1995_TI_Data_Acquisition_Circuits_Data_Book 1995 TI Data Acquisition Circuits Book
User Manual: 1995_TI_Data_Acquisition_Circuits_Data_Book
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"TEXAS INSTRUMENTS ============================= Data Acquisition Circuits Data Conversion and DSP Analog Interface 1995 1995 Mixed-Signal Products ============~====== II General Information III =============================111General Purpose DACs General Purpose ADCs DSP Analog Interface and conversion. Special Functions .. =========================~ Video Interface Palettes .. ~D=a=ta=M==a=nu=a=l=s================~1III Application Reports .. ~M=e=c=h=an=i=c=al=D=a=t=a==============~1IDI ~A~p~p_e_nd_i_x____________________~1111 , Data Acquisition Circuits Data Book Da~ Conversion and DSP Analog Interface :'I1ExAs INSTRUMENTS PrInted on RecycIad Paper IMPORTANT NOTICE Texas Instruments (TI) reserves the right to make changes to its products or to discontinue any semiconductor product or service without notice, and advises its customers to obtain the latest version of relevant information to verify, before placing orders, that the information being relied on is current. TI warrants performance of its semiconductor products and related software to the specifications applicable atthe time of sale in accordance with Tl's standard warranty. Testing and other quality control techniques are utilized to the extent TI deems necessary to support this warranty. Specific testing of all parameters of each device is not necessarily performed, except those mandated by government requirements. Certain applications using semiconductor products may involve potential risks of death, personal injury, or severe property or environmental damage ("Critical Applications"). TI SEMICONDUCTOR PRODUCTS ARE NOT DESIGNED, INTENDED, AUTHORIZED, OR WARRANTED TO BE SUITABLE FOR USE IN LIFE-SUPPORT APPLICATIONS, DEVICES OR SYSTEMS OR OTHER CRITICAL APPLICATIONS. Inclusion of TI products in such applications is understood to be fully at the risk of the customer. Use of TI products in such applications requires the written approval of an appropriate TI officer. Questions concerning potential risk applications should be directed to TI through a local SC selles office. In order to minimize risks associated with the customer's applications, adequate design and operating safeguards should be provided by the customer to minimize inherent or procedural hazards. TI assumes no liability for applications assistance, customer product design, software performance, or infringement of patents or services described herein. Nor does TI warrant or represent that any license, either express or implied, is granted under any patent right, copyright, mask work right, or other intellectual property right of TI covering or relating to any combination, machine, or process in which such semiconductor products or services might be or are used. Copyright © 1995, Texas Instruments Incorporated Printed in U.S.A. by Custom Printing Company Owensville, Missouri , INTRODUCTION Texas Instruments offers an extensive line of Industry-standard integrated circuits designed to provide highly reliable circuits for peripheral support applications of microprocessor-based systems, DSP (digital signal processing) related analog interfaces, video interfaces, video and high-speed converters, digitizing requirements that demand ADC and DAC conversion, and general-purpose functions. TI data acquisition sys'tem circuits represent technologies from traditional bipolar through LinCMOSTM, Advanced LinCMOSTM, and LinEPICTM processes. The LinCMOSTM and Advanced LinCMOSTM technologies feature improvements in resolution, power consumption, and temperature stability. LinEPICTM has both improved conversion speed and reduced power consumption. This data book provides information on the following types of products: • • • • • • • • Dual-Slope Analog-to-Digital Converters (ADC) Successive-Approximation Semi-Flash, and Flash ADC Converters Current Multiplying and Video DAC Converters High-Speed Converters for Control Applications Color Palette Chips for Computer Graphics Analog Interface Circuits for DSP Interface Switched-Capacitor Filter ICs Other General-Purpose Functions These products cover the requirements of PC and workstation multimedia applications such as audio, graphics, communication applications, modems and cellular phones, video capture and image processing, industrial control and disk-drive servo-loop control, automotive,f electronic instrumentation, consumer, digital audio and any DSP or microprocessor-based system. New surface-mount packages include both ceramic and plastic chip carriers, and the smail-outline plastic packages that optimize board density with minimum impact on power-dissipation capability. The equipment with handlers and test equipment. In addition, specifications and programs are continuously updated. Quality and performance are monitored throughout all phases of manufacturing. . Included are those new products added to this volume as indicated by a dagger(t). The selection guide includes a functional description of each device by providing key parametric information and packaging options. Ordering information and mechanical data'are in the last section of the book. Complete technical data for all TI semiconductor products are available from your nearest TI Field Sales Office, local authorized TI distributor, or by writing directly to: Texas Instruments Incorporated LITERATURE RESPONSE CENTER P.O. Box 809066 DALLAS, TEXAS 75380-9066 We sincerely believe the new 1995 Data Acquisition Circuits Data Book will be a significant addition to your technical literature from Texas Instruments. LinBICMOS, Advanced LinCMOS, and LinEPIC are trademarks of Texas Instruments Incorporated. v vi Contents Section 1 - General Information ••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1-1 Analog-to-Digital Converter Selection Guide •..•••...•••••..•.•..••..•.•.••••....•••••.•••••••..••••••.•••• 1-3 Digltal-to-Analog Converter Selection Guide ...•.••..••••••••....•••••.•••••••..•.••...•...•••.•..••.•••••• 1-5 Cross-Reference Guide ••••••.•••••••.•••.•••••.•••••••••••.•••....•.••••••..•••••••••••••..••••••••••• 1-7 Devices Discontinued Since 1992 Data Book .•••••••••••••••••.•••..•.•.••••.•.•••••.••.•••••.••••••••••• 1-12 Glossary .•••••••••••••••••.••••.•••.•••••••••••••••••.•••.••••.•••••••••...•••••••••••••••..•••••••• 1-13 vii Section 2 - Analog-ta-Dlgltal Converters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . ... . . . . . . . .. 2-1 ICL7135CfTLC7135C 4 112-Digit Precision Analog-to-Digital Converters ...............•............................••..•...• 2-3 TLC540IfTLC541I 8-Blt Analog-to-Dlgltal Converters With Serial Control and 11 Inputs .•...........•.......•.....•........ 2-13 TLC542CfTLC5421 8-Bit Analog-to-Digital Converters With Serial Control and 11 Inputs ••....•.•....•••.....• ; •.•...••..••• 2-23 TLC545CfTLC5451fTLC546CfTLC5461 8-Blt Analog-to-Dlgital Converters With Serial Control and 19 Inputs .............................•.....• 2-33 TLC548CfTLC5481fTLC549CfTLC5491 8-Bit Analog-to-Digital Converters With Serial Control ........•...................................•... 2-43 TLC0820ACfTLC0820AI Advanced LinCMOS High-Speed 8-Bit Analog-to-Digital Converters Using Modified Flash Techniques .................................................................. 2-53 TLC0831 ACfTLC0831 AlfTLC0831 BCfTLC0831 BI TLC0832ACfTLC0832AlfTLC0832BCfTLC0832BI 8-Bit Analog-to-Digtt81 Converters With Serial Controlt .........••••............••..••.•••.•....•.••.• 2-63 TLC0834ACfTLC0834AlfTLC0834BCfTLC0834BI TLC0838ACfTLC0838AlfTLC0838BCfTLC0838BI 8-Bit Analog-to-Digital Converters With Serial Controlt .........••.•.•....................•....••.••.• 2-73 TLC1540CfTLC1541C 1O-Blt Analog-to-Digltal Converters With Serial Control and 11 Inputs ...........................•.•.•.•. 2-85 TLC1542CfTLC1542IfTLC1542MfTLC1542QfTLC1543CfTLC1543IfTLC1543Q 1Q-Bit Analog-to-Dlgital Converters With Serial Control and 11 Analog Inputs ............................ 2-95 TLC1549CfTLC1549IfTLC1549M 1Q-Bit Analog-to-Digital Converters With Serial Control ...................••......•..•..........•...• 2-115 TLC15501fTLC1550MfTLC1551I 1Q-Bit Analog-to-Digital Converters With Parallel Outputs .•.....•••..•...••.•.....•.•••.•••.•••.•..• 2-129 TLC2543CfTLC25431 12-Blt Analog-to-Digital Converters With Serial Control and 11 Analog Inputs .•........................ 2-137 TLC5510 8-Bit High-Speed Analog-to-Dlgital Converter .......•....•.....•...•.•.•••••.•..•••••...••.•..••.. 2-157 TLC5540 8-Bit High-Speed Analog-to-Digital Convertert ..•••..•••.•.•..........•.•..........••..........••. 2-167 .TLC5733 20 MSPS 3-Channel Analog-to-Digital Converter With High-Precision Clamp ....••••.......•.......... 2-175 TLV1543CfTLV1543M 3.3-V 1O-Bit Analog-to-Digital Converters With Serial Control and 11 Analog Inputs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . .• 2-191 TLVl549CfTLVl549IfTLV1549M 1Q-Blt Analog-to-Digital Converters With Serial Control •..•..........•.............•••..•••..••..•.. 2-209 TLV2543CfTLV25431 12-Bit Analog-to-Dlgltal Converters With Serial Control and 11 Analog Inputs •• . . . • . . . . . . . . . • . • . . • • . • •. 2-223 TL5501 6-Bit Analog-to-Digital Converter •....•.••...••••.....•..•......•...••.....•••..........•...••••• 2-243 tproduct P~eview viii , Section 3 - Digital-fa-Analog Converters . ........................................... 3-1 TLC5602CITLC5602M Video 8-Bit Digital-ta-Analog Converters •........................•..•.•.•..••...•.•....••••...•••.•• 3-3 TL5632C 8-Bit 3-Channei High-Speed Digital-to-Analog Converter ............................................. 3-11 TLC5620CITLC56201 Quadruple 8-Bit Digital-to-Analog Converters ...........................•..........••.....•••....••• 3-19 TLC5628CITLC56281 Octal 8-Bit Digital-ta-Analog Converters ............................................................ 3-29 TLC7226CITLC72261 Quadruple 8-Bit Digital-to-Analog Converterst ..••.....•....•.....•....••••...••...••.....•.•.•....• 3-39 TLC7524CITLC7524E1TLC75241 8-Bit Multiplying Digital-ta-Analog Converters ....................................................... 3-53 TLC7528CITLC7528E1TLC75281 Dual 8-Bit Multiplying Digital-ta-Analog Converters •...•.•....•..........•.•....••.................... 3-63 TLC7628CITLC7628E1TLC76281 Dual8-Bit Multiplying Digital-ta-Analog Converters .........................•......................... 3-77 TLV5620CITLV56201 Quadruple 8-Bit Digital-to-Analog Converterst ..•••..•.•....•........•...••....•...•..•......•...... 3-87 TLV5628CITLV56281 Octal 8-Bit Digital-ta-Analog Converterst ..............................................•••...•...•.. 3-95 TMS57014A Dual Audio Digital-ta-Analog Converter. . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3-103 AD7524M Advance LinCMOS 8-Bit Multiplying Digital-ta-Analog Converter ........................•..••...••.•.. 3-117 tproduct Preview ix s.ctIon 4 - Analog Interlat:e C/~ults and Codec ••••...•••.•. .;...................... 4-1 TLC32040C1TLC32040IITLC32041 crrLC320411 Analog Interface Circuits ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 4-3 TLC32044crrLC32044E1TLC32044IITLC32044M1TLC32045CfrLC320451 Voice-Band Analog Interface Circuits ............................................................. 4-35 TLC32OAD56C Sigma-Delta Analog Interface Clrcuit't • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. • • • .. • • • • • • • • • • • •• 4-73 TLC32OAD65C 16-BIt Sigma-Delta Stereo Codect ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 4-75 tproduct Preview x , SectIon 5 - Related Special Products ...........................'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5-1 TL7726CITL7726IITL7726Q Hex Clamping Circuits ••.••••...•......•......••....•....••.•.••.....•.•.•••....•••••.•..•••••••• 5-3 TLC04IMF4A-601TLC14/MF4A-100 Butterworth Fourth-Order Low-Pass Switched-Capacitor Filters •.•.•••..••••.••••••...••.•••••••••••••• 5-7 TLC29321 High-Performance Phase-Locked Loop ..•.•.•..•••...••.••••••••••.•••..••..••..••••.••••••••.••• 5-19 TL32088 Differential Analog Buffer Ampllflert •• • • • . • • • • . • • . . • . . • • . • • • • • • • • . . • • • • . • . • • • • • • • . • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • •• 5-41 tproduct Preview xi SectIon B - ~~ I",.".. P.,.". ExtI'IIOtIJ .. _••• '! • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~1 TLC34058 266 x 24 Color Palette •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• '•••••••••••••••••••• ~. 6-3 TLC34074 VIdeo Interface Dlgltal-to-Analog Converter •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ •••••• _ • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 8-5 TLC34075A Video Interface palette ••••••••••••••••.•••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 6-7 TLC34076 Video Interface Palette •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 6-11 TLC340n Video Interface Palette ••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 6-15 TVP2002 Clock Driver •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 8-17 TVP301 0 Video Interface Palette •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 6-19 TVP3020 VIdeo Interface Palette •.••••.•...•. • • • • • • • • . . • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • . . • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 6-23 TVP3025 Video Interface Palette .......................................................................... 6-27 TVP3026 Video Interface palette •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ,........................ 6-31 TVP3027 VIdeo Interface Palettet •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 6-35 TVP3030 Video Interface Palette ••••••••••••••••••••,••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 6-39 TVP3409 Video Interface Palette True-Color CMOS RAMDAct· • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 6-43 TVP3703 Video Interface Palette Tru.color CMOS RAMDAct ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 6-45 tproduct Preview xII SfJcfIon 7 - DIlts 1118nusl. .. ................................ ;, ................. ....................................................... "," .... 7-1 TLC32048C, TLC32048I, TLC32046M Wide-Band Analog Interface Circuit •••••••••••••••••• ; • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 7-3 TLC32047C, TLC320471 WId.a&nd Analog Interface Circuit .. • .. • .. • .. • .. .. • .. .. • • • .. • .. • .. • • .. .. .. • .. .. • • • .. • . .. • • • • .. ... 7-59 TLC32OAC01C Single-Supply Analog Interface Circuit ........................................................... 7-117 TLC32OAC02CITLC320AC021 Singie-Supply Analog Interface Circuit ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 7-191 TLC32OAD55C Sigma-Delta Analog Interface Circuit. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 7-265 TLC32OAD57C . Sigma-Deita Stereo Analog-to-Digital Converter •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.• 7-303 TLC32OAD58C Sigma-Delta Stereo Analog-to-Digital Converter. • • ••• •• •• • • • •• • ••••••••• •• ••• • ••• • • • • ••• ••• ••• •• •• 7-323 xiii SectIon 8 - Application Reports ...•..........................•........•. ~ . . . . . . . .. 8-1 TLn26 Hex ,Clamping Circuit .••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••.•••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 8-3 Microcontroller Based Data Acquisition Using the TLC2543 12-Bit Serlal-Out ADC •••••••••••••••••••.••••.•. 8-17 Interfacing the TLC32040 Family to the TMS320 Family ••••.•••••••••••••••..••.••••••.••••••••••••••••••. 8-43 Designing With the TLC320AC01 Analog Interface for DSPs .•...••.•••.••••••••..••••••••••••••••••••.••• 8-93 Interfacing the TLV164910-Bit Serial-Out ADC to Popular 3.3-V Mlcrocontrollers •..•••••••••..••.•.•.••• ; •• 8-121 TLC2932 Phase-locked-Loop Building Block With Analog Voltage-Controlled Oscillator and . . Phase Frequency Detector .••..•••••••.••••..•••.•••.•...••.•••••••••••••••• ; •••.•.•.••.•••••.• 8-137 Understanding Data Converters •••••••••••••••••••.••••.•..•••••••..•••••••.•••••••••.•••..••••••.••• 8-179 xiv • SectIon 9 - Mechanical Data ......•........•.......•.............•..••........•.... 9-1 08-.14-. 18-Pin Plastic Small-Outline Package ••.•...•.....•..••...•..••.•..•••.••••....•••..•••••..•••• 9-3 DB 14-. 18-.20-.24-.28-.30-. 38-Pin Plastic Small:Qutline Package ••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••• 9-4 OW 18-. 20-. 24-. 28-Pin Plastic Small-Outline Package •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••• 9-5 DWB 28-Pin Plastic Small-Outline Package .••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 9-6 FK 20-. 28-. 44-. 52-. 68-. 84-Pin leadless Ceramic Chip Carrier ...•..••..••••..••..•.••••••••••••••••••••• 9-7 FN 20-. 28-. 44-. 52-. 68-. 84-Pin Plastic J-Leaded Chip Carrier •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 9-8 FR 44-Pin Plastic Quad Flatpack •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 9-9 J 14-. 16-. 18-.20-. 22-Pin Ceramic Dual-In-Une Package •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 9-10 JG 8-Pin Ceramic Dual-In-Une Package •.••••..•••.•••••••••••••..•••.•.•.••..•••••••••••••••••••••••••• 9-11 JT 24-. 28-Pin Ceramic Dual-In-L1ne Package •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 9-12 JW 24-Pin Ceramic Dual-In-Une Package •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 9-13 . N 14-. 18-. 18-. 20-Pin Plastic Dual-In-Une Package ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 9-14 N 24-. 28-. 32-. 40-. 48-. 52-Pin Plastic Dual-In-Une Package ••.••••••.••••.•.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 9-15 NS 14-. 16-.20-. 24-Pin Plastic Small-Outllne Package ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 9-16 NW 24-. 28-. 40-. 48-Pin Plastic Dual-ln-Une Package ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 9-17 P 8-Pin Plastic Dual-In-Une Package •••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••• 9-18 PM 84-Pin Plastic Quad Flatpack •.•.•.••........•..•. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •. 9-19 PW 8-.14-.16-.20-.24-. 28-Pin Plastic Small-Outline Package •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 9-20 PZ 100-Pin Plastic Quad Flatpack •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• , •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 9-21 X' Sect/on A - Appendix ................................................. A-1 Analog Interface Peripherals and Applications ................................•............. A-3 xvi II' General Information 1-1 C) ·CD ::s CD ",-. 0), .' -- ::s a' -. ,3 ' a-. " ,0 , ':S 1-2 ANALOG·TO·DIGITAL CONVERTER SELECTION GUIDE II 16118 TLC320A057 12 10 8 48, 44.1,32 2 X I 5 X X 200 OW 28 Dual slgma-delta. SNR of 97 dB TLC2543 10 66 11 5 X X 12 OW,FN, N 20 Low cost, high resolution TLV2543t 10 66 11 3.3 X X 8 DW,FN, N 20 3 V version TLC2543 TLC122511125 12 83 1 ±5 X TLC1550/1551 6 164 1 5 X X 85 N,FN 28 Uni or bipolar with self-calibration 40 FN,NW 24 DSP front end wHh 3-state outputs 8 Plug in upgrade for TLC549 TLCl549 21 38 1 5 X 12 0, FK, JG,P TLVl549 21 38 1 3.3 X 8 0, FK, JG,P 8 3 V version TLCl549 TLCl543 21 38 11 5 X 12 OW,FN, N 20 Plus in upgrade for TLC543 TLVl543 21 38 11 3.3 X 8 OW,FK, J,N 20 3 V version TLCl543 TLC1541 21 32 11 5 12 OW,J,N, FK,FN 20 ± 1 LSB total error TLC1540 21 32 11 5 12 OW,J,N, FK,FN 20 ±0.5 LSB total error TLC5510 20,000 1 5 X 90 NS 24 Replaces Sony CXOl175 TLV5510i 20,000 1 3 X 60 NS 24 3 V version of TLC551 0 TLC5733:!: 20,000 3 5 X 375 QFP 40,000 1 5 X 120 392 1 5 X NS OW,F, NFK,N 64 24 Triple AOC with clamp TLC554tN:i 20 Replaces A07820 and ADC0820 8 5 TLC0820A 12 TLC083a* 20 X 75 High speed AOC 12 FN,N 20 Replaces AOC0638 20 Replaces AOC0811 end MC145040 TLC540 9 75 11 5 12 SW,N, FN TLC541 17 40 11 5 12 OW,N, FN 20 Compatible with TLCl540 pinout TLC542 20 25 11 5 10 FN,N, OW 20 Replaces MC145041 TLC545 TLC546 9 76 19 5 12 FN,N 40 19 5 12 FN,N 28 28 uP compatible 17 TLC548 17 45.5 1 5 X 12 O,P 8 uP compatible TLC549 17 40 1 5 X 12 O,P 8 uP compatible X uP compatible t Budgetary pricing for O·C to 70·C :j: Indicates product preview ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 1-3 ANALOG·TQ.OIGITALCONVERTER SELECTION GUIDE GENERAL PURPOSE AID CONVERTERS fa>=1 MSPS tconv <= 1 J.IS 100 KSPS < fa < 1 MSPS 1 J.IS < tconv < 10 J.IS TLV5510t, 20 MSPS TL5501, 20 MSPS TLC0820, 392 KSPS f a <100KSPS teonv < 10 J.IS TLC1550, 164 KSPS TLC5510, 20 MSPS TLC5733t, 20 MSPS, triple ADC, with clamp TLC5540t, 40 MSPS TLV1549, 38 KSPS TLV1543, 11 Inputs, 38 KSPS TLC0632, 2 Inputs, t 30 KSPS TLC0634,4Inputs,t 30 KSPS , TLC0638,8Inputs,t 30 KSPS TLC540,11 Inputs, 75 KSPS TLC541,11 Inputs, 40 KSPS TLC542, 11 Inputs, 25 KSPS TLC545,19Inputs, 76 KSPS TLC546, 19 Inputs, 40 KSPS TLC548, 45.5 KSPS TLC549, 40 KSPS TLC1549, 38 KSPS, Internal clock TLC1543,11 Inputs, 38 KSPS TL(;1541,11 Inputs, 32 KSPS TLC1540, 11 Inputs, 32 KSPS TLC2543,11 Input, 10 J.IS, Sleep TLC1225,63 KSPS, aelf-callbrate t Indicates product preview status at time of print. ~I ~ TEXAS 1-4 ' NSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 TLV2543t, ~61~:p~: Sleep TLC320AD57, stereo, Sigma Delta DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTER SELECTION GUIDE I I q 16118 TMS57014A 8 I 350 OWB 28 Dual audio sigmadelta DAC with Interpolation filter and digital volume control ±0.5 5 D,N,FN 16 Popular low cost MDAC with latch for DSP and lIP'S 5-15 ±0.5 5 OW,N, FN 20 Dual version of TLC7524 10-15 ±0.5 20 OW,N, FN 20 Dual MDAC with TTL-compatible inputs 32,37.8, 44.1 and 48kHz Serial PWM 2 N/A TLC7524 8,I1P I 1 Ext,M 100 ns 5-15 TLC7528 8,I1P I 2 Ext,M 100 ns TLC7628 8,I1P I 2 Ext,M 100 ns TLC7225; 8,I1P V 4 Ext 51J.S ±0.5 TLC7226; 8,I1P V 8 Ext 51J.S ±0.5 195 DW,N, FN 20 Replaces AD7226 TLC5620 Serial V 4 Ext 101J.S 5 ±1 10 N,D 14 Low power quad DACwith programmable x1 or x2 output. TLC5628 Serial V 8 Ext 101J.S 5 ±1 10 N,DW 16 Low power, octal DACwith programmable x1 or x2 output. TLV5620; Serial V 4 Ext 10 IJ.S 3 ±1 10 N,D 14 3 V version of TLC5620 TLV5628; Serial V 8 Ext 1OIJ.S 3 ±1 10 N,D 16 3 V version of TLV5628 TLC5602 8 V 1 Ext 30 ns 5 ±0.5 30 MHz 80 N,DW 18 Low power video DAC 8by3 V 3 Int 5 ±0.5 60 MHz 350 FR 44 Triple video DAC withintemal reference. TL5632 5 Separate reference for each DAC tExt, M - extemal reference, multiplYing; PWM - Pulse width modulated ; Indicates product preview i ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST ~FFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXA,S 75265 1-5 DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTER SELECTION GUIDE D/A CONVERTERS Stereo Audio DACs General Purpose DACs VIdeo Graphics DACs TMS57014A, Dual, o.emphasls Filter TL5632, triple, 60 MHz TLC5602, 1 output, 30 MHz TLC5602, 1 output, 30 MHz TL5632, 3 outpute, 60 MHz, TLC7226, 4 outputs, 5 JISt TLC7624, 1 output, 80 n. TLC71528, 2 outpute, 80 n. TLC7628, 2 outputs, 80 ne, 10-16 V Vee TLC5620, 4 outputs, 10 JIS TLC5628, 8outpute, 10 JIS TLV562O, 4 outputs, 10 JISt TLV5628, 8 outputs, 10 JISt t Indicates product preview status at time of print. ~1ExAs 1-8 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE SOX 655303 • DALlAS. TEXAS 75286 DATA ACQUISITION AND CONVERSION CROSS-REFERENCE GUIDE Replacements are based on similarity of electrical and mechanical characteristics shown in currently published data. Interchangeability in particular applications is not guaranteed. Before using a device as a substitute, compare the speCifications of the substitute device with the specifications of the original. Texas Instruments makes no warranty as to the information fumished and the buyer assumes all risk in the use thereof. No liability is assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein. Manufacturers are arranged in alphabetical order. DIRECT TI REPLACEMENT ANALOG DEVICES AD573 " AD7524AD AD7524JN AD7528BQ AD7528KN AD7820KlBIT AD7524AN AD7524JN AD7528BN AD7528KN TLC0820A SUGGESTED TI REPLACEMENT TLC1550INW TLC15501FN TLC15511NW TLC15511FN TLC75241N TLC7524CN TLC75281N TLC7528CN AD7820UC/U AD7820 AD7890 TLC0820 TLC2543IN TLC25431DW TLV25431N (3V) TLV2543IDW ADC82AG AD82AM AD1878 AD9048 ADC-EK12DC TLC0820AIN TLC320AD57 TLC5540lNS TLC7135CN TLC7135CFN ICL7135CN ICL7135CFN TLC7135CN TLC7135CFN ICL7135CN ICL7135CFN TLC75241N, AD7524AN TLC7524CN, AD7524JN TLC7528, AD7528 ADG-EK12DR PM7524FQ PM7524FP PM7528 BROOKTREE DIRECT TI REPLACEMENT SUGGESTED TI REPLACEMENT DIRECT TI REPLACEMENT SUGGESTED TI REPLACEMENT Bn 01, 102, 253 CRYSTAL TL5632CFR 5336,5339 TLC320AD57 ~lExAs INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX _ . DALI..AS, TEXAS 75265 1-7 DATA ACQUISITION AND CONVERSION CROSS-REFERENCE GUIDE DIREct TI REPLACEMENT FUJITSU TL5501 TLC5502 TLC5602 MB40576 MB40578 MB40778 DIRECT n HARRIS REPLACEMENT DIRECT TI REPLACEMENT LINEAR TECHNOLOGY SUGGESTED TI REPLACEMENT LTC 1092193194 LTC1291f92193/94 DIRECT TI REPLACEMENT MAXIM SUGGESTED n REPLACEMENT TLC15491N TLC15491DW TLC1542IN TLC15431N TLC15421DW TLC1543IDN TLC25431DW LTC 1091 SUGGESTED n REPLACEMENT TLC2543IN TLC25431DW TLC2543IFN TLC2543 (3V) TLC6620 TLC5628 MAX17x Family MAX609 MAX629 DIRECT n MICRO NETWORKS REPLACEMENT MN61 00/5101 MN5120/5130/5140 SUGGESTED TI REPLACEMENT TLC0820ACN TLC0820ACN DIRECT TI REPLACEMENT MP7138AN SUGGESTED TI REPLACEMENT TLC7135CN TLC7135CFN ICL7135CN ICL7135CFN ~1ExAs 1-8 TLV5510 (3 V) . TLV55101NS (3 V) H11175 MICRO POWER SYSTEMS SUGGESTED TI REPLACEMENT INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 666303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75266 . DATA ACQUISITION AND CONVERSION CROSS-REFERENCE GUIDE MOTOROLA DIRECT TI REPLACEMENT SUGGESTED TI REPLACEMENT MC14433P MC14444P MC145040FN MC145040L MC145040P MC145041P1 MC14051 NATIONAL ADC0811BCJ ADC0811BCN ADC0811BJ ADC0811CCJ ADC0811CCN ADC0811CCV ADC0811CJ ADC0820BCD ADC0820BCN ADC0820BD ADC0820CCD ADC0820CCN ADC0820CD ADC0830BCN ADC0830CCN ADC0831BCJ ADC0831BCN ADC0831CCJ ADC0831CCN ADC0832BCJ ADC0832BCN ADC0832CCJ ADC0832CCN ADC0834BCJ ADC0834BCN ADC0834CCJ ADC0834CCN ADC0838BCJ ADC0838BCN ADC0838CCJ TLC7135CN TLC7135CFN ICL7135CN ICL7135CFN TLC546IN TLC540MFN TLC540MJ TLC540MN TLC541MFN TLC541MJ TLC541MN TLC542IN TLC15431N TLC15421N TLC15431DW TLC15421DW DIRECT TI REPLACEMENT SUGGESTED TI REPLACEMENT TLC541IN TLC541IFN TLC541MJ TLC541IN TLC541IN TLC541IFN TLC541MJ TLC0820BIN TLC0820BCN TLC0820BMJ TLC0820AIN TLC0820ACN TLC0820AMJ TLC0831BIP TLC0831BIP TLC0831 AlP TLC0831ACP TLC0832BIP TLC0832BCP TLC0832AIP TLC0832ACP TLC540IN TLC540lFN TLC540MJ TLC540lN TLC540lN TLC540lFN TLC540MJ TLC5461N TLC5461N TLC5491N TLC549IN TLC5491N TLC5491N TLC0834BIN TLC0834BCN TLC0834AIN TLC0834ACN TLC0838BIN TLC0838BCN TLC0838AIN ~ ~1ExAs INSTRUMENTs POST OFFICE BOX 85S303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75285 . 1-9 DATA ACQUISITION AND CONVERSION CROSS-REFERENCE GUIDE DIRECT TI REPLACEMENT NATIONAL (Continued) ADC0838CCN ADC1001CCJ ADC1005BCJ ADC1005CCJ ADC1225 ADC3511CCN TLC0838ACN TLC15411N TLC1541IN TLC15411N TLC1225 TLC7135CN ICL7135CN TLC7135CN TLC7135CFN ICL7135CN ICL7135CFN ADC3711CCN MF4-50 MF4-1 00 TLC04/MF4A-50 TLC14/MF4A-100 DIRECT TI REPLACEMENT PHILLIPS NE5036FElNlD NE5037F/N/D TDA8703 TDA8707 SILICONIX DIRECT TI REPLACEMENT LD120CJ LD121ACJ TLC7135CN ICL7135CN DIRECT TI REPLACEMENT CXD1175 SUGGESTED TI REPLACEMENT TLC5510lNS TLV5510lNC (3V) TLC5540lNS CXD1179 ~.1ExAs 1-10 SUGGESTED TI REPLACEMENT TLC7135N ICL7135CN TLC7135CN ICL7135CN TLC7135CN ICL7135CN TLC7135CN ICt.7135CN LD111ACJ SONY SUGGESTED TI REPLACEMENT TLC549CN/CD TLC549CN/CD TLC55401NS TLC57331PM LD110CJ Si7135CJ SUGGESTED TI REPLACEMENT INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 855303 • DAUAS.,TEXAS 75265 DATA ACQUISITION AND CONVERSION CROSS-REFERENCE GUIDE TELEDYNE TSC7135CPI DIRECT TI REPLACEMENT SUGGESTED TI REPLACEMENT TLC7135CN ICL7135CN TSC8701 TSC8704 TSC14433CN TLC1541IN TLC1541IN TLC7135CN ICL7135CN ~ POST OFFICE BOX 866303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 7&266 1-11 DEVICES DISCON'rINUED SINCE 1992 DATA BOOK Analog-to-Digital Converters ADC0803 ADC0804 ADC0805 ADC0808 ADC0809 ADC0831 t Retaining the TLC0820A ADC0832 ADC0834 ADC0838 TLC53213 TL500 TL501 \ TL502 TL503 TL505 TL507 ADC0820t TLC5502-2 TLC5502-5 TLC5503-2 TLC5503-5 TL5501 T1191 TL601 TL604 TL607 TL61 0 TLC4016 TLC4066 Analog Interface Circuits TLC32071 TLC32042 Analog Switches* TL181 TL185 TL188 :j: All analog switches and multiplexers in the data book are discontinued. Filters MF10A MF10C TLC10 TLC20 ~TEXAS 1-12 INSTRUMENTS POST OFACE eox 655303 • DALlJ\S. TEXAS 75265 GLOSSARY TERMS, DEFINITIONS AND LETTER SYMBOLS TERMS, DEFINITIONS, AND LETTER SYMBOLS FOR ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL AND DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTERS INTRODUCTION These terms, definitions, and letter symbols are in accordance with those currently approved by the JEDEC Council ofthe Electronic Industries Association (EIA) for use in the USA and by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) for international use. 1. GENERAL TERMS Analog-to-Dlgltal Converter (ADC) A converter that uniquely represents all analog input values within a specified total input range by a limited number of digital output codes, each of which exclusively represents a fractional part of the total analog input range (see Figure 1). NOTE: This quantization procedure introduces inherent errors of one-half LSB (least significant bit) in the representation since, within this fractional range, only one analog value can be represented free of error by a single digital output code. CONVERSION CODE RANGE OF ANALOG INPUT VALUES 4.5 0 5.5 0 ••• 101 3.5 0 4.5 0 ... 100 ,,---( 2.5·3.5 '----- Digital Output Code DIGITAL OUTPUT CODE ---~ 0 ... 011 I -----' 1.5 0 2.5 0 ... 010 0.501.5 0 ... 001 0 0 0.5 0 ... 000 Ideal Straight Line 0 ... 101 Step 0 ... 100 a!\v--( 0 ... 011 '----0 ... 010 0 ... 001 0 ... 000 I ' -........+---+--t---i---+--+ Analog Input o Value 2 3 4 5 Mldstap Value of 0 ... 011 Quantization Error +1/2 LSB . .-+-.....HHIH-+-.....-+-.....~f-....- . o Analog Input Value -1/2 LSB Figure 1. Elements of Transfer Diagram for an Ideal Linear ADC -!!1 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 1-13 GLOSSARY TERMS, DEFINITIONS AND LETTER SYMBOLS Analog-to-Dlgital Processor An integrated circuit providing the anaiog part of an ADC; provision of external timing, counting, and arithmetic operations is necessary for implementing a full analog-to-digital converter. Companding DAC A DAC whose transfer function complies with a compression or expansion law. NOTE 1: The corresponding ADC normally consists of such a companding DAC and additional external circuitry. NOTE 2: The compression or expansion law Is usually a logarithmic function, e.g., A-law or J1"'law. Conversion Code (of an ADC or a DAC) The set of correlations between each of the fractional parts of the total analog input range or each of the digital input codes, respectively, and the corresponding digital output codes or analog output values, respectively (see Figures 1 and 2). NOTE: Examples of output code formats are straight binary, 2's complement,. and binary-coded decimal. Analog Output Value 5 4 1+--- Step Height (1 LSB) 3 2 14--- Step value O~--~----~--~~r-~----~---' Digital Input Code 0 ... 000 0 ... 001 0 ... 010 0 ... 011 0 ... 100 0 ... 101 l,) Step CONVERSION CODE Digital Input Code Analog Output Value 0 ... 000 0 ... 001 0 ... 010 0 1 2 r I , 0 ... 011 I 'L_!_J 0 ... 100 0 ... 101 4 5 Figure 2.. Elements of Transfer Diagram for an Ideal Linear DAC Digltal-to-Analog Converter (DAC) A converter that represents a limited number of different digital input codes by a corresponding number of discrete analog output values (see Figure 2) NOTE: Examples of input code formats are straight binary, 2's complement, and binary-coded decimal. ~TEXAS 1-14 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 656303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75285 GLOSSARY TERMS, DEFINITIONS AND LETTER SYMBOLS Full Scale (of a unipolar ADC or DAC) A term used to refer a characteristic to that step within the transfer diagram whose nominal midstep value or nominal step value has the highest absolute value [see Figure 3(a) for a linear unipolar ADC]. NOTE 1: The subscript for the letter symbol of a characteristic at full scale is FS. NOTE 2: In place of a letter symbol, the abbreviation FS is in common use. Full Scale, Negative (of a bipolar ADC or DAC) [see Figures 3(b) and 3(c)] A term used to refer a characteristic to the negative end of the transfer diagram, that is, to the step whose nominal midstep value or nominal step value has the most-negative value. NOTE 1: The subscript for the letter symbol of a characteristic at negative full scale is FS- (VF5-, IF5-)' NOTE 2: In place of a letter symbol, the abbreviation F5- is in common use. Full Scale, Positive (of a bipolar ADC or DAC) [see Figure 3(b) and 3(c)] A term used to refer a characteristic to the positive end of the transfer diagram, that is, to the step whose nominal midstep value or nominal step value has the most-positive value. NOTE 1: The subscript for the letter symbol of a characteristic at positive full scale is FS+ (VFS+, IFS+) NOTE 2: In place of a letter symbol, the abbreviation FS+ is in common use. Full-Scale Range, Nominal (of a linear ADC or DAC) (VFSRnom, IFSRnom) (see Figure 3) The total range in analog values that can be coded with uniform accuracy by the total number of steps with this number rounded to the next higher power of 2. NOTE: Example: In place of the letter symbols, the abbreviation FSR(nom) can be used. Using a straight binary n-bit code format, it follows: - for an ADC: FSR(nom) = 2n x (nominal value of step width) - for a DAC: FSR(nom) =2n x (nominal value of step height) Full-Scale Value, Nominal (VFSnom, IFSnom) A value derived from the nominal full-scale range: - for a unipolar converter: VFSnom = VFSRnom - for a bipolar converter: VFSnom =1/2 VFSRnom (see Figure 3) NOTE 1: In a few data sheets, this analog value is used as a reference value for adjustment procedures or as a rounded value for the full-scale range(s). NOTE 2: In place of letter symbols, the abbreviation FS(nom) Is In common use. Full·Scale Range, (Practical) (of a linear ADC or DAC) (VFSR, IFSR) (VFSRpl'l IFSRpr) (see Figure 3) The total range of analog values that correspond to the ideal straight line. NOTE 1: The qualifying adjective practical can usually be deleted from this term provided that, in a very few critical cases, the term nominal full-scale range is not also shortened in the same way. This permits use of the shorter letter symbols or abbreviations (see Note 2). NOTE 2: In place of the letter symbols, the abbreviations FSR and FSR(pr) are in common use. NOTE 3: The (practical) full-scale range has only a nominal value because it is defined by the end points of the ideal straight line. Example: Using a straight binary n-bit code format, it follows: - for an ADC: FSR = (2 n -1) x (nominal value of step width) - for a DAC: FSR = (2n -1) x (nominal value of step height~ ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 656303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 1-15 GLOSSARY TERMS, DEFINITIONS AND LETTER SYMBOLS Digital Output Code VZS~ ~ VFS(NOM) "'--+_-+_-+_-t--'--t_--1r--t..-__ 8 o 2 345 6 7 Analog Input Value ~~---- VFSR -------.t~ (a) UNIPOLAR ADC Digital Output Code ---------,, ,, , ,,, , ,--------- ,, ,, ,, , I .01;4 ~~+_-+_-+_~ __~t_-t_-t..-~VI ,, ,, , ,, , -'4 ~~---- VFSR ------.t , ,, ,, , , ,, L VI =Analog Input Value (b) BIPOLAR ADC WITH TRUE ZERO ________ _ ______ _ . . . - - - - - - VFSR -------.t (e) BIPOLAR ADC WITH NO TRUE ZERO Figure 3. Ideal Straight Line, Full-Scale Value and Zero-Scale Value (Shown for Ideal Linear ADCs) ~TEXAS 1-16 INSTRUMENTS POST OFACE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 GLOSSARY TERMS, DEFINITIONS AND LETTER SYMBOLS Gain Point (of an adjustable ADC or DAC) The pOint in the transfer diagram corresponding to the midstep value (for an ADC) or the step value (for a DAC) of the step for which gain error is specified (usually full scale), and in reference to which the gain adjustm!'lnt is performed (see Figures 4 and 5). NOTE: Gain adjustment causes only a change ofthe slope of the transfer diagram, without changing the offset error. Ideal Straight Line (of a linear ADC or DAC) In the transfer diagram, a straight line between the specified points for the most-positive (least-negative) and most-negative (least-positive) nominal midstep values or nominal step values, respectively (see Figures 1, 2, and 3). NOTE: The ideal straight line passes through all the points for nominal midstep values or nominal step values, respectively. LlnearADC An ADC having steps ideally of equal width excluding the steps at the two ends of the total range of analog input values. NOTE: Ideally, the width of each end steps is one half of the width of any other step (see Figure 1). LinearDAC A DAC having steps ideally of equal height (see Figure 2). LSB, Abbreviation The abbreviation for Least Significant Bit, that is, for the bit that has the lowest positional weight in a natural binary numeral. Example: In the natural binary numeral 1010, the rightmost bit 0 is the LSB. LSB, Unit Symbol (for linear converters only) The unit symbol for the magnitude of the analog resolution of a linear converter, which serves as a reference unit to express the magnitude of other analog quantities of that same converter, especialiy of analog errors, as multiples or submultiples of the magnitude of the analog resolution. Example: NOTE: 1/2 LSB means an analog quantity equal to 0.5 times the analog resolution. The unit symbol LSB refers to the fact that, for a natural binary code, the analog resolution corresponds to the nominal positional weight attributed to the least significant bit of the binary numeral. In this case, the identity: 1 LSB = analog resolution leads, for an n-bit resolution, to: 1 LSB = FSR 2n - 1 = FSR(nom) 2" Midstep Value (of an ADC) The analog value for the center of the step excluding the steps at the two ends of the total range of analog input values. NOTE: For the end steps, the midstep value is defined as the analog value that results when the analog value for the transition to the adjacent step is reduced or enlarged, as appropriate, by half the nominal value of the step width (see Figure 1). ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 1-17 / GLOSSARY TERMS, DEFINITIONS AND LETTER SYMBOLS Gain Point -------------~~ 111 1/' rI 1/ 110 101 ~ 1 0 j '\,.1"/ 100 011 P aI is r7 ldaal Straight Lln~ 010 ~ //1 .f-l 001 //1 2 3 4 5 Analog Input value 7 6 (a) BEFORE ADJUSTMENT Gain Adjustment ~ ------------r*r~ 111 I I I ~- 100 .& :I 0 J c I ~'5 ~/' i ~{ 000 010 1// _..1 I ~ o I J/ 011 I/~ 001 i/ I 1/ I Y ,/1 g c ) /( c 1,1 100 .& :I 0 I 1/1 Ii, 101 16/ 010 I I 1// rl1" 011 -------------~ 111 110 ~-)I' 101 III '5 .If / r.,.,L..1// 110 "B I 001 000 1 2 5 3 4 Analog Input Value ~ Offset Adjustment 6 7 0 2 3 4 5 Analog Input Value 6 7 (c) AFTER OFFSET AND GAIN ADJUSTMENTS (b) AFTER OFFSET ADJUSTMENT NOTE A: In the above examples, the offset point is raferred to the step with the digital code 000, and the gain point is referred to the step with . . the digital code 111 • Figure 4. Adjustment In Offset Point and Gain Point for an ADC 1-18 ~I TEXAS NSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75266 GLOSSARY TERMS, DEFINITIONS AND LETTER SYMBOLS ----------------~ 7 / ; ' ' ' Oaln Point 6 .,,;/ I Y 1 1 .I ,./ /~/ . • / / , 1 1 1 1 / / / / / / 1 / / / / /' / / / 11 1 Ideal Straight Line / ' 1 1 // / Offset Point Digital Input Code (a) BEFORE ADJUSTMENT 7 ----------------~ 7 ¥ 6 --------------~~;~ ~ 1 "/ 1 /1 value Before AdJuatment ~ 6 CD 5 X .2 ~ '!; a- 4 X ::I 0 8' 3 c c 2 / / ~,. 'l.'" CD ::I j ~ ... .JI' ::I t 0 icc ~ X~~ ;r/ 001 ¥ /-// X / /X '// 5 1 1 1 1 4 ///X 3 / 2 ,f-/';/ / " Value After Offset Adjustment / ~ 010 011 100 101 110 111 II1 1 ,~~ o ....-+-+--+---+---+---t---j OOQ /~/ ... ~." X 'iii / )( I o ....-+--+--+---+---+---t---j 000 001 010 Digital Input Code 011 100 101 110 111 Digital Input Code (e) AFTER OFFSET AND OAIN ADJUSTMENTS (b) AFTER OFFSET ADJUSTMENT NOTE A: In the above examples. the offset point is referred to the step with the digitsl code 000. and the gain point is referred to the step with the digital code 111. Figure 5. Adjustment in Offset and Gain Point for a DAC Mldstep Value, Nominal (of an ADC) A specified analog value within a step that is ideally represented free of error by the corresponding digital output code (see Figure 1). -!I1TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 656303 • DAUAS. TEXAS 75285 1-19 GLOSSARY TERMS, DEFINITIONS A~ND LETTER SYMBOLS r 0:•• 111 Missing Code ~ 0 ••• 110 I a .. I Ic 0 ••• 101 I I 0 ••• 100 r--l I I I 0 ••• 011 0 •.• 010 0 ••• 001 ~ Missing Code I 0 ••• 000 ....L-.J---I~---4--I---I--+-+-. 7 4 5 2 IS o 3 Analog Input value (LSB) Figure 6. Missing Code for an ADC Missing Code (of an ADC) An intermediate code that is absent when the changing analog input to an ADC causes a multiple code change in the digital output (see Figure 6). Monotonlclty (of an ADC or a DAC) A property of the transfer function that ensures the consistent increase or decrease of the analog output of a DAC or the digital output of an ADC in response to a consistent increase or decrease of the digital or analog input, respectively (Figure 7 illustrates nonmonotonic conversion). NOTE: 1-20 An intermedi.ate increment with the value of zero does not invalidate monotonicity. -!!1.1ExAs INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 5303 • DALlAS. TEXAS 76266 GLOSSARY TERMS, DEFINITIONS AND LETTER SYMBOLS r 0 ... 111 7 I ~ 0 ... 110 6 I ..~ :::0 ~ Ig c m- e. ~ 0 ... 101 != 4 I ~ 0 ... 100 0 ... 011 I ~ 0 ... 010 f I I I ri I 5 f L.....-....J 3 2 I ~ 0 ... 001 I o 0 ... 000 2 0 3 4 5 6 7 0 ... 000 Analog Input Yalue (LSBI 0 ... 001 (aIADC 0 ... 011 0 ... 101 0 ... 111 Digital Input Code (bIDAC Figure 7. Nonmonotonlc Conversion of an ADC or DAC Multiplying DAC A DAC having at least two inputs, at least one of which is digital, and whose analog output value is proportional to the product of the inputs. Nonlinear ADC or DAC An ADC or a DAC with a specified nonlinear transfer function between the nominal midstep values or nominal step values, respectively, and the corresponding step widths or step heights, respectively. NOTE: The function may be continuously nonlinear or piece-wise linear. Offset Point (of an adjustable ADC or DAC) The point in the transfer diagram corresponding to the midstep value (for an ADC) or the step value (for a DAC) of the step about which the transfer diagram rotates when gain is adjusted (see Figures 4 and 5). NOTE: Offset adjustment must be performed with respect to this point so that it causes only a parallel displacement of the transfer diagram, without changing its slope. Resolution (general term) NOTE 1: Resolutionas a capability can be expressed in different forms: (see resolution, analog, resolution, numerical, and resolution, relative). NOTE 2: Resolution is a design parameter and therefore has only a nominal value. NOTE 3: The terms for these different forms may all be shortened to resolution if no ambiguity is likely to occur (for example, when the dimension of the term is also given). Resolution (of an ADC) The degree to which nearly equal values of the analog input quantity can be discriminated. ~1ExAs INSIRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 856303 • DAu.AS. TEXAS 75285 1-21 GLOSSARY TERMS, DEFINITIONS AND LETTER SYMBOLS Resolution (of a DAC) The degree to which nearly equal values of the analog output quantity can be produced. Resolution, Analog (of a linear or nonlinear ADC or DAC) For an ADC: The nominal value of the step width. For a DAC: The nominal value of the step height. NOTE: For a linear ADC or DAC, the constant magnitude of the analog resolution is often used as the reference unit LSB. . Resolution, Numerical The number (n) of digits in the chosen numbering system necessary to express the total number of steps.. NOTE 1: The numbering system is normally a binary or a decimal system. NOTE 2: In the binary-coded-decimal numbering system, the term 1/2 digit refers to an additional decimal digit with the highest positional value, but limited to the decimal figures 0 or 1 as It is represented by only a single bit. This additional digit serves to double the range of values covered by the other n digits. Resolution, Relative (of a Linear ADC or DAC) The ratio of the analog resolution to the full-scale range (practical or nominal). NOTE: This ratio is normally expressed as a percentage of the full-scale range [% of FSR, % of FSR(nom)]. For high resolutions (high value of n), it is of little importance whether this ratio refers to the practical or nominal full-scale range. Step (of an analog-ta-dlgltal or dlgltal.to-analog conversion) In the conversion code: Any of the individual correlations. In the transfer diagram: Any part of the diagram equating to an individual correlation. For an ADC, a step represents both a fractional range of analog input values and the corresponding digital output code (see Figure 1). For a DAC, a step represents both a digital input code and the corresponding discrete analog output value (see Figure 2). Step Height (Step Size) (of a DAC) The absolute value of the difference in step value between two adjacent steps in the transfer diagram. (see Figure 2). NOTE: For companding DACs, the term step size is in general use. Step Value (of a DAC) The value of the analog output representing a digital input code (see Figure 2). Step Value, Nominal (of a DAC) A specified step value that represents free of error the corresponding digital input code (see Figure 2). Step Width (of an ADC) The absolute value of the difference between the two ends of the range of analog values. corresponding to one step (see Figure 1). ~TEXAS 1-22 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX _ . DALlAS. TEXAS 75265 GLOSSARY TERMS, DEFINITIONS AND LETTER SYMBOLS Temperature Coefficients of Analog Characteristics (a) NOTE 1: The letter symbol for the temperature coefficient of an analog characteristic consists of the letter symbol a with a subscript referring to the relevant characteristic. Example: Temperature coefficient of the gain error: aEG NOTE 2: Temperature coefficients are usually specified in parts per million (relative to the full-scale value) per degrees Celsius, that is, in ppm/oC. Zero Scale (of an ADC or a DAC with true zero) [see Figures 3(a) and 3(b)) A term used to refer a characteristic to the step whose nominal midstep value or nominal step value equals zero. NOTE 1: The subscript for the letter symbol of a characteristic at zero scale is ZS. NOTE 2: In place of a letter symbol, the abbreviation ZS is in common use. Zero Scale, Negative (of an ADC or a DAC with no true zero) [see Figure 3(c)) A term used to refer a characteristic to the negative step closest to analog zero. NOTE 1: The subscript for the letter symbol of a characteristic at negative zero scale is ZS- (VZS-, Izs-). NOTE 2: In place of a letter symbol, the abbreviation ZS- is in common use. Zero Scale, Positive (of an ADC or a DAC with no true zero) [see Figure 3(c)] A term used to refer a characteristic to the positive step closest to analog zero. NOTE 1: The subscript for the letter symbol of a characteristic at positive zero scale is ZS+ (VZS+, IzS+)' NOTE 2: In place of a letter symbol, the abbreviation ZS+ is in common use. 2. STATIC PERFORMANCE Accuracy (see Errors, Part 4) Asymmetry, Full-Scale (of a DAC with a bipolar analog range) (AIFSS, AVFSS) The difference between the absolute values of the two full-scale analog values. Compliance, Current (of a DAC) (IO(op» The permissible range of output current within which the specifications are valid. Compliance, Voltage (of a DAC) (VO(Op» The permissible range of output voltage within which the specifications are valid. Error (see Part 4) Supply Voltage Sensitivity, (of a DAC) (ksys) The change in full scale output current (or voltage) caused by a change in supply voltage. NOTE: This sensitivity is usually expressed as the ratio of the percent change of full-scale current (or voltage) to the percent change of supply voltage. ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DAUAS. TEXAS 75265 1-23 .GLOSSAAV tERMS,DEFINITioNS AND LETTER SYMBOLS 3~· DYNAMIC PERFORMANCE Conversion Flate (of an externally controlled AbC)(fc) The number of conversions per unit time. NOTE 1: The maximum conversion rate shoutdbe specified for full resolution. NOTE 2: The conversion rate. is. usually expressed as the number of conversions per second. NOTE 3: Due to additionally needed settling or recovery times, the maximum specified conversion rate is smaller than the reciprocal of the worst-case conversion time. Conversion Time (of an ADC) (tc) ThE! time elapsed between the command to perform a conversion and the appearance at thE! converter output of the complete digital representation of the analog input value. . Delay Time, (DIgital) (of a linear or a multIplyIng DAC) (let. tdd) The time interval between the instant when the digital input changes and the instant when the analog output passes a specified value that is close to its initial value, ignoring glitches (see Figure 8). NOTE: For a multiplying DAC, the full term and the additional slJbscriptd must be used to distinguish between the digital and the delay time. . . Delay Time, Reference (of a multiplying DAC) (letr) The time interval between the instant when a step change of the reference voltage occurs and the instant when the analog output passes a specified value that is close to its initial value. Feedthrough Capacitance (CF) The value of the capacitance for a specified value of R in an equivalent circuit for the calculation of the feedthrough error. NOTE: The equivalent circuit consists of a high-pass R-C filter between the reference input and the analog output. Feedthrough Error (see Part 4) Glitch (of a DAC) A short, undesirable transient in the analog output occurring following a code change at the digital input (see Figure 8). . Glitch Area (of a DAC) The time integral oHhe analog value of the glitch transient. NOTE 1: Usually, the maximum specified glitch area refers to a specified worst-case code change. NOTE 2: Instead of a letter symbol, the abbreviation GA is in use. Glitch Energy (of a DAC) The time integral of the electrical power of the glitch transient. NOTE 1: Usually, the maximum specified glitch energy refers to a specified worst-case code change. NOTE 2: Instead of a letter symbol, the abbreviation GEis in use. 1-24 -!llEXAs INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BoX 656303 eDALlAS. TEXAS 75265 GLOSSARY TERMS, DEFINITIONS AND LETTER SYMBOLS Analog Output 1 + - - - - - tad - - - - - - - . t 14--- tsa - - - + I Final Value ~,(Glitch = tad Digital Settling Time tsa Analog Settling Time Somd =Digital Slew Rate ldd Digital Delay Time = = Digital Change J Figure 8. Output Characteristics of a Linear or a Multiplying DAC for a Step Change In the Digital Input Code Pedestal (Error) (Ep) (see Part 4) Ramp Delay, Steady-state (of a multiplying DAC) (tct(ramp» The time separation between the actual curve of the analog output and the theoretical curve (with no delay) for a ramp in reference voltage, after the settling time to steady-state ramp has elapsed (see Figure 9). Settling Time, Analog (of a DAC) (tsa) The time interval between the instant when the analog output passes a specified value and the instant when the analog output enters for the last time a specified error band about its final value (see Figures 8 and 10). Settling Time, (Digital) (of a linear or a multiplying DAC) (Is, tsd) The time interval between the instant when the digital input changes and the instant when the analog output value enters for the last time a specified error band about its final value (see Figure 8). NOTE: For a multiplying DAC, the full term and the additional subscript d must be used to distinguish between the digital and the settling time. Settling Time, Reference (of a multiplying DAC) (tsr) The time interval between the instant when a step change of the reference voltage occurs and the instant when the analog output enters for the last time a specified error band about its final value (see Figure 10). NOTE: Specifications for the reference settling time are usually given for the highest allowed step change in reference voltage. Settling Time to Steady-State Ramp (of a multiplying DAC) (Is(ramp» The time interval between the instant a ramp in the reference voltage starts and the instant when the analog output value enters for the last time a specified error band about the final ramp in the output (see Figure 9). ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 656303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 1-25 GLOSSARY TERMS, DEFINITIONS AND LETTER SYMBOLS Analog Output 14--*- teI(ramp) . - - - ts(ramp) - - - . ts(ramp) =Settling Tlma to Steady-State Ramp Dalay teI(ramp) =Steady-State Ramp Delay Figure 9. Output Characteristics for a Ramp In Reference Voltage of a Multiplying DAC Analog Output r---I I Vraf~1 I I ___.1I Final Value telr =Reference Dalay Time tsr Reference Settling Time 'sa Analog Settling Tlma 80mr =Reference SI_ Rate = = Figure 10. Output Characteristics for a Step Change In Reference Voltage of a Multiplying DAC Skewing Time, Internal (of a DAC) The difference in internal delay between the individual output transitions for a given change of digital input. NOTE: The internal (and external) skew has a major influence on the settling time for critical changes in the digital input, for example, for a 1-LSB change from Q11 ... 111 to 100 ... 000, and is an important source of commutation noise. Slew Rate, (Digital) (of a linear or a multiplying DAC) (SOM, SOMO) The maximum rate of change of the analog output value when a change of the digital input code causes a large step change of the analog output value (see Figure 8). . ~1ExAs 1-26 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DAl.I.A&. TEXAS 75266 GLOSSARY TERMS, DEFINITIONS AND LETTER SYMBOLS NOTE 1: For a multiplying DAC, the full term and the additional subscript 0 must be used to distinguish between the digital and the slew rate. NOTE 2: The abbreviations SR and SR(dig) are also used. Slew Rate, Reference (of a multiplying DAC) (SOMR) The maximum rate of change of the analog output following a large step change of the reference voltage (see Figure 10). NOTE: The abbreviation SR(ref) is also used. 4. ERRORS, ACCURACY The definitions in this section describe the errors as the difference between the actual value and the nominal value of the analog quantity. As such they may be expressed in conventional units (for example, millivolts) or as multiples or submultiples of 1 LSB. An error can also be expressed as a relative value, for example, in % of FSR. In this case, it is common practice to use the same term as for the analog value. Absolute Accuracy Error Synonym for total error. Feedthrough Error (of a multiplying DAC) (EF) An error in analog output due to variation in the reference voltage that appears as an offset error and is proportional to frequency and amplitude of the reference signal. NOTE 1: The specification for the feedthrough error is given for the digital input for which the offset error is specified, and for a reference signal of specified frequency and amplitude. NOTE 2: This error may also be expressed as a peak-to-peak analog value. FUll-Scale Error (of a linear ADC or DAC) (EFS) The difference between the actual midstep value or step value and the nominal midstep value or step value, respectively, at specified full s c a l e . · . NOTE: Normally, this error specification is applied to converters that have no arrangement for an external adjustment of offset error and gain error. Gain Error (of a linear ADC or DAC) (EG) For an ADC: The difference between the actual midstep value and the nominal midstep value in the transfer diagram at the specified gain pOint after the offset error has been adjusted to zero [see Figure 11 (a)]. For a DAC: NOTE: The difference between the actual step value and the nominal step value in the transfer diagram at the specified gain point after the offset error has been adjusted to zero [see Figure 11 (b)]. See Notes 1· and 2 under Offset Error. ~1ExAs INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALlAS. TEXAS 75266 1-27 GLOSSARY TERMS,DEFINITIONS AND LETTER SYMBOLS Nominal Gain Point ----------~T-J 111 (1/2 LSB) -1II14f---'1 1 Actual Diagram ~ I 1/ 'S .~ J c 1 101 - // ........11_ / 1 / ~/ 7 1 1 ,f'/ Gain Error (-11/4 LSB) 1 / .....1-+2"""""-1 I~- / )' o / /1 1 1 \ 110 1 'S Gain Error (-3/4 LSB) I o~ -~ 5 I "\: Ideal Diagram /1 000 L//:"""I-1--+-1___+1___ -1 o 5 110 101 Digital Input Code 7 6 Analog Input value (LSB) 111 (b) DAC (a)ADC Figure 11. Gain Error of a Linear 3-Blt Natural Binary Code Converter (Specified at Step 111), After Correction of the Offset Error Instability, Long-Term (Accuracy) (AE(At), AE(t» The additional error caused by the aging of the components and specified for a longer period in time. Linearity Error, Best-Straight-Llne (of a linear and adjustable AOC) (EL(adD) The difference between the actual analog value at the transition between any two adjacent steps and its ideal value after offset error and gain error have been adjusted to minimize the magnitude of the extreme values of this difference [see Figure 12(a)]. NOTE 1: The inherent quantization error is not included in the best-straight-line linearity error of an ADC. The ideal value for the transition corresponds to the nominal midstep value ±1/2 LSB. NOTE 2: For a uniformly curved transfer diagram, the extreme values will be very close to half ofthe magnitude of the end-point linearity error [see Figure 12(a)]. Linearity Error, Best-Stralght-Llne (of a linear and adjustable OAC) (EL(adD) The difference between the actual step value and the nominal step value after offset error and gain error have been adjusted to minimize the magnitude of the extreme values of this difference [see Figure 12(b)]. NOTE: For a uniformly curved transfer diagram, the extreme values will be very close to half of the magnitude of the end-point linearity error [see Figure 12(b)]. / ~TEXAS 1-28 INSTRUMENTS POST OFACE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 GLOSSARY TERMS, DEFINITIONS AND LETTER SYMBOLS Remaining Gain Error (+1/4 LSB) 1 r-- Remaining Gain Error (-1/4 LSB) ---------------~ 111 7 J ------------- -- /11 I if-U :I 110 JI' ~I 101 CD '0 ~ / 00 0 'S ! o ~aI is 100 I I I I 1/1 ~ 011 010 001 000 r 0L ) I -tI ~-J~ H' !I Extreme Value of the Linearity Error In the Diagram (-1/4 LSB) 6 iii 5 I/) C. CD :::I ;g! 4 'S .e- 6aI 3 !1! 2 .2 cc I I o ~~+_--+_--+_--1_--1_--1_--~ 2 3 4 5 Analog Input Value (LSB) Remaining Offset Error (+1/4 LSB) 6 7 Digital Input Code Remaining Offset Error (-1/4 LSB) (a) ADC (b)DAC Figure 12. Best-Stralght-Llne Linearity Error of a Linear 3-Blt Natural Binary-Coded Converter (Values Between ±1/4 LSB) Linearity Error, Differential (of a linear ADC or DAC) (ED) The difference between the actual step width or step height and the ideal value.(1 LSB) (see Figure 13). NOTE: A differential linearity error greater than 1 LSB can lead to missing codes in an ADC or to nonmonotonicity of an ADC or a DAC (see Figures 6 and 7). Linearity Error, End-Point (of a linear and adjustable ADC) (Eu The difference between the actual analog value at the transition between any two adjacent steps and its ideal value after offset error and gain error have been adjusted to zero [see Figure 14(a)]. NOTE 1: The short term linearity error is in common use and is sufficient if no ambiguity with the best-straight-line linearity error is likely to occur. NOTE 2: The inherent quantization error is not included in the linearity error of an ADC. The ideal value for the transition corresponds to the nominal midstep value ± 1/2 LSB. ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 656303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 1-29 .. GLOSSARY TERMS, DEFINITIONS AND LmER SYMBOLS 0"" 110 0 ••• 101 J... II I / rI I 0 ••• 100 __-,I J''''~=-_~~LSaJ 0 ••• 011 0 ..• 010 ~ 0 ••• 001 I 1 LSB . 2 3 . Differential Llll8lrlty Error (-112 LSB) 0 .•• 000 0 1 4 5 Analog Input value (LSB) (a)ADC 0 ... 100 0 ... 101 0 ... 011 Digital Input Code (b)DAC Figure 13. Differential Linearity Error of a Linear ADC or DAC ~1ExAs . INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 8II53CI8 • DALLAII, TEXAS 7liliiii GLOSSARY TERMS, DEFINITIONS AND LETTER SYMBOLS Linearity Error, End-Point (of a linear and adjustable DAC) (ELl The difference between the actual step value and the nominal step value after offset error and gain error have been adjusted to zero [see Figure 14(b». NOTE: The short term linearity error is in common use and is sufficient if no ambiguity with the best-straight-line linearity error is likely to occur. --------------~ 111 7 )" 010 101 -8 8 100 § 011 'S ! Actual Transition r ",/ '" .~.J I) / I i / ~:.J~ . ~ 010 1"'/ 001 ) 000 6 ~'\J ~.r aI is ~ I)' Ideal Transition AtTransltlon 011/100 (-1/2 LSB) /' End-POlntLln. Error rn-, '" ~ At Transition 001/010 (-1/4 LSB) 2 0 3 4 o ~--+-~+---r---r-~r-~--~ 5 6 7 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 Digital Input Code Analog Input Value (LSB) (a) ADC (b)DAC Figure 14. End-Point Linearity Error of a Linear 3-Blt Natural Binary-Coded ADC or DAC (Offset Error and Gain Error are Adjusted to the Value Zero) Offset Error (of a linear ADC or DAC) (EO) For an ADC: The difference between the actual midstep value and the nominal midstep value at the offset point [see Figure 15(a». For a DAC: The difference between the actual step value and the nominal step value at the offset point [see Figure 15(b)]. NOTE 1: Usually, the specified steps for the specification of offset error and gain error are the steps at the ends of the practical full-scale range. For an ADC, the midstep value of these steps is defined as the value for a point 1/2 LSB apart from the adjacent transition (see Figures 11 and 15). NOTE 2: The terms offset error and gain error should be used only for error that can be adjusted to zero. Otherwise, the terms zero-scale error and full-scale error should be used. Pedestal (Error) (Ep) A dynamic offset produced in the commutation process. ~.1ExAs INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303·. DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 1-31 GLOSSARY TERMS, DEFINITIONS AND LETTER SYMBOLS / -80 u 010 I / )/ Diagram E /1 001 / 1'-7'"-- r 1// 1 1 )' 1 /1 I Ideal~r-r_.J 011 i! / / / I',,1 ':; g Dlagram~" 2 I Offset Error (+11/4 ".. / // 1 Actual Offeat Point 0( 2" 3 Analog Output Value Actual Offset Point ,IfI / / / ' - . Ideal Diagram c [I Nominal Offset Point / / /. // / .,,'"/ /. // I ~ // ;II" /1 000 ~~ ~,/" 1\1 +1/2 LSB /V ::! • j Actual Diagram I r-"'-c..J 1// S' Actual ~ 3 ~,.. / / / Nominal Offset Point .1 / J¥ Offeat Error (+11/4 LSB) Dlgltallnput Code (b)DAC LSB) (a)ADe Figure 15. Offset Error of a Linear 3-Bit Natural Binary Code Converter (Specified at Step 000) Quantization Error, Inherent (of an Ideal ADC) Within a litep, the maximum (positive or negative) possible deviation of the actual analog input value from the nominal midstep value. NOTE 1: This error follows necessarily from the quantization procedure. For a linear ADC, its value equals ±1/2 LSB (see Figure 1). . ' NOTE 2: The term resolution error for the inherent quantization error is deprecated, because resolution as a deSign parameter has only a nominal value. . Rollover Error (of an ADC with decimal output and auto-polarity) (ERO) The difference in output readings with the analog input switched between positive and negative values of the same magnitude (close to full scale). Total Error (of a linear ADC) (ET) The maximum difference (positive or negative) between an analog value and the nominal midstep value within any step [see Figure 16(a)]. NOTE 1: If this error is expressed as a relative value, the term relative accuracy error should be used instead of absolute accuracy error. NOTE 2: This error includes contributions from offset error, gain error, linearity error, and the inherent quantization error. ~1ExAs 1-32 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 665303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 GLOSSARY TERMS, DE.FINITIONS AND LETTER SYMBOLS Total Error (of a linear DAC) (ET) The difference (positive or negative) between the actual step value and the nominal step value for any step [see Figure 16(b)]. NOTE 1: If this error is expressed as a relative value, the term relative accuracy error should be used instead of absolute accuracy error. NOTE 2: This error includes contributions from offset error, gain error, and linearity error. r / I / 0 ... 111 ~/ 0 ••• 110 I r---:l~ 0 ••. 101 I) ~n -g (,) '5 0 ... 100 .a- I/ / ::I 0 ! 0 ••• 011 ~ ~ CI Ci / m 0 ••• 010 V 0 ... 001 / Total Error At Step 0 ... 101 (-1114 LSB) Total Error At Step ~ 0 ... 001 (112 LSB) 0 ... 000 0 2 4 3 5 Analog Input Value (LSB) 6 7 0 ... 001 (a)ADC 0 ..• 011 0 .•• 101 0 ••• 111. Digital Input Code (b)DAC Figure 16. Absolute Accuracy Error, Total Error of a Linear ADC or DAC Zero-Scale Error (of a linear ADC or DAC) (EzS> The difference between the actual midstep value or step value and the nominal midstep value or step value, respectively, at specified zero scale. NOTE: Normally, this error specification is applied to converters that have no arrangement for an external adjustment of offset error and gain error. 5. Dynamic and Sigma-Delta Definitions Resolution The number of different outpt:t codes possible. Expressed as N, where 2N is the number of available output codes. Dynamic Range The ratio of the largest allowable input signal to the noise floor. Total Harmonic Distortion The ratio of the rms sum of all harmonics to the rms value of the largest allowable input signal. Units in dB's. ~1ExAs INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 1-33 .... GLOSSARY TERMS, DEFINITIONS AND LETTER SYMBOLS Signal to Intermodulatlon Distortion The ratio of the rmssum of two input signals. to the rms sum of all discernible intermodulation and harmonic distortion products. Linearity Error a The deviation of code from a straight line passing through the endpoints of the transfer function after zeroand full-scale errors have been accounted for. Zero-scale is a point 1/2 LSS below the first code transition and full-scale is a point 1/2 LSS beyond the code transition to all ones. The deviation is measured from the middle of each particular code. Units in %FS. Differential Nonlinearity The deviation of a code's width from the ideal width in LSS's. Positive Full Scale Error The deviation of the last code transition from the ideal, (Vref - 1.5 LSB). Positive Full Scale Drift The drift in effective, positive, full-scale input voltage with temperature. Negative Full Scale Error The deviation of the first code transition from the ideal, (-Vref + 0.5 LSB). Negative Full Scale Drift The drift in effective, negative, full-scale input voltage with temperature. Bipolar Offset The deviation of the midscale transition from the ideal. The ideal is defined as the middle transition lying on a straight line between actual positive full-scale and actual negative full-scale. Bipolar Offset Drift The drift in the bipolar offset error with temperature. Absolute Group Delay The delay through the filter section of the part. Passband Frequency The upper -3 dB frequency. ~TEXAS 1-34 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 656303 • DAUAS. TEXAS 75265 .... 2-1 . C) (I) ::s (I) ; -"tJ c... '"C o en (I) l> C oen 2-2 .. ICL7135C, TLC7135C 4 1/2·DIGIT PRECISION ANALOG·TO·DIGITAL CONVERTERS SLAS074A- DECEMBER 1986- REVISED MAY 1995 • Zero Reading for O-V Input • Precision Null Detection With True Polarity at Zero • 1-pA Typical Input Current • True Differential Input • Multiplexed Binary-Coded-Declmal (BCD) Output • Low Rollover Error: ± 1 Count Max • Control Signals Allow Interfacing With UARTs or Microprocessors • Autoranglng Capability With Over-and Under-Range Signals NPACKAGE (TOP VIEW) VCCREF ANLGCOMMON INTOUT AUTO ZERO BUFF OUT CrelCref+ ININ+ 1 4 7 8 9 10 VCC+ D5 B1 B2 • TTL-Compatible Outputs • Direct Replacement for Teledyne TSC7135, Intersll ICL7135, Maxim ICL7135, and Silicon Ix SI7135 23 22 21 20 19 UNDER RANGE OVER RANGE STROBe RUN/HOLD DGTLGND POLARITY CLK BUSY D1 D2 D3 D4 B8 B4 • CMOS Technology description The ICL7135C and TLC7135C converters are manufactured with Texas Instruments highly efficient CMOS technology. This 4 1/2-digit, dual-slope-integrating, analog-to-digital converter (DAC) is designed to provide interfaces to both a microprocessor and a visual display. The digit-drive outputs 01 through 04 and multiplexed binary-coded-decimal outputs B1, B2, B4, and B8 provide an interface for LED or LCD decoder/drivers as well as microprocessors. The ICL7135C and TLC7135C offer 50-ppm (one part in 20,000) resolution with a maximum linearity error of one count. The zero error is less than 10 IJ.V and zero drift is less than 0.5IJ.V/oC. Source-impedance errors are minimized by low input current (less than 10 pAl. Rollover error is limited to ± 1 count. The BUSY, STROBE, RUN/HOLD, OVER RANGE, and UNDER RANGE control signals support microprocessor-based measurement systems. The control signals also can support remote data acquisition systems with data transfer through universal asynchronous receiver transmitters (UARTs). The ICL7135C and TLC7135C are characterized for operation from O°C to 70°C. AVAILABLE OPTIONS PACKAGE TA O·Cto 70·C PLASTIC DIP (N) ICL7135CN TlC7135CN Caution. These devices have limited built-in protection. The leads should be shorted together or the device placed in conductive foam during storage or handlilng to prevent electrostatic damage to the MeS gates. -!llExAs INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 856303 • OALLAS. TEXAS 75265 Copyright--""-+-----<'----I--.....--<:r O-i---t~=====r-----' 3 I I I I Section ~ AlZ Input low L ___________________ IN-~ ~TEXAS 2-4 I I I I INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 . ~ .. -~ ICL7135C, TLC7135C 4 1/2-DIGIT PRECISION ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS SLAS074A- DECEMBER 1986- REVISED MAY 1995 absolute maximum ratings over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted}t Supply voltage (Vcc+ with respect to Vcc-) ................................................. 15 V Analog input voltage (IN- or IN+) ................................................... VCC- to Vcc+ Reference voltage range ........................................................... VCC- to VCC+ Clock input voltage range ............................................................ a V to Vcc+ Operating free-air temperature range, TA .............................................. aoc to 7aoC Storage temperature range, Tstg .................................................. -65°C to 15aoC Lead temperature 1,6 mm (1/16 inch) from case for 1a seconds: N package ..................... 26aoC t Stresses beyond those listed under "absolute maximum ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under "recommended operating conditions" is not implied. Exposure to absolute-maxi mum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. recommended operating conditions MIN NOM MAX Supply voltage. VCC+ 4 5 6 UNIT V Supply voltage. VCC- -3 -5 -8 V 1 Reference voltage. Vref V 2.8 High-level input voltage, ClK, RUN/HOLD, VIH V low-level input voltage. ClK. RUN/HOLD. Vil Differential input voltage, VIO VCC-+l 1.2 Maximum operating frequency, fclock (see Note 1) 0.8 V VCC+-0.5 V 2 MHz 0 Operating free-air temperature range, TA ·C 70 NOTE 1: Clock frequency range extends down to 0 Hz. electrical characteristics, VCC+ otherwise noted) =5 V, VCC- =5 V, Vref =1 V, fclock =120 kHz, TA =25°C (unless TEST CONDITIONS PARAMETER VOH High-level output voltage MIN TYP MAX 101 -05,61,62,64,68 10=-1 mA 2.4 5 I Other outputs 10 =-10 pA 4.9 5 Val low-level output voltage 10=1.6mA VON(PP) Peak-ta-peak output noise voltage (see Note 2) VID = 0, avo IIH UNIT V 0.4 V Full scale = 2 V 15 Zero-reading temperature coefficient of output voltage VID = 0, High-level input current VI =5V, O·C S TA S 70·C 0.5 2 O·C S TA S 70·C 0.1 10 pA III low-level input current VI=OV, O·C S TA S 70·C -0.02 -0.1 mA II Input leakage current, IN - and IN + VIO-O ICC+ Positive supply current fclock = 0 ICC- Negative supply current fclock- 0 Cpd Power dissipation capacitance See Note 3 . . TA=25·C 1 O·C STA S 70·C TA=25·C ILV/·C 10 250 1 0·CSTAS70·C TA=25·C O·C S TA S 70·C ILV 2 3 -0.8 -2 -3 40 pA mA mA pF NOTES: 2. ThiS IS the peak-to-peak value that IS not exceeded 95% of the time . 3. Factor-relating clock frequency to increase in supply current. At VCC+ - 5 V, ICC+ • ICC+(fclock - 0) + Cpd x 5 V x fclock ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DAUAS. TEXAS 75265 2-5 . ICL7135C, TLC7135C 4 1/2·DIGIT PRECISION ANALOG·TO·DIGITAL CONVERTERS SLAS074A':" DECEMBER 1986 - REVISED MAY 1995 ollerating characteristics, Vcc+ = 5 V, Vcc- = 5 V, Vref = 1 V, fclock = 120 kHz, TA =.25°C (unless otherwise noted) . . PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS aFS Full-scale temperature coefficient (see Note 4) EL Unearity error 0·CSTAS70·C VID-2V, -2VSVIDS2V MIN ED Differential linearity error (see Note 5) -2VSVIDS2V EFS ± Full-scale symmetry error (rollover error) (see Note 6) VID=±2V Display reading with O-V input VID-O, Display reading in ratiometric operation TA-25·C VID= Vref, 0·CSTAS70·C TYP MAX 5 0.5 count 0.01 LSB 0.5 1 0.9998 0.9999 0.9995 0.9999 1.0000 Digital 1.0005 Reading timing diagrams ~ End of Conversion rS_ _ _ _ _ _ _-:--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ I I .1 STROBEtl I- I DS.J .1 I- D4 200 Counts T T 200 Counts I 200 Counts 201 Counts II- I- I .1 D3 200 Counts L .1 r .1 I- D2 200 Counts I- I .I I D1 200 Counts I- .1 t Delay between BUSY going low and the first STROBE pulse is dependent upon the analog inpul Figure 1 ~1EXAS 2-6 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 865303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75266 count Digital -0.0000 ±0.0000 0.0000 Reading 0·CsTAS70·C NOTES: 4. This pl!.rameter IS measured with an external reference haVing a temperature coefficient of less than 0.01 ppml"C. 5. The magnitude of the difference between the worst case step of adjacent counts and the ideal step. 6. Rollover error is the difference between the absolute values of the conversion for 2 V and -2 V. BUSYt~ UNIT pprilrC .. ICL7135C, TLC7135C 4 1/2·DIGIT PRECISION ANALOG·TO·DIGITAL CONVERTERS SLAS074A- DECEMBER 1986 - REVISED MAY 1995 timing diagrams (continued) Digital Scan for OVER.RANGE M M ,.., D5 L..-- I L.....-...I L--...I ~D4 ~D3 ~D2 :--_.....II!-_---InL.-_ _ D1 1000 Counts I.. .1 Figure 2 Intagrator Output AUTO ZERO 10,001 Counts Signalint 1"0,000 D.lntagrata 20,001 Counts Max Counts Full Measurement Cycle 40,002 Counts BUSY OVER RANGE ~ When Applicable UNDER RANGE ~ When Applicable .A~-'~...:iroA _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _----I Figure 3 ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DAlLAS, TEXAS 75285 . ICL7135C, TLC7135C 4 1/2·DIGIT PRECISION ANALOG·TO·DIGITAL CONVERTERS SLAS074A- DECEMBER 1986 - REVISED MAY 1995 timing diagrams (continued) STROBE IIIII II+- AUTO ZERO Digit Scan for OVER RANGE n Dst ~':'--------I', n '\-,- - - - - ! .Jl~D..;..4_ _ _ _---'I ',I , --I1:.;;;D,;,.3_ _ _ _-II( -.ll~D;;;..2_ _ _---'Ir f J; __...nD1 ~ J Signal Integrate ~ Delntegratet II n L.._ _ n rLn fln rt. n r t First 05 of AUTO ZERO and deintegrate is one count longer. Figure 4 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION A measurement cycle for the ICL7135C and TLC7135C consists of the following four phases. 1. Auto-Zero Phase. The internal IN + and IN- inputs are disconnected from the terminals and internally connected to ANLG COMMON. The reference capacitor is charged to the reference voltage. The system is configured in a closed loop and the auto-zero capacitor is charged to compensate for offset voltages in the buffer amplifier, integrator, and comparator. The auto-zero accuracy is limited only by the system noise, and the overall offset, as referred to the input, is less than 10 !lV. 2. Signal Integrate Phase. The auto-zero loop is opened and tne internal IN+ and IN- inputs are connected to the external terminals. The differential voltage between these inputs is integrated for a fixed period of time. When the input signal has no return with respect to the converter power supply, INcan be tied to ANLG COMMON to establish the correct common-mode voltage. Upon completion of this phase, the polarity of the input signal is recorded. 3. deintegrate Phase. The reference is used to perform the deintegrate task. The internal IN- is internally connected to ANLG COMMON and IN+ is .connected across the previously charged reference capacitor. The recorded polarity of the input signal ensures that the capacitor is connected with the correct polarity so that the integrator output polarity returns to zero. The time required for the output to return to zero is proportional to the amplitude of the input signal. The return time is displayed as a digital reading and is determined by the equation 10,000 x (VUYVref). The maximum or full-scale conversion occurs when VIO is two times Vref. 4. Zero Integrator Phase. The internal IN- is connected to ANLG COMMON. The system is configured in a closed I.oop to cause the integrator output to return to zero. Typically, this phase requires 100 to 200 clock pulses. However, after an over-range conversion, 6200 pulses are required. ~TEXAS 2-8 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 ... - ICL7135C, TLC7135C 4 1/2·DIGIT PRECISION ANALOG·TO·DIGITAL CONVERTERS SLAS074A - DECEMBER 1986 - REVISED MAY 1995 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION description of analog circuits Input signal range The common mode range of the input amplifier extends from 1 V above the negative supply to 1 V below the positive supply. Within this range, the common-mode rejection ratio (CMRR) is typically 86 dB. Both differential and common-mode voltages cause the integrator output to swing. Therefore, care must be exercised to ensure that the integrator output does not become saturated. analog common Analog common (ANLG COMMON) is connected to the internal IN- during the auto-zero, deintegrate, and zero integrator phases. When IN- is connected to a voltage that is different than analog common during the signal integrate phase, the resulting common-mode voltage is rejected by the amplifier. However, in most applications, IN- is set at a known fixed voltage (i.e., power supply common for instance). In this application, analog common should be tied to the same point, thus removing the common-mode voltage from the converter. Removing the common-mode voltage in this manner slightly increases conversion accuracy. reference The reference voltage is positive with respect to analog common. The accuracy of the conversion result is dependent upon the quality of the reference. Therefore, to obtain a high accuracy conversion, a high quality reference should be used. . deSCription of digital circuits RUN/HOLD Input When RUN/HOLD is high or open, the device continuously performs measurement cycles every 40,002 clock pulses. When this input is taken low, the integrated circuit continues to perform the ongoing measurement cycle and then hold the conversion reading for as long as the terminal is held low. When the terminal is held low after completion of a measurement cycle, a short positive pulse (greater than 300 ns) initiates a new measurement cycle. When this positive pulse occurs before the completion of a measurement cycle, it will not be recognized. The first STROBE pulse, which occurs 101 counts after the end of a measurement cycle, is an indication of the completion of a me asurement cycle. Thus, the positive pulse could be used to trigger the start of a new measurement after the first STROBE pulse. "'STFoRnO-=B;";;oE Input Negative going pulses from this input transfer the BCD conversion data to external latches, UARTs. or microprocessors. At the end of the measurement cycle, STROBE goes high and remains high for 201 counts. The most significant digit (MSD) BCD bits are placed on the BCD terminals. After the first 101 counts, halfway through the duration of output D1-D5 going high, the STROBE terminal goes low for 1/2 clock pulse width. The placement of the STROBE pulse at the midpoint of the D5 high pulse allows the information to be latched into an external device on either a low-level or an edge. Such placement of the STROBE pulse also ensures that the BCD bits for the second MSD are not yet competing for the BCD lines and latching of the correct bits is ensured. The above process is repeated for the second MSD and the D4 output. Similarly, the process is repeated through the least significant digit (LSD). Subsequently, inputs D5 through D1 and the BCD lines continue scanning without the inclusion of STROBE pulses. This subsequent continuous scanning causes the conversion results to be continuously displayed. Such subsequent scanning does not occur when an over-range condition occurs. ~ThxAs INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 2-9 • ICl7135C,TLC7135C 4 1/2·DIGIT PRECISION ANALOG·TO·DIGITAL CONVERTERS SLAS074A- DECEMBER 1986 - REVISED MAY 1Q96 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION BUSY output The BUSY output goes high at the beginning of the signal integrate phase. BUSY remains high until the first clock pulse after zero crossing or at the'end of the measurement cycle when an over-range condition occurs. It is possible to use the BUSY terminal to serially transmit the conversion result. Serial transmission can be accomplished by ANDing the BUSY and CLOCK signals and transmitting the ANDed output. The transmitted output consists of 10,001 clock pulses, which occur during the signal integrate phase, and the number of clock pulses that occur during the deintegrate phase. The conversion result can be obtained by subtracting 10,001 from the total number of clock pulses. OVER-RANGE output When an over-range condition occurs, this terminal goes high after the BUSY signal goes low at the end of the measurement cycle. As previously noted, the BUSY signal remains high until the end of the measurement cycle when an over-range condition occurs. The OVER RANGE output goes high at the end of BUSY and goes low at the beginning of the deintegrate phase in the next measurement cycle. UNDER-RANGE output At the end of the BUSY signal, this terminal goes high when the conversion result is less than or equal to 9% (count of 1800) of the full-scale range. The UNDER RANGE output is brought low at the beginning of the signal integrate phase of the next measurement cycle. POLARITY output The POLARITY output is high for a positive input signal and updates at the beginning of each deintegrate phase. The polarity output is valid for all inputs including ±O and OVER RANGE Signals. dlglt-drlve (01, 02, 04 and 05) outputs Each digit-drive output (01 through 05) sequentially goes high for 200 clock pulses. This sequential process is continuous unless an over-range occurs. When an over-range occurs, all of the digit-drive outputs are blanked from the end of the strobe sequence until the beginning of the deintegrate phase (when the sequential digit-drive activation begins again). The blanking activity during an over-range condition can cause the display to flash and indicate the over-range condition. BCD outputs The BCD bits (B1 , B2, B4 and B8) for a given digit are sequentially activated on these outputs. Simultaneously, the appropriate digit-drive line for the given digit is activated. system aspects Integrating resistor The value of the integrating resistor (RINT) is determined by the full-scale input voltage and the output current of the integrating amplifier. The inte,grating amplifier can supply 20 J.iA of current with negligible nonlinearity. The equation for determining the value of this resistor is: R _ Full Scale Voltage INT - l i N T Integrating amplifier current, liNT, from 5 to 40 J.iA yields good results. However, the nominal and recommended current is 20 J.iA. ~1ExAs 2-10 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 6S5303 • DALlAS. TEXAS 75265 ICL7135C,TLC7135C 4 1/2·DIGIT PRECISION ANALOG·TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS SLAS074A- DECEMBER 1986 - REVISED MAY 1996 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION Integrating capacitor The product of the integrating resistor and capacitor should be s.elected to give the maximum voltage swing without causing the integrating amplifier output to saturate and get too close to the power supply voltages. When the amplifier output is within 0.3 V of either supply. saturation occurs. With ±5-V supplies and ANLG COMMON connected to ground. the designer should design for a ±3.5-V to ±4-V integrating amplifier swing. A nominal capacitor value is 0.47 jJf. The equation for determining the value of the integrating capacitor (CINT) is: CINT 10.000 x Clock Period x liNT Integrator Output Voltage Swing Where: liNT is nominally 20 !lA. Capacitors with large tolerances and high dielectric absorption can induce conversion inaccuracies. A capacitor that is too small could cause the integrating amplifier to saturate. High dielectric absorption causes the effective capacitor value to be different during the signal integrate and deintegrate phases. Polypropylene capacitors have very low dielectric absorption. Polystyrene and polycarbonate capacitors have higher dielectric absorption. but also work well. auto-zero and reference capacitor Large capaCitors tend to reduce noise in the system. Dielectric absorption is unimportant except during power up or overload recovery. Typical values are 1 jJf. reference voltage For high-accuracy absolute measurements. a high quality reference should be used. rollover resistor and diode The ICL7135C and TLC7135C have a small rollover error; however. it can be corrected. The correction is to connect the cathode of any silicon diode to INT OUT and the anode to a resistor. The other end of the resistor is connected to ANLG COMMON or ground. For the recommended operating conditions. the resistor value is 100 kn This value may be changed to correct any rollover error that has not been corrected. In many noncritical applications the resistor and diode are not needed. m~xlmum clock frequency For most dual-slope AID converters. the maximum conversion rate is limited by the frequency response of the comparator. In this circuit. the comparator follows the integrator ramp with' a 3-JIS delay. Therefore, with a 160-kHz clock frequency (6-JIS period). half of the first reference integrate clock period is lost in delay. Hence, the meter reading changes from 0 to 1 with a 5D-IlV input, .1 to 2 with a 150-IlV input, 2 to 3 with a 25D-llV input, etc. This transition at midpoint is desirable; however. when the clock frequency is increased appreciably above 160 kHz, the instrument flashes 1 on noise peaks even when the input is shorted. The above transition pOints assume a 2-V input range is equivalent to 20.000 clock cycles. When the input signal is always of one polarity, comparator delay need not be a limitation. Clock rates of 1 MHz are possible since nonlinearity and noise do not increase substantially with frequency. For a fixed clock frequency. the extra count or counts caused by comparator delay are a constant and can be subtracted out digitally. ~ 1ExAs ; ="1 NSlRUMENTS POST OFFICE sox 865303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75266 2-11 ... ICL7135C/TLC7135C 4 1/2·DIGITPRECISION ANALOG-TO"DIGITAL CONVERTERS SLAS074A- DECEMBER 1986 ~ REVISED MAY 1995 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION maximum clock frequency (continued) For signals with both polarities, the clock frequency can be extended above 160 kHz without error .by using a low value resistor in series with the integrating capaCitor. This resistor causes the integrator to jump slightly towards the zero-crossing level at the beginning of the deintegrate phase, and thus compensates for the comparator delay. This series resistor should be 10 n to 50 n. This approach allows clock frequencies up to 480 kHz. . minimum clock frequency The minimum clock frequency limitations result from capaCitor leakage from the auto-zero and reference capacitors. Measurement cycles as high as 10 ~ are not influenced by leakage error. rejection of 50-Hz or 60-Hz pickup To maximize the rejection of 50~Hz or 60-Hz pickup, the clock frequency should be chosen so that an integral multiple of 50-Hz or 6D-Hz periods occur during the signal integrate phase. To achieve rejection of these signals, some clock frequencies that can be used are: 50 Hz: 250, 166.66, 125, 100 kHz, etc. 60 Hz: 300, 200,150,120,100,40,33.33 kHz, etc. zero-crossing flip-flop This flip-flop interrogates the comparator's zero-crossing status. The interrogatiQn is performed ·after the previous clock cycle and the positive half of the ongoing clock cycle has occurred, so any comparator transients that result from the clock pulses do not affect the detection of a zero-crossing. This procedure delays the zero-crossing detection by one clock cycle. To eliminate the inaccuracy, which is caused by this delay, the counter is disabled for one clock cycle at the beginning of the deintegrate phase. Therefore, when the zero-crossing is detected one clock cycle later than the zero-crossing actually occurs, the correct number of counts is displayed. .. nOise The peak-ta-peak noise around zero i~ approximately 151!V (peak-to-peak value not exceeded 95% ofthe time). Near full scale, this value increases to approximately 30 I!V. Much of the noise originates in the auto-zero loop, and is proportional to the ratio of the input signal to the reference. analog and digital grounds For high-accuracy applications, ground loops must be avoided. Return currents from digital circuits must not be sent to the analog ground line. power supplies The ICL7135C and TLC7135C are designed to work with ±5-V power supplies. However, 5-V operation is possible when the input signal does not vary more than ±.1.5 V from midsupply. ~TEXAS 2-12 IN~UMENTS POST OFACE BOX fl56303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75266 .. --- TLC5401, TLC5411 8-BIT ANALOG·TO·DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 INPUTS SLAS065A - OCTOBER 1983 - REVISED MARCH 1995 • B-Blt Resolution AID Converter • Microprocessor Peripheral or Stand·Alone Operation • On·Chlp 12-Channel Analog Multiplexer ow OR N PACKAGE (TOP VIEW) INPUT AO INPUT Al INPUT A2. INPUT A3 INPUT A4 INPUT A5 INPUT A6 INPUT A7 INPUT AS GND • • • • Built·ln Self·Test Mode Software-Controllable Sample and Hold Total Unadjusted Error ..• ±O.5 LSB Max TLC541 Is Direct Replacement for Motorola MC145040 and National Semiconductor ADC0811. TLC540 is Capable of Higher Speed • Pinout and Control Signals Compatible with TLC1540 Family of 100Bit AID Converters PARAMETER TLC540 TLC541 2 lIS 9 lIS 75 x 103 12.5mW 3.6 lIS 17 lIS 40 x 103 12.5mW 6 9 14 13 12 11 FNPACKAGE (TOP VIEW) • CMOS Technology Channel Acquisition Sample TIme Conversion TIme (Max) Samples per Second (Max) Power DISSipation (Max) 3 VCC SYSTEM CLOCK I/O CLOCK ADDRESS INPUT DATA OUT CS REF+ REFINPUT Al0 INPUT A9 description INPUT A3 4 3 2 1 20 1918 I/O CLOCK The TLC540 and TLC541 are CMOS AID 17 ADDRESS INPUT INPUTA4 5 converters built around an 8-bit 16 DATAOUT INPUTA5 6 switched-capacitor successive-approximation 15 CS INPUT A6 7 AID converters. They are designed for serial INPUT A7 8 14 REF+ interface to a microprocessor or peripheral via "a 9 1011 1213 3-state output with up to four control inputs, including independent SYSTEM CLOCK, I/O CLOCK, chip select (CS), and ADDRESS INPUT. A 4-MHz system clock for the TLC540 and a 2. 1-MHz system clock for the TLC541 with a design that includes simultaneous read/write operation allow high-speed data transfers and sample rates of up to 75,180 samples per second for the TLC540 and 40,000 samples per sec6nd for the TLC541. In addition to the high-speed converter and versatile control logic, there is an on-Chip 12-channel analog multiplexer that can be used to sample anyone of 11 inputs or an internal self-test voltage, and a sample-and-hold that can operate automatically or under microprocessor control. Detailed information on interfacing to most popular microprocessors is readily available from the factory. AVAILABLE OPTIONS PACKAGE TA -40·C to 85·C SO PLASTIC OIP (oW) PLASTICOIP (N) CHIP CARRIER (FN) TLC5401DW TLC541IDW TLC540IN TLC541IN TLC540lFN TLC5411FN ~TEXAS Copyright © 1995, Texas Instruments Incorporated INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 2-13 • TLC5401, TLC5411 8-BITANALOG·TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 INPUTS SLAS065A - OCTOBER 1983 - REVISED MARCH 1995 description (continued) The converters incorporated in the TLC540 and TLC541 feature differential high-impedance reference inputs , that facilitate ratiometric conversion, scaling, and analog circuitry isolation from logic and supply noises. A switched-capacitor design allows low-error (±O.5 LSB) conversion in 9 !is for the TLC540 and 17 !is for the TLC541 over the full operating temperature range. The TLC5401 and TLC541I are characterized for operation from -4boC to 85°C. functional block diagram REF+ REF- f4 f3 -+ AO A1 A2 A3 ~ A4 ~ A5 ~ A8 A7 ~ A8 9 A9 A10 -+ -+ Analog Inputs -+ I-+- Sample and Hold r-- 12-Channel Analog Multiplexer 11 ~ 12 -=- .... I I Self-Test Reference I I I ADDRESS 17 INPUT I Input Address Register I I 2 Output Data Reglater ~ 8-to-1 Date Selector and Driver r-!!- DATA OUT Control Logic and 1/0 Countars ± I/O 18 CLOCK CS 8 4 4 Input Multiplexer 8-81t Analog-ta-Dlgltal Converter (Switched-Capacitors) 15 SYSTEM 19 CLOCK typical equivalent Inputs INPUT CIRCUIT IMPEDANCE DURING SAMPLING MODE INPUT INPUT CIRCUIT IMPEDANCE DURING HOLD MODE 1 knTYP AO-A10~ I INPUT = 01 60pFTYP .(equivalent Input cepacltance) AO-A10~. ~1ExAs 2-14 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX e55303 • DALlAS. TEXAS 75265 . J 5 MCTYP TLC5401, TLC541I 8·BIT ANALOG·TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 INPUTS SLAS065A - OCTOBER 1983 - REVISED MARCH 1995 operating sequence I/O CLOCK I1 I2 I3 I4 I5 I6 I7 I8 ~ 141 es ~ See Note A +---------f'r --I I J+- Sample CycieC ~ 1 ; 1 - - - - - -.. . ,. 1 1 r0- ,\-I' fr-'; LSB '~ . Access CycleC j+-- twH(CS) ----.j MSB Don't care 1\ LSB Don't Care 1 1 H_I._ZStete~~ IX>__ A7 _ _ Previous Conversion Data A --+ MSB LSB MSB (See Note B) ...- - - - Conversion Data B MSB LSB ~ MSB NOTES: A. The conversion cycle, which requires 36 system clock periods, is initiated on the 8th falling edge of 1/0 CLOCK after CS goes low for the channel whose address exists in memory at that time. If CS is kept low during conversion, I/O CLOCK must remain low for at least 36 system clock cycles to allow conversion to be completed. B. The most significant bit (MSB) will automatically be placed on the DATA OUT bus after CS is brought low. The remaining seven bits (A6-AD) will be clocked out on the first seven I/O CLOCK falling edges. C. To minimize errors caused by noise at CS, the internal Circuitry waits for three system clock cycles (or less) after a chip select falling edge is detected before responding to control input signals. Therefore, no attempt should be made to clock·in address data until the minimum chip-select setup time has elapsed. absolute maximum ratings over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)t Supply voltage, Vee (see Note 1) ........................................................... 6.5 V Input voltage range, VI (any input) ...........•...........•..............•...... -0.3 V to Vee +0.3 V Output voltage range, Vo ..................................................... -0.3 V to Vee +0.3 V Peak input current range (any input) ....................................................... ± 10 mA Peak total input current (all inputs) ........•................................................ ±30 mA Operating free-air temperature range, TA: TLC540l, TLC541I .......................... -40°C to 85°C Storage temperature range, Tstg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. -65°C to 150°C Case temperature for 10 seconds: FN package ..................................•............. 260°C Lead temperature 1,6 mm (1116 inch) from case for 10 seconds: OW or N package ................ 260°C t Stresses beyond those listed under "absolute maximum ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under "recommended operating conditions" is not implied. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. NOTE 1: All voltage values are with respect to digital ground with REF- and GND wired together (unless otherwise noted). ~TEXAs INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • OAUAS. TEXAS 75265 2-15 TLC5401, TLC5411 8-BIT ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 INPUTS SLAS065A- OCTOaER 1983 - REVISED MARCH 1995 recommended operating conditions TLC541 TLC540 MIN Supply voltage, Vee Positive reference voltage, Vref+ (see Note 2) MAX MIN 5.5 4.75 4.75 5 2.5 Vee 0 Vec+O.l 2.5 VCC -0.1 Negative reference voltage, Vref- (see Note 2) NOM Differential reference voltage, Vref+ - Vref- (see Note 2) 1 Analog input voltage (see Note 2) 0 High-level control input voltage, VIH 2 Low-level control input voltage, VIL 2.5 tsu(A~ Hold time, address bits after 110 CLOCKi, th(Al Setup time, CS low before clocking in first address bit, tsu(CS) (see Note 3) CS high during conversion, twH(eS) Pulse duration, SYSTEM CLOCK frequency, fclock(SYSl 5 5.5 UNIT V V -0.1 Vec+0.2 1 VCC+0.2 V VCC 0 VCC V VCC V V 2 0.8 V 200 400 0 0 ns 3 3 System clock cycles 36 36 System clock cycles 0 110 CLOCK frequency, fclock(IIO} MAX VCC VCC+O.l 0 2.5 0.8 Setup time, address b~s at data inpUt before 110 CLOCKi, NOM 2.048 4 0 fclock(IIOl 210 ns 1.1 MHz 2.1 MHz Pulse duration, SYSTEM CLOCK high, twH(SYS) fclocklllOl 110 Pulse duration, SYSTEM CLOCK low, twL(SYS) 100 190 Pulse duration, 110 clock high, twH(IIO) 200 404 ns Pulse duration, I/O clock low, twL(I/Ol 200 404 ns System Clock transition time (see Note 4) 110 Operating free-air temperature, TA MHz MHz 30 fclock(SYSl $ 1048 kHz 30 fclock(SYS) > 1048 kHz 20 20 fclock(l/Ol $ 525 kHz 100 100 fclock(IIO) > 525 kHz 40 40 TLC5401, TLC541 I -40 85 -40 85 ns ·C NOTES: 2. Analog Input voltages greater than that applied to REF + convert as all "l"s (11111111), while Input voltages less than that applied to REF- convert as all "O·s (00000000). For proper operation, REF+ voltage must be at least 1 V higher than REF- voltage. Also, the total unadjusted error may increase as this differential reference voltage falls below 4.75 V. 3. To minimize errors caused by noise at CS, the internal circuitry wa~ for three SYSTEM CLOCK cycles (or less) after a chip select falling edge is detected before responding to control input signals. Therefore, no attempt should be made to clock in an address until the minimum chip select setup time has elapsed. 4. This Is the time required for the clock input signal to fall from VIH min to VIL max or to rise from VIL max to VIH min. In the vicinity of normal room temperature, the devices function with input clock transition time as slow as 2 lIS for remote data acquisition applications where the sensor and the AID converter are placed several feet away from the controlling microprocessor. ~TEXAS 2-16 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALl.AS. TEXAS 75265 - TLC5401, TLC541I 8-81T ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 INPUTS SLAS066A- OCTOBER 19~ - REVISED MARCH 1995 electrical characteristics over recommended operating temperature range, Vee = Vref+ = 4.75 V to 5.5 V, fcloCk(II0) 2.048 MHz forTLC540 or fclock(I/O) 1.1 MHz for TLC541 (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP't MAX UNIT = = IIA VOH High-level output voltage, DATA OUT VCC-4.75V, IOH =360 VOL Low-level output voltage VCC-4.75 V, IOL= 1.6mA 0.4 IOZ Off-state (high-impedance state) output current VO=VCC, VO=O, CSatVcc 10 CSatVcc -10 IIH High-level input current IlL Low-level Input current ICC Operating supply current VI=VCC VI=O CSatOV Selected channel at Vcc, Unselected channel at 0 V Selected channel leakage current ICC + Iref Ci Selected channel at 0 V, Unselected channel at VCC Supply and reference current Input capacitance Vraf+-VCC, CSatOV I Analog inputs I Control inputs 2.4 V V IIA 0.005 2.5 -0.005 -2.5 IIA IIA 1.2 2.5 mA 0.4 1 -0.4 -1 IIA 1.3 3 7 55 5 15 mA pF .t All tYPiCal values are at TA = 25°C. ~1EXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE eox 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 2-17 TLC5401, TLC541I 8·BIT ANALOG·TO·DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 INPUTS SLAS065A- OCTOBER 1983 - REVISED MARCH 1995 operating characteristics over recommended operating free-air temperature range, Vee =Vref+ -4.75 V to 5.5 V, fclock(1I0) 2~048 MHz for TLC540 or 1.1 MHz for TLC541 , fclock(SYS) 4 MHz for TLC540 or 2.1 MHz for TLC541 = PARAMETER = TLCS40 MIN MAX TEST CONDITIONS TLC541 MIN UNIT MAX EL Linearity error See Note 5 ±0.5 ±0.5 LSB EZS Zero-scale error S.ee Notes 2 and 6 ±0.5 ±0.5 LSB EFS Full-scale error See Notes 2 and 6 ±0.5 ±0.5 LSB Total unadjusted error See Note 7 ±0.5 ±0.5 LSB Self-test output code Input All address. 1011, (see Note~) Conversion time See Operating Sequence 9 17 Total access and conversion tima See Operating Sequence 13.3 25 !conv Ie Channel acquisition time (sample cycle) tv Time output data remains valid after 1/0CLOCK.1 let Delay time, I/O CLOCK.1 to data output valid len Output enable time letis trlbus) Output disable lima 01111101 (125) 10000011 (131) 01111101 (125) 4 See Operating Sequence 10 See Parameter Measurement Information Data bus rise lime 10000011 (131) 4 jill jill I/O clock cylces - 10 ns 300 400 ns 150 150 ns 150 150 ns 300 300 ns ns 300 300 tf(bus) Data bus fall lime NOTES: 2. Analog Input voltages greater than that applied to REF+ convert to all "l"s (11111111 ) while Input voltages les8 than that applied to REF- convert to all "O"S (00000000). For proper operation, REF+ voltage must be at least 1 V higher than REF- voltage. Also, the total unadjusted error may increase as this differential reference voltage falls below 4.75 V. 5. Linearity error is the maximum deviation from the best straight line through the AID transfer characteristics. 6. Zero-scale error is the difference between 00000000 and the converted output for zero Input voltage; full-scale error is the difference between 11111111 and the converted output for full-lICaIe input voltage. 7. Total unadjusted error is the sum of linearity, zero-scale, and full-scale errors. 8. Both the input address and the output codes are expressed in positive logic. ~1ExAs 2-18 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • 0ALlAS. TEXAS 75265 TLC5401, TLC5411 .a-BIT ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 INPUTS SLAS065A - OCTOBER 1983 - REVISED MARCH 1996 PARAMETER MEASUREMENT INFORMATION J VCC 1.4V kn Output Under Teet CL (see Note Al Output Under Test Teet Point n CL (see Note A) T kn Teet Point T Output Under Teet CL (see Note A) 3kn Test Point T See NoteB See Note B LOAD CIRCUIT FOR !d. t" AND tf ; LOAD CIRCUIT FOR tpZH AND tPHZ LOAD CIRCUIT FOR tPZL AND tpLZ t VCC :.t.. 50% ________ OV I I SYSTEM CLOCK tPZL Output Waveform 1 (see Note C) --+! I+- ----------1......,"1 1 See Note B 50% I!\ ~ tPZH---.! 1,--_ _- 15 Output waveform 2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..J (see Note C) 0% ~ tpLZ K,:l . Vcc 10% ~t~;--OV ....1 ~---- ::H VOLTAGE WAVEFORMS FOR ENABLE AND DISABLE TIMES 110 CLOCK ~--- \ . . : . - - - - - O.BV I ' I I -+I ~Id-.l .IX----------------- DATA OUT_ _ _ _ _ _ 2.4 V O.BV --- I+- 2.4V 0.4V tf VOLTAGE WAVEFORMS FOR RISE AND FALL TIMES VOLTAGE WAVEFORMS FOR DELAY TIME NOTES: A. CL - 50 pF for TLC540 and 100 pF for TLC541. B. ten - tpZH or tpZL. !dis - tPHZ or tpLZ' C. Waveform 1 is for an output with internal conditions such that the output is low except when disabled by the output control. Waveform 2 Is for an output with Internal conditions such that the output Is high except when disabled by the output control. ~1ExAs INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 2-19 . TLC5401, TLC541I 8-BIT ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 INPUTS Sl,AS065A- OCTOI3ER 1983 - REVISED MARCH 1995 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION simplified analog Input analysis Using the equivalent circuit in Figure 1, the time required to charge the analog input capacitance from 0 to Vs within 112 LSB can be derived as follows: The capacitance charging voltage is given by (1 ) where Rt=RS+rj The final voltage to 1/2 LSB is given by Vc (1/2 LSB) = Vs - (Vs/512) (2) Equating equation 1 to equation 2 and solving for time to gives Vs - (VS/512) = Vs(1_e-tc/RtCi) (3) and to (1/2 LSB) = Rt x Cj x In(512) (4) Therefore, with the values 'liven the time for the analog input signal to settle is to (112 LSB) = (Rs + 1 k.a) x 60 pF x In(512) (5) This time must be less than the converter sample time shown in the timing diagrams. Driving Sourcet 4 Rs I I I I VI • TLC540/1 I'J VS~VC I 1kOMAX I ! :';,.M.. VI = Input Voltage et INPUT AO-A10 VS= External Driving Source Voltage Rs = Source Resistance rl = Input Resistance CI = Equivalent Input Capacitance t Driving source requirements: • Noise and distortion for the source must be equivalent to the resolution of the converter. • Rs must be real at the Input frequency. Figure 1. Equivalent Input Circuit Including the Driving Source ~1ExAs. 2-20 > INSTRUMENTS POST OFRCE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 c .. --- TLC5401, TLC5411 8·BIT ANALOG·TO·DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 INPUTS SLAS065A - OCTOBER 1983 - REVISED MARCH 1995 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION The TLC540 and TLC541 are each complete data acquisition systems on a single chip. They include such functions as analog multiplexer, sample and hold, a-bit AID converter, data and control registers, and cont;'ollogic. For flexibility and access speed, there are four control inputs [two clocks, chip select (CS), and address]. These control inputs and a TTL-compatible 3-state output are intended for serial communications with a microprocessor or microcomputer. With judicious interface timing, with TLC540 a conversion can be completed in 9 J.IS, while complete input-conversion-output cycles can be repeated every 13 J.IS. With TLC541 a conversion can be completed in 17 J.IS, while complete input-conversion-output cycles are repeated every 25 J.IS. Furthermore, this fast conversion can be executed on any of 11 inputs or its built-in self-test and in any order desired by the controlling processor. The system and I/O clocks are normally used independently and do not require any special speed or phase relationships between them. This independence simplifies the hardware and software control tasks for the device. Once a clock signal within the specification range is applied to SYSTEM CLOCK, the control hardware and software need only be concerned with addressing the desired analog channel, reading the previous conversion result, and starting the conversion by using I/O CLOCK. SYSTEM CLOCK will drive the conversion crunching circuitry so that the control hardware and software need not be concerned with this task. When CS is high, DATA OUT is in a 3-state condition and ADDRESS INPUT and I/O CLOCK are disabled. This feature allows each of these terminals, with the exception of CS, to share a control logic point with their counterpart terminals on additional AID devices when additional TLC540/541 devices are used. In this way, the above feature serves to minimize the required control logic terminals when using multiple AID devices. The control sequence has been designed to minimize the time and effort required to initiate conversion and obtain the conversion result. A normal control sequence is: 1. CS is brought low. To minimize errors caused by noise at CS, the internal circuitry waits for two rising edges and then a falling edge of SYSTEM CLOCK after a low CS transition, before the low transition is recognized. This technique is used to protect the device against noise when the device is used in a noisy environment. The MSB of the previous conversion result automatically appears on DATA OUT. 2. A new positive-logic multiplexer address is shifted in on the first four rising edges of I/O CLOCK. The MSB of the address is shifted in first. The negative edges of these four I/O clock pulses shift out the second, third, fourth, and fifth most significant bits of the previous conversion result. The on-chip sample and hold begins sampling the newly addressed analog input after the fourth falling edge. The sampling operation basically involves the charging of internal capacitors to the level of the analog input voltage. 3. Three clock cycles are then applied to I/O CLOCK and the sixth, seventh, and eighth conversion bits are shifted out on the negative edges of these clock cycles. 4. The final eighth clock cycle is applied to I/O CLOCK. The falling edge of this clock cycle completes the analog sampling process and initiates the hold function. Conversion is then performed during the next 36 system clock cycles. After this final I/O clock cycle, CS must go high or the I/O CLOCK must remain low for at least 36 system clock cycles to allow for the conversion function. CS can be kept low during periods of multiple conversion. When keeping CS low during periods of multiple conversion, special care must be exercised to prevent noise glitches on I/O CLOCK. If glitches occur on I/O CLOCK, the I/O sequence between the microprocessor/controller and the device loses synchronization. Also, if CS is taken high, it must remain high until the end of the conversion. Otherwise, a valid falling edge of CS causes a reset condition, which aborts the conversion in progress. A new conversion can be started and the ongoing conversion simultaneously aborted by performing steps 1 through 4 before the 36 system clock cycles occur. Such action yields the conversion result of the previous conversion and not the ongoing conversion. ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DAUAS. TEXAS 75265 2-21 . TLC5401, TlC541I 8~BIT ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 INPUTS SLAS065A- OCTOBER 1983 - REVISED MARCH 1995 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION It is possible to connect SYSTEM CLOCK and 1/0 clock together in special situations in which controlling circuitry points must be minimized. In this case, the following special points must be considered in addition to the requirements of the normal control sequence previously described. 1. The first two clocks are required for this device to recognize CS is at a valid low level when the common clock signal is used as an 1/0 CLOCK. When CS is recognized by the device to be at a high level, the common clock signal is u$ed for the conversion clock also. 2. A low CS must be recognized before the 1/0 CLOCK can shift in an analog channel address. The device recognizes a CS transition when the SYSTEM CLOCK terminal receives two positive edges and then a negative edge. For this reason, after a CS negative edge, the first two clock cycles do not shift in the address. Also, upon shifting in the address, CS must be raised after the eighth valid (10 total) 1/0 CLOCK. Otherwise; additional common clock cycles are recognized as I/O CLOCKS and will shift in an erroneous address. For certain applications, such as strobing applications, it is necessary to start conversion at a specific point in time.' This device accommodates these applications. Although the on-chip sample and hold begins sampling upon the negative edge of the fourth valid 1/0 clock cycle, the hold function is not initiated until the negative edge of the eighth valid 1/0 clock cycle. Thus, the control circuitry can leave the I/O clock signal in its high state during the eighth valid 1/0 clock cycle until the moment at which the analog signal must be converted. The TLC540ITLC541 continues sampling the analog input until the eighth falling edge of the 1/0 clock. The control circuitry or software then immediately lowers the 1/0 clock signal and holds the analog signal at the desired point in time and start conversion. Detailed information on interfacing to most popular microprocessors is readily available from the factory. ~1ExAs 2-22 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALlAS, TEXAS 75265 TLC542C, TLC5421 8-81T ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 INPUTS FEBRUARY • 8-Blt Resolution AID Converter • Microprocessor Peripheral or Stand-Alone Operation • On-Chip 12-Channel Analog Multiplexer • Built-In Self-Test Mode • Software-Controllable Sample and Hold • Total Unadjusted Error. •. ±O.S LSB Max • Direct Replacement for Motorola MC14S041 • On-Board System Clock • End-of-Converslon (EOC) Output • Pinout and Control Signals Compatible With the TLC1S42/31o-BIt AID Converters OW OR N PACKAGE (TOP VIEW) INPUTAO INPUT A1 INPUT A2. INPUT A3 INPUTA4 INPUT A5 INPUT A6 INPUT A7 INPUT AS GND 16 JJS Conversion Time (Max) 20 JJS Power Dissipation (Max) 9 14 13 12 11 CI.. CI.. CI.. () 0 ~~~::>w 25 x 103 Samples per Second (Max) 4 ~<~ ~~~ => => => () () VALUE Channel Acquisition/Sample Time VCC EOC 1/0 CLOCK ADDRESS INPUT DATA OUT CS REF+ REFINPUT A10 INPUT A9 FNPACKAGE (TOP VIEW) • CMOS Technology PARAMETER MARCH 1995 INPUT A3 10mW INPUT A4 INPUT A5 INPUT A6 INPUTA7 description 4 3 2 1 201918 5 17 6 16 7 15 1/0 CLOCK ADDRESS INPUT DATA OUT CS REF+ The TLC542 is a CMOS converter built around an 8 9 1011 12,j4 B-bit switched-capacitor successive-approximation analog-to-digital converter. The device is designed for serial interface to a microprocessor or peripheral via a 3-state output with three inputs [including 1/0 CLOCK, CS (chip select), and ADDRESS INPUT]. The TLC542 allows high-speed data transfers and sample rates of up to 40,000 samples per second. In addition to the high-speed converter and versatile control logic, an on-chip 12-channel analog multiplexer can sample anyone of 11 inputs or an.; internal "self-tesf' voltage, and the sample and hold is started under microprocessor control. At the end of conversion, the end-of-conversion (EOC) output pin goes high to indicate that conversion is complete. Detailed information on interfacing to most popular microprocessors is readily available from the factory. AVAILABLE OPTIONS PACKAGE TA CHIP CARRIER (FN) O·Cto 70·C TLC542CFN TLC542CN TLC542CDW -40·C to 85·C TLC5421FN TLC5421N TLC5421DW PLASTICOIP (N) ~TEXAS SMALL OUTLINE (OW) Copyright © 1995. Texas Instruments Incorporated INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DAllAS. TEXAS 75265 2-23 . TLC542C, TLC5421 8·BIT ANALOG·TO·DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 INPUTS SLAS075A - FEBRUARY 1989 - REVISED MARCH 1995 description (continued) The converter incorporated in the TLC542 features differential high-impedance reference inputs that facilitate ratio metric conversion, scaling, and isolation of analog circuitry from logic and supply noises. A switchedcapacitor design allows low-error (±0.5 LSS) conversion in 20 J1S over the full operating temperature range. The TLC542C is characterized for operation from O°C to 70°C and the TLC5421 is characterized for operation from -40°C to 85°C. functional block diagram - Analog Inputs -- Sample and Hold ~ .. I-- REF+ REF- I I 8-Blt Analog-ta-Dlgltal Converter (Switched-Capacitors) 8 12-Channel Analog Multiplexer Output Data Reglstar M - Input Address Reglstar .,4.. 8-to-1 Data Salector and I - DATA OUT Driver ~ 4 Y Self-Test Reference I 4 Input Multiplexer ADDRESS INPUT 110 CLOCK 2 Control Logic and I/O Counters tI t .. CS EOC typical equivalent inputs INPUT CIRCUIT IMPEDANCE DURING SAMPLING MODE 1 knTYP INPUT ----"vV'v---] AO-A10 ...L I INPUT CIRCUIT IMPEDANCE DURING HOLD MODE INPUT = CI 60 pFTYP (equivalent Input capacitance) AO-A10~ ~TEXAS .INSTRUMENTS 2-24 POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 ;h 5 MOTYP TLC542C, TLC5421 8-BIT ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 INPUTS SLAS075A - FEBRUARY 1989 - REVISED MARCH 1995 operating sequence 110 CLOCK~ tau(A) ....1 I+- ~::: I I I --I i+-- I I (s88NoteA) taCq I .I tau(CS) ~I --+1 11 . , I I I CS 1 II , I I I I I IMSB LSB I, Don'tCare ADDRESS ~ INPUT DATA OUT "Il'I I I I : I I I I I I I I i4-- Previous Conversion Date A ~ I I MSB LSB.I 1 1, 14 I :+--- tacq ------'II r iI ,........- - - - - - - - - -....... HI-Z State I I I 121ntemal System ClockS S 121111 I I I (- Note B) EOC I+-- I { A i4" Cy,=~ --l ~I +- tconv -+I I I M~B LSB ~ Don't Care C3 C2 C1 CO _ - - - - - - - I Sea Note B 114 MSB I~(EOC-DATA)-' ~ Conversion Date B _ _~~I LSB I tcI(l/~OC)-+i~r---Jr----------""'L~ 1cycle NOTES: A. To minimize errors caused by noise at the chip select input, the intemal circuitry waits for two rising edges and one falling edge of the intemal system clock after CS.!. before responding to control input signals. The CS setup time is given by the lsu(CS) specifications. Therefore, no attempt should be made to clock·in an address until the minimum chip select setup time has elapsed. B. The output is 3-stated on CS going high or on the negative edge of the eighth I/O clock. absolute maximum ratings over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)t Supply voltage, Vee (see Note 1) .......................................................... 6.5 V Input voltage range (any input) .............................................. -0.3 V to Vee + 0.3 V Output voltage range . . . . . . .. .. .. . . .. . . . . . . .. . .. .. . . ..... .. . .. .. . . . ... ... .. -0.3 V to Vee+ 0.3 V Peak input current range (any input) . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •. ±20 mA Peak total input current (all inputs) .................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ±30 mA Operating free-air temperature range: TLC542C ........................................ O°C to 70°C TLC5421 ...................................... -40°C to 85°C Storage temperature range ........... . . .. .. .. . .. .. . . . . . .. .. . .. .. . . .. .. .. . . . .. ... -65°C to 150°C Case temperature for 10 seconds: FN package .. .. .. . . . . . .. .. .. . .. . .. .. . . .. . .. . . . . . . .. .. ... 260°C Lead temperature 1,6 mm (1/16 inch) from case for 10 seconds: OW or N package ...•.....•.... 260°C t Stresses beyond those listed under "absolute maximum ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at theSe or any other conditions beyond those indicated under "recommended operating conditions" is not implied. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods. may affect device reliability. NOTE 1: All voltage values are with respect to digital ground with REF- and GND wired together (unless otherwise noted). ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 656303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 2-25 • TLC542C, TLC5421 8·BIT ANALOG·TO·DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 INPUTS. SLAS076A- FEBRUARY 1989 - REVISED MARCH 1995 recommended operating conditions, Vee = 4.75 to 5.5 V MIN NOM 4.75 5 Vref-0.1 VCC 0 Differential reference voltage, Vref+ - Vref- (see Note 2) 1 VCC Analog input voltage (see Note 3) 0 High-level control Input voltage, VIH 2 Supply voltage, VCC Positive reference voltage, Vref+ (see Note 2) Negative reference voltage, Vref- (see Note 2) MAX 5.5 UNIT VCC+O.1 V Vref+ VCC +0.2 V VCC V V V Low-level control input voltage, VIL 0.8 Setup time. address bRs at data input before 1/0 CLocKi, isu(A) V V 400 ns Hold time, address bHs after 1/0 CLocKi. thffi) 0 ns Hold time, CS low after 8th 1/0 CLOCKt, \hICS) 0 ns 3.8 Setup time, CS low before clocking in first address bit, isu(CS) (see Note 4) 1.1 0 Input/output clock frequency, fclock{l/Ql Input/output clock high, twHIIIO) 404 Input/output clock low, twUIIOI 404 1/0 CLOCK transition time, tt (see Note 3) Operating free-air temperature, TA lIS MHz ns ns fclock(I/O) s 525 kHz 100 fclocklllO) > 525 kHz TLC542C 40 TLC5421 0 -40 ns 70 ·C 85 NOTES: 2. Analog Input voltages greater than that applied to REF+ convert as all ones (11111111). while Input voltages less than that applied to REF- convert as all zeros (00000000). For proper operation, REF+ must be at least 1 V higher than REF-. Also, the total unadjusted error may Increase as this differential reference voltage falls below 4.75 V. 3. This is the time required for the clock input signal to fall from VIH min to VIL max or to rise from VIL max to VIH min. In the vicinity of normal room temperature, the devices function with input clock transition time as slow as 2 lIS for remote data acquisRion applications where the sensor and the AID converter are placed several feet away from the controlling microprocessor. 4. To minimize errors caused by noise at the chip select input, the internal circuitry waits for two rising edges and one falling edge of the internal system clock after CS .1. before responding to control input signals. The CS setup time is given by the isu(CS) speCifications. Therefore, no attempt should be made to clock-in aCldress data until the minimum chip select setup time has elapsed. electrical characteristics over recommended operating temperature range, Vee = Vref+ = 4.75 V to 5.5 V, fClock(1I0) = 1.1 MHz (unless otherwise noted) . PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYpt MAX VOH High-level output voltage (DATA OUn VCC = 4.75 V, 10H = -360 JJA VOL Low-level output voltage VCC-4.75V, IOL=1.6mA Off-state (high-impedance state) output current VO-VCC, cs at VCC 0.4 10 VO=O, CSatVcc -10 2.4 UNIT V V JJA IIH High-level input current VI-VCC 0.005 2 IlL Low-level input current -0.005 -2.5 JJA JJA ICC Operating supply current VI-O CSatOV 2 mA 1.2 Selected channel leakage current Selected at VCC, Unselected channel at 0 V Iref Maximum static analog reference current into REF+ Vref+= VCC, Ci Input capacitance I O·C to 70 ·C 1- 40"C to 85·C Vref-- GND -0.4 JJA 10 JJA I Analog inputs 7 55 1Control inputs 5 15 t All typical values are at TA = 25·C. ~TEXAS 2-26 0.4 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX EI55303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 ; pF .. -- TLC542C, TLC5421 8-81T ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 INPUTS SLAS075A - FEBRUARY 1989 - REVISED MARCH 1995 operating characteristics over recommended operating free-air temperature range, Vee Vref+ 4.75 to 5.5 V, fclock(I/O) 1 MHZ = = = PARAMETER EL Linearity error (see Note 5) EZS Zero-scale error (see Note 6) Full-scale error (see Note 6) EFS TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYPt MAX UNIT ±C.5 LSB See Note 2 ±C.5 LSB See Note 2 ±C.5 LSB ±C.5 LSB Total unadjusted error (see Note 7) 01111101 (126) 10000011 (130) Self-test oulput code InputA11 address = 1011, See Note 8 Iconv Conversion time See operating sequence 20 J.LS tcvcIe taca Total access and conversion cycle time See operating sequence 40 J.LS Channel acquisition time (sample cycle) See operating sequence 16 tv Time ouput data remains valid after 1/0 CLK.!. See FigureS !dCIQ-DATA) Delay time, I/O CLK.!. to data output valid See Figure 5 400 ns !delQ-EOC) Delay time, 8th VO CLK.!. to EOC.!. See Figure 6 500 ns !d(EQC-DATA) tpZH, tpZL Delay time, EOCi to data out (MSB) See Figure 7 400 ns Delay time, CS.!. to data out (MSB) See Figure 2 3.4 J.LS tpHZ, tpLZ Delay time, CSi to data out (MSB) See Figure 2 150 ns \reEOC) tf(EOC) Rise time See Figure 7 100 ns Fall time See Figure 6 100 ns \rCbus) Data bus rise time See Figure 5 300 ns 128 10 J.LS ns 300 ns Data bus fall time See Figure 5 tf(bus) t All typical values are at TA _ 25°C NOTES: 2. Analog input voltages greeter than that applied to REF + convert to all ones (11111111), while input voltages less than that applied to REF- convert to all zeros (00000000). For proper operation, REF+ must be at least 1 V higher than REF-. Also, the total unadjusted error may increase as this differential reference voltage falls below 4.75 V. 5. Unearity error is the maximum deviation from the best straight line through the AID transfer characteristics. 6. Zaro-scale Error is the difference between 00000000 and the converted output for zero input voltage; full-scale error is the difference between 11111111 and the converted oulput for full-scale input voltage. 7. Total unadjusted error is the sum of linearity, zero-scale, and full-scale errors. 8. Both the input address and the oulput codes are expressed In positive logic. The A11 analog input signal is intemally generated and is used for test purposes. ~1ExAs INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 2-27 TLC542C, TLC5421 8-81T ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 INPUTS S\.AS075A- FEBRUARY 1989 - REVISED MARCH 1995 PARAMETER MEASUREMENT INFORMATION J 1 4V • 3kn Output Under Teat n. Outpu.t Under Test Teat Point CLI (see Note A) CL (see Note A) -= Test Point OUtput Under Teat CL 3kn \ ":' (see Note A) ":' kn . Test Point T LOAD CIRCUIT FOR tpZL AND tpLZ LOAD CIRCUIT FOR tpZH AND tPHZ LOAD CIRCUIT FOR td. til ANDtf J T J: V: NOTE A: CL = 50 pF Figure 1. Load Circuits !.Address --+1 1Valid 1 CS ~~~ \'o.SV____J2/!f, tPZH.tPZL . DATA OUT ~ I~ -i An ~ ~ I 0.4 v 110 ___________2..JV CLOCK 10% ~ \- o.sv tsu(CS) Figure 3. Address Timing 110 CLOCK (/Ii +---j 2V /!4 1 \. .\ Figure 4. Figure 4. CS to 110 CLOCK Timing ~TEXAS 2-28 th(CS) ;-;;-\! yr--J Ci~~k ~ 2V/\' ~ J- /' Figure 2. CS to Data Output Timing CS lit 1+ tsu(A) ~ tpHZ. tpLZ )90% 2.4V(. ----c. X= =X~.~V INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DAllAS; TEXAS 75265 heAl _._. TLC542C, TLC5421 8·BIT ANALOG·TO·DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 INPUTS SLAS075A- FEBRUARY 1989 - REVISED MARCH 1995 PARAMETER MEASUREMENT INFORMATION tf(l/O) -+I 14-- ---.: 110 CLOCK I+- tr(1I0) I ~-:--~ I , , ~BVI O.BV I ~I~-- fclock(l/O) ~ td(l/()"DATA) :.. tv~ DATA OUT ., , 2.4VX 2.4 V ____o~.4~V~ ~~O.~4~V_____________ I I ~ ~ tr(bus). tf(bus) Figure 5. Data Output Timing I/O CLOCK / ---./ Bth \ Clock tcl(I/()"EOC) ~.B V 11:.,-. ; ; ; ; . . : . . - - - - - - - I -I0Il1'111----+1., , 2.4V EOC \i !\...;;O~.4..;.V_ _ I I tf(EOC) ~ 14- Figure 6. EOC Timing -.I ~ EOC tr(EOC) Ii j'Ir-------------------2.4V ~: -.I( 14- tcl(EOC-DATA) ______________~.~2~.4~V~----DATA OUT ~O:::;.4:.:V------ I I+- Valid MSB --+ Figure 7. Data Output to EOC Timing -!!1 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DAUAS, TEXAS 75265 2-29 • TLC542C, TLC5421 8-81T ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 INPUTS SLAS075A- FEBRUARY 1989 - REVISED MARCH 1995 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION simplified analog input analysis Using the equivalent circuit in Figure 8, the time required to charge the analog inputcapacitance from 0 to Vs within 1/2 LSB can be derived as follows: The capacitance charging voltage is given by Vc = Vs (1-e -t c/RtCj ) (1) where Rt=Rs+q The final voltage to 1/2 LSB is given by Vc (1/2 LSB) = Vs - (Vs/S12) (2) Equating equation 1 to equation 2 and solving for time to gives Vs -(Vg/S12) = Vs (1-e -t c/RtCI ) (3) to (1/2 LSB) = Rt x Cj x In(S12) (4) and Therefore, with the values given the time for the analog input signal to settle is tc (1/2 LSB) = (Rs + 1 1<.0) x 60pF x In(S12) '(S) This time must be less than the converter sample time shown in the timing diagrams. Driving Sourcet 4 Rs I I . TLC542 I I VI rl VS~VC I 1kOMAX ! I :::pFMAX VI =Input Voltage at INPUT AO-A10 VS= External Driving Source Voltage Rs = Source Resistance I'J = Input Resistance CI = Input capacitance t Driving source requirements: • Noise and distortion for the source must be equivalent to the resolution of the converter. • Rs must be real at the input frequency. Figure 8. Equivalent Input Circuit Including the Driving Source ~1ExAs 2~O INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 665303 • DAllAS. TEXAS 75265 TLC542C, TLC5421 8-81T ANALOG·TO·DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 INPUTS SLAS075A - FEBRUARY 1989 - REVISED MARCH 1995 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION The TLC542 is a complete data acquisition system on a single chip. The device includes such functions as analog multiplexer, sample and hold, a-bit AID converter, data and control registers, and control logic. Three control inputs (1/0 CLOCK, CS (chip select), and ADDRESS INPUT) are included for flexibility and access speed. These control inputs and a TTL-compatible 3-state output are intended for serial communications with a microprocessor or microcomputer. With judicious interface timing, the TLC542 can complete a conversion in 20 ~, while complete input-conversion-output cycles can be repeated every 40 ~. Futhermore, this fast conversion can be executed on any of 11 inputs or its built-in self-test and in any order desired by the contrOlling processor. When CS is high, the DATA OUT terminal is in a 3-state condition, and the ADDRESS INPUT and 1/0 CLOCK terminals are disabled. When additional TLC542 devices are used, this feature allows each of these termminals, with the exception of the CS terminal, to share a control logic point with their counterpart terminals on additional AID devices. Thus, this feature minimizes the control logic terminals required when using multiple AID devices. The control sequence is designed to minimize the time and effort required to initiate conversion and obtain the conversion result. A normal control sequence is as follows: 1. CS is brought low. To minimize errors caused by noise at the CS input, the internal circuitry waits for two rising edges and then a falling edge of the internal system clock before recognizing the low CS transition. The MSB of the result of the previous conversion automatically appears on the DATA OUT terminal. 2. On the first four rising edges of the 1/0 CLOCK, a new positive-logic multiplexer address is shifted in, with the MSB of this address shifted first. The negative edges of these four I/O CLOCK pulses shift out the second, third, fourth, and fifth most significant bits of the result of the previous conversion. The on-chip sample and hold begins sampling the newly addressed analog input after the fourth falling edge of the I/O CLOCK. The sampling operation basically involves charging the internal capacitors to the level of the analog input voltage. 3. Three clock cycles are applied to the I/O CLOCK terminal and the sixth, seventh, and eighth conversion bits are shifted out on the negative edges of these clock cycles. 4. The final eighth clock cycle is applied to the I/O CLOCK terminal. The falling edge of this clock cycle initiates a 12-system clock (.. 12 ~) additional sampling period while the output is in the high-impedance state. Conversion is then performed during the next 20 ~. After this final I/O CLOCK cycle, CS must go high or the I/O CLOCK must remain low for at least 20 ~ to allow for the conversion function. CS can be kept low during periods ·of multiple conversion. If CS is taken high, it must remain high until the end of conversion. Otherwise, a valid falling edge of CS causes a reset condition, which aborts the conversion process. A new conversion may be started and the ongoing conversion simultaneously aborted by performing steps 1 through 4 before the 20-~ conversion time has elapsed, Such action yields the conversion result of the previous conversion and not the ongoing conversion. The end-of-conversion (EOC) output goes low on the negative edge of the eighth I/O CLOCK. The subsequent low-to-high transition of EOC indicates the AID conversion is complete and the conversion is ready for transfer. ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 656303 • DAUAS. TEXAS 75265 2-31 2-32 TLC545C, TLC5451, TLC546C, TLC5461 8-81T ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 19 INPUTS SLAS066A- DECEMBER 1985 - REVISED MARCH 1995 • B-Blt Resolution AID Converter • Microprocessor Peripheral or Stand-Alone Operation • On-Chip 2o-Channel Analog Multiplexer • • • • N or OW PACKAGE (TOP VIEW) INPUTAO INPUTA1 INPUTA2 INPUTA3 INPUTA4 INPUTA5 INPUTA6 INPUTA7 INPUTA8 INPUTA9 INPUT A10 INPUT A11 INPUT A12 GND Built-In Self-Test Mode Software-Controllable Sample and Hold Total Unadjusted Error ••• ±O.5 LSB Max Timing and Control Signals Compatible With B-Blt TLC540 and 1o-Blt TLC1540 AID Converter Families • CMOS Technology PARAMETER Channel Acquisition TIme Conversion TIme (Max) Sampling Rate (Max) Power Dissipation (Max) TL545 TL546 1.5 !IS 2.7 !IS 17 !IS 40 x 103 15mW 9 !IS 76 x 103 15mW 1 VCC SYSTEM CLOCK I/O CLOCK ADDRESS INPUT DATA OUT CS 7 11 REF+ REFINPUTA18 INPUT A17 INPUT A16 INPUTA15 INPUT A14 INPUTA13 description The TLC545 and TLC546 are CMOS analog-to-cligital converters built around an B-bit switched capacitor' successive-approximation analog-to-digital converter. They are designed for serial interface to a microprocessor or peripheral via a 3-state output with up to four control inputs including independent SYSTEM CLOCK, 1/0 CLOCK, chip select (CS), and ADDRESS INPUT. A 4-MHz system clock for the TLC545 and a 2.1-MHz system clock for the TLC546 with a design that includes simultaneous read/write operation allowing high-speed data transfers and sample rates of up to 76,923 samples per second for the TLC545, and 40,000 samples per second for the TLC546. INPUT A4 INPUTA5 INPUTA6 INPUT A7 INPUT A8 INPUT A9 INPUT A10 4321282726 5 25 6 24 7 23 8 22 REF + 9 21 ' REF10 20 INPUT A18 11 19 INPUT A17 12 1314 15 16 1718 AVAILABLE OPTIONS PACKAGE TA CHIP CARRIER (FN) PLASTICOIP (N) SMALL OUTLINE (OW) OOCto70·C TLC545CFN TLC546CFN TLC545CN TLC546CN TLC545CDW TLC546CDW -400C to 85·C TlC545IFN TLC548IFN TLC545IN' TLC546IN TLC545IDW TLC546IDW ~TEXAS Copyright © 1995, Texas Instruments Incorporated INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 85S303 • DAllAS. TEXAS 76285 2-33 ... TLC545C, TLC5451, TLC546C, TLC5461 8-81T ANALOG·TO;.DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 19 INPUTS SLAS066A- DECEMBER 1966 - REVISED MARCH 1995 description (continued) In addition to the high-speed converter and versatile control logic, there is an on-chip 20-channel analog multiplexer that can be used to sample anyone. of 19 inputs or an internal self-test voltage, and a. sample-and-hold that can operate automatically or under microprocessor contro/." The converters incorporated in the TLC545 and TLC546 feature differential high-impedance reference inputs thatfacilitate ratio metric conversion, scaling, and analog circuitry isolation from logic and supply nOises. A totally switched capacitor design allows low-error (±O.5 LSB) conversion in9 ~ for the TLC545j and 17 ~ for the TLC546, over the full operating temperature range. Detailed information on interfacing to most popular microprocessors is readily available from the factory. The TLC545C and theTLC546C are characterized for operation from O°C to 70°C. The TLC5451 and the TLC5461 are characterized for operation from -40°C to 85°C. functional block diagram AO .J.A1 ~ A2 ~ A3 A4 ~ 4A5 -!- INPUTS A6 ~ A7 ~ 9 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 to 11 it" 13 15 A13 16 A14 17 A15 18 A16 A17 is 20A18 ..::... 2G-Channel Analog Multiplexer ri I I 25 UO 26 f-+- - 23 SYSTEM CLOCK 27 t22 t2~ 8-81t Analog-to-Dlgltal Converter (Switched-capacitors) f-- Self-Teat Reference Output Data Register Input Address Reglater I - 5 I I Input Multiplexer I 2 Control Logic andUO Counters I ! ~1ExAs 2-34 8 8-t0-1 Data Salector and Driver 4 CLOCK cs REF- 8 ..... ADDRESS INPUT Sample and Hold REF+ INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX e55303 • DAUAS. TEXAS 75266 DATA .M OUT --TLC545C, TLC5451, TLC546C, TLC5461 8-81T ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 19 INPUTS SLAS066A- DECEMBER 1985 - REVISED MARCH 1995 typical equivalent inputs INPUT CIRCUIT IMPEDANCE DURING SAMPLING MODE INPUT CIRCUIT IMPEDANCE DURING HOLD MODE 1 knTYP INPUT INPUT~ ..L AO-A18 AO-A18~ = . ;h CI 60pFTYP (equivalent Input capacitance) 1 5MDTYP operating sequence I CL~b~ --'I 1 : ' " I , 14-- , I , 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I 6 I 7 8 r- ,I I Access --"*j CycleB (see Note C) I See Note A \-\ : , , DATA~ OUT~ tconv, i+- Sample --., I Cycle B CS~ ....,'-----------11 ADDRESS...l..t INPUT--r-> t Don't I ca"l 4 LSB I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I 6 I 7 8 I I.I , , , ACCess....! CycieC I I H-~\~:-----------'r j4-- twH(CS) MSB 1 I\ ~ Don't Care , ' MSB LSB Don't Care HI-ZSlete A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 AO A7 LSB MSB -+-- Previous Conversion Data A \ MSB (see Note B) .. MSB Conversion Data B _ • MSB NOTES: A. The conversion cycle, which requires 36 system clock periods, is initiated with the eighth 1/0 CLOCK.!, after CS'!' for the channel whose address exists in mamory at that time. B. The most significant bit (MSB) will automatically be placed on the DATA OUT bus after CS is brought low. The remaining seven bits (A6-AD) will be clocked out on the first seven I/O CLOCK falling edges. C. To minimize errors caused by noise at the CS input, the internal circuitry waits for three system clock cycles (or less) after a chip select transition before responding to control Input signals. Therefore, no attempt should be made to clock-in address data until the minimum chip-select setup time hes elapsed. absolute maximum ratings over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)t Supply voltage, Vee (see Note 1) ..............•.......................•.••...•............ 6.5 V Input voltage range, VI (any input) ...............•.........................•.. -0.3 V to Vee +0.3 V Output voltage range, Vo ................................................... -0.3 V to Vee +0.3 V Peak input current range (any input) ............•.............•......••................... ±10 mA Peak total input current (all inputs) .................................... . . . . • . . . • . . . . . . . . .. ±30 mA Operating free-air temperature range, TA: TLC545C, TLC546C .......................... O°C to 70°C TLC5451, TLC5461 .......................... -40°C to 85°C Storage temperature range, Tstg ............ ,..................................... -65°C to 150°C Case temperature for 10 seconCls, Te: FN package .....................•...•................ 260°C Lead temperature 1,6 mm (1/16 inch) from case for 10 seconds: N or DW package ..............• 260°C t Stresses beyond those listed under "absolute maximum ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under "recommended operating conditions· is not implied. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. NOTE 1: All voltage values are with respect to network ground terminal. ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 665303 • DALJ.AS. TEXAS 75265 2-35 . TLC545C, TLC5451, TLC546C, TLC5461 &;81T ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 19 INPUTS SLAS066A- DECEMBER 1985 - REVISED MARCH 1995 recommended operating conditions TLC546 TLC545 MIN Supply voltage, VCC 4.75 Positive reference voltage, Vref+ (see Note 2) 0 -0.1 Negative reference voltage, Vref- (see Note 3) Differential reference voltage, Vref+ - Vref- (see Note 3) 0 Analog input voltage (see Note 3) 0 High-level control input voltage, VIH 2 NOM MAX MIN 5 5.5 4.75 Vee VCC+O.l 0 VCC 0 -0.1 VCC+0.2 0 VCC 0 VCC V V VCC+O.2 V VCC V VCC V V V 400 0 0 ns 3 System Clock cycles 3 110 CLOCK frequency, fclock(I/O) 0 2.048 fclock(I/O) Pulse duration, CS high during conversion, twH(CS) 5.5 200 Setup time, ~ low before clocking in first address bit,lsu(CS) (see Note 2) SYSTEM CLOCK frequency, fclock(SYS) 5 UNIT VCC VCC+O•l 0 VCC o.a 0.8 Address hold time, th MAX 2 Low-level control input voltage, VIL Setup time, address bits at data Input before 1/0 CLocKi, tsu(A) NOM ns 0 1.1 4 fclock(I/O) 2.1 MHz MHz System clock cycles 36 36 Pulse duration, SYSTEM CLOCK high, twH(SYS) 110 210 ns Pulse duration, SYSTEM CLOCK 10w,iwL(SYS) 100 190 ns Pulse duration, 110 CLOCK high,iwH(I/O) 200 404 ns Pulse duration, 110 CLOCK low, twL(I/O) 200 404 System Clock transition time (see Note 4) 1/0 Operating free-air temperature, TA ns fclock(SYS) S 1048 kHz 30 30 fclock~YSl > 1048 kHz 20 20 100 100 40 40 ) fclock(1/0) S 525 kHz fclock(1I0) > 525 kHz TLC545C,TLC546C 0 70 0 ns ns 70 ·C -40 85 85 .. NOTES: 2. To minimize errors caused by noise at CS, the intemal circuitry waits for three system clock cycles (or less) after a chip select falling edge or riSing edge Is detected before respcnding to control input signals. Therefore, no attempt should be made to clock-in address data until the minimum chip select setup time has elapsed. 3. Analog input voltages greater than that applied to REF+ convert as all "l"s (11111111), while input voltages less than that applied to REF- convert as all "O"s (00000000). As the differential reference voltage decreases below 4.75 V, the total unadjusted error tends to Increase. 4. This is the time required for the clock input signal to fall from VIH min to VIL max or to rise from VIL max to VIH min. In the vicinity of norinal room temperature, the devices function with input clock transition time as slow as 2 lIS for remote data acquisition applications where the sensor and the AID converter are placed several feet away from the controlling microprocessor. . TLC545I, TLC5461 -40 ~TEXAS 2-36 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 TLC545C, TLC5451, TLC546C, TLC5461 8-BITANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 19 INPUTS SLAS066A- DECEMBER 1985 - REVISED MARCH 1995 electrical characteristics over recommended operating temperature range, Vee Vref+ 4.75 V to 5.5 V, f clock(1I0) 2.048 MHz for TLC545 or f clock(1I0) (unless otherwise noted) = = = PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS =1.1 MHz for TLC546 MIN TVPt MAX VOH High-level output voltage (DATA OUT) VCC =4.75 V, 10H = -360 J.iA VOL Low-level output voltage VCC = 4.75 V, 10L= 3.2 mA 0.4 10Z Off-state (high-impedance state) ouput current VO-VCC, VO-O, CSatVcc 10 IIH High-level Input current IlL Low-level input current ICC Operating supply current ICC + Iref V J.iA -10 CSatVcc VI-VCC 0.005 2.5 VI=O CSatOV -0.005 -2.5 J.iA J.iA 1.2 2.5 mA 0.4 1 -0.4 -1 J.iA Selected channel at 0 V, Unselecled channel at VCC Supply and reference current Input capacitance Ci V Selected channel at VCC, Unselecled channel at 0 V Selected channel leakage current UNIT 2.4 1.3 3 IAnalog inputs 7 55 I Control inputs 5 15 CSatOV Vref+-VCC, mA pF t All tYPical values are at TA = 25°C. operating characteristics over recommended operating free-air temperature range, Vee Vref+ 4.75 V to 5.5 V, fclock(I/O) 2.048 MHz for TLC545 or 1.1 MHz for TLC546, fclock(SYS) = 4 MHz for TLC545 or 2.1 MHz for TLC546 = = PARAMETER = TLC545 TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP TLC546 MAX MIN TVP MAX UNIT EL Linearity error See Note 5 ±0.5 ±0.5 LSB EZS Zero-seele error See Note 6 ±0.5 ±0.5 LSB EFS Full-scale error See Note 6 ±0.5 ±0.5 LSB Total unadjusted error See Note 7 ±0.5 ±0.5 LSB Self-test output code INPUT A19 address = 10011 (see NoteS) Conversion time See Operating Sequence 9 17 Total access and conversion time See Operating Sequence 13 25 lIS 3 1/0 clock cycles Ioonv tacq Channel ~UiSition time (sample cyc e) tv Time output data remains valid after 1/0 CLOCK.!. !d Delay time, 1/0 CLOCK to DATA OUT valid len Output enable time !dis tr(bus) Output disable time 01111101 (125) See Operating Sequence 10000011 01111101 (131) (125) 3 10 10 300 See Parameter Measurement Information Data bus rise time 10000011 (131) lIS ns 4PO ns 150 150 ns 150 150 ns 300 300 ns ns 300 300 tf(bus) Data bus fall time .. .. NOTES: 5. Linearity error IS the maximum deViation from the best straight line through the AID transfer characteristics . 6. Zero-scale error is the difference between 00000000 and the converted output for zero input voltage; full-scale error is the difference between 11111111 and the converted output for full-seele Input voltage. 7. Total unadjusted error is the sum of linearity, zero-scale, and full-scale errors. S. Both the input address and the output codes are expressed in positive logic. The INPUT A19 analog input signal is intemally generated and is used for test purposes. ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DAUAS. TEXAS 75265 2-37 "'" TLC545C, TLC5451, TLC546C, TLC5461 8-BIT ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 19 INPUTS SLAS066A- DECEMBER 1986 - REVISED MARCH 1995 . PARAMETER MEASUREMENT INFORMATION J VCC 1.4V n· kn Output Under Test CL (_NoteA) Output . Under Test CL (_NoteA) I Test Point T Test Point 3kn ":" Point CL (_NoteA)I -=SeeNoteB SeeNoteB LOAD CIRCUIT FOR feI, t,., AND tf j~est Output Under Test LOAD CIRCUIT FOR tpZL AND tpLZ LOAD CIRCUIT FOR tpZH AND tPHZ i~~ I I ______ ::c SYSTEM CLOCK __________________ tPZL --+j *- tpLZ Vcc f 1o:!! _ _ _ _ 0 V j+- ~I Output ;:.~:tr:C~ ! See Note B tpZH --+j Output Waveform 2 (see Note C) }I~ ~ 50% ~ ~ tpHZ I I ____~_--------It,..500/0-----ri\:---- ::H VOLTAGE WAVEFORMS FOR ENABLE AND DISABLE TIMES I/O CLOCK ou~ \ - - - - - - O.SV I I+-fel-.i I DATA OUT V---------------- 2.4V A,-------- _ _ _ _ _..J O.SV I I .tr -+t I+- N;---2.4V I - - - O.4V I -+t I+- tf VOLTAGE WAVEFORMS FOR RISE AND FALL TIMES VOLTAGE WAVEFORMS FOR DELAY TIME NOTES: A. CL - 50 pF for TLC545 and 100 pF for TLC546 B. len - tpZH or IPZL.lctis - tpHZ or tpLZ C. Waveform 1 is for an output wHh internal conditions such that the output is low except when disabled by the output control. Waveform 2 Is for an output wHh Internal conditions such that the output is high except when disabled by the output control. ~1ExAs 2-38 . INSTRUMENTS POST OFACE BOX 655303 • DALlAS. TEXAS 75265 TLC545C, TLC5451, TLC546C, TLC5461 8-81T ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 19 INPUTS SLAS066A- DECEMBER 1985- REVISED MARCH 1995 simplified analog Input analysis Using the equivalent circuit in Figure 1, the time required to charge the analog input capacitance from 0 to Vs within 1/2 LSB can be derived as follows: The capacitance charging voltage is given by Vc = Vs (1-e -t c/RtCj ) (1 ) where Rt=Rs+rj The final voltage to 1/2 LSB is given by (2) Vc (1/2 LSB) = Vs - (Vs/512) Equating equation 1 to equation 2 arid solving for time tc gives Vs -(Vsl512) = Vs (1-e -t c/RtCj ) (3) tc (1/2 LSB) = Rt x Cj x In(512) (4) and Therefore, with the values given the time for the analog input signal to settle is tc (1/2 LSB) = (Rs + 1 kQ) x 60 pF x In(512) (5) This time must be less than the converter sample time shown in the timing diagrams. Driving Sourcet ~ Rs I I I I VI ~ TLC545/6 I'J VS~VC I 1knMAX II I CI 50 pF MAX VI = Input Voltage at INPUT AO-A18 VS= External Driving Source Voltage Rs = Source Resistance '1 Input Resistance CI Input capacitance = = t Driving source requirements: • Noise and distortion for the source must be equivalent to the resolution of the converler. • Rs must be real at the input frequency. Figure 1. Equivalent Input Circuit Including the Driving Source ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DAUAS. TEXAS 75265 2-39 • TLC545C, TLC5451, TLC546C, TLC5481 8-BIT ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROLAND 19 INPUTS SLAS066A- DECEMBER 1985 - REVISED MARCH 1995 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION The TLC545 and TLC546 are both complete data acquisition systems on single chips. Each includes such functions as system clock, sample and hold, a-bit AID converter, data and control registers, and control logic. For flexibility and access speed, there are four control inputs; CS, ADDRESS INPUT, 110 CLOCK, and SYSTEM CLOCK. These control inputs and a TTL-compatible 3-state output facilitate serial communications with a microprocessor or microcomputer. The TLC545 and TLC546 can complete conversions in a maximum of 9 and 17 J,1S respectively, while complete input-conversion-output cycles can be repeated ata maximum of 13 and 25 J,1S, respectively. The system clock and 110 clock are normally used independently and do not require any special speed or phase relationships between them. This independence simplifies the hardware and software control tasks for the device. Once a clock signal within the specification range is applied to the SYSTEM CLOCK input, the control hardware and software need only be concerned with addressing the desired analog channel, reading the previous conversion result, and starting the conversion by using the 110 CLOCK. SYSTEM CLOCK will drive the "conversion crunching" circuitry so that the control hardware and software need not be concerned with this task. When CS is high, DATA OUT is in a high-impedance condition, and ADDRESS INPUT and 110 CLOCK are disabled. This feature allows each of these terminals, with the exception of CS, to share a control logic point with their counterpart terminals on additional AID devices when additional TLC545rrLC546 devices are used. Thus, the above feature serves to minimize the required control logic terminals when using multiple AID devices. The control sequence has been designed to minimize the time and effort required to initiate conversion and obtain the conversion result. A normal control sequence is: 1. CS is brought low. To minimize errors caused by noise at CS, the internal circuitry waits for two rising edges and then a falling edge of the SYSTEM CLOCK after a CS transitiort before the transition is recognized. The MSB of the previous conversion result automatically appears on DATA OUT. 2. A new positive-logic multiplexer address is shifted in on the first five rising edges of 110 CLOCK. The MSB of the address is shifted in first. The negative edges ofthese five 110 clocks shift outthe second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth most significant bits of the previous conversion result. The on-chip sample and hold begins sampling the newly addressed analog input after the fifth falling edge. The sampling operation basically involves the charging of internal capacitors to the level of the analog input voltage. 3. Two clock cycles are then applied to 110 CLOCK and the seventh and eighth conversion bits are shifted out on the negative edges of these clock cycles. 4. The final eighth clock cycle is applied to 110 CLOCK. The falling edge of this clock cycle completes the analog sampling process and initiates the hold function. Conversion is then performed during the next 36 system clock cycles. After this final 110 clock cycle, CS must go high or the 110 CLOCK must remain low for at least 36 system clock cycles to allow for the conversion function. CS can be kept low during periods of multiple conversion. When keeping CS low during periods of multiple conversion, special care must be exercised to prevent noise glitches on the 110 CLOCK line. If glitches occur on the 110 CLOCK line, the 110 sequence between the microprocessor/controller and the device loses synchronization. Also, if CS is taken high, it must remain high until the end of conversion. Otherwise, a valid falling edge of CS causes a reset condition, which aborts the conversion in progress. A new conversion may be started and the ongoing conversion simultaneously aborted by performing steps 1 through 4 be~ore the 36 system clock cycles occur. Such action yields the conversion result of the previous conversion and not the ongoing conversion. ~TEXAS 2-40 . INSTRUMENTS POST OFFIOE BOX 656303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 76266 TLC545C, TLC5451, TLC546C, TLC5461 8-81T ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 19 INPUTS· SLAS066A- DECEMBER 1985 - REVISED MARCH 1995 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION It is possible to connect SYSTEM CLOCK and 1/0 CLOCK together in special situations in which controlling circuitry points must be minimized. In this case, the following special points must be considered in addition to the requirements of the normal control sequence previously described. 1. The first two clocks are required for this device to recognize CS is at a valid low level when the common clock signal is used as an 1/0 CLOCK. When CS is recognized by the device to be at a high level, the common clock signal is used for the conversion clock also. 2. A low CS must be recognized before the 1/0 CLOCK can shift in an analog channel address. The device recognizes a CS transition when the SYSTEM CLOCK terminal receives two positive edges and then a negative edge. For this reason, after a CS negative edge, the first two clock cycles do not shift in the address. Also, upon shifting in the address, CS must be raised after the eighth valid (10 total) 1/0 CLOCK. Otherwise, additional common clock cycles are recognized as 1/0 CLOCKS and shift in an erroneous address. For certain applications, such as strobing applications, it is necessary to start conversion at a specific point in time. This device accommodates these applications. Although the on-Chip sample and hold begins sampling upon the negative edge of the fourth valid 1/0 clock cycle, the hold function is not initiated until the negative edge of the eighth valid 1/0 clock cycle. Thus, the control circuitry can leave the 1/0 clock signal in its high state during the eighth valid I/O clock cycle, until the moment at which the analog signal must be converted. The TLC545/546 continues sampling the analog input until the eighth valid falling edge of the 1/0 clOCk. The control circuitry or software must then immediately lower the 1/0 clock signal to initiate the hold function at the desired point in time and to start conversion. Detailed information on interfacing to most popular microprocesors is readily available from the factory. ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 2-41 ... 2-42 .... TLC548C, TLC5481, TLC549C, TLC5491 8-81T ANALOG·TO·DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL SLAS067A- NOVEMBER 1983 - REVISED MARCH 1995 • Microprocessor Peripheral or Stand-Alone Operation • 8-Blt Resolution AID Converter • Differential Reference Input Voltages • Conversion Time .•• 17 IJS Max • Total Access and Conversion Cycles Per Second - TLC548 ••• up to 45,500 - TLC549 .•• up to 40,000 • On-Chip Software-Controllable Sample-and-Hold • Total Unadjusted Error ••• ±O.5 LSB Max • 4-MHz Typical Internal System Clock • Wide Supply Range ••• 3 V to 6 V • Low Power Consumption ••• 15 mW Max • Ideal for Cost-Effective, High-Performance Applications Including Battery-Operated Portable Instrumentation • Pinout and Control Signals Compatible With the TLC540 and TLC545 8-Blt AID Converters and with the TLC1540 100Blt AID Converter D OR P PACKAGE {TOP VIEW) REF+DS REFas ANALOG IN GND 2 3 4 7 6 5 VCC 1/0 CLOCK DATA OUT • CMOS Technology description The TLC548 and TLC549 are CMOS analog-to-digital converter integrated circuits built around an 8-bit switched-capacitor successive-approximation ADC. They are designed for serial interface with a microprocessor or peripheral through a 3-state data output and an analog input. The TLC548 and TLC549 use only the input/output clock (1/0 CLOCK) input along with the chip select (CS) input for data control. The maximum I/O CLOCK input frequency of the TLC548 is 2.048 MHz, and the 1/0 CLOCK input frequency of the TLC549 is specified up to 1.1 MHz. Detailed information on interfacing to most popular microprocessors is readily available from the factory. Operation of the TLC548 and the TLC549 is very similar to that of the more complex TLC540 and TLC541 devices; however, the TLC548 and TLC549 provide an on-chip system clock that operates typically at 4 MHz and requires no external components. The on-chip system clock allows internal device operation to proceed independently of serial input/output data timing and permits manipulation of the TLC548 and TLC549 as desired for a wide range of software and hardware requirements. The 1/0 CLOCK together with the internal system clock allow high-speed data transfer and conversion rates of 45,500 conversions per second for the TLC548, and 40,000 conversions per second for the TLC549. AVAILABLE OPTIONS PACKAGE TA SMALL OUTLINE (D) PLASTIC DIP (P) 0"Cto70·C TLC54SCD TLC549CD TLC54SCP TLC549CP -40·C to 85·C TLC54SID T,-C549ID TLC54SIP TLC549IP ~1ExAs Copyright @ 1995. Texas Instrumen1S Incorporated INSTRUMENTS , POST OFFICE BOX 65Il303 • OALJ.AS. TEXAS 752156 2-43 .... TLC548C, TLC5481, TLC549C, TLC5491 8-81T ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL SLAS067A- NOVEMBER 1983 - REVISED MARCH 1995 description (Continued) Additional TLC548 and TLC549 features include versatile control logic, an on-chip sample-and-hold circuit that can operate automatically or under microprocessor control, and a high-speed converter with differential high-impedance reference voltage inputs that ease ratiometric conversion, scaling, and circuit isolation from logic and supply noises. Design of the totally switched-capacitor successive-approximation converter circuit allows conversion with a maximum total error of ±O.5 least significant bit (LSB) in less than 17 J.1S. The TLC548C and TLC549C are characterized for operation from O°C to 70°C. The TLC5481 and TLC5491 are characterized for operation from -40°C to 85°C. functional block diagram REF+ REFANALOG IN 1 8-Blt Analog-to Digital Converter (Switchedcapacitors) 3 .L Sample and Hold - r+- Output Data Reglser \ 1I0CLOCK 5 7 8-to-1 Data Salector and Driver - 6 DATA OUT t--< --", os ~ r-- r- Internal System Clock 8 I-.Control Loglcand. Output Counter typical equivalent Inputs INPUT CIRCUIT IMPEDANCE DURING SAMPLING MODE INPUT CIRCUIT IMPEDANCE DURING HOLD MODE 1 kOTYP ANALOGIN~ I ANALOGIN~ CI =60pFTYP (equivalent Input capacltanca) ~TEXAS 2-44 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALlAS, TEXAS 75265 .,t 5 MOTYP TLC548C, TLC5481, TLC549C, TLC5491 8-81T ANALOG·TO·DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL SLAS067A- NOVEMBER 1983 - REVISED MARCH 1995 operating sequence 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Is 1I0~ ~ ~c:::; ~ j.- Sample CLOCK I tau(CS) ~ ~ DATA OUT ~ Don't t ',I -K I CycieB ---.r- ;) I I ,- -, r~)I---------~ II Ien~~ I ---.j I HI-ZStele II B7 II 11".--- Conversion Data B - - - . II I~ II r 1.,1 HI-Z State A7 Prevloua Conversion Date A _ MSB LSB MSB (see Note B) t-- ~::I~ -----t \su(CS) ~---------~I I I ~ twH(CS) I Li ~:~ ~ tconv --t (see Note A) .---""1' , b 12 13 14 15 16 17 Is II MSB len ~ LSB j4- NOTES: A. The conversion cycle. which requires 36 intemal system clock periods (17 j1S maximum), is initiated with the eighth I/O clock pulse trailing edge after OS goes low for the channel whose address exists in memory at the time. B. The most significant bit (A7) will automatically be placed on the DATA OUT bus after CS is brought low. The remaining seven bits (A6-AO) will be clocked out on the first seven 110 clock falling edges. B7-80 will follow in the same manner. absolute maximum ratings over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted) Supply voltage, Vee (see Note 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . 6.5 V Input voltage range at any input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -0.3 V to Vee + 0.3 V Output voltage range .. . .. . .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .. . . . . . . -0.3 V to Vee + 0.3 V Peak input current range (any input) ...... , . .. • .. . .. .. . .. .. .. . . .. . . . . . .. . . .. .. .. . .. .. • ... ± 10 mA Peak total input current range (all inputs) • . . . . •. . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ±30 mA Operating free-air temperature range, TA (see Note 2):TLC548C, TLC549C . • . . . . . . . . . . O°C to 70°C TLC5481, TLC5491 . . . . . . . . . . .. -40°C to 85°C Storage temperature range, Tstg .................................................. -65°C to 150°C Lead temperature 1,6 mm (1/16 inch) from case for 10 seconds .............................. 260°C NOTES: 1. All voltage values are with respect to the network ground terminal with the REF- and GND terminals connected together. unless otherwise noted. 2. The D package is not recommended below -40·C. ~ThxAs INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 665303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 2-45 ... TLC548C, TLC.5481, TLC549C,. TLC5491 8-81T ANALOG..TO-OIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL SLAS067A- NOVEMBER 1983 - REVISED MARCH 1995 recommended operating conditions TLC548 MIN Supply voltage, VCC TLC549 NOM MAX 5 3 MIN 6 3 2.5 -0.1 VCC VCC+O.l 2.5 0 Differential reference voltage, Vref+, Vref- (see Note 3) 1 Analog input voltage (see Note 3) Positive reference voltage, Vref+ (see Note 3) High-level control input voltage, VIH (for VCC - 4.75 V to 5.5 V) Low-level control Input voltage, VIL (for VCC _ 4.75 V to 5.5 V) Input/output clock frequency, fclock(1I0) (for VCC =4.75 V to 5.5 V) MAX 5 6 V V -0.1 VCC VCC+O.l 0 2.5 VCC VCC+O·2 1 VCC VCC+0.2 V 0 2 VCC 0 VCC 0 2.048 2.5 Negative reference voltage, Vref- (see Note 3) UNIT NOM 2 .0.8 0 V V V 0.8 V 1.1 MHz input/output clock high,iwHIIIOI(for VCC = 4.75 V to 5.5 V) 200 404 ns Input/output clock low, twLCl/OI (for VCC = 4.75 V to 5.5 V) Input/output clock transition lime, tt(1I0) (see Note 4) (for VCC = 4.75 V to 5.5 V) 200 404 ns 100 Duration of CS input high state during conversion, t.wH(CS) (for VCC = 4.75 V to 5.5 V) 17 Setup time, CS low before first 110 CLOCK,\su(CS) (for VCC = 4.75 V to 5.5 V) (see Note 5) 1.4 Operating free-air temperature, TA ITLC548C,TLC549C I TLC548i, TLC5491 100 ns 17 IJS 1.4 IJS 0 70 0 70 -40 85 -40 85 ·C NOTES: 3. Analog input voltages greater than that applied to REF+ convert to all ones (11111111), while input voltages less than that applied to REF- convert to all zeros (00000000). For proper operation, the positive reference voltage Vref+, must be atleast 1 V greater than the negative reference voltage Vref- In addition, unadjusted errors may increase as the differential reference voltage Vref+ - Vreffalls below 4.75 V. 4. This is the time required for the input/output clock Input signal to fall from VIH min to VIL max or to rise from VIL max to VIH min. In the vicinity of normal room temperature, the devices function with input clock transition time as slow as 2 IJS for remote data acquisition applications in which the sensor and the ADC are placed severarteet away from the controlling microprocessor. 5. To minimize errors caused by noise at the CS input, the internal Circuitry waits fortwo rising edges and one falling edge of intemal system clock after CSJ.. before responding to control input signals. This CS set-up time is given by the len and tsu(CS) speclflcetions. ~TEXAS .. 2-46 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 666303 • OALlAS. TEXAS 75265 TLC548C, TLC5481, TLC549C, TLC5491 8-81T ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL SLAS067A- NOVEMBER 1983 - REVISED MARCH 1995 electrical characteristics over recommended operating free-air temperature range, Vee Vref+ 4.75 V to 5.5 V, fclock(I/O) 2.048 MHz forTLC548 or 1.1 MHz for TLC549 (unless otherwise noted) = = = PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYPt MAX VOH High-level output voltage Vee =4.75 V, 10H =-3S0 IIA VOL Low-level output voltage Vec- 4.75V, 10L =3.2 rnA 0.4 10Z Off-state (high-impedance state) output current Vo=Vec, Vo .0, CSatVee 10 IIH High-level input current, control Inputs IlL Low-level input current, control inputs II (on) Analog channel on-state input current during sample cycle lee Operating supply current ICC + Iref Supply and reference current Input capaCitance ei 2.4 V -10 CSatVce VI = Vee VI=O Analog input at VCC UNIT 0.005 2.5 -0.005 -2.5 V IIA IIA IIA 0.4 1 -0.4 -1 eSatOV 1.S 2.5 rnA Vref+-Vee 1.9 3 rnA I Analog inputs 7 55 I Control inputs 5 15 Analog input at 0 V IIA pF operating characteristics over recommended operating free-air temperature range, Vec Vref+ 4.75 V to 5.5 V, fclock(I/O) 2.048 MHz for TLC548 or 1.1 MHz for TLC549 (unless otherwise noted) = = = PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS TLC549 TLCS48 MIN TYPt MAX MIN TYpf MAX UNIT EL Linearity error See NoteS ±a.5 ±a.5 EZS Zero-scaleerror See Note 7 ±a.5 ±a.5 LSB EFS Full-scale error See Note 7 ±a.5 ±a.5 LSB Total unadjusted error See NoteS ±a.5 LSB Conversion time See Operating Sequence S 17 12 17 Total access and conversion time See Operating Sequence 12 22 19 25 Is ehannel acquisition time (sample cycle) See Operating Sequence Iv Time output data remains valid after I/O eLOCK,), !conv !d Delay time to data output valid ±a.5 4 10 I/O CLOCK,), Output enable time 4 10 LSB J1S J1S I/O clock cycles ns 2000 400 1.4 1.4 ns len J1S Output disable time 150 150 ns !dis See Parameter Data bus rise time ns 300 300 trebus) Measurement Information Data bus fall time ns 300 300 tf(bus) tAli typlcals are at Vce = 5 V, TA _ 25oe. NOTES: S. Unearity error is the deviation from the best straight line through the AID transfer characteristics. 7. Zero-scale error is the difference between 00000000 and the converted output for zero Input voltage; full-scale error is the difference between 11111111 and the converted output for full-scale Input voltage. S. Total unedjusted error is the sum of linearity, zero-scale, and full-scale errors. -!llExAs INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75266 2-47 TLC548C, TLC5481, TLC549C, TLC5491 8·BIT ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL SLAS067A- NOVEMBER 1983 - REVISED MARCH 1995 PARAMETER MEASUREMENT INFORMATION· Vee 1.4V 3kn Output Under Test Output Under Test Test Point D 1 '_ CL (see Note A) CL (see Note A) I 3kn Test Point Output } Under Test 3kn Teet Point _ CL (see Note A ) I SeeNoteB LOAD CIRCUIT FOR Id. t" AND tf CS ~50% I+-I . tpZL Output Waveform 1 (see Note C) See Note B LOAD CIRCUIT FOR tpZH AND tpHZ : I-- Vee !-50% OV I -+i 14- tPLZ---! I ~50% . tPZH LOAD CIRCUIT FOR tpZL AND tpLZ r: ! I ---+j I ---- OV ---- VOH j4- tPHZ-.I I ~ ,50% Output Waveform 2 (aee Note C) VCC See Note B OV VOLTAGE WAVEFORMS FOR ENABLE AND DISABLE TIMES 1/0 CLOCK 0 \ - - - - - - O.8V r 14- Id -tI DATA OUT------~V-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- ~::: A It " utPu~1 I I tr(bus) --.t 14- 1\::--I 2.4V - - - O.4V I I --.t 14- tf(bua) VOLTAGE WAVEFORMS FOR RISE AND FALL TIMES VOLTAGE WAVEFORMS FOR DELAY TIME NOTES: A. CL =50 pF for TLC548 and 100 pFfor TLC549; CL includes jig capacitance. B. tan = tPZH or tpZL. !dis = tpHZ or tpLZ· C. Waveform 1 is for an output with internal conditions such that the output is low except when disabled by the output control. Waveform 2 is for an output with internal conditions such that the output is high except when disabled by the output control. ~1ExAs 2-48 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX e56303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 TLC548C, TLC5481, TLC549C, TLC5491 8-81T ANALOG·TO·DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL SLAS067A- NOVEMBER 1983 - REVISED MARCH 1995 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION simplified analog Input analysis Using the equivalent circuit in Figure 1, the time required to charge the analog input capacitance from 0 to Vs within 1/2 LSB can be derived as follows: The capacitance charging voltage is given by Vc = Vs (1-e -t c/RtCi) (1 ) where Rt=Rs+ri The final voltage to 1/2 LSB is given by Vc (1/2 LSB) = Vs - (Vs/512) (2) Equating equation 1 to equation 2 and solving for time to gives -t IR-f'·) Vs-(Vsl512) = Vs (1-e c t"'1 (3) to (112 LSB) = Rt x Ci x In(512) (4) and Therefore, with the values given the time for the analog input signal to settle is to (1/2 LSB) = (Rs + 1 1<.0) x 60 pF x In(512) (5) This time must be less than the converter sample time shown in the timing diagrams. Driving Soureet .4--- 11 ---~. Rs 1 VI TLC548I9 rl VS~VC !I 1 kOMAX I ..l I CI SO pF MAX VI = Input Voltage at ANALOG IN VS= External Driving Source Voltage Rs = Source Resistance '1 = Input Resistance CI = Input capacitance t Driving source requirements: .• Noise and distortion for the source must be equivalent to the resolution of the converter. • Rs must be real at the input frequency. Figure 1. Equivalent Input Circuit Including the Driving Source ~1ExAs INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 2-49 TLC548C, TLC5481, TLC549C, TLC5491 8-81T ANALOG·TO·DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL SLAS067A- NOVEMBER 1983 - REVISED MARCH 1995 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION The TLC548 and TLC549 are each complete data acquisition systems on a single chip. Each contains an internal system clock, sample and hold, 8-bit AID converter, data register, and control logic cirCuitry. For flexibility and access speed, there are two control inputs: I/O CLOCK and chip select (CS). These control inputs and a TIL-compatible 3-state output facilitate serial communications with a microprocessor or minicomputer. A conversion can be completed in 17 J.1S or less, while complete input-conversion-output cycles can,be repeated in 22 J.1S for the TLC548 and in 25 J.1S for the TLC549. The internal system clock and I/O CLOCK are used independently and do not require any special speed or phase relationships between them. This independence simplifies the hardware and software control tasks for the device. Due to this independence and the internal generation of the system clock, the control hardware and software need only be concerned with reading the previous conversion result and starting the conversion by using the I/O clock. In this manner, the internal system clock drives the "conversion crunching" circuitry so that the control hardware and software need not be concerned with this task. When CS is high, DATA OUT is in a high-impedance condition and I/O CLOCK is disabled. This CS control function allows I/O CLOCK to share the same control logic point with its counterpart terminal when additional TLC548 and TLC549 devices are used. This also serves to minimize the required control logic terminals when using multiple TLC548 and TLC549 devices. The control sequence has been designed to minimize the time and effort required to initiate conversion and obtain the conversion result. A normal control sequence is: 1. CS is brought low. To minimize errors caused by noise at CS, the internal circuitry waits for two rising edges and then a falling edge of the internal system clock after a CS! before the transition is recognized. However, upon a CS rising edge, DATA OUT will go to a high-impedance state within the idis specification even though the rest of the integrated circuitry will not recognize the transition until the tsu(CS) specification has elapsed. This technique is used to protect the device against noise when used in a nOIsy environment. The most significant bit (MSB) of the previous conversion result will initially appear on DATA OUT when CS goes low. 2. The falling edges ofthe first four I/O CLOCK cycles shift out the second, third, fourth, and fifth most significant bits of the previous conversion result. The on-Chip sample and hold begins sampling the analog input after the fourth high-to-Iow transition of I/O CLOCK. The sampling operation basically involves the charging of internal capacitors to the level of the analog input voltage. 3. Three more I/O CLOCKcycies are then applied to the I/O CLOCK terminal and the sixth, seventh, and eighth conversion bits are shifted out on the falling edges of these clock cycles. 4. The final, (the eighth), clock cycle is applied to I/O CLOCK. The on-chip sample and hold begins the hold function upon the high-to-Iow transition of this clock cycle. The hold function will continue for the next four internal system clock cycles, after which the holding function terminates and the conversion is performed during the next 32 system clock cycles, giving a total of 36 cycles. After the eighth I/O CLOCK cycle, CS must go high or the I/O clock must remain low for at least 36 internal system clock cycles to allow for the completion of the hold and conversion functions. CS can be kept low during periods of multiple conversion. When keeping CS low during periods of multiple conversion, special care must be exercised to prevent noise glitches on the I/O CLOCK line. If glitches occur on I/O CLOCK, the I/O sequence between the microprocessor/controller and the device will lose synchronization. If CS is taken high, it must remain high until the end of conversion. Otherwise, a valid high-ta-Iow transition of CS will cause a reset condition, which will abort the conversion in progress. A new conversion may be started and the ongoing conversion simultaneously aborted by performing steps 1 through 4 before the 36 internal system clock cycles occur. Such action will yield the conversion result of the previous conversion and not the ongoing conversion. \' ~TEXAS. 2-50 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DAUAS. TEXAS 75265 TLC548C, TLC5481, TLC549C, TLC5491 8-BIT ANALOG·TO·DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL SLAS067A- NOVEMBER 1983 - REVISED MARCH 1995 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION For certain applications, such as strobing applications, it is necessary to start conversion at a specific point in time. This device will accommodate these applications. Although the on-chip sample and hold begins sampling upon the high-to-Iow transition of the fourth 1/0 CLOCK cycle, the hold function does not begin until the high-to-Iow transition of the eighth 1/0 CLOCK cycle, which should occur at the moment when the analog signal must be converted. The TLC548 and TLC549 will continue sampling the analog input until the high-ta-Iow transition of the 8th 1/0 CLOCK pulse. The control circuitry or software will then immediately lower 1/0 CLOCK and start the holding function to hold the analog signal at the desired point in time and start conversion. . Detailed information on interfacing to the most popular microprocessor is readily available from Texas Instruments. -!i11ExAs INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DAllAS. TEXAS 75265 2-61 2-52 TLC0820AC,TLC0820AI Advanced LinCMOSTM HIGH·SPEED 8-8IT ANALOG·TO·DIGITAL CONVERTERS USING MODIFIED FLASH TECHNIQUES SLAS064A - SEPTEMBER 1986 - REVISED JUNE 1994 • Advanced LlnCMOSTM Silicon-Gate Technology • • • • DB, OW, OR N PACKAGE (TOP VIEW) 8-Blt Resolution Differential Reference Inputs Parallel Microprocessor Interface Conversion and Access Time Over Temperature Range Read Mode •.• 2.5 J!S Max ANlGIN (lSB) DO 1 VCC NC OFlW 01 02 03 WRIROY 07 (MSB) 06 05 6 MODE RO • No External Clock or Oscillator Components Required INT • On-Chip Track and Hold 04 CS REF+ REF- 9 GNO • Single SOV Supply • TLC0820A Is Direct Replacement for National Semiconductor ADC0820C/CC and Analog Devices AD7820KlBIT FN PACKAGE (TOP VIEW) description The TLC0820AC and the TLC0820AI are Advanced LinCMOSTM 8-blt analog-to-digltal 3 2 1 2019 02 4 converters each consisting of two 4-bit flash 18 OFlW converters, a 4-bit digital-to-analog converter, a 03 5 17 07 (MSB) summing (error) amplifier, control logic, and a WR/ROY 6 16 06 result latch circuit. The modified flash technique MODE 7 15 05 allows low-power integrated circuitry to complete 14 04 RO 8 9 10 11 12 13 an 8-bit conversion in 1.18 IlS over temperature. The on-chip track-and-hold circuit has a 100-ns sample window and allows these devices to convert continuous analog signals having slew rates of upto 100 mVlIlS without external sampling NC-No internal connection components. TIL-compatible 3-state output drivers and two modes of operation allow interfacing to a variety of microprocessors. Detailed information on interfacing to most popular microprocessors is readily available from the factory. AVAILABLE OPTIONS TA TOTAL UNADJUSTED ERROR PACKAGE SSOP (DB) PLASTIC SMALL OUTLINE (DW) PLASTIC CHIP CARRIER (FN) PLASTIC DIP (N) O'Cto 70'C ±1 LSB TLC0820ACDB TLC0820ACDW TLC0820ACFN TLC0820ACN -40'C to 85'C ±1 LSB TLC0820AIDB TLC0820AIDW TLC0820AIFN TLC0820AIN Advanced linCMOS is a trademark of Texas Instruments Incorporated. ~TEXAS COpyright © 1994. Texas Instruments Incorporated INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALlAS. TEXAS 75265 2-53 TLC0820AC, TLC0820AI Advanced llnCMOSTM HIGH.;SPEED 8-81T ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS USING MODIFIED FLASH TECHNIQUES . SLAS064A- SEPTEMBER 1986 - REVISED JUNE 1994 functional block diagram REF+ REF- 12 4-BltFlash Analog-to-Dlgltal Converter (4 MSBa) 11 4 4 ~ OFlW ---..-.!. DO (lSB) ~ D1 4 ~ Summing Amplifier ANlGIN 1 - -1 ~ 4-Blt f-- Dlgltal-to-Analog Converter '--- - Output latch and 3-State Buffers - 4-Blt Flash Analog-to-Dlgltal Converter (4 lSBs) 4 ~ D2 ~ D3 -..!! D4 ----1! D5 ---1! D6 - 17 +1 II MODE WRiRDY cs RD 7 6 Timing and Control 13 8 ~1ExAs 2-54 .• INSTRUMENTS POST OFRCE BOX 665303.e DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 r---!. D7(MSB) Digital Outputs TLC0820AC,TLC0820AI Advanced LinCMOSTM HIGH-SPEED 8-81T ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS USING MODIFIED FLASH TECHNIQUES SLAS064A- SEPTEMBER 1986 - REVISED JUNE 1994 Terminal Functions TERMINAL NAME ANLGIN NO. 110 DESCRIPTION 1 I Analog input CS 13 I Chip select. CS must be low in order for RD or WR to be recognized by the ADC. DO 2 3 D2 4 03 5 D4 14 05 15 D6 16 D7 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Digital, 3-state output data, bit 1 (LSB) D1 GND 10 INT 9 0 Interrupt. In the write-read mode, the interrupt output (I NT) going low indicates that the intemal count-down delay time, Id(int), is complete and the data result is in the output latch. The delay time Id(int) is typically 800 ns starting after the rising edge of WR (see operating characteristics and Figure 3). If RD goes low prior to the end of Id(int), INT goes low at the end of Id(R!bLand the conversion results are available sooner (see Figure 2). INT is reset by the rising edge of either RD or CS. MODE 7 I Mode select. MODE is intemally tied to GND through a 50-1lA current source, which acts like a pulldown resistor. When MODE is low, the read mode is selected. When MODE is high, the write-read mode is selected. Digital, 3-state output data, bit 2 Digital, 3-state output data, bit 3 Digital, 3-state output data, bit 4 Digital, 3-state output data, bit 5 Digital, 3-state output data, bit 6 Digital, 3-state output data, bit 7 Digital, 3-state output data, bit 8 (MSB) Ground NC 19 OFLW 18 0 Overflow. Normally OFLW is a logical high. However, if the analog input is higher than Vref+, OFLW will be low at the end of conversion. It can be used to cascade two or more devices to improve resolution (9 or 10 bits). 8 I Reed. In the write-read mode with CS low, the 3-state data outputs DO through D7 are activated when RD goes low. RD can also be used to increase the conversion speed by reading data prior to the end of the Intemal count-down delay time. As a result, the data transferred to the output latch is latched after the falling edge of RD. In the read mode with CS low, the conversion starts with RD going low. RD also enables the 3-state data outputs on completion of the conversion. RDY going into the high-Impedance state and INT going low indicate completion of the conversion. REF- 11 I Reference voltage. REF- is placed on the bottom of the resistor ladder. REF+ 12 I Reference voltage. REF + is placed on the top of the resistor ladder. VCC WRIRDY 20 I/O Write ready. In the write-read mode with CS low, the conversion is started on the falling edge of the WR input signal. The result oftha conversion is strobed into the output latch after the intemal count-down delay time, Id(ini), provided thatthe RD input does not go low prior to this time. The delay time Id(int) is approximately 800 ns.ln the read mode, ROY (an open-drain output) goes low after the falling edge of CS and goes into the high-impedance state when the conversion is strobed into the output latch. It is used to simplify the interlace to a microprocessor system. RD 6 No internal connection Power supply voltage ~1ExAs INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 2-55 TLC0820AC, TLC0820AI Advanced LinCMOSTM HIGH-SPEED 8-81T ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS USING MODIFIED FLASH TECHNIQUES SLAS064A- SEPTEMBER 1986 - REVISED JUNE 1994 absolute maximum r:atings over operating free-air temperature range (unless otheiwise noted)t Supply voltage, Vee (see Note 1) ................................•......................... 10 V Input voltage range, all inputs (see Note 1) ..................................... -0.2 V to Vcc+0.2 V Output voltage range, all outputs (see Note 1) .•................................ -0.2 V to Vee + 0.2 V Operating free-air temperature range: TLC0820AC ................. . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . .. O°C to 70°C TLC0820AI ................................... -40°C to 85°C Storage temperature range ....................................................... -65°C to 150°C Case temperature for 10 seconds: FN package .............................................. 260°C Lead temperature 1,6 mm (1116 inch) from case fcir 10 seconds: DB, OW or N package .......•... 260°C t Stresses beyond those listed under "absolute maximum ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under "recommended operating conditions" is not implied. Exposure to absolute-maxi mum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. NOTE 1: All voitagesare with respect to network GND. recommended operating conditions MIN NOM MAX Supply voltage, VCC 4.5 5 8 Analog input voltage -0.1 Positive refElrence voltage, Vref + Vref. GND Negative reference voltage, VrefHigh-level input voltage, VIH VCC = 4.75 V to 5.25 V Low-level input voltage, VIL VCC - 4.75 V to 5.25 V CS, WRJRDY, RD MODE Operating free-air temperature, TA 2 . INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE eox 855303 • OALLAS. TEXAS 75285 V V 3.5 1.5 I 2-56 V Vref+ 0.8 TLC0820AI ~1EXAS V Vec CS, WRJRDY, RD ITLC0820AC V VCC+ O•1 MODE Pulse duration, write in write-read mode, tw(W) (see Figures 2, 3, and 4) UNIT 0.6 50 0 -40 70 85 V lIS 'C TLC0820AC, TLC0820AI Advanced LinCMOSTM HIGH-SPEED 8-81T ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS USING MODIFIED FLASH TECHNIQUES SLAS064A- SEPTEMBER 1986 - REVISED JUNE 1994 = electrical characteristics at specified operating free-air temperature, Vee 5 V (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS VCC~4.75V, VOH VOL IOH~-360pA High-level output voltage DO-07,INT, or OFLW Low-Ievel output voltage 00-07, OFLW, iNT, orWRlROY VCC=4.75V, IOH=-10pA VCC-5.25V, IOL= 1.6 rnA CSorRD IIH High-level input current Low-Ievel input current IOZ Off-state (high-Impedance-state) output current WRIRDY VIH-5V CS, WRJRDY, RD, or MODE 00-07 or WRJROY CSat5V, VI=5V CSat5V, VI-O Analog input current Short-cIrcuit output current m VO=5V DO-D70rOFLW VO=O INT Rref Reference resistance ICC Supply current Ci Input capacitance Co Output capacitance 2.4 Full range 4.5 25°C Full range 4.6 TYP 0.4 0.34 25°C Full range 00-07 0.005 .. . t Full range IS as specified In recommended operating conditions V 1 25°C Full range 0.1 25°C 50 -0.005 -1 pA 3 0.3 -3 -0.3 pA 25°C Full range 0.1 25°C Full range -0.1 25°C Full range 25°C Full range 25°C Full range 25°C Full range 25°C Full range pA 3 25°C Full range Full range ANLGIN 00-07 UNIT 3 0.3 200 170 25°C Full range CS, WRIROY, and RDatOV MAX V Full range VO-5V 00-07, OFLW, orWRJROY lOS Full range Full range VIL-O VO=O II MIN Full range MODE IlL TAt 0.3 -3 pA -0.3 7 8.4 -6 -7.2 14 mA -12 -4.5 -5.3 1.25 -9 1.4 2.3 6 5.3 15 7.5 5 45 13 kO rnA pF 5 pF ~1ExAs INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 656303 • DAUAS. TEXAS 75265 2-57 TLC0820AC, TLC0820AI Advanced LinCMOSn.t HIGH-SPEED 8-81T ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS USING MODIFIED FLASH TECHNIQUES SLAS064A- SEPTEMBER 1986 - REVISED JUNE 1994 'operating characteristics, Vcc = 5 V, Vref... = 5 V, Vref- = 0, tr = tf =20 "s, TA = 25°C (unless otherwise noted) . , PARAMETER ksvs Supply-voltage sensitivity TEST CONDITIONst MIN TYP . MAX UNIT ±1/4 LSB Total unadjusted el1'9~ VCC=5V±5%, TA"" MINto MAX MODEatOV, TA = MIN to MAX !conv(R) Conversion time, read mode MODEatOV, See Figure 1 1.6 2.5 ·118 ta(R) Access time, RD,!, to data valid MODEatOV, See Figure 1 !conv(RJ +2 tconv(RJ +5 ns 190 280 Access time, RD,!, to data valid MODEat5V, id(WR) < id(int), See Figure 2 CL= 15pF ta(Rl) CL=100pF 210 320 70 120 Access time, RD,!, to data valid MODEat5V, id(WR) > tdgnt), See Figure CL-15pF ta(R2) CL-l00pF 90 150 tallNn Access time, INn to td(lnt)l -!lJTEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 656303 • DAUAS, TEXAS 75265 2-59 TLC0820AC, TLC0820AI Advanced LinCMOSTM HIGH·SPEED 8-81T ANALOG·TO·DIGITAL CONVERTERS USING MODIFIED FLASH TECHNIQUES . SLAS064A- SEPTEMBER 1986 - REVISED JUNE 1994 PARAMETER MEASUREMENT INFORMATION CSLow RDLow WRIRDY 50% i r- 50% fd(WlH) I ~ __--+"1/50% } fd(NC) I 50% 14- fd(lnt) ~ !+- --+! DO-D7 ----"") ::t I taPNT) Data Valid } - Figure 4. Write-Read-Mode Wavefol'l1!!. (Stand-Alone Operation, MODE High, and RD Low) VCC CL= 10pF 1,4 I-- TLC0820 ...-_"---., Input RD Dn CS x:1r-::""'9O%!'"'_-_-_-_- ::: AD Data t---4I~-'- Output GND ---+I fdla Data Outputa I+---- ~ eO%--.VOH - - - - - . . . ; ; : : : . GND t r =20ns TEST CIRCUIT VOLTAGE WAVEFORMS VCC CL= 10pF tr-+j TLC0820 ilr-:~""'s:::!'"'_-_-_-_- :: 1 kO Input RD RD CS GND Dn ~ t--......- . . - - Data Output fdla ---.j j+-----:--""'0:== Vee Data Outputa I·~ --£...1~_ _ VOL t r =20na Dn=DO ... D7 -= VOLTAGE WAVEFORMS TEST CIRCUIT Figure 5. Test Circuit and Voltage Waveforms ~1ExAs . 2-60 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DAllAS. TEXAS 75265 TLC0820AC, TLC0820AI Advanced LlnCMOSTM HIGH-SPEED 8-81T ANALOG-TO-DiGITAL CONVERTERS USING MODIFIED FLASH TECHNIQUES SLAS064A- SEPTEMBER 1986 - REVISED JUNE 1994 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION The TLC0820AC and TLC0820AI each employ a combination of sampled-data comparator techniques and flash techniques common to many high-speed converters. Two 4-bit flash analog-to-digital conversions are used to give a full 8-bit output. The recommended analog input voltage range for conversion is -0.1 V to Vee + 0.1 V. Analog input signals that are less than Vref- + 1/2 LSB or greater than Vref+ -1 /2 LSB convert to 00000000 or 11111111 , respectively. The reference inputs are fully differential with common-mode limits defined by the supply rails. The reference input values define the full-scale range of the analog input. This allows the gain of the ADC to be varied for ratio metric conversion by changing the Vref+ and Vref- voltages. The device operates in two modes, read (only) and write-read, that are selected by MODE. The converter is set to the read (only) mode when MODE is low. In the read mode, WRIRDY is used as an output and is referred to as the ready terminal. In this mode, a low on WR/RDY while CS is low indicates that the device is ~y. Conversion starts on the falling edge of RD and is completed no more than 2.5 J1S later when INT falls and WRIRDY returns to the high-i!!!E.edance state. Data outputs also change from high-impedance to active states at this time. After the data is read, RD is taken high, INT returns high, and the data outputs return to their high-impedance states. When MODE is high, the converter is set to the write-read mode and WRIRDY is referred to as the write terminal. Taking CS and WRIRDY low selects the converter and initiates measurement of the input signal. Approximately 600 ns after WRIRDY returns high, the conversion is completed. Conversion starts on the rising edge of WRIRDY in the write-read mode. The high-order 4-bit flash ADC measures the input by means of 16 comparators operating simultaneously. A high-precision 4-bit DAC then generates a discrete analog voltage from the result of that conversion. After a time delay, a second bank of comparators does a low-order conversion on the analog difference between the input level and the high-order DAC output. The results from each of these conversions enter an 8-bit latch and are output to the 3-state output buffers on the falling edge of RD. ~1ExAs INS1RUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX _ • DAU.AS. TEXAS 75265 2-61 TLC0820AC,TLC0820AI Advanced LinCMOSTM HIGH-SPEED 8-81T ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS USING MODIFIED FLASH TECHNIQUES SLAS064A- SEPTEMBER 1986- REVISED JUNE 1994 APPLICATION INFORMATION i"CS ViR f{>' J.LP B.us 13 Vcc ~5V 6 WRIRDY ANLG 1 IN cs Q-! DO D1 D2 03 04 OS D6 07 08 2 3 4 5 14 15 16 17 OF[ 18 RD ANLQ IN TLC0820 MODE. ~5V 12 REF+ 00 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 REF- OFLW GNO ............. 1 l: 0.1~ t 0.1~ 11 10 ~ ~ 20 13 CS Vee -5V 6 WRIRDY ANLG 1 IN Q-!- RD 2 3 4 5 14 15 16 17 18 DO 01 02 03 04 05 06 D7 TLC0820 0l=[W MODE .....!SV 12 REF+ 1 0.1 RE'- 11 -!I TEXAS ". 2-62 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALlAS. TEXAS 75265 I l~'~ F-I0.1~ GND Figure 6. Configuration for 9-Bit Resolution 5V TLC0831AC, TLC0831AI, TLC0831BC, TLC0831BI TLC0832AC, TLC0832AI, TLC0832BC, TLC0832BI 8·BIT ANALOG·TO·DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL • B-Blt Resolution • Easy Microprocessor Interface or Stand·Alone Operation • Operates Ratlometrlcally or With SOV Reference TLC0831 ••• D OR P PACKAGE (TOP VIEW) CS08 IN+ INGNO • Single Channel or Multiplexed Twin Channels With Single-Ended or Differential Input Options • Input Range 0 to 5 V With Single SOV Supply • Inputs and Outputs Are Compatible With TTL and MOS 7 6 5 VCC ClK DO REF TLC0832 ••• D OR P PACKAGE (TOP VIEW) csO' • Conversion Time of 32 J.LS at fclock 250 kHz • Designed to Be Interchangeable With National Semiconductor ADC0831 and ADC0832 CHO CH1 GNO = DEVICE 2 3 4 2 3 4 8 7 Vcc/REF ClK 6 5 DO 01 TOTAL UNADJUSTED ERROR A·SUFFIX B·SUFFIX TLC0831 ±1 LSB ± 112 LSB TLC0832 ±1 LSB ±112 LSB ;: W :; w a:: description These devices are 8-bit successive-approximation analog-to-digital converters. The TlC0831 has single input channels; the TLC0832 has multiplexed twin input channels. The serial output is configured to interface with standard shift registers or microprocessors. Detailed information on interfaCing to most popular microprocessors is readily available from the factory. The TlC0832 multiplexer is software configured for single-ended or differential inputs. The differential analog voltage input allows for common-mode rejection or offset of the analog zero input voltage value. In addition, the voltage reference input can be adjusted to allow encoding any smaller analog voltage span to the full 8 bits of resolution. The operation of the TLC0831 and TLC0832 devices is very similar to the more complex TLC0834 and TLC0838 devices. Ratiometric conversion can be attained by setting the REF input equal to the maximum analog input signal value, which gives the highest possible conversion resolution. Typically, REF is set equal to VCC (done internally on the TLC0832). For more detail on the operation of the TLC0831 and TLC0832 devices, refer to the TLC0834rrLC0838 data sheet. The TLC0831AC, TLC0831BC, TLC0832AC, and TLC0832BC are characterized for operation from O°C to 70°C. The TLC0831 AI, TLC0831 BI, TLC0832AI, and TLC0832BI are characterized for operation from -40°C to 85°C. , AVAILABLE OPTIONS PACKAGE TA e:: O·Cto 70·C TLC0831ACP TLC0831BCP TLC0832ACP TLC0832BCP TLC0831ACP TLC0831BCP TLC0832ACP TLC0832BCP -40·C to 85·C TLC0831AIP TLC0831BIP TLC0832AIP TLC0832BIP TLC0831 AlP TLC0831BIP TLC0832AIP TLC0832BIP PRODUCT PREVIEW _ o n ........ praduc\l1n tile_or phIoo C,,"_ .... _ . .ordooIangoolo. TexallllllUlIIIIIII_tllerightlo c ngtord_••lIIoio producII _ _ -.,mont. PLASTIC DIP (P) SMALL OUTLINE (0) ~TEXAS Ccpyrlght © 1995, Texas Instruments Incorporated INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALlAS. TEXAS 75265 2-63 a.. b ::l C o a:: a.. TLC0831AC, TlC0831AI, TLC0831BC, TLC0831BI TLC0832AC, TLC0832AI, TLC0832BC, TLC0832BI 8·BIT ANALOG·TO·DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL SLAS107-JANUARY 1996 functional block diagram CLK~7~~--------------------r-~ cs ......---'~.... 1 r--li5~~ I DII Shift Register ____JD~' D DD EVEN . I (TLC0832 I L.!~!...J SGUDIF CHO/IN+ - - - - i Analog CH1/IN- Comparator MUX EN "'D :IJ oC CS c: 1 EN (') r--5 I REFf-:<----'-I -I "'D I (TLC0831 I L~~~.J :a m < m - Laddar and Decoder Bits 0-7 EN R SAR Logic and Latch Bits 0-7 Bit 1 MSB First EOC 9-Blt Shift Register LSB Firat ~ ~TEXAS 2-64 INSTRUMENTS POST OFACE BOX 665303 • DALLAS. "rEXAS 76265 DO TLC0831AC, TLC0831AI, TLC0831BC, TLC0831BI TLC0832AC, TLC0832AI, TLC0832BC, TLC0832BI 8-BIT ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL SLAS107:" JANUARY 1995 sequence of operation TLC0831 2 3 5 4 7 6 8 9 10 CLK tsu1~11 cs l r 1 MUX Sattllng Time DO fconv Ir r 1 1 I. -.! 14-1 ---, -I j MSB-Flrst Data :~SB HI-Z IMSBI 7 6 5 4 3 j 2 HI-Z 0 TLC0832 2 3 4 5 6 ••• 10 11 12 --.l 14 ••• 18 19 21 ;: W :;: S::~ SG~S6";DB~lt 1 1 rrLC:~2 J I MUX ~ MSB-Flrst Data - : - LSB 7 6 ••• 2 MSB o ::J C LSB-Flrst Data -.j~ Settling Time 0.. t~I O --+I I r-IMS~BI~I:: I I I I I I:: I I I I a: 1 If!::~~:: DIF EVEN w ~~~------~----~ !1 ~I 1 1 DO 20 -I j+-T;""";""-- tconv ~ l~---------+~----~ss y) 13 J1J1J1fUlJ1 CLK 2 ••• 6 H~Z 7 TLC0832 MUX-ADDRESS CONTROL LOGIC TABLE MUXADDRESS SGUDIF ODD/EVEN l l l H H l H H H = high level, l = low level, - or + = polarity of selected input CHANNEL NUMBER 1 0 + .- + + 2 + - ~1ExAs INSTRUMENTS POST OFFice BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 2-65 o a: 0.. TLC0831AC, TLC0831AI, TLC0831BC, TLC0831BI TLC0832~C, TLC0832AI, TLC0832BC, TLC0832BI 8·BIT ANALOG·TO·DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL SLAS107 -JANUARY 1995 absolute maximum ratings over recommended operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)t . Supply voltage, Vee (see Note 1) ........•.................................................. 6.5 V Input voltage range, VI: Logic ............................................... -0.3 V to Vee + 0.3 V Analog .............................................• -0.3 V'to Vee + 0.3 V Input current, II ................................................•......................... ±5 mA Total input current ...................................................................... ±20 mA Operating free-air temperature range, TA: C suffix .....•................................ O°C to 70°C I suffix ..................................... -40°C to 85°C Storage temperature range, Tst~ .................................................. -65°C to 150°C Lead temperature 1,6 mm (1/16 inch) from case for 10 seconds: P package .....•............... 260°C t Stresses beyond those listed under "absolute maximum ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under "recommended operating conditions" is not implied. Exposure to absolut&-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. NOTE 1: All voltage values, except differential voltages, are with respect to the network ground terminal. recommended operating conditions ." :D o C c: ~ ." :D m < m - Supply voltage, Vec High-level input voltage, VIH MIN NOM MAX 4.5 5 6.3 2 Low-level Input voltage, VIL Clock frequency, fclock Clock duty cycle (see Note 2) UNIT V V 0.8 V 10 600 kHz 40% 60% Pulse duration, CS high, twH(CS) 220 ns Setup time, CS low or TLC0832 data valid before CLK't, tsu 350 ns Hold time, TLC0832 data valid after CLKi, th 90 I Csuffix 0 -40 ns 70 ·C 85 II suffix NOTE 2: The clock-duty-cycle range ensures proper operation at all clock frequencies. If a clock frequency Is used outside the recommended duty-cycle range, the minimum pulse duration (high or low) is 1 lIS. Operating free-air temperature, TA ~ ~TEXAS 2-e6 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75266 TLC0831AC, TLC0831AI, TLC0831BC, TLC0831BI TLC0832AC, TLC0832AI, TLC0832BC, TLC0832BI 8·BIT ANALOG·TO·DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL SLAS107 -JANUARY 1995 electrical characteristics over recommended range of operating free-air temperature, Vee = 5 V, fclock 1 MHz (unless otherwise noted) = digital section PARAMETER I SUFFIX CSUFFIX TEST CONDITIONSt MIN TVA MAX MIN TVA MAX Vee = 4.75 V, 10H = - 360 JIA Low-level output voltage Vee- 4.75V, VCC-4.75V, 10H = -10 JIA IOL-l.6rnA High-level input current V1H=5V IlL Low-level input current VIL-O 10H High-level output (source) current VOH= Vo, TA • 25°C -6.5 VOL-VCC, VO=5V, TA-25°e 8 TA-25°C 0.01 3 0.01 3 VO-O, TA=25°C -0.D1 -3 -0.01 -3 VOH High-level output voltage VOL IIH 10L Low-level output (Sink) current 10Z High-impedance-state output current (~O) Ci Input capacitance . 2.8 2.4 4.6 4.5 0.34 V 0.4 V 0.005 1 0.005 1 -0.005 -1 -O.OOS -1 -14 -6.5 16 8 UNIT -14 mA 16 5 Output capacitance 5 Co t All parameters are measured under open-lOOp conditions with zero common-mode input voltage. =!: All typical values are at VCC - 5 V, TA = 25°C. IIA JIA rnA JIA. 5 pF 5 pF analog and converter section PARAMETER VICR II(stdby) I'j(REF) TEST CONDITIONSt MIN See Note 3 -0.05 to VCC+0.05 Common-mode input voltage Standby-input current (see Note 4) TYP; MAX UNIT V On channel VI=5V Off channel VI=O -1 On channel VI-O -1 Off channel VI=5V IIA 1 .. With zero common-mode Input voltage. t All parameters are measured under open-loop conditions 1.3 2.4 5.9 kQ NOTES: 3. If channel IN- is more positive than channeIIN+, the digital output code will be 0000 0000. Connected to each analog input are two on-chip diodes that conduct forward current for analog input voltages one diode drop above VCC .Care must be taken during testing at low VCC levels (4.5 V) because high-level analog input voltage (5 V) can, especially at high temperatures, cause this input diode to conduct and cause errors for analog inputs that are near full scale. As long as the analog voltage does not exceed the supply voltage by more than 50 mV, the output code will be correct. To achieve an absolute 0 to 5-V input voltage range requires a minimum VCC of 4.95 V for all variations of temperature and load. 4. Standby-input currents are currents going into or out of the on or off channels when the NO converter is not performing conversion and the clOck is in a high or low steady-state conditions. total device ICC Supply current TYp:t MAX I TLe0831 1 2.5 I TLC0832 3 5.2 MIN UNIT mA =!: All typiCal values are at VCC = 5 V, TA = 25°C. ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 a: Q. o c :::» oa: Q. =!: All typical values are at VCC = 5 V, TA = 25°C. PARAMETER > w I- 1 Input resistance to REF 3= w 2-67 TLC0831AC, TLC0831AI, TLC0831BC, TLC0831BI TLC0832AC, TLC0832AI, TLC0832BC, TLC0832BI 8-81T .ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL SLAS107 - JANUARY 1995 operating characteristics vee = Vref = 5 V, fclock =1 MHz, tr = tf = 20 ns, TA = 25°0 (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONSt , Supply-voltage variation error VCC - 4.75 V to 5.25 V Total unadjusted error (see Note 5) Vref=5V, TA - MIN to MAX Common-mode error Differential mode Ipd Propagation delay time, output data after CLKi (see Note 6) !dis Output disable time, DO after csi Ioonv Conversion time (multiplexer-addressing time not included) AI, AC SUFFIX MIN BI,BC SUFFIX TYP MAX ±1/16 ±1/4 MIN MAX ±1/16 ±1/4 LSB ±112 LSB LSB ±1 ±1/16 ±1/4 ±1I16 ±1/4 650 1500 650 1500 250 600 250 600 125 250 125 MSB-f1rst data ns CL= 100pF LSB-first data CL=10pF, CL,,100pF, UNIT TYP RL=10kn RL=2kn 250 500 500 8 8 ns clock periods t All parameters are measured under open-loop conditions with zero common-mode input voltage. For conditions shown as MIN or MAX, use the "tJ :D appropriate value specified under recommended operating conditions. NOTES: 5. Total unadjusted error includes offset, full-scale, linearity, and multiplexer errors. 6. The MSB-first data is output directly from the comparator and therefore requires additional delay to allow for comparator response time. LBS-first data applies only to TLC0832. o C c: ~ "tJ :D m S m ~ ~TEXAS 2-68 . INSTRUMENTS POsT OFFICE BOX 655303 e. DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 TLC0831AC, TLC0831AI, TLC0831BC, TLC0831BI TLC0832AC, TLC0832AI, TLC0832BC, TLC0832BI 8-BIT ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL SLAS107 - JANUARY 1995 PARAMETER MEASUREMENT INFORMATION VCC ClK ---I I r- -1 ~Isu 5~r1------T-T-----1 GND CLK~ tau • GAV' I I I I4-M-I th I I I I I ....., I I Vee • Vcc ~--GND "- .1 tpd _ _- , I , __ GND DO ~~---, 2V \1 r 50% Vee . y< ___ J . 50% vOH VOL Figure 2. Data-Output Timing GND Figure 1. TLC0832 Data-Input Timing 3: w :;: Test Point ... m """"" Under Test I ! I ~ w a: Q. CL (_NoteA) I- CJ :::J lOAD CIRCUIT -+I I+- tr CS 50%ij 90% __~*f.,.l~---- GND ·~letls DO Output ---vcc S'!~!!d______ o o 50% I _ _~'-t-10"l!.. ____ GND Q. tr 90% 14 .1 90% ~ S10pen Vee -+I~I+- Vcc II GND a: letls 10pen -Vee ~ 10% - - - - GND 1 DO Output S2closed VOLTAGE WAVEFORMS VOLTAGE WAVEFORMS NOTE A: CL includes probe and jig capacitance. Figure 3. Output Disable Time Test Circuit and Voltage Waveforms ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DAllAS. TEXAS 75265 2-69 TLCO§31AC, TLC0831AI, TLC083tBC, TLC0831B1 TLC0832AC, TLC0832AI,TLC0832BC, TLC0832BI 8·BIT ANALOG·TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL OONT.ROL SLAS107-JANUARYl995 . TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS LINEARITY ERROR vs REFERENCE VOLTAGE UNADJUSTED OFFSET ERROR vs REFERENCE VOLTAGE 16 1.5 V1+- 1-~~'V -V' 14 , III 1.25 tn .... 12 ~ w 10 !1 I 8 ! . I III 6 c 4 j \ 2 "'tJ ::XJ o o 1.0 I 0.75 ~ != ::I VCC=5V fclock =1 MHz TA=25·C 0.01 m c ::::i '\ " 0.1 C 0.25 r-. 1.0 " 10 c: Vref - Reference Voltage - V "'tJ ::XJ LINEARITY ERROR vs FREE·AIR TEMPERATURE ~ 0.5 2 LINEARITY ERROR vs CLOCK FREQUENCY 0.5 :e < 3 Vref= 5 V fclock 1 MHz 0.45 III !1 0.4 w 0.35 ..~ I E '\ "-"- III !1 -50 -25 / / 2 I ~ 0.3 0.25 0 g w ~~ 25 50 1.5 ~ 'C J 81 s:;V25~ ~ ........ t" 75 -40°C 0.5 100 o0 100 TA - Free-Air Tempertature _·C 200 300 400 500 fclock - Clock Frequency - kHz Figure 6 Figure 7 ~1ExAs 2-70 1 2.5 81 ~ I Vref = 5 V VCC=5V = m 5 4 Figure 5 Figure 4 m 3 Vref _ Reference Voltage - V INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 600 TLC0831AC, TLC0831AI, TLC0831BC, TLC0831BI TLC0832AC, TLC0832AI, TLC0832BC, TLC0832BI 8-BIT ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL SLAS1 07 - JANUARY 1995 TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS TLC0831 TLC0831 SUPPLY CURRENT vs FREE-AIR TEMPERATURE SUPPLY CURRENT vs CLOCK FREQUENCY 1.6 1.6 I fclock = 1 MHz CS= High VCC=5V TA = 26·C 1I 00( E I ~:s 'E ~ B ~ 0 >"ii. Do :s ~ Do Do :s II) II) I I 0 ~ ~ - 0.6 E .;t W 0.6 ' - - -.......-60 -26 .......- 0 .........- - ' - - - - ' - -...... 26 60 76 100 0 0 100 TA - Free-Air Temperature - ·C 200 300 400 600 w a: fclock - Clock Frequency - kHz Figure 8 :; D.. Figure 9 b OUTPUT CURRENT vs FREE-AIR TEMPERATURE 26,---"T"""--r--"""T'"---,.--,----, ::) c o a: VCC=5V D.. 20~=-+--~--~--_+----~~ 00( E I ~ 16 B i ~ 10 I .9 6 t-=7.~+==F:::±~ IOL (VOL =0.4 V) O'---~-.........---'--~-~~~ -60 -25 o 26 60 76 100 TA - Free-Air Temperature _·C Figure 10 ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 6S5303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 2-71 2-72 TLC0834AC, TLC0834AI, TLC0834BC, TLC0834BI TLC0838AC, TLC0838AI, TLC0838BC, TLC0838BI 8-BIT ANALOG·TO·DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL TLC0834 ••• 0 OR N PACKAGE (TOP VIEW) • 8-Blt Resolution • Easy Microprocessor Interface or StandAlone Operation • Operates Ratlometrlcally or With 5-V Reference • 4- or 8-Channel Multiplexer Options With Address Logic • Input Range 0 to 5 V With Single 5-V Supply • Remote Operation With Serial Data Link • Inputs and Outputs Are Compatible With nLandMOS • Conversion Time of 32 J.IS at felK 250 kHz • Functionally Equivalent to the ADC0834 and ADC0838 Without the Internal Zener Regulator Network NC A·SUFFIX B·SUFFIX ±1 LSB ± 112 LSB TLC0838 ±1 LSB ± 1/2 LSB 01 CLK SARS DO 9 REF 6 7 8 ANLGGNO TLC0838 ••• OW OR N PACKAGE (TOP VIEW) CHO CH1 CH2 CH3 CH4 CH5 CH6 CH7 COM TOTAL UNADJUSTED ERROR TLC0834 VCC 11 OGTLGNO = DEVICE 1 CS CHO CH1 CH2 CH3 description 1 VCC NC CS 01 CLK SARS 6 OGTLGNO These devices are 8-bit successiveapproximation analog-to-digital converters, each with an input-configurable multichannel multiplexer and serial input/output. The serial input/output is configured to interface with standard shift registers or microprocessors. Detailed information on interfacing with most popular microprocessors is readily available from the factory. W == :; DO SE REF 11 w ANLGGNO a:: D. TLC0838 ••• FN PACKAGE (TOP VIEW) ~ J: CH3 CH4 CH5 CH6 CH7 t3 ~ 00 00 0 ~z 3 2 1 2019 18 17 16 6 15 7 14 8 9 10 1112 13 4 5 ::l C CS 01 CLK SARS 00 o a:: D. u..IW ~ C c OZZ~CI) O(!)(!) ..J(!) I-..J (!)z Cc( AVAILABLE OPTIONS PACKAGE TA SMALL OUTLINE (D) SMALL OUTLINE (OW) PLASTIC DIP (N) CHIP CARRIER (FN) O·C10 70·C TLC0834ACD TLC0834BCD TLC0838ACDW TLC0838BCDW TLC0834ACN TLC0838ACN TLC0834BCN TLC0838BCN TLC0838ACFN TLC0838BCFN -40·C to 85·C TLC0834AID TLC0834BID TLC0838AIDW TLC0838BIDW TLC0834AIN TLC0838AIN TLC0834BIN TLC0838BIN TLC0838AIFN TLC0838BIFN ~1EXAS Copyright © 1995, Texas Instruments Incorporated INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • OAUAS, TEXAS 75265 2-73 M31A31:1d .LOnaOl:ld ~ Cl>cp-t-t ~mr-r functional block diagram a_OO Start ~H (see Note Ai -- Flip-Flop pf?rr=c \ I I· 50Bit Shift Register 'f-tOO I> e» e» :II»> os ~z~5f 5!r- 0 0 I> CLK SARS -0- - !8_-t-t "'~, r- r-tOO O 00 .~e» 2e»5f G»> r:---" I TlC0838 I =4:-:- lI"-t-t IOnIY-1 r-r-r000 ... 1 --=--:----:,.---t--+---t---t------<'t L _ _~ ;....+. (3 ~ o ~i4P ~-t !~r TlC0834 { TlC0838 CHO------I CH1------I CH2------I CH3------I CH4------I CHS------I CH6------I CH7------I COM------I S MUX R EN os 00 ~E~ mmm I>ClK Anal~ ::DOO --t- m-t-t ::Dr-r(1)00 =e~~ ;~ I 0 " CS ~ EN R R Ladder logic Comparator REF and Decoder 1\.... , --- Latch ::D CS Bits 0-7 ----r- 9-Blt Shift Register EOC » 8 r- ClK SAR and =i~5f ::E:!!!!! (I) m DO ~ ::D o r- , NOTE A: For the TLC0834, DI is input directly to the D input of SELECT1; SELECTO is forced to a high. TLC0834AC, TLC0834AI, TLC0834BC, TLC0834BI TLC0838AC, TLC0838AI, TLC0838BC, TLC0838BI 8-BIT ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL SLAS094 - MARCH 1995 description (continued) The TLC0834 (4-channel) and TLC0838 (8-channel) multiplexer is software configured for single-ended or differential inputs as well as pseudo-differential input assignments. The differential analog voltage input allows for common-mode rejection or offset of the analog zero input voltage value. In addition, the voltage reference input can be adjusted to allow encoding any smaller analog voltage span to the full 8 bits of resolution. The TLC0834AC, TLC0834BC and TLC0838AC, TLC0838BC are characterized for operation from O°C to 70°C. The TLC0834AI, TLC0834BI, and TLC0838AI, TLC0838BI are characterized for operation from -40°C to 85°C. functional description The TLC0834 and TLC0838 use a sample-data-comparator structure that converts differential analog inputs by a successive-approximation routine. Operation of both devices is similar with the exception of SE, an analog common input, and multiplexer addressing. The input voltage to be converted is applied to a channel terminal and is compared to ground (single ended), to an adjacent input (differential), orto a common terminal (pseudo differential) that can be an arbitrary voltage. The input terminals are assigned a positive (+) or negative (-) polarity. If the signal input applied to the assigned positive terminal is less than the signal on the negative terminal, the converter output is all zeros. Channel selection and input configuration are under software control using a serial-data link from the controlling processor. A serial-communication format allows more functions to be included in a converter package with no increase in size. In addition, it eliminates the transmission of low-level analog signals by locating the converter at the analog sensor and communicating serially with the controlling processor. This process returns noise-free digital data to the processor. A particular input configuration is assigned during the multiplexer-addressing sequence. The multiplexer address is shifted into the converter through the data input (01) line. The multiplexer address selects the analog inputs to be enabled and determines whether the input is single ended or differential. When the input is differential, the polarity of the channel input is assigned. Differential inputs are assigned to adjacent channel pairs. For example, channel 0 and channel 1 may be selected as a differential pair. These channels cannot act differentially with any other channel. In addition to selecting the differential mode, the polarity may also be selected. Either channel of the channel pair may be designated as the negative or positive input. The common input on the TLC0838 can be used for a pseudo-differential input. In this mode, the voltage on the common input is considered to be the negative differential input for all channel inputs. This voltage can be any reference potential common to all channel inputs. Each channel input can then be selected as the positive differential input. This feature is useful when all analog circuits are biased to a potential other than ground. A conversion is initiated by setting CS low, which enables all logic circuits. CS must be held low for the complete conversion process. A clock input is then received from the processor. On each low-to-high transition ofthe clock input, the data on 01 is clocked into the multiplexer-address shift register. The first logic high on the input is the start bit. A 3- to 4-bit assignment word follows the start bit. On each successive low-to-high transition of the clock input, the start bit and assignment word are shifted through the shift register. When the start bit is shifted into the start location of the multiplexer register, the input channel is selected and conversion starts. The SAR status output (SARS) goes high to indicate that a conversion is in progress, and 01 to the multiplexer shift register is disabled the duration of the conversion. An interval of one clock period is automatically inserted to allow the selected multiplexed channel to settle. DO comes out of the high-impedance state and provides a leading low for this one clock period of multiplexer settling time. The SAR comparator compares successive outputs from the resistive ladder with the incoming analog signal. The comparator output indicates whether the analog input is greater than or less than the resistive-ladder output. As the conversion proceeds, conversion data is simultaneously output from DO, with the most significant bit (MSB) first. After eight clock periods, the conversion is complete and SARS goes low. -!111EXAS INSTRUMENTS PosT OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 2-75 3: w :; w a:: D.. ti::J C o a:: D.. TLC0834AC,TLC0834AI, TLC0834BC, TLC0834BI TLC0838AC, TLC0838AI, TLC0838BC, TLCPS38BI 8·BIT ANALOG"TO·DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL SLAS094-MARCH 1996 functional description (continued) TheTLC0834 outputs the least-significant-bit (LSB) first data after the MSB-first data stream. If BE is held high on the TLC0838, the value of the LSB remains on the data line. When SE is forced low, ttle data is then clocked out as LSB-first data. (To output LSB first, SE must first go low, then the data stored In the 9-blt shift register outputs LSB first.) When CS goes high, all internal registers are cleared. At this time, the output circuits go to the high-impedance stat~. If another conversion is desired, CS must make a hlgh-ta-Iow transition followed by address information. 01 and DO can be tied together and controlled by a bidirectional processor I/O bit received on a single wire. This is possible because 01 is only examined during the multiplexer-addressing interval, and DO is still in the high-impedance state. Detailed information on interfacing to most popular microprocessors is readily available from the factory. sequence of operation 2 3 4 5 7 6 TlC0834 10 11 12 14 13 18 15 '"tJ I I I :0 o C c: (") .... '"tJ :0 m < - m ~ cs 1 ~ r I I H 20 21 MUX Settling Time --tt II ~~ $;;~ I DI]III DIF EVEN I HI-Z III SARS.., • '---------1 I H II jf- tau +SIgn I IStart Bit SELECT I ~Blt SGlODD Blt~~ H I I I I H ~ I j.- MSB-Flrat Data 1 ~I:: DO-HI-Z------,L....-.L.M_SB..L.-I 7 6 '-----I.. lSB-Flrat Data ---J HI-Z I 2 o 8 2 TLC0834 MUX-ADDRESS CONTROL LOGIC TABLE MUXADDRESS CHANNEL NUMBER ODD/EVEN SELECT BIT 1 0 1 2 3 l L L + L L H + L + H L L H H + 'L H L + + H L H H H L + + H H H H = high level, L = low level, - or + - polarity of selected Input SGuDiF - - ~TExAs' 2-76 18 J1JUl1Ul- ClK INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE eox 655303 • OALLAS. TEXAS 75265 - - 7 TLC0834AC, TLC0834AI, TLC0834BC, TLC0834BI TLC0838AC, TLC0838AI, TLC0838BC, TLC0838BI 8-BIT ANALOG·TO·DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL SLAS094-MARCH 1995 sequence of operation TLC0838 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 eLK ~ H ~-- teonv leu cs11: ,I 14- I I MUX II Add....lng --., iot-- feu • SEL I Start Slf,n 'Bit SGL \~\ 8Jo -J --~ ____ __________________________ ~ ~r- -I' I I , II BIt SEL, a~ ,I ~~III_I~OIF EVEN ~~ 1 0 II I, I_ I \\ ' . HI-Z -, HI-Z r --------~+---------I-----------------------I I iEl~------------~~I------~\~\------------------------------------------------------~ II r =:!IIIII ~I.z-____ 1w;IMB~B!l1~I:: I I~ I I I 14-- MSII-Flrat LSB-Flrat Dab! ~I Dab! IMBal 'Wl 1178 iE 2101 HI-Z r- 34567 --------i'-~-----~U~~~~~F~~~----------------I '\\ MUX settling nme --' I :.- , i4I 0 0 - -_ _: MBII-Flrat . Data ______ I Lsa Held --I~~I11I--- I LSII-FII'I t ""'Y' ...... 0 1234567 ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 I- o ::l C a.. I IMBal I: ::I:1::11:::.L-s-:-a::-:.I.,....I~ I~1~~I-=-I~"r""I~-~IMB:BI_---1r 7621 w a: a.. a: ------.I I :; o I Dab! ~ W 2-77 TLC0834AC, TLC0834AI, TlC0834BC, TLC0834BI TLC0838AC, TLC0838AI, TLC0838BC, TLC0838BI 8·BIT ANALOG·TO·DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL SLAS094 - MARCH 1995 TLC0838 MUX·ADDRESS CONTROL LOGIC TABLE MUXADDRESS "'0 ::D o C c: ~ "'0 ::D m < m - :e SGUDIF ODD/EVEN L L L L L L L L L L L L H SELECTED CHANNEL NUMBER SELECT 1 L L H 0 L H L H H L L H L H L H H H H H L L H L L H H L H H L H H L H H L H H H H H H H =high level, L - low level, - or + • 0 + - 0 1 3 + - - + 4 2 5 + - 1 2 - 3 7 + - - + COM + - + H L + H + L H L + H L H polarity of selected Input 6 - + + - + + + ,- absolute maximum ratings over recommended operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)t Supply voltage, Vee (see Note 1) ...............................................•.....•..... 6.5 V Input voltage range: Logic .................................................. -0.3 V to Vee + 0.3 V Analog ................................................. -0.3 V to Vee+ 0.3 V Input current, II ....•............................., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ±5 mA Total input current ...................................................................... ±20 mA Operating free-air temperature range, TA: C suffix ...................................... O°C to 70°C, I suffix ............................•........ -40°C to 85°C Storage temperature range, Tstg .................................................. -65°C to 150°C Case temperature for 10 seconds, Te: FN package .............................. .. .. .. .. .... 260°C Lead temperature 1,6 mm (1/16 inch) from case for 10 seconds: N package ..................... 260°C t Stresses beyond those listed under "absolute maximum ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at'these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under "recommended operating conditions" is not implied. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. NOTEJ: All voltage values, except differential voltages, are with respect to the network ground terminal. ~TEXAS " INSTRUMENTS POST OFFlCE,BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 TLC0834AC, TLC0834AI, TLC0834BC, TLC0834BI TLC0838AC, TLC0838AI, TLC0838BC, TLC0838BI 8-BIT ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL SLAS094 - MARCH 1995 recommended operating conditions Supply voltage, VCC High-level input voltage, VIH MIN NOM MAX 4.5 5 6.3 2 Clock duty cycle (see Note 2) Pulse duration, CS high, twH(CS) Setup time, Isu Hold time, data valid after ciocki, Ih Operating lree-air temperature, TA I CS low, SE low, or data valid before clocki V V 0.8 V 10 600 kHz 40% 60% Low-level input voltage, VIL Clock frequency, fclock UNIT 220 ns 350 ns 90 ns 70 0 ICsuffix °c -40 85 II suffix NOTE 2: The clock-duty-cycle range ensures proper operation at all clock frequenCies. If a clock frequency IS used outside the recommended duty-cycle range, the minimum pulse duration (high or low) is 1 lIS. electrical characteristics over recommended range of operating free-air temperature, fclock = 250 kHz (unless otherwise noted) . Vee = 5 V, ~ digital section I SUFFIX CSUFFIX PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONSt VOH High-level output voltage VCC-4.75V, 10H - -360 JJA VCC = 4.75 V, IOH =-10 JJA VOL IIH Low-level output voltage VCC-5.25V, IOH= 1.6 mA High-level input current VIH-5V IlL Low-level input current VIL=O IOH High-level output (source) current VOH =0, TA = 25°C -6.5 IOL Low-level output (sink) current 8 TA = 25°C 0.01 3 0.01 3 10Z VOL=VCC, VO-5V, TA = 25°C High-impedance-state output current (DO or SARS) VO-O, TA=25°C -0.01 -3 -0.01 -3 MIN TYP* MAX MIN 2.8 2.4 4.6 4.5 0.005 0.34 1 -0.005 -1 -6.5 -14 8 16 TYP* MAX UNIT V 0.4 V 0.005 1 -0.005 -1 JJA JJA -14 mA 16 Input capaCitance 5 Ci Output capaCitance 5 Co .. with zero common-mode Input voltage (unless otherwise specified) . t All parameters are measured under open-loop conditions :J: All typical values are at VCC - 5 V, TA _ 25°C. mA JJA pF pF ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75266 2-79 w 5> w a:: D.. I- o ::) c o a:: D.. TLC0834AC, TLC0834AI, TLC0834BC, TLC0834BI TLC0838AC, TLC0838AI, TLC0838BC, TLC0838BI . 8·BIT ANALOG·TO·DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL SLAS094 - MARCH 1995 analog and converter sectIon PARAMETER VICR TEST CONDITIONSt MIN See Note 3 -0.05 to VCC+0.05 Common-mode input voltage II(stdby) Standby-input current (see Note 4) Ii(REF) Input resistance to REF On channel VI=5V Off channel VI=O On channel VI=O VI-5V Off channel TY~ MAX UNIT V 1 -1 -1 jIA 1 1.3 2.4 5.9 kn total device PARAMETER ICC Supply current . MIN TYp:j: MAX 2.5 t All parameters are measured under open-loop conditions with zero common-mode input voltage. "'tJ ::0 o C c: tAli typical values are at VCC = 5 V, TA = 25·C. NOTES: 3. If channel IN- is more positive than channellN+, the digital output code will be 0000 0000. Connected to each analog input are two on-chip diodes that conduct forward current for analog Input voltages one diode drop above VCC .Care must be taken during testing at low VCC levels (4.5 V) because high-level analog input voltage (5 V) can, especially at high temperatures, cause this input diode to conduct and cause errors for analog inputs that are near full scale. As long as the analog voltage does not exceed the supply voltage by more than 50 mV, the output code will be correct. To achieve an absolute 0 to 5-V input voltage range requires a minimum VCC of 4.950 V for all variations of temperature and load. 4. Standby-input currents are currents gOing into or out of the on or off channels when the AID converter is not performing conversion and the clock is in a high or low steady-state condition. ~ "'tJ ::0 m m < - ~ ~1ExAs 2-80 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DAUAS. TEXAS 75265 TLC0834AC, TLC0834AI, TLC0834BC, TLC0834BI TLC0838AC, TLC0838AI, TLC0838BC, TLC0838BI 8-BIT ANALOG·TO·DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL SLAS094 - MARCH 1995 operating characteristics, noted) Vee = 5 V, fclock = 250 kHz, tr = tf = 20 ns, TA = 25°C (unless otherwise TEST CONDITIONSt PARAMETER !pd letis Ioonv Supply-voltage variation error VCC = 4.75 Vt05.25V Total unadjusted error (see Note 5) Vref- 5 V, TA - MIN to MAX Common-mode error Differential mode AI, AC SUFFIX MIN MAX ±1/16 ±1/4 ±1/16 I I cst MIN ±1/4 UNIT TYP MAX ±1116 ±1/4 LSB ±1/2 LSB ±114 LSB ±1 ±1/16 1500 1500 600 600 Cl= 10 pF, Rl-10 kn 250 250 Cl= 100pF, Rl=2kn 500 500 Propagation delay time, output MSB-first data CL= 100pF data after ClK.!. (see Note 6) lSB-first data Output disable time, DO or SARS after 81, BC SUFFIX TYP ns ns Conversion time (multiplexer-addressing time not included) 8 clock 8 periods t All parameters are measured under open-loop conditions with zero common-mode input voltage. For cond~ions shown as MIN or MAX, use the appropriate value specified under recommended operating conditions. NOTES: 5. Total unadjusted error includes offset, full-scale, linear~, and multiplexer errors. 6. The MSB-first data is output directly from the comparator and therefore requires additional delay to allow for comparator response time. PARAMETER MEASUREMENT INFORMATION CLK ----'I 1 CO ~tsu -1 ' " - - - GND ~tsu \Ir-----:-:------0.4 V). i 1 ~Ih 1 ~---&!---, 01 I 2V 1 GND i~ 1 VCC ,_----VCC \1 _-=~..;a.._--'_.!!,."U' ____ GND Figure 1. Data·lnput Timing -!!1 TEXAS . INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DAu.AS. TEXAS 75265 2-81 , TLC0834AC, TlC0834AI, TLC0834BC, TLC0834BI TLC0838AC, TLC0838AI, TLC0838BC, TLC0838BI 8~BIT ANALOG·TO·DIGITAl CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL SI.:AS094 - MARCH 1995 PARAMETER MEASUREMENT INFORMATION Vcc ~..-I~- I tpd tpd I -+I . GND l+1 --~\I,r------------..j.'"'\~1 Vee DO ____ J I~ Ii A.'-- 60% GND 500/0 tau 14-- ---.I t~~--- SE - - - - - - - - - -...... VCC . GND Figure 2. Data-Output Timing Vcc Test Point "U :0 o From Output Under Test C (') ! --tl--_~~R",LIr---~ I c: S1 -I ""D CL (see Note A) LOAD CIRCUIT :0 m < m ~ ~ ~tr !~----VCC - CS :IE 6O"Il'1 i4-+ftells 1_ _ _ _ DOandSARS 50% 900/0 _ _-+11~ ____ GND 90% ~ l-::--tr GND 10pen -Vee ~ S2 closed -~-GND 1 VOLTAGE WAVEFORMS VOLTAGE WAVEFORMS NOTE A: CL includes probe and jig capacitance. Figure 3. Output Disable Time Test Circuit and Voltage Waveforms ~1ExAs . 2-82 Idls 1 DO and SARS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 65S303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 VCC GND 1 14 .1 Vcc S10pen S'!'~!!d______ I+- TLC0834AC, TLC0834AI, TLC0834BC, TLC0834BI TLC0838AC, TLC0838AI, TLC0838BC, TLC0838BI 8-BIT ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL SLAS094-MARCH 1995 TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS UNADJUSTED OFFSET ERROR va REFERENCE VOLTAGE 16 .1 LINEARITY ERROR va REFERENCE VOLTAGE 1.5 I 1.111111 I- VI(+) = VI(_) = 0 V 14 1.25 VCC=5V 'clock = 250 kHz TA = 25°C 12 III III ~ ..g I w I a- 'C 6 I c 2 :::) I g w 0.75 8 4 'ii' II ~ 10 II c ::::i l\. \ 1\ 0.5 0.25 '~ r--- o 0.01 0.1 00 10 2 Figure 4 3 I III ... II) .g 0.4 a- 0.35 I w 'C II ~ '""" ..g w 0 C Vref = 5 V VCC=6V J 2 25 1.5 85°C l II ~ -25 b ::l. I '" " 0.3 0.25 -50 III II) 50 ...... 75 TA - Free-AIr Tempertature - c ::::i , 100 o0 100 °c 200 I / / J ~V25:i -400C 0.5 300 400 500 600 'clock - Clock Frequency - kHz Figure 6 Figure 7 ~TEXAs INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE &eX 665303 • DALI..AS. TEXAS 75266 > w a:: 2.5 ... W a. LINEARITY ERROR va CLOCK FREQUENCY Vref =5 V 'clock = 250 kHz 0.45 5 Figure 5 LINEARITY ERROR va FREE·AIR TEMPERATURE I 4 Vref _ Reference Voltage - V Vref - Reference Voltage - V 0.5 3 2-83 . o a:: a. .... TLC0834AC, TLC0834AI, TLC0834BC, TLC0834BI TLC0838AC, TLC0838AI, TLC0838BC, TLC0838BI 8.BIT ANALOG·TO·DIGITALCONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL SLAS094 - MARCH 1995 TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS SUPPLY CURRENT SUPPLY CURRENT vs FREE-AIR TEMPERATURE CLOCK FREQUENCY vs 1.5....---r---r---.---r--"""T'"---, fclock = 250 kHz 1.5 I VCC=5V TA=25·C cs =High cc 1 E I I ~ ~ o 8: iJl >- :I Ul I I 0.5 L__.l....-_...L-._....L..._........_......L.._-..I -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 0 C o o 200 100 Figure 9 -I OUTPUT CURRENT "tJ ::D vs m m FREE-AIR TEMPERATURE 25,...,---r---.---,...---r"---.----. !$ . VCC=5V :e 20r-~+_--~--~--_+--~--~ 1I ~ :I o O~ 10~-+_-~-~-_+-~~~ -IOH (VOH =2.4 V) I .9 5~=±:~~H IOL (VOL =0.4 V) ........--..I.-~--L-~ O~-~- -50 -25 o 25 50 75 TA - Free-Air Temperature - ·C Figure 10 ~TEXAS 2-84 300 400 fclock - Clock Frequency - kHz FigureS (") - 0.5 TA - Free-Air Temperature - ·C c: ~ ~ ~ "tJ ::D ~ :I :I 0 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 665303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 76266 100 500 TLC1540C,TLC1541C 10-81T ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 INPUTS SLAS073A - DECEMBER 1985 - REVISED MARCH 1995 • 1()'Blt Resolution AID Converter • Microprocessor Peripheral or Stand-Alone Operation • On-Chip 12-Channel Analog Multiplexer • Built-In Self-Test Mode • Software-Controllable Sample and Hold • Total Unadjusted Error TLC1540: ±O.5 LSB Max TLC1541: ±1 LSB Max • Pinout and Control Signals Compatible With TLC540 and TLC549 Families of 8-Bit AID Converters OW OR N PACKAGE (TOP VIEW) INPUT AD INPUT A1 INPUT A2. INPUT A3 INPUT A4 INPUT A5 INPUT A6 INPUT A7 INPUT AS GND • CMOS Technology PARAMETER 6 7 8 9 11 FNPACKAGE (TOP VIEW) VALUE Channel Acquisition Sample Time Conversion Time (Max) Samples Per Second (Max) Power Dissipation (Max) 4 5 VCC SYSTEM CLOCK I/O CLOCK ADDRESS INPUT DATA OUT CS REF+ REFINPUT A1D INPUT A9 5.5 fl.S 21 fl.S 32xl03 6mW description The TLC1540 and TLC1541 are CMOS ND converters built around a 1D-bit, switched3 2 1 20 19 INPUT A3 4 18 I/O CLOCK capacitor, successive-approximation ND 17 ADDRESS INPUT INPUT A4 5 converter. They are designed for serial interface INPUT A5 16 DATA OUT 6 to a microprocessor or peripheral via a 3-state INPUT A6 7 15 CS output with up to four control inputs [including 8 14 REF+ INPUT A7 independent SYSTEM CLOCK, I/O CLOCK, chip 9 1011 1213 select (CS), and ADDRESS INPUTj. A 2.1-MHz system clock for the TLC1540 and TLC1541, with a design that includes simultaneous reacllwrite operation, allows high-speed data transfers and sample rates of up to 32,258 samples per second. In addition to the high-speed converter and versatile control logic, there is an on-chip, 12-channel analog multiplexer that can be used to sample anyone of 11 inputs or an internal self-test voltage and a sample and hold that can operate automatically or under microprocessor control. Detailed information on interfacing to most popular microprocessors is readily available from the factory. AVAILABLE OPTIONS PACKAGE TA o·Cto 70·C PLASTIC DIP (OW) PLASTIC CHIP CARRIER (FN) PLASTIC DIP (N) TLCI540CDW TLCI541CDW TLCI540CFN TLCI541CFN TLC1540CN TLC1541CN ~TEXAS. Copyright © 1995, Texas Instruments Incorporated INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 656303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 2-85 TLC1540C,TLC1541C 10-BIT ANALOG·TO·DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 INPUTS SLAS073A- DEC.EMBER 1985 - REVISED MARCH 1995 description (continued) The converters incorporated in the TLC1540 and TLC1541 feature differential high-impedance reference inputs that facilitate ratiometric conversion, scaling, and analog circuitry isolation from logic and supply noises. A totally switched-capacitor design allows low-error conversion (±0.5 LSB for the TLC 1540, ± 1 LSB for the TLC1541 ) in 21 J.IS over the full operating temperature range. The TLC1540 and the TLC1541 are available in OW, FN, and N packages. The C-suffix versions are characterized for operation from O°C to 70°C. functional block diagram REF+ REF- 14+ -+1 +~ ~ ~ ..L ..!... ~ ANALOG INPUTS 111 Sampleand Hold ~ 13+ 12-Channel Analog Multiplexer ....... 10 Output Data Reglatar ~lnputAddnassJ ...1! ;. 1G-Blt Swltched-CapacltonJ Aria.log-to-Dlgltal Converter Reglater ~ t 1G-to-1 Data DATA Selector and f- ~ OUT Driver 4 '- ~ 4 Self-Teat Reference I I ADDRESS 17 INPUT 1/0 CLOCK CS SYSTEM CLOCK Control Logic andl/O Countera \ Input Multiplexer I I 2 18 15 19 typical equivalent Inputs INPUT CIRCUIT IMPEDANCE DURING SAMPLING MODE INPUT INPUT CIRCUIT IMPEDANCE DURING HOLD MODE 1 kOTYP AO-A10~ 1 INPUT CI =60 pFTYP (equivalent Input cepacltance) AO-A10~ ~TEXAS · INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALlAS. TEXAS 75265 ;h 5MOTYP TLC1540C,TLC1541C 1D-BIT ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 INPUTS SLAS073A- DECEMBER 1985 - REVISED MARCH 1995 operating sequence 11 I I I I I I I I 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 8 1 10 11 I I I I 2 3 4 51 8 I I I 7 8 9 1 10 1/0 CLOCK~ l r" I I Access Cycle B -JI I~ Sample _ _ Cycle B ~ Access CS~~)~I______________________~ I I INPUT I SaaNotaC MSB ADDRESS ~ LSB I I+- CYCleC ~ I I ~I________________~rI ~ B3 B2 B1 BO _----------~ Don'teare Don't Care DATAJ OUT~ +---- Conversion Data B ----+~ +--- Previous Conversion Data A ---+~ MSB (_Note B) LSB MSB MSB LSB MSB NOTES: A. The conversion cycle, which requires 44 system clock periods, initiates on the tenth falling edge of the 1/0 clock after CS goes low for the channel whose address exists in memory at that time. If CS Is kept low during conversion, the 110 clock must remain low for at least 44 system clock cycles to allow the conversion to complete. B. The most signlflcantbit (MSB) is automatically placed on the DATA OUT bus afterCS is brought low. The remaining nine bits (AS-AO) clock out on the first nine I/O clock falling edges. C. To minimize errors caused by noise at the CS input, the intemal circuitry waits for three system clock cycles (or less) after a chip-select falling edge is detected before responding to control input signals. Therefore, no attempt should be made to clock-in address data until the minimum chip-select setup time elapses. absolute maximum ratings over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)t Supply voltage, Vee (see Note 1) , .................................................. :....... 6.5 V Input voltage range, VI (any input) ............................................ -0.3 V to Vee + 0.3 V Output voltage range, Va ................................................... -0.3 V to Vee + 0.3 V Peak input current (any input) ........................................................... ±10 mA Peak total input current (all inputs) ....................................................... ±30 mA Operating free-air temperature range, TA: TLC1540C, TLC1541 C ......................... O°C to 70°C Storage temperature range, Tstg .................................................. -65°C to 150°C Case temperature for 10 seconCls, Te: FN package .......................................... 260°C Lead temperature 1,6 mm (1/16 inch) from the case for 10 seconds: OW or N package ........... 260°C t Stresses beyond those listed under "absolute maximum ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other cond~ions beyond those indicated under "recommended operating conditions" is not implied. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated cond~ions for extended periods may affect device reliability. NOTE 1: All voltage values are with respect to digital ground with REF- and GND wired together (unless otherwise noted). ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 656303 • OAu.AS. TEXAS 75265 2-87 TLC1540C,TLC1541C 10-BIT ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 INPUTS SLAS073A- DECEMBER 1985 - REVISED MARCH 1995 recommended operating conditions MIN NOM 4.75 5 Positive reference voltage, Vref + (see Note 2) 2.5 Negative reference voltage, Vref _ (see Note 2) -0.1 Vee 0 VCC+O.l 2.5 Differential reference voltage, Vref+ - Vref- (see Note 2) 1 VCC VCC+0.2 Analog input voltage (see Note 2) 0 High-level control input voltage, VIH 2 Supply voltage, VCC Low-level control input voltage, VIL 0 Input/output clock frequency, fclockCl/O) System clock frequency, fclocklSYS) fclockCl/O) 400 Setup time, address bits before 1/0 CLOCKi,isuIA) MAX 5.5 VCC UNIT V V V V V V 0.8 V 1.1 MHz 2.1 MHz ns Hold time, address bits after VO CLocKi, ih(A) 0 ns Setup time, CS low before clocking in first address bit,isu(CS) (see Note 3) 3 System clock cycles Pulse duration, CS high during conversion, twH(CS) 44 Pulse duration, SYSTEM CLOCK high, twHlSYS) 210 Pulse duration, SYSTEM CLOCK low, twLISYS) 190 ns Pulse duration, 1/0 CLOCK high,iwHCl/O) 404 ns System clock cycles Pulse duration, 1/0 CLOCK low, twL(I/O) ns ns 404 System Clock transition time (see Note 4) 1/0 fclocklSYS) S 1048kHz 30 fclocklSYS) > 1048 kHz 20 fclock(I/O) S 525 kHz 100 fclockll/O) > 525 kHz 40 Operating free-alr temperature, TA 0 70 ns ns ·C NOTES: 2. Analog input voltages greater than that applied to REF + convert as all ones (1111111111), while input voltages less than that applied to REF- convert as aU zeros (0000000000). For proper operation, REF + voltage must be at least 1 V higher than REF- voltage. Also, the total unadjusted error may increase as this differential reference voltage falls below 4.75 V. 3. To minimize errors caused by noise at the chip select input, the intemal circuitry waits for three system clock cycles (or less) after a chip select falling edge is detected before responding to control input signals. Therefore, no attempt should be made to clock in an address until the minimum chip select setup time elapses. . 4. The amount oftime required for the clock input Signal to fall from VIH min to VIL max or to rise from VIL max to VIH min. In the vicinity of normal rcom temperature, the devices function with input clock transition time as slow as 2 JJ.S for remote data acquisition applications where the sensor and the AID converter are placed several feet away from the controlling microprocessor. ~1EXAs. 2-88 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE eox 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 TLC1540C,TLC1541C 10·81T ANALOG·TO·DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 INPUTS SLAS073A-DECEMBER 1985-REVISEDMARCH 1995 electrical characteristics over recommended operating temperature range, Vee 5.5 V (unless otherwise noted), fcloCk(I/O) = 1.1 MHz, fclock(SYS) = 2.1 MHz PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN =Vref+ =4.75 V to TYpt MAX VOH High-level ouIput voltage (terminal 16) Vee =4.75 V, IOH =360 IlA VOL Low-level output voltage Vee= 4.75 V, IOL= 3.2 rnA Vo=Vee, esatVee 10 VO=O, es at Vee -10 IOZ High-irnpedance-state output current IlA IlA CSatOV 1.2 2.5 rnA Selected channel at Vee, Unselected channel at 0 V 0.4 1 -0.4 -1 ICC Operating supply current ei Input capacitance IlA 2.5 VI=O Selected channel at 0 V, Unselected channel at Vee I Analog inputs V -2.5 V,.Vee Low-level input current Supply and reference current V 0.4 0.005 High-level input current ICC + lref UNIT -0.005 IIH IlL Selected channel leakage current 2.4 Vref+ = Vee, eSatOV I Control inputs IlA 1.3 3 7 55 5 15 rnA pF t All typical values are at Vee. 5 V and TA _ 25°C. ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 855303 • DALlAS. TEXAS 75265 2-89 TLC1540C, TLC1541 C . 1()"BITANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 INPUTS SLAS073A- DECEMBER 1986- REVISED MARCH 1995 operating characteristics over recommended operating temperature range, Vee = Vref+ = 4.75 V'to. 5.5 V, fclock(1I0) = 1.1 MHz, fclock(SYS) = 2.1 MHz PARAMETER EL Unearity error EZS Zero-scale error EFS Full-scale error ET Total unadjusted error tconv TEST CONDITIONS TLC1540 TLCl541. TLCl540 TLCl541 TLCl540 TLC1541 TLCl540 TLCl541 MIN See Note 5 See Notes 2 and 6 MAX ±0.5 ±1 ±0.5 ±1 ±0.5 See Notes 2 and 6 ±1 ±0.5 See Note 7 ±1 0111110100 (500) UNIT LSB LSB LSB LSB 1000001100 (524) Self-test output code Input All address. 1011 (see Note 8) Conversion time See Operating Sequence 21 Total access and conversion time See Operating Sequence 31 IJ.8 IJ.8 VO tacq Channel acquisition time (sample cycle) See Operating Sequence tv Time output data remains valid after 1/0 CLOCK! ld Delay time, I/O CLOCK! to DATA OUT valid tan Output enable time ldls tr(bus) Output disable time 6 10 See Parameter Measurement Information Data bus rise time clock cycles ns 400 ns 150 ns 150 ns 300 ns 300 ns tf(bus) Data bus fall time NOTES: 2. Analog Input voltages greater than that applied to REF + convert as all ones (1111111111), while input voltages less than that applied to REF- convert as all zeros (0000000000). For proper operation, REF+ voltage must be at least 1 V higher than REF-voltage. Also, the total unadjusted error may increase as this differential reference voltage falls below 4.75 V. 5. Unearity error is the maximum deviation from the best straight line through the AID transfer characteristics. 6. Zero-scale error is the difference between 0000000000 and the converted output for zero input voltage; full-scale error Is the difference between 1111111111 and the converted output for full-scale input voltage. 7. Total unadjusted error includes linearity, zero-scale, and full-scale errors. 8. Both the input address and the output codes are expressed in positive logic. The All analog input signal is internally generatad and used for test purposes. ~TEXAS . 2-90 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 TEXAS 76265 , • DAllAS. . TLC1540C,TLC1541C 10-81T ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 INPUTS SLAS073A- DECEMBER 1985 - REVISED MARCH 1995 PARAMETER MEASUREMENT INFORMATION J VCC 1.4V kn Output Under Test CL (_NoteA) Test Point Output Under Test n Test Point CL (_NoteA) I T Output Under Test Test POint CL (_NoteA)I 3kn SeeNoteB SeeNoteB LOAD CIRCUIT FOR Id. t ... AND tf . ~ kn LOAD CIRCUIT FOR tpZL AND tpLZ LOAD CIRCUIT FOR tpZH AND tpHZ _______ ::C i~ I I SYSTEM CLOCK tpZL ~ Output Waveform 1 (_Note C) ---See-N-ot-e-B-----I!~..,\ tpZH Output Waveform 2 (aee Note C) 4 ~ tpLZ I+- . ¥,;____ :~ - I+- ~ tpHZ I ,..--_ _---11 ___________.J15~ ~---- ::H VOLTAGE WAVEFORMS FOR ENABLE AND DISABLE TIMES 110 CLOCK \ - - - - - - 0.4 V I /4-Id-+l X-- - - - - - - - : : O~ tr(bus) I I -+I I+- N"--- 2.4V I - - - 0.4V I -+I I+- tf(bus) DATA OUT_ _ _ _ _ _.J VOLTAGE WAVEFORMS FOR RISE AND FALL TIMES VOLTAGE WAVEFORMS FOR DELAY TIME NOTES: A. CL = 50 pF B. ten - tpZH or tpZL and !dis ~ tpHZ or tpLZ. C. Wavefonn 1 is for an output with intemal conditions such that the output is low except when disabled by the output control. Wavefonn 2 is for an output with intemal conditions such that the output is high except when disabled by the output control. ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 65S303. DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 2-91 ..... TLC1540C,TLC1541C 10-81T ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 INPUTS SLAS073A- DECEMBER 1985 - REVISED MARCH 1995 APPLICATION INFORMATION simplified analog input analysis Using the equivalent circuit in Figure 1, the time required to charge the analog input capacitance from 0 V to Vs within 1/2 LSB can be derived as follows: The capacitance charging voltage is given by Vc = Vs (1-e -te/RtCi ) (1 ) where Rt=Rs+rj The final voltage to 1/2LSB is given by Vc (1/2 LSB) = Vs - (Vs/2048) (2) Equating equation 1 to equation 2 and solving for time (te) gives Vs -(Vs/2048) = Vs (1_e-te/RtCI ) (3) te (1/2 LSB) = Rt x Cj x In(2048) (4) and Therefore, with the values given the time for the analog input signal to settle is te (1/2 LSB) = (Rs + 1 kn) x 60 pF x In(2048) (5) This time must be less than the converter sample time shown in the timing diagrams. Driving Sourcet .. Rs I I I I VI • TLC1540/1 ., VS~VC I 1 kaMAX II I CI 50 pF MAX VI = Input Voltage at INPUT AO-A10 vS= External Driving Source Voltage Rs = Source Resistance rl = Input Resistance CI = Input capacitance t Driving source requirements: • Noise and distortion for the source must be equivalent to the resolution of the converter. • Rs must be real at the input frequency. Figure 1. Equivalent Input Circuit Including the Driving Source ~TEXAs 2-92 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALlAS. TEXAS 75265 TLC1540C,TLC1541C 10-81T ANALOG·TO·DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 INPUTS SLAS073A- DECEMBER 1985 - REVISED MARCH 1995 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION The TLC1540 and TLC1541 are complete data acquisition systems on single chips. Each includes such functions as sample and hold, 10-bit AID converter, data and control registers, and control logic. For flexibility and access speed, there are four control inputs: chip select (CS), address input, I/O clock, and system clock. These control inputs and a TIL-compatible, 3-state output are intended for serial communications with a microprocessor or microcomputer. The TLC1540 and TLC1541 can complete conversions in a maximum of 21 IJ.S, while complete input-conversion-output cycles can be repeated at a maximum of 31 IJ.S. The system and I/O clocks are normally used independently and do not require any special speed or phase relationships between them. This independence simplifies the hardware and software control tasks for the device. Once a clock signal within the specification range is applied to the SYSTEM CLOCK input, the control hardware and software need only be concerned with addressing the desired analog channel, reading the previous conversion result, and starting the conversion by using I/O CLOCK. SYSTEM CLOCK will drive the conversion-crunching circuitry so that the control hardware and software need not be concerned with this task. When ~ is high, DATA OUT is in a 3-state condition and ADDRESS INPUT and I/O CLOCK are disabled. This feature allows each of these terminals, with the exception of the CS terminal, to share a control logic point with its counterpart terminals on additional AID devices when using additional TLC1540/1541 devices. In this way, the above feature serves to minimize the required control logic terminals when using multiple AID devices. The control sequence has been designed to minimize the time and effort required to initiate conversion and obtain the conversion result. A normal control sequence is: 1. CS is brought low. To minimize errors caused by noise at the CS input, the internal circuitry waits for two rising edges and then a falling edge of SYSTEM CLOCK after a low CS transition before recognizing the low transition. This technique protects the device against noise when the device is used in a noisy environment. The MSB of the previous conversion result automatically appears on DATA OUT. 2. A new positive-logic multiplexer address shifts in on the first four rising edges of I/O CLOCK. The MSB of the address shifts in first. The negative edges ofthese four I/O clock pulses shift outthe second, third, fourth, and fifth most-significant bits of the previous conversion result. The on-chip sample-and-hold begins sampling the newly addressed analog input after the fourth falling edge. The sampling operation basically involves the charging of internal capacitors to the level of the analog input voltage. 3. Five clock cycles are then applied to the I/O CLOCK, and the sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, and tenth conversion bits shift out on the negative edges of these clock cycles. 4. The final tenth-clock cycle is applied to the I/O CLOCK. The falling edge of this clock cycle completes the analog sampling process and initiates the hold function. Conversion is then performed during the next 44 system clock cycles. After this final 110 clock cycle, CS must go high or the I/O CLOCK must remain low for at least 44 system-clock cycles to allow for the conversion function. ~ can be kept low during periods of multiple conversion. When keeping CS low during periods of multiple conversion, special care must be exercised to prevent noise glitches on I/O CLOCK. If glitches occur on I/O CLOCK, the I/O sequence between the microprocessor/controller and the device loses synchronization. Also, if CS goes high, it must remain high until the end of the conversion. Otherwise, a valid falling edge of CS causes a reset condition, which aborts the conversion in progress. A new conversion may be started and the ongoing conversion simultaneously aborted by performing steps 1 through 4 before the 44 system-clock cycles occur. Such action yields the conversion result of the previous conversion and not the ongoing conversion. ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALlAS, TEXAS 75265 2413 TLC1540C,TLC1541C 10-81T ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 INPUTS SLAS073A- DECEMBER 1986 - REVISED MARCH 1995 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION It is possible to connect SYSTEM CLOCK and 1/0 CLOCK together in special situations in which controlling-circuitry pOints must be minimized. In this case, the following special pOints must be considered in addition to the requirements of the normal control sequence previously described. 1. This device requires the first two clocks to' recognize that CS is at a valid low level when the common clock signal is used as an I/O CLOCK. When CS is recognized by the device to be at a high level, the common clock signal is used for the conversion clock also. 2. A low CS must be recognized before the I/O CLOCK can shift in an analog channel address. The device recognizes a CS transition when the SYSTEM CLOCK terminal receives two positive edges and then a negative edge. For this reason, after a CS negative edge, the first two clock cycles do not shift in the address. Also, upon shifting in the address, CS must be raised after the tenth valid (12 total) I/O CLOCK. Otherwise, additional common-clock cycles are recognized as I/O CLOCK cycles and shift in an erroneous address. For certain applications, such as strobing applications, it is necessary to start conversion at a specific point in time. This device accommodates these applications. Although the on-Chip sample-and-hold begins sampiing upon the negative edge of the fourth valid I/O CLOCK cycle, the hold function does not initiate until the negative edge of the eighth valid I/O CLOCK cycle. Thus, the control circuitry can leave the I/O CLOCK signal in its high state during the tenth valid I/O CLOCK cycle until the moment at which the analog signal must be converted. The TLC1540ITLC1541 continues sampling the analog input until the eighth valid falling edge of the I/O CLOCK. The control circuitry or software then immediately lowers the I/O CLOCK signal and holds the analog signal at the desired point in time and starts the conversion. Detailed information on interfacing to most popular microprocessors is readily available from the factory. ~ThXAS 2-94 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 7&265 -TLC1542C, TLC15421, TLC1542M, TLC1542Q, TLC1543C, TLC15431, TLC1543Q 10-81T ANALOG·TO·DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 ANALOG INPUTS • • • • • • • • • 1()'Blt-Resolutlon AID Converter 11 Analog Input Channels Three Built-In Self-Test Modes Inherent Sample and Hold Total Unadjusted Error ..• ±1 LSB Max On-Chip System Clock End-of-Converslon (EOC) Output Terminal Compatible With TLC1542 CMOS Technology DB, J, DW, OR N PACKAGE (TOP VIEW) 20 19 EOC 110 CLOCK ADDRESS DATA OUT 6CS 7 REF+ 8 13 REF- A3 A4 A5 AS A7 AS description 9 12 A10 10 11 A9 ---' GND The TLC1543C, TLC15431, and TLC1543Q are CMOS 1Q-bit, switched-capacitor, successive-approximation, analog-to-digital converters. These devices have three inputs and a 3-state output [chip select (CS) , input-output clock (I/O CLOCK), address input (ADDRESS), and data output (DATA OUTl] that provide a direct four-wire interface to the serial port of a host processor. These devices allow high-speed data transfers from the host. VCC ...... FK OR FN PACKAGE (TOP VIEW) 00 ~ :( ~?@ A3 A4 A5 4 3 2 1 20 1918 1/0 CLOCK 5 17 6 16 ADDRESS DATAOUT CS REF+ 7 15 AS In addition to a high-speed AID converter and versatile A7 8 14 control capability, these devices have anon-chip 9 10 11 12 13 14-channel multiplexer that can select anyone of 11 eooenel analog inputs or anyone of three internal self-test ' BINARY HEX Vref+ - Vref- l! 1011 B 200 Vref- 1100 C 000 1101 0 3FF Vref+ t Vref+ is the voltage applied to the REF+ input, and Vref- is the voltage applied to the REFinput ; The output results shown are the ideal values and vary with the reference stability and with internal offsets. converter and analog Input The CMOS threshold detector in the successive-approximatfon conversion system determines each bit by examining the charge on a series of binary-weighted capacitors (see Figure 1). In the first phase of the conversion process, the analog input is sampled by closing the Se switch and all Sr switches simultaneously. This action charges all the capaCitors to the input voltage. In the next phase of the conversion process, all Sr and Se switches are opened and the threshold detector begins identifying bits by identifying the charge (voltage) on each capacitor relative to the reference (REF-) voltage. In the switching sequence, ten capaCitors are examined separately until.all ten bits are identified and then the charge-convert sequence is repeated. In the first step of the conversion phase, the threshold detector looks at the first capacitor (weight = 512). Node 512 of this capaCitor is switched to the REF+voltage, and the equivalent nodes of all the other capaCitors on the ladder are switched to REF-. If the voltage at the summing node is greater than the trip point of the threshold detector (approximately one-half Vee), a 0 bit is placed in the output register and the 512-weight capacitor is switched to REF-. If the voltage at the summing node is less than the trip point of the threshold detector, a 1 bit is placed in the register and the 512-weight capacitor remains connected to REF + through the remainder of the successive-approximation process. The process is repeated for the 256-weight capacitor, the 128-weight capaCitor, and so forth down the line until all bits are counted. 2-100 -!lThxAs INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 TLC1542C, TLC15421, TLC1542M, TLC1542Q, TLC1543C, TLC15431, TLC1543Q 10-81T ANALOG·TO·DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 ANALOG INPUTS SLAS052C - MARCH 1992 - REVISED MARCH 1995 converter and analog Input (continued) With each step of the successive-approximation process, the initial charge is redistributed among the capacitors. The conversion process relies on charge redistribution to count and weigh the bits from MSB to LSB. Be Threshold Detector 51J 25J 12J 18 To Output Latches j I -~t~t;:;t~t~t;:;t;;,t~f REF- ~~SyREF-~_SyREF-~~SyREF-~!rREF-~~SyREF-~~ REF-~!rREF-~~ v,j j j\J j T ~~ ro< REF- iii j Figure 1. Simplified Model of the Successive-Approximation System chip-select operation The trailing edge of CS starts all modes of operation, and CS can abort a conversion sequence in any mode. A high-to-Iow transition on CS within the specified time during an ongoing cycle aborts the cycle, and the device returns to the initial state (the contents of the output data register remain at the previous conversion result). Exercise care to prevent CS from being taken low close to completion of conversion because the output data can be corrupted. reference voltage Inputs There are two reference inputs used with the device: REF + and REF-. These voltage values establish the upper and lower limits of the analog input to produce a full-scale and zero reading, respectively. The values of REF +, REF-, and the analog input should not exceed the positive supply or be lower than GND consistent with the specified absolute maximum ratings. The digital output is at full scale when the input signal is equal to or higher than REF + and at zero when the input Signal is equal to or lower than REF-. ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DAlLAS, TEXAS 75265 2-101 TLCt542C, TLC15421, TLC1542M, TLC1542Q, TLC1543C, TLC15431, TLC1543Q 10·BIT ANALOG·TO·DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 ANALOG INPUTS SLAS052C - MARCH 1992 - REVISED MARCH 1995 absolute maximum ratings over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)t Supply voltage range, Vee (see Note 1) ....•....... ~ '. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. -0.5 V to 6.5 V Input voltage range, VI .......................................... , ........... -0.3 V to Vee + 0.3 V Output voltage range, Vo ................................................... -0.3 V to Vee + 0.3 V Positive reference voltage, Vref+ .......... : ......•.................................... Vee + 0.1 V Negative reference voltage, Vref- .......................................................... -0.1 V Peak input current (any input) .....................................................•..... ±20 mA Peak total input current (all inputs) ....................................................... ±30 mA Operating free-air temperature range, TA: TLC1542C, TLC1543C ....................... DoC to 70°C TLC15421, TLC15431 ........................ -40°C to 85°C TLC1542Q, TLC1543Q .................... -40°C to 125°C TLC1542M ............... ,.............. -55°C to 125°C Storage temperature range, Tstg. .................................................. -65°C to 150°C Lead temperature 1,6 mm (1/16 inch) from the case for 10 seconds ............................ 260°C t Stresses beyond those listed under "absolute maximum ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under "recommended operating conditions" is not implied. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. NOTE 1: All voltage values are with respect to digital ground with REF - and GND wired together (unless otherwise noted). recommended operating conditions Supply voltage, Vee , MIN NOM MAX 4.5 5 5.5 Positive reference voltage, Vref + (see Note 2) 2.5 Differential reference voltage, Vref + - Vref- (see Note 2) Analog input voltage (see Note 2) 0 High-level control input voltage, VIH I VCC -4.5 Vt05.5 V Low-level control Input voltage, VIL I VCC =4.5 Vt05.5 V Setup time, address bits at data input before 1/0 CLOCKi,\su(A) Hold time, address bits after 1/0 CLOCKt, theA) Hold time, CS low after last 1/0 CLOCK!, thlCS) Setup time, CS low before clocking in first address bit, tsu(CS) (see Note 3) Clock frequency at 1/0 CLOCK (see Note 4) V VCC+O.2 V VCC V 0.8 V 2 , V 100 ns 0 ns 0 ns 1.425 0 Pulse duration, I/O CLOCK high,iwH(t/O) 190 Pulse duration, 1/0 CLOCK low, twLIIIO) 190 Transition time, 1/0 CLOCK, tl(l/O) (see Note 5 and Figure 6) JJS 2.1 ns 10 TLC1542C,TLC1543C 0 MHz ns 1 Transition time, ADDRESS and CS, tt(CS) Operating free-air temperature, TA VCC V V VCC 0 Negative reference voltage, Vref- (see Note 2) UNIT JJS JJS 70 TLC15421, TLC15431 -40 85 TLCI542Q,TLCI543Q -40 TLC1542M -55 125 125 ·C NOTES: 2. Analog Input voltages greater than that applied to REF+ convert as all ones (1111111111), while Input voltages less than that applied to REF- convert as all zeros (0000000000). The device is functional with reference voltages down to 1 V (Vref + - Vref-); however, the electrical specifications are no longer applicable. 3. To minimize errors caused by noise at CS, the internal circuitry waits for a setup time plus two failing edges of the intemal system clock after CS! before responding to control input signals. Therefore, no attempt should be made to clock in an address until the minimum CS setup time has elapsed. 4. For 11- to 16-bit transfers, after the tenth I/O CLOCK falling edge (5 2 V) at least 1 I/O CLOCK rising edge ~ 2 V) must occur within 9.5 JJS. 5. This is the time required for the clock input signal to fall from VIHmin to VILmax or to rise from VILmax to VIHmin. In the vicinity of normal room temperature, the devices function with input clock transition time as slow as 1 JJS for remote data-acquisition applications where the sensor and the ND converter are placed several feet away from the controlling microprocessor. ~1ExAs INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 TLC1542C, TLC15421, TLC1542M, TLC1542Q, TLC1543C, TLC15431, TLC1543Q 10·81T ANALOG·TO·DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 ANALOG INPUTS SLAS052C - MARCH 1992 - REVISED MARCH 1995 electrical characteristics over recommended operating free-air temperature range, Vee = vref+ = 4.5 V to 5.5 V, 1/0 CLOCK frequency = 2.1 MHz (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS TYpf MIN IOH--l.6mA 2.4 Vec = 4.5 V to 5.5 V. IOH =-20 jlA VCC-0.1 Vec- 4.5V• IOL-l.6mA 0.4 Vec = 4.5 V to 5.5 V. IOL=20 jlA 0.1 VOH High-level output voltage VOL Low-level output voltage Off-state (high-impadance-state) output current VO-Vcc. CSatVcc 10 IOZ VO·O. cs at VCC -10 IIH High-level input current VI-Vce IlL Low-level input current VI-O ICC Oparating supply current CSatOV Selected channel leakage currentTLC1542fTLC1543 C.I.orQ Selected channel at VCC. Unselected channel at 0 V Selected channel at 0 V. Selected channel leakage current TLCl542M Selected channel at 0 V. TAz25°C 2.5 jlA -2.5 jlA 0.8 2.5 rnA 1 -' jlA -1 1 Unselected channel at VCC. CI Input capacitance Unselected channel at VCC Vraf+=VeC. Vref_=GND jlA 0.005 Unselected channel at Vce Selected channel at 0 V. V -0.005 -1 jlA 2.5 Selected channel at VCC. Unselected channel at 0 V Maximum static analog reference current into REF + UNIT V Selected channel at VCC. Unselected channel at 0 V. TA=25°C t MAX Vec- 4.5V• -2.5 10 IAnalog inputs 7 I Control inputs 5 jlA pF All typical values are at Vec = 5 V. TA = 25°C. ~1ExAs INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75266 2-103 TLC1542C, TLC15421, TLC1542M, TLC1542Q, TLC1543C, TLC15431, TLC1543Q 1()'BIT ANALOG·TO-D.IGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 ANALOG INPUTS SLAS052C - MARCH 1992 - REVISED MARCH 1995 operating characteristics over recommended operating free-air temperature range, Vee = Vref+ =4.5 V to 5.5 V, I/O CLOCK frequency = 2.1 MHz (unless otherwise noted) TEST CONDITIONS EL EZS EFS Linearity error (see Note 6) Zero-scale error (see Note 7) Full-scale error (see Note 7) Total unadjusted error (see Note 8) MIN MAX UNIT ±0.5 LSB TLC1543C, I, or a ±1 LSB TLC1542M ±1 LSB TLCl542C,I, or a See Note 2 ±0.5 LSB TLC1543C,I, or a See Note 2 ±1 LSB TLC1542M See Note 2 ±1 LSB TLC1542C,I, or a See Note 2 ±0.5 LSB TLCl543C,I, ora See Note 2 ±1 LSB TLC1542M See Note 2 ±1 LSB TLC1542C,I, ora ±1 LSB TLCl543C,I, ora ±1 LSB TLCl542M ±1 LSB See timing diagrams 21 IJS 21 +101/0 CLOCK periods IJS ADDRESS .. 1011 Self-test output code (see Table 3 and Note 9) !conv TYpt TLC1542C, I, or a Conversion time ADDRESS~ 512 1100 0 ADDRESS .. 1101 1023 !c total cycle time (access, sample, and conversion) See timing diagrams and Note 10 tacq Channel acquisition time (sample) See timing diagrams and Note 10 tv Valid time, DATA OUT remains valid after 110 CLOCKJ. See Figure 6 Id(//O-DATAI Delay time, 110 CLOCKJ. to DATA OUT valid See Figure 6 Id{l/O-EOCI Delay time, tenth I/O CLOCKJ. to EOCJ. See Figure 7 6 10 I/O CLOCK periods ns 70 240 ns 240 ns 100 ns See Figure 8 td(EOC-DATA) Delay time, EOCi to DATA OUT (MSB) t All typical values are at TA .. 25°C. NOTES: 2. Analog input voltages greater than that applied to REF + convert as a/l ones (1111111111), while input voltages less than that applied to REF - convert as all zeros (0000000000). The device is functional with reference voltages down to 1 V (Vref + - Vref-); however, the electrical specifications are no longer applicable. 6. Linearity error Is the maximum deviation from the best straight line through the AID transfer characteristics. 7. Zero-scale error is the difference between 0000000000 and the converted output for zero input voltage; full-scale error is the difference between 1111111111 anc:! the converted output for full-scale input voltage. 8. Total unadjusted error comprises linearity, zero-scale, and full-scale errors. 9. Both the Input address and the output codes are expressed in positive logic. 10. I/O CLOCK period = 1/(lfO CLOCK frequency) (see Figure 6) ~TEXAS 2-104 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 TLC1542C, TLC15421, TLC1542M, TLC1542Q, TLC1543C, TLC15431, TLC1543Q 10-BIT ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 ANALOG INPUTS SLAS052C - MARCH 1992 - REVISED MARCH 1995 operating characteristics over recommended operating free-air temperature range, Vcc = Vref+ = 4.5 V to 5.5 V, 1/0 CLOCK frequency = 2.1 MHz (unless othelWise noted) (continued) TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYpt MAX UNIT IPZH,IPZL Enable time, CSJ. 10 DATA OUT (MSB driven) See Figure 3 1.3 IPHZ,lpLZ Disable time, csT 10 DATA OUT (high impedance) See Figure 3 150 J1S ns ir{EOCI Rise lime, EOC See FigureS 300 ns If{EOCI Fall time, EOC See Figure 7 300 ns Ir{DATAI Rise lime, data bus See Figure 6 300 ns IfCDATAl Fall lime, data bus See Figure 6 300 ns ic:I(I/O-CS) Delay lime, tenth I/O CLOCK.!. 10 CS.!. 10 abort conversion (see Note 11) 9 lIS t All typical values are at TA • 25°C. NOTE 11. Any lransHlons of CS are recognized as valid only if the level is maintained for a setup time plus two falling edges of the internal clock (1.425 lIS) after the transHion. PARAMETER MEASUREMENT INFORMATION Vee Teat Point Test Point VCC '=~8~ EOC '=~S~ DATA OUT - ......___-4~te--.. Figure 2. Load Circuits ~ r-or- cs ~ tpZH. tpZL DATA OUT 2VTI ~~~~~8~v........J/! ....l.....-.t 1I T 2.4 V 0.4 V \ ADDRESS ""------...L ~ tpHZ, tPLZ isu(A) '\ 900/0 I/O CLOCK -1100/0 Figure 3. DATA OUT Enable and Disable Voltage Waveforms ==><~.: I 14 Address -----.J Valid -----., :X== V I ~ ~ th(A) '! J. 0.8VY· Figure 4. ADDRESS Setup and Hold Time Voltage Waveforms ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 856303 • DAlLAS. TEXAS 75265 2-105 TLC1542C, TLC15421, TLC1542M, TLC1542Q, TLC1543C, TLC15431, TLC1543Q 10-BIT ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 ANALOG INPUTS SLAS052C - MARCH 1992 - REVISED MARCH 1995 PARAMETER MEASUREMENT INFORMATION cs \-0.8V tsu(CS) 2 II I II ~ ... ~I 14 I 1/0 CLOCK Til th(CS) 1 ir;;;;\. f;:;\.i yr--/ CIo~k ~ ~ CI~~k Figure 5. 1/0 CLOCK Setup and Hold Time Voltage Waveforms tt(I/O) ~ ~ l+I 1 tt(I/O) 1 1/0 CLOCK 0.8 V I+-- 1/0 CLOCK Period --+I 0.8 V 14 ~I --14-+1 I ld(l/o-DATA) tv 2.4 DATA OUT 0.8 V v~ ~ 2.4 V __~0~.4~V~)\~_~0.4~V~____________ I I i+- ~ tr(DATA). t'(DATA) Figure 6. 1/0 CLOCK and DATA OUT Voltage Waveforms I/O CLOCK / ---./ 10th Clock \ . ... _ ...;.0.-.8V _ _ _ _ _ __ I ld(l/o-EOC) ---i1~4---~~1 I 2.4 V EOC 'N. I 0.4 V I t'(EOC) ~ I + - Figure 7. 1/0 CLOCK and EOC Voltage Waveforms ~ EOC !+- tr(EOC) !1 2•4v ~i I4-ld(EOC-DATA) DATA OUT _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ --C~2.4 v \~_0....4-.;V_ _ __ I 14-- Valid MSB --+ Figure 8. EOC and DATA OUT Voltage Waveforms ~TEXAS 2-106 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 15265 TLC1542C, TLC15421, TLC1542M, TLC1542Q, TLC1543C, TLC15431, TLC1543Q 10·81T ANALOG·TO·DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 ANALOG INPUTS SLAS052C - MARCH 1992 - REVISED MARCH 1995 PARAMETER MEASUREMENT INFORMATION timing diagrams sl. . ._ CSI (see Nota A) 1/0 r~------------------------------------------~ CLOCK_+-~ ------~ 1 HI·Z8tate DATA OUT ........~~ 1 ~ 1 1 1 1 ,-------~~ 1 141.------ Previous Conversion Data -------+l~1 1 M8B LSB ADDRESS B3 MSB EOC B2 B1 -~~ I -~~ 1 J~ Initialize 1 I BO LSB 1 1 _---ar'r!-(jl- 1--1 Shift In N_ Multiplexer Address; 1 Simultaneously Shift Out Previous ------~~ioII.....----~~1 Conversion Value AID Conversion Interval Initialize Figure 9. Timing for 10-Clock Transfer Using CS NOTE A: To minimize errors caused by noise at CS, the intemal circuitry waits for a setup time plus two falling edges of the intemal system clock aller CSJ.. before responding to control input signals. Therefore, no attempt should be made to clock in an address until the minimum CS setup time has elapsed. :JI.1ExAs INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 666303 • DAUAS. TEXAS 75265 2-107 .... TLC1542C, TLC15421, TLC1542M, TLC1542Q, TLC1543C, TlC15431, TLC1543Q 10;.81T ANALOG-TO-DIGITAl CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 ANALOG INPUTS SLAS052C - MARCH 1992 - REVISED MARCH 1995 PARAMETER MEASUREMENT INFORMATION _~ Must be High on Power Up CS (~NomA) I/O CLOCK ~ ----------------------------------------------------~~~ 1 1 2 --M I+- 1 DATA ----.lr A9 OUT~ 14 1 3 Access Cycle B - - M - - - AS '------~~ ----+/ A7 I I MSB ~ ADDRESS i~ I ~~ 1(( EOC ~ Low Level --, Shift In New Multiplexer Addressj I f - - - - - - Simultaneously Shift Out Previous ------*----------+1 Conversion Value Initialize A/D Converelon Inmrval Initialize Figure 10. Timing for 1()'Clock Transfer Not Using CS NOTE A: To minimize errors caused by noise at es, the intemal circuitry waits for a setup time plus two falling edges of the intemal system clock aiter es.!. before responding to control input signals. Therefore, no attempt should be made to clock in an address until the minimum es setup time has elapsed. ~TEXAS 2-108 INSTRUMENTS POST OFACE BOX 655303 • DAU.AS. TEXAS 75265 TLC1542C, TLC15421, TLC1542M, TLC1542Q, TLC1543C, TLC15431, TLC1543Q 10-81T ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 ANALOG INPUTS SLAS052C - MARCH 1992 - REVISED MARCH 1995 PARAMETER MEASUREMENT INFORMATION timing diagrams (continued) See NoteC (_NOC:A~ UO CLOCK 111111111 \11-- r1~ , _+---! , Low , ,~L~ev:e:'I..J.ZiHrl•.;;;Z;~ DATA OUT i 4 - = : - - - - - - Previous Conversion Data ------L:-:S~B-+I.' B3 B2 B1 \~ I I ADDRESS MSB , BO LSB EOC Shift In New Multiplexer Addressi I f - - - - - - - Simultaneously Shift Out Previous Conversion Value Initialize .~ \~ AID Conversion Interval ·:1' Initialize Figure 11. Timing for 11- to 16-Clock Transfer Using CS (Serial Transfer Interval Shorter Than Conversion) It II ~___L_o_w_L_ev_e_I__~~ , , ~ , ADDRESS I--------;IJ -1 EOC L Shift In New Multiplexer Address; --------.t4-- AID Conversion ~I'I----- Simultaneously Shift Out Previous .,.. Interval Conversion Value Initialize Initialize Figure 12. Timing for 16-Clock Transfer Not Using CS (Serial Transfer Interval Shorter Than Conversion) NOTES: A. To minimize errors caused by noise at CS, the internal circUitry waits for a setup time plus two falling edges of the intemal system clock after cS".!. before responding to control input Signals. Therefore, no attempt should be made to clock in an address until the minimum CS setup time has elapsed. B. The first 1/0 CLOCK must occur after the rising edge of EOC. C. A low·ta-high transition of CS disables ADDRESS and the 1/0 CLOCK within a maximum of a setup time plus two falling edges of the internal system clock. ' -!!1 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 2-109 TLC1542C, TLC15421, TLCt542M, TLC1542Q, TLC1543C, .TLC15431, TLC1543Q 10-81T ANALOG·TO·DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 ANALOG INPUTS SLAS052C - MARCH 1992 '- REVISED MARCH 1995 PARAMETER MEASUREMENT INFORMATION timing diagrams (continued) 111111111 rj~....._ CS~ (see Note A) I/O CLOCK I I I 11 --+_-! I (181 ~ I r.j1 .... L.~·L I I SeeNoteB I DATA OUT I Low . HI·ZState ~ Level I.~ I I I4-:M::-:S~B~---- Previous Conversion Data ------:L~S=B+I~: ~~ I ADDRESS B3 MSB EOC B2 BO LSB J~ . .. Initialize I ·11111111 Shift In New Multiplexer Address; ; I Simultaneously Shift O.ut Prevloua ------+~1,.4---.,~ Conversion Value AID Conversion Interval II I Initialize NOTES: A. To minimize errors caused by noise at es, the Internal circuitry waits for a setup time plus two falling edges of the internal system clock after es'!' before responding to control input signals. Therefore, no attempt should be made to clock in an address until the minimum CSse\up time has elapsed. B. The 11 th rising edge of the 1/0 CLOCK sequence must occur before the conversion is complete to prevent lOSing serial interface synchronization. Figure 13. Timing for 11· to 16-Clock Transfer Using CS (Serial Transfer Interval Longer Than Conversion) ~1ExAs 2-110 ' INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 TLC1542C, TLC15421, TLC1542M, TLC1542Q, TLC1543C, TLC15431, TLC1543Q 10-BIT ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 ANALOG INPUTS SLAS052C - MARCH 1992 - REVISED MARCH 1996 PARAMETER MEASUREMENT INFORMATION timing diagrams (continued) _~ Must be High on Power Up CS , (see Note A) "II I 1 1/0 1 CLOCK-t-S 1 1 l+- DATAJ; A9 OUT~ r 2 ~~ See 1 3 Access Cycle B - - ! f - - - AS A7 Note B LowL~el AS ~B~ I1 I I1 -4\~----------------;I1 EOC I MSB ADDRESS 1 1 1 MSB I. Shift In New MUltiplexer Address; .. j e - - - - - Simultaneously Shift Out Previous 1 1 1 See Note C ~ I ~ C3 II II I -----~~I4f---~~ Conversion value Initialize AID Conversion Interval NOTES: A. To minimize errors caused by noise at ~, the internal circuitry walts for a setup tlma plus two falling edges of the intemal.ystem clock after CSJ. before responding to control input signals. Therefore, no attempt should be made to clock in an addres$ until the minimum CS setup time has elapsed. B. The 11 th rising edge of the 110 CLOCK sequence must occur before the conversion is complete to prevent losing serial interf~ synchronization. . C. The 110 CLOCK sequence is exactly 16 clock pulses long. Figure 14. Timing for 16-Clock Transfer Not Using CS (Serial Transfer Interval Longer Than Conversion) ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX e65303 • DAllAS. TEXAS 75265 2-111 TLC1542C, TLC15421, TLC1542M, TLC1542Q, TLC1543C, TLC1S431, TLC1543Q 10-BIT ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL.CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 1tANALOG INPUTS SLAS052C - MARCH 1992 - REVI.SED MARCH 1995 APPLICATION INFORMATION 1111111111 See NO~es A andl B ./ ~ 1111111110 1111111101 t U lA:; 1000000001 ~ '5 .& 1000000000 ::J Q j 0111111111 /):::: / •• • 0000000001 0000000000 _I. VFS o VFT V ~ 0.0048 0.0096 =VFS -1/2 LSB Ii 2 Ii 2.4576 2.4624 o d •• • ••• 12. II 511 I I Ii 2.4528 1021 612 I I ••• 1022 613 I I /' I~ /t'/"" IIVl~V ~ l 1023 /! ./ . / VZS 0000000010 ./ ~ /' VZT =VZS + 1/2 LSB 0 ~ g ~1 \ /1I )~ /' •• • V •• • o 4.905614.9104 4.9152 ol VI - Analog Input Voltage - V NOTES: A. This curve is based on the assumption that Vref+ and Vref- have been adjusted so that the voltage at the transition from digital 0 to 1 (VZT) is 0.0024 V and the transition to full scale (VFT) is 4.908 V. 1 LSB - 4.8 mV. . B. The full-scale value (VFS) is the step whose nominal midstep value has the highest absolute value. The zero-scale value (Vzsl is the step whose nominal midstep value equals zero. Figure 15. Ideal Conversion Characteristics TLC1542143 1 Analog Inputs ~ AO 2 A1 3 A2 4 A3 5 A4 6 A5 7 A6 8 A7 9 A8 11 A9 12 A10 1/0 CLOCK ADDRESS 15 18 17 Processor DATA OUT EOC REF+ REF- 16 19 14 r.:--+ ~ 5-V DC Regulator GND 101 ToSourca Ground I .1 Figure 16. Serial Interface ~TEXAS . INSTRUMENTS POST OFACE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 Control Circuit TLC1542C, TLC15421, TLC1542M, TLC1542Q, TLC1543C, TLC15431, TLC1543Q 10-BITANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 ANALOG INPUTS SLAS052C - MARCH 1992 - REVISED MARCH 1996 APPLICATION INFORMATION simplified analog input analysis Using the equivalent circuit in Figure 17, the time required to charge the analog input capacitance from 0 to Vs within 112 LSB can be derived as follows: The capacitance charging voltage is given by Vc = Vs (1-e -t c/RtCj ) (1 ) where Rt=Rs+rj The final voltage to 1/2 LSB is given by Vc (1/2 LSB) = Vs - (VsI2048) (2) Equating equation 1 to equation 2 and solving for time to gives Vs -(Vsl2048) = Vs (1-e -t c/RtCj) (3) and tc (1/2 LSB) = Rt x Cj x In(2048) (4) Therefore, with the values given the time for the analog input signal to settle is to (112 LSB) = (Rs + 1 kn) x 60 pF x In(2048) (5) This time must be less than the converter sample time shown in the timing diagrams. Driving Sourcet 4 Rs I I I I • VI TLC154213 rl VS~VC ! 1 kCMAX I I .1 '1' m CI 50pFMAX VI = Input Voltage at AO-A10 VS= External Driving Source Voltage Rs = Source Resistance rl = Input Resistance CI = Equivalent Input Capacitance t Driving source requirements: • Noise and distortion for the source must be equivalent to the resolution of the converter. • Rs must be real at the input frequency. Figure 17. Equivalent Input Circuit Including the Driving Source ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DAUAS. TEXAS 75265 2-113 2-114 TLC1549C, TLC15491, TLC1549M 10·81T ANALOG·TO·DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL SLAS059C - DECEMBER 1992 - REVISED MARCH • • • • • 1G-Blt-Resolutlon AID Converter Inherent Sample and Hold Total Unadjusted Error ... ± 1 LSB Max On-Chip System Clock Terminal Compatible With TLC549 and TLV1549 D, JG, OR P PACKAGE (TOP VIEW) REF+(J8 ANALOG IN 2 7 REF3 6 GND 4 5 • CMOS Technology VCC I/O CLOCK DATA OUT ~ FKPACKAGE (TOP VIEW) description o~ooo The TLC1549C, TLC15491, and TLC1549M are 1O-bit, switched-capacitor, successiveapproximation analog-to-digital converters. These devices have two digital inputs and a 3-state output [chip select (CS), input-output clock (1/0 CLOCK), and data output (DATA OUT)] that provide a three-wire interface to the serial port of a host processor. za:z$'z NC ANALOG IN NC NC The sample-and-hold function is automatic. The converter incorporated in these devices features differential high-impedance reference inputs that facilitate ratiometric conversion, scaling, and isolation of analog circuitry from logic and supply noise. A switched-capacitor design allows lowerror conversion over the full operating free-air temperature range. 4 5 6 3 2 1 2019 18 17 16 15 14 8 9 10 11 12 13 NC I/O CLOCK NC DATA OUT NC ozzzoz COl(/) 0 C!' NC - No inlernal connection The TLC1549C is characterized for operation from O°C to 70°C. The TLC15491 is characterized for operation from -40°C to 85°C. The TLC1549M is characterized for operation over the full military temperature range of -55°C to 125°C. AVAILABLE OPTIONS PACKAGE TA SMALL OUTLINE (D) CHIP CARRIER (FK) CERAMIC D.IP (JG) PLASTIC DIP (P) O·C10 70·C TLC1549CD - - TLC1549CP -40·C 10 85·C TLC1549ID - TLC15491P -55·C to 125·C - TLC1549MFK TLC1549MJG ~TEXAS - CopyrIght © 1995, Texas Instruments Incorporated INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 666303 • DALlAS, TEXAS 75266 2-115 TLC1549C, TLC15491, TLC1549M 1()'BIT ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS .. WITH SERIAL CONTROL SLAS059C - DECEMBER 1992 - REVISED MARCH 1995 functional block diagram REF+ I1 REF- I3 1Q..Blt Analog-to-Dlgltal Converter (switched capaCitors) 10 ANALOG IN - 2 Output Data Reglatar Sample and Hold ~ 1Q..to-1 Data 8 Salector and ,.-- DATA OUT Driver 4 - 110 CLOCK CS Syatem Clock, Control LogiC, and 110 Counters + 7 5 Terminal numbers shown are for the D. JG. and P packages only. typical equivalent inputs INPUT CIRCUIT IMPEDANCE DURING SAMPLING MODE INPUT CIRCUIT IMPEDANCE DURING HOLD MODE 1 kOTYP ANALOGIN~ I CI=80pFTYP (equivalent Input capacltanca) ANALOGIN~ ~1ExAs 2-116 INSTRUMENTS POST OFACE BOX 665303 • DALlAS. TEXAS 75266 ;h 5 MOTYP TLC1549C, TLC15491, TLC1549M 10-81T ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL SLAS059C - DECEMBER 1992 - REVISED MARCH 1996 Tenninal Functions TERMINAL NAME NO. 110 DESCRIPTION ANALOG IN 2 I Analog signal input. The driving source impedance should be s 1 kn The external driving source to ANALOG IN should have a current capability ~ 10 mAo CS 5 I Chip select. A high-la-low transition on CS resets the intemal counters and controls and enables DATA OUT and 1/0 CLOCK within a maximum of a setup time plus two falling edges of the internal system clock. A low-ta-high transition disables 1/0 CLOCK within a setup time plus two falling edges of the internal system clock. DATA OUT 6 0 This 3-state serial output for the AID conversion result is in the high-impedance state when CS is high and active when CS is low. With a valid chip select, DATA OUT is removed from the high-impedance state and is driven to the logic level corresponding to the MSB value of the previous conversion result. The next falling edge of 1/0 CLOCK drives DATAOUT to the logic level corresponding to the next most significant bit, and the remaining bits are shifted out in order with the LSB appearing on the ninth falling edge of 1/0 CLOCK. On the tenth falling edge of 1/0 CLOCK, DATA OUT is driven to a low logic level so that serial interface data transfers of more than ten clocks produce zeroes as the unused LSBs. The ground return for internal circuitry. Unless otherwise noted, all voltage measurements are with respect to GND. GND 4 I/O CLOCK 7 I Input/output clock. 1/0 CLOCK receives the serial 110 CLOCK input and performs the following three functions: 1) On the third falling edge of 1/0 CLOCK, the analog input voltage begins charging the capaCitor array and continues to do so until the tenth falling edge of 1/0 CLOCK. 2) It shifts the nine remaining' bits of the previous conversion data out on DATA OUT. 3) It transfers control of the conversion to the internal state controller on the falling edge of the tenth clock. REF+ 1 I The upper reference voltage value (nominally VCC) is applied to REF+. The maximum input voltage range is determined by the difference between the voltage applied to REF + and the voltage applied to REF-. REF- 3 I The lower reference voltage value (nominally ground) is applied to REF-. VCC 8 Positive supply voltage detailed description With chip select (CS) inactive (high), I/O CLOCK is initially disabled and DATA OUT is in the highimpedance state. When the serial interface takes CS active (low), the conversion sequence begins with the enabling of I/O CLOCK and the removal of DATA OUT from the high-impedance state. The serial interface then provides the I/O CLOCK sequence to I/O CLOCK and receives the previous conversion result from DATA OUT. I/O CLOCK receives an input sequence that is between 10 and 16 clocks long from the host serial interface. The first ten I/O clocks provide the control timing for sampling the analog input. There are six basic serial interface timing modes that can be used with the TLC1549. These modes are determined by the speed of I/O CLOCK and the operation of CS as shown in Table 1. These modes are (1) a fast mode with a 1O-clock transfer and CS inactive (high) between transfers, (2) a fast mode with a 10-clock transfer and CS active (low) continuously, (3) a fast mode with an 11- to 16-clpck transfer and CS inactive (high) between transfers, (4) a fast mode with a 16-bit transfer and CS active (low) continuously, (5) a slow mode with an 11-to 16-clock transfer and CS inactive (high) between transfers, and (6) a slow mode with a 16-clock transfer and CS active (low) c~ntinuously. The MSB of the previous conversion appears on DATA OUT on the falling edge of CS in mode 1, mode 3, and mode 5, within 21 J.IS from the falling edge of the tenth 1/0 CLOCK in mode 2 and mode 4, and following the sixteenth clock falling edge in mode 6. The remaining nine bits are shifted out on the next nine falling edges of 1/0 CLOCK. Ten bits of data are transmitted to the host serial interface through DATA OUT. The number of serial clock pulses used also depends on the mode of operation, but a minimum of ten clock pulses is required for conversion to begin. On the tenth clock falling edge, the internal logic takes DATA OUT low to ensure that the remaining bit values are zero if the 1/0 CLOCK transfer is more than ten clocks long. ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 2-117 TLC1549C, TLC15491, TLC1549M 10-81T ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL NI'JC" DECEMBER 1992 - REVISED MARCH 1995 detailed description (continued) . table 1 lists the operational modes with respect to the state of CS, the number of I/O serial transfer clocks that .. ·.···eanbe used, and the timing on which the MSB of the previous conversion appears at the output. ;' Table 1. Mode Operation cs MODES Fast Modes Slow Modes NO. OF If0 CLOCKS Msa AT Terminal at TIMING DIAGRAM Model High between conversion cycles 10 C§ falling edge Figure 6 Mode 2 Low continuously 10 Within 21 lIS Figure 7 Mode 3 High between conversion cycles 11 to 16* C§ failing edge Figure 8 Mode 4 Low continuously Mode 5 High between conversion cycles 16* 11 to 16* Within 21 lIS C§ falling edge Figure 10 Mode 6 Low continuously 16th clock falling edge Figure 11 . . also .Initiates .. senallnterfaca communication. t this tnnmg 16* Figure 9 *No more than 16 clocks should be used. All the modes require a minimum period of 21 J.1S after the falling edge of the tenth I/O CLOCK before a new .transfer sequence can bell!!:!: During a serial I/O CLOCK data transfer, CS must be active (low) so that I/O CLOCK is enabled •. When CS is toggled between data transfers (modes 1, 3, and 5), the transitions at CS are recognized as valid only if the level is maintained for a minimum period of 1.425 J.1S after the transition. If the transfer is more than ten I/O clocks (modes 3, 4, 5, and 6), the rising edge of the eleventh clock must occur within 9.5J.1S after the falling ed~cif the tenth I/O CLOCK; otherwise, the device could lose synchronization with the . host serial interface and CS has to be toggled to restore proper operation. fast !nodes The TLC 1549 is in a fast mode when the serial I/O CLOCK data transfer is completed within 21 J.1S from the falling edge of the tenth I/O CLOCK. With a ten-clock serial transfer, the device can only run in a fast mode. as modtl1: fast mode, Inactive (hIgh) between transfers, 1O-Clock transfer In this mode, CS is inactive (high) between serial I/O CLOCK transfers and each transfer is ten clocks long. The faJlJ..i}g edge of CS begins the sequence by removing DATA OUT from the high-impedance state. The rising edge of OS ends the sequence by returning DATA OUT to the high-impedance state within the specified delay time. Also, the rising edge of CS disables I/O CLOCK within a setup time plus two falling edges of the internal system cloek~ as mode 2: fast mode, active (low) continuously, 1o-clock transfer In this mode, CS is active (low) between serial I/O CLOCK transfers and each transfer is ten clocks long. After the initial conversion cycle, CS is held active (low) for subsequent conversions. Within 21 J.1S after the falling edge of the tenth I/O CLOCK, the MSB of the previous conversion appears at DATA OUT. as mode 3: fast mode, inactive (hIgh) between transfers, 11· to 16-clock transfer In this mode, CS is inactive (high) between serial I/O CLOCK transfers and each transfer can be 11 to 16 clocks long. The fallinLedge of CS begins the sequence by removing DATA OUT from the high-impedance state. The rising edge of CS ends the sequenc~ returning DATA OUT to the high-impedance state within the specified delay time. Also, the rising edge of CS disables 1/0 CLOCK within a setup time plus two falling edges of the internal system clock. mode 4: fast mode, CS active (low) continuously, 16-clock transfer In this mode, CS is active (low) between serial I/O CLOCK transfers and each transfer must be exactly 16 clocks long. After the initial conversion cycle, CS is held active (low) for subsequent conversions. Within 21 J.1S after the falling edge of the tenth I/O CLOCK, the MSB of the previous conversion appears at DATA OUT. ~1ExAs INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 665303 • OALLAS, TEXAS 76266 TLC1549C, TLC15491, TLC1549M 1O-BIT ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL SLAS059C - DECEMBER 1992 - REVISED MARCH 1995 slow modes In a slow mode, the serial 110 CLOCK data transfer is completed after 21 110 CLOCK. ~ from the falling edge of the tenth mode 5: slow mode, CS Inactive (hIgh) between transfers, 11· to 16-clock transfer In this mode, CS is inactive (high) between serial 1/0 CLOCK transfers and each transfer can be 11 to 16 clocks long. The fallin~dge of CS begins the sequence by removing DATA OUT from the high-impedance state. The rising edge of CS ends the sequenc~ returning DATA OUT to the high-impedance state within the specified delay time. Also, the rising edge of CS disables 110 CLOCK within a setup time plus two falling edges of the internal system clock. mode 6: slow mode, CS active (low) continuously, 16-clock transfer In this mode, CS is active (low) between serial 1/0 CLOCK transfers and each transfer must be exactly 16 clocks long. After the initial conversion cycle, CS is held active (low) for subsequent conversions. The falling edge of the sixteenth 1/0 CLOCK then begins each sequence by removing DATA OUT from the low state, allowing the MSB of the previous conversion to appear immediately at DATA OUT. The device is then ready for the next-16 clock transfer initiated by the serial interface. analog Input sampling Sampling of the analog input starts on the falling edge of the third 1/0 CLOCK, and sampling continues for seven 1/0 CLOCK periods. The sample is held on the falling edge of the tenth 1/0 CLOCK. converter and analog Input The CMOS threshold detector in the successive-approximation conversion system determines each bit by examining the charge on a series of binary-weighted capaCitors (see Figure 1). In the first phase of the conversion process, the analog input is sampled by closing the Sc switch and all Sr switches simultaneously. This action charges all the capacitors to the input voltage. In the next phase of the conversion process, all Sr and Sc switches are opened and the threshold detector begins identifying bits by identifying the charge (voltage) on each capacitor relative to the reference (REF-) voltage. In the switching sequence, ten capacitors are examined separately until all ten bits are identified al]d then the charge-convert sequence is repeated. In the first step of the conversion phase, the threshold detector looks at the first capacitor (weight = 512). Node 512 of this capacitor is switched to the REF+ voltage, and the equivalent nodes of all the other capacitors on the ladder are switched to REF-. If the voltage at the summing node is greater than the trip point of the threshold detector (approximately one-half Vee), a bit 0 is placed in the output register and the 512-weight capacitor is switched to REF-. If the voltage at the summing node is less than the trip point of the threshold detector, a bit 1 is placed in the register and this 512-weight capacitor remains connected to REF + through the remainder of the successive-approximation process. The process is repeated for the 25?-weight capacitor, the 128-weight capacitor, and so forth down the line until all bits are determined. With each step of the successive-approximation process, the initial charge is redistributed among the capacitors. The conversion process relies on charge redistribution to determine the bits from MSB to LSB. ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 656303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 2-119 TLC1549C, TLC15491, TLC1549M 10-81T ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL SLAS059C - DECEMBER 1992 - REVISED MARCH 1995 converter and analog Input (continued) Threshold Detector I ..":t~t,;:;t,;:;t~t,;:;t,;:;t,;:;f 51J 2561 128 ToOulput Latches 'I 18 T REF-~~S:EF-~~SrREF-~~REF-~~SrREF_~~REF-~~S:EF-~.SrREF-~~ REF-~~ ro< . j 1 1 m1 j 1 1 1 j Figure 1. Simplified Model of the Successive-Approximation System chip-select operation The trailing edge of CS starts all modes of operation, and CS can abort a conversion sequence in any mode. A high-ta-Iow transition on CS within the specified time during an ongoing cycle aborts the cycle, and the device .returns to the initial state (the contents of the output data register remain at the previous conversion result). Care should be exercised to prevent CS from being taken low close to completion of conversion because the output data may be corrupted. reference voltage Inputs There are two reference inputs used with the TLC1549: REF+ and REF-. These voltage values establish the upper and lower limits of the analog input to produce a full-scale and zero reading respectively. The values of REF.+, REF-, and the analog input should not exceed the positive supply or be lower than GND consistent with the specified absolute maximum ratings. The digital output is at full scale when the input Signal is equal to or higher than REF+ and at zero when the input signal is equal to or lower than REF-. ~TEXAS . 2-120 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 855303 • DALlAS. T~ 75265 TLC1549C, TLC15491, TLC1549M 1O-BIT ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL SLAS059C - DECEMBER 1992 - REVISED MARCH 1995 absolute maximum ratings over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)t Supply voltage range, Vee (see Note 1): TLC1549C, TLC15491 ....................... -0.5 V to 6.5 V TLC1549M ................................... -0.5 V to 6 V Input voltage range, VI (any input) ............................................ -0.3 V to Vee + 0.3 V Output voltage range, Vo ................................................... -0.3 V to Vee + 0.3 V Positive reference voltage, Vref+ ...................................................... Vee + 0.1 V Negative reference voltage, Vref- .......................................................... -0.1 V Peak input current (any input) ........................................................... ±20 rnA Peak total input current (all inputs) ....................................................... ±30 rnA Operating free-air temperature range, TA: TLC1549C ................................... O·C to 70·C TLC15491 ................................. -40·C to 85·C TLC1549M .............................. -55·C to 125·C Storage temperature range, Tstg .................................................. -65·C to 150·C Lead temperature 1,6 mm (1/16 inch) from the case for 10 seconds ............................ 260·C t Stresses beyond those listed under "absolute maximum ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other cond~ions beyond those indicated under "recommended operating conditions" is not implied. Exposure to absolute-maxi mum-rated cond~ions for extended periods may affect device reliability. NOTE 1: All voltage values are with respect to ground with REF- and GND wired together (unless otherwise noted). recommended operating conditions Supply voltage, VCC MIN NOM MAX 4.5 5 5.5 Positive reference voltage, Vref + (see Note 2) 2.5 Differential reference voltage, Vref+ - Vref- (see Note 2) Analog input voltage (see Note 2) High-level control Input voltage, VIH Low-level control input voltage, VIL 0 I VCC .. 4.5 Vt05.5 V ! VCC -4.5Vt05.5 V Clock frequency at I/O CLOCK (see Note 3) V VCC+O.2 V VCC V 2 0 Setup time, CS low before first I/O CLOCK'!', isu(CS) (see Note 4) VCC V V VCC 0 Negative reference voltage, Vref- (see Note 2) UNIT V 0.8 V 2.1 MHz 1.425 0 J.1S ns Pulse duration, I/O CLOCK high, iwH(lIO) 190 ns Pulse duration, I/O CLOCK low, iwL(IIO) 190 Hold time, CS low after last I/O CLOCKJ., th(CS) Transition time, I/O CLOCK, tt(I/O) (see Nota 5 and Figure 5) Transition time, CS, ttlCS) TLCl549C Operating free-air temperature, TA 0 ns 1 J.1S 10 J.1S 70 TLCl5491 -40 85 TLCl549M -55 125 ·C NOTES: 2. Analog Input voltages greater than that applied to REF + convert as all ones (1111111111), while Input voltages less than that applied to REF -convert as all zeros (0000000000). The TLCl549 is functional with reference voltages down to 1 V (Vref + - Vref-); however, the electrical specifications are no longer applicable. 3. For 11- to 16-bit transfers, after the tenth I/O CLOCK falling edge (S 2 V) at least 1 1/0 CLOCK rising edge ~ 2 V) must occur within 9.5J.1S. 4. To minimize errors caused by noise at CS, the internal circuitry waits for a setup time plus two falling edges of the intemal system clock after CSJ. before responding to the I/O CLOCK. No attempt should be made to clock out the data until the minimum CS setup time has elapsed. 5. This is the time required for the clock input signal to fall from VIHmin to VILmax or to rise from VILmax to VIHmin. In the vicinity of normal room temperature, the devices function with Input clock transition time as slow as 1 lIS for remote data-acquisition applications where the sensor and the AID converter are placed several feet away from the controlling microprocessor. -!/} TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DAu.AS. TEXAS 75265 2-121 TLC1549C, TLC15491, TLC1549M 10-BIT ANALOG·TO·DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL SLAS059C - DECEMBER 1992 - REVISED MARCH 1996 electrical characteristics over recommended operating free-air temperature range, Vee Vref+ 4.5 V to 5.5 V, I/O CLOCK frequency 2. t MHz (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP't MAX = = = VCC =4.5 V, IOH--1.6rnA 2.4 VCC = 4.5 V to 5.5 V, IOH=-201lA VCC-0.1 VOH High-level output voltage VOL Low-level output voltage IOZ Off-state (hlgh-Impedance-state) output current VO-VCC, VO-O, UNIT V VCC-4.5V, 'OL-1.6 mA 0.4 Vee - 4.5 V to 5.5 V, IOL-20 IlA CSatVee 0.1 CSatVcc -10 10 V IlA IIH High-level Input current V,-Vee 0.005 2.5 IlL Low-level input current -0.005 -2.5 IlA IlA ICC Operating supply current V,=O CSatOV 0.8 2.5 rnA 1 -1 IlA 10 IlA V,. Vee Analog input leakage current VI-O Maximum static analog reference current into REF+ Ci Input capaCitance Vref+= VCC, Vref_=GND TLC1549C,1 (Analog) During sample cycle 30 TLC1549M (Analog) During sample cycle 30 TLC1549C,I (Control) TLC1549M (Control) t All typical values are at VCC" 5 V, TA _ 25°C. ~1ExAs 2-122 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 6S5303 • PALLAS. TEXAS 75265 5 5 55 15 pF TLC1549C, TLC15491, TLC1549M 10·81T ANALOG·TO·DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL SLAS059C- DECEMBER 1992 - REVISED MARCH 1995 operating characteristics over recommended operating free-air temperature range, Vee =Vref+ =4.5 V to 5.5 V, 1/0 CLOCK frequency =2.1 MHz PARAMETER EL Linearity error (see Note 6) EZS Zero-scale error (see Note 7) Full-scale error (see Note 7) EFS TEST CONDITIONS MIN Conversion time UNIT ±1 LSB See Note 2 ±1 LSB See Note 2 ±1 LSB ±1 LSB 21 jJS Total unadjusted error (see Note 8) !conv MAX See Figures 6-10 Ie Total cycle time (access, sample, and conversion) See Figures 6-10, See Note 9 21 +101/0 CLOCK periods jJS tv Valid time, DATA OUT remains valid after I/O CLOCK.!. See Figure 5 !d(I/O-DATA) tpZH,tpZL Delay time, I/O CLOCK.!. to DATA OUT valid See Figure 5 240 Enable time, CS.!. to DATA OUT (MSB driven) See Figure 3 1.3 jJS tpHZ, tpLZ Disable time, csi to DATA OUT (high impedance) See Figure 3 180 ns tr(bus) Rise time, data bus See Figure 5 300 ns tf(bus) Fall time, data bus See Figure 5 300 ns !d(I/O-CS) Delay time, tenth I/O CLOCK.!. to cs.!. to abort conversion (see Note 10) 9 jJS 10 ns ns NOTES: 2. Analog Input voltages greater than that applied to REF + convert as all ones (1111111111 ), while inPut voltages less than that applied to REF -convert as all zeros (0000000000). The TLC1549 is functional with reference voltages down to 1 V (Vref + - Vref-); however, the electrical specifications are no longer applicable. 6. Linearity error is the maximum deviation from the best straight line through the AID transfer characteristics. 7. Zero error is the difference between 0000000000 and the converted output for zero input voltage; full-scale error is the difference between 1111111111 and the converted output for full-scale input voltage. 8. Total unadjusted error comprises linearity, zero, and full-scale errors. 9. I/O CLOCK period = 1/(1/0 CLOCK frequency). Sampling begins on the falling edge of the third I/O CLOCK, continues for seven I/O CLOCK periods, and ends on the falling edge of the 10th I/O CLOCK (see Figure 5). 10. Any transitions of CS are recognized as valid only if the level is maintained for a minimum of a setup time plus two falling edges of the internal clock (1.425 jJS) after the transition. ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 2-123 TLC1549C, TLC15491, TLC1549M 10-BIT ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL SLAS059C - DECEMBER 1992 - REVISED MARCH 1995 PARAMETER MEASUREMENT INFORMATION Test Point Vee DATAOUT---'-'~~__- ' "'-.'OO"T Figure 2. Load Circuit CS ~~;:.:... _ _2,.,V ~II ,".0.8 V /! tpZH. tpZL . k ~ 1 tPHZ. tPLZ I DATA _ _--.;;2..;..4V;..cl" \ 800/000/0 OUT 0.4 V \ _ _ _ _ _ , 1 Figure 3. DATA OUT to HI-Z Voltage Waveforms ~ CS '\ !su(CS) I/O CLOCK 0.8 V ~ ____ 2r .. S', . 14 1;-;;:-\ . l ~I r.:;\.1 .. ~ CI~~ ~ry-/ Ci;k ~ Figure 4. CS to I/O CLOCK Voltage Waveforms -.J j+I I I 1/0 CLOCK 0.8 V lcI(IIo-DATA) I+-14 tv~ DATA OUT 2.4 tt(l/O) 0.8 V O.BV I/O CLOCK perlod--J ~I 1 vi j. 2.4 V ____~0~.4~V~~~_0~.4~V~----------- I I I+- ~ tr(bus). tf(bus) Figure 5. I/O CLOCK and DATA OUT Voltage Waveforms ~1EXAS . 2-124 !ti(CS) INSTRUM,ENTS POST OFFICE BOX E!55303 • DALLAS. T~ 75265 TLC1549C, TLC15491, TLC1549M 1O-BIT ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL SLAS059C - DECEMBER 1992 - REVISED MARCH 1995 (, 1-------------------------..1 'f--- CSl (see Note A) 1 1 1/0 CLOCK 1 1 ~--"""T"i~ DATA OUT I AID - - - - - - - - . - Conversion ---+1 Interval (S 21 JlS) Initialize Figure 6. Timing for 10-Clock Transfer Using CS _~ Must Be High on Power Up CS (see Note A) I '1- j ------------------------------;,,---- I 1/0 J . . - -_ _ CLOCK-h I -----.... See Note C DATA~ A9 Low Level OUTN - - - - - - - - . _ AID Conversion lOll I I ---;~ MSB Interval (S 21 JlS) -tI ~ I Initialize Initialize Figure 7. Timing for 10-Clock Transfer Not Using CS SeeNoteB CSI 111111111 (see Note A)r 1/0 I 1 1 [1~ CLOCK Low DATA OUT AD 1 "1,....- l0III10lIl------- Previous Conversion Data Level I -'-------~~140111- 1 MSB Initialize LSB 1 1 HI.Z~ 1"'7'~"""T"i~ AID 1 Conversion ...,.I Interval 1 (S 21 JlS) Initialize Figure 8. Timing for 11- to 16-Clock Transfer Using CS (Serial Transfer Completed Within 21 J.IS) NOTES: A. To minimize errors caused by noise at CS, the internal circuitry waits for a setup time plus two falling edges of the internal system clock after CSJ. before responding to the 1/0 CLOCK. No attempt should be made to clock out the data until the minimum ~ setup time has elapsed. B. A low-to-high transition of CS disables 1/0 CLOCK within a maximum of a setup time plus two falling edges of the internal system clock. C. The first 1/0 CLOCK must occur after the end of the previous conversion. ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • OALLAS. TEXAS 75265 2-125 TLC1549C, TLC15491, TLC1549M 1D-BIT ANALOG·TO·DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL -r.= SLAS059C - DECEMBER 1992 - REVISED MARCH 1995 CS (see Note A) ( I/O -h CLOCK Must Be High on POW.er Up " j I ~r---YL See Note C I ~ DATA A9 OUTN I 14 Low Level I Previous Conversion Oats - - - - - - L S - B....... ~ .. f-- I MSB Initialize AID Conversion Intsrval (S 21 j1II) ra;v ~ I ---+1 Initialize Figure 9. Timing for 16-Clock Transfer Not Using CS (Serial Transfer Completed Within 21 J.LS) 11111111 Sr--,L...~ (seeNots~ I I I I 1/0 CLOCK ___--' 11 I '.fBL~f-'1--' pm. m 1 l- See Note I I I DATA OUT AO I I MSB Low Level I I . HI·ZStsts ~ ~ I I Previous Conversion Oats - - - - - - - L S - B...... ·I+ AID -.I Conversion Intsrval (S 21 j1II) Initialize I I I Initialize Figure 10. Timing for 11· to 16-Clock Transfer. Using CS (Serial Transfer Completed After 21 J.LS) _~ Must Be High on Power Up CS (see Nots A) I/O ( " ~r--f1II j I CLOCK~ See Nots B I See Nots C DATAJr A9 OUT~ 14j ..- M S - B - - - - - I A/D Conversion Interval (S 21 j1II) j Initialize Figure 11. Timing for 16-Clock Transfer Not USing CS (Serial Transfer Completed After 21 J.LS) NOTES: A. To minimize errors caused by noise at CS. the intemal circuitry waits for a set up time plus two falling edges of the internal system clock after CS.!. before responding to the I/O CLOCK. No attempt should be made to clock out the data until the minimum CS setup time has elapsed. B. A low-ta-high transition of CS disables I/O CLOCK within a maximum of a setup time plus two falling edges of the intemal system clock. C. The first I/O CLOCK must occur after the end of the previous ·conversion. ~TEXAS 2-126 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 TLC1549C, TLC15491, TLC1549M 10-81T ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL SLAS059C - DECEMBER 1992 - REVISED MARCH 1995 APPLICATION INFORMATION 1111111111 I I See Nolee A and B ./ 1111111110 1111111101 ~ •• • A: 1000000001 ::I /' 0111111111 / •• • Vzs l 0000000010 0000000001 0000000000 ~ VZT =Vzs + 1/2 LSB 0 ~ ~ I(J \ )~V II I \ VFS 1 1000000000 ! t::: V ~ /' /! VFT = VFS -1/2 LSB V I~ lLr/" " ~ I o 0.0048 0.0096 ••• o 2.4528 2.4576 2.4624 ••• f Ii ••• 2 I o I I IIV~V •• • 511 I I /' 1021 512 Ii c,J::::V 1022 513 I I V 1023 4.905614.9104 4.9152 ~ VI - Analog Input Voltage - V NOTES: A. This curve Is based on the assumption that Vref + and Vref- have been adjusted so that the voltage at the transition from digital 0 to 1 (Vzr) is 0.0024 V and the transition to full scale (VFT) is 4.908 V. 1 LSB =4.8 mV. B. The full-scale value (VFS) is the step whose nominal midstep value has the highest absolute value. The zero-scale value (VZS) is the step whose nominal midstep value equals zero. Figure 12. Ideal Conversion Characteristics TLC1549 Analog Input cs ANALOG IN I/O CLOCK Processor Control Circuit DATA OUT 5-V DC Reguletad REF+ ~ REFGND To Source Ground l Figure 13. typical Serial Interface ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE eox 656303 • DAllAS. TEXAS 75265 2-127 TLC1~~49C, TLC15491, TLC1549M 1O-BIT ANALOG-TO-orGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL SLAS059C- DECEMBER 1992- REVISED MARCH 1995 APPLICATION INFORMATION simplified analog Input analysis Using the equivalent circuit in Figure 14, the time required to charge the analog input capacitance from 0 V to Vs within 1/2 LSB can be derived as follows: The capacitance charging voltage is given by V C == V s( 1-e-tc/RtCi) (1 ) . where Rt=Rs+rj The final voltage to 1/2 LSB is given by Vc (1/2 LSB) = Vs - (Vs/2048) (2) Equating equation 1 to equation 2 and solving for time to gives V S - (VS/2048) == V S(1-e-tc/RtCi) (3) to (112 LSB) = Rt x Cj x In(2048) (4) and Therefore, with the values given the time for the analog input ~ignal to settle is tc (1/2 LSB) = (Rs + 1 kO) x 60 pF x In(2048) (5) This time must be less than the converter sample time shown in the timing diagrams. Driving Sourcet • Rs I I I I VI ~ TLC1549 rl VS~VC ! 1 knMAX ·1 I .-l I' rh CI 50pFMAX = = = VI Input Voltage at ANALOG IN Vs =External Driving Source Voltage Rs Source Resistance I'J Input Resistance CI =Input CapaCitance t Driving source requirements: • Noise and distortion for the source must be equivalent to the resolution of the converter. • Rs must be real at the input frequency. Figure 14. Equivalent Input Circuit Including the Driving Source ~1ExAs . 2-128 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE SOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 TLC15501, TLC1550M, TLC1551I 10-81T ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH PARALLEL OUTPUTS Jt OR NW PACKAGE • Power Dissipation •.• 40 mW Max • Advanced llnEPICTM Single-Poly Process Provides Close Capacitor Matching for Better Accuracy (TOP VIEW) RD WR CLKIN CS 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 REF+ REFANLGGNO AIN ANLGVDD OGTLGN01 OGTLGN02 OGTL VDDI OGTL VDD2 EOC • Fast Parallel Processing for DSP and !1P Interface • Either External or Internal Clock Can Be Used • Conversion Time ••• 6 IJS • Total Unadjusted Error. •• ±1 lSB Max • CMOS Technology DO description 01 The TlC1550x and TlC1551 are data acquisition analog-to-digital converters (AOCs) using a 10-bit, switched-capacitor, successive-approximation network. A high-speed, 3-state parallel port directly interfaces to a digital signal processor (OSP) or microprocessor (~P) system data bus. 00 through 09 are the digital output terminals with 00 being the least significant bit (lSB). Separate power terminals for the analog and digital portions minimize noise pickup in the supply leads. Additionally, the digital power is divided into two · parts to separate the lower current logic from the higher current bus drivers. An external clock can be . applied to ClKIN to override the internal system clock if desired. The TlC15501 and TlC1551I are characterized for operation from -40°C to 85°C. The TlC1550M is characterized over the full military range of -55°C to 125°C. t Refer to the mechanical data for the JW package. FK OR FN PACKAGE (TOP VIEW) C Z (!l (!ll + ~ z 0lclg; :x:: «a:a:za:;>O ...JLLLL W W AIN ANLGVDD OGTLGN01 NC OGTLGN02 OGTLVDDI OGTL VDD2 ...J 4 3 2 1 28 2726 25 5 24 6 23 7 22 8 21 9 10 20 11 19 12 1314 15 16 1718 09 08 NC 07 06 05 0 0 ~ ON'" " ----- -+I!r~2y~_ _ _ _ __ . TLC2543C, TLC25431 12·81T ANALOG·TO·DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 ANALOG INPUTS SLAS079A- • 12~Bit-Resolution AID Converter • 1()"~ Conversion Time Over Operating Temperature • 11 Analog Input Channels • 3 Built-In Self-Test Modes • Inherent Sample and Hold • Linearity Error ... ± 1 LSB Max • On-Chip System Clock • End-of-Conversion (EOC) Output • Unipolar or Bipolar Output Operation (Signed Binary With Respect to 1/2 the Applied Voltage Reference) • Programmable MSB or LSB First • Programmable Power Down • Programmable Output Data Length • CMOS Technology • Application Report Avallablet ow OR N PACKAGE DB, (TOP VIEW) AINO VCC EOC 1 AIN1 AIN2 I/O CLOCK AIN3 DATA INPUT 4 AIN4 DATA OUT AIN5 CS AIN6 7 14 AIN7 8 13 REF+ REF- AIN8 9 12 AIN10 GND 10 11 AIN9 FN PACKAGE (TOP VIEW) C\I ..... 000 3 2 1 2019 18 ~ ~ ~ 00 «««:::;ow desCription The TLC2543C and TLC25431 are 12-bit, switched-capacitor, successive-approximation, analog-to-digital converters. Each device has three control inputs [chip select (CS), the input-output clock (I/O CLOCK), and the address input (DATA INPUT)] and is designed for communication with the serial port of a host processor or peripheral through a serial 3-state output. The device allows high-speed data transfers from the host. AIN3 4 AIN4 5 17 I/O CLOCK AIN5 6 16 DATA OUT AIN6 7 15 AIN7 8 14 9 10 11 1213 CS REF+ DATA INPUT In addition to the high-speed converter and versatile control capability, the device has an on-Chip 14-channel multiplexer that can select anyone of 11 inputs or anyone of three internal self-test voltages. The sample-and-hold function is automatic. At the end of conversion, the end-of-conversion (EOC) output goes high to indicate that conversion is complete. The converter incorporated in the device features differential high-impedance reference inputs that facilitate ratio metric conversion, scaling, and isolation of analog circuitry from logic and supply noise. A switched-capacitor design allows low-error conversion over the full operating temperature range. The TLC2543 is available in the DB, OW, FN, and N packages. The TLC2543C is characterized for operation from O°C to 70°C, and the TLC25431 is characterized for operation from -40°C to 85°C. AVAILABLE OPTIONS PACKAGE TA SMALL OUTLINE O·Cto 70·C TLC2543CDB -40·C to 85·C TLC25431DB PLASTIC CHIP CARRIER (OW) (OB)* I I (FN) PLASTIC DIP (N) TLC2543CDW TLC2543CFN TLC2543CN TLC25431DW TLC25431FN TLC2543IN * Available in tape and reel and ordered as the TLC2543CDBR or TLC2543IDBR. t Microcontroller Based Data Acquisition Using the TLC2543 12-bit Serial-Out ADC (SLAA012) Copyright © 1994. Texas Instruments Incorporated -!I1TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALlAS. TEXAS 75265 2-137 TLC2543C, TLC25431 12·81T ANALOG·TO·DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 ANALOG INPUTS SLAS079A- DECEMBER 1993 - REVISED DECEMBER 1994 functional block diagram AINO AIN1 AIN2 AIN3 AIN4 AIN5 AIN6 AIN7 AIN8 AIN9 AIN10 1 . 2 --'-- "3 "4 5 6 r8 9 11 Sample.and Hold -" 14-Channel Analog Multiplexer 12 -==- REF+ REF- 141 131 12-Blt Analog-to-Dlgltal Converter (switched capacitors) 12 ~ ~ Input Address Reglstar ~ Output Data Reglstar I 12-to-1 Data SelectOr and Driver r-1! DATA OUT 4 3 ~ DATA INPUT 110 CLOCK CS Salf-Test Referenca I - Control Logic and 110 Counters ,J!. EOC 17 + 18 15 ~1ExAs 2-:138 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 665303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 I • TLC2543C, TLC25431 12-81T ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 ANALOG INPUTS SLAS079A- DECEMBER 1993 - REVISED DECEMBER 1994 Terminal Functions TERMINAL UO DESCRIPTION 1-9, 11,12 I These 11 analog-signal inputs are intemally multiplexed. The driving source impedance should be less than or equal to 50 n for 4.1-MHz 110 CLOCK operation and capable of slewing the analog input voltage into a capaCitance of 60 pF. CS 15 I Chip select. A high-ta-Iow transition on OS resets the intemal counters and controls and enables DATA OUT, DATA INPUT, and 110 CLOCK. A low-ta-high transition disables DATA INPUT and 110 CLOCK within a setup DATA INPUT 17 I Seriai-data input. A 4-bit serial address selects the desired analog input or test voltage to be converted next. The serial data is presented with the MSB first and is shifted in on the first four rising edges of 110 CLOCK. After the four address bits are read into the address register, 110 CLOCK clocks the remaining bits in order. DATA OUT 16 a The 3-state serial output for the AID conversion resull DATA OUT is in the high-impedance state when CS is high and active when OS is low. With a valid OS, DATA OUT is removed from the high-impedance state and is driven to the logic level corresponding to the MSB/LSB value of the previous conversion result. The next falling edge of 110 CLOCK drives DATA OUT to the logic level corresponding to the next MSB/LSB, and the remaining bits are shifted out in order. EOC 19 a End of conversion goes from a high to a low logic level after the falling edge of the last 110 CLOCK and remains low until the conversion is complete and data are ready for transfer. GND 10 110 CLOCK 18 I Input/output clock. 110 CLOCK receives the serial input and perfonns the following four functions: 1. It clocks the eight input data bits into the input data register on the first eight rising edges 110 CLOCK with the multiplexer address available after the fourth rising edge. 2. On the fourth falling edge of 110 CLOCK, the analog input voitage on the selected multiplexer input begins charging the capacitor array and continues to do so until the last falling edge of 110 CLOCK. 3. It shifts the 11 remaining bits of the previous conversion data out on DATA OUT. Data changes on the falling edge of 110 CLOCK. 4. It transfers control of the conversion to the intemal state controller on the falling edge of the last 110 CLOCK. REF+ 14 I The upper reference voltage value (nominally VCC) is applied to REF+. The maximum input voltage range is determined by the difference between the voltage applied to this terminal and the voltage applied to th,e REFterminal. REF- 13 I The lower reference voltage value (nominally ground) is applied to REF-. VCC 20 NAME NO. AINO-AIN1O time. The ground retum terminal for the intemal circuitry. Unless otherwise noted, all voltage measurements are with respect to GND. ot Positive supply voltage detailed description Initially, with chip select (CS) high, 1/0 CLOCK and DATA INPUT are disabled and DATA OUT is in the high-impedance state. CS, going low, begins the conversion sequence by enabling 1/0 CLOCK ,and DATA INPUT and removes DATA OUT from the high-impedance state. The input data is an 8-bit data stream consisting of a 4-bit analog channel address (07 -04), a 2-bit data length select (03-02), an output MSB or LSB first bit (01), and a unipolar or bipolar output select bit (DO) that are applied to DATA INPUT. The 1/0 CLOCK sequence applied to the 1/0 CLOCK terminal transfers this data to the input data register. During this transfer, the 1/0 CLOCK sequence also shifts the previous conversion result from the output data register to DATA OUT. 1/0 CLOCK receives the input sequence of 8, 12, or 16 clocks long depending on the data-length selection in the input data register. Sampling of the analog input begins on the fourth falling edge of the input 1/0 CLOCK sequence and is held after the last falling edge of the 1/0 CLOCK sequence. The last falling edge of the 1/0 CLOCK sequence also takes EOC low and begins the conversion. ~1EXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX B55303 • DAllAS. TEXAS 75266 2-139 -TLC2543C, TLC25431 12·81T ANALOG·TO·DIGITAL ,CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 ANALOG INPUTS SLAS079A- DECEMBER 1993- REVISED DECEMBER 1994 converter operation The operation of the converter is organized as a succession of two distinct cycles: 1) the 1/0 cycle and 2) the actual conversion cycle. The 1/0 cycle is defined by the externally provided 1/0 CLOCK and lasts 8, 12, or 16 clock periods, depending on the selected output data length. 1. 1/0 cycle During the 1/0 cycle, two operations take place simultaneously. a. An 8-bit data stream consisting of address and control information is provided to DATA INPUT. This data is shifted into the device on the rising edge of the first eight 1/0 CLOCKs. DATA INPUT is ignored after the first eight clocks during 12 or 16 clock 1/0 transfers. b. The data output, with a length of 8, 12, or 16 bits, is provided serially on DATA OUT. If CS is held low, the first output data bit occurs on the rising edge of EOC. If CS is negated between conversions, the first output data bit occurs on the falling edge of CS. This data is the result of the previous conversion period, and after the first output data bit, each succeeding bit is clocked out on the falling edge of each succeeding 1/0 CLOCK. 2. Conversion cycle The conversion cycle is transparent to the user, and it is controlled by an internal clock synchronized to 1/0 CLOCK. During the conversion period, the device performs a successive-approximation conversion on the analog input voltage. The EOC output goes low at the start of the conversion cycle and goes high when conversion is complete and the output data register is latched. A conversion cycle is started only after the 1/0 cycle is completed, which minimizes the influence of external digital noise on the accuracy ofthe conversion. power up and Initialization After power up, CS must be taken from high to low to begin an 1/0 cycle. EOC is initially high, and the input data register is set to all zeroes. The contents of the output data register are random, and the first conversion result should be ignored. To initialize during operation, CS is taken high and returned low to begin the next 1/0 cycle. The first conversion after the device has returned from the power-down state may not read accurately due to internal device settling. operational terminology Current (N) 1/0 cycle The entire 1/0 CLOCK sequence that transfers address and control data into the data register and clocks the digital result from the previous conversion from DATA OUT Current (N) conversion cycle The conversion cycle starts immediately after the current 1/0 cycle. The end of the current 1/0 cycle is the last clock falling edge in the 1/0 CLOCK sequence. The current conversion result is loaded into the output register when conversion is complete. Current (N) conversion result The current conversion result is serially shifted out on the next 1/0 cycle. Previous (N -1) conversion cycle The conversion cycle just prior to the current 1/0 cycle Next (N + 1) 1/0 cycle The 1/0 period that follows the current conversion cycle Example: In the 12-bit mode, the result of the current conversion cycle is a 12-bit serial- I4I..l---------..~1 Initialize AID Conversion Interval Figure 15. Timing for 16-Clock Transfer Not Using CS With MSB First NOTE A: To minimize errors caused by noise at CS,the intemal circuitry waits fora setup time afierCSJ, before responding to control input signals. Therefore, no attempt should be made to clock in an address until the minimum CS setup time has elapsed. ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 2-153 -TLC2543C, TLC25431 12-81T ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 ANALOG INPUTS SLAS079A- DECEMBER 1993 - REVISED DECEMBER 1994 APPLICATION INFORMATION 111111111111 sJ Notes A ~nd B VFS 111111111110 111111111101 )~ •• • lA;: ~ 100000000001 ~ '5 !o 100000000000 !.S!' VZT =VZS + 1/2 LSB / 011111111111 Q •• • r--VZS 000000000010 000000000001 000000000000 / / I~ A/" II ~V /~ /' 0.0012 0.0024 :; ~V; ~~ ,/ V 4093 VI •• • L~B 2049 Ii ,/ 4094 FSnom I I ~V 4095 I.! VFT =VFS -1/2 2047 I I /' . / ~V o I ~ •• • 2 II I ••• 2.4564 o 2.4576 2.4588 ••• VI - Analog Input Voltage - V I , o 4.9128! 4.9140 4.9152 NOTES: A. This curve is based on the assumption that Vref+ and Vref- hav~ been adjusted so that the voltage at the transition from digital 0 to 1 (VZT) is 0.0006 V and the transition to full scale (VFT) is 4.9134 V. 1 LSB - 1.2 mY. B. The full-scale value (VFS) is the step whose nominal midstep value has the highest absolute value. The zero-scale value (VZS) is the step whose nominal midstep value equals zero. Figure 16. Ideal Conversion Characteristics TLC2543 1 2 Analog Inputs AINO AIN1 AIN2 AIN3 AIN4 AIN5 AIN6 AIN7 AIN8 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 AIN9 12 AIN10 15 CS 18 1/0 CLOCK 17 DATA INPUT Proceesor DATA OUT EOC 16 19 14 REF+ ~ S-V DC Regulated REF- r14- GND 110 To Source , Ground " I 1. Figure 17. Serial Interface ~TEXAS 2-154 Control Circuit INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX S55303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 752S5 TLC2543C, TLC25431 12-81T ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 ANALOG INPUTS SLAS079A- DECEMBER 1993 - REVISED DECEMBER 1994 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION simplified analog Input analysis Using the equivalent circuit in Figure 18, the time required to charge the analog input capacitance from 0 to Vs within 1/2 LSB can be derived as follows: The capacitance charging voltage is given by (1 ) where Rt= Rs Hj The final voltage to 1/2 LSB is given by Vc (1/2 LSB) = Vs - (Vs/8192) (2) Equating equation 1 to equation 2 and solving for time tc gives Vs - (V S /58192) = Vs(1-e-tc/RtCi) (3) to (1/2 LSB) = Rt x Cj x In(8192) (4) and Therefore, with the values given the time for the analog input signal to settle is tc (1/2 LSB) = (Rs + 1 kn) x 60 pF x In(8192) (5) This time must be less than the converter sample time shown in the timing diagrams. Driving Sourcet 4 Rs I I I I VI ~ TLC2543 fJ VS~VC I 1 kOMAX II 150 CI PFMAX VI = Input Voltage at AIN VS= External Driving Source Voltage Ra = Source Resistance rl = Input Resistance CI = Input capacitance t Driving source requirements: • NOise and distortion for the source must be equivalent to the resolution of the converter. • Rs must be real at the input frequency. Figure 18. Equivalent Input Circuit Including the Driving Source ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DAu.AS. TEXAS 75265 2-155 - 2-156 TLC5510 8-81T HIGH·SPEED ANALOG·TO·DIGITAL CONVERTER ""'''T''''''A'''A 1994 - REVISED FEBRUARY 1995 NSPACKAGEt (TOP VIEW) • 8-Blt Resolution • Linearity Error ±0.75 LSB Max (25°C) ±1 LSB Max (-20°C to 75°C) OE 1 OGNO 01 (lSB) 02 03 04 05 06 07 9 08(MSB} VOOO 11 elK • Differential Linearity Error ±0.5 LSB (25°C) ±0.75 LSB Max (-20°C to 75°C) • Maximum Conversion Rate 20 Mega-Samples per Second (MSPS) Min • SOV Single-Supply Operation • Low Power Consumption ••• 90 mW Typ • Interchangeable With Sony CXD1175 t Available in tape and reel only and applications • • • • OGNO REFB REFBS AGNO AGNO ANALOG IN VOOA REFT REFTS VOOA VOOA VOOO ordered as the TLC551 OINSLE. Digital TV Medical Imaging Video Conferenclng High-Speed Data Conversion AVAILABLE OPTIONS NSPACKAGE (TAPE AND REEL ONLy) TA -200C to 75°C TLC5510INSLE • QAM Demodulators description The TLC5510 is a CMOS, 8-bit, 20 MSPS analog-to-digital converter (ADC) that utilizes a semiflash architecture. The TLC551 0 operates with a single 5 V supply and consumes only 100 mW of power typically. Also included is an internal sample and hold circuit, parallel outputs with high impedance mode, and internal reference resistors. The semiflash architecture reduces power consumption and die size compared to flash converters. By implementing the conversion in a 2-step process, the number of comparators is significantly reduced. The latency of the data upon conversion is 2.5 clocks. The internal reference resistors can create a standard, 2-V, full-scale conversion range using VOOA. Only external jumpers are required to implement this option. This reduces the need for external references or reSistors. Differential linearity is 0.5 LSB at 25°C and a maximum of 0.75 LSB over the full operating temperature range. Dynamic characteristics are specified with a differential gain of 1% and differential phase of 0.7%. The TLC551 0 is characterized for operation from -20°C to 75°C. ~1ExAs copyright © 1995, Texas Instruments Incorporated INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 656303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 2-157 TLC5510 8·BIT HIGH·SPEED ANALOG·TO·DIGITAL CONVERTER SLAS095B - SEPTEMBER 1994 - REVISED FEBRUARY 1995 functional block diagram Resistor R~~n~~------------------~ Divider REFB 2700 NOM I---I--I-..r-:--::--, Lower Sampling REFT D1(LSB) .----+--+1... Comparators REFBS (4-Blt) D2 Lower Data Latch 800 NOM D3 AGND D4 ...--t..... AGND Lower Sampling Comparators (4-BIt) D5 VDDA 3200 NOM REFTS ANALOG IN -====~~.J-~ D6 Upper Data Latch Upper Sampling Comparstors (4-Blt) D7 D8(MSB) CLK schematics of inputs and outputs EQUIVALENT OF ANALOG INPUT EQUIVALENT OF EACH DIGITAL INPUT VDDA ANALOG IN VDDD OE,CLK EQUIVALENT OF EACH DIGITAL OUTPUT VDDD D1-D8 DGND :lllExAs . 2-158 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 TLC5510 8-81T HIGH-SPEED ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTER SLAS095B - SEPTEMBER 1994 - REVISED FEBRUARY 1995 Terminal Functions TERMINAL NO. NAME AGNO ANALOG IN DESCRIPTION I/O 20,21 Analog ground 19 I Analog Input ClK OGNO 12 2,24 I Clock in Oigital ground 01-08 3-10 0 Oigital data out. 01 :lSB, 08:MSB I Output enable. When OE z l, data is enabled. When OE - H, 01-08 is in high Impedance state. OE 1 VOOA 14,15,18 VOOO REFB 11,13 AnalogVoO 23 22 I REFT 17 I REFTS 16 REFBS OigitalVOO Reference voltage in (bottom) Reference voltage (bottom). When using the intemal voltaga divider to generate a nominal2-V reference, this terminal is shorted to the REFB terminal (see Figure 2). Reference voltage in (top) Reference voltage (top). When using the intemal voltage divider to generate a nominal2-V reference, this terminal is shorted to the REFT terminal (see Figure 2). absolute maximum ratlngst Supply voltage. VOOA. Vooo ...••.•••.•...•...•.....•.•..........................•.•......•.. 7 V Reference voltage input range. Vref(T). Vref(B). Vref(BS). Vref(TS) ....................... AGND to VOOA Analog input voltage range. VI(ANLG) ....•............•..•..........•.............•. AGND to VOOA Digital input voltage range. VI(DGTL) ....•.. , ...................•.................... DGND to Vooo Digital output voltage range. VO(OGTL) •.•.•.••.....•...••..•...•...........•....... DGND to Vooo Operating free-air temperature range. TA •..•.....•...•................•......•.....• -20°C to 75°C Storage temperature range. Tstg .................................................. -55°C to 150°C t Stresses beyond those listed under "absolute maximum ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under "recommended operating conditions" is not implied. Exposure to absolute-maxi mum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. recommended operating conditions VOOA-AGNO VOOO-AGNO AGNO-OGNO Supply voltage Reference input voltage (top), Vrefm MIN NOM MAX UNIT 4.75 4.75 5 5 5.25 5.25 V 0 100 mV 2.7 V -100 Vref(BJ+2 0 Reference input voltaga (bottom), Vref(B) Analog input voltage range, VI(ANlGI (see Note 1) High-level input voltage, VIH Vref(B) 4 low-level input voltage, Vil VrefLat+2 0.6 Vrefm-2 V Vretm V V 1 V Pulse duration, clock high, tw(HI 25 ns Pulse duration, clock low, tw(ll 25 ns NOTE 1: REFT - REFS ~ 2.4 V maximum ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 865303 • OALlAS. TEXAS 75265 2-159 TLC5510 8-81T HIGH-SPEED ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTER SLAS096B - SEPTEMBER 1994 - REVISEO FEBRUARY 1995 = = = = electrical characteristics atVDD 5 V, Vref(T) 2.5 V, Vref(B)::: 0.5 V, fconv 20 MSPS, TA 25°C (unless otherwise noted) . PARAMETER El Unearityerror ED linearity error, differential TEST CONDITIONst fconv - 20 MSPS, VI- 0.5 Vt02.5 V MIN TA-25'C TA" -20"C to 75'C ±0.3 ±0.5 0.61 2.02 ±0.75 0.65 2.15 2.29 2.4 5.2 7.5 10.5 190 270 16 350 -18 -43 -66 -20 0 20 TA-25'C TA = -20'C to 75'C Self bias (1) Self bias (2) Short REFB to REFBS; Short REFT to REFTS 0.57 1.9 Self bias (3) Short REFB to AGNO, Short REFT to REFTS 2.18 lref Reference voltage current Rref CI Reference voltage resistor • Analog input capacitance Vrefm - Vref(B) .. 2 V Between REFT and REFB terminals EZS EFS Zero-scale error Full-scale error IIH High-level input current low-level input current III IOH VI(ANlGl - 1.5 V + 0.07 Vnns Vref = REFT - REFB - 2 V VOO-MAX, VOO=MAX, OE-GNO, OE .. GNO, TYP MAX ±0.4 ±0.75 ±1 VIH-VOO 5 5 VOL" 0.4 V -1.5 IOl High-level output current Low-level output current IOZH High-level high-impedancestate output leakage current OE.VOO, VOO"MAX VOH-VOO 16 IOZl Low-level high-impedancestate output leakage current C5E"Voo, VOO-MIN VOl"OV 16 100 Supply current National Television System Committee (NTSC) ramp wave Input f s ·20MSPS, V rnA n mV IIA rnA 2.5 IIA .. marked MIN or MAX are as stated In recommended operating conditions. t Conditions 2-160 LSB pF Vll"OV VOO = MIN, VOO-MIN, VOH .. VOO-0.5 V UNIT :lfThXAs . INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALlAS. TEXAS 75265 16 27 rnA TLC5510 8-BIT HIGH-SPEED ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTER SLAS095B - SEPTEMBER 1994 - REVISED FEBRUARY 1995 operating characteristics at VDD otherwise noted) =5 V, VRT =2.5 V, VRB =0.5 V, f8 =20 MSPS, TA =25°C (unless PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN Maximum conversion rate VICANlGl = 0.5 V - 2.5 V, BW Analog input bandwidth, At-I dB 14 tctd Digital output delay time Cl S; 10 pF (see Note 2) 18 Differential gain MAX 20 UNIT MSPS MHz 30 ns 1% NTSC 40 Institute of Radio Engineers (IRE) modulation wave, fconv = 14.3 MSPS Differential phase tAJ fl = I-kHz ramp wave form TYP fconv Aperture jitter time Sampling delay time tctJ§l NOTE 2: Cl includes probe and jig capacitance 0.7 degrees 30 ps 4 ns ClK(Clock) ANALOG IN (Input Signal) 01-08 (Output Data) I I ~ N+l IN I N-3 I ~ N-2 X~~__~J)(~~__ N-l N __ rJ)(~~_N_+_l~__ tctd~ Figure 1.1/0 Timing Diagram ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 666303 • DAUAS. TEXAS 75265 2-161 TLC5510 8·BIT HIGH·SPEED ANALOG·TO·DIGITAL CONVERTER SLAS095B - SEPTEMBER 1994 - REVISED FEBRUARY 1995 APPLICATION INFORMATION The following notes are design recommendations that shou'ld be used with the TLC5510. • External analog and digital circuitry should be physically separated and shielded as much as possible to reduce system noise. • RF breadboarding or printed-circuit-board (PCB) techniques should be used throughout the evaluation and production process. Breadboards should be copper clad for bench evaluation. • Since AGNO and OGNO are not connected internally, these terminals need to be connected externally. With breadboards, these ground lines should be connected through separate leads with correct supply bypassing. A good method to use is separate twisted-pair cables for the supply lines to minimize noise pickup. An analog and digital ground plane should be used on PCB layouts. • VOOA to AGNO and VOOO to OGNO should be decoupled with 1-¢= and O.Q1-¢= capacitors, respectively, and placed as close as possible to the affected device.terminals. A ceramic-chip capacitor is recommended for the O.01-~F capacitor. Care should be exercised to ensure a solid noise-free ground connection for the analog and digital grounds. • VOOA, AGNO, and ANALOG IN terminals should be shielded from the higher frequency terminals, CLK and 00-07. When possible, AGNO traces should be placed on both sides ofthe ANALOG IN traces on the PCB for shielding. • In testing or application of the device, the resistance of the driving source connected to the analog input should be 10 0 or less within the analog frequency range of interest. ~1ExAs 2-162 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALlAS. TEXAS 75265 TLC5510 8·BIT HIGH·SPEED ANALOG·TO·DIGITAL CONVERTER SLAS095B - SEPTEMBER 1994 - REVISED FEBRUARY 1995 APPLICATION INFORMATrON DVDD 5V II C11~ TLC551 0 . AVDD 5V 13 VREF ADJ ~ FB3 b R5 • 1 Video J..... , Input ?/1 ---.; - FB7 JP1 JP2 R4 ~ ~C7 R2 16 17 - ~~ D3~~ •...,... ..:~~ r- 18 /I C8 ;:::r: C5 D2 .. ~ TP30 15 ~ FB1 C1\1 II C2;::: ::: ~ ~C8 FB2 R3 D1~~ R1 14 TP1 ;::: :::C3 Q1 1\ - 19 20 21 C4 JP3 JP4 22 I1T C10 23 24 VDDD CLK VDDA VDDD VDDA D8(MSB) ...- Clock 12 11 10 REFTS D7 9 REFT D6 8 VDDA D5 7 ANALOG IN D4 6 AGND D3 5 AGND D2 4 REFBS D1 (LSB) 3 REFB DGND 2 DGND OE 1 II ~~1 ~ .. ~ ..,- Output " Enable fj7 LOCATION C1,C3-C4, C6-C12 DESCRIPTION 0.1-1lf Capacitor C2 1O-pF Capacitor C5 47-Ilf CaPacitor FB1,FB2,FB3,FB7 Q1 Ferrite Bead 2N3414 or equivalent R1,R3 75-0 resistor R2 500..(.1 resistor R4 10-k0 resistor, clamp voltage adjust R5 300..(.1 resistor, reference-voltage fine adjust Figure 2. Application and Test Schematic NOTE A: JP1, JP2, JP3, and JP4 allow adjustment of the reference voltage by R5 using temperature-compensating diodes 02, 03. ~TEXAS . INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE SOX 656303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 2-163 TLC5510 s;.BIT HIGH-SPEED ANALOG-TO~DIGITAL CONVERTER SLAS095B - SEPTEMBER 1994 - REVISED FEBRUARY 1995 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION functional description The TlC551 0 is a semiflash ADC featuring two lower comparator blocks of four bits each. As shown in Figure 3, input voltage VI(1) is sampled with the falling edge of ClK1 to the upper comparators block and the lower comparators block(A), 8(1). The upper comparators block finalizes the upper data UD(1) with the rising edge of ClK2, and simultaneously, the lower reference voltage generates the voltage RV(1) . corresponding to the upper data. The lower comparators block (A) finalizes the lower data lD(1) with the rising edge of ClK3. UD(1) and lD(1) are combined and output as OUT(1) with the rising edge of ClK4. According to the above internal operation described, output data is delayed 2.5 clocks from the analog input voltage sampling point. Input voltage VI(2) is sampled with the falling edge of ClK2. UD(2) is finalized with the rising edge of ClK3, and lD(2) is finalized with the rising edge of ClK4 at the lower comparators block(B). OUT(2) is output with the rising edge of ClK5. ANALOG IN (Sampling Points) CLK (Clock) Upper Comparators Block Upper Data =* I I Lower Reference Voltage =x U+O) I Lower Data (A) U+l) 1 1 I I I U+) RV(2) )K RV(3) I I I I I I I I I 8(1) :JK +) C(l) LO~-l) 8(3) * ::::x .OUT(-2) )IC: C(3) L~(l) I I I I X LO(O) ~ I I I I I I X I I I ~ +i~l~i +icool~~1 I : LO(-2) t: I I I +) I I OUT(-1) X OUT(O)· X Figure 3. Internal Functional Timing Diagram ~TEXAS 2-164 I )K I 01-08 (Data Output) U+3) RV(l) I Lower Data (B) I I )K I Lower Comparators Block (B) I RV(O) I Lower Comparators Block (A) * * * INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX e55303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 I I HI~ I , LO(2) I I OUT(1) x:: -TLC5510 8-BIT HIGH·SPEED ANALOG·TO·DIGITAL CONVERTER SLAS095B - SEPTEMBER 1994 - REVISED FEBRUARY 1995 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION Internal referencing Three internal resistors are provided so that the device can generate an internal reference voltage. These resistors are brought out on terminals VOOA, REFTS, REFT, REFB, REFBS, and AGND. To use the internally generated reference voltage, terminal connections should be made as shown in Figure 4. This connection provides the standard video 2-V reference for the nominal digital output. TLC551 0 18 VDDA (Analog Supply) R1 320 n NOM RE FTS I 16 17 REFT REFB 23 I 22 RE FBS AGND Rre, 270 n NOM ~ • R2 son NOM 21 ..1 Figure 4. External Connections for Using the Internal· Reference Resistor Divider functional operation The TLC551 0 functions as shown in Table 1. Table 1. Functional Operation INPUT SIGNAL VOLTAGE STEP Vref(T) 0 ··• ·· · Vref(Bl DIGITAL OUTPUT CODE LSB MSB 1 1 127 1 0 128 0 1 255 0 0 ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· 1 ·· ·· 0 1 0 1 ·· ·· 0 1 0 1 ·· ·· 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 ·· ·· 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 ·· ·· 0 ·· ·· ~1EXAS INSfRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 656303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 2-165 - 2-166 TLC5540 8-BIT HIGH-SPEED ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTER • 8-Blt Resolution • Linearity Error - ±0.75 LSB Max (25°C) - ±1 LSB Max (-20°C to 75°C) • Differential Linearity Error - ±0.5 LSB (25°(:) - ±0.75 LSB Max (-20°C to 75°C) • Maximum Conversion Rate of 40 Mega-Samples per Second (MSPS) Min • Internal Sample and Hold • 5-V Single-Supply Operation • Low Power Consumption ... 100 mW Typ • Analog Input Bandwidth •.• >75 MHz Typ NSPACKAGE (TOP VIEW) OE OGNO 01 (lSB) 02 03 05 06 07 08(MSB) VOOO elK 1 OGNO REFB REFBS AGNO AGNO ANALOG IN VOOA 9 11 REFT REFTS VOOA VOOA VOOO AVAILABLE OPTIONS applications • Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK) Demodulators • Medical Imaging • Charge-Coupled Device (CCD) Scanners • Video Conferenclng • Digital Set·Top Box • Digital Down Converters • Hlgh·Speed Signal Processing NSPACKAGE TLC5540INS W == :; w a: Il. t) :::l C description The TLC5540 is a CMOS, 8-bit, 40 MSPS analog-to-digital converter (ADC) that utilizes a semiflash architecture. The TLC5540 operates with a single 5 V supply and consumes only 100 mW of power typically. Also included is an internal sample and hold circuit, parallel outputs with high impedance mode and internal reference resistors. The TLC5540 has a wide analog-input bandwidth typically greater than 75 MHz. This feature allows use of the ADC in undersampling applications such as digital down converters and allows the elimination of expensive RF components. The semiflash architecture reduces power consumption and die size compared to flash converters. The conversion is implemented in a 2-step process which significantly reduces the number of comparators. The latency of the data upon conversion is 2.5 clocks. The internal reference resistors can create a standard 2-V full-scale conversion range using VOOA. Only external jumpers are required to implement this option, thereby reducing the need for external references or resistors. The TLC5540 is characterized for operation from -20°C to 75°C. Differential linearity is ±0.5 LSB at 25°C and a maximum of ±0.75 LSB over the full operating temperature range. Dynamic characteristics are specified with a differential gain of 1% and differential phase of 0.7%. ~·TEXAS Copyright II:> 1995, Texas Instruments Incorporated INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 6~03. DAUAS, TEXAS 75266 2-167 oa: Il. TLC5540 8·BIT HIGH·SPEED ANALOG·TO.;DIGITAL CONVERTER SLAS105 - JANUARY 1995 functional block diagram Resistor Referance 1+-------------, Divider REFB 270n NOM REFT I-c-l--I...r-:--.:-, Lower sampling r--+--+l~ REFBS D1(LSB) Comparatora (4 Bit) D2 son D3 NOM AGND AGND D4 Lower sampling '-;--H~ Comparators (4 Bit) D5 VDDA 320n NOM REFTS "tJ ANALoG IN --======~--+-I~ ::u o c CLK Upper sampling Comparators (4 Bit) Clock Generator c: ~ "tJ ::u m < - m :e ~TEXAS 2-168 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DAllAS. TEXAS 76266 Upper Data Latch D8 D7 D8(MSB) TLC5540 8-81T HIGH-SPEED ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTER SLAS105-JANUARY 1995 schematics of Inputs and outputs EQUIVALENT OF ANALOG INPUT EQUIVALENT OF EACH DIGITAL INPUT VDDA EQUIVALENT OF EACH DIGITAL OUTPUT VDDD VDDD Dl-D8 OE,CLK ANALOG IN AGND DGND Tenninal Functions TERMINAL NAME AGNO ANALOG IN eLK NO. 20,21 I 12 I 2,24 01-08 3-10 OE 1 Analog Input Digital data out. 01 :LSB, 08:MSB I Output enable. When OE • L, data is enabled. When OE ~ H, 01-08 is high impedance. 14,15,18 AnalogVOO 11,13 OigitalVOO REFBS 22 17 REFTS 16 :; 0 VOOO REFB REFT W Clock input Digital ground VOOA 23 ;: Analog ground 19 OGNO DESCRIPTION 1/0 I w a:: a.. Reference voltage in (bottom) Reference voltage (bottom). When using the internal voltage divider to generate a nominal2-V reference, this terminal is shorted to the REFB terminal and the REFTS terminal is shorted to the REFT terminal (see Figure 3). I Reference voltage in (top) Reference voltage (top). When using the intemal voltage divider to generate a nominal 2-V reference, this terminal is shorted to the REFT terminal and the REFBS terminal is shorted to the REFB terminal (see Figure 3). absolute maximum ratingst Supply voltage, VOOA, Vooo ••••.••••••••••••••..•••.•.••••••••.•.••••••••••.••••.••.•••••••• 7 V Reference voltage input range, Vref(T), Vref(B), Vref(BS), Vref(TS) •....•.••••••.•..••.••• AGND to VOOA Analog input voltage range, VI(ANLG) ••.•••....•....•••.•.••••••••••••••••••••••.••• AGND to VOOA Digital input voltage range, VI(OGTL) •••.••.•.......••.••.••••.••••••••••••••.•.••••. DGND to VOOO Digital output voltage range, VO(OGTL) .•.••••••••.••.••.••.•.•.•••.••••••••••.••••. DGND to Vooo Operating free-air temperature range, TA .......... ; ................................. -20°C to 75°C Storage temperature range, Tstg .................................................. -55°C to 150°C t Stresses beyond those listed under"absolute maximum ratings· may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under "recommended operating conditions· is not implied. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • OAUAS, TEXAS 75265 2-169 t>::J C o a:: a.. TLC5540 \ 8..BIT HIGH·SPEED ANALOG·TO..DIGITALCONVERTER SLAS105 - JANUARY 1995 recommended operating conditions .Supply voltage MIN NOM VOOA-AGNO 4.75 5 MAX 5.25 VOOO-AGNO AGNO-OGNO 4.75 5 5.25 0 100 -100 Reference input voltage (top), Vrefm VreflBI+2 0 Reference input voltage (bottom), Vref(B) Analog input voltage range, VI(ANLG) (see Note 1) VreflBI+2 0.6 Vref(B) 4 High-level input voltage, VIH UNIT V mV 2.7 V Vrefm-2 V Vrefm V V Low-level input voltage, VIL V 1 Pulse duration, clock high, tw(H) 25 ns Pulse duration, clock low, twILl 25 ns NOTE 1: REFT - REFB ~ 2.4 V maximum electrical characteristics at Voo = 5 V, Vref(T) = 2.5 V, Vref(B) = 0.5 V, '(sampling) = 40 MSPS, TA = 25°C (unless otherwise noted) ::D o EL c: EO C "lJ m < - m =e Unearity error Linearity error, differential Self bias (1) ~ ::D TEST CONDITIONSt PARAMETER "lJ Self billS (2) Self bias (3) MIN TYP ±1 ~SamplI~) = 40 MSPS, TA" -20·C to 75°C 1=0.5 t02.5V TA-25·C ±0.3 Short REFB to REFBS, Short REFT to REFTS Short REFB to AGNO, Short REFT to REFTS lref Reference-voltage current Reference-voltage resistor Vrefm - Vref(B) .. 2 V Between REFT and REFB terminals Ci Analog-input capaCitance VI(ANLG),- 1.5 V + 0.07 Vrrns EZS EFS Zero-scale error Full-scale error Vref" REFT - REFB = 2 V ±0.5 0.57 0.61 0.65 1.9 2.02 2.15 2.18 2.29 2.4 5.2 7.5 10.5 190 270 350 16 LSB -18 -43 -20 0 V mA n pF -68 . 20 IIH High-level input current VOO-MAX, VIH=VOO 5 IlL Low-level Input current VIL-O 5 IOH High-level output current VOO-MAX, OE-GNO, VOO-MIN, VOH = VOO-0.5 V IOL Low-level output current OE=GNO, VOO-MIN, VOL- 0.4 V IOZH High-level high-impedancestate output leakage current OE .. VOO, VOO=MAX VOH=VOO 16 IOZL Low-level high-impedancestate output leakage current OE-VOOi VOO-MIN VOL-O 16 100 Supply current f(sampllng) - 40 MSPS, National Television System Committae (NTSC) ramp wave input -1.5 mV jIA mA 2.5 jIA .. .. . t Conditions marked MIN or MAX are as stated In recommended operating conditions ~TEXAS 2-170 UNIT ±0.75 TA - -20·C to 75·C Rref MAX ±0.4 ±0.75 TA=25·C INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALlAS, TEXAS 76266 20 30 mA TLC5540 8·BIT HIGH·SPEED ANALOG·TO·DIGITAL CONVERTER SLAS105-JANUARY 1995 = = = = = operating characteristics atVDD 5 V, VRT 2.5 V, VRB 0.5 V, f(sampling) 40 MSPS, TA 25°C (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER Maximum conversion rate VI(ANLGl SW Analog-input bandwidth At-3dS too Digital-output delay time CL s 10 pF (see Note 2) Differential gain Aperture jitter time ~(s) Sampling delay time 2.5 V, II =I-kHz ramp wave lorm TYP MAX 40 UNIT MSPS >75 MHz 18 30 ns 1% NTSC 40 Institute Radio Engineers (IREa modulation wave, 'conv = 14. MSPS Differential phase tAJ MIN TEST CONDITIONS =0.5 V - l(samDlina) 0.7 degrees 30 ps 4 ns NOTE 2: CL includes probe and Jig capacitance I Ii I I I I I I I 01-08 (Output Data) I ~y- CLK(Clock) ANALOG IN (Input Signal) I . ~ N-3 I N+1 I I I I I N+2 I I I I ~~~_N_-_2~J)(~~_N_-_1~-J)(~~ __N__ ~J)( l'--/i I I I I I I W == :; w a: a. Io ;:) N+1 tpd~ Figure 1. UO Timing Diagram c oa: a. ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 2-171 TLC5540 8·BIT HIGH·SPEED ANALOG·TO·DfGITAL CONVERTER SLAS105 - JANUARY 1995 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION functional description The TlC5540 is a semiflash, analog-to-cligital converter featuring two. lower comparator blocks of four bits each. As shown in Figure 2, input voltage V,(1) is sampled with the falling edge of ClK1 to the upper comparators block and the lower comparators block(A), 8(1). The upper comparators block finalizes the upper data UD(1) with the rising edge of ClK2, and simultaneously, the lower reference voltage generates the voltage RV(1) corresponding to the upper data. The lower comparators block (A) finalizes the lower data lD(1) with the rising edge of ClK3. UD(1) and lD(1) are combined and output as OUT(1) with the rising edge of ClK4. According to the above internal operation described, output data is delayed 2.5 clocks from the analog input voltage sampling point. Input voltage V,(2) is sampled with the falling edge of ClK2. UD(2) is finalized with the rising edge of ClK3, and lD(2) is finalized with the rising edge of ClK4 at the lower comparators block(B). OUT(2) is output with the rising edge of CLK5. "'0 ::u ANALOQIN (Sampling POints) o c c: 5l CLK(Clock) "'0 ::u Upper Comparators Block m < - I I I i I I I i I 8(1) C(l) 8(2) C(2) 8(3) C(3) 8(4) C(4) Upper Data m :e Lower Reference Voltage Lower Comparators Block (A) Lower Data (A) Lower Comparatore Block (8) Lower Data (B) :JKI LD(-2) :x OUT(-2) X LD(O) I I I I X OUT(-l) X I I . ~ I I LD(2) I I OUT(O) X Figure 2. Internal Functional Timing Diagram ~TEXAS 2-172 C L~(l) +: 'i~I~1 +" ICOOIS(~1, + I I I Dl-D8 (Data Output) * LD~-l) INSTRUMENTS POST OFACE BOX 658303 • DALlAS, TEXAS 7~ I I OUT(l) x= TLC5540 8-BIT HIGH-SPEED ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTER SLAS105 - JANUARY 1995 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION internal referencing Three internal resistors allow the device to generate an internal reference voltage. These resistors are brought out on terminals VOOA, REFTS, REFT, REFB, REFBS, and AGND. To use the internally-generated reference voltage, terminal connections should be made as shown in Figure 3. This connection provides the standard video 2-V reference for the nominal digital output. TLC5540 18 VDDA (Analog Supply) R1 3200NOM RE FTS I 16 17 REFT Rref 2700 NOM REFB 23 I 22 ~ W RE FBS • AGND 21 :; R2 80 o NOM w a: ..1 D.. Figure 3. External Connections for Using the Internal Reference Resistor Divider t; functional operation ::l C Table 1 shows the TLC5540 functions. o a: Table 1. Functional Operation INPUT SIGNAL VOLTAGE STEP Vref(T) 0 ·· ··· · Vref(B) D.. DIGITAL OUTPUT CODE LSB MSB 1 1 127 1 0 128 0 1 255 0 0 ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 · ·· · ·· ·· ·· · · ·· ·· ·· · · · · · · 0 0 ~1ExAs INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DAUAS. TEXAS 75266 2-173 TLC5540 8·BIT HIGH·SPEED ANALOG·TO-DIGITAL CONVERTER SLAS105-JANUARY 1995 APPLICATION INFORMATION The fol/owing notes are design recommendations that should be used with the TlC5540. • External analog and digital circuitry should be physically separated and shielded as much as possible to reduce system noise. • RF breadboarding or printed-circuit-board (PCB) techniques should be used throughout the evaluation and production process. Breadboards should be copper clad for bench evaluation. • Since AGNO and OGNO are not connected internally, these terminals need to be connected externally. With breadboards, these ground lines should be connected through separate leads with correct supply bypassing. Separate twisted-pair cables are a good method to use for the supply lines to minimize noise pickup. An analog and digital ground plane should be used on PCB layouts. • VOOA to AGNO and VOOO to OGNO should be decoupled with 1-I1F and O.01-I1F capacitors, respectively, placed as close as possible to the appropriate device terminals. A ceramic-chip capacitor is recommended for the O.01-I1F capacitor. Care should be exercised to ensure a solid noise-free ground connection for the analog and digital grounds. • VOOA, AGNO, and ANALOG IN terminals should be shielded from the higher frequency terminals, ClK and 00-07. If possible, AGNO traces should be placed on both sides of the ANALOG IN traces on the PCB for shielding. • In testing or application of the device, the resistance of the driving source connected to the analog input should be 10 nor less within the analog frequency range of interest. "'0 ::D o C c 5l "'0 ::D m -m < ~ ~TEXAS 2-174 INSTRUMENTS POST OFACEBOX 655303 • 'DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 TLC5733 20 MSPS 3-CHANNEL ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTER WITH HIGH-PRECISION CLAMP • • • • • • Analog Input Bandwidth ••. >14 MHz • Suitable for YUV or RGB Applications • Digital Clamp Optimized for NTSC or PAL YUV Component a-Channel CMOS ADC 8-Blt Resolution Differential Linearity Error •.• ±0.5 LSB Max Linearity Error •.• ±0.75 LSB Max Maximum Conversion Rate 20 Mega-Samples per Second (MSPS) Min • • • • • • Analog Input Voltage Range 2 V(PP) (Min) • 64-Pln Shrink QFP Package High Precision Clamp ... ±1 LSB Automatic Clamp Pulse Generator Output Data Format Multiplexer SOV Single-Supply Operation Low Power Consumption description The TLC5733 is a three-channel 8-bit semiflash analog-to-digital converter (ADC) that operates from a single 5-V power supply. It converts a wide-band analog signal (such as a video signal) to digital data at sampling rates up to 20 MSPS minimum. The TLC5733 contains a feed-back type high-precision clamp circuit for each ADC channel for video (YUV) applications and a clamp pulse generator that detects COMPOSITE SYNCt pulses automatically. A clamp pulse can also be supplied externally. The output data format multiplexer selects a ratio of Y:U:V of 4:4:4,4:1:1, or 4:2:2. For RGB applications, the 4:4:4 output format without clamp function can be used. The TLC5733 is characterized for operation from -20°C to 75°C. 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 2 47 3 46 45 44 1<:) NT/PAL 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 7 8 9 10 AD1 QA DVoo DGND 12 13 14 35 15 34 16 33 17 181920212223242526272829303132 MODED MODE1 QC DGND CD1 CD2 CD3 CD4 CDS CD6 CD7 CDS QC DVoo OE C RB C ClOI"-(DLO~(,)t\I ... ClClOOOOZO ClClClClClClClClZClI->I-OOCl Z ClClO..J C( C) 1Il1Il1Il1Il1Il1Il1Il1IlC»::>c...a::> III o c... 0 d 0 t COMPOSITE SYNC refers to the extemally generated synchronizing signal that is a combination of vertical and horizontal sync information used in display and TV systems. ~1ExAs Copyright © 1995, Texas Instruments Incorporated INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 856303 • DAu.AS. TEXAS 75265 2-175 TLC5733 20 MSPS 3-CHANNEL ANALOG~TO-DIGITAL CONVERTER WITH HIGH-PRECISION CLAMP SLAS104-JULY 1995 AVAilABLE OPTIONS PACKAGE TA QUAD FlATPACK -20·C to 75·C TLC5733IPM functional block diagram r---------------, C~A I AIN RT A II IDJ r I ClPOUTA BIN "-jI ClPV B ClPOUTB CIN RT C I I iI I Clamp Circuit • I 8 ADC (Sampling Comparators) "-j' I II Clamp CIrCuit r--8 I II I I I I ~ ADC (Sampling Comparstors) I -:1 I Clamp Circuit ~I I I I I ClKA . - E~ClP------~~co::nt:rc;I;.Fo:rl ClK B ' - INT/E~ I-Clamp Circuit ------+1.=:::.:::..:::1 ClKC . - Multiplexer For Output Format 8 ~....- CD1-8 Output Data Latch iii Clock Generator j ---r-'j "-T-ClK INIT -!!1 TEXAS' 2-176 BD1-8 Output Data latch 8 ~----------- --~~ ClPEN ------..... 8 ~.....- 1~81 II • IDJ I ClPV C i NT/PAL AD1-8 II ~ I~--------------, ClKC I ~C ClPOUTC ~8 I~--------------~ ClKB I RT B l l i J ! ~B I 8 8 ~.....ADC t-~~~+_-----~-~ (Sampling Output Data Comparators) r--8 I latch ~A ! ClPV A i I '. INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALlAS. TEXAS 75285 Output Format Selector and Teat MODEO ..... 1 -_ _ MODE1 H----- TEST TLC5733 20 MSPS 3·CHANNEL ANALOG·TO-DIGITAL CONVERTER WITH HIGH·PRECISION CLAMP SLAS104-JULY 1995 Terminal Functions TERMINAL NAME AAVCC AD8-ADI AIN BAVCC BD8-BDl BIN CAVCC CD8-CDl NO. DESCRIPTION I/O 62 I 6-13 0 Data output of ADC A (LSB: AD1, MSB:AD8) 63 I Analog input of ADC A Analog VCC of ADC B Analog VCC of ADC A 51 I 17-24 0 Data output of ADC B (LSB: BD1, MSB:BD8) 50 I Analog input of ADC B 30 I Analog VCC of ADC C 36-43 0 Data output of ADC C (LSB:CD1, MSB: CD8) When MODEO = L, MODEl = L, CD8 outputs MSB flag of BD8-BD5 When MODEO = L, MODEl = L, CD7 outputs MSB flag of BD8-BD5 When MODEO = L, MODEl = H, CD8 outputs B channel flag of CD8-BDl When MODEO = L, MODEl = H, CD8 outputs B channel flag of CD8-BDl CIN 31 I Analog input of ADC C CLK 56 I Clock input. The clock frequency is normally 4 fsc for most video systems (see Table 3). The nominal clock frequency is 14.31818 MHz for NTSC and 17.745 MHz for PAL. CLPEN 57 I Clamp enable. When using an internal clamp pulse, CLPEN should be high. When USing an external clamp pulse, CLPEN should be low. CLPOUTA 59 54 CLPOUTC 27 CLPVA 60 0 0 0 0 Clamping bias current of ADC A. A resistor-capacitor combination is used to set the clamp timing. CLPOUTB CLPVB 63 0 Clamping level of ADC B. A capacitor is connected to CLPV B to set the clamp timing. The clamp level at this terminal is connected to an output code of 128 (1000000). CLPVC 28 0 Clamping level of ADC C. A capacitor is connected to CLPV C to set the clamp timing. The clamp level at this terminal Is connected to an output code of 128 (1000000). Clamping bias current of ADC B. A resistor-capacitor combination is used to set the clamp timing. Clamping bias current of ADC C. A resistor-capacitor combination is used to set the clamp timing. Clamping level of ADC A. A capaCitor is connected to CLPV A to set the clamp timing. The clamp level at this terminal is connected to an output code of 16 (0010000). DGND 15 I Digital ground DVDD EXTCLP 26 I 55 I Digital VDD Extemal clamp pulse input. When this terminal is low and CLPEN Is low, the Intemal clamp circuit cannot be used. GNDA 64 I Ground of ADC A GNDB 49 I Ground of ADC B GNDC 32 I Ground of ADC C INIT 58 I Output initialized. The output data is synchronous when INIl: is taken high from low. This control terminal allows the external system to initialize the TLC5733 data conversion cycle. It Is usually used upon power up or system reset. Output format mode selector 0 MODEO 46 I MODEl 45 I Output format mode selector 1 NT/PAL 3 I NTSC/PAL control. The NTSC/PAL terminal should be: NTSC = low level, PAL = high level. OEA 2 I Output enable of ADC A CEB 47 I Output enable of ADC B CEC 34 I Output enable of ADC C QADGND 5 I Digital ground for output port of ADC A QADVDD QBDGND 14 I Digital VDD for output of ADC A 25 I Digital ground for output of ADC B QBDVDD 16 I Digital VDD for output of ADC B ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 656303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 2-177 TLC5733 20 MSPS a·CHANNEL ANALOG·TO·DIGITAL CONVERTER WITH HIGH·PRECISION CLAMP . SLAS104,,"JUI.,Y 1996 Terminal Functions (Continued) TERMINAL NAME NO. 110 DESCRIPTION aCDGND 44 I Digital ground for output of ADC C aCDVDD 35 I Digital VDD for output of ADC C RBA 1 I Reference voltage bottom of ADC A RBB 48 I Reference voltage bottom of ADC B RBC 33 I RTA 61 I Reference voltage bottom of ADC C Reference voltage top of ADC A. The nominal extemaly applied DC voltage between the AT A terminal and the RB A terminal is 2 V for video signals. RTB 52 I ATC 29 TEST 4 Reference voltage top of ADC B. The nominal extemaly applied DC voltage between the AT B terminal and the RB B terminal Is 2 V for video signals. Reference voltage top of ADC C. The nominal extemaly applied DC voltage between the RT C terminal and the RB C terminal is 2 V for video signals. I Test. This terminal should be tied low when using this device. absolute maximum ratlngst Supply voltage, Vee, Voo .....••...•.•........•............................................. 7 V Reference voltage input range,Vref(RT A), Vref(RT B), Vref(RT e), Vref(RB A), Vref(RB B),.Vref(RB e) ........................................................... AGND to vee Analog input voltage range ....•.................................................... AGND to Vee Digital input voltage range, VI ....................................................... DGND to Voo Digital output voltage range, Vo .................................................... DGND to Voo Operating free~air temperature range, TA ............................................ -20 oe to 75°e Storage temperature range, TStg •.•...............•............................... -55°C to 150°C t Stresses beyond those listed under "absolute maximum ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional oper;ation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under "recommended operating conditions" is not implied. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. recommended operating conditions Supply vQltage MIN NOM MAX VCC-AGND 4.75 5 5.25 VDD-DGND AGND-DGND 4.75 5 5.25 -100 0 Reference input voltage, VreflRT AI, VreflRT BI, VreflAT CI Reference Input voltage, VreflRB AI, VreflRB BI, VreflRB CI Analog input voltage, VI High-level input voltage, VIH VrefIRBI+2 0 0 V 100 mV VCC VreflRn- 2 V VreflRn V 4 Low-level Input voltage, VIL UNIT V V 1 V High-level pulse duration, twlHI 25 ns Low-level pulse duration, twIll 25 ns Setup time for INIT input, tau1 5 -20 Operating free-air temperature range, TA ~TEXAS 2-178 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 ns 75 ·C TLC5733 20 MSPS 3·CHANNEL ANALOG-TO·DIGITAL CONVERTER WITH HIGH·PRECISION CLAMP SLAS104 - JULY 1996 = = = = = electrical characteristics at Voo 5 V, Vref(RT) 2.5 V, Vref(BB) 0.5 V, fs 20 MSPS, TA 25°C (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER Clamp level accuracy TEST CONDITIONS Relerence voltage resistor Measured between AT and RB Analog inpu1 capacitance VI = 1.5 V + 0.07 Vrms IlL IOH High-level inpu1 current Low-level inpu1 current High-level Outpu1 current VOD-MAXt, VOO-MAXt, VOO-MINt, VIH-VOO VIL-O VOH • VOO-0.5 V IOL Low-level Outpu1 current VOO-MINt, VOL- 0.4 V Rrel Ci IIH MIN TYP ±1 MAX 160 220 350 LSB 16 5 -1.5 = jIA mA 2.5 High-level outpu1leakage current VOO=MAXt, VOH-VOD Low-level outpu1leakage current VOD=MINt, VOL-O IOZL NTSC ramp wave input Supply current Is ·20MSPS, ICC t Conditions marked MIN or MAX are as stated In recommended operating conditions. = a pF 5 IOZH = UNIT = 16 16 jIA 75 mA = operating characteristics atVOO 5 V, Vref(RT) 2.5 V, Vref(RB) 0.5 V, fs 20 MSPS, TA 25°C (unless otherwise noted) Ezs PARAMETER Zero-scale error EFS Full-scale error TEST CONDITIONS Vref - REFT - REFB - 2 V Vref - REFT - REFB - 2 V Is ·20MSPS, Is. 20 MSPS, TA. -20'C to 75'C MIN -18 TYP -43 -20 0 20 ±0.4 ±0.75 VI • 0.5 V to 2.5 V EL Linearity error Is =20MSPS, VI = 0.5 Vt02.5 V ED Linearity error, differential Is -20MSPS, TA - -20"C to 75'C VI = 0.5 V to 2.5 V Is BW Maximum conversion rate VI_ 0.5 V -2.5 V, II - 1-kHz ramp wave lorm Analog input bandwidth At-1 dB 14 tpd O~~ou1putdelaytime CL-10pF 18 Differential gain Differential phase tAJ lips VI • 0.5 V to 2.5 V NTSC 40 IRE modulation wave, Is -14.3 MSPS Aperture jitter time Sampling delay time MAX -68 ±0.4 ±1 ±0.3 ±0.5 ±0.3 ±0.75 20 UNIT mV mV LSB LSB MSPS 1% 0.7 MHz 30 ns deg 30 ps 4 ns ~1EXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALlAS. TEXAS 75286 2-179 TlC5733 20 MSPS 3·CHANNEl ANALOG·TO·DIGITAlCONVERTER WITH HIGH·PRECISION CLAMP . SLAS104 - JULY 1995 detailed description clamp function The clamp function is optimized for a YUV video signal and has two clamp modes. The first mode uses the COMPOSITE SYNC signal as the input to the EXTCLP terminal to generate an internal clamp pulse and the second mode uses an externally generated clamp pulse as the input t.o the EXTCLP terminal. In the first mode, the device detects false pulses in the COMPOSITE SYNC signal by monitoring the rising edges and falling edges of the COMPOSITE SYNC signal pulses. This monitoring prevents faulty operation caused by disturbances and missing pulses of. the COMPOSITE SYNC signal input on EXTCLP and external spike noise. When fault pulses are detected, the device internally generates a train of clamp pulses at the proper positions (1 H) by an internal 91 O-counterfor NTSC and a 1136-counter for PAL. The device checks clamp pulses for 1H time and generates clamp pulses at correct positions if COMPOSITE SYNC pulses are in error in time. The internal counter continually produces a horizontal sync period (1 H) that is NTSC or PAL compatible as selected by the condition of the NT/PAL terminal. clamp voltages and selection Table 1 shows the clamping level during the clamp interval. Table 2 shows the selection ofthe internal or external clamp pulse. With either NTSC or PAL, the internal clamp pulse is always used. Table 1. Clamp Level (Internal Connection Level) CHANNEL OF ADC OUTPUT CODE APPLICATION ADCA.VI(A) 00010000 10000000 10000000 (U, V) ADCB.VI(Bt ADCC.VIICI Y (U, V) Table 2. Clamp Level (Internal Connection Level) FUNCTION (EACH ADC) CONDITION CLPEN L H CLAMP PULSE . EXTCLP NT/PAL INTERNAL CLAMP It Don't Care Inactive L Don't Care Inactive No clamping L Active Synchronous with NTSC H Active Synchronous with PAL COMPOSITE SYNC input External clamp pulse The clamp circuit is shown in Figure 6. The clamp voltage is stored on capacitor C2 during the back porch of the horizontal blanking period. During the clamp pulse the input to channel A is clamped to Vc(A} = (16/256) x (voltage difference from terminal RT A to RB A) VC(B} = (128/256) x (voltage difference from terminal RT B to RB B) Vc(C} = (128/256) x (voltage difference from terminal RT C to RB C) COMPOSITE SYNC time monitoring When CLPEN is high, COMPOSITE SYNC generates an internal clamp pulse on the horizontal blanking interval back porch. The TLC5733 has atiming window into which the horizontal sync tip must occur. There is a noise time window for the falling edge and a noise time window for the rising edge. Refer to Figure 1, Figure 2, and Table 3. ~TEXAS 2-180 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 TLC5733 20 MSPS 3·CHANNEL ANALOG·TO·DIGITAL CONVERTER WITH HIGH·PRECISION CLAMP SLAS104-JULY 1995 correct COMPOSITE SYNC timing The NOise Gate 1 signal provides the timing window for the COMPOSITE SYNC falling edge. After an interval A of 867 clocks for NTSC or 1075 for PAL from the last falling edge of COMPOSITE SYNC, Noise Gate 1 goes high for 43 clocks for NTSC or 61 clocks for PAL (interval B). The falling edge of the input signal to the EXTCLP terminal can occur at any time within this window to be a valid COMPOSITE SYNC falling edge. The Noise Gate 2 signal provides the timing window for the COMPOSITE SYNC rising edge. On the falling edge of the horizontal sync tip, the internal logic generates Noise Gate 2 as a low signal for 58 clocks (interval C) for both NTSC and PAL and then returns to a high active state. If, at this time, the input to the EXTCLP terminal is still low, it is considered a valid COMPOSITE SYNC signal. normal clamp pulse generation On the rising edge of the COMPOSITE SYNC signal, the internal logic generates an internal delay (interval D) and then generates the internal positive clamp pulse 54 clocks wide (interval F). clamp operation with incorrect COMPOSITE SYNC timing noise suppression If the input to the EXTCLP terminal goes low prior to Noise Gate 1 going high (within 43 clocks for NTSC or 61 clocks for PAL of the normal 1H timing for the falling edge of COMPOSITE SYNC) then that input is not considered a valid COMPOSITE SYNC and is ignored. If the input to the EXTCLP terminal is high when NOise Gate 2 goes to the high state, the input signal is considered noise and is ignored. Therefore, the correct signal must be high a maximum of 43 clocks for NTSC or 61 clocks for PAL, before the 1H timing, to be a valid sync signal. Also, the input to the EXTCLP terminal must be at least 58 clocks wide (interval C) to be valid. This function of monitoring the timing eliminates spurious noise spikes from falsely synchronizing the system. timing error of COMPOSITE SYNC The internal counter resets to zero on the first falling edge of COMPOSITE SYNC. After that time, if there is a missing COMPOSITE SYNC signal, then the internal logic waits an interval of 76 clocks (interval E) for NTSC or 93 for PAL from the counter zero count and then generates an internal clamp pulse 54 cloCks wide (interval F). This function maintains the synchronization pattern when COMPOSITE SYNC is not present. summary of device operation with COMPOSITE SYNC This internal timing allows the TLC5733 to correctly position the clamp pulse when an external COMPOSITE SYNC input occurs as follows: • • • • Is delayed with respect to the horizontal sync period Is early with respect to the horizontal sync period Is nonexistent during the horizontal sync period Has falling edge noise spikes within the horizontal sync period The device operation is summarized as follows for these improper external clamp conditions. • Under all four conditions on the EXTCLP terminal, the internal clamp generation circuit generates a clamp pulse at the proper time after the horizontal sync period as shown in Figure 1. • The TLC5733 internal clamp circuit generates an internal clamp pulse each 1H time for the entire time interval that the COMPOSITE SYNC input is missing. ~ThxAs INSTRUMENTS POST OFFice BOX 665303 • DALLAS. TexAS 75265 2~181 TLC5733 , 20 MSPS 3-CHANNEL ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTER WITH HIGH-PRECISION CLAMP SLAS104-JULY1995 1~.----------1H------------~.~ COMPOSITE SYNC I ! I B -lr---.-....,..r----.:..- - - A ---------~.r-I Noise Gate 1 NolseQate2 _ II I-_~ ct:f i Intemsl Clamp Pulse I I f..--.J! .'" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--'. / ~~I'~I. .----- 1,'1 D-.j . Missing COMPOSITE SYNC therefore Noise Gate Is Not Generated I I j+- NTSCIPAL Counter at Max Count NTSc/PAL Counter R_t Figure 1. COMPOSITE SYNC and Internal Clamp Timing COMPOSITE SYNC ~\j /II/! -ri________ __ __________ I Noise Gate 1 ~r-B~~I I I I I I I ~~ Noise Gate 2 I Figure 2. Proper COMPOSITE SYNC Timing Table 3. Sync and Clamp Timing for NTSC and PAL with CLK = 4 fsc TIME INTERVAL PAL NTSC NO. OF CLOCKS TIME (jJ.s) NO. OF CLOCKS TIME (jJ.s) A 867 60.8 1075 B 43 61 3.5 C 0 58 3 4.05 58 3.27 E 76 0.42 5.3 6 93 5.25 3.77 84 4.43 MHz F fsc 6 54 3.58 MHz 60.7 0.34 4.74 using an external clamp pulse When CLPEN is taken low, the EXTCLP terminal accepts an externally generated active-high clamp pulse. This pulse must occur within the horizontal blanking interval back porch. CLPEN low inhibits the internal counters and no internal clamp pulse is generated. ~1ExAs . 2-182 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DAllAS. TEXAS 75265 TLC5733 20 M$PS 3-CHANNEL ANALOG;.TO-DIGITAL CONVERTER WITH HIGH-PRECISION CLAMP SLAS104-JULY 1995 output digital code (for each channel of ADC) Table 4. Input Signal Versus Output Digital Code INPUT SIGNAL VOLTAGE STEP Vref(Rn 255 DIGITAL OUTPUT CODE LSB MSB 1 1 1 1 128 1 0 0 0 127 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· · · ··· · ·· Vref1RB) 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 ·· 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 ·· ·· ·· ·· · · · · 0 ·· 0 output data format The TLC5733 can select three output data formats to various TVNCR (video) data processing by the combination of MODEO and MODE1. The output is synchronous when INIT is taken high. Table 5. Output Data Format Selection CONDITION OUTPUT DATA MODEO OUTPUT DATA FORMAT RATIO OF Y:U:V L L Format 1 4:1:1 L H Format 2 4:4:4 H L Format 3 4:2:2 H H Not used NlA MODE1 ~1ExAs INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 2-183 TLC5733 20 MSPS 3-CHANNEL ANALOG·TO·DIGITAL CONVERTER WITH HIGH·PRECISION CLAMP . SIAS104-JULY 1996 output data format (continued) CLK INIT ____", Analog Input VI(ANLG) Output Data A Output Data B BOB-B05 B04-B01: HI·Z Output Data C CDS C07 C08-C01: HI-Z o = Input signal sampling point Figure 3. Format 1, 4:1:1 ~1ExAs 2-184 INSIRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 666303. DALlAS. TEXAS 7 _ TLC5733 20 MSPS 3-CHANNEL ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTER WITH HIGH-PRECISION CLAMP SLAS104-JULY 1995 output data format (continued) Ir---.~ Bit A06 I L-~ L---. Value of Sampling Data Channel of ADC Table 6. Format 1 CHANNEL OF ADC BIT A AD8 AD7 AD6 AD5 AD4 AD3 AD2 ADl A08 A07 A06 A05 A04 A03 A02 AOl A18 A17 A16 A15 A14 A13 A12 All A28 A27 A26 A25 A24 A23 BD8 BD7 BD6 BD5 BD4 BD3 BD2 BDl B08 B07 C08 C07 Hi-Z Hi-Z Hi-Z Hi-Z B06 B05 C06 C05 CD8 CD7 CD6 CD5 CD4 CD3 CD2 CDl H L Hi-Z Hi-Z Hi-Z Hi-Z Hi-Z Hi-Z L L 6 7 B C CLK (see Note 2) NOTES: OUTPUT DATA A21 A38 A37 A36 A35 A34 A33 A32 A31 A48 A47 A46 A45 A44 A43 A42 A41 A58 A57 A56 A55 A54 A53 A52 A51 A68 A67 A66 A65 A64 A63 A62 A61 A78 An A76 A75 A74 A73 A72 A71 B04 B03 C04 C03 B02 BOl CO2 COl B48 B47 048 047 B46 B45 C46 C45 844 B43 C44 C43 B42 B41 C42 041 A22 . L L L H H L L L L L L H ... ~ 8 9 10 11 12 13 1. HI-Z - high Impedance 2. The value of the first sampling clock at A-D conversion is CLK O. ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAs. TEXAS 75265 2-185 TLC5733 20 MSPS 3-CHANNEL ANALOG·TO-DIGITAL CONVERTER WITH HIGH·PRECISION CLAMP SLAS104-JULY1996 output data format (continued) INIT ~-+-"I OEA OEB OECAnalog Input VI(ANLG) Output Data A ADS-AD1 Output Data B BDS-BD1 Output Data C CDS-CD1 o - Input signal sampling point Figure 4. Format 2, 4:4:4 ~TEXAS 2-1S6 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 665303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 TLC5733 20 MSPS 3·CHANNEL ANALOG·TO·DIGITAL CONVERTER WITH HIGH·PRECISION CLAMP SLAS104 - JULY 1995 output data format (continued) Ir - -•• Bit A06 I L--. Value of Sampling Data L-. Channel of ADC Table 7. Format 2 CHANNEL OF ADC BIT A AD8 AD7 AD6 AD5 AD4 AD3 AD2 ADl A08 A07 A06 A05 A04 A03 A02 AOl A18 A17 A16 A15 A14 A13 A12 All A28 A27 A26 A25 A24 A23 A22 A21 6D8 6D7 6D6 6D5 6D4 6D3 6D2 6Dl 608 607 606 605 618 617 616 615 614 613 612 611 62.8 627 626 625 624 623 CD8 CD7 CD6 CD5 CD4 CD3 CD2 CDl C08 C07 C06 C05 C28 C27 C26 C25 C24 C23 C22 C2l C38 C37 C36 C35 C03 CO2 COl C18 C17 C16 C15 C14 C13 C12 Cll 6 7 8 6 C ClK (see Note 2) OUTPUT DATA B04 603 602 601 C04 B22 621 A38 A37 A36 A35 A34 A48 A47 A46 A45 A44 A43 A42 A41 A58 A57 A56 A55 A54 A53 A52 A51 A68 A67 A66 A65 A64 A63 A62 A61 A78 A77 A76 A75 A74 A73 A72 A71 648 647 646 645 644 643 642 641 658 657 656 655 654 653 652 651 668 667 666 665 664 663 662 661 678 677 676 675 674 673 672 671 C33 C32 C31 C48 C47 C46 C45 C44 C43 C42 C4l C58 C57 C56 C55 C54 C53 C52 C51 C68 C67 C66 C65 C64 C63 C62 C61 C76 C75 C74 C73 C72 C71 9 10 11 12 13 A33 A32 A31 638 637 636 635 B34 633 632 631 C34 C78 cn NOTE 2: The value of the first sampling clock at A-D conversion IS ClK O. . I~TEXAS NSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 666303 • OAUAS. TEXAS 75265 2-187 TLC5733 20 MSPS 3·CHANNEL ANALOG·TO·DIGITAL CONVERTER WITH HIGH·PRECISION CLAMP SLAS104 - JULY 1995 output data format (continued) CLK INIT -I-....,j-"I OEA OEB OECAnalog Input VI(ANLG) Output Data A ADS-ADl Output Data B BDS-BDl Output Data C CDS CD7 CDS-COl: HI-Z o - Input signal sampling point Figure 5. Format 3, 4:2:2 ~IJ TEXAS 2-188 NSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 TLC5733 20 MSPS 3-CHANNEL ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTER WITH HIGH-PRECISION CLAMP SLAS104-JULY 1995 output data format (continued) 'I- - . . Bit A06 I L-. Value of Sampling Data L---. Channel of ADC Table 8. Format 3 CHANNEL OF ADC A 8 C ClK (see Note 2) BIT A08 A07 A06 A05 A04 A03 A02 AOl B08 807 B06 805 804 B03 802 801 C08 C07 C06 C05 C04 C03 CO2 COl OUTPUT DATA AOS A07 A06 A05 A04 A03 A02 A01 BOS 807 806 B05 A18 A17 A16 A15 A14 A13 A12 All A28 A27 A38 A48 A58 A37 A47 A57 A26 A38 A25 A35 A48 A45 A24 A23 A34 A56 A55 A54 A68 A67 A66 A65 A64 A63 A62 A61 868 867 A44 A43 A42 A41 848 847 846 A51 048 047 046 B45 C45 844 044 B43 B42 C43 C42 861 A53 A78 A77 A76 A75 A74 A73 A72 A71 068 C67 C66 A22 A33 A32 B03 C07 C06 COO C04 C03 A21 828 827 826 825 824 823 A31 028 027 026 025 024 023 B02 CO2 B22 C22 801 COl 821 841 H L Hi-Z HI-Z Hi-Z HI-Z Hi-Z Hi-Z L H H L 021 l H 041 l H C64 C63 C62 C61 l H l H l H 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 B04 cos A52 B66 865 B64 863 B62 C65 NOTES: 1. HI-Z. high Impedance 2. The value of the first sampling clock at A-O conversion is ClK O. ~1ExAs INS1RUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 656303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 2--189 TLC5733· 20 MSPS 3-CHANNEL ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTER WITH HIGH-PRECISION CLAMP SLAS104-JULY 1995 APPLICATION INFORMATION I~----------~--------~-----TlC5733 I I Vref (Top) RT A (RTB, RTC) Video Input ClK AID 2V(pp) Output Format Control Block Video Buffer Amp Vref (Bottom) Charge Pump .------., I Magnitude Comparator ClPVA (ClPVB, ClPVC) P=Q R1 I I 16kn I I I I C1 I ClPOUT A I T 2200 pF I (ClP OUT B, II.. _ rh_ _ _ _ .JI ClP OUT C) P , .... _ _-' 1-----+-1 P > Q Q Charge Pump '----+--- FUNCTION FOR FEEDBACK CLAMP AND CHARGE PUMP INPUT DATA CONDITIONS· P Q OUTPUT CHARGE PUMP CONDITIONS P=Q P"'>Q Active H Charge Hold Z Hold Active L Discharge Figure 6. Feedback Clamp .Clrcult ~TEXAS . 2-190 P/'88etCode INSTRUMENTS POST OFACE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 Clamp Gate TLV1543C,TLV1543M 3.3-V 10-81T ANALOG·TO·DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 ANALOG INPUTS - DECEMBER 1992- • • • • • • • • • • MARCH 1995 DB, DW, FK, J, OR N PACKAGE (TOP VIEW) 3.3-V Supply Operation 10-Blt-Resolutlon AID Converter 11 Analog Input Channels Three Built-In Self-Test Modes Inherent Sample and Hold Total Unadjusted Error ••• ± 1 LSB Max On-Chip System Clock End-of-Converslon (EOC) Output Pin Compatible With TLC1543 CMOS Technology Vcc AO EOC 1/0 CLOCK ADDRESS DATA OUT CS REF+ REF- A3 A6 A7 AS GND description FNPACKAGE (TOP VIEW) The TLV1543C and TLV1543M are CMOS 1Q-bit, switched-capacitor, successive-approximation, analog-to-digital converters. These devices have three inputs and a 3-state output [chip select (CS), input-output clock (I/O CLOCK), address input (ADDRESS), and data output (DATA OUnJ that provide a direct 4-wire interface to the serial port of a host processor. The devices allow high-speed data transfers from the host. 00 ~<~$'@ A3 4 3 2 1 20 1918 1/0 CLOCK A4 A5 A6 A7 5 6 ADDRESS DATA OUT 17 16 7 15 8 14 9 10 11 12 13 as REF+ In addition to a high-speed AID converter and versatile control capability, these devices have an on-chip 14-channel multiplexer that can select any ~ ~ ~ ~ .1one of 11 analog inputs or anyone ofthree internal C!' ~ self-test voltages. The sample-and-hold function is automatic. At the end of AID conversion, the end-of-conversion (EOC) output goes high to indicate that conversion is complete. The converter incorporated in the devices features differential high-impedance reference inputs that facilitate ratiometric conversion, scaling, and isolation of analog circuitry from logic and supply noise. A switched-capacitor design allows low-error conversion over the full operating free-air temperature range. The TLV1543C is characterized for operation from O°C to 70°C. The TLV1543M is characterized for operation over the full military temperature range of -55°C to 125°C. AVAILABLE OPTIONS PACKAGE SMALL OUTLINE (DB) SMALL OUTLINE (DW) 0·Ct070·C TLV1543CDB TLVl543CDW -55·C to 125·C - - TA CHIP CARRIER (FK) CERAMIC DIP_ (J) - - TLVl543MFK TLVl543MJ I~TEXAS NSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 8S5303 • DAUAS. TEXAS 75266 PLASTIC DIP (N) PLASTIC CHIP CARRIER (FN) TLVl543CN TLVl543CFN - - Copyright II:) 1995. Texas Instruments Incorporated 2-191 TLV1543C,TLV1543M 3.3-V 10-81T ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 ANALOG INPUTS SLAS072C - DECEMBER 1992 - REVISED MARCH 1995 functional block diagram AO A1 A2 A3 A4 AS A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 1 "2 t--- 3" 4" S- a7" 8 Sample and Hold REF+ REF- 114 113 10-SIt Analog-to-Dlgltal Converter (switched capacitors) - 10 14-Channel Analog Multiplexer ~ 9 11 12 -= ~ Input Address Register - Output Data Register I ~ 1D-to-1 Data Selector and Driver r1!- DATA OUT ~ 4 3 "- ~ ADDRESS 1/0 CLOCK CS Self-Test Reference I System Clock, Control LogiC, and 1/0 Counters 19 EOC 17 ~ 18 I 15 typical equivalent inputs INPUT CIRCUIT IMPEDANCE DURING SAMPLING MODE INPUT CIRCUIT IMPEDANCE DURiNG HOLD MODE 1 kOTYP AO-A10~ I AO-A10~· CI= 60 pF TYP (equivalent Input capacitance) ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS . 2-192 POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DAUAS; TEXAS 75265 ~ 5 MOTYP . I " TLV1543C,TLV1543M 3.3-V 10-81T ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SE·RIAL CONTROL AND 11 ANALOG INPUTS SLAS072C - DECEMBER 1992 - REVISED MARCH 1995 Terminal Functions TERMINAL I/O DESCRIPTION 17 I Serial address. A 4-bit serial address selects the desired analog input or test voltage that is to be converted next. The address data is presented with the MSB first and is shifted in on the first four rising edges of I/O CLOCK. After the four address bits have been read into the address register, ADDRESS is ignored for the remainder of the current conversion period. 1-9,11, 12 I Analog signal. The 11 analog inputs are applied to AO-Al0 and are internally multiplexed. The driving source impedance should be less than or equal to 1 kO. CS 15 I Chip select. A high-to-Iowtransition on CS resets the internal counters and controls and enables DATA OUT, ADDRESS, and I/O CLOCK within a maximum of a setup time plus two falling edges of the internal system clock. A low-to-high transition disables ADDRESS and I/O CLOCK within a setup time plus two falling edges of the internal system clock. DATA OUT 16 a The 3-state serial output for the AID conversion result. DATA OUT is in the high-impedance state when CS is high and active when CS is low. With a valid chip select, DATA OUT is removed from the high-impedance state and is driven to the logic level corresponding to the MSB value of the previous conversion result. The nextfalling edge of I/O CLOCK drives DATA OUT to the logic level corresponding to the next most significant bit, and the remaining bits are shifted out In order with the LSB appearing on the ninth falling edge of I/O CLOCK. On the tenth falling edge of I/O CLOCK, DATA OUT is driven to a low logic level so that serial interface data transfers of more than ten clocks produce zeroes as the unused LSBs. EOC 19 a End of conversion. EOC goes from a high- to a low-logic level on the trailing edge of the tenth I/O CLOCK and remains low until the conversion is complete and data are ready for transfer. GND 10 I The ground return terminal for the internal circuitry. Unless otherwise noted, all voltage measurements are with respect to GND. I/O CLOCK 18. I Input/output clock. I/O CLOCK receives the serial I/O CLOCK input and performs the following four functions: 1) It clocks the four input address bits into the address register on the first four rising edges of I/O CLOCK with the multiplex address available after the fourth rising edge. 2) On the fourth falling edge of I/O CLOCK,the analog input voltage on the selected multiplex input begins charging the capaCitor array and continues to do so until the tenth falling edge of Ifa CLOCK. 3) It shifts the nine remaining bits of the previous conversion data out on DATA OUT. 4) It transfers control of the conversion to the internal state controller on the falling edge of the tenth clock. REF+ 14 I The upper reference voltage value (nominally VCC) is applied to REF +. The maximum input voltage range is determined by the difference between the voltage applied to REF + and the voltage applied to the REFterminal. REF- 13 I The lower reference voltage value (nominally ground) is applied to REF-. VCC 20 I POSitive supply voltage NAME ADDRESS AO-Al0 NO. detailed description With chip select (CS) inactive (high), the ADDRESS and I/O CLOCK inputs are initially disabled and DATA OUT is in the high-impedance state. When the serial interface takes CS active (low), the conversion sequence begins with the enabling of I/O CLOCK and ADDRESS and the removal of DATA OUT from the high-impedance state. The host then provides the 4-bit channel address to ADDRESS and the I/O CLOCK sequence to 1/0 CLOCK. During this transfer, the host serial interface also receives the previous conversion result from DATA OUT. I/O CLOCK receives an input sequence that is between 10 and 16 clocks long from the host. The first four I/O clocks load the address register with the 4-bit address on ADDRESS selecting the desired analog channel and the next six clocks providing the control timing for sampling the analog input. ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DAlJ.AS, TEXAS 75265 2-193 TLV1543C,TLV1543M 3.3-V 1()'BIT ANALOG·TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 ANALOG INPUTS SLAS072C - DECEMBER 1992 - REVISED MARCH 1995 detailed description (continued) There are six basic serial interface timing modes that can be used with the device. These modes are determined by the speed of 1/0 CLOCK and the operation of CS as shown in Table 1. These modes are (1) a fast mode with a 1O-Clock transfer and CS inactive (high) between conversion cycles, (2) a fast mode with a 1O-clock transfer and CS active (low) continuously, (3) a fast mode with an 11-to 16-c10ck transfer and CS inactive (high) between conversion cycles, (4) a fast mode with a 16-bit transfer and CS active (low) continuously, (5) a slow mode with an 11- to 16-clock transfer andCS inactive (high) between conversion cycles, and (6) a slow mode with a 16-clock transfer and CS active (low) continuously. The MSB of the previous conversion appears o~ DATA OUT on the falling edge of CS in mode 1, mode 3, and mode 5, on the rising edge of EOC in mode 2 and mode 4, and following the 16th clock falling edge in mode 6. The remaining nine bits are shifted out on the next nine falling edges of 1/0 CLOCK. Ten bits of data are transmitted to the host through DATA OUT. The number of serial clock pulses used also depends on the mode of operation, but aminimum often clock pulses is required for conversion to begin. On the 10th clock falling edge, the EOC output goes low and returns to the high logic level when conversion is complete and the result can be read by the host. On the 10th clock falling edge, the internal logic takes DATA OUT low to ensure that the remaining bit values are zero if the I/O CLOCK transfer is more than ten clocks long. Table 1 lists the operational modes with respect to the state of CS, the number of I/O serial transfer clocks that can be used, and the timing edge on which the MSB of the previous conversion appears at the output. Table 1. Mode Operation cs MODES Fast Modes Slow Modes Mode 1 High between conversion cycles Mode 2 .Mode 3 Low continuously High between conversion cycles NO. OF 110 CLOCKS Mode 4 Low continuously High between conversion cycles ModeS Mode 6 Low continuously t These edges also initiate serlal-interfaca communication. :I: No more than 16 clocks should be used. MSS AT DATA ourt TIMING DIAGRAM 10 10 11 to 16:1: 16:1: CS falling edge Figure 9 EOC rising edge CS falling edge Figure 10 Figure 11 EOC rising edge Figure 12 11 to 16:1: 16:1: CS falling edge 16th clock falling edge Figure 13 Figure 14 fast modes The device is in a fast mode when the serial I/O CLOCK data transfer is completed before the conversion is completed. With a 1O-Clock serial transfer, the device can only run in a fast mode since a conversion does not begin until the falling edge of the 10th I/O CLOCK. mode 1: fast mode, CS Inactive (hIgh) between conversion cycles, 1o-clock transfer In this mode, CS is inactive (high) between serial I/O CLOCK transfers and each transfer is ten clocks long. The fal!!!!g edge of CS begins the sequence by removing DATA OUT from the high-impedance state. The rising edge of ~ ends the sequence by returning DATA OUT to the high-impedance state within the specified delay time. Also, the rising edge of CS disables the I/O CLOCK and ADDRESS terminals within a setup time plus two falling edges of the internal system clock. mode 2: fast mode, 'OS active (low) continuously, 1~/ock transfer In this mode, CS is active (low) between serial I/O CLOCK transfers and each transfer is ten clocks long. After the initial conversion cycle, CS is held active (low) for subsequent conversions; the riSing edge of EOC then begins each sequence by removing DATA OUT from the low logic level, allowing the MSB of the previous conversion to appear immediately on this output. ~TEXAS 2-194 INSTRUMENTS POST OFfiCE BOX 665303 e. DAUAS. TEXAS 75265 TLY1543C,TLY1543M 3.3-Y 10-BIT ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONYERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 ANALOG INPUTS SLAS072C - DECEMBER 1992 - REVISED MARCH 1995 mode 3: fast mode, CS Inactive (high) between conversion cycles, 11- to 16-clock transfer In this mode, CS is inactive (high) between serial I/O CLOCK transfers and each transfer can be 11 to 16 clocks long. The falling edge of CS begins the sequence by removing DATA OUT from the high-impedance state. The rising edge of CS ends the sequence by returning DATA OUT to the high-impedance state within the specified delay time. Also, the rising edge of CS disables the I/O CLOCK and ADDRESS terminals within a setup time plus two falling edges of the internal system clock. mode 4: fast mode, CS active (low) continuously, 16-clock transfer In this mode, CS is active (low) between serial I/O CLOCK transfers and each transfer must be exactly 16 clocks long. After the initial conversion cycle, CS is held active (low) for subsequent conversions; the rising edge of EOC then begins each sequence by removing DATA OUT from the low logic level, allowing the MSB of the previous conversion to appear immediately on this output. slow modes In a slow mode, the conversion is completed before the serial I/O CLOCK data transfer is completed. A slow mode requires a minimum 11-clock transfer into I/O CLOCK, and the rising edge of the eleventh clock must occur before the conversion period is complete; otherwise, the device loses synchronization with the host serial interface, and CS has to be toggled to initialize the system. The eleventh rising edge of the 1/0 CLOCK must occur within 9.5 J.lS after the tenth I/O clock falling edge. mode 5: slow mode, CS Inactive (high) between conversion cycles, 11- to 16-clock transfer In this mode, CS is inactive (high) between serial I/O CLOCK transfers and each transfer can be 11 to 16 clocks long. The falling edge of CS begins the sequence by removing DATA OUT from the high-impedance state. The rising edge of CS ends the sequence by returning DATA OUT to the high-impedance state within the specified delay time. Also, the rising edge of CS disables the I/O CLOCK and ADDRESS terminals within a setup time plus two falling edges of the internal system clock. mode 6: slow mode, CS active (low) continuously, 16-clock transfer In this mode, CS is active (low) between serial I/O CLOCK transfers and each transfer must be exactly 16 clocks long. After the initial conversion cycle, CS is held active (low) for subsequent conversions. The falling edge of the sixteenth I/O CLOCK then begins each sequence by removing DATA OUT from the low state, allowing the MSB of the previous conversion to appear immediately at DATA OUT. The device is then ready for the next 16-clock transfer initiated by the serial interface. address bits The 4-bit analog channel-select address for the next conversion cycle is presented to the ADDRESS terminal (MSB first) and is clocked into the address register on the first four leading edges of I/O CLOCK. This address selects one of 14 inputs (11 analog inputs or 3 internal test inputs). analog inputs and test modes The 11 analog inputs and the 3 internal test inputs are selected by the 14-channel multiplexer according to the input address as shown in Tables 2 and 3. The input multiplexer is a break-before-make type to reduce input-to-input noise injection resulting from channel switching. Sampling of the analog input starts on the falling edge of the fourth I/O CLOCK, and sampling continues for six I/O CLOCK periods. The sample is held on the falling edge of the tenth 1/0 CLOCK. The three test inputs are applied to the multiplexer, sampled, and converted in the same manner as the external analog inputs. ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 665303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 2-195 -TLV1543C,TLV1543M 3.3·V 1()'BIT ANALOG·TO·DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 ANALOG INPUTS SLAS072C - DECEMBER 1992 - REVISED ,MARCH 1995 Table 2. Analog-Channel-Select Address ANALOG INPUT SELECTED VALUE SHIFTED INTO ADDRESS INPUT BINARY HEX AO 0000 0 A1 0001 1 A2 0010 2 A3 0011 3 A4 0100 A5 0101 4 5' A6 0110 6 A7 0111 7 A8 1000 8 A9 1001 9 A10 1010 A Table 3. Test-Mode-Select Address INTERNAL SELF·TEST VOLTAGE SELECTEDt Vref+ - Vref2 VALUE SHIFTED INTO ADDRESS INPUT BINARY HEX 1011 B OUTPUT RESULT (HExF 200 1100 C 000 Vref3FF 1101 0 Vref+ t Vref+isthevoltageappliecitothe REF + input, andVref_isthevoltageappliecftothe REFinput. :j: The output results shown are the ideal values and vary with the reference stability and with internal offsets. converter and analog Input The CMOS threshold detector in the successive-approximation conversion system determines each bit by examining the charge on a series of binary-weighted capaCitors (see Figure 1). In the first phase of the conversion process, the analog input is sampled by closing the Se switch and aU Sr switches simultaneously. This action charges aU the capacitors to the input voltage. In the next phase of the conversion process, aU Sr and Sc switches are opened and the threshold detector begins identifying bits by identifying the charge (voltage) on each capacitor relative to the reference (REF-) voltage. In the switching sequence, ten capacitors are examined separately until aU ten bits are identified and the charge-convert sequence is repeated. In the first step of the conversion phase, the threshold detector looks at the first capacitor (weight = 512). Node 512 of this capacitor is switched to the REF+ voltage, and the equivalent nodes of aU the other capacitors on the ladder are switched to REF-. If the voltage at the summing node is greater than the trip point of the threshold detector (approximately one-half the Vee voltage), a bit 0 is placed in the output register and the 512-weight capacitor is switched to REF-. If the voltage at the summing node is less than the trip point of the threshold detector, a bit 1 is placed in the register and the 512-weight capacitor remains connected to REF + through the remainder of the successive-approximation process. The process is repeated for the 256-weight capaCitor, the 128-weight capacitor, and so forth down the line until aU bits are counted. With each step of the successive-approximation process, the initial charge is redistributed among the capaCitors. The conversion process relies on charge redistribution to count and weigh the bits from MSB to LSB. ~1ExAs 2-196 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 TLV1543C, TLV1543M 3.3·V 10-81T ANALOG·TO·DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 ANALOG INPUTS SLAS072C - DECEMBER 1992 - REVISED MARCH 1995 converter and analog Input (continued) Se Threshold Detector 25J 1281 '-;:,t~t;:;t;;t~t~t~t~f ~T 51~ 'j 18 To Output Latches REF-~_;EF- ~_:EF-~_;EF-~_;EF-~_s~EF-~_;EF-~_:EF-~_ REF-~_ .j j j \J j j j j j Figure 1. Simplified Model of the Successive-Approximation System chip-select operation The trailing edge of CS starts all modes of operation, and CS can abort a conversion sequence in any mode. A high-to-Iow transition on CS within the specified time during an ongoing cycle aborts the cycle, and the device returns to the initial state (the contents of the output data register remain at the previous conversion result). Exercise care to prevent CS from being taken low close to completion of conversion because the output data can be corrupted. reference voltage Inputs There are two reference inputs used with these devices: REF + and REF-. These voltage values establish the upper and lower limits of the analog input to produce a full-scale and zero-scale reading respectively. The values of REF+, REF-, and the analog input should not exceed the positive supply or be lower than GND consistent with the specified absolute maximum ratings. The digital output is at full scale when the input signal is equal to or higher than REF+ and at zero when the input Signal is equal to or lower than REF-. absolute maximum ratings over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)t Supply voltage range, Vee (see Note 1): TLV1543C ................................. -0.5 V to 6.5 V TLV1543M ................................... -0.5 V to 6 V Input voltage range, VI (any input) ............................................ -0.3 V to Vee + 0.3 V Output voltage range, Vo .........................................•......... -0.3 V to Vee + 0.3 V Positive reference voltage, Vref+ ...................................................... Vee + 0.1 V Negative reference voltage, Vref- .......................................................... -0.1 V Peak input current (any input) ........................................................... ±20 mA Peak total input current (all inputs) ....................................................... ±30 mA Operating free-air temperature range, TA: TLV1543C ................................... O°C to 70°C TLV1543M ............................... -55°C to 125°C Storage temperature range, Tstg .................................................. -65°C to 150°C Lead temperature 1,6 mm (1/16 inch) from the case for 10 seconds ............................ 260°C t Stresses beyond those listed under "absolute maximum ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only. and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under "recommended operating conditions" is not implied. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. NOTE 1: All voltage values are with respect to digital ground with REF - and GND wired together (unless otherwise noted). ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE eox 656303 • OALlAS, TEXAS 75265 2-197 TLV1543C,TLV1543M 3.3-V 1()'BIT'ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 ANALOG INPUTS SLAS072C., DECEMBER 1992 - REVISED MARCH 1995 recommended operating conditions MIN Supply voltage, Vee TLV1543C 3 TLV1543M 3 Positive reference voltage, Vref+ (see Note 2) 2.5 Differential reference voltage, Vref+ - Vref- (see Note 2) Analog Input voltage (see Note 2) Low-level control Input voltage, VIL MAX 5.5 3.6 TLV1543C VCC- 3 V to 5.5 V TLV1543M TLV1543C VCC - 3 V to 3.6 V VCC -3 Vto5.5V TLV1543M VCCa3 Vto3.6V Setup time, address bits at data input before I/O CLOCKi,lsu(A) (see Figure 4) 0 2 VCC UNIT V V V VCC 0 Negative reference voltage, Vref- (see Note 2) High-level control input voltage, VIH NOM 3.3 3.3 V VCC+O.2 V Vee V V 2 V 0.6 V 0.8 V 100 ns Hold time, eddress bits after I/O CLOCKt, tl1{f.l(see Figure 4) 0 ns Hold time, CS low after last I/O CLOCKJ.., th(CS) 0 ns Setup time, CS low before clocking in first address bit,lsu(CS) (see Note 3) Clock frequency at I/O CLOCK (see Note 4) TLC1543C TLC1543M 1.425 1.1 0 2.1 Pulse duration, I/O CLOCK high,!wHClIO) 190 Pulse duration, I/O CLOCK low, twL(I!O) 190 Transition time, I/O CLOCK, tt(ltO) (see Note 5) ns 10 ITLV1543C TLV1543M 0 -55 MHz ns', 1 Transition time, ADDRESS and CS, tteCS) Operating free-alr temperature" TA JIS 0 70 125 JIS JIS ·C NOTES: 2. Analog Input voltages greater than that applied to REF+ convert as all ones (1111111111), while inPut voltages less than that applied to REF- convert as all zeros (0000000000). The device is functional with reference voltages down to 1 V (Vref + - Vref-); however, the electrical specifications are no longer applicable. 3. To minimize errors caused by noise at CS, the interPial circuitry waits for a setup time plus two falling edges of the intemal system clock after CSJ.. before responding to control input signals. No attempt should be made to clock in an address until the minimum CS setup time has elapsed. 4. For 11- to 16-bit transfers, after the tenth I/O CLOCK falling edge (S 2 V), at least one I/O clock rising edge ~ 2 V) must occur within 9.5 JIS. 5. This Is the time required for the clock input signal to fall from VIHmin to VILmax or to rise from VILmax to VIHmin. In the vicinity of normal room temperature, the devices function with input clock transition time as slow as 1 JIS for remote data-acquisition applications where the sensor and the AID converter are placed several feet away from the controlling microprocessor. ~lExAs " 2-198 INSTRUMENTS 'POST OFFICE BOX 665303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75266 TLY1543C, TLY1543M 3.3-Y 10-81T ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONYERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 ANALOG INPUTS SLAS072C - DECEMBER 1992 - REVISED MARCH 1995 electrical characteristics over recommended operating free-air temperature range, Vee = Vref+ = 3 V to 5.5 V, 1/0 CLOCK frequency = 1.1 MHz for the TLV1543C, Vee = Vref+ = 3 V to 3.6 V, 1/0 CLOCK frequency = 2.1 MHz forthe TLV1543M (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS TLVl543e VOH High-level output voltage TLVl543M TLVl543e VOL Low-level output voltage TLV1543M IOH--l.6 mA Vee = 3 Vto 5.5 V. IOH =20 IIA Vee- 3V, IOH --1.6 mA Vee - 3 Vt03.6 V, IOH .20 IIA Vee=3V. IOL= 1.6mA V Vee-0.1 V 2.4 V V Vee-0.1 0.4 V 0.1 V 0.4 V Vee. 3 Vt03.6 V, IOL - 20 IIA 0.1 V 10 -10 VO=O, CS"atVee IIH High-level input current VI-Vee IlL Low-level input current VI-O ICC Operating supply current CSatOV Input capacitance, Control inputs UNIT IOL=1.6mA Vo-Vee. Ci MAX IOL-20 IIA Off-state (high-impedance-state) output current Input capacitance, Analog Inputs TYPt 2.4 Vee = 3 Vt05.5 V, IOZ Maximum static analog reference current Into REF+ MIN Vce=3V. CS"atVCe Selected channel leakage current t Vce a3V• 0.005 2.5 -0.005 -2.5 (lA 0.8 2.5 mA Selected channel at Vee. UnseJected channel at 0 V 1 Selected channel at 0 V, UnseJected channel at Vec -1 Vref+=VCC, Vref_=GND 10 TLVl543C 7 TLVl543M 7 TLVl543e 5 TLVl543M All typical values are at Vee - 5 V, TA _ 25°C. IIA 5 55 15 (lA (lA (lA pF pF ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DAu.AS. TEXAS 75265 2-199 TLV1543C, TLV1543M 3.3~V 19-81T ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11,ANALOG INPUTS SLAS072C - DECEMBER 1992 - REVISED MARCH 1995 operating characteristics over recommended operating free-air temperature range, vee Vref+ 3 V to 5.5 V, 1/0 CLOCK frequency 1.1 MHz for the TLV1543C, Vee Vref+ 3 V to 3.6 V, 110 CLOCK frequency 2.1 MHz for the TLV1543M = = = = = = PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYPt Linearity error (see Note 6) UNIT ±1 LSB Zero error (see Note 7) See Note 2 ±1 LSB Full-scale error (see Note 7) See Note 2 ±1 LSB ±1 LSB 21 IJS Total unadjusted error (see NoteS) ADDRESS _ 1011 Self-test output code (see Table 3 and Note 9) !conv MAX Conversion time 512 ADDRESS = 1100 0 ADDRESS = 1101 1023 See Figures 9,-14 Ie Total cycle time (access, sample, and conversion) See Figures 9 -14 and Note 10 21 +101/0 CLOCK periods tacq Channel acquisition time (sample) See Figures 9-14 and Note 10 6 tv Valid time, DATA OUT remains valid after 1/0 CLOCK,!, See Figure 6 !deliO-DATA) Delay time, 1/0 CLOCK,!, to DATA OUT valid See Figure 6 !dn/o-EoCl Delay time, tenth I/O CLOCK,!, to EOC'!' See Figure 7 !d(EOC-DATA) Delay time, EOCt to DATA OUT (MSB) See FigureS tPZH, tPZL Enable time, CS,!, to DATA OUT (MSB driven) tPHZ, tPLZ Disable time, cst to DATA OUT (high impedance) tr(EOC) tf(EOC) 10 IJS 1/0 CLOCK periods ns 240 70 ns 240 ns 100 ns See Figure 3 1.3 See Figure 3 150 IJS ns Rise time, EOC See FigureS 300 ns Fall time, EOC See Figure 7 300 ns tr(bus) Rise time, data bus See Figure 6 300 ns tf(bus) Fall time, data bus See Figure 6, 300 ns !d(I/O-CS) Delay time, tenth 1/0 CLOCK,!, to CS,!, to abort conversion (see Note 11) 9 IJS t All typical values are at TA s 25·C. NOTES: 2. Analog input voltages greater than that applied to REF + convert as all ones (1111111,111), while input voltages less than that applied to REF- convert as all zeros (0000000000). The device is functional with reference voltages down to 1 V (Vref + - Vref-); however, the electrical specifications are no longer applicable. 6. Linearity error is the maximum deviation from the best straight line through the ND transfer characteristics. 7. Zero-scale error is the difference between 0000000000 and the converted output for zero input voltage; full-scale error is the difference between 1111111111 and the converted output for full-scale input voltage. S. Total unadjusted error comprises linearity, zero-scale, and full-scale errors. 9. Both the input address and the output codes are expressed in positive logic. 10. 1/0 CLOCK period = 1/(1/0 CLOCK frequency) (see Figure 6). ' 11. Any transitions of CS are recognized as valid only if the level is maintained for a setup time plus two falling edges of the internal clock (1.425 /IS) after the transition. ~TEXAS 2-200 INSTRUMENTS POST OFRCE sox '656303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 TLY1543C,TLY1543M 3.3-Y 1()"BIT ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONYERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 ANALOG INPUTS SLAS072C - DECEMBER 1992 - REVISED MARCH 1995 PARAMETER MEASUREMENT INFORMATION Vee Test Point Vcc Test Point '=~8~ ,=~~~ DATA OUT-_...............-IoIII--... EOC Figure 2. Load Circuits I. Address ~ Valid l:S ~\;~V_IL_ _ _ _ 2V~1 /! tpZH.tpZL D~~~ ~ I~ ~i ADDRESS ~ ~ 'PHz. tpLZ fau(A) ,: ~_:-« ___ ~VIL fau(CS) 110 CLOCK I14 , X= ~I "~ Ii1(A) ! l: 110 CLOCK VIL¥ Figure 3. DATA OUT to HI-Z Voltage Waveforms l:S =X !I~ -+, Figure 4. ADDRESS Setup Voltage Waveforms ',', -l+1 2r '.. , I ~I th(CS) . __ i/;;\ ~I __. --!JJ,J CI~ y~ C~k ~ Figure 5. ~ and 110 CLOCK Voltage Waveforms ~1ExAs INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX estl303 • DAUAS. TEXAS 75265 2-201 -TLV1543C,TLV1543M 3.3-V10-BIT ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 ANALOG INPUTS SLAS072C - DECEMBER 1992 - REVISED MARCH 1995 PARAMETER MEASUREMENT INFORMATION tt(I/O) I/OCLOCK ---.I, '+-1I I+, I 2V' VIL tt(I/O) .2V VIL VIL ~ I/O CLOCK perlOd--.1 !d(l/o-DATA) ~, tv DATA OUT --14-+1 I 2.4 V ____ {J,, r 2.4 V o_.4_v~)\~-0_.4_V------------~ tr(bus). tf(bus) Figure 6. DATA OUT and 110 CLOCK Voltage Waveforms ~Oth I/O CLOCK- - . // Clock \ !d(l/o-EOC) 1'0 _v_IL ___________ , ~ I I EOC 2.4V !XI I 0.4 V I....;.;.;,.~- -+1 I+- tf(EOC) Figure 7. EOC I/O CLOCK and EOC Voltage Waveforms -1 I+IJe ~! tr(EOC) 2.4V r ., (' --<_ DATA OUT _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ !d(EOc.DATA) 2.4 V ~0.4.;..;V;....------:.-- Valid MSB ---+ Figure 8. EOC and DATA OUT Voltage Waveforms ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 TLY1543C,TLY1543M 3.3-Y 10-BIT ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONYERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 ANALOG INPUTS SLAS072C - DECEMBER 1992 - REVISED MARCH 1995 (~N~~~--------------------------------------------~ 110 .. I ~ ~~~4-JrlL I ' CLOCK_.... ' ....... ------~ , I I, DATA OUT HI-ZState ADDRESS B3 B2 B1 BO LSB MSB J~ Initialize I ,---------~~ , I LSB.' EOC ~''--- -~~ -~~ I ~i__~r~' Shift In New Multiplexer Addreae, , ,..r------~.I Simultaneously Shift Out Previous - - - - -.......... Conversion Value AID Conversion Interval Initialize Figure 9. Timing for 1O-Clock Transfer Using CS CS ~ I 't--(~NotaA) j --------------------------------------------------------~j.____ Must be High on Po_r Up 110 CLOCK --hI I+- '----~~ ' ~ OUTN DATA 'I" AI A_Cycle B .AB -~--- ----~ A7 Low Level , ~ I MSB ~ , ADDRESS I EOC Hr-- Shift In New Multiplexer Addreae, 101--..,.----- Simultaneously Shift Out Previous --------;~------+f Conversion value Initialize AID Conversion Inlarval Initialize Figure 10. Timing for 10-Clock Transfer Not Using CS NOTE A: To minimize errors caused by noise at es, the intemal circuitry waits for a setup time plus two falling edges of the internal system ciock alter CS.J, before responding to control Input signals. No attempt shoilld ba made to clock in an address until the minimum CS setup time has elapsed. ~TEXAS INSlRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DAUAS. TEXAS 75266 2-203 TLV1543C,TLV1543M . 3.3·V 10·BIT ANALOG·TO·DIGITALCONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 ANALOG INPUTS SLAS072C-DECEMBER 1992- REVISED MARCH 1995 See Note C ~'~ ~~~ _________________________I~HI~IIII~~____ ~ I 110 CLOCK I 11 1"::1·· ~YA! I I Low I ,Le:V=8:..1..J.Z2::;;:H~I....Z...,~ DATA OUT -------------LS-B+~I I S~ 1 ADDRESS B3 B2 BO 1 LSB I B1 MSB S~ ~--------------------------------------~I EOC 111 ~18~~ 1 L.. J~ Initialize r~ ! I I Shift In New Multiplexer Address, Simuiteneously Shift Out Previous - - - - - -..~·~I..I__~--___.~I Conversion Value AID Conversion Interval Initialize Figure 11. Timing for 11· to 16-Clock Transfer Using CS (Serial Transfer Interval Shorter Than Convel'$lon) ~ (S88 -r-- Must be High on Power Up Note A) ~1- 1/0 CLOCK I ~ r- I DATA { OUT .1.. I ADDRESS II Access Cycle B - M - - - A8 A7 Low Level A8 ~I--------'l MSB LSBI MSB I I .~ I I EOC A9 It 1 ~ I I 77Nv7. f~'"' I ~'l-S----------------i!,jShift In New Multiplexer Address, I Simultaneously Shift Out Previous ---------.~141 ..-- AID Conversion Interval Conversion Value Initialize -1. Initialize Figure 12. Timing for 16-Clock Transfer Not UsingCS (Serial Transfer Interval Shorter Than Conversion) NOTES: A. To minimize errors caused by noise at CS, the intemal circuitry waits for a set uptime plus two falling edges of the internal system clock after CS.J. before responding to control Input signals. No attempt should be made to clock in an address until the minimum CS setup time has elapsed. . B. The first 1/0 CLOCK must occur after the rising edge of EOC. C. A low-te-high transition of CS disables ADDRESS and the 1/0 CLOCK within a maximum of a setup time plus two falling edges of the internal system clock. ~1ExAs ' 2-204 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 752155 TLV1543C,TLV1543M 3.3-V 10-81T ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 ANALOG INPUTS SLAS072C - DECEMBER 1992 - REVISED MARCH 1995 CS~ 111111111 (see Note A) I I I 1/0 11 _+---! CLOCK rj~,--_ I I I DATA OUT r;61 r?~! L~ HI-ZState ~ ~ I I I B3 B2 B1 MSB J~ o E C . BO LSB I I I ~~ ~~ ~IIIIIIII ','; I Shift In New Multiplexer Address, ; I Simultaneously Shift Out Previous ---'-----.~i4I ..- - -... ~1 Conversion Value AID Conversion Initialize L.. Level I ADDRESS Ii'1 r..~~ SeeNoteB I I 1-1 Interval I I Initialize Figure 13. Timing for 11· to 16-Clock Transfer USing CS (Serial Transfer Interval Longer Than Conversion) II II ~r--f1I See Note B LowLe~el I I II I I Shift In New Multiplexer Address, Simultaneously Shift Out Previous Conversion Value Initialize See Note C ~ I I ~ C3 " AID Conversion Interval Figure 14. Timing for 16-Clock Transfer Not Using CS (Serial Transfer Interval Longer Than Conversion) NOTES: A. To minimize errors Caused by noise at CS, the internal circuitry waits for a set up time plus two falling edges of the internal system clock after CSJ. before responding to control input signals. No attempt should be made to clock in an address until the minimum chip CS setup time has elapsed. B. The eleventh rising edge of the 1/0 CLOCK sequence must occur before the conversion is complete to prevent lOSing serial interface synchronization. C. The 1/0 CLOCK sequence is exactly 16 clock pulses long. ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 6S5303 • DAUAS. TEXAS 75265 2-205 TLY1543C,TLY1543M 3.3-Y 1()"BIT ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONYERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 ANALOG INPUTS SLAS072C - DECEMBER 1992 - REVISED MARCH 1995 APPLICATION INFORMATION 1111111111 I I See Notes A and B / 1111111110 ~ rli \ II II ~ 1111111101 ~'S /'1:: 1000000001 .& 1000000000 :::I VZT =Vzs + 1/2 LSB 0 7 0111111111 6 •• • I-VZS 0000000010 0000000001 0000000000 ~. )~ V •• • ;m ~ / / ./ VFT =VFS -1/2 LSB V ,/ 0.0046 0.0096 2 I I /' cO ••• VI- Analog Input Voltage - V J 4.9056 ! 511 I I 2.4624 ••• 512 Ii Ii 2.4576 1021 513 I I /' V 2.4528 1022 '/! ./'L.' ••• 1023 VFS ./ ,./ 1/ ~ ~~ o i .,~ / ~ ~ V , • •• o ~ 4.9104 4.9152 NOTES: A. This curve is based on the assumption that Vref + and Vref- have been adjusted so that the voltage at the trensition from digital 0 to 1 (VZT) is 0.0024 V and the transition to full scale (VFT) is 4.908 V. 1 LSB - 4.8 mY. B. The full-scale value (VFS) is the step whose nominal midstep value has the highest absolute value. The zero-scale value (Vzsl is the step whose nominal midstep value equals zero. Figure 1S.ldeal Conversion Characteristics TLV1543 1 2 3 4 5 Analog Inputa 6 7 8 9 11 12 ~ AO 15 18 1/0 CLOCK 17 ADDRESS A1 A2 Procesaor A3 A4 DATA OUT A5 EOC 16 19 A6 A7 A8 REF+ A9 A10 REF- 14 3-V DC Regulated 13 GND 110 To Source Ground I .1 Figure 16. Serial Interface ~TEXAS 2-206 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 1!55303 • DAllAS, TEXAS 75265 Control Circuit TLY154SC, TLY1543M S.S-Y 10-81T ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONYERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 ANALOG INPUTS SLAS072C - DECEMBER 1992 - REVISED MARCH 1995 APPLICATION INFORMATION simplified analog input analysis Using the equivalent circuit in Figure 17, the time required to charge the analog input capacitance from 0 to VS within 1/2 LSB can be derived as follows: The capacitance charging voltage is given by Vc = Vs (l-e -t c/RtCI ) (1 ) where Rt=Rs+rj The final voltage to 1/2 LSB is given by Vc (1/2 LSB) =Vs - (2) (Vs/2048) Equating equation 1 to equation 2 and solving for time to gives Vs -(Vsl2048) =Vs ( 1-e -t C 1RtC.)I (3) and to (112 LSB) = Rt x Cj x In(2048) (4) Therefore, with the values given the time for the analog input signal to settle is to (1/2 LSB) =(Rs + 1 kn) x 60 pF x In(2048) (5) This time must be less than the converter sample time shown in the timing diagrams. Driving Sourcet .. Rs I I I I VI • TLV1543 I'J VS~VC I 1kOMAX II I CI 50 pF MAX VI = Input Voltage at AO-A 10 VS= External Driving Source Voltage Rs = Source Reelstance I'J = Input Reelstance CI = Input capacitance t Driving source requirements: • Noise and distortion for the source must be equivalent to the resolution of the converter. • Rs must be real at the input frequency. Figure 17. Equivalent Input Circuit Including the Driving Source ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • OALLAS. TEXAS 75265 2-207 2-208 TLV1549C, TLV15491, TLV1549M 10·81T ANALOG·TO·DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL c - JANUARY 1993 - • 3.3-V Supply Operation • 1o-Bit-Resolutlon Analog-ta-Digltal Converter (ADC) • Inherent Sample and Hold Function • Total Unadjusted Error ••• ±1 LSB Max • On-Chip System Clock • Terminal Compatible With TLC1549 and TLC1549x • Application Report Avallablet • CMOS Technology REVISED MARCH 1995 D, JG, OR P PACKAGE (TOP VIEW) Vee REF+D8 ANALOG IN 2 7 REF- 3 6 GND 4 5 I/O CLOCK DATA OUT CS FKPACKAGE (TOP VIEW) + otb080 za:z::>z description NC ANALOG IN NC REFNC The TLV1549C, TLV15491, and TLV1549M are 10-bit, switched-capacitor, successiveapproximation, analog-to-digital converters. The devices have two digital inputs and a 3-state output [chip select (CS), input-output clock (1/0 CLOCK), and data output (DATA OUT)] that provide a three-wire interface to the serial port of a host processor. 4 5 6 7 8 3 2 1 2019 18 17 16 15 14 9 1011 1213 NC I/O CLOCK NC DATA OUT NC 00 01Cf) 0 zzzoz (!) The sample-and-hold function is automatic. The converter incorporated in the device features differential high-impedance reference inputs that facilitate ratiometric conversion, scaling, and isolation of analog circuitry from logiC and supply noise. A switched-capacitor design allows lowerror conversion over the full operating free-air temperature range. NC - No internal connection The TLV1549C is. characterized for operation from O°C to 70°C. The TLV15491 is characterized for operation from -40°C to 85°C. The TLV1549M is characterized for operation over the full military temperature range of -55°C to 125°C. TA O·Cto 70·C -40·C to 85·C -55·C to 125·C AVAILABLE OPTIONS PACKAGE SMALL OUTLINE CHIP CARRIER CERAMIC DIP (D) (FK) (JG) TLV1549CD TLV15491D TLV1549MFK TLV1549MJG - PLASTIC DIP (P) TLV1549CP TLV1549IP - t Interfacing the TLV1549 1Q-Blt Serial-Out ADC to Popular 3.3-V Microcontrollers (SLAA005) ~1ExAs INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE eox 655303 • DAUAS. TEXAS 75255 Copyright © 1995, Texas Instruments Incorporated 2-209 TLV1549C, TLV15491, TLV1549M 10-81T ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL ' SLAS071 C - JANUARY 1993 - REVISED MARCH 1995 typical equivalent inputs INPUT CIRCUIT IMPEDAJ\ICE DURING HOLD MODE INPUT CIRCUIT IMPEDANCE DURING SAMPLING MODE 1 kOTYP ANALOGIN~ I ANALOGIN~ J CI=60pFTYP (equivalent Input capacitance) 5 MOTYP functional block diagram REF+ I1 REF- I3 10-Blt Analog-to-Dlgltal Converter (awltched capacitors) 4 10 ANALOG IN - 2 Output Data Register Sample and Hold 10 ~ 10-to-1 Data 8 SelectOr and I-- DATA OUT Driver 4 4 "- System Clock, Control Logic, and 1/0 Counters I/O CLOCK CS 7 ~ 5 Terminal numbers shown are for the D, JG, and P packages only. ~TEXAS 2-210 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75266 TLV1549C, TLV15491, TLV1549M 10-81T ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS . WITH SERIAL CONTROL SLAS071 C- JANUARY 1993 - REVISED MARCH 1996 Terminal Functions TERMINAL I/O DESCRIPTION 2 I Analog Input. The driving source impedance should be S 1 kn The extemal driving source to ANALOG IN should have a current capability;::: 10 mAo CS 5 I Chip select. A high-to-Iow transition on CS resets the internal counters and controls and enables DATA OUT and 110 CLOCK within a maximum of a setup time plus two falling edges of the intemal system clock. A low-to-high transition disables 110 CLOCK within a setup time plus two falling edges of the internal system clock. DATA OUT 6 0 This 3-state serial output for the AID conversion result is in the high-impedance state when CS is high and active when CS is low. With a valid chip select, DATA OUT is removed from the high-impedance state and is driven to the logic level corresponding tothe MSB value of the previous conversion result. The next falling edge of 110 CLOCK drives DATA OUT to the logic level corresponding to the next most significant bit, and the remaining bits are shifted out in order with the LSB appearing on the ninth falling edge of 110 CLOCK. On the tenth falling edge of 110 CLOCK, DATA OUT is driven to a low logic level.so that serial interface data transfers of more than ten clocks produce zeroes as the unused LSBs. GND 4 I The ground return for internal circuitry. Unless otherwise noted, all voltage measurements are with respect to GND. 110 CLOCK 7 I The input/output clock receives the serial 110 CLOCK input and performs the following three functions: 1) On the third falling edge of 110 CLOCK, the analog input voltage begins charging the capacitor array and continues to do so until the tenth falling edge of 110 CLOCK. 2) It shifts the nine remaining bits of the previous conversion data out on DATA OUT. 3) It trensfers control of the conversion to the internal state controller on the falling edge of the tenth clock. REF+ 1 I The upper reference voltage value (nominally VCC) is applied to REF+. The maximum input voltage range is determined by the difference between the voltage applied to REF+ and the voltage applied to REF-. REF- 3 8 I The lower reference voltage value (nominally ground) is applied to this REF-. I Positive supply voltage NAME NO. ANALOG IN VCC detailed description With chip select (CS) inactive (high), the 1/0 CLOCK input is initially disabled and DATA OUT is in the highimpedance state. When the serial interface takes CS active (low), the conversion sequence begins with the enabling of 1/0 CLOCK and the removal of DATA OUT from the high-impedance state. The serial interface then provides the 1/0 CLOCK sequence to 1/0 CLOCK and receives the previous conversion result from DATA OUT. 1/0 CLOCK receives an input sequence that is between 10 and 16 clocks long from the host serial interface. The first ten 1/0 clocks provide the control timing for sampling the analog input. There are six basic serial interface timing modes that can be used with the TLV1549. These modes are determined by the speed of 1/0 CLOCK and the operation of CS as shown in Table 1. These modes are: (1) a fast mode with a 1O-clock transfer and CS inactive (high) between transfers, (2) a fast mode with a 10-clock transfer and CS active (low) continuously, (3) a fast mode with an 11- to 16-clock transfer and CS inactive (high) between transfers, (4) a fast mode with a 16-bit transfer and CS active (low) continuously, (5) a slow mode with an 11-to 16-clock transfer and CS inactive (high) between transfers, and (6) a slow mode with a 16-clock transfer and CS active (low) continuously. The MSB of the previous conversion appears on DATA OUT on the falling edge of CS in mode 1, mode 3, and mode 5, within 21 IlS from the falling edge of the tenth 1/0 CLOCK in mode 2 and mode 4, and following the 16th clock falling edge in mode 6. The remaining nine bits are shifted out on the next nine falling edges of the 1/0 CLOCK. Ten bits of data are transmitted to the host serial interface through DATA OUT. The number of serial clock pulses used also depends on the mode of operation, but a minimum of ten clock pulses is required for conversion to begin. On the tenth clock falling edge, the internal logic takes DATA OUT low to ensure that the remaining bit values are zero if the 1/0 CLOCK transfer is more than ten clocks long. Table 1 lists the operational modes with respect to the state of CS, the number of 1/0 serial transfer clocks that can be used, and the timing on which the MSB of the previous conversion appears at the output. ~1ExAs INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 2-211 TLV1549C,'TLV15491, TLV1549M 1O-BIT ANALOG·TO·DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL SLAS071 C- JANUARY 1993 - REVISED MARCH 1995 Table 1. Mode Operation MODES Fast Modes Slow Modes CS NO. OF IJOCLOCKS MSB AT DATA OUTt TIMING DIAGRAM Model High between conversion cycles 10 CS falling edge Figure 6 Mode 2 Low continuously 10 Within 21 Figure 7 Mode 3 High between conversion cycles Mode 4 Low continuously Mode 5 High between conversion cycles 11 to 16:1: 16:1: Mode 6 Low continuously , . .. senal-Interface communication. t This timing also .Initiates :I: No more than 16 clocks should be used. 11 to 16:1: 16:1: jJ.$ CS falling edge Figure 8 Within21 Figure 9 jJ.$ CS falling edge Figure 10 16th clock falling edge Figure 11 All the modes require a minimum period of 21 ~ after the falling edge of the tenth 1/0 CLOCK before a new transfer sequence can begin. During a serial 1/0 CLOCK data transfer, CS must be active (low) so that the I/O CLOCK input is enabled. When CS is toggled between data transfers (modes 1,3, and 5), the transitions at CS are recognized as valid only if the level is maintained for a minimum period of 1.425 ~ after the transition. If the transfer is more than ten 1/0 clocks (modes 3,4,5, and 6), the rising edge of the eleventh clock must occur within 9.5 ~ after the falling edge of the tenth I/O CLOCK; otherwise, the device could lose synchronization with the host serial interface and CS has to be toggled to restore proper operation. fast modes The device is in a fast mode when the serial 110 CLOCK data transfer is completed within 21 ~ from the falling edge of the tenth 1/0 CLOCK. With a 10-clock serial transfer, the device can only run in a fast mode. mode 1: fast mode, CS Inactive (high) between transfers, 1O-Clock transfer In this mode, CS is inactive (high) between seriaII/O-CLOCK transfers and each transfer is ten clocks long. The fal!!!!g edge of CS begins the sequence by removing DATA OUT from the high-impedance state. The rising edge of CS ends the sequence by returning DATA OUT to the high-impedance state within the specified delay time. Also, the rising edge of CS disables 110 CLOCK within a setup time plus two falling edges of the internal system clock. mode 2: fast mode, CS active (low) continuously, 1()..clock transfer In this mode, CS is active (low) between seriaIIlO-CLOCK transfers and each transfer is ten clocks long. After the initial conversion cycle, CS is held active (low) for subsequent conversions. Within 21 ~ after the falling edge of the tenth 110 CLOCK, the MSB of the previous conversion appears at DATA OUT. mode 3: fast mode, CS inactive (high) between transfers, 11- to 16-clock transfer In this mode, CS is inactive (high) between seriaIIlO-CLOCK transfers and each transfer can be 11 to 16 clocks long. The falling edge of CS begins the sequence by removing DATA OUT from the high-impedance state. The rising edge of CS ends the sequenc~ returning DATA OUT to the high-impedance state within the specified delay time. Also, the rising edge of CS disables 110 CLOCK within a setup time plus two falling edges of the internal system clock. mode 4: fast mode, CS active (low) continuously, 16-clocktransfer In this mode, CSis active (low) between seriaIIlO-CLOCK transfers and each transfer must be exactly 16 clocks long. After the initial conversion cycle, CS is held active (low) for subsequent conversions. Within 21 ~ after the falling edge of the tenth 110 CLOCK, the MSB of the previous conversion appears at DATA OUT. slow modes In a slow mode, the serial 110 CLOCK data transfer is completed after 21 ~ from the falling edge of the tenth 110 CLOCK. ~1EXAS 2-212 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 15265 TLV1549C, TLV15491, TLV1549M 1()'BIT ANALOG·TO·DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL SLAS071C - JANUARY 1993 - REVISED MARCH 1996 mode 5: slow mode, CS Inactive (hIgh) between transfers, 11- to 16-clock transfer In this mode, CS is inactive (high) between seriall/O-CLOCK transfers and each transfer can be 11 to 16 clocks long. The fallln~dge of CS begins the sequence by removing DATA OUT from the high-impedance state. The rising edge of CS ends the sequenc~ returning DATA OUT to the high-impedance state within the specified delay time. Also, the rising edge of CS disables I/O CLOCK within a setup time plus two falling edges of the internal system clock. mode 6: slow mode, CS active (low) continuously, 16-clock transfer In this mode, is active (low) between seriall/D-CLOCK transfers and each transfer must be exactly 16 clocks long. After the initial conversion cycle, CS is held active (low) for subsequent conversions. The falling edge of the sixteenth 1/0 CLOCK then begins each sequence by removing DATA OUT from the low state, allowing the MSa of the previous conversion to appear immediately at DATA OUT. The device is then ready for the next 16-clock transfer initiated by the serial interface. es analog Input sampling Sampling of the analog input starts on the falling edge of the thircll/O CLOCK, and sampling continues for seven I/O CLOCK periods. The sample is held on the falling edge of the tenth 1/0 CLOCK. converter and analog Input The CMOS threshold detector in the successive-approximation conversion system determines each bit by examining the charge on a series of binary-weighted capacitors (see Figure 1). In the first phase of the conve~ion process, the analog input is sampled by closing the Se switch and all ST switches simultaneously. This action charges all the capacitors to the input voltage. In the next phase of the conversion process, all ST and Se switches are opened and the threshold detector begins identifying bits by identifying the charge (voltage) on each capacitor relative to the reference (REF-) voltage. In the switching sequence, ten capacitors are examined separately until all ten bits are identified and then the charge-convert sequence is repeated. In the first step of the conversion phase, the threshold detector looks at the first capacitor (weight =512). Node 512 ofthis capacitor is switched to the REF+ voltage, and the equivalent nodes of all the other capacitors on the ladder are switched to REF -. If the voltage at the summing node is greater than the trip point ofthe threshold detector (approximately one-half Vee), a bit 0 is placed in the output register and the 512-weight capacitor is switched to REF-.lf the voltage at the summing node is less than the trip point ofthe threshold detector, a bit 1 is placed in the register and this 512-weight capacitor remains connected to REF + through the remainder of the successive-approximation process. The process is repeated for the 256-weight capacitor, the 128-weight capacitor, and so forth down the line until all bits are determined.. With each step of the successive-approximation process, the initial charge is redistributed among the capacitors. The conversion process relies on charge redistribution to determine the bits from MSa to LSa. "!!!1EXAS WfSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 666303 • DAUAS. TEXAS 76265 2-213 TLV1549C, TLV15491, T~V1549M 10-81T ANALOG;.TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL SLAS071C-JANUARY 1993., REVISED MARCH 1995 Threshold Detector 51~ NODE':' e!l I ' TO Output Latches j 128 18 t~t~t~t~t~t;;t;:.T ~T REF-~_:EF-~_:EF-~~REF-~~REF-~~REF-~_SyREF-~_SyREF-~; REF- ~~ . j 1 1 m1 1 1 j 1 j Figure 1. Simplified Model of the Successive-Approximation System chip-select operation The trailing edge of CS starts all modes of operation, and CS can abort a conversion sequence in any mode. A high-to-Iow transition on CS within the specified time during an ongoing cycle aborts the cycle, and the device rettlrns to the initial state (the contents of the output data register remain at the previous conversion result). Exercise care to prevent CS from being taken low close to completion of conversion because the output data may be corrupted. reference voltage Inputs . . There are two reference inputs used with the TLVl549: REF+ and REF-. These voltage values establish the upper and lower limits of the analog input to produce a full-scale and zero reading, respectively. The values of REF+, REF-, and the analog input should not exceed the positive supply or be lower than GND consistent with the specified absolute maximum ratings. The digital output .is at full scale when the input signal is equal to or higher than REF+ and at zero when the input signal is equal to or lower than REF-. absolute maximum ratings over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)t Supply voltage range, Vee (see Note 1): TLV1549C ....................•............ -0.5 V to 6.5 V TLV15491 ..................•............... -0.5 V to 6.5 V TLV1549M ................................... -0.5 V to 6 V Input voltage range, VI (any input) .........•.......................•.......... -0.3 V to Vee + 0.3 V Output voltage range, Vo ................•.......................•.........• -0.3 V to Vee + 0.3 V Positive reference voltage, Vref + .....•......•..............................••......... Vee + 0.1 V Negative reference voltage, Vref- ....•..................................................... -0.1 V Peak input current (any input) ...............•......................................•.... ±20 mA Peak total input current (all inputs) .......•............................................... ±30 mA Operating free-air temperature range, TA: TLV1549C ...............•.........•......... O°C to 70°C TLVl5491 ..........................•....... -40°C to 85°C TLVl549M ............................... -55°C to 125°C Storage temperature range, Tstij .................................................. -65°C to 150°C Lead temperature 1,6 mm (1/16 inch) from the case for 10 seconds .............•.....•........ 260°C t Stresses beyond those listed under "absolute maximum ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under "recommended operating conditions" is not implied. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. NOTE 1: All voltage values are with respect to ground with REF- and GND wired together (unless otherwise noted). -!I1TEXAS 2-214 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX ess303 • DALlAS, TEXAS 75266 TLV1549C, TLV15491, TLV1549M 10-81T ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL SLAS071C - JANUARY 1993 - REVISED MARCH 1995 recommended operating conditions Supply voltage, VCC MIN NOM MAX 3 3.3 3.6 Positive reference voltage, Vref+ (see Note 2) 2.5 Differential reference voltage, Vref + - Vref- (see Note 2) Analog input voltage (see Note 2) 0 High-level control input voltage, VIH I VCC-3 V to 3.6 V Low-level control input voltage, VIL I VCC- 3 Vt03.6 V Clcick frequency at 1/0 CLOCK (see Note 3) VCC V VCC+O.2 V VCC V 0.6 V 2.1 MHz 2 0 V V VCC 0 Negative reference voltage, Vref- (see Note 2) UNIT V 1.425 ).IS 0 ns Pulse duration, 1/0 CLOCK high, IwH(I/O) 190 ns Pulse duration, VO CLOCK 10w,IwU1/0) 190 Setup time, CS low before first 1/0 CLOCKt, tsu(CS) (see Note 4) Hold time, ~ low after last 1/0 CLOCK'!', th(CS) Transition time, 1/0 CLOCK, tlll/O) (see Note 5 and Figure 5) Transition time, CS, ttlCS) ).IS 10 ).IS 0 -40 70 ·C TLVI5491 85 ·C TLVI549M -55 125 ·C TLVI549C Operating free-air temperature, TA ns 1 NOTES: 2. Analog Input voltages greater than that applied to REF + convert as all ones (1111111111 ), while Input voltages less than that applied to REF -convert as all zeros (0000000000). The TLVI549 is functional with reference voltages down to 1 V (Vref + - Vref _); however, the electrical specifICations are no longer applicable. 3. For 11- to 16-blt transfers, after the tenth 1/0 CLOCK falling edge (S 2 VJ, at least one 1/0 CLOCK rising edge f.2: 2 V) must occur within9.5).1S. 4. To minimize errors caused by noise at ~, the internal circuitry waits for a setup time plus two falling edges of the intemal system clock after CS.!. before responding to the 1/0 CLOCK. Therefore, no attempt should be made to clock out the data until the minimum CS setup time has elapsed. 5. This is the time required for the clock input signal to fall from VIHmin to VILmax or to rise from VILmax to VIHmin. In the vicinity of normal room temperature, the device functions with input clock transition time as slow as 1 ).IS for remote data-acquisition applications where the sensor and the AI D converter are placed several feat away from the controlling microprocessor. ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 2-215 TLV1549C, TLV15491,TLV1549M 10·81T ANALOG·TO·DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL SLAS07.1C-JANUARY 1993'- REVISED MARCH 1995 electrical characteristics over recommended operating free-air temperature range, Vee Vref+ 3 V to 3.6 V, I/O CLOCK frequency 2.1 MHz (unless otherwise noted) = = = PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS VOH High-level output voltage VOL Low-level output voltage IOZ Off-state (high-Impedance-state) output current MIN TYP't IOH--l.6rnA VCC =3 Vt03.6 V, IOH --20 jIA VCC- 3V, IOL-l.6rnA 0.4 VCC=3 Vto3.6 V, IOL= 20 jIA 0.1 VO-VCC,' CSatVcc 10 VO-O, CSatVcc -10 IIH High-level input current VI-VCC IlL Low-level input current VI-O ICC Operating supply current CSatOV V Ci Input capacitance Vref+-VCC, 2-216 jIA 0.4 2.5 rnA 10 Vref-=GND TLVI549C,1 (Analog) During sample cycle 30 TLVI549M; (Analog) During sample cycle 30 TLV1549C,I (Control) 5 TLVI549M, (Control) 5 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 656303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 jIA 2.5 -2.5 1 ~1ExAs IiA 0.005 -1 t All tYPical values are at VCC = 3.3 V, TA = 25"C. V -0.005 VI-O Maximum static analog reference current into REF+ UNIT VCC-O•1 VI-VCC Analog input leakage current MAX 2.4 VCC=3V, jIA jIA 55 15 pF TLV1549C, TLV15491, TLV1549M 10·81T ANALOG·TO·DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL SLAS071 C - JANUARY 1993 - REVISED MARCH 1995 operating characteristics over recommended operating free-air temperature range, Vee = vref+ = 3 V to 3.6 V, 1/0 CLOCK frequency = 2.1 MHz PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN Linearity error (see Note 6) 10 UNIT ±1 LsB Zero error (see Note 7) See Note 2 ±1 LSB Full-scale error (see Note 7) See Note 2 ±1 LSB ±1 LsB 21 lIS Total unadjusted error (see Note 8) Ioonv MAX Conversion time See Figures 6-11 Total cycle time (access, sample, and conversion) Valid time, DATA OUT remains valid after I/O CLOCK.!. tv 1cl1ll0-DATAl Delay time, 1/0 CLOCK.!. to DATA OUT valid Enable time, CS.!. to DATA OUT (MSB driven) tPZH,tPZL Disable time, CST to DATA OUT (high impedance) tpHZ,tpLZ Rise time, data bus tr(busl Fall time, data bus 21 +101/0 CLOCK periods See Figures 6-11 and Note 9 See Figure 5 10 lIS ns See Figure 5 240 ns See Figure 3 1.3 See Figure 3 180 lIS ns See Figure 5 300 ns See Figure 5 300 ns tf(busl Delay time, 10th 110 CLOCK.!. to CS.!. to abort conversion (see Note 10) 9 lIS IclCl/O-CSl NOTES: 2. Analog input voltages greater than that applied Ie REF + convert as all ones (1111111111), while Input voltages less than that applied to REF - convert as all zeros (0000000000). The device is functional with reference voltages down to 1 V (Vref + - Vref-); however, the electrical specifications are no longer applicable. 6. Linearity error is the maximum deviation from the best straight line through the A I D transfer characteristics. 7. Zero error is the difference between 0000000000 and the converted output for zero input voltage; fuli-scale error is the difference between 1111111111 and the converted output for fuli-scale input voltage. 8. Total unadjusted error comprises linearity, zero, and full-scale errors. 9. 1/0 CLOCK period = 1/(1/0 CLOCK frequency). Sampling begins on the falling edge of the third 1/0 CLOCK, continues for seven 1/0 CLOCK periods, and ends on the falling edge of the tenth 1/0 CLOCK (see Figure 5). 10. Any transitions of CS are recognized as valid only if the level is maintained for a minimum of a setup time plus two falling edges of the intemal clock (1.425 lIS) after the transition. ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DAUAS. TEXAS 75265 2-217 TLV1549C, TLV15491, TLV1549M 10-81T ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL SLAS071 C - JANUARY 1993 - REVISED MARCH 1996 PARAMETER MEASUREMENT INFORMATION Vee Teet Point RL= 2.18 kO DATAOUT---'-*~~__- ' Figure 2. Load Circuit DATA OUT V{ ) 2.4 -----<0.4 V 900/0 100/0 Figure 3. DATA OUT to HI·Z Voltage Waveforms cs ~ 2V~1 0.8 V tsu(CS) 1/0 CLOCK I!I 'I', I ~ ~I 14 I 1 ~ ~ __ il;;\. ;::;\.\ _~ __ ~ Ci;k ~~ C~k ~ Figure 4. CS to 110 CLOCK Voltage Waveforms 1/0 CLOCK 0.8 V td(I/()'DATA) I+-14 tv~ DATA OUT 2.4 0.8V I/O CLOCK Period 0.8 V ----J ~I 1 V~ J:~~2.4~V~------ ___~0~.4~V~~~_0~A~V~_ _ _ _ ____ I I 14- ~ tr(bus). tf(bus) Figure 5. 110 CLOCK and DATA OUT Voltage Waveforms ~TEXAS 2-218 ttt(CS) INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 65S303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 TLV1549C, TLV15491, TLV1549M 1O-BIT ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL SLAS071 C - JANUARY 1993 - REVISED MARCH 1995 PARAMETER MEASUREMENT INFORMATION (~ csl (see Note A) 'r-- ..- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.... I I 1/0 CLOCK I I r-------~~~ DATA OUT - - - - - - -___tI+_ AJD Conversion -+11 Interval (S 21 lIB) Initialize Figure 6. Timing for 1o-Clock Transfer Using CS _~. Must CS (see Note A) / Be High on Power Up IL--- --------------------------------------------------~),____ j 1 I/O -----------'lrfl CLOCK~ ------fI 1 DATA See Note B ----.lr AS 1111 1 MSB ~ Low Level OUTN --------ti4- 1 AJD Conversion -tI Interval 1 (S 21 lIB) Initialize Initialize Figure 7. Timing for 1o-Clock Transfer Not Using CS See Note C (seeN~~,~--------------------------------~II~II~IIIII~~~--I I pni r11 CLO~~ I f1~~ L 1 Low Level DATA OUT I I J"r,."HI.-.ZT'\~ I~--AJ~D--~ I I 4 1414----:-:-=------ Previous Conversion Data -------:-LS=:B=----'I4I11- Conversion I MSB IntervaI I Initialize (S 21 lIB) Inltlellze Figure 8. Timing for 11· to 16-Clock Transfer Using CS (Serial Transfer Completed Within 21 J1S) NOTES: A. To minimize errors caused by noise at CS, the internal circuitry waits for a setup time plus two falling edges of the Intemal system clock after cS!. before responding to the 1/0 CLOCK. No attempt should be made to clock out the data until the minimum CS setup time has elapsed. B. A low-to-high transition of CS disables 1/0 CLOCK within a maximum of a setup time plus two falling edges of the intemal system clock. C. The first I/O CLOCK must occur after the end of the previous conversion. -!!1TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 2-219 - TLV1549C, TLV15491, TLV1549M 1()'BIT ANALOG·TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL SLAS071 C - JANUARY 1993 - REVISED MARCH 1996 PARAMETER MEASUREMENT INFORMATION _ CS ~ (~NowA) ~ 110 -HI CLOCK Must Be High on Power Up . ------------------------------------------------------~\\S~----- I DATA ~ A9 Low Level EBeV '--'II'-__________ ~~ OUT~ I I 114-1II-M --S....B- - - - - Previous Conversion Data ------:LS-==B....t!tllllII- I Inltlalln AID Conversion ~ Interval -, ~~~ ~~n Figure 9. Timing for 18-Clock Transfer Not Using l:S (Serl~1 Transfer Completed Within 21 J1S) cs -,L __________________________________________________111111111 S~ (~NowA) ~~ I I CL~~ 11 I I ~ I pm· Low M I Jill MSB LSB I ~ I I L. I I HI·Z Stele I t-Y-::-v ~ I II· ~14- AID -'" Conversion Interval ~ 21 118) I Initialize -r- I m SeeNote~~ I I I DATA I I'pst ~---- I Initialize Figure 10. Timing for 11· to 18-Clock Transfer Using CS (Serial Transfer Completed After 21 J.IS) cs. (~NoteA) 110 Must Be High on Power Up I II II j I ~~ See Note B See Note C CLOCK~ I DATAJr A9 OUT~ ~I iIIIllII'--M-SB----- I I AID Conversion Interval (S 21 118) I Initialize Figure 11. Timing for 18-Clock Transfer Not Using l:S (Serial Transfer Completed After 21 J.IS) NOTES: A. To minimize errors caused by noise at CS, the intemal circuitry waits for a set up time plus two faDing edges of the internal system clock after CS.!. before responding to the 1/0 CLOCK. No attempt should be made to c.lock out the data until the minimum CS setup time has elapsed. B. A Iow-to-hlgh transition of CS disables I/O CLOCK within a maximum of a setup time plus two failing edges of the internal system clock. C. The first 110 CLOCK must occur after the end of the previous conversion. ~TEXAS 2-220 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 8155303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 76286 TLV1549C, TLV15491, TLV1549M 10-BIT ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL SLAS071 C - JANUARY 1993 - REVISED MARCH 1995 APPLICATION INFORMATION 1111111111 ./ ~ I I See Notes A and B 1111111110 ~V; 1111111101 CD 8.. )~V •• • ~: ~V 1000000001 :I .& 1000000000 :I 0 li!9 c VZT 0111111111 / •• • 0000000010 0000000001 0000000000 I 0.006 513 512 /' •• • 2 I I ••• 1.5315 1.5345 1.5375 o d ••• VI - Analog Input Voltage - V a. ~ 511 I I ~ 0.003 •• • VFS Ii T o ; 1021 \ /! Ii 1/ kr/'" 1/V~V \ I I ~)::::V /' Vzs 1022 VFT = VFS -1/2 LSB ~V =VZS + 1/2 LSB / /' II I 1023 V 3.066 ~ 3.069 o 3.072 ..s NOTES: A. This curve is based on the assumption that Vref+ and Vref- have been adjusted so thalthe voltage althe transition from digital 0 to 1 (VZT) is 0.0015 V and the transition to full scale (VFT) is 3.0675 V. 1 LSB = 3 mY. B. The full-scale value (VFS) is the step whose nominal midstep value has the highest absolute value. The zero-scale value (VZS) is the step whose nominal midstep value equals zero. Figure 12. Ideal Conversion Characteristics TLV1549 Analog Input 2 ANALOG IN CS 110 CLOCK 5 7 Processor DATA OUT 5-V DC Regulated 1 Control Circuit 6 REF+ --.!- REFGND To Source Ground I4 l Figure 13. Typical Serial Interface ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 665303 • OALLAS. TEXAS 75265 2-221 TLV1549C, TLV15491, TLV1549M' 10-81T ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL SLAS071 C - JANUARY 1993 - REVISED MARCH 1996 APPLICATION INFORMATION simplified analog input analysis Using the equivalent circuit in Figure 14, the time required to charge the analog input capacitance from 0 to Vs within 1/2 LSB can be derived ,as follows: The capacitance charging voltage is given by (1 ) where Rt=Rs+rj The final voltage to 1/2 LSB is given by Vc (1/2 LSB) = Vs - (Vs/2048) (2) Equating equation 1 to equation 2 and solving for time to gives Vs - (VS/2048) = VS(1-e-tc/RtCi) (3) to (1/2 LSB) = Rt x Ci x In(2048) (4) and Therefore, with the values given the time for the analog input signal to settle is to (1/2 LSB) = (Rs + 1 kO) x 60 pF x In(2048) (5) This time must be less than the converter sample time shown in the timing diagrams. Driving Sourcet ,4 Rs I I I I VI • TLV1549 I'J VS~VC I 1kOMAX I I I TCI rh 50pFMAX = VI Input Voltage at ANALOG IN VS= External Driving Source Voltage Rs =Source Resistance ' rl =Input Resistance 01 =Equivalent Input Capacitance t Driving source requirements: • Noise and distortion for the source must be equivalent to the resolution of the converter. • Rs must be real at the input frequency. Figure 14. Equivalent Input Circuit Including the Driving Source ~TEXAS 2-222 ' INSTRUMENTS POST OFAOE SOX 665303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75266 TLV2543C, TLV25431 12·81T ANALOG·TO·DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 ANALOG INPUTS • 12-Blt-Resolutlon AID Converter • 1o-J1S Conversion Time Over Operating Temperature • 11 Analog Input Channels • 3 Built-In Self-Test Modes • Inherent Sample and Hold • Linearity Error .•• ± 1 LSB Max • On-Chip System Clock • End-of-Converslon (EOC) Output • Unipolar or Bipolar Output Operation (Signed Binary With Respect 1/2 the Applied Referenced Voltage) • • • • OB, ow, OR N PACKAGE (TOP VIEW) AINO AIN1 AIN2 AIN3 VCC EOC 110 CLOCK 4 DATA INPUT DATA OUT CS AIN6 AIN7 AIN8 GND 9 REF+ REFAIN10 Programmable MSB or LSB First Programmable Power Down Programmable Output Data Length CMOS Technology description The TLV2543C and TLV25431 are 12-bit, switched-capacitor, successive-approximation, analog-to-digital converters (ADCs). Each device has three control inputs [chip select (CS), the input-output clock (I/O CLOCK), and the address input (DATA INPUT)] and is designed for communication with the serial port of a host processor or peripheral through a serial 3-state output. The device allows high-speed data transfers from the host. In addition to the high-speed converter and versatile control capability, the device has an on-chip 14-channel multiplexer that can select anyone of 11 inputs or anyone of three internal self-test voltages. The sample-and-hold function is automatic. Atthe end of conversion, the end-of-conversion (EOC) output goes high to indicate that conversion is complete. The converter incorporated in the device features differential high-impedance reference inputs that facilitate ratiometric conversion, scaling, and isolation of analog circuitry from logic and supply noise. A switched-capacitor design allows low-error conversion over the full operating temperature range. The TLV2543 is available in the OW, FN, and N packages. The TLV2543C is characterized for operation from O°C to 70°C, and the TLV25431 is characterized for operation from -40°C to 85°C. AVAILABLE OPTIONS PACKAGE TA SMALL OUTLINE ow OBt O'C10 70'C TLV2543CDW TLV2543CDB -40'C to 85'C TLV2543IDW TLV2543IDB , PLASTICOIP N TLV2543CN TLV2543IN t Available in tape and reel and ordered as Ihe TLV2543CDBR or TLV2543IDBR. =-= -,liliiii. PRODUCT PREVIEW InIannIIIon _ ~ In tile_or III C I I I _ dill ond _ .. lillian gooIo.1'nIo In _ _ tile rlghllO ordllcGntlnuolhoieproduCllwlUloul noIIct. . ~TEXAS Copyright © 1995. Texas Instruments Incorporated INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 65S303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 2-223 ;: W :; w a: D. t- O S o a: D. TLV2543C, TLV25431 12-81T ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 ANALOG INPUTS SLAS096 - MARCH 1995 functional block diagram . AINO ~ AIN1 .!..AIN2 ..L AIN3 AIN4 ~ AIN5 AIN6 ~ AIN7 ~ AIN8 9 4-!- AIN9 AIN10 Sample and Hold - ........:::... REF+ REF- 141 131 12-Blt Analog-to-Dlgltal Converter (switched cepacltors) 14-Channel Analog Multiplexer 11 12 -=- - 12 ~ _Output Data Reglstar Input Address Register 12 ~ 12-t0-1 Data Selector and Driver r.1!. DATA OUT 4 j~ 3 L- "tJ Jl -+1 o DATA INPUT c: 1/0 CLOCK C (") CS -I Self-Test Reference Control Logic and 1/0 Countere I ~ EOC 17 + 18 15 "tJ Jl m < - m :e ~TEXAS· 2-224 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DAUAS. TEXAS 75265 TLV2543C, TLV25431 12-81T ANALOG-T()'DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 ANALOG INPUTS SLAS098-MARCH 1996 Tennlnal Functions TERMINAL 110 DESCRIPTION 1-9, 11,12 I These 11 analog-signal inputs are internally multiplexed. The driving source impedance should be less than or equal to 50 0 for 4.1-MHz I/O CLOCK operation and capable of slewing the analog input voltage into a capacitance of 60 pF. CS 15 I Chip select. A high-to-Iow transition on CS resets the intemal counters and controls and enables DATA OUT, DATA INPUT, and 1/0 CLOCK. A Iow-to-high transition disables DATA INPUT and 110 CLOCK within a setup time. DATA INPUT 17 I Seriaklata input. A 4-bit serial address selects the desired analog input or test voltage to be converted next. The serial data is presented with the MSB first and is shifted in on the first four rising edges of 1/0 CLOCK. After the four address bits are read into the address register, I/O CLOCK clocks tha remaining bits in order. DATA OUT 16 a The 3-state serial output for tha AID conversion result. DATA OUT Is in the high-Impedance state when CS is high and active when CS Is low. With a validCS, DATA OUT is removed from the high-impedance state and is driven to the logic level corresponding to the MSBlLSB value of the previous conversion result. The next falling edge of 110 CLOCK drives DATA OUT to the logic level corresponding to the next MSB/LSB, and the remaining bits are shifted out in order. EOC 19 a End of conversion goes from a high to a low logic level after the falling edge of the last 110 CLOCK and remains low until the conversion is complete and data are ready for transfer. GND 10 I/O CLOCK 18 NAME NO. AINO-AIN10 The ground retum terminal for the intemal circuitry. Unless otherwise noted, all voltage measurements are with respect to GND. I Inputloutput clock. 110 CLOCK receives the serial Input and perfonns the following four functions: 1. It clocks the eight Input data bits into the input data register on the first eight rising edgos of 1/0 CLOCK with the multiplexer address available after the fourth rising edge. 2. On the fourth falling edge of I/O CLOCK, the analog input voltage on the selected multiplexer input begins charging the capacitor array and continues to do so until the last falling edge of I/O CLOCK. 3. It shifts the 11 remaining bits of the previous conversion data out on DATA OUT. Data changes on the falling edge of 110 CLOCK. 4. It transfers control of the conversion to the internal state controller on the falling edge of the last I/O CLOCK. 14 I The upper refarence voitage value (nominally VCC) is applied to REF+. The maximum input voltage range is determined by the difference between the voltage applied to this terminal and the voltage applied to the REFterminal. REF- 13 I The lower reference voitage value (nominally ground) is applied to REF-. Vee 20 REF+ a. b J C o a: a. Positive supply voltage detailed description Initially, with chip select (CS) high, 1/0 CLOCK and DATA INPUT are disabled and DATA OUT is In the high-impedance state. CS, going low, begins the conversion sequence by enabling I/O CLOCK and DATA INPUT and removes DATA OUT from the high-impedance state. The input data is an 8-bit data stream consisting of a 4-bit analog channel address (07 -04), a 2-bit data length select (03-02), an output MSB or LSB first bit (01), and a unipolar or bipolar output select bit (DO) that are applied to DATA INPUT. The I/O CLOCK sequence applied to the I/O CLOCK terminal transfers this data to the input data register. During this transfer, the I/O CLOCK sequence also shifts the previous conversion result from the output data register to DATA OUT. I/O CLOCK receives the input sequence of 8, 12, or 16 clocks long depending on the data-length selection in the input data register. Sampling of the analog input begins on the fourth falling edge of the input I/O CLOCK sequence and is held after the last falling edge of the I/O CLOCK sequence. The last falling edge of the I/O CLOCK sequence also takes EOC low and begins the conversion. :lllExAs INS1RUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 1155303 • DAllAS, TEXAS 75266 3: :; w a: w 2-225 TLV2543C, TLV25431 12·BITANALOG·TO·DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 ANALOG INPUTS SLAS096 - MARCH 1995 converter operation The operation of the converter is organized as a succession of two distinct cycles: 1) the 1/0 cycle and 2) the actual conversion cycle. The 1/0 cycle is defined by the externally provided 1/0 CLOCK and lasts 8, 12, or 16 clock periods, depending on the selected output data length. 1. 1/0 cycle During the 1/0 cycle, two operations take place simultaneously. a. An8-bit data stream consisting of address and control information is provided to DATA INPUT. This data is shifted into the device on the rising edge of the first eight I/O CLOCKs. DATA INPUT is ignored after the first eight clocks during 12 or 16 clock I/O transfers. b. The data output, with Ii length of 8, 12, or 16 bits, is provided serially on DATA OUT. If CS is held low, the first output data bit occurs on the rising ed~of EOC. If CS is negated between conversions, the first output data bit occurs on the falling edge of CS. This data is the result ofthe previous conversion period, and after the first output data bit, each succeeding bit is clocked out on the falling edge of each succeeding I/O CLOCK. 2. Conversion cycle The conversion cycle is transparent to the user, and it is controlled by an internal clock synchronized to I/O CLOCK. During the conversion period, the device performs a successive-approximation conversion on the analog input voltage. The EOC output goes low at the start of the conversion cycle and goes high when conversion is complete and the output data register is latched. A conversion cycle is started only after the I/O cycle is completed, which minimizes the influence of external qigital noise on the accuracy ofthe conversion. "tI :D o C c ~ "tI :D m < - m ~ power up and Initialization After power up, CS must be taken from high to low to begin an I/O cycle. EOC is initially high, and the input data register is set to all zeroes. The contents of the output data register are random, and the first conversion result should be ignored. To initialize during operation, CS is taken high and returned low to begin the next I/O cycle. The first conversion after the device has returned from the power-down state may not read. accurately due to internal device settling. operational terminology Current (N) 1/0 cycle The entire 1/0 CLOCK sequence that transfers address and control data into the data register and clocks the digital result from the previous conversion from DATA OUT Current (N) conversion cycle The conversion cycle starts immediately after the current I/O cycle. The end of the current I/O cycle is the last clock falling edge in the 1/0 CLOCK sequence. The current conversion result is loaded into the output register when conversion is complete. Current (N) conversion result Previous (N -1) conversion cycle The current conversion result is serially shifted out on the next I/O cycle. The conversion cycle just prior to the current I/O cycle Next (N + 1) I/O cycle The I/O period that follows the current conversion cycle Example: In the 12-bit mode, the result of the current conversion cycle is a 12-bit serial-data stream clocked out during the next I/O cycle. The current I/O cycle must be exactly 12 bits long to maintain synchronization, even if this corrupts the output data from the previous conversion. The current conversion begins immediately after the twelfth falling edge of the current I/O cycle. data Input The data inputis internally connected to an S:-bit serial-input address and control register. The register defines the operation of. the converter and the output data length. The host provides the data word with the MSB first. Each data bit is clocked in on the rising edge of the I/O CLOCK sequence (see Table 1 for the data register format). ~TEXAS 2-226 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • OALLAS, TEXAS 75265 TLV2543C,TLV25431 12·81T ANALOG·TO·DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 ANALOG INPUTS SLAS096-MARCH 1995 data Input address bits The four MSBs (07 - 04) of the data register are used to address one of the 11 input channels, a reference-test voltage, or the power-down mode. The address bits affect the current conversion, which is the conversion that immediately follows the current 1/0 cycle. The reference voltage is nominally equal to Vref+ - Vrefdata output length The next two bits (03 and 02) of the data register select the output data length. The data-length selection is valid for the current 1/0 cycle (the cycle in which the data is read). The data-length selection, being valid for the current VO cycle, allows device start up without losing 1/0 synchronization. A data length of 8, 12, or 16 bits can be selected. Since the converter has 12-bit resolution, a data length of 12 bits is suggested. With 03 and 02 set to 00 or 10, the device is in the 12-bit data-length mode and the result of the current conversion is output as a 12-bit serial-data stream during the next 1/0 cycle. The current 1/0 cycle must be exactly 12 bits long for proper synchronization, even if this means corrupting the output data from a previous conversion. The current conversion is started immediately after the twelfth falling edge of the current 1/0 cycle. With bits 03 and 02 set to 11 , the 16-bit data-length mode is selected, which allows convenient communication with 16-bit serial interfaces. In the 16-bit mode, the result of the current conversion is output as a 16-bit serial-data stream during the next 1/0 cycle with the four LSBs always set to 0 (pad bits). The current 1/0 cycle must be exactly 16 bits long to maintain synchronization even if this means corrupting the output data from the previous conversion. The current conversion is immediately started after the 16th falling edge of the current 1/0 cycle. With bits 03 and 02 set to 01, the 8-bit data-length mode is selected, which allows fast communication with 8-bit serial interfaces. In the8-bit mode, the result of the current conversion is output as an 8-blt serial-data stream during the next VO cycle. The current 1/0 cycle must be exactly 8 bits long to maintain synchronization, even if this means corrupting the output data from the previous conversion. The four LSBs of the conversion result are truncated and discarded. The current conversion is immediately started after the eighth falling edge of the current 1/0 cycle. Since 03 and 02 take effect on the current 1/0 cycle when the data length is programmed, there can be a conflict with the previous cycle when the data-word length is changed from one cycle to the next. This may occur when the data format is selected to be least significant bit first, since at the time the data length change becomes effective (6 riSing edges of 1/0 CLOCK), the previous conversion result has already started shifting out. In actual operation, if different data lengths are required within an application and the data length is changed between two conversions, no more than one conversion result can be corrupted and only if it is shifted out in LSB first format. sampling period Ouring the sampling period, one of the analog inputs is internally connected to the capacitor array of the converter to store the analog input signal. The converter starts sampling the selected input immediately after the four address bits have been clocked into the input data register. Sampling starts on the fourth falling edge of 1/0 CLOCK. The converter remains In the sampling mode until the eighth, twelfth, or Sixteenth falling edge of the 1/0 CLOCK depending on the data-length selection. After the EOC delay time from the last 1/0 CLOCK falling edge, the EOC output goes low indicating that the sampling period is over and the conversion period has begun. After EOC goes low, the analog input can be changed without affecting the conversion result. Since the delay from the falling edge of the last VO CLOCK to EOC low is fixed, time-varying analog input signals can be digitized at a fixed rate without introdUCing systematic harmonic distortion or noise due to timing uncertainty. After the 8-bit data stream has been clocked in, OATA INPUT should be held at a fixed digital level until EOC goes high (indicating the conversion is complete) to maximize the sampling accuracy and minimize the influence of external digital noise. ~1ExAs INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 666303 • DAllAS. TEXAS 7S265 2-227 ~ ::> W s:W a:: Q. .... 0 ::) C 0 a:: Q. TLV2543C,TLV25431 12·91T ANAlOG-TO·DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 ANALOG INPUTS 0 SLAS096-MARCH 1995 data register, LSB first 01 in the input data register (LSB first) is used to control the direction of the output binary data transfer. When 01 is set to 0, the conv~rsion result is shifted out MSB first. When set to 1, the data is shifted O!,lt LSB first. Selection of MSB first or LSBfirst always affects the next 1/0 cycle and not the current 1/0 cycle, When changing from one data direction to another, the current 1/0 cycle is never disrupted. data register, bipolar format DO in the input data register is used to control the binary data format used to represent the conversion result. When DO is set to 0, the conversion result is represented as unipolar (unsigned binary) data. Nominally, the conversion result of an input voltage equal to Vref- is a code of all zeros (000 ... 0), the conversion result of an input voltage equal to Vref+ is a code of all ones (111 ... 1), and the conversion result of (Vref + + Vref-)/2 is a code of a one followed by zeros (100 ... 0). When DO is set to 1, the conversion result is represented as bipolar. (BIP) .(signed binary) data. Nominally, conversion of an input voltage equal to Vref-is a code of a 1 followed by zeros (100 ... 0), conversion of an input voltage equal to Vref+ is a code ofa 0 followed by all ones (011 ... 1), and the conversion of (Vref+ + Vref-) 12 is a code of all zeros (000 ... 0). The MSB is interpreted as the sign bit. The bipolar data formatis rE!lated to the unipolar format in that the MSBs are always each other's complement. "tJ :D o o c: o .... "'tJ :D m m < :e Selection of the unipolar or bipolar format always affects the current conversion cycle, and the result is output during the next 1/0 cycle. When changing between unipolar and bipolar formats, the data output during the current 1/0 cycle is not affected. EOC output The EOC signal indicates the beginning and the end of conversion. In the reset state, EOC is always high. During the sampling period (beginning after the fourth falling edge of the 1/0 CLOCK sequence), EOC remains high until the internal sampling switch of the converter is safely opened. The opening of the sampling switch occurs after the eighth, twelfth, or sixteenth 1/0 CLOCK falling edge, depending on the data-length selection in the input data register. After the EOC signal goes low, the analog input signal can be changed without affecting the conversion result. The EOC signal goes high again afterthe conversion is completed and the conversion result is latched into the output data register. The rising edge of EOC returns the converter to a reset state and a new 1/0 cycle b~s. On the rising edge of EOC, the first bit of the current conversion result is on DATA OUT if CS is low. If CS is negated between conversions, the first bit of the current conversion result occurs at DATA OUT on the falling edge of CS. data format and pad bits 03 and 02 of the input data register determine the number of significant bits in the digital output that represent the conversion result. The LSB-first bit determines the direction of the data transfer while the BI P bit determines the arithmetic conversion. The numerical data is always justified toward the MSB in any output format. The internal conversion result is always 12 bits long. When an a-bit data transfer is selected, the four LSBs of the internal result are discarded to provide a faster one-byte transfer. When a 12-bit transfer is used, all bits are transferred. When a 16-bit transfer is used, four LSB pad bits are always appended to the internal conversion result. In the LSB-first mode, four leading zeros are output. In the MSB-first mode, the last four bits output are zeros. When CS is held low continuously, the first data bit of the just completed conversion occurs on DATA OUT on the rising edge of EOC. When a new conversion js started after the last falling edge of 1/0 CLOCK, EOC goes low and)he serial output is forced to a logic zero until EOC goes high again. " When CS is negated between conversions, the first data bit occurs on DATA OUT on the falling edge of CS. On each subsequent falling edge of 1/0 CLOCK after the first data bit appears, the data is changed to the next bit in the serial conversion result until the required number of bits has been output. ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE. BOX 665303 • DALlAS. TEXAS 75265 - TLV2543C, TLV25431 12·81T ANALOG·TO·DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 ANALOG INPUTS SLAS096-MARCH 1995 chip-select Input (CS) The chip-select input (CS) enables and disables the device. During normal operation, CS should be low. Although the use of CS is not necessary to synchronize a data transfer, it can be brought high between conversions to coordinate the data transfer of several devices sharing the same bus. When CS is brought high, the serial-data output is immediately brought to the high-impedance state, releasing its output data line to other devices that may share it. After an internally generated debounce time, the I/O CLOCK is inhibited, thus preventing any further change in the internal state. When CS is subsequently brought low again, the device is reset. CS must be held low for an internal debounce time before the reset operation takes effect. After CS is debounced low, 1/0 CLOCK must remain inactive (low) for a minimum time before a new 1/0 cycle can start. CS can be used to interrupt any ongoing data transfer or any ongoing conversion. If CS is debounced low long enough before the end of the current conversion cycle, the previous conversion result is saved in the internal output buffer and shifted out during the next 1/0 cycle. power-down features When a binary address of 1110 is clocked into the input data register during the first four 1/0 CLOCK cycles, the power-down mode is selected. Power down is activated on the falling edge of the fourth 1/0 CLOCK pulse. During power down, all internal circuitry is put in a low-current standby mode. No conversions are performed, and the internal output buffer keeps the previous conversion cycle data results, provided that all digital inputs are held above Vee - 0.5 V or below 0.5 V. The 1/0 logic remains active so the current 1/0 cycle must be completed even when the power-down mode is selected. Upon power-on reset and before the first 1/0 cycle, the converter normally begins in the power-down mode. The device remains in the power-down mode until a valid (other than 1110) input address is clocked in. Upon completion of that 1/0 cycle, a normal conversion is performed with the results being shifted out during the next 1/0 cycle. . 3= w s:w a: Q. I- analog Input, test, and power-down mode The 11 analog inputs, three internal voltages, and power-down mode are selected by the input multiplexer according to the input addresses shown in Tables 2, 3, and 4. The input multiplexer is a break-before-make type to reduce input-to-input noise rejection resulting from channel switching. Sampling of the analog input starts on the falling edge of. the fourth I/O CLOCK and continues for the remaining I/O CLOCK pulses. The sample is held on the falling edge of the last I/O CLOCK pulse. The three internal test inputs are applied to the multiplexer, sampled, and converted in the same manner as the external analog inputs. The first conversion after the device has returned from the power-down state may not read accurately due to internal device settling. ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 656303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75266 2-229 o ::;) c o a: Q. TLV2543C, TLV25431 12·81T ANALOG·TO·DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 ANALOG INPUTS SLAS096 - MARCH 1996 detailed description (continued) Table 1. Input-Register Format FUNCTION SELECT D7 (MSB) Select input channel AINO AIN1 AIN2 AIN3 AIN4 AIN5 AIN6 AIN7 AIN8 AIN9 AIN10 Select test voltage (Vref + - Vref-)12 VrefVref+ Software power clown "lJ :a o c INPUT DATA BYTE L1 ADDRESS BITS LO D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 Output data length 8 bits 12 bits 16 bits Output data format MSBfirst LSB first c: ~ "lJ :a m 0 X 1 - 1 0 1 0 1 Table 2. Analog-Channel-Select Address ANALOG INPUT SELECTED AINO AINl AIN2 AIN3 AIN4 AIN5 AIN6 AIN7 AIN8 AIN9 AIN10 VALUE SHIFTED INTO DATA INPUT BINARY 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 HEX 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A ~1ExAs 2-230 BIP DO (LSB) 0 1 Unipolar (binary) Bipolar' (2s complement) < m :E. LSBF D1 INsTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 866303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75266 TLV2543C,TLV25431 12·81T ANALOG·TO·DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 ANALOG INPUTS SLAS096 - MARCH 1995 detailed description (continued) Table 3. Test-Mode-Select Address INTERNAL SELF·TEST VOLTAGE SELECTEDt VALUE SHIFTED INTO DATA INPUT BINARY HEX 1011 B Vl1!f±-Vcm- 2 UNIPOLAR OUTPUT RESULT (HEX)t 200 1100 C 000 Vref3FF 1101 0 Vref+ t Vref + is the voltage applied to REF +, and Vref- is the voltage applied to REF-. :j: The output results shown are the ideal values and may vary with the reference stability and with internal offsets. Table 4. Power-Down-Select Address INPUT COMMAND Power down VALUE SHIFTED INTO DATA INPUT BINARY 1110 I I HEX E RESULT ~ ICC';; 25 !lA W converter and analog Input The CMOS threshold detector in the successive-approximation conversion system determines each bit by examining the charge on a series of binary-weighted capacitors (see Figure 1). In the first phase of the conversion process, the analog input is sampled by closing the Se switch and all ST switches simultaneously. This action charges all the capaCitors to the input voltage. In the next phase of the conversion process, all ST and Se switches are opened and the threshold detector begins identifying bits by identifying the cha~ge (voltage) on each capacitor relative to the reference (REF-) voltage. In the switching sequence, 12 capacitors are examined separately until all 12 bits are identified and the charge-convert sequence is repeated. In the first step of the conversion phase, the threshold detector looks at the first capaCitor (weight = 4096). Node 4096 of this capacitor is switched to the REF+ voltage, and the equivalent nodes of all the other capacitors on the ladder are switched to REF-. If the voltage at the summing node is greater than the trip point of the threshold detector (approximately one-half Vee), a bit 0 is placed in the output register and the 409B-weight capaCitor is switched to REF-. If the voltage at the summing node is less than the trip point of the threshold detector, a bit 1 is placed in the register and this 4096-weight capaCitor remains connected to REF + through the remainder of the successive-approximation process. The process is repeated for the 2048-weight capacitor, the 1024-weight capacitor, and so forth, down the line until all bits are determined. With each step of the successive-approximation process, the initial charge is redistributed among the capaCitors. The conversion process relies on charge redistribution to determine the bits from MSB to LSB. reference voltage Inputs There are two reference voltage inputs on the device: REF+ and REF-. The voltage values on these terminals establish the upper and lower limits of the analog input to produce a full-scale and zero-scale reading respectively. These voltages and the analog input should not exceed the positive supply or be lower than ground consistent with the specified absolute maximum ratings. The digital output is at full scale when the input signal is equal to or higher than REF+ terminal voltage and at zero when the input signal is equal to or lower than REFterminal voltage. ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • OAu.AS, TEXAS 75265 2-231 s:w a:: a. b ::l C o a:: a. - TLV2543C, TLV25431 12-81T ANALOG-T()"DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 ANALOG INPUTS SLAS096 - MARCH 1996 detailed description (continued) Figure 1. Simplified Model of the Successive-Approximation System "tJ :D o C c: ~ "tJ :D m < m == / ~1ExAs 2-232 INSIRUMENTS POST OFfICE BOX 886303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 76286 TLV2543C, TLV25431 12·81T ANALOG·TO·DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 ANALOG INPUTS SLAS096 - MARCH 1995 absolute maximum ratings over operating free·air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)t Supply voltage range, Vee (see Note 1) ..............•............................. -0.5 V to 6.5 V Input voltage range, VI (any input) ............................................ -0.3 V to Vee + 0.3 V Output voltage range, Vo ................................................... -0.3 V to Vee + 0.3 V Positive reference voltage, Vref+ ...................................................... Vee + 0.1 V Negative reference voltage, Vref- .......................................................... -0.1 V Peak input current, II (any input) ......................................................... ±20 mA Peak total input current (all inputs) ....................................................... ±30 mA Operating free-air temperature range, TA: TLV2543C ................................... O°C to 70°C . TLV25431 .................................. -40°C to 85°C Storage temperature range, Tstg .................................................. -65°C to 150°C Lead temperature 1,6 mm (1/16 inch) from the case for 10 seconds ............................ 260°C t Stresses beyond those listed under "absolute maximum ratings' may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under "recommended operating conditions" is not implied. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. NOTE 1: All voltage values are with respect to the GND terminal with REF-and GND wired together (unless otherwise noted). recommended operating conditions Supply voltage, VCC MIN NOM MAX 3 3.3 3.6 Positive reference voltage, Vref+ (see Note 2) 2.5 Differential reference voltage, Vref+ - Vref- (see Note 2) Analog input voltage (see Note 2) VCC 0 High-level control input voltage, VIH I VCC =3 V to 3.6 V Low-level control input voltage, VIL \ VCC =3 Vt03.6 V Clock frequency at 1/0 CLOCK V VCC+O.1 V VCC V 2 V 0.8 0 V V VCC 0 Negative reference voltage, Vref- (see Note 2) UNIT 3 V MHz 100 ns Hold time, address bits after 1/0 CLOCKi, theA) (see Figure 5) 0 ns Hold time, CS low after last 1/0 CLOCK!, th(CS) (see Figure 6) 0 ns 1.425 lIS ns Setup time, address bits at DATA INPUT before 1/0 CLOCKi,\su(A) (see Figure 5) Setup time, CS low before clocking in first address bit, tsu(CS) (see Note 3 and Figure 6) Pulse duration, I/O CLOCK high,IwH(I/O) 190 Pulse duration, I/O CLOCK low, twL(I/O) 190 Transition time, I/O CLOCK, ttlllO} (see Note 4 and Figure 7) Transition time, DATA INPUT and CS, tt(CS) Operating free-air temperature, TA \TLV2543C 0 ns 1 lIS 10 lIS 70 ·C -40 85 NOTES: 2. Analog input voltages greater than that applied to REF+convertasali ones (111111111111), while input voltages less than that applied to REF- convert as all zeros (000000000000). 3. To minimize errors caused by noise at the CS input, the internal Circuitry waits for a setup time after CS! before responding to control input signals. No attempt should be made to clock in an address until the minimum CS setup time has elapsed. 4. This is the time required for the clock inpllt signal to fall from VIHmin to VILmax or to rise from VILmax to VIHmin. In the vicinity of normal room temperature, the devices function with input clock transition time as slow as 1 lIS for remote data acquisition applications where the sensor and the AID converter are placed several feet away from the controlling microprocessor. I TLV25431 -!llExAs INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE eox 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 2-233 3: :; w a: w D.. I- o ::l C oa: D.. TLV2543C, TLV25431 12·81T ANALOG·TO·DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 ANALOG INPUTS SLAS096 - MAROH 1995 . electrical characteristics over recommended operating free-air temperature range, Vee = Vref+ = 3 V to 3.6 V (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER VOH High-level output voltage VOL Low-level output voltage VCC- 3V• VCC -3 V to 3.6 V. IOZ Off-state (high-impedancestate) output current VO-VCC. VO-O. VI-VCC VI-O CSalOV IIH High-level input current IlL Low-level input current ICC Operetil1ll s4Pply current, ICC(PD) Power.w W a: 1.5 2.2 )IS See Figure 9 See Figure 4 ns 0.7 100 1.3 Disable time, CS1' to DATA OUT (high impedance) See Figure 4 70 150 ns (.) )IS Q. I- Rise time, EOC. See Figure 9 15 50 ns :;:) Fail time, EOC See FigureS 15 50 ns Rise time, data bus See Figure 7 15 50 ns Fall time, data bus See Figure 7 15 50 ns oa: 5 )IS Delay time, last 1/0 CLOCK'/' to CS'/' to abort conversion (see Note 11) t All typical values are at TA • 25°C. NOTES: 2. Anaiog input voltages greaier than that applied to REF + convert as all ones (111111111111), while input voltages less than that applied to REF-convert as all zeros (000000000000). 6. Linearity error Is the maXimum deviation from the 'best sl\"aight line through the AID transfer characteristics. 7. Gain error is the difference between the actual midstep vaiue and the nominal midstep value in the transfer diagram at the specified gain point aiter the offset error has been adjusted to zero. Offset error is the difference between the actual midstep value and the nominal midstep value at the offset point. S. Total unadjusted error comprises linearity, zero-seele, and full-scale errors. 9. Both the Input addrass and the output codes are expressed in positive logic. 10. 1/0 CLOCK period. 1/(1/0 CLOCK frequency) (see Figura 7). 11. Any transitions of CS are recognized as vaiid only if the level is maintained for a satup time. CS must be taken low at S 5 )IS of the tenth 110 CLOCK falling edge to assure a conversion is aborted. Batween 5 )IS and 10 )IS, the result is uncertain as to whether the conversion is aborted or the conversion results are valid. ~TEXAS . INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 65S303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75266 2-235 C Q. TlV2543C, TLV25431 12..811 ANALOG·TO·DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 ANALOG INPUTS SLAS096 - MARCH 1995 PARAMETER MEASUREMENT INFORMATION 15V C1 10 IJ.f C3 470pF TLV2543 100 VI-~---1 >t.....-'VI/\..----t AINO-AIN10 C1 10 IJ.f C3 470pF -15V LOCATION "'tJ :xl DESCRIPTION U1 C1 C2 C3 o C PART NUMBER - OP27 10-J.lF 35-V tantalum capacitor 0.1-J.LF ceramic NPO SMD capacitor 470-pF porcelain high-Q SMD capacitor AVX 12105C104KA105 or equivalent Johanson 201 8420471 JG4L or equivalent c: ~ Figure 2. Analog Input Buffer to Analog Inputs AINO...:AIN10 Teat Point "'tJ :xl Teat Point m m -< :e Figure 3. Load Circuits !.1 . CS ~~ ______2JVT.1 \.O.SV I! tpZH. tpZL DATA OUT ~ ~ I" 2.4 V 0.4V\ DATA INPUT ~_ ~ tPHZ.tPLZ "\ 910%0% 1/0 CLOCK Figure 4. DATA OUT to HI-Z Voltage Waveforms 1 .v theA) 1 jeo. ......._ _______.:;O.;:;;s_V.JI Figure 5. DATA INPUT and 110 CLOCK Voltage Waveforms ~TEXAS 2-236 --.1 '=X:~~~.::-v-----X= I .. 1 1 14 l~ tau (A) . , Data Valid INSTRUMENTS . POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALlAS. TEXAS 75265 TLV2543C, TLV25431 12·BIT ANALOG·TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 ANALOG INPUTS SLAS096-MARCH 1995 PARAMETER MEASUREMENT INFORMATION Figure 6. CS and 110 CLOCK Voltage Waveformst t To ensure full conversion accuracy, it Is recommended that no input signal change occurs while a conversion is ongoing. tt(l/O) ~ I+-- --.: I+-- It(IIO) II I~~~ I I/O CLOCK 0.8 V I 0.8 V 0.8 V ~O CLOCK Per\od--+I ~ fcI(I/OoDATA) ~I tv~11 4A~._. .O;;;..4;.;V~ -----""I r DATA OUT 2.4 V 0.4 V 2.4 V ~ r w 5> w _ _ _ _ __ a:: a. t,(bus). tt(bus) I- Figure 7. 110 CLOCK and DATA OUT Voltage Waveforms '(,) 110 CLOCK- - - . // "w.at \ Clock fclCUOoEOC) ::::l C ~..;O;;..8.;;.V_ _ _ _ __ o a:: a. ~~f----~~I --------,1 2.4V ,~ EOC !\ 0.4V tt(EOC) --+1I II+-- Figure 8. 110 CLOCK and EOC Voltage Waveforms --.: I+-EOC ~ 0.4 V 1 I... tr(E0C) 2.4V ~(I 2~~oc..DATA) DATAOUT - - - - - - - - ( . 0.4V ~.;..;..---- j...- Valid MSB --+ Figure 9. EOC and DATA OUT Voltage waveforms :illExAs INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 865303 • DAUAS. TEXAS 7e265 2-237 TlV2543C, TLV25431 12·81T ANALOG·TO·DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 ANALOG. INPUTS SLAS096 - MARCH 1995 PARAMETER MEASUREMENT INFORMATION \1!--_ (seeNme~~~------------------------------------~SI~~------~ J1LFl W//M~ 1 1 1 1/0 CLOCK_+--! 8 ------~~I 1 1 DATA OUT 1 Jr-:::-v ~ M AO 1-ZState 1 ------------L-SB~~I DATA INPUT B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 LSB :-~'777vv7 ---~I BO -~~ 1 C7 1 1 ~----------------------------~\1\~--_n1 "'0' ::JJ EOC J~ o . c:: n b lconv ----.I AID Conversion Intarval Initialize Figure 10. Timing for 12-Clock Transfer Using CS With MSB First -I CSI "'0 (eeNoteA) m CLOCK < - I r~SI---- ------i~~I........----~~ Initialize C ::JJ Shift In Naw Multiplexer Address, Simultaneously Shift Out Previous Conversion Value 1 : 1 MSB ~ . 1/0 I~------------------------------------~~IT~--------------~----~~S--1 --II__-! m =e DATA OUT : _ _L_o_W_L_ev_e_1_-'I ------------LS-B~~I BS B7 MSB B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 I ---~ DATA INPUT BO LSB ~ 1 (( EOC Shift In New Multiplexer Address, ~ 1 HS--- \1 I I.--- tconv ---~ 101------- Simultaneously Shift Out Previous ------+1+--------+1 Conversion Value Initialize AID Conversion Interval Initialize Figure 11. Timing for 12-Clock Transfer Not Using CS With MSB First NOTE A: To minimize errors caused by noise at es, the Internal circuitry walts for a setup time afierCSJ. before responding to control input Signals. Therefore, no attempt should be made to clock in an address until the minimum CS setup time has elapsed. ~1ExAs 2-238 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303.• DALlAS. TEXAS 75265 TLV2543C, TLV25431 12·81T ANALOG·TO·DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 ANALOG INPUTS SLAS096-MARCH 1995 PARAMETER MEASUREMENT INFORMATION s~ ('-NOW~ ~~------------------------------------~ I 1/0 CLOCK !-I-- I -+--! I I , -_____ HI_~~~ DATA OUT I I --~~ DATA INPUT I B7 IMSS I EOC Be B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 BO LSS .... ~-..<-~---S~ I I C7 I I I r-S L I J~~---------------------------------nll Initialize I~)+---- Shift In N_ Multiplexer Address, I j4-- tconv --+I Simultaneously Shift Out Previous - - -....~~,,~----+t.1 Conv....lon Value AID Conversion Intarval Initialize ~ W :;: w Figure 12. Timing for 8-Clock Transfer Using CS With MSB First cs (.-NowA) a: 0. t) ~------------------------------------------------~~~ ::l 110 CLOCK C 0. '--------------'I!~~ I ------~~ ~ DATA INPUT I I EOC ~ Low Level DATA OUT oa: J..+I.----S-h-lft-ln-N-_-M-UI-tlP-le-xer-A-dd-reas-.---.....,.,1~,..J I ---tco-nV---.::=::'";i:r Initialize l r--- Simultaneously Shift Out Previous - - -........ I4---r-------:--.... Conversion Value AID COnv....lon Inwrval Initialize Figure 13. Timing for 8-Clock Transfer Not Using CS With MSB First NOTE A: To minimize errors caused by noise atCS. the internal circuitry waits forasetuptime afterCSJ.before responding to control input signals. Therefore. no attempt should be made to clock In an address until the minimum CS setup time has elapsed. ~1ExAs INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DAllAS, TEXAS 75265 2-239 TLV2543C, TLV25431 12·81T ANALOG·TO·DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 ANALOG INPUTS SLAS096 - MARCH 1995 PARAMETER MEASUREMENT INFORMATION '1--, , L- (~NO~~-'~----------------------------------~\'\~------~ I I I .~ rwl W///o/J73 r ----1-"' " ~ J ~~ I I/O CLOCK 8 L-I I I I DATA OUT I HI.ZState~ A1AO' ~ I EOC \WI':! I C7 o C "'D ::xJ m - < m :IE I f"~,~,~I---'conv---+l ------~~I.IIII-----.. ~1 AID Conversion Interval Initialize c: ~ J-~------------------------------------~(()------+ "11II+-~ Shift In New Multiplexer Address, Simultaneously Shift Out Previous Conversion Value I \~ I --JI I "'D ::xJ ~ I ------------~-B~~I DATA INPUT I I Initialize Figure 14. Timing for i6-Clock Transfer Using CS With MSB First (~Note~ll-----------------------------------~r,'\jl"". --------------------~r,'\j,.---- I/O CLOCK I I I . ~ DATA OUT ~~ Low Level --~~------~~I LSB DATA INPUT I 87 IMSB B6 B6 B4 B3 B2 B1 BO LSB ) I I I l I I mnvv; ~I C7 --r --;-,!I . EO:Jr!I-IIII_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--Ijf,'l-/, Shift In New Multiplexer Address, Simuitaneoualy Shift Out Previous Conversion Value ' B15 I ~''l-j-- I II1II-- 'conv --+I ~-----+l~I~.-""':·----~.1 Initialize AID Conversion Interval Figure 15. Timing for i6-Clock Transfer Not Using CS With MSB First NOTE A: To minimize errors caused by noise at CS,the internal circuitry waits forasetupijme after~J, before responding toeontrol input signals. Therefore, no attempt should be made to clock in an address until the minimum ~ setup time has elapsed. ~lExAs . 2-240 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303- PAllAS. TEXAS 75265 TLV2543C,TLV25431 12·81T ANALOG·TO·DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 ANALOG INPUTS SLAS096-MARCH 1995 APPLICATION INFORMATION 111111111111 I I See Notes A and B vFS ~ 111111111110 ~ 1i )~ /' /1I 111111111101 ••• A~ • 100000000001 B ~ '5 t 100000000000 o , Q VZT =Vzs + 112 LSB I-VZS 000000000010 000000000001 oooooooooooo / 1/ III ~ ~ '/V o I .,):::: / /' VFT lA'./' V •• • 2049 I I Ii 2047 I I /' ••• Ii 2 I I / 0.0008 0.0016 4093 =VFS -112 LSB /' /' ••• 1.6376 o 1.6384 1.6392 4094 VFSnom /! ~ /' 7 011111111111 • •• ~ ~l 4095 ••• VI- Analog Input Voltage - V I 3.2752 ~ ~ W :; w a: o 3.2760 3.2768 Il. I- ~ NOTES: A. This curve is based on the assumption that Vref+ and Vref- have been adjusted so that the voltage at the transition from digital 0 to 1 (VZT) is 0.0006 V and the transition to full scale (VFT) is 4.9134 V. 1 LSB = 1.2 mY. B. The full-scale value (VFS) is the step whose nominal midstep value has the highest absolute value. The zero-scale value (VZS) is the step whose nominal midstep value equals zero. Figure 16. Ideal Conversion Characteristics o ::l C o a: Il. TLV2643 1 2 3 4 5 6 Analog Inputa 7 8 9 11 12 15 AINO CS AIN1 I/O CLOCK AIN2 DATA INPUT 18 17 Processor AIN3 AIN4 DATA OUT AIN5 EOC COntrol Circuit 16 19 AIN6 AIN7 AIN8 REF+ AIN9 REF- AIN10 14 r:+-- 3-V DC Regulated ~ GND .L 10 To Source Ground """- I l Figure 17. Serial Interface ~1ExAs INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • OALlAS, TEXAS 75265 2-241 - 2-242 TL5501 6-81T ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTER SLAS026- • • • • • • • • • 6-Blt Resolution Linearity Error. •. ±0.8% Maximum Conversion Rate ••• 30 MHz Typ Analog Input Voltage Range Vee to Vee -2 V Analog Input Dynamic Range. .• 1 V TTL Digital 110 Level Low Power Consumption 200mWTyp S-V Single-Supply Operation Interchangeable With Fujitsu MB40576 OCTOBER 1969 - REVISED APRIL 1990 NPACKAGE (TOP VIEW) (LSB) 00 01 02 3 GNO DGTlVee ANlGVee 03 REFB 04 ANlGINPUT (MSB) 05 elK GNO 6 7 8 REFT ANLGVee 9 OGTL Vee description The TL5501 is a low-power ultra-high-speed video-band analog-to-digital converter that uses the Advanced Low-Power Schottky (ALS) process. It utilizes the full-parallel comparison (flash method) for high-speed conversion. It converts wide-band analog signals (such as a video signal) to a digital signal at a sampling rate of dc to 30 MHz. Because of this high-speed capability, the TL5501 is suitable for digital video applications such as digital TV, video processing with a computer, or radar signal processing. The TL5501 is characterized for operation from O°C to 70°C. functional block diagram CLK------i ANLG INPUT - - - . . . , REFT R EN 05 (MSB) D4 R 03 63-\0-6 Encoder Latch and Buffer 02 R 01 00 (LSB) R R REFB PAODUCTIONDATAI_II_IIorNII_ _ _ canformlOlIIICIIiCaIIOnIperllltl8mllor_ ............. _ ....111\< Proclucllon pnICIIIIng _ pili...... not _rIIylncl.... llltlng 01 all TEXAS .Jf INSlRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 Copyright © 1990, Texas Instruments Incorporated 2-243 TL5501 16-BIT ANALOG·TO-DIGITAL CONVERTER SLAS026 - 03163, OCTOBER 1989 - REVISED APRIL 1990 equivalents of analog Input circuit ANLO vee ----41~---41~ ANLOVee v, ~ ----------<.. - ......- - - - - e - - e e, ANLO OND ----4~......- - J NOTE A:Cj - nonlinear emitter-follower junction capacitance '1- linear resistance model for input current transition caused by comparator switching. VI < VrefB: Infinite; eLK high: infinite. VrefB-voltage at REFB terminal lbias - constant input bias current o -base-oollector Junction diode of emitter-follower transistor equivalent of digital Input circuit r------------------------------------------, DOTL Vee - -......- - -......- - - . . . . . 251<0 3.11<0 251<0 Vref =1.4 V V, OND---......- - -......- ......--*-- TEXAS 2-244 .Jf INSIRUMENI'S POST OFFICE eox 6S5303 • DAllAS, TEXAS 75266 TL5501 6-BIT ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTER SLAS026- 03163, OCTOBER 1989 - REVISED APRIL 1990 FUNCTION TABLE ANALOG INPUT DIGITAL OUTPUT CODE VOLTAGE 0 3,992 V L L L L L L 1 4,008 V L L L L L H I I I 31 4,488 V H H H H H L 4,508 V L L L 32 H L L 4,520 V 33 H L L L L H I I I 4,984 V H H H H L 62 H 5,OOQV H 63 H H H H H t These values are based onthe assumption that VrefB and VrefT have been adjusted so that the voltage at the transition from digital to 1 (VZT) is 4,000 V and the transition to full scale (VFT) is 4,992 V, 1 LSB R 16 mY, STEP ° absolute maximum ratings over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted) Supply voltage range, ANLG Vee (see Note 1) " ... ,., .. ,.".,." .. " ... ,.".,.""", -0.5 V to 7 V Supply voltage range, DGTL Vee ".", .. ,., .. ,.,.,., .. ,., .. ,." .. " ... , .. ,.,"".", - 0.5 V to 7 V Input voltage range at digital input, VI ........................... , .... , .... ' .... , .. ,.,. -0,5 V to 7 V Input voltage range at analog input, VI ... " ... , ........ , ...... , ... , ..... -0,5 V to ANLG Vee +0,5 V Analog reference voltage range, Vref .... , .... , .... , ... , .... '" ......... -0.5 V to ANLG Vee +0,5 V Storage temperature range , ........ , ........ , ........ , .... ,...................... -55°e to 150°C Operating free-air temperature range .. " .... , ... "., ... "., .. , .. , ............ ,., .... ,. O°C to 70°C Lead temperature 1,6 mm (1/16 inch) from case for 10 seconds ., .. ,."." ...... ,., .... , .. ,.,. 260°C NOTE1:AII voltage values are with respect to the network ground terminal. recommended operating conditions MIN 4,75 4,75 2 Supply voltage, ANLG VCC Supply voltage, DGTL VCC High-level input voltage, VIH Low-level input voltage, VIL Input voltage at analog input. VI (see Note 2) ,Analog reference voltage (top side). VrefT (see Note 2) Analog reference voltage (bottom side). VrefB (see Note 2) High-level output current. IOH Low-level output current. IOL Clock pulse duration. high-level or 10w-level.1w Operating free-air temperature. TA 4 4 3 -400 NOM 5 5 MAX 5,25 5,25 5 4 0,8 5 5,1 4,1 IIA 4 25 ° NOTE 2: VrefB o tn 3-2 TLC5602C,TLC5602M VIDEO 8-81T DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTERS 1989 - REVISED MAY 1995 • • • • • 8-Blt Resolution • ±0.2% Linearity • Maximum Conversion Rate 30MHzTyp 20 MHz Min TTL Digital Input Voltage S-V Single Power-Supply Operation Low Power Consumption .•••.. 80 mW Typ Interchangeable With Fujitsu MB40778 • Analog Output Voltage Range Voo to VOD -1 V description The TLC5602x devices are low-power, ultra-high-speed video, digital-to-analog converters that use the LinEPICTIl 1-J.UTl CMOS process. The TLC5602x converts digital signals to analog signals at a sampling rate of dc to 20 MHz. Because of high-speed operation, the TLC5602x devices are suitable for digital video applications such as digital television, video processing with a computer, and radar-signal processing. The TLC5602C is characterized for operation from O°C to 70°C. The TLC5602M is characterized over the full military temperature range of -55°C to 125°C. N PACKAGE {TOP VIEW) OGTLGNO OGTLVoo COMP DO (LSB) 01 02 REF ANLGV001 AOUT ANLGVOD2 OGTLVoo ANLGGNO DWPACKAGE {TOP VIEW) 03 04 6 7 8 9 11 05 06 07 (MSB) CLK OGTLGNO OGTLVoo COMP REF 02 ANLG V001 A OUT NC ANLG V002 OGTL VOO ANLGGNO 03 04 JPACKAGE {TOP VIEW) NC OGTLGNO OGTL VOO COMP 11 CLK Cc cz cc~ ~ ~ C!:IC!:IOOo ........ ...J...J cczzc 6 03 04 9 05 06 07 (MSB) 11 9 >C!:I 01 02 REF ANLGV001 A OUT ANLGV002 OGTL VOO ANLGGNO 05 06 07 (MSB) FKPACKAGE {TOP VIEW) NC 00 (LSB) 3 NC 00 (LSB) 01 COMP CLK REF ANLGVOO1 A OUT ANLGVOO2 4 5 6 7 8 3 2 1 2019 18 17 16 15 14 9 10 11 12 13 01 02 03 04 05 NO-No internal connection Un EPIC is a trademark of Texas Instruments Incorporated. ~TEXAS Copyright © 1995, Texas Instruments Incorporated INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 665303 • DAUAS. TEXAS 75265 3-3 TLC5602C,TLC5602M VIDEO 8-81" DIGITAL·TO·ANALOG CONVERTERS SLAS023C - FEBRUARY 1989 - ReviSED MAY 1995 . AVAILABLE OPTIONS PACKAGE WIDE-BODY. SMALL OUTLINE TA (OW) O·C to 70·e CERAMIC CHIP CARRIER (FK) CERAMIC DIP {J} TLC5602MFK TLC5602MJ TLC5602CDW PLASTIC DIP (N) TLC5602CN -55·C to 125·C functional block diagram COMP ----~..., REF - - - - - - - , I CLK-------------~ 07 -DO Buffer Driver With Register -...,---1 >""""--1 Decode 8 8 STEP 63 A OUT 3 t-.,-..... lx1 FUNCTION TABLE DIGITAL INPUTS DO OUTPUT VOLTAGEt L L 3.980 V L H 3.984 V H H H 4.488 V 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 0 L L L L L L 1 L L L L L L I I I 127, L H H H H 128 H H L L L L L L L 4.492 V L L L L L L H 4.496 V H H H H H L 4.996 V H 5.000 V 129 I 254 255 I H H H H H H H H I H tVDD = 5 V and Vre! = 4.02 V schematics of equivalent input and output EQUIVALENT OF EACfI DIGITAL INPUT DGTLVDD. DGTL "DO d ANLG* GND .....- - - ,ANLG VDD1 80n :J---- On EQUIVALENT OF ANALOG OUTPUT ~ DGTL* GND A OUT ANLa* GND * ANLG GND and DGTL GND do not connect internally and should be tied together as close to the device terminals as poSSible. 3-4 "!11 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 752e6 TLC5602C,TLC5602M VIDEO 8·BIT DIGITAL·TO·ANALOG CONVERTERS SLAS023C - FEBRUARY 1989 - REVISED MAY 1995 absolute maximum ratings over operating free-air temperature range {unless otherwise noted)t Supply voltage range, ANLG Voo, DGTL Voo .........•...........•................... -0.5 V to 7 V Digital input voltage range, VI •....................................................... -0.5 V to 7 V Analog reference voltage range, Vref ..................................... VOO-1.7 V to Voo+0.5 V Operating free-air temperature range, TA: TLC5602C ...............................•.. O°C to 70°C TLC5602M ............................... -55°C to 125°C Storage temperature range, Tstg .................................................. -65°C to 150°C Lead temperature 1,6 mm (1/16 inch) from case for 10 seconds ... . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260°C t Stresses beyond those listed under "absolute maximum ratings·· may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under "recommended operating conditions" is not implied. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. recommended operating conditions Supply voltage, VOO MIN NOM MAX 4.75 5 5.25 V 3.8 4 4.2 V Analog reference voltage, Vref 2 High-level input voltage. VIH V 0.8 Low-level input voltage. VIL Pulse duration, CLK high or low, tw UNIT V 25 ns Setup time, data before CLK't.lsu 16.5 ns Hold time, data after CLK'!'. th 12.5 ns 1 ILF Phase compensation capaCitance, Ccomp (see Note 1) g 75k Load resistance. RL 0 70 -55 125 ITLC5602C Operating free-air temperature.TA JTLC5602M NOTE 1: The phase compensation capacitor should be connected between COMP and ANLG GND. ·C electrical characteristics over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS I inputs VI-OV ±1 lref Input reference current Vref=4 V Full-scale analog output voltage VOO ro Output resistance MAX ±1 VFS Zero-scale analog output voltage TYP* VI=5V IlL VZS MIN I Digital High-level input current LOW-level input current IIH =5 V. Vref - 10 UNIT JLA JLA JLA mV TLC5602C VOO-15 3.919 VOO = 5 V, Vr~ - 4.02 V. TA - full range TLC5602M 3.919 3.98 4.042 TLC5602M 3.919 3.98 4.062 TA=25·C TLC5602C TLC5602M 60 80 120 g TA - full range§ 25 mA 4.02 V Input capacitance TA=25·C fclock - 1 MHz, Supply current IDO fclock - 20 MHz, Vref = VOO-0.95 V * All typical values are at VOO = 5 V and TA - 25·C. . § Full range for the TLC5602C is O·C to 70·C, and full range for the TLC5602M is -55·C to 125·C. Ci ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DAllAS. TEXAS 75265 VOO VOO+15 3.98 4.042 15 16 V pF TLC5602C,TLC5602M VIDEO 8-81T DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTERS SLAS023C - FEBRUARY 1989 - REVISED MAY 1995 operating characteristics over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS El(adj) Linearity error, best-straight-line TA-25·C t Linearity error, end point ED Linearity error, differential Gdiff Differential gain TYpt MAX UNIT ±O.2% ±O.2% TlC5602M TA = full range:!: El MIN TlC5602C TA c full rangei ±O.4% ±0.15% ±0.2% 0;7% ~iff Differential phase NTSC 4D-IRE modulated ramp, fclock 14.3 MHz, Zl I GI i' ~ -; • 4.496 Step 129 C I ~ • • CD ~ SteP1~8 V ' - Step~27 L - 4.488 GI ! /' -; CD I . g I ~ 8 8 ... ... .....,.. ... . ~ ;: § y' ~:!L ), .... 3.984 ICx r-r - I ELi I ~i- Vzs Olgltallnput Code Olgltellnput Code OUTPUT RESISTANCE vs FREE·AIR TEMPERATURE 100 ~ .& :::I 3.98 -; 0 ien e ~ ....~ 4 3.99 3.97 ./ I!l VOO=5V VOO = Vo = 0.5 V Oata Input = FF 95 ~ 90 ".,. / ./ Cl 85 8c 80 I ,/ ! J-; 3.96 .& :::I 3.95 I > .... ...... Figure 3 VOO=5V Vref= 4.02 V See Note A CD ! Best·Flt Straight Line I-- .... 4.02 CD r • •• ZERO·SCALE OUTPUT VOLTAGE vs FREE·AIR TEMPERATURE 4.01 r T EL253 L EL2 ~ Figure 2 > I~- .* .... /~ ELO ~ ~- -* 3.988 ..... ...... g § ••• .. E ~ ~ r~ • •• c( ~P1 3.98 ~--4 4.488 -ic /' 3.984 EL127 0 Step 2 ~. 3.988 EL128 4.492 .& :::I // • EL254- ~/ F-'f.1 ~. ..... -I-rEL129 • • • 4.496 I ~ ~- r-/~' I 4.992 > // IVFSI--~55 - VOO=5V Vref = 4.02 V 4.996 pV Step J53 • • 0 CD ~te ~54, L 1 4.992 4.492 .& :::I -ic 5 ~ ~ I--'"' ~ ~ ,...- - 75 . 70 0 65 8 80 I 3.94 3.93 3.92 55 -55 -35 -15 5 25 45 65 85 105 125 TA - Free-Air Temperature - ·C 50 ':'55 -35 -15 5 25 45 65 85 105 TA - Free-Air Temperature _·C NOTE A: Vref is relative to ANLG GNO. VOO is the voltage between ANLG VOD and DGTL VDD tied together and ANLG GND and DGTL GND tied together. 125 Figure 5 Figure 4 ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 3-7 TLC5602C,TLC5602M VIDEO 8·BIT DIGITAL·TO·ANALOG CONVERTERS SLAS023C - FEBRUARY 1989 - REVISED MAY 1995 TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS SUPPLY CURRENT vs FREE-AIR TEMPERATURE 21 I V6D = 51V Vref = 4.02 V tel!)Ck = 20 MHz ~ 20 \ - is. a. :::s 18 (I) I Q E 17 ZER0-5CALE OUTPUT VOLTAGE vs REFERENCE VOLTAGE 5 > vD6=5~ " 4.8 _ TA=25'C See Note A / I '\ f .. ~ "'" :::s ~ ........... .......... I i'-- """- 100.... ! I fa > / 4.4 / 4.2 / /" 4 3.8 / 3.6 I 16 -55 -35 -15 5 25 45 65 85 105 125 TA - Free-Air Temperature -'C FigureS 4.6 3.43•4 ~ / 3.6 3.8 4 4.2 4.4 4.6 4.8 5 Vref - Reference Voltage - V NOTE A: Vref is relative to ANLG GNO. VOO is the voltage between ANLG VOO and OGTL VOO tied together and ANLG GNO and OGTL GNO tied together. Figure 7 ~1ExAs 3-8 1/ INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DAI.LAS, TEXAS 75265 - TLC5602C,TLC5602M VIDEO 8-BIT DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTERS SLAS023C - FEBRUARY 1989 - REVISED MAY 1995 APPLICATION INFORMATION The following design recommendations benefit the TLC5602 user: • Physically separate and shield external analog and digital circuitry as much as possible to reduce system noise. • Use RF breadboarding or RF printed-circuit-board (PCB) techniques throughout the evaluation and production process. • Since ANLG GND and DGTL GND are not connected internally, these terminals need to be connected externally. With breadboards, these ground lines should connect to the power-supply ground through separate leads with proper supply bypassing. A good method is to use a separate twisted pair for the analog and digital supply lines to minimize noise pickup. Use wide ground leads or a ground plane on the PCB layouts to minimize parasitic inductance and resistance. The ground plane is the better choice for noise reduction. • ANLG Voo and DGTL Voo are also separated internally, so they must connect externally. These external PCB leads should also be made as wide as possible. Place a ferrite bead or equivalent inductance in series with ANLG Voo and the decoupling capacitor as close to the device terminals as possible before the ANLG Voo and DGTL Voo leads are connected together on the board. . • Decouple ANLG Voo to ANLG GND and DGTL Voo to DGTL GND with a 1-J.I.F and 0.01-J.I.F capacitor, respectively, as close as possible to the appropriate device terminals. A ceramic chip capacitor is recommended for the 0.01-J.I.F capacitor. • Connect the phase compensation capacitor between CaMP and ANLG GND with as short a lead-in as possible. • The no-connection (NC) terminals on the small-outline package should be connected to ANLG GND. • Shield ANLG VOD, ANLG GND, and A OUT from the high-frequency terminals CLK and D7-DO. Place ANLG GND traces on both sides of the A OUT trace on the PCB. ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75255 3-9 .. 3-10 TL5632C 8-81T 3-CHANNEL HIGH-SPEED DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTER • • • • • • • • 8-Blt Resolution Linearity ... ±1/2 LSB Maximum Differential Nonlinearity . .. ±1/2 LSB Maximum Conversion Rate . .. 60 MHz Min Nominal Output Signal Operating Range VCctoVCc-1 V TTL Digital Input Voltage S-V Single Power Supply Operation Low Power Consumption . .. 350 mW Typ description The TL5632C is a low-power ultra-high-speed video digital-to-analog converter that uses the Advanced Low-Power Schottky (ALS) process. The device has a three channel I/O; the red, the blue, and the green channel. The red, blue, and green signals are referred to collectively as the RGB signal. An internally generated reference is also provided for the standard video output voltage range. Conversion of digital signals to analog signals can be at a sampling rate of dc to 60 MHz. The high conversion rate makes the TL5632C suitable for digital television, computer digital video processing, and high-speed data conversion. FRPACKAGE (TOP VIEW) e 044 4342 4140393837363534 (MSB) R1 1 33 .R22 32 R3 3 31 R4 4 30 R5 5 29 R6 6 28 R7 7 27 (LSB) R8 8 26 (MSB) G1 9 25 G2 10 24 G3 11 23 1213 14 15161718192021 22 REF OUT AVec CeOMP DVee GND CLKRIN CLKGIN CLKBIN B8 (LSB) B7 B6 Ne - No intemal connection The TL5632C is characterized for operation from DoC to 70°C. FUNCTION TABLE STEP 0 1 ·• · 127 128 129 I DIGITAL INPUT OUTPUT VOLTAGE LLLLLLLL LLLLLLLH 3.980 V 3.984 V • • • • • 4.488 V 4.492 V 4.996 V • ·• • ·• 254 255 HHHHHHHL HHHHHHHH ·• · LHHHHHHH HLLLLLLL HLLLLLLH • 4.996 V 5.000 V AVAILABLE OPTIONS TA o"Cto 70·e PACKAGE T15632CFR ~1ExAs Copyrtght © 1994. Texas Instruments Incorporated INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 66S303 • DAlLAS. TEXAS 75265 3-11 TL56~2C " .. ' . 8.:BITa;.CHANNEL HIGH-SPEED DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTER . sLAS091.,. DEC.EMBER 19Q4 functional block diagram ROUT GOUT BOUT ~----------~__-----------4--~---------------AVCC 8 8 8 r---CCOMP '------ REF IN REF OUT CLKRIN R1-R8 CLKG IN G1-G8 B1-B8 CLKBIN schematics of outputs EQUIVALENT OF REF OUT EQUIVALENT OF ROUT. GOUT. BOUT AVCC -.----.AVCC 1 kO REF OUT . - - - - - - ROUT. GOUT. BOUT 4kO --~---GND .../;& . ~TEXAS 3-12 " INsTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 TL5632C 8-81T 3·CHANNEL HIGH·SPEED DIGITAL·TO·ANALOG CONVERTER SLAS091 - DECEMBER 1994 Tennlnal Functions TERMINAL NAME NO. 110 DESCRIPTION 18-25 I ~hannel digital input (Bl= MSB) BoUT 36 0 ~hannel analog output CCOMP CLKBIN 31 26 I Phase compensation capacitance. A 1 I'f' capacitor is connected from CCOMP to GND. ~hannel clock input CLKGIN 27 I G-channel clock input CLKRIN 28 I R-channel clock input Gl- Ga GND 11-16 I G-Channel digital input (Gl- MSB) Bl- B8 29,35,37, 39,41 36 Ground. All GND terminals are connected intemally; however, all GND terminals should be connected externally to a ground plane or equivalent low impedance ground retum. 0 GOUT NC 17,44 Rl- Ra 1-8 I 40 0 ROUT AVCC DVCC REF IN REF OUT G-channel analog output No connection internally 32,42 R-channel digital input (R 1- MSB) R-channel analog output Analog power supply voltage 30,43 Digital power supply voltage 34 I Reference voltage input. REF IN accepts the reference voltage on REF OUT. An extemal reference can also be applied consistent with Note 1. 33 0 Reference voltage output. An internal voltage divider generates the voltage level (see schematics of outputs, page 2). NOTE 1: Vee - VrefS 1.2 V absolute maximum ratings over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted}t Power supply voltage range, AVec, DVee (see Note 2) ................................. -0.3 V to 7 V Digital input voltage range,V, •.................................................... -0.3 V to DVec Analog output voltage range, ROUT, GOUT, BOUT, eCOMP (externally applied) .... -0.3 V to AVec + 0.3 V Reference input range, REF IN ............................................. -0.3 V to AVec + 0.3 V Reference output range, REF OUT ......•...•...•........................... -0.3 V to AVec + 0.3 V Operating free-air temperature range, TA ......•.•..................................... DoC to 70°C Storage temperature range ..•....•.......•....................................... -65°C to 150°C Lead temperature 1,6 mm (1116 inch) from case for 10 seconds ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . .. 260°C t Stresaes beyond those listed under "absolute maximum ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under "recommended operating conditions" is not Implied. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. NOTE 2: All voltage values are with respect to GND. ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE eox 856303 • DAlLAS. TEXAS 75285 3-13 TL5632C 8·BIT 3·CHANNEL HIGH·SPEED DIGITAL·TO·ANALOG CONVERTER SLAS091 - DECEMBER 1994 recommended operating conditions I Supply voltage, AVcc, OVCC MIN NOM MAX 4.75 5 5.25 2 High-level input voltage, VIH V V 0.8 Low-level input voltage, VIL 3.8 Reference voltage, Vref (see Note 1) UNIT 4 4.2 V V 10 ns Hold time, data after CLKi, th1 3 ns Pulse duration at high level, tw1 8.3 ns Pulse duration at low level, tw2 8.3 ns Setup time, data before CLKi, tsu1 Extemal phase Compensation capacitance, CCOMP 1 Operating free-air temperatiJre, TA 0 70 I1F ·C NOTE 1: VCC - Vref ~ 1.2 V electrical characteristics over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYPt MAX Resolution 8 20 High-level input current VCC = 5.25 V, VIH=2.7V IlL Low-level input current = Reference input current VCC 5.25 V, REF IN -4 V VIH =2.7V Iref Vref Reference output voltage VCC-5V, With intemal reference VFS Full-scale analog output voltage VIH=2V, REF IN-4 V VZS Zero-scale analog output voltage VIL=0.8V, REF IN=4 V IIH -400 10 4 3.8 AVCC- 15 3.9 4.2 AVCC 3.98 AVCC+15 4.05 UNIT Bit I1A I1A I1A V mV V RGB full-scale ratio 0% 4% 8% Zo Output impedance 200 240 280 0 ICC Supply current 70 90 rnA operating characteristics over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS EL Linearity error Endpoint, EO Oifferentiallineanty error REF IN_4 V fc Maximum conversion rate TYpt tpLH Propagation delay time, low-to-high level Propagation delay time, high-to-Iow level tr Rise time tf Fall time UNIT ±0.5 LSB CL~5pF:t: 10 5 5 t All typical values are at Vce = 5 V, TA = 25·C. :t: CL includes probe and jig capacitances. ~1ExAs INSTRUMENTs POST OFACE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 LSB MHz 10 TA=25·C, MAX ±0.5 60 tpHL 3-14 MIN REF IN =4 V ns ns --~ TL5632C 8·BIT 3-CHANNEL HIGH·SPEED DIGITAL·TO·ANALOG CONVERTER SLAS091 - DECEMBER 1994 PARAMETER MEASUREMENT INFORMATION CLKRIN,CLKGIN,CLKBIN (Clock) o ROUT, GOUT, BOUT (Analog Output) TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS 5--------------4.996 > VFS -------------- ------------ I t ~ J f I ~ J. EL128~ 4.496 .j. 4.492 il 1 4.488 3.988 3.9801~-'----L---I----L-.L----L-'--+ LSB---'g MSB---.I I I ... ~ VZS ;:: ... § § g ,.. 0 0 0 8 § § g 8 0 Digital Input Code 0 ,.. ,.. ,.. n EL128 I I 1 I I I 1 1 1 I I I I I ,.. ... E ~ 8 ... E ,.. 0 g 0 ~ ~ ;:: ,.. ,.. ,.. ,.. ,.. ,.. ,.. ;:: Digital Input Code Figure 1. Ideal Conversion Characteristics -!!1I. Figure 2. End-Point Linearity Error TEXAS NSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DAUAS. TEXAS 75265 3-15 TL5632C 8-BIT 3-CHANNEL HIGH-SPEED DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTER SLAS091 - DECEMBER 1994 APPLICATION INFORMATION The following design procedures should be used for optimum operation. • External analog and digital circuitry should be physically separated arid shielded as much as possible to reduce system noise. • RF breadboarding or RF printed-circuit-board (PCS) techniques should be used throughout the evaluation and production process. • Wide ground leads or a ground plane should be used on the PCB layouts to minimize parasitic inductance and resistance. A ground plane is the better choice for noise reduction. • AVec and DVccare also separate internally, so they must be connected externally. These external PCB leads should also be made as wide as possible. A ferrite bead or equivalent inductance should be placed in series with AVec and the decoupling capacitor before the AVec and DVCC leads are connected together on the board. It is critical that the supply voltage applied to AVec be as noise free and ripple free as possible. Ripple and noise rejection should be a minimum of 60 dB below the full-scale output range of 1 V peak-to-peak. . • AVec to GND and DVcc to GND should be decoupled with 3.3-¢= and O. hlF capacitors, respectively, as close as possible to the appropriate device terminals. A·ceramic chip capacitor is recommended for the 0.1-¢= capacitor. . . • The phase compensation capacitor should be connected between CCOMP and GND with as short a lead-in as possible. • The no-connection (NC) terminals on the small-outline package should be connected to GND. • AV cc' DVcc' and ROUT, GOUT, and BOUT should be shielded from the high-frequency terminals CLKR IN, CLKG IN ,and CLKs IN and the input data terminals. GND traces should be placed on both sides ofthe ROUT, GOUT, and BOUT traces on the PCB to the following signal processing stage. These output traces should be as short as possible. ~1ExAs 3-16 . INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 665303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 TL5632C 8-BIT 3-CHANNEL HIGH-SPEED DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTER SLAS091 - DECEMBER 1994 APPLICATION INFORMATION DVCC , 1 AVCC ::: 3.3 lifT a l ...L 3.3 lifT fO.1 IlF ":" T ":" 0.111f 144 43 42 4140 39 3a 37 36 35 34 ~ 88i!!5i!!5i! !5i!ii!!: ::0:00 CJOCJOCJOCJIL cOC a 1 R1(MSB) 2 R2 3 R3 4 ~ 5 R5 6 R6 7 R7 8 Ra(lSB) r.: a Buffer a 3 Buffer I RouT ...L ±i i~GOU T ic I~BOU T a Buffer i~ II: CJ III l ":" TO.1IlF ":" ~ REF OUT 33 AVCC 32 CCOMP 31 DVCC 30 TL5632C 9 G1(MSB) 10 G2 11 03 CJV CJII> iii iii (I) (I) ::::!. i§. c! c5" CJ= ~ mIII~ : GND ClKRIN ClKGIN ClKBIN (lSB)Ba B7 B6 0.1 IIf -'I111f ":" TO.11lF -=- ~ 2a 27 26 25 ~ ~ IIIv 11111> 3 112 13 14 15 16117 1a19 2021 22 a I Buffer I NOTES: A. Buffers are SN74AS244 or equivalent. B. 0.1 IlF capacitors should be placed as close to the device terminals as possible. C. The coupling capacitor (CC) value is application specific and selectable by the user. Figure 3. Typical Bypass, Buffer, and Output Configuration ~1ExAs INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 3-17 - 3-18 TLC5620C, TLC56201 QUADRUPLE 8·BIT DIGITAL·TO·ANALOG CONVERTERS 1995 NOR D PACKAGE (TOP VIEW) • Four 8-Bit Voltage Output DACs • 5-V Single-Supply Operation • • • Serial Interface High-Impedance Reference Inputs Programmable 1 or 2 Times Output Range • Simultaneous-Update Facility • Internal Power-On Reset • • Low Power Consumption Half-Buffered Output GND REFA REFB REFC REFD DATA 1 6 VDD LDAC DACA DACB DACC 9 DACD applications • • Programmable Voltage Sources Digitally-Controlled AmplifiersJAttenuators • Mobile Communications • • Automatic Test Equipment Process Monitoring and Control • Signal Synthesis description The TLC5620C and TLC56201 are quadruple 8-bit voltage output digital-to-analog converters (DACs) with buffered reference inputs (high impedance). The DACs produce an output voltage that ranges between either one or two times the reference voltages and GND, and the DACs are monotonic. The device is simple to use, running from a single supply of 5 V. A power-on reset function is incorporated to ensure repeatable start-up conditions. Digitai control ofthe TLC5620C and TLC56201 are over a simple 3-wire serial bus that is CMOS compatible and easily interfaced to all popular microprocessor and microcontroller devices. The 11-bit command word comprises 8 bits of data, 2 DAC select bits and a range bit, the latter allowing selection between the times 1 or times 2 output range. The DAC registers are double buffered, allowing a complete set of new values to be written to the device, then all DAC outputs updated simultaneously through control of the LDAC terminal. The digital inputs feature Schmitt triggers for high noise immunity. The 14-terminal small-outline (SO) package allows digital control of analog functions in space-critical applications. The TLC5620C is characterized for operation from O°C to 70°C. The TLC56201 is characterized for operation from -40°C to 85°C. The TLC5620C and TLC56201 do not require external trimming. AVAILABLE OPTIONS PACKAGE SMALL OUTLINE (D) TA PLASTIC DIP (N) O·Cto 70·C TLC5620CD TLC5620CN -40·C to 85·C TLC5620lD TLC5620lN ~TEXAS Copyright © 1995, Texas Instruments Incorporated INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • OALLAS. TEXAS 75265 3-19 TLC562OC,.TLC56201 QUADRUPLE 8-81T DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTERS SLAS081A- NOVEMBER 199~ - REVISED JANUARY 1996 functional block diagram, REFA -----------r-, ---I~>-..... >-..--DACA REFB - - - f >-.....--DACB REFC >-.....--DACC REFD ---I >-.....--DACD ClK _ _ r---a.. . . . . ""---.., Serial Interface DATA - - - - I LOAD ---L__- - - - . J LDAC r;::;:l L.:::..J Tennlnal Functions TERMINAL NO. 7 NAME ClK DACA DACB 12 DACC DACD 10 11 DATA 9 6 GND 1 ' lDAC 13 lOAD 8 REFA REFB 2 3 REFC 4 REFD 5 14 VDD DESCRIPTION 110 I 0 0 0 0 I I I I I I I I I Serial-interface clock, data enters on the negative edge DAC A analog output DAC B analog output DAC C analog output DAC D analog output Serial-interface digltaklata input Ground return and reference terminal DAC-update latch control Serial-interface load control Reference voltage Input to DACA Reference voltage input to DACB Reference voltage input to DACC Reference voltage Input to DACD Positive supply voltage detailed description The TLC5620 is implemented using four reSistor-string digital-to-analog converters (DACs). The core of each DAC is a single resistor with 256 taps, corresponding to the 256 possible codes listed in Table 2. One end of each resistor string is connected to the GND terminal and the other end is fed from the output of the reference input buffer. Monotonicity is maintained by use of the resistor strings. Linearity depends upon the matching of the resistor elements and upon the performance of the output buffer. Because the inputs are buffered, the DACs always presents a high-impedance load to the reference source. ~TEXAS 3-20 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 8663\l3. DALlAS. TEXAS 75285 TLC5620C, TLC56201 QUADRUPLE 8-BIT DIGITAL·lO·ANALOG CONVERTERS SLAS081 A- NOVEMBER 1994 - REVISED JANUARY 1996 detailed description (continued) Each DAC output is buffered by a configurable-gain output amplifier, which can be programmed to times 1 or times 2 gain. On powerup, the DACs are reset to CODE O. Each output voltage is given by: VO(DACAIBICID) = REF x C~~E x (1 + RNG bit value) where CODE is in the range 0 to 255 and the range (RNG) bit is a 0 or 1 within the serial-control word. data interface With lOAD high, data is clocked into the DATA terminal on each falling edge of ClK. Once all data bits have been clocked in, lOAD is pulsed low to transfer the data from the serial-input register to the selected DAC as shown in Figure 1. If lDAC is low, the selected DAC output voltage is updated and lOAD goes low. If lDAC is high during serial programming, the new value is stored within the device and can be transferred to the DAC output at a later time by pulsing lDAC low as shown in Figure 2. Data is entered MSB first. CLK --I 14- 11 tsu(DATA"CLK) tsu(LOAD-CLK) 14-- tv(DATA-CLK) --t---_-...~ DATA LOAD Figure 1. LOAD-Controlled Update (LDAC =Low) CLK DATA D1 DO tsu(LOAD-LDAC) ---j4-+I \....+'' ' ' '+1- LOAD tW(LDAC)~1 V LDAC I DACUpdate Figure 2. LDAC-Controlled Update data interface (continued). Table 1 lists the A1 and AO bits and the selection of the updated DACs. The RNG bit controls the DAC output range. When RNG = low, the output range is between the applied reference voltage and GND, and when RNG = high, the range is between twice the applied reference voltage and GND. ~TEXAS . INSTRUMENTS POST OFACE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 3-21 - TLC5620C, TLC56201 QUADRUPLE 8-81T DIGITAL·TO·ANALOG CONVERTERS SLAS081A- NOVEMBER 1994- REVISED JANUARY 1995 . Table 1. Serial-Input Decode OACUPOATEO A1 AQ 0 0 DACA 0 1 DACB 1 0 DACC 1 1 DACD Table 2. Ideal-Output Transfer 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GND 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 (1/256)( REF (1+RNG) • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 1 1 1 1 1 · • • 0 · • • 1 (127/256)( REF (1+RNG) 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (1281256)( REF (1+RNG) . • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 (2551256) )( REF (1 +RNG) · · · · · · OUTPUT VOLTAGE equivalent inputs and outputs INPUT CIRCUIT - .......- I OUTPUT CIRCUIT - VOO ......-VOO Input from Oecoded OAC Register String V~ OAC Voltege Olltput Input ToOAC Resistor String - - - -.....~-GNO 601lA ....- -..... GNO ~TEXAS 3-22 ISINK Typlcsl INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 TLC5620C, TLC56201 QUADRUPLE a-BIT DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTERS SLASOB1A- NOVEMBER 1994 - REVISED JANUARY 1995 absolute maximum ratings over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted}t Supply voltage (Voo - GND) .•............................................................... 7 V Digital input voltage range ............................................. GND - 0.3 V to Voo + 0.3 V . Reference input voltage range, VID ...................................... GND - 0.3 V to Voo + 0.3 V Operating free-air temperature range, TA: TLC5620C .................................... O°C to 70°C TLC56201 ................................... -40°C to 85°C Storage temperature range, Tstg .................................................. -50°C to 150°C Lead temperature 1,6 mm (1/16 inch) from case for 10 seconds ............................... 230°C t Stresses beyond those listed under "absolute maximum ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under "recommended operating conditions" is not implied. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. recommended operating conditions MIN NOM 4.75 Supply voltage, VDD High-level digital input voltage, VIH MAX UNIT 5.25 V V 0.8VDD low-level digital input voltage, Vil 0.8 Reference voltage, Vref [AIBICIDj V V VDD-1.5 load resistance, Rl 10 kn Setup time, data input, tsu(DATA-ClK) (see Figures 1 and 2) 50 ns Valid time, data input valid after elK!, tv(DATA-ClK) (see Figures 1 and 2) 50 ns Setup time, ClK 11th falling edge to lOAD, tsu(ClK-lOAD) (see Figure 1) 50 ns Setup time, LOADi to ClK!, tsu(lOAD-ClK), (see Figure 1) 50 ns Pulse duration, lOAD,lw(lOAD) (see Figure 1) 250 ns lDAC,lw(lD~C) 250 ns Pulse duration, (see Figure 1) Setup time, LOADi to LDAC!, tsu(lOAD-lDAC) (see Figure 1) 0 ClK frequency Operating free-air temperature, TA ns 1 I TlC5620C ITlC56201 MHz 0 70 ·C -40 85 ·C ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS . POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 3-23 TLC5620C, TLC56201 QUADRUPLE 8-BIT DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTERS SLAS081 A - NOVEMBER 1994 - REVISED JANUARY 1995 electrical characteristics-over recommended operating 'free-air temperature range; Vee = 5 V ±5%, Vref = 2 V, x 1 gain output range (unless otherwise noted) MAX UNIT IIH High-level digital input current PARAMETER VI =VDD ±10 IlL Low-level digital input current VI =OV ±10 IO(sinkl Output sink current I1A I1A I1A IO(sourcel Output source current Ci TEST CONDITIONS MIN 20 Each DAC output 15 - I Reference input capacitance IDD Supply current VDD .. 5V Reference input current VDD=5V, EL Linearity error (end point corrected) Vre f- 2V, Vre f- 2V, Differential-linearity error EZS EFS PSRR pF 15 Iref Zero-scale error rnA 2 I Input capacitance ED TYP 2 Vre f=2 V x2 gain (see Note 1) x 1 gain (see Note 2) x 2 gain (see Note 3) Zero-scale error temperature coefficient Vref=2V, Vre f=2V, Full-scale error Vref- 2 V, x 2 gain (see Note 5) Full-scale error temperature coefficient x 2 gain (see Note 6) Vref= 2 V, See Notes 7 and S Power-supply sensitivity 0 x 2 gain (see Note 4) mA ±10 I1A ±1 LSB ±0.9 LSB 30 mV I1vrc 10 ±60 mV ±25 I1V/o C 0.5 mVN NOTES: 1. Integral nonlinearity (INl) is the maximum deviation of the output from the line between zero and full scale (excluding the effects of zero code and fuJI-scale errors). ' 2. Differential nonlinearity (DNl) is the difference between the measured and ideal 1 LSB amplitude change of any two adjacent codes. Monotonic means the output voltage changes in the same direction (or remains constant) as a change in the digital input code. 3. Zero-scale error Is the deviation from zero voltage output when the digHal input code is zero. 4. Zero-seale error temperature coefficient is given by: ZSETC - [ZSE(Tmax) - ZSE(T min)]Nref x 106/(T max - Tmin). 5. Full-scale error is the deviation from the ideal full-scale output (Vref - 1 LSB) with an output load of 10 kn. 6. Full-scale temperature coefficient is given by: FSETC .. [FSE(T max) - FSE (T minllNref x 106/(Tmax - Tmin). 7. Zero-scale error rejection ratio (ZSE-RR) is measured by varying the VDD voltage from 4.5 V to 5.5 V de and measuring the proportion of this signal imposed on the zero-code output voltage. S. Full-scale error rejection ratio (FSE-RR) is measured by varing the VDD from 4.5 V to 5.5 V dc and measuring the proportion ofthis signal imposed on the full-scale output voltage. = operating characteristics over recommended operating free-air temperature range, Vee 5 V ±5%, Vref 2 V, x 1 gain output range (unless otherwise noted) = TEST CONDITIONS Output slew rate Cl= 100pF, Output settling time To 0.5 lSB, MIN RL= 10kO Rl= 10kO, See Note 9 TYP MAX UNIT 1 V/IJ.S 10 100 IJ.S kHz large-signal bandwidth Cl - 100 pF, Measured at-3 dB point Digital crosstalk ClK = 1-MHz square wave measured at DACA-DACD -50 dB Reference feedthrough See Note 10 -60 dB Channel-to-channel isolation See Note 11 -60 dB Reference input bandwidth See Note 12 100 kHz .. d NOTES: 9. Settling time IS the lime for the output signal to remain within ±0.5 LSB of the final measured value for a dlgHallnput code change of 00 hex to FF hex or FF hex to 00 hex. For TlC5620C: VDD - 5 V, Vref = 2 V and, range = x2. For TlC56201: VDD - 3 V, Vref - 1.25 V and range x2. 10. Reference feedthrough is measured at any DAC output with an input code = 00 hex with a Vref input _ 1 V de + 1 Vpp at 10kHz. 11. Channel-to-channel isolation is measured by setting the input code of one DAC to FF hex and the code of all other DACs to 00 hex with Vref input = 1 V dc + 1 Vpp at 10 kHz. 12. Reference bandwidth is the -3 dB bandwidth with an input at Vref _ 1.25 V dc + 2 Vpp , with a digital input code of full-scale. ~TEXAS 3-24 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303. DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 TLC5620C, TLC56201 QUADRUPLE 8-81T DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTERS SLAS081A- NOVEMBER 1994 - REVISED JANUARY 1995 PARAMETER MEASUREMENT INFORMATION TLC5620 DACA DACB 1--__.-....., 101<0 • • CL=100pF DACD Figure 3. Slewing Settling Time and Linearity Measurements I L~AC 3 I ,.. VDD-eV TAde-c ! Code 00 to FF Hexl Rlnge_x2 I Vref= 2 V I > I ~ I ~ !; 2 4 8 \. '\ ~ !; = !.p I 8 10 14 18 18 -o - > I ii = I ~ '> \ .... 0 12 5 I VDD=5V TA=25°C Code FF to 00 Hex Range=x2 Vret=2 v \ 2 '> : LI o I ca. I T I > • • I I .I LDAC 3 0 I I I o 5 o 2 4 t-nme-1J8 8 8 10 12 14 18 18 t-Tlme-1J8 Figure 4. Positive Rise and Setting nmeVDD=5V Figure 5. Negative Fall and Setting Time VDD = 5 V :lllExAs INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 656303 • DAlLAS, TEXAS 75265 3-26 TLC5620C, TLC56201 QUADRUPLE 8-81T DIGITAL·TO·ANALOG CONVERTERS SLAS081A- NOVEMBER 1994 - REVISED JANUARY 199& TYPICAL CHARATERISTICS OUTPUT SOURCE CURRENT 1 ~ 7 I 6 ::0 0 CD e::0 0 II) -; S- dI I vs OUTPUT VOLTAGE TEMPERATURE --..... 8 5 SUPPLY CURRENT vs ....... "'-'\", 1.15 1 1.1 l 1.05 G b 8: ci 0.95 I \ 4 1.2 VOO=5V TA = 25DC Vref=2V Range=x2 Input Code = 255 3 \ - ,,-- ............. VOO =5V Vref 2V Range=x2 Input Code = 255 ......... I c E 2 0.9 ::0 ! 0.85 .9 0 0 2 3 4 Vo - Output Voltage - V 0.8 -50 5 o RELATIVE GAIN -2 -4 III -6 ~ ~'ii -8 "I a: I CJ RELATIVE GAIN vs vs FREQUENCY FREQUENCY "\ 10 -10 -12 -14 ~ 0 \ _ VOO=5V -16 TA=25DC -18 _ Vref = 1.25 Vdc + 2 Vpp Input Code = 255 I -20 10 1 100 f - Frequency - kHz III -10 iii -20 "cI \ 1 \ \ \ \ CJ \ \ ~ 'Iii ;! I CJ -30 VOO=5V D -40 I- TA = 25 C Vrer = 2 Vdc + 0.5 Vpp Input Code = 255 -50 \ -60 1000 \ \ \~ V 1 FigureS 10 100 1000 f - Frequency - kHz Figure 9 ~TEXAS 3-26 100 Figure 7 Figure 6 0 50 t - Temperature - DC INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 10000 TLC5620C, TLC56201 QUADRUPLE 8-BIT DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTERS SLASOS1 A- NOVEMBER 1994 - REVISED JANUARY 1995 APPLICATION INFORMATION TLC5620 DACA 1-----4.---I+~ DACB • Vo R • DACD NOTE A: Resistor R ., 10 kO Figure 10. Output Buffering Schemes ~1ExAs INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE eox 655303 • DALlAS, TEXAS 75265 3-27 3-28 TLC5628C, TLC56281 OCTAL 8·BIT DIGITAL·TO·ANALOG CONVERTERS SLAS089A- NOVEMBER 1994 - REVISED JANUARY 1995 • • • • • • • • • N OR DW PACKAGE (TOP VIEW) Eight 8-Blt Voltage Output DACs 5-V Single-Supply Operation Serlallnterface High-Impedance Reference Inputs Programmable 1 or 2 Times Output Range Simultaneous-Update Facility Internal Power-On Reset Low Power Consumption Half-Buffered Output DACB DACA GND 1 DACC DACD REF1 LDAC LOAD REF2 DACH DACG applications • • • • • • Programmable Voltage Sources Digitally-Controlled AmpllflerslAttenuators Mobile Communications Automatic Test Equipment Process Monitoring and Control Signal Synthesis description The TLC5628C and TLC56281 are octal 8-bit voltage output digital-to-analog converters (DACs) with buffered reference inputs (high impedance). The DACs produce an output voltage that ranges between either one or two times the reference voltages and GND and are monotonic. The device is simple to use, running from a single supply of 5 V. A power-on reset function is incorporated to ensure repeatable start-up conditions. Digital control of the TLC5628C and TLC56281 are over a simple 3-wire serial bus that is CMOS compatible and easily interfaced to· all popular microprocessor and microcontroller devices. The 12-bit command word comprises 8 bits of data, 3 DAC select bits and a range bit, the latter allowing selection between the times 1 or times 2 output range. The DAC registers are double buffered, allowing a complete set of new values to be written to the device, then all DAC outputs updated simultaneously through control of the LDAC terminal. The digital inputs feature Schmitt triggers for high noise immunity. The 16-terminal small-outline (DW) package allows digital control of analog functions in space-critical applications. The TLC5628C is characterized for operation from O·C to 70·C. The TLC56281 is characterized for operation from -40·C to 85·C. The TLC5628C and TLC56281 do not require external trimming. AVAILABLE OPTIONS PACKAGE SMALL OUTLINE (OW) PLASTIC DIP IN) O·C10 70·C TLC5628CDW TLC5628CN -40·C 10 85·C TLC56281DW TLC56281N TA ~1ExAs Copyright © 1995, Texas Instruments Incorporated INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 656303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 3-29 TLC5628C, TLC56281 OCTAL 8-81T DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTERS SLAS089A- NOVEMBER 1994 - REVISED JANUARY 1995 functional block diagram REF1 :>-....- - DACA •• >-....---.,.REF2 .' DACD --~'.... '}....+++------+------t~r-' :>-....- - DACE •• • >--+-- DATA - - - - I LOAD Serial Interface LDAC --"L....-__---1 DACH Power-On Reset Terminal Functions TERMINAL NAME NO. DESCRIPTION I/O CLK 5 I Serial-interface clock, data enters on the negative edge DACA 2 DACA analog output DACB 1 DACC 16 DACD 15 DACE 7 DACF 8 DACG DACH 9 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DATA 4 I Serial-interface digital data inpui GND 3 I Ground retum and reference terminal LDAC 13 I DAC-update latch control LOAD 12 Serial-interface load control REF1 14 I I REF2 11 I Reference voltage input to DACe 6 I Positive supply voltage VDD DACB analog output DACC analog output DACD analog output DACE analog output DACF analog output DACG analog output DACH analog output Reference voltage Input to DACA detailed description The TLC5628 is implemented using eight reSistor-string digital-to-analog converters (DACs). The core of each DAC is a single resistor with 256 taps, corresponding to the 256 possible codes listed in Table 2. One end of each resistor string is connected to the GND terminal and the other end is fed from the output of the reference ~TEXAS 3-30 INSTRUMENTS POST O~FICE BOX 655303 • DALlAS. TEXAS 75265 TLC5628C, TLC56281 OCTAL 8·BIT DIGITAL·TO·ANALOG CONVERTERS SLAS089A- NOVEMBER 1994 - REVISED JANUARY 1995 input buffer. Monotonicity is maintained by use of the resistor strings. Linearity depends upon the matching of the resistor elements and upon the performance of the output buffer. Because the inputs are buffered, the DACs always present a high-impedance load to the reference sources. There are two input reference terminals; REF1 is used for DACA through DACD and REF2 is used by DACE through DACH. Each DAC output is buffered by a configurable-gain output amplifier, which can be programmed to times 1 or times 2 gain. On powerup, the DACs are reset to CODE O. Each output voltage is given by: VO{DACAIBICIDIEIFIGIH) = REF x C~~E x (1 + RNG bit value) where CODE is in the range 0 to 255 and the range (RNG) bit is a 0 or 1 within the serial-control word. data interface With lOAD high, data is clocked into the DATA terminal on each falling edge of ClK. Once ali data bits have been clocked in, lOAD is pulsed low to transfer the data from the serial-input register to the selected DAC as shown in Figure 1. If LDAC is low, the selected DAC output voltage is updated and lOAD goes low. If lDAC is high during serial programming, the new value is stored within the device and can be transferred to the DAC output at a later time by pulsing lDAC low as shown in Figure 2. Data is entered MSB first. CLK ... r.- tsu(DATA-CLK) l--j I tsu(LOAD-CLK) I.- tY(DATA-CLK) DATA 04 ~--I;----tsu(CLK-LOAD) rr ~LL.J.... I [ I , tw(LOAD) ~ jJ LOAD r Figure 1. lOAD-Controlled Update (lDAC =Low) I DACUpdate CLK D4~~_______ DATA ~S tsU(LOAD-,LDV,....~-t!_ _ LOAD II II LDAC tw(LDAC) ~ V DACUpdate Figure 2. LDAC·Controlied Update data interface (continued) Table 1 lists the A1 andAO bits and the selection of the updated DACs. The RNG bit controls the DAC output range. When RNG = low, the output range is between the applied reference voltage and GND, and when RNG = high, the range is between twice the applied reference voltage and GND. ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 3-31 TLC5628C, TLC56281 OCTAL 8-81T DIGITAL·TO-ANALOG CONVERTERS SLAS089A- NOVEMBER 1994 - REVISED JANUARY 1995 Table 1. Serial-Input Decode A2 A1 AO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 DACD 1 0 DACE 1 0 0 1 DACF 1 1 0 DACG 1 1 1 DACH 1 1 DACUPDATED DACA DAce DACC Table 2. Ideal-Output Transfer D7 D8 05 04 D3 02 01 DO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 OUTPUT VOLTAGE GND (11256) x REF (1+RNG) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 (1271256) x REF (1+RNG) 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (128/256) x REF (1+RNG) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 (2551256) x REF (1+RNG) 1• equivalent of Inputs and outputs INPUT CIRCUIT - .....- OUTPUT CIRCUIT - VDO Input from-.....I-"".... Decoded OAC >----.r..., Register String Vref Input ToOAC DAC Voltage Output ISINK Resistor eo"", Sb1ng 841cQ ~--""'~~GNO ~plC8I ....--4.-..... GND ~1ExAs 3-32 .....-VDD INS1RUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX _ • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 TLC5628C, TLC56281 OCTAL 8-BIT DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTERS SLAS089A- NOVEMBER 1994 - REVISED JANUARY 1995 absolute maximum ratings over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)t Supply voltage (Voo - GND) ................................................................. 7 V Digital input voltage range, VID ......................................... GND - 0.3 V to Voo + 0.3 V Reference input voltage range .......................................... GND - 0.3 V to Voo + 0.3 V Operating free-air temperature range, TA: TLC5628C .................................... O°C to 70°C TLC56281 ................................... -40°C to 85°C Storage temperature range, T5t9 .................................................. -50°C to 150°C Lead temperature 1,6 mm (1/16 inch) from case for 10 seconds ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 230°C t Stresses beyond those listed under "absolute maximum ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under "recommended operating conditions" is not implied. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. recommended operating conditions MIN 4.75 Supply voltage, VDD High-level digital input voltage, VIH MAX 5.25 0.8 Reference voltage, Vref [AIBICIDIEIFI(3IH] V V 0.8 VDD Low-level digital input voltage, VI L UNIT V load resistance, Rl 10 V kn VDD-1.5 Setup time, data input, tsu(DATA-ClK) (see Figures 1 and 2) 50 ns Valid time, data input valid after ClK.!., tv(DATA-CLK) (see Figures 1 and 2) 50 ns Setup time, CLK 11th falling edge to lOAD, !su(CLK-lOAD) (see Figure 1) 50 ns Setup time, LOADi to ClK.!., tsu(LOAD-ClK) (see Figure 1) 50 ns Pulse duration, LOAD, tw(LOAD) (see Figure 1) 250 ns Pulse duration, LDAC, tw(LDAC) (see Figure 2) 250 ns Setup time, LOADi to LDAC.!., tsu(LOAD-LDAC) (see Figure 2) 0 CLK frequency Operating free-air temperature, TA ITLC5628C ITLC56281 ns' 1 MHz 0 70 ·C -40 85 ·C ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 3-33 TLC5628C, TLC56281 OCTAL 8·BITDIGITAL·TO·ANALOG CONVERTERS SLAS089A ~ NOVEMBER 1994 - REVISED JANUARY 1995 electrical characteristics over recommended operating free-air temperature range, Voo =5 V ± 5%, Vref = 2 V, x 1 gain output range (unless otherwise noted) MAX UNIT IIH High-level digital input current VI-VOO ±10 IlL Low-level digital input current VI-OV ±10 IO{sinkl Output sink current 11A 11A 11A IO{sourcel Output source current PARAMETER Ci TEST CONDITIONS 2 rnA II nput capacitance 15 I Reference input capaCitance 15 Supply current VOO =5V lref Reference input current VOO R5V, EL Linearity error (end point corrected) Vref= 2 V, ED Differential-linearity error Zero-scale error Vref= 2 V, Vref=2V, x 2 gain (sea Note 2) EZS Zero-scale error temperature coefficient Vref= 2 V, ><2 gain (see Note 4) Full-scale error Vref=2V, x 2 gain (see Note 5) Full-scale error temperature coefficient x 2 gain (see Note 6) Vref= 2 V, See Notes 7 and 8 PSRR TYP 20 Each OAC output 100 EFS MIN Power-supply sensitivity pF 4 Vref- 2 V x 2 gain (see Note 1) x 2 gain (see Note 3) 0 mA ±10 11A ±1 LSB ±0.9 LSB 30 mV ±60 fJ.VI"C mV 10 ±25 fJ.VI"C mVN 0.5 NOTES: 1. Integral nonlinearity (INL) is the maximum deviation of the output from the line between zero and full scale (excluding the effects of zero code and full-scale errors). 2. Differential nonlinearity (ONL) is the difference between the measured and Ideal 1 LSB amplitude change of any two adjacent codes. Monotonic means the output voltage changes in the same direction (or remains constant) as II change in the digital input code. 3. Zero-scale error Is the deviation from zero voltage output when the digital input code is zero. 4. Zero-scale error temperature coefficient is given by: ZSETC - [ZSE(T max) - ZSE(Tmin)]Nref x 106/(Tmax - Tmin>. 5. Full-scale error is the deviation from the ideal full-scale output (Vref - 1 LSB) with an output load of 10 kO. 6. Full-scale temperature coeffiCient Is given by: FSETC - [FSE(Tmax) - FSE (T min)]Nref xl06/(T max - Tmin). 7. Zero-scale error rejection ratio (ZSE-RR) is measured by varying the VOO voltage from 4.5 V to 5.5 V de and measuring the proportion of this Signal imposed on the zero-code output voltage. 8. Full-scale error rejection ratio (FSE-RR) is measured by varing the VOO from 4.5 V to 5.5 V de and measuring the proportion of this sign~1 imposed on the full-scale output voltage. = operating characteristics over recommended operating free-air temperature range, Voo 5 V ± 5%, Vref = 2 V, x 1 gain output range (unless otherwise noted) TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT Output settling time CL =100 pF, To 0.5 LSB, Large-signal bandwidth Measured at -3 dB point 100 fJ.S kHz Digital crosstalk CLK - l-MHz square wave measured at OACA-OACO -50 dB Reference feedthrough See Note 10 -60 dB Channel-!o-channel isolation See Note 11 -60 dB Reference Input bandwidth See Note 12 100 kHz Output slew rate RL= 101<0 CL = 100 pF, RL= 10kn, See Note 9 1 V/fJ.S 10 NOTES: 9. Settling time is the time for the output signal to remain within ±0.5 LSB of the final measured.value for a digital input code change of 00 hex to FF hex or FF hex to 00 hex. For TLC5628C: VOO = 5 V, Vref - 2 V and range. x2. For TLC56281: VOO - 3 V, Vref = 1.25 V and range x2. . 10. Referencefeedthrough is measured at any OAC output with an Input code - 00 hex with a Vreflnput.l V de + 1 Vpp at 10 kHz. 11. Cilannel-to-channel isolation is measured by setting the input code of one OAC to FF hex and the code of all other DACs to 00 hex wlthVrefinput-l Vde+ 1 Vpp atl0kHz. . 12. Reference bandwidth Is the -3 dB bandwidth with an input at Vref _ 1.25 V de + 2 Vpp , with a digital input code of full-scale. ~1ExAs INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • OALlAS. TEXAS 75265 TLC5628C, TLC56281 OCTAL 8·BIT DIGITAL·TO·ANALOG CONVERTERS SLAS089A - NOVEMBER 1994 - REVISED JANUARY 1995 PARAMETER MEASUREMENT INFORMATION TLC5628 DACA I-_~~--, DACB 10kO • DACH Figure 3. Slewing Settling Time and Linearity Measurements L~AC 3 > I j ~ I VDD=5V TA=25°C I Code 00 to FF Hexl 2 Range=x2 Vref= 2 V I 1 c5I / .p - > I II I:D ! ~ II' '5 Go .5 I 1/ '> I I =-/ o o 2 4 6 8 10 LbAC 3 0 .I iI 1 5 I > I \ 3, 2 ! .\. '\ ~ 1 c5 I I 1 12 14 16 18 o 2 4 5 0 > I II I:D ! ~ :::I Go .5 I 0 t-Tlme-118 I .. \ ~ .! VDD=5V TA = 25°C Code FF to 00 Hex Range=x2 Vref =2V 6 >" \ ~ 8 10 12 14 16 18 t-Tlme -118 Figure 4. Positive Rise and Setting Time VDD 5 V Figure 5. Negative Fall and Setting Time VDD 5 V = = ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 3-35 TLC5628C, TLC56281 OCTAL 8·BIT DIGITAL·TO·ANALOG CONVERTERS SLAS089A- NOVEMBER 1994 - REVISED JANUARY 1995 TYPICAL CHARATERISTICS OUTPUT SOURCE CURRENT SUPPLY CURRENT vs vs OUTPUT VOLTAGE - 8 CC E ........... 7 I ~ 6 :::I 0 ~ 5 :::I 0 1/1 4 '5 ,e. :::I 0 ....... TEMPERATURE 1.2 VOO =5V TA = 25°C Vref= 2 V Range=x2 Input Code = 255 - "" \ 1.1 I ~ 1.05 ",.-- VOO=5V Vref 2 V Range=x2 Input Code = 255 ......... 8 >- \ 3 - -...... 1.15 8: c7J 0.95 I I Gi" e:::I Q E 2 ! 0.9 0.85 .9 0 0 2 3 4 Vo - Output Voltage - V 0.8 -50 5 o Figure 6 vs FREQUENCY FREQUENCY 10 ~ -2 \ -6 I c ii -8 ~III -10 a: -12 CJ 11 ID \ '0 ~ \ a: \ - TA = 25°C -18 t- Vref = 1.25 Vdc + 2 Vpp Input Code = 255 I -20 1 10 100 f - Frequency - kHz -20 \ ~ :;::I III 11 ·-30 \ .:.. voo = 5V i\ I -14 -16 \ -10 c I CJ ./"".. 0 \ -4 '0 RELATIVE GAIN vs 0 I CJ \ \ \ -60 1000 \ VOO=5V -40 _ TA=25°C Vref = 2 Vdc + 0.5 Vpp Input Code = 255 -50 1 10 100 f - Frequency - kHz FigureS Figure 9 ~1EXAS ·3-36 100 Figure 7 RELATIVE GAIN III 50 t - Temperatura - °C INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 \A V 1000 10000 TLC5828C, TLC58281 OCTAL 8-81T DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTERS SLAS089A- NOVEMBER 1994 - REVISED JANUARY 1995 APPLICATION INFORMATION TLC5828 Yo DACA DACB • • • DACH NOTE A: Resistor R R ":" ~ 10 kn Figure 10. Output Buffering Schemes ~1ExAs INSTRUMENTS ) POST OFFICE BOX 855303 • DAllAS. TEXAS 76266 ~7 3-38 TLC7226C, TLC72261 QUADRUPLE 8-BIT DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTERS SLAS060 -JANUARY 1995 • • • • • • • OW OR N PACKAGE (TOP VIEW) Four 8-Blt D/A Converters Microprocessor Compatible TTUCMOS Compatible No User Trim Required Single Supply Operation Possible Simultaneous Update Facility CMOS Technology OUTB ~ 1 U 20 OUTA [ 2 19 Vss ~ 3 REF~ 4 18 17 AGND 5 16 DGND 6 15 DB? 7 14 DBS 8 13 DBS 9 12 _ _ _ _J DB4 [10 11 applications • Process Control • Automatic Test Equipment • Automatic Calibration of Large System Parameters e.g., Gain/Offset OUTe OUTD VDD AD A1 WR DBD DB1 DB2 DB3 description The TLC7226C and TLC72261 consist of four, 8-bit, voltage-output, digital-to-analog converters with output buffer amplifiers and interface logiC on a single monolithic chip. No external trims are required to achieve full specified performance for the part. Separate on-chip latches are provided for each of the four DIA converters. Data is transferred into one of these data latches through a common, 8-bit, TTLICMOS-compatible (5 V) input port. Control inputs AO and A1 determine which D/A converter is loaded when WR goes low. The control logic is speed compatible with most 8-bit microprocessors. Since all four D/A converters are fabricated on the same chip at the same time, precise matching and tracking between them is inherent. ~ W :; w a: Q. t; Each D/A converter includes an output buffer amplifier capable of sourcing up to 5 mA of output current. ;:) The TLC7226 performance is specified for input reference voltages from 2 V to 12.5 V with dual supplies. The voltage mode configuration of the DIA converters allow the TLC7226 to be operated from a single power supply rail at a reference of 10 V. o The TLC7226 is fabricated in a LinBiCMOSTM process that has been specifically developed to allow high-speed digital logic circuits and precision analog circuits to be integrated on the same Chip. The TLC7226 has a common 8-bit data bus with individual D/A converter latches. This provides a versatile control architecture for simple interface to microprocessors. All latch-enable signals are level triggered. Combining four D/A converters, four operational amplifiers, and interface logic into either a O.3-inch widEl, 2o-pin DIP or a small 20-pin small-outline IC (SOIC) allows a dramatic reduction in board space requirements and offers increased reliability in systems using multiple converters. The pinout is aimed at optimizing board layout with all of the analog inputs and outputs at one end of the package and all of the digital inputs at the other. The TLC7226C is characterized for operation from O°C to ?O°C. The TLC72261 is characterized for operation from -25°C to 85°C. AVAILABLE OPTIONS PACKAGE TA SMALL OUTLINE (DW) PLASTICOIP IN) O·C to 70·C TLC7226CDW TLC7226CN -25·C to 85·C TLC72261DW TLG7;22SIN linBiCMOS is a trademark of Texas Instruments Incorporated. == PRODUC't PREVIEW ..-.. produCIBln Iho"""",.r p!-. 01 _1Ion doveIOpmont C_ _ and OIlIer ..... d.langoals. T_I _ _ lhorightlO ..lMN produC1B wIIhouI noll... or _ ~TEXAS Copyright © 1995, Texas Instruments Incorporated INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 3-39 C a: Q. TLC7226C, TLC72261 QUADRUPLE 8-BIT DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTERS SLAS060 - JANUARY 1995 functional block diagram REF~4________________~__~ >-*--=2,- OUTA >-*-....:.1_ OUTB DBO-DB7 7-14 8 >-......!!20~ OUTC >-*_....:.1.::,..9 OUTD "U _ 15 WR 17 :D o Controll-+--....J t"...-_-___....J--, J .... C 5lc: r---"" AO IC A1 16 LLO_9_ schematic of outputs EQUIVALENT ANALOG OUTPUT "U :D VDD - - - - - . - - - - - - - - , m m --~ < :e Output Vss -----+--------' ~ThxAs 3-40 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALlAS, TEXAS 75265 TLC7226C, TLC72261 QUADRUPLE 8-81T DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTERS SLAS060-JANUARY 1995 Tenninal Functions TERMINAL NAME NO.t AGND 5 AO,A1 16,17 DGND 6 DBO-DB7 OUTA I/O DESCRIPTION Analog ground I DAC select inputs Digital ground 7-14 I 2 1 0 0 0 0 Digital DAC data inputs DACAoutput DACBoutput DACCoutput 20 DACD output OUTD 19 REF 4 I Voltage reference input 18 Positive supply voltage VDD 3 Negative supply voltage VSS I WR 15 Write input selects DAC transparency or latch mode. The selected input latch is transparent when WR is low. t Terminal numbers shown are for the OW and N packages. OUTB OUTC detailed description AGND bias for direct bipolar output operation The TLC7226 can be used in bipolar operation without adding more external operational amplifiers as shown in Figure 1 by biasing AGND to Vss. This configuration provides an excellent method for providing a direct bipolar output with no additional components. The transfer values are shown in Table 1. . ;= W :; w a: D. b ::;) c o a: Output range (5Vto-5V) D. t Digital inputs omitted for clarity. Figure 1. AGND Bias for Direct Bipolar Operation -!111ExAs INSTRUMENTS· POST OFFICE BOX 656303 • DAUAS. TEXAS 75265 3-41 TLC7226C, TLC72261 QUADRUPLE 8-81T DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTERS SLAS06O-JANUARY 1996 AGND bias for direct bipolar output operation (contln.ued) Table 1. Bipolar (Offset Binary) Code DAC LATCH CONTENTS MSB LSB ANALOG OUTPUT C27) 1111 1111 + Vref 128 1000 0001 + Vref 1000 0000 0111 1111 - Vref 0000 0001 - Vref (127) 128 0000 0000 -Vref (128) 128 -_ (1~8) OV (1~8) - Vref AGND bias for positive output offset The TLC7226 AGND terminal can be biased above or below the system ground terminal, DGND, to provide an offset zero analog output voltage level. Figure 2 shows a circuit configuration to achieve this for channel. A of the TLC7226. The output voltage, Vo, at OUTA can be expressed as: '"'0 ::D o C Vo c: o-I = V BIAS + DA (VI) Where DA is a fractional representation of the digital input word (0 s 0 s 255/256). Increasing AGND above system GND reduces the output range. VDD - Vref must be at least 4 V to ensure specified operation. Because the AGND terminal is common to all four DACs, this method biases up the output voltages of all the DACs in the TLC7226. Supply voltages VDO and Vss for the TLC7226 should be referenced to DGND. '"'0 ::D m < - m IY~~D ~ OUTA -~~-{6 t Digital inputs omitted for clarity. Figure 2. AGND Bias Circuit ~1ExAs 3-42 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DAlI..AS. TEXAS 75266 TLC7226C, TLC72261 QUADRUPLE 8·BIT DIGITAL·TO·ANALOG CONVERTERS SLAS060 - JANUARY 1995 bipolar output operation using external amplifier Each of the DACs of the TLC7226 can also be individually configured to provide bipolar output operation, using an external amplifier and two resistors per channel. Figure 3 shows a circuit used to implement offset binary coding (bipolar operation) with DAC A of the TLC7226. In this case: Vo = 1 + With R1 ~~ x (DA x Vref) - ~~ x (V ref) = R2 V0 = (2D A - 1) x Vref Where DAis a fractional representation of the digital word in latch A. Mismatch between R1 and R2 causes gain and offset errors. Therefore, these resistors must match and track over temperature. The TLC7226 can be operated with a single supply or from positive and negative supplies. REF----~~----------__, R2t 4 r-- 1 1 I..--...&...-..., 1 1L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .J1 tRl W == :; Vo w a: =R2 =10 kO±O.l% Q. Figure 3. Bipolar Output Circuit tO staircase window comparator In many test systems, it is important to be able to determine whether some parameter lies within defined limits. The staircase window comparator shown in Figure 4 is a circuit that can be used, to measure the VOH and VOL thresholds of a TIL device under test. Upper and lower limits on both VOH and VOL can be programmed using the TLC7226. Each adjacent pair of comparators forms a window of programmable size (see Figure 5). When the test voltage (Vtest) lines horizonal within a window, then the output for that window is higher. With a reference of 2.56 V applied to the REF Input, the minimum window size is 10 mY. ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 3-43 ::J C o a: Q. TLC7228C, TLC72261 . QUADRUPLE 8-81T DIGITAL·TO-ANALOG CONVERTERS SLAS060-JANUARY1995 staircase window comparator (continued) SV Vteat - - - - - - . . . . . . . , . . . , FromDUT 10kQ 4 Window 1 REF BV 10kO OUTA 2 VOH Window 2 TLC7226 OUTB 1 VOH "tJ Window 3 ::D o C c: ~ CUTe 20 VOL F--";;;~,*",,--I Window 4 "tJ ::D m m -=e < WindowS Figure 4. Logic Level Measurement ~~ENTS ?OST OFFICE BOX 666303 • DAlLAS•.TEXAB 75266 TLC7226C, TLC72261 QUADRUPLE 8·BIT DIGITAL·TO·ANALOG CONVERTERS SLAS060 - JANUARY 1995 staircase window comparator (continued) REF----------------------~-- Window 1 ----------------------+--Window 2 OUTe ----------------------+--OUTA Window 3 OUTC ----------------------+--Window 4 OUTO ----------------------....- Window 5 AGNO----------------------~-- Figure 5. Window Structure The circuit can easily be adapted to allow for overlapping of windows as shown in Figure 6. When the three outputs from this circuit are decoded, five different nonoverlapping programmable windows can again be defined (see Figure 7). 5V Vtest From OUT ->WW 10 k.Q 4 a: Window 1 REF OUTA ;= D.. I- 2 5V 0 10 k.Q ~ OUTe C 0 Window 2 TLC7226 OUTC OUTO 20 19 a: D.. 5V 10 k.Q Window 3 AGNO 5 -=Figure 6. Overlapping Windows ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 3-45 TLC7226C, TLC72261 QUADRUPLE 8-BIT DIGITAL·TO·ANALOG CONVERTERS SLAS060 - JANUARY 1995 staircase window comparator (continued) REF WI ndow1 OUTB OUTA Window 2 OUTO II- OUTC , AGNO Window 3 Figure 7. Window structure output buffer amplifier The unity-gain output amplifier is capable of sourcing 5 mA into a 2-k.Q load and can drive a 3300-pF capacitor. The output can be shorted to AGND indefinitely or can be shorted to any voltage between Vss and Voo consistent with the maximum device power dissipation; ... v o :x:J multiplying ,DAC The TLC7226 can be used as a multiplying DAC if the reference signal is maintained between 2' V and Voo -4 V. When this configuration is used, Voo should be 14.25 V to 15.75 V. A low output impedance buffer should be used so thf!,t the input signal is not loaded by the resistor ladder. Figure 8 shows the general schematic. . C c: ~ 15V '1J :x:J 1/4TLC7226 m m Vref 4 < - :e OAC AC Reference --' Input Signal --, 5 Figure 8. AC Signal Input Scheme ~TEXAS 3-46 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 856303 • DALlAS. TEXAS 75265 ~H--Vo TLC7226C, TLC72261 QUADRUPLE 8-BIT DIGITAL·TO·ANALOG CONVERTERS SLAS060-JANUARY 1995 Interface logic Information Address lines AD and A1 select which D/A converter accepts data from the input port. The foliowinJl.!lnction table shows the selection table for the four DACs. Figure 9 shows the input control logic. When the WR signal is low, the input latches of the selected DAC are transparent and the output responds to activity on the data bus. The data is latched into the addressed DAC latch on the rising edge of WR. While WR is high, the analog outputs remain at the value corresponding to the data held in their respective latches. FUNCTION TABLE CONTROL INPUTS WR A1 A2 H X X L L L L L H H H H i L i L i L i L - low, H _ high, OPERATION No operation Device not selected DAC A transparent DAC A latched DAC B transparent DAC B latched DAC C transparent DAC C latched DAC D transparent DAC D latched L L H H L L H H X =irrelevant AO ~ w 5> w a: 0 - - - To Latch A 0.. A1 16 ~~:t:+=+=llo--- ~ To Latch B o ::J C o 0 - - - To Latch C a: 0.. L.::==:t=rlo--- To Latch D Figure 9. Input Control Logic -!I1TEXAs INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 3-47 TLC7226C, TLC72261 QUADRUPLE 8·BIT DIGITAL·TO·ANALOGCONVERTERS SLAS060 - JANUARY 1995 unipolar output operation The unipolar output operation is the basic mode of operation for each channel of the TLC7226, with the output voltages having the same positive polarity as Vref~ The TLC7226 can be operated with a single supply (Vss = AGND) or with positive/negative supplies. The voltage at Vref must never be negative with respect to AGND to prevent parasitic transistor turn-on. Connections for the unipolar output operation are shown in Figure 10. Transfer values are shown in Table 2. 2 OUTA >-i......_.::.. REF _4'---4......-. >-4~_-,-1 OUTB >-.--_.::;20;;.. OUTC "tJ :rJ >-.--_.!.:19~ OUTO o C c: Figure 10. Unipolar Output Circuit ~ Table 2. Unipolar Code "tJ :rJ OAC LATCH CONTENTS MSB LSB m m ANALOG OUTPUT < 1111 1111 + Vref (255) 256 :e 1000 0001 + Vref 256 1000 0000 0111 1111 C29) Vref + Vref C28) 256 =+2 + Vref C27) 256 0000 0001 + Vref 0000 0000 - (2~6) OV ~1ExAs 3-48 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75266 TLC7226C, TLC72281 QUADRUPLE 8-BIT DIGITAL·TO-ANALOG CONVERTERS SLAS06Q-JANUARY 1995 absolute maximum ratings over operating free.alr temperature range (unle.. otherwise noted)t Supply voltage range. Voo: to AGNO or OGNO •........•........•..........•....•.... -0.3 V to 17 V to VSS* •.....••.••••..•...•...................•.•..•.... -0.3 V to 24 V Supply voltage range. Vss: to AGNO or OGNO •.•..............•.....••.•.•..•.•••. -17 V to + 0.3 V Voltage range between AGNO and OGNO • • • • • • • • . . • • • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . • . .. -17 V to 17 V Input voltage range. VI (to DGNO) ..............•...•......••.•......•..•...•. -0.3 V to Voo + 0.3 V Reference voltage range: Vref (to AGNO) •••••.••................................. " -0.3 V to Voo Vref (to Vss) ••••.•..•....•...•..••.........•..••....•.•.• -0.3 V to 20 V Output voltage range. Vo (to AGNO) (see Note 1) •..•.•...••.••••.••.••.•••••••••••••••• Vss to Voo Continuous total power dissipation at (or below) TA - 25°C (see Note 2) ...................... 500 mW Operating free-air temperature range. TA: e suffix ....•........•..•.........•.........••. ooe to 70°C I suffix .................................•..•• -25°C to 85°C Storage temperature range. Tstg ..............•.............. r.................... -65°C to 150°C Lead temperature 1.6 mm (111 Er inch) from case for 10 seconds: OW or N packages .............. 260°C t SIr8III8I beyond those listed under"ablolute maximum ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and funcIionaI operation 01 the device at Iheee or any other conditions beyond those indicated under "recommended operating conditions" is not impled. Exposure to absoJute.maxlmum-rated condIIions for extended periods may affect device reliability. The Vss tet'IrinIIIls connected to the substrate and must be tied to the most negativa supply voltage applied to the device. NOTES; 1. Output YOIIageI may be shorted to AGNO provided that the power claslpatlon of the package Is not exceeded. Typically short circuit CIAT8I'II to AGNO Is 80 rnA. 2. For operation above TA - 76"C derate linearly at the rate of 2.0 rnCI"C. * recommended operating conditions MIN MAX UNIT Supply voltage, VOO 4.5 16.5 V SUpply voltage. Vss -0.6 -5.5 V ; VOO-4.76V High-level Input voltage, VIH VOO-15.75V Low-IeveIlnput voltage, VIL 2 0.8 VOO-4.75V ReleIW1C8 voltage, Vref 0 Load resistance, RL 2 Setup time. address valid before \1m, taulAWI 0 Setup time, data valid before ~, tau(Ow) Hold time, address veld before WI!i,itt(AW) Hold time, data valid before \1m, itt(Ow) PuIae duration, Ym low, tw OperatIng frae.alr temperatura, TA V 2 VOO - 4.75 V to 5.26 V 70 VOO - 4.75 V to 5.25 V 180 VOO - 4.76 V to 5.26 V 10 VOO - 4.75 V to 5.25 V 20 VOO - 4.75 V to 5.25 V 0 VOO - 4.75 V to 5.25 V 20 VOO-4 V V IcC ns ns ns ns VOO - 4.75 V to 5.26 V 50 VOO - 4.75 V to 5.25 V 180 Csuffix I suffix 0 70 'C -25 85 "C ~1ExAs INSlRUMENTS POSTOFFIOE BOX _ . DALLAS. TEXAS 7 _ ns ;: w s:w a: a. b ::l C o a: a. TLC7226C, TLC72261 . QUADRUPLE 8·BIT DIGITAL·TO·ANALOG CONVERTERS SLAS060 -JANUARY 1995 electrical characteristics over recommended operating free-air temperature range dual power supply over recommended supply and reference voltage ranges, AGND otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS II Input current, digital VI = 0 VorVDD IDD Supply current VI = VIL orVIH, No load ISS Supply current VI = VIL or VIH, No load rilrel) Reference input resistance MIN 2 Power supply sensitivity TYP All O's loaded REF input MAX IlA 6 12 rnA 4 10 rnA 0.01 %1% 300 pF kQ 4 65 All 1's loaded Digital inputs single power supply, VOO 8 = 14.25 V to 15.75 V, VSS = AGND = DGND = 0 V, Vref = 10 V PARAMETER "lJ o c c: o-t TEST CONDITIONS II Input current, digital VI =OVorVDD IDD Supply current VI = VIL or VIH, Power supply sensitivity l1VDD -±5% All O's loaded ~ REF input Input capacitance Ci single or dual power supplies, Voo Vref 1.25 V = ~ - IDD Supply current VI = VIL or VIH, 11 Input resistance 0.01 0/01% 300 pF MIN No load MAX REF input l1VDD-±5% All O's loaded All 1's loaded Digital inputs ~TEXAS . ' INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655903 • DALlAS. TEXAS 75265 UNIT ±1 !IA 12 rnA 0.01 %1% 300 pF 2 Power supply sensitivity 3-50 rnA 65 TEST CONDITIONS VI =OVorVDD Input capacitance !IA 13 = 4.75 V to 5.25 V, VSS = AGND = DGND = 0 V or Vss = -5 V, PARAMETER Ci UNIT ±1 8 Input current, digital :e MAX No load All 1's loaded II m < m MIN Digital inputs "lJ UNIT ±1 l1VDD= ±5% Input capacitance Ci =DGND =0 V (unless kQ 65 8 TLC7226C, TLC72261 QUADRUPLE 8·BIT DIGITAL·TO·ANALOG CONVERTERS SLAS060-JANUARY 1995 operating characteristics over recommended operating free-air temperature range dual power supply over recommended supply and reference voltage ranges, AGND = DGND = 0 V (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX 2.5 Slew rate I Positive full scale Settling time to 112 LSB I Negative full scale VOIIS 5 Vref= 10 V 7 Resolution VDD = 15 V ±5%. Vref-l0V I DifferentiaVintegral Unearity error ±2 LSB ±1 LSB ±1.5 Full-scale error Temperature coefficient of gain I Full scale ±20 VDD = 14 V to 16.5 V. VrefR 10V I Zero-code error ±30 Digital crosstalk glitch impulse area 50 Vref- OV LSB ppml"C ±50 Zero-code error lIS Bits 8 Total unadjusted error UNIT JJ.VI"C mV nVos single power supply, VOO = 14.25 V to 15.75 V, VSS = AGND = DGND = 0 V, Vref = 10 V (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS Siewrate Settling time to 112 LSB MIN TYP 5 Negative full scale 20 Resolution Full-scale error Unearity error VDD=14Vto16.5V. Vref=10V Zero-code error Q. LSB I- ppml"C ±50 JJ.V/oC LSB nVos 50 PARAMETER MIN MAX UNIT ±1 LSB Full-scale error ±4 LSB Zero-code error ±30 mV ~TEXAS . INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 a: ±1.5 ±1 I Differential s:w LSB single or dual power supplies, VOO = 4.75 V to 5.25 V, VSS = AGND = DGND or Vss = -5 V, Vref = 1.25 V (unless otherwise noted) Unearity error W == ±2 ±20 Differential Digital crosstalk glitch impulse area lIS Bits 8 Full scale UNIT VOIIS Positive full scale Total unadjusted error Temperature coefficient of gain MAX 2 3-51 o :J C o a: Q. TLC7226C, TLC72261 QUADRUPLE 8-81T DIGITAL·TO·ANALOG CONVERTERS SLAS060 - JANUARY 1995 PARAMETER MEASUREMENT INFORMATION \. ~~_--I~II-I ~============X taulDw) .~(<======= --.......I0~---- :---.{< . Oata Address tau(AW) th(OW) .. -H~tw ___If-*- WR ----~\. ::0 VOO OV th(AW) , .....-_-_-_-_- ::0 NOTES: A. tr = tf = 20 ns over VOO range. B. The timing measurement reference level is equal to VIH + VILdivlded by 2. C. The selected input latch is transparent while WR is low. Invalid data during this time can cause erroneous outputs. Figure 11. Write-Cycle Voltage Waveforms "Q :XJ o TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS C c: OUTPUT CURRENT vs OUTPUT VOLTAGE (') -I 200 m -< m 150 ~ .100 j-- Source Current Short-Circuit Limiting I 50 :E 1 0 TA = 25°C VOO= 15V J 600 l~ L~~=5V < 01( ::I. 500 - ~ 400 I o~ I VLJ5V IT VSS=O 0 -0.1 I .9 700 r~ VOO=15V _ "Q :XJ OUTPUT CURRENT (SINK) vs OUTPUT VOLTAGE 300 I TA = 25°C VSS=-5V OlgltallN = 0 V -0.2 .9 100 -0.3 } -0.4 200 I -2 Sinking Current Source -1 o Vo - Output Voltage - V 2 o o 3 4 5 8 7 Vo - Output Voltage - V Figure 12 Figure 13 ~iExAs 3-52 2 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALlAS. TEXAS 75265 8 8 10 TLC7524C, TLC7524E, TLC75241 8-81T MULTIPLYING DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTERS SLAS061 A - SEPTEMBER 1986 - REVISED MARCH • Easily Interfaced to Microprocessors • On-Chip Data Latches • Monotonic Over the Entire AID Conversion Range D OR N PACKAGE crOP VIEW) OUT1 OUT2 GND DB? DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 • Segmented High-Order Bits Ensure Low-Glitch Output • Interchangeable With Analog Devices AD7524. PMI PM-7524. and Micro Power Systems MP7524 • Fast Control Signaling for Digital Signal-Processor Applications Including Interface With TMS320 • CMOS Technology RFB REF Voo WR CS 4 5 DBD DB1 DB2 6 7 8 9 FNPACKAGE crOP VIEW) KEY PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS Resolution Linearity error Power dissipation at VOO - 5 V Setting time Propagation delay time ~ ~ 1Du.. =>=>o.!!-w 8 Bits 112 LSB Max 5mWMax 100 ns Max 80nsMax OOZ"" a: GND DB? 4 5 3 2 1 20 19 18 17 NC 6 16 NC DB6 DB5 7 15 14 CS description The TLC7524C, TLC7524E, and TLC75241 are CMOS, 8-bit, digital-to-analog converters (OACs) designed for easy interface to most popular microprocessors. 8 9 10 11 12 13 Voo WR DBD NC-No internal connection The devices are 8-bit, multiplying OACs with input latches and load cycles similar to the write cycles of a random access memory. Segmenting the high-order bits minimizes glitches during changes in the most significant bits, which produce the highest glitch impulse. The devices provide accuracy to 1/2 LSB without the need for thin-film resistors or laser trimming, while dissipating less than 5 mW typically. Featuring operation from a 5-V to 15-V single supply, these devices interface easily to most microprocessor buses 'or output ports. The 2- or 4-quadrant multiplying makes these devices an ideal choice for many micr9processor-controlled gain-setting and signal-control applications. The TLC7524C is characterized for operation from O°C to 70°C. The TLC75241 is characterized for operation from -25°C to 85°C. The TLC7524E is characterized for operation from -40°C to 85°C. AVAILABLE OPTIONS PACKAGE TA (D) PLASTIC CHIP CARRIER (FN) SMALL OUTUNE PLASTIC DIP PLASTIC DIP (N) O·Cto 70·C TLC7524CD TLC7524CFN TLC7524CN -25·C to 85·C TLC75241D TLC75241FN TLC75241N -4O·C to 85·C TLC7524ED TLC7524EFN TLC7524EN ~1ExAs Copyright Ill> 1995, Texas Instruments Incorporated INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 65S303 • DALlAS. TEXAS 75265 3-53 TLC7524C,TLC7524E, TLC75241 . 8-81T MULTIPLYING DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTERS SLAS061A- SEPTEMBER 1986 - REVISED MARCH 1996 functional, block diagram REF R 15 R 2R 2R R 2R r, I, r 1,1, I, 3 2R 16 lye , , , 12 13 I 2R 1 2 I Data Latches R I 3 OUT1 OUT2 GND 4 5 6 11 DB7 DB6 DB5 DBO (MSB) (LSB) \~--------~v~-------JI Datalnputa Terminal numbers shown are for the D or N package. absolute maximum ratings over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted) Supply voltage range, Voo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • .. . . . . . .. . .. . . . .. . .. .. . . . ... .. .. . -0.3 V to 16.5 V Digital input voltage range, V, ................................. ; . . . . . . . . . . . . -0.3 V to Voo + 0.3 V Reference voltage, Vref ..... , ...............................•......................... : ., ±25 V Peak digital input current, I, ...........•................................. , ................ , 10 JJA Operating free-air temperature range, TA: TLC7524C ................................. O°C to 70°C TLC75241 ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. -25°C to 85°C TLC7524E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. -40°C to 85°C Storage temperature range, Tstg .................................................. -65°C to 150°C Case temperature for 10 seconds, Tc: FN package ......................................... 260°C Lead temperature 1,6 mm (1116 inch) from case for 10 seconds: D or N package ............... 260°C ~'TEXAs ' INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 656303 • OALLAS. TEXAS.75266 TLC7524C,TLC7524E, TLC75241 8-81T MULTIPLYING DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTERS SLAS061A- SEPTEMBER 1986 - REVISED MARCH 1995 recommended operating conditions VOD=15V VOO=5V MIN NOM MAX MIN 5 5.25 14.5 4.75 Supply voltage, VDD High-level input voltage, VIH MAX 15 15.5 UNIT V V ±10 ±10 Reference voltage, Vref NOM 2.4 V 1.5 0.8 Low-level input voltage, VIL V 40 40 ns 0 0 ns Data bus input setup time tsu(D) 25 25 ns Data bus input hold time tl1(D1 10 10 ns CS setup time, tsu(CS) CS hold time th(CS) 40 Pulse duration, WR low, IwCWR) TLC7524C Operating free-air temperature, TA 40 0 ns 70 0 70 TLC75241 -25 85 -25 85 TLC7524E -40 85 -40 85 ·C electrical characteristics over recommended operating free-air temperature range, Vref = ±10 V, OUT1 and OUT2 at GND (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS IIH High-level input current VI-VDD IlL Low-level input current VI-O Ilkg Output leakage current OUTl DBO-DB7 at 0 V, Vref-±10V WR,~atOV, OUT2 DBO-DB7 at VDD, Vref-±10V WR,CSatOV, Quiescent DBO-DB7 at VIHmin or VILmax Standby DBO-DB7 at 0 VorVDD 100 Supply current kSVS Supply voltage sensitivity, dgainldVDD dVDD",±10% Ci Input capacitance, DBO-DB7, WR, CS VI-O Co Output capacitance MAX MIN 0.01 DBO-DB7 at 0 V, WR,CSalOV DBO-DB7 at VDD, WR,~atOV Reference input impedance (REFtoGND) TYP MAX 10 10 -10 -10 ±400 ±200 ±400 ±200 UNIT tJA tJA 1 2 rnA 500 500 JJA 0.04 %FSR!% 0.16 0.005 5 OUTl OUT2 TYP nA OUTl OUT2 VOO = 15V VOO=5V MIN 5 5 30 30 120 120 120 120 30 30 20 5 20 pF pF kO ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DAlLAS. TEXAS 75265 3-05 TLC7524C, TLC7524E, TLC75241 8-BITMULTIPLYING DIGITAL·TO·ANALOG CONVERTERS SLAS061A- SEPTEMBER 1986 - REVISED MARCH 1995 o~ratlng characteristics over recommended operating free-air temperatu're range, Vref OUT1 anit OUT2 at GND (unless otherwise noteit) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS =±10 V, VDO=5V MIN TYP MAX VOD=15V MIN TYfIt MAX UNIT Linearity error Gain error' ±O.S ±O.S LSB See Note 1 ±2.S ±2.S LSB Settling time (to 112 LSB) See Note 2 100 100 ns Propagation delay from digital input to 90% Of final analog output current See Note 2 80 80 ns Feedthrough at oun or OUT2 Vref • ±10 V (l00-kHz slnewave) WR and cg at 0 V, OBG-OB7 at 0 V O.S O.S %FSR Temperature coefficient of gain TA - 2s00 to MAX ±0.004 ±0.001 NOTES: 1. Gain error IS measured USing the internal feedback resistor. Nominal full scale range (FSR) - Vref -1 LSB. 2. OUTl load = 100 C, Oext = 13 pF, WR at 0 V, OS at 0 V, OBo-DB7 at 0 V to VOO or VOO to 0 V. operating sequence tsu(CS) ----:--~~144---*tl- fh(CS) 14 FJ;--..-..._~ CS---""" I ~-----------~I--/ .i+--Iw(WR) WR------------~~ ~ Ir------------- ---------tf ~I ----.I ll'-" 1 tsu(O) O~B7--------------------~( 3-56 ~ ~I 'TEXAS NSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE SOX 666303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75266 "'(0) ~~----------- %FSRI"O TLC7524C, TLC7524E, TLC75241 8-BIT MULTIPLYING DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTERS SLAS061A-SEPTEMBER 1966-REVISED MARCH 1995 APPLICATION INFORMATION voltage-mode operation It is possible to operate the current-multiplying OAC in these devices in a voltage mode. In the voltage mode, a fixed voltage is placed on the current output terminal. The analog output voltage is then available at the reference voltage terminal. Figure 1 is an example of a current-multiplying OAC, which is operated in voltage mode. R R R REF (Analog Output Voltage) ~ I--"-'VV-..---, }2R } 2R 2R 2R Y '---+----+---+-4- OUT1 (FIxed Input Voltage) '------4---___- - - - 4....... . . - OUT2 Figure 1. Voltage Mode Operation The relationship between the fixed-input voltage and the analog-output voltage is given by the following equation: Vo = VI (0/256) where Vo = analog output voltage VI = fixed input voltage o = digital input code converted to decimal In voltage-mode operation, these devices meet the following specification: PARAMETER Linearity error at REF TEST CONDITIONS VDD =5 V, OUTl = 2.5 V, OUT2 at GND, TA =25°C ~ThxAs INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 650303 • DAUAS, TEXAS 75265 3-57 TLC7524C, TLC7524E, TLC75241 8·BIT MULTIPLYING DIGITAL·TO·ANALOG CONVERTERS SLAS061 A- SEPTEMBER 1986 -REVISED MARCH 1995 .PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION The TLC7524C, TLC7524E, and TLC7524 I are B-bit multiplying DACs consisting of an inverted R-2R ladder, analog switches, and data input latches. Binary-weighted currents are switched between the OUT1 and OUT2 bus lines, thus maintaining a constant current in each ladder leg independent of the switch state. The high-order bits are decoded. These decoded bits, through a modification in the R-2R ladder, control three equally-weighted current sources. Most applications only require the addition of an external operational amplifier and a voltage ~~~~. . The equivalent circuit for all digital inputs low is seen in Figure 2. With all digital inputs low, the entire referencE! current, Iref, is switched to OUT2. The current source 11256 represents the constant current flowing through the termination resistor of the R-2R ladder, while the current source Ilkg represents leakage currents to the substrate. The capacitances appearing at OUT1 and OUT2 are dependent upon the digital input code. With all digital inputs high, the off-state switch capacitance (30 pF maximum) appears at OUT2 and the on-state switch capacitance (120 pF maximum) appears at OUT1. With all digital inputs low, the situation is reversed as shown in Figure 2. Analysis of the circuit for all digital inputs high is similar to Figure 2; however, in this case, Iref would be switched to OUT1. The DAC on these devices interfaces to a microprocessor through the data bus and the CS and WR control signals. When CS and WR are both low, analog output on these devices responds to the data activity on the DBD-DB7 data bus inputs. In this mode, the input latches are transparent and input data directly affects the analog output. When either the CS signal or WR Signal goes high, the data on the DBD-DB7 inputs are latched until the CS and WR signals go low again. When CS is high, the data inputs are disabled regardless of the state of the WR signal. These devices are capable of performing 2-quadrant or full4-quadrant multiplication. Circuit configurations for 2-quadrant or 4-quadrant multiplication are shown in Figures 3 and 4. Tables 1 and 2 summarize input coding for unipolar and bipolar operation respectively. R , - - - - - - - . -......- - - - - - , . - OUT1 III(g lref REF i --+ -----"v'V\.1I-256-~.-~--I-lk9-~ .......- i - - - - f - e - - 1 2 0 - P - F - - - - OUT2 Figure 2. TLC7524 Equivalent Circuit With All Digital Inputs Low ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICI' BOX fl55303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 TLC7524C, TLC7524E, TLC75241 8·BIT MULTIPLYING· DIGITAL·TO·ANALOG CONVERTERS SLAS061A- SEPTEMBER 1986 - REVISED MARCH 1995 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION Vref VDD RA =2 k.Q (see Note A) RB DBO-DB7 '-----V >--....--Output CS - - - - I WR - - - - t Figure 3. Unipolar Operation (2-Quadrant Multiplication) Vref VDD 20 k.Q RA =2 k.Q (see Note A) RB 20 k.Q >-__DBO-DB7 Output ~-./ CS - - - - t WR - - - i GND Figure 4. Bipolar Operation (4-Quadrant Operation) NOTES: A. RA and RS used only if gain adjustment is required. S. C phase compensation (10-15 pF) is required when using high-speed amplifiers to prevent ringing or oscillation. Table 1. Unipolar Binary Code DIGITAL INPUT (see Note 3) MSB ANALOG OUTPUT LSB 11111111 10000001 10000000 01111111 00000001 00000000 Table 2. Bipolar (Offset Binary) Code DIGITAL INPUT (see Note 4) MSB - Vref (255/256) -Vref (129/256) -Vref (128/256) = -Vre tf2 -Vref (127/256) -Vref (11256) 0 ANALOG OUTPUT LSB 11111111 10000001 10000000 01111111 00000001 00000000 Vref (1271128) Vref (1/128) 0 - Vref (11128) -Vref (127/128) -Vref NOTES: 3. LSS = 11256 (Vref) 4. LSS =1/128 {Vretl -!I1TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE SOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 3-09 TLC7524C, TLC7524E,TLC75241 8-BITMULTIPLYING DIGITAL·TO·ANALOGCONVERTERS SLAS061A- SEPTEMBER 1986 - REVISED MARCH 1995 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION microprocessor Interfa,ces DO-D7 Data Bus ~J Z-atlA WR - DBO-DB7 ~ WR TLC7524 cs 1'1' Ao-A15 OUT2 I Decode Logic IORQ OUT1 Address Bus Figure 5. TLC7524 - Z-80A Interface Data Bus DO-D7 6800 cjl2 tJ DBO-DB7 J~ J ViR TLC7524 OUT2 CS VMA r Decode Logic r 1'1 Ao-A15 Address Bus Figure 6. TLC7524 - 6800 Interface ~TEXAS 3-60 OUT1 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 I TLC7524C, TLC7524E, TLC75241 8·BIT MULTIPLYING DIGITAL·TO-ANALOG CONVERTERS SLAS061A- SEPTEMBER 1986 - REVISED MARCH 1995 microprocessor Interfaces (continued) A8-A15 AddresaBus 8051 Decode ~ r-v" logic 8-Blt Latch I ) CS I I ALE WR ADO-AD7 - WR TLC7524 DBO-DB7 AdresslDets Bus OUT1 OUT2 'I Figure 7. TLC7524 - 8051 Interface l ~1EXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 856303 • D~. TEXAS 75266 3-61 3-62 TLC7528C, TLC7528E, TLC75281 DUAL 8-81T MULTIPLYING DIGITAL·TO·ANALOG CONVERTERS 1995 • Easily Interfaced to Microprocessors OW OR N PACKAGE (TOP VIEW) • On-Chip Data Latches • Monotonic Over the Entire AID Conversion Range • Interchangeable With Analog Devices AD7528 and PMI PM-7528 • Fast Control Signaling for Digital Signal Processor (DSP) Applications Including Interface With TMS320 AGND OUTA RFBA REFA DGND DACAtDACB (MSB) DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 • Voltage-Mode Operation • CMOS Technology KEY PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS Resolution Linearity Error Power Dissipation at VDD = 5 V Settling lime at VDD = 5 V Propagation Delay lime at VDD = 5 V OUTB RFBB REFB 3 VDD WR CS DBO (LSB) DB1 DB2 DB3 7 8 9 11 FN PACKAGE (TOP VIEW) 8 bits 112 LSB 20mW 100 ns 80 ns c(~~f!:!m fe ::> ~ :::dE a:Oc(Oa: REFA DGND DACNDACB (MSB) DB7 DB6 description 4 5 6 7 3 2 1 20 19 18 17 REFB VDD 16 WR The TLC7528C, TLC7528E, and TLC75281 are 15 CS dual, 8-bit, digital-to-analog converters designed with separate on-chip data latches and feature 4 DBO (LSB) 8 9 1011 12 exceptionally close DAC-to-DAC matching. Data is transferred to either of the two DAC data latches 1B Iii gu~ iii through a common, 8-bit, input port. C.ontrol input 00000 DACAlDACB determines whiCh DAC is to be loaded. The load cycle of these devices is similar to the write cycle of a random-access memory, allowing easy interface to most popular microprocessor buses and output ports. Segmenting the high-order bits minimizes glitches during changes in the most significant bits, where glitch impulse is typically the strongest. d These devices operate from a 5-V to 15-V power supply and dissipates less than 15 mW (typical). The 2- or 4-quadrant multiplying makes these devices a sound choice for many microprocessor-controlled gain-setting and signal-control applications. It can be operated in voltage mode, which produces a voltage output rather than a current output. Refer to the typical application information in this data sheet. The TLC7528C is characterized for operation from O·C to 70·C. The TLC75281 is characterized for operation from -25·C to 85·C. The TLC7528E is characterized for operation from -40·C to 85·C. AVAILABLE OPTIONS PACKAGE TA SMALL OUTLINE (OW) CHIP CARRIER (FN) PLASTICOIP (N) O·Cto 70·C TLC7528CDW TLC7528CFN TLC7528CN -25·C to 85·C TLC75281DW TLC75281FN TLC75281N -40·C to 85·C TLC7528EDW TLC7528EFN TLC7528EN ~lExAs Copyright © 1995. Texas Instruments Incorporated INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 6S5303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 3-63 TLC7528C,TLC7528E, TLC75281 DUAL 8-BIT MULTIPLYING, DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTERS SLAS062A-JANUARY 1987 - REVISED MARCH 1995 functional block diagram DBO 14 REFA 13 , -_ _ _3;;.. RFBA 4 12 Data Inputs •• • ~_ _=-2 OUTA 8 11 Input Buffer 10 DACA 9 8 1 DB7 7 AGND .--_ _-+~18 RFBB r ......"',.....---+~20 OUTB DACAlDACB 6 Logic WR 16 CS 16 Control REFB operating sequence 141----; ... 1 14 4 - - - - tsu(CS) - -.... ----~~------------~!--. 14---- teu(DAcl DACAlDACB --~I~ I'-lt!(CS) ---t.oMI4,....--.~I- It!(DAC) I I I J ~ tw(WR) ~ WR - - - - - - - - " j.-- tsu(D) DBO-DB7 ------X Jr~1------.1. -: Data In Stable ,.th.;.(D.;.)_ _ X'-___ ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 656303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75286 TLC7528C, TLC7528E, TLC75281 DUAL 8-BIT MULTIPLYING DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTERS SLAS062A- JANUARY 1987 - REVISED MARCH 1995 absolute maximum ratings over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)t Supply voltage range, Vee (to AGNO or OGNO) .................................... -0.3 V to 16.5 V Voltage between AGNO and OGNO ........................................................ ±Voo Input voltage range, VI (to OGNO) .............................................. -0.3 V to Vee + 0.3 Reference voltage, VrefA or VrefB (to AGNO) ................................................ ±25 V Feedback voltage VRFBA or VRFBB (to AGNO) ..•........................................... ±25 V Output voltage, VOA or VOB (to AGNO) ..................................................... ±25 V Peak input current ....................................................................... 10 ~ Operating free-air temperature range, TA: TLC7528C .................................. O°C to 70°C TLC75281 .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. -25°C to 85°C TLC7528E ................................ -40°C to 85°C Storage temperature range, Tstg .................................................. -65°C to 150°C Case temperature for 10 seconas, Tc: FN package ....................• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 260°C Lead temperature 1,6 mm (1/16 inch) from case for 10 seconds: OW or N package ............... 260°C t Stresses beyond those listed under "absolu1e maximum ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under "recommended operating conditions" is not implied. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. recommended operating conditions voo = 4.75 V to 5.25 V MIN NOM MAX VOO = 14.5 V to 15.5 V MIN NOM MAX ±10 ±10 Reference voltage, VrefA or VrefB 2.4 High-level input voltage, VIH 50 CS setup time, tsu(CSl CS hold time, th(CS) V 13.5 V 1.5 0.8 Low-level input voltage, ViL UNIT V 50 ns 0 0 ns DAC select setup time, tsu(DACl 50 50 ns DAC select hold time, th(DACl 10 10 ns Data bus input setup time tsu(Dl Data bus input hold time th(Dl 25 25 ns 10 10 ns Pulse duration, WR low, twlWRl 50 50 TLC7628C Operating free-air temperature, TA ns 0 70 0 70 TLC76281 -25 85 -25 85 TLC7628E -40 85 -40 85 ·C ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE sox 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 3-65 TLC7528C, TLC7528E, TLC75281 DUAL 8·BIT MULTIPLYING DIGITAL·TO..ANALOG CONVERTERS SLAS062A-JANUARY 1987 - REVISED MARCH 1995 electrical characteristics over recommended operating free-air temperature range, VrefA VrefB 10 V, VOA and VOB at 0 V (unless otherwise noted} = = PARAMETER TEST CONOITIONS IIH High-level input current VI-VOD IlL Low-level input current VI-O VOO=5V MIN TYPt MAX 10 5 Reference input impedance REFA or REFB to AGNO Ilkg 100 Supply current (standby) Ci Co Input capacitance jIA jIA 20 20 kO 12 ±200 OUTB OAC data latch loaded with 00000000, VrefB = ±10 V ±400 ±200 nA ±1% ±1% .t\VOO=±10% All digital inputs at VIHmin or VILmax 0.04 0.02 %1% 2 2 mA All digital inputs at 0 V or VOO mA 0.5 0.5 OBa-OB7 10 10 pF WR,CS, DACAlOACB 15 15 pF DAC data latches loaded with 00000000 50 50 DAC data latches loaded with 11111111 120 120 Output capacitance (OUTA, OUTB) t All typical values are at TA _ 25°C. • ~1ExAs 3-66 10 5 ±400 DC supply sensitivity, .t\gainl.t\Voo UNIT -10 -10 DAC data latch loaded with 00000000, VrefA = ±10 V . Input resistance match (REFA to REFB) Supply current (quiescent) 12 OUTA Output Leakage Current 100 VOO=15V MIN TYpf MAX INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 665303 • DALlAS. TEXAS 75265 pF TLC7528C, TLC7528E, TLC75281 DUAL 8·BIT MULTIPLYING DIGITAL·TO·ANALOG CONVERTERS SLAS062A - JANUARY 1987 - REVISED MARCH 1995 operating characteristic over recommended operating free·air temperature range, VrefA VrefB 10 V, VOA and VOB at 0 V (unless otherwise noted) = = PARAMETER TEST CONOITIONS VOO=5V MIN TYP VOO=15V MAX MIN TYP MAX UNIT ±1/2 ±112 Settling time (to 1/2 LSB) See Note 1 100 100 ns Gain error See Note 2 2.5 2.5 LSB -65 -65 -65 -65 Linearity error AC feedthrough I REFA to OUTA I REFB to OUTB See Note 3 Temperature coefficient of gain See Note 4 0.007 Propagation delay (from digital input to 90% of final analog output current) See Note 5 80 Channel-to-channel isolation I REFA to OUTB I REFB to OUTA LSB dB 0.0035 %FSRI"C 80 See Note 6 77 77 See Note 7 77 77 ns dB Digital-to-analog glitch Impulse area Measured for code transition from 00000000 to 11111111, TA = 25°C 160 440 nVos Digital crosstalk Measured for code transition from 00000000 to 11111111, TA=25°C 30 60 nVos Harmonic distortion Vi=6V, -85 -85 NOTES: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. f= 1 kHz, TA-25°C dB OUTA, OUTB load = 100 n, Cext = 13 pF; WR and CS at 0 V; DBa-DB7 at 0 V to VDD or VDD to 0 V. Gain error is measured using an internal feedback resistor. Nominal full scale range (FSR) = Vref - 1 LSB. Vref = 20 V peak-to-peak, 1OO-kHz sine wave; DAC data latches loaded with 00000000. Temperature coefficient of gain measured from O°C to 25°C or from 25°C to 70°C. VrefA = VrefB = 10 V; OUTAlOUTB load = 100 Cl, Cext = 13 pF; WR and CS at 0 V; DBa-DB7 at 0 V to VDD or VDD to 0 V. Both DAC latches loaded with 11111111; VrefA = 20 V peak-to-peak, 100-kHz sine wave; VrefB = 0; TA = 25°C. Both DAC latches loaded with 11111111; VrefB = 20 V peak-Io-peak, 100-kHz sine wave; VrefA = 0; TA = 25°C. PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION These devices contain two identical, 8-bit-multiplying D/A converters, DACA and DACB ..Each DAC consists of an inverted R-2R ladder, analog switches, and input data latches. Binary-weighted currents are switched between DAC output and AGND, thus maintaining a constant current in each ladder leg independent of the switch state. Most applications require only the addition of an external operational amplifier and voltage reference. A simplified D/A circuit for DACA with all digital inputs low is shown in Figure 1. Figure 2 shows the DACA equivalent circuit. A similar equivalent circuit can be drawn for DACB. Both DACs share the analog ground terminal 1 (AGND). With all digital inputs high, the entire reference current flows to OUTA. A small leakage current (llkg) flows across internal junctions, and as with most semiconductor devices, doubles every 1DoC. Co is due to the parallel combination of the NMOS switches and has a value that depends on the number of switches connected to the output. The range of Co is 50 pF to 120 pF maximum. The equivalent output resistance (r0) varies with the input code from 0.8R to 3R where R is the nominal value of the ladder resistor in the R-2R network. These devices interface to a microprocessor through the data bus, CS, WR, and DACAlDACB control signals. When CS and WR are both low, the TLC?528 analog output, specified by the DACAlDACB control line, responds to the activity on the DBO-DB? data bus inputs. In this mode, the input latches are transparent and input data directly affects the analog output. When either the CS signal or WR si~1 goes high, the data on the DBO-DB? inputs is latched until the CS and WR signals go low again. When CS is high, the data inputs are disabled regardless of the state of the WR signal. ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX ~3 -DAlLAS, TEXAS 75265 3-67 TLC7528C, TLC7528E, TLC75281 DUAL 8-81T MULTIPLYING DI.GITAL·T()'ANALOG CONVERTERS SLAS082A- JANUARY 1987 - REVISED MARCH 1896 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION The digital inputs of these devices provide TTL compatibility when operated from a supply voltage of 5 V. These devices can operate with any supply voltage in the range from 5 V to 15 V; however, input logic levels are not TTL compatible above 5 V. REFA R R R ---~".".,.......~,....-\ 2R 2R 2R 2R 2R ( : An y1~S8 RFBA OUTA I AGND DACA Data LatchH and Drivers Figure 1. Simplified Functional Circuit for DACA RFBA R . REFA--'V'II'v---..-----....- - - . - . . - - OUTA I Illeg i5ii t CoUT ~----..---~-----AGND Figure 2. RC7528 Equivalent Circuit, DACA Latch Loec:Iec:I With 11111111 MODE SELECTION TABLE 9 9m DACA DACB L L Write Hold L Write H L L Hold X H X Hold Hold X X H Hold Hold L • low level. H • high level. X • don't care 6ACAiDACB ~1ExAs 3-68 INSIRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX _ . DALI.AS. TEXAS 76286 TLC7528C, TLC7528E, TLC75281 DUAL 8·BIT MULTIPLYING DIGITAL·TO·ANALOG CONVERTERS SLAS062A - JANUARY 1987 - REVISED MARCH 1995 APPLICATION INFORMATION These devices are capable of performing 2-quadrant or full4-quadrant multiplication. Circuit configurations for 2-quadrant and 4-quadrant multiplication are shown in Figures 3 and 4. Tables 1 and 2 summarize input coding for unipolar and bipolar operation. VI(A) ±10V R1 (see Note A) VDD DBO 17r------------------- 141 : I • R2 (see Note A) RFBA REFA ......-"-..... ~~---4--~-I Input Buffer DB7-+---I 7 I I I I I I I DACA/DACB~6~-~ 15 I cs -'=-+-----1 WR_1~61i--1______~ DGND~ . _ L___________________ _____ REFB RECOMMENDED TRIM RESISTOR VALUES R1, R3 R2, R4 ~ ~ AGND R3 (see Note AI VI(B) ±10V 5000 1500 NOTES: A. R1, R2, R3, and R4 are uSed only if gain adjustment is required. See table for recommended values. Make gain adjustment with digital input of 255. B. C1 and C2 phase compensation capacitors (10 pF to 15 pF) are required when using high-speed amplifiers to prevent ringing or oscillation. Figure 3. Unipolar Operation (2-Quadrant Multiplication) ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALlAs, TEXAS 75265 3-69 TLC7528C, TLC7528E, TLC75281 DUAL 8-BIT MULTIPLYING DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTERS SLAS062A- JANUARY 1987 - REVISED MARCH 1995 APPLICATION INFORMATION :~~~ R6 20kn (_Note B) RFBA R2 (_Note A) ,..-------------- ..1l..f VDD DBO 14 Input Buffer R7 10kn 8 R5 20kn DB7 DACAl DACB VOA R11 5kn i-i--r--l.-,1-1----, R8 20kn CS .....1-,£5-!----1 WR 16 5 I I ~IL ______________ _ R9 10kn (_NoteB) I DGND VOB R11 5kn ':" AGND R10 20kn (aeeNote B) VI(B) ±10~ NOTES: A. R1. R2. R3. and R4 are used only if gain adjustment is required. See table in Figure 3 for recommended values. Adjust R1 for VOA - 0 V with code 10000000 in DACA latch. Adjust R3 for VOB - 0 V with 10000000 in DACB latch. B. Matching and tracking are essential for resistor pairs R6. R7. R9. and R10. C. C1 and C2 phase compensation capaCitors (10 pF to 15 pF) may be required if A1 and A3 are high-speed amplifiers. Figure 4. Bipolar Operation (4-Quadrant Operation) Table 2. Bipolar (Offset Binary) Code Table 1. Unipolar Binary Code DAC LATCH CONTENTS MSB LSBt 11111111 10000001 10000000 01111111 00000001 00000000 ANALOG OUTPUT -VI (2551256) -VI (1291256) '-VI (1281256) - -Vj12 -VI (127/256) -VI (1/256) -VI (0/256) = 0 ~TEXAS 3-70 DAC LATCH CONTENTS MSB LSB:t: 11111111 10000001 10000000 01111111 00000001 00000000 . INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 ANALOG OUTPUT VI (127/128) VI (1/128) OV -VI (11128) -VI (127/128) -VI (1281128) TLC7528C, TLC7528E, TLC75281 DUAL 8·BIT MULTIPLYING DIGITAL·TO·ANALOG CONVERTERS SLAS062A- JANUARY 1987 - REVISED MARCH 1995 APPLICATION INFORMATION microprocessor Interface Information A8-A15 Add ..... Bua ~____-, ....-----.....- - - - - - - f DACA/DACB Add..... Decode Logic CPU 8051 A cs , - - - - t - - - - - - - I WR TLC7528 DBO •• WRI-----l DB7 ALE --v ADO_AD7~__~______~____~Dam~B~u~a~____________ NOTE A: A = decoded address for TLC7528 DACA A + 1 - decoded address for TLC7528 DACe Figure 5. TLC7528 -Intel 8051 Interface A8-A15 ~____-, VMA CPU 6800 +21----1 ADO-AD7~ ____~__~r- __ ~~ __________________--v NOTE A: A. decoded address for TLC7528 DACA A + 1 - decoded address for TLC7528 DACe Figure 6. TLC7528 - 6800 Interface ~1ExAs INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX _ • DAu.AS, TEXAS 752615 3-71 TLC7528C,TLC7528E, TLC75281 DUAL 8~BIT MULTIPLYING DIGITAL';TO·ANALOG CONVERTERS SLAS062A-JANUARY 1987 - REVISED MARCH 1995 APPLICATION INFORMATION 8 Address Bus A8-A15 t - - - - , ,....-----+--:.....--1 DACA/DACB Address Decode Logic IORQ A CS TLC7528 , . . . . - - -....- - - - 1 WR CPU zso..A D,O • DB7 WRt-----L~ 8 DO_D7t-_ _ _ _~~:.....-D~am~B~us:.....----------~ NOTE A: A = decoded address for TLC7fj28 DACA A + 1 decoded address for TLC7528 DACB K Figure 7. TLC7528 To Z·80A Interface programmable window detector The programmable window comparator shown in Figure 8 determines if voltage applied to the DAC feedback resistors are within the limits programmed into the data latches of these devices. Input signal range depends on the reference and polarity. that is.• the test input range is 0 to -Vref. The DACA and DACB data latches are programmed with the upper and lower test limits. A signal within the programmed limits drives the output high. ~TEXAS 3-72 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 TLC7528C, TLC7528E, TLC75281 DUAL 8-BIT MULTIPLYING DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTERS SLAS062A- JANUARY 1987 - REVISED MARCH 1995 APPLICATION INFORMATION VDD Testlnput Oto-Vraf VCC -~.------..., 17 3 RFBA 1 k.Q 4 REFA Data Inputs ~8'-'Hf-1;,;;:4....-7:.t DBO-DB7 TLC7528 _ _~~_1~5 CS AGND--~-'~"" PASS/FAIL Output _ _+.-1-....:1,6 WR 6 DACA/DACB _ _+'-1---'-t 20 18 REFB Vraf --+-4.........:..:..1-'-'"'''-=--1 5 DGND RFBB 19 Figure 8. Digitally-Programmable Window Comparator (Upper- and Lower-Limit Tester) digitally controlled signal attenuator Figure 9 shows a TLC7528 configured as a two-channel programmable attenuator. Applications include stereo audio and telephone signal level control. Table 3 shows input codes vs attenuation for a 0 to 15.5 dB range. Attenuation dB VDD =-20 10910 D/256, D =digital Input code 17 VIA _ _ _ _ _ _..:.4+R~E....:FA.., RFBA 3 OUTA 2 Output DBO-DB7 TLC7528 8 14-7 1----.,.--Data Bus CS WR DACA/DACB REFB AGND DGND 15 16 6 18 1 5 19 " -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.... Figure 9. Digitally Controlled Dual Telephone Attenuator ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 3-73 TLC7528C, TLC7528E,TLC75281 DUAL 8·BIT MULTIPLYING DIGITAL·TO·ANALOG CONVERTERS SLAS062A-JANUARY 1ge7-REVISED MARCH 1995 APPLICATION INFORMATION Table 3. Attenuation vs DACA, DACB Code ATTN (dB) DAC INPUT CODE 0 11111111 0.5 11110010 1.0 11,100100 1.5 11010111 2.0 2.5 CODE IN DECIMAL ATTN (dB) DAC INPUT CODE CODE IN DECIMAL 255 ' 242 8.0 01100110 102 8.5 01100000 96 228 215 9.0 9.5 01011011 91 01010110 86 11001011 11000000 203 10.0 192 10.5 01010001 01001100' 81 76 3.0 3.5 10110101 10101011 181 11.0 01001000 72 4.0 4.5 10100010 10011000 171 162 11.5 12.0 01000100 01000000 00111101 68 64 61 5.0 10011111 5.5 152 12.5 13.0 13.5 00111001 97 10001000 144 136 00110110 54 6.0 6.5 10000000 01111001 128 121 14.0 51 14.5 00110011 00110000 7.0 01110010 114 15.0 00101110 46 7.5 01101100 108 15.5 00101011 43 48 programmable state-variable filter This programmable state-variable or universal filter configuration provides low-pass, high-pass, and bandpass outputs, and is suitable for applications requiring microprocessor control of filter parameters. As shown in Figure 10, DACA 1 ~nd DACB1 control the gain and Q of the filter while DACA2 and DACB2 control the cutoff frequency. Both halves of the DACA2 and DACB2 must track accurately in order for the cutoff-frequency equation to be true. With the TLC7528, this is easy to achieve. f 1 c - 21t R1C1 The programmable range for the cutoff or center frequency is 0 to 15 kHz with a Q ranging from 0.3 to 4.5. This defines the limits of the component values. :lllExAs 3-74 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 TLC7528C, TLC7528E, TLC75281 DUAL 8-81T MULTIPLYING DIGITAL·TO-ANALOG CONVERTERS SLAS082A- JANUARY 1987 - REVISED MARCH 1995 APPLICATION INFORMATION C3 47pF 4 REFA OUTA 2 VI --+=-=::':"':;'---1 17 VDD Data In RFBA 8 14-7 R5 3OkO R4 3 AGND 1 R3 15 18 CS WR 5 -=- OUTB 20 RFBB DGND 8 HlghPaaa Out 10kO 19 REFB 18 DACA/DACB Bandpaaa Out DACAl AND DACBl C1 OUTA 2 4 REFA 17 Data In VDD 814-7 15 18 RFBA DBO-DB7 C2 AGND 1 TLC7528 1000pF CS OUTB 20 WR RFBB 5 -=- 3 19 >--41..-- Low Paaa Out REFB 18 8 DACA/DACB DACA2 and DACB2 Circuit Equatlona: C1 =C2, R1 = R2, R4= Q R3 =- - R4 Rs RF • ..----"-Rfb(DACB1) where: Rfb la the Intarnal reslator connectad between OUTB and RFBB G = _ RF RS NOTES: A. Op-amps A1, A2, AS, and A4 are TL287. B. OS compensates for the op-amp gain-bandwidth limitations. 258 x (CAC ladder resistance) C. CAC equivalent resistance equals CAC digital code Figure 10. Digitally Controlled State-Variable Filter ~ThxAs INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX _ . DALLAS. TEXAS 76266 3-75 'TlC7528C, TLC7528E, TLC75281 DUAL 8-81T MULTIPLYING DIGITAL·TO·ANALOG CONVERTERS SLAS062A- JANUARY 1987 - REVISED MARCH 1995 APPLICATION INFORMATION voltage-mode operation It is possible to operate the current multiplying O/A converter of these devices in a voltage mode. In the voltage mode, a fixed voltage is placed on the current output terminal. The analog output voltage is then available at the reference voltage terminal. Figure 11 is an example of a current multiplying O/A, that operates in the voltage mode. R R R REF--+-~~~~~~~--~~~~---. (Analog Output Voltage) 2R 2R 2R 2R R ......---+__4I..._--- L----+~~----+- L-____~~------......----~~~---- Out (Fixed input Voltage) AGND Figure 11. Voltage-Mode Operation The following equation shows the relationship between the fixed input voltage and ,the analog output voltage: Vo = VI (0/256) where Vo = analog output voltage VI = fixed input voltage o = digital input code converted to decimal In voltage-mode operation, these devices meets the following specification: PARAMETER LinearitY,error at REFA or REFB 3-76 TEST CONDITIONS VDD = 5 V, OUTA or OUTB at 2.5 V, -!!1 TEXAS: INSTRuMENTS POST OFFICE apx 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 TA = 25°C TLC7628C, TLC7628E, TLC76281 DUAL 8·BIT MULTIPLYING DIGITAL·TO·ANALOG CONVERTERS Sl.AS063A-APRIL 1989 - REVISED MAY 1995 • Easy Microprocessor Interface • On-Chip Data Latches • Digital Inputs Are TTL-Compatible With 10.8-V to 15.75-V Power Supply • Monotonic Over the Entire AID Conversion Range • Fast Control Signaling for Digital Signal Processor (DSP) Applications Including Interface With TMS320 ow OR N PACKAGE (TOP VIEW) • CMOS Technology DB6 DB5 DB4 KEY PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS 8 bits 1/2 LSB 20mW 100 ns 80 ns f!esolution Linearity Error Power Dissipation Settling Time Propagation Delay Time OUTB RFBB REFB AGND OUTA RFBA REFA DGND DACNDACB (MSB) DB? VDD WR CS DBD (LSB) DBl 8 9 DB2 DB3 FN PACKAGE (TOP VIEW) description The TLC?628C, TLC7628E, and TLC26281 are dual, 8-bit, digital-to-analog converters (DACs) designed with separate on-chip data latches and feature exceptionally close DAC-to-DAC matching. Data is transferred to either of the two DAC data latches through a common, 8-bit input port. Control input DACAlDACB determines which DAC is loaded. The load cycle of these devices is similar to the write cycle of a random-access memory, allowing easy interface to most popular microprocessor buses and output ports. Segmenting the high-order bits minimizes glitches during changes in the most significant bits, where glitch impulse is typically the strongest. REFA (MSB) DB? 4 5 6 7 DB6 8 DGND DACNDACB 3 2 1 20 19 18 REFB 17 16 VDD WR CS 15 14 9 1011 1213 DBD (LSB) The TLC7628C operates from a 1O.8-V to 15.75-V power supply and is TTL-compatible over this range. 2- or 4-quadrant multiplying makes these devices a sound choice for many microprocessor-controlled gain-setting and signal-control applications. The TLC6728C is characterized for operation from O°C to 70°C. The TLC76281 is characterized for operation from -25°C to 85°C. The TLC7628E is characterized for operation from -40°C to 85°C. AVAILABLE OPTIONS PACKAGE TA SMALL OUTLINE PLASTICOIP (OW) PLASTIC CHIP CARRIER (FN) PLASTICOIP (N) O·Cto 70·C TLC7628CDW TLC7628CFN TLC7628CN -25·C to 85·C TLC7628IDW TLC76281FN TLC76281N -40·C to 85·C TLC7628EDW TLC7628EFN TLC7628EN ~TEXAS Copyright © 1995, Texas Instruments Incorporated INSTRUMENTS POST oFFice BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TeXAS 75265 3-n TLC7628C, TLC7628E, TLC76281 DUAL 8-81T MULTIPLYING DIGITAL·TO·ANALOG CONVERTERS SLAS063A-APRIL 1989 - REVISED MAY 1995 functional block diagram 14 REFA r--~_ _ _3,,- RFBA 13 4 12 Data Inputs ••• 11 10 Input Buffer ~_ _.;;;..2 OUTA 8 DACA 9 8 DB7 DACAlDACB AGND 7 ....-_ _ _1---'1..;;..9 r"'--'"'\,,----t-.J20~ OUTB 6 16 WR 15 CS RFBB ,Logic Control Latch B 8 REFB absolute maximum ratings over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)t Supply voltage range, Voo (to AGND or DGND) ..........................•........... -0.3 Vto 17 V Voltage between AGND and DGND ...•..................................•......•.••......... Voo Input voltage range, VI (to DGND) •....•.............................•....•..• -0.3 V to VOO + 0.3 V Reference voltage range, VrefA or VrefB (to AGND) . • . . . . . • . . . • . . . • . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . . . . • . • .. ±25 V Feedback voltage range, VRFBA or VRFBB (to AGND) ...............•.•.•.............••.... ±25 V Output voltage range, VOA or VOB (to AGND) .••......•...................•.......•.•.•...•• ±25 V Peak input current ...............................•. • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . .• 10 JJA Operating free-air temperature range, TA: TLC7628C ...............................•• O°C to 70°C TLC76281 ......••........•...•...........• -25°C to 85°C TLC7628E ...•............................ -40°C to 85°C Storage temperature range, Tstg .................................................. -65°C to 150°C Case temperature for 10 seconds, Tc: FN package .......................••••...•••••.•..•• 260°C Lead temperature 1,6 mm (1/16 inch) from case for 10 seconds: DW or N package • . . . . . . . . . . . . 260°C t Stresses beyond those listed under "absolute maximum ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under "recommended operating conditions' is not implied. Exposure to absolut.-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. ~1ExAs 3-78 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 656303 ,- DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 TLC7628C, TLC7628E, TLC76281 DUAL 8-81T MULTIPLYING DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTERS SLAS063A-APRIL 1989-REVISED MAY 1995 recommended operating conditions MIN Supply voltage, VDD . NOM 10.8 Reference vo~age, VrefA or VrefB MAX UNIT 15.75 V ±10 V 2.4 High-level input voltage, VIH V Low-level input voltage, VIL 0.8 CS setup time, tsu(CS) V 50 ns 0 ns DAC select setup time, tsuCDAC) (see Figure 1) 60 ns DAC select hold time, th(DAC) (see Figure 1) 10 ns Data bus input setup time tsu(Pt (see Figure 1) 25 ns Data bus input hold time th(Dl (see Figure 1) 10 ns Pulse duration, WR 10w,iw(WR) (see Figure 1) 50 CS hold time, thlCSI (see Figure 1) TLC7628C Operating free-air temperature, TA ns 0 70 TLC76281 -25 85 TLC7628E -40 85 °C electrical characteristics over recommended ranges of operating free-air temperature and Voo, VrefA =VrefB =10 V, VOA and VOB at 0 V (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS IIH High-level input current VI ~ VDD IlL Low-level input current VI =0 MIN 10 25°C 1 Full range -10 25°C -1 Reference input impedance REFA or REFB to AGND 5 OUTA Ikg Output leakage current OUTB DAC data latch loaded with 00000000, Full range 25°C ±50 Full range ±200 Vre fB=±10V 25°C t.VDD = ±5 % Quiescent Ci Input capacitance Co Output capacitance (OUTA, OUTB) UNIT IlA I!A kQ ±200 nA ±50 ±1% DC supply sensitivity t.gainlt.VDD Supply current 20 VrefA - ±10 V DAC data latch loaded with 00000000, Input resistance match (REFA to REFB) IDD MAX Full range Full range 0.02 25°C 0.01 2 All digital inputs at VIHmin or VI Lmax Standby All digital inputs at 0 V or VDD %/% Full range 0.5 25°C 0.1 DBO-DB7 10 WR,CS, DACAlDACB 15 DAC data latches loaded with 00000000 25 DAC data latches loaded with 11111111 60 mA pF pF ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 3-79 TLC7628C, TLC7628E, TLC7Q281 DUAL 8·BIT MULTIPLYING DIGITAL·TO·ANALOG CONVERTERS SLAS063A-APRIL 1989 - REVISED MAY 1996 operating characteristics over recommended ranges of operating free-air temperature and VDD, VrefA = VrefB = 10 V, VOA and VOB at 0 V (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER MIN TEST CONDITIONS TYP Linearity error Settling time (10 1/2 LSB) See Note 1 Gain error AC feedthrough See Note 2 I REFA to OUTA I REFB to OUTB See Note 3 Channel-io-channel isolation I REFA to OUTB I REFB to OUTA UNIT ±112 LSB 100 ns Full range ±S 25°C ±2 Full range -65 25°C -75 Temperature coefficient of gain Propagation delay (from digital input to 90% of final analog output current) MAX LSB dB ±0.0035 %FSRI"C 80 See Note 4 See Note 5 25°C 80 See Note 6 25°C 80 Digital-ta-analog glitch impulse area Measured for code transition from 00000000 10 11111111, TA .. 25°C Digital crosstalk Measured for code transition from 00000000 10 11111111, TA=25°C Harmonic disiorlion Vi - 6 V, f .. 1 kHz, , dB 330 nVes 60 nVes -65 TA-25°C ns dB NOTES: 1. OUTA,OUTB load .1000, Cext-13pF; WRandCSatOV;DBO-OB7atOVIoVDD orVODIoOV. 2. Gain error Is measured using an Internal feedback resistor. Nominal full scale range (FSR) - Vref - 1 LSB. Both OAC latches are loaded with 11111111. 3. Vref" 20 V peak-to-peak, 1o-kHz sine wave 4. VrefA" VrefB =10 V; OUTA/OUTB load .100 0, Cext-13 pF; WR andCS atO V; DBa-OB7 at 0 Vio VOO orVOO 10 0 V. 5. VrefA - 20 V peak-to-peak, 1o-kHz sine wave; VrefB - 0 6. VrefB" 20 V peak-to-peak, 1D-kHz sine wave; VrefA • 0 141..- - A J~~~_ :::: tsu(CS) -~.1~4-~.If- tt.(CS) j --1.S-Y"\! 1.3Y , ~~_ _ _ _ _ _...jI_,J. -1---- 3.5 V O.3Y 141 ..- - tau(DAC) --I.~I4II---..II-tt.(DAC) ! DACAlDACB --1.-S"Y\ • I+- tw(WR) -----1.-3"Y'\ I+DBO-DB7 -----1-.S-Y""* tau(D) -+I 411'_"'!1"'!~"!'!~-_-_-_-_- :::: .14.1 Data In Stable tt.(D) X. . ;_.3_Y _ _ _ 3.5 Y For all input Signals, tr .. tf .. 5 ns (10% to 90% points). Figure 1. Setup and Hold Times ~TEXAS 3-80 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 1155303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 O.3Y TLC7628C, TLC7628E, TLC76281 DUAL 8·BIT MULTIPLYING DIGITAL·TO·ANALOG CONVERTERS SLAS063A-APRIL 1989-REVISED MAY 1995 APPLICATION INFORMATION These devices are capable of performing 2-quadrant or full 4-quadrant multiplication. Circuit configurations for 2-quadrant and 4-quadrant multiplication are shown in Figures 2 and 3. Input coding for unipolar and bipolar operation are summarized in Tables 2 and 3, respectively. VI (A) ±10V Voo ~o;;---------------REFA ,• I • : I : 7 Input Buffer 8 8 >---*- VOA IOB7 16 Ig:g:' 15 CS 16 I WR C2 (see Note B) Control Logic >--it- VOB "::" r-:::::CC :-:O'"'"M'"'"M:::E""'N""OE""O:-:T""R""IM-:-"1 RE RESISTOR VALUES R1, R3 R2, R4 5000 1500 VI(B) ±10V NOTES: A. R1, R2, R3. and R4 are used only if gain adjustment is required. See table for recommended values. Make gain adjustment w~h dig~al input of 255. B. C1 and C2 phase compensation capacitors (10 pF to 15 pF) are required when using high-speed amplifiers to prevent ringing or oscillation. Figure 2. Unipolar Operation (2·Quadrant Multiplication) -!!11ExAs INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 3-81 TLC7628C, TLC7628E, TLC76281 DUAL 8-81T MULTIPLYING· DIGITAL·TO·ANALOG CONVERTERS SLAS063A- APRIL 1989 - REVISED MAY 1996 . APPLICATION INFORMATION VI(A) ±10V R8(_t -......- - DACA >-.......- - DACB >-.......- - DACC >-.......- - DACD REFB REFC _ _---'.I'..... >-.......+++----~----;--~ REFD "'tJ ::D 0 CLK DATA LOAD Serial Interface LDAC C C Power-On Reset Terminal Functions (') TERMINAL -I NAME ClK ~ m < - DACA m ~ NO. 1/0 DESCRIPTION 7 I Serial-interface clock, data enters on the negative edge 12 DAC A analog output DACB 11 DACC 10 DACD 9 0 0 0 0 DAC B analog output DAC C analog output DACD analog output DATA 6 I Serial-interface digital-data input GND 1 I Ground return and reference terminal lDAC 13 I DAC-update .Iatch control lOAD 8 I Serial-interface load control REFA 2 I Reference I(oliage input REFB 3 I Reference voltage input to DACB REFC 41 I Reference voltage input to DACC REFD 5 I Reference voltage input to DACD 14 I Positive supply voltage VDD to DACA detailed description The TLV5620 is implemented using four resistor-stringdigital-to-analog converters (DACs). The core of each DAC is a single resistor with 256 taps, corresponding to the 256 possible codes listed in Table 2. One end of each resistor string is connected to the GND terminal and the other end is fed from the output of the reference input buffer. Monotonicity is maintained by use of the resistor strings. Linearity depends upon the matching of the resistor elements and upon the performance of the output buffer. Because the inputs are buffered, the DACs always presents a high-impedance load to the reference source. ~TEXAS 3-88 INSTRUMENTS POST OFACE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 TLV5620C, TLV56201 QUADRUPLE 8·BIT DIGITAL·TO·ANALOG CONVERTERS SLAS110-JANUARY 1995 detailed description (continued) Each DAC output is buffered by a configurable-gain output amplifier, which can be programmed to times 1 or times 2 gain. On powerup, the DACs are reset to CODE O. Each output voltage is given by: VO{DACAIBICID) = REF x Cfs~E x (1 + RNG bit value) where CODE is in the range 0 to 255 and the range (RNG) bit is a 0 or 1 within the serial-control word. data interface With lOAD high, data is clocked into the DATA terminal on each falling edge of ClK. Once all data bits have been clocked in, lOAD is pulsed low to transfer the data from the serial-input register to the selected DAC as shown in Figure 1. If lDAC is low, the selected DAC output voltage is updated and lOAD goes low. If lDAC is high during serial programming, the new value is stored within the device and can be transferred to the DAC output at a later time by pulsing lDAC low as shown in Figure 2. Data is entered MSB first. "'C --I '-- tsu(DATA.ClK) o 1--1 C c: o-f "'C :xl W I :; tsu(LOAD.ClK) - ; - - - - I 4 - -.. ~1 14- tv(DATA·ClK) w a: DATA a.. I- o LOAD m < m - == ;: ClK :xl Figure 1. LOAD-Controlled Update (LDAC :J C =Low) oa: a.. ClK DATA DO tsu(lOAD-lDAC) -----14'+f \)-+1--',- lOAD tw(lDAC) lDAC ---l4-tt V 1 DAC Update Figure 2. LDAC-Controlled Update data interface (continued) Table 1 lists the A1 and AO bits and the selection of the updated DACs. The RNG bit controls the DAC output range. When RNG = low, the output range is between the applied reference voltage and GND, and when RNG = high, the range is between twice the applieo reference voltage and GND. '!!1TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE SOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 3-89 TLV5620C, TLV56201 QUADRUPLE 8-81T DIGITAL·TO·ANALOG CONVERTERS SLASll 0 - JANUARY 1995 Table 1. Serial-Input Decode A1 AO 0 DACUPDATED 0 0 1 DAce 1 0 DACC 1 1 DACD DACA Table 2. Ideal-Output Transfer D7 D8 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 DO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GND 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 (11256) x REF (l+RNG) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • OUTPUT VOLTAGE 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 (1271256) x REF (l+RNG) 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (1281256) x REF (l+RNG) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 1 1 1 1 1 .1 ·• 1 • • (2551256) x REF (l+RNG) equivalent inputs and outputs INPUT CIRCUIT - ......- OUTPUT CIRCUIT - VDD ......-VDD Input from---Decoded DAC >----......... Register String Vref Input ToDAC Raalator ISINK 8011A String --e--.....---4~ Typical GND .....-4~..... GND ~1EXAS 3-90 DAC Voltage OUtput . INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 855303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 TLV5620C, TLV56201 QUADRUPLE 8-BIT DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTERS SLAS110-JANUARY 1995 absolute maximum ratings over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)t Supply voltage (Voo - GND) ................................................................. 7 V Digital input voltage range ............................................. GND - 0.3 V to Voo + 0.3 V Reference input voltage range, VID ...................................... GND - 0.3 V toVoo + 0.3 V Operating free-air temperature range, TA: TLV5620e .................................... ooe to 70°C TLV56201 ................................... -40°C to 85°C Storage temperature range, Tst~ .................................................. -50°C to 150°C Lead temperature 1,6 mm (1/16 inch) from case for 10 seconds ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 230°C t Stresses beyond those listed under "absolute maximum ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under "recommended operating conditions" is not implied. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. recommended operating conditions Supply voltage, VOO High-level digital input voltage, VIH MIN NOM MAX UNIT 2.7 3.3 5.25 V V 0.8VOO 0.8 low-level digital input voltage, Vil Reference voltage, Vref [AIBICIO), xl gain VOD-lo5 load resistance, Rl 10 V V kO Setup time, data input, tsu(DATA-ClK} (see Figures 1 and 2) 50 ns Valid time, data input valid atter ClK.!., tv(DATA-ClK) (see Figures 1 and 2) 50 ns Setup time, ClK eleventh falling edge to lOAD, tsu(ClK-lOAO) (see Figure 1) 50 ns ~ W :; w IX: Q. 50 ns Pulse duration, lOAD, tw(lOAO) (see Figure 1) 250 ns Pulse duration, lDAC, tw(lDAC) (see Figure 2) 250 ns (,) ns ::l C Setup time, lOADi to ClK.!., tsu(lOAO-ClK) (see Figure 1) Setup time, lOADi to lDAC.!., tsu(lOAD-lDAC) (see Figure 2) 0 ClK frequency Operating free-air temperature, TA I TlV5620C I TlV56201 0 -40 1 MHz 70 ·C 85 'C ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE eox 655303 • DALlAS, TEXAS 75265 3-91 I- oIX: Q. TLV5620C, TLV56201 QUADRUPLE 8-81T DIGITAL·TO·ANALOG CONVERTERS SLASll 0 - JANUARY 1995 electrical characteristics over recommended operating free-air temperature range, Voo 3 V to 3.6 V, Vref 2 V, x 1 gain output range (unless otherwise noted) = = TEST CONDITIONS PARAMETER "H IlL High-I,evel digital input current IO(sink) Output sink current IO(source) Output source current Low-level digital input current Each oAC output c: ~ "lJ l:J m -< m ~ UNIT j.tA ±10 j.tA j.tA ~ Supply current Voo-3.3V Iref EL Reference input current Voo =3.3 V, Vref=1.5V Vref = 1.25 V, x 2 gain (see Note 1) Linearity error (end point corrected) ED Differential linearity error EZS Zero-scale error pF 15 2 Vref =1.25 V, x 2 gain (see Note 2) Vref - 1.25 V, x 2 gain (see Note 3) Zero-scale error temperature coefficient oC ±10 15 100 Full-scale error Full-scale error temperature coefficient Power-supply sensitivity PSRR MAX 2 I Reference Input capacitance EFS TYP 20 I Input capacitance Ci "lJ l:J MIN V,.Voo V,.OV 0 rnA ±10 j.tA ±1 LSB ±0.9 LSB 30 mV Ilvrc Vref - 1.25 V, x 2 gain (see Note 4) Vref = 1.25 V, x 2 gain (see Note 5) 10 Vref - 1.25 V, x 2 gain (see Note 6) See Notes 7 and 8 ±25 Ilvrc 0.5 mVN ±60 mV NOTES: 1. Integral nonlinearity (INL) Is the maximum deviation of the output from the line b/ltween zero ancJ full scale (axcludlng the effects of zero code ancJ full-scale errors). 2. Differential nonlinearity (oNL) is the difference between the measured ancJ ideal 1 LSB amplitude change of any two adjacent codes. Monotonic means the output voltage changes in the same direction (or remains constant) as a change In the digital input cede. 3. Zero-scale error is the deviation from zero voltage output when the digital input code is zero. 4. Zera-scale error temperature coefficient is given by: ZSETC = [ZSE(Tmax) - ZSE(T min)]Nref x 106/(Tmax - Tmin>. 5. Full-scale error is the deviation from the ideal full-scale output (Vref - 1 LSB) with an output load of 10 len 6. Full-scale temperature coefficient is given by: FSETC • [FSE(Tmax) - FSE (T min)]Nref x 106/(T max - Tmin). 7. Zero-scale error rejection ratio (ZSE-RR) is measured by varying the Voo voltage from 4.5 V to 5.5 V de and measuring the proportion of this signal Imposed on the zero-code output voltage. 8. Full-scale error rejection ratio (FSE-RR) is measured by varing the Voo from 3.0 V to 3.6 V de and measuring the proportion of this signal imposed on the full-scale output voltage. operating characteristics over recommended operating free-air temperature range, Voo 3 V to 3.6 V, Vref 2 V, x\1 gain output range (unless otherwise noted) = = TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP 1 MAX UNIT Output slew rate CL-l00pF, RL-l0kO Output settling time To 0.5 LSB, CL= 100pF, Large-signal bandwidth Measured at -3 dB point 100 IlS kHz Digital crosstalk CLK = l-MHz square wave measured at oACA-oACo -50 dB Reference feedthrough See Note 10 -60 dB Channel-ta-channel isolation See Note 11 -60 dB Reference input bandwidth See Note 12 100 NOTES: 9. 10. 11. 12. RL= 101<0, See Note 9 VlIlS kHz Settling time Is the time for the output signal to remain within ±0.5 LSB of the final measured value for a digital input code change of 00 hex to FF hex or FF hex to 00 hex. For TLV5620C: Voo = 5 V, Vref • 2 V ancJ range = x2. For TLV56201: VOO - 3 V. Vref = 1.25 V and range x2. Referencefeedthrough is measured at any OAC output with an input code = 00 hex with a Vref input- 1 V de + 1 Vppat 10 kHz. Channel-ta-channel isolation is measured by setting the input code of one OAC to FF hex and the code of all other OACs to 00 hex wHh Vref input. 1 V de + 1 Vpp at 10 kHz. ' Reference bandwidth is the -3 dB bandwidth with an input at Vref _ 1.25 V de + 2 Vpp , wHh a digital input code of full-scale. ~TEXAS 3-92 10 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 TLV5620C, TLV56201 QUADRUPLE 8·BIT DIGITAL·TO·ANALOG CONVERTERS \ SLASll0-JANUARY 1995 PARAMETER MEASUREMENT INFORMATION TLV5620 DACA 1-----.----, DAce . 101<0 CL =100 pF DACD Figure 3. Slewing Settling Time and Linearity Measurements APPLICATION INFORMATION TLV5620 DACA DAce . I--~~--I..,/ Vo 3: w 5> w R DACD r:t NOTE A: Resistor R 2: 10 kQ 0.. Figure 4. Output Buffering Schemes ti::J C o r:t 0.. -!!I TEXAS , INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 3-93 3-94 TLV5628C, TLV56281 OCTAL 8-81T DIGITAL·TO·ANALOG CONVERTERS • • • • • • • • • NOR 0 PACKAGE (TOP VIEW) Eight 8-Blt Voltage Output DACs 3-V Single-Supply Operation Serial Interface High-Impedance Reference Inputs Programmable 1 or 2 Times Output Range Simultaneous-Update Facility Internal Power-On Reset Low Power Consumption Half-Buffered Output DACB DACA GND DATA 4 ClK 5 VDD DACE DACF DACC DACD REF1 lDAC lOAD 6 DACH DACG applications • • • • • • Programmable Voltage Sources Digitally-Controlled AmpliflerslAttenuators Mobile Communications Automatic Test Equipment Process Monitoring and Control Signal Synthesis :=w description The TLV5628C and TLV56281 are octal 8-bit voltage output digital-to-analog converters (DACs) with buffered reference inputs (high impedance). The DACs produce an output voltage that ranges between either one or two times the reference voltages and GND, and the DACs are monotonic. The device is simple to use, running from a single supply of 3 to 3.6 V. A power-on reset function is incorporated to ensure repeatable start-up conditions. Digital control of the TLV5628C and TLV56281 is over a simple 3-wire serial bus that is CMOS compatible and easily interfaced to all popular microprocessor and microcontroller devices. The 12-bit command word comprises 8 bits of data, 3 DAC select bits and a range bit, the latter allowing selection between the times 1 or times 2 output range. The DAC registers are double buffered, allowing a complete set of new values to be written to the device, then all DAC outputs updated simultaneously through control of the LDAC terminal. The digital . inputs feature Schmitt triggers for high noise immunity. The 16-terminal small-outline D package allows digital control of analog functions in space-critical applications. The TLV5628C Is characterized for operation from O°C to 70°C. The TLV56281 is characterized for operation from -40°C to 85°C. The TLV5628C and TLV56281 do not require external trimming. AVAILABLE OPTIONS PACKAGE SMALL OUTLINE TA PLASTICOIP (0) (N) O·Ct070·C TLV5628CD TLV5628CN -40·C to SS·C TLV5628ID TLV56281N ~1ExAs Copyright © 1995. Texas Instruments Incorporated INSTRUMENTS ' POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 3-95 s:w a: D. I- (,) ::J C o a: D. TLV5628C, TlV56281 OCTAL 8·BIT DIGITAL·TO·ANALOG CONVERTERS SLAS1 08 - JANUARY 1995 functional block diagram REF1 >-....--DACA •• • >-.....- - DACD >-......- - DACE REF2 •• • >-.....- - "'0 ::0 o C c: DATA - - - - - I lOAD Serial Interface lDAC --"L___--1 (") Power-On Reset Terminal Functions -t "'0 TERMINAL NAME ::0 m < m - ::e NO. DESCRIPTION 1/0 ClK 5 I Serial-interface clock. data enters on the negative edge DACA 2 DACA analog output DACB 1 DACC 16 DACD 15 DACE 7 DACF 8 DACG 9 DACH 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DATA 4 I Serial-interface digital data input GND 3 I Ground return and reference terminal LDAC 13 I DAC-update latch control LOAD 12 I Serial-interface load control REF1 14 I Reference voltage input to DACA REF2 11 I Reference voltage input to DACB 6 I Positive supply voltage VDD DACB analog output DACC analog output DACD analog output DACE analog output DACF analog output DACG analog output DACH analog output ~TEXAS 3-96 . INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 DACH TLV5628C, TLV56281 OCTAL 8·BIT DIGITAL·TO·ANALOG CONVERTERS SLAS108 - JANUARY 1995 detailed description The TlV5628 is implemented using eight resistor-string DACs. The core of each DAC is a single resistor with 256 taps, corresponding to the 256 possible codes listed in Table 2. One end of each resistor string is connected to the GND terminal and the other end is fed from the output of the reference input buffer. Monotonicity is maintained by use of the resistor strings. Unearity depends upon the matching ofthe resistor elements and upon the performance of the output buffer. Because the inputs are buffered, the DACs always present a high-impedance load to the reference sources. There are two input reference terminals; REF1 is used for DACA through DACD and REF2 is used by DACE through DACH. Each DAC output is buffered by a configurable-gain output amplifier, which can be programmed to times 1 or times 2 gain. On powerup, the DACs are reset to CODE o. Each output voltage is given by: VO(DACAIBICIDIEIFIGIH) = REF x C~~E x (1 + RNG bit value) where CODE is in the range 0 to 255 and the range (RNG) bit is a 0 or 1 within the serial-control word. data interface With lOAD high, data is clocked into the DATA terminal on each falling edge of ClK. Once all data bits have been clocked in, lOAD is pulsed low to transfer the data from the serial-input register to the selected DAC as shown in Figure 1. If LDAC is low, the selected DAC output voltage is updated and LOAD goes low. If lDAC is high during serial programming, the new value is stored within the device and can be transferred to the DAC output at a later time by pulsing lDAC low as shown in Figure 2. Data is entered MSB first. CLK r.- tau(DATA-CLK) 1--\ k- tv(DATA.CLK) -tI tau(LOAD.CLK) I r' D4~--~:--------- DATA tau(CLK.LOAD) -+e-----'~ I I I , tw(LOAD) f/ I DACUpdate Figure 1. LOAD-Controlled Update (LDAC =Low) CLK _________ D4~ DATA ------------------------------------~S\ LOAD tl IJ LDAC taU(LOAD-LD~C) r"'·+I1 ,-"-If tw(LDAC) ~ V DACUpdate Figure 2. LDAC-Controlled Update ~1ExAs INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 W :;: w a: a.. b :::» c oa: a.. ~ II LOAD ;: 3-97 TLV5628C,TLV56281 OCT~L 8·BIT'DIGITAL·TO·ANALOG CONVERTERS SLAS108 - JANUARY 1995 data interface (continued) Table 1 lists the A1 and AO bits and the selection of the updated DACs. The RNG bit controls the DAC output range. When RNG = low, the output range is between the applied reference voltage and GND, and when RNG = high, the range is between twice the applied reference voltage and GND. Table 1. Serial-Input Decode A2 A1 AO OACUPOATEO 0 0 0 DACA 0 0 0 1 DACB 1 0 DACC r 0 1 1 DACD' 1 0 0 DACE 1 0 1 DACF 1 1 0 DACG 1 1 1 DACH Table 2. Ideal-Output Transfer "tJ :D 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GND 1 ~ • • • • • • • • • • ·• (1/256) x REF (l+RNG) • • ·• 0 0 0 C 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 (1271256) x REF (l+RNG) o c: "tJ :D m < m :::e - OUTPUT VOLTAGE • · 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (128/256) x REF (l+RNG) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 1 1 1 1 1 (2551256) x REF (1 +RNG) · 1 • 1 · equivalent inputs and outputs INPUT CIRCUIT - ......- OUTPUT CIRCUIT -"'*-- VOO VOO Input from Oecodec:lOAC Reglstar String Vref Input ToOAC Resistor String __- -......---4t-- GNO ISINK 60 !IA Typical .....- . - - - - GNO ~TEXA5 3-98 OAC Voltage Output INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 TLV5628C, TLV56281 OCTAL 8-81T DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTERS SLAS108 - JANUARY 1995 absolute maximum ratings over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)t Supply voltage (Voo - GND) ...................•............................................. 7 V Digital input voltage range, VIO .........•............................... GND - 0.3 V to Voo + 0.3 V Reference input voltage range .......................................... GND - 0.3 V to Voo + 0.3 V Operating free-air temperature range, TA: TLV5628C .................................... O°C to 70°C TLV56281 ................................... -40°C to 85°C Storage temperature range, Tstg .................................................. -50°C to 150°C Lead temperature 1,6 mm (1116 inch) from case for 10 seconds ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 230°C t Stresses beyond those listed under"absolute maximum ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only. and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under "recommended operating conditions" is not implied. Exposure to absolute-maxi mum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. recommended operating conditions Supply voltage, VDD High-level digital input voltage, VIH MIN NOM MAX UNIT 2.7 3.3 5.25 V 0.8 V V 0.8VDD low-level digital input voltage, Vil Reference voltage, Vref [AIBICIDIEIFiGIH), Xl gain VDo-O.5 V load resistance, Rl 10 kO Setup time, data input, tsu(DATA-ClK) (see Figures 1 and 2) 50 ns Valid time, data input valid after ClK.!., tv(DATA-ClK) (see Figures 1 and 2) 50 ns Setup time, ClK eleventh falling edge to lOAD, tsU(ClK-lOAD) (see Figure 1) 50 ns Setup time, LOADi to ClK.!., tsu(lOAD-ClK) (see Figure 1) 50 ns Pulse duration, lOAD, tw(lOAD) (see Figure 1) 250 ns Pulse duration, lDAC, lw(lDAC) (see Figure 2) 250 ns 0 ns Setup time, lOADi to lDAC.!., tsu(lOAD-lDAC) (see Figure 2) ClK frequency Operating free-air temperature, TA 1 I TlV5628C I TlV56281 MHz 0 70 ·C -40 85 ·C w a. a: b ::l C o a: a. ~1ExAs INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 3: w :; 3-99 TLV5628C,TLV56281 OCTAL 8-BIT DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTERS SLAS108-JANUARY 1995 electrical characteristics over recommended operating free-air temperature range, Voo = 3 V to 3.6 V, Vref = 2 V, x 1 gain output ra.,ge (unless otherwise, noted) IIH High-level digital input current PARAMETER VI-VDD MAX ±10 IlL Low-level digital input current VI-OV ±10 IO(sink) Output sink current IO(source) Output source current Ci TEST CONDITIONS Each DAC output VDD = 3.3 V Reference input current VDD=3.3V. Vref= 1.5 V Vref=1.25V. x 2 gain (see Note 1) Linearity error (end point corrected) Differential-linearity error EZS Zero-scale error Zero-scale error temperature coefficient "'tJ ::IJ Full-scale error o C c:: o-I "'tJ ::IJ m < m - ~ Full-scale error tempereture coefficient PSRR Power-supply sensitivity 4 Vref = 1.25 V. x 2 gain (see Note 2) Vref= 1.25 V. x2 gain (see Note 3) pA. pF 15 Supply current pA rnA 15 Iref EL UNIT pA 1 I Input capacitance I Reference input capacitance ED TYP 20 IDD EFS MIN 0 rnA ±10 pA ±1 LSB ±0.9 LSB 30 mV p.VloC Vref = 1.25 V. x 2 gain (see Note 4) Vref = 1.25 V. x 2 gain (see Note 5) 10 Vref = 1.25 V. x 2 gain (see Note 6) See Notes 7 and 8 ±25 p.V/oC 0.5 mVN ±60 mV NOTES: 1. l{1tegral nonlinearity (INL) is the maximum deviation of the output from the line between zero-scele and full scale (excluding the effects of zero code and full-scale errors). . 2. Differential nonlinearity (DNL) is the difference between the measured and ideal 1 LSB amplitude change of any two adjacent codes. Monotonic means the output voltage changes in the same direction (or remains constant) as a change in the digital input Code. 3. Zero-scale error is the deviation from zero voltage output when the digital input code is zero. 4. Zero-scale error temperature coefficient is given by: ZSETC = [ZSE(Tmax) - ZSE(Tmin)]Nref x 106/(Tmax - Tmin). 5. Full-scale error is the deviation from the ideal full-scale output (Vref-1 LSB) with an output load of 10 kO. 6. Full-scale temperature coefficient is given by: FSETC = [FSE(Tmaxl- FSE (T min)]IVref x 106/(Tmax - Tmin). 7. Zerli-scale error rejection ratio (ZSE-RR) is measured by varying the VDD voltage from 4.5 V to 5.5 V dc and measuring the proportion of this signal imposed on the zero-code output voltage. 8. Full-scale error rejection ratio (FSE-RR) is measured by varing the VDD from 3.0 V to 3.6 V dc and measuring the proportion ofthis signal imposed on the full-scale output voltage. operating characteristics over recomm~nded operating free-air temperature range, Voo 3 V to 3.6 V, Vref 2 V, x 1 gain output range (unless otherwise noted)' = = TEST CONDITIONS Output slew rate CL -100 pF. RL-l01 W DACH CC a. NOTE A: Resistor R ~ 10 kO ~ Figure 4. Output Buffering Schemes o ::J C o CC a. ~1ExAs INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 3-101 3-102 TMS57014A DUAL AUDIO DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTER 1993- REVISED JUNE 1995 • Single S-V Power Supply OWB PACKAGE (TOP VIEW) • Sample Rates (Fsl up to 48 kHz • is-Bit Resolution • Pulse-Wldth-Modulation (PWM) Output INIT TEST An SHIFT LATCH 256FSO TEST DGND TEST BCK DATA LRCK MUTEL MUTER • Deemphasis Filter for Sample Rates of 32,37.8,44.1, and 48 kHz • Mute With Zero-Data-Detect Flags • Digital Attenuation to -60 dB • Total Harmonic Distortion of 0.004% Maximum • Total-Channel Dynamic Range of 96 dB Minimum • Serial-Port Interface • Differential Architecture • CMOS Technology 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 DVDD L1 AVDDL L2 24 AGNDL 23 XGND 22 XIN 21 XOUT 20 XVDD 19 AGNDR 18 R2 17 AVDDR 16 R1 15 DVDD • 2s-Complement Data Format description The TMS57014A is a stereo, oversampled sigma-delta, digital-to-analog converter (DAC) designed for use in systems such as compact disks, digital audio tapes, multimedia, and video cassette recorders. The device provides high-resolution signal conversion. This device consists of two identical synchronous conversion paths for left and right audio channels. Other overhead functions provide on-chip timing and control. Additional features include muting, attenuation, deemphasis, and zero-data detection. Control words (16-bit) from a host controller or processor implement these functions. The TMS57014A is characterized for operation from O°C to 70°C. AVAILABLE OPTIONt PACKAGE TA SMALL OUTLINE (DWB) O·C to 70·C TMS57014ADWBLE t Available on tape and reel (LE) only. This device contains circuits to protect its inputs and outputs against damage due to high static voltages or electrostatic fields; however, it is advised that precautions be taken to avoid application of any voltage higher than maximum-rated voltages to these high-impedance circuits. During storage or handling, the device leads should be shorted together or the device should be placed in conductive foam. In a circuit, unused inputs should always be connected to an appropriated logic voltage level, preferably either VCC or ground. ~I TEXAS NSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 Copyright © 1995, Texas Instruments Incorporated 3-103 TMS57014A DUAL AUDIO DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTER . SLAS077C - SEPTEMBER 1993- REVISED. JUNE 1995 functional block diagram lNi'i' XIN XOUT 268FSO ATT SHIFT LA'i'CH tr1 L1 25 L2 Interpolation Filter Zero-Data DATA 11 BCK 10 LRCK 12 Serial Detect Data Interface I--~""'H Zero-Data Right Channal Detect Deamphasls Interpolation Filter Filter ~1EXAS 3-104 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 666303 • DAlLAS, TEXAS 76266 rDDAcAC;-1----1!~ R1 Modulator 1---1>.... R2 TMS57014A DUAL AUDIO DIGITAL·TO·ANALOG CONVERTER SLAS077C - SEPTEMBER 1993 - REVISED JUNE 1995 Terminal Functions TERMINAL NAME NO. DESCRIPTION 1/0 3 I Serial control data. ATT is a 16-bit word configured as LSB first (see Tables 2, 3, and 4). AVDDL 26 I Analog power supply (left channel) AVDDR AGNDL 17 I Analog power supply (right channel) 24 I Analog ground (left channel) AGNDR 19 I Analog ground (right channel) BCK 10 I Bit clock input. The shift clock signal clocks serial audio data into the device. DATA 11 I Audio data input. DATA can be configured as 16 or 18 bits with MSB or LSB first. DATA is 2s complement. DVDD DGND 15,28 I Digital supply 8 I Digital ground 1 I Reset. When INIT is brought low, the device is reset. The device is activated on the rising edge of INIT. The LRCK signal must be applied to the device for a reset to occur. ATT INIT LATCH 5 I Serial-control data latch. Control data loads into the internal registers when LATCH is brought low. LRCK 12 I Leftlright clock. LRCK signifies whether the serial data is associated wHh the left-channel DAC (when high) or the right-channel DAC (when low). MUTEL 13 0 Left-channel mute flag active. When the left channel is mute or the data through the channel remains at zero for the system-register selected time, MUTEL is brought low. MUTER 14 0 Right-channel mute flag active. When the right channel is mute or the data through the channel remains at zero for the system-register selected time, MUTER is brought low. Ll 27 Left PWM output 1 L2 25 Rl 16 R2 18 0 0 0 0 SHIFT 4 I Shift clock. SHIFT clocks the control data into the internal registers. TEST Left PWM output 2 Right PWM output 1 Right PWM output 2 2,7,9 I All TEST inputs should be tied low. XIN 22 I Master clock in. XIN derives all the key logic signals of the device. XIN runs at 512Fs, where Fs is the sample rate. XOUT 21 0 Master clock out XVDD XGND 20 I Power supply for clock section 23 I Ground for clock section 6 0 System clock out. 256FSO reflects the master clock input divided by 2. The rate is 256Fs, where Fs is the sample rate. 256FSO detailed description The TMS57014A incorporates an interpolation FIR filter and oversampled modulator. The pulse-widthmodulation (PWM) digital output feeds into an external low-pass filter to recover the analog audio signal. Two control registers configure the device, the attenuation register controls the attenuation range and the system register controls additional functions (see register set section). resetl initialization When INIT is brought low, an internal reset signal becomes active approximately 120 cycles of the sampling frequency (Fs) after the failing edge of INIT. Under this condition, ail internal circuits are initialized and the PWM output is held at zero data (50% duty cycle). When INIT is brought high, the internal reset signal goes inactive for a maximum of five LRCK periods after the riSing edge of INIT. At this pOint, internal clocks are synchronous with LRCK and the PWM output is valid (see Figure 1). The LRCK signal must be applied for proper initialization. ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 3-105 TMS57014A DUAL AUDIO DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTER SLAS077C - SEPTEMBER 1993 - REVISED JUNE 1995 reset/initialization (continued) I+- 120 Cycles of Fs -.I J4-- 5 periods max-----.l I ____________~I____________~I I INIT----~.... r- I Internal I Reset '--------------------------~I LRCK Figure 1. Reset Timing Relationships timing and control The timing and control circuit generates and distributes necessary clocks throughout this design. XIN is the external master clock input. The sample rate of the data paths is set as LRCK = XIN/512. With a fixed oversampling ratio of 32x and each PWM output value requiring 16 XIN cycles, the effect of changing XIN is shown in Table 1. The DAC can be operated at any conversion rate between 48 kHz and 32 kHz by choosing the appropriate master-clock frequency. Some of the functions of the converter, such as the deemphasis filter, operate only at the frequencies in Table 1. Table 1. Master Clock to Sample Rate Comparison XIN (MHz) 256FSO (MHz) LRCK 24.5760 12.2880 48.0 22.5792 11.2896 44.1 19.3536 9.6768 37.8 16.3840 8.1920 32.0 (kHz) . digital audio data interface The conversion cycle is synchronized to the rising edge of LRCK, and the data must meet the setup requirements specified in the timing requirements table. The input data is 16 or 18 bits with the MSB or LSB first as selected in the system register. The BCK frequency must be equal to or greater than 32 Fs for 16-bit data or 36 Fs for 18-bit data where Fs is the sample rate. Figure 2 illustrates the input timing. BCK DATA (16-blt) LRCK Figure 2. Audio-Data Input Timing ~1EXAS 3-106 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 TMS57014A DUAL AUDIO DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTER SLAS077C - SEPTEMBER 1993 - REVISED JUNE 1995 serial-control Interface This device uses the most-significant-bit-first format. Therefore, for a 16-bit word, 015 is the most significant bit and 00 is the least significant bit. Unless otherwise specified, all values are in 2s-complement format. serial-control-data Input The 16-bit control-data input implements the device-control functions. The TMS57014A has two registers for this data: the system register and the attenuation register. The system register contains most of the system configuration information, and the attenuation register controls audio output level, deemphasis, and mute. Figure 3 illustrates the input timing for ATT, SHIFT, and LATCH. The data loads internally on the falling edge of LATCH. The shift clock should be high for the LATCH setup time before LATCH goes low. SHIFT AIT ____~I~o~I~1~1~2~1~3~1_4~1~5~1~6~1_7~1~8~9~1_1_0.1_11~1_12~1_13_1~1_4~1~1~5~1 LSB ____ MSB Figure 3. Control-Data-Input Timing mute When mute is activated, the output PWM becomes zero data (50% duty cycle). The two mute flags, MUTEL and MUTER, are independently set low based on the data in the respective channel being zero. This function becomes active under the following conditions: 1. When the zero-data detector detects that the input data has been zero for 2500 cycles of Fs or 12500 cycles of Fs (as selected in the control registers), output is 50% duty cycle. 2. When the MUTE register value is set high by means of the serial-control data. 3. When INIT is active (low), output is 50% duty cycle. zero-data detect After the input data remains zero for 2500 or 12500 cycles of Fs as set by the system register (04, 05), the channel-mute flag becomes active. Zero-data detection is available for both channels independently, so the two outputs (MUTER and MUTEL) indicate that zero data has been detected on the respective channel. The zero-detect register value in the serial-control data selects the detection period. The mute flag returns high immediately when nonzero input data is received. deemphasis filter Four sets of deemphasis-filter coefficients support four sampling rates (Fs): 32,37.8,44.1, and 48 kHz. Internal register values select the filter coefficients. The internal register values enable or disable the filter. Figure 4 illustrates the deemphasis characteristics. Many audio sources have been recorded with preemphasis characteristics that are the inverse of the deemphasis characteristics shown in Figure 4. This device provides reconstruction of the original frequency response. ~ThxAs INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 656303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 3-107 TMS57014A DUAL AUDIO DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTER SLAS077C - SEPTEMBER 1993 - REVISED JUNE 1995 deemphasls filter (continued) 10 III 'tI I ~ Ol-----..,...~ ! -10 Deemphasls 3.18 (50 jJS) 10.6 (15 jJS) Frequency - kHz Figure 4. Deemphasis Characteristics digital attenuation A vaiue seiected in the internal attenuation register determines the attenuation of the digital-audio-data input. The attenuation value is 11 bits long with a valid range of hex values from 400h to OOOh. A data value of 001 h corresponds to an attenuation value of -60 dB and a data value of 400h corresponds to 0 dB. The attenuation function is nonlinear (see equation 1). Figure 5 demonstrates the attenuation function in dB. The default attenuation value is 400h. Attenuation = 20 log (attenuation data) 1024 0 -10 III 'tI (1 ) - -- -....... ~ .... ~I'\ -20 \ I c i ~ -30 :::I -40 \ -50 -60 1024 896 768 640 512 364 256 128 0 Attenuation Data (decimal values) Figure 5. Digital Attenuation Characteristics ~TEXAS 3-108 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALlAS. TEXAS 75265 TMS57014A DUAL AUDIO DIGITAL·TO-ANALOG CONVERTER SLAsonc - SEPTEMBER 1993 - REVISED JUNE 1995 register set Table 2 contains the register-set selection. Tables 3 and 4 list the bit functions. Table 2. Reglster-Set Selection BITS 15 0 DESCRIPTION 14 0 1 Attenuation register System register 0 Invalid condition t 1 x .. t Bit 15 should always be set to 0 when writing data for proper operation. Table 3. Attenuation-Register Bit Functions BITS FUNCTION 13 12 11 10-0 0 0 - 1 - - 0 - Bit 11 must be low 0 Digital attenuation, mute 1 Digital attenuation, -60.2 dB 1 - - - Deernphasis off Deemphasis on Channel mute off Channel mute on - 200 Digital attenuation, -6.02 dB - 201 Digital attenuation, -6.00 dB - 3FF Digital attenuation, -0.01 dB 400 Digital attenuation, 0.00 dB 2 Digital attenuation, -54.2 dB 3 Digital attenuation, -50.7 dB ... lFF Digital attenuation, -6.04 dB ... default 0400h NOTE: The attenuation values shown are typical values. Refer to the digital attenuation section for a description of the attenuation function. ~1ExAs INSIRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DAUAS. TEXAS 75265 3-109 TMS57014A '. DUAL AUDIO DIGITAL·TO·ANALOG CONVERTER SLAS077C - SEPTEMBER 1993 - REVISED JUNE 1995 Table 4. System-Register Bit Functions BITS 13 12 0 - 1 - 11-6 - 0 1 - - - - 5 4 - - - - - - - 0 - - - - - - - - - 0 - 0 1 - Default = OOOOh - FUNCTION 3-2 1 0 - - - MSB first, audio data - - LSB first, audio data - - 16-bit, audio data .- - 0 1 2 3 - 0 1 - - 16-bit, audio data - Bits 11-6 must be low Zero data detect period (2500 cycles of Fs) Zero data detect period (12500 cycles of Fs) Bit 4 must be low Deemphasis -44.1 kHz Deemphasis -48.0 kHz Deemphasis -37.8 kHz Deemphasis -32.0 kHz LRCK and PWM are not synchronized LRCK and PWM synchronized Bit 0 must be low 0 Interpolation filter The interpolation filter used prior to the DAC increases the digital data rate from the LRCK speed to the oversampled rate by interpolating with a ratio of 1:32. The oversampling modulator receives the output of this filter with deemphasis as an option. DAC modulator The DAC is a 3rd-order modulator with 32 times oversampling. The DAC provides high-resolution, low-noise performance using a 15-value PWM output as shown in Figure 6. , Noise Excluded by Low-Pass Filter Quantization Noise With Noise Shaping I Audio Signal Iz o ~ o __ ~.c~+- fB 0.1 Quantization Noise Without Noise______ Shaping ________+-________ ________ ~ 0.2 0.3 ~ 0.4 ~ 0.5 Normalized Analog-Output Frequency (fofFsn tfo is the output frequency at the low-pass filter output (Va) shown in Figure 10. Figure 6. Oversampllng Noise Power With and Without Noise Shaping ~TEXAS' .' 3-110 INSTRUMENTS POST OFACE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 TMS57014A DUAL AUDIO DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTER SLAsonc - SEPTEMBER 1993 - REVISED JUNE 1995 PWM output (L2-L 1 and R2-R1) The L2- L1 and the R2-R1 output pairs are pulse-width-modulated (PWM) signals with the L2- L1 differential pulse duration determining the left-channel analog voltage and the R2-R1 differential pulse duration determining the right-channel analog voltage. Each DAC left and right output consists of 15 levels of PWM and provides a differential signal as the input to two external differential amplifiers configured as a low-pass filter to produce the left and right audio outputs (see Figure 9). absolute maximum ratings over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)t Analog supply voltage range, AVOOL, AVOOR (see Note 1) .......•......................• -0.3 V to 7 V Digital supply voltage range, DVOO (see Note 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. -0.3 V to 7 V Clock supply voltage range, XVOO (see Note 3) ........................................ -0.3 V to 7 V Output voltage range, VO: L1, L2 ..........•............................. -0.3 V to AVOOL + 0.3 V R1, R2 ...•.................................. -0.3 V to AVOOR + 0.3 V Input voltage range, VI .......••.•.....•.....................•..•........... -0.3 V to DVOO + 0.3 V Operating free-air temperature range, TA •...............................•............... O°C to 70°C Case temperature for 10 seconds, TC .....................•.................................. 260°C Storage temperature range, Tstg .................................................... -55°C to 150°C t Stresses beyond those listed under "absolute maximum ratings' may cause pennanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only. and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under "recommended operating conditions· is not implied. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. NOTES: 1. Voltage values for maximum ratings are with respect to AGNOL and AGNOR respectively. 2. Voltage values for maximum ratings are with respect to'DGNO. 3. Voltage values for maximum ratings are with respect to XGNO. recommended operating conditions (see Note 4) NOM MAX UNIT 5 5.25 V Digital supply voltage. OVOO 4.75 4.75 ' MIN 5 5.25 V Clock supply voltage. XVOO 4.75 5 5.25 V Analog supply voltage. AVOOL. AVOOR High-level input voltage. VIH Low-level input voltage. VIL XIN 0.9VOO All other digital inputs V 0.76 VOO XIN 0.1 VOO All other digital inputs 0.24 VOO Load resistance at PWM. RL 10 Master clock frequency at XI N Operating free-air temperature. TA V kQ 16.3 24.6 MHz 0 70 ·C NOTE 4: OVOO. AVOOL. XVOO and AVOOR tied together represents VOO. ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 665303 • DAU.AS. TEXAS 75265 3-111 TMS57014A DUAL AUDIO DIGITAL·T()'ANALOG CONVERTER SLAS077C - SEPTEMBER 1993 - REVISED JUNE 1995 electrical characteristics over recommended operating free-air· temperature range (unle$s otherwise noted) . digital Interface, AVOD =DVoo =5 V ± 5% (see Note 4) 256FSO High-level output voltage VOH TYpt MIN TEST CONDITIONS PARAMETER ·10--0.4mA VOO-O.5 Ll,l2, Rl, R2 10=-12mA VOO-0.5 XOUT 10--1.2mA VOO-0.5 MUTEL, MUTER 10=-1 mA 256FSO Ll,l2, Rl, R2 10= 0.4mA 10- 12'mA XOUT 10= 1.2mA MAX V VOO-0.5 .. 0.4 0.5 VOL Low-level output voltage IIH High-level input current, any digital input ±1 ±5 IlL Low-level input current, any digital input ±1 ±5 . MUTEL, MUTER UNIT 0.5 V 0.4 10-1 mA IlA IlA Ci Input capacitance 5 pF Co Output capacitance 5 pF t All typical values are at TA = 25°C. NOTE 4: OVOO, AVOOL, XVOO and AVOOR tied together represents VOO. supplies, AVoo =DVoo =5 V ± 5%, no load PARAMETER MIN TEST CONDITIONS Analog power supply current TYpt MAX 15 AVOOL and AVOOR are shorted together mA 15 Oigital power supply current Total device supply current over operating temperature range Power dissipation UNIT mA 60 mA 350 mW t All typical values are lit TA = 25°C. = = DACmodulator, AVOO DVOO 5 V± 5%, sample rate (Fa) TA 25°C, bandwidth Is 20 Hz to 20 kHz = PARAMETER =44.1 kHz, full-scale Input sine wave at 1 kHz, TYpt MIN TEST CONDITIONS MAX 18 Resolution See Note 5 Signal-to-noise ratio A-weighted, 20 Hz to 20 kHz, See Figure 10, Table 5, and Note 5 Total harmonic distortion 20 Hz to 20 kHz, See Note 5 Oeemphasis not selected UNIT bits 100 96 0.003% dB 0.004% t All typical values are at TA - 25°C. NOTE 5: These specifications are measured at the output (VO) of the low-pass filter shown in Figure 9. filter characteristics, AVoo =DVoo =5 V± 5%, deemphasls disabled PARAMETER Pass-band ripple Stop-band attenuation TEST CONDITIONS Sample rate (Fs) - 48 kHz, See Note 5 Pass band (-3 dB) (OAC) Stopband TYPt See Note 5 NOTE 5: These specifications are measured at the output (VO) of the lOW-pass filter shown in Figure 7. ~TEXAS' INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX e55303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 UNIT dB 0.46 Fs kHz dB kHz 0.54 Fs 29/Fs t All typical values are at TA = 25°C. MAX 0.002 75 0 Group delay 3-112 MIN -0.002 s TMS57014A DUAL AUDIO DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTER SLAS077C - SEPTEMBER 1993 - REVISED JUNE 1995 timing requirements (see Figures 8 and 9 and Note 6) MIN twl Pulse duration, BCK tsul MAX UNIT 160 ns Setup time, DATA before BCKi 20 ns thl Hold time, DATA after BCKi 20 ns tsu2 Setup time, LRCK before BCKi 50 ns th2 Hold time, LRCK after BCKi 50 ns tw2 Pulse duration, SHIFT 100 ns tsu3 Setup time, An before SHIFTi 20 ns th3 Hold time, An after SHIFTi 20 ns tw3 Pulse duration, LATCH 100 ns tsu4 Setup time, LATCH before SHIFTi 100 ns th4 Hold time, LATCH after SHIFTi tw 2+20 ns .. NOTE 6: All timing measurements were taken at the VDoI2 voltage level. ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFIOE BOX 655303 • OALLAS. TEXAS 75265 3-113 TMS57014A DUAL AUDIO DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTER SLAsonc - SEPTEMBER 1993 - REVISED JUNE 1995 PARAMETER MEASUREMENT INFORMATION 22kO 4700pF 15V L2 (R2) -'VV''-'VV\'--'' L--_ _ _ _ L1 (R1) - ' V V ' ' - ' V V \ ' - - ' ' 10kC -----I-=----';~1 ~~~ -15V S.6kO AGNOL (AGNOR) AGNOL (AGNOR) 100pF 22kO AGNOL (AGNOR) Figure 7. Analog Low-Pass Filter Recommended for Measuring the Dynamic Specifications olthe TMS57014A BCK J ~~~ I.- Iw1 --tI I \ OMA __________ _-.J,,..--.. ,. . . . Isu1 -*~----t.t.oIt-- Ih1 ,,..--.. .,. . . _101 ---I I ~~~ I---lh2 ----tI 1 , I I r ~X,..-----------.....*,..~----~---~-Io*,..-~-O~~------~~ 'k.\.,._____ LRCK Figure 8. Audio-Data Serial Timing l.--I _Ie I ./ I r---tw2~1w21 I I SHIFT - { i I ATT ~ Isu3 f Ih3 \'-----~1 i ::J<~14:---------"* 15 I I : \'-----~rI I >e:::::::::J<"':'o----'-:- I LMCH---------------~-TI--~} I { I I I I I r--- lh4 -r-Iw3 ~-'iI'r--- lsu4 ~ Figure 9. Control-Data Serial Timing ~/~· ~1ExAs I 3-114 . NSTRUMENTS POST OFACE BOX 655303 • DALlAS. TEXAS 75265 TMS57014A DUAL AUDIO DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTER SLAS077C - SEPTEMBER 1993 - REVISED JUNE 1995 PARAMETER MEASUREMENT INFORMATION Table 5. A-Weighted Data FREQUENCY A WEIGHTING (dB) FREQUENCY A WEIGHTING (dB) -0.1 ±1 25 -44.6±2 SOO 31.5 -39.2±2 1000 O±O 40 -34.5±2 1250 0.6±1 50 63 -30.2±2 -26.1 ±2 1600 2000 1.0±1 1.2±1 1.2±1 SO -22.3±2 2500 100 -19.1 ±1 3150 1.2 ±1 125 160 -16.1 ±1 4000 200 -13.2±1 -10.S±1 5000 6300 1.0±1 0.5±1 -0.1 ±1 250 -S.6±1 SOOO -1.1 ±1 315 -6.5±1 10000 -2.4±1 400 500 630 -4.S±1 -3.2±1 12500 16000 -4.2±2 -6.5±2 -1.9±1 10 0 ED "a ,I -10 0 i:s " V I c -20 c !« -30 -40 1/ / -50 20 V 100 1k 10 k 20 k Signal Frequency - Hz Figure 10. A-Weighted Function -!11 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 3-115 TMS57014A DUAL AUDIO DIGITAL-T()"ANALOG CONVERTER SLAS077C - SEPTEMBER 1993- REVISED JUNE 1995 APPLICATION INFORMATION circuit and layout considerations The designer should follow these guidelines for the best device performance. • Separate digital and analog ground planes should be used. All digital device functions should be over the digital ground plane, and all analog device functions should be over the analog ground plane. The ground planes should be connected at only one point to the direct power supply, and this is usually at the connector edge of the board. • A single crystal-controlled clock should synchronously generate all digital signals • All power supply lines should include a 0.1-~F and a 1-~ capacitor. If clock noise is excessive, a toroidal inductance of 10 ~H should be placed in series with XVoo before connecting to DVoo. • The digital input control signals should be buffered if they are generated off the card. • Clock jitter should be minimized, and precautions taken to prevent clock overshoot. This minimizes any high-frequency coupling to the analog output. PCB footprint Figure 11 shows the printed-circuit-board (PCB) land pattern for the TMS57014A small-outline package. ~ fL ok Wl1 r--t- f + L2 L2 fL ok it f p DOD ggO DDr ggl L1 NOTE A: All linear dimensions are in millimeters. Figure 11. Land Pattern for PCB Layout ~TEXAS 3-116 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 665303 • DALlAS. TEXAS 75265 S AD7524M Advanced LinCMOSTM 8·BIT MULTIPLYING DIGITAL·TO·ANALOG CONVERTER SGLS028A - SEPTEMBER 1989 - REVISED MARCH 1995 • Advanced LinCMOSTM Silicon-Gate Technology • Easily interfaced to Microprocessors • On-Chip Data Latches • Monotonicity Over Entire AID Conversion Range • Segmented High-Order Bits Ensure Low-Glitch Output • Designed to Be interchangeable With Analog Devices AD7524, PMI PM-7524, and Micro Power Systems MP7524 • Fast Control Signaling for Digital Signal Processor Applications Including Interface With SMJ320 J PACKAGE (TOP VIEW) OUTl OUT2 GND DB? DB6 DBS DB4 DB3 RFB REF 3 VDD WR 4 CS DBD DBl DB2 11 FKPACKAGE (TOP VIEW) C\I~ ~~u KEY PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS Resolution 8 Bits Unearity error 1/2 LSB Max Power dissipation at VDD = 5 V 5mWMax Settling time 100 ns Max Propagation delay lEtt 00 za:: a:: GND DB? NC DB6 DBS 80 ns Max 4 3 2 1 2019 18 5 6 17 7 15 8 14 9 1011 1213 description 16 VDD WR NC CS DBD ~ ~ ~~ ~ The AD7524M is an Advanced LinCMOSTM 8-bit digital-to-analog converter (DAC) designed for easy interface to most popular microprocessors. NC-No intemarconnection The AD7524M is an 8-bit multiplying DAC with input latches and with a load cycle similar to the write cycle of a random access memory. Segmenting the high-order bits minimizes glitches during changes in the most-significant bits, which produce the highest glitch impulse. The AD7524M provides accuracy to 1/2 LSB without the need for thin-film resistors or laser trimming, while dissipating less than 5 mW typically. Featuring operation from a 5-V to 15-V single supply, the AD7524M interfaces easily to most microprocessor buses or output ports. Excellent multiplying (2 or 4 quadrant) makes the AD7524M an ideal choice for many microprocessor-controlled gain-setting and signal-control applications. The AD7524M is characterized for operation from -55°C to 125°C. AVAILABLE OPTIONS PACKAGE CERAMIC CHIP CARRIER (FK) TA -55°C to 125°C AD7524MFK CERAMIC DIP (J) AD7524MJ Advanced UnCMOS is a trademark of Texas Instruments Incorporated. ~TEXAS Copyright © 1995, Texas Instruments Incorporated INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 3-117 AD7524M Advanced LlnCMOSTM 8-81T MULTIPLYING DIGitAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTER SGLS028A- SEPTEMBER 1989 -' REVISED MARCH 1995 functional block diagram R R R 2R .--_--'l~a RFB R L...-+-r___-t--;-_+_--+-...,....~+-_+_-- OUT1 l...-:-_......-:-_-+--:--_ _....,.--+___--=.2 OUT2 4 DB7 (MSB) S a 11 DBa DBS DBO (LSB) \ I v Data Inputa operating sequence 11+"- - - _ _ _ _""'\ 1 ~ tsu(CS) -------1.1..:..e----').1 th(CS) 1 l~X~____________~1~. ~ tw(WR) ..I I 1 WR----------1~~~~____________~~~------------ ~ tau (D) 1.. .1 --t!r--...;..--.....".. DBO-DB7 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~TEXAS 3-118 INSTRUMENTS . POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALlAS, TEXAS 75265 th(D) I ___________ AD7524M Advanced LinCMOSTM 8-81T MULTIPLYING DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTER SGLS028A-SEPTEMBER 1989- REVISED MARCH 1995 absolute maximum ratings over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)t Supply voltage range, Voo ........•................................................ -0.3 V to 17 V Voltage betweeh RFB and GND ............................................................ ±25 V Digital input voltage range, VI ................................................. -0.3 V to Voo+0.3 V Reference voltage range, Vref ............................................................. ±25 V Peak digital input current, II .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10 ~ Operating free-air temperature range, TA ................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. -55°C to 125°C Storage temperature range, Tstg ............•..................................... -65°C to 150°C Case temperature for 60 seconas, Tc: FK package .......................................... 260°C Lead temperature 1,6 mm (1/16 inch) from case for 60 seconds: J package ..................... 300°C t Stresses beyond those listed under "absolute maximum ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under "recommended operating conditions" is not implied. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. recommended operating conditions NOM MAX Voo= 15V MIN NOM MAX 5 5.25 14.5 VOO=5V MIN 4.75 Supply voltage, VDD Reference voltage, Vref High-level input voltage, VIH 2.4 Low-level input volage, VIL 15.5 40 V V V 13.5 0.8 CS setup time,leuccs) 15 ±10 ±10 UNIT 1.5 V 40 ns 0 0 ns Data bus input setup time, tsuCD) 25 25 ns Data bus input hold time, thCD) 10 10 ns Pulse duration, WR low, IwCWR) 40 40 CS hold tlme,\hCCS) Operating free-air temperature, TA -55 125 -55 ns 125 ·C ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE eox 656303 • OALLAS, TEXAS 75266 3-119 AD7524M" Advanced LinCMOSTM 8-BIT MULTIPLYING DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG' CONVERTER SGLS028A - SEPTEMBER 1989 - REVISED MARCH 1995 electrical characteristics over recommended operating free-air temperature range, Vref =10 V, ,OUT1 and OUT2 atGND (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER High-level input current VI = VDD IlL Low-level input current VI=O OUTl Ipkg OUT2 DBD-DBl at 0, WR and CS atO V DBD-DBl at VDD, WRand CSatO IDD Supply current Standby Supply voltage sensitivity, kSVS Ll.VDD= 10% Ll.gainlLl.VDD Ci Input capacitance, DBD-DBl, WR,CS Co Output capacitance 1 Full-range -10 -10 25°C -1 -1 Full-range ±400 ±200 25°C ±50 ±50 ±400 ±200 ±50 ±50 Full-range 25°C 2 2 Full-range 500 500 25°C 100 100 Full-range 0.16 0.002 25°C 0.001 0.02 DBD-DBl at 0, WR and CS at 0 V DBD-DBl at VDD, WR and CS at 0 V Reference input impedance (REFtoGND) MIN 120 120 30 30 5 20 Linearity error Gain error I Full range See Note 1 I Settling time (to 1/2 LSB) See Note 2 Propagation delay from digital input to 90% of final analog output current See Note 2 Feedthrough at OUTl or OUT2 Vref - ± 10 V (100 kHz sinewave), WR and CS at 0, DBD-DBl at 0 Temperature coefficient of gain TA = 25°C to tmin or t max NOTES: 25°C " I Full range I 25°C MAX oun INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 pF kn =10 V, UNIT ±0.2 ±0.2 ±1.4 ±0.6 ±1 ±0.5 100 100 ns 80 80 ns 0.5 0.5 0.25 0.25 ±0.004 ±0.001 1. Gain error IS measured uSing the internal feedback resistor. Nominal Full Scale Range (FSR) - Vref - 1 LSB. 2. load = 1000, Cext - 13 pF, WR at 0 V, CS at 0 V, DBD-DBl at 0 V to VDD or VDD to 0 V. '~TEXAS 3-120 = 15V MIN J.IA pF 30 VOO mA 5 120 MAX nA pF 30 VCC=5V TEST CONOITIONS J.IA %/% operating characteristics over recommended operating free-air temperature range, Vref OUT1 and OUT2 at GND (unless otherwise noted) , PARAMETER J.IA 0.02 120 20 5 UNIT 0.04 5 VI=O OUTl OUT2 MAX 10 OUTl OUT2 TYP MIN 1 DBD-DBl at VIHmin or VILmax DBD-DBl at 0 V or VDD MAX 10 Vref = ±10 V Quiescent TYP 25°C Vref= ±10V Output leakage current MIN Full-range IIH VOO=15V VOO=5V TEST CONOITIONS %FSR %FSR %FSR %FSR/oC AD7524M Advanced LinCMOSTM 8·BIT MULTIPLYING DIGITAL·TO·ANALOG CONVERTER SGLS028A- SEPTEMBER 1989 - REVISED MARCH 1995 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION The AD7524M is an 8-bit multiplying D/A converter consisting of an inverted R-2R ladder, analog switches, and data input latches. Binary weighted currents are switched between the OUT1 and OUT2 bus lines, thus maintaining a constant current in each ladder leg independent of the switch state. The high-order bits are decoded and these decoded bits, through a modification in the R-2R ladder, control three equally weighted current sources. Most applications only require the addition of an external operational amplifier and a voltage reference. The equivalent circuit for all digital inputs low is seen in Figure 1. With all digital inputs low, the entire reference current, Iref, is switched to OUT2. The current source 1/256 represents the constant current flowing through the termination resistor of the R-2R ladder, while the current source Ilkg represents leakage currents to the substrate. The capacitances appearing at OUT1 and OUT2 are dependent upon the digital input code. With all digital inputs high, the off-state switch capacitance (30 pF maximum) appears at OUT2 and the on-state switch capacitance (120 pF maximum) appears at OUT1. With all digital inputs low, the situation is reversed as shown in Figure 1. Analysis of the circuit for all digital inputs high is similar to Figure 1; however, in this case, iref would be switched to OUT1 . Interfacing the AD7524M D/A converter to a microprocessor is accomplished via the data bus and the CS and WR control signals. When CS and WR are both low, the AD7524M analog output responds to the data activity on the DBD-DB7 data bus inputs. In this mode, the input latches are transparent and input data directly affects the analog output. When either the CS signal or WR signal goes high, the data on the DBD-DB7 inputs are latched until the CS and WR signals go low again. When CS is high, the data inputs are disabled regardless of the state of the WR signal. The AD7524M is capable of performing 2-quadrant or full 4-quadrant multiplication. Circuit configurations for 2-quadrant or 4-quadrant multiplication are shown in Figures 2 and 3. Input coding for unipolar and bipolar operation are summarized in Tables 1 and 2, respectively. ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 3-121 AD7524M Advanced LlnCMOSTM 8-81T MULTIPLYING DlGITAL·TO·ANALOG CONVERTER SGLS028A- SEPTEMBER 1989 - REVISED MARCH 1995 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION ir-R----RFB ". ~.---i----f.-3·0-p-F---ouT1 REF -- --1VV'v--!-----! ... 7 ! 11kg 7 ! -----1+------'-OUT2 1/256 T 120pF Figure 1. AD7524M Equivalent Circuit With All Digital Inputs Low Vref VDD ....'" 1- RB (see NomA) RFB DBO-DB7 >-~t---Output CS WR GND Figure 2. Unipolar Operation (2-Quadrant Multiplication) Vref VDD 201<0 RA =21<0 (see Note A) DBO-DB7 RB 201<0 >- 2 VMA AO-A15 ~-----1-"" IO--------------i ~---<.--+---_t Decode Logic AddressBu8 Figure 5. AD7524M-6800 Interface -!llExAs INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE SOX 655303 • DAUAS. TEXAS 75265 3-123 AD7524M Advanced LinCMOSTM 8~SIT"MULTIPLYING DIGITAL·TO·ANALOG CONVE~TER SGLS028A- SEPTEMBER 1989 - REVISED MARCH 1995 microprocessor interfaces (continued) ," Address Bus" A8"-A15 Decode Logic ~ 8-Blt Latch 8051 CS I ALE WR AD7524M WR I OUT2 DBO-DB7 4 r-ADO-AD7 Address/Data Bus Figure 6. AD7524M-8051 Interface ~TEXAS " 3-124 INSTRUMENTs POST OFACE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 OUT1 I ~ 4-1 c en '"0 J> m ~ - o cc - .... CD ~ :::L m (') CD m :::J C- O o :::J < CD Ul -o :::J 4-2 TLC32040C, TLC320401, TLC32041 C, TLC32041I ANALOG INTERFACE CIRCUITS SLAS014E - SEPTEMBER 1987 - REVISED MAY 1995 N PACKAGE (TOP VIEW) • 14-Blt Dynamic Range ADC and DAC • Variable ADC and DAC Sampling Rate Up to 19,200 Samples per Second • Switched-Capacitor Antlaliaslng Input Filter and Output-Reconstruction Filter • Serial Port for Direct Interface to TMS32011, TMS320C17, TMS32020, and TMS320C25 Digital Signal Process • Synchronous or Asynchronous ADC and DAC Conversion Rate With Programmable Incremental ADC and DAC Conversion Timing Adjustments • Serial Port Interface to SN74299 Serlal-to-Parallel Shift Register for Parallel Interface to TMS32010, TMS320C15, or Other Digital Processors FSR DR MSTRCLK AUX IN+ AUX INOUT+ OUT- Voo REF DGTLGND SHIFTCLK EODX OX WORD/BYTE FSX • 600-Mil Wide N Package (CL to CLl • 2s Complement Format • CMOS Technology 9 11 VCC+ VCCANLGGND ANLGGND NU NU FNPACKAGE (TOP VIEW) Iffi => => => Icds ~I@a:zzz~ + PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION TLC32040 Analog interface circuit with intemal reference. Also a plug-in replacement for TLC32041. TLC32041 NU NU IN+ IN- NU RESET EODR Analog interface circuit without intemal reference description The TLC32040 and TLC32041 are complete analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog input! output systems, each on a single monolithic CMOS chip. This device integrates a bandpass switched-capacitor antialiasing input filter, a 14-bit-resolution AID converter, four microprocessor-compatible serial port modes, a 14-bit-resolution CIA converter, and a low-pass switched-capacitor output-reconstruction filter. DR MSTRCLK Voo REF DGTLGND 4 3 2 1 28 2726 25 5 6 24 7 23 22 8 21 9 10 20 19 11 12 1314 15 16 17 18 INAUX IN+ AUX INOUT+ OUTVCC+ VCC- I IX UJ xCl!;:~ZZZz => => Cl Cl al (!)(!) Ci ~~ zz a: ~ C(C( NU - Nonusable; no extemal connection should be made to these terminals. AVAILABLE OPTIONS PACKAGE TA O·Cto 70·C PLASTIC CHIP CARRIER (FN) PLASTIC DIP (N) TLC32040CFN TLC32041 CFN TLC32040CN TLC32041CN TLC32040IN TLC32041IN -40·C to 85·C ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • OALLAS. TEXAS 75265 Copyright © 1995, Texas Instruments Incorporated TLC32040C, TLC320401, TLC32041 C, TLC320411 ANALOG INTERFACE CIRCUITS SLAS014E ~ SEPTEMBER 1987 - REVISED MAY 1995 description (continued) The device offers numerous combinations of master clock input frequencies and conversion/sampling rates, which can be changed via digital processor control. Typical applications forthis integrated circuit include modems (7.2-,8-,9.6-, 14.4-, and 19.2-kHz sampling rate), analog interface for digital signal processors (DSPs), speech recognition/storage systems, industrial process control, biomedical instrumentation, acoustical signal processing, spectral analysis, data acquisition, and instrumentation recorders. Four serial modes, which allow direct interface to the TMS32011, TMS320C17, . TMS32020, and TMS320C25 digital signal processors, are provided. Also, when the transmit and receive sections of the analog interface circuit (AIC) are operating synchronously, it can interface to two SN74299 serial-to-parallel shift registers. These serial-ta-parallel shift registers can then interface in parallel to the TMS32010, TMS320C15, other digital Signal processors, or external FIFO circuitry. Output data pulses are emitted to inform the processor that data transmission is complete or to allow the DSP to differentiate between two transmitted bytes. A flexible control scheme is provided so that the functions of this integrated circuit can be selected and adjusted coincidentally with signal processing via software control. The antialiasing input filter comprises seventh-order and fourth-order CC-type (Chebyshev/elliptic transitional) low-pass and high-pass filters, respectively and a fourth-order equalizer. The input filter is implemented in switched-capacitor technology and is preceded by a continuous time filter to eliminate any possibility of aliasing caused by sampled data filtering. When no filtering is desired, the entire composite filter can be switched out of the signal path. A selectable, auxiliary, differential analog inputis provided for applications where morethan one analog input is required. The AID and D/A converters each have 14 bits of resolution. The AID and D/A architectures ensure no missing codes and monotonic operation. An internal voltage reference is provided on the TLC32040 to ease the design task and to provide complete control over the performance of this integrated circuit. The internal voltage reference is brought out to a terminal and is available to the designer. Separate analog and digital voltage supplies and grounds are provided to minimize noise and ensure a wide dynamic range. Also, the analog circuit path contains only differential circuitry to keep noise to an absolute minimum. The only exception is the DAC sample and hold, which utilizes pseudo-differential circuitry. The output-reconstruction filter is a seventh-order CC-type (Chebyshev/elliptic transitional low-pass filter followed by a fourth-order equalizer) and is implemented, in switched-capacitor technology. This filter is followed by a continuous-time filter to eliminate images of the digitally encoded signal. The TLC32040C and TLC32041 C are characterized for operation from O°C to 70°C, and the TLC320401 and TLC32041I are characterized for operation from -40°C to 85°C. ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFACE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 TLC32040C, TLC320401, TLC32041 C, TLC320411 ANALOG INTERFACE CIRCUITS SLAS014E - SEPTEMBER 1987 - REVISED MAY 1995 functional block diagram Band-Pass Filter Serial Port IN + --I................... FSR DR IN - ~--tI........" 1"'-- AUX IN + --I................... I I I AUX IN - ~--tI........" ---------------------, I I ---, Internal Voltage Reference (TLC32040 only) EODR I I I I I I MSTRCLK SHIFTCLK WORD/BYTE L _ _ _ _ _ .J OX Low-Pass Filter FSX OUT++J-----l OUT-+J-----l 1I EODX Transmit Section VCC+ VCC- ANLG GND DTGL VDD GND (DIGITAL) Terminal Functions TERMINAL NAME ANlGGND NO. 110 17,18 DESCRIPTION Analog ground return for all internal analog circuits. Not internally connected to DGTl GND. AUX IN+ 24 I Noninverting auxiliary analog input state. This input can be switched into the bandpass filter and AID converter path via software control. If the appropriate bit in the control register is a 1, the auxiliary inputs replace the IN + and IN - inputs. lithe bit is a 0, the IN + and IN - inputs are used (see the AIC DX data word format section). AUXIN- 23 I Inverting auxiliary analog input (see the above AUX IN + description) DGTlGND 9 DR 5 0 DR is used to transmit the ADC output bits from the AIC to the TMS320 serial port. This transmission of bits from the AIC to the TMS320 serial port is synchronized with the SHIFT ClK signal. DX 12 I DX is used to receive the DAC input bits and timing and control informatiol") from the TMS320. This serial transmission from the TMS320 serial port to the AIC is synchronized with the SHIFT ClK signal. EODR 3 0 End of data receive. See the WORD/BYTE description and the Serial Port liming diagrams. During the word-mode timing, EODR is a low-going pulse that occurs immediately after the 16 bits of AID information have been transmitted from the AICto the TMS320 serial port. EODR can be used to interrupt a microprocessor upon completion of serial communications. Also, EODR can be used to strobe and enable external serial-to-parallel shift registers, latches, or external FIFO RAM, and to facilitate parallel data bus communications between the AIC and the serial-to-parallel shift registers. During the byte-mode timing, EODR goes low after the first byte has been transmitted from the AIC to the TMS320 serial port and is kept low until the second byte has been transmitted. The TMS32011 or TMS320C17 can use this low-going signal to differentiate between the two bytes as to which is first and which is second. EODR does not occur after secondary communication. Digital ground for all intemallogic circuits. Not internally connected to ANlG GND. ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 4-5 TLC32040C, TLC320401, TLC32041C, TLC320411 ANALOG INTERFACE CIRCUITS SLAS014E - SEPTEMBER 1987 - REVISED MAY 1995 Terminal Functions (continued) TERMINAL NAME NO. 1/0 DESCRIPTION End of data transmn. See the WORDIBYTE description and the Serial Port Timing diagram. During the word-mode timing, EODX is a low-golng pulse that occurs immediately after the 16 bits of D/A converter and control or register information have been transmitted from the TMS320 serial port to the AIC. EODX can be used to interrupt a microprocessor upon the completion of serial communications. Also, EODX can be used to strobe and enable extemal serial-to-parallel shift registers, latches, or an external FIFO RAM, and to facllHate parallel data-bus communications between the AIC and the serial-to-parallel shift registers. During the byte-mode timing, EODX goes low after the first byte has been transmitted from the TMS320 serial port to the AIC and is kept low until the second byte has been transmitted. The TMS32011 or TMS320C17 can use this low-going Signal to differentiate between the two bytes as to which is first and which is second. EODX 11 0 FSR 4 0 Frame sync receive. In the serial transmission modes, which are described in the WORD/BYTE description, FSR is held low during bit transmission. When FSR goes low, the TMS320 serial port begins receiving bits from the AIC via DR of the AIC. The most significant DR bit is present on DR before FSR goes low. (See Serial Port Timing and Intemal Timing Configuration diagrams.) FSR does not occur after secondary communication. FSX 14 0 IN+ IN- 26 I Noninverting input to analog input amplifier stage 25 I Inverting input to analog input amplifier stage MSTRCLK 6 I Master clock. MSTR CLK Is used to derive ali the key logic signals of the AIC, such es the shift clock, the switched-capacHor filter clocks, and the AID and D/A timing signals. The Intemal Timing Configuration diagram shows how these key signals are derived. The frequencies of these key signals are synchronous submultiples of the masterclockfrequencyto eliminate unwanted aliasing when the sampled analog signals are transferred between the switched-capacHor filters and the AID and D/A converters (see the Internal Timing Configuration). OUT+ 22 0 Noninverting output of analog output power amplifier. OUT + can drive transformer hybrids or high-impedance loads directly in either a differential or a single-ended configuration. OUT- 21 0 Inverting output of analog output power amplifier. OUT -Is functionally Identical with and complementery to OUT +. REF 8 110 Internal voltage reference for the TlC32040. For the TLC32040 and TLC32041 an external voltage reference can be applied to this terminal. RESET 2 I Reset. A reset function is provided to initialize the TA, TA', TB, RA, RA', RB, and control registers. This reset function initiates serial communications between the AIC and DSP. The reset function initializes ali AIC registers including the control register. After a negative-going pulse on REm, the AIC registers are initialized to provide an 8-kHz data conversion rate for a 5.184-MHz master clock input signal. The conversion rate adjust registers, TN and RN, are reset to 1. The control register bits are reset as follows (see AIC DX data word format section): d7 = I, d6 = I, d5 = I, d4 - 0, d3 - 0, d2 _ 1 This initialization allows normal serial-port communication to occur between AIC and DSP. SHIFTClK 10 0 Shift clock. SHIFT ClK is obtained by dividing the master clock signal frequency by four. SHIFT ClK Is used to clock the serial data transfers of the AIC, described in the WORDtBYTE description below (see the Serial Port Timing and Intarnal Timing Configuration diagrams). Frame sync transmit. When FSX goes low, the TMS320 serial port begins transmitting bits to the AIC via DX of the AIC. In ali serial transmission modes, which are described In the WORDtBYTE description, Is held low during bit transmission (see the Serial Port Timing and Internal Timing Configuration diagrams). m VOD 7 VCC+ 20 Digital supply voltage, 5 V ±5% PosHive analog supply voHage, 5 V ±5% VCC- 19 Negative analog supply voltage, -5 V ±5% ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFRCE BOX 655303 • DALlAS. TEXAS 75265 TLC32040C, TLC320401, TLC32041 C, TLC32041I ANALOG INTERFACE CIRCUITS SLAS014E - SEPTEMBER 1987 - REVISED MAY 1995 Terminal Functions (continued) TERMINAL NAME NO. WORD~ 13 1/0 DESCRIPTION I WORD/BYTE, in conjunction with a bit in the control register, is used to establish one of four serial modes. These four serial modes are described below. AIC transmit and receive sections are operated asynchronously. The following description applies when the AIC Is configured to have asynchronous transmH and receive sections. If the appropriate data bH in the control register is a 0 (see the AIC OX data word format section), the transmH and receive sections are asynchronous. L Serial port directly Interfaces with the serial port of the TMS32011 or TMS320C17 and communicates in two 8-bit bytes. The operation sequence is as follows (see Serial Port Timing diagrams). 1. FSX or FSR is brought low. 2. One 8-bit byte is transmitted or one 8-bit byte is received. 3. EODX or EODR is brought low. 4. FID< or FSR emits a positive frame-sync pulse that is four shift clock cycles wide. 5. One 8-bit byte is transmitted or one 8-bit byte is received. 6. EODX or EODR is brought high. 7. FSX or FSR is brought high. H Serial port directly interfaces with the serial port of the TMS32020, TMS320C25, or TMS320C30 and communicates in one 16-bit word. The operation sequence is as follows (see Serial Port Timing diagrams): 1. FID< or FSR is brought low. 2. One 16-b1t word is transmitted or one 16-bit word is received. 3. FSX or FSR is brought high. 4. EODX or EODR emits a low-going pulse. AIC transmit and receive sections are operated synchronously. If the appropriate data bit in the control register is a 1, the transmit and receive sections are configured to be synchronous. In this case, the bandpass switched-capacitor filter and the AID conversion timing are derived from the TX counter A, TX counter B, and TA, TI'{, and TB registers, rather than the RX counter A, RX counter B, and RA, RI'{, and RB registers. In this case, the AICFSX and FSR timing are identical during primary data communication; however, FSR is not asserted during secondary data communication since there is no new AID conversion result. The synchronous operation sequences are as follows (see Serial Port Timing diagrains). L Serial port directly interfaces with the serial port of the TMS32011 or TMS320C17 and communicates in two 8-bit bytes. The operation sequence is as follows (see Serial Port Timing diagrams): 1. FSX and FSR are brought low. 2. One 8-bit byte is transmitted and one 8-bit byte is received. 3. EODX and EODR are brought low. 4. FSX and "FSR emit positive frame-sync pulses that are four shift clock cycles wide 5. One 8-bit byte is transmitted and one 8-bit byte is received. 6. EODX and EODR are brought high. 7. FSX and FSR are brought high. H Serial port directly interfaces with the serial port of the TMS32020, TMS320C25, or TMS320C30 and communicates in one 16-bit word. The operation sequence is as follows (see Serial Port Timing diagrams): . 1. FSX and FSR are brought low. 2. One 16-bit word is transmitted and one 16-bit word is received. 3. FID< and FSR are brought high. 4. EODX or EODR emit low-going pulses. Since the transmit and receive sections of the AIC are now synchronous, the AIC serial port with additional NOR and AND gates will interface to two SN74299 serial-ta-parallel shift registers. InterfaCing the AIC to the SN74299 shift register allows the AIC to interface to an external FIFO RAM and facilitates parallel data bus communications between the AIC and the digital signal processor. The operation sequence is the same as the above sequence (see Serial Port Timing diagrams). -!I TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 855303. OAlLAS. TEXAS 75265 4-7 TlC32040C, TLC320401, TLC32041 C, TLC32041I ANALOG INTERFACE CIRCUITS SLAS014E- SEPTEMBER 1987"" REVISED MAY 1995 detailed description analog input Two sets of analog inputs are provided. Normally, the IN+ and IN- input set is used; however, the auxiliary input set, AUX IN+ and AUX IN-, can be used if it second input is required. EaCh input set can.be operated in either differential or single-ended modes, since sufficient common-mode range and rejection are provided. The gain for the IN +, IN-, AUX IN+, and AUX IN-. inputs can be programmed to be either 1,2, or 4 (see Table 2). Either input circuit can be selected via software control. It is important to note that a wide dynamic range is assured· by the differential internal analog architecture and by the separate analog and digital voltage supplies and grounds .. AID bandpass filter, AID bandpass filter clocking, and AID conversion timing The AID bandpass filter can be selected or bypassed via software control. The frequency response of this filter is presented in the following pages. This response results when the switched-capacitor filter clock frequency is 288 kHz. Several possible options can be used to attain a 288-kHz switched-capacitor filter clock. When the filter clock frequency is not 288 kHz, the filter transfer function is frequency scaled by the ratio of the actual clock frequency to 288 kHz. The low-frequency roll-off of the high-pass section is 300 Hz. The internal timing configuration and Ale ox data word format sections of this data sheet indicate the many options for attaining a 288-kHz bandpass switched-capacitor filter clock. These sections indicate that the RX counter A can be programmed to give a 288-kHz bandpass switched-capacitor filter clock for several master clock input frequencies. The AID conversion rate is then attained by frequency dividing the 288-kHz bandpass switched-capacitor filter clock with the RX counter B. Thus, unwanted aliasing is prevented because the AID conversion rate is an integral submultiple ofthe bandpass switched-capacitor filter sampling rate, and the two rates are synchronously locked. AID converter performance specifications Fundamental performance specifications for the AID converter circuitry are presented in the AID converter operating characteristics section of this data sheet. The realization of the AID converter circuitry with switched-capacitor techniques provides an inherent sample-and-hold. analog output The analog output circuitry is an analog output power amplifier. Both noninverting and inverting amplifier outputs are brought out of this integrated circuit. This amplifier can drive transformer hybrids or low-impedance loads directly in either a differential or single-ended configuration. DIA low-pass filter, DIA low-pass filter clocking, and D/Aconverslon timing The frequency response of this filter is presented in the following pages. This response results when the low-pass switched-capacitor filter clock frequency is 288 kHz, Like the AID filter, the transfer function of this filter is frequency scaled when the clock frequency is not 288 kHz. A continuous-time filter is provided on the output on the output of the D/A low-pass filter to greatly attenuate any switched-capacitor clock feedthrough. The 01A conversion rate is then attained by frequency dividing the 288-kHz switched-capacitor filter clock with TX counter B. Thus, unwanted aliasing is prevented because the D/A conversion rate is an integral submultiple of the switched-capacitor low-pass filter sampling rate, and the two rates are synchronously locked. ~TEXAS 4-8 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75?65 TLC32040C, TLC32040l, TLC32041C, TLC32041I ANALOG INTERFACE CIRCUITS SLAS014E - SEPTEMBER 1987 - REVISED MAY 1995 asynchronous versus synchronous operation If the transmit section of the AIC (Iow-pass filter and DAC) and receive section (bandpass filter and ADC) are operated asynchronously, the low-pass and band-pass filter clocks are independently generated from the master clock signal. Also, the D/A and AID conversion rates are independently determined. If the transmit and receive sections are operated synchronously, the low-pass filter clock drives both low-pass and bandpass filters. In synchronous operation, the AID conversion timing is derived from, and is equal to, the D/A conversion timing. (See description of WORD/BYTE in the Terminal Functions table.) D/A converter performance specifications Fundamental performance specifications for the D/A converter circuitry are presented in the D/A converter operating characteristics section of the data sheet. The D/A converter has a sample-and-hold that is realized with a switched-capacitor ladder. system frequency response correction The (sin x)/x correction circuitry is performed in the digital processor software. The system frequency response can be corrected via DSP software to ±0.1-dB accuracy to band edge of 3000 Hz for all sampling rates. This correction is accomplished with a first-order digital correction filter, which requires only seven TMS320 instruction cycles. With a 200-ns instruction cycle, seven instructions represent an overhead factor of only 1.1 % and 1.3% for sampling rates of 8 and 9.6 kHz, respectively (see the (sin x)/x correction section for more detailS). serial port The serial port has four possible modes that are described in detail in the Terminal Functions table. These modes are briefly described below and in the description for WORD/BYTE in the Terminal Functions Table. • The transmit and receive sections are operated asynchronously, and the serial port interfaces directly with the TMS32011 and TMS320C17. • The transmit and receive sections are operated asynchronously, and the serial port interfaces directly with the TMS32020 and the TMS320C25. • The transmit and receive sections are operated synchronously, and the serial port interfaces directly with the TMS32011 and TMS320C17. • The transmit and receive sections are operated synchronously, and the serial port interfaces directly with the TMS32020, TMS320C25, or two SN74299 serial-to-parallel shift registers, which can then interface in parallel to the TMS320C1 0, TMS32015, to any other digital signal processor, or to external FIFO circuitry. operation of TLC32040wlth internal voltage reference The internal reference of the TLC32040 eliminates the need for an external voltage reference and provides overall circuit cost reduction. Thus, the internal reference eases the design task and provides complete control over the performance of this integrated circuit. The internal reference is brought out to a terminal and is available to the designer. To keep the amount of noise on the reference signal to a minimum, an external capaCitor may be connected between REF and ANLG GND. operation of TLC32040 or TLC32041 with external voltage reference REF can be driven from an external reference circuit if so desired. This external circuit must be capable of supplying 250 JJA and must be adequately protected from noise such as crosstalk from the analog input. ~ThxAs INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 855303 • DALlAS. TEXAS 75265 4-9 TLC32040C, TLC320401, TLC32041C, TLC320411 ANALOG INTERFACE CIRCUITS SLAS014E - ,SEPTEMBER 1987 - REVISED MAY 1995 reset A reset function is provided to initiate serial communications between the AIC and DSP and allow fast, cost-effective testing during manufacturing. The reset function. initializes all AIC registers, including the control register. After a negative-going pulse on RESET, the AIC is initialized. This initialization .allows normal serial port communications activity to occur between AIC and DSP (see AIC OX data:word format section). loopback This feature allows the user to test the circuit remotely. In loopback, OUT + and OUT...., are internally connected to IN+ and IN-. Thus, the DAC bits (d15 to d2), which are transmitted to OX, can be compared with the ADC bits (d15 to d2), which are received from DR. An ideal comparison would be that the bits on DR equal the bits on OX. However, in practice there is some difference in these bits due to the ADC and DAC output offsets. In loopback, if IN+ and N- are enabled, the external signals on IN+ and IN- are ignored. If AUX IN+ and AUX IN- are enabled, the external signals on these terminals are added to the OUT + and OUT-signals in loopback operation. The loopback feature is implemented with digital signa.l processor control by transmitting the appropriate serial port bit to the control register (see AIC OX data word format section). explanation of internal timing configuration All of the internal timing of the AIC is derived from the high-frequency clock signal that drives the master clock input. The shift clock signal, which strobes the serial port data between the AIC and DSP, is derived by dividing the master clock input signal frequency by four. SCF Clock Frequency = 2 ~a~~~t~~~~ko~r~~~~~ec: A . Conversion Frequency SCF Clock Frequency of Counter B = Contents CI k F Master Clock Frequency Sh ·ft I oc requency = 4 TX counter A and TX counter B, which are driven by the master clock signal, determine the D/A conversion timing. Similarly, RX counter A and RX counter B determine the AID conversion timing. In order for the switched-capacitor low-pass and band pass filters to meet their transfer function .specifications, the frequency of the clock inputs of the switched-capacitor filters must be 288 kHz. If the frequencies of the clock inputs are not 288 kHz, the filter transfer function frequencies are scaled by the ratios of the clock frequencies to 288 kHz. Thus, to obtain the specified filter responses, the combination of master clock frequency and TX counter A and RX counter A values must yield 288-kHz switched-capacitor clock signals. These 288-kHz clock signals can then be divided by the TX counter Band RX counter B to establish the D/A and AID conversion timings. TX counter A and TX counter B are reloaded every D/A conversion period, while RX counter A arid RX counter B are reloaded every AID conversion period. The TX counter Band RX counter B are loaded with the values in the TB and RB registers, respectively. Via software control, the TX counter A can be loaded with either the TA register, the TA register less the TN register, or the TA register plus the TN register. By selecting the TA register less the TN register option, the upcoming conversion timing will occur earlier by an amount of time that equals TN times the signal period of the master clock. By selecting the TA register plus the TN register option, the upcoming conversion timing will occur later by an amount bftime that equals TN times the signal period of the master clock. Thus, the D/A conversion timing can be advanced .or retarded. An identical ability to alter the AID conversion timing is provided. In this case, however, the AX counter A can be programmed via software control with the RA register, the RA register less the RN register, or the 8A register plus the RA' register. ~TEXAS 4-10 INsTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 TLC32040C, TLC320401, TLC32041C, TLC320411 . ANALOG INTERFACE CIRCUITS SLAS014E - SEPTEMBER 1987 - REVISED MAY 1995 explanation of Internal timing configuration (continued) The ability to advance or retard conversion timing is particularly useful for modem applications. This feature allows controlled changes in the AID and D/A conversion timing. This feature can be used to enhance signal-to-noise performance, to perform frequency-tracking functions, and to generate nonstandard modem frequencies. If the transmit and receive sections are configured to be synchronous (see WORD/BYTE description), then both the low-pass and bandpass switched-capacitor filter clocks are derived from TX counter A. Also, both the D/A and AID conversion timing are derived from the TX counter A and TX counter B. When the transmit and receive sections are configured to be synchronous, theRX counter A, RX counter B, RA register, RA' register, and RB registers are not used. ="1 TEXAS NSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX _ • DALlAS. TEXAS 7S21!S 4-11 TLC32040C, TLC320401, TLC32041C, TLC320411 ANALOG INTERFACE CIRCUITS SLAS014E - SEPTEMBER 1987 - REVISED MAY 1995 r-----. . .-----------, I, MSTR ClK 5.184 MHz MHz (2) (1) L 10.368 Divide by4 ________________ .J SHIFTCLK 1.296 MHz (1) 2.592 MHz (2) -----------------------------, TA' Register (6 bits) (2'scompl) TA Register (5 bits) Optional External Circuitry for Full·Duplex Modems Dlvldeby2 - -·kHz - - - - - - - - ,I Ir - - - -153.6 Clock (1) Commercial I I External I I Front·End I I Full·Duplex I I I Spllt·Band I _ _ _ _ .JI Fllterst IL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ dO, dl = 0,1 dO, dl = 1,0* I'""':T=X'!"'C='o..lu...n~te-r-=A...., = [TA 9 (1)] [TA =18 (2)] (6 bits) 576-kHz Pulses TX Counter B [TB =40j 7.2 kHz [TB =36j 8.0 kHz [TB = 30j 9.6 kHz [TB =20j 14.4 kHz [TB = 15j 19.2 kHz Dlvldeby2 low-Pass/ Switched Capacitor Filter ClK= 288-kHz Square Wave DIA Conversion Frequency Band·Paes Switched Capacitor Filter ClK= 288-kHz Square Wave dO, dl = 0,1 RX Counter B dO, dl =1,0* [RB = 40j 7.2 kHz AID r--R-X-C.... ou... n-te-rA--[RS = 36j 8.0 kHz Conversion [RA =9 (1)] [RB = 30j 9.6 kHz Frequency [RA 18 (2)] [RB 20j 14.4 kHz 576-kHz [RB 15j 19.2 L _ _ _ _(6 _bits) _ _ _ _ _ _Pulses _____ _=_ __ _kHz _________ = SCF Clock Frequency = Master Clock Frequency = 2 x Contents of Counter A t Split-band filtering can alternatively be performed after the analog input function via software in the TMS320. :t: These control bits are described in the AIC OX data word format section. NOTE A: Frequency 1 (20.736 MHz) is used to show how 153.6 kHz (for commercially available modem split·band filter clock), popular speech and modem sampling signal frequencies, and an internal 288-kHz switched-capacitorfilter clock can ba derived synchronously and as submultiples of the crystal oscillator frequency. Since these derived frequencies sre synchronous submultiples of the crystal frequency, aliasing does not occur as the sampled analog signal passes between the analog converter and switched-capacltor filter stages. Frequency 2 (41.472 MHz) is used to show that the AIC can work with high·frequency signals, which are used by high-speed digital signal processors. Figure 1. Internal Timing Configuration '~TEXAS 4-12 INSTRUMENTS POST'OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 TLC32040C, TLC320401, TLC32041 C, TLC32041I ANALOG INTERFACE CIRCUITS SLAS014E - SEPTEMBER 1987 - REVISED MAY 1995 AIC OR or OX word bit pattern AID or D/A MSB, 1st bit sent 1st bit sent of 2nd byte AID or D/A lSB AIC OX data word format section I d15 d14 1d13 1d12 1d11 1d10 1d9 1d8 1d7 1d6 1d5 1d4 1d3 1d2 1d1 1dO COMMENTS primary DX serial communication protocol Hl15 (MSB) through d2 go to the D/A converter register ~ 10 0 The TX and RX counter As are loaded w~hthe TA and RA register values. The TX and RX counter Bs are loaded with TB and RB register values. +--d15 (MSB) through d2 go to the D/A converter register ~ 10 1 The TX and RX counter As are loaded with the TA + T~ and RA + RA' register values. The TX and AX counter Bs are loaded with TB and RB register values. Bits d1 - 0 and dO -1 cause the next D/A and AID conversion periods to be changed by the addition of TA' and RA' master clock cycles, in which T~ and RIA' can be positive or negative or zero (refer to Table 1). +--d15 (MSB) through d2 go to the D/A converter register ~ 11 0 The TX and RX counter As are loaded with the TA TA' and RA - R~ register values. The TX and RX counter Bs are loaded with TB and RB register values.B~d1 -1 anddO.OcausethenextD/A and AID conversion periods to be changed by the .subtraction of T~ and R~ master clock cycles, in which TA' and RI~ can be positive or negative or zero (refer to Table 1). Hl15 (MSB) through d2 go to the D/A converter register ~ 11 1 The TX and RX counter As are loadedw~h the TA and RA register values. The TX and RX counter Bs are loaded with the TB and RB register values. After a delay of four shift clock cycles, a secondary transmission immediately follows tp program the AIC to operate in the desired configuration. NOTE: Setting the two least significant bits to 1 in the normal transmission of DAC information (primary communications) to the AIC Initiates secondary communications upon completion of the primary communications. Upon completion of the primary communication, FSX remains high for four SHIFT ClK cycles and then goes low and initiates the secondary communication. The timing specifications for the primary and secondary communications are identical. In this manner, the secondary communication, if initiated, is interleaved between succassive primary communications. This interleaving prevents the secondary communication from interfering with the primary communications and DAC timing, thus preventing the AIC from skipping a DAC output. In the synchronous mode, FSR is not asserted during secondary communications. ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 4-13 TLC32040C, TLC320401, TLC32041C, TLC320411 ANALOG INTERFACE CIRCUITS SLAS014E - SEPTEMBER 1987 - REVISED MAY 1995 secondary OX serial communication protocol x x I +- to TA register -+ I x x I +- to RA register -+ I 0 0 d13 and d6 are MSBs (unsigned binary) x I +- to TN register -+ I x I +- to RA' register -+1 0 1 d14 and d7 are 2's complement sign bits x I +- to TB register -+ I x I +- to RB register x x x x x x x x 1 0 d14 andd7 are MSBs (unstOned binary) 1 1 -+1 d7 d6 d5 d4 d3 d2 Control 14- register d2 .. 011 deletes/Inserts the bandpass filter -+I d3 .. 011 disables/enables the loopback function d4 - 011 disables/enables the AUX IN + and AUX IN- terminals d5 .. 011 esynchronous/synchronous transmit receive sections d6 - 011 gain control bits (see gain control section) d7 .. 011 gain control bits (see gain control section) reset function A reset function is provided to initiate serial communications between the Ale and OSP. The reset function .initializes all Ale registers, including the control register. After power has been applied to the Ale, a negative-going pulse on RESET initializes the Ale registers to provide an 8-kHz AID and O/A conversion rate for a 5.184-MHz master clock input signal. The Ale, except the control register, is initialized as follows (see Ale ox data word format section): INmALIZED REGISTER VALUE (HEX) REGISTER 9 TA TA' TB 24 RA 9 RA' 24 RB The control register bits are reset as follows (see Ale ox data word format section): .d7 - 1, d6 = 1, d5 = 1, d4 = 0, d3 =0, d2 = 1 This initialization allows normal serial port communications to occur between Ale and OSP. If the transmit and receive sections are configured to operate synchronously and the user wishes to program different conversion rates, only the TA, TA', and TB register need to be programmed, since both transmit and receive timing are synchronously derived from these registers (see the terminal descriptions and Ale ox word format sections). The circuit shown below provides a reset on power up when power is applied in the sequence given under power-up sequence. The circuit depends on the power supplies reaching their recommended values a minimum of 800 ns before the capacitor charges to 0.8 V above OGTL GNO. TLC320401 TLC32041 Vcc+ ~ 6V 200 leO Fi!Ri' J---i ~ ::::r: O.6p.F Vcc- -6V ~1ExAs INSTRUMENTS 4-14 POST OFFICE BOX 666303 • DALlAS. TEXAS 75266 TLC32040C, TLC320401, TLC32041C, TLC32041I ANALOG INTERFACE CIRCUITS SLAS014E - SEPTEMBER 1987 - REVISED MAY 1995 power-up sequence To ensure proper operation of the Ale, and as a safeguard against latch-up, it is recommended that a Schottky diode with a forward voltage less than or equal to 0.4 V be connected from VCC- to ANLG GND (see Figure 17). In the absence of such a diode, power should be applied in the following sequence: ANLG GND and DGTL GND, Vcc-, then Vcc+ and Voo. Also, no input signal should be applied until atter power up. AIC responses to improper conditions The Ale has provisions for responding to improper conditions. These improper conditions and the response of the Ale to these conditions are presented in Table 1 below. AIC register constraints The following constraints are placed on the contents of the Ale registers: 1. TA register must be ~ 4 in word mode (WORD/BYTE = high). 2. TA register must be ~ 5 in byte mode (WORD/BYTE = lOw). 3. TA' register can be either positive, negative, or zero. 4. RA register must be ~ 4 in word mode (WORD/BYTE = high). 5. RA register must be ~ 5 in byte mode (WORD/BYTE = lOw). 6. RA' register can be either positive, negative, or zero. 7. (TA register ± TA' register) must be > 1. 8. (RA register ± RA' register) must be> 1. 9. TB register must be > 1. Table 1. AIC Responses To Improper Conditions AIC RESPONSE IMPROPER CONDITIONS TA register + TA' register = 0 or 1 TA register - TA' register = 0 or 1 TA register + TA' register < 0 Reprogram TX counter A with TA register value RA register + RA' register - 0 or 1 RA register - RA' register - 0 or 1 Reprogram RX counter A with RA register value RA register + RA' register = 0 or 1 MODULO 64 arithmetic is used to ensure that a positive value is loaded into RX counter A, i.e., RA register + RA' register + 40 hex is loaded into RX counter A. TA register - 0 or 1 RA register - 0 or 1 TA register < 4 in word mode TA register < 5 in byte mode RA register < 4 in word mode RA register < 5 in byte mode The Ale is shut down. TB register - 0 or 1 Reprogram TB register with 24 hex MODULO 64 arithmetic is used to ensure that a positive value is loaded into the TX counter A, i.e., TA register + TA' register + 40 hex is loaded into TX counter A. The AIC serial port no longer operates. RB register = 0 or 1 Reprogram RB register with 24 hex AIC and DSP cannot communicate Hold last DAC output ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 4-15 TLC32040C, TLC320401, TLC32041C, TLC32041I ANALOG INTERFACE CIRCUITS SLAS014E - SEPTEMBER 1987 -,REVISED MAY 1995 Improper operation due'to conversion times being too close together If the difference between two successive 01A conversion frame syncs is less than 1/19.2 kHz, the AIC operates improperly. In this situation, the second O/A conversion frame sync occurs too quickly and there.is not enough time for the ongoing conversion to be completed. This situation can occur if the A and B registers are improperly programmed or if the A + A' register or A - A' register result is too small. When incrementally adjusting the conversion period via the A + A' register options, the designer should be very careful not to violate this requirement (see following diagram). FrameSync FSX or FSR -;1 ~'j ~ _ j4- Ongoing Conversion tl2 : ""'! 1-._ _ ~ asynchronous operation - more than one receive frame sync occurring between two transmit frame syncs . When incrementally adjusting the conversion period via the A + N or A - N register options, a specific protocol is followe.d. The command to use the incremental conversion period adjust option is sent to the AIC during a FSX frame sync. The ongoing conversion period is then adjusted. However, either receive conversion period A or B may be adjusted. For both transmit and receive conversion periods, the incremental conversion period adjustment is performed nearl the end of the conversion period. Therefore, if there is sufficient time between t1 and t2, the receive conversion period adjustment is performed during receive conversion period A. Otherwise, the adjustment is performed during receive conversion period B. The adjustment command only adjusts one transmit conversion period and one receive conversion period. To adjust another pair of transmit and receive conversion periods, another command must be issued during a subsequent FSX frame (see figure below). k-J W 1414------ Transmit Conversion Period ------.t~ Conversion Period A ~1ExAs 4-16 . INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 665303 • DAUAS. TEXAS 75265 TLC32040C, TLC320401, TLC32041 C, TLC32041I ANALOG INTERFACE CIRCUITS SLAS014E - SEPTEMBER 1987 - REVISED MAY 1995 asynchronous operation - more than one receive frame sync occurring between two receive frame syncs When incrementally adjusting the conversion period via the A + A' or A - A' register options, a specific protocol is fOllowed. For both transmit and receive conversion periods, the incremental conversion period adjustment is performed near the end of the conversion period. The command to use the incremental conversion period adjust options is sent to the AIC during a FSX frame sync. The ongoing transmit conversion period is then adjusted. However, three possibilities exist for the receive conversion period adjustment in the diagram as shown in the following figure. If the adjustment command is issued during transmit conversion period A, receive conversion period A is adjusted if there is sufficient time between t1 and t2' Or, if there is not sufficient time between t1 and t2, receive conversion period B is adjusted. Or, the receive portion of an adjustment command can be ignored if the adjustment command is sent during a receive conversion period, which is already being or is adjusted due to a prior adjustment command. For example, if adjustment commands are issued during transmit conversion periods A, B, and C, the first two commands can cause receive conversion periods A and B to be adjusted, while the third receive adjustment command is ignored. The third adjustment command is ignored since it was issued during receive conversion period B, which already is adjusted via the transmit conversion period B adjustment command. ~ Transmit Conversion Period A + Transmit Conversion Period B -+- Transmit Conversion Period C W- l-J------,W t2 FSR I I. 1II . 1- - - - Receive Conversion Period A ----! -~+14----- Receive Conversion Period B --I asynchronous operation - more than one set of primary and secondary OX serial communication occurring between two receive frame sync (see Ale OX data word format section) The TA, TA', TB, and control register information that is transmitted in the secondary communications is always accepted and is applied during the ongoing transmit conversion period. If there is sufficient time between t1 and t2, the TA, RA', and RB register information, which is sent during transmit conversion period A, is applied to receive conversion period A. Otherwise, this information is applied during receive conversion period B. If RA, RA', and RB register information has already been received and is being applied during an ongoing conversion period, any subsequent RA, RA', or RB information that is received during this receive conversion period is disregarded (see diagram below). FSX t1 Secondary l n Primary ~ Transmit Conversion Period A Primary I Secondary I n ~ Transmit Conversion Period B I Primary Secondary I n ~ I Transmit Conversion PerlodC ~ ~ t2 I FSR +- Receive Conversion ~.. Receive Conversion Period B Period A I ~ ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALlAS. TEXAS 75265 4-17 TLC3204OC, TLC32040l, TLC32041C, TLC320411 ANALOG INTERFACE CIRCUITS SLAS014E - SEPTEMBER 1987 - REVISED MAY 1995 Table 2. Gain Control Table Analog Input Signal Required for Full-Scale AID Conversion CONTROL REGISTER BITS. INPUT CONFIGURATIONS Differential configuration Analog input - IN + -: IN- AUX IN+ - AUX IN- Single-ended configuration Analog input = IN + - ANLG GND = AUX IN+-ANLG GND t d6 d7. 1 1 0 0 AID CONVERSION ANALOG INPUrt RESULT ±6V Full seale 1 0 ±3V Full scale 0 1 ±1.5V Full scale 1 1 0 0 ±3V Half scale 1 0 ±3V Fullscaie 0 1 ±1.5V Full scale .. . .. In thiS example, Vref IS assumed to be 3 V. In order to minimize distortion, It IS recommended that the analog Input not exceed 0.1 dB below full scale. Rfb Rfb I---+--} R IN + -J\N\,..---, IN- -.l\/V'v-...... R AUX IN + - J \ N \ " ' - - - . To Multiplexer t -........- } AUX IN- -"VV'\r'".-t R To Multiplexer R Rfb Rfb Rfb = R ford6= 1, d7 = 1 d6=O,d7=O Rfb= 2Rford6= 1, d7= 0 Rfb = 4R ford6 = 0, d7 = 1 Rfb=Rford6=1,d7=1 d6=O,d7=O Rfb=2R ford6= 1, d7= 0 Rfb=4R ford6= 0, d7= 1 Figure 2. IN + and IN- Gain Control Circuitry Figure 3. AUX IN + and AUX INGalti Control Circuitry (sin x)/x correction section The Ale does not h~ve (sin x)/x correction circuitry after the digital-to-analog converter.The (sin x)/x correction can be accomplished easily and efficiently in digital signal processor (DSP) software. Excellent correction accuracy can be achieved to a band edge of 3000 Hz by using a first-order digital correction filter. The results, which are shown below, are typical of the numerical correction accuracy that can be achieved for sample rates of interest. The filter requires oniy seven instruction cycles per sample on the TMS320 DSPs. With a 200-ns instruction cycle, nine instructions per sample represents an overhead factor of 1.4% and 1.7% for sampling rates of 8000 Hz and 9600 Hz, respectively. This correction adds a slight amount of group delay at the upper edge of the 300-300Q-Hz band. ' (f ~TEXAS 4-18 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75266 TLC32040C, TLC320401, TLC32041C, TLC320411 ANALOG INTERFACE CIRCUITS SLAS014E - SEPTEMBER 1987 - REVISED MAY 1995 (sin x)/x roll-off for a zero-order hold function The (sin x)/x roll-off for the AIC DAC zero-order hold function at a band-edge frequency of 3000 Hz for the various sampling rates is shown in the table below. Table 3. (sin x)/x Roll-Off 20 log sin It Ilts It Is (Hz) Ills (1= 3000 Hz) (dB) 7200 -2.64 8000 -2.11 9600 -1.44 14400 -0.63 19200 -0.35 The actual AIC (sin x)/x roll-off is slightly less than the above figures, because the AIC has less than a 100% duty cycle hold interval. correction filter To compensate for the (sin x)/x roll-off of the AIC, a first-order correction filter shown below, is recommended. } - - - - - - - - - - 4 . - - - . Y ( 1 + 1) U(I + 1) p1 The difference equation for this correction filter is: yi + 1 =p2(1 - p1) (Ui + 1) + p1 yi where the constant p1 determines the pole locations. The resulting squared magnitude transfer function is: IH(f)12 = p2 2 (1 - p1 )2 1 - 2p1 cos(2 11: f/f.) + pP ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303. DAUAS. TEXAS 75266 4-19 TLC32040C, TLC320401, TLC32041C, TLC320411 ANALOG INTERFACE CIRCUITS SLAS014E - SEPTEMBER 1987 - REVISED MAY 1995 correction results Table 4below shows the optimum p values and the corresponding correction results for 8000-Hz and 9600-Hz sampling rates. Table 4. Correction Results ERROR (dB) fs =8000 Hz p1 =-0.14813 p2 =0.9888 ERROR (dB) fs = 9600 Hz p1 = -0.1307 p2 = 0.9951 300 -0.099 -0.043 600 -0.089 -0.043 900 1200 -0.054 0 -0.002 0 1500 1800 0.041 0.079 0 0.043 2100 0.100 0.043 2400 0.091 0.043 2700 -0.043 3000 -0.102 0 -0.043 f (Hz) TMS320 software requirements The digital correction filter equation can be written in state variable form as follows: Y = k1 x Y + k2 x U Where k1 = p1 k2 = (1 - p1) x p2 Y = filter state U = next 110 sample The coefficients k1 and k2 must be represented as 16-bit integers. The SACH instruction (with the proper shift) will yield the correct result. With the assumption that the TMS320 processor page pointer and memory configuration are properly initialized, the equation can be executed in seven instructions or seven cycles with the following program: ZAC LTK2 MPYU LTAK1 MPYY APAC SACH (dma), (shift) 4-20 "TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 TLC32040C, TLC320401, TLC32041C, TLC320411 ANALOG INTERFACE CIRCUITS SLAS014E - SEPTEMBER 1987 - REVISED MAY 1995 absolute maximum ratings over operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted)t Supply voltage range, Vcc+ (see Note 1) ............................................ -0.3 V to 15 V Supply voltage range, Voo .....•.•............................................•.... -0.3 V to 15 V Output voltage range, Vo .......................................................... - 0.3 V to 15 V Input voltage range, VI ............................................................. -0.3 V to 15 V Digital ground voltage range ........................................................ -0.3 V to 15 V Operating free-air temperature range, TA: TLC32040C, TLC32041 C ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. O°C to 70°C TLC320401, TLC32041I ..................... -40°C to 85°C Storage temperature range, Tstg ................................................... -40°C to 125°C Case temperature for 10 seconas: FN package .............................................. 260°C Lead temperature 1,6 mm (1/16 inch) from case for 10 seconds: N package ..................... 260°C t Stresses beyond those lis1ed under "absolute maximum ratings· may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under "recommended operating conditions" is not implied. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. NOTE 1: Voltage values for maximum ratings are with respect to VCC-. recommended operating conditions MIN NOM MAX UNIT Supply voltage, VCC + (see Note 2) 4.75 5 5.25 V Supply voltage, vCC- (see Note 2) -4.75 -5 .-5.25 V 4.75 5 5.25 V Digital supply voltage, VDD (see Note 2) Digital ground voltage with respect to ANLG GND, DGTL GND V 0 Reference input voltage, Vref(ext) (see Note 2) 2 4 V High-level input voltage, VIH 2 VDD+0.3 0.8 V Low-level input voltage, VIL (see Note 3) -0.3 Load resislance at OUT + and/or OUT -, RL 300 Load capacitance at OUT + and/or OUT -, CL 100 MSTR CLK frequency (see Note 4) 0.075 Analog input amplifier common mode input voltage (see Note 5) Operating free-air temperature, TA NOTES: 2. 5 10.368 ±1.5 AID or 0/A conversion rate 20 ITLC32040C,TLC32041C LTLC320401, TLC320411 V {) 0 70 -40 85 pF MHz V kHz ·C .. Voltages at analog Inputs and outputs, REF, VCC +, and VCC-, are With respect to ANLG GND. Voltages at digital Inputs and outputs and VDD are with respect to DGTL GND. 3. The algebraic convention, in which the leas1 positive (most negative) value is designated minimum, is used in this data sheet for logic voltage levels and temperature only. 4. The bandpass low-pass switched-capacltor filter response specifications apply only when the switched-capacitor clock frequency is 288 kHz. For switched-capacitor filter clocks at frequencies other than 288 kHz, the filter response is shifted by the ratio of sWitched-capacitor filter clock frequency to 288 kHz. 5. This range applies when (IN+-IN-) or (AUX IN+ -AUX IN-) equals ± 6 V. -!I1TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 4-21 TLC32040C, TLC320401, TLC32041 C, 1lC32041I ANALOG INTERFACE CIRCUITS SLAS014E - SEPTEMBER 1987- RIOVISED MAY 1995 electrical characteristics over recommended operating free..alr temperature range, VCC+ VCC- = -5 V, Voo = 5 V (unless otherwise noted) = 5 V, total device, MSTR CLK frequency = 5.184 MHz, outputs not loaded TEST CONDITIONS PARAMETER VOH High-level output voltage VDD-4.75V, IOH =-300 J.LA VOL Low-level output voltage VDD-4.75V, IOL-2rnA MIN ·TYpt MAX 2.4 UNIT V 0.4 TLC3204_C 35 TLC3204 I 40 V rnA ICC+ Supply current from VCC+ ICC- Supply current from VCC- IDD Supply current from VDD Vref Internal reference output voltage "'Vref ro Temperature coefficient of internal reference vOltage 200 ppm/"C Output resistance at REF 100 k.O TLC3204 C -35 TLC3204_1 -40 7 fMSTR CLK • 5.184 MHz 3 3.3 mA mA V receive amplifier Input TYpt MAX AID converter offset error (fiHers bypassed) 25 65 mV AID converter offset error (filters in) 25 65 :mV TEST CONDITIONS PARAMETER CMRR Common-mode rejection ratio at IN+, IN-, or AUX IN+, AUXIN- 11 Input resistance at IN+, IN-, or AUX IN+,AUX IN-, REF MIN See Note 6 UNIT 55 dB 100 k.O transmit filter output PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS Voo Output offset voltage at OUT +, OUT -, (single-ended relative to ANLG GND) VOM Maximum peak output voltage swing across RL at OUT + RL ~ 300 0, or OUT -, (single ended) VOM Maximum peak output voltage swing between RL at OUT + and OUT -, (differential output) Offset voltage = 0 RL~6000 system distortion speCifications, SCF clock frequency PARAMETER Attenuation of second harmonic of AID Input signal Attenuation of third and higher harmonics of AID input signal Single ended Attenuation of second harmonic of DIA Input signal Single ended Attenuation of third and higher harmoniCS of DIA input signal Single ended Differential Differential Differential Differential TYpt MAX 15 75 UNIT mV ±3 V ±6 V =288 kHz TEST CONDITIONS Single ended MIN MIN TYPt 70 VI = -0.5 dB to -24 dB referred to Vref, See Note 7 62 VI = -0.5 dB to -24 dB referred to Vref, See Note 7 57 VI = -0 dB to -24 dB referred to Vref, See Note 7 62 VI = -0 dB to -24 dB referred to Vref, See Note 7 57 70 65 65 70 70 65 65 MAX UNIT dB dB dB dB t Ali typical values are at TA = 25°C. NOTES: 6. The test condition is a D-dBm, 1-kHz input signal with an 8-kHz conversion rate. 7. The test condition VI is a 1-kHz input signal with an 8-kHz conversion rate (0 dB relative to Vref). The load impedance for the DAC is 600 0. 4-22 -!II TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DA~EXAs 75265 TLC32040C, TLC320401, TLC32041 C, TLC32041I ANALOG INTERFACE CIRCUITS SLAS014E - SEPTEMBER 1987 - REVISED MAY 1995 AID channel slgnal-to-dlstortlon ratio TEST CONDITIONS (see Note 7) PARAMETER AID channel signal-to-distortion ratio Av=2t Av= 1t MIN MIN MAX MAX Av=4t MIN VI--6dBto-0.1 dB 58 >58§ >58§ VI = -12 dB to-6 dB 58 58 >58§ VI = -18 dB to-12 dB 56 58 58 VI = -24 dB to-18 dB 50 56 58 VI - -30 dB to -24 dB 44 50 56 VI = -36 dB to -30 dB 38 44 50 VI = -42 dB to -36 dB 32 38 44 VI = -48 dB to -42 dB 26 32 38 VI = -54 dB to -48 dB 20 26 32 MAX UNIT dB DIA channel signal-to-distortion ratio TEST CONDITIONS (see Note 7) PARAMETER D/A channel signal-to-distortion ratio MIN VI--6 dB to OdB 58 VI = -12 dB to-6 dB 58 VI=-18dBto-12dB 56 VI = -24 dB to-18 dB 50 VI = -30 dB to -24 dB 44 VI = -36 dB to -30 dB 38 VI - -42 dB to -36 dB 32 VI = -48 dB to -42 dB 26 VI - -54 dB to -48 dB 20 MAX UNIT dB gain and dynamic range PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS Absolute transmit gain tracking error while transmitting into 600 0 MIN TYP:j: MAX UNIT -48-dB to O-dB signal range, See Note 8 ±0.05 ±0.15 dB ±0.05 ±0.15 dB Absolute receive gain tracking error -48-dB to O-dB signal range, See Note 8 Absolute gain of the AID channel Signal input is a -0.5-dB, 1-kHz sinewave 0.2 dB Absolute gain of the D/A channel Signal input is a o-dB, 1-kHz sinewave -0.3 dB power supply rejection and crosstalk attenuation PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS VCC + or VCC- supply voltage rejection ratio, receive channel f=Ot030kHz VCC + or VCC- supply voltage rejection ratio, transmit channel (single ended) f=Ot030kHz f - 30 kHz to 50 kHz f - 30 kHz to 50 kHz Crosswalk attenuation, transmlt-to-receive (single ended) Idle channel, supply signal at 200 mV r:rp measured at DR (ADC output) Idle channel, supply signal at 200 mV p-p measured at OUT + ~ MIN TYp:j: 30 45 MAX UNIT dB 30 dB 45 80 dB t Av IS the programmable gain of the input amplifier. :j: All typical values are at TA = 2SoC. § A value >58 is overrange and signal clipping occurs. NOTES: 7. The test condition Vin is a 1-kHz input signal with an 8-kHz conversion rate (0 dB relative to Vref). The load impedance for the DAC is600n 8. Gain tracking is relative to the absolute gain at 1 kHz and 0 dB (0 dB relative to Vref). ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALlAS. TEXAS 75265 4-23 TLC32040C, T,LC320401, TLC32041C, TLC32041I ANALOG INTERFACE,CIRCUITS SLAS014E - SEPTEMBER 1987 - REVISED MAY 1995 delay distortion, SCF clock frequency = 288 kHz ±2%, input (IN+ -IN;...) is±3-V sinewave Refer to filter response graphs for delay distortion specifications. TLC32040 and TLC32041 bandpass filter transfer function (see curves): SCF clock frequency = 288kHz, ±2%, input (IN+ -IN-) isa ±3-V sinewave (see Note 9) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS FREQUENCY RANGE MIN Input signal relerence is 0 dB 300Hz $1$3-4 kHz PARAMETER I~ -58 4.6 kHz , dB =288 kHz ±2% (see Note 9) FREQUENCY RANGE 1$3-4 kHz Output signal relerence is 0 dB 0.5 -16 TEST CONDITIONS Filter gain, (see Note 10) -0.5 1-4 kHz low-pass filter transfer function, SCF clock frequency UNIT -25 1=170Hz Filter gain, (see Note 10) MAX -42 I-100Hz MIN MAX -0.5 0.5 1= 3.6 kHz -4 1=4 kHz -30 1~4.4 -58 kHz UNIT dB serial port PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS VOH High-level output voltage IOH - -300 IlA VOL Low-level output voltage IOL=2 mA II Input current MIN TYpt MAX 2.4 UNIT V 0.4 V ±10 IlA Ci Input capacitance 15 pF Co Output capacitance 15 pF operating characteristics over recommended operating free-air temperature range, VCC+ = 5 V, VCC_=-5V, VOO=5V noise (measurement includes low-pass and bandpass switched-capacitor filters) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS Single ended. Transmit noise Differential TYPt MAX 200 OX input = 00000000000000, constant input code 300 Inputs grounded, gain = 1 300 20 UNIT I1VrmS 500 20 / Receive noise (see Note 11) MIN I1Vrms dBmcO 475 I1Vrms dBmcO t All tYPical values are at TA = 25°C. NOTES: 9, The above lilter specifications are lor' a switched-capacitor filter clock range 01 288 kHz ±2%. Forswitched-capacitor filter Clocks at Irequencies other than 288 kHz ±2%, the filter response is shifted by the ratio 01 switched-capacitor lilter clock Irequency to 288kHz. , 0, The filter gain outside of the passband is measured with respect to the gain at 1 kHz. The filter gain within the passband is measured with respect to the average gain within the passband, The passbands are 300 to 3400 Hz and Oto 3400 Hz lor the bandpass and low-pass filters respectively, 11, The noise Is reffered to the input with a buffer gain 01 one, If the buffer gain is two or lour, the noise figure is correspondingly reduced. The noise is computed by statistically evaluating the digital output 01 the AID converter, ~TEXAS' 4-24 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 TLC32040C, TLC320401, TLC32041 C, TLC32041I ANALOG INTERFACE CIRCUITS SLAS014E - SEPTEMBER 1987 - REVISED MAY 1995 timing requirements serial port recommended Input signals MIN MAX UNIT tc(MCLK) Master clock cycle time tr(MCLK) Maste~ clock rise time 10 ns tfIMCLK) Master clock fall time 10 ns 95 ns Master clock duty cycle 42% RESET pulse duration (see Note 12) 800 ns 20 ns tc(SCLI<)/4 ns tsulOXI OX setup time before SCLKJ. thlOX) OX hold time after SCLKJ. serial port - AIC output signals, CL';' 30 pF for SHIFT ClK output, CL =15 pF for all other outputs MIN tclSCLKI tfISCLK) Shift clock (SCLK) cycle time trISCLK) Shift clock (SCLI<) rise time 58% TYPt MAX 3 8 ns 8 ns 380 Shift clock (SCLK) fall time ns 3 Shift clock (SCLI<) duty cycle UNIT 45 55 % Id(CH-FL) Delay from SCLKi to FSRI FSXI FSDJ. 30 IdICH-FHI Delay from SCLKi to FSRI FSXI FSDi 35 90 ns IdICH-DR) DR valid after SCLKi 90 ns Id(CH-EL) Delay from SCLKi to EODXI EODRJ. in word mode 90 ns IdICH-EHI Delay from SCLKi to EODXI EODRi in word mode 90 ns tf(EODX) EODX fall time 2 8 ns tf(EODR) EODR fall time 2 8 ns IdICH-ELl Delay from SCLKi to EODXI EODRJ. in byte mode 90 ns IdICH-EHI Delay from SCLKi to EODX/EODRi in byte mode 90 ns Id(MH-8L) Delay from MSTR CLKi to SCLKJ. 170 ns 65 ns 65 170 ns Id(MH-8H) Delay from MSTR CLKi to SCLKi t Typical values are at TA = 25°C. NOTE 12: RESET pulse duration is the amount of time that the reset terminal is held below 0.8 V after the power supplies have reached their recommended values. ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE eox 655303 • OALLAS. TEXAS 75265 4-25 TLC32040C, TLC320401, TLC32041C, TLC320411 ANALOG INTERFACE CIRCUITS SLAS014E - SEPTEMBER 1987 - REVISED MAY 1995 serial port - Ale output signals TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYpt MAX UNIT IcCSCLKI tfCSCLK) Shift clock (SCLI<) cycle time Shift clock (SCll<) fall time 50 ns trCSCLK) Shift clock (SCLK) rise time 50 ns 380 Shift clock (SCLI<) duty cycle ns 45 % fdCCH-FLl Delay from SCLKi to FSRI FSX J. CL-50pF 55 52 ns fdCCH-FHI Delay from SCLKi to FSR/FSxi CL-50pF 52 ns fdCCH-DR) DR valid after SCLKi 90 ns fdLCH-EL) Delay from SCLKi to EODXI EODRJ. in word mode 90 ns fdCCH-EH) Delay from SCLKi to mDXt'E05Ri in word mode 90 ns tfCEODX) EODXfalitime 15 ns tfCEODR) EODR fall time 15 ns fdCCH-El) Delay from SClKi to EODXIEODRJ. in byte mode 100 ns fdCCH-EH) Delay from SCLKi to EODX/EODRi in byte mode 100 ns fd(MH-SL) Delay from MSTR CLKi to SCLKJ. 65 ns fdlMH-SHl Delay from MSTR CLKi to SCLKi t TYPical values are at TA - 25°C. 65 ns ~ThxAs 4-26 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 TLC32040C, TLC320401, TLC32041C, TLC32041I ANALOG INTERFACE CIRCUITS SLAS014E - SEPTEMBER 1987 - REVISED MAY 1995 PARAMETER MEASUREMENT INFORMATION 14---* tc(SCLK) SHIFTCLK I O.BV tcI(CH-FL)~ 14- \I. O.B V FSR, FSX I I I I I: O.BV tcI(CH-FH) I ~ r II I~ 14-1 I 14- tcI(CH-FH) II ~,r;I4-~_ O.BV)j"'--~I~';-----~rv 2V I I . ~Dl~5__~~~~:____~~~______~~~_D~1_~oo~I_ __ U(DX) DX tcI(CH-FL) --.; I tcI(CH-DR) 2V DR _ _ _ I It ~ D15 !4-D14 ~ EODR, EODX D13 ~ Don't Care it-lh(DX) II I I ~ D9 ~ 14- tcI(CH-EL) -.lie- tcI(CH-EH) '-'!--__ ~~~O.~BV~______________~~__________-JTiV - I'; . (a) BYTE-MODE TIMING SHIFTCLK DR DX D15 D2 ---tt 14- th(DX) Dl DO tcI(CH-EL) II ~ :--...: 14-- tcI(CH-EH) 0.BVU';':":2V~- (b) WORD-MODE TIMING MSTRCLK I SHIFTCLK i+-*- td(MH-SL) ~----------------\l ______________ (e) SHIFT-CLOCK TIMING Figure 4. Serial. Port Timing -!i1lExAs INSTRuMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 4-27 TLC3204OC,TLC320401, TLC32041C, TLC320411 ANALOG INTERFACE CIRCUITS SLASOl4E - SEPTEMBER 1987 ~ REVISED MAY 1995 PARAMETER MEASUREMENT INFORMATION ClKOUT ~. I~I--------------------......----1.... I I SO,G1 00-015 -----~--C( I Valid )>----------------- (8) IN INSTRUCTION TIMING ClKOUT~ ---------------------- I~I '---~I~· I I I SN74LS138 Y1 SN74LS299 ClK I 00-015--------« Valid I)>---------------- (b) OUT INSTRUCTION TIMING Figure 5. TMS32010·TLC32040ITLC32041 Interface Timing ~1ExAs 4-28 INSTRUMENTS ·POST OFFIOE BOX 665303 • DAllAS, TEXAS 75265 TLC32040C, TLC320401, TLC32041C, TLC32041I ANALOG INTERFACE CIRCUITS SLAS014E - SEPTEMBER 1987 - REVISED MAY 1995 TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS AIC TRANSMIT CHANNEL FILTER 10 0.3 Magnitude 0 0.25 \ -10 0.2 Group Delay -20 \ III "I ".e -30 Ii -50 See Note B CD c :e -40 -60 -70 1'\ J V ~ -80 -90 o ~ I j \../ - SeeNoteA - ~eeNoted \ / 0.15 ~I 0.1 15 0.05 \ \, o 0.05 i;' Q go e " ;i!! 0.1 Y 0.15 0.2 2 3 4 5 Normalized Frequency _ kHz x SCF clock frequency NOTES: A. B. C. D. 288kHz Maximum relative delay (0 Hz to 600 Hz) = 125 ~ Maximum relative delay (600 Hz to 3000 Hz) = ± 50 ~ Absolute delay (600 Hz to 3000 Hz) = 700 ~ Test conditions are VCC+. VCC-. and VDD within recommended operating conditions. SCF clock f - 288 kHz ±2% input = ±3-V slnewave. and TA = 25°C. Figure 6 -!I1TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • OALlAS. TEXAS 75265 4-29 TLC32040C, TLC32040l, TLC32041C, TLC320411 ANALOG INTERFACE CIRCUITS SLAS014E - SEPTEMBER 1987 - REVISED MAY 1995 TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS TLC32040 AND TLC32041 RECEIVE CHANNEL FILTER 10 0.35 See Note A Magnitude 0.3 0 0.26 -10 \ -20 \ CD 'Q I -30 -8 -40 : -50 ~ c ::E \ \ \ Group Delay l\. 7 ~I\ V V'\ I V -50 -70 LSeeNoteB -80 \ See NoteC - -90 0 2 , \ 3 4 Normalized Frequency _ kHz x SCF clock frequency 288kHz NOTES: A. Maximum relative delay (200 Hz to 600 Hz) .. 3350 lIS B. Maximum relative delay (600 Hz to 3000 Hz) .. ± 50 lIS C. Absolute delay (600 Hz to 3000 Hz) - 1230 lIS D. Test conditions are VCC+. VCC-. and VOO within recommended operating conditions. SCF clock f - 288 kHz ±2%. input - ±3-V sinewave. and TA = 25°C. Figure 7 ~lEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 656303 • DALlAS, TEXAS 75286 TLC32040C, TLC320401, TLC32041C, TLC32041I ANALOG INTERFACE CIRCUITS SLAS014E - SEPTEMBER 1987 - REVISED MAY 1995 TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS AID SIGNAL-T()'DISTORTION RATIO AID GAIN TRACKING (GAIN RELATIVE TO GAIN AT O-dB INPUT SIGNAL) va INPUT SIGNAL 0.5 80 70 l-kHz Input Signal With an 8-kHz Converalon Rate I Galn=4X !BI 80 j 50 I 40 .V / ' V 0.4 ..... -~ Galn=lX 0.3 !B I ~ ~ 30 0.1 0 -0.1 ~ -0.2 ,.. -0.3 10 o 0.2 ~c 20 -50 l-kHz Input Signal 8-kHz Converalon Rate -0.4 -0.5 -40 -30 -20 -10 o 10 -50 -40 Input Signal Relative to Vraf - dB -30 -20 o -10 10 Input Signal Relative to Vraf - dB Figure 9 FigureS D/A GIAN TRACKING D/A CONVERTER SIGNAL-T().DISTORTION RATIO vs va (GAIN RELATIVE TO GAIN AT 0 OdB INPUT SIGNAL) INPUT SIGNAL 100 90 1.--r.I---rI----r---,...----, 1.0 ,......-~ l-kHz Input Signal Into 600 a +-_+_-1 0.8 8-kHz Converalon Rate I. .1 I l-kHz Input Signal Into 600 a 8-kHz Conversion Rate 0.6t---+---t--+---t---I1---i 80 70 ""..,. 60 50 /. . - !BI I:D i ~ ./ 40 ~ 30 0.4 t - - - + - - - t - - + - - + - - I I - - - i 0.21----+---+--+---1---11----1 Or---+---~---r--~----r-__; -0.2 t---+---t--+---t---II---i -0.4 t - - - + - - - t - - + - - + - - I I - - - i 20 -0.6 t - - - + - - - t - - + - - + - - I I - - - i 10 -0.8 t - - - + - - - t - - + - - + - - I f - - - i __ __ ____ __ __ __ o -50 -1~ -10 o Input Signal Relative to Vraf - dB -40 -30 -20 10 -50 ~ -40 Figure 10 ~ -30 ~ -20 ~ -10 ~~ o ~ 10 Input Signal Relative to Vraf - dB FlgLlre 11 NOTE: Test conditions are VCC+. VCC-. VOO and within recommended operating conditions set clock f = 288 kHz ±2%. and TA _ 25°C. -!I TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 66S303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 4-31 TLC32040C, TLC320401, TLC32041C, TLC320411 ANALOG INTERFACE CIRCUITS SLAS014E - SEPTEMBER 1987 - REVISED MAY 1995 TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS ATTENUATION OF THIRD HARMONIC OF AID INPUT vs INPUT SIGNAL ATTENUATION OF SECOND HARMONIC OF AID INPUT va INPUT SIGNAL 100 90 III "I 80 .2 c 0 70 :J: 60 Ii ,~ 100 1\ I "II - 1·kHz Input Signal 90 ~ B-kHz Conversion Rate ' ./ III ~ .S! 5 80 I 60 50 1: 50 "0 40 "0 40 i 30 i 30 ! 20 "c J c f3. c ! ::I 1·kHz Input Signal B-kHz Conversion Rate J I I 10 o -50 -40 -30 ~ 70 / r"/ ~ 20 10 -20 o -10 o 10 -50 -40 . Input Signal Relative toVref - dB -30 III "I .S! c i j 80 80 -- ... / va INPUT SIGNAL "..... 90 - .S! c i 80 70 50 40 "0 40 30 i f3. 5 ! 20 10 -40 -30 -~O -10 o ./ 60 1: o I. .1 1 1·kHz Input 81gnallnto 600 0 B-kHz Conversion Rate III "I 50 -50 ....." " 30 20 10 o 10 -50 Input 81gnal Relative to Vref - dB -40 -30 -20 -10 o 10 Input Signal Relative to Vref - dB Figure 14 Figure 15 NOTE: Testconditlons are VCC+. VCC-. and VDD within recommended operating conditions set clock f a 288 kHz ±2%. and TA ~1ExAs 4-32 10 ATTENUATION OF THIRD HARMONIC OF DIA INPUT 100 I. I 1 1·kHz Input Signal Into 800 0 B-kHz Conversion Rate 70 o -10 Figure 13 ATTENUATION OF SECOND HARMONIC OF DIA INPUT vs INPUT SIGNAL 90 -20 Input Signal Relative to Vref - dB Figure 12 100 ""' INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 656303- DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 =25°C. TLC32040C, TLC320401, TLC32041C, TLC320411 ANALOG INTERFACE CIRCUITS SLAS014E - SEPTEMBER 1987 - REVISED MAY 1995 APPLICATION INFORMATION cr TMS32010 SN74LS299 I - S1 QH I DEN L 01 A A1/PA1 B 'to D~15 \ A·H SR N74LS299 S1 QH ' - - - 02 on !D 01 00-015 WE CLKOUT INT ~ 8 CLK DO-D7 \ TLC320401 TLC32041 SO CLK< I-01 Y1 I-- C SN74LS138 DO-D15 DX G2 AOIPAO A2JPA2 Ffi \ A·H ~ --- SHIFTCLK .r- ~~ SR C1 Q 1D DR -~ - ~ J 1 - MSTRCLK EOl5i Figure 16. TMS32010·TLC32040ITLC32041 Interface Circuit ~1ExAs INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 6S6303 • DAllAS. TEXAS 75266 4-33 TLC32040C, TLC320401, TLC32041C, TLC320411 ANALOG INTERFACE CIRCUITS SLAS014E -SEPTEMBER 1987 - REVISED MAY 1995 APPLICATION INFORMATION TMS32020/C25 TLC32040ITLC32041 , CLKOUT MSTRCLK FS~ DX DX CLKX ANLGGND FSFi"' FSR DR , CLKR VCC,+ REF FSX DR VCC- SHIFTCLK ..J" * If 1\ C 5V ;:: :;::C 1 BAT42t+ C -5 V, VDD 5V ;:: DGTLGND r: 0.1 jIJ' ~ ~, C =0.2 jIJ', Ceramic Figure 17. AIC Interface to the TMS32020/C25 Showing Decoupllng Capacitors and Schottky Diodet t Thomson Semiconductors VCC ___-----4.---...... ---~~ 3 V Output 5000 0.01 jIJ' TL431 0.1 jIJ' Ceramlnc 25000 For: VCC VCC =12 V, R =7200 0 =10 V, R =5600 0 VCC=5 V, R = 15000 Figure 18. External Reference Circuit For TLC32045 ~1ExAs 4-34 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655:!03 .' DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 TLC32044C, TLC32044E, TLC320441, TLC32044M, TLC32045C, TLC320451 VOICE·BAND ANALOG INTERFACE CIRCUITS Jt OR N PACKAGE • 14-Blt Dynamic Range ADC and DAC (TOP VIEW) • 2's Complement Format • Variable ADC and DAC Sampling Rate Up to 19,200 Samples per Second • Switched-Capacitor Antialiasing Input Filter and Output-Reconstruction Filter NU RESET EODR FSR OR MSTRCLK • Serial Port for Direct Interface to TMS(SMJ)320C17, TMS(SMJ)32020, TMS(SMJ)32OC25, and TMS320C30 Digital Signal Processors • Synchronous or Asynchronous ADC and DAC Conversion Rates With Programmable Incremental ADC and DAC Conversion Timing Adjustments • Serial Port Interface to SN74(54)299 Serlal-to-Parallel Shift Register for Parallel Interface to TMS(SMJ)32010, TMS(SMJ)320C15, or Other Digital Processors • Internal Reference for Normal Operation and External Purposes, or Can Be Overridden by External Reference 4 NU NU IN+ INAUX IN+ AUXINOUT+ OUT- VDD REF DGTLGND SHIFTCLK EODX OX WORD/BYTE 9 11 FSX VCC+ VCCANLGGND ANLGGNO NU NU t Refer to the mechanical data for the JT package. FK OR FN PACKAGE (TOP VIEW) • CMOS Technology DR MSTRCLK description The TLC32044 and TLC32045 are complete analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog input and output systems on single monolithic CMOS chips. The TLC32044 and TLC32045 integrate a bandpass switched-capacitor antialiasing input filter, a 14-bit-resolution AJDconverter, four microprocessor-compatible serial port modes, a 14-bit-resolution D/A converter, and a low-pass switched-capacitor output-reconstruction filter. The devices offer numerous combinations of master clock input frequencies and conversionl sampling rates, which can be changed via digital processor control. VOO REF 5 6 7 8 4 3 2 1 28 2726 25 24 INAUXIN+ AUXINOUT+ OUT- 9 10 11 19 12 1314 15 16 17 18 VCC+ VCC- IXC~CI)ZZZZ IW IXu.. ::> ::> (!)(!) C c !!! (!)(!) ~ zz « C II: ...J...J NU - Nonusable; no extemal connection should be made to these terminals (see Table 2). AVAILABLE OPTIONS PACKAGE TA O·C to 70·C -20·C to 85·C -40·C to 85·C -55·C to 125·C PLASTIC CHIP CARRIER (FNI PLASTIC DIP (N) TLC32044CFN TLC32044CN TLC32045CFN TLC32045CN CERAMIC DIP (J) CHIP CARRIER (FK) TLC32044MJ TLC32044MFK TLC32044EFN TLC32044IN TLC32045IN -!I TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DAUAS. TEXAS 75266 Copyright © 1995. Texas Instruments Incorporated 4-35 TLC32044C, TLC32044E, TLC320441, TLC32044M, TLC32045C,TLC320451 VOICE·BAND ANALOG INTERFACE CIRCUITS SLAS017F - MARCH 1988 - REVISED MAY 1995 description (continued) Typical applications for the TLC32044 and TLC32045 include speech encryption for digital transmission,. speech recognition! storage systems, speech synthesis, modems (7.2-, 8-, 9.6-, 14.4-, and 19.2-kHz sampling rate), analog interface for digital signal processors (DSPs), industrial process control, biomedical instrumentation, acoustical signal processing, spectral analysis, data acquisition, and instrumentation recorders. Four serial modes, which allow direct interface to the TMS(SMJ)320C17, TMS(SMJ)32020, TMS(SMJ)320C25, and TMS(SMJ)320C30 digital signal processors, are provided. Also, when the transmit and receive sections of the analog interface circuit (AIC) are operating synchronously, it will interface to two SN74(54)299 serial-to-parallel shift registers. These serial-to-parallel shift registers can then interface in parallel to the TMS(SMJ)32010, TMS(SMJ)320C15, and other digital signal processors, or external FIFO circuitry. Output data pulses are emitted to inform the processor that data transmission is complete or to allow the DSP to differentiate between two transmitted bytes. A flexible control scheme is provided so that the functions of the TLC32044 or TL.C32045 can be selected and adjusted coincidentally with signal processing via software control. The antialiasing input filter comprises eighth-order and fourth-order CC-type (Chebyshev/elliptic transitional) low-pass and high-pass filters, respectively. The input filter is implemented in switched-capacitor technology and is preceded by a continuous time filter to eliminate any possibility of aliasing qaused by sampled data filtering. When only low-pass filtering is desired, the high-pass filter can be switched out of the signal path. A selectable, auxiliary, differential analog input is provided for applications where more than one analog input is required. The AID and D/A architectures ensure no missing codes and monotonic operation. An internal voltage reference is provided to ease the design task and to provide complete control over the performance of the TLC32044 or TLC32045. The internal voltage reference is brought out to a terminal and is available to the designer. Separate analog and digital voltage supplies and grounds are provided to minimize noise and ensure a wide dynamic range. Also, the analog circuit path contains only differential circuitry to keep noise to an absolute minimum. The only exception is the DAC sample and hold, which utilizes pseudo-differential circuitry. The output-reconstruction filter is an eighth-order CC-type (Chebyshev/elliptic transitional low-pass filter) followed by a second-order (sin x)/x correction filter and is implemented in switched-capacitortechnology. This filter is followed by a continuous-time filter to eliminate images of the digitally encoded signal. The on-board (sin x) Ix correction filter can be switched out of the signal path using digital signal processor control, if desired. The TLC32044C and TLC32045C are characterized for operation from O°C to 70°C. The TLC32044E is characterized for operation from -20°C to 85°C. The TLC320441 and TLC320451 are characterized for operation from -40°C to 85°C. The TLC32044M is characterized for operation from -55°C to 125°C. ~TEXAS 4-36 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALlAS, TEXAS 75265 TLC32044C, TLC32044E, TLC320441, TLC32044M, TLC32045C, TLC320451 VOICE-BAND ANALOG INTERFACE CIRCUITS SLAS017F - MARCH 1988 - REVISED MAY 1995 functional block diagram Filter IN+-4-a............ IN- _ _'"1...<'" A/D AUXIN +-4-a............ AUXIN- _ _'"1...<'" SERIAL PORT DR Receive Section r-I ---------------------1 EODR --.., I Internal I Voltage I Reference _ _ ...JI IL __ Filter MSTERCLK SHIFTCLK WORD/BYTE OX FSX OUT + ~-_'l-""/ OUT - FSR D/A "--""""'-Ir--1 EODX Transmit Section VCC+ VCC- ANLG DTGL VDD GND GND (Digital) REF Terminal Functions TERMINAL NAME NO. ANLGGND DESCRIPTION UO 17,18 Analog ground return for all internal analog circuits. Not internally connected to DGTL GND. AUX IN+ 24 I Noninvertlng auxiliary analog Input stage. AUX IN + can be switched into the bandpass filter and NO converter path via software control. If the appropriate bit in the control register is aI, the auxiliary inputs will replace the IN + and IN- inputs. If the bit is a 0, the IN + and IN- inputs will be used (see the AIC OX data word format section). AUXIN- 23 I Inverting auxiliary analog input (see the above AUX IN + description). DGTLGND 9 DR 5 0 Data receive. DR is used to transmit the ADC output bits from the AIC to the TMS320 (SMJ320) serial port. This transmission of bits from the AIC to the TMS320 (SMJ320) serial port is synchronized with the SHIFT CLKsignal. OX 12 I Data transmit. OX is used to receive the DAC input bits and timing and control information from the TMS320 (SMJ320). This serial transmission from the TMS320 (SMJ320) serial port to the AIC is synchronized with the SHIFT ClK signal. EODR 3 0 End of data receive. (See the WORD/BYTE description and Serial Port Timing diagram.) During the word-mode timing, EODR is a low-going pulse that occurs immediately after the 16 bits of NO information have been transmitted from the AIC to the TMS320 (SMJ320) serial port. EODR can be used to interrupt a microprocessor upon completion of serial communications. Also, EODR can be used to strobe and enable external serial-ta-parallel shift registers, latches, or external FIFO RAM, and to facilitate parallel data bus communications between the AIC and the serial-ta-parallel shift registers. During the byte-mode timing, EODR goes low after the first byte has been transmitted from the AIC to the TMS320 (SMJ320) serial port and is kept low until the second byte has been transmitted. The DSP can use this low-going signal to differentiate between the two bytes as to which is first and which is second. EODR does not occur after secondary communication. Digital ground for all internal logic circuits. Not internally connected to ANLG GND. ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75255 4-37 TLC32044C, TLC32044E, TLC320441, TLC32044M, TLC32045C, TLC320451 VOICE-BAND ANALOG INTERFACE CIRCUITS SLAS017F - MARCH 1988 - REViseD MAY 1995 Terminal Functions (continued) TERMINAL NAME NO. 11 EODX 1/0 DESCRIPTION 0 End of data transmit. (See the WORD/BYTE description and Serial Port Timing diagram.) During the word-mode timing, EODX is a low-going pulse that occurs immediately after the 16 bits of D/A converter and control or register information have been transmitted from the TMS320 (SMJ320) serial port to the AIC. EODX .can be used to interrupt a microprocessor upon the completion of serial communications. Also, EODX can be used to strobe and enable extemal serial-ta-parallel shift registers, latches, or an extemal FIFO RAM, and to facilitate parallel data-bus communications between the AIC and the serial-ta-parallel shift registers. During the byte-mode timing, EODX goes low after the first byte has been transmitted from the TMS320 (SMJ320) serial port to the AIC and is kept low until the second byte has been transmitted. The DSP can use this low-going signal to differentil\te between the two bytes as to which is first and which is second. Frame sync receive. In the serial transmission modes, which are described in the WORD/BYTE description, FSR is held low during bit transmission. When FSR goes low, the TMS320 (SMJ320) serial port begins receiving bits from the AIC via DR of the AIC. The most Significant DR bit is present on DR before FSR goes low. (See Serial Port Timing and Internal Timing Configuration dil\Qrams.) FSR does not occur after secondary communications. Frame sync transmit. When FSX goes low, the TMS320 (SMJ320) serial port begins transmitting bits to the AIC via OX ofthe AIC.ln all serial transmission modes, which are described inthe WORD/BYTE description, FSX is held low during bit transmission (see Serial Port Timing and Internal Timing Configuration diagrams). FSR 4 0 FSX 14 0 IN+ IN- 26 I 25 I Inverting input to analog input amplifier stage MSTRClK 6 I Master clock. MSTR ClK is used to derive all the key logic signals of the AIC, such as the shift clock, the switched-capacitor filter clocks, and the AID and D/A timing signals. The Internal Timing Configuration diagram shows how these key signals are derived. The frequencies of these key signals are synchronous submultiples of the master clock frequency to eliminate unwanted aliasing when the sampled analog signals are transferred between the switched-capacitor filters and the AID and D/A converters (see the Internal Timing Configuration diagram). OUT+ 22 0 Noninverting output of analog output power amplifier. OUT+ can drive transformer hybrids or high-impedance loads directly in either a differential or a single-ended configuration. OUT- 21 0 Inverting output of analog output power amplifier. OUT-is functionally identical with and complementary to OUT +. REF 8 1/0 Internal voltage reference. An intemal reference voltage is brought out on REF. An external voltage reference can also be applied to REF. RESET 2 I Reset lunction. RESET Is provided to initialize the TA, TA', TB, RA, RA', RB, and control registers. A reset initiates serial communications between the AIC and DSP. A reset initializes all AIC registers including the control register. After a negative-going pulse on RESET, the AIC registers are initialized to provide an 8-khz d;;Ita conversion rate for a 5.184-MHz master clock input signal. The conversion rate adjust registers, TfI: and RfI:, are reset to 1. The control register bits are reset as follows (see AIC OX data word format section): d9 =1, d7 =1, d6 = 1, d5 =1, d4 - 0, d3 = 0, d2 = 1. This Initialization allows normal serial-port communication to occur between the AIC and DSP. SHIFTClK 10 0 Shift clock. SHIFT ClK is obtained by dividing the master clock signal frequency by four. SHIFT ClK is used to clock the serial data transfers of the AIC, described in the WORD/BYTE desCription below (seethe Serial Port Timing and Internal Timing Configuration diagrams). Noninverting input to analog input amplifier stl\Qe VDD 7 Digital supply voltage, 5 V ±50/0 VCC+ 20 Positive analog supply voltage, 5 V ±50/0 Vec- 19 Negative analog supply voltage, -5 V ±50/0 ~TEXAS 4-,38 INSTRUMENTs POST OFFICE eox 655303'. DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 TlC32044C, TlC32044E, TlC320441, TlC32044M, TlC32045C, TlC320451 VOICE~BAND ANALOG INTERFACE CIRCUITS SLAS017F-MARCH 1988- REVISED MAY 1995 Terminal Functions (continued) TERMINAL NAME NO. WORD/BYTE 13 110 DESCRIPTION I Used in conjunction wHh a bit in the control register, WORDIBYTE is used to establish one of four serial modes. These four serial modes are described below. Ale transmit and raceive sections ara operated asynchronously. The following description applies when the AIC is configured to have asynchronous transmit and receive sections. If the appropriate data bit in the control register is a 0 (see the AIC DX data word format section), the transmit and receive sections are asynchronous. L Serial port directly interfaces with the serial port of the DSP and communicates in two 8-bit bytes. The operation sequence is as follows (see Serial Port Timing diagrams). 1. FSX or FSR is brought low. 2. One 8-bit byte is transmitted or one 8-bit byte is received. 3. EODX or EODR is brought low. 4. FSX or FSR emits a positive frame-sync pulse that is four shift clock cycles wide. 5. One 8-bit byte is transmitted or one 8-bit byte is received. 6. EODX or EODR is brought high. 7. FSX or FSR is brought high. H Serial port directly interfaces wHh the serial ports of the TMS(SMJ)32020, TMS(SMJ)320C25, or TMS(SMJ)320C3Q, and communicates in one 16-bit word. The operation sequence Is as follows (see Serial Port Timing diagrams): 1. FSX or FSR is brought low. 2. One 16-bit word is transmitted or one 16-bit word is received. 3. FSX or FSR is brought high. 4. EODX or EODR emits a low-going pulse. Ale transmit and raceive sections are operated synchronously. If the appropriate data bH in the control register is 1, the transmit and receive sections are configured to be synchronous. In this case, the bandpass switched-capacHorfilter and the ND conversion timing are derived from the TX counter A, TX counter B, and TA, T~, and TB registers, rather than the RX counter A, RX counter B, and RA, R~, and RB registers. In this case, the AIC FSX and FSR timing are identical during primary data communication; however, FSR is not asserted during secondary data communication since there is no new ND conversion result. The synchronous operation sequences are as follows (see Serial Port Timing diagrams). L Serial port directly interfaces with the serial port of the DSP and communicates in two 8-bH bytes. The operation sequence is as follows (see Serial Port Timing diagrams): 1. FSX and FSR are brought low. 2. One 8-bit byte is transmitted and one 8-bit byte is receiVed. 3. EODX and EODR are brought low. 4. FSX and FSR emit positive frame-sync pulses that are four shift clock cycles wide. 5. One 8-bit byte is transmHted and one 8-bH byte is received. 6. EODX and EODR are brought high. 7. FSX and FSR are brought high. H Serial port directly interfaces wHh the serial port of the TMS(SJM)32020, TMS(SMJ)320C25, or TMS320C30, and communicates in one 16-bit word. The operation sequence is as follows (see Serial Port Timing diagrams): 1. FSX and FSR are brought low. 2. One 16-bit word is transmHted and one 16-bit word is received. 3. FSX and FSR are brought high. 4. EODX or EODR emit low-going pulses. Since the transmit and receive sections of the AIC are now synchronous, the AIC serial port with additional NOR and AND gates interface to two SN74(54)299 serial-to-parallel shift registers. InterfaCing the AIC to the SN74(54)299 shift register allows the AIC to interface to an extemal FIFO RAM and facilitates parallel, data bus communications between the AIC and the digital signal processor. The operation sequence is the same as the above sequence (see Serial Port Timing diagrams). ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 855303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 4-39 TLC32044C, TLC32044E, TLC320441, TLC32044M, TLC32045C, TLC320451 VOICE-BAND ANALOG INTERFACE CIRCUITS SLAS017F - MARCH 1988 - REVISED MAY 1995 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION analog input Two sets of analog inputs are provided. Normally, the IN + and IN- input set is used; however, the auxiliary input set, AUX IN + and AUX IN-, can be used if a second input is required. Each input set can be operated in either differential or single-ended modes, since sufficient common-mode range and rejection are provided. The gain for the IN +, IN-, AUX IN +, and AUX IN- inputs can be programmed to be either 1,2, or 4 (see Table 2). Either input circuit can be selected via software control. It is important to note that a wide dynamic range is assured by the differential internal analog architecture and by the separate analog and digital voltage supplies and grounds. AID bandpass filter, AID bandpass filter clocking, and AID conversion timing The AID high-pass filter can be selected or bypassed via software control. The frequency response of this filter is presented in the following pages. This response results when the switched-capacitor filter clock frequency is 288 kHz and the AID sample rate is 8 kHz. Several possible options can be used to attain a 288-kHz switched-capacitor filter clock. When the filter clock frequency is not 288 kHz, the low-pass filter transfer function is frequency scaled by the ratio of the actual clock frequency to 288 kHz. The ripple bandwidth and 3-dB low-frequency roll-off points of the high-pass section are 150 Hz and 100 Hz, respectively. However, the high-pass section low-frequency roll-off is frequency scaled by the ratio of the AID sample rate to 8 kHz. The internal timing configuration and Ale DX data word format sections of this data sheet indicate the many options for attaining a 288-kHz bandpass switched-capacitor filter clock. These sections indicate that the RX counter A can be programmed to give a 288-kHz bandpass switched-capacitor filter clock for several master clock input frequencies. The AID conversion rate is then attained by frequency dividing the 288-kHz bandpass switched-capacitor filter clock with the RX counter B. Unwanted aliasing is prevented because the AID conversion rate is an integral submultiple of the bandpass switched-capacitor filter sampling rate, and the two rates are synchronously locked. AID converter performance specifications Fundamental performance specifications for the AID converter circuitry are presented in the AID converter operating characteristics section of this data sheet. The realization of the AID converter circuitry with switched-capacitor techniques provides an inherent sample-and-hold. analog output The analog output circuitry is an analog output power amplifier. Both noninverting and inverting amplifier outputs are brought out. This amplifier can drive transformer hybrids or low-impedance loads directly in either a differential or single-ended configuration. DIA low-pass filter, D/A low-pass filter clocking, and DIA conversion timing The frequency response of this filter is presented in the following pages. This response results when the low-pass switched-capacitor filter clock frequency is 288 kHz. Like the AID filter, the transfer function of this filter is frequency scaled when the clock frequency is not 288 kHz. A continuous-time filter is provided on the output of the (sin x) Ix correction filter to eliminate tITe periodic sample data signal information, which occurs at multiples of the 288-kHz switched-capacitor filter clock. The continuous time filter also greatly attenuates any switched-capacitor clock feedthrough. ~ThXAS 4-40 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DAllAS, TEXAS 75265 TLC32044C, TLC32044E, TLC320441, TLC32044M, TLC32045C, TLC320451 VOICE-BAND ANALOG INTERFACE CIRCUITS SLAS017F - MARCH 1988 - REVISED MAY 1995 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION D/A low-pass filter, D/A low-pass filter clocking, and D/A conversion timing (continued) The D/A conversion rate is attained by frequency dividing the 288-kHz switched-capacitor filter clock with TX Counter B. Unwanted aliasing is prevented because the D/A conversion rate is an integral submultiple of the switched-capacitor low-pass filter sampling rate, and the two rates are synchronously locked. asynchronous versus synchronous operation If the transmit section of the AIC (low-pass filter and DAC) and receive section (bandpass filter and ADC) are operated asynchronously, the low-pass and bandpass filter clocks are independently generated from the master clock signal. Also, the D/A and AID conversion rates are independently determined. If the transmit and receive sections are operated synchronously, the low-pass filter clock drives both low-pass and bandpass filters. In synchronous operation, the AID conversion timing is derived from, and is equal to, the D/A conversion timing (see description of the WORD/BYTE in the Terminal Functions table.) D/A converter performance specifications Fundamental performance specifications for the D/A converter circuitry are presented in the D/A converter operating characteristics section of the data sheet. The D/A converter has a sample-and-hold that is realized with a switched-capacitor ladder. system frequency response correction The (sin x)/x correction for the D/A converter zero-order sample-and-hold output can be provided by an on-board second-order (sin x)/x correction filter. This (sin x)/x correction filter can be inserted into or deleted from the signal path by digital signal processor control. When inserted, the (sin x)/x correction filter follows the switched-capacitor low-pass filter. When the TB register (see Internal Timing Configuration section) equals 36, the correction results of Figures 11 and 12 can be obtained. The (sin x)/x correction can also be accomplished by deleting the on-board second-order correction filter and performing the (Sin x)/x correction in digital signal processor software. The system frequency response can be corrected via DSP software to ±0.1-dB accuracy to a band edge of 3000 Hz for all sampling rates. This correction is accomplished with a first-order digital correction filter, which requires only seven TMS320 (SMJ320) instruction cycles. With a 200-ns instruction cycle, seven instructions represent an overhead factor of only 1.1 % and 1.3% for sampling rates of 8 and 9.6 kHz, respectively (see the (sin x)/x correction section for more details). serial port The serial port has four possible modes that are described in detail in the Terminal Functions table. These modes are briefly described below and in the functional description for WORD/BYTE. • The transmit and receive sections are operated asynchronously, and the serial port interfaces directly with the DSP. • The transmit and receive sections are operated asynchronously, and the serial port interfaces directly with the TMS(SMJ)32020, TMS(SMJ)320C25, and the TMS(SMJ)320C30. • The transmit and receive sections are operated synchronously, and the serial port interfaces directly with the DSP. • The transmit and receive sections are operated synchronously, and the serial port interfaces directly with the TMS(SMJ)32020, TMS(SMJ)320C25, TMS(SMJ)320C30, or two SN74(54)299 serial-toparallel shift registers, which can then interface in parallel to the TMS(SMJ)3201 0, TMS(SMJ)320C15, and SMJ320E15 to any other digital signal processor or to external FIFO circuitry. ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 4-41 TLC32044C, TLC32044E, TLC320441, TLC32044M, TLC32045C, TLC320451 VOICE-BAND ANALOG INTERFACE ,CIRCUITS SLAS017F - MARCH 1988 - REVISED MAY 1995 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION operation of TLC32044 or TLC32045 with Internal voltage reference The internal reference eliminates the need for an external voltage reference and provides. overall circuit cost reduction. Thus, the internal reference eases the design task and provides complete control over device performance. The internal reference is brought out to a terminal and is available to the designer. To keep the amount of noise on the reference signal to a minimum, an external capaCitor can be connected between REF and ANLG GND. operation of TLC32044 or TLC32045 with external voltage reference REF can be driven from an external reference circuit. This external circuit must be capable of supplying 250 IlA and must be adequately protected from noise such as crosstalk from the analog input. reset A reset function is provided to initiate serial communications between the Ale and DSP and to allow fast, cost-effective testing during manufacturing. The reset function initializes all Ale registers, including the control register. After a negative-going pulse on RESET, the Ale is initialized. This initialization allows normal serial port communications activity to occur between Ale and DSP (see Ale DX data word format section). loopback This feature allows the user to test the circuit remotely. In loopback, OUT + and OUT- are internally connected to the IN + and IN-. Thus, the DAe bits (d15 to d2), which are transmitted to DX, can be compared with the ADe bits (d15 to d2), which are received from DR. An ideal comparison would be that the bits on DR equal the bits on DX. However, there are some difference in these bits due to the ADe and DAe output offsets. The loopback feature is implemented with digital signal processor control by transmitting the appropriate serial port bit to the control register (see Ale DX data word format section). ~1ExAs 4-42 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 656303 ~ OALU\S. TEXAS 75265 TLC32044C, TLC32044E, TLC320441, TLC32044M, TLC32045C, TLC320451 VOICE-BAND ANALOG INTERFACE CIRCUITS SLAS017F - MARCH 1988 - REVISED MAY 1995 INTERNAL TIMING CONFIGURATION MSTR ClK , . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , 5.184 MHz (1) Divide by 4 I 10.368 MHz (2) L ----------------~ -----------------------------., TA' Register (6 bits) (2'scompl) TA Register (5 bits) Optional External Circuitry for Full Duplex Modems Dlvldeby2 --------------.,II 153.60kHz r""'D-lv-ld-e"CIOCk (1) by 135 Commercial External Front-End Full-Duplex Split-Band L ___________ ____ ~ Fllterst I I I I I I SHIFTClK 1.296 MHz (1) 2.592 MHz (2) low-Passi (sin xix Correction Switched CapaCitor Filter ClK 2660kHz Square Wave = dO, d1 dO, d1 r-:T~X:-:C:-o.l.u-:nt:-er..;A~ =0,1 =1,0* = = [TA 9 (1)] [TA =18 (2)] (6 bits) TXCounterB [TB =4Oj. 7.2 kHz] [TB 36j 8.0 kHz] [TB =30j 9.6 kHz] [TB =20j 14.4 kHz] [TB 15j 19.2 kHz] 5760kHz Pulses D/A Conversion Frequency = low-Pass Switched capacitor Filter ClK 2660kHz Square Wave = dO, d1 dO, d1 =0,1 RX Counter B AID Conversion Frequencyl [RB 40j 7.2 kHz] RX Counter A [RB =36j 8.0 kHz] High-Pass [RA 9 (1)] [RB 30j 9.6 kHz] SwItched [RA =18 (2)] 5760kHz [RB =20j 14.4 kHz] capaCitor [RB 15j 19.2 L _ _ _ _(6 _bits) _ _ _ _ _ _Pulses _____ _= _ __ _kHz] _ _ _ _Filter _ _ClK ___J =1,0* = = = t Split-band filtering can altematively be perfonned after the analog input function via software in the TMS(SMJ)320. :I: These oontrol bits are described in the AIC OX data word format section. NOTE: Frequency 1 (20.736 MHz) is used to show how 153.6 kHz (for a commercially available modem split-band filter clock), popular speech and modem sampling signal frequencies, and an intemal 2660kHz switched-capacltor filter clock can be derived synchronously and as submultiples of the crystal oscillator frequency. Since these derived frequencies are synchronous submultiples of the crystal frequency, aliasing does not occur as the sampled analog signal passes between the analog converter and switched-capacitor filter stages. Frequency 2 (41.472 MHz) is used to show thatthe AIC can work with high-frequency signals, which are used by high-speed digital signal processors. -!II TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75266 4-43 TlC32044C, TlC32044E, TlC320441, TlC32044M,·TlC32045C, TLC320451 VOICE·BAND ANALOG INTERFACE CIRCUITS SLAS017F - MARCH 1988 - REVISED MAY 1995 explanation of internal timing configuration . All of the internal timing of the AIC is derived from the high-frequency clock signal that drives the master clock input. The shift clock signal, which strobes the serial port data between the AIC and DSP, is derived by dividing the master clock input signal frequency by four. Low-pass: Master Clock Frequency SCF Clock Frequency (D/A or AID path) = 2 x Contents of Counter A C . F _ SCF Clock Frequency (D/A or AID path) onverslon requency Contents of Counter B High-pass: SCF Clock Frequency (AID Path) = AID Conversion Frequency Shift Clock Frequency = Master CIOC: Frequency TX counter A and TX counter B, which are driven by the master clock, determine the D/A conversion timing. Similarly, RX counter A and RX counter B determine the AID conversion timing. In order for the low-pass switched-capacitor filter in the D/A path to meet its transfer function specifications, the frequency of its clock input must be 288 kHz. If the clock frequency is not 288 kHz, the filter transfer function. frequencies are frequency-scaled by the ratios of the clock frequency to 288 kHz. Thus, to obtain the specified filter response, the combination of master clock frequency and TX counter A and RX counter A values must yield a 288-kHz switched-capacitor clock signal. This 288-kHz clock signal can then be divided by the TX counter B to establish the D/A conversion timing. . The transfer function of the bandpass switched-capacitor filter in the AID path is a composite of its high-pass and low~pass section transfer functions. The high-frequency roll-off ofthe low-pass section meets the bandpass filter transfer fUAction specification when the low-pass section SCF is 288 kHz. Otherwise, the high-frequency roll-off will be frequency-scaled by the ratio of the high-pass section's SCF clock to 288 kHz. The low-frequency roll-off ofthe high-pass section meets the bandpass filter transfer function specification when the AID conversion rate is 8 kHz. Otherwise,. the low-frequency roll-off of the high-pass section is frequency-scaled by the ratio of the AID conversion rate to 8 kHz. TX counter A and TX counter B are reloaded every D/A conversion period, while RX counter A and RX counter B are reloaded every AID conversion period. The TX counter Band RX counter B are loaded with the values in the TB and RB registers, respectively. Via software control, the TX counter A can be loaded with either the TA register, the TA register less the TA' register, or the TA register plus the TA' register. By selecting the TA register less the TA' register option, the upcoming conversion timing occurs earlier by an amount of time that equals TA' times the signal period of the master clock. By selecting the TA register plus the TA' register option, the upcoming conversion timing occurs later by an amount of time that equals TA' times the signal period of the master clock. The D/A conversion timing can be advanced or retarded. An identical ability to alter the AID conversion timing is provided. In this case, however, the RX counter A can be programmed via software control with the RA register, the RA register less the RA' register, or the RA register plus the RA' register. The ability to advance or retard conversion timing is particularly useful for modem applications. This feature allows controlled changes in the AID and D/A conversion timing. This feature can be used to enhance signal-to-noise performance, to perform frequency-tracking functions, and to generate nonstandard modem frequencies. ~TEXAS 4-44 . INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75266 TLC32044C, TLC32044E, TLC320441, TLC32044M, TLC32045C, TLC320451 VOICE·BAND ANALOG INTERFACE CIRCUITS SLAS017F - MARCH 1988 - REVISED MAY 1995 explanation of internal timing configuration (continued) If the transmit and receive sections are configured to be synchronous (see WORD/BYTE description), then both the low-pass and bandpass switched-capacitor filter clocks are derived from TX counter A. Also, both the D/A and AID conversion timing are derived from the TX counter A and TX counter B. When the transmit and receive sections are configured to be synchronous, the RX counter A, RX counter B, RA register, RA' register, and RB registers are not used. AIC DR or OX word bit pattern AID or D/A MSB, 1st bit sent 1st bit sent of 2nd byte AID or D/A LSB AIC OX data word format section I I I I d15 d14 d13 d12 d11 I dID I de I d8 I d7 I dB I d5 I d4 I d3 I d2 I dl I dO Comments primary OX serial communication protocol Hl15 (MSB) through d2 go to the D/A converter register ~ I 0 0 The TX and RX counter As are loaded with the TA and RA register values. The TX and RX counter Bs are loaded with TB and RB register values. Hl15 (MSB) through d2 go to the D/A converter register ~ I 0 1 The TX and RX counter As are loaded with the TA + TPt and RA + RA' register values. The TX and RX counter Bs are loaded with the TB and RB register values. LSBs dl = 0 and dO =1 cause the next D/A and AID conversion periods to be changed by the addition of TA' and RA' master clock cycles, in which TA' and RPt can be positive or negative or zero (refer toTable 1). Hl15 (MSB) through d2 go to the D/A converter register ~ 11 0 The TX and RX counter As are loaded with the TATPt and RA - RA' register values. The TX and RX counter Bs are loaded with the TB and RB register values. LSBs d1 a 1 and dO = 0 cause the next D/A and AID conversion periods to be changed by the subtraction of TPt and RPt master clock cycles, in which TA' and RA' can be positive or negative or zero (refer to Table 1). Hl15 (MSB) through d2 go to the D/A converter register ~ 11 1 The TX and RX counter As are loaded with the TA and RA register converter register values. The TX and RX counter Bs are loaded with the TB and RB register values. After a delay of four shift clock cycles, a secondary transmission immediately follows to program the AIC to operate in the desired configuration. NOTE: Setting the two least significant bits to 1 in the normal transmission of DAC information (primary communications) to the AIC initiates secondary communications upon completion of the primary communications. Upon completion of the primary communication, FSX remains high for four shift clock cycles and then goes low and initiates the secondary communication. The timing specifications for the primary and secondary communications are identical. In this manner, the secondary communication, if initiated, is interleaved between successive primary communications. This interleaving prevents the secondary communication from interfering with the primary communications and DAC timing, thus preventing the AIC from skipping a DAC output. In the synchronous mode, FSR is not asserted during secondary communications. ~lExAs INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 4-45 TLC32044C, TLC32044E, TLC320441, TLC32044M, TLC32045C, TLC320451 VOICE·BAND ANALOG INTERFACE CIRCUITS SLAS017F - MARCH 1988 - REVISED MAY 1995 secondary OX serial communication protocol x x I f- to TA register ~ I x x I f- to RA register ~ I 0 0 d13 and d6 are MSBs (unsigned binary) x I f- to TA' register -l I x I f- to RA' register ~ I 0 1 d14 and rIl are 2's complement sign bits x I f- to TB register -l I x I f- to RB register -ll .1 x x x x x x d9 1 1 xd7d6d5d4 d3 d2 Control I+- Register ---+I 0 d14 and rIl are MSBs (unsigned binary) d2 = 011 deletes/inserts the ND high-pass filter d3 - 011 d4 = 011 disables/enables the loopback function disables/enables the AUX IN + and AUX IN- d5 - 011 asynchronous/synchronous transmit and receive sections d6 - 011 gain control bits (see gain control section) d7 =0/1 gain control bits (see gain control section) d9 - 011 delete/insert on-board second-order (sin x)/x correction filter reset function A reset function is provided to initiate serial communications between the Ale and DSP. The reset function initializes all Ale registers, including the control register. After power has been applied to the Ale, a negative-going pulse on RESET initializes the Ale registers to provide an 8-kHz AID and D/A conversion rate for a 5.184 MHz master clock input signal. The Ale, except the control register, is initialized as follows (see Ale DX data word format section): REGISTER TA TA' TB RA RA' RB INITIALIZED REGISTER VALUE (HEX) 9 1 24 9 24 The control register bits are reset as follows (see Ale DX data word format section): d9 = 1, d7 = 1, d6 = 1,. d5 = 1, d4 = 0, d3 = 0, d2 = 1 This initialization allows normal serial port communications to occur between Ale and DSP. If the transmit and receive sections are configured to operate synchronously and the user wishes to program different conversion rates, only the TA, TA', and TB register neec:l to be programmed, since both transmit and receive timing are synchronously derived from these registers (see the terminal functions table and Ale DX word format sections). The circuit shown in Figure 1 provides a reset on power up when power is applied in the sequence given under power-up sequence. The circuit depends on the power supplies reaching their recommended values a minimum of 800 ns before the capacitor charges to 0.8 V above DGTL GND. TLC320441TLC32045 5V 200kO O.51J.F L"':v~cc~-:.J-~- -5 v Figure 1. Power-Up Reset ~1ExAs . 4-46 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 TLC32044C, TLC32044E, TLC320441, TLC32044M, TLC32045C, TLC320451 VOICE-BAND ANALOG INTERFACE CIRCUITS SLAS017F - MARCH 1988 - REVISED MAY 1995 power-up sequence To ensure proper operation of the Ale and as a safeguard against latch-up, it is recommended that Schottky diodes with forward voltages less than or equal to 0.4 V be connected from VCC- to ANLG GND and from VCCto DGTL GND (see Figure 21). In the absence of such diodes, power should be applied in the following sequence:ANLG GND and DGTLGND, Vcc-, then Vcc+ and Voo. Also, no input signal should be applied until after power up. ' AIC responses to improper conditions The Ale has provisions for responding to improper conditions. These improper conditions and the response of the Ale to these conditions are presented in Table 1 below. AIC register constraints The following constraints are placed on the contents of the Ale registers: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. TA register must be ~ 4 in word mode (WORD/BYTE = high). TA register must be ;:: 5 in byte mode (WORD/BYTE = lOW). TA' register can be either positive, negative, or zero. RA register must be ;:: 4 in word mode (WORD/BYTE = high). RA register must be;:: 5 in byte mode (WORD/BYTE =low). RA' register can be either positive, negative, or zero. (TA register ± TA' register) must be > 1. (RA register ± RA' register) must be > 1. TB register must be > 1. Table 1. AIC Responses to Improper Conditions IMPROPER CONDITION Ale RESPONSE TA register + TA' register - 0 or 1 TA register - Til: register = 0 or 1 Reprogram TX counter A with TA register value TA register + TA' register < 0 MODULO 64 arithmetic is used to ensure that ,a positive value is loaded into the TX counter A, i.e., TA register + Til: register + 40 hex is loaded into TX counter A. RA register + RA' register = 0 or 1 RA register - RII: register = 0 or 1 Reprogram RX counter A with RA register value RA register + RA' register. 0 or 1 MODULO 64 arithmetic is used to ensure that a positive value is loaded Into RX counter A, i.e., RA register + RA' register + 40 hex is loaded into RX counter A. TA register - 0 or 1 RA register - 0 or 1 AIC is shut down. TA register < 4 in word mode TA register < 5 In byte mode RA register < 4 in word mode RA register < 5 in byte mode TB register = 0 or 1 RB register _ 0 or 1 The AIC serial port no longer operates. AIC and DSP cannot communicate Hold last DAC output Reprogram TB register with 24 hex Reprogram RS register with 24 hex ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 4-47 TLC32044C, TLC32044E, TLC320441, TLC32044M, TLC32045C, TLC320451 VOICE·BAND ANALOG INTERFACE CIRCUITS .. SLAS017F - MARCH 1988- REVISED MAY 1995 ........------------------------------....----..--~ ------------------------ improper operation due to conversion times being too close together Ifthe difference between two successive D/A conversion frame syncs is less than 1/19.2 kHz, the Ale operates improperly. In this situation, the second D/A conversion frame sync occurs too quickly and there is not enough time for the ongoing conversion to be completed. This situation can occur if the A and B registers are improperly programmed or if the A + A' register or A - A' register result is too small. When incrementally adjusting the conversion period via the A + A' register options, the designer should be careful not to violate this requirement (see following diagram). asynchronous operation - more than one receive frame sync occurring between two transmit frame syncs When incrementally adjusting the conversion period via the A + N or A - N register options, a specific protocol is followed. The command to use the incremental conversion period adjust option is sent to the Ale during a FSX frame sync. The ongoing conversion period is then adjusted. However, either r~ceive conversion period A or B can be adjusted. For both transmit and receive conversion periods, the incremental conversion period adjustment is performed near the end of the conversion period. Therefore, if there is sufficient time between t1 and t2, the receive conversion period adjustment is performed during receive conversion period A. Otherwise, the adjustment is performed during receive conversion period B. The adjustment command only adjusts one transmit conversion period and one receive conversion period. To adjust another pair of transmit and receive conversion periods, another command must be issued during a subsequent FSX frame (see figure below). U FSX i4~------ l.- Receive Conv. Period A --...l..- Transmit Conversion Period Receive Conv. Period B W -----~~ --J Figure 2. Adjusted Transmit and Receive Conversion Periods asynchronous operation - more than one transmit frame sync occurring between two receive frame syncs When incrementally adjusting the conversion period via the A + A' or A - A' register options, a specific protocol is followed. For both transmit and receive conversion periods, the incremental conversion period adjustment is performed near the end of the conversion period. The command to use the incremental conversion period adjust options is sent to the Ale during a FSX frame sync. The ongoing transmit conversion period is then adjusted. However, three possibilities exist for the receive conversion period adjustment in the diagram as shown in the following figure. If the adjustment command is issued during transmit conversion period A, receive conversion period A is adjusted if there is sufficient time between t1 and t2. If there is not sufficient time between t1 and t2, receive conversion period B is adjusted. The receive portion of an adjustment command can be ignored if the adjustment command is sent during a receive conversion period, which is already being or will be adjusted ~1ExAs 4-48 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX e65303 • DALlAS. TEXAS 75265 TLC32044C, TLC32044E, TLC320441, TLC32044M, TLC32045C, TLC320451 VOICE-BAND ANALOG INTERFACE CIRCUITS SLAS017F - MARCH 1988 - REVISED MAY 1995 due to a prior adjustment command. For example, if adjustment commands are issued during transmit conversion periods A, B, and C, the first two commands can cause receive conversion periods A and B to be adjusted, while the third receive adjustment command is Ignored. The third adjustment command is ignored since it was issued during receive conversion period B, which already is adjusted via the transmit conversion period B adjustment command. I j4-- Receive Conversion Period A Transmit Converalon Period A I Transmit I I Transmit -¥- Conversion --I~""'- Conversion ~ Period B LJ + PerIod C Receive Conversion Period B ~ ----.! Figure 3. Receive and Transmit Conversion Period Adjustments asynchronous operation - more than one set of primary and secondary DX serial communication occurring between two receive frame sync (see Ale DX data word format section) The TA, TA', TB, and control register information that is transmitted in the secondary communications is always accepted and is applied during the ongoing transmit conversion period. If there is sufficient time between t1 and t2, the TA, RA', and RB register information, which is sent during transmit conversion period A, is applied to receive conversion period A. Otherwise, this information is applied during receive conversion period B. If RA, RA', and RB register information has already been received and is being applied during an ongoing conversion period, any subsequent RA, RA', or RB information that is received during this receive conversion period is disregarded (see Figure 4). l-.n-;.I--...,I .......n-~--.,I ......n--;.I--...,~ t1 FSX Trsnsmlt .. ~--- Conversion Period A ~ Transmit Conversion Period B Period A -t+.---- Period C I F S R I,,__-' +- R_lve Conversion Transmit ----1~ ... 'I---- Converalon -----...~ R_lve Conversion Period B ----~~ Figure 4. Receive and Transmit Periods for Primary and Secondary Data -!I1TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 665303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 4-49 TLC32044C, TLC.32044E,· TLC320441, TLC32044M, TLC32045C, TLC320451 VOICE-BAND ANALOG INTERFACE CIRCUITS ' SLAS017F - MARCH 1988 ~ REVISED MAY 1995 test modest . I . The TLC32044 or TLC32045 can be operated in special test modes. These test modes are used by Texas Instruments to facilitate testing of the device during manufacturing. They are not intended to be used in real applications, however, they allow the filters in the AID and D/A paths to be used without using the AID and D/A converters. . In normal operation, the nonusable (NU) terminals are left unconnected. These NU terminals are used by the factory to speed up testing of the TLC32044 or TLC32045 analog interface circuits (AIC). When the device is used in normal (non-test mode) operation, the NU terminal (terminal 1) has an internal pulldown to.-5 V. Externally connecting 0 V or 5 V to terminal 1 puts the device in test-mode operation. Selecting one of the possible test modes is accomplished by placing a particular voltage on certain terminals. A description of these modes is provided in Table 2 and Figures 5 and 6. Table 2. List of Test Modes TEST TERMINALS D/A PATH TEST (TERMINAL 1 to 5 V) AID PATH TEST (TERMINAL 1 to 0) TEST FUNCTION TEST FUNCTION 5 The low-pass switched-capacitor fiiler clock is brought out to The bandpass switched-capacitor filter clock is brought oUt to DR. This clock signal is normally intemal. DR. Tliis clock signal is normally intemal. 11 No change from normal operation. The EODX signal is The pulse that initiates the AID conversion Is bro~ght out here. This signal is normally intemal. brought out to EODX. 3 The pulse that initiates the D/A conversion is brought out here. No change from normal operation. The EODR signal Is brought out. 27 and 28 There are no test output Signals provided on these terminals. The outputs of the AID path low-pass or bandpass filter (depending upon control bit d2 -see AIC OX data word format section) are brought out to these terminals. If the high-pass section is inserted, the output will heve a (sin xlIx droop. The slope of the droop is determined by the ADC sampling frequency, which is the high-pass section clock frequency (see diagram of bandpass or low-pass filter test for receive section). These outputs drive small (3O-pF) loads. 15 and 16 D/A PATH LOW·PASS FILTER TEST; (WORD/BYTE) to -5 V TEST FUNCTION The inputs of the 0/A path low-pass filter are brought outto terminals 15 and 16. The 0/A input to this filter is removed. If (sin x) / x correction filter is inserted, the OUT + and OUT -signals have a flat response (see Figure2). The common-mode renge of these inputs must not exceed ±0.5 V. t In the test mode, the AIC responds to the setting of WORD/BYTE to -5 V, as If WORD/BYTE were set to 0 V. Thus, the byte mode IS selected for communicating between DSP and AIC. Either olthe path teSts (D/A or AID) can be performed simultaneously with the 0/A low-pass filter test. In this situation, WORD/BYTE must be connected to -5 V, which initiates byte-mode communications. ~1ExAs . 4-50 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 TLC32044C, TLC32044E, TLC320441, TLC32044M, TLC32045C, TLC320451 VOICE·BAND ANALOG INTERFACE CIRCUITS SLAS017F - MARCH 1988- REVISED MAY 1995 Terminal 27 (positive) Terminal 28 (negatlve)t Test Control (terminal 1 at 0 V) Filter 1--+---1 M ........- t _ - I AID Ul-~ X Figure 5. Bandpass or Low-Pass Filter Test for Receiver Section Filter H .....- - I t--L M 1-. .-4--1 U 1-+--1 • X DIA ~i-- Test Control (terminal 13 at -5 V) Terminal 16 (positive) Terminal 15 (negatlve)t Figure 6. Low-Pass Filter Test for Transmit Section t All analog signal paths have differential architecture and hence have positive and negative components. ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 4-61 TLC32044C, TLC32044E, TLC320441, TLC32044M, TLC32045C, TLC320451 VOICE-BAND ANALOG INTERFACE CIRCUITS SLAS017F - MARCH 1988 - REVISED MAY 1995 absolute maximum ratings over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)t Supply voltage range, Vcc+ (see Note 1) ............................................ -0.3 V to 15 V Supply voltage range, Voo ......................................................... -0.3 V to 15 V Output voltage range, Va ..........................................•............... -0.3 V to 15 V Input voltage range, VI .................•..................................•........ -0.3 V to 15 V Digital ground voltage range ............................................ ;........... -0.3 V to 15 V Operating free-air temperature range: TLC32044C, TLC32045C .......•.•............... O°C to 70°C TLC32044E ................................... -20°C to 85°C TLC320441, TLC320451 ......................... -40°C to 85°C TLC32044M ............•.................... -55°C to 125°C Storage te,mperature range: TLC32044C, I, TLC32045C, I' ..............••...•....•. -40°C to 125°C TLC32044M ......................................... -65°C to 150°C Case temperature for 10 seconds: FN or FK package ......................................... 260°C Lead temperature 1,6 mm (1/16 inch) from case for 10 seconds: N package ...•................. 260°C J package ......•.............. 300°C t Stresses beyond those listed under "absolute maximum ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under "recommended operating conditions" is not ,implied. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. NOTE 1: Voltage values for maximum ratings are with respect to VCC-. recommended operating conditions MIN NOM MAX UNIT Supply voltage, VCC+ (see Note 2) 4.75 5 5.25 V Supply voltage, VCC- (see Note 2) -4.75 -5 -5,25 Digital supply voltage, VDD (see Note 2) 4.75 Digital ground voltage with respect!o ANLG GND, DGTL GND High-level input voltage, VIH V V 300 0 Load capacitance at OUT + and/or OUT -, CL 100 MSTR CLK frequency (see Note 4) 0.075 Analog input amplifier common mode Input voltage (see Note 5) 5 pF 10.368 MHz ±1.5 AID or D/A conversion rate V 20 TLC32044C,TLC32045C Operating free-air temperature, TA V VOD+0.3 0.8 -0.3 Load resistance at OUT + and/or OUT -, RL V 4 2 Low-level input voltage, VIL (see Note 3) V 0 2 Reference input voHage, Vref(ext) (see Note 2) V 5.25 5 0 -20 70 TLC32044E TLC32044I, TLC320451 -40 85 TLC32044M -55 125 kHz 85 ·C , . NOTES: 2. Voltages at analog Inputs and outputs, REF, VCC +, and VCC- are With respect to the ANLG GND terminal. Voltages atdlgitallnputs and outputs and VDD are with respect to the DGTL GND terminal. 3. The algebraic convention, in which the least positive (most negative) value is designated minimum, is used in this data sheet for logic voHage levels and temperatura only. 4. The bandpass swltched-capacitor filter (SCF) specifications apply only when the low-pass section SCF clock is 288 kHz and the high-pass section SCF clock is 8 kHz. If the low-pass SCF clock is shifted from 288 kHz, the lOW-pass roIl-off frequency will shift by the ratio of the low-pass SCF clock to 288 kHz. If the high-pass SCF is shifted from 8 kHZ, the high-pass roll-off frequency will shift by the ratio olthe high-pass SCF clock to 8 kHz. Similarly, the low-pass switched-capacitorfilter (SCF) specifications apply only when the SCF clock is 288 kHz. If the SCF clock Is shifted from 288 kHz, the low-pass roIl-off frequency will shift by the ratio of the SCF clock 10 288 kHz. 5. This range applies when (IN + -IN-) or (AUX IN +.:.. AUX IN-) equals ± 6 V. ~1ExAs 4-52 INSTRUMENTS' POST OFFICE BOX 665303 • !>ALIAS. TEXAS 75265 TLC32044C, TLC32044E, TLC320441, TLC32044M, TLC32045C, TLC320451 VOICE·BAND ANALOG INTERFACE CIRCUITS SLAS017F - MARCH 1988 - REVISED MAY 1995 electrical characteristics over recommended operating free-air temperature range, Vcc+ Vcc- -5 V, Vee 5 V (unless otherwise noted) = = = 5 V, total device, MSTR ClK frequency = 5.184 MHz, outputs not loaded PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS VOH High-level output voltage Voo = 4.75 V. IOH = -300 IlA VOL Low-level output voltage VOO =4.75V. IOL=2mA ICC+ Supply current from VCC+ ICC- Supply current from VCC- 100 Supply current from VOO Vref Internal reference output voltage MIN TYpt MAX 2.4 V 0.4 TLC32044C.TLC32045C 35 TLC320441. TLC320451, TLC32044E.TLC32044M 40 TLC32044C.TLC32045C -35 TLC320441, TLC320451, TLC32044E.TLC32044M -40 TLC3204xC. E. I TLC32044M TLC32044M mA 7 fMSTR CLK = 5.184 MHz TLC3204xC. E, I UNIT 8 3 3.3 2.9 3.3 V ~Vref Temperature coefficient of internal reference voltage 200 ppmfOC ro Output resistance at REF 100 kO receive amplifier input PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS AID converter offset error (filters in) TYPt MAX TLC32044C. E. I 10 70 TLC32044M 10 85 TLC32045C, I 10 75 TLC3204xC. E. I CMRR Common-mode rejection ratio at IN+.IN-. or AUX IN+. AUX IN- 'i Input resistance at IN+.IN-. or AUX IN+. AUX IN-. REF See Note 6 TLC32044M MIN 55 35 UNIT mV dB 55 100 kn transmit filter output PARAMETER TYPt MAX / TLC3204xC. E. I TEST CONDITIONS 15 80 /TLC32044M 15 75 VOO Output offset voltage at OUT + OUT (single-ended relative to ANLG GNO) YOM Maximum peak output voltage swing across RL at OUT + or OUT (single ended) YOM Maximum peak output voltage swing between OUT + and OUT (differential output) RL~300n. Offset voltage = 0 RL~600n MIN UNIT mV ±3 V ±6 t All tYPical values are at TA = 25°C. NOTE 6: The test condition is a O- W >58:1: VI_ -12 dB to-6 dB 58 >58:1: VI--18dBto-12dB 58 56 58 58 VI_ -24 dB to -18 dB 50 56 VI - -30 dB to -24 dB 44 50 58 56 VI - -36 dB to -30 dB 38 44 VI- -42 dB to-36 dB 32 38 50 44 38 VI - -48 dB to -42 dB 26 32 VI - -54 dB to -48 dB VI = -6 dB to -0.5 dB 20 26 32 58 >58:1: >58:1: VI--12dBto-6dB VI_-18 dBto-12 dB 58 56 58 >58:1: 58 58 VI_ -24 dB to -18 dB 50 56 58 VI - -30 dB to -24 dB 44 50 56 VI - -36 dB to -30 dB VI - -42 dB to -36 dB 44 38 32 50 44 VI - -48 dB to -42 dB 38 32 26 VI - -54 dB to -48 dB 20 26 VI--6dBto-0.1 dB 55 >55i 38 32 >55:1: VI--12 dB to-6 dB 55 55 >55:1: VI--18 dBto-12 dB VI_ -24 dB to-18 dB 53 47 55 55 53 55 VI • -30 dB to -24 dB 41 47 53 VI - -36 dB to -30 dB 41 47 VI - -42 dB to -36 dB .35 29 35 41 VI • -48 dB to -42 dB 23 29 35 VI - -54 dB to -48 dB 17 23 29 t ""' is the programmable gain of the input amplifier. UNIT dB :I: A value >60 is over range and signal clipping occurs. NOTE 7: The test condition VIiS a 1-kHz Input signal with an 8-kHz conversion rate (0 dB relative to Vref). The load impedance for the DAe is 600 Q (300 Q for TLC32044M). ~1ExAs INSTRUMENTS POST OFACE BOX 865303 • DAUAS. TEXAS 75265 TLC32044C, TLC32044E, TLC320441, TLC32044M, TLC32045C, TLC320451 VOICE-BAND ANALOG INTERFACE CIRCUITS SLAS017F - MARCH 1988 - REVISED MAY 1995 D/A channel slgnal-to-distortion ratio (see Note 7) TEST CONDITIONS PARAMETER DfA channel signal-to-distortion ratio, TLC32044C, TLC32044E, TLC320441, TLC32044M \ DfA channelsignal-to-distortion ratio, TLC32045C: TLC320451 58 VI = -12 dB to-6 dB 58 VI =-18dBto-12dB 56 VI =-24dBto-18dB 50 VI = -30 dB to -24 dB 44 VI = -36 dB to -30 dB 38 VI = -42 dB to -36 dB 32 VI = -48 dB to -42 dB 26 VI = -54 dB to -48 dB 20 VI = -6 dB to 0 dB 55 VI =-12dBto-6dB 55 VI =-18dBto-12dB 53 VI = -24 dB to -18 dB 47 VI =-30 dBto-24dB 41 =-36 dB to -30 dB 35 VI - -42 dB to -36 dB 29 VI= -48 dB to -42 dB 23 VI = -54 dB to -48 dB 17 VI .. MIN VI = -6 dB to 0 dB MAX UNIT dB NOTE 7: The test condition VIIS a 1-kHz Input signal with an 8-kHz conversion rate (0 dB relative to Vretl. The load Impedance for the DAC IS 6000 (3000 for TLC32044M). gain and dynamic range PARAMETER TYPt MAX UNIT -48-dB to O-dB signal range, See Note 8 ±0.05 ±0.15 dB Absolute transmit gain tracking error while transmitting Into 300 TLC32044M -48-dB to O-dB signal range, TA = 25°C, See Note 8 ±0.05 ±0.25 dB Absolute transmit gain tnicking error while transmitting into 300 TLC32044M -48-dB to O-dB signal range, TA = -55°C to 125°C; " See Note 8 ±0.4 dB Absolute receive gain tracking error -48-dB to O-dB signal range, See Note 8 ±0.05 ±0.15 dB Absolute receive gain tracking error, TLC32044M -48-dB to O-dB signal range, TA = 25°C, See Note 8 ±0.05 ±0.25 dB Absolute receive gain tracking error, TLC32044M -48-dB to O-dB signal range, TA = -55°C to 125°C, See Note 8 ±0.4 dB Absolute gain of the AID channel Signal input is a -O.5-dB, 1-kHz sinewave 0.2 Absolute gain of the DfA channel Signal input is a O-dB, 1-kHz sinewave -0.3 n. n. t All typical values are at TA = 25°C. NOTE 8: Gain tracking is relative to the absolute gain at 1 kHz and 0 dB (0 dB relative to Vref). ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS 4-56 MIN TEST CONDITIONS Absolute transmit gain tracking error while transmitting into 600 0 POST,OFFICE"BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 .' dB TLC32044C, TLC32044E, TLC320441, TLC32044M, TLC32045C, TLC320451 VOICE·BAND ANALOG INTERFACE CIRCUITS SLAS017F - MARCH 1988 - REVISED MAY 1995 power supply rejection and crosstalk attenuation PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS VCC + or VCC- supply voltage rejection f-Oto30kHz ratio, receive channel f - 30 kHz to 50 kHz Vee + or VCC- supply voltage rejection f_Ot030kHz ratio, transmit channel (single ended) f - 30 kHz to 50 kHz Crosstalk attenuation, transmit-to-receive (single ended) MIN MAX UNIT 45 30 Idle channel, supply signal at 200 mV p-p measured at OUT + 45 TLC3204xC, E, I dB 80 TLC32044M Crosstalk attenuation, receive-to-transmit, TLC32044M TYPt 30 Idle channel, supply signal at 200 mV p-p measured at DR (ADC output) 65 Inputs grounded, Gain-l,2,4 80 65 t All typical values are at TA - 25°C. -!!1 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 855303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75266 4-57 TLC32044C, TLC32044E, TLC320441, TLC32044M, TLC32045C, TLC320451 VOICE·BAND ANALOG INTERFACE CIRCUITS SLAS017F - MARCH 1988- REVISED MAY 1995 delay distortion bandpass filter transfer function, SCF fclock PARAMETER Filter gain, TlC32044C, TlC32044E, TlC320441 Filter gain, TlC32044M Filter gain, TlC32045C, TlC320451 TEST CONDITIONS Input signal reference to 0 dB Input signal relerence to 0 dB Input signal relerence to 0 dB =288 kHz IN + - IN -Is a ±3 V slnewavet (see Note 9) FREQUENCY RANGE ADJUSTMENT ADDEND:!: 1:550 Hz Kl xOdB MIN TYP§ MAX -33 -29 -25 1=100Hz Kl x-0.26dB -4 -2 -1 1.150 Hz to 3100 Hz Kl xOdB -0.25 0 0.25 1= 3100 Hz to 3300 Hz Kl xOdB -0.3 0 0.3 I = 3300 Hz to 3650 Hz Kl xOdB -0.5 0 0.5 1-3800 Hz Kl x2.3dB -3 -1 1= 4000 Hz Kl x2.7dB -17 -16 1~4400Hz Kl x 3.2 dB f~5000 Kl xOdB Hz -40 -65 -33 -29 -4 -2 -1 -0.25 0 0.25 -0.3 0 0.3 -0.5 0 0.5 Kl x2.3dB -3 -0.5 1=4000 Hz Kl x2.7dB -17 -16 1~4400 Hz Kl x3.2dB 1~5000 Hz Kl xOdB 1:550 Hz Kl xOdB 1=100Hz Kl x-0.26dB 1= 150 Hz to 3100 Hz Kl xOdB 1- 3100 Hz to 3300 Hz Kl xOdB 1= 3300 Hz to 3500 Hz Kl xOdB 1= 3800 Hz -25 dB -40 -65 1:550 Hz Kl xOdB I-100Hz Kl x-0.26dB 1= 150 Hz to 3100 Hz Kl xOdB 1= 3100 Hz to 3300 Hz Kl xOdB -0.3 0 0.3 I = 3300 Hz to 3650 Hz Kl xOdB -0.5 0 0.5 -33 -29 -4 -2 -1 -0.25 0 0.25 -25 f= 3800 Hz Kl x2.3dB -3 -1 1= 4000 Hz Kl x2.7 dB -17 -16 1~4400 Hz Kl x3.2dB -40 1~5000 Hz Kl xOdB -65 t See filter curves in typical characteristics :I: The MIN, TYP, and MAX specifications are given UNIT . lor a 288-kHz SCF clock Irequency. A slight error in the 288-kHz SCF may result Irom inaccuracies in the MSTR ClK Irequency, resulting Irom crystal Irequency tolerances. II this Irequency error is less than 0.25%, the ADJUSTMENT ADDEND should be added to the MIN, TYP, and MAX specifications, where Kl = 100 '[(SCF frequency - 288 kHz) 1288 kHzl. For errors greater than 0.25%, see Note 8. § All typical values are at TA = 25°C. NOTE 9: The Iilter gain outside of the passband is measured with respect to the gain at 1 kHz. The filter gain within the passband is measured with respect to the average gain within the passband. The passbands are 150to 3600 Hz and 0 to 3600 Hz lor the bandpass and low-pass filters respectively. For switched-capacitor Ii Iter clocks at Irequencies other than 288 kHz, the Iilter response is shifted by the ratio 01 switched-capacitor filter clock frequency to 288 kHz. ~TEXAS 4-58 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 TLC32044C, TLC32044E, TLC320441, TLC32044M, TLC32045C, TLC320451 VOICE-BAND ANALOG INTERFACE CIRCUITS SLAS017F - MARCH 1988 - REVISED MAY 1995 low-pass filter transfer functlont, SCF fclock PARAMETER Filter gain, TLC32044C, TLC32044E, TLC320441 Filter gain, TLC32044M Filter gain, TLC32045C, TLC320451 Input signal reference is 0 dB MIN TYP§ MAX Kl xOdB -0.25 0 0.25 FREQUENCY RANGE Input signal reference is 0 dB ADJUSTMENT ADDEND* f z 3100 Hz to 3300 Hz Kl xOdB -0.3 0 0.3 f ~ 3300 Hz to 3650 Hz Kl xOdB -0.5 0 0.5 f-3800 Hz Kl x2.3dB -3 -1 =4000 Hz Kl x2.7dB -17 -16 f Input signal reference is 0 dB =288 kHz (see Note 9) f~OHzto3100Hz TEST CONDITIONS f~4400 Hz Kl x3.2 dB f:::5000 Hz Kl xOdB f~OHzto3100Hz Kl xOdB -0.25 0 0.25 f = 3100 Hz to 3300 Hz Kl xOdB -0.3 0 0.3 f _ 3300 Hz to 3500 Hz Kl xOdB -0.5 0 0.5 f=3800 Hz Kl x2.3dB -3 -0.5 f=4oo0 Hz Kl x ,2.7 dB -17 -16 -40 -65 f~4400 Hz Kl x 3.2 dB f~5000 Hz Kl xOdB f~OHzt03100Hz Kl xOdB -0.25 0 0.25 f z 3100 Hz to 3300 Hz Kl xOdB -0.3 0 0.3 f z 3300 Hz to 3650 Hz K1 xOdB -0.5 0 0.5 dB -40 -65 f= 3800 Hz K1 x2.3dB -3 -1 f. 4000 Hz K1 x2.7dB -17 -16 f~4400Hz K1 x 3.2 dB -40 f~50oo K1 xOdB -65 Hz UNIT t See filter curves in typical characteristics :j:The MIN, TYP, and MAX specifications are given for a 288-kHz SCF clock frequency. A slight error in the 288-kHz SCF may result from inaccuracies in the MSTR CLK frequency, resulting from crystal frequency tolerances. If this frequency error is less than 0.25%, the ADJUSTMENT ADDEND should be added to the MIN, TYP, and MAX specifications, where Kl = 100 ·[(SCF frequency - 288 kHz) /288 kHz). For errors greater than 0.25%, see Note 8. § All typical values are at TA = 25°C. NOTE 9: The filter gain outside of the passband is measured with respect to the gain at 1 kHz. The filter gain within the passband is measured with respect to the average gain within the passband. The passbands are 150to 3600 Hz and Ot03600 Hz forthe bandpass and low-pass filters respectively. For switched-capacitor filter clocks at frequencies other than 288 kHz, the filter response is shifted by the ratio of switched-capacitor filter clock frequency to 288 kHz. serial port PARAMETER t TEST CONDITIONS VOH High-level output voltage IOH - -300 VOL Low-level output voltage IOL-2mA II Input current IJA MIN TYpt MAX 2.4 UNIT V 0.4 V ±10 IJA Ci Input capacitance 15 pF Co Output capacitance 15 pF All typical values are at TA = 25°C. ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALlAS. TEXAS 75265 4-59 TLC32044C, TLC32044E, TLC320441, TLC32044M, TLC32045C, TLC320451 VOICE-BAND ANALOG INTERFACE CIRCUITS SLAS017F - MARCH 1988- REVISED MAY 1995 operating characteristiCs over recommended operating free-air temperature range, Vcc+ = 5 V, Vcc-= -5 V, VDD = 5 V noise (measurement Includes low-pass and bandpass switched-capacitor filters) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYpt TLC32044C, E, I TLC32044M Transmit noise With sin xIx correction OX input ~ 00000000000000, constant Input code TLC32044M ' TLC32045C, I 600 ..,.Vrms 325 425 ..,.Vrms 325 450 ..,.Vrms Without sin xIx correction 450 TLC32044C, E, I 18 TLC32045C, I Receive noise (see Note 10) 300 Inputs grounded, gain. 1 TLC32044C, E, I, M TLC32045C, I ..,.Vrms dBmcO 24 TLC32044C, E, I, M TLC32045C, I UNIT 550 ..,.Vrms 575 ..,.Vrms TLC32045C, I TLC32044C, E, I MAX dBmcO 500 530 ..,.Vrms ..,.Vrms 18 dBmcO 24 dBmcO t All typical values are at TA _ 25°C. NOTE 10: The noise is computed by statistically evaluating the digital output of the AID converter. timing requirements serial port recommended Input signals Ie(MCLK) LMaster clock cycle time I Master clock cycle time, TLC32044M tr(MCLK) Mastar clock rise time tf(MCLK) Master clock fall time tsu(DX) MIN MAX 95 100 192 10 ns ns ns 10 ns Master clock duty cycle 25% 75% Master clock duty cycle, TLC32044M 42% 58% RESET pulse duration (see Note 11) 800 .\ OX setup time before SCLKJ. I OX setup time before SCLKJ., TLC32044M UNIT ns 20 ns 28 ns OX hold time after SCLKJ. ns th(DX) Ie(SCLKl/4 .. NOTE 11: RESET pulse duration IS the amount of time that the reset pin IS held below 0.8 V after the power supplies have reached their recommended values. . . ~1ExAs 4-60 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 6S6303 • DAlLAS, TEXAS 75265 TLC32044C, TLC32044E, TLC320441, TLC32044M, TLC32045C, TLC320451 VOICE·BAND ANALOG INTERFACE CIRCUITS SLAS017F - MARCH 1988 - REVISED MAY 1995 serial port - AIC output signals . TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYPt MAX 380 UNIT Ic(SCLK) Shift clock (SCLK) cycle time tf(SCLKI Shift clock (SCll<) fall time 50 ns tr(SClK) Shift clock (SCLI<) rise time 50 ns Shift clock (SCLK) duty cycle ns 45 55 % 52 ns Id(CH-FLI Delay from SCLKt to FSR/FSXJ. CL=50pF Id(CH-FHI Delay from SCLKt to FSRI FSX t Cl = 50 pF 52 ns Id(CH-DR) DR valid after SCLKt 90 ns ldiCH-ELl Delay from SCLKt to EODXI EODRJ. in word mode 90 ns Id(CH-EHI Delay from SCLKt to EODXI EODRt in word mode 90 ns tf(EODXI EODX fall time 15 ns tf(EODR) EODR fall time 15 ns Id(CH-ELI Delay from SClKt to EODXI EODRJ. in byte mode 100 ns Id(CH-EHI Delay from SCLKt to EODXI EODRt in byte mode 100 Id(MH-SL) Delay from MSTR ClKt to SCLKJ. 65 ns Id(MH-SH) Delay from MSTR CLKt to SClKt 65 ns ns serial port - AIC output signals, TLC32044M MIN TYpt MAX UNIT Ic(SCLKI Shift clock (SCLK) cycle time tf(SCLK) Shift clock (SCLK) fall time 50 ns tr(SCLI<) Shift clock (SCLK) rise time 50 ns Shift clock (SCLK) duty cycle 50 Id(CH-FLI Delay from SCLKt to FSRI FSX J. 400 ns % 260 ns Id(CH-FH) Delay from SCLKt to FSRI FSX t 260 ns IdCCH-DRl DR valid afterSCLKt 316 ns Id{CH-Ell Delay from SCLKt to EODX/EODRJ. in word mode 280 ns Id(CH-EHI Delay from SCLKt to EODXI EODRt in word mode 280 ns tf(EODX) EODX fall time 15 ns tf{EODRI EODR fall time 15 ns Id(CH-ELI Delay from SCLKt to EODXI EODRJ. in byte mode 100 ns Id(CH-EH) Delay from SCLKt to EODXI EODRt in byte mode 100 ns Id(MH-8Ll Delay from MSTR CLKt to SCLKJ. 65 ns Delay from MSTR CLKt to SCLKt Id(MH-SHI t Typical values are at TA = 25°C. 65 ns ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 4-61 TLC32044C, TLC32044E j TLC320441, TLC32044M,TLC32045C, TLC320451 VOICE-BAND ANALOG INTERFACE CIRCUITS SLAS017F - MARCH 1988 - REVISED MAY 1995 Table 3. Gain Control Table (Analog Input Signal Required for Full-Scale AID Conversion) INPUT CONFIGURATIONS Differential con!iguratlon Analog input -IN+ -IN_AUX IN+-AUX IN- Single-ended configuration Analog input =IN + - ANLG GND - AUX IN+ - ANLG GND CONTROL REGISTER B.ITS d6. 1 d7 0 0 ANALOGINPUT* AID CONVERSION RESULT ±6V FUll-scale 1 1 0 ±3V Full-scale 0 1 ±1.5V Full-scale 1 1 0 1 0 ±.3V Half-scale 0 ±3V Full-sale 0 1 ±1.5 V Full-scale :j: In this example, Vref IS assumed to be 3 V. In order to minimize distortion, it is recommended that the analog Input not exceed 0.1 dB below full scale. Rfb Rfb I--.--} R IN + -'III/'Ir"""""4t--1 IN - -'III/'Ir"""""4t--1 R I--.--} R AUX IN + -'III/'Ir"""""4t--1 To Multiplexer AUX IN- -'VV'.......-t-.! To Multiplexer R Rfb Rfb Rfb=Rford6=1,d7=1 d6=0,d7=0 Rfb = 2R for de = 1, d7 = 0 Rfb= 4R ford6 =0, d7 = 1 Rfb = R for d6 = 1, d7 =-1 d6=O,d7=0 Rfb =2R ford6= l,d7 = 0 Rfb =4Rford6= 0, d7= 1 Figure 7.IN+ and IN-Gain Control Circuitry FigureS. AUX IN+ and AUX INGain Control Circuitry (sin x)/x correction The Ale does not have (sin x)/x correction circuitry after the digital-to-analog converter. (Sin x)/x correction can b~ accomplished easily and efficiently in digital signal processor (DSP) software. Excellent correction accuracy can be achieved to a band edge of 3000 Hz by using a first-order digital correction filter. The results, which are shown in Table 4, are typical of the numerical correction accuracy that can be achieved for sample rates of interest. The filter requires only seven instruction cycles per sample on the TMS(SMJ)320 DSPs. With a 200-ns instruction cycle, nine instructions per sample represents an overhead factor of 1.4% and 1.7% for sampling rates of 8000 Hz and 9600 Hz, respectively. This correction adds a slight amount of group delay at the upper edge of the 300-3000-Hz band. ~1ExAs INSTRUMENTS 4-62 POST OFACE BOX 656303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 / TLC32044C, TLC32044E, TLC320441, TLC32044M, TLC32045C, TLC320451 VOICE-BAND ANALOG INTERFACE CIRCUITS SLAS017F - MARCH 1988 - REVISED MAY 1995 (sin x)/x roll-off for a zero-order hold function The (sin x)/x roll-off for the AIC DAC zero-order hold function at a band-edge frequency of 3000 Hz for the various sampling rates is shown in the table below. I Table 4. (sin x)/x Roll-Off sin n fits n tIts 3000 Hz) (dB) 20 log fs (Hz) (f = 7200 -2.64 8000 -2.11 -1.44 9600 14400 -0.63 19200 -0.35 The actual AIC (sin x)/x roll-off will be slightly less than the above figures because the AIC has less than a 100% duty cycle hold interval. correction filter To compensate for the (sin x)/x roll-off of the AIC, a first-order correction filter (shown below) is recommended. J - - - - - - - - - - r - - - . Y ( I + 1) U(I + 1) pi The difference equation for this correction filter is: yi + 1 = p2(1 -p1) (UI + 1) + p1 yi where the constant p1 determines the pole locations. The resulting squared magnitude transfer function is: IH(f)12 p22 (1-p1)2 1 - 2p1 cos(2 :It f/fs) + p1 2 -!I1TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 4-63 TLC32044C,TLC32044E, TLC320441, TLC32044M, TLC32045C, TLC320451 VOICE-BAND ANALOG INTERFACE CIRCUITS SLAS017F - MARCH 1988- REVISED MAY 1995 correction results Table 5 shows the optimum p values and the corresponding correction results for 8000-Hz and 9600-Hz sampling rates. Table 5. Optimum P Values 1 (Hz) ERROR (dB) 18=8000 Hz p1 =-0.14813 p2 = 0.9888 300 -0.099 -0.043 600 900 -0.089 -0.043 -0.054 0 1200 -0.002 0 1500 0.041 0.079 1800 ERROR (dB) 18= 9600 Hz p1 = -0.1307 p2 =0.9951 0 0.043 2100 0.100 0.043 2400 0.091 0.043 2700 -0.043 -0.102 0 -0.043 3000 .TMS(SMJ)320 software requirements The digital correction filter equation can be written in state variable form as. follows: Y=k1 xY+k2xU Where k1 = p1 k2 = (1 - p1) x p2 Y =filter state U = next 1/0 sample The coefficients k1 and k2 must be represented as 16-bit integers. The SACH instruction (with the proper shift) yields the correct result. With thfl assumption that the TMS(SMJ)320 processor page pointer and memory configuration are properly initialized, the equation can be executed in seven instructions or seven cycles with the following program: ZAC LTK2 MPYU LTAK1 MPYY APAC SACH (dma), (shift) ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 TLC32044C, TLC32044E, TLC320441, TLC32044M, TLC32045C, TLC320451 VOICE·BAND ANALOG INTERFACE CIRCUITS SLAS017F - MARCH 1988 - REVIS EO MAY 1995 PARAMETER MEASUREMENT INFORMATION I4---*- te(SCLK) SHIFTCLK I O.8V tcI(CH-FL)~ 14- \t FSR, FSX 0.8 V 1 I 1 I I I o.av 1 \1 DR ___ 1 I I tcI(CH-DR) ~D~15~_~~~~:--~D~8-----~~ tsu(DX) DX . I tcI(CH-FL) ~ 14tcI(CH-FH) ~ 140.8 V\t~___~'/\oj_ _ _ _ _-!"-'=':2v~- 14Jt2V 1 I I~ ~ I tcI(CH-FH) ~ ~ lot- 01 00 i i I I __~ Don't Care ~ ~OC]0!!:9:X:~>---.!=.!.!:!::':::"-- -------~--,-- MON OUT I}--+-.....,~ DOUT (2. complement) AUXP -------1 AUXM -------1 OUTP OUTM "'tJ Interpolation FII~r Buflert-H~- FLAG :D 0 C c:' n-I 1-+"''''''' complement) DIN (2. ALT DATA 1-+-<"-- FC FLAG 1 MCLK SCLK "'tJ :D m m < - :e ~TEXAS 4-74 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303, • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 0 1-+-1-+..-- TLC320AD65C 16-81T SIGMA·DELTA STEREO CODEC XLAS099 - MAY 1995 • Single S-V Power Supply • Stereo 16-Blt Sigma-Delta Audio Converter • General Purpose 16-Blt Signal Processing • Sample Rates from 4 kHz to 48 kHz • High Current Capacity Output Drivers For Driving Line Outputs or 32 n Stereo Headphones • On-Chip Support Real Time Data Compression/Decompression For A-Law, I1-Law, and Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation-International Multimedia Association (ADPCM-IMA) • Differential Architecture • Register Compatible Functional Upgrade From AD1848, CS4248, and CS4231 • Fully Independent Analog Input Capture and Playback Mixing Capability • Mono Channel Input • Mono Speaker Driver With 32 n Drive Capability • Internal Reference Voltage (Vred • Supports Little and Big Endlan Formats • Byte Wide Parallel Port Interface For ISA, EISA Bus Support • Full Duplex Transfers With Host PC Using On-Chip Dual DMA Count Registers • 8-Blt DMA Data Transfers WIth Host Utilizing On·Chip Dual 64 Byte FIFOs With Independent Capture and Playback Programmable Interrupt Flag Depth • Stereo Microphone Preampllfier-Unlquely Mixable In Capture A/D Path :=w description The TLC320AD65C sigma-delta technology audio stereo codec provides 16-bit audio for computer multimedia applications. The TLC320AD65C provides upgraded functionality, flexibility, and performance from the 16-bit AD1848, C54248, and the C54231. Flexible analog mixing for both record and playback paths, provide capability for either the normal ADC with DAC playback paths or an all analog input to output mixing path without any digital conversions. This device consists of four synchronous conversion paths. Four stereo inputs and one mono input are provided. The stereo line outputs are capable of driving 32-0 stereo headphones. The mono channel output driver is capable of driving a 32-0 speaker. Gain and mixing control and sample rate selections are provided for maximum flexibility. Additional functions provide digital filtering and on-chip timing and control. The TLC320AD65C is characterized for operation from O·C to 70·C. AVAILABLE OPTIONS O·Cto70·C PRODUCT PREVIEW Information _ _ prodUCIIIIn tilt _ve or de81gn ~ 01 dovtIopment. Cha_~III. data and other apaclllcatlo.. aradellan gools. T_lnstru............ tilt right 10 -at or dI........lIIeie products without notico. PLASTIC CHIP CARRIER (FN) TLC320AD65CFN QUAD FLATPACK (PZ) TLC320AD65CPZ ~TEXAS Copyright © 1995. Texas Instruments Incorporated INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 665303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 w a: D.. t- O ::l C o a: D.. PACKAGE TA :; 4-75 TLC320AD65C 16-81T SIGMA-DELTA STEREO CODEC XLAS099 - MAY 1995 functional block diagram PWRDWN XTAL11 XTAL10 XTAL21 XTAL20 Linear, A-Law, JI.-Law, ADPCM-IMA "'0 ::D 0 C c: L_LlNE L_AU~1 (') L_MIC Microphone Preamp -I "'0 ::D m S m L_OUT =e L_AUX2 Left Channel Mono Channel M_IN .. /:- ~1EXAS 4-76 M_OUT . . INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 865303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 5-1 en "C CD _. () Q) ." C :::s ...o_. () :::s en 5-2 TL7726C, TL77261, TL7726Q HEX CLAMPING CIRCUITS SLAS078- • • • • • • Protects Against Latch-Up 25-mA Current Sink In Active State Less Than 1-mW Dissipation In Standby Condition Ideal for Applications In Environments Where Large Transient Spikes Occur Stable Operation for All Values of Capacitive Load No Output Overshoot SEPTEMBER 1993 D OR P PACKAGE (TOP VIEW) GN0Da CLAMP CLAMP CLAMP 2 3 4 7 6 5 REF CLAMP CLAMP CLAMP description The TL7726C, TL77261, and TL7726Q each consist of six identical clamping circuits that monitor an input voltage with respect to a reference value, REF. For an input voHage (VI) in the range of GND to < REF, the clamping circuits present a very high impedance to ground, drawing current of less than 10 J,1A. The clamping circuits are active for VI < GND or VI > REF when they have a very low impedance and can sink up to 25 mAo These characteristics make the TL7726C, TL77261, and TL7726Q ideal as protection devices for CMOS semiconductor devices in environments where there are large positive or negative transients to protect analog-to-digital converters in automotive or industrial systems. The use of clamping circuits provides a safeguard against potential latch-up. The TL7726C is characterized for operation over the temperature range of O°C to 70°C. The TL77261 is characterized for operation over the temperature range of -25°C to 85°C. The TL7726Q is characterized for operation over the temperature range of -40°C to 125°C. AVAILABLE OPTIONS OPERATING TEMPERATURE RANGE DEVICE PACKAGE 0·C-700C TLn26CD 8-plnSO 0·C-70·C TL7726CP 8-pin DIP -25·C-85·C TLn261D 8-pinSO -25·C-85·C TL7726IP 8-pin DIP -400C -12500 TL77260D 8-pinSO -400C -12500 TL77260P 8-pln DIP ====-..-._nat_.,_ PRODUcmoN ...... __ ..........-,.,l1li_01,...._ DATA _ _ . . . . . . . . 01 ~ _ :'IlExAs INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 666303 • DAlLAS. TEXAS 75286 Copy~ght © 1993. Texas Instruments Incorporated TL7726C, TL77261, TL7726Q HEX CLAMPING CIRCUITS SLAS078 - 04102, SEPTEMBER 1993 absolute maximum ratings over operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) Reference voltage, Vref ....................................................................... 6 V Clamping current, 11K ................................................................... ±50 mA Junction temperature, TJ .................................................................. 150°C Continuous total dissipation .......................................\. . .. See Dissipation Rating Table Operating free-air temperature range, TA: TL7726C ............ ; .•....................... O°C to 70°C TL77261 ................................... -40°C to 85°C TL7726Q ................................ _40°C to 125°C Storage temperature range ....................................................... -65°C to 150P C Lead temperature 1,6 mm (1/16 inch) from case for 10 seconds ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 260°C DISSIPATION RATING TABLE TA =70°C POWER RATING TA =85°C POWER RATING 5.8mW'oC 460rtlW 374mW 144mW 9.5mW'OC 757mW 615mW 237mW PACKAGE TA s; 25°C POWER RATING DERATING FACTOR ABOVE TA s; 25°C o 728mW P 924mW TA =125°C POWER RATING recommended operating conditions MIN MAX 4.5 5.5 Reference voltage, Vref Input clamping current, 11K I VI ~ Vref 25 -25 )VIS;GND UNIT V mA electrical characteristics over recommended operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN VIK+ Positive clamp voltage 11=20 mA Vref VIK- Negative clamp voltage II =20mA -200 IZ Reference current Vref= 5 V TYPt MAX UNIT Vref+ 2OO mV 25 Input current GND S; VI S; 50 mV 50 mVs; VI S; Vref-50 mV t mV 60 1 !lA !lA !lA !lA MAX UNIT 10 Vref - 50 mV S; VI S; Vref II 0 -10 -1 All typical values are at TA = 25°C. switching characteristics specified at TA PARAMETER ts Settling time =25°C TEST CONDITIONS VI (system) = ±13 V, RI = 600 0, Measured at 10% to 90%, See Figure 1 ~1ExAs 5-4 . INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 MIN tt< 1 lIS, 30 lIS TL7726C, TL77261, TLn26Q HEX CLAMPING CIRCUITS SLAS078 - 04102. SEPTEMBER 1993 PARAMETER MEASUREMENT INFORMATION VCC=5V I REF SL-""' lV'Ir n- " CLAMP TL7726 600 VI(aystem) GND 1 TEST CIRCUIT ~----....,----- VIK+ -------- 13V - - ---90% -------- VI (system) OV - - -------- I --- I -r--------T II ~j+-- 95% --10% II ~j+- INPUT WAVEFORM CLAMP WAVEFORM Figure 1. Switching Characteristics IIi I VIK_ ...: I:=-...: I:=-- II 1 -1 ).IA -10).IA -100).IA -1 mA-10mA -100mA - 25mA - 100mA -10mA -1 mA - 100).IA - 10).IA 1).IA Vref-50mV 50mV -' ...:: I::"- J VIK+ -25mA GND Figure 2. Tolerance Band for Clamping Circuit ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 656303 • DAllAS. TEXAS 7~ 5-5 TL7726C, TL77261, TL7726Q HEX CLAMPING CIRCUITS SLAS078 - 04102. SEPTEMBER 1993 APPLICATION INFORMATION VCC=5V 1 10kn VI(system) (Input sIgnal) 11(~m) -+ VI ..A T DevIce to Be Protected, e.g., AID Converter, MIcroprocessor, etc. III 1/6 TLn26 -if.1 IZ' 4Vref Example: If II » II(system), I.e., VI (system) > Vret + 200 mV where: II (system) = Input current to the devIce beIng protected VI (system) = Input voltage to the devIce being protected then the maximum Input voltage VI(system)max= Vref + Ilmax(10kC) = 5 V + 25 mA(10kn) =5V+250V =255V Figure 3. Typical Application ~1ExAs INSTRUMENTS ,POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALlAS. TEXAS 75265 TLC04/MF4A-50, TLC14/MF4A-100 BUTTERWORTH FOURTH-ORDER LOW-PASS SWITCHED-CAPACITOR FILTERS SLAS021A - NOVEMBER 1986 - REVISED MARCH 1995 • Low Clock-to-Cutoff-Frequency Ratio Error TLC04/MF4A-SO ... ±0.8% TLC141MF4A-100 •.• ±1% • Filter Cutoff Frequency Dependent Only on External-Clock Frequency Stability • Minimum Filter Response Deviation Due to External Component Variations Over Time and Temperature • Cutoff Frequency Range From 0.1 Hz to 30 kHz, VCC± ±2.S V • 5-V to 12-V Operation • Self Clocking or TTL-Compatible and CMOS-Compatible Clock Inputs • Low Supply-Voltage Sensitivity • Designed to be Interchangeable With National MF4-S0 and MF4-100 Ds o OR P PACKAGE (TOP VIEW) ClKIN ClKR lS VCC- 2 3 4 7 6 5 FilTER IN VCC+ AGND FilTER OUT = description The TLC04/MF4A-50 and TLC14/MF4A-100 are monolithic Butterworth low-pass switched-capacitor fiiters. 'Each is deSigned as a low-cost, easy-to-use device providing accurate fourth-order low-pass filter functions in circuit design configurations. Each fiiter features cutoff frequency stability that is dependent only on the external-clock frequency stability. The cutoff frequency is clock tunable and has a clock-to-cutoff frequency ratio of 50: 1 with less than ±O. 8% error for the TLC04/MF4A-50 and a clock-to-cutoff frequency ratio of 100:1 with less than ± 1% error for the TLC14/MF4A-100. The input clock features self-clocking or TTL- or CMOS-compatible options in conjunction with the level shift (LS) terminal. The TLC04C/MF4A-50C and TLC14C/MF4A-100C are characterized for operation from O°C to 70°C. The TLC0411MF4A-501 and TLC1411MF4A-1001 are characterized for operation from -40°C to 85°C. The TLC04M1MF4A-50M and TLC14M1MF4A-100M are characterized over the full military temperature range of -55°C to 125°C. AVAILABLE OPTIONS PACKAGE CLOCK-TO-CUTOFF FREQUENCY RATIO SMALL OUTLINE O°Cto 70°C 50:1 100:1 TLC04COIMF4A-50CO TLC14CO/MF4A-100CO TLC04CP/MF4A-50CP TLCl4CP/MF4A-100CP -40°C to 85°C 50:1 100:1 TLC0410IMF4A-5010 TLC14101MF4A-10010 TLC04IP/MF4A-501P TLC14IP/MF4A-100IP -55°C to 125°C 50:1 100:1 TA (0) PLASTICOIP (P) TLC04MP/MF4A-50MP TLC14MP/MF4A-100MP The 0 package IS available taped and reeled. Add the suffiX R to the device type (e.g., TLC04COR/MF4A-5OCOR). ~TEXAS Copyright © 1995. Texas Instruments Incorporated INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 5-7 TLC04/MF4A-50, TLC14/MF4A-100 BUTTERWORTH FOURTH-ORDER LOW-PASS SWITCHED-CAPACITOR FILTERS SLAS021 A- NOVEMBER 1986 - REVISED MARCH 1995 functional block diagram lS ClKIN ClKR ~ _ _ _ _ _ _..J FilTER IN Butt.worth 6 Fourth-Order AQND - " - - - - - - - - - - - 1 low-Pass Filter t---,5... FilTER OUT Terminal Functions TERMINAL NAME AGND NO. 110 DESCRIPTION 6 I Analog ground. The noninverting input to the operational amplifiers of the Butterworth fourth-order low-pass filter. ClKIN 1 I Clock in. ClKIN is the clock input terminal for CM05-compatible clock or self-clocking options. For either option, lS is at VCC-. For self-clocking, a resistor is connected between ClKIN and ClKR and a capacitor is connected from ClKIN to ground. ClKR 2 I Clock R. ClKR is the clock input for a TTl-compatible clock. For a TTL clock, lS is connected to mldsupply and ClKIN can be left open, but it Is recommended that it be connected to either VCC+ or VCC-. FilTER IN 8 I Filter input FilTER OUT lS 5 3 0 I Butterworth fourth-order low-pass filter output level shift. lS accommodates the various input clocking options. For CMOS-compatible clocks or self-clocking, lS is at VCC- and for TTl-compatible clocks, lS is at midsupply. VCC+ VCC- 7 I Positive supply voltage terminal 4 I Negative supply voltage terminal ~1ExAs INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALlAS. TEXAS 75265 TLC04/MF4A·50, TLC14/MF4A·100 BUTTERWORTH FOURTH·ORDER LOW·PASS SWITCHED·CAPACITOR FILTERS SLAS021 A- NOVEMBER 1986 - REVISED MARCH 1995 absolute maximum ratings over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)t Supply voltage range, Vcc± (see Note 1) .................................................... ±7 V Operating free-air temperature range, TA: TLC04C/MF4A-50C, TLC14C/MF4A-1 OOC . . . . .. O°C to 70°C TLC041/MF4A-501, TLC141/MF4A-100l ........ -40°C to 85°C TLC04M/MF4A-50M, TLC14M/MF4A-100M .. -55°C to 125°C Storage temperature range, Tst9 .................................................. -65°C to 150°C Lead temperature 1,6 mm (1116 inch) from case for 10 seconds ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 260°C t Stresses beyond those listed under "absolute maximum ratings" may cause pennanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under "recommended operating conditions" is not implied. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. NOTE 1: All voltage values are with respect to the AGND terminal. recommended operating conditions TLC04lMF4A-50 Positive supply voltage, VCC+ Negative supply voltage, VCe- 2.25 6 2.25 6 -6 -2.25 -6 2 0.8 0.8 VCC±-±2.5V 5 1.5 x 106 5 1.5xl06 VCC±- ±5 V 5 2xl06 5 2xl06 0.1 40xl03 0.05 20xl03 70 85 0 -40 70 TLC04I1MF4A-50I, TLC141IMF4A-1001 0 -40 TLC04M/MF4A-50M, TLC14M1MF4A-l00M -55 125 -55 125 Cutoff frequency, fco (see Note 3) TLC04C1MF4A-50C, TLC14C/MF4A-l00C .. UNIT V V V 2 Low-level input voltage, VIL Operating free-air temperature, TA MAX MIN -2.25 High-level Input voltage, VIH Clock frequency, fclock (see Note 2) TLC14/MF4A-100 MAX MIN 85 V Hz Hz ·C NOTES: 2. Above 250 kHz, the Input clock duty cycle should be 50% to allow the operational amplifiers the maximum time to settle while processing analog samples. 3. The cutoff frequency is defined as the frequency where the response is 3.01 dB less than the dc gain of the filter. electrical characteristics over recommended operating free-air temperature range, Vcc+ VCC- -2.5 V, fclock S; 250 kHz (unless otherwise noted) = = 2.5 V, filter section PARAMETER Voo TEST CONDITIONS TLC04lMF4A-50 MIN TYP* Output offset voltage VOM Peak output voltage lOS Short-circuit oUtput current MAX TLC141MF4A-100 MIN 25 VOM+ VOMSource Sink RL-l0kn TA=25·C, TYP* 50 1.8 2 1.8 2 -1.25 -1.7 -1.25 -1.7 See Note 4 -0.5 -0.5 4 4 MAX UNIT mV V mA Supply current 1.2 1.2 2.25 rnA 2.25 ICC fclock - 250 kHz * All typical values are at TA = 25·C. NOTE 4: 10S(source) is measured by forcing the output to its maximum positive voltage and then shorting the output to the VCC- terminal. 10S(sink) is measured by forcing the output to its maximum negative voltage and then shorting the output to the VCC+ terminal. ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 5-9 TLC04/MF4A-SO, TLC14/MF4A-100 BUTTERWORTH FOURTH-ORDER LOW-PASS SWITCHED-CAPACITOR FILTERS SLAS021A-NOVEMBER 1986-REVISED MARCH 1995 electrical characteristics over recommended operating free-air temperature range, VCC+ = 5 V, VCC- = -5 V, fclock :S 250 kHz (unless otherwise noted) filter section PARAMETER Voo TEST CONDITIONS TLC04lMF4A·50 TYPt MAX MIN output offset voltage YOM Peak output voltage lOS Short-circuit output current ICC Supply current TLC141MF4A·100 MIN 150 VOM+ RL-l0 len VOMSource 4.3 3.75 4.5 -3.75 -4.1 -3.75 -4.1 -2 -2 5 5 1.8 fclock .. 250 kHz kSVS Supply voltage sensitivity (see Figures 1 and 2) MAX 200 3.75 TA=25°C. See Note 4 Sink TYpt 3 1.8 -30 UNIT mV V mA 3 -30 mA dB t All tyPical values are at TA _ 25°C. NOTE 4: 10S(source) is measuredbyforcingtheoutputtoits maximumpositivevoltageandthenshortingtheoutputtothe Vcc_terminaI.IOS(sink) is measured by forCing the output to its maximum negative voltage and then shorting the output to theVCC+ terminal. clocking section MIN TYpt MAX VCC+=10V. VCC-= 0 6.1 7 8.9 VCC+=5V. VCC-=O 3.1 3.5 4.4 VCC+= 10V. VCC-- 0 1.3 3 3.8 VCC+-5 V. VCC-=O 0.6 1.5 1.9 VCC+_ 1OV• VCC-= 0 2.3 4 7.6 VCC+=5V. VCC- .. O 1.2 2 3.8 PARAMETER VIT+ Positive-going Input threshold voltage VIT- Negative-going input threshold voltage Vhys Hysteresis voltage (VIT+ - VIT-) VOH High-level output voltage VOL Low-level output voltage TEST CONDITIONS CLKIN VCC= 10V VCC -5V VCC-l0V VCC =5V Input leakage current ClKR VCC-l0V VCC=5V VCC-l0V 10 Output current VCC-5V VCC=10V VCC=5V 10 = -10 IIA 1 0.5 2 LS at mldsupply. TA-25°C 2 ClKR and ClKIN shortened to VCC- -3 -7 -0.75 -2 ClKR and ClKIN shortened to VCC+ 3 7 0.75 2 ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE SOX 655303 • OALLAS. TEXAS 75265 V V V V 4.5 10-1011A t All typical values are at TA = 25°C. 5-10 9 UNIT V IIA mA mA TLC04/MF4A-50, TLC14/MF4A-100 BUTTERWORTH FOURTH-ORDER LOW-PASS SWITCHED-CAPACITOR FILTERS SLAS021A- NOVEMBER 1986 - REVISED MARCH 1995 operating characteristics over recommended operating free-air temperature range, Vcc+ = 2.5 V, Vcc- = -2.5 V (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS Maximum clock frequency, fmax See Note 2 Clock-to-cutoff-frequency ratio (fclockifco) fclock S 250 kHz, Temperature coefficient of clock-to-cutoff frequency ratio fclock S 250 kHz Frequency response above and below cutoff frequency (see Note 5) TA=25°C TLC04lMF4A·50 MIN TYPt 1.5 3 49.27 50.07 MAX 50.87 TLC141MF4A·100 MIN TYPt 1.5 3 99 100 MAX MHz 101 ±25 ±25 f-6kHz -7.9 -7.57 -7.1 TA=25°C f- 4.5 kHz -1.7 -1.46 -1.3 fco - 5 kHz, fclock = 250 kHz, f=3kHz -7.9 -7.42 -7.1 TA = 25°C f- 2.25 kHz -1.7 -1.51 -1.3 24 25 -0.15 0 Dynamic range (see Note 6) TA=25°C fclock S 250 kHz Voltage amplification, dc fclock S 250 kHz, Peak-ta-peak clock feedthrough voltage TA = 25°C dB dB 80 RSS2 kn Hz/Hz ppm"'C fco = 5 kHz, fclock = 250 kHz, Stop-band frequency attentuation at 2 fco UNIT 24 25 -0.15 0 78 0.15 dB dB 0.15 5 5 dB mV t All typical values are at TA = 25°C. NOTES: 2. Above 250 kHz, the input clock duty cycle should be 50% to allow the operational amplifiers the maximum time to settle while processing analog samples. 5. The frequency responses at f are referenced to a de gain of 0 dB. 6. The dynamic range is referenced to 1.06 V rms (1.5 V peak) where the wideband noise over a 3O-kHz bandwidth is typically 10611V rms for the TLC04/MF4A-50 and 13511V rms for the TLC14/MF4A-l00. operating characteristics over recommended operating free-air temperature range, VCC+ VCC- -5 V (unless otherwise noted) = PARAMETER TLC04lMF4A-50 TEST CONDITIONS Maximum clock frequency, fmax See Note 2 Clock-to-cutoff-frequency ratio (fclock/fco) fclock S 250 kHz, Temperature coefficient of clock-ta-cutoff frequency ratio fclock S 250 kHz Frequency response above and below cutoff frequency (see Note 5) TA m 25°C MIN TYPt 2 4 49.58 49.98 TLC141MF4A·100 TYPt MAX MIN 2 4 50.38 99 100 ±15 MAX -7.9 -7.57 -7.1 f=4.5 kHz -1.7 -1.44 -1.3 fco = 5 kHz, fclock = 250 kHz, TA=25°C f - 3 kHz -7.9 -7.42 -7.1 f - 2.25 kHz -1.7 -1.51 -1.3 TA=25°C fclock S 250 kHz Voltage amplification, dc fclock S 250 kHz, Peak-to-peak clock feedthrough voltage TA-25°C Hz/Hz ppm/DC ±15 f-6 kHz Stop-band frequency attentuation at 2 fco UNIT MHz 101 feo = 5 kHz, fclllck = 250 kHz, TA = 25°C Dynamic range (see Note 6) =5 V, dB dB 84 86 RSs2kn 24 25 -0.15 0 7 0.15 24 25 -0.15 0 7 dB dB 0.15 dB mV tAli tYPical values are at TA = 25°C. NOTES: 2. Above 250 kHz, the input clock duty cycle should be 50% to allow the operational amplifiers the maximum time to settle while processing analog samples. 5. The frequency responses at f are referenced to a dc gain of 0 dB. 6. The dynamic range is referenced to 2.82 V rms (4 V peak) where the wideband noise over a3Q-kHz bandwidth is typically 14211V rms for the TLC04/MF4A-50 and 17811V rms for the TLC14/MF4A-l00. ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 5-11 TLC04/MF4A-50, TLC14/MF4A-100, BUTTERWORTH FOURTH-ORDER LOW-PASS SWITCHED-CAPACITOR FILTERS SLAS021A- NOVEMBER 1986 - REVISED MARCH 1996 TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS FILTER OUTPUT vs SUPPLY VOLTAGE VCe. RIPPLE FREQUENCY o 1 -10 III 'a _I 1_ 1 VCC+ = 5 V + 5O-mV Sine Wave (0 to 40 kHz) VCC_=-5V Filter In at 0 V 'cloCk = 250 kHz -20 1 1:s-30 o Iu:: -40 1\ I , if -50 -60 o 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Supply Voltage VCe. Ripple Frequency - kHz Figure 1 FILTER OUTPUT vs SUPPLY VOLTAGE VCC- RIPPLE FREQUENCY o VC~+=5~ I I I VCC-= -5 V + 5O-mV Sine Wave (0 to 40 kHz) -10 f- Filter In at 0 V ~::"':'::';:;:';:'::L--+_+-_+---I 'clock = 250 kHz -20r-~--+~~-~-+--+-~r--; III 'a 1 '5 .& - 30 ~ u:: _ 1--~"~-+--+----1f---+---+---+----1 1/ l~v--L--I-+--r---r-1 -40 1-~--+--+-~-+--+--I----1 -50r-~--+-~--+-+--+--r--; -60~~--~--~--~--~--~--~~ o 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Supply Voltege VCC- Ripple Frequency - kHz Figure 2 ~TEXAS 5-12 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX e65303 • DALlAS. TEXAS 75266 TLC04/MF4A-50, TLC14/MF4A-100 BUTTERWORTH FOURTH·ORDER LOW·PASS SWITCHED·CAPACITOR FILTERS SLAS021 A- NOVEMBER 1986 - REVISED MARCH 1995 APPLICATION INFORMATION 5V -----r----------------------,lL-----------, 3 QIT- CMOS ~~ 5V ~V I I I VCC+ LS Level Shift 1 CLKIN --+--4----~ 2 8 CLKR I I I I I I I I FILTER IN 6 Butterworth Fourth-Order Low-Pass Filter AGND I IL _________ VCC_ 1---;..........::.5 FILTER OUT I I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .J 4 -5V-~----------~ Figure 3. CMOS-Clock-Driven Dual-Supply Operation 5V - -....- - - - - - - - - - - , 7 ------------, TTL CLKR m- -5 V _ _ _--=-+-=:..:::..:c:..:....._ _ _ _ _ _...l OV 6 I I Butterworth Fourth-Order Low-Pass Filter AGND VCC- 5 FILTER 1-----1-.......::. OUT I L----------T4-----------~ -5V Figure 4. TTL-Clock-Driven Dual-Supply Operation ~lExAs INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 5-13 TLC04/MF4A-50, TLC14/MF4A-100 BUTTERWORTH FOURTH·ORDER LOW·PASS SWITCHED-CAPACITOR FILTERS SLAS021A-NOVEMBER 1986-REVISEDMARCH 1995 APPLICATION INFORMATION 5V--------------------------~ R Filter Input _+-______..,.-<..:.:=C!..!!.:.____________...., FILTER Butterworth 1---"0.:,.UTo---;-'--=-5 Filter Fourth-Order Output r-'~It-""=<--------------__t Low-Pass Filter 6 AGND L__________ ____________ I VCC- . ~ , 4 -5V~~----------------------~ ForVcc= 10V f I k1 -l.69RC COC Figure 5. Self-Clocking Through Schmitt-Trigger Oscillator Dual-Supply Operation ·~I·~ ThxAs 5-14 NSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALlAS, TEXAS 75266 TLC04/MF4A·SO, TLC14/MF4A·100 BUTTERWORTH FOURTH·ORDER LOW·PASS SWITCHED·CAPACITOR FILTERS SLAS021A- NOVEMBER 1986 - REVISED MARCH 1995 APPLICATION INFORMATION 10V----------.-----------------~ -------------., 7 g~.g~ lJI-lJI-- 1_0_V+-______+--"-+-==='--I 0 V --t--------i-.::....jf--:!='------------....J See Note A TTL CLKR -5 V 10kO OV FILTER IN (_Note B) 0. 'V 5VOC 6 0.1 j1f I Butterworth Fourth-Order Low-Paas Filter AGND I VCC- FILTER OUT 5 I I ~---------- 4-------------~ 10kO See NoteC NOTES: A. The external clock used must be of CMOS level because the clock is input to a CMOS Schmitt trigger. B. The filter input signal should be dc-biased to midsupply or ac-coupled to the terminal. C. AGND must be biased to midsupply. Figure 6. External·Clock·Driven Single-Supply Operation ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 856303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75266 5-15 TLC04/MF4A-50, TLC14/MF4A-100 BUTTERWORTH FOURTH-ORDER LOW-PASS SWITCHED-CAPACITOR· FILTERS SLAS021A- NOVEMBER 1986 - REVISED MARCH 1996 APPLICATION INFORMATION 10V 7 r-----~--------------------~ . Vee..· R 2 CLKR 'JC Nonoverlapplng Clock Generator 10ke cp1 8 FILTER IN II AGND cp2 Butterworth Fourth-Order Low-Peas Filter FILTER OUT ~-----~--~-~~-------~--------~ 4 10ke O.1j1f See Note A ForVCC=10V 1 fclock =1.68 ftC NOTE A: AGND must be biased to midsupply. Figure 7. Self Clocking Through Schmitt-TrIgger Oscillator Single-Supply Operation ~1ExAs 5-16 INS1RUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 856303- DALLAS, TEXAS 75266 5 TLC04JMF4A-50, TLC14/MF4A-100 BUTTERWORTH FOURTH-ORDER LOW-PASS SWITCHED-CAPACITOR FILTERS SLAS021 A- NOVEMBER 1986 - REVISED MARCH 1995 APPLICATION INFORMATION 5V r----------- I 3 Clock Input VCC+ --------------., 7 Level Shift LS I I CLKIN -+-+--=-+-==:=.-ur><>--I I 1 2 CLKR I I I I 8 6 10kO I I I I FILTERIN Butterworth Fourth-Order Low-Pass Filter AQND FILTER OUT L___________ ______________ I I VCC- O.11Jf' 5 ~ 4 -SV ~~~----------------~ Figure 8. DC Offset Adjustment ~1EXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 656303 • DAUAS. TEXAS 75265 5-17 5-18 TLC29321 HIGH·PERFORMANCE PHASE·LOCKED LOOP 1995 SLAS097B • Voltage-Controlled Oscillator (VCO) Section: Complete Oscillator Using Only One External Bias Resistor (RBIAS) Lock Frequency: 22 MHz to 50 MHz (Voo = 5 V ±5%, TA -20°C to 75°C, xi Output) 11 MHz to 25 MHz (Voo 5 V ±5%, TA -20°C to 75°C, x1/2 Output) Output Frequency ... xi and xi/2 Selectable = = PWPACKAGEt (TOP VIEW) veo Voo LOGIC Voo SELECT VCO OUT FIN-A FIN-B PFD OUT LOGICGND = 12 11 BIAS VCO IN veo GND VCO INHIBIT PFD INHIBIT NC ---------~Available in tape and reel only and ordered as the TLC2932IPWLE. NC - No internal connection t • Phase-Frequency Detector (PFD) Section: High Speed, Edge-Triggered Detector With Internal Charge Pump • Independent VCO, PFD Power-Down Mode • Thin Small-Outline Package (14 terminal) • CMOS Technology • Typical Applications: Frequency Synthesis Modulation/Demodulation Fractional Frequency Division • Application Report Avallablet • CMOS Input Logic Level description The TLC29321 is designed for phase-locked-loop (PLL) systems and is composed of a voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) and an edge-triggered type phase frequency detector (PFD). The oscillation frequency range of the VCO is set by an external bhis resistor (RBIAS)' The VCO has a 1/2 frequency divider at the output stage. The high speed PFD with internal charge pump detects the phase difference between the reference frequency input and signal frequency input from the external counter. Both the VCO and the PFD have inhibit functions, which can be used as a power-down mode. Due to the TLC29321 high speed and stable oscillation capability, the TLC29321 is suitable for use as a high-performance PLL. functional block diagram VCOIN FIN-A FIN-B PFD INHIBIT 4 5 9 Phase Frequency Detector 6 BIAS PFD OUT VCO INHIBIT 12 13 10 2 VoltageControlled Oscillator 3 VCOOUT SELECT AVAILABLE OPTIONS PACKAGE TA SMALL OUTLINE (PW) -20·C to 75·C TLC2932IPWLE t TLC2932 Phase-locked-Loop Building Block With Analog Voltage-Controlled Oscillator and Phase Frequency Detector (SLAA011). ~lEXAS Copyright © 1995. Texas Instruments Incorporated INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 665303 • OALLAS. TEXAS 75265 5-19 TLC29321 HIGH-PERFORMANCE PHASE-LOCKED LOOP SLAS097B - SEPTEMBER 1994 - REVISED MARCH 1995 Terminal Functions TERMINAL NAME FIN-A NO. 4 FIN-B 5 LOGICGNO 7 1 LOGICVOO DESORIPTION UO I Input reference frequency f(REF IN) is applied to FIN-A. I Input for VCO extemal counter output frequency f(FIN-B). FIN-B is nominally provided from the external counter, see functional block diagram. GNO for the internal logic. Power supply for the intemal logic. This power supply should be separate from VCO VOO to reduce cross-coupling between supplies. NC PFO INHIBIT 8 9 I PFD inhibit control. When PFD INHIBIT is high, PFD output Is in the high-Impedance state, see Table 3. PFDOUT 6 0 PFD output. When the PFO INHIBIT is high, PFO output Is in the high-impedance state. 13 I Bias supply. An external resistor (RBIAS) between VCO VDD and BIAS supplies bias for adjusting the oscillation frequency range. SELECT 2 I VCO output frequency select. When SELECT is high, the VCO output frequency is x 112 and when low, the output frequency is x 1, see Table 1. VCOIN 12 I VCO control voltage input. Nominally the external loop filter output connects to VCO IN to control VCO oscillation frequency. VCO INHIBIT 10 11 I VCO inhibit control. When VCO INHIBIT is high, VCO OUT is low (see Table 2). GNDforVCO. 3 14 0 VCO output. When the VCO INHIBIT is high, VCO output is low. BIAS VCOGNO VCOOUT VCOVDD No Intemal connection. Power supply for VCO. This power supply should be separated from LOGIC VDD to reduce cross-coupIing between supplies. detailed description veo oscillation frequency The veo oscillation frequency is determined by an external resistor (RBIAS) connected between the veo Voo aM the BIAS terminals. The OSCillation frequency and range depends on this resistor value. The bias resistor value for the minimum temperature coefficient is nominally 3.3 kn with 3-V Voo and nominally 2.2 kn with 5-V Voo. For the lock frequency range refer to the recommended operating conditions. Figure 1 shows the typical frequency variation and veo control voltage. veo Oscillation Frequency Range 1/2VDD veo Oontrol Voltage (yCO IN) Figure 1. veo Oscillation Frequency ~ThxAs 5-20 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 TLC29321 HIGH-PERFORMANCE PHASE-LOCKED LOOP SlAS0978 - SEPTEMBER 1994 - REVISED MARCH 1995 veo OUtput frequency 1/2 divider The TLC29321 SELECT terminal can select between the f080 and 1/2 f08c VCO output frequencies as shown in Table 1. The 1/2 f080 output should be used for minimum VCO output jitter. Table 1. VCO Output 1/2 Divider Function SELECT VCOOUTPUT Low fosc 112f08O High VCO Inhibit function The veo has an externally controlled inhibit function which inhibits the VCO output. A high level on the veo INHIBIT terminal stops the VCO oscillation and powers down the veo. The output maintains a low level during the power-clown mode, refer to Table 2. Table 2. VCO Inhibit Function VCOINHIBIT VCO OSCILLATOR VCOOUTPUT Low Active Active IDDNCO) Nonna! High Stopped Low level Power Down PFD operation The PFD is a high-speed, edge-triggered detector with an intemal charge pump. The PFD detects the phase difference between two frequency inputs supplied to FIN-A and FIN-B as shown in Rgure 2. Nominally the reference is supplied to FIN-A, and the frequency from the external counter output is fed to FIN-B. For clock recovery PLL systems, other types of phase detectors should be used. FIN-A FIN-B PFDOUT Jt--_ I I L -_- 4 .l._-I I I It--- I HI-Z VOL Figure 2. PFD Function Timing Chart PFD output control A high level on the PFD INHIBIT terminal places the PFD output in the high-impedance state and the PFD stops phase detection as shown in Table 3. A high level on the PFD INHIBIT terminal also can be used as the power-clown mode for the PFD. Table 3. VCO Output Control Function PFDINHIBIT DETECTION PFDOUTPUT Low Active Active IDDIPFDl Nonna! High Stop Hi-Z Power Down ~1EXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX _ . DAlLAS, TEXAS 75281i 5-21 TLC29321 HIGH·PERFORMANCE PHASE·LOCKED LOOP SLAS097B - SEPTEMBER 1994 - REVISED MARCH 1995 schematics veo block schematic BIAS VCOIN Bias Control VCOOUT VCOINHIBIT PFD block schematic r-charg;~;P-l I I VDD FIN-A I I I I PFDOUT FIN-B I I I IL _ _ _ _ _ ___ .JI PFDINHIBIT absolute maximum ratingst Supply voltage (each supply), Voo (see Note 1) •............................................... 7 V Input voltage range (each input), VI (see Note 1) ............................... -0.5 V to Voo + 0.5 V Input current (each input), II •............................................................ ±20 rnA Output current (each output), 10 ...•.•.•........•.•......••.......•........•............. ±20 rnA Continuous total dissipation, at (or below) TA = 25°C ....................................... 700 mW Operating free-air temperature range, TA ........................................ .,... -20°C to 75°C Storage temperature range, Tstg .................................................. -65°C to 150°C Lead temperature 1,6 mm (1/16 inch) from case for 10 seconds ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 260°C t Stresses beyond those listed under "absolute maximum ratings" may cause permanent damage to the devica. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the devica at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under "recommended operating conditions" is not implied. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. NOTES: 1. All voltage values are with respect to network GND. 2. For operation above 25°C free-air temperature, derate linearly at the rate of 5.6 mW/oC. ~TEXAS 5-22 ' INSTRuMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALlAS. TEXAS 75265 TLC29321 HIGH-PERFORMANCE PHASE-LOCKED LOOP SLAS097B - SEPTEMBER 1994 - REVISED MARCH 1995 recommended operating conditions PARAMETER Supply voltage, VDD (each supply, see Note 3) MIN NOM MAX VDD=3 V 2.85 3 3.15 VDD=5V 4.75 5 5.25 Input voltage, VI (inputs except VCO IN) 0 VDD Output current, 10 (each output) 0 ±2 VCO control voltage at VCO IN Lock frequency (x1 output) Lock frequency (x1/2 output) Bias resistor, RBIAS 0.9 VDD VDD-3V 14 21 VDD=5V 22 50 VDD=3 V 7 10.5 VDD-5V 11 25 VDD=3V 2.2 3.3 4.3 VDD-5V 1.5 2.2 3.3 UNIT V V mA V MHz MHz kn NOTE 3: It is recommended thalthe logic supply terminal (LOGIC VDD) and the VCO supply terminal (VCO VDD) should be althe same voltage and separated from each other. electrical characteristics over recommended operating free-air temperature range, Voo (unless otherwise noted) =3 V veo section TEST CONDITIONS PARAMETER MIN TYP MAX UNIT VOH High-level output voltage 10H =-2 mA VOL Low-level output voltage IOL=2rnA VIT Input threshold voltage at SELECT, II Input current at SELECT, VCO INHIBIT VI = VDD or GND ZilVCOINI Input impedance VCO IN - 1/2 VDD IDDlINHI VCO supply current (inhibit) See Note 4 0.01 1 IlA IDD(VCO) VCO supply current See Note 5 5 15 mA veo INHIBIT 2.4 V 0.3 0.9 1.5 V 2.1 V ±1 IlA Mn 10 NOTES: 4. Current into VCO VDD, when VCO INHIBIT = VDD, PFD is inhibited. 5. Current into VCO VDD, when VCO IN = 1/2 VDD, RBIAS = 3.3 kn, VCO INHIBIT = GND, and PFD is inhibited. PFO section PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT VOH High-level output voltage IOH=-2mA VOL Low-level output voltage IOL=2mA 0.2 V 10Z High-impedance-state output current PFD INHIBIT = high, VI = VDD or GND ±1 IlA VIH High-level input voltage at FIN-A, FIN-B VIL Low-level input voltage at FIN-A, FIN-B VIT Input threshold voltage at PFD INHIBIT 2.7 V 2.7 0.9 V 1.5 0.5 V 2.1 V Ci Input capacitance at FIN-A, FIN-B 5 pF Zi Input impedance at FIN-A, FIN-B 10 Mn IDD(Z) High-impedance-state PFD supply current See Note 6 0.01 1 IIA IDD(PFD) PFD supply current See Note 7 0.1 1.5 rnA ,NOTES: 6. Current Into LOGIC VDD, when FIN-A, FIN-B = GND, PFD INHIBIT - VDD, no load, and VCO OUT is inhibited. 7. Current into LOGIC VDD, when FIN-A, FIN-B = 1 MHz (VI(PP) _ 3 V, rectangular wave), NC = GND, no load, and VCO OUT is inhibited. -!I1TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 5-23 TLC29321 HIGH-PERFORMANCE PHASE-LOCKED LOOP SLAS097B - ,SEPTEMBER 1994 - REVISED MARCH 1995 operating characteristics over recommended operating free.alr temperature range, VDD = 3 V (unless otherwise noted) , VCOsection fosc PARAMETER Operating oscillation frequency ts(fosc) Time to stable oscillation (see Note 8) tr Rise time tf Fall time TEST CONDITIONS RBIAS - 3.3 kC, VCO IN - 112 VDD Measured from VCO INHIBIT.!. MIN TYP MAX UNIT 15 19 23 MHz 10 jill CL-15pF, See Agure3 7 CL=50pF, CL-15pF, CL-50pF, See Figure 3 See Figure 3 14 See Figure 3 10 6 45% 14 12 ns ns Duty cycle at VCO OUT RBIAS • 3.3 kC, VCO IN - 112 VDD, a(fose) Temperature coeffIcient of oscillation frequency RBIAS - 3.3 kC, VCO IN - 112 VDD, TA .. -2o-C to 75·C 0.04 %/"C kSVS(fosc) Supply voltage coefficient of oscillation frequency RBIAS - 3.3 kC, VCO IN - 1.5 V, VDD -2.85 Vto 3.15 V 0.02 %lmV 50% 55% Jitter absolute (see Note 9) 100 ps RBIAS - 3.3 kO NOTES: 8. The time period to the stable VCO oscillation frequency after the VCO INHIBIT tennlnai is changed to a low level. 9. The LPF circuit is shown in Figure 28 with calculated values listed In Table 7. Jitter performance is highly dependent on circuit layout and external device characteristics. The jitter Specification was made with a carefully designed PCB with no device socket. PFDsectlon PARAMETER fmax tpLZ tpHZ tpZL tpZH tr tf .,.,.. :lOIaximum opereting frequenCy PFD output disable. time from low level PFD output disable time from high level ,PFD output enable time to low level PFD output enable time to high level Rise time Fall time TEST CONDITIONS " - MIN , See Figures 4 and 5 and Table 4 CL-15pF, See Figure 4 ~TEXAS 5-24 , INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 665303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75285 TYP MAX 21 23 50 50 30 UNIT MHz 20 11 10 2.3 2.1 30 10 10 ns ns ns ns TLC29321 HIGH·PERFORMANCE PHASE·LOCKED LOOP SLAS097B - SEPTEMBER 1994 - REVISED MARCH 1995 electrical characteristics over recommended operating free-air temperature range, VDD = 5 V (unless otherwise noted) veo section TEST CONDITIONS PARAMETER VOH High-level output voltage IOH=-2mA VOL Low-Ievel output voltage IOL-2rnA VIT II Input threshold voltage at SELECT, VCO INHIBIT MIN VI - VOO or GNO Zi(VCOIN) Input impedance IOOIlNHI VCO supply current (inhibit) VCOIN - 112 VOO See Note 4 MAX UNIT V 0.5 1.5 Input current at SELECT, VCO INHIBIT TYP 4 2.5 3.5 V ±1 IJA 10 0.01 VCO supply current See Note 5 15 IOOIVCOI NOTES: 4. Current into VCO VOO, when VCO INHIBIT - VOO, and PFO is inhibited. . 5. Current into VCO VOO. when VCO IN - 1/2 VOO, RBIAS - 3.3 kO, VCO iNHIBIT - GNO, and PFO is inhibited. V MO 1 IJA 35 rnA PFD section TEST CONDITIONS PARAMETER MIN 4.5 TYP MAX UNIT VOH High-level output voltage IOH-2rnA VOL Low-level output voltage 10Z Hlgh-impedance-s!ate output current IOL-2rnA PFO INHIBIT - high, VI - VOO or GNO VIH High-level Input voltage at FIN-A, FIN-B VIL Low-level input voltage at FIN-A, FIN-B VIT Ci Input threshold voltage at PFO INHIBIT Input capacitance at FIN-A, FIN-B 5 pF ZI Input impedance at FIN-A, FIN-B 10 MO IOO(Z) High-Impedence-state PFO supply current V 0.2 V ±1 IJA 4.5 1.5 See Note 6 V 2.5 0.01 1 V 3.5 V 1 IJA See Note 7 0.15 rnA 3 IOO(PFO) PFO supply current NOTES: 6. Current Into LOGIC VOO, when FIN-A, FIN-B • GNO, PFO INHI!3IT = VOO, no load, and VCO OUT IS Inhibited. 7. Current into LOGIC VOO, when FIN-A, FIN-B -1 MHz (VI(PP) - 5 V, rectangular wave), PFO INHIBIT. GNO, no load, and VCO OUT Is inhibited. . ~1ExAs INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX &55303 • DAlLAS. TEXAS 76266 5-25 TLC29321 HIGH·PERFORMANCE PHASE·LOCKED LOOP SLAS097B-SEPTEMBER 1$94- REVISED MARCH 1995 operating characteristics ~ver recommended operating free-air temperature range, VOO (unless otherwise noted) =5 V veo section PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS fosc Operating oscillation frequency tslfosc) Time to stable oscillation (see Note 8) tr Rise time tf Fall time RBIAS =22 leO, VCO IN = 112 VOO Measured from VCO INHIBIT.J. MIN TYP MAX UNIT 30 41 52 MHz 10 lIS CL-15pF, See Figure 3 5.5 CL=50pF, CL-15pF, See Figure 3 See Figure 3 8 5 CL = 50 pF, See Figure 3 6 Duty cycle at veo OUT RBIAS - 22 leO, VCO IN .112 VOO, a(fosc) Temperature coefficient of oscillation frequency RBIAS • 22 leO, VCO IN = 1/2 VOO, TA. -20·C to 75·C ksVS(fosc) Supply voltage coefficient of oscillation frequency RBIAS • 2.2 leO, VCO IN = 2.5 V, VOO = 4.75 V to 5.25 V 45% 50% 10 10 ns ns 55% 0.06 %rC 0.006 %/mV Jitter absolute (see Note 9) 100 ps RBIAS - 2.2 k.O NOTES: 8: The time penod to the stable veo oscillation frequency after the VCO INHIBIT terminal IS changed to a low level. 9. The LPF circuit is shown in Figure 28 with calculated values listed In Table 7. Jitter performance is highly dependent on circuit layout and external device characteristics. The jitter specification was made with a carefully designed PCB with no device socket. PFO section PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS fmax Maximum operaling frequency tpLZ PFO output disable time from low level tpHZ PFO output disable time from high level tpZL PFO output enable time to low level tpZH PFO output enable time to high level tr Rise time tf Fall time TYP MAX 21 40 20 40 7.3 20 6.5 20 2.3 10 ns 1.7 10 ns 40 See Figures 4 and 5 and Table 4 CL= 15 pF, See Figure 4 ~.ThxAs INSTRUMENTS . 5-26 MIN POST OFFICE SOX 855303 • DAlLAS. TEXAS 75265 UNIT MHz ns ns TLC29321 HIGH·PERFORMANCE PHASE·LOCKED LOOP SLAS097B - SEPTEMBER 1994 - REVISED MARCH 1995 PARAMETER MEASUREMENT INFORMATION VCOOUT Figure 3. veo Output Voltage Waveform j FIN-At " 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1--1 FIN-Bt PFDINHIBIT 100/0 I tPZH VOD aND \..= I i4- tr ----------------- Voo ------- VDD aND 50%j ! ~90% 500/0 PFDOUT - - - - - - voo aND ~I 500/0J 1 aND i ~tPHZ 500/0\ aND \..= 1 1--' /4- tf J4-*- ' 500/0!_ _ _ _ _ 90~ ~O% ------; VOH I " I I VDD aND 1 100/0 I (a) OUTPUT PULLDOWN (see Figure 5 and Table 4) aND tpLZ 1 VDD tpZL~ -H VDD vOL (b) OUTPUT PULLUP (see Figure 5 and Table 4) t FIN-A and FIN-B are for reference phase only. notfortiming. Figure 4. PFD Output Voltage Waveform ~lEXAS . INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALlAS, TEXAS 75265 5-27 TLC29321 HIGH·PERFORMANCE PHASE·LOCKEO'LOOP SLAS097B-SEPTEMBER 1994-REVISED MARCH 1995 . PARAMETER MEASUREMENT INFORMATION Table 4. PFD Output Test Conditions PARAMETER RL eL T\ b Teet Point S1 S2 Open Close \ tpZH tpHZ tr tpZL 1 kn OUT Close tpLZ S1 9 RL 15pF VOO I-~PF~O~O~UIT-:--~~~ Open tf Figure 5. PFD Output Test Conditions TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS veo OSCILLATION FREQUENCY VCO OSCILLATION FREQUENCY vs VCO CONTROL VOLTAGE vs veo CONTROL VOLTAGE __ 40~---~------~------~ VOO=3V -200c RBIAS = 2.2 kn 30r--------r------~~~~~ 2Or--------r~~"'--___t---------I 10~=~l---_'_--J 100~--~----~----~---r--~ i I VOO=&V RBIAS = 1.& kn +----+-----!-----I 80~---+----~----~---+~~ iI s ~ j 40r----+---7.~~~r----+----4 I 20~~~---+------+----~---~ O~------~------~------~ o 2 3 veo IN - veo Control Voltege - o V FigureS Figure 7 ~1ExAs 5-28 2 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 665303 • DAllAS. TEXAS 75285 3 6 4 veo IN - veo Control Voltage - V · TLC29321 HIGH-PERFORMANCE PHASE-LOCKED LOOP SLAS097B - SEPTEMBER 1994 - REVISED MARCH 1995 TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS VCO OSCILLATION FREQUENCY VCO OSCILLATION FREQUENCY va va VCO CONTROL VOLTAGE VCO CONTROL VOLTAGE ~~--------~----~--~----~ VDD=5V 40 VDD=3V RBIAS = 3.3 leO !:E :E I P)- I I -20"C 30 P)- i::I r r IL u. c: c: 0 i 20 0 I ~ ~I RBIAS = 2.2 leO ! 4O~---+----;-~~~---+----, ~ ~I 10 ...I 2O~~~----;-----~---+----, ...§ 0 0 2 veo IN - VCO Control Voltage - V O~--~----~----~--~----~ 02345 3 veo IN - veo Control Voltage - Figure 8 Figure 9 VCO OSCILLATION FREQUENCY VCO OSCILLATION FREQUENCY va va VCO CONTROL VOLTAGE VCO CONTROL VOLTAGE 80 40 VDD=3V RBIAS = 4.3 leO ! :E i I 30 P)- r ~I 60 i::I ~ r u. c: I I, VDD=5V f- RBIAS = 3.3 leO !:E I P)- V /. ~ u. c: 20 0 I ~ ~I 10 J 25·C 75·c1 ...a ~ P ./~ ~ -20·C 0 0 0 2 3 veo IN - veo Control Voltage - V Figure 10 2 3 4 veo IN - veo Control Voltage - 5 V Figure 11 ~I 1EXAS NSIRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 6553ix! • DAlLAS. TEXAS 75266 5-29 TLC29321 HIGH-PERFORMANCE PHASE-LOCKED LOOP SLAS097B- SEPTEMBER 1994 - REVISED MARCH 1995 TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS VCO OSCILLATION FREQUENCY vs BIAS RESISTOR VCO OSCILLATION FREQUENCY vs BIAS RESISTOR 60 30 VOO=3V veo IN = 1/2 Voo TA=25·e N iI ~ Ii:::I r Ii ag= I :IE I ~ .............. c 0 :z: 25 IL 20 ............ VOO=5V veo IN = 1/2 Voo TA=25·e N Ii:::I ~ IL 50 '" c -~ ~ 15 i'5 40 S g i'-... I ~ J III ~ 10 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 RBIAS - Bias Resistor - kQ 4.5 20 1.5 2.5 3 RBIAS - Bias Resistor - kQ 3.5 Figure 13 TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT OF OSCILLATION FREQUENCY vs BIAS RESISTOR 0.4 " 2 Figure 12 TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT OF OSCILLATION FREQUENCY vs BIAS RESISTOR 0.4 VOO=3V veo IN = 1/2 Voo TA;; -20·e to 75·e ""- ........ VOO=5V veo IN = 1/2 Voo TA = -20·e to 75·e \. " 'II. . Y ~ / 2.5 3 3.33.5 4 RBIAS - Bias Resistor - kQ 4.5 Figure 14 . i'....L ./V " INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALlAS, TEXAS 75265 / / / I 2 2.2 2.5 3 RBIAS - Bias Resistor - kQ Figure 15 ~TEXAS 5-30 ~'" 30 3.5 TLC29321 HIGH·PERFORMANCE PHASE·LOCKED LOOP SLAS097B - SEPTEMBER 1994 - REVISED MARCH 1995 TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS VCO OSCILLATION FREQUENCY VCO OSCILLATION FREQUENCY vs vs VCO SUPPLY VOLTAGE VCO SUPPLY VOLTAGE 48 24 RBIAS = 3.3 kr.l VCOIN=1.5V TA = 25°C N J: :I: I ~ 5i ~ IL :I: I 22 ~ c :::I ~ IL C C E I 20 ~ 8 > I 44 CD ::I 0 RBIAS = 2.2 kr.l VCO IN = 1/2 Vee TA = 25°C N J: 40 ~ 0 ~ 18 38 I 1;1 1;1 .2 .2 32~----~------~----~------~ 16~----~------~----~------~ 3.05 3 3.15 Vee - VCO Supply Voltage - V 4.75 Figure 16 Figure 17 SUPPLY VOLTAGE COEFFICIENT OF VCO OSCILLATION FREQUENCY 0.05 SUPPLY VOLTAGE COEFFICIENT OF VCO OSCILLATION FREQUENCY vs vs BIAS RESISTOR BIAS RESISTOR j Vee = 2.85 Vto 3.15 V VCO IN = 1/2 Vee TA = 25°C ~ g 0.04 Vee = 4.75 V to 5.25 V VCO IN = 1/2 Vee TA = 25°C 0.01 '0 .. > c_ 0.03 -....... 0.02 ~ .!!~ .!!I ~ I--..... 0.01 o 2 2.5 5.25 5 Vee - veo Supply Voltage - V 3 1~ .......... '" o 5i tt , IlL 0.005 ~ I'--- >- - I I 3.5 4 RBIAS - Bias Resistor - kr.l 4.5 io ;r 0 1.5 Figure 18 2 2.5 3 RBIAS - Bias Resistor - kr.l 3.5 Figure 19 ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DAlLAS, TEXAS 75265 5-31 TLC29321 HIGH-PERFORMANCE PHASE-LOCKED LOOP SLAS097B - SEPTEMBER 19114 - REVISED MARCH 1995 . APPLICATION INFORMATION RECOMMENDED LOCK FREQUENCY (x10UTPUT) va BIAS RESISTOR RECOMMENDED LOCK FREQUENCY (x10UTPUT) ,va BIAS RESISTOR 30 8O..---....... ---r----r-----. VDD = 4.75 V to 5.25 V vDD =2.85 V to 3.15 V TA = -2O"C to 75°C TA =-200c to 75°C I I I I I 25 I ] 20 ] I I 151---I---~ 10~ 2 __ ~ __ 2.5 ~ ____ ~_~ __ 10~ ~ 3 3.5 4 RIIAS - lias R.lstor - leO ____ 1.5 ~ ____ ~ ___ ~ Figure 21 RECOMMENDED LOCK FREQUENCY (x1/2 OUTPUT) RECOMMENDED LOCK FREQUENCY (x1/2 OUTPUT) V8 V8 BIAS RESISTOR BIAS RESISTQR VDD .4.75 V to 5.25 V TA = -2OOC to 75°C SELECT.VDD VDD=2.85Vto3.15V TA =-2OOC to 7&OC SELECT =VDD I ~ 3 2.5 RBIAS - Bias Resistor - leO Figure 20 15 ____ 2 I I 12.& 1 ..I I 10 7.51----+--~ 5~ &~--~---~---~-~---..I 2 3 4 RBIAS - BI88 R.Jator - leO 4.5 ____ 1.5 Figure 22 ~ ___ ~ ____ ~,TEXAS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALlAS. TEXAS 75266 ____ 2 2.5 3 RBIAS - Blaa Resistor - leO Figure 23 INSTRUMENTS ~ ~ 3.5 TLC29321 HIGH-PERFORMANCE PHASE-LOCKED LOOP SLAS097B - SEPTEMBER 1994 - REVISED MARCH 1996 APPLICATION INFORMATION gain of VCO and PFD Figure 24 is a block diagaram of the PLL. The countdown N value depends on the input frequency and the desired veo output frequency according to the system application requirements. The ~ and Kv values are obtained from the operating characteristics of the device as shown in Figure 24. Kp is defined from the phase detector VOL and VOH specifications and the equation shown in Figure 24(c). Kv is defined from Figures 8, 9, 10, and 11 as shown in Figure 24(c). The parameters for the block diagram with the units are as follows: Kv : veo gain (radls/V) Ko: PFD gain (V/rad) Kf: LPF gain (VN) i 2(S) Kp • KV 11>1 (s) = N • (Tl + T2) I 1 +s . T2 'I I and the transfer function for frequency is FOUT(s) _ Kp' KV . FREF(s) - (Tl + T2) I 1 + s • T2 2 [ Kp' Kv' T2] Kp' KV s + s· 1 + N • (T1+ T2) + N • (T1+ T2) (1 ) (2) The standard two pole denominator is 0 =s2 + 2 ~ ron s + ron2 and comparing the coefficients of the denominator ofequation (1) and (2) with the standard two pole denominator gives the following results. ron = Kp' Kv N • (Tl + T2) Solving for Tl + T2 Tl Kp' KV N· ro n2 + T2 = -'---;:; (3) and by using this value for Tl + T2 in equation (3) the damping factor is t = ron • (T2 + N ) Kp' KV 2 solving for T2 T2=2t N ro Kp' Kv then by substituting for T2 in equation (3) KV·Kp 2t . N Tl = --+~~~ N • ro n2 ron Kp' KV :lllEXAs INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DAlLAS. TEXAS 75265 TLC29321 HIGH-PERFORMANCE PHASE-LOCKED LOOP SLAS097B - SEPTEMBER 1994 - REVISED MARCH 1995 APPLICATION INFORMATION From the circuit constants and the initial design parameters then ~ R2 -- [2(On - Kp N • KV] C1f ~ R1 = [K p • Kv _ + N ] 1.. (On 2 • N (On Kp. KV Cf The capacitor, C" is usually chosen between 1 ~F and 0.1 ~ to allow for reasonable resistor values and physical capacitor size. In this example, C, is chosen to be 1 ~ and the corresponding R1 and R2 calculated values are listed in Table 7. ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 8S6303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75266 5-37 TLC29321 HIGH-PERFORMANCE PHASE-LOCKED LOOP SLAS097B - SEPTEMBER 1994 - REVISED MARCH 1995 APPLICATION INFORMATION 1.9 1.8 / \ 1/ / ..l\ r I~ 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4 t 0.6 I'\. 1.3 t=O., -\: 1.2 t='· IIc 0 I t=1 I t= I / 1\ \ ~ - ~ 0.8 0.7 0.6 I I I 0.4 0.3 I 0.2 r----. 0.1 o rl V /t \i\ J V / vr ,1// , r!J V ! 0.5 J " o ,i 2 3 4 I 5 Cllnts=4.5 6 7 8 9 10 ~t Figure 26. Type 1 Second Order Step Response ~TEXAS 5-38 Jr\ ~ 0.9 EN 0&- I t= _I. ~ I 1z I t= / ~ ~K ~, ~ ~ ~~ it' r\ 'II ~ ~ \'\. ..........~ -~ -~ I I ~~ 11111/ ~=1.01 \~ F-' II/IV/ / t : { i ~ / " 1.1 0 J /1 \; rr /1 ~ ~ ;'11 K~ t= I - INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75266 11 12 13 TLC29321 HIGH-PERFORMANCE PHASE-LOCKED LOOP SLAS097B - SEPTEMBER 1994 - REVISED MARCH 1995 APPLICATION INFORMATION 1.9 1.8 / 1.7 V \ Vfr (Jt V- I 1.6 ,~ 1.4 1.2 0 0.8 ...:: C- o 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 I I I jr, ~ =0.4 ~ ~=0.5 ___ ~ =~.6 ~ ~ ~/ ~ =0.7 I ~~ '/, 0.9 1 IVIII .. I ~ =0.2 / !\ IL , \ ~ ~ ..... ~ ~. 1.1 '5 S::J z :v ~ ~\ 1.3 1 =1 ~ =0.3 1.5 ir Iii::J ...~ Y ~ V- '- 1/110 '1118 ~ = -;;;...- ~ VII \'-- / VI / / = 0.8 I '- ~ ~ ~ " = 1.0 I - '\.....I \ J \\.... '.// VB 0.3 rJ 0.2 0.1 o r o 234 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 IIlnt Figure 27. Type 2 Second Order Step Response ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFACE BOX 656303 • DAllAS. TEXAS 75265 5-39 TLC29321 HIGH~PERFORMANCE . PHASE·LOCKEDLOOP SLAS091B - SEPTEMBER 1994 -REVISED MARCH 1995 APPLICATION INFORMATION VDD' veo I 1 LOGIC VDD (Digital) VCOVDD Inhibit 2 BIAS -& DGND 14 AVDD R1t .. 13 ;;: ::::: 0.22 jtF' 3 REFIN VCOOUT8 r-. 1/2 4~A r-.. veo R3 12 '. IN VCOGND 11 C2 ;;: ~ r: R2 ~ C1 \1 On/Off D! D II rh 10 56 AGND 6 Phase I Inhibit I Comparator I I 7 LOGIC GND (Digital) Divide By N 9 NC ~ DtD R4 R5 ~~ R6 DGND DVDD t RSIAS resistor Figure 28. Evaluation and Operation Schematic PCB layout considerations The TLC29321 contains a high frequency analog oscillator; therefore. very careful breadboarding and printed-circuit-board (PCB) layout is required for evaluation. The following design recommendations benefit the TLC29321 user: • External analog and digital circuitry should be physically separated and shielded as much as possible to reduce system noise. • RF breadboarding or RF PCB techniques should be used throughout the evaluation and production process. • Wide ground leads or a ground plane should be used on the PCB layouts to minimize parasitic inductance and resistance. The ground plane is the better choice for noise reduction. • LOGIC Voo and VCO Voo should be separate PCB traces and connected to the best filtered supply pOint available in the system to minimize supply cross-coupling. • VCO Voo to GND and LOGIC Voo to GND should be decoupled with a O.1-¢= capacitor placed as close as possible to the appropriate device terminals. • The no-connection (NC) terminal on the package should be connected to GND. ~1ExAs 5-40 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 855303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 TL32088 DIFFERENTIAL ANALOG BUFFER AMPLIFIER MARCH 1995 • Analog Front-End Integrated Circuit for the 18-Blt Stereo Audio Sigma-Delta Analog-toDigital Converter TLC320AD58C and Equivalent Analog-to-Dlgltal Converters • Single-Ended to Differential Signal Conversion NSPACKAGE (TOP VIEW) AVss IN L+ INLOUTL REFL FLTL 1 FLTL2 AOUTLAOUTL+ • Low Distortion, Low Noise - THD+N ••. -10o-dB Typ - SIN ••• 108-dB Typ • • • • 1 REFL1 Adjustable Signal Gain 5-V Single Supply Operation Internal Voltage Reference Operating Temperature ••• -20°C to 70°C 6 7 8 9 10 15 14 13 12 11 REF R1 INR+ INROUTR REFR FLTR 1 FLTR2 AOUTRAOUTR+ AVoo AVAILABLE OPTIONS description PACKAGE The TL32088 is an analog signal conditioning TA SMALL OUTLINE integrated circuit built using a proprietary Texas (NS) Instruments bipolar process. This device is used for -20·C to 70·C TL32088INS the analog signal input stage of the 18-bit, stereo audio, sigma-delta, analog-to-digital converter (ADC) TLC320AD58C or equivalent converters. The TL32088 converts a single-ended audio signal to a differential · signal with externally controlled gain for the input of a sigma-delta ADC, differential-analog Signal input. The differential output can be connected to the TLC320AD58C directly. The TLC32088 is composed of high performance amplifiers that offer wide output swing with low distortion and low noise. The reference voltage for the internal amplifiers circuit is provided from an internal voltage reference circuit. The TL32088 operates in a single 5-V supply high end audio system providing wide output swing while maintaining -1 OD-dB THD+N and 108-dB SNR. 3: w :; w IX a.. b :::l C o functional block diagram OUTR REFR FLTR1 IX FLTR2 a.. 5kn INRINR+ ROUT AOUTRROUT AOUTR+ REF LOUT AOUTL+ LOUT AOUTL- ":' INL+ INL- 5kn OUTL REFL FLTL1 ~1ExAs FLTL2 Copyright © 1995, Texas Instruments Incorporated INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DAUAS, TEXAS 75265 5-41 TL32088 DIFFERENTIAL ANALOG BUFFER AMPLIFIER SLAS123- MARCH 1995 absolute maximum rating over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)t Supply voltage, Vee (see Note 1) .........................................................•... 7 V Differential input voltage, VIO (see Note 2) ................................................. , ... 7 V Input voltage range, VI (any input) (see Notes 1 and 3) .................................. -0.3 to Vee Output voltage, Vo .................................................................. -0.3 to Vee Output current, 10 ...................................•.................................... 20 mA Duration of short-circuit current at or below 25°C (output shorted to GND) ..................... unlimited Continuous total dissipation, Po (TA:S; 25°C) (see Note 4) ................................... 625 mW Operating free-air temperature range, TA ............................................ -20°C to 70°C Storage temperature range, Tstg .................................................. -65°C to 150°C Lead temperature 1,6 mm (1/16 inch) from case for 10 seconds ......... • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 260°C t Stresses beyond those listed under "absolute maximum ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other condHions beyond those indicated under "recommended operating conditions" is not implied. Exposure to absolute-maxi mum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliabilHy. NOTES: 1. All voltage valUes, except differential voltage, are with respect to GND. 2. Differential voltage is at the noninverting input with respect to the inverting input. 3. All input voltage values must not exceed VCC. 4. Derating factor above TA = 25·C is 10 mW'·C. "0 recommended operating conditions ::D o MIN NOM MAX 5 UNIT V C Supply voltage, VCC Input voltage range, VI (see Note 5) 1.1 3.9 V o Operating free-air temperature, TA -20 70 ·C c: .... NOTE 5: The output voltage is undetermined when the input voltage exceeds recommended input voltage range. ~ electrical characteristics over recommended operating free-air temperature range, Vee (unless otherwise noted) ~ m m < - :e PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS VO-2.5V VIO Input offset voltage VIC=2.5V, (AMPL1,R1) 110 Input offset current VIC-2.5V, Vo = 2.5 V (AMPL1,R1) TA=25·C liB Input bias current VIC=2.5V, Vo = 2.5 V (AMP L1, R1) TA=25·C VIC Common-mode input voltage VOS7.5 mV (AMP L1, R1) VOM+ VOM- MAX 5 nA 150 TA - -20·C to 70·C 20 nA TA = -20·C to 70·C 0.9 4.1 TA = -20·C to 70·C 1.1 3.9 Maximum positive-peak output voltage TA - -20·C to 70·C 4.4 Maximum negative-peak output voltage TA = -20·C to 70·C Differential voltage amplification CMRR Common-mode rejection ratio Vo = 2.5 V±5 V (AMPL1,R1) Vref Reference voltage EG Gain error ro Output resistance Supply current (both channels) V 0.6 dB TA=25·C 85 dB 2.45 2.5 TA - -20·C to 70·C No load V 60 TA=25·C VO. 2.5 V, V TA=25·C TA - -20·C to 70·C See Note 6 UNIT mV 7.5 TA=25·C Avd TA=25·C TA - -20·C to 70·C NOTE 6: Gam error Is between OUT Land FLTL 1, OUT Rand FLTR 1. ~TEXAS 5-42 TYP 1 TA = -20·C to 70·C VO=2.5V±1 V (AMP L1, R1) ICC MIN TA-25·C =5 V INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • OALlAS, TEXAS 75265 2.55 V ±3% 50 Q 15 18 mA TL32088 DIFFERENTIAL ANALOG BUFFER AMPLIFIER SLAS123-MARCH 1995 operating characteri~tics over recommended operating free-air temperature range, VCC (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER Slew rate Bl SNR Unity-gain bandwidth AV·l, AMPL1, Rl Signal-to-noise ratio (EIAJ) A-Weight test circuit Total harmonic distortion plus noise VO(PP) =3.2 V, f =1 kHz, BW _ 10Hz to 20 kHz test circuit THD+N MIN TEST CONDITIONS SR VI-2.5 V + 0.5V (AMP L1, Rl) TYP MAX =5 V UNIT 3 V/)JJ5 7 MHz 108 dB -100 dB APPLICATION INFORMATION AVOD ;: ->W T w a: a. t) ::l C 1°""T o IX: a. I AOUT R-113 OUT~4-------~+---~~~--J ONLM)t L---4~I/\r-----.._:..=-----------+ 50 n AOUT R+ 112 10 AOUT L+ 50 n ouTL+4-------~~~~~------~ OUT RONRM)t ~------~r_--_+------------_.OUTR+ (INRP)t ONLP)t t TLC320AD58C input terminals. Figure 1. TL32088 to TLC320AD58C Connections ~ThXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DAUAS. TEXAS 75265 5-43 6-1 II _. < CCD o ::J ..... CD ~ Q) (") CD "'tJ -..... ..... Q) CD CD tn 6-2 TLC34058 256 x 24 COLOR·PALETTE 1995 • • • • • • • • • Direct Interface to TMS340XX Graphics Processors • Standard Microprocessor Unit (MPU) Palette Interface • Multiplexed-TTL Pixel Ports • Triple Dlgital-to-Analog Converters (DACs) • Dual-Port Overlay Registers •.• 4 x 24 Bits • 5-V Power Supply • Data Sheet Avallablet CMOS Technology 135-MHz Plpelined Architecture Available Clock Rate .•. 80,110,135 MHz Dual-Port Color RAM 256 Words x 24 Bits Bit-Plane Read and Blink Masks EIA R8-343-A Compatible Outputs Functionally Interchangeable With Brooktree® Bt458 Direct Interface to SMJ340xx Graphics Processors (110M) description The TlC34058 color-palette integrated circuit is specifically developed for high-resolution color graphics in such applications as CAE/CAD/CAM, image processing, and video reconstruction. The architecture provides for the display of 1280 x 1024 bit-mapped color graphics (up to eight bits per pixel resolution) with two bits of overlay information. The TlC34058 has a 256-word x 24-bit RAM used as a lookup table with three 8-bit, video, D/A converters. On-chip features such as high-speed pixel clock logic minimize costly ECl interface. Multiple pixel ports and internal multiplexing provide TTl-compatible interface (up to 32 MHz) to the frame buffer while maintaining sophisticated color graphic data rates (up to 135 MHz). Programmable blink rates, bit plane masking and blinking, color overlay capability, and a dual-port palette RAM are other key features. The TlC34058 generates red, green, and blue signals compatible with EIA RS-343-A and can drive 75-0 coaxial cables terminated at each end without external buffering. AVAILABLE OPTIONS PACKAGE TA SPEED DAC RESOLUTION 80 MHz 8 Bits O·Cto 70·C 110MHz 8 Bits 135 MHz 8 Bits - -55·Cto 125·C 110 MHz 8 Bits TLC34058-110MGA PLASTIC CHIP CARRIER (FNI CERAMIC GRID ARRAY (GAl - TLC34058-80FN TLC34058-110FN TLC34058-135FN - QUAD FLATPACK (HFGI TLC34058-110MHFG t For the complete data sheet. refer to the Graphics and Imaging Data Book (SLAD002). Brooktree is a registered trademark of Brooktree Corporation. ~TEXAS Copyright © 1995, Texas Instruments Incorporated INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 6-3 TLC34058 . 256 x 24 COLOR PALETTE XLAS05O-APRIL 1995 functional block diagram REF FSADJ a:K CLK load Control Multiplex Control 1 - 4 1 - - - - - - COMP Blink Control lD P(7-0) 40 (A-E) lOR OlO-Ol1 (A-E) lOG 4x24 Overlay SYNC Palette Registers BlK CE RJW Bus Control co To I - - Control Functions C1 To D(7-0) 8 8 Add..... Control Functions 8 Rad Value Green ;'Value Blue Value " , ,r ~1ExAs INSTRUMENTS ' POST OFFIcE BOX 665303 • DAWIS. TEXAS 75265 lOB TLC34074 VIDEO INTERFACE DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTER • • • • • • • • • • • • Versatile Multiplexing Interface Allows Lower Pixel Bus Rate • High Level of Integration Provides Lower System Cost and Complexity • Versatile Pixel Bus Interface Supports Little- and Blg-Endlan Data Formats • Directly Interfaces to TMS340101TMS34020 and Other Graphics Processors • Single 8-Blt D/A Converters • Low Cost Monochrome and Gray-Scale System • Pin Compatible With TLC34075 and TLC34076 135-, 170-, and 2QO-MHz Versions On-Chip Voltage Reference R8-343A-Compatlble Outputs TTL-Compatible Inputs Standard MPU Interface On-Chip Clock Selection Directly Interfaces to Video RAM Supports Split Shift-Register Transfers TIGATII Software-Standard Compatible CMOS Technology Data Manual Avallablet description The TLC34074 video interface DAC (VID) is designed for monochrome and gray-scale graphics systems, providing lower system cost with a higher level of integration by incorporating all the high-speed timing, synchronizing, and multiplexing logic usually associated with graphics systems into one device, thus greatly reducing chip count. Since all high-speed signals (excluding the clock source) are contained on-chip, RF noise considerations are simplified. Maxitnum flexibility Is provided through the pixel multiplexing scheme, which allows for 32-, 16-, 8-, and 4-bit pixel buses to be accommodated without any circuit modification. This enables the system to be easily reconfigured for varying amounts of available video RAM. Additionally, data can be split into 1, 2, 4. or 8-bit gray-scale. The TLC34074 is also designed to be terminal compatible with the TLC34075 and TLC34076 video interface palettes. Therefore, a single graphics design can be configur9d into a color or black-and-white system by using either the TLC34075/076 Or the TLC34074 to reduce the system cost and increase the resolution. Like the TLC34076, the TLC34074 can be programmed for little or big-endian data format for the pixel bus frame buffer interface. The TLC34074 has an &-bit video digital-to-analog converter (DAC) capable of directly driving a doubly terminated 75-0 line. Sync generation can be incorporated onto the output channel when so enabled. Hsync and Vsync are fed through the device and optionally inverted to indicate screen resolution to the monitor. Bit stuffing logic repeats the intended gray-scale pattern to the least significant bits when the gray-scale is not 8 bits wide. This allows the 8-bit DAC to achieve full R8-343A output levels while maintaining uniform linearity for all codes. AVAILABLE OPTIONS PACKAGE TA SPEED 0·Cto70·C 170 MHz 135 MHz 200 MHz DAC RESOLUTION SBits SBits SBits PLASTIC CHIP CARRIER (FN) TLC34074-135FN TLC34074-170FN TLC34074-200FN t For the complete data manual; refer to the Graphics and Imaging Data Book (SLAD002). TIGA is a trademark of Texas Instruments Incorporated. CopyrIght@ 1995, Texas Instruments Incorporated :'II· .1ExAs NSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE eox 656303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 TLC34074 VIDEO COLOR PALETTE XLAS056 - MAY 1995 description (continued) Clocking is provided through one of four inputs (3 TTL- and 1 EClJTTL-compatible) and is software selectable. The video and shift-clock outputs provide a software-selected divide ratio of the chosen clock input. The TLC34074 can be connected directly to the serial port of VRAM devices, eliminating the need for any discret~ logic. Support for split shift-register transfers is also provided. functional block diagram :>- ---.+-IOG lOB S}ata. 0(7-0) Test a Register RS(3-0) RO WR Qock Control ~ i or- k :IIi: 01r:IIi: W pp :IIi::IIi: ;!! lo' g Figure 1. Functional Block Diagram :b Output MUX 6-10 TLC34076 VIDEO INTERFACE PALETTE XLAS076 - MAY 1995 • CMOS Technology • Versatile Multiplexing Interface Allows Lower Pixel Bus Rate • High Level of Integration Provides Lower System Cost and Complexity • Direct VGA Pass-Through Capability • Versatile Pixel Bus Interface Supports Little- and Big-Endlan Data Formats • True-Color (Direct Addressing) Modes Support Various 24- and 16-Bit Formats • XGATM-Format Compatible (5-6-5) • TARGATM-Format Compatible (5-5-5) • Directly Interfaces to TMS34010ITMS34020 and Other Graphics Processors • Triple B-Blt D/A Converters • 85-,110-,135-, and 170- MHz Versions • • • • • • • • • • • 256-Word Color Palette RAM Palette Page Register On-Chip Voltage Reference RS-343A-Compatlble Outputs TTL-Compatible Inputs Standard MPU Interface Pixel Word Mask On-Chip Clock Selection Directly Interfaces to Video RAM Supports Split Shift-Register Transfers Software Downward-Compatible With INMOS IMSG17618 and Brooktree™ BT47618 Color Palettes • TIGATM Software-Standard Compatible • Data Manual Avallablet description The TLC34076 video interface palette (VIP) is designed to provide lower system cost with a higher level of integration. The device incorporates all of the high-speed timing, synchronization, and multiplexing logic usually associated with graphics systems into one device, thus greatly reducing chip count. Since all high-speed signals (excluding the clock source) are contained on-chip, RF noise considerations are simplified. Maximum flexibility is provided through the pixel multiplexing scheme, which allows for 32-, 16-,8-, and 4-bit pixel buses to be accommodated without any circuit modification. This enables the system to be easily reconfigured for varying amounts of available video RAM. Data can be split into 1-, 2-, 4-, or 8-bit planes. The TLC34076 is software-compatible with the IMSG176/8 and Brooktree BT476/8 color palettes. The TLC34076 VIP is terminal-for-terminal compatible with the TLC34075 VI P but contains additional 24- and 16-bit true-color modes as well as the ability to select little- or big-endian data formats for the pixel bus frame-buffer interface. The TLC34076 features a separate video graphics adapter (VGA) bus that allows data from the feature connector of most VGA-supported personal computers to be fed directly into the palette without the need for external data multiplexing. This allows a replacement graphics board to remain downward compatible by utilizing the existing graphics circuitry often located on the motherboard. The 24- and 16-bit true-color modes that are provided allow bits of color information to be transferred directly from the pixel port to the digital-to-analog converters (DACs). Depending on which true-color mode is selected, an ovetray function is provided using the remaining bits of the pixel bus. The 24-bit modes allow overlay with the eight remaining bits of the pixel bus, while the TARGA (5-5-5) 16-bit mode allows overlay with the one remaining bit of the divided pixel bus. The TLC34076 has a 256-by-24 color-lookup table with triple, B-bit video, D/A converters capable of directly driving a doubly terminated, 75-0 line. Synchronization generation is incorporated on the green output channel. HSYNC and VSYNC are fed through the device and optionally inverted to indicate screen resolution to the monitor. A palette page register provides the additional bits of palette address when 1-, 2-, or 4-bit planes are used. This allows the screen colors to be changed with only one MPU write cycle. t For the complete data manual, refer to the Graphics and Imaging Data Book (SLAD002). XGA is a trademark of Intemational Business Machines Corporation. TARGA is a trademark of Truevision incorporated. Brooktree is a trademark of Brooktree Corporation. TIGA is a trademark of Texas Instruments incorporated. ~ThXAS copyright © 1995,·Texas Instruments Incorporated INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • O",LLAS, TEXAS 75265 6-11 TLC34076 VIDEO INTERFACE PALETTE XLAS076-MAY 1995 description (continued) Clocking is provided through one of four or five inputs (three TIL- and either one ECL- or two .TIL-compatlble) and is software selectable. The video and shift-clock outputs provide a software-selected dMde ratio of the chosen clock input. The TLC34076 can be connected directly to the serial port of VRAM devices, eliminating the need for any discrete logic. Support for split shift-register transfers is also provided. AVAILABLE OPTIONS PACKAGE TA O·Cto 70·C -55·C to 125·C SPEED DAC RESOLUTION PLASTIC CHIP CARRIEFi (FN) a5MHz 110 MHz a Bits a Bits TLC34076-85FN TLC34076-110FN 135 MHz 170 MHz a Bits TLC34076-135FN a Bits TLC34076-170FN 135 MHz a Bits - ~ThxAs 6-12 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 865303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 GRID ARRAY (GA) - - TLC34076-135MGA function block diagram ,. 11 24 v... 111. I True-CoIor PIpeline DeIIIr >. • COIF FS ADJUST ~ lOR Color PaIelIe 1" 2 Ilr I RAM • OUtput lOB D(7~) RS~) iii) WR r MPU .'.1 1124< ,. I · II~MUX~= I and Control Clock Control SFLAGINFLAG CLK3 CLK3 SCLK VCLK Figure 1. Functional Block Diagram Co> _ _~ MUXOUT sc oi-.J~ .......... iiSYNC ! lOG IlUX ~ BLANK ~ VSYNC i I ~ i ::u ~ g ~;:! ~~ =I~ me» 6-14 TLC34077 VIDEO INTERFACE PALETTE XLAS045-APRIL 1995 • Versatile Multiplexing Interface Allows Lower Pixel Bus Rate • High Level of Integration Provides Lower System Cost and Complexity • Direct VGA Pass-Through Capability • True-Color (Direct Addressing) Modes Support Various 24- and 16-Bit Formats • XGATM-Format Compatible (5-6-5) • TARGATM-Format Compatible (5-5-5) • Directly Interfaces to Most Graphics Processors • • • • • • • • 256-Word Color Palette RAM On-Chip Voltage Reference RS-343A-Compatlble Outputs TTL-Compatible Inputs Standard MPU Interface Pixel Word Mask On-Chip Clock Selection Software Downward-Compatible With INMOS IMSG176/8 and BrookTree™ Bt476/8 Color Palettes • TIGATM Software-Standard Compatible • Triple 8-Blt D/A Converters • 11D- and 135-MHz Versions • CMOS Technology • Data Manual Avai/ablet description The TLC34077 video interface palette (VIP) is designed to provide lower system cost with a higher level of integration by incorporating all the high-speed timing, synchronization, and multiplexing logic usually associated with graphics systems into one device, thus greatly reducing chip count. Since all high-speed signals (excluding the clock source) are contained on-chip, RF noise considerations are simplified. Maximum flexibility is provided through the pixel multiplexing scheme, which allows for 32-, 16-, and 8-bit pixel buses to be accommodated without any circuit modification. The TLC34077 is software compatible with the IMSG176/8 and Brooktree Bt476/8 color palettes. The TLC34077 VIP is terminal-for-terminal compatible with the TLC34076 VIP, but with a reduced feature set optimized for cost-sensitive, high-performance, PC graphics applications. The TLC34077 is compatible with a variety of graphics processors, including the ATI 68800 mach 32 series of graphics accelerators. The TLC34077 features a separate VGA bus that allows data from the feature connector of most VGA-supported personal computers to be fed directly into the palette without the need for external data multiplexing. This allows a replacement graphics board to remain downward compatible by utilizing the existing graphics circuitry often located on the motherboard. The 24- and 16-bit true-color modes that are provided allow bits of color information to be transferred directly from the pixel port to the DACs. The TLC34077 has a 256-by-24 color-lookup table with triple, 8-bit video, D/A converters capable of directly driving a doubly terminated, 75-0 line. Synchronization generation is incorporated on the green output channel. Clocking is provided through one of two TIL-compatible inputs and is software selectable. The video clock output provides a software-selected divide ratio of the chosen clock input. AVAILABLE OPTIONS PACKAGE TA O·Cto 70·C SPEED DAC RESOLUTION 110MHz 8 Bits TLC34077-110FN 135 MHz 8 Bits TLC34077-135FN PLASTIC CHIP CARRIER IFN) t For the complete data manual, refer to the Graphics and Imaging Data Book (SLAD002). XGAis a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. TARGA is a trademark of Truevision Incorporated. Brooktree is a trademark of Brooktree Corporation. TIGA is a trademark of Texas Instruments Incorporated. ~TEXAS Copyright © 1995, Texas Instruments Incorporated INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALlAS. TEXAS 75266 6-15 e- ! = SO' = !!. Q) 24 CT 32 16. 8 16. Tru.color 15.' Pipeline Delay COMP 0' ~ a. Dr co x ~ I > "U :u r= i ~ o Color ~~Z-.4r !;~r I Palette RAM I , lit; - I MUX Output lOG lOB LCLK Test D(7-o) RS(3-0) AD WR Register II ~< _I - Clock II C:~:01 \I1deo MUX Control p ~ e Figure 1. Functional Block Diagram ~, an; ~i 0 -::t 0 !i m :2J ~ m (') a3 lOR <~ _I""'" I ~ I""'" m ~ m TVP2002 CLOCK DRIVER • • • • • • • • • • 135-MHz Operation Differential ECl Clock Generation Divide by 3, 4, 5, or 8 of the Clock Divide by 2 and 4 of the load Resets Pipeline Delay of the TlC34058 1.235-V Voltage Reference Output 5-V Single Power-Supply Operation 28-Pin PlCC (FN) Package low Power Consumption ••• 400 mW Max Designed to Be Interchangeable With Brooktree™ Bt438 • Data Sheet Availablet FNPACKAGE {TOP VIEW) ~g ~ ~ ~ I Cl)tt»o« ~a:ooz~~ W 0 5 432 : IXlIXl 282726 25 9 10 24 23 22 21 20 11 19 6 7 LOA LOB NC GND GND NC NC 12 1314 15 16 17 18 description ~ 010 ~ ~ I OCl)CI)CCCC The TVP2002 is a clock driver for the Texas Instruments TLC34058 and functionally equivalent color palettes. It interfaces to a 10 KH-ECL oscillator operating from a single 5-V supply I to the TLC34058, generating the necessary clock and control signals. co OOO..J..J..J..J ..J o NC - No internal connection The clock output may be divided by 3, 4, 5, or 8 to generate the load signal. The load signal is also divided by 2 and 4 for clocking video timing logic. for example. A second load signal may be synchronously or asynchronously controlled to enable starting and stopping of the VRAM Clock. The TVP2002 also optionally configures the pipeline delay ofthe TLC34058 to a fixed-pipeline delay. An on-chip 1.235-V reference is provided and may be used to provide the reference voltage for the color palette. AVAILABLE OPTIONS PACKAGE TA O·CIo 70"C PLASTIC CHIP CARRIER (FN) TVP2002FN t For the complete data sheet. refer to the Graphics and Imaging Data Book (SLAD002). Brooktree Is a trademark of Brooktree Corporation. -!llExAs Copyright @ 1995. Texas Instruments Incorporated INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 865303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 6-17 TVP2002 .CLOCK DRIVER XLAS083-MAY 1995 functional block diagram REF VCC GND CLOCK CLOCK esc OSC r~=:~~~~~~~~~~f=LDA'LDB LD/2. '---r-...... LD/4 LDC, LDD DIVO, DIV1 ENABLE(S) ENABLE(A) ~TEXAS 6-1!l INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 865303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 TVP3010 VIDEO INTERFACE PALETTE • Second-Generation Video Interface Palette • Supports System Resolutions of: - 1600 x 1280 x 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 BitS/Pixel at 60-Hz Refresh Rate - 1280 x 1024 x 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 BIts/Pixel at 60-Hz and 72-Hz Refresh Rates - 1024 x 768 x 1, 2, 4, 8, 16,24 BIts/Pixel at 60-Hz and 72-Hz Refresh Rates - Lower Resolutions • Direct-Color Modes: - 24-Blt/Plxel with 8-Blt Overlay ..,. 16-Blt/Plxel (5, 6, 5) XGATM Configuration - 16-Blt/Plxel (6, 6, 4) Configuration - 15-Blt/Pixel With 1-Bit Overlay (5, 5,5,1) TARGATM Configuration - 12-Blt/Pixel With 4-Bit Overlay (4, 4, 4, 4) • True-Color Modes: - 24-Blt/Plxel With Gamma Correction - 16-Blt/Plxel (5, 6, 5) XGA Configuration With Gamma Correction - 16-Blt/Plxel (6, 6, 4) Configuration with Gamma Correction - 15-Blt/Plxel (5, 5, 5) TARGA Configuration With Gamma Correction , - 12-Blt/Plxel (4, 4, 4) With Gamma Correction • On-Chip Hardware Cursor: - 64 x 64 x 2 Cursor (XGA Functionally Compatible) - Full-Window Crosshair - Dual-Cursor Mode • 85-,110-,135- and 170-MHz Versions • Supports Overscan For Creation of Custom Screen Borders • Versatile Pixel Bus Interface Supports Little- and Blg-Endlan Data Formats • Windowed Overlay, VGA Capability • Color-Keyed Switching of Direct Color and Overlay • • • • • • • • • • On-Chip Clock Selection Internal Frequency Doubler Triple 8-Blt D/A Converters Analog Output Comparators Triple 256 x 8 Color Palette RAMs R8-343A-Compatlble Outputs Direct VGA Pass-Through Capability Palette-page Register Horizontal Zooming Capability Software Downward Compatible With IMSG17618 and Bt47618 • RCLKlSCLKlLCLK Data Latching Allows Flexible Control of VRAM Timing • Directly Interfaces to Graphics Processors • Direct Interfacing to Video RAM • Supports Split Shift-Register Transfers • CMOS Technology • Data Manual Avallablet • 64-Bit Wide Pixel Bus description The lVP301 0 palette is an advanced video interface palette (VIP) from Texas Instruments implemented in the EPICTM O.8-micron CMOS process. Maximum flexibility is provided by the pixel multiplexing scheme. The scheme accommodates 64-, 32-, 16-, 8-, and 4-bit pixel buses without any circuit modification. This enables the system to be easily reconfigured for varying amounts of available video RAM. The device supports selection of little- or big-endian data format for the pixel-bus/frame-buffer interface. Data can be split into 1-, 2-, 4-, or 8-bit planes for pseudo-color mode or split into 12-,16- or 24-bit true-color and direct-color modes. For the 24-bit direct color modes, an 8-bit overlay plane is available. The 16-bit direct- and true-color modes can be configured to IBMTM XGA (5, 6, 5), TARGA (5, 5, 5,1), or (6, 6, 4) as another existing format. An additional 12-bit mode (4, 4, 4, 4) is supported with 4 bits for each color and overlay. An on-chip, IBM XGA-compatible hardware cursor is incorporated so that further increases in graphics system performance are possible. The device is also software compatible with the IMSG176/8 and Bt476/8 color palettes. t Forthe complete data manual, refertotheGraphics and Imaging Data Book (SLAD002). XGA is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. TARGA is a trademark of Truevision Incorporated. EPIC is a trademark of Texas Instruments Incorporated. IBM is a trademark of Intemational Business Machines Corporation. ~1EXAS Copyright @ 1995. Texas lns1rUmen1s Incorporated INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX e65303 • OAu.AS. TEXAS 75265 6-19 TVP3010 VIDEO INTERFACE PALETTE XLAS082 - MAY 1.995 description (continued) An internal frequency doubler is incorporated, allowing convenient and cost-effective clock source alternatives to be utilized. An auxiliary windowing function and a pixel-port-select function are provided so that overlay or VGA graphics can be displayed on top of direct color inside or outside a specified auxiliary window. Color-keyed switching of direct color and overlay is also supported. Clocking is provided through one of five TIL inputs, CLKO-CLK4, and is software selectable. Additionally, CLK1/CLK2 and CLK3/CLK4 can be selected as differential ECL clock sources. The video, shift clock, and reference clock outputs provide a software-selected divide ratio of the chosen clock input. The reference clock can optionally be provided as an output on CLK3, and a data latch clock can optionally be input on CLK4. The TVP3010 has three 256-by-8 color lookup tables with triple, 8-bit video, digital-to-analog converters (DACs) capable of directly driving a doubly terminated 75-0 line. The lookup tables are designed with a dual-ported RAM architecture that enables ultra-high speed operation. Sync generation is incorporated on the green output channel. Horizontal sync and vertical sync are fed through the device and optionally inverted to indicate screen resolution to the monitor. A palette-page register provides the additional bits of palette address when 1-,2-, or 4-bit planes are used. This allows the screen colors to be changed with only one microprocessor interface unit (MPU)write cycle. The device features a separate VGA bus that allows data from the feature connector of most VGA-supported personal computers to be fed directly into the palette without the need for external data multiplexing. This allows a replacement graphics board to remain downward compatible by utilizing the existing graphics circuitry often located on the motherboard. The TVP301 0 VIP is highly system integrated. It can be connected to the serial port of VRAM devices without external buffer logic and connected to many graphics engines directly. The split shift-register transfer function, which is supported by VRAM, is also supported by the TVP301 o. The system-integration concept is carried to manufacturing test and field diagnosis. To support these, several highly integrated test functions have been designed to enable simplified testing of the palette, the graphics board, and the graphics system. The 32-bit TVP301 0 is terminal compatible with the TLC3407X VIP, allowing convenient performance upgrades when using devices in the TI Video Interface Palette family. AVAILABLE OPTIONS PACKAGE TA SPEED DAC RESOLUTION PLASTIC CHIP C~RRIER (FN) 0·Cto70·C -55·C to 125·C 85 MHz SBIts TVP301 Q-85FN 110 MHz S Bits TVP301D-110FN 135 MHz 170 MHz S Bits TVP3010-135FN S Bits TVP3010-170FN 135 MHz SBIts - ~TEXAS S-:-20 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 GRID ARRAY (GA) TVP301D-135MGA TVP3010 VIDEO INTERFACE PALETTE XLAS082 - MAY 1995 functional block diagram P(31-j) >"--+COMP lOR VGA(7-0) lOG lOB 0(7 -0) RS(2-0) MUXOUT (SENSE] HSYNCOUT VSYNCOUT I~I~I!II Figure 1. Functional Block Diagram ~ThxAs INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • OAUAS. TEXAS 75265 6-21 6-22 TVP3020 VIDEO INTERFACE PALETTE XLAS080A - MAY 1995 • Second-Generation Video Interface Palette • Supports System Resolutions of: - 1600 x 1280 x 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 24 BitS/Pixel at 60-Hz and 72-Hz Refresh Rate - 1280 x 1024 x 1, 2, 4, 8,16, 24 BitS/Pixel at 60-Hz and 72-Hz Refresh Rate - 1024 x 768 x 1, 2, 4, 8, 16,24 BIts/Pixel at 60-Hz and 72-Hz Refresh Rate - And lower resolutions • Direct-Color Modes: - 24-Blt/Plxel With 8-Blt Overlay - 16-Blt/Plxel (5, 8,5) XGA® Configuration - 16-Blt/Plxel (6, 6, 4) Configuration - 15-Blt/Plxel With 1-Blt Overlay (5, 5, 5,1) TARGA Configuration - 12-Bit/Pixel With 4-Bit Overlay (4, 4, 4, 4) • True-Color Modes: - 24-Blt/Pixel With Gamma Correction - 16-Bit/Pixel (5, 6, 5) XGA Configuration With Gamma Correction - 16-Blt/Plxel (6, 6, 4) Configuration With Gamma Correction - 15-Blt/Plxel (5, 5, 5) TARGA® Configuration With Gamma Correction - 12-Blt/Plxel (4, 4, 4) With Gamma Correction • RCLKlSCLKlLCLK Data Latching Allows Flexible Control of VRAM Timing • Direct Interfacing to Video RAM • Supports Split Shift-Register Transfers • 64-Blt-Wide Pixel Bus • On-Chip Hardware Cursor: - 64 x 64 x 2 Cursor (XGA Functionally Compatible) - Full-Window Crosshalr - Dual-Cursor Mode • 135-,170-, and 200-MHz Versions • Supports Overscan for Creation of Custom Screen Borders • Versatile Pixel Bus Interface Supports Little- and Blg-Endlan Data Formats • Windowed Overlay, VGA Capability • Color-Keyed Switching of Direct Color and Overlay • On-Chip Clock Selection • Internal Frequency Doubler • Triple 8-Blt D/A Converters • Analog-Output Comparators • Triple 256 x 8 Color Palette RAMs • R8-343A-Compatlble Outputs • Direct VGA Pass-Through Capability • Palette-Page Register • Horizontal Zooming Capability • Software Downward Compatible With IMSG17618 and Bt47618 • Directly Interfaces to Graphics Processors • CMOS Technology • Data Manual Avallablet description The TVP3020 viewpoint palette is an advanced video interface palette (VIP) from Texas Instruments implemented in EPICTM O.B-micron CMOS process. Maximum flexibility is provided by the pixel multiplexing scheme. The scheme accommodates 64-, 32-, 16-, 8-, and 4-bit pixel buses without any circuit modification. This enables the system to be easily reconfigured for varying amounts of available video RAM. The device supports selection of little- or big-endian data format for the pixel-bus-frame buffer interface. Data can be split into 1-,2-, 4-, or 8-bit planes for pseudo-color mode or split into 12-, 16- or 24-bit true-color and direct-color modes. For the 24-bit direct color modes, an 8-bit overlay plane is available. The 16-bit direct- and true-color modes can be configured to IBM XGA® (5, 6, 5), TARGA® (5, 5, 5,1), or (6, 6, 4) as another existing format. An additional 12-bit mode (4, 4, 4, 4) is supported with 4 bits for each color and overlay. An on-Chip, IBM XGA-compatlble hardware cursor Is Incorporated so that further increases in graphics system performance are possible. The device is also software compatible with the IMSG176/8 and Bt476/8 color palettes. t Forthecomplete data manual, refertotheGraphics and Imaging Data Book (SLAD002). EPIC is a trademark of Texas Instruments Incorporated. XGA Is a trademark of Intemational Business Machines Corporation. TARGA is a trademark of Truevision Incorporated. ~1ExAs Copyrlght@ 1995, Texas Instruments Incorporated INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 656303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 76266 6-23 TVP3020. VIDEO INTERFACE PALETTE XLAS080A- MAY 1995 description (continued) An' internal frequency doubler is incorporated, allowing convenient and cost-effective clock source alternatives to be utilized. . An auxiliary windowing function and a pixel-port-select function are provided so that overlay or VGA graphics can be displayed on top of direct color inside or outside a specified auxiliary window. Color-keyed switching of direct color and overlay is also supported. Clocking is provided through one ofthree inputs (two TTL- and one ECL/TTL-compatible) and is software selectable. The video clock, shift clock, lind reference clock outputs provide a software-selected divide ratio of the chosen clock input. . The TVP3020 has three 256-by-8 color lookup tables with triple, 8-bit video, digital-to-analog converters (DACs) capable of directly driving a doubly terminated, 75-0 line. The lookup tables are designed with a dual-ported RAM architecture that enables ultra-high speed operation. Sync generation is incorporated on the green output channel. . Horizontal sync (HSYNC) and vertical sync (VSYNC) are fed through the device and optionally inverted to indicate screen resolution to the monitor. A palette-page register provides the additional bits of the palette address when 1-, 2-, or 4-bit planes are used. This allows the screen colors to be changed with only one microprocessor interface unit (MPU) write cycle. The device features a. sepa~ate VGA bus that allows data from the feature connector of most VGA-supported personal computers to be fed directly info the palette without the need for external data multiplexing. This allows a replacement graphics board to remain downward compatible by utilizing the existing graphics circuitry often located on the motherboard. The viewpoint VIP is highly system integrated. It can be connected to the serial port of VRAM devices without external buffer logic and connected to many graphics engines directly. The split shift-register transfer function, which is supported by VRArlt1, is also supported by the TVP3020. The system-integration concept is carried to manufacturing test and field diagnosis. To support these, several highly integrated test funCtions have been 'designed to enable simplified testing of the palette, the graphics board, and the graphics system. AVAILABLE OPTIONS TA 0·0 to 70·0 SPEED DAC RESOLUTION 135 MHz 8 Bits 170 MHz 200 MHz PACKAGE FLAT PACK (MDN) FLAT PACK (PCE) - TVP3020-135POE 8 Bits 8 Bits TVP3020-200MDN - ~ThxAs 6-24 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 6S5303 • DALlAS. TEXAS 75265 TVP3020-170POE 'TVP3020 VIDEO INTERFACE PALETTE XLAS080A- MAY 1995 functional block diagram >"_-COMP lOR lOG lOB 0(7-0) SENSE HSYNCOUT VSYNCOUT Figure 1. Functional Block Diagram ~1ExAs INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75266 6-25 6-26 TVP3025 VIDEO INTERFACE PALETTE MAY 1995 • 64-Blt Wide Pixel Bus • Compatible With the S3 Vislon964™ and 86C928 • Brooldree BT485 Register Map Emulation • RCLKlSCLKlLCLK Data Latching Allows Flexible Control of VRAM Timing • Supports System Resolutions of: - 1600 x 1280 x 1-, 2-, 4-, 8-, 16-, 24-BitslPlxel at 60-Hz, 72, and 76-Hz Refresh Rate - 1536.x 1152 x 1-, 2-, 4-, 8-, 16-, 24-BltsJPlxel at 6O-Hz and 72-Hz and Higher Refresh Rates - 1280 x 1024 x 1-, 2-, 4-, 8-, 16-, 24-BltsJPixel at 60-Hz and 72-Hz and Higher Refresh Rates - 1024 x 768 x 1-, 2-, 4-, 8-, 16-, 24-BltsJPlxel at 60-Hz and 72-Hz and Higher Refresh Rates - And lower resolutions • 135-,170-, and 200-MHz Versions • Integrated Pixel Clock and Memory Clocks Phase-Locked Loops (PLL) • Direct-Color Modes: - 24-Blt/Pixel with 8-Bit Overlay - 16-Bit/Pixel(5, 6,5) XGATII Configuration - 16-Blt/Plxel (6, 6, 4) Configuration - 15-Blt/Plxel With 1.-Blt Overlay (5, 5, 5, 1) TARGATII Configuration - 12-Bit/Plxel With 4-Blt Overlay (4, 4, 4, 4) • Windowed Overlay, VGA Capability • Color-Keyed Switching of Direct Color and Overlay • True-Color Modes: - 24-Bit/Plxel With Gamma Correction - 16-Bit/Plxel (5, 6, 5) XGA Configuration With Gamma Correction - 16~Blt/Plxel (6, 6, 4) Configuration with Gamma Correction - 15-Blt/Plxel (5,5, 5) TARGA Configuration With Gamma Correction - 12-Blt/Plxel (4, 4, 4) With Gamma Correction • Direct InterfaCing to Video RAM • Supports Split Shift-Register Transfers • On-Chip Hardware Cursor: - 64 x 64 x 2 Cursor (XGA Functionally Compatible) - Full-Window Crosshalr - Dual-Cursor Mode • On-Chip Clock Selection • Supports Overscan For Creation of Custom Screen Borders • Versatile Pixel Bus Interface Supports Little- and Blg-Endlan Data Formats • Horizontal Zooming Capability • Triple 8-Blt D/A Converters • Analog-Output Comparators • Triple 256 x 8 Color Palette RAMs • R5-343A-Compatlble Outputs • Direct VGA Pass-Through Capability • Palette-Page Register • Software Downward Compatible With IMSG17618 and Bt47618 • CMOS Technology • Data Manual Availablet description The TVP3025 is an advanced video interface palette (VIP) from Texas Instruments implemented in EPICTII O.8-micron CMOS process. The TVP3025 is a superset of the 64-bit TVP3020 VI P with the addition of Brooktree Bt485 register map emulation and frequency synthesis phase-locked loops (PLLs). The BT485 register emulation mode allows the device to be software compatible with many graphics controllers, including the S3 Vision964™ and 86C928 VRAM-based graphics accelerators. This new 64-bit device provides an effective migration path from lower performance graphics systems which utilize previous generation 32-bit color palettes. t For the complete data manual, refer to the Graphics and Imaging Data Book (5LAD002). EPIC Is a trademark of Texas Instruments Incorporated. XGA is a trademark of Intemational Business Machines Corporation. TARGA is a trademark of Truevision Incorporated. Vision964 is a trademark of 53 Corporation. ~1ExAs Copyright © 1995, Texas Instruments Incorporated INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 656303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 6-27 TVP3025 VIDEO INTERFACE PALETTE XLAS090 - MAY 1995 description (continued) The TVP3025 is a functional superset of the TVP3020 and features the same 64-1>it programmable pixel bus interface. Data can be split into 1-, 2-, 4-, or 8-1>it planes for pseudo-color mode or split into 12-, 16- or 24-bit true-color and direct-color modes. For the 24-bit direct color modes, an 8-bit overlay plane is available. The 16-bit direct- and true-color modes can be configured to IBM XGA (5, 6, 5), TARGA (5, 5, 5, 1), or (6, 6, 4) as another existing format. An additional 12~bit mode (4, 4, 4, 4) is supported with 4 bits for each color and overlay. All color modes support selection of little or big endian data format for the pixel bus. Additionally, the device is also software compatible with the IMSG176/8 and Bt476/8 color palettes. Clocking is provided through one of four inputs (two TIL- and one ECLITIL-compatible) or two crystal oscillator inputs, and is software selectable. The video, shift clock, and reference clock outputs provide a software-selected divide ratio of the chosen clock input. Two fully programmable PLLs for pixel clock and memory clock functions are provided, as well as a simple frequency doubler for dramatic improvements in graphics system cost and integration. A third loop clock PLL is incorporated making pixel data latch timing much simpler than with other existing color palettes. Like the TVP3020, the TVP3025 also integrates a complete, IBM XGA-compatible hardware cursor on chip, making significant graphics performance enhancements possible. Additionally, auxiliary windowing, port-select and color-keyed switching functions are provided, giving the user several efficient means of producing graphical overlays on direct-color backgrounds. The TVP3025 has three 256-by-8 color lookup tables with triple, 8-bit video, digital-to-analog converters (DACs) capable of directly driving a doubly terminated, 75-0 line. The lookup tables are designed with a dual-ported RAM architecture that enables ultra-high speed operation. Sync generation is incorporated on the green output channel. Horizontal sync (HSYNC) and vertical sync (VSYNC) are fed through the device and optionally inverted to indicate screen resolution to the monitor. A palette-page register is available to provide the additional bits of palette address when 1-, 2-, or 4-bit planes are used. This allows the screen colors to be changed with only one microprocessor interface unit (MPU) write cycle. The device features a separate VGA bus that allows data from the feature connector of most VGA-supported personal computers to be fed directly into the palette without the need for external data multiplexing. The separate bus also is useful in graphics accelerator applications, allowing efficient VGA and text mode support. The TVP3025 is highly system integrated. It can be connected to the serial port of VRAM devices without external buffer logic and connected to many graphics engines directly. It also supports the split shift-register transfer function, which is common to many industry standard VRAM devices. The system-integration concept is carried to manufacturing test and field diagnosis. To support these, several highly integrated test functions have been designed to enable simplified testing of the palette and the entire graphics system. AVAILABLE OPTIONS TA 0·Cto70·C PACKAGE SPEED DAC RESOLUTION 135 MHz 8 Bits 170 MHz 8 Bits - 200 MHz 8 Bits TVP3025-200MDN FLAT PACK (MDN) ~TEXAS 6-28 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 8s5303 • DALlAS. TEXAS 75265' FLAT PACK (PCE) TVP3025-135PCE TVP3025-170PCE - TVP3025 VIDEO INTERFACE PALETTE XLAS090 - MAY 1995 functional block diagram r---- COMP2 >..--- COMP1 P(63-0) lOR VGA(7-0) lOG 0(7-0) lOB RS(4-0) Clock Selecl and Conlrol 3 SENSE r-~~--:-'_~ HSYNCOUT 2 Ii ~ g VSYNCOUT ~ ~ g g ~ ~ g~ a~~~ !i8 0~ 0 ~ .,... ~a:g> ::::; I~ ~ 'i ~ &:' Figure 1. Functional Block Diagram ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 656303 • OAUAS. TEXAS 75265 6-29 TVP3026 VIDEO INTERFACE PALETTE XLAS098A - MAY 1 • SUppOrts System Resolutions up to 1600 x 1280 at 76-Hz Refresh Rate • Supports Color Depths of 4·, 8-, 16-, 24-, and 32·BltlPlxel • Versatile Dlrect·Color Modes: - 24-Blt/Plxel with 8-Blt Overlay (0, R, G, B) - 24-Blt/Plxel (R, G, B) - 16-Blt/Plxel (5, 6, 5) XGATM Configuration - 16·Blt/Plxel (6, 6, 4) Configuration - 15-Blt/Plxel With 1·Blt Overlay (1, 5, 5, 5) TARGATM Configuration - 12·Blt/Plxel With 4-Blt Overlay (4, 4, 4, 4) • True-Color Gamma Correction • Supports Packed Pixel Formats for 24-BltlPlxel Using a 32· or 64-BltlPlxel Bus • 50% Duty Cycle Reference Clock for Higher Screen Refresh Rates In Packed·24 Modes • Programmable Frequency Synthesis Phase-Locked Loops (PLL) for Dot Clock and Memory Clock • Loop Clock PLL Compensates for System Delay and Ensures Reliable Data Latching • Versatile Pixel Bus Interface Supports Little- and Blg.Endlan Data Formats • 135-,175-, and 22D-MHz Versions • On·Chlp Hardware Cursor, 64 x 64 x 2 Cursor (XGA and X·Wlndow™ Functionally Compatible) • Direct Interfacing to Video RAM • Supports Overscan For Creation of Custom Screen Borders • Color· Keyed Switching of Direct Color and and True Color or Overlay • Hardware Port Select Switching Between Direct Color and True Color or Overlay • Triple 8-Blt D/A Converters • Analog~Output Comparators for Monitor Detection • R8-343A·Compatlble Outputs • Direct VGA Pass-Through Capability • Palette-Page Register • Horizontal Zooming Capability • CMOS Technology • Data Manual Avallablet description The TVP3026 is an advanced video interface palette (VIP) from Texas Instruments implemented in EPICTM O.8-micron CMOS process. The TVP3026 is a 54-bit VIP that supports packed-24 modes enabling 24-bit true color and high resolution at the same time without excessive amounts of frame buffer memory. For example, a 24-bit true color display with 1280 x 1024 resolution may be packed into 4 megabytes of VRAM. A PLL-generated, 50% duty cycle reference clock is output in the packed-24 modes, maximizing VRAM cycle time and screen refresh rate. The TVP3026 supports all of the pixel formats of the TVP3020 VIP. Data can be split into 4- or 8-bit planes for pseudo-color mode or split into 12-, 16- or 24-bit true-color and direct-color modes. For the 24-bit direct color modes, an 8-bit overlay plane is available. The 16-bit direct- and true-color modes can be configured to IBMTM XGA (5, 6, 5), TARGA (1, 5, 5, 5), or (6, 6, 4) as: ariother existing format. An additional 12-bit mode (4, 4, 4, 4) is supported with 4 bits for each color and overlay. All color modes support selection of little- or big-endian data format for the pixel bus. Additionally, the device is also software compatible with the IMSG176/8 and Bt476/8 color palettes. Two fully programmable PLLs for pixel clOCk and memory clock functions are provided, as well as a simple frequency doubler for dramatic improvements in graphics system cost and integration. A third loop clock PLL is incorporated, making pixel data latch timing much Simpler than with other existing color palettes. In addition, four digital clock inputs (two TTL- and two ECLlTTL-compatible) can be used and are software selectable. The video clock provides a software-selected divide ratio of the chosen pixel clock. The shift clock output can be used directly as the VRAM shift clock. The reference clock output is driven by the loop clock PLL and provides a timing reference to the graphics accelerator. t For the complete data manual. refer to the Graphics and Imaging Data Book (SLAD002). IBM is a trademark of Intemational Business Machines Corporation. EPIC is a trademark of Texas Instrumenta Incorporated. XGA is a trademark of IBM. TARGA is a trademark of Truevision incorporat8d. X-Window is a trademark of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology ~1ExAs Copyright II:> 1995. Texas Instruments Incorporated INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 656303 • DAllAS. TEXAS 75265 6-31 TVP3026 VIDEO INTERFACE PALETTE XLAS098A- MAY 1995 description (continued) Like the TVP3020, the TVP3026 also integrates a complete, IBM XGA-compatible hardware cursor on chip, making significant graphics performance enhancements possible. Additionally; hardware port select and color-keyed switching functions allow the user several options for producing graphical overlays on direct-color backgrounds. The TVP3026 has three 256-by-8 color lookup tables with triple, 8-bit video, digital-to-analog converters (DACs) capable of directly driving a doubly terminated, 75-:0 line. The lookup tables are designed with a dual~port RAM architecture that enables ultra-high speed operation. Sync generation is incorporated on the green output channel. Horizontal sync (HSYNC) and vertical sync (VSYNC) are pipeline delayed through the device and optionally inverted to indicate screen resolution to the monitor. A palette-page register is available to select from multiple color maps in RAM when 4 bit planes are used. This allows the screen colOrs to be changed with only one microprocessor write cycle. The device features a separate VGA bus that supports the integrated VGA modes in graphics accelerator applications, allowing efficient support for VGA graphics and text modes. The separate bus also is useful for accepting data from the feature connector of most VGA-supported personal computers, without the need for external data multiplexing. The TVP3026 is highly system integrated. It can be connected to the serial port of VRAM devices without external buffer logic and connected to many graphics engines directly. It also supports the ,split shift-register transfer function, which is common to many industry standard VRAM devices. The system-integration concept is even carried further to manufacturing test and field diagnosis. To support these, several highly integrated test functions have been designed to enable simplified testing of. the palette and the entire graphics system. AVAILABLE OPTIONS TA 0·Cto70·C DAC RESOLUTION 135 MHz 8 Bits TVP3026-135PCE 175 MHz 8 Bits TVP3026-175PCE 220 MHz 8 Bits TVP3026-220PCE ~TEXAS' 6-32 PACKAGE FLAT PACK (peE) SPEED . INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 656303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75285 TVP3026 VIDEO INTERFACE PALETTE XLASQ98A- MAY 1995 functional block diagram REF FSADJUST ~~---COMP2 1+-4.~-t--- COMP1 lOR lOG lOB SENSE VIdao-Slgnai Control Figure 1. FUnctional Block Diagram ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 HSYNCOUT VSYNCOUT 6-34 TVP3027 VIDEO INTERFACE PALETTE XLAS106-MAY 1995 • Supports System Resolutions up to 1600 x 1280 at 76-Hz Refresh Rate • Supports Color Depths of 4-,8-,16-,24-, and 32-BltlPlxel • 64-Blt-Wlde Pixel Bus • Versatile Direct-Color Modes: - 24-Blt/Plxel with 8-Blt Overlay (0, R, G, B) - 24-Blt/Plxel (R, G, B) 16-Blt/Plxel (5,6, 5) XGA® Configuration 16-Blt/Plxel (6, 6, 4) Configuration is-Bit/Pixel With i-Bit Overlay (1, 5, 5, 5) TARGA® Configuration - 12-Blt/Plxel With 4-Blt Overlay (4, 4, 4, 4) • True-Color Gamma Correction • Supports Packed Pixel Formats for 24-BltlPlxel Using a 32- or 64-BltlPlxel Bus • 50% Duty Cycle Reference Clock for Higher Screen Refresh Rates In Packed~24 Modes • Programmable Frequency SynthesiS Phase-Locked Loops (PLLs) for Dot Clock and Memory Clock • Loop Clock PLL Compensates for System Delay and Ensures Reliable Data latching • Versatile Pixel Bus Interface Supports Little- and Blg-EndlanData Formats • 135-,175-, and 22D-MHz Versions • On-Chip Hardware Cursor, 64 x 64 x 2 Cursor (XGA and X-Windows Functionally Compatible) • Direct Interfacing to Video RAM • Supports Overscan For Creation of Custom Screen Borders • Color-Keyed Switching of Direct Color and and True Color or Overlay • Hardware Port Select Switching Between Direct Color and True Color or Overlay • Triple 8-Blt D/A Converters • Analog-Output Comparators for Monitor Detection • • • • RS-343A-Compatlble Outputs Direct VGA Pass-Through Capability Palette-Page Register Horizontal Zooming Capability • CMOS Technology • DOS OM-1 Compatible for 16-Blt Video with Graphics • Additional VGA Clock Frequencies Pullups Added to Pixel Port Terminals ;= • Dot Clock Added to RCLK Output Multiplexor • VESA Advancad-Feature Connector (VAFC) Baseline Connector Compatible a: • Pixel Port Bank Switching • Data Manual Avallablet W s:w Il. .... o :::l C o a: Il. description The TVP3027 is an advanced video interface palette (VIP) from Texas Instruments implemented in EPICTM O.B-micron CMOS process. The TVP3027 is an enhanced TVP3026. As such, it supports all modes and pixel formats of the TVP3026 VIP, including packed 24-bit true color with the phase-locked loop (PLL) generated, 50% duty cycle reference clock. In addition, the TVP3027 supports 16-bit video switching with graphics and VAFC baseline compatibility. Like previous VIPs, data can be split into 4- or B-bit planes for pseudo-color mode or split into 12-, 16- or 24-bit true-color and direct-color modes. For the 24-bit direct color modes, an 8-bit overlay plane is available. The 16-bit direct- and true-color modes can be configured to IBM XGA® (5, 6, 5), TARGA® (1, 5, 5, 5), or (6, 6, 4) as another existing format. An additional 12-bit mode (4, 4, 4, 4) is supported with 4 bits for each color and overlay. All color modes support selection of little or big end ian data format for the pixel bus. Additionally, the device is also software compatible with the IMSG176/8 and 8t476/8 color palettes. Two fully programmable PLLs for pixel clock and memory clock functions are provided for dramatic improvements in graphics system cost and integration. A third loop clock PLL is incorporated making pixel data latch timing much t For the complete data manual. refer to the Grephics and Imaging Data Book (SLAD002). EPIC is a tredemark of Texas Instruments Incorporeted. XGA is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. TARGA is a trademark of Truevision Incorporeted. -!11 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DAU.AS, TEXAS 75265 Copyright@ 1995. Texas Instruments Incorporated TVP3027 VIDEO INTERFACE PALETTE XLAS1 06 - MAY 1995 description (continued) \I :a o C c: (') -I \I simpler than with other eXisting color palettes. In addition, four digital clock inputs (two TTL- and two ECLlTTL-compatible) may be utilized and are software selectable. The video clock provides a software. selected divide ratio of the chosen pixel clock. The shift clock output may be used directly as the VRAM shift clock. The reference clock output is driven by the loop clock PLL and provides a timing reference to the graphics accelerator. Like the TVP3026, theTVP3027 integrates a complete, 64 x 64 x 2 hardware cursor on chip, making significant graphics performance enhancements possible. Additionally, hardware port select and color keyed switching functions are provided, giving the user $everal efficient means of producing graphical overlays on direct-color backgrounds. The TVP3027 has three 256-by-8 color lookup tables with triple, 8-bit video, digital-te-analog converters (DACs) capable of directly driving a doubly-terminated, 75-0 line. The lookup tables are designed with a dual-potted RAM architecture that enables ultra-high speed operation. Sync generation is incorporated on the green output channel. Horizontal sync (HSYNC) and vertical sync (VSYNC) are pipeline delayed through the device and optionally inverted to indicate screen resolution to the monitor. A palette-page register Is available to select from multiple color maps in RAM when 4-bit planes are usecl. This allows the screen colors to be changed with only one microprocessor write cycle. The device features a separate VGA bus which supports the integrated VGA modes in graphics accelerator applications, allowing efficient support for VGA graphics and text modes. The separate bus is also useful.for accepting data from the feature connector of most VGA-supported personal computers, without the need for external data multiplexing. . The TVP3027 is highly system integrated. It can be connected to the serial port of video RAM (VRAM) devices without external buffer logic and connected to many graphics engines directly. It also supports the split shift-register transfer function, which is common to many industry standard VRAM devices. . The system-integration concept is even carried further to manufacturing test and field diagnosiS. To support these, several highly integrated test functions have been designed to enable simplified testing of the palette and the entire graphics system. . AVAILABLE OPTIONS :a m < - TA m SPEED 135 MHz :e O·Cto 70·C 175 MHz 220 MHz DAC RESOLUTION a Bits a Bits a Bits PACKAGE FLAT PACK (PeE) TVP3027":1 ~5PCE TVP3027-175PCE TVP3027-220PCE ~ThxAs 6-36 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 855303 • DALlAS. TEXAS 7~ TVP3027 VIDEO INTERFACE PALETTE XLAS106-MAY1995 functional block diagram REF FSADJUST ......."""',....-- COMP2 ...""....,.",..,.~~~~~-\.~l-- COOPt P(63-0) LCU< lOR EVIDEO ------h GRDY----, lOG VGA(7-0) ;= lOB W :;: w a: SENSE I 0.. ~V~ld~eo-S~lg-n-:al-~r- HSYNCOUT Control I-- VSYNCOUT b ::) c o a:: 0.. Figure 1. Functional Block Diagram ~TExAs . INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75265 6-37 H8 TVP3030 VIDEO INTERFACE PALETTE XLAS111-MAY 1995 • Supports System Resolutions up to 1600 x 1280 at 86-Hz Refresh Rate • Supports Color Depths of 4-, 8-, 16-, 24-, and 32-BltlPlxel, All at Maximum Resolution • 128-Blt-Wlde Pixel Bus • Versatile Direct-Color Modes: - 24-Blt/Pixel With 8-Blt Overlay (0, R,G, B) - 24-Blt/Plxel (R, G, B) - 16-Blt/Plxel (5, 6, 5) XGA® Configuration - 16-Bit/PIxel (6, 6, 4) Configuration - 15-Bit/Plxel With 1-Blt Overlay (1, 5, 5, 5) TARGA® Configuration - 12-Blt/Plxel With 4-Blt Overlay (4, 4, 4, 4) • True-Color Gamma Correction • Supports Packed Pixel Formats for 24-BitlPlxel Using a 32-,64-, or 128-BltlPlxel Bus • 50% Duty Cycle Reference Clock for Higher Screen Refresh Rates In Packed-24 Modes • Programmable Frequency Synthesis PLLs for Dot Clock and Memory Clock • Loop Clock PLL Compensates for System Delay and Ensures Reliable Data Latching • Versatile Pixel Bus Interface Supports LIttle- and Blg-Endlan Data Formats • 175-,220-, and 250-MHz Versions • On-Chip Hardware Cursor, 64 x 64 x 2 Cursor (XGA and X-Windows Functionally Compatible) • Byte Router Allows Use of R,G, or B Direct-Color Channels Individually • Direct Interfacing to Video RAM • Supports Overscan for Creation of Custom Screen Borders • Color-Keyed Switching of Direct Color and and True Color or Overlay • Triple 8-Bit D/A Converters • Analog Output Comparators for Monitor Detection • • • • • • RS-343A-Compatlble Outputs Direct VGA Pass-Through Capability Palette-Page Register Horizontal Zooming Capability CMOS Technology Data Manual Avallablet description The TVP3030 is an advanced video interface palette (VIP) from Texas Instruments implemented in EPICTM O.8-micron CMOS process. The TVP3030 is a 128-bit VI P that provides virtually all features of the 64-bit TVP3026. The TVP3030 doubles the pixel bus bandwidth; enabling 24-bit/pixel displays at resolutions up to 1600 x 1280 at a 76-Hz refresh rate. Also, 24-bitlpixel graphics at 1280 x 1024 resolution may be implemented at higher refresh rates with or without the use of pixel packing. With the wider pixel bus comes additional 24-bitlpixel multiplexing modes: 4: 1 [128-bit bus width for overlay, red, green, and blue (RGB)] and 5:1 (12Q-bit bus width for RGB). The byte router function allows pseudo-color or monochrome image data to be taken from the red, green, or blue color channels. This enables high performance 24-bitlpixel architectures organized as red, green, and blue memory banks to provide 8-bitlpixel modes as well. The TVP3030 extends the packed-24 modes to include 16:3 (pixels:load clocks) using a 128-bit pixel bus width. This enables, for example, 24-bitlpixel graphics at 220 MHz pixel rate with only a 40 MHz VRAM serial output. With the 8:3 packed-24 mode (64-bit pixel bus width), a 24-bitlpixel display with 1280 x 1024 resolution may be packed into 4 megabytes of VRAM. A phase-locked loop (PLL) generated, 50 % duty cycle reference clock is output in the packed-24 modes, maximizing VRAM cycle time. The TVP3030 supports all of the pixel formats of the TVP3026 VIP. Data can be split into 4- or 8-bit planes for pseudo-color mode or split into 12-, 16- or 24-bit true-color and direct-color modes. For the 24-bit direct color modes, an 8-bit overlay plane is available. The 16-bit direct- and true-color modes can be configured to IBM XGA® (5, 6, 5), TARGA® (5, 5, 5,1), or (6,6,4) as another existing format. An additional 12-bit mode (4, 4, 4, 4) is supported with 4 bits for each color and overlay. All color modes support selection of little or big end ian data format for the pixel bus. Additionally, the device is also software compatible with the IMSG176/8 and Bt476/8 color palettes. t For the complete data manual, refer to the Graphics and Imaging Data Book (SLAD002). EPIC Is a trademark of Texas Instruments Incorporated. XGA is a registered trademark of Intemational Business Machines Corporation. TARGA is a registered trademark of Truevision Incorporated. ~ThxAs Copyright © 1995, Texas Instruments Incorporated INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALlAS, TEXAS 752e5 6-39 TVP3030 VI.DEO INTERFACE PALETTE XLASlll - MAY 1995. description (continued) Two fully programmable PLls for pixel clock and memory clock functions are provided for dramatic improvements in graphics system cost and integration. A third loop clock PLL is incorporated making pixel data latch timing much simpler than with other existing color palettes. In addition, an external digital clock input is provided for VGA modes. The reference clock output is driven by the loop clock PLL and provides a timing reference to the graphics accelerator. The shift clock output may be .used directly as the VRAM shift clock. Like the TVP3026, the TVP3030 also integrates a complete, IBM XGA-compatible hardware cursor on chip, making significant graphics performance enhancements possible. Additionally, color-keyed switching is provided, giving the user an efficient means of combining graphic overlays and direct-color images on-screen. The TVP3030 has three 256-by-8 color lookup tables with triple, 8-bit video, digital-to-analog converters (DACs) capable of directly driving a doubly-terminated, 75-0 line. The lookup tables are designed with a dual-ported RAM architecture that enables ultra-high speed operation. The device features a separate VGA bus which supports the integrated VGA modes in graphics accelerator applications, allowing efficient support for VGA graphics and text modes. The separate bus is also useful for accepting data from the feature connector of most VGA-supported personal computers, without the need for external data multiplexing. The TVP3030 is highly system integrated. It can be connected to the serial port of VRAM devices without external buffering and connected to many graphics engines directly. It also supports the split shift-register transfer operation, which is common to many industry standard VRAM devices. To aid in manufacturing test and field diagnosis, several highly integrated test functions have been designed to enable simplified testing of the palette and the entire graphics subsystem. AVAILABLE OPTIONS TA SPEED DAC RESOLUTION 175 MHz O'Cto 70'C 220 MHz 250 MHz PACKAGE FLAT PACK (PPA) FLAT PACK (MEP) 8 Bits TVP303Q-175PPA 8 Bits TVP303Q-220PPA 8 Bits - - ~TEXAS 6-40 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 665303 • DALlAS. TEXAS 75266 TVP303Q-250MEP TVP3030 VIDEO INTERFACE PALETTE XLASll'l - MAY 1995 functional block diagram True- Pixel Bus P (127-0) -.....,"""~ Latch 128 LCLK .....,._ _ _...,24 Byte 8 ROU1ar VGA VGA (7-0) -"""'....-t Latch 8 8 1--+----'+1 8 8 D (7-0) 8 RS (3-0) 4 RD MPU Registers and Control Logic Pixel Clock PLL Memory Clock PLL WR II ~ ....I ~ ....I () () II: CIJ ~ d CI :5 III l- :) ~ s.: c ....I W ~ ::ICIJ II. . e e ....I ....I ~ ....I !j Figure 1. Functional Block Diagram ~TEXAS INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DAu.AS. TEXAS 75265 6-41 TVP3030 VIDEO INTERFACE PALETTE XLASlll.- MAY 1995 functional block diagram (continued) REF FSADJUST 1 - - - - - - - - - COMP2 1 - - -.....- - - - - 24 Direct Color Pipeline Delay COMP1 24 HlI----IOR 24 a H ...._--IOG >--If-+....- - I O B Tast Function and Sense Comparator 2 64x64x2 Cursor RAM and Conlrol 2 Video Signal Control !e o Figure 2. Functional Block Diagram ~TEXAS 6-42 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 665303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 I--- HSYNCOUT r-- VSYNCOUT TVP3409 VIDEO INTERFACE PALETTE TRUE-COLOR CMOS RAMDAC XLAS092 - MAY 1995 res • On-Chip Pll Clock Doubler - 85 MHz Input - 170 MHz Pixel Output • Functionally Interchangeable With ATT20C409 • 170/135 MHz - 170 MHz 2:1 Multiplexer Rate for 8-Blt Pseudocolor Operation - 73 MHz True-Color Operation • 16-Blt Pixel Port, Usable as 8-Blt Port - Compatible With ATT20C490 Using P(7-0) - Compatible With ATT20C498 Using P(t5-0) • 9 Software-Selectable Color Modes - 24-Blt Packed Pixels - 24-Blt 16-Blt True Color - 8-Blt Pseudocolor • 2:1 and 1:1 Pixel Multiplexing • Power Dissipation of 1.19 W at 135 MHz Typ • Dual Programmable-Clock Synthesizers - Pixel Clock - Memory Clock - Reset to 28.322 MHz and 25.175 MHz VGA Frequencies - Strobe Input latches Frequency Select lines • 256 x 24 Color RAM • Software Compatible With the AT&T ATT20C4981499/409 • 68-Terminal Plastic leaded Chip Carrier (PlCC) Package • Data Manual Avallablet applications • Screen Resolutions (nonlnterlaced) - 1600 x 1280, 8-BltlPixel, 60 Hz - 1280 x 1024, 16-BitlPixel, 60 Hz - 1024 x 768, 16-BitlPlxel, 85 Hz - 1024 x 768, 24-BltlPixel, Pack,ed, 70 Hz - 800 x 600, 24-BitlPlxel, Unpacked, 72 Hz • True-Color Desktop, PC Add-in Card 3: w • X-Windows Terminals s:w • Green PCs a: D. b=» description The TVP3409 is functionally interchangable with the ATT20C409 RAMDAC. The TVP3409 RAMDAC supports 8-bit multiplexed operation that can be input on 16-pixel terminals. The TVP3409 retains register compatiblity with the ATT21 C498 and ATT20C499 parts. The TVP3409 features 24obit, packed pixel modes that provide 24-bit graphics in a 3-Mbyte frame buffer at 1024 x 768 screen resolution. bual clock synthesizers offer two programmable and two fixed frequencies in phase-locked loop (PLL) (A), and one programmable and three fixed frequencies in PLL (8). After reset the frequencies are: PLL (A): 25.175, 28.322, 50, and 75 MHz PLL (8): 30, 40, 50, and 60 MHz AVAILABLE OPTIONS TA ODC to lODC PACKAGE SPEED DAC RESOLUTION 135 MHz 8 Bits TVP3409-135CFN 170 MHz 8 Bits TVP3409-170CFN CHIP CARRIER (FN) t For the complete data manual, refer to the Graphics and Imaging Data Book (SLAD002). ¥ PRODUCT PREVIEW l""'mIIIIon ....... produc\Iln tile _ or 01 _pmont. CharaCIe _ _ MIl o1h.. no ... deoIan gooII. T.... lnlllUmonIII ........ tile dgillto or dlocontlnutlhaie produc\IwftIIout.-. ~TEXAS Copyright © 1995, Texas Instruments Incorporated INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DAllAS, TEXAS 75265 6-43 o o a: D. TVP3409 VIDEO INTERFACE PALETTE TRUE-COLOR CMOS RAMDAC XLAS092 - MAY 1995 functional block diagram REF R$ET ~>---... COMP 2411618 RED 256 x 24118 Color RAM PCLK ---i.~1 • 2x,O.67 FS(1-0) --I.r~=;';;;;;;:;=-l "'tJ STROBE :rJ 24 ---I~ o C c: OTCLKB o-I Figure 1. Functional Block Diagram "'tJ :rJ m - < m :IE ~.lEXAs 6-44 GREEN Multiplier INSTRUMENTS POST OFRCE BOX 665303 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75266 BLUE TVP3703 VIDEO INTERFACE PALETTE TRUE·COLOR CMOS RAMDAC XLAS100 - FEBRUARY 1995 • Fully Integrated Dual Clock Synthesizer and 16-81t Pixel Port True-Color RAMDAC • Two Phase-locked-Loop (PLL) Synthesizers Provide Independently Controlled Video and Memory Clock Outputs • Functionally Interchangeable with STG1703 • On-Chip PLL Clock Reference Requires Single External Crystal • 16-81t Pixel Port Supports VGA High-Color and True-Color Standards Up to 170 MHz • Programmable Power-Down Features • On-Chip Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) Test • Data Sheet Availablet applications • Screen resolutions (non Interlaced) - 1600 x 1280, 8 bit/pixel, 6d Hz - 1280 x 1024,16 bit/pixel, 60 Hz - 1024 x 768,16 bit/pixel, 85 Hz - 1024 x 768,24 bit/pixel, packed, 70 Hz - 800 x 600, 24 bit/pixel, unpacked, 72 Hz • Tru8-Color desktop, PC add-In cards 3= w description The TVP3703 is a super VGA (SVGA) compatible, true-color CMOS RAMDAC with integrated clock synthesizers that can provide the memory and pixel clock signals for a PC graphics subsystem. The video clock can be one of two VGA base frequencies or 14 VESA standard frequencies that can also be reprogrammed through the standard microport interface. :; w a.. a: The memory clock output is also user programmable at frequencies up to 80 MHz. The pixel modes supported by the TVP3703 include: b • Serializing 16-bit pixel port providing 170 MHz 8-bit and 73 MHz 24-bit packed pixel modes using an internal PLL • 16-bit pixel port providing faster high-color/true-color operation up to the 11 O-MHz sampling rate c o a: • 8-bit pixel port giving standard SVGA and high-color/true-color modes up to the 11 O-MHz sampling rate The 68-terminal plastic leaded chip carrier (PLCC) package is designed to be interchangeable with the STG1703. AVAILABLE OPTIONS TA 0·Cto70·C SPEED DAC RESOLUTION PACKAGE CHIP CARRIER (FN) 135 MHz SBits TVP3703-135CFN 170 MHz S Bits TVP3703-170CFN t For the complete data sheet, refer to the Graphics and Imaging Data book (SLAD002). PRODUCT PREVIEW I _ n ....... praducIa In 1110 _ Dr oI'-,..nt C_ _ Ind _ ... ~ _1notrumInIII_1IIo rIgIIIlD ngo or dlscon1l=rJ: prod_ wIthouI..ace. ~ ~TEXAS Copyright © 1995, Texas Instruments Incorporated INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOX 656303 • DAUAS. TEXAS 75266 6-45 :::) a.. TVP3703 VIDEO INTERFACE PALETTE TRUE-COLOR CMOS RAMDAC XLAS100-' FEBRUAFIY 1995 functional block diagram MCLK XIN XOUT VCLK D{7-0) RD WR RS()'RS2 Micro Port VS(3-O) STROBE 24 258x8Blt Color Palette PIXMIX P(15-0) Pixel Latchea Multiplexor Mask >------4t---- RED 258xB Bit Color Palette 258x8Blt Color Palette __--GREEN r-""1-__ BLUE 3 "'tJ ::D PCLK o tJ c: ~ Figure 1. Functional Block Diagram "'tJ ::D m < m - :e ~1ExAs 6-46 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE SOX 855303 • DALlAS. TEXAS 75266 7-1 cQ) ... Q) s: Q) ::J t: - Q) en 7-2 TLC32046C, TLC32046I, TLC32046M Data Manual Wid~Band Analog Interface Circuit ~I 1D'As NSTIWMENTS 7-3 IMPORTANT NOTICE Texas Instruments (TI) reserves the right to. make changesto its products or to discontinue any semiconductor product or service without notice, and advises its customers to obtain the latest version of relevant information to verify, before placing orders, that the information being relied on is current. TI warrants performance of its semiconductor products and related software to the specifications applicable at the time of sale in accordance with Tl's standard warranty. Testing and other quality control techniques are utilized to the extent TI deems necessary to support this warranty. Specific testing of all parameters of each device is not necessarily performed, except those mandated by government requirements. Certain applications using semiconductor products may involve potential risks of death, personal injury, or severe property or environmental damage ("Critical Applications"). TI SEMICONDUCTOR PRODUCTS ARE NOT DESIGNED, INTENDED, AUTHORIZED, OR WARRANTED TO BE SUITABLE FOR USE IN LIFE-SUPPORT APPLICATIONS, DEVICE~ OR SYSTEMS OR OTHER CRITICAL APPLICATIONS. Inclusion of TI products in such applications is understood to be fully at the risk of the customer. Use of TI products in such applications requires the written approval of an appropriate TI officer. Questions concerning potential risk applications should be directed to TI through a local SC ~es~~ . In order to minimize risks associated with the customer's applications, adequate design and operating safeguards should be provided by the customer to minimize inherent or procedural hazards. TI assumes no liability for applications assistance, customer product design, software performance, or infringement of patents or services described herein. Nor does TI warrant or represent that any license, either express or implied, is granted under any patent right, copyright, mask work right, or other intellectual property right of TI covering or relating to any combination, machine, or process in which such semiconductor products or services might be or are used. Copyright © 1995, Texas Instruments Incorporated 7-4 Contents Section Title Page 1 Introduction ............................................................... 7-9 1.1 Features ......................................................... ; ... 7-10 1.2 Functional Block Diagrams ............................................. 7-11 1.3 Terminal Assignments ................................................. 7-14 1.4 Ordering Information .................................................. 7-14 1.5 Terminal Functions .................................................... 7-15 2 Detailed Description ...................................................... 2.1 Internal Timing Configuration ........................................... 2.2 Analog Input ......................................................... 2.3 AID Band-Pass Filter, Clocking, and Conversion Timing ................................................................ 2.4 AID Converter ........................................................ 2.5 Analog Output ........................................................ 2.6 D/A Low-Pass Filter, Clocking, and Conversion Timing ............................................................... 2.7 D/A Converter ........................................................ 2.8 Serial Port ........................................................... 2.9 Synchronous Operation ................................................ 2.9.1 One 16-Bit Word (Dual-Word [Telephone Interface] or Word Mode) .. 2.9.2 Two 8-Bit Bytes (Byte Mode) .................................... 2.9.3 Synchronous Operating Frequencies ............................. 2.10 Asynchronous Operation .........................•..................... 2.10.1 One 16-Bit Word (Word Mode) .................................. 2.10.2 Two 8-Bit Bytes (Byte Mode) .................................... 2.10.3 Asynchronous Operating Frequencies ............................ 2.11 Operation of TLC32046 With Internal Voltage Reference ................... 2.12 Operation of TLC32046 With External Voltage Reference .................. 2.13 Reset ............................................................... 2.14 Loopback ................................................. ; .......... 2.15 Communications Word Sequence ....................................... 2.15.1 DR Word Bit Pattern ........................................... 2.15.2 Primary DX Word Bit Pattern .................................... 2.15.3 Secondary DX Word Bit Pattern ................................. 2.16 Reset Function ....................................................... ~17 Power-Up Sequence .................................................. 2.18 AIC Register Constraints ............................................... 2.19 AIC Responses to Improper Conditions .................................. 2.20 Operation With Conversion Times Too Close Together ..................... \ 7-17 7-18 7-20 7-20 7-20 7-20 7-20 7-20 7-21 7-21 7-21 7-21 7-22 7-22 7-22 7-22 7-22 7-23 7-23 7-23 7-23 7-24 7-24 7-25 7-26 7-26 7-27 7-27 7-27 7-28 7-5 Contents (Continued) Section Title 2.21 More Than One Receive Frame Sync Occurring Between Two Transmit Frame Syncs - Asynchronous Operation ................................• 2.22 More Than One Transmit Frame Sync Occurring Between Two Receive Frame Syncs - Asynchronous Operation ................................. 2.23 More than One Set of Primary and Secondary DX Serial Communications Occurring Between Two Receive Frame Syncs (See DX Serial Data Word Format section) - Asynchronous Operation .............................. 2.24 System Frequency Response Correction ...........................•..... 2.25 (Sin x)/x Correction ..................................................•. 2.26 (Sin x)/x Roll-Off for a Zero-Order Hold Function .......................... 2.27 Correction Filter ...................................................... 2.28 Correction Results ...•................................................ 2.29 TMS320 Software Requirements ........................................ 3 7-6 Specifications . ................. '.' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings Over Operating Free-Air Temperature Range .... 3.2 Recommended Operating Conditions .................................... 3.3 Electrical Characteristics Over Recommended Operating Free-Air Temperature Range, Vcc+ =5 V, Vcc- =-5 V, Voo =5 V ................ 3.3.1 Total Device, MSTR ClK Frequency = 5.184 MHz, ' Outputs Not Loaded ........................................... 3.3.2 Power Supply Rejection and Crosstalk Attenuation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3.3.3 Serial Port ..................................•................. 3.3.4 Receive Amplifier Input . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3.3.5 Transmit Filter Output .......................................... 3.3.6 Receive and Transmit Channel System Distortion, SCF Clock Frequency =288 kHz .......................................... 3.3.7 Receive Channel Signal-to-Distortion Ratio ....................... 3.3.8 Transmit Channel Signal-to-Distortion Ratio ...................... 3.3.9 Receive and Transmit Gain and Dynamic Range .................. 3.3.10 Receive Channel Band-Pass Filter Transfer Function, SCF fclock =288 kHz, Input (IN+ -IN-) Is A +3-V Sine Wave ....... 3.3.11 Receive and Transmit Channel low-Pass Filter Transfer Function, SCF fclock = 288 kHz .......................................... 3.4 Operating Characteristics Over Recommended Operating Free-Air Temperature Range, Vcc+ =5 V, Vcc- =-5 V, Voo =5 V ................ 3.4.1 Receive and Transmit Noise (measurement includes low-pass and band-pass switched-capacitor filters) ............................. 3.5 Timing Requirements .................................................. 3.5.1 Serial Port Recommended Input Signals, TlC32046C and TlC320461 .................................... 3.5.2 Serial Port Recommended Input Signals, TlC32046M .......... ~ •.. 3.5.3 Serial Port - AIC Output Signals, CL = 30 pF for SHIFT ClK Output, CL = 15 pF, For All Other Outputs, TlC32046C and TlC320461 ...•. Page 7-28 7-29 7-29 7-30 7-30 7-30 7-31 7-31 7-32 7-33 7-33 7-33 7-34 , 7-34 7-34 7-34 7-35 7-35 7-35 7-36 7-36 7-36 7-37 7-37 7-38 7-38 7-38 7-38 7-38 7-39 Contents (Continued) Section Title 3.5.4 Page Serial Port - AIC Output Signals, CL = 30 pF for SHIFT ClK Output, CL = 15 pF, For All Other Outputs, TlC32046M .................... 7-39 4 Parameter Measurement Information ....................................... 7-41 4.1 TMS3201 0ITMS320C15 - TlC32046 Interface Circuit ..................... 7-44 5 Typical Characteristics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7-47 6 Application Information ................................................... 7-67 7-7 List of Illustrations Figure 1-1. 1-2. 1-3. 2-1. 2-2. 2-3. 2-4. 2-5. 2-6. 2-7. 2-8. 4-1. 4-2. 4-3. 4-4. 4-5. 4-6. 4-7. 6-1. 6-2. Title Page 7-12 Dual-Word (Telephone Interface) Mode ............................. .. Word Mode ...................................................... . 7-13 Byte Mode ....................................................... . 7-13 Asynchronous Internal Timing Configuration .......................... . 7-19 7-24 Primary and Secondary Communications Word Sequence ............. . 7-27 Reset on Power-Up Circuit ......................................... . 7-28 Conversion Times Too Close Together ............................... . More Than One Receive Frame Sync Between Two Transmit Frame Syncs ............................................. . 7-29 More Than One Transmit Frame Sync Between 7-29 Two Receive Frame Syncs ......................................... . More Than One Set of Primary and Secondary OX Serial Communications Between Two Receive Frame Syncs ........... . 7-30 First-Order Correction Filter ........................................ . 7-31 7-41 IN + and IN - Gain Control Circuitry .................................. . Dual-Word (Telephone Interface) Mode Timing ....................... : . 7-42 Word Timing ......•............................................... 7-42 Byte-Mode Timing ................................................ . 7-43 Shift-Clock Timing .................................. ; ............. . 7-44 TMS3201 OrrMS320C15-TLC32046 Interface Timing ................. . 7-44 TMS32010rrMS320C15 - TLC32046 Interface Circuit ................. . 7-45 AIC Interface To The TMS32020/C25 Showing Decoupling Capacitors and Schottky Diode ................................................... 7-57 External Reference Circuit for TLC32046 ................................ 7-57 List of Tables Table 2-1. 2-2. 2-3. 2-4. 2-5. 2-6. 4-1. 7-8 Title Page ModErSelection Function Table ..................................... . Primary OX Serial Communication Protocol .......................... . Secondary OX Serial Communication Protocol ........................ . AIC Responses to Improper Conditions .............................. . (Sin x)/x Roll-Off Error ............................................. . (Sin x)/x Correction Table for f8 =8000 Hz and f8 =9600 Hz ............ . Gain Control Table ............................................... . 7-17 7-25 7-26 7-28 7-31 7-32 7-41 1 Introduction The TLC32046C, TLC320461, and TLC32046M wide-band analog interface circuits (AI C) are a complete analog-ta-digital and digital-to-analog interface system for advanced digital signal processors (DSPs) similar to the TMS32020, TMS320C25, and TMS320C30. The TLC32046C and TLC320461 offer a powerful combination of options under DSP control: three operating modes (dual-word [telephone interface], word, and byte) combined with two word formats (8 bits and 16 bits) and synchronous or asynchronous operation. It provides a high level of flexibility in that conversion and sampling rates, filter bandwidths, input circuitry, receive and transmit gains, and multiplexed analog inputs are under processor control. This AIC features a • band-pass switched-capacitor antialiasing input filter • 14-bit-resolution AID converter • 14-bit-resolution D/A converter • low-pass switched-capacitor output-reconstruction filter. The antialiasing input filter comprises eighth-order and fourth-order CC-type (Chebyshev/elliptic transitional) low-pass and high-pass filters, respectively. The input filter is implemented in switchedcapacitor technology and is preceded by a continuous time filter to eliminate any possibility of aliasing caused by sampled data filtering. When low-pass filtering is desired, the high-pass filter can be switched out of the signal path. A selectable auxiliary differential analog input is provided for applications where more than one an~log input is required. The output-reconstruction filter is an eighth-order CC-type (Chebyshev/elliptic transitional low-pass filter) followed by a second-order (sin x)/x correction filter and is implemented in switched-capacitor technology. This filter is followed by a continuous-time filter to eliminate images of the sample data signal. The on'"board (sin x)/x correction filter can be switched out of the signal path using digital signal processor control. The AID and D/A architectures ensure no missing codes and monotonic operation. An internal voltage reference is provided to ease the design task and to provide complete control over the performance of the IC. The internal voltage reference is brought out to REF. Separate analog and digital voltage supplies and ground are provided to minimize noise and ensure a wide dynamic range. The analog circuit path contains only differential circuitry to keep noise to a minimum. The exception is the DAC sample-and-hold, which utilizes pseudo-clifferential circuitry. The TLC32046C is characterized for operation from O°C to 70°C. the TLC320461 is characterized for operation from -40°C to 85°C, and the TLC32046M is characterized for operation from -55°C to 125°C. 7-9 1.1 Features • 14-Blt Dynamic Range ADC and DAC • • 16-Blt Dynamic Range Input With Programmable Gain Synchronous or Asynchronous ADC and DAC Sampling Rates Up to 25,000 Samples Per Second ' . • Programmable Incremental ADC and DAC Conversion Timing Adjustments • Typical Applications - Speech Encryption for Digital Transmission - Speech Recognition and Storage Systems - Speech Synthesis - Modems at 8-kHz, 9.6-kHz, and 16-kHz Sampling Rates - Industrial Process Control - Blomedlcallnstrumentatlon - Acoustical Signal Processing • - Spectral Analysis - Instrumentation Recorders - Data Acquisition Swltched·Capacltor Antiallaslng Input Filter and Output-Reconstruction Filter • Three Fundamental Modes of Operation: Dual-Word (Telephone Interface), Word, and Byte • • 60o-mil Wide N Package Digital Output in Twos Complement Format • CMOS Technology FUNCTION TABLE SYNCHRONOUS DATA (CONTROL COMMUNICATIONS REGISTER FORMAT BIT D5 = 1) ASYNCHRONOUS (CONTROL REGISTER BIT D5=0) 16-bit format Dual-word (telephone interface) mode Dual-word Terminal 13 = 0 to5 V (telephone interface) Terminal 1 - 0 to 5 V mode 16-bit format Word mode Word mode Terminal 13 .. VCe- (-5 V nom) TMS32020, TMS320C25, Terminal 1 - VCC+ (5 V nom) TMS320C30, indirect interface to TMS320C10. (see Figure 7). 8-bit format (2 bytes required) Byte mode Byte mode Terminal 13- VCC-(-5 V nom) TMS320C17 Terminal 1 .. VCC- (-5 V nom) 7-10 FORCING CONDITION DIRECT INTERFACE TMS32020, TMS320C25, TMS320C30 1.2 Functional Block Diagrams WORD OR BYTE MODE IN + 2;;.;;,8t--to..... IN_2~5t-........~ AUX IN + 24~_........ AUX IN _ 23 ........_ ......... Low-Pass Filter Serial Port AID 5 DR 4 FSR 3 Receive Section High-Pass Filter r,:-- -:::1 I ------------------~I 10 SHIFTCLK I I I -~ Internal Voltage Reference L.::_ EODR II MSTRCLK 1 WORD. BYTE 13 CONTROL 12 DX 14 FSX Low·Pass Filter 11 EODX o 20 VCC+ 8 REF DGTl VDD GND (DIGITAL) DUAL·WORD (TELEPHONE INTERFACE) MODE ...,;.1I..-_... IN+ 2 IN _ 25,ut-_......... AUX IN + 2;;.;.4..---1"..... AUX IN _ 2_3..---t.o~ Low-Pass Filter AID Serial Port 5 4 3 Receive Section High-Pass Filter II r,:- I ------------------~I ~~~ Reference Low-Pass Filter VCC+ D110UT MSTRCLK 10 Internal L.::_ 20 DR FSR SHIFTCLK 1_ FSD 13 DATA DR 12 DX 14_ FSX 11 D100UT 8 VCC- DGTL VDD GND (DIGITAL) REF 7-11 FRAME SYNCHRONIZATION FUNCTIONS I ,', c Function Frame Sync Output Receiving serial data on OX from processor to internal DAC FSXlow Transmitting serial data on DR from internal ADC to processor, primary communications FSRlow Transmitting serial data on DR from Data-DR to processor, secondary communications In dual-word (telephone interface) mode only FSD low 5V 201 26, Analog In 25 VCC+ IN+ IN- -5V 191 Serial Data Out VCC5 DR TLC32046 4 FSR 3 D110UT ... ~ Analog Out 22 21 OUT+ DX 12 Serial Data In TMS32020, TMS320C25, TMS320C30, or Equivalent 16-Blt DSP OUTFSX 14 TTL or CMOS Logic Levels 11 D100UT ~ "" 1 FSD Secondary Commu nlcatlon (S88 Table above) . 13 Serial Data Input DATA-DR , 16-Blt Format TTL orCMOSLolc g Levels Figure 1-1. Dual·Word (Telephone Interface) Mode When the DATA-DR/CONTROL input is tied to a logic signal source varying between 0 and 5 V, the TLC32046 is in the dual-word (telephone interface) mode.This logic signal is routed to the DR line for input to the DSP only when data frame synchronization (FSD) outputs a low level. The FSD pulse duration is 16 shift clock pulses. Also, in this mode, the control register data bits 010 and 011 appear on 01 OOUT and D110UT, respectively, as outputs. 7-12 5V .. 26 Analog In .. 25 -5V 201 191 vcc+ vccDR IN+ IN- TLC32046 ~ 22 :"" 21 OUT+ 3 Serfal Data In 12 DX TMS32020, TMS32OC25, TMS320C30, or Equivalent 16-BltDSP OUT14 FSX TTL or CMOS Logic Levels ~ 11 EODX VCC+ (5 V nom) . 4 FSR EODR Analog Out Serfal Data Out 5 ---. VCC- 1 WORD-BYTE (-5Vnom) 13 CONTROL , Figure 1-2. Word Mode 5V 26 ~ Analog In 25 ~ -5V 201 191 VCC+ VCCDR IN+ IN- TLC32046 FSR EODR ... 22 AnalogOut ... 21 OUT+ DX EODX ... 1 Serfal Data Out ~ 4 ~ . 3 12 Serial Data In TMS320C17 or Equivalent 8-Blt Serfallnterface (2 bytes required) OUTFSX VCC(-5 V nom) • 5 WORD-BYTE CONTROL 14 r 11 TTL or CMOS Logic Levels ~ r 13 ... VCC(-5 V nom) Figure 1-3. Byte Mode The word or byte mode is selected by first connecting the DATA-DR/CONTROL input to Vee-. FSDIWORD-BYTE becomes an input and can then be used to select either word or byte transmission formats. The end-of-data transmit (EODX) and the end-of-data receive (EODR) signals respectively, are used to signal the end of word or byte communication (see the Terminal Functions section). 7-13 1.3 Terminal Assignments FK OR FN PACKAGE (TOP VIEW) Jt OR N PACKAGE* (TOP VIEW) FSOIWORO-BYTE§ RESET 011OUT/EOOR§ FSR DR MSTR CJ.K VOO REF OGTLGNO SHIFTCLK 0100UT/EOOX§ OX :OATA-ORICONTROL§ FSX NU NU IN+ INAUXIN+ AUXINOUT+ OUTVCC+ VCCANLGGNO ANLGGNO NU NU 54 3 2 1 28272\5 DR MSTRCLK VOO REF OGTLGNO SHIFTCLK 0100UTtmm(§ IN24 AUXIN+ 23 AUXIN22 OUT+ 21 OUT20 Vcc+ 19 Vcc- 6 7 8 9 10 NU - Nonusable; no extemal connection should be made to these tenninals. t Refer to the mechanical data for the JT package. * 600-mil wide . § The portion of th$ tenninal name to the left of the slash is used for the duaJ.word (telephone interface) mode. The portion of the tennlnal name to the right of the slash Is used for word-byte mode. 1.4 Ordering Information AVAILABLE OPTIONS PACKAGE TA O°C to 70°C -40°C to 85°C -55°C to 125°C 7-14 PLASTIC CHIP CARRIER (FN) PLASTIC DIP (N) TLC32046CFN TLC32046CN TLC32046IFN TLC32046IN CERAMIC DIP CHIP CARRIER (J) (FK) TLC32046MJ TLC32046MFK --1.5 Terminal Functions TERMINAL NAME ANLGGND NO. 1/0 DESCRIPTION Analog ground return for all internal analog circuits. Not internally connected to DGTL GND. 17,18 AUX IN+ 24 I Noninverting auxiliary analog input stage. AUX IN+ can be switched into the band-pass filter and ADC path via software control. If the appropriate bit in the control register is a 1, the auxiliary inputs replace the IN+and IN-inputs.lfthebitisaO, the IN+and INinputs are used (see the DX Serial Data Word Format). AUX IN- 23 I Inverting auxiliary analog input (see the above AUX IN + description). DATA-DR 13 I The dual-word (telephone interface) mode, selected by applying an input logic level between 0 and 5 V to DATA-DR, allows this terminaltofunction as a data input. The data [s then framed by the FSD signal and transmitted as an output to the DR line during secondary communication. The functions FSD, D11 OUT, and D1 OOUT are valid with this mode selection (see Table 2-1). When CONTROL is tied to V~he device is in the word or byte mode. The functions WORD-BYTE, EODR, and EODX are valid in this mode. CONTROL is then used to select either the word or byte mode (see Function Table). CONTROL DR 5 0 DR is used to transmit the ADC output bits from the Ale to the TMS320 serial port. This transmission of bits from the AIC to the TMS320 serial port is synchronized with SHIFTCLK. DX 12 I DX is used to receive the DAC input bits and timing and control information from the TMS320. This serial transmission from the TMS320 serial port is synchronized with SHIFTCLK. D100UT 11 0 In the dual-word (telephone interface) mode, bit D1 0 ofthe control register is output to D1 OOUT. When the device is reset, bit D1 0 is initialized to 0 (see DX Serial Data Word Format). The output update is immediate upon changing bit D10. EODX D110UT EODR End-of-data transmit. During the word-mode timing, a low-going pulse occurs on EODX imrnediately after the 16 bits of DAC and control or register information have transmitted from the TMS320 serial port to the AIC.This signal can be used to interrupt a microprocessor upon completion of serial communications. Also, this signal can be used to strobe and enable external serial-to-parallel shift registers, latches, or external FI FO RAM and to facilitate parallel data bus communications between the DSP and the serial-to-parallel shift registers. During the byte-mode timing, this signal goes low after the first byte has been transmitted from the TMS320 serial port to the AIC and is kept low until the second byte has been transmitted. The TMS320C17can use this low-going signal to differentiate first and second bytes. 3 0 In the dual-word (telephone interface) mode, bit D11 of the control register is output to D110UT. When the device is reset, bit D11 is initialized to 0 (see DX Serial Data Word Format). The output update is immediate upon changing bit D11. End-of-data receive. During the word-mode timing, a low-going pulse occurs on EODR immediately after the 16 bits of AID information have been transmitted from the AIC to the TMS320 serial port. This signal can be used to interrupt a microprocessor upon completion of serial communications. Also, this signal can be used to strobe and enable external serial-to-parallel shift registers,latches, or external FIFO RAM, and to facilitate parallel data bus communications between the DSP and the serial-to-parallel shift registers. During the byte-mode timing, this signal goes low after the first byte has been transmitted from the AIC to the TMS320 serial port and is kept low until the second byte has been transmitted. The TMS320C17 can use this low-going signal to differentiate between first and second bytes. 7-15 1.5 Terminal Functions (continued) TERMINAL NAME NO. DGTL 9 FSD 1 WORD-BYTE 1/0 ,DESCRIPTION 0 Frame sync data. The FSD output remains high during primary communication. In the dual-word (telephone interface) mode, FSD is identical to FSX during secondary communication. I WORD-BYTE allows differentiation between' the word and byte data format (see DATA-DR/CONTROL and Table 2-1 for details). Digital ground for all internal logic circuits. Not internally connected to ANLG GND. FSR 4 0 Frame sync receive. FSR is held low during bit transmission. When FSR goes low, the TMS320 serial port begins receiving bits from the AIC via DR of the AIC. The most significant DR bit is present on DR before FSR goesJow (see Serial Port Sections and Internal Timing Configuration Diagrams). FSX 14 0 Frame sync transmit. When FSX goes low, the TMS320 serial port begins transmitting bits to the AIC via DX of the AIC. FSX is held low during bit transmission (see Serial Port Sections and Internal Timing Configuration Diagrams). IN+ 26 I Noninverting input to analog input amplifier stage IN- 25 I Inverting input to analog input amplifier stage MSTRCLK 6 I The master clock signal is used to derive all the key logic signals of the AIC, such as the shift clock, the switched-capacitor filter clocks, and the AID and DIA timing signals. The Internal Timing Configuration diagram shows how these key signals are derived. The frequencies of these signals are synchronous submultiples of the master, clock frequency to eliminate unwanted aliasing when the sampled analog signals are transferred between the switched-capacitor filters and the ADC and DAC converters (see the Internal Tir:ning Configuration). OUT+ 22 0 Noninverting output of analog output power amplifier. OUT+ drives transformer hybrids or high-impedance loads directly in a differential or a single-ended configuration. OUT- 21 0 Inverting output of analog output power amplifier. OUT-is functionally identical with and complementary to OUT+. REF 8 1/0 The internal voltage reference is brought out on REF. An extemal voltage reference can be applied to REF to override the internal voltage reference. RESET 2 I A reset function is provided to initialize TA, TA', TB, RA, RA', RB (see Figure 2-1), and the control registers. This reset function initiates serial communications between the AIC and DSP. The reset function initializes all AIC registers, including the control register. After a negative-going pulse on RESET, the AIC registers are initialized to provide a 16-kHz data conversion rate for a 10.368-MHz master clock input Signal. The conversion rate adjust registers, TA' and RA', are resetto 1. The CONTROL register bits are reset as follows (see AIC DX Data Word Format section): D11 .. 0, D10 .. 0, D9 .. 1, D7 - 1, D6 = 1, D5 = 1, D4 = 0, D3 .. 0, D2 = 1 The shift clock (SCLK) is held high during RESET. This initialization allows normal serial-port communication to occur between the AIC and the DSP. SHIFTCLK 10 0 The shift clock signal is obtained by dividing the master clock signal frequency by four. SHIFT CLK is used to clock toe serial data transfers of the AIC. VDD 7 Digital supply voltage, 5 V ±5% VCC+ 20 Positive analog supply voltage, 5 V ±5% VCC- 19 Negative analog supply voltage, -5 V ±5% 7-16 2 Detailed Description Table 2-1. Mode-Selection Function Table DATA-DR! CONTROL (Terminal 13) FSDI WORD-BYTE (Terminal 1) CONTROL OPERATING SERIAL REGISTER MODE CONFIGURATION BIT (05) DESCRIPTION Terminal functions DATA-DRT, FSDt, D110UT, and D100UT are applicable in this Dual Word configuration. FSD is asserted Synchronous, Data in FSD out (Telephone during secondary 1 (0 Vto 5 V) (OVt05V) One 16-Bit Word Interface) communication, but FSR is not asserted. However, FSD remains high during primary communication. Terminal functions DATA-DR T, FSDt, D11 OUT, and D100UT are applicable in this configuration. FSD is asserted during secondary communication, but FSR is not Dual Word asserted. However, FSD Data in FSDout Synchronous, (Telephone 0 (0 V to 5 V) (OVt05V) One 16-Bit Word remains high during primary Interface) communication. If secondary communications occur while the ND conversion is being transmitted from DR, FSD cannot go low, and data from DATA-DR cannot go onto DR. Terminal functions Synchronous, CONTROLt, WORD-BYTEt, 1 One 16-Bit Word EODR:and EODX are applicable in this configuration. WORD VCC+ Terminal functions CONTROLt, WORD-BYTEt, Asynchronous, 0 One 16-bit Word EODR, and EODX are applicable in this configuration. VCCTerminal functions Synchronous, CONTROLt, WORD-BYTEt, 1 Two a-Bit Bytes EODR, and EODX are applicable in this configuration. BYTE VCCTerminal functions CONTROLt, WORD-BYTEt, Asynchronous, 0 Two a-Bit Bytes EODR, and EODX are applicable in this configuration. t DATA-DR/CONTROL has an internal pulldown resistor to -5 V, and FSDIWORD-BYTE has an internal pullup resistor t05 V. . 7-17 2.1 Internal Timing Configuration (see Figure 2-1) All the internal timing of the AIC is derived from the highLfrequency clock signal that drives the master clock input. The shift clock signal, which strobes the serial port data between the AIC and DSP, Is derived by dividing the master clock input signal frequency by four. The TX(A) counter and the TX(B) counter, which are driven by the master clock signal, determine the D/A conversion timing. Similarly, the RX(A) counter and the RX(B) counter determine the AID conversion timing. In order for the low-pass switched:-eapacitor filter in the D/A path (see Functional Block Diagram) to meet its transfer function specifications, the frequency of its clock input must be 288 kHz. If the clock frequency is not 288 kHz, the filter transfer function frequencies are frequency-scaled by the ratios of the clock frequency to 288 kHz: Absolute Frequency (kHz) Normalized Frequency x SCF fclock (kHz) 288 (1 ) For Low-Pass SCF fclock > 288 kHz, please call the factory. To obtain the specified filter response, the combination of master clock frequency and the TX(A) counter and the RX(A) counter values must yield a 288-kHz switched:-eapacitor clock signal. This 288-kHz clock signal can then be divided by the TX(B) counter to establish the D/A conversion timing. The transfer function of the band-pass switched:-eapacitor filter in the AID path (see Functional Block Diagram) is a composite of its high-pass and low-pass transfer functions. When the shift:-elock frequency (SCF) is 288 kHz, the high-frequency roll-off of the low-pass section will meet the band-pass filter transfer function specification. Otherwise, the high-frequency roll-off is frequency-scaled by the ratio of the high-pass section SCF clock to 288 kHz (see Figure 5-5). The low-frequency roll-off of the high-pass section meets the band-pass filter transfer function specification when the AID conversion rate is 16 kHz. If not, the low-frequency roll-off of the high-pass section is frequency-scaled by the ratio of the AID conversion rate to 16 kHz. The TX(A) counter and the TX(B) counter are reloaded each D/A conversion period, while the RX(A) counter and the RX(B) counter are reloaded every AID conversion period. The TX(B) counter and the RX(B) counter are loaded with the values in the TB and RB registers, respectively. Via software control, the TX(A) counter can be loaded with the TA register, the TA register less the TA' register, or the TA register plus the TA' register. By selecting the TA register less the TA' register option, the upcoming conversion timing occurs earlier by an amount of time that equals TA' times the signal period of the master clock. If the TA register plus the TA' register option is executed, the upcoming conversion timing occurs later by an amount of time that equals TA' times the signal period of the master clock. Thus, the D/A conversion timing can be advanced or retarded. An identical ability to alter the AID conversion timing is provided. However, the RX(A) counter can be programmed via software control with the RA register, the RA register less the RA' register, or the RA register plus the RA' register. The ability to advance or retard conversion timing is particularly useful for modem applications. This feature allows controlled changes in the AID and D/A conversion timing and can be used to enhance signal-to-noise performance, to perform frequency-tracking functions, and to generate nonstandard modem frequencies. If the transmit and receive sections are configured to be synchronous, then the low-pass and band-pass switched:-eapacitor filter clocks are derived from the TX(A) counter. Also, both the D/A and AID conversion timings are derived from the TX(A) counter and the TX(B) counter. When the transmit and receive sections are configured to be synchronous, the RX(A) counter, RX(B) counter, RA registe2 RN register, and RB registers are not used. 7-18 TMS320DSP MASTER CLOCK 5.184 MHz 10.368 MHz SHIFT CLOCK 1.296 MHz 2.592 MHz SCFCLOCK Low-Pass Filter, (sin x)/x Filter Transmit Section D/A Conversion Timing D1t DO SELECT o 0 TA o 1 TA+TA' 1 0 TA-TA' 1 1 TA TX(A) Counter (6 Bits) IJ~~~[)=~~ TX (B) Counter 288 kHz ....._ _ _ _'" 576kHz 7.20 kHz for TB ., 40 8.00 kHz for TB .. 36 9.60 kHz for TB '"' 30 14.4 kHz for TB = 20 16.0 kHz for TB = 18 19.2 kHz for TB = 15 D/A Conversion Frequency Low-Pass Filter Receive Section AID Conversion Timing 9 D1t DO o 0 o 1 1 0 1 1 SELECT RA RA+ RA' RA-RA' RA 18 RX (A) UOllnIBlri (6 Bits) 7.20 kHz for RB ., 40 8.00 kHz for RB .. 36 9.60 kHz for RB = 30 14.4 kHz for RB .. 20 16.0 kHz for RB .. 18 19.2 kHz for RB .. 15 High-Pass Filter, AID Conversion Frequency t These control bits are described in the DX Serial Data Word Format section. NOTES: A. Tables 2-2 and 2-3 are primary and secondary communication protocols, respectively. B. In synchronous operation, RA, RA', RB, RX(A), and RX(B) are not used. TA, TA', TB, TX(A), and TX(B) are used instead. C. Items in italics refer only to frequencies and register contents, which are variable. A crystal oscillator driving 20.736 MHz into the TMS320-series DSP provides a master clock frequency of 5.184 MHz. The TLC32046 produces a shift clock frequency of 1.296 MHz. If the TX(A) register contents equal 9, the SCF clock frequency is 288 kHz,. and the D/A convel'$ion frequency is 288 kHz + T(B). Figure 2-1. Asynchronous Internal Timing Configuration 7-19 2.2 Analog Input Two pairs of analog inputs are provided. Normally, the IN+ and IN- input pair is used; however, the auxiliary input pair, AUX IN+ and AUX IN-, can be used if a second input is required. Since sufficient common-mode range and rejection are provided, each input set can be operated in differential or single-ended modes. The gain for the IN+, IN-,AUX IN+,andAUX IN-inputs can be programmed to 1,2,or4 (see Table 4-1). Either input circuit can be selected via software control. Multiplexing is controlled with the D4 bit (enable/disable AUX IN+ and AUX IN-) of the secondary DX word (see Table 2-3). The multiplexing requires a 2-ms wait at SCF = 288 kHz (see Figure 5-3) for a valid output signal. A wide dynamic range is ensured by the differential internal analog architecture and the separate analog and digital voltage supplies and grounds. 2.3 AID Band-Pass Filter, Clocking, and Conversion Timing The receive-channel AID high-pass filter can be selected or bypassed via software control (see Functional Block Diagram). The frequency response of this filter is found in the electrical characteristic section. This response results when the switched-capacitor filter clock frequency is 288 kHz and the AID sample rate is 16 kHz. Several possible options can be used to attain a 288-kHz switched-capacitor filter clock. When the filter clock frequency is not 288 kHz, the low-pass filter transfer function is frequency-scaled by the ratio of the actual clock frequency to 288 kHz (see Typical Characteristics section); The ripple bandwidth and 3-dB low-frequency roll-off points of the high-pass section are 300 Hz and 200 Hz, respectively. However, the high-pass section low-frequency roll-off is frequency-scaled by the ratio of the AID sample rate to 16 kHz. Figure 2-1 and the DX serial data word format sections of this data manual indicate the many options for attaining a 288-kHz band-pass switched-capacitor filter clock. These sections indicate that the RX(A) counter can be programmed to give a 288-kHz band-pass switched-capacitor filter clock for, several master clock input frequencies. The AID conversion rate is attained by frequency-dividing the band-pass switched-capacitor filter clock with the RX(B) counter. Unwanted aliasing is prevented because the AID conversion rate is an integer submultiple of the band-pass switched-capacitor filter sampling rate, and the two rates are synchronously locked. 2.4 AID Converter Fundamental performance specifications for the receive channel ADC circuitry are in the electrical characteristic section of this data manual. The ADC circuitry, using switched-capacitor techniques, provides an inherent sample-and-hold function. 2.5 Analog Output The analog output circuitry is an analog output power amplifier. Both non inverting and inverting amplifier outputs are brought out of the IC. This amplifier can drive transformer hybrids or low-impedance loads directly in either a differential or single-ended configuration. 2.6 DIA Low-Pass Filter, Clocking, and Conversion Timing The frequency response results when the low-pass switched-capacitor filter clock frequency is 288 kHz (see equation 1). Like the AID filter, the transfer function of this filter is frequency-scaled when the clock frequency ,is not 288 kHz (see Typical Characteristics section). A continuous-time filter is provided on the output of the . low-pass filter to eliminate the periodic sample data signal information, which occurs at multiples of the 288-kHz switched-capacitor clock feedthrough.' The D/A conversion rate is attained by frequency-dividing the 288-kHz switched-capacitor filter clock with the T(B) counter. Unwanted aliasing is prevented because the DIA conversion rate is an integer submultiple of the switched-capacitor low-pass filter sampling rate, and the two rates are synchronously locked. 2.7 01A Converter Fundamental performance specifications for the transmit channel DAC circuitry are in the electrical characteristic section. The DAC has a sample-and-hold function that is realized with a switched-capacitor ladder. ' 7-20 2.8 Serial Port The serial port has four possible configurations summarized in the function table on page 1-2. These configurations are briefly described below. 2.9 • The transmit and receive sections are operated asynchronously, and the serial port interfaces directly with the TMS320C17. The communications protocol is two a-bit bytes. • The transmit and receive sections are operated asynchronously, and the serial port interfaces directly with the TMS32020, TMS320C25, and TMS320C30. The communications protocol is one 16-bit word. • The transmit and receive sections are operated synchronously, and the serial port interfaces directly with the TMS320C17. The communications protocol is two a-bit bytes. • The transmit and receive sections are operated synchronously, and the serial port interfaces directly with the TMS32020, TMS320C25, TMS320C30, or two SN74299 serial-to-parallel shift registers, which can interface in parallel to the TMS32010, TMS320C15, to any other digital signal processor, or to external FIFO circuitry. The communications protocol is one 16-bit word. Synchronous Operation When the transmit and receive sections are operated synchronously, the low-pass filter clock drives both low-pass and band-pass filters (see Functional Block Diagram). The AID conversion timing is derived from and equal to the D/A conversion timing. When data bit 05 in the control register is a logic 1, transmit and receive sections are synchronous. The band-pass switched-capacitor filter and the AID converter timing are derived from the TX(A) counter, the TX(B) counter, and the TA and TA' registers. In synchronous operation, both the AID and the D/A channels operate from the same frequencies. The FSX and the FSR timing is identical during primary communication, but FSR is not asserted during secondary communication because there is no new AID conversion result. One 16-Blt Word (Dual-Word [Telephone Interface] or Word Mode) 2.9.1 The serial port interfaces directly with the serial ports of the TMS32020, TMS320C25, and the TMS320C30, and communicates in one 16-bit word. The operation sequence is as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. The FSX and FSR pins are brought low by the TLC32046 AIC. One 16-bit word is transmitted and one 16-bit word is received. FSX and FSR are brought high. EODX and EODR emit low-going pulses one shift clock wide. EODX and EODR are valid in the word or byte mode only. If the device is in the dual-word (telephone interface) mode, FSD goes low during the secondary communication period and enables the data word received at the DATA-DR/CONTROL input to be routed to the DR line. The secondary communication period occurs four shift clocks after completion of primary communications. Two 8-Bit Bytes (Byte Mode) 2.9.2 The serial port interfaces directly with the serial port of the TMS320C17 and communicates in two a-bit bytes. The operation sequence is as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. FSX and FSR are brought low. One 8-bit word is transmitted and one a-bit word is received. EODX and EODR are brought low. FSX and FSR emit positive frame-sync pulses that are four shift clock cycles wide. One 8-bit byte is transmitted and one 8-bit byte is received. FSX and FSR are brought high. EO OX and EODR are brought high. 7-21 2.9.3 Synchronous Operating Frequencies The synchronous operating frequencies are determined by the following equations. Switched capacitor filter (SCF) frequencies (see Figure 2-1): Low-pass SCF clock frequency (D/A and AID channels) master clock frequency T(A) x 2 High-pass SCF clock frequency (AID channel) = AID conversion frequency Conversion frequency (AID and 01A channels) low-pass SCF clock. frequency = -...:...----=T:"::(B=-)----'--...:... master clock frequency T(A) x 2 x T(B) NOTE: T(A), T(B), R(A), and R(B) are the contents of the TA, TB, RA, and RB registers, respectively. 2.10 Asynchronous Operation When the transmit and the receive sections are operated asynchronously, the low-pass and band-pass filter clocks are independently generated from the master clock. The D/A and the AID conversion timing is also determined independently. D/A timing is set by the counters and registers described in synchronous operation, but the RA and RS registers are substituted for the TA and TB registers to determine the AID channel sample rate and the AID path switched-capacitor filter frequencies. Asynchronous operation is selected by control register bit OS being zero. 2.10.1 One 16-BltWord (Word Mode) The serial port interfaces directly with the serial ports of the TMS32020, TMS320C2S, and TMS320C30 and communicates with 16-bit word formats. The operation sequence is as follows: 1.· 2. 3. 4. FSX orFSR are brought low by the TLC32046 AIC. One 16-bit word is transmitted or one 16-bit word is received. FSX or FSR are brought high. EO OX or EODR emit low-going pulses one shift clock wide. EO OX and ~ODR are valid in either the word or byte mode only. 2.10.2 Two 8-Blt Bytes (Byte Mode) The serial port interfaces directly with the serial port of the TMS320C17 and communicates in two 8-tlit bytes. The operating sequence is as follows: 1.. 2. 3. 4. S. 6. 7. FSX or FSR are brought low by the TLC32046 AIC. One byte is transmitted or received. EODX or EODR are brought low. FSX or FSR are brought high for four shift clock periods and then brought low. The second byte is transmitted or received. FSX or FSR are brought high. EO OX or EODR are brought high. 2.10.3 Asynchronous Operating Frequencies The asynchronous operating frequencies are determined by the following equations. Switched-capacitor filter frequencies (see Figure 2-1 ): Low-pass DIA SCF clock frequency = 7-22 master clock frequency T(A) x 2 Low-pass AID SCF clock frequency = master clock frequency R(A) x 2 (2) High-pass SCF clock frequency (AID channel) = AID conversion frequency Conversion frequency: 01A conversion frequency low-pass 01A SCF clock frequency T(B) . f low-pass AID SCF clock frequency (for low pass receive filter) AID conversion requency = R(B) (3) NOTE: T(A), T(B), R(A), and R(B) are the contents of the TA, TB, RA, and RB registers, respectively. 2.11 Operation of TLC32046 With Internal Voltage Reference The internal reference of the TLC32046 eliminates the need for an external voltage reference and provides overall circuit cost reduction. The internal reference eases the design task and provides complete control of the IC performance. The internal reference is brought out to REF. To keep the amount of noise on the reference signal to a minimum, an external capacitor can be connected between REF and ANLG GNO. 2.12 Operation of TLC32046 With External Voltage Reference REF can be driven from an external reference circuit. This external circuit must be capable of supplying 250 I!A and must be protected adequately from noise and crosstalk from the analog input. 2.13 Reset A reset function is provided to initiate serial communications between the AIC and OSP and to allow fast, cost-effective testing during manufacturing. The reset function initializes all AIC registers, including the control register. After a negative-going pulse on RESET, the AIC is initialized. This initialization allows normal serial port communications activity to occur between AIC and OSP (see AIC OX Data Word Format section). After RESET, TA=TB=RA=RB=18 (or 12 hexadecimal), TA'=RA'=01 (hexadecimal), the AID high-pass filter is inserted, the loop-back function is deleted, AUX IN+ and AUX IN- are disabled, transmit and receive sections are in synchronous operation, programmable gain is set to 1, the on-board (sin x)/x correction filter is not selected, 0100UT is set to 0, and 0110UT is set to O. 2.14 Loopback This feature allows the circuit to be tested remotely. In loopback, OUT+ and OUT-are internally connected tolN+ and IN-. The DAC bits (015 to 02), which are transmitted to OX, can be compared with the AOC bits (015 to 02), received from DR. The bits on DR equal the bits on OX. However, there is some difference in these bits due to the AOC and OAC output offsets. The loopback feature is implemented with digital signal processor control by transmitting a logic 1 for data bit 03 in the OX secondary communication to the control register (see Table 2-3). 7-23 2.15 Communications Word Sequence In the dual-word (telephone interface) mode, there are two data words that are presented to the DSP or ~P from the DR terminal. The first data word is the ADC conversion result occurring during the FSR time, and the second is the serial data applied to DATA-DR during the FSD time. FSR is not asserted during secondary communications and FSD is not asserted during primary communications. Primary Communications 1 4 Shift Clocks 14 , Secondary Communications 1 .1 DX-14 Bits Digital 11 From DSP to DAC TLC32046 DX-14 Bits Digital XX From DSP Input for D/A Conversion Input for Register Program TLC32046 1 I 1 I TLC32046 Dual-Word (telephone Interface) Mode Only 2s Complement Output From ADC to the DSP TLC32046 Dual-WOrd (telephone Interface) Mode Only 16 bits Digital From . 1 DATA-DR to DR Data From DATA-DR to the DSP 28 Complement Output From ADC to the DSP DR 1 14---- 1 I 16 bits -~~ .. 1 1 14---- 16 bits ---.-t~ 1 1 TLC32046 Dual-Word (telephone Interface) Mode Only 1 Figure 2-2. Primary and Secondary Communications Word Sequence 2.15.1 DR Word Bit Pattern The data word is the 14-bit conversion result of the receive channel to the processor in 28 complement format. With 16-bit processors, the data is 16 bits long with the two LSB8 at zero. AID MSB AID LSB 1st bit sent J. 015 1,014 7-24 J. I 013 I 012 I 011 I 010 I 09 I 08 I 07 I 06 I 05 I 04 I 03 I 02 I D1 I DO 2.15.2 Primary OX Word Bit Pattern Using 8-bit processors, the data word is transmitted in the same order as one 16-bit word, but as two bytes with the two LSBs of the second byte set to zero. AlO OR O/A MSB 1st bit sent J. 015 AlO or 01A LSB 1st bit sent of 2nd byte J. J. I 014 I 013 I 012 I 011 I 010 I 09 I 08 I 07 I 06 I 05 I 04 I 03 I 02 I 01 I 00 Table 2-2. Primary OX Serial Communication Protocol FUNCTIONS D1 DO 015 (MSB)-02 ~ OAC Register. TA ~ TX(A), RA ~ RX(A) (see Figure 2-1). TB ~ TX(B), RB ~ RX(B) (see Figure 2-1). 0 0 015 (MSB)-02 ~ OAC Register. TA+TA' ~ TX(A), RA+RA' ~ RX(A) (see Figure 2-1). TB ~ TX(B), RB ~ RX(B) (see Figure 2-1). The next O/A and AlO conversion period is changed by the addition of TA' and RA' master clock cycles, in which TA' and RA' can be positive, negative, or zero (refer to Table 2-4). 0 1 015 (MSB)-02 ~ OAC Register. TA-TA' ~ TX(A), RA-RA' ~ RX(A) (see Figure 2-1). TB ~ TX(B), RB ~ RX(B) (see Figure 2-1). The next 01A and AlO conversion period is changed by the subtraction ofTA' and RA' master clock cycles, in which TA' and RA' can be positive, negative, or zero (refer to Table 2-4). 1 0 015 (MSB)-02 ~ OAC Register. TA ~ TX(A), RA ~ RX(A) (see Figure 2-1). TB ~ TX(B), RB ~ RX(B) (see Figure 2-1). After a delay of four shift cycles, a secondary transmission follows to program the AIC to operate in the desired configuration. In the telephone interface mode, data on OATA OR is routed to OR during secondary transmission. 1 1 NOTE: Setting the two least significant bits to 1 in the normal transmission of OAC information (primary communications) to the AIC initiates secondary communications upon completion of the primary communications. When the primary communication is complete, FSX remains high for four SHIFT CLOCK cycles and then goes low and initiates the secondary communication. The timing speCifications for the primary and secondary communications are identical. In this manner, the secondary communication, if initiated, is interleaved between successive primary communications. This interleaving prevents the secondary communication from interfering with the primary communications and OAC timing. This prevents the AIC from skipping a OAC output. FSR is not asserted during secondary communications activity. However, in the dual-word (telephone interface) mode, FSO is asserted during secondary communications but not during primary communications. 7-25 2.15.3 Secondary OX Word Bit Pattern O/A MSB 1st bit sent 1st bit sent of 2nd byte ,J. 015 O/A LSB ,J. ,J. I 014 I 013 I 012 I 011 I 010 I 09 I 08 I 07 I 06 I 05 I 04 I 03 I 02 I 01 I DO Table 2-3. Secondary OX Serial Communication Protocol D1 DO 013 (MSB)-09 -+ TA, 5 bits unsigned binary (see Figure 2-1). 06 (MSB)-02 -+ RA, 5 bits unsigned binary (see Figure 2-1). 015,014,08, and 07 are unassigned. FUNCTIONS 0 0 014 (sign bit)-09 -+ TN, 6 bits 2s complement (see Figure 2-1). 07 (sign bit)-02 -+ RN, 6 bits 2s complement (see Figure 2-1). 015 and 08 are unassigned. 0 1 014 (MSB)-09 -+ TB, 6 bits unsigned binary (see Figure 2-1). 07 (MSB)-02 -+ RB, 6 bits unsigned binary (see Figure 2-1 ). 015 and 08 are unassigned. 1 0 02 .. 0/1 deleteslinserts the AID high-pass filter. 03 ... 0/1 deletes/inserts the loopback function. 04 ... 011 disables/enables AUX IN+ and AUX IN-. 05 .. 0/1 asynchronous/synchronous transmit and receive sections. 06 ... 0/1 gain control bits (see Table 4-1). 07 ... 0/1 gain control bits (see Table 4-1). 09 .. 0/1 deletelinsert on-board second-order (sinx)/x correction filter 010 = 0/1 output to 01 OOUT (dual-word (telephone interface) mode) 011 = 0/1 output to 011 OUT (dual-word (telephone interface) mode) 08,012-015 are unassigned. 1 1 2.16 Reset Function A reset function is provided to initiate serial communications between the AIC and OSP. The reset function initializes all AIC registers, including the control register. After power has been applif;ld to the AIC, a negative-going pulse on RESET initializes the AIC registers to provide a 16-kHz AID and O/A conversion rate for a 10.368-MHz master clock input signal. Also, the pass-bands of the AID and O/A filters are 300 Hz to 7200 Hz and a Hz to 7200 Hz, respectively; therefore, the filter bandwidths are half those shown in the filter transfer function specification section. The AIC, except the CONTROL register, is initialized as follows (see AIC OX Data Word Format section): REGISTER INITIALIZED VALUE (HEX) TA 12 TA' 01 TB 12 RA 12 RA' 01 RB 12 The CONTROL register bits are reset as follows (see Table 2-3): 011 = 0,010 = 0,09 = 1, 07 = 1, 06 = 1, 05 = 1, 04 = 0, 03 = 0,02 = 1 This initialization allows normal serial port communications to occur between the AIC and the OSP. If the transmit and receive sections are configured to operate synchronously and the user wishes to program different conversion rates, only the TA, TA', and TB register need to be programmed. Both transmit and receive timing are synchronously derived from these registers (see the Terminal Functions and OX Serial Data Word Format sections). Figure 2-3 shows a circuit that provides a reset on power-up when power is applied in the sequence given in the power-up sequence section. The circuit depends on the power supplies reaching their recommended values a minimum of 800 ns before the capacitor charges to 0.8 V above OGTL GNO. 7-26 TLC32046 VCC+ O.5I1F VCC- -5V Figure 2-3. Reset on Power-Up Circuit 2.17 Power-Up Sequence To ensure proper operation of the Ale and as a safeguard against latch-up, it is recommended that Schottky diodes with forward voltages less than or equal to 0.4 V be connected from Vcc- to ANLG GND and from Vcc- to DGTL GND.ln the absence of such diodes, power is applied in the following sequence: ANLG GND and DGTL GND, Vcc-, then Vcc+ and Vee. Also, no input signal is applied until after power-up. 2.18 AIC Register Constraints The following constraints are placed on the contents of the Ale registers: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. TA register must be ~ 4 in word mode (WORD/BYTE= high). TA register must be ~ 5 in byte mode (WORDIBYTE= low). TA' register can be either positive, negative, or zero. RA register must be ~ 4 in word mode (WORD/BYTE = high). RA register must be ~ 5 in byte mode (WORD/BYTE = low). RA' register can be either positive, negative, or zero. (TA register ± TA' register) must be > 1. (RA register ± RA' register) must be > 1. TB register must be ~ 15. RB register must be ~ 15. 2.19 AIC Responses to Improper Conditions The Ale has provisions for responding to improper conditions. These improper conditions and the response of the Ale to these conditions are presented in Table 2-4. 7-27 Table 2-4. AIC Responses to Improper Conditions IMPROPER CONDITION AIC RESPONSE TA register + TA' register .. 0 or 1 TA register - TA' register .. 0 or 1 Reprogram TX(A) counter with TA register value TA register + TA' register < 0 MODULO 64 arithmetio is used to ensure that a positive value is loaded into TX(A) counter, i.e., TA register + TA' register + 40 HEX is loaded into TX(A) counter. RA register + RA' register .. 0 or 1 RA register - RA' register - 0 or 1 Reprogram RX(A) counter with RA register value RA register + RA' register = 0 or 1 MODULO 64 arithmetic is used to ensure that,s positive value is loaded into RX(A) counter, i.e., RA register + RA' register + 40 HEX is loaded into RX(A) counter. TA register = 0 or 1 RA register .. 0 or 1 AIC is shut down. Reprogram TA or RA registers after a reset. TA register < 4 in word mode TA register < 5 in byte mode RA register < 4 in word mode RA register < 5 in byte mode The AIC serial port no longer operates. Reprogram TA or RA registers after a reset. TB register < 15 Reprogram TB register with 12'HEX RB register < 15 Reprogram RS register with 12 HEX AIC and DSP cannot communicate Hold last DAC output 2.20 Operation With Conversion Times Too Close Together If the difference between two successive D/A conversion frame syncs is less than 1/25 kHz, the AIC operates improperly. In this situation, the second D/A conversion frame sync occurs too quickly, and there is not enough time for the ongoing conversion to be completed. This situation can occur if the A and B registers are improperly programmed or if the A + A' register result is too small. When incrementally adjusting the conversion period via the A + A' register options, the designer should not violate this requirement (see Figure2-4). t1 Frame Sync- , (FSX or FSR) 1 ...__.... t2 'I') j.-- Ongoing Conversion I...__....r1 -+l t2 - t1 :s; 1/25 kHz Figure 2-4. Conversion Times Too Close Together 2.21 More Than One Receive Frame Sync Occurring Between Two Transmit Frame Syncs - Asynchronous Operation When incrementally adjusting the conversion period via the A + A' or A - A' register options, a specific protocol is followed. The command to use the incremental conversion period adjust option is sent to the AIC during an FSX frame sync. The ongoing conversion period is then adjusted; however, either receive conversion period A or conversion period B can be adjusted. For both transmit and receive conversion periods, the incremental conversion period adjustment is performed near the end of the conversion period. If there is sufficient time between t1 and t2, the receive conversion period adjustment is performed during receive conversion period A. Otherwise, the adjustment is performed during receive conversion period B. The adjustment command only adjusts one transmit conversion period and one receive conversion period. To adjust another pair of transmit and receive conversion periods, another command must be issued during a subsequent FSX frame (see Figure 2-5). 7-28 u U 14-14---- Transmit Conversion Period ---~~I I~ ~ I Receive Conversion Period A Receive Conversion Period B Figure 2-5. More Than One Receive Frame Sync Between Two Transmit Frame Syncs 2.22 More Than One Transmit Frame Sync Occurring Between Two Receive Frame Syncs - Asynchronous Operation When incrementally adjusting the conversion period via the A + A' or A - A' register options, a specific protocol must be followed. For both transmit and receive conversion periods, the incremental conversion period adjustment is performed near the end of the conversion period. The command to use the incremental conversion period adjust options is sent to the AIC during an FSX frame sync. The ongoing transmit conversion period is then adjusted. However, three possibilities exist for the receive conversion period adjustment as shown in Figure 2-6. When the adjustment command is issued during transmit conversion period A, receive conversion period A is adjusted if there is sufficient time between t1 and t2' If there is not sufficient time between t1 and t2' receive conversion period B is adjusted. The third option is that the receive portion of an adjustment command can be ignored if the adjustment command is sent during a receive conversion period, which is adjusted due to a prior adjustment command. For example, if adjustment commands are issued during transmit conversion periods A, B, and C, the first two commands may cause receive conversion periods A and B to be adjusted, while the third receive adjustment command is ignored. The third adjustment command is ignored since it was issued during receive conversion period B, which already is adjusted via the transmit conversion period B adjustment command. t1 1!4- Conversion Transmit 1 Transmit 1 Transmit 1 -¥- Conversion ....... converslon-+I I FSRU Period A j.---- Receive Conversion Period A I Period B I Period C L.J U _14 Receive Conversion Period B -1 Figure 2-6. More Than One Transmit Frame Sync Between Two Receive Frame Syncs 2.23 More than One Set of Primary and Secondary DX Serial Communications Occurring Between Two Receive Frame Syncs (See DX Serial Data Word Format section) - Asynchronous Operation The TA, TA', TB, and control register information that is transmitted in the secondary communication is accepted and applied during the ongoing transmit conversion period. If there is sufficient time between t1 and t2, the TA, RA', and RB register information, sent during transmit conversion period A, is applied to receive conversion period A; otherwise, this information is applied during receive conversion period B. If RA, RA', and RB register information has been received and is being applied during an ongoing conversion period, any subsequent RA, RA', or RB information received during this receive conversion period is disregarded (see Figure 2-7), 7-29 Primary SecQndaryt 1 Fsxln I 1'1 Primary I II Transmit Conversion Preload A ~ Secondary n I Transmit Conversion Preload B Primary I'I ~~ t2 I FSR +-- Receive Conversion Period A I ~ Receive Conversion Period B Secondary I n Transmit Conversion Preload C L I -t I I I ~I Figure 2-7~ More Than One Set of Primary and Secondary DX Serial Communications Between Two Receive Frame Syncs 2.24 System Frequency Response Correction The (sin x)/x correction for the DAC zero-order sample-and-hold output can be provided by an on-board second-order (sin x)/x correction filter (see Functional Block Diagram). This (sin x)/x correction filter can be .inserted into or omitted from the signal path by digital-slgnal-processor control (data bit 09 In the OX secondary communications). When inserted, the (sin x)/x correction filter precedes the switched-capacitor low-pass filter. When the TB register (see Figure 2-1) equals 15, the correction results of Figures 5-5, 5-6, and 5-7 can be obtained. The (sin x)/x correction [see section (sin x)/x] can also be accomplished by disabling the on-board second-order correction filter and performing the (sin x)/x correction in digital signal processor software. The system frequency response can be corrected via DSP software to ± 0.1 dB accuracy to a band edge of 3000 Hz for all sampling rates. This correction is accomplished with a first-order digital correction filter, that requires seven TMS320 Instruction cycles. With a 200-ns instruction cycle, seven instructions represent an overhead factor of 1.1 % and 1.3% for sampling rates of 8 and 9.6 kHz, respectively (see the (Sin x)/x Correction Section for more details). 2.25 (Sin x)/x Correction If the designer does not wish to use the on-board second-order (sin x)/x correction filter, correction can be accomplished in digital signal processor (DSP) software. (Sin x)/x correction can be accomplished easily and efficiently in digital signal processor software. Excellent correction accuracy can be achieved to a band edge of 3000 Hz by using a first-order digital correction filter. The results shown are typical of the numerical correction accuracy that can be achieved for sample rates of interest. The filter requires seven instruction cycles per sample on the TMS320 OS. With a 200-ns instruction cycle, nine instructions per sample represents an overhead factor of 1.4% and 1.7% for sampling rates of 8000 Hz and 9600 Hz, respectively. This correction adds a slight amount of group delay at the upper edge of the 300-:Hz to 3000-Hz band. 2.26 (Sin x)/x Roll-Off for a Zero-Order Hold Function The (sin x)/x roll-off error for the AIC DAC zero-order holcj function at a band-edge frequency of 3000 Hz for the various sampling rates is shown in Table 2-5 (see Figure 5-7). 7,-30 Table 2-5. (sin x)/x Roll-Off Error fs (Hz) sin 1t f1f. Error = 20 log 1t flfs 1=3000 Hz (dB) 7200 -2.64 8000 -2.11 9600 -1.44 14400 -0.63 16000 -0.50 19200 -0.35 25000 -0.21 The actual AIC (sin x)/x roll-off is slightly less than the figures in Table 2-5 because the AIC has less than 100% duty cycle hold interval. 2.27 Correction Filter To externally compensate for the (sin x)/x roll-off of the AIC, a first-order correction filter can be implemented as shown in Figure 2-8. Y(I + 1) p1 Figure 2-8. First-Order Correction Filter The difference equation for this correction filter is: , Y(i+1)=p2.(1-p1).U(i+1)+p1·Y(i) (4) where the constant p1 determines the pole locations. The resulting squared magnitude transfer function is: 1H 12 _ (f) (p2)2 V (1-p1)2 - 1-2 V p1 V cos (2P f/fs) + (p1 )2 (5) 2.28 Correction Results Table 2-6 shows the optimum p values and the corresponding correction results for 8000-Hz and 960C-Hz sampling rates (see Figures 5-8,5-9, and 5-10). 7-31 Table 2-6. (Sin x)/x Correction Table for fs f (Hz) ROLL·OFF ERROR (dB) fs= 8000Hz pi = -0.14813 p2= 0.9888 300 -0.099 600 -0.089 -0.054 900 1200 1500 1800 -0.002 0.041 0.079 2100 2400 2700 0.100 0.091 -0.043 3000 -0.102 =8000 Hz and fs =9600 Hz ROLL·OFF ERROR (dB) f s = 9600Hz pi =-0.1~07 p2= 0.9951 -0.043 -0.043 0 0 0 0.043 0.043 0.043 0 -0.043 2.29 TMS320 Software Requirements The digital correction filter equation can be written in state variable form as follows: Y(i+1) = Y(i) . k1 + u(i+1) . k2 Where k1 = p1 k2 = (1 - p1) p2 y(i) = filter state u(i+ 1) = next I/O sample The coefficients k1 and k2 must be represented as 16·bit integers. The SACH instruction (with the proper shift) yields the correct result. With the assumption that the TMS320 processor page pointer and memory configuration are properly initialized, the equation can be executed in seven instructions or seven cycles with the following program: ZAC LT K2 MPY U LTA Kl MPY Y APAC SACH (dma) , (shift) 7-32 3 3.1 Specifications Absolute Maximum Ratings Over Operating Free-Air Temperature Range (Unless Otherwise Noted) Supply voltage range, VCC+ (see Note 1) .......................... -0.3 V to 15 V Supply voltage range, Voo ....................................... -0.3 V to 15 V Output voltage range, Va ........................................ -0.3 V to 15 V Input voltage range, VI ........................................... -0.3 V to 15 V Digital ground voltage range ...................................... -0.3 V to 15 V Operating free-air temperature range: TLC32046C ................... O°C to 70°C TLC320461 .................. -40°C to 85°C TLC32046M ................ -55°C to 125°C Storage temperature range: TLC32046C, TLC320461 ............. -40°C to 125°C TLC32046M ........................ -65°C to 150°C Case temperature for 10 seconds: FN or FK package ....................... 260°C Lead temperature 1,6 mm (1/16 inch) from case for 10 seconds: N or J package .................................................... 260°C NOTE 1: Voltage values for maximum ratings are with respect to VCC-. 3.2 Recommended Operating Conditions Supply voltage, VCC+ (see Note 2) MIN 4.75 Supply voltage, VCC- (see Note 2) -4.75 Digital supply voltage, VDD (see Note 2) Digital ground voltage with respect to ANLG GND, DGTL GND Reference input voltage,.VrefCext) (see Note 2) High-level input voltage, VIH Low-level input voltage, VIL (see Note 3) 4.75 2 2 -0.3 NOM 5 -5 MAX 5.25 -5.25 5 0 5.25 4 VDD+0.3 0.8 UNIT V V V V V V V a Load resistance at OUT+ and/or OUT-, RL 300 Load capacitance at OUT+ and/or OUT-, CL 100 pF MSTR CLK frequency (see Note 4) 5 10.368 MHz Analog input amplifier common mode input voltage (see Note 5) ±1.5 V NO or D/A conversion rate 25 kHz TLC32046C 0 70 -40 TLC320461 85 Operating free-air temperature range, TA °C -55 TLC32046M 125 NOTES: 2. Voltages at analog Inputs and outputs, REF, VCC+, and VCC- are With respect to ANLG GND. Voltages at digital inputs and outputs and VDD are with respect to DGTL GND. 3. The algebraic convention, in which the least positive (most negative) value is deSignated minimum, is used in this data manual for logic voltage levels only. 4.. The band-pass switched-capacitor filter (SCF) specifications apply only when the low-pass section SCF clock is 288 kHz and the high-pass section SCF clock is 16 kHz. If the low-pass SCF clock is shifted from 288 kHz, the lOW-pass roll-off frequency shifts by the ratio of the low-pass SCF clock to 288 kHz. If the high-pass SCF clock is shifted. from 16 kHz, the high-pass roll-off frequency shifts by the ratio of the high-pass SCF clock to 16 kHz. Similarly, the low-pass switched-capacitor filter (SCF) specifications apply only when the SCF clock is 288 kHz. If the SCF clock is shifted from 288 kHz, the low-pass roll-off frequency shifts by the ratio of the SCF clock to 288 kHz. 5. This range applies when (IN+ -IN-) or (AUX IN+ - AUX IN-) equals ± 6 V. 7-33 3.3 3.3.1 Electrical Characteristics Over Recommended Operating Free-Air Temperature Range, Vcc+ 5 V, Vcc- -5 V, VDD 5 V (Unless Otherwise Noted) = = Total Device, MSTR ClK Frequency PARAMETER = =5.184 MHz, Outputs Not loaded TEST CONDITIONS VOH High-level output voltage VOO = 4.75 V, IOH .. -300 I1A VOL Low-level output voltage VOO .4.75 V, IOL=2mA MIN TYPt ICC- Supply current from VCC+ Supply current from VCC- 0.4 V TLC320461 35 40 rnA TLC32046M 45 TLC32046C -35 TLC320461 TLC32046M 100 Supply current from VOO Vref Internal reference output voltage 10000 Hz UNIT dB t All typical values are at TA .. 25°C. :j: The MIN, TYP, and MAX specifications are given for a 288-kHz SCF clock frequency. A slight error in the 288-kHz SCF may result from inaccuracies in the MSTR CLK frequency, resulting from crystal frequency tolerances. Jf this frequency error is less than 0.25%, the ADJUSTMENT ADDEND should be added to the MIN, TYP, and MAX specifications, where K1 .. 100 • [(SCF frequency - 288 kHz)/288kHzj. For errors greater than 0.25%, see Note 9. NOTE 9: The filter gain outside of the pass band is measured with respect to the gain at 1 kHz (2 kHz for M version). The filter gain within the pass band is measured with respect to the average gain within the pass band. The pass bands are 300 Hz to 7200 Hz and 0 to 7200 Hz for the band-pass and low-pass filters, respectively. For switched-capacitor filter clocks at frequencies other than 288 kHz, the filter response is shifted by the ratio of switched-capacitor filter clock frequency to 288 kHz. 7-37 3.4 Operating Characteristics Over Recommended Operating Free-Air Temperature Range, VCC+ = 5 V, VCC- = -5 V, Vee = 5 V 3.4.1 Receive and Transmit Noise (measurement Includes low-pass and band-pass switched-capacitor filters) Transmit noise PARAMETER Broadband with (sin xlIx Broadband without (sin xlIx oto 30 kHz with (sin xlIx oto 30 kHz without (sin xlIx oto 3.4 kHz with (sin xlIx oto 3.4 kHz without (sin xlIx oto 6.8 kHz with (sin xlIx (wide-band operation with 7.2 kHz rOil-Off) oto 6.8 kHz without (sin xlIx (wide-band operation with 7.2 kHz roll-off) Receive noise (see Note 10) MIN TEST CONDITIONS OX input - 00000000000000, Constant input code Inputs grounded, Gain: 1 . TYPT 250 200 200 200 180 160 MAX 500 450 400 400 300 300 180 350 160 350 300 18 500 ILVrms dBrncO MAX UNIT UNIT ILVrms t All typical values are at TA • 25°C. NOTE 10: The noise is computed by statistically evaluating the digital output of the AID converter. 3.5 Timing Requirements 3.5.1 Serial Port Recommended Input Signals, TLC32046C and TLC320461 PARAMETER tc(MCLK) Master clock cycle time tr(MCLK) Master clock rise time tf(MCLK) MIN 95 Master clock fall time Master clock duty cycle 25% RESET pulse duration (see Note 11 1 tsu(DX) ns OX setup time before SCLKJ.. 10 ns 10 ns 75% 800 ns 20 ns OX hold time after SCLKJ.. ns th(DX) tc(SCLK)/4 NOTE 11: RESET pulse duration is the amount of time that the RESET is held below 0.8 V after the power supplies have reached their recommended values. 3.5.2 Serial Port Recommended Input Signals, TLC32046M PARAMETER MIN TYpt MAX UNIT tc(MCLK) Master clock cycle time tr(MCLK) Master clock rise time 10 ns tf(MCLK) Master clock fall time 10 ns 95 Master clock duty cycle RESET pulse duration ($ee Note 11) tsuCDX) OX setup time before SCLKJ.. ns 50% SOO ns 28 ns OX hold time after SCLKJ.. ns th(DXl tc(SCLK)/4 NOTE 11: RESET pulse duration is the amount of time thatthe RESET is held below 0.8 V after the power supplies have reached their recommended values. 7-38 3.5.3 = Serial Port - AIC Output Signals, CL 30 pF for SHIFT ClK Output, CL For All Other Outputs, TlC32046C and TlC320461 PARAMETER MIN TYpt =15 pF MAX UNIT tcCSClK) Shift clock (SCll<) cycle time tfCSClK) Shift clock (SClK) fall time 3 8 ns trCSClK) Shift clock (SClK) rise time 3 8 ns Shift clock (SCll<) duty cycle ns 380 45% 55% idlCH-Flt Delay from SClKi to FSRlFSXlFSDJ. 30 idlCH-FHl Delay from sClKi to FSR/FSXlFSDi 35 ns 90 ns id(CH-DR) DR valid after SClKi 90 ns id(CH-El) Delay from sClKi to EODXlEODRJ. in word mode 90 ns idCCH-EH) Delay from SClKi to EODXlEODRi in word mode 90 ns tfCEODX) EODX fall time 2 8 ns tfCEODR) EODR fall time 2 8 ns id(CH-El) Delay from SClKi to EODXlEODRJ. in byte mode 90 ns id(CH-EH) Delay from SClKi to EODXlEODRi in byte mode 90 ns id(MH-Sl) Delay from MSTR clKi to SClKJ. 65 170 ns id(MH-SH) Delay from MSTR ClKi to SClKi 65 170 ns t Typical values are at TA = 25°C. 3.5.4 Serial Port - AIC Output Signals, CL = 30 pF for SHIFT ClK Output, CL = 15 pF For All Other Outputs, TlC32046M PARAMETER tcCSClK) Shift clock (SClK) cycle time tf(SClK) Shift clock (SClK) fall time tr(SClK) MIN TYPt 400 UNIT ns ns 3 Shift clock (SClK) rise time Shift clock (SCll<) duty cycle MAX ns 3 55% 45% id(CH-Fl) Delay from SClKi to FSRlFSXlFSDJ. 30 250 ns id(CH-FH) Delay from sClKi to FSRlFSXlFSDi 35 250 ns id(CH-DR) DR valid after SClKi 250 ns id(CH-El) Delay from SClKi to EODXlEODRJ. in word mode 250 ns id(CH-EH) Delay from SClKi to EODXlEODRi in word mode 250 ns tf(EODX) EODX fall time - 2 ns tf(EODR) EODR fall time id(CH-EU Delay from SClKi to EODXlEODRJ. in byte mode 250 ns id(CH-EH) Delay from SClKi to EODXlEODRi in byte mode 250 ns id(MH-Sl) ns 2 Delay from MSTR ClKi to SClKJ. 65 170 ns Delay from MSTR clKi to sClKi 65 170 ns idCMH-SH) t Typical values are at TA = 25°C. 7-39 7-40 4 Parameter Measurement Information Rfb IN+ or AUXIN+ R INor AUX IN- R I--_-} To Mu"""" Rfb Rfb =R for D6 =1 and D7 =1 06 = 0 and 07 = 0 Rfb = 2R for 06 = 1 and D7 = 0 Rfb= 4RforD6= 0, and 07= 1 Figure 4-1. IN + and IN - Gain Control Circuitry Table 4-1. Gain Control Table {Analog Input Signal Required for Full-Scale Bipolar AID Conversion Twos Complement)t INPUT CONFIGURATIONS Differential configuration Analog input = IN+ -IN= AUX IN+-AUX IN- Single-ended configuration Analog input = IN + - ANLG GND = AUX IN + -ANLG GND CONTROL REGISTER BITS ANALOG INPUrt§ AID CONVERSION RESULT D6 D7 1 0 1 0 VID =±6 V ±full scale 1 0 VID =±3 V ±full scale 0 1 VID-±1.5V ±full scale 1 0 1 0 V, =±3V ±halfscale 1 0 V, =±3V ±full scale 0 1 V,=±1.5V ±full scale t VCC+ = 5 V, VCC- = -5 V, VDD = 5 V :j: V,D = Differential Input Voltage, V, = Input voltage referenced to ground with IN- or AUX IN- connected to GND. § In this example, Vref is assumed to be 3 V. In order to minimize distortion, it is recommended that the analog input not exceed 0.1 dB below full scale. 7-41 ~tc(SClK) SHIFT ClK 2Y ___-'I.,: FSX, FSR,FSD r- 8Y 1 let (CH-Fl) let (CH-FH) 1 I 8Y\ ~ -+I DR--""D-1"5-- ,D14 'D13 D1 JL D1 DO tsU(DX) ~ 1 -.r1/2Y I!::~~t---- 'let(CH_DRH D12 2Y 1 I, 1 1 1 I I DO -~-~:]~~]i~CE~K:~)(~~CJ~)c~~:J!C)-~Di~~'t~ca:N!-- ~ 1 DATA-DR ~~_D1__.D.0-rI_~~_ ___ i D15 Figure 4-2. Dual-Word (Telephone Interface) Mode Timing SHIFT ClK .____-'1.,: FSX, FSRt DR 2 r r- 8Y let (CH-Fl) 8Y\ --""D~1"5-- 1 I', 1 I let (CH-FH) -.r rl!::~I""'--- 1/2Y 'A -+I let (CH-DR ~ D14 D13 D12 D 1 J?2 ~_D1__ , .D.o-+,I_--I~_ ___ 1 I I DX---~~LX~~~~D(~~(J~)(~L)[J~X:J!c>_~D~~~n~'t~ca=N~-. I tau (DX)~ r - r- ~ let (CH-El) -+I It- -.I let (CH-EH) EOD~EODR*--------------~M-------~8~y~2Y Figure 4-3. Word Timing t The time between falling edges of FSR is the NO conversion period and the time between falling edges of FSX is the O/A conversion period. ::j: In the word format, EOOX and EOOR go low to signal the end of a 16-bit data word to the processor. The worcl-cycle is 20 shift-clocks wide, giving a four-clock period setup time between data words. 7-42 -+I SHIFT ClK 2 V, lei (CH-Fl~ F:S~ r I 8V' I I r- tr (SCll<) I ~ I I d tsu (OX) 015 lei (CH-FH) f2V K .~~H~. I OR--"'0-15---~ OX t V 08 2 V, I ~ 14- lei (CH-Fl) 8~ I td (CH-FH) -, t~~_ K (2V I ~_01_ _0_0..1_ _ __ -1 I- I 08 Don't Care EOOR, --------------------~i~I~------~~, 8V'" EOOX K , Figure 4-4. Byte-Mode Timing tThe time between falling edges of FSR is the NO conversion period, and the time between fallling edges of FSX is the O/A conversion period. low, the second byte is transmitted or received. Each byte-cycle is 12 shift-clocks long, allowing for a four-shift-clock setup time between byte transmissions. :t: In the byte mode, when EOOX or EOOR is high, the first byte is transmitted or received, and when these signals are r (,) MSTRClK SHIFTClK I I ~ 1 ~- tel (MH-SH) --+I 14- tel (MH-Sl) 'X.~.. .____ ---/ Figure 4-5. Shift-Clock Timing 4.1 TMS3201 OITMS320C15 - 'TLC32046 Interface Circuit ClKOUT ---1 L I I ......---il...· DEN r - I- - - - - - - I SO,G1 r-I- - - - - - - - - - - - - - .....---;1--' DO-D15 -------« )>----------- Valid IN INSTRUCTION TIMING CLKOUT ---1 I L _____________ II WE SN74lS138 Y1 ~ ~--~I~-I----~--------I SN74lS299 ClK' DO-D15 -------« Valid »)---------- OUT INSTRUCTION TIMING Figure 4-6. TMS320101TMS320C15-TLC32046 Interface Timing 7-44 SN74lS74 Q ... SN74lS299 C2< ~ S1 G2 SO G1 ~ OEN '-- AO/PAO A1/PA1 A2IPA2 G1 A B Y1 YO ~ 08-015 "- \, C SN74lS138 A-H ... --- OX - ~ - SR ---- S1 G.2 ""- TlC32048 QH SO ClK: ,.r- SN74lS7~ G1 C1< A () WE elK OUT ~ \, SHIFT ClK I .• 00-015 00-015 FSX SN74lS299 pD TMS32010 QH ClK< 20 \ A-H SR Q 10 -.- DR 00-07' - '1 - J f"' MSTR ClK EOOX INT Figure 4-7. TMS32010ITMS320C15 - TLC32046 Interface Circuit 7-45 7-46 5 Typical Characteristics D/A AND AID LOW-PASS FILTER RESPONSE SIMULATION 0.4 I I I I I TA =25°C Input =± 3 V SIne Wave 0.2 ID '0 I CD '0 j I '0 c III ./ " o 2 -0.2 ID I l. - 1\ ~ ~ 1\ 0 c V -0.4 -0.6 3 4 5 6 7 Normalized Frequency 8 10 9 Figure 5-1 o -10 D/A AND AID LOW-PASS FILTER RESPONSE See FIgure 2-1 for Pass Band Detail ~ T~=250C I I I f- Input = ± 3 V SIne Wave -20 ID -30 '0 I CD '0 -40 c -50 j If :& -60 r\ -70 -so -90 o 2 4 u I" ~I 6 8 10 12 14 Normalized Frequency 16 18 20 Figure 5-2 NOTE: Absolute Frequency (kHz) Normalized Frequency x SCF fclock (kHz) 288 For Low-Pass SCF fclock > 288 kHz, please call the factory. 7-47 DIA AND AID LOW-PASS GROUP DELAY I 0.9 I I I I TA =25°C Input =± 3 V Sine Wave I- 0.8 ~ I i:' 8 e CJ Q. ::::II 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 J 0.3 0.2 ......".. 0.1 V V ~ ~ °° 2 3 4 5 6 7 Normalized Frequency 8 9 10 9 10 Figure 5-3 AID BAND-PASS RESPONSE 0.4 I I I I I = I I High-Pass SCF fclock 16 kHz TA 25°C Input ±3 V Sine Wave = 0.2 = III 'a I CD 'a :ec I 'a Ii III :.= °~ ~ 1\ " r..,.I -0.2 V \} -0.4 , -0.6 ° 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Normalized Frequency 8 Figure 5-4 Normalized Frequency x SCF fclock (kHz) NOTE : Absolute Frequency (kHz) 288 For Low-Pass SCF fclock > 288 kHz, please calL the factory. 7-48 AID BAND-PASS FILTER RESPONSE SIMULATION 0 \ -10 -20 m Hlgh·Pass SCF fclock = 16 kHz TA =25°C Input =± 3 V Sine Wave - -30 "CJ I G) "CJ :Ec i ::::& -40 -50 -60 -70 ( -SO -100 o 2 4 \ - I "'" ~I 6 8 10 12 14 Normalized Frequency 16 18 20 Flgure5~ AID BAND-PASS FILTER GROUP DELAY 2 I I I I I I I Hlgh·Pass SCF fclock = 16 kHz TA =25°C Input =±3 V Sine Wave 1.8 1.6 II JCD Q a. ::J e CJ - 1.4 1.2 1.1 11\ 0.8 \ / \ .-"'" , 0.6 0.4 \ 0.2 o o 0.8 1.6 2.4 3.2 4.0 4.8 5.6 6.4 7.2 8.0 Normalized Frequency Figure 5-8 NOTE: Absolute Frequency (kHz) Normalized Frequency x SCF fclock (kHz) = ------------~2~8~8------~~---- For Low-Pass SCFfclock > 288 kHz, please call the factory. 7-49 AID CHANNEL HIGH-PASS FILTER 20 TA=25°C Input = ± 3 V Sine Wave 10 0 lit , -10 ~ j -20 i -30 ~ I~ c :::& r I -40 -50 -80 o 100 200 300 400 500 800 700 800 800 1000 Normalized Frequency Figure 5-7 DIA (sin x)/x CORRECTION FILTER RESPONSE 4 ,........ ~ 2 , V lit ~ 0 V / v \, 1\ \ ~ j i\ C at :I -2 -4 -8 ~ o \\ TA=25°C Input = ± 3 V Sine Wave \ I I I I I 2 4 8 8 10 12 14 18 18 20 Normalized Frequency Figure 5-8 NOTE: Absolute Frequency (kHz) = Normalized Frequency x SCF fclock (kHz) 288 For L~w-Pass SCF fclock > 288 kHz, please call the factory. 7-50 D/A (81n x)/x CORRECTION FILTER RESPONSE 500 TA=25°C Input = ± 3 V Sine wave 400 ( !\ • ::L 1300 i I I \ 200 100 l/ V , 1\ "' I-"' o o 2 4 8 8 10 12 14 18 Normalized Frequency 18 20 Figure 5-8 D/A (81n x)/x CORRECTION ERROR 2 I TA=2SOC Input = ± 3 V Sine Wave 1.8 1.2 / "V (eln x) Ix Correction / 0.8 I1 I 0.4 V V Error -....r--..... -' 0 1- 0•4 ~ -0.8 -1.6 '"'" ~ "' -1.2 -2 ,.... ~ 18.2 kHz (81n x) IX\ Distortion , '" '" \ o 1 2 3 4 5 8 7 Normalized Frequency 8 8 10 Figure 5-10 NOTE: Absolute Frequency (kHz) = Normalized Frequency x SCF fclock (kHz) 288 For Low-Pass SCF fclock > 288 kHz, please call the factory. 7-51 AID BAND-PASSQROUP DELAY 760 720 I-III T 680 "i 840 I Low-pass SCF fclock = 144 kHz High-pass SCF 'clock = 8 kHz TA=25°C Input = ± 3 V Sine Wave ~ i;' Q a. e:s 600 I c:J -aIc III 560 \ 520 \, II) ~ 480 ~ 440 ./ r- / / I / J / 400 o 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 , ..., Frequency - Hz 2.8 3.2 3.6 Figure 5-11 , D/A LOW-PASS GROUP DELAY 560 I 520 _ 480 1i 440 ! .I I I, ~:~-:~ SCF 'clock = 144 kHz Input = ± 3 V Sine Wave III T I i;' Q I a. :s e c:J • -a ! Ii II) Q ~ 400 360 320 280 240 200 V o 0.4 0.8 V / )' V 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 • - Frequency - Hz Figure 5-12 7~2 I 2.8 3.2 3.6 AID SIGNAL-TO-DISTORTION RATIO vs INPUT SIGNAL 100 90 ID 80 I 0 :;::; 70 " t}. c 1-kHz Input Signal 16-kHz Conversion Rate TA 25°C ~ = Gain 60 , /' 0 :e .eIII a ~ 50 /' 40 'iiic 30 us 20 Gain =4 =1 ".,.-~ /' Q 10 o -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 Input Signal Relative to Vref - dB Figure 5-13 AID GAIN TRACKING (GAIN RELATIVE TO GAIN AT O-dB INPUT SIGNAL) 0.5 1-kHz Input Signal 0.4 I- 16-kHz Conversion Rate TA 0.3 ID 0.2 I 0.1 " Q c :s2 () ~ c "iii " =25°C ,"" - -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 -0.4 -0.5 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 Input Signal Relative to Vref - dB Figure 5-14 7-53 D/!t ~NVERT~R SIGNAL-To-DISTORTION RATIO, vs INPUT SIGNAL , 100 , Into 600 a 90 r- 180kHz Conversion Rate '~1-kHz Input Signal CD 'a I 0 Ir: 70 80 ~ 50 i5 40 ! 30 i ~ r TA=25°C 80 ,~ / / ~ ./ ~ """ 20 10 o ~ -40 -30 -20 -10 0 Input Signal Relative to Vref- dB 10 Figure 5-15 D/A GAIN IRACKING (GAIN RELATIVE TO GAIN AT G-dB INPUT SIGNAL) 0.5 0.4 i-kHz Input Slgnallnto'800 a 180kHz Conversion Rate TA=~oC 0.3 CD 'a I aI 0.2 0.1 r: :s 0 r: -0.1 ~ ~ ....... , /' -0.2 -0.3 -0.4 -0.5 ~ -40 -30 -20 -10 0 Input Signal Relative to Vref - dB Figure 5-16 7-54 10 AID SECOND HARMONIC DISTORTION va INPUT SIGNAL -100 -80 i-kHz Input Signal ie-kHz Conversion Rate -80 '1:1 I c:: 0 -70 ! -80 .S! -50 I§ -40 i! -V is 8 :! '1:1 -30 J -20 c:: ~~ TA = 25°C III V -10 o -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 Input Signal Relative to Vref - dB Figure 5-17 D/A SECOND HARMONIC DISTORTION va INPUT SIGNAL -100 -80 III '1:1 I c:: 0 i! ~ .S! c:: -80 i-kHz Input SIgn811nto $00 a ie-kHz Conversion Rate TA=25°C -70 -80 V ~ ----... , -- ....... -50 0 I§ :! -40 '1:1 -30 J -20 c:: -10 o -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 Input Signal Relative to Vref - dB Figure 5-18 7-55 AID THIRD HARMONIC DISTORTION vs INPUT SIGNAL -100 i-Hz Input Signal -90 roo 16-kHz Conversion Rate TA 25°C -80 = ED ~ I c 0 ;: I C () 'c0 ~",,- -70 -60 ... -50 ~ -40 ::z:: -30 ./ ", , " III l! :c I- -20 -10 o -50 -40 ..,.30 -20 -10 0 10 Input Signal Relative to Vref - dB Figure 5-19 D/A THIRD HARMONIC DISTORTION vs INPUT SIGNAL -100 ED ~ I c -70 I C -60 f I I I _ i-kHz Input SIgn811nto 600 0 -90 16-kHz Conversion Rate TA = 25°C -80 ~ i~ -50 ::z:: -30 , ~ ./ ./ -40 III l! :c I- -20 -10 o -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 o Input Signal Relative to Vref - dB Figure 5-20 7-56 10 6 Application Information TMS320201C25 TLC32046 MSTRCLK CLKOUT FSX FSX DX DX FSR FSR DR C ANLGGND DR CLKR +5V VCC+ REF SHIFTCLK VCC- -5V VDD +5V CLKX DGTLGND A C =0.2 ~, Ceramic Figure 6-1. AIC Interface to the TMS32020/C25 Showing Decoupllng Capacitors and Schottky Dlodet t Thomson Semiconductors VCC 3 V Output TL431 0.01 J.LF FOR: VCC =12 V, R =7200 n VCC = 10 V, R =5600 n VCC = 5 V, R = 1600 n Figure 6-2. External Reference Circuit for TLC32046 7-57 7-58 TLC32047C, TLC320471 Data Manual Wide-Band Analog Interface Circuit • TEXAS INSTRUMENTS 7-69 IMPORTANT NOTICE Texas Instruments (TI) reserves the right to make changes to its products or to discontinue any semiconductor product or service without notice, and advises its customers to obtain the latest version of relevant information to verify, before placing orders, that the information being relied on is current. TI warrants performance of its semiconductor products and related software to the specifications applicable at the time of sale in accordance with TI's standard warranty. Testing and other quality control techniques are utilized to the extent TI deems necessary to support this warranty. Specific testing of all parameters of each device is not necessarily performed, except those mandated by government requirements. . Certain applications using semiconductor products may involve potential risks of death, personal injury, or severe property or environmental damage ("Critical Applications"). TI SEMICONDUCTOR PRODUCTS ARE NOT DESIGNED, INTENDED, AUTHORIZED, OR WARRANTED TO BE SUITABLE FOR USE IN LIFE-SUPPORT APPLICATIONS, DEVICES OR SYSTEMS OR OTHER CRITICAL APPLICATIONS. Inclusion of TI products in such applications is understood to be fully at the risk of the customer. Use of TI products in such applications requires the written approval of an appropriate TI officer. Questions concerning potential risk applications should be directed to TI through a local SC sales office. In order to minimize risks associated with the customer's applications, adequate design and operating safeguards should be provided by the customer to minimize inherent or procedural hazards. TI assumes no liability for applications assistance, customer product design, software performance, or infringement of patents or services described herein. Nor does TI warrant or represent that any license, either express or implied, is granted under any patent right, copyright, mask work right, or other intellectual property right of TI covering or relating to any combination, machine, or process in which such semiconductor products or services might be or are used. Copyright © 1995, Texas Instruments Incorporated 7-60 Contents Section 1 2 Title Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.1 Features ............................................................. 1.2 Functional Block Diagrams ............................................. 1.3 Terminal Assignments ................................................. ·1.4 Ordering Information .................................................. 1.5 Terminal Functions .................................................... Page 7--65 7-66 7-67 7-70 7-70 7-71 Detailed Description ...................................................... 7-75 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 ·2.8 2.9 . 2.10 2.11 2~ 12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 2.18 2.19 2.20 Internal Timing Configuration ........................................... Analog Input ......... '.' ............................................... AID Band-Pass Filter, AID Band-Pass Filter Clocking, and AID Conversion Timing ................... , ........................................... AID Converter ........................................................ Analog Output ........................................................ D/A Low-Pass Filter, D/A Low-Pass Filter Clocking, and D/A Conversion Timing .................. ; ............................................ D/A Converter ........................................................ Serial Port ........................................................... Synchronous Operation ................................................ 2.9.1 One 16-Bit Word [Dual-Word (Telephone Interface) or Word Mode] .... 2.9.2 Two 8-Bit Bytes (Byte Mode) ..................................... 2.9.3 Synchronous Operating Frequencies .............................. Asynchronous Operation ............................................... 2.10.1 One 16-Bit Word (Word Mode) ................................. '" 2.10.2 Two 8-Bit Bytes (Byte Mode) ..................................... 2.10.3 Asynchronous Operating Frequencies ............................. Operation of TLC32047 With Internal Voltage Reference ................... Operation of TLC32047 With External Voltage Reference .................. Reset ............................................................... Loopback ............................................................ Communications Word Sequence ....................................... 2.15.1 DR Word Bit Pattern ............................................. 2.15.2 Primary OX Word Bit Pattern ..................................... 2.15.3 Secondary OX Word Bit Pattern ................................... Reset Function ....................................................... Power-Up Sequence .................................................. AIC Register Constraints ............................................ : .. AIC Responses to Improper Conditions .................................. Operation With Conversion Times Too Close Together ..................... 7-76 7-78 7-78 7-78 7-78 7-78 7-79 7-79 7-79 7-79 7-80 7-80 7-80 7-80 7-80 7-81 7-81 7-81 7-81 7-81 7-82 7-82 7-83 7-84 7-84 7-85 7-85 7-85 7-86 7-61 Contents (Continued) Sec#on rme 2.21 More Than One Receive Frame Sync Occurring Between Two Transmit Frame Syncs - Asynchronous Operation. . . . . . . . . • • . • . • • • • . . . . . • • . . • . . . •. 2.22 More Than One Transmit Frame Sync Occurring Between Two Receive Frame Syncs - Asynchronous Operation .•.........•••..••.•••.•.•••••..• 2.23 More than One Set of Primary and Secondary OX Serial Communications Occurring Between Two Receive Frame Syncs (See OX Serial Data Word Format section) - Asynchronous Operation .........•...•...••...•.....•. 2.24 System Frequency Response Correction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • . . . . • • . • . •. 2.25 (Sin x)/x Correction ....•....•..•......•..•...........••...•..••.••..•• 2.26 (Sin x)/x Roll-Off for a Zero-Order Hold Function ..........•..•....•••..•.. 2.27 Correction Filter .........................................•............ 2.28 Correction Results ....•••.....••............. ; ...•.....••..........•.. 2.29 TMS320 Software Requirements .......••.......•..•...•..••..•.•.•.•.•• 3 Specifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings Over Operating Free-Air Temperature Range •... 3.2 Recommended Operating Conditions ..•.•.•.......••.....•••••..•...•••. 3.3 Electrical Characteristics Over Recommended Operating Free-Air Temperature Range, Vcc+ =5 V, Vcc- =-5 V, Voo =5 V ................ 3.3.1 Total Device, MSTR ClK Frequency. 5.184 MHz, Outputs Not loaded .....••.••...•....•....•.•.•..•..•..••.••.... 3.3.2 Power Supply Rejection and Crosstalk Attenuation •..•..•••.••...... 3.3.3 Serial Port ......•....•.••••....•.•....•......•...•...•....••••. 3.3.4 Receive Amplifier Input .•..••••.•...••.•••......••...•.••••••.... 3.3.5 Transmit Filter Output ...•....•.•....•....••......•....••....•..• 3.3.6 Receive and Transmit Channel System Distortion, SCF Clock Frequel1cy =432kHz ...•......••...•.....•........••..•.••...... 3.3.7 Receive Channel Signal-to-Distortion Ratio ...•.......•••••.•...•.•. 3.3.8 Transmit Channel Signal-to-Distortion Ratio •........•.......•••...• 3.3.9 Receive and Transmit Gain and Dynamic Range .•.•••••••...•••••. 3.3.10 Receive Channel Band-Pass Filter Transfer Function, SCF fclock =432 kHz, Input (IN+ -IN-) is a +3-V Sine Wave. • . . • • • .. 3.3.11 Receive and Transmit Channel low-Pass Filter Transfer Function, SCF fclock =432 kHz .........•..........•.......' •..........•.... 3.4 Operating Characteristics Over Recommended Operating Free-Air Temperature Range, VCC+ =5 V, VCC- - -5 V, VOO. 5 V ................ 3.4.1 Receive and Transmit Noise (Measurement Includes low-Pass and Band-Pass Switched-Capacitor Filters) ••••..•..••..•••••••••••.... 3.5 Timing Requirements ...••..•...•.•.••••••••••.•.•.••••.•..•.•.•..••..• 3.5.1 Serial Port Recommended Input Signals ..••...•••••••.•.••••.•••.. 7-62 Page 7-86 7-87 7-87 7-88 7-88 7-88 7-89 7-89 7-90 7-81 7-91 7-92 7-92 7-92 7-93 7-93 \ 7-93 7-93 7-94 7-94 7-95 7-95 7-95 7-96 7-96 7-96 7-97 7-97 Contents (Continued) Section Title Page = 3.5.2 Serial Port - AIC Output Signals, CL 30 pF for SHIFT ClK Output, CL = 15 pF, For All Other Outputs ....•......•.......................... 7-97 4 Parameter Measurement Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7-89 4.1 TMS32047 - Processor Interface ...................................... 7-102 5 Typical Characteristics . .................................................. 7-105 6 Application Information .. ................................................ 7-115 7-63 List of Illustrations Figure 1-1. 1-2. 1-3. 2-1. 2-2. 2-3: 2-4. 2-5. 2-6. 2-7. 2-8. 4-1. 4-2. 4-3. 4-4. 4-5. 4-6. 4-7. 6-1. 6-2. Title Dual-Word (Telephone Interface) Mode ................................ . Word Mode ......................................................... Byte Mode ......................................................... . Asynchronous Internal Timing Configuration ............................ . Primary and Seconda~ C.ommunications Word Sequenc~ ......... \ ...... . Reset on Power-Up CircUit ........................................... . Conversion Times Too Close Together ................................. . More Than One Receive Frame Sync Between Two Transmit Frame Syncs . More Than One Transmit Frame Sync Between Two Receive Frame Syncs . More Than One Set of Primary and Secondary OX Serial Communications Between Two Receive Frame Syncs ................................... . First-Order Correction Filter .......................................... . IN+ and IN- Gain Control Circuitry ............... '..................... . Dual-Word (Telephone Interface) Mode Timing .............•............. Word Timing ................... : .................................... . Byte-Mode Timing ................................................... . Shift-Clock Timing ................................................... . TMS32010rrMS320C15-TLC32047 Interface Circuit .................... . TMS3201 OrrMS320C15-TLC32047 Interface Timing ................... . AIC Interface to the TMS32020/C25 Showing Decoupling Capacitors and Schottky Diode ....................................... . External Reference Circuit for TLC32047 ............................... . Page 7-68 ' 7-69 7-69 7-77 7-82 7-85 7-86 7-87 7-87 7-88 7-89 7-99 7-100 7-100 7-101 7-102 7-102 7-103 7-115 7-115 List of Tables Table 2-1. 2-2. 2-3. 2-4. 2-5. 2-6. 4-1. 7-64 Title Mode-Selection Function Table ................ , ...................... . Primary OX Serial Communication Protocol ............................. . Secondary OX Serial Communication Protocol .......................... . AIC Responses to Improper Conditions ................................ . (Sin x)/x Roll-Off Error ............................................... . (Sin x)/x Correction Table for f8 = 8000 Hz and f8 = 9600 Hz .............. . Gain Control Table (Analog Input Signal Required for Full-Scale Bipolar AID Conversion Twos Complement) ....................................... . Page 7-75 7-83 7-84 7-86 7-89 7-90 7-99 1 Introduction The TLC32047 wide-band analog interface circuit (AIC) is a complete analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog interface system for advanced digital signal processors (DSPs) similar to the TMS32020, TMS320C25, and TMS320C30. The TLC32047 offers a powerful combination of options under DSP control: three operating modes [dual-word (telephone interface), word, and byte] combined with two word formats (8 bits and 16 bits) and synchronous or asynchronous operation. It provides a high level of flexibility in that conversion and sampling rates, filter bandwidths, input circuitry, receive and transmit gains, and multiplexed analog inputs are under processor control. This AIC features a • • • • band-pass switched-capacitor antialiasing input filter 14-bit-resolution AID converter 14-bit-resolution D/A converter low-pass switched-capacitor output-reconstruction filter The antialiasing input filter comprises eighth-order and fourth-order CC-type (Chebyshev/elliptic transitional) low-pass and high-pass filters, respectively. The input filter is implemented in switchedcapacitor technology and is preceded by a continuous time filter to .eliminate any possibility of aliasing caused by sampled data filtering. When low-pass filtering is desired, the high-pass filter can be switched out of the signal path. A selectable auxiliary differential analog input is provided for applications where more than one analog input is required. The output-reconstruction filter is an eighth-order CC-type (Chebyshev/elliptic transitional low-pass filter) followed by a second-order (sin x)/x correction filter and is implemented in switched-capacitor technology. This filter is followed by a continuous-time filter to eliminate images of the sample data signal. The on-board (sin xlIx correction filter can be switched out of the signal path using digital signal processor control. The AID and D/A architectures ensure no missing codes and monotonic operation. An internal voltage reference is provided to ease the design task and to provide complete control over the performance of the IC. The internal voltage reference is brought out to REF. Separate analog and digital voltage supplies and ground are provided to minimize noise and ensure a wide dynamic range. The analog circuit path contains only differential circuitry to keep noise to a minimum. The exception is the DAC sample-and-hold, which utilizes pseudo-differential circuitry. The TLC32047C is characterized for operation from O°C to 70°C, and the TLC320471 is characterized for operation from -40°C to 85°C. 7-65 1.1 • • • • • Features 14-Blt Dynamic Range ADC and DAC 16-Blt Dynamic Range Input With Programmable Gain Synchronous or Asynchronous ADC and DAC Sampling Rates Up to 25,000 Samples Per Second Programmable Incremental ADC and DAC Conversion Timing Adjustments Typical Applications - Speech Encryption for Digital Transmission - Speech Recognition and Storage Systems - Speech Synthesis - Modems at 8-kHz, 9.6-kHz, and 16-kHz Sampling Rates - Industrial Process Control - Blomedlcallnstrumentatlon • • - Acoustical Signal Processing - Spectral Analysis - Instrumentation Recorders - Data Acquisition Switched-Capacitor Antlallaslng Input Filter and Output-Reconstruction Filter Three Fundamental Modes of Operation: Dual-Word (Telephone Interface), Word, and Byte • • 6Oo-mll Wide N Package Digital Output in Twos Complement Format • CMOS Technology FUNCTION TABLE ! DATA FORMAT SYNCHRONOUS ASYNCHRONOUS (CONTROL (CONTROL REGISTER REGISTER BIT 05= 1) BIT 05= 0) FORCING CONDITION DIRECT INTERFACE 16-bit format Dual-word (telephone interface) mode Dual-word (telephone interface) mode DATA-DR/CONTROL .. 0 to 5 V FSDIWORD-BYTE - 0 to 5 V 16-bit format Word mode Word mode DATA-DR/CONTROL .. VCC-(-5 V nom) TMS32020. TMS320C25. FSDIWORD-BYTE - VCC+ (5 V nom) TMS320C30. indirect interface to . TMS320C10 (see Figure 7) 8-bit format (2 bytes required) Byte mode Byte mode DATA-DR/CONTROL .. VCC-(-5 V nom) TMS320C17 FSDIWORD-BYTE .. VCC- (-5 V nom) 7-66 TMS32020. TMS320C25. TMS320C30 1.2 Functional Block Diagrams WORD OR BYTE MODE IN+ 2:;;;,1It-............ IN - 25:-:-t-_-VAUX IN + 2:..:.41----1"..... AUX IN _ 23 ......._ ......... Racalva Section Low-Pass Flltar Sarlal Port AID High-Pass Filter r,:-- -;, 5 DR 4 3 FSR II MSTRCLK 10 SHIFTCLK I Internal I Voltage I I Reference I L!:_ _::.J 1 WORD- ------------------~ BYTE 13 CONTROL 12 DX 14 _ FSX Low-Pass Filter 20 VCC+ 9 EODR EODX 7 8 REF DGTL VDD GND (Digital) DUAL-WORD (TELEPHONE INTERFACE) MODE IN+ 2:;;;,8t-............ 25 IN -2~4t---t.o~ AUXIN+~-....... AUX IN _ 23 ......._ ......... Low-Pass Filter Serial Port AID II 4 3 Racalva Section High-Pass Flltar r,:- -;, I Intarnal I Voltage I I Raference I L!:_ __::.J ---------------------1 Low-Pass Filter 20 VCC+ 7 DGTL . VDD GND (Digital) II DR FSR D110UT MSTRCLK 10 SHIFTCLK 1_ FSD 13 DATA-DR 12 DX 14_ FSX 11 D100UT 8 REF 7-67 FRAME SYNCHRONIZATION FUNCTIONS TLC32047 Function Frame Sync Output Receiving serial data on DX from processor to internal DAC FSXlow Transmitting serial data on DR from internal ADC to PI'QC~sor, piimary communications FSRlow Transmitting serial data on DR from DATA-DR to processor, secondary communications in dual-word (telephone interface) mode only FSD'low 5V 201 26 Analog In 25 VCC+ -5V 191 VCCDR IN+ IN- TLC32047 FSR Serial Data Out 5 4 3 D110UT Analog Out .... .... 22 21 OUT+ OX 12 Serial Data In TMS32020, . TMS320C25, TMS320C30, or Equivalent 16-BltDSP OUTFSX 14 TTL or CMOS Logic Levels 11 D100UT ..... 1 FSD SeCondary Commu nl~tlon (see Table above) Serial Data Input 13 DATA·DR ..... 16-Blt Format TTL orCMOSLog Ic. Levels Figure 1-1. Dual·Word (Telephone Interface) Mode When the DATA·DR/CONTROL input is tied to a logic signal source varying between 0 and 5 V, the TLC32047 is in the dual-word (telephone interface) mode. This logic signal is routed to the DR line for input to the DSP only when terminal 1, data frame synchronization (FSD), outputs a low level. The FSD pulse duration i~ 16 shift clock pulses. Also, in this mode, the control register data bits 010 and 011 appear on D100UT and D110UT, respectively, as outputs. 7-68 5V -5V 191 201 .. .. ... 26 Analog In VCC- VCC+ ... 25 DR IN+ IN- TLC32047 FSR EODR 22 Analog Out 21 OUT+ OX EODX 1 ~ .. 4 3 12 Serial Data In , TMS32020, TMS320C25, TMS320C30, or Equivalent 16-Blt DSP OUTFSX VCC+ (5 V nom) Serial Data Out 5 WORD-BYTE CONTROL 14 11 ~ TTL or CMOS Logic Levels .. VCC(- 5Vnom) 13 Figure 1-2.Word Mode 5V -5V 201 191 VCC- VCC+ 26 Analog In 25 DR IN+ IN- TLC32047 FSR EODR 22 ~ AnalogOut 21 , OUT+ OX EO OX 1 ~ .. Serial Data Out 4 ~ .. 3 ~ 12 WORD-BYTE CONTROL TMS320C17 or Equivalent 8-Blt Serial Interface (2 Bytes Required) ..Serial Data In ., OUTFSX VCC(-5 V nom) 5 .. 14 TTL or CMOS Logic Levels 11 13 , VCC(-5 V nom) Figure 1~. Byte Mode The word or byte mode is selected by first connecting the DATA-DR/CONTROL input to Vee-. FSDIWORD-BYTE becomes an input and can then be used to select either word or byte transmission formats. The end-of~ata transmit (EODX) and the end-of-data receive (EODR) signals on terminals 11 and 3, respectively, are used to signal the end of word or byte communication (see the Terminal Functions section). 7-69 1.3 Terminal Assignments FNPACKAGE {TOP VIEW) N PACKAGEt {TOP VIEW) FSDIWORD-BYTE; RESET D110UT/EODR; FSR DR MSTRCLK VDD REF DGTLGND SHIFTCLK NU NU IN+ INAUX IN+ AUXINOUT+ OUTVCC+ VCCANLGGND ANLGGND NU NU D100UT/EODX; OX DATA-DR/CONTROL; FSX t.. I~ow ~ C 0 a: ~ J z+ I ~ gIia: I~:J :z_ LL.C LL.Z 54 3 2 1 28272625 SHIFTCLK 6 7 8 9 10 24 23 22 21 INAUXIN+ AUXIN- D100UT/EODX; IX xco~zzzz "'!J ::J ::J C C a: I- Z o ~ C)C) C)C) ...J...J ZZ « C ~ ~ NU - Nonusable; no external connection should be made to these pins. t 600-mil wide ; The portion of the terminal name to the left of the slash is used for the dual-word (telephone interface) mode. The portion of the terminal name to the right of the slash is used for word-byte mode. 1.4 Ordering Information AVAILABLE OPTIONS PACKAGED DEVICES TA PLASTIC CHIP CARRIER (FN) PLASTIC DIP (N) O°C to 70°C TLC32047CFN TLC32047CN -40°C to 85°C TLC320471FN TLC32047IN > 7-70 1.5 Terminal Functions TERMINAL NAME ANLGGND NO. I/O DESCRIPTION Analog ground retum for all internal analog circuits. ANlG GND is intemally connected toDGTlGND. 17,18 AUXIN+ 24 I Noninverting auxiliary analog input stage. AUX IN + can be switched into the band-pass filter and ADC path via software control. If the appropriate bit in the control register is a 1, the auxiliary inputs replace the IN + and IN- inputs.lfthe bit is a 0, the IN + and INinputs are used (see the OX Serial Data Word Format). AUXIN- 23 I Inverting auxiliary analog input (see the above AUX IN + description). DATA-DR 13 I The dual-word (telephone interface) mode, selected by applying an input logic level between 0 and 5 V to DATA-DR, allows DATA-DR to function as a data input. The data is then framed by the FSD signal and transmitted as an output to DR during secondary communication. The functions FSD, D110UT, and D100UT are valid with this mode selection (see Table 2-1). When CONTROL is tied to V~he device is in the word or byte mode. The functions WORD-BYTE, EODR, and E OX are valid in this mode. FSDIWORD-BYTE is then used to select either the word or byte mode (see Function Table). CONTROL DR 5 0 DR is used to transmit the ADC output bits from the AIC to the TMS320 serial port. This transmission of bits from the AIC to the TMS320 serial port is synchronized with the SHIFT ClK Signal. OX 12 I OX is used to receive the DAC input bits and timing and control information from the TMS320. This serial transmission from the TMS320 serial port is synchronized with the SHIFT ClK signal. D100UT 11 0 In the dual-word (telephone interface) mode, bit 010 of the control register is output to 01 OOUT. When the device is reset, bit 010 is initialized to 0 (see OX Serial Data Word Fonnat). The output update is immediate upon changing bit 010. EODX End of data transmit. During the word-mode timing, a low-going pulse occurs on EODX immediately after the 16 bits of DAC and control or register infonnation have been transmitted from the TMS320 serial port to the AIC. EODX can be used to interrupt a microprocessor upon completion of serial communications. Also, EODX can be used to strobe and enable extemal serial-to-parallel shift registers, latches, or external FIFO RAM and to facilitate parallel data bus communications between the DSP and the serial-to-parallel shift registers. During the byte-mode timing, EODX goes low after the first byte has been transmitted from the TMS320 serial port to the AIC and is kept low until the second byte has been transmitted. The TMS320C17 can use this low-going signal to differentiate first and second bytes. 7-71 1.5 Terminal Functions (continued) TERMINAL NAME NO. D110UT 3 I/O DESCRIPTION 0 In the dual-word (telephone interface) mode, bit 011 of the control register is output to' 011 OUT. When the device is reset, bit D11 is initialized to 0 (see OX Serial Data Word Format)~ The output update is immediate upon changing bit D11. End of data receive. During the word-mode timing, a low-going pulse occurs on EODR immediately after the 16 bits of AID information have been transmitted from the AIC to the TMS320 se.rial port. EODR can be used to interrupt a microprocessor upon completion of serial communications. Also, EODR can be used to strobe and enable external serial-to-parallel shift registers, latches, or external FI FO RAM, and to facilitate parallel data bus communications between the DSP and the serial-to-parallel shift registers. During the bytErmode timing, EODR goes low after the first byte has been transmitted from the AIC to the TMS320 serial port and is kept low until the second byte has been transmitted. The TMS320C17 can use this low-going signal to differentiate between first and second bytes. EODR DGTLGND FSD 9 1 WORD-BYTE Digital ground for all internal logic circuits. Not internally connected to ANLG GND. 0 Frame sync data. The FSD output remains high during primary communication. In the dual-word (telephone interface) mode, the FSD output is identical to the FSX output during secondary communication. I WORD-BYTE allows differentiation between the word and byte data format (see DATA-DR/CONTROL and Table 2-1 for details). FSR 4 0 Frame sync receive. FSR is held low during bit transmission. When FSR goes low, the TMS320 serial port begins receiving bits from the AIC via DR of the AIC. The most significant DR bit is present on DR before FSR goes low (see Serial Port Sections and Internal Timing Configuration Diagrams)., FSX 14 0 Frame sync transmit. When FSX goes low, the TMS320 serial port begins transmitting bits to the AIC via DX of the AIC. FSX is held low during bit transmission (see Serial Port Sections and Internal Timing Configuration Diagrams). IN+ IN- 26 I Noninverting input to analog input amplifier stage 25 I Inverting input to analog input amplifier stage MSTRCLK 6 I Master clock. MSTR CLK is used to derive all the key logic signals of the AIC, such as the shift clock, the switched-capacitor filter clocks, and the AID and D/A timing signals. The intemal timing configuration diagram shows how these key signals are derived. The frequencies of these signals are synchronous submultiples of the master clock frequency to eliminate unwanted aliasing when the sampled analog signals are transferred between the switched-capacitor filters and the ADC and DAC converters (see the Internal Timing Configuration). OUT+ 22 0 Noninverting output of analog output power amplifier. OUT+ drives transformer hybrids or high-impedance loads directly in a differential or a singlErended configuration. OUT- 21 0 Inverting output of analog output power amplifier. OUT-is functionally identical with and complementary to OUT+. REF 8 1/0 Internal voltage reference is brought out on REF. An external voltage reference can be applied to REF to override the internal voltage reference. 7-72 1.5 Terminal Functions (continued) TERMINAL NAME NO. 110 DESCRIPTION RESET 2 I Reset. A resetfunction is provided to initialize TA,TA', TB, RA, RA', RB (see Figure 2-1), and the control registers. This reset function initiates serial communications between the AIC and DSP. The reset function initializes all AIC registers, including the control register. After a negative-going pulse on RESET, the AIC registers are initialized to provide a 16-kHz data conversion rate for a 1O.368-MHz master clock input signal. The conversion rate adjust registers, TA' and RA', are resetto 1. The CONTROL register bits are reset as follows (see AIC DX Data Word Format section): 011 .. 0, D10 - 0, 09 .. 1, D7 - 1, D6 .. 1, 05 = 1, 04 - 0, 03 = 0, D2 - 1 The shift clock (SCll<) is held high during RESET. This initialization allows normal serial-port communication to occur between the AIC and the DSP. SHIFTClK 10 0 Shift clock. SHI FT ClK is obtained by dividing the master clock signal frequency by four. SHIFT ClK is used to clock the serial data transfers of the AIC. VDD 7 Digital supply voltage, 5 V ±50/0 VCC+ 20 Positive analog supply voltage, 5 V ±50/0 VCC- 19 Negative analog supply voltage, -5 V ±50/0 7-73 7-74 2 Detailed Description Table 2-1. Mode-Selection Function Table DATA-DR! CONTROL Data in (Ot05V) Data in (Oto5V) FSDI WORD-BYTE FSDout (Ot05V) FSD out (0 to 5 V) CONTROL OPERATING SERIAL REGISTER CONFIGURATION MODE BIT (05) Synchronous, One 16-Bit Word Terminal functions DATA-DRt, FSDt, D110UT, and D100UTare applicable in this configuration. FSD is asserted during secondary communication, but the FSR is not asserted. However, FSD remains high during primary communication. Asynchronous, One 16-bit Word Terminal functions DATA-DRt, FSDt, D110UT, and D100UT are applicable in this configuration. FSD is asserted during secondary communication, but the FSR is not asserted. However, FSD remains high during primary communication. If secondary communications occur while the NO conversion is being transmitted from DR, FSD cannot go low, and data from DATA-DR cannot go onto DR. Synchronous, One 16-Bit Word Terminal functions CONTROLt, WORD-BYTEt, EODR, and EODX are applicable in this configuration. 0 Asynchronous, One 16-bit Word Terminal functions CONTROLt, WORD-BYTEt, EODR, and EODX are applicable in this configuration. 1 . Synchronous, Two 8-Bit Bytes Terminal functions CONTROLt, WORD-BYTEt, EODR, and EODX are applicable in this configuration. 1 0 Dual-Word (Telephone Interface) Dual-Word (Telephone Interface) 1 WORD VCC+ VCe- VCe- DESCRIPTION BYTE Terminal functions CONTROLt, WORD-BYTEt, EODR, and 0 EODX are applicable in this configuration. t DATA-DR/CONTROL has an intemal pulJdown resistor to -5 V, and FSDIWORD-BYTE has an intemal pulJup resistor t05 V. Asynchronous, Two 8-Bit Bytes 7-75 2.1 Internal Timing Configuration (see Figure 2-1) All the internal timing of the AIC is derived from the high-frequency clock signal that drives the master clock input. The shift clock signal, which strobes the serial port data between the Ale and DSP, is derived by dividing the master clock input signal frequency by four. The TX(A) counter and the TX(B) counter, which are drivenby the master clock signal, determine the D/A conversion timing. Similarly, the RX(A) counter and the RX(B) counter determine the AID conversion timing. In order for the low-pass switched-capacitor filter in the D/A path (see Functional Block Diagram) to meet its transfer function specifications, the frequency of its clock input must be 432 kHz. If the clock frequency is not 432 kHz, the filter transfer function frequencies are frequency-scaled by the ratios of the clock frequency to 432 kHz: ' . Normalized Frequency x SCF fclock (kHz) (1 ) 432 To obtain the specified filter response, the combination of master clock frequency and the TX(A) counter and the RX(A) counter values must yield a 432-kHz switched-capacitor clock signal. This 432-kHz clock signal can then be divided by the TX(B) counter to establish the D/A conversion timing. Absolute Frequency (kHz) The transfer function of the band-pass switched-capacitor filter in the AID path (see Functional Block Diagram) is a composite of its high-pass and low-pass transfer functions. When the shift clock frequency (SCF) is 432 kHz, the high-frequency roll-off of the low-pass section meets the band-pass filter transfer function specification. Otherwise, the high-frequency roll-off is frequency-scaled by the ratio of the high-pass section's SCF clock to 432 kHz (see Figure 5-5). The low-frequency roll-off of the high-pass section meets the band-pass filter transfer function specification when the AID conversion rate is 24 kHz. If not, the low-frequency roll-off of the high-pass section is frequency-scaled by the ratio of the AID conversion rate to 24 kHz. The TX(A) counter and the TX(B) counter are reloaded each D/A conversion period, while the RX(A) counter and the RX(B) counter are reloaded every AID conversion period. The TX(B) counter and the RX(B) counter are loaded with the values in the TB and RB registers, respectively. Via software control, the TX(A) counter can be loaded with the TA register, the TA register less the TA' register, orthe TA register plus the TN register. By selecting the TA register less the TA' register option, the upcoming conversion timing occurs earlier by an amount of time that equals TA' times the signal period of the master clock. If the TA register plus the TA' register option is executed, the upcoming conversion timing occurs later by an amount of time that equals TA' times the signal period of the master clock. Thus, the D/A conversion timing can be advanced or retarded. An identical ability to alter the AID conversion timing is provided. However, the RX(A) counter can be programmed via software control with the RA register, the RA register less the RN register, or the RA register plus the RA' register. The ability to advance or retard conversion timing is particularly useful for modem applications. This feature allows controlled changes in the AID and 01A conversion timing and can be used to enhance signal-to-noise performance, to perform frequency-tracking functions, and to generate nonstandard modem frequencies. If the transmit and receive sections are configured to be synchronous, then the low-pass and band-pass switched-capacitor filter clocks are derived from the TX(A) counter. Also, both the D/A and AID conversion timings are derived from the TX(A) counter and the TX(B) counter. When the transmit and receive sections are configured to be synchronous, the RX(A) counter, RX(S) counter, RA register, RA' register, and RB registers are not used. 7-76 r----, 20.736 MHZ _ - - - - - , 41.472 MHZ TMS320DSP 5.1B4MHz MASTER CLOCK 10.368 MHz SHIFT CLOCK 1.296 MHz 2.592 MHz SCFCLOCK Low-Pass Filter, (sin x)/x Filter Transmit Section D/A Conversion Timing 7.20 kHz for TB .. 60 8.00 kHz for TB ... 54 9.60 kHz for TB '" 45 14.4 kHz for TB .. 3D 16.0 kHz for TB .. 27 24.0 kHz for TB .. 18 TX (A) Counter (6 Bits) ~~!!!~J:::-:::-=1 TX (B) Counter 432 kHz _ _ _ _ __ D/A Conversion Frequency SCFCLOCK Low·Pass Filter Receive Section AID Conversion Timing 7.20 kHz for RB = 60 8.00 kHz for RB .. 54 9.60 kHz for RB 45 14.4 kHz for RB 3D 16.0 kHz for RB '" 27 24.0kHzforRB= 18 = = RX (A) Counter (6 Bits) Hlgh·Pass Filter, AID Conversion Frequency t These control bits are described in the OX Serial Data Word Format section. NOTES: D. Tables 2-2 and 2-3 (pages 2-9 and 2-10) are primary and secondary communication protocols, respectively. E. In synchronous operation, RA, RA', RB, RX(A), and RX(B) are not used. TA, TA'. TB. TX(A). and TX(B) are used instead. F. Items in italics refer only to frequencies and register contents. which are variable. A crystal oscillator driving 20.736 MHz into the TMS320-series OSP provides a master clock frequency of 5.184 MHz. The TLC32047 produces a shift clock frequency of 1.296 MHz. If the TX(A) register contents equal 6, the SCF clock frequency is then 432 kHz. and the OIA conversion frequency is 432 kHz + T(B). Figure 2-1. Asynchronous Internal Timing Configuration 7-77 2.2 Analog Input Two pairs of analog inputs are provided. Normally, the IN + and IN - input pair is used; however, the auxiliary . input pair, AUX IN + and AUX IN-, can be used if a second input is required. Since sufficient common-mode range and rejection ar~ provided, each input set can be operated in differential or single-ended modes. The gain for the IN+,IN-,A,uX IN+,andAUX IN-inputs can be programmed to 1,2, or4 (see Table 4-1). Either input circuit can be selected via software control. Multiplexing Is controlled with the D4 bit (enable/disable AUX IN + and AUX IN-) of the secondary DX word (see Table 2-3). The multiplexing requires a 2-ms wait at SCF = 432 kHz (see Figure 5-3) for a valid output signal. A wide dynamic range is ensured by the differential internal analog architecture and the separate analog and digital voltage supplies and grounds. 2.3 AID Band-Pass Filter, AID Band-Pass Filter Clocking, and AID Conversion Timing The receive-channel AID high-pass filter can be selected or bypassed via software control (see Functional Block Diagram). Th~ frequency response of this filter is on page 3-5. This response results when the switched-capacitor filter clock frequency is 432 kHz and the AID sample rate is 24 kHz. Several possible options can be used to attain a 432-kHz switched-capacltor filter clock. When the filter clock frequency is not 432 kHz, the low-pass filter transfer. function is frequency-scaled by the ratio of the actual clock frequency to 432 kHz (see Typical CharaCteristics section). The ripple bandwidth and 3-dB low-frequency roll-off points of the high-pass section are 450 Hz and 300 Hz, respectively. However, the high-pass section low-frequency roll-off is frequency~scaled by the ratio of the AID sample rate to 24 kHz. Figure 2-1 and the DX Serial Data Word Format sections of this data manual indicate the many options for attaining a 432-kHz band-pass switched-capacitor filter clock. These sections indicate that the RX(A) counter can be programmed to give a 432-kHz band-pass switched-capacitor filter clock for several master clock input frequencies. The AID conversion rate is attained by frequency-dividing the band-pass switched-capacitor filter clock with the RX(B) counter. Unwanted aliasing is prevented because the AID conversion rate is an integer submultiple of the band-pass switched-capacitor filter sampling rate, and the two rates are synchronously locked. 2.4 AID Converter Fundamental performance specifications for the receive channel ADC circuitry are on pages 3-2 and 3-3 of this data manual. The ADC circuitry, using switched-capacitor techniques, provides an inherent sample-and-hold function. 2.5 Analog Output The analog output Circuitry is an analog output power amplifier. Both non inverting and inverting amplifier outputs are brought out of the IC. This amplifier can drive transformer hybrids or low-impedance loads directly in either a differential or single-ended configuration. 2.6 D/A Low-Pass Filter, D/A Low-Pass Filter Clocking, and D/A Conversion Timing The frequency response of these filters is on page 3-5. This response results when the low-pass switched-capacltor filter clock frequency is 432 kHz (see Equation 1). Like the AID filter, the transfer function of this filter is frequency-scaled when the clock frequency .is not 432 kHz (see TYPical Characteristics section). A continuous-time filter is provided on the output of the low-pass filter to eliminate the periodic sample data signal information, which occurs at multiples of the 432-kHz switched-capacitor clock feedthrough. The D/A conversion rate is attained by frequency-dividing the 432-kHz switched-capacitor filter clock with the T(B) counter. Unwanted aliasing is prevented because the D/A conversion rate is an integer submultiple of the switched-capacitor low-pass filter sampling rate, and the two rates are synchronously locked. 7-78 01A Converter 2.7 Fundamental performance specifications for the transmit channel DAC circuitry are on pages 3-3 and 3-4. The DAC has a sample-and-hold function that is realized with a sWitched-capacitor ladder. 2.8 Serial Port The serial port has four possible configurations summarized in the function table on page 1-2. These configurations are briefly described below. 2.9 • The transmit and receive sections are operated asynchronously, and the serial port interfaces directly with the TMS320C17. The communications protocol is two 8-bit bytes. • The transmit and receive sections are operated asynchronously, and the serial port interfaces directly with the TMS32020, TMS320C25, and TMS320C30. The communications protocol is one 16-bit word. • The transmit and receive sections are operated synchronously, and the serial port interfaces directly with the TMS320C17. The communications protocol is two 8-bit bytes. • The transmit and receive sections are operated synchronously, and the serial port interfaces directly with the TMS32020, TMS320C25, TMS320C30, or two SN74299 serial-to-parallel shift registers, which can interface in parallel to the TMS32010, TMS320C15, to any other digital signal processor, or to external FIFO circuitry. The communications protocol is one 16-bit word. Synchronous Operation When the transmit and receive sections are operated synchronously, the low-pass filter clock drives both low-pass and band-pass filters (see Functional Block Diagram). The AID conversion timing is derived from and equal to the D/A conversion timing. When data bit 05 in the control register is a logic 1, transmit and receive sections are synchronous. The band-pass switched-capacitor filter and the AID converter timing are derived from the TX(A) counter, the TX(8) counter, and the TA and Tfl: registers. In synchronous operation, both the AID and the D/A channels operate from the same frequencies. The FSX and the FSR timing is identical during primary communication, but FSR is not asserted during secondary communication because there is no new AID conversion result. 2.9.1 One 16-Blt Word [Dual-Word (Telephone Interface) or Word Mode] The serial port interfaces directly with the serial ports of the TMS32020, TMS320C25, and the TMS320C30, and communicates in one 16-bit word. The operation sequence is as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. FSX and FSR are brought low by the TLC32047 AIC. One 16-bit word is transmitted and one 16-bit word is received. FSX and FSR are brought high. EODX and EODR emit low-going pulses one shift clock wide. EODX and EODR are valid in the word or byte mode only. If the device is in the dual-word (telephone interface) mode, FSD goes low during the secondary communication period and enables the data word received at the DATA-DR/CONTROL input to be routed to the DR line. The secondary communication period ocpurs four shift clocks after completion of primary communications. . 7-79 2.9.2 Two 8-Blt Bytes (Byte Mode) The serial port interfaces directly with the serial port of the TMS320C17 and communicates in two 8-bit bytes. The operation sequence is as follows: . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 2.9.3 FSX and ~ are brought low. One 8-bit word is transmitted and one 8-bit word is received. EODX and EODR are brought low. FSX and FSR emit positive frame-sync pulses that are four shift clock cycles wide. One 8-bit byte is transmitted and one 8-blt byte is received. ; FSX and FSR are brought high. . EC5i5X and EODR are brought high. Synchronous Operating Frequencies The synchronous operating frequencies are determined by the following equations. Switched capacitor filter (SCF) frequencies (see Figure 2-1): Low- pass SCF clock frequency (DjA and AjD channels) master clock frequency T(A) x 2 High-pass SCF clock frequency (AjD channel) = AjD conversion frequency Conversion frequency (AjD and DjA channels) Low pass SCF clock frequency T(B) master clock frequency T(A) x 2 x T(B) NOTE: T(A) , T(B), R(A), and R(B) are the contents of the TA, TB, RA, and RB registers, respectively~ 2.10 Asynchronous Operation When the transmit and the receive sections are operated asynchronously, the low-pass and band-pass filter clocks are independently generated from the master clock. The D/A and the AID conversion timing is also determined independently. D/A timing is set by the counters and registers described in synchronous operation, but the RA and RB registers are substituted for the TA and TB registers to determine the AID channel sample rate and the AID path switched-capacitor filter frequencies. Asynchronous operation Is selected by control register bit D5 being·zero. 2.10.1 One 16-BltWord (Word Mode) The serial port interfaces directly with the serial ports of the TMS32020, TMS320C25, and TMS320C30 and communicates with 16-bit word formats. The operation sequence is as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. FSXor FSR are brought low by the TLC32047 AIC. One 16-bit word is transmitted or one 16-bit word is received. FSX or FSR are brought high. EODX or EODR emit low-going pulses one shift clock wide. EODX and EODR are valid in either the word or byte mode only. 2.10.2 Two 8-Blt Bytes (Byte Mode) The serial port interfaces directly with the serial port of the TMS320C17 and communicates in two 8-bit bytes. The operating sequence is as follows: 1. 2. 7-80 FSX or FSR are brought low by the TLC32047 AIC. One byte is transmitted or received. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. EODX or EODR are brought low. FSX or FSR are brought high for four shift clock periods and then brought low. The second byte is transmitted or received. FSX or FSR are brought high. EODX or EODR are brought high. 2.10.3 Asynchronous Operating Frequencies The asynchronous operating frequencies are determined by the following equations. Switched-capacitor filter frequencies (see Figure 2-1 ): Low pass D/A SCF clock frequency = master clock frequency T(A) x 2 Low pass AID SCF clock frequency = master clock frequency R(A) x 2 High pass SCF clock frequency (AID channel) = AID conversion frequency (2) Conversion frequency: 01A conversion frequency Low f)ass 01A SCF clock frequency T(B) . f Low pass AID SCF clock frequency (for low pass receive filter) AID conversion requency = R(B) '. (3) NOTE: T(A), T(B), R(A), and R(B) are the contents of the TA, TB, RA, and RB registers, respectively. 2.11 Operation of TLC32047 With Internal Voltage Reference The internal reference of the TLC32047 eliminates the need for an external voltage reference and provides overall circuit cost reduction. The internal reference eases the design task and provides complete control of the IC performance. The internal reference is brought out to REF. To keep the amount of noise on the , reference signal to a mininium, an external capacitor can be connected between REF and ANLG GND. 2.12 Operation of TLC32047 With External Voltage Reference REF can be driven from an external reference circuit. This external circuit must be capable of supplying 250 JJA and must be protected adequately from noise and crosstalk from the analog input. 2.13 Reset A reset function is provided to initiate serial communications between the AIC and DSP and to allow fast, cost-effective testing during manufacturing. The reset function initializes all AIC registers, including the control register. After a negative-going pulse on RESET, the AIC is initialized. This initialization allows normal serial port communications activity to occur between AIC and DSP (see AIC OX Data Word Format section). After a reset, TA=TB=RA=RB=18 (or 12 hexadecimal), TA'=RA'=01 (hexadecimal), the AID high-pass filter is inserted, the loop-back function is deleted, AUX IN+ and AUX IN- are disabled, the transmit and receive sections are in synchronous operation, programmable gain is set to 1, the on-board (sin x)/x correction filter is not selected, 010 OUT is set to 0, and 011 OUT is set to O. 2.14 Loopback This feature allows the circuit to be tested remotely. In loopback, OUT+ and OUT-are internally connected to IN+ and IN-. The DAC bits (015 to 02), which are transmitted to OX, can be compared with the ADC bits (015 to 02) received from DR. The bits on DR equal the bits on OX. However, there is some difference in these bits due to the ADC and DAC output offsets. The loopback feature is implemented with digital signal processor control by transmitting a logic 1 for data bit 03 in the OX secondary communication to the control register (see Table 2-3). 7-81 2.15 Communications Word Sequence In the dual-word (telephone interface) mode, there are two data words that are presented to t.he DSP or J.1P from DR. The first data word is the ADC conversion result occurring during the FSR time, and the second is the serial data applied to DATA-DR during the FSD time. FSR is not asserted during secondary communications and FSD is not asserted during primary communications. Primary Communications 1 4 Shift Clocks 14 Secondary Communications 1 .1 DX·14 Bits Digital 11 From DSP to DAC Input for D/A Conversion Input for Register Program 2s Complement Output From ADC to the DSP FSR 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I FSD 1 28 Complement Output From ADC to the DSP 1 14--- 16 bits 1 TLC32047 1 16 bits Digital From DATA·DR to DR DR TLC32047 DX·14 Bits Digital XX FromDSP TLC32047 Dual·Word (Telephone Interface) Mode Only I TLC32047 Dual·Word (Telephone Interface) Mode Only 1 TLC32047 Dual·Word (Telephone Interface) Mode Only Data From DATA·DR totheDSP 1 1 1 1 I+- ~ 16 bits ---.~ 1 Figure 2-2. Primary and Secondary Communications Word Sequence 2.15.1 DR Word Bit Pattern AlOMSB 1st bit sent ,J. 015 I 014 I 013 J 012 J 011 I 010 I , AID LSB ,J. 09 I 08 I 07 I 06 I 05 L 04 J 03 I 02 I 01 I DO The data word is the 14·bit conversion result of the receive channel to the processor in 2s complement format. With 16-bit processors, the data is 16 bits long with the two LSBs at zero. Using 8-bit processors, the data word is transmitted in the same order as one 16-bit word, but as two bytes with the two LSBs of the second byte set to zero. 7-82 2.15.2 Primary OX Word Bit Pattern NOORO/AMSB 1st bit sent NOorO/A LSB 1st bit sent of 2nd byte J. J. J. 01 I DO D1 DO 0 0 015 (MSB)-D2 ~ OAC Register. TA+TA' ~ TX(A), RA+RA' ~ RX(A) (see Figure 2-1). TB ~ TX(B), RB ~ AX(B) (see Figure 2-1). The next O/A and ND conversion period is changed by the addition of TA' and RA' master clock cycles, in which TA' and RA' can be positive, negative, or zero (refer to Table 2-4, AIC Responses to Improper Conditions). 0 1 015 (MSB)-02 ~ OAC Register. TA-TA' ~ TX(A), RA-RA' ~ RX(A) (see Figure 2-1). TB ~ TX(B), RB ~ RX(B) (see Figure 2-1). The next O/A and NO conversion period is changed by the subtraction ofTA' and RA' master clock cycles, in which TA' and RA' can be positive, negative, or zero (refer to Table 2-4, AIC Responses to Improper Conditions). 1 0 015 (MSB)-02 ~ OAC Register. TA ~ TX(A), RA ~ RX(A) (see Figure 2-1). TB ~ TX(B), RB ~ RX(B) (see Figure 2-1). After a delay of four shift cycles, a secondary transmission follows to program the AIC to operate in the desired configuration. In the telephone interface mode, data on DATA-DR is routed to DR (Serial Data Output) during secondary transmission. 1 1 015 I 014 I 013 I 012 I 011 I 010 I 09 I 08 I 07 I D6 I 05 I 04 I 03 I 02 I Table 2-2. Primary OX Serial Communication Protocol FUNCTIONS D15 (MSB)-D2 ~ OAC Register. TA ~ TX(A), RA ~ RX(A) (see Figure 2-1). TB ~ TX(B), RB ~ RX(B) (see Figure 2-1). NOTE: Setting the two least significant bits to 1 in the normal transmission of OAC information (primary communications) to the AIC initiates secondary communications upon completion of the primary communications. When the primary communication is complete, FSX remains high for four shift clock cycles and then goes low and initiates" the secondary communication. The timing specifications for the primary and secondary communications are identical. In this manner, the secondary communication, if initiated, is interleaved between successive primary communications. This interleaving prevents the secondary communication from interfering with the primary communications and DAC timing. This prevents the AIC from skipping a DAC output. FSR is not asserted during secondary communications activity. However, in the dual-word (telephone interface) mode, FSO is asserted during secondary communications but not during primary communications. 7-83 2.15.3 Secondary OX Word Bit Pattern O/AMSB 1st bit sent 1st bit sent of 2nd byte O/A LSB ,J. ,J. ,J. 015 I 014 I 013 I 012 I 011 I 010 I 09 I 08 L 07 I 06 I 05 I 04 I 03 I 02 I 01 I 00 Table 2-3. Secondary OX Serial Communication Protocol D1 DO 013 (MSB)-09 -+ TA ,5 bits unsigned binary (see Figure 2-1). 06 (MSB)-02 -+ RA, 5 bits unsigned binary (see Figure 2-1). 015,014,08, and 07 are unassigned. 0 0 014 (sign bit)-09 -+ TN, 6 bits 2s complement (see Figure 2-1). 07 (sign bit)-02 -+ RA', 6 bits 2s complement (see Figure 2-1). 015 and 08 are unassigned. 0 .1 014 (MSB)-09 -+ TB, 6 bits unsigned binary (see Figure 2-1). 07 (MSB)-02 -+ RB, 6 bits unsigned binary (see Figure 2-1). 015 and 08 are unassigned. 1 0 02 ... 0/1 deletes/inserts the AlO high-pass filter. 03 - 0/1 deleteslinserts the loopback function. 04 = 0/1 disables/enables AUX IN+ and AUX IN-. 05 = 0/1 asynchronous/synchronous transmit and receive sections. 06 = 0/1 gain control bits (see Table 4-1). 07 ... 0/1 gain control bits (see Table 4-1). 09 = 0/1 delete/insert on-board second-order (sin x)/x correction filter 010 - 011 output to 0100UT [dual-word (telephone interface) mode] 011 - 0/1 output to 0110UT [dual-word (telephone interface) mode] 08,012-015 are unassigned. 1 1 FUNCTIONS 2.16 Reset Function A reset function is provided to initiate serial communications between the AIC and OSP. The reset function initializes all AIC registers, including the control register. After power has been applied to the AIC, a negative-going pulse on RESET initializes the AIC registers to provide a 16-kHz AID and O/A conversion rate for a 10.368-MHz master clock input signal. Also, the pass-bands of the AID and O/A filters are 300 Hz to 7200 Hz and a Hz to 7200 Hz, respectively. Therefore, the filter bandwidths are 66% of those shown in the filter transfer function specification section. The AIC, excepting the control register, is initialized as follows (see AIC OX Data Word Format section): REGISTER INITIALIZED VALUE (HEX) TA 12 TA' 01 TB 12 RA 12 RA' 01 RB 12 The control register bits are reset as follows (see Table 2-3): 011 = 0, 010 = 0, 09 = 1, 07 = 1, 06 = 1, 05 = 1, 04 = 0, 03 = 0, 02 = 1 This initialization allows normal serial port communications to occur between the AIC and the OSP. If the transmit and receive sections are configured to operate synchronously and the user wishes to program different conversion rates, only the TA, TA', and T8 register need to be programmed. 80th transmit and receive timing are synchronously derived from these registers (see theTerminal Functions and OX Serial Data Word Format sections). Figure 2-3 shows a circuit that provides a reset on power-up when power is applied in the sequence given in the Power-Up Sequence section. The circuit depends on the power supplies reaching their recommended values a minimum of 800 ns before the capacitor charges to 0.8 V above OGTL GNO. 7-84 TLC32047 VCC+ 5V VCC- -5V Figure 2-3. Reset on Power-Up Circuit 2.17 Power-Up Sequence To ensure proper operation of the AIC and as a safeguard against latch-up, it is recommended that Schottky diodes with forward voltages less than or equal to 0.4 V be connected from Vcc- to ANLG GND and from Vcc- to DGTL GND.ln the absence of such diodes, power is applied in the following sequence: ANLG GND and DGTL GND, VCC-, then Vcc+ and Voo. Also, no input signal is applied until after power-up. 2.18 AIC Register Constraints The following constraints are placed on the contents of the AIC registers: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. TA register must be ~ 4 in word mode (WORD/BYTE: High). TA register must be ~ 5 in byte mode (WORD/BYTE: Low). TA' register can be either positive, negative, or zero. RA register must be ~ 4 in word mode (WORD/BYTE: High). RA register must be ~ 5 in byte mode (WORD/BYTE: Low). RA' register can be either positive. negative. or zero. (TA register ± TA' register) must be > 1. (RA register ± RA' register) must be> 1. TB register must be ~ 15. RS register must be ~ 1.5. 2.19 AIC Responses to Improper Conditions The AIC has provisions for responding to improper conditions. These improper conditions and the response of the AIC to these conditions are presented in Table 2-4. The general procedure for correcting any improper operation is to apply a reset and reprogram the registers to the proper value. 7-85 Table 2-4. AIC Responses to Improper Conditions IMPROPER CONDITION TA register + TN register = 0 or 1 TA register - TA' register - 0 or 1 AIC RESPONSE Reprogram TX(A) counter with TA register value TA register + TA' register < 0 MODULO 64 arithmetic is used to ensure that a positivevalue is loaded into TX(A) counter, i.e., TA register + TA' register + 40 hex is loaded into TX(A) counter. Reprogram RX(A) counter with RA register value RA register + RA' register .. 0 or 1 RA register - RA' register .. 0 or 1 RA register + RA' register", 0 or 1 MODULO 64 arithmetic is used to ensure that a positive value is loaded into RX(A) counter, i.e., RA register + RA' register + 40 hex is loaded into RX(A) counter. AIC is shut down. Reprogram TA or RA registers after a reset. TA register .. 0 or 1 RA register .. 0 or 1 TA register < 4 in word mode TA register < 5 in byte mode RA register < 4 in word mode RA register < 5 in byte mode TB register < 15 RB register < 15 AIC and DSP cannot communicate The AIC serial port no longer operates. Reprogram TA or RA registers after a reset. ADC no longer operates DAC no longer operates Hold last DAC output 2.20 Operation With Conversion Times Too Close Together If the difference between two successive D/A conversion frame syncs Is less than 1/25 kHz, the AIC operates improperly. In this situation, the second DIA conversion frame sync .occurs too quickly, and there is not enough time for the ongoing conversion to be completed. This situation can occur if the A and B registers are improperly programmed or if the A + A' register result is too small. When incrementally adjusting the conversion period via the A + A' register options, the designer should not violate this requirement. See Figure2-4. Frame Sync (FSXor FSR) l t1 ,....--~'/'I'"j- - - ; t2 ~-----~ 1 I ~--~ j.-- Ongoing Conversion --+I. t2 - t1 S; 1/25 kHz Figure 2-4. Conversion Times Too Close Together 2.21 More Than One Receive Frame Sync Occurring Between Two Transmit Frame Syncs - Asynchronous Operation When incrementally adjusting the conversion period via the A + A' or A - A' register options, a specific protocol is followed. The command to use the incremental conversion period adjust option is sent to the AIC during an FSX frame sync. The ongoing conversion period is then adjusted; however, either receive conversion period A or conversion period B may be adjusted. For both transmit and receive conversion periods, the incremental conversion period adjustment is performed near the end of the conversion period. If there is sufficient time between t1 and t2, the receive conversion period adjustment is performed during receive conversion period A. Otherwise, the adjustment is performed during receive conversion period B. The adjustment command only adjusts one transmit conversion period and one receive conversion period. To adjust another pair of transmit and receive conversion periods, another Command must be issued during . a subsequent FSX frame (see Figure 2-5). 7-86 u U 14~---- Transmit Conversion Period ---~~ .....--"'1 ~ IJ'I I Receive Conversion Period B Receive Conversion Period A Figure 2-5. More Than One Receive Frame Sync Between Two Transmit Frame Syncs 2.22 More Than One Transmit Frame Sync Occurring Between Two Receive Frame Syncs - Asynchronous Operation When incrementally adjusting the conversion period via the A + A' or A - A' register options, a specific protocol must be followed. For both transmit and receive conversion periods, the incremental conversion period adjustment is performed near the end of the conversion period. The command to use the incremental conversion period adjust options is sent to the AIC during an FSX frame sync. The ongoing transmit conversion period is then adjusted. However, three possibilities exist for the receive conversion period adjustment as shown in Figure 2-6. When the adjustment command is issued during transmit conversion period A, receive conversion period A is adjusted if there is sufficient time between t1 and t2' If there is not sufficient time between t1 and t2, receive conversion period B is adjusted. The third option is that the receive portion of an adjustment command can be ignored if the adjustment command is sent during a receive conversion period, which is adjusted due to a prior adjustment command. For example, if adjustment commands are issued during transmit conversion periods A, B, and C, the first two commands may cause receive conversion periods A and B to be adjusted, while thethird receive adjustment command is ignored. The third adjustment command is ignored since it was issued during receive conversion period B, which already is adjusted via the transmit conversion period B adjustment command. 1 1 1 I Conversion I Period B 14- Transmit ____ Transmit ___ Transmit I Conversion Period A t2 FSFiU I.--- Receive Conversion Period A Conversion Period C U ~I.. -+11 . LS Receive Conversion Period B ----.I Figure 2-6. More Than One Transmit Frame Sync Between Two Receive Frame Syncs 2.23 More than One Set of Primary and Secondary DX Serial Communications Occurring Between Two ,Receive Frame Syncs (See DX Serial Data Word Format section) --Asynchronous Operation The TA, TA', TB, and control register information that is transmitted in the secondary communication is accepted and applied during the ongoing transmit conversion period. If there is sufficient time between t1 and t2' the TA, RA/, and RB register information, sent during transmit conversion period A, is applied to receive conversion period A. Otherwise, this information is applied during receive conversion period B. If RA, RA/, and RB register information has been received and is being applied during an ongoing conversion period, any subsequent RA, RA/, or RB information received during this receive conversion period is disregarded. See Figure 2-7. 7-87 n PrimarySecorJdaryt1 Fsxl. '. 1 Primary r--I---:';1 Transmit 1 n Secondary 'r--I---:.;, Transmit 14-1.-- Conversion --"'~oI4-l.-- Conversion Preload A +-- Receive Conversion Period A. 1 ~!-I Preload B II .... ~j'IIf------ .·n Primary .Secondary ---'L r--I Transmit Conversion Preload C 1 ~ !-----oIlI Receive I Conversion - - - - - - - ,.. ~ Period B Figure 2-7. More Than One Set of Primary and Secondary OX Serial Communications Between Two Receive Frame Syncs 2.24 System Frequency Response Correction The (sin x)/x correction for the DAC zero-order sample-and-hold output can be provided by an on-board second-order (sin x)/x correction filter (see Functional Block Diagram). This (sin x)/x correction filter can be inserted into or omitted from the signal path by digital-signal-processor control (data bit 09 in the OX secondary communications). When inserted, the (sin x)/x correction filter precedes the switched-capacitor low-pass filter. When the TB register (see Figure 2-1) equals 15, the correction results of Figures 5-8, 5-9, and 5-10 can be obtained. The (sin x)/x correction can also be accomplished by disabling the on-board second-order correction filter and performing the (sin x)/x correction in digital signal processor software. The system frequency response can be corrected via DSP software to ± 0.1· dB accuracy to a band edge of 3000 Hz for all sampling rates. This correction is accomplished with a first-order digital correction filter, that requires seven TMS320 instruction cycles. With a 200-ns instruction cycle, seven instructions represent an overhead factor of 1.1 % and 1.3% for sampling rates of 8 and 9.6 kHz, respectively (see the (sin x)/x Correction Section for more details). 2.25 (sin x)/x Correction If the designer does not wish to use the on-board second-order (sin x)/x correction filter, correction can be accomplished in digital signal processor (DSP) software. (sin x)/x correction can be accomplished easily and efficiently in digital signal processor software. Excellent correction accuracy can be achieved to a band edge of 3000 Hz by using a first-order digital correction filter. The results shown below are typical of the numerical correction accuracy that can be achieved for sample rates of interest. The filter requires seven instruction cycles per sample on the TMS320 DSP. With a 200-ns instruction cycle, nine instructions per sample represents an overhead factor of 1.4% and 1.7% for sampling rates of 8000 Hz and 9600 Hz, respectively. This correction adds a slight amount of group delay at the upper edge of the 300-Hz to 3000-Hz band. . 2.20 (sin x)/x RolI·Off for a Zero-Order Hold Function The (sin x)/x roll-off error for the AIC DAC zero-order hold function at a band-edge frequency of 3000 Hz for the various sampling rates is shown in Table 2-5 (see Figure 5-10). 7-88 Table 2-6. (sin x)/x Roll-Off Error sin 1t flf. 1t flfs f= 3000 Hz = Error 20 log fs (Hz) (dB) 7200 8000 9600 14400 16000 19200 25000 -2.64 -2.11 -1.44 -0.63 -0.50 -0.35 -0.21 The actual Ale (sin x)/x roll-off is slightly less than the figures above because the Ale has less than 100% duty cycle hold interval. 2.27 Correction Filter To externally compensate for the (sin x)/x roll-off of the Ale, a first-order correction filter can be implemented as shown in Figure 2-S. Y(I + 1) p1 Figure 2-8. First-Order Correction Filter The difference equation for this correction filter is: Y(i+ 1) = p2. (1-p1) .u(i+1) + p1 . YCi) (4) where the constant p1 determines the pole locations. The resulting squared magnitude transfer function is: 1H f 12 = (p2)2. (1-p1)2 () 1-2 . p1 . cos (21t flfs) + (p1)2 (5) 2.28 Correction Results Table 2-6 shows the optimum p values and the corresponding correction results for SOOO-Hz and 9600-Hz sampling rates (see Figures 5-S, 5-9, and 5-10). 7-89 Table 2-6. (sin x)/x Correction Table for f8 = 8000 Hz and f8 = 9800 Hz f (Hz) 300 600 900 1200 1500 1800 2100 2400 ROLL-OFF ERROR (dB) f8=8000 Hz pi = -0.14813 p2 =0.9888 -0.099 -0.089 -0.054 -0.002 0.041 0.079 0.100 2700 0.091 -0.043 3000 -0.102 ROLL-OFF ERROR (dB) f8= 9600 Hz pi =-0.1307 p2= 0.9951 -0.043 -0.043 0 0 0 0.043 0.043 0.043 0 -0.043 2.29 TMS320 Software Requirements The digital correction filter equation can be written in state variable form as follows: Y(i+1) = Y(i) xk1 + U(i+1) xk2 where k1 = p1 k2 = (1 - p1)p2 y(i) is the filter state u(i+1) The coefficients k1 and k2 must be represented as 16-bit integers. The SACH instruction (with the proper shift) yields the correct result. With the assumption that the TMS320 processor page pointer and memory configuration are properly initialized, the equation can be executed In seven Instructions or seven cycles with the following program: ZAC LT K2 MPY IT LTA Kl MPY Y APAC SACH (dma) , (shift) 7-90 3 Specifications 3.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings Over Operating Free-Air Temperature Range (Unless Otherwise Noted)t Supply voltage range, Vcc+ (see Note 1) .......................... -0.3 Vto 15 V Supply voltage range, Vcc- (see Note 1) .......................... -0.3 V to 15 V Supply voltage range, Voo ....................................... -0.3 V to 15 V Output voltage range, Vo ........................................ -0.3 V to 15 V Input voltage range, VI .............................•............. -0.3 V to 15 V Digital ground voltage range ...................................... -0.3 V to 15 V Operating free-air temperature range: TLC32047C ................... O°C to 70°C TLC320471 .................. -40°C to 85°C Storage temperature range ...................................... -40°C to 125°C Case temperature for 10 seconds: FN package ............................ 260°C Lead temperature 1,6 mm (1/16 inch) from case for 10 seconds: N package ... 260°C t Stresses beyond those listed under "absolute maximum ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress'ratings only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under "recommended operating conditions" is not implied. Exposure to absolute-maxi mum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. NOTE 1: Voltage values for maximum ratings are with respect to VCC- 7-91 3.2 Recommended Operating Conditions MIN NOM MAX UNIT V Supply voltage, VCC+ (see Note 2) 4.75 5 5.25 Supply voltage, VCC- (see Note 2) -4.75 -5 -5.25 V 4.75 5 5.25 V Digital supply voltage, VDD (see Note 2) Digital ground voltage with respect to ANLG GND, DGTL GND 0 V 2 4 V High-level input voltage, VIH 2 0 VDD 0.8 V Low-level input voltage, VIL (see Note 3) Reference input voltage, VrefCextl (see Note 2) Load resistance at OUT+ and/or OUT-, RL 300 Load capacitance at OUT+ and/or OUT-, CL 100 MSTR CLK frequency (see Note 4) 5 10.368 Analog input amplifier common mode input voltage (see Note 5) ±1.5 ND or D/A conversion rate 25 . ITLC32047C Operating free-air temperature range, TAl TLC320471 V 0 0 70 -40 85 pF MHz V kHz °C NOTES: 2. Voltages at analog inputs and outputs, REF, VCC+, and VCC- are with respect to ANLG GND. Voltages at digital inputs and outputs and VDD are with respect to DGTL GND. 3. The algebraic convention, in which the least positive (most negative) value is designated minimum, is used in this data manual for logic voltage levels only. 4. The band-pass switched-capacitor filter (SCF) specifications apply only when the lOW-pass section SCF clock is 432 kHz and the high-pass section SCF clock is 24 kHz. If the low-pass SCF clock is shifted from 432 kHz, the low-pass roll-off frequency shifts by the ratio of the lOW-pass SCF clock to 432 kHz. If the high-pass SCF clock is shifted from 24 kHz, the high-pass roll-off frequency shifts by the ratio of the high-pass SCF clock to 24 kHz. Similarly, the low-pass switched-capacitor filter (SCF) specifications apply only when the SCF clock is 432 kHz. If the SCF clock is shifted from 432 kHz, the low-pass roll-off frequency shifts by the ratio of the SCF clock to 432 kHz. 5. This range applies when (IN+ -IN-) or (AUX IN+ - AUX IN-) equals ± 6 V. 3.3 Electrical Characteristics Over Recommended Operating Free-Air Temperature Range, VCC+ = 5 V, VCC- = -5 V, VDD = 5 V (Unless Otherwise Noted) 3.3.1 Total Device, MSTR ClK Frequency =5.184 MHz, Outputs Not loaded IDD Vref PARAMETER High-level output voHage Low-level output voltage TLC32047C Supply current from VCC+ TLC320471 TLC32047C Supply current from VCCTLC320471 Supply current from VDD Intemal reference output voltage aVref Temperature coefficient of internal reference voltage 260 ppmfOC ro Output resistance at REF 100 kO VOH VOL ICC+ ICC- t All typical values are at TA = 25°C. TEST CONDITIONS VDD=4.75V, IOH - -300!lA VDD=4.75V, IOL-2mA MIN 2.4 TYPt MAX 0.4 35 40 -35 -40 7 3 3.3 UNIT V V mA mA mA V 3.3.2 Power Supply Rejection and Crosstalk Attenuation PARAMETER VCC+ or VCC- supply voltage rejection ratio, receive channel VCC+ or VCC- supply voltage rejection ratio, transmit channel (Single-ended) f .. Ot030 kHz f .. 30 kHz to 50 kHz f=Ot030kHz f = 30 kHz to 50 kHz TEST CONDITIONS MIN Idle channel, supply signal at 200 mV p-p measured at DR (ADC output) TYPt MAX UNIT 30 dB 45 Idle channel, supply signal at 200 mV p-p measured at OUT+ 30 dB 45 Crosstalk attenuation, transmit-to-receive (Single-ended) 80 dB t All typical values are at TA =25°C. 3.3.3 Serial Port PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS High-level output voltage IOH .. -300 J.IA VOL Low-level output voltage IOL=2mA II Input current II Input current, DATA-DR/CONTROL Ci Input capacitance VOH MIN TEST CONDITIONS MIN AID converter offset error (filters in) Common-mode rejection ratio at IN+, IN-, or AUX IN+, AUX IN- See Note 6 Input resistance at IN+, IN- or AUX IN+, AUX IN-, REF t All typical values are at TA .. 25°C. NOTE 6: The test condition is a O-dBm, 1-kHz input signal with a 24-kHz conversion rate. Ij 3.3.5 V 0.4 V ±10 J.IA J.IA 15 pF 15 pF TYPt MAX 10 70 UNIT mV 55 dB 100 kn Transmit Filter Output PARAMETER VOO UNIT Receive Amplifier Input PARAMETER CMRR MAX ±100 Output capacitance Co t All typical values are at TA = 25°C. 3.3.4 TYPt 2.4 TEST CONDITIONS MIN Output offset voltage at OUT+ or OUT(single-ended relative to ANlG GND) Maximum peak output voltage swing across RL at OUT+ or OUT- (single-ended) RL~300n. Offset voltage .. 0 TYPt MAX 15 80 UNIT mV ±3 V ±6 V VOM Maximum peak output voltage swing between OUT+ and OUT- (differential output) t All typical values are at TA =25°C. RL~600n. 7-93 3.3.6 Receive and Transmit Channel System Distortion, SCF Clock Frequency 432 kHz (see Note 7) = PARAMETER Attenuation of second harmonic of NO input signal TEST CONDITIONS single-ended differential single-ended Attenuation of third and higher harmonics of NO input signal MIN VI =-0.1 dB to-24 dB Attenuation of third and higher harmonics of O/A input signal single-ended differential 70 65 57 single.ended differential MAX 70 62 differential Attenuation of second harmonic of O/A input signal TVPt 65 70 62 VI .. -OdBto-24dB 70 65 57 65 UNIT dB dB dB dB t All typical values are at TA =25°C. 3.3.7 Receive Channel Slgnal-to-Dlstortlon Ratio (see Note 7) PARAMETER NO channel signal-todistortion ratio TEST CONDITIONS Av = 1 VM MIN MAX Av = 2 VM MIN MAX § Av =4 V/V* MIN MAX § VI =-6dBto-0.1 dB 56 VI ",-12 dBto-6dB 56 56 VI" -18 dB to-12 dB 53 66 56 VI"' -24 dB to-18 dB 47 53 47 56 41 47 35 § VI .. -30 dB to -24 dB 41 VI .. -36 dB to -30 dB 35 VI .. -42 dB to -36 dB 29 VI - -:48 dB to -42 dB VI .. -54 dB to -48 dB 23 29 ·41 35 17 23 29 \ UNIT 53 dB :j: Av is the programmable gain of the input amplifier. § Measurements under these conditions are unreliable due to overrange and signal clipping. NOTE 7: The test condition is a 1-kHz input Signal with a 24-kHz conversion rate. The load impedance for the OAC is 600 o. Input and output voltages are referred to Vref. 7-94 3.3.8 Transmit Channel Slgnal-to-Dlstortlon Ratio (see Note 7) PARAMETER 01A channel signal-to-distortion ratio TEST CONDITIONS MIN V,,, -6 dB to -0.1 dB 58 V,--12dBto...;.6dB 58 V,--18dBto-12dB 56 V,,,, -24 dB to -18 dB 50 V, .. -30 dB to -24 dB 44 V, .. -36 dB to -30 dB 38 V, .. -42 dB to -36 dB 32 V, .. -48 dB to -42 dB 26 V, .. -54 dB to -48 dB 20 MAX UNIT dB NOTE 7: The test condition is a 1-kHz input signal with a 24-kHz conversion rate. The load impedance for the DAC is 600 n Input and output voltages are referred to Vref. 3.3.9 Receive and Transmit Gain and Dynamic Range (see Note 8) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYpf MAX UNIT Transmit gain tracking error Vo .. -48 dB to 0 dB Signal range ±0.05 ±0.25 dB Receive gain tracking error V, - -48 dB to 0 dB signal range ±0.05 ±0.25 dB NOTE 8: Gain tracking is relative to the absolute gain at 1 kHz and 0 dB (0 dB relative to Vref). 3.3.10 Receive Channel Band-Pass Filter Transfer Function, SCF fclock Input (IN+ -IN-) Is a ±3-V Sine Wave* (see Note 9) PARAMETER Filter gain TEST CONDITION FREQUENCY =432 kHz, ADJUSTMENT MIN TYPt MAX fS150Hz K1 xOdB -33 -29 -25 f ... 300Hz K1 x-0.26dB -4 -2 -1 f .. 450 Hz to 9300 Hz K1 xOdB -0.25 0 0.25 f =9300 Hz to 9900 Hz K1 xOdB -0.3 0 0.3 K1 xOdB -0.5 0 0.5 -0.5 Input Signal f .. 9900 Hz to 10950 Hz reference is 0 dB f .. 11.4kHz K1 x2.3dB -2 f =12 kHz K1 x2.7dB -16 f~ K1 x 3.2 dB -40 K1 xOdB -60 13.2 kHz f~15kHz UNIT dB -14 t All typical values are at TA .. 25°C. :j: The MIN, TYP, and MAX specifications are given for a 432-kHz SCF clock frequency. A slight error in the 432-kHz SCF can result from inaccuracies in the MSTR ClK frequency, resulting from crystal frequency tolerances. If this frequency error is less than 0.25%, the ADJUSTMENT ADDEND should be added to the MIN, TYP, and MAX specifications, where K1 .. 100 x [(SCF frequency - 432 kHz)/432 kHz]. For errors greater than 025%, see Note 9. NOTE 9: The filter gain outside of the pass band is measured with respect to the gain at 1 kHz. The filter gain within the pass band is measured with respect to the average gain within the pass band. The pass bands are 450 Hz to 10.95 kHz and 0 to 10.95 kHz for the band-pass and low-Pass filters, respectively. For switched-capacitor filter clocks at frequencies other than 432 kHz, the filter response is shifted by the ratio of switched-capacitor filter clock frequency to 432 kHz. 7~5 3.3.11 Receive and/ Transmit Channel Low-Pass Filter Transfer Function, SCF fclock ~ 432 kHz (see Note 9) PARAMETER Filter gain TEST CONDITION Input signal reference is 0 dB FREQUENCY RANGE ADJUSTMENT ADDEND* MIN TYpt MAX 0.25 f .. OHz to 9300 Hz K1 xOdB -0.25 0 f = 9300 Hz to 9900 Hz K1 xOdB -0.3 0 0.3 f • 9900 Hz to 10950 Hz K1 xOdB -0.5 0 0.5 f-11.4kHz K1 x2.3dB -2 -0.5 f .. 12kHz K1 x2.7dB -16 -14 f~ K1 x3.2dB -40 K1 xOdB -60 13.2 kHz f~15kHz -5 UNIT dB t All typical values are at TA = 25°C. . :j: The MIN, TYP, and MAX specifications are given for a 432-kHz SCF clock frequency. A slight error in the 432-kHz SCF may result from inaccuracies in the MSTR ClK frequency, resulting from crystal frequency tolerances. If this frequency error is less than 0.25%, the ADJUSTMENT ADDEND should be added to the MIN, TYP, and MAX specifications, where K1 .. 100 x [(SCF frequency - 432 kHz)/432 kHz]. For errors greater than 0.25%, see Note 9. NOTE 9: The filter gain outside of the pass band is measuJed with respect to the gain at 1 kHz. The filter gain within the pass band is measured with respect to the average gain within the pass band. The pass bands are 450 Hz to 10.95 kHz and 0 to 10.95 kHz for the band-pass and lOW-pass filters, respectively. For switched-capacitor filter clocks at frequencies other than 432 kHz, the filter response is shifted by the ratio of switched-capacitor filter clock frequency to 432 kHz. 3.4 Operating Characteristics Over Recommended Operating Free-Air Temperature Range, VCC+ 5 V, VCC- -5 V, Voo 5 V 3.4.1 = = Receive and Transmit Noise (Measurement Includes Low-Pass and Band-Pass Switched-Capacitor Filters) PARAMETER Transmit noise = TYPt MAX broadband with (sin x)/x 280 5eO broadband without (sin x)/x 250 450 250 400 oto 12 kHz with (sin x)/x oto 12 kHz without (sin x)/x Receive noise (see Note 10) TEST CONDITIONS DX = input = 00000000000000, constant input code Inputs grounded, gain = 1 MIN 240 400 300 500 18 t All typical values are at TA .. 25°C. NOTE 10: The noise is computed by statistically evaluating the digital output of the AID converter. 7-96 UNIT IJ.Vrms IJ.Vrms dBrncO 3.5 Timing Requirements 3.5.1 Serial Port Recommended Input Signals MIN PARAMETER MAX UNIT ns tcCMCLKI Master clock cycle time 95 tr(MCLK) Master clock rise time 10 ns tf(MCLK) Master clock fall time 10 ns Master clock duty cycle 25% RESET pulse duration (see Note 11) OX setup time before SCLKJ. tsuCDX) 75% 800 ns 20 ns OX hold time after SCLKJ. ns th(DX) tc(SCLKl/4 NOTE 11: RESET pulse duration is the amount oftime thatthe reset pin is held below 0.8 V after the power supplies have reached their recommended values. 3.5.2 Serial Port - AIC Output Signals, CL For All Other Outputs =30 pF for SHIFT CLK Output, CL =15 pF PARAMETER MIN TYPt MAX UNIT tc(SCLK) Shift clock (SCLK) cycle time tf(SCLK) Shift clock (SCLK) fall time 3 8 ns tr(SCLK) Shift clock (SCLK) rise time 3 8 55 ns Shift clock (SCLK) duty cycle ns 380 45 ldCCH-FU Delay from SCLKi to FSRlFSXlFSDJ. 30 ldCCH-FHI Delay from SCLKito FSRlFSXlFSDi 35 % ns 90 ns ldCCH-DRI DR valid after SCLKi 90 ns ld(CH-EL) Delay from SCLKi to EODXlEODRJ. ih word mode 90 ns ld(CH-EH) Delay from SCLKi to EODXlEODRi in word mode 90 ns tf(EODX} EODX fall time 2 ns tf(EODR) EODR fall time 2 8 8 ns ldCCH-ELI Delay from SCLKi to EODXlEODRJ. in byte mode 90 ns ldCCH-EHI Delay from SCLKi to EODXlEODRi in byte mode 90 ns ldCMH-SLl Delay from MSTR CLKi to SCLKJ. 65 170 ns ld(MH-SH) Delay from MSTR CLKi to SCLKi t Typical values are at TA _ 25°C. 65 170 ns 7-97 7-98 4 Parameter Measurement Information Alb IN+ or AUX IN+ R INor AUXIN- R Rfb Rfb=RforD8= 1andD7= 1 D8=OandD7= 0 Rfb = 2R for D8 = 1 and Dt'= 0 Rfb=4RforD8=O,andD7= 1 Figure 4-1. IN+ and IN- Gain Control Circuitry Table 4-1. Gain Control Table (Analog Input Signal Required for Full-Scale Bipolar AID Conversion Twos Complement)t INPUT CONFIGURATIONS Oifferential configuration Analog Input - IN+ -IN• AUX IN+ - AUX IN- Single-ended configuration Analog Input • IN+ - ANLG GNO • AUX IN+ - ANLG GNO 'CONTROL REGISTER BITS ANALOG INPU"rt:§ AID CONVERSION RESULT D8 D7 1 0 1 0 VIO-±6V ±full scale 1 0 VIO-±3V ±full scale 0 1 VIO-±1.5V ±full scale 1 0 1 0 VI-±3V ±haHscale 1 0 VI-±3V ±full scale 0 1 VI-±1.5V ±fullscale * tvcc+-S v. VCC---SV. VOO-S V VIO - Oifferentiallnput Voltage. VI_ Input voltage referenced to ground with IN-or AUX IN- connected to ground. § In this example. Vref is assumed to be 3 V.ln order to minimize distortion. it is recommended thatthe analog input not exceed 0.1 dB below fuH scale. 7-99 SHIFT CLK 8V FSX, FSR, FSD 2\l I I I I I I -+l IS r- .let (CM-DR) DR----~D~16~--~~--D-1----~----------- tau (DX) -+J k_ ____~~~~~~~~KJU!)(~~CJ~)(JU:x:J~>_~D~O~n~'t~Ca=N!--00 I D15 ~__D_1__~D_O~I~__~_______ DATA-DR ~ I Figure 4-2. Dual-Word (Telephone Interface) Mode Timing SHIFT CLK 2\l . I I I I I IS I -+l let (CH-DR) DR _____D_15_____~--D-1----~--~-------BV r- tau (DX) -+J ~ . DX--~--(]~)C~~~~(]~(]~)C][J(~CX:JOO!:>_~Don~'t~Ca~N~-- I I let (CH-EL) .... j4let (CH-EH) EODX,EODR*----------------------------·"-------------8~V~2V -.1:-- Figure 4-3. Word Timing t The time between falling edges of FSR is the NO conversion period and the time between falling edges of FSX is the O/A conversion period. :\: In the word format, EOOX and EOOR go low to signal the end of a 16-bit data word to the proCessor. The word-cycle is 20 shift-clocks wide, giving a four-clock period setup time between data words. 7-100 EODX Figure 4-4. Byte-Mode Timing tThe time between falling edges of FSR is the NO conversion period, and the time between tallling edges of"FSX is the O/A conversion period. tin the byte mode, when EOOXor'EOOR is high, the first byte is transmitted or received, and when these signals are low, the second byte is transmitted or received. Each byte-cycle is 12 shift-clocks long, allowing for a four-shift-clock setup time between byte transmissions. ! ~ MSTRCLK I I .~ SHIFTCLK -- ~ . I --+I ~- lei (MH-8H) 14- tel (MH-SL) 'iw;..l_ _ __ / Figure 4-6. Shift-Clock Timing 4.1 TMS32047 - Processor Interface SN74lS74 .-- '" - TMS32010 G1 A B Y1 YO - C SN74l$138 Do-D15 \., WE ClK OUT INT if SO ClK< G1 D8-D15 \. A·H - SN74lS299 S1 QH G2 so Cl~ G1 Do-D7 \. r- DX - K - t::.. SR '\ Dn Do-D15 L:3- G2 DEN AOIPAO A1/PA1 A2IPA2 SN74lS299 S1 QH FSX C2 A·H SR , - S~~ C1< 1D - TlC32047 1-+ DR =>=n 1 - Figure 4-8. TMS320101TMS320C15-TLC32047 Interface Circuit 7-102 SHIFT ClK MSTR ClK EODX ClKOUT .-J L I ~~I~I---------------- DEN I I SO,G1 00-015 -----~( )~-----:------ Valid (a) IN INSTRUCTION TIMING ClKOUT WE .-J L I --~I~I---------------- I I SN74lS138 Y1 SN74lS299 ClK I 00-015 -------c( II Valid )>---------- (b) OUT INSTRUCTION TIMING Figure 4-7. TMS32010ITMS320C15-TLC32047 Interface Timing 7-103 7-104 5 Typical Characteristics D/A AND AID LOW·PASS FILTER RESPONSE SIMULATION 0.4 I TA=25°C Input = ± 3 V Sine Wave 0.2 lEI , 1:1 I oS i!c 1:1 c 1\1 0 - 1\ V 'vV\ ~\ -0.2 lEI i -0.4 -0.6 o 3 6 9 12 Normalized Frequency 15 Figure 5-1 D/A AND AID LOW·PASS FILTER RESPONSE SIMULATION 0 See Figure 2-1 for Pass Band Detail -10 ~ T~=250C I I _ Input = ± 3 V Sine Wave -20 lEI -30 1:1 I G) 1:1 i!c aI -40 -50 1\1 :::E -60 I-- -70 ( -so -90 o 3 6 9 12 15 \ I 18 II 21 Ii""'" 24 27 30 Figure 5-2 NOTE : Absolute Frequency (kHz) Normalized Frequency x SCF f clock (kHz) 432 7-105 D/A AND AID LOW-PASS GROUP DELAY 0.6 = _I I TA 25°C Input ±3 V Sine Wave = 0.5 ~ I 0.4 f Q a. :::t e CJ 0.3 ./ 0.2 o o 3 6 I J ~ "12 9 15 , - Frequency - kHz FlgureS-3 AID BAND-PASS RESPONSE 0.4 I I = I High-Pass SCF 'clock 24 kHz TA 25°C Input ±3 V Sine Wave = 0.2 = III 'a I CD 'a j / 0 t :. 'a c II .... "v ~ I" V -0.2 III J -0.4 -0.6 o 3 6 9 12 15 , - Frequency - kHz FlgureS-4 Normalized Frequency x SCF fclock (kHz) NOTE: Absolute Frequency (kHz) = ------------~~----~~~--432 7-106 AID BAND-PASS FILTER RESPONSE SIMULATION 0 \ -10 Hlgh·Pass SCF fclock = 24 kH.z TA=25°C Input = ± 3 V Sine Wave -20 III - -30 'a I CD 'a -40 :::I :t: C I -SO -60 -70 ( -SO -90 o 3 6 \ I ~I u 9 12 15 18 21 f - Frequency - kHz - ". 24 27 30 FigureS-6 AID BAND-PASS FILTER GROUP DELAY 1.0 I I I I I I I Hlgh·Pass SCF fclock = 24 kHz TA = 25°C Input = ±3 V Sine Wave 0.9 0.8 ~ I >1\1 11 Q ICI. :::I e 0.6 It 0.5 0.4 CJ 0.2 0.1 o o -" '"" , " :/ \ '. ' 1.2 2.4 3.6 4.8 6 7.2 8.4 9.6 10.8 12 f - Frequency - kHz FigureS-6 NOTE: Absolute Frequency (kHz) = Normalized Frequency x SCF 'clock (kHz) --------------4~3~2------~~---- 7-107 AID CHANNEL HlGH-PASS FILTER 20 TA = 25°C Input =± 3 V SIne Wave 10 ,"" 0 ED 'til -10 I -8::::II =: c a III :I -20 r I -30 -40 -50 -60 o 150 300 450 600 750 9001050120013501500 Normalized Frequency Figure 5-7 D/A (sin x)/x CORRECTION FILTER RESPONSE 4 ,-..., ~ 2 / ED 'til I /' 0 r-- V v 1\, ~ \ CD 'til :Ec i :I \ -2 -4 TA \\ \ =25°C =± 3 V SIne Wave Input -6 o I I I 3 6 9 I I 12 15 18 21 f - Frequency - kHz 24 27 30 Figure5~ NOTE: Absolute Frequency (kHz) 7-108 Normalized Frequency x SCF f clock (kHz) 432 . D/A (sin x)/x CORRECTION FILTER RESPONSE 325 = TA 25°C Input ± 3 V Sine Wave = 260 V\ III ::I. I i: 195 / \ '1ii Q a. ::I e e" 130 65 / l../ - o o 3 6 1\ " 9 12 15 18 21 f - Frequency - kHz 24 27 30 Figure 5-9 D/A (sin x)/x CORRECTION ERROR 2 TA = 25°C Inp.ut =± 3 V Sine Wave 1.6 1.2 V (sin x) Ix Correction 0.8 V a:I "C I CD "C ::I c ==aI III ::& 0.4 .-/ ,../ Error --- ......... 0 ........... -0.4 ~ " -0.8 -1.2 -1.6 -2 / / ~ '\ ~ '" I\.. 28.8 kHz (sin x) Ix Distortion _ '\. \ o 1.5 3 4.5 6 7.5 9 10.5 12 13.5 15 f - Frequency - kHz Figure 5-10 NOTE : Absolute Frequency (kHz) Normalized Frequency x SCF 'clock (kHz) 432 7-109 AID BAND-PASS GROUP DELAY 760 • I 720 I-- ::I. I 680 I"- 8=-CL 640 2 600 I., 560 -D c 520 :::I I I I I I r- Cl I ~ \, 460 440 400 J If CL Q ~. / CJ 81 J Low-pass SCF fclock = 144 kHz High-pass SCF fclock = 8 kHz TA=25°C Input = ± 3 V Sin. Wave o 0.4 " 0.8 - ./ V / ~ 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 f - Frequency - Hz 2.8 3.2 3.6 Figure 5-11 D/A LOW-PASS GROUP DELAY 560 .1 • ::I. I '" 1 1 1 I. 1 520 I-- Low-pass SCF fclock = 144 kHz TA=25°C I-- Input = ± 3 V Sin. wave 480 1\1 15 Q 440 CL e CJ I -D c 1\1 400 / 360 I( ) 320 ID Q Cl 280 240 200 V o 0.4 0.8 V V 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 f - Frequency - Hz Figure 5-12 7-110 / V 2.8 3.2 3.6 AID SIGNAL-TO-DISTORTION RATIO vs INPUT SIGNAL 100 90 III 'a I 0 ;:; ~ 80 _ 1-kHz Input Signal 16-kHz Conversion Rate TA=25"C c 60 t! 50 Q 40 ..I. III C 30 0 j , ~ Gain = 1 70 .,.,-- Gain 1= 4 ,V .. / ' V 20 10 , o -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 Input Signal Relative to Vref - dB Figure 5-13 AID GAIN TRACKING (GAIN RELATIVE TO GAIN AT O-dB INPUT SIGNAL) 0.5 1-kHz Input Signal 0.4 I- 16-kHz Conversion Rate 0.3 III 'a I aI TA=25°C 0.2 0.1 c i 0.0 c -0.1 ~ ~ ,~ - -0.2 -0.3 -0.4 -0.5 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 Input Signal Relative to Vref - dB Figure 5-14 7-111 DlACONVERTER SIGNAL.TQ..OISTORTION RATIO vs INPUT SIGNAL 100 III 'a I 0 ~ I 1·kHz Input Signal Into 600 0 90 i- 16-kHz Conversion Rate TA =25°C 80 70 i c 60 :e 50 0 i is /!. .J. II 30 en 20 c .f!.' , 40 ~ V L ~ ./ 'f'" ~ 10 o -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 Input Signal Relative to Vref - dB 10 Figure 5-15 O/A GAIN TRACKING (GAIN RELATIVE TO GAIN AT G-dB INPUT SIGNAL) 0.5 I 1·kHz Input Signal Into 600 0 0.4 16-kHz Conversion Rate TA =25°C 0.3 III 0.2 'a I CD c :s2 ~c ~ 0.1 0.0 -0.1 -0.2 -... """ , -0.3 -0.4 -0.5 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 Input Signal Relative to Vref - dB Figure 5-16 7-112 10 AID SECOND HARMONIC DISTORTION vs INPUT SIGNAL -100 -90 III "g 1·kHz Input Signal 16-kHz Conversion Rate TA 25°C = -SO /' I c 0 -70 S 1/1 C -60 1: (,) ·S -/ ~ ........... -50 0 E 111 J: ..... 40 c -30 tn -20 "g § -10 o -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 Input Signal Relative to Vref - dB Figure 5-17 D/A SECOND HARMONIC DISTORTION vs INPUT SIGNAL -100 -90 III "g I c ~ -SO 1·kHz Input Signal Into 600 n 16-kHz Conversion Rate TA = 25°C -70 S1/1 -60 .S=! c -50 /' V- .- ~~ ..... C ..~ 111 -40 J: "g -30 J -20 c -10 o -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 Input Signal Relative to Vref - dB Figure 5-18 7-113 AID THIRD HARMONIC DISTORTION vs INPUT SIGNAL -1000 ID "CI I c 0 t! -SO f- TA = 25°C -70 -60 u -50 ... -40 :J: -30 C 0 E . f- 160kHz Conversion Rate i is 1·Hz Input Signal -90 .- i-""" V L .... ~ r'\ I'll 'E :c I- -20 -10 o -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 Input Signal Relative to Vref - dB Figure 5-19 DIA THIRD HARMONIC DISTORTION vs INPUT SIGNAL -100 -90 ID "CI I c ~ j -SO 1·kHz Input Signal Into 600 a 160kHz Conversion Rate TA 25°C = -60 .S! -50 ...~ -40 :J: -30 , ~ -70 - ..... ./' c I'll 'E :c I- -20 -10 o -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 Input Signal Relative to Vref - dB FIgure 5-20 7-114 10 6 Application Information TMS32020/C25 TLC32047 VCC + 1 - - - - - - - - - - - > - - 5V CLKOUT t---"I--f MSTR CLK REF 1---111-::--, FSX t---"I--f FSX DX DX FSR FSR DR DR CLKR ANLG GND I-e--~e_-_---_ VCC - t - _....- - -.....- SHIFT CLK C VDD -5 v 5V CLKX DGTL GND 1 - -....- - - _ ~--------------~ C A =0.2 Itf, Ceramic Figure 6-1. AIC Interface to the TMS32020/C25 Showing Decoupling Capacitors and Schottky Dlodet t Thomson Semiconductors VCC R 3VOutput 5000 0.011lF TL431 25000 = = FOR: VCC 12 V, R 7200 0 VCC =10V, R = 56000 VCC = 0 V, R = 16000 Figure 6-2. External Reference Circuit for TLC32047 7-115 7-116 TLC320AC01C Data Manual Single-Supply Analog Interface Circuit • TEXAS INSTRUMENTS 7-117 IMPORTANT NOTICE Texas Instruments (TI) reserves the right to make changes to its products or to discontinue any semiconductor product or service without notice, and advises its customers to obtain the latest version of relevant information to verify, before placing orders, that the information being relied on is current. TI warrants performance of its semiconductor products and related software to the specifications applicable at the time of sale in accordance with TI's standard warranty. Testing and other quality control techniques are utilized to the extent TI deems necessary to support this warranty. Specific testing of all parameters of each device is not necessarily performed, except those mandated by government requirements. Certain applications using semiconductor products may involve potential risks of death, personal injury, or severe property or environmental damage ("Critical Applications'1. TI SEMICONDUCTOR PRODUCTS ARE NOT DESIGNED, INTENDED, AUTHORIZED, OR WARRANTED TO BE SUITABLE FOR USE IN LIFE-SUPPORT APPLICATIONS, DEVICES OR SYSTEMS OR OTHER CRITICAL APPLICATIONS. Inclusion of TI products in such applications is understood to be fully at the risk of the customer. Use of TI products in such applications requires the written approval of an appropriate TI officer. Questions concerning potential risk applications should be directed to TI through a local SC sales office. In order to minimize risks associated with the customer's applications, adequate design and operating safeguards should be provided by the customer to minimize inherent or procedural hazards. TI assumes no liability for applications assistance, customer product design, software performance, or infringement of patents or services described herein. Nor does TI warrant or represent that any license, either express or implied, is granted under any patent right, copyright, mask work right, or other intellectual property right of TI covering or relating to any combination, machine, or process in which such semiconductor products or services might be or are used. Copyright © 1995, Texas Instruments Incorporated 7"":118 Contents Section Title Page 1 Introduction . ............................................................ 1.1 Features ............................................................ 1.2 Functional Block Diagram ............................................. 1.3 Terminal Assignments ................................................ 1.4 Terminal Functions ................................................... 1.5 Register Functional Summary ......................................... 7-125 7-126 7-127 7-127 7-129 7-132 2 Detailed Description ..................................................... 7-133 2.1 Definitions and Terminology ..........•................................ 7-133 2.2 Reset and Power-Down Functions ..........................•.......... 7-134 2.2.1 Reset ........................................................ 7-134 2.2.2 Conditions of Reset ............................................ 7-134 2.2.3 Software and Hardware Power-Down ............................. 7-134 2.2.4 Register Default Values After POR, Software Reset, or RESET Is Applied .............................................. 7-134 2.3 Master-Slave Terminal Function ....................................... 7-136 2.4 ADC Signal Channel ................................................. 7-136 2.5 DAC Signal Channel ................................................. 7-136 2.6 Serial Interface ...................................................... 7-136 2.7 Number of Slaves .................................................... 7-137 2.8 Operating Frequencies ............................................... 7-138 2.8.1 Master and Stand-Alone Operating Frequencies ................... 7-138 2.8.2 Slave and Codec Operating Frequencies ......................... 7-138 2.9 Switched-Capacitor Filter Frequency (FCll<) ............................ 7-138 2.10 Filter Bandwidths .................................................... 7-138 2.11 Required Minimum Number of MClK Periods ...........' ................ 7-138 2.12 Master and Stand-Alone Modes ....................................... 7-138 2.12.1 Register Programming .......................................... 7-139 2.12.2 Master and Stand-Alone Functional Sequence ..................... 7-139 2.13 Slave and Codec Modes .............................................. 7-139 2.13.1 Slave and Codec Functional Sequence ........................... 7-140 2.13.2 Slave Register Programming •.•................................. 7-140 2.14 Terminal Functions ................................................... 7-140 2.14.1 Frame-Sync Function .......................................... 7-140 2.14.2 Data Out (DOUT) .............................................. 7-141 2.14.3 Data In (DIN) ........... ; ...................................... 7-141 2.14.4 Hardware Program Terminals (FC1 and FCO) ....................... 7-141 2.14.5 Midpoint Voltages (ADC VMIO and DAC VMIO) ..................... 7-142 7-119 Contents (Continued) Section Title Page 2.15 Device Functions .................................................... 7-142 2.15.1 Phase Adjustment .... ; ........................................ 7-142 2.15.2 Analog Loopback .............................................. 7-143 2.15.316-Bit Mode ................................................... 7-143 2.15.4 Free-Run Mode ........................................... ~ .... 7-143 2.15.5 Force Secondary Communication ................................ 7":"143 2.15.6 Enable Analog Input Summing ..................................• 7-144 2.15.7 DAC Channel (sin x)lx Error Correction ........................... 7-144 2.16 Serial Communications .............. ; ................................ 7-144 2.16.1 Stand-Alone and Master-Mode Word Sequence and Information Content During Primary and Secondary Communications ........... 7-144 2.16.2 Siave- and Codec-Mode Word Sequence and Information Content During Primary and Secondary Communications ................... 7-145 2.17 Request for Secondary Serial Communication and Phase Shift ..........•. 7-146 2.17.1 Initiating a Request ............................................ 7-146 2.17.2 Normal Combinations of Control ................................. 7-146 2.17.3 Additional Control Options ...................................... 7-146 2.18 Primary Serial Communications ........................................ 7-147 2.18.1 Primary Serial Communications Data Format ...................... 7-148 2.18.2 Data Format From DOUT During PrimarY Serial Communications .... 7-148 2.19 Secondary Serial Communications ..................................... 7-148 2.19.1 Data Format to DIN During Secondary Serial Communications ....... 7-148 2.19.2 Control Data-Bit Function in Secondary Serial Communication ....... 7-148 2.20 Internal Register Format .............................................. 7-149 2.20.1 Pseudo-Register 0 (No-Op Address) ............................. 7-149 2.20.2 Register 1 (A Register) ......................................... 7-149 2.20.3 Register 2 (B Register) ......................................... 7-150 2.20.4 Register 3 (A' Register) ............•............................ 7-150 2.20.5 Register 4 (Amplifier Gain-Select Register) ........................ 7-151 2.20.6 Register 5 (Analog Configuration Register) ........................ 7-151 2.20.7 Register 6 (Digital Configuration Register) ......................... 7-152 2.20.8 Register 7 (Frame-Sync Delay Register) ........................... 7-152 2.20.9 Register 8 (Frame-Sync Number Register) ........................ 7-153 3 Specifications ............................................. , ............. 7-155 3.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings Over Operating Free-Air Temperature Range .. 7-155 3;2 Recommended Operating Conditions ................................... 7-155 3.3 Electrical Characteristics Over Recommended Range of Operating Free-Air Temperature, MCLK = 5.184 MHz, Voo = 5 V, Outputs Unloaded, Total Device ............................................... 7-156 3.4 Electrical Characteristics Over Recommended Range of Operating Free-Air Temperature, Voo = 5 V, Digital 1/0 Terminals (DIN, DOUT, EOC, FCO, FC1, FS, FSD, MCLK, MIS, SCLK) ....................... ; ........ 7-156 3.5 Electrical Characteristics Over Recommended Range of Operating Free-Air Temperature, Voo =5 V, ADC and DAC Channels ..•............ 7-156 7-120 Contents (Continued) Title Page ADC Channel Filter Transfer Function, FCLK = 144 kHz, f8 = 8 kHz ADC Channel Input, VOO = 5 V, Input Amplifier Gain = 0 dB ...... . ADC Channel Signal-to-Distortion Ratio, Voo = 5 V, f8 = 8 kHz ... . DAC Channel Filter Transfer Function, FCLK = 144 kHz, f8 = 9.6 kHz, VDO = 5 V ...................................... . 3.5.5 DAC Channel Signal-to-Distortion Ratio, Voo = 5 V, f8 = 8 kHz ... . 3.5.6 System Distortion, VOO = 5 V, f8 = 8 kHz, FCLK = 144 kHz ...... . 3.5.7 Noise, Low-Pass and Band-Pass Switched-Capacitor Filters Included, 7-156 7-157 7-157 Voo=5V .................................................. 3.5.8 Absolute Gain Error, VOO = 5 V, f8 = 8 kHz ..................... 3.5.9 Relative Gain and Dynamic Range, Voo = 5 V, f8 = 8 kHz. . . . . . . . . 3.5.10 Power-Supply Rejection, Voo = 5 V ............................ 3.5.11 Crosstalk Attenuation, Voo = 5 V .............................. 3.5.12 Monitor Output Characteristics, Voo = 5 V ...................... 7-159 7-159 7-159 7-160 7-160 7-161 7-162 Section 3.5.1 3.5.2 3.5.3 3.5.4 3.6 liming Requirements and Specifications in Master Mode ............... 3.6.1 Recommended Input liming Requirements for Master Mode, Voo=5V .................................................. 3.6.2 Operating Characteristics Over Recommended Range of Operating Free-Air Temperature, Voo = 5 V ..................... 3.7 liming Requirements and Specifications in Slave Mode and:Codec Emulation Mode................................................... 3.7.1 Recommended Input liming Requirements for Slave Mode, Voo = 5 V .................................................. 3.7.2 Operating Characteristics Over Recommended Range of Operating Free-Air Temperature, Voo = 5 V ..................... 7-157 7-158 7-158 7-162 7-162 7-163 7-163 7-163 4 Parameter Measurement Information ............•.••••..••••..•.•... 7-165 5 Typical Characteristics ....•.••••......•...•...............••....•.. 7-171 6 Application Information............................................ 7-179 Appendix A Primary Control Bits ......•....••...•.••.......•.••...•..•••.•.•. 7-183 Appendix B Secondary Communications ..•.••...•...•.•••......••••.•.....•. 7-185 Appendix C TLC320AC01CITLC320AC02C Specification Comparisons ..•....... 7-187 7-121 List of Illustrations TiOe Page Figure 1-1. Control Flow Diagram ................................................ 7-131 2-1. Functional Sequence for Primary and Secondary Communication.......... 7-137 2-2. Master and Stand-Alone Functional Sequence........................... 7-145 2-3. Slave and Codec Functional Sequence................................. 7-145 4-1. IN+ and IN- Gain-Control Circuitry..................................... 7-165 4-2. AIC Stand-Alone and Master-Mode Timing.............................. 7-166 4-3. AIC Slave and Codec Emulation Mode .................................. 7-166 4-4. Master or Stand-Alone FS and FSD Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7-167 4-5. Slave FS to FSD Timing .............................................. 7-167 4-6. Slave SCLK to FSD Timing............................................ 7-167 4-7. DOUT Enable Timing From Hi-Z ....................................... 7-168 4-8. DOUT Delay Timing to Hi-Z ........................................... 7-168 4-9. EOC Frame Timing ................................................... 7-168 4-10. Master-Slave Frame-Sync Timing After a Delay Has Been Programmed Into the FSD Registers............................................... 7-169 4-11 . Master and Slave Frame-Sync Sequence with One Slave ............. ,... 7-169 5-1 ADC Low-Pass Response ............................................. 7-171 5-2 ADC Low-Pass Response.. . . .. . . . . .. .. .. .. . .. .. . . . . . .. . .. .. .. . .. .. ... 7-171 5-~,_ ADC Group Delay ................................................ , ... 7-172 5-4 ADC Band-Pass Response ............................................. 7-172 5-5 ADC Band-Pass Response ............................................. 7-173 5-6 ADC High-Pass Response ............................................. 7-173 5-7 ADC Band-Pass Group Delay .......................................... 7-174 5-8 DAC Low-Pass Response ............................................. 7-174 5-9 DAC Low-Pass Response ............................................. 7-175 5-10 DAC Low-Pass Group Delay . ~ ........................................ 7-175 5-11 DAC (sin x)/x Correction Filter Response................................ 7-176 5-12 DAC (sin x)/x Correction Filter Response ..... ,.......................... 7-176 5-13 DAC (Sin x)/x Correction Error......................................... 7-177 6-1 Stand-Alone Mode (to DSP Interface) .................................... 7-179 6-2 Codec Mode (to DSP Interface) ......................................... 7-179 6-3 Master With Slave (to DSP Interface) ... , ... , ............................ 7-180 7-122 List of Illustrations (Continued) Figure Title Page 6-4 Single-Ended Input (Ground Referenced) ................................ 7-180 6-5 Single-Ended to Differential Input (Ground Referenced) .................... 7-181 6-6 Differential Load ...................................................... 7-181 6-7 Differential Output Drive (Ground Referenced) ............................ 7-181 6-8 Low-Impedance Output Drive ................ : .......................... 7-182 6-9 Single-Ended Output Drive (Ground Referenced) ......................... 7-182 List of Tables Table Title Page 1-1. Operating Frequencies 7-131 2-1. Master-Slave Selection 7-136 2-2. Sampling Variation With A' ............................................ 7-142 2-3. Software and Hardware Requests for Secondary Serial-Communication and Phase-Shift Truth Table............. 7-147 Gain Control (Analog Input Signal Required for Full-Scale Bipolar AID-Conversion 2s Complement) ...................... 7-165 4-1. 7-123 7-124 1 Introduction The TLC320AC01 t analog interface circuit (AIC) is an audio-band processor that provides an analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog input/output interface system on a single monolithic CMOS chip. This device integrates a band-pass switched-capacitor antialiasing input filter, a 14-bit-resolution analog-to-digital converter (ADC), a 14-bit-resolution digital-to-analog converter (DAC) , a low-pass switched-capacitor output-reconstruction filter, (sin x)/x compensation, and a serial port for data and control transfers. The internal circuit configuration and performance parameters are determined by reading control information into the eight available data registers. The register data sets up the device for a given mode of operation and application. The major functions of the TLC320AC01 are: 1. To convert aUdio-signal data to digital format by the ADC channel 2. To provide the interface and control logic to transfer data between its serial input and output terminals and a digital signal processor (DSP) or microprocessor 3. To convert received digital data back to an audio signal through the DAC channel The antialiasing input low-pass filter is a switched-capacitor filter with a sixth-order elliptic characteristic. The high-pass filter is a single-pole filter to preserve low-frequency response as the low-pass filter cutoff is adjusted. There is a three-pole continuous-time filter that precedes this filter to eliminate any aliasing caused by the filter clock signal. The output-reconstruction switched-capacitor filter is a sixth-order elliptic transitional low-pass filter followed by a second-order (sin x)/x correction filter. This filter is followed by a three-pole continuous-time filter to eliminate images of the filter clock signal. The TLC320AC01 consists of two signal-processing channels, an ADC channel and a DAC channel, and the associated digital control. The two channels operate synchronously; data reception at the DAC channel and data transmission from the ADC channel occur during the same time interval. The data transfer is in 2s-complement format. There are three basic modes of operation available: the stand-alone analog-interface mode, the master-slave mode, and the linear-codec mode. In the stand-alone mode, the TLC320AC01 generates the shift clock and frame synchronization forthe data transfers and is the onlyAIC used. The master-slave mode has one TLC320AC01 as the master that generates the master-shift clock and frame synchronization; the remaining AICs are slaves to these signals. In the linear-codec mode, the shift clock and the framesynchronization signals are externally generated and the timing can be any of the standard codec-timing patterns. Typical applications for this device include modems, speech processing, analog interface for DSPs, industrial-process control, acoustical-signal processing, spectral analysis, data acquisition, and instrumentation recorders. The TLC320AC01 C is characterized for operation from ODC to 70DC. t The TLC320AC01 is functionally equivalent to the TLC320AC02 and differs in the electrical specifications as shown in Appendix C. 7-125 1.1 Features • General-Purpose Signal-Processing Analog Front End (AFE) • Single 5-V Power Supply • Power Dissipation ... 100 mW Typ • Signal-ta-Distortion Ratio ... 70 dB Typ • Programmable Filter Bandwidths (Up to 10.8 kHz) and Synchronous ADO and DAO Sampling • Serial-Port Interface • Monitor Output With Programmable Gains of 0 dB, -8 dB, -18 dB, and Squelch • Two Sets of Differential Inputs With Programmable Gains of 0 dB, 6 dB, 12 dB, and Squelch • Differential or Single-Ended Analog Output' With Programmable Gains of 0 dB, -6 dB, -12 dB, and Squelch • Differential Outputs Drive 3-V Peak into a 600-0 Differential Load • Differential Architecture Throughout • 1-J.IITl Advanced LinEPIOTM Process • 14-Bit Dynamic-Range ADO and DAO • 2s-00mplement Data Format • Application Report Availablet t Designing with the TLC320AC01 Analog Interface for DSPs (SLAA006) LinEPIC is a trademark of Texas Instruments Incorporated. 7-126 1.2 Functional Block Diagram IN+ INAUXIN+ AUXIN- 11 DOUT 12 FS MON OUT --=--+-I--------C MIS 14 MCLK 13 SCLK ....J1""--~ FCO --=-+-1 FC1 10 DIN 17 FSD 19 EOC OUT+ OUT - --'---+-t 0 ~ > 0 c' « NC NC OUTNC NC OUT+ 'j5ijijR' OWN NC MONOUT NC AUXIN+ AUXININ+ INNC NC 1.4 Terminal Functions TERMINAL NAME NO.t NO.* DESCRIPTION I/O ADCVDD 24 32 I Analog supply voltage for the ADC channel ADCVMID 23 30 0 Midsupplyforthe ADC channel (requires a bypass capacitor). ADC VMID must be buffered when used as an external reference. ADCGND 22 27 I Analog ground for the ADC channel AUX IN+ 28 38 I Noninverting input to auxiliary analog input amplifier AUXIN- 27 37 I Inverting input to auxiliary analog input amplifier DACVDD 5 49 I Digital supply voltage for the DAC channel DACVMID 6 51 0 Midsupplyforthe DAC channel (requires a bypass capacitor). DAC VMID must be buffered when used as an external reference. DACGND 7 54 I Analog ground for the DAC channel DIN 10 1 I Data input. DIN receives the DAC input data and command information and is synchronized with SCLK. DOUT 11 3 0 Data output. DOUT outputs the ADC data results and register read contents. DOUT is synchronized with SCLK. DGTLVDD 9 59 I Digital supply voltage for control logic DGTLGND 20 22 I Digital ground for control logic EOC 19 17 0 End-of-conversion output. EOC goes high at the start of the ADC conversion Period and low when conversion is complete. EOC remains low until the next ADC conversion period begins and indicates the internal device conversion period. FCO 15 11 I Hardware control input. FCO is used in conjunction with FC1 to request secondary communication and phase adjustments. FCO should be tied low if it is not used. FC1 16 12 I Hardware control input. FC1 is used in conjunction with FCO to request secondary communication and phase adjustments. FC1 should be tied low if it is not used. FS 12 4 I/O Frame synchronization. When FS goes low, DIN begins receiving data bits and DOUT begins transmitting data bits. In master mode, FS is low during the simultaneous 16-bit transmission to DI N and from DOUT. In slave mode, FS is externally generated and must be low for one shift-clock period minimum to initiate the data transfer. FSD 17 14 0 Frame-synchronization delayed output. This active-low output synchronizes a slave device to the frame synchronization timing of the master device. FSD is applied to the slave FS input and is the same duration as the master FS signal but delayed in time by the number of shift clocks programmed in the FSD register. IN+ 26 36 I Noninverting input to analog input amplifier IN- 25 35 I Inverting input to analog input amplifier MCLK 14 10 I The master-clock input drives all the key logic signals of the AIC. 1 40 0 The monitor output allows monitoring of analog input and is a high-impedance output. 18 16 I MONOUT MIS Masterlslave select input. When MIS is high, the device is the master and when low, it is a slave. Terminal numbers shown are for the FN package. 1: Terminal numbers shown are for the PM package. 7-129 \ 1.4 Terminal Functions (Continued) TERMINAL I/O DESCRIPTION 43 0 Noninverting output of analog output power amplifier. OUT+ can drive transformer hybrids or high-impedance loads directly in a differential connection or a single-ended configuration with a buffered VMID. 4 46 0 Inveiting output of analog output power amplifier. OUT-is functionally identical with and complementary to OUT+. PWR OWN 2 42 I Power-down input. When PWR OWN is taken low, the device is powered down such that the existing intemally programmed state is niaintained. When PWR OWN is brought high, full operation resumes. RESET 8 57 I Reset input that initializes the internal counters and control registers. RESET initiates the serial data communications, initializes all of the registers to their default values, and puts the device in a preprogrammed state. After a low-going pulse on RESET, the device registers are initialized to provide a 16-kHz data-conversion rate and 7.2-kHz filter bandwidth for a 10.368-MHz master clock input signal. SCLK 13 8 I/O Shift clock. SCLK clocks the digital data into DIN and out of DOUT during the frame-synchronization interval. When configured as an output (MIS high), SCLK is generated intemally by dividing the master clock signal frequency by four. When configured as an input (MIS low), SCLK is generated extemally and synchronously to the master clock. This signal clocks the serial data into and out of the device. SUBS 21 24 I NAME. NO.t NO.* OUT+ 3 OUT- Substrate connection. SUBS should be tied to ADC GND. t Terminal numbers shown are for the FN package. * Terminal numbers shown are for the PM package. 7-130 I Processor I- ----------- 5.184 MHz 10.368 MHz ~-------- MCLK I .. SCLK 1.296MHz ... 2.592 MHz A Register + A' Register (8 bits) 2s Complement A Register (8 bits) I Dlvldeby4 FCLK [lOW-pass filter and (sin x)/x filter clock] .. I r Control +- Normal Phase Shift ( -- ~ Single, A·Counter Period One-Shot ) B Register (8 bits) Program Divide A Counter (8 bits) I I Divide by 2 576kHz L B Counter Conversion Rate . 288kHz Figure 1-1. Control Flow Diagram Table 1-1. Operating Frequencies FCLK (kHz) LOW·PASS FILTER BANDWIDTH (kHz) 144 3.6 B REGISTER CONTENTS (Program No. of Filter Clocks) (Decimal) 20 (see Note 1) 18 15 10 (see Note 2) CONVERSION RATE (kHz) HIGH-PASS POLE FREQUENCY (Hz) 7.2 8 9.6 14.4 14.4 16 19.2 28.8 36 40 48 72 72 80 96 144 20 (see Note 1) 18 15 10 (see Notes 2 and 3) 432 10.8 20 (see Note 1) 21.6 108 18 24 120 144 28.8 15 (see Note 3) 216 10 (see Notes 2 and 3) 43.2 NOTES: 1. The 8 register can be programmed for values greater than 20; however, since the sample rate IS lower than 7.2 kHz and the internal filter remains at 3.6 kHz, an external antialiasing filter is required. 2. When the B register is programmed for a value less than 10, the ADe and the CAe conversions are not completed before the next frame-sync signal and the results are in error. 3. The maximum sampling rate for the ACe channel is 43.2 kHz. The maximum rate for the CAe channel is 25kHz.· 288 7.2 7-131 1.5 Register Functional Summary There are nine data registers that are used as follows: Register 0 The No-op register. The 0 address allows phase adjustments to be made without reprogramming a data register. Register 1 The A register controls the count of the A counter. Register 2 The B register controls the count of the B counter. Register 3 The A' register controls the phase adjustment of the sampling period. The adjustment is equal to the register value multiplied by the input master period. Register 4 The amplifier gain register controls the gains of the input, output, and monitor amplifiers. Register 5 The analog configuration register controls: Register 6 • The addition/deletion of the high-pass filter to the ADC signal path • The enable/disable of the analog loopback • The selection of the regular inputs or auxiliary inputs • The function that allows processing of signals that are the sum of the regular inputs and the auxiliary inputs (VIN + VAUX IN) The digital configuration register controls: • Selection of the free-run function • FSD [frame-synchronization (sync) delay] output enable/disable • Selection of 16-bit function • Forcing secondary communications • Software reset • Software power down Register 7. The frame-sync delay register controls the time delay between the master-device frame sync and slave-device frame sync. Register 7 must be the last register programmed when using slave devices since all register data is latched and valid on the sixteenth falling edge of SCLK. On the sixteenth falling edge of SCLK, all delayed frame-sync intervals are shifted by this programmed amount. RegisterS The frame-sync number register informs the master device of the number of slaves that are connected in the chain. The frame-sync number is equal to the number of slaves plus one. 7-132 2 2.1 Detailed Description Definitions and Terminology ADC Channel All signal processing circuits between the analog input and the digital conversion results at DOUT The operating mode under which the device receives shift clock and frame-sync Codec Mode signals from a host processor. The device has no slaves. d The d represents valid programmed or default data in the control register format (see Section 2.19, Secondary Serial Communications) when discussing other data-bit portions of the register. Dxx Bit position in the primary data word (xx is the bit number) DAC Channel All signal processing circuits between the digital data word applied to DIN and the differential output analog signal available at OUT+ and OUTData Transfer Interval The time during which data is transferred from DOUT and to DIN. This interval is 16 shift clocks regardless of whether the shift clock is internally or externally generated. The data transfer is initiated by the falling edge of the frame-sync signal. DSxx Bit position in the secondary data word (xx is the bit number) FCLK An internal clock frequency that is a division of MCLK that controls the low-pass filter and (sinx)/x filter clock (see Figure 1-1 and Table 1-1). The analog input frequency of interest fi Frame Sync The falling edge of the signal that initiates the data-transfer interval. The primary frame sync starts the primary communications, and the secondary frame sync starts the secondary communications. Frame Sync and The time between falling edges of successive primary frame-sync signals Sampling Period Frame-Sync Interval The time period occupied by 16 shift clocks. Regardless of the mode of operation, there is always an internal frame-sync interval signal that goes low on the rising edge of SCLK and remains low for 16 shift clocks. It is used for synchronization of the serial-port internal signals. It goes high on the seventeenth rising edge of SCLK. The sampling frequency that is the reciprocal of the sampling period. fs Host Any processing system that interfaces to DIN, DOUT, SCLK, or FS. Master Mode The operating mode under which the device generates and uses its own shift clock and frame~sync signal and generates all delayed frame-sync signals necessary to support slave devices. Phase Adjustment The programmed time variation from the falling edge of one frame-sync signal to the falling edge of the next frame sync signal. The time variation is determined by the contents of the A' register. Since the time between falling edges of successive frame-sync signals is the the sampling period, the sampling period is adjusted. Primary (Serial) The digital data-transfer interval. Since the device is synchronous, the signal data Communications words from the ADC channel and to the DAC channel occur simultaneously. Secondary (Serial) The digital control and configuration data-transfer interval into DIN and the register Communications read-data cycle from DOUT. The data-transfer interval occurs when requested by hardware or software. Signal Data The input signal and all of the converted representations through the ADC channel and return through the DAC channel to the analog output. This is contrasted with the purely digital software-control data. Slave Mode The operating mode under which the device receives shift clock and frame-sync signals from a master device. 7-133 Stand-Alone Mode X The operating mode under which the device generates and uses its own shift clock and frame-sync signal. The device has no slave devices. The X represents a don't-care bit position within the control register format. Reset and Power-Down Functions 2.'2 2.2.1 Reset The TLC320AC01 resets both the internal counters and registers, including the programmed registers, by any of the following: . • • • Applying power to the device, causing a power-on reset (POR) Applying a low reset pulse to RESET Reading in the programmable software reset bit (OS01 in register 6) PWR OWN resets the counters only and preserves the programmed register contents. 2.2.2 Conditions of Reset The two internal reset signals used for the reset and synchronization functions are as follows: 1. Counter reset: This signal resets all flip-flops and latches that are not externally programmed with the exception of those generating the reset pulse itself. In addition, this signal resets the software power-down bit. Counter reset = power-on reset + RESET + RESET bit + PWR OWN 2. Register reset: This signal resets all flip-flops and latches that are not reset by the counter reset except those generating the reset pulse itself. Register reset = power-on reset + RESET + RESET bit Both reset signals are at least one master-clock period long and release on the falling edge of the master clock. 2.2.3 Software and Hardware Power-Down Given the definitions and conditions of RESET, the software-programmed power-down condition is cleared by resetting the software bit (OSOO in register 6) to zero. It is also cleared by either cycling the power to the device, bringing PWR OWN low, or bringing RESET low. PWR OWN powers down the entire chip « 1 mA). The software-programmable power-down bit only powers down the analog section of the chip ( < 3 mA ), which allows a software power-up function. Cycling PWR OWN high to low and back to high resets all flip-flops and latches that are not externally programmed, thereby preserving the register contents. When PWR OWN is not used, it should be tied high. 2.2.4 Register Default Values After POR, Software Reset, or RESET Is Applied Register 1 - T~e A Register The default value of the A-register data is decimal 18 as shown below. 7-134 Register 2 - The B Register The default value of the B-register data is decimal 18 as shown below. Register 3 - The A' Register The default value of the A'-register data is decimal 0 as shown below. Register 4 - The Amplifier Gain-Select Register The default value of the amplifier gain-select register data is shown below. Register 5 - The Analog Control Configuration Register The power-up and reset conditions are as shown below. In the read mode, eight bits are read but the four LSBs are repeated as the four MSBs. Register 6 - The Oigital Configuration Register The default value of OS07 - OSOO is 0 as shown below. Register 7 - The Frame-Sync Oelay Register .The default value of OS07 - OSOO is 0 as shown below. Register 8 - The Frame-Sync Number Register The default value of OS07 - OSOO is 1 as shown below. 7-135 2.3 Master-Slave Terminal Function Table 2-1 describes the function of the master/slave (M/S) input. The only difference between master and slave operations in the TLC320AC01 is that SCLK and FS are outputs when Mis is high and inputs when Mis is low. Table 2-1. Master-Slave Selection MIst MODE FS SCLK Output Output Input. Slave and Codec Emulation L Input t When the stand-alone mode is desired or when the device is permanently in the master mode, MIS must be high. Master and Stand Alone 2.4 H ADC Signal Channel To produce excellent common-mode rejection of unwanted signals, the analog signal is processed differentially until it is converted to digital data. The signal is amplified by the irput amplifier at one of three software selectable gains (typically 0 dB, 6 dB, or 12 dB). A squelch mode can also be programmed for the input amplifier. The amplifier output is filtered and applied to the ADC input. The ADC converts the signal into discrete digital words in 2s-complement format corresponding to the analog-signal value at the sampling time. These 16-bit digital words, representing sampled values of the analog input signal, are clocked out of the serial port (DOUn, one word for each primary communication interval. During secondary communications, the data previously programmed into the registers can be read out with the appropriate register address and with the read bit set to 1. When a register read is not requested, all 16 bits are O. 2.5 DAC Signal Channel QIN receives the 16-bit serial data word (2s complement) from the host during the primary communications interval and latches the data on the seventeenth rising edge of SCLK. The data are converted to an analog voltage by the DAC with a sample and hold and then through a (sin x)/x correction circuit and a smoothing filter. An output buffer with three software-programmable gains (0 dB, -6 dB, and -12 dB), as shown in register 4, drives the differential outputs OUT + and OUT -. A squelch mode can also be programmed for the output buffer. During secondary communications, the configuration program data are read into the device control registers. ' 2.6 Serial Interface The digital serial interface consists of the shift clock, the frame-synchronization signal, the ADC-channel data output, and the DAC-channel data input. During the primary 16-bit frame-synchronization interval, the SCLK transfers the ADC channel results from DOUT and transfers 16-bit DAC data into DIN. During the secondary frame-synchronization interval, the SCLK transfers the register read data from DOUT when the read bit is set to a 1. In addition, the SCLK transfers control and device parameter information into DIN. The functional sequence is shown in Figure 2-1. 7':"136 j+- Sampling Period and Frame-Sync Period -+j 1 1 j+- Frame-Sync Interval-+! ~ Frame-Sync Interval ~ J1fUi:~~k SCLK 1 1 1 1 I+-- 16 SCLKs.1 1 1 14 1 1 1 1 I, 1 1 1 1 FS \', I '/, I 1 1 -!( ..c,_* > 1 DIN "~ K"'---1C>--- : AOCc-a_r-." ~ DOUT 1 1 16 SCLKs --+1 " ~- ... =~~ Figure 2-1. Functional Sequence for Primary and Secondary Communication 2.7 Number of Slaves The number of slaves is determined by the sum of the individual device delays from the frame-sync (~) input low to the frame-sync delayed (FSD) low for all slaves as follows: (n) x tp(FS-FSD) < 1/2 shift-clock period Where: n is the number of slave devices. Example: From the above equation, the number of slaves is given by: (n) s ~ x (SCLK period) x tp(FS ~ FSD) assuming the shift clock is 2.4 MHz and tp(FS - FSD) is 40 ns, then the number of slaves is: n 1 1 1 s 2.4 MHz x 2 x 40 ns = 1000 192 = 5.2 The maximum number of slaves under these conditions is five. As the SCLK increases in frequency, the number of slaves that can be used decreases. 7-137 2.8 Operating Frequencies 2.8.1 Master and Stand-Alone Operating Frequencies The -sampling (conversion) frequency is derived from the master-clock (MClK) input by the following equation: fs = Sampling (conversion) frequency = (A register value) ~~~~egister value) x 2 The inverse is the time between the falling edges of two successive primary frame-synchronization signals. The input and output data clock (SClK) is given by: SClK frequency = MCLK frequency 4 2.8.2 Slave and Codec Operating Frequencies The slave and codec conversion and the data frequencies are determined by the externally applied SCLK and FS signals. 2.9 Switched-Capacitor Filter Frequency (FCll<) The filter clock (FCLK) is an internal clock signal that determines the filter band-pass frequency and is the B counter clock. The frequency of the filter clock is derived by the following equation: FClK = . MClK (A register value) x 2 2.10 Filter Bandwidths The low-pass (LP) filter -3 dB corner is derived by: f (LP) = FClK = MClK 40 40 x (A register value) x 2 The high-pass (HP) filter -3 dB corner is derived by: f (HP) = Sampling frequency = 200 MClK 200 x 2 x (A register value) x (B register value) 2.11 Required Minimum Number of MClK Periods The number of MClKs necessary for proper operation when only the primary communications are used is: Total number of MClKs =(16 + 2) SClKs x 4 MClKs per SClK = 72 MClKs minimum The number of MClKs necessary for proper operation if both the primary and secondary communications are used is: Total number of MClKs = (16 + 2) SClKs x 2 x 4 MClKs per SClK = 144 MClKs mihimum Even though the TlC320AC01 can perform with this number of MClKs, the host may need more time to execute the required software instructions between primary and secondary communication Intervals. 2.12 Master and Stand-Alone Modes The difference between the master and stand-alone modes is that in the stand-alone mode there are no slave devices. Functionally these two modes are the same. In both, the AIC internally generates the shift clock and frame-sync signal for the serial communications. These signals and the filter clock (FClK) are derived from tlie input master clock. The master clock applied at the MClK input determines the internal device timing. The shift clock frequency is a divide-by-four of the master clock frequency and shifts both the 7-138 input and output data at DIN and DOUT, respectively, during the frame-sync interval (16 shift clocks long). To begin the communication sequence, the device is reset (see Section 2.2.1, Reset), and the first frame sync occurs approximately 648 master clocks after the reset condition disappears. 2.12.1 Register Programming All register programming occurs during secondary communications, and data is latched and valid on the sixteenth falling edge of SClK. After a reset condition, eight primary and secondary communications cycles are required to set up the eight programmable registers. Registers 1 through 8 are programmed in secondary communications intervals 1 through 8, respectively. If the default value for a particular register is desired, that register does not need to be addressed during the secondary communications. The no-op command addresses the pseudo-register (register 0), and no register programming takes place during this communications. The no-op command allows phase shifts of the sampling period without reprogramming any register. During the eight register programming cycles, DOUT is in the high-impedance state. DOUT is released on the rising edge of the eighth primary internal frame-sync interval. In addition, each register can be read back during DOUT secondary communications by setting the read bit to 1 in the appropriate register. Since the register is in the read mode, no data can be written to the register during this cycle. To return this register to the write mode requires a subsequent secondary communication (see Section 2.19, Secondary Serial Communications for detailed register description). 2..12.2 Master and Stand-Alone Functional Sequence The A counter counts according to the contents of the A register, and the A counter frequency is divided by two to produce the filter clock (FClK). The 8 counter is clocked by FClK with the following functional sequence: 1. The 8 counter starts counting down from the 8 register value minus one. Each count remains in the counter for one FClK period including the zero count. This total counter time is referred to as the 8 cycle. The end of,the zero count is called the end of B cycle. 2. When the 8 counter gets to a count of nine, the analog-to-digital (A-to-D) conversion starts. 3. The A-to-D conversion is complete ten FClK periods later. 4. FS goes low on a rising edge of SClK after the A-to-D conversion is complete. That rising edge of SClK must be preceded by a falling edge of SClK, which is the first falling edge to occur after the end of B cycle. 5. The D-to-A COhversion cycle begins on the rising edge of the internal frame-sync interval and is complete ten FClK periods later. . 2.13 Slave and Codec Modes The only difference between the slave and codec modes is that the codec mode is controlled directly by the host and does not use a delayed frame-sync signal. In both modes, the shift clock and the frame sync are both externally generated and must be synchronous with MClK. The conversion frequency is set by the time interval of externally applied frame-sync falling edges except when the free-run function is selected by bit 5 of register 6 (see Section 2.15.4, Free-Run Mode). The slave device or devices share the shift clock generated by the master device but receive the frame sync from the previous slave in the chain. The Nth slave FS receives the (N-1 )st slave FSD output and so on. The first slave device in the chain receives FSD from the master. 7-139 2.13.1 Slave and Codec Functional Sequence The A counter counts according to the contents of the A register, and the A counter frequency is divided by two to produce the FCLK. The device function in the slave or codec mode is the same as steps 1 through 3 of the B cycle description in the master mode but differs as follows: 1. Same as master 2. Same as master 3. Same as master 4. All internal clocks stop 1/2 FCLK before the end of count 0 in the B counter cycle. 5. All internal clocks are restarted on the first rising edge of MCLK after the external FS input goes low. This operation provides the synchronization necessary when using an external FS signal. 6. The D-to-A conversion starts on the rising edge of the internally generated frame-sync interval at the end of the 16-shift clock data transfer. In the slave mode, the master controls the phase adjustments for itself and all slaves since all devices are programmed in the same frame-sync interval. In the. codec mode, the shift clock and frame sync are externally generated and provide the timing for the ADC and DAC if the free-run function has not been selected (see Section 2.15.4, Free-Run Mode). In the codec mode, there is usually no need for phase adjustments; however, any required phase adjustments must be made by adjusting the external frame-sync timing (sampling time). 2.13.2 Slave Register Programming When slave devices are used on power-up or reset, all slave frame-sync signals occur at the same time as the master frame-sync signal and all slave devices are programmed during the master secondary framesync interval with the same data as the master. The last register programmed must be the frame-sync delay (FSD) register because the delay starts immediately on the rising edge of the seventeenth shift clock of that frame- sync interval. After the FSD register programming is completed for the master and slave, the slave primary frame interval is shifted in time (time slot allocated) according to the data contained in the slave FSD registers. The master then generates frame-:sync intervals for itself and each slave to synchronize the host serial. port for data transfers for itself and all slave devices. The 'number of slaves is specified in the FSN register (register 8); therefore, the number of frame-sync intervals generated by the master is equal to the number of slaves plus one (see Section 2.7, Number of Slaves). These master frame-sync intervals are separated in time by the delay time specified by the FSD register (register 7). These master-generated intervals are the only frame-sync interval signals applied to the host serial port to provide the data-transfer time slot for the slave devices. 2.14 Terminal Functions 2.14.1 Frame-Sync Function The frame-sync Signal indicates that the device is ready to send and receive data for both master and slave modes. The data transfer begins on the falling edge of the frame-sync signal. Frame Sync (FS), Master Mode The frame sync Is generated internally. FS goes low on the rising edge of SCLK and remains low for the 16-bit data transfer. In addition to generating its own frame-sync interval, the master also outputs a frame sync for each slave that is being used. 7-140 Frame-Sync Delayed (FSD), Master Mode For the master, the frame-sync delayed output occurs 1/2 shift-clock period ahead of FS to compensate for the time delay through the master and slave devices. The timing relationships are as follows: 1. When the FSD register data is 0. then FSD goes low on the falling edge of SClK prior to the rising edge of SClK when FS goes low (see Figure 4-4). 2. When the FSD register data is greater than 16, then FSD goes low on a rising edge of SClK that is the FSD register number of SClKs after the falling edge of FS. Register data values from 1 to 16 result in the default register value of zero. Frame Sync (FS), Slave Mode The frame-sync timing is generated externally, applied to FS, and controls tile ADC and DAC timing (see Section 2.15.4, Free-Run Mode). The external frame-sync width must be a minimum of one shift clock to be recognized and can remain low until the next data frame is required. Frame-Sync Delayed (FSD), Slave Mode This output is fed from the master to the first slave and the first slave FSD output to the second and so on down the chain. The FSD timing sequence in the slave mode is as follows: 1. When the FSD register data is 0. then FSD goes low after FS goes low (see Figure 4-5). 2. When the FSD register data is greater than 16, FSD goes low on a rising edge of SClK that is the FSD register number of SClKs after the falling edge of FS. Data values from 1 to 16 are constrained because the data transfer requires 16 clock periods. 2.14.2 Data Out (DOUT) DOUT is placed in the high-impedance state on the seventeenth rising edge of SClK (internal or external) after the falling edge of frame sync. In the primary communication, the data word is the ADC conversion result. In the secondary communication, the data is the register read results when requested by the readlwrite (R/W) bit with the eight MSBs set to a(see"Section 2.16, Serial Communications). If no register read is requested, the secondary word is all zeroes. Data Out, Master Mode In the master mode, DOUT is taken from the high-impedance state by the falling edge of frame sync. The most significant data bit then appears on DOUT. Data Out, Slave Mode In the slave mode, DOUT is taken from the high-impedance state by the falling edge of the external frame sync or the rising edge of the external SClK, whichever occurs first (see Figure 4-7). The falling edge of frame sync can occur ±1/4 SClK period around the SClK rising edge (see Figure 4-3). The most significant data bit then appears on DOUT. 2.14.3 Data In (DIN) In the primary communication, the data word is the digital input signal to the DAC channel. In the secondary communication, the data is the control and configuration data to set up the device for a particular function (see Section 2.16, Serial Communications). "2.14.4 Hardware Program Terminals (FC1 and FCO) These inputs provide for hardware programming requests for secondary communication or phase adjustment. These inputs work in conjunction with the control bits 001 and 000 of the primary data word or control bits DS15 and DS14 of the secondary data word. The data on FC1 and FCO are latched on the rising edge of the next internally generated primary or secondary frame-sync interval. These inputs should be tied low if not used (see Section 2.17, Request for Secondary Serial Communication and Table 2-3). 7-141 2.14.5 Midpoint Voltages (ADC VMIO and DAC VMIO) 8incethe device operates at a single-supply voltage, two midpoint voltages are generated for internal signal processing. AOC VMID is used for.the AOC channel reference, and OAC VMID is used for the OAC channel reference. Two referepces minimize channel-to-channel noise and crosstalk. AOC VMID and OAC VMID must be buffered when used as a reference for external signal processing. 2..15 Device Functions 2.15.1 Phase Adjustment In some applications, such as modems, the device sampling period may require an adjustment to synchronize with the incoming bit stream to improve the signal-to-noise ratio. The TLC320AC01 can adjust the sampling period through the use of the A' register and the control bits. Phase-Adjustment Control A phase adjustment is a programmed variation in the sampling period. A sampling period is adjusted according to the data value in the A' register, and the phase adjustment is that number of master clocks (MCLK). An adjustment is made during device operation with data bits 001 and 000 in the primary communication, with data bits 0815 and 0814 in the secondary word or in combination with the hardware terminals FC1 and FCO (see Table 2-3). This adjustment request is latched on the rising edge of the next internal frame-sync interval and is only valid for the next sampling period. To repeat the phase adjustment, another phase request must be initiated. Use of the A' Register for Phase Adjustment The A' register value makes slight timing adjustments to the sampling period. The sampling period increases or decreases according to the sign of the programmed A' register value and the state of data bits 001 and 000 in the primary data word. The general equation for the conversion frequency is given as: f = conversion frequency = MCLK . s (2 x A register value x B register value) ± (A' register value) Therefore, if A' = 0, the device conversion (sampling) frequency and period is constant. If a nonzero A' value is programmed, the sampling frequency and period responds as shown in Table 2-2. Table 2-2. Sampling Variation With A' SIGN OF THE A' REGISTER VALUE 001 000 PLUS VALUE (+) NEGATIVE VALUE (-) 0 1 (increase command) Frequency decreases, period increases Frequency increases, period decreases . 1 0 (decrease command) Frequency increases, period decreases Frequency decreases, period increases An adjustment to the sampling period, which must be requested through 001 and 000 of the primary data word to OIN, is valid for the following sampling period only. When th~ adjustment is required for the subsequent sampling period, it must be requested again through 001 and 000 of the primary data word. For each request, only the sampling period occurring immediately after the primary data word request is affected. 7-142 The amount of time shift in the entire sampling period (1/fsl is as follows: When the sampling period is set to 125 p.s (8 kHz), the A' register is loaded with decimal 10 and the TLC320AC01 master clock frequency is 10.386 MHz. The amount of time each sampling period is increased or decreased, when requested, is: Time shift = (A' register value) x (MCLK period) The device changes the entire sampling period by only the MCLK period times the A' register value. Change in sampling period = contents of A' register x master clock period = 10 x 96.45 ns = 964 ns (less than 1% of the sampling period) The sampling period changes by 964.5 ns each time the phase adjustment is requested by the primary data word (Le., once per sampling period). It is evident then that the change in sampling period is very small compared to the sampling period. To observe this effect over a long period of time (> sampling period), this change must be continuously requested by the primary data word. If the adjustment is not requested again, the sampling period changes only once and it may appearthatthere was no execution of the command. This is especially true when bench testing the device. Automatic test equipment can test for results within a single sampling period. Internally, the A' register value only affects one cycle (period) of the A counter. The A and A' values are additive, but only for one A-counter period. The A counter begins the first count atthe default or programmed A-register value and counts down to the A'-register value. As the A' value increases or decreases, the first clock cycle from the A counter is lengthened or shortened. The initial A-counter period is the only counter period affected by the A' register such that only this single period is increased or decreased. 2.15.2 Analog Loopback This function allows the circuit to be tested remotely. In loopback, OUT+ and OUT-are internally connected to IN + and IN-. The OAC data bits 015 to 002 that are applied to DIN can be compared with the AOC output data bits 015 to 002 at OOUT. There are some differences due to the AOC and OAC channel offset. The loopback function is implemented by setting 0501 and 0500 to zero in control register 5 (see Section 2.19, Secondary Serial Communications). 2.15.3 16-Blt Mode In the 16-bit mode, the device ignores the last two control bits (001 and 000) of the primary word and requests continual secondary communications to occur. By ignoring the last two primary communication bits, compatibility with existing 16-bit software can be maintained. This function is implemented by setting bit 0503 to 1 in register 6. To return to normal operation, 0503 must be reprogrammed to o. 2.15.4 Free-Run Mode With the free-run bit set in register 6, the external shift clock and frame sync control only the data transfer. The AOC and OAC timing are controlled by the A and B register values, and the phase-shift adjustment must be done as if the device Is in stand-alone mode (by the software or the state of FC1 and FCO). Phase adjustment cannot be made by adjustment of the frame-sync timing. The external frame sync must occur within 1/2 FCLK period of the internal frame sync (FCLK as determined by the values of the A and B registers). When the external frame sync occurs simultaneously with the internal load, the data-transfer request by the external frame sync takes precedence over an internal load command. The latching of the AOC conversion data in the output register is inhibited until the current 16 bits are shifted out of the register by the shift clock. 2.15.5 Force Secondary Communication With bit 2 in register 6 set to 1, secondary communication is requested continuously. It overrides all software and hardware requests concerning secondary communication. Phase shifting, however, can still be performed with the software and hardware. , 7-143 2.15.6 Enable Analog Input Summing By setting bits OS01 and OSOO to 11 in register 5, the normal analog input voltage is summed with the auxiliary input voltage. The gain for the analog input amplifier is set by data bits OS03 and OS02 in register 4. 2.15.7 DAC Channel (sin x)/x Error Correction The (sin x)/x compensation filter is designed for zero (sin x)/x error using a B-register value of 15. Since the filter cannot be removed from the signal path, operation using another B-register value results in an error in the reconstructed analog output. .The error is given by the following equation. Any error compensation needed by a given application can be performed in the software. sin OAC channel frequency response error = 20 x 10910 (2~XAXB x f) f MCLK _--'-~_ _ _~ sin (303tXA x f) f MCLK x 15 B where: f fMCLK A B = the frequency of interest = the TLC320AC01 master-clock frequency = the A-register value = the B-register value and the arguments of the sin functions are in radians. 2.16 Serial Communications 2.16.1 Stand·Alone and Master-Mode Word Sequence and Information Content During Primary and Secondary Communications . For the stand-alone and master modes, the sequence in Figure 2-2 shows the relationship between the primary and secondary communications interval, the data content into DIN, and the data content from OOUT. The TLC320AC01 can provide a phase-shift command or the next secondary communications interval by decoding 1) the programmed state of the FC1 and FCO inputs and the 001 and 000 data bits in the primary data word, or 2) the state of the FC1 and FCO i'!e,uts and the OS15 and I)S14 data bits in the secondary data word (see Table 2-3). When OS13 (the R/W bit) is the default value of 0, all 16 bits from OOUT are oduring secondary communication. However, when the R/W bit is set to 1 in the secondary communication control word, the secondary transmission from OOUT still contains Os in the eight MSBs. The lower order eight bits contain the data of the register currently being addressed. This function provides register status information for the host. 7-144 :... [ (B reglster)l2] FClK Perlodst ---~ I Primary Frame Sync (16 SClKslong) Secondary Frame Sync (16 SClKs long) 2s-Complement ADC Output (14 bits plus 00 for the two lSBs) 16 Bits All Os, Except When In Read Mode (then least significant 8 bits are register data) 2s-Complement Input for the DAC Channel (14 bits plus two function bits). If the 2 lSBs Are Set to 1, Secondary Frame Sync Is Generated by the TlC320AC01 1 Input Data for the Internal Registers (16 bits containing control, address, and data Information) 1..1- - - - . . . . t The time between the primary and secondary frame sync is the time equal to filter clock (FCLK) period multiplied by the B-register contents divided by two. The time interval is rounded to the nearest shift clock. The secondary frame-sync signal goes from high to low on the next shift clock low-te-high transition after (8 register/2) filter clock periods. Figure 2-2. Master and Stand-Alone Functional Sequence 2.16.2 Slave- and Codec-Mode Word Sequence and Information Content During Primary and Secondary Communications For the slave and codec modes, the sequence is basically the same as the stand-alone and master modes with the exception that the frame sync and the shift clock are generated and controlled externally as shown in Figure 2-3. For the codec mode, the frame-sync pulse width needs to be a minimum of one shift clock long. The timing relationship between the frame sync and shift clock is shown in the timing diagrams. Phase shifting is usually not required in the slave or codec mode because the frame-sync timing can be adjusted externally if required. -+I ~ 1 SClK Minimum Fill _f_f_i_t_J_J Primary Frame Sync 2s-Complement ADC Output 16 BIts, All Os, Except When In (14 bits plus 00 for the 2 lSBsln ...._ _ _...... Read Mode (then least significant master and stand-alone mode and 8 bits are register data) 01 In slave mode) DOUT Input Data for the Internal 2s-Complement Input for the DAC ...._ _ _...... Registers (16 bits containing Channel (14 bits plus two 1 control, address, and data 1 function bits) 1 Information). 1 NOTE: The time between the primary and secondary frame syncs is determined by the application; however, enough time must be provided so that the host can execute the required number of software instructions in the time between the end of the primary data transfer (rising edge of the primary frame-sync interval) and the falling edge of the secondary frame sync (start of secondary communications). Figure 2-3. Slave and Codec Functional Sequence 7-145 2.17 Request for Secondary Serial Communication and Phase Shift The following paragraphs describe a request for secondary serial communication and phase shift using hardware control inputs FC1 and FCO, primary data bits 001 and 000, and secondary data bits OS15 and OS14. 2.17.1 Initiating a Request Combinations of FC1 and FCO input conditions, bits 001 and 000 in the primary serial data word, FC1 and FCO, and bits OS15 and OS14 in the secondary serial data word can initiate a secondary serial communication or request a phase shift according to the following rules (see Table 2-3). 1. Primary word phase shifts can be requested by either the hardware or software when the other set of signals are 11 or 00. If both hardware and software request phase shifts, the software request is performed. 2. Secondary words can be requested by either the software or hardware at the same time that the other set of signals is requesting a phase shift. 3. Hardware inputs FC1 and FCO are ignored during the secondary word unless OS15 and OS14 are 11. When OS15 and OS14 are 01 or 10, the corresponding phase shift is performed. When OS15 and OS14 are 00, no phase shift is performed even when the hardware requests a phase shift. 2.17.2 Normal Combinations of Control The normal combinations of control are as follows: . 1. Use 001 and 000 and OS15 and OS14 to request phase shifts and secondary words by holding FC1 and FCO to 00. 2. Use FC1 and FCO exclusively to request phase shifts and secondary words by holding D01 and 000 to 00 and OS15 and OS14 to 11. 3. Use 001 and 000 only to request secondary words and FC1 and FCO to perform phase shifts once per period by holding OS15 and DS14 to 00. 2.17.3 Additional Control Options Additional control options are unusual and are rarely needed or used; however, they are as follows: 7-146 1. Use 001 and 000 only to request secondary words and FC1 and FCO to perform phase shifts twice per period by holding OS15 and OS14 to 11. 2. Use FC1 and FCO exclusively to request secondary words and 001 and 000 and OS 15 an~ OS 14 to perform phase shifts twice per period. 3. Use FC1 and FCO to perform the phase shift after the primary word and OS15 and OS14 to perform a phase shift after the secondary word by holding 001 and 000 to 11. Table 2-3. Software and Hardware Requests for Secondary Serlal·Communlcatlon and Phase-Shift Truth Table WITHIN PRIMARY OR SECONDARY DATA WORD Primary Secondary CONTROL BITS HARDWARE TERMINALS PHASE-SHIFT ADJUSTMENT (see Section 2.15.1) D01 DOO FC1 FCO EARLIER LATER 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 DS15 DS14 FC1 FCO EARLIER LATER 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 SECONDARY REQUEST (see Note 1) No request can be made for secondary communication within the secondary word. 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 NOTE 1: The 0 state indicates that a secondary communication is not being requested. The 1 state indicates that a secondary communication is being requested. 1 1 1 1 2.18 Primary Serial Communications Primary serial communications transfer the 14-bit DAC input plus two control bits (001 and 000) to DIN of the TLC320AC01. They simultaneously transfer the 14-bit ADC conversion result from DOUT to the processor. The two LSBs are set to 0 in the ADC result. 7-147 2.18.1 Primary Serial Communications Data Format ~------------------------~vr--------~--------------~ 14~bit OAC Conversion Result 2s-Complement Formatt Control Bits t 8ince the supply voltage is single ended, the reference for 2s-complement format is AOC VMI O. Voltages above this reference have a 0 as the M8B, and voltages below this reference have a 1 as the M8B. During primary serial communications. when 001 and 000 are both high in the DAC data word to DIN, a subsequent 16 bits of control information is received by the device at DIN during a secondary serial-communication interval. This seeondaryserial-communication interval begins at 112 the programmed conversion time when the B register data value is even or 1/2 the programmed value minus one FCLK when the B register data value is odd. The time between primary and secondary serial communication is measured from the falling edge of the primary frame sync to the falling edge of the secondary frame sync (see Section 2.19, Secondary Serial Communications for function and format of control words). 2.18.2 Data Format From DOUT During Primary Serial Communications ~------------------------~vr------------------------~ 14-Bit AOC Conversion Result 2s-Complement Format 015 is the 8ign Bit 2.19 Secondary Serial Communications 2.19.1 Data Format to DIN During Secondary Serial Communications There are nine 16-bit configuration and control registers numbered from zero to eight. All register data contents are represented in 2s-complement format. The general format of the commands during secondary serial communications is as follows. Control Bits 2 bits RIW Bit Register Address 5 bits Register Data Value 8 bits All control register words are latched in the register and valid on the sixteenth falling edge of SCLK. 2.19.2 Control Data-Bit Function In Secondary Serial Communication 0515 and 0514 In the secondary data word. bits DS15 and DS14 perform the same control function as the primary control bits 001 and 000 do in the primary data word. 081510814 0813 081210811108101080910808 08071 08061 08051 08041 08031 08021 08011 0800 Control Bits RIW Register Address Register Data Hardware terminals FC1 and FCO are valid inputs when DS15 and OS 14 are both high. and they are ignored for all other conditions. 7-148 0813 (RIW Bit) Reset and power-up procedures set this bit to a 0, placing the device in the write mode. When this bit is set to 1, however, the previous data content of the register being addressed is read out to the host from DOUT as the least significant eight bits of the 16-bit secondary word. The first eight bits remain set to o. Reading the data out is nondestructive, and the contents of the register remain unchanged. A. Write Mode (OS 13 = 0) Data In. The data word to DIN has the following general format in the write mode. 081510814 0813 081210811108101080910808 0807108061 08051 08041 08031 08021 080110800 Control Bits Register Oata Register Address 0 Data Out. The shift clock shifts out all Os as the pattern to the host from DOUT. 0815 0814 0813 0812 0811 0810 0809 0808 0807 0806 0805 0804 0803 0802 0801 0800 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 B. Read Mode (DS13 = 1) Data In. The data word to DIN has the following format to allow a register read. Phase shifts can also be done in the read mode. 081510814 0813 081210811108101080910808 08071 08061 08051 08041 08031 08021 08011 0800 Control Bits Register Address 1 Ignored Data Out. The shift clock clocks out the data of the register addressed from DOUT in the read mode in the eight LSBs. 0815 0814 0813 0812 0811 0810 0809 0808 08071 08061 08051 08041 D803\ 08021 0801J 0800 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register Oata 0 2.20 Internal Register Format 2.20.1 Pseudo-Register 0 (No-Op Address) This address represents a no-operation command. No register 1/0 operation takes place, so the device can receive secondary commands fOr phase adjustment without reprogramming any register. A read of the no-op is o. The format of the command word is as follows. 081510814 0813 0812 0811 0810 0809 0808 0807 0806 0805 0804 0803 0802 0801 0800 Control Bits 2.20.2 X 0 0 a 0 0 X X X X X X X X Register 1 (A Register) The following command loads DS07 (MSB) - 0500 into the A register. 081510814 0813 0812 0811 0810 0809 0808 08071 08061 08051 08041 08031 08021 08011 0800 Control Bits R/W 0 0 0 0 1 Register Oata The data in DS07 - DSOO determines the division of the master clock to produce the internal FCLK. FCLK frequency = MCLKI(A register contents x 2) 7-149 The default value of the A-register data is decimal 18 as shown below. 0807 OS06 0805 0804 0803 0802 0801 0800 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1/ 2.20.3 Register 2 (8 Register) The following command loads OS07 (MSB) - OSOO into the B register. 081510814 0813 0812 0811 0810 0809 0808 080710806108051080410803108021 0801j 0800 Control Bits RIW 0 0 0 1 Register Oata 0 The data in OS07 - OSOO controls the division of FCLK to generate the conversion clock. Conversion frequency = FCLK/(B register contents) MCLK 2 x A register contents x B register contents The default value of the B-register data is decimal 18 as shown below. 0807 0806 0805 0804 0803 0802 0801 0800 0 2.20.4 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 Register 3 (A' Register) The following command contains the A'-register address and loads OS07(MSB) - OSOO into the A' register. 081510814 0813 0812 0811 0810 0809 0808 080710806108051080410803108021080110800 Control Bits RIW 0 0 0 1 1 Register Oata The data in OS07 - OSOO is in 2s-complement format and controls the number of master-clock periods that the sampling time is shifted. The default value of the k-register data is 0 as shown below. 0807 0806 0805 0804 0803 0802 0801 0800 0 7-150 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.20.5 Register 4 (Amplifier Gain-Select Register) The following command contains the amplifier gain-select register address with selection code for the monitor output (0505-0504), analog input (0503-0502), and analog output (0501-0500) programmable gains. 051510514 0513 0512 0511 0510 0509 0508 0507 0506 0505 DS04 0503 0502 0501 0500 Control Bits R/W 0 0 1 0 0 X X ••• • Monitor output gain - squelch Monitor output gain .. 0 dB Monitor output gain .. -8 dB Monitor output gain .. -18 dB Analog input gain .. squelch Analog input gain = 0 dB Analog input gain .. 6 dB Analog input gain =12 dB * * 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 * •• •• Analog output gain .. squelch Analog output gain. 0 dB Analog output gain .. -6 dB Analog output gain. -12 dB * 0 0 1 1 * 0 1 0 1 •• •• 0 0 1 1 * 0 1 0 1 The default value of the monitor output gain is squelch, which corresponds to data bits 0505 and 0504 equal to 00 (binary). . The default value of the analog input gain is 0 dB, which corresponds to data bits 0503 and 0502 equal to 01 (binary). The default value of the analog output gain is 0 dB, which corresponds to data bits 0501 and 0500 equal to 01 (binary). The default data value is shown below. 0507 0506 0505 0504 0503 0502 0501 0500 0 2.20.6 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 Register 5 (Analog Configuration Register) The following command loads the analog configuration register with the individual bit functions described below. 051510514 0513 0512 0511 0510 0509 0508 0507 0506 0505 0504 0503 0502 0501 0500 Control Bits R/W 0 0 1 0 1 Must be set to 0 High-pass filter disabled High-pass filter enabled Analog loopback enabled Enables IN+ and IN- (disables AUXIN+ and AUXIN-) Enables AUXIN + and AUXIN- (disables IN + and IN-) Enable analog input summing X X X X • * * * * 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 •• 1 0 •• • • The default value of the high-pass-filter enable bit is 0, which places the high-pass filter in the signal path. The default values of 0501 and 0500 are 0 and 1 which enables IN+ and IN-. 7-151 The power-up and reset conditions are as shown below. OS03 OS02 OS01 OSOO 0 0 1 0 In the read mode, eight bits are read but the four LSBs are repeated as the four MSBs. 2.20.7 Register 6 (Digital Configuration Register) The following command loads the digital configuration register with the individual bit functions described below. OS1510S14 OS13 OS12 OS11 OS10 Control Bits R/W 0 0 1 OS09 OS08 OS07 OS06 OS05 OS04 OS03 OS02 OS01 OSOO 1 X 0 X * ~ ~ AOC and OAC conversion free run Inactive * * * * * 1 0 ~ ~ FSO output disable Enable 1 0 16-Bit mode, ignore primary LSBs Normal operation Force secondary communications Normal operation 1 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ( Software reset (upon reset, this bit is automatically reset to 0) Inactive reset Software power-down active (automatically reset to 0 after PWR OWN is cycled high to low and back to high) Power-down function extemal (uses PWR OWN) 1 0 ~ 1 ~ 0 ~ 1 ~ 0 The default value of OS07-0S00 is 0 as shown below. OS07 OS06 OS05 OS04 OS03 OS02 OS01 OSOO 0 2.20.8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register 7 (Frame-Sync Delay Register) The following command contains the frame-sync delay (FSD) register address and loads OS07 (MSB)-OSOO into the FSO register. The data byte (OS01-0S00) determines the number of SCLKs between FS and the delayed frame-sync signal, FSD. The minimum data value for this register is decimal 18. OS1510S14 OS13 OS12 OS11 OS10 OS09 OS08 OS071 OS061 OS051 OS041 OS031 OS021 OS011 OSOO Control Bits RiW 0 0 1 1 1 Register Oata The default value of OS07 - OSOO is 0 as shown below. OS07 OS06 OS05 OS04 OS03 OS02 OS01 OSOO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 When using a slave device, register 7 must be the last register programmed. 7-152 2.20.9 Register 8 (Frame-Sync Number Register) The following command contains the frame-sync number (FSN) register address and loads OS07 (MSS) - OSOO into the FSN register. The data byte determines the number of frame-sync signals generated by the TLC320AC01. This number is equal to the number of slaves plus one. 051510514 0513 0512 0511 0510 0509 0508 05071 05061 05051 05041 05031 05021 0501 10500 Control Bits RIW 0 1 0 0 Register Data 0 The default value of OS07 - OSOO is 1 as shown below. 0507 0506 0505 0504 0503 0502 0501 0500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 7-153 7-154 3 Specifications 3.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings Over Operating Free-Air Temperature Range (Unless Otherwise Noted)t Supply voltage range, DGTL VDD (see Notes 1 and 2) ............... -0.3 V to 6.5 V Supply voltage range, DAC VDD (see Notes 1 and 2) ................ -0.3 V to 6.5 V Supply voltage range, ADC VDD (see Notes 1 and 2) ................ -0.3 V to 6.5 V Differential supply voltage range, DGTL VDD to DAC VDD ............ -0.3 V to 6.5 V Differential supply voltage range, all positive supply voltages to ADC GND, DAC GND, DGTL GND, SUBS .................... -0.3 V to 6.5 V Output voltage range, DOUT ......................... -0.3 V to DGTL VDD + 0.3 V Input voltage range, DIN ............................. -0.3 V to DGTL VDD + 0.3 V Ground voltage range, ADC GND, DAC GND, DGTL GND, SUBS ............................ -0.3 V to DGTL VDD + 0.3 V Operating free-air temperature range, TA ................. . . . . . . . . . .. O°C to 70°C Storage temperature range, Tstg ................................. -40°C to 125°C Lead temperature 1,6 mm (1/16 inch) from case for 10 seconds .............. 260°C t Stresses beyond those listed under "absolute maximum ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under "recommended operating conditions" is not implied. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. 3.2 Recommended Operating Conditions (see Note 2) VOO Positive supply voltage MIN NOM MAX 4.5 5 5.5 V 0.1 V Steady-state differential voltage between any two supplies VIH High-level digital input voltage VIL Low-level digital input voltage 10 fMCLK VIO(PP) RL V 2.2 Load output current from AOC VMIO and OAC Conversion time for the AOC and OAC channels 0.8 V 100 IJA 15 MHz 10 FCLK periods Master-clock frequency 10.368 Analog input voltage (differential, peak to peak) I Differential output load resistance I Single-ended to buffered OAC VMIO voltage load resistance UNIT 6 600 300 V Q ·C 70 Operating free-air temperature 0 TA NOTES: 1. Voltage values for OGTL VOO are with respect to OGTL GNO, voltage values for OAC VOO are with respect toDACGND,andvoltagevaluesforAOCVOOarewithrespecttoAOCGND. For the subsequent electrical, operating, and timing specifications, the symbol VOO denotes all positive supplies. OAC GNO, AOC GNO, OGTL GNO,and SUBS are at 0 V unless otherwise specified. 2. To avoid possible damage to these CMOS devices and associated operating parameters, the sequence below should be followed when applying power: (1) Connect SUBS, OGTL GNO, AOC GNO, and OAC GNO to ground. (2) Connect voltages AOC VOO,and OAC VOO. (3) Connect voltage OGTL VOO. (4) Connect the input signals. When removing power, follow the steps above in reverse order. 7-155 3.3 Electrical Characteristics Over Recommended Range of Operating Free-Air Temperature, MClK 5.184 MHz, Voo 5 V, Outputs Unloaded, Total Device = TEST CONDITIONS PARAMETER MIN PWR OWN = 1 and clock signals present Supply current 100 = 20 PWR OWN = 0 after 500 lIS and clock signals present Power dissipation UNIT 25 mA 2 mA 100 mW PWR OWN .. 0 after 500 lIS and clock signals present 5 mW Software power down, (bit 000, register 6 set to 1) 15 20 mW AOCVMIO Midpoint voltage No load AOCVOoJ2 -0.1 AOCVOO/2 +0.1 V OACVMIO Midpoint voltage No load OACVOoJ2 -0.1 OACVOO/2 +0.1 V 3.4 Electrical Characteristics Over Recommended Range of Operating Free-Air Temperature, Voo = 5 V, Digital 1/0 Terminals (DIN, DOUT, EOC, FCO, FC1, FS, FSD, MClK, MIS, SCll<) PARAMETER t MAX 1 PWR OWN = 1 and clock signals present Po TYPt TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYpt MAX UNIT V VOH High-level output voltage IOH--1.6mA VOL Low-level output voltage IOL= 1.6 rnA 2.4 IIH High-level input current, any digital input IlL Low-level input current, any digital input Ci Input capacitance 5 pF Co Output capacitance 5 pF 0.4 V VI .. 2.2 V to OGTL VOO 10 VI = 0 V to 0.8 V 10 J.1A J.1A All typical values are at VOO = 5 V and TA = 25°C. 3.5 3.5.1 Electrical Characteristics Over Recommended Range of Operating Free-Air Temp,erature, Voo = 5 V, ADC and DAC Channels AOC Channel Filter Transfer Function, FCLK PARAMETER =144 kHz, fs =8 kHz TEST CONDITIONS MIN -1.8 -0.15 fi .. 300 Hz to 3 kHz -0.15 0.15 fi" 3.3 kHz -0.35 0.03 fi" 3.4 kHz -1 -0.1 fi" 200 Hz Gain relative to gain at fi .. 1020 Hz (see Note 3) MAX UNIT -2 fi=50Hz fi=4kHz -14 fi ~4.6 kHz -32 dB NOTE 3: The differential analog input signals are sine waves at 6 V peak to peak. The reference gain is at 1020 Hz. 7-156 ADC Channel Input, Voo Noted) 3.5.2 =5 V, Input Amplifier Gain =0 dB (Unless Otherwise PARAMETER VI(PP) Peak-to-peak input voltage (see Note 4) CMRR Common-mode rejection ratio at IN+, IN-, AUX IN+, AUX IN- (see Note 5) ri Input resistance at IN+, IN-, AUX IN+, AUXIN- ADC converter offset error TEST CONDITIONS MIN MAX UNIT Single-ended 3 V Differential 6 V Band-pass filter selected DS03, DS02 - 0 in register 4 Squelch TYPt 10 30 mV 55 dB 100 kO 60 dB t All typical values are at VDD - 5 V and TA" 25°C. NOTES: 4. The differential range corresponds to the full-scale digital output. 5. Common-mode rejection ratio is the ratio of the ADC converter offset error with no signal and the ADC converter offset error with a common-mode nonzero signal applied to either IN+ and IN- together or AUX IN+ and AUX IN-together. 3.5.3 ADC Channel Slgnal-to-Dlstortlon Ratio, Voo Otherwise Noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS Av=OdB MIN MAX Av=6dB MIN MAX AV=12dB MIN MAX 68 - VI" -12 dB to -6 dB 63 68 VI = -18 dB to -12 dB 56 63 68 VI = -24 dB to-18 dB 51 57 63 VI .. -30 dB to -24 dB 43 51 57 VI = -36 dB to -30 dB 39 45 51 VI .. -42 dB to -36 dB 33 39 45 VI .. -48 dB to -42 dB 27 32 39 VI ADC channel signal-todistortion ratio (see Note 6) =-6 dB to -1 dB =5 V, fs =8 kHz (Unless UNIT dB NOTE 6: The analog-input test signal is a 102Q-Hz sine wave with 0 dB .. 6 V peak to peak as the reference level for the analog-input signal. 3.5.4 DAC Channel Filter Transfer Function, FCLK PARAMETER =144 kHz, fs =9.6 kHz, Voo =5 V TEST CONDITIONS MIN UNIT 0.15 fi<200 Hz -0.5 0.15 fi" 300 Hz to 3 kHz -0.15 0.15 fl" 3.3 kHz -0.35 0.03 fi" 3.4 kHz -1 -0.1 fi - 200 Hz Gain relative to gain at fi - 1020 Hz (see Note 7) MAX fi- 4kHz -14 fi ~ 4.6 kHz -32 dB NOTE 7: The input signal is the digital equivalent of a 102Q-Hz sine wave (digital full scale .. 0 dB). The nominal differential DAC channel output with this input condition is 6 V peak to peak. 7-157 DAC Channel Slgnal-to-Dlstortlon Ratio, VDO Otherwise Noted) 3.5.5 PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS DAC channel signal-todistortion ratio (see Note 8) =5 V, fs =8 kHz (Unless Av=OdB MIN MAX AV=-6dB MIN MAX AV=-12dB MIN Vo =-6 dB to 0 dB 68 - Vo =-12 dB to-6 dB 63 68 - Vo = -18 dB to-12 dB 57 63 68 Vo =-24 dB to-18 dB 51 57 63 Vo • -30 dB to -24 dB 45 51 57 Vo - -36 dB to -30 dB 39 45 51 Vo =-42 dB to -36 dB 33 39 48 Vo =-48 dB to -42 dB 27 33 39 MAX UNIT dB .. NOTE 8: The input signal. VI. IS the digital equivalent of a 1020-Hz sine wave (full-scale analog output at full-scale digital input =0 dB). The nominal differential DAC channel output with this input condition is 6 V peak to peak. The load impedance for the DAC output buffer is 600 n from OUT + to OUT -. ' 3.5.6 System Distortion, VOO = 5 V, fs = 8 kHz, FCLK = 144 kHz (Unless Otherwise Noted) TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYpt MAX UNIT PARAMETER Second harmonic ADCchannel attenuation Third harmonic and higher harmonics Second harmonic DAC channel attenuation Single-ended input (see Note 9) Differential input (see Note 9) 70 Single-ended input (see Note 9) Differential input (see Note 9) 70 77 82 70 Single-ended output (see Note 10), Differential output (see Note 10) 82 77 Single-ended output (buffered DAC VMID) (see Note 10) Differential output (see Note 10) Third harmonic and higher harmonics 82 dB 82 77 70 77 t All typical values are at VDD - 5 V and TA _ 25°C. NOTES: 9. The input signal is a 102Q-Hz sine wave for the ADC channel. Harmonic distortion is defined for an input level of -1 dB. 10. The input signal is the digital equivalent of a 1020-Hz sine wave (digital full scale = 0 dB). The nominal differential DAC channel output with this input condition is 6 V peak to peak. The load impedance for the DAC output buffer is 600 n from OUT + to OUT -. Harmonic distortion is specified for a signal input level of 0 dB. 7-158 3.5.7 Noise, Low-Pass and Band-Pass Switched-Capacitor Filters Included, 5 V (Unless Otherwise Noted) Voo = PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS Inputs tied to ADC VMID, fs .. 8 kHz, FCLK = 144 kHz, (see Note 11) ADC idle-channel noise DAC idle-channel noise MIN Broad-band noise DIN INPUT .. 00000000000000, fs .. 8 kHz, FCLK .. 144 kHz, (see Note 12) Noise (0 to 7.2 kHz) Noise (0 to 3.6 kHz) TYPt MAX 180 300 180 300 180 300 180 300 UNIT Jl.Vrms t All typical values are at VDD = 5 V and TA = 25·C. NOTES: 11. The ADC channel noise is calculated by taking the RMS value of the digital output codes of the ADC channel and converting to microvolts. 12. The DAC channel noise is measured differentially from OUT + to OUT-across 600 O. 3.5.8 Absolute Gain Error, VOO =5 V, fs =8 kHz (Unless Otherwise Noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS ADC channel absolute gain error (see Note 13) -1-dB input signal DAC channel absolute gain error (see Note 14) Q-dB input signal, RL = 6000 MIN MAX UNIT ±0.5 TA = 25·C ±1 TA=0-70·C dB ±0.5 TA" 25·C ±1 TA=0-70·C NOTES: 13. ADC absolute gain error is the variation in gain from the ideal gain over the specified input signal levels. The gain is measured with a -1-dB, 102Q-Hz sine wave. The -1-dB input signal allows for any positive gain or offset error that may affect gain measurements at or close to O-dB input signal levels. 14. The DAC input signal is the digital equivalent of a 1020-Hz sine wave (full-scale analog output at digital fullscale input .. 0 dB). The nominal differential DAC channel output voltage with this input condition is 6 V peak to peak. The load impedance for the DAC output buffer is 600 0 from OUT + to OUT -. 3.5.9 Relative Gain and Dynamic Range, Voo = 5 V, fs = 8 kHz (Unless Otherwise Noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN MAX ADC channel relative gain tracking error (see Note 15) -48-dB to -1-dB input signal range ±0.15 DAC channel relative gain tracking error (see Note 16) -48-dB to Q-dB input signal range RL(diff) = 600 0 ±0.15 UNIT dB NOTES: 15. ADC gain tracking is the ratio of the measured gain at one ADC channel input level to the gain measured at any other input level. The ADC channel input is a -1-dB 1020-Hz sine wave input signal. A -1-dB input signal allows for any positive gain or offset error that may affect gain measurements at or close to O-dB ADC input signal levels. 16. DAC gain tracking is the ratio of the measured gain at one DAC channel digital input level to the gain measured at any other input level. The DAC-channel input signal is the digital equivalent of a 102Q-Hz sine wave (digital full scale = 0 dB). The nominal differential DAC channel output voltage with this input condition is 6 V peak to peak. The load impedance for the DAC output buffer is 600 0 from OUT + to OUT -. 7-159 3.5.10 Power-Supply ReJection, VDD =5 V (Unless Otherwise Noted) (see Note 17) PARAMETER ADCVDD DACVDD T.EST CONDITIONS Supply-voltage rejection ratio, ADC channel Supply-voltage rejection ratio, DAC channel DGTLVDD Supply-voltage rejection ratio, ADC channel DGTLVDD Supply-voltage rejection ratio, DAC channel MIN TYPt fi=Ot030kHz 50 ~.30t050kHz 55 fi-Ot030kHz 40 ~.30t050kHz 45 ~=Ot030kHz 50 fi • 30 to 50 kHz Single ended, fi=Ot030kHz 55 fi .. 30 to 50 kHz 45 Differential, ~ .. Ot030 kHz 40 fi = 30 to 50 kHz 45 MAX UNIT dB 40 t All typical values are at VDD = 5 V and TA" 25°C. NOTE 17: Power supply rejection measurements are made with both the ADC and the DAC channels idle and a 20o-mV peak-to-peak signal applied to the appropriate supply. 3.5.11 Crosstalk Attenuation, VDD =5 V (Unless Otherwise Noted) PARAMETER ADC channel crosstalk attenuation DAC channel crosstalk attenuation TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYPt DAC channel idle with DIN .. 00000000000000, ADC input .. 0 dB, 1020-Hz sine wave, Gain .. 0 dB (see Note 18) 80 ADC channel idle with INP, INM, AUX IN +, and AUX IN - at ADC VMID 80 DAC channel input. digital equivalent of a 102o-Hz sine wave (see Note 19) 80 MAX UNIT dB dB t All typical values are at VDD .. 5 V and TA" 25°C. NOTES: 18. The test signal is a 1020-Hz sine wave with a 0 dB .. 6-V peak-to-peak reference level for the analog input signal. . 19. The input signal is the digital equivalent of a 102o-Hz sine wave (digital full scale .. 0 dB). The nominal differential DAC channel output with this input condition is 6 V peak to peak. The load impedance for the DAC output buffer is 600 n from OUT + to OUT -. 7-160 3.5.12 Monitor Output Characteristics, VDD (see Note 20) =5 V (Unless Otherwise Noted) TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYpt VO(PP) Peak-to-peak ac output voltage Quiescent level- ADC VMID ZL-10kaand60pF 1.3 1.5 VOO Output offset voltage No load, single ended relative to ADC VMID VOC Output common-mode voltage No load ro DC output resistance PARAMETER AV Voltage gain (see Note 21) 5 0.4ADC VDD MAX V 10 0.5ADC 0.6ADC VDD VDD 50 Gain .. OdB -0.2 0 0.2 Gain 2 --8dB -8.2 -8 -7.8 Gain 3 .. -18 dB -18.4 -18 -17.6 Squelch (see Note 22) UNIT mV V Q dB -60 t All typical values are at VDD - 5 V and TA" 25°C. NOTES: 20. All monitor output tests are performed with a 10-ka load resistance. 21. Monitor gains are measured with a 102O-Hz, 6-V peak-to-peak sine wave applied differentially between IN + and IN -. The monitor output gains are nominally 0 dB, -8 dB, and -18 dB relative to its input; however, the output gains are -6 dB relative to IN+ and IN- or AUX IN+ and AUX IN-. 22. Squelch is measured differentially with respect to ADC VMID. 7-161 3.6 Timing Requirements and Specifications In Master Mode 3.6.1 Recommended Input Timing Requirements for Master Mode, Voo =5 V NOM MAX MIN UNIT tr(MCLK) Master clock rise time 5 ns tf(MCLK) Master clock fall time 5 ns Master clock duty cycle 40% tw(RESETI RESET pulse duration 1 MCLK tsutDlNl DIN setup time before SCLK low (see Figure 4-2) th(DIN) DIN hold time after SCLK low (see Figure 4-2) 3.6.2 60% ns 25 20 ns Operating Characteristics Over Recommended Range of Operating Free-Air Temperature, Voo = 5 V (Unless Otherwise Noted) (see Note 23) PARAMETER tf(SCLKl tr(SCLK) MIN Shift clock fall time (see Figure 4-2) Shift clock rise time (see Figure 4-2) Shift clock duty cycle TYpt MAX . UNIT 13 18 ns 13 18 ns 45% 55% ld(CH-FL) Delay time from SCLK high to FSD low (see Figures 4-2 and 4-4 and Note 24) 5 20 ns ld(CH-FH) Delay time from SCLK high to FS high (see Figure 4-2) 5 20 ns ld(CH-DOUn Delay time from SCLK high to DOUT valid (see Figures 4-2 and 4-7) 20 ns ld(CH-DOUTZ) Delay time from SCLKi to DOUT in high-impedance state (see Figure 4-8) 20 ns ld(ML-EL) Delay time from MCLK low to EOC low (see Figure 4-9) 40 ns ld(ML-EHl tf(ELl Delay time from MCLK low to EOC high (see Figure 4-9) 40 ns EOC fall time (see Figure 4-9) 13 ns tr(EH) EOC rise time (see Figure 4-9) 13 ns ld(MH-CH) Delay time from MCLKhigh to SCLK high 50 ns Delay time from MCLK high to SCLK low 50 ns ld(MH-CL) t All typical values are at VDD - 5 V and TA _ 25°C. NOTES: 23. All timing specifications are valid with CL .. 20 pF. 24. FSD occurs 1/2 shift-clock cycle ahead of FS when the device is operating in the master mode. ) 7-162 3.7 Timing Requirements and Specifications in Slave Mode and Codec Emulation Mode 3.7.1 Recommended Input Timing Requirements for Slave Mode, Vee = 5 V MIN NOM tr{MCLK} Master clock rise time 5 tf(MCLK) Master clock fall time 5 Master clock duty cycle 40% tw(RESEn RESET pulse duration 1 MCLK tsu(DIN) DIN setup time before SCLK low (see Figure 4-3) th(DIN) DIN hold time after SCLK high (see Figure 4-3) tsu(FL-CH) Setup time from FS low to SCLK high 3.7.2 MAX UNIT ns ns 60% ns 20 20 ns ±SCLK/4 ns Operating Characteristics Over Recommended Range of Operating Free-Air Temperature, Vee = 5 V (Unless Otherwise Noted) (see Note 23) PARAMETER MIN TYPt MAX UNIT ns tcCSCLK) Shift clock cycle time (see Figure 4-3) tfCSCLI() Shift clock fall time (see Figure 4-3) 18 ns trCSCLI() Shift clock rise time (see Figure 4-3) 18 ns Shift clock duty cycle 125 45% 55% ld(CH-FDL) Delay time from SCLK high to FSD low (see Figure 4-6) 50 ns ld(CH-FDH) Delay time from SCLK high to FSD high 40 ns td(FL-FDL) Delay time from FS low to FSD low (slave to slave) (see Figure 4-5) 40 ns ld(CH-DOUT) Delay time from SCLK high to DOUT valid (see Figures 4-3 and 4-7) 40 ns ld(CH-DOUTZ) Delay time from SCLKi to DOUT in high-impedance state (see Figure 4-8) 20 ns ldCML-EL) Delay time from MCLK low to EOC low (see Figure 4-9) 40 ns ld(ML-EH) Delay time from MCLK low to EOC high (see Figure 4-9) 40 ns tf(EL) EOC fall time (see Figure 4-9) 13 ns tr(EH) EOC rise time (see Figure 4-9) 13 ld(MH-CH) Delay time from MCLK high to SCLK high 50 ns td(MH-CL) Delay time from MCLK high to SCLK low 50 ns ns t All typical values are at VDD" 5 V and TA = 25°C. NOTE 23: All timing specifications are valid with CL .. 20 pF. 7-163 7-164 4 Parameter Measurement Information Rfb R IN+ or AUX IN+---JVV\r-_e_--t R IN- or AUX IN---...JV'II'v--....--t + Rfb = = = = = = = = = Rfb R for DS03 0 and DS02 1 Rfb 2R for DS03 1 and DS02 0 Rfb 4R for DS03 1 and DS02 1 R = 100 leO nominal Figure 4-1. IN+ and IN- Gain-Control Circuitry Table 4-1. Gain Control (Analog Input Signal Required for Full-Scale Bipolar AID-Conversion 28 Complement)t INPUT CONFIGURATION Differential configuration Analog input .. IN + - IN'"' AUX IN+ - AUX IN- Single-ended configuration§ Analog input .. IN + - VMID =AUXIN+':"'VMID CONTROL REGISTER 4 ANALOG INPUTt: AID CONVERSION RESULT DS03 DS02 0 0 1 VID a±3 V Squelch ±Full scale 0 VID -±1.5V ±Fullscale 0 1 All 1 1 0 VID ,,!,±0.75 V All ±Full scale 0 ·0 1 VI=±1.5V ±Halfscale 1 0 1 VI-±1.5V VI = ±0.75 V ±Fullscale 1 Squelch ±Full scale * tVDD =5V VID '" differential input voltage, VI .. input voltage referenced to ADe VMID with IN- or AUX IN- connected to ADe VMI D. In order to minimize distortion, it is recommended that the analog input not exceed 0.1 dB below full scale. § For single-ended inputs, the analog input voltage should not exceed the supply rails. All single-ended inputs should be referenced to the internal reference voltage, ADe VMID, for best common-mode performance. 7-165 -1 I+- -.I 14--- tf(SCLK) I SCLK 2V I --+ll-- tr(SCLK) 1 0.8 V tcI(CH-FL) I I tcI(CH-FH} ~~ >-->--- FSt~~_____.______~I~I~____________________~________- J I~ I . I ---.j ' - tcI(CH-DOUT) DOU,"* --(D1!)( DIN ~"D-1-5'""· D14 X ~1'. ~ D12 X D11 --l+-I Y tau(DIN) D14 J J """X D13 X-D-1-2 . 1" I .. I th(DIN) 14 ., D11 . >CO< D2 X D1 X DO ~'r-v. 1\......J,y../\ D2 X D1 X DO t The time between falling edges of two primary FS signals is the conversion period. :I: The data on DOUT are shifted out on the rising edge of the shift clock, and the data on DIN are shifted in on the falling edge of the shift clock. . Figure 4-2. AIC Stand-Alone and Master-Mode Timing I+- tf(SCLK) I SCLK 2V I 14 I~I -h.! § r:st \l. I I DOm . DIN ~ ~. tcI(CH-DOUT) t ~ .,4 X 'S ~. D12 XD11 . tau (DIN) --@)( --1+1 D14 1 ~.t13 .~"-D1-2'""X D11 th(DIN) 14 r I >CO< >CO< D2 X D1 X DO .D2 X D1 X DO ~ >-->--- t The time between falling edges of two primary FS signals is the conversion period. :I: The data on DOUT are shifted out on the rising edge of the shift clock, and the data on DIN are shifted in on the falling edge of the shift clock. § The high-to-Iow transition of FS must must occur within ±1/4 of a shift-clock period around the 2-V level of the shift clock. Figure 4-3. AIC Slave and Cod,c Emulation Mode 7-166 I SCLK \ I I I I I I 14 FSD 0.8>J.. I'll r \ 2.4/1 ~ SCLK Per\odl2 1 I ~I 1 tct(CH-FL) 0.8~ Fa NOTE: Timing shown is for the TLC320AC01 operating as the master or as a stand-alone device. Figure 4-4. Master or Stand-Alone FI and m Timing 0.8~"__________ I ~ tct(FL-FDL) ------------0-.8-~.. 1 _________________ NOTE: Timing shown is for the TLC320AC01 operating in the slave mode (i=! and SCLK signals are generated externally). The programmed data value in the FSD register is O. Figure 4-5. Slave FI to FSD TIming SCLK 2.4Vj2 ___ II -+I \ 'r.. / 0.8 V'",.___. \'-___r tct(CH-FDL) ------~-8~1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ NOTE: Timing shown is. for the TLC320AC01 operating in the slave mode (~ and SCLK signals are generated extemally). There is a data value in the FSD register greater than 18 decimal. Figure 4 - 8. Slave SCLK to ]!II) Timing 7-167 SCLK •.8~~_..J/ _....;;Ij21 , 1++ DOUT HI-Z \ ____ . Id(CH-DOUT) ~2.4V X 2.4V \~ __0.~4_V______________-,. ~._0._4_V______ Figure 4-7. DOUT Enable Timing From H.I-Z SCLK 0.8~ 2V;f / ., ~ Id(CH-DOUTZ) HI-Z I 0.8/ DOUT Figure 4-8. DOUT Delay Timing to Hi-Z !4-14~.1-1I 1 MCLK ____ Id(ML-EH) -J;r~----0.8~)l~_+i-----~~~0.-8-V-----------I I -+I II.-~ .1 tr(EH) EOC !~~2-.4~V~----~~I~j------2-.4~vN~· ________....;0.;.;..4..;.V~¥ I I 14 . I _0.4 V 1 Internal ADC Conversion Time Figure 4-9. EOC Frame Timing 7-168 Id(ML-EL) --I I+1 ., tf(EL) ~ .1 1 Master FS Master FSD, Slave Device 1 FS Delay Is m Shift Clockst 1 I I I I LJ 14114f----.....- Delay Is m Shift Clockst I------i 1-1 JI I 1 ~ Delay Is m Shift Clockst I I I Slave Device 1 FSD, Slave Device 2 FS I 1 I I I I I I -- !-I----------------------~U I iI Slave Device 2 FSD, Slave Device 3 FS Slave Device (n -1) FSD, Slave Device n FS I LJr------ I t The delay time from any FS signals to the corresponding FSD signals is m shift clocks with the value of m being the numerical value of the data programmed into the FSD register. In the master mode with slaves, the same data word programs the master and all slave devices; therefore, master to slave 1, slave 1 to slave 2, slave 2 to slave 3, etc., have the same delay time. Figure 4-10. Master-Slave Frame-Sync Timing After a Delay Has Been Programmed Into the FSD Registers t=o t=1 Sampling ~ Period . I r r-i MasterAIC Only Primary Frame Sync FS MasterAIC Only Primary and Secondary Frame Sync ~\ '\-oj 1=2 I I H ~' '~' tMP1 Ie ~ 1M.! I.~ ~FSD~ 1M.! 1 I I IMPI I IMPI 1/2 Period I I I I' I r-i ~~~ ~, r - i ~' FS iiiil 1M.! II I I IMP! ' I -~\II IW~hrl\ I i i i U U Master and Slave FS AICPrimary Frame Sync Master and Slave AIC Primary and Secondary Frame Sync I ISP I ISPI Fs---U-U1.J-viJiJUu-UiJLru MP = Master Primary MS Master Secondary = ISP MP SP MS SS MP SP MS SS MP SP MS SS = SP Slave Primary SS =Slave Secondary Figure 4-11. Master and Slave Frame-Sync Sequence with One Slave 7-169 7-170 5 , Typical Characteristics ADC LOW-PASS RESPONSE 0 = TA 25°C FCLK 144 kHz = -10 III -20 'tJ I 6 ! -30 i =- CC -40 r~ II -50 :-- ~ ~I -60 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 fl -Input Frequency - kHz 9 10 Figure 5-1 ADC LOW-PASS RESPONSE o.5 o.4 I. .' I TA =25°C FCLK = 144 kHz O. 3 0.2 III 'tJ I I! c cc o.1 0 ~ ..... -0.1 -0.2 r-..... - ~ ,/ r'\ -0.3 -0.4 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 fl -Input Frequency - kHz 3.5 4 Figure 5-2 NOTE: Absolute Frequency (kHz) Normalized Frequency x FCLK (kHz) 144 7-171 ADC GROUP DELAY 1 TA = 25°C FCLK = 144 kHz O. 9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 ~ -' 0.1 o o 1 2 J J \. ......... - " 3 4 5 6 7 8 fl -Input Frequency - kHz 9 10 Figure 5-3 ' ADC BAND·PASS RESPONSE °lr '\ -1 0 TA=25°C fs = 8 kHz FCLK = 144 kHz -20 -30 -40 I -50 -60 o 1/ ~ II 1 23456 fl-Input Frequency - kHz 7 8 Figure 5-4 NOTE : Absolute Frequency (kHz) 7-172 Normalized Frequency x FCLK (kHz) 144 ADC BAND·PASS RESPONSE o.5 TA = 25°C o.4 fs =8 kHz FCLK = 144 kHz 0.3 0.2 III 'a I c I :::s ! 0.1 o I -0.1 ..... V /' \ ~~ \ I -0.2 I -0.3 -0.4 -0.5 o 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 fl -Input Frequency - kHz 3.5 4 Figure 5-5 ADC HIGH·PASS RESPONSE 0 / -5 III / -10 / / 'a I g :;::I !! ! ~ -15 -20 -25 TA = 25°C fs 8 kHz FCLK =144 kHz = -30 o 50 100 150 200 fl -Input Frequency - kHz 250 FigureS-6 NOTE: Absolute Frequency (kHz) Normalized Frequency x FCLK (kHz) 144 7-173 ADC BAND-PASS GROUP DELAY 1 I I I TA = 25°C f.= 8 kHz FCLK = 144 kHz 0.9 0.8 0.7 I 0.8 I 0.5 II 0.4 0.3 0.2 '- 0.1 o o ~ / 2 1 "3 4 """ 5 It -Input Frequency - io-.... 8 kHz r- J 7 8 Figure 5-7 DAC LOW-PASS RESPONSE 0 " -10 ID '0 -20 TA = 25°C f.= 9.8 kHz FCLK = 144 kHz I c i -30 ! -40 ~ I~ -50 -80 / r-... !I \ lJ o 1 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 9 10 fl-Input Frequenoy - kHz Figure 5-8 NOTE : Absolute Frequency (kHz) = Normalized Frequency x FCLK (kHz) 144 7-174 DAC LOW-PASS RESPONSE o.5 o.4 T J TA =SoC f. =9.6 kHz FCLK = 144 kHz 0.3 0.2 CD "c I 0.1 t ! 0 -- - ~ '"'-h -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 -0.4 -0.5 o 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 fl -Input Frequency - kHz Figure 5-9 DAC LOW-PASS GROUP DELAY 1 TA~25ob I o.9 f- f. =9.6 kHz FCLK:: 144 kHz 0.8 0.7 I 0.6 I 0.5 j:: 0.4 ~ f 0.3 0.2 0.1 o o , \ / "- """"'" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 nr 8 9 10 fl -Input Frequency - kHz Figure 5-10 NOTE: Absolute Frequency (kHz) Normalized Frequency x FCLK (kHz) 144 7-175 DAC (slnx)lx CORRECTION FILTER RESPONSE 4 ~ 2 '8I / ......... V V 1\, ~ \ ./ o r- ! i \ -2 \ -4 \ TA=25°C Input = ± Joy Sine Wave -6 o I I I I I 2 4 6 8 10 ~ 12 14 16 18 20 Normalized Frequency Figure 5-11 DAC (sin x)lx CORRECTION FILTER RESPONSE 500 TA=25OC Input = ± SOY Sine Wave 400 Vr\ ~ I f I 300 I i\ 200 100 l./ \ V " ~ o o 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Normalized Frequency Figure 5-12 NOTE: Absolute Frequency (kHz) 7-176 = Normalized Frequency x FCLK (kHz) 288, DAC (sin x)/x CORRECTION ERROR 2 TA=25°C Input = ± 3-V Sine Wave 1.8 V (81n x) Ix Correction 0.8 III I - 0.4 ......... 0 ~ ~ V I" V I Error ~ 04 '- • -0.8 ~ "" "'" ~ -1.2 19;2-kHz (81n x) i\.. Distortion ,~ "\ t\. -1.8 -2 If ~ 1.2 "i' V / o 1 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 9 10 Normalized Frequency Figure 5-13 NOTE: Absolute Frequency (kHz) = Normalized Frequency x FCLK (kHz) 288 7-177 7-178 6 Application Information . TMS320C2x13x TLC320AC01 DACVDD 14 CLKOUT 10 DX DR FSX .FSR CLKX CLKR .... 11 - --:r --:r 12 MCLK DACVMID DIN DACGND DOUT 8 7 5V t ;::: :::: 0.1 0.1 24 FS 5V 23 ;::: :::: 0.1 J.Lf 2 2 + 0.1 ADCGND SCLK 9 - J.Lf 5V DGTLVDD DGTLGND J.Lf J.Lf ADCVDD ADCVMID 13 5 20 :::::1: -:.... DGND 0.1 J.Lf _ .... AGND Figure 6-1. Stand-Alone Mode (to DSP Interface) TMS320C2x13x TLC320AC01 . . CLKOUT DX FSR CLKX CLKR 10 r - .... 11 DR FSX 14 .... h-1 h-1 12 13 MCLK DIN DOUT FS SCLK Figure 6-2. Codec Mode (to DSP Interface) Terminal numbers shown are for the FN package. 7-179 TMS320C2xJ3x TLC320AC01 .,14 ... 10 ... CLKOUT DX DR FSX FSR CLKX .. .. - 11 .... 12 W .. - MCLK DIN DOUT Master Mode FS FSD 13 SCLK CLKR· ~ TLC320AC01 .,14 .,10 11 MCLK DIN DOUT ~ FS , 4 ~ FSD .,13 SlaveMod~ SCLK ~ Terminal numbers shown are for the FN package. _ Figure 6-3. Master With Slave (to DSP Interface) 10kn 10kn IN+ 10kn 10kn ADCVMID IN. TLE2022 t The VI source must be capable of sinking a current equal to [ADe VMID + IVII(max)]/10 1<0. Figure 6-4. Single-Ended Input (Ground Referenced) 7-180 IN+ 10kn 10kn 10kn Vlt -..JV\/'v--.....- - I 10kn IN- 10kn 1 - - - - - - - - ADC VMID 10kn tThe VI source must be capable of sinking a current equal to [(ADe VMloI2) + IVII(max)]f10 kO. Figure 6-5. Single-Ended to Differential Input (Ground Referenced) OUT- 600-0 Load OUT+ Figure 6-6. Differential Load 10kn 10kn OUT- 1---'VV'v----tlI------t OUT+ 1--..JV1/'v----tlI------I 10kn -::- 600-0 Load -::- NOTE: When a signal changes from a single supply with a nonzero reference system to a grounded load. the operational amplifier must be powered from plus and minus supplies or the load must be capacitively coupled. Figure 6-7. Differential Output Drive (Ground Referenced) 7-181 OUT+~--------~ 6O()"C Load OUT-t------I Figure 6-8. Low-Impedance Output Drive 100kC 100kC OUT+ 1--"v".At----...---I DAC VMID I--..J\/\/'v--.....- - I 100kC 6O()"C Load TLE2062 NOTE: When a signal changes from a single supply with a nonzero reference system to a grounded load, the operational amplifier must be powered from plus and minus supplies or the load must be capacitively coupled. Figure 6-9. Single-Ended Output Drive (Ground Referenced) 7-182 Appendix A Primary Control Bits The function of the primary-word control bits 001 and 000 and the hardware terminals FCO and FC1 are shown below. Any combinational state of 001, 000, FC1, and FCO not shown is ignored. CONTROL FUNCTION OF CONTROL BITS BITS TERMINALS D01 DOO FC1 FCO 0 0 0 0 On the next falling edge of FS, the AIC receives OAC data 015-002 to OIN and transmits the AOC data 015- 000 from OOUT. 0 0 0 1 On the next falling edge of FS, the AIC receives OAC data 015-002 to OIN and transmits the AOC data 015- 000 from OOUT. The phase adjustment is determined by the state of FC1 and FCO such that on the next rising edge of the next internal FS, the next AOC/OAC sampling time occurs later by the number of MCLK periods equal to the value contained in the A' register. When the A' register value is negative, the internal falling edge of FS occurs earlier. 0 0 1 0 On the next falling edge of FS, the AIC receives OAC data 015-002 at OIN and transmits the AOC data 015-000 from OOUT. The phase adjustment is determined by the state of FC1 and FCO such that on the rising edge of the next intemal FS, the next AOC/OAC sample time occurs earlier by the number of MCLK periods determined by the value contained in the A' register. When the A' register value is negative, the internal falling edge of FS occurs later. 0 0 1 1 On the next falling edge of the primary FS, the AIC receives OAC data 015- 002 at OIN and transmits the AOC data 015-000 from OOUT. When FCO and FC1 are both taken high, the AIC initiates a secondary FS to receive a secondary control word at OIN. The secondary frame sync~urs at 1/2 the sampling time as measl,lred from the falling edge of the primary FS. 0 1 0 0 On the next falling edge of FS, the AIC receives OAC data 015-002 to OIN and transmits the AOC data 015-000 from OOUT. The phase adjustm.!!!t is determined by the state of 001 and 000 such that on the next rising edge of FS, the next AOC/OAC sampling time occurs later by the number of MCLK periods determined by the value contained in the A' register. When the A' register value is negative, the falling edge of FS occurs earlier. 1 0 0 0 On the next falling edge of FS, the AIC receives OAC data 015-002 at OIN and transmits the AOC data 015- 000 from OOUT. The phase adjustment is determined by the state of 001 and 000. On the next rising edge of FS, the next AOC/OAC sampling time occurs earlier by the number of MCLK periods determined by the value contained in the A' register. When the A' register value is negative, the internal falling edge of FS occurs later. 1 1 0 0 On the next falling edge ofFS, the AIC receives OAC data 015-002 to OIN and transmits the AOC data 015-000 from OOUT. When 000 and 001 are both high, the AIC initiates a secondary FS to receive a secondary control word at OIN. The secondary frame sync occurs at 1/2 the sampling time as measured from the falling edge of the primary FS. 7-183 CONTROL FUNCTION OF CONTROL BITS (Continued) BITS TERMINALS D01 DOO FC1 FCO 0 1 1 1 On the next falling edge of FS, the Aid receives OAC data 015-002 to DIN and transmits the AOC data 015-000 from OOUT. The phase adjustment is determined by the state of 001 and 000 such that on the next rising edge of FS, the next AOC/OAC sampling time occurs later by the number of MCLK periods determined by the value contained in the A' register. When the A' register value is negative, FS occurs earlier. When FCO and FC1 are both taken high, the AIC initiates a secondary FS to receive a secondary control word at DIN. The secondary frame sync occurs at 1/2 the sampling time as measured from the falling edge of the primary FS. 1 0 ,1 1 On the next falling edge of FS, the AIC receives OAC data 015-002 at DIN and transmits the AOC data 015-000 from OOUT. The phase adjustment is determined by the state of 001 and 000. On the next rising edge of FS, the next AOC/OAC sample time occurs earlier by the number of MCLK periods determined by the value contained in the A' register. When the A' register value is negative, FS occurs later. When FCO and FC1 are both taken high, the AIC initiates a secondary FS to receive a secondary control word at DIN. The secondary frame sync occurs at 1/2 the , sampling time as measured from the falling edge of the primary FS. 1 1 1 1 On the next falling edge of the primary FS, 'the AIC receives OAC data 015-002 at DIN and transmits the AOC data 015-000 from OOUT. When FC1 and FCO are both high or 001 and 000 are both high, the AIC initiates a secondary FS to receive a secondary control word at DIN. The secondaryfS occurs at 1/2 the sampling time measured from the falling edge of the primary FS. 1 1 0 1 On the next failing edge of FS, the AIC receives OAC data 015-002 to DIN and transmits the AOC data 015-000 from OOUT. When 000 and 001 are high, the AIC initiates a secondary FS to receive a secondary control word atOIN. The secondary frame sync occurs at 1/2 the sampling time as measured from the falling edge of the primary FS. The phase adjustment is determined by the state of FC1 and FCO such that on the next rising edge of FS, the next AOC/OAC sampling time occurs later by the number of MCLK periods determined by the value contained in the A' register. When the A' register value is negative, FS occurs earlier. 1 1 1 0 On the next falling edge of FS, the AIC receives OAC data 015-002 to DIN and transmits the AOC data 015-000 from OOUT. When 000 and 001 are high, the AIC initiates a secondary FS to receive a secondary control word at DIN. The secondary frame sync occurs at 1/2 the sampling time as measured from the falling edge of the primary FS. The phase adjustment is determined by the state of FC1 and FCO such that on the next rising edge of FS, the next AOC/OAC samF?ling time occurs later by the number of MCLK periods determined by the value contained in the A' register. When the A' register value is negative, FS occurs earlier. 1 1 1 1 On the next falling edge of FS, the AIC receives OAC data 015-002 at DIN and transmits the AOC data 015-000 from OOUT. When FC1 and FCO are both high or 001 and 000 are both high, the AIC Initiates a secondary FS to receive a secondary control word at DIN. The seconda~s occurs at 1/2 the sampling time measured from the falling edge of the primary F . 7-184 Appendix B Secondary Communications The function of the control bits 0515 and 0514 and the hardware terminals FCO and FC1 are shown below. Any combinational state of 0515, 0514, FC1, and FCO not shown is ignored. CONTROL FUNCTION OF SECONDARY COMMUNICATION BITS OS15 0$14 TERMINALS FC1 FCO 0 0 Ignored On the next falling edge of FS, the AIC receives OAC data 015-002 at DIN and transmits the AOC data 015-000 from OOUT. 0 1 Ignored On the next falling edge of the FS, the AIC receives OAC data 015- 002 at OIN and transmits the AOC data 015-000 from OOUT. The phase adjustment is determined by the state of OS 15 and OS14 such that on the next rising edge of FS, the next AOC/OAC sampling time occurs later by the number of MCLK periods determined by the value contained in the A' register. When the A' register value is negative, FS occurs earlier. 1 0 Ignored On the next falling edge of FS, the AIC receives OAC data 015-002 at OIN and transmits the AOC data 015-000 from OOUT. The phase adjustment is determined by the state of 001 and 000. On the next rising edge of FS, the next AOC/OAC sampling time occurs earlier by the number of MCLK periods determined by the value contained in the A' register. When the A' register value is negative, FS occurs later. 1 1 0 0 On the next falling edge of FS, the AIC receives OAC data 015-002 at OIN and transmits the AOC data 015-000 from OOUT. 1 1 0 1 On the next falling edge of the FS, the AIC receives OAC data 015- 002 at OIN and transmits the AOC data 015-000 from OOUT. The phase adjustment is determined by the state of FC1 and FCO such that on the next rising edge of FS, the next AOC/OAC sampling time occurs later by the number of MCLK periods determined by the value contained in the A' register. When the A' register value is negative, FS occurs earlier. 1 1 1 0 On the next falling edge of FS, the AIC receives OAC data 015-002 at OIN and transmits the AOC data 015-000 from OOUT. The phase adjustment is determined by the state of FC1 and FCO such that on the next rising edge of FS, the next AOC/OAC sampling time occurs earlier by the number of MCLK periods determined by the value contained in the A' register. When the A' register value is negative, FS occurs later. 1 1 1 1 On the next falling edge of FS, the AIC receives OAC data 015-002 at OIN and transmits the AOC data 015-000 from OOUT. 7-185 7-186 Appendix C TLC320AC01 CITLC320AC02C Specification Comparisons Texas Instruments manufactures the TLC320AC01 C and the TLC320AC02C specified for the O°C to 70°C commercial temperature range and the TLC320AC021 specified for the -40°C to 85°C temperature range. The TLC320AC02C and TLC320AC021 operate at a relaxed TLC320AC01 C specification. The differences are listed in the following tables. ADC Channel Slgnal-to-Dlstortion Ratio, Voo Otherwise Noted) (see Note 1) PARAMETER TLC320AC01 TLC320AC02 TLC320AC01 TLC320AC02 TLC320AC01 TLC320AC02 TLC320AC01 TLC320AC02 TLC320AC01 TLC320AC02 TLC320AC01 TLC320AC02 _TLC320AC01 TLC320AC02 TLC320AC01 TLC320AC02 TEST CONDITIONS VI=-6dBto-1 dB VI- -12 dB to-6 dB VI VI =-18 dB to -12 dB =-24 dB to-18 dB VI - -30 dB to -24 dB VI - -36 dB to -30 dB VI = -42 dB to -36 dB VI • -48 dB to -42 dB =5 V, f8 =8 kHz (Unless AV=OdB AV=6dB MIN MIN 68 MAX - MAX AV= 12dB MIN MAX UNIT - 64 - 63 68 59 64 - 57 63 68 - 56 59 64 51 57 63 50 56 59 45 51 57 44 50 56 39 45 51 38 44 50 33 39 45 32 38 44 27 33 39 26 32 38 dB NOTE 1: The analog-input test signal is a 1020-Hz sine wave with 0 dB - 6 V peak to peak as the reference level for the analog input signal. 7-187 DAt Channel Signal-ta-Distortion Ratio, Voo = 5 V, fs :: 8 kHz (Unless Otherwise Noted) (see Note 2) PARAMETER TLC320AC01 TLC320AC02 TLC~OAC01 TLC320AC02 TLC320AC01 TLC320AC02 TLC320AC01 TLC3~OAC02 JLC320AC01 TLC320AC02 TLC320AC01 TLC320AC02 TLC320AC01 TLC320AC02 TLC320AC01 TLC320ACO~ TEST CONDITIONS Vo. -6 dB to 0 dB VO--12dBto-6dB Vo" -18 dB to-12 dB Vo" -24 dB to -18 dB Vo • -30 dB to -24 dB Vo. -36 dB to -30 dB Vo '" -42 dB to -36 dB Vo • -48 dB to -42 dB Ay=OdB MIN MAX Ay=-6dB MIN' ~AX 64 - 63 68 59 64 68 Ay=-12dB MIN - ",AX UNIT - 57 63 68 56 59 64 51 57 63 50 56 59 45 51 57 44 50 56 39 45 51 38 44 50 33 39 45 32 38 44 27 33 39 26 32 38 dB NOTE 2: The input signal, VI, is the digital equivalent of a 102()"Hz sine wave (full-scale analog output at full-scale digital input = 0 dB). The nominal differential CAC channel output with this input condition is 6 V peak to peak. The load impedance for the CAC output buffer is 600 a from OUT + to OUT -. 7-188 System Distortion, ADC Channel Attenuation, Voo FCLK 144 kHz (Unless Otherwise Noted) = PARAMETER TLC320AC01 TLC320AC02 TLC320AC01 =5 V, fs =8 kHz, TEST CONDITIONS Second harmonic Differential input (see Note 3) Third harmonic and higher harmonics MIN MAX UNIT 70 dB 64 dB 70 dB TLC320AC02 64 dB NOTE 3: The input signal is a 1020 Hz-sine wave for the ADC channel. Harmonic distortion is defined for an input level of-1 dB. System Distortion, DAC Channel Attenuation, Voo FCLK 144 kHz (Unless Otherwise Noted) = PARAMETER TLC320AC01 TLC320AC02 TLC320AC01 TLC320AC02 Second harmonic Third harmonic and higher harmonics =5 V, fs =8 kHz, TEST CONDITIONS Differential output (see Note 4) MIN MAX UNIT 70 dB 64 dB 70 dB 64 dB NOTE 4: The input signal is the digital equivalent of a 102O-Hz sine wave (digital full scale = 0 dB). The nominal differential DAC channel output with this input condition is 6 V peak to peak. The load impedance for the DAC output buffer is 600 n from OUT + to OUT -. Harmonic distortion is specified for a signal input level of 0 dB. 7-189 7-190 TLC320AC02C, TLC320AC021 Data Manual Single-Supply Analog Interface Circuit .1ExAs INSTRUMENTS 7-191 IMPORTANT NOTICE Texas Instruments (TI) reserves the right to make changes to its products or to discontinue any semiconductor product or service witho\Jt notiqe, and advises its customers to obtain the latest version of relevant information to verify, before placing orders, that the information being relied on is current. TI warrants performance of its semiconductor products and related software to the specifications applicable at the time of sale in accordance with Tl's standard warranty. Testing and other quality control techniques are utilized to the extent TI deems necessary to support this warranty. Specific testing of all parameters of each device is not necessarily performed, except those mandated by government requirements. Certain applications using semiconductor products may involve potential risks of death, personal injury, or severe property or environmental damage ("Critical Applications'~. TI SEMICONDUCTOR PRODUCTS ARE NOT DESIGNED, INTENDED, AUTHORIZED, OR WARRANTED TO BE SUITABLE FOR USE IN LIFE-SUPPORT APPLICATIONS, DEVICES OR SYSTEMS OR OTHER CRITICAL APPLICATIONS. Inclusion of TI products in such applications is understood to be fully at the risk of the customer. Use of TI products in such applications requires the written approval of an appropriate TI officer. Questions concerning potential risk applications should be directed to TI through a local SC sales office. In order to minimize risks associated with the customer's applications, adequate design and operating safeguards should be provided by the customer to minimize inherent or procedural hazards. TI assumes no liability for applications assistance, customer product design, software performance, or infringement of patents or services described herein. Nor does TI warrant or represent that any license, either express or implied, is granted under any patent right, copyright, mask work right, or other intellectual property right of TI covering or relating to any combination, machine, or process in which such semiconductor products or services might be or are used. Copyright © 1995, Texas Instruments Incorporated 7-192 Contents Section 1 Title Introduction . ............................................................ 7-199 1.1 Features ............................................................ 1.2 Functional Block Diagram ............................................. 1.3 Terminal Assignments ................................................ 1.4 Terminal Functions ................................................... 1.5 Register Functional Summary ......................................... 2 Page 7-200 7-201 7-201 7-203 7-206 Detailed Description ..................................................... 7-207 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 Definitions and Terminology ........................................... Reset and Power-Down Functions ..................................... 2.2.1 Reset .............................................•.......... 2.2.2 Conditions of Reset ............................................ 2.2.3 Software and Hardware Power Down ............................. 2.2.4 Register Default Values After POR, Software Reset, or RESET Is Applied ........................................... Master-Slave Terminal Function ....................................... ADC Signal Channel ................................................. DAC Signal Channel ................................................. Serial Interface ...................................................... Number of Slaves ............................... '...................... Operating Frequencies ............................................... 2.8.1 Master and Stand-Alone Operating Frequencies .............•..... 2.8.2 Slave and Codec Operating Frequencies ......................... Switched-Capacitor Filter Frequency (FCLK) ............................ Filter Bandwidths .................................................... Required Minimum Number of MCLK Periods ........................... Master and Stand-Alone Modes :...................................... 2.12.1 Register Programming .......................................... 2.12.2 Master and Stand-Alone Functional Sequence ..................... Slave and Codec Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 2.13.1 Slave and Codec Functional Sequence ........................... 2.13.2 Slave Register Programming .................................... Terminal Functions ................................................... 2.14.1 Frame-Sync Function .......................................... 2.14.2 Data Out (DOUT) .............................................. 2.14.3 Data In (DIN) .................................................. 2.14.4 Hardware Program Terminals (FC1 and FCO) ...................... 2.14.5 Midpoint Voltages (ADC VMID and DAC VMID) ..................... Device Functions .................................................... 7-207 7-208 7-208 7-208 7-208 7-208 7-210 7-210 7-210 7-210 7-211 7-212 7-212 7-212 7-212 7-212 7-212 7-212 7-213 7-213 7-213 7-214 7-214 7-214 7-214 7-215 7-215 7-215 7-216 7-216 7-193 Contents (Continued) Section Page 7-216 7-217 7-217 7-217 7-217 7-218 7-218 7-218 Specifications ••••.•..•..••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••.•.•••••••••.• 3.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings Over Operating Free-Air Temperature Range ... 3.2 Recommended Operating Conditions ................................... 3.3 Electrical Characteristics Over Recommended Range of Operating Free-Air Temperature. MCLK = 5.184 MHz, Voo =5 V, Outputs Unloaded, Total Device ......................................................... 3.4 Electrical Characteristics Over Recommended Range of Operating Free-Air Temperature, Voo = 5 V, Digital 1/0 Terminals (DIN, DOUT, EOC, FCO, FC1, FS, FSD, MCLK, Mis, SCLK) .•.............................. 3.5 Electrical Characteristics Over Recommended Range of Operating Free-Air Temperature, Voo = 5 V, ADC and DAC Channels ............... 3.5.1 ADC Channel Filter Transfer Function, FCLK = 144kHz, f8 = 8 kHz .. 7-229 7-229 7-229 2.16 2.17 2.18 2.19 2.20 3 Title. 2.15; 1 Phase Adjustment ............................................. 2.15.2 Analog Loopback ................ ; ............................. 2.15.316-Bit Mode ................................................... 2.15.4 Free-Run Mode ................................................ 2.15.5 Force Secondary Communication ................................ 2.15.6 Enable Analog Input Summing ................................... 2.15.7 DAC Channel (sin x)/x Error Correction ........................... Serial Communications ......................................•........ 2.16.1 Stand-Alone and Master-Mode Word Sequence and Information Content During Primary and Secondary Communications ........... 2.16.2 Siave- and Codec-Mode Word Sequence and Information Content During Primary and Secondary Communications ................... Request for Secondary Serial Communication and Phase Shift ...... ; ..... 2.17.1 Initiating a Request ............................................ 2.17.2 Normal Combinations of Control ................................. 2.17.3 Additional Control Options ...................................... Primary Serial Communications ........................................ 2.18.1 Primary Serial Communications Data Format ., .................... 2.18.2 Data Format From DOUT During Primary Serial Communications .... Secondary Serial Communications ...........•......................... 2.19.1 Data Format to DIN During Secondary Serial Communications ....... 2.19.2 Control Data-Bit Function in Secondary Serial Communication ....... Internal Register Format .............................................. 2.20.1 Pseudo-Register 0 (No-Op Address) ............................. 2.20.2 Register 1 (A Register) ......................................... 2.20.3 Register 2 (B Register) ......................................... 2.20.4 Register 3 (A' Register) .................... , .................... 2.20.5 Register 4 (Amplifier Gain-Select Register) ........................ 2.20.6 Register 5 (Analog Configuration Register) ........................ 2.20.7 Register 6 (Digital Configuration Register) ......................... 2.20.8 Register 7 (Frame-Sync Delay Register) .......................... 2.20.9 Register 8 (Frame-Sync Number Register) ........................ 7-194 7-218 7-219 7-220 7-220 7-220 7-220 7-221 7-222 7-222 7-222 7-222 7-222 7-223 7-223 7-223 7-224 7-224 7-225 7-225 7-226 7-226 7-227 7-230 7-230 7-230 7-230 Contents (Continued) Section Title 3.5.2 ADC Channel Input, Voo = 5 V, Input Amplifier Gain = 0 dB ......... 3.5.3 ADC Channel Signal-to-Distortion Ratio, Voo = 5 V, fs = 8 kHz ...... 3.5.4 DAC Channel Filter Transfer Function, FCLK = 144 kHz, fs = 9.6 kHz, Voo = 5 V ......................................... 3.5.5 DAC Channel Signal-to-Distortion Ratio, Voo = 5 V, fs = 8 kHz ...... 3.5.6 System Distortion, VOO =5 V, fs =8 kHz, FCLK = 144 kHz ......... 3.5.7 Noise, Low-Pass and Band-Pass Switched-Capacitor Filters Included, Voo = 5 V .................................................... 3.5.8 Absolute Gain Error, VOO = 5 V, fs = 8 kHz ................•....... 3.5.9 Relative Gain and Dynamic Range, Voo = 5 V, fs = 8 kHz ........... 3.5.10 Power-Supply Rejection, Voo =5 V .............................. 3.5.11 Crosstalk Attenuation, Voo =5 V ................................ 3.5.12 Monitor Output Characteristics, Voo =5 V ........................ 3.6 Timing Requirements and Specifications in Master Mode ................. 3.6.1 Recommended Input Timing Requirements for Master Mode, Voo = 5 V .................................................... 3.6.2 Operating Characteristics Over Recommended Range of Operating Free-Air Temperature, Voo = 5 V ....................... 3.7 Timing Requirements and Specifications in Slave Mode and Codec Emulation Mode ..................................................... 3.7.1 Recommended Input Timing Requirements for Slave Mode, Voo = 5 V .................................................... 3.7.2 Operating Characteristics Over Recommended Range of Operating Free-Air Temperature, Voo =5 V ....................... 4 Page 7-231 7-231 7-231 7-232 7-232 7-233 7-233 7-233 7-234 7-234 7-235 7-236 7-236 7-236 7-237 7-237 7-237 Parameter Measurement Information ...........•.........•................ 7-239 5· Typical Characteristics .........•.••.••.•..••.••....•..•..•..•....•.••..•. 7-245 6 Application Information .•............•.................••.•.•............ 7-253 Appendix A Primary Control Bits •. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7-257 Appendix B Secondary Communications ...............................•..... 7-259 Appendix C TLC320AC01CITLC320AC02C Specification Comparisons ....•..... 7-261 7-195 List of Illustrations Figure Title 1-1 Control Flow Diagram ........................... -. .................... 2-1 Functional Sequence for Primary and Secondary Communication .......... 2-2 Master and Stand-Alone Functional Sequence .................•......... 2-3 Slave and Codec Functional Sequence ................................. 4-1 IN+ and IN- Gain-Control Circuitry ..................................... 4-2 AIC Stand-Alone and Master-Mode liming ......................•....... 4-3 AIC Slave and Codec Emulation Mode ........................... ; ..... 4-4 Master or Stand-Alone FS and FSD liming ............................... 4-5 Slave FS to FSD liming •............................................. 4-6 Slave SCLK to FSD liming ............................................ 4-7 DOUT .Enable liming from Hi-Z ........................................ 4-8 DOUT Delay liming to Hi-Z ........................................... 4-9 EOC Frame liming .................................................. 4-1 oMaster-Slave Frame-Sync liming After a Delay Has Been Programmed into the FSD Registers ...............•................... 4-11 Master and Slave Frame-Sync Sequence with One Slave ................. 5-1 ADC Low-Pass Response ............................................ 5-2 ADC Low-Pass Response ............................................ 5-3 ADC Group Delay .................................................... 5-4 ADC Band-Pass Response ........................................... 5-5 ADC Band-Pass Response ........................................... 5-6 ADC High-Pass Response ............................................ 5-7 ADC Band-Pass Group Delay ......................................... 5-8 DAC Low-Pass Response ............................................ 5-9 DAC Low-Pass Response ............................................ 5-10DAC Low-Pass Group Delay .......................................... 5-11 DAC (sin x)/x Correction Filter Response ...................•...........• 5-12DAC (sin x)/x Correction Filter Response ............................... 5-13 DAC (sin x)/x Correction Error ......................................... 6-1 Stand-Alone Mode (to DSP Interface) .... :1 ..........•.................. 6-2 Codec Mode (to DSP Interface) ........................................ 6-3 Master With Slave (to DSP Interface) ................................... 6-4 Single-Ended Input (Ground Referenced) .... '........................... 6-5 Single-Ended to Differential Input (Ground Referenced) ................... 6-6 Differential Load ..................................................... 6-7 Differential Output Drive (Ground Referenced) ........................... 6-8 Low-Impedance Output Drive .......................................... 6-9 Single-Ended Output Drive (Ground Referenced) ........................ 7-196 Page 7-205 7-211 7-219 7-219 7-239 7-240 7-240 7-241 7-241 7-241 7-242 7-242 7-242 7-243 7-243 7-245 7-245 7-246 7-246 7-247 7-247 7-248 7-248 7-249 7-249 7-250 7-250 7-251 7-253 7-253 7-254 7-254 7-255 7-255 7-255 7-256 7-256 List of Tables Table 1-1 2-1 2-2 2-3 Title Operating Frequencies ............................................... Master-Slave Selection ............................................... Sampling Variation With A' ............................................ Software and Hardware Requests for Secondary Serial-Communication and Phase-Shift Truth Table ............................................... 4-1 Gain Control {Analog Input Signal Required for Full-Scale Bipolar AID Conversion 2s Complement} ...................................... Page 7-205 7-210 7-216 7-221 7-239 7-197 7-198 1 Introduction The TLC320AC02t analog interface circuit (AIC) is an audio-band processor that provides an analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog input/output interface system on a single monolithic CMOS chip. This device integrates a band-pass switched-capacitor antiallasing input filter, a 14-bit-resolution analog-to-digital converter (ADC), a 14-bit-resolution digital-to-analog converter (DAC) , a low-pass switched-capacitor output-reconstruction filter, (sin x)/x compensation, and a serial port for data and control transfers. The internal circuit configuration and performance parameters are determined by reading control information into the eight available data registers. The register data are used to set up the device for a given mode of operation and application. The major functions of the TLC320AC02 are: 1. To convert audio-signal data to digital format by the ADC channel 2. To provide the interface and control logic to transfer data between its serial input and output terminals and a digital signal processor (DSP) or microprocessor 3. To convert received digital data back to an audio signal through the DAC channel The antialiasing input low-pass filter is a switched-capacitor filter with a sixth-order elliptic characteristic. The high-pass filter is a single-pole filter to preserve low-frequency response as the low-pass filter cutoff is adjusted. There is a three-pole continuous-time filter that precedes this filter to eliminate any aliasing caused by the filter clock signal. The output-reconstruction switched-capacitor filter is a sixth-order elliptic transitional low-pass filter followed by a second-order (sin x)/x correction filter. This filter is followed by a three-pole continuous-time filter to eliminate images of the filter clock signal. The TLC320AC02 consists of two signal-processing channels, an ADC channel and a DAC channel, and the associated digital control. The two channels operate synchronously; data reception at the DAC channel and data transmission from the ADC channel occur during the same time interval. The data transfer is in 2s-complement format. There are three basic modes of operation available: the stand-alone analog-interface mode, the master-slave mode, and the linear-codec mode. In the stand-alone mode, the TLC320AC02 generates the shift clock and frame synchronization for the data transfers and isthe only AIC used. The master-slave mode has one TLC320AC02 as the master that generates the master-shift clock and frame synchronization; the remaining AICs are slaves to these signals. In the linear-codec mode, the shift clock and the framesynchronization signals are externally generated and the timing can be any of the standard codec-timing patterns. Typical applications for this device include modems, speech processing, analog interface for DSPs, industrial-process control, acoustical-signal processing, spectral analysis, data acquisition, and instrumentation recorders. The TLC320AC021 is characterized for operation from -40·C to 85·C, and the TLC320AC02C is characterized for operation from O·C to 70·C. t The TLC320AC02 is functionally equivalent to the TLC320AC01 and differs only in the electrical specifications as shown in Appendix C. 7-199 1.1 Features • General-Purpose Signal-Processing Analog Front End (AFE) • Single 5-V Power Supply • Power Dissipation ... 100 mW Typ • Signal-to-Distortion Ratio .•• 70 dB Typ • Programmable Filter Bandwidths (up to 10.8 kHz) and Synchronous ADC and DAC Sampling • Serial-Port Interface • Monitor Output With Programmable Gains of 0 dB, -8 dB, -18 dB, and Squelch • Two Sets of Differential Inputs With Programmable Gains of 0 dB, 6 dB, 12 dB, and Squelch • Differential or Single-Ended Analog Output With Programmable Gains of 0 dB, -6 dB, -12 dB, and Squelch • Differential Outputs Drive 3-V Peak into a 600-0 Differential Load • Differential Architecture Throughout • 1-jJIT1 Advanced LinEPICTM Process • 14-Bit Dynamic-Range ADC and DAC • 2s-Complement Data Format LinEPIC is a trademark of Texas Instruments Incorporated. 7-200 1.2 Functional Block Diagram IN + :,2~-t---........-.r:~ IN- 25=-~I--"""" AUX IN+ ~"""'I--"""" AUX IN- 2~7:"""'+-Lr---..;~ 1--I---..,~1:...:1 DOUT 1--I....,~1:.=2 FS MONOUT~1~+-I--------~ 1--I+-....;1~4 MCLK 1--I....,~1!!:3 SCLK MlS-,1~..... FCO -,1~5-"-I FC1 -,1~8-"-I 1--1+--,1..,0 DIN t-t--+...;.;17 FSD OUT + ..;:3:'--+iH." OUT __4___++0 1--I---..,~1~9 EOC 9 DOTL VDD ADC VMID 24 ADC VDD DAC VMID Terminal numbers shown are for the FN package. 1.3 Terminal Assignments FNPACKAGE (TOP VIEW) I ~~+l +lEio~~ ........ ~oZxx + ::l ::J :::) ::l Z 00 DACVOO DACVMIO DACGND ~ DGTLVOO DIN DOUT 5 ::tcCcC- 4 3 2 282726 0 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1415 16 1718 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 INADCVOO ADCVMIO ADCGND SUBS DGTLGND EOC Ife:S :s 8 0 I~ I~ ()()IJ..IJ..IJ.. Cf)::t 7-201 1.3 Terminal Assignments (Continued) PM PACKAGE (TOP VIEW) 8 > 0 I- ~ e 1 0 ~ ()()()()()g()ffi()()~()()~()~ zzzzzoza:zzozzozo 64 63 62 61 60 5958 57 56 55 5453 5251 50 49 10 ~ 2 Q 3 46 4 5 OUT- 6 OO~ 7 PWR OWN NC NC 8 NC 9 MONOUT 10 11 12 13 14 15 34 16 33 17 18 1920 21 22 23 242526 27 28 29 30 31 32 NC - No internal connection 7-202 NC NC NC. AUXIN+ AUXININ+ IN- NC NC 1.4 Terminal Functions TERMINAL NAME NO.t I/O DESCRIPTION ADCVDD 24 NO.* 32 I Analog supply voltage for the ADC channel ADCVMID 23 30 0 Midsupply for the ADC channel (requires a bypass capacitor). ADC VMID must be buffered when used as an extemal reference. ADCGND 22 27 I Analog ground for the ADC channel AUXIN+ 28 38 I Noninverting input to auxiliary analog input amplifier AUXIN- 27 37 I Inverting input to auxiliary analog input amplifier DACVDD 5 49 I Digital supply voltage for the DAC channel DACVMID 6 51 0 Midsupply for the DAC channel (requires a bypass capacitor). DAC VMID must be buffered when used as an extemal reference. 7 54 I Analog ground for the DAC channel DIN DACGND 10 1 I Data input. DIN is used to receive the DAC input data and command information and is synchronized with SCLK. DOUT 11 3 0 Data output. This terminal outputs the ADC data results and register read contents. DOUT is synchronized with SCLK. Digital supply voltage.for control logic DGTLVDD DGTLGND 9 59 I 20 Digital ground for control logic 19 22 17 I EOC 0 End-of-conversion output. EOC goes high at the start of the ADC conversion period and low when conversion is complete. EOC remains low until the next ADC conversion period begins and indicates the intemal device conversion period. FCO 15 11 I Hardware control input. FCO is used in conjunction with FC1 to request secondary communication and phase adjustments. FCOshould be tied low if it is not used. FC1 16 12 I Harqware control input. FC1 is used in conjunction with FCO to request secondary communication and phase adjustments. FC1 should be tied low if it is not used. FS 12 4 I/O Frame synchronization. When FS goes low, DIN begins receiving data bits and DOUT begins transmitting data bits. In master mode, FS is low during the simultaneous 16-bit transmission to DIN and from DOUT. In slave mode, FS is externally generated and must be low for one shift-clock period minimum to initiate the data transfer. FSD 17 14 0 Frame synchronization delayed output. This active-low output is used to synchronize a slave device to the frame synchronization timing of the master device. FSD is applied to the slave FS input and is the same duration as the master FS signal but delayed in time by the number of shift clocks programmed in the FSD register. Noninverting input to analog input amplifier IN+ 26 36 I IN- 25 35 I Inverting input to analog input amplifier MCLK 14 10 I The master clock input is used to drive all the key logic signals of the AIC. 1 40 0 The monitor output allows monitoring of analog input and is a high-impedance output. 18 16 I MONOUT MIS Master/slave select input. When M/S is high, the device is the master and when low, it is a slave. t Terminal numbers shown are for the FN package. :I: Terminal numbers shown are for the PM package. 7-203 1.4 Terminal Functions (Continued) TERMINAL NAME NO.t 1/0 DESCRIPTION 0 Noninverting output of analog output power amplifier. OUT+ can drive transformer hybrids or high-impedance loads directly In a differential connection or a single-ended configuration with a buffered VMID. OUT+ 3 NO.* 43 OUT- 4 46 0 Inverting output of analog output power amplifier. OUT-is functionally identical with and complementary to OUT+. PWRDWN 2 42 I Power-down input. When PWR DWN is taken low, the device is powered down such that the existing intemally programmed state is maintained. When PWR DWN is brought high, full operation resumes. RESET 8 57 I Reset inputthat initializes the intemal counters and control registers. RESET initiates the serial data communications, initializes all of the registers to their default values, and puts the device in a preprogrammed state. After a low-going pulse on RESET, the device registers are initialized to provide a 16-kHz data-conversion rate and 7.2-kHz filter bandwidth for a 10.368-MHz master clock input signal. SClK 13 8 I/O Shift clock. SClK clocks the digital data into DIN and out of DOUT during the frame-synchronization interval. When configured as an output (MIS high), SClK is generated intemally by dividing the master clock signal frequency by four. When configured as an input (MIS low), SClK is generated extemally and synchronously to the master clock. This signal is used to clock the serial data into and out of the device. SUBS 21 24 'I Substrate connection. SUBS should be tied to ADC GND. t Terminal numbers shown are for the FN package. =1= Terminal numbers shown are. for the PM package. 7-204 I Processor ~ 5.1B4MHz 10.368 MHz - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - MCLt<; Divide by 4 I . SCLK 1.296MHz 2.592 MHz p A Register + A' Register (8 bits) 2s Complement A Register (8 bits) I I FCLK [low-pass filter, and (sin x)/x filter clock] I ... Control t Normal Phase Shift ( -- 'Single, A Counter Period One Shot B Register (8 bits) ~ Program Divide A Counter (8 bits) I Dlvldeby2 576kHz B Counter Conversion Rate .. 288kHz Figure 1-1. Control Flow Diagram Table 1-1. Operating Frequencies FCLK (kHz) LOW-PASS1=ILTER BANDWIDTH (kHz) 144 3.6 288 7.2 B REGISTER CONTENTS (program No. of Filter Clocks) (Decimal) CONVERSION RATE (kHz) HIGH-PASS POLE FREQUENCY (Hz) 20 (see Note 1) 18 15 10 (see Note 2) 7.2 8 9.6 14.4 36 40 48 72 20 (see Note 1) 18 15 10 (see Notes 2 and 3) 14.4 16 19.2 28.8 72 80 96 144 20 (see Note 1) 108 21.6 18 24 120 144 15 (see Note 3) 28.8 10 (see Notes 2 and 3) 43.2 216 NOTES: 1. The B register can be programmed for values greater than 20; however, since the sample rate is lower than 7.2 kHz and the intemal filter remains at 3.6 kHz, an extemal antialiasing filter is required. 2. If the B register is programmed for a value less than 10, the ADC and the DAC conversions are not completed before the next frame-sync signal and the results are in error. 3. The maximum sampling rate for the ADC channel is 43.2 kHz. The maximum rate for the DAC channel is 25 kHz. 432 10.8 7-205 1.5 Register Functional Summary There are nine data registers that are used as follows: Register 0 The No-op register. The 0 register allows phase adjustments to be made without reprogramming a data register. Register 1 The A register controls the count of the A counter. Register 2 The B register controls the count of the B counter. Register 3 The A' register controls the phase adjustment of the sampling period. The adjustment is equal to the register value multiplied by the input master period. Register 4 The amplifier gain-select register controls the gains of the input, output, and monitor amplifiers. Register 5 The analog control configuration register controls: Register 6 • The addition/deletion of the high-pass filter to the ADC signal path • The enable/disable of the analog loopback • The selection of the regular inputs or auxiliary inputs • The function that allows processing of signals that are the sum of the regular inputs and the auxiliary inputs (VIN + VAUX IN)· The digital configuration register controls: • Selection of the free-run function • FSD [frame-synchronization (sync) delay] output enable/disable • Selection of 16-bit function • Forcing secondary communications • Software reset • Software power down Register 7 The frame-sync delay register controls the time delay between the master-clevice frame sync and slave-device frame sync. Register 7 must be the last register programmed when using slave devices since all register data is latched and valid on the 16th falling edge of SCLK. On the 16th falling edge of SCLK, all delayed frame-sync intervals are shifted by this programmed amount. RegisterS The frame-sync number register informs the master device of the number of slaves that are connected in the chain. 7-206 2 2.1 Detailed Description Definitions and Terminology All signal processing circuits between the analog input and the digital conversion results at DOUT The operating mode under which the device receives shift clock and frame-sync Codec Mode signals from a host processor. The device has no slaves. The d represents valid programmed or default data in the control register format d (see Section 2.19, Secondary Serial Communications) when discussing other data-bit portions of the register. Bit position in the primary data word (xx is the bit number) Dxx DAC Channel All signal processing circuits between the digital data word applied to DIN and the differential output analog signal available at OUT+ and OUTData Transfer Interval The time during which data is transferred from DOUT and to DIN. This interval is 16 shift clocks regardless of whether the shift clock is internally or externally generated. The data transfer is initiated by the falling edge of the frame-sync signal. DSxx Bit position in the secondary data word (xx is the bit number) FCLK An internal clock frequency that is a division of MCLK that controls the low-pass filter and (sinx)/x filter clock (see Figure 1-1 and Table 1-1). The analog input frequency of interest fj Frame Sync The falling edge of the signal that initiates the data-transfer interval. The primary frame sync starts the primary communications, and the secondary frame sync starts the secondary serial communications. Frame Sync and The time between falling edges of successive primary frame-sync signals Sampling Period Frame-Sync Interval The time period occupied by 16 shift clocks. Regardless of the mode of operation, there is always an internal frame-sync interval signal that goes low on the rising edge of SCLK and remains low for 16 shift clocks. It is used for synchronization of the serial-port internal signals. It goes high on the 17th rising edge of SCLK. The sampling frequency that is the reciprocal of the sampling period fs Host Any processing system that interfaces to DIN, DOUT, SCLK, or FS Master Mode The operating mode under which the device generates and uses its own shift clock and frame-sync signal and generates all delayed frame-sync signals necessary to support slave devices Phase Adjustment The programmed time variation from the falling edge of one frame-sync signal to the falling edge of the next frame sync signal. The time variation is determined by the contents of the A' register. Since the time between falling edges of successive frame sync signals is the tlie sampling period, the sampling period is adjusted. Primary (Serial) The digital data-transfer interval. Since the device is synchronous, the signal Communications data words from the ADC channel and to the DAC channel occur simultaneously. Secondary (Serial) The digital control and configuration data-transfer interval into DIN and the register Communications read-data cycle from DOUT. The data-transfer interval occurs when requested by hardware or software. ' Signal Data The input signal and all of the converted representations through the ADC channel and return through the DAC channel to the analog output. This is contrasted with the purely digital software control data. ADC Channel 7-207 Slave Mode Stand-Alone Mode X 2.2 The operating mode under which the device receives. shift clock and frame-sync signals from a master device The operating mode under which the device generates and uses its own shift clock and frame-sync signal. The device has no slave devices. The X represents a don't care bit position within the control register format Reset and Power-Down Functions· 2.2.1 Reset The TLC320AC02 resets both the internal counters and registers, includiog the programmed registers, by any of the following: • • • Applying power to the device, causing a power-on reset (POR) Applying a low reset pulse to RESET Reading in the programmable software reset bit (OS01 in register 6) PWR OWN resets the counters only and preserves the programmed register contents. 2.2.2 Conditions of Reset The two internal reset signals used for the reset and synchronization functions are as follows: 1. Counter reset: this signal resets all flip-flops and latches that are not externally programmed with the exception of those generating the reset pulse itself. In addition, this signal resets the software power-down bit. Counter reset = power-on reset + RESET + RESET bit + PWR OWN 2. Register reset: this signal resets all flip-flops and latches that are not reset by the counter reset except those generating the reset pulse itself. Register reset = power-on reset + RESET + RESET bit Both reset signals are at least one master clock period long and release on the falling edge of the master clock. 2.2.3 Software and Hardware Power Down Given the definitions and conditions of RESET, the software-programmed power-down condition is cleared by resetting the software bit (OSOO in register 6) to zero. It is also cleared by either cycling the power to the device, bringing PWR OWN low, or bringing RESET low. PWR OWN powers down the entire chip ( < 1 mA ). The software-programmable power-down bit only powers down the analog section of the chip ( < 3 mA ), which allows a software power-up function. Cycling PWR OWN high to low and back to high resets all flip-flops and latches that are not externally programmed, thereby preserving the register contents. If PWR OWN is not used, it should be tied high. 2.2.4 Register Default Values After POR, .Software Reset, or RESET Is Applied Register 1 - The A Register 7-208 Register 2 - The B Register The default value of the B-register data is decimal 18 as shown below. Register 3 - The A' Register The default value of the A'-register data is decimal 0 as shown below. Register 4 - The Amplifier Gain-Select Register The default value of the amplifier gain-select register data is shown below. Register 5 - The Analog Control Configuration Register The power-up and reset conditions are as shown below. In the read mode, eight bits are read but the four LSBs are repeated as the four MSBs. ~--~---r--~---' 0803 Register 6 - The Oigital Configuration Register The default value of OS07 - OSOO is 0 as shown below. Register 7 - The Frame-Sync Oelay Register The default value of OS07 - OSOO is 0 as shown below. Register 8 - The Frame-Sync Number Register The default value of OS07 - OSOO is 1 as shown below. 7-209 2.3 Master-Slave Terminal Function Table 2-1 describes the function of themasterlslave (Mis) input. The only difference between master and slave operations in the TLC320AC02 is that SCLK and FS are outputs when MIS is high and inputs when ~~~ . Table 2-1. Master-Slave Selection MODE Mist FS SCLK Master and Stand-Alone Output H Output Slave and Codec Emulation L Input Input t If the stand-alone mode is desired or if the device is permanently in the master mode, MiS must be high. 2.4 ADC Signal Ch~nnel To produce excellent common-mode rejection of unwanted signals, the analog signal is processed differentially until it is converted to digital data. The signal is amplified by the input amplifier at one of three software-selectable gains (typically 0 dB, 6 dB, or 12 dB). A squelch mode can also be programmed for the input amplifier. The amplifier output is filtered and applied to the ADC input. The ADC converts the signal into discrete digital words in 2s-complement format corresponding to the analog-signal value at the sampling time. These 16-bit digital words, representing sampled values of the analog input signal, are clocked out of the serial port, (DOUn, one word for each primary communication interval. During secondary communications, the data previously programmed into the registers can be read out with the appropriate register address and with the read bit set to 1. If no register read is requested, all 16 bits are o. 2.5 DAC Signal Channel DIN receives the 16-bit serial data word (2s complement) from the host during the primary communications interval and latches the data on the 17th rising edge of SCLK. The data are converted to an analog voltage by the DAC with a sample and hold and then through a (sin x)/x correction circuit and a smoothing filter. An output buffer with three software-programmable gains (0 dB, -6 dB; and -12 dB), as shown in Section 2.20.5, Register 4 (Amplifier Gain-8elect Register), drives the differential outputs OUT + and OUT-. A squelch mode can also be programmed for the output buffer. During secondary communications, the configuration program data are read into the device control registers. 2.6 Serial Interface The digital serial interface consists of the shift clock, the frame-synchronization signal, the ADC-Channel data output, and the DAC-Channel data input. During the primary 16-bit frame-synchronization interval, the SCLK transfers the ADC channel results from DOUT and transfers t6-bit DAC data into DIN. During the secondary frame-synchronization interval, the SCLK transfers the register read data from DOUT if the read bit is set to a one. In addition, the SCLK transfers control and device parameter information into DIN. The functional sequence is shown in Figure 2-1. 7-210 t+- Sampling Period and Fram.Sync Period -+! 1 j4:- Fram.sync Interval-+! SClK 1 I+- Fram.sync Intervat-+I JlfUi:3ik~JirL 1 I I ",.r1 1 1 1 1 I+-- 18 SClK8.1 n II 1 1 1 18 SClK8 --+ 1 ',I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ADCc-.~~ > K"'---1C>- ~ DAC'_* > ~- ... =-~ 1 DOUT { 1 DIN 1 14 I Figure 2-1. Functional Sequence for Primary and Secondary Communication 2.7 Number of Slaves The number of slaves is determined by the sum of the Individual device delays from the frame-sync (FS) input low to the frame-sync delayed (FSD) IQw for all slaves as follows: (n) x tp(FS-FSD) < 112 shift-clock period Where: n is the number of slave devices. Example: From the above equation, the number of slaves is given by: (n) :s '21 1 x (SCLK period) x tp(FS _ FSD) and assuming the shift clock is 2.4 MHz and tp(FS - FSD) is 40 ns, then the number of slaves is: n "'""" 1 2;4 MHz x1 x '2 1 - 1000 - 52 40 ns - 192 . The maximum number of slaves under these conditions is five. As the SCLK increases In frequency, the number of slaves that can be used decreases. 7-211 2.8 Operating Frequencies 2.8.1 Master and Stand-Alone Operating Frequencies. ' The sampling (conversion) frequency is derived from the master clock (MClK) input by the following equation: fs = Sampling (conversion) frequency = (A register value) ~~~~egister'vaIUe) x 2 The inverse is the time between the falling edges of two successive primary frame synchronization signals. The input and output data clock (SClK) 'is given by: SClK frequency = .MClK frequency 4 2.8.2 Slave and Codec Operating Frequencies The slave and codec conversion and the data frequencies are determined by the externally applied SClK and FS signals. 2.9 Switched-Capacitor Filter Frequency (FCLK) The filter clock (FClK) is an internal clock signal that is used to determine the filter band-pass frequency and is the B counter clock. The frequency of the filter clock is derived by the following equation: FClK = MClK ' (A register value) x 2 2.10 Filter Bandwidths The low-pass (lP) filter -3 dB corner is derived by: f (lP) = FClK = MClK 40 40 x (A register value) x 2 The hlgh-pass (HP) filter -3 dB corner Is derived by: f (HP) = Sampling frequency 200 = MClK 200 x 2 x (A register value) x (B register value) 2.11 Required Minimum Number of MCLK Periods The number of MClKs necessary for proper operation if only the primary communications are used is: Total number of MClKs = (16 + 2) SClKs x 4 MClKs per SClK = 72 MClKs minimum The number of MClKs necessary for proper operation if both the primary and secondary communications are used is: Total number of MClKs = (16 + 2) SClKs x 2 x 4 MClKs per SClK = 144 MClKs minimum Even though the TlC320AC02 can perform with this number of MClKs, the host may need more time to execute the required software instructions between primary and secondary communication intervals. 2.12 Master and Stand-Alone Modes The difference between the master and stand-alone modes is that in the stand-alone mode there are no slave devices. Functionally these two modes are the same. In Qoth, the AIC internally generates the shift clock and frame-sync signal for the serial communications. These signals and the filter clock (FCLK) are' derived from the input master clock.The master clock applied at the MClK input determines the Internal device timing. The shift clock frequency is a divide-by-four of the master clock frequency and shifts both the 7-212 input and output data at DIN and DOUT, respectively, during the frame-sync interval (16 shift clocks long). To begin the communication sequence, the device is reset (see Section 2.2.1, Reset), and the first frame sync occurs approximately 648 master clocks after the reset condition disappears. 2.12.1 Register Programming All register programming occurs during secondary communications, and data is latched and valid on the 16th falling edge of SClK. After a reset condition, eight primary and secondary communications cycles are required to set up the eight programmable registers. Registers 1 through 8 are programmed in secondary communications intervals 1 through 8, respectively. If the default value for a particular register is desired, that register does not need to be addressed during the secondary communications. The no-op command addresses the pseudo-register (register 0), and no register programming takes place during this communication. The no-op command allows phase shifts of the sampling period without reprogramming any register. During the eight register programming cycles, DOUT is in the high-impedance state. DOUT is released on the rising edge of the eighth primary internal frame-sync interval. In addition, each register can be read back during DOUT secondary communications by setting the read bit to 1 in the appropriate register. Since the register is in the read mode, no data can be written to the register during this cycle. To return this register to the write mode requires a subsequent secondary communication (see Section 2.19, Secondary Serial Communications for detailed register description). 2.12.2 Master and Stand-Alone Functional Sequence The A counter counts according to the contents of the A register, and the A counter frequency is divided by two .to produce the filter clock (FClK). The B counter is clocked by FClK with the following functional sequence: 1. The B counter starts counting down from the B register value minus one. Each count remains in the counter for one FClK period including the zero count. This total counter time is referred to as the B cycle. The end of the zero count is called the end of B cycle. 2. When the B counter gets to a count of nine, the A-to-D conversion starts. 3. The A-to-D conversibn is complete ten FClK periods later. 4. FS goes low on a rising edge of SClK after the A-to-D conversion is complete. That rising edge of SClK must be preceded by a falling edge of SClK, which is the first falling edge to occur after the end of B cycle. 5. The D-to-A conversion cycle begins on the rising edge of the internal frame-sync interval and is complete ten FClK periods later. 2.13 Slave and Codec Modes The only difference between the slave and codec modes is that the codec mode is controlled directly by the host and dpes not use a delayed frame-sync signal. In these modes, the shift clock and the frame sync are both externally generated and must be synchronous with MClK. The conversion frequency is set by the time interval of externally applied frame sync falling edges except when the free-run function is selected by bit 5 of register 6 (see Section 2.15.4, Free-Run Mode). The slave device or devices share the shift clock generated by the master device but receive the frame sync from the previous slave in the chain. The Nth slave FS receives the (N-1 )st slave FSD output and so on. The first slave device in the chain receives FSD from the master. 7-213 2.13.1 Slave and Codec Functional Sequence The A counter counts according to the contents of the A register, and the A counter frequency is divided by two to produce the filter clock (FClK). The device function in the slave or codec mode is the same as steps 1 through 3 of the B cycle description in the master mode but differs as follows: 1. Same as master 2. Same as master 3. Same as master 4. All internal clocks stop 1/2 FClK before the end of count 0 in the B counter cycle. 5. All internal clocks are restarted on the first rising edge of MClK after the external ~ input goes low. This operation provides the synchronization necessary when using an external FS signal. 6. The D-to-A conversion starts on the rising edge of the internally generated frame-sync interval at the end of the 16-shift clock data transfer. In the slave mode, the master controls the phase adjustments for itself and all slaves since all devices are programmed in the same frame-sync interval. In the codec mode, the shift clock and frame sync are externally generated and provide the timing for the ADC and DAC If the free-run function has not been selected (see Section 2.15.4, Free-Run Mode). In the codec mode, there is usually no need for phase adjustments; however, any required phase adjustments must be made by adjusting the external frame-sync timing (sampling time). , 2.13.2 Slave Register Programming When slave devices are used on power up or reset, all slave frame-sync signals occur at the same time as the master frame-sync signal and all slave devices are programmed during the master secondary framesync Interval with the same data as the master. The last register programmed must be the frame-sync delay (FSD) register because the delay starts immediately on the rising edge of the 17th shift clock of that framesync interval. After the FSD register programming is completed for the master and slave, the slave primary frame interval is shifted in time (time slot allocated) according to the data contained in the slave FSD registers. The master then generates frame-sync intervals for itself and each slave to synchronize the host serial port for data transfers for itself and all slave devices. The number of slaves is specified in the frame-sync number (FSN) register (register 8); therefore, the number of frame-sync intervals generated by the master is equal to the number 9f slaves plus one (see Section 2.7, Number of Slaves). These master frame-sync intervals are separated In time by the delay time specified by the FSD register (register 7). These master-generated intervals are the only frame-sync interval signals applied to the host serial port to provide the data transfer time slot for the slave devices. 2.14 Terminal Functions 2.14.1 Frame-Sync Function The frame-sync signal is used to indicate that the device is ready to send and receive data for both master and slave modes. The data transfer begins on the falling edge of the frame-sync signal. Frame Sync (FS), Master Mode The frame sync is generated internally. FS goes low on the rising edge of SClK and remains low for the 16-bit data transfer. In addition to generating its own frame-sync interval, the master also outputs a frame sync for each slave that is being used. 7-214 Frame-Sync Delayed (FSD), Master Mode For the master, the frame-sync delayed output occurs 1/2 shift-clock period ahead of FS to compensate for the time delay through the master and slave devices. The timing relationships are as follows: 1. If the FSD register data is 0, then FSD goes low on the falling edge of SCLK and prior to the rising edge of SCLK when FS goes low (see Figure 4-4). 2. If the FSD register data is greater than 16, then FSD goes low on a rising edge of SCLK that is the FSD register number of SCLKs after the falling edge of FS. Register data values from 1 to 16 result in the default register value of zero. 2.14.1.~ Frame Sync (FS), Slave Mode The frame-sync timing is generated externally, applied to FS, and controls the ADC and DAC timing (see Section 2.15.4, Free-Run Mode). The external frame-sync width must be a minimum of one shift clock to be recognized and can be as long as 16 shift clocks. Frame-Sync Delayed (FSD), Slave Mode This output is fed from the master to the first slave and the first slave FSD output to the second and so on down the chain. The FSD timing sequence in the slave mode is as follows: 1. If the FSD register data is 0, then FSD goes low after FS goes low (see Figure 4-5). 2. When the FSD register data is greater than 16, FSD goes low on a rising edge of SCLK that is the FSD register number of SCLKs after the falling edge of FS. Data values from 1 to 16 are constrained because the data transfer requires 16 clock periods. 2.14.2 Data Out (DOUT) DOUT is placed in the high-impedance state on the 17th rising edge of SCLK (internal or external) after the falling edge of frame sync. In the primary communication, the data word is the ADC conversion result. In the secondary communication, the data is the register-read results when requested by the read/write (RIW) bit with the eight MSBs setto zero (see the Serial Communications section). If no register read is requested, the secondary word is all zeroes. Data Out, Master Mode In the master mode, DOUT is taken from the high-impedance state by the falling edge of frame sync. The most significant data bit then appears on DOUT. Data Out, Slave Mode In the slave mode, DOUT is taken from the high-impedance state by the falling edge of the external frame sync or the rising edge of the external SCLK, whichever occurs first (see Figure 4-7). The falling edge of frame sync can occur ±1/4 SCLK period around the SCLK rising edge (see Figure 4-3). The most significant data bit then appears on DOUT. 2.14.3 Data In (DIN) In the primary communication, the data word is the digital input signal to the DAC channel. In the secondary comrrwnication, the data is the control and configuration data to set up the device for a particular function (see Section 2.16, Serial Communications). 2.14.4 Hardware Program Terminals (FC1 and FCO) These inputs provide for hardware programming requests for secondary communication or phase adjustment. These inputs work in conjunction with the control bits D01 and DOO of the primary data word or control bits DS15 and DS14 of the secondary data word. The data on FC1 and FCO are latched on the rising edge of the next internally generated primary or secondary frame-sync interval. These inputs should be tied low if not used (see Section 2.17, Request for Secondary Serial Communication and Table 2-3). 7-215 2.14.5 Midpoint Voltages (ACC VMIO and CAC VMIO) Since the device operates at a single-supply voltage, two midpoint voltages are generated for internal signal processing. AOC VMID is used for the AOC channel reference, and OAC VMID is used for the OAC channel reference. Two references are used to minimize channel-to-channel noise and crosstalk. AOC VMID and OAC VMID must be buffered if used as a reference for external signal processing. 2.15 Device Functions 2.15.1 Phase Adjustment In some applications, such as modems, the device sampling period may require an adjustment to synchronize with the incoming bit stream to improve the signal-to-noise ratio. The TLC320AC02 can adjust the sampling period through the use of the A' register and the control bits. Phase-Adjustment Control A phase adjustment is a programmed variation in the sampling period .. A sampiing period is adjusted according to the data value in the A' register, and the phase adjustment is that number of master clocks (MCLK). An adjustment is made during device operation with data bits 001 and 000 in the primary communication, with data bits OS15 and OS14 in the secondary word or in combination with the hardware pins FC1 and FCO (see Table 2-3). This adjustment request is latched on the rising edge ofthe next internal frame-sync interval and is only valid for the next sampling period. To repeat the phase adjustment, another phase request must be initiated. Use of the A' Register for Phase Adjustment The A' register value is used to make slight timing adjustments to the sampling period. The sampling period increases or decreases according to the sign of the programmed A' register value and the state of data bits 001 and 000 in the primary data word. The general equation for the conversion frequency is given as: f = conversion frequency = MCLK s (2 x A register value x B register value) ± (A' register value) Therefore, if A' =0, the device conversion (sampling) frequency and period is constant. If a nonzero A' value is programmed, the sampling frequency and period responds as shown in Table 2-2. Table 2-2. Sampling Variation With A' SIGN OF THE A' REGISTER VALUE D01 DOO PLUS VALUE (+) NEGATIVE VALUE (-) 0 1 (increase command) Frequency decreases, period increases Frequency increases, period decreases 1 0 (decrease command) Frequency increases, period decreases Frequency decreases, period increases An adjustment to the sampling period, which must be requested through 001 and 000 of the primar~ data word to DIN, is valid for the following sampling period only. If the adjustment is required for the subsequent sampling period, it must be requested again through 001 and 000 of the primary data word. For each request, only the sampling period occurring immediately after the primary data word request is affected. 7-216 The amount of time shift in the entire sampling period (1/f8 ) is as follows: If the sampling period is set to 125 J.LS (8 kHz), the. A' register is loaded with decimal 10 and the TLC320AC02 master clock frequency is 10.386 MHz. The amount of time each sampling period is increased or decreased, when requested, is: Time shift = (A' register value) x (MCLK period) The device changes the entire sampling period by only the MCLK period times the A' register value. Change in sampling period = contents of A' register x master clock period = lOx 96.45 ns = 964 ns (less than 1% of the sampling period) The sampling period changes by 964.5 ns each time the phase adjustment is requested by the primary data word (i.e., once per sampling period). It is evident then that the change in sampling period is very small compared to the sampling period. To observe this effect over a long period of time (> sampling period), this change must be continuously requested by the primary data word. If the adjustment is not requested again, the sampling period changes only once and it may appear that there was no execution of the command. This is especially true when bench testing the device. Automatic test equipment can test for results within a single sampling period. Internally, the A' register value only affects one cycle (period) of the A counter. The A and A' values are additive, but only for one A-counter period. The A counter begins the first count at the default or programmed A-register value and counts down to the A'-register value. As the A' value increases or decreases, the first clock cycle from the A counter is lengthened or shortened. The initial A-counter period is the only counter period affected by the A' register such that only this single period is increased or decreased. 2;15.2 Analog Loopback This function allows the circuit to be tested remotely. In loopback, OUT+ and OUT-are internally connected to IN + and IN-. The OAC data bits 015 to 002 that are applied to OIN can be compared with the AOC output data bits 015 to 002 at OOUT. There are some differences due to the AOC ,and OAC channel offset. The loopback function is implemented by setting OSOl and OSOO to zero in control register 5 (see Section 2.19, Secondary Serial Communications). 2.15.3 16-Bit Mode In the 16-bit mode, the device ignores the last two control bits (001 and 000) of the primary word and requests continual secondary communications to occur. By ignoring the last two primary communication bits, compatibility with existing 16-bit software can be maintained. This function is implemented by setting bit OS03 to one in register 6. To return to normal operation, OS03 must be reprogrammed to zero. 2.15.4 Free-Run Mode With the free-run bit set In register 6, the external shift clock and frame sync control only the data transfer. The AOC and OAC timing are controlled by the A and B register values, and the phase-shift adjustment must be done as if the device is in stand-alone mode (by the software or state of FC1 and FCO). Phase adjustment cannot be made by adjustment of the frame-sync timing. The external frame sync must occur within 1/2 FCLK period of the internal frame sync (FCLK as determined by the values of the A and B registers). If the external frame sync occurs simultaneously with the internal load, the data-transfer request by the external frame sync takes precedence over the internal load command. The latching of the AOC conversion data in the output register is inhibited until the current 16 bits are shifted out of the register by the shift clock. 2.15.5 Force Secondary Communication With bit 2 in register 6 set to 1, secondary communication is requested continuously. It overrides all software and hardware requests concerning secondary communication. Phase shifting, however, can still be performed with the software and hardware. 7-217 2.15.6 Enable Analog Input Summing By setting bits 0501 and 0500 to 11 in register 5, the normal analog input voltage is summed with the auxiliary input voltage. The gain for the analog input amplifier is set by data bits 0503 and 0502 in register 4. 2.15.7 DAC Channel (slo x)/x Error Correction The (sin x)/x compensation filter is designed for zero (sin x)/x error using a B-register value of 15. 5ince the filter cannot be removed from the signal path, operation using another B-register value results in an error in the reconstructed analog output. The error is given by the following equation. Any error compensation needed by a given application can be performed in the software. sin (2nXAXB x f) f MCLK OAC channel frequency response error = 20 x 10910 --------X~ sin (7~~~: x f) where: f fMCLK A B = = = = the frequency of interest the TLC320AC02 master clock frequency the A-register value the B-register value and the arguments of the sin functions are in radians. 2.16 Serial Communications 2.16.1 Stand-Alone and Master-Mode Word Sequence and Information Content During Primary and Secondary Communications For the stand-alone and master modes, the sequ~f.lce in Figure 2-2 shows the relationship between the primary and secondary communications interval, the data content into DIN, and the data content from OOUT. The TLC320AC02 can provide a phase-shift command or the next secondary communications interval by decoding 1) the programmed state of the FC1 and FCO inputs and the 001 and 000 data bits in the primary data word or2) the state ofthe FC1 and FCO inputs and the 0515 and OS14 data bits in the secondary data word (see Table 2-3). If OS13 (the RIW bit) is the default value of zero, all 16 bits from OOUT are 0 during secondary communication. However, when the R/W bit is setto one in the secondary communication control word, the secondary transmission from OOUT still contains Os in the eight M5Bs. The lower order eight bits contain the data of the register currently being addressed. This function provides register status information for the host. 7-218 \.. [ (B register)l2] FCLK periodst - - - . I Primary Frame Sync (16 SCLKs long) Secondary Frame Sync (16 SCLKs long) 2s-Complement ADC Output (14 bits plus 00 for the two LSBs) 16 Bits All Os, Except When In Read Mode (then least significant 8 bits are register data) 2s-Complement Input for the DAC Channel (14 bits plus two function bits). If the 2 LSBs Are Set to 1, Secondary Frame Sync Is Generated by the TLC320AC02 Input Data for the Internal Registers (16 bits containing control, address, and data Information) I I t The time between the primary and secondary frame sync is the time equal to FCLK period multiplied by the B-register contents. The time interval is rounded to the nearest shift clock. The secondary frame-sync signal goes from high to low on the next shift clock low-to-high transition after (B register/2) filter clock periods. Figure 2-2. Master and Stand-Alone Functional Sequence 2.16.2 Slave- and Codec-Mode Word Sequence and Information Content During Primary and Secondary Communications For the slave and codec modes, the sequence is basically the same as the stand-alone and master modes with the exception that the frame sync and the shift clock are generated and controlled externally as shown in Figure 2-3. For the codec mode, the frame-sync pulse width needs to be a minimum of one shift clock long. The timing relationship between the frame sync and shift clock is shown in the timing diagrams. Phase shifting is usually not required in the slave or codec mode because the frame-sync timing can be adjusted externally if required. -+I 1.- 1 SCLK Minimum FilJ _i_i_t_t_J_J --+I L1_f_J_J_J_J_J Primary Frame Sync DOUT 2s-Complement ADC Output (14 bits plus 00 for the 2 LSBs) 2s-Complement Input for the DAC Channel (14 bits plus two I function bits) I j+-:-1 SClK Minimum Secondary Frame Sync ....._ - _ . . . . . 1 16 Bits, All Os, Except When In Read Mode (then least significant 8 blts.are register data) Input Data for the Internal Registers (16 bits containing I control, address, and data I Information) ....._ _ _.....1 NOTE: The time between the primary and secondary frame syncs is determined by the application; however, enough time must be provided so that the host can execute the required number of software instructions in the time between the end of the primary data transfer (rising edge of the primary frame-sync interval) and the falling edge of the secondary frame sync (start of secondary communications). , Figure 2-3. Slave and Codec Functional Sequence 7-219 2.17 Request for Secondary Serial Communication and Phase Shift The following paragraphs describe a request for secondary serial communication and phase shift using hardware control inputs FC1 and FCO, primary data bits 001 and 000, and secondary data bits OS15 and OS14. 2.17.1 Initiating a Request Combinations of FC1 and FCO input conditions, bits 001 and 000 in the primary serial data word, FC1 and FCO, and bits OS 15 and OS 14 in the secondary serial data word can be used to initiate a secondary serial communication or request a phase shift according to the following rules (see Table 2-3). 1. Primary word phase shifts can be requested by either the hardware or software if the other set of signals are 11 or 00. If both hardware and software request phase shifts, the software request is performed. 2. Secondary words can be requested by either the software or hardware at the same time that the other set of signals is requesting a phase ·shift. 3. Hardware inputs FC1 and FCO are ignored during the secondary word unless OS15 and OS14 are 11. If OS15 and OS14 are 01 or 10, the corresponding phase shift is performed. If OS15 and OS14 are 00, no phase shift is performed even if the hardware requests a phase shift. 2.17.2 Normal Combinations of Control The normal combinations of control are as follows: 1. Use 001 and 000 and OS15 and OS14 to request phase shifts and secondary words by holding FC1 and FCO to 00 2. Use FC1 and FCO exclusively to request phase shifts and secondary words by holding 001 and 000 to 00 and OS15 and OS14 to 11 3. Use 001 and 000 only to request secondary words and FC1 and FCO to perform phase shifts once per period by holding OS1.5 and OS14 to 00 2.17.3 Additional Control Options Additional control options are unusual and rarely needed or used; however, they are as follows: 1. Use 001 and 000 only to request secondary words and FC1 and FCO to perform phase shifts . twice per period by holding OS15 and OS14 to 11 2. Use FC1 and FCO exclusively to request secondary words and 001 and 000 and OS 15 and OS14 to perform phase shifts twice per period 3. Use FC1 and FCO to perform the phase shift after the primary word and OS15 and OS14 to perform a phase shift after the secondary word by holding 001 and 000 to 11 7-220 Table 2-3. Software and Hardware Requests for Secondary Serial-Communication and Phase-Shift Truth Table WITHIN PRIMARY OR SECONDARY DATA WORD Primary Secondary CONTROL BITS HARDWARE TERMINALS PHASE-SHIFT ADJUSTMENT (S88 Section 2.15.1) D01 DOO FC1 FCO EARLIER LATER 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 DS15 DS14 FC1 FCO 0 0 1 0 EARLIER 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 SECONDARY REQUEST (see Note 1) 0 0 0 1 LATER 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 No request can be made for secondary communication within the secondary word. 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0, 1 1 1 1 0 NOTE 1: The 0 state indicates that a secondary communication is not being requested. The 1 state indicates that a secondary communication is being requested. 1 1 1 1 2.18 Primary Serial Communications Primary serial communications transfer the 14-bit DAC input plus two control bits (001 and 000) to DIN of the TLC320AC02.They simultaneously transfer the 14-bit ADC conversion result from DOUT to the processor. The two LSBs are set to zero in the ADC result. 7-221 2.18.1 Primary Serial Communications Data Format ~----------------~------~.v~----------------------~ 14-bit OAC Conversion Result CQntrol Bits 2s-Complement Fotmatt t Since the supply voltage is single ended, the reference for 2s-complement format is AOC VMIO. Voltages above· this reference have a 0 as the MSB, and voltages below this reference have a 1 as the MSB. During primary serial communications, if 001 and 000 are both high in the OAC data word to DIN, a subsequent 16 bits of control information is r~eived by the device at DIN during a secondary serialcommunication interval. This secondary serial-communication interval begins at 1/2 the programmed conversion time if the B register data value is even or 1/2 the programmed value minus one FCLK if the B register data value is odd. The time between primary and secondary serial communication is measured from the falling edge of the primary frame sync to the falling edge of the secondary frame sync (see Section 2.19, Secondary Serial Communications for function and format of control words). 2.18.2 Data Format From DOUT During Primary Serial Communications ~------------------------~v~----------------------~ 14-Bit AOC Conversion Result 2s-Complement Format 015 is the Sign Bit 001 - 0 000=0 2.19 Secondary Serial Communications 2.19.1 Data Format to DIN During Secondary Serial Communications There are nine 16-bit configuration and control registers numbered from zero to eight. All register data contents are represented in 2s-complement format. The general format of the commands during secondary serial communications is as follows. Register Address 5 bits Register Data Value 8 bits All control register words are latched in the register and valid on the 16th falling edge of SCLK. 2.19.2 Control Data-Bit Function in Secondary Serial Communication OS15 and 0814 In the secondary data word, bits OS15 and OS14 perform the same control function as the primary control bits 001 and 000 do in the primary data word. OS1510S14 OS13 OS12 1 OS11 1 OS10 1OS091 OS08 OS071 osoel OS051 OS041 OSP~ 1OS021 OS011 OSOO Control Bits RfW Register Address Register Data Hardware terminals FC1 and FCO are valid inputs when OS 15 and OS14 are both high, and they are ignored for all other conditions. 7....222 0813 (R/W Bit) Reset and power-up procedures set this bit to a zero, placing the device in the write mode. When this bit is set to one, however, the previous data content of the register being addressed is read out to the host from OOUT as the least significant eight bits of the 16-bit secondary word. The first eight bits remain set to zero. Reading the data out is nondestructive, and the contents of the register remain unchanged. A. Write Mode (OS 13 = 0) . Data In. The data word to DIN has the following general format in the write mode. 081510814 0813 081210811108101080910808 08071 08061 08051 08041 08031 08021 08011 0800 Control Bits Register Address 0 Register Oata Data Out. The shift-clock shifts out all zeros as the pattern to the host from OOUT. 0815 0814 0813 0812 0811 0810 0809 0808 0807 0806 0805 0804 0803 0802 0801 0800 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B. Read Mode (OS13 = 1) Data In. The data word to DIN has the following format to allow a register read. Phase shifts can also be done in the read mode. 081510814 0813 081210811108101080910808 08071080e10805(0804i0803108021080110800 Control Bits Register Address 1 Ignored Data Out. The shift-clock clocks out the data of the register addressed from OOUT in the read mode in the eight L S B s . · . 0815 0814 0813 0812 0811 0810 0809 0808 08071080el 08051 0804108031 08021 080110800 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register Oata 0 2.20 Internal Register Format 2.20.1 Pseudo-Register 0 (No-Op Address) This address represents a no-operation command. No register I/O operation takes place, so the device can receive secondary commands for phase adjustment without reprogramming any register. A read of the no-op is zero. The format of the command word is as follows. 081510814 0813 0812 0811 0810 0809 0808 0807 080e 0805 0804 0803 0802 0801 0800 Control Bits 2.20.2 X 0 0 0 0 0 X X X X X X X X Register 1 (A Register) The following command loads OS07 (MSB) - OSOO into the A register. 081510814 0813 0812 0811 0810 0809 0808 08071 080el 08051 08041 08031 08021 08011 0800 Control Bits R/W 0 0 0 0 1 Register Oata The data in OS07 - OSOO determines the division of the master clock to produce the internal FCLK. FCLK frequency = MCLKI(A register contents x 2) 7-223 The default value of the A-register data is decimal 18 as shown below. 0807 0806 0805 0804 0803 0802 0801 0800 0 2.20.3 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 Register 2 (8 Register) The following command loads 0507 (M5B) - 0500 into the B register. 081510814 0813 0812 0811 0810 0809 0808 08071 08061 08051 08041 08031 08021 08011 0800 Control Bits R/W 0 0 '0 1 Register Oata 0 The data in 0507 - 0500 controls the division of FCLK to generate the conversion clock. Conversion frequency = FCLK/(B register contents) MCLK 2 x A register contents x B register contents The default value of the B-register data is decimal 18 as shown below. 0807 0806 0805 0804 0803 0802 0801 0800 0 2.20.4 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 Register 3 (A' Register) The following command contains the A'-register address and loads 0507(M5B) - 0500 into the A' register. 081510814 0813 0812 0811 0810 0809 0808 08071 0806 10805108041 0803 10802 10801 1OSOO Control Bits R/W 0 0 0 1 Register Oata 1 The data in 0507 - 0500 is in 2s-complement format and controls the number of master clock periods that the sampling time is shifted. The default value of the A'-register data is 0 as shown below. 0807 0806 0805 0804 0803 0802 0801 0800 0 7-224 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.20.5 Register 4 (Amplifier Gain-Select Register) The following command contains the amplifier gain-select register address with selection code for the monitor output (0805-0804), analog input (0803-0802), and analog output (0801-0800) programmable gains. 081510814 0813 0812 0811 0810 0809 0808 0807 0806 0805 0804 0803 0802 0801 0800 Control Bits RIW 0 0 1 0 0 X X .... .... Monitor output gain = squelch Monitor output gain =0 dB Monitor output gain = -8 dB Monitor output gain .. -18 dB Analog Analog Analog Analog * * 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 ... .... input gain .. squelch input gain - 0 dB input gain .. 6 dB input gain =12 dB Analog output gain =squelch Analog output gain .. 0 dB Analog output gain .. - 6 dB Analog output gain =-12 dB * * 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 ... .... * * 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 The default value ofthe monitor output gain is squelch, which corresponds to data bits 0805 and 0804 equal to 00 (binary). The default value of the analog input gain is 0 dB, which corresponds to data bits 0803 and 0802 equal to 01 (binary). The default value of the analog output gain is 0 dB, which corre~ponds to data bits 0801 and 0800 equal to 01 (binary). The default data value is shown below. 0807 0806 0805 0804 0803 0802 0801 0800 0 2.20.6 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 Register 5 (Analog Configuration Register) The following command is used to load the analog configuration register with the individual bit functions described below. 081510814 0813 0812 0811 0810 0809 0808 0807 0806 0805 OS04 0803 0802 0801 OSOO Control Bits RIW 0 0 1 0 1 Must be set to 0 High-pass filter disabled High-pass filter enabled Analog loopback enabled Enables IN+ and IN- (disables AUXIN+ and AUXIN-) Enables AUXIN+ and AUXIN- (disables IN+ and IN-) Enable analog input summing X X X X .. * * * * 0 0 0 . • .. .. 1 0 .. .. 0 1 1 0 1 1 The default value of the high-pass-filter enable bit is zero, which places the high-pass filter in the signal path. The default values of 0801 and 0800 are zero and one, which enables IN + and IN-. 7-225 The power-up and reset conditions areas shown below. 0503 0 0502 0501 0500 0 0 1 In the read mode, eight bits are read but the four LSBs are repeated as the four MSBs. 2.20.7 Register 6 (Digital Configuration Register) The following command is used to load the digital configuration register with the individual bit functions described below. 051510814 0513 0512 0511 0510 Control Bits RIW 0 0 1 0509 0508 0507 0506 0505 0504 0503 0502. 0501 0500 1 0 X X * •• AOC and OAC conversion free run Inactive F50 output disable Enable * * * * * 1 0 •• •• •• 1 0 16-Bit mode, ignore primary L8Bs Normal operation 1 0 Force secondary communications Normal operation 50ftware reset (upon reset, this bit is automatically reset to 0) Inactive reset 1 0 • • • • 1 0 5oftw~wer-down active (automatically reset to 0 after PWR OWN is cycled high to low and back to high) Power-down function external (uses PWR OWN) 1 0 The default value of OS07 - OSOO is zero, as shown below. 0507 0506 0505 0504 0503 0502 0501 0500 0 2.20.8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register 7 (Frame-Sync Delay Register) The following command contains the frame-sync delay (FSO) register. address and loads OS07 (MSB)-OSOO into the FSO register. The data byte (OS01-0S00) determines the number of SCLKs between FS and the delayed frame-sync signal, FSO. The minimum data value for this register is decimal 18. ' 051510514 0513 0512 0511 0510 0509 0808 05071 05061 05051 05041 05031 05021 05011 0500 Control Bits RIW 0 0 1 1 1 Register Oata The default value of OS07 - OSOO is zero, as shown below. 0807 0506 0505 0504 0503 0502 0501 0500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 When using a slave device, register 7 must be the last register programmed. 7-226 2.20.9 Register 8 (Frame-Sync Number Register) The following command contains the frame-sync number (F8N) register address and loads 0807 (M8B) - 0800 into the F8N register. The data byte determines the number of frame-sync signals generated by the TLC320AC02. 081510814 0813 0812 0811 0810 0809 0808 08071 08061 08051 08041 08031 08021 08011 0800 Control Bits R/W 0 1 0 0 Register Data 0 The default value of 0807-0800 is one, as shown below. 0807 0806 0805 0804 0803 0802 0801 0800 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 7-227 7-228 3 3.1 Specifications Absolute Maximum Ratings Over Operating Free-Air Temperature Range (Unless Otherwise Noted)t Supply voltage range, DGTL Voo (see Notes 1 and 2) ............... -0.3 V to 6.5 V Supply voltage range, DAC Voo (see Notes 1 and 2) ................ -0.3 V to 6.5 V Supply voltage range, ADC Voo (see Notes 1 and 2) ................ -0.3 V to 6.5 V Differential supply voltage range, DGTL Voo to DAC Voo ............ -0.3 V to 6.5 V Differential supply voltage range, all positive supply voltages to ADC GND, DAC GND, DGTL GND, SUBS .................... -0.3 V to 6.5 V Output voltage range, DOUT ......................... -0.3 V to DGTL Voo + 0.3 V Input voltage range, DIN ............................. -0.3 V to DGTL Voo + 0.3 V Ground voltage range, ADC GND, DAC GND, DGTL GND, SUBS ............................ -0.3 V to DGTL Voo + 0.3 V Operating free-air temperature range: TLC320AC02C ................ O°C to 70°C TLC320AC021 ............... -40°C to 85°C Storage temperature range ...................................... -40°C to 125°C Lead temperature 1,6 mm (1/16 inch) from case for 10 seconds .............. 260°C t Stresses beyond those listed under "absolute maximum ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under "recommended operating conditions" is not implied. Exposure to absolute-maxi mum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. 3.2 Recommended Operating Conditions (see Note 2) VDD Positive supply voltage MIN NOM MAX 4.5 5 5.5 V 0.1 V Steady-state differential voltage between any two supplies UNIT VIH High-level digital input voltage VIL Low-level digital input voltage 0.8 V Load current from ADC VMID and DAC 100 jJA 15 MHz 10 Conversion time for the ADC and DAC channels fMCLK VID(PP) RL 10 FCLK. periods Master clock frequency 10.368 Analog input voltage (differential, peak to peak) I Differential output load resistance I Single-ended to buffered DAC VMID voltage load resistance Operating free-air temperature V 2.2 TLC320AC02C V 6 600 n 300 0 70 °C TLC320AC021 -40 85 NOTES: 1. Voltage values for DGTL VDD are With respect to DGTL GND, voltage values for DAC VDD are With respect toDACGND,andvoltagevaluesforADCVDDarewithrespecttoADCGND.For the subsequent electrical, operating, and timing specifications, the symbol VDD is used to denote all positive supplies. DAC GND, ADC GND, DGTL GND, and SUBS are at 0 V unless otherwise specified. 2. To avoid possible damage to these CMOS devices and associated operating parameters, the sequence below should be followed when applying power: (1) Connect SUBS, DGTL GND, ADC GND, and DAC GND to ground. (2) Connect voltages ADC VDD, and DAC VDD. (3) Connect voltage DGTL VDD. (4) Connect the input signals. When removing power, follow the steps above in reverse order. TA 7-229 3.3 Electrical Characteristics Over Recommended Range of Operating Free-Air Temperature, MCLK = 5.184 MHz, VOO = 5 V, Outputs Unloaded, Total Device PARAMETER TEST CON.DITIONS Supply current 100 MIN PWR OWN = 1 and clock signals present UNIT 20 22 mA 1 2 mA Power dissipation 100 mW PWR OWN = 0 after 500 j1S and clock signals present 5 mW Software power down, (bit 000, register 6 sat to 1) 15 20 mW AOCVMIO No load AOCVOO/2 -0.1 AOC V 00/2 , +0.1 V OACVMIO No load OACVOO/2 -0.1 OACVOO/2 +0.1 V 3.4 Electrical Characteristics Over Recommended Range of Operating Free-Air Temperature, VOO= 5 V, Digital 110 Terminals (DIN, DOUT, EOC, FCO, FC1, FS, FSD, MCLK, MIS, SCLK) PARAMETER VOH t MAX PWR OWN = 0 after 500 j1S and clock signals present PWR OWN = 1 and clock signals present Po TYPt High-level output voltage TEST CONDITIONS IOH =-1.6 mA MIN TYPt MAX 2.4 UNIT V VOL Low-level output voltage IOL= 1.6mA 0.4 V IIH High-level input current, any digital input VI ... 2.2 V to OGTL VOO 10 IlL Low-level input current, any digital input VI ... 0 V to 0.8 V 10 !!A !!A Ci .Input capacitance 5 pF Co Output capacitance 5 pF All typical values are at VOO = 5 V and TA = 25°C .. 3.5 3.5.1 Electrical Characteristics Over Recommended Range of Operating Free-Air Temperature, Voo = 5 V, ADC and DAC Channels AOC Channel Filter Transfer Function, FCLK PARAMETER =144 kHz, fs =8 kHz TEST CONDITIONS MIN Gain relative to gain at fi ... 1020 Hz (see Note 3) MAX UNIT -~ fi =50 Hz fi = 200 Hz -1.8 fi ... 300 Hz to 3 kHz -0.2 -0.2 0.2 fi'" 3.3 kHz -0.35 0.03 fi = 3.4 kHz -1 -0.1 fi=4kHz -14 fi ~4.6 kHz -32 dB NOTE 3: The differential analog input signals are sine waves at 6 V peak to peak. The reference gain is at 1020 Hz. 7-230 3.5.2 ADC Channel Input, Voo Noted) =5 V, Input Amplifier Gain =0 dB (Unless Otherwise PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS VI(PP) Peak-to-peak input voltage (see Note 4) CMRR Common-mode rejection ratio at IN+. IN-. AUX IN+. AUX IN- (see Note 5) ri Input resistance at IN+. IN-. AUX IN+. AUXIN- ADC converter offset error MIN MAX UNIT 3 V Differential 6 V Band-pass filter selected 10 DS03. DS02 = 0 in register 4 Squelch TYPt Single ended 30 mV 55 dB 100 kg 60 dB t All typical values are at VDD = 5 V and TA = 25°C. NOTES: 4. The differential range corresponds to the full-scale digital output. 5. Common-mode rejection ratio is the ratio of the ADC converter offset error with no signal and the ADC converter offset error with a common-mode nonzero signal applied to either IN + and IN - together or AUX IN + and AUX IN- together. 3.5.3 ADC Channel Signal-to-Distortion Ratio, Voo = 5 V, fs Otherwise Noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS ADC channel signal-todistortion ratio (see Note 6) = 8 kHz (Unless Ay= OdB Ay=6dB Ay = 12dB MIN MIN MIN MAX VI = -6 dB to -1 dB 64 - VI =-12 dB to-6 dB 59 64 MAX MAX UNIT - VI'" -18 dB to -12 dB 56 59 64 VI" -24 dB to -18 dB 50 56 59 VI .. -30 dB to -24 dB 44 50 56 VI = -36 dB to -30 dB 38 44 50 VI = -42 dB to -36 dB 32 38 44 VI = -48 dB to -42 dB 26 32 38 dB NOTE 6: The analog input test signal is a 102D-Hz sine wave with 0 dB ,.; 6 V peak to peak as the reference level for the analog input signal. 3.5.4 DAC Channel Filter Transfer Function, FCLK PARAMETER =144 kHz, fs =9.6 kHz, VDD =5 V TEST CONDITIONS MIN fi = 200 Hz .. -0.5 UNIT 0.2 -0.2 0.2 fi'" 3.3 kHz -0.35 0.03 fi = 3.4 kHz -1 -0.1 fi = 300 Hz to 3 kHz Gain relative to gain at fi = 1020 Hz (see Note 7) MAX 0.15 fi<200 Hz fi = 4 kHz -14 fi ~ 4.6 kHz -32 dB NOTE 7: The Input signal IS the digital equivalent of a 1020-Hz slOe wave (digital full scale = 0 dB). The nominal differential DAC channel output with this input condition is 6 V peak to peak. 7-231 3.5.5 , CAC Channel Slgnal-to-Dlstortlon Ratio, Voo Otherwise Noted) PARAMETER DAC channel signal-to distortion ratio (see Note 8) TEST CONDITIONS =5 V, fs =8 kHz (Unless' Av=OdB MIN MAX Av=-6dB MIN MAX AV=-12dB MIN MAX UNIT - VO--6dBtoOdB 64 - VO=-12dBto-6dB 59 64 VO--18dBto-12dB 56 59 64 Vo --24 dB to-18 dB 50 56 59 Vo - -30 dB to -24 dB 44 50 56 Vo .. -36 dB to -30 dB 38 44 50 VO- -42 dB to -36 dB 32 38 44 Vo .. -48 dB to -42 dB 26 32 38 ' dB NOTE 8: The input signal. VI. is the digital equivalent of a 1020-Hz sine wave (full-scale analog output atfull-scale digital input = 0 dB). The nominal differential DAC channel output with this input condition is 6 V peak to peak. The load impedance for the DAC output buffer is 600 a from OUT + to OUT -. 3.5.6 System Distortion, VOD Noted) PARAMETER Second harmonic .ADC channel attenuation DACchannel attenuation Third harmonic and higher harmonics Second harmonic =5 V, fs =8 kHz, FCLK =144 kHz (Unless Otherwise . TEST CONDITIONS Differential input (see Note 9) 64 64 Single-ended output (buffered DAC VMID) (see Note 10) UNIT 82 77 82 64 82 77 64 77 Single-ended output (see Note 10) Differential output (see Note 10) MAX 77 Single-ended input (see Note 9) Differential input (see Note 9) TYPt 82 Single-ended input (see Note 9) Differential output (see Note 10) Third harmonic and higher harmonics MIN dB t All typical values are at VDD" 5 V and TA" 25°C. NOTES: 9. The inpl.lt signal is a 1020-Hz sine wave for the ADC channel. Harmonic distortion is defined for an input level of -1 dB. 10. The input Signal is the digital equivalent of a 102O-Hz sine wave (digital full scale .. 0 dB). The nominal differential DAC channel output with this input condition is 6 V peak to peak. The load impedance for the DAC output buffer is 600 a from OUT + to OUT -. Harmonic distortion is specified tor a signal input level otO dB. 3.5.7 Noise, Low-Pass and Band-Pass Switched-Capacitor Filters Included, Voo =5 V (Unless Otherwise Noted) PARAMETER MIN Inputs tied to ADC VMID fs =8 kHz, FCLK = 144 kHz, (see Note 11) ADC idle channel noise DAC idle channel noise TEST CONDITIONS Broad-band noise Noise (0 to 7.2 kHz) Noise (0 to 3.6 kHz) DIN INPUT =00000000000000 fs .. 8 kHz, FCLK .. 144 kHz, (see Note 12) TYPt MAX 180 300 180 300 180 300 180 300 UNIT I1Vrms t All typical values are at VDD" 5 V and TA" 25°C. NOTES: 11. The ADC channel noise is calculated by taking the RMS value of the digital output codes of the ADC channel and converting to microvolts. 12. The DAC channel noise is measured differentially from OUT + to OUT-across 600 C. 3.5.8 Absolute Gain Error, VDO = 5 V, fs = 8 kHz (Unless Otherwise Noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN MAX ADC channel absolute gain error (see Note 13) -1-dB input signal TA = -40 to 85°C ±1 DAC channel absolute gain error (see Note 14) O-dB input signal, RL=600C TA = -40 to 65"C ±1 UNIT dB NOTES: 13. ADC absolute gain error is the variation in gain from the ideal gain over the specified input signal levels. The gain is measured with a -1-dB, 1020-Hz sine wave. The -1-dB input signal allows for any positive gain or offset error that may affect gain measurements at or close to O-dB input signal levels. 14. The DAC input Signal is the digital equivalent of a 1020-Hz sine wave (full-scale analog output at digital full-scale input = 0 dB). The nominal differential DAC channel output voltage with this input condition is 6 V peak to peak. The load impedance for the DAC output buffer is 600 C from OUT + to OUT -. 3.5.9 Relative Gain and Dynamic Range, Voo Noted) PARAMETER =5 V, fs =8 kHz (Unless Otherwise TEST CONDITIONS MIN MAX ADC channel relative gain tracking error (see Note 15) -48-dB to -1-dB input signal range ±0.2 DAC channel relative gain tracking error (see Note 16) -48-dB to O-dB input Signal range RL(diff) = 600 C ±0.2 UNIT dB NOTES: 15. ADC gain tracking is the ratio of the measured gain at one ADC channel input level to the gain measured at any other input level. The ADC channel input is a -1-dB 1020-Hz sine wave input signal. A -1-dB input signal allows for any positive gain or offset error that may affect gain measurements at or close to O-dB ADC input signal levels. 16. DAC gain tracking is the ratio of the measured gain at one DAC channel digital input level to the gain measured at any other input level. The DAC channel input signal is the digital equivalent of a 1020-Hz sine wave (digital full scale =0 dB). The nominal differential DAC channel output voltage with this input condition is 6 V peak to peak. The load impedance for the DAC output buffer is 600 C from OUT + to OUT -. 7-233 3.5.10 Power-Supply Rejection, Voo =5 V (Unless Otherwise Noted)(see Note 17), PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS ADCVDD Supply-voltage rejection ratio, ADC channel DACVDD Supply-voltage rejection ratio, DAC channel DGTL VDD Supply-voltage rejection ratio, ADC channel DGTL VDD Supply-voltage rejection ratio, DAC channel MIN TYPt fi=Ot030kHz 50 fi .. 30 to 50 kHz ,55 fi-Ot030kHz 40 fi .. 30 to 50 kHz 45 fi~Ot030kHz 50 fi .. 30 to 50 kHz Single ended, fi-Ot030kHz 55 MAX UNIT dB 40 fi = 30 to 50 kHz 45 Differential, fi""Ot030kHz 40 fi = 30 to 50 kHz 45 tAli typical values are at VDD = 5 V and TA" 25°C. NOTE 17: Power-supply rejection measurements are made with both the ADC and the DAC channels idle and a 200-mV peak-ta-peak signal applied to the appropriate supply. 3.5.11 Crosstalk Attenuation, Voo PARAMETER ADC channel crosstalk attenuation DAC channel crosstalk attenuation =5 V (Unless Otherwise Noted) TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYpt PAC channel idle with DIN .. 00000000000000, ADC input .. 0 dB, 1020-Hz sine wave, Gain .. 0 dB (see Note 18) 80 ADC channel idle with INP, INM, AUX IN +, and AUX IN- at ADC VMID 80 DAC channel input = digital equivalent of a 1020-Hz sine wave (see Note 19) 80 MAX UNIT dB dB t All typical values are at VDD =5 V and TAos 25°C. NOTES: 18. The test Signal is a 1020-Hz sine wave with a 0 dB .. 6-V peak-ta-peak reference level for the analog input signal. 19. The input signal is the digital equivalent of a 1020-Hz sine wave (digital full scale - 0 dB). The nominal differential DAC channel output with this input condition is 6 V peak to peak. The load impedance for the DAe output buffer is 600 Q from OUT + to OUT -. 7-234 3.5.12 Monitor Output Characteristics, VDD (see Note 20) PARAMETER =5 V (Unless Otherwise Noted) TEST CONDITIONS VO(PP) Peak-to-peak ac output voltage Quiescent level .. ADC VMID ZL .. 10 kO and 60 pF VOO Output offset voltage No load, single ended relative to ADC VMID ro DC output resistance Voe Output common-mode voltage AV Voltage gain (see Note 21) MIN 1.3 Typf MAX 1.5 5 V 10 O.4ADC VDD 0.5ADC VDD 0.6ADC VDD Gain .. OdB -0.2 0 0.2 Gain2 .. -8dB -8.2 -8 -7.8 Gain 3 =~18dB -18.4 -18 -17.6 Squelch (see Note 22) mV C 50 No load UNIT V dB -60 t All typical values are at VDD .. 5 V and TA" 25°C. NOTES: 20. All monitor output tests are performed with a 10-kO load resistance. 21. Monitor gains are measured with a 1020-Hz, 6-V peak-ta-peak sine wave applied differentially between IN + and IN -.The monitor output gains are nominally 0 dB, ~8 dB, and -18 dB relative to its input; however, the output gains are -6 dB relative to IN+ and IN- or AUX IN+ and AUX IN-. 22. Squelch is measured differentially with respect to ADC VMID. 7-235 3.6 Timing Requirements and Specifications in Master Mode 3.6.1 Recommended Input Timing Requirements for Master Mode, MIN Voo =5'" . NOM MAX UNIT tr(MCLK) Master clock rise time 5 ns tf(MCLK) Master clock fall time 5 ns Master clock duty cycle twCRESET> ( RESET pulse duratio{l tsuCDlN) DIN setup time before SCLK low (see Figure 4-2) th(DIN) DIN hold time after SCLK high (see Figure 4-2) 3.6.2 40% . ... 60% 1 MCLK 25 ns 20 ns Operating Characteristics Over Recommended Range of Operating Free-Air Temperature, Voo 5 V (Unless Otherwise Noted) (see Note 23) = PARAMETER tfCSCLK) Shift clock fall time (see Figure 4-2) trCSCLK) Shift clock rise time (see Figure 4-2) Shift clock duty cycle MIN TYPt MAX 13 18 ns 18 ns 13 45% UNIT 55% Delay time from SCLK high to FSD low (see Figures 4-2 and 4-4 and Note 24) 5 id(CH-FH) Delay time from SCLK high to FS high (see Figure 4-2) 5 id(CH-DOUT) Delay time from SCLK high to DOUT valid (see Figures 4-2 and 4-7) id(CH-DOUTZ) Delay time from SCLKi to DOUT in high-impedance state (see Figure 4-8) 20 ns idCML-EL) Delay time from MCLK low to EOC low (see Figure 4-9) 40 ns idCML-EH) Delay time froll) MCLK low to EOC high (see Figure 4-9) . 40 ns tfCEU EOC fall time (see Figure 4-9) 13 ns tr(EH) EOC rise time (see Figure 4-9) 13 ns id(MH-CH) Delay time from MCLK high to SCLK high 50 ns idCMH-CL) Delay time from MCLK high to SCLK low 50 ns td(CH-FL) 20 ns 20 ns 20 ns t All typical values are at VDD = 5 V and TA = 25°C. NOTES: 23. All timing specifications are valid with CL = 20 pF. 24. FSD occurs 1/2 shift-clock cycle ahead of FS when the device is operating in the master mode. 7-236 3.7 Timing Requirements and Specifications in Slave Mode and Codec Emulation Mode 3.7.1 Recommended Input Timing Requirements for Slave Mode, Voo =5 V NOM MIN MAX UNIT tr(MCLK) Master clock rise time 5 ns tf(MCLK) Master clock fall time 5 ns Master clock duty cycle 40% tw(RESETI RESET pulse duration 1 MCLK tsuCDIN) DIN setup time before SCLK low (see Figure 4-3) th(DIN) DIN hold time after SCLK high (see Figure 4-3) tsu(FL-CH) Setup time from FS low to SCLK high 3.7.2 60% 20 ns 20 ±SCLKl4 ns ns Operating Characteristics Over Recommended Range of Operating Free-Air Temperature, Voo 5 V (Unless Otherwise Noted) (see Note 23) = PARAMETER tc(SCLK) Shift clock cycle time (see Figure 4-3) tf(SCLK) Shift clock fall time (see Figure 4-3) tr(SCLK) Shift clock rise time (see Figure 4-3) Shift clock duty cycle MIN TYPt MAX 125 UNIT ns 45% 18 ns 18 ns 55% ~(CH-FDU Delay time from SCLK high to FSD low (see Figure 4-6) 50 ~(CH-FDH) Delay time from SCLK high to FSD high 40 ns ns ~(FL-FDL) Delay time from FS low to FSD low (slave to slave) (see Figure 4-5) 40 ns ~(CH-DOUT) Delay time from SCLK high to DOUT valid (see Figures 4-:-3 and 4-7) 40 ns ~(CH-DOUTZ) Delay time from SCLKi to DOUT in high-impedance state (see Figure 4-8) 20 ns ~(ML-EL) Delay time from MCLK low to EOC low (see Figure 4-9) 40 ns ~(ML-EH) Delay time from MCLK low to EOC high (see Figure 4-9) 40 ns tf(EU tr(EH) . EOC fall time (see Figure 4-9) 13 ns EOC rise time (see Figure 4-9) 13 ns ~(MH-CH) Delay time from MCLK high to SCLK high 50 ns ~(MH-CL) Delay time from MCLK high to SCLK low 50 ns t All typical values are at VDD • 5 V and TA = 25°C. NOTE 23: All timing specifications are valid with CL .. 20 pF. 7-237 7-238 4 Parameter Measurement Information Rfb R IN+orAUXIN+----~~--~--~ R IN-orAUXIN-----~~--~--~ + Rfb = = = = = = = = = Rfb R for OS03 0 and OS02 1 Rfb 2R for OS03 1 and OS02 0 Rfb 4R for OS03 1 and OS02 1 R = 100 kn nominal Figure 4-1. IN+ and IN- Gain-Control Circuitry Table 4-1. Gain Control (Analog Input Signal Required for Full-Scale Bipolar AID Conversion 28 Complement)t INPUT CONFIGURATION Oifferential configuration Analog input .. IN + - IN= AUX IN+ - AUX IN- Single-ended configuration§ Analog input = IN + - VMIO =AUXIN+-VMIO CONTROL REGISTER 4 OS03 OS02 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 ANALOG INPun All A/O CONVERSION RESULT Squelch VIO =±3 V ±Full scale VID=±1.5V ±Fullscale VIO = ±O.75 V ±Full scale Squelch 0 0 All 0 1 VI=±1.5V ±Halfscale 1 0 VI=±1.5V ±Full scale 1 ±Full scale VI =±0.75 V 1 tVOO '" 5 V :j: VID = differential input voltage, VI .. input voltage referenced to AOC VMIO with IN - or AUX IN - connected to AOC VMIO. In order to minimize distortion, it is recommended that the analog input not exceed 0.1 dB below full scale. § For single-ended inputs, the analog input voltage should not exceed the supply rails. All single-ended inputs should be referenced to the internal reference voltage, AOC VMI[), for best common-mode performance. 7-239 ---: ~ I+- tf(SCLK} tr(SCLK} I SCLK 2V I O.BV - . : : - "'(CH-FL) 1 "'(CI>FH) - :v : L Fst~~i____________I~~I________________________________-J~ O.BV~ 1 1 X -+--I ~ X ~ .014 oou11 tsu(OIN) OIN~ !~. ~ tct(CH-OOUT) X 014 ~13 013 th(OIN) 1 14 012 X 011 ~O< 02 X 012 X 011 ~O< 02 X X Master-M~de Timing .01 00 }- ~ tf(SCLK) 1 SCLK 2V I 14 I~I F~ X"--OO_·",,,}- 1 Figure 4-2. AIC Stand-Alone and -1 ~ 01 1 1 § ~! ~_~________~~~I__________________________-J·;-1 1 OOUT* ~ I: --+I 014 X 013 I!= tct(CH-OOUT) X 012 X 1 OIN tsU(OIN)~ 1 014 ~ ~131 ---®< th(OIN) 14 011 ~O< 02 X 01 X 00 }- ' 012 X 011 }- ~ Figure 4-3. AIC Slave and Codec Emulation Mode t The time between falling edges of two primary FS signals is the conversion period. :j: The data on DOUT are shifted out on the rising edge of the shift clock, and the data on DIN are shifted in on the falling edge of the shift clock. § The high-to-Iow transition of FS must must occur within ±1/4 of a shift-clock period around the 2-Vlevel of the shift clock. 7-240 / SCLK \ 1 1 1 1 1 1 '.. FSD 0.8>J. 14 r \ 2.4/1 .,, SCLK perlodl2 1 , .1 tct(CH-FL) 0.8~ FS NOTE: Timing shown is for the TLC320AC02 operating as the master or as a stand-alone device. Figure 4 ...4. Master or Stand-Alone FS and FSD Timing 0.8 \V _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ FS \:~ I FSD .1 ~ tct(FL-FDL) ----------0-.8-~~1_ _ _ _ _ _ ___ NOTE: Timing shown is for the TLC320AC02 operating in the slave mode (FS and SCLK signals generated extemally). The programmed data value in the FSD register is O. Figure 4-5. Slave FS to FSD Timing SCLK __ 2'...,4/1 ---./ I+- I 0.8 ~_ _ _ tct(CH-FDL) ------0-.8~~~1_____________________________________ NOTE: Timing shown is for the TLC320AC02 operating in the slave mode (FS and SCLK signals generated extemally). There is a data value in the FSD register greater than 18 decimal. Figure 4 - 6. Slave SCLK to FSD Timing 7-241 SCLK :.+ DOUT U~1'-_---'/ ----011( . \"-- tci(CH-DOUT) , J X 2•4V 2.4V .... O4...V _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. \"' . .;,;O.~4.;;.V_ __ HI-Z \;j&;.,_ Figure 4-7. DOUT Enable Timing from HI-Z SCLK 2V if O.8~ ~ / .1 1 tci(CH-DOUTZ) HI-Z 0.81 DOUT Figure 4-8. DOUT Delay Timing to HI-Z L. _I I"~ MCLK ____~;r~----~8~)l~~i----J~~~0.~8V-----------~ EOC .... -u(ML-EH) 1 I : . - tr(EH) 1 ~ td(ML-EL) !;rr~2.~4~V---~~(~j--~2~.4~V~1 I _0.4 V _ _ _ _ _ _.....O,;, ; .4....V.....¥ I ~ 1 ( 1 14 Internal ADC Conversion ,Time Figure 4-9. EOC Frame Timing 7-242 .1 I+-1 .1 tf(EL) ~ .1 1 Delay Is m Shift Clockst 1 Master I FS I 111111141-------I~ Delay Is m Shift Clockst LJ I I Master FSD, Ir tI 1-1- - - - - - ; Slave Device 1 FS : I 1 Delay Is m Shift Clockst I Slave Device 1 FSD, : Slave Device 2 FS I I I 1 I I I I ----------------------~U Slave Device 2 --1FSD, I1 Slave Device 3 FS I i I I LJ Slave Device I (n -1) FSD, Slave Device n FS ,.------ t The delay time from any FS signals to the corresponding FSD signals is m shift clocks with the value of m being the numerical value of the data programmed into the FSD register. In the master mode with slaves, the same data word is used to program the master and all slave devices; therefore, master to slave 1, slave 1 to slave 2, slave 2 to slave 3, etc., have the same delay time. Figure 4-10. Master-Slave Frame-Sync Timing After a Delay Has Been Programmed Into the FSD Registers t=O t=1 Sampling ~ I r ~~ t--; ~s MasterAIC Only Primary FramSync FS I I ~ fMP1 \'1 ~s ~ I I II r9 " I I 1 , FsT~~~'~j----II : h II Ie MasterAIC Only Primary and Secondary Frame Sync t=2 I -' r'j h-FSD:'! Master and Slave FS---' AICPrimary Frame Sync .' ~ tSPt I 1/2 Period I 1 1 "Wrr---u-v'j : 1 IMPI I ISP I I IMP! ISPI Master and Slave AIC Primary and F S - - L J - U i J - L r t H J t i 1 J i J i J u u MP SP MS SS MP SP MS SS MP SP MS SS Secondary Frame Sync MP = Master Primary MS = Master Secondary SP = Slave Primary SS = Slave Secondary Figure 4-11. Master and Slave Frame-Sync Sequence with One Slave 7-243 7-244 5 Typical Characteristics ADC LOW·PASS RESPONSE 0 -10 III = '\ TA 25°C FCLK 144 kHz = -20 "CI I c 0 i::::II ! -30 -50 -60 - r~ II """ -40 o ~I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 11 -Input Frequency - kHz 9 10 Figure 5-1 ADO LOW·PASS RESPONSE 0.5 = ITA 250C I FCLK 144 kHz 0.4 = 0.3 0.2 III "CI I 0.1 0 i::::II 0 !ct -0.1 c c - "", i'... r-- ~ ,/ '\ \ -0.2 -0.3 -0.4 -0.5 o 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 '1 -Input Frequency - kHz Figure 5-2 NOTE : Absolute Frequency (kHz) Normalized Frequency x FCLK (kHz) 144 7-245 AI)C ~ROUP DELAY 1 TA=25°C FCLK = 144 kHz o.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 ! 0.5 0.4 J 0.3 0 [.....00" If; \. .......... '\ -1 0 ID J TA = 25°C f8 = 8 kHz FCLK =144 kHz -20 " !8 -30 ! -40 I I -50 -60 o 1\ 1/ ~ II 1 23456 fl -Input Frequency - kHz 7 8 Figure 5-4 NOTE : Absolute Frequency (kHz) 7-246 = Normalized Frequency x FCLK (kHz) 144 ADC BAND-PASS RESPONSE o.5 o.4 TA=25°C f S =8kHz FCLK =144 kHz o.3 CD "c i:::s I 0.2 0.1 o c :! I -0.1 - ........ !;!" I 4( -0.2 , / 1\ ~ I -0.3 -0.4 -0.5 II o 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 fl -Input Frequency - kHz 3.5 4 Figure 5-5 ADC HIGH-PASS RESPONSE 0 / -5 CD "g / -10 / I != 10-- -15 I -20 -25 -30 TA = 25°C fs = 8 kHz FCLK =144 kHz o 50 100 150 200 fl -Input Frequency - kHz 250 Figure 5-6 NOTE: Absolute Frequency (kHz) Normalized Frequency x FCLK (kHz) 144 7-247 ADC BAND-PASS GROUP DELAY ; 1 I I ..!. TA = 25°C f s =8 kHz FCLK =144 kHz o.9 0.8 0.7 I 0.6 I 0.5 7 0.4 J 0.3 0.2 0.1 o / "- I--"""'"' o 1 2 1\ "3 4 ............... 5 j 7 6 8 fl - Input Frequency - kHz Figure 5-7 DAC LOW-PASS RESPONSE 0 " -10 ED -20 TA = 25°C fs = 9.6 kHz FCLK =144 kHz "a I C i -30 ::I ! -40 I~ -50 -60 / r-.. If ~J o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 fl - Input Frequency - kHz \ 9 10 Figure 5-8 NOTE : Absolute Frequency (kHz) 7-248 Normalized Frequency x FCLK (kHz) 144 DAC LOW-PASS RESPONSE o. 5 I I TA = 25°C O. 4 fs = 9.6 kHz FCLK =144 kHz 0.3 m 'tI I c 0.2 0.1 i 0 :! -0.1 c - ~ V '"'- h C -0.2 -0.3 -0.4 -0.5 o 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 fl - Input Frequency - kHz Figure 5-9 DAC LOW-PASS GROUP DELAY TAL25~ I O. 9 I- fs = 9.6 kHz FCLK =144 kHz 0.8 1 0.7 I 0.6 I 0.5 ~ fl II 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 o j V o 1 2 1\ 3 4 "'" 5 6 to-- 7 8 lr 9 10 fl -Input Frequency - kHz Figure 5-10 NOTE: Absolute Frequency (kHz) Normalized Frequency x FCLK (kHz) 144 7-249 DAC (sin x)/x CORRECTION FILTER RESPONSE 4 ~ 2 V o / V .IV \, ~ \ \ -2 \ -4 l- TA =25°C = ~ \ Input ± 3-V Sine Wave -6 o I I II I 24 6 8 10 12 14 16 Normalized Frequency 18 20 Figure 5-11 DAC (sin x)/x CORRECTION FILTER RESPONSE 500 = TA 25°C Input ± 3-V Sine Wave = 400 •I Vf\ :I. J c!Go ~ 300 J ~ 200 ~ 100 y l/ If 1\ " I"'-- o o 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Normalized Frequency 18 20 Figure 5-12 NOTE: Absolute Frequency (kHz) = _N_or_m_a_"z_e_d_F...;,req---:...u:;:o:en:::;c;-:.y_x_F_C_L_K....;<:....kH_z..:.,> 288 7-250 DAC (sin x)/x CORRECTION ,ERROR 2 ~ 1.2 all i• - 0.4 ~ .." ......... 0 :-0.4 :2 -0.8 I Error ~ " -1.8 o V ~ ........... -1.2 -2 V V (sin x) Ix Correction 0.8 "i' /V' TA=25°C Input = ± 3-V Sine Wave 1.8 ~ "' 19.2-kHz (sin x) Distortion I\.. ,~ "- t\. \ 1 2 3 4 5 8 7 Normalized Frequency 8 9 '10 Figure 5-13 NOTE: Absolute Frequency (kHz) = Normalized Frequency x FCLK (kHz) 288 7-251 7-252 6 Application Information TLC320AC02 TMS320C2x1C3x . . CLKOUT CLKX CLKR 10 .... 11 DR FSR 14 r DX FSX DACVDD DACVMID DIN DACGND DOUT ~ 12 .... MCLK ~ ~ 6 7 24 ADCVDD FS ADCVMID 13 5 23 22 ADCGND SCLK 5V + + 0.1 0.1 ;::: ::: 0.1 !iF 5V ;::: F: 0.1 !iF ;::: r: 0.1 !iF !iF 9 DGTLVDD DGTLGND 20 !iF -== - DGND 5V AOND Figure 6-1. Stand-Alone Mode (to DSP Interface) TMS320C2x13x TLC320AC02 .. .. CLKOUT DX FSR CLKX CLKR 10 .... 11 - DR FSX 14 .... - 12 .... - 13 ~ ~ MCLK DIN DOUT FS SCLK Figure 6-2. Codec Mode (to DSP Interface) Terminal numbers shown are for the FN package. 7-253 TMS320C2x13x TLC320AC02 .,14 CLKOUT DX .. DR FSX FSR .. .,10 11 - 12 ~ CLKX .. CLKR ~. - MCLK DIN DOUT Master Mode FS FSD 13 SCLK TLC320AC02 - .,14 .,10 - 11 ~r , DIN DOUT ~ FS - FSD - .,13 " . MCLK Slave Mode SCLK r Terminal numbers shown are for the FN package. Figure 6-3. Master With Slave (to DSP Interface) 10kn IN+ 10kn INADCVMID t The VI source must be capable of sinking a current equal to [ADC VMID + IVII(max)]/10 kn. Figure 6-4. Single-Ended Input (Ground Referenced) 7-254 IN+ 10kn 10kn 10kn Vlt --'V\f'v--......- - t 10kn IN- 10kn t------- ADC VMID 10kn tThe VI source must be capable of sinking a current equal to [(ADC VMlo/2) + IVII(max)]/10 1<0. Figure 6-5. Single-Ended to Differential Input (Ground Referenced) OUT- eoo-a Load OUT+ Figure 6-6. Differential Load 10kn 10kn OUT- 1-..JV1/'v---4..---1 OUT+I-..JVI/'v---4..---1 10kn eoo-a TLE2062 Load NOTE: When a signal is changed from a single supply with a nonzero reference system to a grounded load, the operational amplifier must be powered from plus and minus supplies or the load must be capacitively coupled. Figure 6-7. Differential Output Drlve (Ground Referenced) 7-255 OUT+~--------~ TLE2062 6Oo-n Load OUT-I------f Figure 6-8. Low-Impedance Output Drive 100kn 100kn OUT+ I--'V'VV----_---t DAC VMID t--..JV\/'v--.....- - I 100kn 600-0 Load TLE2062 NOTE: When a signal is changed from a single supply with a nonzero reference system to a grounded load, the operational amplifier must be powered from plus and minus supplies or the load must be capacitively coupled. Figure 6-9. Single--Ended Output Drive (Ground Referenced) 7-256 Appendix A Primary Control Bits The function of the primary-word control bits 001 and 000 and the hardware terminals FCO and FC1 are shown below. Any combinational state of 001, 000, FC1, and FCO not shown is ignored. CONTROL FUNCTION OF CONTROL BITS BITS D01 DOO TERMINALS FC1 FCO DESCRIPTION 0 0 0 0 On the next falling edge of FS, the AIC receives DAC data D15-D02 to DIN and transmits the ADC data D15-DOO from DOUT. 0 0 0 1 On the next falling edge of FS, the AIC receives DAC data D15-D02 to DIN and transmits the ADC data D15-DOO from DOUT. The phase adjustment is determined by the state of FC1 and FCO such that on the next rising edge of the next internal FS, the next ADC/DAC sampling time occurs later by the number of MCLK periods equal to the value contained in the A' register. If the A' register value is negative, the internal falling edge of FS occurs earlier. 0 0 1 0 On the next falling edge of FS, the AIC receives DAC data D15-D02 at DIN and transmits the ADC data D15-DOO from DOUT. The phase adjustment is determined by the state of FC1 and FCO such that on the next rising edge ofthe next internal FS, the next ADC/DAC sample time occurs earlier by the number of MCLK periods determined by the value contained in the A' register. If the A' register value is negative, the intemal falling edge of FS occurs later. 0 0 1 1 On the next falling edge of the primary FS, the AIC receives DAC data D15-D02 at DIN and transmits the ADC data D15- DOO from DOUT. When FCO and FC1 are both taken high, the AIC initiates a secondary FS to receive a secondary control word at DIN. The secondary frame sync~urs at 1/2 the sampling time as measured from the falling edge of the primary FS. 0 1 0 0 On the next falling edge of FS, the AIC receives DAC data D15-D02 to DIN and transmits the ADC data D15-DOO from DOUT. The phase adjustment is determined by the state of D01 and DOO such that on the next rising edge of FS, the next ADC/DAC sampling time occurs later by the number of MCLK periods determined by the value contained in the A' register. If the A' register value is negative, the falling edge of FS occurs earlier. 1 0 0 0 On the next falling edge of FS, the AIC receives DAC data D15-D02 at DIN and transmits the ADC data D15-DOO from DOUT. The phase adjustment is determined by the state of D01 and DOO. On the next rising edge of FS, the next ADC/DAC sampling time occurs earlier by the number of MCLK periods determined by the value contained in the A' register. If the A' register value is negative, the internal falling edge of FS occurs later. 1 1 0 0 On the next falling edge of FS, the AIC receives DAC data D15-D02 to DIN and transmits the ADC data D15-DOO from DOUT. When DOO and D01 are both high, the AIC initiates a secondary FS to receive a secondary control word at DIN. The secondary frame sync occurs at 1/2 the sampling time as measured from the falling edge of the primary FS. 7-257 CONTROL FUNCTION OF CONTROL BITS (CONTINUED) BITS 001 000 0 1 TERMINALS FC1 FCO 1 1 DESCRIPTION On the next falling edge of FS, the AICreceives OAC data 015-002 to DIN and transmits the AOC data 015-000 from OOUT. The phase adjustment is determined by the state of 001 and 000 such that on the next rising edge of FS, the next AOC/OAC sampling time occurs later by the number of MCLK periOds determined by the value contained in the A' register. If the A' register value is negative, FS occurs earlier. When FCO and FC1 are both taken high, the AIC initiates a secondary FS to receive a secondary control word at DIN. The secondary frame sync occurs at 112 the sampling time as measured from the falling edge of the primary FS. 1 0 1 1 On the next falling edge of FS, the AIC receives OAC data 015-002 at DIN and transmits the AOC data 015-000 frqm OOUT. The phase adjustment is determined by the state of 001 and OOO.On the next rising edge of FS, the next AOC/OAC sample time occurs earlier by the number of MCLK periods determined by the value contained in the A' register. If the A' register value is negative, FS occurs later. When FCO and FC1 are both taken high, the AIC initiates a secondary FS to receive a secondary control word at DIN. The secondary frame sync~rs at 112 the sampling time as measured from the falling edge of the primary FS. 1 1 1 1 On the next falling edge ofthe primary FS, the AIC receives OAC data 015-002 at DIN and transmits the AOC data 015":'000 from OOUT. When FC1 and FCO are both high or 001 and 000 are both high, the AIC initiates a secondary FS to receive a secondary control word at DIN. The secondaryfS occurs at 1/2 the sampling time measured from the falling edge of the primary FS. 1 1 0 1 On the next falling edge of FS, the AIC receives OAC data 015-002, to DIN and transmits the AOC data 015- 000 from OOUT. When 000 and 001 are high, the AIC initiates a secondary FS to receive a secondary . control word at DIN. The secondary frame sync occurs at 1/2 the sampling time as measured from the falling edge of the primary FS. The phase adjustment is determined by the state of FC1 and FCO such that on the next rising edge of FS, the next AOC/OAC sampling time occurs later by the number of MCLK periOds determined by the value contained in the A' register. If the A' register value is negative, FS occurs earlier. 1 1 1 0 On the next falling edge of FS, the AIC receives OAC data 015-002 to DIN and transmits the AOC data 015~000 from OOUT. When 000 and 001 are high, the AIC initiates a secondary FS to receive a secondary control word at DIN. The secondary frame sync occurs at 1/2 the sampling time as measured from the falling edge of the primary FS. The phase adjustment is determined by the state of FC1 and FCO such that on the next rising edge of FS, the nextAOC/OAC sampling time occurs later by the number of MCLK periods determined by the value contained in the A' register. If the A' register value is negative, FS occurs earlier. 1 1 1 1 On the next falling edge of FS,the AIC receives OAC data 015"':002 at DIN and transmits the AOC data 015-000 from OOUT. When FC1 and FCO are both high or 001 and 000 are both high, the AIC initiates a .secondary FS to receive a secondary control word at DIN. The secondaryfS occurs at 112 the sampling time measured from the falling edge of the primary FS. 7-258 Appendix B Secondary Communications The function of the control bits OS15 and OS 14 and the hardware terminals FCO and FC1 are shown below. Any combinational state of OS15, 0814, FC1, and FCO not shown is ignored. CONTROL FUNCTION OF SECONDARY COMMUNICATION BITS DS15 DS14 TERMINALS FC1 FCO 0 0 Ignored On the next falling edge of~, the AIC receives DAC data D15-D02 at DIN and transmits the ADC data D15-000 from DOUT. 0 1 Ignored On the next falling edge of the FS, the AIC receives DAC data 015- 002 at DIN and transmits the ADC data 015-000 from DOUT. The phase adjustment is determined by the state of DS 15 and OS 14 such that on the next rising edge of FS, the next ADC/DAC sampling time occurs later by the number of MCLK periods determined by the value contained"in the A' register. If the A' register value is negative, FS occurs earlier. 1 0 Ignored On the next falling edge of FS, the AIC receives DAC data 015-D02 at DIN and transmits the ADC data 015-DOO from DOUT. The phase adjustment is determined by the state of D01 and 000. On the next rising edge of FS, the next AOC/DAC sampling time occurs earlier by the number of MCLK periods determined by the value contained in the A' register. If the A' register value is negative, FS occurs later. " 1 1 0 0 On the next falling edge of ~, the AIC receives DAC data 015-002 at DIN and transmits the AOC data 015-Doo from OOUT. 1 1 0 1 On the next falling edge of the FS, the AIC receives DAC data 015-'-002 at DIN and transmits the AOC data D15- DOO from OOUT. The phase adjustment is determined by the state of FC1 and FCO such that on the next rising edge of FS, the next ADC/DAC sampling time occurs later by the number of MCLK periods determined by the value contained in the A' register. If the A' register value is negative, FS occurs earlier. 1 1 1 0 On the next falling edge of FS, the AIC receives OAC data 015-002 at DIN and transmits the ADC data 015-DOO from DOUT. The phase adjustment is determined by the state of FC1 and FCO such that on the next rising edge of FS, the next AOC/DAC sampling time occurs earlier by the number of MCLK periods determined by the value contained in the A' register. If the A' register value is negative, FS occurs later. 1 1 1 1 On the next falling edge of FS, the AIC receives DAC dataD15-D02 at DIN and transmits the AOC data D15- 000 from DOUT. 7-259 7-260 Appendix C TLC320AC01 CITLC320AC02C Specification Comparisons Texas Instruments manufactures the TLC320AC01 C and the TLC320AC02C specified for the O°C to 70°C commercial temperature range and the TLC320AC021 specified for the -40°C to 85°C temperature range. The TLC320AC02C and TLC320AC021 operate at a relaxed TLC320AC01 C specification. The differences are listed in the following tables. ADC Channel Signal-to-Distortion Ratio, Voo Otherwise Noted) (see Note 1) PARAMETER TLC320AC01 TLC320AC02 TLC320AC01 TLC320AC02 TLC320AC01 TLC320AC02 TLC320AC01 TLC320AC02 TLC320AC01 TLC320AC02 TLC320AC01 TLC320AC02 TLC320AC01 TLC320AC02 TLC320AC01 TLC320AC02 TEST CONDITIONS VI=-6dBto-1 dB VI=-12dBto-6dB VI- -18 dB to -12 dB VI = -24 dB to -18 dB VI = -30 dB to -24 dB VI =-36dBto-30dB VI = -42 dB to -36 dB VI =-48 dB to -42 dB AV=OdB MIN MAX =5 V, f8 =8 kHz (Unless AV=6dB MIN MAX AV= 12dB MIN 64 - - 63 68 59 64 - 68 57 63 68 56 59 64 51 57 63 50 56 59 45 51 57 56 44 50 39 45 51 38 44 50 33 39 45 32 38 44 27 33 39 26 32 38 MAX UNIT dB NOTE 1: The analog input test signal is a 1020-Hz sine wave with 0 dB = 6 V peak to peak as the reference level for the analog input signal. 7-261· DAC Channel Signal-to-Distortion Ratio, Voo Otherwise Noted) (see Note 2) PARAMETER TLC320AC01 TLC320AC02 TLC320AC01 TLC320AC02 TLC320AC01 TLC320AC02 TLC320AC01 TLC320AC02 TLC320AC01 TLC320AC02 TLC320AC01 TLC320AC02 TLC320AC01 TLC320AC02 TLC320AC01 TLC320AC02 TEST CONDITIONS Vo .. -6 dB to OdB Vo =-12 dB to-6 dB Vo =-18 dB to -12 dB Vo = -24 dB to -18 dB Vo = -30 dB to -24 dB Vo =-36 dB to -30 dB Vo - -42 dB to -36 dB Vo =-48 dB to -42 dB Ay=OdB MIN 68 MAX =5 V, fs =8 kHz (Unless Ay=-6dB MIN - 64 - 63 68 MAX Ay=-12dB MIN MAx UNIT - 59 64 - 57 63 68 56 59 64 51 57 63 50 56 59 45 51 57 44 50 56 39 45 51 38 44 50 33 39 45 32 38 44 27 33 39 26 32 38 dB NOTE 2: The input signal, V" is the digital equivalent of a 1020-Hz sine wave (full-scale analog output atfull-scale digital input =0 dB). The nominal differential DAC channel output with this input condition is 6 V peak to peak. The load impedance for the DAC output buffer is 600 n from OUT + to OUT -. 7-262 System Distortion, ADC Channel Attenuation, FCLK = 144 kHz (Unless Otherwise Noted) PARAMETER TLC320AC01 Voo = 5 V, fs = 8 kHz, TEST CONDITIONS MIN MAX 70 Second harmonic UNIT dB 64 dB TLC320AC02 Differential input (see Note 3) 70 dB TLC320AC01 Third hannonic and higher hannonics TLC320AC02 dB 64 NOTE 3: The input signal is a 1020 Hz-sine wave for the ADC channel. Harmonic distortion is defined for an input level of-1 dB. System Distortion, DAC Channel Attenuation, FCLK = 144 kHz (Unless Otherwise Noted) PARAMETER TLC320AC01 TLC320AC02 Second hannonic TLC320AC01 Third hannonic and higher hannonics TLC320AC02 Voo = 5 V, fs =8 kHz, TEST CONDITIONS Differential output (see Note 4) MIN MAX UNIT 70 dB 64 dB 70 dB dB 64 NOTE 4: The input signal is the digital equivalent of a 102Q-Hz sine wave (digital full scale • 0 dB). The nominal differential DAC channel output with this input condition is 6 V peak to peak. The load impedance for the DAC output buffer is 600 n from OUT + to OUT -. Harmonic distortion is specified for a signal input level of 0 dB. 7-263 7-264 TLC320AD55C Data Manual Sigma-Delta Analog Interface Circuit .1ExAs . INSTRUMENTS 7-266 IMPORTANT NOTICE i Texas Instruments (TI) reserves the right to make changes to its products or to discontinue any semiconductor product or service without notice, and advises its customers to obtain the latest version of relevant information to verify, before placing orders, that the information being relied on is current. . TI warrants performance of its semiconductor products and related software to the specifications applicable at the time of sale in accordance with TI's standard warranty. Testing and other quality control techniques are utilized to the extent TI deems necessary to support this warranty. Specific testing of all parameters of each device is not necessarily performed, except those mandated by government requirements. Certain applications using semiconductor products may involve potential risks of death, personal injl,Jry, or severe property or environmental damage ("Critical Applications"). TI SEMICONDUCTOR PRODUCTS ARE NOT DESIGNED, INTENDED, AUTHORIZED, OR WARRANTED TO BE SUITABLE FOR USE IN LIFE-SUPPORT APPLICATIONS, DEVICES OR SYSTEMS OR OTHER CRITICAL APPLICATIONS. Inclusion of TI products in such applications is understood to be fully at the risk of the customer. Use of TI products in such applications requires the written approval of an appropriate TI officer. Questions concerning potential risk applications should be directed to TI through a local SC sales office. In order to minimize risks associated with the customer's applications, adequate design and operating safeguards should be provided by the customer to minimize inherent or procedural hazards. TI assumes no liability for applications assistance, customer product design, software performance, or infringement of patents or services described herein. Nor does TI warrant or representthat any license, either express or implied, is granted under any patent right, copyright, mask work right, or other intellectual property right of TI covering or relating to any combination, machine, or process in which such semiconductor products or services might be or are used. Copyright © 1995, Texas Instruments Incorporated 7-266 Contents Section Title Page 1 Introduction ............................................................. 1.1 Features ............................................................ 1.2 Functional Block Diagram ............................................. 1.3 Terminal Assignments ................................................ 1.4 Ordering Information ................................................. 1.5 Terminal Functions ................................................... 1.6 Definitions and Terminology ........................................... 1.7 Register Functional Summary ......................................... 7-271 7-271 7-272 7-273 7-273 7-274 7-275 7-276 2 Functional Description ....................................... ............. 2.1 Device Functions .................................................... 2.1.1 Opera:ting Frequencies ......................................... 2.1.2 ADC Signal Channel ........................................... 2.1.3 DAC Signal Channel ........................................... 2.1.4 Serial Interface ................................................ 2.1.5 Register Programming .......................................... 2.1.6 Sigma-Delta ADC .............................................. 2.1.7 Decimation Filter ............................................... 2.1.8 Sigma-Delta DAC .............................................. 2.1.9 Interpolation Filter .............................................. 2.1.10 Switched-Capacitor Filter (SCF) ................................. 2.1 .11 Analog/Digital Loopback ........................................ 2.1.12 DAC Voltage Reference Enable. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2.1.13 FIR Overflow Flag ............................................. 2.2 Terminal Descriptions ................................................ 2.2.1 Reset and Power-Down ........................................ 2.2.2 Master Clock Circuit ............................................ 2.2.3 Data Out (DOUT) ..........•................................... 2.2.4 Data In (DIN) .................................................. 2.2.5 Hardware Program Terminal (FC) .......... , ..................... 2.2.6 Frame-Sync ................................................... 2.2.7 Multiplexed Analog Input ........................................ 2.2.8 Analog Input .................................................. 7-277 7-277 7-277 7-277 7-277 7-277 7-277 7-278 7-278 7-278 7-278 7-278 7-278 7-278 7-279 7-279 7-279 7-280 7-280 7-280 7-281 7-281 7-281 7-281 3 Serial Communications .................................................. 3;1 Primary Serial Communication ................. : ....................... 3.2 Secondary Serial Communication ...................................... 3.3 Conversion Rate Versus Serial Port .................................... 3.4 FIR Bypass Mode .................................................... 3.5 Phone Mode Control ................................................. 7-283 7-283 7-285 7-287 7-288 7-289 7-267 Contents (Continued) Section 4 Page Title Specifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7-291 4.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings Over Operating Free-Air Temperature Range ... 4.2 Recommended Operating Conditions ..•................................ 4.3 Recommended Operating Conditions, DVoo 5 V .................•..... 4.4 Electrical Characteristics, TA = 25°C, Voo(ADC) = Voo(DAC) = DVoo = 5 V, MCLK = 16.384 MHz, Fk= 8 .......................................... 4.4.1 Digital Inputs and Outputs, Outputs Not Loaded .....•....•......... 4.4.2 ADC Path Filter ................................................ 4.4.3 ADC Dynamic Performance ........................•............ 4.4.4 ADC Channel ................................................. 4.4.5 DAC Path Filter .....•..................•....................... 4.4.6 DAC Dynamic Performance ..................................... 4.4.7 DAC Channel ................................................. 4.4.8 Power Supplies, Voo(ADC) = Voo(DAC) = DVoo == 5 V, No Load ... 4.4.9 Timing Requirements ........................................... = 5 7-291 7-291 7-291 7-292 7-292 7-292 7-292 7-293 7-293 7-294 7-294 7-295 7-295 Application Information .. ................. ~ .............................. 7-297 Appendix A Register Set . .................................................... 7-299 7-268 List of Illustrations Figure Title Page 1-1 Functional Block Diagram .............................................. 7-272 1-2 Terminal Assignments ...............•................................. 7-273 2-1 Reset Function ....................................................... 2-2 Internal Power-Down Logic ............................................. 2-3 Differential Analog Input Configuration ................................... 3-1 Primary Serial Communication Timing ................................... 3-2 DAC and ADC Word Lengths ........................................•.. 7-279 7-280 7-281 7-284 7-284 3-3 Hardware and Software Methods to Initiate a Secondary Request ........... 7-285 3-4 Secondary DIN Format ................................................ 7-285 3-5 Hardware FC Secondary Request ....................................... 7-286 3-6 Software FC Secondary Request ........................................ 7-287 3-7 FIR Bypass Timing .................................................... 7-288 3-8 Phone Mode Timing ............................. ~ ..................... 7-289 5-1 TLC320AD55C Application Schematic ................................... 7-297 5-2 TLC320AD55C 1/0 Buffer and VMID Generator Schematic .................. 7-298 List of Tables Table Title Page 3-1 Least-Significant-Bit Control Function .................................... 7-286 3-2 Secondary Communication Data Format ................................. 7-287 7-269 7-270 1 Introduction The TLC320AD55C provides high resolution low-speed signal conversion from digital-to-analog (D/A) and from analog-to-digital (AID) using oversampling sigma-delta technology. This device consists of two. serial. synchronous conversion paths (one for each data direction) and includes an interpolation filter before the digital-to-analog converter (DAC) and a decimation filter after the analog-to-digital converter (ADC) (see Figure 1-1). Other overhead functions provide analog filtering and on-chip timing and control. The sigma-delta architecture produces high resolution. analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog conversion at low system speeds and low cost. The options and the circuit configurations of this device can be programmed through the serial interface. The options include reset. power-down. communications protocol. serial clock rate. signal sampling rate. and test mode as outlined in Appendix A. The circuit configurations could include a selection of input ports to the ADC. analog loopback. digital loopback. decimator sinc filter output. decimator finite-duration impulse-response (FIR) filter output. interpolator sinc filter output. and interpolator FIR filter output. The TLC320AD55C is characterized for operation from to 70°C. aoc 1.1 Features • • Single 5-V power supply Power dissipation (Po) of 150 mW maximum in the operating mode • • • • • • • • • • • • Power-down mode to 1 mW General-purpose 16-bit signal processing 2s-complement format Serial port ihterface Minimum 80-d8 harmonic distortion plus noise Differential architecture Internal reference voltage (Vref) Internal 64 x oversampling Analog output with programmable gain of 1. 1/2. 1/4. and (squelch) Phone-mode output control Variable conversion rate selected as MCLK/(Fk x 256). Fk = 1.2.3 •...•256 System test mode: a Digital loopback test Analog loopback test 7-271 1.2 Functional Block Diagram INP ---.--~ INM ---.--~ AUXP ---.--~ MUX AUXM ---.--~ t-+-.....~ DOUT (28 complement) Analog Loopback OUTP SCF OUTM Filter H-~""""I- DIN (28 complement) MCLK SCLK t See control 3 register in Appendix A. Figure 1-1. Functional Block Diagram 7-272 1.3 Terminal Assignments DWPACKAGE (TOP VIEW) NU PWRDWN OUTP OUTM VOO(DAC) REFCAPOAC VSS(DAC) RESET DVOO DIN DOUT FS SCLK MCLK 3 4 7 11 AUXP AUXM INP INM VOO(ADC) REFCAPAOC VA(SUB) VSS(ADC) DVSS VO(SUB) ALTDATA FLAG 0 FLAG 1 FC NU-Make no external connection Figure 1-2. Terminal Assignments 1.4 Ordering Information TA PACKAGE SMALL OUTLINE (DW) O°Cte 70°C TLC320A055COW 7-273 - 1.5 Terminal Functions TERMINALS NAME NO. DESCRIPTION 1/0 AUXM 27 I AUXP 28 I Noninverting input to auxiliary anl!.log input ALTDATA 18 I Signals on ALT DATA are roUted to DOUT during secondary communiction when phone mode is enabled. DIN 10 I cData input. DIN r~ives the DAC input data and command information from the DSP and is synchronized to SCLK. DOUT 11 0 Data output. DOUT transmits the ADC output bits and is synchronized to SCLK. DOUT is at Hi-Z when FS is not activated. DVDD 9 I Digital power supply DVSS 20 I Digi~1 FC 15 I Function control. FC is sampled and latched on the rising edge of FS for the primary serial communication. Refer to Section 3 Serial Communications for more details. FLAG 0 17 0 During phone mode, FLAG 0 contains the value set in control 2 register. FLAG 1 16 0 During phone mode, FLAG 1 contains the value set in control 2 register. FS 12 0 Frame sync. When FS goes low, the serial communication port is activated. In all serial transmission modes, FS is held low during bit transmission: Refer to Section 3 Serial Communications for a detailed description. INM 25 I Inverting input to analog input INP 26 I Noninverting input to analog input MCLK 14 I Master clock. MCLK derives the intemal clocks of the sigma-delta analog interface circuit. OUTM 4 0 Inverting output of the DAC analog power amplifier. Functionally identical with and complementary to OUTP. OUTM and OUTP can drive 600 a differentially. OUTM should not be used alone for single-ended operation. OUTP 3 0 Noninverting output of the DAC analog power amplifier. OUTM and OUTP can drive 600 a differentially. OUTP should not be used alone for single-ended operation. PWRDWN 2 I Power down. When PWRDWN is pulled low, the device goes into a power-down mode; the serial interface is disabled and most of the high-speed clocks are disabled. However, all of the registers' values are sustained and the device resumes full power operation without reinitialization when PWRDWN is pulled high again. PWRDWN resets the counters only and preserves the programmed register contents. Refer to Section Software and Hardware Power-Down. REFCAPADC 23 0 Analog-reference voltage connection for external capacitor for the ADC. The nominal voltage on REFCAPADC is 3.4 V. A buffer must be used when this voltage is used externally. REFCAPADC is not to be used as the mid-supply voltage reference for single-ended operation. REFCAPDAC 6 0 Analog-reference voltage connection for external capacitor for the DAC. The nominal voltage on REFCAPDAC is 3.4 V. A buffer must be used when this voltage is used externally. RESET 8 I Reset. The reset function initializes all of the internal registers to their default values. The serial port can be configured to the defauHstate accordingly. Refer to Appendix A Table A-2 Control 1 Register and Section 2.2.1 Reset and Power-Down for more detailed descriptions. 13 0 Shift clock. SCLK is derived from MCLK and clocks serial data into DIN and out of DOUT. SCLK Inverting input to auxiliary analog input ground NOTE 1: All digital inputs and outputs are TTL compatible unless otherwise noted. 7-274 1.5 Terminal Functions (Continued) TERMINALS NAME NO. 110 DESCRIPTION VA(SUB) 22 I Analog substrate. VA(SUB) must be grounded. VD(SUB) 19 I Digital substrate. VD(SUB) must be grounded. VDD(ADO) 24 I Analog ADO path supply VDD(DAO) 5 I Analog DAO path supply VSS(ADO) 21 I Analog ADO path ground I 7 Analog DAO path ground VSS(DAO) .. NOTE 1: All digital Inputs and outputs are TTL compatible unless otherwise noted. 1.6 Definitions and Terminology Data Transfer Interval The time during which data is transferred from DOUT and to DIN. The interval is 16 shift clocks and this data transfer is initiated by the falling edge ofthe frame-sync signal. Signal Data The input signal and all of the converted representations through the ADC channel and retum through the DAC channel to the analog output. This is contrasted with the purely digital software control data. Primary Communications The digital data transfer interval. Since the device is synchronous, the signal data words from the ADC channel and to the DAC channel occur simultaneously. Secondary Communications The digital control and configuration data transfer interval into DIN and the register read data cycle from DOUr. The data transfer interval occurs when requested by hardware or software. Frame Sync The falling edge of the signal that initiates the data transfer interval. The primary frame sync starts the primary communications, and the secondary frame sync starts the secondary communications. Frame Sync and Sampling Period The time between falling edges of successive primary frame-sync signals. The sampling frequency that is the reciprocal of the sampling period. fs Frame-Sync Interval The time period occupied by 16 shift clocks. It goes high on the sixteenth rising edge of SCLK after the falling edge of the frame sync. ADC Channel All signal processing circuits between the analog input and the digital conversion results at DOUT. DACChannel All signal processing circuits between the digital data word applied to DIN and the differential output analog signal available at OUTP and OUTM. Host Any processing system that interfaces to DIN, DOUT, SCLK, or FS. Dxx A bit position in the primary data word (xx is the bit number). DSxx A bit position in the secondary data word (xx is the bit number). d The alpha character d is used to represent valid programmed or default data in the control register format (see secondary serial communications) when discussing other data bit portions of the register. x The alpha character Xrepresents a don't-care bit position within the control register format. FIR Finite-duration impulse response. 7-275 1.7 Register Functional Summary There are six data and control registers that are used as follows: Register 0 The No-op register. The 0 register allows secondary requests without altering any other register.. Register 1 The control 1 register. The data in this register controls: • The software reset • The software power-down • Selection of the normal or auxiliary analog inputs • The output amplifier gain (1, 1/2, 1/4, or squelch) •. Selection of the analog loopback Register 2 Register 3 Register 4 RegisterS 7-276 • Selection of the digltalloopback • 16-bit or 15-bit mode of operation The control 2 register. The data in this register: • Contains. the output flag indicating a decimator FIR filter overflow • Contains Flag 0 and Flag 1 output values for use in the phone mode • Selects the phone mode • Selects or bypasses the decimation FIR filter • Selects or bypasses the interpolater FIR filter The Fk divide register. This register controls the filter clock rate and the sample period. The Fsclk divide register. This register controls the shift (data) clock rate. The control 3 register. This register enables and disables the DAC reference. 2 Functional Description 2.1 Device Functions The following sections describe the functions of the device. 2.1.1 Operating Frequencies The sampling (conversion) frequency is derived from the master clock (MCll<) input by the following equation: . . MClK frequency fs = Sampling (conversion) frequency = (Fk register value) x 256 The inverse is the time between the falling edges of two successive primary frame-synchronization Signals and it is the conversion period. The input and output data clock (SClK) is given by: SClK frequency = 2.1.2 MCl~ frequency (Fsclk register value) x 2 ADC Signal Channel To produce excellent common-mode rejection of unwanted Signals, the analog signal is processed differentially until it is converted to digital data. The ADC converts the signal into discrete output digital words in 2s-complement format, corresponding to the analog-signal value at the sampling time. These 16-bit digital words, representing sampled values of the analog input signal, are clocked out of the serial port, DOUT, during the frame-sync interval (one word for each primary communication interval). During secondary communications, the data previously programmed into the registers can be read out with the appropriate register address, and the read bit set to 1. When a register read is not requested, al\ 16 bits are 0 in the secondary word. 2.1.3 DAC Signal Channel DIN receives the 16-bit serial data word (2s complement) from the host during the primary communications interval and latches the data on the seventeenth rising edge of SClK. The data are converted to an analog voltage by the DAC and then passed through a (sin x)/x correction circuit and a smoothing filter. An output buffer with three software-programmable gains (0 dB, -6 dB, and -12 dB) drives the differential outputs OUTP and OUTM. A squelch mode can also be programmed for the output buffer. During secondary communications, the configuration program data are read into the device control registers. 2.1.4 Serial Interface The digital serial interface consists of the shift clock, the frame synchronization signal, the ADC-channel data output, and the DAC-channel data input. During the primary 16-bit frame synchronization interval, SClK transfers the ADC c,hannel results from DOUT and transfers 16-bit DAC data into DIN. During the secondary frame-synchronization interval, the SClK transfers the register read data from DOUT when the read bit is set to a one. In addition, SClK transfers control and device parameter information into DIN. The functional sequence is shown in Figure 3-1. 2.1.5 Register Programming All regi~ter programming occurs during secondary communications, and data are latched and valid on the rising edge of the frame-sync signal. When the default value for a particular register is desired, that register does not need to be addressed during secondary communications. The no-op command addresses the no-op register (register 0), and register programming does not take place during this communication. 7-2n OOUT is released from the high-impedance state on the falling edge of the primary or secondary frame-sync interval. In addition, each register can be read back during OOUT secondary communications by setting the read bit 013 to 1 in the addressed register (refer to Appendix A). When the register is in the read mode, no data can be written to the register during this cycle. To return this register to the write mode requires a subsequent secondary communication. . 2.1.6 Sigma-Delta ADC The sigma-delta AoC is a fourth-order, sigma-delta modulator with 64-times oversampling: The AOC provid~s high-resolution, low-:noise performance using oversampling techniques. 2.1.7 Decimation Filter The decimation filter reduces the digital data rate to the sampling rate. This is accomplished by decimating with a ratio of 1:64. The output of this filter is a sixteen-bit, 2s-complement data word clocking at the sample rate. NOTE The sample rate is determined through a programmable relationship of MCLK/(Fk x 256), Fk = 1,2,3, ... ,256 2.1.8 Sigma-Delta DAC The sigma-delta OAC is a fourth-order, sigma-delta modulator with 64-times oversampling. The OAC provides high-resolution, low-noise performance from a one-bit converter using oversampling techniques. 2.1.9 Interpolation Filter The interpolation filter resamples the digital data at a rate of 64 times the incoming sample rate. The high-speed data: output from this filter is then used in the sigma-delta OAC. 2.1.10 Switched-Capacitor Filter (SCF) A switched-capacitor filter network is implemented on the analog output to provide low-pass operation with high rejection in the stop band. 2.1.11 •Analog/Digital Loopback The loopbacks provide a means of testing the AOC/OAC channels and can be used for in~ircuit, system-level tests. The loopbacks feed the appropriate output to the corresponding input on the device. a The test capabilities include an analog loopback between the two analog paths and digital loopback between the two digital paths; Each loopback is enabled by setting the 01 or 02 bit in control 1 register (see Appendix. A). 2.1.12 DAC Voltage Reference Enable The OAC voltage reference can be disabled through the control 3 register. This allows the use of an external voltage reference applied to the OAC channel modulator. By supplying an external reference, the user can scale the output voltage range of this channel. The internal reference value is 3.6 V which provides a 6-V, peak-to-peak, differential output. The ratio of an external reference to the internal reference determines the output voltage range of the OAC channel as shown in the following equation: VO(PP) = V( EXi.6REF) x6V NOTE The distortion and noise specifications listed in Section 4 Specifications apply only under the following condition: V(EXT REF) 1 3.6 s 7-278 2.1.13 FIR Overflow Flag The decimator FIR filter provides an overflow flag to the control 2 register to indicate that the input to the filter has exceeded the range of the internal filter calculations. When this bit is set in the register, it remains set until the register is read by the user. Reading this value always resets the overflow flag. 2.2 Terminal Descriptions The following sections describe the terminal functions. 2.2.1 Reset and Power-Down Reset As shown in Figure 2-1, the TLC320AD55C resets both the internal counters and registers, including the programmed registers, in two ways: • By appling a low-going reset pulse to the RESET terminal • By writing to the programmable software reset bit (007 in control 1 register) PWRDWN resets the counters only and preserves the programmed register contents. The DAC resets to the 15-bit mode. ~-------~-------------------------, 14 .1 I ru I TRESET I D RESETt-----.---1. To Circuitry I I MCLK I I Software RESET Control I Register 1, Bit 7 I IL _______________ ________________ I Internal TLC320AD55C ~- ~ NOTE A: RESET to circuitry is at least 6 MCLK periods long and releases on the positive edge of MCLK. Figure 2-1. Reset Function Conditions of Reset The two internal reset signals used for the reset and synchronization functions are: • • Counter reset - This signal resets all flip-flops and latches that are not externally programmed, with the exception of those generating the reset pulse itself. Additionally, this signal resets the software power-down bit. Counter reset =RESET terminal or reset bit or PWRDWN terminal Register reset - This signal resets all flip-flops and latches that are not reset by the counter reset, except those generating the reset pulse itself. Register reset =RESET terminal or reset bit Both reset signals are at least six MCLK periods long (T RESET) and release on the trailing edge of MCLK 7-279 2.2.:1.3 Software and Hardware Power-Down Given the definitions above, the software-programmed power-down condition is cleared by programming the software bit (control 1 ~stETbit 6) to a 0 or is cleared by cycling the power to the device, bringing PWRDWN low, or bringing R S low (see Figure 2-2). . PWRDWN removes power to the entire chip. The software-programmable, power-down bit only removes power from the analog section of the chip, which allows a software power-up function. Cycling the power-down terminal from high to low and back to high resets all flip-flops and latches that are not externally programmed, thereby preserving the register contents with the exception that the software power-clown bit is cleared. When PWRDWN Is not being used, it should be tied high [Voo(ADC) is preferred]. r~---------~--------------, I I Digital Circuitry ~Down Analog Circuitry Power-Down PWADWN I I I Bit 818 Programmed I Through a Secondary I Write OperatIon I I IL_________________________ ~ I Internal TLC320AD55C Figure 2-2. Internal Power-Down Logic 2.2.2 Master Clock Circuit The clock circuit generates and distributes necessary clocks throughout the device. MCLK is the external master clock input. SCLK is derived from MCLK [SCLK • MCLKI(Fsclk x 2), Fsclk =1,2,3,...,256] in order to provide clocking of the serial communications between the device and a digital signal processor (DSP). The sample rate of the data paths is set as MCLKI(Fk x 256). Fk and Fsclk are programmable register values used as divisors of MCLK. The default value for the Fk and Fsclk register is 8 (decimal) .. 2.2.3 Data Out (DOUT) DOUT is taken from the high-impedance state by the falling edge of the frame-sync signal. The most significant data bit then appears on DOUT. DOUT is placed in a high-impedance state on the sixteenth rising edge of SCLK (internal or external) after the falling edge of the frame-sync Signal. In the primary communication, the data word is the ADC conversion result. In the secondary communication, the data is the register read results when requested by the read/write (R/W) bit with the eight MSSs set to zero (see the serial communications section). When a register read is not requested, the secondary word is all zeroes. . 2.2.4 Data In (DIN) In the primary communication, the data word is the input digital signal to the DAC channel. In the secondary communication, the data is the control and configuration data to set up the device for a particular function (see Section 3 Serial Communications). 7-280 2.2.5 Hardware Program Terminal (FC) This input provides for hardware programming requests for secondary communication. It works in conjunction with the control bit 000 of the secondary data word. The signal on FC is latched 112 shift clock after the rising edge of the next internally generated primary frame-sync interval. FC should be tied low when not being used (see Section 3.2 Secondary Serial Communication). 2.2.6 Frame-Sync The frame-sync signal indicates that the device is ready to send and receive data. The data transfer from DOUT and into DIN begins on the falling edge of the frame-sync signal. The frame sync is generated internally and goes low on the rising edge of SCLK and remains low during the 16-bit data transfer. 2.2.7 Multiplexed Analog Input The two differential analog inputs (INP and INM or AUXP and AUXM) are multiplexed into the slgma-delta modulator. The performance of the AUX channel is similar to the normal input channel. 2.2.8 Analog Input The signal applied to the terminals INM and INP should be differential to preserve the device specifications (see Figure 2-3). A single-ended input signal should always be converted to a differential input signal prior to being used by the TLC320AD55C. The signal source driving the analog inputs (INM. INP. AUXM. AUXP) should have a low source-impedance for lowest noise performance and accuracy. TLC320AD55C ~: -r-~-7L-~ ~: -?\:-JL-~-~ IN. ,---INM _ __ Figure 2-3. Differential Analog Input Configuration 7-281 7-282 3 Serial Communications DOUT, DIN, SCLK, FS, and FC are the serial communication signals. The digital output data from the ADC is taken from DOUT. The digital input data for the DAC is applied to DIN. The synchronizing clock for the serial communication data and the frame sync is taken from SCLK. The frame-synchronization pulse that encloses the ADC/DAC data transfer interval is taken from FS. For signal (audio) data transmitted from the ADC or to the DAC, primary serial communication is used. To read or write words that control both the options and the circuit configurations of the device, secondary communication is used. The purpose of the primary and secondary communications is to allow conversion data and control data to be transferred across the same serial port. A primary transfer is always dedicated to conversion data. A secondary transfer sets up and reads the register values described in Appendix A. A primary transfer occurs for every conversion period. A secondary transfer occurs only when requested. Two methods exist for requesting a secondary command. Terminal FC can request a secondary communication when it is asserted, or the LSB of the DAC data within a primary transfer can request a secondary communication. The selection of which method is enabled is provided in control 1 register (bit 0) as shown in Appendix A. For all serial communications, the most significant bit is transferred first. For a 16-bit ADC word and a 16-bit DAC word, 015 is the most significant bit and DO is the least significant bit. For a 15-bit DAC data word in the 16-bit primary communication, 015 is the most significant bit, 01 is the least significant bit, and DO is used for the embedded function control. All digital data values are in 2s-complement format. These logic signals are compatible with TIL-voltage levels and CMOS current levels. 3.1 Primary Serial Communication Primary serial communication is used both to transmit and receive conversion signal data. The ADC word length is always 16 bits. The DAC word length depends on the status of DO in the control 1 register. After power-up or reset, the device defaults to the 15-bit mode (not 16-bit mode). The DAC word length is 15 bits and the last bit of the primary 16-bit serial communication word is a function-control bit used to request secondary serial communications. In the 16-bit mode, all 16 bits of the primary communications word are used as data for the DAC and the hardware terminal Fe must be used to request secondary communications. 7-283 Figure 3-1 shows the timing relationship for SCLK, FS, OOUT and DIN in a primary communication. The timing sequence for this operation is as follows: 1. The TLC320A055C takes FS low. 2. One 16-bitword is transmitted from the AOC (OOUT) and one 16-bit word is received for the OAC (DIN). -VIH VIL ......:.--- VOH _ _ _ _ VOL 1...- - - Ir--------"""trt- ----,letls -.j VOH VOL j4- 01 --Xc~-DOOO",,~~1 ! 01 X 01 X _---I 00 LSB· Fe ~A >V//7/ffi LSB Figure 3-1. Primary Serial Communication Timing When a secondary request is made through the LSB of the OAC data word (16-bit mode), the format shown in Figure 3-2 is used: 015 014 013 012 011 010 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 DO 15-bit OAC _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _....... ~ 2s-complement format control 16-bit AOC --------------------I~~ 2s-complement format Figure 3-2. DAC and ADC Word Lengths 7-284 3.2 Secondary Serial Communication Secondary serial communication reads or writes 16-bit words that program both the options and the circuit configurations of the device. All register programming occurs during secondary communications. Four primary and secondary communication cycles are required to program the four registers. When the default value for a particular register is desired, the user can omit addressing it during secondary communication. A no-op command addresses the no-op register (register 0), and no register programming takes place during this secondary communication. There are two methods for initiating secondary communications (see Figure 3-3): 1) by asserting a high level on FC, or 2) by asserting the LSB of DIN 16-bit serial communication high while not in 16-bit mode (see control 1 register bit 0). ~-----------------------, FC _ _-+-__________ I (Hardware) ---l'~-- Secondary ~~ I I (LSB Of DIN) I I 1HnM~ (Control 1 Register, Bit 0) I Iinternal TLC320AD55C I I I I I I ~----------------------~~ Figure 3-3. Hardware and Software Methods to Initate a Secondary Request 1. Figures 3-5 and 3-6 show the two different methods by which FC requests secondary communication words as well as the timing for FS, DOUT, DIN, and SCLK. The examples span two primary communication frames. Figure 3-5 shows the use of hardware function control. During a secondary communication, a register can be written to or read from. When writing a value to a register, DIN contains the value to be written (see Figure 3-7). The data returned on DOUT is OO(hex). When performing a read function, DIN can still provide data to be written to an addressed register; however, DOUT contains the most recent value contained in the register addressed by DIN. Don'tC8re .,~_....JA,--_---., ~] rj R/W I v,-----t 8 Bits Register Address I IAI I I 8 Bits W?00 ''-----.v~--...I1 Data to the Register Figure 3-4. Secondary DIN Format In Figure 3-5, FC clocks in and latches on the rising edge of frame sync (FS). This causes the start of the secondary update 32 FCLKs (see Fk divide register, Appendix A) after the start of the primary communication frame. Read and write examples are shown for DIN and DOUT. 2. Figure 3-6 shows the use of software function control. The software request for function control is typically used when the required resolution of the DAC channel is less than 16 bits. Then the least significant bit (DO) can be used for the secondary requests as shown in Table 3-1. 7-285 Table 3-1. Least-Slgnlflcant-Blt Control Function CONTROL BIT DO 0 1 CONTROL BIT FUNCTION No operation (no-op) Secondaryeommunlcatlon request On the falling edge of the next FS, D15 through D1 is input to DIN or D15 through DO is output to DOUT. When a secondary communication request is made, FS go~s low for 32 FCLKs (see Fk divide register, Appendix A) after the beginning of the primary frame. Communication Frame 2 (CF2) I Primary FC DOUT I (Secondary :/ ADC Data Read) 1\ ~ Out 1 I . DOUT (Secondary Write) (secon~~k ., ADO Data Out I 1 L<-..l DAC Data In I 1 1 Register Data L\ , 1 ·.1 ~ ~=ry ~ 1 1 ~ ~~lKS 64 FClKst (128 SClKs when Fk = Fsclk)t I /I' 1 1 1 1 ADO Data OUt· ~ 14 1 lot .1 1 :j: For a selected MCLK, Fk and Fsclk: SCLK .. 2 FklFsclk x FCLK Figure 3-5. Hardware .FC Secondary Request (Phone Mode Disabled) I I -----t ~'r-\ ~, 11--'; . t See Fk divide register In Appendix A. 7-286 ~- K !:W$R'DACDataln 14 ., 14 1 I 14-- 32 FClKst ~ ~ 1\ ADC Data All Bits 0 Out ~,---~---, 1 Read or Write) 1 16 SClKs : K . I I ~ ~\ No Secondary 1 1 . I . .1 ~/ffM0 ~ ~ .1 16 SClKs 64 FClKst 1 1 , 1 1 In Figure ~, FC hardware terminal 15 is left in its nonasserted state (0). FC is asserted through software by embedding an asserted high level (1) in the LSB of the 16-bit primary word. This is possible when not in 16-bit mode (control 1 register bit 2 = 0) because the user is using only 15 bits of OAC information. r ~' i I CommunlcaUon Frame 1 (CF1) I " II ...... " I I FC OI I I D15-D1 DO=1 ~ \ j I II I I I I Secondary Communication Frame 2 (CF2) ~\ II Prlma~ ;1. No Secondary I Request I 4 I I " I" ',\ I II ~D15-01 DO.O ~ (Secon~':, KDACDataln~,=:.ry~DACDataln(?'$;00 I Read or Write) DOUr I (Secondary Read) (Seco~~a~ Write) 18SCLKs I j4----+!- Software Fe Bit I I V ADC Data '--'\ I 8 SCLKs K ADC Data L~' I. Out ~ 1\ j I I I Register I I I I Data K Aog~ ~~\ I I I 14 .1 16 SCLKs I I I I 14 .1 I I j4- 32 FCLKst ---.j I L. Out I I r KADg~ata ~\ I I ~ I .116 SCLKs I I I 14 I I I I I I I I I I I I .1 64 FCLKst I I .1 64 FCLKst I I I t See Fk divide register in Appendix A. NOTE A: For a read cycle, the last 8 bits are don't care. Figure 3-6. Software FC Secondary Request (Phone Mode Disabled) Table 3-2 shows the secondary communications format. 013 is the R/W bit, the read/not-write bit. 012 through 08 are address bits. The register map is specified in the register set section in Appendix A. 07 through DO are data bits. The data bits are values for the specified register addressed by data bits 012 through 08. . Table 3-2. Secondary Communication Data Format D16 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 De D8 X X R/W A A A A ADD 3.3 D7 D8 D6 D4 D3 D2 D1 DO 0 0 0 0 0 0 Conversion Rate Versus Serial Port The SCLK frequency can be programmed independently from the FCLK frequency. This can create a problem with the interpretation of the serial port data. The serial port is designed to initiate a primary communication every 64 SCLKs. There must be an integer number of SCLKs ~ 40 per sample period. Two examples follow to demonstrate the possible output of the serial port. SCLK must be fast enough to collect all data from each frame. Example 1: MCLK = 4.096 MHz, sample rate = 8 kHz, 8 kHz = MCLKI (Fk x 256), set Fk = 2, SCLK = MCLKI(Fsclk x 2), set Fsclk =2, SCLK = 1.024 MHz. With this configuration, SCLK =sample rate x 128. Therefore, each primary communication is a valid sample. . 7-287 Example 2: All variables above remain the same except Fsclk ... 1, SCLK = 2.048· MHz = sample rate x 256. In this configuration, two consecutive primary communications represent the same data sample. 3.4 FIR Bypass Mode An option is provided to bypass the FIR sections of the decimation filter and the Interpolation filter. This is selected through the control 2 register. The sinc filters of the two paths cannot be bypassed. The timing requirements for this mode of operation are shown in Figure 3-7. FS Primary l Secondary. Primary 1 1 1 DOUT -4cAD&u~) 1 DIN 1 1 -K 1 I'" I'" Secondary __----w K~A~Dg~~~tm~'~ "------WI Primary r __________________~(A~~~ 1 18-4 W~//A 'I""' 16 FCLKS ~ See Note A I 3-0 I ~ NOTE A: The number of clocks between primary cycles is a function of FCLK. When either FIR is bypassed, this period is 16 FCLKs. See Fk divide register in Appendix A. Figure 3-7. FIR Bypass Timing 7-288 3.5 Phone Mode Control This function is provided for applications that need hardware control and monitor of external events. By allowing the device to drive two FLAG terminals (set through the control 2 register). the host digital signal processor (DSP) is capable of system control through the same serial port connection to the device. Along with this control is the capability for monitoring the value of the ALT DATA terminal during a secondary communication cycle. One application for this function is in monitoring ring detect or offhook detect from a phone answering system. The two FLAG terminals allow response to these incoming control signals. Figure 3-8 shows the timing associated with this operating mode. FS l Primary Secondary ,.....---, --- Primary Secondary ,.....---, --- Primary r Register ALT DATA . "m.d Data (Secono:'~-<,-_.J»)o---~ Read) 8 SCLK8~ ALTDATA ~~~t~it-,.I IHN 1 SCLK MAX -< WM W4 W/~ Set FLAG 0 • FLAG 1 • 1 I, ';L~~Oi W?0'ff00ZI Figure 3-8. Phone Mode Timing 7-289 7-290 4 Specifications 4.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings Over Operating Free-Air Temperature Range (unless otherwise noted)t Supply voltage range, DVoo Voo(ADC, DAC)(see Note 1) .......... -0.3 V to 6.5 V Output voltage range, DOUT: FS, SCLK, FLAG 0, FLAG 1 . .. -0.3 V to DVoo + 0.3 V Output voltage range, OUTP, OUTM ........................ -0.3 V to Voo + 0.3 V Input voltage range, DIN, PWRDWN, RESET, ALT DATA, MCLK, FC ........................................... -0.3 V to DVoo + 0.3 V Input voltage range, INP, INM, AUXP, AUXM ................ -0.3 V to Voo + 0.3 V Case temperature for 10 seconds, Tc: DW package ......................... 260°C Operating free-air temperature range, TA ............................ DoC to 70°C Storage temperature range, Tstg ................................. -65°C to 150°C t Stresses beyond those listed under "absolute maximum ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under "recommended operating conditions" is not implied. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. NOTE 1: All voltage values are with respect to VSS(DAC) for DAC channel measurements and VSS(ADC) for ADC channel measurements. 4.2 Recommended Op.rating Conditions MIN Supply voltage, VDD(ADC, DAC) Analog signal input voltage, VI I NOM 4.5 Differential, (INP-INM) peak, for full scale operation , Load resistance for OUTP and .oUTM, RL 0.3 Recommended Operating Conditions, DVoo High-level input voltage, VIH 6 V kO 100 pF kHz 70 0 ·C =5 V MIN Supply voltage, DVDD V 8 Operating free-air temperature, TA UNIT 5.5 10 Load capacitance for OUTP and OUTM, CL ADC or DAC conversion rate (Nyquist) 4.3 MAX NOM 4.5 MAX V 0.8 V V 2 Low-level input voltage, VIL MCLK frequency (see Note 2), duty cycle = 50 ±10% 16.384 NOTE 2: The default state for an 8 kHz conversion rate requires a 16.384 MHz MCLK frequency. UNIT 5.5 MHz 7-291 = 4.4 = =DVDD =5 V, Electrical Characteristics, TA 25°C, VDD(ADC) VDD(DAC) MCLK = 16.384 MHz, Fk = 8 (unless otherwise noted) 4.4.1 Digital Inputs and Outputs, Outputs Not Loaded PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP 2.4 4.6 VOL Low-level output voltage, oOUT '0- 360 J,JA 10-2mA I'H IlL Ci High-level input current, any digital input Low-level input current, any digital input Input capacitance 5 pF Co Output cilpacitance 5 pF VOH High-level output voltage, oOUT 4.4.2 0.2 MAX UNIT V 0.4 V V,H .. 5V 10 V'L= O.SV 10 J,JA J,JA ADC Path Filter (see Note 3) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS 20Hz 200Hz Filter gain relative to gain at 1020 Hz TYP MIN -0.5 -0.15 MAX 0.2 0.03 0.15 -0.5 300 Hz to 3 kHz -0.15 0 0.15 3.3 kHz -0.35 -0.5 0.3 3.4 kHz -1 -0.6 ..,.20 -0.1 4kHz UNIT dB -14 ~4.6kHz -40 NOTE 3: The filter gain outside of the passband IS measured With respect to the gain at 1020 Hz. The analog input test signal is a sine wave with 0 dB .. 6 V'(PP) as the reference level for the analog input signal. The passband is Oto3400 Hz. . 4.4.3 ADC Dynamic Performance ADC Signal-to-Noise (see Note 4) PARAMETER Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) TEST CONDITIONS TYP V,--1 dB MIN 80 v,--9dB 72 n V,--40dB 40 45 21 V,.-65dB 14 MAX UNIT 85 dB 72 7S V'(AUXM, AUXP) = -9 dB .. NOTE 4: The test conadion IS the digital equivalent of a 1020 Hz inPut Signal with an S kHz conversion rate. The load impedance is 600 o. Input and output voltages are referred to Voo/2. ADC Signal-to-Distortion (see Note 4) PARAMETER Signal-to-total harmonic distortion (THO) TEST CONDITIONS MIN TVP V,--1 dB SO 92 V,--9dB SO 94 VI--40dB V,--65dB 40 60 15 40 M¥ UNIT dB SO 92 'v'(AUXM, AUXP) .. -9 dB .. NOTE 4: The test condition is the digital eqUivalent of a 1020 Hz Input Signal with an S kHz conversion rate. The load impeda~ is 600 O.lnput and output voltages are referred to Voo/2. 7-292 ADC Signal-to-Distortion+Noise (see Note 5) PARAMETER Total harmonic distortion+noise (THD+N) TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP VI =-9dB 80 83 VI =-1 dB 72 76 VI =-40dB 40 45 VI--65dB 14 20 MAX UNIT dB 72 77 VI(AUXM; AUXP) =-9 dB NOTE 5: The test condition is a 1020 Hz input signal with an 8 kHz conversion rate. Input and output voltages are referred to VDD/2. 4.4.4 ACC Channel PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN Dynamic range Interchannel isolation Gain error, dc INP = 3 V, INM =2 V VI = 0 dB at 1020 kHz dB ±0.5 4.4.5 Input resistance dB 8 mV 80 dB 50 70 100 MIN TYP MAX 20 Hz -0.5 0.08 0.15 200Hz -0.5 0.08 0.15 300 Hz to 3 kHz -0.15 0.08 0.15 3.3 kHz -0.35 0.11 0.3 3.4 kHz -1 -.48 -0.1 -20 -14 TA" 25°C dB ±0.6 Idle channel noise (on-chip reference) Ri UNIT dB 80 VI- -1 dB at 1020 Hz Off-set error, ADC converter CMRR MAX 86 Gain error Common-mode rejection ratio INM, INP or AUXM,AUXP TYP J.I.Vrms kn CAC Path Filter (see Note 6) PARAMETER Filter gain relative to gain at 1020 Hz TEST CONDITIONS 4kHz UNIT dB kHz -40 NOTE 6: The filter gain outside of the passband is measured with respect to the gain at 1020 Hz. The input signal is the digital equivalent of a sine wave (digital full scale .. 0 dB). ,The nominal differential DAC channel peak-to-peak output voltage with this input condition is 6 V. The pass band is 0 to 3600 Hz. ~4.6 7-293 4.4.6 DAC Dynamic Performance DAC Signal-to-Noise (see Note 4) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) MIN TYP VO .. OdB VO .. -9dB 74 80 70 74 VO=-40dB 38 44 MAX UNIT dB 14 18 VO=-65dB NOTE 4: The test condition is the digital equivalent of a 1020 Hz input Signal with an 8 kHz conversion rate. The load impedance is 600 a. Input and output voltages are referred to Voo/2. DAC Signal-to-Distortion (see Note 4) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS VO-OdB VO=-9dB Signal-ta-total harmonic distortion (THO) VO--40dB VO=-65dB MIN TYP 74 74 84 84 40 58 18 30 MAX UNIT dB NOTE 4: The test condition is the digital equivalent of a 1020 Hz input signal with an 8 kHz conversion rate. The load impedance is 600 a. Input and output voltages are referred to VOo/2. DAC Signal-to-Distortion+Noise (see Note 4) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS VO-OdB VO=-9dB Total harmonic distortion+noise (THD+N) VO .. -40dB VO=-65dB MIN TYP 72 78 68 74 38 14 44 20 MIN TYP MAX UNIT dB , NOTE 4: The test condition is the digital equivalent of a 1020 Hz input Signal with an 8 kHz conversion rate. The load impedance is 600 a.lnput and output voltages are referred to Voo/2. 4.4.7 DAC Channel PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS Oynamic range 80 Interchannel isolation Gain error, 0 dB Voo Vo dB ±0.5 VO" 0 dB at 1020 Hz Oigital input offset = 1 V dc Idle channel broad-band noise See Note 7 Idle channel narrow-band noise 0-4 kHz, Output offset voltage at OUT OIN=AIIOs (differential) ±0.2 dB dB 100 IlVrms See Note 7 RL",600, With internal reference and full-scale digital input, (see Note 8) 40 IlVrms 8 mV 6 NOTES: 7. The conversion rate is 8 kHz; the out-of-band measurement is made from 4800 Hz to FMCLK/2. 8. The digital input to the OAC channel atOIN is in 2s complement. 7-294 UNIT dB 80 Gain error, dc Analog output voltage, peak-ta-peak, OUTP-OUTM (differential) MAX V 4.4.8 Power Supplies, Voo(ADC) otherewise noted) PARAMETER 100 (ADC) 100 (DAC) 100 (Digital) Po 4.4.9 Power supply current, ADC Power supply current, DAC Power supply current, digital Power dissipation lcJ2 TEST CONDITIONS MIN Operating Power-down TYP MAX 12 20 mA 24 mA 400 Operating 16 Power-down 2.5 Operating 2 !lA mA 6 Power-down 300 Operating 150 250 16 30 TYP MAX Power-down UNIT rnA !lA mW Timing Requirements (see Notes 9 and 10) PARAMETER id1 =Voo(DAC) =DVoo =5 V, No Load (unless TEST CONDITIONS MIN Delay time, SCLKt to FSJ. Delay time, SCLKi to DOUT 10 15 6 20 tsu th Setup time, DIN before SCLKJ. ten Enable time, FSJ. to DOUT 10 idis Disable time, Fsi to DOUT Hi-Z Delay time MCLKJ. to SCLKt 20 Hold time, DIN after SCLKJ. UNIT 20 20 CL-20pF id3 NOTES: 9. Refer to Figure 3-1 for timing diagram. 10. When FS occurs after SCLK, it shortens the MSB (015) duration. 25 ns 25 50 7-295 7-296 5 Application Information 3.9kO fc = 10.5 kHz fc= 14.5 kHz 4.99kO OUT(+) 220pF 15kO 2210 fc = 19.56 kHz 10kO 37kO 3900 fc= 40.8 kHz IN747B Telephone Line IN747B 220pF 0.033 JLF fc = 19.56 kHz 3900 VMID 3900pF 2210 fc= 10.5 kHz 3.9kO fc =40.8 kHz TO.01 JLF -=- AGND fc= 14.5 kHz 4.99kO OUT(-) VMID -=- 5VA(ADC) AGND 20kO + 10 JLF VMID 0.1 JLF -=- AGND Figure 5-1. TLC320AD55C Application Schematic 7-297 - 5VA(ADC) 20 5 V ....IV\I\r-...- --<. .... 22j.iFP·1 j.iF 5VA(DAC) 5VA(ADC) -=-AGND 20 5 VA(DAC) . 0.1 j.iF AGND IN(+) 28 25 28 24 21 VDD (ADC) VSS (ADC) 0.1 j.iF 1 kO 7 5 22 VA Vss VDD (SUB) (DAC) (DAC) INP PWRDWN 2 INM OUTP AUXP OUTM AUXM ALTDATA TLC320AD55C 23 + P 22 j.iF AGND -=- REFCAPADC 0.1j.iF FS 0.1 j.iF 22j.iF'f-T AGND -=- -- -'~~:':":"""'I RESET 4 18 DR DX CLKX CLKR FSX FSR 12 17} 8-14 RESET FLAG 0 FLAG 1 18 t----~MCLK OUT(-) NC 11 DOUT 10 DIN 13 SCLK 8 REFCAPDAC + OUT(+) 3 Phone Mode Programmable Bits (Latched) 15 FC DVSS VD(SUB) VDD 20 19 9 NU NC 0.1 j.iF -=- DGND + 10 j.iF 3V Figure 5-2. TLC320AD55C 1/0 Buffer and VMID Generator Schematic 7-298 TMS320C5X DSP Serial Port Appendix A Register Set Data bits 012 through 08 in the secondary serial communication contain the address of the register, and data bits 07 through DO contain the data that is to be written to the register. Data bit 013 determines a read or write cycle to the addressed register. When data bit 013 is low, a write cycle is selected. The following table shows the register map: Table A-1. Register Map REGISTER NO. 015 014 013 0 0 0 1 0 0 REGISTER NAME 012 011 010 09 08 0 0 0 0 0 0 No operation 0 0 0 0 0 1 Control 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Control 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 Fkdivide 4 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Fsclk divide 5 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 Control 3 Table A-2. Control 1 Register OESCRIPTION 07 1 0 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 - Software reset - Software reset not asserted Software power down (analog and filters) - Software power down (not asserted) - Select AUXP and AUXM 0 - - 0 - - - - - 1 - - - - Analog output gain = 1 - - - Analog output gain = 1/2 Analog output gain = 1/4 1 - 0 - Digitalloopback not asserted 1 16-bit mode (hardware secondary requests) 0 Not 16-bit mode (software secondary requests) - 0 - 1 0 - - - - - - - 0 1 1 0 - - 1 1 - - - - - - 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - Select INP and INM Analog output gain = 0 (squelch) Analog loopback asserted Analog loopback not asserted Digitalloopback asserted Default register value: 00000000 The software reset is a one-shot operation and this bit is cleared to zero after reset. It is not necessary to write a zero to end the master reset operation. 7-299 Table A-3. Control 2 Register D7 D6 X X - - - - - - - D5 . D4 - D3 D2 D1 DO - - - - - - 0 1 - - X - X - - X - - - - 1 0 - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - 0 1 DESCRIPTION Reserved Decimator FIR overflowflag (valid only during read cycle) FLAG 1 output value FLAG 0 output value Phone mode enabled Phone mode disabled Normal operation with decimator FIR filter Bypass decimator FIR filter Normal operation with interpolator filter Bypass interpolator FIR filter Default register value: 00000000 Writing zeros to the reserved bits is suggested. Table A-4. Fk Divide Register D7 1 D6 1 D5 1 D4 1 D3 1 D2 1 •• • 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Default register value: 00001000 0 0 • DO 1 255 DIVIDE VALUE 0 0 128 0 0 32 0 0 1 0 1 256 ••• 0 •• • •• D1 1 • •• •• • The oversampling clock (FClK) is set as MClK/(Fk x 4). MClK/(Fk x 256) is the sample frequency (conversion rate) for the converter. When Fk is programmed to zero, its value is interpreted as 256. 7-300 Table A-S. Fsclk Divide Register DIVIDE VALUE D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 DO 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 255 0 0 128 0 0 32 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 •• • •• • •• • 0 0 0 0 0 0 •• • •• • ••• 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 256 Default register value: 00001000 SCLK is set by MCLKI(2 x Fsclk). SCLK is for the serial transfer of data to and from the TLC320AD55C. When Fsclk is programmed to zero, its value is interpreted as 256. Table A-6. Control 3 Register D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 DO 0 0 0 0 0 0 DESCRIPTION 0 1 0 0 0 DAC reference disabled 0 0 0 0 0 DAC reference enabled 7-301 7-302 TLC320AD57C Data Manual· Sigma-Delta Stereo Analog-ta-Digital Converter .1ExAs INSTRUMENTS 7-303 IMPORTANT NOTICE Texas Instruments (TI) reserves the right to m~e changes to Its products or to discontinue any semiconductor product or service without notice, and acJvises its customers to obtain the latest version of relevant information to verify, before placing orders, that the information being relied on is current. TI warrants performance of its semiconductor products and related software to the spebifications applicable atthe time of sale in accordance with Tl's standard warranty. Testing and other quality control techniques are utilized to the extent TI deems necessary to support this warranty. Specific testing of all parameters of each ~evice is not necessarily performed, except those mandated by government requirements. Certain applications using semiconductor products may involve potential risks of death, personal injury, or severe property or environmental damage ("Critical Applications,,). TI SEMICONDUCTOR PRODUCTS ARE NOT DESIGNED, INTENDED, AUTHORIZED, OR WARRANTED TO BE SUITABLE FOR USE IN LIFE-SUPPORT APPLICATIONS, DEVICES OR SYSTEMS OR OTHER CRITICAL APPLICATIONS. Inclusion of TI products in such applications is understood to be fully at the risk of the customer. Use of TI products in such applications requires the written approval of an appropriate TI officer. Questions concerning potential risk applications should be directed to TI through a local SC sales office. In order to minimize risks associated with the customer's applications, adequate design and operating safeguards should be provided by the customer to minimize inherent or procedural hazards. TI assumes no liability for applications aSSistance, customer product design, software performance, or Infringement of patents or services described herein. Nor does TI warrant or represent that any license, either express or implied, is granted under any patent right, copyright, mask work right, or other intellectual property right of TI covering or relating to any combination, machine, or process in which such semiconductor products or services might be or are used. Copyright @ 1995, Texas Instruments Incorporated 7-304 Contents Section Title Page 1 Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. "1.1 Features ............................................................ 1.2 Functional Block Diagram ............................................. 1.3 Terminal Assignments ................................................ 1.4 Ordering Information ................................................. 1.5 Terminal Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7-307 7-307 7-307 7-308 7-308 7-308 2 Detailed Description ..................................................... 2.1 Power-Down and Reset Functions ..................................... 2.1.1 Power Down .................................................. 2.1.2 Reset Function ................................................ 2.2 Differential Input ..................................................... 2.3 Sigma-Delta Modulator ............................................... 2.4 Decimation Filter ..................................................... 2.5 High-Pass Filter ..................................................... 2.6 Master-Clock Circuit .................................................. 2.7 Test ................................................................ 2.8 Serial Interface ...................................................... 2.8.1 Master Mode .................................................. 2.8.2 Slave Mode ................................................... 7-311 7-311 7-311 7-312 7-313 7-313 7-313 7-313 7-313 7-314 7-314 7-314 7-316 3 Specifications ........................................................... 3.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings Over Operating Free-Air Temperature Range ... 3.2 Recommended Operating Conditions ................................... 3.3 Electrical Characteristics .............................................. 3.3.1 Digital Interface, TA =25°C, AVoo = DVoo = 5 V .................. 3.3.2 Analog Interface ............................................... 3.3.3 Channel Characteristics, TA =25°C, AVoo = DVoo = 5 V, fs = 48 kHz, HPByp = 1 ......................................... 3.4 Switching Characteristics ............................................. 7-317 7-317 7-317 7-318 7-318 7-318 4 7-319 7-319 Parameter Measurement Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7-321 7-305 List of Illustrations Figure Title 2-1 Power-Down liming Relationships ...................................... 2-2 Differential Analog Input Configuration ...................•............... 2-3 Serial Master Transfer Modes .......................................... 2-4 Serial Slave Transfer Modes ........................................... 4-1 SClK to Fsync and DOUT - Master Mode 3 .............................. 4-2 SClK to Fsync, DOUT, and lRClk - Master Modes 4 and 6 ................ 4-3 SClK to Fsync, DOUT, and lRClk - Master Mode 5 ....................... 4-4 SClK to Fsync, DOUT, and lRClk - Master Mode 7 ....................... 4-5 SClK to lRClk and DOUT - Slave Mode 0, Fsync High .................... 4-6 SClKto Fsync, lRClk, and DOUT - Slave Mode 2, Fsync Controlled ........ Page 7-312 7-313 7-315 7-316 7-321 7-321 7-321 7-322 7-322 7-322 List of Tables Table Title Page 2-1 Master-Clock to Sample-Rate Comparison ..............................• 7-314 7-306 1 Introduction The TLC320AD57C provides high-resolution signal conversion from analog to digital using oversampling sigma-delta technology. This device consists of two synchronous conversion paths. Also included is a decimation filter after the modulator as shown in the functional block diagram. Other functions provide analog filtering and on-chip timing and control. A functional block diagram of the TLC320AD57C is included in section 1.2. Each block is described in the Detailed Description section. 1.1 Features • • • • • • • • • • • 1.2 Single 5-V Power Supply Sample Rates (fs) up to 48 kHz 18-Bit Resolution Signal-ta-Noise (EIAJ) of 97 dB Dynamic Range of 95 dB Total Signal-ta-Noise+Distortion of 91 dB Internal Reference Voltage (Vref) Serial Port Interface Differential Architecture Power Dissipation of 200 mW. Power-Down Mode for Low-Power Applications One Micron Advanced LinEPIC1zrM Process Functional Block Diagram INLP INLM REFO REFI s •r ~ I a I I n t •r f a DOUT Fayne LRClk e 8 INRP OSFR OSFL INRM MCLK CMODE MODEO-MODE2 Control L-____ J-------------------.-.-~~---------~LK LinEPIC1 Z is a trademark of Texas Instruments Incorporated. 7-307 1.3 Terminal Assignments OW PACKAGE (TOP VIEW) INLP INLM REF I INRP INRM REFO LGND Vlogic NC MODE1 OSFR MCLK AVDD AVSS AnaPD HPByp MODE2 OSFL DigPD TEST CMODE MODED LRClk . DVSS DVDD 13 14 17 16 15 Fsync DOUT SCLK NC - No internal connection 1.4 Ordering Information PACKAGE 1.5 TA SMALL OUTLINE (OW) O°Cto 70·C TlC320AD57CDW Terminal Functions TERMINAL NAME NO. I/O DESCRIPTION AnaPD 6 I Analog power-down mode. The analog power-down mode disables the analog modulators. The single-bit modulator outputs become invalid, which renders the outputs of the digital filters invalid. When AnaPD is pulled low, normal operation of the device resumes. AVDD 4 I Analog supply voltage AVSS CMODE 5 I Analog ground 12 I Clock mode. CMODE selects between two methods of determining the master clock frequency. When CMODE is high, the master clock input is 384x the conversion frequency. When CMODE is low, the master clock input is 256x the conversion frequency. DOUr 16 0 Data output. DOUT transmits the sigma-delta audio analog-to-digital converter (ADC) output data to a digital signal processor (DSP) serial port or other compatible serial interface and is synchronized to SClK. DOUT is low when DigPD is high. DVDD 18 I Digital supply voltage 7-308 1.5 Terminal Functions (Continued) TERMINAL NAME NO. DESCRIPTION 1/0 DVSS 19 I Digital ground DigPD 10 I Digital power-down mode. The digital power-down mode shuts down the digital filters and clock generators. All digital outputs are brought to unasserted levels. When DigPD is pulled low, normal operation of the device resumes. Fsync 17 1/0 HPByp 7 I High-pass filter bypass. When HPByp is high, the high-pass filter is bypassed. This allows dc analog signal conversion. INLM 2 I Inverting input to left analog input amplifier INLP 1 I Noninverting input to left analog input amplifier INRM 27 I Inverting input to right analog input amplifier INRP 28 I Noninverting input to right analog input amplifier LGND 25 I Logic-power-supply ground for analog modulator LRClk 14 1/0 Left/right clock. LRClk signifies whether the serial data is associated with the left channel ADC (when high) or the right channel ADC (when low). LRClk is low when DigPD is high. MCLK 20 I Master clock. MCLK derives all of the key logic signals of the sigma-delta audio ADC. The nominal input frequency rang.e is 18.432 MHz to 256 kHz. MODEO-MODE2 8,13, 22 I Serial modes. MODEO-MODE2 configure this device for many different modes of operation. The different configurations are: Master versus slave 16 bit versus 18 bit MSB first versus LSB first Slave: Fsync controlled versus Fsync high Each of these modes is described in the Serial Interface section with timing diagrams. MODE MASTER! MSB/LSB 012 SLAVE BITS FIRST slave up to 18 MSB 000 001 slave 18 LSB 010 slave up to 18 MSB o 1 1 master 16 MSB 100 master 18 MSB 1 0 1 master 18 LSB 1 10 master 16 MSB 1 1 1 master 16 LSB OSFL,OSFR 9,21 0 Over scale flag left/right. If the leftlright channel analog input exceeds the full scale input range for two consecutive conversions, OSFL and OSFR are set high for 4096 LRClk periods. OSFL and OSFR are low when DigPD is high. SCLK 15 1/0 Shift clock. If SCLK is confirgured as an input, SCLK clocks serial data out of the sigma-delta audio ADC. If SCLK is configured as an output, SCLK stops clocking when DigPD is high. TEST 11 I Test mode. TEST should be low for normal operation. Frame synchronization. Fsync deSignates valid data from the ADC. REFI 3 I Input voltage for modulator reference (normally connected to REFO, terminal 26). REFO 26 I Internal voltage reference Vlogic 24 I Logic power supply (5 V) for analog modulator 7-309 7-310 2 Detailed Description The following sections contain a detailed description of the TLC320AD57C. 2.1 Power-Down and Reset Functions The following sections contain descriptions of the power-down and reset functions of the TLC320AD57C. 2.1.1 Power Down The power-down state is comprised of a separate digital and analog power down. The power consumption of each is detailed in Section 3.3, Electrical Characteristics. The digital power-down mode shuts down the digital filters and clock generators. All digital outputs are set to an unasserted level. When the digital power-down terminal (DigPD) is pulled low, normal operation of the device is initiated. In slave mode, the conversion process must synchronize to an input on the LRClk terminal and the SCLK terminal. Therefore, the conversion process is not initiated until the first rising edges on both SCLK and LRClk are detected after DigPD is pulled low. This synchronizes the conversion cycle. All conversions are performed at a fixed LRClk rate [MCLKI256 (CMODE low) or MCLK/384 (CMODE high)) after the initial synchronization. After the digital power-down terminal is brought low, the output of the digital filters remains invalid for 50 LRClk cycles [see Figures 2-1 (a) and 2-1 (b)). In master mode, LRClk is an output; therefore, the conversion process initiates based on internal timing. The first valid data out occurs as shown in Figure 2-1 (c). The analog power-down mode disables the analog modulators. The single-bit modulator outputs become invalid, which renders the outputs of the digital filters invalid. When the analog power-down terminal is brought low, the modulators are brought back online; however, the outputs of the digital filters require 50 LRClk cycles for valid results. 7-311 2.1.2 Reset Function The conversion process is not initiated until the first rising edges on both·SCLK and LRClk are detected after DlgPD is pulled low. This ~ynchronizes the conversion cycle. All conversions are performed at a fixed LRClk rate [MCLK/256 (CMODE low) or MCLK/384 (CMODE high)) after the initial synchronization. ---"!II, ~ DlgPD LRClk .1 tau 1 Slave Mode Digital Power Down i 1 \ __---1 I ---.....,/ DOUT' Data Valid (a) ~ I 1-DlgPD \ tau2 Master Mode Digital Power Down 1 / LRClk I \,--_,.....,1 I DOUT Data Valid (b) ~ AnaPD ---~, ~1 .: Analog Power Down : 1 DOUT~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ (e) Figure 2-1. Power-Down Timing Relationships 7-312 2.2 Differential Input The input is differential in order to provide common-mode noise rejection and increase the input dynamic range. Figure 2-2 shows the analog input signals used in a differential configuration to achieve 6.4-V peak-ta-peak differential swing with a 3.2-V peak-ta-peak swing per input line. TLC320AD57 4.1 V INLP,INRP 2.5 V 0.9 V 4.1 V 2.5 V INLM,INRM 0.9 V Figure 2-2. Differential Analog Input Configuration 2.3 Sigma-Delta Modulator The modulator is a fourth order sigma-delta modulator with 64 times oversampling. The ADC provides high-resolution, low-noise performance from a one-bit converter using oversampling techniques. 2.4 Decimation Filter The decimation filter used after the sigma-delta modulator reduces the digital data rate to the sampling rate of LRCIk. This is accomplished by decimating with a ratio of 1:64. The output of this filter is a 2s complement data word of up to 18 bits serially clocked out. If the input value exceeds the full range of the converter, the output of the decimator is held at the appropriate extreme until the input returns to within the dynamic range of the device. 2.5 High-Pass Filter The high-pass filter removes dc from the input. With this filtering, offset calibration is not needed. The high-pass filter can be circumvented by asserting the HPByp terminal to pass dc signals through the converter. However, an offset due to the converter can be present when bypassing the high-pass filter. 2.6 Master-Clock Circuit The master-clock circuit generates and distributes necessary clocks throughout the device. MCLK is the external master-clock input. CMODE selects the relationship of MCLK to the sample rate, LRClk. When CMODE is low, the sample rate of the data paths is set to LRClk = MCLK/256. When CMODE is high, the sample rate is set to LRClk = MCLK/384. With a fixed oversampling ratio of 64x, the effect of changing MCLK is shown in Table 2-1. When the device is in master mode, SCLK is derived from MCLK in order to provide clocking of the serial communications between the sigma-delta audio ADC and a digital signal processor (DSP) or control logic. This is equivalent to a clock running at 64 x LRClk. When the device is in slave mode, SCLK is externally derived. 7-313 Table 2-1. Master-Clock to Sample-Rate Comparison (modes 1, 3, 4, 5) _ MCLK (MHz) 12.2880 18.4320 2.7 CMOOE Low High 11.2896 Low 16.9344 High 8.1920 Low 12.2880 High 0.2560 0.3840 Low High SCLK (MHz) LRClk (kHz) 3.0720 48 2.8224 44.1 2.0480 32 0.0640 1 Test When the TEST input is high, the test mode is selected, which routes the high speed one-bit modulator result to the serial port output. When in the test mode, the SCLK output frequency is equal to the data output rate. LRClk is an input when the test mode is selected. This all9ws for the selection of the left or right modulator output to be routed to the serial port (high = left and low = right). 2.8 Serial Interface Although the serial data is shifted out in two seperate time packets that represent the left and right channels, the inputs are sampled and converted simultaneously. The serial interface protocol has master and slave modes each with different read-out modes. The master mode sources the control signals for conversion synchronization while the slave mode allows an external controller to provide conversion synchronization signals. The five master modes are shown in Figures 2-3(a} through 2-3(e} and the three slave modes are shown in Figures 2-4(a} through 2-4(c}. For a 16-bit word, D15 is the most significant bit and DO is the least significant bit. Unless otherwise specified, all values are in 2s complement format. In the master mode, SCLK is generated internally and is sourced as an output. The relationship of SCLK to LRClk is 64x (modes 1,3,4, 5) or 32x (modes 6, 7). In the slave mode, SCLK is an input. SCLK timing must meet the timing specifications listed in the Recommended Operating Conditions section. 2.8.1 Master Mode As the master, the TLC320AD57C generates LRClk, Fsync, and SCLK from MCLK. These signals are provided for synchronizing the serial port of a DSP or other control devices. Fsync deSignates valid data from the ADC, and accomplishes this in the master modes by one of two methods. The first method is to place a single pulse on Fsync prior to valid data. This indicates the starting point for the data. The second method of frame synchronization is to hold Fsync high during the entire valid data cycle which provides boundaries for the data. LRClk is generated internally from MCLK. The frequ~ncy of this signal is fixed at the sampling frequency fs [MCLK/256 (CMODE low) or MCLK/384 (CMODE high)). During the high period of this signal, the left channel data is serially shifted to the output; during the low period, the right channel data is shifted to the output. The conversion cycle synchronizes with the rising edge of LRClk. Five modes are available when the device is configured as a master. Two modes are for 18-bit communications. These modes differ f~om each other in that the MSB is transferred first in one mode while I the LSB is transferred first in the second mode [see Figures 2-3(b} and 2-3(c)). When the LSB is transferred first, the data is right justified to the LRClk [see Figures 2-3(a} through 2-3(e)). The three other modes 7-314 available as a master are 16-bit modes. Two of the modes differ as MSB first versus LSB first. These two modes set SCLK =LRClk x 32. This is one half the frequency used in the other transfer modes [see Figures 2-3(d) and 2-3(e)]. The third 16-bit mode provides the data MSB first with one clock delay after LRClk [see Figure 2-3(a)]. Mode 011 (a) MASTER MODE (Fayne bound) SCLK (\.../)../\...{ \----+_--!J~---.,.I----tl~\ Fsyne --+-o--!--...; OOUT_~_ _~~ I 1 I 'I '~~J\-~~~_~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1I---+---t'---t----1r- 64 SCLKs Il I LRClk _---.l_ _1..J \1o....I.._R..:lg_ht-J..._-lII\ol-\I_ _ I ·-"-1_--..1.1_--...1 FSyne'_--ii-' Mode 101 SCLK I F~ne ___~__~__~J~~_~I~~I_ _~_~_~I~_~~~TI_~I_ 1- I II I I II I I. ___t1 I OOUT_--,~~~_~_~..:0~1~i~~1~8~~___~__;~0~~~1~~W~~~.~ LRClk ===+===+1I ==:+1I ~=+I =..!64!.,!SCLKs I 1 1 J I .r II I i Right I I-,V---l --t---1 Left I I I r""';:""""-1It---t-1---t----il'i--j---'J , I !O-L (d) DSP CONTINUOUS MODE DOUT_~'--__~~~~~~-"'~~~I~~~~~~~~__~~~-L~~~ I I I I 1\ I , Right f~~==~+=~==~'32~S~C~L~ LRClk _ _-+-_.... Ir Left I Mode 111 I II H~ . I""'--'--t----+-II--+--+-- I (e) DSP CONTINUOUS MODE SCLK F~ne~I~__~_~_~_ _+-_~1 DOUT LRClk 1 --"1'---'1 Left 132SCLKS ' Right I I I \I Figure 2-3. Serial Master Transfer Modes 7-315 2.8.2 Slave Mode As a slave, the TLC320AD57C receives LRClk, Fsync, and SCLK as inputs. The conversion pycle synchronizes to the rising edge of LRClk, and the data synchronizes to the falling edge of SCLK. SCLK must meet the setup time requirements specified in Section 3.2, Recommended Operating Conditions. Synchronization of the slave modes is accomplished with the digital power-clown control. In slave mode, Fsync is an input. Three modes are provided as shown in Figures 2-4(a) through 2-4(c). SCLK and LRClk are externally generated and sourced. The first rising edges of SCLK and LRClk after a power-clown cycle Initiate the conversion cycle. Refer to Section 2.8.1, Master Mode for signal functions. Several modes are available when the TLC320AD57C is configured as a slave. Using the ModeO, Mode1, and Mode2 terminals, the TLC320AD57C can be set to shift out the MSB first or the LSB first [see Figures 2-4(a) and 2-4(b)]. The number of bits shifted out can be controlled by the number of valid SCLK cycles provided within the left or right channel period. If only enough clocks are provided to shift out 16 data bits before LRClk changes state, this is equivalent to a 16-bit mode. Mode 000 (8) SLAVE MODE (Fsyne high) SCLK~· Fsyne DOUT LRClk Input Input I I 0'jtputl put 1 1 I I 1111 III~ 11 I ~t1~~7:E1~~'g"1~~f~~E:t~~~1~r=F c: 32-128 SCLKs -+----ir--+--+-+--+---ti 1 Left 1 l...;R..:lgT-rt~-+-+--t--+-~-t-...oIf 114 1 Mode 001 SCLK (b) SLAVE MODE (Fsyne high) hyne ~--r-~~--T--r~--~~--~~-T--rl~~~-TI--~I~I--~I~I ::t:~=-:::l1:=~::t:;4}oO::::j""=-=~01~84;!sc-il-LK-I~----t.;----i-- ~~I~·-·!~r:IE--+q--tj~ DOUT -+--;-+--1-=-::t+-=-=t-= .... LRClk ~-+--+--If Left 1 ..... - -+""! ~R&ihF-t-+__+--+--1!---4I,"1+__...1~~ Mode 010 SCLK Fsyne(1) -+__+--+--+--,y--y-II LRClk I \1..--+--+--+1--, + ~~ .,. -+---+--,~I I I I .... liI-_"""..J.,'rr-:--_ DOUT(1) ~I Fsyne(2) DOUT(2) 1 f I I -+---+--tl--f Leftl I [ -- ~i f*9=::~=:---"'"" ....,.JX,...I,.._-:,~~-::: II I I I -i---1t---t--;.--r--;---4j I Figure 2-4. Serial Slave Transfer Modes 7-316 3. Specifications 3.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings Over Operating Free-Air Temperature Range (Unless Otherwise Noted)t Analog supply voltage range, AVoo (see Note 1) ................... -0.3 V to 6.5 V Digital supply voltage range, DVoo (see Note 2) ................... -0.3 V to 6.5 V Digital output voltage range, (externally applied) ........... -0.3 V to DVoo + 0.3 V Digital input voltage range, MODEO - MODE2 . ~ .......... -0.3 V to DVoo + 0.3 V Analog input voltage range, INLP, INLM, INRP, INRM ...... -0.3 V to AVoo + 0.3 V Operating free-air temperature range, TA ............................. O°C to 70°C Storage temperature range, Tstg ...••••••..•••••••••....•••.•... -65°C to 150°C Case temperature for 10 seconas, TC ..................................... 260°C Lead temperature 1,6 mm (1/16 inch) from case for 10 seconds .............. 260°C t Stresses beyond those listed under "absolute maximum ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under "recommended operating conditions" is not implied. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. NOTES: 1. Voltage values for maximum ratings are with respect to AVSS. 2. Voltage ~alues for maximum ratings are with respect to OVSS. 3.2 Recommended Operating Conditions MIN NOM MAX UNIT Analog supply voltage, AVoo (see Note 3) 4.75 5 5.25 V Digital supply voltage, OVOO 4.75 5 5.25 V Analog logic supply voltage, at Vlogic 4.75 5 5.25 V Reference voltage, Vref 3.2 V Setup time, OigPOJ. to LRClki, slave mode, tsu1 (see Figure 2-1 (a» 30 ns Setup time, OigPOJ. to LRClki, master mode, tsu2 (see Figure 2-1 (b» 30 ns Setup time, SCLKi to LRClk, slave mode, tsu3 (see Figures 4-5 and 4-6) 30 ns Setup time, LRClk to SCLKi, slave mode, tsu4 (see Figure 4-5) 30 ns Setup time, SCLKi to Fsync, slave mode, tsu5 (see Figure 4-6) 30 ns Setup time, Fsync to SCLKi, slave mode, tsu6 (see Figure 4-6) 30 Load resistance at OOUT, RL Operating free-air temperature, TA ns 10 0 kO 70 °C NOTE 3: Voltages at analog inputs and outputs and AVOO are with respect to the AVSS terminal. 7-317 3.3 Electrical Characteristics 3.3.1 Digital Interface, TA = 25°C, AVoo = DVoo =5 V PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS VIH High-level input voltage VIL Low-level input voltage VOH High-level output voltage, DOUT IOH-2mA VOL Low-level output voltage, DOUT IOL=2mA IIH High-level input current, any digital input MIN 2 TYP 4.6 0.2 2.4 MAX V 0.8 4.6 0.2 UNIT V V 0.4 V 1 pA IlL Low-level input current, any digital input 1 pA OJ Input capacitance 5 pF 00 Output capaCitance 5 pF 3.3.2 Analog Interface ADC Modulator, TA =25°C, AVoo = DVoo =5 V, f8 HPByp = 1, CMODE =0, MODEO - 2 = 101 PARAMETER =48 kHz, Bandwidth =24 kHz, TEST CONDITIONS MIN Resolution TYP MAX UNIT 18 Bits DYNAMIC PERFORMANCE Signal to noise (EIAJ) Dynamic range Signal to noise + distortion (THO + N) Total harmonic distortion (THO) Interchannel isolation INLP • INRP .. 2.5 V de INLM • INRM - 2.5 V dc 93 97 dB -1 dB down from 6-V differential input between INRP (INLP) and INRM (INLM) 91 95 91 dB dB 0.001% 108 dB Gain error ±0.2 dB Interchannel gain mismatch ±0.2 dB ±5 mV DC ACCURACY Offset error (18-bit resolution) Offset drift 7-318 ±0.17 LSerO Inputs/Supplies, TA = 25°C, AVoo = DVoo = 5 V, fs = 48 kHz, Bandwidth = 24 kHz, HPByp = 1 PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT ANALOG INPUT Input voltage Differential input 6.4 Single-ended input 3.2 Input impedance .V kn 50 POWER SUPPLIES Power-supply current IDD (analog), operating 22 30 mA IDD (digital), operating 24 32 mA IDD (analog), power down 100 IDD (digital), power down 40 IJA IJA 230 mW Power dissipation 3.3.3 Channel Characteristics, TA = 25°C, AVoo=DVoo = 5 V, fs = 48 kHz, HPByp = 1 PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS Passband (-3 dB) HPByp=O Passband ripple 30 Hz -21.8 kHz Stopband attenuation 26.2 kHz - 3046 kHz MIN TYP 0.001 UNIT 24 kHz ±0.01 dB dB 80 Group delay 3.4 MAX 25/Fs s Switching Characteristics PARAMETER MIN TYP MAX UNIT ld1 Delay time, AnaPD.L to DOUT valid (see Figure 2-1 (c» ld(MFSD) Delay time, SCLK.L to Fsync, master mode (see Figures 4-1,4-2,4-3, and 4-4) -20 20 ns ld(MDD) Delay time, SCLK.L to DOUT, master mode (see Figures 4-1, 4-2, 4-3, and 4-4) 0 50 ns ld(MIRD) Delay time, SCLK.L to LRClk, master mode (see Figures 4-2 and 4-4) -20 20 ns ldCSDD1) Delay time, LRClk to DOUT, slave mode (see Figure 4-5) 50 ns ld(SDD2) Delay time, SCLK.L to DOUT, slave mode (see Figures 4-5 and 4-6) 50 ns 30 ns 7-319 7-320 4 Parameter Measurement Information SCLK tci(MFSD) Fsyne tci(MDD) 14 1 1 1 ~ I ~I j'II DOUT /MSB LRClk ____________J)(~ X MSB-1 X ________________________________________ Figure 4-1. SCLK to Fsync and DOUT - Master Mode 3 SCLK "'(MFSD) Fayne ~j I 1\ tci(MDD) ~ I I DOUT td(MIRD) j'II LRClk ~I /MSB ~I X MSB-1 X X Figure 4-2. SCI.K to Fsync, DOUT, and LRClk - Master Modes 4 and 6 SCLK ' - - . / ' "'(M:::; 'sync tci(MDD) DOUT~ I ~j 1\~.------------------------1 14 ~I "P-LS-B--)(~__L_SB_-_1__)(~_______ LRClk~S Figure 4-3. SCLK to Fsync, DOUT, and LRClk - Master Mode 5 7-321 SCLK Fayne :\ "(MFSD)~ I tcI(MDD) l1li DOUT tcI(MIRD) ~ I I I I ,-- LSB X LSB-1 ~ X I LRClk Figure 4-4. SCLK to Fsyne, DOUT, and LRClk - Master Mode 7 I SCLK LRClk I . . .i------. -----~*~--------- tcI(SDD1)~ .l-I~_-1_7:=====X DOUT _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Flgure~. tau3 I tcI(SDD2)~ Xr-;----)~ 16 SCLK to LRClk and DOUT - Slave Mode 0, Fsyne High ~I I taus ~~ I tau6 SCLK I I I tcI(SDD2)~ Fayne I I V DOUT LRClk ) I 17 X Figure 4-6. SCLK to Fsyne, LRClk, and DOUT - Slave Mode 2, Fsyne Controlled 7-322 >C TLC320AD58C Data Manual Sigma-Delta Stereo Analog-ta-Digital Converter • TEXAS INSTRUMENTS 7~ IMPORTANT NOTICE Texas Instruments (TI) reserves the right to make changes to its products or to discontinue any semiconductor product or service without notice, and advises its customers to obtain the latest version of relevant Information to verify, before placing orders. that the information being relied on is current. TI warrants performance of its semiconductor products and related software to the specifications applicable at the time of sale in accordance with TI's standard warranty. Testing and other quality control techniques are utilized to the extent TI deems necessary to support this warranty. Specific testing of all parameters of each device is not necessarily performed, except those mandated by government requirements. Certain applications using semiconductor products may involve potential risks of death, personal Injury, or severe property or environmental damage (''Critical Applic~tions". TI SEMICONDUCTOR PRODUCTS ARE NOT DESIGNED, INTENDED, AUTHORIZED, OR WARRANTED TO BE SUITABLE FOR USE IN LIFE-SUPPORT APPLICATIONS, DEVICES OR SYSTEMS OR OTHER CRITICAL APPLICATIONS. Inclusion of TI products in such applications is understood to be fully at the risk of the customer. Use of TI products in such applications requires the written approval of an appropriate TI officer. Questions concerning potential risk applications should be directed to TI through a local SC sales office. In order to minimize risks associated with the customer's applications, adequate design and operating safeguards should be provided by the customer to minimize inherent or procedural hazards. TI assumes no liability for applications assistance, customer product design, software performance, or infringement of patents or services described herein. Nor does TI warrant or represent that any license, either express or implied, is granted under any patent right, copyright, mask work right, or other intellectual property right of TI covering or relating to any combination, machine, or process in which such semiconductor products or services might be or are used. Copyright © 1995, Texas Instruments Incorporated 7-.'324 Contents Section Title Page 1 Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.1 Features ............................................................ 1.2 Functional Block Diagram ............................................. 1.3 Terminal Assignments ................................................ 1.4 Ordering Information ................................................. 1.5 Terminal Functions ................................................... 7-327 7-327 7-327 7-328 7-328 7-328 2 Detailed Description ..................................................... 2.1 Power-Down and Reset Functions ..................................... 2.1.1 Power Down .................................................. 2.1.2 ResetFunction ................................................ 2.2 Differential Input ..................................................... 2.3 Sigma-Delta Modulator ............................................... 2.4 Decimation Filter ..................................................•.. 2.5 High..:Pass .Filter ..................................................... 2.6 Master-Clock Circuit .................................................. 2.7 Test ................................................................ 2.8 Serial Interface ...................................................... 2.8.1 Master Mode .................................................. 2.8.2 Slave Mode ............................................... ; ... 7-331 7-331 7-331 7-331 7-332 7-333 7-333 7-333 7-333 7-333 7-333 7-334 7-335 3 Specifications .. ......................................................... 3.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings Over Operating Free-Air Temperature Range ... 3.2 Recommended Operating Conditions ................................... 3.3 Electrical Characteristics .............................................. 3.3.1 Digital Interface, TA = 25°C, AVoo = DVoo = 5 V .................. 3.3.2 Analog Interface ................................... ; ........... 3.3.3 Channel Characteristics, TA = 25°C, AVoo = DVoo = 5 V, fs =48 kHz .......•............................................ 3.4 Switching Characteristics ............................................. 7-337 7-337 7-337 7-338 7-338 7-338 7-339 7-339 4 Parameter Measurement Information ...................................... 7-341 5 Application Information .................................................. 7-343 7-325 List of Illustrations Figure Title Page 2-1 2-2 2-3 Power-Down Timing Relationships .... ".................................. Differential Analog Input Configuration ................................... Serial MasterTransfer Modes ................................ : ......... Serial Slave Transfer Modes ............................................ SCLKto Fsync and DOUT - Master Mode 3 .............................. SCLK to Fsync, DOUT, and LRClk - Master Modes 4 and 6 ................ SCLK to Fsync, DOUT, and LRClk - Master Mode 5 ....................... SCLK to Fsync, DOUT, and LRClk - Master Mode 7 ....................... SCLK to LRClk and DOUT - Slave Mode 0, Fsync High .................... SCLK to Fsync, LRClk, and DOUT - Slave Mode 2," Fsync Controlled ........ TLC320AD58C Configuration Schematic ........................•........ TLC320AD58C External Digital Timing and Control-Signal Generation Schematic ......................•.......................... TLC320AD58C External Analog Input Buffer Schematic .................... 7-332 7-332 7-335 .7-336 7-341 7-341 7-341 7-342 7-342 7-342 7-344 2-4 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-4 4-5 4-6 5-1 5-2 5-3 7-345 7-346 List of Tables Table 2-1 7-326 Title Page Master-Clock to Sample-Rate Comparison (Modes 1,3,4,5) ............... 7-333 1 Introduction The TLC320AD58C provides high-resolution signal conversion from analog to digital using oversampling sigma-delta technology. This device consists of two synchronous conversion paths. Also included is a decimation filter after the modulator as shown in the functional block diagram. Other functions provide analog filtering and on-chip timing and control. A functional block diagram of the TLC320AD58C is included in Section 1.2. Each block is described in the detailed description section. 1.1 Features • • • • • • • • • • • 1.2 Single 5-V Power Supply Sample Rates up to 48 kHz 18-Bit Resolution Signal-te-Noise Ratio (EIAJ) of 97 dB Dynamic Range of 95 dB Total Signal-te-Noise+Distortion of 95 dB Internal Reference Voltage (Vref) Serial-Port Interface Differential Architecture Power Dissipation of 200 mW. Power-Down Mode for Low-Power Applications One-Micron Advanced LinEPIC1 zrM Process Functional Block Diagram INLP -----~ISj;;;;::j5;H,;'1 DOUT INLM -------L.=;~~ F8yne REFO~ REFI INRP --------e -----~rs.;;;;:~;W INRM -------L~~~ serial Interface LRClk OSFR OSF!:. MCLK CMODE CONTROL MODE(O-2) SCLK LinEPIC1 Z is a trademark of Texas Instruments Incorporated. 7-327 Terminal Assignments 1.3 OW PACKAGE (rOPVIEW) INLP INLM REFI AVDD AVSS AnaPD TEST1 MODE2 OSFL DigPD TEST2 CMODE MODEO LRClk INRP INRM REFO LGND Vlogic NC MODE1 OSFR MCLK DVss DVDD Fsyne DOUT SCLK NC - No internal connection Ordering Information 1.4 PACKAGE 1.5 TA SMALL OUTLINE (OW) O°Cto 70°C TlC320AD58CDW Terminal Functions TERMINAL NAME NO. UO DESCRIPTION AnaPD 6 I Analog power-down mode. The analog power-down mode disables the analog modulators. The single-bit modulator outputs become invalid, rendering the outputs of the digital filters invalid. When AnaPD is pulled high, normal operation of the device is resumed. AVDD 4 I Analog supply voltage AVSS CMODE 5 I Analog ground 12 I Clock mode. CMODE is used to select between two methods of determining the master clock frequency. When CMODE is high, the master clock input is 384x the conversion frequency. When CMODE is low, the master clock input is 256x the conversion frequency. DOUT 16 0 Data output. DOUT is used to transmit the sigma-delta audio ADC output data to a DSP serial port or other compatible serial interface and is synchronized to SClK. This output is low when DigPD is high. DVDD 18 I Digital supply voltage DVSS DigPD 19 I Digital ground 10 I Digital power-down mode. The digital power-down mode shuts down the digital filters and clock generators. All digital outputs are brought to unasserted states. When DigPD· is pulled high, normal operation of the device is resumed. Fsync 17 I/O 7-328 Frame sync. Frame sync is used to designate the valid data from the ADC. 1.5 Terminal Functions (Continued) TERMINAL NAME NO. DESCRIPTION I/O INLM 2 I Inverting input to left analog input amplifier INLP 1 I Noninverting input to left analog input amplifier INRM 27 I Inverting input to right analog input amplifier INRP 28 I Noninverting input to rigtrt analog input amplifier LGND 25 I Logic power supply ground for analog modulator LRClk 14 I/O Left/rightclock. LRClk signifies whether the serial data is associated with the left channel ADC (when LRClk is high) or the right channel ADC (when LRClk is low). LRClk is low when DigPD is low. MCLK 20 I Master clock. MCLK is used to derive all the key logic signals of the sigma-clelta audio ADC. The nominal input frequency range is 18.432 MHz to 256 kHz. 13,22, 8 I Serial modes. MODE(0-2) configure this device for many different modes of operation. The different configurations are: Master versus slave 16 bit versus 18 bit MSB first versus LSB first Slave: Fsyne controlled versus Fsync high Each of these modes is described in the serial interface section along with timing diagrams. MODE MASTER! MSB/LSB 012 SLAVE BITS FIRST slave up to 18 MSB 000 001 slave 18 LSB 010 slave up to 18 MSB 011 master 16 MSB 10 0 master 18 MSB 10 1 18 master LSB 1 10 master 16 MSB 1 1 1 master 16 LSB OSFL, OSFR 9,21 0 Over scale flag left/right. If the left/right channel digital output exceeds full scale output range for two consecutive conversions, this flag is set high for 4096 LRClk periods. OSFL and OSFR are low when DigPD is low. SCLK 15 I/O Shift clock. If SCLK is configured as an Input, SCLK is used to clock serial data out of the sigma-delta audio ADC. If SCLK is configured as an output, SCLK stops clocking when DigPD is low. TEST1 7 I Test mode 1. TEST1 should be low for normal operation. TEST2 MODE(0-2) 11 I Test mode 2. TEST2 should be low for normal operation. REFI 3 I Input voltage for modulator reference (normally connected to REFO, terminal 26). REFO 26 I Internal voltage reference Vlogic 24 I Logic power supply voltage (5 V) for analog modulator 7-329 7-330 2 Detailed Description The sigma-delta converter allows for simple antialias external filtering. Typically, a first order RC filter is sufficient. 2.1 Power-Down and Reset Functions 2.1.1 Power Down The power-down state is comprised of a separate digital and analog power down. The power consumption of each is detailed in the electrical characteristics section. The digital power-down mode shuts down the digital filters and clock generators. All digital outputs are set to an unasserted level. When the digital power-down terminal is pulled high, normal operation of the device is initiated. In slave mode, the conversion process must synchronize to an input on the LRClk terminal as well as the SCLK terminal. Therefore, the conversion process is not initiated until the first rising edges of both SCLK and LRClk are detected after DigPD is pulled high. This synchronizes the conversion cycle; all conversions are performed at a fixed LRClk rate [MCLKl256 (CMODE low) or MCLKl384 (CMODE high)] after the initial synchronization. After the digital power-down terminal is brought high, the output of the digital filters remains invalid for 50 LRClk cycles [see Figures 2-1 (a) and 2-1 (b)]. In master mode, LRClk is an output; therefore, the conversion process initiates based on internal timing. The first valid data out occurs as shown in Figure 2-1 (c). The analog power-down mode disables the analog modulators. The single-bit modulator outputs become invalid which renders the outputs of the digital filters invalid. When the analog power-down terminal is brought high, the modulators are brought back online; however, the outputs of the digital filters require 50 LRClk cycles for valid results. 2.1.2 Reset Function The conversion process is not initiated until the first rising edges of both SCLK and LRClk are detected after DigPD is pulled high. This synchronizes the conversion cycle; all conversions are performed at a fixed LRClk rate [MCLKl256 (CMODE low) or MCLKl384 (CMODE high)] after the initial synchronization. 7-331 . r- DlgPD Y tsus -.I-- I LRClk Slave-Mode Digital Power Down II \ __---J/ DOUT / Data Valid (a) l+-tSU6~ DlgPD Y I LRClk Master-Mode Digital Power Down II \ __---J/ DOUT / Data Valid (b) I'.. AnaPD DOUT ---Y 1d1 ~I1 Analog Power Down I .. 1----------- ~~-----------------------(e) Figure 2-1. Power-Down Timing Relationships 2.2 Differential Input The input is differential in order to provide common-mode noise rejection and increase the input dynamic range. Figure 2-2 shows the analog input signals used in a differential configuration to achieve a 6.4 V,(PP) differential swing with a 3.2 V'(PP) swing per input line. Both a differential and a single-ended configuration are shown in the application information section. TLC320ADS8 4.1 V INLP,INRP 2.SV 0.9 V 4.1 V 2.SV 0.9 V -~-~-7 INLM,INRM Figure 2-2. Differential Analog Input Configuration 7-'332 2.3 Sigma-Delta Modulator The modulator is a fourth-order sigma-delta modulator with 64 times oversampling. The ADC provides high-resolution, low-noise performance from a one-bit converter using oversampling techniques. 2.4 Decimation Filter The decimation filter used after the sigma-delta modulator reduces the digital data rate to the sampling rate of LRClk. This is accomplished by decimating with a ratio of 1:64. The output of this filter is a 2s complement data word of up to 18 bits serially clocked out. If the input value exceeds the full range of the converter, the output of the decimator is held at the appropriate extreme until the input returns to the dynamic range of this device. 2.5 High-Pass Filter The high-pass filter removes dc from the input. 2.6 Master-Clock Circuit The master-clock circuit is used to generate and distribute necessary clocks throughout the device. MCLK is the external master clock input. CMODE is used to select the relationship of MCLK to the sample rate of LRCIk. When CMODE is low, the sample rate of the data paths is set as LRClk = MCLKl256. When CMODE is high, the sample rate is set as LRClk = MCLKl384. With a fixed oversampling ratio of 64><, the effect of changing MCLK is shown in Table 2-1. When the TLC320AD58C is in master mode, SCLK is derived from MCLK in order to provide clocking of the serial communications between the sigma-delta audio ADC and a digital signal processor (DSP) or control logic. This is equivalent to a clock running at 64 x LRCIk. When the TLC320AD58C is in slave mode, SCLK is externally derived. Table 2-1. Master-Clock to Sample-Rate Comparison (Modes 1, 3, 4, 5) 2.7 MCLK (MHz) CMODE 12.2880 18.4320 High Low 11.2896 Low 16.9344 High 8.1920 Low 12.2880 High 0.2560 Low 0.3840 High SCLK (MHz) LRClk (kHz) 3.0720 48 2.8224 44.1 2.0480 32 0.0640 1 Test TEST1 and TEST2 are reserved for factory test and should be tied to digital ground (DVss). 2.8 Serial Interface Although the serial data is shifted out in two seperate time packets that represent the left and right channels, the inputs are sampled and converted simultaneously. The serial interface protocol has master and slave modes each with different read out modes. The master mode is used to source the control signals for conversion synchronization, while the slave mode allows an external controller to provide conversion synchronization signals. The five master modes are shown in Figures 2-3(a) through 2-3(e), and the three slave modes are shown in Figures 2-4(a) through 2-4(c). For a 16-bit word, D15 is the most significant bit and DO is the least significant bit. Unless otherwise specified, all values are in 2s complement format. 7-333 In master mode, SCLK is generated internally and is sourced as an output. The relationship of SCLK to LRClk is 64x (modes 1,3, 4, 5) or 32x (modes 6, 7). In slave mode, SCLK is an input. SCLK timing must meet the timing specifications shown in the recommended operating conditions section. 2.8.1 Master Mode As the master, the TLC320AD58C generates LRClk, Fsync, and SCLK from MCLK. These signals are provided for synchronizing the serial port of a digital signal processor (DSP) or other control devices. Fsync is used to designate the valid data from the ADC, and this is accomplished in the master modes by one of two methods. The first is a single pulse on Fsync prior to valid data. This indicates the starting point for the data. The second method of frame synchronization is to hold Fsync high during the entire valid data cycle, which provides boundaries for the data. LRClk is generated internally from MCLK. The frequency of this signal is fixed at the sampling frequency fs [MCLKl256 (CMODE low) or MCLKl384 (CMODE high)). During the high period of this signal, the left channel data is serially shifted to the output; during the low period, the right channel data is shifted to the output. The conversion cycle is synchronized with the rising edge of LRCIk. Five modes are available when the device is configured as a master. Two modes are for 18-bit communications. These modes differ from each other in that the MSB is transferred first in one mode while the LSB is transferred first in the second mode [see Figures 2-3 (b) and 2-3(c)). When the LSB is transferred first, the data is right justified to the LRClk [see Figures .2-3 (a) through 2-3(e)]. The three other master modes are 16-bit modes. Once again, two of the modes differ as MSB first versus LSB first. These two modes set SCLK = LRClk x 32. This is half the frequency used in the other transfer modes (see Figures 2-3(d) and 2-3(e)). The third 16-bit mode provides the data MSB first with one clock delay after LRClk [see Figure 2-3(a)]. 7-334 Mode 011 (a) 16-BIT MASTER MODE (Fayne bound) SCLK Fayne ----if---+-- Dour----r---:~~t=~~~=t==~~e;;;x;i=~1=5t=1=4~~==~==:c==~ MSCLKe LRClk II--+---t---\I-+----+--.....,~, -~--~~ I Right ~·+I~~-~~~-r--+_~ Mode 100 (b) 18-BIT MASTER MODE I SCLK./\/\.f\./lJ\.A 1 Fayne nil III °1 ---i-.J ~ ... I I ~ I ' 1---' DOur ~~~'''""_!'_---!---.....~;:;,~Z;-·''"' '4·"''\·,'~_ _ _I!--_lfi'CJ. LRClk ___ ~ I---'~ Lett ... II Ii l MSCLKa Right f/, Mode 101 I II II I II .H I I (e) 18-BIT MASTER MODE SCLK Fayne ---1-----i---...,...-0 .I II I I DOUT_-J~~~__~__-A~O~1~~._ ..~1~6~17~_~_.....~O~~1~, LRClk ~ ---1'---'1 II iI II Lett II Mode 110 MSCLKa! ! ~. .,;R:.;.; lgl,; h;.; . tt-I---tl----t-II'\-I- - - 1 - - (d) 16-BIT DSP CONTINUOUS MODE SCLK~ Fayne ~\-I--+----+----+----+----H Dour~~..~·~~~I~--~I~--~~~' LRClk I I f Lett I I I II I 32 SCLKa t --;----;--i--;---tf Right r- Mode 111 (8) 16-BIT DSP CONTINUOUS MODE SCLK~ Fayne ~\-I-t-----+---+---+---~ DOUT~~"~'~~~~__~__~~-J~ LRClk I ~ L tt --i----r---+---i-----.j I ,.. e I I I III Figure 2-3. Serial Master Transfer Modes 2.8.2 Slave Mode As a slave, the TLC320AD58C receives LRClk, Fsync, and SCLK as inputs. The conversion cycle is synchronized to the rising edge of LRClk, and the data is synchronized to the falling edge of SCLK. SCLK must meet the setup requirements specified in the recommended operating conditions section. Synchronization of the slave modes is accomplished with the digital power-down control. In slave mode, Fsync is an input. Three modes are provided as shown in Figures 2-4(a) through 2-4(c). SCLK and LRClk are externally generated and sourced. The first rising edges of SCLK and LRClk after a power-down cycle initiate the conversion cycle. Refer to the master-mode section for signal functions. 7-335 Several modes are available when the TlC320AD58C is configured as a slave. Using the ModeO, Mode1, and Mode2 terminals, the TlC320AP58C can be set to shift out the MSB first or the lSB first [see Figures 2-4(a) and 2-4(b)]. The number of bits shifted out, however, can be control/ed by the number of valid SClK cycles provided within the left or right channel. period. If only enough clocks are provided to shift out 16 data bits before lRClk changes state, then this is equivalent to a 16-bit mode. Modes 1 and 2 both require 64 SClK periods per lRClk period. (8) 18-81T SLAVE MODE (Fsyne high) (b) 18-81T SLAVE MODE (Fsyne high) Mode 001 ~LK ~ h~c -+--~~~--~-r~--~~~~~-T--~~-+--~~~I--+I~I DOUT ~__+-~~__+--r~~~~~~~~~__+-~~~~~~~~1~7 LRClk -+--1_+--'1 LRClk I ..... --+---~-+- Figure 2-4. Serial Slave Transfer Modes 7-336 I I 3 Specifications 3.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings Over Operating Free-Air Temperature Range (unless otherwise noted)t Supply voltage range, AVoo (see Note 1) ......................... -0.3 V to 6.5 V Supply voltage range, DVoo (see Note 2) ......................... -0.3 V to 6.5 V Analog input voltage range, INLP, INLM, INRP, INRM ............... -0.3 V to 6.5 V Operating free-air temperature range, TA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. -O°C to 70°C Storage temperature range, Tstg ................................ -65°C to 150°C Case temperature for 10 seconds ........................................ 260°C Lead temperature 1,6 mm (1/16 inch) from case for 10 seconds .....•........ 260°C t Stresses beyond those listed under "absolute maximum ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under "recommended operating conditions" is not implied. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. NOTES: 1. Voltage values for maximum ratings are with respect to AVSS. 2. Voltage values for maximum ratings are with respect to DVSS. 3.2 Recommended Operating Conditions Analog supply voltage, AVDD (see Note 3) 4.75 MIN NOM 5 MAX 5.25 Digital supply voltage, DVDD 4.75 5 5.25 V Analog logic supply voltage, Vlogic 4.75 5 5.25 V 3.2 Reference voltage, Vref UNIT V V Setup time, SCLKi to LRClk, slave mode, tsu1 30 ns Setup time, LRClk to SCLKi, slave mode, tsu2 Setup time, SCLKi to Fsync, slave mode, tsu3 30 ns 30 ns Setup time, Fsync to SCLKi, slave mode, tsu4 30 ns Setup time, DigPD to LRClki, slave mode, tsu5 30 ns Setup time, DigPD to LRClki, master mode, tsus 30 10 kn Load resistance at DOUT, RL Input de offset range Operating free-air temperature, TA -50 0 0 ns 50 mV 70 ·C NOTE 3: Voltages at analog inputs and outputs and AVDD are with respect to the AVSS terminal. 7-337 3.3 Electrical Characteristics 3.3.1 Digital Interface, TA =25°C, AVDD =DVDD =5 V PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS VIH High-level input voltage VIL Low-level input voltage VOH High-level output voltage at OOUT IOH-2rnA VOL Low-level output voltage at OOUT. IOL-2rnA IIH High-level input current, any digital input MIN TYP 2 4.6 0,2 2.4 MAX V 0.8 4.6 0.2 UNIT V V 0.4 V 1 pA IlL Low-level input current, any digital input 1 pA Ci Input capacitance 5 pF Co Output capacitance 5 pF 3.3;2 Analog Interface ADC Modulator, TA =25°C, AVoo = DVoo =5 V, fs =48 kHz, Bandwidth =24 kHz, CMODE = 0, MODE(0-2) = 000 PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP DYNAMIC PERFORMANCE ANSI A-weighting filter Signal to noise (EIAJ) INLP = INRP = 2.5 V de INLM = INRM = 2.5 V de Dynamic range Signal to noise + distortion (THO + N) -1 dB clown from 6-V differential input Total harmonic distortion (THO) MAX UNIT 18 Bits 96 100 dB 90 95 dB 88 93 dB Resolution 0.0015% Interchannel isolation 120 dB Absolute gain error ±0.6 dB Interchannel gain mismatch ±0.2 dB DC ACCURACY Offset error (18-bit resolution) Offset drift 120±5 mV ±0.17 LSB/oC Inputs/Supplies, TA = 25°C,AVoo = DVoo = 5 V, fs = 48 kHz, Bandwidth =24 kHz PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT ANALOG INPUT Input voltage range (differential) 6.2 (0 to peak) 3.1 Input impedance V kn 200 POWER SUPPLIES 24 32 rnA 100 (digital), normal mode 26 32 rnA 100 (analog), power down 250 100 (digital), power down 150 pA 250 mW 100 (analog), normal mode Power-supply current Power dissipation 7-338 pA 3.3 Electrical Characteristics (Continued) 3.3.3 Channel Characteristics, TA =25°C, AVoo =DVoo =5 V, fs =48 kHz PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS Passband (-3 dB) MIN 0.001 Passband ripple 30 Hz - 21.8 kHz Stopband attenuation 26.2 kHz - 3046 kHz MAX 24 ±0.01 UNIT kHz dB 80 Group delay 3.4 TYP dB 25lfs s Switching Characteristics PARAMETER ~1 Delay time, AnaPD to DOUr valid ~(MFSD) Delay time, SCLKJ. to Fsync, master mode MIN TYP MAX 30 UNIT ns -20 20 ns ~(MDD) Delay time, SCLKJ. to DOUr, master mode 0 50 ns ~(MIRD) Delay time, SCLKJ. to LRClk, master mode -20 20 ns ~(SDD1) Delay time, LRClk to DOur, slave mode 50 ns ~(SDD2) Delay time, SCLKJ. to DOUr, slave mode 50 ns 7-339 7-340 4 Parameter Measurement Information SClK tci(MFSD) Fsyne tci(MDD) I.. 1 1 1 ~I I ~I 14 DOUT /MSB X MSB-1 X X"'-____________________ lRClk _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Figure 4-1. SCLK to Fsyne and DOUT - Master Mode 3 SClK "'IMFSD) ~j 1 Fsyne tci(MDD) DOUT 1\ I.. I I /MSB 1 td(MIRD) I" lRClk ~I ~I X MSB-1 X X Figure 4-2. SCLK to Fsyne, DOUT, and LRClk - Master Modes 4 and 6 SClK~ Fsync DOUT i\'-_____________ "'IMF,::; ~ tci(MDD) I ~I~_,", 14 / lSB X"'--______ X"'-_______ ~~j--------'----J lSB-1 ~ lRClk~lj Figure 4-3. SCLK to Fsyne, DOUT, and LRClk - Master Mode 5 7-341 SCLK tcI(MFSD) Fsyne +--lJ~--"",,1 .~ tcI(MDD) DOUT !\~-------------------~ 14 I ~~LS-B~)(~__L_SB_-_1-J)(_______ ~I _________________I~/p-----------------tcI(MIRD) ',. LRClk . Figure 4-4. SCLK to Fsync, DOUT, and LRClk - Master Mode 7 I I I SCLK LRClk -------~X~I~---------------.. tcI(SDD1)~ tcI(SDD2)4 I_il:-_-17~~~~~.:X DOUT _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Xil:--------~ 16 Figure 4-5. SCLK to LRClk and DOUT ;... Slave Mode 0, Fsync High tsu1 ~, I , tsu3 ~I,. I tsu4 SCLK I I I Fsyne I I DOUT ~ I LRClk td(SDD2)-l+--+l 17 X J Figure 4-6. SCLK to Fsyne, LRClk, and DOUT - Slave Mode 2, Fsyne Controlled 7-342 >C 5 Application Information 7-343 ..... l, RM t n I!,o RP n I!,o LM IL LP n IL D- ..... ..... n EXFS f----« l-- I > • I I t 4 ~ a. E .!! 4 ~ 3 a. 3 E .!! 0 'S a. 0 'Sa. 2 2 .5 I .5 ~ I !iii: :> :> 0 0 -1~~--~~--~~--~~--~~~ -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 11K -Input Clamp Current - mA 40 Figure 8. Characteristics of the TL7726 (Vref 5 V) = 50 -1~~~~~~--~~--~~--~~ -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 11K -Input Clamp Current - mA 8 10 Figure 9. Characteristics of the TL7726 at Low Current (Vref 5 V) = A complementary circuit has the effect that if the input sees a voltage that is more negative than GND, the resulting current (flowing outward) also increases very rapidly. In this voltage range, the circuit behaves like a very low resistance diode having a forward voltage of only some tenths of a millivolt. The characteristics of the 1L7726 cannot be properly represented using linear axes. Therefore, mixed log/linear axes are used (see Figure 10) so the voltage limits over a very wide range can be shown in detail. Overvoltages at device pinS are often of very short duration but of high amplitude. The hex clamping circuit must be able to provide reliable protection under these conditions, so the device has been designed such that a continuous current of 50 rnA is permissible at the clamp input. However, the maximum power dissipation of the package must be taken into account in case such currents flow simultaneously into several inputs. Extremely rapid operation of the hex clamping circuit has been achieved with the capacitor CI (see Figure 6), which essentially consists of the collector-base (Miller) capacitance of Q5. This ensures that Q5 is immediately switched on if there are rapid voltage changes. Figure 11 shows that voltage limiting is achieved with virtually no delay. Figure 12 shows the circuit used to make these measurements. Since this circuit reacts to practically any voltage change, it must be noted that several microseconds elapse from a change of amplitude until a new stable value is reached (see Figure 13). 8-12 II I OND-200mV ...:: ~ ...:: /. F:-- II -1 f,IA -10 f,IA -100 f,IA -1 mA-10mA -100mA - 1 5OmV": J -25mA iI -100mA 25mA -10mA -lmA - 100 f,IA - 10 f,IA If,IA I Vref- 50mV 4 -{-Vref + 200mv I I I I I I I GND Figure 10. Current and Voltage Limits of TL7726 8 Generator Output, VA 8 > 4 J§! 2 I o ~. 2 TL7728 Clamp Input, Va o o 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 Tlme-ns Figure 11. Behavior of TL7726 With Rapid Voltage Changes r-----+-- 5V Pulse Generator 500 500 OND Figure 12. Measurement Circuit 8-13 / 6 ,...., VA 4 V" / 2 /' VB o o 2 3 4 5 6 Time-lUI 7 8 9 10 Figure 13; Settling Time at the Input of the Hex Clamping Circuit Application Examples Using the TL7726 The TL7726 was developed to protect the inputs of linear (analog) ICs against overvoltage and to ensure the reliable operation of these components both in demanding applications and in harsh environments. A typical application of the TL7726 is extremely simple, as shown in Figure 14. T RV (typically 10 len) AO A1 A2 ·,V, ~~ .v. A5 ·V ....=: '--- '--- REF TL7726 GND Vcc= 5V TLC1543 11-lnput ADC (6 of 11 Inputs shown) GND -=1Circuit to be Protected ..L Figure 14. Typical Application of the Hex Clamping-Circuit TL7726 The TL7726 is ideal for protecting the inputs of the TI range of multiple input analog-to-digital converters. The TL7726 can reliably handle currents up to 50 rnA. The series current-limit resistor (RV) is chosen to limit the current to this level. The clamp voltage level is set to be within 200 mV of Vref and GND. The reference voltage pin (REF) of the hex clamping circuit is connected to the supply voltage (Vcd of the circuit to be protected whose inputs are connected to the CLAMP inputs (see Figure 14). The requirement for series resistors depends on the particular application. If the input signal to be limited is supplied by a comparatively high-impedance source, and if only undefined currents must be prevented from flowing into the substrate of the circuit to be protected, such resistors are not needed. However, in most cases, voltages of considerable amplitude can be expected. These are coupled into the signal inputs and cause significant interference. In such cases, the TL7726 should also be protected against damage; this can only be ensured if the current that flows can be limited to an acceptable amount with a series resistor. The TL7726 reliably diverts currents up to ±50 rnA where the'flifference of the voltage between the input voltage (VIK) and the reference voltage (depending on whether current is flowing to REF orGND) is only a few hundred millivolts. The RV series resistor can be chosen over a wide range depending on the requirements of the circuit to be protected. Resistors from a few tens of ohms up to several tens of kilohms ·(Le., 20 n to 40 ill) can be used. 8-14 When choosing series resistors used to limit current flowing into the 11..7726, consideration should be given to the maximum power dissipation [PD(max)l that the 11..7726 can withstand. The limiting factors are the maximum permissible device temperature of lS0°C and the thermal resistance (RaJA) between the device and ambient temperature. The following expression applies (see the 11..7726 data sheet): PD(max) - lSOoC - TA RaJA where: TA - ambient temperature RaJA (D package) - l72°C/W RaJA (P package) - lOS°c/W given the following derating factors Derating factor (D package) - lIRaJA - S.8 mW/oC Derating factor (P package) - l/RaJA - 9.5 mW/oC Current Flow Consideration should be given to the path taken by the current that flows into the 11..7726. A positive current flowing into a CLAMP terminal is channeled to GND (see Figure 6 and Figure 15); similarly, a negative current flows to REF. Since REF is normally connected to the Vee rail supplying other circuits, this voltage source must be able to withstand the current flow. In most cases, only short duration voltages need to be limited; this usually means that the filter capacitor in the power supply must be of sufficiently large capacitance and the ground return of sufficiently large size to prevent excessive ground bounce. Vee REF Figure 15. Current Flow Paths Summary Until recently, the protection of analog circuits in harsh environments where the inputs could be subjected to undefined overvoltages was only possible with considerable extra circuitry. Although this circuitry gave protection against destruction, it often limited the performance of the protected device. The availability of the 11..7726 hex clamping circuit now provides bo!h reliable and transparent protection operation for up to six analog inputs in a single package. 8-15 8-16 Microcontro//er Based Data Acquisition Using the TLC2543 12-Bit Seriaf-Out ADC • I - TEXAS INSTRUMENTS 8-17 IMPORTANT NOTICE Texas Instruments (TI) reserves the right to make changes to its'products or to discontinue any semiconductor product or service without notice, and advises its customers to obtain the latest version of relevant information to verify~ before placing orders, that the information being relied on is current. TI warrants peiformance of its semiconductor products and related software to the specifications applicable at the time of sale in accordance with TI's standard warranty. Testing and other quality control techniques are utilized to the extent TI deems necessary to support this warranty. Specific testing of all parameters of each device is not necessarily performed, except those mandated by government requirements. Certain applications using semiconductor products may involve potential risks of death, personal injury, or severe property or environmental damage (''Critical Applications'1. TI SEMICONDUCTOR PRODUCTS ARE NOT DESIGNED, INTENDED, AUTHORIZED, OR WARRANTED TO BE SUITABLE FOR USE IN LIFE-SUPPORT APPLICATIONS, DEVICES OR SYSTEMS OR OTHER CRITICAL APPLICATIONS. Inclusion ofTI products in such applications is understood to be fully atthe risk of the customer. Use of TI products in such applications requires the written approval of an appropriate TI officer. Questions concerning potential risk applications should be directed to TI through a local SC sales office. In order to minimize risks associated with the customer's applications, adequate design and operating safeguards should be provided by the customer to minimize inherent or procedural hazards. TI assumes no liability for applications assistance, customer product design, software performance, or infringement of patents or services described herein. Nor does TI warrant or represent that any license, either express or implied, Is granted under any patent right, copyright, mask work right, or other intellectual property right of TI covering or relating to any combination, machine, or process in which such semiconductor products or services might be or are used. Copyright © 1995, Texas Instruments Incorporated 8-18 Contents Title Page Introduction ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 8-21 Scope of this Application Report .......................................................... 8-21 The 11.C2543 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8-21 Interface Timing ................................................................. 8-21 Minimum Number of Data Transfers per Channel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8-22 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) ......................................................... 8-23 11.C2543 to SPI Interface Timing ................................................... 8-23 Software Flowcharts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8-24 TLC2543 TO TMS370 Microcontroller Interface •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 8-26 Microcontroller Features ............................................................... 8-26 Interface Circuit .........................................•............................ 8-26 Software .... , .. , ........•......•......•.............•..•............................ 8-26 List 1 ................................................................................... 8-27 Opto-Isolated 12-Bit Data Acquisition System .............................................. 8-29 TLC2543 to H81325 Microcontroller Interface ••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.• 8-31 Microcontroller Features ............................................................... 8-31 Interface Circuit ................................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8-31 Software ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8-31 List2 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••• 8-32 TLC2543 to MC68HCll Microcontroller Interface. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • •• 8-35 Microcontroller Features ............................................................... 8-35 Interface Circuit .....•.............................•.................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8-35 Software ..................... '.' . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8-35 List3 ............................................................................. , ••••• 8-36 TLC2543 to SOC51 Microcontroller Interface ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 8-38 Microcontroller Features ...........................•................................... 8-38 Interface Circuit ........................................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8-38 Software ............................................................................ 8-38 List4 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 8-39 Analog Considerations •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••• 8-41 Power Supply Decoupling ...................................... ',' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8-41 Grounding. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8-41 Board Layout'. . .. .... . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. 8-41 Appendix A •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•• 8-42 References .......................................................................... 8-42 Acknowledgement ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8-42 8-19 List of mustratioDS Figure Page 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. S. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 8-21 8-22 8-22 8-23 8-24 8-24 8-25 8-25 8-26 8-30 8-31 8-35 8-3S 8-41 ~20 7itle 1LC2543 Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . .• TIming for 16-Clock Transfer Using CS With MSB First .....•................................ TIming for 16-Clock Transfer Not Using CS With MSB First ...............................•.. Serial Peripheral Interface - Internal Structure and Data Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . .. 1LC2543 to SPI Interface TIming .•.••....•.........•..............•...••..•.•..••......• Flowchart for Main Program of 1LC2543 to 1MS37OCOIO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • .. Flowcharts of Subroutine DATAIN and STORE for 1LC2543 to 1MS37OCOIO Intelface Software .... Flowcharts of Subroutine ADC for 1LC2543 to 1MS37OCOI0 Interface Software .....•............ 1LC2543 to 1MS370COIO Interface Circuit ...........•...............................•.... Opto-lsolated 12-Bit Data Acquisition System ............•.........................•....... 1LC2543 to HS/300 Microcontroller Interface Circuit .................•...................... 1LC2543 to MC6SHCS11E2 Microcontroller Interface .•........................... ; ......... 1LC2543 to SOC51 Microcontroller Interface ............................................... 1LC2543 to Microcontroller Interface: Grounding and Decoupling Scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Introduction Scope of this Application Report This application report describes how to construct 12-bit data acquisition systems using the TI..C2543 serial-out analog-to-digital converter (ADC) in conjunction with a range of four popular microcontrollers. The four microcontrollers used are the TMS370, H8/300, 68HCli and 80C51. TheTLC2543 The TLC2543 is a 12-bit ADC which uses the switched capacitor successive approximation technique to perform the conversion process and provides a maximum sampling rate of 66k samples per second (KSPS) while using only 1 rnA (typical) of supply current. The block diagram of the TLC2543 is shown in Figure 1. Anyone of eleven analog input channels can be selected by programming the four mOst significant bits (MSBs) of the eight bit channel/mode control byte applied serially to the DATA INPUT terminal of the device. In addition three internal test voltages [Vref':' Vref+ and (Vref+ - Vref_)/2] can be applied to the converter for calibration or other purposes by applying the appropriate code to the same four MSBs. The four least significant bits (LSBs) of the channel/mode control byte are used to select the output data length (8, 12 or 16 bits), the output data order (MSB first or LSB first) and whether unipolar (binary) or bipolar (2's complement around (Vref+ - Vref-)/2) format is required. Input Address Register AI NO Analog Inputs AIN1 AIN2 AIN3 AIN4 AIN5 AIN6 AIN7 AIN8 AIN9 AIN10 Data Input UOClock 14-Channel Analog Input MUX Sample and Hold Serial Data Out EOC • • • 12·Blt Resolution ADC 66-KSPS Sampling Rate 11 Analog Input Channels • • • Low Supply Current -1 mA (Typ) Power-Down Mode -4 !iA (Typ) SPI Compatible Serial Interface Figure 1. TLC2543 Block Diagram Interface Timing Four transfer methods are available for obtaining the full 12 bits of resolution from the TLC2543. Either 12 or 16 clock cycles can be used for each conversion and data transfer. A chip select (CS) pulse can be inserted at the start of each conversion or only once at the beginning of each sequence of conversions with CS remaining low until the sequence is completed. 8-21 FigUre 2 shows the timing for the method which uses 16 clock cycles for each conversion and data transfer cycle and which inserts CS between each of these transfer cycles. Figure 3 shows the timing for the method which uses 16 clock cycles for each conversion and data transfer cycle but ~erts CS only once at the start of each sequence of conversions. This application report describes various microcontroller interfaces, each of which uses 16 clock cycles for each conversion data transfer. CS is applied at the start of each conversion and data transfer. This method allows for the general case where one or mOre conversions may be required. It 8Iso simplifies the required software. ~-,~----------------~,,~--~ H- tau > 1.425118 CLO~~ _-+1....... \~ 1 jJ f1.-f1 ~ ........ " 1 ~~ . I 1 DATA OUT ------------~~ 1 ____L I DATA INPUT EOC r- ~t=1 I :~ 1 : \\I----h,I . J r,~r-+-:- If- tconv 16-Clock Transfer Using CS (MSe Firat) C7 1 <10118 ---JI Figure 2. Timing for 16-Clock Transfer Using CS With MSB First ~-'~------------------------------------~(/\~------------~"\~----~--H- tau 1.42~ I CLO~~--II_... ~" f1 > 118 II jJ 8 1 ~~ DATA OUT ------------~~: DATA lei (EOC.DATA)~ <10,.. __,___ +-1' INPUT 1 EOC : 1 ' 16-Clock Transfer Not Using CS (MSe Firat) I_ 1- 14-1 1 : ~ 1 Jrlll------------------------------------------~\(~;--;"1 I1 1 1 C7 I ',H ogonv _ 1 L. <10118 -I Figure 3. Timing for 16-Clock Transfer Not Using CS With MSB First Minimum Number 0' Data Transfers per Channel It should be noted that in any single data transfer cycle between the 'ILC2543 and the chosen microcontroller the data output from the ADC is the result of the previous conversion. The software listings included in this application report have been written for the general case where the conversion results may be required for any .individual channel or sequence of channels. In this case the program included for each microcontroller interface nlust be run at least twice per channel so that valid data corresponding to the required analogue input channel and ADC mode is delivered. Software can be written to implement the consecutive channel scanning mOde of operation of the 'ILC2543. In this case the result from the fIrst analog-to-digital conversion should be ignored or overwritten. 8-22 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) The fastest and most efficient method of implementing a data transfer between the 'ILC2543 and a microcontroller is to use the serial peripheral interface (SPI) of the microcontroller, if this is available. The TMS370 (Texas Instruments), HS/300 (Hitachi) and MC6SHC II (Motorola) all offer SPls (or the equivalent) in a subset of each of these families of microcontrollers. The HS/300 offers a serial communications interface (SCI) which can be configured to operate in a similar way to that of the standard SPI's offered by the TMS370 and MC6SHCIl. The principle features of the SPI are: • • • • Simultaneous serial data input and output Synchronous operation Provision of frequency programmable serial clock Data transfer complete flag Figure 4 shows the structure of the SPI. In this case the TMS37OCOlO is used to illustrate the main elements of the interface. TLC2543 TMS370C010 SPI Master (Master/Slave DATA OUT SOMI I DATA INPUT SOMO SerIal Input Buffer (SPIBUF) I I MSB 110 CLOCK =1) i''r Shift Register (SPIDAT) I r- LSB SPICLK Figure 4. Serial Peripheral Interface -Internal Structure and Data Flow The microcontroller can be configured by software to perform as the SPI master or slave. When operating as the master, data is input to the SPI shift register (SPIDAT) via the slave out master in (SOMI) terminal. At the same time data is output from the SPIDAT via the slave in master out (SIMO) terminal. The SPI functions as follows. The SPIDAT should be loaded with the flrst byte of data to be sent. This automatically initiates the transmission of this byte. During this transmission time data is received at the other end of the SPIDAT shift register. The SPI !NT FLAG is regularly checked. As soon as the last bit of the input data byte is received the SPI !NT FLAG is set to 1. This then signals that the received byte can be read from the serial input buffer (SpmUF) and that the SPIDAT is ready to accept the next byte of data to be transmitted. Additional SPI features which apply to the speciflc microcontrollers are described in their respective sections which follow. TLC2543 to SPllnterfaee Timing The timing digram for the 16 clock transfer 'ILC2543 to SPI interface is shown in Figure 5. The channel select/mode data is read into the 'ILC2543 on the positive going edges of the I/O clock and analog-to-digital conversion results are read into the microcontroller on the negative going edges of the I/O clock. 8-23 cs l!--------I'i.,.j~--~rj~ I/O CLOCK DATA IN DATA OUT EOC Figure 5. TLC2543 to SPllnterface Timing Software Flowcharts Figures 6, 7, and 8 show the flow charts for the main program and subroutines used in the TLC2543 to TMS370COIO interface software shown in this application report. The same program structure also applies to the other three interfaces included in this report. rl 1 .. START 2 CALL SUBROUTINE DATAIN + 3 CALL SUBROUTINE ADC + 4 CALL SUBROUTINE STORE + 5 ~ JUMP TO START } } } } Reads channellmode data for TLC2543 into microcontroller via parallel I/O port. (reformats channellmode data if serial data is sent LSB first). Puts channellmode data into accessible register. Derives destination address for STORE from channel data. Provides CS high to low transition prior to conversion. Provides serial 110 CLOCK to TLC2543. Sends channel/mode data to TLC2543. Receives MSbyte then LSbyte of previous NO conversion. Stores MSbyte In even address of selected RAM space. Stores LSbyte in odd address of selected RAM space (all addresses mapped to corresponding channel number). Jump to start for next conversion Figure 6. Flowchart for Main Program of TLC2543 to TMS370C010 8-24 + Read ChanneUM.oda Data Into Choaan Register + t Store MSBYTE In Evan Address Of RAM (Channel # Dapandant) Map Channal Numbers t To Registers Or RAM + Store LSBYTE In Odd Address Of RAM (Channel' Dependant) Put Daatlnatlon Address Into Choaan Register + STORE + Return ~ DATAIN Figure 7. Flowcharts of Subroutine DATAIN and STORE for TLC2543 to TMS37OC010 Interface Software Racalva LS Byte Of Prevloua Convaralon Raault and Store In LS BYTE NO Recelva MS Byte Of Prevloua Convaralon Raault and Store In MS BYTE Figure 8. Flowcharts of Subroutine ADC for TLC2543 to TMS370C010 Interface Software 8-25 TLC2543 TO TMS370 Microcontroller Interface Microcontroller Features Within the family of TMS370 microcontrollers there are several versions which contain a serial peripheral interface (SPI) facility. One of these versions should be chosen to implement the interface method described below. One such version is the TMS37OCOIO which is used to illustrate the method. Interface Circuit Figure 9 shows the circuit interconnections for the lLC2543 to TMS37oCOIO miCrocontroller interface. Note that no extra logic is required to implement this interface. 5V 5V VCC VCC 1/0 CLOCK i+--ISPICLK DATA INPUT SPISIMO DATA OUT SPISOMI CS D7 Analog Inputs TMS370 8x10kC VSS Figure 9. TLC2543 to TMS370C010 Interface Circuit Depending upon the layout of the particular printed circuit board used it may be necessary to insert a small value capacitor of between 50 and 100 pF between the JlO CLOCK input of the lLC2543 and ground. This has the effect of ensuring that data applied to the DATA INPUT terminal of the lLC2543 is valid before the positive going transition of the JlO CLOCK. The positive reference, REF+, to the 1LC2543 is provided directly from the VCC+ supply. The four digital interface terminals, JlO CLOCK, DATA INPUT, DATA OUT, and CS, of the 1LC2543 connect directly to the SPICLK, SPISIMO, SPISOMI and D7 terminals respectively of the TMS370COIO. The operation mode and channel number of the lLC2543 is determined by the serial data which is sent to its DATA INPUT terminal. Software List I contains the software listing for the program which controls the interface illustrated in Figure 5. The software consists of the main program and three subroutines called DATA IN, ADC and STORE. DATAIN reads in the channel select and mode control data into a holding register and maps the channel select number to a corresponding pair of registers between R64 and R91. The mapping vector is held in register RIO. ADC provides the chip select pulse, controls the SPI operation, and puts the MSByte and LSByte of each conversion result into registers R20 and R21 respectively. STORE puts the MSByte into the even number register .and the LSByte into the odd number register mapped by the contents of register RIO. 8-26 The user can put channel select and ADC mode control data into the holding register within the microcontroller, via the 8-bit wide port A bidirectional JlO port, using a bank of eight toggle switches as shown in Figure 9. Alternatively, the mode and channel data can be sent to the microcontroller holding register via the asynchronous serial communications interface (SCI). This option is available only on those versions of the TMS370, such as the TMS370C020, which include both SPI and SCI interfaces. Additional software to control the SCI must be appended to the software shown in List 1 to provide this method of control. List 1 LINE LOC OBJ 1 SOURCE ;* 2 i * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 3 ;* TLC2543 to TMS 370Cx10 Interface Program 4 ;* 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 0030 0031 0037 0039 003d 003e 003f 0021 0022 0023 002c 002d 002e 002f 7ffe 2e 4000 4000 4002 4003 4007 400a 400b 400d 400f 4012 4014 4016 4018 40la 40lc 40le 4020 5260 fd * 88400000 8b7ffe b5 2121 2123 f7802f 2280 2130 2207 2130 2203 213d 2222 213e 31 Ob 4022 '8e402d 4025 '8e403e 4028 '8e409d * * * * * ;* This program reads channel select and mode * ;* control data (provided by toggle switches) * ;* into the microcontroller, using subroutine * ; * DATAIN. * ;* It then provides the control signals to * ;* the TLC2543 to perform a 12 bit analog to * ;* conversion, using subroutine ADC. It * ;* finally stores the MSByte and LSByte of * ;* each conversion in consecutive even and * ;* odd number registers respectively starting * ;* at R64 corresponding to channel 0, using * ;* subroutine STORE. * ;* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SPICCR .EQU P030 ;* * * * * * * * SPICTL .EQU P03l ;* * SPIBUF .EQU P037 ;* * SPIDAT .EQU P039 i* * SPIPC1 .EQU PO 3D ;* * SPIPC2 .EQU P03E ;* Name Peripheral * SPIPRI .EQU P03F ;* Registers * APORT 2 .EQU P02l ;* * ADATA .EQU P022 ;* * .EQU P023 ADIR ;* * DPORTI .EQU P02C j* * .EQU P02D DPORT2 j* * .EQU P02E DDATA i* * DDIR .EQU P02F ;* * * ~ * * * * RESET .EQU 7FFEH ;Reset vector named .DBIT 7,DDATA CSBIT ;TLC2543 Chip Select bit ;named CSBIT .TEXT 4000H ;Main Program START MOV ~60H,B LDSP MOVW ~4000H,A MOV A,RESET CLR A MOV A,APORT2 MOV A,ADIR MOV #080H,DDIR MOV #80H,A MOV A,SPICCR MOV #07,A MOV A,SPICCR MOV #03,A MOV A,SPIPCl MOV #22H,A MOV A,SPIPC2 SPIF .DBIT 6,SPICTL MSLSB. DBIT 1, R11 CALL DATAIN CALL ADC CALL STORE ;Start program at 4000H , ;Set SP to address 60H ;Set reset vector Configure SPI for 8-bit character length. Configure SPICLK function and direction. Configure SPISOMI and SPISIMO pin functions. SPI INTFLAG named SPINTF Bit 1 of R11 named MSLSB 8-27 List 1 (Contl,nued) LINE 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 ~28 LOC 402b SOURCE OBJ '00d3 JMP START , ; Subroutine :- DATAIN , 402d 402f 9122 d10b DATAIN 4031 4033 4034 4035 4036 4037 4039 403b 53fO cc cc cc cc 5c02 5840 d10a AND tOFOH,B RR B RR B RR B RR B MPY t002,B ADD t40H,B MOV B,R10 403d f9 RTS , MOV ADATA,B MOV B,Rll Read ADC mode/channel Put ADCmode/channel in R11 Retain channel number • • • • '* • • • •* Map channel numbers • • to registers R64-R91 * • R10 contains storage * * address * • Even numbers - MS Byte· .. Odd numbers - LS Byte * • .. * * * * * .. * ; Subroutine :- ADC , 403e 4040 4043 4044 4046 4047 4049 404b 404d 4051 4053 2203 a4802e b2 '06fd c5 5l2e 2207 2131 '76020b19 120b 2139 ADC 4055 4059 'a74031fc a21437 FLAG1 405c LOOP 1 71390b 405f 4063 'a7403lfc a21537 4066 '77020b32 406a 406c 406e 4072 120b 2139 'a74031fc a21537 4075 4077 4079 407d 120b 2139 'a74031fc a21437 4080 4082 4084 4086 4088 4089 408b 408e 4090 4092 4094 4096 4097 4099 2208 d516 dd14 dfl6 b2 '06f9 421614 2208 d517 dd15 dfl7 b2 '06f9 421715 FLAG2 LS1ST FLAG3 FLAG4 MOV t003H,A ;Set ADC Chip Select high. SBIT1 CSBIT ;Chip Select stays high DEC A ;whi1e A is not o. JNE LOOP1 CLR B MOV B,DDATA ;CS goes low MOV .7,A MOV A,SPICTL ; Enable SPI transmission JBIT1 MSLSB,LS1ST MOV R11,A MOV A,SPIDAT MOV Rll, SPIDAT ;Send mode/channel data ito TLC2543 JBITO SPIF,FLAG1;If SPIF-O, repeat check. MOV SPIBUF,R20 ;Put received MS Byte ;in R20 MOV Rll, SPIDAT ;Send mode/channel data ;to TLC2543 JBITO SPIF,FLAG2;If SPIF=O, repeat check. MOV SPIBUF,R21 ;Put received LS Byte ; in R21 JBI~O MSLSB,RETURN ;If MSLSB-O, go ito RETURN MOV R11,A MOV A,SPIDA";l' JBITO SPIF,-FLAG3 If SPIF-O, repeat check. MOV SPIBUF, R21 Put received LS Byte in R21 MOV R11,A MOV A,SPIDAT JBITO SPIF,FLAG4 If SPIF-O, repeat check. MOV SPIBUF,R20 Put received MS Byte in R20 MOV 1I08,A * * * * * * CLR R22 * Reformat MS Byte * RRC R20 * * RLC R22 * Put result in R20 ** DEC A JNZ LOOP2 • * MOV R22, R20 * * * * • •* •* * MOV t08,A CLR R23 •* * * * * RRC R21 • Reformats LS Byte • ,RLC R23 • DEC A Put result in R21 • JNZ LooP3 MOV R23,R21 • * • * * * * ** .. .. LOOP2 LOOP 3 .. ... .. • • List 1 (Continued) LINE LOC 129 409c OBJ f9 SOURCE RETURN RTS 130 131 ;Subroutine :- STORE 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 409d 409f 40al 40a3 40a5 40a7 1214 9bOa d30a 1215 9bOa f9 STORE HOV R20,A HOV A,@Rl0 INC Rl0 HOV R21,A HOV A,@Rl0 RTS . END ;Put HS Byte into even ;address contained in Rl0 ; (R10)+1 ;Put LS Byte into odd ;address contained in Rl0 Opto-l80lated 12·81t Data Acquisition System The serial nature of the data flow between the 'ILC2S43 analog-to-digital converter and the accompanying microcontroller makes this ADC an ideal choice for isolated 12-bit data acquisition. Figure 10 shows an opto-isolated system which uses four optocouplers to provide a 3-kV isolation barrier. Note that the optocouplerwhich routes conversion result data from the TLC2S43 to the microcontrolleris a single device and does not share the same piece of silicon with any of the other optocouplers used. This ensures that the full 3 kV of isolation is maintained between the ADC andmicrocontroller. The choice ofVP0610 P-channel enhancement MOSFETs avoids the use of an extra inverter stage for each optocoupler driver. In addition, the relatively low input capacitance of the VP061 0 (typically IS pF) allows data rates up to 100kHz to be achieved without the need for external buffers to be added at the outputs of the 'ILC2S43 and TMS370. 8-29 VCC1 -----~ VCC~'--"" '1 ( r - - + - - 4 H VCC .-----+-1 SPICLK 470R 110 CLOCK H---" TLC2543 TMS370 VP0610 470R DATA INPUT H---" 470R DATA OUT AINO AIN1 AIN2 AIN3 AIN4 AIN5 AIN6 AIN7 AIN8 AIN9 AIN10 SPISOMI -=D7 470R VPOS10 CS VSSI---" AO A1 A2 A3 } ADCMode A4 A5 AS A7 } ADC Channel Number ...- - - - - 1 VSS -=- /,-=- 3kV . Isolation Barrier Figure 10. Opto-Isolated 12-Blt Data Acquisition System 8-30 TLC2543 to H8J325 Mlcrocontroller Interface Microcontroller Features The individual members of the H8 family of microcontrollers can be differentiated by various criteria, for example the inclusion or otherwise of an on-board 8-bitresolution analog-to-digital converter (ADC). Those members which include an ADC generally cost between 10 and 20 percent more than their counterparts which do not. System requirements such as ADC resolution, remote location of ADC, flexibility, and total cost all influence the final choice of microcontroller architecture. The HS/325, used for this application report, does not include an on-board ADC but provides IK of RAM, 32K of ROM, and two serial I/O ports. It is therefore well suited to interfacing with the 1LC2543 serial output ADC. Interface Circuit Figure II illustrates a typicall2-bit data acquisition system which uses the HS/325 microcontroller to coordinate the operation of the 1LC2543 ADC via one of its serial (SCI) ports. The circuit uses the HS's S-bit parallel I/O port 4 to route ADC channel and mode information into the microcontroller. This information could be provided by a host system data bus or, as in Figure 6, by a bank of eight manually operated toggle switches situated on the same printed circuit board as the microcontroller. 5V H8I325 TLC2543 VCC AINO Analog Inputs SCKOIP5.2 1/0 CLOCK AIN1 DATA INPUT 1 + - - - 1 TxDO/P5.0 AIN2 DATA OUT J - - - + i RxDO/P5.1 AIN3 CS 1+---1 P6.0 AIN4 AIN5 AIN6 AIN7 AIN8 AIN9 AIN10 GND VCC MDO MD1 XTAL EXTAL = P4.0 P4.1 P4.2 P4.3 P4.4 P4.5 P4.6 P4.7 Vss 20 MHz (max) } ADCMode } ChM,O Number ':' NOTE: Single Chip Mode (MOO = M01 = 1) Figure 11. TLC2543 to H8I300 Mlcrocontroller Interface Circuit Software List 2 shows the program which was written to coordinate the interface. It uses three subroutines to implement the overall interface to the 1LC2543. The first of these is called DATAIN which reads ADC channel and mode information into the microcontroller. It also maps converter channel numbers to corresponding addresses in RAM where conversion results can be stored. In this case the addresses from 0040H to 0067H were chosen to store the results. The most significant byte of each result is placed in an even address and the least significant byte of each result is placed in the corresponding adjacent odd address. The conversion result of each channel is stored in left justified format and therefore occupies the upper 12 bits of the 16-bit words which occupy even addresses from 0040H up to 0066H. The second subroutine to be used is ADC. This begins by producing a chip-select high pulse. The trailing negative edge of this pulse is rapidly followed by the transmission of channel and mode information to the converter. 8-31 List 2 LINE LOC OBJ 1 ;* 3 4 5 6 i* ;* 11 12 13 ;* 14 i* 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 FFDD FFDB FFD8 FFDA FFDC FFD9 FFB8 FFBA FFB5 FFB7 FFB9 FFBB 31 32 1000 ~ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * This program contains subroutines DATAIN, ADe, FORMAT and STORE. DATAIN reads channel number and mode data into the microcontroller via Port4. "ADC" controls A to D conversion. "FORMAT" changes conversion results from LSB first format to MSB first format. ·Store" places results in memory addresses 40 to 5B (MS Bytes in even addresses, LS Bytes in odd addresses) according to channel number. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * • * * * ;* ;* ;* ;* 10 * TLC2543 to H8 Microcontroller Interface Program. ;* ;* ;* 7 8 9 * * * * * • • • • * * * * Define special function register names • , * ; RDR TDR SMR SCR SSR BRR P5DDR P5DR P4DDR P4DR P6DDR P6DR EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU H'FFDD H'FFDB H'FFD8 H'FFDA H'FFDC H'FFD9 H'FFB8 H'FFBA H'FFB5 H'FFB7 H'FFB9 H'FFB,B ORG H'lOOO 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 , 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 * ;* ;* 2 30 SOURCE ;Receive Data Register - RDR ;Transmit Data Register - TDR ;Serial Mode Register - SMR ;Serial Control Register - SCR ;Serial Status Register - SSR ;Bit Rate Register - BRR ;Port5 Data Direction Register ;Port5 Data Register - P5DR ;Port4 Data Direction Register ;Port4 Data register - P4DR ;Port6 Data Direction register ;Port6 Data Register ;Sets start of program * Main Program * 1000 79001000 1004 1008 100A 100C 100E 1010 1012 1014 1016 lOlA 101E 1022 1026 102A 7907FDOO F984 39D8 F93l 39DA F90l 39D9 F901 6A89FFB9 5EOOI082 5EOOI02C 5EOOlOB4 5EOOIOAC 40DC 102C 102E 1032 1034 1036 103A 103E 1040 1042 1046 1048 104A 104E FA05 7FBB7000 lAOA 46FC 7FBB7200 6AOCFFB7 731C 461E 7EDC7370 47FA 34DB 7FDC7270 7EDC7360 START , MOV.W tH'lOOO, RO MOV.W RO, @H'OOOO MOV.W IIH'FDOO, SP MOV.B #H'84, RIL MOV.B RlL, @SMR:8 MOV.B jH'31,RIL MOV.B RlL, @SCR:8 MOV.B tH'Ol,RIL MOV.B RlL, @BRR:8 MOV.B tH'Ol, RIL MOV.B RIL, @P6DDR JSR @DATAIN:16 JSR @ADC:16 JSR @FORMAT:16 JSR @STORE:16 BRA START ;Sets reset vector to START ;Sets contents of Stack Pointer ;* • * * * * * * * * * * * * * ;* Sets up serial port * ;* registers for simultaneous. ;* transmit and receive * ;* ;* * * * * * * * * • * * * * * * ;Sets Rl(Low Byte) to OlH ;Set BitO of Port6 as Output ;Read in ADC channel/mode data ;Do AID conversion ;Reformat AID conversion result ;Store A/D conversion result ;Repeat above routine. * Subroutine ADC which controls the conversion process • ADC MOV.B IIH'05, R2L BSET #0, @P6DR:8 CSHIGH DEC R2L BNE CSHIGH BCLR #0, @P6DR:8 MOV.B @P4DR, R4L BTST il, R4L BNE LSBYTE MSBYTE BTST #7, @SSR:8 BEQ MSBYTE MOV.B R4H, @TDR:8 BCLR #7, @SSR:8 TESTB61 BTST 116, @SSR:8 Put 05 in R2L TLC2543 chip select goes high (R2L) - 1 If not zero, CS stays high TLC2543 chip select goes low Puts channel/mode data in R4L Is LSBF of channel/mode data If not, do LSBYTE first Is TDR empty ? If not empty, repeat check. Put channel/mode data in TDR Reset TDRE bit of SSR to 0 Is receive shift reg. empty? List 2 (Continued) LINE LOC OBJ SOURCE 68 69 70 1052 47FA 1054 23DD BEQ TESTB61 MOV.B @RDR:8, R3H 71 1056 7FDC7260 105A 68D3 BCLR #6, @SSR: 8 MOV.B R3H, @R5 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 105C lOSE 1060 1064 1066 1068 106C 1070 1072 1074 731C 4620 7EDC7370 47FA 34DB 7FDC7270 7EDC7360 47FA OAOD 2BDD BTST #1, R4L BNE RETURN LSBYTE BTST #7, @SSR:8 BEQ LSBYTE MOV.B R4H, @TDR:8 BCLR #7, @SSR: 8 TESTB62 BTST #6, @SSR:8 BEQ TESTB62 INC R5L MOV.B @RDR:8, R3L 1076 7FDC7260 107A 68DB BCLR #6, @SSR:8 MOV.B R3L, @R5 107C 731C 107E 46C2 1080 5470 BTST #1, R4L BNE MSBYTE RTS RETURN ;If not empty, repeat check ;Put MS Byte of conversion ;resu1t in R3H ;Reset RDRF bit of SSR to 0 ;Put MS Byte in even address ;mapped by channel number. ;Is LSBF of channel/mode data 0 ;If not, return from subroutine ;Is TDR empty? ;If not empty, repeat check ;Put channel/mode data in TDR ;Reset TDRE bit of SSR to 0 ;Is receive shift reg. empty? ;If not empty, repeat check ; (R5L) + 1· ;Put LS Byte of conversion ;resu1t in R3L ;Reset RDRF bit of SSR to 0 ;Put LS Byte in odd address ;mapped by channel number. ;Is LSBF of channel/mode data 0 ;If not, go to MSBYTE ;Return from subroutine , ; * Subroutine "DATAIN" which reads in ADC channel/mode data * , 1082 1086 108A 108E 1090 1092 1094 1096 1098 109C 109E 79040000 79050000 6AOCFFB7 OCCD 110D 110D 110D 110D 79060002 50E5 8D40 DATAIN 10AO 10A2 10A4 10A6 10A8 10AA F008 110C 1204 1AOO 46F8 5470 MOV.B #H'08, ROH NEXTBIT SHLR R4L ROTXL R4H DEC ROH BNE NEXTBIT RTS , 10AC 68D3 MOV.W #H'OOOO, R4 MOV.W #H'OOOO, R5 MOV.B @P4DR, R4L MOV.B R4L, R5L SHLR R5L SHLR R5L SHLR R5L SHLR R5L MCiv.W #0002, R6 MULXU R6L, R5 ADD.B #H'40, R5L STORE MOV.B R3H, @R5 INC R5L MOV.B R3L, @R5 10B2 5470 RTS , F008 1103 1207 1AOO 46F8 OC73 F008 110B i* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ;* * * * * * * * * * ;* * * * * * * * * * * i* * * * * * * * * * * ;* ;* Maps channel numbers to * ;* even addresses 40H to 5AH* ;* Put address in R5L * ;Put 08 in ROH ;* Reformats channel/mode data* ;* from MSB first to LSB first* * Subroutine "STORE" stores A/D conversion results in RAM * 10AE OAOD lOBO 68DB 10B4 10B6 10B8 10BA 10BC lOBE lOCO 10C2 ;Puts channel/mode data in R4L ;Puts (R4L) in R5L i* * * * * * * * * * ;* Retain only channel * ;* number in R5L * ;Store MS Byte in even address ;corresponding to channel ; number ; (R5) + 1 ;Store LS Byte in odd address ;corresponding to channel ; number ;Return from subroutine * Subroutine "FORMAT" changes received data format * ( LSB first ) into MSB first format FORMAT LOOP1 LOOP2 MOV.B #H'08, ROH SHLR R3H ROTXL R7H DEC ROH BNE LOOP1 MOV.B R7H, R3H MOV.B IIH'08, ROH SHLR R3L * * Put 08 in ROH * * * * * * * * * * * Reformats MSBYTE * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Put 08 in ROH List 2 (Continued) LINE 136 137 13B 139 .140 141 8-34 10C4 10C6 10CB 10CA 10CC 10CE LOC 120F 1AOO 46FB OCFB 5470 OBJ SOURCE ROTXL R7L DEC ROH BNE LOOP2 MOV.B R7L, R3L RTS END * * * Reformats LSBYTE * * * * * * * * Return from subroutine * * * " TLC2543 to MC68HC11 Microcontroller Interface Microcontroller Features All members of the MC68HCli family of microcontrollers contain an SP!. As is the case for the TMS370, the user is able to set the idle level of the serial clock of the 68HCll. This eliminates the need for an external inverter to be used to invert the microcontroller's serial clock output prior to its arrival at the TI.C2543's serial clock input. The 68HC 11 DO, 68HCIID3 and 68HC71ID3 versions do not contain an on-boardADC. One of these three devices may prove to be the most cost effective choice when used with the TI.C2543. All other versions contain either an 8- or lO-bit resolution ADC. Interface Circuit Figure 12 shows the circuit diagram of the interface between the 68HC 11 and the TI.C2543. The microcontroller device type used to illustrate this interface is the 48-pin dual-in-line version of the MC68HC811E2. The master in slave out (MISO), master out slave in (MOSI) and serial clock (SCK) terminals of the SPI are available as the alternative, user selectable, functions of port D pins PD2, PD3, and PD4 respectively. When the SPI is configured to operate as a master, the SSIPD5 terminal can be used as an output to drive the chip select (CS) terminal of the 'lLC2543. This leaves all other bidirectional I/O ports of the microcontroller uncommitted and available for other uses. Note that no extra glue logic is required to implement the interface. 5V TLC2543 MC68HC811E2 vee vee 1/0 CLOCK SCKO/PD4 DATA INPUT MISOIPD2 DATA OUT MOSUPD3 es ss/PD5 5V GND MODe VSS 10M PCO PC1 PC2 PC3 }A~C_ PC4 PCS PC6 }-'" Number PC7 VSS -: -: NOTES: A. Configured for single chip mode of operation B; Maximum SPI data rate = crystal frequency/S Figure 12. TLC2543 to MC68HC811E2 Mlcrocontroller Interface Software The listing of the program which was written to coordinate and control the interface between the TI.C2543 and the 68HC811E2 is shown in List 3. The software consists of the main program and two subroutines named TI.C2543 and STORE. TI.C2543 begins by providing the ADC's chip select pulse. It then reads in channel/mode data via the port C parallel I/O port and subsequently sends this data to the TI.C2543 via the MOSI terminal of the SPI. At the same time, the first byte of the result from the previous analog-to-digital conversion is received at the MISO terminal of the SPI. List 3 LINE LOC OBJ 2 3 4 5 6 A A A A A * * * 8 A 9 A 8-36 Interface Program ** This program contains subroutines "TLC2543" and "STORE". 7 A 10 A llA 12 A 13A 14 A 15 A 16 A 17 A 18 A 19 A 20 A 21 A 22 A 23 A 24 A 25 A 26 A 27 A 28 A 29 A 30 A 31 A 32 A 33 A 34 A 35 A 36 A 37 A 38 A 39 A 40 A 41 A 42 A 43 A 44 A 45 A 46 A 47 A 4B A 49 A 50 A 51 A 52 A 53 A 54 A 55 A 56 A 57 A 5B A 59 A 60 A 61 A 62 A 63 A 64 A 65 A 66 A 67 A 6B A SOURCE * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** TLC2543 l2-bit Serial Out AOC to MC68HCll Micr9controller ** 1 A * * * * "TLC2543" reads in AOC mode control and channel select * data via Port C. It then sends this data to the TLC2543 * and at the same time receives the result of the previous * conversion. * "STORE" puts the results into addresses $30 to $4B with * MSBytes in even addresses and LSBytes in odd addresses. * Channel 0 result in addresses $30 and $31 * * Channell result in addresses $32 and $33 etc. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU 1000 0000 0003 0007 0008 0009 0028 0029 002A OOFO OOFI 00F2 BASEADO PORTA PORTC OORC PORTD OORD SPCR SPSR SPOR MSBYTE LSBYTE TEMP $1000 $00 $03 $07 $OB $09 $2B $29 $2A $FO $Fl $F2 F800 ORG $FBOO LOS #$0070 Set Stack Pointer START LOAA i$3E OORD,X STAA LOAA i$50 SPCR,X STAA LOAA #$00 STAA OORC,X PORTO,X#$20 BSET JSR TLC2543 STORE JSR BRA START Register block start Port A Data Register Port C Data Register Port C Data Oir Reg Port 0 Data Register Port 0 Data Oir Reg SPI Control Register SPI Status Register SPI Data Register MSBYTE address LSBYTE address TEMP address 0000 F800 F802 F804 F806 F808 F80A F80C F80F FB12 F8l5 863E A709 8650 An8 8600 A707 lC0820 BOF8l7 BOF84A 20E9 F8l7 CElOOO F8lA B602 F8lC lC0820 F8lF F820 F822 F825 4A 26FA 100820 lE0302l0 F829 AG03 F82B A72A FB20 lF29BOFC F83l A62A F833 97FO F835lE0302l0 FB39 A603 FB3B A72A FB30 FB4l FB43 FB45 lF29BOFC A62A 97Fl lE0302EO * #BASEADO LOX #02 LOAA PORTO,X#$20 CSHIGH BSET * Set Port A bit 6 (TLC2543 CS) high OECA BNE CSHIGH PORTO,X#$20 BCLR PORTC,X#$02 LSB BRSET i f LSBF set. * MSB PORTC, X LOAA SPOR,X STAA * and receive MSByte LOOPI BRCLR SPSR,X#$BO LOOPI * repeat check LDAA SPOR,X STAA MSBYTE BRSET PORTC,X#$02 RETURN * If MSB/LSB-first bit = 1, return LSB LOAA PORTC, X STAA SPOR,X and receive LSByte * LOOP2 BRCLR SPSR,X#$BO LOOP2 LOAA SPOR,X LSBYTE STAA PORTC,X#$02 MSB BRSET Start @ $FBOO Load 3EH in AA Store 3EH in OORD Load SOH into AA Set SPI as master Load 00 into AA Set PORTC ~ all I/Ps ;ADC CS high Do A/D conversion Store results Repeat above TLC2543 AOC CS low Do LSB first Load Chan/mode data Send the data to ADC If SPIF=O, Store MSByte Load chan/mode data Send the data to ADC If SPIF-O, repeat "heck Store LSByte -List 3 (Continued) LINE LOC OBJ SOURCE * If MSB/LSB-first bit - 1 go to MSB 69 A 70 A F849 39 RETURN 71A 72A * * S'routine stores MSByte in even address 73 A 74 A 75 A 76 A 77A 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 95 96 97 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A • • • • F84A F84C F84F F851 F853 F855 F856 F857 F858 F859 F85A F85C F850 F85F F861 F863 F864 F866 F866 F868 A603 CE0030 97F2 86FO 94F2 46 46 46 46 16 8602 3D OOF2 96FO A7F2 08 96F1 A7F2 A7F2 39 RTS LSByte in odd address Channel 0 result in $30 and $31 Channell result in $32 and $33 etc. (Reserve addresses $30-$4B for results * of all channels) STORE LDAA PORTC,X LOX '$30 STAA TEMP LDAA '$FO ANnA TEMP RORA RORA RORA RORA TAB LOAA '$02 NUL STD' TEMP LDAA MSBYTE TEMP, X STAA INX LDAA LSBYTE TEMP, X STAA TEMP,X STAA RTS END TLC2543 to 80C51·Mlctocontrolier Interface Microcontroller Features The 80CSI microcontroller family does not provide an SPI or equivalent facility. In order to implement the interface with the TI..C2543 analog-to-digital converter, it is necessry to use software to synthesize the operation of an SPI. This results in a slower data transfer rate which is governed by the microcontroller's instruction cycle times. These are, in turn, influenced by the clock frequency of the microcontroller. The highest clock frequency possible should therefore be selected for the microcontroller to minimize instruction cycle times and thus optimize the data transfer rate of the interface. Interface Circuit Figure 13 shows the circuit for the interface of the TI..C2S43 to the 80CSI microcontroller. The YO CLOCK, DATA INPUT and CS inputs to the 1LC2543 are provided via the bidirectional parallel port 1 terminals Pl.O, Pl.1, and Pl.3 respectively. Conversion result data from the 1LC2S43 is received by the 8OCS1 through the PI.2 terminal of port 1. The channel select/mode data is input to the microcontroller via port 3. SV 80C51 TLC2543 Vee VCC I/O CLOCK H-----1 P1.O DATA INPUT H-----1 P1.1 DATA OUT 1 - - -..... P1.2 CSH-----1 P1.3 P3.0 P3.1 P3.2 P3.3 } }-.. P3.4 P3.S P3.8 P3.7 Vss GND AOCU... Number -::- Figure 13. TLC2543 to 80C51 Mlcrocontroller Interface Software The listing for the program used to control the interface circuit mentioned above is shown in List 4. As for the other microcontroller interface programs, it consists of a m8in program and two subroutines - TI..C2543 and STORE. The main program initializes the directions of the port 1 YO terminals. P1.2 is configured as an input. P1.0, P1.l, and Pl.3 are all programmed to perform as outputs. The chip select terminal of the TI..C2543 is set high by setting P1.3. TI..C2S43 is then called. This subroutine contains the instructions which synthesize the SPI function and controls the exchange of data between the microcontroller and the TI..C2543. The least significant bit first (LSBF) flag which is bit 1 of the channel select/mode data byte is checked to determine which byte (most significant - MSByte,least significant - LSByte) of the conversion result is to be expected first. The SPI function is synthesIzed by using the accumulator in conjunction with the rotate left through carry (RLC) instruction to act as the SPI shift register. The following sequence provides a slow motion version of the SPI function. The first bit of the first byte of the conversion result is read into the carry (C) bit. The contents of the accumulator are rotated left through carry and the first bit of the channel select/mode data is then output from PI.I. The first pulse of the serial clock is then provided by toggling the PI.O bit of port 1 first high and then low. This sequence is repeated seven more times to complete the transfer of the first byte of data. 8-38 -The second byte of data is tranferred between the TLC2543 and the SOC51 by repeating the entire sequence of eight sets of data transfer and clock pulse. The MSByte is placed in register 2 (R2) and the LSByte is placed in register 3 (R3). The subroutine SIDRE is used to map the MSByte and LSByte conversion results into even and odd number RAM addresses corresponding to the particular channel number which has been selected. List 4 LINE LaC OBJ SOURCE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 0100 0100 0103 0106 0108 010A 010C 010E 0110 758150 759004 C290 D293 74FF 3112 313F 80EE 0112 0114 0115 0117 ACBO EC C293 20E112 011A 011C 011E 011F 0121 0123 0125 0127 0128 0129 012C 012E 0130 0131 0133 0135 0137 0139 013A 013B 7D08 A292 33 929:!D290 C290 DDF5 FA EC 20E112 7D08 A292 33 9291 D290 C290 DDF5 FB EC 20E1DC 013E 22 013F 0140 0142 0143 EC 54FO C4 75F002 . 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 j* ;* * 56 57 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * i* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ;This program reads mode/channel select data into the ;80C51 via Port 4 and transmits this data to the ;TLC2543 at the same time as reading the result from ;the previous conversion and storing the result in an ;adjacent pair of memory locations from 30H to 4CH . ;MsByte - Even Address LSByte - Odd Address ;MSByte Channel 0 in 30H, MSByte Channell in 32H etc. START: ORG 100H MOV SP,#50H MOV P1,#04H CLR Plo 0 SETB Plo 3 MOV A,#OOFFH ACALL TLC2543 ACALL STORE JMP START TLC2543:MOV R4,P3 MOV A,R4 CLR Plo 3 JB ACC.1,LSB MSB: LOOP1: LSB: LOOP2: 44 55 * TLC2543 12-bit Serial Out ADC to BOC51 33 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 * Microcontro11er Interface Program 34 35 36 37 ,38 39 40 41 * * ;* i 22 42 43 * ;* ;* 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 * MOV R5,#OB MOV C,P1.2 RLC A MOV Plo1,C SETB P1.0 CLR Plo 0 DJNZ R5,LOOP1 MOV R2,A MOV A,R4 JB ACC.1,RETURN MOV R5,#OB MOV C,P1.2 RLC A MOV Plo1,C SETB P1.0 CLR Plo 0 DJNZ R5,LOOP2 MOV R3,A MOV A,R4 JB ACC.1,MSB ;Initialise Stack Pointer ;Initialize port 1 I/O Pins ;Set I/O clock low ;Set chip select high ; Read mode/channel data into R4 ;and A ;Set chip select low ;If bit 1 of A is 1, ;do LSByte first ;Load MS bit counter ;Read data bit into carry ;Rotate into accumulator ;Output mode/channel bit ;Set I/O clock high ;Set I/O clock low ;Get/send another bit ;Put MSByte in R2 ;Put mode/channel data in A ; ;Load LS bit counter ;Read data bit into carry ;Rotate into accumulator ;Output mode/channel bit ;Set I/O clock high ;Set I/O clock low ;Get/send another bit ;Put LSByte in R3 ;Put mode/channel data in A ;If bit 1 of R4 is 1, ;do MSbyte next RETURN: RET STORE: MOV A, R4 ANL A,#OFOH SWAP A MOV B,#02 Put mode/channel data in A Retain only channel number Swap high and low nibble of A 8-39 List 4 (Continued) 0146 0147 0149 014A 014B LINE A4 2430 F9 LOC OBJ r SOURCE 58 59 60 F7 61 62 63 64 014C 09 014D EB 014E F7 66 67 EA MOL AS ADD MOV MOV MOV A, to"30H R1,A A,R2 @R1,A 65 68 INC R1 MOV A,R3 MOV @R1,A 69 70 014F 22 71 72 73 RET END ;Add 30H to aooumulator Put MSByte in oorresponding, even number address :Channel 0 in address 30H, Channell in address 32H eto. Put LSByte in oorresponding odd' number address :Channel 0 in address 31H, Channell in address 33H eto. -Analog Considerations Power Supply Decoupling Care should be taken with the design of the printed circuit board when using 12-bit devices such as the TI..C2543. The power supply tenninal of each analog integrated circuit should be separately decoupled to the analog ground using a 0.1 J,IF ceramic capacitor. The inclusion of a 10 J,IF tantalum capacitor in parallel with the ceramic capacitor at each device supply terminal is also recommended, particularly in noisy environments. Grounding Separate ground return paths for analog and digital components back to the power supply should be used to prevent any noise currents induced by digital components from passing through the analog ground return path. These noise currents can induce noise voltages to occur in the analog ground return and thus corrupt the analog signal. Remember that, for a 5-V full scale signal, only 600 microvolts represents approximately half an LSB for a 12-bit ADC. The important point to remember is that all ground return paths have a fmite impedance. This impedance should be kept to a minimum by the use of wide printed circuit board tracks or ground planes where possible. A separate star.connected ground topology is recommended for the analog components. This involves connecting each analog component's ground terminal to a central star point, which can then be connected via a wide printed circuit track to the power supply ground connection. Board Layout Digital devices and power switching elements should be kept as far away physically from analog components, such as the TI..C2543, as possible. Particular attention should be paid to the use of switching power supplies. The high frequency switching currents which flow in the ground return paths of these space saving power blocks can introduce several LSBs of noise into 12-bit analog circuits. Linear regulated power supplies should be used or, if essential, switching regulators should be as far as possible from the analog circuitry with their outputs decouple. Judicious use of ground planes can help to reduce analog ground impedances. Figure 14 illlustrates a typical bypassing scheme for the TI..C2543-to-TMS370 microcontroller interface. DIrection Of Current Flow T -=- 0.1 Ilf Creamlc 101lf T Tantalum T -=- -=- VCC VCC TLC2543 TMS37OC010 0.11lf Creamlc External >-'---4AINO 110 CLOCK ....-~ SPICLK AIN1 AIN2 DATA INPUT SPISIMO 10llfT Tantalum Connection to output of Po_r Supply- -=- T -=- AIN3 AIN4 AIN5 O.11lf AIN6 Creamlc AIN7 AIN8 AIN9 AIN10 DATA OUT CS GND Connection To Output Of Power Supply + Data/Address BU8(If Usad) SPISOMI D7 GND DIrection Of Ground Return To Po_r Supply Current Flow Figure 14. TLC2543 to Mlcrocontroller Interface: Grounding and Decoupllng Scheme 8-41 Appendix A References HS/325 Hardware User's Manual HS/300 Series Programming Manual Embedded Microcontrollers and Processors Vol 1 M6SHCll Reference Manual (1991) TMS370 Family Data Manual (1993) TLC2543 Data Sheet (Dec. '93) Hitachi Hitachi Intel Corporation Motorola Inc. , Texas Instruments Incorporated Texas Instruments Incorporated Acknowledgement I wish to express my thanks to Mike Williams (Microcontroller Field Applications Engineer - Northern European Industrial Segment) for his useful comments on the TMS370 interface. 8-42 -- Interfacing the TLC32040 Family to the TMS320 Family ~1ExAs INSTRUMENTS 8-43 IMPORTANT NonCE Texas Instruments (TI) reserves the right to make changes to its products or to discontinue any semiconductor product or service without notice, and advises its customers to obtain the latest version of relevant information to verify, before placing orders, that the information being relied on is current. TI warrants performance of its semiconductor products and related software to the specifications applicable at the time of sale in accordance with TI's standard warranty. Testing and other quality control techniques are utilized to the extent TI deems necessary to support this warranty. Specific testing of all parameters of each device is not necessarily performed, except those mandated by government requirements. Certain applications using semiconductor products may involve potential risks of death; personal injury, or severe property or environmental damage ("Critical Applications"). TI SEMICONDUCTOR PRODUCTS ARE NOT DESIGNED, INTENDED, AUTHORIZED, OR WARRANTED TO BE SUITABLE FOR USE IN LIFE-SUPPORT APPLICATIONS, DEVICES OR SYSTEMS OR OTHER CRITICAL APPLICATIONS. Inclusion ofTI products in such applications is understood to be fully atthe risk of the customer. Use of TI products in such applications requires the written approval of an appropriate TI officer. Questions concerning potential risk applications should be directed to TI through a local SC seles office. In order to minimize risks associated with the customer's applications, adequate design and operating safeguards should be provided by the customer to minimize inherent or procedural hazards. TI assumes no liability for applications assistance, customer product design, software performance, or infringement of patents or services described herein. Nor does TI warrant or represent that any license, either express or implied, is granted under any patent right, copyright, mask work right, or other intellectual property right of TI covering or relating to any combination, machine, or process in which such semiconductor products or services might be or are used. Copyright © 1994, Texas Instruments Incorporated Contents Title Page 1 Introduction 8-47 2 TLC32040 Interface to the TMS320101E15 ••••.••••••••••••.•••..•.•.••••••••.••.•.•••••.•.. 2.1 Hardware.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2.1.1 Parts List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2.1.2 Hardware Description ....................................................... 2.2 Software. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2.2.1 Initializing the Digital Signal Processor ......................................... 2.2.2 Communicating with the TLC32040 ........................................... 2.2.3 TLC32040 Secondary Communication ......................................... 8-49 8-49 8-49 8-50 8-50 8-50 8-50 8-51 3 TLC32040 Interface to the TMS32020/C25 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 3.1 Hardware Description ............................................................. 3.2 Software ...................................................................... 3.2.1 Initializing the TMS32020/C25 .................................................... 3.2.2 Communicating with the TLC32040 ................................................ 3.2.3 Secondary Communicating - Special Considerations ................................... 8-53 8-53 8-53 8-54 8-54 8-54 4 TMS32040 Interface to the TMS320C17 ••.••••..•••..••••.••...••••••.••••• ;............... 4.1 Hardware Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4.2 Software.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4.2.1 Initializing the TMS32OC17 ....................................................... 4.2.2 AIC Communications and Interrupt Management. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4.2.3 Secondary Communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8-57 8-57 8-58 8-58 8-58 8-59 5 Summary •••••.•••••.••••.••.••••.•••••••••••.••••.••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••• 8-61 Appendices Title Page A TLC32040 and TMS32010 Flowcharts and Communication Program •...••••.••.••.•••••••••••• 8-63 A.1 Flowcharts...................................................................... 8-63 A.2 Communication Program List. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8-64 B TLC32040 and TMS32020 Flowcharts and Communication Program •••.••.•••••••.•••••••••.•. 8-69 B.1 Flowcharts ...................................................................... 8-69 B.2 Communication Program List. ...................................................... 8-72 C TLC32040 and TMS320C17 Flowcharts and Communication Program •..•..••.•...••.••.•••..•. 8-81 C.1 Flowcharts ...................................................................... 8-81 C.2 Communication Program List. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8-84 8-45 Dlustrations Figure 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 8-46 TItle AlCInterfacetoTMS320101E15 ......•.......•....... , ................•...........• AIC Interface to TMS32020/C25 ...........•...... '" .............•....•......•...... Operating Sequence for AlC-TMC320201C25 Interface .................................. Asynchronous Communication AIC- TMS32020/C25 Interface •........................... AlC Interface to TMS3:2.OC17 .............•....................•....•..•....•...... Operating Sequence for AIC-TMS32OC17 ............................................ Page 8-49 8-53 8-53 8-54 8-57 8-58 1 Introduction The TLC32040 and TLC32041 analog interface circuits are designed to provide a high level of system integration and perfonnance. The analog interface circuits combine high resolution AID and DIA converters, programmable filters, digital control and timing circuits as well as programmable input amplifiers and multiplexers. Emphasis is placed on making the interface to digital signal processors (the TMS320 family) and most microprocessors as simple as possible. This application report describes the software and circuits necessary to interface to numerous members of the TMS320 family. It presents three circuits for interfacing the TLC32040 Analog Interface Circuit to the TMS320 family of digital signal processors. Details of the hardware and software necessary for these interfaces are provided. To facilitate the discussion of the software the following definitions and naming conventions are used: 1. >nnnn - a number represented in hexadecimal. 2. Interrupt service routine - a subroutine called in direct response to a processor interrupt· 3. Interrupt subroutine - any routine called by the interrupt service routine. 4. Application program (application routine) - the user's application dependent software (e.g., digital filtering routines, signal generation routines, etc.) 8-47 ..... 6-48 2 TLC32040 Interface to the TMS32010/E15 2.1 Hardware Because the n..C32040 (Analog Interface Circuit) is a serial-I/O device, the interface to the TMS3201O, which has no serial port, requires a small amount of glue-logic. The circuit shown in Figure 1 accomplishes the serial-to-parallel conversion for the AlC operating in synchronous mode. Parts List 2.1.1 The interface circuit for the TMS32010 uses the following standard logic circuits: 1. One SN74LS138 3-to-8-line address decoder 2. One SN74LS02 Quad NOR-Gate 3. One SN74LSOO Quad NAND-Gate 4. One SN74LS04 Hex Inverter 5. One SN74LS74 Dual D-Flip-Flop 6. Two SN74LS299 8-bit Shift Registers TLC32040 74LS299 ...-- S1 TMS320101C15 DIN L......- YO Y1 I - - G1 U1 AOIPAO A1IPA1 A21PA2 S1 'Ci2 QH' Ci2 S1 U2 < f'Ci2 1 8 h •• a• f A SR f- Ul~ - B C SHIFT CLK 74LS299 ~ D18 •• • DO WE CLKOUT iN'f 18 ( / ~ --..-. - 8, S1 QH' ICi2 S1 U3 Ci2 ./ h •• a• ~ SR Ir- Q D U3 f.4- DR ~ ~ 74LS74 MSTRCLK E'ODX Figure 1. Ale Interface to TMS320101E15 8-49 2.1 ~2 Hardware Description The SN74LS138 is used to decode the addresses of the ports to which the lLC32040 and the interface logic have been mapped. If no other ports are needed in the develo~nt system, this device may be eliminated and the address lines of the 1MS32010 used directly in place of Yl and YO (see Figure 1). ' Since the interface circuits are only addressed when the 1MS3201 0 executes an IN or an OUT instruction, gates Ll, L2, L3, L4, and L5 are required to enable reading and writing to the shift registers only on these instructions. The TBLW instruction is prohibited because it has the same timing as the OUT instruction. Flip-flop U4 ensures that the setup and hold times of SN7 4LS299 shift registers are met. Although not shown in the circuit diagram, it is recommended that the CLR pins of the SN74LS299 shift registers as well as the RESET pin of the AlC be tied to the power-up reset circuit shown in the AIC data sheet. This ensures that the registers are clear when the AIC begins to transfer data and decrease the possibility that the AIC will shift in bad data which could cause the AIC to shut down or behave in an unexpected manner. 2.2 Software The flowcharts for the communication program along with the 1MS32010 program listing are presented in Appendix A. If this software is to be used, and application program that moves data into and out of the transmit and receive registers must be supplied. 2.2.1 Initializing the Digital Signal Processor As shown in the flowcharts in Appendix A, the program begins with an initialization routine which clears both the transmit/receive-end flag and the secondary communication flag, and stores the addresses of the interrupt subroutines. The program uses the MPYK...PAC instruction sequence to load data memory locations with the 12-bit address of the subroutines. This sequence is only necessary if the subroutines are to reside in program memory locations larger than >OOFF. Otherwise, the instructions LACK and SACL may be used to initialize the subroutine-address storage locations. ' . 2.2.2 Communicating with the TLC32040 After the storage registers and status register have been initialized, the interrupt is enabled and control is passed to the user's application routine (i.e., the system-dependent software that processes received data and prepares data for transmission). The program ignores the first interrupt that occurs after interrupts are enabled (page 22, line 207, IOINT routine), allowing the AlC to stabilize after a reset. The application routine should not write to the shift registers while data is moving into (and out of) them. In addition, it should ensure that no primary data is written to the shift registers between a primary and secondary data-communication pair. The first objecive can be accomplished by writing to the SN74LS299 shift registers as quickly as possible after the receive interrupt. The number of instruction cycles between the data transfers can be calculated from the conversion frequency. By counting instruction cycles in the application program, it is possible to determine whether the data transfer will conflict with the OUT instruction to the shift register. The second objective can be accomplished by monitoring SNDFLO in the appl,ication program. If SNDFLO is true (>DOFF), secondary communication has not been completed. When the processors receives an interrupt, the program counter is pushed onto the hardware stack and then the program counter is set to >0002, the location of the interrupt service routine, INTSVC (page 19, line 46). The interrupt service routine then saves the contents of the accumulator and the status register and calls the interrupt subroutine to which XVECT points. If secondary communication is to follow the upcoming primary communication, XVECT, is set by the application program to refer to SINT1, otherwise, XVECT defaults to NINT (i.e., the normal interrupt routine). 8-50 Because the interrupt subroutine makes one subroutine call and uses two levels of the hardware stack, the application program can only use two levels of nesting (i.e., if stack extension is not used). This means that any subroutine called by the application program can only call subroutines containing no instructions that use the hardware stack (e.g., TBLW) and that make no other subroutine calls. In addition, if the application program and communication program are being implemented on an XDS series emulator, the emulator consumes one level of the hardware stack and allows the application program only one level of nesting (i.e., one level of subroutine calls). As shown in the flowcharts in Appendix A, the normal interrupt routine reads the AID data from the shift registers and then sets the receive/transmit end-flag (RXEFLG). The application program must write the outgoing D/A data word to the shift registers at a time convenient to the application routine. It should have the restriction that the data be written before the next data transfer. 2.2.3 TLC32040 Secondary Communication If it is necessary to write to the control register of the AlC or configure any of the AlC internal counters, the application program must initiate a primary/secondary communication pair. This can be accomplished by placing a data word in which bits 0 and 1 are both high into DXMT, placing the secondary control word (see program listing page 19) in D2ND, and placing the address of the secondary communication subroutine, SINTl, in XVECT. When the next interrupt occurs, the interrupt subroutine will call routine SINT1. SINTl reads the AID information from the shift registers and writes the secondary communication word to the shift registers. 8-51 8-52 3 TLC32040 Interface to the TMS32020/C25 3.1 Hardware Description Because the TI.C32040 is designed specifically to interface with the serial port of the TMS320201C25, the interface requires no external hardware. Except for CLKR and CLKX, there is a one-to-one correspondence between the serial port control and data pins ofTMS32020 and lLC32040. CLKR and CLKX are tied together since both the transmit and the receive operations are synchronized with SHIFT CLK of the lLC32040. The interface circuit, along with the communication program (page 26), allows the AlC to communicate with the TMS320201C2S in both synchronous and asynchronous modes. See Figures 2, 3, and 4. 3.2 Software The program listed in Appendix B allows the AlC to communicate with the TMS32020 in synchronous or asynchronous mode. Although originally written for the TMS32020, it will work just as well for the TMS320C2S. 6V TLC3202OIC25 L CLKOUT FSX DX FSR DR CLKX CLKR TLC32040 WORDiBYft MSTRCLK FIX DX FM DR SHIFTCLK ---1 Figure 2. AIC Interface to TMS320201C25 SHIFTCLK -J/ FM.FIX~~__+-__+-__+-____~~______ - DR D15 SS· D1~....._D_1_ _ _D_O_ _ _ __ DX The S8Q!!!!lC8 .2!BPeration Is: 1. The J=SX or FSR pin Is brought low. 2. One 16-blt word Is transmitted or one 16-b1t byte Is received. 3. The FSX or ~pln is brought high. 4. The ~ or E DR pin emits a Iow-going pulse as shown. Figure 3. Operating Sequence for AIC-TMC32020/C25 Interface I FSX FSR Figure 4. Asynchronous Communication AIC-TMS32020/C25 Interface 3.2.1 Initializing the TMS32020/C25 This program starts by calling the initialization routine. The working storage registers for the communication program and the transmit and receive registers of the OSP are cleared, and the status registers and interrupt mask register of the TMS32020/C25 are set (see program flow charts in Appendix B). The addresses of the transmit and receive interrupt subroutines are placed in their storage locations, and the addresses of the routines which ignore the first transmit and receive interrupts are placed in the transmit and receive subroutine pointers (XVECT and RVECT). The TMS32020/C25 serial port is configured to allow transmission of 16-bit data words (FO), the serial port format bit of the TMS32020/C25 must be set to zero) with an externally generated frame synchronization (FSX and FXR are inputs, TXM bit is set to 0). 3.2.2 Communicating with the TLC32040 After the TMS32020/C25 has been initialized, interrupts are enabled and the program calls subroutine IGR. The processor is instructed to wait for the first transmit and receive interrupts (XINT and RINT) and ignore them. After the TMS32020 has received both a receive and a transmit interrupt, the IGR routine will transfer control back to the main program and lOR will not be called again. If the transmit interrupt is enabled, the processor branches to location 28 in program memory at the end of a serial transmission. This is the location of the transmit interrupt service routine. The program context is saved by storing the status registers and. the contents of the accumulator. Then the interrupt service routine calls the interrupt subroutine whose address is stored in the transmit interrupt pointer (XVECT). A similar procedure occurs on completion of a serial receive. If the receive interrupt is enabled, the processor branches to location 26 in program memory. As with the transmit interrupt service routine (XINT, page 30, line 226), the receive interrupt service routine (page 30, line 194) saves context and then calls the interrupt subroutine whose address is stored in the receive interrupt pointer (RVECT). It is important that during the execution of either the receive or transmit interrupt service routines, all interrupts are disabled and must be re-enabled when the interrupt service routine ends. The main program is the application program. Procedures such as digital filtering, tone-generation and detection, and secondary communication judgment can be placed in the application program. In the program listing shown in Appendix B, a subroutine (C2ND) is provided which will prepare for secondary communication. If secondary communication is required, the user must first write the data with the secondary code to the OXMTregister. This data word should have the two least significant bits set high (e.g., >00(3). The first 14 bits transmitted will go to the 01A converter and the last two bits indicate to the AlC that secondaly communication will follow. After writing to the SXMT register, the secondary communication word should be written to the 02ND register. This data may be used to program the AlC internal counters or to reconfigure the AlC (e.g., to change from synchronous to asynchronous mode or to bypass the bandpass filter). After both data words are stored in their respective registerS, the application program can then call the subroutine C2ND which will prepare the TMS32020 to transmit the secondary communication word immediately after primary communication.. 3.2.3 Secondary Communicating - Special Considerations This communication program disables the receive interrupt (RINT) when secondary communication is requested. Because of the critical timing between the primary and secondary communication words and because RINT carries a higher priority than the transmit interrupt, the receive interrupt cannot be allowed to interrupt the processor before the secondary data word can be written to the data-transmit register. If this situation were to occur, the AlC would not receive the coirect secondary control word and the AlC could be shutdown. 8-54 In many applications, the AlC internal registers need only be set at the beginning of operation, (i.e., just after initialization). Thereafter, the DSP only communicates with the AlC using primary communication. In cases such as these, the communication program can be greatly simplified. ...... 4 TMS32040 Interface to the TMS320C17 4.1 Hardware Description As shown in Figure 5, the 1MS32OC17 interfaces directly with the TI..C32040. However, because the 1MS32OC17 responds more slowly to interrupts than the 1MS32010lE15 or the 1MS32020/C25, additional circuit connections are necessary to ensure that the 1MS32OC17 can respond to the interrupt, accomplish the context-switching that is required when an interrupt is serviced, and proceed with the interrupt vector. This must all be accomplished within the strict timing requirements imposed by the TI..C32040. To meet these requirements, FSX of the TI..C32040 is connected to the EXINT pin of the 1MS32OC17. This allows the 1MS320C17 to recognize the transmit interrupt before the transmission is complete. This allows the interrupt service routine to complete its context-switching while the data is being transferred. The interrupt service routine branches to the interrupt subroutines only after the FSX flag bit has been set. This signals the end of data transmission. The other hardware modification involves connecting the EODX pin of the TI..C32040 to the BIO pin of the 1MS32OC17. Because the 1MS32OC17 serial port accepts data in 8-bit bytes (see Figure 6) and the TI..C32040 controls the byte sequence (i.e., which byte is transmitted first, the high-order byte or the low-order byte) it is important that the 1MS32OC17 be able to distinguish between the two transmitted bytes. The EODX signal is asserted only once during each transmission pair, making it useful for marking the end of a transmission pair and~chronizing the 1MS32OC17 with the AlC byte sequence. After synchronization has been established, the BIO line is no longer needed by the interface program and may be used elsewhere. Because the 1MS320C17 serial port operates only in byte mode, 16-bit transmit data should be separated into two 8-bit bytes and stored in separate registers before a transmit interrupt is acknowledged. Alternatively, the data can be prepared inside the interrupt service routine before the interrupt subroutine is called. From the time that the interrupt is recognized to the end of the data transmission is equivalent to 28 1MS32OC17 instruction cycles. TLC32OC17 EXIMT FSX CLKOUT DXO FSR DRO SCLK TLC32040 ~ * WORD/BYTE FSX MSTRCLK DX FSR DR SHIFTCLK Figure 5. AIC Interface to TMS320C17 8-57 II ~'~I------~\~I------~;--- The s~ce .Qf..Qperation is: 1. The FSX or FSR pin is brought low. 2. One 8-bit word is transmitted or one 8-bit byte is received. 3. The EODX or EODR pins are brought low. 4. The FSX or FSR emit a positive frame-sync pulse that is four shift clock cycles wide. 5. One 8-bit byte is transmitted and one 8-bit byte is received. 6. The EODX and EODR pins are brought high. 7. The FSX arid FSR pins are brought high. Figure 6. Operating $equence for Ale-TMS320C17 4.2 Software The software listed in Appendix C only allows the AIC to communicate with the 1MS32OC17 in synchronous mode. This communication program is supplied with an application routine, DLB (Appendix C, program listing line 253), which returns the most recently received data word back to the AlC (digitalloopback). 4.2.1 Initializing the TMS320C17 The program begins with an initialization routine (!NIT, page 4O,line 120). Interrupts are disabled and all the working storage registers used by the communication program are cleared. Both transmit registers are cleared, the constants used by the program are initialized and the addresses of the subroutines called by the program are placed in data memory. This enables the interrupt service routine to call subroutines located in program-memory addresses higher than 255. After the initialization is complete, the 1MS32OC17 monitors the FSX interrupt flag in the control register to establish synchronization with the AlC. 4.2.2 AIC Communications and Interrupt Management Because the AIC FSX pin is tied to the EXINT line of the 1MS32OC17 and the delay through the interrupt multiplexer, the interrupt service routine is called four instruction cycles after the falling edge of FSX. The interrupt service routine (INTSVC, Appendix C, program listing, line 90) completes its context switching and then monitors the lower control register, polling the FSX flag bit that indicates the end of the 8-bit serial data transfer. If the FSX flag bit is set, the transfer is complete. After this bit is set, control is transferred to the interrupt subroutine whose address is stored in VECT. The serial communication must be complete before data is read from the data receive register. When no secondary communication is to follow, the interrupt subroutines, NINTI and NINT2, are called. If data has been stored in DXMT2 (the low-order eight bits of the transmit data word), which does not indicate that secondary communication is to follow, the interrupt service routine calls NINTI when the first 8-bit serial transfer is complete. NINTl immediately writes the second byte of transmit data, (Le., the contents ofDXMT2) to transmit data register 0 (1R0). It then moves the first byte of the received data (Le.,the high-order byte of the NO conversion reSUlt) into DRCVl. NINTI then stores in VECT the address ofNINT2. NINT2 is called at the end of the next 8-bit data transfer and resets the FSX interrupt flag bit by writing a logic high to it. The next interrupt (a falling edge ofEXINT) occurs before the interrupt service routine returns control to the main 8-58 program. This is an acceptable situation since the TMS32OC17, on leaving the interrupt service routine, recognizes that an interrupt has occurred and immediately responds by servicing the interrupt The interrupt subroutine NINT2 is similar in operation to NINTl. It stores the low-order byte of receive data (bits 7 through 0 of the AID conversion result) and stores the address of the next interrupt subroutine in VECT. NINT2 does not write to the transmit data register, TRO. This task has been left to the application program. After the transmit data has been prepared by the main program and the data has been stored in DXMTI and DXMTI, the main program stores the fIrst byte of the transmit data in transmit data register 0 (TRO). 4.2.3 Secondary Communications The interrupt subroutines SINTI through SINT4 are called when secondary communication is required. For secondary communication, DXMTI and DXMTI will hold the primary communication word. DXMTI and DXMT4 will hold the secondary communication word. VECT, the subroutine pointer should then be initialized to the address of SINTI. As with the normal (primary communication only) interrupt subroutines (i.e., NINTl and NINT2), the secondary communication routines will change VECT to point to the succeeding routine (e.g., SINTI will point to SINT2, SINT2 will point to SINT3, etc.). 8-59 -- 8-60 5 Summary The n..C32040 is an excellent choice for many digital signal processing applications such as speech recognition/storage systems and industrial process control. The different serial modes of the AIC (synchronous, asynchronous, 8- and 16-bit) allow it to interface easily with all of the serial port members of the TMS320 family as well as other processors. 8-En 8-62 A A.1 TLC32040 and TMS32010 Flowcharts and Communication Program Flowcharts Yes c. SECONDARY DATA COMMUNICATIONS 1 ... a.MAIN d. SECONDARY DATA COMMUNICATIONS 2 b. PRIMARY INTERRUPT ROUTINE • Set, If need secondary• .. Modify to call SINT2 • ... Modify to call NINT• •••• Must execute bsfore transfer beginning. A.2 Communication Program List 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 0000 0030 0000 0001 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 0040 0041 0042 0043 8-64 ***********.~**********~*~****~**********~*********~** **** * * * * * * When using ,this program, the c,ircuit in the T.LC32040 * data sheet or its equivalent circuit must be fused * port 1 are reserved for data receiving and data * transmitting. The TBLW command is prohibited because * it has the same timing as the OUT command. TLC32040 is* used only in synchronous mode. * ****************************************************** **~ 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 OOOA OOOC OOOD OOOE OOOF OOFF 0001 * RXEFLG SNDFLG DRCV DXMT D2ND XVECT ACHSTK ACLSTK SSTSTK ANINT ASINT1 ASINT2 TMPO * SET ONE * * EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU >02 >03 >04 >05 >06 >07 >08 >09 >OA >OC >OD >OE OF EQU EQU >FF >01 Reset vector. AORG B F900 OOOD receive and xmit end flag. secondary communication flag. receive data storage. xmit data storage. secondary data storage. interrupt address storage. ACCH stack. ACCL stack. Status stack. interrupt addres$ 1 interrupt address 2 interrupt address 3 temporary register. >0000 program start address. EPIL jump to initialization. ********************************************************* * ================= * * Interrupt vector. * * =====-==-=-==---= * * When secondary communication, modify the content of * * XVECT to the address of secondary communication and * * store secondary data in D2ND. * * ex. * LAC ASINT1,0 modify XVECT * * SACL XVECT,O * * *u I * D2ND,0 store secondary data. LAC * * ********************************************************* ..... 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 0080 0081 0082 0083 0084 0085 0086 0087 0088 0089 0090 0091 0092 0093 0094 0095 0096 0097 0002 0002 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 OOOA OOOB OOOC AORG 7COA 6EOI 5808 5009 2007 7F8C 6508 7A09 7BOA 7F82 7F8D >0002 interrupt vector. INTSVC SST SSTSTK push status register. LDPK ONE set data pointer one. SACH ACHSTK push ACCH. SACL ACLSTK push ACCL. XVECT,O load interruput address. LAC CALA branch to interruupt routine. ZALH ACHSTK pop ACCH ACLSTK pop ACCL. OR pop stack register. LST SSTSTK enable interrupt. EINT RET return from interrupt routine. ********************************************************* * * * * * * * * * ============================ Initialization after reset. =========================== * * * * * * * * * Data RAM locations 82H(130) through 8FH(143), 12 words of page 1, are reserved for this program. The user must set the status register by adding the SST command at the end of the the initialization routine. ********************************************************* OOOD OOOD OOOD OOOE OOOE OOOF 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0014 0015 0016 0017 0017 0018 0019 OOIA OOIA OOIB OOIC OOID OOID OOIE OOIF OOIF * * * AORG $ initial program. LDPK ONE set data page pointer one. 7EOI 500F 6AOF 802C 7F8E 500C LACK SACL LT MPYK PAC SAC 1 ONE TMPO TMPO NINT save normal communication address to its storage. 8030 7F8E 500D MPYK PAC SACL 8037 7F8E 500E MPYK PAC SACL 803A 7F8E 5007 MPYK PAC SACL XVECT 7F89 5002 ZAC SACL RXFLG,O 5003 SACL SNDFLG,O 6EOI EPIL ANINT SINTI save secondary communication addressl to its storage. ASINTI SINT2 save secondary communication address2 to its storage. ASINT2 IGINT ignore interrupt once after master reset. clear flags. 8-65 0098 0099 0100 0101 0102 0103 0104 0105 0106 0107 0108 0109 0110 0111 0112 0113 0114 0115 0116 0117 0118 0119 0120 0121 0122 0123 0124 0125 0126 0127 0128 0129 0130 0131 0132 0133 0020 0020 0020 0020 7F82 enable interrupt. EINT * ********************************************************* * Main program. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 0021 0021 0022 0023 0024 0024 0025 0026 0027 0027 0028 0028 0029 002A 002A 002B 0134 0135 0136 0137 0138 0139 0140 0141 0142 0143 0144 002C 0145 002C 0146 002D 2002 FFOO 0021 This program allows the user two levels of nesting since one level is used as stack for the interrupt. * When the RXEFLG flag is false then no data transfer * has ocurred, if it is true then data transfer has * finished. User rountines such as digital filter, * secondary-data-communication judgement etc., must be * placed in this location. Depending on the sampling * rate (conversion rate), these user routines must * write the xmit data to the shift registers within * approximately 500 instruction cycles. If the user * requires secondary communication, it will be * necessary to delay the OUT instruction until the * * secondary data transfer has finished. * ********************************************************* MAIN LAC RXEFLG, 0 wait for interrupt. BZ MAIN 2003 FEOO 0028 LAC BNZ SNDFLG, 0 MAIN1 skip OUT instruction during secondary communication. 4905 OUT DXMT,PA1 write xmit data to shift register. 7F89 5002 * * MAIN1 ZAC SACL F900 0021 B clear flags. RXEFLG MAIN loop. * ********************************************************* * * Normal interrupt rountine. -=--------=------=-------destroy ACC, DP. * * * * * Write the contents of DXMT to the 'LS299s, receive DAC data in DRCV, and set RXEFLG flag. * * * * * * * *****************************~******************.***** *** 4004 NINT IN DRCV,PAO receive data from shift register. ..... 014 7 0148 0149 0150 0151 0152 0153 0154 0155 0156 0157 0158 0159 0160 0161 0162 0163 0164 0165 0166 0167 0168 0169 0170 0171 0172 0173 0174 0175 0176 0177 0178 0179 0180 0181 0182 0183 0184 0185 0186 0187 0188 0189 0190 0191 0192 0193 0194 0195 002D 002E 002F 002F 7EFF 5002 LACK SACL 7F8D RET SET RXEFLG set receive and xmit ended flag. return. * ********************************************************* * Secondary communication interrupt routine 1. * * destroy ACC,DP * * * * * * * * * * * Write the contents of D2ND to the 'LS299s, receive data in DRCV, and modify XVECT for secondary * communication interrupt. * ********************************************************* 0030 0030 0031 0031 0032 0033 0034 0034 0035 0036 0036 0037 4004 SINT1 IN 4906 LAC SACL D2ND,PA1 write secondary data to shift register. ASINT2,O modify interrupt location. XVECT secondary communication 2 7EFF 5003 LACK SACL SET SNDFLG,O 7F8D RET 200E 5007 OUT DRCV,PAO receive data from shift register. * set secondary communication flag. return. **********************************~******************* *** * Secondary communication interrupt routine 2. * * * * * * destroy ACC,DP Modify XVECT for normal communication, and set RXEFLG flag. * * * * * * * ********************************************************* 0037 0037 0038 0039 0039 003A 003B 003B 003C 003D 003D 003E· 200C 5007 SINT2 LAC SACL ANINT XVECT modify interrupt location normal communication. 7EFF SACL RXEFLG LACK SET set receive and xmit ended flag. 7F89 5003 ZAC SACL SNDFLG,O 7F8D RET clear secondary communication flag. return. 8-67 0196 0197 0198 0199 0200 0201 0202 0203 0204 0205 0206 003E 0207 003E 0208 003F 0209 0040 0210 0040 0211 0041 0212 NO ERRORS, 8-88 ******************************************~*********** *** * ------------------------=-------~--=-~---.Ignoring the first interrupt after reset. * * * * * * destroy ACC,DP. Ignore the first interrupt after reset. the TLC32040 receives zero as DAC data but no ADC data in DRCV. * * * * * * * * * ********************************************************* 200C 5007 IGINT LAC SACL 7F8D RET END NO WARNINGS ANINT XVECT modify interrupt location normal communication. return. - B B.1 TLC32040 and TMS32020 Flowcharts and Communication Program Flowcharts 2 6 3 4 5 a. INITIALIZATION C. RECEIVE SUBROUTINE b. RECEIVED INTERRUPT SERVICE ROUTINE d. IGNORE INTERRUPT 1 - Alterable AR pOinter and OVM. 2 - Alterable CNF. SXM and XF. 3 - Must clear at least 108 through 127. 19 of internal RAM. 4 - if IMR is changed by user program. INST must be changed. 5 - Their contents will be changed by their routine locations. 6 -IGNRR is executed only once after raseL 8-69 - 7 f. PRIMARY TRANSMISSION ROUTINE e. TRANSMIT INTERRUPT SERVICE ROUTINE 8 g. PRIMARY·SECONDARY COMMUNICATIONS 1 7 - IGNRX Is executed only once after reset. S - Modify to 52 address. 9 - Modify to NRM address. 8-70 Modify IMR Interrupt Masklng.Reglster h. PRIMARY-SECONDARY COMMUNICATIONS 2 9 No 10 11 I. IGNORE TRANSMIT INTERRUPT 10- Modify to NRM address. 11 - Modify to S1 address. J. SECONDARY COMMUNICATION JUDGEMENT No No k. IGNORE FIRST INTERRUPTS 8-71 · B.2 Communication Program List 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 8-72 ************************************************************ * * ==-=-=--==-======~=~================-==--== TLC32040 & TMS32020 communication program. * =========================================== * * * by H.Okubo & W.Rowand version 1.1 7/22/88. * * * * * * * * * * * This is a TMS32020 - TLC32040 communication program that can be used in many systems. To use this program the TMS32020 and the TLC32040 (AIC) must be connected as shown in the publication: Linear and Interface Circuit Applications, Volume 3. The program reserves TMS32020 internal data memory 108 through 127 (B2) as flags and storage. When secondary communication is needed, every maskable interrupt except XINT is disabled until that communication finishes. If you have any questions, please let us know. ************************************************************ * ** * 0000 0001 0004 * DRR DXR IMR * * * * * 006C 006D 006F 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007A 007B 007C 007D 007E 007F -==-==-===-============ Memory mapped register. * EQUO EQU EQU * * * data receive register address. data xmit register address. interrupt mask register address. =================-============================ Reserved on chip RAM as flags and storages. (block B2 108 through 127.) -============~======-=====--=---==-==-===-==-= FXE EQU FRE EQU TMPO EQU ACCHST EQU CCLST EQU SSTST EQU INTST EQU RVECT EQU XVECT EQU VRCV EQU VNRM EQU VS1 EQU VS2 EQU DRCV EQU DXMT EQU D2ND EQU FRCV EQU FXMT EQU F2ND EQU * 1 4 108 109 111 12 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ignore first XINT flag. ignore first RINT flag. temporary register. stack for ACCH. stack for ACCL. stack for STO register. stack for IMR register. vector for RINT. vector for XINT. RINT vector storage. XINT vector storage. secondary vector storagel. secondary vector storage2. receive data storage. xmit data storage. secondary data storage. * receive flag. * xmit flag. * secondary communication flag. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 0055 0056 0057 0058 0000 0059 0000 0001 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 001A 0066 001A OOIB 0067 0068 0069 0070 0071 0072 ODIC 0073 001C 0010 0074 0075 0076 0020 0077 0078 0079 0080 0081 0082 0083 0020 0021 0084 0022 0085 0023 0024 0086 ******************************************************* * * FF80 0020 Processor starts at this address after reset. AORG B 0 STRT * * program start address. jump to initialization routine. * ** * ******************************************************* * * ******************************************************* * Receive interrupt location. AORG B FF80 004A 26 RINT * * * Rint vector. jump to receive interrupt routine. * * * * * ******************************************************* * ******************************************************* * Transmit interrupt location. * FF80 005A AORG B 28 XINT * * * Xint vector. * * jump to xmit interrupt routine. * ******************************************************* * AORG 32 * start initial program. * ******************************************************* * User must initialize DSP with the routine INIT. * The user may modify this routine to suit his * requirements as he likes. * * * ******************************************************* FE80 STRT CALL INIT 0025 CEOO EINT * enable interrupt. FE80 CALL IGR 0080 8-73 0087 **********************************~******************* ********** 0088 * * 0089 User area * * 0090 * * 0091 * * 0092 * This pr'ogram allows the user two levels of nesting, * 0093 * since two levels are used as stack for the interrupt. * 0094 * When the FXMT flag is false no data has occurred * * When the' FRCV flag is false, no data has been 0095 * * received. As those flags are not reset by any 0096 * 0097 * routine in this program, the user must reset the * 0098 * flags if he chooses to use them and note that >OOff * 0099 * means 'true, >0000 means false. User routines such as * 0100 * digital filtering, FFTs etc. must be placed in this * 0101 * location. Depending on the sampling rate (conver* 0102 * sion rate), these user routines must write,the xmit * 0103 * data to the DXMT registers within approximately 500 * 0104 * instruction cycles. If the user,requires secondary * 0105 * communication, data with the secondary code (XXX * * xxxx xxxx xx11) should first be written to DXMT and 0106 * 0107 * then secondary data should be written to D2ND. Next, * 0108 * a call should be made to C2ND to set up SVECT and the * 0109 * F2ND flag to perform the secondary communication. * 0110 * Note that all maskab1e interrupts except XINT are * 0111 * disabled until secondary communication has completed. * 0112 **************************************************************** 0113 * 0114 **************************************************************** 0115 * * 0116 Initialization routine. * * 0117 * * 0118 * This routine initializes the status registers, flags, * 0119 * vector storage contents and internal data locations * 0120 * 96 through 107. Note that the user can modify these * 0121 * registers (i.e., STO ST1 IMR), as long as the contents * 0122 *do not conflict with the operation of the AlC. * 0123 *********************************************************** 0124 0025 C800 INIT LDPK 0 * set statusO register. 0125 0026 DOOI LALK >OEOO,O * 0000 1110 0000 DOOOB 0027 OEOO 0126 0028 606F SACL TMPO, 0 * ARP=O AR pointer 0 0127 0029 506F LST TMPO * OV =0 (Overflow reg-clear) 0128 * OVM=l (Overflow mode set to 1) * 0129 * ? -1 Not affected. * 0130 * INTM=l Not affected * 0131 * DP 000000000 page 0 * 0132 * 0133 * set status1 register. * 0134 * 0135 002A DOOI LALK >03FO * 0000 0011 1111 OOOOB 002B 03FO 0136 002C 606F SACL TMPO, 0 * APB=O 0137 002D 516F LSTI TMPO * CNF=O (Set BO data memory) 0138 002E 8-74 0139 0140 0141 0142 0143 0144 0145 0146 0147 0148 0149 0150 0151 0,152 0153 0154 0155 0156 0157 0158 0159 0160 0161 0162 0163 0164 0165 002E 002F 0030 0031 0032 0033 CAOO 6001 6000 C060 CBIF 60AO 0034 CA30 0035 6004 0036 6073 * * * * * * * * * * * * ZAC SACL DXR,O SACL DRR,O LARK ARO,96 RPTK 31 SACL +,0 0166 ,0167 0168 003A 003B 0169 003C 0170 0171 003D 003E 0172 003F 0173 0174 0040 0041 0175 0042 0176 0177 0043 0044 0178 0045 0179 0180 0046 0047 0181 0048 0182 0049 0183 004A * DOOl 006C 6078 D001 0071 6079 D001 0055 6076 D001 0094 6074 D001 0099 6075 CE26 * * * * TC =0 SXM=l (enable sign extend mode.) D9-D5=111111 not affected. F=l (XF pin status.) FO=O (16-bit data transfer mode. ) TXM=O (FSX input) * * * * * * clear registers clear Block B2. Interrupt masking LACK SACL SACL >30 IMR,O INTST,O * * * * * * * 0000 0000 0011 OOOOB INT II IIII RINT I IIII TINT IIII INT2 III INT1 II INTO I LALK NRM,O * normal xint routine address. SACL VNRM,O LALK Sl,O * * secondary xint routine address 1. SACL VS1,0 LALK S2,0 * * secondary xint routine address 2. SACL VS2,0 LALK RCV,O * * rint routine address. SACL VRCV,O LALK IGNRR,O * set ignore first rint address. SACL RVECT,O LALK IGNRX,O * set ignore first xint address. SACL RET XVECT,O * return. * * 0037 D001 0038 0067 0039 6077 * * * * * * 8-75 0184 0185 0186 0187 0188 0189 0190 0191 0192 0193 0194 0195 0196 0197 0198 0199 0200 0201 0202 0203 0204 0205 0206 0207 0208 0209 0210 0211 0212 0213 0214 0215 0216 0217 0218 0219 0220 0221 0222 0223 0224 0225 0226 0227 0228 0229 0230 0231 0232 0233 0234 0235 0236 0237 0238 8-76 * *********************************************************** * Receive interrupt ro.utine. * =--------=-==-=-============ * * * * * This ro.utine sto.res receive data in its sto.rage DRCV * * (112 pageO) and sets the receive flag FRCV (125 pageO)* * As two. levels o.f nesting are used, this routine * * al1o.ws the user two. levels, witho.ut stack extensio.n . * *********************************************************** RINT SST * push STO register. SSTST LDPK 0 * data Po.inter page O. SACL ACCLST, 0 * push ACCL. * push ACCH. SACH ACCHST,O RVECT,O * lo.ad ACC vecto.r address. LAC CALA ZALS ACCLST * Po.P ACC ADDH ACCHST LST SSTST * Po.P ST register. EINT * enable interrupts. RET * return. 004A 004B 004C 004D 004E 004F 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 7872 C800 6071 6870 2074 CE24 4171 4870 5072 CEOO CE26 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 2000 RCV 607A CAFF 607D CE26 * LAC SACL LACK SACL RET DRR,O DRCV,O >FF FRCV * lo.ad data fro.m DRR. * save it to. its sto.rage. * set receive flag. ** return. * *********************************************************** * * * 005A 005B 005C 005D 005E 005F 0060 0061 0062 .0063 0064 0065 0066 7872 C800 6071 6870 207C 6001 2075 CE24 4171 4870 5072 CEOO CE26 xmit interrupt ro.utine. * * * * This ro.utine writes xmit data C%the co.ntents o.f DXMT * * (123 pageO» to. the DXR register acco.rding to. the type* * o.f co.mmunicatio.n, i.e. no.rmal co.mmunicatio.n o.r seco.ndary* * co.mmunicatio.n. Fo.r no.rmal co.mmunicatio.n, call the no.rmal * * co.mmunicatio.n ro.utine (NRM). Fo.r seco.ndary, call the * * seco.ndary co.mmunicatio.n ro.utines (Sl and S2). Because * * these ro.utines use two. levels o.f nesting, the user is * * * allo.wed two. levels o.f nesting if stack extensio.n is * no.t used. * *********************************************************** XINT SST SSTST * push ST register. LDPK 0 * data Po.inter page O. SACL ACCLST, 0 * push ACCL. SACH ACCHST,O * push ACCH. LAC D2ND,O * prelo.ad dxr with seco.ndary SACL DXR,O * co.mmunicatio.n data. LAC XVECT, 0 * lo.ad vecto.r address .• CALA * call xmit ro.utine. ZALS ACCLST * POP ACC ADDH ACCHST LST SSTST * Po.P ST register. EINT * enable interrupt. RET * return. 0239 0240 0241 0242 0243 0244 0245 0246 0247 0248 0249 0250 0251 0252 0253 0254 0255 0256 0257 0258 0259 0260 0261 0262 0263 0264 0265 0266 0267 0268 0269 0270 0271 0272 0273 0274 0275 0276 0277 0278 0279 0280 0281 0282 0283 0284 0285 0286 0287 0288 *********************************************************** * * * 0067 0068 0069 006A 006B 207B 6001 CAFF 607E CE26 Normal data write routine. * Secondary data write routine 1. * 207 6001 2079 6075 CE26 * * * CAOO 6001 607F CAFF 607E 2077 6075 2073 6004 CE26 * * * * This routine is called when secondary communication * * occurs. It writes secondary data to DXR, and modifies * * the content of XVECT(117 pageO) for continuing secondary* * communication. * *********************************************************** Sl LAC D2ND,0 * write DXR 2nd data. SACL DXR, 0 LAC VS2,0 * modify for next XINT. SACL XVECT, 0 RET * return. * *********************************************************** * 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007A * * This routine is called when normal communication occurs.* * This routine writes xmit data to DXR, and sets the * * transmit flag (126 pageO). * *********************************************************** * NRM LAC DXMT,O * write DXR data. SACL DXR, 0 LACK >FF * set flag. SACL FXMT RET * return. *********************************************************** * 006C 006D 006E 006F 0070 * Secondary data writing routine 2. * * * * This routine is called when secondary communication * * occurs. It writes dummy data to DXR to ensure that * * secondary communication is not inadvertently * * initiated on the next XINT. It also modifies the * * content of XVECT for normal communication. * *********************************************************** S2 ZAC * clear data for protection; SACL DXR, 0 * of double secondary communication. SACL F2ND * clear secondary flag. LACK >FF * set xmit end flag. SACL FXMT,O LAC VNRM,O * set normal communication vector. SACL XVECT, 0 LAC INTST,O * enable all interrupts. SACL IMR,O RET * return. 8-77 0289 0290 0291 0292 0293 0294 0295 0296 0297 0298 0299 0300 0301 0302 0303 0304 0305 0306 0307 0308 0309 0310 0311 0312 0313 0314 0315 0316 0317 0318 0319 0320 0321 0322 0323 0324 0325 0326 0327 0328 0329 0330 0331 0332 0333 0334 0335 0336 8-78 * *********************************************************** * * * Check secondary code. ==_= __ =_=c=_=_====_=== * 007B 007C 007D 007E 007F 0080 0081 0082 0083 0084 0085 0086 0087 0088 0089 OOBA 008B OOBC C800 CA03 606F 207B 4E6F 106F F680 0084 CE26 destroy DP pointer. * Ace. * * * This routine checks whether the data in DXMT (123 pageo)* * has secondary code or not. If secondary code exists, * * then disable maskable interrupts except XINT, modify the* * contents of XVECT(117 pageO) for secondary communi* * cation, and set secondary flag. Note that we recommend* * calling this routine to send control words to the AIC.* *********************************************************** C2ND LDPK 0 * data page pointer o. LACK 03 SACL TMPO LAC DXMT,O * is this data secondary code AND TMPO SUB TMPO,O BZ C2ND1 * if yes, then next. RET * else return. * CAFF C2NDI LACK >FF * set secondary flag. 607F SACL F2ND, 0 CA20 LACK >20 * enable only XINT. 6004 SACL IMR, 0 2078 LAC VSI,O * modify vector address for secondary 6075 SACL XVECT, 0 * communication. 207B LAC DXMT,O * write primary data to DXR. 6001 SACL DXR,O CE26 RET * return. * *********************************************************** * * * * * Check first interrupt * * * * * * This routine checks if both first interrupts have * * * occurred. If this routine is called after reset, it * waits for both interrupts then returns. * *********************************************************** 008D 206D IGR LAC FRE,O * check first interrupt after 008E F680 BZ IGR * master reset. 008F 008D 0090 206C LAC FXE,O 0091 F680 BZ IGR 0092 008D 0093 CE26 RET 0094 0337 0338 0339 0340 0341 0342 0343 0344 0345 0346 0347 0348 0349 0094 0350 0095 0351 0096 0352 0097 0353 0098 0354 0355 0099 0356 009A 0357 009B 0358 009C 0359 0090 0360 0361 NO ERRORS, * *********************************************************** * * * Ignore interrupt routine. * * * * These routines are used so that the first RINT and * * * XINT after the %OSP reset can be ignored. They set * * flags and modify each vector address to the normal * interrupt address but do not read or write to the * * serial ports. Note that the first data that the AIC wi11* * receive after the OSP reset is >0000. * *********************************************************** CAFF IGNRR LACK >FF 6060 SACL FRE, 0 2076 LAC VRCV, 0 * set normal receive address. 6074 SACL RVECT, 0 * CE26 RET * return. * LACK >FF CAFF IGNRX 606C SACL FXE, 0 2077 LAC VNRM,O * set normal xmit address. 6075 SACL XVECT, 0 * CE26 RET * return. * ENO NO WARNINGS 8-79 C C.1 TLC32040 and TMS320C17 Flowcharts and Communication Program Flowcharts Walt for First fOD)( Pulse Enable Interrupt Write Secondary Communication Modify Interrupt Location. ·SINT1 Yes b.INTERRUPT SERVICE ROUTINE .. MAIN 8-81 Write Transmit Low Byte Get Receive Low Byte Get Receive High Byte Modify Interrupt Locetlon. "NINT1 Modify Interrupt Location. "NINT2 Clear Transfer End Flag Clear Transfer End Flag d. PRIMARY COMMUNICATION 2 c. PRIMARY COMMUNICATION 1 Write Transmit Low Byte Get Receive High Byte Modify, Interrupt Location. "SINT2 Write SecOndary Date High Byte Get Receive Low Byte Modify Interrupt Location. "SINT3 Clear Transfer End Flag f. PRIMARY-8ECONDARY COMMUNICATION 2 e. PRIMARY-8ECONDARY COMMUNICATION 1 Write Secondary Data Low Byte Modify Interrupt Location. *NINT1 Modify Interrupt Location. *SINT4 Clear Transmit Low Byte Storage Location Clear Transfer End Flag Clear Transfer End Flag g. PRIMARY·SECONDARY COMMUNICATION 3 h. PRIMARY·SECONDARY COMMUNICATION 4 No Move Recalve High-Byte to Transmit Hlgh·Byte Move Receive Low-Byte to Transmit Low-Byte Write Transmit Hlgh·Byte to Transmit Register Buffer I. DIGITAL LOOPBACK 8-83 C.2 Communication program List *********************************************************** 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 * * * * * * * 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 8-84 TLC32040 to TMS320C17 Communication program version 1.2 revised 7/22/88 by Hironori Okubo and woody Rowand Texas Instruments (214 ) 997-3460 * * * * * * * *================================-=~-=-==-==-==--=-==- ---=* * * * This program uses the circuit published in the Volume * * * 3 of the Linear and Interface Circuit Applications * * book with the following modification: 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 0040 * * *=============================================-===========* * * * * * * * * * * * * * 0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 DOOA OOOB OOOC OOOD OOOE OOOF * 1. INT- of the TMS320C17 must be connected to EODX- of the TLC32040. * * * * In this configuration, the program will allow the * TLC32040 to communicate with the TLC320C17 with the * restriction that all interrupts except INT- are * prohibited and only synchronous communication can * occur. The program allows the user two levels of * nesting in the main program; the remaining two levels * are reserved for the interrupt vector and subroutines.* * * * * * * * * * If desired, this program may be used with the TMS32011* digital signal processor with the following change. * Since the TMS32011 has only sixteen words of data RAM * on data page 1, all of the registers used by this * program should be moved to data page 0, except for * SSTSTK (the tempo~ary storage location for the status * register) which must remain on page %1 (since the * SST instruction always addresses page 1). * * * *********************************************************** SSTSTK EQU >00 stack for status (SST) register. ACHSTK EQU >01 stack for accumulator high (ACCH). ACLSTK EQU >02 stack for accumulator low (ACCL). RXEFLG EQU >03 xmit/receive in progress. DRCV1 EQU >04 storage for high byte receive data. DRCV2 storage for low byte receive data. EQU >05 DXMT1 EQU >06 storage for high byte xmit data. DXMT2 EQU >07 storage for low byte xmit data. EQU . >08 DXMT3 storage for high byte secndry data. DXMT4 EQU >09 storage for low byte secndry data. VECT EQU >OA storage for interrupt vector addr. AN1NT1 EQU >013 storage for normal xmit/rcv vect 1. AN1NT2 EQU >OC storage for normal xmit/rcv vect 2. AS1NT1 EQU >OD storage for secndry xmit/rcv vect 1. AS1NT2 EQU >OE storage for secndry xmit/rcv vect 2. AS1NT3 EQU >OF storage for secndry xmit/rcv vect 3. 0055 0000 0010 0056 0057 0011 0058 0012 0059 0013 0060 0014 0061 0015 0062 OOFF 0063 0064 0065 0066 0000 0067 0000 F900 0001 0013 0068 00020069 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 * AORG B INIT >0000 branch to initialization routine. ********************************************************************* * --------------=-------=- * * Interrupt service routine. * -----------------------* * To initiate secondary communication, change the * contents of VECT to the address of the secondary * communication subroutine and store the in DXMT3 and DXMT4. * * * * e.g. * modify VECT. * LAC ASINTI VECT * SACL 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 0080 0081 0082 0083 0084 0085 0086 0087 0088 0089 0090 0091 0092 0093 0094 0095 0096 0097 0098 * * * * * * I LAC HI SACL LAC H2 SACL DXMT3 store high-byte of secondary information in DXMT4 store low-byte in DXMT4. DXMT4 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ********************************************************* 0002 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 OOOA OOOB 0099 OOOC 0100 0101 OOOC 0102 0000 0103 0104 0105 0106 0107 storage for secndry xmit/rcv vect 4. ASINT4 EQU >10 CNTREG EQU >11 storage for control register. MXINT EQU >12 storage for xmit interrupt mask. storage for xmit interrupt clear EQU CLRX >13 CLRX1 >14 storage for xmit intrpt clear/mask. EQU temporary register. TEMP EQU >15 EQU flag set. FLAG >FF * ========================= Branch to initialization routine. * OOOE OOOF 0010 0011 0012 6EOI 7COO 5801 5002 4813 4011 2011 7912 FFOO 0007 200A 7F8C 6501 7M2 7BOO 7F82 7F8D INTSVC WAITI * AORG LDPK SST SACH SACL OUT IN LAC AND BZ >02 I SSTSTK ACHSTK ACLSTK CLRXPAO CNTREG,PAO CNTREG, 0 MXINT WAIT1 LAC CALA VECT ZALH OR LST EINT RET ACHSTK ACLSTK SSTSTK push status register. push accumulator high. push accumulator low. make sure FSX-flag is clear. read control register. load accumulator with control reg mask-off xmit interrupt flag loop until xmit interrupt flag is recognized. load acc with interrupt vector. call appropriate xmit/rcv routines pop accumulator high. pop accumulator low. pop status register. enable interrupts. return to main program. !HIS 0108 0109 0110 0111 0112 0113 0114 0115 0116 0117 0118 0119 0120 0121 0122 0123 0124 0125 0126 0127 0128 0129 0130 0131 0132 0133 0134 0135 0136 0137 0138 0139 0140 0141 0142 0143 0144 0145 0146 0147 0148 0149 0150 0151 0152 0153 0154 0155 0156 0157 0158 0159 0160 0161 0162 0163 0164 8-86 0013 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001A 001B 001C 0010 001E 001F 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002A 002B OOIC 0020 002E 002F 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003A 003B 003C 0030 003E 003F 7F81 6E01 7F89 6880 7083 50A8 50A8 50A8 50A8 50A8 50A8 50A8 5088 4906 4906 7E04 5012 7EOl 5015 6A15 80A1 7F8E 6713 80A2 7F8E 6714 8090 7F8E 500A 8077 7F8E 500B 8070 7F8E 500C 8084 7F8E 5000 808A 7F8E 500E 8090 7FBE 600F A095 *********************************************************** ===-=-=======================* * Initialization after reset. * * =====-=====~================== * * * * Oata RAM locations >80 through >92 are reserved * * by this program. The user must set the status * * register at the end of this program with the SST * * command or a combination of SOVM, LOPK etc. * * * * *********************************************************** disable" interrupts. INIT OINT set data page pointer one. LOPK 1 "clear registers. ZAC LARP 0 0, RXEFLG+>80 LARK SACL *+ SACL *+ SACL *+ SACL *+ SACL *+ SACL *+ SACL *+ SACL * OUT OXMT1,PAl clear transmit registers. OUT OXMT1,PAI LACK ?00000100 SACL initialize xmit-int mask.prepare MXINT LACK 1 for serial port initialization SACL TEMP and initialization of registers containing 16-bit constants. TEMP LT MPYK initialize interrupt flag clear. CLX1 PAC TBLR CLRX , MPYK CLX2 initialize interrupt flag clear PAC with interrupts disabled. TBLR CLRX1 MPYK IGN PAC SACL VECT initialize interrupt vector. MPYK NINT1 save normal communication PAC address to its storage. SACL ANINT1 MPYK NINT2 save normal communication PAC address 2 to its storage. SACL ANINT2 MPYK SINTI save secondary communication PAC address 1 to its storage. SACL ASINT1 MPYK SINT2 save secondary communication PAC address 2 to its storage. SACL ASINT2 MPYK SINT3 save secondary communication PAC address 3 to its storage. SACL ASINT3 MPYK SINT4 save secondary communication 0165 0166 0167 0168 0169 0170 0171 0172 0173 0174 0175 0176 0177 0178 0179 0180 0181 0182 0183 0184 0189 0190 0191 0192 0193 0194 0195 0196 0197 0198 0199 0200 0201 0202 0203 0204 0205 0206 0207 0208 0209 0210 0211 0212 0213 0214 0215 0216 0217 address 4 to its storage. ASINT4 *********************************************************** * * * * * * * * * =====-=---==-==========================-=- Synchronize high/low byte transmission. The time between FSX- interrupts is approximately ten microseconds (50 cycles). Wait for first if FSX-, this is the first interrupt, delay 60 cycles (past the second interrupt). If it is the second interrupt, no harm done. * * * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0185 0048 0186 0048 0187 0049 0188 PAC SACL 0040 CE14 0041 6010 0042 004A 004B 004C 004C 004D 004D E014 8011 IGNOR 2011 4E12 F680 0043 OUT IN LAC AND BZ CLRX1, PAO clear interrupt flags,disableint. CNTREG,PAO read control register. CNTREG wait MXINT for IGNOR FSX- flag. C014 5500 IGNORl LARK NOP 0,20 FB90 0049 BANZ IGNORl E013 OUT CLRX,PAO CEDO * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CAOO 6006 CA03 5007 7E24 anyway. enable interrupt. EINT *********************************************************** * * 004E 004F 0050 0051 0052 wait 60 cycles (20 x 3 cycles) in case FSX- into is first of the pair. if FSXI- int was the second, delay Main program (user area) This program allows the user two levels of nesting, since one level is used as stack for the interrupt and the interrupt service routine makes one subroutine call. User routines such as digital filtering, FFTS, and secondary communication judgement may be placed here. The number of instruction cycles between interrupts varies with the sampling rate. In the power-up condition this is approximately 500 cycles. In the example below, the first two transmissions send secondary information to the AIC. The first configures the TB and RB registers. The second configures the control register. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** MAIN ZAC prepare first control word. SACL DXMTI LACK >03 SACL DXMT2 should be xxxx xxll. LACK >24 8-87 0218 0219 0220 0221 0222 0223 0224 0225 0226 0227 0228 0229 0230 0231 0232 0233 0234 0235 0236 0237 0238 0239 0240 0241 0242 0243 0244 0245 0246 0247 0248 0249 0250 0251 0252 0253 0254 0255 0256 0257 0258 0259 0260 0261 0262 0263 0264 0076 0265 8-88 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0057 0058 5008 7E92 5009 200D SACL LACK SACL LAC DXMT3 >92 DXMT4 ASINT1 500A 4906 SACL OUT VECT communications. DXMTI,PAI store first transmit byte in transmit buffer. 0059 005A 005B 005C 005D 005E 005E 005F 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006A 7F89 5003 2003 FFOO 005B * set VECT for secondary ZAC clear xmit/rcv end flag. SACL RXEFLG MAIN1 LAC RXEFLG BZ MAINI wait for data transfer to complete. ZAC SACL LACK SACL LACK SACL LACK SACL LAC SACL OUT ZAC SACL 7F89 5006 7E03 5007 7EOO 5008 7E67 5009 200D 500A 4906 7F89 5003 prepare second, control word. DXMT1 >03 DXMT2 >00 DXMT3 >67 DXMT4 ASINTI VECT DXMTI,PAL RXEFLG clear xmit/rcv end flag. *****'****~******************************************* ***** * * ========================= * Digital loop-back program * * * * * * * * This program serves as an example of what can be done in the user area. * * * *********************************************************** 006B 006C 006D 006E 006E , 006F 0070 0071 0072 2003 FFOO 006B 0073 0074 0075 006B 0077 7F89 5003 F900 2004 5006 2005 5007 4906 * DLB LAC RXEFLG wait for data transfer to complete. BZ DLB LAC SACL LAC SACL OUT DRCV1 move receive data to transmit registers. DXMT1 DRCV2 DXMT2 DXMTI, PAL write first transmit byte to transmit buffer. ZAC SACL B RXEFLG DLB clear rcv/xmit-end flag. 0266 0267 0268 0269 0270 0271 0272 0273 0274 0275 0276 0277 0278 0279 0280 0281 0282 0283 0284 0285 0286 *********************************************************** * Normal interrupt routines. * * * * * * * * * * These routines destroy the contents of the * accumulator and the data page pointer, making it * necessary to save these before the routines begin * * * * Write the contents of DXMT2 to the transmit buffer* and read the receive buffer into DRCV1. * * * *********************************************************** 0077 0077 0078 0079 007A 007B 007C 007D 4907 4104 200C 500A 4813 7F8D 4105 DXMT2,PAI NINT10UT DRCVI,PAI IN LAC ANINT2 SACL VECT OUT CLRX, PAO RET DRCV2,PAI NINT2 IN 007E 007F 0080 0081 0082 0083 200B 500A 4813 7EFF 5003 7F8D LAC SACL OUT LACK SACL RET 0287 0288 0289 0290 0291 0292 0293 0294 0295 0296 0297 0298 0299 0300 0301 0302 0303 0304 0305 0306 ANINTI VECT CLRX, PAO FLAG RXEFLG 0084 4907 SINT10UT 0085 4104 IN DXMT2, PAl DRCVI,PAl 0307 0308 0309 0310 0311 0086 0087 0088 0089 008A 200E 500A 4813 7F8D 4908 SINT2 ASINT2 VECT CLRX,PAO 0312 0313 0314 0315 0316 0317 0318 008B 008C 008D 008E 008F 0090 0091 4105 IN 200F LAC 500A SACL 4813 OUT 7F8D RET 4909 SINT3 OUT 2010 LAC write xmit-low to xmit register. read rcv-data-high from rcv reg. prepare next interrupt vector. clear xmit interrupt flag. read receive-data-low from rcv reg. prepare next interrupt vector. clear xmit interrupt flag. set xmi%t/rcv end flag. *********************************************************** * * Secondary interrupt routines * These routines destroy the contents of the accumulator and the data page pointer. * * The following routines write the low byte of * the primary data word and the high and low byte * of the secondary data word. They also read the * A/D information in the receive registers. * * * * * * * * * * * *********************************************************** LAC SACL OUT RET OUT DXMT3,PAI DRCV2, PAl ASINT3 VECT CLRX,PAO DXMT4,PAI ASINT4 write xmit-data-low to xmit reg. read receive-data-high from rcv reg prepare next interrupt vector. clear xmit interrupt flag. write secondary-data-high to xmit. read receive-data-low from rcv. prepare next interrupt vector. clear xmit interrupt flag. write secondary-data-low to xmit prepare next interrupt vector. 8-89 -"- 0319 0092 500A 0320 0093 4813 0321 0094 7F8D 0322 0095 200B 0323 0096 500A 0324 0097 4813 0325 0098 7F89 0326 0099 5007 eliminate 0327 009A 7EFF communications 0328 009B 5003 0329 009C 7FBD 0330 0331 0332 0333 0334 0335 0336 0337 0338 009D 200B 0339 009E 500A 0340 009F 4813 0341 OOAO ---7F8D -e-ru-- SACL VECT OUT RET SINT4 LAC SACL OUT ZAC SACL CLRX,PAO clear xmit interrupt flag. ANINT1 VECT CLRX,PAO prepare next interrupt vector. DXMT2 clear DXMT2 immediately to LACK FLAG unnexpected secondary SACL RET RXEFLG set xmit/rcv end flag. clear xmit interrupt flag. *********************************************************** * ===========================-======= * * * Ignore first interrupt. =================================== * * * This routine is used to ignore t~irst data transmission and also to s~hionize the AIC with the processor. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * "*ft* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * IGN LAC AN1NT1 SAeL VECT OUT CLRX,O RET *********************************************************** 0343 * * 0344 CONTROL REGISTER INFORMATION * * 0345 * * 0346 SERIAL-PORT CONFIG. INT. MASK INT. FLAG * * 0347 110 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 100 1 * * 0348 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 * * 0349 1 1 1 I_INT 1 * * 1 1 1_ _ FSR 0350 I_XF status * * 0351 1 FSX * * I _____ FR 0352 * * 0353 * * 0354 (write l's to clear) * * 0355 *********************************************************** 0356 OOAl 8E1F CLXI DATA >8EIF 0357 00A2 8EOF CLX2 DATA >8EOF 0358 ENDNO ERRORS, NO WARNINGS 8-90 0317 009D 0318 009E 0319 009F 0320 OOAO 0321 0322 0323 0324 0325 0326 0327 0328 0329 0330 0331 0332 0333 0334 0335 OOAl 0336 00A2 0337 NO ERRORS, 200B IGN 500A 4813 7F8D LAC SACL OUT RET ANINT1 VECT CLRX,O *********************************************************** * * * * * * * * CONTROL REGISTER INFORMATION INT. MASK INT. FLAG SERIAL-PORT CONFIG. I 100 0 1 1 1 0 I I 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 I 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 I * * * * I_XF status * * * * * * I I I I ____ INT I I I _ _ FSR I FSX I FR * (write l's to clear) * * * * * *********************************************************** 8ElF CLXI DATA 8EOF CLX2 DATA END NO WARNINGS >8EIF >8EOF 8-91 8-92 -- Designing with the TLC320AC01 Analog Interface for DSPs ~1ExAs INSTRUMENTS IMPORTANT NOTICE Texas Instruments (TI) reserves the right to make changes to its products or to discontinue any semiconductor product or service without notice, and advises its customers to obtain the latest version of relevant information to verify, before placing orders, that the information being relied on is current. TI warrants performance of its semiconductor products and related software to the specifications applicable at the time of sale in accordance with Tl's standard warranty. Testing and other quality control techniques are utilized to the extent TI deems necessary to support this warranty. Specific testing of all parameters of each device is not necessarily performed, except those mandated by government requirements. Certain applications using semiconductor products may Involve potential risks of death, personal injury, or severe property or environmental damage (''Critical Applications',). TI SEMICONDUCTOR PRODUCTS ARE NOT DESIGNED, INTENDED, AUTHORIZED, OR WARRANTED TO BE SUITABLE FOR USE IN LIFE-SUPPORT APPLICATIONS, DEVICES OR SYSTEMS OR OTHER CRITICAL APPLICATION.S. Inclusion ofTl products in such applications is understood to be fully atthe risk of the customer. Use of TI products In such applications requires the written approval of an appropriate TI officer. Questions concerning potential risk applications should be directed to TI through a local SC sales office. In order to minimize risks associated with the customer's applications, adequate design and operating safeguards should be provided by the customer to minimize inherent or procedural hazards. TI assumes no liability for applications assistance, customer product design, software performance, or infringement of patents or services described herein. Nor does TI warrant or represent that any license, either express or implied, is granted under any patent right, copyright, mask work right, or other intellectual property right of TI covering or relating to any combination, machine, or process in which such semiconductor products 'Or services might be or are used. Copyright © 1995, Texas Instruments Incorporated Contents Title Page 1 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................... 8-97 1.1 Overview of Device .............................................................. 8-97 2 ANALOG INPUT . ...................................................................... 8-99 2.1 Signal-to-Noise and Signal-to-Distortion Measurements ................................ " 8-99 2.2 Input Preamp Design ............................................................. 8-99 2.2.1 Noise Considerations ....................................................... 8-99 2.2.2 VMID Referenced Input Circuit Configuration .................................. 8-100 2.2.3 0-V Referenced Input Circuit Configuration .................................... 8-100 2.2.4 Gain Control ............................................................. 8-101 2.3 Layout and Grounding ........................................................... 8-102 2.4 Power Supply .................................................................. 8-102 2.5 Sampling Rate and Filters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8-102 2.5.1 High-Pass Filter . ',' ....................................................... 8-103 ,3 ANALOG OUTPUT ................................................................... 8-104 3.1 3.2 3.3 Signal-to-Noise and Signal-to-Distortion Ratio ........................................ 8-104 Voltage Swing andPSRR ......................................................... 8-104 (Sin x)/x Correction ............................................................. 8-105 4 DIGITAL DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS . ................................................. 4.1 DSP Serial Interface ......................................................... ,. ... 4.1.1 Maximum Clock Rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4.1.2 Synchronization of Negative Rail Generator .................................... 4.1.3 Edge Timing ............................................................. 4.2 Hardware Design ofTMS320C50 Based DSP System .................................. 4.3 Battery Operation ............................................................... 4.3.1 Reset Considerations ...................................................... 4.3.2 Interfacing to a 3-V DSP Processor ........................................... 4.3.3 Calculation of Interface Component Values ...................................... 4.4 Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4.4.1 Initialization .............................................................. 4.5 Register Descriptions ............................................................. 4.5.1 Pseudo Register 0 (no-op) ................................................... 4.5.2 Register 1 (A Register) ...................................................... 4.5.3 Register 2 (B Register) ' ......................................... , ...... '...... 4,5.4 Register 3 (A4 Register) ..................................................... 4.5.5 Register 4 (Amplifier Gain Select Register) ...................................... 4.5.6 Register 5 (Analog Configuration Register) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4.5.7 Register 6 (Digital Configuration Register) ...................................... 4.5.8 Register 7 (Frame-Sync Delay Register) ........................................ 4.5.9 Register 8 (Frame-Sync Number Register) ...................................... 4.6 TLC320AC01/TMS320C50 Demonstration Program .................................... 4.7 TMS32OC50 Assembler Listing ..................................................... 4.8 Linker Command File: ACOlDEMO.CMD Listing ...................................... 4.9 Measuring the DAC Filter Response with a White Noise Generator ......................... 4.10 Example Noise Generator Code Listing .............................................. 8-106 8-106 8-106 8-106 8-106 8-107 8-107 8-107 8-107 8-109 8-11 0 8-110 8-11 0 8-110 8-110 8-110 8-110 8-111 8-111 8-111 8-111 8-111 8-111 8-112 8-115 8-115 8-116 5 SAMPLING AND QUANTIZATION - TUTORIAL . ........................................ 8-117 5.1 Sampling .................................................................. 8-117 8-95 ..... Contents (Continued) Title 5.1.1 IdealSampling ............................................................ 5.1.2 Real Sampling ............................................................. 5.1.3 Aliasing Effects and Considerations ............................................ 5.2 Theoretical SNR for a 14-BitDevice ................................................. 5.3 References ............................................•......................... Page 8-117 8-118 8-118 8-119 8-120 List of D1ustrations Figure Title Page 1. 2. 3. TI..C320ACOI Analog Interface for DSP ................................................ 8-98 ADC Noise and Distortion Measurement ........................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8-99 VMID Referenced Input Circuit ...................................................... 8-100 4. 5. 6. 0- V Referenced Input Circuit ........................................................ 8-101 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Differentialto Single Ended Output Circuit ............................................. (Sin x)/x Error ........................................... ; ......................... TI..C320ACOI to TMS320C50 Hardware Schematic ...................................... Interfacingto3-VDSP ............................................................. Interfacing to 3-V DSP - Component Values ............................................ DAC Channel Frequency Response ................................................... 13. 14. Ideal Sampling .................................................................... 8-117 Real Sampling .................................................................... 8-118 8-96 Input Circuit for 6 SIW Selectable Gain Settings ......................................... 8-102 DAC Noise and Distortion Measurements .............................................. 8-104 8-105 8-105 8-108 8-109 8-11 0 8-116 1 INTRODUCTION This application report was prepared by John Walliker and Julian Daley of University College London. It is based on their experience of using the device as part of a specialized signal processing hearing aid. However the techniques described, for both the analbg and digital interfaces, are appropriate for a wide variety of applications. Measurements of performance quoted in this application note are those achieved with the particular samples and test set-up. For the full device specification see the 1LC320ACOI data manual, reference SLASOS7 A. Some features of the 1LC320ACOI were not used in this design and therefore have not been covered here. They are phase adjustment and the use of multiple devices. 1.1 Overview of Device The lLC320ACOI is a 14-bit resolution, audio frequency (approximately 12-kHz bandwidth) analog interface for DSP with integral anti-aliasing and reconstruction filters. It has a synchronous, serial, digital interface designed for ease of connection to many DSP chips. The internal circuit configuration and the performance parameters, such as input source, sampling rate, filter bandwidths and gain, are determined by writing in control information to eight data registers. These registers are used to set-up the device for a given mode of operation and given application. The ADC channel and the DAC channel operate synchronously and data is transfe1Ted in 2's complement format. The anti-aliasing filter is a switched-capacitor low-pass filter with a sixth-order elliptic characteristic. The high-pass is a single-pole filter, which can be switched out if required. There is a 3-pole continuous-time filter that precedes the switched-capacitor filter to eliminate aliasing caused by sampling in the switched-capacitor filter. The output-reconstruction fllter is also a switched-capacitor low-pass filter with a sixth-orderelliptic characteristic and it is followed by a second-order (sin x)lx correction filter. This is followed by a three-pole continuous-time filter to eliminate images caused by sampling in the switched-capacitor filter. There are three basic modes of operation available: • Stand-alone analog-interface mode, where the 1LC320ACOI generates the shift clock and the frame sync for the data transfers and is the only AlC used. • Master-slave mode, where the master lLC320ACOI generates the shift clock and the frame sync and the rest are slaves to these signals. . • Linear-codec mode, wilere the shift clock and the frame sync are generated externally and the timing can be any of the standard codec timing patterns. The lLC320ACOI is available in a standard 28-pin plastic J-lead chip carrier (FN suffix) and a 64-pin plastic-quad-flat-pack (PM suffix) which is only l,s mm thick, making it suitable for use in portable systems. The device has a maximum power dissipation of 110mW in the active mode and 10 mW in the power down mode. It runs from a single 5-V supply, both for digital and analog circuitry. This is particularly useful for portable equipment, but does require extra care in the design of the analog input and output stages. 8-Q7 -- AUX IN + ....i----1 AUX IN--++---I IN+ ....t----1 IN--+---I I I I I L _______________________~ I MON OUT "'+-"""-iC OUT+ OUT- • • • • • • 14-bit AID converter 14-bit 01A converter Antialiasing filter Anti-imaging filter (sin xlix correction Input and output amplifiers .DSP TLC320AC01 Programmable bandwidth, sampling rate, gain, liP source Single 5 V supply 70 dB typical signal to nolse+distortion ratio • 100 mW typical power consumption • Analog bandwidth up to 10.8 kHz Figure 1. TLC320AC01 Analog Interface for DSP 8-98 D 2 ANALOG INPUT 2.1 Signal-to-Noise and Signal-to-Dlstortion Measurements With the internal gain of the 'ILC320ACOI set to 0 dB, a full scale signal corresponds to 6 V peak-peak at the analog input (equivalent to 6/(2...fi) - 2.12 V RMS). The input signal-to-noise ratio of the 'ILC320ACOI can be expressed in terms of the number of least significant bits (LSB) of noise present in the digital signal, when both its inputs are connected to VMID. The RMS value of the noise was measured on the test boards at 0.5 LSB. This corresponds to a noise voltage of approximately 180 I1V RMS at the input (Le., a signal-to-noise ratio of 81 dB). The intermodulation measurements are shown in Figure 2. The stimulus was the sum of a 1 kHz signal at -6 dB referred to full scale plus a 1.2 kHz signal at -12 dB referred to full scale. Distortion products are approximately 80 dB down throughout the pass band. The low frequency peaks that can be seen are multiples of 50 Hz interference. o GI 'a I -20 '5 Q. .5 ~ rn -40 '3 -60 '"~ !l! i ~ -SO -100 -120 0 1000 500 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 Frequency - Hz Figure 2. ADC Noise and Distortion Measurement In the test circuit, the de accuracy on the samples measured was 14 LSB, equivalent to 5 mV of dc offset. 2.2 Input Preamp Design 2.2.1 Noise Considerations In order that the input preamp does not significantly affect the noise performance of the system, it should produce a noise level at least 6 dB below the 'ILC320ACOl, (Le., less than 90 I1V RMS) at the 'ILC320ACOl input. Consider the case of a microphone producing 20 mV peak-to-peak at the maximum sound level, a preamp is needed with a gain of 6 V.20 mV - 300 to get a full scale input at the ADC. So the input noise produced by the preamp must be less than 90 I1V/3oo - 300 nV RMS. For a preamp with a bandwidth of 10 kHz the input noise voltage should be less than 300 nV = 3 nV/!Hz /10 kHz This noise is made up of the operational amplifier's noise voltage combined with the thermal noise of the equivalent series resistance of the input source. Resistor values need to be carefully chosen, since a 10 k.Q resistor produces thermal noise of 14 nV/-fHZ at room temperature. (spectral noise voltage density for a resistor is given by ..J4K1R, where K is Boltzman's constant, T is the absolute temperature and R the resistance). In this case, a 100-0 resistor was chosen 8-99 .. (producing a thermal noise of 1.4 nVlvH'Z at room te~rature). A MAX410 operational amplifier was chosen for the first gain stage as this has a noise voltage of 2.4 nV/VHz. Noise voltages combine as the root of the sum of the squares, so the total noise is given by: \ j(2.4 nV2 + 1.4 nv2) = 2.8 nV/.fHz The gain is split between two operational amplifiers. The fIrst, low noise, operational amplifier confIgured as a noninverting amplifier with a gain of 100, followed by a second noninverting stage with a gain of three. This second operational amplifIer does not need such a low noise voltage specification since its input noise is only being amplifIed by three. The TLC2272 dual operational amplifIer, which has a noise voltage of 9 nVIVHz, is chosen for its low power consumption, low input offset and well behaved performance under overload. (These operational amplifiers do not exhibit the behavior of BiFETs which can produce phase reversal of the output when the inputs go out of negative common mode range). 47pF 10 k!l Analog Input 10 k!l 4 V ~IN 2.5V 1V Gain Of TLC320AC01 Set To 6 dB >-<'_----1 IN- >-+-.____>-1 IN + TMS320C5x DSP VMID ---t====~--.JADCVMID (2.5 V Normal) To Rest Of Input Analog 100nF Signal Conditioning T Figure 3. VMID Referenced Input Circuit 2.2.2 VMID Referenced Input Circuit Configuration The confIguration of the input circuitry requires extra care since all internal signals are referenced to VMID rather than ground, to allow single supply operation. The PSRR at the internally generated VMID point is low, so it is important that both the differential inputs are referenced to VMID with any noise on VMID appearing equally on both inputs. There are two ways of fulfilling this criterion. The first is to reference the whole input circuit to VMID (using this as a virtual ground) as shown in Figure 3. This configuration has the advantage of simplicity although there are some drawbacks. The buffered VMID point has to be capable of driving the virtual ground and since many operational amplifiers are unhappy driving large capacitive loads this problem must not be overlooked. The TLC2272 is a good choice for this application. The input needs to be referenced to VMID, which may canse a problem if interfacing to an externally powered, ground referenced signal. In . this case the input needs to be ac coupled. 2.2.3 O-V Referenced Input Circuit Configuration The second method is to level shift the signal just before the ADC inputs as shown in Figure 4. In this circuit, the preamp input is referenced to 0 V. This circuit allows a full range input swing (VMID ± 1.5 Von each input) for an input signal of ± 1.5 V. Any noise on VMID appears equally on both differential inputs and is therefore cancelled. The common mode range of the inputs does not exceed the supply rails, so VMID noise must not take the input signal outside the.supply rails. The eight resistors can conveniently be in one thin film resistor package, giving good matching of resistor values and hence good power supply rejection ratio (PSRR) and de accuracy. Amplifier Al must have ±5 V or greater power rails but A2 to A4 only need a single 5-V rail. 8-100 .". VMID + +} VIN IN 2VIN >-""':-:---:-:---1 IN - '"'v VIN ± 1.5 V VMID -20.1111= L - - - - - - - -.....__ ---~_4~-- __ ~~~OV Figure 4. o-V Referenced Input Circuit 2.2.4 Gain Control The internal preamp of the TLC320ACOI has software selectable internal gain of 0 dB, 6 dB or 12 dB plus a squelch mode (-60 dB). With 0 dB gain, plus or minus full scale result is given for a differential input of ±3 V. With a single ended input configuration (one input tied to VMID), this would not allow plus or minus full scale before the operational amplifiers run out of headroom, so the gain must be set to 6 dB or 12 dB which would give plus or minus full scale with ±I.5 V and±0.75 V, respectively, at the TLC320ACOl input. Most of the input noise is associated with the converter itself, rather than the input amplifiers or multiplexers. Therefore, the signal-to-poise ratio is hardly affected by the chosen input gain. However, it is easier to ensure good rejection of power supply noise coupled through VMID at low gains. The TLC320ACOI has two sets of differential inputs, IN and AUX IN which can be individually selected (or both selected simultaneously for mixing). If more gain settings are required, a combination of software switching of input source and input gain coupled with an extra hardware gain stage (see Figure 5) allows six software selectable gain steps as shown in the following table. EXTERNAL GAIN 3 dB NORM/AUX INPUT INTERNAL GAIN (dB) EXTERNAL GAIN 18 dB TOTAL GAIN (dB) NORM/AUX INPUT INTERNAL GAIN (dB) 6 6 12 0 NORM 0 0 AUX 0 3 NORM 6 6 NORM NORM NORM 0 TOTAL GAIN (dB) 0 AUX 6 9 AUX NORM 12 12 12 15 AUX 6 12 18 24 AUX 12 30 AUX 8-101 -G=OdB I---;IN+ 1-----iIN- TLC320AC01 1 - - - ; AUX+ t-----IAUXG=+3dBor+18dB Internal Gain Settings 0 dB, 6 dB, 12 dB Figure 5. Input Circuit for 6 SJW Selectable Gain Settings 2.3 Layout and Grounding Although earthing and PCB layout do not seem to be too critical for this device, it is good practice to ensure that the ground current from sensitive devices such as the ADC does not flow in the same copper as currents from other devices. This means having a central ground point near the device or using power planes with splits where necessary to isolate return current from other devices. The substrate (SUBS) should be connected to ADC ground. Failure to do so can result in noisy and unstable operation. The circuit should be well decoupled for low and high frequencies to minimize noise injection from the supplies. 2.4 Power Supply With a master clock frequency of 10 MHz, the TI..C320AC01 samples typically drew lOrnA at 5 V with default register values. The supply current depends principally on the filter clock frequency. If a negative supply is needed for operational amplifiers, etc., it may be convenient to generate it using a negative voltage converter. Since the negative supply generally draws little current this is a feasible solution and avoids the need for a second battery in portable systems. The ICL7660 needs no external inductors and is available in an 8-pin small outline package. As the internal oscillator of the ICL7660 free runs at about 10kHz, noise generated from this oscillator can find its way into the ADC input, often beating with the sampling clock creating a whirring type noise. It is however,possible to lock this oscillator . to the ADC clock by linking the conversion complete signal to the oscillator input on tlleICL7660. Coupling viaa 100-pF capacitor allows the converter to free-run if the ADC is not operative (e.g., during start-up). Any noise that now gets coupled into the ADC will be the same for each sample, creating a dc result that is much easier to deal with. Alternatively the TLE2682 provides a negative rail generator supplying up to 100 rnA (which can be phase locked) plus a dual operational amplifier in one 16-pin wide body SO package). 2.5 Sampling Rate and Filters Within limits, the sampling rate of the device (both ADC and DAC are inherently synchronous) can be set under software control. If the DAC is not used then the ADC can run at up to 43.2k samples/sec. However, if the DAC is to be used the sampling rate must be limited to 15k samples/sec. The anti-aliasing filters (switched capacitor type) track the sampling rate by setting the corner frequency of the filter to some fraction of the sampling rate. This allows for the possibility of sub-Nyquist sampling, which should be avoided in most cases. The ratio of sampling rate to anti-aliasing filter comer frequency is set by the B register value (RE~). The anti-aliasing comer frequency is set by the A register value (REGA) within the TI..C320ACOl. Conversion rate is given by: f 8-102 -, sample - ( f MCLK 2 x RegA x Reg B ) ..... The anti-aliasing comer frequency is given by: f f MCLK lp - 80 x Reg A 40 fsample -yz;;- = RegB To satisfy Nyquist's sampling theorem: fsample ---~ 2 lip :.RegB s 20 The default of 18 for the B register gives fsamplelflp - 2.2. This ensures that energy above the Nyquist frequency is well into the filter's stop band. The product of the A and B registers must be greater than 65 to allow for 17 serial clock cycles between conversions (16 data bits plus one extra cycle for frame sync in master or standalone mode). The B register must not be less than 10, since the ADC conversion takes lOB register counts to complete. The A and B registers have a maximum value of255. 2.5.1 High-Pass Filter The TLC320AC01 also has a high-pass filter which can be used to attenuate subsonic noise and remove dc offsets. The importance of subsonic noise filtering should not be underestimated. For example: air conditioning systems are a notorious source of low frequency noise and a slamming door can produce extremely high levels of subsonic energy. The filter in the TLC320AC01 has a comer frequency of fg/200 and a slope of 6 dB per octave. The corner frequency cannot be changed independently of the sampling frequency. 8-103 -3 ANALOG OUTPUT As previously mentioned, the maximum sample rate for the DAC, at 25 kHz, is lower than for the ADC. This limits the bandwidth of the output signal to less than 12.5 kHz. 3.1 Signal-to-Noise and Slgnal-to-Dlstortlon Ratio Figure 6 shows the result of intermodulation distortion measurements for the DAC made on the teSt boards. The noise floor can be seen at approximately -90 dB in the pass band, falling to approximately -108 dB at frequencies above f,f2. There are some distortion products in the pass band at approximately -85 dB. The double peaks at approximately 7 kHz and 9 kHz are images of the signal that have been only partially attenuated by the reconstruction filter. Images are the digital to analog equivalents of aliases in analog to digital conversion. They occur at frequencies given by: fimage = N fs ± fin N = 1,2,3 ... fs = sampling frequency 0 GI "a I -20 15 a. .5 j ...'S {!. i= -40 -60 -80 ~ 1..... -100 iJJ) \.1....J.AJ..~ j j, - -120 o 1000 2000 3000 I. I. '''v 4000 5000 6000 Frequency - Hz ' • ,lft"" .... -' -U· IAIlRA lllnA" .JUlA 7000 8000 9000 MJ\ 10000 Figure 6. DAe Noise and Distortion Measurements If the images are to large for a given application they can be removed by continuous-time low-pass filtering at the output of the DAC. The size of the images reflects the 45 dB stop-band attenuation of the reconstruction filter. 3.2 Voltage Swing and PSRR The voltage swing at the differential output is ±6 V for a full scale output. There are software selectable attenuators giving outputs of 0 dB, -12 dB and a squelch mode of -60 dB. Although there is not a large improvement in SNR ratio by using a differential output stage, it has the added advantage of increasing the PSRR and allowing level shifting to a ground referenced output without having to ac couple the signal. Using a thin film resistor pack for the differential amplifier gives the well matched resistors needed for good common mode rejection and accurate gain. Using a differential amplifier in this way the PSRR was improved from 49 dB to 53 dB (see Figure 7). 8-104 101<0 TLC320ACOl 5V 101<0 OUT + t-"'V\!'v-....-t OUT-~4AAr-.-r~ >-+----+4J- OUTPUT 101<0 100 nF 101<0 Figure 7. Differential to Single Ended Output Circuit 3.3 (Sin x)/x Correction (Sin x)/x error arises because the output from a digital-to-analog converter is held constant between samples rather than smoothly joining them up. The 1LC320ACOI has a (sin x)/x correction filter. It gives a correct response for a B register value of 15, which gives a ratio of sample rate to ADC anti-iiliasing filter of 2.67. But as it does not track the B register, other values for the B register will produce an error in the magnitude of a given output frequency. Figure 8 shows a graph of calculated error versus frequency for various values of B register with a master clock of 10 MHz and sample rate of approximately 8 kHz. Other values can be calculated using the equation given in section 2.15.7 of the 1LC320ACOI data manual. 0.5 0 III 'V I I w -0.5 -1 -1.50 -2 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 Frequency - Hz Figure 8. (Sin x)/x Error 8-105 4 DIGITAL DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS 4.1 DSP Serial Interface The TLC320ACOl can be connected directly to the synchronous serial port of a TMS32OC25 as shown in Figures 6-1 and 6-3 of the TLC320AC01 data manual. Interfacing the TMS32OC50 family requires some caution because the CLKOUT signal will usually exceed the maximum 15 MHz MCLK frequency of the TLC320ACOl. So a divider is required. Most makes of DSP chip support the synchronous serial interface and should connect directly to the TLC320AC01. 4.1.1 Maximum Clock Rate It is highly desirable that the DSP chip and TLC320AC01 are clocked from a common master oscillator. This ensures that the digital noise which is often coupled into the ADC and DAC of the TLC320AC01 in miniature systems is aliased to a stable frequency, preferably dc. Texas Instruments has found that the signal-to-noise ratio can be degraded by as much as 6 dB in a breadboard system when independent clocks are used compared with a fully synchronous system. A convenient way of phase locking the TLC320AC01 to the processor is to drive the MCLK input of the TLC320AC01 from the CLKOUT of a TMS32OC25 or TMS32OC50orfromtheHl or H3 output of a TMS320C30. However, because of the higher speed of the TMS32OC50 an external one or two stage divider must be used to lower the CLKOUT frequency (which can be between20 MHz and 40 MHz depending on which speed grade of processor is used) to 15 MHz or less. A SN74ACT74 was chosen for its high maximum clock frequency, relatively low power consumption and availability in surface mount package. The divider power supply current was measured at 6.5 rnA at 5 V and 3.17 rnA at 3 V when dividing by 2 at 20 MHz; and 20.3 rnA at 5 V and 9.6 rnA at 3 V when dividing by 4 at 40 MHz. 4.1.2 Synchronization of Negative Rail Generator If switching power supplies are used in the system, for example to generate a negative supply rail, it is advantageous to phase lock the switcliing frequency to the sampling frequency. The EOC output from the TLC320AC01 is close to a square wave for reasonable sampling frequencies and can be connected to the OSC pin of a ICL7660 negative supply generator through a small (100 pF) capacitor to force the normally free running oscillator. The small capacitor allows the ICL7660 to free run in the absence of anEOC signal. The ICL7660 divides this signal by tWo internally, so that power supply ripple is at exactly the Nyquist frequency and hence appears as a small dc offset rather than as an unstable whistle. 4.1.3 EdgeTiming It is important to ensure that the rise and fall times of the serial clock sigt"-Ill between the codec and DSP chip are within specification, particularly if level shifting circuits are used for mixed 5 V and 3 V operation. Failure to do so can result in data or frame sync signals being sampled on the wrong clock edge, causing erratic errors. The shift clock output rise and fall times for the TLC320ACOl in master mode are specified at 19 ns maximum and 13 ns typical in the data manual. The maximum serial clock input rise and fall times for the TMS32OC25 are 25 ns, and for the TMS32OC30 and TMS32OC50 are 8 ns. While it might seem from these specifications that the TLC320ACOl cannot satisfactorily drive the TMS320C30 or TMS320C50 without buffering, these devices do work reliably together as long as very short connections are used. In order to discover whether the system was operating with a reasonable safety margin, the rise and fall times of SCLK were measured. The measurements were made using a LeCroy oscilloscope sampling at 1 GHz and a FET probe with SCLK from the TLC320AC01 driving the parallel inputs CLKX and CLKR on the TMS32OC50. The PCB track length was approximately 10 cm and the width 0.25 mm. The results (shown below) were well within the requirements of the TLC32OC50. 8-106 Rise time (0.8 V to 2 V) VDD=5V 2.3 ns VDD=4V 4.1 ns Fall time (2 V to 0.8 V) 4.4 ns 5.6ns .. 4.2 Hardware Design of TMS320C50 Based DSP System A relatively simple yet powerful DSP system can be built using a TMS320C50 family digital signal processor and a 1LC320ACOl AlC, as shown in Figure 9. The circuit shown is a simplified version of one that we have used extensively. It can readily be expanded to include parallel input and output ports. The TMS320C50 has 10K words of on-chip RAM, allowing complex algorithms to be implemented without the need to use external RAM. Some means of program storage is needed. A pair of 8-bit wide I-Mbit flash EPROMs (N28FOOIBX-B 120 from Intel) were used which completely fill the program and data address spaces, allowing the use of very large data tables. They have the advantages of reasonably low power consumption, especially when idle, the ability to be reprogrammed in-circuit or in a standard programmer (if socketed) and have a hardware protected boot block. The boot block is an 8K byte segment starting at address zero which can be protected against erasure by opening a switch. This allows the EPROM programming algorithm to be safely stored within the EPROM itself, downloaded to on-chip memory and executed from there to reprogram the rest of the flash EPROM with data transmitted through one of the serial ports. This is very convenient when portable equipment is to be reprogrammed in the field, especially when surface mounted devices are permanently soldered into the circuit. The initial bootstrap code can either be loaded using a standard programmer before assembly, or afterwards using the XDS5 lOin-circuit emulator interface which is brought out to a 14-pin header. These flash EPROMs have an internal state machine to control the erasure and programming algorithms. This is very important, not only because it simplifies programming, but it ensures that the essential precharge step before erasure is applied to all locations. This cannot easily be done with earlier generations of flash memory because those addresses that overlap internal registers and memory cannot easily be accessed. 100 kn pull-up resistor packs were used on the data bus and serial port signals to minimize power consumption when the bus is in a high impedance condition, which is the normal condition when executing from on-chip RAM. A standard, 40 MHz, third overtone crystal oscillator was used to clock the TMS32OC50. Exactly 8 kHz or 16 kHz sampling frequencies cannot be obtained with a 40 MHz MCLK. If this is a requirement, an MCLK of 41.475 MHz should be used. A 2.2 ¢:I surface mount inductor blocks oscillation at the fundamental frequency of the crystal. The 330 kn resistor biases the on-chip oscillator inverter. Some care is needed in the choice of this value to ensure stable operation and reliable start-up. With the component values shown, the oscillator starts at a supply voltage of approximately 2 V and is stable up to the absolute maximum of 7 V. Alternatively, CLKMD2 of the TMS320C50 can be grounded and an extemal20 MHz clock fed into CLKIN2. This provides a divide by 1 option whereby the CPU clock operates at the same 20-MHz frequency. The 20 MHz, CLKOUTI signal from the TMS320C50 is divided by two using half a SN74ACT74 D-type flip-flop to provide a 10 MHz MCLK to the TLC320ACOl. 4.3 Battery Operation 4.3.1 Reset Considerations The 1LC320ACOI undergoes a power-on reset when VDD falls below 4 V with the samples tested. In battery powered systems it is important to ensure that the supply never dips this low, otherwise all the programmed registers will return to their default values. To guard against undetected resetting, the system supply should be monitored, using a comparator as shown in Figure 9 or a supply voltage supervisor such as the 1L7702B. Also, one of the registers that has been changed from its default should periodically be read back and checked. 4.3.2 Interfacing to a 3-V DSP Processor There is a strong incentive to operate DSPs at 3 V or 3.3 V to save power. As the 1LC320ACOl resets at a VDD of about 4 V, separate power supplies and level shifting circuits must be used. The signals from a true CMOS DSP such as the TMS32OC50 swing from 0 to VDD, that is from 0 V to 3 V. As this is greater than the 2.2-V logic high threshold of the 1LC320AC01, all signals from the DSP to the 1LC320ACOI can be directly connected, provided that the 5-V supply rises and falls faster than the logic supply at switch on and off, respectively. If the power sequence cannot be guaranteed, the 1LC320ACOl inputs should be protected with a series resistor of about 3.3 kQ compensated with a parallel capacitor of about 1 nF. There will be a small increase in IDD of the 1LC320ACOI compared with driving from 0 V to 5 V due to simultaneous conduction by both FETs in the input circuits. Signals from the 1LC320ACOI to the DSP cannot be directly connected, however. The simplest interface circuit is a series resistor, to limit the current flowing through the upper protection diode, with parallel compensating capacitor to preserve the rise and fall times, as shown in Figure 10. 8-107 100 ! IcO PULL-lJP to +5 V on 0(151 12 V Only Required ~ For Programming Rash EPROM 015 014 015 013 5V OV I • "OOnF • , • I , •• • SYNC To -5 V Inverter .OV l00pF .1 SV ACT74 PWRDWN RESETI MiS SUBS FCO FCI OS D4 4 Xi' 01 DO A2 DR -{ i : 5V COM OV OX FSR FSX AIS AIS A14 A14 A13 A13 A12 All Al0 /IS Nl A7 AS AS A4 AS D7 D6 OS 0 '" i'ii >c II igr D4 D3 D2 01 DO Z WE CE OE A2 A2 PWO V(PP) Al AO OS Pi IS READY t- A16 07 D6 OS 0 '" i'ii ~. i D4 D3 D2 01 DO III '"Z WE CE OEhll PWO V(PP) III PWO VPP ,5V R.W smB WE MSC HOLD fK)lD~r. ACT04 rIcO ~XF IAQ lACK 1NT4 INT3 INT2 INTI NMI MPIMC l00nF A16 liD TCLKR TCLKX lOR lOX 1FSR/TADO TFSXITFRM RS O·V A15 A14 A13 A12 AU Al0 /IS Nl A7 AS AS A4 AS Al Al AO AO TMS32OC50 DOUr L- llcO D6 CLKR CLKX OV - - ApproJdmately 4.1 V 07 SCLK DIN Serial PorIa D9 D6 D2 EOC MCLK A12 All Al0 /IS Nl D3 TLC320AC01 Low VoIIaga DeIecInr g~: 012 011 010 • +5V 1 PERIC AIS A14 A13 A12 All Al0 /IS Nl A7 AS AS A4 AS A15 CLKOUT1 CtJ 100 ns for MCLK = 10 MHz c1rc xf serial interface and 'AC01 are now in a stable state setup codec - only need to reprogram those registers that need to be changed from their defaults reg 0 = no op reg 1 A register (18 = default) . i f FSAMP = B progreg 0000000101000101b 36 -> B kHz @10.368 MHz clockin ;endif 35 -> 7.937 kHz @10 MHz .if FSAMP = 16 progreg 0000000100100010b .endif 18 -> 16 kHz @10.368 MHz c10ckin 17 -> 16.34 kHz @10 MHz 8-113 -- progreg progreg progreg 0000001000010010b 1111 " III " 11111 I I I I I I I 1++++++++----I I 1+++++------------11+-----------------++------------------0000010000011001b 1111111111111111 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ++----I I I I I I I I I I I 1++------I I I I I I I I I 1++--------I II I I I I I ++----------I I 1+++++------------11+-----------------++------------------000001010000010lb 11111111111111++----1111111111111+------I I I I I I I I I I I 1+-------I I I I I I I 1++++--------I I 1+++++------------11+-----------------++------------------- ; reg 2 - B register (18 - default) data address 0 = write Phase shift reg 3 - A' register reg 4 = amplifier gain select O=sq, 1=0 dB, 2=-6 dB, output O=sq, 1-0 dB, 2=+6 dB, input O=sq, 1=0 dB, 2=-8 dB, monitor no used address o = write Phase shift ; reg 5 = analog configuration O-loopback, 1=norm ilp, 2-aux ilp, O=hp filter on, 1=hp filter off O-echo off, 1=echo on not used address O-write Phase shift reg 6 reg 7 reg 8 = 3=-12 dB 3=+12 dB 3--18 dB 3-both digital configuratjon frame sync delay frame sync number b passthrough ; branch to real-time code in on-chip ram This section is relocated to on-chip single access ram block for faster operation .sect 'ocram" .label ocramstart this label referes to the address where the following code is stored in eprom, not the address from which it is executed this label refers to the execution address in on-chip ram passsthrough Main signal processing loop clrc nop idle setc lacc bz clrc splk intm Wait for any interrupt, determine whether it is caused by serial data input and branch back to idle if not. intm WARNING - The manipulation of INTM and the gotdataflag nop, idle sequence are necessary to prevent passthrough , serial interrupts from being missed if they intm occur just after another interrupt! #0, gotdataflag clear the data received flag outoutputbuffer, dxr write the data derived from the previous input sample to the serial port data transmit register lacc drr ; read a codec input s'ample from the serial port data receive ; register. Data is in low accumulator do the signal processing here, leaving result in accumulator and #11111111111l1100b sacl outputbuffer mask out bottom two bits to ensure that secondary communications are not accidentally requested save the result of the prcessing until the next interrupt, and only then write it to the serial port. This maximizes the processing time available. b passthrough Interrupt handlers because the transmit and receive operations of the 'AC01 are synchronous, only one serial port interrupt handler is needed 8-114 getdata splk rete #1, gotdataflag ; set a flag to indicate data available ; return from interrupt, restoring context and re-enabling interrupts .label ocramend ; end of block transferred to on-chip ram .end 4.8 Linker Command File: AC01 DEMO.CMD Listing MEMORY /* memory map for CSO */ { page 0 :/* program memory */ reset : origin = 0, length onchipp :origin = BOOh, length flashp param2 BOOh /* booth block up to start of on chip ram +/ 2400h /* on chip program memory*/ origin BOOOh, length = 7200h /* top half flash prog except bO */ origin - 3000h, length = 1000h /* second parameter block in eprom */ /* par. block is overlaid by on-chip ram */ page 1 /* data memory */ origin = 60 h, length = 20h b3 bObl :origin = BOOh, length = 240h /* ocram is on-chip data if OVLY=l */ /* external flash eprom if OVLY=O */ SECTIONS { vectors . text param2 ocram be .bss : load = reset page 0 load flashp page 0 load param2 page 0 load - flashp page 0 run = onchipp page 0 load load b2 page 1 /* data page 0 on-chip ram */ bObl page 1 4.9 Measuring the DAC Filter Response with a White Noise Generator A convenient way of measuring the frequency response of a linear system is to excite it with white noise and measure the response with a spectrum analyzer. This example shows how white noise can be generated by a very short random bit generator program and used to measure the response of the 1LC320AC01's DAC reconstruction filter. The random bit generator implements a recurrence relation in a primitive polynomial modulo 2 of order 31 (reference I). This gives a maximal length sequence of pseudo-random bits which only repeats after 231 -1 iterations. The polynomial used is x31 +' x3 +xO, although there are many others to choose from. A 32-bit variable, noise_sr, which is initially seeded with any non zero value, stores the state between iterations. On each iteration, the accumulator is loaded from noise_sr and shifted left one bit. The most significant bit (now in the carry bit) is then exclusive ORed (XOR) with the remaining non zero terms. Each bit that has been XORed is stored back into the same location in the accumulator and the result is saved. This is implemented by testing the carry bit after the shift with the execute conditional (XC) instruction. If C was 0, do nothing because anything XORed with 0 is 0 and bit zero of the accumulator is filled with a 0 after a shift. IfC was I, XOR the low accumulator with the constant l00lOb which achieves the desired result. There are three main limitations to this technique. Because the XOR is only carried out on the 16 least significant bits there must not be any nonzero tenns in the polynomial above x15 apart from x31. The contents of the accumulator should not be used directly as a random number because successive values are correlated as the bits work their way to the left. This is overcome in the example by iterating the code 14 times for each sample. Although the noise has a white long-tenn spectrum (that is equal power per unit frequency), it is nongaussian. This does not matter for frequency response measurements. Figure 12 shows the response of the 1LC320AC01 reconstruction filter measured at a sampling rate of 7.937 kHz. 'The A register value is 42, the B register value is 15 and the MCLK frequency is 10 MHz. \ , 8-115 .. 0 M~SUred JSlng A Jhlte NOIJe GeneJung -10 Algorithm Runnln In The TMS320CSO \ -20 l1li '1:1 -30 \ \ I iii ..... Gi -40 iii c -50 r \ -60 ~ Y -70 -- ./ \ 1/ y -80 -90 - o 1000 2000 3000 MCLK 10 MHz, A register = 4000 5000 6000 "\ 7000 / V 6000 9000 10000 =42, B register =15 Sampling Frequency =7.937 kHz Figure 12. DAC Channel Frequency Response 4.10 Example Noise Generator Code listing .usect "b2" , 2 larp 1rlk lac sac1 zac sac1 *+ * execute this section once 1arp AR1 lr1k AR1, noise_sr 1acl *+ add *, 16 splk #13, brcr rptb end_noise - 1 sfl nop xc 1, C xor n0010b end_noise sach sac1 ; allocate 32 bits of data memory AR1 ; seed random bit generator with .2 AR1, noise_sr #2 *- * per dac output sample load low accumulator from data memory load high accumulator repeat block 14 times to decorrelate sequential bits need a 1 cycle gap between sf1 and xc to allow for pipeline delay execute next instruction if carry set xor bit 3 with bit 31, copy bit 31 to bit 0 save high accumulator to data memory save low accumulator Write low accumulator to transmit data register (after masking out bottom 2 bits) 8-116 5 SAMPLING AND QUANTIZATION - TUTORIAL 5.1 Sampling 5.1.1 Ideal Sampling In converting a continuous time signal into a discrete digital representation, the process of sampling is a fundamental requirement. In an ideal case, the sampling signal is a train of impulses (infinitesimally narrow with unit area). The frequency of these impulses is the sampling rate (fs). The input signal can also be idealized by considering it to be truly band limited, containing no components in its spectrum above a certain frequency. Input Waveform Sampling FuncUon ."~,,,:h ~ In Time Domain (1) (1) (1) (1) h(t) 4 4 = Unit Impulses x t1t2t3t4t J, ~T Fourier Analysla J, J, F(f)L @"tu Sampling Spectra Input Spectra Convolution In Frequency Domain f1 NYQUIST'S THEOREM: fa -f1 > f1 Sampled Output f ~ fa fa = 11T 2fa Sampled Spectra = f > 211 Figure 13. Ideal Sampling The ideal sampling condition is shown in Figure 13, represented in both the frequency and time domains. The effect of sampling in the time domain is to produce an amplitude modulated train of impulses representing the value of the input signal at the instant of sampling. In the frequency domain, the spectrum of the pulse train is a series of discrete frequencies at multiples of the sampling rate. Sampling convolves the spectrum of the input signal with that of the pulse train to produce the combined spectrum shown, with double sidebands around each discrete frequency which are produced by the amplitude modulation. In effect, some of the higher frequencies are folded back so that they produce interference at lower ones. This interference causes distortion which is called aliasing. Aliases cannot be removed by subsequent processing. As shown in the diagram, if the input signal is band limited to a frequency f 1 and is sampled at frequency fs' the overlap (and hence aliasing) cannot occur if Therefore, if sampling is performed at a frequency at least twice as great as the maximum frequency of the input signal, no aliasing occurs and all of the signal information can be extracted. This is Nyquist's Sampling Theorem, and it provides a basic criterion for the selection of the sampling rate required by the converter to process an input signal of a given bandwidth. 8-117 ®b: Input Waveform JI hIt) t 14* T JI JI Output Spectra Sampling Spectre FroL (1) x I r,;--p:;I:;;:;:---l = x Input Spectre r--------, I Square Wave ~ (sin x)1 I Fourier Analysis f1 Sampled Output Sampling Function J-\J\ J~ II FroJK i -Tl2 +Tl2 I I E-~ (~'t) I - ..;. T _ _ lth '- __ _ _ _ JI .-111; 0 111; (1) Envelope has the form = 's =11T 1/'t 2's f Input signals are not truly band limited I(s) 211 * Sampling cannot be done with impulses, so the amplitude of the signal Is modulated by f1 fs Because 01 input spectra and sampling there is aliasing and distortion (Si: x) envelope Figure 14. Real Sampling 5.1.2 Real Sampling The concept of an impulse is a useful one to simplify the analysis of sampling. However, it is a theoretical ideal which can be approached but never reached in practice. Instead the real sigpal is a series of pulses with a period equalling the reciprocal of the sampling frequency. The result of sampling with this pulse train is a series of amplitude modulated pulses. Examining the spectrum of a square wave pulse train shows a series of discrete frequencies, as with the impulse train, but the amplitude of these frequencies is modified by an envelope which is defmed by (sin x)/x (sometimes written sinc(x» where x in this case is ltfs' For a square wave of amplitude A, the envelope of the spectrum is defined as Envelope = A(;})[Sin(3tfst)]/3tfst The error resulting from this can be controlled with a filter which compensates for the sinc envelope. This can be implemented as a digital filter, in a DSP, or using conventional analog techniques. (The n.C320ACOl analog interface circuit has an on-chip (sin x)/x correction filter after its DAC output for this purpose.) 5.1.3 Aliasing Effects and Considerations In practice, any real signal has infinite bandwidth. However, the energy of the higher frequency components become increasingly smaller so that at a certain value they can be considered to be irrelevant. This value is a choice that must be made by the system designer. r . As shown, the amount of aliasing is affected by the sampling frequency and by the relevant bandwidth of the input signal, filtered as required. The factor that determines how much aliaSing can be tolerated is ultimately the resolution of the system. If the system has low resolution, the noise floor is already relatively high and aliasing can have an insignificant effect. However, with a high resolution system, aliasing can increase the noise floor considerably and therefore needs to be controlled. As shown, increasing the sampling rate is one way to prevent aliasing. However, there is a limit on what frequency this can be, determined by the type of converter used and also by the maximum clock rate of the digital processor receiving and transmitting the data. 1)ierefore, to reduce the effects of aliasing to within acceptable levels, analog filters must be used to alter the input signal spectrum. 8-118 5.2 Theoretical SNR for a 14·Blt Device The analog input to an ADC is a continuous signal with an infinite number of possible states, whereas the digital output is by its nature a discrete function with a number of different states determined by the resolution of the device. It follows from this therefore, that in converting from one form to the other, certain parts of the analog signal that were represented by a different voltage on the input, are represented by the same digital code at the output. Some information has been lost and distortion has been introduced into the signal. This is quantization noise. For an ideal staircase transfer function of an ADC, the error between the actual input and its digital form has a uniform probability density function if the input signal is assumed to be random. It can vary in the range of ±1I2least significant bit (LSB) or ±q/2 where q is the width of one step. p(e) = lIq for -q/2 Se S +q/2 p(e) - 0 otherwise The average noise power (mean square) of the error over a step is given by +q/2 f =! E2(e) e 2dE q/2 which gives E2(e) - q2/12 The total mean square error, N2, over the whole conversion area is the sum of each quantization level's mean square multiplied by its associated probability. Assuming the converter is ideal, the width of each code step is identical and therefore has an equal probability. Hence for the ideal case N2 2 =L 12 Considering a sine wave input F(t) of amplitude A so that F(t) - A sin rot which has a mean square value of F2(t), where 23t F2(t) = in f A2sin2(rot)dt o which is the signal power. Therefore the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is given by But q - 1 LSB - 2A12n _ Al2n-l Substituting for q gives SNR = 10 LOg[ ~ (~2tC :~2n)] = 10 LOg(3 x222n) 6.02n + 1.76 dB This gives the ideal value for a perfect n-bitconverter and shows that each extra bit of resolution provides approximately 6 dB improvement in the SNR. In practice, errors in the ADC introduce non-linearities that lead to a reduction of this value. 8-119 For a perfect 14-bit converter, the. SNR is: 6.02 x 14 + 1.76 .. 86 dB 5.3 References 8-120 1. William H. Press, Brian P. Flannery, Saul A. Teukolsky and William T. Vetterling, 1988, Numerical Recipies in C - The Art of Scientific Computing, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press) pp 224-228. 2. 1LC320ACOI Analog Interface Circuit Data Manual; SLAS057A 3. TMS320C2x User's Guide; SPRUOI4C 4. TMS320C5x User's Guide; SPRU056B 5. TMS320 Fixed-Point DSP Assembly Language Tools; SPRU018C - Interfacing the TLV1549 10-Bit Serial-Out ADC to Popular 3.3- V Microcontrollers ~ThxAs INSTRUMENTS 8-121 IMPORTANT NOTICE Texas Instruments (TI) reserves the right to make changes to its products or to discontinue any semiconductor product or service without notice, and advises its customers to obtain the latest version of relevant information to verify, before placing orders, tliat the information being relied on is current. TI warrants performance of its semiconductor products and related software to the specifications applicable at the time of sale in accordance with Tl's standard warranty. Testing and other quality control techniques are utilized to the extent TI deems necessary to support this warranty. Specific testing of all parameters of each device Is not necessarily performed, except those mandated by government requirements. Certain applications using semiconductor products may involve potential risks of death, personal injury, or severe property or environmental damage (''Critical Applications'? TI SEMICONDUCTOR PRODUCTS ARE NOT DESIGNED, INTENDED, AUTHORIZED, OR WARRANTED TO BE SUITABLE FOR USE IN LIFE-SUPPORT APPLICATIONS, DEVICES OR SYSTEMS OR OTHER CRITICAL APPLICATIONS. Inclusion of TI products in such applications Is understood to be fully atthe risk of the customer. Use of TI products in such applications requires the written approval of an appropriate TI officer. Questions concerning potential risk applications should be directed to TI through a local SC sales office. In order to minimize risks associated with the customer's applications, adequate design and operating safeguards should be provided by the customer to minimize inherent or procedural hazards. TI assumes no liability for applications assistance, customer product design, software performance; or infringement of patents or services described herein. Nor does TI warrant or represent that any license, either express or implied, is granted under any patent right, copyright, mask work right, or other Intellectual property right of TI covering or relating to any combination, machine, or process in which such semiconductor products or services might be or are used. Copyright © 1994, Texas Instruments Incorporated 8-122 Contents TItle Page INTRODUCTION ..........................................•............................ 8-125 Interface TIming ...............................•................... " ...... " ........ 8-125 Use of Software Subroutines ....................................................... ; ... 8-125 Data Format •.........................................•............................. 8-125 TLV1S49-TO-68HCOS INTERFACE . ....................................................... 8-126 Microcontroller Features .............................................................. Interface Circuit ................•........•........................................... Software Considerations .............................................................. Serial Peripheral Control Register (SPCR) ........................................... Serial Peripheral Status Register (SPSR) ............................................. Serial Peripheral Data I/O Register (SPDR) ........................................... Program Listing ..................................................................... Program Listing for the 1LVI549-to-MC68HC705 Interface ......................•..... , 8-126 8-126 8-127 8-127 8-127 8-127 8-127 8-128 TLV1S49-TO-TMS7000 INTERFACE .............................................•........ 8-129 Microcontroller Features .................,............................................. Interface Circuit ........•.....................•....... " ...... '" .•..•............... Serial I/O Mode ..................................................................... Provision of1LV1549 Chip Select (CS) ...............................•........•......... Data Reformatting and Storage ......................•..............•................... Other Software Considerations ......................................................... Software Listing . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . .. Program Listing for 1LVI549-to-TMS70C02 Microcontroller Interface .................... 8-129 '8-129 8-129 8-130 8-130 8-130 8-130 8-131 TLV1S49-TO-SOCS1-L INTERFACE ........... ,............................................ 8-133 MicrocontrollerFeatures .............................................................. Serial I/O Mode 0 ....... , ...................................... " .•...•.............. Interface Circuit ...................................................................... Software Listing ..................................................................... Program Listing for the 1LVI549-to-8OC51-L Interface ................................ ~ 8-133 8-133 8-133 8-133 8-134 ANALOG CONSIDERATIONS . ........................................................... 8-135 Analog Reference for the 1LV1549 ...................................................... 8-135 PCB Layout ..............................................•......................... 8-135 Grounding and Decoupling ........•................................................... 8-135 APPENDIX A ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 8-136 8-123 List of IDustrations Figure TItle Page ~) 1. Tuning for the 11- to 16"clock Transfer Using CS (Serial Transfer Completed After 21 2. TLV1549 100Bit Serial Out ADC-to-MC68HC705C8 Microcontroller mterface ..•........•.... 8-126 •...... 8-125 3. Shift Register Operation of the Serial Peripheral mterface (SPI) ..................... '.. .. . . .. 8-127 4. TLV1549 lO-Bit Serial Out ADC-to-TMS70C02 Microcontroller mterface .................... 8-129 5. TLV1549 lO-Bit Serial Out ADC-to-80C51-L Microcontroller mterface ...................... 8-133 6. User Adjustable 2.5-V Reference Circuit ............................................ '" 8-124 8-135 INTRODUCTION The n.V1549 is a lO-bit serial out analog-to-digital converter that operates from a 3.3-V (±O.3 V) single supply. It uses a switched-capacitor successive-approximation method to perform the conversion in a maximum of 21 J.IS. This application report describes how to interface the n.V1549 to three popular microcontrollers which operate from a single 3.3-V supply rail. These are the 68HC05, the TMS70C02, and the 8OC51-L. Interface Timing The timing for each of the interfaces described in this application report is illustrated in Figure 1. One chip-select (CS) pulse is used for each lO-bit conversion and 16 CLOCK 110 pulses are between each CS. ~l~--------------~lrnr~1-- CLOg~ I~~ : I I ~.C:II HI'ZSl8te~ DATA OUT I I I ~~:~~r;slon I ------;~~i+_--I.~I AID ('; 21 pal Initialize Figure 1. Timing for the 11· to 16-Clock Transfer Using CS (Serial Transfer Completed After 21 1lS) Use of Software Subroutines The subroutines included in this application report have been developed as much as possible as relocatable pieces of software. They include a provision for setting the number of consecutive conversions to be performed. This is either set in the main program as in the TMS7000 and 80C51-L examples or inside the subroutine as used in the 68HC05 example, by programming the number of conversions into COUNT. It is recommended that at least two conversions are performed either after a power-up reset or after a protracted interval between the last conversion. This enables the TI..V1549 on-board sample-and-hold to acquire the most recent signal level during the first conversion cycle before converting it into digital form during the second cycle. Data Format In whatever format the data arrives at the microcontroller, it is important to ensure that any reformatting, if required, puts the data into a convenient final format. This application report places the most significant byte of the conversion result in one byte of random access memory (RAM) and the least significant byte in an adjacent byte of RAM. The two least significant bits of the lO-bit result are placed in the least significant bit locations of their RAM location. This format gives the user the flexibility to use only 8-bit precision data, if so required, to add the MS and LS pytes together for use in 16 bit wide architectures, to view the two least significant bits of the resultfor fine tuning applications, or to reformat into another more convenient format. 8-125 TLV1549-To-68HC05 INTERFACE Microcontroller Features The M68HC05 family of microcontrollers consists of several different product variants of the basic architecture. It is important that the correct product type is specified to ensure that it contains all the features and attributes necessary to fulfill all its eventual system requirements. In the case of its suitability for interfacing to the 1LV1549 serial out ADC, the M68HC05 product type should contain a serial peripheral interface (SPI). Several types contain this feature including the MC68HC705C8, which was chosen as the target for this ADC interface. Vcc+ (3.3 V ± 0.3 Y) VCC Vcc PD4ISCK UOCLOCK 1/2 TLV2262A REF+ PD2IMISO DATA OUT ANALOQIN Analog Input (OV-VCcJ2) XTAL1 PC7 CS 2 MHz (max) IRQ TLV1548 10 ItO = XTAL2 REF10 ito SS Interrupt (optional) VCC_(OY) MC68HC705C8 VSS OV NOTE: For 68HC05 operating off 3.3 V de supply: Maximum I/O clock frequency = maximum crystal clock frequency/4 - 0.5 MHz Figure 2. TLV15491O-BIt Serial Out ADC·to-MC68HC705C8 Mlcrocontroller Interface Interface Circuit Figure 2 shows the circuit interconnections for the 1LV1549 - MC68HC705C8 microcontroller interface. No glue logic is required. The positive reference to the 1LV1549 is provided directly from the Vcc+ supply. The analog signal is scaled by an appropriate factor (a gain of two in this case) and buffered by one half of a 1LV2262A dual operational amplifier. The three digital interface terminals, YO CLOCK, DATA OUT, and CS of the 1LV1549 connect directly to the PD4ISCK, PD2IMISO, and PC7 terminals respective}y of the microcontroller. When the SPI is enabled, PD4 becomes SCK, which is the serial clock output, and PD2 becomes the master in slave out (MISO) terminal. When programmed to be a master device, the microcontroller receives serial data at its MISO terminal. Figure 3 shows the shift register operation of the SPI when connected to Ii serial output peripheral component such as the 1LV1549. The MC68HC705C8 operates as the master device and the 1LV1549 acts as the slave. &-126 1/0 CLOCK SCK DATA OUT MISO SPI Shift Register TLV1549 MC68HC705C8 Figure 3. Shift Register Operation of the Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Software Considerations The three registers which are used for SPI communications are: Serial peripheral control register (SPCR) Serial peripheral status register (SPSR) Serial peripheral data 110 register (SPDR) Serial Peripheral Control Register (SPCR) Bits 0 and 1 of the SPCR program the SPI master bit rate. With bits 0 and 1 set to 0, SCK runs at the internal processor clock/2. This means that SCK operates at one quarter of the microcontroller XTAL frequency. Bit 2 determines the phase relationship between the clock transmitted at SCK and the data appearing on the MISO terminal. If a 0 is placed in bit 3, SCK idles low. This is the correct condition for the TLV1549. A 1 in bit 6 of the SPCR enables the SPI. A 0 in bit 6 disables the SP!. A 1 in bit 4 (MSTR) confers the status of master to the microcontroller. Serial Peripheral Status Register (SPSR) The most important bit of the SPSR is bit 7 (SPIF). When set to 1, it indicates that a data transfer between the TLVl549 and the microcontroller has been completed. The SPIF bit is automatically cleared when the SPSR is read and the SPI data register is accessed. Serial Peripheral Data 1/0 Register (SPDR) When the SPIF bit of the SPSR is 1, the SPDR contains the received byte of information from the converter. The contents of SPDR can then be read into a suitable register or location. Program Listing The program listing for the TLVI549-to-MC68HC705 interface shown in Figure 2 is included in the following section. COUNT has been set to 2; this ensures that two conversions are performed each time the ADC subroutine is used. The fIrst conversion flushes out potentially erroneous data from the converter output registers. For test purposes, the main program simply performs continuous repeat jumps to the ADC subroutine. The SPI expects the most significant bit of each received byte to arrive fIrst which is compatible with the order of the TLV1549 output bit stream. This means that no reformatting of the most signifIcant bit of the lO-bit conversion result is required. However, the least significant byte does need to be shifted right by 6 bits. 8-127 Program Listing for the TLV1549-to-MC68HC705Interface * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * TLV1549 - MC68HC705C8 Interface Program * ** This program contains a subroutine ADC which reads ** 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 ** * * * * * * OOOA OOOB OOOC 0002 0006 0011 OOOE OOOF 0010 0050 0051 1FFE 1FFF 0052 0160 0160 0162 0165 0167 016A 016D 016F 0171 0173 0175 0177 0179 017A 017C 017E 0180 0182 0184 0186 0189 018B 018D 018F 0191 0194 0196 0198 019A 019C 019E 01AO 01A1 01A3 01A4 01A6 01A7 8-128 the serial data from two conversions of the TLV1549 and places the MSByte in address 50H and the LSByte in address 51H. The data from the first conversion(potentia11y erroneous) is overwritten by the result from the second conversion. * * * * * * * * * * * * * SPCR SPSR SPOR PORTC DDRC SCDAT SCCR1 SCCR2 SCSR MSBYTE LSBYTE RESETH RESETL COUNT A601 C71FFE A660 C71FFF CD016F 20FB 1E06 A602 B752 A610 1E02 4A 26FB 1F02 A650 B70A A600 B70C OFOBFD B60C B750 A600 B70C OFOOFD B60C B751 3A52 B652 2607 A606 98 3651 4A 26FA 81 START ADC CONVERT CSHIGH HBYTE LBYTE FORMAT * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * EQU OAH * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * EQU OBH * * EQU OCH * EQU 02H ** Names, Peripheral, and * EQU 06H * Control Registers * EQU 11H * * EQU OEH * * EQU OFH * * EQU 10H * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * EQU 50H * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * EQU 51H * Names working RAM addresses * EQU 1FFEH * * EQU 1FFFH * * EQU 52H * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ORG 160H Start Program at 160H LOA #OlH STA RESETH Load Reset Vector High Byte LDA #6.0H STA RESETL Load Reset Vector Low Byte JSR ADC BRA START BSET 7, DDRC LOA #02H STA COUNT LOA nOH BSET 7, PORTC Set Port C bit 7 (TLV1549 CS) high DECA BNE CSHIGH BCLR 7, PORTC Reset TLV1549 CS (Low) LOA #50H Load accumulator with 50H STA SPCR Load SPI control register LDA lIOOH Load dummy data into accumulator STA SPDR Receive SPI data BRCLR 7, SPSR, HBYTE LDA SPDR STA MSBYTE Put MSBYTE in Location 50 LDA #OOH Load dummy data into accumulator STA SPDR Receive SPI data BRCLR 7, OB, LBYTE LOA SPOR STA LSBYTE Put LSBYTE in Location 51 DEC COUNT LOA COUNT BNE CONVERT If COUNT - 1, do another conversion LOA #06H * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CLC * * ROR LSBYTE Reformats LSBYTE * * DECA * * BNE FORMAT * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * RTS END TLV1549-TO-TMS7000 INTERFACE Microcontroller Features The entire range of TMS7000 microcontrollers can be operated with a 3-V supply. However, the maximum crystal frequency they will tolerate at this supply voltage (over the full temperature range) is 3 MHz. The inherently longer instruction cycle times that this yields should be taken into account when deciding how many software delay loops are necessary to produce the required delay. Within the family of TMS7000 microcontrollers, three types are available that have a serial port: TMS70Cx2, TMS77C82, and TMS7OCx8. This application report refers to the TMS7OCx2, but anyone of these three types could be chosen to efficiently implement a serial interface to the TLV1549. Three modes of serial communication are available for the serial port: asynchronous mode, isosynchronous mode, and the serial I/O mode. The most suitable of these for interfacing the TMS7OCx2 to the TLV1549 is the serial I/O mode. Interface Circuit The TLV1549-to-TMS7OC02 interface circuit is shown in Figure 4. The chip select (CS) of the TLV1549 is controlled by the output from AO (bit 0 of peripheral port A). Vcc+ (3.3 V ± 0.3 y) Vec+ Vcc Vee A4ISCLK 110 CLOCK 1/2 TLV2262A Analog Input (OV-Vcct2) REF + DATA OUT ANALOG IN A5IRXD XTAL1 AO CS XTAL2 REF10 leO = 3 MHz (max) INn TLV1549 10 leO ss Interrupt (opUonal) Vcc-(OY) TMS70C02 VSS ov NOTE: Maximum 1/0 clock frequency ~ microcontroller crystal frequency!8 Figure 4. TLV15491()...Blt Serial Out ADC-to-TMS70C02 Mlcrocontroller Interface Serial 1/0 Mode Four peripheral registers are used to set up and control the serial I/O mode of the microcontroller: Serial mode register (SMODE) Serial control register 0 (SCTLO) Serial control register 1 (SCTL1) Serial port status register (SSTAT) The contents of the SMODE register determine the data format and type of communication mode (serial I/O for example). In the serial I/O mode, the frame format of each characteris five to eight data bits followed by a stop bit. Setting the number of bits to eight can simplify the software necessary to implement the interface. SCTLO enables either transmit or receive communication. SCTLl determines the source of SCLK and programs the frequency of SCLK. 8-129 SSTAT is a read-only register that is used for checking the status of the serial port. Bit 1 (RXRDY) of SSTAT is 0 when the receive buffer (RXBUF) is empty and 1 when RXBUF is full. Provision of TLV1549 Chip Select (~) On power-up and/or system reset, the lLV1549 chip-select terminal (CS) should be initialized to a high level. To provide this, one of the bidirectional peripheral port bits can be programmed as an output and set to a 1 for a period of at least 21 ~. This period is provided by a delay loop at the beginning of the ADC subroutine. The number of times the loop is excuted in order to achieve at least 21 ~ is dependent on the clock frequency of the microcontroller and the number of instruction cycles contained within the delay loop. The example program listing shown in the section program listing for lLVI549-to-TMS7OC02 microcontroller interface executes the loop 16 times, but the loop can be executed less times to optimize the conversion throughput rate. ' On completion of this delay loop, the particular peripheral port bit is reset to 0, and the converter is now ready to send out data from the previously performed conversion. Data Reformatting and Storage After RXBUF is checked to verify it is full, its contents can be read to a suitable register for subsequent access and processing. In the case of the lO-bit conversion result from the lLV1549, two successive bytes of data are received and each are placed in RXBUF to be read consecutively into two convenient memory locations. The lLV1549 sends the digital result of each conversion with the most significant bit first and the least significant bit last. This is the reverse of the order that the TMS7OC02 expects. A few software instructions are therefore inserted near the end of the conversion subroutine that reformat the data into the correct order for interpretation by the microcontroller. Other Software Considerations The subroutine that services the lLV1549 conversion should be located in a convenient area of memory that is compatible with the rest of the system. For example, all serial port versions of the TMS7000 family have 8K bytes of EPROM. This EPROM is located between addresses EOOOH (hex) and FFFFH. A converter subroutine start address at the midpoint of this EPROM memory space may be convenient in that it leaves the first half of this space for the location of the main program. The example program listing in the section Program Listing for lLVI549-to-TMS70C02 Microcontroller Interface uses a start location of FOO6 which is convenient for the emulation system it was developed 'on. On system reset, the stack pointer is at location OOOlH. In programs that include nested subroutines where the number of RAM locations taken up by the stack becomes large, the stack can interfere with other useful or even critical RAM locations. It is therefore prudent to reposition the stack pointer, immediately after reset, at a higher address in RAM such as 0060H. This allows the stack plenty of room to grow and avoids interference with lower address RAM locations. Software Listing The following program listing reads in the results of two lO-bit converSions from the lLV1549. The software routine ADC actually reads in the results from N conversions, where N is the contents of the register COUNT. The first conversion in a sequence of conversions may be erroneous because the data received is derived from a previous (probably invalid) sample of the analog signal. It is often useful to flush out this first spurious reading before receiving a second valid conversion result. The setting of the contents of COUNT is performed within the main program and should normally be set to a minimum of two. 8-130 Program Listing for TLV1549-to-TMS70C02 Mlcrocontroller Interface 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 0040 0041 0042 * * * * * * *TLV1549 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * - TMS70C02 Interface Program * * * * * * * * 0004 0005 0014 0015 0016 0018 0019 001A 0009 0010 0011 F006 F006 52 F007 60 F008 OD F009 A2 FOOA 11 FOOB 05 FOOC A2 FOOD OC FOOE 14 FOOF 72 F010 02 FOll 09 F012 8E F013 F017 F015 EO F016 EF F017 22 F018 03 F019 A2 F01A 01 F01B 04 F01C B2 FOlD E6 F01E FA F01F 11:2 F020 00 04 F021 F022 A2 16 F023 F024 15 F025 A2 CO F026 18 F027 80 F028 F029 16 F02A 26 F02B 02 02 F02C F02D EO F02E F9 F02F 80 F030 19 F031 DO F032 OA F033 A2 F034 16 F035 15 * This program contains a subroutine ADC which reads in the serial data from two conversions of the TLV1549. The data (potentially erroneous) from the first conversion is overwritten by the data from the second conversion. The most significant byte is placed in register 16. The least significant byte is placed in register 17. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Name Peripheral Registers * * * * * * * * * Name Count and Result Registers * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * APORT ADDR SMODE SCTLO SSTAT SCTL1 RXBUF TXBUF COUNT MSBYTE LSBYTE START EQU P4 EQU P5 EQU P20 EQU P21 EQU P22 EQU P24 EQU P25 EQU P26 EQU R9 EQU R16 EQU R17 AORG >F006 MOV %>60,B LDSP MOVP %>ll,ADDR Set start address of program Set stack register Set up Port A Data Direction Register MOVP %>OC, SMODE Set up Serial Mode Register MOV %> 02, COUNT Set COUNT = 2 CALL @ADC Call Subroutine ADC JMP START On return from Subroutine ADC, jump to START ADC MOV %>03,A Put 03 in register A CSHIGH MOVP %>Ol,APORT TLV1549 Chip Select goes high DEC A JNZ CSHIGH Decrement the contents of Register A by 1 and jump to CSHIGH if result is not zero MOVP %>OO,APORT TLV1549 Chip Select goes low MOVP %>16,SCTLO Set up Serial Control Register 0 MOVP %>CO,SCTLl Set up Serial Control Register 1 LABELl MOVP SSTAT,A Put contents of Serial Status Register in A BTJO %>2,A,LABEL2 If bit 1 of A is 1, jump to LABEL2 LABEL2 JMP LABELl and if not, jump to LABELl MOVP RXBUF,A Put contents of RXBUF (MSByte) in A MOV A,R10 Put contents of A into Register 10 MOVP %>16,SCTLO Set up Serial Control Register 0 8-131 0043 F036 A2 F037 CO F038 18 0044 F039 80 F03A 16 0045 F03B 26 F03C 02 F03D 02 0046 F03E EO F03F F9 0047 F040 80 F041 19 0048 F042 00 F043 Os 0049 F044 02 F045 09 0050 F046 E6 F047 CF 0051 F048 BO 0052 F049 DD F04A OB 0053 F04B E7 F04C 03 0054 F04D 74 F04E 02 F04F OB 0055 F050 42 F051 OB F052 11 0056 F053 05 F054 OC 0057 F055 05 F056 OE 0058 F057 22 FOS8 08 0059 F059 42 FOSA OA F05B OC 0060 F05C BO 0061 F05D OD F05E OC 0062 FQ5F DF F060 OE 0063 F061 B2 0064 F062 E6 F063 F8 0065 F064 42 F065 OE F066 10 0066 F067 OA 0067 FFFE 0068 FFFE F006 0069 8-132 MOVP '>CO,SCTL1 Set up Serial Control Register 1 LABEL3 MOVP SSTAT,A Put contents of Serial Status Register in A BTJO '>2,A,LABEL4 LABEL4 If bit 1 of A is 1, jump to LABELl JMP LABEL3 and if not, jump to LABEL3 MOVP RXBUF,A Put contents of RXBUF (LSByte) in A MOV A,Rll Put contents of A in Register 11 OEC COUNT (COUNT) - 1 JNZ ADC If COUNT is not zero do another conversion CLRC RRC Rll clear carry bit * * * * *.* * * * JNC LSBITO OR '>2,R11 LSBITO MOV R11,LSBYTE * * * * * * * * * * * * Reformats Least Significant Byte * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Put reformatted LSByte in LSBYTE CLR R12 clear register 12 CLR R14 and register 14 MOV '>8,A Set contents of A to 8 MOV R10,R12 Put contents of register 10 in register 12 DEC A JNZ FORMAT * * * * * * * * * * * * '* * * * * * * * * * * Reformats Most Significant Byte * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ****** * • * * * * MOV R14,MS8YTE Put reformatted MSByte into MSBYTE RETS AORG >FFFE DATA START END Return from subroutine AOC Configure Reset vector to point to START FORMAT CLRC RRC R12 RLCR14 TLV1549-TQ-SOC51-L INTERFACE Mlcrocontroller Features The 80C51-L is the 3.3-V supply version of the 8OC5l family of microcontrollers. Various 3.3-V supply versions of the 8OC51 architecture are available from different manufacturers. Individual data sheets should be consulted to establish at which maximum crystal frequency each specific device type can operate. As indicated for the previously described interfaces, the most suitable method of receiving the serial output from the 1LV1549 is to configure the serial port of the microcontroller to perform like an 8-bit shift register. The same is true for the 80C51-L. Serial 1/0 Mode 0 The type of serial communication to and from the 80C51-L is determined by the data inserted into the serial port control register (SCON). The contents of the most significant bits of SCON (bits 7 and 6) determine the operating mode (modes 0, I, 2, and 3) of the serial port. Mode 0 is the shift register mode and is programmed by placing a 0 in each of bits 7 and 6 of the SCON. Bit 4 (REN) of the SCON is the receive enable bit. This bit is set to I, while bit I (RI) of the SCON is 0, to receive serial data. In this configuration, data is received at bit 0 of port 3 (P3.0). The synchronizing signal for clocking in this data is output at TXD, which is bit I of port 3 (P3.I). When configured for mode 0, eight bits are received with no trailing stop bit for each enabling of serial reception. The data is received with the least significant bit expected first, the reverse of the order in which the 1LV1549 serial data arrives. Reformatting of the received data is therefore necessary. Interface Circuit Figure 5 shows the interconnections necessary to implement the interface of the 1LV1549 to the 80C51-L microcontroller. CS of the 1LV1549 is driven by bit 4 of port 3 (P3.4) of the 8OC51-L. Vcc+ (3.3 V ± 0.3 V) Vee Vcc 1/2 TLV2262A Analog Input (OV-VCcJ2) P3.1ITXD UOCLOCK REF + DATA OUT ANALOG IN P3.0/RXD XTAL1 P3.4 CS XTAL2 REF10ke P3.31INT1 TLV1549 10ke Interrupt (optional) VCC-(OY) BOC51·L VSS = See Data Sheet for Maximum Frequency OV NOTE: 1/0 clock frequency = microcontroller clock frequency/12 Figure 5. TLV154910-Blt Serial Out ADC-to-80C51-L Mlcrocontroller Interlace Software Listing Similar to the previously described program listings, the following listing contains the subroutine ADC that reads into the 80C51-L ten bits of serial data resulting from a single conversion of the 1LVI549. The number of consecutive conversions performed for each jump to subroutine ADC is equal to the number placed in COUNT. The result of each conversion is overwritten by that of the next conversion in the sequence. 8-133 Program Listing for the TLV1549-to-8OC51-L Interface LOC OBJ LINE 1 2 3 4 5 0049 004B 004D 004E 004F 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0058 0059 005B 005C 005D 005F 0061 0063 8-134 7B02 020029 80F9 D2B4 7410 14 ;* ;* 7 8 9 ;* ;* ;* 11 0022 0022 0024 0027 0029 002B 002D 002E 0030 0032 0035 0038 003A 003C 003F 0041 0043 0045 0046 0047 ;* 6 10 0020 0021 REG SOURCE i* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ;* * TLV1549 - 80C51-L Interface Program ;* * 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 70FD C2B4 759810 3098FD C298 A899 3098FD C29C C298 A999 33 1B EB 34 70EO 35 36 37 7C08 38 AAOO C3 39 E8 40 13 41 42 F8 EA 43 33 44 FA 45 46 1C 47 EC 48 70F5 EA 49 F520 50 E9 51 13 52 F521 53 9209 54 55 C20F 22 56 57 This program contain,s a subroutine ADC which reads in the serial data from the TLV1549 10-bit ADC and places the most significant byte in address 20H and least significant byte in address 21H * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * EQU 20H MSBYTE j* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ;* * LSBYTE COUNT START: ADC: DELAY: LABELl: LABEL2: LOOP: Name data destinations * and COUNT register * j* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ORG 22H ;Set start address MOV COUNT, #02H ;Set COUNT=2 (Do 2 conversion,s) JMP ADC ;Jump to subroutine ADC JMP START ;Repeat above again SETB P3.4 j* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * MOV A, nOH ;* Set Port3 (bit 4) high * DEC A ;* (Sets CS of TLV1549 high) * JNZ DELAY :* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CLR P3.4 MOV SCON, nOH JNB SCON.O, LABELl ;Read in ;most significant CLR SCON.O MOV RO,SBUF ; byte, place in RO JNB SCON.O, LABEL2 ;Read in CLR SCON.4 ;least significant CLR SCON.O ;byte, MOV R1, SBUF ;p1ace in R1 ;COUNT-1 DEC COUNT , MOV A, COUNT JNZ ADC ;If COUNT not - 0, ;do another conversion MOV R4, #08H ;Put 08H in R4 MOV R2, OOH CLR C :* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * MOV A, RO ;* * RRC A ;* * MOV RO, A Reformats MSByte ;* * MOV A, R2 ;. * * RLC A ;* * MOV R2, A ;* * DEC R4 ;* * MOV A, R4 ;* * JNZ LOOP j* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * MOV A, R2 , MOV 20H, A MOV A, R1 ;* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * RRC A ;* * MOV 21H, A Reformats LSByte ;* * MOV 21H.1, C i* * CLR 21H.7 ;* * * * * * * * * * *'* * * * * * * * RET ;Return from subroutine END EQU 21H EQU R3 ;* ;* * ANALOG CONSIDERATIONS Analog Reference for the TLV1549 The REF + terminal of the n,v1549 can be directly connected to the vee rail of the device. This produces accurate results for analog input signals right up to the supply rail. However, if the operational amplifier driving the input is supplied from the same single supply as the ADC, the output of the operational amplifier could possibly be nonlinear up to the rail voltage. Ifthis is a concern, a lower reference voltage as shown in Figure 6 can be applied to REF +providing more headroom for the amplifier. The output of the TL2262A 3-V single-supply operational amplifier can swing to within 10 mV of its positive supply rail. This effectively loses only two least significant bits (LSBs) off the top of the digital output range of the TLV1549 when both the amplifier andADC are powered from the same 3-V supply. The circuit shown in Figure 6 provides a 2.5-V reference to the converter, which restores those bits to the digital output of the TLVlS49 while the maximum analog input swing is reduced to 2.5 V. --~.------------- Vee (3 V) 20kO 1/2TL2262A > - - - - - - . . - . V r e f (2.5 V) ~-4-"" AD589 (1.235-V reference) 10kO 10kO ------__----__-------------------GND Figure 8. User Adjustable 2.5-V Reference Circuit PCB Layout As with all precision analog components, care should be taken in laying out the printed-circuit board (PCB) on which the TLV1549 and chosen microcontroller are placed. The interaction between digital and analog signal paths should be minimized by keeping them as far apart as is physically possible within the constraints of the dimensions of the PCB. Grounding and Decoupllng Each supply terminal to both the TLV1549 and the microcontroller should be decoupled by a ceramic capacitor of approximately 100 nF in value, situated close to the terminal of the device. Digital and analog groundretum paths should be kept separate to prevent any digitally generated currents from corrupting the analog signal. 8-135 APPENDIX A References MC68HC705C8 Technical Data Mantial (1990) M68HC05 Applications Guide 1LV1549 Data Sheet TMS7000 Family Data Manual (1991) Embedded Microcontrollers and Processors Vol. 1 8-136 Motorola Motorola Texas Instruments Incorporated Texas Instruments Incorporated Intel Corporation . TLC2932 Phase-Locked-Loop Building Block With Analog Voltage-Controlled Oscillator and Phase Frequency Detector .1ExAs INSTRUMENTS Printed on Recycled Plpel 8-137 IMPORTANT NOTICE Texas Instruments (TI) reserves the right to make changes to its products or to discontinue any semiconductor product or service without notice, and advises its customers to obtain the latest version of relevant information to verify, before placing orders, that the information being relied on is current. TI warrants performance of its semiconductor products and related software to the specifications applicable at the time of sale in accordance with TI's standard warranty. Testing and other quality control techniques are utilized to the extent TI deems necessary to support this warranty. Specific testing of all parameters of each device is not necessarily performed, except those mandated by government requirements. Certain applications using semiconductor products may invoive potential risks of death, personal injury, or severe property or environmental damage ("Criticai Applications"). TI SEMICONDUCTOR PRODUCTS ARE NOT DESIGNED, INTENDED, AUTHORIZED, OR WARRANTED TO BE SUITABLE FOR USE IN LIFE-SUPPORT APPLICATIONS, DEVICES OR SYSTEMS OR OTHER CRITICAL APPLICATIONS; Inclusion ofTI products in such applications is understood to be fully atthe risk of the customer. Use of TI products in such applications requires the written approval of an appropriate TI officer. Questions concerning potential risk applications should be directed to TI through a local SC sales office. In order to minimize risks. associated with the customer's applications, adequate design and operating safeguards should be provided by the customer to minimize inherent or procedural hazards. TI assumes no liability for applications assistance, customer product design, software performance, or infringement of patents or services described herein. Nor does TI warrant or represent that any license, either express or implied, is granted under any patent right, copyright, mask work right, or other intellectual property right of TI covering or relating to any combination, machine, or process in which such semiconductor products or services might be or are used. Copyright © 1995, Texas Instruments Incorporated ~138 Contents Section Title Page 1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................... 8-143 2 THEORY OF AN ANALOG PHASE-LOCKED LOOP (PLL) ................................ 2.1 Overview ....................................................................... 2.2 General Operation of a PLL ........................................................ 2.2.1 Analysis of a PLL as a Feedback Control System ................................. 2.2.2 Defmitions ............................................................... 2.3 PLL Functional Blocks ............................................................ 2.3.1 Voltage-Controlled Oscillator (VCO) ........................................... 2.3.2 Phase Detector Operation and Types ........................................... 2.4 Loop Filter ...................................................................... 2.5 Transfer Function Using a Lag-Lead Filter ............................................. 2.6 Transfer Function Using an Active Filter ........................................... : .. 2.7 General Design Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2.8 Frequency Division ................................................................ 2.8.1 Prescaler Method .......................................................... 2.8.2 Pulse Swallow Method (2s Modulus Prescaler Method) ............................ 8-144 8-144 8-144 8-144 8-146 8-146 8-146 8-147 8-150 8-150 8--152 8-154 8--157 8-157 8-158 3 TLC2932IPW ......................................................................... 3.1 Overview ....................................................................... 3.2 Voltage-Controlled Oscillator (yCO) ................................................. 3.3 Phase Frequency Detector (PFD) .................................................... 3.4 Loop Filter ...................................................................... 3.5 Setting System Parameters .......................................................... 3.5.1 Setting the Phase Reference Frequency and Output Frequency from a Reference Signal Source .................................................................. 3.5.2 Setting the Frequency Division Ratios of the Programmable Counter and Prescaler ...... 3.5.3 Setting the Lock-Up Time ................................................... 3.5.4 Determining the Damping factor,/;; ............................................ 3.5.5 Calculating the PLL Natural Angular Frequency, Wn .............................. 3.5.6 Calculating VCO Gain, KV .................................................. 3.5.7 Calculating PFD Gain, Ka ................................................... 3.5.8 Lag-Lead Filter Case ....................................................... 3.5.9 Active Filter Case .......................................................... 3.6 Layout Considerations ............................................................. 3.7 Input-Output Protection Circuits ..................................................... 8-160 8-160 8-160 8-160 8-161 8-161 4 APPLICATION EXAMPLE . ............................................................ 4.1 Introduction ..................................................................... 4.2 National Television System Committee (NTSC) Method 4 Frequency Sub-Carrier (fsc), 8 fsc Output Signal Evaluation ..................................................... 4.3 Evaluation Results (phase Reference Frequency - fsc, Output Frequency - 4 fsc) . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4.3.1 Programmable Counter and Prescaler Frequency Division Ratio Settings .............. 4.3.2 Loop Filter Parameter Settings ................................................ 4.3.3 Passive Lag-Lead Filter Used as a Loop Filter. . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . .. 4.3.4 Active Filter Used as a Loop Filter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . .. 4.4 Evaluation Results (Phase Reference Frequency - 4 fsc/910, Output Frequency - 4 fsc) ........................................................ 4.4.1 Programmable Counter and Prescaler Frequency Division Ratio Settings .............. 4.4.2 Loop Filter Settings ........................................................ 8-168 8--168 8-161 8-161 8--162 8--162 8--162 8-162 8-162 8-163 8-164 8-166 8--166 8--168 8-169 8-169 8-170 8-170 8-170 8--171 8--171 8--171 8-139 Contents (Continued) Section ntle 4.4.3 Passive Lag-Lead Filter Used as a Loop Filter .................................... 4.4.4 Active Filter Used as a Loop Filter ............................................. 4.5 Evaluation Results (phase Reference Frequency - fscl91O, Output Frequency - 8 fsc) .......... 4.5.1 Programmable Counter and Prescaler Frequency Division Ratio Settings .............. 4.5.2 Loop Filter Settings ........................................................ 4.5.3 Passive Lag-Lead Filter Used as a Loop Filter .................................... 4.5.4 Active Filter Used as a Loop Filter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4.6 Summary ....................................................................... 4.7 ExatnplesofaPLLApplication ..................................................... 4.7.1 Generating a 4fsc NTSC Signal from aNTSC Signal .............................. 4.7.2 Generating a 4 fsc PAL Signal from a PAL Signal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8-140 Page 8-172 8-172 8-173 8-173 8-174 8-174 8-174 8-175 8-175 8-175 8-176 List of Illustrations Figure Title Page 2-1. Basic PLL Block Diagram ........................................................... 8-144 2-2. Linearized PLL Block Diagram ...................................................... 8-144 2-3. PLL Frequency Synthesizer Block Diagram ............................................. 8-145 2-4. Linearized PLL Frequency Synthesizer Block Diagram .................................... 8-145 2-5. Concept Behind Hold-In Range and Lock-In Range ...................................... 8-146 2-6. OR Gate 'IYpe Phase Detector ........................................................ 8-147 2-7. ExOR Gate 'IYpe Phase Detector ...................................................... 8-148 2-8 . 3-State Buffer 'JYpe Phase Detector .................................................... 8-148 2-9. RS Flip-Flop 'IYpe Phase Detector .................................................... 8-149 2-10. 3-State Phase Frequency Detector. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8-150 2-11. Lag-Lead Filter ................................................................... 8-150 2-12. Active Filter ...................................................................... 8-152 2-13. PLL Step Response Using the Active Filter in 2-17 ....................................... 8-154 2-14. YCO Oscillating Frequency Characteristic .............................................. 8-155 2-15. Phase Frequency Detector Output Characteristic ......................................... 8-156 2-16. Lag-Lead Filter (With Additional Capacitor) ........................................ ~ ... 8-156 2-17. Active Filter (With Additional Capacitor) ............................................... 8-157 2-18. Programmable Counter ............................................................. 8-157 2-19. Prescaler Method .................................................................. 8-157 2-20. PLL Synthesizer Using Prescaler ..................................................... 8-158 2-21. Pulse Swallow Method (2s Modulus Prescaler Method) ................................... 8-158 2-22. PLL Frequency Synthesizer Based on Pulse Swallow Method ............................... 8-159 3-1. Setting the YCO Oscillating Frequency ................................................ 8-160 3-2. TIming ofPFD Operation ........................................................... 8-161 3-3. Block Diagram ofPLL Synthesizer Using the Prescaler Method ..... : ....................... 8-161 3-4. YCO Oscillating Frequency Characteristic .............................................. 8-162 3-5. PLL Transfer Function Gain Characteristics and Phase Characteristics (Lag-Lead Filter used as Loop Filter) .................................................. 8-164 3-6 . PLL Step Response Characteristic (Lag-Lead Filter used as Loop Filter) .................................................. 8-164 3-7 . PLL Transfer Function Gain Characteristics and Phase Characteristics (Active Filter used as Loop Filter) .................................................... 8-165 3-8. PLL Step Response Characteristic (Active Filter used as Loop Filter) .................................................... 8-165 4-1. 4 fsc Output Evaluation Block Diagram ................................................ 8-168 4-2. Evaluation Circuit (Based on Number 2 of Table 4-1) (Lag-Lead Filter Used as Loop Filter) .................................................. 8-169 4-3. Wavefonns Using Passive Lag-Lead Filter (IOOnsldivonhorizontalaxis) ....................................................... 8-170 4-4. Spectrum of the YCO Output Signal When Using a Passive Lag-Lead Filter (100 kH:zJdiv on horizontal axis) .................................. 8-170 8-141 List of DIustrations (Continued) Figure Title 4-5 Wavefonns Using Active Filter (100 nS/div on horizontal axis) .............................. 4-6. Spectrum of the VCO Output Signal When Using an Active Filter l(l00kHzldiv on horizontal axis) ...................................................... 4-7. Wavefonns Using Passive Lag-Lead Filter (100 ns/div on horizontal axis) ............................................. ; ......... 4-8. Spectrum of the VCO Output Signal When Using a Passive Lag-Lead Filter (100 kHzldiv on horizontal axis) ........................... 4-9. Wavefonns Using Active Filter (IOOnS/divonho!izontalaxis) ....................................................... 4-10. Spectrum of the VCO Output Signal When Using an Active Filter (IOOkHzldiv on horizontal axis) ...................................................... 4-11. Wavefonns Using Passive Lag-Lead Filter (100 ns/div on horizontal axis) ....................................................... 4-12. Spectrum of the VCO Output Signal When Using a Passive Lag-Lead Filter (IOOkHzldiv on horizontal axis) ...................................................... 4-13. Waveforms Using an Active Filter (100 ns/div on horizontal axis) ....................................................... 4-14. Spectrum of the VCO Output Signal When Using an Active Filter (100 kHzldiv on horizontal axis) ...................................................... 4-15. Generating a 4 fsc (NTSC) Signal by Multiplying the Horizontal Synchronization Frequency ..... 4-16. Generating a 4 fsc (PAL) Signal by Multiplying the Horizontal Synchronization Frequency,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4-17. Multiplying the Horizontal Synchronization Frequency of a NTSC Signal or PAL Signal to Generate a 13.5 MHz Output ............ ; . .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . .. .. .. . ... Page 8-171 8-171 8-172 8-172 8-173 8-173 8-174 8-174 8-175 8-175 8-176 8-176 8-177 List of Tables Table 3-1. Title Page Frequency Settings ................................................................ 8-161 3-2. Settings for Frequency Divide Ratios of the Programmable Counters and Prescaler .............. 8-162 3-3. PLL Design Specifications .......................................................... 8-163 3-4. 3-5. PLL Circuit Specifications (SELECT Tenninal- H Level) ................................. 8-163 Calculation Example of Lag-Lead Filter Parameters ...................................... 8-163 3-6. Calculation Example of Active Filter Parameters . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . ... 8-165 3-7. Input-Output Protection Circuits ...................................................... 8-166 4-1. 4-2. Evaluation Conditions (VDD - 5 V, TA - 25°C, RBIAS - 3.3 Jill) .........•................. 8-168 Frequency Division Ratio Settings .................................................... 8-169 4-3. 4-4. 4-5. 4-6. 4-7. Loop Filter Parameter Settings' ..........................................' ............. 8-170 8-142 Frequency Division Ratio Settings .................................................... 8-171 Loop Filter Parameter Settings ....................................................... 8-172 Frequency Division Ratio Settings .................................................... 8-173 Loop Filter Parameter Settings ....................................................... 8-174 1 INTRODUCTION The 1LC2932IPW integrated circuit (IC) contains a voltage-controlled oscillator (YCO) and a phase frequency detector (PFD) for use in phase-locked-loop (PLL) circuit blocks. A standalone PLL circuit can be designed with the addition of an external frequency divider and a loop filter. Because the on-chip analog YCO has a wide usable lock frequency range and can cover a wide range of frequencies (11 MHz-50 MHz) previously unavailable, many new applications are now possible. A stable clock output can be achieved with only one external resistor required for the oscillator. The on-chip PFD uses a widely accepted edge-triggered charge pump circuit. The 1LC2932IPW is designed for use as clock frequency generator blocks in digital signal processor (DSP) applications involving video where many video signal frequency bands are possible. Refer to the 1LC2932 data sheet (SLAS097) for other features. For the proper usage of the 1LC2932IPW, basic concepts relating to conventional PLL blocks and examples based on experimental results are described in this application report. In the design of a high perfonnance PLL circuit, the parameters of the peripheral circuits such as the counter frequency division setting and the loop filter parameters are determined by the application. The fundamentals needed to produce a high perfonnance PLL are discussed, and the YCO, PFD, frequency divider, and loop filter are examined individually and then as a group. 11-143 2 THEORY OF AN ANALOG PHASE·LOCKED LOOP (PLL) 2.1 Overview A phase-locked loop is a feedback controlled circuit that maintains a constant phase difference between a reference signal and an oscillator output signal. 2.2 General Operation of a PLL Figure 2-1 shows a basic block diagram of a PLL. A phase frequency detector compares the phase of the yeO output frequency, fose, with the phase of a reference signal frequency, fref' A phase detector output pulse is generated in proportion to that phase difference. This pulse is smoothed by passing it through a loop filter. The resulting dc component is used as the input voltage for controlling the yeo. The output of the yeO, fos e• is fed back to the phase frequency detector input for comparison which in tum controls the yeO oscillating frequency to minimize the phase difference. Therefore, both frequency and phase are made the same, i.e., fose - frefand eose - eref, such that the phase and frequency of the yeo and the reference signal source are in a locked state. Reference Signal Source fREF eREF Phase Frequency Detector KA ...,..... • Oscillator Outputs: fosc,90sc Loop Filter KF(S) f-- Voltage Controlled Oscillator KV(s) -+- Figure 2-1. Basic PLL Block Diagram Therefore, the PLL is a negative feedback circuit which compares the current value to a reference value to make the difference as close to zero as possible. 2.2.1 Analysis of a PLL as a Feedback Control System An analysis can be performed using the linearized block diagram in Figure 2-2. Reference Signel Source eREF(s) + - Ke ...,..... Control Level (Vel KF(S) KV(s) !--< .... eosc (s) ~ Figure 2-2. Linearized PLL Block Diagram The parameters in Figure 2-2 are defined as follows: Ka - gain of the phase frequency detector (V/rad) Kp - transfer function of the loop filter (YN) y c - yeO control level Ye - yeo control level s - Laplace variable Using a Laplace transform, the closed-loop transfer function can be expressed as: eosc(s) eREp(s) Ke X Kp(s) x Ky(s) = 1 + Ke x KF(s) x Ky(s) = W(s) (2.1) The yeO transform gain, Kv, is a function of time. Since phase is the time integral of frequeJ?cy, the gain can be expressed as follows: Ky Ky(s) = -sThe phase frequency detector gain is assumed to not to be a function of frequency. 8-144 (2.2) From equation 2.1 and equation 2.2 W (s) Ke x KF(s) x Ky = ---.,....:::--""="-:-:-----:==_ s + Ke x KF(s) x Ky (2.3) This equation is the general linear transfer function for a PLL. The PLL has become widely used as a frequency synthesizer by generating frequencies from a single reference signal source such as a crystal oscillator. Consider the operation of the PLL frequency synthesizer in Figure 2-3. Reference Signal Source fREFIN, eRE FIN Frequency Divider (Ratio: M) fREF eREF ~ Phase Frequency Detector -.... Loop Filter • f+- Oscillator Yoltage Controlled ~~ Outputs: foac,eosc Oacillator Frequency Divider (Ratio: N) Figure 2-3. PLL Frequency Synthesizer Block Diagram Since the signal from the reference signal source is used to generate the desired frequency in a frequency synthesizer, only frequencies at multiples of the reference frequency can be obtained. The phase frequency detector compares the signal from the lIN frequency divider which divides the output signal of the YCO, and the signal from the 11M frequency divider which divides the output signal of the referer..ce signal source, and controls the YCO frequency in such a way so that both frequency and phase are the same. f f' f Therefore ...!!L!!! = osc (2.4) and the oscillating frequency, fosc = frefm x ~ (2.5) M N The closed-loop transfer function of the PLL in equation 2.1 can now be considered. If 11M and liN frequency dividers are inserted into the block diagram of Figure 2-3, then Figure 2-2 becomes Figure 2-4. Control Level (Ve> eREF(s) Reference Signal Source ~ 11M +'J......+- - Ke eosc(s)lN --+- I Ky(s) KF(s) 1/N --4 ..... eoac(s) I Figure 2-4. Linearized PLL Frequency Synthesizer Block Diagram Thus, the closed-loop transfer function can be expressed by the following equation: W(s) = Ke x Kp(s) x Ky Ke x Kp(s) x Ky s + N (2.6) If the multiplication parameter N is set to 1 in equation 2.6, it becomes equation 2.3. In this application report, equation 2.6 is used as the closed-loop transfer function for the PLL. From equations 2.3 and 2.6, the closed-loop transfer function of the PLL is heavily dependent on the characteristics of the loop filter which is discussed later in this application report. 8-145 2.2.2 Definitions Free Running Frequency The free oscillating frequency of the YCO whim it is in an unlocked state is called the free running frequency. Hold-In Range (Lock Range) and Lock-In Range (Capture Range) When the PLL is in the phase-locked state, the frequency range in which the frequency of the input reference signal, fREF can slowly be pulled away from the free running frequency of the YCO but still maintain the phase-locked condition is called the hold-in range or lock range. When the PLL is not in the phase-locked state, if the frequency of the input signal, fREF' slowly approaches the free running frequency of the YCO, the frequency range in which the input signal becomes phase-locked is called the lock-in range or capture range. ~--.....- - Frequency \--+--4--- Frequency fO : PLL Free Running Frequency t.fL : Lock-In Frequency Range t.fH : Hold-In Frequency Range I ~ Figure 2-5. Concept Behind Hold-In Range and Lock-In Range Referring to the conceptual diagram in Figure 2-5, if the input signal frequeny is increased slowly from a very low frequency not phase-locked to the YCO free running frequency, phase-lock occurs at frequency fl. If the input signal frequency continually increases, it will pass through the free running frequency and then become unlocked at frequency f2' Conversely, if the input signal frequency is decreased slowly from a very high frequency not phase-locked to the YCO free running frequency, phase lock occurs at frequency f3' If the input signal frequency continually increases, it will pass through the free running frequency and the PLL becomes unlocked at frequency f4' The hold-in range, MH, and lock-in range, ML, can be expressed as the following equations: MH = (f2 - f4) (2.7) ML = (f3 - f 1) (2.8) Normally, the relationship of t.fH > t.fL exists. Lock-Up Time (Acquisition Time) The amount of time required for the loop to phase lock is called lock-up time or acquisition time. 2.3 PLL Functional Blocks 2.3.1 Voltage-Controlled Oscillator (VCO) The YCO is an oScillator circuit with the following characteristics whose output frequency is controlled by a voltage. • Kv - YCO gain (rad/Y/sec) from Section 2.2.1 • Stable with respect to external disturbances (change in voltage, temperature, etc.) • Control voltage versus oscillating frequency should ideally be linear • Frequency adjustment should be simple 8-146 Because it is extremely difficult to satisfy all these conditions at the same time, a suitable oscillator should be chosen based on the application. Oscillators that are typically used include the following: • • • Crystal oscillator LC oscillator CR oscillator For a VCO utilizing any of the above oscillation techniques, many excellent technical books and articles on VCO circuit design should be used. 2.3.2 Phase Detector Operation and Types A phase detector detects phase differences between two input signals and produces a voltage based on this phase difference. Phase detectors can be either analog or digital. For analog, representative devices are ring modulators and multipliers which are also called double balanced mixers. For digital, representative devices are OR-gates, ExOR-gates, RS flip-flops, 3-state buffers, and phase frequency detectors. Only the digital phase detectors are discussed in this application report. OR-Gate Type Phase Detector The simplest form of digital type phase detectors is the OR-gate type shown in Figure 2--6(a). For an OR-gate type phase detector, the output signal duty cycle varies depending on the phase difference, as shown in Figure 2--6(b). Then this output signal is smoothed by an integrator. The resulting output voltage in relation to the phase difference is shown in Figure 2--6(c). Input Signal 1 =D-- Input Signal 2 Output Signal Input Signal 1 (a) OR GATE Input Signal 2 Output o Phase Difference ruL ~ J u L (b) INPUT AND OUTPUT SIGNALS OF OR GATE (el OR GATE TYPE PHASE DETECTOR OUTPUT CHARACTERISTIC (OUTPUT SIGNAL SMOOTHED BY AN INTEGRATOR) Figure 2-6. OR Gate Type Phase Detector 8-147 ExOR-Gate Type Phase Detector An ExOR gate phase detector is shown in Figure 2-7(a). InplltSIgnal1 =D- Inpllt Signal 2 OlltPllt Signal . (a) ExOR GATE o InplltSIgnal1 ~ Input Signal 2 ~ Output lJ1JUlf Phase Difference (e) ExOR GATE TYPE PHASE DETECTOR OUTPUT CHARACTERISTIC (OUTPUT SIGNAL SMOOTHED BY AN INTEGRATOR) (b) ExOR GATE INPUT AND OUTPUT SIGNALS Figure 2-7. ExOR Gate Type Phase Detector For this type of phase detector, the duty cycle of the output signal varies depending on the phase difference, as shown in Figure 2-7(b). This output signal is also smoothed by an integrator. The resulting output voltage in relation to the phase difference is shown in Figure 2-7(c). For this ExOR-gate type of phase detector, as compared to an OR-gate type of phase detector, the integrator output signal swings from 0 V to the supply voltage, VOO. Moreover, because the ExOR-gate output frequency is twice that of the OR-gate, the high frequency components are more easily filtered out by the integrator. However, when using an ExOR-gate as a phase detector, if each input signal duty cycle is not 50%, the output voltage generated from the phase difference does not have acceptable linear characteristics. Therefore, care must be exercised when using this type of phase detector. 3-State Buffer Type Phase Detector A 3-state buffer phase detector is shown in Figure 2-8(a). The 3-state buffer phase detector output characteristic, as shown in Figure 2-8(c), is basically the same as ExORgate phase detector. However, when input signal 2 is high, the output is in a high impedance state as shown in Figure 2-8(b). Inpllt Signal 1 InputSIgnel2 -----f':>o.-~ Output Signal Input Signal 1 ~ InplltSIgnal2 ~ . (a) 3-STATE BUFFER Output o na..___ (b) 3-STATE BUFFER INPUT AND OUTPUT SIGNALS (OUTPUT HIGH IMPEDANCE WHEN INPUT SIGNAL 2 IS HIGH) Phase Difference (e) 3-STATE BUFFER TYPE PHASE DETECTOR OUTPUT CHARACTERISTIC (OUTPUT SIGNAL SMOOTHED BY AN INTEGRATOR) . Figure 2-8. 3-State Buffer Type Phase Detector 8-148 -.Il R-S Flip-Flop Type Phase Detector A R-S flip-flop phase detector is shown in Figure 2-9, and the input and output signals are shown in Figure 2-9(b). As shown inFigure 2-9(c), a RS flip-flop type phase detector has twice the comparison range of an ExOR gate type phase detector. The R-S flip-flop type phase detector can be constructed using only an R-S flip flop. The pulse width of the input signal pulses is small, so a SET-RESET error difference do not cause a significant error. This condition can be solved by inserting AND-gates as shown in Figure 2-9(a). Input Signal 1 Output Signal --""1.._ Input Signal 2 Input Signal 1 Input Signal 2 Jl__. . .n. ___ n nL -----' ",,----I outPut~ (a) R-S FLIP-FLOP ~l .-S 'UP-FLOP INPUT AND OUTl'UT ..GNALS o Phaaa Difference (e) R-S FLIP-FLOP TYPE PHASE DETECTOR OUTPUT CHARACTERISTIC (OUTPUT SIGNAL SMOOTHED BY.AN INTEGRATOR) Figure 2--9. RS Flip-Flop Type Phase Detector Phase Frequency Detector (PFD) Of the phase detectors currently available, the most commonly used in a PLL is a circuit called a phase frequency detector. Figure 2-10(a) show~ an example of a phase frequency detector. In Figure 2-1 O(b), when the input signal 2 phase lags that of input signal 1, phase detector output D goes high starting from the rising edge of input signal 1 to the rising edge of input signal 2, that is, during the period of time corresponding to a phase difference between inputs 1 and 2, output D goes high. During this same period, output U stays low. When the phase of input 2 leads that of input 1, output D stays low from the rising edge of input 2 to the rising edge of input 1. During that time, U goes high. When both inputs 1and 2 have the same phase, both outputs D and U stay low. Depending on the phase detector outputs D and U, the charge pump MOS transistors are turned on and off resulting in output levels of VOH, VOL, or high impedance. So when D is high and U is low, the MOS transistor Ql is on and Q2 is off, therefore, the outputlevelis VOH. When U is high and D is low, Q2 is on and Ql is off, resulting in the output level of VOL' When both D and U are low, Ql and Q2 are both off and the output becomes high impedance. In this way, the output level is proportional to the phase difference. The output signal characteristic is shown in Figure 2-10(c). 8-149 VDD Input Signal 1 D Input Signal 1 n n n .J L-J. L-J L Input Signal 2 U [---------~- VOH Input Signal 2 Output ~--~v Phase Detector ~--VOL V~------JI Charge Pump (a) 3-STATE PHASE FREQUENCY DETECTOR VOH outpu[ Voltage Level (b) PHASE FREQUENCY DETECTOR ~_ _ ._ _..!NPUT AND OUTPUT SIGNALS - VOL - - -:-2n; - 0 - - 2n;-- Phase Difference (c) PHASE FREQUENCY DETECTOR OUTPUT CHARACTERISTIC Figure 2-10. 3-8tate Phase Frequency Detector 2.4 Loop Filter The loop filter smooths the output pulses of the phase detector and the resulting dc component is the VCO input. From the closed-loop transfer function (equation 2.6) obviously the loop filter is very important in determining the characteristics of the PLL response. Some examples of a loop filter are a lag filter, a lag-lead filter, and an active filter. Among these, the most commonly used are the lag-lead filter and the active filter. For these two filters, the PLL closed loop transfer functions are derived, and design examples for the filter parameters are shown. 2.5 Transfer Function Using a Lag-Lead Filter First, the lag-lead filter transfer function is derived from Figure 2-11. If a Laplace transform is taken, then V0 K () _ I + sCI x R2 VD = F s - I + sCI(RI + R2) Where 't l = CI x RI, 't2 = CI I + S't 2 ( ) I + s 't l + 'tr (2.9) x R2 VD----:r (2.10) R1 vo C1J; Figure 2-11. Lag-Lead Filter 8-150 By substituting equation 2.9 into equation 2.6 and rearranging the tenns, the PLL closed-loop transfer function is W(s) = 1 + st2 ..,..-----,--------,----""-------~--- {h + t2)/K} (2.11) x s2 + {(N + K x t2)/(N x K)} x s + 1/N Where x KV Ke (2.12) = K If this equation is further expanded, it becomes W(s) = W l(s) + W 2(s) ={ h + t 2)/K} x s2 + {(N I+ K x t2)/(N x K)} x s + l/N + (2.13) st2 {h + t 2)/K} x s2 + {(N + K x t 2)/(N x K)} x s + l/N The general transfer function for a second order system is shown below G(s) = 1 (2.14) (I/Wn2) x s2 + (2S/wn) x s + 1 Where Wn is the natural angular frequency and ~ is the damping factor. If, in equation 2.15 the right hand side first tenn is designated as Wl(s) and the second tenn as W2(s), then Wl(s) is a second order system as in equation 2.14 and W2(s) is a second order lag with gain of t2 multiplied by s. If W 1(s) is equated to equation 2.14 and the coefficients compared WI (s) = 1 + st2 {h + t 2)/K} x s2 + {(N + K x t2)/(N x K)} x s + 1/N (2.15) 1 (1/wn2) x s2 + (2S/wn) x s + 1 the following are derived (2.16) S = 1 + Kt2 2jN(tl+t2)XK = Wn(t2 +.t:!) 2 (2.17) K Similarly for W2(S) W 2(s) = st2 {(tl + t 2 )/K} x s2 + {(N + K x t2)/(N x K)} x (2.18) S + l/N (2~/wn - N/K) x s 8-151 Thus, using a lag-lead filter, the PLL closed-loop transfer function becomes W(s) ,= W (s) 1 +W 1 + (2~/oon - N/K) x s (1/00J) x s2 + (2~/oon> x s + 1 (s) = 2 (2.19) From the above result, design equations fot lag-lead filter parameters are derived. 1ft} - C1 x R1 and t2 - C2 x R2 are substituted into equations 2.16 and 2.17 respectively and solved for R1 and R2, the following equations are derived: R1 = (....lL x 1.. - ~ + N) x .l... oon 2, N oon K C1 R2 = (2~ _ oon (2.20) N) x .l... K (2.21) C1 2.6 Transfer Function Using an Active Filter When using an active filter, the PLL closed-loop transfer function and design equation for filter parameters are derived in the same fashion as in Section 2.5. First, the Laplace transform is taken and the transfer function of an active filteris derived. Figure 2-12 shows an example of an active filter. t Voltage used for single ended power supply systems. Figure 2-12. Active Filter The transfer function for the active filter is 1 + sCI KF(s) x R2 1 + st2 = sCl(Rl + R2) = ~ (2.22) Where t} = C1 x R1 and t2 = C1 x R2 (2.23) From the PLL closed-loop transfer function, if Kp(s) is substituted into equation 2.6 and equation 2.6 is simplified, it becomes (2.24) Where Ke x KV =K (2.25) as before. 1f this equation is expanded further, it becomes W(s) = W 1(s) + W 2(s) 1 = h/K) x s2 + (t2/N) h/K) x s2 + (t2/N) + (2.26) x s + l/N x + l/N st2 S As shown before, second order lag resonators can be expressed as equation 2.14. 8-152 Following the procedure in Section 2.5. IfWl(S) is equated to equation 2.14 WOO1 h/ K) x s2 1 + ('t2/N) _ x s + I/N 1 + (2~/wn) (I/Wn 2) x s2 x S+ 1 (2.27) the following are derived wn - jNZ;1 s - ;~ - (2.28) j'tl/(N/K) - ~n (2.29) 't2 Similarly for W2(S) W (s) _ 2 S't2 (2~/wo) x s _ h/K) x s2 + ('t2/N) x S + I/N (I/Wn2) x s2 + (2~wrJ x s +1 (2.30) Thus for the active filter, the PLL closed-loop transfer function becomes W(8) _ W (8) 1 +W (s) _ 2 1 + (~/wn> x s (I/W;) x s2 + (2~/wn> x s + 1 (2.31) From the above result, the design equation for active filter parameters can be derived. If'tl - Cl x Rl and't2 -Cl x R2 are substituted into equations 2.28 and 2.29 respectively, and solved for Rl and R2, the following two equations are derived: Rl - ..JL x .1 x .L wn 2 N R2-~X.L wn Cl Cl (2.32) (2.33) 8-153 2.7 General Design Procedures Based on a PLL step response, the damping factor can be chosen, the natural angular frequency can be evaluated,and the characteristics of response time and relative stability can be examined. For the PLL transfer function in equation 2.31, the step responses of several cases are shown in Figure 2-13. As shown, the smaller the 1; value the larger the ringing, and a large 1; value results in little or no ringing. Also, a larger Clln results in a faster response time. The step response for a PLL using an active filter as a loop filteris shown in Figure 2-13. When a passive lag-lead filter is used, if the condition Clln «KIN is met for equation 2.19, the step response is similar to the step response shown. 1.9 1.8 I Y 1.7 \ 1.6 1.5 1.4 ~ 1.3 l)' Ii::s f "i-lr--.., 1.1 I&. -; / ~ 0.9 1z 0.8 0 . e: 0 / / \V , ~ ~ I / / r--~=0.7 ~ ~~ ~ r/~ rJ /j -, I -' \ / / \ 'V II 1\ 0.6 \ VI ~ r-~=2.0 ~ ,- \ ' - ~ = 1.0 ~ I ~ I I 0.7 ~=0.4 1\ \ I " 1.2 ) 1 ~ =0.1 V- J \\.... l.// 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 o I o 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Figure 2-13. PLL Step Response Using the Active Filter in Figure 2-17 8-154 12 13 To design a PLL system, ~ is selected first. Then from the step response characteristic, the value of CIlnt, at which the response is decayed to within 5% of the fmal value, is found. Then CIlnt is divided by the desired lock-up time, ts' to detennine CIln. The following steps should be followed. I. ~ 2. Assume ~ is selected to be 0.7. is a measure of stability. and usually ~ is selected to be between 0.6 to 0.8. 3. The value of CIlnt from the step response characteristic is determined to be 4.5 for response settling within 5%. 4. Lock-up time, la, is detennined by system requirements. 5. The PLL natural angular frequency, CIln, is W n = wn'!: = 4.5 (rad/sec) ts ts (2.34) This criterion varies depending on the system application. It is app1"9priate to pick the natural frequency (fn - ~2rr.) to be one tenth to one hundredth of the reference frequency of the phase frequency detector. 6. The frequency division ratio is detennined from the reference frequency and the desired frequency according to equation 2.5. 7. Determine the veo gain parameter, KV. An example of a veo oscillating frequency characteristic is shown in Figure 2-14. I fMAX J I 1MIN I ~ Yeo - Control Voltage - Y Figure 2~14. YCO Oscillating Frequency Characteristic From the oscillating frequency characteristic of Figure 2-14, the veo gain can be determined using the following equation: K V = f MAX - f MIN x 2n [rad/sec/Vl VMAX - VMIN (2.35) Where fMAX - maximum frequency at which the linearity of the oscillating frequency versus the veo control voltage can be maintained. fMIN - minimum frequency at which the linearity of the oscillating frequency versus the veo control voltage can be maintaitted. VMAX - control voltage at which the veo oscillating frequency is fMAX vMIN - control voltage at which the veo oscillating freq~y is fMIN 8-155 I \ VOH - - - -- Output Voltage Range VOL - - - - - - - - - - -2lt 0 2lt ~ Detectlon~ Phase Range Figure 2-15.. Phase Frequency Detector Output Characteristic 8. Detennine the phase detector gain parameter, Ko Based on the phase frequency detector output characteristic in Figure 2-15, the phase detector gain can be determined from equation 2.36. Ke = VOH - VOL 41t (2.36) [V jrad] Where VOH - maximum output voltage VOL - minimum output voltage 9. For other types of phase detectors, the phase detector gain can be detennined in the same fashion. Filter parameters can be determined by substituting each of the values detennined in steps 1 through 8 into the corresponding equations. For the lag-lead filter. substituting the desired values of ron. ~. N. and K into equations 2.20 and 2.21. the filter parameters can be determined by choosing an appropriate value for Cl. For a practical loop filter, a second order lag-lead filter with an additional capacitor C2. as shown in Figure 2-16. to minimize spurious noise at the VCO input should be used. R1 ---'\IV'v--+-~~1C~2f Figure 2-16. Lag-Lead Filter (With Additional Capacitor) The value of C2 should be less than or equal to ClIlO to keep C2 from affecting the low-pass filter response while providing adequate noise filtering. Similarly for the case of an active filter. substituting the desired values of ron. ~. N. and K into equations 2.32 and 2.33. the filter parameters can be determined by choosing an appropriate value for Cl. Also when using an active filter as the loop filter. as shown in Figure 2-17. a second order active filter with one additional capacitor should be used. . . . The additional capacitor C2 is used for compensating the R2 high frequency response. The cutoff frequency. roc. of C2 and R2 should be chosen to be 10 times that of the natural frequency. ron. of the PLL. roc = (C2 8-156 ~ R2) 5!! lOron (2.37) C2 R1 VCC -2- = VREF -----I Figure 2-17. Active Filter (With Additional Capacitor) 2.8 Frequency Division When given an input signal with frequency f, a circuit that generates a fiN (N an integer) signal synchronized to the input signal is called a frequency divider. Usually frequency dividers use programmable counters like the one shown in Figure 2-18 (programmable meaning that the frequency divide ratio N can be changed and controlled externally). 1-_ _ _ Output Signal Frequency: fI N Input Signal - - - - t Frequency: f Control Signal for Setting Frequency Divide Ratio (Ratio: N) Figure 2-18. Programmable Counter The construction of a PLL frequency divider using a programmable counter, and the prescaler and pulse swallow methods (2s modulus prescaler method) are discussed in the following sections. 2.8.1 Prescaler Method If the frequency, f, of an input signal is too high, a divide can be added using an additional programmable counter in the feedback path. As shown in Figure 2-19, the frequency can be divided before the programmable counter using a fixed frequency divider (prescaler) operating at high speed, this lowers the input frequency to the programmable counter. This method is called the prescaler method. Input Signal to Progremmable Counter Frequency: flPI Input Signal Frequency: f Output Signal Frequency: fI (p x N) Frequency Divide Ratio: P (FIxed) Control Signal for Setting Frequency Divide Ratio (RatiO: N) Figure 2-19. Prescaler Method The pre scaler frequency dividing ratio is fixed. As shown in Figure 2-19, if the prescaler frequency divide ratio is P and the programmable counter frequency dividing ratio is N, then the total frequency divide ratio becomes P x N. As shown in Figure 2-20, if the frequency dividing ratios M and N of the programmable counters are changed, the veo oscillating frequency is changed in steps ofP/M times the phase-reference frequency. Thus the channel space (frequency resolution) becomes fREF x PIM. The PLL fREF should be chosen to be MIP of the channel space. Thus, iffREF is low, the loop-filter time parameters must be designed to be large with respect to fREF; however, the lock-up time can become too large for the application. Noise effects must be considered as well. 8-157 Reference Signal Source REF, 9REF Frequency Divide (Ratio: M) Phase Frequency Detector -+- - ~ Frequency Divide (Ratio: N) Loop Filter f-+- -+- Voltage Controlled Oseillator Pre_ler (Frequency Divide Ratio: P) --1 ....... Oselllator Outputa: fose,90se --+- Figure 2-20. PLL Synthesizer Using Prescaler 2.8.2 Pulse Swallow Method (2s Modulus Prescaler Method) When the channel space is equal to 11M of the reference frequency, fREF' the technique is called the pulse swallow method. This method uses a prescalerwhose frequency divide ratio can be changed by a control signal as shown in Figure 2-21. I Input Signal - . Frequency: f Prescaler (Frequency Divide Ratio: P, P + 1) Modu Ius Signal II .. Programmable Counter (Frequency Divide Ratio: N) Output Signal Frequency: fO =f/(P x N + S) Where N > S, S > P t Control Signal for Setting Frequency Divide Ratio Swallow Counter (Frequency Divide Ratio: S) . r-- t Control Signal for Setting Frequency Divide Ratio Figure 2-21. Pulse Swallow Method (2s Modulus Prescaler Method) The prescaler frequency divide ratio is P or P+ 1. The counter consists of a programmable counter and a swallow counter which is used to control the prescaler. The frequency divide ratios are N and S respectively. When the swallow counter is operating, the prescaler frequency divide ratio is P+ 1. The programmable counter and the swallow counter operate in parallel with the condition N > S. The swallow counter counts up to S and then generates a modulus signal to switch the prescaler. Then the prescaler's frequency divide ratio becomes P. Thus, during the time period in which the swallow counter is dividing the frequency while counting up to S (time period SIN), the total frequency divide ratio is (P+ 1) x N. During the remaining time period, N-8, in which the programmable counter divides the frequency [time period (N-S)/Nl, the total frequency divide ratio is P x N. Now the output signal frequency can be expressed by the following equation: fo = f/(P x N + S) (2.38) By examining the actual operation of the PLL shown in Figure 2-22 and equation 2.38, P is the coefficient for N but not for S. Thus, each time the value of S changes, the frequency only changes by fREPM. By using the pulse swallow method and a prescaler, a channel space of fREp'M can be obtained. 8-158 , Reference Signal Source 9REF Programmable Counter (Ratio: M) -+- Phase Frequency Detector -+- - Frequency Divider (Ratio: N) ~ Swallow Counter r+- Programmable Counter Used for SwallOW Counter I (1/S) Loop Filter f-+- i Oscillator Voltage Controlled ~~ Outputs: fosc,90sc Oscillator Prasceler (1/p, 1/p + 1) Figure 2-22. PLL Frequency Synthesizer Based on Pulse Swallow Method Many variations exist by combining frequency dividers. A specific frequency divider technique can be adopted according to the application. 8-159 3 TLC2932IPW 3.1 Overview The TI..C2932IPW can be used for designing high perfonnance PLLs and consists of a voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) operating at up to 50 MHz and an edge detection type phase frequency detector (PFD). In the design of a PLL, the VCO lock range is detennined by the value of a single external bias resistor. In addition, by using the inhibit fuTIction, the VCO can be turned off to reduce power dissipation. By switching the VCO output select tenninal extemally, the output frequency can be divided in half. Thus, lower frequencies can be produced and a 50% duty cycle can be achieved. With the on-chip charge pump, the PFD detects the phase difference between the rising edges of an external input signal and a phase-reference signal from a reference signal source. Also the PFD output can be controlled externally by the input state to a high impedance output. The design of a TI..C2932IPW system, calculations of loop filters, layout considerations, and input-output protection circuits are explained in the following sections. 3.2 Voltage-Controlled Oscillator (VCO) The TI..C2932IPW VCO has the following special features: • The VCO only requires one external bias resistor for oscillation and for setting the VCO variable oscillating frequency range. As shown in Figure 3-1, the possible lock frequency range is from 22 MHz to 50 MHz. The range of possible settings for bias resistance is 1.5 kO to 3.3 kO. Possible Range of Veo Oscillating Frequency :I!I f I Ig Value of Bias Resistance Settings 1.6 k.Q 3.3 k.Q N o veo - Control Voltage - V Figure 3-1. Setting the veo Oscillating Frequency • • By switching the VCO select terminal externally, the output frequency can be divided in half'to produce a lower frequency; moreover, a duty cycle of 50% is possible. By using this function, the possible frequency range is extended to 11 MHz. Video applications at 14.31818 MHz are possible. TI..C2932IPW VCO has an inhibit function that is controlled externally the output waveform can be initialized power dissipation during power down can be reduced For detailed specifications, refer to the TI..C2932 data sheet. 3.3 Phase Frequency Detector (PFD) TI..C2932IPW PFD has the following special features: • The PFD is a high speed edge triggered type with charge pump. As shown in Figure 3-2, the difference between the rising edges of two input signal frequencies can be detected. • Depending on the external controller, the PFD output can be placed in a high impedance state is static when put in the power down mode 8-160 FIN-A FIN-B PFD Out Jl------------------------------lLf~~= VOH High Impedance VOL FIN-A: Phase-reference frequency Input from reference signal source FIN-B: Externallnputfrequency Figure 3-2. Timing of PFD Operation 3.4 Loop Filter The loop filter design shown is based on the design equations for loop filter parameters derived in Sections 2.5. and 2.6. Figure 3.3 shows a design based on the block diagram of a PLL synthesizer using the prescaler method. r---------~--------~ Reference Signal Source fREF, 9REF Programmable Counter (Frequency Division Ratio: M) I I 4I r--- - - I Phase Frequency Detactor I I -T+l I Loop Flltar L __ __ .J~ I VCO (Voltage Controlled OSCillator) ~ L _____ I I I Oscillator ~~ Outputs: fose,90se I -.JI TLC29321PW --+- Programmsble Countar (Frequency Division Ratio: N) ...... Prascaler (Frequency Division Ratio: P) - Figure 3-3. Block Diagram of PLL Synthesizer Using the Prescaler Method 3.5 Setting System Parameters 3.5.1 Setting the Phase Reference Frequency and Output Frequency from a Reference Signal Source Each frequency is set to the values shown in Table 3-1. A 14.31818 MHz crystal is used as the reference signal source. This frequency is divided by 910 so that it can be used as the phase reference frequency. Then, the yeO output signal is 14.31818 MHz. Table 3-1. Frequency Settings SYMBOL VALUE UNIT Oscillating frequency REFERENCE SIGNAL SOURCE fREF 14.31818 MHz Phase reference frequency freflM 14.318181910 MHz fose 14.31818 MHz Output frequency 3.5.2 Setting the Frequency Division Ratios of t,he Programmable Counter and Prescaler Using the settings in '{able 3-1, the frequency division ratios of the programmable counter and prescaler can be determined. However, this time the design proceeds based on the settings in Table 3-2. In practice, the frequency division ratio for the prescaler is based on the frequency operating range of the programmable counter input signal. 8-161 Table 3-2. Settings for Frequency Division Ratios of the Programmable Counters and Prescaler PARAMETER VALUE Programmable counter (Phase reference frequency side) NAME M 910 Programmable counter N 455 Presceler P 2 Therefore, the total frequency division ratio becomes P x N - 910. 3.5.3 Setting the Lock.Up Time The required lock-up time is 2 ms which is the time it takes for the phase to lock and is dependent on system requirements. 3.5.4 Determining the Damping factor, The damping factor, s S, is chosen to be 0.7. 3.5.5 Calculating the PLL Natural Angular Frequency, Cl>n For S= 0.7 and from equation 2.34, ron is calculated to be CI> n = Cl>nt = t = 2250 (rad/sec) 4.5 2 x 10-3 3.5.6 Calculating YCO Gain, Ky Figure 3-4 shows an example of the oscillating frequency characteristic of the 1LC2932 internal VCO. The VCO gain is calculated from a characteristic curve in the data sheet. By switching the SELECT terminal, the output frequency is divided in half and the resulting characteristic curve is shown in Figure 3-4. 40 TA=25°e N 35 I- VDD =5V :::I! RSIAS = 3.3 kn 30 I- SELECT = H :c I r;o c CD :::I 25 II. aI 20 ~ 15 r C ~ 10 I 0 5 ~fMAX "" / V I 1/ fMIN / / ~" VMIN VMAX V V 2 3. 4 5 Veo - Control Voltage - V Figure 3-4. YCO Oscillating Frequency Characteristic The VCO gain, KY,from equation 2.35 is K V = fMAX - fMIN VMAX - VMIN x 23t = (27.5 ; 2) t 106 x 23t !: 41 x 106 [rad/sec/V] (3.1) 3.5.7 Calculating PFD Gain, Ke The PFD output characteristic is shown in Figure 2-15. By substituting the values obtained from the data sheet into equation 2.36, the PFD gain is calculated to. be Ke 8-162 !: 0.34 [Y /rad] (3.2) The design and circuit specifications mentioned above are listed in Tables 3-3 and 3-4. Table 3-3. PLL Design Specifications DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS SYMBOL NAME Radian value to selected lock-up time UNIT VALUE t; PLL damping factor 0.7 4.5 ront t 0.002 Desired output frequency fosc 14.318180 Phase reference frequency fREF 15734.26374 Lock-up time rad s MHz Hz Table 3-4. PLL Circuit Specifications (SELECT Terminal CIRCUIT SPECIFICATIONS (VDD =H Level) =5 v, RBIAS =3.3 ItO, TA =25°C) NAME SYMBOL VALUE veo frequency range fMAX 27 fMIN 7.5 veo control voltage range VMAX 4 VMIN 1 VOH 4.5 VOL 0.2 Phase detector output level 12.56 Phase detector range of detection Frequency divide ratio N 910 PLL natural angular frequency ron 2250 UNIT MHz V V rad radlsec 3.5.8 Lag-Lead Filter Case From the design and circuit specifications above and using the lag-lead filter of Figure 2-16, C2 is selected to be 1110 of the Cl value. The calculations are shown in Table 3-5. The transfer function gain characteristics and phase characteristics are shown in Figure 3-5 and the step response is shown in Figure 3-6. Table 3-5. Calculation Example of Lag-Lead Filter Parameters LAG-LEAD FILTER PARAMETER VALUE C1 1.00E-{).6 F R1 2476 R2 557 n n 1.00E-{)7 C2 Where C2 - C1 x 1/10 UNIT F 8-163 20 "" 0 '" -20 0 -40 I· I \ Gain .Characterlstlc ~ -80 "" .c Go 4S -80 c -100 'a 1 ~ f'. -120 ./ '\ -140 ~ ' \ Phaae Characteristic -180 .~ -180 10 1k 100 10k 100k 1M 10M f - Frequency - Hz Figure 3-5. PLL Transfer Function Gain Characteristics and Phase Characteristics (Lag-Lead Filter used as Loop Filter) 1.2 I ! ( I o. '" 1'-0.. ( .' 0.6 1 I 0.4 z 0.2 o o 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 Tlme-s Figure 3-6. PLL Step Response Characteristic (Lag-Lead Filter used as Loop Filter) 3.5.9 Active Filter Case The active filter is shown in Figure 2-17. Each parameter can be calculated using equations 2.32 and 2.33. C2 is calculated from equation 2.37 in Section 2.7. Table 3-6 shows an example of these calculations. Figure 3-7 shows the transfer function gain characteristics and phase characteristics of aPLL using the filter parameters in Table 3-6. Figure 3-8 shows the step response of utilizing the filter parameters in Table 3-6. 8-164 Table 3-6. Calculation Example of Active Filter Parameters ACTIVE FILTER PARAMETER VALUE C1 1.00E-Q.6 UNIT F R1 3033 R2 622 n n 7.14E-Q7 C2 Where C2 = R2I10 ron 20 ~ 0 "or--.... -20 " -40 0 I I -60 IS -80 "tI I -100 CJ -120 c 'iii Gain Characteristic " '\ .c Do. F '" '\ / '\ -140 -180 10 " ~ Phase CharacterlsUc lL -160 f'.... 100 1k 10 k 100 k i M 10 M f - Frequency - Hz Figure 3-7. PLL Transfer Function Gain Characteristics and Phase Characteristics (Active Filter used as Loop Filter) 1.4 1.2 IIc i ! ) ~ z ( I "-'" 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 o o 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 Tlme-s Figure 3-8. PLL Step Response Characteristic (Active Filter used as Loop Filter) A basic design example for a PLL loop filter is somewhat of an ideal case. In practice, the PLL characteristics greatly depend on the evaluation boilrd used and the layout of components in the system. Consequently, it is necessary to plan the evaluation boilrd and system carefully. 8-165 Section 4, contains the evaluation results of the loop filters. 3.6 Layout Considerations When designing an evaluation or production board, the following precautions, based on techniques used with high frequency analog circuits must be ~xercised. • Depending on the IC socket used, increased circuit resistance, inductance, and capacitance can degrade the performance in some cases. Ifpossible, do not use IC sockets. Direct connection to the board is recommended. • Extreme care should be exercised with wiring and connections. Casual wiring should be avoided. • Power supplied to the VDD terminal of the VCO should be separated from the digital portion. Moreover, by inserting high pass capacitors, noise coupling can be avoided as much as possible. • It is necessary to consider the VCO ground terminal. The analog portion and digital portion must be separated. The analog portion should be connected to a ground plane. The design should avoid the coupling of switching noise from the digital portion. • The loop filter ground should be connected to analog ground.. • External components (such as the loop filter and high pass capacitors) should be placed as close as possible totheIC. Layouts and bread boards must be carefully designed to realize the full potential of the TI..C2932. These techniques must be used to ensure proper operation of the PLL design. 3.7 Input-Output Protection Circuits The input and output protection circuits are shown in Table 3-7. Table 3-7. Input-output Protection Circuits TERMINAL NAME NO. CIRCUIT FUNCTION VoltagE! supply terminal for internal logic. It Is desirable to separatE! complE!tE!ly from the vee voltagE! supply terminal. . LOGICVDD SELECT 2 VCO output freqUE!ncy 112 dividl!r SE!lect terminal. By controlling this tl!rmlnal using E!xtE!rnal logic, the vee output frequency can bE! dividl!d in half. VCOOUT 3 VCO output tE!rmlnal. During Inhibit, this tE!rminal is takE!n low. 3 FIN-A,B 8-166 4,5 ThE! two input terminals usl!d for dlltecting thE! edgE! difference of rererence frequl!nCY, fretlN, and external countE!r's frequE!ncy. UsuallyfretlN is connected to the FiN-A terminal and the E!xtE!rnal countE!r output frequency is connactE!d to thE! FIN-B tE!rminal. Table 3-7. Input-Output Protection Circuits (Continued) TERMINAL NAME PFOOUT NO. CIRCUIT FUNCTION The PFO output terminal can be put in high impedance state. 6 LOGICGNO 7 'ntema"ogic ground terminal. NC 8 Not connecled internally. PFO INHIBIT 9 The PFO inhibit function control terminal. VCOINHIBIT 10 VCOGNO VCOIN 11 12 RBIAS 13 VCOVOO 14 The VCO inhibit function control pin vco ground terminal The VCO control voltage input terminal usually connecled to VCO control voltage from the extemalloop filter of PLL. The terminal for connecting the bias resistor for setting the VCO oscillating frequency. To provide a bias for the operation of intemal VCO and for frequency setting and tuning. a bias resistor is connecled between this terminal and the power supply line. -l+---G This terminal supplies the supply voltage to the VCO. It is desirable to completely separate this from the logic power terminal. 8-167 4 APPLICATION EXAMPLE 4.1 Introduction An evaluation example using the 1LC2932IPW in a PLL application is described in the following sections. 4.2 National Television System Committee (NTSC) Method 4 Frequency Sub-Carrier (fsc), 8 fsc Output Signal Evaluation Table 4-1 shows that by combining a phase reference frequency and loop ftlter, the NTSC method of 4 fsc and 8 fsc output signals can be generated. The block diagram is shown in Figure 4-1. Figure 4-2 shows the circuit for evaluation, using a passive lag-lead ftlter as the loop ftlter. This evaluation circuit is based on the conditions stated in number 2 of Table 4-1. When an active ftlter is used, because of additional inversion added to the loop, the phase frequency detector input signal is reversed from that in the passive lag-lead filter case. Table 4-1. Evaluation Conditions (Voo NO. PHASE REFERENCE FREQUENCY =5 V, TA =25°C, RBIAS =3.3 kO) OUTPUT FREQUENCY 1 Iso (NTSC) = 3.579545 MHz 4 Iso (NTSC) - 14.31818 MHz 2 HD (NTSC). 4 IscJ91 0 ~ 15.7 kHz 4 Iso (NTSC) - 14.31818 MHz 3 HD (NTSC) - 4 IscJ91 0 .. 15.7 kHz 8 Iso ~ 28.63636 MHz LOOP FILTER EVALUATION RESULT Section 4.3 Lag-lead and active Section 4.6 Section 4.9 ,---- -, ,----------------~ Programmable fREFIN Xtal Counter Oscillator (Phase (14.31818 MHz) Division Ratio: M) FIN·A I I I ! H __ -1" I Phase Frequency Detector I IL __• I Loop Filter I ~ I VCO (Voltage Controlled Oscillator) I I I -1 'i L _____ I TLC2932IPW FIN·B Programmable Counter '--(Phase Division Ratio: N) -+ Prascaler (Phase Division Ratio: P) Figure 4-1. 4 fsc Output Evaluation Block Diagram 8-168 -+ VCO OUT Oscillator Output: lose DVDD Oscilloscope AVDD 1 - LOGIC VDD VCO VDD 10lJl't t o . 22 1J1' 0.221J1't 10l1Ft DGND ....--- SELECT 3.3kn VCOOUT Xtal Oscillator Prasceler (1/2) J-~ BIAS r-----' I R2 I c..t :I I~ VCOIN TLC2932IPW Programmable Counter FIN-A R1 VCOGND ~ (1/910) Programmable Counter FIN-B VCO i---INHIBIT PFDOUT PFD INHIBIT (1/455) Spectrum Analyzer ~ ~ LOGICGND NC I I I I I I L.r-----.J Loop Filter (Lag-Lead FIIter) c-- r- DONO S1,S2 : On : Off S3 ~~ S2 Programmable Counter : TC9122 (Counter) Prasceler : 74AC11074 (D-FF) X 2 S3 DVDD I . ~ 47kn DGND Figure 4-2. Evaluation Circuit (Based on Number 2 of Table 4-1) (Lag-Lead Filter Used as Loop Filter) 4.3 Evaluation Results (Phase Reference Frequency =fsc, Output Frequency =4 fsc) In this evaluation, the fsc (3.579545 MHz) shown as number 1 in Table 4-1, is used as the phase reference frequency to generate a 4 fsc (14.31818 MHz) output frequency. The details and results for the cases of using a lag-lead filter and an active filter as the loop filter are described in the following sections. 4.3.1 Programmable Counter and Prescaler Frequency Division Ratio Settings Based on the evaluation block diagram of Figure 4-1, the frequency division ratio settings for the programmable counters and prescaler are listed in Table 4-2. Table 4-2. Frequency Division Ratio Settings FREQUENCY DIVISION RATIO Frequency divide value 8-169 4.3.2 Loop Filter Parameter Settings From the loop filter design procedures of Sections 2.5 and 2.6, the setting of each parameter is listed in Table 4-3. Table 4-3. Loop Filter Parameter Settings LOOP FILTER TYPE Ct Rt R2 C2 CIRCUIT CONSTRUCTION Lag-lead filter Figure 2-16 1.6kO 360 1ILF 0.1 !LF Active filter 1.6kO 360 Figure 2-17 1ILF 0.11LF NOTE: The numencal values In Table 4-3 are the capacitance and resistance closest to the calculated values. 4.3.3 Passive Lag-Lead Filter Used as a Loop Filter The evaluation results of using a lag-lead filter as the loop filter are illustrated in Figure 4-3 and Figure~. Figure 4-3 shows the individual waveforms as observed from an oscilloscope. Figure 4-4 shows the output signal measured by a spectrum analyzer. FIN-A Signal FIN·B Signal VCO OUT Signal Figure 4-3. Waveforms Using Passive Lag-Lead Filter (100 ns/dlv on horizontal axis) Flgure~. Spectrum of the veo Output Signal When Using a Passive Lag-Lead Filter (100 kHz/dlv on horizontal axis) 4.3.4 Active Filter Used as a Loop Filter The evaluation results of using an active filter as the loop filter are illustrated in Figure 4-5 and Figure 4-6. Figure 4-5 shows the individual waveforms as observed from an oscilloscope. Figure 4-6 shows the output signal measured by a . spectrum analyzer. 8-170 FIN-B Signal FIN-A Signal veo OUT Signal Figure 4-5 Waveforms Using Active Filter (100 ns/dlv on horizontal axis) Figure 4-6. Spectrum of the VCO Output Signal When Using an Active Filter (100 kHzldlv on horizontal axis) 4.4 Evaluation Results (Phase Reference Frequency = 4 fscl91 0, Output Frequency = 4 fsc) In this evaluation of number 2 in Table 4-1, fsc/910 (15.7 kHz) is used as the phase reference frequency to generate a 4 fsc (14.31818 MHz) output frequency. The details ,and results for the cases of using a lag-lead filter and an active filter as the loop filter are described in the following sections. 4.4.1 Programmable Counter and Prescaler F!"8quency Divis/on Ratio Settings Based on the evaluation block diagram of Figure 4-1, the frequency division ratio settings for the programmable counter and prescaler are listed in Table 4-4. Table 4-4. Frequency Division Ratio Settings FREQUENCY DIVISION RATIO Frequency divide value 4.4.2 Loop Filter Settings Following the loop filter design procedures of Sections 2.5 and 2.6, the setting of each parameter is listed in Table 4-5. 8-171 Table 4-5. Loop Filter Parameter Settings C2 CIRCUIT CONSTRUCTION 5600 0.1 j1F Figure 2-16 6200 0.111F Figure 2-17 C1 R1 R2 Lag-lead filter 111F 2.41<0 Active filter 1j1F 31<0 LOOP FILTER NOTE: Numerical values in Table 4-5 are the capacitan~ and resistance closest to the calculated values. 4.4.3 Passive Lag-Lead Filter Used as a Loop Filter Using lag-lead filter as the loop filter, the evaluation results are illustrated in Figure 4---7 and Figure 4-8. Figure 4---7 shows the individual waveforms as observed from an oscilloscope. Figure 4---8 shows the output signal measured by a spectrum analyzer. FIN-A Signal FIN·B Signal VCO OUT Signal Figure 4-7. Waveforms Using Passive Lag-Lead Filter (100 nsJdlv on horizontal axis) Figure 4-8. Spectrum of the veo Output Signal When Using a Passive Lag-Lead Filter (100 kHzldiv on horizontal axis) 4.4.4 Active Filter Used as a Loop Filter Using an active filter as the loop filter, the evaluation results are illustrated in Figure 4---9 and Figure 4---10. Figure 4---9 shows the individual waveforms as observed from an oscilloscope. Figure 4---10 shows the output sigruiI measured by a spectrum analyzer. 8-172 FIN·B Signal FIN·A Signal VCO OUT Signal Figure 4-9. Waveforms Using Active Filter (100 nsJdiv on horizontal axis) Figure 4-10. Spectrum of the VCO Output Signal When Using an Active Filter (100 kHzldiv on horizontal axis) 4.5 Evaluation Results (Phase Reference Frequency =fsc/910, Output Frequency =8 fsc) In this evaluation of number 1 in Table 4-1, fsc (3.579545 kHz) is used as the phase reference frequency to generate a 8 fsc (2 x 14.31818 MHz) output frequency. The details and results for the cases of using a lag-lead filter and an active filter as the loop filter are described in the following sections. 4.5.1 Programmable Counter and Prescaler Frequency Division Ratio Settings Based on the evaluation block diagram of Figure 4-1, the frequency division settings for programmable counters and prescaler are listed in Table 4-6. Table 4-6. FreCJuency Division Ratio Settings FREQUENCY DIVIDE RATIO Frequency dividing value 8-173 4.5.2 Loop Filter Settings Following the loop filter design procedures of Sections 2.5 and 2.6, the setting of each parameter is listed in Table 4-7. ,Table 4-7. Loop Filter Parameter Settings LOOP FILTER C1 R1 R2 C2 CIRCUIT CONSTRUCTION Lag-lead filter Figure 2-16 2.41<0 5600 0.11J.1' 11J.1' Figure 2-17 Active Filter 31<0 6200 0.11J.1' 1IJ.F NOTE: Numerical values in Table 4-6 are the capacitance and resistance closest to the calculated values. 4.5.3 Passive Lag-Lead Filter Used as a Loop Filter The evaluation results of using a lag-lead filter as the loop filter are illustrated in Figure 4-11 and Figure 4-12. Figure 4-11 shows the individual 'wavefonns as observed from an oscilloscope. Figure 4-12 shows the output signal measured by a spectrum analyzer. FIN-S Signal FIN-A Signal VCO OUT Signal Figure 4-11. Waveforms Using Passive Lag-Lead Filter (100 nsldiv on horizontal axis) Figure 4-12. Spectrum of the veo Output Signal When Using a Passive Lag-Lead Filter (100 kHzJdlv on horizontal axis) 4.5.4 Active Filter Used as a Loop Filter The evaluation results of using an active fllter as the loop filter are illustrated in Figure 4-13 and Figure 4-14. Figure 4-13 shows the individual wavefonns as observed from an oscilloscope. Figure 4-14 shows the output signal measured by a spectrum analyzer. 8-174 FIN-B Signal FIN-A Signal veo OUT Signal Figure 4-13. Waveforms Using an Active Filter (100 ns/dlv on horizontal axis) Figure 4-14. Spectrum of the veo Output Signal When Using an Active Filter (100 kHz/div on horizontal axis) 4.6 Summary The evaluation results shown were with the practical resistance and practical capacitance values closest to the calculated values used for the loop filter. The evaluations were carried out with a lLC2932IPW placed in the IC socket on an evaluation board with power supplies, and the BIAS terminal was bypassed directly on the bottom of the socket. Better results can be achieved however by placing the lLC2932IPW directly on the evaluation board. 4.7 Examples of a PLL Application The following sections contain PLL application examples. 4.7.1 Generating a 4 fsc NTSe Signal from a NTSe Signal A NTSC signal horizontal synchronization frequency (fH) is multiplied by 910 to generate a 4 fsc NTSC signal. Figure 4-15 shows a block diagram of the PLL. 8-175 r-----~----------~ Horizontal Synchronization Frequency =fH (NTSC) I I I r--:----, I I I I. veo (Voltage Controlled Oscillator) I I hl....- . 4 fac (NTSC) .TLC2932IPW Programmable Counter (Frequency Divide Ratio: 910) Figure 4-15. Generating a 4 fsc (NTSC) Signal by Multiplying the Horizontal Synchronization Frequency, 4.7.2 Generating a 4 fsc PAL Signal from a PAL Signal A phase alteration line (PAL) signal horizontal synchronization frequency (fH) is multiplied by 910 to generate a 4 fsc PAL signal. Figure 4-16 shows a block diagram of the PLL. veo Horizontal Synchronization Frequency fH (PAL) (Voltage 4 fsc COntrol.led t-ii--4.-. (PAL) OSCillator) = TLC2932IPW Programmeble COunter (Frequency Divide Ratio: 1135) Programmable COunter (Frequency Divide Ratio: 625) Figure 4-16. Generating Ii 4 fsc (PAL) Signal by Multiplying the Horizontal Synchronization . Frequency . 8-176 4.7.3 Generating a 13.5 MHz Output from a NTSC or PAL Signal Figure 4-17 shows the derivative of a 4 fsc signal from a PAL or NTSC horzontial synchronization frequency. VCO (Voltage Controlled Oscillator) Horizontal Synchronization Frequency fH (NTSC or PAL) = 13.5 MHz TLC2932IPW Programmable Counter Counter Frequency Divide Ratio: 2 NTSC (Frequency Divide Ratio: 429) PAL (Frequency Divide Ratio: 432) Figure 4-17. Multiplying the Horizontal Synchronization Frequency of a NTSC Signal or \ PAL Signal to Generate a 13.5 MHz Output 8-177 8-178 Understanding Data Converters .1ExAs INSTRUMENTS 8-179 . IMPORTANT NOTICE Texas Instruments (TI) reserves the right to make changes to its products or to discontinue any semiconductor product or service without notice, and advises its customers to obtain the latest version of relevant information to verify, before placing orders, that the information being relied on is current. TI warrants performance of its semiconductor products and related software to the specifications applicable at the time of sale in accordance with Tl's standard warranty. Testing and other quality control techniques are utilized to the extent TI deems necessary to support this warranty. Specific testing of all parameters of each device is not necessarily performed, except those mandated by government requirements. Certain applications using semiconductor products may involve potential risks of death, personal injury, or severe property or environmental damage ("Critical Applications',). TI SEMICONDUCTOR PRODUCTS ARE NOT DESIGNED, INTENDED, AUTHORIZED, OR WARRANTED TO BE SUITABLE FOR USE IN LIFE-SUPPORT APPLICATIONS, DEVICES OR SYSTEMS OR OTHER CRITICAL APPLICATIONS. Inclusion of TI products in such applications is understood to be fully atthe risk of the customer. Use of TI products in such applications requires the written approval of an appropriate TI officer. Questions concerning potential risk applications should be directed to TI through a local SC sales office. In order to minimize risks associated with the customer's applications, adequate design and operating safeguards should be provided by the customer to minimize inherent or procedural hazards. TI assumes no liability for applications assistance, customer product design, software performance, or infringement of patents or services described herein. Nor does TI warrant or represent that any license, either express or implied, is granted under any patent right, copyright, mask work right, or other intellectual property right of TI covering or relating to any combination, machine, or process in which such semiconductor products or services might be or are used. Copyright © 1995, Texas Instruments Incorporated 8-180 Contents Section Title Page 1 INTRODUCTION ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 8-183 2 THE IDEAL TRANSFER FUNCTION •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 8-183 2.1 Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8-183 2.2 Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) ...................................... " .......... 8-185 3 SOURCES OF STATIC ERROR ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 3.1 Offset Error ..................................................................... 3.2 GainError ...................................................................... 3.3 Differential Nonlinearity (DNL) Error ................................................ 3.4 Integral Nonlinearity (INL) Error .................................................... 3.5 Absolute Accuracy (Total) Error ..................................................... 8-186 8-186 8-187 8-188 8-189 8-190 4 APERTURE ERROR •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 8-191 5 QUANTIZATION EFFECTS •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 8-192 6 IDEAL SAMPLING ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 8-194 7 REAL SAMPLING •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••,••••••••••••••••••• 8-195 8 ALIASING EFFECTS AND CONSIDERATIONS •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 8.1 Choice of Filter .................................................................. 8.2 'JYpesofFilter ................................................................... 8.2.1 Butterworth Filter .......................................................... 8.2.2 Chebyshev Filter ...........•............................................... 8.2.3 Inverse Chebyshev Filter ....•............................................... 8.2.4 CauerFilter ...............•.......................•....................... 8.2.5 Bessel-ThomsonFilter ...•..•..•..•......................................... 8.3 1LC04 Anti-Aliasing Butterworth Filter .............................................. 8-196 8-196 8-196 8-197 8-197 8-197 8-197 8-197 8-198 8-181 List of Illustrations Figure I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. II. Title Page The Ideal Transfer Function (ADC) ••...•....•....•.....•............................. 8-184 The Ideal Transfer Function (DAC) •........•.....•............•...................... 8-185 Offset Error ...................................................................... 8-186 Gairi Error .....•..•...........•.........•.... o'. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 8-187 Differential Nonlinearity (DNL) ...................................................... 8-188 Integral Nonlinearity (INL) Error ..•...........................•...................... 8-189 Absolute Accuracy (Total) Error ...................................................... 8-190 Aperture Error . • . . • • . • . . . . . . . • • • • . . . . . • . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . • • . . . • . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . .. 8-191 Quantization Effects ......................................•.•...................... 8-192 Ideal Sampling ..................................................................... 8-194 Real Sampling .....................•.•.•......•...•............................... 8-195 12. Aliasing Effects and Considerations .....•...................................•......... 8-196 13. TLC04 Anti-aliasing Butterworth Filter .•..........•... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. 8-198 8-182 1 INTRODUCTION This application report discusses the way the specifications for a data converter are defined on a manufacturers data sheet and considers some of the aspects of designing with data conversion products. It covers the sources of error that change the characteristics of the device from an ideal function to reality. 2 THE IDEAL TRANSFER FUNCTION The theoretical ideal transfer function for an ADC is a straight line, however, the practical ideal transfer function is a uniform staircase characteristic shown in Figure 1. The DAC theoretical ideal transfer function would also be a straight line with an infmite number of steps but practically it IS a server of points that fallon the ideal straight line as shown in Figure 2. 2.1 Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) An ideal ADC uniquely represents all analog inputs within a certain range by a limited number of digital output codes. The diagram in Figure 1 shows that each digital code represents a fraction of the total analog input range. Since the analog scale is continuous, w:bile the digital codes are discrete, there is a quantization process that introduces an error. As the number of discrete codes increases, the corresponding step width gets smaller and the transfer function approaches an ideal straight line. The steps are designed to have transitions such that the midpoint of each step corresponds to the point on this ideal line. The width of one step is defined as 1 LSB (one least significant bit) and this is often used as the reference unit for other quantities in the specification. It is also a measure of the resolution of the converter since it defmes the number of divisions or units of the full analog range. Hence, 112 LSB represents an analog quantity equal to one half of the analog resolution. The resolution of an ADC is usually expressed as the number of bits in its digital output code. For example, an ADC with an n-bit resolution has 2n possible digital codes which define 2n step levels. However, since the first (zero) step and the last step are only one half of a full width, the full-scale range (FSR) is divided into 2n - 1 step widths. Hence 1 LSB = FSR/(2n - 1) for an n-bit converter 8-183 CONVERSION CODE RANGE OF ANALOG INPUT VALUES DIGITAL OUTPUT CODE 4.5·5.5 0 ... 101 3.5' 4.5 0 ... 100 ;-- ( 2.5' 3.5 '---- ---- 0 ... 011 Digital Output Code 0 ... 101 Step 0 ... 100 ) -----' 1.5·2.5 0 ... 010 0.5 '1.5 0 ... 001 0'0.5 0 ... 000 Ideal Straight Line /~-( 0 ... 011 '---0 ... 010 0 ... 001 I'----+--+---+--+----t--. 0 ... 000 023 4 Analog Input Value 5 Mldstep Value of 0 ... 011 Quantization Error +1/2 LSB . .--+-4t-+-.....H--4It-+....---1f--. .--+ o -1/2 LSB Elements of Transfer Diagram for an Ideal Linear ADC Figure 1. The Ideal Transfer Function (ADe) 8-184 Analog Input Value 2.2 Digltal-to-Analog Converter (DAC) A DAC represents a limited number of discrete digital input codes by a corresponding number of discrete analog output values. Therefore, the transfer function of a DAC is a series of discrete points as shown in Figure 2. For a DAC, 1 LSB corresponds to the height of a step between successive analog outputs, with the value defined in the same way as for the ADC. A DAC can be thought of as a digitally controlled potentiometer whose output is a fraction of the full scale analog voltage determined by the digital input code. Analog Output Value 5 4 3 2 o.----;I---+---i--+-..;-....L..+-----1--.. 9... 01~ 0 ... 100 0 ... 101 Digital Input Code 0 ... 000 0 ... 001 0 ... 010 l. . CONVERSION CODE Digital Input Code Analog Output Value 0 ... 000 0 ... 001 0 ... 010 0 1 2 ....J) r I 0 ... 011 Step , I IL_.!_J 0 ... 100 0 ... 101 4 5 Elements of Transfer Diagram for an Ideal Linear DAC Figure 2. The Ideal Transfer Function (DAC) 8-185 3 SOURCES OF STATIC ERROR Static errors, that is those errors that affect the accuracy of the converter when it is'converting static (de) signals, can be completely described by just four terms. These are offset error, gain error, integral nonlinearity and differential nonlinearity. Each can be expressed in LSB units or sometimes as a percentage of the FSR. For example, an error of 112 LSB for an 8-bit converter corresponds to 0.2% FSR. 3.1 Offset Error The offset error as shown in Figure 3 is defmed as the difference between the nominal and actual offset points. For an ADC, the offset point is the midstep value when the digital output is zero, and for a DAC it is the step value when the digital input is zero. This error affects all codes by the same amount and can usually be compensated for by a trimming process. If trimming is not possible, this error is referred to as the zero-scale error. / / / / / r-r-r- 011 1 / II) "U ..'" 1 1 1 1 J/ <3 /1 Ideal~_r-""'~.J .& 010 '" ! g 0 1// Diagram //1 001 i~ 1 "-- Actual I Diagram i r-+-.J 1// Offsat Error (+11/4 LSB) 14--+1--- +1/2 LSB /V /1 000 ....-1'----+___---+----1---.... Nominal Offset Point I [ I Anal~ Actual Offset Point Offset Error (+11/4 LSB) Output v~ue Nominal Offset Point Digital Input Code .1 (b) DAC (a)ADC Offset error of a Linear SoBIt Natural Binary Code Converter (SpecHIed at Stap 000) Figure 3. Offset Error 8-186 3.2 Gain Error The gain error shown in Figure 4 is defined as the difference between the nominal and actual gain points on the transfer function after the offset error has been corrected to zero. For an ADC, the gain point is the midstep value when the digital output is full scale, and for a DAC it is the step value when the digital input is full scale. This error represents a difference in the slope of the actual and ideal transfer functions and as such corresponds to the same percentage error in each step. This error can also usually be adjusted to zero by trimming. Nominal Gain Point ---------...,..--+-r-J 111 ~ 110 6 ;g 101 /.( ~'rj-----t--------~------~ o 5 6 Analog Input Value (LSB) // Gain Error (-11/4 LSB) / /1 I / I I / ""71 "" Idaal Diagram"""'\.._ / / I ,," """. / / .",,"" / .."" Actual Gain Point /.'l/ /.'/ ~{I' 4 T // I 000 -------- ------.~ 7 I / I (1/2 LSB) --1~'---'1 ;/ I / I I Actual Diagram I \ I /'1+-+2--1 r--_3r~..,--II....,L -.J I / 1/ )/ Gain Error /1 (-3/4 LSB) I / I I _,/ _.J -""""I.1-/ ~I/ L Idaal Diagram 1 g Nominal Gain pOlnt~_ / O~'jl 000 100 101 110 I I I I I I I I 111 Digital Input Code (a) ADC (b) DAC Gain Error of a Llnaar 3-Blt Natural Binary Code Convertar (Specified at Step 111), Attar Correction of the Offset Error Figure 4. Gain Error 8-187 3.3 Differential Ncmlinearity (DNL) Error The differential ilonlinearityerror shown in Figure 5 (sometimes seen as simply differential linearity) is the difference between an actual step width (for an ADC) or step height (for a DAC) and the ideal value of 1 LSB. Therefore if the step width or height is exactly 1 LSB, then the differential nonlinearity error is zero. If the DNL exceeds 1 LSB, there is a possibility that the converter can become nonmonotonic. This means that the magnitude of the output gets smaller for an increase in the magnitude of the input. In an ADC there is also a possibility that there can be missing codes i.e., one or more of the possible 2n binary codes are never output. 0 ... 110 0 ••• 101 011 I "0:1 0 ... 100 i 0 ... 011 8 ::I I ..-_...J1 !.S!! ~ 0 ••• 010 c ! ~ ~ 0 ••• 001 I- . i -1-\1J.- 11 L S B U 0 Dlfferentlel Linearity Error (1/2 LSB) Differential Linearity Error (-1/2 LSB) 0 ••• 000 0 2 4 3 Analog Input Value (LSB) 5 (a)ADC 6 iii ::! 011 .: 5 4 :l: "S 3 So 8CII .2 2 1\1 C C( Digital Input Code (b)DAC Differential Linearity Error of a Linear ADC or DAC Figure 5. Differential Nonlinearity (DNL) 8-188 3.4 Integral Nonlinearity (INL) Error The integral nonlinearity error shown in Figure 6 (sometimes seen as simply linearity error) is the deviation of the values on the actual transfer function from a straight line. This straight line can be either a best straight line which is drawn so as to minimize these deviations or it can be a line drawn between the end points of the transfer function once the gain and offset errors have been nullified. The second method is called end-point linearity and is the usual definition adopted since it can be verified more directly. I For an ADC the deviations are measured at the transitions from one step to the next, and for the DAC they are measured at each step. The name integral nonlinearity derives from the fact that the summation of the differential nonlinearities from the bottom up to a particular step, determines the value of the integral nonlinearity at that step. --------------~ 111 ---------------~ 7 ,(? /r' 010 G) ;3 :; t 101 Actual Transition 100 o 011 c 010 !!lI Ideal Transition ~ 6 "/ .// I) -r ~~ ~ J)/ ~~ "P.. /~ At Transition / fI-a / 011/100 dj~ ~ (-1/2 LSB) 1 r' End-poln~ ,/// At Transition ) 001/010 (-1/4 LSB) 000 . . o 4 2 3 5 Analog Input Value (LSB) /f Error " ~ ~ ,.j..j..+--+--+---+---+---+---I 001 //? /fi// 6 7 ~t--r.- At Step 011 (1/2 LSB) V End-poln~ Error At step" IV 001 (1/4 LSB) o __-+--+--r--r---Ir-~---I 000 001 010 011 100 101 Dlgltellnput Code (a)ADC 110 111 (b) DAC End·Polnt Linearity Error of a Linear 3-Blt Natural Blnary·Coded ADC or DAC (Offset Error and Gain Error ara Adjusted to the Value Zero) Figure 6. Integral Nonlinearity (INL) Error 8-189 3.5 Absolute Accuracy (Total) Error The absolute accuracy or total error of an ADC as shown in Figure 7 is the maximum value of the difference between an analog value and the ideal midstep value. It includes offset, gain, and integral linearity errors and also the quantization error in the case of an ADC. r / I / 0 ... 111 ~/ 0 ... 110 iii 6 I // ~ 0 ... 101 I ~ • r.0 :::I I / / r;ItI j§ 0 ... 011 .r ~ g c 0 ... 010 14 3 Ic Total Error At Step 0 ... 101 (-11/4 LSB) / /JI' 2 /~ ~ / 0 ... 000 / / / 0 o 2 4 3 5 Analog Input Value (LSB) (e)ADC 6 7 Digital Input Code (b)DAC Abaolute Accuracy or Total Error of a Linear ADC or DAC Figure 7. Absolute Accuracy (Total) Error 8-190 / Total Error At Step 0 ... 011 (11/4 LSB) ,1/ //./ d T o t a l Error At Step / 0 ... 001 (1/2 LSB) 0 ... 001 // :::I 0 oC , ;£:{ // 5 J! ~. 0 ... 100 ./ . ~/" // " /. 7 4 APERTURE ERROR Sampling Pulse v = Voaln27lft dV Cit = 27IfVocoa27lft dVI Cit max =2n fVO dV t 2VO 2n+1 EA=TA -d =1/2LSB=-- 2VO - - 1 =2ltfVOTA ~ 2n+ Figure 8. Aperture Error Aperture error is caused by the uncertainty in the time at which the samplelhold goes from sample mode to hold mode as shown in Figure 8. This variation is caused by noise on the clock or the input signal. The effect of the aperture error is to set another limitation on the maximum frequency of the input sine wave because it defines the maximum slew rate of that signal. For a sine wave input as shown, the value of the input V is defIned as: V = V 0 sin2nft The maximum slew rate occurs at the zero crossing point and is given by: ~Ylmax = 2nfVO If the aperture error is not to affect the accuracy of the converter, it must be less than 112 LSB at the point of maximum slew rate. For an n bit converter therefore: 2V EA = TA dV = 1/2 LSB =--..Q dt 2n+ 1 Substituting into this gives 2 Vo - - = 2nfVOTA 2n + 1 So that the maximum frequency is given by 8-191 5 QUANTIZATION EFFECTS The real world analog input to an ADC is a continuous signal with an infinite number of possible states, whereas the digital output is by its nature a discrete function with a number of different states determined by the resolution of the device. It follows from this therefore, that in converting from one form to the other, certain parts of the analog signal that were represented by a different voltage on the input are represented by the same digital code at the output. Some information has been lost and distortion has been introduced into the signal. This is quantization noise. For the ideal staircase transfer function of an ADC, the error between the actuaI input and its digital form has a uniform probability density function if the input signal is assumed to be random. It can vary in the range ±1I2 LSB or ±ql2 where q is the width of one step as shown in Figure 9. Error at the Jth step Digital Code EJ =(VJ -VI) The mean square error over the step f J Ef +q/2 E = ~1 -q/2 dE = q 2 12 Assuming equal steps, the total error Is N2 =q2/12 (Mean square quantization noise) For an Input sine wave F(t) powar Jo =A slnrot, the signal 21t F2(t) = i.rr. A2sln2rotdrot: ~2 andq = 2A=~ 2n +112 QuantlzaUon Error LSB -+.....f---. Error E ir-... 2n- 1 SNR = 10 Log (F22) = 10 Log ( 2;"2/2 ) n A /3 x 2n SNR = 6.02n + 1.76 dB -1/2 LSB Figure 9. Quantization Effects Where peE) = ! for (-~ :S E :S +~) Otherwise peE) = 0 The average noise power (mean square) of the error over a step is given by q/2 N2 f =! E2dE -q/2 which gives 2 q2 N=12 8-192 The total mean square error, N2, over the whole conversion area is the sum of each quantization levels mean square multiplied by its associated probability. Assuming the converter is ideal, the width of each code step is identical and therefore has an equal probability. Hence for the ideal case N2 2 =.9... 12 Considering a sine wave input F(t) of amplitude A so that F(t) = Asinoot which has a mean square value of F2(t), where f 23t p2(t) = ire A2sin2(oot)dt o which is the signal power. Therefore the signal to noise ratio SNR is given by SNR(dB) = 1O~ (",2)/ (i~) ] [ But q = I .LSB = 2A =~ 2 n 2n-1 Substituting for q gives SNR(dB) = 10Log [(~2)/(3 :~2n)] = 10 Log (3 X222n) = + 1.76dB 6.02n This gives the ideal value for an n bit converter and shows that each extra I bit of resolution provides approximately 6 dB improvement in the SNR. In practice, the errors mentioned in section 3 introduce nonlinearities that lead to a reduction of this value. The limit of a112 LSB differential linearity error is a missing code condition which is equivalent to a reduction of I bit of resolution and hence a reduction of 6 dB in the SNR. This then gives a worst case value of SNR for an n-bit converter with 112 LSB linearity error. SNR (worst case) = 6.02n + 1.76 - 6 = 6.02n - 4.24 dB Hence we have established the boundary conditions for the choice of the resolution of the converter based upon a desired level of SNR. 8-193 6 IDEAL SAMPLING In converting a continuous time signal into a discrete digital representation, the process of sampling is a fundamental requirement. In an ideal case, sampling takes the form of a pulse train of impulses which are infmitesimally narrow yet have unit area. The reciprocal of the time between each impulse is called the sampling rate. The input signal is also idealized by being truly bandlimited, containing no components in its spectrum above a certain value (see Figure 10). Input Waveform Sampling Function ~~ (1) (1) (1) (1) = Unit Impulses X t1t2t3t4t Input Spectra J(, It) Frequency Domain f 1) ""'lu (1) fs = 11T t J(, Sampling Spectra eo'WI"'~ }' . NYQUIST'S THEOREM: fs -f1 > f1 t1 t2 t3 t4 ~T Fourier Analysis f1 g(t) h(t) Multiplication In Time Domain J(' Sampled Output 2fs Sampled Spectra = f =* fs > 2f1 Figure 10. Ideal Sampling The ideal sampling condition shown is represented in both the frequency and time domains. The effect of sampling in the time domain is to produce an amplitude modulated train of impulses representing the value of the input signal at the instant of sampling. In the frequency domain, the spectrum of the pulse train is a series of discrete frequencies at multiples of the sampling rate. Sampling convolves the spectra of the input signal with that of the pulse train to produce the combined spectrum shown, with double sidebands around each discrete frequency which are produced by the amplitude modulation. In effect some of the higher frequencies are folded back so that they produce interference at lower frequencies. This interference causes distortion which is called aliasing. If the input signal is bandlimited to a frequency f1 and is sampled at frequency fs' as shown in the figure, overlap (and hence aliasing) does not occur if f1 < f s,,- f1 i.e., 2f1 < fs Therefore if sampling is performed at a frequency at least twice as great as the maximum frequency of the input signal, no aliasing occurs and all of the signal information can be extracted. This is Nyquist's Sampling Theorem, and it provides the basic criteria for the selection of the sampling rate required by the converter to process an input signal of a given bandwidth. 8-194 7 REAL SAMPLING The concept of an impulse is a useful one to simplify the analysis of sampling. However, it is a theoretical ideal which can be approached but never reached in practice. Instead the real signal" is a series of pulses with the period equalling the reciprocal of the sampling frequency. The result of sampling with this pulse train is a series of amplitude modulated pulses (see Figure 11). Input Waveform ~b: r--------, I Square Wave ~ SI: x FmL f1 f(l) ~T Ji Fourier Analysis Input Spectra Ji Sampling Spectra (1) Output Spectra Period T J-VL FmJK -tf2 +tf2 J~ -1/'f 0 1/'f (1) Envelope has the form E=~ (~'t) = f Input signals are not truly band limited f(s) ~ 2f1 I r---------, x t Ji Sampled Output Sampling Function T f1 Sampling cannot ba done with impulses so, amplitude of signal is modulated by Sinx -x- envelope 7th L. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ..I fs Because of input spectra and sampling there is aliasing and distortion Figure 11. Real Sampling Examining the spectrum of the square wave pulse train shows a series of discrete frequencies, as with the impulse train, but the amplitude of these frequencies is modified by an envelope which is defmed by (sin x)/x [sometimes written sinc(x)] where x in this case is 'ltfs. For a square wave of amplitude A, the envelope of the spectrum is defined as Envelope = A(t)[Sin(nfs't)] /1tfs't The error resulting from this can be controlled with a filter which compensates for the sinc envelope. This can be implemented as a digital filter, in a DSP, or using conventional analog techniques. 8-195 8 ALIASING EFFECTS AND CONSIDERATIONS No signal is truly deterministic and therefore in practice has inftnite bandwidth. However, the energy of higher frequency components becomes increasingly smaller so that at a certain value it can be considered to be irrelevant. This value is a choice that must be made by the system designer. As shown, the amount of aliasing is affected by the sampling frequency and by the relevant bandwidth of the input signal, ftltered as required. The factor that determines how much aliasing can be tolerated is ultimately the resolution of the system. If the system has low resolution, then the noise floor is already relatively high and aliasing does not have a signiftcant effect. However, with a high resolution system, aliasing can increase the noise floor considerably and therefore needs to be controlled more completely. One way to prevent aliasing is to increase the sampling rate, as shown. However, the frequency is limited by the type of converter used and also by the maximum clock rate of the digital processor receiving and transmitting the data. Therefore, to reduce the effects of aliasing to within acceptable levels, analog ftlters must be used to alter the input signal spectrum (see Figure 12). -8 ! s .c Ci. E .-.... c( iii C c ~ CL Signal Allased Into Frequencies of Interest -; CL .5 QN + - flnt - + fs12 .5 fs CD +-flnt-+ fs +-flnt-+ fs 31 "g :I ." :t: .-.... Ci. E c( iii c Anti-aliasing Filter II) Resultant .~ CL iii -; 01 1i) -; A- QN .c A- iii c ~ -; CL .5 .5 + - flnt - + fs12 fs Figure 12. Aliasing Effects and Considerations 8.1 Choice of Filter As shown with sampling, there is an ideal solution to the choice of a ftlter and a practical realization that compromises must be made. The ideal ftlter is a so-called brickwall filter which introduces no attenuation in the passband, and then cuts down instantly to infmite attenuation in the stopband. In practice, this is approximated by a ftlter that introduces some attenuation in the passband, has a fmite rolloff, and passes some frequencies in the stopband. It can also introduce phase distortion as well as amplitude distortion. The choice of the ftlter order and type must be decided upon so as to best meet the requirements of the system. 8.2 Types of Filter The basic types of ftlters available to the designer are briefly presented for comparison purposes. This is not intended to be a full analysis of the subject; therefore, other texts should be referenced for more details. 8-196 8.2.1 Butterworth Filter A Butterworth (maximally flat) filter is the most commonly used general purpose filter. It has a monotonic passband with the attenuation increasing up to its 3-dB point which is known as the natural frequency. This frequency is the same regardless of the order of the filter. However, by increasing the order of the filter, the roll-off in the passband moves closer to its natural frequency and the roll-off in the transition region between the natural frequency and the stopband becomes sharper. 8.2.2 Chebyshev Filter The Chebyshev equal ripple filter distributes the roll-off across the whole passband. It introduces more ripple in the passband but provides a sharper roll-off in the transition region. This type of filter has poorer transient and step responses due to its higher Q values in the stages of the filter. 8.2.3 Inverse Chebyshev Filter Both the Butterworth and Chebyshev filters are monotonic in the transition region and stopband. Since ripple is allowed in the stopband, it is possible to make the roll-off sharper. This is the principle of the Inverse Chebyshev, based on the reciprocal of the angular frequency in the Chebyshev filter response. This filter is monotonic in the passband and can be flatter than the Butterworth filter while providing a greater initial roll-off than the Chebyshev filter. 8.2.4 Cauer Filter The Cauer or (Elliptic) filter is nonmonotonic in both the pass and stop bands, but provides the greatest roll-off in any of the standard filter configuratigns. 8.2.5 Bessel-Thomson Filter All of the types mentioned above introduce nonlinearities into the phase relationship of the component frequencies of the input spectrum. This can be a problem in some applications when the signal is reconstructed. The Bessel-Thomson or linear delay filter is designed to introduce no phase distortion but this is achieved at the expense of a poorer amplitude response. In general, the performance of all of these types can be improved by increasing the number of stages, i.e., the order of the filter. The penalty for this of course is the increased cost of components and board space required. For this reason, an integrated solution using switched capacitor filter building blocks which provide comparable performance with a discrete solution over a range of frequencies from about 1 kHz to 100kHz might be appropriate. They also provide the designer with a compact and cost effective solution. 8-197 8.3 TLC04 Anti-Aliasing Butterworth Filter .The TLC04 fourth order Butterworth filter features include the following: • Low clock to cutoff frequency error ... 0.8% • Cutoff depends only on stability of external clock • Cutoff range of 0.1 Hz to 30 kHz • 5-V to 12-V operation • Self clocking or both TIL and COS compatible As detailed previously the Butterworth filter generally provides the best compromise in filter configurations and is by far the easiest to design. The Butterworth filter's characteristic is based on a circle which means that when designing filters, all stages to the filter have the same natural frequency enabling simpler filter design. Most modem designs which use operational amplifiers are based on building the whole transfer function by a series of second order numerator and denominator stages (a Biquad stage). The Butterworth design is simplified, when using these stages, because each stage has the same natural frequency. This can easily be converted to a switched capacitor filter (SCF) which has very good capacitor matching and accurately synthesized RC time constants. The switched capacitor technique is demonstrated in Figure 13. Two clocks operating at the same frequency but in complete antiphase, alternately connect the capacitor C2 to the input and the inverting input of an operational amplifier. During CI> 1, charge Q flows onto the capacitor equal to VIC2' The switch is considered to be ideal so that there is no series resistance and the capacitor charges instantaneously. During Cl>2, the switches change so that C2 is now connected to the virtual earth at the operational amplifIer input. It discharges instantaneously delivering the stored charge Q. VoC+--._-------------------.-7 VOC+ Filter In Fourth Order Butterworth Low-Pass Filter 8 TLC04 TLC14 4 VOe- VocSwitched Capacitor Equivalent to Integrator 1<1111 =1<1121 =FC~L --o--"C < A-2 Appendix A Analog Interface Peripherals and Applications til Texas Instruments offers many products for total system solutions, including memory options, data acquisition, and analog input/output devices. This appendix describes a variety of devices that interface directly to the TMS320 DSPs in rapidly expanding applications. Section Page A.1 Multimedia Applications ......................................... A-4 A.2 Telecommunications Applications ............................ A-7 A.3 Dedicated Speech Synthesis Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. A-12 A.4 Servo Control/Disk Drive Applications ....................... A-14 A.5 Modem Analog Front-End Applications ...................... A-15 A.6 Advanced Digital Electronics Applications for Consumers ...... A-17 A-3 Multimedia Applications A.1 Multimedia Applications Multimedia integrates different media through a centralized computer. These media can be visual or audio and can be input to or output from the central computer via a number of technologies. The technologies can be digital based or analog based (such as audio or video tape recorders). The integration and interaction of media enhances the transfer of information and can accommodate both analysis of problems and synthesis of solutions. Figure A-1. System Block Diagram Figure A-1 shows both the central role of the multimedia computer and the multimedia system's ability to integrate the various media to optimize information flow and processing. CD ROM Video Input Image Sensor Microphone , Operator Input ........ -ll~ ---.J l ---", Multimedia· Computer ---.I ~, Music Input (MIDI) A.1.1 Modem :::JJ =ill --y ..... Video Monitor Facsimile/Modem , Speakers Slides and Printing System Design Considerations Multimedia systems can include various grades of audio and video quality. The most popular video standard currently used (VGA) covers 640 x 480 pixels with 1, 2, 4, and 8-bit memory-mapped color. Also, 24-bit true color is supported, and 1024 x 768 (beyond VGA) resolution has emerged. There are two grades of audio. The lower grade accommodates 11.25-kHz sampling for 8-bit monaural systems, while the higher grade accommodates 44.1-kHz sampling fori 16-bit stereo. Audio specifications include a musical instrument digital interface (MIDI) with compression capability, which is based on keystroke encoding, and an input/output port with a 3-disc voice synthesizer. In the media control area, video disc, CD audio, and CD ROM player interfaces are included. Figure A-2 shows a multimedia subsystem. A-4 Analog Interface Peripherals and Applications Multimedia Applications The TLC320AC01 wide-band analog interface circuit (AIC) is well suited for multimedia applications because it features wide-band audio and up to 25-kHz sampling rates. The TLC320AC01 is a complete analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog interface system for the TMS320 DSPs. The nominal bandwidths of the filters accommodate 11.4 kHz, and this bandwidth is programmable. The application circuit shown in Figure A-2 handles both speech encoding and modem communication functions, which are associated with multimedia applications. Figure A-2. Multimedia Speech Encoding and Modem Communication VOCODER (Speech Analysis) 9600-bps Modem (V.32 bis) r----------, 'i ( I TLC320AC01 TMS320 r----------, I TMS320 I TMS320 TLC320AC01 I r---~-., DAA ~I I L._______ HYB Phone Line I _.J TMS320DSPI TLC320AC01 Interface Figure A-3 shows the interfacing ofthe TMS320C25 DSP to the TLC320AC01 AIC that constitutes the building blocks of the 9600-bps V.32 bis modem shown in Figure A-2. FigureA-3. TMS320C25 to TLC32047 Interface TMS320C25 CU G:X BitS Receive TIming LSB BitS Transmit TIming LSB Telecommunications-Related Devices. Data sheets for the devices in Table A-3 are contained in the 1993 Telecommunications Circuits Databook, (literature number SCTD001). To request your copy, contact your nearest Texas Instruments field sales office or call the Customer Response Center at (800) 336-5236. A-9 Tel8e'omfJIunications Applications Table A-3. Telecom Devices Device Number Coding Law TCM29C23 TCM29C26 TCM320AC36 Aand JL Aand JL JL and Linear TCM320AC~7 A and Linear TCM320AC38 JL and Linear A and Linear Clock Rates MHzt CodeclFliter 1.544, 1.536, 2.048 1.544, 1.536, 2.048 2.048 2.048 2.048 1.536 Up to 4.096 Up to 4.096 Up to 4.096 Up to 4.096 Up to 4.096 Up to 4.096 TCM29C13 TCM29C14 Aand JL TP3054/64 JL 1.544, 1.536, 2.048 8 TP3054/67 A 1.544, 1.536, 2.048 8 TLC32040/1 Linear Linear 25kHz Up to 19.2-kHz sampling 14 14 TLC32044/5 Linear Up to 19.2-kHz sampling 14 TLC32046 TLC32047 Linear Up to 25-kHz sampling 14 For high-dynamic linearity For high-dynamic linearity Linear Up to 25-kHz sampling 14 For high-dynamic linearity A and JL TCM29C16 TCM29C17 A TCM29C18 JL JL TCM29C19 JL TCM320AC39 TLC320AC01/02 #of Bits 8 C.O. and PBX line cards 8 8 Includes 8th-bit signal 8 16-pin package 16-pin package 8 Low-cost DSP interface 8 Low-cost DSP interface 8 8 8 and 13 Extended frequency range Low-power TCM29C23 Single voltage (+5) VBAP 8 and 13 8 and 13 8 and 13 Single voltage (+5) VBAP Single voltage (+5) GSM Single voltage (+5) GSM National Semiconductor second source National Semiconductor second source 5-volt-only analog interface For high-dynamic linearity Transient Suppressor Transient suppressor for SUC-based line card Transient suppressor for SUC-based line card TCM1030 TCM1060 Comments (30 A max) (60 A max) t Unless otherwise noted Table A-4. Switched-Capacitor Filter ICs Device TLC2470 TLC2471 Function Differential audio filter amplifier TLC04/14 Low pass, Butterworth filter Differential audio filter amplifier Order 4 4 Roll-Off 5 kHz 3.5 kHz Power Out 500mW 500mW Power Down Yes Yes 4 CLK+50 CLK + 100 N/A No For further information on these telecommunications products, please call (214) 997-3772. A-10 Analog Interface Peripherals and Applications Telecommunications Applications Figure A-6. General Telecom Applications ~ ~ Analog Phones I Neighborhood Concentrator TCM5087 Tone TCM5089 Encoder TCM5092 TCM5094 TCM153x Ringer ~ I Cell Base Station Cellular Phone TCM29C23 Combo TMS320xx DSP TGAP90x TCM320AC3X VBAP Combo TGAP901 Answering ~hl". Central Office ...- - - - -.. Toll Office TCM29C13 Combo TP3054 Combo TCM1 060/30 Transient Suppressors TCM9050/51 HVLI/HCombo DSP/Memory/Logic DSP Modem Phones TMS320xx DSP TCM291 x Combo Phones TCM29Cxx Combo Figure A-l. Generic Telecom Application TLC320AC01 + ADCand DAC Fine Tune Echo-Cancel TMS320C25 :1 o A A Telephone Line Echo Canceler Transmitter RS-232 I/F Serial I/O Control TMS320C25 Receiver A-11 Dedicated Speech Synthesis Applications A.3 Dedicated Speech Synthesis Applications For dedicated speech synthesis applications, Texas Instruments offers a family of dedicated speech synthesizer chips. This speech technology has been used in a wide range of products including games, toys, burglar alarms, fire alarms, automobiles, airplanes, answering machines, voice mail, industrial control machines, office machines, advertisements, novelty items, exercise machines, and learning aids. Dedicated speech synthesis chips are a good alternative for low-cost applications. The speech synthesis technology provided by the dedicated chips is either LPC (linear-predictive coding) or CVSD (continuously variable slope delta modulation). Table A-5 shows the characteristics of the TI voice synthesizers. Table A-5. Voice Synthesizers TI Voice Synthesizers: Device Microprocessor Synthesis Method I/O Pins On-Chip Memory (Bits) External Memory Data Rate (BIts/Sec) TSP50C4x 8-bit LPC-10 20/32 64K/128K VROM 1200-2400 TSP50C1x 8-bit LPC-12 10 64K/128K VROM 1200-2400 TSP53C30 8-bit LPC-10 20 N/A Fromhost~ 1200-2400 TSP50C20 8-bit LPC-10 32 N/A EPROM 1200-2400 TMS3477 NlA CVSD 2 None DRAM 16K-32K In addition to the speech synthesizers, TI has low-cost memories that are ideal for use with these chips. Texas Instruments can also be of assistance in developing and processing the speech data that is used in these speech synthesis systems. Table A-6 shows speech memory devices of different capabilities. Additionally, audio filters are outlined in Table A-7. Table A-6. Speech Memories TSP60Cxx Family of Speech ROMs Size No. of Pins Interface For use with: TSP60C18 TSP60C19 TSP60C20 TSP60C80 TSP60C81 256K 256K 256K 1M 1M 16 16 28 28 28 Parallel 4-bit Serial ParalleVserial 8-bit Serial Parallel 4-bit TSP50C1x TSP50C4x TSP50C4x TSP50C4x TSP50C1x Table A-7. Switched-Capacitor Filter ICs Device TLC2470 Function Differential audio filter amplifier Order 4 Roll-Off 5 kHz Power Out 500mW Power Down Yes TLC2471 Differential audio filter amplifier 4 3.5 kHz 500mW Yes TLC04/14 Low pass, Butterworth filter 4 CLK+50 CLK+ 100 N/A No A-12 Analog Interface Peripherals and Applications Speech Synthesis Development Tools Software: EVM Speech: SAB S085000 Code development tool Speech audition board PC-based speech analysis system System: SEB SEB60Cxx System emulator board System emulator boards for speech memories For further information on these speech synthesis products, please call TI Linear Applications at (214) 997-3772. r A-13 Servo Control/Disk Drive Applications A.4 Servo Control/Disk Drive Applications Several years ago, most servo control systems used only analog circuitry. However, the growth of digital signal processing has made digital control theory a reality. Figure A-8 shows a block diagram of a generic digital control system using a DSP, along with an ADC and DAC. Figure A-B. Generic Servo Control Loop TMS320-Based Digital Controller In a DSP-based control system, the control algorithm is implemented via software. No component aging or temperature drift is associated with digital control systems. Additionally, sophisticated algorithms can be implemented and easily modified to upgrade system performance. System Design Considerations. TMS320 DSPs have facilitated the development of high-speed digital servo control for disk drive and industrial control applications. Disk drives have increased storage capacity from 5 megabytes to over 1 gigabyte in the past decade, which equates to a 23,900 percent growth in capacity. To accommodate these increasingly higher densities, the data on the servo platters, whether servo-positioning or actual storage information, must be converted to digital electronic signals at increasingly closer points in relation to the platter "pick-off' pOint. The ADC must have increasingly higher conversion rates and greater resolution to accommodate the increasing bandwidth requirements of higher storage densities. In addition, the ADC conversion rates must increase to accommodate the shorter data retrieval access time. Table A-B. Control Related Devices Function ADC ~- A-14 DAC Device Bits Speed TLC1550 TLC1551 TLC0820 TLC1225 TLC1543 TLC1549 TLV1543 TLV1549 TLC2543 TLC7524 TLC7628 10 10 8 13 10 10 10 10 12 8 8 3-5 lIS TLC5602 8 30 MHz 3-5~ 1.5 lIS 12 lIS 21 lIS 21 lIS 21 lIS 21 lIS 10 lIS 9MHz 9MHz Channels 1 1 1 1 (Diff.) 11 1 11 1 11 1 (Dual) Interface Parallel Parallel Parallel Parallel Serial Serial Serial Serial Serial Parallel Parallel 1 Parallel Analog Interface Peripherals and Applications Multimedia Applications A.5 Modem Applications High-speed modems (9,600 bps and above) require a great deal of analog signal processing in addition to digital signal processing. Designing both high-speed capabilities and slower fall-back modes poses significant engineering challenges. TI offers a number of analog front-end (AFE) circuits to support various high-speed modem standards. The TLC32040, TLC32044, TLC32046, TLC32047, and TLC320AC01/02 analog interface circuits (AIC) are especially suited for modem applications by the integration of an input multiplexer, switched capacitor filters, high resolution 14-bit ADC and DAC, a four-mode serial port, and control and timing logic. These converters feature adjustable parameters, such as filtering characteristics, sampling rates, gain selection, (sin x)/x correction (TLC32044, TLC32046, TLC32047 and TLC320AC01 102 only), and phase adjustment. All these parameters are software programmable, making the AIC suitable for a variety of applications. Table A-9 has the description and characteristics of these devices. Table A-9. Modem AFE Data Converters Device Description 110 Resolution (Bits) Conversion Rate TLC32040 Analog interface chip (AIC) Serial 14 19.2 kHz TLC32041 AIC without on-board VREF Serial 14 19.2 kHz TLC32044 Telephone speed/modem AIC Serial 14 19.2 kHz TLC32045 Low-cost version of the TLC32044 Serial 14 19.2 kHz TLC32046 Wide-band AIC Serial 14 25 kHz TLC32047 AIC with 11.4-kHz BW Serial 14 25kHz TLC320AC01/02 5-volt-only AIC Serial 14 25 kHz TCM29C18 Companding codec/filter PCM 8 8kHz TCM29C23 Companding codec/filter PCM 8 16 kHz TCM29C26 Low-power codeC/filter PCM 8 16 kHz Single-supply codec/filter PCM and Linear 8 25kHz TCM320AC36 The AIC interfaces directly with serial-input TMS320 DSPs, which execute the modem's high-speed encoding and decoding algorithms. The TLC3204x family performs level-shifting, filtering, and AID and D/A data conversion. The DSP's many software-programmable features provide the flexibility required for modem operations and make it possible to modify and upgrade systems easily. Under DSP control, the AIC's sampling rates permit designers to include fall-back modes without additional analog hardware in most cases. Phase adjustments can be made in real time so that the AID and D/A conversions can be synchronized with the upcoming signal. In addition, the chip has a built-in loopback feature to support modem self-test requirements. A-15 Multimedia Applications For further information or application assistance, please call TI Linear Applications at (214) 997-3772. FigureA-9. High-Speed V.32 Bis and Multistandard Modem With the TLC320AC01 AIC TLC320AC01 + ADCand DAC Fine Tune Echo-Cancel :1 D A A Telephone Line Echo Canceler Transmitter RS-232 /IF Serial I/O Control TMS320C25/C5X Receiver Figure A-9 shows a V.32 bis modem implementation using the TMS320C25 and a TLC320AC01. The upper TMS320C25 performs echo cancellation and transmit data functions, while the lower TMS320C25 performs receive data and timing recovery functions. The echo canceler simulates the telephone channel and generates an estimated echo of the transmit data signal. The TLC320AC01 performs the following functions: Upper TLC320AC01 O/A Path: Converts the estimated echo, as computed by the upper TMS320C25, into an analog signal, which is subtracted from the receive signal. Upper TLC320AC01 A/O Path: Converts the residual echo to a digital signal for purposes of monitoring the residual echo and continuously training the echo canceler for optimum performance. The converted signal is sent to the upper TMS320C25. Lower TLC320AC01 01A Path: Converts the upper. TMS320C25 transmit output to an analog signal, performs a smoothing filter function, and drives the DAC. Lower TLC320AC01 O/A Path: Converts the echo-free receive signal to a digital signal, which is sent to the lower TMS320C25 to be decoded. Note: About the Above Example The example above is for illustration only. In reality, one single TMS320C5x DSP can implement high-speed modem functions. A-16 Analog Interface Peripherals and Applications Advanced Digital Consumer Electronics Applications A.S Advanced Digital Electronics Applications for Consumers With the extensive use of the TMS320 DSPs in consumer electronics, much electromechanical control and signal processing can be done in the digital domain. Digital systems generally require some form of analog interface, usually in the form of high-performance ADCs and DACs. Figure A-1 0 shows the general performance requirements for a variety of applications. Figure A-1 O. Applications Performance Requirements MSPS 300 Instrumentation S a m 100 p I i n g F 30 n c y Broadcasting ADTV e q u e HDTV DVTR 10 Fax/PC 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Bits PerformancelApplication Advanced Television System Design Considerations. Advanced Digital Television (ADTV) is a technology that uses digital signal processing to enhance video and audio presentations and to reduce noise and ghosting . .Because of these DSP techniques, a variety of features can be implemented, including frame store, picture-in-picture, improved sound quality, and zoom. The bandwidth requirements remain at the existing 6-MHz television allocation. From the IF(intermediate frequency) output, t~e video signal is converted by an a-bit video ADC. The digital output can be processed in the digital domain to provide noise reduction, interpolation or averaging for digitally increased sharpness, and higher quality audio. The DSP digital output is converted back to analog by a video DAC, as shown in Figure A-11. A-17 Figure A-11. Video Signal Processing Basic System· TMS320 .DSP TV IF Amplifier Field Memory Buffer System Controller Clock Generator VCRs, compact disc and OAT players, and PCs are a few of the products that have taken a major position in the marketplace in the last ten years. The audio channels for compact disc and OAT require 16-bit AlO resolution to meet the distortion and noise standards. See NO TAG for a block diagram of a typical digital audio system. The audio processing becomes more demanding as higher fidelity is required. Better fidelity translates into lower noise and distortion in.the output signal. The TMS570140W 1-bit digital-to-analog converters (OAC) include an 8 times over sampling digital filter designed for digital audio systems, such as COPs, OATs, CO Is, LOPs, digital amplifiers, car stereos, and BS tuners. They are also suitable for all systems that include digital sound processing like TVs, VCRs, musical instruments, NICAM systems, multimedia, etc. The converters have dual channels so that the right and left stereo signals can be transformed into analog signals with only one chip. There are some functions that allow the customers to select the conditions according to their applications, such as muting, attenuation, de-emphasis, and zero data detection. These functions are controlled by external 16-bit serial data from a controller like a microcomputer. The TMS570140W has a 129-tap FIR filter and third-order Ill: modulation to get -75-dB stop band attenuation and 96-dB SNR. The output is PWM wave, which facilitates analog signal through a low-pass filter. Table A-1 0 lists TI products for analog interfacing to digital systems. A-18 Analog Interface Peripherals and Applications Advanced Digital Consumer Electronics Applications Table A-1 O. AudioNideo AnalogJDigitallnterface Devices Function Device Bits Dual audio DAC+ digital filter TMS57013 16/18 Speed Channels Interface 32,37.8, 44.1,48 kHz 2 Serial 12 J.LS 1 Parallel 6J.LS 1 Parallel AID TLC1225 12 AID TLC1550 10 Video D/A TLC5602 8 50 ns 1 Parallel Triple video D/A TL5632 8 16 ns 3 Parallel Triple flash AID TLC5733 8 70 ns 3 Parallel Pipelined AID TLC5510 8 50 ns 1 Parallel Semiflash AID TLC5540 8 25 ns 1 Parallel For further information or application assistance, please call TI Linear Applications at (214) 997-3772. A-19 Analog Interface Peripherals and Applications Notes TI Worldwide Sales and Representative Offices AUSTRALIA 1NEW ZEALAND: Texa.lnstruments Australis Ltd.: Sydnay [61]2-910-3100, Fax 2-805-1186; Melbourne ~1211, Fax 3-696-4446. BELGIUM: Texas Instruments Belgium S.AJN.V.: Brussels [32] (02) 726-7580, Fax (02) 726 72 76. BRAZIL: Texaslnalrument08 Electronlcos do Brasil Ltda.: Sao Paulo [55]11-535-5133. CANADA: Texaslnslrumtnts Canada Ltd.: Montreal (514) 335-6392; Ottswa (613) 726-3201; Toronto (416) 884-9181. DENMARK: Texaslnalruments AlS: Ballerup [45] (44) 68 74 00. FINLAND: TexaslnstrumentslOY: Espoo [358] (0) 43 64 20 33, Fax (0) 46 73 23. FRANCE: Texas Instruments France: Vellzy-Villacoubley Cedex [33](1)30701001, Fax (1)30701064. GERMANY: Texas Instrumenta Deutschland GmbH.: Frelslng [49](08161)80-0, Fax (08161)804516; Hannover (0511)904960, Fax (0511)6490331; Ostflldern (0711)34030, Fax (0711)3403257. HONG KONG: Texas Instrumenta Hong Kong Ltd.: Kowloon [852] 29567288, Fax 2965-2200. HUNGARY: Texas lristruments Repreaentstlon: Budapest [36] (1) 269 8310, Fax (1) 2671357. IRELAND: Texas lnalruments Ireland Ltd.: Dublin [353] (01) 475 52 33, Fax (01) 478 14 63. ITALY: Texas lnalruments Itslla S.p.A.: Agrate Brlanza [39] (039) 66 42.1. Fax (039) 66 42.912; Rome (06) 657 26 51. JAPAN: Texas Instruments Japan Ltd.: Tokyo [81] 03-769-8700. 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SINGAPORE (& INDIA, INDONESIA, THAILAND): Texas Instrumenta Singapore (PTE) Ltd.: Singapore [65]390-7100, Fax 390-7062. SPAIN: Texas Instrumenta Espalla S.A.: Madrid [34] (1) 372 80 51, Fax (1) 372 82 66; Barcelona (3) 31791 80. SWEDEN: Texas Insln!ments International Trade Corporation (Svellgeflilalen): Klsts [46] (08) 752 58 00, Fax (08) 751 9715. SWITZERLAND: Texas Instruments Switzerland AG: Dletlkon [41]886-2-3771450. TAIWAN: Texas Instruments Taiwan Limited: Taipei [886] (2) 378-8800, Fax 2-377-2718. UNITED KINGDOM: Texaslnslruments Ltd.: Northampton [44] (0234) 270 111, Fax (0234) 223 459. • UNITED STATES: Texaslnatruments Incorporated: ALABAMA: Huntsville (205) 430-0114; ARIZONA: Phoenix (602) 224-7800; CALIFORNIA: Irvine (714) 660-1200; San Diego (619) 278-9600; San Jose (408) 894-9000; Woodland Hills (818) 704-8100; COLORADO: Denver (303) 488-9300; CONNECTICUT: Wallingford (203) 265-3807; FLORIDA: Orlendo (407) 667-5300; Fort Lauderdale (305) 425-7820; Tampa (813) 882-0017; GEORGIA: Atlanta (404) 662-7967; ILLINOIS: Arlington HeIghts (708) 640-2925; INDIANA: Indianapolis (317) 573-6400; KANSAS: Kansas City (913) 451-4511; MARYLAND: Columbia (410) 312-7900; MASSACHUSETTS: Boston (617) 895-9100; MICHIGAN: Detroit (313) 5531500; MINNESOTA: Mlnnsapolls (612) 828-9300; NEW JERSEY: Edison (908) 906-0033; NEW MEXICO: Albuquerque (505) 345-2555; NEW YORK: Poughkeepsie (914) 897-2900; Long Island (516) 454-$01; Rochester (716) 385-6770; NORTH CAROLINA: Charlotte (704) 522-5487; . 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Notth Amer/csn Authorlzsd Distributors COMMERCIAL 800-426-1410 1800-452-9185 Oregon only /lJrnac 1Arrow Anthem Electronics 800-626-6436 800-777-2776 Arrow 1Schweber 800-388-8731 Future Electronics (Canada) 800-332-8638 HamiHon Hallmark 800-522-0064 or www.marshall.com Marshall Industries 800-414-4144 Wyle OBSOLETE PRODUCTS 506-462-9332 Rochester Electronics MILITARY Alliance Electronics Inc 800-608-9494 Future Electronics (Canada) 800-388-8731 800-332-8638 HamiHon Hallmark 800-524-4735 Zeus, An Arrow Company CATALOG 80Q-433.Q700 /lJlied Electronics Arrow Advantage 800-777-2776 800-367-3573 Newark Electonics A04038& Important NOIlce: Texas Instruments (TI) reserves the right to make change. to or to dlacontinue any product or service identified In this publication without notice. TI ed_ Its custome.. to obtain tho_ veraton of tho relevant Information to verify. before placing orders. that thelnfonnatlon baing relied upon Is cumml. Please be advised that TI warrants Its semiconductor products and related software to the spaclllcatlona applicable at tho time of sale In accordance with TI·. standard warranty. TI 888umea no IlablHty for applications ...Istance, software perlonnanco, or third-party product information, or for Infringamanl of patents or .ervlcel described In this publication. TI assum.. no r..pon.lbUIty lor customa..• applications or product designs. @ 1995 Taxas Instruments Incorporated Printed in the USA TEXAS INSTRUMENTS ~lExAs INSIRUMENTS Printed in U.S.A. 7-95 SLAD001
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