1996_Fujitsu_Wireless_Communications_Products_Data_Book 1996 Fujitsu Wireless Communications Products Data Book

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Wireless Communications Products
Including Power Management
Dala Book
1996 Rev. 1.0

Introduction and Quick Selection Guide




CMOS Phase-Locked Loops (PLLs)


Super PLLs (Single Chip PLLs/Prescalers)


Super Analog RF Devices
BiCMOS LSI RF Integrated Circuits
Piezoelectric Devices/SAW Filters
Power Management Switches


Quality and Reliability


Ordering Information


Sales Information




Application Notes and Articles



Wireless Communications Products
Including Power Management

Data Book
Rev. 1.0

Fujitsu Limited
Tokyo, Japan
Fujitsu Microelectronics, Inc.
San Jose, California, U.S.A.

©1995 Fujitsu Microelectronics, Inc., San Jose, Califomia
All Rights Reserved
The information contained in this document has been carefully checked and is believed to be reliable. However, Fujitsu Microelectronics, Inc. assumes no responsibility for inaccuracies.
The information conveyed in this document does not convey any license under the copyrights, patent rights or trademarks claimed and
owned by Fujitsu Limited, its subsidiaries, or Fujitsu Microelectronics, Inc.
Fujitsu Microelectronics, Inc. reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice.
No part of this publication may be copied or reproduced in any form or by any means, or transferred to any third party without the prior
written consent of Fujitsu Microelectronics, Inc.
This document is published by the Product Communications Department. Fujitsu Microelectronics, Inc., 3545 North First Street, San
Jose, Califomia, U.S.A 95134-1804
Printed in the U.S.A.


This data book contains the latest product information which is part of the vast line of
Fujitsu's Telecommunications Products that supports the rapidly growing markets
for Wireless Communications products and services. This edition includes Prescalers, CMOS PLLs, Super PLLs, Super Analog RF Devices, high performance Piezoelectric Bandpass SAW Filters, and Power Management Switches. All of these products are manufactured to meet the high standard of quality and reliability that is found
in all of Fujitsu's products.
Fujitsu Microelectronics, Inc. (FMI), is further committing to higher levels of product support and information responsiveness to its valued customers through the establishment of a Customer Response Center (CRC) and a site on the Internet World
Wide Web (WWW). The CRC, planned to be operational in Oct, 1995, will give you
the convenience of calling one number (1-800-866-8608) for support of your product questions and information needs. In addition, the Internet WWW site for FMI
(www.fmi.fujitsu.com) is in the process of being registered and will be brought online to give you quick and easy access to the vast array of information covering the
large number of product lines supported by FMI. Our goal is to provide all of our
customers the best possible support and attention they deserve.



Contents and Alphanumeric Product List
SECTION 1 - Introduction and Quick Selection Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
SECTION 2 - Prescalers MB501 L


At a Glance .............................. 2-1
1.1 GHz Two Modulus Prescaler ...................................... 2-3
1.1 GHz Low Voltage/Low Power Two Modulus Prescaler ............... " 2-15
1.1 GHz Super Low Power Two Modulus Prescale ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2-25
520 MHz Two Modulus Prescaler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3
520 MHz Two Modulus Prescaler ..................................... 2-3
520 MHz Low Voltage/Low Power Two Modulus Prescaler ................. 2-15
1.6 GHz Two Modulus Prescaler ....................................... 2-35
2.4 GHz Two Modulus Prescaler ....................................... 2-39
1.6 GHz Two Modulus Prescaler ....................................... 2-43
2.3 GHz Two Modulus Prescaler ....................................... 2-51
1.1 GHz Two Modulus Prescaler ............. ; ......................... 2-59
2.7 GHz Two Modulus Prescaler ....................................... 2-67
1.0 GHz Two Modulus Prescaler ....................................... 2-73
1.0 GHz Two Modulus Prescaler ....................................... 2-81

SECTION 3 - CMOS Phase-Locked Loops (PLLs) MB87001A

At a Glance ....... 3-1
13 MHz Serial Input PLL Frequency Synthesizer ........................ 3-3
17 MHz Serial Input PLL Frequency Synthesizer ......................... 3-15
180 MHz Serial Input PLL Frequency Synthesizer ........................ 3-27
10 MHz Serial Input PLL Frequency Synthesizer with Power Down ......... 3-37
95 MHz Serial Input PLL Frequency Synthesizer ......................... 3-49
17 MHz Serial Input PLL Frequency Synthesizer .......................... 3-59
300 MHz Serial Input PLL Frequency Synthesizer ....................... 3-71
145 MHz Serial Input PLL Frequency Synthesizer ....................... 3-89
15 MHz @ 1.1 V Serial Input PLL Frequency Synthesizer ................. 3-99
110 MHz Serial Input PLL Frequency Synthesizer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3-89
90 MHz Serial Input PLL Frequency Synthesizer .......................... 3-89

SECTION 4 - Super PLLs (Single Chip PLLs/Prescalers) MB 15A01
MB1501 H
MB 1501 L
MB 1502
MB 1502H
MB 1503

At a Glance .. 4-1
1.1 GHz Prescaler/Seriallnput PLL Frequency Synthesizer ................. 4-5
1.1 GHz Dual PrescalerlSeriallnput PLL Frequency Synthesizer ........... 4-19
1.1 GHz Prescaler/Seriallnput PLL Frequency Synthesizer ............... 4-33
1.1 GHz Prescaler/Seriallnput PLL Frequency Synthesizer ............... 4-33
1.1 GHz PrescalerlSeriallnput PLL Frequency Synthesizer ............... 4-33
1.1 GHz PrescalerlSeriallnput PLL Frequency Synthesizer ............... 4-51
1.1 GHz Prescaler/Seriallnput PLL Frequency Synthesizer ............... 4-67
1.1 GHz Prescaler/Seriallnput PLL Frequency Synthesizer ............... 4-67
1.1 GHz. 0.3 GHz Dual PrescalerlSeriallnput PLL Frequency Synthesizer .. 4-81
2.0 GHz. 0.5 GHz Dual Prescaler/Seriallnput PLL Frequency Synthesizer .. 4-95
1.1 GHz PrescalerlSerial Input PLL Frequency Synthesizer ............... 4-109
520 MHz PrescalerlSeriallnput PLL Frequency Synthesizer ............. 4-125
520 MHz PrescalerlSeriallnput PLL Frequency Synthesizer ............. 4-125
520 MHz Prescaler/Seriallnput PLL Frequency Synthesizer ............. 4-125


SECTION 4 - Super PLLs (Single Chip PLLs/Prescalers)
MB15Sxx Series

2.0 GHz Low Power PrescalerlSeriallnput PLL Frequency Synthesizer ..... 4-143
600 MHz PrescalerlSeriallnput PLL Frequency Synthesizer .............. 4-157
2.5 GHz Low Power PrescalerlSerial Input PLL Frequency Synthesizer ..... 4-143
2.0 GHz PrescalerlSerial Input PLL Frequency Synthesizer ............... 4-169
2.0 GHz PrescalerlSeriallnput PLL Frequency Synthesizer ............... 4-185
2.5 GHz PrescalerlSeriallnput PLL Frequency Synthesizer ............... 4-197
400 MHz Dual PrescalerlSeriallnput PLL Frequency Synthesizer .......... 4-207
1.1 GHz Dual PrescalerlSeriallnput PLL Frequency Synthesizer ........... 4-221
1.1 GHz Dual PrescalerlSeriallnput PLL Frequency Synthesizer ........... 4-231
1.1 GHz 400 MHz Dual PrescalerlSerial Input PLL Frequency Synthesizer .. 4-243
1.1 GHz PrescalerlSerial Input PLL Frequency Synthesizer ............... 4-257
1.1 GHz PrescalerlSeriallnput PLL Frequency Synthesizer ............... 4-269
1.1 GHz Dual PrescalerlSeriallnput PLL Frequency Synthesizer ........... 4-281
1.1 GHz PrescalerlSerial Input PLL Frequency Synthesizer ............... 4-295
400 MHz Dual PrescalerlSeriallnput PLL Frequency Synthesizer .......... 4-309
2.5 GHz PrescalerlSeriallnput PLL Frequency Synthesizer ............... 4-323
1.2 GHz PrescalerlSerial Input PLL Frequency Synthesizer ............... 4-337
1.1 GHz PrescalerlSerial Input PLL Frequency Synthesizer ............... 4-349
2.0 GHz PrescalerlSeriallnput PLL Frequency Synthesizer ............... 4-365
2.5 GHz PrescalerlSerial Input PLL Frequency Synthesizer ............... 4-391
600 MHz Dual PrescalerlSeriallnput PLL Frequency Synthesizer .......... 4-401
600 MHz Dual PrescalerlSeriallnput PLL Frequency Synthesizer .......... 4-415
300 MHz Mask Programmable IF Prescaler/PLL ......................... 4-429
284 MHz.116 MHz Fixed Divide IF Prescaler/PLL for GSM ................ 4-437

SECTION 5 - Super Analog RF Devices MB531

At a Glance .................. 5-1
1.1 GHz Tx Mixer ..................................................... 5-3
1.6 GHz Low Noise Amplifier .......................................... 5-11
1.1 GHz Low Noise Amplifier and Mixer ................................. 5-19
1.1 GHz Dual Low Noise Amplifiers ..................................... 5-25
1.1 GHz Medium Power PA Driver Amplifier ............................. 5-31
1.0 GHz I/O Ouadrature Modulator (Preliminary) ......................... 5-37
2.0 GHz I/O Ouadrature Modulator (Preliminary) .......................... 5-59

SECTION 6 - BiCMOS LSI RF Integrated Circuits MB1520


At a Glance ......... 6-1
Series I Semi-Custom LSI RF IC ........................................ 6-3
Series I Semi-Custom LSI RF IC ........................................ 6-3
Series I Semi-Custom LSI RF IC ....................................... 6-3
Series I Semi-Custom LSI RF IC ........................................ 6-3
Series II Semi-Custom LSI RF IC ...................................... 6-31
Series III Semi-Custom LSI RF IC ...................................... 6-45
Series IV Semi-Custom LSI RF IC ...................................... 6-59

SECTION 7 - Piezoelectric Devices/SAW Filters FAR-FSCC-86MSO-L2AA
FAR-F6CC-1 G441 O-L2ZA
FAR-F6CC-1 G4890-L2ZB
FAR-F6CC-1 G6190-L2ZN
FAR-F6CE-1 G8800-L2XA
M2 Series (0100)
M2 Series (0300)
M3 Series (0001)
M3 Series (0101)

SECTION 8 - Power Management Switches MB3802

At a Glance ...........


AMPS/IS-S4/IS-9S SAW Filter ....................................... 7-7
AMPS/IS-S4/IS-9S SAW Filter ....................................... 7-7
AMPS/IS-S4/IS-9S SAW Filter ....................................... 7-7
AMPS/IS-S4/IS-9S SAW Filter ....................................... 7-7
NTT SAW Filter .................................................... 7-7
NTT SAW Filter .................................................... 7-7
ETACS SAW Filter .................................................. 7-7
ETACS SAW Filter .................................................. 7-7
NTACS SAW Filter ................................................. 7-7
NTACS SAW Filter .................................................. 7-7
NMT/GSM SAW Filter ............................................. 7-7
NMT/GSM SAW Filter ............................................. 7-7
NMT/GSM SAW Filter ............................................. 7-7
NMT/GSM SAW Filter .............................................. 7-7
E-GSM SAW Filter ................................................. 7-7
E-GSM SAW Filter ................................................ 7-7
E-GSM SAW Filter ................................................ 7-7
POC SAW Filter ................................................... 7-7
POC SAW Filter .................................................. 7-7
900 MHz ISM SAW Filter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7-7
900 MHz ISM SAW Filter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7-7
2-Way Pager SAW Filter ........................................... 7-7
AMPS/lS-136/1S-9S SAW Filter ..................................... 7-37
AMPS/lS-136/1S-9S SAW Filter ..................................... 7-37
AMPS/lS-136/1S-95 SAW Filter .................................... 7-37
ETACS SAW Filter ............................................... 7-37
ETACS SAW Filter ............................................... 7-37
ETACS SAW Filter ............................................... 7-37
NMT/GSM SAW Filter ............................................ 7-37
NMT/GSM SAW Filter ............................................. 7-37
NMT/GSM SAW Filter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7-37
NTACS SAW Filter ............................................... 7-37
NTT SAW Filter .................................................. 7-37
NTT SAW Filter .................................................. 7-37
POC 1.S GHz SAW Filter .......................................... 7-65
POC 1.5 GHz SAW Filter .......................................... 7-65
POC 1.S GHz SAW Filter .......................................... 7-65
OCS 1800 SAW Filter ............................................. 7-65
OCS 1800 SAW Filter ............................................ 7-65
PCS (US) SAW Filter ............................................. 7-65
PCS (US) SAW Filter ............................................. 7-65
WLAN (US) SAW Filter ........................................... 7-65
Piezoelectric Oevice (Voltage Controlled Oscillator) ................... 7-87
Piezoelectric Oevice (Voltage Controlled Oscillator) ................... 7-95
Piezoelectric Oevice (Voltage Controlled Oscillator) ...................7-105
Piezoelectric Modulator ............................................7-109

At a Glance ..............


Oual .12 Ohm, 1.2 Amp Switches with Zero "Off State" Currrent ........ 8-3
Oual .3 Ohm (12V port), 6.0 Ohm (5V port) Switches for Flash . . . . . . . . .. 8-17
Memory Cards and Other PCMCIA A.pplications ...................... 8-17


SECTION 9 - Application Notes and Articles -

At a Glance ...........


Fujitsu Prescalers and Phase-Locked L60ps forNHF and UHF Frequency Synthesis ............... 9-3
Resonator-Type Low-Loss Filters ........................................................... 9-35
Land S Band Low-Loss Filters using SAW Resonators ......................................... 9-43

SECTION 10 - Quality and Reliability ................................. 10-1
SECTION 11 - Ordering Information .................................. 11-1
SECTION 12 - Sales Information ..................................... 12-1
SECTION 13 - Glossary . ................' ............................. 13-1


Introduction and Quick Selection Guide



Telecommunication Devices
Fujitsu's Telecom IC product offering includes a wide range of leading
.edge RFlWireless parts for use in diverse applications such as cellular
telephones, cordless telephones, PCS/PCN systems, wireless PBX
systems, wireless LANIWAN systems, pagers, cable television converter boxes and a variety of portable wireless communication devices. The
core product families for RFlWireless applications include Prescalers,
Phase-Locked Loops (PLLs), SingleChip PLUPrescalers (Super
PLLs), RF Analog Devices (Super Analog), and Piezoelectric Devices
(SAW Filters and VCOs/Modulators). These products are manufactured to meet the high standard of quality and reliability that is found in all
Fujitsu products.
Fujitsu offers a wide range of prescaler devices capable of satisfying the technical requirements of today's applications. Features include devices covering the 200 MHz to 2.7 GHz range, low power
consumption, and a multitude of divide ratios.
The Fujitsu family of PLLs offers a wide range of operation frequencies with low supply current and voltages to meet many diverse design requirements. A serial input programming capability is a feature of all Fujitsu's PLLs.
Super PLLs
Fujitsu is one of only a few semiconductor manufacturers to offer
single-chip PLUPrescaler devices and was the creator of the industry standard MB1501. These devices are manufactured using
an advanced BiCMOS process that combines high speed and low
power consumption in a single chip. With the increased emphasis
on board space reduction to improve cost, reliability, and overall
end product size for portable applications, these single-chip devices are an ideal solution for wireless systems designers.
Super Analog
Included are a series of highly integrated Analog RF devices such
as Low Noise Amplifiers (LNA), Modulators, Demodulators and
Mixers that are typically used in the front ends of mobile and portable wireless communication systems. These include single and
multi-function devices based on Fujitsu's advanced RF
SiCMOS and Bipolar processes which are second to none.
Piezoelectric Devices
Fujitsu's lithium tantalate piezoelectric bandpass SAW Filters provide sharp roll-off characteristics and excellant stability over temperature in very small 3.8 mm x 3.8 mm or 5 mm x 5 mm surface
mount packages. Standard transmit and receive frequencies are
available for AMPS, NTACS, ETACS, NMT/GSM, NTT, PDC and
ISM/USA. This family of devices also includes a series of Voltage
Controlled Oscillators (VCOs) and Modulators


Quick Selection Guide - Prescaler, Super Analog
: Application

Bipolar Prescalers



2.5GHz MB506

2.0GHz -

1.5GHz -


1.0 GHz -


0.5GHz -















& Low


& Low




& Super


& Power




Super Analog Devices


I  I 






2.0 GHz






Low Noise

Low Noise
Amp & Mixer

Dual Low
Noise Amp




Med. Power



Quick Selection Guide - CMOS PLLs, Super PLLs

Fujitsu CMOS PLLs

250 MHz

200 MHz

150 MHz

100 MHz

50 MHz



Wide Voltage
Range &
Swallow Cntr.














PLL w/o
Swallow Cntr.











PLL w/o
Swallow Cntr.,
Fixed Divide
Ratios in (SSOP)









Very Low




Low Voltage
High Freq.


Super PLLs







MB1517A .. 1


1.5 GHz -

1.0 GHz -

0.5GHz -


MB1501L *
MB1501H *

MB1504 *
MB1S04L *


Wide Operating
Voltage & Low

MB 15B






Super Low
Current &
Analog Switch


Dual Modulus,
Fixed Ref. Ct.
Divide Ratios

L suffix Low speed lock up; H suffix
• Not for New Designs
•• New Products



Dual PLL &

=High speed lock up



Super Low
Current & Small

Device Type


Bipolar Prescalers - 200 MHz to 2.7 GHz
Part No.



Icc (Typ.)




8-pin DIP, SOP

64/65, 128/129



8-pin DIP, SOP

64/65, 128/129



8-pin DIP, SOP

32133, 64/65



8-pin DIP, SOP

32133, 64/65



8-pin DIP, SOP

32133, 64/65



8-pin DIP, SOP




8-pin DIP, SOP

2.4 GHz




8-pin DIP, SOP

1.6 GHz

128/129, 256/257



8-pin DIP, SOP

2.3 GHz

128/129, 256/257,



8-pin DIP, SOP


1.1 GHz

64/65, 128/129


1.1 GHz


1.1 GHz


520 MHz


520 MHz


520 MHz


1.6 GHz




1.1 GHz

64/65, 128/129



8-pin DIP, SOP


2.7 GHz

128/144, 256/272



8-pin DIP, SOP


1.0 GHz




8-pin DIP, SOP

Part No.

1.0 GHz


Icc (Typ.)




Icc (Typ.)


Tx Mixer

12.7 mA


8-pin SSOP


8-pin SOP

Super Analog Devices
Part No.






1.1 GHz


1.6 GHz

Low Noise Amp



8-pin SSOP


1.1 GHz




16-pin SSOP


1.1 GHz

Dual LNAs



16-pin SSOP


1.1 GHz

PA Driver Amp



16-pih SSOP


1.0 GHz

1/0 Modulator



20-pin SSOP


2.0 GHz

1/0 Modulator



20-pin SSOP

Low Power CMOS Phase Locked Loops (PLLs)
Divide Ratio
Part No.

fiN MHz
















2.7-5.5 V

1S-pin DIP, SOP








1S-pin DIP, SOP







4.5-5.5 V

16-pin DIP, SOP







2.7-5.5 V

16-pin DIP, SOP







4.5-5.5 V

16-pin DIP, SOP








16-pin DIP, SOP







2.7-3.3 V

16-pin DIP, SOP,







4.5-5.5 V

16-pin SSOP

1.1-1.7 V

16-pin SSOP




1.1 V













1.1 V



4.5-5.5 V

16-pin SSOP



4.5-5.5 V

16-pin SSOP


BiCMOS Single-Chip PLUPrescalers (Super PLLs)


Part No.


Prog. Ct.







16-pin SSOP
20-pin SSOP

Refer. Ct.

lee (typ)




1.1 GHz



1.1 GHz








1.1 GHz






3-5 V

16-pin DIP, SOP


1.1 GHz






3-5 V

16-pin SOP


1.1 GHz





15 mA

3-5 V

16-pin SOP


1.1 GHz







16-pin SSOP


1.1 GHz







16-pin SOP


1.1 GHz







16-pin SOP


1.1 GHz







16-pin SSOP

0.3 GHz


2.0 GHz
0.5 GHz







16-pin SSOP


1.1 GHz







16-pin SOP


520 MHz






3-5 V

16-pin SOP


520 MHz






3-5 V

16-pin SOP


520 MHz






3-5 V

16-pin SOP


2.0 MHz







16-pin SSOP


600 MHz







16-pin SOP


2.5 GHz







16-pin SSOP


2.0 GHz







20-pin SSOP

• Not for New Designs
•• Dual PLUprescaler set



BiCMOS Single-Chip PLUPrescalers (Super PLLs) continued

2.0 GHz







16-pin SOP


2.5 GHz







20-pin SOP


400 MHz




512, 1024



20-pin SOP


1.1 GHz







2Q-pin SSOP


1.1 GHz




512, 1024


3-5 V

2Q-pin SOP


1.1 GHz
0.4 GHz







20-pin SSOP


1.1 GHz






3-5 V

20-pin SSOP


1.1 GHz






3-5 V

20-pin SSOP


1.1 GHz







20-pin SSOP


1.1 GHz






3-5 V

20-pin SSOP


400 MHz







20-pin SOP


2.5 GHz







20-pin SSOP


1.1 GHz







16-pin SSOP


1.1 GHz







16-pin SSOP


2.0 GHz







16-pin SSOP


2.5 GHz







16-pin SOP

600 MHz





11 mA


20-pin SOP


600 MHz




512, 1024

11 mA


20-pin SOP


300 MHz







8-pin SSOP


284 MHz
116 MHz


Fixed 17
Fixed 7

Fixed 4

Fixed 13



8-pin SSOP


* Not for New Designs
** Dual PLUprescaler set




FSCB Series SAW Filters for Mobile Communications
The FSCB series are wide bandpass Surface Acoustic Wave
(SAW) filters for use in the 700 MHz to 1 GHz range. The FSCB
series uses a single lithium tantalate piezoelectric crystal (UTa03) which has a high electromechanical coupling coefficient.
The LiTa03 also provides wide bandwidths and exceptional stability. Fujitsu's exclusive mounting technology makes the FSCB
series very compact and surface mountable. The FSCB is suitable for use in handheld cellular phones.


Considerably smaller and lighter than a ceramic filter


Surface mount package (SMT)


High stopband attenuation types available


Wide variety of bandwidths for world-wide systems


Low insertion loss


High power rating: 0.2 W guaranteed


External impedance matching


Package: 8-pad ceramic LCC (5.0 mm x S.O mm x 1.S mm)

Product Line-up
Part Number



Center Frequency (MHz)







FAR-F5CB-881 M50-G201








































FAA-F5CB-911 MSO-G201
















High stopband

High stopband

High stopband

8 Pad Ceramic LCC




0 0


1 .5 mm (SIDE VIEW)


FSCC (L2) Series SAW Filters -

son Matched for Mobile Communication

The F5CC series are wide bandpass Surface Acoustic Wave


(SAW) filters for use in the 700 MHz to 1 GHz range. The F5CC


No external matching circuitry necessary

series uses a single lithium tantalate piezoelectric crystal (U-


Lower insertion loss

Ta03) which has a high electromechanical coupling coefficient.
The LiTa03 also provides wide bandwidths and exceptional sta-


SMT Package


Wide variety of standard products for all the world's major
telecommunications systems


High power rating: 0.2 W


Package: 6-pad ceramic LCC (3.8 mm x 3.8 mm x 1.5 mm)

bility. The F5CC( L2) series is ultra compact and surface mountable which makes it suitable for use in hand held cellular phones

Ultra compact, light weight

Product Line-up - Standard Version
Part Number


Part Symbol

Center Frequency (MHz)

Bandwidth (MHz)






FAA-F5CC-881 M50-L2AB







NIT (Tx)




NIT (Ax)














FAA-F5CC-911 M50-L2DA




















E-GSM (Tx)





E-GSM (Ax)





PDC (Tx)





PDC (Ax)










2-Way Pager





Part Symbol

Center Frequency (MHz)

Bandwidth (MHz)





















Product Line-up - High Attenuation Version
Part Number








E-GSM (Ax)









Packa e
6 Pad Ceramic LCC







I '0

0 0



F6Cx (L2) Series SAW Filters - SOQ Matched for Mobile Communication
The F6Cx series are wide bandpass Surface Acoustic Wave
(SAW) filters for use in the 1 GHz to 2.5 GHz range. The F6Cx
series uses a single lithium tantalate piezoelectric crystal (LiTa03) which has a high electromechanical coupling coefficient.
The LiTa03 also provides wide bandwidths and exceptional stability. The F6Cx(l2) series is ultra compact and surface mountable which makes it suitable for use in hand held cellular and PCS
phones. Several new standard devices for PCS/PCN Systems
have recently been added to the F6Cx Series SAW Filters.


Ultra compact, light weight


No external matching circuitry necessary


Lower insertion loss


SMT Package


Wide variety of standard products for all the world's major
telecommunications systems


High power rating: 0.2 W


F6CC (L2): 6-pad ceramic LCC (3.8 mm x 3.8 mm x 1.5 mm)
F6CE (L2): 6-pad ceramic LCC (3.0 mm x 3.0 mm x 1.2 mm)

Product Line-up - Standard Version
Part Number


Part Symbol

Center Frequency (MHz)

FAR-F6CC-1 G441 O-l2ZA

PDC (Tx)



Bandwidth (MHz)


FAR-F6CC-1 G4890-l2ZB

PDC (Rx)




FAR-F6CC-1 G6190-L2ZN

PDC (Lo)





DCS (Tx)




FAR-F6CE-1 G8425-L2YB

DCS (Rx)




FAR-F6CE-1 G8800-L2XA

PCS (Tx)



FAR-F6CE-1 G9600-L2XB

PCS (Rx)









Packa e
6 Pad Ceramic LCC for F6CC (L2) Series





0 0



M2 Series (0100) General Purpose Voltage Controlled Oscillators
The M2 series (0100) voltage controlled oscillators (VCO) operate in the frequency range of 4 to 30 MHz. The M2 series uses a
single lithium tantalate piezoelectric crystal (UTaOa) which has a
high electromechanical coupling coefficient. The UTaOs also
provides a wide variable frequency range and exceptional stability.

± 0.2%


Wide variable frequency width:


High precision oscillation frequency, ready for use without adjustment


High reliability due to hermetically sealed package


Custom frequencies also available


Package: 4 pin metal case compatible with 14 pin DIP IC

Standard Frequencies (MHz)


























Metal Case DIP 14


20.8mm max.

13.1 mm




18.3 mm




mm --



M2 Series (0300) Voltage Controlled Oscillators for Digital Audio
The M2 series (0300) voltage controlled oscillators (VCO) operate in the frequency range of 4 to 30 MHz. They use a single lithium tantalate piezoelectric crystal (LiTa03) which has a high electromechanical coupling coefficient. The LiTa03 also provides a
wide variable frequency range and exceptional stability. The
0300 module contains 3 VCOs for the three sampling frequencies used in digital audio equipment (32, 44.1, and 48 kHz). The
frequencies are selected by external signals.

Clock replay in response to 3 sampling frequencies (32, 44.1
and 48 kHz)


Wider variable frequency width than in quartz crystals:
±0.1 % or more


Excellent stability for signal noise reproduced by high quality
of the lithium tantalate


100 times more stable than VCOs of LC and TTL IC configuration


3 sampling frequencies controlled at CMOS logic level


Compatible with the Electronic Industry Association of Japan
(EIAJ) digital 1/0 standard type II (consumer digital audio
eqUipment), Level I (high resolution mode and Level II (standard resolution mode)


Package: 16 pin Single in Line Package for high density

Standard Combinations of Frequencies
Type A



f01 (L)

8.192 MHz

32 kHz x 256

f02 (M)

11.290 MHz

44.1 kHz x 256

f03 (H)

12.288 MHz

48 kHz x 256

f01 (L)

12.288 MHz

32 kHz x 384

f02 (M)

16.934 MHz

44.1 kHz x 384

f03 (H)

18.432 MHz

48 kHz x 384

f01 (L)

16.384 MHz

32 kHz x512

f02 (M)

22.579 MHz

44.1 kHz x 512

f03 (H)

24.576 MHz

48 kHz x512


16 Pin SIP Module
8.0 mm max

43.0mm max




M3 Series (0001) General Purpose SAW Voltage Controlled Oscillators
The M3 series (0001) voltage controlled oscillators (VCO) operate in the frequency range of 50 to 300 MHz. They use a single
lithium tantalate (LiTa03) SAW resonator. The M3 series VCOs
oscillate directly in the VHF band up to 300 MHz and have a wide
variable frequency range and high temperature stability.

Direct oscillation at high frequencies: 50 to 300 MHz


Wider variable frequency range: 800 ppmN or more (0.5 to
4.5 V)


Superb temperature characteristics: ±200 ppm (0 to 60°C) or


High-precision oscillation frequency, ready for use without


High reliability due to hermetically sealed package


High carrier noise ratio: -90 dB or less (12.5 kHz detuning,
8 kHz band)


Frequency offset by built-in offset terminal


Package: 5 pin metal case compatible with 16 pin DIP IC


Standard Frequencies


Part Number

74.25 MHz

Professional HDTV


97.20 MHz

Transmission Standard HDTV


115.52 MHz

Broad-band ISDN


Metal Case DIP 16


17.78 ± 0.5 (0.700 ± 0.020)

25.6 MAX (1.008)

--"1---+...=2..=..54 ± 0.5 (0.100 ± 0.020)

13.08 MAX

7.62± 0.5
(0.300 ± 0.020)





(0.232 ± 0.020)


_(,-0._0_16_±_0_.0_0_4}'--L... (0.197 ± 0.020)
Units: mm (inches)


M3 Series (0101) SAW Modulators
The M3 series (0101) SAW modulators contain direct oscillators
(50 MHz to 300 MHz). They use a single lithium tantalate (LiTa03)
SAW resonator. The M3 series modulators can be used in direct
modulation applications requiring high modulation sensitivity and
a high signal to noise ratio in the VHF band (up to 300 MHz)

High frequency direct modulation: 50 to 300 MHz


High modulation sensitivity: 800 ppmN min. (0.5 to 4.5 V)


Excellent modulation distortion ratio: 40 dB max. (1 kHz to
1.75 kHz dev.)


Excellent signal to noise ratio: -50 dB max.


Excellent temperature characteristic: + 200 ppm max. (-20 to
700 C)


Highly reliable hermetically sealed package


Package: 5 pin metal case compatible with 14 pin DIP IC

Standard Frequency
Standard Frequency


Part Number

145.0 MHz

Mobile Phone



Metal Case DIP 14


20.8 mm max.

15.2 mm

13.1 mm



18.3 mm








MB3802 - Power Management Switch
Enhance PC Notebook Battery Life With This Power-saving
The notebook PC typifies the recent trend in electronic devices towards
compact, lightweight, battery-driven products that can be used anywhere, anytime. Use of this IC facilitates the contribution to the "green
A major problem with such battery-driven devices is brief or insufficient
battery life. This has focused attention on the issues of reducing power
consumption and simultaneously extending battery life. Notebook PCs
and other small computers switch off power to peripheral devices (hard
or floppy disk drives, PCMCIA Cards, etc.) that are not operating. The
circuits that control the switches, however, are either 3V or 5V circuits
and operate constantly, consuming energy.
To control power lines to peripheral devices, FUJITSU has developed
the MB3d0210w-voltage :nput switch (VIN > 2.2V typ.), which consumes
no current when the switches are turned off.

MB3807A - Flash Memory Power
Management Switch
Fujitsu has specifically developed the MB3807A to efficiently control
Flash Memory devices, however it is also ideally suited for power control
of other battery powered portable applications. The W,B3807A consists
of two SPOT switches, with each switch conSisting of one pole suited for
higher current requirements (.5 Amps) at typically 12 Volts and the other
pole suited for lower cur:-ent req'Jire,ments (.1 Amps) typically from 3/5
Voft sources.


MB3802 - Power Management Switch

Small Supply Current : ON State 100 !AA
OFF State 0 I4A

Operates on low input voltage, ideal for use in 3V systems


Low Control Voltage : 2.5V - 6V

Low On Resistance : 120mO x 2 channels
(Power NMOS FET Included)


Rush Current Protection


Small Package: Narrow SOP16


Controls power lines to peripheral devices


Greatly extends use of battery-driven notebook PCs


Low Leak Current : < 1 !AA (Both Directions)


Product Line-up - Power Management Switches
Part Number




















Flash Memory

MB3802 Block Diagram and External Connections


MB3807A -

Power Management Switch for Flash Memory


Power Management Switch for Flash Memory


Compatibility for a PCMCIA Digital Interface


Controls Two PCMCIA Card Slots


Low On Resistance: 12V Port 0.30
5V Port 60


5V Port Supports 3.3V and 5V Operation


Small Package : Narrow SOP16

Product Line-up - Power Management Switches
Part Number

Number of


DC Current














< 15V


Flash Memory


MB3807A Block Diagram and External Connections

Charge Pump


Charge Pump




Prescalers - At a Glance
Fujitsu offers a wide range of prescaler devices capable of satisfying the technical requirements of today's
applications. Features include devices covering the 200 MHz to 2.7 GHz range, low power consumption,
and a multitude of divide ratios.



fiN (max)

Divide Ratio

lee (typ)




1.1 GHz

64165, 128/129





1.1 GHz

64/65, 128/129



8-pin, DIP, SOP
8-pin, DIP, SOP



1.1 GHz

64/65, 128/129



8-pin, DIP, SOP



520 MHz

32/33, 64/65



8-pin, DIP, SOP



520 MHz

32/33, 64/65



8-pin, DIP, SOP



520 MHz

32133, 64/65



8-pin, DIP, SOP







8-pin, DIP, SOP



2.4 GHz




8-pin, DIP, SOP



8-pin, DIP, SOP



1.6 GHz




2.3 GHz




8-pin, DIP, SOP



1.1 GHz

64/65, 128/129



8-pin, DIP, SOP



2.7 GHz




8-pin, DIP, SOP



1.0 GHz

1,2, B

23 rnA


8-pin, DIP, SOP



1.0 GHz




8-pin, SOP



August 1995



MBS01 US041S04L


The Fujitsu MB501 U504/504L are two modulus prescalers, which are use with
a frequency synthesizer to make a PLL (Phase Locked Loop). They will divide
the input frequency by the modulus of 64/65 or 128/129 for the MB501 L, and
32133 or 64/65 for the MB504/MB504L. The MB501 Land MB504L are
low-power versions. The output of 1.6V peak to peak on ECL level applies to all.
• High Operating Frequency, Low Power Operation:
1.1 GHz at 50mW typo (MB501 L)
520MHz at 50mW typo (MB504)


520MHz at 25mW typo (MB504L)
• Pulse Swallow Function

=-40°C to +85°C

• Wide Operation Temperature


• Stable Output Amplitude:

VOUT = 1.6Vp-p

• Complete PLL synthesizer circuit with the Fujitsu MB87001 A, PLL
synthesizer IC
• Plastic 8-pin Standard Dual-In-Line Package or space saving Flat Package





Supply Voltage


-0.5 to +7.0


Input Voltage




Output Current




Ambient Temperature


-40 to +85


Storage Temperature


- 55 to +125








Permanent device damage mayoccurifthe above Absolute Maximum Ratings are
exceeded. Functional operation should be restricted to the conditions as detailed in
the operational soctio~s of this data sheet. Exposure to absolute maximum rating
conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.


due to high static voltages or electric fields. However, ~ is advised
that normal precautions be taken to avoid application of any
voltage higher than maximum rated voHages to this high
impedance circu~.

Copyright © 1990 by FUJITSU LIMITED



a) MB501L

















Divide Ratio

SW: H = Vee. L = OPEN
Me: H 2.0V to Vee.
L GND to O.8V



b) MB504IMB504L





Divide Ratio















Me: H =2.0V to Vee.
L GND to O.8V


Figure 1. Block Diagrams



Pin Number







DC Supply Voltage



Divide Ratio Contro/lnput (See Divide Ratio Table)









Modulus Control Input (See Divide Ratio Table)



Non Connection



Complementary Input






Supply Voltage


Output Current


Ambient Temperature


Load Capacitance

















(Recommended Operating Conditions unless otherwise noted)




Power Supply Current


1/0 pins are open


Output Amplitude



Input Signal Amplitude for IN

























Low Level Input Voltage for MC




Low Level Input Voltage for SW


High Level Input Current for MC



Low Level Input Current for MC


VIL =0.8V





High Level Input Voltage for SW








* Vcc = 5V. TA = 25°C
•• Design Guarantee




High Level Input Voltage for MC




With input coupling
capacitor 1000pF


Modulus Set-uo lime



Input Frequency


Vcc-o· 1




Vcc+ 0 . 1

















Example: Divide Ratio of 64/65







r -______-JA~________~



32_~_~r- - -- - -- --1""'-_3_2_---1



J - -_ _













When divide ratio of 65 is selected, positive pulse is applied by one to 33.
The typical set up time is 16ns (MB501L) from the Me signal input to the timing of
change of prescaler divide ratio.




Example: Divide Ratio of 32133

r -______






r -______



16_~~~r- - - -- -- - -1,",,"__1_6_ - I




..Io--_ _











When divide ratio of 33 is selected, positive pulse is applied by one to 17.
The typical set up time is 20ns (MB504), 18ns (MB504L) from the Me signal input to the timing of
change of prescaler divide ratio.





Sampling scope input point
for input wavefonn




=+s.ov ± 10%



Sampling scope prober paint
for output waveform






MC Input

C1: 1000pF
C2: 1000pF

Ca: 0.1~F

CL: 12pF (including scope and jig capacitance)
RL: 2kn

Figure 2. Test Circuit












Vee = S.OV
TA = 2SoC
































Figure 3. Input Signal Amplitude vs. Input Frequency






Vee =IS.OV



















i'-- I---10









Figure 4. Input Signal Amplitude vs. Input Frequency






c 800

Vee ~ S.OV
TA=2S o C

I MBsolL
























Figure 5. Input Signsl Amplitude VB. Input Frequency






47Kn 47Kn 47Kn

Control ( } - - - - - - - - - - - - + - + - - '

:12.8MHz x'tal
: +2.75V to +4.5V
: 8VMax.
: depends on crystal oscillator


An example of application of MB501 U504/504L with PLL Synthesizer IC MB87001 A

Figure 6. Typical Application Example




(CASE No.: DlP-08P-M

+ .016
.370 -.012


244 ± .010

U::~;:::=::;:::;==rrr':r O~I
+ .012



( 0.99 -0.00


· '(:i~)
+ .012

.172 (4.36) MAX .

.118 (3.00) MIN .

. 100(2.54)

.018 ±.003
(0.46 ±a.08)

Dimensions in inches (millimeters) .



(CASE No.: FPT-08P-M01)

.089(2.25) MAX.
.002(0.05) MIN.








J I.(~:~~)



1$1 0.005(0.13l@1


+ .002
+ 0.05
.006 -.001 (0.15_ 0.02 )




Details of "A" part



L ___



Dimensions in inches (millimeters).


=~~n4.~~~~~~~~ .1,
Sept. 1995





The Fujitsu MB501 LV/504LV are low power and low voltage versions of
MB501/504, two modulus prescalers used with a frequency synthesizer to make
a Phase Locked Loop (PLL). They will divide the input frequency by the modulus
of 64/65 or 128/129 for the MB501 LV, and 32133 or 64/65 for the MB504LV. The
output level is 1.1 V peak to peak on ECL level.

• Wide Low Voltage Operation

3.0V typ., +2.7 to 4.5V

• High Frequency Operation, Low Power Operation (VIN

=-12dBm min.)


1.1 GHz at 36mW typo (MB501 LV)
520MHz at 18mW typo (MB504LV)
• Pulse Swallow Function

=-40°C to +85°C

• Wide Operation Temperature


• Stable Output Amplitude

Your = 1.1Vp-p typo

• Built-in a termination resistor
Stable output amplitude is obtained up to output load capacitance of 8pE


• Complete PLL synthesizer circuit with the Fujitsu MB87001 A, PLL
synthesizer IC
• Plastic 8-pin Standard Dual-In-Line Package or space saving Flat Package






Supply Voltag3



-0.5 to +7.0


Input Voltage


-0.5 to + Vee






-55to +125



Output Current
Storage Temperature



Permai1entdevicedamage mayoccurifthe above Absolute Maximum Ratings are
exceeded. Functional operation should be restricted to the conditions as detailed in
the operational sections of this data sheet. Exposure to absolute maximum rating
conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.

Thisdevicecontainscircunrytoproteclthe inputsagainsl damage
due to high slatic vohages oreleclric fields. However, n is advised
that normal precautions be taken to avoid application of any
vohage higher than maximum rated vohages to this high
impedance circun.

Copyright © 1992 by FUJITSU LIMITED




a) MBI01LV


Oil/ide Ratio















Note: SW: H - Vee. L - open
Me: H - VIHM to Vee.
L - GND to O.8V
VIHM - 2"Vee +O.3V

b) MeI04LV





Oil/ide Ratio














Note: SW: H - Vee. L - open
Me: H - VIHM to Vee.
L - GND to O.8V
vlHM -'2Vee + O.3V






Supply Voltage


Output Current


Ambient Temperature


Load Capacitance














Pin Number








DC Supply Voltage



Divide Ratio Control Input (See Divide Ratio Table)









Modulus Control Input (See Divide Ratio Table)



Non Connection



Complementary Input



(Recommended Operating Conditions unless otherwise noted)




Power Supply Current




Input Frequency



High Level Input Voltage for MC Input


Low Level Input Voltage for MC Input


High Level Input Voltage for SW Input


Low Level Input Voltage for SW Input


High Level Input Current for MC Input


VIH =2.0V

Low Level Input Current for MC Input


VIL= 0.8V

Modulus Set-up Time
















VIHM = 1/2 Vee +0.3



Vcc-o· 1




Vec+ 0.1













Note: • DeSign Guarantee


With input coupling capacitor

Input Signal Amplitude



Output Amplitude



Example: Divide ratio = 64/65




rul····IlM· ··TW·· ... Ilfl" fUlfUl"fU1


1.-_ _

.... . .. .

·l.,..',~_ _3_2_---,J






, !sET '


: !sET


Note: When divide ratio of 65 is selected, positive pulse is applied by one to 33.
The typical set up time is 16 ns from the MC signal input to the timing of change of prescaler divide ratio.



Example: Divide ratio = 32/33



INM····J1M·····M· ·l1Jl .nJlJUll1J1



..,.Jr -----

L..-_ _




·l.,..\_ _16_ _-,





IsET :

: IsET

Note: When divide of 33 is selected. positive pulse is applied by one to17.
The typical set up time is 18 ns from the MC signal input to the timing of change of prescaler divide ratio.




Sampling scope input point
for input waveform
Sampling scope prober point
for output waveform





L -_ _ _...lJ


MC input

C, : 1000pF
C2: 1000pF
C3: O.lJ.1F
C L : 8pF (including scope and jig capacitance)




.sw 1000






Vee = 3.0V
TA = 25°C








Vee = 3.0V
TA = 25°C




iii 400












.sw 1000















1000 2000
















Vsx (Max. 8 V)


Clock O } - - - - - _ - - - - '
Data 0 - - - _ . - - + - - - - -


MB 501 LVI504LV


12.8 MHz X'tal
+2.7V to +4.5V
8V Max.

C" C2

depends on crystal oscillator






(CASE No.: DIP-08P-M01)


(940 +-0 40)
- 030


244 t01 0
(620 t025)






(089 ~gjg)
172(436) MAX

.118(3.00) MIN




Dimensions in
inches (millimeters)



(CASE No.: FPT-08P·M01)

089(2.25) MAX









.26B ~ :g6~(6.80 ~ 8:~gl


~::::;t::=n==~--. j
.0SO( 1.27)







__ i


01 8 00
:0. 104J$I¢.00s(0. 13)@1
,(0.4 5 _. ~

i .150(3.81)

t-- - - REF




1. 020 ±.008
(O.SO± 0.20)

'+·002(0 lS+0.0S)
.006 - .001 . -0.02

r - - - - - -- - - - - - - - ,


Details of "A" part










.007(0.18) :



IL _______________ JI

Dimensions in
Inches (millimeters)


All Rights Reserved.
Circuit diagrams utilizing Fujitsu products are included as a means of illustrating typical
semiconductor applications. Complete Information sufficient for construction purposes
is not necessarily given.
The Information contained in this document has been carefully checked and is believed
to be reliable. However, Fujitsu assumes no responsibility for inaccuracies.
The Information contained in this document does not convey any license under '~he
copyrights, patent rights or trademarks claimed and owned by Fujitsu.
Fujitsu reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice.


No part of this publication may be copied or reproduced in any form or by any means, or
transferred to any third party without prior written consent of Fujitsu.




Sept. 1995





The Fujitsu MB501 SL is a super low power version of the MB501 two modulus
prescaler used with a frequency synthesizer to make a Phase Locked Loop
(PLL). It divides the input frequency by the modulus of 64/65 or 128/129,
respectively. The MB501 SL achieves extremely small stray capacitance by the
use of Fujitsu's Advanced Process Technology. High speed operation is
achieved with low power supply current of 5mA which is about half of the current
value of the MB501L.

• High Frequency Operation:

fmax =1.1 GHz max. (PIN =-14bBm)

• Pulse Swallow Function:

64/65, 128/129

• Low Power Supply Current:


• Stable Output Amplitude:

Vo = 1.6Vp-p typo




• Complete PLL synthesizer circuit with the Fujitsu MB87001 A, PLL
synthesizer IC
• Plastic 8-pin Dual-In-Line Package
• Plastic 8-pin Mini Flat Package


• Built-in Termination Resistor
• Stable output amplitude is obtained up to output load capacitance of 8pF.







-0.5 to +7.0



Power Supply Voltage


Input Voltage
Output Voltage
Storage Temperature



-0.5 to + Vee








Pennanent device damage may occur ifthe above Absolute Maximum Ratings are
exceeded. Functional operation should be restricted to the conditions as detailed in
the operational sections I)f this data sheet. Exposure to absolute maximum rating
conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.

due to hlghstaticvoltagesorelectrlcflelds. However,lt Is advised
that npnnal precautions be taken to avoid epplicalion of any
voltage higher than rnaxi'IIum rated voltages to this high
Impedance circuit.




IN D----'IIr.-,

IJo-+--o OUT






Divide Ratio










Note: SW: H = VCG • l =open
MC: H =2.0V to VCG •
L =GND to O.8V



Pin Number






Power Supply. +5V



Divide Ratio Control Input (See Divide Ratio Table)









Modulus Control Input (See Divide Ratio Table)



Non Connection



Complementary Input










Power Supply Voltage






Operating Temperature






Load Capacitance






(Recommended Operating Conditions unless otherwise noted)












Power Supply Current



Output Amplitude


Built-in a termination resistor.
Load capacitance = SpF



Input Frequency


With input coupling capacitor





Input Signal Amplitude







High Level Input Voltage for MC







Low Level Input Voltage for MC







High Level Input Voltage for SW



Vee-O· 1

Vee +0.1


Low Level Input Voltage for SW



High Level Input Current for MC







Low Level Input Current for MC







Modulus Set-up lime MC to Output










Note: • Design Guarantee



Vee = +5.0V ±10%
Sampling scope input point
for input waveform



Sampling scope prober point
for output waveform









MC input

C, : 1000pF
C 2 : 1000pF

C3 : O.lI1F
Cl : 8pF(inciuding scope and jig capacitance)

Example. Divide Ratio of 64/65



























When divide ratio of 129 is selected, positive pulse is added by one to 65.
The typical set up time(tsn) is 16 ns from MC signal input to the timing of change of prescaler divide ratio.














Vee = 4.5V
Vee = 5.0V
Vee = 5.5V








~ -20












= 5.0V




TA = -40°C
TA = 25°C
TA = 85°C


































5 . 0 1 - - - - - - t - - - - - - - - + - - - - : : : : .......:;;..--+---~





















. .V


















Vee = 5.0V
TA = 25°C



































Data 0 - - - -....









C,. C:r

12.SMHz x'taI
SV± 10%
SV Max.
depends on crystal osillalor







(6.20 ± 0.25)






(152~ g30)

172(436) MAX

020(0 51)
100(254) .1-

11:11988 FUJITSU LIMITED 008006S.2C


118(3 00) MIN

018; 003
(046; 008)
Dimensions in
inches (niRirneters)




(CASE No.: FPT-08P-M01)

089(225) MAX
, .002(0.05) MIN


.268 ~g~~(6.80 ~g~g)





~ (045 ± 0




lOJ$/ ¢005(O 13)'M/

1.020 ,.00.

006 +002(0 15 +0.05)

: Details of "A" part :















: II .007(0.18)







,027(068) :



Dimensions in
inches (miUimelersJ



(CASE No.: FPT·08P·M02)

154 + 012
(390 + 0 30)










-: ;. 01 7 + 004 ; 4;
(0 42 + 0 10) , ~ , cf> 005(0 13) (~,



.020:i .OOS


OOS:! .002
(020:1 005)

Details of "A'· part




, (OOS(O 20)
007(0 lSI



, MAX"

, MAX'

Dimensions in


inches (rTillimeters)

Sept. 1995





The Fujitsu MB505 is a high frequency, up to 1.6GHz, prescaler used with a
frequency synthesizer to form a Phase locked loop (Pll). It will divide the input
frequency by the modulus of 128 or 256 and the cutput level is 1.6V peak to peak
on ECl level.
Operation in the 1.6GHz range meets the specification for applications in Direct
Broadcasting Satellite Systems (DBS), CATV systems, and UHF Transceivers.


• High Frequency Operation

1.6GHz max.

• low Power Dissipation


• Wide Operation Temperature


• Stable Output Amplitude

• Complete Pll synthesizer circuit with the Fujitsu MB87006A, Pll
synthesizer IC

• Plastic 8-pin Standard Dual-In-Line Package or Flat Package






Supply Voltage


-0.5 to +7.0


Input Voltage


-0.5 to Vee






-55 to +125





Output Current
Storage Temperature

Permanent device daMage mayoccurifthe above Absolute Maximum Ratings are
exceeded. Functional operation should be restricted to the conditions as detailed in
the operational sections of this data sheet. Exposure to absolute maximum rating
conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.



This device contains circuHry to protect the inputs against
damage due to high static voltages or electric fields. However,
H is advised that normal precautions be taken to avoid
application of any voltage hig,erthanmaximum rated voltages
to this high impedance circun.





Divide Ratio





Note: SW: H

= Vee.

L = ope!'



Pin Number






Power Supply Voltage



Divide Ratio Control Input Selecting divide ratio (See Divide Ratio Table)









No Connection



No Connection



Complementary Input





Supply Voltage


Output Current


Ambient Temperature


Load Capacitance














(Recommended Operating Conditions unless otherwise noted.)




Supply Curent


Output Amplitude


Input Frequency


Input Signal Amplitude


with input coupling
capacitor 1000pF













High Level Input Voltage for SW


Vee-O· 1

Vee +0.1


Low Level Input Voltage for SW





*Design Guarantee


Vee S.OV
TA 25°C



























SOO 1000 2000

Figure 2. Input Signal Amplitude VB. Input Frequency



(Suffix: ·P) (Suffix: ·PF)

(CASE No.: DlP-IIP-II01)





__._ t


L. no.:.::; __ -:


(CASE No.: FPT-08P-II01)







307 •.0."



J ,



_ " 271!



mo orl=r0l51··5IMAX




.0.3.5 •.001



Sept. 1995




The Fujitsu MB506 is a high frequency, up to 2.4GHz, prescaler used with a
frequency synthesizer to form a Phase locked loop (Pll). It will divide the input
frequency by the modulus of 128 or 256 and the output level is 1.6V peak to peak
on ECl level.Operation in the 1.6GHz range meets the specification for
applications in Direct Broadcasting Satellite Systems (DBS), CATV systems, and
UHF Transceivers.

• High Frequency Operation


• Power Dissipation


• Wide Operation Temperature

-40°C to +85°C

• Stable Output Amplitude

VOUT = 1.6Vp-p


• Complete Pll synthesizer circuit with the FujitslJ MB87006A, Pll
synthesizer IC


• Plastic 8-pin Standard Dual-In-Line Package or Flat Package






Supply Voltage


-0.5 !0+7.0


Input Voltage


-0.5 to Vee






-55 to +125


Output Current
Storage Temperature

Note: Pennanentdevicedamage mayoccurifthe above Absolute Maximum Ratings are
exceeded. Functional operation should be restricted to the conditions as detailed in






This device contains clrcuHry to protect the inputs against
damage due to high static voltages or electric fields. However,
it is advised that nannal precautions be taken to avoid
application ofanyvo!tagehigherthanmaximum rated voltages
to this high impedance circuit.





Divide Ratio















Note: H = Vee. L = open

Pin Number









Power Supply Voltage



Divide Ratio Control Input Selecting divide ratio (See Divide Ratio Table)









Divide Ratio Control Input Selecting Divide Ratio (See Divide Ratio Table)



No Connection



Complementary Input





Supply Voltage


Output Current


Ambient Temperature


Load Capacitance
















(Recommended operating conditions unless otherwise noted.)


Supply Curent








Output Amplitude


Input Frequency


High Level Input Voltage for SW



to SO°C



tiN = 1OOMHz to 1.3GHz



tiN = 1.3MHz to 2.4GHz




Vcc-o· 1


Low Level Input Voltage for SW


TA = -40°C
to 85°C

with input


Input Signal Amplitude






Vee +0.1


"Design Guarantee





TA= 25°C










..... 200







SOO 1000 2000

Figure 2. Input Signal Amplitude



Input Frequency






15 MAX


- ~":~:~'"
[J m


301' 016



I 178'001


1530(251 1;

__ I




Dimensions in
inches (ITiRllT18Iers)




16 80:g jg)


020' 008


\ .008,10.21





Dimensions in
inches (1TiIliIT18lers)

Sept. 1995





The Fujitsu MB507 is a 1.6GHz two modulus prescaler used with a frequency
synthesizer to form a Phase locked loop (PlL). It will divide the input frequency
by the modulus of 128/129 or 256/257 and has an output level of 1.6V peak to
peak on ECl level.

• High Frequency Operation

1.6GHz max.

• Power Dissipation



• Pulse Swallow Function

• Wide Operation Temperature

-40°C to +85°C

• Stable Output Amplitude

VOUT = 1.6Vp-p


• Complete Pll synthesizer circuit with the Fujitsu MB87001 A, PLl
synthesizer IC
• Package
Standard 8-pin Dual-In-Line Package (Suffix: -P)
Standard 8-pin Flat Package
(Suffix: -PF)







Supply Voltage


-0.5 to +7.0


Input Voltage


-0.5 to Vee






-55 to +125


Output Current
Storage Temperature

Pennanentdevicedamage mayoccurifthe above Absolute Maximum Ratings are
exceeded. Functional operation should be restricted to the conditions as detailed in
the operational sections of this data sheet. Exposure to absolute maximum rating
conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.








This device contains circuHry to protect the inputs against
damage due to high static VOllages or electric fields. However,
k is advised that normal precautions be taken to avoid
application ofanyvottage hi~erthanmaximum ratedvottages
to this high impedance circuft.





MB 507





Divide Ratio










Note: SW; H '" Vee, L '" open
MC; H '" 2.0 V to Vee, L = GND to 0.8 V

Pin Number






DC Supply Voltage



Divide Ratio Control Input Selecting Divide Ratio (See Divide Ratio Table)









Modulus Control Input (See Divide Ratio Table)



Non Connection



Complementary Input








Supply Voltage


Output Current


Ambient Temperature


Load Capacitance
















(Recommended Operating Conditions unless otherwise noted.)




Supply Curent


Output Amplitude


Input Frequency


Input Signal Amplitude

with input coupling
capacitor 1000pF













High Level Input Voltage for MC



Low Level Input Voltage for MC


High Level Input Voltage for SW


Low Level Input Voltage for SW


High Level Input Current for MC


V,H =2.0V

Low Level Input Current for MC



Modulus Set-up Time MC to OUT


1.6GHz Operation




Vee -0.1


Vee +0.1







*Design Guarantee




,...--__<>-------__- - - - - - - 0

vee = + 5.0 V ± 10%

Sampling scope input point
for input waveform


Sampling scope prober point
for output waveform




L-_ _---l'-'


MC input
C, : 1000pF
C2 : 1000pF
C3: 0.1J.lF
C L : 12pF (including scope and jig capacitance)
R L : 2K!1

Example: Divide ratio = 128/129



I1Jl . ·Jl]Ul----nn



'--__6_4_---..,...,.Jf - -- - -- -







: IsET :

Note: When divide of 129 is selected, positive pulse is applied by one to 65.
The typical set up time is 18 ns from the MC signal input to the timing of change of prescaler divide ratio.






Vee = 5.0V
700 I-TA '" 25°C












ii.i 300










~ "'--








500 1000 2000


VSX (Max. 8 VI

MB 87001A
0. D47.uF







: 12.8MHzX'tal
Vee : 5 V! 10%
Vsx : 8 V Max.
C" C2: depends on crystal oscillator





(Suffix: P)
(CASE No.: DIP-08P-M01)







I1 060+-0


(0.89 ~ g:~g)
.172(4.36) MAX

118(3.00) MIN




Dimensions in
inches (milimeten;)




(Suffix: PF)
(CASE No.: FPT-08P-M01)


.089(2.25) MAX
.002(005) MIN











,.018 + .004
- (0.45 + 0.1

oJ$1 16.005(0 13»",,1


_150(3. 81


~g6~(6.80 ~


~ (0.50±0.20)

.006 + .002(0_ 15 + 0.05)

: Details of "A" part :






Cl .. QQ4(0.1.0)







11007(0.18) :





1(780 ± 0.40)










L _______________ J

Dimensions in
inches (mHiimelers)



Sept. 1995



The Fujitsu M8508 is a 2.3GHz two modulus prescaler used with a frequency
synthesizer to form a Phase locked loop (Pll) and divides the input frequency
by a modulus of 128/130, 256/258 or 512/514. The output level is 1.6V peak to
peak ECl level. The ultra high frequency operation provides wide application,
such as Direct Broadcasting Satellite System, CATV system, UHF Transceiver,

• High Frequency Operation:

f =2.3GHz max. (PIN =-4dBm min.)

• Input Signal Amplitude:


• Pulse Swallow Function:


• Power Dissipation:


• Wide Operation Temperature:

-40°C to +85°C

• Stable Output Amplitude:

VOUT =1.6Vp-p typo


=100mVp-p (fiN =100MHz to 1.8GHz)


• Complete Pll synthesizer circuit with the Fujitsu MB87001 A, Pll
synthesizer system block IC


• Standard Plastic B-pin Dual-In-Line Package or Flat Package




Power Supply Voltage



-0.5 to +7.0


Input Voltage


-0.5 to Vce


Output Current




Operating Temperature


-40 to +85



-55 to +125




Storage Temperature

Note: Pennanentdevicedamage mayoccuriftheaboveAbsolute Maximum Ratings are
exceeded. Functional operation should be restricted to the conditions as detailed in
the operational sections of this data sheet. Exposure to absolute maximum rating
conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.


This device contains circuHry to protect the inputs against
damage due to high static vohages or electric fields. However,
H is advised that normal precautions be taken to avoid
application of anyvoltagehigherthanmaximumratedvoltages
to this high impedance circuH.








p..-t---o OUT




Divide Ratio

































Note: SW: H=Vee, l=Open
MC: H=2.0V to Vee, l=GND to O.SV

Pin Number







Power Supply. +5V



Divide Ratio Control Input (See Divide Ratio Table)













Modulus Control Input (See Divide Ratio Table)
Divide Ratio Control Input (See Divide Ratio Table)
Complementary Input




Power Supply Voltage


Output Current


Operating Temperature


Load CapaCitance














(Recommended Operating Conditions unless otherwise noted.)




Power Supply Current


Output Amplitude


Input Frequency









with input coupling
capacitor 1000pF




fiN = 1800MHz to




fiN = 1OOMHz to



Input Signal Amplitude


High Level Input Voltage for MC


Low Level Input Voltage for MC


High Level Input Voltage for SW


Low Level Input Voltage for SW


High Level Input Current for MC



Vec-O· 1


Vce +0.1



VIH =2.0V

Low Level Input Current for MC



High Level Input Current for SW


VIH = Vee

Modulus Set-up Time MC to
Output at 2.3GHz Operation












*Design Guarantee










Sampling scope input point
for input waveform





Sampling scope prober point
for output waveform




= +S.OV±10%



MC input

C1 : 1000pF
C2: 1000pF
C3: 0.1~F

CL : 12pF (Including scope and jig capacitance)
CR: 2kS1

Example: Divide ratio = 128/130














tsET :

Note: When divide ratio of 130 is selected. positive pulse is applied by two to 66,
The typical set up time is 18 ns from the MC signal input to the timing of change of prescaler divide ratio,









= S.OV
= 25°C

























~ I'--.



100 200

500 1000 2300 5000

Input Frequency (MHz).

Vsx (Max. 8 V)

MB 87001 A



Clock O - - - - - - - - < p - - - - - '







~:c ;~8,~~~ X",

BV Max.



C,. C2: depends on crystal oscillaj




(Suffix: ·P)
(CASE No.: DIP·08p·M01)
370+ .016

.244± .010
(6.20 ± 0.25)







(0.25 ± 0.05)

(1.52::g· 30)

172(4.36) MAX

.118(3.00) MIN




Dimensions in
inches (mUlimet8r&)


(Suffix: -PF)
(CASE No.: FPT-08P-M01)
089(2.25) MAX

002(005) MIN


i .307±.016




.268 ~g6~(6.80 ~ g~g)

1o!::::;t;::::;:i;:=n=~ __ .L



1 i.

R I.

020 ±.OO8

l.oo~ ~

0 18 ± .004 r-:-1--::-:=-=-"-=-,,,,",

--I (0~45 ±0.lot$I¢·005/0.13)iMlI


, .150/3.81)


... ,


: Details of "A" part :




' I







II .020(0.50):
: ~i007(0.18):
[.027(0.68) I

Dimensions in
inches (millimeters)




Sept. 1995


Edition 3.0a

The Fujitsu MBS09 is a low power, two modulus prescaler equipped with the
standby mode. The MBS09 is used in conjunction with a frequency synthesizer
to form a Phase Locked Loop (PLL) and will divide the input frequency by the
modulus of 65/65 or 128/129.
Power consumption is typically 11.5mA at S.OV. under normal operation, with the
current reduced t0180~ in standby mode. By using MBS09 with the MB87076,
intermittent operating mode can be achieved.


• High Frequency Operation:

fmax ::.: '1.1 GHz max. (PIN = -4dBm min.)

• Pulse Swallow Function:

64/65, 128/129

• Power Supply Consumption:


• Stand-by Current:


• Stable Output Amplitude:

Vo = 1.6Vp-p typo



• Complete PLL synthesizer circuit with the Fujitsu MB87076, PLL frequency
synthesizer IC
• Plastic 8-pin Dual-tn-Une Package (Suffix: -P)
Plastic 8-pin Mini Flat Package (Suffix: -PF)


• Built-in a Termination Resistor
Stable output amplitude is obtained up to output load capacitance of 8pF

Power Supply Voltage
Input Voltage
Output Current
Storage Temp,}rature






-{).5 to +7.0




-0.5 to Vee




-55 to +125










Permanentdevicedarnage mayoccurifthe above Absolute Maxlm:Jm Ratings are
exceeded. Functional operation shou:d be restricted to the conditions as detailed in
the operational seL,1lons c.1 this data 6heet. Exposure to absolute maximum rating
conditions tor e>.1ended periods may affect device reliability.



This device contains circuHry to protect the inputs against
• damage dUel to high static voltages or electric fields. However.
it is advised that normal precautions be taken to avoid
application of anyvoRage higherthanmaxlmum rated voltages
to this high impedance circuit.









Divide Ratio


















SW: H=Vee • Laopen
MC: Ho:3.0V to Vee.
PS: HR2.0V to Vee.
L..GND to O.4V

Stand-by mode



Pin Number







Power Supply, +5V



Divide Ratio Control Input (See Divide Ratio Table)









Modulus Control Input (See Divide Ratio Table)



Stand-by Control Input (See Divide Ratio Table)



Complementary Input





Power Supply Voltage








Operating Temperature






Load Capacitance







(Recommended Operating Conditions unless otherwise noted)




Power Supply Curent













Stand-by mode



Output Amplitude


Built-in a Termination
Load Capacitance=8pF



Input Frequency


With input coupling
capacitor 1000pF





Input Signal Amplitude













Vee +0.1


High Level Input Voltage for MC


Low Level Input Voltage for MC


High Level Input Voltage for SW


Low Level Input Voltage for SW


High Level Input Voltage for PS
Low Level Input Voltage for PS

Vee-O· 1



















V1H =3.0V


Low Level Input Current for MC


VIL= 0.8V





High Level Input Current for MC

Modulus Set-up lime MC to Output






*Design Guarantee






Sampling scope input point
for input waveform




P.G·£-_ _ _w


Sampling scope prober point
for output waveform





C,: 1000pF
C2 : 1000pF
C3 : O.1j.1F
CL : 8pF (including scope and jig capacitance)

PS pin is open.







r --------~---------"'"
























Notes: When divide ratio of 65 is selected. positive pulse is added by one
to 33.
The typical set up time is 16ns from the MC signal input to the
timing of change of prescaler divide ratio.












Oatasheet spec.



















« Power Off ~


PS pin Input


OUT pin
Output signal


III 11 If\~

:> r \, \I~


~ I , I~ I~ I~ I, I , I



\ \l \1 1\1. \I. 1\1. \I. \1


About 50 ns of set up time is required both power on/off.




PS Signal
LE Data Clock














._------------------ ..






(Case No. : DIP-8P-MOI)

244± .010





(1.52 ~g.30)

.172(4.36) MAX

.118(3.00) MIN



(0.46 ± 0.08)
Dimensions in
inches (millimeters)



(Case No. : FPT-8P-MOI)
089(2.251 MAX
002(0.051 MIN

(7.80 ± 0.401




268 ~g6g(680 ~8:~gl




i .150(3.81)
1--.----- ~

1 020 ,.008


.006 + .002(0.15 +0.05 1

r--- -- ------- --,
: Details of "A" part :



.007(0.18) :
,.027(0.681 I
IL ______________



Dimensions in
inches (millimetersl

Sept. 1995



--------------------------------------------------------------------2.7GHz TWO MODULUS PRESCALER


The Fujitsu MB510 is an ultra high speed, two modulus prescaler that forms a
Phase Locked Loop (PLL) when combined with a frequency synthesizer such as
the Fujitsu MB87001A. It divides the inputfrequencybythe modulus of 128/144
or 256/272, and operates at a low power supply current of 10mA at 5.0V.
Through the use of Fujitsu's Advanced Process Technology, the MB51 0 achieves
extremely small stray capacitance from its internal elements.

• High Frequency Operation:

2.7GHz max.

• Power Dissipation:

50mW typo

• Pulse Swallow Function:

128/144, 256/272

• Wide Operation Temperature:

-40°C to +85°C

• Stable Output Amplitude:

VOUT =1.6Vp-p typo


• Built-in Termination Resistor
• Complete PLL synthesizer circuit with the Fujitsu MB87001 A PLL
synthesizer IC
• Pac:








Vee=5.0V _
TA = 25°C




a. 500





Ci3 300



a. 200







~ 1'--.




50 100 200
500 1000 2000

Figure 3. Input Signal Amplitude vs. Input Frequency


Example: Divide ratio





M- --JUUl- --M ----M- --MM- -Jill















Note: When divide of 144 is selected, positive pulse is applied by 16 to 80.
The typical set up time is 16 ns from the MC signal input to the timing of change of prescaler divide ratio.

Vsx (Max. 8V)


16 15 1413 12 11 10 9



Clock u-------- (CL S 5pF)

• Wide temperature range:


• Plastic 8-pin Dual-In-Une package (Suffix: -P)
Plastic 8-pin Flat package (Suffix: -PF)












Power Supply Voltage


-0.5 to +7.0


Input Voltage


-0.5 to Vee +0.5






-55 to +125



Output Current
Storage Temperature

Permanent device damage mayoccurifthe above Absolute Maximum Ratings are
exceeded. Functional operation should be restricted to the conditions as detailed in
the operational sections of this data sheet. Exposure to absolute maximum rating
conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.









This device contains circuHry to protect the inpu1s against
damage due to high static voltages or electric fields. However,
H is advised that normal precautions be taken to avoid
application of anyvoHage higherthan maximum ratedvollages
to this high impedance circuft.







Figure 1. MB511 Block Diagram

Operating Frequency



Divide Ratio



Not used





250M Hz












Pin Number






Input. The connection with VCO should be an AC connection.





Power supply voltage input.




Output. Termination resistor is necessary due to emitter follower output.

No connection.








Divide ratio control input.




Divide ratio control input.




Complementary Input.










Power Supply Voltage



Operating Temperature



Load Capacitance








Termination resistor 500n







Power Supply Current






Except termination
output current.

Output Amplitude






500n termination,
CL= 5pF max.






















Vee +0.5


Input Frequency

Input Signal Amplitude
High Level Input Voltage


Min. value is measured
with coupling capacitor of

S1, S2
Low Level Input Voltage
Low Level Input Current












Sampling scope prober point
for output waveform









(including scope and jig capacitance)



Figure 2. Test Circuit


=+5.0V ± 10%











~ ~ -10 t-+--t----1H-

~ cE-10 t-+--t----1H-







~ _?rlH---",,"-+--1f~~




~~ -10
a.. w
=>I::: -20









Figure 5. Input Sensitivity Curve (111 Divide Ratio)
Power Supply Voltage Dependency


<= Typ (23.0mA)







Figure 6. Power Supply Current
vs. Power Supply Voltage






Figure 7. Input Sensitivity Curve (1/8 Divide Ratio)
Temperature Dependency

vcc =5.0V tl!1~!i:~'!!




Figure 6. Input Sensitivity Curve (1/2 Divide Ratio)
Temperature Dependency





~;( 26.0

--- ~~







Figure 9. Input Sensitivity Curve (1/1 Divide Ratio)
Temperature Dependency







<= Typ (23.0mA)




Figure 10. Power Supply Current
vs. Temperatule




(Case No. : DIP-8P-MOI)





039~J>12 I I




.172(436) MAX

.118(300) MIN




(0 46±0.08)


Dimensions in
inches (millimeters)



(Case No. : FPT -8P-MO I)
089(2.25) MAX
(6.35 +0.25)






.002(0.05) MIN


: 307t.016



268 ~


86~(680 ~







JL006 +002(015 +0.05)





--- -- --- - -- -

- -,

Details of ''A'' part :






Ii .020(050):
: li007(0 18) :




!... _____ __________ J



Dimensions In
Inches (millimeters)



Prescaler with VCO (Dual-Modulus, 1.0 GHz)


The MBSS1 is a dual-modulus prescaler incoporating a voltage controlled oscillator (VeO) and is used with
SOO-MHz band frequency synthesizers. The MBSS1 consists of: a Colpitts oscillator with grounded base capacitor, a buffer amplifier with open collector output, a prescaler interface circuit, and a dual-modulus prescaler
operating at frequencies divided by 128/12S. The oscillator block accommodates external components such
as a capacitor, a dielectric oscillator (resonator), and a variable capacitor. These components combined with
the circuitry on the MBSS1 chip makes up the veo.
The veo and the prescaler are connected by an internal circuit. This minimizes the effects of prescaler input
load variation on critical veo characteristics, such as c/N ratio.
The MBSS1 typically operates at


and draws


mA of current.

• Oscillator frequency: 1 GHz (Max)
• Low power consumption: Icc = 16 mA (Typical)
• Oscillator output power: 0 dBm (Typical)
• C/N ratio: 70 dB (Typical) Measurement conditions: L\f = 50 kHz, BW = 15 kHz
65 dB (Typical) Measurement conditions: 6f = 25 kHz, BW = 15 kHz
• SIN ratio: 45 dB (Typical) Measurement conditions: BW = 0.3 to 3 kHz, 3 kHz.Dev, 1 kHz Tone
• Stable oscillator output
Supply voltage dependence: ±200 kHzIV (Typical)
Frequency stability: 35 ppm/°C (Typical)

8 pin Plastic SOP

(FPT-8P-M01 )

Copyright@ 1995 by FUJITSU LIMITED


• Pulse swallow method: Division-by-128/129 prescaler
• Prescaler output with termination circuit: V I = 1.6 VP·p


(Top view)














Pin No.





veo signal pin



I Power supply pin



I Module setting pin




Prescaler output pin



Oscillator transistor base pin



Oscillator transistor collector pin



Oscillator transistor emitter pin




! Ground pin

• TIMING DIAGRAM (Example of Dual-modulus, division-by-128/129 type)
129 cycles

128 cycles


Jill····JlJlll····JlJl········ I1J1-···JlJ1J1J1-····I1J1

64 cycles

64 cycles

r"."' ... "" 1

64 cycles

65 cycles









L_ ...___._. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


• M pin = High: Division by 128
M pin = Low: Division by 129
(VIH = 2.0 V min, VIL = 0.8 V max.)
• Division plus one makes the high-to-Iow transition longer by one cycle of the frequency-divided signal.
• Setup time (tSET) from input of the M signal to change in the divide ratio of the prescaler is 16 ns (typical).






Bias circuit


Prescaler block








_______________________________________________________________ 2-83



Supply voltage


Oscillator transistor basel
emitter applied voltage

Ve, VE

M/OUT (Pin 3/4) applied




-0.5 to +7.0




-0.5 to Vee + 0.5


Vee $ VP2 < +7.0




-55 to +125



Do not apply external
DC voltage to the base
or emitter pin.



fveo/C (Pin 1/6) applied





Applied current
Storage temperature




Supply voltage
External variable capacitor
control voltage
Operating temperature
Prescaler output load











I Vee










I Ta















veo Block



Oscillator frequency
Oscillator output







C/N ratio



































Fundamentall1 st harmonic
Frequency stability






Supply voltage variation


Mod Sense










15 kHz


Of = 25 kHz, BW =
15 kHz


i BW =0.3 to 3 kHz,
13kHz, Oev, Tone
i 1 kHz









10C ; -40 to 85°C, 25°C
! (Typical)











! Of = 50 kHz, BW =






SIN ratio






5V ±100/0


Control range: 1.0 to

Note: Electrical characteristics depend on external components and mounting conditions. These values are
reference values assuming the test circuit examples on pages 6 and 7.

2. Prescaler Block
Supply current









Output amplitude



Response frequency



Allowable input power



High-level input voltage




High-level input current





Module setup time











Load capacitance
when internal
termination pin is used:
8 pF or less
























82 nH

1~MH'IT1 pF












Chip capacitor:
Chip coil:
Dielectric oscillator:











l_OM_UT_H_ig-oh impedance prober
(Sampling scope)



l l

lO.01 11F

UMK316C, UMK212C, UCN103C Series (Taiyo Yuden)
LQN2A Series (Murata Works)
DRR060UE (Murata Works)
ISV164 (NEC)




1500 MHz


1.5 pF


2 pF









~ I

MA333 51 pF T



0.01 J!.F




82 nH




3 pF







High impedance prober
- - - 0 (Sampling scope)

l l lO.01!iF

Chip capacitor:
Chip coil:
Dielectric oscillator:

UMK316C Series (Taiyo Yuden)
LQN2A Series (Murata Works)
DRR060UE (Murata Works)
MA333 (Mitsubishi Electric)



Dielectric oscillator

[Mounted component list}

1 pF (Taiyo Yuden UMK212C)
2 pF (Taiyo Yuden UCN103C)
3 pF (Taiyo Yuden UMK212C)
4 pF (Taiyo Yuden UMK212C)
2 pF (Taiyo Yuden UMK212C)
20 pF (Taiyo Yuden UMK316C)
51 pF (Taiyo Yuden UMK212C)
20 pF (Taiyo Yuden UMK316C)
20 pF (Taiyo Yuden UMK316C)
51 pF (Taiyo Yuden UMK212C)
20 pF (Taiyo Yuden UMK316C)
51 pF (Taiyo Yuden UMK212C)
20 pF (Taiyo Yuden UMK316C)
51 pF (Taiyo Yuden UMK212C)

C15: 0.01 IlF (Film capacitor)
C16: 0.01 IlF (Film capacitor)
C17: 0.01 IlF (Film capacitor)



L 1:

22 nH (Murata Works LQN2A)
56 nH (Murata Works LQN2A)
82 nH (Murata Works LQN2A)


(Rohm MCR25)

VD: lSV164 (NEC)

Dielectric oscillator: (Murata Works DRR060 Series, 1.5 GHz)





- - _... _ - - -

(1) Supply Current


Typ= 16 mA



Vee (V)

(2) Oscillation Waveform (50-kHz span)

o I---+--+










(1) Conversion Gain
















;~::.:p~!aSheet ~pec


.~ (dBm)














. . . . . . . . . . 1. .







Ta= +25°C

- - - Ta = +85°C



Input frequency fin (GHz)









(1) Conversion Gain






6f~ =7.5 MHz/V
















Vee = 5.0 V
Ta +25°C


VT (V)

(2) CIN, SIN
• Control voltage dependence





··t······· ................ t··




C/N (625 kHi)

----+-------t---t 40




I--~--__+----+_---+--__t_; Vee = 5.0 V

'--_'_ _ _'""'""'"-_ _ _ _ _ _'--__~ Ta = +2SoC





VT (V)







4 F





Vee (5 V)


1 pF

2 pF

3 pF 20 pF








Vee Clock Data LE





l.!,D~o_ _ _ _ __



Vee (5 V)

I Vee
STB o---+-+--~





1000 pF



56 nH

20 pF j;0.01 I1F


I i'Y


Lock Oe1.



120 pF



~ 51 pF

Part number
MB551 PF



8 pin Plastic SOP
(FPT-8P-MOl )


8 pin Plastic SOP
(FPT-8P-M01 )

I~~;(;~ 1,




(Mounting height)





'T'" "T





II. 0.15~:

(.006-001 )





1994 FUJITSU UMITED F080025-4C-4

! O.50±O.20

_______________ J

Dimensions in mm (inches)

CMOS Phase-Locked Loops (PLLs) - At a Glance
The Fujitsu family of CMOS PLLs offers a wide range of operating frequencies with low supply current and
voltages to meet many diverse design requirements. A serial input programming capability is a feature of all
Fujitsu's PLLs.


Device Part

fiN (max)
















































































































Sept. 1995


Edition B.Oa




The FujHsu MB87001A, fabricated in CMOS technology, is a serial input PLL frequency
The MB87001 A contains an inverter for connection to an extemal oscillator, a programmable
reference divider, a divide factor of programmable reference divider control circuit, a phase
detector, a charge pump, a 17-bit shift register, a 17-bit latch, a programmable divider (a binary
7-bit swallow counter, a binary 10-bit programmable counter), and a control generator for an
extemal dual modulus prescaler.


When supplemented with a loop filter and VCO, the MB87001 A contains the necessary circuitry
to make up a Phase Locked Loop (PLL). Typically, a dual modulus prescaler such as the
MB501L can be added, allowing input frequency operation up to 1.1 GHz.
S2 and S3 input (1/8,1/16,1/64,
1/128, 1/256, 1/512, 1/1024, 1/2048)


Single power supply voltage:
Veo = 2.7V to 5.5V


Wide temperature range:
TA =-40 to 85°C


13MHz typical input capability
@5V (fin input)


On-Chip inverter for oscillator


8 divide factors for programmable
reference divider is selected by S1 ,


Programmable 17-bit divider with
input amplifier consisting of:
Binary 7-bit swallow counter
Binary 10-bit programmable counter


2 type of phase detector output
On-chip charge pump output
Output for extemal charge pump


Easy interface to Fujitsu dual
modulus prescaler








Power Supply Voltage


Vss -0.5 to Vss +7.0


Input Voltage


Vss -0.5 to Voo +0.5


Output Voltage


Vss -0.5 to Voo +0.5


Output Current




Open-drain Output


Vss-O.5 to Voo +3.0



-40 to +85



-65 to +150




Operating Temperature
Storage Temperature
Power Dissipation



Permanent device damage may occur if the above Absolute Maximum Ratings
are exceeded. Functional operation should be restricted to the conditions as
detailed in the operational sections of this data sheet. Exposure to absolute
maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.




























This device contains circuitry to protect the inputs against
damage due to high static voltages or electric fields. However,
it is advised that normal precautions be taken to avoid
application of anyvoHage higher than maximum rated voltages
to this high impedance circuit.












l1O-bit Shift Register

7 -bit Shift Register









l~~t ~~




Programmable Divider






L _____ J

Divide Factor of
Reference Divider
Control Circuit

Binary 10-bit
Programmable Counter


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .JI



Binary 7-bit
Swallow Counter





17-bit Latch

81---.. . . ·...1



Charge Pump

Reference Divider




Pin No.

Pin Name





Power supply voltage input





Clock signal input for 17-bit shift register
Each rising edge of the clock shifts one bit of the data into the shift register




Serial data input for 17-bit shift register
The data is used for setting the divide factor of the programmable divider




Load enable input
When this pin is high level (high active). the data stored in the 17-bit shift register is transferred to
the 17-bitlatch.




Input for programmable divider from VCO or prescaler output
This input involves the bias circuit and amplifier. The connection with the external dual modulus
prescaler should be an AC connection.




Control output for external dual modulus prescaler
The connection to the prescaler should be a DC connection. This output level is synchronized
with the falling edge of the fiN input signal (pin #5).
Pulse Swallow Function:
MB501 L M = High: Preset modulus factor 64 or 128
M = Low: Preset modulus factor 65 or 129




Output of phase detector
It is high level when fr and fp are equal. and then the loop is locked. Otherwise it outputs a
negative pulse signal.




Three-state charge pump output of the phase detector
The mode of Do is changed by the combination of the programmable reference divider output
frequency (fr) and the programmable divider output frequency (fp) as listed below:
Drive mode (Do = High level)
fr >fp:
High-impedance mode
fr < fp:
* .pP is a N-channel open drain output




Control input for programmable reference divider
The combination of these inputs provides 8 kinds of divide factor for the programmable reference














































Input pin for crystal oscillator.
Input to the inverting amplifier that forms part of the oscillator
This pin receives the oscillator signal as AC coupled when an external oscillator is used.
For large amplitude Signals (standard CMOS levels) DC coupling may also be used.





Output pin for crystal oscillator
Output of the inverting amplifier
This pin should be open when an external oscillator is used.



Serial data of binary code is inputto the Data pin. These data are loaded into the 17-bit shift registerfrom the MSB. When the load enable signal (LE) is
high, the data stored in the 17-bit shift register is transferred to the 17-bit latch.


The data G) to
set a divide factor of the binary 7-bit swallow counter and data G) to @ set a divide factor of the binary 10-bit programmable
counter. In other words, serial data is equivalent to the divide factor of programmable divider.


r-----~----------------------------------------------- -------------









Binary 7-bit Swallow Counter


Binary 10-bit Programmable Counter


































Binary 7-bit Swallow Counter Data Input

CD ®







Factor A
















































Note: Divide factor A: 0 to 127
Depending upon the divide factor set input (SW) of extemal prescaler, the input data should be as follows:
Example MB501 L
SW = H (64/65): Bit 7 of shift register (7) should be zero

Binary 10-bit Programmable Counter Data Input











Factor N













































Note: Divide factor less than 5 is prohibited
Divide factor N: 5 to 1023

fveo =[(N x M) + A] x fr
fveo: Output frequency of extemal voltage controlled oscillator (VeO)

Preset divide factor of binary 10-bit programmable counter (5 to 1023)


Preset modulus factor of extemal dual modulus prescaler (e.g. 64 in 64/65 mode, 128 in 128/129 mode of an MB501L prescaler)


Preset divide factor of binary 7-bit swallow counter (0 to 127)


Output frequency of the programmable reference divider


• tl - t5

~ 1fls,






Clock: Clock signal input for the 17-bit shift register
Each rising edge of the clock shifts one bit of data into the shift register.
Data : Serial data input for the 17-bit shift register

Load enable input
When LE is high (high active), the data stored in the 17-bit shift register is transferred to the 17-bit latch.
The 17-bit data is used for setting a divide factor of the programmable divider.


(Vss =OV)






Power Supply Voltage






Input Voltage






Operating Temperature






• This device should be transported and stored in anti-static containers.

This is a static-sensitive device; take proper anti-ESD precautions. Ensure that personnel and equipment are properly grounded. Cover workbenches with grounded conductive mats.


Always turn the power supply off before inserting or removing the device from its socket.

• Protect leads with a conductive sheet when handling or transporting PC boards with devices.




=3.0V, Vss =OV, TA =-40 to +85°C)





High-level Input Voltage















Input Sensitivity
High-level Input Current


Amplitude in AC
coupling, sine wave


High-level Output Voltage

Low-level Output Voltage

Low-level Output Voltage
Low-level Output Voltage


High-level Output Voltage

High-level Output Current





N-channel Open Drain
Cut Off Current


























Vo = Voo +3.0V




Il A





















Max. Operating Frequency of
Programmable Reference Divider







Max. Operating Frequency of Programmable Divider







Power Supply Current* 1

Note: *1: fiN = 5.0MHz, 12.8MHz crystal is connected between OSCIN and OSCOUT.
Inputs are connected to ground except for fiN and OSCIN. Outputs are open.





Except 4>P and OSCOUT
Low-level Output Current




Low-level Output Voltage






Data Q._ _ _- - I - - - - - - - l

47k!l 47k!l 47k!l

12.BMHz x'tal

5V± 10%
BV Max.
depends on crystal osillator





Inupt Sensitivity vs. Input Frequency
(fin Section)

Power Supply Current vs. Input Frequency

=5V. TA =+25'C








OSCIN = 12.8MHz

I- fr=O.lMHz





Current 3


Sensitivity 50
VflN (mVp.p)




100 (mA)



t...-..- ~











Input Frequency fiN (MHz)

Input Frequency fiN (MHz)



(CASE No.: DIP-16P-M04)

1S 0 MAX















/<:.,-N-,---,---r-----,---,--~---,-,-----r~~ ~


Dimensions in
inches (millimeters)


(CASE No.: FPT-16P-M06)






.268 ~:g6~


~---..----r-r--'---'-'-~ ~

.OSO(1. 27L

.1 ! .018±.00~ 'Ir-~,-I

-- --- -- --- --- --- -- l






Details of "A" part

.016(0.40): :

(0. so±o.2
  • :··.unlt . Power Supply Voltage Voo Vss -0.5 to Vss +7.0 V Do Input Voltage VIN Vss -0.5 to Voo +0.5 V VSS 11 LE VOUT Vss -0.5 to Voo +0.5 V LD 10 Data lOUT ±10 mA fin 9 Clock Ta -40 to +85 °C TSTG -55 to +125 °C Po 300 mW Output Voltage Output Current Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Power Dissipation NOTE: Permanent device damage may occur if the above Abaolute Maximum Ratlnga are exceeded. Functional operation should be restricted to the conditions as detailed in the oparalionar sections of this data sheet Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. Copyright© 1995 FUJITSU This device contains circuitry to protect the inputs against damage due to high static voltages or electric fields. However, it is advised that normal precautions be taken to avoid application of any voltage higher than maximum rated voHages to this high impedance circun. LIMITED and FUJITSU MICROELECTRONICS, INC. 3-15 MB87006A Fig. 1 - MB87006A BLOCK DIAGRAM r-----------,I I 14-bit Shift Register I I ~------~ ~~~or-r-""""I"'f""I'......:J1 r------, I Crystal I I I OSCOUT Oscillator I I I I I I I I Programmable Reference Divider Binary 14-bit Reference Counter I L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ..J L.I ............... L.I ..... , ' - _ _ _ _ _ , I I I r------, I Control Register I I I I I I I L_________ ____________ II I 3·16 ..J MB87006A PIN DESCRIPTION ~'nN~; . .•••.• .·.• I·.····...... i·. ... ... . <. DescrlpUon ... .< .::................<................<..........c:{••••<. . . . ..» Input pin for crystal oscillator. Input to the inverting amplifier that forms part of the oscillator. This pin receives the oscillator signal as AC coupled when an external oscillator is used. For large amplitude signals (standard CMOS levels) DC coupling may also be used. 1 OSCIH 2 OSCOUT 0 Output pin for crystal oscillator. Output of the inverting amplifier. This pin should be open when an external oscillator is used. 3 fv 0 Monitor output of the phase detector. This pin is tied to the programmable divider output. 4 Voo - Power supply voltage input. 0 Three-state charge pump output of phase detector. The mode of Do is changed by the combination of programmable reference divider output frequency fr, and programmable divider output frequency fv as listed below: fr> fv: Drive mode (Do = High level) High impedance fr= Iv: Ir < fv: Sink mode (Do = Low level) 5 Do J 6 Vss - Ground. 7 lD 0 Output of phase detector. It is high level when fr and fv are equal, and when the loop is locked. Otherwise it outputs negative pulse signal. 8 fin I Clock input for programmable divider. This input contains internal bias circuit and amplifier. The connection with an external dual-modulus prescaler should be an AC connection. 9 Clock I Clock signal input for 17-bit shift register and 14-bit shift register. Each rising edge of the clock shifts one bit of the data into the shift registers. 10 Data I Serial data input for programmable divider and programmable reference divider. The last bit of the data is the control bit. Control bit determines which latch is activated. The data stored in the shift register is transferred to the 14-bit latch when the bit is high, and to 17-bit latch when low. 11 LE I Load enable input with internal pull up resistor. When this pin is high (active high), the data stored in shift register is transferred to 14-bit latch or 17-bit latch depending on the control bit data. 12 M 0 Control output for an external dual modulus prescaler. The connection to the prescaler should be DC connection. This output level is synchronized with failing edge of fin input signal (pin #8). Pulse swallow function: e.g. MB501L: M = High: Preset modulus factor 64 or 128 M = Low Preset modulus factor 65 to 129 3-17 MB87006A PIN DESCRIPTION (Continued) 13 fr o Monitors output of phase detector input. This pin is tied to the programmable reference divider output. 14 REFoUT o Monitor output pin of the reference frequency. This output can be used as system clock for microprocessor, or reference oscillator for another PLL frequency synthesizer. o o Output for external charge pump. The mode of $R and $V are changed by the combination of programmable reference divider output frequency fr and programmable divider output frequency fv as listed below. 15 16 fr> fv: fr= tv: fr < fv: ~R ~V Low-level High-level High-level HIgh-level High-level Low-level FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION SERIAL DATA INPUT TIMING Data Clock ~~~~ Control bit (S2) (Control bit) .•.. LE .1.1. (S1) latts • Data for programmable reference divider. Nol•• : Data: Serial data input is used for setting divide factor of programmable reference divider and progranmable divider. Data is input from MSB, and last bit data is a control bit. Control bit is set high when divide factor of programmable reference divider is set. Control bit is set low level when divide factor 01 programmable divider is set. Clock: Data is input to internal shift registers by rising edge of the clock. LE: Load enable input: When LE is high, the data stored in shift register is transferred to 14-bit latch, or 17-bit latch depending on the control bit setting. 3-18 MB87006A PULSE SWALLOW FUNCTION fyco = [ (N x M) + A I x fose ... R (N > A) fvco Output frequency of extemal voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) N Preset divide factor of binary 10-bit programmable counter (5 to 1023) M Preset modulus factor of external dual modulus prescaler (e.g. 64 in 64/65 mode, 128 in 128/129 mode of an MB501L prescaler) A Preset divide factor of binary 7-bit programmable counter (0 to 127, A < N) fose Output frequency of extemal oscillator R Preset divide factor of binary 14-bit programmable reference counter (5 to 16383) DIVIDE FACTOR OF PROGRAMMABLE REFERENCE DIVIDER Serial data consists of 14-bit data, which is used for setting divide factor of programmable reference counter, and l-bit control data. In this case, control bit is set high level. The data format is shown below. Control Register LSB MSB Data 14-bit Shift Register Clock ----------- ... I ------------' I I Programmable Reference Divider Binary 14-bit Reference Counter , BINARY 14-BIT REFERENCE COUNTER DATA INPUT @ @ 0 0 ® ® 0 0 ® ® CD Divide Factor @ @ @ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 16383 ® ® Note: Divide factor less than 5 is prohibited. Divide factor : 5 to 16383 3-19 MB87006A DIVIDE FACTOR OF PROGRAMMABLE DIVIDER Serial data consists of 17-bit c1ata, which is used for setting divide factor of programmable divider, and l-bit control c1ata. In this case, control bit is set low level. The data (D toQ) set a divide factor of 7-bit swallow counter and c1ata@to@setdivide factor of lQ-bit programmable counter. The data format is shown below. lSB MSB Data 17-bit Shift Register Clock Binary 10-bit Programmable Counter Binary 7-bit Swallow Counter BINARY 7·BIT SWALLOW COUNTER DATA INPUT 0 ® ® @ ® ® CD Divide Factor A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 3 1 0 0 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 127 0 0 0 0 Note: Divide factor A: 0 to 127 Depending upon the divide factor set input (SW) of external prescaler, the input data should be as follows. e.g. MB501L (+65/65)prescaler SW = H (64165): Bit 7 to shift registerQ) should be zero. BINARY 10·BIT PROGRAMMABLE COUNTER DATA INPUT @ @ 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 @ @ @ @ 0 0 5 1 0 6 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1023 Note: Divide factor less than 5 is prohibited Divide factor N : 5 to 1023 3·20 Divide Factor N @ @ ® ® Programmable: Divider MB87006A PHASE DETECTOR OUTPUT WAVEFORM Iv DO~ n ~RU U ~V LOU U ¢ U High Impedance U U RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS 3.0 6.0 v Input Voltage Vss Voo v Operating Temperature -40 +85 Power Supply Voltage Voo 3-21 MB87006A ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (VDD . . . . . . . . <. . « > ............. .••:•••.•••••••.....•...•.•••••....... )< ........... \.> ii.··.;········ .i..: .• / .•.•.• . . . :« < =3.0V, Vss =OV, TA =-40 to 85°C) ........... ••.•...... <..···.2 .< •. . /< « ....... ....... s,,~~ '@ :.:' .... .. >< "7 ? . ' : • >.•... .. :.... 'i: .>. '.::::. tU.·r >< i\ ) : ..... High-level Input Voltage V1H i VooxO,7 Except fin Low-level Input Voltage and OSCIN V VooxO,3 VIL fin Vfpp OSCIN Vsin Input Sensitivity High-level Input Current ... Amplitude in AC coupling, sine wave 0,5 Vp_p 0,5 IIH VIN '" Voo 1,0 k VIN '" Vss -1,0 fin lIin VIN == Vss to Voo ±30 ~ OSCIN lose VIN '" Vss to Voo ±30 ~ LE ILE VIN: Vss -40 ~ Except VOH IOH= 0j.1A VOL IOL= OJ.1A IOH VOH = 2.6V -0,5 IOL VOL: O,4V 0,5 IOHM VoH== 2,6V -0,7 Low-level Output Current IOLM Vo L==O,4V 1,5 Power Supply Current-' 100 Except fin ~ and OSCIN Low-level Input Current Input Current High·level Output Voltage Low-level Output Voltage High·level Output Current Except M and OSCOUT Low-level Output Current High-level Output Current 2,95 V OSCOUT 0,05 mA M 2,5 mA Maximum Operating Frequency of Programmable Reference Divider fmaxd 10 20 MHz Maximum Operating Frequency of Programmable Divider fmaxp 10 20 MHz Notes: 3-22 mA -1: fin = 8.0MHz 11,5MHz Crystal is connected between OSCIN and OSCOUT Inputs are grounded except for fin and OSCIN. Output are open. MB87006A ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) . . :. .:.. . . . . >.....::..... ·i c : . : :. . . . : . . . . . .. :...:........::.:. :.: ••. :.:.: . . :.;.........:.< .?< :. . . :.•.: . . (Voo = 5.0V, Vss = OV, TA = -40 to 85°C) ··::«:~i High-level Input Voltage Low-level Input Voltage Symbol : .. .. : VIH :.. :. . . . . .·.:·· .•:... Min Value Except lin \ .. .•.... :......... :..... . VooxO.7 V VooxO.3 Vlpp Amplitude in AC 0.5 Vp.p coupling. sine wave OSCIN . :Unit Vil fin ..••••••••..•.•.. Typ Except lin andOSCIN Input Sensitivity High-level Input Current .... Condltlorl Vsin IIH 0.5 VIN '" Voo 1.0 VIN '" Vss -1.0 andOSCIN Low-level Input Current Input Current lin Ifin VIN '" Vss to Voo ±50 OSCIN lose VIN = Vss to Voo ±50 VIN = Vss -60 lE High-level Output Voltage Except VOH IOH =01lA 4.95 V OSCOUT Low-level Output Voltage High-level Output Current 0.05 10H VOH: 4.6V -1.0 10l VOL =O.4V 1.0 IOHM VOH'" 4.6V -1.5 Low-level Output Current 10lM Vov'= O.4V 3.0 Power Supply Current.' 100 Except M and OSCOUT Low-level Output Current High-level Output Current mA M mA 3.5 mA Maximum Operating Frequency 01 Programmable Relerence Divider Imaxd 10 25 MHz Maximum Operating Frequency of Programmable Divider Imaxp 17 25 MHz Note: .1. lin = 8.0MHz. 11.5MHz Crystal is connected between OSCIN and OSCOUT Inputs are ground except for lin and OSCIN. Outputs are open. 3·23 MB87006A TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS CURVE INPUT SEVSITIVITY CHARACTERISTICS (fin Section) 500 200 100 50 Input Sensitivity Vlin (mVp.p) 20 ""'~ ,I ./ 10 5 2 2 5 10 20 Input Frequency lin (MHz) 3-24 50 100 MB87006A PACKAGE DIMENSIONS 16-LEAD PLASTIC DUAL IN-LINE PACKAGE (CASE No.: DIP-16P-M04) __ ---t1 S' MAX -, ~-~r;;;;:::~_::::;-_-=:=-=::I 300(762) TYP ,..-----------,-- --I _. _~. 4' 72(436, MAX I 1.118(300) MIN L.1 ~59il~71 _ _ - MAX C 1988 FUJITSU LIMITED D16033S·2C TYP 020(0.51) MIN Dimensions in inches (millimeters) 3-25 MB87006A PACKAGE DIMENSIONS (Continued) 16-LEAD PLASTIC FLAT PACKAGE (CASE No.: FPT-16P-M06) 089(225) MAX I (SEATED ~ • t----. r#:=:::!:!::=:!::!::::!:!:~===!::::::!:==:!ri 1307 •. 01 6 (780" 040) 209- 012 1/;F::;;;:=n==rr=;;:===Ti"f..:;;..r=,=rt>J. 05 0(127) TYP I I "3~ . HEIGHT)- :~~5~~:N .268' .016 (680 - 040) 006 . - 0.20 or ----+ 020 =006 0 .05 ) ~ .006"... 002(0.15001 -0.02 .---t (0 500 020) 004~-:-;:;:;:;;=-;..-:c;;-;-::-1 10)~1 <1>005(0 13)~ 018' --4;045' o. ·-De~a~l; -;'1- ~A'- ;a;t--: ij§ '6(040): · H; · I I 350\869\ REF ~ 3-26 1990 FUJITSU LIMITED F16015S·2C 008'020': ! 007(018) , I MAX : 1027(068) I MAX : Dimensions in inches (millilT18lars) c» DS04-21305-3aE ~~~~~~~~~~~ET~~ruJrrsu MB87014A ASSP CMOS PLL Frequency Synthesizer CMOS SERIAL INPUT PHASE-LOCKED-LOOP (PLL) FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER The Fujitsu MB87014A, fabricated in advanced CMOS technology, is a serial input phase locked loop (PLL) frequency synthesizer with an on chip 180MHz dual modulus prescaler. The MB87014A contains a dual modulus prescaler, inverter for an extemal oscillator, programmable reference divider, control circuit, phase detectors, charge pump, programmable divider (binary 6-bit swallow counter and binary 10-bit programmable counter). The MB87014A can make up PLL frequency synthesizer operating up to 180MHz. • Single Power Supply Voltage: Voo =4.5V to 5.5V • Wide Temperature Aange: Ta =-30 to 60°C • 180MHz input capability @5V (fin input) • On-chip Inverter for oscillator • Programmable divider with input amplifier consisting of; Binary 6-bit swallow counter Binary 10-bit programmable counter • Programmable reference divider with input amplifier consisting of; Binary 16-bit programmable reference counter • Divide factor of programmable divider and programmable reference divider are set by serial data input. (The last data bit is a control bit.) • 3-type of phase detector outputs On-chip charge pump output for active LPF On-chip charge pump output for passive LPF Output for extemal charge pump • 16-pin Standard Dual-in-line Package (Suffix: -P) 16-pin Standard Flat Package (Suffix: -PF) • Pulse Swallow Function fvco [(N x M) +A] x (fosc + A) (N > A) fvco : Output frequency of extemal voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) N : Preset divide factor of binary 10-bit programmable counter (5 to 1023) M Preset modulus factor of intemal dual modulus prescaler (64/65) A Preset divide factor of binary 6-bit swallow counter (0 to 63) fosc Output frequency of the extemal oscillator A Preset divide factor of binary 16-bit programmable reference counter (5 to 65535) PLASTIC PACKAGE DIP-16P-M04 PLASTIC PACKAGE FPT-16P-M06 PIN ASSIGNMENT = 16 ellA OSCOUT 15 eIIV fv 14 NC 13 fr OSCIN 10 Voo TOP VIEW Operating Ambient Temperature ~;~~~i~~n!~~I~b~a::t~i~t':J~oof~r!'~~i:~V:S NOTE: Copyright i~~!~~:::a~i~~:rs~~fo:c:~e:'Ia~~~~~t e AJ::II:d Exposure to absolute maximum rating condHions for extended periods may affect device reliabilHy. © Dop 12 DOA Vss 11 LE LD 10 Data fin 9 Clock This device contains circuitry to protect the inputs against damage due to high staticvo!tages or electric fields. However, H is advised that normal precautions be taken to avoid application of any voltage higher than maximum rated voltages to this high impedance circuit. 1994 by FUJITSU LIMITED and FUJITSU MICROELECTRONICS, INC. 3-27 MB87014A MB87014A BLOCK DIAGRAM CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR I PROGRAMMABLE REFERENCE DIVIDER I I I BINARY l6-BIT PROGRAMMABLE REFERENCE COUNTER(RI BINARY6-BIT (AI SWALLOW COUNTER CONTROL 3-28 BINARY lD-BIT IN) PROGRAMMABLE COUNTER I MB87014A PIN DESCRIPTION pin No. ..« •. :. ><:.• :• •.: .•.•.:.:. :. symbol .·lfA< .) .. ::::: .:::..::<:::::::::: :>. Description ... ......................... . > . . · : : i : · :.:: •••••••••••••••••• 1 OSC'N I 2 OSCOUT 0 Output pin for crystal oscillator. Output of the inverting amplifier. This pin should be left open when an external oscillator is used. 3 fv 0 Monitor pin for the phase detector input. This pin is tied to the programmable divider output. 4 Vee - Power supply voltage input. 0 Output pin for low pass filter (Passive type). The mode of OOP is changed by the combination of programmable reference divider output frequency fr, and programmable divider output frequency fv as listed below: fr > fv: Drive mode (Oop =High level) High-impedance fr =fv: f,fv: Sink mode (OOA = Low level) High-impedance fr =fv: Drive mode (OOA =High level) fr fv: fr = Iv: fr < fv: oV ~R High level High level Low level Low level High level High level 3-29 MB87014A FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONS DIVIDE FACTOR OF DIVIDER Serial data of binary code is input to Data pin. On rising edge of clock shifts one bit of data into the shift registers. Input data consists of 16-bit data and 1-bit of control data. The control data determines which latch is activated. When control bit is high, 16-bit latch is selected. When low, 6-bit latch and 10-bit latch is selected. Last Data Input Control Bit First Data Input LSB Divide factor of divider setting bits ----------~ The serial data is input to 16-bit shift registers and 1-bit control register. When load enable is high, the data from the shift register is latched into the programmable reference divider (binary 16-bit programmable reference counter) or programmable divider (binary 6-bit swallow counter and binary 10-bit programmable counter) depending upon a control bit setting. MSB LSB 16bit Shift ..._ ..................,..............~....' -.......""'".............,..................,........,................................... Register 16bit Latch LE Binary 16-bit Programmable Reference Counter (C ="W) or Binary 6-bit Swallow Counter or Binary 10-bit Programmable Counter (e 3-30 ="L") MB87014A FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONS (Continued) BINARY 6-BIT SWALLOW COUNTER DATA INPUT Divide Factor CD CD ® 0 ® @ BINARY 1D-BIT PROGRAMMABLE COUNTER DATA INPUT Divide Factor ® ® ® @ (1) @ @ @ @ @ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 7 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 63 1 1 1 1 1 1 1023 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .. • DIvIde factor A: 0 to 63 III • Divide factor N: 5 to 1023 • Divide factor less than 5 is prohibited. BINARY 16-BIT PROGRAMMABLE COUNTER DATA INPUT Divide Factor CD CD CD CD ® ® ® @ ® @ @ @ @ @ @ @) 5 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 7 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 65535 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 • Divide factor R: 5 to 65535 • Divide factor less than 5 is prohibited. STAND-BY MODE When all zero of 16-bit serial data is input, the MB87014A goes to stand-by mode. During stand-by mode, internal circuit stops operation and fin and OSCIN are forced to high level. Thus, low supply current is achieved. Stand-by down mode is release, when the data except all zero data is input. SERIAL DATA INPUT TIMING Data Clock _ .@-XI:::: . ~ I I I ••• @ >.<0 :::~_c JLl1L.... I I ___ - - - -rL ' , II LE '---.. : 12 : b~" '........" " t4 I , ts~ " Notes: Data: Serial data input is used for setting divide factor of programmable reference divider or progranmable divider. Data is input from MSB and last bit data is control bit. Control bit is high level when divide factor of programmable reference divider is set. Control bit is set low level when divide factor of programmable divider is set. Clock: Clock input for 16-bit shift registers and control register. Data is input into internal shift registers by rising edge of the clock. LE: Load enable input: When LE is high, the data from shift register is latched into programmable reference divider or programmable divider depending upon the control bit setting. 3-31 MB87014A PHASE DETECTOR OUTPUT WAVEFORM ILJl Iv Dop , , , , ----l , , GR , n , , ,, ,, , u. ,, ----1, U l U n U , , , , , 3-32 l ¢:I HIGH IMPEDANCE , , GV LD n , , DOA , , I U U ¢:I HIGH IMPEDANCE MB87014A RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Value Typ 5.5 V Vss Voo V -30 +60 DC Power Supply Voltage Voo 4.5 Input Voltage VIN Operating Temperature T.. 5.0 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS I} ........> . . . . . . . .·.·.....i '/.<) .}<. ./ 1«' . . ...»<. ~.. cc«'i. ..' . ....... Ii ····«/· . .·.,i .·........<> . · . « > i '........... I.· ...... .•. .............................. ........... ..................... '<.: High-level Input Voltage Low-level Input Voltage Except fin andOSCIN I~.,"~I (Vss III =OV, Voo =SV, T.. =-30 to 60°C) ·.:H .........< ,j> . /.<) ·.·. •. 3.5 VIH V VIL fin Vtpp OSCIN V"n Input Sensitivity 1.5 1.0 Amplitude in AC coupling, Sine wave Vp.p 1.0 "H VIH = Voo 1.0 IlL VIL = Vss -1.0 lfin VIN = Vss to VOO ±50 lose VIN = Vss to VOO ±50 VOH IOH= O~ VOL IOL=O~ IOH VOH = 4.6V -1.0 Low-level Output Current IoL VOL = 0.4V 1.0 Power Dissipation.' loop 8.0 rnA Stand-by Current. 2 loos 100 ~ High-level Input Current Low-level Input Current Except fin andOSCIN fin ~ ~ Input Current OSCIN High-level Output Voltage Except OSCOUT Low-level Output Voltage High-level Output Current Maximum Operating. 3 Frequency Notes: Except OSCOUT 4.95 V 0.05 rnA REF Section fm•• d 40 60 MHz PD Section fm ..p 180 250 MHz .1: fon = 180MHz, 22MHz cystal is connected between OSCIN and OSCOUT pins. Inputs are grounded except fin and OSCIN. Outputs are open . • 2 All serial data is set to zero. Input are grounded except fin and OSC,,,. Output are open . • 3 REF Section :Maximum operating frequency of programmable reference divider. PD Section :Maximum operating frequency of programmable divider. 3-33 MB87014A TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS CURVES Input Sensitivity vs. Input Frequency (fin Section) =5V, Ta =25°C Voo 500 200 ~ ~V ~\. 100 ,~ Input Sensitivity 50 Vfin (mVp-p) V V / '- ~" 20 10 5 5 2 10 20 100 50 200 Input Frequency fin (MHz) Power Supply Current vs. Input Frequency Voo =5V, Ta =25°C 12 10 8 Power Supply Current 100 (mA) 6 --- 4 V" V " v 2 o 2 5 10 20 50 100 Input Frequency fin (MHz) 3-34 200 500 MB87014A PACKAGE DIMENSIONS 16-LEAD PLASTIC DUAL IN-LINE PACKAGE (CASE No.: DIP-16P-M04) III 300(762) TYP .050(1.27) MAX @1988 FUJITSU LIMITED D16033S-2C .020(0.51) MIN Dimensions in inches (millimeters) 3-35 MB87014A PACKAGE DIMENSIONS (Continued) 16-LEAD PLASTIC FLAT PACKAGE (CASE No.: FPT-16P-M06) 089(2.25) MAX (SEATED HEIGHT) '-, .400+.010(10.15-0.256 -.008 -0.20 i i -INDEX ,../'/ U "B" " .050(1.27) TYP L07±016 1(7·80± 0.40) 209±.012 (530± 030) _~=IJ JL·~$14>005(013).M I (0.45 ± 0.10) 268 :gb~ (6.80 ~ g~g) --+ .020± .008 li----t (0.50::020) --Il- .0064--001 .002 (0. 15 + 005) -0.02 "A" @1990 FUJITSU LIMITED F16015S-2C 3-36 Dimensions in inches (millimeters) 00 DS04-21203-4E FUJITSU DATA SHEET MB87076 CMOSPLLFREQUENCYSYNTHES~ER • CMOS SERIAL INPUT PHASE-LOCKED-LOOP (PLL) FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER WITH POWER DOWN MODE The Fujitsu MB87076, fabricated in CMOS technology, is a serial input PLL frequency synthesizer that features a power down mode. The MB87076 contains an inverter for the oscillator, 14-bit shift register, 18-bit shift register, 1-bit control register, 14-bit latch, 18-bit latch, programmable divider (binary 11-bit programmable counter and binary 7-bit swallow counter), programmable reference divider (binary 14-bit programmable reference counter), phase detector, charge pump, control generator for two modulus prescaler, and power down circuit. The MB87076 selects either operation mode or power down mode, depending on the PS input signal level. When the device begins operation, phase fr and fv are synchronized. • Single power supply voltage: Voo = 2.7 to 5.5V • Wide temperature range: TA = -40 to +85°C • Low power supply current: 3mA typ, (100IJA in power down mode) • On-chip inverter for oscillator • Programmable reference divider with input amplifier Programmable divider with input amplifier • 2 Types of phase detector output On-chip charge pump output Output for external charge pump • On-chip power down circuit • 16-pin standard dual-in-line package (Suffix: -PI 16-pin standard flat package (Suffix: -PF) • Pulse swallow function fveo ((N x M) +A) x fose + R fveo : VCO (Voltage Controlled Oscillator) output frequency N Preset divide factor of binary 11-bit programmable counter (16 to 2047) M Preset modulus factor of external two modulus prescaler (64 in 64/65 mode, 128 in 128/129 mode) A Preset divide factor of binary 7-bit swallow counter (0 to 127) fose Output frequency of an external oscillator R Preset divide factor of binary 14-bit programmable reference counter (8 to 16383) = ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS see NOTE) Rating Power Supply Voltage Symbol Value Unit Voo Vss -0.5 to Vss +7.0 V V VIN Output Voltage Output Current VOUT Vss -0.5 to Voo +0.5 V lOUT ±10 rnA Open Drain Output VoP Vss -0.5 to Voo +3.0 V Ta -40 to +85 °C TSTG -55 to +125 °C Po 300 mW Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Power Dissipation NOTE: Copyright Permanent device damage may occur If the above Absolute Maximum Ratings are exceeded. Functional operation should be restricted to the conditions as detailed in the operational sactions of this data sheet. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. © 1994 by FUJITSU LIMITED PLASTIC PACKAGE FPT-16P-M06 PIN ASSIGNMENT OSCIN CPR OSCOUT CPP LC PS vOO Vss -0.5 to Voo +0.5 Input Voltage PLASTIC PACKAGE DIP-16P-M04 Do vss M LE LD Data fiN Clock This device contains circuitry to protect tna inputs against damage due to high static voltages or electric fields. However. it is advised that normal precautions be taken to avoid application of any voltage highelthan maximum rated voltages to this high impedance circuit. 3-37 MB87076 BLOCK DIAGRAM r:---------:1 I I LE L:~'"T""I"'",....,...,...,....,....,,..,...,...~~ ,--------{13 Power Down Circuit PS LC r------, I Control Register I I I I '---.......,........." T ' T ' " - - - - - - ' I I I I I I I I L_____ _ ______ ..JI M Clock 3-38 ~-----------------------------__t12 MB87076 PIN DESCRIPTION Pin No. Pin Name VO Description 1 OSCIN I Pin for crystal oscillator The input to the inverting amplifier that forms part of the oscillator. This pin receives the oscillator signal as an AC coupling when an external oscillator is used. For large amplitude signals (standard CMOS levels) DC coupling may also be used. 2 OSCOUT 0 Pin for crystal oscillator The output of the inverting amplifier. This pin should be connected to ground when an external oscillator is used. 3 LC 0 Output pin for loop control signal This pin is at high level when the operation mode is selected. It is at low level when the power down mode is selected. 4 Voo - Power supply voltage 5 Do 0 Three-state charge pump output The mode of Do is changed by the combination of the programmable reference divider output frequency (fr) and the programmable divider output frequency (fp) as listed below: Do = H level fr >fp: Do = High-impedance level fr=fp: f, fp: fr = fp: Low High fr fv: High-impedance fr= fv: Sink mode (Dop = Low level) fr Iv: High-impedance fr= fv: fr fv: Ir= fv: fr < fv: ~V ~R High level High level Low level Low level High level High level III 3·51 MB87086A FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONS DIVIDE FACTOR OF PROGRAMMABLE REFERENCE DIVIDER Serial data of binary code is input to Data pin. Each rising edge of clock makes one bit of the data shift into the shift registers and control register. Input data consists of l6-bit or 10-bit data and 1-bit of control bit data. The l6-bit data is used for setting the divide factor of programmable reference divider. The 10-bit data is used for setting the divide factor of programmable divider. The last bit of the data stored in control register is a control bit. Control data determines which latch is activates. When this bit is at high level, l6-bit latch is selected. when this is at low level. 10-bit latch is selected. The data format is shown below. Last Input Bit Programmable Reference Divider Programmable Divider 1+------- Divide Factor of Programmble Reference Divider Setting Bits When LE is high level and control bit is high level. the data stored in l6-bit shift register is transferred~ l6-bit latch. When LE is high level and control bit is at low level. the data stored in 10-bit shift register is transferred to 10-bit latch. ~~~-r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ l6-bit Latch .......,.......,..~r--'-r....l...,....&....,.......~......T"'"......r--oI....,...a...,....a...... l6-bit ,....'-,~...,....a...,....&...,.. Shift ....._ ......_ ......_ ......_ ......_ ......_ ......_ ......_ ......_ ......_ ......_ ......_ ......_ ......- ......- ........... Register LE 3-52 MB87086A BINARY la-BIT PROGRAMMABLE DIVIDER DATA INPUT (10) (9) (8) (7) (6) (5) (4) (3) (2) (1) Divide Factor 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t 0 1 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1023 III Note: Divide factor less than 5 is prohibited. Divide factor N: 5 to 1023 BINARY l6-BIT PROGRAMMABLE REFERENCE DIVIDER DATA INPUT @ @) @ @ @ @ @> @ ® CD ® ® 0 ® ® 0 Divide Factor 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 65535 Note: Divide factor less than 5 is prohibited. Divide factor R: 5to 65535 SERIAL DATA INPUT TIMING tt -t5~ 11ls @(10) Data ~)~ ~ ~ I Clock LE 0 ~ ~ ~~_C_ _ _ __ ---lli-fl ... JUfL. -, '-I tt I Notes: =x= n. . -- ...., __- - - r -..... "--tz I 13~ Data input for programmable reference divider. () Data input for programmable divider. Data Serial data input is used for selling divide factor of programmable reference divider or progranmable divider. Data is input from MSB and last bit data is control bil. Control bit is set high level when divide factor of programmable reference divider is sel. Control bit is set low level when divide factor of programmable divider is sel. Clock Clock input for 1O-bit shift register, 16-bit shift register and control register. Data is input into internal shift registers by rising edge of the clock. LE Load enable input: When LE is high level. the data stored in shift registers is transferred to 16-bitlatch, or 10-bit latch depending on the control bit setting. 3·53 MB87086A PHASE DETECTOR OUTPUT WAVEFORM fr lUl~n,-- Iv I I I I Dop --.J I I t--~...n'--~--fLJt-:~----I------~ HIGH IMPEDANCE I I I I I I I I I I D~ ~_'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~GHIMPEDANCE I u U I I uu 3-54 MB87086A RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Value Parameter Unit Symbol Min Typ Max 5.0 5.5 V Power Supply Voltage Voo 4.5 Input Voltage VIN Vss Voo V Operating Temperature T... -30 +60 °C ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Vss =OV, VDD =SV, T" =-30 to 60°C) Value Symbol Parameter Unit Condition Min low-level Input Voltage Except fin andOSCIN V VIL fin Vtpp OSCIN Vsin Input Sensitivity 1.5 1.0 Amplitude in AC coupling, Sine wave Vp.p 1.0 IIH VIH = Voo 1.0 IlL VIL = Vss -1.0 fin Ifin VIN = Vss to Voo ±SO OSCIN lose VIN = Vss to Voo ±SO VOH IOH= O~ VOL IOL=O~ IOH VOH = 4.6V -1.0 low-level Output Current IOL VOL = 0.4V 1.0 Power Dissipation.! 100 High-level Input Current low-level Input Current Except fin andOSCIN Max 3.5 \lIH High-level Input Voltage Typ ~ ~ Input Current High-level Output Voltage Except OSCOUT low-level Output Voltage High-level Output Current Maximum Operating. 2 Frequency Notes: Except OSCOUT 4.95 V 0.05 mA 8.0 mA REF Section fmaxd 40 60 MHz PO Section fmaxp 95 130 MHz .1: fin 100MHz, 22MHz cystal is connected between OSC IN and OSCOUT pins. Inputs are grounded except fin and OSCIN. Outputs are open . • 2 REF Section: Maximum operating frequency of programmable reference divider. PO Section: Maximum operating frequency or programmable divider. 3-55 MB87086A PACKAGE DIMENSIONS 16-LEAD PLASTIC DUAL IN-LINE PACKAGE (CASE No.: DIP-16P-M04) 300(762) TYP I I ~'-::- ~- -=:J--, I m . ~nnm·· 010:!. .002 (Q.25±005) i ----I ~~0(1_:27}-: _ ~~~~_5~! MAX Ie 1988 FUJITSU LIMITED DI6033S-2C 3-56 II ~ i 17 1 1 2(4361 MAX 11813001 MIN ~ .018±00J-1 T Y P ' (046 ± 0.08)020(0.51) MIN Dimensions in inches (rntllimat9r&) MB87086A PACKAGE DIMENSIONS (Continued) 16-LEAD PLASTIC FLAT PACKAGE (CASE No.: FPT-16P-M06) • 089(225) MAX i---r(SEATED -HEIGHT) i 002 (0051 MIN ~ , 307' 016 )(780' 040) 209, 012 (530' 030) I 050(127) ! rip ®~DOF~ g6~ (6 268 I _---+ .020 - 008 I; .018 -~O~ -1L -·~r::0"1-:4>-;:0""0-;:-5-;-;:(0;-:.1;-;:3;-;-):EJ-:-M;-' (045-010) _. --l.006 - .002 10 15 • 0.05 1 001 ·0.02 -------------1 Details of "A" part :~ I : MAX 027(068) I , M_A_X_____ , L ____ • __ C 1990 FUJITSU LIMITED F16015S-2C : Details of "B" part : : " .. : i 004 (0.1 QL.J ' 1-350(889) REF --i 1--------------, : ¥.006(015 1 : rennnmq : C>. gigl ,---t (050 - 020) "A" i 80 - I I ; ,008(0201: I : 007(018) I MAX 027(068) L________~~~ __ .! Dimensions in inches (miI~met8rs) 3-57 3-58 cO January 1991 FUJITSU Edition 3.0 DATA SHEET MB87087 CMOS PLL FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER CMOS SERIAL INPUT PHASE-LOCKED-LOOP (PLL) III FREQUENCVSVNTHES~ER The Fujitsu MB87087, fabricated in CMOS technology, is a serial input phase locked loop (PLL) frequency synthesizer. The MB87087 contains an inverter for oscillator, programmable reference divider (binary 14-bit programmable reference counter), 14-bit shift register, 14-bit latch, phase detector, charge pump, 17-bit shift register, 17-bit latch, programmable divider (binary 7-bit swallow counter, binary 10-bit programmable counter) and control generator for dual modulus prescaler. When supplemented with a loop filter and VCO, the MB87087 contains the necessary circuit to make up PLL frequency synthesizer. Typically, a dual modulus prescaler such as the MB501 L can be added, allowing input frequency operation up to 1.1 GHz. • Wide range power supply voltage: Vee = 3.0 to 6.0V • Wide temperature range: T,,= -40 to 85°C • 17MHz typical input capability @5V (fin input) • On-chip inverter for oscillator • Binary 14-bit programmable reference counter • • • • Programmable divider with input amplifier consisting of: • Binary 7-bit swallow counter • Binary 10-bit programmable counter Programmable reference divider with input amplifier consisting of: PLASTIC PACKAGE DIP·16p·M04 Divide factor of programmable divider and programmable reference divider are set by serial data input (The last data bit is a control bit) PLASTIC PACKAGE FPT·16p·M06 2-types of phase detector output • On-chip charge pump output • Output for external charge pump • Easy interface with Fujitsu prescalers • 16-pin standard dual-in-line package (MB87087P) 16-pin standard nat package (MB87087PF) ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (see NOTE) PIN ASSIGNMENT OSCIN 16 ~R OSCOUT 15 ~V fv 14 NC Raling Symbol Value Unit Power Supply Voltage Voo Vss -C.5 to Vss +7.0 V Voo 13 fr VIN Vss -C.5 to Voo +0.5 V Do 12 M VOUT Vss -C.5 to Voo +0.5 V Vss 11 LE Data Clock Input Voltage Output Voltage Output Current loUT ±10 mA LD 10 Operating Temperature T" -40 to +85 °C fin 9 TSTG -55 to +125 °C Po 300 mW Storage Temperature Power Dissipation NOTE: Permanent device damage may occur if the above Absolute Maximum Ratings are exceeded. Functional operation should be restricted to the conditions as detailed in the operational sections of this data sheet. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. This device rontains cllcurtry to proted the inputs against damage due to high statlcvo~ag8S or el8C111C fields. However. rt is adVised that normal precautions be taken to avoid application of any vohage higher than ma.irrum rated voltages to this high impedance circuit. Copyright ©'991 by FUJITSU LIMITED 3-59 MB87087 MB87087 BLOCK DIAGRAM r-----------,I I 14-bit Shift Register I I :JI ~------~ ""''''''''~I'''T'''I'''T'''I'''',.,..,.... Programmable Reference Divider Binary 14-bit Reference Counter IIr---------~~--~----------~~~--~ r------, I I 3-60 Control Register I I I "'--_.......r"""!_......_ I I I I IL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .......,...._ _ _ _ _. . - . I I I I I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .JI MB87087 PIN DESCRIPTION Description PinHO. Symbol flO 1 OSCIN I 2 OSCOUT 0 Output pin for crystal oscillator. Output of the inverting amplifier. This pin should be open when an external oscillator is used. 3 fv 0 Monitor output of the phase detector. This pin is tied to the programmable divider output. 4 Voo - Power supply voltage input. 0 Three-state charge pump output of phase detector. The mode of Do is changed by the combination of programmable reference divider output frequency fr. and programmable divider output frequency fv as listed below: fr> fv: Drive mode (Do = High level) High impedance fr= fv: Sink mode (00= Low level) fr < fv: 5 Do Input pin for crystal oscillator. Input to the inverting amplifier that forms part of the oscillator. This pin receives the oscillator signal as AC coupled when an external oscillator is used. For large amplitude signals (standard CMOS levels) DC coupling may also be used. 6 Vss - Ground. 7 LD 0 Output of phase detector. It is high level when fr and fv are equal. and when the loop is locked. Otherwise it outputs negative pulse signal. 8 fin I Clock input for programmable divider. This input contains internal bias circuit and amplifier. The connection with an external dual-modulus prescaler should be an AC connection. 9 Clock I Clock signal input for 17-bit shift register and 14-bit shift register. Each rising edge of the clock shifts one bit of the data into the shift registers. 10 Data I Serial data input for programmable divider and programmable reference divider. The last bit of the data is the control bit. Control bit determines which latch is activated. The data stored in the shift register is transferred to the 14-bit latch when the bit is high. and to 17-bit latch when low. 11 LE I Load enable input with internal pull up resistor. When this pin is high (active high). the data stored in shift register is transferred to 14-bit latch or 17-bit latch depending on the control bit data. 12 M 0 Control output for an external dual modulus prescaler. The connection to the prescaler should be DC connection. This output level is synchronized with failing edge of input signal fin (pin #8). Pulse swallow function: ego MB501L: M = High: Preset modulus factor 64 or 128 M = Low: Preset modulus factor 65 to 129 3-61 MB87087 PIN DESCRIPTION (Continued) . PinHo. Symbol 13 fr 0 Monitor output of phase detector input. This pin is tied to the programmable divider output. 14 NC - No connection. 15 16 ~V oA 0 0 Output for external charge pump. The mode of ellA and ~V are changed by the combination of programmable reference divider output frequency fr and programmable divider output frequency Iv as listed below. .. ........ 110 DescriptJon .. fr> fv: fr= fv: fr < fv: ellA eIlV Low-level High-level High-level High-level High-level Low-level ... FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION SERIAL DATA INPUT TIMING tt - ts~ 1~s Data ~ ~ ~~ Control bit (S2) (Control bit) ---- Clock LE tt .1.1. (S1) lftb • Data for programmable reference divider. Notes: Data: Serial data input is used for setting divide factor of programmable reference divider and progranmable divider. Data is input from MSB. and last bit data is a control bit. Control bit is set high when divide factor of programmable reference divider is set. Control bit is set low level when divide factor of programmable divider is set. Clock: Data is input to internal shift registers by rising edge of the clock. LE: Load enable input: When LE is high. the data stored In shift register is transferred to 14-bit latch. or 17-bit latch depending on the control bit setting. 3·62 MB87087 PULSE SWALLOW FUNCTION fveo ,. [ (N x M) fveo -to A I x fose + A (N > A) Output frequency of external voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) N Preset divide factor of binary 10-bit programmable counter (5 to 1023) M Preset modulus factor of external dual modulus prescaler (e.g. 64 in 64165 mode, 128 in 128/129 mode of an MB50 1L prescaler) A Preset divide factor of binary 7-bit programmable counter (0 to 127, A < N) fose Output frequency of external oscillator A Preset divide factor of binary 14-bit programmable reference counter (5 to 16383) III DIVIDE FACTOR OF PROGRAMMABLE REFERENCE DIVIDER Serial data consists of 14-bit data, which is used for setting divide factor of programmable reference counter, and 1-bit control data. In this case, control bit is set high level. The data format is shown below. LSB MSB Data 14-bit Shift Register Clock , -----------1 14-bit Latch , -.-_._ .... _.', Programmable Reference Divider Binary 14-bit Reference Counter , BINARY 14·BIT REFERENCE COUNTER DATA INPUT @ @ @ @ @ ® ® 0 ® ® 0 ® CD CD Divide Factor 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 16383 Note: Divide factor less than 5 is prohibited. Divide factor: 5 to 16383 3·63 MB87087 DIVIDE FACTOR OF PROGRAMMABLE DIVIDER Serial data consists of l7-bit data, which is used for setting divide factor of programmable divider, and l-bit control data. In this case, control bit is set low level. The data CD to<2) set a divide factor of 7-bit swallow counter and data ® to@set divide factor of 1a-bit programmable counter. The data format is shown below. LSB MSB Data l7-bit Shift Register Clock I I Binary 7 -bit Swallow Counter Binary la-bit Programmable Counter BINARY 7-BIT SWALLOW COUNTER DATA INPUT <2) ® ® a a 0 a a a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 1 1 1 CD ® ® CD a a Divide Factor A a a a a a 1 a 1 0 0 1 0 2 a a 1 1 3 a 1 0 0 4 1 1 1 1 127 Note: Divide factor A: 0 to 127 Depending upon the divide factor set input (SW) of external prescaler, the input data should be as follows. e.g. MB501L (+65/65)prescaler SW = H (64/65): Bit 7 to shift registerQ) should be zero. BINARY 10-BIT PROGRAMMABLE COUNTER DATA INPUT Divide Factor N @ @ ® @ @ @ @ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a a a a a a 1 1 a 1 1 0 5 6 0 0 0 a 0 a 0 1 1 1 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1023 Note: Divide factor less than 5 IS prohibited Divide factor N .5 to 1023 3-64 ® ® @ Programmable Divider I I MB87087 PHASE DETECTOR OUTPUT WAVEFORM III tv DO~ eIlR U n High Impedance U U eIlV LOU ¢ U U U RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS (Vss = OV) Unit Symbol Power Supply Voltage Vee 3.0 6.0 V Input Voltage V,N Vss Vee V Operating Temperature TA -40 +85 °C 3-65 MB87087 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Voo = 3.0V, Vss = OV, TA = -40 to 85°C) Value ...... Ii· I·. :· Parameler . Symbol ... .. Low-level Input Voltage ...... .. High-level Input Voltage V1H Except fin and OSCIN Min Typ Max . . ..< V lin Vlin OSCIN Vosc VooxO.3 Amplitude in AC coupling, sine wave 0.5 VP. p 0.5 IIH VIN = Voo 1.0 ill VIN = Vss -1.0 fin lIin VIN = Vss to Voo ±30 ~ OSCIN lose V1N = Vss to Voo ±30 ~ LE iLe VIN = Vss -40 IlA VOH IOH= O~ VOL IOl=O~ IOH VOH = 2.6V IOl VOL = 0.4V 0.5 IOHM VOH = 2.6V ~.7 Low-level Output Current IOLM VOL = 0.4V 1.5 Power Supply Current 100 Except lin and OSCIN Low-level Input Current Input Current High-level Output Voltage Except IlA Low-level Output Voltage High-level Output Current Except M and OSCOUT Low-level Output Current High-level Output Current 2.95 V OSCOUT 0.05 ~.5 mA M .1 mA 2.5 mA Maximum Operating Frequency of Programmable Reference Divider fmaxd 10 20 MHz Maximum Operating Frequency of Programmable Divider fmaxp 10 20 MHz Notes: 3-66 ...:... . VooxO.7 V1l Input Sensitivity High-level Input Current .. Condition .1: fin = 8.0MHz 11.5MHz Crystal is connected between OSC 1N and OSCOUT. Inputs are grounded except fin and OSCIN. Output are open. < MB87087 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Continued) (Voo = s.ov, Vss = ov, TA = -40 to 85°C) Value Parameter Symbol Condition High-level Input Voltage Unit Min .. Typ Max VooxO.7 V'H Except fin Low-level Input Voltage andOSC'H fin V Vlin Input Sensitivity Amplitude in AC Vose VP.p 0.5 ItH Y,N = Voo 1.0 I.L Y,N = Vss -1.0 fin Ifin V'N = Vss to Voo ±50 ~ OSC 'N lose Y,N = Vss to Voo ±50 ~ LE ILE V,H = Vss -60 ~ VOH IoH = O~ VOL IOl= O~ 10M VOH = 4.6V -1.0 IOl VOL = 0.4V 1.0 IOHM VOH '" 4.6V -1.5 Low-level Output Current IOlM VOL = 0.4V 3.0 Power Supply Current .' 100 Except fin ~ andOSC'H Low-level Input Current Input Current High-level Output Voltage Except High-level Output Current 4.95 V OSCOUT Low-level Output Voltage Except M 0.05 mA and OSCOUT Low-level Output Current High-level Output Current M Maximum Operating Frequency of Programmable Reference Divider Maximum Operating Frequency of Programmable Divider Note: III 0.5 coupling. sine wave OSC'N High-level Input Current VooxO.3 V'L mA 3.5 mA fmaxd 10 25 MHz fmaxp 17 25 MHz .1. fin = 8.0MHz. 11.5MHz Crystal is connected between OSC'N and OSCOUT Inputs are grounded except fin and OSC,N. Outputs are open. 3-67 MB87087 TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS CURVE Input Sevsltlvlty vs. Input Frequency (fin Section) Voo =5V, TA =25°C 500 200 100 50 Input Sensitivity Vlin (mVp.p) 20 10 "'" I / ". 5 2 5 10 20 Input Frequency lin (MHz) 3-68 50 100 MB87087 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS 16-LEAD PLASTIC DUAL IN-LINE PACKAGE (CASE No.: DIP-16P-M04) II .---- INDEX-1 ; I 300(762) TYP INDEX-2 ~~~ (025±005) r------------""'\ - -~----T ~ • 172(4.36) MAX -- t i i 1. 118(300) MIN ~--! 050(127) MAX 020(0.51) MIN Dimensions in tC 1988 FUJITSU LIMITED 016033S·2(: inches (millimelers) 3-69 MB87087 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS (Continued) 16-LEAD PLASTIC FLAT PACKAGE (CASE No.: FPT·16P·M06) -400' g~g110 15' 089(225) MAX HEIGHT) ! (SEATED g~g)i i ~ .~~5~F~:N 307'016 11780' 0401 209' 012 1530·030) . 05011 27) I TYP J.- '.' . 268' 016(680'040) 008 020 ---+ 020' 008 _ !_I ,----t 10 50 . a 20) -l 018 .. 004r;;:;-r...,..-;;:."....-:"",.,.....,.,...., (04~$14>00510131 Mi 006' 002 (0 15 • 0 as) 001' 002 :V ,---------- ---~ ... : Details of ·'B" part: ~nnoorb~ f '.. ' i i .... II) 1990 FUJITSU LIMITED Fl6015S·2C ©FUJITSU LIMITED 1991 3-70 L;a.1 004(0 lQO 3501889) REF- 16(040): ~ 006(0151: '~ , ~: : , ! , Ii 008(020) : 0081020) : ! I! 007(018) : : MAX , :0271068) , I MAX' I :L I -1 i I 007(018)' MAX - : 027(0.68) : MAX ______________ I I Dimensions in inches (millimelers) Printed in Japan PV0130-911A3 00 Sept. 1995 FUJITSU Edition 4.0a DATA SHEET MB87091 SERIAL INPUT PLL FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER CMOS SERIAL INPUT PLL FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER WITH POWER SAVING FUNCTION The Fujitsu MB87091 is a CMOS serial Input Phase Locked Loop (PLL) frequency synthesizer ideal for use in cordless telephone sets and other radio equipment. It incorporates an inverter for an oscillation circuit, a programmable reference divider (14-bit binary programmable reference counter), a shift register control register, latches, a programmable divider (&-bit binary swallow counter with 12-bit binary programmable counter and dual modulus prescaler: 64/65), a phase comparator, an intermittent mode control circuit, and a constanH:urrent charge pump. The power save control input pin (PS) for the intermittent mode control circuit is used to switch between the stand by and active modes. This is used for phase synchronization at the beginning of operation. The MB87091 permits construction of PLL frequency synthesizers with operating frequencies of up to 300 MHz. FEATURES • • • • • • • • Single power supply voltage: VDD =2.7 to 3.3V Built-in inverter for an oscillator Adjustable output CL:rrent of t:le charge pump with an extemal resistor Intermittent mode control circuit Two phase comparator outputs (for external and internal charge pumps) Wide operating temperature range (TA) -40°C to 60°C Plastic DIP ackage(Suffix: -P), Plastic SOP package(Suffix: -PF), Plastic SSOP package (Suffix: -PFV) Setting the divide ratio Use the below formula to define the parameters for setting the divide ratio fun= eN x M +.A) x (tcsa + B) (N)A) (fvco) Output frequency of the extemal VCO (N) Preset divide ratio of 12-bit binary programmable counter (5 to 4,095) (M ) Preset modulus of the dual modulus prescaler (64) (A) Preset divide ratio of 6-bit binary swallow counter (0 to 63) (fose) Output frequency of the external reference frequency oscillator (R) Preset divide ratio of 14-bit binary programmable reference counte (5 to 16,383) ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (See NOTE) NOTE: II • (FPT.16P·M06) • (FPT·20P·M03) (Vss=OV) Permanent device damage may occur ifthe above Absolute Maximum Ratings are exceeded. Functional operation should be restricted to the conditions as detailed in the operational sections of tnis data sheet. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. This device contains circuitry to protect the Inputs against damage due to high static voltages or electric fields. However, HIs advised thet normal precautions be taken to avoid application of any voltage higher than maximum rated voltagea 10 this high Impadance circuli. CopyrIght© 1994 by FWITSU LIMITED and FUJITSU MICROELECTRONICS, INC. 3·71 MB87091 BLOCK DIAGRAM OF MB87091 (This block diagram is for DIP/SOP packages.) Ir.-----------, Programmable Reference Divider I I 14-bit Binary I I Programmable I Reference Counter D 3-72 Control Register MB87091 PIN ASSIGNMENT (TOP VIEW) (TOP VIEW) Vss Voo Clock 2 OSCIN Data 3 OSCOUT Voo Vss Clock 2 NC 3 OSCIN 18 NC LE 4 Data 4 fiN 5 12 FC LE 5 16 TEST PS 6 11 P fiN 6 15 FC LD 7 10 R PS 7 14 P RC NC 8 13 NC LD 9 12 R Do 10 11 RC Do 8 TEST 9 (DIP-16P-M04) III OSCOUT (FPT-16P-M06) (FPT-20P-M03) 3·73 MB87091 PIN DESCRIPTIONS Pin No. DIPI SOP Pin Name VO SSOP Description 1 1 Voo - Power supply pin 2 2 Clock I Clock input to the shift register Each rising edge of the clock shifts one bit of the data into the shift register. The input portion contains a Schmitt trigger circuit. - 3 NC - No connection 3 4 Data I Serial data input for programmable divider and programmable reference divider 4 5 LE I The input portion contains a Schmitt trigger circuit. Load Enable signal input pin A high on this pin transfers the contents of the shift register into the latch. The latched data provides the divide ratios of the dividers. The input portion contains a Schmitt trigger circuit. 5 6 fiN I Input to the programmable divider The input portion contains a bias circuit and an amplifier. This pin is connected to an external voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) with an AC coupling. 6 7 PS I Power save control input pin A high on this pin places the MB87091 into the active mode and a low into the stand by mode. The PS pin has to be set low at power-on time (see Section 1.1, "Intermittent Operation," in "Functional Descriptions"). - 8 NC - 7 9 LD 0 No connection Phase comparator output pin The LD pin outputs high when the PLL is locked and low when the PLL is unlocked. 8 10 Do 0 Phase comparator output pin The output current of this charge pump is adjustable with external resistor RRC. The Do output may be inverted by the FC input. The relationships between the programmable reference divider output (fr) and the programmable divider output (fp) are shown below: fr> fp: "W level (FC = "L"), "L" level (FC = "W) fr= fp: High impedance fr < fp: "L" level (FC = "L"), "W level (FC = "H") 9 11 RC - Connect pin with an external resistor RRC 10 12 R 0 Phase comparator output pin (for external charge pump) (see Section 1.4, "Phase Comparator" in "Functional Descriptions") The relationships between the programmable reference divider output (fr) and the programmable divider output (fp) are shown below: When FC "L" fr> fp: R = "L" level fr = fp: R = "L" level fr < fp: R = "W level When FC ="W fr > fp: R = "H" leve fr = fp: R = "L" level fr < fp: R = "L" level = - 3-74 13 NC - No connection MB87091 PIN DESCRIPTIONS (Continued) Pin No. DIPI SOP SSOP 11 14 Pin Name 1/0 P 0 Description Phase comparator output pin (for external charge pump) Ij>P is an N-channel, open-drain output. The relationships between the programmable reference divider output (tr) and the programmable divider output (fp) are shown below: When FC ="L" fr> fp: q,P ="L" level fr =fp: lj>P = High impedance fr < fp: lj>P =High impedance When FC ="H" fr> fp: cpP =High impedance fr =fp: cpP =High impedance fr < fp: cpP = "L" level 12 15 I FC III Phase comparator input selector pin (see Section 1.4, "Phase Comparator" in "Functional Descriptions") 13 16 TEST I This is used to enable test mode A high on this pin places the MB87091 into the test mode. As this pin is provided with a pull-down resistor, it should be left open as a rule. The pin is used for shipping tests and not used for normal operation. 14 17 OSCOUT 0 - 18 NC - No connection OSC'N I Crystal oscillator connect pin 15 19 Crystal oscillator connect pin A crystal oscillator is connected between the OSCIN and OSCOUT pins. It can clock input to OSCIN from the external. In this case, the OSCIN pin must be AC coupled and the OSCOUT pin must be left open. 16 20 Vss - Ground pin 3-75 MB87091 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONS 1. Circuit Description 1.1 Intermittent Operation The intermittent operation of the M887091 refers to the process of activating and deactivating its internal circuit as necessary thus saving power dissipation otherwise consumed by the circuit. If the circuit is simply restarted from the stand by state, however, the phase relationship between the reference frequency (fr) and the programmable frequency (fp), which are the input to the phase comparator, is not stable even when they are of the same value. This may cause the phase comparator to generate an excessively large error signal, resulting in an out-of-synch lock frequency. To preclude the occurrence of this problem, the M887091 has an intermittent mode control circuit which forces the frequencies into phase synchronization with each other when the M887091 is reactivated, thus minimizing the error signal and resultant lock frequency fluctuations. The intermittent mode control circuit is controlled by the PS pin. Setting the PS pin high provides the normal operation mode and setting the pin low provides the standby mode and places the M887091 into the standby state. The M887091 behavior in the active and standby modes is summarized below: = • Active mode (PS "H") All M887091 circuits are active and provide the normal PLL operation. • Standby mode (PS ="L") The circuits that consume power heavily, and cause little inconvenience when deactivated, run down and the M887091 enters the low power dissipation state. The Do, A, P, and LD pins take the same state as when the PLL is locked. The Do pin becomes high-impedance state and the input voltage to the voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) is maintained at the same level as in the active mode (lock state) according to a time constant of a low pass filter (LPF). Consequently, the output frequency from the VCO (fvco) is maintained at approximately the lock frequency. The M887091 continues the intermittent mode operation by alternating the active and standby modes. When it switches from standby to active mode, it forces the phase of fr and fp to correspond to minimize the error signal. In this way, the M887091 can keep the power dissipation of its entire circuitry at the minimum. The M887091 must be placed into the standby mode (PS ="L") when it is powered on. 1.2 Programmable Divider The fvco input through the fiN pin is divided by the programmable divider and then output to the phase comparator as fp. It consists of a dual modulus prescaler, a 6-bit binary swallow counter, a 12-bit binary programmable counter, and a controller which controls the divide ratio of the prescaler. Divide ratio range: • • = = Prescaler: M 64, M+ 1 65 Swallow counter: A =0 to 63 Programmable counter: N =5 to 4095 The M887091 uses the pulse swallow method; consequently, the divide ratios of the swallow and programmable counters must satisfy the relationship N > A. The total divide ratio of the programmable divider is calculated as follows: Total divide ratio =(M+ 1)xA+Mx(N-A) = MxN+A =64xN+A When N is set within 5 ::; N ::; 63, the possible divide ratio A of the swallow counter can take values 0 ::; A ::; N-1 because N must be = greater than A. For example, 0::; A::; 19 is allowed when N 20, but 20::; A::; 63 is not allowed in that case. Consequently, N 2:: 64 must be satisfied for the total divisor to be set within 0 ::; A ::; 63. The fp and fiN pins have the following relationship: fp = fiN + (64 x N + A) 3-76 MB87091 1.3 Programmable Reference Divider The programmable reference divider divides the reference oscillation frequency (fosc) from the crystal oscillator connected between the OSCIN and OSCOUT pins or from the external oscillator input taken in directly through the OSCIN pin. It then sends the resultant frto the phase comparator. It consists of a 14-bit binary programmable reference counter. When the output from the external oscillator is to be input directly to OSCIN, the pin connection must be AC coupled and the OSCOUT pin is left open. Also, to prevent OSCOUT from malfunctioning, its traces on the printed circuit board must be kept minimal or eliminated entirely; whenever possible, it must be free of any form of load. The following divisor is used: • Programmable reference counter: N ::: 5 to 16383 The fr and fose have the following relationship: • III fr::: fose + R 1.4 Phase Comparator The phase comparator detects the phase difference between the outputs fr and fp from the dividers and generates an error signal that is proportional to the phase difference. The outputs from the phase comparator include 1) Do which takes on one of the three states, "L" (low), "H" (high), or "Z" (high impedance), and is sent to the LPF, 2) cj>R, 3) cj>P, and 4) LD which indicates the Pll lock or unlock state. 1.4.1 Phase Comparator The phase comparator detects the phase difference between fr and fp and generates an error signal that is proportional to the phase difference. The roles of the fr and fp supplied to the phase comparator may be reversed by switching the logical input level on the FC pin; this inverts the logical level on the Do output. The logical level on the Do output may be selected according to the characteristics of the external LPF and the VCO. (Refer to Table 1.) Table 1. Phase Comparator Inputs/Output Relationships ~ FC="L" FC="H" Relationship Do cj>R cj>P Do q,R q,P fr > fp H L L fr =fp fr < fp Z L L H Z Z Z H L L Z Z L H L 1.4.2 Charge Pump The charge pump is available in two forms: internal and external. • Internal constant-current charge pump output (Do) • External charge pump outputs (cj>R, cj>P) The output current at the Do pin from the internal constant-current charge pump is controlled by varying the external resistance (RRC) connected between RC and GND, as shown in Figure 1. , . . . . - - - - - . To fiN LD , . -_ _-, ~ 10L t----LJDo L -_ _.... ¢:::I 10H External Resistor RRC 3·77 MB87091 1.4.3 Phase Comparator Input/Output Waveforms The phase comparator outputs the logic levels summarized in Table 1, according to the phase difference between the fr and fp phase differences. Note that q,P is an N-channel open drain output. The pulse width of the phase comparator outputs are identical and equal to the phase difference between fr and fp, as shown in Figure 2. Figure 2. fr -fl fp When FC="L" Do I I I I I I I I I q,R q,P n n n in n I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I ~ I I I I I I I I -w When FC="H" Do I I I I I I I I --n q,R q,P Phase Comparator Input/Output Waveforms (Charge Pump) J-i HI I I I I I I I I W I I I I I I I I I I W I I H I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I fL I hI I I I LJ I I I I II I I I n U High Z I I HighZ I I I I I High Z I I I I I I HighZ High Z :High impedance state q,P :N-channel open drain output 3-78 MB87091 1.4.4 Lock Detector The lock detector detects the lock and unlock states of the PLL. The lock detector outputs "H" when the PLL enters the lock state and outputs "L" when the PLL enters the unlock state, as shown in Figure 3. When PS ="L", the lock detector outputs "H" compulsorily. Figure 3. Phase Comparator Input/Output Waveform (Lock Detector) Jl. JLJL Jl. JLJL fr fp III ..J LD 2. Setting the Divide Ratio 2.1 Serial Data Format The format of the serial data is shown in Figure 4. The serial data is composed of a control bit and divide ratio setting data. The control bit selects the programmable divider or programmable reference divider. In case of the programmable divider, serial data consists of 18 bits (6 bits for the swallow counter and 12 bits for the programmable counter) and 1 control bit, as shown in Figure 4.1. In case of the programmable reference divider, the serial data consists of 14 divisor bits and 1 control bit, as shown in Figure 4.2. The control bit is set to 0 to identify the serial data for the programmable divider and to 1 to select the serial data for the programmable reference divider. Figure 4. Serial Data Format MSB LSB ~ Ie A 0 'fr j.--- Direction of data input A 1 A 2 A 3 A 4 (} ~ A N N N N N N 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 NIN 6 7 N N N N 8 9 10 11 Programmable counter Swallow counter Control bit Figure 4.1 -I Divide ratio for the programmable divider MSB LSB R 3 R 4 R 5 R 6 R 7 R 8 Programmable reference counter Figure 4.2 -I Divide ratio for the programmable reference divider 3-79 MB87091 2.2 The Flow of Serial Data Serial data is received via the data pin in synchronization with the Clock input and loaded into the shift register which contains the divide ratio setting data and into the control register which contains the control bit. The logical product (through the AND gate in Figure 5) of LE and the control register output (Le., control bit) is fed to the Enable input of the latches. Accordingly, when LE is set high, the latch for the divider identified by the control bit is enabled and the divide ratio data from the shift register is loaded into the selected counter(s). Figure 5. The Flow of Serial Data r---------------------------------,I I I I I Programmable I Reference I Divider I 14----------------~ 14·bit Binary Programmable Reference Counter ~-------------- 14·bit Latch 14 Data D---t--t la·bit Shift Register ClockO--~ 18 18·bit Latch LE • 12 - - - - - - - - - - - , I I . I I I L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I I I Prescaler Programmable Divider ~ * : Control Register 2.3 Setting the Divide Ratio for the Programmable Divider Columns AO to AS of Table 2.1 represent the divide ratio of the swallow counter and columns NO to N11 of Table 2.2 represent the divide ratio of the programmable counter. The control bit is set to O. Table 2. Divide Ratio for the Divider Table 2.2 Programmable Counter Divisor N Table 2.1 Swallow Counter Divisor A Divide Ratio 3-80 A A 1 3 A 4 A 0 A 2 A A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 • • • • .• .• .• .• .• 63 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 Divide Ratio N 0 N 1 N 2 N N 3 4 N 5 N 6 N 7 N 8 N 9 N 10 N 11 5 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .• • • • • .• .• 0 4095 1 1 1 N 1 • • .. 0 • • .• • • • • • • • • 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MB87091 2.4 Setting the Divide Ratio for the Programmable Reference Divider Columns AD-A 13 of Table 3 represent the divide ratio of the programmable reference counter. The control bit is set to 1 . Table 3. 2.5 Divide Ratio for the Reference Divider Divide Ratio R R 0 R 1 R 2 R 3 R 4 R R 6 R 7 R R 5 8 9 R 10 R 11 R 12 R 13 5 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 .• 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 16383 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Serial Data Input Timing The MB87091 uses 19 bits of serial data for the programmable divider and 15 bits for the programmable reference divider. When more bits of serial data than are defined for the target divider are received, only the last valid serial data bits are effective. To set the divide ratio for the MB87091 dividers, it is necessary to supply the Data, Clock, and LE signals at the timing shown in Figure 6. t1 (~1 Ils) : Data setup time t2 (~1 /lS): Data hold time t3 (~1 /lS): Clock pulse width t4 (~1 /lS) : LE setup time to the fall edge of last clock t5 (~1 /lS): LE pulse width Figure 6. Serial Data Input Timing Data LE t5 3·81 MB87091 Since the divide ratios are unpredictable when the MB87091 is turned on, it is necessary to initialize the divide ratio for both dividers at power-on time. As shown in Figure 7, after setting the divide ratio for one divider (e.g., programmable reference divider), set LE to the "H"level before setting the divide ratio for the other divider (e.g., programmable divider). To change the divide ratio of one divider after initialization, input the serial data only for that divider (the divide ratio for the other divider is preserved). Figure 7. Serial Data for Programmable Reference Divider Data Clock LE Inputting Serial Data (Setting Divisors) Serial Data for Programmable Divider 15 Clocks O· 19 Clocks ______ ~n~ ______ ~ * : Control Bit RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS (Vss=OV) Symbol Value Unit Supply Voltage Voo 2.7 to 3.3 V Input Voltage YIN Vss to Yoo V Ambient Temperature TA -40 to +60 °C Rating HANDLING PRECAUTIONS • This device should be transported and stored in anti-static containers. • This is a static-sensitive device; take proper anti-ESD precautions. Ensure that personnel and equipment are properly grounded. Cover workbenches with grounded conductive mats. • Always turn the power supply off before inserting or removing the device from its socket. • Protect leads with a conductive sheet when handling or transporting PC boards with devices. 3-82 MB87091 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Vee =3.0V, Vss =OV, TA =-40 to +60°C) Value Parameter Symbol Conditions Unit Min Input Voltage Except fiN and OSCIN VIH - 2.1 - - L Level VIL - - - 0.9 - fiN OCSIN Input Current Vfpp AC coupling amplitude 1.0 - VSIN AC coupling amplitude 1.0 - H Level IIH V IN = Voo - 1.0 L Level IlL V IN = Vss - -1.0 IfIN VIN = Vss to Voo - ±30 OCSIN losc VIN = Vss to Voo ±30 TEST ITEST V IN = Voo 2.95 fiN Except OSCOUT 0.05 - - 0.50 VO H = 2.5V -0.5 - IOL VOL = 0.5V 0.5 - H Level IOH VOH = 2.5V "1 L Level IOL VOL = O.SV "1 VOH IOH = O~A L Level VOL IOL= OIlA H Level VOH IOH= O~A L Level VOL IOL= O~A H Level IOH L Level OSCOUT 2.50 Output Current ~A V -1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 mA mA cpPOnly IOFF1 VOUT = Vss to Voo Do Only IOFF2 VOUT=VO O Active Mode looop "2 - 8 16 mA loos "3 - 10 - /-LA 40 - - 300 - - Cutoff Current Supply Current Standby Mode REF Section fMAXd Programmable Reference Divider PO Section fMAXP Programmable Divider Maximum Operating Frequency *3: I1A V 2.0 -2.0 Vp_p Sine - - Do Only *1: *2: 50 V - H Level Output Voltage Except OSCOUT, Do &cpP Max H Level Input Sensitivity Except fiN, OSCIN & TEST Typ ~A MHz RRC = 5 k.Q fiN 300 MHz, 12.8 MHz crystal is connected between OSCIN and OSCOUT pins, RRC 5 kn Inputs are connected to GND, except tiN, OSCIN, and TEST. Outputs are open. Current consumption at PS ="L". Inputs are connected to GND, except fiN, OSCIN, and TEST pins. Outputs and the RC pin are open. = = 3-83 MB87091 TYPICAL APPLICATION EXAMPLE Voo MB87091 Mieroeontroller Cloekl----------......;;.~ Data 1--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--1 LE 12.8MHZ 15pF 15pF ;J; PS ;J; 1000pF r------------, LPF R2 C1 I I I I I R1 I I I ~RRe ,,15kD. 1---.------ fveo Package: DIP, SOP 3-84 'PAGE INiENiIONALL'l lEfT Bl~N\( 3-85 MB87091 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS (CONTINUED) 16-LEAD PLASTIC FLAT PACKAGE (CASE No.: FPT-16P-M06) .089(2.25)MAX (MOUNTING HEIGHT) I ,002(0.05)MIN (STAND OFF HEIGHT) -+---'-j I .307±.016 (7.80±0.40) INDEX o / "6" .268 ~:gJ~ (6.80 ~:~g) .209±.012 (5.30±0.30) ~;;::::;::;:::::;:;::::;:;:::::r:;:~:;:?1 ~ 'i .050(1.27~ I TYP ,~.' '-$-' .018±.004 .,II!. (0.45±0.10) I "A" 0.005(0.13)@) ===tI II --4i-- , 01.004(0.,011' r-- .350(8.89) REF - - .006~:gg~ (O.15~:g~) y= T'5 r - o;t;I~f7."N-p;rt- , , - o;t;I~f7B:-P;rt-, .016(0.40)11 G .02O±.OOB (0.5o±ut pin, and has a bias circuit and an alJ1)lifier. Connection with an extemal osciUator should be AC coupling. 8 LD 0 Lock signal output pin. This pin is high when a loop is locked. This pin is low when the loop is alA of lock. 9 PS I Power save control pin. When PS is high, an active mode is selected. When PS is low, a standby mode is selected.' 10 ASW2 Cornmon pin of the analog switches. 11 COMM - 12 ASW1 - Analog switch 1. 13 Do 0 T~slate output pin of the charge pump. The charge PUIJ1) outpuIlevel is changed according to combination of the R-divider output frequency" and the N-divider output frequency tv. 14 NC - No conneclion 15 STBY 0 This pin ~s low when the standby mode is selected. When a signal is input to Rin pin after the active mode is selected, this pin outputs high. Voo - Power s~y pin. 16 Note: Pin Description III Analog switch 2. , Refer to an Intermittent operation In functional description in page 4. 3-91 MB87093A MB87095A MB87096A FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONS 1 Intermittent Operation The intermittent operation of every MB87093A1MB87095A1MB87096A refers to the process of activating and deactivating its internal circuit for saving power disSipation. If the circuit is simply restarted from the standby state. however. an excessively large error signal might be generated. resulting in an out-of-synch lock frequency. Because the phase relationship between the reference frequency (fr) and the frequency (tv) is not stable even when they are of the same value. To preclude this problem. every MB87093A1MB87095A1MB87096A has an intermittent mode control circuit which forces the frequencies fr and fv into the same phase other than when the MB87093A1MB87095A1MB87096A are reactivated. this minimizing the error signal and resultant lock frequency fluctuations. The intermittent mode control circuit is controlled by the PS pin. Setting the PS pin high provides the active mode. and setting the PS pin low provides the standby mode and places the MB87093A1MB87095A1 MB87096A into the standby state. The MB87093A1MB87095A1MB87096A must be placed in the standby mode (PS .. -L1 when power is impressed. 2 Input sensor The STBY pin outputs in the standby mode. and outputs high after receiving a signal via Rin pin when the mode switches from the standby mode into the active mode. For example. it is possible to control a VCO by this function. 3 N-dlvlder The tvco of an extemal VCO output Signal input through fin is divided by the N-divider and then output to the phase comparator as tv. It consists of a binary 10-bit N-counter. The divide ratio N of the N-divider for each MB87093A1MB87095A1MB87096A is shown in Table 1. Table 1. N-dlvlder's Dlvtde Ratio N 4 Part Number Divide Ratio N MB87093A 725 MB87095A 550 M887096A 750 R-dlvlder The R-divider divides the reference oscillation frequency (fosc) from an external reference oscillator (TCXO). and output fr to the phase comparator. It consists of a binary 6-bit R-counter. Table 2 shows the R-divider'S divide ratio. Table 2. R-dlvlder's Dlvtde Ratio R 5 Part Number Divide Ratio R MB87093A 64 MB87095A 64 MB87096A 128 Phase Comparator The phase comparator detects the phase difference between the outputs fr and fv and generates an error signal that is proportional to the phase difference. The outputs from the phase comparator include 1) Do which takes one of the three states; namely. -L" (Low). -W (high). and ·Z· (high-impedance). 2) LD which indicates the PLL lock or unlock state. 3-92 MB87093A MB87095A MB87096A 5.1 Phase Comparator The phase comparator detects the phase difference between fr and tv and generates an error signal that is proportional to the phase difference. Table 3 shows logical levels of Do and LD according to the phase relationship between fr and tv. Table 3. Phase Comparator Inputs/Output Relationships Output 5.2 III LD Phase Relationship Do fr>fv fr=fv fr' DS04-21213-1aE ~~~~~~~~~~~ET~~ruJIBU MB87094 ASSP Serial Input PLL Frequency Synthesizer II CMOS SERIAL INPUT PLL FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER WITH POWER SAVING FUNCTION The Fujitsu MB87094 is a CMOS serial input Phase Locked Loop (PLL) frequency synthesizer. It incorporates an Input amplifier, a programmable divider (binary 11-bit programmable counter and binary 7-bit swallow counter), a phase comparator, a charge pump, an oscillator circuit, a programmable reference divider (binary 12-bit programmable reference counter), a shift register/control register, a data latch, an intermittent mode control circuit. A power save control input pin (PS) forthe intermittent mode control circuit is used to switch between the stand-by and active modes. This is used for phase synchronization at the beginning of operation from a stand-by mode. The MB87094 permits construction of PLL frequency synthesizers with operating frequencies of up to 15 MHz. FEATURES • Low power supply voltage: VDD =1.1 to 1.7V VooH =2.6 to 3.3V • Intermittent mode control circuit • Ambient temperature range: TA = -10°C to 50°C • Plastic 16-pin SSOP package (Suffix: -PFV) • Setting the divide ratio Use the below formula to define the parameters for setting the divide ratio fYCQ.= (N x M+ A) x (fQSC + B) • (FPT-16P-M05) (N)A) (fY.CQ..) Output frequency of the extemal veo (N) Preset divide ratio of binary11-bit programmable counter (5 to 2047) (M) Preset modulus of external dual modulus prescaler (M/M+ 1) (A) Preset divide ratio of binary 7-bit swallow counter value (0 to 127) (fQS.Q) Roference oscillator frequency (B) Preset divide ratio of binary 12-bit programmable reference counter (5 to 4035) This device contalna circuitry to protect th.lnputs agalnal dam age due to high static voltages or electric fielda. However, It Ia advised that normal praceutiona be taken to avoid application of any voltage higher than maximum rated voltages to this high impedance circuit. Copyright©l994 by FUJITSU UMIEO and FUJITSUMICROElECTRONICS, INC. 3-99 MB87094 PIN ASSIGNMENT (TOP VIEW) 16 VDD GND fIN 2 15 RIN Clock 3 14 fv Data 4 13 fr LE 5 12 Test VooH 6 11 M Do 7 10 FC PS 8 9 LD 0 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (See NOTE) Rating_ Supply Voltage Input Voltage Output Voltage Output Current Value Voo -0.5 to +5.0 VooH -0.5 to +5.0 V VIN -0.5 to Voo+0.5 V VINH -0.5 to VooH+0.5 V VOUT -0.5 to Voo+0.5 V VouTH -0.5 to VooH+0.5 V lOUT ±10 mA Unit V Ambient Temperature TA -10 to +50 °C Storage Temperature Tstg -40 to +125 °C Po 300 mW Power Dissipation NOTE: 3-100 (GND=OV) Symbol Permanent device damage may occur if the above Absolute Maximum Ratings are exceeded. Functional operation should be restricted to the conditions as detailed in the operational sections of this data sheet. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. MB87094 PIN DESCRIPTIONS 1 Pin Name Voo - 1V Power supply pin 2 fiN I 1V Programmable divider input pin This pin has a bias circuit and an amplifier. Connection with an external voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) should be AC coupling. 3 Clock I 3V Clock input pin for the shift register Data are loaded at the rising edge of the clock. A Schmitt trigger circuit is used. 4 Data I 3V Serial data input pin for setting divide ratio of dividers A Schmitt trigger is used. 5 LE I 3V Load enable signal input pin When LE is set to high, the data in the shift register is sent to the latch. A Schmitt trigger is used. Pin No *1 Description I/O Interface 6 VooH - 3V Power supply pin 7 Do 0 3V Tri-state charge pump output pin A constant-current feed charge pump is used and its output current can be controlled by the external resistor RRC. The Do output level is inverted by FC. The charge pump output level is changed according to the combination of the programmable reference divider output frequency (fr) and the programmable divider output frequency (fv). 8 PS I 3V Power save control pin When PS is set to "H", an active mode is selected. When PS is set to "L", a standby mode is selected. *2 9 LD 0 3V Phase comparator output pin When a PLL is locked, this pin outputs "H". When the PLL is unlocked, it outputs "L". 10 11 FC M I 0 3V 3V Phase comparator input switch pin *3 Control output for external dual modulus prescaler This output level is synchronized with the falling edge of the fiN input signal Pulse swallow function: M "H" : Preset modulus factor M of an external prescaler M "L" : Preset modulus factor M+ 1 of an external prescaler II = = 12 Test I 1V Test mode pin The test mode is selected by setting this pin to "H". Leave this pin open for ordinary operation, because a pull-down resistor is used. 13 fr 0 1V Monitoring pin for the programmable reference divider output 14 fv 0 1V Monitoring pin for the programmable divider output 15 RIN I 1V Connect pin with extemal reference oscillator (TCXO, etc.). A bias circuit and an amplifier are used. Connection with TCXO should be an AC coupling. 16 GND - - Ground pin Note: *1 : In consideration of the interface with external circuits like a microcontroller, each pin is set to either 3V interface or 1V interface. *2: When power is impressed, the PS pin has to be set to "Ln. Refer to an intermittent operation in the functional description. *3 : Refer to the phase comparator in the functional description. 3-101 MB87094 BLOCK DIAGRAM MB87094 BLOCK DIAGRAM Voo fiN 1) 'r-~ -- -I .---- Clock Data LE 3T<)-- r- L- Schmitt Circuit 5)- ry 1 Programmable Reterence Divider 112 3-102 8 I rl ~~ Output Control RIN 1~ tv -(B fr ~~ Test ~L Control Rregister (1 bit) + Shift Register (18 bits) - 118 -f r IL Output Control Latch (18 bits) 1 18 VooH 6) PS Phase Comparator fv {12 Programmable Divider 7 ~~ Latch (12 bits) '"-- Do ~~ GND Intermittent Operation Control Circuit I I I Charge Pump r-- 11 M J I 1~ FC I L/ Lock Detector 9 LD MB87094 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONS 1. Circuit Description 1.1 Intermittent Operation The intermittent operation of the MB87094 refers to the process of activating and deactivating its internal circuit as necessary thus saving electric energy otherwise consumed by the circuit. If the circuit is simply restarted from the standby state, however, the phase relationship between the reference frequency (fr) and the programmable frequency (fv), which are the input to the phase comparator, is not stable even when they are of the same value. This may cause the phase comparator to generate an excessively large error signal, resulting in an out-of-synch lock frequency. To preclude the occurrence of this problem, the MB87094 has an intermittent mode control circuit which forces the frequencies into phase with each other when the MB87094 is reactivated, thus minimizing the error signal and resultant lock frequency fluctuations. The intermittent mode control circuit is controlled by the PS pin. Setting the PS pin high provides the normal operation mode and setting the pin low provides the standby mode and places the MB87094 into the standby state. The MB87094 behavior in the active and standby modes is summarized below. • Active mode (PS = "H") All MB87094 circuits are active and provide the normal PLL operation. • Standby mode (PS = "L") The MB87094 stops every circuit that consumes power heavily and that causes little inconvenience when deactivated and enters the low-power dissipation state. The Do and LD pins take the same state as when the PLL is locked. The Do pin becomes a high-impedance state and the input voltage to the voltage control oscillator (VCO) is maintained at the same level as in the active mode (that is, lock state) according to a time constant of a low pass filter (LPF). Consequently, the output frequency from the VCO (fvco) is maintained at approximately the lock frequency. The MB87094 continues the intermittent mode operation by alternating the active and standby modes. When it switches from standby to active modes, it forces the phase of fr and fp to correspond and minimize the error signal. In this way, the MB87094 can keep the power consumption of its entire circuitry at the minimum. The MB87094 must be placed in the standby mode (PS = "L") when power is impressed. 1.2 Programmable Divider The fvco of an external VCO output signal or the fpsc of a prescaler output signal, input through fiN, are divided by the programmable divider and then output to the phase comparator as fv. It consists of a binary 7-bit swallow counter, binary 11-bit programmable counter, and a controller which controls the divide ratio of the prescaler. The following are their divide ratios: • Swallow counter: A = 0 to 127 • Programmable counter: N = 5 to 2047 The MB87094 uses the pulse swallow method; consequently, the divide ratios of the swallow and programmable counters must satisfy the relationship N > A. On the supposition that the divide ratio of a prescaler is M/M+ 1 (M=128), the total divide ratio of the programmable divider is calculated as follows: Total divide ratio = (M+ 1)xA+Mx(N-A) =MxN+A = 128xN+A When N is set within 5::; N::; 127, the divide ratio Aofthe swallow counter can take values O::;A::; N-1 because N must be greater than A. For example, 0::; A::; 19 is allowed when N =20 but 20::; A $127 is not allowed in that case. Consequently, N;:: 128 must be satisfied for the total divide ratio to be set within 0 $ A ::; 127. 3-103 3 MB87094 1.3 Programmable Reference divider The programmable reference divider divides the reference oscillation frequency (fosc) from an external reference oscillator (TCXO) connected with AC coupling, and outputs fr to the phase comparator. It consists of a 12-bit binary programmable reference counter. The following divide ratio is used: • Programmable reference counter: R :: 5 to 4095 The fr and fosc have the following relationship: • fr= fosc + R 1.4 Phase Comparator The phase comparator detects the phase difference between the outputs fr and fv and generates an error signal that is proportional to the phase difference. The outputs from the phase comparator include 1) DO which takes on one of the three states, "L" (low), "H" (high), or 0Z' (high impedance), and 2) LD which indicates the PLL lock or unlock state. 1.4.1 Phase Comparator The phase comparator detects the phase difference between tr and tv and generates an error signal that is proportional to the phase difference. The roles of the fr and fp supplied to the phase comparator may be reversed by switching the logical input level of the FC pin. This inverts the logical level of the DO output. The logical level of DO may be selected according to the characteristics of the external LPF and the VCO. (Refer to Table 1.) Table 1. Phase Comparator InputS/Output Relationships ~ Relationship tr> tv tr =tv tr < tv FC="L" FC="H" DO DO L H High-Impedance L H 1.4.2 Phase Comparator Input/Output Waveforms The phase comparator outputs logic levels summarized in Table 1, according to the phase difference between fr and tv phase differences. The pulse width of the phase comparator outputs are identical and equal to the phase difference between fr and fv as shown in Figure 1. fr -D I I I I I fv n n in I I I W:FC="L~ When FC="H" Do I I I I I I I I --u I I I I H I I I I I U n n I I I I I I I I flI rL ~ I n HighZ I HighZ High Z : High impedance state Figure 1. Phase Comparator Input/Output Waveforms (Charge Pump) 3-104 MB87094 1.4.3 lock Detector The lock detector detects the lock and unlock states of the PLL. The lock detector outputs "H" when the PLL enters the lock state and outputs "L" when the PLL enters the unlock state as shown in Figure 2. When the pulse width of the error signal is kept zero for four (4) clocks, the lock detector outputs "H" as a lock signal. When it detects a phase difference after the PLL is locked, "L" is output at once. JL JL fr fv II LD Figure 2. Phase Comparator Input/Output Waveform (Lock Detector) 2. Setting the Divide Ratio 2.1 Serial Data Format The format of the serial data is shown in Figure 3. The serial data is composed of a control bit and divide ratio setting data. The control bit selects the programmable divider or the programmable reference divider. In the case of the programmable reference divider, serial data consists of 12 bits forthe programmable reference counter and 1 control bit, as shown in Figure 3.1. In the case of the programmable divider, the serial data consists of 18 bits (7 bits for the swallow counter and 11 bits for the programmable counter) and 1 control bit, as shown in Figure 3.2. The control bit is set to 0 to select the serial data for the programmable divider and to 1 to select the serial data for the programmable reference divider. MSB LSB Figure 3.1 Divide Ratio for the Programmable Reference Divider LSB MSB Swallow Counter "I- Programmable Counter .. I Figure 3.2 Divide Ratio for the Programmable Divider Figure 3. Serial Data Format 3-105 MB87094 2.2 The Flow of Serial Data Serial data is received via the data pin in synchronization with the Clock input and is loaded into the shift register which contains the divide ratio setting data and into the control register which contains the control bit. The logical product (through the AND gate in Figure 4) of LE and the control register output (Le., control bit) is fed to the Enable input of the latches. Accordingly, when LE is set high, the latch for the divider identified by the control bit is enabled and the divide ratio data from the shift register is loaded into the selected counter. r---------------------------------,I I I I I Programmable Reference 12-bit Binary Programmable Reference Counter L ______________ ~~M I I I 12----------------~ 12-bit Latch 12 Data 0---+--1 18-bit Shift Register Clock 0--1-1 18 18-bit Latch LE 11 - - - - - - - - - - - , I I I IL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I Programmable Divider ~ ~ :Control Register Figure 4. The Flow of Serial Data 2.3 Setting the Divide Ratio for the Programmable Divider Columns AO to A6 of Table 2.1 represent the divide ratio of the swallow counter and columns NO to N 10 of Table 2.2 represent the divide ratio of the programmable counter. The control bit is set to O. Table 2. Divide Ratio for the Programmable Divider Table 2.2 Programmable Counter Divide ratio N Table 2.1 Swallow Counter Divide ratio A Divide Ratio A A A 3 4 A 5 A 1 A 2 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 • • .• • • .. .• 0 1 1 1 1 A .• .• 127 3-106 1 1 6 Divide Ratio N 0 N N N 4 N 5 N 8 N 6 N 7 N 2 N 3 N 1 9 10 5 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 1 1 0 a a a 0 a a a • • • • 1 1 N • • .. 0 • • .• .• • • • • .• • • .. .. 1 2047 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MB87094 2.4 Setting the Divide Ratio for the Programmable Reference Divider Columns RO-R 11 of Table 3 represent the divide ratio of the programmable reference counter. The control bit is set to 1. Table 3. Divide Ratio for the Programmable Reference Divider Divide Ratio R R 0 R 1 R 2 R 3 R 4 R 5 R 6 R 7 R 8 R 9 R 10 R 11 5 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 . .. • 4095 1 • • . .. 0 • • .. .• .. 0 • • .. 0 • • .. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 • 1 III 2.5 Monitor Mode Setting both the PS pin and TEST pin high, the monitor mode is available. The fr and tv pins typically output low. In the monitor mode, the fr pin outputs signals from the programmable reference divider, and the fv pin outputs signals from the programmable divider. 2.6 Serial Data Input Timing The MB87094 uses 19 bits of serial data for the programmable divider and 13 bits for the programmable reference divider. When more bits of serial data than are defined for the target divider are received, only the last valid serial data bits are effective. To set the divide ratio for the MB87094 dividers, it is necessary to supply the Data, Clock, and LE signals at the timing shown in Figure 5. t1 (~1 JlS) t4 (~1 JlS) :Data setup time t2 (~1 Ils): Data hold time :LE setup time to the falling edge of the last clock (~1 Ils): Clock pulse width t5 (~1 Ils): LE pulse width t3 Data Clock LE t5 Figure 5. Serial Data Input Timing 3-107 MB87094 Since the divide ratios are unpredictable when the MB87094 is turned on, it is necessary to initialize the divide ratio for both dividers. As shown in Figure 6, after setting the divide ratio for one divider (e.g., programmable reference divider), set LE to the "H" level before setting the divide ratio for the other divider (e.g., programmable divider). To change the divide ratio of one divider after initialization, input the serial data only for that divider (the divide ratio for the other divider is preserved). Serial Data for Programmable Reference Divider Data Clock LE Serial Data for Programmable Divider 13 clocks ______ O· 19 clocks ~n~ ______ ~ * :Control bit Figure 6. Serial Data Setting Procedure RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS GND= OV Parameter Power Supply Voltage Symbol UNIT V VooH 2.6 to 3.3 V VIN GND to Voo V VINH GNDto VooH V TA -10to +50 °C Voo Input Voltage Ambient Temperature Value 1.1 to 1.7 HANDLING PRECAUTIONS • This device should be transported and stored in anti-static containers. • This is a static-sensitive device; take proper anti·ESD precautions. Ensure that personnel and equipment are properly grounded. Cover work· benches with grounded conductive mats. • Always turn the power supply off before inserting or removing the device from its socket. • Protect leads with a conductive sheet when handling or transporting PC boards with devices. 3-108 MB87094 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (VooH = 3.0V, Voo = 1.1 V, GND = OV, TA = -10 to +50°C) Value Parameter Symbol Conditions Min TEST CLK, Data, LE,PS,FC H Level VIH - 0.77 - - L Level VIL - - - 0.33 H Level VIH - 2.10 - - L Level VIL - - - 0.90 V fiN Vfpp AC Coupling Amplitude 0.5 - - RIN VSIN AC Coupling Amplitude 0.5 - - IIH VIH = VOOH - 1.0 - ilL VIL= GND - -1.0 - fiN IfIN VI = GND to Voo - ±30.0 - ~ RIN lose VI = GND to Voo - ±30.0 - ~ TEST (pull down pin) /rEST VIH = Voo - SO.O - ~ H Level VOH IOH=O~ 1.0S - - L Level VOL 10L = OJlA - - 0.05 H Level VOH 10H=0~ 2.95 L Level VOL IOL = OJlA - 0.05 H Level 10H VOH = 0.6V -0.2 - L Level IOl Val = O.SV 0.2 - - H Level IOH VOH = 2.SV -0.4 - VOL = O.SV 0.4 - - mA L Level IOL IOFFH VOH = VOOH - 100 nA IOFFL VOL - - 100 nA - - 1.0 mA - - 20.0 ~ Input Sensitivity H Level CLK, Data, LE,PS,FC Input Current fr, fv Do, LD, M fr, fv Output Current Max V Input Voltage Output Voltage Unit Typ. Do, LD, M Cutoff Current L Level Do Active Mode lop =GND *1 Supply Current Stand-by Mode Maximum Operating Frequency REF Section PO Section IS6 fMAXd fMAXp *2 Programmable Reference Divider Programmable Divider II Vtr-P Sine ~ V - - lS - - 15 - - V mA MHz Note; *1: fiN = RIN = lSMHz(O.SVpp), lop = 100 (l.4V) + looH (3V) x 3.3 *2: Conditions for measuring the standby current (Iss) are the same as the case of the active mode (lop). 3-109 MB87094 TYPICAL APPLICATION EXAMPLE Voo Micro controller TCXO Clock Data LE VooH PS 3-110 MB87094 . · . n 16-LEAD PLASTIC FLAT PACKAGE (CASE No.: FPT-16P-M05) .049+.008 OO~ (MOUNTING HEIGHT) h I (1.25~:~g) [7 : .004(0.10) I I 1 I I III .2S2±.008 I (6.4D±0.20) *.173±.004 .213(5.40) NOM I (4.4D±O.10) 1.·.i< ···' • •. ~e~~~i\i, Sym})oJ 1/ )i '.,' .• , .. fOUT ,', ..' Vee NC Vee -0.5 to +5.0 V Do FC Vp Vee to 8.0 V GND -0.5 to Vee +0.5 V LD Data -0.5 to 6.0 V fiN Clock ±10 mA -55 to +125 °C Output voltage Vo Open drain voltage Voop Output current 10 Storage temperature Tstg NOTE: . ". . Vp P 0 Phase comparator output for an extemal charge pump Phase of the output is reversed depending on FC input. P pin is a N-ch open drain output. 16 R 0 Phase comparator output for an extemal charge pump Phase of the output is reversed depending on FC input. R pin is a C-MOS output. III 4-7 MB15A01 FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS Pulse swallow function The divide ratio can be calculated using the following equation: fveo =[(P x N) + A] x fose + R (A < N) fveo : Output frequency of external voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) N : Preset divide ratio of binary H·bit programmable counter (5 to 2,047) A : Preset divide ratio of binary 7·bit swallow counter (0 S A S 127) fose : Output frequency of the reference frequency oscillator R Preset divide ratio of binary 14·bit programmable reference counter (6 to 16,383) P : Preset divide ratio of modules prescaler (64 or 128) Serial data input Serial data is processed using the Data, Clock, and LE pins. Serial data controls the 15·bit programmable reference divider and 18·bit programmable divider separately. Binary serial data is entered via the Data pin. One bit of data is shifted into the internal shift register on the rising edge of clock. When the load enable pin is high or open, stored data is latched depending on the control data as follows: Control data (a) Destination of serial data H 15 bit latch L 18 bit latch Programmable reference divider The programmable reference divider consists of a 16·bit shift register, a 15·bit latch and a 14·bit reference counter. The serial 16·bit data format is shown below: --_.~ Direction of data shift Divide ratio setting bit for programmable reference counter 4-8 MB15A01 • 14-bit programmable reference counter divide ratio Divide ratio R S S S S S S S S S S 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 4 3 S 2 S 13 S 5 S 14 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 7 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 • • • . . . . . . . . 1 • • . 16383 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 III (Divide ratio = 6 to 16,383) Notes: 1. Divide ratios less than 6 are prohibited. 2. SW: This bit selects the divide ratio of the prescaler. Low: 128 or 129 High: 64 or 65 3. Sl to S14: These bits select the divide ratio of the programmable reference counter (6 to 16,383). 4. C: Control bit: Set high. 5. Start data input with MSB first. (b) Programmable divider divide The programmable divider consists of a 19-bit shift register, a l8-bit latch, a 7-bit swallow counter, and a 11-bit programmable counter. The serial 19-bit data format is shown below: -----t.. Direction of data shift Divide ratio setting bit for swallow counter Divide ratio setting bit for programmable counter 4-9 MB15A01 • 7-bit swallow counter divide ratio Divide ratio S A S 7 0 1 127 S S S S S S S S S S 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 1 S 1 S 4 S 2 S • ..... 1 1 1 1 ll-bit programmable counter divide ratio Divide ratio N S 3 S 5 . . • . ...... 2047 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 • . 1 1 1 1 1 (Divide ratio =5 to 2,047) (Divide ratio = 0 to 127) Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. • .. 1 Divide ratios less than 5 are prohibited for 11-bit programmable counter. 51 to 57: These bits select the divide ratio of swallow counter (0 to 127). 58 to 518: These bits select the divide ratio of programmable counter (5 to 2,047). C: Control bit: (5et low) 5tart data input with M5B first. Serial data input timing • t1 t4 (~100ns): (~100ns): Data setup time t2 (~10oons): Data hold time LE setup time to the riSing edge of last clock Data ~ . -- 18= I M5B 517 --~10 59 I , I (5W)(*1) Clock I (514) I (58) (57) (~3OOns): (~800ns): Clock pulse width LE pulse width --JID<1= C: Control bit - - L5B (51) (C: Control bit) JlJL--J1lIL--JUL rL " I, I LE I t3 ts I I I II I I ------t I I t1~ I • I I ts I • 4 I -I---i- *1: Bits enclosed in parentheses are used when the divide ratio of the programmable reference divider is selected. Note: 4-10 One bit of data is shifted into the shift register on the rising edge of the clock. MB15A01 Relation between the Fe input and phase characteristics The Fe pin changes the phase characteristics of the phase comparator. Both the internal charge pump output level (Do) and the phase comparator output (R, P) are reversed depending on the Fe pin input level. Also, the monitor pin (fOUT) output is controlled by the Fe pin. The relationship between the Fe input level and each of Do, R, and P is shown below: FC = High or open Do R P fOUT Do R fr> fp H L L (fr) L fr< fp L H Z(*1) (fr) Z(*1) L Z (*1) (fr) fr *1: FC=Low =fp P fOUT H Z(*1) (fp) H L L (fp) Z(*1) L Z(*1) (fp) High impedance III When designing a synthesizer, the Fe pin setting depends on the veo and LPF characteristics. *: When the LPF and veo characteristics are similar toeD, set Fe high or open. *: When the veo characteristics are similar to ® , set Fe low. veo output frequency LPF input voltage _ 4-11 MB15A01 Phase comparator output waveforms fr> fp, fr> fp --.fl'--__ n fr -J fr =fp fr< fp fr< fp n n n -H L -H fp L H LD - L ----r"',--,..-,-_ : [FC = "H"] LJUr----~, cl»P 1 cl»R 1_,,--I----'n'-------'nL...----: _ - - 1 - -- . 1 . . . . ---n- -ll-------'r---ll----U--------: Do [FC = "L"] cl»P cl»R Do Note: 4-12 I' U U"-----= : -H ~'----....L-I_____I_~I_ L ---Lt- -li- -----'r---ll-----n-------- : Phase difference detection range: -21t to +21t MB15A01 RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Parameter Symbol Value Unit Min Typ Max Vee 2.7 3.0 3.5 V Vp Vcc 6.0 V Input voltage VI GND Vee V Operating temperature Ta -40 - +85 °C Supply voltage Remark Notes: To protect against damage by electrostatic discharge, note the following handling precautions: - Store and transport devices in conductive containers. - Use properly grounded workstations, tools, and equipment. - Tum off power before inserting or removing this device into or from a socket. - Protect leads with conductive sheet, when transporting a board mounted device. 4-13 MB15A01 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Recommended operating conditions unless otherwise noted.) ii ·. . . . . . .. . . )·.i.>< ..i .· . i. . . .. . . . . . . . . •. :: ............... Supply current ........ ~. ...... ...... ........................ . . . . . . m..~............. . ..... lee - 6.5 ...•.......... •. >• - r> •.••••......«> .. ..'", A< • ..................... > •...•....•......•••••••• ..>......).>.\ fiN = 1.1 GHz, OSCIN = 12 MHz, Vee = 3.0 V. In locked state. AC coupling. The minimum operating frequency is measured with a 1000pF capacitor connected. fiN fiN "10 - 1100 MHz OSCIN fose - 12 23 MHz fiN PflN -10 - 6 dBm OSCIN Vose 0.5 - - VIM> 50n High-level input voltage Clock, Data, VIH Vee xO .7 - - V Low-level input voltage LE VIL - Vee xO.3 V \IH - 1.0 IlA IlL - - -1.0 IlA OSCIN lose - ±50 IlA FC,LE ILE - -60 High-level output voltage R,LD VOH 2.1 - - V Vee = 3 V, IOH = -1.0mA Low-level output voltage RlP, LD VOL - - 0.4 V Vcc = 3V, IOL = 1.0mA High-jmjJedance Cut off current Do,,P IOFF - - 1.1 IlA R,LD IOH -1.0 - mA Vcc= 3V RlP, LD IOL - - 1.0 mA Vcc= 3V High-level input current Low-level input current Data, Clock input current Output current 4-14 ·i •.•• •• rnA Operating frequency Input sensitivity .'<. IlA Vp = Vee to 6.0V GND to 6.0 V V~~p = MB15A01 TEST CIRCUIT (FOR MEASURING INPUT SENSITIVITY fin/OSCin) Vc 0.1 1000p p·G ~ son % ~ Vp r r 0.1 ~ 1000p r---"'---'---'--'""'"'----, ~ p·G 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 %50n II 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Vcc 2kn '-----+--- ¢ ' - - - - - - -........- - - - - - < ; . ; : : : J Oscilloscope Select fout monitor output 4-15 MB15A01 APPLICATION EXAMPLE Vpx (6V) 10 k 12 k 12 k ] From a controller fp H L fr= fp Z Z fr100ns) t4 (>100ns) o Data Data set up time 12 (>1000ns) : Data hold time LE set up time to the rising edge of the last clock Nl1=MSBE~~~ I~~~3 , o Clock CN'.LSB ----------------- , ---1W1...fW1... _________....1'. . . .'___ OLE t3 (>300ns): Clock pulse width t5 (>800ns): LE pulse width ~ ---. 't1' " , rL ; : ' t' ,.. 2.... t~' 3 ""T , ~ t. -.!' "'-; , , t5 ............... , , On rising edge of the clock, one bit of the data is transferred into the shift register. 4-25 MB15B01 PHASE DETECTOR OUTPUT WAVEFORM fr fp I ~ I I twu (FC bit =High) -~- - - Z - - (FC bit =Low) 00- - Note: I I twl '----_ _ _ _---"'1 LD Do- - ..-",.. -~- - - Z - - -q------~- ----J-: ------~- ------f ------ r_. H J -d------~- -----9--------~- ------f ------Jr-. J • Phase error detection range =-2lt to +2lt • LD output becomes low when phase error is twu or more. • LD output becomes high when phase error is twL or less and continues to be so for three cysles or more. • twL and twL depend on OSCin input frequency. ~25ns. foscin =12.8 MHz) (e. g. twL ~1250ns. foscin 12.8 MHz) twu ~8Jtosc (e. g. twu twL~16lfosc 4-26 J = MB15B01 RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Value Parameter Symbol Min Typ Unit Note Vcc1 =Vcc2 Max Power Supply Voltage Vee 2.7 3.0 3.5 V Input Voltage VIN GNO - Vee V Operating Temperature Ta -30 - +80 °C HANDLING PRECAUTIONS II • This device should be transported and stored in anti-static containers. • This is a static-sensitive device; take proper anti-ESO precautions. Ensure that personnel and equipment are property grounded. Cover workbenches with grounded conductive mats. • Always tum the power supply off before inserting or removing the device from its socket. • Protect leads with a conductive sheet when handling or transporting PC boards with devices. 4-27 MB15B01 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 1< ...« I < iiij··· •.•:....>. .............••...., ... : ................................. - "11 .• ·.···.·:>..... i ..... *1 - 7.0(0.1) .:1 - 100 - 1100 - 12.8 20.0 -10 - 0 dBm Vosc 0.5 - - Vp-p Data, Clock LE,BSC VIH VccxO.7+0.4 - - IIH Low-level Input Current Data, Clock LE,BSC Input Current OSCIN - 6.0(0.1) - fin OSCIN fosc fin Pfin OSCIN Icc1 PLL 1 section Icc2 PLL2 & common sections Power Supply Current fin mA MHz Operating Frequency 50n Input Sensitivity High-level Input Voltage Low-level Input Voltage High-level Input Current High-level Output Voltage .- VIL High-impedance Cutoff Current Do,BS 1.0 - - ilL - -1.0 losc - ±50 0.4 VOH Vcc= 3.0V 2.2 VOL Vcc= 3.0V - - IOFF - - 1.1 IOH -1.0 - - IOL - - 1.0 - -2.5 - LO Low-level Output Voltage V VccxO.3-0.4 LO ~ V ~ mA Output Current IOH Vcc=3.0V 001,2 Analog Switch ON Resistance mA RON *1 : The value in ( ) is power supply current in power saving mode. 4-28 - 50 - n MB15B01 TEST CIRCUIT (PRESCALER INPUT SENSITIVITY TEST) 1000pF Vee 1 PG~ 5001 P.G fr , . . . - . - + - - - - - - - -........- 0 Oscilloscope ~P,..F_ _ _ _ _-< son GND I II MB15B01 P'G1- 10kn 1000pF son fp L....---+-----+--+--+---~u I Oscilloscope O,1~F '---_~ Controller 4-29 MB15B01 APPLICATION EXAMPLE Lock Detector Output 3V MB15B01 fr GND rO. LD1 BS1 1IlF Lock Detector 1000pF Output Note: C1, C2 Clock, Data, LE 4-30 : depends on a crystal oscillator. : involves a schmitt circuit. When input pins are open, please insert the pull down/up resistor individually to prevent oscillation. MB15B01 PACKAGE DIMENSION 20-LEAD PLASTIC FLAT PACKAGE (CASE No.: FPT-20P-M03) .049~:gg: --I*--~---- (1.25~:~g) *.256±.004 ~6t~~'0~~ INDEX 1 I I .252±.008 (6.40±0.20) cI ~~~~~ (0.65±0.12) .11. .OO9~:gg~ (0.22~:Jg) .213(5.40) NOM "A" ~' j -' , ' , r: ;- - - - •• - - • -Details'of "A; part -. ---. ---, 004 ±.004 (0.1 o±o.1 0) O"1o~ REF ©1991 FUJITSU LIMITED F20012S-2C (STANDOFF HEIGHT) CJJI~.~~~ .230(5.85) *:This dimension does not include resin protruction. III f I *.173±.OO4 (4.40±0.10) .0256±.0047 (MOUNTING HEIGHT) ~ -- - -- --- -- (O.so±o.201 - - ------------- -- -' Dimensions in inches (millimeters) 4-31 4-32 00 September 1995 FUJITSU Edition 6.0a DATA SHEET MB 150 11MB 1501 HIMB1501 L SERIAL INPUT PLL FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER SERIAL INPUT PLL FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER WITH 1.1 GHz PRESCALER The Fujitsu MB1501/MB1501H/MB1501L, utilizing BI-CMOS technology, is a single chip serial input PLL frequency synthesizer with pUlse-swallow function. The MB1501 series contain a 1.1 GHz two modulus prescaler that can select either 64/65 or 128/129 divide ratio; control signal generator; 16-bit shift register, 15-bit latch; programmable reference divider (binary 14-bit programmable reference counter); 1-bit switch counter; phase comparator with phase inverse function; charge pump; crystal oscillator; 19-bit shift register; 18-bit latch; programmable divider (binary 7-bit swallow counter and binary 11-bit programmable counter). III PLASTIC PACKAGE Dlp·16p·M04 The MB1501 operates on a low supply voltage (3V typ) and consumes low power (45mWat 1.1 GHz). MB1501 Product Line Vp Voltage Voop Voltage Lock up time /;>0 i Output Width MB1501 8Vmax 8.5V max Middle speed Middle Low MB1501H 10V max 10.0Vmax High speed High MB1501L 8Vmax 8.5V max Low speed High-level LOW-level Output Output Current Current Middle Middle High Low Low High High operating frequency: fiN MAX=1.1 GHz (PIN MIN=O.20Vp_p) On-chip prescaler Low power supply voltage: 2.7V to 5.5V (3.0V typ) Low power supply consumption: 45mW (3.0V, 1.1 GHz operation) Serial input 18-bit programmable divider consisting of: o Binary 7-bit swallow counter (Divide ratio: 0 to 127) o Binary ll-bit programmable counter (Divide ratio: 16 to 2047) • Serial input 15-bit programmable reference divider conSisting of: o Binary 14-bit programmable reference counter (Divide ratio: 8 to 16383) o l-bit switch counter (SW) Sets divide ratio of prescaler • 2types of phase detector output C On-Chip charge pump (Bipolar type) o Output for external charge pump • Wide operating temperature: TA=-40°C to +85°C PLASTIC PACKAGE FPT·16p·M06 • • • • • ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (see NOTE) Rating Power Supply Voltage Output Voltage Open-drain Output Symbol Vee VPH Vp,VPL VOUT VnnPH voOP,VOOPL Output Current Storage Temperature NOTE: InllT TSTG Condition MB1501H MB1501/1501L MB1501H MB1501/1501 L Value Unit ~.5to+7.0 V Vee to 12.0 Vee to 10.0 ~.5 to Vee +0.5 ~.5 to 11.0 ~.5to 9.0 ±10 -55 to +125 PIN ASSIGNMENT OSCIN 0R OSCOUT 0P Vp fp Vee fr Do FC GND LE LD Data fin Clock V V V mA °C This device contains circuitry to protect the inputs against damage due to high static voltages or electric fields. However, His advised that normal precautions be taken to avoid application of any voltage higher than maximum rated voltages to this high impedance circuit. Permanent device damage may occur if the above Absolute Maximum Ratings are exceeded. Functional operation should be restricted to the conditions as detailed in the operational sections of this data sheet. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. Copyri9ht@I994by FUJITSU LIMITED and FUJITSU MICROELECTRONICS,INC. 4·33 MB1501 MB1501H MB1501L MB1501/MB1501H1MB1501L BLOCK DIAGRAM vcc 0- GND0-- r-----------, 16·8it Shift Register I I ~]IillillillilI[~ 15·8it Latch I LE I I I 16·8it Shift Register I I I 15·8it Latch 11r------------,rr--~~__~~~~--J 13 fr 12 FC LJlilIillillilIC r I I I Programmable Reference Divider LD ' 0R 8inary 14·8it 1·bit Reference Counter SW 0P r---------------, 19·8it Shift Register I I t-t---;I~ 19·8it Shift Register I ~J]ImI[O]ImI[[~ I I II I Vp Charge Pump Do 18·8it Latch 11·8it Latch :]]IillIUlllillIIC__ '---_,--.----..w 14 I Programmable Divider I I I --~~~--.. ~~-~~---..I Clock 4-34 fp MB1501 MB1501H MB1501L PIN DESCRIPTIONS Pin No. 1 2 Pin Name OSCIN OSCOUT 1/0 I Descriptions 0 Oscillator input. Oscillator output. A crystal is placed between OSCIN and OSCOUT. 3 Vp - Power supply input for charge pump. 4 Vee - Power supply voltage input. S Do 0 Charge pump output. Phase characteristic can be inversed depending upon FC input. 6 GND - Ground. 7 LD 0 Phase comparator output. This pin outputs high when the phase is locked. While the phase difference of fr and fp exists, the output level goes low. S fin I Prescaler input. The connection with an external VCO should be an AC connection. 9 Clock I Clock input for 19-bit shift register and 16-bit shift register. Each rising edge of the clock shifts one bit of data into the shift registers. 10 Data I Serial data of binary code input. The last bit of the data is a control bit. The last data bit specifies which latch is activated. When the last bit is high level and LE is high-level, data is transferred to 15-bit latch. When the last bit is low level and LE is high level, data is transferred to 1S-bit latch. 11 LE I Load enable input (with internal pull up resistor). When LE is high level (or open), data stored in the shift register is transferred to latch depending on the control data. 12 FC 0 Phase selecting input of phase comparator (with internal pull up resistor). When FC is low level, charge pump and phase detector characteristics can be inversed. 13 fr 0 Monitor pin of phase comparator input. It is the same as programmable reference divider output. 14 fp 0 Monitor pin of phase comparator input. It is the same as programmable divider output. 15 16 0P 0R 0 0 Outputs for external charge pump. Phase characteristics can be inversed depending on FC input. 0P pin is an N-channel open-drain output. 4-35 MB1501 MB1501H MB1501L FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONS SERIAL DATA INPUT Serial data input is input using Data pin, Clock pin and LE pin, The 1S-bit programmable reference divider and 18-bit programmable divider are controlled respectively. On rising edge of the clock shifts one bit of the data into the internal shift registers. When load enable (LE) is high level (or open), data stored in shift resisters is transferred to 15-bit latch or 18-bit latch depending upon the control bit level. Control data "H" ; Data is transferred into 1S-bit latch. Control data "L" ; Data is transferred into 18-bit latch. PROGRAMMABLE REFERENCE DIVIDER Programmable reference divider consists of 16-bit shift register, 15-bit latch and 14-bit reference counter. Serial 16-bit data format is shown below. - - - - - - -__ Data input Last data input First data input @ S S S S 5 6 7 8 14-BIT PROGRAMMABLE REFERENCE COUNTER DIVIDE RATIO Divide ratio R S S S S S S S S S S S S S S 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 9 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 • • • • • • • • .. 0 • . 0 16383 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Divide ratio less than 8 is prohibited. Divide ratio R: 8 to 16383 SW: Divide ratio of prescaler setting bit. SW="H": 64 SW="L" : 128 Sl to S14: Divide ratio of programmable reference counter setting bits (8 to 16383) C: Control bit (Control bit is set to high.) 4-36 1 • . 1 1 MB1501 MB1501H MB1501L FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONS PROGRAMMABLE DIVIDER Programmable divider consists of 19-bit shift register, 18-bit latch, 7-bit swallow counter and 11-bit programmable counter. Serial 19-bit data format is shown below. .. Data input Last data input ! ! C S S 1 2 I- @ First data input Control bit .LSB MSB.! ~ I: I: I: I S S 7 8 9 10 S S S S 12 13 14 15 sis Is 16 17 18 Divide ratio of programmable counter setting bits Divide ratio of swallow counter setting bits 7-BIT SWALLOW COUNTER DIVIDE RATIO sis I~ @ 11-BIT PROGRAMMABLE COUNTER DIVIDE RATIO Divide ratio A S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S 6 5 4 3 2 1 Divide ratio N S 7 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 17 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 • • • • • • • • . 0 • • • • • • • • • • • 127 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2047 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Divide ratio A : 0 to 127 Divide ratio less than 16 is prohibited. Divide ratio N : 16 to 2047 S8 to S18 :Divide ratio of programmable counter setting bits (16 to 2047) Sl to S7: Divide ratio of swallow counter setting bits (0 to 127) C: Control bit (Control bit is set to low.) Dara is input from MSB data. 4-37 MB1501 MB1501H MB1501L SERIAL DATA INPUT TIMING S9 S 1=LSB (S1) ---- X C: Control bit (C: Control bit) .... On the rising ed!ile of the clock shifts one bit of the data into the shift registers. Parenthsis data IS used for setting the divide ratio of the programmable reference divider. PHASE CHARACTERISTICS VCO CHARACTERISTICS FC pin (pin 12) is provided to inverse the phase comparator characteristics. The characteristics of internal charge pump output (Do), phase detector outputs (0R,0P) can be inversed depending upon FC input data. Outputs are shown below. o>z FC=H (or open) Do 0R 0P W :::::I FC=L Do 0R oW 0P fr>fp H L L L H Z fr VCO INPUT VOLTAGE _ MB1501 MB1501H MB1501L RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Parameter Value Symbol Vee Power Supply Voltage Min Typ 2.7 3.0 Max 5.5 VPH MB1501H Vee 10.0 Vp, VPL MB1501 MB1501L Vee 8.5 VOOPH MB1501H Vee 10.0 V~~p, VOOPL MB1501 MB1501L Vee 8.5 Open-drain Output Unit V V V Input Voltage V1N GND Vee V Operating temperature TA -40 +85 °C 4-39 MB1501 MB1501H MB1501L ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Vee=2.7 to 5.5V, TA=-40 to +85°C) Parameter Power Supply Current Pin Name Symbol Condition Vee Icc *1 fin fiN *2 Operating Frequency OSCIN fose Value Min Typ - 15 10 - - 12 High-level Input Voltage Low-level Input Voltage High-level Input Current Low-level Input Current Low-level Output Voltage N-channel Open-drain Cutoff Current High-level Output Current Low-level Output Current MHz 20 MHz -10 - 6 dBrn Pfin2 Vee=4.0 to 5.5V -4 - 6 dBrn - Vp_p - V VIN 0.5 - Except fin and OSCIN VIH 0. 7xVec - VIL - - Data, Clock IIH - 1.0 - JlA IlL - -1.0 - JlA OSCIN liN - ±50 - JlA LE,FC ILE - -60 - JlA Except Do and OSCOUT VOH 2.4 - - V - - 0.4 V 0P 10FF - - 1.1 JlA Except Do and OSCOUT 10H -1.0 - - rnA 1.0 - - rnA Vec=3.0V VOL Low-level Output Current Do,0P Vee~Vp~8V 10L 0. 3xVec V ~DOHH Vee=3V MB1501H Vp=12V,TA=25°C -2.2 -4.5 - rnA 'DOH MB1501 -0.5 -2.0 - rnA IOOHL MB1501L -0.5 -1.1 IOOLH Vee=3V MB1501H Vp=12V, TA=25°C 2.2 6.0 - rnA IDOL MB1501 1.5 6.0 - rnA 'OOLL MB1501L 4.5 12.0 - rnA '1.0 JlA Do looz Vee=3V Vp=6V, TA=25°C Vee=3V Vp=6V,TA=25°C MB1501H Vee=3V, Vp=12V TA==25°C MB1501 Vee=3V, Vp=9V MB1501L TA=25°C Note: *1 Vce=3.0V, fIN=1.1GHz, fose=12MHz crystal. Inputs are grounded except fiN, and outputs are open. *2 Input coupling capaCitor 1000pF is connected. 4·40 1100 OSCIN High-level Output Current Leakage Current mA Vee=2.7 to 4.0V Input Current High-level Output Voltage - Unit Pfin1 fin Input Sensitivity Max - -2.2 rnA MB1501 MB1501H MB1501L TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS CURVES CHARGE PUMP CHARACTERISTICS • MB1501/MB1501H • MB1501L Vp Vp Do Do GND GND LOCK UP TIME MEASUREMENT ( 1V1div t J ~ 10ns/div Low unlock condition ---. Lock (533MHz) High unlock condition - - . Lock (518MHz) ~ 1\ 1/ I-- / MB1501H ,J I" t 1/, r if'/' J..ooo- Ir ~ '\ J.ooo- ~~~ ~L\ .~~ ~ V MB1501L . ~ V ~ -...... A ~~ ~ I' DO PIN OUTPUT CURRENT CURVES (TYPICAL) VOH vs. 10H ~ 8.0 ::t: 0 "- > Q) 0> VOL vs. 10L , ,, ~ 2.0 ..J 0 > \ .i!! g M81501L :; .9- 7.0 ::J MB~501 _ MB1501H _ 0> M81501L _ .i!! g I-- I 0 MB1501 MB1501H Q) - ~ 1.0 :; 0 Q) > Q) 1.: 0> I ~ > ~ :?: 0 ...J 0.0 6.0 0 -3 -1 -2 -4 High-level Output Current 10H (rnA) -5 0 --- .i 10 Low-level Output Current 10L (rnA) 20 4-41 MB1501 MB1501H MB1501L Do PIN OUTPUT WAVEFORM AT LOCK CONDITION Output Waveform 1V/div ( IL-_ _.... J 100ns/div MB1501 J I ~ Ir" MB1501H -- - -- --1-- --1-- -- ---- r MB1501L ---- -- --1/- --I- - • - J ---- -- 4-42 ---- 'I -- - -- MB1501 MB1501H MB1501L PHASE CHARACTERISTICS (M vs. Do OUTPUT ENERGY) 150 ~ 100 0" V" L/"/ 50 ~r :> I C!:!:!. 100 >- c: w ~ O e> Q) 80 40 60 1- MB1501H - - MB1501 - - - MB1501L l J / -150 ,,' W °r~O 20 -50 -100 ~: '/ 20 I ,," 80 ,,------ .------- /" /~ 60 .JII' ,-- TIme.1f (ns) Vp Te o °k 0'1 SCI loscope 10k VCC=VP=3.0V ~ flNSfosc=12MHz [ f,.=fp=46.9kHz (-) Energy 4-43 MB1501 MB1501H MB1501L INPUT SENSITIVITY Input Sensitivity vs. Input Frequency (Supply Voltage Dependence) E m :!:!. +10 z 0 .2;:~ -10 ti: -i5 cQ) (J) S a. .E -20 .... - rt- I Vee=S.5V ~-- Operating Area Vcc=4.0 to S.SV II Vcc=2.7 to 4.0V 1;;"'--- -30 I ........... -40 ~ ----- - -~ ~ " -~ \ .......!!!! ~~ 1\ VIC 2.7V Vee=4.5V -50 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Inp.ut Frequency fin (GHz) 1.7 1.8 1.9 ....---_-0 Vee ;J; O.1J.lF a-p 000PF P.G Oscilloscope (Counter) 14 8 50n 6 Input Sensitivity vs. Input Frequency (Temperature Dependence) E m ~ 0 ti: -10 z ~ ~ cQ) .ii) -20 (J) -30 Sa. .E -f==::::: +10 ~ G ••,". . . Operating Area ~c_c=..4.~ ~ :.S:' Vcc=2.7 to 4.0V ~ I 0 - TA=-4.0 C 1\, , \ ~~ - -~ ~ 11 ~ TA +25°C TA +85°C ::=::; -",,- -40 -50 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Input Frequency fin (GHz) <> Vee=3.0V a-p P.G OOOPF 50n 4-44 1.7 1.8 1.9 ....---..._-0 Vee ;J; 0.1J.lF 8 14 6 '---.,.....--' Oscilloscope (Counter) MB1501 MB1501H MB1501L INPUT IMPEDANCE lOMHz lOOMHz ~,~~,.... 200MHz 500MHz .q;;~~~~Pl-W--l()OO MHz TEST CIRCUIT Do Pin Output Current (lo H • lad Measurement Vee Vp MB1501 4-45 MB1501 MB1501H MB1501L Lock up Time Measurement Oscilloscope (10MQ, 10pF) LPFCircuit 1kil 4kil ~Tw., 1k'o 10llF Vcc=3~Vp=8V fvco=Low unlock condition ( fvco=High unlock condition ) - + Step to Lock condition (533MHz) - + Step to Lock condition (518MHz) Phase Characteristics Measurement 10kil OSCin -----10k'o fin fp Vcc=3V, Vp=3V .1f=fr-fp ( Energy (En)=V 2t 4-46 ----------- Oscilloscope (10MQ, 10pF) 1 MB1501 MB1501H MB1501L TYPICAL APPLICATION EXAMPLE Vpx(6V) _--_OUTPUT Charge Pump Selection (Internal or external) FROM CONTROLLER ~} 16 FC 0P 0R 15 13 14 12 III 47kQ LE 11 10 6 7 MB1501 2 OSCou 5 4 3 Vp Vee Do GND 8 LD 1000pF 6V Vec(3V) 3V LOCK DET. Cl, C2: Depends on crystal oscillator LE,FC: With internal pull up resistor 0P Open drain output 4-47 MB1501 MB1501H MB1501L PACKAGE DIMENSIONS 16-LEAD PLASTIC DUAL IN-LINE PACKAGE (Case No.: DIP-16P-M04) 1S 0 MAX -t INDEX-1 " INDEX-2 .244±.010 : (6.2o±O.25) ~:::;::=;=::::;::=::;:=::;==;:=:;:=;:::::;:::::;::=;=;::::::;==:;,J: ~ .1 I.. 039~012 (0.99~·30) ©1991 FUJITSU LIMITED D16033S-2C 4-48 i .300(7.62) TYP rff~t I I' _1 ~-':::::::::::-l_ .1 l.o.o~12 (1.S2~·30) .01o±.002 (O.2S±o.OS) Dimensions in inches (millimeters) MB1501 MB1501H MB1501L PACKAGE DIMENSIONS 1S-LEAD PLASTIC FLAT PACKAGE (Case No.: FPT-1SP-MOS) 4~ ~gri~ (10 15~~g) ~+_ _ _ _ .089(2.25)MAX MOUNTING HEIGHT) -y- I ~~~===~~--r I INDEX 0 .307±.016 (7.80±0.40) 1 / TI IT--rw I ~I .268 I .209±.012 (5.30±0.30) "8" 'J..-+---t.----'[--lr-lr--H'~:lr------l.J· ~ I .050(1. 27 TYP 11 I, .. • J II .018±.004 'I'--~""'-'-I-----'I II, .. (0.45±0.10)L:c.......L-~-·0-0-5(-0.-13-) =C9~ "A" -- i .002(0.05)MIN (STAND OFF HEIGHT) t I ~:g6~ ~:~g) (6.80 d .02o±.008 (0.50±o.20) • +. 002 (015+ 0 .05 ) . -0.02 ~. 006 -.001 Det;;I~~A-;;-p;rt -, ~ H - Dei~il~~8-;;-p;rt - ~ .016(0.40):1 1 fn5 006(0 15) i :1)8)1, , .008(0.20) I i i . .008(0.20) 1 I' II I .007(0.18) II .! ... 007(0.18) I MAX I I • MAX .027(0.68) :: 027(0.68) _ _ _ _ _ ~~ _ _ J L _ _ _ _ ~~ _ _ J -i-- •. ©1991 FUJITSU LIMITED F16015S-2C Dimensions in inches (millimeters) 4-49 I j j j j j j j j j j j j 4-50 00 ==D~SO~4-2~13~21~-1a~E~1~~~~~~~=========---_FUJITSU == DATA SHEET MB15A02 ASSP SERIAL INPUT PLL FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER LOW POWER SERIAL INPUT PLL SYNTHESIZER WITH 1.1 GHZ PRESCALER The Fujitsu MB15A02, utilizing Bi-CMOS technology, is a single chip serial input PLL synthesizer with pUlse-swallow function. The MB 15A02 contains a 1.1 GHz two modulus prescaler that can select either a 64/65 or 128/129 divide ratio, control signal generator, 16-bit shift register, 15-bit latch, programmable reference divider (binary 14-bit programmable reference counter), 1-bit switch counter, phase comparator with phase reverse function, charge pump, crystal oscillator, 19-bit shift register, 1S-bit latch, and programmable divider (binary 7-bit swallow counter and binary 11-bit programmable counter). It operates supply voltage of 5V typo and achieves very low supply current of 7mA typo realized through the use of ~ujitsu Advanced Process Technology. • High operating frequency: fiN MAX=1.1GHz (PIN MIN=-10dBm) • Pulse swallow function: 64/65 or 128/129 • Low supply current: lce=7mA typo • Serial input 18-bit programmable divider consisting of: - Binary 7-bit swallow counter: 0 to 127 - Binary 11-bit programmable counter: 16 to 2,047 • Serial input 15-bit programmable reference divider consisting of: - Binary 14-bit programmable reference counter: 6 to 16,383 - 1-bit switch counter (SW) sets divide ratio of prescaler • Two types of phase detector output - On-chip charge pump (Bipolar type) - Output for external charge pump • Wide operating temperature: -40°C to +85°C • 16-pin Plastic SOP Package 16-pin and 2O-pin Plastic SSOP Packages II PLASTIC PACKAGE FPT-16P-M05 PLASTIC PACKAGE FPT-16P-M06 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (See NOTE) Rating Symbol Rating Unit Power Supply Voltage Vee Vp -0.5 to +7.0 VcctoS.O V Output Voltage VOUT -0.5 to Vcc +0.5 V Open-drain Voltage Voop -0.5 to 6.0 V Output Current lOUT ±10 rnA Storage Temperature TSTG -55 to +125 °C Remark V 0Ppin NOTE: Permanent device damage may occur if the above Absolute Maximum Ratln~s are exceeded. Functional operation should be restricted to the conditions as detailed in the operational sections of this data sheet. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. PLASTIC PACKAGE FPT-20P-M03 This device contains circuitry to protect the inputs against damage due to high static voHagas or electric fields. However, it is advised that normal precautions be taken to avoid applicetion of any voltage higher than maximum rated voltages to this high impedance circuit Copyright © FUJITSU LIMITED and FUJITSUMICROELECTRONICS, INC. 4-51 MB15A02 PIN ASSIGNMENT OSCIN 0R 0R NC NC OSCOUT 0P OSCOUT 0P Vp fOUT Vp fOUT NC Vee NC FC Do FC LE GND LE Top View GND Data fin LD Data NC NC Clock fin (FPT-16P-M06) (FPT-16P-M05) 4-52 Clock (FPT-20P-M03) MB15A02 BLOCK DIAGRAM r MONITOR FREQUENCY CHANGING CIRCUIT PROORAMMABLEREFERENCef'l Il DIVIDER I BINARY 14-BIT I I I-+----+l~ 14 fOUT II fr REFERENCE COUNTER vcc8 rJ1U1U1Ull __, .J 1 15-BIT LATCH - -_ 15-BIT __ ___ 1 1 LATCH L ___________ LE 11 } - - - - - - H rJ1U1U1Ull __ , I 1 19-BIT SHIFT REGISTER 1 19-BIT SHIFT REGISTER 1 _-_ . '-----C---' r - - .... - - - - - - - 12 FC .. ~VP 0 00 LrnrOrOTOTnT.J r-----------, 1 1S-BIT LATCH 1 1 7-BIT LATCH 111-BIT LATCH II LrnrnrnTnT+1T.J Note: Pin numbers are based on SOP/SSOP 16-pin packages. 4-53 MB15A02 PIN DESCRIPTION Pin No. Pin Name SOP-16P SSOP-16P SSOP-20P 4-54 110 Description I 0 Oscillator input. Oscillator output. A crystal is placed between OSCIN and OSCOUT. Power supply pin for charge pump. When the internal charge pump is not used, Vp pin needs to be connected to Vee. Vcc - Do 0 Charge pump output. 7 GND - Ground. 7 8 LD 0 8 10 fiN I 9 11 Clock I 10 13 Data I Binary serial data input. The last bit of data is a control bit. When this bit is high level, the data stored in shift register is transferred to 15-bit latch. When this bit is low level and LE is high level, the data is transferred to 18-bit latch. 11 14 LE I Load enable input (with internal pull up resistor). When LE is high, the data stored in shift register is transferred into latch according to the control bit. 12 15 FC I Phse select input of phase comparator (with internal pull up resistor). When FC is low level, the characteristics of phase comparator is reversed. FC input signal is also used to select fout pin (test pin) output, fr or fp. 13 2,9,12,16,19 NC - No connection OSCIN OSCOUT 1 2 1 3 3 4 Vp 4 5 5 6 6 Power supply pin. Phase comparator output. Normally this pin outputs high level. When there is a phase error between fr and fp, LD becomes low for the period corresponding to the error. Prescaler input. The connection with an external VCO should be AC connection. Clock input for 19-bit shift register and 16-bit shift register. On rising edge of the clock shifts one bit of data into shift register. 14 17 fOUT 0 Minitor pin of phase comparator input. fout pin outputs either programmable reference divider output (fr) or programmable divider output (fp) according to FC pin input level. FC=H: It is the same as fr output level. FC=L: It is the same as fp output level. 15 18 !ZIP 0 Outputs for external charge pump. The characteristics are reversed according to FC input. 0P pin is N-channel open drain output. 16 20 0R 0 Outputs for external charge pump. 0R pin is CMOS output. MB15A02 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONS SERIAL DATA INPUT Serial data input is achieved by three inputs, such as Data pin, Clock pin and LE pin. Serial data input controls 15-bit programmable reference divider and 18-bit programmable divider, respectively. Binary serial data is input to Data pin. On rising edge of clock shifts one bit of serial data into the internal shift register and when load enable pin is high level or open, stored data is transferred into latch according to the control bit. Control data "H" data is transferred into 15-bit latch. Control data "L" data is transferred into 18-bit latch. PROGRAMMABLE REFERENCE DIVIDER II Programmable reference divider consists of 16-bit shift register, 15-bit latch and 14-bit programmable reference counter. Serial 16-bit data format is shown below. l r C Direction of data shiftDivide ratio 0 presca er setting b'It MSB. Control bit LSB l S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 W j.--- Divide ratio of programmable reference counter setting bit -----f 14-BIT PROGRAMMABLE REFERENCE COUNTER DIVIDE RATIO Divide Ratio R S S S S S S S S S S S S S S 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 16383 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 NOTES: Divide ratio less than 6 is prohibited. Divide ratio: 6 to 16.383 SW: This bit selects divide ratio of prescaler. SW=H :64/65 SW=L : 1281129 S1 to S14: These bits select divide ratio of programmable reference divider. C: Control bit (sets at high level). Start data input with MSB first. PROGRAMMABLE DIVIDER Programmable divider consists of 19-bit shift register, 18-bit latch, 7-bit swallow counter and 11-bit programmable counter. Serial 19-bit data format is shown following page. 4-55 MB15A02 Direction of data shift ----- S S S S S S 10 11 12 13 14 15 Divide ratio of swallow counter setting bit Divide ratio of programmable counter setting bit 7·BIT SWALLOW COUNTER DIVIDE RATIO Divide Ratio A S S S S S S S 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 • • • • • • • • 127 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 NOTE: Divide ratio: 0 to 127 11·BIT PROGRAMMABLE COUNTER DIVIDE RATIO Divide Ratio N S S S S S S S S S S S 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 • • • • • • • • • • • • 2047 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 NOTES: Divide ratio less than 16 is prohibited. Divide ratio: 16 to 2,047 S1 to S7: Swallow counter divide ratio setting bit. (0 to 127) S8 to S 18: Programmable counter divide ratio setting bit. C: Control bit (sets at low level). Data input with MSB first. PULSE SWALLOW FUNCTION fvco= [(PxN)+A) xfosc+R fvco:Output frequency of external voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) N: Preset divide ratio of binary 11·bit programmable counter (16 to 2,047) A: Preset divide ratio of binary 7·bit swallow counter (OSA=S;127, Afp H L L (fr) L H Z (fp) fr Oscilloscope L...-_ _ _ _- l I L . . . -_ _ _-<;::I Note: Pin numbers are based on SOP/SSOP 16-pin packages. 4-60 Select fout monitor output MB15A02 TYPICAL APPLICATION EXAMPLE ,.....--...... OUTPUT Charge Pump Selection (Internal or external) FROM CONTROLLER 0R 16 0P 15 FC 14 13 12 LE 11 Data 47k II 47k 10 MB15A02 (SOP/SSOP 16-pin) 2 OSC'N 3 OSCou V p 4 5 Vee Do 8 7 6 GND LD 1000p LOCK DET. Vpx Vp 6V max. When internal charge pump is not used, Vp pin needs to be connected to Vee. C1,C2 Depends on crystal oscillator LE,FC With internal pull up resistor 0P Open drain output CMOS output 0R 4-61 MB15A02 ORDERING INFORMATION Part Number 4-62 Package MB15A02PF Plastic SOP, 16-pin FTP-16P-M06 MB15A02PFVi Plastic SSOP, 16-pin FTP-16P-M05 MB15A02PFV2 Plastic SSOP, 2O-pin FTP-20P-M03 MB15A02 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS 16-LEAD PLASTIC FLAT PACKAGE (CASE No.: FPT~16P·M05) .049~:gg~ ----.+--14----- (MOUNTING HEIGHT) I~ ~~l~i)~ ~ INDEX J U (1.2S~:~g) 1 I , (0.65±0.12) (6.40±0.20) III i .213(S.40) NOM *.173±.004 (4.40±0.10) L4;:;1;=;:;::::;:;:::;;:::~ ~ .0256±.OO47 t .252±.00B "A" ~' - -, " j .II . (0.22~:6~) Details of •A" part ~ ~ , ' I' [JJI~·'.:.: .0_004 00lO~ (STANDOFF HEIGHn (0.5o±fp Note: Z T T =(High impedance) ~ z CD vce CHARACTERISTICS Depending upon vce characteristics, ::::l FC pin should be set accordingly: a: - W @ IL. ~ When vce characteristics are like 1, FC should be set High or open circuit; ::::l a.. - 5o 8 > ~------------------~ veo INPUT VOLTAGE - 4-72 When vce characteristics are like 2, Fe should be set Low. MB1502 MB1502H fr fp U LD Do --- I ~) : ------ --- Z U U LJ ----V-------U------Lr I I I I I I III NOTES: Phase difference detection range: -21t to +21t Spike appearance depends on charge pump characteristics. Also, the spike is output in order to diminish dead band. When fr > fp or fr < fp, spike might not appear depending upon charge pump characteristics. ANALOG SWITCH ON/OFF of analog switch is controlled by LE input signal. When the analog switch is ON, internal charge pump output (Do) to be connected to BISW pin. When the analog switch is OFF, BISW pin is set to high-impedance state. LE=H (Changing the divide ratio of internal prescaler) : Analog switch=ON LE=L (Normal operating mode): Analog switch=OFF LPF time constant is decreased in order to insert a analog switch between LPF1 and LPF2 when channel of PLL is changing. Thus, lock up time is decreased, that is, fast lock up time is achieved. CHARGE PUMP .....-ofii----I IL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ., : BISW (CONTROL SIGNAL) _ _~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ OJI RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Parameter Value Unit Min Typ Vee 4.5 5.0 5.5 V Vp Vee Vp 8.0 V Input Voltage VI GND Vee V Operating Temperature TA -40 85 °C Power Supply Voltage i Symbol Max MB1502 MB1502H ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Vcc=4.5 to 5.5V, TA=-40 to +850 C, unless otherwise noted.) Parameter Symbol Power Supply Current Operating Frequency Input Sensitivity High·levellnput Voltage Low·levellnput Voltage High·level Input Current Low-level Input Current Input Current High-level Output Voltage Low-level Output Voltage N-channel Open Drain Cutoff Current Output Current Icc Note 1 fin Note2 OSCIN fosc fin P,in OSCIN Vosc 0.5 VIH VccxO .7 Except fin andOSCIN 4-74 Typ 8.0 10 12 -10 Max Unit 12.0 mA 1100 MHz 20 MHz 6 dBm Vpp V VccxO .3 VIL Data Clock IIH 1.0 IlL -1.0 OSCIN V losc ±50 itA itA itA LE,FC ILE -60 "A Except Do and OSCOUT VOH Vcc=5V 4.4 V VOL Vp =Vccto 8V Voop= GND to 8V 0.4 V 1.1 !tA Do,0P 10FF Except Do and OSCOUT 10H -1.0 10L 1.0 IOOH -0.8 -1.5 mA 11 22 mA -1.4 -2.4 mA 4.5 10 mA 25 C Do Do IDOL High-level Output Current IOOLH Low-level Output Current IOOLH Analog Switch On Resistor RON NOTE: Min fin High-level Output Current Low-level Output Current Value Condition MB1502 MB1502H Vcc=5V, Vp=8V, TA.,2S·C 1: fin = 1. 'IGHz, OSCIN=12MHz, Vrx;=SV. Inputs are grounded and outputs are open. 2: AC coupling. Minimum operating frequency is measured when a capacitor 1000pF is connected. mA mA MB1502 MB1502H TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS CURVES INPUT SENSITIVITY CHARACTERISTICS tin Input Sensitivity vs. Input Frequency OSC1N Input Sensitivity vs. Input Frequency Vcc=5.0V Vcc-S.OV, TA-25"C +5 10 Input Sensitivity Posc{dBm) Input Sensitivity PIN (dBm) -15 0 -10 t---+--++-t+H+++--+-+-....., t-+~r-+--+--+-I--+-~~~H 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.31.4 1.5 Input Frequency fin (GHz) 5 10 50 100 Input Frequency OSC1N (MHz) I-a= P.G P.G 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Oscilloscope Oscilloscope 4-75 MB1502 MB1502H DO PIN OUTPUT CURRENTCURVES (TYPICAL) VOH VS. IOH ~ ~ 8.0 ... r:::!~~6~~~CI=C:r=r::J Q) Cl !!! g 5 5' o 7.0 - I MB1 502++----4-.... MB1 502H-+--_+_---I Q) > Q) "j' .r:. Cl J: 6.0 '--___"--....aI._~--'_-""-_~---"-_........__' o -3 -1 -2 High-level Output Current -4 IOH -5 (rnA) VOL VS. IOL ....--+-+ MB1 502H -++---+-+--+-ooo!---l 30 40 Low-level Output Current IOL (rnA) rl cecW.. 50 TT 100 MB1502 VOcJJV. ~v. Ta-aoC _1Oi. ~ r ~ M~2H 1t-----:-IoM-.~--.7.( .. ~ 4-76 MB1502 MB1502H INPUT IMPEDANCE CHARACTERISTICS ~Mm--20MHZ -- ~~~-lOOMHz ~!-f-- -i-i-~~~~~-t---- 200MHz 500MHz 4-77 MB1502 MB1502H TYPICAL APPLICATION EXAMPLE Vpx(6V) ...-------. OUTPUT Charge Pump Selection (Intemal or extemal) FROM CONTROLLER ....------+---- } 0P 0R 16 FC 14 15 12 13 Data LE 11 10 6 7 47kQ MB1502 2 OSCo OSCIN 4 3 Vp 5 Vee Do GND 8 LD 0 X'tal 6V I C1 I 0P 4-78 5V 2 C 33kn O.1J.LF Vp, Vpx ClI C2 LE,FC Vee (5V) 1000pF I 8Vmax Depends on crystal oscillator With intemal pull up resistor Open drain output O.01J.LF LOCKDET I 10kn MB1502 MB1502H PACKAGE DIMENSIONS 16-Lead Plastic Dual In-Line Package (Case No.: DIP-16P-M04) INDEX-1 ~ r¢:=======~~==~===~l .244±.010 (6.20±0.25) INDEX-2 .300(7.62) TYP ~;::=::;=;:::::;::::;::::;::::;:::::;:::;::::;::::::;::::;::::;::::;y~ ©1991 FUJITSU LIMITED D16033S-2C Dimensions in inches (millimeters) 4-79 MB1502 MB1502H 16-Lead Plastic Flat Package (Case No.: FPT-16P-M06) .089(2.25)MAX (MOUNTING HEIGHT) .400:,::8Jg(10.lscg~g) ~ .002(0.05)MIN (STAND OFF HEIGHT) Pi I INDEX / 1 .307±.01B (7.80±0.40) 268 +.016 (680+0 .40 ) . -.008' ~.20 .209±.012 (5.30±0.30) "S" 0 ~;::::n=::y:;::=r;:~~~ .050(1.27~ I TYP I. II I I I I ==tI -l- .018±.004 ' r - : - r - r - - - - - ~. (0.45±o.10~.10.005(0.13)@) I "A" --+----'-1 .0000ooa (0.50±0.20) 006 +.002 (0 15+0.05 ) . -.001 . ~.02 Ir--~-77--'r-------Details of A part I I Details of "S" part "1 I .016(0.40)1 I .006(0.15) , I II 'I II II I , I , I ~I, I , .0070.18) MAX I'I _ .007(0.18) MAX .027(0.68) MAX • .027(0.68) MAX I',' I I II ~--------~~--------~ ©1991 FUJITSU LIMITED F16015S-2C 4-80 Dimensions in inches (millimeters) cO June 1995 Edition 0.1 FUJITSU MB 15B03~~~pf,~Od~uc~tf:Pf,~Of/~'le~S~he~et~~=====--_ DUAL SERIAL INPUT PLL FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER ~~~ On-chip 1.1GHz & 300MHz PRESCAlER The Fujitsu MB15B03 is a serial input Phase Locked Loop (PLL) frequency synthesizer with a 1.1 GHz and a 300MHz prescalers. A 64/65 or a 128/129 for the 1.1 GHz prescaler, and a 16/17 or a 32133 for 300MHz prescaler can be selected that enables pulse swallow operation. Furthermore, a super charger circuit is included to provide a fast tuning as well as low noise performance. As a result of this, MB 15B03 is ideally suitable for digital mobile communications, such as GSM. PACKAGE FEATURES • • • • • • High frequency operation RF synthesizer : 1.1 GHz max. IF synthesizer : 300MHz max. Low power supply voltage: Vee'" 2.7 to 3.6V Very Low power supply current: Icc = 10 mA typo (Vcc '" 3V) Power saving function: Ips. '" Ips2 = 100 ~A typo (Vcc =3V) Serial input 14-bit programmable reference counter: R = 6 to 16.383 Serial input l8-bit programmable divider consisting of: - Binary 7-bit swallow counter: 0 to 127 - Binary l1-bit programmable counter: 5 to 2.047 FPT-16P-MOS • On-chip high performance charge pump circuit and phase comparator, achieving high-speed lock.up and low phase noise • Wide operating temperature: TA = -40 to 85°C • Plastic 16-pin SSOP package (FPT-16P-M05) PIN ASSIGNMENT GNDRF ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (see NOTE) ,•...........::.:.:::.:: .. '::.:;:,::::::::.;. Remark Value Unit Power Supply Voltage Vee -0.5 to 5.0 V Output Voltage Vo -0.5 to Vee +0.5 V Output Current Storage Temperature NOTE: 10 ±10 mA TSTG -55 to +125 °C Clock aSCin 2 15 Data GNDIF 3 14 LE finlF 4 13 finRF VCCIF 5 12 VCCRF LDlfout 6 11 XfinRF PSIF 7 10 PSRF DOIF 8 9 DORF :':::. . Symbol 16 TOP VIEW Permanent device damage may occur if the above Absolute Maximum Ratings are exceeded. Functional operation should be restricted to the conditions as detailed in the operational sections 01 this data sheet. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. 4-81 MB15B03 BLOCK DIAGRAM VCCIF GND'F i.-;~.:.:: --~ --:.~;,:,~- --~- -~.~;~,:- --I -;,~~ ~~ ---~ -------------j 7>~ PSt -entmode T :~~ 'H : Prescaler fin. ,,) : (IF-PU) 3213 16117, f : Binary 7-bit T I Binary l'-bit ~r .I Phase Chargel Super : LD~ SW'F! FC'F swall~:p~~unterl ~!g~~~~!~~ ~I ~.~~i I ~F~:::'~) \charg : 8) D~F 1 I. •• : ~~ 2·bitlatch ~ ! T1 ... -------- 1 I I 14·bit latch I Lock : Det.: (IF,PLL) : Binary 14·bit pro- I,,, grammable ref. ~------t counter(IF·PLL) Ii T2 ... AN~ ./ l ill LD IrlF Tl := ~ fin...~)- Xlin... 1 Prescaler f..., (R'.PLL) ~ f..., 64/65, Intermitt PSRf\!)-~' -e:~~e (RF.PLL) LE ,~~ ! 2·bitlatch L...::I'::"'----~~-~t----.-I IrRF fplF ...+---+-----I-~ I Ullt ~L-_'_4._b_it_la_tc_h_...,j I r I' , LDd SWRF I FCRF 1I i r~ 3·bit latch t Lock Det. (R'·PLL) ~(6 fPRF J ....''--'''-...., Binary 7·bit I Binary 11·bi! swallow counter / programmablE (R"PLL) / counter(R'.PLL ~L_7_.b_it_la_t_ch_--LT_'_'·_b_it_la_tc_h-" L,.:I ~ .... Phase compo (RF.PLL) charg:1 pump S uper (RF,PLl) charger Latch selectorl r--~_lIL-~i____~_~ Da.-Ij~ S~m!tt f-.., IlCI\; Btnary 14·bit pro· grammable ref. countercR.·PLL) I r ~lt=t==:t--l--====~-l----J~--+4"":~ 128/129 ,_1: T T2 ~ ~ S~m.ltt ~ k CIOC\~~ ·*-- 1 1" e I e I 23.bi! shift N/N/ . 1I 2, I register 1'---------------------~ Vee.. 4-82 GNDRF LD/fout MB15B03 PIN DESCRIPTIONS . :.... . ..... : :.: . .:. DescrIptions :::: .:/. 1 GNDRf - Ground for RF-PLL section. 2 eSCin I The programmable reference divider input. TCXO should be connected with a coupling capacitor. 3 GNO" - Ground for the IF section. 4 fin .. I Prescaler input pin for the IF-PLL. The connection with VCO should be AC coupling. 5 Vee.. - Power supply voltage input pin for the IF-PLL section. When power is OFF, latched data of the IF-PLL is cancelled. 6 LDlfout 0 Lock detect signal output (LO) / phase comparator monitoring output (fout) The output signal is selected by a LOS bit in a serial data. LOS bit = "W ; outputs fout signal LOS bit. "L" ; outputs LD signal 7 PSII' .... ::.:.....•.. Power saving mode control for the IF-PLL section. This pin must be set at "L" at Power-ON. (Open is prohibited.) PS'F = "H" ; Normal mode PSIF = "L" ; Power saving mode 8 00,1' o Charge pump output for the IF-PLL section. Phase characteristics of the phase comparator can be reversed by the FC-bit. 9 DOAF o Charge pump output for the RF-PLL section. Phase characteristics of the phase comparator can be reversed by the FC-bit. Power saving mode control for the RF-PLL section. This pin must be set at "L" at Power-ON. (Open is prohibited.) 10 PSRF PSRF 11 XfinRF 12 ="H" ; Normal mode ="L" ; Power saving mode Prescaler complimentary input for the RF-PLL section. This pin should be grounded via a capacitor. Power supply voltage input pin for the RF-PLL section, the shift register and the oscillator input buffer. When power is OFF, latched data of RF-PLL is cancelled. 13 finRF Prescaler input pin for the RF-PLL. The connection with VCO should be AC coupling. 14 LE Load enable signal input (with the schmitt trigger circuit.) When LE is "H", data in the shift register is transferred to the corresponding latch according to the control bit in a serial data. 15 Data Serial data input (with the schmitt trigger circuit.) A data is transferred to the corresponding latch (IF-ref counter, IF-Prog. counter, RF-ref. counter, RF-prog. counter) according to the control bit in a serial data. 16 Clock Clock input for the 23-bit shift register (with the schmitt trigger circuit.) One bit data is shifted into the shift register on a riging edge of the clock. 4-83 MB15B03 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONS The divide ratio can be calculated using the following equation: fvco • {(P x N) + A} x fosc + R (A < N) fvco: Output frequency of external voltage controlled ociflator (VCO) P: Preset divide ratio of dual modulus prescaler (16 or 32 for IF·PLL, 64 or 128 for RF·PLL) N: Preset divide ratio of binary 11·bit programmable counter (5 to 2047) A: Preset divide ratio of binary 7 -bit swallow counter (O!> A !> 127) lose: Reference oscillation frequency R: Preset divide ratio of binary 14·bit programmable reference counter (6 to 16,383) SERIAL OAT A INPUT Serial data is entered using three pins, Data pin, Clock pin, and LE pin. Programmable dividers of IF/RF-PLL sections, programmable reference dividers of IFIAF PLL sections are controlled individually. Serial data of binary data is entered through Data pin. On rising edge of clock, one bit of serial data is transferred into the shift register. When load enable signal is high, the data stored in the shift register is transferred to one of latch of them depending upon the control bit data setting. Table1. CONTROL BIT <": qOhtroI~lts .:CN1· . · · · )(CN2 . . · Oestinatl0 fl of :5er1~IUi:llUI ... ....< . . . :. .« .: .:.......... . . . •. . . . ..« .fp H L fr - fp Z Z fr < fp L H VCO Polar~y .l,D/fQutoutput signal H fout (fr'FIRF. fpIFIRF) signals L LD signal SERIAL DATA INPUT TIMING <::? N11(MSB)X Data N10 ~~~~3 <::? CN1(LSB) ---------------- , --, Clock '" <::? . lE , I , ,I I , I ,, rL --~:------I-------I I , t5~ :-- t3---: : : ' ' ,, ' ' t1 t2 : t6~ ~t~ , ~t4 ' : - - t8--': On rising edge of the clock. one bit of the data is transferred into the shift register. :P~l'arneter" <. Min. Typ. Max. Unit ' .. Parameter . . . .M'an.'.; Typ. Max~; I··' Unit . •. . ".,,' t1 30 ns t5 100 ns t2 30 ns t6 100 ns t3 30 ns 17 200 ns t4 30 ns 18 200 ns 4-87 MB15B03 PHASE DETECTOR OUTPUT WAVEFORM I I ~ I I _____________1 tWL LD (FC bit .. High) 0",_ ---~ ---Z---q------',- ---,j--L------Jr------J,_ -----J,_ H (FC bit DO,FIRf- - =Low) -~- - - Z-- -d------J1-----q-------r------.1,_ -----J( -J LD OUTPUT LOGIC TABLE ···IF~r.U.sec*)n ::::. ... . . :1·:·:RF·P,tP~~ii6n ..:>< ........•. >:.::: .::.,. :::::.:: LQoutput Locking state / Power saving state Locking state / Power saving state H Locking state / Power saving state Unlocking state L Unlocking state Locking state I Power saving state L Unlocking state Unlocking state L Note: • Phase error detection range .. =-21t to +21t • Pulses on DOlFIIV' signals are output to prevent dead zone. • LD output becomes low when phase error is twu or more. • LD output becomes high when phase error is tWL or less and continues to be so for three cycles or more. • twu and tWL depend on OSCin input frequency as follows. twu ~ 8110sc: i.e. twu ~ 625ns when foscin = 12.8 MHz tWL S 16lfosc: i.e. tWL S 1250ns when foscin = 12.8 MHz 4-88 MB15B03 POWER SAVING MODE (INTERMITTENT MODE CONTROL CIRCUIT) Setting a PS'F(AF) pin to Low, IF·PLL(RF·PLL) enters into power saving mode resultatly current sonsumption can be limited to 100~ (typ.). Setting PS pin to High, power saving mode is released so that the device works normally. In addition, the intermittent operation control circuit is included which helps smooth start up from stand by mode. In general, the power consumption can be saved by the intermittent operation that powering down or waking up the synthesizer. Such case, if the PLL is powered up uncontrolled, the resulting phase comparator output signal is unpredictable due to an unde· fined phase relation between reference frequency (f.) and comparison frequency (fp) and may in the worst case take longer time for lock up of the loop. To prevent this, the intermittent operation control circuit enforces a limited error signal output of the phase detector during power up, thus keeping the loop locked. PS pin must be set 1.. at Power-ON. During the power saving mode, the corresponding section except for indispensable circuit for the power saving function stops working, then current consumption is reduced to 100llA per one PLL section. At that time, the Do and lD become the same state as when a loop is locking. That is, the Do becomes high impedance. A veo control voltage is naturally kept at the locking voltage which defined by a LPF"s time constant. As a result of this, veo's frequency is kept at the locking frequency. l l OFF OFF OFF H l ON OFF ON L H OFF ON ON H H ON ON ON III 4-89 :.. MB15B03 RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS . Unit 3.6 V GND Vec V -40 +85 Vce 2.7 Input Voltage Vi Operating Temperature Ta Power Supply Voltage 3.0 Note HANDLING PRECAUTIONS • This device should be transported and stored in anti-static containers. • This is a static-sensitive device; take proper anti-ESD precautions. Ensure that personnel and equipment are properly grounded. Cover workbenches with grounded conductive mats. • Always turn the power supply off before inserting or removing the device from its socket • Protect leads with a conductive sheet when handling or transporting PC boards with devices. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 1 / •. .:. 1><;::: < ..... ... : ... ..... :.. .... . ; : ( : ... Symbol w.w, ........ . .•..•....... ..'.'< ..•.• .:........ •:...::::i; .... •.. '. . ....... .. ' .. .....;... . <> . <;./.::: Value Min Typ Max .': leoF fin'F = 300M Hz, fose = 12MHz - 3.5 - lecRF finRF = 11 OOMHz, fosc= 12MHz - 6.5 - Ips'F Vcc'Fcurrent at PS .. ="L" - 100 - IpsRF VecRFcurrent at PS'FfRF ="L' - 100 - fin'F fin'F IF-PLL 50 - 300 finRF finRF RF-PLL 100 - 1100 OSCin fose min. 500mVp-p - 12.8 23 fin'F PfinlF -10 - +2 dBm finRF PfinRF -10 - +2 dBm aSCin Vase 500 - - mVp-p Power Supply Current "1 mA Power Saving Current "2 Operating Frequency Input Sensitivity lJ.A IF-PLL, son termination (Refer to the test circuit.) RF-PLL, son termination (Refer to the test circuit.) ·1: Conditions; VfX,Ftfl.F 3V, Ta = 25°C, in locking state. ·2: Conditions; VCOFtfl.F= 3V, Ta = 25°C, in power saving state. 0& 4·90 UnIt MHz MB15B03 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS _~..; .•• :';i'SYmbq ''':':!' <}) I::"':" ),::::::: Input Voltage Inp.ut Current cutoff current 1,.·/"'.·····::,:::::. '.. '.: .:.:.: . x:',:'::: ,":::::.::' VI" VccxO.7+0A VI~ - Data. Clock LE.PS II" - IlL -1.0 LD Do OSCin -100 Vo" Vcc '" 3.0V. IOH _ -1.0mA VOl.. Vcc =3.0V. b. - 1.0mA 10FF 10H Vee.3.0V LD 10L Output Current 100H Do 100L Vee = 3.0V Vee ,3.0V, VOOH =2.0V. Ta = 25°C Vee . 3.0V, VOOL = 1.0V Ta",-_25°Q . .. Data. Clock LE.PS OSCin Output Voltage . ·•••.. Z... ;;y;;i;:: I.) 2.2 Typ :·Max. - - - - .... '. ' <~ Vn···· V - VfV'Vn ~..n +1.0 - ~ +100 - - - 0.4 - 0.3 -1.0 - - - - 1.0 -12 - -3.5 6 - 18 III V ~ mA mA 4-91 MB15B03 TEST CIRCUIT (PRESCAlER INPUT / PROGRAMMA· BlE REFERENCE DIVIDER INPUT SENSITIVITY TEST) fout r-----------OUOseilloseope Vee" 1000pF I 5011! P.G~OOPF GND 50nl MB1SB03 P.Gi' 1000pF son . 1000pF 4-92 I () P.G MB15B03 APPLICATION EXAMPLE Output 3V Clock II Data MB15B03 rO. 1IlF Lock Detector 1000pF Output Nole: Clock. Data. LE : involves a schmitt circuit (When inputs are open. pull up/down resistor is necessary to prevent self-oscillation.) 4-93 MB15B03 PACKAGE DIMENSION 16-LEAD PLASTIC FLAT PACKAGE (CASE No.: FPT-16P-M05) .049~:~: _4--+------ (MOUNTING HEIGHT) (1.25~:~g) ~ ~ ~~ITi)~ ~ J U 11I INDEX I .252±.OO8 (6.4Oi:o.20) .213(5.40) NOM *.173±.004 (4.4Oi:o.10) 1¢:;1;=;:;::::n::;;::~ -.-l .0256±.0047 I +.004 .009 -.002 (0.65±o.12) ·A·~ • -.~ .-L .- ............................... .006~:ggf(0.15~:g~) - ....................................... , Details of •A· part ~ ~ .004±.OO4 (0.10±0.10) (STAND OFF HEIGHT) *:This dimension does not include resin protruction. ~1991 FUJITSU LIMITED F16013S·2C 4-94 Dimensions in inches (millimeters) 00 June 1995 Edition 0.1a FUJITSU MB 15F03~~~PIi~Od~uc~t~PIi~Of/~"Je~S~he~et~~=====--_ DUAL SERIAL INPUT PLL FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER ~~~ On-chip 2.0GHz & 500MHz PRESCALER The Fujitsu MB15F03 is a serial input Phase Locked Loop (PLL) frequency synthesizer with a 2.0GHz and a 500MHz prescalers. A 64/65 or a 128/129 for the 2.0GHz prescaler, and a 16/17 or a 32133 for 500MHz prescaler can be selected that enables pulse swallow operation. The latest BiCMOS process technology is used, resulting in a low supply current of 9.0mA typo at a supply voltage of 3.0V. Furthermore, a super charger circuit is included to provide a fast tuning as well as low noise performance. As a result of this, MB15F03 is ideally suitable for digital mobile communications, such as PHS (Personal Handy System), PCN (Personal Communication Network) and PCS (Personal Communication Service). ~~ ~" ~~~~\} ~-------~ PACKAGE \S • FEATURES • High frequency operation RF synthesizer : 2.0GHz max. IF synthesizer : 500MHz max. • Low power supply voltage: Vcc::: 2.7 to 3.6V • Very Low power supply current: Icc =9.0 mA typo (Vcc = 3V) • Power saving function: IpS1 = IpS2 = 10!lA max. (Vcc = 3V) • Serial input 14-bit programmable reference divider: R = 5 to 16,383 • Serial input 18-bit programmable divider conSisting of: - Binary 7-bit swallow counter: 0 to 127 - Binary 11-bit programmable counter: 5 to 2,047 FPT-16P-M05 • On-chip high performance charge pump circuit and phase comparator, achieving high-speed lock-up and low phase noise • Wide operating temperature: TA =-40 to 85°C • Plastic 16-pin SSOP package (FPT-16P-M05) PIN ASSIGNMENT 16 Clock OSCin 2 15 Data GNDIF 3 14 LE finlF 4 GNDRF ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (see NOTE) . ReIl18I'k···.···.·.· :... : ...... Value Unit Vee -0.5 to 4.0 V Input Voltage VI -0.5 to Vee +0.5 V Output Voltage Vo -0.5 to Vee +0.5 V TSTG -55 to +125 °C Rating ... . Power Supply Voltage Storage Temperature NOTE: Symbol ... .. : VCCIF TOP 13 VIEW 12 5 finRF VCCRF LD/fout 6 11 XfinRF PSIF 7 10 PSRF DOIF 8 9 DORF Pennanent device damage may occur if the above Absolute Maximum Ratings are exceeded. Functional operation should be restricted to the conditions as detailed in the operational sections of this data sheet. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. 4-95 MB15F03 BLOCK DIAGRAM -1 ~';:..1 r------------------------------------------ il I t' 7) : I : finF ~ 3-bit latch ~! ~---------------r_-----------_, 7-bit latch I -ent mode Binary 7-bit I control SW,F I FC'F swallow counter I JlF•P L L ':L i.i (IF·PLL) ' 1 LD~ H 4): ~ Intermitt J I. 11-bit latch Binary 11-bit programmabl' · ' counter(IF·PLL) 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ': ~ I-- ~ • 16/~Ft~31 ai*=~~~===t:=tl===1J--lr;1 Prescaler ...J : ';:: ~1_-2--b-it....la-tch-_I~1--14---b-it_Ia_tch_--t : ! II T1 :._-------I pump h (IF.PLL) c arge (IF·PLL) : LDI' : I L....-______ ~~ I Binary 14-bit programmable ref. counter(RF·PLL) T2 2-bit latch ~L....-_1_4-_b_it_la_tc_h_ Prescaler 14-++--t-------, (RF.PLL) I 64/65, 128/129 I LEEIk--~ ~ Da.-r,'r-- S fp H L fr<~ lII. ,,-' i i'.i·' / Vcc 2.7 3.0 3.6 V Input Voltage Vi GND - Vee V Operating Temperature Ta -40 - +85 DC Power Supply Voltage """'" in dual inline package (Suffix: -P) Plastic 16;>in small outline package (Suffix: -PF) High operating frequency Pulse-swallow function PLASTIC PACKAGE (FPT-16P-M06) ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (See NOTE) ... Ratings Supply Voltage ··············>i£~U.ci···· \ SwntJPI I....... ·... ..... . Vee .. . . . ·\ .• • . .•. • .•. • . . .•. · . . ·.··.\IOIOIDI~ I OSCou~-------~ Do ----------------------------<~ r16=biiShlft ReQi;t;-1 osc,l\------.l r Prescaler II Output (a,.,1----el1 Prescaler MC 1P"S1 I 111.bit Latchl ~I[]Io:rraIOI~ i Programmable Divider I 11 I ~Binary 7-bit I Swallow I Counter I~10 ~., L-_ _ -I~- '9 ~ Data Clock I 1 1 I L I Binary 11'bit'i Programmable Counter L--ff-1-f-- L---------tf 1-bit Control Latch Control Circuit I J I 4-111 MB1503 PIN DESCRIPTION Pin No. Pin Name 4-112 Description 110 I Programmable reference divider input Oscillator input An external crystal is connected to this pin. OSCOUT 0 Oscillator output An external crystal is connected to this pin. 3 Vp Vee - Power supply input for charge pump and analog switch 4 5 Do 0 Charge pump output The phase of the charge pump is reversed depending on the FC input. 6 GND - Ground 7 LD 0 Phase comparator output The output level is high when LD is locked. The output level is low when LD is unlocked. 8 fiN I Prescaler input Connection with an external VCO should be done by AC coupling. 9 Clock I Clock input for 19-bit and 16-bit shift registers Data is shifted into the shift register on the rising edge of the clock.The Schmitt trigger is contained. 10 Data I Serial data input using binary code The last bit of the data is a control bit. When the control bit is high, data is transmitted to the 15-bit latch. When it is low, data is transmitted to the 18-bit latch.The Schmitt trigger input is involved. 11 LE I Load enable signal input When LE is high, the data of the shift register are transferred to a latch, depending on the control bit in the serial data. At the same time, an internal analog switch turns on and the output of the internal charge pump is connected to the BiSW pin.The Schmitt trigger input is involved. 12 FC I Phase select input of phase comparator (with internal pull-up resistor) When FC is low, the characteristics of the charge pump and phase comparator are reversed. The FC input signal is also used to control the fOUT pin (test pin) of fR or fp. 13 BiSW 0 Analog switch output BiSW is usually in the high-impedance state. When the switch is turned on (LE is high), the state of the internal charge pump is output. 14 fp 0 Monitor pin of programr:t:@ble counter output 15 fR 0 Monitor pin of reference counter output 16 PS I Power save signal input Set PS low while the system is powered (never use pin 16 as it is opened) PS = High : Operation mode PS = Low : Stand-by mode 1 OSCIN 2 Power supply MB1503 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONS Pulse swallow function The divide ratio can be calculated using the following equation: fvco =[(M x N) + A] x fose + R (A < N) fveo : Output frequency of external voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) N Preset divide ratio of binary 11-bit programmable counter (16 to 2,047) A Preset divide ratio of binary 7-bit swallow counter (0 ~ A ~ 127) fosc : Output frequency of the reference frequency oscillator R Preset divide ratio of binary 14-bit programmable reference counter (8 to 16,383) M Preset divide ratio of modules prescaler (128) III Serial data input Serial data is input using the Data, Clock, and LE pins. Serial data controls the 1S-bit programmable reference divider and 18-bit programmable divider separately. Binary serial data is input to the Data pin. One bit of data is shifted into the internal shift registers on the rising edge of the clock. When the load enable pin is high or open, stored data is latched depending on the control data as follows: Control data (a) Destination of serial data H 15-bit latch L 18-bit latch Programmable reference divider ratio The programmable reference divider consists of a 15~bit latch and a 14-bit reference counter. The serial 16-bit data format is shown below: - - -......~ Direction of data shift Divide ratio setting bit for programmable reference counter 4-113 MB1503 14-bit programmable reference counter divide ratio Divide ratio S S S S S 13 12 11 10 S 8 S 7 6 S 5 S 14 S 9 S R 4 S 3 S 2 S 1 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 16383 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Divide ratio Notes: (b) 1. Divide ratios less than 8 are prohibited 2. SW: This bit selects the divide ratio of the prescaler SW Low: 128 or 129 (SW must be always be low) 3. S1 to S14: These bits select the divide ratio of the programmable reference counter (8 to 16,383) 4. C: Control bit: Set high 5. Input MSB data first Programmable divider divide ratio The programmable divider consists of a 19-bit shift register, 18-bit latch, 7-bit swallow counter, and 11-bit programmable counter. The serial 19-bit data format is shown below: - - - . . Direction of data shift Divide ratio setting bit for swallow counter 4-114 =8 to 16,383) Divide ratio setting bit for programmable counter MB1503 • 7 ·bit swallow counter divide ratio 11·bit programmable counter divide ratio S 5 S 2 S 1 Divide ratio N S 18 S 17 S 16 S 15 S 14 S 4 S 3 S A S 6 S 7 13 12 S 11 10 S 9 S 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 127 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2047 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Divide ratio S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Divide ratio = 0 to 127) Notes: S (Divide ratio =16 to 2,047) 1. Divide ratios less than 16 are prohibited for the 11-bit programmable counter 2. S 1 to S7: These bits select the divide ratio of the swallow counter (0 to 127) 3. S8 to S18: These bits select the divide ratio of the programmable counter (16 to 2,047) 4. C: Control bit: (Set low) 5. Input MSB data first II Serial data input timing • t1 (~ 1flS): Data setup time t2 (~ 1flS): Data hold time t4 (~ 1flS): LE setup time to the rising edge of last clock Data ~--~--=rux ~ __ ~._ (SW) (*1) Clock t3 (~ 1J-ls): Clock pulse width t5 (~ 1J-ls): LE pulse width I (S14) (S8) I (S7) LSB (S1) C: Control bit (C: Control bit) JlJJL.. J1lJL.. lLfLI fL I II LE , t1~ ---------.j I I t3 ~ ~.",--,."", t4 t5 -:--f- * 1: Bits enclosed in parentheses are used when the divide ratio of the programmable reference divider is selected. Note: One bit of data is shifted into the shift register on the rising edge of the clock. 4-115 MB1503 Intermittent operation Intermittent operation limits power consumption by shutting down or starting the internal circuits according to their necessity. It device operation resumes uncontrolled, the error signal output from the phase comparator may exceed the limit due to an undefined phase relationship between the reference frequency (fR) and the comparison frequency (fp) and frequency lock is lost. To prevent this, an intermittent operation control circuit is provided to decrease the variation in the locking frequency by forcibly correcting the phase of both frequencies to limit the error signal output. This is done by the PS control circuit. If PS is set high, the circuit enters the operating mode. If PS is set low, operation stops and the device enters the stand-by mode. Each mode is explained below: Operating mode (PS =High Level) All circuits are operating, and PLL operation is normal. Stand-by mode (PS = Low level) Circuits that do not affect operation are powered down to limit current consumption. The current in the power save state is typically 1001lA. At this time, the levels of Do and LD are the same as when the PLL is locked. Since Do is placed in the high-impedance state and the input voltage of the voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) is set to the voltage in the operating mode (when locked) by the time constant of the low-pass filter, the frequency output from the VCO (fveo) is kept at the locking frequency. The operating and stand-by modes alternate repeatedly. This intermittent operation limits the error signal by forcibly correcting the phase of the reference and comparison frequencies to limit power consumption. The device must be set in the stand-by mode (PS = low) when it is powered up. Relationship between the Fe input and phase characteristics The FC pin changes the phase characteristics of the phase comparator. The internal charge pump output level (Do) is reversed, depending on the FC pin input level. The relationship between the FC input level and Do is shown below: *1: FC = High or open FC= Low fR > fp H L fR < fp L H fR =fp Z (*1) Z (*1) High impedance When designing a synthesizer, the FC pin setting depends on the VCO characteristics. , *: When the VCO characteristics are similar to (0, set FC high or open. *: When the VCO characteristics are similar to , VCO output frequency 0, set FC low. / / ", , / / / / / / >( , / // ,, ,, VCO input voltage _ 4-116 /(0 '0 MB1503 Phase comparator output waveform (Fe =High) fp LD H Do - - - JL : 1 - - - - - - - II --u------u---L r-- Lh---I Z - - I I Notes: 1. Phase difference detection range: -21t to +2n 2. Spike appearance depends on the charge pump characteristics. Also, the spike is output to diminish dead band. 3. When fA > fp or fA < fp, a spike might not appear depending on the charge pump characteristics. 4. LD is low when the phase difference is tw or more. LD is high when the phase difference is tw or less for three or more cycles (when fOSCIN =12.8MHz, tw =625 to 1,250ns). Analog switch The LE signal turns the analog switch on or off. When the analog switch is turned on, the charge pump output (Do) is output through the BiSW pin. When it is turned off, the BiSW pin is in the high-impedance state. When LE When LE =high (when the divide ratio of the internal divider is changed): =low (normal operating mode): Analog switch =on Analog switch = off The LPF time constant can be decreased by inserting an analog switch between LPF1 and LPF2. This decreases the lock-up time when the PLL channel is changed. (Control signal LE) ------------------ I ..JI 4-117 MB1503 RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Parameter Symbol Vee Value Min Typ Max 4.5 5.0 5.5 Unit V Supply Voltage Vp Vee"; Vp"; 8.0 Input Voltage VI GND - Vee V Operating Temperature TA -40 - +85 °C Notes: To protect against damage by electrostatic discharge, note the following handling precautions: 4-118 V - Store and transport devices in conductive containers. - Use properly grounded workstations, tools, and equipment. - Turn off power before inserting or removing this device a socket. - Protect leads with conductive sheet, as treatment (transport) a board mounted the device. MB1503 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Parameter SYlTlbol ccc, Min .:.' Value JVpi ." . , . ,',,"",. Max.:.:. Unit I.' Condition ".. :>' :.:. " = Supply Current lee - B.O 12.0 Stand-by Current IPS - 100 - ~ With fIN 1.1 GHz, OSCIN 12MHz, Vee 5.0V. The PS pin is grounded, remaining inputs are at Vee, and outputs are open. AC coupling. The minimum operating frequency is measured with a 1OOpF capacitor connected. = Low-level Input Voltage High-level Input Current = fIN fIN 10 - 1100 MHz OSCIN fose - 12 20 MHz - fIN PflN -10 - 6 dBm - OSCIN Vose 0.5 - - Vp--p - VIH Vee xO .7 - - V - VIL - - Vee xO.3 V - IIH - 1.0 ~ - IlL - -1.0 - ~ - FC IFe - -60 - ~ - OSCIN lose - ±50 - ~ - VOH 4.4 - - V Vee VOL - - 0.4 V - 10FF - 1.1 ~ 10H -1.0 - mA - 10L 1.0 - mA - RON - 25 - Q - Operating Frequency High-level Input Voltage Except fIN and OSCIN Data, Clock, LE = mA = Input Sensitivity . ... With fIN 1.1 GHz, OSCIN 12MHz, Vee 5.0V. Inputs are Vee and outputs are open. = II Low-level Input Current Input Current Hit-level Output Votage Low-level Output Voltage Except Do and OSCOUT High-impedance Cut off Current Do Output Current Except Do and OSCOUT Analog Switch ON Resistance =5V = VOO GND to BV Vee SVp S BV 4-119 MB1503 TEST CIRCUIT (FOR MEASURING PRESCALER INPUT SENSITIVITY) Vp=6V O.1J.l 1000p PG I 7fT 7fT ~ ,.....-....--"-~~---. 50nl 87654321 Vee 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Oscilloscope 4-120 =5V MB1503 APPLICATION EXAMPLE I I r vco I I I 1 LPF I Output - -... IfR PS 16 15 Fmm controller - Ifp 14 1 II LE Biswi FC 13 12 Data Clock 11 10 9 6 7 8 ~ 7.'r 47K ; ~ 47K 7."r MB1513 1 OSCIN 2 Hm- X'tal -'- C 1 -I.- C2 ;J;. Vp, Vpx: C 1 , C2 : 4 3 oscou Vp ;J;. 5 Vcc LI O.1~ l 6V LJ 5V Do lGND ILD fiN II Ir 1000p Maximum 8V Depends on the crystal parameters 4-121 MB1503 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS 16-LEAD PLASTIC FLAT PACKAGE (CASE No.: FPT-16P-M06) .089(2.25)MAX (MOUNTiN(fHEIGHTi Q r ..-dJ .307±.016 (7.8o±0.40) INDEX 0 / .268~:gJ~ (6.80~:~g) .209±.012 (5.3o±O.30) "S" ~~=rr~~~~~~~ .050(1.27~ I TYP I: I i • i ==t -lI I .018±.004 ',":;--r-----=--, « (0.45±0.1 0)1-$-1 0.005(0.13) @ 1 I i 1 I I II _ Details of "A" part 4. .122 r--------~ I I i Details of "S" part : ~O~)i ~OT·'5) ~~ .008(0.20)1 1 .027(0.68) I I II L _ _ _ _ ~~ _ _ J ©1991 FUJITSU LIMITED F16015S-2C .0_008 (0.5o±O.20) 006 +.002 (0 15+0.05 ) . -.001 . -0.02 r--------, "A" .002(0.05)MIN (STr D OFF HEIGHT) I I II .008(0.201 .0070.18) MAX « .027(0.68) L _ _ _ _ ~~ _ _ _ Dimensions in inches (millimeters) MB1503 16-LEAD PLASTIC DUAL IN-LINE PACKAGE (CASE No.: DIP-16P-M04) 15°MAX I~ -t INDEX-1 .244±.010 (6.2o±O.25) INDEX-2 Ir,t .300(7.62) TYP ~;:::=;=:;:::::::;::=::;::=;:==;:::::=;:=:;:::=:;:::=;::~~ • .01o±.002 (0.25±0.05) -~JLffl~:tf:~::::::: I .050(1.27) I • MAX I "I ©1991 FUJITSU LIMITED D16033S-2C TYP II ~ .020(0.51)MIN (0.46±0.OB) Dimensions in inches (millimeters) 4-123 4-124 ~D~s~o~~2~130~1~~E~~~~~~~==~ __ == DATA SHEET cO FUJITSU nqS 1504/nqS 1504H/nqS 1504L ASSP SERIAL INPUT PLL FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER SERIAL INPUT PLL FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER WITH 520MHz PRESCALER The Fujitsu MB1504/MB1504H/MB1504L. utilizing BI-CMOS technology. is a single chip serial input PLL frequency synthesizer with pulse-swallow function. The MB 1504 series contains a 520MHz two modulus prescaler that can select either 32133 or 64/65 divide ratio; control signal generator; 16-bit shift register; 15-bit latch; programmable reference divider (binary 14-bit programmable reference counter); 1-bit switch counter; phase comparator with phase inverse function; charge pump; crystal oscillator; 19-bit shift register; 18-bit latch; and a programmable divider (binary 7-bit swallow counter and binary 11-bit programmable counter). II The MB 1504 operates from a low supply voltage (3V typ) and consumes low power (30mW at 520MHz). MB1504 Product Line vp Voltage Voop Voltage Lock up TIme ~?d?t.utPut High-level Output Current Low-level Output Current MB1504 SVmax S.5V max Middle speed Middle Middle Middle MB1504H 10V max 10.0V max High speed Low High Low MB1504L SVmax S.5V max Low speed High Low High PLASTIC PACKAGE DIP-16P-M04 FEATURES • High operating frequency: fiN MAX=520MHz (VIN MIN=0.20Vp_p) • • On-chip prescaler Low power supply voltage: 2.7V to 5.5V (3.0V typ) • Low power supply consumption: 30mW (3.0V. 520MHz operation) • Serial input 18-bit programmable divider consisting of: -Binary 7 -bit swallow counter (Divide ratio: 0 to 127) -Binary 11-bit programmable counter (Divide ratio: 16 to 2047) Serial input 15-bit programmable reference divider consisting of: -Binary 14-bit programmable reference counter (Divide ratio: 8 to 16383) -1-bit switch counter (SW) Sets divide ratio of prescaler • • • PLASTIC PACKAGE FPT-16P-M06 2 types of phase detector output -On-chip charge pump (Bipolar type) -Output for external charge pump Wide operating temperature: TA=-40°C to +85°C This device contains Circuitry to protect the inputs against damage due to high static voltages or electric fields. However. It is advised that normal precautions be taken to avoid application of any voltage higher than maximum rated voltages to this high Impedance circuit. 4-125 Copyright@1994 by FUJITSU LlMIED MB1504 MB1504H MB1504L PIN ASSIGNMENT ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (see NOTE) Rating Symbol Vee Power Supply Voltage Output Voltage Open-drain Output VPH Vp,VPL VOUT VOO PH VoOP,VOOPL Condition MB1504H MB1504/1504L MB1504H MB1504/1504L Value Unit -0.5 to +7.0 V Vee to 12.0 Vee to 10.0 V -0.5 to Vee +0.5 -0.5 to 11.0 -0.5 to 9.0 V Output Current lOUT - +10 Storage Temperature TSTG - -55 to +125 NOTE: 4-126 V rnA DC Permanent device damage may occur if the above Absolute Maximum Ratings are exceeded. Functional operation should be restricted to the conditions as detailed in the operational sections of this data sheet. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. MB1504 MB1504H MB1504L MB1504/MB1504H/MB1504L BLOCK DIAGRAM vee@-GND~ r-----------, I I I I I 16-Bit Shift Register ~]IillillillilI[~ I LE 16-Bit Shift Register 1S-Bit Latch I I I 1S-Bit Latch 11 13 fr 12 FC ]IilIilIillilIC r I OSC'N Programmable Reference Divider ' Binary 14-Bit Reference Counter 1 LD I I • r---------------,I I .....+----rl.... 19-Bit Shift Register 19-Bit Shift Register vp : Charge Pump ~]]IOJI[O]IOJI[[~ I I I: I Do 18-Bit Latch 11-Bit Latch :]JlillJlillJlllIfI~ ___ .,I I 14 fp Programmable Divider I I I I Programmable Counter _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .J 4-127 MB1504 MB1504H MB1504L PIN DESCRIPTIONS Pin No. 1 2 4-128 Pin Name OSCIN OSCOUT I/O I 0 Descriptions Oscillator input Oscillator output A crystal is placed between OSCIN and OSCOUT. 3 Vp - Power supply input for charge pump 4 Vee - Power supply voltage input 5 Do 0 Charge pump output The phase characteristics can be inversed depending upon the FC input. 6 GND - Ground 7 LD 0 Phase comparator output This pin outputs high when the phase is locked. While the phase difference of fr and fp exists, the output level goes low. a fiN I Prescaler input The connection with an external VCO should be an AC connection. 9 Clock I Clock input for 19-bit shift register and 16-bit shift register Each rising edge of the clock shifts one bit of data into the shift registers. 10 Data I Serial data of binary code input The last bit of the data is a control bit. The last data bit specifies which latch is activated. When the last bit is high level and LE is high-level, data is transferred to the 15-bit latch. When the last bit is low level and LE is high level, data is transferred to the 18-bit latch. 11 LE I Load enable input (with internal pull up resistor) When LE is high level (or open), data stored in the shift register is transferred to the latch depending on the control data. 12 FC 0 Phase selecting input of phase comparator (with internal pull up resistor) When FC is low level, the charge pump and phase detector characteristics can be inversed. 13 fr 0 Monitor pin of phase comparator input It is the same as the programmable reference divider output. 14 fp 0 Monitor pin of phase comparator input It is the same as the programmable divider output. 15 16 0P 0 0 0R Outputs for external charge pump The phase characteristics can be inversed depending on the FC input. The 0P pin is an N-channel open-drain output. MB1504 MB1504H MB1504L FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONS SERIAL DATA INPUT Serial data input is input using the Data pin, Clock pin and LE pin. The lS-bit programmable reference divider and 18-bit programmable divider are controlled, respectively. On rising edge of the clock, one bit of the data shifts into the internal shift registers. When load enable (LE) is high level (or open), data stored in the shift registers is transferred to the lS-bit latch or l8-bit latch depending upon the control bit level. Control data "H" : Data is transferred into the l5-bit latch. Control data "L": Data is transferred into the 18-bit latch. III PROGRAMMABLE REFERENCE DIVIDER The programmable reference divider consists of a 16-bit shift register, lS-bit latch and 14-bit reference counter. Serial 16-bit data format is shown below. ---------4.• Data input Control bit LSB Last data input S C First data input S S S 2 3 4 ....- - - Divide ratio of programmable reference counter setting bits - - - - . t @ 14-BIT PROGRAMMABLE REFERENCE COUNTER DIVIDE RATIO Divide ratio R S S S S S S S S S S S S S S 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 16383 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Divide ratio less than 8 is prohibited Divide ratio R: 8 to 16383 SW: Divide ratio of prescaler setting bit SW="H": 32 SW","L": 64 S1 to S14: Divide ratio of programmable reference counter setting bits (8 to 16383) C: Control bit (control bit is set to high) 4-129 MB1504 MB1504H MB1504L FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONS PROGRAMMABLE DIVIDER The programmable divider consists of a 19-bit shift register, 18-bit latch, 7-bit swallow counter and 11-bit programmable counter. 5erial 19-bit data format is shown below. -----------t.~ Data input @ @ 11-BIT PROGRAMMABLE COUNTER DIVIDE RATIO 7-BIT 5WALLOW COUNTER DIVIDE RATIO 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 Divide ratio N 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 0 0 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 • • • • . 0 • . 17 • • • • • . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Divide ratio A 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 7 6 5 4 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 . . 0 0 0 • • 63 1 1 0 Divide ratio A : 0 to 63 • 2047 .. 1 Divide ratio of programmable counter setting bits (16 to 2047) 58 to 518: 51 to 57: Divide ratio of swallow counter setting bits (0 to 127) C: Control bit (control bit is set to low) Data is input from the M5B. 4-130 1 Divide ratio less than 16 is prohibited Divide ratio N : 16 to 2047 MB1504 MB1504H MB1504L SERIAL DATA INPUT TIMING Data S18=MSB S17 S10 S9 S 1=LSB *(SW) (S14) (S8) (S7) (S1) Clock X C: Control bit (C: Control bit) .... ~* '" lsi- LE t1 -of--4- III ·1 On the rising edge of the clock. one bit of the data shifts into the shift registers. Data in ( ) is used for setting the divide ratio of the programmable reference divider. PHASE CHARACTERISTICS VCO CHARACTERISTICS The FC pin (pin 12) is provided to inverse the phase comparator characteristics. The characteristics of the internal charge pump output (Do). and phase detector outputs (0R. 0P) can be inversed depending upon the FC input data. Outputs are shown below. >- () z W Do aw FC=L FC=H (or open) 0R ::J 0P Do 0R 0P Z a:: LL I- ::J fr>fp H L L L H fr Note: VCO INPUT VOLTAGE _ Z=(High impedance) Depending upon VCO characteristics. FC pin should be set accordingly: When VCO characteristics are like FC should be set high or open circuit; When VCO characteristics are like FC should be set Low. > .r. ~ .3 I Cl I 6.0 4-134 MB1504 MB1504H (J) I "S 2.0 ~ 1\ I (J) Cl ~ o -2 -3 -4 High-level Output Current 10H (rnA) -1 -5 ~ 0.0 U o ~~ 10 Low-level Output Current 10L (rnA) 20 MB1504 MB1504H MB1504L Do PIN OUTPUT WAVEFORM AT LOCK CONDITION Output Waveform ( 1V/div i. . ___.. J 100nsldiv MB1504 J I I r MB1504H 1 MB1504L ---- -- r --/- - -- ----- J / 4-135 MB1504 MB1504H MB1504L PHASE CHARACTERISTICS (M vs. DO OUTPUT ENERGY) 150 / ~~ lj/ ~ 100 I 50 § I '2 ~ ~ 0 >. ~ 100 80 40 60 ~ 1// V ~' V~40 20 CD c: " 60 w -50 -100 r-- 1-- MB1504HI - - MB1504 - - - MB1504L I / -150 / /" ~/ limedf (ns) E VP10k D 10k [ . Oscilloscope Vcc=Vp=3.0V ] ~Nsfosc=12MH fr=fp=46.9kHz 4-136 ,," ", .,,-- 10--- 80 MB1504 MB1504H MB1504L INPUT SENSITIVITY Input Sensitivity vs. Input Frequency (Supply Voltage Dependence) 10 E !Xl ~ rr 0 '> -10 z Guaranteed Operating Area Vcc=4.0 to S.SV ~ :0= III 'ii) c: Q) C/) -20 :5 Q. £: -30 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 Vee 1.2 Vp Input Frequency fiN (GHz) 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Oscilloscope Input Sensitivity vs. Input Frequency (Temperature Dependence) 10 ~ ~ z rr ~ :0= ·wC. 0 -10 I I Guaranteed Operating Area Vcc=4.0 to S.SV Vcc~2.7V t~ 4.0V ~A=-40°C \ Q) C/) '5 -20 Q. .E -30 ~ :::. ;;;; ~ ,) ~" ! I ~ TA=+2S C i I , --~ ~ '-.. TA=+8SoC ~ I - Vcc=3.0V 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 Vp 1.2 Input Frequency fiN (GHz) 87654321 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Oscilloscope 4-137 MB1504 MB1504H MB1504L INPUT IMPEDANCE lOMHz lOOMHz 200MHz 500MHZ I .ii.Ui"=:' I !I ..... au.,~ ...~It' . • , ... "'" . ·-~""'~'·fll. J ,f,T10';;.':;.-.... ~,,\. • ~'i' ,. '.! • : ~! I , :I : ~ ~ I ! ~ L,. ;" ,j".! I : ; :;. • • : , ., : ". ,'" '-I i';~'~; !-...!..--.!Ji; ~ ~ ~;. ;::; TEST CIRCUIT Do Pin Output Current (IOH, lod Measurement Vee Vp Do""'-- 10L MB1504 4-138 MB1504 MB1504H MB1504L Lock u Time Measurement Oscilloscope (10MO, 10pF) III LPF Circuit ( Vcc=3V, Vp=8V ] fvco=Low unlock condition ~ Step to Lock condition (533MHz) fvco=High unlock condition ~ Step to Lock condition (518MHz) Phase Characteristics Measurement vee Vp ....,...----~- 10kO 10kQ Oscilloscope (10MQ, 10pF) 1---- - - - - - - fp ( V cc=3V. Vp=3V Llf=fr-fp Energy (En)=V 2 t 4-139 MB1504 MB1504H MB1504L TYPICAL APPLICATION EXAMPLE ..-_ _ _-. OUTPUT FROM CONTROLLER ~} 0R 16 FC 0P 15 14 12 13 Data LE 10 11 MB1504 2 OSC'N 3 OSCOUT 4 Vp 5 Vee 678 Do GND LD 1000pF 6V Vec(3V) 3V LOCK DET. V p• Vpx 8V max. C1. C2 Depends on crystal oscillator LE.FC With internal pull up resistor 0P Open drain output 4-140 MB1504 MB1504H MB1504L PACKAGE DIMENSIONS 16-LEAD PLASTIC DUAL IN-LINE PACKAGE (Case No.: DIP-16P-M04) r-- Inn .770+·008(19.SS+0.20) _ _- . J -.012 -0.30 i ~ rOO 0 0 0 0 c:'J I INDEX-'i - - INDEX·2 /' V. LJ .1 ,I . . 039 (0.99~·30) ©1991 FUJITSU LIMITED D16033S·2C 1- r-:::::~:-T! -------r~~~)3Wp~2)~ LJ LJ Q ~ ~ ~ ~ CJ ~012 1S°(v1AX .11 . .060~012 (1.52 ~.30) i -'.010±.002 (0.25±0.05) Dimensions in inches (millimeters) 4-141 MB1504 MB1504H MB1504L PACKAGE DIMENSIONS 16-LEAD PLASTIC FLAT PACKAGE (Case No.: FPT-16P-M06) ~ 400+.010(1015+0.25 )--.. . -.008 . -0.20 • I I (MOUNTING HEIGHT) .002(0.05)MIN r : m N O OFF HEIGHT) 1 I .307±.016 (7.80±0.40) .209±.012 (5.3o±O.30) I k!:;t:::::;1;=::;:;::=;::;:=;:::;::=r:;=::;:;~ -.-l .050(1.27~ \ TYP I \.. (0.45±0.10)1'-'.:.......J-.- - - - - - - ' - - ' . II -4l-.006+.002(01.-+0.05) -.001 . °-0.02 I oetallsOf ~"Part \ I I .016(0.40~ 1 I ©1991 FUJITSU LIMITED F16015S-2C 4-142 L ,------Details of "S" part 1 :~:(0.15)' I I I ~:::::=:::::::t !, I I 1 .008(0.20) : I I I I ~:g~~ (6.80 ~:jg) .02o±.008 (0.5o±O.20) J I! ..018±.004 r-I~"'--'-I,...0.=00=5={O-,-.13=)-=@,.-,1 I 268 ===t. .008(0.20)1 .007(0.18) I I I 1 MAX .0270.68 ___ I ~~_.J .007(0.18) : MAX I .027 0.68) : 1 _ _ _ _MAX L _ _ _I Dimensions in inches (millimeters) 00 June Edition O.2a FUJITSU 1995 MB15E05/EOli=~~p,~'rod~UC~tPfi~'Om~eS~'hee~t~=====--_ On-chip 2.0GHzl2.SGHz PRESCALER The Fujitsu MB15E05lE06 are serial input Phase Locked Loop (PLL) frequency synthesizers with a 2.0GHz (MB15E05) and a 2.5GHz (MB15E06) prescalers. A 64/65 or a 128/129 can be selected for the prescaler that enables pulse swallow operation. The latest BiCMOS process technology is used, resulting in a supply current of 6mA typo (MB15E05) and 7mA typo (MB15E06). They operate with a supply voltage of 3.0V (typ.). Furthermore, a super charger circuit is included to get a fast tuning as well as low noise performance. As a result of this, MB 15E05lE06 are ideally suitable for digital mobile communications, such as PCN(Personal Communication Network}, PCS(Personal Communication Service}, Wireless LAN etc. FEATURES • High frequency operation MB15E05: 2.0GHz max. MB15E06: 2.5GHz max. • Low power supply voltage: Vee =2.7 to 3.6V • Very Low power supply current: MB 15E05 : lee = 6.0 mA typo (Vee = 3V) MB15E06: Icc =7.0 mA typo (Vee =3V) • Power saving function: Ips = 10 ~ max. (Vee = 3V) • Pulse swallow function: 64/65 or 128/129 • Serial input 1~-bit programmable reference divider: R = 5 to 16383 • Serial input 18-bit programmable divider consisting of: - Binary 7-bit sw&lIow counter: 0 to 127 - Binary 11-bit ,rogra.mmable counter: 5 to 2047 • Wide operating temperature: TA = -40 to 85°C • Plastic 16-pin SSOP package (FPT-16P-M05) ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (SEE NOTE) FPT-16P-MOS PIN ASSIGNMENT OSCin Permanent device damage may occur if the above Absolute Maximum Ratings are exceeded. Functional operation should be restricted to the conditions as detailed in the operational sections of this data sheet. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. R OSCout 2 15 P Vp 3 14 LDlfout Vcc 4 Do NOTE: 16 TOP 13 VIEW 12 5 ZC PS GND 6 11 LE Xfin 7 10 Data fin 8 9 Clock This device contains circuitry to protect the inputs against damage due to high staticvoltaQ8S or electric fields. However, ~ is advised that normal precautions be taken to avoid application of any voltage higher than maximum rated voltages to this high impedance circu~. 4-143 MB15E05 MB15E06 BLOCK DIAGRAM Ir ~ ____ ____ ~ 19-bit shift register +-~~c )}-------t--~--'-I ~ I 19-bit shift register LE r-----------, sw I Programmable divider I I Prescaler I I 64/65, 128/129 Ip MD 4-144 MB15E05 MB15E06 PIN DESCRIPTION III 8 fin Prescaler input. Connection with an external VCO should be done with AC coupling. 9 Clock Clock input for the 19-bit shift register. Data is shifted into the shift register on the rising edge of the clock. (Open is prohibited.) 10 Data Serial data input using binary code. The last bit of the data is a control bit. (Open is prohibited.) Control bit = "H" ; Data is transmitted to the programmable reference counter. Control bit = "L" ; Data is transmitted to the programmable counter. 11 LE Load enable signal input (Open is prohibited.) When LE is high, the data in the shift register is transferred to a latch, according to the control bit in the serial data. 12 PS Power saving control input. This pin should be set at "L" at Power-ON. (Open is prohibited.) PS = "H" ; Normal mode PS = "L" ; Power saving mode 13 ZC Forced high-impedance control for the charge pump (with internal pull up resistor.) ZC = "H" ; Normal Do output. ZC = "L" ; Do becomes high impedance. 14 LDlfoUT o Lock detector output(LD)/Monitor pin of the phase comparator(fout). A LOS bit in a serial data switchs LDlfout pin's output. LDS = "H" ; outputs fout (frlfp monitoring output) LDS = "L" ; outputs LD ("H" at locking, "L" at unlocking.) 4-145 MB15E05 MB15E06 FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS PULSE SWALLOW FUNCTION The divide ratio can be calculated using the following equation: fveo • [(M fveo N A fose R M x N) + A] x fose + R (A < N) : Output frequency of external voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) : Preset divide ratio of binary 11-bit programmable counter (5 to 2,047) : Preset divide ratio of binary 7-bit swallow counter (0 S A S 127) : Output frequency of the reference frequency oscillator : Preset divide ratio of binary 14-bit programmable reference counter (5 to 16,383) : Preset divide ratio of modules prescaler (64 or 128) SERIAL DATA INPUT Serial data is processed using the Data, Clock, and LE pins. Serial data controls the programmable reference divider and the programmable divider separately. Binary serial data is entered through the Data pin. One bit of data is shifted into the shift register on the rising edge of the clock. When the load enable pin is high, stored data is latched according to the control bit data as follows: Table.1 CONTROL BIT H 17 bit latch (for the programmable reference divider) L 18 bit latch (for the programmable divider) SHIFT REGISTER CONFIGURATION Programmable Reference Counter , MSB LSB Data Flow - - - - - - I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 C R R R R R R R R R R R R R R N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 SW FC LOS T CNT : Control bit R1 to R14: Divide ratio setting bit for the programmable reference counter (5 to 16,383) SW : Divide ratio setting bit for the prescaler (64/65 or 128/129) FC : Phase control bit for the phase comparator LOS : LDlfout signal select bit Note: Start data input with MSB first. 4-146 [Table. [Table. [Table. [Table. [Table. 1] 2] 5] 7] 6] MB15E05 MB15E06 Programmable Counter LSB MSB Data Flow- t t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 C N A 1 A 2 A 3 A 4 A 5 A 6 A 7 N 1 N 2 N 3 N 4 N N 5 6 N 7 N 8 N 9 N 10 N 11 T eNT : Control bit N1 to N11 : Divide ratio setting bits for the programmable counter (5 to 2,047) A 1 to A7 : Divide ratio setting bits for the swallow counter (0 to 127) [Table. 1] [Table. 3] [Table. 4] III Note: Start data input with MSB first. Table2. BINARY 14-BIT PROGRAMMABLE REFERENCE COUNTER DATA SETTING Note: • Divide ratio less than 5 is prohibited. Table.3 BINARY 11-BIT PROGRAMMABLE COUNTER DATA SETTING 5 6 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 2047 Note:. Divide ratio less than 5 is prohibited . • Divide ratio (N) range = 5 to 2,047 4-147 MB15E05 MB15E06 Table.4 BINARY 7·BIT SWALLOW COUNTER DATA SETTING Note:- Divide ratio (A) range", 0 to 127 Table. 5 PRESCALER DATA SETTING H 64/65 L 128/129 Table. 6 LD/fout OUTPUT SELECT DATA SETTING H fout signal L LD signal Relation between the FC Input and phase characteristics The Fe bit changes the phase characteristics of the phase comparator. Both the internal charge pump output level (Do) and the phase comparator output (R. P) are reversed according to the Fe bit. Also. the monitor pin (fouT) output is controlled by the Fe bit. The relationship between the Fe bit and each of Do. R. and P is shown below. Table. 7 FC BIT DATA SETTING (LOS ="H") L (fr) L H Z* (fp) (fr) H L L (fp) (fr) *: High impedance 4-148 L MB15E05 MB15E06 When designing a synthesizer, the Fe pin setting depends on the veo and LPF characteristics. CD .: When the LPF and veo characteristics are similar to CD, set Fe bit high. .: When the veo characteristics are similar to (2), set Fe bit low. veo output frequency , " ,, , '® II LPF input voltage - POWER SAVING MODE {INTERMITTENT MODE CONTROL CIRCUIT} Setting a PS pin to Low, the Ie enters into power saving mode resultatly current sonsumption can be limited to 1O~A (max.). Setting PS pin to High, power saving mode is released so that the Ie works normally. In addition, the intermittent operation control circuit is included which helps smooth start up from the power saving mode. In general, the power consumption can be saved by the intermittent operation that powering down or waking up the synthesizer. Such case, if the PLL is powered up uncontrolled, the resulting phase comparator output signal is unpredictable due to an undefined phase relation between reference frequency (fr) and comparison frequency (fp) and may in the worst case take longer time for lock up of the loop. To prevent this, the intermittent operation control circuit enforces a limited error signal output of the phase detector during power up, thus keeping the loop locked. During the power saving mode, the corresponding section except for indispensable circuit for the power saving function stops working, then current consumption is reduced to 1O~ per one PLL section. At that time, the Do and LD become the same state as when a loop is locking. That is, the Do becomes high impedance. A veo control voltage is naturally kept at the locking voltage which defined by a LPF"s time constant. As a result of this, veo's frequency is kept at the locking frequency. Note;. While the power saving mode is executed, ZC pin should be set at "W or open. If ZC is set at "L" during power saving mode, approximately 1OJ.tA current flows . • PS pin must be set "L" at Power-ON. Table.8 PS PIN SETIING H Normal mode L Power saving mode Table.9 ZC PIN SETTING H Normal output L High impedance 4-149 MB1SEOS MB1SE06 SERIAL DATA INPUT TIMING <:? Data MSB L~ ~~ , , X __ : nL __fU1--Il , ~ ~ ~=X lS_B_ _ _ __ , ClockJWl: 1n~ t I <:? LE __ • : ---_.....,-,-, .... 't1: I . I, ': rL ' , ' , " ,.. t~ I ts-r--:-- ...... t3--" ' ' t6~ ~t7-: ~t4 On rising edge of the clock, one bit of the data is transferred into the shift register. 4-150 t1 20 ns tS 30 ns t2 20 ns t6 100 ns t3 30 ns t7 100 ns t4 20 ns MB15E05 MB15E06 PHASE COMPARATOR OUTPUT WAVEFORM fr II II ,, ,, , fp -.: 1..____________ ~Itwu LD -.: , '..- , tWL ~I----------'1 II [FC = "H" ] 4>P 4>R u I --'--~__'______Jn'------'---_"_____'__ [FC = "L" ] u 4>R Notes: ~~n~~~I~'_____~~ 1. Phase error detection range: -21t to +21t 2. Pulses on Do output signal during locked state are output to prevent dead zone. 3. LD output becomes low when phase is twu or more. LD output becomes high when phase error is tWL or less and continues to be so for three cys/es or more. 4. twu and tWL depend on OSCin input frequency. twu ~ 8/lose (e. g. twu 2! 625ns, f05ein = 12.8 MHz) twLs16/lose (e. g. tWL oS 1250n5, fosein = 12.8 MHz) 5. LD becomes high during the power saving mode (PS = "L".) 4·151 MB15E05 MB15E06 RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS II. li.>< .........•..••.•..•......•.......••.....•.••.. > /..•......... I·······• ••••••• .>i<)·.·.· ..........i. Ii ..... ........~ ......................... . ' ~? Vee 2.7 3.0 3.6 V Vp Vcc - 6.0 V Input voltage VI GND Vee V Operating temperature TA -40 - +85 °C Supply voltage Notes: To protect against damage by electrostatic discharge, note the following handling precautions: - Store and transport devices in conductive containers. - Use properly grounded workstations, tools, and equipment. - Tum off power before inserting or removing this device into or from a socket. - Protect leads with conductive sheet, when transporting a board mounted device. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS •••••••••••••.•.......•.....••.•••.•••....•....•..•........................... ··.···.·.·.i ......\]! ....... ~ .....' ; Power Supply Current *1 .............. . MB15E05 lee finlF = 2000MHz, fosc = 12MHz 6.0 MB15E06 lee finRF = 2500MHz, fosc= 12MHz 7.0 Power Saving Current *2 Ips 10 IlA MB15E05 fin 100 2000 MB15E06 fin 100 2500 3 40 -10 +2 dBm 500 Vee mVp-p Crystal Oscillator Operating Frequency fin fose Pfin Input Sensitivity OSCin = min. 500mVp-p 50n termination (Refer to the test circuit.) Vose *1: Conditions; Vee 3.0V, Ta 25°C, in locking state. *2: Conditions; Vee = 3.0V, Ta = 25°C, in power saving state. 4-152 rnA Vee current at PS ="L and ZC = "H"" Operating Frequency = ••••••••••••• ........ MHz - MB15E05 MB15E06 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Input Voltage / .....•.... .c .• ........... .. .. : , ... ... ;;; ... - ,~/:. . .:....:.. ,.. : .: ..,...,.,::...: ..:..........:••.. :.:.: .....:.:c ••:... . ... .... : •.• Mln I .. VOL - - 0.4 VOOH Vcc-O.4 - - VOOL - - 0.4 Do 10FF - - 1.1 ~ <1>P 10L 1.0 - - rnA 10H - - -1.0 10L 1.0 - - -10.0*1 - - 10.0*1 - VIL - IIH -1.0 IlL -1.0 IIH -1.0 Pull up input -100 IIH 0 IlL -100 R. LDlfout VOL Open drain output - Do Output Current Typ} VOH VccxO.7 IlL P High Impedance Cutoff Current I Vcc-O.4 ZC VIH OSCin Output Voltage . ,,<10_ - Data. Clock LE.PS.ZC Data. Clock. LE.PS Input Current Sy~bOI <1>R. LDlfout Do V VccxO.3 +1.0 ~ +1.0 +1.0 0 +100 ~ III ~ 0 0.4 - V V V 100H looL Open drain output Vec 3.0V. Vp = 5V. VOOH = 4.0V Vec 3.0V. Vp = 5V. VOOL = 1.0V rnA rnA *1: Condition; Ta = 25°C 4-153 MB15E05 MB15E06 TEST CIRCUIT (FOR MEASURING INPUT SENSITIVITY fin/OSCin) Vee P'G Vp ~ooo:OOOP 50 n 10~00P ~---L----'-_...L..-..J..----L--. 8 765 432 P'G 50 n 1 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 L - -_ _ _ _~ 4·154 Oscilloscope MB15E05 MB15E06 APPLICATION EXAMPLE Vpx (6V) 12k To a lock detect. III 12k ] From a controller fp Note: tz w ::> Z T ~------------------~ veo INPUT VOLTAGE - 4-162 Do Do VCO CHARACTERISTICS Depending upon VCO characteristics, FC pin should be set accordingly: - When VCO characteristics are like 1, FC should be set High or open circuit; - When VCO characteristics are like 2, Fe should be set Low. MB1505 fr fp LD Do U U U L ---~ : - - - - - - - - - z - - - -lJL -------u ----LJ ---L ~ U I fr > fp fr = fp I I I I I I fr < fp fr < fp fr < fp NOTES: Phase difference detection range: -21t to +21t Spike appearance depends on charge pump characteristics. Also, the spike is output in order to diminish dead band. When fr > fp or fr < fp, spike might not appear depending upon charge pump characteristics. ANALOG SWITCH ON/OFF of analog switch is controlled by LE input signal. When the analog switch is ON, internal charge pump output (Do) to be connected to BISW pin. When the analog switch is OFF, BISW pin is set to high-impedance state. LE=H (Changing the divide ratio of internal prescaler) : Analog switch=ON LE=L (Normal operating mode): Analog switch=OFF LPF time constant is decreased in order to insert a analog switch between LPF1 and LPF2 when channel of PLL is changing. Thus, lock up time is decreased, that is, fast lock up time is achieved. CHARGEPUMP~--~--~ I L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "" : BISW (CONTROL SIGNAL) _ _---' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .JI RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Parameter Symbol Value Max Unit Min Typ Vcc 4.5 5.0 5.5 V Vp Vee Vp 8.0 V Input Voltage VI GND Vee V Operating Temperature TA -40 85 °C Power Supply Voltage 4-163 MB1505 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Value Symbol Parameter Condition Min Power Supply Current Icc Note 1 fin fin Note2 OSCIN fosc Typ Unit Max 6.0 10 mA 600 MHz 20 MHz 6 dBm Operating Frequency 12 -4 fin Ptln OSCIN Vase 0.5 Except fin andOSC'N VIN Vee xO .7 Data Clock IIH 1.0 !LA IlL -1.0 !LA OSCIN losc ±50 !LA LE,FC ILE -60 !LA Input Sensitivity High-level Input Voltage Low-level Input Voltage High-level Input Current Low-level Input Current Vpp V VccxO .3 V,L Input Current High-level Output Current Low-level Output Current N-channel Open Drain Cutoff Current Output Current Analog Switch On Resistor NOTE: 4-164 Vcc=5 V V V 4.4 Except Do andOSCOUT VOH Do.0P IOFF Except Do and OSCOUT IOH -1.0 mA IOL 1.0 mA VOL Vp=Vcc t08V VOOP= GND to 8V RON 1: fin = 600MHz, OSCIN=12MHz, Vcc=5V.lnputs are grounded and outputs are open. 2: AC coupling. Minimum operating frequency is measured when a capacitor 1000pF is connected. 25 0.4 V 1.1 JLA Q MB1505 TEST CIRCUIT Vp=6V P.G~~rP_F~~~ ~~L-1-_ __ 50n% 5 4 3 2 MB1505 Oscilloscope 4-165 MB1505 TYPICAL APPLICATION EXAMPLE , - - - - - . . OUTPUT Charge Pump Selection (Internal or external) FROM CONTROLLER r----e-----o } 0P 0R 16 15 FC 13 14 12 LE Data 11 10 6 7 MB1505 2 OSCIN 4 3 OSCou Vp 5 Vee Do GND 8 LD 0 5V 6V 1 1 C1 2 C 0.1f.1F Vp, Vpx c1, C2 LE, FC 0P 4-166 Vee (5V) 1000pF X'tal 1 8Vmax Depends on crystal oscillator With internal pull up resistor Open drain output LOCK DET 0.01f.1 F I 10kn MB1505 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS 16-Lead Plastic Dual In-Line Package (Case No.: DIP-16P-M04) INDEX-1 ~======~=======~--t .244±.010 (6.20±0.25) INDEX-2 .300(7.62) TYP ~;::::;::;:::::;:::::;::::;~:;::::;=::;:::::;::::;::::::;~ ©1991 FUJITSU LIMITED D16033S-2C Dimensions in inches (millimeters) 4·167 MB1505 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS 16-Lead Plastic Flat Package (Case No.: FPT-16P-M02) .089(2.2S)MAX (MOUNTING HEIGHT) .002(0.05)MIN (STAND OFF HEIGHT) ---t----;-j .268 :::g6~ (6.80::g:~g) 1000000S .OSO(1.27~ 1 TYP I. 11===t II .o18±.o04 • • (O.4S±0.10)1-$-,0.00S(0.13)@ , "A" (O.5O±O.20) -H-- .006 :::gg~ (0.15 ~:g~) r- Oet;;l~;:-A:P;rt-, I I I I I .020(0.SO) I II .0070.18) MAX I .027(0.68) I 1 - - - - - ( .08(0.20) _ _ _ _ ~~_ _ .J ©1988 FUJITSU LIMITED F1600SS-4C 4-168 Dimensions in inches (millimeters) 00 ~D~so~~~213~1~~1~E~~~~~~~~==~_ _ FUJITSU ~ DATA SHEET MB1506 ASSP for DTS Bi-CMOS (For 2.0 GHz band) PLL Frequency Synthesizer with Built-in Prescaler • DESCRIPTION The Fujitsu MB1506 is a PLL (phase-locked loop) frequency synthesizer, ideally suited for DBS tuner, MeA radio and similar wireless communications devices. The MB1506 features a 2.0 GHz, two-modulus prescaler to enable pulse-swallow type processing, as well as analog switches for faster lock up time. III Fujitsu's Bi-CMOS process is used for low power consumption of Icc = 18 mA (typ.) . • FEATURES • • • • • High speed operation: fin = 2.0 GHz Low power consumption: Icc = 18 mA (typ.) Wide operating temperature range: Ta = -40°C to +85°C Two types of phase comparator output (built-in charge pump, external charge pump) Built-in functions: 16-bit shift register 15-bit latch Reference frequency divider Binary 14-bit programmable reference counter (divide ratio: 8 to 16383) 1-bit switch counter 19-bit shift register 19-bit latch (Continued) • PACKAGE Plastic SSOP, 20-pin (FPT-20P-M03) Copyright@ 1995 by FUJITSU LIMITED 4-169 MB1506 (Continued) Comparison dividers Binary 8-bit swallow counter (divide ratio: 0 to 255) Binary 11-bit programmable counter (divide ratio: 16 to 2047) Phase comparator with phase conversion function 2.0 GHz band two-modulus prescaler (divide ratios: 128/129,256/257) Control signal generator circuit Crystal oscillator circuit Monitor frequency switching circuit Charge pump 1-bit control latch Analog switch • PIN ASSIGNMENT (Top view) ~R OSCIN N.C. N.C. ,p OSCOUT Vp fout Vee BiSW Do FC GND LE Data LD N.C. N.C. fin Clock (FPT-20P-M03) 4-170 MB1506 • PIN DESCRIPTION Pin No. 1 Pin name Descriptions 110 OSCIN I Crystal oscillator connection pin for reference divider (OSCIN circuit input pin, and OSCOUT = oscillator circuit output pin) = oscillator 3 OSCOUT 0 4 Vp - 5 Vcc - Power supply pin 6 Do 0 On-chip charge pump output pin Phase characteristics may be inverted according to the setting of the FC pin. 7 GND - GND pin 8 LD 0 Phase comparator output pin Normal setting isLD = "H" with an output signal LD duration of the phase error between fr and fp. Power supply pin for charge pump output and analog switch output = "L" equivalent to the 10 fin I Prescaler input pin Use in an AC coupled state. 11 Clock I Clock signal input pin for 19-bit shift register and 16-bit shift register Data is read on the rising edge of the clock pulse. 13 Data I Serial data input pin for binary coded data The final data bit is the control bit. Control data .- Serial data transfer destination H 15-bit latch L 19-bit latch 14 LE I Load enable signal input pin (with pull-up resistor) When LE = "H" or LE = "OPEN", the contents of the shift register is transferred to one of the latches according to the combination of serial data control bit settings. Also, when the internal analog switch is "on" at this time, the signal output from the internal charge pump is sent to the BiSW pin. 15 FC I Phase comparator phase switching pin (with pull-up resistor) Enables inversion of the polarity of the phase comparator output, according to the polarity of externally connected LPF or VCO. When FC = "L" the charge pump and phase comparator characteristics are inverted. Also switches the output of the fout pin, either fr or fp. 16 BiSW 0 Analog switch output pin Normally in high-impedance state, outputs the status of the internal charge pump only when the switch is turned on (LE = "H"). 17 fout 0 Phase comparator input monitor pin According to the FC pin input level, this pin outputs either the output signal from the reference divider (fr) or the comparison divider (fp). Fe III Output signal H fr output equivalent L fp output equivalent (Continued) 4-171 MB1506 (Continued) 18 cliP 110 ! 0 20 cIIA i 0 Pin No. 2,9,12, 19 4-172 Pin name N.C. - Descriptions Phase comparator output signal pin for external charge pump Phase characteristics may be inverted according to the FC pin setting. The cliP pin is N channel open-drain output. No connection. MB1506 • BLOCK DIAGRAM :---------------1 16-bit shift register 16-bit shift register fout FC LE III LD cpR OSC'N 4tP Analog switch 1-----------------------I 1 19-bit shift register 19-bit shift register :-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-.:I:,-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_: fin 1 1 1 ~- ---- ~ -------- ~ ~ -- ~j.~ ---- ~ ~ ~ -------- ~ Comparison divider .. : Data signal ~_________-_ _:_c_o_n_tr_ol_S_ig_n_a_I________________________________________________________________~4-173 MB1506 • FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION 1. Divide Ratio Settings Setting values should be determined according to the following formula: fveo = [(M x N) + A] x fose + R (A < N) fvco: Externally connected VCO output frequency M: Prescaler frequency division ratio (128 or 256) N: Binary 11-bit programmable counter setting (16 to 2047) A: Binary 8-bit swallow counter setting (0 :5 A :5 255) fose: Reference oscillator frequency A: Binary 14-bit programmable reference counter setting (8 to 16383) 2. Serial Data Input Methods Serial data input uses three pins. the Data pin. Clock pin and LE pin. and is used to separately control the 15-bit reference divider and 19-bit comparison divider. Serial data should be input in binary form at the Data pin. Serial data is read sequentially by the shift register at the rise edge of the clock signal. and is transferred to a latch together with the appropriate control data when the load enable signal goes to "H"level (or open). Control data ! Serial data transfer destination H L 4·174 I I 15-bit latch 19-bit latch MB1506 (1) Divide Ratios in the Reference Divider The reference divider is configured with a 16-bit shift register, 15-bit latch and 14-bit reference counter. The serial data configuration has 16 bits, as shown below. III Programmable reference counter divide ratio setting bits • 14-bit programmable reference counter divide ratios Divide ralio R 8 I S S S S 14 13 12 11 S 10 S 9 S 8 S S 6 S 7 5 S 4 S 3 S 2 S 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 16383 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Note: Divide ratio of less than 8 are prohibited. (Setting value range: 8 to 16383) I L - -_ _ _ _ _ _ Data should be input with the M8B first. 8W: Prescaler divide ratio setting bit. sw !I H I 128/129 L I 256/257 Prescaler divide ratio setting bit 81 to 814: Divide ratio setting bit (8 to 16383) C: Control bit (set to "H") 4·175 MB1506 (2) Divide Ratios in the Comparison Divider The comparison divider is configured with a 19-bit shift register, 19-bit latch, 8-bit swallow counter and 11-bit programmable counter. The serial data configuration has 19 bits, as shown below. ---------------------------------------------- Swallow counter divide ratio setting bits • 7-bit swallow counter divide ratios Programmable counter divide ratio setting bits • 11-bit prgrammable counter divide ratios S ! 5 5 5 S 5 5 I 5 5 19 18 17 16 15114 13 12 11 5 7 5 6 5 5 5 4 S 3 5 2 5 1 0 0 1 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2047 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Divide ratio A S 8 255 (5etting value range: 0 to 255) Divide ratiO N 5 10 5 9 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 I 1 1 1 I Note: Frequency divide ratios of less than 16 are prohibited. (setting value range: 16 to 2047) Data should be input with the MSB first. S1 to S8: Swallow counter divide ratio setting bits (0 to 255) S9to S18: Programmable counter divide ratio setting bits (16 to 2047) C: Control bit (set to ilL") 3. Serial Data Input Timing MS • XStS Data S19 (5W) : (S14) :.:~: (56) (57) (S1) (c: control bit) CIOC"11m. .. JLJ1 .. JUL • LE t,~ t, 10 t2 ...· - - - rL tJ -:---:- t ....- - - - - : -.... ts~ ts ;: 1 ~s Items 10 parentheses ( ) apply when setting divide ratios for the reference divider. Data is read at the rising of the clock signal. L ____________________________ _ 4-176: MB1506 4. FC Pin Input and Phase Characteristics The Fe pin is used for switching of phase relation in the phase comparator. This pin controls the inversion of phase characteristics in the internal charge pump output (Do) and phase comparator output (cpR, cpP). In addition, the output from the phase comparator input monitor pin (fout) can be controlled from the Fe pin. The following table shows the relation between Fe pin settings and the Do, cpR, cpP, and fout settings. ~ FC: "H" or open Do cpR cpP FC: "L" i i fout I I. Do I cpR i cpP fr> fp H L L (fr) L H Z fr = fp Z L Z (fr) Z L Z fr< fp L H Z (fr) H L I i I L Z: High impedance In phase locked loop design, the I I fout I I (fp) (fp) (fp) • Fe pin should be controlled by veo polarity. (1) When veo polarity is represented by line (1), Fe value is "W or open. When veo polarity is represented by line (2), Fe value is "L". .............. ••••••••••••. (2) veo input voltage 4-177 MB1506 The following diagram illustrates the phase comparator output waveform (Fe ="H"). fr~ L fp u LOU 00 u L --~-Jr---z------~--LJ--LJ-L fr > fp fr '"' fp fr < fp fr < fp fr < fp • The phase error detection range is -2 7t to +2 7t. • Differences in charge pump characteristics may cause slight variation in spikes. The spike is output in order to eliminate dead zones. • Depending on charge pump characteristics, the spike may not be output when fr > fp, or when fr < fp. 5. Analog Switch The analog switch is turned on/off by the LE signal. When the switch is on, the output signal from the internal charge pump (Do) is output to the BiSW pin (when off, the pin remains in high impedance state). I Analog switch H (when internal dividers' setting is changed.) j On L I Off LE As illustrated below, the analog switch can be inserted between the LPF (LPF1 + LPF2) so as to reduce the LPF time constant during PLL channel switching, thereby resulting in faster lock up time. !SiSW (Control signal LE) ---------- 4-178 MB1506 • ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Parameter I Symbol Ii Vee Power supply voltage Value Min. I -0.5 i Unit Max. i 7.0 ! V i V Vp Vee 10.0 Output voltage VOUT -0.5 Vee + 0.5 Open drain voltage Voop -0.5 8.0 Output current lOUT -10 10 Storage temperature Tstg -55 +125 V II V \ mA °C • RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Parameter I Vee Power supply voltage Input voltage Operating temperature Symbol I Value I Min. I 4.5 i i T - VP Vee VIN GND Ta -40 i r Typ. Max. 5.0 5.5 Unit V 8.0 V Vee V +85 I °C Note: Protection against damage from static electricity has been provided by the addition of anti-static elements and precautionary measures in circuit design, however the following precautions are advised when handling: • Always place the MB 1506 in a conductive case for storage and transporting. • Before handling, ensure that al\ operators, fixtures and tools are protected from electrification (grounded), and provide a grounded conductive sheet on the operating floor. • Always ensure that power is switched off before inserting the device into or removing the device from any socket. • When handling (or transporting) any circuit board containing an MB1506 device, all leads should be protected with electro-conductive sheeting. 4-179 MB1506 • ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Vee Symbol Parameter Power supply current *, Operating frequency ! : 1in*2 ! OSCIN fin*3 Input sensitivity : OSCIN H level input voltage Except fin, OSCIN L level input voltage H level input current Data, Clock I Value Min. Icc - fin 10 fose - Pfin Vose VIH V,l IIH = 4.5 V to 5.5, Ta = -40°C to +85°C) I Typ. I 18.0 I -4 ! 20 MHz - 6 dBm - Vp-p Vee x 0.7l - I 1.0 ±50 ! -60 I I - ! 0.4 LE,FC IlE 4.4 L level output voltage Except 00*4, OSCOUT VOH VOL High impedance cutoff current 00*5, q,P IOFF - I Except Do, 10H -1.0 - OSCOUT 10l 1.0 - RON - 25 Output current Analog switch on resistance I I I I I I -1.0 - MHz V Vee x 0.3 - - H level output voltage I I lose Input current mA I I OSCI i i 12 0.5 ; 2000 - i I 1 Unit Max. i i III L level input current i I 1.1 - V ~ ~ ~ ~ l V V I I ~ mA I ! mA Q "1: Power supply current measurement conditions: Connection to a crystal with Vee =5 V, fiN = 2.0 GHz, fose = 12 MHz. *2: AC coupled. Minimum operating frequency is measured with a coupling of 1000 pF. *3: 50 n system *4: AtVee=5V "5: Vp = Vee to 8 V, Voop =GND to 8 V 4-180 MB1506 • MEASUREMENT CIRCUIT (Prescaler Input Sensitivity Measurement) Vee. 5 V X'tal Vp.6V 1000pF p·G ~ II Oscilloscope 4-181 MB1506 • APPLICATION EXAMPLE VPJ. (6 V) OUTPUT .-----------QFrom controJer 47 kQ 47 kQ MB1507 O.01I1 F I VPX, Vp: 8 V (maximum) C1, C2: determined by crystal oscillator LE, FC: with pull-up resistor cj>P: open-drain output • ORDERING INFORMATION Part number MB1506PFV 4-182 Package 20-pin Plastic SSOP (FPT-20P-M03) Remarks MB1506 • PACKAGE DIMENSION Plastic SSOP, 20 pin (FPT-20P-M03) ~ l ·4.40:1:0.10 6.40:1:0.20 • l 5.40(.213) ~u~QJ~)/J 0.15~:: .000::~l 5.85!.2301REF ~ De~~ ~f -::A-: ;rt- -------- I I I I I I_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J Note: Items with asterisk (") do not include resin residue. @ 1994 FUJITSU UMITEO F200125-2C-4 Dimentions in mm (inches) 4-183 4-184 00 September 1995 Edition 4.0a FUJITSU DATA SHEET MB1507 SERIAL INPUT PLL FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER SERIAL INPUT PLL FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER WITH 2.0GHz PRESCALER The Fujitsu MB1507 is a single chip serial input PLL frequency synthesizer designed for Broadcast Satelite tuner and cellular telephone applications. It contains a 2.0 GHz dual modulus prescaler which enables pulse swallow function, and an analog' switch to speed up lock up time. It operates supply voltage of 5.0Vtyp. and dissipates 1BmA typo of current realized through the use of Fujitsu's unique U-ESBIC Bi-CMOS technology. • High operating frequency: fiN MAX=2.0GHz (PIN MIN=-4dBm) • Pulse swallow function: 128/129 or 2561257 • Low supply current: Icc=18mA typo • Serial input 19-bit programmable divider consisting of: o Binary 8-bit swallow counter: 0 to 255 o Binary 11-bit programmable counter: 16 to 2047 • Serial input 15-bit programmable reference divider consisting of: o Binary 14-bit programmable reference counter: 8 to 16383 o 1-bit switch counter (SW) Sets divide ratio of prescaler • On-chip analog switch achieves fast lock up time • 2types of phase detector output o On-chip charge pump (Bipolar type) o Output for external charge pump III PLASTIC PACKAGE FPT-16P-M06 PIN ASSIGNMENT 0 • Wide operating temperature: -40 C to +85°C • 16-pin Plastic Flat Package (Suffix: -PF) ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (see NOTE) Rating Power Supply Voltage Symbol Value Unit Vcc -0.5 to +7.0 V Vp Vccto 10.0 V V Output Voltage VOUT -0.5 to Vee +0.5 Open-drain Voltage Voop -0.5 to 8.0 V Output Current lOUT +10 rnA Storage Temperature TSTG -55 to +125 °c NOTE: Permanent device damage may occur If the above Absolute Maximum Ratings are exceeded. Functional operation should be restricted to the conditions as detailed in the operational sections of this data sheet. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. This device contains circuitry to protectlhe inputs against damage due to high static voltages or electric fields. However, nis advised that normal precautions be taken to avoid application of any voltage higher than maximum rated voltages to this high impedance circuit. Copyrlght© 1995 FUJITSU LIMITED and FUJITJU MICROELECTRONICS, INC. 4·185 MB1507 MB1507 BLOCK DIAGRAM r-----------, 16-BIT SHIFT REGISTER I I I 16-BIT SHIFT REGISTER ~I{]I{]IDID:::~ I 15-BIT LATCH ~- LATCH _15-BIT __ _ _.. I I LIGIDIGID:::.J rPROGRAMMABLE REFERENCEl 1DIVIDER 1 1 BINARY 14-BIT REFERENCE COUNTER ......- - t.... 1-------..... .J L.. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DO 5~----_+r_----------_+~-+_------~ .--------------+---------~---~11 LE 4-186 MB1507 PIN DESCRIPTION Pin No. Pin Name 110 1 2 OSCIN OSCoUT I 0 Oscillator input. Oscillator output. A crystal is placed between OSCIN and OSCoUT. 3 Vp - Power s~y iJl)ut for charge pump and analog switch. 4 Vee - Powers~yvOHageiJl)ut. 5 Do 0 Charge pUfT1) output. The characteristics of charge pump is reversed depending upon FC input. 6 GND - Ground. 7 LD 0 Phase comparator output. NormaUy the output level is high level. While the phase difference of f, and fp exists, the output becomes low level. 8 fiN I Prescaler input. The connedion with VCO should be AC connection. 9 Clock I Clock input for 2O-bit shift register and 16-bit shift register. On rising edge of the clock shifts one bit of data into the shift registers. Binary serial data input. The last bit of the data is a control bit which specified destination of shift registers. When this bit is high level and LE is high level, the data stored in shift register is transferred to 15-bit latch. When this bit is low level and LE is high level, the data is transferred to 19-bit latch. DMc:rIptlon 10 Data I 11 LE I 12 FC I 13 BISW 0 Analog switch output. Usually BISW pin is set high-impedance state. When internal analog switch is ON (lE pin is high IeveO, this pin outputs intemal charge pump output. Monitor pin of phase comparator input. fout pin outputs programmable reference divider output (fr) or programmable divider output (fp) depending upon FC pin iJl)ut level. FC=H: It is the same as fr oulput level. FC=L: It is the same as fp output level. 14 fOUT 0 15 16 0P 0R 0 0 II Load enable iJl)ut (with puH up resistor). When LE is high or open, the data stored in shift register is transferred into latch depending upon thE control bit. At the time, internal charge pump output to be connected to BISW pin because intemal analog switch becomes ON state. Phase select input of phase corJl)arator (with pull up resistor). When FC is low level, the characteristics of charge pump, phase comparator is reversed. FC pin iJl)ut signal controls fout pin (test pin) output level, fr or fp. Outputs for external charge pump. The characteristics are reversed according to FC iJl)ut. ¢p pin is N-channel open drain output. 4-187 MB1507 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONS SERIAL DATA INPUT Serial data input is achieved by three inputs, such as Data pin, Clock pin and LE pin. Serial data input controls 15-bit programmable reference divider and 19-bit programmable divider, respectively. Binary serial data is input to Data pin. On rising edge of clock shifts one bit of serial data into the internal shift registers and when load enable pin is high level or open, stored data is transferred into latch depending upon the control bit. Control data oW data is transferred into 15-bit latch. Control data "L" data is transferred into 19-bit latch. THE DIVIDE RATIO SETTING fveo..(MxN}+AJxfosc+R fvco: Output frequency of external voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) M: Preset modulus of external dual modulus prescaler (128 or 256) N: Preset divide ratio of binary 11-bit programmable counter (16 to 2047) A: Preset divide ratio of binary 8-bit swaHow counter (O~55, A output level of phase comparator is controlled by FC pin input level. >- ~ w ::J o w FC=L FC=H or open ex: LL Do 0R 0P fout Do 0R 0P fout f,>fp H L L (fr) l H Z (fp) f,=fp Z L Z (fr) Z L Z (fP) t,..:fp L H Z (fr) H L l (fP) ~ Il. Not.: Z=(High impedance) Depending upon VCO polarity. FC pin should be set accordingly: FC should be set High or open circuit; When VCO polarity are like FC should be set low. When VCO polarity are like 1p U frcfp fr1p or fr Sept. 1995 Edition 2.0a FUJITSU DATA SHEET MB150B SERIAL INPUT PLL FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER SERIAL INPUT PLL FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER ON CHIP 2.5 GHz PRESCALER DESCRIPTION The Fujitsu MB1508 with an on chip 2.5 GHz dual modulus prescaler is a serial input PLL (Phase Locked Loop) frequency synthesizer with pulse swallow function. It is well suited for BS tuner, CATV system, and TV tuner applications. It operates with a supply voltage of 5.0V typo and dissipates 16mA typo of current realized through the use of Fujitsu's unique U-ESBIC Bi-CMOS technology. Plastic Package FEATURES • Power supply voltage: Vcc =4.5 to 5.5V FPT-20P-M01 • High operating frequency: fiN = 2.5 GHz (PIN =--4dBm) • 2.5 GHz dual modulus prescaler: P =256/272,512/528 • low supply current: Icc =16mA typo • Programmable reference divider consisting of: Binary 2-bit programmable reference counter (R =256, 512, 1024, 2048) Pin Assignment • Programmable divider consisting of: Binary 5-bit swallow counter (A =0 to 31) Binary 12-bit programmable counter (N =32 to 4095) • Wide operating temperature: --40°C to +85°C • Plastic 20-pin Flat Package (Suffix: -PF) (TOP VIEW) ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (See NOTE) Rating Power Supply Voltage Symbol Value Unit V FC LD LE fOUT Data Vcc -0.5 to +7.0 Output Voltage Vo -0.5 to Vce +0.5 V Output Current 10 ±10 mA OSCIN TSTG -55 to +125 °C OSCou Storage Temperature NOTE: Permanent device damage may occur if the above Absolute Maximum Ratings are exceeded.Functlonal operation should be restricted to the conditions as detailed in the operational sections ofthis data sheet. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. Clock VCC1 VeC2 fiN GND2 liN BC1 GND BC2 D01 BC3 D02 BC4 This device contains circuHry to protect the inputs against damage due to hi~ static voHages or electric fields. However, H is advised that nonnal precautions be taken to avoid application ofanyvoHage higherthan maximum ratedvoHages to this hi~ impedance circuH. Copyright @ 1991 by FUJITSU LIMITED 4-197 MB1508 MB1508 BLOCK DIAGRAM LD Ion lOUT 17 ~ BC2 BC1 GND2 BC3 BC4 15 lOUT r----------, FC L--.......- - r - - - - - . I L...-H----I Monitor Frequency Selector Reference Counter (R.256,512,1024,2048) Charge Pump Crystal Oscillator 1 FC 4-198 0 LE 0 Data 0 Clock ~ VCC1 OSC., OSC OU l r GND1 9 10 DOl D02 MB1508 PIN DESCRIPTIONS Pin No. Pin Name 110 Descriptions 1 FC I Phase select input pin 01 the phase detector. This pin involves an internal pull up resistor. When this pin is low. characteristics of the charge pump and phase detector can be reversed. This input also selects fouT pin output level. either Ir or Ip. Please see on page 6. 2 LE I Load enable input pin. This pin involves a schmit! trigger circuit. When this pin is high. the data stored in the shift register is transferred into the latch. 3 Data I Serial data of binary code input pin. This pin involves a schmit! trigger circuit. 4 Clock I Clock input pin 01 the 24-bit shift register. This pin involves a schmitt trigger circuit. On rising edge of the clock shifts one bit ot the data into the shift register. 5 VCCI - PLL power supply voltage input pin 6 7 OSC", OSCOUT I 0 Oscillator input pin. Oscillator output pin. A crystal is connected between OSC'N pin and OSCOUT pin. 8 GND1 - PLL ground pin. 9 10 001 002 0 0 Charge pump output pins. Phase characteristics can be reversed depending upon FC pin input level. 11 12 13 14 BC4 BC3 BC2 BCl 0 0 0 Band switching output pins. (Open--{;ollector output) Output is controlled by a band bit data. individually. SCX-bit=H : SCX output transistor is ON. SCX-bit=L BCX output transistor is OFF. (X=l to 4) 15 to I Complementary input pin of !"'. Please connect to GND through a capacitor. 16 GND2 - Prescaler ground pin. 17 fin I Prescaler input pin. This signal is AC coupled. 18 VCC2 - Prescaler power supply voltage input pin. 19 fouT 0 Monitor pin of the phase detector input. lOUT pin outputs either 01 the programmable reference divider output frequency fr or programmable divider output frequency fp depending upon the FC pin input level. FC pin 20 LD 0 fout output signal H fr L fp Phase detector output pin Normally thiS pin outputs high While the phase difference between Ir and fp exists. this pin outputs low. 4-199 MB1508 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONS DIVIDE RATIO SEITING Divide ratio can be set using the following equation: An x fosc + R fvco = {(P x N) + (16 x fvco: Output frequency of an external voltage controlled oscillator (VeO) P: Preset divide ratio of an internal dual modulus prescaler (256 or 512) N: Preset divide ratio of binary 12-bit programmable counter (32 to 4095) A: Preset divide ratio of binary 5-bit swallow counter (0 to 31) fosc: Reference oscillator frequency R: Preset divide ratio of reference counter (256.512.1024.2048) SERIAL DATA INPUT On rising edge of the clock shifts one bit of the data into the shift register. When the load enable is high, the data stored in the shift register is transferred to the latch. 24 bit of serial data formit is shown below. r I- - - - . . Data Input Flow LSB A A 1 2 MSB. A 3 A A 4 5 Divide ratio of swallow counter selting bit N 1 N 2 N N 4 3 'I' N 5 N N N N 6 7 8 9 N 10 N 11 N 12 S W -I Divide ratio of programmable counter selting bit R 2 R 1 B C 4 B C 3 B C 2 L I I Band switch setting bit Divide ratio of prescaler setting bit Divide ratio of reference counter seltin g bit 5-bit swallow counter divide ratio (A 1 to AS) Divide ratio A A A A A A 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 1 0 31 1 1 1 1 1 12-bit programmable counter divide ratio (N1 to N12) Divide ratio 32 4-200 N B C 1 N 11 N N N N N N N N N 12 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 N 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 33 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 34 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 4095 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I MB1508 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONS Reference counter divide ratio (R 1 to R2) R Divide ratio R R 2 1 256 0 0 512 0 1 1024 1 0 2048 1 1 • Prescaler divide ratio (SW) When divide ratio of prescaler setting bit is high, divide ratio of 256/272 is selected. When divide ratio of prescaler setting bit is low, divide ratio of 5121528 is selected. Band Switch Setting (BC1 to BC4) When band switch setting bit is high, output is ON. When band switch setting bit is low, output is OFF. SERIAL DATA INPUT TIMING Data BC1 (MSB) ~----;;VAl --A, . -- --------- --1\(LSB) I I Clock ~_JUL~ • I • I I, I J I I LE ~ t, I rL ---.;---r--, I _ t.-': I I I t5~ Note: On rising edge of the clock shifts one bit of the data into the shift register. When LE is high, the data stored the shift register is transferred into the latch. 4-201 MB1508 PHASE DETECTOR CHARACTERISTICS Fe pin selects the phase of the phase detector. Phase characteristics (chage pump output) can be reversed depending upon the Fe pin input level. Monitor pin (fout) output level is selected by the FC pin input level as well. FC = H (or open) 001,002 fr> fp H fr= fp Z fr< fp L FC = L 001,002 fout fout L Outputs programmable reference divider output frequency Ir. Outputs programmable divider output frequency fp. Z H Note: Z: VCO POLARITY High-impedance Depending upon the VCO polarity, FC pin should be set accordingly. When VCO polarity is like 1, Fe should be set high or open. When veo polarity is like 2, FC should be set low. VCOOutput Frequency veo Input Voltage -.... PHASE DETECTOR WAVEFORM Ir~ J L J fp u u u (Fe =H) 0 01,002 L Jf--------lr·--- -J7 --. --LJ-_. -L..S--L-tJ------.-_Ir.--. J}- --.--Jf--.-Jt---L H ' " Z- - I I (FC = L) 001,002 Z- - , Ir> fp Note: Ir = Ip Phase difference detection range: -21t to +21t Spike shape depends on the charge pump characteristics. The spike is output to diminish the dead band. 4-202 fr< fp , ' fr < Ip fr fp H L fr=fp Z Z fr< fp VCO Polarity L 0) H ® Note: Z = High-impedance Depending upon the VCO polarity. the FC bit should be set. VCO Output Frequency VCO Input Voltage _ 4-213 MB1509 PHASE DETECTOR OUTPUT WAVEFORM fr fp , ~ , , tw tw ~ LD (Fe bit:: High) Do - - - (Fe bit =Low) Do - - - Note: ~- - - Z - - ~- - - z - - I ~ I I _ _ _ _---III -9-------~ -----JH L- - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - Jf ------Jr-. -d------~-----9--------~ -------f ------Jr-. J • Phase difference detection range =-21t to +21t • LD output becomes low when the phase difference is tw or more. LD output becomes high when the phase difference less than tw is repeated 3 times or more (e. g. tw 625 to 1250 ns, foscin 12.8 MHz). = = • Spike appearance depends on the charge pump characteristics. The spike is output to diminish the dead band. • When fr > fp or fr < fp, a spike might not generate depending upon the veo characteristics. 4-214 MB1509 ANALOG SWITCH ON/OFF of the analog switch is controlled by the combination of the control data and LE signal. When the analog switch is ON. the 8S 1 and 8S2 pins output the charge pump output (001 • 002). When the analog switch is OFF. the 8S pin is set to high impedance. Control Data = H Divide ratio of transmit section is set Control Data = L Divide ratio of reception section is set LE= H LE = L LE=H LE = L Analog switch of transmit section ON OFF OFF OFF Analog switch of reception section OFF OFF ON OFF When an analog switch is inserted between LP1 and LP2. faster lock up time is achieved to reduce the LPF time constant during PLL channel switching. II - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -, Do CHARGE PUMP , L. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -. , BISW (CONTROL SIGNAL) -----_ ... -------------------- ... ----, RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Value Parameter Unit Symbol Min Typ Max Vee 2.7 3.0 5.5 V Vp Vec 8.0 V Input Voltage Y,N GND Vee V Operating Temperature TA -40 - +85 °C Power Supply Voltage Note Vee1 =VCC2 - HANDLING PRECAUTIONS • This device should be transported and stored in anti-static containers. • This is a static-sensitive device; take proper anti-ESD precautions. Ensure that personnel and equipment are properly grounded. Cover workbenches with grounded conductive mats. • Always turn the power supply off before inserting or removing the device from its socket. • Protect leads with a conductive sheet when handling or transporting PC boards with devices. 4-215 MB1509 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS '::':"'::: ICC1 Reception section is active. .11 - 4.0 - ICC2 Transmit/reception section are active. - 8.0 12.0 fin1 P= 64/6S 10 400 fin2 P = 32133 10 - 200 - 12.8 20 Vee = 2.7 to 4.0V, son -10 0 Vee = 4.0 to S.SV, son -4 - /.,::,"::::.':: .. : .·i',' .":.<>:'::<:"'<."/. I,:> I/,? .,i< }} ::. ii iC Power Supply Current* OSCIN fose fin Pfin Input Sensitivity OSCIN High-level Input Voltage Except fin andOSCIN "'··:':. RON *: fin =400MHz, OSCIN =12.8MHz, Vee1 = Vee2 =3.0V. The remaining input pins are grounded and output pins are open. **: AC coupling. Minimum operating frequency is measured with capacitor 1000pF. j.iA V MB1509 TEST CIRCUIT (PRESCALER INPUT SENSITIVITY TEST) PG ===n--r~Pr-F__-( >-_ _-< son II GND I MB1S09 P.G1" 1000pF son fp L---+---------u r Oscilloscope 0.1JlF 4-217 MB1509 APPLICATION EXAMPLE Output Lock Detector 3V 6V MB1509 1000pF Output Note: VP1,VP2 C1,C2 Clock, Data, LE X'tal 4·218 :8V max : depends on the crystal oscillator : involve the Schmitt circuit When input pins are open, please insert the pull down/up resistor individually to prevent the oscillation. : 12.8MHz MB1509 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS 20-LEAD PLASTIC DUAL IN-LINE PACKAGE (CASE No.: DIP-20P-M02) INDEX-1 .970 I' ~:g~~ (24.64 ~:~g) -------.1'1 o k::::;=;=::;::::::;:=;:=:;=::::;=;::=:;:=;=:::;::=;::::;:::::::;:::=;:::~~ f .11 ~034 ~012 1SOMAl< III .244±.010 (6.20±0.25) .300(7.62) ! - TYP -~_ ~ - - - ==- ~ .01o±.002 (0.25±0.05) (0.as::g· 30 ) MAX ©1991 FUJITSU LIMITED D20003S-3C Dimensions in inches (millimeters) 4-219 MB1509 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS (Continued) 20-LEAD PLASTIC FLAT PACKAGE (CASE No.: FPT-20P-M01) .089(2.25) MAX (MOUNTING HEIGHT) .002(0.05) MIN (STAND OFF HEIGHT) .307±.016 (7.80±0.40) d 1012 INDEX (5.3o±O.30) 1L-rJ.r-.....,.+,..:--r-r--,..,------r-,---,--r------,.,--..,..,.-rr--r-~ --.l U LJ ®! I[ TYP _I •. 018±.004 \-$-\0.005(0.13) (0.45±0.10) ' - - ' - - ' - - - - - - - ' ,-------, "A" I I I I I I I I I I ~--- .450(11.43) REF ©1991 FUJITSU LIMITED F20003S·5C 4-220 -----+\-1 Details of "A" part I .008(0.20) I I I I I .020(0.50) I .007(0.18) MAX .027(0.68) -- ---MAX L _______ \ I I .J Dimensions in inches (millimeters) cO June 1995 Edition 0.4 FUJITSU :: MB 15U1 0 ================-----1.1GHz DUAL PLL FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER INTRODUCTION The Fujitsu MB15U10 is a dual serial input phase-locked loop (PLL) frequency synthesizer and is ideally suitable for mobile communications such as cellular phones. The MB15U10 has two PLL frequency synthesizer circuits on a single chip: one for transmission and the other for reception (PLL 1 and PLL2). It can operate from a +2.6V to 5.5V supply. Fujitsu's advanced technology achieves an Icc of 7 mA (typical) as well as 10 ~ (max.) at power saving mode. III FEATURES Two PLLs' for transmission/reception Low current consumption Icc .. 7 mA typo at 3 V Power saving funtion Ips .. 10 IlA max. PIN ASSIGNMENT Divide ratio setting with serial data input: Binary 12-bit reference counter : 6 to 4095 Binary 17-bit main counter : 1024 to 131,071 ·Main counters can be programmed individually each other. P1/fp1 On-chip constant current source charge pumps P2Ifp2 (TOP VIEW) Adjustable charge pump output current with an external resistor Plastic 2D-pin SSOP (shrink small outline) package VOO ,.2 -0.3 to +4.0 V Vp Voo to 6.0 V Output voltage Vo -0.3 to Voo +0.3 V Output current 10 ±10 mA Storage temperature Tstg -55 to +125 °C NOTE: PO/lO Do, Vp VOO, Lock detection function Phase matching circuit helps fast intermittent operation Supply voltage ISET Permanent device damage may occur if the above Absolute Maximum Ratings are exceeded. Functional operation should be restricted to the conditions as detailed in the operational sections of this data sheet. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. 002 PS AGNO fin, fin2 OGNO V0D2 OSCin lE P3Ifr2 Data OSCout Clock (FPT-20P-M03) This device contains circuItry to proted the inputs against damage due to high static IIOnages Of eledriC fields. However. it IS advised that normal precautions be taken to avoid application of any IIOltage higher than maximum rated VOltages to this htgh ilTll6darce circuit. 4-221 MB15U10 BLOCK DIAGRAM VOOI CRI LDI selector Cl,A.B --.l ~2 selector 9 P3Ifr2 I P1/fpl 2 P2Jfp !pI Ip2 f~ 15~-------+----~~+---~1 - - - - - - - - PLL2 CR2 V002 4-222 DGND AGND MB15U10 PIN DESCRIPTION Data output I fp2 monitoring output (Open drain output) 2 P2Ifp2 3 001 Charge pump output (PLL 1) 4 VOO1 Power supply for digital blocks (PLL 1) 5 PS Power saving mode control (input "L": power saving mode) 6 fin1 RF input (PLL 1) 8 OSCin Crystal oscillator or TCXO input 9 P311r2 Data output I fr2 monitoring output (Open drain output) 10 OSCout 11 Clock Clock input 12 Data Data input 13 LE 14 VOO2 Power supply for digital blocks (PLL2) 15 fim RF input (PLL2) 16 AGND 17 002 Charge pump output (PLL2) 18 Vp Power supply for charge pump 19 POILD 20 ISET III Crystal oscillator output Load enable of serial input data (input "W : Data is shifted into a latch.) Ground for the charge pumps Data output flock detector output (Open drain output) Output is selected by "aLA" and "OLS" bits in a serial data Charge pump output current adjustment (A resistor is connected.) 4-223 MB15U10 FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS Serial data Input Serial data is processed using the Data. Clock. and LE pins. Serial data controls the programmable reference divider. programmable divider (PLL 1) and programmable divider (PLL2) separately by means of address setting. Binary serial data is entered via the Data pin. One bit of data is shifted into the internal shift register on the rising edge of the clock. When the load enable pin is high. stored data is latched. a)Serlal data Input format - - - - - - - - Direction of data input r(MSB) (LSB). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 X X X P 0 0 0 C X X P S P 3 P 2 P 1 X 0 0 0 1 1 2 P S 1 X L B R C L A M A 11 M A 10 M A 9 M A 8 M A M A M A 4 M A 3 M A 2 M A 1 M A 0 1 0 0 7 M A 6 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 M A 16 0 M B 16 R 2 15 M A 14 M A 13 M A 12 0 0 T S S R R R R R R R R R R 11 10 9 8 7 6 R 5 R R 4 3 2 1 0 M B 13 M B 12 M B 11 M B 10 M B 9 M B 8 M M B 6 M B 5 M B 4 M M B 2 M B 1 M B 0 M A M B 15 M B 14 B 7 5 B 3 0 Auxiliary bit for test (no need at ordinary use) Data setting MAO to 16 MBO to 16 RO to 11 SR POt03 OLA.B CR1.2 PS1.2 TS X o 4·224 ----------..1- Divide ratio setting bits of the main counter (PLL 1) Divide ratio setting bits of the main counter (PLL2) Divide ratio setting bits of the reference counter Divide ratio select bit of reference frequency (PLL 1 and PLL2) Setting bits of PO to P3 output pins Select bits of PO/LD pin output Select bits of charge pump output current Power saving mode control bits Test bits (Set ·0· at ordinary use.) Dummy bits (Set ·0· or ., •. ) Set ·0· Address [See Table [See Table [See Table [See Table [See Table [See Table [See Table [See Table [See Table 1] 2] 3] 4] 5] 6] 7] 8] 9] -I MB15U10 b)Data setting description • Table 1 : MAO to MA 16 : Divide ratio of the binary 17-bit main counter (PLL 1) 1024 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1025 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • Notes: • 0 • Divide ratios less than 1024 are prohibited. (Divide ratio = 1024 to 131,071) • Table 2 : MBO to MB16 : Divide ratio of the binary 17-bit main counter (PLL2) 1024 o 0 000 0 o 0 000 0 0 000 1025 o 0 0 0 o 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 III 0 • Notes: Divide ratios less than 1024 are prohibited. (Divide ratio = 1024 to 131,071) • Table 3: R1 to R11 : Divide ratio of the binary 12-bit reference counter Notes: 6 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Divide ratios less than 6 are prohibited. (Divide ratio o =6 to 4095) • Table 4 : Divide ratio select bit of reference frequency (PLL 1 and PLL2) o Notes: R R R R 2R = Programmed value with RO to R11 bits 4-225 MB15U10 • Table 5: PO to P3 ; PO to P3 outputs control o ON("lj OFF ("Z") Notes: X '" 0 to 3 • Table 6 : OLA, OlB ; 19-pin output selection o o PO signal o Lock detect signal (PLL2) o lock detect signal (PLl1) lock detect signal (Pll1 and PlL2) • Table 7 : CR1, CR2 ; Charge pump output current selection o 100 2100 Notes: Pll1 and Pl2 can be controlled individually. • Table 8: PS ; Power saving control o Power saving mode Operation Notes: PLL 1 and PL2 can be controlled individually. • Table 9: TS ; Test bit (Set to "0" at ordinary use.) o Output P1 signal Outputs P2 signal outputs P3 signal outputs fp1 outputs fp2 outputs fr2 Notes: Reference frequency and comparison frequency can be monitored via P1 to P3 pins. 4-226 MB15U10 Serial data Input timing • t, (~ ~ (~20ns). 20ns). h (~50ns). t. ts (~20ns). (~50ns). 16 (~ 1000ns) Data Clock JllJL--JllJL--1L1LlLI I I I I I 1 I ' LE , , , , ,. t,~ Note: -+-":".-_':",-, • I t. 1 -: I ·.,ts h~., ,. II • ~t. One bit of data is shifted into the shift register on the rising edge of the clock. RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS 2.6 5.5 V Voo 6.0 V Input voltage GND Voo V Operating temperature -30 +85 Supply Voltage Notes: To protect against damage by electrostatic discharge. note the following handling precautions: - Store and transport devices in conductive containers. - Use properly grounded workstations. tools, and equipment. - Turn off power before inserting or removing this device into or from a socket. - Protect leads with conductive sheet, when transporting a board mounted device. 4-227 MB15U10 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS < I .• •••. . ":i.i.··· .•· •• ...•.•...•...• > ~J111 . 100 .. ..••..•.•..•• .:;;>"'~. ......... .. . . . . . •. . . - 7.0 9.0 mA *1 - 11.0 - mA *2 V001,2 Ips - - 10 ~ flN1,2 fiN 90 - 1100 MHz OSCIN fose 3 12.8 35 MHz flN1,2 PfiN -13 +1 dBm 50Q, Vcc=2.6 to 3.5V flN1,2 PflN -7 +1 dBm 50Q, Vcc=3.5 to 5.5V OSCIN Vose 0.5 - Vp--p - V Operating frequency VIH Voo xO.7 - Vil - - Voo xO.3 V IIH - - 1.0 ~ III -1.0 - ~ lose -100 - 100 ~ Low-level output voltage PO to P3 VOL - - 0.4 V Open drain output Set output voltage ISET VSET - 1.2 - V RSET = 5kQ to 60kQ High-impedance Cut off current Do" PO to P3 10FF - - 1.1 ~ IOOH1 1.4 1.9 2.4 mA 100L1 1.4 1.9 2.4 mA IDOHO 0.7 0.96 1.2 mA IDOLO 0.7 0,96 1.2 mA RSET =7kQ connected. CR1, 2 bits ="0" Voo =3.0V, Vp =5.0V 10l 1.0 - - mA Open drain Input sensitivity High-level input voltage Low-level input voltage Data, Clock, LE,PS High-level input current Low-level input current Input current Data, Clock, LE,PS OSCIN 001,2 Output current 001,2 PO to P3 Note: *1 ; fiN = 1.1 GHz, OSCIN = 12.8 MHz, Voo =3.0 V. In locked state. *2 ; fiN = 1.1 GHz, OSCIN =12.8 MHz, Voo =5.0 V. In locked state. 4-228 . ... . . • < ..•. >•..•...•.•..••.....•...........•...........................•... . ·.·. . .•.·.i RSET = 7kQ connected. CR1, 2 bits ="1" Voo = 3.0V, Vp =5.0V MB15U1U PACKAGE AND DIMENSIONS 20-LEAD PLASTIC FLAT PACKAGE (Case No.: FPT-20P-M03) : ~2::~~,~ 41 [f~R~~H~a~ INDEX o~ / _.-:-_-;-._.049~:gg: _""':":';;:";""_ (MOUNTING (1.25j:~g) HEIGHT) i ClI·OO4(0.1 0) i . I 1. I III 252±.008 (6.40±0.20) .2l3{5.40) NOM -.173±.004 (4.40±0.10) ~;::;::;:;:::::;::;::::::;;~ ~ WA" ................ ' •••• .0256±.0047 (0.65±0.12) I I ~ 006+.002 (015+0.05) • -.001 . -0.02 Details of " A" part ." • .004±.004 (O.l 0±0.1 0) I (STAND OFF HEIGHT) .230(5.85) REF -:This dimension does not include resin protruction. ~1992 FUJITSU LIMITED F20012S-2C Dimensions in inches (millimeters) 4-229 4-230 OJ Sept. 1995 Edition 1. 1a FUJITSU DATA SHEET MB1510 DUAL SERIAL INPUT PLL FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER DUAL SERIAL INPUT PLL FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER WITH 1.1 GHz PRESCALER DESCRIPTION The Fujitsu MB1510 is a 1.1 GHz dual serial input PLL (Phase Locked Loop) frequency synthesizer designed for cellular telephone and cordless telephone applications. The MB 1510 has two PLL circuits on a single chip: PLL 1 and PLL2. An analog switch is provided for each PLL circuit decrease lock up time. Separate power supply pins are provided for each PLL circuit as well. 1.1 GHz dual modulus prescalers are on chip and enables a pulse swallow function. It operates from a supply voltage of 3.0V typo and dissipates 15 rnA typo of current realized through the use of Fujitsu's unique U-ESBIC Bi-CMOS technology. Plastic Package FPT-20P-M01 FEATURES • High operating frequency: fin = 1.1 GHz (Pin = -10 dBm, Vcc = 3V) • Pulse swallow function: 64/65 or 128/129 • Low power supply current: Icc =15 rnA typ, @3V. Pin Assignment • Serial input reference divider: R = 512 or 1024 • Serial input 18-bit programmable divider consisting of: - Binary 7-bit swallow counter: 0 to 127 - Binary 11-bit programmable counter: 16 to 2047 - Tx and Rx programmable counters may be controlled separately. (TOP VIEW) • Low power supply voltage: Vcc = 2.7 to 5.5V GND Clock • On-Chip analog switches achieve fast lockup time OSCIN • Fast lock up by bipolar charge pumps OSCou LE flN1 flN2 • Wide operating temperature: TA =-40 to 85°C VCC1 • Plastic 20-pin fiat package (Suffix: -PF) fr LD1 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (see NOTE) Rating Power Supply Vohage BSC1 LD2 BSC2 Value Unit D01 D02 V BS1 BS2 Vee Output Voltage VOUT -0.5 to Vec+O.5 V Output Current lOUT ±10 mA TSTG -55 to +125 °C NOTE: VCC2 fp Symbol -0.5 to 7.0 Storage Temperature Data Permanent device damage may occur If the above Absolute Maximum Ratings are exceeded. Functional operation should be restricted to the conditions as detailed in the operational sections of this data sheet. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. Pin Assignment might be changed to Improve the characteristics without notice. This device contains circuitry to protect the inputs against damage due to high stalic voltages or electric fields. However, it is advised that nonnal precautions be taken to avoid application ofanyvottage higherthan maximum rated voltages to this high impedance circuit. Copyright 1995 by FUJITSU LIMITED and FUJITSU MICROELECfRONICS, INC. 4-231 MB1510 MB1510 Block Diagram LOt Dol eSl fr fp eSC1 LD2Do2 BS2 r BSC2 r I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I r-----.J r-----.J I I I I I I I I I I PLL 1 ~shl\ r.gister Vee 1 L-________~4~----------~~2> OSCIH 4-232 ~~3~--------~~------------~~~----~~~---q~~ Data Clock LE OSCouT fin2 MB1510 PIN DESCRIPTIONS Pin No. Pin Name 1/0 1 GNO I Descriptions Ground Oscillator input pin Oscillator output pin A crystal is connected between OSC'N pin and OSOUT pin. 2 3 OSC'N OSCOUT 0 4 fiM I 5 VCC1 - Power supply voltage input pin of PLL 1 section. When power is OFF, latched data of PLL 1 section is cancelled. 6 f, 0 Monitor pin for programmable reference divider output 7 L01 0 Lock detect signal output pin of PLL 1 section. Prescaler input pin of PLL 1 section. The connection with VCO should be AC connection. Condition 8 8SC1 I III LD pin output level Lock H Unlock L Analog switch control pin of PLL 1 section. BSC1 8S 1 pin output L High-impedance H Charge pump output 9 001 0 Charge pump output pin of PLL 1 section. Phase characteristics of the phase detector can be reversed depending upon FC-bit setting. 10 8S1 0 Analog switch output pin of PLL 1 section, and controlled by 8SC1. 11 8S2 0 Analog switch output pin of PLL2 section, and controlled by 8SC2. 12 002 0 Charge pump output pin of PLL2 section. Phase characteristics of the phase detector can be reversed depending upon FC-bit setting. 13 8SC2 I Analog switch control pin of PLL2 section. 8SC2 14 L02 0 High-impedance H Charge pump output Lock detect signal output pin of PLL2 section. Condition 15 fp 0 8S2 pin output L LO pin output level Lock H Unlock L Monitor pin for programmable divider output. This pin output divided frequency of PLL 1 section or PLL2 section depending upon FP bit setting. Condition· LO pin output level Lock H Unlock L 4-233 MB1510 PIN DESCRIPTIONS (Continued) Pin No. Pin Name 16 VCC2 17 fin2 I Prescaler input pin of PLL2 section. The connection with VCO should be AC connection. 18 LE I Load enable input pin. This pin involves a schmitt trigger circuit. When this pin is high, the data stored in the shift register is transferred into the latch depending on a control data. At this moment, charge pump output signal is output from BS pin since internal analog switch becomes ON. 19 Data I Serial data input pin of 23-bit shift register. This pin involves a schmitt trigger circuit. The stored data in the shift register is transferred to either PLL 1 section or PLL2 section depending upon a control data. I/O - Descriptions Power supply voltage input pin for PLL2 section, programmable reference divider, shift register, and crystal oscillator. When power is OFF, latched data of PLL2 section and reference counter is cancelled. Control bit data 20 Clock I The destination of data H Latch of PLL 1 section L Latch of PLL2 section Clock input pin of 23-bit shift register. This pin involves a schmitt trigger circuit. On rising edge of the clock shifts one bit of data into the shift register. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONS The divide ratio can be calculated using the following equation: fyeo fyeo: 4-234 ={(M x N) + A} x fose + R (A < N) Output frequency of external voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) M: Preset divide ratio of dual modulus prescaler (64 or 128) N: Preset divide ratio of binary 11-bit programmable counter (16 to 2047) A: Preset divide ratio of binary 7-bit swallow counter (0 ~ A ~ 127) fose: Reference oscillation frequency R: Preset divide ratio of reference counter (512 or 1024) MB1510 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONS SERIAL DATA INPUT Serial data is input using three pins, Data pin, Clock pin, and LE pin. Programmable divider of Pll1 section and programmable divider of PLl2 section are controlled individually. Serial data of binary data is input into Data pin. On rising edge of clock shifts one bit of serial data into the shift register. When load enable signal is high. the data stored in the shift register is transferred to either the latch of PLL 1 section or the latch of PLl2 section depending upon the control bit data setting. Control data Destination of serial data H latch of PlL 1 section L Latch of PLl2 section SHIFT REGISTER CONFIGURATION DataFlow~ MSB t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 C R F P F A A A A A A A N N N N N N H N N N N N E P R C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 T F E : Divide ratio of the programmable counter setting bit (16 to 2047) : Divide ratio of the swallow counter setting bit (0 to 127) : Phase control bit of the phase detector : Divide ratio of the prescaler setting bit (64/65,128/129) : Output of the programmable divider control bit (fp1 or fp2) : Divide ratio of the reference counter setting bit (512 to 1024) : Control bit N1 to N11 A1 to A7 FC PRE FP REF CHT SERIAL DATA INPUT TIMING • t1 , 12, 13, t4, t5 ~ 11J.S Da.. CWok ~ -R;3 ----MS"~ ...~--. : --Nl1. - - - - ~--J1lIL-ll-flJL • I " • I LE C, Co","" bit _____ I" '" , , ~-- ~ 'u' ~ t2-: ' , I ,' , ' , 13~ - t4 ---: : , I t5~ , , On rising edge of the dock shifts one bit of the data into the shift register. 4-235 MB1510 BINARY 11-BIT PROGRAMMABLE COUNTER DATA SETTING Divide Ratio (N) N 11 N 10 N 9 N N 7 N 6 N N 3 N 5 N 4 N 8 2 1 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 17 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 • . . . . . • . . . . 2047 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 Note: Divide ratio loss than 16 is prohibited. Divide ratio (H) range:: 16 to 2047 BINARY 7-BIT SWALLOW COUNTER DATA SETTING Divide Ratio (A) A 7 A 6 0 0 0 1 . 127 Note: A 4 A 3 A 2 A 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . . . 0 0 0 1 • • . . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A 5 Divide ratio (A) range:: 0 to 127 PRE: DIVIDE RATIO (P) OF THE PRESCALER SETIING BIT H =64/65 L=128/129 REF: DIVIDE RATIO (R) OF THE REFERENCE COUNTER SETIING BIT H=S12 (fr=25.0 kHz) L= 1024 (fr= 12.5 kHz) FP: OUTPUT OF THE PROGRAMMABLE DIVIDER SETIING BIT H = fp pin (15 pin) outputs programmable~ divider output frequency (fp1) of PLL 1 section. L = fp pin (15 pin) outputs programmable divider output frequency (fp2) of PLl2 section5 FC : PHASE CONTROL BIT OF THE PHASE DETECTOR Output of charge pump is selected by FC pin. FC= H FC= L fr> fp H L fr = fp Z Z fr < fp L H CD ® VCO Polarity Note: 4-236 Z:: High-impedance Depending upon the VCO polarity. FC should be bit set. VCOOuput Frequency VCO Input Voltage ~ MB1510 PHASE DETECTOR OUTPUT WAVEFORM fr fp ...,t.....!. , , , , tw tw ~____---------r- LD (Fe bit =High) 00--- ---Z-- - H------ ~ ---- ~-------~-------Jr------Jr-' - L ". ~ (Fe bit ,. Low) l z -00---1--- -q l-I ------- Jr------ r-· -d-------1---l -9-------. - J Note: • Phase difference detection range = -27t to +27t • LD output becomes low when phase difference is tW or more. LD output becomes high when phase difference less than tW is repeated 3 times or more. (e. g. tW = 625 to 1250ns. foscin = 12.8 MHz) • Spike appearance depends on the charge pump characteristics. The spike is output to diminish the dead band. • When fr > fp or fr < fp. spike might not generate depending on the charge pump characteristics. 4-237 MB1510 ANALOG SWITCH ON/OFF of the analog switch is controlled by BSC input signal. BSC1 controls the analog switch of the PLL 1 circuit. BSC2 controls the analog switch of PLL2. When the analog switch is ON. BS pin output the charge pump output (001. 002). When analog switch is OFF. BS pin is set to high-impedance. BCS1 (2) H L ON OFF Charge pump output 001 (2) High-impedance Analog switch of PLLl1 (2) section BS1 (2) output When an analog switch is inserted between LPF-1 and LPF-2. faster lock up time is achieved to reduce LPF time constant during PLL channel switch in . --------.-------~ ~ CHARGE PUMP , ~-------------., sse RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Value Parameter Power Supply Voltage Unit Symbol Vee Input Voltage VIN Operating Temperature TA Min Typ Max 2.7 3.0 5.5 V GHO - Vee V -40 - +85 °C Note Vee1 = Vee2 HANDLING PRECAUTIONS • This device should be transported and stored in anti-static containers. • This is a static sensitive device; take proper anti-ESO precautions. Ensure that personnel and equipment are properly grounded. • Cover workbenches with grounded conductive mats. • Always turn the power supply off before inserting or removing the device from its socket • Protects leads with a conductive sheet when handling or transporting PC boards with devices. 4·238 MB1510 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Parameter Value Condition Symbol ICCl PLL2 current ICC2 (PLL 1 + PLL2) current - finl *1 10 fin2 *2 Power Supply Current Unit 8.0 - 15.0 - - mA 1100 fin Operating Frequency OSCIN fose fin Pfin High-level Input Current -10 - 0 -4 - 2 VOSC 0.5 - - Except fin andOSCIN VIH VcCX 0.7+0.4 - - VIL - vcc xO.3-0.4 Data. Clock LE IIH FC IFC - dBm IlL Low-level Input Current Input Current OSCIN losc High-level Output Voltage VOH Low-level Output Voltage Except Do andOSCOUT High-Impedance Cutoff Current Do. fp H L fr= fp Z Z fr< fp L H VCO Polarity ? 1 ? III VCOOutput Frequency Note: • Z = High-impedance • Depending upon the VCO polarity, FC bit should be set. • Phase characteristic for each PLL 1 and PLL2 is set by the serial data at that time of divide ratio setting for each programmable divider. VCO Input Voltage _ SERIAL DATA INPUT TIMING t1 (>100ns) t4 (>100ns) ¢ Data Data set up time t2 (>1000ns) : Data hold time LE set up time to the rising edge of the last clock N11 • MSB V;;; ---_--;;:sr;;-----;;v_________ _••...::.:.J\ ~_. , ~ Clock ¢LE t3 (>300ns): Clock pulse width t5 (>800ns): LE pulse width eN1· LSB ~ , , ~--JUJ1-~ _____~'-.'-. " ::' rL , , , -...: 't1' ;.. t2-: t3 -r--:-- :.4 ---' , : ' : t5~ , , On rising edge of the clock, one bit of the data is transferred into the shift register. 4-249 MB15B11 PHASE DETECTOR OUTPUT WAVEFORM fr fp , ----, ~ , , , tw (FC bit =High) Do - - - ~- - - Z - - (FC bit =Low) Do - - - Note: ~- - - z -- I tw ~ LD I _ _ _ _----,I -9-------~ ------JH L- - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - Jr------Jr-. -d------~ -----9--------~ -------r------Jr-. J • Phase difference detection range =-21t to +21t • LD output becomes low when phase difference is tw or more . • LD output becomes high when phase difference is tw or less and continues to be so for three cysles or more. • tw depends on OSCin input frequency. (e.g. tW635ns to 1250ns when foscin 4-250 =12.8 MHz) MB15B11 RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Value Parameter Unit Symbol Min Typ Max 2.7 3.0 3.5 V Vee Vcc - 6.0 V Input Voltage VIN GND - Vee V Operating Temperature TA -30 - +80 °C Vee Note Vee1 =Vee2 Power Supply Voltage HANDLING PRECAUTIONS III • This device should be transported and stored in anti-static containers. • This is a static-sensitive device; take proper anti-ESD precautions. Ensure that personnel and equipment are properly grounded. Cover workbenches with grounded conductive mats. • Always tum the power supply off before inserting or removing the device from its socket. • Protect leads with a conductive sheet when handling or transporting PC boards with devices. 4-251 MB15B11 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Ii /iii . . ....>/ i ...· i i i ..... >• .•. · i ••.. . •. • •. ?:..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · · · · · . .················.·.i:i·.·· l i i i i \ ·. . . . . . . . . . ·...i ......» .... ? ••••• ··.·.i. ........... lee1 PLL 1 section Icc2 PLL2 section .•...... ._. .. - 3.5(0.1) - - 6.0(0.1) - .. Power Supply Current fin1 fin1 100 - 400 fin2 fin2 100 - 1100 OSCIN fose - 12.8 20.0 fin1 Pfin1 PLL 1, 500 system -10 - 4 dBm fin2 Pfin2 PLL2, 500 system -10 - 4 dBm OSCIN Vose 0.5 - - Vp-p VIH VccxO.7+0.4 - - Vil - - IIH - 1.0 Low-level Input Current Data, Clock LE III -1.0 Input Current OSCIN lose - ±50 - 2.2 - - - - 0.4 - - 1.1 -1 6 - 50 - MHz Operating Frequency Input Sensitivity High-level Input Voltage Except fin andOSCin Low-level Input Voltage High-level Input Current High-level Output Voltage Low-level Output Voltage High--irnpedance Cutoff Current Except Do and OSCout Output Current VOH Vee=3.0V Do,cI>P IOFF to 8.0V, Voop = GND to 8.0V IOH -1.0 IOl 1.0 IOH Vp=6.0V IOL Vcc= 3.0V IOH Vp=6.0V IOl Vcc=3.0V 001 002 Analog Switch ON Resistance Notes: V VcexO.3-0.4 I1A V VOL Except Do andOSCout 4-252 mA RON *1: The value in ( ) is power supply current in power saving mode. - 12 -3 - I1A rnA mA rnA a MB15B11 TEST CIRCUIT (PRESCALER INPUT SENSITIVITY TEST) Vp1 PG ~~r-F Vcc1 _ _ _-< 1 - - - { II GND 5001 M815811 POGi' 1000pF fp 50n L...---t---------u Oscilloscope Vp2 4-253 MB15B11 APPLICATION EXAMPLE Lock Detector Output 3V 6V From { Controller Clock Data fin2 Vcc2 LD2 002 MB15B11 GND fin 1 fr LD1 1000pF Output Note: X'tal C1,C2 Clock, Data, LE Vp1, Vp2 4-254 ; 12.8MHz : depends on a crystal oscillator. : involves a schmitt circuit. (When inputs are open, pull up/down resistor is necessary to prevent self-oscillation.) :6Vmax. BS1 MB15B11 PACKAGE INFORMATION • FPT-20P-M03 2D-LEAD PLASTIC FLAT PACKAGE (CASE No.: FPT·20P.M03) --<~-+----- (MOUNTING HEIGHT) ·.256~.004 -1 1..100. I (6.40:1:0.20) .213(5.40) NOM ·.173:1:.004 I (4.4~0.10) 14rl;::;:;::;:;:::;:r:;:;::::;:;::::;;:::;:;:::;?J ~ .0256::.0047 (0.65::0.12) .//. "A" _ _ ' . - 'j +·004 .009 -.002 (0.22~:6~) Details of "A" ~ ~ part ~(STANDOFF ~I :'~")__ [lJ1 HEIG"D 4 o.to~ ~."'O,201 ,020<008 • "'. :This dimension does not include resin protruction. ©1991 FUJITSU LIMITED F20012S·2C Dimensions in inches (millimeters) 4-255 4-256 April 1995 ~~~n2.0~~~~~~~_ DATA SHEET ~ MB1511 FuoOJI"SU I, ASSP SERIAL INPUT PLL FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER DESCRIPTION The Fujitsu MB 1511 is a single chip serial input PLL frequency synthesizer designed for VHF tuner and cellular telephone applications. It contains a 1.1 GHz dual modulus prescaler which enables pulse swallow function, and an analog switch to speed up lock up time. It operates supply voltage of 3.0 V typo and dissipates 7 rnA typo of current realized through the use of Fujitsu's unique U-ESBIC Bi-CMOS technology. • FEATURES • Low power supply voltage: Vee =2.7 to 5.5 V • High operating frequency: fiN MAX =1.1 GHz (PIN MIN =-10dBm) • Pulse swallow function: 64/65 or 128/129 • Low supply current: Icc =7 rnA typo • Serial input 18-bit programmable divider consisting of: Binary 7-bit swallow counter: 0 to 127 Binary 11-bit programmable counter: 16 to 2047 Plastic Package (FPT.20P·M03) • Serial input 15-bit programmable reference divider consisting of: Binary 14-bit programmable reference counter: 8 to 16383 1-bit switch counter (SW) sets divide ratio of prescaler • On-chip analog switch achieves fast lock up time • 2 types of phase detector output On-chip charge pump (Bipolar type) Output for external charge pump • Wide operating temperature: -40°C to +85°C • 20-pin Plastic Shrink Small Outline Package (Suffix: -PFV) ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Parameter Symbol Value Units Power Supply voltage Vcc Vp -0.5 to +7.0 V Vccto 10.0 V VOUT -0.5 to Vcc+0.5 V V~~p -0.5 to 8.0 V lOUT Tstg ±10 mA -55 to +125 °C Output voltage Open-drain voltage Output current Storage temperature NOTE: Permanent device damage may occur if the above Absolute Maximum Ratings are exceeded. Functional operation should be restricted to the conditions as detailed in the operational sections of theis data sheet. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. This device contains circuitry to protect the inputs against damage due to high static voltages or electric fields. However, n Is advised that normal precautions be takan to avoid application of any voltage higher than maximum rated voltages to this high impedance circuit. 4-257 MB1511 MB1511 BLOCK DIAGRAM r------------, I I I I I I I lS-BIT SHIFT REGISTER 16-BIT SHIFT REGISTER ~Iilllil}£OI===~ I I 15-BIT LATCH +-.....- - - - - - - _ I I I 15-BIT LATCH ~~-----------~I rIL.1ill1il}£OI===.JII PROGRAMMABLE REFERENCE DIVIDER L....._-++tI.. BINARY 14-BIT I 1-9---+..... REFERENCE COUNTER I~------------~ L. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .J Do S ~--------~+-----------------------~~~~----------~ .---------------------------~----------------~----~14 4-258 LE MB1511 PIN DESCRIPTION Pin No. Pin Name I/O 1 OSCIN OSCOUT I 0 3 Description Oscillator input. Oscillator output. A crystal is placed between OSCIN and OSCOUT . 4 Vp 5 Vee - 6 Do 0 Charge pump output. The characteristics of charge pump is reversed depending upon FC input. 7 GND - Ground. S lD 0 Phase comparator output. Normally this pin outputs high level. While the phase difference of f, and fp exists, this pin outputs low level. Power supply input for charge pump and analog switch. Power supply voltage input. 10 fiN I Prescaler input. The connection with an external VCO should be AC connection. 11 Clock I Clock input for 19-bit shift register and 16-bit shift register. On rising edge of the clock shifts one bit of data into the shift registers. 13 Data I Binary serial data input. The last bit of the data is a control bit which specified destination of shift registers. When this bit is high level and LE is high level, the data stored in shift register is transferred to 15-bit latch. When this bit is low level and LE is high level, the data is transferred to 18-bit latch. 14 LE I Load enable input (with internal pull up resistor). When LE is high or open, the data stored in shift register is transferred into latch depending upon the control bit. At the time, internal charge pump output is connected to BISW pin because internal analog switch becomes ON state. 15 FC I Phase select input of phase comparator (with internal pull up resistor). When FC is low level, the characteristics of charge pump, phase comparator is reversed. FC input signal controls foul pin (test pin) output level, f, or fp. 16 BISW 0 Analog switch output. Usually BISW pin is set high-impedance state. When internal analog switch is ON (LE pin is high level), this pin outputs internal charge pump output. Minitor pin of phase comparator input. fout pin outputs either programmable reference divider output (f,) or programmable divider output (fp) depending upon FC pin input level. FC=H: It is the same as f, output level. FC=L: It is the same as fp output level. 17 foUT 0 18 20 0P 0R 0 0 Outputs for external charge pump. The characteristics are reversed according to FC input. 0P pin is N-channel open drain output. 2,9 12,19 NC - No connection. • 4-259 MB1511 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONS SERIAL DATA INPUT 5erial data input is achieved by three inputs, such as Data pin, Clock pin and LE pin. 5erial data input controls 15-bit programmable reference divider and 18-bit programmable divider, respectively. Binary serial data is input to Data pin. On rising edge of clock shifts one bit of serial data into the internal shift registers and when load enable pin is high level or open, stored data is transferred into latch depending upon the control bit. Control data "H" data is transferred into 15-bit latch. Control data "L" data is transferred into 18-bit latch. PROGRAMMABLE REFERENCE DIVIDER Programmable reference divider consists of 16-bit shift register, 15-bit latch and 14-bit reference counter. 5erial16-bit data format is shown below. Divide ratio of prescaler setting bit M5B I--- 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 W Divide ratio of programmable reference counter setting bit -----I 14-BIT PROGRAMMABLE REFERENCE COUNTER DIVIDE RATIO Divide Ratio R 5 5 5 5 5 S 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 • • • • • . 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 . ... 16383 1 1 1 • . 0 • . • 1 1 1 1 1 NOTES: Divide ratio less than 8 is prohibited. Divide ratio: 8 to 16383 5W: This bit selects divide ratio of prescaler. SW.. H :64/65 SW.L : 128/129 51 to 514: These bits select divide ratio of programmable reference divider. C: Control bit (sets as high level). Data is input from MSB side. PROGRAMMABLE DIVIDER Programmable divider consists of 19-bit shift register, 18-bit latch, 7-bit swallow counter and 11-bit programmable counter. 5erial19-bit data format is shown following page. 4-260 MB1511 Divide ratio of programmable counter setting bit Divide ratio of swallow counter setting bit 7·BIT SWALLOW COUNTER DIVIDE RATIO Divide Ratio A S S S S S S S 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 . 0 0 0 0 0 1 • • • . 0 • • . 127 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 NOTE: Divide ratio: 0 to 127 11·BIT PROGRAMMABLE COUNTER DIVIDE RATIO Divide Ratio S S S S S S S S S S S N 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 . .. 2047 1 1 • . • .. • . • . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 NOTES: Divide ratio less than 16 is prohibited. Divide ratio: 16 to 2047 S 1 to S7: Swallow counter divide ratio setting bit. (0 to 127) S8 to S 18: Programmable counter divide ratio setting bit. (16 to 2047) C: Control bit (sets as low level). Data is input from MSB side. PULSE SWALLOW FUNCTION The divide ratio is set using the following equation. fvco " [MxN)+A] xfosc+R fveo: Output frequency of external voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) M: Preset modulus of external dual modulus prescaler (64 or 128) N: Preset divide ratio of binary 11-bit programmable counter (16 to 2047) A: Preset divide ratio of binary 7-bit swallow counter (~A~127. Az w ::> @ outputs (Do. 0R.0P) and FC input level are shown below. cr. u.. ~ ::> FC=H or open Note: a.. FC=L ~ ::> Do 0R 0P f....1 Do 0R 0P foul f,>1p H L L (1,) L H Z (fp) f,d p L H Z (1,) H L L (fp) 1,..fp Z L Z (f,) Z L Z (fp) o ~ Zz(High impedance) Depending upon veo characteristics. FC pin should be set accordingly: When VCO characteristics are like FC should be set High or open circuit; When veo characteristics are like~. FC should be set Low. tp t,=tp I f,fp or f,dp, spike might not appear depending upon charge pump characteristics. ANALOG SWITCH ON/OFF of analog switch is controlled by LE input signal. When the analog switch is ON, internal charge pump output connected to BISW pin. When the analog switch is OFF, BISW pin is set to high-impedance state. LE (Do) is Analog Switch H (Changing the divide ratio of intermal prescaler) ON L (Normal operating mode) OFF When an analog switch is inserted between LP 1 and LP2, faster lock up times is achieved to reduce LPF time constant during PLL channal switching. ------------------~Oo CHARGE PUMP I I ____ lC9_N!!:l9~_Sl~t_!~L_L_E2 _____________ ~ 4-263 MB1511 RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Value Parameter Unit Symbol Min Typ Max V~ 2.7 3.0 5.5 V Vp V~ - 8.0 V Input Voltage VI GND - V~ V Operating Temperature TA -40 - 85 °C Power Supply Voltage HANDLING PRECAUTIONS • This device should be transported and stored in anti-static containers. • This is static-sensitive device; take proper anti-ESD precautions. Ensure that personnel and equipment are properly grounded. Cover workbenches with grounded conductive mats. • Always turn the power supply off befer inserting or removing the device from its socket. • Protect leads with a conductive sheet when handing or transporting PC boards with devices. 4-264 MB1511 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (vee =2.7 V to 5.5 v, Ta =-40oe to +85°C) Value Parameter Min Typ Max Icc - 7.0 - mA fin· 2 fiN 10 - 1100 MHz OSCIN fose - 12 fin-l·3 Pfln1 -4 - Symbol Power supply current"1 Operating frequency Input sensitivity High-level input voltage Low-level input voltage fin-2·4 Pfin2 -10 OSCIN Vose 0.5 Except fin and OSCIN V IH OSC IN lose LE,FC ILE - Except DO and OSCOUT VOH·S 2.2 VOL - - DO,0p'6 IOFF - - IOH -1.0 IOL 1.0 - RoN - 50 High-level input current Data clock Low-level input current Input current High-level output current Low-level output current N-channel open drain cutoff current Output current Analog switch on resistance VCCxO.7 V IL IIH IlL Except DO and OSCOUT 1.0 -1.0 +50 -60 Unit 20 MHz 6 dBm 6 dBm VCCxO.3 Vp-p V - ~ 0.4 V 1.1 ~ - itA itA - III V ~ ~ ~ V Q Notes: 1. fin =1.1 GHz, OSCIN=12 MHz, VCC=3V. Inputs are grounded and outputs are open. 2. AC coupling. Minimum operating frequency is measured when a capacitor l000pF. 3. VCC=4.0 to 5.5V, 50n 4. VCC=2.7to4.0V,50n 5. VCC=3V 6. VP=VCC to 8V, VOOP=GND to 8V 4-265 MB1511 TEST CIRCUIT 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 321 ' - - - - - - - - - 0 Oscilloscope 4-266 MB1511 TYPICAL APPLICATION EXAMPLE _--_OUTPUT Charge Pump Selection (Internal or external) FROM CONTROLLER 0R 20 19 LE 0P 18 16 17 15 Data 14 13 12 7 8 9 10 47k III 47k MB1511 2 OSC'N 3 6 5 4 Do OSCOUT VP 6V GND LD 3V LOCK DET Vp , Vpx : 8V max. C t , C 2 : Depends on crystal oscillator LE,FC : With internal pull up resistor 0P : Open drain output 4-267 MB1511 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS 20-LEAD PLASTIC FLAT PACKAGE (Case No. : FPT-20P-M03) 049· gg~ ------IMOUNTING HEIGHTI 11 25· ~gj g - ·256· .004 (650·010\-- 0041010' .---"~ 252· 008 1640·0201 213(5401 NOM • 173· 004 (440·0101 0256 ·0047 1065·0121 009· - - (022 . gg~ gb~) Oetaols of _ ] ~ o to 10 part (STANO OFF .1010.010\ . ! 230(5851 REF ·A 004· 004 r HEIGHTI 020· 008 1050·0201 DimenSions In C 1991 FUJITSU LIMITED F20012S-2C 4-268 * This dimension does not Include resin protrusion .,.,cnes Imllhmetersl 00 Sept. 1995 Edition 1.0a FUJITSU DATA SHEET MB1512 SERIAL INPUT PLL FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER LOW POWER SERIAL INPUT PLL SYNTHESIZER WITH 1.1 GHz PRESCALER The Fujitsu MB1512, utilizing BI-CMOS technology, is a single chip serial input PLL synthesizer with pUlse-swallow function. The MB1512 contains a 1.1 GHz two modulus prescalerthat can select of either 64/65 or 128/129 divide ratio, control signal generator, 16-bit shift register, 15-bit latch, programmable reference divider (binary 14-bit programmable reference counter), 1-bit switch counter, phase comparator with phase conversion function, charge pump, crystal oscillator, 19-bit shift register, 18-bit latch, programmable divider (binary 7 -bit swallow counter and binary 11-bit programmable counter) and analog switch to speed up lock up time. It operates with a supply voltage of 5V typo and achieves very low supply current of 8mA typo realized through the use of Fujitsu Advanced Process Technology. • • • • • • • • • • High operating frequency: fiN MAX=1.1GHz (PIN MIN=-10dBm) Pulse swallow function: 64/65 or 128/129 Power supply voltage: Vee=4.5 to 5.5V Low supply current: lee=8mA typo Serial input 18-bit programmable divider consisting of: Binary 7-bit swallow counter: 0 to 127 Binary 11-bit programmable counter: 16 to 2047 Serial input 15-bit programmable reference divider consisting of: Binary 14-bit programmable reference counter: 8 to 16383 1-bit switch counter (SW) sets divide ratio of prescaler On-Chip analog switch achieves fast lock up time 2types of phase detector output On-chip charge pump (Bipolar type) Output for external charge pump Wide operating temperature: -40°C to +85°C 20-pin Plastic Shrink Small Outline Package III PLASTIC PACKAGE FPT-20P-M03 PIN ASSIGNMENT OSCIN NC NC OSC- 0P fOUT BISW FC ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (See NOTE) Rating Power Supply Voltage LE Symbol Value Unit Vee -0.5 to +7.0 V NC Vp Vee to 10.0 V Clock Output Voltage VOUT -0.5 to Vee +0.5 V Open-drain Voltage Voop -0.5 to 0.8 V Output Current lOUT ±10 mA Storage Temperature TSTG -55 to +125 °c NOTE: 0R Permanent device damage may occur if the above Absolute Maximum Ratin~s are exceeded. Functional operation should be restricted to the conditions as detailed in the operational sections of this data sheet. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. Data NC This device contains circuitry to protect the inputs against damage due to high static voltages or electric fields. However, it is advised that normal precautions be taken to avoid application of any vottage higher than maximum rated voltages to this high impedance circuit. Copyright@ 1994 by FUJITSU LIMITED and FUJITSU MICROELECTRONICS, INC. 4-269 MB1512 MB1512 BLOCK DIAGRAM r-----------, 16-BIT SHIFT REGISTER I I I I 16-BIT SHIFT REGISTER ~I[JI[JI[JIO===~ I I I ~---_ _ _ _ _--,I 1S-BIT LATCH 1S-BIT LATCH vcc0 L.1[JlfJlfJIO===.J rpROGRAMMABLE REFERENCE'1 I DIVIDER 1 '----+.........~ 1 BINARY 14-BIT REFERENCE COUNTER 1 1-+----+-' 1 _ _ _ _- - . . . . 1.... L.. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .J DO 6 ~--------_i+_----------------------+-~-4------------~ t----------------------------+-----------------+--~14 4-270 LE MB1512 PIN DESCRIPTION Pin No. 1 3 Pin Name va OSCIN OSCOUT I Description 0 Oscillator input. Oscillator output. A crystal is placed between OSCIN and OSCOUT. Power supply input for charge pump and analog switch. 4 Vp - 5 Vee - Power supply voltage input. 6 Do 0 Charge pump output. The characteristics of charge pump is reversed depending upon FC input. 7 GND - Ground. 8 LD 0 Phase comparator output. Normally this pin outputs high level. While the phase difference of fr and fp exists, this pin outputs low level. 9 NC - No connection. 10 fiN I 11 Clock I Prescaler input. The connection with an external VCO should be AC connection. Clock input for 19-bit shift register and 16-bit shift register. On rising edge of the clock shifts one bit of data into the shift registers. 12 NC - No connection. 13 Data I Binary serial data input. The last bit of the data is a control bit which specified destination of shift registers. When this bit is high level and LE is high level, the data stored in shift register is transferred to 15-bit latch. When this bit is low level and LE is high level, the data is transferred to 18-bit latch. 14 LE I Load enable input (with intemal pull up resistor). When LE is high or open, the data stored in shift register is transferred into latch depending upon the control bit. At the time, internal charge pump output to be connected to BISW pin because internal analog switch becomes ON state. 15 FC I Phse select input of phase comparator (with intemal pull up resistor). When FC is low level, the characteristics of charge pump, phase comparator is reversed. FC input signal is also used to control fout pin (test pin) output level, fr or fp. 16 BISW 0 Analog switch output. Usually BISW pin is set high-impedance state. When intemal analog switch is ON (LE pin is high level), this pin outputs internal charge pump state. 17 fOUT 0 Minitor pin of phase comparator input. fout pin outputs either programmable reference divider output (fr) or programmable divider output (fp) depending upon FC pin input level. FC=H: It is the same as fr output level. FC=L: It is the same as fp output level. 18 20 (()P 0R 0 0 Outputs for external charge pump. The characteristics are reversed according to FC input. 0P pin is N-channel open drain output. NC - No connection. 2 19 • 4-271 MB1512 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONS SERIAL DATA INPUT Serial data input is achieved by three inputs, such as Data pin, Clock pin and LE pin. Serial data input controls 15-bit programmable reference divider and 18-bit programmable divider, respectively. Binary serial data is input to Data pin. On rising edge of clock shifts one bit of serial data into the intemal shift registers and when load enable pin is high level or open, stored data is transferred into latch depending upon the control bit. Control data "H" data is transferred into 15-bit latch. Control data "L" data is transferred into 18-bit latch. PROGRAMMABLE REFERENCE DIVIDER Programmable reference divider consists of 16-bit shift register, 15-bit latch and 14-bit reference counter. Serial 16-bit data format is shown below. j.-- Divide ratio of programmable reference counter setting bit ------i 14·BIT PROGRAMMABLE REFERENCE COUNTER DIVIDE RATIO Divide Ratio R S S S S S S S S S S S S S S 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 1 1 1 1 16383 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 NOTES: Divide ratio less than 8 is prohibited. Divide ratio: 8 to 16383 SW: This bit selects divide ratio of prescaler. SW=H :64165 SW=L : 128/129 S1 to S14: These bits select divide ratio of programmable reference divider. C: Control bit (sets as high level). Data is input from MSB side. PROGRAMMABLE DIVIDER Programmable divider consists of 19-bit shift register, 18-bit latch, 7-bit swallow counter and 11-bit programmable counter. Serial 19-bit data format is shown following page. 4-272 MB1512 Control bit LSB l r C S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 MSB_---:i Divide ratio of programmable counter setting bit Divide ratio of swallow counter setting bit -I 7-BIT SWALLOW COUNTER DIVIDE RATIO Divide Ratio A S S S S S S S 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 • • • • • • • • 127 1 1 1 1 1 1 III 1 NOTE: Divide ratio: 0 to 127 11-BIT PROGRAMMABLE COUNTER DIVIDE RATIO Divide Ratio N S S S S S S S S S S S 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 " • • • • • • • • • • • • 2047 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 NOTES: Divide ratio less than 16 is prohibited. Divide ratio: 16 to 2047 S1 to S7: Swallow counter divide ratio setting bit. (0 to 127) S8 to S18: Programmable counter divide ratio setting bit. (16 to 2047) C: Control bit (sets as low level). Data is input from MSB side. PULSE SWALLOW FUNCTION fveo= [(PxN)+A] xfosc+R fveo:Output frequency of external voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) N: Preset divide ratio of binary 11·bit programmable counter (16 to 2047) A: Preset divide ratio of binary 7·bit swallow counter (0::;A:5127, A @ II: u.. FC=L FC=H or open I- ::> n. Do 0R 0P fout 00 0R 0P fout fr>fp H L L (fr) L H Z (fp) frfp 1 --. z • - - U · -1frfp u L -----L-t· ---l..-..j· ---L- frfp or fr;. ...::.. .... :> ·.:··Z. . . . ... ..........:.............. ii""" ,~·.'c:."7.> ..............: : . ·. . ·.···"7·.'·77> ..... .. . Power Supply Voltage Vcc -0.5 to 5.0 V Output Voltage VOUT -0.5 to Vce +0.5 V Open Drain Voltage VOOP -o.5to+ 5.0 V Output Current lOUT ±10 rnA Storage Temperature TSTG -55 to +125 °C NOTE: fr, fp Permanent device damage may occur if the above Absolute Maximum Ratings are exceeded. Functional operation should be restricted to the conditions as detailed in the operational sections of this data sheet. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. GND LE fin2 Vcc2 fp LD2 BS2B 001 002 BS1 BS2A This device conlains circuitry 10 protect the inputs against damage due to high sialic vokages or electric fields. However, " is advised that normal precautions be taken to avoid application of any voltage higher than maximum rated voltages to this high impedance circuit. 4-281 MB15813 BLOCK DIAGRAM VCCl - - - - - - - psi - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .. BSl 002 BS2B VCC2 4-282 GNO GNO MB15B13 PIN DESCRIPTIONS Pin No. Pin Name I/O Descriptions 1 GND - Ground. 2 3 OSCIN OSCOUT I 0 Oscillator input pin. Oscillator output pin. A crystal is connected between OSCIN pin and OSCoUT pin. 4 fin1 I Prescaler input pin of PLL 1 section. The connection with VCO should be AC. 5 Vee 1 - Power supply voltage input pin of PLL 1 section. When power is OFF, latched data of PLL 1 section is cancelled. 6 fr 0 Monitor pin for programmable reference divider output. (Open drain output) 7 LDl 0 Lock detect signal output pin of PLL 1 section. Condition LD pin output level Lock H Unlock L 8 GND - Ground 9 001 0 Charge pump output pin of PLL 1 section. 10 BSl 0 Analog switch output pin of PLL 1 section, and controlled by BSC bit. 11 BS2A I/O Analog switch I/O pin of PLL2 section 12 002 0 Charge pump output pin of PLL2 section. 13 BS2B I/O Analog switch 1/0 pin of PLL2 section 14 LD2 0 Lock detection signal output pin of PLL2 section. Condition 15 fp 0 III lD pin output level Lock H Unlock L Monitor pin for programmable divider output. (Open drain output) This pin outputs divided frequency of PLl1 section or PlL2 section depending upon FP bit setting. FPbit Output H PLL 1 section (fp 1) L PLL2 section (fp2) 4-283 MB15813 PIN DESCRIPTIONS (Continued) PIn No. PlnName DescriptIons 110 16 Vcc2 - Power supply voltage input pin for PLL2 section, programmable reference divider, shift register, and crystal oscillator. When power is OFF, latched data of PLL2 section and reference counter is cancelled. 17 fin2 I Prescaler input pin of PLL2 section. The connection with VCO should be AC. 18 LE I Load enable input pin. This pin is followed by a schmitt trigger circuit. When this pin is high, the data stored in the shift register is transferred into the latch depending on a control data. 19 Data I Serial data input pin of 23·bit shift register. This pin is followed by a schmitt trigger circuit. The stored data in the shift register is transferred to one of PLL 1 section, PLL2 section and program· mabie counter depending upon control data settings. 20 Clock I Clock input pin of 23·bit shift register. This pin is followed by a schmitt trigger circuit. On rising edge of the clock, one bit of data is transferred into the shift register. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONS The divide ratio can be calculated using the folloWing equation: fvco ={(P x N) + A} x fosc + R (A < N) fvco: Output frequency of external voltage controlled ocillator (VeO) P: Preset divide ratio of dual modulus prescaler (64 or 128) N: Preset divide ratio of binary 11-bit programmable counter (16 to 2047) A: Preset divide ratio of binary 7·bit swallow counter (O~ A ~ 127) fosc: Reference oscillation frequency R: 4-284 Preset divide ratio of binary 14-bit programmable reference counter (8 to 16383) MB15B13 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONS SERIAL DATA INPUT Serial data is entered using three pins, Data pin, Clock pin, and LE pin. Programmable divider of PLL 1 section, programmable divider of PLL2 section and programmable reference divider are controlled individually. Serial data of binary data is entered into Data pin. On rising edge of clock, one bit of serial data is transferred into the shift register. When load enable signal is high, the data stored In the shift register is transferred to one of latch of them depending upon the control bit data setting. Control bits CNT1 Destination of serial data CNT2 L L Reference counter L H Programmable counter of PLL 1 H H Programmable counter of PLL2 II SHIFT REGISTER CONFIGURATION Programmable Reference Counter LSB MSB DataFlow_ ~ ~ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 C F R R R R R R R R R R R R P R 1 R N 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 2 C N T 1 13 14 15 16 17 T 2 R1 to R14 : Divide ratio setting bit for the programmable counter (8 to 16383) FP : Test purpose bit (monitor output fp1lfp2 selection) CNT1, 2 : Control bit Programmable Counter LSB MSB DataAow_ ~ • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 C N T 1 C N T 2 P S P R B A 1 A 2 A 3 A 4 A A 6 A 7 N 1 N 2 N 3 N 4 N 5 N 6 N 7 N 8 N S N 10 N 11 E C Ntto Ntt A1 to A7 SSC PRE PS CNTt,2 5 9 : Divide ratio setting bit for the programmable counter (16 to 2047) : Divide ratio setting bit for the swallow counter (0 to 127) : Analog switch control bit : Divide ratio setting bit for the prescaler (64/65, 128/129) : Power saving control bit : Control bit 4-285 MB15B13 BINARY 14-BIT PROGRAMMABLE REFERENCE COUNTER DATA SETTING Divide Ratio (R) R 14 R 13 8 0 9 0 16383 1 R 12 R 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 R 10 R 9 R R R R 8 7 6 5 0 0 0 0 1 R 4 R R R 3 2 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 Note: • Divide ratio less than 16 is prohibited. • Divide ratio (N) range =16 to 2047 Note: • Divide ratio less than 8 is prohibited . • Divide ratio (R) range =8 to 16383 BINARY 11-BIT PROGRAMMABLE COUNTER DATA SETTING Divide Ratio (N) N 11 N N N 9 N 8 N 10 7 6 N 5 N 4 N 3 N 2 N 1 0 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 V V V V V V V V V V V V 2047 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 BINARY 7-BIT SWALLOW COUNTER DATA SETTING Divide Ratio A A A 7 6 5 A 4 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 V V V V V 127 1 1 1 1 A A A 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 V V V 1 1 1 Note:. Divide ratio (A) range =0 to 127 (A) PRESCALER DATA SETTING Divide Ratio PRE 64/65 1 1281129 0 Note: • Divide ratio for each PLL 1 and PLL2 is set by the serial data at that time of divide ratio setting for each programmable divider. ANALOG SWITCH CONTROL DATA SETTING ssc Analog SW (PLL 1) Analog SW (PLL2) L High impedance High impedance H Charge pump output BS2A and BS2B connected Note:. Selection of PLL 1 or PLL2 is done by the control bits of CNT1 and CNT2. And each analog switch can be controlled individually. 4-286 MB15813 POWER SAVING FUNCTION CONTROL (INTERMITTENT OPERATION) PS H L PLL 1'5 section ON OFF PLL2's section and common section ON OFF Note:. Power saving mode for each PLL 1 and PLL2 IS selected by the serial data at that time of divide ratio setting for each programmable divider. • Common section ; Crystal oscilator circuit, reference counter Intermittent operation limits power consumption by shutting down or start the intemal circuits case by case. If device operation resumes uncontrolled, the error signal output from the phase comparator may exceed the limit due to an undefined phase relationship between the reference frequency (fA) and the comparison frequency (fp) and frequency lock is lost. To prevent this, an intermittent operation control circuit is provided to decrease the variation in the locking frequency by forcibly correcting phase of both frequencies to limit the error signal output. This is done by the PS control circuit. If PS is set high, the circuit enter the operating mode. It PS is set low, operation stops and the device enters the stand-by mode. III The operating and stand-by modes alternate repeatedly. This intermittent operation limits the error signal by forcibly correcting the phase of the reference and comparison frequencies to limit power consumption. SERIAL DATA INPUT TIMING t1 (>100ns) t4 (>100ns) <:? Data NI1 Data set up time t2 (>1000ns) : Data hold time LE set up time to the rising edge of the last clock =MSB t3 (>300ns): Clock pulse width t5 (>800ns): LE pulse width V;; ••• --- -::sr:;--•• •--;;;;;:v .;::::J\_________ ~ CNn - LSB ~ , <:? Clock <:? LE -lliJl-_JUJl_~ _____~'_'__ .. ::' rL ~ , t1 ' : . t2-: t 3 ~ :- " 4--": : ,' , , , I t5~ On rising edge of the clock, one bit of the data is transferred into the shift register. 4-287 MB15B13 PHASE COMPARATOR OUTPUT WAVEFORM fr fp I I I I ...-.... ~ I I twu -....-_----', LD Do - - - ~- - - Z - - twL -9-------~ -----JH L- - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - Jr------Jr-. Relation between phase comparator and charge pump output Do output fr > fp H fr=fp Z fr < fp L Note: • Phase difference detection range =-27t to +27t • LD output becomes low when phase difference is twu or more. • LD output becomes high when phase difference is twL or less and continues to be so for three cysles or mere. • twL and twL depend on OSCin input frequency. twu ~8lfosc (e. g. twu ~25ns, foscin = 12.8 MHz) twL~16/fosc (e. g. twL ~1250ns, fescin =12.8 MHz) 4-288 MB15B13 RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Parameter V.'u. Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Note Vee1 = Vee2 Power Supply Voltage Vee 2.7 3.0 3.5 V Input Voltage Y,N GNO Vee V Operating Temperature TA -30 Analog Switch BS2 Current las -6 - +80 °C +6 mA Vcc=3.0V HANDUNGPRECAUTIONS III • This device should be transported and stored in anti-static containers. • This is a static-sensitive device; take proper anti-ESO precautions. Ensure that personnel and equipment are properly grounded. Cover workbenches with grounded conductive mats. • Always tum the power supply off before inserting or removing the device from its socket. • Protect leads with a conductive sheet when handling or transporting PC boards with devices. 4-289 MB15B13 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS "1 Icc1 PLL 1 section S.0{0.1) Icc2 PLL2 & common sections 7.0{O.1) Power Supply Current rnA 1 fin fin 100 1100 MHz Operating Frequency OSCIN fosc fin Pfin OSCIN Vosc O.S Data, Clock LE VIH VccxO.7+0.4 IIH 1.0 Low-level Input Current Data, Clock LE III -1.0 Input Current OSCIN losc ±SO 20.0 12.8 son o -10 dBm Input Sensitivity High-level Input Voltage Low-level Input Voltage High-level Input Current High-level Output Voltage Vp-p V VccxO.3-0.4 Vil VOH Vcc=3.0V VOl Vcc=3.0V 2.2 V LD Low-level Output Voltage High--impedance Cutoff Current DO,BS 0.4 IOFF 1.1 -1.0 IOH rnA LD 1.0 IOl Output Current IOH Vcc=3.0V -0.6 IOl Vcc=3.0V 6.0 "2 D01,2 Analog Switch ON Resistance Notes: 4-290 RON *1: The value in ( ) is power supply current in power saving mode. *2: L type charge pump which is similar to MB1SA31's is used. 50 rnA "2 M815813 TEST CIRCUIT (PRESCALER INPUT SENSITIVITY) 1000pF Vcc1 PG~ 5001 PG fp r---+---------...-.-u ~OOOP..F_ _ _--< Oscilloscope GND III 5001 M815813 P'Gi' 1000pF 50n fp ' - - - - t - - - - + - - - t - - i - - 4 - - U Oscilloscope L..----f Controller 4-291 MB15B13 APPLICATION EXAMPLE Lock Detector Output Vcc Fom Controller t Txdriver Clock Data LE fin2 002 Vcc2 BS2A t Rx ~ Tx MB15B13 fr GND LD1 GND BS1 1000pF Output Note: 4-292 C1. C2 Clock. Data. LE : depends on a crystal oscillator. : involves a schmitt circuit. When input pins are open, please insert the pull down/up resistor individually to prevent oscillation. M815813 PACKAGE INFORMATION III FPT-20P-M03 20-LEAD PLASTIC FLAT PACKAGE (CASE No.: FPT-20P-M03) .049~:gg: --<-+---t----- (MOUNTING HEIGHT) (1.25~:~g) *.256±.004 (6.50:0.10) .252:.008 (6.40:0.20) 1 .213(5.40) NOM *.173:.004 (4.40:0.10) ~:;::::;::;:=;:;::;;::;:;::;:~~ .0256:.0047 +. 004 .009 -.002 (0.65±0.12) (O.22~:6g) j "A" __..'- Details of "A" part L(ST~DO~ WI ~".::~ .230{5.85) OOlo;:J1 REF - ~• :This dimension does not include resin protruction. ©1991 FUJITSU LIMITED F20012S-2C - - - - - .. - .... HEIG~ ( - .... - - .. - ...... - .. - - - ........ Dimensions in inches (millimeters) 4-293 4-294 cO OS04-21316-1 E FUJITSU DATA SHEET MB1513 SERIAL INPUT PLL FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER SERIAL INPUT PLL FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER WITH POWER SAVING FUNCTIONS (1.1GHz) The Fujitsu MB 1513 is a serial input phase-locked loop (PLL) frequency synthesizer with a pulse-swallow function. A stand-by mode is provided to limit power consumption during intermittent operation. The MB1513 is configured of a 1.1 GHz dual-modulus prescalerwith selectable 128/129 divide ratio, control signal generator, 16-bit shift register, 15-bit latch, programmable reference divider (binary 14-bit programmable reference counter), 1-bit switch counter, phase comparator with phase conversion function, charge pump, crystal oscillator, 19-bit shift register, 18-bit latch, programmable divider (binary 7-bit swallow counter and binary 11-bit programmable counter), analog switches, and an intermittent operation control circuit that selects the stand-by or operating mode depending on the power-save control input state (PS). The MB 1513 operates from a single +5 V supply. Fujitsu's advanced process technology achieves an Icc of 8mA, typical. The stand-by mode current consumption is just 100JlA. FEATURES fiN = 1.1GHz (P IN = -10 dBm) High-speed dual-modulus prescaler with selectable 128/129 divider ratio Icc = 8 mA typo at 5V Low supply current Power-saving stand-by mode 100j.lA typo Serial input, 18-bit programmable divider consisting of: : 0 to 127 - Binary 7-bit swallow counter - Binary 11-bit programmable counter: 16 to 2,047 Serial input 15-bit programmable reference divider consisting of: - Binary 14-bit programmable reference counter: 8 to 16,383 - 1-bit switch counter sets prescaler divide ratio On-chip analog switch for fast lockup On-chip charge pump minimizes system component count Wide operating temperature range: -40 to +85°C Plastic 2o-pin shrink small outline package (Suffix: PFV) High operating frequency Pulse-swallow function PLASTIC PACKAGE (FPT-20P-M03) This device contains circuitry to protect the inputs against damage due to high static voltages or electric fields. However. it is advised that normal precautions be taken to avoid application of any voltage higher than maximum rated voltages to this high impedance circuit. Copyright©1994 by FUJITSU LlMIED 4-295 MB1513 PIN ASSIGNMENT (TOP VIEW) OSCIN PS NC NC OSCOUT fA Vp fp BiSW VCC FC Do GND LE LD Data NC NC Clock fiN ABSOSUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(See NOTE) Ratings Symbol Value Unit Vce -0.5 to +7.0 V Supply Voltage Output Voltage Vp Vee ~ Vp ~ 10.0 V Vo -0.5 to Vee +0.5 V ±10 mA -55 to +125 °C Output Current 10 Storage Temperature Tstg NOTE: Permanent device damage may occur if the above Absolute Maximum Ratings are exceeded. Functional operation should be restricted to the conditions as detailed in the operational sections of this data sheet. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. 4-296 MB1513 BLOCK DIAGRAM OSCI 1 r-------, 16-bit Shift Register I '\--~-=--=--=--=--=-"'..L.,l . I Oscillator I ~S1 I 16-bit Shift Registe~ I Ly ,J I- OSCou 2~--------4 Vp ~IOIOIOI~ I 1S-bit latch I f---+{ ~IOIOIOI~ 3 1 I Ir Vee II 1S-bit Latch ~ 4 1 Programmable Reference Divider ~ Binary 14-bit Reference Counter : I s~R== W ...I PS1 Intermittent 1-+-__ Operation .--~_ _--I Control Cir- I--I----+-....J cuit -+--+_+-+_.1 L.._-+-+-__..... Do GND LD From Charge Pump 5~-~---~~+4--------~r_--+_--+--r_-------~ 6 7 L-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-I-_ _ _ _ _ _+-______-41 Schmitt 101 _ _...(11 From Phase Comparator Trigger Ir----------, 19-bit Shift Register , L+-I--.... r..t 19-bit Shift Register I Lock Detec~ tion Circuit! >IOIIIIrarOI~ I PS1 fiN ~~:ier rOutput 1 L f"'Ps1 81-----01 Prescaler L..----,.---........I. 1 MC 111.bit Latchl, lE 1-bit~Data Control~ Latch L -_ _--I1 Schmitt I Trigger rL..t9 Clock ~IOIIIIrarOI~ I SW I 18-bit Latch f---+{ 7-bit Latch I r Programmable Divider -,- 11 I I I I ;1' .1-1.,--........1 I I I L--ft-i-t---.J I, Binary 7-bit Swallow , Counter 1..--------1: Binary 11-bIt 1 Programmabie Counter Control Circuit I 4-297 MB1513 PIN DESCRIPTION Pin No. Pin Name Description OSCIN 2 NC - No connection OSCOUT 0 Oscillator output An external crystal is connected to this pin. 4 Vp 5 Vee - 6 Do 0 Charge pump output The phase of the charge pump is reversed depending on the FC input. 3 4·298 110 1 I Programmable reference divider input Oscillator input An external crystal is connected to this pin. Power supply input for charge pump and analog switch Power supply 7 GND - Ground 8 LD 0 Phase comparator output The output level is high when LD is locked. The output level is low when LD is unlocked. 9 NC - No connection 10 fiN I Prescaler input An external VCO is AC-coupled to this pin. 11 Clock I Clock input for 19-bit and 16-bit shift registers One bit of data is shifted into the registers on the rising edge of the clock. A Schmitt trigger circuit is involved. 12 NC - No connection 13 Data I Binary serial data input The last bit of the data is a control bit. When the control bit is high, data is transmitted to the 15-bit latch. When the control bit is low, data is transmitted to the 18-bit latch. A Schmitt trigger circuit is involved. 14 LE I Load enable signal input When LE is high, the contents of the shift register are transferred to a latch, depending on the control bit in the serial data. At the same time, an internal analog switch turns on and the output of the internal charge pump is connected to the BiSW pin. A Schmitt trigger circuit is involved. 15 FC I Phase select input of phase comparator (with internal pull-up resistor) When FC is low, the characteristics of the charge pump and the phase comparator are reversed. The FC input signal is also used to control the fOUT pin (test pin) of fR or fp. 16 BiSW 0 Analog switch output Usually, BiSW is in the high-impedance state. When the switch is on (LE is high), the charge pump is connected to the BiSW pin. 17 fp fR 0 0 Programmable counter output monitor pins 18 19 NC - No connection 20 PS I Power save signal input Set low when the system is operating (never use pin 20 as it is opened) Operation mode PS = High PS =Low : Stand-by mode Reference counter output monitor pin MB1513 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONS Pulse swallow function The divide ratio can be calculated using the following equation: fveo =[(M x N) + A] x fose + A (A < N) fveo : Output frequency of external voltage controlled oscillator (VeO) N Preset divide ratio of binary ll-bit programmable counter (16 to 2,047) A Preset divide ratio of binary 7-bit swallow counter (0 ~ A ~ 127) fosc : Output frequency of the reference frequency oscillator R Preset divide ratio of binary 14-bit programmable reference counter (8 to 16,383) M Preset divide ratio of prescaler (128) III Serial data input Serial data is input using the Data, Clock, and LE pins. Serial data controls the 15-bit programmable reference divider and 18-bit programmable divider separately. Binary serial data is input to the Data pin. One bit of data is shifted into the internal shift registers on the riSing edge of the clock. When the load enable pin is high or open, stored data is latched, depending on the control as follows: Control Data (a) Destination of Serial Data H 15-bit latch L 18-bit latch Programmable reference divider ratio The programmable reference divider consists of a 15-bit latch and a 14-bit reference counter. The 16-bit serial data format is shown below: ----t.~ Direction of data shift Divide ratio setting bit for programmable reference counter 4-299 MB1513 • 14-bit programmable reference counter divide ratio Divide Ratio S S S S S S S S S S 13 12 11 10 9 7 6 S 5 S 14 S 8 S R 4 3 2 1 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 16383 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Divide ratio Notes: (b) 1. Divide ratios less than 8 are prohibited 2. SW: This bit selects the divide ratio of the prescaler SW Low: 128 or 129 (SW must be always be low.) 3. S1 to S14: These bits select the divide ratio of the programmable reference counter (8 to 16,383) 4. C: Control bit: Set high 5. Data is input from the MSB. Programmable divider divide ratio The programmable divider consists of a 19-bit shift register, 18-bit latch, 7-bit swallow counter, and an 11-bit programmable counter. The 19-bit serial data format is shown below: - - - . . . . Direction of data shift Divide ratio setting bit for swallow counter 4-300 =8 to 16,383) Divide ratio setting bit for programmable counter MB1513 • 7-bit swallow counter divide ratio Divide ratio 11-bit programmable counter divide ratio S S 6 S 5 S A S 7 4 3 S 2 S 1 Divide ratio N S 18 S 17 S 16 S 15 S 14 S 13 S 12 S 11 S 10 S 9 S 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 127 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2047 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . (Divide ratio = 0 to 127) Notes: (Divide ratio:: 16 to 2,047) 1. Divide ratios less than 16 are prohibited for 11-bit programmable counters 2. Sl to S7: These bits select the divide ratio of swallow counter (0 to 127) 3. S8 to S18: These bits select the divide ratio of programmable counter (16 to 2,047) 4. C: Control bit: (Set low) 5. Data is input from the MSB. Serial data input timing • t3 (;::: 1IJ.s): Clock pulse width ts (;::: 1I1S): LE pulse width t1 (;::: 1I1S): Data setup time t2 (;::: 1IJ.s): Data hold time t4 (;::: 1IJ.s): LE setup time to the rising edge of last clock Data ~--~--~ ~ (SW) (*1)' Clock LE (S14) __ ~ __ (S8) , (S7) C: Control bit LSB (Sl) (C: Control bit) JlJJL--JlJJL--JLJL , t1-:--:- '. " ' , --------....t3 ~ - ......ts * 1: rL , , ... , ......., t4 -i--i- Bits enclosed in parentheses are used when the divide ratio of the programmable reference divider is selected. Note: One bit of data is shifted into the shift register on the rising edge of the clock. 4-301 MB1513 Intermittent operation Intermittent operation limits power consumption by shutting down or starting the internal circuits according to their necessity. If device operation resumes uncontrolled, the error signal output from the phase comparator may exceed the limit due to an undefined phase relationship between the reference frequency (fA) and the comparison frequency (fp) and frequency lock is lost. To prevent this, an intermittent operation control circuit is provided to decrease the variation in the locking frequency by forcibly correcting the phase of both frequencies to limit the error signal output. This is done by the PS control circuit. If PS is set high, the circuit enters the operating mode. If PS is set low, operation stops and the device enters the stand-by mode. Each mode is explained below: • Operating mode (PS = High) All circuits are operating, and PLL operation is normal. • Stand-by mode (PS = Low) Circuits that do not affect operation are powered-down to save power. The current in the power save state is typically 1001lA. At this time, the levels of Do and LD are the same as when the PLL is locked. Since Do is placed in the high-impedance state and the input voltage of the voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) is set to the voltage in the operating mode (when locked) by the time constant of the low-pass filter, the frequency output from the VCO (fveo) is kept at the locking frequency. The operating and stand-by modes alternate repeatedly. This intermittent operation limits the error signal by forcibly correcting the phase of the reference and comparison frequencies to limit power consumption. The device must be set in the stand-by mode (PS = low) when it is powered up. Relationship between Fe input and phase characteristics The FC pin controls the phase characteristics of the phase comparator. The internal charge pump output level (Do) is reversed depending on the FC pin input level. The relationship between the FC input level and Do is shown below: FC = High or open FC = Low fA> fp H L fA <, , / / ,, VCO Input Voltage _ 4-302 / , /0 '0 MB1513 Phase comparator output waveform (Fe =High) fp LD Do -- - - Notes: -~ - - Z '-----_ _ _ _--...11 -~-- --Jr---~---- --'[------- J --- -- --\--r III 1. Phase difference detection range: -21t to +21t 2. Spike appearance depends on the charge pump characteristics. The spike is output to diminish dead band. 3. When fR > fp or fR < fp, a spike might not appear, depending on the charge pump characteristics. 4. LD is low when the phase difference is tw or more. LD is high when the phase difference is tw or less for three or more continuous cycles (when fOSCIN = 12.8 MHz, tw =625 to 1,250 ns). Analog switch The LE signal turns the analog switch on or off. When the analog switch is turned on, the charge pump output (Do) is output through the BiSW pin. When it is turned off, the BiSW pin is in the high-impedance state. When LE = high (when the divide ratio of the internal divider is changed): Analog switch = on When LE =low (normal operating mode): Analog switch off = The LPF time constant can be decreased by inserting an analog switch between LPF1 and LPF2. This decreases the lock-up time when the PLL channel is changed. ----------, I I L ______ -, I (Control Signal LE) ------------------ BiSW I .JI 4-303 MB1513 RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Parameter Symbol Vee Min 4.5 I Value Typ Max 5.0 5.5 Unit V Supply Voltage Vp Vee::; Vp::; B.O Input Voltage VI GND Operating Temperature TA -40 - V Vee V +85 °C HANDUNGPRECAUTIONS • This device should be transported and stored in anti-static containers. • This is a static-sensitive device; take proper anti-ESD precautions. Ensure that personnel and equipment are properly grounded. Cover workbenches with grounded conductive mats. • Always turn the power supply off before inserting or removing the device from its socket. • Protect leads with a conductive sheet when handling or transporting PC boards with devices. 4-304 MB1513 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Parameter Symbol Min Value Typ Max Unit Conditions With fiN =1.1 GHz, OSC'N :;: 12MHz, Vee =S.OV Supply Current Icc - B.O - mA Stand-by Current IPS - 100 - IlA - fiN fiN 10 - 1100 MHz AC coupling.The minimum operating frequency is measured with a 1000pF capacitor connected OSC'N fose - 12 20 MHz - fiN PflN -10 - 6 dBm - OSC'N Vose 0.5 - Vp-p - V,H Vee x 0.7+0.4 - - V - V'L - - Vee x 0.3-0.4 V - I'H - 1.0 IlA - I,L - -1.0 - IlA - FC IFe - -60 - IlA - OSC'N lose - ±50 - IlA - VOH 4.4 - - V Vee VOL - - 0.4 V - Operating Frequency Input Sensitivity High-level Input Voltage Low-level Input Voltage Except fiN and OSC'N High-level Input Current Data Clock LE III Low-level Input Current Input Current High-level Output VoltagE Low-level Output Voltage Except Do and OSCOUT VOO =GND to BV Vee $; Vp $; 8V High-impedance Cut off Current Do 10FF - - 1.1 IlA Except Do and OSCOUT 10H -1.0 - - mA - Output Current IOL 1.0 - - mA - RON - 25 - Q - Analog Switch ON Resistance =5V 4-305 MB1513 TEST CIRCUIT (FOR MEASURING· PRESCALER INPUT SENSITIVITY) Vp==6V 1000pF P G ~ 1 50n ~ r--'--"""'-----'-....a..................--, 10 8 7 6 5 4 3 1 Vee == 5V 11 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 4-306 ~ MB1513 APPLICATION EXAMPLE I I LPF I I I I VCO 1 Output I II _ ] From Controller IfR Ifp PS 20 19 17 18 LE BiSwl FC 16 15 I Data Clock 14 13 12 11 7 8 9 10 "'" :~ 47K ; ~ 47K 4 7i T 7.7- MB1513 1 2 4 3 OSC1N Hop- Vp, Vpx: C 1 , C2 : t ! Vcc C 2 Do !ND ILD 5V 6V X'tal lC 6 5 oscou Vp LI LJ O.1~ ~: 1000p Vee (5V) -'- J; Maximum 8V Depend on the crystal parameters 4-307 MB1513 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS 20-LEAD PLASTIC FLAT PACKAGE (CASE No.: FPT-20P-M03) .049~:gg~ (1.25~:~g) *.256±.004 (MOUNTING HEIGHT) (6.5o±O.10) I INDEX o _ / I .252±.008 (6.4o±O.20) .213(5.40) NOM *.173±.004 (4.4o±O.10) l4;=;j;::::;~:::;:;:::;:;:::~~ "A" ~ . . .0256±.0047 (0.65±o.12) (0.22~:J~) Details of "A" part 004±.004 (STAND OFF (0.1 o±o.1 0) HEIGHT) .230(5.85) REF r:: [JJ I~ OOto~ .02fr±OOB (O.50±0.201 *:This dimension does not include resin protruction. ©1991 FUJITSU LIMITED F20012S-2C 4-308 Dimensions in inches (millimeters) 00 Sept. 1995 Edition 1.0a FUJITSU DATA SHEET MB1514 SERIAL INPUT PLL FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER DUAL SERIAL INPUT PLL FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER WITH 400MHz PRESCALER The Fujitsu MB1514 is a dual serial input PLL (phase locked loop) frequency synthesizer designed for cordless telephone applications. The MB1514 has two PLL circuits on a single chip; one for transmission (PLL-1) and the other for reception (PLL-2). Separate power supply pins are provided for each PLL circuit. Transmission PLL contains a low sensitivity charge pump for modulation, and reception PLL contains a high sensitivity charge pump for fast lock-up time. 400MHz dual modulus prescalers are provided and enables a pulse swallow function. MB1514 operates at 3.0 V typo power supply voltage and dissipates SmA typo of current realized through the use of Bi-CMOS technology. PLASTIC PACKAGE DIP-20P-M02 FEATURES • Low voltage operation: Vee =2.2V to 4.2V • High operating frequency: fin =400MHz (Pin =-1 OdBm, Vee =3.0V) • Low current consumption: Icc =SmA typo (Vcc =3V) • Power saving function • Two charge pumps Low sensitivity charge pump for transmission (PLL-1) High sensitivity charge pump for reception (PLL-2) PLASTIC PACKAGE FPT-20P-M01 • Plastic 20-pin DIP package (Suffix: -P) Plastic 20-pin SOP package (Suffix: -PF) PIN ASSIGNMENT GND Clock OSCIN ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS ......... ··>,,",i.,; . . . >. •. •.•.•. .•. .•. i\> •..••••••.•••••.•• .... ;............ ... ..: ....... ................... ....... Supply Voltage Output Voltage OSCOUT, Do, BS LO, LFo Output Current Storage Temperature NOTE: . Vee VOt V02 ...... ..... .··.i»<· Data OSCOUT LE fint fin2 VCCt -0.5 to +6.0 -0.5 to Vcc+0.5 -0.5 to +6.0 VCC2 V LD V LFot LF02 LFll LFI2 PS V Dol 002 eSt eS2 10 ±10 mA TSTG -55 to +125 °c Pennanent device damage may occur ifthe above Absolute Maximum Ratings are exceeded. Functional operation should be restricted to the conditions as detailed in the operational sections of this data sheet. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. DIP-20P-M021 FPT-20P-M01 This device contains circuitry to protect the inputs against damage due to high static voltages or electric fields. However, it Is advised that normal precautions be taken to avoid application of any voltage higher than maximum rated voltages to this high impedance circuH. Copyri9ht© 1992 by FUJITSU LIMITED 4-309 MB1514 BLOCK DIAGRAM LFll VCCl LFol ------- -- ------- --- ------- ------ --- ----- --. 20-bit latch (PLL1) LD1/LD2 LE2 PS NOTE; PLL 1 : Transmission section PLL2: Reception sedion 4-310 VCC2 GND LFI2 LFo2 MB1514 BLOCK DESCRIPTIONS TRANSMISSION/RECEPTION BLOCK • 20-bit latch • Programmable divider; Binary 7-bit swallow counter (Divide ratio: 0 to 127) Binary 11-bit program mabie counter (Divide ratio: 16 to 2047) The programmable dividers for transmission and reception are able to be controlled independently. • Phase detectors with phase polarity change function • 400MHz dual modulus prescalers (Divide ratio: 64165) • Charge pumps • Transistors for LPFs III • Analog swithes COMMON BLOCK • 23-bit shift register • Reference divider; Reference counter (Divide ratio: 1700) (Divide frequency = 12.5 kHz (Crystal oscillator frequency = 12.8 kHz)) • Crystal oscillation circuit • Latch selector • Shmitt circuits • LD/frlfp output selector 4-311 MB1514 PIN DESCRIPTIONS PinHo. SYmbol Pin Descriptions tlO : 1 GND - Ground. 2 OSCIN I Input and output of a reference divider and a crystal is externally connected between these 3 OSCOUT 0 pins. 4 finl I .. Input of a prescaler of PLL-1 (Transmission section). Connection with a VCO should be AC (capacitor) coupling. 5 VCCl - Power supply for PLL-1 block. When power is cut off, PLL-1 block's latched data is cancelled. 6 LD 0 Output of lock detectors, a reference divider, and programmable dividers. 7 LFol 0 Output of the transistor, used for transmission LPF. Output data is selected by data setting of LD bits in the serial data. This is open-drain output. 8 LFI1 I Input of the transistor, used for transmission LPF. 9 DOl 0 Output of the charge pump(PLL-1). 10 851 0 Output of the analog switch(PLL-1). Phase polarity is inverted by FC bit setting in the serial data. Usually this pin is high-impedance state. When LE is set to high, the state of the internal charge pump is output. 11 852 0 Output of the analog switch(PLL-2: reception section). Usually this pin is high-impedance state. When LE is set to high, the state of the internal charge pump is output. 12 D02 0 Output of the charge pump{PLL-2). Phase polarity is inverted by FC bit setting in the serial data. 13 LFI2 I Input of the transistor which is used for reception LPF. 14 LF02 0 Output of the transistor which is used for reception LPF. 15 PS I Power saving control for PLL-2 circuits. PS 4-312 , State ... , .. ': .. '. , H Active state L Power saving state (Crystal oscillation circuit and PLL2 circuits are inactive) ."\ MB1514 PIN DESCRIPTIONS Pin No. 16 Symbol VCC2 Pin Descriptions 1/0 - ......... Power supply for Pll-2 circuits, a reference counter, a shift register, and a crystal oscillation circuit. When power is cut off, Pll-2 block's and reference counter's latched data are cancelled. 17 tim I Input of a prescaler of Pll-2. Connection with a VCO should be AC (capacitor) coupling. 18 lE I load enable signal input. This pin involves a schmitt trigger circuit. When this pin is high (lE="H'j, the data stored in a shift register is transferred into the latch according to the control bit in the serial data. II And at the moment, internal analog switch is closed(ON), then each charge pump output signal is output through the 19 Data I as pin. Serial data input. This pin involves a schmitt trigger circuit. The stored data in the shift register is transferred to either transmission or reception sections depending upon the control bit as follows. Control bit dab 20 Clock I .', . . The destination of data .... H latch of Pll-1 (transmission) l latch of Pll-2 (reception) Clock input pin of 23-bit shift register. This pili involves a schmitt trigger circuit. Each riSing edge of the clock shifts one bit of data into the shift register. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONS Divide ratio can be set using the following equation: tvco = { (M x N) + A} x fosc ~ R (A < N) fvco: Output frequency of an external voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) M: Preset divide ratio of an internal dual modulus prescaler (64) N: Preset divide ratio of binary 12-bit programmable counter (16 to 2047) A: Preset divide ratio of binary 5-bit swallow counter (0 ~ A ~ 127) fosc: Output frequency of the external reference frequency oscillator R: Preset divide ratio of reference counter (1700) 4-313 MB1514 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONS SERIAL DATA INPUT Serial data is input using three pins; Data, Clock, and LE pins. Programmable dividers of PLL-1 and PLL-2 are controlled individually. Serial data of binary data is input to the Data pin. On rising edge of the clock shifts one bit of the data into the shift register. When the load enable (LE) is high, the data stored in the shift register is transferred to either the latch of the transmission or the reception sections, depending upon the control bit setting. Controlbft data The destination of data H Latch of PLL-1 (transmission) L Latch of PLL-2 (reception) SHIFT REGISTER COSTITUTION • oata Input FIow Th I t b·it (Contro lb·It) e LSB as r~ r 1 2 3 4 5 C N L 0 1 L 0 2 0 F C T The first bit (MSB~ .. N1 to N11 A1 to A7 FC DMY LD2 LD1 CNT M 6 A 1 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 A 2 A A 4 A A 6 A 7 N 3 5 N 1 N 2 3 N 4 17 18 19 20 21 N N 8 5 N 6 N 7 22 23 N N 10 11 N 9 Y : Divide ratio of the programmable counter setting bit (16 to 2047) : Divide ratio of the swallow counter setting bit (0 to 127) : Phase control bit of the phase detector : Dummy bit (set to "L" as a rule) : Select bit of LD output (LD, fr, fp1, fp2) : Select bit of LD output (LD, fr, fp1, fp2) : Control bit BINARY "-BIT PROGRAMMABLE COUNTER DATA SETTING 11-bit programmable counter divide ratio (N1 to N11) I,' N Divide ratio N N.: ·.' . . N ····'··8 11 10 .. 9 N 7 N ·,·:".6 N 5 0 1 N ··,'·4 > .. N N 3 2 0 0 0 ,N 1 16 17 : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 : : : : 0 : 0 : : : 2047 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 NOTE: Divide ratio less than 16 is prohibited. 4-314 i 0 1 " •... M81514 BINARY 7-BIT SWALLOW COUNTER DATA SETTING 7-bit swallow counter divide ratio (A1 to A7) A 7 DIvide ratio A 0 0 1 0 2 127 A 6 A 5 A A 3 A 2 A 4 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 : 0 0 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 III LD1, LD2 : LD OUTPUT SELECT LD1 L02 1 1 Reference frequency (fr) LOOutput 1 0 PLL-1 programmable frequency (fp1) 0 1 PLL-2 programmable frequency (fp2) 0 0 Lock detector output DMY: DUMMY BIT Set to "L" as a rule SERIAL DATA INPUT TIMING tl t4 (~ (~ 1 JlS) : Data setup time t2 (~ 1 JlS) : Data hold time 1 JlS) : LE setup time to the rising edge of the last clock N11: --Data _ _ _ (M_S_B.,,), N10 ___ ,, b (~ 1 JlS) : Clock pulse width ts (~ 1 JlS) : LE pulse width --;V;;----~ .::.A..... _..~_N_T _ _ _ _ __ ClockJUfL.JLJL ..fW1LE ----_-i--- -· -~,....­ pi I .. t2__ I , , ,' '' rL I ~'~.---I-----: b~ ~t4-"':' , , ' I • ts.~ , I NOTE: On rising edge of the clock shifts one bit of the data into the shift register. When LE is high, the data stored in the shift register is transferred into the latch. 4-315 MB1514 PHASE DETECTOR CHARACTERISTICS Fe bit selects the phase of the phase detector. Phase characteristics (chage pump output) can be reversed depending upon the Fe bit of the serial data. The phases of the charge pump outputs through LO pin are reversed depending upon the Fe bit as well. i~ FC="H" 001, D02, LD(fp1. & fp2) output FC="L" .<., 001, 002, LD(fp1 & fp2} output fr> fp H L =fp Z· Z· fr < fp L H fr ·Z: High-impedance VCO POLARITY \;2.:':.• "'> .' . :~;:"'" '.'" .-:"'. "'. , ' . .... ,','. ".,:> Power Supply Current .:,,,": : ',:.':':. :'.: . . ,:',:?\ 1-'(. I) '. « : . (VCCl =VCC2 =2 2V to 4.2V, Ta =_10°C to + 70°C) I': '." :<\ If:>,. . : : . . . <.·:/i.,. :J,a~~,~' : .." "· •. i"i?i i i ' .::..••• :.: •••• Ii lill~~~>,.',.:' i)\. '.•'.•. • • . <' 1....iI r~I~:' ." ". t\t[":': :MM>: lii·".:i<:.::·: I}i Icel PLL-2 Current - 4.0 - rnA lec2 PLL-1 + PLL-2 Current - 8.0 - rnA - 400 fin finl 10 OSCIN fose - fin Pfin OSCIN Vose Operating Frequency 50n system 21.25 - MHz -10 - 0 dBm 0.5 - - Vp-p - - Input Sensitivity High-\evellnput Voltage Low-level Input Voltage High-level Input Current Low-level Input Current Except fin and OSCIN VIH VccxO.7+0.4 - VIL Data, Clock, LE,PS IIH OSCIN losc ilL - V VcexO.3-0.4 1.0 - -1.0 J,lA ±50 Input Current LFi High-level Output Voltage LOW-level Output Voltage High-impedance Cutoff Current Output Current 4-318 Except Do, OSCOUT ILF 1.1 2.2 - - - - 0.4 - - 1.1 - - 10.0 10H -1.0 - - 10L 1.0 - - Vose Vec= 3.0V V VOH Do,LFo 10FF LD Except Do, OSCOUT J1A mA MB1514 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Vee, Parameter Symbol IOL 10H 002 10L Unit Min Typ Max - -0.5 mA =3.0V Vee =3.0V Vee =3.0V Vee =3.0V Output Current Analog Switch ON Resistance Value Condition - 12 - -1.5 - - 6 - mA - 50 - n Vee 10H Do, =Vee2 =2 2V to 4 2V Ta =-10°C to + 70°C) Ron mA mA III TEST CIRCUIT (FOR PRESCALER INPUT SENSITIVITY) Vee' Crystal D 1000pF P.G P.G 1 1 Oscilloscope GND 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 17 18 19 MB1514 11 12 13 14 15 16 20 1000pF r O.1Il F HANDLING PRECAUTION • This device should be transported and stored in anti-static containers. • This is a static-sensitive device; take proper anti-ESD precautions. Ensure that personnel and equipment are properly grounded. Cover work-benches with grounded conductive mats. • Always turn the power supply off before inserting or removing the device from its socket. • Protect leads with a conductive sheet when handling or transporting PC bords with devices. 4-319 MB1514 APPLICATION EXAMPLE I OUTP UT I VCO I LPF I III 3V .,. 1000pF From { controller .... rl·1f..1.F :: 1 ~ Clod< 20 Data 19 LE 18 POW ERSAVING CONT ROLSIGNAL VCC2 fin2 17 r- 16 LF02 PS 14 15 LFI2 BS2 D02 13 12 11 8 9 10 MB1514 1 GND 11' OSCIN PsCou ~ f ~ stal C1 OUTPUT 4 3 2 I I 5 fin1 6 VCC1 LD J C2 : LF01 LFI1 D01 BS, 3V 3V 0.1f..1. , 7 't LOCK DETECTOR 4kO : ~OOOpF II VCO LPF I I NOTE; C1, C2 : depends on the aystal oscillator. Clock, Data, LE : Using shmitt trigger circuits (When inputs are left open, pull-down or puH-l4> resistors are necessary to prevent 06ciUation.) Crystal: 21.25MHz LD : Open drain 4-320 MB1514 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS 2O-LEAD PLASTIC DUAL IN· LINE PACKAGE (CASE No.: DIP·20P·M02) 1 ~, f - - - - - - INDEX-1 .970 ~:~~ (24.64 ~g:~) -------.1'1 r;:::::::=================~ o ! III .244±.010 (6.20±0.25) .300(7.62) /I.C:;::;:=;:::;::::;::::;:::;:::::;::::;:::::;::::::;:::;:::::;:::::;::::;:=;:::::;;:::::;::::~ ~ TYP _+L--- ----=~ .11 ~034 ~0012 (0.~·30) .172(4.36)MAX .11S(3.00)MIN .100(2.54) .050(1.27) TYP . / / . .01S±.003 (0.4e±o.OS) .020(0.51)MfN MAX ©1991 FWITSU LIMITED D20003S-3C Dimensions in inches (millimeters) 4-321 MB1514 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS (Continued) 20-LEAD PLASTIC FLAT PACKAGE (CASE No.: FPT-20P-M01) .089(2.25) MAX (MOUNTING HEIGHT) .002(0.05) MIN (STAND OFF HEIGHT) ~:-+----.- +. 016 (680+0.40) .268-.008· -0.20 INDEX cf O~~27) .11 .. O'45±QB±.004 (0. .10) '.1 1I==tI .0000.OO' (O.5O±o.20) .u- .OO6~:gg~(0.15~:g~) ¢.OO5(0.13xgl -.,...~----.... ,--------, I Details of "A" part I "A" , -.. I I I 1 I 1 I 1 . . . - - - - .450(11.43) REF - - - - . ! 4·322 .008(0.20) I I I 1 1 .020(0.50)1 .007(0.18) I MAX .027(0.68) I L _ _ _ _ MAX _ _ _ .J 1 FUJOJI"SU =~~nzo~a~~~~~~~ I, Sept. 1995 = DATA SHEET MB1515 ASSP BiCMOS 2.5GHz PLL FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER WITH BUILT-IN PRESCALER DESCRIPTION The MB1515 is a serial input PLL (Phase-Locked Loop) frequency synthesizer with a built-in prescaler allowing for a pulse swallow system in the two modulus 2.5 GHz band. It is suitable for BS and TV tuners and CATV systems. The synthesizer is powered by 5 V (typical). Using the latest proprietary process, current consumption has been reduced to Icc = 16 mA (typical). 2O-pin Plastic SSOP FEATURES • Supply voltage: Vee =5 V • High-speed operation capability: fin • Low current consumption: Icc =2.5 GHz (Pin = - 4 dBm) =16 mA (typical) • Broad operating temperature range: Ta = - 40°C to +85°C • Integrated Functions 24-bit shift register 24-bit latch Reference divider Binary 2-bit programmable reference counter (Divide ratios: 256, 512, 1024, and 2048) Comparison Divider Binary 5-bit swallow counter (Divide ratios: 0 to 31) Binary 12-bit bit programmable counter (Divide ratios: 32 to 4095) Phase comparator with phase conversion feature Two modulus prescaler for 2.5 GHz band (Divide ratios: 256/272 and 512/528) 4-bit band switching signals Control signal generator Crystal oscillator Charge pump (FPT-20P-M03) MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol Value Units Supply voltage Vee -0.5 to +7.0 V Output voltage Vo -0.5 to Vee+0.5 V Output current 10 ±10 mA Tstg -55 to +125 °C Parameter Storage temperature RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Value Symbol Min. Typ. Max Vee 4.5 5.0 5.5 V Input voltage VI GND Vee V Operating temperature Ta -40 - +85 °C Parameter Supply voltage Unit NOTES: 1. To prevent damage caused by static electricity, an antistatic element is added and antistatic enhancement is also built into the circuit. However, the following handling cautions must be observed: o Contain the device in a conductive case when storing or transporting it. o Before handling, verify that the person handling the device, fixtures, and tools are not charged (grounded). Use a grounded conductive sheet as the wor\( surface. o Tum off power before connecting or disconnecting the device to or from the socket. o Protect the lead with a conductive sheet when handling (such as transporting) a board on which this device is mounted. This device contains circuitry to protect the inputs against damage due to high static voltages or electric fields. However, it is advised that normal precautions be taken to avoid application of any voltage higher than maximum rated vottages to this high impedance circu~. 4-323 MB1515 PIN ASSIGNMENT (Top view) FC 20 LD LE 2 19 fout Data 3 18 VCC2 Clock 4 17 fin VCCI 5 16 GND2 OSCin 6 15 fin OSCout 7 14 BCl GNDl 8 13 BC2 Dol 9 12 BC3 Co2 10 11 BC4 (FPT-2OP-M03) 4-324 MB1515 PIN DESCRIPTION VO Descrlprlon 1 FC I Phase switch input pin to the phase comparator (with pull up resistor). This pin allows for inverting the polarity of phase comparator output, according to the polarity of the externally connected LPF and VCO. When FC is at "L" level, charge pump and phase comparator characteristics are reversed. This pin also toggles the output of the fout pin (test pin) between fr and fp. 2 LE I Load enable signal input pin (with Schmitt trigger circuit). The pin sends shift register contents to the latch when LE is at "H" (or open). Pin No. Pin name 3 Data I Serial data input pin using binary codes (with Schmitt trigger circuit). 4 Clock I 24·bit shift register clock input pin (with Schmitt trigger circuit). Data is read at the rising edge of the clock pulse. S VCC1 - 6 OSCin I Power supply pin (for PLL). Cystal oscillator connect pin and reference divider input pin. (OSCin: Oscillator input pin, OSCout: Oscillator output pin) 7 OSCout 0 8 GND1 - Grounding pin (for PLL) 9 001 0 Charge pump output pin. Phase characteristics invert with FC pin settings. 10 002 0 11 BC4 0 12 BC3 0 13 BC2 0 14 BC1 0 15 fin I - Band switch output pin (open collector output). Output is controlled by the serial data band bit setting. When BCX bit is "H", the BCX output transistor turns ON. When BCX bit is "H", the BCX output transistor turns OFF. (X: 1 to 4) fin's complementary input pin. Connect to ground via a capacitor. 16 GND2 17 lin 18 VCC2 - Power supply pin (for prescaler). 19 fout 0 Phase comparator input monitor pin.Produces either the reference divider output (fr)or the comparison divider output (fp) signal depending on the FC pin's input level. 20 LD I 0 III Ground pin (for prescaler). Prescaler input pin. Input using ac coupling. FC Output Signal "H" fr "L" fp Phase comparator output pin. LD is usually "H", and is set to "L" for the duration equivalent to the phase error between fr and fp. 4-325 m ~ r- W N o o m ~ c ~~ lGjl Lin I ); C) :D ~ == 5-bit swallow counter (A =Ot031) s:: 12-bit programmable counter (N 32 to 4095) OJ ..... fp = (J1 ..... fr , I (J1 Reference counter >I (A = 256, 512, 1024,2048) Charge pump Crystal oscillator ~ ~ MB1515 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Value Parameter Symbol Condition Min. Icc When input at fin=2.5GHz and OSCin= 4MHz, Vcc=5V. Other input pins are GND and output pins are open. - fin fin Must be AC-coupled. The minimum operating frequency when coupled at 1000 pF. 100 OSCin fose - Pfin1 2300 to 2500 MHz Power supply current Operating frequency - OSCin High level input voltage Other the fin andOSCin High level input current Data, Clock, LE 4 - 2500 Units rnA MHz 10 MHz - 6 dBm Pfin2 1900 to 2300 MHz -7 - 6 dBrn Pfin3 1000 to 1900 MHz -10 6 dBrn Pfin4 100 to 1000 MHz -20 - 6 dBm - Vp•p Vose - - - - -1.0 - -60 - ±50 IIH - - FC IILFC Input current OSCin Ilosc High level output voltage VOH Low level output voltage Excluding Do and BC High impedance cutoff current Do 1,2 BC 1 t04 V - IlL Low level input current 0.5 Vcc xO .7 +0.4 V IH V IL Low level input voltage 16.0 Max. -4 fin Permissible input voltage Typ. When Vcc =5 V 1.0 Vcc xO .3 -0.4 - - V !LA !LA !LA !LA 4.4 - - V V VOL - - - 0.4 IOFF - - - 1.1 !LA - - - rnA Output current Excluding Do and BC IOH Output voltage breakdown BC1 t04 VB IOL -1.0 1.0 - 12 rnA V 4-327 MB1515 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONS 1. Formula for calculation of divide ratio Set divider's divide ratio according to the following formula: fveo where fveo P N A fose R =[(P x N) + (16 x A)] x fose + R Externally connected veo output frequency Prescaler divide ratio (256 or 512) Binary 12-bit programmable counter setting (32 to 4095) Binary 5-bit swallow counter setting (0 to 31) Reference oscillation frequency Reference counter setting (256, 512, 1024,2048) 2. Serial data input procedure Serial data is input from three inputs, Data pin, Clock pin and LE pin, allowing for control of the 4-bit band switch setting, the 3-bit reference divider and the 17-bit comparison divider respectively. The data is sequentially fetched into the internal shift register at the rising edge of the clock and transferred to the latch when load enable is at the "H" level. The 24-bit shift register is configured as follows: r- .A 1 A 2 Leading bit ~ Lastbit MSB LSB A 3 A 4 A 5 I~Swallow counter divide~I· N 1 N 2 N 3 N 4 N 5 N 6 N 7 N 8 N 9 N 10 N 11 Programmable counter divide ratio setting bits N 12 S R R W 1 2 B C 4 -I ratio setting bits ----. B C 2 Band switch setting bits Prescaler divide ratio setting bit Reference counter divide ratio setting bits Band switch setting (BC1 to BC4) When data set in the band bits is at "H," output is turned ON. When data is at "L,n output is turned OFF. Prescaler divide ratio (SW) Divided by 256/272 when data set in the SW bit is at "H." Divided by 5121528 when data is at "L." 4-328 B C 3 B C 1 MB1515 Divide ratios for 5-blt swallow counter (Alto AS) Divide ratio A AS A4 A3 A2 A1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 .. 0 .. 0 .. 0 .. 1 .. 0 .. 31 1 1 1 1 1 III Reference counter divide ratios (Rl and R2) Divide ratio R R2 R1 0 256 0 512 0 1 1024 1 0 2048 1 1 Divide ratios for 12-blt programmable counter (Nl to N12) Divide ratios N12 N11 N10 N9 N8 N7 N6 NS N4 N3 N2 N1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 .. 0 .. 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4095 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4-329 MB1515 3. Serial data input timings When designing the synthesizer, control the Fe pin according to the veo polarity. Data BC2 Clock· lE* _ .~·.~~~~~~X.~·.~~·.~~·.=:X ~_l~_B_) __ JlJJL ........ILln . . . . JLJL : : :: :: i fl 1 i I I I t1 I ~:--, i I I I I -:, iii. 1 I b I ~ I t I I I I b----t:--- I --;,' I I I t t. :.-: I : : 1~ 15 tl, 12, b, tA, 15 :2 1 J!S *: Fetches data at the rising edge of the clock. *: Fetches data when lE is at "H" level. 4. Fe pin input in relation to phase characteristics The Fe pin switches the phase of the phase comparator. Phase characteristics (charge pump output) are inverted by contrOlling this pin. Output from the phase comparator input monitor pin (fout) is also controlled by this Fe pin. The relation of Fe pin input with Do and fout is as follows: FC: "H" (or open) fout 001,002 fout fr>fp H l fr=fp Z Outputs reference divider output (fr) Outputs comparison divider output fp fr< fp fr dp Notes: 1. The phase error is detected in a range of - 2 It to +2 It. 2. Output of a "glitch" varies slightly with charge pump characteristics. This "glitch" is output to eliminate an dead band. 4-331 MB1515 EXAMPLE MEASUREMENT CIRCUIT (PRESCALER INPUT SENSmVITY) pat 1000p ;;; 1000p SOC 4-332 20 0.11L 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 MB1515 EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT DIAGRAM • FC • fin, fin III • LE, Data, clock • LE, Data, clock • OSCin, OSCout • LE, Data, clock • BC1, BC2, BC3, BC4 4·333 MB1515 EXAMPLE APPLICATION VT Tuner BC1 La BC2 BC3 BC4 12V 5V T ~100Op t:>, r: r: 0~47K ~Op ;~ 0.1J.li ~ ILD Ifout 20 19 Vccz 18 GND2 fiji fin 11 16 15 BC1 ~ ~ ~ BC3 BC4 BC2 14 13 12 11 7 8 9 10 MB1515 1 FC 4 3 2 LE Data 5 Clock from Controller "" C 1, C2: Determined by the crystal oscillator FC: with pull up resistor 4-334 VCCI OSCin U .l'llr ,.. ..., ,.. ..., 6 j. 0.1 J1 1 Dol OSC,tND out HOJX'taJ ,tCI ,;;Cz 33V Doz -r~ II II Hi " II I ...... MB1515 ORDERING INFORMATION Parts Number Package M81515PFV Plastic SSOP, 20 pins (FPT-20P-M03) Notes EXTERNAL DIMENSIONS 20-pin plastic SSOP (FPT-20P-M03) o / (MOUNTING HEIGH!) III I INDEX ~ .049~:= (1.25~:~) Ll .213(5.40) NOM •. 173±.004 (4.40±0.10) ~::;:::::;::;::;:::;::;:::::;:;~~ 'A' ----..: '".::t- .006~:~(O.15~:~) .0256±.OO47 (0.65±0.12) r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .................... - - ...................... i Details of •A· part .004±.004 (0.1 O±O. 1 0) (STAND OFF HEI GHT) .230(5.85) REF .:This dimension does not include resin protruction. ~1992 FUJITSU UMITED F20012S-2C 1- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ .. I Dimensions in inches (millimeters) 4-335 4-336 0') FUJITSU June 1995 Edition 0.1 MB15A16 1.2GHz HIGH-SPEED TUNING PLL FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER The Fujitsu MB15A16 is a serial input phase-locked loop (PLL) frequency synthesizer with a pulse-swallow function, and is very suitable for the digital radio applications such as GSM. MB15A16 achieves the low noise performance as well as the high-speed lock-up which is required for digital cellular phones. 1]1 The MB15A16 can operate from a single +3 V supply and has an Iccof7.0 mA (typical). FEATURES = Pulse-swallow function : fiN 1.2 GHz (PIN = -10 dBm) : High-speed dual-modules prescaler with selectable 64/65 and 128/129 divide ratios • Low supply current Power saving funtion : Icc 7.0 rnA typo at 3 V : Ips = 100 J,LA typo (Controlled with PS pin) • Serial input, 18-bit programmable divider consisting of: Binary 7-bit swallow counter : 0 to 127 Binary 11-bit programmable counter: 5 to 2,047 • Serial input 17-bit programmable reference divider consisting of: Binary 14-bit programmable reference counter: 6 to 16,383 1-bit for setting a prescaler divide ratio (SW bit) 1-bit for switching a phase polarity (FC bit) 1-bit for selecting LOlfout (LOS bit) High operating frequency = PIN ASSIGNMENT (TOP VIEW) OSCIN • On-chip high performance charge pump circuit and phase comparator, achieving high-speed lock-up and low phase noise • Two types of phase comparator outputs selectable On-chip charge pump output Output for an external charge pump • Wide operating temperature range: -40 to +85°C Plastic 16-pin SSOP (shrink small outline) package (Suffix: -PFV) OSCou Vp LD/fout Vcc NC Do PS GND LE XflN fIN Data Clock ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (See NOTE) Ratings Supply voltage Output voltage Symbol Unit Vce -0.5 to +5.0 V Vp Vee to 5.5 V Vo -0.5 to Vec +0.5 V Open drain voltage VOOP Output current 10 Storage temperature Tstg NOTE: Value -0.5 to 6.0 V ±10 mA -55 to +125 °C Remark P Permanent device damage may occur if the above Absolute Maximum Ratings are exceeded. Functional operation should be restricted to the conditions as detailed in the operational sections of this data sheet. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. This Clevice contains circurtry to protect the inputs against damage due to high static vohagas 01 electrIc fields. However. rt is advised that normal precautiOns be taken to avoid applicatiOn of any vohaga higher than maximum rated vohagas to this higll impedance CIrcuit. 4·337 MB15A16 BLOCK DIAGRAM r-------, , Programmable I , reference divider Binary 14-blt reference counter , Ir Phase comparator Ip 1 P LO ~--~~----~~~~I LDlfrlfp selector I LE lIalalilIL_~ I 1--f---4-...... II DATA 19-bit shift register I 19-bit shift register 1'1 , I nmmmmrr Do ,..----------, LE s Prescaler 64/65. 1281129 I , 18-bit latch , , '".--------, I 111 .bitlatchl, , lTnTn1fllTOTr r----------, I Programmable divider I I I I Ip 4-338 1-+-----_(11 LDlfo '------I MB15A16 PIN DESCRIPTION Pin No. Pin name Description VO 1 OSCIN I Programmable reference divider input. Oscillator input. Connection for external a crystal or a TCXO. 2 OSCOUT 0 Oscillator output. Connection for an external crystal. 3 Vp 4 Vee - 5 Do 0 Charge pump output. Phase of the charge PUITIP can be reversed according FC input. 6 GNO - Ground. Power supply input for the charge pump. Power supply input. 7 Xfin I Prescaler complementary input, and should be grounded via a capacitor. S fin I Prescaler input. Connection with an external VCO should be done AC coupled. 9 Clock I Clock input for 19-bit shift register. Data is shifted into the shift register on the rising edge of the clock. (Open is prohibited.) 10 Data I Serial data input using binary code. The last bit of the data is a control bit. (Open is prOhibited.) Control bit ="W; Data is transmitted to the 17-bit latch. Control bit ="L" ; Data is transmitted to the 1S-bit latch. 11 LE I Load enable signal input (Open is prohibited.) When LE is high, the data of the shift register are transferred to a latch, according to the control bit in the serial data. 12 PS I Power saving control input. This pin must be set at "L" at Power-ON. (Open is prohibited.) PS ="H" ; Normal mode PS ="L" ; Power saving mode 13 NC - No connection. 14 LO/fOUT 0 Lock detector output(LD)lMonitor pin of the phase comparator(fout). A LOS bit in a serial data switchs LD/fout pin's output. LOS ="H" ; outputs fout LOS ="L" ; outputs LD 15 4>P 0 Phase comparator output for an external charge pump. Phase of the output is reversed according to FC input. cl>P pin is a N-ch open drain output. 16 cl>R 0 Phase comparator output for an external charge pump. Phase of the output is reversed according to FC input. cl>R pin is a C-MOS output. II 4-339 MB15A16 FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS Pulse swallow function The divide ratio can be calculated using the following equation: fveo =[(M x N) + AJ x fose + R (A < N) fveo : Output frequency of external voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) N : Preset divide ratio of binary 11-bit programmable counter (5 to 2,047) A : Preset divide ratio of binary 7-bit swallow counter (0 SA S 127) fose : Output frequency of the reference frequency oscillator R : Preset divide ratio of binary 14-bit programmable reference counter (6 to 16,383) M : Preset divide ratio of modules prescaler (64 or 128) Serial data input Serial data is processed using the Data, Clock, and LE pins. Serial data controls the 16-bit programmable reference divider and 18-bit programmable divider separately. Binary serial data is entered via the Data pin. One bit of data is shifted into the internal shift register on the rising edge of the clock. When the load enable pin is high or open, stored data is latched depending on the control data as follows: Control data (a) Destination of serial data H 17 bit latch L 18 bit latch Programmable reference divider ratio The programmable reference divider consists of a 17-bit latch and a 14-bit reference counter. The serial 18·bit data format is shown below: - -___•• Direction of data shift Divide ratio setting bit for programmable reference counter Phase switching bit LDlfout selecting bit 4-340 MB15A16 • 14·bit programmable reference counter divide ratio Divide ratio S S S S S S S S 12 11 10 8 7 6 4 3 S 2 S 13 S 5 S 14 S 9 S R 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 • 16383 . . 1 1 1 • . 0 • . . 0 • • • . . • . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II = (Divide ratio 6 to 16,383) Not.s: 1. Divide ratios less than 6 are prohibited. 2. SW: This bit selects the divide ratio of the prescaler. Low: 128 or 129 High: 64 or 65 3. LOS: This bit selects LDlfout pin output High: outputs phase comparator monitoring signal(fout). Low: outputs lock detect signal(LD) 4. FC: This bit selects phase characteristics. 5. S1 to S14: These bits select the divide ratio of the programmable reference counter (6 to 16,383). 6. C: Control bit: Set high. 7. Start data input with MSB first. (b) Programmable divider divide ratio The programmable divider consists of a.19·bit shift register, a 18·bit latch, a 7·bit swallow counter, and a 11·bit programmable counter. The serial 19·bit data format is shown below: --_.~ Direction of data shift Divide ratio setting bit for swallow counter Divide ratio setting bit for programmable counter 4-341 MB15A16 • 7·bit swallow counter divide ratio Divide ratio • ll-bit programmable counter divide ratio S S 4 Divide 3 S 2 S 6 S 5 S A S 7 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 • • • • • • • 127 1 1 1 1 , (Divide ratio S 17 S 16 S 15 S 14 S 13 S 12 S 11 S 10 S N S 18 9 S 8 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 • • • • • . 0 • . 1 • . 0 • . 0 2047 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ratio , 1 =0 to 127) (Divide ratio = 5 to 2,047) Notes: 1. Divide ratios less than 5 are prohibited for ll-bit programmable counter. 2. Sl to S7: These bits select the divide ratio of swallow counter (0 to 127). 3. S8 to S18: These bits select the divide ratio of programmable counter (5 to 2,047). 4. C: Control bit: (Set low) 5. Start data input with MSB first. Serial data input timing • t1 (~l00ns): Data setup time t2 (~ 1000ns): Data hold time ... (~l00ns): LE setup time to the rising edge of last clock Data ~ ., -18= MSB ' (LOS) (.1)' Clock S17 (FC) t3 (~300ns): Clock pulse width ts (~790ns): LE pulse width --~10' S9 . --~ , (S8) '(S7) -- C: Control bit LSB (Sl) (C: Control bit) JlJJL.. Jl..ln-.. JLJL ,, rL , , --' , LE , t1~ I. , t3~,',' • , ts '.: ... " -r-7- .1: Bits enclosed in parentheses are used when the divide ratio of the programmable reference divider is selected. Note: 4-342 • One bit of data is shifted into the shift register on the rising edge of the clock. MB15A16 Power saving mode (Intermittent operation control circuit) Setting PS pin to Low. MB15A16 enters into power saving mode resultatly current sonsumption can be limited to 100llA (typ.). Setting PS pin to High. power saving mode is released so that the device works normally. In addition. the intermittent operation control circuit is included which helps smooth start up from stand by mode. The power consumption can be reduced by the intermittent operation that powering down or waking up parts of the PLL circuitry. If a PLL is powered up uncontrolled. the resulting phase comparator output signal is unpredictable due to an undefined phase relation between referePtce frequency (f,) and comparison frequency (fp) and may in the worst case take longer time for lock up of the loop. To prevent this. the intermittent operation control circuit enforces a limited error signal output of the phase detector during power uP. thus keeping the loop locked. PS pin must be set ·C at Power-ON. Relation between the Fe input and phase characteristics The Fe bit changes the phase characteristics of the phase comparator. Both the internal charge pump output level (Do) and the phase comparator output (R. P) are reversed according to the Fe bit. Also. the monitor pin (fOUT) output is controlled by the Fe bit. The relationship between the Fe bit and each of Do. R. and P is shown below: FC -High II FC= Low P fout H Z(*1) (fp) H L L (fp) Z(*1) L Z(*1) (fp) Do R P fout Do R fr > fp H L L (fr) L fr < fp L H Z(*1) (fr) fr=fp Z(*1) L Z(*1) (fr) *1: High impedance When designing a synthesizer. the Fe pin setting depends on the veo and LPF characteristics. " *: When the LPF and veo characteristics are similar to ? set Fe bit high. *: When the veo characteristics are similar to 1. set Fe low. veo output frequency "" ./? "" ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ " >( ./ ./ ./ ./ """ ./ "" " LPF input voltage _ 4·343 MB15A16 Phase comparator output waveforms fr fp I -::~ --~~I LD [FC -::t;. __________~I ="H" 1 4>P 4>R u I ~____~__~~n~__~____~__~_ -.Jr---.--if· .... lr . z Do .-J...... ~...... -Jr" ... -.~ _... [FC = "L"] I 4>P n 4>R Do -.J ..... r ·li L.... lr . z U I .JF-..... ~....... Jr·······~· _.. Notes: 1. Phase difference detection range: -21t to +21t 2. LD output becomes low when phase is twu or more. LD output becomes high when phase error is twL or less and continues to be so for three cysles or more. 3. twu and twL depend on OSCin input frequency. twu s Slfosc (e. g. twu ~ 625ns, foscin = 12.8 MHz) twt.~ 16lfosc (e. g. twL ~ 1250ns, foscin = 12.8 MHz) 4-344 MB15A16 RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Parameter Symbol Min Value Typ Max Unit Vee 2.7 3.0 3.6 V Vp Vee - 5.0 V VI GND Vee V TA -40 - +85 °C Remark Supply voltage nputvoltage Operating temperature Notes: To protect against damage by electrostatic discharge, note the following handling precautions: - Store and transport devices in conductive containers. - Use properly grounded workstations, tools, and equipment. - Tum off power before inserting or removing this device into or from a socket. - Protect leads with conductive sheet, when transporting a board mounted device. III 4-345 MB15A16 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Recommended operating conditions unless otherwise noted.) Parameter Symbol Supply current (Power saving current) Ite ( PS) Min Value Typ Max Unit - 7 (0.1) - mA 300 - 1200 MHz With fiN =1.2 GHz, OSCIN = 12 MHz, Vee = 3.0 V. In locked state. AC coupling with a 1000pF capacitor connected. fiN fiN OSCIN fose - 12 23 MHz fiN VI IN -10 6 dBm OSCIN Vose 0.5 - Vp-p Vee x 0.3 V 1.0 ~ - ~ 100 ~ - V 0.4 V Vee = 3V, IOL = 1.0mA Operating frequency son (refer to the test circuit.) Low-level output voltage R,P. LD VOL - - High-impedance Cut off current Do,,P IOFF - - 0.3 ~ Vp = Vce to 3.6V VOOP = GND to 6V R,LD IOH -1.0 - mA Vee = 3V R,P, LD IOL - - 1.0 mA Vec = 3V -5 mA Vee=3V, Vp=5.0V, 10 mA Vcc = 3V, Vp=5.0V, Input sensitivity High-level input voltage Low-level input voltage High-level input current Low-level input current Input current Data, Clock, LE,PS Data, Clock, LE,PS OSCIN High-level output voltage R, LD VIH Vee x 0.7 VIL IIH - IlL -1.0 lose -100 VOH 2.1 Output current VOOH=4.0V VOOL=1.0V 4-346 Condition Do IOOH -15 IDOL 6 V Vec =3 V, IOH = -1.0mA MB15A16 TEST CIRCUIT (FOR MEASURING INPUT SENSITIVITY fin/OSCin) Vee Vp P.G~~OOOP 500 l 0 0 r : = 0 P p.G ,........--.L.___ 876 5 4 Jo.-----.l......, 3 2 50 0 1 III 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ' - - - - - - - ¢ Frequency counter 4-347 MB15A16 APPLICATION EXAMPLE Vpx (6V) 10k 12k To a lock detect. 12k ,-----------0 ] =~":.troll.r PS cl>R 16 12 15 LE Clock 11 10 9 6 7 8 MB15A16 2 OSCIN OSCoUT Vpx C1, C2 cl>P cl>R 4-348 4 3 Vp 5 Vee Maximum 6 V Depend on the crystal parameters N-ch open drain output C-MOS output Do 00 DS04-21323-2aE ~~~~~~DATA~SHE~ET====--FUJITSU MB1516A ASSP 1.1GHz High-Speed Tuning PLL Frequency Synthesizer DESCRIPTION The Fujitsu MB1516A is a serial input phase-locked loop (PLL) frequency synthesizer with a pulse-swallow function. MB1516A achieves the low noise performance as well as the high-speed lock-up which is required for digital mobile communications. The MB1516A can operate from a single +3 V supply. Fujitsu's advanced technology achieves an Icc of 6.5 mA (typical). III FUNCTION • High operating frequency • Pulse-swallow function • • • • • • • • : fiN =1.1 GHz (PIN =-10 dBm) : High-speed dual-modulus prescaler with selectable 64/65 and 128/129 divide ratios Low supply current : Icc =6.5 mA typo at 3 V Power saving funtion : Ips =100 ~ typo Serial input, 18-bit programmable divider consisting of: Binary 7-bit swallow counter : 0 to 127 Binary 11-bit programmable counter: 5 to 2,047 Serial input 16-bit programmable reference divider consisting of: Binary 14-bit programmable reference counter: 6 to 16,383 1-bit switch counter sets prescaler divide ratio 1-bit power saving function control On-chip high performance charge pump circuit and phase comparator, achieving high-speed lock-up and low phase noise Two types of phase comparator outputs selectable On-chip charge pump output Output for an external charge pump Wide operating temperature range: -40 to +85°C Plastic 16-pin SSOP (shrink small outline) package (Suffix: -PFV) ... I Parameter .: .:: .:. SymbOl ><» ..>... :: :····.··.:·.···.i'~~···~L>L> •.. .•.••• . •.. ..;,;{;>/} L crr:z Vcc -0.5 to +5.0 V Vp Vcc to 5.5 V Output voltage Vo -0.5 to Vcc +0.5 V Open drain voltage VOOP -0.5 to 6.0 V Output current 10 ±10 mA Supply voltage (TOP VIEW) OSCIN OSCOUT Vp ••••••••• i ~,. ••:... :":s cI>R cI>P fOUT Vce NC Do FC GND ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (See NOTE) I·: PIN ASSIGNMENT LE LD Data fIN Clock cI>P, fout Storage temperature Tstg -55 to +125 °C NOTE: Permanent device damage may occur if the above Absolute Maximum Ratings are exceeded. Functional operation should be restricted to the conditions as detailed in the operational sections of this data sheet. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. 4·349 MB1516A BLOCK DIAGRAM r-------, I I Programmable reference divider Binary 14-bit reference counter I I fp LE fp lIUrOIOIL_. I I I 1-+----+-1-' DATA 19-bit shift register 19-bit shift register I I I I nmmmrmrl r----------, LE I 111 -bit latch I I sw Prescaler 64/65, I .. _--------j 18-bit latch 7-bit latch I I ITnTn1ftlTnTl r----------, I I I I I .-_.L-._-, I Programmable divider r--'---.., 128/129 fp 4-350 MB1516A PIN DESCRIPTION Pin No. Pin name 110 I Description Programmable reference divider input Oscillator input Connection for external crystal or TCXO. 1 OSC 'N 2 OSCOUT 0 Oscillator output Connection for external crystal. 3 Vp Vee - Power supply input for charge pump 4 5 Do 0 Charge pump output Phase of charge pump can be reversed based on FC input. 6 GND - Ground 7 LD 0 Lock detector output The output level is usually high. Only when there is a phase error between fr and fp, LD becomes low for the period corresponding to the error. S f,N I Prescaler input Connection with an external VCO should be done AC coupled. 9 Clock I Clock input for 19-bit shift register Data is shifted into the shift register on the rising edge of the clock. 10 Data I Serial data input using binary code The last bit of the data is a control bit. When the control bit is high, data is transmitted to the 16-bit latch. When it is low, data is transmitted to the 18-bit latch. 11 LE I Load enable signal input (with internal pull up resistor) When LE is high. the data of the shift register are transferred to a latch. depending on the control bit in the serial data. 12 FC I Phase switch input for phase comparator (with internal pull-up resistor) When FC is low, the characteristics of the charge pump and phase comparator are reversed The FC input signal is also used to control the fOUT pin (test pin) output (fA or fp). 13 NC - No connection 14 fOUT 0 Monitor pin of phase comparator When FC is high. fOUToutputs programmable reference divider output(fr). When FC is low, tOUT outputs programmable divider output(fp). 15 cl>P 0 Phase comparator output for an external charge pump Phase of the output is reversed depending on FC input. ct>P pin is a N-ch open drain output. 16 cl>R 0 Phase comparator output for an external charge pump Phase of the output is reversed depending on FC input. ct>R pin is a C-MOS output. Power supply 4·351 MB1516A FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS Pulse swallow function The divide ratio can be calculated using the following equation: fveo z [(M x N) + A] x fosc + R (A < N) fveo N A fosc R M : : : : : : Output frequency of external voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) Preset divide ratio of binary 11-bit programmable counter (5 to 2,047) Preset divide ratio of binary 7-bit swallow counter (0::; A::; 127) Output frequency of the reference frequency oscillator Preset divide ratio of binary 14-bit programmable reference counter (6 to 16,383) Preset divide ratio of modules prescaler (64 or 128) Serial data Input Serial data is processed using the Data, Clock, and lE pins. Serial data controls the 16-bit programmable reference divider and 18-bit programmable divider separately. Binary serial data is entered via the Data pin. One bit of data is shifted into the internal shift register on the rising edge of the clock. When the load enable pin is high or open, stored data is latched depending on the control data as follows: Control data (a) Destination of serial data H 16 bit latch l 18 bit latch Programmable reference divider ratio The programmable reference divider consists of a 16-bit latch and a 14-bit reference counter. The serial 17·bit data format is shown below: --~.~ Direction of data shift Divide ratio setting bit for programmable reference counter Power saving control bit 4-352 MB1516A 14-bit programmable reference counter divide ratio Divide ratio 5 5 5 5 5 5 11 10 9 6 4 5 3 5 12 5 5 5 13 5 7 5 14 5 8 5 R 2 1 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 16383 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Divide ratio'"' 6 to 16,383) Notes: 1. Divide ratios less than 6 are prohibited. 2. SW :This bit selects the divide ratio of the prescaler. 3. 4. 5. 6. (b) Low: 128 or 129 High: 64 or 65 Sl to S14: These bits select the divide ratio of the programmable reference counter (6 to 16,383). C: Control bit: Set high. PS: This bit controls stand by mode. High: Nomal mode Low: Stand by mode Start data input with MSB first. Programmable divider divide ratio The programmable divider consists of a 19-bit shift register, a 18-bit latch, a 7 -bit swallow counter, and a ll-bit programmable counter. The serial 19-bit data format is shown below: -----..~ Direction of data shift Divide ratio setting bit for swallow counter Divide ratio setting bit for programmable counter 4-353 MB1516A • 7-bi! swallow counter divide ratio Divide ratio 11-bit programmable counter divide ratio 5 6 5 3 5 2 5 18 5 17 5 16 5 15 14 5 13 5 12 5 11 5 1 Divide ratio N 5 5 5 4 5 A 5 7 10 9 5 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 . . 127 1 5 • ..... 1 1 1 1 1 5 . ........ 1 2047 1 1 1 1 1 1 (Divide ratio .. 0 to 127) 1 1 (Divide ratio .. • 1 so 5 to 2,047) Notes: 1. Divide ratios less than 5 are prohibited for 11-bit programmable counter. 2. 51 to 57: These bits select the divide ratio of swallow counter (0 to 127). 3. 58 to 518: These bits select Ihe divide ratio of programmable counter (5 to 2,047). 4. C: Control bit: (5et low) 5. 5tart dala input with M5B first. Serial data input timing Data X= ~ ~=X__ ~_ _ _ _ _ _ (L_S_B_)_ _ _ _ __ Clock , , LE " n _,J..:_:__-,-_I l - , ,, tl~ , , , Is .. , , .. : 15 ~ -I"~::---'''.'''' 13 I I , I , :,.. ,. 12 Notes: One bil of data is shifled into the shift registor on the rising edge of the clock. 4-354 I ,• --r--;..., t6 -1...: ; - . - - - - , . . . . . . . . 14 MB1516A Power saving mode (Intermittent operation control circuit) Setting PS bit to Low. MB1516A enters into power saving mode resultatly current sonsumption can be limited to 100~A (typ.). Setting PS bit to High. power saving mode is released so that the device works normally. In addition. the intermittent operation control circuit is included which helps smooth start up from stand by mode. The power consumption can be reduced by the intermittent operation that powering down or waking up parts of the PLL circuitry. " a PLL is powered up uncontrolled. the resulting phase comparator output signal is unpredictable due to an undefined phase relation between reference frequency (fR) and comparison frequency (fp) and may in the worst case take longer time for lock up of the loop. To prevent this. the intermittent operation conttol circuit enforces a limited error signal output of the phase detector during power uP. thus keeping the loop locked. Relation between the Fe input and phase characteristics The Fe pin changes the phase characteristics of the phase comparator. Both the internal charge pump output level (Do) and the phase comparator output (R. P) are reversed depending on the Fe pin input level. Also. the monitor pin (fOUT ) output is controlled by the Fe pin. The relationship between the Fe input level and each of Do. R, and P is shown below: FC = High or open Do R P fR> tp H L fR R P fOUT L (tr) L H Z(*1) (fp) H 2(*') (fr) H L L (fp) L 2(*') (fr) 2(*') L Z(*1) (fp) *1: High impedance When designing a synthesizer, the Fe pin setting depends on the vee and LPF characteristics. *: When the LPF and vee characteristics are similar toC). set Fe high or open. *: When the vee characteristics are similar to vee output frequency 0, set Fe low. LPF input voltage _ 4-355 MB1516A Phase comparator output waveforms fr fp -..- -..- u I , I • twu LD I tWL --~I~----------~I [FC = "H"] Ci)P -'---~-----L-----,nL-----J..----L-----'-_ --J -----_l}H-----11'- Do r z .--J-L------~- ------Jr-------~ ---- [FC = "L"] Ci)P Ci)R Do Notes: 4-356 n --Jr-------J-L ----1r- z U I .-Jr -----~- J -------~ ---- r 1. Phase difference detection range: -27t to +27t 2. LD output becomes low when phase is twu or more. LD output becomes high when phase error is tWL or less and continues to be so for three cysles or more. 3. twu and tWL depend on aSCin input frequency. twu ~ 8/fosc (e. g. twu ~ 625ns, foscin = 12.8 MHz) IWLS 16/fosc (e. g. twL$ 1250ns, foscin = 12.8 MHz) MB1516A RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Parameter Symbol Value Unit Min Typ Max Vee 2.7 3.0 3.6 V Vp Vcc - 5.0 V Input voltage VI GND - Vee V Operating temperature Ta -40 - +85 ·C Supply voltage Remark Notes: To protect against damage by electrostatic discharge, note the following handling precautions: - Store and transport devices in conductive containers. - Use properly grounded workstations, tools, and equipment. - Turn off power before inserting or removing this device into or from a socket. - Protect leads with conductive sheet, when transporting a board mounted device. 4-357 MB1516A ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Recommended operating conditions unless otherwise noted.) . ,.,<" .,.'.,:.:,." ,.,..., . . '. '.'. ". . . ·~i""" '·',/\\ii\ ,.,. ",,'. ".,'•....,". ',.'. . ',', ".'.'»'. '.,'.'•.• •". . .'. .,. •,.',..•"•.'.) 1\'< '.',,'>/\. :,'::', ., """.,.,.",.",. " ..".,.. ·'·'/i<·"'.:: i< "." "..'. ,.", . ,<'".,.,,' ,,<. ,< "" 1",. / , . '.,'.",:.:...':.1.".,., '·'.'IYI1<,·,. Icc - 6.5 - rnA With fiN = 1.1 GHz, OSCIN = 12 MHz, Vee = 3.0 V. In locked state. fiN 300 - 1100 MHz AC coupling. The minimum operating frequency is measured with a 1OOOpF capacitor connected. OSCIN fosc - 12 23 MHz fiN PflN -10 - 6 dBm Vose 0.5 - Vp-p VIH Vee xO .7 - - V VIL - - Vee xO.3 V IIH - - 1.0 ~ -1.0 ~ ±50 - ~ -60 - ~ Supply current fiN Operating frequency Input sensitivity OSCIN High-level input voltage Low-level input voltage Except fiN and OSCIN High-level input current Data, Clock OSCIN lose FC, LE ILE - VOH 2.1 - - V Vce=3V,loH=-1.0mA VOL - - 0.4 V Vcc = 3V, 10L = 1.0mA 10FF - - 1.1 ~ Vec=3.6V Vp=5V 10H -1.0 - rnA Vcc=3V 10L - - 1.0 mA Vcc=3V Low-level input current IlL Input current High-level output voltage 4-358 50n Low-level output voltage Except Do and OSCOUT High-impedance Cut off current Do, fout, Cl>P Output current Except Do and OSCOUT MB1516A TEST CIRCUIT (FOR MEASURING INPUT SENSITIVITY fin/OSCin) Vee 0.1 p. G J.L = Vp .. 3V 0.1 J.L ~oo,...p...J.-_-,--r----ll..-...l_r_..L-...,'0~ 50n~ 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 p. G ~ 50n 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 2kn ~---+--¢:J L..-_ _ _ _--IL._ _ _---<;;=I Frequency counter Select fout monitor output 4-359 MB1516A TYPICAL CHARACTERISTIC CURVES Charge pump current vs. Do voltage Charge pump current vs. Do voltage Vee =3.0V Vee =3.0V 5 5 1\ 4 ~ J: o > 4 \ vp =5V ~ \ 3 \ ~ \ 1\ 2 Vp =3V o -5 ,I 2 1\ \ \ \ 3 1\ -10 1 -15 -20 o -25 I-- - 5 f--' 10 15 20 25 IOL(mA) IOH(mA) Fin Input sensitivity vs. Input frequency [dBm] +10r----,----~-----r----,---~~~~r---~----~----, +5 +0 -5 E co :s.z cL -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 400 Vee = 2.7 3 3.6 MARK=x 0 0 4-360 600 800 1000 1200 Fin [MHz] 1400 1600 1800 2000 MB1516A TYPICAL CHARACTERISTIC CURVES (Continued) Prescaler Input Impedance Characteristics S11 4: 10.102 n -37.453 n 3.8631 pF 1100 MHz 14.539 n -125.61 n 500 MHz 2: 9.6484 n -69.262 n 800 MHz 3: 9.9023 n -46.156 n 1 GHz 1: MB1516A fiN [MHz] START Crystal Input Impedance Characteristics S11 -1.8371 n 3.4653 pF 25 MHz 1: 1.425 -3.5698 10 2: 1.0444 -2.637 15 3: 800.75 -2.2129 20 MB1516A OSCIN [MHz] START kn kO MHz kn kn MHz kO kO MHz STOP 100 MHz 4·361 MB1516A APPLICATION EXAMPLE Vpx (6V) 12 k 12 k ] From controller P R 15 16 LE FC 14 12 13 Data Clock 11 10 9 6 7 8 47k MB1516A 2 OSCIN D OSCOUT 4 3 5 Vp Vce 3V 3V Do LD 1000 P L . . - - - - - o Lock det. Maximum 6 V Depend on the crystal parameters With internal pull-up resistor N-ch open drain output C-MOS output 4·362 47 k MB1516A REFERENCE INFORMATION Typical plots measured with the test circuit shown on the right of this description are shown below. Each plot shows lock up time, phase noise with various span. Test Circuit • • • • • OSCin Do fin 'vco= 825 MHz K v= 10 MHzlv , r= 300 KHz , osc= 19.2 MHz LPF: >B+>I 15k 1.5k Spectrum I Analyzer 330 P III PLL Phase Noise PLL Lock Up Time 520.02811 4700p IO.0471l ~ 10dBI I : REF 100dBm An10dB 10.00150 MHz RBW 100Hz 500 Hzldiv VBW 10Hz .• IM .Jj .1 ,,., ~I\ 1.11." •. ~~ , I'!"W ~ 9.999000 MHz 10.1699~ 1.9904199 ms 10dBI REF 100 dBm CENTER 825 MHz SPAN 20 kHz PLL Reference Leakage PLL Phase Noise An 10 dB 10dBI REF 100 dBm An 10 dB 11\ I\ J 1 / \ RBW 30 Hz VBW 10Hz P I.~LJ 'V\. WI r'I ", SPAN 2.0 kHz RBW 10kHz llt\'1'.. I IWJ' , IA J ~ ." VA CENTER 825 MHz \ I \ I \ VBW 30Hz ~ SPAN 1.0 MHz ~ CENTER 825 MHz 4-363 MB1516A PACKAGE AND DIMENSION 16-LEAD PLASTIC FLAT PACKAGE (CASE No.: FPT-16P·M05) \~ ~~1~;)~ ~ J U INDEX I .049~:gg~ ---1--+---+----- (MOUNTING HEIGHT) (1.25~:~) 1 I I -l .213(S.40) NOM *.173±.OO4 (4.4o±O.10) ~~~~ 47--r-fool._ _._02_S6-,±,-.0_0_ (O.S5±O.12) ) .252±.Ooa (6.4o±O.20) "A" --~ - ----.' .009~:gg~ (0.22~:6~) Details of "A" part .004±.OO4 ~ (STAND OFF :O'IO±O"0) .179(4.55) REF . 00tol00 *:This dimension does not include resin prolruction. ©1991 FUJITSU LIMITED F16013S-2C 4-364 . =t HEIGHT) .02o±.OO8 (0.So±O.20) Dimensions in inches (millimeters) ~ DS04-21325-1aE ~~~~~~~~~SHE~£T~~ruJITSU MB1517A ASSP 2.0 GHz High-Speed Tuning PLL Frequency Synthesizer The Fujitsu MB 1517A is a serial input phase-locked loop (Pll) frequency synthesizer with a pulse-swallow function. MB1517A achieves the low noise performance as well as the high-speed lock-up which is required for digital mobile communications. The MB1517A can operate from a Single +3 V supply. Fujitsu's advanced technology achieves an Icc of 12 mA (typical) as well as 100 J.IA (typical) at power down mode. Plastic SSOP, 16 pin FEATURES • High operating frequency • Pulse-swallow function : fiN =2.0 GHz (P,N =-10 dBm) : High-speed two-modulus prescaler with selectable 64/65 and 128/129 divide ratios low supply current : lee = 12 mA typo at 3 V Power saving funtion : Ips =100 J.IA typo Serial input, 18-bit programmable divider consisting of: Binary 7-bit swallow counter : 0 to 127 Binary 11-bit programmable counter: 5 to 2,047 Serial input 17-bit programmable reference divider consisting of: (FPT-16P-M05) Binary 14-bit programmable reference counter: 6 to 16,383 1-bit switch counter sets prescaler divide ratio 1-bit power saving function control 1-bit lO/font switch On-chip high performance charge pump circuit and phase comparator, achieving , . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - , high-speed lock-up and low phase noise Two types of phase comparator outputs selectable PIN ASSIGNMENT On-chip charge pump output Output for an extemal charge pump Wide operating temperature range: -40 to +85°C (TOP VIEW) Plastic 16-pin SSOP (shrink small outline) package • • • • • • • • ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (See NOTE) .......... Ii Parameters .. ...... Syrn~ol I·.··.·· .....• ..... ..?~'I~~ ... ..... .......... :... i<.··· OSC'N cIIR OSCOUT cliP Vp LDlfoUT vee NC Vee -0.5 to +5.0 V Do FC Vp Vee to 5.5 V GND Output voltage Vo -0.5 to Vee +0.5 V Xf,N Open drain voltage VOOP .' . ................ " Supply voltage Output current 10 Storage temperature Tstg NOTE: -0.5 to 6.0 V ±10 mA -55 to +125 °C cliP, lO/fout LE Data Clock fiN (FPT-16P-M05) Pennanent device damage may occur if the above Absolute Maximum Ratings are exceeded. Functional operation should be restricted to the conditions as detailed in the operational sections of this data sheet. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. 4-365 MB1517A BLOCK DIAGRAM OSC'N , } - - - - - . . , r-------, Programmable I I OSCOUT , 2 ) e - - - - -.... reference divider , Binary 14·bit fR reference counter I~--t-';;';"'---------f , (!)R , (!)P 6-----l' FC Phase fp LO fR LE I I , LD lIGrUlillL"'-: !fOUT ---+----.-....1 , 'I 1-+----+--..... I DATA Clock 19-bit shift register 19-bit shift register , I', , lTmmmrmr 111)-----' DO r----------, LE I I , 18-bit latch 7·bit latch I, I ... _-------, I11-bit latch I ,, ITnTD1fllTOT( r----------, I Prescaler 64165, Programmable divider ,....-lL...--.., ,...---&----. ,, I , 128/129 fp 4·366 MB1517A PIN DESCRIPTION PinHO. Plnnarne I/O 1 OSCIN I 2 OSCOUT 0 Description . .. \ Programmable reference divider input Oscillator input Connection for external crystal or TCXO. Oscillator output Connection for external crystal. 3 Vp 4 Vee - 5 Do 0 Charge pump output Phase characteristics of the charge pump can be reversed by FC input. 6 GND - Ground 7 Xfin I Complementary input of the prescaler Xfin pin should be grounded via a capacitor. 8 fiN I Prescaler input Connection with an external VCO should be done AC coupled. 9 Clock I Clock input for 19·bit shift register Data is shifted into the shift register on the rising edge ot the clock. 10 Data I Serial data input using binary code The last bit of the data is a control bit. When the control bit is high, data is transmitted to the 17-bit latch. When it is low, data is transmitted to the 18-bit latch. 11 LE I Load enable signal input When LE is high, the data of the shift register are transferred to a latch, according to the control bit in the serial data. 12 FC I Phase switch input for phase comparator When FC is low, the characteristics of the charge pump and phase comparator are reversed The FC input signal is also used to control the tOUT pin (test pin) output (tA or fp). Power supply input for the internal charge pump Power supply 13 NC - No connection 14 LDJfoUT 0 Lock detector output I Phase comparator monitoring output This is a N·ch open drain output. Either of the outputs is selected by LOS bit of the serial data. a)Lock detector output: at lock state .... LD ="H" at unlock stae.. LD ="L" b)Monitoring output: Phase comparator input signals (fp, fA) can be monitored. 15 P 0 Phase comparator output for an external charge pump Phase of the output is reversed according to FC input. P pin is a N·ch open drain output. 16 R 0 Phase comparator output for an external charge pump Phase of the output is reversed depending on FC input. III 4-367 MB1517A FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS Pulse swallow function The divide ratio can be calculated using the following equation: fveo =[(P x N) + A] x fo se '" R fveo N A fose A P : : : : : : (A < N) Output frequency of external voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) Preset divide ratio of binary 11-bit programmable counter (5 to 2,047) Preset divide ratio of binary 7-bit swallow counter (0 ~ A ~ 127) Output frequency of the reference frequency oscillator Preset divide ratio of binary 14-bit programmable reference counter (6 to 16.383) Preset divide ratio of modules prescaler (64 or 128) SerIal data Input Serial data is processed using the Data, Clock, and LE pins. Serial data controls the 17-bit programmable reference divider and 18-bit programmable divider separately. Binary serial data is entered via the Data pin. One bit of data is shifted into the internal shift register on the rising edge of the clock. When the load enable pin is high. stored data is latched according to the control data as follows: (a) H 17 bit latch L 18 bit latch Programmable reference divider ratio The programmable reference divider consists of a 18-bit shift register. a 17-bit latch and a 14-bit reference counter. The serial 18-bit data format is shown below: ----4.~ Direction of data shift ,..-___ Control bit(LSB) Divide ratio setting bit for _ _ _.... the prescaler Divide ratio setting bit for the programmable reference counter Power saving control bit 4-368 MB1517A • 14·bit programmable reference counter divide ratio . OMderatlo .R R 14 R 13 R 12···· R • .•. 1<" 11 10 R 9 .... R 8 R 7 R 6 R R 4 R 3 R 2 R 5 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 • 16383 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . III (Divide ratio =6 to 16,383) Notes: 1. Divide ratios less than 6 are prohibited. 2. SW :This bit selects the divide ratio of the prescaler. Low: 128 or 129 High: 64 or 65 3. R1 to R14: These bits select the divide ratio of the programmable reference counter (6 to 16,383). 4. C: Control bit: Set high. 5. PS: This bit controls power saving mode. High : Nomal operation Low: Power saving mode 6. LOS: This bit controls LDlfout output signal High: fout signal (fR or fp) is selected and output via LDlfout pin. Low: Lock detect signal is selected and output via LDlfout pin. 7. Start data input with MSB first . (b) Programmable divider divide ratio The programmable divider consists of a 19·bit shift register, a 18·bit latch, a 7·bit swallow counter, and a 11·bit programmable counter. The serial 19·bit data format is shown below: ----t.~ Direction of data shift Divide ratio setting bit for swallow counter Divide ratio setting bit for programmable counter 4-369 . MB1517A 7·bit swallow counter divide ratio (f? : •• "'!':>, 4 3' S 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DlYide .1 5 ratio • A 17 0 !~> .~ 5 ?~ '··Olvfde :/. ratIO N 0 . N 8 N N N 10 N 9 7, 6 5 N ··'N >'N:· '··N'·' 4 3 "·"2 f 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N 11 5 6 > N (Divide ratio 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. =0 to 127) 0 (Divide ratio = 5 to 2,047) Divide ratios less than 5 are prohibited for the 11-bit programmable counter. Sl to S7: These bits select the divide ratio of the swallow counter (0 to 127). N1 to N11: These bits select the divide ratio of the programmable counter (5 to 2,047). C: Control bit: (Set low) Start data input with MSB first. SerIal data Input timing Data X= ~ ~ ~________ Clock -I t1~ I fa .: Note: =><_L_S_B_ __ ·• ·. rL · .. - ··'--• LE 4-370 0 2047 127 ~es: 11·bit programmable counter divide ratio I ,. I. I .......-~ .... ts~ · , I .: t7 ...;.-.:.- -I'~:----~:-"" One bit of data is shifted into the shift register on the rising edge of the clock. , ,- , t3 , a, • ts MB1517A Power saving mode (Intermittent operation control circuit) Setting PS bit to Low, MS1 51 7A enters into power saving mode resultatly current sonsumption can be limited to 1OO~A (typ.). Setting PS bit to High, power saving mode is released so that the device works normally. In addition, the intermittent operation control circuit is included which helps smooth start up from power saving mode. The power consumption can be reduced by the intermittent operation that powering down or waking up parts of the PLL circuitry. If a PLL is powered up uncontrolled, the resulting phase comparator output signal is unpredictable due to an undefined phase relation between reference frequency (fR) and comparison frequency (fp) and may in the worst case take longer time for lock up of the loop. To prevent this, the intermittent operation control circuit enforces a limited error signal output of the phase detector during power up, thus keeping the loop locked. Relation between the Fe Input and phase characteristics The Fe pin changes the phase characteristics of the phase comparator. Both the internal charge pump output level (Do) and the phase comparator output (R, P) are reversed depending on the Fe pin input level. Also, the monitor pin (four) output is controlled by the Fe pin. The relationship between the Fe input level and each of Do, R, and P is shown below: I> ',::::'::: ,:::, ,,:: "::,':>; ::::, c::: !!tU; <,.c:c •••:.:,::, ':::':,cc ;::,:::::.;::.::::> cc::,:/ /::c' :;:;:: :'<- 11+ '> c': c' ':, o.? ::::: ',:,'.Cc',:":: :::,:" :':::,::::::::: :':::::: fA> fp H L L (fR) L H Z(*1) (fp) fA < fp L H Z{*1) (fR) H L L (fp) Z(*1) L Z (*1) (fR) Z{*1) L Z{*1) (fp) fA =fp III *1: High impedance When designing a synthesizer, the Fe pin setting depends on the vee and LPF characteristics. *: When the LPF and vee characteristics are similar toG). set Fe high. *: When the vee characteristics are similar to vee output frequency ®. set Fe low. LPF input voltage ~ 4-371 ~ MB1517A Phase comparator output waveforms fr fp I I -..' , LD [FC ~-twu I --~~I -.'' ~-twL __________~I I = "H"] u R [FC I __--'--___----'n___~________'__ = "L"] P R I U ~~n~~~I~~~~ Notes: 1. Phase difference detection range: -2n to +2n 2. LD output becomes low when phase error is twu or more. LD output becomes high when phase error is twL or less and continues to be so for three cysles or more. 3. twu and twL depend on OSCin input frequency. twu ~ 81fosc (e. g. twu ~ 625ns, foscin =12.8 MHz) tWL s; 16/fosc (e. g. tWL S; 1250ns, foscin 4-372 =12.8 MHz) MB1517A RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Parameter ... . .. •..•. .••..•. .... / ...>.... ......... <......\ Vee 2.7 Vp 3.0 3.6 V Vee 5.0 V GND Vee V Supply voltage Input voltage Operating temperature Ta +85 Notes: To protect against damage by electrostatic discharge, note the following handling precautions: - II Store and transport devices in conductive containers. - Use properly grounded workstations, tools, and equipment. - Tum off power before inserting or removing this device into or from a socket. - Protect leads with conductive sheet, when transporting a board mounted device. 4-373 MB1517A ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Recommended operating conditions unless otherwise noted.) ............ ,.•......... . I ....... Supply current Stand by current ~I~}.. II - 12 - rnA With fiN = 2.0 GHz, OSCIN = 12 MHz, Vee = 3.0 V. In locked state. Ips - 100 - ~ PS bit = "L" AC coupling. The minimum operating frequency is measured with a 1oo0pF capacitor connected. 1000 - 2000 MHz fose - 12 23 MHz fiN PflN -10 - 6 dBm OSCIN Vose 0.5 - - Vp-p VIH Vee xO .7 - - V VIL - - Vee xO .3 V fiN fiN OSCIN Input sensitivity Low-level input voltage Except fiN and OSCIN IIH - - 1.0 ~ Low-level input current Data, Clock, LE,FC IlL -1.0 - - ~ Input current OSCIN lose -100 +100 ~ VOH 2.1 VOL High-level input current High-level output voltage Low-level output voltage Except Do ::Inri OSCOUT High-impedance Cut off current Do, LD/fout, cl>P Output current Except Do ::Inn OSCOUT 4-374 ii ..> •.•. ••.• ......\ .......... \ lee Operating frequency High-level input voltage <... 50nSystem - V Vee=3V,loH=-1.0mA - - 0.4 V Vcc = 3V, 10L = 1.0mA 10FF - - 1.1 ~ Vee = 3.6V, Vp = 5 .OV Voop = GND to 6 .OV 10H -1.0 - - rnA Vcc=3V IOL - - 1.0 rnA Vcc=3V MB1517A TEST CIRCUIT (for Measuring Input Sensitivity fin/OSCin) Vee =Vp = 3V r r P'G~~~P'G 0.1 " 0.1 " 1000p 500~ 1000p 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ~ soo III Vee 2kO '-----......--<:;;::1 Frequency counter '-------'------<;;;=1 Select fout monitor output 4-375 MB1517A TYPICAL CHARACTERISTIC CURVES Charge pump current vs. Do voltage Charge pump current vs. Do voltage Vcc =3.0V Vec =3.0V 5 5 -.... 1\ 4 \ 3 =3v Vp i\ \ \ -5 -10 ,I 2 :\ \ \ o 4 =5v \ \ \ ~ 2 Vp -15 -20 "-- I-5 o -25 ~ 10 15 IOL(mA) IOH(mA) Input sensitivity vs. Input frequency [dBm] +10 +5 ~ i'..... ~J W.#"/d//'y/,#"~ +0 -5 -10 E ell ~ / aCATALOG-SPEq: j~ ~.h ~// V/~ ~h 'l"// ~ .df -15 z cL -20 - rm.... . . ~ -25 -30 /y /,V ~~ "Y' ~ -35 -40 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000 3200 fin(MHz) 4-376 Vee = 2.7 3 3.6 MHz= 0 x 0 3400 3600 20 25 MB1517A TYPICAL CHARACTERISTIC CURVES (Continued) Prescaler Input Impedance 11.115 n -45.209 n 1 GHz 2: 8.3428 n -12.503 n 1.5 GHz 3: 9.2764 n -7.1001 n 1.6 GHz 4: 17.173 n 5.8379 n 2 GHz 1: fiN [MHz) t---~-+------r------"";;~~-t II Crystal Input Impedance 2.1155 n -4.4665 n 10 MHz 2: 426.63 n -2.201 kn 25 MHz 1: 4-377 MB1517A TYPICAL APPLICATION EXAMPLE Vee 2kO r----------4---o Lock det. From ,...----+--t--00 ] controller r---+--f-....o c1Jp c1JR 15 16 LE 13 14 12 11 Data 10 47k47k 47k MB1517A 2 OSCIN osCour ;J; C1 3 4 Vp Vee 3V 3V ~.1 JL ;Jfl.1 JL X'tal ;J;. C2 Vpx : Maximum 6 V C1, C2 : Depend on the crystal oscillatar c1JP, LDJfout : N-ch open drain output c1JR : C-MOS output 4-378 5 6 Do 7 8 MB1517A REFERENCE INFORMATION Typical plots measured with the test drcuit are shown below. Each plot shows lock up time, phase noise, and reference leakage. Test Circuit • fvoo= 1651.2 MHz • K v= 10 MHzIv • f r= 300 KHz • f osc= 19.2 MHz • LPF: aSCin Do fin >~> =l= 1' I ~~_.t47OOp70Op I Spectrum Analyzer a1330P 0.04711 PLL Lock Up lime III PLL Phase Noise PLL lock UP Time = 584.99597 J.LS REF 100 dBm 10dBl ATT 10 dB 30.00150 MHz ........ RBW • 500 Hzldiv 100Hz VBW II 30Hz 1'" ., .. ~ 29.99900 MHz SPAN 20kHz PLL Phase Noise REF 10.0dBm 10dBl CENTER 1651.20000 MHz PLL Reference Leakage ATT 10dB REF 10.0 dBm 10 dBI ATT 10 dB 1\ J 1\ RBW I\ .I \ J IV' 'V "-, . ~r 30Hz VBW 10Hz I.I L.L RBW 10kHz ~III .. I. I· SPAN 2.0 kHz ,\ VBW .11 J 30 Hz CENTER 1651.20 MHz lJ V SPAN 1.0 MHz \ \ ~ "--.4 CENTER 1651.20 MHz 4·379 MB1517A ORDERING INFORMATION MB1517APFV1 4-380 Plastic· SSOP. 16-pin (FPT-16P-M05) MB1517A PACKAGE DIMENSION 16-LEAD PLASTIC FLAT PACKAGE (CASE No.: FPT-16P-M05) r I · .1m...,. ~ ~ r;r·~O)~ ~ J U INDEX f I I I .252±.008 (6.4Oi:O.20) (0.65±o.12) .11. .009~:~: (0.22~:~) r: [Jpl ;- - - - - - - - - ~ ~ III 'J~)~ *.173±.OO4 (4.4Oi:O.10) ~;::;;::;:;::;;r:::n:::riJ~ .0256±.0047 .049+.008 004 _+----i-_---.- (MOUNTING HEIGHT) (1.25~:~) I -D~ia~s-oi '"A= Part ------ . - -, 0 04±.OO4 (STAND OFF ~.,:: HE~ 0'to.;:J! (0.501:0.20) *:This dimension does not include resin protrudion. ©1991 FWITSU LIMITED F16013S-2C Dimensions in inches (millimeters) 4-381 MB1517A Test Data February 1995 ANALOG LSI DESIGN DEPARTMENT FU}rrsU Digital Cordless Telephone Block Diagram of DECT RF part ANT Demod RSSI Tx Tx:Ch.9 1881.792MHz Ch.5 1881.792MHz Ch.O 1897.344MHz Tx-amp Data Clock LE Dr-amp Mod 4-382 February 1995 Analog LSI Dept. FU)'ITsU MB1517A Test Data .PLL Serial Data Setting (fr=1.728MHz) Frequency Ch.9 1771.200MHz , + - 15.552MHz Rx Ch.O l Prescaler(M) 1786.752MHz PLL Divide Ratio N-Counter(N) A-Counter(A) 64 16 1 64 16 10 64 17 64 17 126.144MHz Ch.9 1881.792MHz , + 15.552MHz Tx Ch.O 1897.344MHz pulse Swallow Function . fvco = {( M x N ) + A } x fr 10 A 1897.344MHz,within Rx9->TxO 144 J.l S It ± euu 50KHz 1897.344MHz -> 1771.200MHz,within ± 50KHz TxO ->Rx9 A euta IVA 58.88 58.98 kHZ/dl U I--il-+-+-TxO 144,us 1771.200MHz -> 1897.344MHz,within ± 50KHz TxO->Rx9 160,u s 1897.344MHz -> 1771.200MHz,within ± 50KHz 72dBc ± 1.728MHz offset at 1771.200MHz Hopping Time Spurious Level Phase Noise • Loop filter scamatics .VCO; Kv=87MHzIV ( muRata MQE030 - 1835 ) 4-384 February 1995 within Loop Bandwidth at 1771.200MHz 78dBc/Hz Do ~ 280Q 560Q I VT(toVCO) o.01uF 13000 pF :&0.1 t1 F Analog LSI Dept. FUJITSU MB1517A Test Data APPLICATION EXAMPLE 16 14 15 13 12 LE 11 47kQ 47kQ 47kQ MB1517A 2 5 4 6 8 7 OSCout ;J;.l.u F;J;.l.u F v r J; r 0 February 1995 Analog LSI Dept. FUJITsU MB1517A Test Data • veo Operating Range 2200 2100 'N2000 :I: ~1900 0 0 ~ 1800 '111111~WllllllilllliI1897'344MHZ ~ 1771.200MHz 1700 1600 0 1 2 3 Control Voltage(volts) February 1995 Analog LSI Dept. 4·385 MB1517A Test Data (peN Application) April 1995 ANALOG LSI DESIGN DEPARTMENT MB1517A Test Data (peN) APPLICATION EXAMPLE LE 16 15 14 13 12 11 47kQ 47kQ 47kQ MB1517A 2 3 4 7 6 5 8 OSCout :J;'l.L1F :J;'l.L1F 4-386 April 1995 '--'--J\lI~""'-.I.""\II~HI/I,o..---~ I J; I V0 Output Analog LSI Dept. rP FUJITSU MB1517A Test Data (PCN) • PLL Hopping Time 1797.600MHZ -> 1872.400MHZ,within ± 500 I.J. s Lch ->Hch (1 1KHz 1872.400MHz -> 1797600MHz,within ± 1KHz o.l'tkrl<: 599.9176.1 'JS 1j:-74.8888 "Hz 1j:-74.9819"Hl " .•,sao i=F~iiim~"""'====~ t~~~~~~~~~;;~ J9.98589[= !1Hz kHZldlU 'ft' 2.888 IV' --, 500 I.J. S Hch ->Lch rtt.r lC: S88.816ft us k.Hz/dIU --, II 1--< 29.99599 t9.1359u. d lIIk,r x: S8B.81'" 19.1Z&'us us 1.9983766 u a ,.It.r )(: 588.8'7'61 us y:-?4.8888 "Hz '1:-74.8918I'1Hz F F~ S8.88888 I ~ 58.99888) i ~1:7~Or---~~----------~I· ~,,,·t "Hz/thu ! 19.1359 liS 1.9983859 .. la.1266 us April 1995 Analog LSI Dept. MB1517A Test Data (PCN) • Spurious Level ATTEN 10dB RL -10 0dB.. VAVG 16 10d B/ AMKR -61 sedB 200kHz • Phase Noise I Loop Band Width ATTEN 10dB RL 10 0dB m - bl.'5 :l9c.. ~~ w.til""' I \ A )1.. f \ CENTER 1. 83500BGHz RBW 10kHz VBW 10kHz April 1995 J % ·'1o.b ~~l\a I CENTER 1 63S00000GHz RBW 3013Hz VBW 300Hz SPAN 50. 1313kHz SWP 2 Bs"c Analog LSI Dept. 4-387 MB1517A Test Data (peN) .veo Operating Range(muRata MQE030-1835) 2200 2100 'N2000 J: !.1900 0 ~~~~~___+~--~........-t-o:--~---+_r1872.400MHz ~ 1800 -+------------~~-----""'""+-------""f---L1797.600MHz CJ 1700 1600 1 0 2 3 Control Voltage(volts) Analog LSI Dept. April 1995 FUJITSU MB1517A Test Data (PCN) • PLL Serial Data Setting (fr=200kHz) Frequency Prescaler(M) Lo ch 1797.600MHz t 37.4MHz RxlTx •t Mi ch 1835.000MHz 37.4MHz • Hi ch 1872.400MHz pulse Swallow Functjon . Nco 4-388 April 1995 l J 74.8MHz = {( M x N ) + A } x fr PLL Divide Ratio N-Counter(N) A-Counter(A) 64 140 28 64 143 23 64 146 18 AHch 500p S 1797.600MHz·> 1872.400MHz,within ± 1KHz Hch ·>Lch 500p s 1872.400MHz·> 1797.600MHz,within ± 1KHz Hopping Time Spurious Level Phase Noise • Loop filter scamatics .veo; Kv=87MHzIV ±200kHz offset at 1835.000MHz 61dBc 70dBc/Hz Do within Loop Bandwidth at 1835.000MHz r ~ 910Q 15kQ T 3000pF J;0.03 P F ~ VT(toVCO) 400pF ( muRata MQE030 - 1835 ) April 1995 Analog LSI Dept. 4-389 4-390 ~ DS04-21311-2aE ~~~~~~~~~s~~ET~~F~ITSU MB1518 Serial Input PLL Frequency Synthesizer With On-Chip 2.SGHz Prescaler The Fujitsu MB 1518 with an on chip 2.5 GHz dual modulus prescaler is a serial input PLL (Phase Locked Loop) frequency synthesizer with pulse swallow function. It is well suited for BS tuner, CATV system applications. It operates supply voltage of 5.0V typo and dissipates 16mA typo of current realized through the use of Fujitsu's unique U-ESBIC Bi-CMOS technology. • Power supply voltage: VCC = 4.5 to 5.5V • High operating frequency: fin =2.5GHz (Pin =-4dBm) • 2.5GHz dual modulus prescaler: P =5121528 • Low power supply current: Icc =16mA typo • Programmable reference divider: R =512 • Programmable divider conSisting of: Binary 5-bit swallow counter (A = 0 to 31) Binary 9-bit programmable counter (N =32 to 511) • Wide operating temperature: Ta =-40 to +85°C • Plastic 16-pin flat package (Suffix: -PF) PLASTIC PACKAGE FPT-16P-M06 PIN ASSIGNMENT LE ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (see NOTE) Data fOUT Clock VCC2 VCCl fiN OSCIN Power Supply Voltage Vcc --0.5 to 7.0 V Output Voltage Vo 0.5 to Vee +0.5 V Output Current 10 ±10 mA TSTG -55 to +125 °C Storage Temperature NOTE: Permanent device damage may occur if the above Absolute Maximum Ratings are exceeded. Functional operation should be restricted to the conditions as detailed in the operational sections of this data sheet. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. LD GND2 OSCOUT liN GND1 FC 001 002 This device contains circuitry to protect the inputs against damage due to high static voltagas or electric fields. However, it is advised that normal precautions be taken to avoid application of any voltage higher than maximum rated voltages to this high impedance circuit. Copyright© 1994 by FUJITSU LIMITED and FUJITSU MICROELECTRONICS, INC. 4-391 MB1518 BLOCK DIAGRAM LD GND2 ~ fiN FC D02 11 10 9 fOUT.--------~ '-----f Monitor Frequency Selector Reference Counter (R=512) Crystal Oscillator (0 LE 4-392 0 Data 0 Clock ~ VCCI OSCIN OSCOUT r GND1 8 001 MB1518 PIN DESCRIPTIONS Pin No. Pin Name 1/0 Descriptions 1 LE I Load enable input pin This pin involves a Schmitt trigger circuit. When this pin is high. the data stored in the shift register is transferred into the latch. 2 Data I Serial data of binary code input pin This pin involves a Schmitt trigger circuit. 3 Clock I Clock input pin of the 14-bit shift register This pin involves a schmitt trigger circuit. On the rising edge of the clock. one bit ot the data shifts into the shift register. 4 VCCl - PLL power supply voltage input pin 5 OSCIN OSCOUT I 6 0 Oscillator input pin Oscillator output pin A crystal is connected between the OSCIN pin and the OSCOUT pin. 7 GND1 8 9 DOl D02 0 0 Charge pump output pins The phase characteristics can be reversed depending upon the FC pin input level. 10 FC I Phase select input pin of the phase detector This pin involves an internal pull up resistor. When this pin is low. characteristics of the charge pump and phase detector can be reversed. This input also selects tOUT pin outputlevel. either fr or fp. Please see page 6. 11 fiN I Complementary input pin of fiN Please connect to GND through a capacitor. 12 GND2 - Prescaler ground pin 13 fiN I Prescaler input pin This signal is input with an AC connection. 14 VCC2 - Prescaler power supply voltage input pin 15 fOUT 0 Monitor pin of the phase detector input The fOUT pin outputs either the programmable reference divider output frequency fr or programmable divider output frequency fp. depending upon the FC pin input level. PLL ground pin FC Pin 16 LD 0 fOUT Output Signal H fr L fp Phase detector output pin Normally this pin outputs high. While the phase difference between fr and fp exists. this pin outputs low. 4·393 MB1518 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONS DIVIDE RATIO SETTING Divide ratio can be set using the following equation: fveo ={(P x N) + (16 x A)} x fose -i- R fveo: Output frequency of an external voltage controlled oscillator (VeO) P: Preset divide ratio of an internal dual modulus prescaler (512) N: Preset divide ratio of binary 9-bit programmable counter (32 to 511) A: Preset divide ratio of binary 5-bit swallow counter (0 to 31) fosc: Reference oscillator frequency R: Preset divide ratio of reference counter (512) SERIAL DATA INPUT On the rising edge of the clock, one bit of the data shifts into the shift register. When the load enable is high. the data stored in the shift register is transferred to the latch. 14-bit serial data format is shown below. ------I.. IT~LSi ~ /- ~ ~ 1 : 1 : 1N1 1 Divide ratio of swallow counter setting bit Data Input Flow ~ I ~ I ~ f?B I: 1 Divide ratio of programmable counter setting bit 5-bit swallow counter divide ratio (A 1 to AS) Divide Ratio A A A 5 4 3 A 2 A A 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 1 0 1 : : : : : : 31 1 1 1 1 1 9-bit programmable counter divide ratio (N1 to N9) Divide Ratio N N N N N N N N N 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 32 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 33 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 34 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 : : : : : : : 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 : 511 4-394 N MB1518 SERIAL DATA INPUT TIMING Data ~ --:;V(L~~) N9 - - --A-... ---"---------, ~_JUJl_JUL_ (MSB) , Clock LE I I I I I . , -----"""',-.,--.. . :--. . .'-- :: :--; t1' ; . t2-; t3~ _ rL t4-': , , t5~ " Note: On the rising edge of the clock. one bit of the data shifts into the shift register. When LE is high. the data stored the shift register is transferred into the latch. 4-395 MB1518 PHASE DETECTOR CHARACTERISTICS The FC pin selects the phase of the phase detector. The phase characteristics (charge pump output) can be reversed depending upon the FC pin input level. The monitor pin (fOUT) output level is selected by the FC pin input level as well. FC = H (or open) fr> fp H fr= fp Z frdp L FC=L fOUT 001,002 Outputs programmable reference divider output frequency (fr) Z 001,002 fOUT L Outputs programmable divider output frequency (fp) H Note: Z: VCO POLARITY High-impedance Depending upon the VCO polarity, the FC pin should be set accordingly. When VCO polarity is like (1), FC should be set high or open. When VCO polarity is like FC should be set low. ®, VCOOutput Frequency VCO Input Voltage _ PHASE DETECTOR WAVEFORM fr~ J J J J L fp u u u (FC=H) 0 01 ,002 (FC=L) 0 01 ,002 H 4--------r---- tk -----U----~-- t 0 J 0 Z- - _I z- - o fr= fp Phase difference detection range : -27t to +27t Spike shape depends on the charge pump characteristics. The spike is output to diminish the dead band. 4-396 0 -J-------- r---- + ----~-- -~- -t fr>fp Note: L frdp 0 frdp 0 frdp MB1518 TEST CIRCUIT (FOR PRESCALER INPUT SENSITIVITY) 0.1J.l I 1000p P.G i 1000p Frequency counter 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 6 7 8 MB1518 2 3 4 5 [] rr RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Value Parameter Power Supply Voltage Unit Symbol Min Typ Max Vee 4.5 5.0 5.5 V Input Voltage VI GND - Vee V Operating Temperature Ta -40 - +85 °C HANDLING PRECAUTIONS • This device should be transported and stored in anti-static containers. • This is a static-sensitive device; take proper anti-ESD precautions. Ensure that personnel and equipment are properly grounded. Cover workbenches with grounded conductive mats. • Always turn the power supply off before inserting or removing the device from its socket. • Protect leads with a conductive sheet when handling or transporting PC boards with devices. 4-397 MB1518 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS •.. (> .•. ,\i>.· « ·i. Power Supply Current fin I\~Ii fin OSCIN Low-level Input Voltage High-level Input Current &i""·.'.> < Note 1 - 16.0 - fin Note2 10 - 2500 - - 4 10 2300 to 2500MHz -4 - 6 1900 to 2300MHz -7 - 6 10 to 1900MHz -10 - 6 0.5 - VCCxO.7+O.4 - - Except fin andOSCIN - - Data. Clock. LE - 1.0 - fOSC Pfin IIH - IlL - - -1.0 - - - -60 - - ±50 - 4.4 - - Vosc VIH VIL Low-level Input Current Input Current "".,, ......... , FC IILFC OSCIN Ilosc High-level Output Voltage VOH 001. 0 02 High-level Output Current Vcc= 5.0V - - - 0.4 10FF - - - 1.1 10H - -1.0 - - 10L - 1.0 - - Note1: fin=2.5GHz. OSCIN=4.0MHz. Vrx;=5.0V. Input pins are grounded and output pins are open. Note2: AC coupling. Minimum operating frequency is measured with a capacitor 1000pF. 4-398 dBm Vpp V j.lA V VOL Except Do Low-level Output Current mA VccxO.3-0.4 Except Do Low-level Output Voltage High-impedance Cutoff Current .r0W MHz OSCIN High-level Input Voltage .-':,:i> Icc Operating Frequency Input Sensitivity I~ I~~j j.lA mA MB1518 MB1518 APPLICATION CIRCUIT VT VCO III VCOOUT 5V ... ::1000p o"f Lock Det. LD 16 IfOUT 15 1000p Jr :: fiN VCC2 14 13 fIN GND2 12 11 FC 10 D02 9 33v MB1518 1 2 LE Data 5 4 3 Clock VCCl 5V J From Controller -- 0.1 11 .~ 7 6 OSCin OSCout GND1 HOIX'tal XXX C1 8 DOl .. ... :~ ......... ...... ,." C 2 C 1 , C 2 : depends on the crystal oscillator FC : with internal pull up resistor 4-399 MB1518 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS 16-LEAD PLASTIC FLAT PACKAGE (CASE No.: FPT-16P-M06) , l ~~==~=.4=00~~=:g=6~g=(1=0'~15=~=0:=~~~)~~~ .089(2.25)MAX (MOUNTING HEIGHT) .002(O.05)MIN (STAND OFF HEIGHT) -+----. 1 .307±.016 (7.8o±0.40) INDEX d II .. I- I 11==t +- I I TYP .209±.012 (5.3o±O.30) "S" .018±.004 -~I'~I------'t ±o} -$- 121.005(0.13) ® (0.45_ .10 L.:.-...l.-_~~-=---C .02o±.008 (0.50±0.20) .006~:gg~ (0.15~:g~) ¥ 1--------'1--------, "A" I Details of "A" part I I .0~16(0.40): -- : : I II II .008(0.20} I .350(8.89) REF II .00~~X18} : II Details of "S" part I I ! .00~(0.15) : -L I ~: .008(0.20) .00~~~8) I II I I .027(0.68) !I I .027(0.68) I IL _ _ _ _ _MAX I I ____ - _MAX _ _ _ JL _ _ _ JI ©1991 FUJITSU LIMITED F16015S-2C 4-400 Dimensions in inches (millimeters) cO September 1993 Edition 1.0 FUJITSU DATA SHEET MB15A19 DUAL SERIAL INPUT PLL FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER DUAL SERIAL INPUT PLL FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER WITH 600MHz PRESCALER The FufdsU MB15A19 is a 600MHz dual serial input PLL (Phase Locked) frequency synthesizer designed for cellular telephone and cordless telephone applications. III The MBl5A19 has two PLL circuits on a single chip: one for transmit and the other for reception. Separate power supply pins are provided for the transmit and reception PLL circuits. Transmit PLL contains a low sensitivity charge pump for ease of modulation and reception PLL contains a high sensitivity charge pump for faster lock up time. 600 MHz dual modulus prescalers are on chip and enables a pulse swallow function. It operates supply voltage of 3.0V typo and dissipates 11 mA typo of current realized through the use of Fujitsu's unique U-ESBIC Bi-CMOS technology. • H"Jgh operating frequency: fin - 600MHz • Low power supply voltage: Vec - 2.7 to 5.5V • Low power supply current: PLASTIC PACKAGE FPT·20P-M01 Icc • 11 rnA typo @3V. • Wide operating temperature: TA • -40 to 85°C • • PIN ASSIGNMENT Two charge pumps Low sensitivity charge pump for transmit H"lQh sensitivity charge pump for reception Plastic 2O-pin flat package (Suffix: -PF) ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (see NOTE) OSCIN 2 OSCOUT 3 fin 1 4 Veel Vet; -0.5 to 7.0 Power Supply Voltage V Vp Vet; to 10.0 VOUT -0.5 to Vet; +0.5 Output Current lOUT ±10 mA Storage Temperature TSTG -55 to +125 °c Output Voltage NOTE: V Permanent device damage may occur if the above Absolute Maximum Ratings are exceeded. Functional oporation should be restricted to the conditions as detailed in the operational sections of this data sheet Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. Copyright @,iS13byFWITSU LIMITED Clock GNO 5 Data 18 LE fin2 TOP VIEW 16 VCC2 fp fr 6 15 LO , 7 14 L0 2 VPl 8 13 VP2 001 9 12 002 BS, 10 11 BS2 This d...nc. contains circuitry 10 praled Ihe Inpuls against damage due 10 high Italic volag. or elednc lields. However, I Is advised thai normal precautions be taken 10 avoid ~icalion ol anyVOllage highat than maximum rMeeI wIIag_ to this high l~atlCe circuit. 4-401 M815A19 MB15A19 BLOCK DIAGRAM 22-b11lhll regtaler 4-402 MB15A19 BLOCK DESCRIPTIONS TRANSMIT/RECEPTION BLOCK • 20-bit latch • Programmable divider consisting of: Binary 7-bit swallow counter (Divide ratio: 0 to 12n Binary 11-bit programmable counter (Divide ratio: 16 to 2047) • Phase detector with phase polarity change function • 600MHz dual modulus prescaler (Divide ratio: 64/65) • Charge pump II COMMON BLOCK • 22-bit shift register • Programmable divider consisting of: Reference counter (Divide ratio: 256, 2048) (Divide frequency. 50kHz, 6.25kHz (Crystal oscillator frequency. 12.8MHz) • Crystal oscillator • fp monitor output selector • Latch selector • Schmitt circuits • Analog switches 4·403 MB15A19 PIN DESCRIPTIONS "';';':";" 1 GND - Ground. 2 3 OSCIN OSC- I 0 Oscmator input pin. Oscillator output pin. A crystal is connected between OSCIN pin and OSCOUT pin. Prescaler input pin of transmit section. The connection with VCO should be AC connection. OUT 4 fin, I 5 VCC1 - 6 fr 0 Monitor pin for programmable reference divider output 7 LD1 0 Lock detect signal output pin of transmit section. Power supply voltage input pin of transmit section. When power is OFF, latched data of transmit section is cancelled. Condition H Unlock L 8 VPl - Power supply voltage input for charge pump and analog switch of transmit section. 9 001 0 Charge pump output pin of transmit section. Phase characteristics of the phase detector can be reversed depending upon FC-bit setting. 10 851 0 Analog switch output pin of transmit section. Usually this pin is high-impedance state. During SW is ON (LE • high), charse pump output is connected to this pin. ~11 852 0 Analog switch output pin of reception section. Usually this pin is high-impedance state. During SW is ON (LE • high), charge pump output is connected to this pin. 12 002 0 Charge pump output pin of reception section. Phase characteristics of the phase detector can be reversed depending upon FC-bit setting. 13 VP2 - Power supply voltage input for charge pump and analog switch of reception section. 14 LD2 0 Lock detect signal output pin of reception section. Condition 15 fp o LD pin output level Lock H Unlock L Monitor pin for programmable divider output This pin outputs divided frequency of transmit section or reception section depending upon FP bit setting. FP bit 4-404 LD pin output level Lock Output H Transmit section (fp1) L Reception section (fp2) MB15A19 PIN DESCRIPTIONS (Continued) :::::::~t~::ij~~: Pln:N~~. :.;.:.;.:.:"::.:" . ":'::::;'::;>:::::::::{.::;;;;;;'. .. :.: .. '.;:;:;.. ::::":-:::;:'<:::;::'.:::. ...;.;.::;...;:::... :::.:;..:.; ..•;:.;';'" :" _. ·C.:" :.:;:;::;;:- . ::::.;.;;;... :.. ::.;;., .·::;·::::;:;i ";'::;":'::':' :·::::::;:::;::'::.;:::·::r 16 Vccz - 17 tina I Prescaler input pin of reception section. The coMection with VCO should be AC conneeiton. 18 LE I Load enable input pin. This pin involves a schmitt trigger circuit When this pin is high, Ihe data stored In the shift register is transferred into the latch depending on a control data. At this moment, charge pump output signal is output from as pin since internal anafog swith becomes ON. 19 Data I Serial data input pin of 22-bit shift register. This pin involves a schmitt trigger circuit The stored data in the shift register is transferred to either transmit section or reception section depen~ Ing upon a control data. 20 Clock I Power supply voltage input pin for reception section, programmable reference divider, shift register, and crystal oSCIllater. When power is OFF, latched data of reception section and reference counter is canceUed. Control bit data The destination of data H Latch of transmit section L Latch of reception section • Clock input pin of 22·bit shift register. This pin involves a schmitt trigger circuit On rising edge of the clock shifts one bit of data into the shift register. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONS The divide ratio can be calculated using the following equation: fveo - {(M x N) + A} x fose + R (A < N) fvco: Output frequency of external voltage controlled ocillator (VeO) M: Preset divide ratio of dual modulus presealer (64) N: Preset divide ratio of binary 11·bit programmable counter (16 to 2047) A: Preset divide ratio of binary 7·bit swallow counter (OS A S 127) fose: Reference oscillator frequency R: Preset divide ratio of reference counter (256 or 2048) 4-405 MB15A19 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONS SERIAL DATA INPUT Serial data Is Input using three pins. Data pin. Clock pin. and LE pin. Programmable cfrvider of transmit section and programmable cflViderof recap1ion section are controUed IndividuaDy. Serial data of binary data is input Into Data pin. On rising edge of clock shifts one bit of serial data into the shift register. When load enable signal is high. the data stored in the shift register is transferred to either the latch of transmit section or the latch of reception section depending upon the control bit data setting. Control data Destination of serial clata H Latch of transmit section L Latch of reception section SHIFT REGISTER CONFIGURATION Control bit ! L;B 1 2 IB Data Flow --.. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 C R F F A A A A A A A N N N N N N N N N N N N E P C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 T F N1 to N11 A1 toA7 FC FP REF CNT : Divide ratio of the programmable counter setting bit (16 to 2047) : Divide ratio of the swallow counter setting bit (0 to 127) : Phase control bit of the phase cletector : Output of the programmable cfrvider control bit (fp 1 or fp2) : Divide ratio of the reference counter setting bit (256 to 2048) : Conlrol bit SERIAL DATA INPUT TIMING • tl • tz. ~ Dara t.. ts ~ 1J.1.S Nl1 - MS8 v;;;--· · ~ · -,,;;:;;V ~--- ~---~ I I aock LE C: Con'" Nt I I --lliJl.JUJl.~ :' -----~...I - ~ Itll " I i; I ,.ta-. I I I I 13~ , I rL I I :-t.-+:: I I ts~ I On rising edge of the clock shifts one bit of the data into the shift register. 4-406 21 I MB15A19 BINARY 11-BIT PROGRAMMABLE COUNTER DATA SETIING Divide Ratio (N) N 11 N 9 N 10 N 8 N 7 N 6 N 5 N 4 N 3 N 2 N 1 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 2047 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Note: Divide ratio less than 16 is prohibited. Divide ratio (N) range. 16 to 2047 II BINARY 7-BIT SWALLOW COUNTER DATA SETIING A A A A 7 6 5 4 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 127 1 1 1 1 Divide Ratio A 3 A A 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 (A) Note: Divide ratio (A) range. 0 to 127 REF : DIVIDE RATIO (R) OF THE REFERENCE COUNTER SETIING BIT H • 256 (fr • so.o kHz) L • 2048 (fr • 6.25 kHz) FP FC : OUTPUT OF THE PROGRAMMABLE DIVIDER SETIING BIT H • fp pin (15 pin) outputs programmable divider output frequency (fp1) of transmit section. • L. fp pin (15 pin) outputs programmable cftvider output frequency (fp2) of reception section. : PHASE CONTROL BIT OF THE PHASE DETECTOR Output of charge pump is selected by FC pin. FC.H FC.L fr > fp H L fr.fp Z Z fr fp or fr < fp, spike might not generate depending up the veo characteristics. 4-408 MB15A19 ANALOG SWITCH ONIOF F of the analog switch is controned by the combination of the control data and lE signal. When the analog switch is ON, BS " BS2 pin output the chatge pump output (DOl. 0Q2). When analog switch is OFF, BS pin is set to high impedance. Control data - H Divide ratio of transmit section is set Control data - L Divide ratio of reception section is set lE.H lE.l LE-H LE al Analog switch of transmit section ON OFF OFF OFF Analog switch of reception section OFF OFF ON OFF III When a analog switch is inserted between LP1 and LP2. faster lock up time is achieved to reduce lPF time constant during PLL channel switching. ----------------~ Do CHARGE PUMP I SISW (CONTROL SIGNALE) - - - - - - ' -------------------------------~ RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Power Supply Voltage HANDLING PRECAUTIONS • This device should be transported and stored in anti-st"'!ic containers. • This is a static-sensitive device; take proper anti-ESO precautions. Ensure that personnel and equipment are properly grounded. Cover workbencf1es with grounded conductive mars. • Always tum the power supply off betore inserting or removing the device trom its socket • Protect leads with a conductive sheet when handling or transporting PC boards with devices. 4-409 MB15A19 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS a;:.ll~J!I" .~ Power Supply Current. IccI Reception section Is active. 1cc2 Transmit/reception sec:tlon are active. - 20 Vee - 2.7 to 4.0V, soO -8 - 0 fin PflN Vee • 4.0 to S.SV, soO -4 - 2 Except fin andOSCIN Do Except Do andOSCOUT Vpp - - VL - - VccXO.3-0.4 1.0 -1.0 - ±50 - 2.2 - - - - 0.4 - - 1.1 lose VOH Vcc· 3 •OV VOL IOFF Vp • Vcc to S.OV IOH -1.0 lOt. 1.0 - - - -1 - Vcc· 3V - 12 - IOH Vp.6V - -3 - lOt. Vee .3V - 6 - - 2S - 001 Doz RoN .: fin. 600MHz, OSCIN • 12.8MHz, Veet • VCC2. 3.0V. The remaining input pins are grounded and output pins are open . •• : AC coupling. Minimum operating frequency is measured when a capacitor 1OOOpF is connected. V J.lA V J.1A - Vp.6V IOH 4-410 dBm VccXO•7+O. 4 Input Current mA MHz VIH OSCIN Except Do andOSCour ;::~~:a·! Vase IlL Notes: 11.0 12.8 LE Analog Switch ON Resistance - - Low-level Input Current Output Current 5.5 'osc IIH H(gh-impedance Cutoff Current - '.':':: :':::":::.:':, OSCIN Data. Cloc:k Low-level Output Voltage ..• ,.,.',::.: : :.:::,:: 600 High-level Input Current High-level Output Voltage '.:' ":.:':'::':. - OSCIN Low-Ievellnput Voltage >.' 10 Input Sensitivity High-level Input Voltage I~ fin fin Operating Frequency•• \ .~·:L: mA 0 MB15A19 TEST CIRCUIT (PRESCALER INPUT SENSITIVITY TEST) P.G ~~,..F 1 _ _-< >-_ _-< III GND 500 POGi' MB15A19 1000pF soO fp '----+---------0 Oscilloscope IOo1~ 4-411 MB15A19 APPLICATION EXAMPLE Output Lock Deteetor 3V 6V MB15A19 fr GND Lock Detector 1000pF Output Note: VP1, Vpz C1,C2 Clock, Dala, LE x·taI 4-412 :8 V max. :depends on the ctYstai oscn/ator. :invo/ve the schmitt circuit When input pins are open, please insert the pull downlup resistor individually to prevent the oscillation. : 12.8MHz MB15A19 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS 2D-LEAD PLASTIC FLAT PACKAGE (CASE No.: FPT-20P-M01) .089(2.25) MAX ~ .500~:::(1"1O:g:~) ~ (MOUNTING HEIGHT) '()02(0.05) MIN ~J-,-(S_T._AND OFF HEIGHT) l INDEX III .307±.016 (7.eo±o.40) +. 016 (6 80..0·40) •268-.008· -0.20 .209±.012 (5.3O±O.30) cf I ==* JL ~~~~~~~~~-1 .050(1.27) TYP • II .006::~~(0.15~:g~) .018±.OO4 I (O.45±o.10) .0_008 (O.5O±O.20) L-\.:......I-\0_.00_5....:...(0_.13....:...)@;;..J\ r--------, I Details of "A" part I II .008(0.20) II I I I I I I I .020(0.50) I I .007(0.18) I I I I .027(0.68) I I1.. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .1I 1 + - - - - .450(11.43) REF - - - C1991 FUJITSU LIMITED F2OO035-SC Dimensions in inches (millimeters) 4-413 4·414 00 DS04-21314-1E ~~~~~~~~~s~~ET~~F~ITSU MB1519 ASSP DUAL SERIAL INPUT PLL FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER III DUAL SERIAL INPUT PLL FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER WITH 600MHz PRESCALER The Fujitsu MB 1519 is a 600MHz dual serial input PLL (Phase Locked) frequency synthesizer designed for cellular telephone and cordless telephone applications. The MB 1519 has two PLL circuits on a single chip: one for transmit and the other for reception. Separate power supply pins are provided for the transmit and reception PLL circuits. Transmit PLL contains a low sensitivity charge pump for ease of modulation and reception PLL contains a high sensitivity charge pump for faster lock up time. PLASTIC PACKAGE DIP-20P-M02 600 MHz dual modulus prescalers are on chip and enables a pulse swallow function. It operates supply voltage of 3.0V typo and dissipates 11 mA typo of current realized through the use of Fujitsu'S unique U-ESBIC Bi-CMOS technology. • • • • • • High operating frequency: fin =600MHz Low power supply voltage: Vee =2.7 to 5.5V Low power supply current: Icc = 11 mA typ, @3V. Wide operating temperature: TA =-40 to 85°C Two charge pumps Low sensitivity charge pump for transmit High sensitivity charge pump for reception Plastic 20-pin dual in line package (Suffix: -P) Plastic 20-pin flat package (Suffix: -PF) PLASTIC PACKAGE FPT-20P-M01 PIN ASSIGNMENT GND ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS see NOTE) Rating 05CIN Symbol Value Unit Vee -0.5 to 7.0 V Vp Vee to 10.0 Output Voltage VOUT -0.5 to Vee +0.5 V Output Current lOUT ±10 rnA NOTE: TSTG -55 to +125 fr °C Permanent device damage may occur if the above Absolute Maximum Ratings are exceeded. Functional operation should be restricted to the conditions as detailed in the operational sections of this data sheet. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. Copyright@I994byFUJITSU LlMIED fin, VeCl Power Supply Voltage Storage Temperature OSeOUT LD, Data Data LE fin2 VCC2 fp L02 VPl VP2 001 002 BS , B52 This device contains circu~ry to protect the inputs against damage due to high static vo~ages or electric fields. However, ~ is advised that nonnal precautions be taken to avoid application of any vo~age higher than maximum rated vo~ages to this high impedance circurt. 4-415 MB1519 MB1519 BLOCK DIAGRAM RECEP· TION SECTION 23-bk shill register 4-416 MB1519 BLOCK DESCRIPTIONS TRANSMlT/RECEPnON BLOCK • 20-bit latch • Programmable divider consisting of: Binary 7-bit swallow counter (Divide ratio: 0 to 127) Binary 11-bit programmable counter (Divide ratio: 16 to 2047) • Phase detector with phase polarity change function • 600MHz dual modulus prescaler (Divide ratio: 64165) • Charge pump COMMON BLOCK • 23-bit shift register • Programmable divider consisting of: Reference counter (Divide ratio: 512.1024) {Divide frequency. 25kHz. 12.5kHz (Crystal oscillator frequency. 12.8MHz) • Crystal oscillator • fp monitor output selector • Latch selector • Schmitt circuits • Analog switches 4-417 MB1519 PIN DESCRIPTIONS PIn No,; ""'·.NamI 1 GNO 2 3 ose- OSCtN .... ( ..... ... )10 - .. :Dllerlpuona . ; ':"<:~;:)::.:'::.:;>:-:'" ............... .• \ ..........................................<•.. . . Ground. I Oscilator Wlput pin. Oscilator 0UIp\J pin. A a)'Sta1 is connected between OSC!N pin and 0SC0ur pin. 0 OUT " in1 I PrescaIer if1)U pin of transmit section. The connection with veo should be AC connection. S VCC1 - Power ~y voltage if1)ut pin of transmit section. When power is OFF, latched data of transmit section is canceled. 8 t 0 MonitOf' pin for programmable reterence divider output. 7 lO1 0 Lock detect signal output pin of transmit section. Condition LO pin ou\pU\ level Lock H Unlock L 8 VP1 - Power ~y voltage if1)ut 9 001 0 Charge PUf11) output pin of transmit section. Phase characteristics of the phase detectOf' can be reversed depending upon Fe-bit setting. 10 881 0 Analog switch output pin of transmit section. Usually this pin is high-impedance state. During SW is ON (lE • high), charge pump output is c0nnected to this pin. 11 882 0 Analog switch output pin of reception section. Usually this pin is high-impedance state. During SW is ON (lE • high), charge pump output is c0nnected to this pin. 12 002 0 Charge PUf11) output pin of reception section. Phase characteristics of the phase detector can be reversed depending upon Fe-bit setting. 13 VP2 - Power ~y voltage if1)U 14 lO2 0 Lad< detect signal 0lAput pin of reception section. Condition 15 4-418 .. \) 0 tor charge pump and analog switch of transmit section. tor charge pump and analog switch of reception section. LD pin ouIput level Lock H Unlock L Monitor pin for programmable divider OUIput. This pin outputs divided Irequency of transmit section or reception section depending upon FP bi setting. FPbit Output H Transmit section (fp1) L Reception section (fp2) MB1519 PIN DESCRIPTIONS (Continued) .,...No. PlitNll. ......•.ltQ ..:... ............../.. .............../< ....;. . • <:.>>::<~ }<.<:> .:..,:/ .. ) .:/ ........;. . .• •.•:. • . :. <...•••..::::.;:•. :.: ..........................;.......:........... : 16 VCC2 - 17 IiI"2 I Prescaler i~ pin of reception section. The connection with veo should be AC conneciton. 18 LE I Load enable i'lJlA pin. This pin involves a schmitt trigger ci"cuil. When this pin is high, the data stored in the shift register is transferred into the latch depending on a control data. At this moment, charge pump 0IApUt signal is outpIA ..om as pin since internal analog swilh becomes ON. 19 Data I Serial data i'lJut pin oI23-bit shift register. This pin involves a sctvnitt trigger circuit. The stored data in the shift register is transferred to either transmit section or reception section depending upon a control data Power SUfJPIy voltage i~ pin for reception section, pro(T8mmable reference divider, shift register, and crystal oscillator. When power is OFF, latched data of reception section and reference counter is cancelled. Control bit data 20 Clock I The destination of data H Latch of transmit section L Latch of reception section Clock input pin of 23-bit shift register. This pin involves a schmitt trigger ci"cuit. On rising edge 01 the clock shifts one bit of data into the shift register. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONS The divide ratio can be calculated using the following equation: fveo • {(M x N) + AI x fose ~ R (A < N) fveo: Output frequency of external voltage controlled ocillator (VeO) M: Preset divide ratio of dual modulus prescaler (64) N: Preset divide ratio of binary 11 -bit programmable counter (16 to 2047) A: Preset divide ratio of binary 7-bit awallow counter (~ A s 127) fosc:Reference oscillator frequency R: Preset divide ratio of reference counter (51 2 or 1024) 4-419 MB1519 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONS SERIAL DATA INPUT Serialdata is if1>ut USing ltYee pins. Data pin. Clock pin. and LE pin. Prcqammable divider of transmit section and programmable divider of reception section are conlroled individually. Serial data of binary data is input into Data pin. On rising edge of clod< shifts one bit of serial data into the shift reQister. When kMd enable signal is high. the data stored in the shift register is nnsferred to either the latch of transmit section or the latch of reception section depending upon the control bit data setting. Control data Destination of serial data H Latch of transmit section L Latch of reception section SHIFT REGISTER CONFIGURATION !, , Conrolbit Dataflow ...... LSB 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 MSB 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 C R F 0 F A A A A A A A N N N N N N N N N N N N E P M C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 T F N1 to N11 A1 to A7 Y : Divide ratio of the programmable counter setting bit (16 to 2047) : Divide ratio of the swaHow counler setting bit (0 to 127) FP REF : Phase control bit of the phase detector : Dummy bit fp H L fr-fp Z Z fr ,., , >"',,...... , .,/, "'''''','''::>::>' :",,' ..... .. ·:·'··::·:::·.:,·::.,:,: • ·::.:::,7:·::··:·• ·.·(. ,:::::7 -:'":':77:i,:/:}: I ' : : : Vee 2.7 5.5 V Vp Vcc 8.0 v Input Voltage GND Vee V Operating Temperatu-e -40 Power SLPPIy Voftage 3.0 VCC1· VCC2 HANDLING PRECAUTIONS • This device should be transported and stored in anl~static containers. • This is a static-sensitive device; take proper ant~ESD precautions. Ensure that personnel and equipment are prcper1y grounded. Cover workbenches with grounded coR:iuctive mats . • Always tu-n the paNer supply off before inserting or removing the device from its socket. • Protect leads with a coR:iuctive sheet when handling or transporting PC boards with devices. 4-423 MB1519 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Icc 1 Power Supply Current· Reception section is active. .eactive. fin 8.0 11.0 16.0 mA Transmitlreception section fin 5.S 10 600 MHz Operating Frequency•• 12.8 Vee - 2.7 to 4.0V, SOO -8 o Vee - 4.0 to 5.SV, son -4 .. fin Input SenslMly OSCIN High-level ,~ Voltage Low-level ....,.. Voltage 20 Vosc dBm Vpp 0.5 VccxO·7+O.4 Except fin andOSCIN V VccxO·3-0.4 1.0 Data, Clock Low-level ,~ Cooent LE -1.0 Input CUTant High-level 0uIpd Volage Low-level 0uIpuI Voltage High-impedance Cutoff Current Vec- 3.OV Except Do andOSCour DO 2.2 V 0.4 IoFF Vp • Vee to 8.0V Voop - GND to B.OV 1.1 -1.0 Except Do andOSCour 1.0 Vp.6V -1 Vcc -3V 12 Vp.6V -3 Vee -3V 6 rnA 0uIput Cooent 002 Analog Switch ON Resistance Hotel: 4-424 25 .: fin. 6OOMHz, OSCtN • 12.BMHz, VCC1 • VCC2 - 3.0V. The remaining iflllt pins are grounded and output pins.e open . •• : AC COl4>Iing. Minimum operating frequency is measLl"ed when a capacitor 1000pF is connected. MB1519 TEST CIRCUIT (PRESCALER INPUT SENSITIVITY TEST) P.G ::::nT~.......---( ~ GND _! MB1519 P'G~ 1000pF SOO ~ ""---+-------0() Oscilloscope 4-425 MBiSi9 APPLICATION EXAMPLE Output Lock Detedor ~ Controller 3V 6V VCC2 VP2 { Clock Data 002 ~ MB1519 GND OSC'N 0SC0ur fr Output Nolt: VPlo VP2 C1, C2 Clock, Data, LE X'taJ 4-426 : 8 V max. : depends on the aystal oscillator. : involve the schmitt circuit. When if1)ut pins are open, please insert the puU downllop resistor individually to prevent the oscillation. : 12.BMHz MB1519 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS 2G-LEAD PLASnC DUAL IN·LlNE PACKAGE (CASE No.: DIP·20P·M02) I. .----INDEX-1 .970~:g~(24.64~~g) -----~·I rr=====~=~====::!::::::!::::=!:::::::!===7i r III o .172(4.36)MAX .118(3.oo)MIN .100(2.54) .050(1.27) MAX TYP . II. .018t.OO3 (0.46±o.08) .020(0.51 )MIN Dimensions in @1991 FWrrSU UMITED D200035-3C inches (millimeters) 4·427 MB1519 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS (Continued) 2O-LEAD PLASTIC FLAT PACKAGE (CASE No.: FPT-20P-M01) .089(2.25) MAX (MOUNTING HEIGHT) .002(0.05) MIN (STAND OFF HEIGHT) INDEX cf . . - - - - .450{11.43) REF - - - e o ! Dimensions in C1991 FWrTSU LIMITED F20003S-SC 4-428 inches (millimeters) cP Sept. 1995 Edition O. 1a FUJITSU MB15S series - Product Profile Sheet - - IF BAND PLL FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER Small package and IF band MASK ROM PLL (SIMPLL Series) The Fujitsu MB 15S series is an exclusive Intermediate Frequency (IF) band Phase Locked Loop (PLL) frequency synthesizer with pulse swallow operation. It can operate at a maximum of 300MHz. The reference divider and comparison divider have fixed divide ratios, so that it is not required to set the divide ratios by a jlcontroller externally. Since the dividers are designed by means 0'1 a MASK ROM method, a customer can choose them optionally. SOP and SSOP 8-pin plastic packages are available. III It operates with a supply voltage of 3.0V typo and dissipates 3.5 mA typo of current realized through the use of Fujitsu's Bi-CMOS technology. FEATURES • Operating frequency: 300MHz max. • Low power supply current: Icc (total) =3.5 mA typo (Vee =3V) • Pulse swallow function; 300MHz Prescaler: 16/17 or 32/33 • MASK ROM optional the comparison and reference dividers: - Main counter; 5 to 4095 - Swallow counter; 0 to 31 - Reference counter; 5 to 4095 • Charge pump options: - Analog cellular phones; Low sensitivity charge pump for direct modulation. - Digital cellular phones; Super charger circuit for High speed tuning. • Low power supply voltage: Vee =2.7 to 3.5V • Wide operating temperature: TA =-40 to 85°C • Plastic 8-pin SOP and 8-pin SSOP packages SOP-8P-M01 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (see NOTE) I /> . . '~~im~«F \' ."'" .".' .':':,>:.'.:( ",.,,,~.,~~,:.,:: >: Vee -0.5 to 5.0 V Input voltage V, -0.5 to Vee + 0.5 V Output Voltage VOUT -0.5 to Vee +0.5 V Output Current lOUT Ot05 mA Storage Temperature TSTG -55 to +125 °C Power Supply Voltage NOTE: SOP-8P-M03 Permanent device damage may occur if the above Absolute Maximum Ratings are exceeded. Functional operation should be restricted to the conditions as detailed in the operational sections of this data sheet. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. 4-429 MB15S series PIN ASSIGNMENT o Vce Do LO GND fin OSCin fout 4 Div PIN DESCRIPTIONS 4-430 Vce Power supply voltage input. 2 Do Charge pump output 3 GND 4 fin Prescaler input. Connection should be with AC coupling. 5 Div Divide ratio switching input. Two kinds of divide ratios are selectable by Div input "W or "L". 6 fout Test purpose output. This pin is an open drain output so that should be left open usually. 7 LD Lock detector output. 8 OSCin Ground Reference counter input. Connection should be with AC coupling. MB15S series BLOCK DIAGRAM I III Reference divider Reference counter (5 to 4095) Data setting circuit Comparison divider Swallow counter (0 to 31) r'laUI Control circuit 4-431 MB15S series FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONS Divide ratios of the internal counters can be set optionally according to customer requirements. Two different frequencies can be selected by Div input -W or "L-. The divide ratio can be calculated using the following equation: fvco - {(P x N) + A} x fose + R (A < N) fvco: Output frequency of external voltage controlled ocil/ator (Veo: up to 300MHz) P: Preset divide ratio of dual modulus prescaler (16/17 or 32133) N: Divide ratio of the main counter (5 to 4095) A: Divide ratio of the swallow counter (0 to 31) fosc: Reference oscillation frequency ( up to 23MHz) R: Divide ratio of the reference counter (5 to 4095) PHASE DETECTOR TIME CHART fr fp I ~ I _ _ _ _ _ _1 lD Do - - - Note: I tw tw ~- - - Z • - -q------'1- ----JH • Phase difference detection range - - - - - - L Jr------JI------JJ - - =-2lt to +2lt • Spikes on Do pulse during locking state are output to prevent dead zone. • LD output becomes low when phase difference is tw or more . • LD output becomes high when phase difference is tw or less and continues to be so for three cysles or more. • twdepends on aSCin input frequency. (e.g. tW635ns to 1250ns when foscin = 12.8 MHz) 4·432 MB15S series RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS 3.5 v GND Vee v -40 +85 Power Supply Voltage Vee 2.7 Input Voltage VIN Operating Temperature TA 3.0 HANDLING PRECAUTIONS • This device should be transported and stored in anti-static containers. • This is a static-sensitive device; take proper anti-ESD precautions. Ensure that personnel and equipment are properly grounded. Cover workbenches with grounded conductive mats. • Always tum the power supply off before inserting or removing the device from its socket. • Protect leads with a conductive sheet when handling or transporting PC boards with devices. III ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Recommended operating conditions unless otherwise noted. -Icc PLL is locked. Vcc = 3.0V, Ta = 25°C - 3.5 5.0 mA fin AC coupling by 1OO0pF capacitor 10 - 300 MHz Oscillator input frequency fosc AC coupling by 1OO0pF capacitor - 12 23 MHz Input sensitivity Pin AC coupling by 1oo0pF capaCitor -10 - +2 dBm VOSCin AC coupling by 1oo0pF capacitor 0.5 - - Vpp VIH Vcc x 0.7 - - V VIL - - VccxO.3 V IiH - - 1.0 J.l.A IiL -1.0 - - J.l.A losc -100 100 J.l.A Power supply current Operating frequency Oscillator input sensivity Input voltage (Div) Input current (Div) Input current (OSCin) VOH Vcc= 3.0V 2.6 - - V VOl Vcc=3.0V - - 0.4 V VDo~3.3V - - 1.1 J.l.A Output voltage High impedance cut off current (Do) IOFF 4-433 MB15S series CUSTOMER REQUESTING SPECIFICATIONS VCO output frequency fvco Reference oscillation frequency fosc Comparison divider Reference divider P - 23MHz fosc. R x fr N Main counter divide ratio A Swallow counte divide ratio R Reference counter divide ratio fr Reference frequency Option Prescaler divide ratio 16/17 or 32133 Charge pump type 5 to 4095 o to 31 5 to 4095 Low sensitivity type or super charger Package SSOP 8-pin or SOP S-pin ES request date/qty. Typically 6 weeks from spec. fix to the first ES. CS request date/qty. MP request date/qty. Target price Customer comments 4-434 - 300MHz fvco - {(P x N) + A} x fr MB15S series PACKAGE DIMENTIONS 8-lEAD PLASTIC FLAT PACKAGE (CASE No.: FPT-8P-M01) 6.35~:~~ I ' ;';:::::=====~-rl i II i ; 7.80tO.40 "-30~t.0161 S.30tO.30 (.209:.012) . ! I.!::r.~;::::::n::::;;:::y __ i 1.271.0S01 TVP J ~.I~.'3(.OOS~)l1 !:..I.===::.::oi.J. .1.018t.OO4r-;':'I : r--Re;:-- I, 3.811.1S01 "A" ~ ~ r-··-------.. ---, : Oet.iI. of uA" part : :: ~'201.008~.' !....-1: , , : ! ,I II : 0.So'I.020r, : I, 0.18(.0071: • I !0.6~~~71: .. _. --- - --~~!'-- .. ; t:' 1992 fUJITSU LIMITED fD8002S-4C-3 OirrenalOn. In rrilimet8tl (Inches) ': This dimensIOn does nee Include resin PIOIrusion. 8-lEAD PLASTIC FLAT PACKAGE (CASE No.: FPT-8P-M03) .• 3.50:0.10 :gg!1 i (.049: I .0' 0.10(.0041 . (MOUNTING HEIGHt) !~'~ ,~l~o" ' • : 6 20:020 .I_.~ (.244~.0081 ..A·· ........ -_~ 080(.03151 I TYP - - (oos::ggtl O~'ds o'-::;::'p,,"-(~M~;M~, ; hMrW I 2.401.09 4 1 REF I :0-10' : (STANO OFF : I HEIGHn; ,--i- :~I I 0.50:0.20 I :.. . _____ LO!O..:: EO-.!).J t'1992 FUJITSU LIMITED F08005HC-1 Dimensions In rriUimel8tS (inchesl 4·435 4-436 OJ FUJITSU March 1995 Edition 0.1 MB 15S02~~~p"~'Od~uc~tP~rO~fil!!.e~Sh~ee~t~~====-__ IF BAND PLL FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER Small package and IF band MASK ROM f.L.L (SIMPLL Series) The Fujitsu MB15S02 is an exclusive Intermediate Frequency (IF) band Phase Locked Loop (PLL) frequency synthesizer with pulse swallow operation. The reference divider and comparison divider have fixed divide ratios, so that it is not required to set the divide ratios by a microcontroller externally. It operates with a supply voltage of 3.0V typo and dissipates 3.5 mA typo of current realized through the use of Fujitsu's Bi-CMOS technology. The RF synthesizer block of a digital cellular phone can be easily realized with an MB15S02 and MB1516A (1.1 GHz PLL, SSOP-16), both designed with GSM systems in mind. II FEATURES • Prescaler operating frequency: 300MHz max. • Low power supply current: Icc (total) • 3.5 mA typo (Vec • 3V) • Pulse swallow function; Prescaler: 16/17 • Setting frequency (Selectable by Div input.) - fose - 13.0MHz, flF • 284.0MHz (Div - -Hj - fose - 13.0MHz, flF • 116.0MHz (Div - -L j • Rapid synchronization at powering up 8 Fujitsu's original charge pump -super charger circuit is included, that enables rapid synchronization at powering up. • Lock detector • Low power supply voltage: Vee. 2.7 to 3.5V • Wide operating temperature: TA • -40 to 85°C • Plastic 8-pin SSOP packages SOP-8P-M03 Vee -0.5 to 5.0 V Input Voltage VI -0.5 to Vee + 0.5 V Output Voltage VOOT -0.5 to Vee +0.5 V Output Current louT Oto 5 mA Storage Temperature TSTG -55 to +125 °C Power Supply Voltage NOTE: Permanent device damage may occur if the above Absolute Maximum Ratings are exceeded. Functional operation should be restricted to the conditions as detailed in the operational sections 01 this data sheet. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. 4-437 MB15S02 PIN ASSIGNMENT o Vee 8 OSCin Do 7 LD GND 6 fout 5 Div fin 4 PIN DESCRIPTIONS 4-438 Vcc Power supply voltage input (2.7V to 3.5V). 2 Do Charge pump output 3 GND 4 fin. Prescaler input. Connection should be with AC coupling. S Div Divide ratio switching input. Two kinds of divide ratios are selectable by Div input "W or "l". 6 fout Test purpose output. This pin is an open drain output so that should be left open usually. 7 lD lock detector output. 8 OSCin Ground Reference counter input. Connection should be with AC coupling. MB15S02 BLOCK DIAGRAM III Reference counter . . _---------------- .. Data setting circuit Prescaler ;-----------------------. Comparison divider t-----~~-~-_+-....J 16/17 t r"OUI Control circuit 4-439 MB15S02 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONS Two different frequencies can be selected by Div input -W or -L-. The divide ratios are calculated using the following equation: fvco • {(P x N) + A} x fose + R (A < N) PHASE DETECTOR TIME CHART fr fp I I I , ~ ......-. lW lW I I LO Note: • Phase difference detection range =-2lt to +2lt • Spikes on 00 pulse during locking state are output to prevent dead zone. • LO output becomes low when phase difference is tw or more. • LO output becomes high when phase difference is tw or less and continues to be so for three cysles or more. • lWdepends on OSCin input frequency. (e.g. tW635ns to 1250ns when !oscin z 12.8 MHz) 4-440 MB15S02 RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Power Supply Voltage 2.7 Vee Input Voltage Operating Temperature 3.0 GND 3.5 Vee TA v v +85 HANDLING PRECAUTIONS • This device should be transported and stored in anti-static containers. • This is a static-sensitive device; take proper anti-ESD precautions. Ensure that personnel and equipment are properly grounded. Cover workbenches with grounded conductive mats. • Always turn the power supply off before inserting or removing the device from its socket. • Protect leads with a conductive sheet when handling or transporting PC boards with devices. • ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Recommended operating conditions unless otherwise noted. Power supply current Icc PLL is locked. Vcc 3.0V. Ta '" 25°C Operating frequency fin AC coupling by 1000pF capacitor Oscillator input frequency fosc AC coupling by 1000pF capacitor Input sensitivity Pin AC coupling by 1000pF capacitor -10 VOSCin AC coupling by 1000pF capacitor 500 mVpp Vee x 0.7 V Oscillator input sensitivity Input voltage (Div) VIH 3.5 80 12 5.0 mA 300 MHz 23 MHz +2 dBm VIL Vee x 0.3 V IIH 1.0 ~ Input current (Div) Input current (OSCin) ilL -1.0 losc -100 ~ 100 ~ V 2.6 VOH Vce", 3.0V VOl Vee 3.0V 0.4 V 10FF VDo~3.6V 1.1 ~ Output voltage High impedance cut off current (Do) e 4-441 MB15S02 APPLICATION EXAMPLES GSM system Ax: 947MHz 116MHz 4-442 MB15S02 PACKAGE DIMENSION &-LEAD PLASTIC FLAT PACKAGE (CASE No.: FPT-8P-M03) , 25- 0 .20 ~------·-:~%6~.I~i ~O~GHe~ • . • 3.50:0.10 ~ d TYI' I .0, 0.10(.0041 . I~= INOIX 0.'0(.03151 (.041_:00~ !.I j 5.20 i.2051 N?M (.1'5:.0041 : ----, . '.20:0.20 (.246 ~.: .0011 .~ ..A .. ,.;' •• '!-.- - - -..... ' ,1 035:0.10 ,.014:.0041 0.10\.0041 ~ 0.1 5 :g:g~ \.oos::88i, I - - oH".;; '01 -::;::. 'Di';i -(~~;~~I 6Jiiijj I 2.40 (.0941 liEF . ;0-10' • (STANO OFF I I .--+ • HEICiHTI; :~I Ii.. _ _ _ _ _ _ 0.50:0.20 i ____ _ . '.020: .0011 I e 1992 fUJITSU LIMITED FD8005S-lC-l 4-443 4-444 SECTION 5 Super Analog RF Devices - At a Glance Introduced are a series of highly integrated Analog RF devices such as Low Noise Amplifiers (LNA), Modulators, Demodulators and Mixers that are typically used in the front ends of mobile and portable wireless communication systems. These include single and multi-function devices based on Fujitsu's advanced RF BiCMOS and Bipolar processes which are second to none. Page Number Device Part Number Frequency (max) Features lee (typ) Vee 12.7 rnA 5V 8-pin SSOP Package 5-3 MB531 1.1 GHz TX Mixer 5-11 MB539 1.6 GHz LNA SmA 5V 8-pin SSOP 5-19 MB54501 1.1 GHz LNAlMixer 6mA 3V 16-pin SSOP 5-25 MB54502 1.1 GHz Dual LNAs 4mA 3V 16-pin SSOP 5-31 MB54503 1.1 GHz PA Driver Amp 26 rnA 3.6V 16-pin SSOP 5-37 MB54609 1.0 GHz Quadrature Modulator 20 rnA 3V 2O--pin SSOP 5-59 MB54619 2.0GHz Quadrature Modulator 25 rnA 3V 2O--pin SSOP • 5-1 5-2 c» DS04-23504-1E ~~~~~~~rn~~~ET~~ruJITSU MB531 ASSP BIPOLAR Up Conversion Mixer (1.1 GHz) • DESCRIPTION The MB531 is a Up Conversion Mixer ideally suited for car telephones operating on AMPS, TACS and similar frequency bands. Features include local buffer amp, double balanced mixer and emitter-follower circuit for high conversion gain and high isolation between Lo and RF inputs. The latest silicon process technology is used to achieve a low power supply current of 13 rnA. • FEATURES • Wide input frequency range: up to 1.1 GHz (max) • High conversion gain: 3.5 dB (typ) Lo: 110 MHz, -5 dBm RF: 800 MHz, IF output: 910 MHz • High isolation: RF-lo: -28 dB (typ): RF-IF: -13 dB (typ) La-RF: -37 dB (typ): la-IF: -23 dB (typ) • PACKAGE a-pin Plastic SOP (FPT-8P-M01 ) Copyrighl© 1995 by FUJITSU LIMITED 5-3 MB531 • PIN ASSIGNMENT (Top view) Vmix RF IF Vbias GND GND Lo GND (FPT-8P-M01 ) Pin No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 5-4 r I I I ! I Symbol I Vmix I IF GND Pin description Power supply (for mixer circuit) IF output Ground i Lo I GND Ground GND Ground i Vbias Power supply (for bias circuit) I RF I I Lo signal input RF signal input MBS31 • BLOCK DIAGRAM -. Buffer amplifier '----------(3 5 6)---------' GND • ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol Parameter Power supply voltage Input voltage Vee I Output current Value , V,N Vcc-3.5 to Vcc-2.5 10 I I ! Unit V V I mA -55 to +125 i I DC i Value ! Unit I +4.5 to +5.0 I V I DC lOUT Storage temperature -0.5 to +7.0 I I Tstg • RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Parameter I I Symbol I Vee Power supply voltage Operating temperature i Ta I ; I I -40 to +85 5-5 MBS31 • ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Vee =S.OV. Ta =+25°C) Value Parameter Symbol Condition Min. Power supply current Vmi. + Vbias Icc fRF Response frequency Lo flo Output frequency flF Conversion gain Ge Maximum output power =-10 to 0 dBm - I NF Third order intercept point IP3 1 dB compression point 1dBCP I I . DSB measurement value· Input level * Output level * XRF.....LO XLO.....RF * XRF .... IF XLo....lF VRF Open end voltage VLO I At Vee =5V. Pin function verification test (not a condition for operation) VIF *: Measurement conditions: RF == BOO MHz.Lo = 110 MHz. -5 dBm, IF 5-6 9.0 - POUT Noise figure Crosstalk attenuation I I I \ I i Max. 13.0 i 18.5 mA 1100 MHz 1100 MHz 1100 MHz 800 110 I ! 910 3.5 -7.0 I - i -4 - I -12 i I 13.5 ! I I Unit Typ. -28 -37 - -13 - -23 1.5 2.0 1.5 2.7 ! - dB dBm - j I I I dB dBm I dBm I : dB I dB ,i dB . I i dB 2.5 ! V 2.0 2.5 i V 3.2 3.7 I V =910 MHz. Vee =SV. Ta = +2SoC MB531 • MEASUREMENT CIRCUIT Vcc-5.0V SG1 1 Vmix 100~ RF 8 2 IF Vbias 7 3 GND GND 6 GND 5 ----i'"'__5_0;.;:;Q;............~ : 50 Q micro strip line 5-7 MBS31 • ORDERING INFORMATION Part Number MB531PF 5-8 I i Package 8-pin Plastic SOP (FPT-8P-M01) Remarks MBS31 • PACKAGE DIMENSIONS 8-pin Plastic SOP (FPT-8P-M01 ) .251992 FUJITSU LIMITED F080028-4C I 002 0 .05 ) .006+. -.001 (0 . 15+ -0.02 : .008(0.20) 1 I 1 I ~ ~ i " r: I~ I , I I I 1 I .020(0.50) I , .007(0.18) I : MAX I I , ,.027(0.68) : ,l ___________ -. ,MAX _I I .I .020±.008 (0.50±0.20) ~Details of "A" part I I I "A" ' III r------------, .150(3.81) REF -I I -t-;.- ! I I- l--r II ' ! .018~.004 I rt-. 1 to' (0.45±0.1 0) 1 -q:T 0.005(0.13) \(!Pi ) I I [j ~ .050(1.27) , TYP - .002(0.05) MIN I(STAND OFF HEIGHT) 111 i ~~-.i ~ INDEX .089(2.25) MAX (MOUNTING HEIGHT) Dimensions in inches (mm) 5-9 5-10 c» DS04-23904-3E ~~~~~DA7j~"ASH~EET=======--FUJITSU MB539 ASSP BIPOLAR Low-Noise AMP for High-Frequency Bands (to 1.6 GHz) • DESCRIPTION The MB539 is a low-noise amplifier IC (integrated circuit) for high-frequency bands. designed for use in mobile communications systems including portable phones. The low-noise. high-gain features of the MB539 provide exceptional stability. The IC is capable of operating at frequencies as high as 1.6 GHz. The latest FUJITSU process technology is used to achieve low power consumption of 9.0 mA (typ) . III • FEATURES : 5 V (typ.) : 9.0 mA (typ.) : 1.6 GHz (max.) : 11 dB : 4dB : -2 dBm : -17 dBm (input) : -7 dBm (output) • Third order intercept paint: -5 dBm (input) : 6 dBm (output) • • • • • • • Operating voltage Current consumption Operating frequency Gain Noise figure Maximum output power 1 dB compression point at fRF = 1.6 GHz • PACKAGE 8-pin Plastic SSOP (FPT-8P-M03) ----------------_ _ - - - - - - - - •• Copyrighl© 1995 by FWITSU LIMITED 5-11 MB539 • PIN ASSIGNMENT (Top view) GND AFoUT GND Vee GND Vee AFIN Vee (FPT-BP-M03) Pin No. Pin description I I I GND 1 GND 2 Vee 3 GND I GND 4 AFIN I AF AMP input 5 Vee I Power supply I Power supply 6 Vee 7 GND I AFoUT I B 5-12 Symbol I I Power supply GND AF AMP output MB539 • EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Vee 0--...._-------_---_ AFIN Bias circuit AFouT I I I (Total 9.0 rnA) 5-13 MBS39 • ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Parameter Power supply voltage Output voltage Input voltage Output current Storage temperature ! i i I Symbol ! Unit Remarks -0.5 to +7.0 V I -0.5 to Vee+0.5 V ! -0.5 to Vee+0.5 V 10 oto 10 mA ; Tstg -55 to +125 °C I Vee I Vo I VI ! ! I Value I I I I ! I • RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Value Parameter Power supply voltage Input voltage Operating Temperature t Symbol Vee I I Unit i ii Min. Typ. Max. I 4.5 5.0 5.5 I iI V I °C VI GND - Vee Ta -40 - +85 V Remarks I I I I Note: The user should take full precautions to prevent accidental damage from static electricity . • For storage or transport, place in a conductive case . • Before handling, verify that all operators, fixtures and tools are free from electrification (grounded), and use an operating platform of grounded conductive sheeting. • Always switch off the power before this device is inserted into or removed from sockets. • When handling or transporting circuit boards in which this device is mounted, leads must be protected by conductive sheeting. 5-14 MB539 • ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS I I Parameter I Value I Symbol Unit Max. J 5.0 5.5 I V mA Min. Typ. I Power supply voltage Vee 4.5 Power supply current Ice - I 9.0 12.0 i Operating frequency fmax - II 1100 1600 I MHz 1. fRF Remarks Vcc = 1100 MHz =5.0V =5.0V. Ta =+25°C) (Vcc Value Unit Symbol Parameter Min. Gain Gain - 16.0 Noise figure NF - 2.5 Maximum output power POUT - 0.0 1dBCP - -19.0 1 dB compression point I Intercept point fRF II Iso Remarks Max. I I - dB I I dB I - dBm I dBm Input dBm Output - -3.0 - -8.0 - - 8.0 - dBm - -25.0 - dB ! I IP3 In-Out isolation 2. Typ. I dBm Input I i = 1600 MHz (Vec Symbol Min. - Gain Gain I - Maximum output power I i POUT I - -2.0 I - -17.0 I -7.0 i -5.0 ; i I I I ! Intercept point ! - IP3 - I ! 4.0 I I ; i I I - I dB II - i dB I dBm I dBm I Input 11.0 NF i1dBCP! Unit Max. I i I Typ. Noise figure I 6.0 =5.0V. Ta =+25°C) ! Value ! Parameter 1 dB compression point Output I I I I ! I I I I Output dBm I Input dBm I Output dB I I dBm - Remarks i ! In-Out isolation Note: I Iso - -20.0 - • Electrical characteristics may vary depending on the use of external elements or mounting conditions . • The above characteristics represent data obtained with the". MEASUREMENT CIRCUIT." 5-15 MB539 • MEASUREMENT CIRCUIT GND AFooT Vee GND GND Vee AFIN Vee 1----+ To spectrum analyzer, etc. Vee=5.0V Vee=5.0V r • ORDERING INFORMATION Part Number MB539PFV 5-16 Package B-pin Plastic SSOP (FPT-BP-M03) Remarks MB539 • PACKAGE DIMENSION - - - - -... - . - - - - - . ----- .. ----.-.-.-.-----.--. 8-pin Plastic SSOP (FPT-8P-M03) l *: This dimension does not include resin protruction. ! • 3.5~0.10 ~ I I 4.2~0.10 1d:;:c5;;:::;:;;::'N::;D;::EX;:::;:~~~1 TYP I I. ijli1ijj li. 40!.0941REF,I III ", "A" 0.80(,0315), I t, """'-"'[1 0.15::: , "(.006=:') r----------------- I Details of "A" pan : I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I :_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ JI @) 1994 FWITSU LIMITED F08OO5S-1C-2 Dimensions in mm (inches) 5-17 5·18 00 Sept. 1995 Edition 1.0a FUJITSU Data Sheet MB54501 FRONT-END UP/DOWN CONVERTER INTRODUCTION The Fujitsu MB54501 includes a low-noise amplifier and a mixer, which are used for front end of mobile telecommunication systems. Using Fujitsu's advanced technology, MB54501 achieves an Icc of 6.0mA (typ.). • ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Amplifier Mixer • Supply voltage 3V (typ.) 3V (typ.) • Current consumption 3mA (typ.) 3mA (typ.) • Input frequency 1.1GHz(max.) 1.1 GHz(max.) • Gain 14dB (typ.) *1 15dB (typ.) *2 • Noise figure 2.2dB (typ.) *1 5dB (SSB, typ.) *2 • 1dB compression point -1dBm (typ.) *1 • Input return loss 8dB (typ.) *1 • 10dB (typ.) *1 Output return loss *1 : Measured by the circuit of "measurement circuit example". (fin = 878M Hz) PLASTIC PACKAGE . FP-16P-M05 *2 : Measured by the circuit of "measurement circuit example". (IF = 90MHz) PIN ASSIGNMENT PACKAGE • 16-pin Plastic Shrink Small Outline Package (Suffix: -PFV) ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS I'·:· .,:,. Parameters '." .'< I,· ".',.: :.:/::< .;:>~;I;J~I,i< / \ » i · .: . . . ,.,.,..// ~;,~~:[i {i Vee -0.5 to 7.0 V Output Voltage Va -0.5 to Vcc+0.5 V Storage Temperature NOTE: Lext GND RFin GND Rext ,",i ,O:'\i·,·,,:, Supply Voltage Output Current RFout 10 Oto 10 mA TSTG -55 to +125 °c Permanent device damage may occur if the above Absolute Maximum Ratings are exceeded. Functional operation should be restricted to the conditions as detailed in the operational sections of this data sheet. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. VCC NC NC RE GND RE GND MIXin GND MIXout This device contains circuitry to protect the inputs against damage due to high static voltages or electric fields. However, it is advised that normal precautions be taken to avoid application of any voltage higher than maximum rated voltages to this high impedance circuit. Copyright@ 1994 by FUJITSU LIMITED and FUJITSUMICROELECTRONICS, INC. 5-19 MB54501 EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT Main Bias Circuit • Main Bias Circuit Amplifier ----I.~ ., Mixer • PIN DESCRIPTIONS Pin No. 5-20 Description Pin Name Description Pin No. Pin Name 9 MIXout Mixer output GND Ground RE Emitter of a transistor for mixer 1 RFout Amplifier output 2 GND Ground 10 3 GND Ground 11 4 Vee Power supply 12 5 NC No connection 13 NC No connection 6 GND Ground 14 Rext Emitter of a transistor for amplifier 7 GND Ground 15 RFin Amplifier input 8 MIXin Mixer input 16 Lext Amplifier load connection MB54501 RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Value Parameter Symbol Min. TYP. Max. Un" Supply Voltage Vcc 2.7 3.0 5.5 V Input Voltage VI GND - Vee V Operating Temperature Ta -40 - +85 °c Note.: To protect against damage by electrostatic discharge, note the following handling precautions: - Store and transport devices in conductive containers. - Use proper1y grounded workstations, tools, and equipment. - Tum off power before inserting or removing this device into or from a socket. - Protect leads with conductive sheet, when transporting a board mounted device. III 5-21 MB54501 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS AMPLIFIER (Vcc = +3.0V, Ta = 25°C) • • • •.• . . . i) ·.·.·1 .• · • •· • .•·.•..··.·./.·.···· Supply Voltage Vee Supply Current lee ... . 2.7 3.0 5.5 3.0 Operating Frequency mA 878 Gain V MHz 1100 Gain 14 dB Noise Figure NF 2.2 dB 1dB Compression Point PldB -1 dBm Input Retum Loss RLIN 8 dB RLoUT 10 dB Output Return Loss Output Remark: Electrical characterisics depend on extemal circuits (elements) or status of mounting. The above characteristics are measured by the test circuit in the next page. MIXER . . ·i i.··· > ). ::. i )<. (Vcc = +3.0V, Ta = 25°C) ... . ........... ii .i ....... :. ~..... \ ......, . ... } Supply Voltage Vee 2.7 3.0 5.5 V Current Consumption Icc - 3.0 - mA Operating Frequency MIXIN - 878 1100 MHz 9 - dB - 15 - dB - 5 - dB Gain S21 Amplifier characteristics Conversion Gain Gc Noise Figure NF Mixer characteristics IF= 90MHz SSB Remark: Electrical characterisics depend on extemal circuits (elements) or status of mounting. The above characteristics are measured by the test circuit in the next page. 5-22 i •••••• MB54501 MEASUREMENT CIRCUIT (EXAMPLE) 2nH 100p 50n measuring ~ t--......--f 1 AFout apparaw. 3,on ! ;J; 1000p Vcc=3V-.--....--.....~ Vee NC 13 NC RF=878MHz 3pTaop r,6o LO=788MHz .---~t---+-4-- VcC=3V J;20P J;30P 5-23 MB54501 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS 16-LEAD PLASTIC FLAT PACKAGE (CASE No.: FPT-16P-M05) .049~:gg: --I-+--~---- (1.25~:~g) ~ ~ ~~~~i)~ ~I .252±.OO8 (6.40±0.20) INDEX cf *.173±.004 (4.4o±o.10) ~;::;:;:::::;:;:~~ .0256±.0047 (0.65±O.12) .11 . .OO9~:~ (MOUNTING HEIGHT) 1 ..~ .213(5.40) NOM ,,-L .006 ~:gg~ (0.15~:g~) (O.22~:Jg) t:j REF *:This dimension does not include resin protrusion. ©1991 FUJITSU LIMITED F16013S-2C 5-24 Dimensions in inches (millimeters) 00 Sept. 1995 Edition 1.0a FUJITSU Data Sheet MB54502 LOW NOISE AMPLIFIER (2 CIRCUITS) LOW NOISE AND CURRENT AMPLIFIER INTRODUCTION The Fujitsu MB54502 includes two independent amplifiers which are used for mobile telecommunication applications such as handy phones and car phones. Both of the amplifiers achieve low current consumption as well as the low noise performance. Using Fujitsu's advanced technology, MB54502 achieves an Icc of 2mA typo respectively (total4mA typ.). ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS • Supply voltage • Current consumption • Input frequency 3V (typ.) • Gain • Noise figure • 1dB compression point 14dB (typ.) *1 2.2dB (typ.) *1 -6dBm (typ.) *1 • Amplitude tolerance • Input return loss 2.5dB (typ.) *1 8dB (typ.) *1 2mA (typ.) 1.1 GHz(max.) • • PLASTIC PACKAGE FP-16P-M05 8dB (typ.) *1 • Output return loss *1 : Measured by the circuit of "measurement circuit example". (fin =820M Hz) PIN ASSIGNMENT PACKAGE • 16-pin Plastic Shrink Small Outline Package (Suffix: -PFV) Rext1 C ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS \i,ii,· .. /.::.: :::;::.:.. :.::.' :'.:: Supply Voltage -{l.5 to 7.0 V Output Voltage Vo -{l.5 to Vee+0.5 V Output Current 10 Oto 10 rnA TSTG -55 to +125 °c Storage Temperature NOTE: 1St:J GND RFout1L 3 14tJ Vcc1 GNDC 4 Vee Pennanent device damage may occur if the above Absolute Maximum Ratings are exceeded. Functional operation should be restricted to the conditions as detailed in the operational sections of this data sheet. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. 1St:J RFin1 1 Lext1C 2 NCC S TOP VIEW 13t:J NC 12t:J Vcc2 RFout2C S 11t:J GND Lext2C 7 10pGND Rext2C 8 et:J RFin2 This davice contains circuitry to protect the inputs against damage due to high static voltages or electric fields. However, it is advised that normal precautions be taken to avoid application of any voltage higher than maximum rated voltages to this high impedance circun. Copyright@ 1994 by FUJITSU LIMITED and FUJITSU MICROELECTRONICS, INC. 5-25 MB54502 EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT Main Bias Circuit Amplifier1 ----I.~ Amplifier2 ---~ • PIN DESCRIPTIONS Pin No. 5-26 Description Pin Name Description Pin No. Pin Name 9 RFin2 Input (amplifier 2) 1 Rext1 Emitter (amplifier 1) 2 Lext1 Load connection (amplifier 1) 10 GND Ground 3 RFout1 Output (amplifier 1) 11 GND Ground 4 GND Ground 12 Vcc2 Power supply (amplifier 2) 5 NC No connection 13 NC No connection 6 RFout2 Output (amplifier 2) 14 Vcc1 Power supply (amplifier 1) 7 Lext2 Load connection (amplifier 2) 15 GND Ground 8 Rext2 Emitter (amplifier 2) 16 RFin1 Input (amplifier 1) MB54502 RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Value Parameter Symbol Unit Min. Typ. Max. 3.0 5.5 V Supply Voltage Vcc 2.7 Input Voltage VI GND - Vee V Operating Temperature Ta -40 - +85 °c Notes: To protect against damage by electrostatic discharge, note the following handling precautions: - Store and transport devices in conductive containers. - Use property grounded workstations, tools, and equipment. - Tum off power before inserting or removing this device into or from a socket. - Protect leads with conductive sheet, when transporting a board mounted device. III 5-27 MB54502 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Vcc1 = +3.0V. Vcc2=0.OV. Ta = 25°C or Vcc1 = O.OV, Vcc2=+3.0V. Ta = 25°C) Target Value Parameter Symbol Supply Voltage Vcc Supply Current Icc Operating Frequency fin Gain Conditions 1 amplifier active 2.7 3.0 5.5 V - 2.0 - mA - 820 1100 MHz 14 dB dB 2.2 Output - -6 - dBm 820±50 MHz - 2.5 - dB RLIN - 8 - dB RLoUT - 8 - dB NF 1dB Compression Point PldB Output Return Loss Max. - Noise Figure Input Return Loss ~. - Gain Amplitude Tolerance - Remark: Electrical characterisics depend on external circuits (elements) or status of mounting. The above characteristics are measured by the test circuit in the next page. 5-28 Unit Min. MB54502 MEASUREMENT CIRCUIT (EXAMPLE) 1 Rextl son measuring apparatus -:r -:rSP S.2n ~SUring apparatus S.2n III Vcc1=3V Sp Vcc2=3V 3. 5-29 MB54502 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS 16-LEAD PLASTIC FLAT PACKAGE (CASE No.: FPT-16P-M05) 049+. 008 --tI~-f04--'_-_.0_0_4_ (MOUNTING HEIGHn I~ ~:'ff;)~ ~ J U INDEX (1.25:g:~g) 1 I I .252:1:.008 (6.40±0.20) 1 ..~ .213(5.40) NOM *.173±.004 (4.40±0.10) ~;::::::;;:::;:;~~ .0256±.0047 .009~:&~ (0.65±o.12) (0.22~:Jg) r=! .[JplL .- - - - - - - - - -Oetaiis-of ftA; part ---------, (STANDOFF ~".:: HEIG~ O"'~ REF t. (O.so±o.20) _______________________ ... ____ , *:This dimension dOes not include resin protrusion. ©1991 FUJITSU LIMITED F16013S-2C 5-30 Dimensions in inches (millimeters) 00 Sept. 1995 Edition 1.0a FUJITSU Data Sheet MB54503 HIGH-POWER AMPLIFIER INTRODUCTION The Fujitsu MB54503 is a high-power amplifier which is used for mobile telecommunication systems such as handy phones and car phones. This device is ideally suitable for power amplifier driver. Using Fujitsu's advanced technology, MB54503 achieves an Icc of 2B.OmA (typ.) . • ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS • Supply voltage 3.BV (typ.) • Current consumption 2BmA (typ.) • Input frequency 1.1 GHz(max.) • Gain • Output lavel (@Pin=-8dBm) 25dB (typ.) *1 • Input return loss 14dB (typ.) *1 III PLASTIC PACKAGE FP-16P-M05 +13dBm (typ.) *1 • Output return loss BdB (typ.) *1 *1 : Measured by the circuit of "measurement circuit example". (fin =933MHz) PACKAGE • 16-pin Plastic Shrink Small Ooutline Package (Suffix: -PFV) PIN ASSIGNMENT RFin1 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS GND Rext1 GND Supply Voltage Vee -0.5 to 7.0 V Output Voltage Vo -0.5 to Vee+0.5 V Output Current Storage Temperature NOTE: 10 Oto 10 TSTG -55 to +125 mA Permanent device damage may occur if the above Absolute Maximum Ratings are exceeded. Functional operation should be restricted to the conditions as detailed in the operational sections of this data sheet. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periodS may affect device reliability. NC GND Lext RFout1 NC RFin2 Vee Rext2 GND GND RFout2 GND This device contains circuitry to protect the inputs against damage due to high static voltages or electric fields. However. it is advised that normal precautions be taken to avoid application 01 any voltage higher than maximum rated voltages to this high impedance circu~. Copyright@ 1994 by FUJITSU LIMITED and FUJITSU MICROELECTRONICS. INC. 5-31 MB54503 EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT Main Bias Circuit Main Bias Circuit _______ The first amplifier - - + 4-- The second amplifier ----. PIN DESCRIPTIONS Pin No. 5-32 Description Pin Name Description Pin No. Pin Name 9 GND Ground 1 RFin1 The first amplier input 2 GND Ground 10 GND Ground 3 Rext1 Emitter for the first amplifier 11 Rext2 Emitter for the second amplifier 4 GND Ground 12 RFin2 The second amplier input 5 NC No connection 13 NC No connection 6 Vcc Power supply 14 RFout1 The first amplifier output 7 GND Ground 15 Lext Load connecting for the first amplifier 8 RFout2 The second amplifier output 16 GND Ground MB54503 RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Value Parameter Unit Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Supply Voltage Vee 2.7 3.6 5.0 V Input Voltage VI GND Vee V Operating Temperature Ta -40 - +85 °c Notes: To protect against damage by electrostatic discharge, note the following handling precautions: - Store and transport devices in conductive containers. - Use properly grounded workstations, tools, and equipment. - Tum off power before inserting or removing this device into or from a socket. - Protect leads with conductive sheet, when transporting a board mounted device. • 5-33 MB54503 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Vcc = +3.6V, Ta = 25°C) Target Value Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Supply Voltage Vcc 2.7 3.6 5.0 V Supply Current Icc - 26 - mA Operating Frequency fin - 933 Gain Gain - 25 - dB Output Power Pout - +13 - dBm Input Return Loss RLIN - 14 - dB RLoUT - 6 - dB Output Retum Loss Pin =-8dBm Remark: Electrical characterisics depend on extemal circuits (elements) or status of mounting. The above characteristics are measured by the test circuit in the next page. 5-34 Unit 1100 MHz MB54503 MEASUREMENT CIRCUIT (EXAMPLE) 933MHz ~00p VCC=3.6Vr- . - -......1000P 10n ~--I1 RFin1 ........- - - - I J; 50Q measuringapparatus VCC=3.6V -.__--+----.----' 1OOOp J; J; 100p 5-35 MB54503 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS 16-LEAD PLASTIC FLAT PACKAGE (CASE No.: FPT-16P-M05) .049~:gg: --Jot--"I4----- ~ ~ ~:.~;)~ ~ J U INDEX (1.25~:~g) 1 I I .252±.008 (S.40±0.20) 1 .213(5.40) NOM *.173±.004 (4.40±0.10) l4=;t=;;r=n=n=~ ~ .0256±.0047 (0.65±o.12) (MOUNTING HEIGHT) "A" ~ .. ~' '-~r' .006 +.002 (0.15+0.05) I .11. , , 'r ,- E:f REF - - - - - - - - - - - -.001 - - - - - - - - - -0.02 _. - - - - - 1 Details of "A" part .oott.OO4 (STANDOFF [JJ1~'::0. HEIG~ ooto.;::t± (O.5O±O.20) *:This dimension does not include resin protrusion. ©1991 FUJITSU LIMITED F1S013S-2C 5-36 Dimensions in inches (millimeters) cP OS04-23509-1 E ~~~~~~~~~~~ET~~ruJrrsu M 854609 ASSP for Telephone Quadrature Modulator Ie (With 1.0 GHz Up-Converter) • DESCRIPTION The MB54609 is an intermediate-frequency (IF) quadrature modulator IC optimized for use in digital mobile telecommunication systems such as GS The MB54609 incorporates a quadrature modulator for IF modulation, type phase shifter as well, capable of handing IFs in a broad band. :uD-lc:onven mixer, and a F/F power supply current of 18 mA device. In addition, the MB54609 operates at a low power supply (both as typical values), contributing to saving the power -,III • FEATURES • Incorporating a high-performance tranlsmiissi~ used for POC services (Maximum output Maximum output frequency: 1.1 GHz, • Externally connecting the quad to be inserted in between The quadrature modulator the entire frequency band of up to 800 MHz GHz) dBm (typical) the transmission mixer, allowing a bandpass filter (BPF) (Continued) • PACKAGE 20-pin Plastic SSOP (FPT-20P-M03) Copyright© 1995 by FUJITSU LIMITED 5-37 MB54609 (Continued) • Flip-flop phase shifter capable of handling intermediate frequencies in the broad band (100 to BOO MHz) • Operation at low voltage: 2.7 to 3.0 to 3.3 V • Low current consumption During operating: 1B.0 rnA (typical) In power save mode: 0.6 rnA (typical) • Operating temperature range: Ta =-20 to +B5°C • PIN ASSIGNMENT MB54609 • PIN DESCRIPTION Pin no. Pin name Function 1 RFout Up-converter output pin 2 GND GNOpin 3 L02 LO input pin for mixer 4 GND GNOpin 5 XIF IF input complementary pin for mixer 6 IF IF input pin for mixer 7 L01 LO input pin for quadrature modulator 8 XL01 LO input complementary pin for quadrature modulator 9 GND GNDpin 10 Vee Power supply pin 11 Vee Power supply pin 12 GND GNDpin 13 I Baseband input (I) pin I Power supply voltage must be applied to both pins. 14 XI Baseband input (I) complementary pin 15 QMOD Quadrature modulator IF output pin 16 XQMOD Quadrature modulator IF output complementary pin 17 XQ Baseband input (Q) complementary pin 18 Q Baseband input (Q) pin 19 GND GNDpin 20 PS Power save mode control pin 5-39 MB54609 • BLOCK DIAGRAM Vee GND IF QMOD XI RFout Q XQ PS L01 XL01 XQMOD L02 XIF • ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS I Symbol Rating Power supply voltage Vee -0.5 to 5.0 Output voltage Vo -0.5 to Vee + 0.5 V Input voltage VI -0.5 to Vee + 0.5 V Open collector applied voltage Voc Vee± 0.3 (-0.5 to 5.0) V Output current 10 ±10 rnA Storage temperature Tstg Parameter -55 to +125 Unit Remarks V i RFout pin Do not leave this pin open. °C Note: Although the MB54609 contains an antistatic element to prevent electrostatic breakdown and the circuitry has been improved in electrostatic protection, observe the following precautions when handling the device: • When storing or carrying the device, put it in a conductive case. • Before handling the device, check that the jigs and tools to be used have been uncharged (grounded) as well as yourself. Use a conductive sheet on the working bench. • Before fitting the device into or removing it from the socket, turn the power supply off. • When handling (such as transporting) the MB54609 mounted board, protect the leads with a conductive sheet. 5-40 Precaution: Exceeding any of the above absolute maximum ratings may cause permanent damage to the LSI. For normal operation, the device should be used under the recommended operating conditions. Exceeding any of the recommended conditions may adversely affect LSI reliability. MB54609 • RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Parameter Value Symbol Unit Min. Typ. Max. 2.7 3.0 3.3 V GND - Vee V - Vee + 0.2 V +85 °C Power supply voltage Vee Input voltage VI Open collector applied voltage Voc Vee-O.2 Operating temperature Ta -20 Remarks AFout pin. Do not leave this pin open. • ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Parameter Symbol (Vee Value Min. Typ. Max. Unit =3.0 V I Ta =+25°C) Remarks Power supply current Icc - 1B.0 23.5 mA DC current (Input with no AC signal) Power supply current in power save mode leePS - 0.6 0.9 mA DC current (Input with no AC signal) Shifter input L01 Baseband input Operating band fL01 100 400 BOO MHz Input level PL01 -15 -5 dBm Operating band fee DC 10 MHz Input amplitude Vaa - - 1.2 Vpp Offset voltage Vos 1.5 1.6 1.7 V 3.0 - 750 1100 MHz PL02 - - 0 dBm fRF - 950 1100 MHz - dBm % RMS value Offset current los Mixer input L02 Operating 6and fi.02 Input level Mixer output RFout Operating band Modulation precision External offset voltage value Input Imp. converted value 5331<0 ~ fRF = = fL02 ± fL01/2 Output level PRF - -9 Ampmude deviation AERR 1.3 0.B2 - deg. RMSvalue OMJOlMix direct COIlnm 1.9 - % RMSvalue V88= 1Vpp -40 -30 dBc Phase deviation PERR Vector error VERR - CS - Carrier suppression I - flOl = 400 MHz (-15 dBm) fL02 = 750 MHz (-5 dBm) fRF = 950 MHz output With external offset unadjusted 5-41 MB54609 • EVALUATION BOARD (Reference Example) • Material: BT resin BT-HL870 (Dielectric constant [1 MHz] = 3.4 to 3.6) • Thickness: 4 layers, 1.6 mm (Copper thickness: External layer = 18 J.I1T1, Internal layer = 70 J.l.m) • Plating: electroless gold plating • Layer 1 (front surface) o / o o o .®. . . · 0 .~. o o o .~. • nll/lotIGl/lotll]!'!! • z=aICaggg~a;otnl!.~ 0 o o v .o .. o o ~ • Layer2 . .. ~td.[gjld. . ~l· .~ o / . • @) • • @ • 0 · 0 . ...~ ~ o 0 0: °: o. • o " . . . 0 ."... ·:":"0·0·· .. . ••• • D •• •• 0 . . . • . @ .0 @) . o o 0 0 5-42iL--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--' (Continued) MB54609 (Continued) • Layer3 v o o o ~ .r:'\ ~. o .. .~ . • oE!j o o· . . · .. 0 0 .. . . o . 0 0: . . :: 0 0: 0 o 0 · ..EL.a o. . .. ~ o 00 0 o 0 o 0 0. o. . 0 0 00 • • 0 o 0 • Layer4 (rear surface) 0 o o o o 00 0 0 .~o 0 .¥ o / o o@o o • • 0 .... • o 0 [!l!J o 0 o 0 o o o 5-43 MB54609 • MEASUREMENT DATA (Reference Values) * Application-common characteristiCs • DC characteristics (test circuit 1) @ Input with no AC signal 40 1 30 J! c ~ ::l U >. ¢o 20 -e: 1/1 ~ 0 __---- ------ _ _ Vcc-3.3V . Vee - 3.0 V _--- Vee - 2.7 V --------- -------------- ::l a.. ---- Icc __ • 10 1.0 ~ ~ i ::l 1/1- '-c( o -20 o 20 40 Temperature Ta (OC) 5·44 60 80 0.8 i~ 0.6 ~] ~ 0.4 ! 1/1 1 MB54609 • Input Impedance (Only Ie: test circuit 4) @ Impedance from Ie pin end . . L01 1 UFS CH1 S11 1: 195.750 -766.130 2.0774pF 28.0390 -255.40 300 MHz 16.0550 -145.70 SOOMHz 12.6680 -77.5590 800 MHz C2 log MAG CH2 5 11 10 dBIREF 0 dB 1.: :i .3.: C2 4 2 A: I -.2709 dB L02 CH15 11 1 UFS 1: 16.3540 3.2268 pF C2 3: CH2 5 11 log MAG .1: 10 dBlREF 0 dB 14.8770 -50.0180 900 MHz 13.7250 -39.764 0 1 GHz 14.7460 4.84030 1.6GHz -2.2095 dB 800.200 000 MHz J559dB 300 MHz ~~~fo -1~~~~ 2: 1: C2 " I !: [j. 3 4 -2.5448 dB 900 MHz -2.8953 dB 1 GHz -5.2236 dB fo 1.6GHz I I 1 I START 100.000 000 MHz ~1.6390 I STOP 2100.000 000 MHz START 100.000 000 MHz STOP 2100.000 000 MHz • Output Impedance (Only Ie: test circuit 4) @ Impedance from Ie pin end • RFout CH1 5 22 1 UF5 1:9.86330 -124.640 1.5961 pF 9.8984 0 -106.210 900 MHz 11.0550 -92.5080 lGHz 12.1370 C2 4:ftftfz CH2 S22 log MAG 1: 10 dBlREF 0 dB -.4733 dB _8QIl.000 000 MHz C2 l.: -.6207 dB 900 MHz .3.: -.8619 dB lGHz V A 1 2 I I START 100.000 000 MHz 3 Cl 4 .!: -2.0524 dB I J I lt GHZ I I STOP 2100.000 000 MHz 5·45 MB54609 • SOG-MHz POC APPLICATION MEASUREMENT DATA (Reference Values) Parameter Baseband input signal Shifter input signal L01 Mixer input signal L02 Mixer output signal RFout Return loss Measurement Unit result Symbol Condition fee 42 kbps 7tl40QPSK, Root-Nyquist filter (a =0.5) Vee 1.0 Vpp Single-end input - - flOl 400 MHz PlOl -15 dBm - - fl02 750 MHz - PlO2 -5 dBm - - - fRF 950 MHz fRF = fl02 + flOl/2 PRF -8.4 dBm SSBvalue 1 RLlOl -17 dB =400 MHz fl02 =750 MHz fRF =950 MHz 3 RLl02 -2 dB RLRF -12 dB AERR Modulation precision PERR I VERR I Carrier suppression CS flOl RMS Magnitude Error 1.3 % 0.82 deg. RMS Phase Error 1.9 % RMS Vector Error -34.5 dBc i - • External circuit constants (with the IC mounted on the evaluation board) GND XQMOD M854609 QMOD XI GND Vee 5-46 Test circuit 2 2 MB54609 • Modulation precision and output spectrum (test circuit 2) @ Baseband signal: rtl4 OQPSK, 42 kbps, 1.0 Vpp, PN 15, Root-Nyquist filter a Input signals: L01 400 MHz, -15 dBm; L02 750 MHz, -5 dBm Output signal: RFout 950 MHz = = = • Modulation precision =0.5 • Output spectrum _V_ lao RMSVecIar Enor. Enor • •1.112~ .2!M~ RMS~Enor. ,'- _~ 3.*~ RMS _ _ _ Enor • Enor • Enor. CMW F..cj CMWPIIaH OIIMI. OIIMI. • L :'\ 0.821 Goga -2.2~Goga II a.sel..o:l Hz 15Usedlgl -32.421c11 O'-~ (~.e35. 10.3!MI~ BlaV_ .( 2.306. GmIIy ~ • , \ r Ila, VG: 5.000.01 VlOIN IIaMbIInd Filler: RlNyq (o,sooo) Rectangle Len • ~ III I' I \ .MAIolo.. ..IJ CENTER. 950 MHz SPAN. 200 kHz RBW • 3 kHz VBW. 100 Hz SWP = 3 s An.10dB REF. 0 dBm 10 dB/div. OSR ••. 7el905 • Spectrum (test circuit 2) @ Baseband signal: rtl4 OQPSK, 42 kbps, 1.0 Vpp, 0000, Root-Nyquist filter a Input signals: L01 = 400 MHz, -15 dBm; L02 = 750 MHz, -5 dBm Output Signal: RFout 950 MHz =0.5 = =700 MHz ;--r-¥ • Span = 240 kHz • Span ~r-~ ~f-~ - I N ~e l: ::Ee °m Je'C r-~~ --- ..... '0 &~ )(.- ~I ;-~ g~ f - _lOCO .5~ ~r-~ :5rg-;-e!.ci- - N ~ J \ I \ I ...- U I 1 •J VW V II J \ I ~l I t l I I I 1 III W1a.&A.u. III CENTER =950 MHz SPAN = 26.2 kHz RBW =300 Hz VBW = 300 Hz SWP = 1.3 s An .. 10dB REF = 0 dBm 10 dB/div. CENTER = 750 MHz SPAN = 700 MHz RBW .. 1 MHz VBW .. 3 kHz SWP = 1.1 s An= 10dB REF .. 10 dBm 10 dB/div. ~---------------------------------------------------- ~ 5-47 MB54609 • RF output level dependent on baseband amplitude (PRF: test circuit 1, Modulation precision: test circuit 2) @ Baseband Signal of test circuit 2: rrJ4 DQPSK, 42 kbps, 1.0 Vpp, PN 15, Root-Nyquist filter a. = 0.5 Input signals of test circuits 1 and 2: L01 =400 MHz, -15 dBm; L02 = 750 MHz, -5 dBm Output signals of test circuits 1 and 2: RFout 950 MHz = 0 E -10 III l l > :E. ffi Q. ~ 6 w 1 -20 i i > 0 u. a: -30 - 4 :e a: ,sa1/1c: c> VERR ~ -40 en - 2 lg i '5 o ~ 0,1 10 Baseband amplitude Vf18 (Vpp) • RF output level dependent on L01 and L021nput levels (PJu:: test circuit 1, Modulation precision: test circuit 2) @ Baseband Signal of test circuit 2: nl4 DQPSK, 42 kbps, 1.0 Vpp, PN 15, Root-Nyquist filter a. = 0.5 Input signals of test circuits 1 and 2: L01 400 MHz, -15 dBm; L02 750 MHz, -5 dBm Output signals of test circuits 1 and 2: RFout = 950 MHz = = • RF output level dependent on L02 Input level (@Pl01 = -15 dBm) • RF output level dependent on L01 Input level (@Pl02 = -5 dBm) l 0,... ffi > E o ~ III :E. -10- 6 1 j/ 40 c> VERR a: ! .2 -2~ ~ -40r' - - - - - " ' - - 1 - - - ' - 1 - -..... 1----'1---' 0 -20 -15 -10 -5 Shifter output level 5-48 PLOt 0 (dBm) 5 0- ffi > :E. -10 - - . . ; . . : . . ; - - - - - - - - - ~ - 6 'S s5 -30- u. a: -40 - ~ ::E i > en - 4 :e a: -20- c: - 6 '8 g w ¢PRF S cfQj i_30r-~-4~ ::. E III c> VERR 'en 'u 0 -.;:: ~ 1 -20 0 - 2 1 -15 -10 Mixer input level 1 -5 PL02 1 o (dBm) 5 c. c: 0 ClI '5 '8 ::E MB54609 • RF output level dependent on temperature (PRF: test circuit 1, Modulation precision: test circuit 2) @ Baseband signal of test circuit 2: 1tI4 OQPSK, 42 kbps, 1.0 Vpp, PN 15, Root-Nyquist filter a = 0.5 Input signals of test circuits 1 and 2: L01 400 MHz, -15 dBm; L02 750 MHz, ~ dBm Output signals of test circuits 1 and 2: RFout 950 MHz = = = o ¢> PRF eco --.~.--. • '. Vee'"=3.0 3.3 V V _____________ :.. ___• __ Vee -10 ~ _---- Vee-2.7V ~ - :s !. -20 i -30 1 o ~~ ffi LL a: i J3 .......... ~. 4) .... - ~."'--._. .~~..:1:.3 V 2 ;;; - - - - - - - - - - - - - Vee = 3.0 V ::!: r::> VERR Vee. 2.7 V a: 5 ·iii -40 "[ 6 i ~~----~----~----~----~~----~--~o -20 0 20 40 60 ~ ::!: 80 Temperature Ta (OC) • Carrier suppression dependent on temperature (test circuit 2) @ Baseband signal: 1tI4 OQPSK, 42 kbps, 1.0 Vpp, 0000, Root-Nyquist filter a Input signals: L01 = 400 MHz, -15 dBm; L02 = 750 MHz, ~ dBm Output Signal: RFout 950 MHz =0.5 = -20 S -30 :s CI) o c .~ --'--- --- _ . _ Vee=3.3V _ _. - . -40 ! :J Vee = 3.0 V _.-. ----- _ - - - - Vce=2.7V VI iii -50 .~ o -40 -20 o 20 40 60 80 Temperature Ta (0C) 5-49 MB54609 • Input Impedance (with components mounted: test circuit 3) @ Impedance including external components and evaluation board • L02 • L01 CH15 11 1 UF5 ~:48.9920 -2.78910 570.64 pF g: Cor 41.7870 -4.89650 300 MHz 35i~H CH15 11 1 UF5 ~:6.77640 699.98 pH 3.29860 Cor !: SOOMHz i= ~~H BOO MHz CH2 5 11 log MAG 10 dBlREF 0 dB 1: -30.473 dB CH2 5 11 log MAG 1: 10 dBIREF 0 dB 100.000 000 MHz Cor 1 I 21 -21713 dB BOO MHz ~: -3~~~ ~ -15.42 dB SOOMHz 2 -10.449 dB BfOMHZ I I I L I 5TART 100.000 000 MHz I 5TOP 1 100.000 000 MHz START 100.000 000 MHz • Output impedance (with components mounted: test circuit 3) @ Impedance Including external components and evaluation board . RFout CHI 5 11 1 UF5 .2;78.9530 -16.7620 9.9949pF 40.6090 41.3570 900 MHz 28.7760 -28.809 0 1 GHz 12.9790 -4.8784 0 1.IGHz Cor CH2 5 11 log MAG 10 dBIREF 0 dB g: -11.792 dB 9!j0.OOO OQO MHz -J.~ Cor ~: ~ -7.JI63dB 900 MHz -7.4 (j dB 1 GHz 1.--- 1-:~ ~: J 5TART 100.000 000 MHz 5-50 ~ ~ l I I -2.3584 dB 750.00 000 MHz 3· ~: ~ 1 27.3070 58.090 1.1 GHz i~ -19~859dB 300 MHz I ~- 7.61330 9.42090 BOO MHz 10.4510 22.7350 900 MHz -4.5661 dB 1.1 GHz I STOP 1 100.000 000 MHz ~ ~: J I -3.Jog8dB GHz rI 5TOP 1 100.000 000 MHz MB54609 • 1.5-GHz POC APPLICATION MEASUREMENT DATA (Reference Values) • Measurement results Parameter Baseband input signal Shifter input signal101 Mixer input signal lO2 Mixer output signal RFout Return loss Modulation precision Carrier suppression Test circuit Measurement result Unit Condition f88 42 kbps rrl4 OQPSK, Root-Nyquist filter (a =0.5) - Vss 1.0 Vpp Single-end input - flo 1 356 MHz PLOl -5 dBm fl02 1619 MHz PL02 -5 dBm fRF 1441 MHz fRF PRF -13.4 dBm SSBvalue 1 3 Symbol =fL02 + flO1/2 RlRF -14 dB =356 MHz = 1619 MHz fRF = 1441 MHz AERR 1.6 % RMS magnitude error PERR 0.90 d~g. RMS phase error VERR 2.2 % RMS vector error -39.0 dBc RUOl -18 dB Rll02 -6 dB CS - - III flOl fl02 - 2 2 • External circuit constants (with the IC mounted on the evaluation board) GND XQ XQMOD MB54609 QMOD XI GND 5-51 MB54609 • Modulation precision and output spectrum (test circuit 2) @ Baseband signal: 7tl4 OQPSK, 42 kbps, 1.0 Vpp, PN 15, Root-Nyquist filter a. Input signals: L01 = 356 MHz, ~ dBm; L02 = 1619 MHz, ~ dBm Output signal: RFout 1441 MHz =0.5 = • Output spectrum • Modulation precision RMSVec:IOr Eno, • PelkV_ Error. RMSIoIegnitude Error • PeIk~Error. RMSPhUe ...... _ Error. Error. c. __ CantllrF,.q 0IIMt. 0IIMt. • llluV_ a-tIy Center .( 2.243.. ",. ~ 4.li~ 1.5eN 3.7_ I O.lI02dog1 -1.977 dogI -US...03Hz 7.417dog1 \ \ I \ -33.001 cIS 1.83t.1.275~ { • (-1.2115.0.133)" J \ :--. .,.""J ..........""- CENTER", 1441 MHz SPAN .. 200 kHz RBW .. 3 kHz VBW .. 3 kHz SWP .. 100 ms AVG .. 128 An .. l0dB REF .. -l0dBm 10dB/div. VG: 7.00CJe.02VION _lid Fifer: RtNyq (0.500) RecIar1gte Len. 54 OSR. 4.7811105 • Spectrum (test circuit 2) @ Baseband signal: 7tl4 OQPSK, 42 kbps, 1.0 Vpp, 0000, Root-Nyquist filter a. Input signals: L01 356 MHz, ~ dBm; L02 1619 MHz, -5 dBm Output signal: RFout 1441 MHz = • Span \ = = =26.2 kHz • Span =0.5 =500 MHz¥ ::.E Ole .... co ~"'O r-:Z:: ::.Ee f-- .... "'0 ~ "'0 <7 ~ 8~ ....II "'""'0 :!co s-uco ~ cir-- -~ ~"'" co r-;~ 1-1 C:O-o ) I \ I \ V \ \ f JU ~ ~ WI w 5-52 "' \ ~~. J. W CENTER = 1441 MHz SPAN = 26.2 kHz RBW = 300 Hz VBW = 100 Hz SWP = 4 s An= 10dB REF = -10 dBm 10 dB/div. ....al I !I 1 II I 1 II II I .1. CENTER = 1619 MHz SPAN = 500 MHz RBW = 1 MHz VBW = 1 kHz SWP An = 10dB REF -10 dBm 10 dB/div. % =3 s MB54609 • RF output level dependent on baseband amplitude (PRF: test circuit 1, Modulation precision: test circuit 2) @ Baseband signal of test circuit 2: 7tl4 OQPSK, 42 kbps, 1.0 Vpp, PN 15, Root-Nyquist filter (l 0.5 Input signals of test circuits 1 and 2: L01 356 MHz, -5 dBm; L02 1619 MHz, -5 dBm Output signals of test circuits 1 and 2: RFout 1441 MHz = = = = 0 E a:l -10 ~ ~ a: ffi lI: > Cl. 1j! g -20 - 6 u. a: -30 - rn 4 ::! w ~ i > 0 a: c: ·en0 ~VERR -40 - 2 .~ . c. c: 0 ~ ::J 0 0.1 10 "8 ::! Base band amplitude Vf18 (Vpp) • RF output level dependent on L01 and L02 input levels (PRF: test circuit 1, Modulation precision: test circuit 2) @ Baseband signal of test circuit 2: 7tl4 OQPSK, 42 kbps, 1.0 Vpp, PN 15, Root-Nyquist filter (l Input signals of test circuits 1 and 2: L01 356 MHz, -5 dBm; L02 1619 MHz, -5 dBm Output signals of test circuits 1 and 2: RFout = 1441 MHz = = • RF output level dependent on L01 Input level (@PL02 = -5 dBm) ~ > ~ a: -101- :> g ¢:> PRF 6 w ~ -20 Q) - 4 > "S .9::J 0 = It & Qj • RF output level dependent on L02 Input level (@PL01 -5 dBm) ~ e... 01- E a:l -30 u. a: rn ~ c> VERR - ~ Cl. Qj > ~ -20 I- "S % -30 0 -401- ·u -20 0 c. 5 c: ---- g ¢:> PRF a: ·en ~ :> :2. -101- c: 0 ~ 01- E a:l ::! a: 2 6 ~ ~ Q) --- u. c> -40 VERR - 4 > rn ::! a: - 2 -10 -5 Shifter output level PLOl 0 (dBm) 0 :; "5 ""0 0 ::! -20 c: ·en0 ·u ~ ~ -15 =0.5 -15 -10 Mixer input level -5 PL02 0 (dBm) 5 0 c. c: .2 iii "5 ""0 0 ::! 5-53 MB54609 • Input impedance (with components mounted: test circuit 3) @ Impedance including external components and evaluation board • L01 CHI S 11 • L02 1 UFS -2.78910 .1:48.9920 570.64pF Cor CHI S 11 1 UFS Cor g; 15.6620 38.4450 1 GHz 60.7070 ~ ..!fW.~3 sr:.rdH~ 1.4GHz CH2 S 11 log MAG 10 dBlREF 0 dB .!; -30.473 dB CH2 S 11 log MAG -4: 10c&REFOdB 100.000 090 MHz ~~ -19~85'd8 .!~ -3.~8c11 lGHz 300 MHz Cor ~: I .!: 1 ~ I I ~ I i I I I START 100.000 000 MHz -15.42 dB SOOMHz Cor -.l -10.449d8 1 BjlOMHZ I I STOP 1 100.000 000 MHz START 100.000 000 MHz • Output impedance (with components mounted: test circuit 3) @ Impedance including external components and evaluation board . RFout CHI S'1 1 UFS 1.: 74.9180 21.884 pF -5.04690 22.760 5f:flrH~ Cor ~ CH2 5 '1 log MAG 1: 10 dBIREF 0 dB 58.350 5.02930 1.48GHz 58.8440 42.4380 1.6GHz -13.853 dB 1 441.000 000 MHz .1~ Cor -3.~5 dB 1.2GHz 1: -20.927 dB 1.48GHz \.V9.!: -8.6101 dB \6GHZ 7r" r""'-..6 ~ I I I START 100.000 000 MHz 5-54 I I STOP 2 100.000 000 MHz -6.5383 dB 1 60(1.000 OQO MHz 2 3 " 1: -4.~~ -: -3.~~~ I I I I I I STOP 2 100.000 000 MHz MB54609 • TEST CIRCUITS (Reference Examples) • Test circuit 1 (for SSB measurement) .. /f 8 D.U.T Synchronized 1 :. 'tf Spectrum analyzer (50 0) 8 VBB.1.0 Vpp f .. 600kHz • Test circuit 2 (for modulation precision measurement) Baseband signal generator ~ Modulation precision analyzer (50 0) ____________________________________________________________ ~~55 (Continued) MB54609 (Continued) • Test circuit 3 (for impedance measurement with components mounted) Network analyzer (50 Q) l Vee .. 3.0 V N.C. Network analyzer (50 !l) N.C. • Test circuit 4 (for measurement of Impedance of only Ie) Network analyzer PORT-1 POry.!~~ Vee. 3.0 V (applied to PORT-2 internal bias tee) Jr Operation RFout GND l02 1k 1k XIF IF lO1 XQMOD MB54609 QMOD XI 1k Xl01 GND Vee 1k J;. Vos = 1.6 V GND Vee 5-56 ____________________________________________________________ 0.1 II ;+;. ~ MB54609 • ORDERING INFORMATION Part number MB54609PFV I Package I 2o-pin Plastic SSOP (FPT-20P-M03) Remarks 5-57 MB54609 • PACKAGE DIMENSION 2o-pin Plastic SSOP (FPT-20P-M03) *: These dimensions do not include resin protrusion. -r---;o..,...,.,=::;;.- (Mounting height) 0.15::: .006':::) 5.85(.230IREF @ 5-58 1994 FUJITSU UMITED F20012S-2C-4 ~ Oelaih~f;;;rt- - - - - - - - -, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ JI Dimensions in mm (inches) Edition o. 1 (94/Sept.l21) == MB54619================-- OJ FUJITSU QUA ORA TURE MODULA TOR (2.0GHz BAND UP CONVERTER BUlL TIN) INTRODUCTION MB54619 is a quadrature modulator Ie for IF modulation. The power consumption is as low as 25mA typo because of Fujitsu's advanced technology. There is a 2.0GHz band up converter on chip that makes the MB54619 ideally suitable for high frequency mobile communications such as DEeT, peN, GSM and so on. The phase shifter is F/F type and allows a wide IF bandwidth to be achieved. FEATURES II • High performance transmit mixer Output frequency : 2.0 GHz max. Output level : -14 dBm typo • Quadrature modulator and transmit mixer have external pinouts and allows for a BPF to be inserted between them. Quadrature modulator output can drive a 50 n load. • F/F type phase shifter allows wide IF band operation Operating IF band : 100 MHz to 800 MHz • Low power supply voltage : Vcc =2.7 V to 3.3 V • Low supply current Operating : 25.0 rnA typo Power down mode : 0.6 mA typo • Operating temperature • Package : Ta =-20°C to +75 °C : Plastic SSOP 20-pin (FPT-20P-M03) BLOCK DIAGRAM Vcc XI GND OMOD IF U-----1,,/ AFout o XO O-----1,J PS LO, XL01 XOMD XIF L02 5-59 Edition 0.1 (941SepU21) PIN ASSIGNMENT AFoul GND 20 2 PS 19 GND L02 3 18 Q GND 4 17 XO XIF 5 16 XOMOD IF 6 15 OMOD XI XL01 7 14 L01 8 13 GND 9 12 GND 10 11 Vee Vee PIN DESCRIPTION .:.< >J< Ph; ~()~ ,..••':;..~. ~ •. ~~<~.>. <\:>. . . . .... . .> : ' : ) < •.. •.<. :.::,;:;.. .....• . - . •... .... ;...> :; :.' :. <};::::;}} .>•..•.••••;;;.... I ::;::.::.~ ~~~:;;~ ~::::, ~; .. •• .. - - 1 RFout Up converter output 11 Vee 2 GND Ground 12 GND 3 L02 Mixer LO input 13 I 4 GND Ground 14 XI 5 XIF Mixer IF complementary input 15 OMOD 6 IF Mixer IF input 16 XOMOD 7 XL01 O-modulator LO complementary input 17 xa Baseband complementary input (a) 8 L01 O-modulator LO input 18 a Baseband input (0) 9 GND Ground 19 GND 10 Vee Power supply 20 PS 5-60 Power supply Ground Baseband input (I) Baseband complementary input (I) a-modulator IF output a-modulator IF complementary output Ground Power down control ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS ..•...•.. - Vcc Power supply current Icc 25.0 mA DC current Power down current IccPS 0.6 mA DC current Shifter input LO, 3.0 3.3 Operating band flo! 100 800 MHz Input level PlOl -15 o dBm DC Baseband input L02 Operating band fee Input amplitude Vee 1.2 Vpp Mixer input l02 Operating band fl02 1900 MHz Input level Pl02 -5 dBm Mixer output RFout Operating band fRF 2000 Output level Modulation precision PRF MHz MHz fRF =fl01/2 + fl02 dBm -14 Amplitude error AERR Phase error PERR Vector error VERR 3 CS -30 Carrier suppression =25·C v Power supply voltage 2.7 Ta 2 Q-MOD & Mixer direct connection. BB = 1Vpp % RMS value deg. RMS value % RMS value dBc External offset. no offset adjustment Note; flOl = 500MHz (-10dBm). fl02 = 1650MHz (-10dBm). fRF = 1900MHz output 5-61 Edition O. 1 (941SepU21) PERIPHERAL CONNECTION EXAMPLE RFout GND 1650MHZ~ PS GND L02 o GND XO XIF XOMOD t-- Baseband signal (0) ~-"""'V'v---~,,---JV'v- 1.6V offset __- 1.6V offset r---,,---, Connecllo IF/XIF directly or IF XL01 500MHZ~ OMOD XI via BPF t--_--JIIV-__- L01 GND GND Vee Vce Vee 5-62 1.6V offset II FPT-20P-M03 20-LEAD PLASTIC FLAT PACKAGE (CASE No.: FPT-20P-M03) .049~:~ ---i~-""'-'----- ~ ~ ~~~~~~ i i ~ INDEX (1.25~:~g) 1 "II cI L4i=i1i:::::;;::::~:::;:::;:;:::::;:;:::;~ ~ .252:.008 (6.40±0.20) 1 .213(5.40) NOM *.173:.004 (4.40±0.10) .0256:.0047 (0.65:0.12) .11 . (MOUNTING HEIGHT) j ·A·~,- .009~:~ (0.22~:6~) Details of "A" part .004:.004 .230(5.85) REF [JJI~·':~ OOto~ (STANDOFF HEIGHT) (0. 5O±0. 20j *:This dimension does not include resin protruction. ©1991 FUJITSU LIMITED F2oo12S-2C Dimensions in inches (millimeters) 5-63 5-64 SECTION 6 Semi-Custom BiCMOS LSI RF Integrated Circuits - At a Glance Fujitsu has an answer for those customers who wish to pursue a semi-custom solution tailored to their design needs for high volume, cost and size critical applications. Fujitsu's advanced Semi-Custom BiCMOS LSI RF IC technology is an array-based methodology used to develop both custom devices and standard devices. This means that many of the standard parts in the SuperPLL and Super Analog product lines have equivalent macros already developed for implementation in a semi-<:ustom solution. This provides a low risk integration path from discrete solutions using standard devices for prototyping or first generation designs to complete, highly integrated solutions. Please contact your nearest Fujitsu representative for further details and engagement requirements. Page Number Part Number 6-3 MB1520 I FRAME I 6-3 MB1530 I FRAME II 6-3 MB1540 I FRAME III 6-3 MB1550 I FRAME IV Series Number Frame Number 6-31 MB54500 II FRAME I 6-45 MB54600 III FRAME III 6-59 MB1560 IV FRAME I 6-1 6-2 cP Sept. 1995 Edition 3.0b DATA SHEET FUJITSU MB1520lMB1530lMB1540lMB1550 SERIES Bi-CMOS LSI RF IC SPECIFICATION ADVANCED SEMICUSTOM TECHNOLOGY OF SUPER PLL WITH RF SYSTEM ON LSI The Fujitsu MB1520/1530/1540/1550 series are semicustom LSIIC's based on a master slice method. Super PLL (PLL and Prescaler) macros and high frequency analog macros, such as VCO's. IF amplifiers, RF amplifiers and mixers can be realized on a single chip in accordance with customer requests. This is achieved by means of predefined blocks (Super PLL's and analog macros) laid out on the respective frames in a number of different combinations. The performance of each block is custom specified. The MB1520/1530/1540/1550 series makes it possible to compose single chip silicon front ends for mobile communication systems. Due to the design process used, development cycles and cost are greatly reduced over standard full custom LSI designs, resulting in lower system cost solutions and reduced time-to-market. Features • Super PLL's as well as high frequency analog circuits, such as VCO's, mixers, RF and IF amplifiers. FPT-20P-M03 FPT-34P-M01 [PRINTING] • Four available frame sizes, offering various combinations of Super PLL's and analog macros. • Choice of a wide variety of existing Super PLL's and analog functions, as well as custom specifications of the same. FPT-34P-M03 • Choice of power supply voltages between 2.7V and 5.5V. (Minimum 2.0V with some restrictions available.) • Available high speed lock up circuit for digital mobile communications such as DECT, GSM, PDC, and so on. • A number of standard features, such as power saving modes, phase shifter circuit, analog switches, charge pumps, depending on the frame size. FPT-48P-M04 • Development cycle is typically 14 weeks. Application Examples • MB 1520 series: BS tuner, car navigation systems • MB 1530 series: MCA wireless for business use, analog cordless phones • MB 1540 series: Analog cellular phones, trunked radios • MB1550 series: Digital cellular and digital cordless phones FPT-48P-M05 FPT-64P-M03 This devica contains circuitry to protect the inputs against damage due to high static voHages or electric fields. However. ~ is advised that normal precautions be taken to avoid application of any voHage higher than maximum rated voltages to this high impedance circu~. ©1994 by FUJITSU LIMITED and Fuji1su Microelectronics. Inc. 6-3 MB1520 Series MB1530 Series MB1540 Series MB1550 Series Bi-CMOS LSI RF IC SERIES Master-slice methodology is that wafers of a particular frame are prefabricated as much as having finished diffusion processes, forming the basic elements, such as transistors, resistors and capacitors. The remaining contact and wiring process steps then determine and configure the function and value of each element according to cases. This series is based on a master-slice method for which predefined blocks are laid out. Four series, MB 1520/153011540/1550 are available in accordance with combinations of the predefined blocks. (Please refer to "Chip Layout".) Table 1 shows representative blocks ani features of each series. Table 1. SERIES Analog Macro Operating Frequency (max.) SSOP QFP SQFP 1 circuit 2 circuits 2.4GHz 20-pin 2 circuits 2 circuits 4 circuits 1.9GHz 34-pin - - MB1540 2 circuits 2 circuits 6 circuits 2.4GHz 48-pin 3 circuits· 3 circuits 8 circuits 2.4GHz - 48-pin MB1550 48-pin 64-pin Series Name Prescaler MB1520 1 circuit MB1530 * 1 Prescaler or 90° phase shifter 6-4 PLL Package MB 1520 Series MB1530 Series MB1540 Series MB1550 Series CHIP LAYOUT 1 Prescaler 1 PLL 2 Analog Macros [Q] I Analog Charge Pump [Q] Switch [Q][Q] MB1520 Series ! ~B [Q] [Q] Macro [Q] ~B o [Q] [Q] [Q] [Q] [Q] PLL [Q] Analog Macro I Praacaler Analog Interface [gJ I [Q] _ ~B 2 Pres caler 2PLL 4 Analog Macros [g] [Q] [g] [QJ [Q] [Q] [Q] [g] [Q] MB1530 Series III [Q] EJ Analog Macro [g] [g] [Q] [g] [g] [g] [Q] [Q] [g] I II Analog Macro [g] - ~ 1=1 ~. AnalopPrescaler Interface Prescaler 2 [g] U ~ [g] I Analog Macro [Q] f[jl ~ [Q] .---- [Q] Charge Pump Analog Switch AnalogPrescaier In,erface [Q] [Q] g g I [g] [g] [g] PLL2 1--------------------/ PLl1 [g] [g] [QJ [g] [Q] [g] [Q] [g] 6-5 MB1520 Series MB1530 Series MB1540 Series MB1550 Series CHIP LAYOUT (Continued) MB1540 Series 2 Prescaler 2PLL 6 Analog Macros [Q] [QJ [Q] [Q] [Q] [Q] [QJ [QJ [Q] ~I ~~Iog~ [Q] [Q] [Q] [Q] [Q] [Q] [Q] [Q] [Q] [Q] Switch [QJ [QJ [Q] rQ] I p~=r IIl II Prescaler 1 I " II Clilerc$\u· Interface [Q] P~: II c::~ ~~~ Interface [Q] [Q] ~~'o: Analog Macro 1---1 2 Prescaler 3PLL 8 Analog Macros 1 Prescaler or 90° phase shifter [Q] PlL2 Analog Plll Macro Analog [Q] Macro [Q] [Q] [Q] Analog Analog Macro Macro [Q] [Q][Q] [Q] [Q] [Q] [Q] 101010101 [Q] 1010110101 [Q]~ GEJ~[Q] ~ [Q] [Q] [Q] I c::~~ I , - - - - - , , - - - - - - , I C:~~ I[Q] [Q] [Q] ~ [Q] Prescaler Prescaler 2 1 [Q] ~ [Q] Analog- Pll1 EJalog Macro PlL2 [Q] 1:11 [J El [Q] [Q] ~[J1og [Q] ~======~ Macro [Q] II = IE] ~ [Q] Prescaler [Q] IF Prescaler or FIR phase shifter Pll3 alog Macro Analog Macro Macro [Q] [Q] [QJ [Q] [Q] Analog Macro Analog lololo\olc\o\olo\o\olol 6-6 [Q] [Q] I---I[Q] [Q] MB1550 Series ~ [Q] [Q] =10=10=10=\C='1=0=10=10=10:11 [QJ [QJ [QJ [QJ --------------------------------------------------------------~ MB1520 MB1530 MB1540 MB1550 Series Series Series Series CHIP LAYOUT (Continued) Analog Cell Re.istor Array Area ~ Capacitor Arrey Area Translator Array Area ~t I BIeaArea Rellator Arrey Area Ground Capacitor Group (l20pFmax) Capacftor Array Area Resistor Array Area Transistor Array Area I-Realator Array Area 6-7 MB1520 Series MB1530 Series MB1540 Series MB1550 Series ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Parameter (Reference voltage is GND.) Value Unit Power Supply Voltage Vee Symbol -O.Sto +7.0 V Input Voltage VIN -0.5 to Vee +0.5 V Output Voltage lOUT ±10 mA Ambient Temperature TSTG -50 to +125 °C NOTE: Permanent device damage may occur if the above Absolute Maximum Ratings are exceeded. Functional operation should be restricted to the conditions as detailed in the operational sections of this data sheet. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Parameter Power Supply Voltage Ambient Temperature Symbol Vee Value Min. Unit Max. 5.5 V +85 °C V 0 -40 * The minimum operating voltage is at 2.0V, but some restriction may be required. 6-8 Typ. 2.7* GND TA (Reference voltage is GND.) MB1520 Series MB1530 Series MB1540 Series MB1550 Series MACRO CELLS DESCRIPTIONS 1. Super PLL (PLL and Prescaler) I I I 2 Oscillator Circuit 5 ~------~ L_- T - __, I ~____ I __~ Shift Register & Latch I I L_ ~3~__~__~ Phase Detector 1.1 Functional Descriptions 1. 2. 3. 4. In designing "super PLL block", some functions may be restricted depending on kind of series (MB1520/1530/1540/1550). Availability of main functions is summarized in Table 2. Phase comparator Phase difference detection range is -23t (pi) to +2n: (pi). In order to minimize the dead zone area, the phase comparator is deSigned to deliver a minimum signal to the charge pump even when the phase difference is zero. Also, it is possible to choose the characteristics of the phase comparator to meet polarity of veo. Counter (Reference Counter and Programmable Counter) Two types of counters are available for PLL 1 and PLL2 of aI/ series : programmable and fixed : Fixed Regarding Pll3, one type of counter is available Charge pump All charge pumps are based on bipolar technology. Their voltage levels at "H" depend on the power supply voltage chosen. It is possible to optimize charge pump characteristics individually according to customer needs. High speed lock up circuit This circuit is an option to further increase the lock up time ofthe Pll, and is available for PLL 1 and PLl2 (except PlL3). It will mainly be required in the new emerging digital communication standards. Prescaler Divide ratio can be chosen freely, so can two modulus type and fixed type. However, regarding PlL3, only fixed type is available and the divide ratio can be chosen from 1/2, 1/4, and 1/8. 6-9 MB1520 Series MB1530 Series MB1540 Series MB1550 Series Table 2. SUPER PLL FUNCTION TABLE MB1520 MB1530 MBl540 MB1550 Prescaler Programmable Counter Reference Counter High Speed Lock Up Function Power Save PLLl T P/F P/F X X PLL1 T P/F X X P/F* Mode - - X X P/F - X P/F X X P/F P/F X X F F - X PLL2 T P/F PLLl T P/F P/F PLL2 T P/F PLL1 T P/F PLL2 T PLL3 S NOTE: T: Two Modulus S: Single Modulus (1/2, 114, or 1/8) P/F: Programmable or Fixed F: Fixed X: Available *: Common for PLL1 and 2 5. Analog switch This switch is controlled by the LE signal. When LE is at MW, the analog switch is closed (ON). In this mode, the charge pump output (Do) is fed in parallel to the pin BS. This decreases the time constant of the loop filter and reduces the charge pump load. The result is an increased lock up speed. Analog Switch I ________, L , (Control Signal LE) I I ---------------------~ 6-10 BS MB1520 Series MB1530 Series MB1540 Series MB1550 Series 6. Intermittent operation control circuit The intermittent operation reduces the power consumption by powering down or waking up parts of the PLL circuitry. All the transmission, the reception and IF block PLL may be controlled by this circuit. If a PLL is powered up uncontrolled, the resulting phase comparator output signal is unpredictable due to an undefined phase relation between the reference frequency (fn) and the comparison frequency (fp) and may in the worst case take longer time for lock up of the loop. To prevent this, the intermittent operation control circuit forces a limited error signal output of the phase detector during power up, thus keeping the loop locked. The circuit can be controlled externally or internally, depending on customer requirements. If controlled externally, the circuit is activated by an external signal to the PS pin. If controlled internally, the intermittent control circuit follows the power state set by the analog cells. When the power supply for the analog cells is shut down, the stand by state is automatically selected. When the analog cells are supplied with power, the active state is selected. The charge pump output is in a high impedance state during stand by, so that the veo control voltage is being clamped at the active state level. Ouring the stand by state, the latches store the data which they hold at the time of power down. The shift register data, on the contrary, may be renewed during stand by. NOTE: Powering up for the digital blocks (VCCRD, VCCTD), (after they are disconnected) has to be done in stand by rnode. Table 3. STANDARD STAND BY STATE OF PLL BLOCK Circuit State Rx Tx IF Active Mode Stand By Mode Reception circuits X PO Oscillator circuit X X* Reference counter X - Transmission circuits X PO Oscillator circuit X X Reference counter X - IF circuits X PO Oscillator circuit X X Reference counter X - NOTE: X: Active state PO: Power down mode -: Stop working *: Oscillator circuit can be stopped in accordance with PK's PO signal. 6-11 MB1520 Series MB1530 Series MB1540 Series MB1550 Series 7. Lock detector circuit LD output is selected by setting the "r bit. (See 1.2 Serial data format.) When the phase difference is equal or higher than tw (see diagram below), LD goes into "L". When the phase 'ifference is tw or less and continues to be so for three cycles or more, the LD goes into "H". For example, in case of a 12.8MHz oscillator frequency tw, is 625ns to 1250ns. The relation between LD and PLL circuit is shown in Table 4. Lock Detection fp .. : ,... I LD I tw . "" "" :.- ...:;.- I ~ tw ------- "" "" I tw ------- twl Table 4. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN LD SIGNAL AND THE CIRCUIT STATE Operation Mode PLL circuit LD Output Stand-by L Stand-by Active Unlock L Lock H 1.2 Serial Data Format The PLL operation is controlled by serial data inputs. The parameters of the serial data are shown below. The data input starts with the MSB bit. The data length may vary between 22 and 37 bits. The actual data format is being worked out with the customer. Table 5. SERIAL DATA FORMAT Function Typical Bit Number Control Bit (CNT bit) Selects direction of data transfer (Rx or Tx) 1 to 2 LD Select Bit (T bit) Selects the LD output 1 to 2 Fe Bit (F bit) Switches phase of the comparator 1 Programmable Counter Bit (N bit) Sets programmable counter's divide ratio 11 Swallow Counter Bit (A bit) Sets swallow counter's divide ratio 7 Name Reference Counter Bit (R bit) 6-12 I Fixed I Programmable Sets reference counter's divide ratio 1 to 2 Sets reference counter's divide ratio 14 MB1520 Series MB1530 Series MB1540 Series MB1550 Series 1.3 Serial Data Input Timing Binary data is entered using the Data, Clock, and LE pins. The serial data separately controls the programmable reference divider as well as the programmable divider. Each data bit is shifted into the internal shift register at the rising edge of each clock pulse. When the LE pin is "H", stored data is transferred from the shift register into the latch, chosen by the control bit. A schmitt trigger at each input improves noise immunity. NOTE: 1. One clock pulse always shifts one data bit into the shift register, even during stand by state. 2. Input voltages (Data, Clock, and LE pins) should always be lower than Vcc. Serial Data Input Timing -------------~ ~ T~ V CNT Data Clock T1 I\. (LSB) -------------~ ~ JLJLUL-----------JLfL , ,I.,. . IL ' LE ---"--,-- - - - - - - - - - - - - , 004... , ... , Data set up time (~ 1 Ilsec) Data hold time (~ 1 Ilsec) Clock pulse width (~ 1 J.1Sec) LE set up time to the rising edge of the last clock LE pulse width (~ 1 Ilsec) , 4 . ~t5 , t1 --"-'" t1: t2: t3: t4: t5: ---'--'--~-----i '---11:-": , , : ..:---.,..... t2 (~ 1 Ilsec) Notes: 1. One bit of data is shifted into the shift register on the rising edge of the clock (edge trigger). 2. Data in the shift register is transferred to the latch when LE becomes H. 6-13 MB1520 Series MB1530 Series MB1540 Series MB1550 Series 2. Mixer, IF Amplifier Some basic examples for achievable circuits are shown below. However, conceming circuitry and performance, it is possible to configu each analog macro cell to customer requirements. 2.1 Basic Construction Mixer circuit can either be of DBM (Doubled Balanced Mixer) or SBM (Single Balanced Mixer) type. LO and RF inputs can be connected with the intemal bias circuit, if necessary. The mixer output is connected with its own power supply (VMIX) via a load resistor, then connected with the following IF amplifier. The IF amplifier consists of a differential amplifier and NPN transistor, which forms the emitter follower output. Basic Equivalent Circuit (1) ~ loiN Mixer IF Amplifier - - . <>-......- - [ Mix Out loiN o--t----~--~ RFIN <>------1' RFIN 0------+-------+----' GND Basic Equivalent Circuit (2) loiN Mix Out to BIAS ....- ----+---.. . . ...... GND 6-14 MB1520 Series MB1530 Series MB1540 Series MB1550 Series 3. RF Amplifier 3.1 Basic Construction The output signal from the common emitter circuit will be supplied though an emitter follower. Basic Equivalent Circuit RFoUT GND 4. VCO 4.1 Basic Construction The veo circuit consists of an output buffer transistor and an oscillation transistor, which construct a base grounded colpitts circuit. Resonator and varicap can't be integrated in the chip, so they need to be connected extemally. Basic Equivalent Circuit VCCA e B veOOUT E GND 6-15 MB1520 Series MB1530 Series MB1540 Series MB1550 Series EXAMPLES OF AN ANALOG CIRCUIT'S BASIC CHARACTERISTICS veo Value Parameter Min. Supply Voltage Typ. 4.5 Unit 5.5 6 Current Consumption Operating Frequency V mA 400 MHz CIN 70 dB SIN 50 dB Output Power -5 dBm 3 MHzIV Mod Sense Conditions Max. Offset frequency = 25kHz, BW = 15kHz Mixer Value Parameter Min. Supply Voltage Typ. 4.5 Unit 5.5 6 Current Consumption Conditions Max. V mA Gain 13 dB Maximum Output Power -5 dBm 1 dB Compresssion Point -10 dBm Output level Intercept Point -16 dBm Input level Noise Figure 10 dB RF-Lo Isolation 20 dB DSB measurement Amplifier Value Parameter Min. Supply Voltage Typ. 4.5 Unit Conditions Max. 5.5 V Current Consumption 6 mA MHz Operating Frequency 400 Gain 20 dB Maximum Output Power -3 dBm f=400MHz 1 dB Compresssion Point -10 dBm f = 400MHz, Output level Intercept Point -19 dBm 3 dB Noise Figure 6-16 f = 400MHz (small signal input) f = 400MHz, 400.1 MHz, Input level f=400MHz MB1520 MB1530 MB1540 MB1550 Series Series Series Series MB1540 APPLICATION CIRCUIT EXAMPLE To Transmission Mixer 800M Hz To Reception Mixer, 800MHz Reception Block Data ... Clock ... LE Transmission Block ... ToLD To Transmission Output, 700MHz 6-17 MB1520 Series MB1530 Series MB1540 Series MB1550 Series DEVELOPMENT PROCEDURE 1. Study about product development (1) The customer submits technical and commercial requests to Fujitsu. Fujitsu reviews the customer requirements, if necessary simulation is done. [Technical request] Function: Functional descriptional material, 1/0 signal descriptional material, Block diagram, etc. Specifications: Prescaler, PLL, VCO, Mixer, Amplifier, etc. [Commercial request] Delivery and price: Development schedule, development aSSignment plan, demand, NRE, target price, etc. (2) Fujitsu submits a counter proposal. And the final target specification evolves from the discussions about proposaVcounter proposals between the customer and Fujitsu. (3) Detailed circuit and test specifications are studied. Then all of the specifications are decided. After that development schedule, NRE, quotation are estimated formally. (4) After the customer and Fujitsu agree to develop the device, the final specification (data sheet) is submitted to the customer to confirm the specification. CUSTOMER FUJITSU Submit technical and commerical requests Study the customer requests (3) All specifications decided NRE and price decided The final target data sheet 6-18 MB1520 MB1530 MB1540 MB1550 Series Series Series Series 2. Development of Ie (1) Design and layout of the chip starts. First engineering samples become available approximately 14 weeks after the final target data sheet is issued. (2) ES is evaluated by the customer and Fujitsu. (3) The final specification sheet of finished product is submitted to the customer from Fujitsu when the customer is satisfied with evaluation result. Then, preparation for mass production is started. Typically 3 months are necessary for the first shipment from when the final specification sheet (for finished products) is issued. CUSTOMER FUJITSU The final target data sheet (1) Design and layout ES About 14 weeks ES evalution III (2) (3) About 3 months 1 Development finish, start preparation for MP 6-19 MB1520 Series MB1530 Series MB1540 Series MB1550 Series TARGET SPECIFICATION BLANK MB1520 Series Parameter Power Supply Current Typ. Max. Unit Note ICCD mA Digital section Analog section ICCA mA V Digital section (PLL, Prescaler) VCCA V Analog section (VeO) Operating Frequency Range fveo MHz Output Power POUT dBm CIN Ratio CIN dB Detuning l:!.. f :_ _ _kHz Bandwidth: _ _ _kHz SIN Ratio SIN dB Reference deviation:_ _ _kHz/dev Bandwidth: _ _ _ kHz to _ _ _kHz Mod Sense 6·20 Request Value Min. Vcco Power Supply Voltage veo Symbol l:!.. fveo MHzIV Control voltage V-r. _ _ _ to_ _ _V Operating Frequency Range fAMP MHz Gain Gain dB RF-Amp Noise Figure Intercept Point NF dB IP3 dBm Input level 1 dB Compression Point CP dBm Output level In-out Isolation Iso dB MB1520 Series MB1530 Series MB1540 Series MB1550 Series MB1520 Series (Continued) Parameter Operating Frequency Gain Mixer PLL Noise Figure Symbol Request Value Min. Typ. Max. Note Unit fRF MHz flO MHz flF MHz GAIN dB NF dB Output frequency Measurement method; SSB or DSB measurement value Intercept Point IP3 dBm Input level 1 dB Compression Point CP dBm Output level LO-RF Isolation Iso dB fosc MHz Oscillation Frequency Lock-up Time TlR ms Comparison frequency: fr =___kHz Step frequency: .1.f =___kHz Memo: * If you have any questions, please fill in the above "Memo· column. Customer name: Application: ES request day: CS request day: Planning quantity: 6-21 MB1520 Series MB1530 Series MB1540 Series MB1550 Series TARGET SPECIFICATION BLANK MB1530IMB1540 Series Parameter Request Value Min. Typ. Max. Unit Note ICCR rnA Reception section ICCT rnA Transmission section VCCD V Digital section (PLL, Prescaler) VCCA V Analog section (VCO) Operating Frequency Range fvco MHz Output Power POUT dBm TX·VCO C/N Ratio C/N dB Detuning a f :_ _ _kHz Bandwidth: _ _ _kHz SIN Ratio SIN dB Reference deviation: _ _ _kHzldev Bandwidth: _ _ _kHz to _ _ _kHz Power Supply Current Power Supply Voltage Mod Sense afvco MHzIV Control voltage Vl'-_ _ _ to_ _ _V Operating Frequency Range fvco MHz Output Power POUT dBm RX-VCO C/N Ratio C/N dB Detuning a f :_ _ _kHz Bandwidth: _ _ _kHz SIN Ratio SIN dB Reference deviation: _ _ _kHzldev Bandwidth: _ _ _kHz to _ _ _kHz Mod Sense RF-Amp 6-22 Symbol afvco MHzIV Control voltage Vl'-_ _ _ to_ _ _V Operating Frequency Range fAMP MHz Gain Gain dB Noise Figure NF dB Intercept Point IP3 dBm Input level 1 dB Compression Point CP dBm Output level In-out Isolation Iso dB MB1520 Series MB1530 Series MB1540 Series MB1550 Series MB1530/MB1540 Series (Continued) Request Value Parameter Symbol Min. fRF MHz MHz flF MHz GAIN dB Noise Figure NF dB Intercept Point IP3 dBm Input level 1 dB Compression Point CP dBm Output level Gain LO-RF Isolation Oscillation Frequency PLL Note Unit flO Operating Frequency Mixer Typ. Max. Lock-up Time Output frequency Measurement method; SSB or DSB measurement value Iso dB fosc MHz TlR ms Reception TlT ms Transmission Memo: Comparison frequency: fr = ___kHz ILaf= Step frequency; _ _kHz II • If you have any questions, please fill in the above "Memo" column. Customer name: Application: ES request day: CS request day: Planning quantity: 6-23 MB1520 Series MB1530 Series MB1540 Series MB1550 Series PACKAGE DIMENSIONS MB1520 Series 2D-LEAD PLASTIC FLAT PACKAGE (CASE No.: FPT-20P-M03) (MOUNTING HEIGHT) .0256±.0047 (0.65tO.12) .11 ~ +·004 .009 -.002 (O.22~:Jg) ~ REF *:This dimension does not include resin protrusion. ©1991 FUJITSU LIMITED F20012S-2C 6-24 (STANDOFF HEIGHT) MB1520 MB1530 MB1540 MB1550 Series Series Series Series PACKAGE DIMENSIONS (Continued) MB1530 Series 34-LEAD PLASTIC FLAT PACKAGE (CASE No.: FPT-34P-M01) .402±.016 (10.2O±O.4O) .3621:.012 (9.20±0.3O) ==+-~ 11-:""" • .. (0. 15±O.05) r ·A" II I I I I I I -O;-aU;-o~;p;.n .006(0.20) -, II I I .024(0.60) I .007(0.18) I MAX I .025(0.63) I L _ _ _ ~~_...J ©1991 FUJITSU LIMITED F34001S-3C Dimensions in inches (millimeters) 6-25 MB1520 Series MB1530 Series MB1540 Series MB1550 Series PACKAGE DIMENSIONS (Continued) MB1530 Series 34-LEAD PLASTIC FLAT PACKAGE (CASE No.: FPT-34P-M03) 34 pin Plastic SSOP (FPT-34P-M03) ·".OIhO.10!.433t.00f! * : This dimension does not include resin protraction. ....,.._...,.-;-1;.::.2=S!"".:: ••~ (MOUNTING HEIGHn !!.Of!it::) L.....-iOIO.l0(.O5<:>:.<::· :·:>. .• <, .:< . :.:. •. Min~:TYp,:: . .•. •. : .:. .. }i . > ......:•.. . } : . :..:: ... :::. : Supply Voltage .linn. <. . . : . .: :. :":.;;,, ...: :. .:::'::::'..' '::.>::'......:. <.:::::.:: •.•. <::.:::,:,::>.::::.<:.: .~ .. .>:,::}.:: ·:::)y'P~ .. :./: I><:~ I·· 4.5 ::<:.::.:: <:Max. 5.5 / .: ...•.::: ::.:.'::.:':..:.::::': 1:<::li;i·~ •. :. ':.:i:.:::::>::.:.::: :>/:. ":.' :",. ,,;:;", • , .. ':.-: ,::: .::>\....... ..'. ,> ....:::: ::>::-:.::: I',•• ::: ·;:::::{·.<.·or:·. ):: 1:::7 Ir .:::·i~*~:) .";' Supply Voltage 5.5 4.5 I:.IJ~~/:::· I::>:::::, ""':;:';: '..,;,;: 'i>:::: ':.': :? '::::·::::••. !.·:i::···i·j:·....iil....·::iii.i·:• ··:::·.:Ts;;jj -"j :;-::./::r;: :<:: ::"::.'.:: :'.';:::::){ :.. V Current Consumption 6 mA Operating Frequency 400 MHz Gain 20 dB Maximum Output Power -3 dBm f- 400MHz 1dB Compression Point -10 dBm f - 400MHz, Output level Intercept Point -19 dBm f - 400MHz, 400.1 MHz, Input level Noise Figure 3 dB f - 400MHz (-3OdBm in) f .. 400MHz (-3OdBm in) 6-35 MB54500 SERIES BASIC EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT OF ANALOG CIRCUITS 1.Mlxer and IF amplifier The mixer is a DBM (Double-Balanced Mixer) of active type. LO and RF inputs can be connected with internal bias circuit. The mixer output is connected with its own power supply (VMIX) via a load resistor, then connected with next IF amplifier. The IF amplifier consists of a differential amplifier and NPN transistors, and the differential amplifier's ouput is output through an emitter follower. .- Mixer IF Amplifier ----. VMIX LOIN Mix Out LOIN RFIN RFIN GND 2.RF Amplifier Output signal from common emitter circuit is output through emitter follower. It is possible to connect RF input with internal bias circuit. VAMP RFIN RFoUT GND 6-36 MB54500 SERIES 3. veo The VCO consists of an output buffer's transistor and an oscillation's transistor which constructs a base grounded colpitts circuit. Resonator, varicap and so on are connected externally. Vvco C B VCOour E ----~--------------~-4--GND 6-37 MB54500 SERIES DEVELOPMENT PROCEDURE 1.Examination about product development (1 )Examination about specifications, and development conditions. A customer submit target specifications of his idea to Fujitsu. Fujitsu reviews the specifications to judge technological feasibility. by means of simulation if necessay. and cost estimation. [Products Information] Functional Information Specificational information : Functional descriptional material, 1/0 signal descriptional material. Block diagram. etc. : Prescaler. PLL. VCO. Mixer. Amplifier, etc. [Development Information] Delivery related Information : Development schedule. development assignment plan. etc. Ouotation related information : Demand. NRE. target price. etc. (2)Examination about product development Fujitsu and the customer examine go/no-go of the product develpment in together. based on result of the review. (3) Examination about product development Circuits' functions and charateristics are examined in detail so that detailed specifications and test specifications are examined. After the specification is finalized. development schedule. NRE. formal quotation are done. (4)Confirmation of the final specification (data sheet) After the customer and Fujitsu agree to develop the device. the final specification (data sheet) is submitted to the customer to confirm the specifications. CUSTOMER FUJITSU (1 ) Information about quotation & specifications. Schedule. target specs. demand. target price. etc. r--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--,(3) (4) 6-38 Studies the request of quotation Studies the feasibility of the specification MB54500 SERIES 2.Development of Ie (1)/C designing and manufacturing by way of trial Fujitsu designs the device and manufacture it by way of trial based on the final specifications. It takes about 12 weeks (typ.) from when the final specification sheet is issued to when the first ES (Engineering Sample) are manufactured. (2)Evaluation of ES ES is evaluated by both the customer and Fujitsu based on the final specifications. (3)The final confirmation A specification sheet of finished product is submitted to the customer from Fujitsu when the customer satisfied with evaluation result. so that preparation for mass production is started by Fujitsu. Typically 3 months are necessary for the first shipment from when the specification sheet (for finished products) is issued. CUSTOMER FUJITSU The final specifications (data sheet) (1 ) IC designing About 12 weeks Price quotation. development schedule No good (2) (3) 1 About 3 months Development finish. start preparation for MP 6-39 MB54500 SERIES APPLICATION CIRCUIT EXAMPLE Pll frequency synthesizer MB1sXX series. LPF Do veo ~ fin ~---------------- Vee . .. I~---r-+--- RFin RF J----r-+----IF GND ~----------------------' 6-40 Local MB54500 SERIES PACKAGE DIMENSIONS 8-LEAD PLASTIC FLAT PACKAGE (CASE No.: FPT-8P-M01) +.010 .250-.008 .089(2.25) MAX (MOUNTING HEIGHT) .002(0.05) MIN (STAND OFF HEIGHT) ~I,-+--.- INDEX cf .050( 1.27) , TYP r--------, I "A· I .008(0.20) II I I I I I I I I I .020(0.50) I I IL ©1991 FUJITSU LIMITED F08002S-4C Details ot "A· part II .007(0.18) MAX .027(0.68) MAX _____ ___ I I I JI Dimensions in inches (millimeters) 6-41 MB54500 SERIES PACKAGE DIMENSIONS (Continued) 8-LEAD PLASTIC FLAT PACKAGE (CASE No.: FPT-8P-M03) I~ ~ 13'~~'~ ~ I I .205(5.20) NOM . 165±.004 (4.2O±O.10) INDEX ~ .0315(0.80l I I II TYp. 014+004 •• (~.3~.10)1.10.004(0.10)81 J .244±.008 .A........ __ ". l 'G'T20) II. 2 ~~ .. _ .006_+• 00 00 1 (015+0.05) . -:'·'·>:· .;..~ r~,.?: ?<::·I<:::~~~-·:>'::;:<: 2.7 Supply Voltage 3.0 3.3 ... v 15 mA RF 800 MHz Lo 110 MHz IF 910 MHz 7 dB Maximum Output Power -9 dBm 1dB Compression Point -12 dBm Output level Intercept Point -9 dBm Input level Noise Figure 11 dB DSB output RF-lo Isolation 20 dB Current Consumption Operating Frequency Gain • fRF + flo = flF 6-49 MB54600 SERIES 3.Amplifier Supply Voltage 2.7 3.0 3.3 V Current Consumption 7.5 mA Operating Frequency 900 MHz Gain 13 dB Maximum Output Power f • 900MHz (-3OdBm in) dBm f- 900MHz f - 900MHz, 900.1 MHz, Input level 1dBCom 6-50 Intercept Point -9 dBm Noise Figure 2.5 dB f.900MHz MB54600 SERIES BASIC EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT OF ANALOG CIRCUITS 1.Mlxer and IF amplifier The mixer is a DBM (Double-Balanced Mixer) of active type. LO and RF inputs can be connected with internal bias circuit. The mixer output is connected with its own power supply (VIotIX) via a load resistor, then connected with next IF amplifier. The IF amplifier consists of a differential amplifier and NPN transistors, and the differential amplifier's ouput is output through an emitter follower. ~ Mixer IF Amplifier ~ 2.RF Amplifier Output signal from common emitter circuit is output through emitter follower. It is possible to connect RF input with internal bias circuit. VAMP RFIN RFOUT GND 6-51 MB54600 SERIES 3. veo The VCO consists of an output buffer's transistor and an oscillation's transistor which constructs a base grounded colpitts circuit. Resonator, varicap and so on are connected externally. Vvco C B VCOoUT E ----~--------------~~--GND 6-52 MB54600 SERIES DEVELOPMENT PROCEDURE 1.Examination about product development (1)Examination about specifications, and development conditions. A customer submit target specifications of his idea to Fujitsu. Fujitsu reviews the specifications to judge technological feasibility, by means of simulation if necessay, and cost estimation. [Products Information] Functional Information Specificational information : Functional descriptional material, 110 signal descriptiona[ material, Block diagram, etc. : Prescaler, PLL, VCO, Mixer, Amplifier, etc. [Development Information] Delivery related Information : Development schedule, development assignment plan, etc. Quotation related information : Demand, NRE, target price, etc. (2)Examination about product development Fujitsu and the customer examine go/no-go of the product develpment in together, based on resuft of the review. (3) Examination about product development Circuits' functions and charateristics are examined in detail so that detailed specifications and test specifications are examined. After the specification is finalized, development schedule, NRE, formal quotation are done. (4}Confirmation of the final specification (data sheet) After the customer and Fujitsu agree to develop the device, the final specification (data sheet) is submitted to the customer to confirm the specifications. FUJITSU CUSTOMER (1 ) Information about quotation & specifications. Schedule, target specs, demand, target price, etc. Studies the request of quotation Studies the feasibility of the specification --.(3) ,....-_ _ _-.L-_ _ _ _ (4) 6-53 MB54600 SERIES 2.Development of Ie (1 )Ie designing and manufacturing by way of trial Fujitsu designs the device and manufacture it by way of trial based on the final specifications. It takes about 12 weeks (typ.) from when the final specification sheet is issued to when the first ES (Engineering Sample) are manufactured. (2) Evaluation of ES ES is evaluated by both the customer and Fujitsu based on the final specifications. (3)The final confirmation A specification sheet of finished product is submitted to the customer from Fujitsu when the customer satisfied with evaluation result. so that preparation for mass production is started by Fujitsu. Typically 3 months are necessary for the first shipment from when the specification sheet (for finished products) is iSSUed. CUSTOMER FUJITSU The final specifications (data sheet) (1 ) IC designing About 12 weeks Price quotation. development schedule No good (2) (3) 1 About 3 months Development finish. start preparation for MP 6-54 MB54600 SERIES APPLICATION CIRCUIT EXAMPLE I' I' Vcc1 GND1 _______ l ________________ l ________ . I I , , Lo1 Phase Shifter 1 I Q Q ____________ . . . . _ . - - - - - - J Buffer AMP + RFout _-+--....I..----l AMP t MIX 14-~-+-- Lo2 . - - - - - -, - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - -1- - - - - - - 6-55 MB54600 SERIES PACKAGE DIMENSIONS 2D-LEAD PLASTIC FLAT PACKAGE (CASE No.: FPT-20P-M03) .049~:~: --+--~---- (MOUNTING HEIGHT) ~ ~ ~~~~~ i ~ ~ INDEX (1.25:g:~) 1I. I I 25 2±.OO8 (S.4O±O.20) cI 14;::;1;=;:;::;:;:::;:;:::;:;::::;:;:::~ ~ .213(5.40) NOM *.173±.OO4 (4.40±0.10) j ·A·-......,, . -'. . '- L .0256±.OO47 , ·r (0.65±o.12) ,- - - - - - - - - -D"alaiis-of .OO6::~~(0.15:~gg~) ·A= Part ---------, .004±.004 .230(5.85) [JJI~·'.:.: (STAND OFF HE1GHn REF O'".d1 (O.so±o.20) *:This dimension does not include resin protruction. ©1991 FUJITSU LIMITED F20012S-2C 6-56 Dimensions in inches (millimeters) MB54600 SERIES PACKAGE DIMENSIONS 34-LEAD PLASTIC FLAT PACKAGE (CASE No.: FPT-34P-M03) * : This dimension does not include resin protraction. 34 pin Plastic SSOP (FPT-34P-M03) • , 1.00%O.101.433t.0041 I 6.1OtO.10 ~a-;=;:;: ;:;:I:;:;:NO: ;: ;EX: :;:;: ; : ;: : n: : ;:r:;:;: ;:r: ; : ;: ;:;: ;:;: :;: ;~ l~1 .1 I O.65!.0256ITYP I. @) I I ""r . J I' (.009 0.22:=! 1$10.10(.004181 .... ) 10.40<.409IREF 1994 FWITSU UMITED F34003S-IC-2 j 8.10t0.20 7.10(.2801 .A.· .......[[· ... rr. 0.15 ... (.006:=) r1ii.1 Dimensions in mm (inches) 6-57 6-58 00 =D~so~6-~701~o4~-1~E~~~~~~~~==~_ _ FUJITSU = DATA SHEET MB 1560 Semicustom (For PLL Frequency Synthesizers) Bi-CMOS LSI RF IC Specification • DESCRIPTION This FUJITSU Series is a master-slice type semi-custom LSI ideal for use in high-frequency front-end circuits in VCO, amplifier, mixer and orthogonal modulator devices. The MB1560 series features an analog circuit unit that is a more highly integrated version of the MB1520 MB1550 series featuring two analog cell circuits, plus a digital circuit unit with a power-saving prescaler circuit and a PLL 1 circuit with pulse-swallow capability. The PLL, prescaler and high-frequency analog circuits can be designed to users' specifications using FUJITSU's standard macro cell technology. This LSI series uses FUJITSU's latest wafer process technology for power-saving operation and master-slice semi-custom design to reduce lead times and lower costs. In addition, the ultra-compact flat package helps maintain circuit confidentiality, and contributes to lighter, more compact design by reducing the number of components. The MB1560 series is ideal for high-frequency applications, particularly mobile communication devices operating on digital specifications such as PCN, DECT, PHS and so on . • FEATURES • • • • • • • PLL circuits can be customized for operating frequency, logical circuits, etc. High frequency analog circuits with adjustable resistance levels High speed operating capacity to 3.0 GHz On-chip low-current consumption and power-saving circuits On-chip high-speed lockup function Supply voltage: 2.7 V to 3.3 V (minimum operating voltage to 2.0 V min.) Development time (standard): approx. 10 weeks • LINEUP Series MB1560 Prescaler 1 circuit Copyrighl© 1995 by FUJITSU LIMITED PLL 1 circuit Analog circuits 2 circuits i Operating !; frequency : Package QFP . SQFP . i ssap! 3.0 GHz ! 20 34 Remarks For single PLL frequency synthesizers 6-59 MB1560 • PACKAGE 20 pin Plastic SSOP 34 pin Plastic SSOP (FPT-20P-M03) (FPT-34P-M03) • CHIP LAYOUT • MB1560 Series DDDDI '90ID I . 0 Cha pump Phase shifter macro D 0 D 0 Analog macro 0 0 0 PLL 0 0 0 Analog macro 0 0 0 I 0 Analogprescaler interface Prescaler 0 I 00 0000 6-60-- 0 0 MB1560 • Analog Cell Capacitor array Capacitor array Capacitor array (3 pF x 3) (15pFx5) (3pFx3) §3 >- >- ~ Transistor array ~ g 1/1 unit >- !!! ~ I~oal Resistor array uM ~ as Transistor array g 1/1 0 'lii "in "in "in "in a: a: a: a: Q) Ql 1 1 Q) Q) 1(2 pF x 4)1 III >- ~ !!! Capacitor array 1 1 I 6·61 MB1560 • MACRO CELL DESCRIPTIONS 1. Prescaler Divides the reference frequency by any given value and outputs the resulting frequency. Choice of two-modulus or fixed output mode. 2. PLL • Phase comparator The phase comparator has a phase detection range of -2 1t to +2 1t, and is designed to eliminate blind spots in phase comparison by output of a margin-ot-error signal to the charge pump even when the phase difference is zero. Phase comparator characteristics can also be tuned to the polarity of VCO. • Counters The divide ratios of the comparator-side counter and reference-side counter can be either programmable or fixed. • Charge pump The "H" level output voltage from the charge pump is determined by power supply voltage. Charge pump characteristics for the sending and receiving systems can be optimized for each specific application. For example, when FM modulation is applied directly to the VCO signal, charge pump characteristics can be adjusted for lower speeds in order to reduce the sensitivity of the synthesizer loop so that output does not track the modulation. • Analog switch When switching frequencies, the analog switch can be used to switch the capacitance ot the low pass filter, to reduce the time constant in the filter and the load on the charge pump. This enables higher lock-up speed. Switch control is synchronous with the LE signal, to that the analog switch is on when the LE signal is "high". • High speed lock-up circuit This circuit is specially designed for faster lock-up speeds. • Intermittent operation control circuit This on-chip power-saving function reduces circuit current flow in standby status, enabling devices to operate with less power demand. A special circuit is built in to prevent excessive error signal from increasing lock-up delay during the transition from power-saving mode to operating mode. • List of standard macro cells Type PLL1 I Vee I Icc ! i I I ---- PLL2 i 3V 14mA I Operating I frequency 1.1 GHz r------,-------! 6mA I 2.0 GHz (M) (N) 6-62 ~ 16 to 2047 64/65 Crystal oscillator input frequency: Up to 32 MHz Standby mode current demand: 100 Comparator counter divide ratio Prescaler divide ratio I I counter Swallow Reference counter divide ratio divide ratio I (A) ! I (R) o to 127 I I 8 to 16383 MB1560 3. High Frequency Analog Cells • Mixer Active type double-balanced mixer • IF amplifier The IF amplifier is configured from a differential amplifier plus an NPN transistor using emitter-follower output from the differential amplifier. • RF amplifier Provides emitter-follower output of the output signal from the emitter-ground circuit. The RF input side can be connected to an internal bias circuit. • VCO Configured from an oscillator transistor in a base-ground Colpitts type oscillator circuit, plus a transistor acting as output buffer. Can be connected to external devices such as varicap or resonator. • Orthogonal modulator An orthogonal modulator is used for IF frequency modulation. In addition, a flip-flop type 90° phase shift circuit can be included in the configuration. Note: Circuit format and other detailS can be adjusted to meet customer requirements . • CIRCUIT OPERATING DESCRIPTIONS 1. Intermittent Operation Control Circuit The intermittent operation control circuit operates the LSI circuits during communication operations and at all other times places the chip in standby status to reduce power demand. (1) Circuit operation in operating mode All circuits are in operating status, and the chip performs normal PLL operations. (2) Circuit operation in standby mode All circuits that can be stopped without interfering with operation are shut down, and the chip goes into low-power operating mode. Latch data: Shift register: Charge pump output: VCO input voltage: Saves immediately preceding data Data input enabled High impedance Saves voltage level stored in low-pass filter during the last operating mode The digital system power supply must still be applied in standby mode. 6-63 MB1560 2. Phase Lock Detection Circuit To detect phase lock condition from the LD signal pin output, the T-bit should be selected. When the phase difference is greater than tw, the LD pin will output an L level signal, and when the difference is less than tw for 3 or more cycles, the output will change to H level. The length of the tw time interval can be set in the range of 625 ns to 1250 ns by connection to the crystal oscillator. • LD Signal operating status i Operating status Standby mode Operating mode PLL circuit LD output Standby H Un-lock L Lock H 3. High Speed Tuning Circuit The following high speed tuning circuits are available for use according to specific applications. • High speed tuning circuits for ASTRO MASTER IV Function Analog switch 6-64 I Operation i Circuit temporarily reduces LPF time constant at lock-up. I For broad-band steps, circuit forcibly Turbo circuits I switches charge pump on/off Supercharger circuit I capacity Hypercharger circuit I capacity of the supercharger circuit i ! Circuit increases charge pump drive Circuit further enhances the drive Optimum applications Analog portable phone devices (receiving system) PHS devices PHS devices POC, GSM etc. MB1560 • SERIAL DATA 1. Data Bit Configuration PLL operating settings are made through serial data input. The standard serial data format is shown in the table below. Serial data is entered MSB-first, and the data length is in the range of 22 to 37 bits. • Standard format for serial data Bit name (abbreviation) Functional description Control bit (CNT bit) Selects transfer destination (sending or receiving system) LD select bit (T-bit) Selects LD output FC bit (F-bit) Switches the phase of phase comparator Programmable counter bit (N-bit) Sets the programmable counter's divide ratio Swallow counter bit (A-bit) Sets the swallow counter's divide ratio Reference counter bit (R-bit) I Standard bit count I ! 1 to 2 1 to 2 1 11 7 1 to 2 Fixed I Programmable Sets the reference counter's divide ratio 14 III 2. Serial Data Input Timing After the serial data is stored in the shift register, it can be transferred to the latch circuit by means of the LE signal. <:= Serial data"' <:= Clock signal <:= LE (MSB)~··············~~) ------ i i ,, ,, .............. ----- . . . . . . . 1L-11-.. . .. - - -.. . . . . . .--fl-m--- *1: Serial data is input, MSS-first. *2: 100 ns $ h, t4 300 ns $ t3 800 ns $ ts 1000 ns $ 12 Notes: • Data input utilizes the serial data, clock and LE signals at supply voltage or lower levels • Shift register data is updated sequentially each time the clock signal is input. Data is synchronized with the rising edge of the clock signal, and is read sequentially into the shift register, MSS-first. • After LSB input, the LE signal is changed from L level to H level. • Shift register data is transferred to the latch circuit while the LE signal is at H level. • Each input signal pin has a Schmitt trigger circuit to protect against abnormal operation due to noise. 6·65 MB1560 • ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS I Parameter Rating Symbol I 1 Min. Max. Supply voltage· Vee -0.5 +4.0 Unit I V Input voltage" VIN -0.5 Vee + 0.5 V Output current lOUT -10 10 mA Storage temperature Tstg -55 +125 °C .: Voltage values are based on GND =0 V. Note: Permanent device damage may occur if the above Absolute Maximum Ratings are exceeded. Functional operation should be restricted to the conditions as detailed in the operational sections of this data sheet. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability . • RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Value Parameter Symbol Vee Supply voltage·1 Operating temperature GND I I Ta Min. i Typ. Max. 2.7*2 I - 3.3 ! i 0 I - -40 ·1: Voltage values are based on GND = 0 V "2: Operation is assured to the minimum operating voltage level of 2.0 V min. 6-66 i +85 Unit V I V °C MB1560 • ANALOG CIRCUIT CHARACTERISTICS Circuit Parameter I Supply voltage Conditions Value (typ.) Unit - 3.0 V I - 11 rnA - 900 MHz Offset frequency = 25 kHz, Band Width = 16 kHz 77 dB BW = 0.3 to 3 kHz, 3 kHZ/Dev 44 dB Current demand l Operating frequency , CIN ratio VCO SIN ratio I Supply voltage - Current demand Output power l Mod Sense IF I Operating , frequency Mixer LO i RF 6 dBm MHzIV 3.0 V - 12 rnA - 800 I MHz PLO = -10 dBm 110 MHz fRF = flo + flF 910 MHz - Conversion gain Maximum output power Amplifier I -2 I 6 dB -11 dBm 1 dB compression pOint Output level -15 dBm Intercept point Input level -8 dBm I NF DSB measurement 12 dB I Supply voltage - 3.0 V Current demand I Operating frequency - i j 6 rnA 900 MHz I Gain f:: 900 MHz (-30 dBm in) 14 dB ! Maximum output power f:: 900 MHz -3 dBm dBm I 1 dB compression pOint f :: 900 MHz, output level -8 I Intercept point f :: 900 MHz, 900.1 MHz, input level -12 ! NF f:: 900 MHz I 2.2 i I III dBm dB (Continued) 6-67 MB1560 (Continued) Circuit Conditions Parameter Current demand i Operating frequency Orthogonal modulator I precision I i 6-68 L01 I i Unit V 25 mA 500 MHz =-5 dBm = fL02 + fL01/2 L02 PL02 1650 MHz RF fAF 1900 MHz i -14 dBm i 1.9 Amplitude deviation Phase deviation RMS Magnitude Error I : % RMS Phase Error 0.9 deg. RMS Vector Error 2.4 % -31 dBc L Vector error Carrier leak 3.0 = -5 dBm PLOl I Output level I Modulator ; Value (typ.) - Supply voltage I I - MB1560 • ANALOG SYSTEM: BASIC EQUIVALENT CIRCUITS 1. Mixer, IF Amplifier The MB1560 series features an active-type double-balanced mixer. The LO and RF output can t ~ connected to an internal bias circuit. The mixer output ;s connected through on-Chip load resistor to the ch.~~ s power supply, and then to the next-stage IF amplifier. The IF amplifier is configured from a differential amplifier and NPN transistor, and provides emitter-follower differential amplifier output. Mixer I- IF amplifier ·1 VMIX III LOIN Mixer output LOINX RFIN RFINX GND 6-69 MB1560 2. RF Amplifier The emitter-ground circuit output signal is output as an emitter-follower signal. The RF input can be grounded to an internal bias circuit. VAMP o---~----~- RFIN o--?---{ RF output GNDO----4---~--~- 3. veo Amplifier The VCO amplifier is configured from an oscillator transistor in a base-ground Colpitts type oscillator circuit, plus a transistor acting as output buffer. The veo amplifier can be connected to external devices such as varicap or resonator. Vvco 0---------....------ C 0-----. vco output B o--,---{ E o-------1--lI---<----i GND 6-70 O-----4------~--~- MB1560 • DEVELOPMENT PROCESSES Each product in the MB1560 Series is developed through the following processes, based on requirement and specifications supplied by the customer. 1. Feasibility Study (1) Product specifications and development process study FUJITSU conducts simulations based on documentation provided by the customer, in order to evaluate the technical and economic feasibility of each proposed design. Product Documentation Technical documentation: Functional descriptions, 110 signal descriptions, block diagrams. Characteristics documentation: For prescalers, PLL, VCO, mixers, amplifiers, etc. Development Documentation Delivery schedule documentation: Development schedule, division of responsibilities, etc. Cost estimates: Volume requirements, development costs, target prices (2) Product feasibility evaluation Based on the foregoing studies, FUJITSU and the customer meet to evaluate feasibility. (3) Development of planned specifications Circuit functions and characteristics are studied in detail, and circuit specifications and testing specifications are developed. After specifications have been determined, final estimates of the development schedule, timing and cost, and the product price can be produced. (4) Approval of provisional delivery specifications After FUJITSU and the customer have determined the feasibility of product development, a provisional delivery schedule is agreed upon. 6-71 MB1560 Customer FUJITSU Product specifications, conditions for estimation (1) Functional study. cost estimation No good (3) Preparation of documentation for development study Detailed product documentation Development schedule, timing. and price estimate No good Provisional delivery schedule 6-72 MB1560 2. LSI Development (1) LSI design, prototype development Based on the provisional delivery specifications agreed by the customer and FUJITSU, chip design and prototype work begins. The standard time required for an ES prototype is approximately 10 weeks from the approval of provisional delivery specifications. (2) ES (engineering sample) evaluation Both the customer and FUJITSU evaluate the ES prototype based on the provisional delivery specifications. (3) Final approval If there are no problems with the evaluation, FUJITSU and the customer agree on final delivery specifications and end development, moving to the mass production stage. The standard lead time for delivery of mass production products is approximately three months. Customer FUJITSU .---------------------------------------------------------- ... ------------------------- ... _----------------------------Provisional delivery specifications LSI design ES prototype preparation ES evaluation (2) No good Delivery specifications Good I I -------~-- .. - -! 6-73 MB1560 • ORDERING INFORMATION Part number 6-74 Remarks Package MB156XPFV 20 pin Plastic SSOP (FPT-20P-M03) MB156XPFV 34 pin Plastic SSOP (FPT-34P-M03) I MB1560 • PACKAGE DIMENSIONS 20 pin Plastic SSOP (FPT-20P-M03) * :This dimension does not include resin protraction. 'I ~~= L049=::) ,,'00."'" '''0'" 010.10(.004) I l J 5.40(.213) NOM .1 1 0.65:0.12 (.0256:!:.0047) i1tiritirititit I .1 5.85(.230)REF @ 1994 FUJITSU UMITED F20012S-2C-4 0.15~:: .006:~) I I_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J Dimensions in mm (inches) (Continued) 6-75 MB1560 (Continued) 1-----I * : This dimension does not include resin protraction~ , 34 pin Plastic SSOP (FPT-34P-M03) .0..., • ".OO+O.'O(.433±.004) I ~5~. '0 'I (.049~·=) (MOUNTING HEIGHT) 0\ 0.10(.004)\ l 7.10(.280) 8.10±O.20 J ,, .A······_--t( .... • • 0.15= l.o.65(0256)TYP (.006-.00,) ,---------------, Details 01 "A" part I. 10.40(.409)REF © 1994 FWITSU LIMITED F34003S-1C-2 6-76 I I I I DimenSions in mm (inches) SECTION 7 Piezoelectric Devices/SAW Filters - At a Glance 7-1 7-2 SECTION 7 F5CC (L2) Series SAW Filters - At a Glance The F5CC (L2) product family is based upon Fujitsu's advanced LiTa03 technology which provides very sharp roll-off characteristics and excellent temperature stability, with the addition of a 50 Q impedance matching network integrated into the filter. This is a very popular and cost effective feature, as it reduces the number of external components. In addition to its superior performance compared to other technologies, the F5CC series comes in a smaller 3.8 x 3.8 mm surface mount package for those size and weight sensitive applications. SeePage~. (* New devices - Data not included in this edition.) Part Number Standard Use Center Frequency (MHz) Passband Width Comment (MHz) FAR-FSCC-836MSO-L2AA AMPS/ IS-136/15-9S Tx 836.S 2S FAR-FSCC-836MSO-L2AZ AMPS/ IS-136/1S-95 Tx 836.S 2S FAR-FSCC-881 MSO-L2AB AMPS/ IS-136/15-9S Rx 881.5 25 FAR-FSCC-881 MSO-L2AY AMP51 15-136/15-95 Rx 881.S 2S FAR-FSCC-933MSO-L2BA NTT Tx 933.S 17 High stopband attenuation I FAR-FSCC-878MSO-L2BB NTT Rx 878.S 17 FAR-FSCC-888MSO-L2CA ETACS Tx 888.S 33 FAR-FSCC-933MS0-L2CB ETACS Rx 933.5 33 FAR-FSCC-911 MSO-L20A NTACS Tx 911.5 27 FAR-F5CC-856MSO-L20B NTACS Rx 8S6.S 27 FAR-F5CC-902MS0-L2EA NMT/GSM Tx 902.5 2S FAR-FSCC-902MSO-L2EZ NMT/GSM Tx 902.S 2S FAR-FSCC-947MSO-L2EB NMT/GSM Rx 947.5 25 FAR-FSCC-947MSO-L2EY FAR-FSCC-947MSO-L2EX* NMT/GSM Rx 947.S 2S FAR-FSCC-897MSO-L2KA* E-GSM Tx 897.S 35 FAR-FSCC-942MSO-L2KB* E-GSM Rx 942.S 3S FAR-FSCC-942MSO-L2KY* E-GSM Rx 942.S 3S FAR-FSCC-9S0MOO-L2FA POC Tx 9S0.0 20 FAR-FSCC-820MOO-L2FB POC Rx 820.0 20 FAR-FSCC-91SMOO-L2JA* 900 MHz ISM TxlRx 91S.0 26 FAR-FSCC-91SMOO-L2JZ* 900 MHz ISM TxlRx 91S.0 26 FAR-FSCC-93SMOO-L2LA* 2-WayPager TxlRx 915.0 12 High stopband attenuation High stopband attenuation High stopband attenuation High stopband attenuation High stopband attenuation 7-3 SECTION 7 F5CB Series SAW Filters - At a Glance The F5CB series of LiTa03 SAW Filters were Fujitsu's initial entry into the high performance SAW Filter market covering many of the major cellular standards under 1 GHz. The F5CB series requires external 50 Q impedance matching and are supplied in 5 x 5 mm surface mount packages. See Page 7-37 . Part Number 7·4 Standard Use Center Frequency (MHz) Passband Width (MHz) FAA-F5CB-836M5o-G201 AMPS/ IS-136/15-9S Tx 836.S 2S FAA-FSCB-881 MSo-G201 AMPS/ IS-136/15-95 Ax 881.S 25 FAA-F5CB-881 M5o-G211 AMPSI IS-136/15-95 Ax 881.5 2S FAA-F5CB-888M5o-G201 ETACS Tx 888.5 33 FAA-FSCB-933MSo-G202 ETACS Ax 933.S 33 FAA-F5CB-933MSo-G212 ETACS Ax 933.S 33 FAA-FSCB-902M5o-G201 NMT/GSM Tx 902.S 25 FAA-F5CB-947M5o-G201 NMT/GSM Ax 947.5 25 FAA-FSCB-947M5o-G211 NMT/GSM Ax 947.S 25 FAA-FSCB-911 MSO-G201 NTACS Tx 911.5 27 FAA-F5CB-933M5O-G201 NTT Tx 933.5 17 FAA-F5CB-878M5O-G201 NTT Ax 878.5 17 Comment High stopband attenuation High stopband attenuation High stopband attenuation SECTION 7 F6Cx (L2) Series SAW Filters - At a Glance The F6Cx series is similar to the F5CC series in that both have the 50 Q impedance matching integrated onto the filter. The F6Cx series of SAW Filters is targeted for applications between 1 GHz and 2.5 GHz. Presently available products support Japan's Personal Digital Cellular (PDC) standard (the F6CC series) and Fujitsu has recently added several new standard devices (the F6CE series) to this product line to meet the needs of the emerging PCS standards in the 1.8 GHz to 2 GHz range and of Wireless LAN applications in the 2.4 GHz ISM Band in the US. The F6CC products are available in 3.8 x 3.8 mm surface mount packages and the F6CE products are housed in very small 3 x 3 mm surface mount packages to meet the demands of future communication handsets for small size and light weight. SeePage~. Part Number Standard Use Center Frequency (MHz) Passband Width (MHz) Comment FAR-F6CC-1G441O-L2ZA POC 1.5GHz Tx 1441.0 24 FAR-F6CC-1G4890-l2ZB POC 1.5GHz Rx 1489.0 24 3.8 X 3.8mm FAR-F6CC-1G6190-l2ZN POC 1.5 GHz Lo 1619.0 24 3.8 x 3.Smm 3.8 X 3.8mm FAR-F6CE-1G7475-L2YA OCS 1800 Tx 1747.5 75 3 x 3mm FAR-F6CE-1G8425-L2YB OCS 1800 Rx 1842.5 75 3 X 3mm 3 x3mm FAR-F6CE-1G8800-L2XA PCS(US) Tx 1880.0 60 FAR-F6CE-1G9600-L2XB PCS (US) Rx 1960.0 60 3 X 3mm FAR-F6CE-2G4500-L2WA WLAN(US) 2450.0 100 3 X 3mm 1-5 SECTION 7 M2, M3 Series (Resonators, Modulators, VCOs) - At a Glance The M2 and M3 Series of devices are exclusively distributed and supported by PAL-TECH Electronics, Inc. Please contact PAL-TECH with any inquiries regarding these products at: PAL-TECH Electronics, Inc. 510 N. First Street, Suite 208 San Jose, CA 95112 Phone: (408)293-2290 Fax: (408) 293-2291 7-6 Page Number Part Number 7-87 M2 Series (0100) 7-95 M2 Series (0300) 7-105 M3 Series (0001) 7-109 M3 Series (0101) OJ ~D~so~~~231~~~~~E~~~~~~~==~~_FUJITSU ~ DATA SHEET F5 SERIES (L2 Type) ASSP PIEZOELECTRIC SAW BPF SAW BANDPASS FILTER (700 to 1000 MHz) DESCRIPTION F5 series are wide band bandpass filters for use in the 700MHz to 1000MHz of frequency range. F5 series uses a single lithium tantalate piezoelectric crystal (LiTa03) that has large electromechanical coupling coefficient. This provides wide bandwidths and exceptional stability. Our exclusive mounting technology makes F5 series very compact and surface mountable. IJI The F5 series is most suitable for use in handheld phones of both analog and digital systems. FEATURES PACKAGE • Ultra compact and light (0.02 cc, 0.1 g) • Outside matching circuit is unnecessary. • Surface mount package (SMT) • Wide variety of bandwidths for worldwide system (AMPS, ADC, ETACS, NMT, GSM, NTT, NTACS, PDC) • Low insertion loss • High power rating: 0.2 W garanteed Copyright@1994by FUJITSU LIMITED 7-7 F5 SERIES (L2 Type) PIN ASSIGNMENT (Bottom view) Pin No. Pin name Description 1 GND Ground Pin 2 IN Input Pin 3 GND Ground Pin 4 GND Ground Pin 5 OUT Output Pin 6 GND Ground Pin MAXIMUM RATINGS Item Operating temperature Symbol Unit *1 Ta -30 to +70 Storage temperature Tstg --40 to +100 Maximum input level Pin +200 mW - 700 to 1000 MHz Frequency range *1 This is also the Recommended Operating Conditions. 7-8 Rating °C F5 SERIES (L2 Type) STANDARD FREQUENCIES STANDARD VERSION Center frequency (MHz) Bandwidths (MHz) System Part Symbol Part number 836.5 25 AMPS/ADC (Tx) AA FAA-F5CC-836M5O-L2AA 881.5 25 AMPS/ADC (Ax) AB FAA-F5CC-881M5O-L2AB 933.5 17 NTT (Tx) BA FAA-F5CC-933M5O-L2BA 878.5 17 NTT (Ax) BB FAA-F5CC-878M5O-L2BB 888.5 33 ETACS (Tx) CA FAA-F5CC-888M5O-L2CA 933.5 33 ETACS (Ax) CB FAA-F5CC-933M5O-L2CB 911.5 27 NTACS (Tx) DA FAA-F5CC-911 M5CH.2DA 856.5 27 NTACS (Ax) DB FAA-F5CC-856M5o-l2DB 902.5 25 NMT/GSM (Tx) EA FAA-F5CC-902M5O-L2EA 947.5 25 NMTIGSM (Ax) EB FAA-F5CC-947M5O-L2EB 950.0 20 PDC (Tx) FA FAA-F5CC-950M0CH.2FA 820.0 20 PDC (Ax) FB FAA-F5CC-820MOo-L2FB III HIGH ATTENUATION VERSION Center frequency (MHz) Bandwidths (MHz) 836.5 25 881.5 25 902.5 947.5 Part Symbol Part number AMPS/ADC (Tx) AZ FAA-F5CC-836M5O-L2AZ AMPSIADC (Ax) AY FAA-F5CC-881M5CH.2AY 25 NMTIGSM (Tx) EZ FAA-F5CC-902M5O-L2EZ 25 NMT/GSM (Ax) EY FAA-F5CC-947M5O-L2EY System '·9 F5 SERIES (L2 Type) ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (STANDARD VERSION) 1. AMPS I ACC system (Tx) Part number: FAR-FSCc-836MSo-L2AA (Ta =-30·to 70°C) Rating Item Symbol Conditions Unit Min. Typ. Max. - 2.0 3.5 dB Insertion loss IL 824 to 849 MHz In-band ripple - 824 to 849 MHz - 0.6 2.0 dB - - - dB 869 to 894 MHz 20 27 dB - - - - 1.8 2.0 - Absolute stopband attenuation In-band VSWR 2. AMPS I ACC system (Rx) 824 to 849 MHz Remarks dB Part number: FAR-FSCc-8S1 MSo-L2AB (Ta =-30 to 70°C) Rating Item Conditions Unit Min. Typ. Max. Insertion loss IL 869 to 894 MHz 3.5 dB - 869 to 894 MHz - 2.5 In-band ripple 0.6 2.0 dB DC to 824 MHz 20 23 dB 824 to 849 MHz 20 28 914 to 939 MHz 20 27 dB - Absolute stopband attenuation In-band VSWR 7-10 Symbol 939 to 1049 MHz 25 28 1049 to 2000 MHz 20 21 - 869 to 894 MHz - 1.8 2.0 dB dB dB Remarks F5 SERIES (L2 Type) ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (STANDARD VERSION) 3. ETACS system (Tx) Part number: FAR-F5Cc-888M50-L2CA (Ta = -30 to 70°C) Rating Item Symbol Conditions Insertion loss IL 872 to 905 MHz In-band ripple - 872 to 905 MHz Absolute stopband attenuation In-band VSWR - Unit Min. Typ. Max. - 3.0 5.0 dB 1.5 917 to 950 MHz 10 15 - - - - dB - - 872 to 905 MHz - 2.1 2.5 - Remarks dB dB dB - Part number: FAR-F5CC-933M50-L2CB 4. ETACS system (Rx) (Ta =-30 to 70°C) Rating Item Symbol Conditions Unit Min. Typ. Max. 3.5 5.5 dB 2.0 dB Insertion loss IL 917 to 950 MHz In-band ripple - 917 to 950 MHz - OCto 872 MHz 20 32 872 to 900 MHz 25 32 Absolute stopband attenuation In-band VSWR 900 to 905 MHz 10 15 1007 to 1040 MHz 30 38 1040 to 2000 MHz 20 26 - 917 to 950 MHz - 2.0 2.5 Remarks II dB dB dB dB dB - 7-11 F5 SERIES (L2 Type) ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (STANDARD VERSION) 5. NTACS system (Tx) Part number: FAR-F5CC-911 M5O-L2DA (Ta = -30 to 70°C) Rating Item Symbol Conditions Typ. Max. 2.5 3.5 dB 0.6 2.0 dB - - - 843 to 870 MHz 25 29 dB - - - - 1.8 2.0 Insertion loss IL 898 to 925 MHz In-band ripple - 898 to 925 MHz Absolute stopband attenuation In-band VSWR - 6. NTACS system (Rx) Unit Min. 898 to 925 MHz Remarks - - Part number: FAR-F5CC-856MSo-L2DB (Ta =-30 to 70°C) Rating Item Conditions Unit Min. Typ. Max. 2.5 3.5 dB Insertion loss IL 843 to 870 MHz In-band ripple - 843 to 870 MHz - 0.6 2.0 dB DC to 733 MHz 23 25 dB 733 to 760 MHz 35 40 760 to 815 MHz 25 29 - 898 to 953 MHz 25 35 - 953 to 980 MHz 35 40 - 980 to 1100 MHz 25 30 - 1100 to 2000 MHz 20 21 - 843 to 870 MHz - 1.9 2.5 Absolute stopband attenuation In-band VSWR 7·12 Symbol dB dB dB dB dB dB - Remarks F5 SERIES (L2 Type) ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (STANDARD VERSION) 7. NMT I GSM system (Tx) Part number: FAR-FSCC-902MSo-L2EA (Ta = -30 to 70°C Rating Item Symbol Conditions Unit Min. Typ. 2.0 3.5 dB 0.6 2.0 dB - Insertion loss IL 890 to 915 MHz In-band ripple - 890 to 915 MHz - - - 835 to 960 MHz 20 27 - dB - - - dB - 890 to 915 MHz - 1.8 2.0 - Absolute stopband attenuation In-band VSWR 8. NMT I GSM system (Rx) Remarks Max. dB Part number: FAR-FSCC-947MSo-L2EB (Ta =-30 to 70°C) Rating Item Symbol Unit Conditions Min. Typ. Max. 2.5 3.5 dB 0.6 2.0 dB 25 - dB Insertion loss IL 935 to 960 MHz In-band ripple - 935 to 960 MHz - DC to BOO MHz 20 Absolute stopband attenuation In-band VSWR 890 to 915 MHz 20 980 to 1025 MHz 15 28 28 1025 to 1070 MHz 35 40 - Remarks III dB dB dB 1070 to 1105 MHz 30 35 - dB 1105 to 1600 MHz 20 25 dB 1600 to 2000 MHz 15 20 - 935 to 960 MHz - 1.9 2.5 - dB 7·13 F5 SERIES (L2 Type) ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (STANDARD VERSION) 9. POC system (Tx) Part number: FAR-FSCC-9S0MOo-L2FA (Ta "" -30 to 70°C) Rating Item Symbol Conditions Typ. Max. 2.0 3.0 dB 0.6 1.5 dB - - - 20 25 - - - - dB 810 to 830 MHz dB 1.8 2.0 - Insertion loss IL 940 to 960 MHz In-band ripple - 940 to 960 MHz Absolute stopband attenuation In-band VSWR 10. POC system (Rx) Unit Min. 940 to 960 MHz Remarks dB Part number: FAR-FSCC-820MOo-L2FB (Ta = -30 to 70°C) Rating Item' Conditions Unit Min. Typ. Max. 3.0 4.0 dB 810 to 830 MHz - 0.5 1.5 dB OCto 740 MHz 20 25 dB dB 810 to 830 MHz Insertion loss IL In-band ripple - 940 to 960 MHz 25 28 1040 to 1060 MHz 25 30 - - 1060 to 2000 MHz 20 26 - dB - 810 to 830 MHz - 1.8 2.0 - Absolute stopband attenuation In-band VSWR 7-14 Symbol dB Remarks F5 SERIES (L2 Type) ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (HIGH ATTENUATION VERSION) 11. AMPS I ADC system (Tx) Part number: FAR-F5CC-836M50-L2AZ (Ta = -30 to 70°C) Rating Item Symbol Insertion loss Il In-band ripple - Absolute stopband attenuation In-band VSWR 12. AMPS I ADC system (Rx) Conditions Unit Min. Typ. Max. - 3.0 4.0 dB 824 to 849 MHz - 1.0 2.0 dB D.C. to 800MHz 25 28 dB dB - 824 to 849 MHz 869 to 894 MHz 30 40 894 to 1049 MHz 30 35 1049 to 2000 MHz 20 26 - 824 to 849 MHz - 2.0 2.5 Remarks dB dB Part number: FAR-F5CC-881 M50-l2AY (Ta =-30 to 70°C) Rating Item Symbol Conditions Unit Min. Typ. Max. 2.8 4.0 dB Insertion loss Il 869 to 894 MHz In-band ripple - 869 to 894 MHz - 1.0 2.0 dB OCto 779 MHz 25 31 dB 779 to 804 MHz 35 40 Absolute stopband attenuation In-band VSWR 914 to 939 MHz 20 30 939 to 1049 MHz 35 40 1049 to 2000 MHz 20 26 - 869 to 894 MHz - 2.0 2.5 804 to 824 MHz 25 31 824 to 849 MHz 20 31 Remarks II dB dB dB dB dB dB - 7-15 F5 SERIES (L2 Type) ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (STANDARD VERSION) 1. AMPS I ACC system (Tx) Part number: FAR-F5Cc-836M5O-L2AA (Ta = -30 to 70°C) Rating Item Symbol Conditions Typ. Max. 2.0 3.5 dB 0.6 2.0 dB - - - dB 869 to 894 MHz 20 27 - - - - 1.8 2.0 - Insertion loss IL 824 to 849 MHz In-band ripple - 824 to 849 MHz Absolute stopband attenuation In-band VSWR 2. AMPS I ACC system (Rx) Unit Min. 824 to 849 MHz Remarks dB dB Part number: FAR-F5Cc-8S1 M5O-L2AB (Ta =-30 to 70°C) Rating Item Conditions Unit Min. Typ. Max. Insertion loss IL 869 to 894 MHz 3.5 dB - 869 to 894 MHz - 2.5 In-band ripple 0.6 2.0 dB OCto 824 MHz 20 23 dB 824 to 849 MHz 20 28 - Absolute stopband attenuation In-band VSWR 7-16 Symbol 914 to 939 MHz 20 27 939 to 1049 MHz 25 28 1049 to 2000 MHz 20 21 - 869 to 894 MHz - 1.8 2.0 dB dB dB dB Remarks F5 SERIES (L2 Type) CHARACTERISTIC DATA EXAMPLES (STANDARD VERSION) 1. AMPS I ACC system (Tx) CHI St1 AM~ log MAG TX 5 dB / REF Part number: FAR-FSCc-836MSQ-L2AA 1 : - 30.282 dB 0 dB 8OO.r_~ MHz ~ J\ 2: -1.329 1 CHl SII/M 1 U FS AMPSTX 1 : 1.92030 dB 824 MHz 2: -1.4237 dB 849 MHz 4: -31.154 dB \ 869 MHz H1d i"'--~ l ~ \ I~ ry I ~, ~ H1d I 4 V'" I \ lJ CENTER 835.000 000 MHz " 1M CHl S lAMP!' SWR :x 000 MHz SPAN 200.000 1 : 26068 1/REF 1 V 8OO.?F? MH2 , I CENTER 835.000 000 MHz CH2 Szl/M 1 U FS 1: 1.55470 SPAN 200.000 246.521110 000 MHz III 49.044pH 800.000 000 MHz I I I 21: 1.38~2 824 MHz Ai /, H1d ... ........ r..... ~ CH2 Szl/M SWR I BOO.~MH L I • H1d 735.000 000 MHz 2 AI I / 4 ... - ~ -.J START 4: 3.5304 869 MHz 1 : 32.152 l/REF 1 u 3: 1.2051 849 MHz I 2 : 1.4163 824 MHz 3 : 1.2066 849 MHz 4 : 3.5619 869 MHz t--I 3 STOP 935.000 H1d I 000 MHz START 735.000 000 MHz STOP 935.000 000 MHz 7-17 F5 SERIES (L2 Type) CHARACTERISTIC DATA EXAMPLES (STANDARD VERSION) 2. AMPS I ADC system (Rx) CHt 52t log MAG AMPS AX 5 dBI REF ~ 2- Part number: FAR-FSCC-881 MSo-L2AB 1 : - 32.004 dB 0 dB Cl 849., i MHz CHt Stt/M 1 U FS AMPS AX 1 : 3.33790 9.28860 1.7413 nH 849.000 000 MHz 2 : -1.9124 dB 869 MHz 3: -1.8311 dB 894 MHz 4 : -30.38 dB 914 MHz \ HId HId \ , ~1 " 41 / 1 ~ 1I 1 v 1M SWR AMPS AX S, I / IV'" \I V SPAN 200.000 000 MHz CENTER 880.000 000 MHz CH, f 1 : 15499 l/REF 1 '0' oor I S:9.~ MHz I 2:1.5452 4¥- V 869 MHz 3 : 1.1496 894 MHz I 4 : 8.3418 914 MHz • HId ... I CH2 S22/M 1 U FS 1 : 3.19530 SPAN 200.000 000 MHz 8.6680 1.6249 nH 849.000 000 MHz Cor • HId 3 1 . 16119 l/REF 1 '0' CENTER 880.000 000 MHz S:9.~ ~ MH. I I 2 : 1.5454 869 MHz . . " I' V J I I H1d ~ CENTER 880.000 000 MHz 2 7-18 - 3: 1.1753 894 MHz 4 : 7.8064 914 MHz I ,Q 3 SPAN 200.000 000 MHz CENTER 880.000 000 MHz SPAN 200.000 000 MHz F5 SERIES (L2 Type) CHARACTERISTIC DATA EXAMPLES (STANDARD VERSION) 3. ETACS system (Tx) CHI S2! Jog MAG 5 dB / Part number: FAR-F5Cc-888MSo-L2CA R:F 0 dB 1 : - 2.2698 dB /r ~ ETACS TX 872., 2 I 'i CHI Su/M 1 U FS 2 : -3.328 dB 905 MHz 3: -20.436 dB 917 MHz 1 : 29.1640 516.36 pH 2.82910 872.000 000 MHz ETACSTX MHz c.. 4: -36.854 dB 950 MHz HId 3 "'\...... ,r HId r IA ) 'V' I I CENTER 890.000 000 MHz - I SPAN 200.000 000 MHz 1 . 17226 l/REF 1 CENTER 890.000 000 MHz CH2 s-o./M 1 U FS SPAN 200.000 2.7363 0 1 : 30.8370 -,-f ErACSTX 1:172.00 , '\ \ H1d 1 II """"'" CH2 S:m 1M SWA '" 1D ~ OJ 1/REF 1 499.43 pH 872.000 000 MHz au , MN: 2: 57.932 "'~~----",(" \ 2': \ 000 MHz 1.3046 905 MHz 3 : 1.6986 917 MHz ... ../ I 4 : 20.4 950 MHz ' .... '3: '(" .. ~ i --.... '.... ..... " \ \ ....,'" n -16'=~HZ 67.141 (1 -38.867 (1 917 MHz ~.4: 5.7598 (1 -35.102 (1 "'" ..........~~ ::'; . . . 950 MHz 1 . 16292 .Q.U I 71 L 672.000 000 MH, I Co, 2 : 1.4061 905 MHz 3 : 2.0496 917 MHz 1 H1d ~/, CENTER 690.000 000 MHz - HId LI 3f--4: l~tHZ ,,'CJ 2 SPAN 200.000 000 MHz START 790.000 000 MHz SPAN 990.000 000 MHz 7-19 F5 SERIES (L2 Type) CHARACTERISTIC DATA EXAMPLES (STANDARD VERSION) 4. ETACS system (Rx) CH, S21 log 5 dB I MAG Part number: FAR-FSCC-933MSo-L2CB FEF 1 : - 19.279 dB 0 dB 905'11 .k- rx ETACS RX 3 /2 Cor 11 ~ 1 Hld 1 : 15.6840 259.5 pH 1.4756 0 905.000 000 MHz ETACSAX 2 : - 3.3257 dB 917 MHz 3: -3.2486 dB 950 MHz 4: -40.573 dB 1.007 GHz 1\ I CH, S,,/M 1 U FS MHz 2: 31.354 a -2.en9 a Cor Hld ~ -- ~ ~ i / ~' SPAN 200.000 000 MHz CENTER 935.000 000 MHz 1 . 3191 l/FEF 1 CH, S" /M SWR ETACS AX -v 1 SPAN 200.000 CENTER 935.000 000 MHz CHz Szz/M 1 U FS 1 : 10.9160 ~r= I I 1\ \ I I I \ \ 1 V H1d 2 CHz ~/M SWR I I I 1 I I 7-20 935.000 000 MHz .. .Q , I If I 2:~ 1.5879 917 MHz .. I 1.00~ GHz -,... :::: .... ...... _ " " " 1.007 GHz 1 . 58894 I CENTER ,'r-----_: I 1/FEF 1 L..... ["'0.. ..... a a \ , ' . 3: 58.68 a , .. " - , - - .. -7.7188 a ,< 950 MHz .... . / ' , \ _ 4: 3.9082 a I...... '".... -27.96 a .. ' " II H1d 2 : 1.6033 917 MHz 3 : 1.2087 4 : 22.195 _J Ilr-'" f""oo,., 4.6147 nH 905.000 000 MHz I 950 MHz I ~ 26.24 0 I I ",,5.000 000 MHl 000 MHz !t5.doo U MH2 , 2 : 1.2232 917 MHz 3 : 1.2386 950 MHz 4 : 16.813 1.007 GHz 3 SPAN 200.000 000 MHz H1d START 835.000 000 MHz STOP 1 035.000 000 MHz F5 SERIES (L2 Type) CHARACTERISTIC DATA EXAMPLES (STANDARD VERSION) Part number: FAR-F5CC-911 M5O-L2DA 5. NTACS system (Tx) 5 dB I F£F CHl S21 log MAG NTACS TX 0 dB ~ -~ 4 Cor 1 : - 33.303 dB 843'11 MHz : 1.3589 Cl -8.~ Cl 23.515 pF 843.000 000 MHz 2 : -29.485 dB \ 870 MHz 1 3: -2.1124 dB 896. MHz 4: -2.2046 dB 925 MHz \ H1d HId I-- -, V 2\ "f "\, ~ ,/ • / CHl S /M 't'7 1 SWR NTACSlX " \. ) I ~ V SPAN 200.000 000 MHz CENTER 910.000 000 MHz 1 . 37703 l/REF 1 , ., CENTER 910.000 000 MHz CH2 S22/M 1 U FS 843.000 000 MH -f· 1 : 1.6357 Cl SPAN 200.000 000 MH2 D -6.4114 Cl 29.447 pF 843.000 000 MHz • I Cor l,S)SS 1\ H1d - CH2 S:!2 /M v1 SWR - IV I 870 MHz 3 : 1.5002 896 MHz 4 : 1.2004 925 MHz ~ 1/REF 1 1 31063 843.'f~ MH2 1 I I Cor H1d CHl Sll 1M 1 U FS NTACS TX 2': 17.lsa 870 MHz - START 810.000 000 MHz 3 ,n" -, ,Q 4 I 3 : 1.4916 896 MHz 4 : 1.1858 Cor HId 925 MHz STOP 1 010.000 000 MHz START 810.000 000 MHz STOP 1 010.000 000 MHz 7-21 F5 SERIES (L2 Type) CHARACTERISTIC DATA EXAMPLES (STANDARD VERSION) 6. NTACS system (Ax) CHI S21 log Part number: FAA-FSCc-8S6MSO-L2DB 5 dB I F£F MAG 0 dB 1 . - 29708 dB Ie ~, NTACSAX 814'1 I j MHz 2: - 2.4842 dB 843 MHz 3: -2.4896 dB 670 MHz 4: -36.679 dB 698 MHz I H1d CHI Su/M 1 U FS NTACS AX 1 : 2.72180 2.81410 550.22 pH 814.000 000 MHz Co. H1d 1 V /' ~ \ \ / ,... "1~ II ~ r CENTER 860.000 000 MHz CHI S'1 1M SWR SPAN 200.000 000 MHz l/REF 1 V 1 : 18427 ~,...,.... NTACS AX CENTER 860.000 000 MHz CH2 S22/M 1 U FS /1-e1!b .. ~.M I I , H1d IV "'2\0.""~ J::J. 2 3 CH2 Sz2 /M SWR 1 • I , 2 ~ CENTER 7-22 860.000 000 MHz '.... J 3 I I ,/'t r-e14.~ , 060 MHz H1d I ,'.,.-----,,: , \ I ' I' 2: 31.601 Q 3.7949 Q 843 MHz 3: 45.979 Q \ , , - , - , .. -5.59n Q ,(' 870 MHz ./ " \ 4: 6.8281 Q ,.... " , ..... - -37.289 Q ' " ' .... " ,, -, ... :::: .... 898 MHz 1 . 25113 l/REF 1 V 1 : 1.99890 3.2189 0 629.36 pH ._--_ 614.000 000 MHz 2: 1.6116 643 MHz 3 : 1.067 670 MHz 4 : 10.112 898 MHz I SPAN 200.000 000 MHz " 2 : 1.5943 643 MHz 3 : 1.1545 870 MHz 4 : 11.442 89~ MHz Cor H1d I SPAN 200.000 000 MHz CENTER 860.000 000 MHz SPAN 200.000 000 MHz F5 SERIES (L2 Type) CHARACTERISTIC DATA EXAMPLES (STANDARD VERSION) 7. NMT I GSM system (Tx) CHI S2! log MAG 5 dB / FEF Part number: FAR-FSCC-902MSO-L2EA , 0 dB 1 : - 32.965 dB ~ -~ 1\ NMT TX 870·r J CHI S11/M 1 U FS 2: -1.6.nSdB BOO MHz 3: -1.5427 dB 1 : 4.062Q 10.098 Q 1.8473 nH 870.000 000 MHz NMT TX MHz Co. 915 MHz 4: -26.332 dB 93i MHz H1d H1d "\ ( I{ ," ..... 1 4 ~ " /1 \/ SPAN 200.000 000 MHz CENTER 900.000 000 MHz CHI S 1M SWA ;1 V- 1 IREF 1 v 1 : 12.812 I NMT TX I 1 CENTER 900.000 000 MHz CH2 S22/M 1 U FS 1 : 4.0527Q 87 tl.ooo1bM SPAN 200.000 000 MHz 11.328 Q 2.0723 nH 870.000 000 MHz II II Cor 4 r 2 : 1.31'95 890 MHz 3 : 1.0546 915 MHz I 4 : 5.1917 935 MHz H HId ..... "::' ....0. ..... 3 CH2 SZI 1M SWA 1 IREF 1 V ... 1 : 12.969 lft I 87b.ooo ooo MH II II Cor 1 HId ~ CENTER 900.000 000 MHz r--- 2 : 1.3659 890 MHz 3 : 1.092 915 MHz 4 : 5.3149 935 MHz ~ .Q 3 SPAN 200.000 000 MHz H I I HId .,.., CFNTER 900.000 000 MHz SPAN 200.000 000 MHz 7·23 F5 SERIES (L2 Type) CHARACTERISTIC DATA EXAMPLES (STANDARD VERSION) 8. NMT I GSM system (Rx) CHI S21 log MAG 5 dB / Part number: FAR-FSCC-947MSo-L2EB F£F 1 . - 39.671 dB 0 dB Ir ~ NMT RX 915'11 MHz '- 2 : -1.9195 dB 935 MHz 3: -1.9695 dB 960 MHz 4: -29.093 dB 900 MHz H1d CH, S,,/M 1 U FS NMT RX 1 : 6.2412 Q 20.725 Q 3.6048 nH 915.000 000 MHz 2: 39.6390 Cor H1d \ i.--'\ lL V 41 \~ . '\. ~ r ~ 1 II SPAN 200.000 000 MHz CENTER 950.000 000 MHz CH, Sl1 /M SWR NMT AX 1 . 94053 1/REF 1 . IQ. 141 II II H1d . . . r-----..'" \ 2 :38.695 g 2.9473 g 935 MHz 3: 47.217 g -3.7051 0 I ... I" \ , ......... , - .. , ,<' " .. 960 MHz 4: 17.193 g \ .... ,'If"'" ........... '.. -50.631 0 980 MHz 1 : 12946 1 /REF 1 ~ ~ ... --,.... ::~ " ~15.000~ MH 4- Al IU I II I H1d " 7-24 915.000 000 MHz I '-1-0 .u ""''''~ 3 3.65 nH 20.984 Q 1 : 4.54690 2 : 1.3007 935 MHz 3 : 1.079 960 MHz 4 : 6.1523 960 MHz 1/ CENTER CH2 822/M 1 U FS SPAN 200.000 000 MHz 915.~ ~ MH I - - ~1 CH2 Sz! /M SWR CENTER 950.000 000 MHz _L _ _ 950.000 000 MHz r ~2: 1.3031 935. MHz 3 : 1.1 960 MHz 4 : 6.0688 ~ MHz "'3 SPAN 200.000 000 MHz HId I ~ CFNTER 950.000 000 MHz SPNl 200.000 000 MHz FS SERIES (L2 Type) CHARACTERISTIC DATA EXAMPLES (STANDARD VERSION) 9. JDC system (Tx) CH, S21 log MAG Part number: FAR-FSCC-9S0MOO-L2FA 5 dB I Il:F 1 . - 'Zl.D73 dB 0 dB 820., i , Ilf ~ PDC TX ~ CH, S"/M 1 U FS poe MHz TX : 1.sno __- - _ . -38.291 a 5.0088 pF 820.000 000 MHz 2 : - 29.433 dB 840 MHz 3: -1.5171 dB 940 MHz 4: -1.7669 dB 900 MHz H1d H1d r-t..""" ~ \j N 1f'J v J 'tV CENTER 950.000 000 MHz SPAN 300.000 000 MHz S11'~ SWR PDCTX~ 1/REF 1 I '\.. ~ 3 1: 1.13530 __- - _ _ -14.348 a 13.528 pF 820.000 000 MHz I .... ~ "" 4 1/REF 1 ~ 1 : 47.62 I 820.000 000 MHz -I t! I', I I I H1d CH2 S22/M 1 U FS III 2 : 39.546 840 MHz 3 : 1.1994 940 MHz 4 : 1.0882 960 MHz I H1d ~&SWR 1 : 42.262 ' F'C:XX: 000 MHz SPAN 300.000 000 MHz CENTER 950.000 000 MHz I I 2 : 46.617 840 MHz 3 : 1.1849 940 MHz 4 : 1.086 960 MHz 1 Cor H1d i CENTER 950.000 000 MHz SPAN :m.000 000 MHz 7·25 F5 SERIES (L2 Type) CHARACTERISTIC DATA EXAMPLES (STANDARD VERSION) 10. JOC system (Rx) CHI S21 Part number: FAR-F5Cc-820MOO-L2FB MAG 5 dB/ FEF log , 0 dB 1 : - 34.728 dB rf ~ PDC AX 740., i 2: -l.ml dB 810 MHz 3: -2.196 dB 83) MHz 4: -30.165 dB 940 MHz Hld CHI Sl1/M 1 U FS 1 : 2.51950 -37.322 0 5.7626 pF 740.000 000 MHz POC AX MHz 2: 35.936 0 Ccr Hld 1'-0.. -....... ~ , , 1"l \ I I I IAI SPAN 300.000 000 MHz CENTER 820.000 000 MHz CH, S /M SWR _'\1 1 poe AX " l/REF 1 J ,r "\ .... 1 CH2 S22 /M SWR v1 f4'MHz CH2 S'¥}./M 1 U FS 1 : 978.75mO -7.58960 2B.338pF 740.000 000 MHz 006 2 : 1.3921 810 MHz 3 : 1.0576 830 MHz 4 : 13.747 94~ MHz I L1 SPAN 300.000 000 MHz 1 . 3>91 74O.doo Hld CENTER 820.000 000 MHz I .Q l/REF 1 II II 1 52216 L 740.000 _~_ 000 MHz Co, 2 : 1.3229 A II I HId START 7-26 670.000 000 MHz lI... ~ ~ .u 2 3 810 MHz 3:1.08n 830 MHz 4 : 16.415 ~ MHz I STOP 970.000 000 MHz Hld START 670.000 000 MHz STOP 970.000 000 MHz F5 SERIES (L2 Type) CHARACTERISTIC DATA EXAMPLES (HIGH ATTENUATION VERSION) 11. AMPS I ACC system (Tx) CH, 521 log AMPS TX MAG Part number: FAR-F5CC-836M50-L2AZ 5 dB / REF 0 dB ~ I t 33.an 1: - dB CH, S,,/M 1 U FS ~--_ 15.005 pF 800.000 000 MHz 2 : -2.1369 dB 624 MHz ~ I -12.50&1 1 : 4.9673[2 AMPSTX 800'11 MHz 3: -2.6534 dB \ 849 MHz 4 : -74.754 dB E!69 MHz H1d Hld ~ ,,'If *\ i\.j CENTER 835.000 000 MHz SPAt 200.000 l/REF 1 , ~ AMPS TX \ r 000 MHz 1 . 10701 CENTER 835.000 000 MHz CH2 622/M 1 U FS 1 : 2.4343[2 aoo.~.~ MHz SPAN 200.000 1.4425[2 000 MHz 285.98 III I*i 800.000 000 MHz 2 : 1.3824 624 MHz 3 : 1.3886 849 MHz 4 : 10.009 B69 MHz ,, , \ H1d I ~ 2 CH2 ~/M SWR - j If ~ "'3' "" l/REF 1 v J I I 1 I 20552 aoo.'f I \ III '-' I H1d ~ CENTER 835.000 000 MHz2 " ..... Q I ~ MH.I 2 : 1.2514 624 MHz 3 : 1.3961 849 MHz 4: 6.698 B69 MHz I 3 SPAN 200.000 Co. H1d I I 000 MHz START 735.000 000 MHz STOP 935.000 000 MHz 7-27 F5 SERIES (L2 Type) CHARACTERISTIC DATA EXAMPLES (HIGH ATTENUATION VERSION) 12. AMPS I ACC system (Rx) CHI S21 log MAG AMPS AX 5 dB / Ff:F Part number: FAR-FSCC-881 MSO-L2AY 1 : - 35.329 dB 0 dB 1Jtf-tJ' , \ H1d 849·r I CHI S,l/M 1 U FS AMPSRX 1 : 6.5200Q -7.0962Q 26.417pF 849.000 000 MHz MHz 2: - 2.6388 dB 869 MHz 3: -1.6836 dB 894 MHz 4: -27.479 dB 914 MHz Co, H1d ~ ,/ .... V \ 0 CENTER 680.000 000 MHz CHl S" 1M 4: 35.982Q SPAN 200.000 000 MHz -63.016 Q 2.7633 pF 914.000 000 MHz 1: 2.6596 a 3 : 1.3853 E!94 MHz 4 : 3.0538 914 MHz \ \ I ~ I~ CH2 Szz/M SWA '- J 4 . 40706 1/REF 1 Il914.? ~ MH ~ \ I PI I~ H1d .- 7-28 CH2 S'r2/M 1 U FS I 2 : 1.5416 869 MHz \ CENTER CENTER 680.000 000 MHz I \ \ Cor ~ 000 MHz 649.000 000 MH I I. ~ H1d J 1 . 78235 l/REF 1 SWA AMPS AX SPAN 200.000 660.000 000 MHz 2 1 '-~ Q 1 : 17.729 849 MHz 2 : 1.2759 869 MHz 3 : 1.3422 E!94 MHz I I Cor H1d J I 3 SPAN 200.000 000 MHz CENTER 880.000 000 MHz SPAN 200.000 000 MHz F5 SERIES (L2 Type) CHARACTERISTIC DATA EXAMPLES (HIGH ATTENUATION VERSION) 13. NMT I GSM system (Tx) Part number: FAR-F5CC-902M50-L2EZ CHl S21 log 5 dB I F£F MAG NMT TX 0 dB 1 : - 38.637 dB CHl Sll 1M 1 U FS ~ , I) 1 : 8.4302 0 ___- - _ _ NMTTX 870'11 MHz -3.5049 0 52. 195 pF 870.000 000 MHz 2 : -2.7226 dB BOO MHz 3: -2.433 dB 915 MHz 4: -42.811 dB 935 MHz \ H1d H1d i-- ~ , / V' r ---v.I-- if SPAN 200.000 000 MHz CENTER 900.000 000 MHz CHl S" 1M SWR 1 . 59007 l/REF 1 NMT TX 870.c:r ~ "\, b \ i \ \ If I HId ... '-. I.......",. CENTER 900.000 000 MHz CH2 S22/M 1 U FS 1 : 4.43550 oor MH SPAN 200.000 000 MHz • 15.084 C 2.7593 nH 870.000 000 MHz 2 : 1.5042 890 MHz 3 : 1.2429 915 MHz 4 : 5.6325 935 MHz I I J I I 3 CH2 &:z 1M SWR 1 : 123 l/REF 1 '" B70.? ~ MH A It '''I J HId ~ CENTER 900.000 000 MHz2 ,,, .0 ~ SPAN 2 : 1.4281 890 MHz 3 : 1.1tr22 915 MHz 4 : 4.5522 935 MHz I i CCt H1d CENTER 900.000 000 MHz SPAN 200.000 000 MHz 200.000 000 MHz 7-29 F5 SERIES (L2 Type) CHARACTERISTIC DATA EXAMPLES (HIGH ATTENUATION VERSION) 14. NMT I GSM system (Rx) Part number: FAR-FSCC-947MSo-L2EY CHI S21 log NMT AX MAG 5 dB / F£F I 1 : - 35.416 dB 0 dB rr-: ~ 915., i MHz 2: - 2.8437 dB 935 MHz 3: -2.3557 dB 1\ CHI SII/M 1 U FS NMT AX 1 : 10.1190 248.94 pF SPAN 200.000 000 MHz 915.000 000 MHz c.. 900 MHz 4: -31.542 dB 98) MHz HId HId ~ ....-- ~I( ~ r , \ , NMT AX -"" SPAN 200.000 000 MHz CENTER 950.000 000 MHz 1 . 49424 I/REF 1 I CENTER 950.000 000 MHz CH2 S22/M 1 U FS 1 : 5.50080 915.'f ~ MHl Ib I \ ¢ C \ HId '\. ~ ~ CH2 ~/M SWR J " 960 MHz 4: 4.012 980 MHz J 1 ':I 1 . 10204 I/REF 1 915.'f ~ MH I 2 : 1.5546 II 935 MHz ~I 3 : 1.2467 960 MHz r ,, HId \ CENTER 17.567 a 3.0557 nH 915.000 000 MHz 2: 32.002 (1 1.4531 (1 935MHz 40.707 (1 3.6172 (1 2 : 1.7349 935 MHz 3 : 1.3024 7-30 -698.73 rna ___- - _ _ 4 : 5.9192 980 MHz c.. H1d I ~ 950.000 000 MHi "-A 3 SPAN 200.000 000 MHz CENTER 950.000 000 MHz SPAN 200.000 000 MHz F5 SERIES (L2 Type) MEASURING CIRCUIT ® ® 00 ~ 7JT PART NUMBER DESIGNATION [Designation example] FAR-FSCC- OODOOO .. Cor Del Hid 1: -3.7465 dB 5dBl REFOdB log MAG NTACSRX' 8.84380 870 MHz Hid /\ ~~ M hJI ~ v_Y ,t".. I \1 Y CENTER 860.000 000 MHz SPAN 200.000 000 MHz CENTER 860.000 OOOMHz SPAN 200.000 OOOMHz III 1: 1.5956 11 REF 1 SWR CH1 S" NTA~RXI I~ I Cor Del CH1 2: 56.0920 7.1348 0 1.3052 nH 870.000 000 MHz 843.000 000 MHz ,1 2: 1.1936 870 MHz 1: 51.852 0 -23.9410 Cor Del 843 MHz ...a. I Hid ~ .,. / I ,..,. r- Hid / 1\ ~ \/ , J2 1 CENTER 860.000 000 MHz J • SPAN 200.000 000 MHz CENTER 860.000 000 MHz SPAN 200.000 000 MHz 7-57 12. NTT type (Tx) Part number: FSCB-933MSO-G201 log MAG CH1 Sa1 5dBl REF OdB Cor 2: ~.72711 dB 942 MHz 1 ~ I Hid V __ 1.4 ,III II "" CENTER 935.000 000 MHz SWR ., , Ii Cor Del 1 U FS 1:44.33 0 10.285 0 1.7697 nH 925.000 000 MHz NTITX 2: 32.7270 -7.10350 942 MHz Cor Del {\ d 11 IY SPAN 200.000 000 MHz 11 REF 1 1: 1.3923 CENTER 935.000 OOOMHz CH1 S" 1 U FS SPAN 200.000 OOOMHz 1: 36.0160 NTITX I NTTITl( S22 Hid \ J ,1 CH1 1125.~ooo,MHZ ~, I Del CH1 SII 1:-3.307 dB lY- ..... NTT'Tl( 1.877 0 322.95 pH 925.000 000 MHz 1125.000 OOOJMHz 2:1.1n 942 MHz 2:45.8790 Cor ~.64450 942 MHz Del I Hid "'\ ..J fn r / 1 I I / Hid V I'V 1 J Ut. 612 CENTER 935.000 000 MHz 7·58 SPAN 200.000 000 MHz CENTER 935.000 000 MHz SPAN 200.000 000 MHz 13. NTT type (Rx) Part number: FSCB-878MSO-G201 'J' ~ NIT'AX Cor Del Hid .,It f I I~ ~r I 1: 26.7390 CH1 15.083 0 2.7592 nH 870.000 000 MHz 870.000 000 MHz 2:-3.594d8 2' I ~ 1: -3.6685 dB 5 dB! REF 0 dB log MAG CH1 &'11 / L I B87MHz 2: 45.1620 4.68360 887 MHz Cor Del 1\ 1\, Hid \ ~ 1 ~ \ I \I { II II' r SPAN 200.000 000 MHz CENTER 880.000 000 MHz CENTER 880.000 OOOMHz SPAN 200.000 OOOMHz III CH1 S,' J NIT'AX Cor Del til \ Hid lrf , 11 REF 1 SWR W 1: 1.5187 I 870.000 000 MHz _L 2: 1.3401 B87 MHz / AJ " / /' CH1 Sl1 1 U FS NTIRX 1: 38.816 0 -14.7910 12.368 pF 870.000 000 MHz 2: 66.1680 -4.9180 887 MHz Cor Del Hid r ~v I I IIV 1 I I~ ~2 CENTER 880.000 000 MHz SPAN 200.000 000 MHz CENTER 880.000 000 MHz SPAN 200.000 000 MHz 7-59 TEST CIRCUIT ® (D.®.@, it t----i t--"""'T""'---( (ID.(!).® Each value is changed according to specification PART NUMBER DESIGNATION Designation example FSCB- 000000 -GOOD - D Packaging (Reeled tape) : Designation 7-60 ® Contents T 1Kpcs/reel R 3Kpcs/reel DIMENSIONS RO.2 (0.008) t 1 5.0(0.197) ~ ~~____ 4.4~(0_.1_7~3)__~~ ~ 'IT 4.8(0.189) RO.4 I /)~. _ _ _ _----JI( [0,197) (0.016) ODD I ~ .DESCRIPTION Pin name Description 1 GND Ground Pin 2 IN Input Pin 3 GND Ground Pin 4 GND Pin No. 5 OUT 6 GND Ground Pin " Output Pin Ground Pin 7-67 F 6 SERIES (L 2) "MAXIMUM RATINGS I t em Symbol Rating Operating temperature T. -30-85 °C Storage temperature T atll -40-100 °C 1000-2500 MHz FreQuecy range Maximum input level Refer to electrical characteristics PIN Unit I mW "Recommended Operating Conditions Item Operating temperature Symbol Rating Unit T. -30--85* °C *Standard Rating for Wireless LAN is 0 -- 60°C "STANDARD System BW (MHz) 1441.0 24 P DeL 5 G (Tx) ZA FAR-F6CC-IG4410-L2ZA C 1 4 8 9.0 24 P DeL 5 G (Rx) ZB FAR-F6CC-IG4890-L2ZB C 1 6 1 9. 0 2 4 P DeL 5 G (Lo) ZN FAR-F6CC-IG6190-L2ZN e 1 7 4 7.5 7 5 Des 1800 (Tx) A FAR-F6CE-1G7475-L2YA E 1842.5 7 5 Des 1800 (Rx) B FAR-F6CE-1G8425-L2YB E 1 8 8 0.0 6 0 pes (Tx) e FAR-F6CE-IG8800-L2XA E 1 9 6 o. 0 6 0 pes (Rx) D FAR-F6CE-IG9600-L2XB E E FAR-F6CE-2G4500-L2WA E 100 Wireless LAN .' Part Symbol Part number Package Size Center freQ. (MHz) 2 4 5 0, 0 7-68 FREQUENCIES F6 CL2 SERIES Type) IIIELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (STANDARD VERSION) 1. P 0 C 1. 5 G sys tem Part number CT x) F AR-F 6 CC- 1 G 4 4 1 0 -L 2 ZA Rating Item Symbol Condi tion Unit Min. Typ. Max. 1429 .......,1453 MHz - 2.5 3.5 dB In-band ripple 1429 .......,1453 MHz - 1.0 1.8 dB Absolute stopband DC .......,1200 MHz 20 26 - dB att~nuation 1200 -1260 MHz 25 30 - dB 1260 -1287 MHz 30 34 - dB 1287 -1380 MHz 25 29 - dB 1477 -1513 MHz 10 14 - dB 1513 -1607 MHz 33 39 - dB -" 1607 """"1631 MHz 35 39 - dB 1631 -1900 MHz 30 38 - dB 1900 -2906 MHz 18 20 - dB 1429 .......,1453 MHz - 1.3 2.0 - 1429 ---1453 MHz - - 200 mW Insertion loss IL In-band VSWR Max. input power PIN Remarks III 7-69 F6 SERIES (L2 Type) IIIELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (STANDARD VERSION) 2. poe 1. 5 G system Part number (R x) FAR - F 6 C C - 1 G 4 8 9 0 - L 2 Z B Rating Item Symbol Min .. Unit Typ. Max. 1477 --1501 MHz - 2.9 3.2 dB 1477 --1501 MHz - 1.2 1.7 dB Absolute stopband DC -- 130 MHz 30 38 - dB att~nuation 130 -- 958 MHz 20 26 - dB 958 --1216 MHz 25 27 - dB 1216 --1241 MHz 30 32 - dB 1241 --1429 MHz 26 28 - dB 1429 --1453 MHz 10 17 - dB 1542 --1566 MHz 20 40 - dB 1566 --1607 MHz 30 40 - dB 1607 --1631 MHz 35 40 - dB 1631 --1737 MHz 30 40 - dB 1737 --1761 MHz 35 40 - dB 1761 --1900 MHz 30 37 - dB 1900 --3000 MHz . 15 20 - dB 1477 --1501 MHz - 1.4 2.0 - 1477 ---1501 MHz - - 200 mW Insertion loss IL In-band ripple - In-band VSWR Max. input power 7-70 Condi tion PIN Remarks F6 (L2 SERIES Type) _ ElECTR I CAL CHARACTER I ST I CS (STANDARD VERS ION) 3. P DeL 5 G system (L 0) Part number FAR - F 6 C C - 1 G 6 1 9 0 - L 2 Z N Rating Item Symbol Condition Min. Insertion loss IL In-band deviation - 3.0 4.0 dB 1607 --1631 MHz - 1.5 2.0 dB -- 130 MHz 30 38 - dB 130 --1501 MHz 25 28 - dB 1737 --1809 MHz 30 35 - dB 1809 --2500 MHz 20 29 - dB MHz 15 25 - dB 1607 --1631 MHz - 1.6 2.0 - --1631 MHz - - 200 mW 3214 In-band VSWR Max. input power PIN Max. 1607 --1631 MHz DC Absolute stopband attenuation Unit Typ. -~1607 Remarks 1.11 7-71 F6 SERIES (L2 Type) IIIELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (STANDARD VERSION) 4. DCS1800 system, CTx) Preliminary Part number FAR - F 6 C E - 1 G 7 4 7 5 - L 2 Y A T.=-30-E5t Rating Item Insertion loss Symbol IL In-band ripple Absolute s'topband attrnuation Condi tion Max. input power PIN Unit Typ. Max. 1710 ~1785 MHz - 3.5 4.5 dB 1710 ~1785 MHz - 2.0 3.0 dB DC ~1500 MHz 15 17 - dB 1500 ~1670 MHz 20 22 - dB 1805 ....... 1880 MHz 5 10 - dB MHz 22 24 - dB 3420 ....... 3570 MHz 25 27 - dB 5130 ....... 5355 MHz 10 20 - dB 1710 --1785 MHz - 2.0 3.0 - 1710 --1785 MHz - - 100 mW 1880 In-band VSWR Min .. ~2200 5. DC S 1 8 0 0 system CR x) Preliminary Part number FAR - F 6 C E - 1 G 8 4 2 5 - L 2 Y B Rema:-ks T ... = - 3 - - ' Rating Item Symbol Unit Condi tion Min. Insertion loss IL In-band ripple Absolute stopband at tenua tion In-band VSWR Max. input power 7-72 PIN Typ. Max. 1805 --1880 MHz - 3.9 4.8 dB 1805 --1880 MHz - 2.0 2.5 dB DC --1500 MHz 21 23 - dB 1600 --1710.MHz 26 28 - dB 1710 --1785 MHz 8 24 - dB 1920 --2400 MHz 22 24 - dB 3610 --3760 MHz 22 25 - dB 1805 --1880 MHz - 2.0 3.0 - 1805 ----1880 MHz - - 100 mW Remar!:s F6 SERIES (L2 Type) IIIELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (STANDARD VERSION) 6. pes system Part number Preliminary (Tx) F AR-F 6 e E- 1 G 8 8 0 0 -L 2 XA Rating Item Symbol Condition Min. Insertion loss IL In-band deviation Absolute stopband attenuation In-band VSWR Max. input power 7. PIN -- Unit Typ. Max. 1850 --1910 MHz - 3.5 4.5 dB 1850 --1910 MHz - 1.5 2.5 dB DC -1500 MHz 22 24 - dB 1500 -1800 MHz 25 28 - dB 1930 -1990 MHz 5 8 - dB 3700 -3820 MHz 20 24 - dB 5550 -5730 MHz 4 5 - dB 1850 --1910 MHz - 1.8 2.5 - 1850 -1910 MHz - - 100 mW pes system (R x) Prel iminary Part number FAR - F 6 e E - 1 G 9 6 a a- Remarks 1.11 L 2 XB Rating Item Symbol Condition Unit Min. Insertion loss IL In-band deviation Absolute stopband attenuation In-band VSWR Max. input power PIN Typ. Max. 1930 --1990 MHz - 4.0 4.8 dB 1930 --1990 MHz - 2.0 2.8 dB DC --1500 MHz 22 24 - dB 1500 --1850 MHz 25 28 - dB 1850 --1910.MHz 10 25 - dB 3920 --4040 MHz 20 23 - dB 1930 --1990 MHz - 1.8 2.5 - 1930 --1990 MHz - - 100 mW Remarks 7-73 F6 SERIES (L2 Type) IIIELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (STANDARD VERSION) 8. W ire 1 e s s - LAN system Part number Prel iminary FAR - F 6 C E - 2 G 4 5 0 0 - L 2 WA Rating Item Symbol Unit Condi tion Min. Insertion loss IL In-band ripple Absolute stopband attef1uation In-band VSWR Max. input power 7-74 PIN TyP. Max. 2400 --2500 MHz - 4.5 5.5 dB 2400 --2500 MHz - 2.3 3.5 dB DC --1700 MHz 20 25 - dB 1800 -2200 MHz 25 28 - dB 2700 --3100 MHz 30 34 - dB 4800 -5000 MHz 15 18 - dB 2400 -2500 MHz - 2.0 3.0 - 2400 -2500 MHz - - mW Remarks F6 CL 2 SERIES T y p e) T Y PIC ALe H A RAe T E R 1ST I C S ,(STANDARD VERSION) _ 1. P DeL 5 G system (T x) FAR - F 6 C C - 1 G 4 4 1 0 - L 2 Z A Part number CHI S21 1:1 ClB/ 1011 MAli PDC-T~ REF 0 1: -2.3101 CIS 00 0 o MHz ClB I;-~ \ CO" ! i: -2." ~ 8A~ :!I: -HI t3 de I • .c CO .. -1~6 ~ GA~ " ~ 2.71:1711 .. PDC-TX liHz 1."; \ Hld CHI 811/14 1 U FS 1 .c2ll. Hld /'\. ~ -- / / -':' 1M'\. .. CEHTER S ..:sO. 000 000 HHz: 1 CHI 811/14 SNR PDC-T~ / \ N SPAN 1: REF S I "00.000 000 HHz 2 • \I., CH2 822/14 1 U FS 8PAN .coo. 000 3.1511111.. 000 14Hz: 391. 1:11:1 pH \ 1 "28. 00 0 o HHZ :: CO" 1.181111 CENTER 1 "110.000 000 14Hz: • 3111 36Hz: 1~.4 .... 3 F 1.1:1 22 , ~7l" ...,z: 733 16Hz: Hld Cor I~ CENTER 1 ":SO. 000 000 HHz: W it " 8PAN "00.000 000 14Hz: Hld 5T ART 1 2110,000 000 14Hz STOP 1 111:10,000 000 14Hz ~------------------------------------------------------------------~ 7-75 SERIES F6 _TYPICAL 2. CHi C H A R ACT E R 1ST I C S (STANDARD VERSION) P 0 C 1. 5 G system (R x ) Part number FAR - F 6 C C - 1 G 4 8 9 0 - L 2 Z 8 Szt loa MAG II 138/ 1: -28 8:U 138 REI" 0 138 PDC-f'K /! co,. Ty p e) (L 2 I ! ~t _\ I \ .211. 00 0 o it -til. 1.. ill.A: ... _ , '7 • •• 1311 1 .... IDiZ ~ -2 •• 1 II •• 128. CHt 5tl/H 1 U FS Q -14. !578 ". POC-AX MHZ Co,. ti.A~ HId HId ~ ~ ........... , / -- I CENTER 1 41S0. 000 000 HHz CHI S •• /H SWA V\ ~ 1 4 1\ £ 8P"'" REI" 1 1: PDC-f' CENTER 1 41S0. 000 000 MHz .00.000 000 HHz 1 /C2B. • co,. 13.1415 00 0 . IS. 1.. o CH2 522/1< 1 U FS 1: 3.7"151 SPAN Q 400'.000 000 HHz 8.3115 .. Q HHz SIl~HZ · 1.4: 17I",...CiHZ \ • 1. 153 1.11 1 GHZ HId Cor I CENTER 1 .ISO. 000 000 MHz 7-76 rJ ~ SIt...,. 3 " HId .00.000 000 MHZ 5T ART 1 2150.000 000 MHz STOP 1 81S0. 000 000 HHz F6 _TYPICAL 3. y p e) C HA R AC T E R 1ST I C S (STANDARD VERSION) poe 1. 5 G system (L 0 Part number CHi 1021 T (L 2 SERIES ) FAR - F 6 C C - 1 G 6 1 9 0 - L 2 Z N log MAG 1I ClII/ II Cor 1,; -32 11112 ClB REF 0 ClII PDC-I.P ~ 00 OC o -3.0 1.11 ~BG~~ 1 1101. tl"\ z 5 .. - Q, ." df 1.": 1 UtiZ ;I -~15~ 1\ V ,.- ~ f'\ . SWR CH' 10 .. PDC-lP / IY ~.IIOlll n Cor Del &I INt---- SPAN ~Oo. REF , ~ 000 000 14Hz 1 1501i, 00 OC I I I I I \ \ 36.3.2 1,; I I I Cor Del 1.311117 n ~ CENTER 1 1520.000 000 MHz , 1,; Hld \r \} ' U FS PDC-LO '3G~~ 1\ HId CHI lOll 14Hz . ! o CENTER 1 1520.000 000 MHz CH2 522 1 U FS 1,; 2.71139 n SP,t.N 400.000 000 MHz II.O~2l1 n IISII.II pH 14Hz ~II' l~a2H2 1 1.'" IllO. , lltiz . 1'9! l,oaHl' II Hld Vr. CH2 10,.,. IOWA ~ 1 ., ./'"" / lrRei 1 Cor Del II isod I l t I I 00 \l) o MHz ~ l~lli 1~"1IH% 18113 1.": 1 IitiZ I I I II \ \ \ \ 111.~7g L '1M Cor Del ,'1 111"8.... .' Hld HId \.--rCENTER 1 1520.000 000 MHz'f ./ !t SPAN ~OO • 000 000 MHZ START 1 420.000 000 14Hz STOP 1 1120.000 000 MHz 7-77 F 6 CL2 SERIES Type) T Y PIC ALe H A RAe T E R 1ST I C S (STANDARD VERSION) _ 4. 0 C S 1 8 0 0 system (T x) Prel iminary Part number F A~ - F 6 C E- 1 G 7 4 7 5 - L 2 YA CHl 8zt IId8/ 1011 MAli !Dcala ~o TX _Odll 1:-31 IIZIS ~h dll 1 710. 00 0 OHHl CHl au/M 1 u "a OCIIlaoo TX ... I: -f:' ~a-= ,. -.,. '"a a ... ! oM • -Sf· :S~ Hld Hld r--.. ",,-\ :("" ill ./ I "\ - r ,\:1 '. I( ~II 1/ lIPAN CENTeR 1 7110.000 000 MHZ CHl II •• AC IIWA jDCeti 00 TX I I REF 1 I ,, , 1100.000 000 _ 1: 1.1101111 7~. 00 0 0 _ I c&HT£R l 7110.000 000 14HZ CHa lIaaAC I U .... lIPAN 1: .1.a7. A 1100.000 000 MHz ua.a pH l~'1 "H~ • 3. a ... .... aa8 . !!/ r-.. IA Hld ~/ ~ IIWA I I "';,('... AI!F 1 L 1.118 I~ 7t1}. OOOC O _ Il _V l~'4 ~a&t.. laa,. l.O' I" IN1Z ,. f~J lI"iH., ." Hlcl ~ 7-78 Hlcl 1,1, ~ "-1\ 1 7110.000 000 MHZ II lIPAN aoo.ooo 000 14HZ CENTER 1 7aO. 000 000 MHz lIPAN 1100.000 000 MHz SERIES F6 (L 2 T Y De) T Y PIC ALe H A RAe T E R 1ST I C S .(STANDARD VERSION) _ 5. 0 C S 1 800 system (R x) Preliminary FAR - F 6 C E - 1 G 8 4 2 5 - L 2 Y B Part number CHI 8Z 1 1011 MAli DCa 1. 00 II cIII/ REF 0 d. AX "..,,- CHI 1111/>4 1 U 1"11 ~ z \ CCI .. -~~,. ~7-= !t -3_3: '~ III! I..IIC :0 11HZ ~ AX CCI .. -alit! :·II~~ HId HId ~ .... \ j ~ I~ III ~ I "\i 1C2 . DCa,aoo 1 710. 00 0 a MHz \ 1\ '..-\ I I, -., CENTER 1 8150.000 000 _ BPAH ISOO • 000 000 MHz 1C2 CeNTER , 8150. 000 000 MHz CHZ azz/M , U "8 CCI .. I--+--i--+--+-+---+----f---H----1'.......LtiI~1ad HId I--+--i--+--~~~~~--+--+--~--~ -zztH - Q 1 II / ReF 1 .i- I HId X2 ~ :.-/ CENTER 1 8150.000 000 WI: .o~j .ji..l!.... I..DC ·"'8"HZ U.211 pI" \ CCI .. i":.... ~ BPAH -8.3022 0 28 •• S8 .' J 1.7111S 0 ISOO. 000 000 MHz 710. 00 a a MHz .,. CCI .. ~ aPAH ISOO .000 000 MHz HId XI! CEHTER 1 8C10. 000 000 MHz BPAH CIao. 000 000 MHz ______________________________________________________________~7-79 F 6 SERIES T Y PIC - (L 2 Ty p e) A L C H A R ACT E R 1ST I C S (STANDARD VERSION) 6. P C S system (T x) Prel iminary Part number FAR-F6CE-1G8800-L2XA II d8/ /Pea'::, C if' "= -41 REF 0 d8 I I'>. ~ 11110. 00 0 238 d8 o "= CHI 1I.331S .. -1 •• 7118.. 4.21S41S pF' MHZ . .... ga.A:.... J. -3.2 i. Cor -,,~ "HZ :I -III. S. f'~~ HId HIli I-. -~ " 1/\ \ 1/ I -V VV t--- \ IT -" \ C£NTER , CHi Bu/M 811R PC8-'T~ Cor BBO.OOO 000 MHz I i lIPAN .4, REF S r\s 1/hQ., \ Ii'\ \ I I I i/ I I ~ .4.,. T B80. 000 000 MHz ~ SO.71 8PAN 1500.000 000 MHZ 4.ISZIS4 .. o MH% '\.1"" -..,... • '1.' HOi00 0 J. s. 1S14 S "H" I ../ 'It. IM_ Cor Cor HId HId CENTER S B80. 000 000 MH 7-80 CENTER I ~1:1 i l k HId CHZ 1100.000 000 14HZ 1100.000 000 MHz: BT /.AT I 030.000 000 MH" STOP 2 130.000 000 MH" F6 _TYPICAL C H A R ACT E R 1ST I C S 7. P C S system (R II dll/ log MAli IPC:a (STANDARD VERSION) Prel iminary x) FAR-F6CE-1G9600-L2XB Part number Ct1t 8Z1 Ty p e) (L 2 SERIES ,~ / J: -33 l1li1 d8 CHi 81,/)4 , 8110. OOOC ONIU PCB AX REF 0 d8 i h .- iii -1~:1 !f Cor ~ IIA~ s.'" l;a d! \'7 " -2 i 8 U F8 Cor liH.l ~3ra~~ HId HId j r-..... '[\ "\ , V IJ f\ \ IV -" L • ~ \/ CEHTEJI 1 11110.000 000 MHZ CHI 8 . . /M 811A PC8 ,* .1. 1 / REF 1 \ \ \ \ \ CDI' t\ \.-... HId CH2 822/M 811A 8PAH 0 Co,. 1 .--- ~ ~1. J: I I I I I I I I II CENTER 1 11110.000 000 1\ \ 'r--.. ' - / _ .. 'i SPAH 23.807 1 8ao. 00 0 .. CENTER 1 1180.000 000 MHz CH2 822/)4 1 U FB J: 1.8817 .. 3.110111" --.--- o MHz aoo • 000 000 MHz SPAN t 310.23 pH 8ao .000 000 MHz . f· :1"liw. :L. I; J.. I I I I I I I I HId aoo.ooo 000 MHz ...... :HID t.j 8"Bw. 30.2~~ 1 880. 00 0 o MHz 'i. 11'"iiHz s. t· "'"'"11:1 Co,. .Aa.<;~ HId 1100 .000 000 MHz START 1 710.000 000 MHZ 8TOP 2 210.000 000 MHz 7-81 F 6 CL 2 SERIES T y p e) T Y PIC ALe H A RAe T E R 1ST I C S (STANDARD VERSION) _ 8. W ire I e s s - LAN system Prel iminary FAR - F 6 C E - 2 G 4 5 a a - L 2 W A Part number II d8/ N\..A~ ~ REF 0 d8 -311 21S dB 2 700. 00 OC ~ .t C? o CHI Sl1/M 1 U FS MHz -1I"iC ~?GI~~ ~ 3.08711 Q -S.II"II? Q 8.8885 pF WLAN C? 2' -COL !II 17" d 21" IiHZ It -".~ ~28~~ HId HId "'"f\\ J/ , II' ~ I~ It\ \I START 2 OOC .000 000 MHz CHi 8. /M 8WR N\..» 1 / STOP 3 REF 1 I \ t 1 r--- 000.000 000 MHz ~ III ~ / S8."211 START 2 000.000 000 MHz CH2 S22/M 1 U FS '" 2.1S1I1S7 n STOP 3 000.000 000 MHz -1S.oege .. 700. 00 OC o MHz II "'!. ~"8Hr C7 1 .. '31 IiHZ ~ .~ ~ Hld \ \ i/ \ .F\.A. C7 HId C? ~--+---+---+---H-~~--~---r---+---+--~ HId START 2 000.000 000 HH:t 7-82 STOP 3 000.000 000 MHz F 6 CL SERIES 2 ) "MEASURING CIRCUIT ® @ @@ CD@ TIT "PART NUMBER III DESIGNATION [Designation example] FAR - F 6 CO-O i I 0 ] - L 2 ITJ-O @ @ Q)Package designation: c C: 3. 8mm x 1.6 mm E : 3. 0 mm c x 1. 2 mm Refer to "l1li standard frequencies. (IDFrequency designation: [Ex amp IeJ Specify the nominal frequency in six alphanumeric characters. Enter G(for GHz) at the decimal point. Refer to standard friquencies. 1. 4 4 lOG H z <> 1G4 4 1 0 @Seria! number: Specify a number from WA to ZZ. Refer to standard friqueneies. @Paeking: (Reeled tape) T : 1 K pes/ ree I R : 3 K pes/ ree I 7·83 F6 SERIES CL2) _DIMENSIONS < C-SIZE > < E -SIZE> 3.8 ~I 3.6 liE 3.0 - .- - I I 0 0 0 CD ® ® 0 cr,) cr,) • "l f7 00 (0 4-RO.2 C'I:i L- [[ 4-RO. 3/' I[] 0 1'1 ~ j )1 IE =a =a ~ ~ ~ 1 i27 1 L 271 E ) ( ) 1( Uni t : mm 7-84 1. 2 ) 1E 1. 2 )1 Unit: mm F6 SERIES CL2) _MARKING <: C-S I ZE ::> ../r-:;:;::=======:::-" Par t S y mb 0 1 LOGO F DATE CODE lB ZA --r-2-- ~_L_O_T_N_o._ __ INDEX <: E-SIZE LOGO ::> \ v Part Symbol F AJ B Ii DATE CODE --------~ I'- \ LOT No. I 7·85 F 6 SERIES (L "PACKING:Reel 2) type (1)Reel dimension 12. 4±~: ~ IE 18. 4J2..{T Type A Volume -T 250 1 Kpcs -R 330 3 Kpcs 1lt1ft : mm (2)Pack i ng sty Ie Reel side Pulling side (3)Tape dimensi on d ... ., +1 \-+---I-"(+)·-+---H~-If--+fII-l+--1H"~H---+-- n-J.---,~~ <:> ~ 8.0 ±0.1 7-86 Package R W K C 4.2 ± O. 1 4.2 ± O. 1 1.8 E 3.4 ± o. 1 3.4 ± o. 1 1.5 Unit:mm cO October 1990 Edition 1.0 FUJITSU DATA SHEET M2 Series (D100) PIEZOELECTRIC DEVICE VOLTAGE CONTROLLED OSCILLATOR DESCRIPTION The M2 series (0100) voltage controlled oscillators (VCO) operate in the frequency range of 4 to 30 MHz. The M2 series VCOs use a single UTa03 (lithium tantalate) piezoelectric crystal with a high electromechanical coupling coefficient for stable and wide variable frequency width. FEATURES • Wider variable frequency width than quartz crystals: ± 0.2% or more • High stability (100 times more stable than LC configuration) • Excellent carrier noise ratio • Hermetically sealed in a metal case for high reliability in severe environmental conditions • Compatible with 14-pin DIP IC packages Metal Case DIP-14 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (See NOTE) Symbol Ratings Unit Power Supply Voltage Vee -0.5 to 7.0 V Input Control Voltage Parameter V1N -0.5 to 10 V Output Voltage VOUT -0.5 to Vee +0.5 V Output Current lOUT ±25 mA Ta -30 to +85 °C TSTG -40 to +100 °C 4t030 MHz Operating Temperature Storage Temperature RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Symbol Ratings Unit Power Supply Voltage Vee 4.75 to 5.25 V Input Control Voltage V1N 0.5 to 5.0 V Operating Temperature Ta "- 0 t4 8 Bottom Oscillation Frequency Range Parameter 70 Ot -30 to +85 NOTE: Permanent device damage may occur if absolute maximum ratings are exceeded. Functional operation should be restricted to the conditions as detailed in the operation sections of this data sheet. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. 0 ..1 View Terminal No. Terminal Name 1 V1N1 Control Voltage Input Terminal 7 GND Grounding Terminal 8 VOUT Oscillation Output Terminal 14 Vee Power Supply Terminal °C III Description This device contain, cifcuilry to protect !he inputs against dama941 due to high static voltages or alectric: fields. Howewr. ft is acfvisecj that normal precautions be taken 10 aYOld application of any VOltage hi!!her than maximum rated VOltages 10 this high impedance circuft. C 1990 by FUJITSU LIMITED 7·87 M2 Series (0100) STANDARD FREQUENCIES 8.192 MHz 14.318 MHz 17.734 MHz 21.053 MHz 25.175MHz 9.408 MHz 16.000 MHz 18.432 MHz 21.4n MHz 27.338 MHz 11.290 MHz 16.257 MHz 18.816 MHz 22.579 MHz 28.224 MHz 11.580 MHz 16.384 MHz 20.480 MHz 24.576 MHz 28.636 MHz 12.288 MHz 16.934 MHz ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS DC Characteristics Ratings Item Output Level Power Supply Current Symbol VOUT Icc Condition Unit Minimum Maximum See the measuring circuit diagram 0.5 - Vp_p Load open - 15 rnA Measuring Circuit Diagram Output I c,..22pF ±3pF (CL Is the value Including the measurement probe and the jig capacitance.) AC Characteristics Ratings Item Symbol Unit Condition Remarks Minimum Maximum Oscillation Frequency Frequency Voltage Stabil- ity Frequency Temperature Stability 7-88 fosc V1N =2.5V -0.05 +0.05 % fH V1N =4.5V +0.15 - % fL V1N =0.5 V - -0.15 % Af,Vce Vec =4.75 V Vec = 5.25 V -200 200 ppm 5 V reference, V 1N = 2.5 V Af, Ta V1N =0.5 V V1N =4.5 V -500 500 ppm 25°C reference -10° to 70°C, TA = 25°C Nominal Frequency reference Vee=5V, T a =25OC M2 Series (0100) STANDARD CHARACTERISTICS: Part Number: M20A-8M192G-0100 Control Voltage and Oscillation Frequency 5,000 ...,-') I 4,000 /<7 3,000 & 2,000 iii 1,000 ;; 0 ~ ~ ~ Y / ,~ ~ -1,000 )...--' ..J~ ~ -2,000 a -3,000 (~ t y -4,000 o -5,000 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 4.0 3.5 4.5 5.0 Control Voltage (V) Temperature Characteristics 800 700 e- 600 ! 500 i 400 300 "- GI ;; ~ !!I Ig ....III 1S 0 200 , 100 ,../ ~ 0 -100 --- .../ ~ / _c V - ~)... III -200 -300 -400 -500 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Temperature (OC) Power Supply Voltage Characteristics VIN - 2.5 V 2,000 '[ .s & i ;; ~ GI Ig .... 1,500 1,000 500 0 -500 -1,000 .!II -1,500 0 -2,000 '0 4.50 4.75 5.00 5.25 5.50 Power Supply Voltage (V) 7-89 M2 Series (0100) STANDARD CHARACTERISTICS: Part Number: M2DA-28M636-D100 Control VoHage and Oscillation Frequency 5,000 I 4,000 3,000 & 2,000 Iii -6 i' ! 1,000 0 -1,000 ~,r g -2,000 0-3,000 i -4,000 ~ -5,000 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 ---- v--2.0 2.5 ,..- 3.0 ---' ~ ~ 4.0 3.5 4.5 5.0 Control Vohage (V) Temperature Characteristics I 800 700 600 V 500 ./ 400 // 300 200 100 /'T ---- o -100 -200 ../ " ....... /" l.--"" ~ -300 -400 -500 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Temperature (OC) Power Supply Voltage Characteristics VIN - 2.5 V 2,000 I.9: & fi -6 g- GJ 1,500 1,000 500 o & -500 g -1,000 .: :i ~ -1,500 -2,000 4.50 4.75 5.00 Power Supply Voltage (V) 7-90 5.25 5.50 M2 Series (0100) STANDARD CHARACTERISTICS: Part Number: M2DA-12M288-D100 Control Voltage and Oscillation Frequency i& i 5,000 4,000 3,000 -6 0 ! S i -1,000 f 5 ~ 2,000 1,000 ~ ~ -2,000 .-4 y-- ~) ~ y- ~~ -3,000 -4,000 -5,000 0 1.0 0.5 1.5 2.0 3.0 2.5 3.5 4.5 4.0 5.0 Control Voltage (V) Temperature Characteristics VIN -2.5V 800 700 E 600 ! 500 gt 400 '6 300 ~ 200 GI III ! S III 11III .",," 0 ..d' 100 0 ""U- -100 - --.., ) - - :---- ~ V L ~ III -200 -300 -400 -500 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 Temperature (OC) 40 50 60 70 so 90 Power Supply Voltage Characteristics VIN - 2.5 V 2,000 ioS & i '6 ~GI I8 1,500 1,000 500 0 -500 -1,000 .",," .!! '"B 5 -1,500 -2,000 4.50 4.75 5.00 5.25 5.50 Power Supply Voltage (V) 7-91 M2 Series (0100) Oscillation Spectrum CARRIER NOISE RATIO OF VCO REF 10.0dBm ATT 10dB MKR 12.288000 MHz o dBm ladS 1 SPAN {\ I\ I \ 5.0 kHz PBW I \ 100Hz I UBW 100Hz J ..J.~ L....l. SWP 35 \ 1\ \.t.. .... c.L CENTER 12.288000 MHz SPAN 5.0 kHz O\l1pUllignal purity (e/N ratio) APPLICATION CIRCUIT EXAMPLES Example 1. Connection to CMOS Vee Vee R OUT C~' II C ~~ ~~----~~ @ M2Series ® o r--<0:r---;UT ~~----~~ IC (Reference value) C = 2010 100pF R. 1 MO Ie. 74HC04 74CU04elc. (0100) CD @ M2Series ® o (0100) CD lR2c. Example 2. Connection to LS TTL (or CMOS) - -0 R OUT ~ @ M2 Series ® (0100) - -0.4 -0.5 0 ..-J~--1.0 -' ~- 2.0 -- ~ :) ..-- >-- V 3.0 8.192 MHz 4.0 5.0 Control Vo~age (V) Oscillation Frequency' M 0.5 0.4 ~ CD g» j! () g! !c 0.3 0.2 0.1 ..___ly o -0.1 ~ -0.2 0 .~ 1"11 '0 " -0.3 -0.4 -0.5 )- .---I :r- o ,- .---c. 1---- ~---11.290 MHz ~~ .-1.'---- 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 Control Vo~age (V) Oscillation Frequency' H 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 ~ 0.1 ~;r o -0.4 -0.5 0 ..---<.,- V ly---'P'" 1.0 2.0 3.0 Control Vo~age (V) 7-98 ..... > 112.288 MHz y.--< ..-( -0.3 ,........... ..-.J.V 4.0 5.0 M2 Series (0300) STANDARD CHARACTERISTICS 1B. Control Voltage and Oscillation Frequency Changes Part Number: M2SC-18M432-D300 Oscillation Frequency: L 0.5 0.4 ~ Q) 0.3 ~ 0.2 IG fi 0.1 8 5l >. 0 Q) c 0 .~ ~ ·6 --16.384 MHz ;>-- 2.0 1.0 4.0 3.0 5.0 Control Voltage (V) Oscillation Frequency' M 0.5 0.4 ~ QI 0.3 ~ 0.2 .fi g 0.1 ! ~.1 ~ ~.3 r-~--~~~_--~--~----~----r---~----+---~----~----I 15 o o t-----t-----+----+-----+------,I-~------,c-,~,;;.-=--..-<=-+'-..;;.-----+----+-----l 22.579 MHz ~.2 ~)o-' ~.4 ~o-=--;----1-----r----r----+----+----1---~~--~--~ ~.5 0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 Control Voltage (V) Oscillation Frequency' H 0.5 0.4 ~ & c as 15 C5' i 1 c oj I -------y 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 ~.1 ~.2 ~.3 ~.4 ~.5 I~-o 1r---' 1.0 -" ~---- .-----.-J 2.0 y -" ~ 3.0 Control Voltage (V) 7-100 .--!- ....;~---24.576 MHz 4.0 5.0 M2 Series (0300) 2. Oscillation Spectrum Part Number: M2SC-18M432-D300 Example of f03 ,. 18.432 MHz REF -1 O~.O_d_a,...m_,......A_TT'T"'""10_d..,.B_...---,.M_K_R~_18..,.4_3_34-,-M_H..,z 10dBI REF -1 0.0 dBm 10dBI -10.0dBm SPAN ATT10dB MKR 18.43214 MHz SPAN 20kHzr--+__+--+__~~~~__~-+__~~ 200kHzr-~__T--+__+-++~~~__~-1__~ RBW RBW 3kHz 300Hz vaw VBW 3OOHzr--+--+--+--~-1--~--~-+--~~ 3kHz = RBW 3 kHz SPAN 200 kHz RBW = 300Hz SPAN 20kHz = = 3. Frequency Switch Oscillation Startup CharacteristiCS The characteristics in the circuit below were measured with Vcc. 5.0 V and VFC Fo PG T • 5.0 V. Condition: Vee = 5.0 V VIN =5.0 V M2SC-18M432-D300 Fl ~ Oscilloscope 7-101 M2 Series (D300) 4. Frequency and Switching Oscillation Startup Characteristics A. Condition: Stop ~ 12.288 MHz Stop ~ 12.288 MHz 2 Vldiv 2J.1S/div 10J.1S B. Condition: Stop ~ 16.934 MHz Stop ~ 16.934 MHz 2 Vldiv 2J.1S/div 11J.1S C. Condition: Stop ~ 18.432 MHz W Stop 1,0 - If> 11 - - - - - - I F-·k ··:l< ~ j~ rl>~ 2 Vldiv 2J.1S/div 10J.1S 7-102 18.432 MHz M2 Series (0300) PART NUMBERING SYSTEM [Part Number Example] M2SC-DDDDDD -100 I- ~ -150 f- J: -200 ~ g a- -250 - I -10 I I I I I I I o +10 +20 +30 +40 +50 +60 +70 Ambient Temperature (0C) III Example 3. Oscillation Spectrum REF 10.0dBm IOdS ATT 10dB MKR 155.51955 MHz dBm MARKER 155.51955MHz 6.4dBm RBW 300Hz VSW 1 kHz t--;--t--+--t--f+-lf-+--+---l--+-~ SWP3a SPAN so kHz CENTER 155.5200 MHz 7-107 M3 Series (0001) PART NUMBERING SYSTEM (Part Number Example) M3DA-DDDDDD o ® -0 DOD CD ® Frequency designation: Designates the nominal frequency in six alphanumeric characters. M indicates the decimal point in MHz. Frequency Designation 74.25 MHz 74M250 97.2 MHz 97M200 115.52 MHz 115M52 Serial Number (of the series): Standard: 001 Non-standard products: 001 to 099 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS (Top) I' (Bottom) 25.6 Mamimum (1.008) Y 'L 17.78 ± 0.5 (0.700 ± 0.020) .. • 2.54 ± 0.5 (0.100 ± 0.020) -1 E I ::I ·xE1\1 0 0 ooOO~o ::::E ...... ~~ • It) '- @o o 0 0 ~e ~ ~ ') 410.5 (0.020) ""1 @_ 7.62±0.5 (0.300 ± 0.020) (Rear) 0 ( -- 0 ~ '- (Side) '"' 0 "- --- ~ t ~ o +1 01 ItS ~11 +. _CD _ _ 0 e. 0 +1 N C') "! e. ~ q ~ 0 +1 o ,... +101 o --: 1tSe. 0 ..,.+1 0 Units: mm (in.) 7-108 cfJ ===EditiO~n 1.0~~~~~~====-~FUJITSU === DATA SHEET October 1990 M3 Series (D101) Piezoelectric Device Modulator, 50 MHz to 300 MHz DESCRIPTION These piezoelectric modulators feature direct oscillators (50 MHz to 300 MHz). The piezoelectric modulator uses a lithium tantalate piezoelectric single crystal (LiTa03) with a high electromechanical coupling coefficient. The piezoelectric modulator employs an exclusive SAW resonator. The piezoelectric modulator can be used in direct modulation applications needing high modulation sensitivity and a high signal noise ratio in the VHF band (up to 300 MHz). FEATURES • High frequency direct modulation: 50 to 300 MHz • High modulation sensitivity: 800 ppmIV min. (0.5 to 4.5 V) • Excellent modulation distortion ratio: 40 dB max. (1 KHz to 1.75 KHz dev.) • Excellent signal noise ratio: • Excellent temperature characteristic: ±200 ppm max. (-20 to 70°) -50 dB max. • Highly reliable hermetically sealed package • Compatible with 14·pin DIP Ie packages Power Supply Voltage Symbol Vcc Unit -0.5 to 7.0 VML -0.5 to 10 V VMM -0.5 to 7.0 V III 70 80 ML 4 Negative Ta -20 to +85 °e TSTG -40 to +100 °e RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Parameter 14 ermlnal No. Terminal Name Positive Operating Temperature Storage Temperature o V MM Pin Input Voltage MM Pin Modulation Polarity 40 1 (See Note) Ratings ML Pin Input Voltage ML Pin Modulation Polarity OIP·14 ~================~ (Bottom View) o ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Parameter Metal Case Symbol Ratings Unit Power Supply Voltage Vcc 4.75 to 5.25 V ML Pin Input Voltage VML 2.5 V Operating Temperature Ta -20 to 70 °e MM Description Control Voltage Input Terminal Modulation Input GND Grounding Terminal 8 VOUT Oscillation Output Terminal 14 Vee Power Supply Terminal This device contains circuitry to protect the inputs against damage clue to high static voltages or electric fields. However, it is advised that normal precautions be taken to avoid application of any voltage higher than maximum rated voltages to this high impedance circuit. Note: Permanent device damage may occur if absolute maximum ratings are exceeded. Functional operation should be restricted to the conditions as detailed in the operation sections of this data sheet. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. Copyright © 1990 by FUJITSU LIMITED 7-109 M3 Series (0101) STANOAROFREQUENCY Standard Frequency Application Part Number 145.0 MHz Mobile Phone M3DA-145MOO-D 101 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Vee =5.0 V) Ratings Symbol Hem Condition Min. Typ. - Max. Unit +300 ppm Remarks fo reference Afo VUL - 2.5 V -300 (tH-td 800 to VUL " 0.5 V VUL - 4.5 V - Af(Ta) VUL - 2.5 V -200 - +200 ppm 25°C reference, Ta'" -20 to 70°C POUT VULc 2.5 V -5 -3 -1 dBm 50.Q termination Output Level Stability AP (VF) VUL " 0.5 V VML .. 4.5 V -2 - +2 dB VML =2.5 V reference Output Level Temperature Stability AP (Ta) VML-2.5 V -2 - +2 dB 25°C reference, Ta" -20 to 70°C - - 10 mA -SO - +50 ppm 1.75 KHz DEV - - -40 dB 3.5 KHz DEV - - -40 dB 5.0 KHz DEV - - -40 dB 1.75 KHz DEV - - -50 dB Oscillation Frequency Deviation Variable Width of Oscillation Frequency Temperature Stability of Oscillation Frequency Output Level Current Consumption lee Oscillation Frequency Power Supply Voltage Fluctuation Af(Vcc) Modulation Distortion (1 KHz tone) Modulation Characteristic Signal to Noise Ratio Modulator Input Impedance VUL " 2.5 V 10 - ppmN ±5%at Vee'" 5 V reference 15 KHz LPF 300 to 3 KHz KQ PART NUMBERING SYSTEM Designation Example M3DA-DDDDDD - DODD 0· 7-110 ® ® Frequency Designation: The standard frequency is designated in six alphanumeric characters. M is used to designate the decimal point in MHz. Refer to STANDARD FREQUENCY. Example: 145.0 MHz device is designated as 145MOO. Serial Number: The serial number is assigned from 101 to 199 (with 101 as the standard). M3 Series (D1 01) PACKAGE MARKING (Bottom View) Fujitsu Logo Part Number \ I SV-145M 0101 0 t Lot number Index PACKAGE DIMENSIONS Units: mm (in.) 15.2 (0.598) f • 7.6 (0.299) t 13.1 max. (0.516) • J 20.8 max. (0.819) 18.3 (0.720) I:--+---- 1 ----, -~n===:::;tr===:;;::~ 'I 6.3 (0.248) 5.0 (0.197) 7-111 M3 Series (0101) SAW MODULATOR CHARACTERISTICS M30A-145MOO-0101 Characteristics Rating Item Output Frequency 145.0 MHz 144.997 MHz Current Consumption 10 mA or less (with buffer) 7.3mA Output Level -3dBm ±2 dB -2.00 dBm Spurious Response Ratio Higher harmonic < 4 dB at 2 fo (290 MHz) -7.3 dB Power Supply Fluctuation Within ±50 ppm for 5 V ±0.25 V +6.00 ppm -5.80 ppm AFC-F-F Characteristic ±550 ppm or more for 2.5 V ±1 V -789 ppm +1016 ppm Temperature Characteristic Within ±300 ppm for -35 to +85 +66 ppm +41 ppm Frequency Stability AFC Voltage Versus Output Frequency Characteristics Modulation Input Level At 25 ±5°C, the AFC voltage for the output frequency of 145 MHz is V~ .. 2.5 V +0.3 V At -20 +85°C, the AFC voltage for the output frequency of 145 MHz is Vc .. 2.5 V ±0.3 V Signal Noise Characteristic Vc = 2.5 V -28 dBm ±3 dB (600 W) 1 KHz ±3.5 KHz DEV· -20°C +85°C -26.1 dB 15 KHz LPF -46 dB -49 dB -48 dB 15 KHz LPF < ±1 dB120 Hz to 5 KHz ±5 KHz DEV· -55 dB < -50 dB ±1. 75 KHz DEV· Test Circuit Vee Modulation Analyzer HP8901B 14 8 OUT 4 7-112 = 2.5 V 2.476 V 2.459 V *Adjust the control voltage for an oscillation frequency of 145 MHz for the modulation characteristic. Vc Vc 2.501 V -35 dB or less 1 KHz (±1.75 KHz DEV)· Modulation Distortion Ratio -30 dB or less 1 KHz (±3.5 KHz DEV)· -20 dB or less 1 KHz (±5.0 KHz DEV)* Modulation Modulation Characteristic Characteristic Remarks 7 Audio Analyzer HP8903B 300 to 3 KHz M3 Series (D1 01) M30A-14SMOO-D101 MODULATION FREQUENCY CHARACTERISTICS / / N r--.:I: ~ r--. Ii) / / I 1 I co C") 0 z T J [ V~ .... III 0 0 ,... .... 0 CD ~ . c "n; .... 0 (!)-+- .. .. -i-"t 7-113 M3 Series (0101) SAW MODULATOR CHARACTERISTIC DATA M30A·145MQO-0101 No. ES-38 0 .- - 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 Output Level (dBm) -5 -6 -7 0.6~--------------------------------------------------~ -8 0.5 0.4 Oscillation Frequency Variation (0/0) 0.1 o t-------~'i:J'---------------------__t -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 -o.4~~--~~---~---~-------~---~--~~--~---------~~ o 3 4 7 8 2 5 6 Control Voltage, Vc (V) V-F Characteristic 7·114 145.00 MHz M3 Series (0101) SAW MODULATOR CHARACTERISTIC DATA (Continued) M3DA-145MOO-D101 No. ES-3S0 2 Output Level Fluctuation (dB) o A _~' I -1 I --+--+--+-- -2 500 400 300 200 Oscillation Frequency Variation (ppm) III 100 0 -100 -200 -300 -400 -500 -40 -30 Frequency Variation (ppm) +20 100 SO 60 40 20 0 -20 - + ...... ... + ... -40 I I -60 - - - +I - -80 -100 4 .7 4.S o -10 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Temperature (OC) Temperature Characteristic .... - ... ... + ... - - + ... ... -+ ... ... I ... + ... - -- + - I ... I - + ...... I .... I ... - .......... + ...... - + ... ... - ....... - .................... + ... ... I • I I I I I ... -+ ...... I 4.9 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 Supply Voltage (V) Supply Voltage Fluctuation 7-115 7-116 SECTION 8 Power Management Switches - At a Glance The typical cellular handset typifies the recent trend towards compact, lightweight, battery dependent products that can be used anywhere, anytime. Fujitsu's innovative power management switches can effect a reduction of power consumption in the "OFP state, thereby extending battery life. Page Number 8-3 8-17 Part Number MB3802 'ON' Resistance Maximum Handling Current 1.2 A (dual switches) 0.120 per channel MB3807A 0.30 (12 V port) 6.0 0 (5 V port) 0.5 A (12V port) (dual switches) 0.1 A (5V port) Comment Well suited for most portable radio applications Designed for PCMCIA card controllers; will have niche application to wireless products • 8-1 8-2 00 February 1995 Edition 1.0a DATA SHEET FUJITSU MB3802 POWER MANAGEMENT SWITCH DESCRIPTION The MB3802 is a dual power management switch incorporating two identical switch circuits which have extremely low ON resistance and consume zero input current when the switches are turned OFF. These features effectively reduce power consumption and extend the battery life of portable, battery-driven products. The MB3802 can be used to efficiently control various power supply systems for Notebook Computers and typical peripheral devices such as Disk Drives and PCMCIA Cards. 16-pin plastic SOP (FPT-16P-M04) The MB3802 switch blocks turn on at a very low input voltage (typical VIN > 2.2 V) and a stable ON resistance is obtained irrespective of the switching voltage since the internal DC/DC converter applies the optimum voltage for the N-ch MOS gate at Switch-ON. No external diode is required because the switch block is configured with an N-ch MOS structure to prevent the flow of reverse current at Switch-OFF. • Additionally, a load-side capacitor can be discharged at Switch-OFF by an intemal discharge switch which is operated by an extemal control pin. FEATURES • Extremely low ON resistance: - RON = 0.12 n (typical) - RON = 0.06 (typical for parallel connection) n • Reverse current protection at load side at Switch-OFF • Operation start at low input voltage: VIN > 2.2 V (typical) • Low power consumption - At Switch-OFF: liN = 0 ~, VIN = 0 V - At Switch-ON: liN =230 ~, VIN =5 V • Load discharge function • External control of ON/OFF time • Break-before-make operation • 16 Pin Plastic Flat Package (Suffix: -PF) Copyright 4:>1995 FUJITSU UMlTEO. Fujnsu Microelectronics. Inc. ThiS device contains circunry to protect the inputs against damage due to high static vohages or electric fields. However. it is acJvised that normal precautions be taken to avoid application of any vohage hi~.r than maximum rated vohagaa to this high impedance circun. 8-3 MB3802 BLOCK DIAGRAM AND EXTERNAL CONNECTIONS Co External capacitor 7},- Note: The MB3802 incorporates two switch blocks as shown above. However, GND is common to both blocks. PIN ASSIGNMENT (TOP VIEW) 0 GNDA 16 VINA DCGA 2 15 DlYA SWINA 3 14 SWOI,ITA SWINA 4 13 SWOUTA MB3802 SWINS 5 12 SWOUTB SWINS 6 11 SWOUTB DCGs 7 10 DlYs GNDs 8 9 VINS (FPT-16P-M04) 8-4 MB3802 BLOCK DESCRIPTION When V,N exceeds 2.2 V, the Comparator starts driving the DC/DC converter which boosts the V,N voltage in order to switch the N-ch MOS, applying the optimum voltage to the switch gate. When V,N is below 2.1 V, the Comparator stops the DC/DC converter, starts the Switch-OFF circuit, and discharges the voltage from the switch gate to GND. The Switch-OFF circuit is powered from the SW,N and consumes 0.4 JlA at 5 V. Since the N-ch MOS back gate is connected to GND, Switch-OFF reverse current is prevented irrespective of the High level state between SW,N and SWOUT. The load discharge circuit installed between SWOUT and GND is powered by the DCG pin, and discharges the load-side capacitor at Switch-QFF. When it is not necessary to discharge the load, connect the DCG pin to GND. The DlY pins are for connection to an extemal capacitor to delay the Switch-ON/OFF time. The surge current at the load side is reduced during power-on by controlling the Switch-ON time. The Switch-ON time is also dependent on the boot time of the DC/DC converter. PIN DESCRIPTION 1. Power Management Switch Pin No. Pin Symbol Description 16 VINA 9 VINe Switch Control Pins: These input control pins drive the Switch-ON with a High input level and Switch-OFF with a Low input level. They also serve as power-supply pins for the DC/DC converter to generate the switch gate voltage. 3,4 5,6 13, 14 SWINe SWOUTA 11,12 SWOUTB 2 DCGA 7 DCGe 15 DLYA 10 DLYe SWINA 1 GNDA 8 GNDe Switch Input pins: Two common pins are assigned to SWINA and SWINe. They serve as input power supply pins for the Load Switches and the Switch-OFF circuit. Switch output pins: Two common pins are assigned to SWOUTA and SWOUTB. They are typically connected to the high side of the controlled load. When DCGA or DCGB are al a High level, the respective load-dlscharge circuits implement the discharge function via these pins. III SWOUTNSWOUTB discharge control pins: These pins are used to control the discharge of the load at Switch-OFF. Connect them to GND when the discharge function is not required. Switch-ONiOFF time control pins: The ON/OFF time can be delayed by connecting an external capacitor. Both times are delayed about three fold by installing a SOO-pF capacitor between these pins and GND. Leave these pins open when they are not used. 10 V may be generated when these pins are open. To keep these pins at high impedance, take care 10 mount the device so that there is mini· mal current leakage (less than 0.1 JlA). Ground pins for Input threshold reference voltage and load discharge: When two switching circuits are used, ground both GND pins. 8-5 MB3802 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 1. Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Symbol Input voltage - V,N Switching voltage Switching current Total Power Dissipation Storage temperature Condition Ratings Unit -0.3 to 7.0 V At Switcll-OFF -0.3 to 7.0 At Swltcll-ON -0.3 to 7.0 V Vsw Isw At Switch-ON peak 3.6 A Po Ta S+75 °c 290 mW -55 to +125 °c - Tstg 2. Recommended Operating Conditions Ratings Parameter Input voltage Switching level Conditions - V,N VSWIN Unit Min. typical Max. 0 - 6.0 V At Switch-ON 0 - 6.0 At Switcll-OFF 0 - 6.0 At Switcll-ON (for single switch) - - 1.2 A V SWitching current Isw DLY-pin connection capacitance CD - - - 10 nF IDLY - -0.1 J.lA 2.5 - 0.1 6.0 V -40 - +75 °c DLY-pin mounting leak current Input voltage to load discharge circuit Operating temperature 8-6 Symbol VOCG Top V,N=3V,5V - MB3802 3. DC Characteristics Parameter Symbol Min. Input Current Switching Resistance Switch-OFF leak current Unit Ratings Conditions Typical Max. IIN1 VIN=OV - 0 - IIN2 VIN=3V - 100 200 460 VIN=5 V - 230 RON1 VIN = 3 V, Isw = 0.5 A, VSWIN = 3 V 120 160 RON2 VIN = 5 V,lsw= 0.5 A, VSWIN =3 V - 130 175 =0 V, VSWIN =6 V JlA JlA JlA mO mO 0.5 2.0 VTH1 At Switch-ON 2.0 2.2 2.4 V VTH2 At Switch-OFF 1.9 2.1 2.3 V Input hysteresis VHVS - 50 100 mV RON =3 V, 5 V, Isw = 0.5 A Ta =-40° to +75°C - - - Switch resistance ROCG1 VSWOUT = 3 V, VOCG = 3 V 1500 VSWOUT - 750 ROCG2 500 1000 n n 0 2 JlA Input threshold voltage Switch charge resistance Input current to Switch discharge circuit IL IOCG VIN VIN =5 V, VOCG = 5 V VOCG=5V 210 JlA mO r--;;;o 4. AC Characteristics Parameter Symbol Conditions Switch-ON time Switch-OFF time Switch-ON/OFF time lag Unit Ratings Min. Typical Max. lON1 VIN =OV->3V, VSWIN=3 V 100 300 900 J.I.S toN2 VIN = 0 V -> 5 V, VSWIN = 5 V 50 150 450 J.I.S toFF1 VIN = 3 V -> 0 V, VSWIN =3 V 20 60 180 J.I.S toFF2 VIN =5 V->OV, VSWIN =5 V 10 30 150 J.I.S ltiVS1 VIN=3v/OV, VSWIN=3V 80 240 720 J.I.S ltivS2 VIN = 5 V/O V, VSWIN = 5 V 40 120 300 J.I.S 8·7 MB3802 AC CHARACTERISTIC TEST DIAGRAMS 1. Test Condition Open SW,N MB3802 rI SWOUT Vs= 3 VIS V R Load "'...., . 1A R=3!l1S!l 2. Switch-ON/OFF Timing Chart t,. ,-.-... I I I • I .,- I tt I ~ ______________ • , ~., 90% I OV 90% SWOUT OV toN SWOUT 10% Note: The riselfalltimes (1 0%/90%) OfV,N are both less than 1~. 8-8 0V MB3802 APPLICATIONS 1. Separate Use of Two Switching Circuits SWINA __+-------------, SW~AI------------~ MB3802 GND Notes: 1. The two power supplies VSA and VSB can be used separately by controlling the voltages VINA and VINB. 2. Connect the DCG pin to GND when it is not used. 2. Switching Two Power Supplies VINA SWINA SW~A MB3802 SWINB VINB GND SW~B DlVA I VSB VSA Imsv Note: When using different power supplies tor a single load, control them by connecting an extemal capacitor so that both switches are not ON at the same time. 8-9 MB3802 3. Switching Two Loads SWOUTA I-----------l~--__. MB3802 GND Vs Note: Make this connection to control two different loads separately using a single power supply. 4. Connecting Serial Switches GND Vs Note: Make this connection to supply power from Vs to load B via load A. 8-10 MB3802 5. Connecting Parallel Switches SWINA 1-+--------4---------. SWOUTA 1-"'--, MB3802 SWINB 1-+--+----.... GND SWOUTB Vs Note: Connect the circuits A and B in parallel to produce a low ON resistance (RoN =0.060). In this case, connect the DlYA and DlYB pins in common to give synchronous ON/OFF between both switches. 6. 25% ON Resistance DlYA SWINA .....-+---~I---------, SWOUTA MB3802 SWINB I-+--t--. SWOUTB ........- ...-t---..., Vs DCGe DCGA DlYA load SWINA 1-+--1--' SWOUTA I--+--' MB3802 SWINe 1-+--1---' SWOUTB DCGe Notes: 1. Make this connection to produce an ON resistance that is much lower than the single device parallel switch connection (as shown In 5.) Also, connect the DlY pins in common. 2. Consider the differences between the ON resistances and the Switch-ON/OFF times between the two devices (MB3802) and insure that load control is not offset at one device. 8-11 MB3802 7. Low-side Switch r -_ _ _ V_IN_A_..... SWINA t - - - - f SWOUTA MB3802 SWINS t - - t - - - f GND SWOUTB DLYs Rs VIN=3 v, Vs=3 V Switch·ON time Switch·OFF time SOilS 5.0mS VIN=5V, Vs=5V 451lS 3.5mS Notes: 1. Make this connection to control the Switch-ONfOFF at the lower load side. 2. To assist the Switch·OFF circuit operation driven by the SWIN power supply, connect high resistances (RA and Rs = 5 to 10 MQ) to the DLY pins without overloading the DCfDC converter. 3. With this connection, the Switch·OFF time is longer than the Switch·ON time. 8-12 MB3802 TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS CURVES 300 ON Resistance (Input-voltage dependence) 150 ON Resistance (Load current dependence) Isw=1 A 250 ~~I---'-_.__.ON resistance -----(mO.) 200 ~--ir--"""'" - VSWIN = SV VSWIN=5V VSWIN = 4V VSWIN=3V VSWIN = 2V VSWIN = 1V VSWIN=OV -+---r--~ ON resistance (mO) 100~----~~~~--+---~--__~--~ 150~~r---r---r---r--r---r-~ 50~--~----~--~----~--~~--~ o ON Resistance (Temperature dependence: SWIN = 3 V) 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 ON Resistance (Temperature dependence: SW,N 150~~~--------r---------'---------~---------' 1.2 Load current (A) =5 V) 150~~~--------r---------'---------~---------' VswIN=3V Isw= 1 A VSWIN = 5 V Isw=1 A ON resistance ON resistance (mO.) 100 ~-+---=-...-r:.~---+-----+------f (mO) 100 b.o'~-7""'I~-++--+-----+-----f VIN=3V VIN=5 V 50 500 -25 0 25 Ta(Co) VIN=3V VIN=5V 50 50 75 Swltch-ON TIme (Input voltage characteristic: SWIN = 3 V) 500 -25 0 25 Ta (CO) 50 75 Swltch-ON TIme (Input voltage characteristic: SWIN = 5 V) VSWIN=3V Isw= 1 A VSWIN=5V Isw= 1 A 400 300 300 Switch-ON time OJ,S) Switch-ON time (J.1S) 200 200 100 100 Ta=+75°C 0 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 Input voltage (V) 5.5 6.0 0 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 Input voltage (V) 5.5 S.O 8-13 MB3802 Swltch-OFF Time (Input voltage characteristic: SWIM Switch-oFF Time (Input voltage characteristic: SWIM =3 V) so 100 VSWIN=3V Isw=1 A VSWIN = S V Isw=1 A I 90 40 I \ Ta=-2SoC 80 Switch-OFF time (J,LS) 60 --- -- _.1. r--- - -- -- ~ SO 3.0 3.S 4.0 ---t--- S.O Input voltage M -lS.S Swltch-ON Time (DLY-pln connection capacitance: SWIM --- --- ~. 1--- -- ~ 1\~ 10 Ta=-2SoC Ta = +2SoC • Ta=+7SoC I o 6.0 ~-- I~ 20 ,Ta= +7SoC 4.S i---i---- - Swltch-oFF tlme(J.1S) Ta=+2SoC r..--- , 30 I 70 =SV) 3.0 3.S 4.0 4.S 5.0 Input voltage M 5.S Swltch-oN Time (DLY-pln connection capacitance: SWIM =3 V) 100r--------------r--------------, VSWIN=3V Isw=1 A 6.0 =5 V) 100r-------------~------------~ VSWIN=5V Isw= 1 A 10~----------------~---------~7'~ ON-time (mS) ON-time (mS) 0·1 01oo0~"""'--'--L"""'.L..&..U10"'"0-0--"'"--'-.........L..L...I..Lo.LJ 1 ooo 0., 0'-0---'---I--'-'-.L.I...l.J1i.&00-0---..I...................I....IU-I1..L.10000 Capacitance (pF) Capacitance (PF) Switch-OFF Time (DLY-pln connection capacitance: SWIM =3 V) 10000 r------------..,--------------, VSWIN=3V Isw=1 A Switch-OFF Time (DLY-pln connection capacitance: SWIN = 5 V) 10000 ..._------------------,..------------------, VSWIN = 5 V Isw= 1 A 1000r--------------r------~r'--~ OFF-time (mS) OFF-time (mS) 100~--~~~-----r--~------------; 1000 Capacitance (pF) 8-14 10000 100~-----~~~~~-----------i ..............~~~--~--~~~~ 1000 10000 10~--~ 100 Capacitance (pF) MB3802 Discharge Resistance (DCG voltage dependence: SWOUT = 3 V) Discharge Resistance . (DCG voltage dependence: SWOUT = 5 V) 10 VSWOlJT=3 V VSWOUT= 5 V Discharge resistance Discharge resistance (1tCl) (1tCl) 0.1'-----"---------'------' 345 2 6 0.1 ' - - - - - " - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - ' 3 4 5 2 6 DCG voltage (V) DCG voltage M Output Leak Current (at Swltch-OFF) Input Current (Input voltage dependence) 1000 ~--__r---_r_--___,r-----, 2oo~--+_--+_---+_--+_~~~ Leak current (nA) loo ......-~~----+---+_--_I Input current (IJA) 100~----+_----+_~~~~--+_--~ VIN=OV 102~---~3-----~4------5~-----J6 O~----~~~~--~~--~----~ o 1.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 Input voltage (V) SWIN voltage (V) Swltch.()n resistance (relationship between VIN and Vs) Surge Current and Output Voltage Boot (DLY-pln connection capacitance dependence) • 140 ~ J IN N~ /" if': ,~ :::--..... 510 pF Output voltage I IY~ r OutputGND InputGND (Surge current) i~ Ij ~~ ............ "'Open ... 10rO p, / I I I I ....... Open , / 510 pF Surge current ~ ./ loo0pF ....... 5~~~~~~-+--~~~~~~ 4 ~-+-+-~--...,,~Switch voltage (V) 3~-V~r-~~~~--r-~~ ~ 2~-+....,o&+-- ~ "- O~~--~~L-~ 3.0 Time VIN=0->5V SW1N =5V Load capacitance =47 J.l.F __~__L-~__~ 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 VIN voltage (V) V: 200 mA/div. (surge current) V: 1.0 V/div. (output voltage) H: 200 J.l.S/div. (time axis) 8-15 MB3802 16-LEAD PLASTIC FLAT PACKAGE (CASE No.: FPT-16P-M04) 400+.010 . -.008 .083(2.10) MAX (MOUNTING HEIGHT) (10.15~:~g) I' '1 INDEX cf ~.j-I-+oI.f- _.O--=5TY0::i-:.(lp=-.27 ..... I 0(0) MIN (STAND OFF HEIGHT) f .252±.016 (6.40±0.40) .154±.012 (3.90±0.30) ~ .11..(0.O'45±Q8±.O.10) O4 I-$-I 0.005(0. 13)t9I '--'-""'-------' r----------, _oi"~O.'O~ ~ .350(8.89) REF ©1993 FUJITSU LIMITED F16012S-4C 8-16 I I I I I : I I IL Details of MAM part .008(0.20) I I I I I .020(0.50): .00::;8) .027(0.68) I II _ _ _ _MAX _____ J Dimensions in inches (millimeters) 00 =D~S04-§276~02~-1E§§§§§~~~===-_FUJITSU = DATA SHEET MB3807A ASSP Power Supply BIPOLAR PowerManagementSwftchmglC (with flash memory power switching function) • DESCRIPTION When data is written to or read from flash memory, it requires that the voltage at its power supply (Vpp) be switched (to 12 V for writing and to 3.3 or 5.0 V for reading). The MB3807A is a power management switching IC, designed to be compatible with the PCMCIA digital controller, to switch the Vpp voltage of flash memory. When the switch is turned on, optimum voltage is applied to the gate of the internal charge pump N-ch MOS switch, providing a constant amount of ON resistance. The ON resistance is also kept to be low to reduce voltage drop at the Vpp pin that is caused by large current flowing when data is written. In addition, the OFF time is much shorter than the ON time to prevent short-circuiting between the reading and writing power supplies when the device switches the Vpp voltage for reading or writing data (break-befora-make operation). • FEATURES • Switching at low ON resistance For writing data: SWIN1 = 12 V, Ron = 0.3 (2 For reading data: SWIN2 =5 V, Ron = 6.0 (2 SWIN2 =3.3 V, Ron = 8.5 (2 • Wide range of supply voltages: Vee =2.7 to 5.5 V • Prevention of reverse current from the load at switch-off time • ON time controllable with external pin • Break-before-make operation III • PACKAGE 16 pin Plastic SOP (FPT-16P-M04) Copyright© 1995 by FUJITSU LIMITED 8-17 MB3807A • PIN ASSIGNMENT (TOP VIEW) ENh 16 Vee ENOA 2 15 DLYA SWIN2A 3 14 SWOUTA SWINh 4 13 SWOUTA SWIN1e 5 12 SWOUTe SWIN2e 6 11 SWOUTe ENOe 7 10 DLYe GND 8 9 EN1e (FPT-16P-M04) • LOGICAL OPERATION TABLE 8-18 EN1 ENO SW1 SW2 0 0 OFF OFF 0 1 OFF ON 1 0 ON OFF 1 1 OFF OFF .-r-" MB3807A • PIN DESCRIPTION Pin name i 1 EN1A I These pins turn the corresponding switches on and off depending on the PCMCIA 9 EN1s 2 ENOA I Pin No. 7 ENOB 4 SWIN1A 5 I SWIN1B Function compatible signals, as shown in "LOGICAL OPERATION TABLE." These pins connect the 12-V power supply for writing data to flash memory. When the SW1 is turned on, the voltage at the SWIN1 pin is output to the SWOUT pin. These pins also serve as power supply pins for the charge pump on the SW1 side. For switching, the pins require a voltage higher than Vec. I SWIN2A 3 6 I SWOUTA 13, 14 11, 12 SWIN2s These pins connect the 3.3/5.O-V power supply for reading data from flash memory. When the SW2 is on, the voltage at the SWIN2 pin is output to the SWOUT pin. These pins also serve as power supply pins for the charge pump on the SW2 side. For switching, the pins require a voltage higher than Vcc. I : These pins are output pins of the switch. A pair of two pins are used commonly as : either SWOUTA or SWOUTB pins. SWOUTB . These pins are connected to the Vpp pin of the flash memory. 15 DLYA 10 DLYB Vee 16 I 8 I GND These pins control the switch ON time. The ON time is controllable using an external capacitor. : Leave these pins open when not in use. Note that a voltage of about 25 V is : generated when the pins are open. Since high impedance is required, be careful I when mounting the device not to generate current leakage. III I Power supply pin I Ground pin 8-19. MB3807A • BLOCK DIAGRAM DLY EN1 ENO Note: The MB3807 A contains a pair of above circuit blocks . • BLOCK DESCRIPTION The SWINl and SWIN2 pins are connected to the 12-V and 3.S/S.D-V power supplies, respectively. The SWOUT pin is connected to the Vpp power supply pin of the flash memory. When conditions, ENl = "H" and ENO = "L" are established in an attempt to write data to flash memory, the switchon circuit (charge pump) on the SWl side is activated. The charge pump applies optimum voltage to the SWl gate to turn the switch on, causing the SWOUT pin to supply 12-V power from the SWINl pin to the Vpp pin of the flash memory. On the SW2 side, the switch-off circuit discharges the SW2 gate voltage to the GND to turn the switch off. Reading data from flash memory assume the conditions ENl = "L" and END = "H." When the conditions are established, the switch-on circuit (charge pump) on the SW2 side and the switch-off circuit on the SW1 side are activated to cause the SWOUT pin to supply 3.3/S.0-V power from the SWIN2 pin to the Vpp pin of the flash memory. Since the switch-on circuits are powered from the SWINl and SWIN2 pins, 80 to 3S0 J,LA current flows from the SWINl and SWIN2 pins to the GND when the switch is turned on. The back gate of the N-channel MaS is connected to the GND. This prevents reverse current from flowing at switch-off time, regardless of the high potential of SWINl or SWIN2 pin and the SWOUT pin. The pLY pin is an external capacitance connector to delay turning the switch on. Controlling the switch ON time minimizes surge current flowing to the capacitor connected to the load when the switch is turned on. 8-20 MB3807A • ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS I I Symbol II Parameter Input voltage i VSWINl Switching voltage I VSWIN2 ISWINl Switching current Permissible loss Po Tstg I Max. I 18 Unit I - -0.3 18 i V - 1.5 I A 0.3 I A 290 ! mW +125 i °C 7 -0.3 Ta s + 75°C I i -0.3 Switch-on peak ! Min. I IswIN2 Storage temperature I i V,N I i Ratings Conditions - i i I -55 I I I V V Note: Permanent device damage may occur if the above Absolute Maximum Ratings are exceeded. Functional operation should be restricted to the conditions as detailed in the operational sections of this data sheet. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability . • RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Parameter Symbol I Supply voltage Vee High-level input voltage V,H ! low-level input voltage V,L I VSWINl I - I VSWIN2 ISWINl Switching current IswIN2 DlYpin capacitance for connection ! COLY DlY pin leakage current i IDLY I i Top I Min. 2.7 5.5 Vee 0 - 0 15.0 0 - I - - I - - I -0.1 - ! ! i -40 i I Unit I V i 6.0 I V V 6.0 100 ----- 10 III V ! V rnA I mA 500 I -----r-I V V Vee x 0.2 15.0 I I Switch ON state I Switch ON state i Vee Vee ! Switch OFF state 1 Min. Vee x 0.8 , Switch OFF state Switching voltage Operating temperature [ Values Conditions I nF ~ 0.1 ------~---- I ! +75 t ! °C 8-21 MB3807A • ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 1. DC Characteristics Values i Symbol i Parameter Conditions Typical·' Min. , Unit Max. Switch resistance I. RONl ,. VSWINl = 12 V, ISWINl = 500 mA 300 450 mQ (SW1) Vce= 3 V, 5 V, Ta = +25°C I - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - I r - - - - - - ------ - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - 1 Switch resistance VSWIN2 = 3 to 5 V ISWIN2 = 100 mA 10 6 RON2 (SW2) i Vee= 3 V2, 5 V, Ta = +25°C I Switch resistance i RONTl ! VSWINl = 12 V, ISWINl = 500 mA Vec= 3 V, 5 V RONT2 High-level input current : hH Low-level input current ilL 610 I VSWIN2= 3 to 5 V, ISWIN2= 100 mA 14 I Vcc=3V,5V I Vee= 5.5 V, VIH= 5.5 V i Vce= 5.5 V, VIL= a V i ENO = 0 V, EN1 = a V a a 10 o 10 a 10 175 350 700 30 80 200 24 35 100 300 -10 : or ENO = 3 V, EN1 = 3 V i VSWINl = 15 V, Vcc= 3V Switch-off leakage current 1L2 mQ ~ I i ENO = 0 V. EN1 = 0 V i or END =3 V. EN1 = 3 V ~ , VSWIN2= 6 V, Vcc= 3 V ISWONl Charge pump driving currenf2 I IswON2 I ENO = 5 V, EN1 = a V ! Vcc= 5 V, VSWIN2= 5 V DLY output v()ltage VOLY i Supply current Icc i ENO = 5 V, EN1 = 0 V i or ENO = 5 V, EN1 = a V : Vcc= 5 V *1: *2: 8-22 ENO = a V, EN1 = 5 V ! Vce = 5 V, VSWINl = 12 V Vcc=5V,VSWIN2=12V I ! 50 ! I Typical values assume Vce = TYP, Ta = +25°C. The charge pump driving current flows from SWIN to GND when the switch is turned on. I V MB3807A 2. AC Characteristics Parameter I I I Symbol I Conditions I Values Min. I = 12 V, R =24 0 , Vee = 5 V I 30 .! VSWINl = 12 V, R =24 0, Vee = 3 V I 30 VSWIN2 = 5 V, R =50 0, Vee =5 V 40 VSWIN2 = 3 V, R = 30 0 , Vee =3 V 200 VSWINt = 12 V, R =24 0, Vee =5 V 10 VSWINt = 12 V R =24 0, Vee =3 V 10 VSWIN2 =5 V, R =500, Vee =5 V 1 VSWIN2 =3 V, R =30 0 , Vee:: 3 V 1 29 tONt VSWINt tON2 ON time tON3 tON4 tOFFt OFF time tOFF2 ! I tOFF3 tOFF4 tHYSt ON/OFFtime difference tHYS2 I ii tHYS3 j I tHYS4 I Note: ON/OFF time difference: tHYSt =tONt tHYS2 = tON2 tHYS3 = tON3 tHYS4 = tON4 - - Typical i I Unit I J.1S Max. 60 140 60 140 90 200 400 1200 30 60 IlS 40 70 J.1S 7 20 J.1S 7 20 J.1S J.1S J.1S 1 J.1S 53 130 J.1S 29 53 130 J.1S 30 60 190 190 360 12000 I I IlS J.1S tOFF3 tOFF4 tOFFt tOFF2 8-23 MB3807A • AC SPECIFICATION TEST DIAGRAM • Measurement Conditions o DLY (OPEN) Vee SWIN1 ENO SWIN2 SWOUT GND A: Load resistance • TIMING DIAGRAM • ON-time and OFF-time Waveforms ~ ..••..•:••.•..•..•...............•....•......•••...•....•.............. :~~-~~.~ Vee EN1 : 10% ;~~-----------------OV . . ~:;,..,..,....,..,.....--.......,~~~~ ~·t· w .............. Vee ENO 10% ' - - - - - - - OV SWOUT(SW1) SWOUT{SW2) ov Note: The ENO/EN1 rise and fall times (10 %, 90 %) are each 1 ms or less. ____________________________________________________________ 8-24~ ~ (Continued) MB3807A (Continued) :~9~0~o/c~o------------------------------- Vee EN1 ~-----' .............................................................................. ov . tr . :+--+: : ------~----------------+---~90~% ~ :r-:9~0-=-%~-- Vee ENO OV SWOUT(SW1) ___-----, ......................................................................... =: VSWIN2 III SWOUT(SW2) ---------------- 0 V Note: The ENO/ENl rise and fall times (10 %.90 %) are each 1 ms or less 8-25 MB3807A • APPLICATION r 3.3V 5.0V ~ H ~ .., --" - v MB3802 I PCMCIA card slotA ~ A:VPpJ 12.0V E Icontroller PCMCIA I ~ ~ MB3807A PCMCIA card slot B t'-.. ~ v '-MB3802 8-26 MB3807A • TYPICAL CHARACTERISTIC CURVES ON resistance (SW1) ON resistance (SW2) 10 400 a .5. Vee: 3.0 V Vee= 5.0 V Isw= 500 rnA ~ Vee = 5.0 V -------------------~-----------.----- 9 u c: ~ Vec= 3.0 V ; Isw: 100 rnA --- ---. -- j' ------ .. -~- -- ------t-- -------1- --- -- --- -:-- ---- --- 350 I\) 'iii , 8 . ., .,,, , ---- -- ----- - ~- ------ ---- ---- --- - -~- ---- ------------ --- , , 300 - ........ --- .. ~ - .............. - .:., - ................ ~, .................. ~-, ................. :., ................ .. 250 .... __ .... ___ ~_ . ___ ._ . _.... __ .... ___ . t._ .......... _..... _..... _____ ~ ........ ___ A. 7 z 0 .c 1:l 'j en 6 200 4 10 9 11 12 14 13 15 3 Switching voitage (SWIN2) (V) ON resistance (temperature dependence characteristic: SWIN1) 450 Vee = 3.0 V -Vee = 5.0 V 400 : ! ~~~~~ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~: ~ _~_~~:~I!_____ _~~_ ~ _ _ ___ 350 Ta = +75°cj___ ' , 6 4 Switching voitage (SWIN1) (V) ON resistance (temperature dependence characteristic: SWIN2) 7.5, , ; g 3.0 V --VSWINZ;- 12 V Vee = 7.0 ----.---------L-------------~------- Vee = 5.0 V 6.5 ---------------~--------------:-------------.~--------------- !! , : : III _ , -_._----.------., ---_ ................., -----_ .... -.---_ ...., _---_.-------- 300 .;------~ 250 ·--ta;.-:.:250~~---------!--------------i--------------- 200 ---------------'.--------------.------------- __ J?,::=:W~~I-~---------!--------------~--------------- 5.0 , , Ta=-40°d,/ 150 4.0 110 200 400 300 500 40 20 Isw(rnA) ; ,.... ~ Vee = io V - - • ---------------;---------------i-------Vee= 5.0 V , , .g ~ .c £ .~ en Vee = V---------,----------:----------;---------,----.-----:---------- 30 ----- --. -~--- -------. ----- ----: --- -- -- --~--- -------~ --------- 10.5 ~ ~ (5 28 S a. S 26 c::: 24 Q) > 9.5 z 0 5.0 32 10.0 III 'iii 34 -- I\) u c: 100 80 Charge pump output voltage ON resistance (temperature dependence characteristic: SWIN2 ) 11.5 11.0 60 Isw(rnA) o 9.0 a. >....J o 8.5 8.0 7.5 : - •... -_ . •. • _.: . 1···-·-··1 18 20 40 60 Isw(rnA) 80 100 9 10 12 11 13 14 Switching voltage (SWIN1)(V) 15 8-27 (Continued) MB3807A (Continued) Charge pump driving current Charge pump driving current 150 600 Vee =3.0 V -.:. Vee = 5.0 V Isw= 100m A < a c: ~ 500 . ----Ta-~-~ooC'~ U OJ t: .s; ~ Ta=-25°C : ----- 0. E -".--' .. - - : ~ __ ~ Ta=+25°C ---.~--------:------- .. --~-;-----------.-----.-- 50 Q) ~ --;::,.~--:----- .. --:;:;~.f.;;-?~~'--- 400 ::J 0. ca . .. -- .. -.. --------: .... ~~~;;:_. -_ 100 ::J : ia = +75°C 4 5 300 .c: U o 200 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 3 Switching voltage (SWIN1) (V) Switch OFF time (SW1) Switch ON time (SW1) 80 SWIN1 =12V : Isw= 0.5 A 'iii' Q) 60 50 40 40 _ .. - 60 0 --------------------~-------------------~------.------------- 50 - -- - _ ............ - - - - -- _ .. -!",. -_ .. -- - _ .... -- _ ...... - - - ~- -- -- --- -- -_ ...... - -_ .. 70 ~ u. u. z o ., .,, 80 a a : : SWIN1 .. 12 V ---- -,- -------- -- -.':- ---- ---- --- --------;--lsw;'; U~5- P\' ---- 90 --------------------~-------------------~-------------------- 'in ~ 100 i 70 6 Switching voltage (SWIN2) (V) -_ .. ---- -- --- -- - -.:.. -- ... _ ..... .. -- .. _ ... _. ~- -. --.. -_ .. _ .... --- -- --, , . . .. _ - - _ .. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - _ . - • • _ .. _ - - - - , - - - - - _ . _ .. _ - - _ _ _ _ a _ A . , 30 --------------------'--------_.-. 20 --_ .. -- ---- ----------:-- .. - - -- - _.- .. ---- ... -- .. -- -- --- - .. ------ -_.. -~ _ 10 3 4 5 6 4 3 Supply voltage (Vcc) (V) 5 6 Supply voltage (Vcc) (V) Switch ON time (SW2) Switch OFF time (SW2) 600 20 : Isw= 100 rnA Isw= 100m A . --.-----------------,... _-----------------,.-------.. --------- 500 15 --------------------~---------.---------;- .. ----.-----------. Ii) a ~ z o SWIN2 = 3.0 V .. - . - . - . ----- . - . -- -.:.. . - -- _.. - -_. - ----- . -- ~ --- -- -. ---- . - . - . -. - - 300 Q) ~ 10 u. u. 0 . - . --- A:. -- -.. ---.. -. ---.... ~ -. ----- --. - 200 SWIN2 =5.0 V ' ...... _- ... '" -.. -------------- ....-:-"::-... --~..:;,_------"--- ... --- .. 5 ---'-- 100 '-- --- SWIN2 o 3 8-28 = 5.0 V o 4 5 Supply voltage (Vcc) (V) 6 3 4 5 6 Supply voltage (Vcc) (V) ~----------------------------------------~--------------------------------~ MB3807A • ORDERING INFORMATION Part number M83807APF Package Remarks 16 pin Plastic SOP (FPT-16P-M04) II 8-29 MB3807A • PACKAGE DIMENSION 16 pin Plastic SOP (FPT-16P-M04) ~= = = INDE= X~~Fl Lb:;=O;:+:;:=/=:;::;:=;::::;:==:;::;:::::::;=:;::::;::;;:::::::;::; l,l.271.050)TVP .'ijOO~ .' ',O.45iO.10 1$100 13( 005) (.018±.004)· . . .' ~ I .: YOI0.10(.004)1 g , 5.40:g~ ,6;r (.213::::) ~I "0.15:g:: (.006::') 0.50±0.20 (.020±.008) ---------------I : Details of "A" part J ........ . I I --------------- @ 8-30 1994 FUJITSU UMITED Fl60125-4C-4 Dimensions in mm (inches) SECTION 9 Application Notes and Articles - At a Glance Application Notes Page Number 9-3 Title Fujitsu Prescalers and Phase-Locked Loops for VHF and UHF Frequency Synthesis Technical Articles Page Number Title 9-35 Resonator-Type Low-Loss Filters 9-43 Land S Band Low-Loss Filters using SAW Resonators II 9-1 9-2 OJ March 1991 Edition 2.0 APPLICATION NOTE FUJITSU Prescalers and PLLs I Fujitsu Prescalers and Phase-Locked Loops for VHF and UHF Frequency Synthesis A Tutorial with Selection Guides Fujitsu Microelectronics, Inc. Field Applications Engineering Copyright© 1991 by Fujitsu Microelectronics, Inc. Abstract This Application Note includes a broad introduction to the relevant high frequency synthesis theory and its application areas, a description of prescaler and phase-locked loop (PLL) components, and guidelines for selecting and designing with Fujitsu's extensive selection of prescaler and PLL Ie products. D 9-3 Copyrighl© 1991 Fujitsu Microelectronics, Inc., San Jose, California All Rights Reserved. Circuit diagrams using Fujitsu products are included to illustrate typical semiconductor applications. Information sufficient for construction purposes may not be shown. The information contained in this document has been carefully checked and is believed to be reliable. However, Fujitsu Microelectronics, Inc. assumes no responsibility for inaccuracies. The information conveyed in this document does not convey any license under the copyrights, patent rights or trademarks claimed and owned by Fujitsu Limited, its subsidiaries, or Fujitsu Microelectronics, Inc. Fujitsu Microelectronics, Inc. reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. No part of this publication may be copied or reproduced in any form or by any means, or transferred to any third party without prior written consent of Fujitsu Microelectronics, Inc. This document is published by the Publications Department, Fujitsu Microelectronics, Inc., 3545 North First Street, San Jose. California. U.S.A. 95134-1804; U.S.A. Printedjo the U.S.A. Edition 1.1 9-4 Contents Introduction ........................................................................... . PLL Tuning Systems .................................................................... . What is a PLL? .......................................................................... 3 Frequency Synthesis With PLLs and Prescalcrs .............................................. 4 The Pulse Swallow Method ............................................................... 6 A description of the pulse swallow method is as follows: .............................. 6 Stand-alone PLLs and Integrated PLLs ..................................................... 7 Selecting the Right PLL IC ................................................................ 9 Selecting A PLL ........................................................................ 10 Width of the counters ............................................................ 10 Selecting the N and A counters ......................................... . . . . . . . . . .. 10 PLL Counter Selection Guide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 11 A Practical Example: Selecting the PLL IC for an FM Receiver ................................ 11 Example ........................................................................ 11 Programming of the counters ..................................................... 12 Set-up and switching times of the counters and modulus control logic ....... . . . . . . . . . .. 12 Positive or negative edge triggering of counters ..................................... 12 Phase detector .................................................................. 13 Charge pump ............... , ... " ............ " ................................ 14 Charge pump waveforms and fr and fv ....................................... " .... 15 4-bit Microcontrollers with PLLs .................................................... " .... 15 What is a Prescaler? ............................................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 16 Dual modulus prescalers ......................................................... 17 Single modulus prescalers ........................................................ 17 Microwave Prescalers ............................................................ 18 Stand-alone Prescaler Application ......................................................... 18 Selecting the Right Prescaler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 19 Toggling speed .................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 19 Termination resistor internal/external .............................................. 20 Stability of Vout ................................................................. 21 Flexibility of the input voltage ..................................................... 21 EeL level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 21 Flexibili ty of Vee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 21 9·5 Contents (Continued) Modulus set-up time ............................................................ 21 Input impedance and reactance .............................................. . . . .. 21 Smith chart. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 21 Packaging .................................................................... " 22 Signal propagation delay through the prescaler ..................................... 24 Balanced inputs ...................................................... , .......... 24 Output duty cycles .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 24 Power dissipation ............................................................... 24 Conclusion ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 25 References ............................................................................ 27 Books ......................................................'................... 27 Articles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 27 9-6 Illustrations Figures Page 1. A Typical Heterodyne FM Receiver Tuned to the 88.1 MHz Signal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2 2. A Typical Heterodyne (Audio) Sender. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3 3. A Basic PLL Configuration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3 4. Frequency SynthesiS with a Programmable Counter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5 5. Prcscalcr Accommodating for a Slow Program Counter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5 6. Pulse Swallow ................................................................... 6 7. System Blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7 8. Fujitsu's Integrated PLL ICs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7 9. Varactor Diode in a VCO or a VCXO ................................................ 8 10. A Varactor Diode Acting as a Voltage-controlled Variable Capacitance ................... 9 11. PLL Program Counter Triggered by OppoSite Edge .................................. 13 12. PLL Program Counter Triggered by Same Edge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 13 13. Active Low Pass Filter ............................................................ 14 14. External Charge Pump Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 15 15. Frequency Division .............................................................. 16 16. Selection Guide to the Fujitsu Bipolar Prcscaler Family ............................... 18 17. A Stand-alone Application of a Prescaler: Clock Rate Reduction ....................... 18 18. Input Signal Amplitude Versus Input Frequency for MB509 Dual Modulus Prescaler ..... 20 19. Smith Chart Constant Resistance .................................................. 22 20. Smith Chart Constant Reactance ................................................... 22 21. Input Impedance of Fujitsu's MB501 L Dual Modulus Prescalcr as a Function of Frequency Shown on a Smith Chart ................................................ 23 Tables Page 1. Fujitsu's Low Power CMOS PLLs ................................................... 9 2. Fujitsu's Super PLLs ............................................................. 10 3. Fujitsu Prescalers ................................................................ 25 9-7 Introduction Phase-locked loops (PLLs) and prescalers are used for synthesizing and controlling frequencies in a multitude of high frequency systems. These systems range from radio and television broadcasting, cellular phones, computer local area networks (LANs), and measurement instrumentation to satellite and microwave systems. Dedicated PLL integrated circuits (ICs) are manufactured in CMOS technology and typically operate in the 20-30 MHz range (maximum). Prescalers manufactured in bipolar ECL or GaAs technologies are considered interface les that allow the relatively slower PLLs to accurately control and select frequencies well into the microwave range (> 1 GHz). Fujitsu manufactures a broad range of high frequency telecommunication ICs that includes prescalers, PLLs, integrated PLLs, as well as microcontrollers with onboard PLL and prescaler circuits. PLL Tuning Systems Tuning of telecommunication senders and receivers is, by far, the largest application area for today's PLLs and prescalers. High frequency PLLs have largely replaced older methods such as direct tuning an RC or LC oscillator to the desired local oscillator frequency. At the expense of a quantized (instead of a continuous frequency) resolution, PLLs and the so-called digital tuning circuits into which they are incorporated provide a cheaper, faster, more compact and reliable solution to tuning circuitry. The fact that PLLs only allow selection of frequencies in discrete steps, rather than over a continuous range, is not a concern because the available frequencies (for airwaves, long distance telephone cables, satellites, microwave links, ISDN etc.) are heavily regulated and limited to preassigned channel frequencies. The frequency position and spacing between channels depends on the physical carrier medium and the program material involved. For example, U.S. airwaves regulations of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) specify that: 9-8 March 1991 Fujitsu Microelectronics, Inc. Prescalers and PLLs Tutorial and Selection Guide AM radio must be broadcast at 530, 540, 550 to 1610, or 1620 kHz FM radio must be broadcast at 87.9, 88.1 to 107.7, 107.9 MHz TV (channels 2~9) must be broadcast at 55.25, 61.25, 67.25, 77.25, 83.25 to 795.25, 801.25 MHz. These frequencies represent the center frequencies of each channel. The spacing of 10KHz between assigned AM channels, 200 kHz between assigned FM channels, and 6 MHz between assigned TV channels reflects the progressively higher bandwidths necessary for FM and lV. Other regulated frequencies worth mentioning within the VHF (30 - 300 MHz) and UHF (300 MHz - 3 GHz) bands include: 46/49 MHz for cordless telephones, 800-900 MHz for cellular phones (also known as land mobile radio services), 0.1-1.5 GHz for cable lV and >2 GHz for emerging DigitallV standards and Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN). Fujitsu prescalers and PLL les are appropriate for most of these applications. Figure 1 shows a superheterodyne FM broadcast receiver and some of the involved spectra and frequencies. For an example, let us examine the steps involved in tuning to the FM station at 88.1 MHz. MM ~ ... ,J,., 87.9 88.1 88.3 107.7 / AL~D 107.9 MHz AlA ,J.., •..~ rt!'r 10.5 10.7 10.9 "MHz ,/ " floc Local Oscillator •. 98.8 MHz fe= 10.7 MHz ~ ~ 150 kHz Figure 1. A Typical Heterodyne FM Receiver Tuned to the 88.1 MHz Signal The antenna is exposed to a multitude of transmission frequencies. In order to retrieve the desired signal, s~veral stages of amplification and progressive selective filtration must be applied. In FM broadcasting each radio station is allowed to use up to 150 kHz around the assigned center frequency. Since the spacing 9-9 Prescalers and PLLs Tutorial and Selection Guide March 1991 Fujitsu Microelectronics, Inc. between the assigned channels is 200 kHz, this leaves a 50-kHz wide isolation gap betweei't the stations to avoid a spectral overlap. Thus, a lSO-kHz wide filter can be used in the final stage to isolate the desired station from all the others. Accurate tuning of such a narrow filter over the 20-MHz wide FM frequency range is not an easy task. To achieve accurate tuning, the filter is kept at a constant frequency, the so-called Intennediate Frequency (IF), and the desired radio signal is shifted in frequency to fall exactly within the filter passband. 10.7 MHz is the broadly used value for IF in commercial FM tuners. The antenna signal is converted to a lower frequency by mixing (or heterodyning) with an appropriately chosen local oscillator frequency floc. A PLL is employed for synthesizing floc. In order to place the desired radio station (originally located at fin) exactly at the center of the IF bandpass filter, the PLL frequency f,oc must be set so that IF = f,oc - fjn. In other words, to tune to the 88.1 MHz signal, a floc of 88.1+ 10.7 MHz =98.8 MHz is necessary. Tuning to another signal is accomplished by selecting a different floc. An appropriate FM demodulator working at the IF provides the final restoration of the original signal. On the sender side (see Figure 2) the sequence is reversed: a modulated IF signal is mixed with the local frequency oscillator up to the appropriate channel-frequency and broadcast. Modulator (FM, AM, TV etc.) Local Oscillator Figure 2. A Typical Heterodyne (AudiO) Sender Near-ideal PSK, PM, or FM demodulators can be implemented with PLLs as well as local oscillators. What is a PLL? A PLL is a control loop consisting of a phase detector (PO), low pass filter (LPF), voltage controlled oscillator (VeO), program counter(s), and, as necessary, single- or dual-modulus prescalers. (Sec Figure 3.) Figure 3. A Basic PLL Configuration The output of the PO is a voltage indicating the phase difference between its two inputs. 9·10 Pre scalers and PLLs Tutorial and Selection Guide March 1991 Fujitsu Microelectronics. Inc. The LPF smooths the PO output and determines the dynamic performance of the loop. The dynamic performance includes general servo loop issues, such as the capture and lock ranges, the noise suppression bandwidth and the transient response. When the loop is out of lock, the PO voltage changes the frequency of the veo in a direction that reduces the phase difference between the input signal and the local oscillator signal. When the loop is locked, the signals at both inputs are in phase and have the same frequency. Generally speaking, the output of the veo is considered the desired PLL output. It should be mentioned, however, that in some instances fo = N • fret A reprogramming of liN" by +1 or -1 will result in selection of a new output frequency with channel separation of fret. The scheme of Figure 4, although attractive in its simplicity, is only applicable to output frequencies below 40 MHz, since higher VCO frequencies will exceed the program counter's toggling rate. Figure 5 shows a widely used remedy to the high frequency problem: a 11M prescaler is inserted in the feedback loop as a buffer between the VCO and the program counter. This lowers the program counter's input frequency to foutlM instead of fout. f=iretlR ire! Prescaler +M f out = tL.!.M.x f ref R Figure 5. Prescaler Accommodating for a Slow Program Counter Figure 5 also shows a reference frequency divider, l/R, inserted in the reference frequency path to allow more flexibility in output frequency programming. Without the reference frequency divider, the presence of the prescaler would result in broadening the channel separation to M • fret- A resolution of fref is maintained by setting R equal to M. In many cases, the scheme of Figure 5 is a satisfactory solution, with one drawback. Compared to Figure 4, the operational frequency of the phase detector is lowered by the prescaling factor M. A lowered PO frequency necessitates use of a narrower low-pass filter to suppress spurious output signals from the phase detector at the comparison frequency and its harmonics. Especially in very high frequency synthesizers, where the divide ratio of the prescaler becomes substantial, the loop's lock-in and switching speed characteristics will be severely degraded as a result of narrowing the lowpass filter. 9-12 March 1991 Fujitsu Microelectronics. Inc. Prescalers and PLLs Tutorial and Selection Guide The Pulse Swallow Method The widely used "multi-modulus division", also known as pulse swallowing (see Figure 6), offers a solution to previously mentioned problems. This method employs two programmable counters and a dual modulus prescaler inside the loop. (For simplicity the reference frequency divider is not shown.) fret PD Program counter 1/N Dual Modulus Prescaler 11M & 1/(M+1) f olA =(N x M + A) X fta( Modulus Control Logic FIgure 6. Pulse Swallow A description of the pulse swallow method is as follows: N must be larger than A (N)A). The dual modulus prescaler is initially set to divide by M+l. After "A" pulses out of the prescaler, the swallow counter is full and changes the prescaler modulus to M. After additional (N-A) pulses out of the prescaler, the program counter changes the prescaler modulus back to M;.l, restarts the swallow counter and the cycle repeats. In this way each cycle of the liN counter is a result of: A • (M+1) + (N-A) • M =N • M+A cycles of the f pit· In other words: f ",,/ = (N. M + A) • fret Since M is multiplied by N, but not A, the frequency will change by fret when A is changed by 1. In this way both the channel separation and the PD frequencies are maintained at fre! to provide for an uncompromised loop performance. 9-13 Prescalers and PLLs Tutorial and Selection Guide March 1991 Fujitsu Microelectronics, Inc. As previously mentioned, more complex variations of the multi-modulus theme include: NfN+Z prescalers (as in MBS08 with 128/130,256/258 and 512/514) and quad-modulus schemes involving multiple· swallow counters and special prescalers. Stand-alone PLLs and Integrated PLLs Figure 7 shows a general purpose high frequency synthesizer and the functional blocks. These blocks are: the PO, the reference counter, the A and the N counters and modulus control logic. The MB87014, manufactured entirely in CMOS, includes an onboard 180 MHz prescaler. Ir. foul Dual Modulus Prescaler l/M& lI(M+l) Figure 7. System Blocks Advances in recent years in CMOS and BiCMOS (combined ECL and CMOS on one chip) have allowed integration of gigahertz prescalers on the same chip as the PLL. The architecture of these integrated PLL BiCMOS devices is illustrated in Figure 8. foul Dual Modulus Bipolar Prescaler prescaler integrated on chip l/M& 1/(M+l) ,-.--~---------------------------------. Figure 8. Fujitsu's Integrated PLL ICs 9-14 March 1991 Fujitsu Microelectronics. Inc. Prescalers and PLLs Tutorial and Selection Guide Before discussing the blocks on the PLL chip, let us briefly mention the circuits not found on it. As stated earlier, the low~pass filter must yield a good compromise between accommodating the desired noise and switching characteristics on one side and removing spurious components from the phase detector output on the other side. A charge pump output (see Figure 14) from the PLL is provided in most cases, allowing direct connection of an external passive RC filter. The charge pump output is simply a very high impedance output (Zout ~ 400k Q) well suited to drive high-Q resonant circuits found in the VCO. Optionally, an unbuffered PO output is often also made available for connection of custom external active filter configurations. Typical filter bandwidths for frequency syntheSis are 1-10 kHz. The prescaler and the VCO are the only two devices actually operating at the high output frequency foul. The VCO is frequently custom made for a specific application. Some popular oscillator types, in order of decreasing phase and frequency-stability, but increasing frequency coverage and linearity, are as follows: • PLL IC with an on-chip inverter Ibuffer for an external reference frequency oscillator • Voltage controlled crystal oscillator with varactor diode (also known as VCXO) • LC oscillator with a varactor diode • RC muItivibrator A list of crystal oscillator and VCXO manufacturers can be found in reference 11. Charge Pump III VCOorVCXO LPF + Vdc , Co High impedance current source f = ~/L[CO+C(Vdc)) LC luning circuit or Crystal Figure 9. Varactor Diode In a veo or a vexo 9-15 Prescalers and PLLs Tutorial and Selection Guide March 1991 FUjitsu Microelectronics, Inc. Capacitance Varactor Diode Characteristics (DC) Voltage Figure 10. A Varactor Diode Acting as a Voltage-controlled Variable Capacitance Selecting the Right PLL Ie Table 1 lists Fujitsu's family of CMOS PLL ICs and Table 2 lists the BiCMOS integrated PLL ICs. Table 1. Fujitsu's Low Power CMOS PLLs Please refer to the CMOS PLL's section. 9-16 March 1991 FUjitsu Microelectronics, Inc. Presca/ers and PLLs Tutorial and Selection Guide Table 2. Fujitsu's Super PLLs Please refer to the Super PLL's section. Selecting A PLL The specifications to consider when selecting a PLL are as follows: Width of the counters The most significant feature of the various PLL devices (since operating speed is practically the same for all), is the width of their counters. In general, the width (in bits) of the reference counter detennines the frequency resolution (llfchannel =freflR) obtainable from the system. The width of the programmable counter, (lIN> (see Figure 7) and the swallow counter (1/A) detennine the number of channels that can be covered. Fujitsu devices are available with up to IS-bit wide combined program and swallow counters, and I6-bit wide reference counters. Selecting the N and A counters It is easily observed from the dual-modulus equation [fOUl =(N • M+A) • llfchannel] that A need not assume values higher than the prescaler modulus M, since setting A equal to M+X is equivalent to setting A equal to X and increasing N by 1. Hence, all possible channels can be covered in a dual modulus configuration if the programmable swallow counter number (A) is allowed to assume all values from 0 to M-l, where M is the modulus of the M/M+ 1 prcscaler: • O~A~M-1 9-17 Prescalers and PLLs Tutorial and Selection Guide March 1991 Fujitsu Microelectronics, Inc. Under all circumstances the condition N~A must be satisfied: • Nmin = Amar =M-l. To select the right PLL counters for your application, supply the information that is requested in the following guide. PLL Counter Selection Guide 1. Identify maximum and minimum output frequency desired, fout, mllX and fout, min. 2. Select a M/M+l prescaler, so thatfout,max/M can be accommodated by the PLL «20 MHz typically). 3. Identify desired channel spacing(s), 6.fchannel. 4. Let A = 0, then Nmin = fout, min/6.fchilnn£1 and Nmax = fout,max/6.fc}umnel. 5. Verify that Nmin~M-l; if not, select a bigger prescaling modulus and go back to 6. Select an N program counter with enough bit-width to accommodate the value of Nmax • 7. ~<;!p 3. Select an A swallow counter with enough bit-width to accommodate the value M-l; set all higher bits to O. 8. Select the reference frequency divider (R) and a crystal reference frequency so that freflR = d!channel. A Practical Example: Selecting the PLL Ie for an FM Receiver We are going to select the appropriate PLL IC and prescaler for the local oscillator of the superheterodyne FM receiver shown earlier in Figure 1. In order to receive an FM station at fin, the local oscillator must be set to f,oc = fin + 10.7 MHz. For receiving all FM stations, floc has to be selectable between 98.6 MHz and 118.6 MHz in 0.2 MHz steps; that is 101 positions in total. To select a PLL for our example FM Receiver, we used the PLL Selection Guide, supplied the required information (see Example), and selected the appropriate PLL. Example =118.6 MHz =98.6 MHz 1. fout, max 2. Choose the MB503 prescaler (M=16) fout fout, max/M =7.4 MHz < 20 MHz 3. 4. 6.fchannel = 0.2 MHz Nmin = fout,min/6.fchilnnel = 493 Nmax 9-18 =fout,max/6.fchannel = 593 5. Nmax > 16, OK 6. Nmax of 593 requires a 10-bit wide N-countcr March 1991 Fujitsu Microelectronics, Inc. Prescalers and PLLs Tutorial and Selection Guide 7. Amax of 15 requires the following: • A 4-bil wide (swallow) counler • Eilher an MB8700 1A or an MB87006A • 8. ChooseMB87001A Choose an fre/of 3.2 MHz and set the R-counter to 16 to yield flfchanneI =0.2 MHz Programming of the counters In order to preserve board spacc, all Fujitsu PLLs have scrially programmable counters. The divisor values are fed through a serial pin to a shift register and latched-in with a control pulse. This allows 16-pin packaging to be used for all devices. Set-up and switching times of the counters and modulus control logic These delays are important and can become a limiting factor, especially when operating in pulse swallow mode. When the circuit has counted down so that the N program counter is full, the whole counter system is reset. The reset function must be completed within the next cycle of the M/M+1 prescaler or, treset < M/!out,max Where treset equals the sum of propagation delays through the A and N counters, frxo, low when fret < foco and high-impedance state when fret =jrx:o. This output can be connected directly to an active or passive external filter. The MB87014 provides an inverted charge pump output as well. The charge pump output is derived from two flip-flops out of the phase detector, 4>r and 4>v. In the case of MB87006A, MB87014 and the MB870861 when the loop is unlocked, the appropriate output terminal, 4>r or 4>v, pulls low to indicate which of the two inputs fret or fvco is at a higher frequency. The signals 4>r and 4>v would normally be considered an intermediate result; however, they are also made accessible on two output terminals allowing construction of an external charge pump. A charge pump combines the two digital outputs (4)r and 4>v) into one output. (See Figure 13.) The external configuration shown here also directly implements the lowpass filter. Note that due to different polarity assignments, this configuration is not appropriate for MB87001A, 87073,87076, and the integrated PLLs. Also n()te that often a large resistor is inserted following the op-amp output to increase the output impedance. PO loVCO Figure 13. Active Low Pass Filter A fast external charge pump implementation appropriate for the MB87001A, 87073,87076 PLLs, les, and an integrated PLL is shown in Figure 14. The 4>r and 4>v outputs on these devices are of the open-drain type. (The rest of the PLL family provides push-pull outputs for 4>r and 4>v.) 1Note thai the remaining Fujitsu PLL ICs (MB8700IA, 87073, and 87076), as well as the single-chip PLL/prescalerfami- Jy (MB 15(0), have a different phase detector design and a different truth table for 4>r and 4>v: 4>r 4>v fr> fv Low Low fr = fv Low High-Impedance fr < fv High High-Impedance The cp-outputs of these devices are open drain. An external charge pump allows use of faster transistors or op-amps (higher slew rates) and may offer improvement in lock-in performance. 9-21 March 1991 Fujitsu Microelectronics. Inc. Prescalers and PLLs Tutorial and Selection Guide Vp (5-BV) "'--J'V'v\..r---'~ To lPF Ground Figure 14. External Charge Pump Example Charge pump waveforms and ~r and ~v As previously mentioned, in the case of MB87006A, 87014 and 87086 (see footnote 1 on the preceeding page), when the loop is unlocked, the appropriate output terminal, cpr or cpv, pulls low to indicate which of the two inputs fret or foco is at a higher frequency. This active terminal, ~r or ~v, will not stay at a steady low but will occasionally toggle to a high state. Basically, its output provides a pulse-width modulated representation of the frequency difference between the inputs. When the loop is in lock, ~r and ~v will both be in the "high" state. However, synchronously with the phase comparison frequency, a short spurious negative pulse will occur at both outputs. The same pulse anomalies will also appear on the output from the internal charge pump. One of the tasks of the loop lowpass filter is to remove all spurious signals (pulses) from the PO output. The loop filter bandwidth must, therefore, always be below the phase comparison frequency. Conversely the phase comparison frequency should be kept as high as possible. 4-bit Microcontrollers with PLLs Fujitsu also offers a family of 4-bit microcontrollers, the MB88560 family with an on-chip PLL.The MB88560 family consists of two 4-bit CMOS microcomputers: the MB88561 with a liquid crystal display (LCD) controller I driver and the MB88562 with a vacuum fluorescent display (VFD) driver. Both devices contain 21 I/O lines, an 8-bit timer I counter, an AID converter with 6-bit resolution, display drivers, and a PLL with prescalers suitable for all broadcast and shortwave frequencies. Each device has independent AM (up to 32 MHz) and FM (up to 120 MHz) inputs. Up to 4 K by 8-bit ROM space and 256 K by 4-bit static RAM space is available on-chip. Both chips allow extremely compact designs of car radjos, personal stereos, personal communication equipment, etc. 9-22 March 1991 Fujitsu Microelectronics. Inc. Presca/ers and PLLs Tutorial and Selection Guide A two-part MB88560 design guide and a demo board are both available from Fujitsu. What is a Prescaler? A prescaler is an integrated circuit that divides the frequency of an incoming signal by an integer M (see Figure15). The divisor, M, is called the Modulus. Internally, a prescaler is a specialized ripple counter, which counts incoming pulses and performs one output cycle for every M received input cycle. If M is an even number the output is toggled following every M/2 input pulse. For M odd, one of the toggles is delayed an extra input cycle (e.g., 6 input pulses for output high and 5 input pulses for output low for M =11). In: 14 Tin ~I •••• Out: I~ ~I Figure15. Frequency Division There are distinct differences between prescalers and general purpose divide-by-N counters. We will refer to the latter as program counters and substitute the letter N when referring to them for the remainder of this text. Prescalers are comparatively simple devices. They contain a minimal amount of logic (less than approximately 100 gates) and offer a few, well chosen modulus numbers. This streamlined architecture allows implementation in the fastest bipolar and GaAs technologies without excessive power consumption or expense. For example, the MB510 dual modulus prescaler from Fujitsu offers a choice of four divide ratios III (128, 144,256 and 272). Manufactured in 0.8 Jlm bipolar technology, this B-pin device is ECL compatible, accepts input frequencies up to 2.7 GHz, and dissipates only 0.05 watts of power. Program counters, on the other hand, contain a fair amount of programming and decoding logic in order to allow a wide selection of N (any value of N between 0 and 2q_l is made selectable using a q-bit wide program input). The relatively high internal gate count generally limits program counters to TTL or CMOS technology with toggling speeds of less than 40 MHz. The important point to be made is that there is no need to make program counters faster, or prescalers more programmable. The distinction between the two types of devices is intentional. Once the frequency is brought down sufficiently by a prescaler, so')histicated frequency manipulation is performed with CMOS program counters and a PLL. Prescalers are generally classified as either single or dual modulus. 9-23 March 1991 FUjitsu Microelectronics. Inc. Prescalers and PLLs Tutorial and Selection Guide Dual modulus prescalers Dual modulus prescalers allow a very rapid transition from a divide-by-M mode to a divide-by-M+l mode (e.g., from 64 to 65); hence, they are often also called M/M+ 1 prescalers (64{65). [n conjunction with PLLs and the pulse swallow method (discussed on page 14), dual modulus prescalers allow finer frequency resolution than single modulus prescalers. Single modulus prescalers Single modulus prescalers are fixed, or semi-fixed dividers that only divide by a fixed number M. A semifixed single modulus prescaler allows a choice of more than one modulus (e.g., 32,64 and 128), but is not necessarily optimized for fast switching between moduluses, and the modulus choices are not spaced one apart. Less common varieties of prescalers include: • M/M+Z (where Z:# 1) dual modulus prescalcrs • Four modulus prescalers • Decimal single modulus prescalcrs Figure 16 shows Fujitsu's bipolar prescaler Ies. 9-24 March 1991 Fujitsu Microelectronics. Inc. Prescalers and PLLs Tutorial and Selection Guide Please refer to the Quick Section Guide In the front of this data book. Figure 16. Selection Guide to the Fujitsu Bipolar Prescaler Family Microwave Prescalers Microwave prescalers manufactured in GaAs technology are available from specialized vendors, including Fujitsu. The microwave prescalers have frequencies above 3 GHz (microwave range) and toggle speeds of up to 10 GHz. The cost of GaAs parts, however, is considered high when compared to Eel bipolar parts. Stand-alone Prescaler Application Prescalers can be used as stand-alone components without a PlL. A stand-alone application does not involve feedback of signals around the prcscaler. The most common stand-alone application for a prescaler is in digital clock distribution networks, where a prescaler simply reduces an incoming clock rate and distributes it to slower analog or digital circuitry. (See Figure17.) frel foul =frel 1M Figure 17. A Stand-alone Application of a Prescaler: Clock Rate Reduction 9-25 March 1991 Fujitsu Microelectronics, Inc. Prescalers and PLLs Tutorial and Selection Guide Prescalers offer several advantages as stand-alone clements. For example, consider an appiiCation that requires a high quality I-MHz reference signal. For this application, a straightforward, high quality I-MHz crystal oscillator might seem the most obvious choice; however, the highest quality will be achieved with a higher frequency reference signal (10 MHz) followed by a prcscaler (1 /10). This application is preferred because of the following reasons: • Crystal resonators with higher oscillation frequency tend to have smaller dimensions, shorter oscillation stabilization times and narrower characteristic variations. • A prescaler will clean up the incoming high frequency signal in two ways: - It will totally remove variations in the amplitude noise (amplitude envelope of the incoming sig- nal), since its output amplitude is independent of the input. - It will reduce the phase noise (jitter of zero-crossings) of the incoming signal by approximately a factor of M since its output only switches synchronously with one out of every M/2 input pulses. The above reasons apply up to a certain point, or as long as the prescaling factor is moderate. The frequency of the crystal should not be increased to the point where RF shielding or board layout has to be changed. Increasingly small dimensions or the price of the crystal can also become a problem. Numerous digitalISI ICs take advantage of the beneficial properties of prescaling; e.g., they have onboard prescalers that allow a direct connection of high frequency crystal docks to slower internal logic. For example, Fujitsu's line of 4-bit microprocessors offers a built-in, divide-by-2 prescaler as a recommended option. This option allows the user to drive the 2-MHz internal logic with a 4-MHz crystal rather than a 2-MHz crystal. With this option, the 4-MHz crystal clock will tum on and be fully operational (as well as recover from any external disturbances) in half the time required for a 2-MHz crystal. Selecting the Right Prescaler To select the appropriate prescaler, first determine the necessary modulus choices and input toggling speeds. Toggling speed One should be aware that a I-GHz (fin,max typically) prescaler does not abruptly stop functioning when fed frequencies above 1 GHz. The I-GHz prescalcr will typically require higher input levels to trigger, and it may deliver a smaller output swing, but typically it will function up to a 20-50 percent higher frequency. See Figure 18. These characteristics are important, since frequency switching in a PLL is normally accompanied by a fair amount of overshoot. A VCO intended to stabilize at 1 GHz may reach, for example, 1.4 GHz before settling down. It is important that the loop (including the prescaler) remains functional during that period. Charts like Figure 18 can be helpful in verifying such cases. 9-26 March 1991 Fujitsu Microelectronics, Inc. Prescalers and PLLs Tutorial and Selection Guide Vee E !Xl = 5.0V 10 E Z TA > w 0 = 85°C 0 :::> f- ::i n. :?; ~ ...I ~ -10 Z (!) in f- :::> n. ~ -20 :?; :::> ~ z ~ -30 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 INPUT FREQUENCY fiN (GHz) Figure 18. Input Signal Amplitude Versus Input Frequency for MBS09 Dual Modulus Prescaler Prescalers with higher frequency ratings will typically be associated with higher power dissipation and higher switching noise. For example, measurements of gallium arsenide dividers suggest noise performances 20 to 30 dB worse than for Eel dividers (reference 10). Also note that the input coupling capacitance of a prescaler will limit the lowest useful frequency. Termination resistor internal/external All Fujitsu prescalers, except MB501lV, MB504lV, MB501Sl, MB509, and MB510 have an open emitter output. Typically a 2.2k n resistor to ground for a load capacitance of 12 pF is recommended. By choosing a smaller or a larger external resistor, the prescaler's output can be tailored to drive higher or lower loads, respectively. The prescalers with on-chip termination can drive output load capacitances of up to 8 pF undistorted. A shunt resistance can be added for driving larger loads. In some situations it is desirable to "overdesign" the termination resistor. The limited current driving ability will tend to smooth the output signal, thus reducing its harmonic content and switching noise induced into supply lines. 9-27 March 1991 FUjitsu Microelectronics, Inc. Prescalers and PLLs Tutorial and Selection Guide Stability of Vout One of the purposes of prescaling is to eliminate amplitude modulation from the output of the veo. Therefore, it is absolutely mandatory that the output high and low are stable and guaranteed over a wide range of Vin, VCCI and tempera ture. Flexibility of the input voltage A prescaler should be able to toggle properly with relatively widely varying input voltage levels (anywhere between 0.15 to 2 Vp-p for the Fujitsu MB 504), while maintaining a constant output level. EeL level For most Fujitsu prescalers the maximum allowable input voltage swing is 2 Vp-p. This means that a typical ITl voltage swing of 3 V will overload the prescaler, whereas Eel voltage levels can be accommodated without problems. The outputs of the prescaler are Eel compatible, too. The statement "The outputs are 1.6 V peak on Eel level" found on the data sheet for MB501, 503, 504 etc. means that Fujitsu prescalers do not require negative supply voltages. In this sense they are not "true" Eel devices. Flexibility of Vee A wide operational range of Vee is essential (2.7 V to 4.5 V, 3.0 V typical for MB501 LV), if a prescaler is to be used in a battery-powered system. Most Fujitsu prescalers, except the low voltage (lV-suffix) types which operate from a 3 V supply, operate from a single 5 V supply. The integrated PLls, MB1501 and MB1504, however, operate from a 3 V supply (a higher supply voltage between Vee and 8 V is required for the charge pump circuit). Modulus set-up time The time from application of appropriate voltage to the modulus select pin to appearance of the correctly prescaled waveform at the output is 10-50 ns. As previously discussed in the Pll section, fast modulus set-up times are necessary for correct implementation of the pulse swallow method. Input impedance and reactance Excessive reactance may affect performance of the veo and require buffer circuitry between it and the prescaler. For very high frequencies (> 500 MHz), the input impedance should be given on a Smith chart. The nominal input impedance of Fujitsu's high frequency prescalers is son. Smith chart Signals on a printed circuit board travel at approximately 2/3 the speed of light. This means that at frequencies above 500 MHz, the signal wavelengths become less than 0.4 m and comparable in size to the board itself. At this point, circuit board traces start acting as transmission lines; i.e., the RMS voltage level will vary along the trace unless impedances of the termination and the trace are matched. A Smith chart is a graphical impedance representation widely used in transmission theory. It is a tool allowing an easy assessment of impedance mismatch. 9-28 March 1991 Fujitsu Microelectronics, Inc. Presca/ers and PLLs Tutorial and Selection Guide The chart consists of two sets of circles: the constant resistance circles (see Figure 19) and the constant reactance circles (see Figure 20). The values of these circles are normalized to the characteristic impedance of the system by dividing the actual value of resistance or reactance by the characteristic impedance, for example, in a 50 n system, a resistance of lOOW is normalized to a value of 2.0. A further series of circles may be plotted on the chart; these are the circles of constant voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) and represent the degree of mismatch in the system. The VSWR is the ratio of the device impedance to the characteristic impedance. It is always expressed as a ratio greater than 1 (a 25 n device in a 50 n system gives rise to a 2:1 VSWR). See Figure 21. Packaging All Fujitsu prescalers are available in 8-pin DIP or surface mountable 8-pin plastic flat packages. Space saving and better stray capacitance performance are obtained with surface mounting. CMOS PLLs and BiCMOS integrated PLLs are available in 16-pin DIP and Flatpacks. o Figure 19. Smith Chart Constant Resistance Figure 20. Smith Chart Constant Reactance 9-29 Presca/ers and PLLs Tutorial and Selection Guide March 1991 Fujitsu Microelectronics, Inc. IMPEDANCt. OR ADMITTANC.£ COORDINATES 500 MHz RAOIALL.Y SCALED ""'UM(T[RS 30 • I Note: ; •• ... .. , The nominal lin is 50 Q. Figure 21. Input Impedance of Fujitsu's MBSOl L Dual Modulus Prescaler as a Function of Frequency Shown on a Smith Chart 9-30 Prescalers and PLLs Tutorial and Selection Guide March 1991 Fujitsu Microelectronics, Inc. Signal propagation delay through the prescaler Although a signal delay through the prescaler will affect the lock-in times of the loop, the prescaler is, in this respect, of little importance relative to the loop lowpass filter. Extensive phase shifts between the input and the output of the prescaler may, however, affect the PLL stability. High capacitive loading will typically be the main cause for delays. This situation can be remedied by decreasing the output termination resistor value, thereby improving drive performance. Self-oscillation problems can be caused by poor grounding, lack of decoupling, or cross-talk due to board layout. Fujitsu prescalers are guaranteed to be non-oscillatory under most conditions. Balanced inputs The ability to drive balanced inputs can be beneficial at high frequencies. All Fujitsu prescalers offer complementary inputs. The prescaler outputs, however, are single ended as they are intended to drive singleended PLL inputs. Output duty cycles The output duty cycle should be 50 percent when the modulus is an even number (such as three input clock periods high and three input clock periods low for division with modulus 6). Division by an odd number should cause minimal deviation from 50 percent duty cycle (such as four input clocks high and three input clocks low for division with modulus 7). Rise and fall times are, of course, load dependent and deviations from idealized waveforms will occur. Also, clearly specify which of the output half-cycles (output low or output high) is the one that is extended in the M+l mode of a dual modulus prescaler. Power dissipation Thanks to a proprietary, "third generation," 0.8 J.l.m emitter self-align and polysilicon electrode and resistor (ESPER) manufacturing technology, Fujitsu can offer bipolar prescalers with the most beneficial frequency rating/power dissipation ratio available. See Table 3. 9-31 March 1991 Fujitsu Microelectronics. Inc. Prescalers and PLLs Tutorial and Selection Guide Table 3. Fujitsu Prescalers Please refer to the Prescalers section in the front of this databook. Conclusion For further technical assistance and product information, including updates, please contact your nearest Fujitsu Microelectronics Sales Office. You will find a listing of the offices at the back of this paper. 9-32 Presca/ers and PLLs Tutorial and Selection Guide March 1991 Fujitsu Microelectronics, Inc. References Books 1. Berlin, Howard M. Design of Phase-Locked Loop Circuits, with Experiments. Indianapolis: Howard W. Sams & Co. 1978. 2. Blanchard, Alain. Phase-Locked Loops: Application to Coherent Receiver Design. New York: Wiley-Inter science, 1976. 3. Egan, William F. Frequency Synthesis by Phase Lock. New York: Wiley-Interscience, 1981. 4. Gardner, Floyd M. Phaselock Techniques. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1979. 5. Kinley, Harold. The PLL Synthesizer Cookbook. Blue Ridge Summit: TAB Books, 1980. 6. Kroupa, V.F. Frequency Synthesis. New York: Wiley, 1973. 7 Lindsay, W. C. and M. K. Simon, eds. Phase-Locked Loops and Their Application. New York: IEEE Press, 1978. 8. Manassewitch, Vadim. Frequency Synthesizers. Theory and Design. New York: Wiley, 1976. 9. Plessey Semiconductors. Radio Telecoms IC Handbook. Irvine: Plessy Semiconductors, 1987. 10. Rohde, Ulrich L. Digital PLL Frequency Synthesizers Theory and Design. Englewood Cliffs: PrenticeHall, 1983. Articles 11. Hillstrom, Tim L. "Design method yields low-noise, wide-range crystal oscillators." EDN (March 1988). 12. Onnond, Tom. "Crystal Oscillators." EDN (October 17, 1985). 9-33 9-34 Proc. Int. Syrnp. SAW Devices for Mobile Cornrn., 179-185, 1992 RESONATOR-TYPE LOW-LOSS FILTERS Y. Satoh, O. Ikata, T. Matsuda, T. Nishihara, and T. Miyashita Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd. 10-1 Morinosato-Wakamiya, Atsugi 243-01, Japan 1. Introduction The application of 800-900 MHz SAW filters as RF filters has contributed to the recent miniaturization trend in portable telephone terminals(1)·(2). SAW filters merit attention for their small size and sharp transition-band characteristics, and will find increased application for further reductions in size and power consumption and the higher sensitivity of portable telephone terminals. For example, an antenna duplexer implemented with SAW filters would greatly contribute the size reduction of telephone terminals. The conventional SAW filter's potential to implement these improvements will require work to decrease its insertion loss, obviate an external matching circuit, and increase its power handling ability. These problems are difficult to solve with conventional transversal filters having the interdigitated interdigital transducer (IIDT) structure. From 800 to 900 MHz, the experimental insertion loss limit for IIOT filters is 3 to 4dB with an external matching circuit (1).(2). The input or output impedance of /lOT filters is usually capacitive because of the large number of finger pairs and the high relativepermittivity of substrates such as LiTa03 . Hence, conventional !JOT filters need inductive external matching elements. To overcome these limitations, we investigated the resonator-type SAW filter having a ladder structure similar to the ceramic or crystal filter. This filter can have a low insertion loss and does not require an external matching circiut, but the connection of many resonators increases tuning difficulty and size. Fortunately, these problems are resolvable with high-frequency SAW resonators because their frequency of resonance is controllable in the photolithographic fabrication process, and filter size remains small due to the short period of the lOT at high frequencies. 2. Principles In the basic section of a ladder resonator filter (Figure 1), the impedance of the series-arm resonator (Zs) and the admittance of the parallel-arm resonator (Yp) are given in the following equations, assuming that they include no resistance: Zs Yp = = jXs jBp (1) (2) The variations of Xs and Bp as a function of frequency are graphed in Figure 2. Here, the anti resonance angular frequency of the parallel-arm resonator (map) nearly equals the resonance angular frequency of the series-arm resonator (wrs). 9-35 The image transfer constant (y) of the basic filter section (Figure 1) is expressed with Xs and Bp in the following equation: tan h (y) = ~ Bp.Xs / (Bp.Xs - 1) (3) According to the theory of imageparameter filters, the basic section in Figure 1 shows a passband characteristic when equation 3 has an imaginary number. It does, however, show a stopband characteristic when it has a real number. Therefore, condition o < Bp.Xs < 1 gives the passband, and condition Bp.Xs > 1 or Bp.Xs <0 gives the stopband (Figure 2). The vicinity of center frequency roo ( = OOrs = roap ) results in a passband and both sides out of a passband result in stopbands. Since Xs and Bp nearly equal to zero in the vicinity of the center frequency, the insertion loss is supposed theoretically to be zero and the input/output impedance equal to the line impedance. 3. Simulation We developed a simulation tool for the resonator-type filter based on the Smith's equivalent circuit model(3). We modified its 3 x 3 admittance-matrix expression to a 4 x 4 chain-matrix expression as previously demonstrated(4). The equivalent circuit used in our simulation (Figure 3) includes the electrode resistance R(5). We assumed an electrode line and space ratio of 1:1. In this simulation, we added the following electrode effects to the previous si mulation(2) : (1) Aperture length of lOT: W (2) Thickness of lOT: h The aperture length of lOT W affects static capacitance Co and resistance R of one finger as given from the following equations: Co =Weo ~/2 (4) R = 4 W pol (peh) (5) Here, po = 9 ~ .cm (AI-2% Cu, at 1 GHz) £11 E33: Oielectric tensor components of the substrate p: lOT period 9-36 Fig.1 Basic section of a ladder filter Q) o c: ro E E + .- '0 ~ 0 I-----Ir----::~~l_--­ a. ~ ro c: '6> ro E BpXs _-'1 1.04 • , ,- ..... , ~ -,~ .' , 1.02 1.00 0 4 2 6 8 10 (x 10.2 ) h/A Fig.4 Dependence of tv on hi). , , I ~Dtr±r:fD8D~ CJID CJI 1 1 II Ii o 1 i I I 0 Fig.S Filter structure consisting of three sections (a) en 821 0 ~ -10 .§ ca -20 ::J -30 '\ r::: ~ « -40 -50 850 900 950 1000 Frequency (MHz) (b) 811 (c) 822 Fig.6 Comparison of the simulation (solid lines) and experiment (broken lines) 9-37 the actual center-frequency shift. We then measured the resonant frequency of one port resonator for various thicknesses and derived 'tv under lOT from it. Results are plotted by the solid line in Figure 4. The relationship of 'tv to the thickness under the lOT is obtained experimentally as 'tv = 1 + A + B(h/A) + C(h/A)2 (9) Here, A=0.022, B=0.413, and C= 7.66. We used this relationship for the simulations. In the circuit comparing experimental and simulation results (Figure 5), each basic section is connected alternately to match image-impedances. Bonding wire inductance is about 1.5 nH. The structure had 150 finger pairs, 60 J.1m aperture, and 4.12-J.1m periods in the series-arm resonators, and 40 finger pairs, 160-J.1m aperture, and 4.30-J.1m periods in the parallel-arm resonators. Each SAW resonator had short-terminated reflectors. Results of comparison are shown in Figure 6 when hlA. is 0.073, am is 0.1 X(hlA.) neper/finger, and k2 is 7.5%. We fitted k2 to the band width in passband and am to the insertion loss in the actual device. As shown, we obtained good agreement for three S-parameter sets. 4. Filter design We used a simulation tool developed to investigate design rules for the resonator-type filter. The following parameters were important for controlling filter characteristics: (1) Static capacitance ratio (Cop/Cos) of the parallel-arm resonator(Cop) to the series-arm resonator(Cos) o (2) Static capacitance value for each individual resonator(Cop,Cos) Cop/Cos-10 In designing filters, the static ~ 0.6capacitance is determined by the c -20 product of finger pair number and o aperture length W. .~ -30 :::> First, the static capacitance ratio c (Cop/Cos) controls the insertion loss and ~ -40 stop band rejection --a tradeoff (Figure -< 7). This tendency is the same in a ceramic filter. If filter specifications call for a low insertion loss, we should select the lower value of Cop/Cos; for a high Fig.7 stop-band rejection, we would choose the higher Cop/Cos. We next found that the filter's (b) 11 (a) S21 input/output impedance can be _ 0""'-"--"'--"'-'---"""-' controlled by changing the values of Cop CD ~·10 and Cos, while keeping the value of .§ -20 Cop/Cos constant. Figures 8 to 10 show the variation of S parameters (S21 and ~ -30 S11) when Cop and Cos are increased 2 -40 and Cop/Cos=0.75. Small dotted circles in ~ -50 850 900 950 1000 the Sl1 charts indicate the borderline of Frequency (MHz) r=O.33 (SWR=2.0). When the Sl1 values of the passband are within these circles, Fig.8 S-parameter characteristics th.e filter is in the matching condition. under Cop=1.6 pF and Cos=2.1 pF Figures 8 and 10 show the unmatched m· S 9-38 condition, while Figure 9 shows the matched condition. Therefore, Cop and C os can be combined to optimize impedance matching (the shaded area in Figure 11). Figure11 (a) is for a 933MHz filter and (b) is a 1.S-GHz filter. Optimum values of Cop and Cos exist for al most all practical Cop/Cos values to the matching condition. We considered the matching condition mechanism using a simple model. Since the resonator-type filter is simply expressed by the LC equivalent circuit (see Figure 1), each resonators impedance, Zs and Zp, is given by the following equations, using the symbols from Figure 1, Z5=( ro 2-rors2) / jroCos( ro 2-roas 2 ) (10) (b) (a) 821 _ en S 11 0'--'--"""""'''''''''''-'''''''- ::.!2..·10 .§ -20 ~ ·30 2 « -50 850 -40 900 950 100e Frequency (MHz) Fig.9 S-parameter characteristics under Cop=2.7 pF and Cos=3.6 pF (a) _ en 821 (b) S 11 o,.....,...-~........--~ :2. -10 .§ -20 ~ -30 Zp=(ro2-rorp2) / jroCop(ro2-roap2) (11) 2 -40 where « -50 850 900 950 1000 CDrs =1/ ~ L1s C1S: Frequency (MHz) Resonant angular frequency Fig. 10 S-parameter characteristics of the series-arm resonator under Cop=3.7 pF and Cos=S.O pF CDas = ro rs(1 +C1s/2CosF Antiresonant angular frequency (a) to =933 MHz of the series-arm resonator rorp=1/ ~ L1p C1p: Resonant angular frequency of the parallel-arm resonator Wap=Olrp(1 +C 1p/2Cop)= Antiresonant angular frequency of the parallel-arm resonator For the matching condition of the constant K-type filter, the following relationship must be satisfied: Zs xZp= R2 (12) Cos (pF) As shown in Figure 2, the following (b) to = 1.5 GHz relationships is assumed, COap=rors= roo, roO-rorp=roas-roO 2(00» .1ro, .1ro=(COas-COrp ) /2 (13) where 000 is the center frequency of the filter. From equations 12 and 13, the relationship becomes: R2= 11 (COo 2 Cos Cop) (14) The relationship of equation 14 is plotted by the solid fine in Figures 11 a, and b. Cos (pF) Note that the matching areas shaded Fig.11 Optimum relations between Cop agree well with the equation 14, except and Cos for impedance matching for high Cop/Cos values. 9-39 5. Low-loss RF filter development We designed and fabricated RF filters for portable telephone terminals using the rule we obtained on static capacitance. We used an AI-Cu sputtered film for the electrodes and a 36°y-x LiTa03 crystal for the piezoelectric substrate. As an example, Figures 12 and 13 show the 521 and 5WR characteristic of a 900-MHz filter designed under capacitance conditions of Cop=3.0 pF, Cos=3.2 pF, and Cop/Cos=O.94. For comparison, the same characteristics of a conventional \lOT filter are also shown. Note that the insertion loss of the resonator-type filter is improved by 2 dB and that its SWR is less than 1.9, indicating no need for an external matching circuit. Figures 14 and 15 show the 521 and SWR characteristic of a 1.5-GHz band filter fabricated using an i-line stepper. The capacitance values are Cop=2.26 pF, Cos=1.6 pF, and Cop/Cos=1.4, giving us low-loss characteristics (IL<2.5 dB) and the matched condition (5WR<1.5). These filters are mounted in a 3.8 x 3.8 x 1.5 mm ceramic SMT package (Figure 16). 6. Conclusion We investigated a bandpass filter using 5AW resonators with a ladder structure. To calculate optimum design conditions, we developed a detailed simulation tool __ O~N----~~~~~~ 3.0 .. en ~ -1 0 I----'-----'-~+_~---r--+---I 1 .OL--...l-'--'----'--'--'-'---'---'--J--.I 932 1032 Frequency Fig.12 521 characteristics of 900-MHz filters for portable telephones o 832 932 Frequency (MHz) Fig.13 5WR characteristics of 900-MHz filters fqr portable telephones vt'\ 10 \ \ a: c .,8 -25 ct:l :J C r--.... Q) ~ ~ y.J -50 1. 26 "" C1)5 / II,.. / v \ 1. 66 1. 46 Frequency (GHz) Fig.14 521 characteristics of 1.5-GHz filters for portable telephones 9-40 1 1.26 \. I~ 1.46 1.66 Frequency (GHz) Fig.15 5WR characteristics of 1.5-GHz filters for portable telephones which considered the aperture and electrode thickness. We fabricated 900-MHz and 1.5-GHz bandpass filters as examples, and confirmed that the insertion loss decreased compared to that for conventional IIOT filter, and that the input or output impedance was nearly 50 O. These features will be useful in the development of advanced portable telephone terminals. Fig.16 3.8 x 3.8 x 1.5 mm SMO package Acknowledgements The authors would like to thdnk K. Komenou for his encouragement, N. Wakatsuki for his helpful suggestions, Y. Fujiwara and H. Omori for their supply of SMD packages and many technical supports. References (1) M. Hikita, H. Kojima, T. Tabuchi, and Y. Kinoshita, "800-MHz high-performance SAW filter using new resonant configuration", IEEE Trans. on MIT, vol. MIT33,No.6,p.510, 1985. (2) O. Ikata, Y. Satoh, T. Miyashita, T. Matsuda, and Y. Fujiwara, "Development of a~O-MHz band SAW filters using weighting for the number of finger pairs", 1990 Ultrasonics Symposium, Proceedings, p. 83, 1990. (3) W. R. Smith, H. M. Gerard, and W. R. Jones, "Analysis and design of dispersive interdigital surface-wave transducers," IEEE Trans. on MIT, vol. MIT-20, No. 7, p. 458, 1972. (4) H. Sato, K. Yamanouchi, and K. Shibayama, "Studies on the triple transit echo of acoustic surface wave filter", Paper of Technical Group, JIEICE, US-7325, pp. 1-14, 1973(in Japanese). (5) N. Nakayama, N. Wakatsuki, and M. Nakamura, "Effects of stray capacitance and electrode resistance on the acoustic surface wave transducers", Paper of Technical Group, JIEICE, US-73-48, pp. 1-10, 1973(in Japanese). (6) T. Kojima and H. Hoshi, "Investigation of SAW resonators utilizing energy storage effect", Paper of Technical Group, JIEICE, US-86-21, pp. 61-68, 1986(in Japanese). 9-41 9-42 Land S Band Low-Loss Filters using SAW Resonators T. Matsuda, H. Uchishiba, O. Ikata, T. Nishihara and Y. Satoh FUJITSU LABORATORIES LTD. Akashi, Japan communication network (peN) in Europe around Abstract This paper describes Land S band low-loss filters 1.8 GHz. and wireless LAN system around 2.4 GHz. using one-port SAW resonators in a ladder circuit The filters used in these systems are required to structure. Four kinds of filters were developed. have low-loss. wide band and sharp band edge Three types have a wide frequency band. with characteristics with small package size. The ladder type SAW filters reported previously').2) are suitable fractional bandwidth of about 4%. A 36° y-x LiTa03 substrate was used for these. The last type of filter tor these requirement. has a narrow frequency band. with 0.03% of frequency versus its fractional bandwidth. and fractional bandwidth. and used an ST-cut quartz substrate. To design these ladder type SAW filters, several important factors were considered. the Figure 1 shows the tilter areas which have been realized by using ladder type SAW filters. The 800 MHz filters for use in advanced mobile phone systems (AMPS) were static capacitance of lOT. the period of lOT and film reported in the previous paper'). thickness. For fabrication. i·line stepper and these same techniques are applied to Land S reactive ion etching was used to delineate fine lOT band filters with a wide range of fractional patterns with line and gap width of 0.4 to 0.7 ~m. In this paper. bandwidths. Minimum insertion losses of 2 dB were obtained for the three wide band fifters. The insertion loss ot the narrow band tilter was 6 dB. The input and output impedance of these filters were 50 n. The filters were mounted in 3 mm x 3 mm x 1 mm or 3.B mm x 3.8 mm x 1.5 mm SMT packages. ;? 5 ~ .c -E 3 C as J:l 1. Introduction The spread of the mobile communication systems has increased the demand of SAW filters and this market will extend in the future. In order to accept a large number of subscribers. the 2 (ij worldwide C .E U ....as 00 LL ~ LiTa03 4 i -0 / ~ 800 MHz (AMPS) 1.5 -2.4 GHz tf c Quartz 2 3 Frequency (GHz) frequency band ot mobile communication systems has become higher. The recent increase in data communications has given Figure further impetus to this market. bandwidth. The shaded areas closed by solid line are described in the present paper. For example. the personal digital cellular (PDq in Japan uses the frequency range around 1.5 GHz. personal 1 Filter frequency versus its fractional 9-43 2. Filter specifications Japanese POC, European PCN and wireless LAN were selected as targets for the wide band filter application. These three filters used LiTa03 as a substrate. For the narrow band pass filter application, the timing filter of HOTV was developed by using a quartz substrate. Table 1 shows these tilter specifications. As shown in Table 1, each specification of four systems has a different deSign difficulty. PCN in Europe requires the widest fractional bandwidth of 4.3%. Wireless LAN in Europe requires high stopband rejection with wide bandwidth. HOTV requires the narrowest fractional bandwidth of 0.03%.. 3. The design of wide band-pass filters Figure 2 shows the outline of a one-port SAW, resonator and the these basic ladder circuit structure used. As suggested in the equivalent circuit of Figure 2, the one-port SAW resonator has dual resonance frequencies. In the ladder type filter design, the anti-resonance frequency of the parallel arm resonator nearly coincides with the resonance frequency of the series arm resonator. A number of basic ladder circuits are connected so as to minimize the impedance mismatching as shown in Figure 3. The character L in Figure 3 indicates the inductance of the bonding wire used in the connection to the SMT ceramic package. The resonance frequency of each resonator is designed by the period of lOT. In the design of the ladder type filter, the important factors that effect the filter'S characteristics are described in the following example of the PCN filter design. (1) Resonators' capacitance product (CsCp) When the series arm resonators' static capacitance and the parallel am resonators' SIalic capacitance are symbolized as Cs and Cp respectively, the product of Cp and Cs can control the input and output impedance of the ladder type filters )·2) as the equation. ' CpCs", 1/(~R2) (1) Here, Wo is the center angular frequency of the filter and A is the line impedance which is usually 50 O. This relationship is plotted in Figure 4 for the center frequency (fo) of 1.5 GHz, 1.8 GHz, 2.4 GHz. The higher fo, the smaller the value of CpCs becomes. The static capacitance value is determined by the product of aperture length and finger pair number of lOT. Therefore, the small static capacitance results in the small size of lOT, that is, the small chip size. The ladder type SAW filter is suitable for high frequency filter in view of the package size. Resonator a) A SAW resonator and its equivalent circuit. (b) A basic ladder circuit structure. Figure 2 The outline of a one-port SAW resonator and a basic ladder circuit structure used. Table 1 SAW filter specifications PDCin~ PeN in E.". Cenw T.:, 44' GHz Rx.uallGHz T.:l.7475GHz RI:' 8425 GHz 2.4SGHz 1.4850Hz 7SMHl lOOUHz 400kHz ~ 8andwIdII Inset1IOn lou al baI'dwodIh SIOpband anenualion 9-44 WniessLAN Tinmgfiller IotHOTV inEIoI"Op8 Item 24 MHz 3dB 4dB Sd8 7dB 30 dB 20 dB 40 dB 32 dB Figure 3 A filter structure connecting three basic sections. The character L indicates the inductance of bonding wire. (2) Resonators' capacitance ratio (Cp/Cs) and the number of basic ladder circuits 5 The filters' insertion loss and stopband attenuation 4 CL oS are affected by the ratio Cp/Cs. 3 2 C. Figure 5 shows dependencies of the bandwidth, the stopband 0 °0 3 2 4 Cs (pF) Figure 4 Optimum relations between Cp and Cs for impedance ")atching. attenuation and the minimum insertion loss on Cp/Cs in the frequency range around 1.8 GHz. As shown in Figure 5, if Cp/Cs becomes larger, bandwidth is narrower. The minimum insertion loss didn't change, but the nominal insertion loss averaged over the passband increased. It is necessary for the PCN specification that the stopband attenuation is larger than 20 dB and the bandwidth is wider than 82 MHz over a temperature range of -30 to 70 ac. It is noticed in Figure 5 that both the stopband attenuation and bandwidth 100 N 80 ~ 60 :::J: .t::. i5 i'C e:: CD 40 Bandwidth Slop-band ~ 20 m 0 0.4 0.8 1.0 specifications can't be satisfied together. .com ~ development to solve this problem is described in the later section. JOe:: .2 same characteristics as Cp/Cs. By increasing the 20~ e:: CD 10 := Minimum insertion loss S 0.6 50 et 1.2 A new The number of basic ladder circuits show the number, the stopband attenuation is improved, the insertion loss is increased and the bandwidth becomes narrower. 0 (3) The difference of period, 6."A. CplCs The anti-resonance frequency of the parallel arm Figure 5 Dependence of bandwidth, the stopband attenuation and minimum insertion loss on Cp/Cs in the frequency range around 1.8 GHz. resonator and the resonance frequency of the series arm resonator are controlled by 6."A. which is the difference between lOT periods of the parallel arm resonator and the series arm resonator. The anti-resonance frequency of the parallel arm resonator doesn't need to be equal to the N %: !. eo .c 60 i'C 40 i5 e:: CD m 20 0 0.06 resonance frequency of the series arm resonator. The passband can be extended by increasing 6."A.. 5 100 a.ndwIdth (MHz) ~ /7 0.07 0.08 ~A 0.09 4 3::a: U) 2 1 0.10 (J,Lm) Figure 6 Dependence of band width and SWR on 6."A. in the frequency range around 1.8 GHz. The standing wave ratio (SWR), however, becomes larger by increasing 6."A.. Figure 6 shows dependence of SWR and bandwidth on 6.). in the frequency range around 1.8 GHz. When the limit of SWR is less than 2.0, the bandwidth is limited to 70 MHz which is insufficient for the PCN specification. (4) Film thickness. h The number of basic ladder circuits . .1). and Cp/Cs are related to each other as described above and the wide band filter for PCN can't be realized by 9-45 adjusting these factors. However, electromechanical coupling factor (k 2) of the 4. The design of a narrow band-pass filter This filter used an ST-cul qu~rtz as substrate and SH-type SAW3). The dielectric constant of quartz is piezoelectric substrate was noticed to relate the fractional bandwidth. If k2 is larger, the bandwidth is much smaller than that of LiTa03. Therefore, the wider. size of lOT needs more space compared with The electromechanical coupling factor is given in the following equation. LiTa03 substrate in order 10 design the impedance matching. The value of ~ is very small, about 0.01 ~m. (2) Some attention is therefore needed to control LU. To precisely control .1A., the reticle is made with Here, Vo: free surface velocity Vm : metal surface velocity very high accuracy. As apparent in this equation, if Vm become slower, k 2 become larger. The thicker film thickness of lOT is available to make Vm slower, but the nominal insertion loss may be increased by making the electrodes thicker. Figure 7 shows the experimental dependence of bandwidth, insertion, 5. Fabrication and evaluation of filters The electrode film consisted of AI-Cu alloy deposited by the DC sputter on piezoelectric substrates. The lOT photoresist patterns were exposed on an i-line stepper. Figure 8 shows lOT loss and SWR on the film thickness. The values of CplCs and .1A. were constant in Figure 7, but the photoresist patterns for 2.4 GHz. The line and gap width of lOT patterns were 0.4 ~m. The reactive ion etching was used to avoid surface damage of a passband was extended and SWR became less than 2.0 by increasing the film thickness. Contrary substrate. Figure 9 shows the S21 and SWR characteristics of 1.5 GHz filter for PDC. This filter to the anticipated result, the insertion loss didn't deteriorate for these film thicknesses. The reason for this characteristic may be that the insertion loss is recovered by increasing k2 through making the had 2 dB minimum insertion loss, 38 MHz bandwidth at 3 dB and about 30 dB stopband attenuation. The SWR was less than 2.0 in the passband. Figure 10 shows the same electrodes thicker. For further increasing the film characteristics of 1.8 GHz filter for European PCN. thickness, the insertion loss will deteriorate due to The maximum fractional bandwidth in this study bulk wave radiation. For PCN specification, a sufficient bandwidth (85 MHz) and an SWR «2.0) was obtained. Filter characteristics were 85 MHz bandwidth at 4 dB and about 20 dB stopband are obtained at 0.2 ~m 120 Insertion loss 'N ::c 100 ~ =80 "C i 'g60 0 40 .:s;;::+ ~ Bandwidth ~~ as m 0.10 0.15 attenuation. The SWR was less than 2.0. Figure 11 shows the wireless LAN filter. The bandwidth was film thickness. 0.20 "Cm 30 21:: ~ =,g= 1 0.5 5 4 3 2 1 0.25 a: ;: en Film thickness (J,lm) 110 MHz at 5 dB and the stopband attenuation was about 45 dB which was a very high value. The SWR was less than 2.5. Figure 12 shows a timing filter for HDTV. The bandwidth of 400 kHz at 6.S dB, which was the minimum fractional bandwidth of 0.03% in this study, about 30 dB the stopband attenuation and the SWR of less than 2.0 were obtained. The HoTV filter and POC filter were mounted in a 3.8 mm x 3.8 mm x 1.5 mm ceramic SMT packages. The other filters were mounted in 3 mm x 3 mm x 1 mm ceramic SMT packages. Figure 7 Dependence of bandwidth, insertion loss and SWR on the film thickness in the frequency range around 1.8 GHz. 9-46 i::[;Q ~:'EE 1.40 1.45 1.50 Frequency (GHz) (a) S21 1.40 1.45 1.50 Frequency (GHz) (b)5WR Figure 12 521 and SWR characteristics of 1.5 GHz filter for HOTV. L-J 1 J..lm Figure 8 lOT photoresist patterns for 2.4 GHz. 6. Conclusion 1.':Q] ~"D1J ! Ci -50 1.26 1.46 1.66 1 1.26 Frequency (GHz) 1.46 1.66 Frequency (GHz) (b)SWR (a) S21 Figure 9 521 and SWR characteristics of 1.5 GHz filter for Japanese POC. i·,:Eillr ~"[IT] ~ -50 1.4 1.8 2.2 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 Land S band low-loss filters were developed using the ladder type filter made of one port SAW resonators. The filters for POC in Japan, PCN in Europe and wireless LAN in Europe were successfully developed as wideband applications, and HOTV filter was developed as a narrow band application. These filters' characteristic impedances were all 50 O. The properties of these filters will be useful in the future development of the wireless communications systems discussed. Acknowledgement The author would like to thank Y. Fujiwara for his supply of 5MT package and H. Omori for his helpful suggestions. Reference Frequency (GHz) Frequency (GHz) (1) O. lkata, T. Miyashita, T. Matsuda, T. Nishihara (a)~l (b)SWR and Y. Satoh, "Development of Low-loss Band- Figure 10 S21 and SWR characteristics of 1.8 GHz Pass Filters Using 5AW Resonators for Portable filter for European PCN. Telephones": IEEE, Ultrasonic symposium, pp. 111115, (1992) f.,:[[] ~"1\n ·~ 2.0 2.5 Frequency (GHz) (a) S21 3.0 ,~ 2.0 2.5 (2)Y. Satoh, O. Ikata, T. Matsuda, "A Band-Pass Filter Using One-Port SAW Resonators", FUJITSU Scientific & Technical Journal, Vol. 29, No.4, pp.367-376 (December, 1993) 3.0 Frequency (GHz) (b)SWR (3)T. Nishikawa, A. Tani, C. Takeuchi, ·SH-Type Figure 11 S21 and SWR characteristics of 2.4 GHz Surface Acoustic Waves on Rotated V-cut Quartz", FUJITSU Scientific & Technical Journal, Vol. 17 No. filter for wireless LAN. 4, pp.99-113 (December, 1981) 9-47 9-48 - - - - - - - - - - - - SECTION 10 Quality and Reliability 10·1 10-2 Fujitsu Quality Program To ensure the best quality in our semiconductor products, Fujitsu conducts a complete program of inspections at every phase of processing. The wide range of inspections in our manufacturing programs ensures that every product has the quality and reliability for which it was designed Statistical analysis evaluates these results objectively. Incoming Inspections Whenever a Fujitsu plant purchases materials or components from another manufacturer, the Quality Control Group conducts an incoming inspection. The group visits the supplier's factories to convey the importance Fujitsu places on the quality of everything we buy. Moreover Fujitsu will work together with the suppliers to maintain and improve the quality of their products. Every year, we award the best manufacturers to encourage all our suppliers to maintain and improve the quality of their products Control Flow for the Purchase of Materials and Components Requesting for Ordering Materials and Components According to Production Plan (to Procurement Group) Production Control Group ~--'L.';;;;;;;;;.,J Ordering/Purchasing (to Material Supplier) Procurement Group Delivery of Materials and Components (From Supplier to Production Control Group) Production Control Group Incoming Inspections of Materials and Components Quality Control Group Production Control Group Manufacturing Control Group 10-3 Quality Control Flow Chart Check Item Inspection of Incoming Material Waler Surface Inspection, Monitor Test 01 Film Thickness Test 01 Electrical Charaderislica, Stress Test (100% inspection) Passivation (Insulation Layer Formation) Sample Surface Inspection AQL 0,65% Levell Bond ·welling and SurfacelnspectionlSample Wire Bond Strenglh TesllMonHor Test 01 Sample Run lor Machine Calibration, In-Process Manufacturing Group Inspections Fujitsu's Manufacturing Groups implement these inspections to set control items and standards for each manufacturing process. Prompt feedback maintains and improves the quality consciousness throughout the groups. Inspections occur regularly for each lot and/or each production line. In-Process QC Group Inspections The Quality Control Groups inspect at the end of each major manufacturing. Using the sampling standards. the groups confirm the level of quality before the products proceed to the next phase. 10-4 Statistical Process Control (SPC) 16M DRAM Oxide Thick Fujitsu's SPC program uses statistical analysis. Engineering Groups set the major quality parameters and their spec value for the manufacturing processes to assure the proper quality. The Manufacturing Groups determine the control values for the equipment and conditions for the production process. Once mass production begins, the Manufacturing Groups implement control plans to check and improve the product capability to each process. Some important parameters are film thickness, monitor characteristics, bonding strength, electrical characteristics and yield (see figure at right). Computer software checks each parameter automatically. UL UCL ~ Q) ~ p.---r--~~~------~~~------~--------~~ .c I- ~ LCL LL ~~ ~~~~ Lot No. o• Pre-Cap Visual Inspection Internal Mechanical Inspection Leak Test (Hermetic Package only) Production Process Testllnspection· [I) Production Process and Testllnspection + oc Gate (Sampting) Lead Cutting and Forming External Visual Inspection External Sampling Vosuallnspection AOL 1.0% Levell Shipping Test Electrical Characteristics Test: AOL 0.25% Levell External Visual Inspections: AOL 1.0% Levell Ex1emal Visuallnspactions: AQL 1.0"4 Levell (Ceramic PKG) Reliability Test (Lot tests! Periodic Test) Endurance and Environment Tests/Ali Sampling Tesls Warehousing 10-5 10-6 - - - - - - - - - - - - SECTION 11 Ordering Information III 11-1 11-2 ORDERING INFORMATION FOR STANDARD PRODUCTS Part Number Description Package Type Options PRESCALERS MB501L M850lLV MB501SL MB504 MB504L MB504LV MB505-16 MB506 MB507 1.1 GHz Prescaler DIP-GSP-MOl FPT-OSP-MOl FPT-GSP-MOl 1.1 GHz Prescaler DIP-OSP-MOl FPT-GSP-MO 1 1.1 GHz Prescaler DIP-GSP-MOl FPT-GSP-MOl --1-FPT-GSP-MOl 520 MHz Prescaler DIP-GSP-MOl FPT-GSP-MO 1 FPT-GSP-MO 1 520 MHz Prescale DIP-GSP-MOl FPT-GSP-MO 1 FPT-GSP-MOl 520 MHz Prescaler DIP-GSP-MOl FPT-GSP-MOl 1.6 GHz Prescaler DIP-OSP-MOI FPT-OSP-MOl 2.4 GHz Prescaler DIP-OSP-MOl FPT-OSP-MOl FPT-GSP-MO 1 1.6 GHz Prescaler DIP-OSP-MOl FPT-GSP-MOI ---"----"--------- ---FPT-GSP-M01 2.3 GHz Prescaler DIP-GSP-MOl FPT-GSP-MO 1 FPT-GSP-M01 1.1 GHz Prescaler DIP-OSP-MOl FPT-OSP-MOl 2.7 GHz Prescaler DIP-OSP-MOl FPT-OSP-MOl FPT-GSP-MO 1 2.7 GHz Prescaler DIP-OSP-MOl FPT-GSP-MOl 1.0 GHz Prescaler FPT-OSP-MOl &VCO T&R T&R T&R T&R T&R ~- MB50S MB509 MBS10 MBSll MB551 T&R T&R T&R Order Number MBS01LP MBS01LPF MBSOl LPF-ER MBS01LVP MBS01LVPF MBS01SLP MB501SLPF MBSO 1SLPF-ER-----MB504P MB504PF MB504PF-ER MB504LP MB504LPF MB504LPF-ER MBS04LVP MB504LVPF MB505-16P MB505-16PF MB506P MB506PF MB506PF-ER MBS07P MBS07PF MBS07PF-ER MB50SP MBSOSPF MB50SPF-ER MBS09P MB509PF MBS10P MBS10PF MB507PF-ER MBSllP MBS11PF MBS51PF --- ---. __._- III 11-3 ORDERING INFORMATION FOR STANDARD PRODUCTS • Part Number Description Package Type CMOS PUs MB87oo1A 13 MHz PLL MB87006A 17 MHz PLL MB87014A 180 MHz PLL MB87076 MB87086A 10 MHz PLL 95 MHz PLL MB87087 MB87091 17 MHz PLL 300 MHz PLL MB87093A MB87094 MB87095A MB87096A 145 MHz PLL 15 MHz PLL 110 MHz PLL 90 MHz PLL DIP-16P-M04 FPT-16P-M06 DIP-16P-M04 FPT-16P-M06 DIP-16P-M04 FPT-16P-M06 FPT-16P-M06 FPT-16P-M06 DIP-16P-M04 FPT-16P-M06 FPT-16P-M06 FPT-16P-M06 FPT-20P-M03 FPT-16P-MOS FPT-16P-MOS FPT-16P-MOS FPT-16P-MOS SUPER PLLs MB15AOl MB15B01 MB1S01 MB1S01H MB1S01 L MB1SA02 MB1S02 MB1S02H MB15803 MB15F03 MBl503 11-4 FPT-16P-MOS FPT-20P-M03 DIP-16P-M04 FPT-16P-M06 FPT-16P-M06 FPT-16P-M06 1.1 GHz SPLL FPT-16P-M06 FPT-16P-M06 1.1 GHz SPLL FPT-16P-M06 FPT-16P-M06 1.1 GHz SPLL FPT-16P-MOS FPT-20P-M03 FPT-16P-M06 1.1 GHz SPLL FPT-16P-M06 FPT-16P-M06 1.1 GHz SPLL 1.1/.3 GHz D-SPLL FPT-16P-MOS 2.0/.5 GHz D-SPLL FPT-16P-MOS FPT-16P-M06 1.1 GHz SPLL Options MB87001AP MB87001APF MB87006AP MB87006APF MB87014AP MB87014APF MB87014APF-ER MB87076PF MB87086AP MB87086APF ------_.__.._--MB87087PF MB87091PF MB87091PFV MB87093APFV MB87094PFV MB8709SAPFV MB87096APFV T&R ~- 1.1 GHzSPLL 1.1 GHz D-SPLL 1.1 GHz SPLL T&R T&R __ ._----- _. __.. _._._---- . __. T&R T&R Order Number MB15A01PFV1 MB15BOlPFV MB1S01P MB1S01PF MB1S01 PF-ER MB1S01HPF MB1S01 HPF-ER -----_.__._---_._._..•.__ .. _--MB1S01LPF MB1SOl LPF-ER MB15A02PF MB1SA02PFV1 MB1SA02PFV2 MBl502PF MB 1S02PF-ER MBl502HPF MB1SB03PFV1 MB1SF03PFV1 MB1503PF ------_.._- ORDERING INFORMATION FOR STANDARD PRODUCTS Part Number Description MBl504 520 MHzSPLL MBl504H MBl504L MB15E05 MBl505 MB15E06 MBl506 MBl507 MBl508 MBl509 MB15U10 MB1510 MB15B11 MB1511 MB1512 MB15B13 MB1513 MB1514 MB1515 MB15A16 MB1516A MB1517A MB1518 MB15A19 MB1519 MB15S02 Package Type DIP-16P-M04 FPT-16P-M06 FPT-16P-M06 520 MHzSPLL FPT-16P-M06 FPT-16P-M06 520 MHzSPLL 2.0 GHz SPLL FPT-16P-MOS 600 MHzSPLL FPT-16P-M02 2.5 GHz SPLL FPT-16P-MOS 2.0 GHz SPLL FPT-20P-M03 2.0 GHz SPLL FPT-16P-M06 FPT-20P-MOl 2.5 GHz SPLL 400 MHz D-SPLL FPT-20P-MOl 1.1 GHz D-SPLL FPT-20P-M03 1.1 GHz D-SPLL FPT-20P-M01 FPT-20P-MOl 1.1/.4 GHz D-SPLL FPT-20P-M03 FPT-20P-M03 1.1 GHzSPLL FPT-20P-M03 1.1 GHzSPLL FPT-20P-M03 FPT-20P-M03 1.1 GHz D-SPLL FPT-20P-M03 1.1 GHz SPLL FPT-20P-M03 FPT-20P-M03 400 MHz D-SPLL FPT-20P-MOl 2.5 GHz SPLL FPT-20P-M03 FPT-16P-MOS 1.1 GHzSPLL FPT-16P-MOS FPT-16P-MOS 1.1 GHzSPLL FPT-16P-MOS 1.1 GHz SPLL FPT-16P-M05 FPT-16P-M05 2.5 GHz SPLL FPT-16P-M06 FPT-16P-M06 600 MHz D-SPLL FPT-20P-M01 600 MHz D-SPLL FPT-20P-MOl 300 MHz MASKED SOP-8P-M03 Options Order Number MBl504P MBl504PF T&R MB 1504PF-ER MBl504HPF MBl504LPF MB15EOSPFV1 MBl505PF MB 15E06PFV1 MBl506PFV -----_. ---_.._MBl507PF MBl508PF MBl509PF MB15U10PFV MB1510PF T&R MB 151 OPF-ER MB15B11PFV MB1511PFV T&R MB1511PFV-ER MB1512PFV T&R MB 1512PFV-ER MB15B13PFV MB1513PFV MB1513PFV-ER T&R MB1514PF MB1515PFV - - - - - - - -r--- ----MB15A 16PFV1 T&R MB15A 16PFV1-ER MB1516APFVl T&R MB1516APFV1-ER MB1517APFV1 T&R MB1517APFV1-ER MB1518PF T&R MB 1518PF-ER MB15A19PF MB1519PF MB15S02PFV 01 11·5 ORDERING INFORMATION FOR STANDARD PRODUCTS 11-6 Part Number DescrlpHon Package Type SUPER ANALOG MB531 MB539 MB54501 MB54502 MB54503 MB54609 MB54619 1.1 GHz MIXER 1.6GHzLNA 1.1 GHz LNA/MIX 1.1 GHz D-LNA 1.1 GHzAMP 1.0 GHz I/Q MOD 2.0 GHz I/Q MOD FPT-8P-MOl FPT-8P-M03 FP-16P-MOS FP-16P-MOS FP-16P-MOS FPT-20P-M03 FPT-20P-M03 SAW FILTERS FAR-FSCB-836MSO-G201 AMPS SAW SXSMM FAR-FSCB-881 MSO-G201 AMPS SAW SXSMM FAR-FSCB-881 MSO-G211 FAR-FSCB-888MSO-G201 FAR-FSCB-933MSO-G202 FAR-FSCB-911 MSO-G201 AMPS SAW ETACSSAW ETACSSAW NTACSSAW SXSMM SXSMM SXSMM SXSMM FAR-FSCB-902MSO-G201 FAR-FSCB-947MSO-G201 FAR-FSCB-947MSO-G211 FAR-FSCC-836M50-L2AA FAR-FSCC-836M50-L2AZ FAR-FSCC-881 M50-L2AB FAR-FSCC-881 M50-L2AY FAR-FSCC-933M50-L2BA FAR-FSCC-878M50-L2BB FAR-FSCC-888M50-L2CA FAR-FSCC-933M50-L2CB FAR-FSCC-911 M50-L2DA FAR-FSCC-856M50-L2DB FAR-FSCC-902MSO-L2EA FAR-FSCC-902M50-L2EZ FAR-FSCC-902M50-L2EX FAR-FSCC-947M50-L2EY FAR-FSCC-897M50-L2KA FAR-FSCC-942M50-L2KB FAR-FSCC-942M50-L2KY NMTSAW NMTSAW NMTSAW AMPS SAW AMPS SAW AMPS SAW AMPS SAW NTISAW NTISAW ETACSSAW ETACSSAW NTACSSAW NTACSSAW NMTSAW NMTSAW NMTSAW NMTSAW EGSMSAW EGSMSAW EGSMSAW SXSMM SXSMM SXSMM 3.8X3.8 MM 3.8X3.8 MM 3.8X3.8 MM 3.8X3.8 MM 3.8X3.8 MM 3.8X3.8 MM 3.8X3.8 MM 3.8X3.8 MM 3.8X3.8 MM 3.8X3.8 MM 3.8X3.8 MM 3.8X3.8 MM 3.8X3.8MM 3.8X3.8 MM 3.8X3.8 MM 3.8X3.8 MM 3.8X3.8 MM Options Order Number MB531PF MB539PFV MB54501PFV MB54502PFV MB54503PFV MB54609PFV MB54619PFV ------3KT&R lKT&R 3KT&R lKT&R 3KT&R lKT&R lKT&R 3KT&R lKT&R lKT&R lKT&R lKT&R lKT&R lKT&R lKT&R lKT&R lKT&R lKT&R lKT&R lKT&R lKT&R lKT&R lKT&R lKT&R lKT&R lKT&R lKT&R lKT&R lKT&R FSCB-836MSOG201 R FSCB-836MSOG20 1T FSCB-881 MSOG20 1R FSCB-881 MSOG20 IT FSCB-881 MSOG211 R FSCB-888MSOG20 1T FSC B-933 MSOG202T FSCB-911 MSOG201 R FSCB-911 MSOG20lT FSC B-902 MSOG20 1T FSCB-947MSOG20 1T FSCB-947MSOG20 1T FSCC-836M50L2AAT FSCC-836MSO-L2AZT FSCC-881 M50L2ABT FSCC-881 M50-L2AYT FSCC-933MSO-L2BAT FSCC-878M50-L2BBT FSCC-888MSO-L2CAT FSCC-933M50-L2CBT FSCC-911 M50-L2DAT FSCC-856M50-L2DBT FSCC-902M50-L2EAT FSCC-902M50L2EZT FSCC-902M50-L2EXT FSCC-947M50-L2EYT FSCC-897M50L2KAT FSCC-942M50-L2KBT FSCC-942MSO-L2KYT ORDERING INFORMATION FOR STANDARD PRODUCTS Part Number Description Package Type Options Order Number FAR-F5CC-950MOO-L2FA FAR-F5CC-820MOO-L2FB FAR-F5CC-915MOO-L2JA FAR-F5CC-915MOO-L2JZ FAR-F5CC-935MOO-L2LA FAR-F6CC-1 G441 O-L2ZA FAR-F6CC-1 G4890-L2ZB FAR-F6CC-1 G6190-L2ZN FAR-F6CE-1 G7475-L2VA FAR-F6CE-1 G8425-L2VB FAR-F6CE-1 G8800-L2XA FAR-F6CE-1 G9600-L2XB FAR-F6CE-2G4500-L2WA PDCSAW PDCSAW ISM SAW (US) ISM SAW (US) 2-WAV PAGER PDC 1.5GHz PDC 1.5 GHz PDC 1.5GHz DCS 1800 DCS 1800 PCS SAW (US) PCSSAW(US) LAN2.4GHz 3.8X3.8 MM 3.8X3.8 MM 3.8X3.8MM 3.8X3.8 MM 3.8X3.8 MM 3.8X3.8MM 3.8X3.8MM 3.8X3.8MM 3X3MM 3X3MM 3X3MM 3X3MM 3X3MM lKT&R lKT&R lKT&R lKT&R lKT&R 1KT&R 1KT&R 1KT&R 1KT&R 1KT&R 1KT&R lKT&R 1KT&R F5CC-950MOOL2FAT F5CC-820MOOL2FBT F5CC-915MOO-L2JAT F5CC-915MOO-L2JZT F5CC-935MOOL2LAT F6CC-1 G441 O-L2ZAT F6CC-1 G4890-L2ZBT F6CC-1 G6190-L2ZBT F6CE-1 G7475-L2VAT F6CE-l G8425-L2VBT F6CE-l G8800-L2XAT F6CE-l G9600-L2XBT F6CE-2G4500-L2WAT PWRMGMTSW PWRMGMTSW FPT-16P-M04 FPT-16P-M04 POWER MANAGEMENT MB3802 MB3807A MB3802PF MB3807APF III 11-7 11-8 - - - - - - - - - - - - SECTION 12 Sales Information If) 12-1 12-2 Introduction to Fujitsu Fujitsu Limited (Japan) Fujitsu Limited was founded as a telecommunications equipment manufacturer in 1935, and today is not only one of Japan's leading telecommunications companies, but also one of the world's largest computer manufacturers. This leadership has resulted, at least in part, form the superb quality of the company's semiconductors and electronic components. Manufactured by the company's Electronics Devices Operations Group, these vital electronic devices also contribute to the high reliability and performance of products made by many other manufacturers around the world. Today, Fujitsu is one of the world's top manufacturers of semiconductors and electronic components. In Japan, Fujitsu's R&D laboratories for semiconductor and electronic components are situated in Kawasaki and Mie, and manufacturing works are located in Iwate, Aizu, Wakamatsu and Suzaka. Fujitsu also has six affiliated manufacturing works in the country. Overseas facilities in the U.S., Europe, and Asia also help to meed the growing global demand for Fujitsu semiconductors and electronic components. Fujitsu enforces strict quality control at all stages of production, from materials selection through manufacturing to final testing. As a result, Fujitsu's electronic devices are known for their extremely high reliability and excellent cost-fo-performance ratio. Fujitsu manufactures a full line of semiconductors and electronic components to meet the diverse applications of am wide variety of customers. Backed by Fujitsu's extensive R&D commitment equal to over 10 percent of annual sales, Fujitsu's electronic devices stay on the cutting edge of electronics technology. 12-3 Sales Information Fujitsu Limited Japan FUJITSU LIMITED Application & Sales Engineering Dept. 1015, Kamikodanake Nakahara-ku, Kawasaki211,Japan Tel: (044)754-3283 FAX: (044)754-3343 North and South America FUJITSU MICROELECTRONICS, INC. 3545 North First Street San Jose, CA 95134-1804, USA. Tel: 1-800-642-7616 Europe FUJITSU MIKROELEKTRONIK GmbH Am Siebenstein 6-10, 63303 Dreieich-Buchschlag, Germany Tel: (06103) 690-0 Telex: 411963 FAX: (06103) 690-122 Asia FUJITSU MICROELECTRONICS ASIA PTE LIMITED #06-04 to #05-07 Plaza By The Park No. 51 Bras Basah Road Singapore 0718 Tel: 336-1600 Telex: 55573 FAX: 336-1609 12-4 Wireless Data Book Sales Information Wireless Data Book Fujitsu Microelectronics, Inc. (FMI) Sales Offices CALIFORNIA GEORGIA NEW YORK Irvine Atlanta NewVork Century Centre 2603 Main Street, Ste. 510 Irvine, CA 92714 Tel: 7141724-8777 FAX: 7141724-8778 3500 Parkway Lane, Ste. 210 Norcross, GA 30092 Tel: 770/449-8539 FAX: 770/441-2016 Hauppauge Office Park Building 2, Ste. 310 898 Veterans Memorial Hwy Hauppauge, NY 11788 Tel: 516/582-8700 FAX: 516/582-3855 San Jose 3545 North First Street San Jose, CA 95134-1804 Tel: 408/922-9000 FAX: 408/432-90441 408/432-9045 HERZING: 408/943-1204 ILLINOIS Chicago One Pierce Place, Ste.1245 W. Itasca, IL 60143-2681 Tel: 708/250-8580 FAX: 708/250-8591 Santa Clara 2880 Lakeside Drive, Ste. 250 Santa Clara, CA 95054 Tel: 408/982-1800 FAX: 408/982-1825 COLORADO MASSACHUSETTS Boston 1000 Winter Street, Ste. 2500 Waltham, MA 02154 Tel: 6171487-0029 FAX: 617/890-9002 Denver 12000 North Washington Street, Ste.370 Thornton, CO 80241 Tel: 3031254-9901 FAX: 303/254-9921 MINNESOTA Minneapolis 3800 W. 80th Street, 8te. 430 Bloomington, MN 55431-4419 Tel: 6121893-5570 FAX: 6121893-5580 OREGON Portland 15220 NW Greenbrier Pkwy Ste.360 Beaverton, OR 97006 Tel: 503/690-1909 FAX: 503/690-8074 TEXAS Dallas 14785 Preston Road, Ste. 274 Dallas, TX 75240 Tel: 214/233-9394 FAX: 2141386-7917 Houston Two Chasewood Park, 8te. 250 20405 SH 249 Houston, TX 77070 Tel: 713/379-3030 FAX: 713/379-1059 If) 12-5 Sales Information Wireless Data Book FMI Sales Representatives - USA WESTERN AREA ARIZONA Aztech Component Sales. Inc. 15230 N. 75th Street, Ste. 1031 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 6021991-6300 FAX: 6021991-0563 CALIFORNIA Innflnity Sales Inc. 20 Corporate Park, Ste. 100 Irvine, CA 92714 714/833-0300 FAX: 714/833-0303 6540 Lusk Blvd., Ste. C256 San Diego, CA 92121 619/535-9300 FAX: 619/550-3707 26560 W. Agoura Road, Suite 103A Calabasas, CA 91302 818/880-6480 FAX: 818/880-1922 12-6 NORCOMP 1267 Oakmead Parkway Sunnyvale, CA 94086 408/733-7707 408/774-1947 8880 Wagon Way Granite Bay, CA 95746 916/791-7776 FAX: 9161791-2223 COLORADO Spectrum Marketing 2211 West 27th Avenue, Ste.316 Denver, CO 80211 3031480-9991 FAX: 303/455/5303 2924 Robidoux Road Sandy, Utah 84093 801/972-8552 FAX: 801/943-9522 IDAHO Intermountain Technical Marketing 1310 E. First Street Meridian,lD 83642 208/888-6071 FAX: 208/888-6074 OREGON L-Squared Limited 15234 NW Greenbrier Parkway Beaverton, OR 97006 503/629-8555 FAX: 5031645-6196 10502 Riviera PI. N.E. Seattle, WA 98125-6937 206/525-8555 FAX: 206/527-0882 Wireless Data Book Sales Information FMI Sales Representatives - USA (continued) CENTRAL AREA ILLINOIS MINNESOTA TEXAS Beta Technology 1009 Hawthome Drive Itasca, IL 60143 708/250-9586 FAX: 708/250-9592 Beta Technology 15612 Highway 7, Suite 320 Minnetonka, MN 55345 6121938-1 006 FAX: 6121938-2209 Technica' Marketing, Inc. (T.M.I) 3320 Wiley Post Road Carrollton, TX 75006 2141387-3601 FAX: 2141387·3605 TWX: 910/860-5158 INDIANA Valentine Associates 1030 Summit Drive Carmel, IN 46032-2580 317/846-0008 FAX: 317/846-0255 OHIO Stegman Blaine Marketing 8228 Winton Road, Ste. 3000 Cincinnati, OH 45231 5131729-1969 FAX: 5131729-1984 KENTUCKY 147 W. National Road Vandalia, OH 45377 Valentine Associates 3215 Brentwood Drive Henderson, KY 42420 513/890-7975 5021826-9444 FAX: 5021826-9108 MICHIGAN R.C. Merchant Be Co., Inc. 23735 Research Drive Farmington Hills, MI 48335 810/476-4600 FAX: 810/476-3162 2901 Wilcrest Drive, Ste. 139 Houston, TX 77042 713/783-4497 FAX: 7131783·5307 TLX: 510/100-9699 3701 Executive Center Drive Suite 205 Austin, TX 78731 FAX: 5131890-5191 5121343·6976 FAX: 5121343-7986 10539 Shale Brook Way Cleveland, OH 44136 WISCONSIN 216/572-0003 FAX: 2161238-3229 4347 Stow Road Stow, OH 44224 216/688-9603 FAX: 216/688-6421 Beta Technology 9401 W. Beloit Street, Ste. 409 Milwaukee, WI 53227 414/543-6609 FAX: 4141543·9288 815 Main Street St. Joseph, MI 49085 616/983·7378 FAX: 616/983·3506 12-7 Sales Information Wireless Data Book FMI Sales Representatives - USA (continued) EASTERN AREA ALABAMA MARYLAND NEW YORK Com Rep, Inc. 190 Lime Quarry Road, Ste. 212 Madison, AL 35758 2051772-9982 FAX: 2051772-8693 Arbotek Asso., Inc. 2408 Peppermill Drive, Ste. I Glen Burnie, MD 21061 4101768-5335 FAX: 4101768-8118 Quality Components 116 Fayette Street Manlius, NY 13104 315/682-8885 FAX: 315/682-2277 TWX: 910/997-1313 CONNECTICUT MASSACHUSETTS Connecticut Applied Technology 555 Highland Avenue, Ste. 2 Cheshire, CT 06410 203/272-6564 FAX: 203/271-3670 3D Sales 5 Burlington Woods Drive Burlington, MA 01803 617/229-2999 FAX: 617/229-2033 716/655·0556 FAX: 716-655-0601 500 Helendale Road, Ste. 125 Rochester, NY 14609 716/288-3420 FAX: 716/288-3484 NEW JERSEY NORTH CAROLINA BGR Associates Evesham Commons 525 Route 73, Ste. 100 Marlton, NJ 08053 609/983-1020 FAX: 609/983-1879 TWX; 710/940-1358 ComRep, Inc. 3125 Poplarwood Court, Ste.123 Raleigh, NC 27604 919/873-1003 FAX: 919/873-0307 FLORIDA Semtronic Associates 657 Maitland Avenue Altamonte Springs, FL 32701 407/831-8233 FAX: 407/831-2844 TLX: 810/854-0321 1467 S. Missouri Avenue Clearwater, FL 34616 813/461-4675 FAX: 813/442-2234 3471 NW 55th Street Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309 305/731-2484 FAX: 3051731-1019 GEORGIA ComRep, Inc. 6855 Jimmy Carter Blvd., Ste.2128 Norcross, GA 30071 770/449-9905 FAX: 770/449-1909 12-8 Technical Applications & Marketing (T.A.M) 91 Clinton Road, Ste. 1D Fairfield, NJ 07006 201/575-4130 FAX: 201/575-4563 8206 Providence Road, Ste.1200-374 Charlotte, NC 28277 704/544-9122 FAX: 704/543-9646 PUERTO RICO Semtronic Associates Crown Hills #125 Carite St.lEsq. Ave. Parana Rio Piedras, PR 00926 8091766-0700 FAX: 8091763-8071 Sales Information Wireless Data Book FMI Sales Representatives - Canada Pipe-Thompson, Ltd. 5468 Dundas Street, W. 206 Islington, Ontario M9B 6E3 4161236·2355 FAX: 416/236·3387 17 Brandy Creek Crescent Kanata, Ontario K2M 288 613/591·1821 FAX: 613/591·0461 IfJ 12·9 Sales Information FMI Distributors ALABAMA Innsight Electronics 4835 University Square, Ste. 19 Huntsville, AL 35816 205-830-1222 FAX: 205-830-1225 Marshall Industries 3313 Memorial Parkway South, Ste.150 Huntsville, AL 35801 205-881-9235 FAX: 205-881-1490 Milgray Electronics 5021 Bradford Dr., Ste. 202 Huntsville, AL 35805 205-722-8551 FAX: 205-722-0161 ARIZONA Innsight Electronics 1515 West University Drive, Ste.103 Tempe, AZ 85281 602-829-1800 FAX: 602-967-2658 Marshall Industries 9831 S. 51st St., Ste. C107-109 Phoenix, AZ 85044 602-496-0290 FAX: 602-893-9029 CALIFORNIA Bell Mlcroproducts 30 Fairbanks, Ste. 114 Irvine, CA 92718 714-470-2900 FAX: 714-470-2929 1941 Ringwood Avenue San Jose, CA 95131-1721 408-451-9400 FAX: 408-451-1600 860-H Hampshire Westlake Village, CA 91362 805-496-2606 FAX: 805-496-6119 12-10 Wireless Data Book USA Insight Electronics 2 Venture Plaza, Ste. 340 Irvine, CA 92718 714-727-3291 FAX: 714-727-1804 Milgray Electronics 25 Mauchly, Ste. 329 Irvine, CA 92718 714-753-1282 FAX: 714-753-1682 9980 Huennekens Street San Diego, CA 92121 619-587-1100 FAX: 619-587-1380 6835 Flanders Drive, Ste. 300 San Diego, CA 92121 619-457-7545 FAX: 619-457-9750 1295 Oakmead Parkway Sunnyvale, CA 94086 408-720-9222 FAX: 408-720-8390 2860 Zanker Road, Ste. 209 San Jose, CA 95134 408-456-0900 FAX: 408-456-0300 4333 Pari< Terrace Drive, Ste.101 Westlake Village, CA 91361 818-707-2101 FAX: 818-707-0321 275 E. Hillcrest Drive, Ste. 145 Thousand Oaks, CA 91360 805-371-9399 FAX: 805-371-9317 Marshall Industries 26637 W. Agoura Road Calabasas, CA 91302-1959 818-878-7000 FAX: 818-880-6846 9320 Telstar Avenue EI Monte, CA 91731 818-307-6000 FAX: 818-307-6297 One Morgan Drive Irvine, CA 92718 714-458-5365 FAX: 714-581-5255 336 Los Caches Street Milpitas, CA 95035 408-942-4600 FAX: 408-942-4722 3039 Kilgore Avenue, Ste. 140 Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 916-635-9700 FAX: 916-635-6044 5961 Kearny Villa Road San Diego, CA 92123 619-627-4140 FAX: 619-627-4163 5650 0 T C Parkway, Ste. 202 Englewood, CA 80111 303-721-7702 FAX: 303-721-7803 COLORADO Insight Electronics 384 Inverness Drive South, Ste.105 Englewood, CO 80112 303-649-1800 303-649-1818 Marshall Industries 12351 North Grant Street, Ste. A Thornton, CO 80111 303-451-8383 FAX: 303-457-2899 CONNECTICUT Milgray Electronics 326 West Main Street Milford, CT 06460-0418 203-878-5538 FAX: 203-878-6970 Marshall Industries Barnes Industrial Park North, 20 Sterling Dr. Wallingford, CT 06492 203-265-3822 FAX: 203-284-9285 Wireless Data Book FMI Distributors - Sales Information USA (continued) FLORIDA GEORGIA KANSAS BelWantage 1110 Douglas Avenue, Ste. 2050 Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 407-542-3083 FAX: 407-682-1286 Insight Electronics 3005 Breckinridge Blvd., Ste.210-A Duluth, GA 30136 404-717-8566 404-717-8588 Marshall Industries 10413 W. 84th Terrace Lenexa, KS 66214 913-492-3121 FAX: 913-492-6205 1761 West Hillsboro Blvd., Ste.208 Deerfield Beach, FL 33441 305-429-1001 FAX: 305-481-3586 Insight Electronics 600 North Lake Road, Ste. 250 Altamonte Springs, FL 32701 407-834-6310 FAX: 407-834-6461 Marshall Industries 5300 Oakbrook Parkway, Ste.14O Norcross, GA 30093 404-923-5750 FAX: 404-923-2743 ILLINOIS 6400 Congress Avenue, Ste.1600 Boca Raton, FL 33487 407-997-2540 FAX: 407-997-2542 Insight Electronics 1365 Wiley Road, Ste. 142 Schaumburg, IL 60173 708-885-9700 FAX: 708-885-9701 17757 U.S. Hwy 19 North, Ste.520 Clearwater, FL 34624 813-524-8850 FAX: 813-532-4245 Marshall Industries 50 East Commerce Drive, Unit A Schaumburg, IL 60173 708-490-0155 FAX: 708-490-0569 Marshall Industries 380 South Northlake Blvd., Ste.1024 Altamonte Springs, FL 32701 407-767-8585 FAX: 407-767-8676 Milgray Electronics 1530 East Dundee Road, Ste.250 Palatine, IL 60067-8319 708-202-1900 FAX: 708-202-1985 2700 W. Cypress Creek Road, Ste.D114 Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309 305-977-4880 FAX: 305-977-4887 2840 Scherer Drive, Ste. 410 St. Petersberg, FL 33716 813-573-1399 813-573-0069 Milgray Electronics 755 Rinehart Road, Ste. 100 Lake Mary, FL 32746 407-321-2555 FAX: 407-322-4225 INDIANA Marshal/Industries 14027 Sedona Court Indianapolis, IN 46032 317-388-9069 FAX: 317-297-2787 Milgray Electronics 6400 Glenwood, Ste. 313 Overland Park, KS 66202-4021 913-236-8800 FAX: 913-384-6825 MASSACHUSETTS BelWantage 17A Sterling Road Billerica, MA 01862 508-667-2400 FAX: 508-663-7474 Insight Electronics 55 Cambridge Street, Ste. 301 Burlington, MA 01803 617-270-9400 FAX: 617-270-3279 Interface Electronics· 228 South Street Hopkinton, MA 01748 508-435-0100 FAX: 508-435-6516 Marshal/Industries 33 Upton Drive Wilmington, MA 01887 508-657-9024 FAX: 508-658-7608 Milgray Electronics 187 Ballardvale Street Wilmington, MA 01887-1046 508-657-5900 FAX: 508-658-7989 Mligray Electronics 5226 Elmwood Ave Indianapolis. IN 46023 317-781-9997 FAX: 317-781-6970 12-11 Sales Information FMI Distributors - USA (continued) MARYLAND NORTH CAROLINA NEW YORK BellNantage 6925 R Oakland Mills Road Columbia, MD 21045 410-720-5100 FAX: 410-381-2172 Marshall Industries 5224 Greens Dairy Road Raleigh, NC 27604 919-878-9882 FAX: 919-872-2431 BellNantage 1056 West Jericho Turnpike Smithtown, NY 11787 516-543-2000 FAX: 516-543-2030 Insight Electronics 6925 Oakland Mills Road, Ste. D Columbia, MD 21045 410-381-3131 FAX: 410-381-3141 Milgray Electronics 2925 Huntleigh Drive, Ste. 101 Raleigh, NC 27604-3374 919-790-8094 FAX: 919-872-8851 Marshall Industries 100 Marshall Drive Endicott, NY 13760 607-785-2345 FAX: 607-785-5546 Marshall Industries 9130B Guilford Road Columbia, MD 21046 410-880-3030 FAX: 410-880-3202 Milgray Electronics 6460 Dobbin Road, Ste. D Columbia, MD 21045-5813 410-730-6119 FAX: 410-730-8940 MICHIGAN Marshall Industries 31067 Schoolcraft Road Livonia, MI48150 313-525-5850 FAX: 313-525-5855 MINNESOTA Marshall Industries 14800 28th Avenue North, Ste.175 Plymouth, MN 55447 612-559-2211 FAX: 612-559-8321 rnsight Electronics 5353 Gamble Drive, Ste. 330 St. Louis Park, MN 55416 612-525-9999 FAX: 612-525-9998 MISSOURI Marshall Industries 514 Earth City Expressway, Ste.131 Earth City, MO 63045 314-770-1749 FAX: 314-770-1486 12-12 Wireless Data Book NEW JERSEY BellNantage* 23 Sebago Street Clifton, NJ 07013 201-777-4100 FAX: 201-777-6194 Insight Electronics 2 Eves Drive, Ste. 208 Marlton, NJ 08053 609 985-5556 FAX: 609-985-5895 Interface Electronics 1 Greentree Center, Ste. 201 Marlton, NJ 08053 609-988-5448 FAX: 609-988-5566 Marshall Industries 101 Fairfield Road Fairfield, NJ 07004 201-882-0320 FAX: 201-882-0095 158 Gaither Drive #100 Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054 609-234-9100 FAX: 609-778-1819 Milgray Electronics 3001 Greentree Executive Campus, Ste. C Marlton, NJ 08053-1551 609-983-5010 FAX: 609-985-1607 3799 Route 46 East, Ste. 303 Parsippany, NJ 07054-1273 201-335-1766 FAX: 201-335-2110 1250 Scottsville Road Rochester, NY 14624 716-235-7620 FAX: 716-235-0052 Milgray Electronics 77 Schmitt Boulevard Farmingdale, NY 11735-1410 516-420-9800 FAX: 516-420-9884 1170 Pittsford-Victor Road, Ste.200 Pittsford, NY 14534-3807 716-381-9700 FAX: 716-381-9495 OHIO Insight Electronics 9700 Rockside Road, Ste. 105 Valley View, OH 44125 216-520-4333 FAX: 216-520-4322 Marshall Industries 3520 Park Center Drive Dayton. OH 45414 513-898-4480 FAX: 513-898-9835 30700 Bainbridge Road, Unit A Solon, OH 44139 216-248-1788 FAX: 216-248-2312 Milgray Electronics 6155 Rockside Road, Ste. 206 Cleveland, OH 44131-2289 216-447-1520 FAX: 216-447-1761 Wireless Data Book FMI Distributors OREGON Insight Electronics 8705 S.W. Nimbus Avenue, Ste.200 Beaverton, OR 97005 503-626-3031 FAX: 503-641-4530 Marshall Industries 9705 S.W. Gemini Drive Beaverton, OR 97005 503-644-5050 FAX: 503-646-8256 Milgray Electronics 8705 S.W. Nimbus, Ste. 260 Beaverton, OR 97008 503-626-4040 FAX: 503-641-0650 TEXAS Bell Microproducts 12701B Research Blvd., Ste.301 Austin, TX 78759 512-258-0725 FAX: 512-258-6512 1202 Executive Drive West Richardson, TX 75081 214-783-4191 FAX: 214-783-4192 Insight Electronics 11500 Metric Blvd., Ste. 215 Austin, TX 78758 512-719-3090 FAX: 512-719-3091 10777 Westheimer, Ste. 1100 Houston, TX 77042 713-260-9614 FAX: 713-260-9602 1778 N. Plano Road, Ste. 320 Richardson, TX 75081 214-783-0800 FAX: 214-680-2402 Sales Information USA (continued) Marshall Industries 8504 Cross Park Drive Austin, TX 78754 512-837-1991 FAX: 512-832-9810 10681 Haddington Drive, Ste.160 Houston, TX 77043 713-467-1666 FAX: 713-467-9805 1551 N. Glenville Drive Richardson, TX 75081 214-705-0600 FAX: 214-705-0675 Milgray Electronics 11824 Jollyville Road, Ste. 103 Austin, TX 78759 512-331-9961 FAX: 512-331-1070 16610 N. Dallas Parkway, Ste.1300 Dallas, TX 75248-2617 214-248-1603 FAX: 214-248-0218 12919 SW Freeway, Ste. 130 Stafford, TX 77477-4113 713-240-5360 FAX: 713-240-5404 WASHINGTON Marshal/Industries 11715 North Creek Pkwy. South, Ste.112 Bothell, WA 98011 206-486-5747 FAX: 206-486-6964 Insight Electronics 12002 115th Avenue, N.E. Kirkland, WA 98034 206-820-8100 FAX: 206-821-2976 WISCONSIN Marshal/Industries 20900 Swenson Drive, Ste. 150 Waukesha, WI 53186 414-797-8400 FAX: 414-797-8270 Insight Electronics 10855 W. Potter Road Wauwatosa, WI 53222 414-258-5338 FAX: 414-258-5360 UTAH Milgray Electronics 310 East 4500 South, Ste. 110 Murray, UT 84107 801-261-2999 FAX: 801-261-0880 Marshal/Industries 2355 South 1070 West, Ste. D Salt Lake City, UTY 84119 801-973-2288 FAX: 801-973-2296 12-13 Sales Information FMI Distributors - Canada ALBERTA ONTARIO QUEBEC Active Components 3833-29th Street NE Calgary, Alberta, Canada T1Y 6B5 403-250-5550 FAX: 403-291-7054 Active Components 5935 Airport Road, Ste. 200 Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L4V 1W5 905-612-9200 FAX: 905-612-9185 Active Components 237 Hymus Boulevard Pointe Claire, Quebec, Canada H9R 5C7 514-694-7710 FAX: 514-695-3707 4606 97th Street Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6E 5N9 403-438-2858 FAX: 604-434-0812 Baxter Center, 1050 Baxter Rd. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K2C3P2 613-820-8313 FAX: 613-820-3271 1000 Ave. St.Jean Baptiste, Ste.l00 Quebec,Quebec,Canada G2E5G5 418-877-6666 FAX: 418-877-6671 BRITISH COLUMBIA Active Components 1695 Boundary Road Vancouver, B.C., Canada V5K4X7 604-294-1166 FAX: 604-294-1206 MANITOBA Active Components 106 King Edward St. East Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3H ON8 204-944-1446 FAX: 204-783-8133 12-14 Wireless Data Book Marshall Industries 6285 Northam Drive, Ste. 112 Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L4V 1X5 905-612-1771 FAX: 905-612-1988 Milgray Electronics 2783 Thamesgate Drive Mississagua, Ontario, Canada L4T lG5 905-678-0958 FAX: 905-678-1213 Marshall Industries 148 Brunswick Boulevard Pointe Claire, Quebec, Canada H9R 59P 514-694-8142 FAX: 514-694-6989 Mligray Electronics 6600 Trans Canada Hwy, Ste.209 Pointe Claire, Quebec, Canada H9R 4S2 514-426-5900 FAX: 514-426-5836 - - - - - - - - - - - SECTION 13 Glossary 13-1 13-2 Wireless Communications Glossary This section contains definitions for terms and phrases which are commonly used in discussions of wireless communications. On the next page, we include a list of acronyms which are associated with wireless communications, as welf as acronyms which are specific to Fujitsu's corporate structure or wireless product line. Following the list of acronyms is the definitions portion of the glossary. 13-3 AGC Automatic Gain Control FM Frequency Modulation AM Amplitude Modulation FMG Fujitsu Microelectronics, GmbH AMPS Advanced Mobile Phone System FMI Fujitsu Microelectronics, Inc. ANSI American National Standards Institute FML Fujitsu Microelectronics, Ltd. ASIC Application-Specific Integrated Circuit FNI Fujitsu Networks Industry, Inc. ASK Amplitude Shift Keying FNSA Fujitsu Network Switching of America, Inc. BiCMOS Bipolar/Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor FNTS Fujitsu Network Transmission Systems, Inc. B-PCS Frequency Shift Keying GFSK Gaussian Frequency Shift Keying CAGR Compound Annual Growth Rate GHz Gigahertz COMA Code Division Multiple Access GMSK Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying CMOS Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor GPS Global Positioning Satellite System GSM Global System for Mobile Communications (also known as Groupe Speciale Mobile) Intermediate Frequency CODEC Coder/Decoder CT1 Cordless Telephone - First Generation IF Cordless Telephone - Second Generation IS-54 Interim Standard Number 54 CTIA Cellular Telephone Industry Association 15-95 Interim Standard Number 95 DBS Direct Broadcast Satellite 15-136 Interim Standard Number 136 DCS1800 Digital Communication Service at 1800 MHz ISM Industrial, Scientific, and Medical JDC Japanese Digital Cellular Digital European Cordless Telephone CT2 13-4 Broadband Personal Communications Systems FSK DECT DQPSK kHz Kilohertz Differential Quadrature Phase Shift Keying LAN Local Area Network DSP Digital Signal Processing LiTa03 Lithium Tantalate DSSS Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum LNA Low Noise Amplifier ESPER Emitter-Base Self-Aligned Polysilicon Electrode and Resistor LO Local Oscillator ETACS Enhanced Total Access Communications System MCM Multi-Chip Module MHz Megahertz NF Noise Figure NMT Nordic Mobile Telephone N-PCS Narrowband Personal Communications Systems ETSI European Telecommunication Standards Inst. FAI Fujitsu America, Inc. FBCS Fujitsu Business Communication Sys., Inc. FCC Federal Communications Commission PA Power Amplifier FCPA Fujitsu Computer Products of America, Inc. PBX Private Business Exchange FCPT Fujitsu Computer Packaging Tech., Inc. PC Personal Computer FCSI Fujitsu Compound Semiconductor, Inc. PCB Printed Circuit Board FDD Frequency Division Duplexing PCMCIA PC Memory Card Interface Association FDMA Frequency Division Multiple Access PCN Personal Communications Network FHSS Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum PCS Personal Communications System FJ Fujitsu Japan PHS Personal Handiphone System PLL Phase Lock Loop SAW SMR TACS TOO TOMA U-PCS PM Phase Modulation PQFP Plastic Quad Flat Pack PSK Phase Shift Keying QAM Quadrature Amplitude Modulation QFP Quad Flat Pack QPSK Quadrature Phase Shift Keying veo Voltage Controlled Oscillator R&D Research and Development Radio Frequency WAN WLAN Wide Area Network RF Surface Acoustic Wave Specialized Mobile Radio Total Access Communications System Time Division Duplexing Time Division Multiple Access Unlicensed Personal Communications Systems Wireless Local Area Network III 13·5 13-6 Terms and Phrases Associated with Wireless Advanced Mobile Phone Service (AMPS) The standard for analog cellular telephone service in the United States. Amplitude Modulation (AM) A method of analog modulation where the input data signal is used to vary the amplitude of the carrier. Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK) A method of digital modulation where the digital input data signal is used to vary the amplitude of the carrier. Very popular with remote car alarm applications. Antenna A device which converts electromagnetic radiation in the form of radio waves into an electrical signal, and vice versa. Baseband controller A CMOS or BiCMOS circuit which controls the operation of the analog sections of the radio. The baseband controller acts as the interface between the analog portion of the radio and the digital data and control functions. It is often an ASIC implementation. Broadband Personal Communication Service (B-PCS) A standard under development in the United States to provide digital wireless service in a manner similar to cellular telephony, in that the service will be available from infrastructure developed and operated by third-party companies. The system will provide wireless voice, data, and eventually video communication capability. Cellular telephony A wireless telephone service which allows a user to make and receive calls while driving, walking, or remaining stationary. This is accomplished via an infrastructure which has a number of base station antenna sites arrayed in such a way to create a number of individual 'cells' which cover a specified geographic area. The infrastructure allows users to move from cell to cell during a call by transferring the radio connection to the user's cellular telephone from one base station to another. This infrastructure is established by a third party, and a user must subscribe to the service and pay both monthly and air time charges to access the infrastructure. Charge pump A component of a phase lock loop system which produces pulses of electrical current. The polarity of the current and the time duration of the pulse are controlled by the phase detector. The output of charge pump serves as the input to the loop filter of a PLL system. a Code Divided Multiple Access (COMA) A type of multiplexing for wireless systems ~eveloped by Qualcomm which uses spread spectrum techniques to allow many users to share the same frequency bands simultaneously. Compression point (P1 dB) The maximum input signal strength that an amplifier can amplify in a linear manner. Conversion gain A measure of the gain of a mixer, measured from the signal input port to the output port. Cordless Telephone - Second Generation (CT2) A digital cordless telephone standard developed in France and Britain for residential and office use. Also very popular in Hong Kong and other Far East countries. Cordless telephony A cordless telephone is a device which serves the same basic function as an ordinary telephone, but without the restriction of a cord. They have a limited range of service, and are intended for use in and around the home. Cordless telephones do not require third party infrastructure or subscriber tees. Differential Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (DQPSK) A modified form of quadrature phase shift keying which offers a slight improvement in performance. III Digital Communications Service at 1800 MHz (DCS-1800) A modification of the GSM protocol to allow operation at 1800 MHz for European PCS applications. 13-7 Terms and Phrases Associated with Wireless (Continued) Digital Communications Service at 1900 MHz (DCS-1900) A modification of the GSM protocol to allow operation at 1900 MHz. This is one of several proposed standards for broadband PCS and unlicensed PCS in the United States. Digital European Cordless Telephone (DECT) A standard for digital cordless telephones which is adopted throughout Europe. Originally designed for office applications, it has voice and data capability inherent to the standard. It is now becoming more common for residential use as well. Direct Conversion Receiver A radio receiver architecture where the local oscillator frequency is set equal to the carrier frequency of the signal of interest. This produces an output Signal which is centered at 0 Hz, which means that the signal is directly converted to its baseband representation. This architecture is used most commonly in pagers. Also known as a homodyne receiver. Dual Conversion Receiver A radio receiver architecture which uses two frequency conversions (via two separate mixer/Jocal oscillator combinations). Dual conversion receivers generally give superior performance, but at the expense of extra component count and cost. Also known as a dual superheterodyne receiver. . Dual modulus prescaler A prescaler which has two distinct divide ratios. The choice of divide ratio is determined by a control input to the prescaler which is generated by the swallow counter of a PLL IC. Duplexer A device which is used in systems which utilize frequency division duplexing. It consists of two filters, one for the frequencies used for the received radio signals, and one for the frequencies used for the transmitted radio signals. The duplexer provides the receiver with isolation from interference from the transmitter for radio systems which use the same antenna for both transmit and receive. Duplexing The rules which determine how two radios transmit and receive signals to each other. Dynamic Range The range of input Signal strength that a radio receiver can detect properly. It is bounded on the low end by the noise of the receiver, and on the high end by the distortion and nonlinearity of the receiver. Frequency Division Duplexing (FDD) A method of duplexing where a radio transmits on one carrier frequency, and receives on another frequency, so that the transmission and reception do not interfere with each other. Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA) A type of multiplexing for wireless systems where each radio conversation is assigned a unique carrier frequency exclusively for their use. Frequency Modulation (FM) A method of analog modulation where the input data signal is used to vary the frequency of the carrier. Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) A method of digital modulation where the frequency of the carrier alternates between two or more discrete frequencies based on the state of the digital input data signal. It is relatively easy and inexpensive to implement, but it has poor spectral efficiency. Gain The ratio of the signal strength at the output of a device to the signal strength at its input. Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying (GMSK) This is a special, tightly controlled version of frequency shift keying modulation designed for better spectral efficiency. It is the modulation method used for GSM and its derivatives. Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) A standard for digital cellular telephone service which was originally developed for use in Europe. GSM is now being adopted as the digital cellular standard in many areas of the world, with the exception of Japan and the United States. 13·8 Terms and Phrases Associated with Wireless (Continued) Low noise amplifier (LNA) An amplifier used at the input of radio receivers which amplifies the radio frequency signals. LNAs are designed so that they add the smallest possible amount of noise to the received radio signal. Messaging A service which is functionally equivalent to wireless electronic mail. Moderate length text messages can be sent and re~eived from a portable device, such as a personal digital assistant. Mixer A device which multiplies two input signals together. It is used in conjunction with a local oscillator to perfonn frequency translations on radio signals. Multiplexing The means by which wireless communication systems accommodate many users simultaneously. Narrowband Advanced Mobile Phone Service (N-AMPS) A modification to the AMPS cellular telephone standard in the United States which reduces the bandwidth of a frequency channel by a factor of three, thus increasing the capacity of a cellular system threefold. Narrowband Personal Communication Service (N-PCS) A standard which is being deployed in the United States which provides advanced digital messaging services, such as 2-way paging. Noise Random electrical signals which are generated in all electrical circuits. Excessive levels of noise prevent radios from detecting input signals with low signal strengths. Noise Figure (NF) A measure of the amount of noise that an amplifier or mixer adds to the input signal. Nordic Mobile Telephone (NMT) One of the first analog cellular systems developed, now in use in Norway, Sweden, Finland, and a number of other countries. Paging A basic form of wireless communication which allows a user to be notified, via a beeping sound from a small radio receiver known as a pager, that someone is trying to contact them. More sophisticated paging products have an alphanumeric display which allows small text messages to be sent to the user. Conventional pagers are receive-only devices, and do not contain a transmitter of any kind. Passband The input signal frequencies which a filter allows to pass through to its output. Personal Communications Network (PCN) see Personal Communications System Personal Communications System (PCS) A generic cfassification of digital wireless communications services which are under development in both the United States, Europe, and Japan. PCS is envisioned as a means to provide a ubiquitous ~nytime, anywhere~ communication service for voice, data, messaging! paging, and eventually compressed video. Phase detector A component of a phase lock loop system which compares the relative placement in time of the positive edges of its two input signals. The results of this comparison are used to control the charge pump of a PLL system. Phase lock loop (PLL) A circuit which generates an output signal whose phase and frequency characteristics are controlled by an input reference signal. A basic PLL system consists of a reference signal, a phase detector, a charge pump, a loop filter, and a voltage controlled oscillator (VCO). Almost all PLL systems also include programmable counters and prescalers which allow the output frequency of the PLL to be set to a non-integer multiple of the reference signal. • In integrated circuit terms, a PLL refers to the integration of the phase detector, charge pump, programmable counters, and in some cases the prescaler, onto one IC. This is also known as a synthesizer. 13·9 Terms and Phrases Associated with Wireless (Continued) Harmonics Signals at frequencies which are integer muHiples of the frequency of a sinusoidal signal. Harmonics are caused by nonlinearities in amplifiers and mixers which distort the fundamental signals. Homodyne Receiver see Direct Conversion Receiver IF filter A filter which is used on radio signals which have been converted down to an intermediate frequency. The IF filter has a passband width equal to the bandwidth of an individual frequency channel for the application. The IF filter selects which frequency channel will be demodulated by the radio. Image filter. A filter used at the input of radio receivers which allows only the relevant frequencies for that application to pass through. and rejects all other frequencies. Industrial, Sci~ntlflc, and Medical (ISM) Radio frequency bands available in the United States and some parts of Europe for unlicensed radio operation. The ISM bands are commonly used for digital cordless telephones and wireless local area networks (WLANs). Most applications using the ISM bands utilize spread spectrum techniques. The three ISM bands available in the US are 902-928 MHz, 2.4-2.483 GHz, and 5.725-5.85 GHz. Insertion loss A measure of how much signal strength is lost on signals within the passband of a filter. Interim Standard 54 (15-54) see Interim Standard 136. Interim Standard 95 (IS-95) One of two competing standards for digital cellular telephone service in the United States. This standard specifies the use of code division multiple access (COMA) as the method of multiplexing. This standard was Originally developed by Qualcomm. Interim Standard 136 (IS-136) One of two competing standards for digital cellular telephone service in the United States. This standard. formerly known as IS-54, specifies the use of time division multiple access (TOMA) as the method of multiplexing. This standard was originally developed by a consortium of cellular service providers and equipment manufacturers led by Motorola. Intermediate frequency (IF) The frequency that the high frequency radio signal is translated to by the mixer and local oscillator. Interstage filter An interstage filter is used to filter signals between stages of a power amplifier. They are used to filter out any harmonics which may be generated by distortions in the power amplifier. Japanese Digital Cellular (JDC) The standard for digital cellular telephones in Japan. Also known as RCR-27. Local oscillator (LO) A pure sinusoidal signal which is used in conjunction with a mixer to perform precise frequency translations on radio signals. The local oscillator signal is often generated by using a voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) which is controlled by a phase lock loop (PLL). The tuning of a radio to a specific frequency channel is accomplished by setting the frequency of the LO to an appropriate value. Lock time The time that a phase lock loop takes to change its output frequency and have it become locked to the reference Signal. Loop bandwidth A measure of how quickly a phase lock loop responds to keep its output signal locked to the reference signal. Loop filter A component of a phase lock loop system which converts the pulses of electrical current from the output of the charge pump into a voltage which is used as the input to a voltage controlled oscillator. 13·10 Terms and Phrases Associated with Wireless (Continued) Phase noise A measure of how much a fixed frequency oscillator signal varies in frequency due to the effects of random noise in the oscillator circuit. Power amplifier (PA) This device takes a modulated transmit signal at the RF frequency and amplifies it to a level which is appropriate to drive the antenna. It is often implemented as a series of amplifier stages. Prescaler A device which takes the high frequency output signal from a VCO and divides the frequency down to a value which can be used as an input to the program counter divider portion of a PLL. Program counter (N-counter) A component of a phase lock loop system which divides the output frequency of the voltage controlled oscillator, usually after it has already been divided by a prescaler, before presenting it as an input to the phase detector. The amount of frequency division performed by the program counter can be altered by programming the counter with a different value, which will result in a course change in the output frequency of the PLL system. Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM) A complex method of digital modulation where the input data signal controls both the amplitude and phase of the carrier. It is difficult and expensive to implement, but is one of the most spectrally efficient form of modulation. Quadrature modulator A device which is used in radios which utilize complex digital modulation techniques such as QPSK and QAM. It takes a local oscillator signal and splits it into two components, identical in frequency but separated in phase by 90 degrees. These two signals are then modulated by two separate input signals (the I and Q data signals), and the resulting modulated signals are then combined into one signal and fed into a mixer to be upconverted in frequency to the proper RF frequency. Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK) A method of digital modulation where the phase of the carrier takes on one of four possible values, corresponding to the state of two digital input data bits which control the modulation. It is a popular form of modulation because it represents a good compromise of ease of implementation and spectral efficiency. Reference counter (R-counter) A component of a phase lock loop system which divides the frequency of the reference signal before presenting it as an input to the phase detector. Changing the value that is stored in the reference counter results in a change in the size of the frequency steps that the PLL output frequency can make. Reference Signal The external signal used by a phase lock loop system as the reference from which the output signal of the PLL is derived. Spec::ialized Mobile Radio Private, licensed mobile radio networks commonly used for dispatching services for taxis, delivery companies, etc. Spectral Efficiency A measure of the data rate which can be sent per 1 Hz of bandwidth. Units are in bits per second per Hz (bps/Hz). The greater the spectral efficiency, the greater the channel capacity. Spread spec::trum A technique developed for military communications which essentially "spreads· a narrow bandwidth radio signal over a wide frequency band in order to make the signal less susceptible to interference. It is also used to improve the security of a wireless data transmission, as it is difficult to intercept. Spurious Signals, spuril Unwanted signals at frequencfes other than the desired frequency. Spurii result from the operation of a phase lock loop (due to the inherent operation of the phase detector), and from unwanted mixer output signals. Stopband The input signal frequencies which a filter prevents from passing through to its output. 13-11 Terms and Phrases Associated with Wireless (Continued) Swallow counter (A-counter) • A component of a phase lock loop system which works in conjunction with the program counter to control the divide ratio of a dual modulus prescaler. Changing the value programmed in the swallow counter will result in a fine change in the output frequency of the PLL system. Synthesizer A common term for an phase lock loop integrated circuit. Time Division Duplexing (TDD) A method of duplexing where a radio transmits and receives on the same carrier frequency. but at different times. so that the transmission and reception do not interfere with each other. Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) A type of multiplexing for wireless systems where multiple radios use the same carrier frequency. but only in certain specified timeslots. so that no two radios use the same carrier frequency at the same time. Time Division Duplexing (TDD) A method of duplexing where a radio transmits and receives on the same carrier frequency. but at different times. so that the transmission and reception do not interfere with each other. Unlicensed Personal Communication Service (U-PCS) A standard under development in the United States to provide digital wireless service in a manner similar to cordless telephony. in that the service will not require access to third-party infrastructure. Voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) A device which produces a sinusoidal output signal. The frequency of the output signal is controlled by a voltage at the input to the device. Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) A computer network which allows the transfer of data and the ability to share resources without the need to physically connect each node with wires. Popular with users of portable computers. and in environments where it is impractical to install a wired LAN. 13-12 D IfI III II II III III II D 1m m lEI OJ Introduction and Quick Selection Guide Prescalers CMOS Phase-Locked Loops (PLLs) Super PLLs (Single Chip PLLs/Prescalers) Super Analog RF Devices BiCMOS LSI RF Integrated Circuits Piezoelectric Devices/SAW Filters Power Management Switches Application Notes and Articles Quality and Reliability Ordering Information Sales Information Glossary FUJITSU MICROELECTRONICS, INC. 3545 North First Street San Jose, California 95134-1804 1-800-642-7616 See the list of sales offices inside this data book. cp-TC-DB-10007-10/95

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