series offers direct drive of LED displays by providing up to 25 mA of current drive per LED segment. MOS/LSI DISPLAY DRIVERS CMOS/LSI Many of the products in the display driver family utilize CMOS technology and are further evidence of National's capabilities and commitment to CMOS/LSI-the technology of the '80s. Once loaded, the shift register data can be transferred to the on-chip latches, which then output to the buffer/driver and respective display. This buffer/driver is where each provides the unique driver interface desired by the particular display technology-LED, LCD, or VF. In addition, National offers a line of bipolar segment and digit drivers with a broad range of output sink and source currents. Detailed featureslfunctions of the 16-member display driver family are high-lighted in the following product guide. THE MM58241 SERIES-VF Each of the products in the MM58241 series provides highvoltage (several up to 60V) drive of VF displays. All are ideal OUTPUT 32 OUTPUT 1 - - -- -- -BLANKING CONTROL 32 OUTPUT BUFFERS ---32 LATCHES I+- -- -DATA IN CLOCK {>1 32-BIT SHIFT REGISTER DATA OUT "(..- ENABLE TL/XX/Ol 00-1 FIGURE 1. Typical Block Diagram 4-3 IINational , Semiconductor ., LSI Display Driver Selection Guide Display Technology Product Number Vacuum Fluorescent (VF) MM58241 32-segment, direct/multiplexed drive to 60V, data enable, brightness control, cascadable, 40-pin DIP or 44-pin PCC package. VF MM58242 20-digit, direct/multiplexed drive to 6OV, data enable, brightness control, cascadable, 28-pin DIP or PCC package. VF MM58248 35-segment, direct/multiplexed drive to 60V, pin-compatible to MM5448, 40-pin DIP or 44-pin PCC package. VF MM58341 32-segment, direct/multiplexed drive to 35V, data enable, brightness control, cascadable, 40-pin DIP or 44-pin PCC package. VF MM58342 20-digit, direct/multiplexed drive to 35V, data enable, brightness control, cascadable, 28-pin DIP or PCC package. VF MM58348 35-segment, direct/multiplexed drive to 35V, pin-compatible to MM5448, 40-pin DIP or 44-pin PCC package. Liquid Crystal (LCD) MM5452 32-segment, direct drive, serial-data input, data enable, on-chip backplane (S/P) oscillator, 40-pin DIP or 44-pin PCC package. LCD MM5453 33-segment, direct drive, serial-data input, S/P oscillator, 40-pin DIP or 44-pin PCC package. LCD MM5483 31-segment, direct drive, serial-data input/output,latch (data) control, 4O-pin DIP or 44-pin PCC package. LCD MM58201 Multiplexed drive, 192 segments (8 backplanes, 24 segments), 192-bit RAM, cascadable, R/C oscillator, serial-data input/ output, 40-pin DIP or 44-pin PCC package. Light-Emitting Diode (LED) MM5450 34-segment, direct drive up to 25 mA, brightness control, data enable, 40-pin DIP or 44-pin PCC package. LED MM5451 35-segment, direct drive up to 25 mA, brightness control, 40-pin DIP or 44-pin PCC package. LED MM5480 23-segment, direct drive up to 25 mA, serial-data input, brightness control, 28-pin DIP package. LED MM5481 14-segment, direct drive up to 25 mA, serial-data input, brightness control, 20-pin DIP package. LED MM5484 16-segment, direct drive up to 10 mA, serial-data input! output, cascadable, 22-pin DIP package. LED MM5486 33-segment, direct drive up to 25 mA, serial-data input! output, brightness control, latch (data) control, 40-pin DIP package. Features 4-4 ~National Semiconductor Bipolar Display Driver Selection Guide Device Number and Temperature Range O"Cto +70"C 100DIgit (mA) Drlverel Package -55"Cto + 125"C DS75491 Sink (Common Anode) VMAX(V) Source (Common Cathode) Input 50 Comments Supply 10 10 6 150 10 10 DS75492 6 250 10 10 LM3909 1 45 45 2.1 6.4 LED Flasher/ Oscillator LM3914 10 0 30' 35 25 Dot/Bar Driver Linear Scale LM3915 10 0 30' 35 25 Dot/Bar Driver Log Scale LM3916 10 0 30' 35 25 Dot/Bar Driver VU Meter Scale DS75494 4 DS55494 Enable Control 'Per segment. use common external supply lor anodes • 4-5 r- CD .... r--------------------------------------------------------------------------------, National ~ '?A ~ Semiconductor DS8187 Vacuum Fluorescent Display Driver General Description Features The D88187 is a vacuum fluorescen1 display 1ube driver. This device is implemen1ed in CMOS 1echnology, 10 provide high vol1age ou1pu1 drivers and low power. Dimming may be accomplished by ei1her analog or digi1a1 input AU10load capabili1y is accomplished by connec1ing 1he DATA OUT pin 10 1he LOAD ENABLE inpu1 pin, wi1h 1he addi1ion of a s1art bi1 10 1he inpu1 da1a s1ream. • 33 Segmen1 Direc1 Drive 25 - 0.8 mA and 8 - 2 mA ou1pu1 drivers • 49 s1eps of dimming, mask programmable • Analog or digi1a1 inpu1 dimming con1rol • DATA OUT pin for cascading • Mask op1ions allow reconfiguring of ou1pu1S wi1h respec110 shift regis1er bi1 posi1ion • Au1010ad or eldernal load capabili1y Block Diagram OUTPUT 33 OUTPUT 1 Vee DATA OUT BLANK INI PWM OUT OSC ----+ VD TLlF/11220-4 FIGURE 1. 4-6 Absolute Maximum Ratings If Military/Aerospace specHled devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/Distributors for availability and specifications. Power Dissipation (PD) at 2S'C DIP Board Mount DIP Socket Mount Supply Volltage (Vee> Typical Values 8JA DIP Board Mount 8JA DIP Socket Mount -0.3 to +20V DC Input Voltage (VIN) -0.3 to VCC+0.3V DC Output Voltage (VOUT) Storage Temperature Range TBD TBD TBD'C/W TBD'C/W -6Sto +1S00C Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec.) 2600C Operating Conditions Supply Voltage (Vee> DC Input or Output Voltage Temperature Range Electro-Static Discharge (ESD) Min 8 0 -40 Max 18 Vee +8S 2K Unit V V 'C V DC Electrical Characteristics Vee = 8V to 18V, All voltages referenced to GND, unless otherwise specified Symbol Parameter Conditions VIH High Level Input Voltage VIL Low Level Input Voltage IIHl High Level Input Current (Clock, Data In, Load, VK) VIHl = S.OV IIH2 High Level Input Current (Blank) VIH2 = S.OV, T = 2S'C IIH3 High Level Input Current (TEST2) VIH3 = %.OV, T = 2S'C IILl Low Level Input Current (Clock, Data In, Load, VK) VILl = OV 11L2 Low Level Input Current (BLANK IN) VIL2 = OV, T = 2S'C IlLS Low Level Input Current (TEST2) VILS = OV, T = 2S'C III Input Leak Current (VD) VINOVt06V VOHl High Level Output Voltage (Low Current Driver) Vee = 9.SV, IOHl = -0.8 rnA VOH2 High Level Output Voltage (High Current Drive) Vee = 9.SV, IOH2 = -2 rnA VOH3 High Level Output Voltage (DATA OUT, PWM OUn Vee = 9.SV, IOH3 = -200 IOH3 = - 20 /LA VOL1 Low Level Output Voltage (All Drivers) Vee = 9.SV, VOL2 Low Level Output Voltage (DATA OUT,PWM OUn Vee = 9.SV, IOL2 = 200 Icc Supply Current No Load JLA IOL1 = SOO JLA IOL1 = 200 /LA IOL1 = 2/LA JLA Note 1: Absolute maximum ratings are those valuaa beyond which damage to the devloa may occur. 4-7 Min Max Units 3.8 6 V 0 0.8 V -S S /LA -20 10 /LA -100 20 /LA -S S /LA -12S -S JLA -700 -100 /LA -S S JLA Vee- 0.8 V Vee- 0.8 V 4 4.S 6 6 V V 2 1 0.3 V V V 0.8 V 20 rnA AC Electrical Characteristics Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Max Units 250 kHz fe Clock Frequency PWe Clock Pulse Width 1.3 t8 Data Set-Up Time 1 jA.S tH Data Hold Time 200 ns jA.S PWL Load Pulse Width tooa Output Delay from Blank CL = 100pF 1.3 7 jA.S tOOL Output Delay from Load CL = 100pF 8 jA.S tr Rise Time (All Driver Outputs) CL = 100 pF, t = 20% to 80% of Vee 5 jA.S tl Fall Time (All Driver Outputs) CL = 100 pF, t = 80% to 20% of Vee 5 jA.S /los Dimming Characteristics DC Characteristics Parameter Vo Offset Voltage (Note 2) Min Conditions ±Vo (3% Typ + 6%) Max Units ±10 mV AC Characteristics Parameter Pulse Width Error Conditions Min PWM OUT Frequency OSC Frequency Note 2: Reference voltage is S.W typical. Note 3: Typ No Load (Note 3) Under the Ideal condition of DC parameter•. AC Test Conditions Input Pulse Levels 0.5Vt03.5V 6 ns (10% to 90%) Input Rise and Fall Times Propagation Delays Measured at 20% and 80% points of respective waveforms 4-8 Max Units ±1oo ns 150 250 400 Hz 307.2 512 819.2 kHz Timing Waveforms Clook DATA IN LOAD ENABLE DUTl-OUT33 OUTl-OUT33 --::ftr FIGURE 2. 4-9 TUF/11220-3 Functional Description SHIFT REGISTER OPERATION Refer to block diagram Figure 1 while LOAD ENABLE is low, data is entered into the shift register on the rising edge of the clock. The first data bit entered is stored in position #0, the last data bit entered is stored in poSition #33. A high voltage level applied to the LOAD ENABLE input transfers the data from the shift register to the data latch. The data is presented to the output drivers through a 33 x 33 matrix. This matrix determines shift register output designation. The D88187 has 34 shift register positions, 33 data latches, and 33 output drivers. DIRECT LOAD MODE In this mode the DATA OUT pin is not connected to the LOAD ENABLE pin. The LOAD ENABLE pin is controlled directly by ~he user. When LOAD ENABLE goes High, the contents of the shift register are latched, presented to the output drivers through the 33 x 33 PLA matrix, and the shift register is cleared. DIMMING FUNCTION When VK is Low, the .. B.... LA"N"'Kr.'rnN/PWM OUT pin functions as an input blanking signal. When BLANK IN/PWM is High, the output duty cycle is 100%. The duty cycle of a user supplied signal to this pin will determine the brightness of the output. When VK is High, the duty cycle of the output drivers is controlled by an analog voltage applied to the VD pin. Table I indicates the duty cycle of the output drivers with respect to the analog voltage applied to VD pin. AUTO LOAD MODE In this mode, the DATA OUT pin is connected to the LOAD ENABLE pin. The data word consists of 34 bits including a leading start bit(logic 1). On the pOsitive-going-edge of the 34th clock (LOAD ENABLE goes High), data is transferred to the data latches and the shift register is cleared. Connection Diagram Dual-In-Llne Package BLANK INtpWt.l TEST 2 ~OAD ENAB~E HC DATA IN DATA OUT C~OCK GND VD OSC Vee MC 'ffii1 VK OUTPUT 1 OUTPUT 33 OUTPUT 2 OUTPUT 32 OUTPUT 3 OUTPUT 31 OUTPUT 4 OUTPUT 30 OUTPUT 5 OUTPUT 29 OUTPUT 6 OUTPUT 28 OUTPUT 7 OUTPUT 27 OUTPUT 8 OUTPUT 26 OUTPUT 9 OUTPUT 25 OUTPUT 10 HC OUTPUT 11 OUTPUT 24 OUTPUT 12 OUTPUT 23 OUTPUT 13 OUTPUT 22 OUTPUT 14 OUTPUT 21 OUTPUT 15 OUTPUT 20 OUTPUT 18 OUTPUT 19 OUTPUT 17 OUTPUT 18 TL/F/11220-1 Top View Order Number DS8187N See NS Package Number N48A 4-10 Analog Dimming and Vo Offset Description Load Enable Description The positive going edge of the Load Enable input signal latches data from the shifter and resets the shifter. While Load Enable is "high", the shifter will not accept data. The Load Enable should be driven high during the low level of the clock. When using analog dimming, the brightness attainable is 10.2% of maximum brightness. The voltage (VREF) is the external voltage from which Vo is developed (usually from a variable resistor). This voltage should be in the range of 5.7V to Vee so that the maximum 10.2% PWM duty cycle is achieved easily. Output Circuit Description The segment output drivers are push-pull active high. There are 25 low current drivers (0.8 mAl and 8 high current drivers (2 mAl. These outputs nominally swing from 0.3V to (Vee - 0.8V) and are designed to drive the anodes of low voltage (about 13V) vacuum fluorescent displays. The digital outputs (DATA OUT and PWM OUn typically swing form 0.5V to 5V and are designed to drive other logic devices. For example, referring to (Figure 3), if 058187 devices are cascaded, then DATA OUT and PWM OUT of the first are connected respectively to DATA IN and BLANK IN of the second. The Vo offset error represents the difference between the actual analog input voltage when using analog dimming and the internal analog voltage created by the 0/ A converter. Table III indicates the PWM duty cycle with respect to voltage at the Vo pin over 49 steps of dimming. To determine the Min/Max PWM, Vo offset must be subtracted from/added to the threshold voltage of Table III. The Dimming Curves (Figure 6) are a graphical representation of Table III showing the Vo offset. Figures 3,4 and 5 are typical applications of the 058187. +I2V T 33 out.uta LOAD CPU or Microcontroller 1 ENABLE L IH t> vee LE CLOCK T H LE Vee 33 out.utl L-.s DATA IN t--- vr --~-anod" Display Tube DATA OUT BLANK IN/PWM OUT DATA IN r---' Bi:AiiifiN OS8187 r- VD OS8187 r- VD ~ VK Grid I- -- vrt ~ VK GND OSC GND OSC I I I I • J7 ... ,. • FIGURE 3. Cascading Two Drivers with Digital Dimming 4-11 TLlF/11220-2 Pin Description PinHo. Pin Name DescripUon 110 1 TEST2 I This pin is used to select TESTMODE. (Factory Test) 2 LOAD ENABLE I While Low, data is enabled into the shift register. When this pin goes High, the contents of the shift register are loaded into the latch circuit and the shift register is reset to O. 3 DATA IN I This pin inputs data to the shift register. When data is High, the output is ON. When data is Low, the output is OFF. 4 CLOCK I This pin is the clock for the shift register. Data is input to the shift register on the positive-going-edge of the clock., 5 VD I This analog voltage Input pin specifies the output duty cycle per Table I. This is the power supply pin. 6 Vee 7 'I'ESTT 8-14 OUTPUT 1 to OUTPUT 7 0 These are low current output pins. 15-22 OUTPUT 8 to OUTPUT 15 0 These are high current output pins. 23-31 OUTPUT 16to OUTPUT 24 0 These are low current output pins. This pin is used to select TEST MODE. (Factory Test) 32 No Connect (NC) 33-41 OUTPUT 25 to OUTPUT 33 0 These are low current output pins. 42 VK I VK input terminal. This pin selects between analog dimming and digital dimming (duty cycle). When a Logic 0 is applied to VK, the BLANK IN/PWM OUT pin functions as an input blanking Signal. When a Logic 1 is applied to VK, the dimming is controned by an analog voltage applied to the VD pin. I This pin generates an oscination of 500 kHz with an external capecitor of 47 pF connected between the OSC pin and GND. 43 No Connect (NC) 44 OSC 45 GND 46 DATA OUT 47 No Connect (NC) 48 BLANK IN/PWM OUT Free pin, no connection to the chip. Free pin, no connection to the chip. This is the GND pin. 110 This pin outputs~he data from the 34-bit shift register. Connecting the pin to the DATA IN pin on the next stage provides a cascade connection. Connecting the pin to the LOAD ENABLE pin causes the contents of the shift register to be latched on the leading edge of the signal at the DATA OUT pin. (Auto load function). In the Test Mode, this pin functions as an input. 110 When the internal dimming function is not used (VK Low), this pin receives an external blank Signal and controls the output duty cycle. This pin functions as an output when the internal dimming function is used (VK = High), and in Test Mode. Free pin, no connection to the chip. 4-12 Typical Application +12V CLOCK CPU or IIlcrocontrolier Vee LDAD ENABLE VREF (6V typical) +12 7.Skll approx ".BV 33 out uto DATA IN t anod.s VF Di.play Tub. VD VF ---+ ....- - -... VK Grid ------ OS8187 l "7 pF Skll TLlFI11220-5 FIGURE 4. Analog Dimming Control Using the VD Pin +12V r------. CLOCK CPU or IIlorooontroll.. 1-----... Vee 33 out uti DATA IN LOAD ENABLE .nod.. VF Display Tube BWITN/PWIoI Grid OS8187 OUT VF l OSC GND TL/F/11220-7 FIGURE 5. Dlgltsl Dimming Using the BLANK IN/PWM OUT Pin 4·13 TABLE I. Output Pin to ShiH Register Conversion for Pattern "AA" Pin Name ShiH Register Pin Name Shift Register Pin Name Shift Register OUTPUT 1 OUTPUT 2 OUTPUT 3 OUTPUT 4 OUTPUT 5 OUTPUT 6 OUTPUT 7 OUTPUT 8 OUTPUT 9 OUTPUT 10 OUTPUT 11 BIT14 BIT15 BIT 1 BIT 33 BIT5 BIT 6 BIT7 BIT 28 BIT27 BIT31 BIT18 OUTPUT 12 OUTPUT 13 OUTPUT 14 OUTPUT 15 OUTPUT 16 OUTPUT 17 OUTPUT 18 OUTPUT 19 OUTPUT 20 OUTPUT 21 OUTPUT 22 BIT2 BIT10 BIT 26 BIT 29 BIT8 BIT3 BIT9 BIT4 BIT 11 BIT16 BIT 17 OUTPUT 23 OUTPUT 24 OUTPUT 25 OUTPUT 26 OUTPUT 27 OUTPUT 28 OUTPUT 29 OUTPUT 30 OUTPUT 31 OUTPUT 32 OUTPUT 33 BIT12 BIT19 BIT 24 BIT 25 BIT 20 BIT 32 BIT21 BIT22 BIT23 BIT30 BIT13 PLA Code Chart OUTPUT 1 OUTPUT 2 OUTPUT 3 OUTPUT 4 OUTPUT 5 OUTPUT 6 OUTPUT 7 OUTPUT 8 OUTPUT 9 OUTPUT 10 OUTPUT 11 OUTPUT 12 OUTPUT 13 OUTPUT 14 OUTPUT 15 OUTPUT 16 OUTPUT 17 OUTPUT 18 OUTPUT 19 OUTPUT 20 OUTPUT 21 OUTPUT 22 OUTPUT 23 OUTPUT 24 OUTPUT 25 OUTPUT 26 OUTPUT 27 OUTPUT 28 OUTPUT 29 OUTPUT 30 OUTPUT 31 OUTPUT 32 OUTPUT 33 PIN PIN PIN PIN PIN PIN PIN PIN PIN PIN PIN PIN PIN PIN PIN PIN PIN PIN PIN PIN PIN PIN PIN PIN PIN PIN PIN PIN PIN PIN PIN PIN PIN 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 -~~~~~~~~O-~~~~~~~~O-N~~~~~~~O-N~ ~~~~~~~~~----------NNNNNNNNNN~~~~ mmmmmmmmm~~~mm~m;mi~~miammimm~iim TUF/11220-B 4-14 TABLE II. Customer Fill In, Output Pin to Shift Register Conversion Pin Name Shift Register Pin Name Shift Register Pin Name Shift Register OUTPUT 1 OUTPUT 2 OUTPUT 3 OUTPUT 4 OUTPUT 5 OUTPUT 6 OUTPUT 7 OUTPUT 8 OUTPUT 9 OUTPUT 10 OUTPUT 11 BIT BIT BIT BIT BIT BIT BIT BIT BIT BIT BIT OUTPUT 12 OUTPUT 13 OUTPUT 14 OUTPUT 15 OUTPUT 16 OUTPUT 17 OUTPUT 18 OUTPUT 19 OUTPUT 20 OUTPUT 21 OUTPUT 22 BIT BIT BIT BIT BIT BIT BIT BIT BIT BIT BIT OUTPUT 23 OUTPUT 24 OUTPUT 25 OUTPUT 26 OUTPUT 27 OUTPUT 28 OUTPUT 29 OUTPUT 30 OUTPUT 31 OUTPUT 32 OUTPUT 33 BIT BIT BIT BIT BIT BIT BIT BIT BIT BIT BIT OUTPUT 1 OUTPUT 2 OUTPUT 3 OUTPUT 4 OUTPUT 5 OUTPUT 6 OUTPUT 7 OUTPUT 8 OUTPUT 9 OUTPUT 10 OUTPUT 11 OUTPUT 12 OUTPUT 13 OUTPUT 14 OUTPUT 15 OUTPUT 16 OUTPUT 17 OUTPUT 18 OUTPUT 19 OUTPUT 20 OUTPUT 21 OUTPUT 22 OUTPUT 23 OUTPUT 24 OUTPUT 25 OUTPUT 26 OUTPUT 27 OUTPUT 28 OUTPUT 29 OUTPUT 30 OUTPUT 31 OUTPUT 32 OUTPUT 33 PIN PIN PIN PIN PIN PIN PIN PIN PIN PIN PIN PIN PIN PIN PIN PIN PIN PIN PIN PIN PIN PIN PIN PIN PIN PIN PIN PIN PIN PIN PIN PIN PIN 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 -N~~~~~~~O-N~~~~~~~C-N~~~~~G~C-N~ ~~~~~~~~~:::::::::::::::::::::::: ~~mmmmmmmmm~mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm TL/F/11220-6 4-15 • TABLE III. VD Threshold Dimming Voltage V.s. PWM Duty Cycle (Typical Value at Vee = 12.8V) 10.2'% PWM Maximum PulaeStep Number PWM Duty Cycle Pulse Count '% Threshold Voltage PulaeStep Number VREF VREF PWM Duty Cycle Threshold Voltage PulHCount '% 26 56/2048 2.73 3.385 25 52/2048 2.54 3.323 VREF 24 48/2048 2.34 3.263 46/2048 2.25 3.204 49 208/2048 10.2 VREF 23 48 192/2048 9.38 4.621 22 44/2048 2.15 3.155 47 184/2048 8.98 4.541 21 42/2048 2.05 3.118 3.076 46 176/2048 8.59 4.488 20 40/2048 1.95 45 168/2048 8.20 4.434 19 38/2048 1.86 3.027 44 160/2048 7.81 4.381 18 36/2048 1.76 2.983 43 152/2048 7.42 4.333 17 34/2048 1.66 2.941 42 144/2048 7.03 4.286 16 32/2048 1.56 2.898 41 136/2048 6.64 4.231 15 30/2048 1.46 2.860 40 128/2048 6.25 4.170 14 28/2048 1.37 2.822 39 120/2048 5.86 4.106 13 26/2048 1.27 2.785 38 112/2048 5.47 4.043 12 24/2048 1.17 2.744 37 104/2048 5.08 3.980 11 23/2048 1.12 2.692 36 96/20411 4.69 3.914 10 22/2048 1.07 2.650 35 92/2048 4.49 3.831 9 21/2048 1.03 2.622 34 88/2048 4.30 3.766 8 20/2048 0.98 2.597 33 84/2048 4.10 3.719 7 0.93 2.569 32 80/2048 3.91 3.673 6 19/2048 18/2048 0.88 2.539 31 76/2048 3.71 3.631 5 17/2048 0.83 2.511 30 72/2048 3.52 3.594 4 16/2048 0.78 2.478 29 68/2048 3.32 3.551 3 15/2048 0.73 2.455 28 64/2048 3.13 3.501 2 14/2048 0.68 2.425 27 60/2048 2.93 3.444 1 13/2048 0.63 2.392 0.000 VDH 5 VD (typIcal) 4.5 VDL 4 ~ 0 > 3.5 3 2.5 2 0 50 100 150 200 Pul.. Count (wIth ..opeet to 2048 oountl) TUF/I1220-9 FIGURE 8. Dimming Curve (Graphical Repreaentatlon of Table III) 4-16 i1 C en ...... ~National UI ~ ~ semiconductor CD ..... ....... c en ...... DS75491 MOS-to-LED Quad Segment Driver DS75492 MOS-to-LED Hex Digit Driver General Description Features The DS75491 and DS75492 are interface circuits designed to be used in conjunction with MOS integrated circuits and common-cathode LEDs in serially addressed multi-digit displays. The number of drivers required for this time-multiplexed system is minimized as a result of the segment-address-and-digit-scan method of LED drive. • • • • • UI ~ CD I\) 50 mA source or sink capability per driver (DS75491) 250 mA sink capability per driver (DS75492) MOS compatability (low input current) Low standby power High-gain Darlington circuits Schematic and Connection Diagrams DS75491 (each driver) DS75492 (each driver) y 11.7.8,14) A - . .-'\N\,........-t 4k A- ..... .--- (14, 3, &. 1.1'.12) . . .."..,.,fY-...--1 11.2.&.7.8,131 4k &.Ik 310 (11) TO OTHER DRIVERS V.. TO OTHER DRIVERS (4) (4) GND GilD TUF/5830-1 TUF/5830-2 DS75492 Dual-In-Llne Package DS75491 Dual-In-Llne Package 4A 14 lA 4E 13 IE 4C 12 lC v.. 11 GND 3C 3E 3A IA 10 2C 14 ZE ZA IV BV 13 2V SA 12 2A V.. 11 GND TL/F/5830-3 Top View 4-17 5Y 4A 10 3A 3V 4V TLIF/5830-4 Top View Order Number DS75491N or DS75492N See NS Package Number N14A SA i: ,\ " Absolute Maximum Ratings (Note 1) If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/Distributors for availability and specifications. DS75491 DS75492 -'-5V to Vss Input Voltage Range (Note 4) Collector Output Voltage (Note 5) 10V 10V Collector Output to Input Voltage 10V 10V Emitter to Ground Voltage (VI ~ 5V) 10V Emitter to Input Voltage 5V Voltage at Vss Terminal with Respect to any Other Device Terminal 10V 10V Collector Output Current Each Collector Output 50mA 250mA All Collector Outputs 200mA 600mA D$75491 DS75492 Continuous Total Dissipation 600mW 600mW Operating Temperature Range O"Cto +70"C Storage Temperature Range -65'C to + 150'C -Lead Temp. (Soldering. 10 sec) 300"C 300'C Maximum Power Dissipation at 25'C Molded Package 1207 mW' 1280mWt 'Derate molded package 9.66 mW/'C above 25'C. tDerate molded package 10.24 mWI'C above 25'C. Electrical Characteristics Vss = 10V (Notes 2 and 3) Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units 0.9 1.2 V 1.5 V I liN 100 p.A I VIN 100 p.A 3.3 mA DS75491 "ON" State Collector Emitter Voltage VeE ON "OFF" State Collector Current ICOFF Input = 8.5V through 1 kO. ITA VE = 5V, Ie = 50 mA I TA Ve VE Input Current at Maximum Input Voltage VIN IE Emitter Reverse Current VIN Iss Current Into Vss Terminal II = 10V, = OV = 25'C = 0-70"C = 40 p.A = 0.7V = 10V, VE = OV, Ie = 20 mA = OV, VE = 5V, Ie = 0 rnA 2.2 100 p.A 1 mA 1.2 V OS75492 Low Level Output Voltage VOL High Level Output Current IOH Input = 6.5V through 1 kO, ITA lOUT = 250mA I TA VOH = 10V Input Current at Maximum Input Voltage Iss Current Into Vss Terminal V I liN = 40 p.A 200 p.A = 0.5V 200 p.A 3.3 mA 1 mA I 2.2 VIN = 10V, IOL = 20 mA Switching Characteristics Vss = 7.5V, TA = Symbol 0.9 1.5 I VIN II = 25'C = 0-70"C 25'C I Parameter I Conditions Mini Typl Maxi Units OS75491 tpLH Propagation Delay Time, Low-to-High Level Output (Collector) I VIH = 4.5V, VE = OV. tpHL Propagation Delay Time, High-to-Low Level Output (Collector) I RL = 2000, CL = Propagation Delay Time, Low-to-High Level Output = 7.5V, RL = 390, I 15 pF I I 100 I ns I 20 I ns I 300 I ns OS75492 tpLH I VIH I CL = 15 pF I Propagation Delay Time. High-to-Low Level Output ns tpHL I 30 I I Note 1: "Absolute Maxtmum Ratings" are those values beyond which the safety of the devloe cannot be guaranteed. Except for "Operating Temperature Range" they are not meant to imply that the devices shOuld be operated at these limits. The table of "Electrical Characteristics" provides conditions for actual device operation. Note 2: Unless otherwise specified minImax limits apply across the O'C to + 70'C temperature range for the 0575491 and 0875492. Note 3: All currents Into device pins shown as positive, out of device pins as negative, all volteges referenced to ground unless otherwise noted. All values shown as max or min on absolute value basi•. Note 4: The input is the only device terminal which may be negative with respect to ground. Note 5: Voltege values are with respect to network ground terminal unless otherwise noted. 4-18 AC Test Circuits and Switching Time Waveforms 0875491 0875492 7.&V ........o---....-DUTPUT c.. JINDTE!) -I&,F TL/F/5830-5 ---J r---SIOM I ) V'H 1=--=±--i---------I I INI'UT I IIo..,;IOII:.;;.._ _ _ _ _ _ DV lOll _---VOH &011 OUTPUT I I I I : f-------v I I I I I I ....L-1--j Note 1: The pulse generator has the following characteristics: ZOUT OL ~""H-l ~ 5011, PAR Note 2: CL Includes probe and Jig capacitance. 4-19 ~ 100kHz, tw ~ 1 '"'S. TUF/5830-7 ~ r---------------------~------------------------------------------_. G) .......~ ~National ~ 0555494/0575494 Hex Digit Driver ! ~ Semiconductor General Description Features The 0555494/0575494 is a hex digit driver designed to interface between most MOS devices and common cathodes configured LED's with a low output voltage at high operating currents. The enable input disables all the outputs when taken high. • • • • • • • 150 mA sink capability Low voltage operation Low input current for MOS compatibility Low standby power Display blanking capability Low voltage saturating outputs Hex high gain circuits Schematic and Connection Diagrams Dual-In-Llne Package Vee (181 INPUT Vee IN 8 OUT6 NC IN lOUT 1 OUTS IN & OUT4 1N4 OUT2 IN 2 OUT 3 IN 3 CE 410 (2.5,1,18,121 TO OTHER INPUTS CHIP ENABLE .A (II GND TLlF/5832-2 Top View Order Number DS55494J or DS75494N See NS Package Number J16A or N16A GNO(II TLlF/S832-1 Truth Table Enable VIN 0 0 0 1 1 X 0 1 x ~ don't care 4-20 VOUT 1 Absolute Maximum Ratings (Note 1) Operating Conditions If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/Distributors for availability and specifications. Supply Voltage 10V Input Voltage 10V Output Voltage 10V -65·C to + 150·C Storage Temperature Range Maximum Power Dissipation" at 25·C Cavity Package 1433mW Molded Package 1362mW Lead Temperature (Soldering 4 seconds) 260·C Supply Voltage, Vee Temperature, TA 0575494 0555494 Min 3.2 Max B.B Unlta V 0 -55 +70 +125 ·C ·C 'Derate cavity package 9.55 mW/'C above 25'C; derate molded package 10.9 mW I'C above 25'C. Electrical Characteristics (Notes 2 and 3) Symbol I'H Parameter Logical "1" Input Current = Min, Y,N = B.BV IVeE = B.BVthrough 100k IVeE = B.BV = Max, Y,N = -5.5V = Max, VOH = B.BV IY,N = B.BVthrough 100k, VeE = I,L Logical "0" Input Current IOH Logical "1 " Output Current Vee VOL Logical "0" Output Voltage Vee = Min, IOL = 150 mA, Y,N VeE = B.BVthrough 100k Vee IY,N = lee Min Typ Max Units Conditions Vee Supply Currents = Max Output "OFF" Time tON Output "ON" Time IJA 400 p.A 400 p.A V 0555494 0.25 0.4 V 0575474 B.O mA 0555494 10.0 mA IVOE = 6.5Vthrough 1.0k 100 p.A 100 p.A 40 IJA 0.04 1.2 p.s 13 100 ns IY,N = B.BV through 100k All Other Pins to GNO tOFF mA -20 0.25 0.35 = B.BV All Other Pins to GNO mA 2.7 0575494 B.BV, VOE - 6.5V through 1.0k = 6.5V through 1.0k, One Driver "ON", Y,N Vee OV 2.0 = 20 pF, RL = 240, Vee = 4.0V, See AC Test Circuits CL = 20 pF, RL = 240, Vee = 4.0V, See AC Test Circuits CL Note 1: ""Absolute Maximum Ratings"" ara those values beyond which the safety of the device cannot be guarantead. Thay are not meant to Imply that the devices should be operated at these limits. The table of ""Electrical Characteristics"" provides conditions for actual device operation. Note 2: Unle.. otherwise specified minImax limits apply aero.. the O'C to + 70'0 range for the 0875494 and across the - 55'0 to + 125'C range for the 0855494. Nole 3: All currents into device pins shown as positive, out of device pins as negative, all voltages referenced to ground unle.. otherwise noted. All values shown as max or min on absolute value basis. AC Test Circuit and Switching Time Waveforms Vee I--TF V'No-- ~ / V.. HL 240 &% 10'1t 0 T• 80'It , TF -1On. T. -10,. 1\&O'It 1011 -0.2 ... --- r--0.2m.- ~~CL T20 t lOll V'N VOUT _r PF .,011 VOUT TL/F/5832-3 L2.2V,1iO'It O.IV t"oFF ~2.2V - .. !--t"oN TL/F/5832-4 4-21 ~ r---------------------------------------------------------~------------------------__, In ' i- ~ ;7; ::IE ::IE ~National ~ semiconductor MM5450/MM5451 LED Display Drivers General Description Features The MM5450 and MM5451 are monolithic MOS integrated circuits utilizing N-channel metal-gate low threshold, enhancement mode, and ion-implanted depletion mode devices. They are available in 40-pin molded or cavity dual-in-line packages. The MM5450/MM5451 is designed to drive common anode-separate cathode LED displays. A single pin controls the LED display brightness by setting a reference current through a variable resistor connected to VOO. • • • • • • • • • Applications • • • • • COPSTM or microprocessor displays Industrial control indicator Relay driver Digital clock, thermometer, counter, voltmeter Instrumentation readouts Continuous brightness control Serial data input No load signal required Enable (on MM5450) , Wide power supply operation TTL compatibility 34 or 35 outputs, 15 rnA sink capability Alphanumeric capability 8JA DIP Board = 49"C/W Socket = 54°C/W Block Diagram VOO BRIGHTNESS CONTROL 1""""'--=:-:-::---" DATA ENABLE (MM54501 OUTPUT3S (MM5451) OUTPUT 34 24 OUTPUT I IB ...;;+-_ ~_ _ _ S~~~~~_~_-=i-~ CLOCK ....---~.... > ____...t TUF/6'36-' FIGURE 1 4-22 Absolute Maximum Ratings Power Dissipation at + 25'C Molded DIP Package, Board Mount Molded DIP Package, Socket Mount If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/Distributors for availability and specifications. Voltage at Any Pin Operating Temperature VSS - 0.3VtoVss + 12V - 25'C to + 85'C Storage Temperature -65'C to Junction Temperature Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec.) 'Molded DIP Package board mount, 8JA = 49'C/W, Derate 20.4 mWI'C above 25'C. ··Molded DIP Package, socket mount, 8JA = 54'C/W, Derate 18.5 mWI'C above 25'C. + 150'C + 150'C 300'C Electrical Characteristics T A within operating range, VDD = 4.75Vto 11.0V, Vss = OVunlessotherwise specified Conditions Parameter Power Supply Power Supply Current Input Voltages Logical "0" Level (VO Logical "1" Level (VH) Typ Min 4.75 Max 11 7 Units V O.B Voo Voo 0.75 V V V rnA 10 p.A 10 4 25 4.3 ±20 p.A rnA rnA 500 950 950 kHz ns ns 300 300 ns ns 100 ns Excluding Output Loads ± 10 p.A Input Bias 4.75V ,;;; Voo ,;;; 5.25V Voo> 5.25V Brightness Input (Note 2) Output Sink Current Segment OFF Segment ON 2.5W· 2.3W·· -0.3 2.2 Voo - 2V 0 VOUT = 3.0V VOUT = 1V (Note 3) Brightness Input = 0 p.A Brightness Input = 100 p.A Brightness Input = 750 p.A Input Current 750 p.A Brightness Input Voltage (Pin 19) Output Matching (Note 1) Clock Input (Notes 5 and 6) Frequency.lc High Time,lt, LowTime,tl Data Input Set-Up Time, tos Hold Time, tOH Data Enable Input Set-Up Time, tOES Note 1: Output matching is calculated as the percent variation (IMAX + IMIN)/2. 0 2.0 15 3.0 2.7 mA V % Note 2: With a fixed resistor on the brightness input pin, some variation in brightness will occur from one device to another. Maximum brightness input current can be 2 rnA as long as Note 3 and junclion temperature equation are complied with. Note 3: See Figures 5, 6, and 7 for Recommended Operating Conditions and limits. Absolute maximum for each output should be limited to 40 rnA. Note 4: The VOUT voltage should be regulated by the user. See F/{Jures 6 and 7 lor allowable VOUT vs lOUT operation. Note 5: AC input wavelorm specification lor test purpose: Ir ,;; 20 ns, tf ,;; 20 ns, I = 500 kHz, 50% ± 10% duty cycle. Note 6: Clock input rise and lall times must not exceed 300 ns. Connection Diagrams Dual-In-Line Package. VIS~ OUTPUT lIT 114 :~:~~:~!:~ OUTPUT lIT I.""'; OUTPUT lIT 13"'; OUll'UTIIT12~ OUTPUTIIT"-:OUTPUTIIT10-= oUTPUT 81T I~ OUTPUT81T1~ DUTPUT81T7~ OUTPUTIITI~ OUTPUTIIT6~ DU"UTIIT4~ OUTPUTI1T3~ Dual-In-Line Package ~ OUTPUT liT II ~ OUTPUT liT I. ~OUTPUTIITZO ~OUTPUTI1T21 ~ OUTPUT lIT 22 ~OUTMIIT23 Vss~ OUTPUT alT OUTflUT liT 1."; OUTPUTBIT13~ OUTPUT BIT 12-: OUTPUTIITI1~ OUTPUTBIT10~ OUTPUTaIT9~ OUTPUTIITI~ ~OUTPUT8IT2& ?'OUTPUTIITZI ~OUTPUTIIT27 ~OUTPUT8IT2I ~OUTPUT8ITZI ~OUTPUT8ITI3 ~ oUTPUTSIT34 OUTPUTIITI~ ~OUTPUTIIT:J2 ~OUTPUTIIT33 ~ OUTPUT liT 34 ~OUTPUTIIT36 OUT'UTIITZ...g OUTPUTIIT'~ ~ DATA IN F-CLOCKIII BRIGHTNESS CONTROL-ii Voo"::' F-CLOCKIIII ~OUTPUTBITZ1 ~OUT'UTBIT2a ~OUTPUT'1T2a ~ OUTPUT alT 3D r;. OUTPUT BIT 31 OUTPUT lIT 3";; ~ammm ~ DATAl. IRICMTMSS COIITROL-ii VOO":: r¥.-OUTPU'BITZa MM&4&1 OUTPUTBIT1~ OUTPUTaIT6~ OUTPUTI1T5~ OUTPUTBIT4~ ~:~=::~: ~OUTPUT81T32 OUTPUTBIT2...g ~OUTPUTBIT2U ~OUTPUTIIT21 ~OUTPUTIIT22 ~OUTPUTIIT23 ~OUTPUTaIT2. ~OUTPUTaIT25 :~:~::~~:~ ~OU1l'UTIIT2' ...... ~OUTPUTIITII ~OUTpuTIITla 11-i TL/F/6136-3 TLlF/6136-2 Top View Top View FIGURE2b FIGURE2a Order Number MM5450N, MM5451N, MM5450Vor MM5451V See NS Package Number N40A or V44A 4-23 .... ~ In :. :. .... Connection Diagrams (Continued) : Plaatlc Chip Carrier ...~ :! :!! !! :. Illi;~iilii Ii Ii In :. ~ :!! I:: I:: CD ~ Ii: N l::I Ii Ii Ii CD I:: CD Ii OUTPUT BIT 13 OUTPUT BIT 12 8 OUTPUT BIT 11 39 OUTPUT BIT 23 38 37 OUTPUT BIT 24 OUTPUT BIT 25 OUTPUT BIT 26 OUTPUT BIT 10 10 36 OUTPUT BIT 9 11 35 OUTPUT BIT 27 Nle 12 34 Nle totM545OV OUTPUT BIT 8 13 33 OUTPUT BIT 28 OUTPUT BIT 7 14 32 OUTPUT BIT 29 OUTPUT BIT 6 15 31 OUTPUT BIT 30 OUTPUT BIT 5 16 30 OUTPUT BIT 31 OUTPUT BIT 4 17 29 OUTPUT BIT 32 ~~il III ~ 8 u ~ >~~ III .li i iii ~ ~ r:! Ii Ii TLlF/8136-13 Top View Plntlc Chip carrier :! :!! !! I:: CD ~ :!! ~ Ii: N l::I Ii Ii Ii Ii Ii Ii Ii Ii iiil;~ III i I OUTPUT BIT 13 7 OUTPUT BIT 12 8 OUTPUT BIT 23 OUTPUT BIT 11 38 OUTPUT BIT 24 37 OUTPUT BIT 25 OUTPUT BIT 26 OUTPUT BIT 10 10 36 OUTPUT BIT 9 11 35 OUyPUT BIT 27 Nle 12 34 Nle tottot5451V OUTPUT BIT 8 13 33 OUTPUT BIT 28 OUTPUT BIT 7 14 32 OUTPUT BIT 29 OUTPUT BIT 6 15 31 OUTPUT BIT 30 OUTPUT BIT 5 16 30 OUTPUT BIT 31 OUTPUT BIT 4 17 29 OUTPUT BIT 32 '" Ii Ii i >Z~ii:: 8~~jllIl~r:! I:: N ~ Ui CD 0 - ~ ~ CD TLlF/6136-14 Top View 4·24 Functional Description Both the MM5450 and the MM5451 are specifically deSigned to operate 4- or 5-digit alphanumeric displays with minimal interface with the display and the data source. Serial data transfer from the data source to the display driver is accomplished with 2 signals, serial data and clock. Using a format of a leading "1" followed by the 35 data bits allows data transfer without an additional load signal. The 35 data bits are latched after the 36th bit is complete, thus providing non-multiplexed, direct drive to the display. Outputs change only if the serial data bits differ from the previous time. Display brightness is determined by control of the output current for LED displays. A 0.001 capacitor should be connected to brightness control, pin 19, to prevent possible oscillations. There must be a complete set of 36 clocks or the shift registers will not clear. A block diagram is shown in Figure 1. For the MM5450 a DATA ENABLE is used instead of the 35th output. The DATA ENABLE input is a metal option for the MM5450. The output current is typically 20 times greater than the current into pin 19, which is set by an external variable resistor. There is an internal limiting resistor of 4000 nominal value. For applications where a lesser number of outputs are used, it is possible to either increase the current per output, or operate the part at higher than 1V VOUT. The following equation can be used for calculations. When the chip first powers ON an internal power ON reset signal is generated which resets all registers and all latches. The START bit and the first clock return the chip to its normal operation. Figure 2 shows the pin-out of the MM5450 and MM5451. Bit 1 is the first bit following the start bit and it will appear on pin 18. A logical "1" at the input will turn on the appropriate LED. Figure 3 shows the timing relationships between data, clock and bATA ENABLE. A max clock frequency of 0.5 MHz is assumed. Tj = (VOUT) (lLEO) (No. of segments)(8JA) where: Figure 4 shows the input data format. A start bit of logical "1" precedes the 35 bits of data. At the 36th clock a LOAD Signal is generated synchronously with the high state of the clock, which loads the 35 bits of the shift registers into the latches. At the low state of the clock a RESET signal is generated which clears all the shift registers for the next set of data. The shift registers are static master-slave configuration. There is no clear for the master portion of the first shift register, thus allowing continuous operation. + TA Tj = junction temperature, 150"C max VOUT = the voltage at the LED driver outputs ILEO = the LED current 8JA = thermal coefficient of the package T A = ambienttemperature 8JA (Socket Mount) = 54°C/W 8JA (Board Mount) = 4SOC/W The above equation was used to plot Figure 5, Figure 6 and Figure 7. 1F-==~-9D% --~~10% DATA --....JF............... DATA ENABLE (MM54501 TUF/6136-4 FIGURE 3 4-25 • Functional Description (Continued) TL/F/6136-5 FIGURE 4. Input Data Format Typical Performance Characteristics g 2.0 ~ 1.5 ~ IIIis i 1,\ 2.5 2.5 2.0 110 TA'lloC Tj =lire (MAXI 100 ~~} ~.l o o 1411211212421 0 1Il 60 80 «l n:MPERATURE (oe) 100 1\ 50 40 30 20 10 0.1 vOUT'2V Jo! '\.. o 5 ILEO (mAl " 10 r-.... 15 20 30 34 TL/F/6136-8 FIGURE 6 FIGURE 7 Typical Applications _DC >IV Ik 1 TL/F/6136-9 FIGURE 8. Typical Application of Constant Current Brightness Control 5V TLlF/6136-10 FIGURE 9. Brightness Control Varying the Duty Cycle 4·26 25 NUMBER OF SEGMENTS TL/F/6136-7 TLlF/6136-6 FIGURE 5 - - ~OUTil.5~_ II 1.0 0 JOUT =1VHTA'15°C H l' +~ .. f!!.~,,+ s!' ~~ ~ !' 0.5 - 10 II Typical Applications (Continued) Basic Electronically Tuned Radio System LED DISPLAY :/530 ~'- M--_liD DISPLAY DRIVER KEYBOARD r COl'S ELECTRONIC TUNING CONTROLLER PLL SYNTHESIZER 111 STATION DETECT, ETC. TLlF/6136-11 Duplexlng 8 Digits with One MM5450 • MM5410 ---.....1 CLOCK IN .... DATA IN ...._ _ _ _.....1 ......W\~~VDD BRIGHTNESS CDNTROL 1_ TVP TL/F/6136-12 4-27 ~ r---------------------------------------------------------------------------~ i~ Ln ~National ~ Semiconductor Ln ~ :::IE :::E MM5452/MM5453 Liquid Crystal Display Drivers General Description The MM5452 is a monolithic integrated circuit utilizing CMOS metal gate, low threshold enhancement mode devices. It is available in a 40-pin molded package. The chip can drive up to 32 segments of LCD and can be paralleled to increase this number. The chip is capable of driving a 4 Yzdigit 7-segment display with minimal interface between the display and the data source. The MM5452 stores display data in latches after it is clocked in, and holds the data until new display data is received. Features • • • • • • DATA ENABLE (MM5452) Wide power supply operation TTL compatibility 32 or 33 outputs Alphanumeric and bar graph capability Cascaded operation capability Applications • • • • • COPSTM or microprocessor displays Industrial control indicator Digital clock, thermometer, counter, voltmeter Instrumentation readouts Remote displays • Serial data input • No load Signal required Block Diagram DATA ENABLE (MM54521 ~_ _ _""";;;""~I_--_----. OUTPUT 33 (MM5453I r s~~~~.-------~I---------~~>-----------1~~~~~~!l CLOCK ..... .-----------~I_------~ ~-------------- TUF/B137-1 FIGURE 1 4-28 Absolute Maximum Ratings If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/Distributors tor availability and specifications. Voltage at Any Pin Vss to VSS + 10V Operating Temperature O"Cto +70"C Storage Temperature Power Dissipation Junction Temperature Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec.) -65·Cto + 150"C 300 mWat + 70"C 350 mW at + 25·C + 150"C 300"C Electrical Characteristics TA within operating range, Voo = 3.0V to 10V, Vss = OV, unless otherwise specified Parameter Condltlona Min Power Supply Power Supply Current 3 Excluding Outputs OSC = Vss, BP IN @ 32 Hz Voo = 5V, Open Outputs, No Clock Clock Frequency Input Voltages Logical '0' Level Logical '1' Level Output Current Levels Segments Sink Source Backplane Sink Source Voo < 4.75 Voo:<: 4.75 Voo> 5.25 Voo ~ 5.25 -0.3 -0.3 0.8Voo 2.0 Voo = 3V, VOUT = 0.3V Voo = 3V, VOUT = Voo - 0.3V 20 Voo = 3V, VOUT = 0.3V Voo = 3V, VOUT = Voo - 0.3V 320 Typ Max Units 10 V 40 10 ,...A ,...A 500 kHz 0.1 Voo 0.8 Voo Voo V V V V -20 ,...A ,...A -320 ,...A ,...A Output Offset Voltage Segment Load 250 pF Backplane Load 8750 pF (Note 1) ±50 mV Clock Input Frequency, fe (Notes 2 and 3) 500 kHz HighTime,t., 950 ns LowTime,1j 950 ns Data Input Set-Up Time, tos Hold Time, tOH 300 300 ns ns Data Enable Input 100 ns Set-Up Time, tOES Nota 1: This parameter is guaranteed (not 100% production tested) over oparating temperature and supply voHage ranges. Not to be used in Q.A. testing. Nota 2: AC input waveform for test purposa: Ir ,; 20 ns, tf ,; 20 ns, f - 500 kHz, 50% ± 10% duty cycle. Nota 3: Clock input rise and fall times must not excaed 300 ns. 4-29 ~ r-------------------~----------------------------------------------------------__. ... II) II) Connection Diagrams ::::E Dual-In-Line Package ~ Vss II) OUTPUT BIT 11 ::::E :i! OUTPUT BIT 16 ~ Dual-In-Line P\lckage 40 OUTPUT BIT ,. 39 OUTPUT BIT " 31 40 Vss 31 OUTPUT BIT 11 OUTPUT BIT 2D OUTPUT 81T ,. OUTPUT BIT 15 OUTPUT BIT 21 OUTPUT BIT 15 OUTPUT BIT,4 OUTPUTBIT22 OUTPUT BIT 14 OUTPUT BIT 13 OUTPUT BIT 23 OUTPUT BIT 13 OUTPUT BIT 12 OUTPUT BIT 24 OUTPUTBIT 12 OUT'UT BIT 11 OUTPUT BIT 25 OUTPUT BIT 11 OUTPUT BIT 10 OUTPUTBIT 21 OUTPUTBITI OUTPUT BIT a OUTPUTBIT27 MM6452 OUTPUT BIT " OUTPUT BIT 20 37 OUTPUT liT 21 36 OUTPUT BIT 22 35 OUTPUT 8,123 34 OUTPUTBIT24 33 OUTPUT BfT 25 OUTPUT 81T 9 OUTPUT BIT 8 OUTPUT BIT Z9 OUTPUT BIT J OUTPUT BIT6 OUTPUT BIT 30 OUTPUT BIT 31 OUTPUTBIT6 I. OUTPUT BIT 5 15 OUTPUT BITC ,6 OUTPUT BIT 1 OUTPUTBIT 32 OUTPUT BIT 3 mA'EiAiii:E OUTPUT BIT 2 BACKPLANE IN OUTPUT BIT 1 OKIN VDO 21 20 OUTPUT BIT 28 12 OUT'UT 8ITZ9 13 27 26 25 2. 17 OUTPUT BIT Z 11 OUTPUT BIT 1 I. OSC IN 20 VDO BACKPLANE OUT 19 OUTPUTBIT27 MM6463 11 OUTPUT BIT 21 OUTPUT 81T4 OUTPUT liT 26 10 OUTPUTBIT7 OUTPUT BIT 5 DATA IN CLOCK IN OUTPUT BIT " 31 23 zz 21 OUTPUT BIT 3D OUTPUT liT 31 OUTPUT BIT 32 OUTPUT BIT 33 BACKPLANE IN BACKPLANE OUT OATA IN CLOCK IN TL/F/6137-2 TL/F/6137-3 Top View FIGURE2a Top View FIGURE2b Plastic Chip Carrier ;! ~ !!! ::: :2 ~ ~ N Plastic Chip Carrier ::: Iii Iii Iii Iii !:i ::::) S Iii Iii Iii Iii Iii 000 0000 ;! ~ ~ ::: Iii Iii Iii Iii ~u ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 555 ~5>~ :2 ~ ~ N ::: Iii Iii Iii Iii Iii 5 5 ~ ~ I I I §JI~ ~ ~ ~ ~ § 0 :::) 0 OUTPUT BIT 13 OUTPUT BIT 23 OUTPUT BIT 13 39 OUTPUT BIT 23 OUTPUT BIT 12 38 OUTPUT BIT 24 OUTPUT BIT 12 38 OUTPUT BIT 24 OUTPUT BIT 11 37 OUTPUT BIT 25 OUTPUT BIT 11 37 OUTPUT BIT 25 36 OUTPUT BIT 26 OUTPUT BIT 10 10 36 OUTPUT BIT 26 OUTPUT BIT 10 10 OUTPUT BIT 9 11 35 OUJPijT BIT 27 OUTPUT BIT 9 11 OUTPUT BIT 8 12 34 OUTPUT BIT 28 OUTPUT BIT 8 12 OUTPUT BIT 7 13 33 OUTPUT BIT 29 OUTPUT BIT 7 13 OUTPUT BIT 29 OUTPUT BIT 6 14 32 OUTPUT BIT 30 OUTPUT BIT 6 14 OUTPUT BIT 30 OUTPUT BIT 5 15 31 OUTPUT BIT 31 OUTPUT BIT 5 15 OUTPUT BIT 31 OUTPUT BIT 4 16 30 OUTPUT BIT 32 OUTPUT BIT 4 16 OUTPUT BIT 3 17 29 Nle OUJPijT BIT 3 17 MM5452V _ z u '" ~m . '" 8 U !:: ~ > ....... 0- 0 Z I~ :iii!: d '2i" ~"" a~ OUTPUT BIT 27 OUTPUT BIT 28 MM5453V OUTPUT BIT 32 29 OUTPUT BIT 33 Ii ~ ~ is ::l !:! ;! ~ iiP TL/F/6137-11 TLlF/6137-12 Top View Top View Order Number MM5452N, MM5453N, MM5452V or MM5453V See NS Package Number N40A or V44A Functional Description bits are latched after the 36th clock is complete, thus providing non-multiplexed, direct drive to the display. Outputs change only if the serial data bits differ from the previous time. The MM5452 is specifically designed to operate 4 Yz-digit 7segment displays with minimal interface with the display and the data source. Serial data transfer from the data source to the display driver is accomplished with 2 Signals, serial data and clock. Since the MM5452 does not contain a character generator, the formatting of the segment information must be done prior to inputting the data to the MM5452. Using a format of a leading "1" followed by the 32 data bits allows data transfer without an additional load signal. The 32 data A block diagram is shown in Figure 1. For the MM5452 a DATA ENABLE is used instead of the 33rd output. If the DATA ENABLE signal is not required, the 33rd output can be brought out. This is the MM5453 device. 4-30 Functional Description (Continued) Figure 4 shows the input data format. A start bit of logical "1" precedes the 32 bits of data. At the 36th clock a LOAD signal is generated synchronously with the high state of the clock. which loads the 32 bits of the shift registers into the latches. At the low state of the clock a RESET signal is generated which clears all the shift registers for the next set of data. The shift registers are static master-slave configuration. There is no clear for the master portion of the first shift register. thus allowing continuous operation. If the clock is not continuous. there must be a complete set of 36 clocks otherwise the shift registers will not clear. Figure 2a shows the pin-out of the MM5452. Bit 1 is the first bit following the start bit and it will appear on pin 18. Figure 3 shows the timing relationships between data. clock and DATA ENABLE. CLOCK DATA DATA ENABLE - - - - - - - - " " " " 1 (MM54521 TL/F16137-4 FIGURE 3 36 CLOCK START BIT 1 DATA BIT 35 BIT 36 tPle8._ealeqa r--_ n. ______ (INTER~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..... n RESET _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1 .. (INTERNALI I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..1. .._ _ _ __ TL/F/6137-5 FIGURE 4. Input Data Format 4-31 Functional Description (Continued) Figure 5 shows a typical. application. Note how the input are controllable. This application assumes iii specific display pinout. Different display/driver connection patterns will, of course, yield a different input data format. data maps to the output pins and the display. The MM5452 and MM5453 do not have format restrictions, as all outpu.ta Segment Iilentlficatlon l-:-/b 3· I d II' ., .- F1 .1 .1 62 '2 A2 B2 63 F3 A3 83 64 F4 A4 Il-I l-Il-I l-I le/~/e/~/./~./~ 1~~~~~HU~~U~~~U"~U ~ L I....- '---- ---- '---- - ---- r-- I....":' Vss 1. 19 11 I. 20 21 ~ ~ 13 ~~ 24 12 25 11 10 9 B 1 B 5 4 3 2 1 OSCIN -r T~ ~'-L, 26 21 MM5463 29 29 30 31 3Z BACKPLANE OUT BACKPLANE IN I 33 DATA IN ~OCKIN 0.DI,u ":' v+ DATA FORMAT TIME- LEfT END DECIMAL POINT 4TH 2ND DECIMAL POINT DECIMAL POINT NULLS I I TL/F/6137-6 Consun LCD manufacturer's data sheet for speeRle pinouts. FIGURE 5. Typical4Y...Diglt Display Application 4·32 Functional Description (Continued) DISPLAY BACKPLANE v+ TL/F/6137-7 'The minimum recommended value for R for the oscillator input is 9 kil. An RC time constant of approximately 4.91 x .10-4 should produce a backplane frequency between 30 Hz and 150 Hz. FIGURE 6. Parallel Backplane Outputs DISPLAY BACKPLANE BP BP BP BP OUT OUT OUT OUT 2 X BACKPLANE DRIVE FREQUENCY TL/F/6137-B FIGURE 7. External Backplane Clock Figure 8 shows a four wire remote display that takes advantage of the device's serial input to move many bits of display information on a few wires. Figure 9 is a general block diagram that shows how the device's serial input can be used to advantage in an analog display. The analog voltage input is compared with a staircase voltage generated by a counter and a digital-to-analog converter or resistor array. The result of this comparison is clocked into the MM5452, MM5453. The next clock pulse increments the staircase and clocks the new data in. USING AN EXTERNAL CLOCK The MM5452/MM5453 LCD Drivers can be used with an externally supplied clock, provided it has a duty cycle of 50%. Deviations from a 50% duty cycle result in an offset voltage on the LCD. In Figure 7, a flip-flop is used to assure a 50% duty cycle. The oscillator input is grounded to prevent oscillation and reduce current consumptions in the chips. The oscillator is not used. With a buffer amplifier, the same staircase waveform can be used for many displays. The digital-to-analog converter need not be linear; logarithmic or other non-linear functions can be displayed by using weighted resistors or special DACs. This system can be used for status indicators, spectrum analyzers, audio level and power meters, tuning indicators, and other applications. Using an external clock allows synchronizing the display drive with AC power, internal clocks, or DVM integration time to reduce interference from the display. 4-33 Functional Description (Continued) v+---t'----.., DATA ---+-+--+1 IYPASS CLOCK ---+-+--+1 CAPACITOR v----+ooooo!l-----' TL/F/6137-9 FIGURE 8. Four Wire Remote Display LCD BAR GRAPH DIIPI.AY AULaa VOL TAlE IN 11111000000 caUNT CLOCK DATA III I I "START liT TLlF/6137-10 Da1a is high until s1aircase > Input FIGURE 9. Ans,og Display 4-34 r-------------------------------------------------------------,~ ~ ~National i ~ Semiconductor MM5480 LED Display Driver General Description The MM5480 is a monolithic MOS integrated circuit utilizing N-channel metal gate low threshold, enhancement mode and ion-implanted depletion mode devices. It utilizes the MM5451 die packaged in a 28-pin package making it ideal for a 3% digit display. The MM5480 is designed to drive common anode-separate cathode LED displays. A single pin controls the LED display brightness by setting a reference current through a variable resistor connected either to Voo or to a separate supply of 11V maximum. Features • Continuous brightness control • Serial data input • • • • • No load signal required Wide power supply operation TIL compatibility Alphanumeric capability 3% digit displays Applications • • • • • COPSTM microcontrollers or microprocessor displays Industrial control indicator Relay driver Digital clock, thermometer, counter, voltmeter Instrumentation readouts Block Diagram OUTPUT 23 OUTPUT 1 ~~~sr-'-~~~----~ CONTROL TL/F/6138-1 FIGURE 1 Connection Diagram Dual-In-Llne Package Vss OUTPUT BIT 12 OUTPUT BIT 11 OUTPUT BIT 13 OUTPUT BIT 10 OUTPUT BIT 9 OUTPUT BIT 14 OUTPUT BIT 15 4 OUTPUT BIT 8 OUTPUT BIT 16 OUTPUT BIT 7 OUTPUT BIT 17 OUTPUT BIT 6 OUTPUT BIT 18 OUTPUT BIT 5 8 OUTPUT BIT 19 OUTPUT BIT" 9 OUTPUT BIT 20 OUTPUT BIT 3 Order Number MM5480N See NS Package Number N28B OUTPUT BIT 21 OUTPUT BIT 2 OUTPUT BIT 22 OUTPUT BIT 1 17 OUTPUT BIT 23 BRIGHT. CONT. 13 16 DATA IN Voo 14 15 CLOCK TLlF/6138-2 Top View FIGURE 2 4-35 Absolute Maximum Ratings If Military/Aeroepace specified devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/Distributors for availability and speclflcetlons. Voltage at Any Pin Vss - 0.3VtoVss + 12V Storage Temperature -65°C to + 1500C Power Dissipation at 25°C 2.4W· Molded DIP Package, Board Mount 2.1W·· Molded DIP Package, Socket Mount 1500C Junction Temperature , 300°C Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec.) 'Molded DIP Package. Board Mount, 8JA ~ 5Z'C/W. Derate 19.2 mW/'C above 25"C. "Molded DIP Package. Sockel Mount. 8JA ~ 5S·C/W. Derate 17.2 mW/'C above 25'C. Electrical Characteristics TA = -25°C to + 85°C, Voo = 4.75V to 11.0V, VSS = OV unless otherwise specified Symbol Parameter Voo Power Supply 100 Power Supply Current Excluding Output Loads VIL Input Voltage Logical "0" Level ± 10 p.A Input Bias VIH Input Voltage Logical "1" Level 4.75V';;; Voo';;; 5.25V Voo> 5.25V Brightness Input Current (Note 2) IOH Output Sink Current (Note 3) Segment OFF VOUT IOL Output Sink Current (Note 3) Segment ON VOUT = 1V Brightness Input Brightness Input Brightness Input ,. Brightness Input Voltage (Pin 13) OM Output Matching (Note 1) Max = 0 /LA = 100 /LA = 750 /LA V 7 mA -0.3 0.8 V 2.2 Voo V Voo -2 Voo V 0 0.75 mA 10.0 /LA 10.0 4.0 25.0 /LA mA mA 4.3 V ±20 % 0 2.0 15.0 = 750 /LA -25°C to Conditions (Notes 5 and 6) 2.7 3.0 + 85°C, Voo = Parameter Units 11 = 3.0V Input Current AC Electrical Characteristics TA = Symbol Typ 4.75 IBR VIBR Min Conditions 5V ±0.5V Min DC Typ Max Units 500 kHz fc Clock Input Frequency th High Time 950 ns tl Low Time 950 ns tos Data Input Set-Up Time 300 ns ns Data Input Hold Time 300 tOH Note 1: Output matching is calculated as the percent variation lrom (lMAX + IMINl/2. Note 2: With a fixed resistor on the brightness Input pin some variation In brightness will occur from one device to another. Maximum brightness input current can be 2 rnA as long as Note 3 and lunction temperature equation are complied with. Note 3: Absolute maximum lor each output should be limited to 40 rnA. Note' 4: 'The VOUT voltage should be regulated by the user. Note 5: AC input waveform spec~lcatlon for test purpose: t,. ,; 20 ns, tr ,; 20 ns, I ~ 500 kHz, 50% ± 10% duty cycle. Note 6: Clock input rise and lall times must not exceed 300 ns. 4-36 Functional Description There must be a complete set of 36 clocks or the shift registers will not clear. When the chip first powers ON an internal power ON reset signal is generated which resets all registers and all latches. The START bit and the first clock return the chip to its normal operation. F/fluflJ 5 shows the Output Data Format for the 5480. Because it uses only 23 of the possible 35 outputs, 12 of the bits are 'Don't Cares'. F/fluflJ 3 shows the timing relationships between data and clock. A maximum clock frequency of 0.5 MHz is assumed. For applications where a lesser number of outputs are used, it is possible to either increase the current per output, or operate the part at higher than 1V VOUT. The following equation can be used for calculations. Tj = (VOUT) (lLEO) (No. of segments) (6JAl + TA where: Ti = junction temperature, 150'C max. VOUT = the voltage at the LED driver outputs ILEO = the LED current 6JA = thermal coefficient of the package TA = ambient temperature 6JA (Socket Mount) = 58°C/W 6JA(Board Mount) = 52°C/W The MM5480 is specifically designed to operate 31f2-digit alphanumeric displays with minimal interface with the display and the data source. Serial data transfer from the data source to the display driver is accomplished with 2 signals, serial data and clock. Using a format of a leading "1" followed by the 35 data bits allows data transfer without an additional load Signal. The 35 data bits are latched after the 36th bit is complete, thus providing non-multiplexed, direct drive to the display. Outputs change only if the serial data bits differ from the previous time. Display brightness is determined by control of the output current for LED displays. A 0.001 p.F ceramic or mica disc capaCitor should be connected to brightness control, pin 13, to prevent possible oscillations. A block diagram is shown in FiguflJ 1. The output current is typically 20 times greater than the current Into pin 13, which is set by an external variable resistor. There is an internal limiting resistor of 4000 nominal value. FiguflJ 4 shows the input data format. A start bit of logical "1" precedes the 35 bits of data. At the 36th clock a LOAD signal is generated synchronously with the high state of the clock, which loads the 35 bits of the shift registers into the latches. At the low state of the clock a RESET signal is generated which clears all the shift registers for the next set of data. The shift registers are static master-slave configuration. There is no clear for the master portion of the first shift register, thus allowing continuous operation. TL/F/6136-3 FIGURE 3 lJlJLrL ClOCK DATA _ _J ;~ ____ =-- . .____n. . - - - - • J~._~~-. LOAD (INTERNAL) ---------------~!ll~-----' 1._ _ __ n RESET (INTERNAL) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~Ss__________J LTL/F/6136-4 FIGURE 4_ Input Data Format FIGURE 5. Output Data Format 4-37 Functional Description (Continued) 7V RAW DC >9V lk~ 240Jl 119 ~ b.V lk _ FIGURE 6. Typical Application of Constant Current Brightness Control TLlF/6138-5 _ TL/F/6136-6 FIGURE 7. Brightness Control Varying the Duty Cycle ,, 123 Basic 3YrDigit Interface Safe Operating Area ~~--~--~--~==~~, ~ 2.0 I--R-~N...-T-'-""'-"i="="l z ~ 1.5 m 1.0 i M I--R'~~~~~--I I--R-~~~~~~--l 1 23 OL-~~~~~~~~~ o :Ill C) TL/F/6136-7 11 CLOCK DATA TL/F/6138-6 4-38 ~National ~ Semiconductor MM5481 LED Display Driver General Description The 5481 is a monolithic MOS integrated circuit utilizing Nchannel metal gate low threshold, enhancement mode and ion-implanted depletion mode devices. It utilizes the MM5450 die packaged in a 20-pin package making it ideal for a 2 digit display. The MM5481 is designed to drive common anode-separate cathode LED displays. A single pin controls the LED display brightness by setting a reference current through a variable resistor connected either to Voo or to a separate supply of 11V maximum. Features • Continuous brightness control • Serial data input • • • • • • No load signal required Data enable Wide power supply operation TTL compatibility Alphanumeric capability 2 digit LED driver Applications • • • • cOPS or microprocessor displays Industrial control indicator Relay driver Instrumentation readouts Block and Connection Diagrams Voo OUTPUT 14 OUTPUT 1 BRIGHTNESS CONTROL TL/F/6139-1 FIGURE 1 Dual-In-Line Package OUTPUT BIT 8 20 OUTPUT BIT 9 OUTPUT BIT 7 19 OUTPUT BIT 10 OUTPUT BIT 6 18 OUTPUT BIT 11 OUTPUT BIT 5 17 OUTPUT BIT 12 OUTPUT BIT 4 16 OUTPUT BIT 13 15 Vss OUTPUT BIT 14 OUTPUT BIT 3 6 OUTPUT BIT 2 7 OUTPUT BIT 1 8 11115481 14 BRIGHT CONT. VDD 10 13 DATA ENABLE 12 DATA IN 11 CLOCK TLlF/6139-2 Top View FIGURE 2 Order Number MM5481N See NS Package Number N20A 4-39 Absolute Maximum Ratings +15O"C Junction Temperature Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec.) 300"C 'Molded DIP Package, Boerd Mount,'JA = 61'C/W, Derate 16.4 mWI'C above2S'C. "Molded DIP Package, Socket Mount, 'JA = 67'C1W, Derate 14.9mWI'C above 25'C. If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, pleaee contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/Distributors for availability and specifications. Voltage at Any Pin Vss to VSS + 12V Storage Temperature - 65'C to + 150'C Power Dissipation at 25'C Molded DIP Package, Board Mount 2W' 1.8W·· Molded DIP Package, Socket Mount Electrical Characteristics TA = -25'C to + 85°C, VDO = 4.75V to 11.0V, VSS = OV unless otherwise specified Symbol Parameter Conditions VOO Power Supply 100 Power Supply Current Excluding Output Loads VIL Input Voltages Logical "0" Level ± 10".A Input Bias Logical "1" Level 4.75 s; Voo s; 5.25 VIH Brightness Input Current (Note 2) IOH Output Sink Current (Note 3) Segment OFF IOL Segment ON VISA Brightness Input Voltage (Pin 9) OM Output Malching (Note 1) Max 4.75 -0.3 Voo> 5.25 ISR Typ Min 11 V 7 rnA 0.8 V 2.2 Voo V Voo - 2 Voo V 0 0.75 rnA 10.0 ".A 10.0 4.0 25.0 mA rnA 4.3 V ±20 % VOUT = 3.0V VOUT= 1V(Note4) Brightness Input = 0 ".A Brightness Input = 100 ".A Brightness Input = 750 ".A 0 2.0 15.0 Inpul Currenl = 750 ".A 3.0 AC Electrical Characteristics TA = Unlta 2.7 ".A -25'Cto + 85'C, Voo = 5V ± 0.5V Parameter Conditions Min 1c Clock Input Frequency (Notes 5 and 6) DC Ih High Time 950 ns II Low Time 950 ns tos IOH Data Input Set-UpTime Hold Time 300 300 ns ns Symbol , Typ Max Unlta 500 kHz Data Enable Input 100 Set-UpTime ns Nola 1: Output matching is calculated asths percent variation lrom IMAX + IMIN/2. Nole 2: With a fixed resistor on the brighlnesslnput pin some variation in brightness will occur from one device to another. Maximum brighlnesslnput curnsnt can be 2 mA as long as Note 3 and lunction temperature equation are compiled with. Note 3: Absolute maximum lor each output should be IimHed 10 40 mAo Note 4: Ths VOUT voltage should be regulated by the user. Note 5: AC input waveform specification lor test purpose: t,. ,;; 20 ns, tf ,;; 20 ns, I = 500 kHz, 50% ± 10% duty cycle. Note 8: Clock Input rise and fall times must not exceed 300 ns. tOES 4-40 Functional Description Data Enable The MM5481 uses the MM5450 die which is packaged to operate 2-digit alphanumeric displays with minimal interference to the display and the data source. Serial data transfer from the data source to the display driver is accomplished with 2 signals, serial data and clock. Using a format of a leading "1" followed by the 35 data bits allows data transfer without an additional load signal. The 35 data bits are latched after the 36th bit is complete, thus providing nonmultiplexed, direct drive to the display. Outputs change only if the serial data bits differ from the previous time. Display brightness is determined by control of the output current for LED displays. A 0.001 JIoF capacitor should be connected to brightness control, pin 9, to prevent possible oscillations. This active low signal enables the data input pin. If high, the shift register sees zeroes clocked in. A block diagram is shown in Figure 1. The output current is typically 20 times greater than the current into pin 9, which is set by an external variable resistor. There is an internal limiting resistor of 400.0 nominal value. For applications where a lesser number of outputs are used, it is possible to either increase the current per output, or operate the part at higher than 1V VOUT. The following equation can be used for calculations. Figuf9 4 shows the input data format. A start bit of logical "1" precedes the 35 bits of data. At the posJtive-going-edge of the 36th clock a LOAD signal is generated synchronously with the high state of the clock, which loads the 35 bits of the shift registers into the latches. At the low state of the clock a RESET signal is generated which clears aU the shift registers for the next set of data. The shift registers are a static master-slave configuration. There is no clear for the master portion of the first shift register, thus allowing continous operation. Tj = (VOUT) (lLEO) (No. of segments) (6JA) To blank the display at any time, (i.e., power on), clock in 36 or more zeroes, followed by a 'one' (start bit), followed by 36 or more zeroes. Figure 5 shows the Output Data Format for the MM5481. Because it uses only 14 of the possible 34 outputs, 20 of the bits are 'Don't Cares'. Note that only alternate groups of 4 outputs are used. Figuf9 3· shows the timing relationships between data, clock, and data enable. A maximum clock frequency of 0.5 MHz is assumed. + TA where: Tj = junction temperature, 150°C max. VOUT = the voltage at the LED driver outputs ILEO = the LED current 6JA = thermal coefficient of the package TA = ambient temperature 6JA (Socket Mount) = 67"C/W 6JA (Board Mount) = 61°C/W There must be a complete set of 36 clocks (high/low edges) or the shift registers will not clear. r-!!!!!!!!!!\----90% " -_ _~-----'!~--10% DATA ENABLE TUF/6139-3 FIGURE 3. Timing =--_. n - - - .- CLOCK DATA .-~~-. --...I ---- .. LOAD (INTERNAL) ----------------US$-~--....J RESET (INTERNAL) . .___ ---------!.S~ FIGURE 4. Input Data Format 4-41 TL/F/6139-4 .- r---------------------------------------------------------------------------------, !:IE Functional Description (Contifluec:,l) :IE FIGURE 5. Output Data Format 7V RAW DC >9V TUF/6139-5 FIGURE 6. Typical Application of Constant Current Brightness Control 5V TL/F/6139-6 FIGURE 7. Brightness Contr~1 Varying the Duty Cycle Safe Operating Area 2.5 Basic Electronically Tuned Television System 14 SEGt.lENTS VOUT=1V 38 mA/SEGt.lENT g 2.0 f--+-:-+-- i!l ~ 1.5 m ln~-~~~~~~~-4 12 f---~~~NI----I----1 i0.5I---4~~~~~~--j • • • • • • 14 o~~~~~~~~~~ o 20 40 60 8D LED DISPLAY t.lt.I5481 DISPLAY DRIVER 100 TEt.lPERATURE (OC) TUF/6139-7 111 KEYBOARD +--7, PROCESSOR (COPS. ETC.) TL/F/6139-6 +.42 ~National ~ semiconductor MM5483 Liquid Crystal Display Driver • • • • • General Description The MM5483 is a monolithic integrated circuit utilizing CMOS metal-gate low-threshold enhancement mode devices. It is available in a 40-pin molded package. The chip can drive up to 31 segments of LCD and can be cascaded to increase this number. This chip is capable of driving a 4'/zdigit 7-segment display with minimal interlace between the display and the data source. The MM5483 stores the display data in latches after it is latched in, and holds the data until another load pulse is received Wide power supply operation TTL compatibility 31 segment outputs Alphanumeric and bar graph capability Cascade capability Applications • • • • • Features COPSTM or microprocessor displays Industrial control indicator Digital clock, thermometer. counter, voltmeter Instrumentation readouts Remote displays • Serial data input • Serial data output Block and Connection Diagrams Dual-In-Line Package OUTPUT 1 OUTPIIT3I OUTPUT 81T 17 OUTPUT BIT 1. OUTPUT BIT 15 OUTPUT BIT 1. OUTPUT BIT 19 OUTPUT BIT 20 OUTPUT BIT 21 OUTPUT BIT 13 OUTPUT BIT 12 OUTPUT BIT 11 S£lIIAL-+--1>--{~~ OUTPUT 81T 22 OUTPUT BIT 23 OUTPUT BIT 24 OUTPUT BIT 25 OUTPUT BIT 26 OUTPUT liT l' OATA~ CLOCK 1IlIs OUTPUT BIT 18 OUTPUT BIT 9 OUTPUT BIT' DllTPUTBIT 7 _....!:.f-----C>------..;r 10 IM5483 OUTPUT BIT 27 OUTPUT BIT. '::" TL/F/6140-1 ~ ~ ~ '" ~ '~" ~ ~ g ~ g >~~z OUTPUT BIT 2 ..::: .. .. ... .. ~ 'Q' ~ ~~~ OUTPUT BIT 1 N urAOUT OSCIN ~ g~ "0 0 OUTPUT BIT 22 38 OUTPUT BIT 23 OUTPUT BIT 10 37 OUTPUT BIT 24 OUTPUT BIT 9 36 OUTPUT BIT 25 OUTPUT BIT 8 35 OUTPUT BIT 26 34 OUTPUT BIT 27 OUTPUT BIT 7 12 OUTPUT BIT 6 13 33 OUTPUT BIT 28 OUTPUT BIT 5 14 32 OUTPUT BIT 29 OUTPUT BIT 4 15 31 OUTPUT BIT 30 OUTPUT BIT 3 16 30 OUTPUT BIT 31 N/e OUTPUT BIT 2 .- g ~ ~ !!O u :g ou !!O !!O :1' ..... z "~ ~ u DATA IN CLOCK IN Top View OUTPUT BIT 11 MM5483 .. OIlTPUT BIT 31 LOAD BACKPLANE IN BAC...... OUT TLlF/6140-2 0 OUTPUT BIT 12 ~ z OUTPUT BIT .. DllTPUTBIT 3 f'IGURE 1 :! OUTPUT BIT 28 OUTPUT liT 29 OUTPUT BIT 30 OUTPUT BIT I g !!Ow 9 w z 0 gg :l ~ Order Number MM5483V See NS Package Number V44A TL/F/6140-7 4·43 FIGURE 2 Order Number MM5483N See NS Package Number N40A Absolute Maximum Ratings If Military/Aerospace specified deVices ant requlnid, please contact the Natlolllli Semiconductor Sa... Office/Distributors for avallabHRy and iijMclficatlona. Voltage at Any Pin Vss to Vss + 10V Operating Temperature -40"Cto +8S"C Storage Temperature -65"Cto +15O"C Power Dissipation 300 mWat + 85"C 350 mWat + 2SoC +15O"C Junction Temperature Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 seconds) 300"C DC Electrical Characteristics TA within operating range, Voo = 3.0V to 10V, Vss = av, unless otherwise specified Parameter Condmon. Min Power Supply Typ Max Units 10 V 17 3S 1S 2S 4S I£A. I£A. I£A. 1.S 2.S I£A. 0.9 3.0 R = 1M,C = 470pF, Outputs Open Voo = 3.0V Voo = S.OV Voo = 10.0V OSC = OV, Outputs Open, BPIN = 32 Hz, Voo = 3.0V Power Supply Current 9 Input Voltage Levels Logic "0" Logic "1" Logic "0" Logic "1" Load, Clock, Data VOO = 5.0V VOO = S.OV VOO = 3.0V VOO = 3.0V 2.4 2.0 V V V V Output Current Levels Segments and Data Out Sink Source VOO = 3.0V, Vour '" 0.3V Voo = 3.0V, Vour = 2.7V 20 20 I£A. SPOUT Sink Source Vob = 3.0V, Vour = 0.3V Voo = 3.0V, Vour 2.7V 320 320 I£A. I£A. 0.4 = p.A AC Electrical Characteristics Voo ~ 4.7V, Vss = OV unless otherwise specified Symbol Parameter tc Clock Frequency, Voo = 3V teH Clock Period High tel Clock Period Low tos I Min (Notes 1, 2) Typ Max Units SOO kHz 500 ns 500 ns Data Set-Up before Clock 300 ns tOH Data Hold Time after Clock 100 ns tlW Minimum Load Pulse Width SOO ns tLTC Load to Clock 400 teoo Clock to Data Valid I Note 1: AC Input waveform specificatiOn lor _ purpoaa:" " 20 n.. 1i Note 2: Clock input rise and fall times must not exceed 300 na. Note 3: Output offset voltage is ns 400 7S0 ns " 20 n.. I = 500 kHz. 50% ± 10% duty cycle. ±50 mV with CseGMENT = 250 pF. CaP = 8750 pF. Functional Description A block diagram for the MMS483 i8 shown in FIgUrfI1 and a package pinout is shown in F/{J/JITiI 2. Figure 3 shows a po&sible 3-wire connection system with a typical signal format for Rgure 3. Shown in FigurB 4, the load Input Is an asynchronous input and lets data through from the shift registEir to the output buffers any time it is high. The load input can be connected to Voo for 2-wlre control as shown In Figure 5. In the 2-wire control mode, 31 bits (or less depending on the number of segments used) of data are clocked into the MMS483 in a short time frame (with less than 0.1 second there probably will be no noticeable flicker) with no more clocks until new information is to be displayed. If data was slowly clocked in, it can be seen to "walk" across the display in the 2-wire mode. An AC timing diagram can be seen in F/{JUrB 6. It should be noted that data out is not a TTLcompatible output. ~----------------------------------------------------------------,~ Functional Description ~ (Continued) E w DATA CLOCK ----<1----11----..... L O A D _ - - - - - _....._ _ _ _ _ _.... __ _ TLlF/6140-3 FIGURE 3. Three-Wire Control Mode 1= I ~AD I I I I I I _______________~~--------~rL II . TIME- TL/F/6140-4 FIGURE 4. Data Format Diagram aOK DATA OUT LOAD _ 25 VUD DATA CLOCK - - -......~------_... - - - - - - _ TL/F/6140-5 FIGURE 5. Two-Wire Control Mode TL/F/6140-6 FIGURE 6. Timing Diagram 4-45 ~ r-----------------------------------------------------------~--------------_, ~ :& ~ National ::E ~ Semiconductor MM5484 16-Segment LED Display Driver • • • • • General Description The MM5484 is a low threshold N-channel metal gate circuit using low threshold enhancement and ion implanted depletion devices. The MM5484 is available in a 22-pin molded package and is capable of driving 16 LED segments. The MM5484 is designed to drive common anode separate cathode LED displays. MM5484 is cascadeable TTL compatibility No load signal required Non multiplex display 2% digit capability-MM5484 Applications • • • • Features • Serial data input • Wide power supply operation • 16 output, 15 mA sink capability COPSTM or microprocessor displays Instrumentation readouts Industrial control indicator Relay driver Block and Connection Diagrams 16 SEGMENT OUTPUTS ENABLE 0-....- - - 4 DATA OUT CLOCK...--......._ DATA IN 0 - - - - - - - - 1 TL/F/6141-1 FIGURE 1. MM5484 Dual-In-Line Package 22 013 PLCC '" Q 012 011 014 21 015 20 010 016 19 09 DATA OUT 1B ENABLE VOD 17 CLOCK IN DATA IN 16 VBs Q ... -c Q (.) ...... z 016 010 Nlc 09 DATA OUT MM5484V VDD 01 15 08 DATA IN 14 07 01 03 13 06 02 12 05 11 .., NIC 02 D4 <.> ...... z Q""' TUF/6141-3 Top View ENABLE 21 CLOCK IN 19 08 Vss (.) ...... Z .., Q ""' Q ~ ~ z ... Q .... Q TUF/6141-6 Order Number MM5484N See NS Package Number N22A Top View Order Number MM5484V See NS Package Number V28A 4-46 Absolute Maximum Ratings If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/Distributors for availability and specifications. Voltage at LED Outputs Vss - 0.5VtoVss + 12V Voltage at Other Pins Vss - 0.5Vto Vss Storage Temperature -40"C to Power Dissipation at 25·C Molded DIP Package. board mount Molded DIP Package. socket mount + 10V 2W' 1.8W·· 'Molded DIP Package. board mount. derate 15.8m W/·C above 25·C. OJA = 63·C/W. "Molded DIP Package. socket mount. derate 14.5m WI"C above 25·C. OJA = 69·C/W. Lead Temperature (Soldering. 10 sec.) DC Electrical Characteristics Voo = 4.5V to 9V. TA = Parameter Conditions -40·C to Min Supply Voltage Typ Supply Current 5 2.4 Logic Zero Input Low Level V,L Input Current Input Capacitance 300·C + 85·C unless otherwise specified Max 4.5 Logic One Input High Level V,H + 85·C + 150·C - 40·C to Operating Temperature V 10 mA Voo + 0.5 0.8 ±1 7.5 0 High or Low Level Units 9 V V pA pF OUTPUTS Data Output Voltage High Level VOH Low Level VOL Segment Off (Logic Zero on Input) lOUT = 0.1 mA lOUT = -0.1 mA VOUT = 12V AEXT = 400n Output Current Segment On (Logic One on Input) Output Voltage lOUT = 15mA Voo ~ 6V 0.5 50 V V ",A 1.0 V Voo - 0.5 0.5 AC Electrical Characteristics (See Figure 3.) Voo Symbol = 4.5V to 9V. TA = - Parameter 40"C to + 85·C unless otherwise specified Conditions Min fc Clock Frequency th High Time 0.95 t, Low Time 0.95 tS1 Data Setup Time 0.5 tH1 Data Hold Time 0.5 tS2 Enable Setup Time 0.5 tH2 Enable Hold Time 0.5 tpd Data Out Delay Typ Max Units 0.5 MHz 0.5 Note 1: Under no condition should the power dissipated by the segment driver exceed 50 mW nor the entire chip power dissipation exceed 500 mW. Note 2: AC input waveform specification lor test purpose: t, ,;: 20 ns, It ,;: 20 ns, I ~ SOO kHz, 50% ± 10% duty cycle. Not. 3: Clock input rise and lall times must not exceed 500 ns. 4·47 "'S "'S "'S "'S "'S "'S "'S Functional Description The MM5484 is designed to drive LED displays directly. Se· rial data transfer from the data source to the display driver ill accomplished with 3 signals, DATA IN, CLOCK and EN· ABLE. The signal ENABLE acts as an envelope and only while this signal is at a logic '1' do the circuits recognize the clock signal. While ENABLE is high, data on the serial data input is transferred and shifted In the Internal shift register on the rising clock edge, i.e. a logic '0' to logic '1' transition. When the ENABLE signal goes to a low (logiC zero state), the contents of the shift register Is latched and the display will show the new data. While new data Is being loaded intO the SR the display will continue to show the old data. For the MM5484, data is output from the serial DATA OUT pin on the failing edge of clock so cascading Is made simple with race hazards eliminated. When the chip first powers on, an Internal power on reset signal is generated which resets the SR and latches to zero . so that the display will be off. Timing Diagram CLOCK EHABLE----- DATA IN -----..1 -I r.-_Ipd_ _~ l DATA D U T - - - - - - - - - -.......... FIGURE 3 4-48 \ . .------ TLlF/8141-5 ~National ~ Semiconductor MM5486 LED Display Driver General Description The MM5486 is a monolithic MOS integrated circuit utilizing N-channel metal-gate low-threshold, enhancement mode and ion-implanted depletion mode devices. It is available in a 40-pin molded dual-in-line package. The MM5486 is designed to drive common anode-separate cathode LED displays. A single pin controls the LED display brightness by setting a reference current through a variable resistor connected to Voo. Features • Continuous brightness control • Serial data input! outut • • • • • • External load input Cascaded operation capability Wide power supply operation TIL compatibility 33 outputs, 15 lilA sink capability Alphanumeric capability Applications • • • • • COPSTM or microprocessor displays Industrial controj indicator Relay driver Digital clock, thermometer, counter, voltmeter Instrumentation readouts Block and Connection Diagrams Dual-In-Llne Package vas 11 DATA OUT ":" TLlF/6142-1 FIGURE 1 . ~ ::! Iii ~ is 6 5 .4 ~ 'Q ~ ~ ;~ 3 2 ~ ~ 0 N N Iii Iii Iii Iii Iii ~~~~~ OUTI'IIT liT 11 ouiiouT lIT IS OUTI'IIT lIT 14 OUTPUT lIT 13 OUTI'IIT lIT 12 OUTPUT lIT 11 OUTI'IIT lIT 10 OUTPUT lIT. OUTPUT lIT, OUTPUT lIT 7 OUTPUT lIT I OUTPUT lIT I OUTPUT'IT 4 OUTPUT lIT a OUTPUT lIT 2 OUTPUT lIT 1 UTA OUT IlUBHTNEI8 CONTROL ¥IJII OUTl'UT lIT 17 OUTPUT lIT II OUTPUT lIT 19 OUTPUT lIT 20 OUTPUT liT 21 OUTPUT lIT 22 OUTPUT lIT 23 OUTPUT lIT 24 OUTPUT lIT 25 OutPUT lIT 21 OUTPUT lIT 27 OUTPUT liT 21 OUTPUT lIT 21 OUTPUT liT ao OUTPUT lIT 11 OUTl'UT BIT 32 OUTPUT BIT 33 MM54111 LOAD 19 20 22 21 DATA IN CLOCI( IN TL/F/6142-2 1 .44 43 42 41 .40 Top View OUTPUT BIT 12 39 OUTPUT BIT 11 3. OUTPUT BIT 23 Order Number MM5486N OUTPUT BIT 10 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 OUTPUT BIT 24 See NS Package Number N40A OUTPUT BIT 9 I. OUTPUT BIT 8 11 N/C 12 13 OUTPUT BIT 7 OUTPUT BIT 6 ,. OUTPUT BIT 4- ,. OUTPUT BIT 3 17 OUTPUT BIT 5 MM5486V 15 § ~I ~~ Iii Iii !!l ~ " >8 ;;: ;!; ;!; S~ ~ ~ ~ OUTPUT BIT 22 OUTPUT BIT 25 FIGURE 2 OUTPUT BIT 26 N/c OUTPUT BIT 27 OUTPUT BIT 28 OUTPUT BIT 29 OUTPUT BIT 30 OUTPUT BIT 31 N ~ Iii Iii i !o ~ is 8i TL/F/6142-13 Order Number MM5486V See NS Package Number V44A 4-49 Absolute Maximum Ratings Power Dissipation at 2