1996_Motorola_MECL_Data 1996 Motorola MECL Data
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® MOTOROLA ® MEeL Data s o -I o :D o r- :3> S m ("") r- C :3> -I :3> 04/96 DL122 REV6 DL 122/ D REV 6 MECL Data General Information rn MECL10H [2J MECL10K [3J MECL III [!] Carrier Band Modem [5J Ordering Information [6J ECLinPS, ECLinPS Lite, MECL, MECL 10H, MECL 10K, MECL 10,000, MECL III, MOSAIC, MTTL and QUIL are trademarks of Motorola Inc. The brands or product names mentioned are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. ® MOTOROLA MECLData This book presents technical data for a broad line of MECL integrated circuits. Complete specifications for the individual circuits are provided in the form of data sheets. In addition, selector guides are included to simplify the task of choosing the best combination of circuits for optimum system architecture. Motorola reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. Motorola makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does Motorola assume any liability arising out olthe application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation consequential or incidental damages. "Typical" parameters which may be provided in Motorola data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including "Typicals" must be validated for each customer application by customer's technical experts. Motorola does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. Motorola products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or other applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the Motorola product could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur. Should Buyer purchase or use Motorola products for any such unintended or unauthorized application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold Motorola and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, and distributors harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that Motorola was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part. Motorola and ® are registered trademarks of Motorola, Inc. Motorola, Inc. is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. Sixth Edition © Motorola, Inc. 1996 Previous Edition © 1993 "All Rights Reserved" Printed in U.S.A. jji MECLData DL122-Rev6 WHAT'S NEW! DATA SHEETS DELETED MC10H11B MC10119 MC1672 MC4044 MC10H119 MC1012B MC1690 MC4316 MC10H423 MC10130 MC4016 MC4324 MC10100 MC10132 MC4018 MC4344 MC1011B MC10190 MC4024 WHERE ARE THE PHASE-LOCKED LOOP ICs? To better serve our customers, we have moved all of the MECL Phase-Locked Loop ICs to our High Performance Frequency Control Products (Hipercomm) publication. The Hipercomm book (BR1334/D) can be ordered from the Motorola Literature Distribution Center. Additionally, all of the PLL data sheets can be accessed via Internet or through the Motorola MFax™ fax-back systems. See a full listing of Motorola's PLLs on page 1-30 of this book. Motorola SPS World MFax System Mfax Access: Email: Telephone: WWW: RMFAXO@email.sps.mot.com TOUCH-TONE (602) 244-6609 or 1-800-774-1848 http://Design-NET.com --7 select the Mfax Icon. A fax of complete, easy-to-use instructions can be obtained with a first-time phone call into the system, entering your FAX number and then, pressing 1. Motorola SPS World Marketing Internet Server Motorola SPS's Electronic Data Delivery organization has set up a World Wide Web Server to deliver Motorola SPS's technical data to the global Internet community. Technical data such as the complete Master Selection Guide along with the OEM North American price book are available on the Internet server with full search capabilities. Other data on the server include abstracts of data books, application notes, selector guides, and textbooks. All have easy text search capability. Ordering literature from the Literature Distribution Center is available on line. Other features of Motorola SPS's Internet server include the availability of a searchable press release database, technical training information, with on-line registration capabilities, complete on-line access to the Mfax system for ordering technical literature faxes, an on-line technical support form to send technical questions and receive answers through email, information on product groups, full search capabilities of device models, a listing of the Domestic and International sales offices, and links directly to other Motorola world wide web servers. For more information on Motorola SPS's Internet server you can request BR13071D from Mfax or LDG. After accessing the Internet, use the following URL: http://Design-NET.com iv Table of Contents Chapter 1. General Information Chapter 2. MECL 10H Data Sheets High-Speed Logic ..................... MECL Products ...................... MECL Family Comparison ............. Basic Design Considerations ........... Definitions of Symbols & Abbreviations .. MECL Positive and Negative Logic ...... 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-3 1-6 1-8 Technical Data ........................ General Characteristics .............. Noise Margin ....................... Switching Parameters ................ Setup and Hold ..................... Testing MECL 10H, 10K and III ........ 1-10 1-10 1-12 1-12 1-14 1-14 Operational Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. System Design Considerations ......... Thermal Management ................ Optimizing Reliability ................. Thermal Effects on Noise Margin ...... Mounting and Heatsink ............... Circuit Interconnects ................. 1-16 1-18 1-18 1-20 1-22 1-22 1-23 MECL 10H Selector Guide ............... 2-2 MECL 10H Introduction .................. 2-3 MECL 10H Data Sheets .................. 2-6 Chapter 3. MECL 10K Data Sheets MECL 10K Selector Guide ............... 3-2 MECL 10K Data Sheets .................. 3-3 Chapter 4. MECL III Data Sheets MECL III Selector Guide ................. 4-2 MECL III Data Sheets.. . . .. . .. . . .. . . . . ... 4-3 Chapter 5. Carrier Band Modem Carrier Band Modem Data Sheet . . . . . . . . .. 5-2 Chapter 6. Ordering Information Device Nomenclature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6-2 Case Outlines ......................... 6-3 Pin Conversion Tables .................. 6-11 Motorola Distributors and Worldwide Sales Offices .......................... 6-12 Applications Assistance Form ......... 1-28 Phase-Locked Loop les ............ 1-29 v Numeric Listing MECL 10H Data Sheets MC10H016 4-Bit Binary Counter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6 MC10H100 Quad 2-lnput NOR Gate With Strobe ..................................... . 2-8 MC10H101 Quad OR/NOR Gate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-9 MC10H102 Quad 2-lnput NOR Gate................................................. 2-10 MC10H103 Quad 2-lnput OR Gate .................................................. 2-11 MC10H104 Quad 2-lnput AND Gate................................................ . 2-12 MC10H105 Triple 2-3-2-lnput OR/NOR Gate........................................ . 2-13 MC10H106 Triple 4-3-3-lnput NOR Gate ............................................ 2-14 MC10H107 Triple 2-lnput Exclusive OR/Exclusive NOR Gate ........................... 2-15 MC10H109 Dual 4-5-lnput OR/NOR Gate ........................................... . 2-16 MC10H113 Quad Exclusive OR Gate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-17 MC10H115 Quad Line Receiver 2-18 MC10H116 Triple Line Receiver 2-19 MC10H117 Dual 2-Wide 2-3-lnput OR-AND/OR-AND Gate ........................... 2-20 MC10H121 4-Wide OR-AND/OR-AND Gate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-21 MC10H123 Triple 4-3-3-lnput Bus Driver ............................................ 2-22 MC10H124 Quad TTL-to-MECL Translator With TTL Strobe Input. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-24 MC10H125 Quad MECL-to-TTL Translator ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-26 MC10H130 Dual Latch ........................................................ ,.... 2-28 MC10H131 Dual D Type Master-Slave Flip-Flop ...................................... 2-30 MC10H135 Dual J-K Master-8lave Flip-Flop ......................................... 2-32 MC10H136 Universal Hexadecimal Counter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-33 MC10H141 Four-Bit Universal Shift Register .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-35 MC10H145 16 x 4 Bit Register File (RAM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-37 MC10H158 Quad 2-lnput Multiplexer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-40 MC10H159 Quad 2-lnput Multiplexer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-42 MC10H160 12-Bit Parity Generator-Checker ......................................... 2-44 MC10H161 Binary to 1-8 Decoder (Low) . . . .. . . . . .. .... . . ... .. . . . ... .. . . . .. . .. .... . ... 2-45 MC10H162 Binary to 1-8 Decoder (High) ............................................. 2-47 MC10H164 8-Line Multiplexer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-49 vi MECLData DL122-Rev6 Numeric Listing MECL 10H Data Sheets MC10H165 8-lnput Priority Encoder ................................................. . 2-51 MC10H166 5-Bit Magnitude Comparator ............................................ . 2-54 MC10H171 Dual Binary to 1-4 Decoder (low) ........................................ . 2-57 MC10H172 Dual Binary to 1-4-Decoder (High) ....................................... . 2-59 MC10H173 Quad 2-lnput Multiplexer/ latch .......................................... . 2-61 MC10H174 Dual 4 to 1 Multiplexer .................................................. . 2-63 MC10H175 Qunit latch ............................................................ . 2-65 MC10H176 Hex D Master-Slave Flip-Flop .......................................... .. 2-67 MC10H179 look-Ahead Carry Block ................................................ . 2-69 MC10H180 Dual 2-Bit Adder/Subtractor ............................................. . 2-72 MC10H181 4-Bit Arithmetic logic Unit! Function Generator ............................ . 2-74 MC10H186 Hex D Master-8lave Flip-Flop with Reset ................................. . 2-77 MC10H188 Hex Buffer with Enable .................................................. . 2-79 MC10H189 Hex Inverter with Enable ................................................ . 2-80 MC10H209 Dual 4-5-lnput ORINOR Gate ........................................... . 2-81 MC10H210 Dual 3-lnput 3-Output OR Gate ......................................... . 2-82 MC10H211 Dual 3-lnput 3-Output NOR Gate ........................................ . 2-83 MC10H330 Quad Bus Driver/Receiver with 2-t0-1 Output Multiplexers .................. . 2-84 MC10H332 Dual Bus Driver/Receiver with 4-t0-1 Output Multiplexers ................... . 2-86 MC10H334 Quad Bus Driver/Receiver with Transmit and Receiver latches .............. . 2-88 MC10H350 PECl' to TTL Translator ................................................ . 2-90 MC10H351 Quad TTUNMOS to PECl' Translator .................................... . 2-92 MC10H352 Quad CMOS to PECl' Translator ....................................... .. 2-94 MC10H424 Quad TTL to ECl Translator with ECl Strobe .............................. . 2-96 MC10/100H600 9-Bit TTL/ECl Translator ............................................... . 2-98 MC10/100H601 9-Bit ECL/TTl Translator................................................ 2-101 MC1 0/1 00H602 9-Bit latch TTL/ECl Translator........................................... 2-103 MC1 0/1 00H603 9-Bit latch ECL/TTl Translator. . . . .. . . .. .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . .. . .. . . .. . 2-105 MC1 0/1 00H604 Registered Hex TTUECl Translator ....................................... 2-108 MC10/100H605 Registered Hex ECUTTl Translator....................................... 2-110 vii Numeric Listing MECL 10H Data Sheets MC1 0/1 00H606 Registered Hex TTUPECL Translator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2-113 MC10/100H607 Registered Hex PECUTTL Translator.......... ............................ 2-116 MC10/100H640 680301040 PECL-TTL Clock Driver............ ............................ 2-119 MC 10/1 00H641 Single Supply PECL- TTL 1:9 Clock Distribution Chip ........................ 2-125 MC1 0/1 00H642 680301040 PECL-TTL Clock Driver........................................ 2-131 MC10/100H643 Dual Supply ECL-TTL 1:8 Clock Driver.................................... 2-138 MC1 0/1 00H644 680301040 PECL-TTL Clock Driver............ ............................ 2-141 MC10H645 1:9 TTL Clock Driver. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2-144 MC1 0/1 00H646 PECUTTL-TTL 1:8 Clock Distribution Chip..... ............................ 2-147 MC1 0/1 00H660 4-Bit ECUTTL Load Reducing DRAM Driver ............................... 2-151 MC1 0/1 00H680 4-Bit Differential ECL Bus/TTL Bus Transceiver ............................ 2-156 MC10/100H681 Hex ECL/TTL Transceiver with Latches.................................... 2-162 MECL 10K Data Sheets MC10101 Quad ORINOR Gate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3 MC10102 Quad 2-lnput NOR Gate ................................................. 3-6 MC10103 Quad 2-lnput OR Gate .................................................. 3-9 MC10104 Quad 2-lnput AND Gate ................................................. 3-12 MC10105 Triple 2-3-2-lnput ORINOR Gate............. ............................ 3-15 MC10106 Triple 4-3-3-lnput NOR Gate ............................................ 3-18 MC10107 Triple 2-lnput Exclusive ORI Exclusive NOR Gate ........................... 3-20 MC10109 Dual 4-5-lnput ORINOR Gate ............................................ 3-23 MC10110 Dual 3-lnpuV3-0utput OR Gate .......................................... 3-26 MC10111 Dual 3-lnpuV3-0utput NOR Gate .......................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-29 MC10113 Quad Exclusive OR Gate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-32 MC10114 Triple Line Receiver ..................................................... 3-35 . MC10115 Quad Line Receiver ..................................................... 3-39 MC10116 Triple Line Receiver ..................................................... 3-41 MC10117 Dual 2-Wide 2-3-lnput OR-AND/OR-AND Gate ........................... 3-44 MC10121 4-Wide OR-AND/OR-AND Gate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-47 viii Numeric Listing MECL 10K Data Sheets MC10123 Triple 4-3-3-lnput Bus Driver ............................................ 3-50 MC10124 Quad TTL to MECL Translator ............................................ 3-52 MC10125 Quad MECL to TTL Translator ............................................ 3-57 MC10129 Quad Bus Receiver. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-62 MC10131 Dual Type D Master-Slave Flip-Flop ...................................... 3-68 MC10133 Quad Latch ............................................................ 3-71 MC10134 Dual Multiplexer With Latch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-74 MC10135 Dual J-K Master-Slave Flip-Flop......................................... 3-77 MC10136 Universal Hexadecimal Counter ................. '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-80 MC10137 Universal Decade Counter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-86 MC10138 Bi-Quinary Counter ..................................................... 3-91 MC10141 Four Bit Universal Shift Register. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-94 MC10153 Quad Latch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-98 MC10154 Binary Counter................................................ .......... 3-101 MC10158 Quad 2-lnput Multiplexer....................................... .......... 3-104 MC10159 Quad 2-lnput Multiplexer....................................... .......... 3-106 MC10160 12-Bit Parity Generator-Checker ......................................... 3-108 MC10161 Binary to 1-8 Decoder (Low) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-111 MC10162 Binary to 1-8 Decoder (High) .................................. ,.......... 3-114 MC10164 8-Line Multiplexer. . . . .. . . .. .. . . .. . . . .... . .. ..... . ... .. . . .. . . .. .. . . . . . . .. 3-116 MC10165 8-lnput Priority Encoder.. . .. . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . .. . .. .. .... .... 3-119 MC10166 5-Bit Magnitude Comparator ............................................. 3-124 MC10168 Quad Latch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-128 MC10170 9+2-Bit Parity Generator! Checker ........................................ 3-131 MC10171 Dual Binary to 1-4 Decoder (Low) .. . .... . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . .... 3-134 MC10172 Dual Binary to 1-4 Decoder (High) ........................................ 3-137 MC10173 Quad 2-lnput Multiplexer/ Latch.. . ... . . . . . . ... . . . . . . .. . . .. . . ... .. .. . . ... .. 3-140 MC10174 Dual 4 to 1 Multiplexer. ... . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . .. . .. . . .. . . . .. . . ... . ... .. 3-143 MC10175 Quint Latch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-145 MC10176 Hex D Master/Slave Flip-Flop ............................................ 3-148 ix Numeric Listing MECL 10K Data Sheets MC10178 Binary Counter. . .... . . . .. . . .. . ....... . ... . . . . .. . . . . ... . . ............ .... 3-151 MC10181 4-Bit Arithmetic Logic UniV Function Generator ............ :.. . . . ... . . .. . . .. 3-154 MC10186 Hex D Master-Slave Flip-Flop With Reset ................................. 3-159 MC10188 Hex Buffer With Enable.................................................. 3-162 MC10189 Hex Inverter With Enable................................................. 3-164 MC10192 Quad Bus Driver ........................................................ 3-166 MC10195 Hex Inverter/Buffer.. .................................................... 3-168 MC10197 Hex AND Gate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3-170 MC10198 Monostable Multivibrator ................................................. 3-172 MC10210 DuaI3-lnpuV3-0utput OR Gate .......................................... 3-180 MC10211 DuaI3-lnpuV3-0utput NOR Gate........................ ................. 3-183 MC10212 High Speed Dual3-lnpuV 3-Output ORiNOR Gate......... ................. 3-186 MC10216 High Speed Triple Line Receiver .......................................... 3-189 MC10231 High Speed Dual Type D Master-Slave Flip-Flop ........................... 3-192 CHAPTER 4 - MECL III MC1648 Voltage Controlled Oscillator............................. ................. 4-3 MC1650/MC1651 Dual AID Converter... ................................................... 4-11 MC1658 Voltage Controlled Multivibrator ........................................... 4-21 MC1660 Dual 4-lnput ORiNOR Gate .............................................. 4-25 MC1662 Quad 2-lnput NOR Gate ................................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-26 MC1670 Master-Slave Flip-Flop ................................. .. . . . .. .. . . .. . . .. 4-27 MC1692 Quad Line Receiver ..................................................... 4-30 CHAPTER 5 MC68194 CBM Carrier Band Modem (CBM) ............................................. . x 5-2 MECL Data General Information MECLData DL122-Rev6 1-1 MOTOROLA [I] SECTION 1 - HIGH-SPEED LOGIC High speed logic is used whenever improved system performance would increase a product's market value. For a given system deSign, high-speed logiC is the most direct way to improve system performance and Emitter-Coupled logic (ECl) is one of today's fastest fonns of digital logic. Emittercoupled logic offers both the logic speed and logic features to meet the market demands for higher performance systems. MECl PRODUCTS Compatibility with MECl 10K and MECl III is a key element in allowing users to enhance existing systems by increasing the speed in critical timing areas. Also, many MECl 10H devices are pin out/functional duplications of the MECl 10K series devices. The emphasis of this family will be placed on more powerful logic functions having more complexity and greater performance. With 1.0 ns propagation delays and 25 mW per gate, MECl 10H is one of the best speed-power families of any ECl logic family available today. MECL at +5V(PECL) Motorola introduced the original monolithic emitter-coupled logic family with MECl I (1962) and followed this with MECl II (1966). These two families are now obsolete and have given way to the MECl III (MC1600 series), MECl 10K, Pll (MC12000 series) and the new MECl 10H families. Chronologically the third family introduced, MECl '" (1968) is a higher power, higher speed logic. Typical 1 ns edge speeds and propagation delays along with greater than 500 MHz flip-flop toggle rates, make MECl '" useful for high-speed test and communications eqUipment. Also, this family is used in the high-speed sections and critical timing delays of larger systems. For more general purpose applications, however, trends in large high-speed systems showed the need for an easy-to-use logic family with propagation delays on the order of 2 ns. To match this requirement, the MECl 10,000 Series was introduced in 1971. An important feature of MECl 10K is its compatibility with MECl III to facilitate using both families in the same system. A second important feature is its significant power economy - MECl 10K gates use less than one-half the power of MEClill. Motorola introduced the MECl 10H product family in 1981. This latest MECl family features 100% improvements in propagation delay and clock speeds while maintaining power supply currents equal to MECl 10K. MECl 10H is voltage compensated allowing guaranteed dc and switching parameters over a ±5% power supply range. Noise margins have been improved by 75% over the MECl 10K series. Any single supply ECl device is also a PECl device, making the PECl portfolio as large as the existing ECl one. (Note: The dual supply translator devices cannot operate at +5V and ground and cannot be considered PECl devices.) ECl devices in the PECl mode, must have the input/output DC specifications adjusted for proper operation. ECl levels (DC) are referenced from the VCC level. To calculate the PECl DC specifications, ECl levels are added to the new VCC. EXAMPLE: = = PECl VOH New VCC + ECl VOH, 5.0V + (-0.81 V) 4.190Vand is the max VOH level at 25°C for a PECl device. Follow the same procedure to calculate all input/output DC specifications for a device used in a PECl mode. The Vn supply used to sink the parallel termination currents is also referenced from the VCC supply and is VCC-2.0V. The PECl Vn supply +5V - 2V +3.0V and should track the VCC supply one-to-one for specified operation. = = Since ECl is referenced from the VCC rail, any noise on the VCC supply will be reflected on the output waveshape at a one-to-one ratio. Therefore, noise should be kept as low as possible for best operation. Devices in a PECl system cannot have VCC vary more than 5% to assure proper AC operation. See Motorola Application Note AN1406/D "Designing With PECL (ECL at +S.OV!, for more details. AC performance in the PECl mode is equal to the AC performance in the ECl mode, if the pitfalls set forth in Application Note (ANI406/D) are avoided. MECL FAMILY COMPARISONS MECL 10K Feature 1. Gate Propagation Delay 2. Output Edge Speed' 3. Flip-Flop Toggle Speed 4. Gate Power S. Speed Power Product MECL10H 10,100 Series 10,200 Series MECLIII 1.0 ns 1.0 ns 250 MHz min 25mW 2SpJ 2.0 ns 3.5 ns 125 MHz min 25mW SO pJ 1.5 ns 2.5 ns 200 MHz min 25mW 37 pJ 1.0 ns 1.0 ns 300-500 MHz min 60mW 60pJ 'Output edge speed: MECL 10Kl10H measured 20% to 80%, MECL III measured 10% to 90% of E out. Figure 1 - MOTOROLA GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS 1-2 MECLData DL122-Rev6 Ambient Temperature Range MECL10H 0° to 75°C MC10H100 Series -30°C to +85°C MECL10K MECLIII PLL MC12000 Series MC1 01 00 Series MC10200 Series MC1600 Series MC12000 Series Figure 2 - OPERATING TEMPERATURE RANGE MECL IN PERSPECTIVE MECL APPLICATIONS In evaluating any logic line, speed and power requirements are the obvious primary considerations. Figure 1 and Figure 2 provide the basic parameters of the MECL 10H, MECL 10K, and MECL III families. But these provide only the start of any comparative analysis, as there are a number of other important features that make MECL highly desirable for system implementation. Among these: Complementary Outputs cause a function and its complement to appear simultaneously at the device outputs, without the use of external inverters. It reduces package count by eliminating the need for associated invert functions and, at the same time, cuts system power requirements and reduces timing differential problems arising from the time delays introduced by inverters. High Input Impedance and Low Output Impedance permit large fan out and versatile drive characteristics. Insignificant Power Supply Noise Generation, due to differential amplifier design which eliminates current spikes even during signal transition period. Nearly Constant Power Supply Current Drain simplifies power-supply design and reduces costs. Low Cross-Talk due to low-current switching in signal path and small (typically 850 mV) voltage swing, and to relatively long rise and fall times. Wide Variety of Functions, including complex functions facilitated by low power dissipation (particularly in MECL 10H and MECL 10K series). A basic MECL 10K gate consumes less than 8 mW in on-chip power in some complex functions. Wide Performance Flexibility due to differential amplifier design which permits MECL circuits to be used as linear as well as digital circuits. Transmission Line Drive Capability is afforded by the open emitter outputs of MECL devices. No "Line Drivers" are listed in MECL families, because evetydevice is a line driver. Wire-ORing reduces the number of logic devices required in a design by producing additional OR gate functions with only an interconnection. Twisted Pair Drive Capability permits MECL circuits to drive twisted-pair transmission lines as long as 1000 feet. Wire-Wrap Capability is possible with the MECL 10K family because of the slow rise and fall time characteristic of the circuits. Open Emitter-Follower Outputs are used for MECL outputs to simplify signal line drive. The outputs match any line impedance and the absence of internal pulldown resistors saves power. Input Pulldown Resistors of approximately 50 kn permit unused inputs to remain unconnected for easier circuit board layout. Motorola's MECL product lines are designed for a wide range of systems needs. Within the computer market, MECL 10K is used in systems ranging from special purpose peripheral controllers to large mainframe computers. Big growth areas in this market include disk and communication channel controllers for larger systems and high performance minicomputers. The industrial market primarily uses MECL for high performance test systems such as IC or PC board testers. However, the high bandwidths of MECL 10H, MECL 10K, MECL III, and MC12,OOO are required for many frequency synthesizer systems using high speed phase lock loop networks. MECL has continued to grow in the industrial market through complex medical electronic products and high performance process control systems. MECLData DL122-Rev6 BASIC CONSIDERATIONS FOR HIGH-SPEED LOGIC DESIGN High-speed operation involves only four considerations that differ significantly from operation at low and medium speeds: 1. Time delays through interconnect wiring, which may have been ignored in medium-speed systems, become highly important at state-of-the-art speeds. 2. The possibility of distorted waveforms due to reflections on signal lines increases with edge speed. 3. The possibility of "crosstalk" between adjacent signal leads is proportionately increased in high-speed systems. 4. Electrical noise generation and pick-up are more detrimental at higher speeds. In general, these four characteristics are speed-- and frequency-dependent, and are virtually independent of the type of logic employed. The merit of a particular logic family is measured by how well it compensates for these deleterious effects in system applications. The interconnect-wiring time delays can be reduced only by reducing the length of the interconnecting lines. At logic speeds of two nanoseconds, an equivalent "gate delay" is introduced by every foot of interconnecting wiring. Obviously, for functions interconnected within a single monolithic chip, the time delays of signals travelling from one function to another are insignificant. But for a great many externally interconnected parts, this can soon add up to an appreciable delay time. Hence, the greater the number of functions per chip, the higher the system speed. MECL circuits, particularly those of the MECL 10K and MECL 10H Series are designed with a propensity toward complex functions to enhance overall system speed. 1--3 MOTOROLA rn Waveform distortion due to line reflections also becomes troublesome principally at state-of-the-art speeds. At slow and medium speeds, reflections on interconnecting lines are not usually a serious problem. At higher speeds, however, line lengths can approach the wavelength of the Signal and improperly terminated lines can result in reflections that will cause false triggering (see Figure 3 and Figure 4). The solution, as in RF technology, is to employ '1ransmission-line" practices and properly terminate each signal line with its characteristic impedance at the end of its run. The low-impedance, emitter-follower outputs of MECL circuits facilitate transmission-line practices without upsetting the voltage levels of the system. The increased affinity for crosstalk in high-speed circuits is the result of very steep leading and trailing edges (fast rise and fall times) of the high-speed signal. These steep wavefronts are rich in harmonics that couple readily to adjacent circuits. In the design of MECL 10K and MECL 10H, the rise and fall times have been deliberately slowed. This reduces the affinity for crosstalk without compromising other important performance parameters. From the above, it is evident that the MECL logic line is not simply capable of operating at high speed, but has been specifically deSigned to reduce the problems that are normally ~ssociated with high-speed operation. -€=8"_ _€=8"_ A Vn=-2VDC I Po RECEIVING GATE INPUT A I I I I, I I I.,A, I ':: ~ I 1\.f.\.LOW I ' I I I n{\ HIGH HIGH {V..r-/ I .. I I \ :' V RECEIVING GATE INPUT A LOW "( , I ~'V " \I Figure 3 - UNTERMINATED TRANSMISSION LINE (No Ground Plane Used) MOTOROLA Figure 4 - PROPERLY TERMINATED TRANSMISSION LINE (Ground Plane Added) 1-4 MECL Data DL122-Rev6 GATE CIRCUIT MULTIPLE INPUTS ~ DIFFERENTIAL AMPLIFIER ,...----A---.. BIAS NElWORK GATE TRANSFER CURVES COMPLEMENTARY OUTPUTS ,...----A---.. ~ -o.aoo VCC2 (GND)~CCl (GND) - 2. -1 200 J' OR -I--+-- - HIGH (-0.90 V TYP.) ~ VaB '" -1.29 V ~ ~ -1.6001---1+---'\1-- :3 -l.BOO NOR LOW (-1.75 V TYP.) L -...........J-'-'--".J.....J'----I -1.400 -1.200 INPUT VOLTAGE (VOLTS) A B~ A+B+C+D g.:::Tl----6- VEE (-5.2 V) A + B + D+ C GATE SYMBOL Figure 5 - MECL 10K GATE STRUCTURE AND SWITCHING BEHAVIOR CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION The typical MECL 10K circuit, Figure 5, consists of a differential-amplifier input circuit, a temperature and voltage compensated bias network, and emitter-follower outputs to restore dc levels and provide buffering for transmission line driving. High fan-out operation is possible because olthe high input impedance of the differential amplifier input and the low output impedance of the emitter follower outputs. Power-supply noise is virtually eliminated by the nearly constant current drain of the differential amplifier, even during the transition period. Basic gate design provides for simultaneous output of both the OR function and its complement, the NOR function. The design of the MECL 10H gate is unchanged, with two exceptions. The bias network has been replaced with a voltage regulator, and the differential amplifier source resistor has been replaced with a constant current source. (See section 2 for additional MECL 10H information.) Power-8upply Connections - Any of the power supply levels, VTT, VCC, orVEE may be used as ground; however, the use of the VCC node as ground results in best noise immunity. In such a case: Vce = 0, VTT = -2.0 V, VEE = -5.2 V. System Logic Specifications - The output logic swing of 0.85 V, as shown by the typical transfer characteristics curve, varies from a LOW state of VOL = -1.75 V to a HIGH state of VOH = -D.9 V with respect to ground. Positive logic is used when reference is made to logical "O's" or "1 's." Then "0" =-1.75 V = LOW typical "1" = -0.9 V = HIGH MECLData DL122-Rev6 Circuit Operation - Beginning with all logic inputs LOW (nominal -1.75 V), assume that 01 through 04 are cut off because their P-N base-emitter junctions are not conducting, and the forward-biased 05 is conducting. Under these conditions, with the base of 05 held at -1.29 V by the VBB network, its emitter will be one diode drop (0.8 V) more negative than its base, or -2.09 V. (The 0.8 V differential is a characteristic of this P-N junction.) The base-te-emitter differential across 01 - 04 is then the difference between the common emitter voltage (-2.09 V) and the LOW logic level (-1.75 V) or 0.34 V. This is less than the threshold voltage of 01 through 04 so that these transistors will remain cut off. When anyone (or all) of the logic inputs are shifted upward fromthe-1.75 V LOW state to the-D.9 V HIGH state, the base voltage of that transistor increases beyond the threshold point and the transistor turns on. When this happens, the voltage at the common-emitter point rises from -2.09 V to -1.7 (one diode drop below the -0.9 V base voltage of the input transistor), and since the base voltage of the fixed-bias transistor (05) is held at -1.29 V, the base-emitter voltage 05 cannot sustain conduction. Hence, this transistor is cut off. This action is reversible, so that when the input signal(s) return to the LOW state, 01 - 04 are again turned off and 05 again becomes forward biased. The collector voltages resulting from the switching action of 01 - 04 and 05 are transferred through the output emitter-follower to the output terminal. Note that the differential action of the switching transistors (one section being off when the other is on) furnishes simultaneous complementary signals at the output. This action also maintains constant power supply current drain. 1-5 MOTOROLA DEFINITIONS OF LETTER SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS Current: rn ICC Total power supply current drawn from the positive supply by a MECL unit under test. VCCI Most positive power supply voltage (output ·devices). (Usually ground for MECL devices.) ICBO Leakage current from input transistor on MECL devices without pulldown resistors when test voltage is applied. VCC2 ICCH Current drain from VCC power supply with all inputs at logic HIGH level. VEE ICCL Current drain from VCC power supply with all inputs at logic LOW level. VF IE Total power supply current drawn from a MECL test unit by the negative power supply. VIH VIH max IF Forward diode current drawn from an input of a saturated logic--te-MECL translator when that input is at O.4V. lin Current into the input of the test unit when a maximum logic HIGH (VIH max) is applied at that input. VIHA Most positive power supply voltage (current switches and bias driver). (Usually ground for MECL devices.) Most negative power supply voltage for a circuit (usually -5.2 V for MECL devices). Input voltage for measuring IF on TTL interface circuits. Input logic HIGH voltage level (nominal value). Maximum HIGH level input voltage: The most positive (least negative) value of high-level input voltage, for which operation of the logic element within specification limits is guaranteed. Input logic HIGH threshold voltage level. VIHA min Minimum input logic HIGH level (threshold) voltage for which performance is specified. IINH HIGH level input current into a node with a specified HIGH level (VIH max) logic voltage applied .to that node. (Same as lin for positive logic.) VIH min Minimum HIGH level input voltage: The least positive (most negative) value of HIGH level input voltage for which operation of the logic element within specification limits is guaranteed. IINL LOW level input current, into a node with a specified LOW level (VIL min) logic voltage applied to that node. VIL Input logic LOW voltage level (nominal value). VIL max Maximum LOW level input voltage: The most positive (least negative) value of LOW level input voltage for which operation of the logic element within specification limits is guaranteed. Inpui logic LOW threshold voltage level. IL Load current that is drawn from a MECL circuit output when measuring the output HIGH level voltage. 10H HIGH level output current: the current flowing into the output, at a specified HIGH level output voltage. 10L LOW level output current: the current flowing into the output, at a specified LOW level output voltage. lOS Output short circuit current. lout Output current (from a device or circuit, under such conditions mentioned in context). IA Aeverse current drawn from a transistor input of a test unit when VEE is applied to that input. lA' Aeverse current leakage into an input of a saturated logic MECUPECL translator when that input is at VCC. ISC Short-circuit current drawn from a translator saturating output when that output is at ground potential. Voltage: VILA VILA max Maximum input logic LOW level (threshold) voltage for which performance is specified. VIL min Minimum LOW level input voltage: The least positive (most negative) value of LOW level input voltage for which operation of the logic element within specification limits is guaranteed. Yin Vmax Input voltage (to a circuit or device). Maximum (most positive) supply voltage, permitted under a specified set of conditions. VOH Output logic HIGH voltage level: The voltage level at an output terminal for a specified output current, with the specified conditions applied to establish a HIGH level at the output. Output logic HIGH threshold voltage level. VOHA VOHA min Minimum output HIGH threshold voltage level for which performance is specified. VOH max Maximum output HIGH or high-level voltage for given inputs. VOH min VBS . Aeference bias supply voltage. VBE Base-to-emitter voltage drop of a transistor at specified collector and base currents. VCS Collector-te-base voltage drop of a transistor at specified collector and base currents. VCC General term for the most positive power supply voltage to a MECL device (usually ground, except for translator and interface circuits). MOTOROLA VOL Minimum output HIGH or high-level voltage for given inputs. Output logic LOW voltage level: The voltage level at the output terminal for a specified output current, with the specified conditions applied to establish a LOW level at the output. Output logic LOW threshold voltage level. VOLA VOLA max Maximum output LOW threshold voltage level for which performance is specified. 1-6 MECLData DL122-Rev6 Voltage (cont.): VOL max VOL min VTT Maximum output LOW level voltage for given inputs. Minimum output LOW level voltage for given inputs. Line load-resistor terminating voltage for outputs from a MECL device. Time Parameters: tWSA Address setup time prior to write twHA twscs Address hold time after write Chip select setup time prior to write twHCS Chip select hold time after write tws Write disable time tWR Write recovery time Temperature: t+ Waveform rise time (LOW to HIGH), 10% to 90%, or 20% to 80%, as specified. t- Waveform fall time (HIGH to LOW), 90% to 10%, or 80% to 20%, as specified. Maximum temperature at which device may be stored without damage or performance degradation. tr tf t+t-+ Same as t+ Same as tPropagation Delay, see Figure 12 on page 1-13. Propagation Delay, see Figure 12 on page 1-13. Junction (or die) temperature of an integrated circuit device. Ambient (environment) temperature existing in the immediate vicinity of an integrated circuit device package. tpd Propagation delay, input to output from the 50% paint of the input waveform at pin x (falling edge noted by - or rising edge noted by +) to the 50% point of the output waveform at pin y (falling edge noted by - or rising edge noted by +). (Cf Figure 12 on page 1-13.) eJA Output waveform rise time as measured from 10% to 90% or 20% to 80% points on waveform (whichever is specified) at pin x with input conditions as specified. Output waveform fall time as measured from 90% to 10% or 80% to 20% points on waveform (whichever is specified) at pin x, with input conditions as specified. eCA tx±y± t x- fTog f shift Tstg Ifpm Toggle frequency of a flip-flop or counter device. Shift rate for a shift register. Chip Select Access Time Chip Select Recovery Time Address Access Time Write Mode (Memories) tw twso tWHD Write Pulse Width Data Setup Time Prior to Write Data Hold Time After Write MECLData DL122-Rev6 Thermal resistance of an IC package, junction to case. Linear feet per minute. Thermal resistance of an IC package, case to ambient. Miscellaneous: Read Mode (Memories) tACS tRCS tAA Thermal resistance of an IC package, junction to ambient. 1-7 eg TPin Signal generator inputs to a test circuit. Test point at input of unit under test. TPout D.U.T. Test point at output of unit under test. Cin Input capaCitance. Cout Zout Po Output capacitance. Device under test. Output impedance. The total dc power applied to a device, not including any power delivered from the device to a load. RL Load Resistance. RT Rp Terminating (load) resistor. An input pull-down resistor (i.e., connected to the most negative voltage). P.U.T. Pin under test. MOTOROLA MECL POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE LOGIC INTRODUCTION The increasing popularity and use of emitter coupled logic has created a dilemma for some logic designers. Saturated logic families such as TTL have traditionally been designed with the NAND function as the basic logic function, however, the basic ECl logic function is the NOR function (positive logic). Therefore, the designer may either design ECl systems with positive logic using the NOR, or design with negative logic using the NAND. Which is the more convenient? On the one hand the designer is familiar with positive logic levels and definitions, and on the other hand, he is familiar with implementing systems using NAND functions. Perhaps a presentation of the basic definitions and characteristics of positive and negative logic will clarify the situation and eliminate misunderstanding. Vee=gnd VBB =-t.29 volts e VEE = -5.2 volts Tablet Figure 6 - Basic MECL Gate Circuit and Logic Function In Positive and Negative Nomenclature. Circuit diagrams external to Motorola products are Included as a means of illustrating typical semiconductor applications; consequently, complete information sufficient for construction purposes is not necessarily given. The information in this Application Note has been carefully checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed forinaccuracias. Furthermore, such informatian does not convey to the purchaser of the semiconductor devices described any license under the patent rights of Motorola Inc. or others. MOTOROLA 1-8 MECLData DL122- Rev 6 LOGIC EQUIVALENCIES Binary logic must have two states to represent the binary 1 and O. With ECL the typical states are a high level of -~ 1-0 ::» a..~ - ~ t\ '- -300; I 11 'I, 'l -1.750 - I I 85°C ::) kfc 1 - PROUTPUT -300 -1.350 I- 0 85°C 250C' \\ 85!C-\ , - , .-{ 25°C_ ~, 25°~ NORIOUTP~ --=r--30~ -1.6 I -1.4 -1.2 -30"C- -to INPUT VOLTAGE (VOLTS) TYPICAL lEVEL CHANGE RATES 11 V Voltage MECL10H MECL10K .wOH/LlVEE O.OOB 0.016 0.033 LlVOr..!LlVEE 0.020 0.250 0.270 LlVBslLlVEE 0.010 0.14B 0.140 - MECLData DL122-Rev6 regardless of power dissipation or junction temperature differences to reduce loss of noise margin due to thermal differences. All of these specifications assume -5.2 V power supply operation. Operation at other power-supply voltages is possible, but will result in further transfer curve changes. Table 6 gives rate of change of output voltages as a function of power supply. 1-11 MECLIII MOTOROLA NOISE MARGIN would need an additional voltage, to move the inputfrom VOLA max to VILA max. This constitutes the "safety factor" known as noise margin. It can be calculated as the magnitude of the difference between the two specification voltages, or for the MECL 10K levels shown: "Noise margin" is a measure of logic circuit's resistance to undesired switching. MECL noise margin is defined in terms of the specification points surrounding the switching threshold. The critical parameters of interest here are those designated with the "A" subscript (VOHA min, VOLA max, VIHA min, VILA max) in the transfer characteristic curves. MECL 10H is specified and tested with: VOHA min = VOH min VOLA max =VOL max VIHA min = VIH min and NMLOW - VILA max - VOLA max --1.475 V -(-1.630 V) -155mV. Similarly, for the HIGH state: NMHIGH - VOHA min - VIHA min --0.980 V - (-1.105 V) -125mV VILA max = VIL max Guaranteed noise margin (NM) is defined as follows: NMHIGH LEVEL = VOHA min - VIHA min NMLOW LEVEL =VILA max - VOLA max To see how noise margin is computed, assume a MECL gate drives a similar MECL gate, Figure 11. At a gate input (point B) equal to VILA max, MECL gate #2 can begin to enter the shaded transition region. This is a ''worst case" condition, since the VOLA max specification point guarantees that no device can enter the transition region before an input equal to VILA max is reached. Clearly then, VILA max is one critical point for noise margin computation, since it is the edge of the transition region. To find the other critical voltage, consider the output from MECL gate #1 (point A). What is the most positive value possible for this voltage (considering worst case specifications)? From Figure 11 it can be observed that the VOLA max specification insuresthalthe LOW state OR output from gate #1 can be no greater than VOLA max· NotethatVOI:.AmaxismorenegativethanVILAmax·Thus, with VOLA max althe inpulto gate #2, the transition region is not yet reached. (The input voltage to gate #2 is still to the left of VILA max on the transfer curve.) In order to ever run the chance of switching gate #2, we Analogous results are obtained when considering the "NOR" transfer data. Note that these noise margins are absolute worst case conditions. The lessor of the two noise margins is that for the HIGH state, 125 mV. This then, constitutes the guaranteed margin against signal undershoot, and power or thermal disturbances. As shown in the table, typical noise margins are usually betterthanguaranteed-byabout75mV.ForMECL10Hthe "noise margin" is 150 mV for NM low and NM high. (See Section 3 for details.) Noise margin is a dc specification that can be calculated, since it is defined by specification points tabulated on MECL data sheets. However, by itself, this specification does not give a complete picture regarding the noise immunity of a system built with a particular set of circuits. Overall system noise immunity involves not only nOise-margin specifications, but also other circuit-related factors that determine how difficult it is to apply a noise signal of sufficient magnitude and duration to cause the circuilto propagate a false logic state. In general, then, noise immunity involves line impedances, circuit output impedances, and propagation delay in addition to noise-margin specifications. This subject to discussed in greater detail in the MECL System Design Handbook, HB205. Figure 11 - MECL Noise Margin Data -------\S~ -1.475 -1.105 OR VOHAMIN t -0.980 dV } GATE INPUr- VILA MAX LOW STATE ~ ---L.---O- VILA MAX , VOLA MAX' Guaranteed Worst-Case de Noise Margin (V) Typlealde Noise Margin (V) MECL10H 0.150 0.270 MECL 10K 0.125 0.210 MECLIII 0.115 0.200 Family C Margin Noise Margin Computations VIHA MIN Specification Points for Determining Noise Margin = Low.Noise {. 'VOHA min =VOH min. VOLA max = VOL max. VIHA min = VIH min and . VILA max = VIL max for MECL 10H. Vee (SWITCHING THRESHOLD) ~ VOHAMIN' HIGH . } STATE - f + - t - - - -1.630 GATE OUTPUT 'dV = High .Noise { Margin AC OR SWITCHING PARAMETERS MOTOROLA 1-12 MECLData DL122-Rev6 lime-dependent specifications are those that define the effects of the circuit on a specified input signal, as it travels through the circuit. They include the time delay involved in changing the output level from one logic state to another. In addition, they include the time required for the output of a circuit to respond to the input signal, designated as propagation delay, MECL waveform and propagation delay Figure 12 - terminologies are depicted in Figure 12. Specific rise, fali, and propagation delay times are given on the data sheet for each specific functional block, but like the transfer characteristics, ac parameters are temperature and voltage dependent. Typical variations for MECL 10K are given in the curves of Figure 13 through Figure 16. TYPICAL LOGIC WAVEFORMS OVERSHOOT!~-~~~~~~~f~~~~~rf~~~~-~~H:IG;H~L:EVEL UNDERSHOOT ! SO% VIHA VILA VSS UNDERSHOOT { LOW LEVEL VOUTOR MECL WAVEFORM TERMINOLOGY -'T-+'~r VOUTNOR~ VOUT +-~ 'TPD=T-+T++ T-=TF MECL III Rise and Fall Times T+=TR MECL 10K and MECL 10H Rise and Fall Times Figure 14 - TYPICAL PROPAGATION DELAY 1+ + versus VEE AND TEMPERATURE (MECL 10K) Figure 13 - TYPICAL PROPAGATION DELAY 1- - versus VEE AND TEMPERATURE (MECL 10K) 2.6 2.S _ I "'E- 2.3 z 2.2 - OR 2.4 ~ w 0 SOQILOADITO-2.~V 1-:::::= 2.S J +8so 2SoCj -30°c ~ -- t-- 2.0 l- 0 a: 1.9 a. I 1.8 ..!. 1.7 1.6 2.3 z 2.1 0 ~ 2.1 (!l -3.6 MECLData DL122-Rev6 NOR -- I--!---- -4.4 -5.2 -<>.0 VEE, SUPPLY VOLTAGE (VOLTS) f--: ~ 2.0 1f 0 1.9 a: a. 1.8 .... -30°c I 2.2 (!l 8Soc 2Soc _ 2.4 'wS 0 0 1f MECL Propagation Delay I .1: 1.7 - so bLOA~ :-~ ......... - r- TO -~.O V - I I NOR OR ...... V ~ 85°C I I 25°C -30°c . / 85°C .-l25°c -30°c / 1.6 1.5" -6.8 -3.6 1-13 -4.4 -5.2 -6.0 VEE, SUPPLY VOLTAGE (VOLTS) -6.8 MOTOROLA Figure 15 - TYPICAL FALL TIME (90% to 10%) versus TEMPERATURE AND SUPPLY VOLTAGE (MECL 10K) 3.9 3.8 w Ll: r-..., ........... Iii' .s 3.6 :::;; 3.5 i= 3.4 -' -' 3.3 ..C 3.2 3.1 r-- - 85'C I 4.8 25'ci -aO'C 4.6 w ;::: 4.4 w 4.2 Ul ~ ........... ....... r-- 3.0 2.9 5.2 5.0 I. 50 Q LOAD TO-2.0V -_,"-NOR r-- - 3.7 [I] 50 Q LOAD TO -2.0 V r-...,-t-- r=::::: ::::::- :::0 3.8 ~ -r-- - r-- "-t-- -4.4 -5.2 -6.0 VEE, SUPPLY VOLTAGE (VOLTS) 3.6 85'C 25'C -3Q'C -6.8 ........ ----- t-.... ~ t-- 3.4 3.2 I NOR a: 4.0 .£ f-... -a.6 Figure 16 - TYPICAL FALL TIME (10% to 90%) versus TEMPERATURE AND SUPPLY VOLTAGE (MECL 10K) -a.6 - - 85'CI 25'CI -aO'C I dR 85'C 25'C -3Q'C I -4.4 -5.2 -6.0 VEE, SUPPLY VOLTAGE (VOLTS) I I -6.8 SETUP AND HOLD TIMES Setup and hold times are two ac parameters which can easily be confused unless clearly defined. For MECL logic devices, tsetup is the minimum time (SO% - SO%) before the positive transition of the clock pulse (C) that information must be present at the Data input (D) to insure proper operation of the device. The thold is defined similarly as the minimum time after the positive transition of the clock pulse (C) that the information must remain unchanged at the Data input (D) to insure proper operation. Setup and hold waveforms for logic devices are shown in Figure 17. Figure 17 - SETUP AND HOLD WAVEFORMS FOR MECL LOGIC DEVICES D----' C-----1f-JI :---------)('----- TESTING MECL 10H, MECL 10K AND MECL III To obtain results correlating with Motorola circuit specifications certain test techniques must be used. A schematic of a typical gate test circuit is shown in Figure 18. This test circuit is the standard ac test configuration for most MECL devices. (Exceptions are shown with device specification.) . A solid ground plane is used in the test setup, and capacitors bypass VCC1, VCC2, and VEE pins to ground. All power leads and signal leads are kept as short as possible. The sampling scope interface runs directly to the SO-ohm inputs of Channel A and B via SD-ohm coaxial cable. Equal-length coaxial cables must be used between the test set and the A and B scope inputs. A SO-ohm coax cable such as RGS8/U or RG188A1U, is recommended. Interconnect fittings should be SD-ohm GR, BNC, Sealectro Con hex, or equivalent. Wire length should be < X inch from TPin to input pin and TPout to output pin. The pulse generator must be capable of 2.0 ns rise and MOTOROLA fall times for MECL 1OKand l.S ns for MECL 1OH and MECL III. In addition, the generator voltage must have an offset to give MECL signal swings of = ±400 mV about a threshold of = +0.7 Vwhen VCC = +2.0 and VEE =-3.2 V for ac testing of logic devices. The power supplies are shifted +2.0 V, so that the device under test has only one resistor value to load into the precision SO-ohm input impedance of the sampling oscilloscope. Use of this technique yields a close correlation between Motorola and customer testing. Unused outputs are loaded with a SD-ohm resistor (10D-ohm for MC10SXX devices) to ground. The positive supply (VCC) should be decoupled from the test board by RF type 2S !1F capacitors to ground. The VCC pins are bypassed to ground with 0.1 !1F, as is the VEE pin. Additional information on testing MECL 10K and understanding data sheets is found in Application Note AN701 and the MECL System Design Handbook, HB20S. 1-14 MECLData DL122-Rev6 Figure 1B - MECL LOGIC SWITCHING TIME TEST SETUP CHANNEL A CHANNELB • Matched SD-ohm coax "'. 0.1 j.1F-decouples fixture ..... 25 j.1F-dampens supply variations PULSEtt GENERATOR ttPulse generator must be capable of rise and fall times 2.0 ns for 10K and 1.0 ns for 10H and MECL III. NOTE: All power supply levels are shown shifted 2 volts positive. +2.0 V Vec MECLData DL122-Rev6 1-15 -3.2 V VEE MOTOROLA SECTION III - OPERATIONAL DATA POWER SUPPLY CONSIDERATIONS MECL circuits are characterized with the VCC point at ground potential and the VEE point at -5.2 V. While this MECL convention is not necessarily mandatory, it does result in maximum noise immunity. This is so because any noise induced on the VEE line is applied to the circuit as a common-mode signal which is rejected by the differential action of the MECL input circuil. Noise induced into the VCC line is not cancelled out in this fashion. Hence, a good system ground at the VCC bus is required for best noise immunity. Also, MECL 1OH circuits may be operated with VEE at -4.5 V with a negligible loss of noise immunity. Power supply regulation which will achieve 10% regulation or better at the device level is recommended. The -5.2 V power supply potential will result in best circuit speed. Other values for VEE may be used. A more negative voltage will increase noise margins at a cost of increased power dissipation. A less negative voltage will have just the opposite effect. (Noise margins and performance specifications of MECL 1OH are unaffected by variations in VEE because olthe internal voltage regulation.) On logic cards, a ground plane or ground bus system should be used. A bus system should be wide enough to prevent significant voltage drops between supply and device and to produce a low source inductance. Although little power supply noise is generated by MECL logic, power supply bypass capacitors are recommended to handle switching currents caused by stray capacitance and asymmetric circuit loading. A parallel combination of a 1.0 j!F and a 100 pF capacitor at the power entrance to the board, and a 0.01 j!F low-inductance capacitor between ground and the -5.2 V line every four to six packages, are recommended. Most MECL 1OH, MECL 10K and MECL III circuits have two VCC leads. VCC1 supplies currenttothe outputtransistors and VCC2 is connected to the circuit logic transistors. The separate VCC pins reduce cross-coupling between individual circuits within a package when the outputs are driving heavy loads. Circuits with large drive capability, similar to the MC10110, have two VCC1 pins. All VCC pins should be connected to the ground plane or ground bus as close to the package as possible. For further discussion of MECL power supply considerations to be made in system designing, see MECL System Design Handbook, HB205. POWER DISSIPATION The power dissipation of MECL functional blocks is specified on their respective data sheets. This specification does not include power diSSipated in the output devices due to output termination. The omission of internal output pulldown resistors permits the use of external terminations designed to yield best system performance. To obtain total operating power dissipation of a particular functional Dlock in a system, the dissipation of the output transistor, under load, must be added to the circuit power dissipation. Table 7 lists the power dissipation in the output transistors plus that in the external terminating resistors, for the more MOTOROLA commonly used termination values and circuit configurations. To obtain true package power dissipation, one outputtransistor power- ~ 250 500 AIRFLOW (Ifpm) Table 9 - THERMAL GRADIENT OF JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (16-Pin MECL Dual-ln-Line Package) Power Dissipation (mW) Junction Temperature Gradient ('C/Package) 200 0,4 250 0,5 300 0.63 400 0,88 Devices mounted on 0,062" PC board with Z axis spacing 0.5", Air flow is 500 Ifpm along the Z axis, The majority of MECL 10H,MECL 10K, and MECL III users employ some form of air-flow cooling. As air passes over each device on a printed circuit board, it absorbs heat from each package. This heat gradient from the first package to the last package is a function of the air flow rate and individual package dissipations. Table 9 provides gradient data at power levels of 200 mW, 250 mW, 300 mW, and 400 mW with an air flow rate of 500 Ifpm. These figures show the proportionate MOTOROLA 750 1000 increase in the junction temperature of each dual-in-line package as the air passes over each device. For higher rates of air flow the change in junction temperature from package to package down the airstream will be lower due to greater cooling. OPTIMIZING THE LONG TERM RELIABILITY OF PLASTIC PACKAGES Todays plastic integrated circuit packages are as reliable as ceramic packages under most environmental conditions. However when the ultimate in system reliability is required, thermal management must be considered as a prime system design goal. Modern plastic package assembly technology utilizes gold wire bonded to aluminum bonding pads throughout the electronics industry. When exposed to high temperatures for protracted periods oftime an intermetallic compound can form in the bond area resulting in high impedance contacts and degradation of device performance. Since the formation of intermetallic compounds is directly related to device junction temperature, it is incumbent on the designer to determine that the device junction temperatures are consistent with system reliability goals. 1-20 MECL Data DL122-Rev6 Predicting Bond Failure Time: MECL Junction Temperatures: Based on the results of almost ten (10) years of +125°C operating life testing, a special arrhenius equation has been developed to show the relationship between junction temperature and reliability. (1) T = Power levels have been calculated for a number of MECL 10K and MECL 10H devices in 20 pin plastic leaded chip carriers and translated to the resulting increase of junction temperature (8TJ) for still air and moving air at 500 LFPM using equation 2 and are shown in Table 11. (6.376 x 10-9)e[ 11554.267 ] 273.15 + T J Time in hours to 0.1 % bond failure (1 failure per 1,000 bonds). Device junction temperature, °C. Where:T Table 11 -INCREASE IN JUNCTION TEMPERATURE DUE TO IIC POWER DISSIPATION. 20 PIN PLASTIC LEADED CHIP CARRIER And: = = (2) TJ TA + PD8JA TA + 8TJ Device junction temperature, cC. Where:TJ Ambient temperature, cC. TA Device power dissipation in watts. PD Device thermal resistance, junction to air, 8JA °ClWatt. 8TJ Increase in junction temperature due to on-chip power dissipation. Device Type MC10101 MC10102 MC10103 MC10104 MC10105 MC10106 MC10107 MC10109 MC10110 MC10111 MC10113 MCI0114 MC10115 MC10116 MC10117 MC10121 MC10123 MC10124 MC10125 MC10131 MC10133 MC10134 MC10135 MC10136 MC10138 MC10141 MC10153 MC10158 MC10159 MC10160 MC10161 MC10162 MC10164 MC10165 MC10166 MC10168 MC10170 MC10171 MC10172 MC10173 MC10174 MC1017S MC10176 MC10178 MC10186 MC10188 MC10189 MC10192 MC10195 MC10197 MC10198 MC10210 MC10211 MC10212 MC10216 MC10231 Table 10 shows the relationship between junction temperature, and continuous operating time to 0.1% bond failure, (1 failure per 1,000 bonds). Table 10- DEVICE JUNCTION TEMPERATURE versus TIME TO 0.1% BOND FAILURES Junction Temperature 'C Time, Hours Time, Years 80 1,032,200 117.8 90 419,300 47.9 100 178,700 20.4 110 79,600 9.4 120 37,000 4.2 130 17,800 2.0 140 8,900 1.0 Table 10 is graphically illustrated in Figure 26 which shows that the reliability for plastic and ceramic devices are the same until elevated junction temperatures induces intermetallic failures in plastiC devices. Early and mid-life failure rates of plastic devices are not effected by this intermetallic mechanism. Figure 26. FAILURE RATE versus TIME JUNCTION TEMPERATURE w !;;: ~ 3 ~ ; FAILURE RATE OF PLASTIC = CERAMIC UNTIL INTERMETALLICS OCCUR ~ ~ I~ ~ ~ ~ r-~- ~ 11'11 ~ ~ J. ~--g- P ~ ~ ~ ~ P-,f-H-t-HtH ~ IT 100 "TJ'oC SIIIIAI, 500LFPM 21.8 14.1 11.4 17.6 17.6 20.8 17.2 13.0 19.8 11.7 AI, 11.4 13.4 11.2 8.4 12.8 MECl10H Device Type MC10H016 MC10H100 MC10H101 MC10H102 MC10H103 MC10H104 MC10H105 MC10Hl06 MC10H107 MC10H109 22.2 7.7 16.1 16.1 14.3 22.6 16.7 14.6 MC10H115 10.9 MC1QH116 17.2 11.1 16.2 13.5 37.6 42.9 10.5 8.5 MC10H117 MC10H121 MC10H123 MC10H124 MC10H125 MC1OH130 MC10H135 MC10H13B MC10H141 MC10H145 MC10H158 MC10H159 MC10H160 MC10H161 MC1QH162 MC10H164 MC10H165 MC10H166 MC10H171 MC10H172 MC10H173 MC10H174 MC10H175 MC10H176 MC10H179 MC10H180 MC10H181 4 MC10H186 MC10H188 MC10H189 MC10H209 MC10H210 MC10H211 MC10H3304 MC10H332 MC10H334 MC10H350 MC10H351 MC10H352 MC10H424 24.7 24.7 - 24.0 27.3 - 26.9 17.1 34.4 21.9 27.0 31.9 52.3 37.0 42.7 34.4 23.9 25.8 32.0 40.7 40.7 31.3 53.7 43.5 34.4 29.9 41.1 41.1 30.5 31.9 43.7 49.8 38.1 49.6 25.4 24.6 67.0 48.7 27.7 21.2 24.5 24.6 24.3 24.1 30.6 17.2 20.3 32.6 23.2 26.7 21.9 15.2 16.4 20.4 26.0 26.0 20.1 33.6 27.6 21.9 18.9 26.2 26.2 19.3 20.5 27.6 31.3 23.9 31.1 16.4 15.9 43.0 29.9 17.7 13.4 16.0 16.0 15.6 15.6 19.5 MC1QH113 "TJ'oC Stili AI, .6.TJ'oC 500lFPM AI, 48.0 16.6 22.1 18.0 18.0 21.0 17.8 30.0 10.8 13.2 8.7 12.9 7.8 14.8 20.0 11.9 22.8 16.7 17.8 16.7 13.9 23.1 44.2 - 28.2 33.2 61.7 44.3 59.4 25.3 27.3 32.1 41.5 41.5 31.9 56.3 44.4 41.9 41.9 32.6 32.5 45.9 14.5 11.8 11.8 13.5 11.7 10.9 11.7 11.0 9.1 15.0 28.4 - 18.2 21.4 38.5 28.0 36.9 16.4 17.7 20.5 26.7 26.7 20.6 35.8 28.3 26.9 26.9 21.1 21.0 50.9 35.0 42.4 64.4 50.2 25.8 25.8 18.9 25.0 25.0 65.8 52.2 77.8 29.6 32.3 22.6 27.2 38.6 31.8 16.7 16.7 12.5 16.4 16.4 36.1 33.5 49.3 27.2 27.2 37.7 18.1 18.1 24.3 - - NOTES: (1) All ECLoutpuls are loaded with a50 Q resistor and assumed operating at 50% duty cycle. (2) ATJ for Eel to TTL translators are excluded since the supply current to the TTL section Is dependent on frequency, duty cycle and loading. (3) Thermal Resistance (6JA) measured with PLCC packages solder attached to traces on 2.24" x 2.24" x 0.062" FR4 type glass epoxy board with 1 ozJsq. fl. copper (solder-coated) mounted to tester with 3 leads of 24 gauge copper wire. (4) 28 lead PlCC. !i!! 1.0t--t-+-H-H*--t-+-H-Itttt-L-t-H+Htti 10 llTJ'oC MECl10K 1000 TIME, YEARS MECLDala DL122-Rev6 1-21 MOTOROLA Case Example: [j] After the desired system failure rate has been established for failure mechanisms other than intermetallics, each plastic device in the system should be evaluated for maximum junction temperature using Table 11. Knowing the maximum junction temperature refer to Table' 10 or Equation 1 to determine the continuous operating time required to 0.1 % bond failures due to intermetallic formation. At this time, system reliability departs from the desired value as indicated in Figure 26. To illustrate, assume that system ambient air temperature is 55°C (an accepted industry standard for evaluating system failure rates). Reference is made to Table 11 to determine the maximum junction temperature for each device for still air and transverse air flow of 500 LFPM. Adding the 55°C ambient to the highest, ~TJ listed, 77.8°C (for the MC1 OH334 with no airflow), gives a maximum junction temperature of 132.8°C. Reference to Table 10 indicates a departure from the desired failure rate after about 2 years of constant exposure to this junction temperature. If 500 LFPM of air flow is utilized, maximum junction temperature for this device is reduced to 104.3°C for which Table 10 indicates an increased failure rate in about 15 years. Air flow is one method of thermal management which should be considered for system longeVity. Other commonly used methods include heat sinks for higher powered devices, refrigerated air flow and lower density board stuffing. The material presented here emphasizes the need to consider thermal management as an integral part of system design and also the tools to determine if the management methods being considered are adequate to produce the desired system reliability. THERMAL EFFECTS ON NOISE MARGIN The data sheet dc specifications for standard MECL 10K and MECL III devices are given for an operating temperature range from -30°C to +85°C (0° to +75°C for MECL 10H and memories). These values are based on having an airflow of 500 Ifpm over socket or PIC board mounted packages with no special heatsinking (i.e., dual-in-line package mounted on lead seating plane with no contact between bottom of package and socket or PIC board and fiat package mounted with bottom in direct contact with non-metalized area of PIC board), The designer may want to use MECL devices under conditions other than those given above. The majority of the low-power device types may be used without air and with higher 9JA. However, the designer must bear in mind that junction temperatures will be higher for higher 9JA, even though the ambient temperature is the same. Higher junction temperatures will cause logic levels to shift. As an example, a 300 mW 16 lead dual-in-line ceramic device operated at 9JA = 100°CIW (in still air) shows a HIGH logic level shift of about 21 mV above the HIGH logic level when operated with 500 Ifpm air flow and a 9JA 50°CIW. (Level shift ~TJ x 1.4 mV/°G). If logic levels of individual devices shift by different amounts (depending on PD and 9JA), noise margins are somewhat = MOTOROLA reduced. Therefore, the system designer must layout his system bearing in mind that the mounting procedures to be used should minimize thermal effects on noise margin. The following sections on package mounting and heatsinking are intended to provide the designer with sufficient information to insure good noise margins and high reliability in MECL system use. MOUNTING AND HEATSINK SUGGESTIONS With large high-speed logiC systems, the use of multilayer printed circuit boards is recommended to provide both a better ground plane and a good thermal path for heat dissipation. Also, a multilayer board allows the use of microstrip line techniques to provide transmission line interconnections. Two-sided printed circuit boards may be used where board dimensions and package count are small. If possible, the VCC ground plane should face the bottom of the package to form the thermal conduction plane. If signal lines must be placed on both sides of the board, the VEE plane may be used as the thermal plane, and at the same time may be used as a pseudo ground plane. The pseudo ground plane becomes the ac ground reference under the signal lines placed on the same side as the VCC ground plane (now on the oppOSite side olthe board from the packages), thus maintaining a microstrip signal line environment. Two-ounce copper PIC board is recommended for thermal conduction and mechanical strength. Also, mounting holes for low power devices may be countersunk to allow the package bottom to contact the heat plane. This technique used along with thermal paste will provide good thermal conduction. Printed channeling is a useful technique for conduction of heat away from the packages when the devices are soldered into a printed circuit board. As illustrated in Figure 27, this heat dissipation method could also serve as VEE voltage distribution or as a ground bus. The channels should terminate into channel strips at each side or the rear of a plug-in type printed circuit board. The heat can then be removed from the circuit board, or board slide rack, by means of wipers that come into thermal contact with the edge channels. Figure 27 - CHANNEUWIPER HEATSINKING ON DOUBLE LAYER BOARD = 1-22 MECLData DL122-Rev6 For operating some of the higher power device types' in 16 lead dual-in-line packages in still air, requiring 8JA <1 OO°CIW, a suitable heatsink is the IERC LlC-214A2WCB shown in Figure 2B. This sink reduces the still air8JA to around 55°CIW. By mounting this heatsink directly on a copper ground plane (using silicone paste) and passing 500 Ifpm air over the packages, 8JA is reduced to approximately 35°CIW, permitting use at higher ambient temperatures than +B5°C (+75°C for MECL 1OH memories) or in lowering T J for improved reliability. Figure 28 - MECL HIGH-POWER DUAL-IN-LiNE PACKAGE MOUNTING METHOD It should be noted that the use of a heatsink on the top surface of the dual-in-line package is not very effective in lowering the 8JA. This is due to the location of the die near the bottom surface of the package. Also, very little « 10%) of the internal heat is withdrawn through the package leads due to the isolation from the ceramic by the solder glass seals and the limited heat conduction from the die through 1.0 to 1.5 mil aluminum bonding wires. INTERFACING MECL TO SLOWER LOGIC TYPES MECL circuits are interfaceable with most other logiC forms. For MECurrUDTL interfaces, when MECL is operated atthe recommended -5.2 volts and TTUDTL at +5.0 V supply, currently available translator circuits, such as the MC10124 and MC10125, may be used. For systems where a dual supply (-5.2 V and +5 V) is not practical, the MC1 OH350 includes four single supply MECL to TTL translators, or a discrete component translator can be designed. For details, see MECL System DeSign Handbook (HB205). Such circuits can easily be made fast enough for any available TTL. . MECL also interfaces readily with MOS. With CMOS operating at +5 V, any of the MECL to TTL translators works very well. Specific circuitry for use in interfacing MECL families to other logic types is given in detail in the MECL System Design Handbook. Complex MECL 10K devices are presently available for interfacing MECL with MaS logic, MaS memories, TTL three-state circuits, and IBM bus logic levels. See Application Note AN-720 for additional interfacing information. CIRCUIT INTERCONNECTIONS Though not necessarily essential, the use of multilayer printed circuit boards offers a number of advantages in the development of high-speed logic cards. Not only do multilayer boards achieve a much higher package density, interconnecting leads are kept shorter, thus minimizing propagation delay between packages. This is particularly beneficial with MECL III which has relatively fast (1 ns) rise and fall times. Moreover, the unbroken ground planes made possible with multilayer boards permit much more precise control of transmission line impedances when these are used for interconnecting purposes. Thus multilayer boards are recommended for MECL III layouts and are justified when operating MECL 10H and MECL 10K at top circuit speed, when high-density package is a requirement, or when transmission line interconnects are used. POint-to-point back-plane wiring without matched line terminations may be employed for MECL interconnections if line runs are kept short. At MECL 10K speeds, this applies to line runs up to 6 inches, for MECL 10H and MECL III up to 1 inch (Maximum open wire lengths for less than 100 mV undershoot). But, because of the open-emitter outputs of MECL 10H, MECL 10K and MECL III circuits, pull-down resistors are always required. Several ways of connecting such pull-down resistors are shown in Figure 29 through Figure 31. Resistor values for the connection in Figure 29 may range from 270 ohms to kQ depending on power and load requirements. (See MECL System Design Handbook.) Power may be saved by connecting pull-down resistors in the range of 50 ohms to 150 ohms, to -2.0 Vdc, as shown in Figure 30. Use of a series damping resistor, Figure 31, will extend permissible lengths of unmatched-impedance interconnections, with some loss of edge speed. With proper choice of the series damping resistor, line lengths can be extended to any length,.' while limiting overshoot and undershoot to a predetermined amount. Damping resistors usually range in value from 10 ohms to 100 ohms, depending on the line length, fanout, and line impedance, the open emitter-follower outputs of MECL 10H, MECL III and MECL 10K give the system designer all possible line driving options. One major advantage of MECL over saturated logic is its capability for driving matched-impedance transmission lines. Use of transmission lines retains signal integrity over long distances. The MECL 10H and MECL 10K emitter-follower output transistors will drive a 5~hm transmission line terminated to -2.0 Vdc. This is the equivalent current load of 22 mA in the HIGH logic state and 6 mA in the LOW state. , 10129,10136, 10H136, and 10137, Max Po > 800 mW. MECLDala DL122-Rev6 "'''' Limited only by line attenuation and band-width characteristics. 1-23 MOTOROLA rn Parallel termination of transmission lines can be done in two ways. One, as shown in Figure 32, uses a single resistor whose value is equal to the impedance (Zo) of the line. A terminating voltage (VTT) of -2.0 Vdc must be supplied to the terminating resistor. Another method of parallel termination uses a pair of resistors, R1 and R2. Figure 33 illustrates this method. The following two equations are used to calculate the values of R1 and R2: Figure 33 - PARALLEL TERMINATION - THEVENIN EQUIVALENT Rl R2 R1 = 1.6Zo R2=2.6 Zo -5.2 V Another popular approach is the series-terminated transmission line (see Figure 32 and Figure 33). This differs from parallel termination in that only one-half the logic swing is propagated through the lines. The logic swing doubles atthe end of the transmission line due to reflection on an open line, again establishing a full logic swing. Figure 34 - SERIES TERMINATED LINE PULL-DOWN RESISTOR TECHNIQUES Rp -S.2V Figure 29 Figure 30 Figure 31 -5.2 V To maintain clean wave fronts, the input impedance of the driven gate must be much greater than the characteristic impedance of the transmission line. This condition is satisfied by MECL circuits which have high impedance inputs. Using the appropriate terminating resistor (RS) at point A (Figure 34), the reflections in the transmission line will be terminated. Figure 32 - PARALLEL TERMINATED LINE Ipd ~I VTT(-2·0 V) MOTOROLA The advantages of series termination include ease of driving multiple series-terminated lines, low power consumption, and low cross talk between adjacent lines. The disadvantage of this system is that loads may not be distributed along the transmission line due to the one-half logic swing present at intermediate points. For board-ta-board interconnections, coaxial cable may be used for signal conductors. The termination techniques just discussed also apply when using coax. Coaxial cable has the advantages of good noise immunity and low attenuation at high frequencies. Twisted pair lines are one of the most popular methods of interconnecting cards or panels. The complementary outputs of any MECL function may be connected to one end of the twisted pair line, and any MECL differential line receiver to the other as shown in the example, Figure 35. RT is used to terminate the twisted pair line. The 1 to 1.5 V common-mode noise rejection of the line receiver ignores common-mode cross talk, permitting multiple twisted pair lines to be tied into cables. MECL signals may be sent very long distances (> 1000 feet) on twisted pair, although line attenuation will limit bandwidth, degrading edge speeds when long line runs are made. If timing is critical, parallel signals paths (shown in Figure 36) should be used when fanout to several cards is required. This will eliminate distortion caused by long stub lengths off a signal path. Wire-wrapped connections can be used with MECL 10K. For MECL III and MECL 10H, the fast edge speeds (1 ns) create a mismatch at the wire-wrap connections which can cause reflections, thus reducing noise immunity. The mismatch occurs also with MECL 10K, but the distance 1-24 MECLData DL122-Rev6 between the wire-wrap connections and the end of the line is generally short enough so the reflections cause no problem. Series damping resistors may be used with wire-wrapped lines to extend permissible backplane wiring lengths. Twisted pair lines may be used for even longer distances across large wire-wrapped cards. The twisted pair gives a more defined characteristic impedance (than a single wire), and can be connected either single-ended, or differentially using a line receiver. The recommended wire-wrapped circuit cards have a ground plane on one side and a voltage plane on the other side to insure a good ground and a stable voltage source for the circuits. In addition, the ground plane near the wire-wrapped lines lowers the impedance of those lines and facilitates terminating the line. Finally, the ground plane serves to minimize cross talk between parallel paths in the signal lines. Point-ta-point wire routing is recommended because cross talk will be minimized and line lengths will be shortest. Commercial wire-wrap boards designed for MECL 10K are available from several vendors. Microstrip and Stripline Microstrip and stripline techniques are used with printed circuit boards to form transmission lines. Microstrip consists of a constant-width conductor on one side of a circuit board, with a ground plane on the other side (shown in Figure 37). The characteristic impedance is determined by the width and thickness of the conductor, the thickness of the circuit board, and the dielectric constant of the circuit board material. Figure 37 - PC INTERCONNECTION LINES FOR USE WITH MECL Figure 35 - TWISTED PAIR LINE DRIVER/RECEIVER Stripline is used with multilayer circuit boards as shown in Figure 37. Stripline consists of a constant-width conductor between two ground planes. Refer to MECL System Design Handbook for a full discussion of the properties and use of these. Figure 36 - PARALLEL FANOUT TECHNIQUES Lr---------cardA CarnB Rp CarnC -D 1\ r VEE EL======J----~---CarnA EL==::::::==J---,-+--- Card B EL==::::::==J-~r+-+--- Card C Rr= Zo (each) 'Multiple output gate e9 MC10110 MECLData DL122-Rev6 CLOCK DISTRIBUTION Clock distribution can be a system problem. At MECL 10K speeds, either coaxial cable or twisted pair line (using the MC10101 and MC10115) can be used to distribute clock signals throughout a system. Clock line lengths should be controlled and matched when timing could be critical. Once the clocking signals arrive on card, a tree distribution should be used for large-fanouts at high frequency. An example olthe application of the technique is shown in Figure 38. Because of the very high clock rates encountered in MECL III systems, rules for clocking are more rigorous than in slower systems. The following guidelines should be followed for best results: A. On-card Synchronous Clock Distribution via Transmission Line 1. Use the NOR output in developing clock chains or trees. Do not mix OR and NOR outputs in the chain. 2. Use balanced fanouts on the clock drivers. 3. Overshoot can be reduced by using two parallel drive lines in place of one drive line with twice the lumped load. 1-25 MOTOROLA Figure 38 - 64 FANOUT CLOCK DISTRIBUTION (PROPER TERMINATION REQUIRED) FAI>I-OUT = 4 EACH OFF CARD 4. To minimize clock skewing problems on synchronous sections of the system, line delays should be matched to within 1 ns. 5. Parallel drive gates should be used when clocking repetition rates are high, or when high capacitance loads occur. The bandwidth of a MECl III gate may be extended by paralleling both halves of a dual gate. Approximately 40 or 50 MHz bandwidth can be gained by paralleling two orthree clock driver gates. 6. Fanout limits should be applied to clock distribution drivers. Four to six loads should be the maximum load per driver for best high speed performance. Avoid large lumped loads at the end of lines greater than 3 inches. A lumped load, if used, should be four or fewer loads. 7. For wire-OR (emitter dotting), two-way lines (busses) are recommended. To produce such lines, both ends of a transmission line are terminated with 100-ohm impedance. This method should be used when wire-OR connections exceed 1 inch apart on a drive line. MOTOROLA B. Off-Card Clock Distribution 1. The ORINOR outputs of an MC1660 may be used to drive into twisted pair lines or into flat, fixed-impedance ribbon cable. At the far end of the twisted pair on MC1692 differential line receiver is used. The line should be terminated as shown in Figure 35. This method not only provides high speed, board-to-board clock distribution, but also provides system noise margin advantages. Since the line receiver operates independently of the VBB reference voltage (differential inputs) the noise margin from board to board is also independent of temperature differentials. LOGIC SHORTCUTS MECl circuitry offers several logic design conveniences. Among these are: 1. Wire-OR (can be produced by wiring MECl output emitters together outside packages). 2. Complementary Logic Outputs (both OR and NOR are brought out to package pins in most cases). An example of the use of these two features to reduce gate and package count is shown in Figure 39. The connection shown saves several gate circuits over performing the same functions with non-ECl type logic. Also, the logic functions in Figure 39 are all accomplished with one gate propagation delay time for best system' speed. Wire-ORing permits direct connections of MECl circuits to busses. (MECl System Design Handbook and Application Note AN-726). Propagation delay is increased approximately 50 ps per wire-OR connection. In general, wire-OR should be limited to 6 MECl outputs to maintain a proper lOW logic level. The MC1 0123 is an exception to this rule because it has a special VOL level that allows very high fanout on a bus orwire-OR line. The use of a single output pull-down resistor is recommended per wire-OR, to economize on power dissipation. However, two pull-down resistors per wired-OR can improve fall times and be used for double termination of busses. Wire-OR should be done between gates in a package or nearby packages to avoid spikes due to line propagation delay. This does not apply to bus lines which activate only one driver at a time. Figure 39 - USE OF WIRE-OR AND COMPLEMENTARY OUTPUTS A--~--~------~----~----AB+CD 8--~~~----~, Rp C D E F G C+D+E+F+G Rp A+B+E+F+G Rp 1-26 MECL Data DL122 - Rev 6 SYSTEM CONSIDERATIONS - Power Supply Regulation A SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS MECL10H MECL10K ±S%(I) 10%(2) 10%(2) 20'C Less Than 2S'C Less Than 2S'C 1" 8" 1" Leave Open (3) Leave Open (3) Leave Open (3) Multilayer Standard 2-8ided or Multilayer Multilayer On-Card Temperature Gradient Maximum Non-Transmission Line Length (No Damping Resistor) Unused Inputs PC Board Cooling Requirements Bus Connection Capability Maximum Twisted Pair Length (Differential Drive) The Ground Plane to Occupy Percent Area of Card Wire Wrap may be used MECLIII SOO IfpmAir SOO Ifpm Air SOO Ifpm Air Yes (Wire-OR) Yes (Wire-OR) Yes (Wire-OR) Limited By Cable Response Only, Usually >1000' Limited by Cable Response Only, Usually >1000' Limited by Cable Response Only, Usually >1000' >7S% >SO% >7S% Not Recommended Yes Not Recommended Compatible with MECL 10,000 Yes - Yes (1) All dc and ac parameters guaranteed for VEE = -5.2 V ± 5%. (2) At the devices (functional only). (3) Except special functions without input pull-down resistors. MECLData DL122-Rev6 1-27 MOTOROLA APPLICATIONS ASSISTANCE FORM In the event that you have any questions or concerns about the performance of any Motorola device listed in this catalog, please contact your local Motorola sales office or the Motorola Help line for assistance. If further information is required, you can request direct factory assistance. Please fill out as much of the form as is possible if you are contacting Motorola for assistance or are sending devices back to Motorola for analysis. Your information can greatly improve the accuracy of analysis and can dramatically improve the correlation response and resolution time. Items 4thru 8 of the following form contain important questions that can be invaluable in analyzing application or device problems. It can be used as a self-help diagnostic guideline or for a baseline of information gathering to begin a dialog with Motorola representatives. MOTOROLA Device Correlation/Component Analysis Request Form -Please fill out entire form and return with devices to MOTOROLA INC., R&QA DEPT., 2501 S. Price Rd., Chandler, AZ. 85248. 1) Name of Person Requesting Correlation: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Job Title: Company: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Phone No: 2) Alternate Contact: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Phone/Position: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 3) Device Type (user part number): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 4) Industry Generic Device Type: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 5) # of devices tested/sampled: # of devices in question": # returned for correlation: * In the event of 100% failure, does Customer have other date codes of Motorola devices that pass inspection? Yes No Please specify passing date code(s) if applicable _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ If none, does customer have viable alternate vendor(s) for device type? Yes Alternate vendor's name _ _ _ _ __ No 6) Date code(s) and Serial Number(s) of devices returned for correlation - If pOSSible, please provide one or two "good" units (Motorola's and/or other vendor) for comparison: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 7) Describe USER process that device(s) are questionable in: Incoming component inspection {test system = ?}: _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ Design prototyping: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Board testlburn-in: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ Other (please describe): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 8) Please describe the device correlation operating parameters as completely as possible for device(s) in question: > Describe all pin conditions (e.g. floating, high, low, under test, stimulated but not under test, whatever ...), including any input or output loading conditions (reSistors, caps, clamps, driving devices or devices being driven ...). Potentially critical information includes: Input waveform timing relationships _ _ Input edge rates _ _ Input Overshoot or Undershoot _ _ Output Overshoot or Undershoot - Magnitude and Duration Magnitude and Duration > Photographs, plots or sketches of relevant inputs and outputs with voltages and time divisions clearly identified for all waveforms are greatly desirable. > VCC and Ground waveforms should be carefully described as these characteristics vary greatly between applications and test systems. Dynamic characteristics of Ground and Vee during device switching can dramatically effect input and internal operating levels. Ground & VCC measurements should be made as physically close to the device in question as possible. > Are there specific circumstances that seem to make the questionable unit(s) worse? Better? _ _ Temperature _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ VCC _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ Input rise/fall time _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ Output loading (current/capacitance) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Others _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ > ATE functional data should include pattern with decoding key and critical parameters such as VCC, input voltages, Func step rate, voltage expected, time to measure. MOTOROLA . 1-28 MECLData DL122 - Rev 6 SECTION V - MOTOROLA'S PHASE-LOCKED LOOP WHERE ARE THE PHASE-LOCKED LOOP ICs? To better serve our customers, we have moved all of the MECL Phase-Locked Loop ICs to our High Performance Frequency Control Products (Hipercomm) publication. The Hipercomm book (BR1334/D) can be ordered from the Motorola Literature Distribution Center. Additionally, all of the PLL data sheets can be accessed via Internet or through the Motorola MFax™ fax-back systems. See a full listing of Motorola's PLLs on page 1-30 of this book. Motorola SPS World MFax System Mfax Access: Email: Telephone: WWW: RMFAXO@email.sps.mot.com TOUCH-TONE (602) 244-6609 or 1-800-774-1848 http://Oesign-NET.com ~ select the Mfax Icon. A fax of complete, easy-ta-use instructions can be obtained with a first-time phone call into the system, entering your FAX number and then, pressing 1. Motorola SPS World Marketing Internet Server Motorola SPS's Electronic Data Delivery organization has set up a World Wide Web Server to deliver Motorola SPS's technical data to the global Internet community. Technical data such as the complete Master Selection Guide along with the OEM North American price book are available on the Internet server with full search capabilities. Other data on the server include abstracts of data books, application notes, selector guides, and textbooks. All have easy text search capability. Ordering literature from the Literature Distribution Center is available on line. Other features of Motorola SPS's Internet server include the availability of a searchable press release database, technical training information, with on-line registration capabilities, complete on-line access to the Mfax system for ordering technical literature faxes, an on-line technical support form to send technical questions and receive answers through email, information on product groups, full search capabilities of device models, a listing of the Domestic and International sales offices, and links directly to other Motorola world wide web servers. For more information on Motorola SPS's Internet server you can request BR1307/D from Mfax or LOC. After accessing the Internet, use the following URL: http://0esign-NET.com MECLData DL122-Rev6 1-29 MOTOROLA Motorola's Phase-Locked Loop ICs Available in BR1334/D - Hipercomm Function Counter Control Logic Detectors MC12002 Analog Mixer 14 P,L - MC12040 Phase-Frequency Detector 14,20 P,L FN oto +75°C MCH/K12140 Phase-Frequency Detector 8 - D -40 to +70°C -30 to +85°C -30 to +85°C Multivibrators MC1658 Voltage Controlled Multivibrator 16 P,L D,FN MC12100 200MHz Voltage Controlled Multivibrator 20 P DW,M,FN Oto +75°C MC12101 130MHz Voltage Controlled Multivibrator 20 P DW,M,FN Oto +75°C MC1648 Voltage Controlled Oscillator 14 P,L D,FN -30 to +85°C MC12061 Crystal Oscillator 16 P,L FN Oto +75°C MC12147 Low Power Voltage Controlled Oscillator Buffer 8 -40 to +85°C MC1214B Low Power Voltage Controlled Oscillator 8 D,SD -40 to +85°C MC12149 Ultra Low Power Voltage Controlled Oscillator 8 - D,SD D,SD -40 to +85°C Oscillators Prescalers MC12009 4BOMHz +516 Dual Modulus Prescaler 16 P,L FN -30 to +85°C MC12011 550MHz +8/9 Dual Modulus Prescaler 16 P,L FN -30 to +85°C MC12013 550MHz +10/11 Dual Modulus Prescaler 16 P,L FN -30 to +B5°C MC12015 225MHz +32133 Dual Modulus Prescaler 8 P D -40 to +85°C MC12016 225MHz +P40/41 Dual Modulus Prescaler 8 P D -40 to +85°C MC12017 225MHz +64/65 Dual Modulus Prescaler 8 P D -40 to +85°C MC12018 520MHz +128/129 Dual Modulus Prescaler B P D -40 to +85°C MC12019 225MHz +20/21 Dual Modulus Prescaler 8 P D -40 to +85°C MC12022A 1.1 GHz +64/65, +128/129 Dual Modulus Prescaler 8 P D -40 to +85°C MC12022B 1.1 GHz +64/65, +128/129 Dual Modulus Prescaler 8 P D -40 to +85°C MC12022LVA 1.1 GHz +64/65, +128/129 Low Voltage Dual Modulus Prescaler 8 P D -40 to +85°C MC12022LVB 1.1 GHz +64/65, + 128/129 Low Voltage Dual Modulus Prescaler 8 P D -40 to +B5°C MC12022SLA 1.1 GHz +64/65, + 128/129 Low Power Dual Modulus Prescaler 8 P D -40 to +B5°C MC12022SLB 1.lGHz+64/65, +128/129 Low Power Dual Modulus Prescaler 8 P D -40 to +B5°C MC12022TSA 1.1 GHz +64/65, +128/129 Low Power Dual Modulus Prescaler With On-Chip Output Termination 8 P D -40 to +85°C MC12022TSB 1.1 GHz +64/65, +128/129 Low Power Dual Modulus Prescaler With On-Chip Output Termination 8 P D -40 to +85°C MC12022TVA 1.1 GHz +64/65, + 12B/129 Low Voltage, Low Power Dual Modulus Prescaler With On-Chip Output Termination 8 P D -40 to +85°C MC12022TVB 1.1 GHz +64/65, + 12B/129 Low Voltage, Low Power Dual Modulus Prescaler With On-Chip Output Termination 8 P D -40 to +85°C MOTOROLA 1-30 MECLData DL122-Rev6 Motorola's Phase-Locked Loop ICs Available in BR1334/D - Hipercomm (continued) Function Prescalers MC12023 225MHz +64 Prescaler 8 P D o to +70°C MC12025 520MHz +64/65 Dual Modulus Prescaler 8 P D -40 to +85°C MC12026A 1.1 GHz +819, +16/17 Dual Modulus Prescaler 8 P D -40 to +85°C MC12026B 1.1 GHz +8/9, +16/17 Dual Modulus Prescaler 8 P D -40 to +85°C MC12028A 1.1 GHz +32133, +84/65 Dual Modulus Prescaler 8 P D -40 to +85°C MC12028B 1.1 GHz +32133, +64/65 Dual Modulus Prescaler 8 P D -40 to +85°C MC12031A 2.0GHz +64/65, +128/129 Low Voltage Dual Modulus Prescaler 8 P D -40 to +85°C MC12031B 2.0GHz +64/65, +128/129 Low Voltage Dual Modulus Prescaler 8 P D -40 to +85°C MC12032A 2.0GHz +64/65, +128/129 Dual Modulus Prescaler 8 P D -40 to +85°C MC12032B 2.0GHz +64/65, +128/129 Dual Modulus Prescaler 8 P D -40 to +85°C MC12033A 2.0GHz +32133, +64/65 Low Voltage Dual Modulus Prescaler 8 P D -40 to +85°C MC12033B 2.0GHz +32133, +64/65 Low Voltage Dual Modulus Prescaler 8 P D -40 to +85°C MC12034A 2.0GHz +32133, +64/65 Dual Modulus Prescaler 8 P D -40 to +85°C MC12034B 2.0GHz +32133, +64/65 Dual Modulus Prescaler 8 P D -40to+85°C MC12036A 1.1 GHz +64/65, +128/129 Dual Modulus Prescaler With Stand-By Mode 8 P D -40 to +85°C MC12036B· t.1GHz +64/65, +128/129 Dual Modulus PrescalerWith Stand-By Mode 8 P D -40 to +85°C MC12038A 1.1GHz +64/65, +127/128, +255/256 Low Power Dual Modulus Prescaler 8 P D -40 to +85°C MC12052A 1.1 GHz +64/65, +128/129 Super Low Power Dual Modulus Prescaler 8 - D,SD -4010 +85°C MC12053A 1.1 GHz +64/65, +128/129 Super Low Power Dual Modulus Prescaler With Stand-By Mode 8 - D,SD -40 to +85°C MC12054A 2.0GHz +64/65, +128/129 Super Low Power Dual Modulus Prescaler 8 -40to+85°C 1.1 GHz +126/128. +254/256 Low Power Dual Modulus Prescaler 8 - D,SD MC12058 D, SO -40to+85°C MC12066 1.3GHz +64/256 Prescaler 8 - D -40 to +85°C MC12073 1.1 GHz +64 Prescaler 8 P D Oto +70°C MC12074 1.1 GHz +256 Low-Power Prescaler 8 P D oto +70°C MC12075 1.3GHz +64 Prescaler 8 P D Oto+85°C MC12076 1.3GHz +256 Prescaler 8 P D MC12078 1.3GHz +256 Prescaler 8 P D oto +85°C oto +85°C MC12079 2.8GHz +64/128/256 Prescaler 8 P D -40 to +85°C MC120BO 1.1 GHz +10/20/40/80 Prescaler 8 P D -40 to +85°C MC12083 1.1 GHz +2 Low Power Prescaler With Stand-By Mode 8 P D -40to+85°C MC12089 2.8GHz +64/128 Prescaler 8 P D -40 to +85°C MC12090 750MHz +2 UHF Prescaler (Not Recommended for New Designs) 16 P,L - Oto+75°C MC12093 1.1 GHz +21418 Low Power Prescaler With Stand-By Mode B - D,SD -40to+85°C MC12095 2.5GHz +214 Low Power Prescaler With Stand-By Mode 8 - D,SD -40 to +85°C MC12098 2.5GHz +8192 Prescaler 8 - D -40 to +85°C MECLData DL122-Rev6 1-31 MOTOROLA rn Motorola's Phase-Locked Loop ICs Available in BR1334/D - Hipercomm (continued) Function Synthesizers MC12179 500--2800MHz Single Channel Frequency Synthesizer 8 - D -4010 +85°C MC12181 125-1000MHz Frequency Synthesizer 16 - D -40to+85°C MC12202 1.1 GHz Serial Input Synthesizer 16,20 - D,DT -40 to +85°C MC12206 2.0GHz Serial Input Synthesizer 16,20 D,DT -40to+85°C MC12207 2.0GHz Serial Input Synthesizer 16,20 - M,DT -40 to +85°C MC12210 2.5GHz Serial Input Synthesizer 16,20 - D,DT -40 to +85°C MOTOROLA 1-32 MECLData DL122-Rev6 MECL Data MECL 10H MECLData DL122-Rev6 2-1 MOTOROLA [2J MECL10H INTEGRATED CIRCUITS MC10H100 SERIES OT075°C Function Selection - (0 to +75°C) I Function Device ea•• MC10H100 MC10Hl02 620,648. ns 620,648, n5 MC10Hl06 MC10H211 620, 648, 775 620, 648, 775 NOR Gate Quad 2-Input with Strobe Quad 2-lnput Triple 4-3-3 Input Dual 3-Input 3-Output Functfon Quad 2-lnput Dual 3-lnput 3-Output MC10H104 Quad Bus DrlverlReceiver with ?-to-1 Output MUltiplexers Quad 2-[nput Multiplexers (Noninvertlng) Quad 2-lnpul Multiplexers (Inverting) 8-Une Multiplexer Quad 2-lnput Multiplexer Latch Oual4-1 Multiplexer 620,648, n5 Complex Gates QuadORINOR MC10Hl01 Triple 2-3-2 Input ORINOR Triple Exclusive ORINOR Dual 4-6 Input ORINOR Quad exclusive OR Dual 2-Wlde OR-AND/OR-AND INVERT MC10Hl05 MC10Hl07 MC10H109 4-Wide OR-AND/OR-AND INVERT MC10H121 MC10H188 MC10H189 Hex Buffer w/Enable Hex Inverter wlEnable MC10H113 MC10H117 620,648, n5 620,648, n5 620,648, n5 620,648, n5 620,648, n5 620,648, n5 Quad MECL-to-TTl Translator, Single Power Supply (-5.2 V or +5.0 V) Quad nUNMOS to MECL Translator Quad CMOS to MECL Translator Quad TIL to MECL, Eel Strobe 9-BIt TTL-ECL Translator 9-B1t Eel-TIL Translator 9-Bit LatchITTL-ECL Translator 9-Bit latch/Eel-TIL Translator Registered Hex TTL-ECl Translator Registered Hex ECl-TTl Translator Registered Hex TTL-PECl Translator Registered Hex PECl-TTL Translator 620,648, n5 620,648, n5 620,648, n5 620,648, n5 620,648, n5 MC10H141 MC10H145 MC10H166 620,648, n5 620,648, n5 620,648, n5 Universal Hexadecimal Binary Counter 620,648, n5 620, 648, 775 Arithmetic FUnctions MC10H124 MC10H125 620,648, n5 Look Ahead Cany Block Dual High Speed AdderlSubtractor 620, 648, 775 4-BnAlU MC10H350 MC10H351 620,648, n5 732, 7!l8, n5 Spacial Functfon MC10H352 MC10H424 MC10H/l00H600 MC10H/100H601 MC10H/100H602 MC10H/100H603 732, 738, 775 MC10HJ100H604 MC10H/100H605 MC10H/100H606 MC10HI100H607 4-Bit Universal Shift Register 16 x 4 Bit Register Fite 5-Bit Magnitude Comparator Quad Bus Driver/Receiver with Transmit and Receiver Latches 620, 648, 775 776 776 776 n6 n6 n6 n6 MC10H334 732, 738, 775 MC10H/l00H680 n6 MC10H145 620, 648, 775 MC10H123 620, 648, 775 4-a. ECl-TTl Load Reducing DRAM Driver Memories 116 x 4 Bit Register File 776 Bus Driver (25 ohm outputs) Receivers Triple 4-3-3 Input Bus Driver (25 Ohms) Quad Une Receiver Triple Line Receiver FII~IOp 758,724, n6 MC10H158 MC10H159 MC10Hl64 MC10H173 MC10H174 Counters 620, 648, 775 Translators Quad TIL to MECl Quad MECl to TIL MC10H330 Data Selector Multiplexer 'AND Gates Quad AND Case 4-Bit Differential ECl Bus to Tn. Bus Transceiver Hex ECl-TTL Transceiver w/Latches OR Gate I Device Transceiver. Quad Bus Driver/Receiver with 2-t0-1 Output Muniplexers Dual Bus Driver/Receiver with 4-t0-1 Output Multiplexers Quad Bus DriverlReceiver with Transmit and Receiver Latches Latches Dual 0 Latch Dual 0 Master Slave Flip-Rop Dual J-K Master Slave Flip-Flop Hex 0 Flip-Flop Quint Latch Hex 0 Flip-Flop w/Common Reset MC10H13Q MC10H131 620,648, n5 MC10H135 MC10H176 MC10H175 MC10H186 620, 648, 775 620, 648, 775 620,648, n5 620, 648, 775 620, 648, 775 Binary to 1-8 (High) Dual Binary to 1--4 (low) Dual Binary to 1-4 (High) 8-lnput Priority Encoder MC10H161 MC10H162 MC10H171 620,648, n5 620,648, ITS 620.648, ITS MC10H172 MC10H165 620, 648, 775 IDual 4-5 Input ORINOR Gate MOTOROLA MC10Hl60 732, 738, 775 MC10H334 732,738, n5 MC10H209 620, 648, 775 MC101100H640 n6 n6 Clock Drivers 68030140 ECl-TTL Clock Driver Single Supply PEeL-ECl 1:9 Clock Distribution 68030140 ECl-TTL Clock Driver Dual Supply ECT- TTl. 1:8 Clock Driver 68030/40 PECl-TTL Clock Driver 1:9 TTL Clock Driver PCl-TTl-TTl 1:8 Clock Distribution Chip 620,648, n5 Parity Checker 112-8it Parity Generator/Checker 724, 758, 776 MC10H332 ORINORGate Encoders Decoders Binary to 1-8 (low) MC10H330 620, 648, 775 2-2 MC101100H641 MC101100H642 MC101100H643 MC101100H644 MC10H645 MC101100H646 776 776 n5 776 n6 MECLData DL122-Rev6 MECL 10H INTRODUCTION Motorola's MECL 1OH family features 100% improvement in propagation delay and clock speeds while maintaining power supply current equal to MECL 10K. This MECL family is voltage compensated which allows guaranteed dc and switching parameters over a ±5% power supply range. Noise margins of MECL 10H are 75% better than the MECL 10K series over the ±5% power supply range. MECL 10H is compatible with MECL 10K and MECL III, a key element in allowing users to enhance existing systems by increasing the speed in critical timing areas. Also, many MECL 10H devices are pinouVfunctional duplications of the MECL 10K series devices. increase complexity at the gate level; however, the added performance more than compensates. The MECL 10H family is being fabricated using Motorola's MOSAIC I (Motorola Oxide Self Assigned Implanted Circuits). The switching transistor's geometries obtained in the MOSAIC I process show a two-fold improvement in !-t, a reduction of more than 50% in parasitic capacitance and a decrease in device area of almost 76%. FIGURE 2 - MOSAIC versus MECL 10K SWITCHING TRANSISTOR GEOMETRY With improved geometry, the MECL1OH switching transistors (left) are one-seventh the size of the older MECL 10K transistors (right). Along with the smaller area comes an improved It and reduced parasitic capacitances. FIGURE 1 - MECL 10K versus MECL 10H GATE DESIGN MECL IOH MECL 10K T n rITlnrm n 2 MILS (51!!) I L 4.0MA! 14 EMlnER3p8~ DEVICE AREA AI II II II U LWuLW U I =592 ~2 I I I 1 1 ~I 3.35 (85!!) EMITIER 0.15 x 0.8 MILS (4~x201') = DEVICE AREA 6.7 MIL 2 (4323 ~2) fr =3.5 GHz fr =1.6GHz eCB eEB ces eeB GEB ees =0.16pF =0.07pF =0.18pF I =0.46pF =O.18pF =0.83pF Figure 2 illustrates the relative size difference between the junction isolated transistor of MECL 10K and the MOSAIC I transistor of MECL 10H. This suggests that performance could be improved twofold at lower power levels. However, at the gate level, the power of the output transistor cannot be reduced without sacrificing output characteristics because of the 50 ohm drive requirements of MECL. In more complex functions, where part of the delay is associated with internal gates, MECL 1OH devices use less power than the equivalent MECL 10K devices and provide an even more significant improvement in ac performance. 4.0MA! Table 1. - TYPICAL FAMILY CHARACTERISTICS FOR 10K AND 10H CIRCUITS The schematics in Figure 1 compare the basic gate structure of the MECL 1OH to that of MECL 10K devices. The gate switch current is established with a current source in the MECL 10H family as compared to a resistor source in MECL 10K. The bias generator in the MECL 10K device has been replaced with a voltage regulator in the MECL 1OH series. The advantages of these design changes are: current-sources permit-matched collector resistors that yield 'correspondingly better matched delays, less variation in the output-voltage level with power supply changes, and matched outputtracking rates with temperature. These circuit changes MECLData DL122- RevS 10K Propagation delay (ns) Power (mW) Power-speed product (pJ) Riselfall times (ns) (20-80%) Temperature range (0C) Voltage regulated Technology 2.0 25 50 2.0 -30 to +85 No Junction isolated 10H 1.0 25 25 1.0 Oto +75 Yes Oxide isolated VEE=-5·2V 2-3 MOTOROLA Supply & Temperature Variation Table 3. - MECL 10H temperature and voltage compensation is designed to guarantee compatibility with MECL 10K, MECL III, MECL Memories and the MC10900 and Macrocell Array products. Table 1 summarizes some performance characteristics of the MECL 10K and 10H logic families in a 16-pin DIP. The MECL 10H devices offer typical propagation delays of 1.0 ns at 25 mW per gate when operated from a VEE of -5.2 V. The resulting speed-power product of 25 picojoules is one of the best of any ECL logic family available today. The operating temperature range is changed from -3O°C to +85°C of the MECL 10K family to the narrower range of O°C to 75°C for MECL 1OH. This change matches the constraints established by the memory and array products. Operation at -3O°C would require compromises in performance and power. With few exceptions, commercial applications are satisfied by O°C min. Table 2. - Parameter tpD 25'C MlnTypMax 75'C MinTypMax Units 0.4 1.0 1.5 0.4 1.0 1.6 0.4 1.0 1.7 ns Min Max Min Max Min Max tR (2(H!0%) 0.5 1.5 0.5 1.6 0.5 1.7 ns tF(2(H!0%) 0.5 1.5 0.5 1.6 0.5 1.7 ns VEE = -5.2 V ±S% Parameter tpD Propagation delay (ns)" Delay variation vs temp (ps/'C) Delay variation vs supply (paN) Typ Max Typ Max Typ 10K 2.0 2.9 2.0 7.0 80 10H 1.0 1.5 0.5 4.0 0 Max 0 ·VEE = -5.2 V, Temp = 25'C AC speCifications of MECL 10H products appear in Table 2. In the MECL 1OH family, all ac specifications have guaranteed minimums and maximums for extremes of both temperature and supply - a first in ECL logic. In addition, flip flops, latches and counters will have guaranteed limits for setup time, hold time, and clock pulse width. The limits in Table 2 are guaranteed for a power supply variation of ±5%. MECL 10K typically has a propagation delay (tPD) variation of 80 psNwith no guaranteed maximum. The typical variation in tpD for MECL 10H circuits is only 38 ps typically over the entire specified temperature range and power-supply tolerance, and is guaranteed not to exceed 300 ps. The improved performance in temperature over MECL 10K are a result of the internal voltage regulator. The primary difference being the flatter tracking rate of the output "0' level voltage (Vall. This difference does not affect the compatibility with existing MECL families. Changes in output "1" level voltages (VOH) with supply variations are 10 mVN less for the MECL 10H family. VOH varies with the supply, primarily because of changes in chip temperature caused by the changes in power dissipation. However, the current in the MECL 1OH circuits remains almost constant with supply changes, since the circuits are voltage compensated and use current sources for all internal emitter followers ..Threshold voltage (VSS) and output "0" level MOTOROLA Typ Min MECL 10H AC SPECIFICATIONS AND TRACKING ()<'C MlnTypMax LOGIC LEVEL DC TRACKING RATE FOR 10K AND 10H CIRCUITS Max LiVOH/LiT (mV/'C) 10H 10K 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.5 1.5 LiVBs!LiT (mV/,C) 10H 10K O.B O.B 1.0 1.0 1.2 1.2 LiVOl!LiT (mV/'C) 10H 10K 0 0.35 0.75 0.4 0.5 1.0 0.6 0.75 1.55 LiVOH/LiVEE (mVN) 10H 10K -20 -30 LiVBs!LiVEE (mVN) 10H 10K 0 110 10 150 25 190 LiVOtfLiVEE (mVN) 10H 10K 0 200 20 250 50 320 0 0 voltage (VOL) variations are shown with respectto MECL 10K in Table 3. In both cases voltage compensation has reduced the variations significantly. Noise Margin Considerations Specification of input voltage levels (VIHA, VILA) are changed from those of MECL 10K resulting in improved noise margins for MECL 10H. The MECL 10K circuits have two sets of output voltage specifications (VOH, VOHA, and VOL, VOLA). The first output voltage specification in each set (VOH and VOL) are guaranteed maximum and minimum output levels for typical input levels. The second speCification in each set (VOHA and VoLA> is the guaranteed worst-case output level for input threshold voltages. System analysis for worst-case noise margin considers VOHA and VOLA only. The MECL 10H family has only one set of output voltages (VOH and Vall with minimum and maximum values specified. The minimum value of VOH and the maximum value for VOL of the MECL 10H family is synonymous with the VOHA and VOLA specifications of MECL 10K family. The VOH values for the MECL 10H circuits are equal to or better than the MECL 10K levels at all temperatures. Input threshold voltages (VIHA and VILA, which are synonymous with VIH min and VIL max for 10H) are also improved and Table 4. - NOISE MAI'IGIN versus POWER-5UPPLY CONDITIONS VEE -10% Parameter Noise Margin 10H VEE -5% VEE +5% VEE Typ Min Typ Min Typ Min Typ Min 224 150 227 150 230 150 .233 150 High VNH (mV) 10K 127 47 166 86 205 125 241 164 Noise Margin 10H 264 150 267 150 270 150 273 150 Low VNL(mV) 10K 223 103 249 129 275 155 301 181 "Temp = 0 to 75D C 2-4 MECLData DL122-Rev6 only the MECL 10K series. Using an all MECL 10K system as a reference, three possible logic mixes must be considered: MECL 10K driving MECL 10H; MECL 10H driving MECL 10K; and MECL 10H driving MECL 10H. The system noise margin for the three configurations can now be calculated for the following cases (See Figure 3): In Case 1, the system uses multiple power supplies, each independently voltage regulated to some percentage tolerance. Worst-case is where one device is at the plus extreme and the other device is at the minus extreme of the supply tolerance. In Case 2, a system operates on a single supply or several supplies slaved to a master supply. The entire system can drift, but all devices are at the same supply voltage. In Case 3, a system has excessive supply drops throughout. Supply gradients are due to resistive drops in VEE bus. The analysis indicates that the noise margins for a MECL 1OKll OH system equal or exceed the margins for an all 10K system for supply tolerance up to ±5%. The results of the analysis are shown in Figure 3. guaranteed VIHA has been decreased by 25 mV over the entire operating temperature range, resulting in a "1" level noise margin of 150 mV (compared to 125 mV for MECL 10K circuits). VILA has been decreased by 5.0 mV, providing a "0" level noise margin equal to the"1" level noise margin. The VOL minimum of the MECL 10H is more negative than for MECL 10K (-1950 mV instead of-1850 mV). The VOL level for the MECL 10K family was selected to ensure that the gate would not saturate at high temperatures and high supply voltages. The reduction in operating temperature range for the MECL 10H family and the improvement in tracking rate allow the lower VOL level. The change in this level does not affect system noise margins. Although some of the interface levels change with temperature, the changes in voltage levels are well within the tolerance ranges that would keep the families compatible. Table 4 lists some noise margins for VEE supply variations. The compatibility of MECL 10H with MECL 10K may be demonstrated by applying the tracking rates in Table 3 to the dc specifications. The method for determining compatibility is to show acceptable noise margins for MECL 1OH, MECL 10K and mixed MECL 10KlMECL 10H systems. The assumption is that the families are compatible if the noise margin for a mixed system is equal to or better than the same system using FIGURE 3 - NOISE MARGIN versus POWER-SUPPLY VARIATION Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 lro~-----------------130 130 w~ 110 ~~ 70 > 50 30 110 ~~90 90 ~~ ~~ wSE ~~ 70 ~~, 50 > 3D 10 o 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 ABSOLUTE VALUE OF VEE GRADIENT - V o -2 -4 -6 -a -10 VEE REGULATION RELATIVE TO -5.2 V- % ~--~2--~~---~~~~----1~D~ VEE GRADIENT RELATIVE TO ~.2 V - % A. MECL 10K DRIVING MECL 10K B. MECL 10K DRIVING MECL 10H C. MECL 10H DRIVING MECL 10K D. MECL 10H DRIVING MECL 10H MECLData DL122-Rev6 2-5 MOTOROLA MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA 4-Bit Binary Counter MC10H016 The MC10H016 is a high-speed synchronous, presettable, cascadable 4-bit binary counter. It is useful for a large number of conversion, counting and digital integration applications. • Counting Frequency, 200 MHz Minimum • Improved Noise Margin 150 mV (Over Operating Voltage and Temperature Range) • Voltage Compensated • MECL 10K-Compatible • Positive Edge Triggered -• MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol Raling Unit Power Supply (VCC = O) VEE -8.0100 Vdc Input Voltage (VCC = O) VI o to VEE Vdc lout 50 100 mA TA Oto+75 'c Tstg -55 to +150 -55 to +165 'C Characteristic Output Current - Continuous -Surge Operating Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range - Plastic -Ceramic 25' 0' Power Supply Current PSUFFIX PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 648-08 FNSUFFIX PLCC CASE 775-02 DIP PIN ASSIGNMENT ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (VEE = -5.2 V ±5%) (See Note) Characlerisllc LSUFFIX CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 62Q-l0 75' Symbol Min Max Min Max Min Max Unll VCCI IE - 126 - 115 - 126 mA 01 02 ~ 00 03 fC CP Input Current High All ExceptMR Pin 12 MR linH Input CUrrent Low linL 0.5 High Output Voltage VOH -1.02 -0.84 Low Output Voltage VOL -1.95 -1.63 High Input Voltage VIH -1.17 -0.84 Low Input Voltage VIL -1.95 -1.48 - 450 1190 - - - - 265 700 - 265 700 0.5 - 0.3 - ~ -0.98 -0.81 -0.92 -0.735 Vdc PE MR -1.95 -1.63 -1.95 -1.60 Vdc CE P3 -1.13 -0.81 -1.07 -0.735 Vdc -1.95 -1.48 -1.95 -1.45 Vdc PO P2 VEE PI AC PARAMETERS Propagation Delay Clock to a ClocktoW MRtoa Ipd Set-upTime Pn to Clock CE or I'E to Clock Iset Hold Time ClocktoP n Clock to CE or J5E thold Counting Frequency fcount Rise Time Fall Time VCC2 ns 1.0 0.7 0.7 2.4 2.4 2.4 1.0 0.7 0.7 2.5 2.5 2.5 1.0 0.7 0.7 2.7 2.6 2.6 2.0 2.5 - 2.0 2.5 - 2.0 2.5 - 1.0 0.5 1.0 0.5 - 1.0 0.5 200 - 200 - 200 - Ir 0.5 2.0 0.5 2.1 0.5 2.2 ns tf 0.5 2.0 0.5 2.1 0.5 2.2 ns - - - Pin assignment is lor Dual-in-Llne Package. For PLCC pin assignment, see the Pin Conversion Tables on page 6-11. ns TRUTH TABLE ns CE PE MR CP Function L H L H X L L H H X L L L L L Z Z Z Z Zl X X H X Load Parallel (P n 10 an) Load Parallel (Pn to an) Count Hold Masters Respond; Slaves Hold Resel (an = LOW, TC = HIGH) MHz NOTE: Each MECL 1OH series circuit has been designed to meet the de specifications shown in the test table, afterthennal equilibrium has been established. The circuit Is in a test socket or mounted on aprinted circuit board and transverse air Ilow grealer than 500 Ilpm Is maintained. Outputs are lerminaled Ihrough a 5Cl- I II I I U I I I II I U I I I II I I I U I II I CP Note that this diagram is provided for understanding of logic operation only. It should not be used for evaluation of propagation delays as many gate functions are achieved internally without incurring a full gate delay. z 11210Hl~ L..::-. Qo- -CE PE CE !- MR C .~ PE - -MR MR Te C IpH~ ~ 1/210Hl09 11210Hl09 I PE MSB Tc c IpUJ ~ IpUJ I 1 s:: Qo- hm resistor to -2.1 volts. Pin assignment is for Dual-in-Une Package. For PLCC pin assignment, see the Pin Conversion Tables on page 6-11. 3193 © Motorola, Inc. 1996 2-22 REVS ® MOTOROLA MC10H123 FIGURE 1 - 113 MC10H123 -2.0 VDC MECLData DL122-Rev6 50-OHM BUS DRIVER (25-0HM LOAD) 1/3 MC10H123 1/3 MC10H123 RECEIVERS (MECL GATES) 2-23 -2.0 VDC MOTOROLA MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Quad TTL-to-MECL Translator With TTL Strobe Input MC10H124 -• The MC1 OH 124 is a quad translator for interfacing data and control signals between a saturated logic section and the MECL section of digital systems. The 10H part is a funclionaVpinout duplication of the standard MECL 10K family part, with 100% improvement in propagation delay, and no increase in power-supply current. • • Propagation Delay, 1.5 ns Typical Improved Noise Margin 150 mV (Over Operating Voltage and Temperature Range) • Voltage Compensated • MECL 10K-Compatible MAXIMUM RATINGS Characteristic Power Supply (Vcc = 5.0 V) Power Supply (VEE = -5.2 V) Symbol Rating Unit VEE -8.0toO Vdc Vdc 5 6 VCC Oto+7.0 Input Voltage (VCC = 5.0 V) TIL VI OtoVCC Vdc Output Current - Continuous lout 50 100 mA TA 010+75 "C Tstg -55 to +150 -55 to +165 "C -Surge Operating Temperalure Range Storage Temperature Range - Plastic -Ceramic ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (VEE lSUFFIX CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 620-10 PSUFFIX PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 648-08 FNSUFFIX PlCC CASE 775-02 LOGIC DIAGRAM -I--r--o~- 7 12 10 =-5.2 V ±5%, VCC =5.0 V ± 5.0%) 0" 25" 3 15 75" 11 13 Symbol Min Max Min Max Min Max Unit IE - 72 - 66 - 72 rnA - rnA - 25 - 18 25 25 mA - 200 50 - 200 50 - 200 50 - -12.8 -3.2 - -12.8 -3.2 - -12.8 -3.2 V(BR)in 5.5 - 5.5 - 5.5 - Vdc Input Clamp Voltage VI - -1.5 - -1.5 - -1.5 Vdc High Oulput Voltage VOH -1.02 -0.84 -0.98 -0.81 -0.92 -0.735 Vdc low Outpul Voltage VOL -1.95 -1.63 -1.95 -1.63 -1.95 -1.60 Vdc High Input Vollage VIH 2.0 - 2.0 - 2.0 - Vdc AIN low Input Voltage Vil - 0.8 - 0.8 - 0.8 Vdc COMMON STROBE DIN BIN CIN VEE VCC Characteristic Negative Power Supply Drain 14 GND = PIN 16 VCC ( +5.0 VDC)= PIN 9 VEE ( -5.2 VDC) = PIN 8 Current Posilive Power Supply Drain Current ICCH ICCl Reverse Current Pin 6 Pin7 IR Forward Current IF Pin 6 Pin7 Input Breakdown Voltage 16 - 16 ItA DIP PIN ASSIGNMENT mA NOTE: Each MECl 10H series circuil has been deSigned 10 meelthe de specificalions shown in the lesl table, BOUT GND AOUT COUT BOUT Dour AOUT Dour Cour afterthermal eqUilibrium has been established. The circuit is in a tastsacket or mounted on a printed circuit board and Iransverse air flow grealer than 500 Ifprn is maintained. Oulputs are lenninaled Ihrough a SD-ohm resistor to -2.0 volts. Pin assignment is for DUBl-in-Line Package. For PLeC pin aSSignment. see the Pin Conversion Tables on page 6-11. 9/96 © Motorola, Inc. 1996 2-24 REV 6 ® MOTOROLA MC10H124 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (VEE = -5.2 V ±5%, VCC = 5.0 V ± 5.0%) Characteristic AC PARAMETERS tpd 0.55 2.25 0.55 2.4 0.85 2.95 ns Rise Time tr 0.5 1.5 0.5 1.6 0.5 1.7 ns Fall Time tf 0.5 1.5 0.5 1.6 0.5 1.7 ns Propagation Delay APPLICATIONS INFORMATION The MC10H124 has TTL-compatible inputs and MECL complementary open--emitter outputs that allow use as an inverting/non-inverting translator or as a differential line driver. When the common strobe input is at the low-logic level, it forces all true outputs to a MECL low-logic state and all inverting outputs to a MECL high-logic state. MECL Data DL122-Rev6 An advantage of this device is that TTL-level information can be transmitted differentially, via balanced twisted pair lines, to MECL equipment, where the signal can be received by the MC10H115 or MC10H116 differential line receivers. The power supply requirements are ground, +5.0 volts, and -5.2 volts. 2-25 MOTOROLA MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Quad MECL-to-TTL Translator MC10H125 The MC10H125 is a quad translator for interfacing data and control signals between the MECL section and saturated logic section of digital systems. The 10H part is a functional/pinout duplication of the standard MECL 10K family part, with 100% improvement in propagation delay, and no increase in power-supply current. Outputs of unused translators will go to low state when their inputs are left open. • • -,. • Propagation Delay, 2.5 ns Typical • Voltage Compensated Improved Noise Margin 150 mV • MECL 10K-Compatible (Over Operating Voltage and Temperature Range) MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol Rating Unit VEE Vee VI ~.0100 Vdc Oto+7.0 Vdc DtoVEE Vdc Operating Temperature Range TA 010 +75 °C Storage Temperature Range - Plastic -Ceramic Tstg -55 to +150 -55 to +165 °C °C Characteristic Power Supply (Vee' 5.0 V) Power Supply (VEE' -5.2 V) Input Voltage (Vec' 5.0 V) ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (VEE (See Note) Negative Power Supply Drain Current Positive Power Supply Drain Current 750 250 7 Symbol Min Max Min Max Min Max Unit IE - 44 - 40 - 44 mA ICCH - 63 - leel 40 mA mA 225 1.5 - 63 - 40 - 145 - 145 1.0 1.0 ItA ItA Input Leakage Current ICBO - High Output Voltage IOH·-l.0mA VOH 2.5 - 2.5 - 2.5 - Vdc Low Output Voltage IOL.+20 mA VOL - 0.5 - 0.5 - 0.5 Vdc High Input Voltage(l) VIH -1.17 - hm resistor to -2.0 volts. © Motorola, Inc. 1996 L present. ns tr 1.0 an positive transition of clock FaU"Time - K Q n +1 for Rise "Time Set-upTime S N.D. = Not Defined AC PARAMETERS Propagation Delay Set, Reset, Clock 14 L ~ linH 460 800 675 R2 11 RS TRUTH TABLE ......-',:::;=,:.:-:;~"-, CLOCK J-K TRUTH TABLE' Max Input Current High Pins 6, 7,10,11 Pins 4,5,12,13 Pin 9 - 15 R213 _ _ _....I ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (VEE = -5.2 V +5%) (See Note) Characteristic J210 REV 6 ® MOTOROLA MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Universal Hexadecimal Counter MC10H136 -• The MC10H136 is a high speed synchronous hexadecimal counter. This 10H part is a functional/pinout duplication of the standard MECL 10K family part, with 100% improvement in counting frequency and no increase in power-supply current. • • • • Voltage Compensated Counting Frequency, 250 MHz Minimum • MECL 10K-Compatible Power Dissipation, 625 mW Typical Improved Noise Margin 150 mV (Over Operating Voltage and Temperature Range) MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Unit CIN Sl S2 Power Supply (VCC VEE -ll.0 10 a Vdc OloVEE Vdc Output Current - Continuous lout 50 100 mA H L L L L VI X L TA Oto+75 "C H Tslg -55 to +150 -5510+165 "C X =0) Inpul Voltage (VCC =0) -Surge Operating Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range - Plastic -Ceramic ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (VEE Symbol Min - L =-5.2 V +5%) (See Note) - 0' 25' Max FNSUFFIX PLCC CASE 775-02 - - Max Inpul Current Low linL 0.5 - 0.5 - 0.3 - JIA VOH -1.02 -0.84 -0.98 -0.81 -0.92 -0.735 Vdc - 275 420 335 240 - - 165 mA JIA 275 420 335 240 Low Output Voltage VOL -1.95 -1.63 -1.95 -1.63 -1.95 -1.60 Vdc High Inpul Voltage VIH -1.17 -0.84 -1.13 -0.81 -1.07 -0.735 Vdc Low Input Voltage VIL -1.95 -1.48 -1.95 -1.48 -1.95 -1.45 Vdc 0.7 1.0 2.3 4.8 0.7 1.0 2.4 4.9 0.7 1.0 2.5 5.0 0.7 2.5 0.7 2.6 0.7 2.7 AC PARAMETERS Propagation Delay ClockloQ Clock 10 Carry Oul Carry in 10 Carry Out Ipd Sel-upTIme Data (DO to C) Select (S to C) Carry In (Cin to C) (Cto Cin) Isel Ihold Counting Frequency L L H L H L H L L X X X L H X L H X H H X X L L H H H H L L L L L Clock H H H H L L H L L H H H H H H H H H H H L H H L L H H H H H H H H H H H L H L H H H H L L L L H H H H L L L L H H H H L H H L H In H H X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X L L L H H L L X X X X X X X X X X X X X X L L L L H H X X X X OUTPUTS CaiTY 0001 0203 H H H H H L L H Cai1Y Cui Truth table shows logic states assummg mputs vary In sequence shown from top to bottom. .* A clock H is defined as a clock input transition from a low to a high logic level. * ns 2.0 3.5 2.0 0 Hold Time Data (C 10 DO) Select (C to S) Carry In (C to Cin) (Cin toC) H Unit linH - L L H H H 51 52 DO D1 D2 03 Inpul Currenl High Pins 5, 6,11,12,13 Pin9 Pin7 Pin 10 430 670 535 380 150 Min H H INPUTS 75' Max Operating Mode Preset (Program) Increment (Count Up) Hold Counl Decrement (Count Down) Hold Count Hold (Stop Count) SEQUENTIAL TAUTH TABLE' IE - 165 Min 'c Power Supply Current High Outpul Voltage PSUFFIX PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 64B-08 FUNCTION SELECT TABLE Symbol Characteristic Characteristic LSUFFIX CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 62D-l0 - - 2.0 3.5 2.0 0 - - - ns VCC2 VCC1 02 01 03 ao CLOCK COUT 00 03 ns -0.5 0 2.2 - -0.5 0 2.2 - -0.5 0 2.2 fcount 250 - 250 - 250 - AiseTime Ir 0.5 2.3 0.5 2.4 0.5 2.5 ns Pin assignment is for DuaHn-Line Package. For PLCC pin assignment, see the Pin Conversion Fall Time tf 0.5 2.3 0.5 2.4 0.5 2.5 ns Tables on page 6-11. a - a - 2.0 3.5 2.0 0 DIP PIN ASSIGNMENT a MHz 02 01 82 CIN VEE 81 NOTE: Each MECL 10H series circuit has been designed to meet the de specifications shown in the test table, after thermal equilibrium has been established. The circuit is in a test socket or mounted on a printed circuit board and transverse air flow greater than 500 linear fpm is maintained. Outputs are terminated through a SO-ohm resistor to -2.0 volts. 9/96 © Molorola, Inc. 1996 2-33 REV 6 ® MOTOROLA MC10H136 LOGIC DIAGRAM 81 9 CiiiYTn 10 Clock 13 VCC1 = Pin 1 VCC2 = Pm16 VEE = Pin 8 12 00 14 11 15 00 01 01 6 02 2 5 Q2 D3 3 as 4 CBiiYOiit NOTE: FUP-FLOPS WILL TOGGLE WHEN ALL T INPUTS ARE LOW. APPLICATION INFORMATION The MC10H136 is a high speed synchronous counter that operates at 250 MHz. Counter operating modes include count up, count down, pre-set and hold count. This device allows the designer to use one basic counter for many applications. MOTOROLA The 81, 82, control lines determine the operating modes of the counter. In the pre-set mode, a clock pulse is necessary to load the counter with the information present on the data inputs (DO, D1 , D2, and D3)_ Carry out goes low on the terminal count or when the counter is being pre-set. 2--34 MECLData DL122-Rev6 MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Four-Bit Universal Shift Register MC10H141 The MC10H14l is a four-bit universal shift register. This device is a functional/pinout duplication of the standard MECL 10K part' with 100% improvement in propagation delay and operation frequency and no increase in power supply current. -• • Shift frequency, 250 MHz Min • Power Dissipation, 425 mW Typical • Improved Noise Margin 150 mV (over operating voltage and temperature range) • Voltage Compensated • MECL 10K-Compatible MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol Rating Unit Power Supply (VCC = 0) Characteristic VEE -8.0 to 0 Vdc Input Voltage (VCC = 0) V, OtoVEE Vdc Output Current- Continuous -Surge lout 50 100 rnA Operating Temperature Range TA oto +75 'c Tstg -55 to +150 -55 to +165 'C 'C Storage Temperature Range - Plastic -Ceramic ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (VEE = -5.2 V ±5%) Min Max Min Max Min Max Unit Power Supply Current 'E - 112 - 102 - 112 rnA Input Current High Pins 5,6,9,11,12,13 Pins 7,10 Pin4 'inH Input Current Low linL - 405 416 510 - 255 260 320 - 255 260 320 0.5 - 0.5 - 0.3 - -1.02 -0.84 -0.98 -0.81 - -0.92 -0.735 Low Output Voltage VOL -1.95 -1.63 -1.95 -1.63 -1.95 High Input Voltage VIH -1.17 -0.84 -1.13 -0.81 L Parallel Entry L H Shift Right· Low Input Voltage V,L -1.95 -1.48 -1.95 -1.48 -1.95 01 02 03 Q2n a3n DR L Shift lett· OL QOn Q1n 02n H H Stop Shift OOn Q1n 02n 32n DIP PIN ASSIGNMENT VCC1 02 01 Vdc 03 00 C OL OR 00 03 01 -1.60 Vdc -1.07 -0.735 Vdc -1.45 VCC2 ItA Vdc t~d 1.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 1.1 2.1 ns Hold limeData, Select thold 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - ns Set-up lime Data Select tset 1.5 3.0 - 1.5 3.0 - 1.5 3.0 - 52 51 VEE 02 ns - Rise lime tr 0.5 2.4 0.5 2.4 0.5 2.4 Fall lime tf 0.5 2.4 0.5 2.4 0.5 2.4 Ishift 250 - 250 - 250 - Shift Frequency DO Q1n H AC PARAMETERS Propagation Delay OUTPUTS OPERATING MOOE 00n+1 Q1n+1 Q2n+1 03n +1 IlA VOH TRUTH TABLE L 75' Symbol High Output Voltage FN SUFFIX PLCC CASE 775-02 input conditions as shown (Pulse Positive transition of clock input). Characteristic - rs,rs;; PSUFFIX PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 64S-oS .. Outputs as exist after pulse appears at ~C" Input WIth 25' 0' SELECT LSUFFIX CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 620-10 Pin assignment is for Dual-in-Line Package. For PLCC pin assignment, see the Pin Conversion Tables on page 6-11. ns ns MHz NOTE: Each MECL 1OH series circuit has been designed to meet the de specifications shown in the test table, after thermal equilibrium has been established. Thecircuit is in a test socket or mounted on a printed circuit board and transverse air flow greater than SOO linear fpm is maintained. Outputs are terminated through a 50 ohm resistor to -2.0 volts. 9/96 © Motorola, Inc. 1996 2-35 REVS ® MOTOROLA MC10H141 LOGIC DIAGRAM D2 61 62 D1 DO 10F4 DECODER DR - - - I + - - L J DL o C 03 Q2 01 00 VCC1 PIN 1 6CC2 PIN 16 VEE = PINS APPLICATION INFORMATION The MC10H141 is a four-bit universal shift register which performs shift left, or shift right, serial/parallel in, and serial/parallel out operations with no extemal gating. Inputs 81 and 82 control the four possible operations of the register without extemal gating of the clock. The flip-flops shift MOTOROLA information on the positive edge of the clock. The four operations are stop shift, shift left, shift right, and parallel entry of data. The other six inputs are all data type inputs; four for parallel entry data, and one for shifting in from the left (DL) and one for shifting in from the right (DR). 2-36 MECLData DL122-Rev6 MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA 16 x 4 Bit Register File (RAM) MC10H145 The MC10H145 is a 16 x 4 bit register file. The active-low chip select allows easy expansion. The operating mode of the register file is controlled by the WE input. When WE is "low" the device is in the write mode, the outputs are "low" and the data present at Dn input is stored at the selected address, when WE is "high," the device is in the read mode - the data state at the selected location is present at the an outputs. • • • • • ,.. -• Address Access Time, 4.5 ns Typical Power Dissipation, 700 mW Typical Improved Noise Margin 150 mV (Over Operating Voltage and Temperature Range) Voltage Compensated MECL 10K-Compatible MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol Rating Unit Power Supply (VCC = 0) Characteristic VEE -8.0 to 0 Vdc Input Voltage (VCC = 0) VI OtoVEE Vdc Output Current- Continuous -Surge lout 50 100 mA Operating Temperature Range TA o to +75 °c Storage Temperature Range- Plastic -Ceramic -55 to +150 -55 to +165 Tstg MODE Write "0" Write "1" Read Disabled ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (VEE = -5.2 V ±5%) (See Note) 25° 0° 75° Symbol Min Max Min Max Min Power Supply Current IE - 160 - 163 - 165 mA Input Current High linH - 375 - 220 - 220 Input Current Low linL 0.5 !lA !lA High Output Voltage VOH -1.02 -0.64 -0.96 -0.61 Low Output Voltage VOL -1.95 -1.63 -1.95 -1.63 -1.95 High Input Voltage VIH -1.17 -0.64 -1.13 -0.61 Low Input Voltage VIL -1.95 -1.46 -1.95 -1.46 -1.95 - 0.5 - 0.3 Max - -0.92 -0.735 Unit FNSUFFIX PLCC CASE 775-02 INPUT CS L L L H WE L L H X OUTPUT Qn On L H X X L L Q L Q-State of Addressed Cell DIP PIN ASSIGNMENT Vdc -1.60 Vdc -1.07 -0.735 Vdc -1.45 PSUFFIX PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 648-0B TRUTH TABLE °C Characteristic LSUFFIX CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 62D-l0 Vdc NOTE: Each MECL 1OH series circuit has been designed to meet the de specifications shown in the test table, after thermal equilibrium has been established. The circuit is in a test socket or mounted on a printed circuit board and transverse air flow greater than 500 Ifpm is maintained. Outputs are terminated through a 50·ohm resistor to -2.0 volts. 01 Vee 00 Q2 CS 03 01 WE DO 03 A3 02 A2 AO VEE A1 Pin assignment is for Dual-in-Line Package. For PlCC pin aSSignment, see the Pin Conversion Tables on page 6-11. 3/93 © Motorola, Inc. 1996 2-37 REVS ® MOTOROL.A MC10H145 AC PARAMETERS MC10H145 TA 0 to +75'C, VEE -5.2 Vdc ±5% = = Characteristics Symbol Read Mode Chip Select Access Time Chip Select Recovery Time Address Access Time Write Mode Write Pulse Width Data Setup Time Prior to Write Data Hold Time After Write Address Setup Time Prior to Write Address Hold Time After Write Chip Select Setup Time Prior to Write Chip Select Hold Time After Write Write Disable Time Write Recovery Time Chip Enable Strobe Mode Data Setup Prior to Chip Select Write Enable Setup Prior to Chip Select Address Setup Prior to Chip Select Data Hold Time After Chip Select Write Enable Hold Time After Chip Select Address Hold Time After Chip Select Chip Select Minimum Pulse Width Rise and Fall Time Address to Output CStoOutput Capacitance Input Capacitance Output Capacitance Min tACS tRCS tAA 0 0 0 tw twSD twHD twSA twHA twscs twHCS tws twR 6.0 0 1.5 3.5 1.5 0 1.5 1.0 1.0 tCSD tcsw leSA tCHD tCHW tCHA tcs 0 0 0 1.0 0 2.0 4.0 Max Conditions ns Measured Irom 50% of input to 50% of output. See Note 2. ns tWSA=3.5ns Measured at 50% of input to 50% of output. tw = 6.0 ns. ns Guaranteed but not tested on standard product. See Figure 1. ns Measured between 20% and 80% points. pF Measured with a pulse technique. 4.0 4.0 6.0 -------- 4.0 4.0 -- ----- -- -- tr.tf Cin Cout Unit 0.6 0.6 2.5 2.5 --- 6.0 8.0 NOTES: 1. Test circuit characteristics: Rr = 50 Q, MC1 OH145. CL " 5.0 pF (including jig and Stray Capacitance). Delay should be derated 30 psipF for capacitive loads up to 50 pF. 2. The maximum Address Access Time is guaranteed to be the worst-case bit in the memory. 3. For proper use of MECL in a system environment, consult MECL System Design Handbook. FIGURE 1 - CHIP ENABLE STROBE MODE ~Ir-------------------~Ir------- A -----'1'- - -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -JI'-_ __ J+--___+-- TCHA TCSD TCSA--foIII--~1- TCS MOTOROLA 2-38 MECLData DL122--Rev6 MC10H145 BLOCK DIAGRAM 00 AO A1 01 02 03 10 ~~ "'~ ::lc A2 \!!'" "O~ "0«~ A3 L - - r - - - - r - - - - r - - - - r - . . r - - - WE DO MECLData DL122-Rev6 01 2-39 02 03 MOTOROLA MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Quad 2-lnput Multiplexer (Non-Inverting) MC10H158 The MCl OH158 is a quad two channel multiplexer with common input select. A "high" level select enables input DOO, Dl0, D20 and D30 and a "low" level select enables input DOl, Dll, D21 and D31. This MECL 10H part is a functional/pinout duplication of the standard MECL 10K family part, with 100% improvement in propagation delay and no increase in power-supply current. -• • Propagation Delay, 1.5 ns Typical • Power Dissipation, 197 mW Typical • Improved Noise Margin 150 mV (Over Operating Voltage and Temperature Range) • Voltage Compensated • MECL 10K-Gompatible MAXIMUM RATINGS Characteristic LSUFFIX CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 62G-l0 PSUFFIX PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 646-08 FNSUFFIX PLCC CASE 775-{)2 Symbol Rating Unit VEE -8.0 to 0 Vdc VI oto VEE Vdc Output Current- Continuous -Surge lout 50 100 rnA Select DO 01 Operating Temperature Range TA oto +75 °c L X L L Tstg -55 to +150 -55 to +165 °c °c L X H H H L X L H H X H =0) Input Voltage (VCC =0) Power Supply (VCC Storage Temperature Range- Plastic -Ceramic ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (VEE = -5.2 V ±5%) 25° 0° Characteristic Symbol Min Max Power Supply Current IE - 53 Input Current High Pin9 Pins 3-8 and 10-13 linH Input Current Low linL - Min - - - 475 515 - 0.5 - 0.5 TRUTH TABLE Q 75° Max 48 295 320 - Min 0.3 Max Unit 53 rnA DIP PIN ASSIGNMENT ItA 295 320 - ItA 00 VCC High Output Voltage VOH -1.02 -0.84 -0.98 -0.81 -0.92 -0.735 Vdc 01 Q2 Low Output Voltage VOL -1.95 -1.63 -1.95 -1.63 -1.95 -1.60 Vdc 011 03 High Input Voltage VIH -1.17 -0.84 -1.13 -0.81 -1.07 -0.735 Vdc 010 020 Low Input Voltage VIL -1.95 -1.48 -1.48 -1.95 -1.45 Vdc 001 021 000 030 NC 031 -1.95 AC PARAMETERS Propagation Delay Data Select ns tpd 0.5 1.0 1.9 2.9 0.5 1.0 1.9 2.9 0.5 1.0 2.0 2.9 Rise Time tr 0.7 2.2 0.7 2.2 0.7 2.2 ns Fall Time tf 0.7 2.2 0.7 2.2 0.7 2.2 ns VEE SELECT Pin assignment is for Dual-in-Line Package. NOTE: Each MECL 10H series circuit has been designed to meet the de specifications shown in the test table, after thermal eqUilibrium has been established. The circuit Is in a test socket or mounted on a printed circuit board and transverse air flow greater than 500 linear fpm is maintained. Outputs are terminated through For PLCC pin assignment, see the Pin Conversion Tables on page 6-11. a SQ-ohm resistor to -2.0 volts. 3/93 © Motorola, Inc. 1996 2-40 REV 5 ® MOTOROLA MC10H158 LOGIC DIAGRAM SELECT 9 001 5 1 00 000 6 011 3 2 01 010 4 021 12 1502 02013 031 10 14 Q3 03011 VCC=PIN 16 VEE = PIN B MECLData DL122- Rev 6 2-41' MOTOROLA MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Quad 2-lnput Multiplexer (Inverting) MC10H159 The MC10H159 is a quad 2-input multiplexer with enable. This MECL 10H part is a functionaVpinout duplication of the standard MECL 10K family part, with 100% improvement in propagation delay and no increase in power-supply current. ""• • Propagation Delay, 1.5 ns Typical • Power Dissipation, 218 mW Typical • Improved Noise Margin 150 mV (Over Operating Voltage and Temperature Range) • Voltage Compensated • MECL 10K-Compatible MAXIMUM RATINGS Characteristic Symbol Rating Unit VEE -8.0toO Vdc VI OtoVEE Vdc lout 50 100 mA =0) Input Voltage (VCC =0) Power Supply (VCC Output Current- Continuous -Surge Operating Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range- Plastic -Ceramic ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (VEE TA Oto+75 °C Tstg -55 to +150 -55 to +165 °C °C 25° Characteristic Symbol Power Supply Current IE Input Current High Pin 9 Pins 3-7 and 10-13 linH Input Current Low Min Min Max 56 - 53 475 515 - 295 320 - 0.5 linL 0.5 VOH -1.02 Low Output Voltage VOL -1.95 -1.63 High Input Voltage VIH -1.17 -0.64 -1.13 Low Input Voltage VIL -1.95 High Output Voltage - - TRUTH TABLE Q L DO X 01 L L H L L X H L L H L X H L H H H X X X X L L -1.48 -1.95 - Max Unit 56 mA ~ DIP PIN ASSIGNMENT 295 320 - -0.92 -0.735 ~ Vdc 00 VCC -1.63 -1.95 -1.60 Vdc Of Q2 -0.61 -1.07 -0.735 Vdc 011 Q3 -1.46 -1.95 010 020 -0.64 -0.96 -0.61 -1.95 Min 0.3 -1.45 Vdc AC PARAMETERS Propagation Delay Data Select Enable ns Ipd 0.5 1.0 1.0 2.2 3.2 3.2 0.5 1.0 1.0 2.2 3.2 3.2 0.5 1.0 1.0 2.2 3.2 3.2 tr 0.5 2.2 0.5 2.2 0.5 2.2 ns Fall Time tf 0.5 2.2 0.5 2.2 0.5 2.2 ns NOTE: Each MECL 1OH sertes circuit has been designed to meet the de speeHications shown in the test table, aHerthennal equilibrium has been established. The eircun Is in a test socket or mounted on a printed circuit board and transverse air flow greater than 500 linear fpm is maintained. Outputs are terminated through a S Outpul Clock Input -> Output PSUFFIX PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 64B-OB TRUTH TABLE =-5.2 V ±5"10) (See Note) 0" LSUFFIX CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 620-10 REVS ® MOTOROLA MC10H165 8-INPUT PRIORITY ENCODER controllers, and testing systems. The input is active when high, (e.g., the three binary outputs are low when input DO is high). The 03 output is high when any input is high. This allows direct extension into another priority encoder when more than eight inputs are necessary. The MC10H165 can also be used to develop binary codes from random logic inputs, for addressing ROMs, RAMs, or for multiplexing data. The MC10H165 is a device designed to encode eight inputs to a binary coded output. The output code is that of the highest order input. Any input of lower priority Is ignored. Each output incorporates a latch allowing synchronous operation. When the clock is low the outputs follow the inputs and latch when the clock goes high. This device is very useful for a variety of applications in checking system status in control processors, peripheral LOGIC DIAGRAM C4 005 "} 017 ). 0213 ). VCC1 = PIN 1 VCC2 = PIN 16 . VEE = PIN B 1 }-- J+v- . r-I 0310 -; =! D -l ." =! -; -~ ~ 300 - 201 II'-- 1502 ~ 1403 H }-- ." 0512 076 .... - H. ~J. 0411 069 ~ I L-..[I ~ ~ " ./ >- >>- ""\ --./ ~ I >- I I'-- Numbers at ends of terminals denote pin numbers for Land P packages. MOTOROLA 2-52 MECLData DL122-Rev6 MC10H165 APPLICATION INFORMATION system conditions, as represented at the encoder inputs, which has priority in determining the next system operation to be performed. The binary code showing the address of the highest priority input present will appear at the encoder outputs to control other system logic functions. A typical application of the Mel OH165 is the decoding of system status on a priority basis. A 64-line priority encoder is shown in the figure below. System status lines are connected to this encoder such that, when a given condition exists, the respective input will be at a logic high level. This scheme will select the one of 64 different 64-LINE PRIORITY ENCODER LBB I Iz MC10H164 112 MC10Hl01 System Clock Highest Pnorily Input ~?I?r"iP -... , 00 , ~ 07 :!! 01 U 02 '" 03 i§ C -:-, ~ 00 III ~ U 07 '" C -:-, ~ 00 :!! i§ U 07 '" C -:-, ~ 00 III ~ U 07 " C -:-, ~ 00 ~ ~ U 07 '" C -:-, ~ DO is ~ U 07 '" C -:-, ~ 00 ~ ,.U 07 C Lowest Priority Input III II · ... Iz I MC10H1M X7ABC XO ....... X7 ABC / /1 / /1 Six bit output word yielding number of higheslpriorily channel present -;:::== r-;::::: 01 I-' 02 ~ .... 07 02 at input ~J- r-- 01 BB r- '--- 03 001-01 Q2 03 001--01 02 Q3 oot-01 02 03 00 01 02 03 DO 01 02 03 00 01 ....:.....- 07 03 MECLData DL122-Rev6 Iz MC1OH1M O0i-- - : - 00 , II Q2 2-53 MOTOROLA MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA 5-Bit Magnitude Comparator MC10H166 The MC1 OH166 is a 5-Bit Magnitude Comparator and is a functionaV pinout duplication of the standard MECL 10K part with 100% improvement in propagation delay and no increase in power-supply current. The MC1 OH166 is a high-speed expandable 5-bit comparator for comparing the magnitude of two binary words. Two outputs are provided: AB. The A = B function can be obtained by wire-ORing these outputs (a low level indicates A B) or by wire-NORing the outputs (a high level indicates A B). A high level on the enable function forces both outputs low. -• = = Propagation Delay, Data-to-Output, 2.0 ns Typical Power Dissipation 440 mW Typical o Improved Noise Margin 150 mV (Over Operating Voltage and Temperature Range) o Voltage Compensated o MECL 10K-Compatible o o MAXIMUM RATINGS Characteristic Symbol Rating Unit VEE -8.0 to 0 Vdc =0) Input Voltage (VCC =0) Power Supply (VCC OtoVEE Vdc 50 100 mA TA Oto +75 Tstg -55 to +150 -55 to +165 °c °c °c . VI Output Current- Continuous -Surge lout Operating Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range- Plastic -Ceramic ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (VEE = -5.2 V ±5%) (See Note) 0° Characteristic Symbol Min 25° Max Min LSUFFtX CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 62(}-10 PSUFFIX PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 641HlB FNSUFFIX PLCC CASE 775-02 TRUTH TABLE Inputs I E A H X L WORD A L L Outputs B A WORD B L H WORD A < WORD B H L I =WORD B 75° Max Min Max Unit DIP PIN ASSIGNMENT IE - 117 - 106 - 117 mA Input Current High linH - 350 - 220 - 220 Input Current Low linL 0.5 - 0.5 - 0.3 IlA IlA VCCI Vdc A>B Vdc Ahm resistor to -2.0 volts. For PLCC pin asSignment, see the Pin Conversion Tables on page 1>-11. 3/93 © Motorola, Inc. 1996 A>B 2-54 REVS ® MOTOROLA MC10H166 LOGIC DIAGRAM A4 109 :::~;JC>-------I 64 A3 12 --...........--.... 6S11--...w....~ 2A>6 A2 13 -+t"'\r~.!:::I::i-H+___r__.... 6214--...w....~ SA-_--.J 60 4- PIN 1 PIN 16 PINS E15--------------------------------~ FIGURE 1 AO BO Al Bl f{l 9-BIT MAGNITUDE COMPARATOR B2 A3 B3 A4 B4 AS B5 AS B6 A7 B7 AS B8 MC10HI88 bB AB A 8 and A < 8 outputs are fed to the AO and 80 inputs respectively MECLDala DL122-Rev6 = of the next device. The connection for an A 8 output is also shown. The worst case delay time of serial expansion is equal to the number of comparators times the data-to--output delay. 2-55 MOTOROLA MC10H166 FIGURE 2 - 25-BIT MAGNITUDE COMPARATOR [2J B24 A24 823 A23 B22 A22 821 A21 B20 A20 B4 A4 B3 A3 AB AI BO AD BI9 AI9 BIB AlB BI7 A17 BIS AIS BI5 AI5 B4 A4 83 A3 AB AI BO AD BI4 AI4 BI3 AI3 BI2 AI2 BII All BID AID B4 A4 83 A3 AB AI BO AD B9 A9 BB AB B7 A7 BB AS B5 AS B4 A4 83 A3 82 A2 BI AI BO AD MOTOROLA B4 A4 83 A3 AB AI BO AD B4 A4 B3 A3 AB AI BO AD A=B AB For shorter delay times than possible with seriai expansion, devices can be cascaded. Figure 2 shows a 25-bit cascaded comparator whose worst case delay is two data-t B AI BO AD 2-56 MECLData DL122-Rev6 MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Dual Binary to 1-4 Decoder (Low) MC10H171 -• The MC1 OH171 is a binary coded 2 line to dual 4 line decoder with selected outputs low. With either EO or E1 high, the corresponding selected 4 outputs are high. The common enable E, when high, forces all outputs high. • • • Propagation Delay, 2 ns Typical Power Dissipation 325 mW Typical (same as MECL 10K) Improved Noise Margin 150 mV (over operating voltage and temperature range) • Voltage Compensated • MECL 10K-Compatible MAXIMUM RATINGS LSUFFIX CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 62Q-10 PSUFFIX PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 648-0S FN SUFFIX PLCC CASE 775-{)2 LOGIC DIAGRAM Characteristic Symbol Rating Unit Power Supply (VCC = 0) VEE -8toO Vdc 10003 Input Voltage (VCC = 0) VI Oto VEE Vdc 11 002 lout 50 100 mA TA Oto +75 'C Tstg -55 to +150 -55 to +165 'C Output Current- Continuous -Surge Operating Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range- Plastic -Ceramic Min Max Min Max Min Max Unit Power Supply Current IE - 85 - 77 85 mA 265 - IIA IIA linH - 425 - 265 linL 0.5 - 0.5 - 0.3 High Output Voltage VOH -1.02 -0.84 -0.98 -0.81 -0.92 -0.735 Low Output Voltage VOL -1.95 -1.63 -1.95 -1.63 -1.95 High Input Voltage VIH -1.17 -0.84 -1.13 -0.81 Low Input Voltage VIL -1.95 -1.48 -1.95 -1.48 -1.95 3013 4012 Symbol Input Current Low 13000 87 Characteristic Input Current High 12001 A9 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (VEE = --5 2 V +5%) (See Note) 25' 75' 0' - 1:014 1:15 VCC1" PIN 1 VCC2" PIN 16 VEE"PIN8 -1.60 Vdc Vdc DIP PIN ASSIGNMENT Vdc AC PARAMETERS VCCl 25' 0' Characteristic Propagation Delay Data Select 6010 E12 Vdc -1.07 -0.735 -1.45 5011 Symbol Min Max Min 75' Max Min Max 0.5 0.5 2.0 2.6 0.5 0.5 2.1 2.7 0.5 0.5 E1 013 EO Unit ns tpd 2.2 2.8 VCC2 I: 012 000 Rise Time tr 0.5 1.7 0.5 1.8 0.5 1.9 ns 011 001 Fall Time tf 0.5 1.7 0.5 1.8 0.5 1.9 ns 010 002 NOTE: Each MECL 10H series circuit has been designed to meet the dc specifications shown in the test table, 8 003 afterthermaJ equilibrium has been established. The circuit is in a test socket or mounted on a printed circuit board and transverse air flow greater than 500 linear fpm is maintained. Outputs are terminated through VEE A a 5Q-ohm resislor to -2.0 volts. Pin assignment is for DuaHn-line Package. For PLCC pin aSSignment, see the Pin Conversion Tables on page 6-11. 3/93 © Motorola, Inc. 1996 2-57 REV5 ® MOTOROLA MC10H171 TRUTH TABLE Enable Inputs MOTOROLA Inputs Outputs E EO El A B 010 all 012 013 000 001 002 003 L L L L L L H L L L L L H X L L L L H L X L L H H L L X L H L H L L X L H H H H L H H L H H H H H H H L H H H H H H H L H H H L H H H L H H H L H H H H H H H L H H H H H H H L H H H 2-58 MECLData DL122-Rev6 MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Dual Binary to 1-4-Decoder (High) MC10H172 -• The MC1 OH172 is a binary coded 2 line to dual 4 line decoder with selected outputs high. With either EO or E1 low, the corresponding selected 4 outputs are low. The common enable E, when high, forces all outputs low. o o o o o Propagation Delay, 2 ns Typical Power Dissipation 325 mW Typical (same as MECL 10K) Improved Noise Margin 150 mV (over operating voltage and temperature range) Voltage Compensated MECL 10K-Compatible MAXIMUM RATINGS Characteristic =0) Input Voltage (VCC =0) Power Supply (VCC Symbol Rating Unit VEE -8toO Vdc VI OtoVEE Vdc Output Current- Continuous -Surge lout 50 100 rnA Operating Temperature Range TA Oto+75 'C Tstg -55 to +150 -55 to +165 'C Storage Temperature Range- Plastic -Ceramic LSUFFIX CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 620-10 PSUFFIX PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 648-08 FNSUFFIX PlCC CASE 775-02 LOGIC DIAGRAM EO 14 10003 11002 12001 A9 13000 3013 67 - ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (VEE = -5 2 V +5%) (See Note) 0' 25' Characteristic Symbol Min Max Power Supply Current IE - 85 Input Current High linH - 425 Input Current Low linL 0.5 - Min 0.5 4012 75' Max Min Max Unit 77 - 85 rnA 265 - 265 - 0.3 - !iA !iA High Output Voltage VOH -1.02 -0.84 -0.98 -0.81 Low Outpul Voltage VOL -1.95 -1.63 -1.95 -1.63 -1.95 High Input Voltage VIH -1.17 -0.84 -1.13 -0.81 -1.07 -0.735 Vdc Low Input Voltage VIL -1.95 -1.95 Vdc -1.48 -1.95 -1.48 -0.92 -0.735 -1.60 -1.45 5011 E15 6010 E12 VCCl = PIN 1 VCC2=PIN 16 VEE=PINB Vdc Vdc DIP PIN ASSIGNMENT AC PARAMETERS 0' Characteristic Propagalion Delay Data Select Symbol 25' VCCl 75' Min Max Min Max Min Max 0.5 0.5 2.0 2.6 0.5 0.5 2.1 2.7 0.5 0.5 2.2 2.8 tpd VCC2 Unit El E ns 013 EO 012 000 Rise lime tr 0.5 1.7 0.5 1.8 0.5 1.9 ns Fall lime If 0.5 1.7 0.5 1.8 0.5 1.9 ns 011 001 010 002 NOTE: Each MECL 10H selies circuit has been designed to meet the de specifications shown in the test table, 6 003 after thermal equilibrium has been established. The circuit is in a test socket or mounted on a printed circuit board and transverse air flow greater than 500 linear fpm is maintained. Outputs are terminated through a SD-ohm resistor to -2.0 volts. VEE A Pin assignment is for Dual-in-Line Package. For PLCC pin assignment, see the Pin Conversion Tables on page 6-11. 3/93 © Motorola, Inc. 1996 2-59 REV 5 ® MOTOROLA MC10H172 TRUTH TABLE Enable Inputs MOTOROLA Outputs Inputs E El EO A B 010 all 012 013 000 001 002 003 L L L L L L H H H H H L H H H H H H L L L H H L L L H "L X X X X H L L L L H L L H L L L L L L L H L L L L L L L H L L L H L L L H L L L H L L L L L L L H L L L L L L L H L L L H L L 2-60 MECLData DL122-Rev6 MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Quad 2-lnput Multiplexer/ Latch MC10H173 The MC10H173 is a quad 2-input multiplexer with latch. This device is a functional/pinout duplication of the standard MECL 10K part, with 100% improvement in propagation delay and no increase in power supply current. • • • Data Propagation Delay, 1.5 ns Typical • Power Dissipation, 275 mW Typical • Improved Noise Margin 150 mV (over operating voltage and temperature range) ,.. • Voltage Compensated MECL 10K-Compatible ~ ri~uu MAXIMUM RATINGS Characteristic Power Supply (VCC =0) Input Voltage (VCC =0) Output Current - Continuous Symbol Rating Unit VEE -8.0toO Vdc VI OtoVEE Vdc lout 50 100 mA TA Oto+75 Tstg -55 to +150 -55 to +165 'c 'c -Surge Operating Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range - Plastic -Ceramic Characteristic Power Supply Current Input Current High Pins 3-7 & 10-13 Pin9 75' 25' Symbol Min Max Min Max Min Max Unit IE - 73 - 66 - 73 mA - 510 475 - - 320 300 - - 320 300 linH linL 0.5 - 0.5 - 0.3 - I1A VOH -1.02 -{).B4 -{).98 -{).81 -{).92 -{).735 Vdc Low Output Voltage VOL -1.95 -1.63 -1.95 -1.63 -1.95 -1.60 Vdc High Input Voltage VIH -1.17 -{).84 -1.13 -{).81 -1.07 --0.735 Vdc Low Input Voltage VIL -1.95 -1.48 -1.95 -1.48 -1.95 -1.45 Vdc ns tpd 0.7 1.0 1.0 Set-upTime Data Select tset Hold Time Data Select thold Rise1ime Fall Time 2.3 3.7 3.6 0.7 1.0 1.0 2.3 3.7 3.6 0.7 1.0 1.0 2.3 3.7 3.6 ns - 0.7 1.0 - 0.7 1.0 - - - 0.7 1.0 - 0.7 1.0 - 0.7 2.4 0.7 2.4 0.7 2.4 ns 0.7 2.4 0.7 2.4 0.7 2.4 ns 0.7 1.0 - 0.7 1.0 tr tf SELECT CLOCK QDn + 1 H L X L L H aOn 000 001 DIP PIN ASSIGNMENT AC PARAMETERS Propagation Delay Data Clock Select FNSUFFIX PLCC CASE 775-{)2 I1A High Oulput Voltage Input CUrrent Low PsUFFIX PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 648-{)8 TRUTH TABLE 'C ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (VEE = -5.2 V ±5%) (See Note) 0' LSUFFIX CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 620-10 ns NOTE: Each MECL 1OH series circuit has been designed to meet the de specifications shawn in the test table, after thermal equilibrium has been established. The circuit is in a test socket or mounted on a printed circuit board and transverse air flow greater than 500 linear fpm is maintained. Outputs are terminated 00 VCC 01 02 011 03 010 020 001 021 000 030 CLOCI<' 031 SELECT VEE Pin assignment is for Dual-in-Line Package. For PLCC pin assignment, see the Pin Conversion Tables on page 6-11. through a 5D-ohm resistor to -2.0 vol Is. 3/93 © Motorola, Inc. 1996 2-61 REVS ® MOTOROLA MC10H173 APPLICATION INFORMATION The MGl 0173 is a quad two--channel multiplexer with latch. It incorporates common clock and common data select inputs. The select input determines which data input is enabled. A high (H) level enables data inputs DOO, Dl 0, D20, and D30 and a low (L) level enables data inputs DOl, Dll, D21, D31. Any change on the data input will be reflected at the outputs while the clock is low. The outputs are latched on the positive transition of the clock. While the clock is in the high state, a change in the information present at the data inputs will not affect the output information. LOGIC DIAGRAM SELECT 9 000 6 ----+-+-"-L---" 100 001 5 ----I-I-,L..-" 010 4 ---+-+-+-"-L.- 011 3 ---1-+.......--£._"" 020 13 ---+-+--+-~ 2 01 1502 02112 ----t-+--+'~_-" 03011 ----t-+--'-L_-" 03110 ---+--'""-L.- 1403 CLOCK 7 VCC = PIN 16 VEE = PIN 8 MOTOROLA 2-62 MECLData DL122-Rev6 MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Dual 4 to 1 Multiplexer MC10H174 The MC10H174 is a Dual 4-t0-1 Multiplexer. This device is a functional! pinout duplication of the standard MECL 10K part, with 100% improvement in propagation delay and no increase in power supply current. • • • • • Propagation Delay, 1.5 ns Typical Power Dissipation, 305 mW Typical Improved Noise Margin 150 mV (over operating voltage and temperature range) Voltage Compensated MECL 10K-Gompatible -• MAXIMUM RATINGS Characteristic Symbol =0) =0) Rating Unit Power Supply (VCC VEE -8.0 to 0 Vdc Input Voltage (VCC VI OtoVEE Vdc Output Current- Continuous -Surge lout 50 100 rnA Operating Temperature Range TA Oto +75 Tstg -55 to +150 -55 to +165 'c 'c 'c Siorage Temperature Range- Plastic -Ceramic ENABLE Characteristic Power Supply Current Symbol Min Max IE - 80 - 475 670 0.5 - Input Current High Pins 3-7 & 9-13 Pin 14 linH Input Current Low linL 75' 25' Min Max Min - 73 - - 300 420 0.5 - Max Unit 80 rnA !lAde - 300 420 0.3 - High Output Voltage VOH -1.02 -0.84 -0.98 -0.81 -0.92 -0.735 !lA Vdc Low Output Voltage VOL -1.95 -1.63 -1.95 -1.63 -1.95 -1.60 Vdc High Input Voltage VIH -1.17 -0.84 -1.13 -0.81 -1.07 -0.735 Vdc Low Input Voltage VIL -1.95 -1.48 -1.95 -1.48 -1.95 FN SUFFIX PLCC CASE 775-02 Vdc -1.45 ADDRESS INPUTS OUTPUTS E B A Z H X X L W L L L L XO YO L L H Xl Yl L H L X2 Y2 L H H X3 Y3 DIP PIN ASSIGNMENT VCC1 AC PARAMETERS Propagalion Delay Dala Select (A, B) Enable PSUFFIX PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 648-0B TRUTH TABLE ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (VEE = -5 2 V +5%) - (See Note) 0' LSUFFIX CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 62D-l0 00 VCC2 01 ns tpd 0.7 1.0 0.4 2.4 2.8 1.45 0.8 1.1 0.4 2.5 2.9 1.5 0.9 1.2 0.5 2.6 3.2 1.7 000 ENABLE 002 010 012 Rise Time tr 0.5 1.5 0.5 1.6 0.5 1.7 ns 001 Fall Time If 0.5 1.5 0.5 1.6 0.5 1.7 ns 003 011 NOTE: Each MECL 1OH series circuit has been designed to meet the dc specifications shown in the test table, A 013 after thermal equilibrium has been established. The circuit is in a test socket or mounted on a printed circuit board and transverse air flow greater than 500 linear fpm is maintained. Outputs are terminated VEE through a 50-ohm resistor to -2.0 volts. B Pin assignment is for Dual-in-Line Package. For PLCC pin assignment, see the Pin Conversion Tables on page 6-11. 9/96 © Motorola, Inc. 1996 2-63 REV6 ® MOTOROLA MC10H174 LOGIC DIAGRAM XO 3 Xl 2Z X2 4 X3 6 A 7 B ENABLE 14 [I] YO 13 Yl 11 Y2 12 Y3 10 15W VCCl = PIN 1 VCC2= PIN 16 VEpPINB MOTOROLA 2-64 MECLData DL122 - Rev 6 MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Quint Latch MC10H175 The MC10H175 is a quint D type latch with common reset and clock lines. This MECL 10KH part is a functionaVpinout duplication of the standard MECL 10K family part, with 100% improvement in propagation delay and no increase in power-supply current. • • • Propagation Delay, 1.2 ns Typical Power Dissipation, 400 mW Typical Improved Noise Margin 150 mV (Over Operating Voltage and Temperature Range) • Voltage Compensated • MECL 10K-Compatible -• MAXIMUM RATINGS Characteristic Power Supply (VCC = 0) Input Voltage (VCC = 0) Output Current- Continuous -Surge Symbol Rating Unit VEE -8.0toO Vdc VI OtoVEE Vdc lout 50 100 rnA °c 'c 'c Operating Temperature Range TA o to +75 Storage Temperature Range- Plastic -Ceramic Tstg -55 to +150 -5510+165 Min 25' 75' Characteristic Symbol Power Supply Current IE Input Current High Pins 5,6,7,9,10,12,13 Pin 11 linH Input Current Low linL High Output Voltage VOH -1.02 -0.84 -0.98 Low Output Voltage VOL -1.95 High Input Voltage VIH -1.17 -0.84 -1.13 -0.81 Low Input Voltage VIL Max Min Max Min Max Unit 107 - 97 - 107 rnA - 565 1120 - 335 660 0.5 - 0.5 - 0.3 - I1A -0.81 -0.92 -0.735 Vdc -1.60 Vdc -1.07 -0.735 Vdc -1.95 -1.48 -1.95 -1.48 -1.95 -1.45 Vdc - - -1.63 -1.95 -1.63 -1.95 0.6 0.7 1.0 1.6 2.0 2.3 0.6 0.8 1.0 tset 1.5 Hold Time thold 0.8 - 0.8 - 0.8 - Rise Time tr 0.5 1.8 0.5 1.9 0.5 2.0 ns Fall Time tf 0.5 1.8 0.5 1.9 0.5 2.0 ns 1.5 ns ns NOTE: Each MEeL 10H series circuit has been designed to meet the de specifications shown in the test table, after thermal equilibrium has been established. The circuit is in a test socket or mounted on a printed Circuit board and transverse air flow greater than 500 linear fpm is maintained. Outputs are terminated through a 5O-<>hm resistor to -2.0 volts. 2-65 Reset On+l L L X H X H X X L L H H L H an an L L VCC2 02 01 03 00 04 D2 D4 Dl CO RESET CT DO VEE D3 Pin assignment is for Dual-in-Line Package. For PLCC pin assignment, see the Pin Conversion Tables on page 6-11. 3193 © Motorola, Inc. 1~96 Cl L L H X H X VCCI 1.7 2.1 2.4 Set-up Time 1.5 CO L H X X X X DIP PIN ASSIGNMENT ns 1.6 1.9 2.2 0 I'A tpd 0.6 0.7 1.0 FN SUFFIX PLCC CASE 775-02 335 660 AC PARAMETERS Propagation Delay' Data Clock Reset PSUFFIX PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 648-08 TRUTH TABLE ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (VEE = -5.2 V ±5%) (See Note) 0' LSUFFtX CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 62D-l0 REV 5 @ MOTOROl.A MC10H175 APPLICATION INFORMATION outputs while the clock is low. The outputs are latched on the positive transition olthe clock. While the clock is in the high state, a change in the information present at the data inputs will not affect the output information. THE RESET INPUT IS ENABLED ONLY WHEN THE CLOCK IS IN THE HIGH STATE. The MC10H175 is a high speed,low power quint latch. It features five D type latches with common reset and a common two-input clock. Data is transferred on the negative edge of the clock and latched on the positive edge. The two clock inputs are "OR"ed together. Any change on the data input will be reflected at the LOGIC DIAGRAM DO 10 --------""1 1400 D D112 [l] 1501 C D D213 202 C D D39 303 C 0 045 404 C06 C17 RESET 11 VCCI =PIN 1 VCC2=PIN 16 VEE= PIN 8 MOTOROLA 2-66 MECLData DL122-Rev6 MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Hex D Master-Slave Flip-Flop MC10H176 The MC10H176 contains six master slave type D flip-flops with a common clock. This MECL 10H part is a functional/pinout duplication of the standard MECL 10K family part, with 100% improvement in clock frequency and propagation delay and no increase in power-supply current. • • • Propagation Delay, 1.7 ns Typical Power Dissipation, 460 mW Typical Improved Noise Margin 150 mV (Over Operating Voltage and Temperature Range) • Voltage Compensated • MECL 10K-Compatible -, . • MAXIMUM RATINGS Characteristic Power Supply (Vec = 0) Symbol Rating Unit VEE -8.0 to a Vdc VI OtoVEE Vdc Output Current- Continuous -Surge lout 50 100 mA Operating Temperature Range TA Oto +75 °C Tstg -55 to +150 -55 to +165 °C °C Input Voltage (VCC = 0) Storage Temperature Range- Plastic -Ceramic ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (VEE 25° 75° Characteristic Symbol Min Max Min Max Power Supply Current IE - 123 - 112 Input Current High Pins 5,6,7,10,11,12 PinS linH - 425 670 - 265 420 0.5 - 0.5 - Input Current Low linL High Output Voltage VOH -1.02 --{).B4 --{).SB --{).Bl Min - Max Unit 123 mA 265 420 0.3 - IlA --{).735 Vdc Vdc Low Output Voltage VOL -1.S5 -1.63 -1.S5 -1.63 -1.S5 -1.60 High Input Voltage VIH -1.17 --{).B4 -1.13 --{).Bl --{).735 Vdc Low Input Voltage VIL -1.S5 -1.48 -1.S5 -1.48 -1.S5 -1.45 Vdc 2.4 ns t~d O.S 2.1 O.S 2.2 1.0 DIP PIN ASSIGNMENT VCCI 05 01 04 02 03 thold 1.0 - Rise TIme tr 0.5 1.B 0.5 I.S 0.5 2.0 ns Fall TIme tf 0.5 I.B 0.5 I.S 0.5 2.0 ns !tQQ_ 250 MHz NOTE: Each MECL 10H series circuit has been designed to meet the dc specifications shown in the test table, after thermal equilibrium has been established. The circuit is in a test socket or mounted on a printed circuit board and transverse air flow greater than 500 linear fpm is maintained. Outputs are terminated through a 50-0hm resistor to -2.0 volts. VEE CLOCK Pin assignment is for DuaHn-Line Package. For PLCC pin assignment, see the Pin Conversion Tables on page 6-11. 3/93 2-67 VCC2 00 05 1.5 - © Motorola, Inc. 1996 H Q3 - O.S - H 00 1.5 - 250 L H' ns - - L ns 1.5 250 an H' Q4 O.S - On+l X 01 tset Toggle Frequency a L 02 Hold TIme Set-upTIme C " A clock H Is a clock transition from a low to a high state. AC PARAMETERS Propagation Delay FNSUFFIX PLCC CASE 775-02 IlA --{).S2 -1.07 PSUFFIX PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE648-0B CLOCKED TRUTH TABLE =-5.2 V ±5%) (See Note) 0° LSUFFIX CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 62Q-l0 REV 5 ® MOTOROI.A MC10H176 APPLICATION INFORMATION The MC1 OH176 contains six high-speed, master slave type "D" flip-flops. Data is entered into the master when the clock is low. Master-to-slave data transfer takes place on the positive-going Clock transition. Thus, outputs may change only on a positive-going Clock transition. A change in the information present althe data (D) input will not affect the output information any other time due to the master-slave construction of this device. LOGIC DIAGRAM 00 00 01 02 7 3 01 4 02 D3 10-+~ 13 03 04 11 --+--t 14 04 05 12-+~ 15 05 CLOCK 9 VCC1 = PIN 1 VCC2=PIN 16 VEE = PINS MOTOROLA 2-68 MECLData DL122-Rev6 MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Look-Ahead Carry Block MC10H179 The MCl OH179 is a functionaVpinout duplication of the standard MECL 10K part, with 100"10 improvement in propagation delay and no increase in power supply cu rrent. • • Power Dissipation, 300 mW Typical Improved Noise Margin 150 mV (Over Operating Voltage and Temperature Range) • Voltage Compensated • MECL 10K-Compatible -• MAXIMUM RATINGS Characteristic =0) Input Voltage (VCC =0) Power Supply (VCC Output Current- Continuous -Surge Operating Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range- Plastic -Ceramic ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (VEE Symbol Rating Unit VEE -8.0 to a Vdc VI OtoVEE Vdc lout 50 100 mA TA a to +75 Tstg -55 to +150 -5510+165 'c 'c Characteristic Power Supply Current Symbol IE Min - 25' Max Min 79 - 72 Min - VCCl Max 79 Unit mA ~A Input Current High Pins 5 and 9 Pins 4, 7 and 11 Pin 14 Pin 12 Pins 10 and 13 linH Input Current Low linL 0.5 - 0.5 - 0.3 - ~ High Output Voltage VOH -1.02 -0.84 -0.98 -0.81 -0.92 -0.735 Vdc Low Output Voltage VOL -1.95 -1.63 -1.95 -1.63 -1.95 -1.60 Vdc High Input Vollage VIH -1.17 -0.84 -1.13 -0.81 -1.07 -0.735 Vdc Low Input Voltage VIL -1.95 -1.48 -1.95 -1.48 -1.95 -1.45 Vdc 0.4 1.4 0.4 1.5 0.5 1.7 - - - 465 545 705 790 870 - - - 275 320 415 465 510 - - FNSUFFIX PLCC CASE 775-02 'C 75' Max P SUFFIX PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 64B-08 DIP PIN ASSIGNMENT =-5.2 V ±5"1o) (See Note) A' LSUFFIX CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 620-10 275 320 415 465 510 VCC2 GG PG CN+4 PO GO P3 G3 P2 CN+2 CN Gl Pl VEE G2 Pin assignment is for Dual-in-Line Package. For PLCC pin assignment, see the Pin Conversion Tables on page 6-11. AC PARAMETERS Propagation Delay Pto PG G, P, Cnto CnorGG ns tpd 0.6 2.3 0.7 2.4 0.8 2.6 Rise Time tr 0.5 1.7 0.5 1.8 0.5 1.9 ns Fall Time tf 0.5 1.7 0.5 1.8 0.5 1.9 ns NOTE: Each MECL 1OH series circuit has been designed to meet the dc specifications shown in the test table, after thermal equilibrium has been established. The circuit is In a test socket or mounted on a printed circuit board and transverse airflow greater than 500 Ifpm is maintained. Outputs are terminated through a SD-ohm resistor to -2.0 volts. 3193 © Motorola, Inc. 1996 2-89 REVS ® MOTOROLA MC10H179 LOGIC DIAGRAM G35 P313 G2 9 P2 12 Gl 7 PlIO GO 4 PINI PIN16 PINS PO 14 PG GG CN+2 CN+4 PO+Pl +P2+P3 (GO + PI + P2 + P3)(GI + P2 + P3) (G2 + P3) G3 = (CN+PO+Pl)(GO+Pl)Gl = (CN + PO + PI + P2 + P3)(GO + PI + P2 + P3)(G1+ P2 + P3) (G2+ P3)G3 = = TYPICAL APPLICATIONS The MCI OH179 is a high-speed, low-power, standard MECL complex function that is designed to perform the look-ahead carry function. This device can be used with the MCI OH 181 4-bit ALU directly, or with the MCl OH180 dual arithmetic unit in any computer, instrumentation or digital communication application requiring high speed arithmetic operation on long words. When used with the MC10H181, the MC10H179 performs a second order or higher look-ahead. Figure 2 shows a 16-bit look-ahead carry arithmetic unit. Second order carry is valuable for longer binary words. As an example, addition of two 32-bit words is improved from 30 nanoseconds with ripple-carry techniques. A block diagram of a 32-bit ALU is shown in Figure 1. The MCl OH179 may also be used in many other applications. It can, for example, reduce system package count when used to generate functions of several variables. FIGURE 1 - 32-BIT ALU WITH CARRY LOOK-AHEAD MOTOROLA 2-70 MECLData DL122-Rav6 MC10H179 FIGURE 2 - 16-BIT FULL LOOK-AHEAD CARRY ARITHMETIC LOGIC UNIT 81 iO Bf 85 A2 Al A5 B2 I 11 i 3 3 A 8 A 8 A 8 A B 0 0 11 22 3 3 Cn Cn+4 -M MC10H181 Gr - - 80 ; - - 81 ..BIT ARITliMETIC LOGIC UNIT , - S2 P 53 FO Fl F2 F3 i4 B13 A14 B9 A6 A9 86 iI A B A B A B A B o 0 11 2 2 33 Cn Cn+4 M MC10H181 -80 Gir-- 81 ..81T ARITliMETIC LOGIC UNIT -S2 P 83 FO F1 F2 Fa r- ,- L A13 Bl0 ~8 1 I All 18;1 1 8 117 j7 Al0 ABABABAB 00112233 Cn Cn+4 -M -SO r-- 81 ,-52 MC10H181 .. BIT ARITHMETIC LOGIC UNIT 83 FO Fl F2 F8 F9 FlO Fll F3 GP A;2T B14 I II A15 B;5 A 8 A 8 A 8 A 8 00 11 2 2 3 3 Cn Cn +4 ;--M MC10H181 G- - : - 80 ; - - 81 "BIT ARITliMETIC LOGIC UNIT P 82 83 FO Fl F2 F3 M 80 81 82 83 FO Fl F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 PO GO Cn II I Pl Gl P2 G2 MC10H179 CARRY LOOK-AHEAD Cn+2 I MECLData DL122-Rev6 2-71 Cn+4 I P3 F12 F13 F14 F15 G3 G I-PI-- C15 MOTOROLA MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Dual 2-Bit Adder/Subtractor MC10H180 The MC10H180 is a high-speed, low-power, general-purpose adderl subtractor. It is designed to be used in special purpose adders/subtractors or in high-speed multiplier arrays. Inputs for each adder are Carry-in, Operand A, and Operand B; outputs are Sum, Sum and Carry-Qut. The common select inputs serve as a control line to Invert A for subtract, and a control line to Invert B. -, . • • Propagation Delay, 1.8 ns Typical, Operand and Select to Output • Power Dissipation, 360 mW Typical • Improved Noise Margin 150 mV (Over Operating Voltage and Temperature Range) • Voltage Compensated • MECL 10K-Compatible MAXIMUM RATINGS Characteristic Symbol Rating Unit VEE -8.0 to 0 Vdc VI OtoVEE Vdc lout 50 100 rnA TA Oto +75 °c Tstg -55 to +150 -55 to +165 °c °c =0) Input Voltage (VCC =0) Power Supply (VCC Output Current- Continuous -Surge Operating Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range- Plastic -Ceramic ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (VEE Symbol Power Supply Current IE Input Current High Pins 4, 12 Pins 7,9 Pins 5,6,10,11 linH Input Current Low linL Min 0.5 25° Max 95 665 515 410 - Min 7 9 5 6 4 SELA SELa AO BO CIN 15 2 14 1 0.5 Max Min Max Unit 86 - 95 rnA 417 320 255 - 417 320 255 - 0.3 - VOH -1.02 -0.84 -0.98 -0.81 Low Oulput Voltage VOL -1.95 -1.63 -1.95 -1.63 -1.95 High Input Voltage (1) VIH -1.17 -0.84 -1.13 -0.81 Low Input Voltage (1) VIL -1.95 -1.48 -1.95 -1.48 -1.95 -0.92 -0.735 VCC= PIN 16 VEE= PINS POSITIVE LOGIC ONLY A' = A Ell SELA = A8SELA B' = B Ell SELB =B8SELB S = CIN(~B'+A'il')+ CIN(A' B' + ~ B') COUT = CINA' + CINB' + A' B' !lA Vdc Vdc -1.07 -0.735 Vdc Vdc DIP PIN ASSIGNMENT ns tpd 2.4 2.2 1.6 0.7 0.7 0.4 2.5 2.3 1.7 0.8 0.8 0.4 2.8 2.6 1.8 13 !lA -1.60 -1.45 11 10 12 AC PARAMETERS 0.6 0.6 0.4 FNSUFFfX PLCC CASEnlHl2 LOGIC DIAGRAM 75° High Output Voltage Propagation Delay Operand to Output Select to Output Carry-in to Output PSUFFtX PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 648-08 =-5.2 V ±5%) (See Note) 0° Characteristic LSUFFfX CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 62Q-l0 RisaTIme Ir 0.5 2.0 0.5 2.1 0.5 2.2 ns Fall TIme If 0.5 2.0 0.5 2.1 0.5 2.2 ns Sf SO COUT SI CIN NOTES: Each MECL 10H series circuit has been designed to meet the dc specifications shown in the test table, afterthermal equilibrium has been established. The circuit is in a test socket or mounted on a printed circuit board and transverse air flow greater than 500 Ifpm is maintained. Outputs are terminated through a 50-0hm resistor to -2.0 volts. VCC SO COUT AO CIN BO Al SELA Bl VEE SELB Pin assignment is for Dual-in-Line Package. For PLCC pin assignment, see the Pin Conversion Tables on page 6-11. 3193 © Motorola, Inc. 1996 2-72 REVS ® MOTOROLA MC10H180 FUNCTION SELECT TABLE SelA H H L L Function SelB H S=Aplus B L H L S =Aminus B S = B minus A S - 0 minus A minus B TRUTH TABLE FUNCTION ADD SUBTRACT MECLData DL122-Rev6 INPUTS INPUTS SelB H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H L L L L H H H H H H H H H H H H L L L L L L L L L L L L H H H H FUNCTION Cin SO so Cout L L H H L L H H L H L H L H L H L H H L H L H H L L H L H H L L L L H L H H H L L H H L L H H L H L H L H L H H L L H L H H L L H H L H L L H L H L L H H L H AD BO SelA 2-73 L SelA Sele AD BO REVERSE SUBTRACT L L L L L L L L H H H H H H H H H L L H H L L H H L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L H H H H L L H H L L H H L L L L H H H Cin SO so Co~t L H L L H L H H L L H H L H L L H L H H H L H H L H L L H H L L H L H H L H H L H L H L L H L H L H L H L H L H L H L H L L L H MOTOROLA MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA 4-Bit Arithmetic Logic Unit/ Function Generator MC10H181 The MC10H181 is a high-speed arithmetic logic unit capable of performing 16 logic operations and 16 arithmetic operations on two four-bit words. Full internal carry is incorporated for ripple through operation. Arithmetic logic operations are selected by applying the appropriate binary word to the select inputs (SO through S3) as indicated in the tables of arithmeticllogic functions. Group carry propagate (PG) and carry generate (GG) are provided to allow fast operations on very long words using a second order look-ahead. The internal carry is enabled by applying a low level voltage to the mode control input (M). When used with the MC10H179, full-carry look-ahead, as a second order look-ahead block, the MC10H181 provides high-speed arithmetic operations on very long words. This 10H part is a functionaVpinout duplication of the standard MECL 10K family part with 100% improvement in propagation delay and no increase in power supply current. ~ -• • Improved Noise Margin, 150 mV (Over Operating Voltage and Temperature Range) • MECL 10K - Compatible • Voltage Compensated LSUFFIX CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE75~2 PSUFFIX PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 724-03 FNSUFFIX PLCC CASE77~2 DIP PIN ASSIGNMENT MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol Rating Unit VCC1 Power Supply (Vee = 0) VEE -8.0 to 0 Vdc FO M Input Voltage (VCC = 0) VI OtoVEE Vdc Output Current- Continuous -Surge lout 50 100 mA Operating Temperature Range TA oto +75 Tstg -55 to +150 -55 to +165 Characteristic Storage Temperature Range- Plastic -Ceramic F1 CN GG AO °c CN+4 80 °e °e F3 81 F2 A1 NOTE: Each MECL 10H series circuit has been designed to meet the dc specifications shown in the test table, after thermal equilibrium has been established. The circuit is in a test socket or mounted on a printed circuit board and transverse airflow greater than 500 Ifpm is maintained. Outputs are terminated through a 5(k)hm resistor to -2.0 volts. FUNCTION SELECT TABLE LOGIC DIAGRAM 13----..., Function Select S3 S2 S1 SO L 21 21J 18 19 H 16 11 H H H H H H L H H H H H H H L L H H L H H H 10 22 23 L L H H H H H H L H H H L H L H logic Functions M is High C = D.C. F Arithmetic Operation M is Low Cn is low F F=A F=A+!J F=A+B F= logical '1" F=A.!J F=!J F=A0B F=A+B F=A.B F=A F=Aplus(A.1l) F=Aplus(A.B) F=Atimes2 F=(A+B)plusO F=(A+B)plus(A.1l) F=AplusB F=Aplus(A+B) F=AEIlB F=B F=A+B F = Logical "Ow F=A.!J F=A.B F=A F = A minus B minus 1 2-74 PG S1 83 A2 A3 S2 B2 SO VEE S3 Pin aSSignment is for Dual-ir>-Line Package. For PLCC pin assignment, see the Pin Conversion Tables on page 6-11. F=(A+B)plusO F=(A+B)plus(A.B) F=Aplus(A+B) F == minus 1 (two's complement) F= (A.B) minus 1 F=(A.B)minus1 F=Aminus1 9196 © Motorola, Inc. 1996 VCC2 REV 6 ® MOTOROLA MC10H181 LOGIC DIAGRAM 8313 8'15 8117 5014 80'0 ~.£):>t AO'l Bl19 ~.£):>t Alla B211 ~.£):>t A216 ~ ,.-- L./ ~ [gD ,.--, ~ II " gp ,...---. .~ ~ ~.£):>t A310 Ln.- ,FO ~ ~ 3Fl 7F, ,~ ~;:} 839 ./ rrr=> ~ " , ._./ - ~ :::If>- 6F3 , ./ ~~ ~ M'3 vee1:: Pln1 VCC2:: Pln24 VEE:: Pin 12 MECLData DLl22-Rev6 2-75 MOTOROLA MC10H181 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (VEE =-5.2 V ±5.0%) (See Note) 0° Characteristic Power Supply Current Input Current High Pin 22 Pins 14,23 Pins 13,15,17 Pins 10,16,18,21 Pins 9,11,19,20 Input Current Low Pins 9-11,19-22 High Output Voltage Low Output Voltage High Input Voltage Low Input Voltage +25° +75 0 Symbol Min Max Min Max Min Max Unit IE - 159 - 145 - 159 rnA - 720 405 515 475 465 .:.... - 450 255 320 300 275 - 450 255 320 300 275 linH -, - linL 0.5 VOH VOL VIH VIL -1.02 -1.95 -1.17 1.95 - - -0.98 1.95 -1.13 -1.95 ItA 0.3 0.5 -0.84 -1.63 -0.84 1.48 ItA -0.81 -1.63 -0.81 1.48 -0.735 1.60 -0.735 1.45 -0.92 -1.95 -1.07 1.95 Vdc Vdc Vdc Vdc NOTE: Each MECL 1OH series circuit has been designed to meet the de specifications shown in the test table, aflerthermal equilibrium has been established. The circuit is in a test socket or mounted on a printed ckcuit board and transverse air flow greater than 500 Ifpm Is maintained. Outputs are tenninated through a SO--ohm resistor to -2.0 volls. AC PARAMETERS AC Switching Characteristics O°C Characteristic Propagation Delay Rise lime, Fall lime Propagation Delay Input Output t++,t-t+.tt++,t+ Cn Cn Cn Cn Cn Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Bl Bl Bl Bl Bl Bl Bl Sl Cn+4 Cn+4 Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl AO,Al,A2,A3 AO,Al,A2,A3 AD PG PG GG GG Cn+4 Cn+4 Fl F SO,S3 SO,S3 AO,A2,A3,C n AO,A2,A3,C n AO,A2,A3,Cn AO,A2,A3,C n S3,Cn S3,Cn SO,Al SO,Al S3,Cn S3,C n S3,Cn S3,Cn t-+,t-- t+,t- Rise lime, Fal/lime Propagation Delay t++,t+ t-+,t-t+,t- Rise lime, Fall lime Propagation Delay Rise lime, Fall lime Propagation Delay Rise lime, Fall lime Propagation Delay Rise Time, Fall Time Propagation Delay Rise Time, Fall lime Propagation Delay Rise lime, Fall lime Propagation Delay Rise lime, Fall lime Propagation Delay Rise lime, Fall lime Propagation Delay Rise lime, Fall lime Propagation Delay Rise lime, Fall lime Propagation Delay Rise lime, Fall lime Propagation Delay Rise lime, Fall lime Propagation Delay Rise lime, Fall lime Conditions t Symbol t++,t-- t+,tt++,t-- t+.tt+-,t-+ t+,tt++.t + t+,t- t++.t t+,tt++,t-t+,tt+-,t-+ t+,tt++.t+ I+,tt+ ,I + t+,tt-+,t+t+,tt+-,t-+ t+,tt+-,t-+ t+,t- M M Sl Sl Sl Sl Sl Sl Sl Sl PG PG GG GG Cn+4 Cn+4 Fl Fl Fl Fl +25°C +75°C Min Max Min Max Min Max Unit 0.7 0.6 2.0 2.0 0.7 0.6 2.0 2.0 0.7 0.7 2.2 2.2 ns ns ns 1.0 0.7 3.0 2.2 1.0 0.7 3.0 2.2 1.2 0.7 3.3 2.4 1.5 0.7 1.5 0.9 1.5 0.7 1.5 0.5 2.0 0.7 1.5 0.7 1.5 0.7 2.0 0.5 1.5 0.8 1.5 0.7 1.5 0.7 1.5 0.7 1.3 0.5 3.7 2.0 3.7 2.4 3.7 2.2 3.6 2.0 4.5 2.3 3.8 2.2 3.7 2.2 4.0 2.0 4.2 2.3 4.5 2.0 4.0 2.0 4.1 2.2 4.5 3.2 1.5 0.7 1.5 0.9 1.5 0.7 1.5 0.5 2.0 0.7 1.5 0.7 1.5 0.7 2.0 0.5 1.5 0.8 1.5 0.7 1.5 0.7 1.5 0.7 1.3 0.5 3.7 2.0 3.7 2.4 3.7 2.2 3.6 2.0 4.5 2.3 3.8 2.2 3.7 2.2 4.0 2.2 4.2 2.3 4.5 2.0 4.0 2.2 4.1 2.2 4.5 3.2 1.6 0.7 1.6 0.9 1.6 0.7 1.6 0.5 2.1 0.7 1.6 0.7 1.6 0.7 2.1 0.5 1.6 0.8 1.6 0.7 1.6 0.7 1.6 0.7 1.4 0.5 4.0 2.2 4.0 2.6 3.9 2.4 3.9 2.2 4.8 2.5 4.0 2.4 4.0 2.4 4.3 2.2 4.5 2.5 4.8 2.2 4.3 2.4 4.4 2.4 4.8 3.4 ns Al,Bl Al,Bl AS,B3 AS,B3 A3,B3 A3,B3 A3,S3 A3,S3 PG PG Cn+4 Cn+4 GG GG ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns t logiC high lavel (+1.11 Vdc) applied to pins listed. All other input pins are left floating or tied to +0.31 Vdc. VCCl VCC2 +2.0 Vdc, VEE -3.2 Vdc = MOTOROLA = = 2-76 MECLData DL122-Rev6 MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Hex D Master-Slave Flip-Flop with Reset MC10H186 The MC1 OH186 is a hex D type flip-flop with common reset and clock lines. This MECL 10H part is a functional/pinout duplication of the standard MECL 10K family part, with 100% improvement in clock toggle frequency and propagation delay and no increase in power-supply current. ,. -• • Propagation Delay, 1.7 ns Typical • Power Dissipation, 460 mW Typical • Improved Noise Margin 150 mV (Over Operating Voltage and Temperature Range) • Voltage Compensated • MECL 10K-Compatible MAXIMUM RATINGS Characteristic Symbol Rating Unit Power Supply (VCC = 0) VEE -8.0 to 0 Vdc Input Voltage (VCC = 0) VI OtoVEE Vdc lout 50 100 mA TA Oto +75 °c Tstg -55 to +150 -55 to +165 °c °c Output Current - Continuous -Surge Operating Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range - Plastic -Ceramic 25° Characteristic Symbol Power Supply Current IE Input Current High Pins 5.6.7,10,11,12 Pin 9 Pin 1 linH 75° Min Min Max Min Max Max Unit - 121 - 110 - 121 mA - 430 670 1250 - 265 420 765 - 265 420 765 linL 0.5 - 0.5 - 0.3 - JlA VOH -1.02 ...(J.84 ...(J.98 ...(J.81 ...(J.92 ...(J.735 Vdc Low Output Voltage VOL -1.95 -1.63 -1.95 -1.63 -1.95 -1.60 Vdc High Input Voltage VIH -1.17 ...(J.84 -1.13 ...(J.81 -1.07 ...(J.735 Vdc Low Input Voltage VIL -1.95 -1.48 -1.95 -1.48 -1.95 -1.45 Vdc tpd 0.7 3.0 0.7 3.0 0.7 3.0 ns R C D On+1 L L X On L L H' H' L L H H H L X L DIP PIN ASSIGNMENT RESET AC PARAMETERS Propagation Delay FN SUFFIX PLCC CASE 775...(J2 * A clock H is a clock transition from a low to a high state. IlA High Output Voltage Input Current Low PSUFFIX PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 648...(J8 CLOCKED TRUTH TABLE ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (VEE = -5.2 V ±5%) (See Note) 0° LSUFFIX CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 62Q...l0 VCC 00 05 01 04 Set-upTime tset 1.5 1.0 1.0 - ns 1.0 - 1.5 thold - 1.5 Hold lime Rise Time tr 0.7 2.6 0.7 2.6 0.7 2.6 ns Q2 03 FaUlime tf 0.7 2.6 0.7 2.6 0.7 2.6 ns 00 05 ftoa 250 250 3.0 - 250 trr - - 01 04 Toggle Frequency Reset Recovery lime (tl-9+) 3.0 3.0 ns MHz ns 03 02 NOTE: Each MECL 10H series circuit has been designed to meet the de specifications shown in the test table, after thermal equilibrium has been established. The circuit is in a test socket or mounted on a printed circuit board and transverse air flow greater than 500 linear fpm is maintained. Outputs are terminated through a 5D- ---ID • FNSUFFIX PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 776-02 On MR TCLKlCLK Qn+1 l H l l H Z l H l ClK R X I I __ -.J Z X =lOW to HIGH Transition ClK ClK TClK Pinout: 28-Lead PLCC (Top View) 01 25 * Z 02 VCCT 03 24 1. When using MECl inputs, TClK must be tied to ground (OV). 2. When using only one MECl input, the unused MECl input must be tied to Vee, and TClK must be tied to ground (OV). 3. When using TClK, both MECl inputs must be tied to VEE (-S.2V). 23 22 04 05 VCCE 21 20 10 00 Qij VEE 01 Of Q2 9/96 © Motorola, Inc. 1996 2-108 REV 1 ® ta 14 VCCE 13 Q3 11 Q2 MOTOROLA MC10H604 MC100H604 DC CHARACTERISTICS: VEE = VEE (Min) to VEE(Max); VCCE = GND; VCCT = 5.0V + 10% DOC Parameter Symbol lEE ECL Power Supply Current ICCH ICCL TTL Power Supply Current Min 25°C Max 10H 100H Min 85°C Max Min Max Unit 130 130 130 140 130 150 mA 35 45 35 45 35 45 rnA Max Unit 145 IlA IlA Condition 10H ECl DC CHARACTERISTICS: VCCT = +5.0 V ± 10%; VEE = -5.20 V ±5% DOC Parameter Symbol Min 25°C Max Min 85°C Max 225 Min 145 Condition IIH IlL Input HIGH Current Input LOW Current 0.5 VIH VIL Input HIGH Voltage Input LOW Voltage -1170 -1950 -840 -1480 -1130 -1950 --810 -1480 -1060 -1950 -720 -1480 mV VBB Output Bias Voltage -1400 -1290 -1370 -1270 -1330 -1210 mV VOH VOL Output HIGH Voltage Output LOW Voltage -1020 -1950 -840 -1630 -980 -1950 --810 -1630 -910 -1950 -720 -1595 mV 50 Q to -2.0 V Max Unit Condition 145 IlA 0.5 0.5 100H ECl DC CHARACTERISTICS: VCCT = 5.0 V -+ 10%; VEE = -4.2 V to -5.5 V DOC Symbol Min Parameter 25°C Min Max 85°C Max 225 Min IIH IlL Input HIGH Current Input LOW Current 145 0.5 VIH VIL Input HIGH Voltage Input LOW Voltage -1165 -1810 --880 -1475 -1165 -1810 --880 -1475 -1165 -1810 --880 -1475 mV VBB Output Bias Voltage -1400 -1280 -1400 -1280 -1400 -1280 mV VOH VOL Output HIGH Voltage Output LOW Voltage -1025 -1810 --880 -1620 -1025 -1810 --880 -1620 -1025 -1810 -880 -1620 mV 0.5 0.5 !lA 50Qto-2.0V TTL DC CHARACTERISTICS: VCCT= 5.0 V± 10%; VEE =-5.2 V±5% (10H version); VEE =-4.2 V to-5.5 V (100H version) O°C Symbol Min Parameter 25°C Max 85°C Max Unit 0.8 0.8 V V 20 100 20 100 !lA VIN=2.7V VIN=7.0V -0.6 -0.6 -0.6 rnA VIN=0.5V -1.2 -1.2 -1.2 V VIH VIL Input HIGH Voltage Input LOW Voltage 0.8 IIH Input HIGH Current 20 100 IlL Input LOW Current VIK Input Clamp Voltage Min Max 2.0 2.0 Min 2.0 Condition liN =-18 rnA AC CHARACTERISTICS: VCCT = 5.0 V ± 10%; VEE = -5.2 V -+ 5% (10H version); VEE = -4.2 V to -5.5 V (100H version) DOC Symbol Parameter Min tpLH tpHL Propagation Delay CLKtoQ TCLKtoQ to Output MRtoQ 1.5 2.0 1.5 Typ 25°C Max Min 3.5 4.0 4.0 1.5 2.0 1.5 Typ 85°C Max Min 3.5 4.0 4.0 1.5 2.0 1.5 Typ Max Unit 3.5 4.0 4.0 ns CL=50pF Condition ts Setup Time 1.5 0.5 1.5 0.5 1.5 0.5 ns CL=50pF tH Hold Time 1.5 0.5 1.5 0.5 1.5 0.5 ns CL=50pF tpw Minimum Pulse Width CLK, MR ns CL=50pF VPP Minimum Input Swing tr tf Rise/Fall Times MECLData DL122-Rev6 1.0 1.0 1.0 mV 150 0.3 1.0 2.0 0.3 2-109 1.0 2.0 0.3 1.0 2.0 ns 20%-80% MOTOROLA MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Registered Hex ECL/TTL Translator MC10H605 MC100H605 The MC1 0/1 00H605 is a 6-bit, registered, dual supply ECl to TTL translator. The device features differential ECl inputs for both data and clock. The TTL outputs feature balanced 24mA sink/source capabilities for driving transmission lines. With its differential ECl inputs and TTL outputs the H605 device is ideally suited for the receive function of a HPPI bus type board-to-board intei1ace application. The on chip registers simplify the task of synchronizing the data between the two boards. A VBB reference voltage is supplied for use with single-ended data or clock. For single-ended applications the VBB output should be connected to the "bar" inputs (Dn or ClK) and bypassed to ground via a 0.01!!F capacitor. To minimize the skew of the device differential clocks should be used. The ECl level Master Reset pin is asynchronous and common to all flip-flops. A "HIGH" on the Master Reset forces the Q outputs "lOW". The device is available in either ECl standard: the 10H device is compatible with MECl 10HTM logic levels while the 100H device is compatible with 100K logic levels. . VCCE VCCT GND VEE - --, 1 OF 6 BITS . I TRUTH TABLE an a I I R On MR TCLKlClK Qn+1 l H X l l H Z Z X l H l Z = lOW to HIGH Transition I ClK FUNCTION True ECl Data Inputs Inverted ECl Data Inputs Differential ECl Clock Input ECl Master Reset Input TIL Outputs EClVCC TIL Vee TIL Ground EClVEE 00--05 - - -'- - - Dn--t-----i Dn - - + - - - - ( : ) 1 PIN ClK,ClK MR lOGIC SYMBOL I PIN NAMES 00--05 00--05 • Differential ECl Data and Clock Inputs • 24mA Sink, 24mA Source TTL Outputs • Dual Power Supply • Multiple Power and Ground Pins to Minimize Noise • 2.0ns Part-to-Part Skew r --- FNSUFFIX PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 776-02 Pinout: 28-Lead PLCC(Top View) I I Q3 ____ -.J 25 ClK ClK vcc;r Q4 GND QS VCCT MR 24 23 22 21 20 19 QO GNO MR 10 1------- 11 VBB ..... DO 00 VEE 01 ill 02 D2 MECl 10H is a trademark of Motorola, Inc. 9/96 © Motorola, Inc. 1996 2-110 REV3 ® MOTOROLA MC10H605 MC100H605 10H ECl DC CHARACTERISTICS (VCCT = +S.OV ±S%; VEE = -S.20V ±S%) O'C Symbol Characteristic lEE Supply Current Min 25'C Typ Max 63 75 Min 85'C Typ Max 63 75 225 Min Typ Max Unit 61 75 rnA IIH Input High Current IlL Input Low Current VIH Input High Voltage -1170 -B40 -1130 -810 -1060 -720 mV VIL Input Low Voltage -1950 -14BO -1950 -14BO -1950 -1480 mV VBB Output Bias Voltage -1400 -1280 -1370 -1270 -1330 -1210 mV VDiff Input Differential Voltage Vmax CMRR Input Common Reject Range Mode Vmin CMRR Input Common Reject Range Mode 0.5 145 0.5 150 150 mV 0 0 -2800 -3000 -3300 J.lA J.lA 150 0 -2800 -3000 -3300 145 0.5 Condition -2800 -3000 -3300 mV mV VEE =-4.94 VEE =-5.20 VEE =-5.46 Condition 100H ECl DC CHARACTERISTICS (Vccr = +S.OV ±S%; VEE = -4.SV ±O.3V) O'C Characteristic Symbol Min 85'C 25'C Typ Max 65 75 Min Typ Max 65 75 Min Typ Max Unit 70 85 rnA 145 J.lA J.lA -1165 -880 mV -1810 -1475 mV -1200 mV 0 mV lEE Supply Current IIH Input High Current IlL Input Low Current VIH Input High Voltage -1165 -8BO -1165 -880 VIL Input Low Voltage -1810 -1475 -1810 -1475 VBB Output Bias Voltage -1400 -1280 ..,1400 -1280 -1400 225 0.5 VDiff Input Differential Voltage Vmax CMRR Input Common Reject Range Mode Vmin CMRR Input Common Reject Range Mode 145 0.5 150 150 0 -2000 -2200 -2400 0.5 0 -2000 -2200 -2400 mV 150 -2000 -2200 -2400 mV VEE =-4.20 VEE =-4.50 VEE =-4.80 • NOTE: DO NOT short the ECL inputs to the TIL VCC. MECLData DL122- Rev 6 2-111 MOTOROLA MC10H605 MC100H605 TTL DC CHARACTERISTICS (VCCT =+S.OV ±S%; VEE =-S.2V ±S% (10H); VEE =-4.SV ±O.3V (100H)) O'C Symbol Max Supply Current 65 ICCH Supply Current 65 VOL Output low Voltage VOH Output High Voltage 2.5 lOS Output Short Circuit Current 100 AC TEST LIMITS (VCCT Min 25'C Typ ICCl Characteristic Min Max Typ Max Unit Condition 75 65 75 65 75 rnA Outputs low 75 65 75 65 75 rnA Outputs High 0.5 mV IOl=24mA mV IOH=24mA 225 rnA VOUT=OV Max Unit Condition ns P.S. Across and Temp Cl=50pF ns Across P.S. and Temp Cl= 50pF ns Across P.S. and Temp Cl=50pF ns Cl=50pF 0.5 2.5 225 tplH tpHl tpHl tSKEW Min 0.5 2.5 100 225 100 =+S.OV ±S%; VEE =-S.2V ±S% (10H); VEE =-4.SV ±O.3V (100H» 25'C O'C Symbol 85'C Typ Characteristic Min Typ Max Min Typ 85'C Max Min Typ Propagation Delay ClK to 0 (Dill) ClKtoO(SE) 4.5 4.3 5.3 5.3 6.5 6.7 4.5 4.3 5.4 5.4 6.5 6.7 4.5 4.3 5.6 5.6 6.5 6.7 Propagation Delay ClK to 0 (Dill) ClKtoO(SE) 4.0 3.8 5.0 5.0 6.0 6.2 4.0 3.8 5.1 5.1 6.0 6.2 4.0 3.8 5.5 5.5 6.0 6.2 Propagation Delay MRtoO 2.5 4.9 7.0 2.5 5.2 7.0 3.0 5.8 7.5 1.0 0.3 2.0 0.7 1.0 0.3 2.0 0.7 1.0 0.3 2.0 0.7 Device Skew Part-to-Part (Dill) Within-Device ts Setup Time 1.5 1.5 1.5 ns tH Hold Time 1.5 1.5 1.5 ns tpw Minimum Pulse Width ClK 1.0 1.0 1.0 ns tpw Minimum Pulse Width MR 1.0 1.0 1.0 ns Vpp Minimum Input Swing 150 150 150 mV Peak-toPeak tr Rise Time 0.7 1.0 1.5 0.7 1.0 1.5 0.7 1.0 1.5 ns tV to 2V tf Fall Time 0.5 0.7 1.2 0.5 0.7 1.2 0.5 0.7 1.2 ns tVt02V tRR Reset/Recovery Time 2.5 MOTOROLA 2.5 2-112 2.5 ns MEClData Dl122-Rev6 MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Registered Hex TTL/PECL Translator MC10H606 MC100H606 The MC10/100H606 is a 6-bit, registered, single supply TTL to PECl translator. The device features differential PECl outputs as well as a choice between either a differential PECl clock input or a TTL clock input. The asynchronous master reset control is a PECl level input. With its differential PECl outputs and TTL inputs the H606 device is ideally suited for the transmit function of a HPPI bus type board-ta-board interface application. The on chip registers simplify the task of synchronizing the data between the two boards. The device is available in either ECl standard: the MEClTM 10H device is compatible with MECl 10KH logic levels, with a Vec of +5 volts; while the 100H device is compatible with 100K logic levels, with a VCC of +5 volts. • Differential 50n ECl Outputs • Choice Between Differential PECl or TTL Clock Input • Single Power Supply • Multiple Power and Ground Pins to Minimize Noise PIN NAMES lOGIC SYMBOL 1---------, I 1 OF6 BITS I Dn--t--f :>----iD FNSUFFIX PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 776-02 Q PIN FUNCTION 00-05 ClK,ClK TClK MR 00-05 00-05 VCCE VCCT GND TTL Dala Inputs Differential PECl Clock Input TTL Clock Input PECl Master Reset Input True PECl Outputs Inverted PECl Outputs PECl VCC (+5.0V) TTL VCC (+5.0V) TTUPECl Ground TRUTH TABLE ClK R I I --~ On MR TClKlClK Qn+l l H X l l H Z Z X l H l Z = lOW to HIGH Transition ClK ClK TClK Pinout: 28-lead PlCC (Top View) 01 25 02 Vccr 03 24 23 22 D4 05 VCCE 21 20 19 MR VBB ........- - * 1. When using PECl inputs, TClK must be tied to ground (OV). 14 VCCE 2. When using only one PECl input, the unused PECl input must be tied 13 Q3 to VBB, and TClK must be tied to ground (OV). 3. When using TClK, both PECl inputs must be tied to ground (OV). 10 co 00 GNO 01 Q1 Q2 11 Q2 MECl 10H is a trademark of Motorola, Inc. 9/96 © Motorola, Inc. 1996 2-113 REVI ® MOTOROLA MC10H606 MC100H606 DC CHARACTERISTICS (VCCT =VCCE =5.0V ±5%) TA=O"C Symbol Characteristic Min TA = + 25°C Typ Max 18 30 Min TA=+85°C Typ Max 18 30 ICCTL Supply Current ICCTH Supply Current 13 25 13 25 IGND Supply Current 75 90 75 90 Min Typ Max Unit Condition 18 30 rnA Outputs LOW 13 25 rnA Outputs HIGH 75 95 rnA TTL DC CHARACTERISTICS (VCCT = VCCE = 5.0V ±5%) TA=O°C Symbol VIH Characteristic Input HIGH Voltage Min Max 2.0 TA = 25°C Min Max 2.0 TA = 85°C Min Max 2.0 Unit Condition V V VIL Input LOW Voltage 0.8 0.8 0.8 VIK Input Clamp Voltage -1.2 -1.2 -1.2 V IIN=-18mA IIH Input HIGH Current 20 100 20 100 20 100 V VIN=2.7V VIN=7.0V IlL Input LOW Current -{l.6 -{l.6 -{l.6 rnA VIN=0.5V Max Unit Condition 145 IlA 10H PECl DC CHARACTERISTICS (VCCT = VCCE = 5.0V ±5%) TA = O°C Symbol IINH Characteristic Min Input HIGH Current Max TA = 25°C Min 255 Max TA = 85°C Min 145 IINL Input LOW Current 0.5 IlA VIH Input HIGH Voltage (Note 1.) 3830 4160 3870 4190 3930 4280 mV VCCT=5.0V VIL Input LOW Voltage (Note 1.) 3050 3520 3050 3520 3050 3555 mV VCCT= 5.0V VOH Output HIGH Voltage (Note 1.) 3980 4160 4020 4190 4080 4270 mV VCCT=5.0V VOL Output LOW Voltage (Note 1.) 3050 3370 3050 3370 3050 3400 mV VCCT=5.0V VBB Output Bias Voltage (Note 1.) 3600 3710 3630 3730 3670 3790 mV VCCT=5.0V Max Unit Condition 145 IlA 0.5 0.5 1. PECL VIL. VIH. VOL. VOH VBB are given for VCCT = VCCE = 5.0V and will vary 1:1 with the power supply. 100H PECl DC CHARACTERISTICS (VCCT =VCCE =5.0V ±5%) TA=O°C Symbol Characteristic IINH Input HIGH Current Min Max TA = 25°C Min 255 Max TA = 85°C Min 145 IINL Input LOW Current 0.5 IlA VIH Input HIGH Voltage (Note 1.) 3835 4120 3835 4120 3835 4120 mV VCCT=5.0V VIL Input LOW Voltage (Note 1.) 3190 3525 3190 3525 3190 3525 mV VCCT= 5.0V VOH Output HIGH Voltage (Note 1.) 3975 4120 3975 4120 3975 4120 mV VCCT=5.0V VOL Output LOW Voltage (Note 1.) 3190 3380 3190 3380 3190 3380 mV VCCT=5.0V VBB Output Bias Voltage (Note 1.) 3600 3720 3600 3720 3600 3720 mV VCCT= 5.0V 0.5 0.5 1. PECL VIL. VIH. VOL. VOH VBB are given for VCCT = VCCE = 5.0V and will vary 1:1 with the power supply. MOTOROLA 2-114 MECLData DL122-Rev6 MC10H606 MC100H606 AC CHARACTERISTICS (VCCT = VCCE = 5.0V ±5%) TA=O'C Symbol Characteristic Min tpD Propagation Delay TCLK++ tpD Typ TA=+BS'C TA=+2S'C Max Min Typ Max Min Max Unit 1.75 3.75 1.75 3.00 3.75 1.75 3.75 ns Cl= 50pF Propagation Delay TCLK-t- 1.75 3.75 1.75 3.00 3.75 1.75 3.75 ns CL=50pF tpD Propagation Delay CLK++ 1.50 3.50 1.50 2.50 3.50 1.50 3.50 ns Cl=50pF tpD Propagation Delay ClK+- 1.50 3.50 1.50 2.50 3.50 1.50 3.50 ns Cl=50pF tpD Propagation Delay MR-t- 1.50 3.50 1.50 2.50 3.50 1.75 3.75 ns CL=50pF tSKEW Device Skew Part-to-Part Within Device ns CL=50pF 1.0 0.3 2.0 0.5 CL=50pF 2.0 0.5 Typ Condition 2.0 0.5 ts Setup TIme 1.5 0.5 1.5 0.5 1.5 0.5 ns tH HoidTime 1.5 0.5 1.5 0.5 1.5 0.5 ns CL=50pF tpw Minimum Pulse Width ClK 1.5 1.5 1.0 1.5 ns Cl=50pF tpw Minimum Pulse Width MR 1.5 1.5 1.5 ns Cl=50pF Ir Rise TIme 2.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 ns CL=50pF If Fall TIme 2.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 ns CL=50pF tRES/REC Reset/Recovery TIme ns Cl=50pF MECLData DL122-Rev6 2.5 2.0 2.5 2-115 2.0 2.5 2.0 MOTOROLA MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Registered Hex PECL/TTL Translator MC10H607 MC100H607 The MC10H/100H607 is a 6-bit, registered PECl to TTL translator. The device features differential PECl inputs for both data and clock. The TTL outputs feature 48mA sink, 24mA source drive capability for driving high fanout loads or transmission lines. The asynchronous master reset control is an ECl level input. With its differential PECl inputs and TTL outputs the H607 device is ideally suited for the receive function of a HPPI bus type board-ta-board interface application. The on chip registers simplify the task of synchronizing the data between the two boards. FNSUFFIX PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 77fHl2 The device is available in either ECl standard: the 10H device is compatible with MECl 10HTM logic levels, with a VCC of +5.0 volts, while the 100H device is compatible with 1OOK logic levels, with a VCC of +5.0 volts. • Differential ECl Data and Clock Inputs • 48mA Sink, 15mA Source TTL Outputs • Single Power Supply • Multiple Power and Ground Pins to Minimize Noise Pinout: 28-Lead PLCC (Top View) 03 VCCT 04 TGNO 05 VCCT MR 02 Os 01 05 00 D4 TGNO 04 ClK VCCE ClK D3 VBB 03 00 Do EGNO 01 D1 02 52 MECL 10H is a trademark of Motorola, Inc. 9/96 © Motoroia, inc. 1996 2-116 REV 2 ® MOTOROLA MC10H607 MC100H607 ,._.- - lOGIC DIAGRAM --- I - ---. - -- 10F6BITS I I I I I Dn--t-----;-..... Dn - - + - - - - G I / '>--l--- an a ClK I R I L __ --------~ ClK MR VSS .....- - PIN NAMES TRUTH TABLE Pin Function On MR TClKlClK DO-!§ DO-DS ClK,ClK MR 00- 0 5 True PECl Data Inputs Inverted PECl Data Inputs Differential PECl Clock Input PECl Master Reset Input TTL Outputs l H l l H Z Z VCCE VCCT TGND EGND PEClVCC TTlVCC TTL Ground PEClGround X Qn +1 l H l X Z = lOW to HIGH Transition DC CHARACTERISTICS (VCCT = VCCE = 5.0V ±5%) TA = + 25'C TA=O'C Symbol Characteristic Min Typ Max Min Typ TA = + 85'C Max Min Typ Max Unit 70 65 85 80 70 70. 85 85 70 75 85 95 ICCl TTL Supply Current 100 120 100 120 100 120 rnA ICCH TTL Supply Current 100 120 100 120 100 120 rnA MEClData Dl122-Rev6 Condition rnA ECl Power Supply Current 10H 100H lEE 2-117 MOTOROLA MC10H607 MC100H607 10H PECl DC CHARACTERISTICS (VCCT =VCCE =5.0V ±5%) TA = 25°C TA=O°C Symbol Characteristic IINH Input HIGH Current Min Max Min 255 TA=85°C Min 145 Max Unit 145 I1A Condition IINl Input lOW Current 0.5 I1A VIH Input HIGH Voltage 3B30 4160 3B70 4190 3930 42BO mV VCCT=5.0V Vil Input lOW Voltage 3050 3520 3050 3520 3050 3555 mV VCCT= 5.0V Output Bias Voltage 3600 3710 3630 3730 3670 3790 VBB NOTE: PECl Vil. VIH. Val. VOH. VBB are given for VCCT = VCCE = 5.0V and Will vary 1:1 with power supply. mV VCCT=5.0V Max Unit Condition 145 IlA 0.5 100H PECl DC CHARACTERISTICS (VCCT 0.5 =VCCE =5.0V +5%) TA = 25°C TA = O°C Symbol [~] Max Characteristic IIH Input HIGH Current Min Max Min Max 255 TA=85°C Min 145 III Input lOW Current 0.5 IlA VIH Input HIGH Voltage 3B35 4120 0.5 3835 4120 0.5 3835 4120 mV VCCT=5.0V Vil Input lOW Voltage 3190 3525 3190 3525 3190 3525 mV VCCT= 5.0V Output Bias Voltage 3600 3720 3600 3720 3600 3720 VBB NOTE: PECl Vil. VIH. Val. VOH. VBB are given for VCCT = VCCE = 5.0V and Will vary 1:1 with power supply. mV VCCT=5.0V 10Hll00H TTL DC CHARACTERISTICS (Vccr = VCCE = 5.0V ±5%) TA=O°C Characteristic Symbol VOH Min Max 2.5 2.0 Output HIGH Voltage TA=25°C Min Max 2.5 2.0 TA = 85°C Min Max 2.5 2.0 Unit Condition V IOH =-15mA IOH=-24mA Output lOW Voltage 0.55 0.55 V 0.55 IOl=4BmA Val NOTE: DC levels such as VOH. Val. etc .• are standard for PECl and FAST deVices. with the exceptions of: IOl = 48mA at 0.5VOl; and IOH = 24mA at 2.0VOH. AC CHARACTERISTICS (VCCT = VCCE = 5.0V ±5%) TA =+ 25°C TA= + 85°C Min Max Min Max Min Max Unit ClKtoQ 5.5 4.6 7.7. 7.7 6.0 4.9 B.2 B.3 6.7 5.9 10.0 10.0 ns Cl=50pF MRtoQ 4.4 7.5 4.7 B.l 5.8 10.5 ns Cl = 50pF ClK.MR 1.0 TA=O°C Symbol Characteristic Condition tplH++ tpHH+- Propagation Delay to Output tpHl+- Propagation Delay to Output tpw Minimum Pulse Width tr Rise Time 0.5 2.0 0.5 2.0 0.5 2.0 ns 0.B-2.0V tf Fall Time 0.5 2.0 0.5 2.0 0.5 2.0 ns 0.B-2.0V ts Setup Time 1.5 tH Hold Time 1.5 1.5 1.5 ns Vpp Minimum Input Swing 200 200 200 mV 1.0 1.5 1.0 1.5 ns ns 1. Numbers are for both ++ and - - delay MR to Q. MOTOROLA 2-11B MEClData Dl122-Rev6 MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA 68030/040 PECL-TTL Clock Driver MC10H640 MC100H640 The MC1 OH/1 00H640 generates the necessary clocks for the 68030, 68040 and similar microprocessors. It is guaranteed to meet the clock specifications required by the 68030 and 68040 in terms of part-ta-part skew, within-part skew and also duty cycle skew. The user has a choice of using either TTL or PECL (ECL referenced to +S.OV) for the input clock. TTL clocks are typically used in present MPU systems. However, as clock speeds increase to SOMHz and beyond, the inherent superiority of ECL (particularly differential ECL) as a means of clock signal distribution becomes increasingly evident. The H640 also uses differential PECL internally to achieve its superior skew characteristic. The H640 includes divide-by-two and divide-by-four stages, both to achieve the necessary duty cycle skew and to generate MPU clocks as required. A typicalSOMHz processor application would use an input clock running at 100MHz, thus obtaining output clocks at SOMHz and 2SMHz (see Logic Symbol). The 10H version is compatible with MECL 10HTM ECL logiC levels, while the 100H version is compatible with 100K levels (referenced to +S.OV). 68030/040 PECL-TTL CLOCK DRIVER FN SUFFIX PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 776- w 2! I i--==: !;;: '" w Z o 25 50 75 85 25 LOAD (pF) 11 ---= :r w 10 ~ ::> a. w ~ 17 ~ 5.125VCC 5VCC 4.875VCC 3: 10 w ~ a. w ::> f------1p..?-~.="""I- 4.875 VCC 5VCC 5.125VCC > ~ '"zw 25 50 LOAD (pF) 75 85 25 50 LOAD (pF) 11 75 11 10pF .,.s SOpF 25pF 10 - ~ a. ::> w ~0 10pF I ~ 3: w ~ ::> a. w 2! !;;: '"zw a. 25° 85 - r-10 25pF r-25° 50° TEMPERATURE (OC) Figure 5. Temperature versus Positive Pulse Width for 100H640 at 50 MHz and +5.0 V Vee MECLData DL122-Rev6 --+--; Figure 4. Negative Pulse Width @ 50 MHz Out and 25°e Ambient Figure 3. Positive Pulse Width at 25°e Ambient at 50 MHz Out w 85 :r 0 ~ 75 b a. 3: 50 LOAD (pF) .,.s / E en 5.25VCC 11 .,.s 3: 5VCC Figure 2. Negative Pulse Width @ 50 MHz Out and 25°e Ambient Figure 1. Positive Pulse Width at 25°e Ambient and 50 MHz Out b 4.75VCC 50° TEMPERATURE (OC) Figure 6. Temperature versus Negative Pulse Width for Me100H640 @ 50 MHz and +5.0 V Vee 2-123 MOTOROLA MC10H640 MC100H640 6.2.--------,-----.----,--, 4.7SV 6.01-----+---+, SV ---+---1 5.25 V :[ ) I- S.81----l,r---+--T-~¥-+-----+---I S.61--,...,--+""'7'~~--+-----+---I S.4I---===-+-----+-----+---I 5·2I------:2"'"'S----5O-"-------I7S- - - - -85I CLOAO(PF) Figure 7. TP versus Load Typical at TA = 25°C OT RESET, Ii: Rlrec I I I / 4 - - - Rlpw ao, Ql, Q2, Q3 00, Of \'-___-'1 1 Q4, Q5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--+-.J Figure 8. MC10Hl100H640 Clock Phase and Reset Recovery Time After Reset Pulse : I \ --~i~~/ _____L________ I / \ \ / / L \~--~;-- ~~---------~ AFTER POWER UP OUTPUTS 04 & 05 WILL SYN WITH POSITIVE EDGES OF Din & 00 --> 03 & NEGATIVE EDGES OF 00 & 01 Figure 9. Output Timing Diagram MOTOROLA 2-124 MECLData DL122-Rev6 MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Single Supply PECL-TTL 1:9 Clock Distribution Chip MC10H641 MC100H641 The MC1 OH/1 00H641 is a single supply, low skew translating 1:9 clock driver. Devices in the Motorola H600 translator series utilize the 28-lead PlCC for optimal power pinning, signal flow through and electrical performance. SINGLE SUPPLY PECL-TTL 1:9 CLOCK DISTRIBUTION CHIP The device features a 24mA TTL output stage, with AC performance specified into a 50pF load capacitance. A latch is provided on-chip. When lEN is lOW (or left open, in which case it is pulled lOW by the intemal pulldown) the latch is transparent. A HIGH on the enable pin (EN) forces all outputs lOW. Soth the lEN and EN pins are positive ECl inputs. The VSS output is provided in case the user wants to drive the device with a single-ended input. For single-ended use the VSS should be connected to the D input and bypassed with a 0.01/!F capacitor. The 10H version of the H641 is compatible with positive MECl10HTM logic levels. The 100H version is compatible with positive 100K levels. • PECl-TTl Version of Popular EClinPS E111 • low Skew • Guaranteed Skew Spec • latched Input FN SUFFIX PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 776-02 • Differential ECllnternal Design • VSS Output for Single-Ended Use • Single +5V Supply • logic Enable • Extra Power and Ground Supplies • Separate ECl and TTL Supply Pins Pinout: 28-Lead PLCC (Top View) GT 06 VT 07 VT 08 GT 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 PIN NAMES GT VBB Pins Function GT,VT GE, VE D,D Vee TTL GND, TTL VCC 05 D VT D 04 VE Q0-08 VT LEN EN lEN 03 GE ECl GND, ECl VCC Signal Input (Positive ECl) Vee Reference Output (Positive ECL) Signal Outputs (TTL) Enable Input (Positive ECl) latch Enable Input (Positive ECl) EN GT 5 GT 02 VT 01 9 10 11 VT 00 GT MECl 10H is a trademark of Motorola, Inc. 11193 © Motorola, Inc. 1996 2-125 REV 3 ® MOTOROL.A MC10H641 MC100H641 lOGIC DIAGRAM TTL Outputs 00 01 02 03 04 05 LEN----I EN-----' 06 07 06 DC CHARACTERISTICS (VT =VE =5.0V ±5%) TA = + 25°C TA=O°C Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Power Supply Current PECL 24 30 24 30 24 30 rnA ICCH TIL 24 30 24 30 24 30 rnA 27 35 27 35 27 35 rnA Max Unit ICCL Typ Max Min TA = + 65°C lEE Characteristic Typ Max Min Condition TTL DC CHARACTERISTICS (VT = VE = 5.0V ±5%) O°C Symbol Characteristic VOH Output HIGH Voltage VOL Output LOW Voltage lOS Output Short Circuit Current Min 25°C Max Min 2.5 85°C Max 2.5 2.5 0.5 -100 Min V 0.5 -225 -100 Max Min -225 -100 Max Min Condition IOH=-15mA 0.5 V IOL=24rnA -225 rnA VOUT=OV Max Unit 175 J.LA 10H PECl DC CHARACTERISTICS O°C Symbol Characteristic IIH Input HIGH Current Min 25°C 225 85°C 175 0.5 0.5 Condition IlL Input LOW Current 0.5 VIH Input HIGH Voltage 3.83 4.16 3.87 4.19 3.94 4.26 V VE=5.0V1 VIL Input LOW Voltage 3.05 3.52 3.05 3.52 3.05 3.55 V VE=5.0v1 J.LA VE=5.0V1 Output Reference Voltage 3.62 3.73 3.65 3.75 3.69 3.81 V Vee 1. PECL VIH. VIL. and Vee are referenced to VE and will vary 1:1 with lhe power supply. The levels shown are for VE = 5.0V. MOTOROLA 2-126 MECLData DL122-Rev6 MC10H641 MC100H641 100H PECl DC CHARACTERISTICS DOC Symbol Characteristic IIH Input HIGH Curren Min 2SoC Max 8SoC Min Max 225 Min 175 Max Unil 175 ~ Condilion ~A IlL Input LOW Current 0.5 VIH Input HIGH Voltage 3.835 4.120 3.B35 4.120 3.B35 4.120 V VE=5.0V1 V,L Input LOW Voltage 3.190 3.525 3.190 3.525 3.190 3.525 V VE = 5.0V1 VBB Output Reference Voltage 3.62 3.74 3.62 3.74 3.62 3.74 V VE = 5.0Vl 0.5 0.5 1. PECL VIH, V'L, and VBB are referenced to VE and will vary 1:1 with the power supply. The levels shown are for VE = 5.0V. AC CHARACTERISTICS (VT =VE =5.0V ±5%) TJ=+2SoC TJ = O°C Symbol 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. TJ=+85°C Characteristic Min Typ Max Min Typ Max Min Typ Max Unit tpLH tpHL Propagation Delay DtoO 5.00 5.36 5.50 5.86 6.00 6.36 4.86 5.27 5.36 5.77 5.86 6.27 5.0B 5.43 5.58 5.93 6.0B 6.43 ns tskew Device Skew Part-la-Part SingleVcc Output-ta-Output Condilion CL = 50 pF1 ps 1000 750 350 1000 750 350 CL= 50pF2 CL=50pF3 CL = 50 pF4 1000 750 350 tpLH tpHL Propagation Delay LEN toO 4.9 6.9 4.9 6.9 5.0 7.0 ns CL=50pF tpLH tpHL Propagation Delay ENtoO 5.0 7.0 4.9 6.9 5.0 7.0 ns CL= 50 pF tr tf Output RiselFail 0.BVto2.0V 1.7 1.6 ns CL= 50 pF fMAX Max Input Frequency MHz CL = 50 pFS 1.7 1.6 65 1.7 1.6 65 65 tREC Recovery lime EN 1.25 ts Setup lime 0.75 0.50 0.75 1.25 0.50 0.75 1.25 0.50 ns ns tH Hold lime 0.75 0.50 0.75 0.50 0.75 0.50 ns Propagation delay measurement guaranteed for junction temperatures. Measurements performed at 50MHz input frequency. Skew window guaranteed for a single temperature across a VCC = VT = VE of 4.75V to 5.25V (See Application Note in this datasheet). Skew window guaranteed for a single temperature and single VCC = VT = VE Output-to-output skew is specified for identical transitions through the device. Frequency at which output levels will meet a O.BV to 2.0V minimum swing. DETERMINING SKEW FOR A SPECIFIC APPLICATION The H641 has been designed to meet the needs of very low skew clock distribution applications. In order to optimize the device for this application special considerations are necessary in the determining of the part-to-part skew specification limits. Older standard logic devices are specified with relatively slack limits so that the device can be guaranteed over a wide range of potential environmental conditions. This range of conditions represented all of the potential applications in which the device could be used. The result was a specification limit that in the vast majority of cases was extremely conservative and thus did not allow for an optimum system design. For non-critical skew designs this practice is acceptable, however as the clock speeds of MECLData DL122-Rev6 systems increase overly conservative specification limits can kill a design. The following will discuss how users can use the information provided in this data sheet to tailor a part-to--part skew specification limit to their application. The skew determination process may appear somewhat tedious and time consuming, however if the utmost in performance is required this procedure is necessary. For applications which do not require this level of skew performance a generic part-to--part skew limit of 2.5ns can be used. This limit is good forthe entire ambienttemperature range, the guaranteed Vee (VT, VEl range and the guaranteed operating frequency range. 2-127 MOTOROLA MC10H641 MC100H641 Temperature Dependence A unique characteristic of the H641 data sheet is thai the AC parameters are specified for a junction temperature rather than the usual ambient temperature. Because very few designs will actually utilize the entire commercial temperature range of a device a tighter propagation delay window can be established given the smaller temperature range. Because the junction temperature and not the ambient temperature is what affects the performance of the device the parameter limits are specified for junction temperature. In addition the relationship between the ambient and junction temperature will vary depending on the frequency, load and board environment of the application. Since these factors are all under the control of the user it is impossible to provide specification limits for every possible application. Therefore a baseline specification was established for specific junction temperatures and the information that follows will allow these to be tailored to specific applications. Figure 2 illustrates the thermal resistance (in °CIW) for the 28--lead PLCC under various air flow conditions. By reading the thermal resistance from the graph and multiplying by the power dissipation calculated above the junction temperature increase above ambient of the device can be calculated. 70 ~ 60 w u z ~ en u; 00 :\ "':-...r-..... w a: -' « ::;; a: w Since the junction temperature of a device is difficult to measure directly, the first requirement is to be able to "translate" from ambient to junction temperatures. The standard method of doing this is to use the power dissipation of the device and the thermal resistance of the package. For a TTL output device the power dissipation will be a function of the load capacitance and the frequency olthe output. The total power dissipation of a device can be described by the following equation: :J: I- 40 30 r--...., l"'- t- o 200 :-r- 600 400 600 AIRFLOW (LFPM) 1000 Figure 2. 0JA versus Air Flow = PD (watts) ICC (no load) • VCC + VS' VCC • f • CL • # Outputs where: VS= Output Voltage Swing f = Output Frequency CL = Load Capacitance ICC = lEE + ICCH =3V Figure 1 plots the ICC versus Frequency of the H641 with no load capacitance on the output. Using this graph and the information specific to the application a user can determine the power dissipation of the H641. 5 ....... --- Finally laking this value for junction temperature and applying it to Figure 3 allows the user to determine the propagation delay for the device in question. A more common use would be to establish an ambient temperature range for the H641 's in the system and utilize the above methodology to determine the potential increased skew of the distribution network. Note that for this information if the TpD versus Temperature curve were linear the calculations would not be required. If the curve were linear over all temperatures a simple temperature coefficient could be provided. 6.4 V ~ 6.2 ~ 5w 6.0 c 3 z 0 ~ 5.8 \ ~ 05.00 o 4.75 o 5.00 D 5.25 10 0- w 2: !;{ 0- w ~0 o 4.875 o 5.00 0- w 10.0 > • 5.125 ~ o 5.00 9.8 10.4 ~ w 10.2 ~ 10 20 3D 40 CAPACITIVE LOAD (pF) 50 9.4 so 0 10 20 3D 40 50 so CAPACITIVE LOAD (pf) Figure 4. MC10H642 Negative PW versus Load @ ±2.5% VCC, TA = 25°C Figure 3. MC10H642 Positive PW versus Load @±2.5%VCC, TA = 25°C 10.5 ,--------------------------, g ~ 10.3 ~ w 10.1 ~ :::> 0- o opF 9.9 ~ ~ ffl z 9.7 9.5 o 25pF L_-----______ --:: D SOpF !'--....~--~ 20 40 SO 80 100 TEMPERATURE (0C) Figure 5. MC10H642 Positive PW versus Temperature, VCC= 5.0V MECLDala DL122-Rev6 Figure 6. MC10H642 Negative PW versus Temperature, VCC = 5.0V 2-135 MOTOROLA MC10H642 MC100H642 6.2 6.0 ..,.s. 5.8 " 4.75 o 5.00 "8. >- 5.6 • 5.25 5.4 CAPACITIVE (pF) Figure 7. MC10H642 + Tpd versus Load, VCC ±5%, TA = 25°C (Overshoot at 50 MHz with no load makes graph non linear) DT RESET, R R tpw --- R tree 1\ / / \ • OO-'01~======~~-=======~-L~ 02-' 07 -------------.-~ \ ~ / / MCl 011 00H642 Figure 8. Clock Phase and Reset Recovery Time After Reset Pulse MC10/l00H642 00.01 \,-------,1 r----- 04&05 02-07------- \'--- __I After Power Up Figure 9. Outputs Q2 - . Q7 will Synchronize with Pos Edges of Din & QO - . Q1 MOTOROLA 2-136 MECLData DL122-Rev6 MC10H642 MC100H642 Switching Circuit PECl: PECl USE 0.111F CAPACITORS FOR DECOUPLING. USE OSCILLOSCOPE INTERNAL 50 n LOAD FOR TERMINATION. WAVEFORMS: Rise and Fall Times Propagation Delay - PECLfITl PECLfITl Single Ended 50%/1.5 V Vin Vout Trise MECLData DL122-Rev6 Tfall Vout ------' 2-137 MOTOROLA MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Dual Supply ECL-TTL 1:8 Clock Driver MC10H643 MC100H643 The MC1 OH/1 OOH643 is a dual supply, low skew translating 1:8 clock driver. Devices in the Motorola H600 translator series utilize the 28-lead PLCC for optimal power pinning, signal flow through and electrical perfonnance. The dual-supply H643 is similar to the H641, which is a single-supply 1:9 version of the same function. DUAL SUPPLY ECl-TTl1:8 CLOCK DRIVER The device features a 48mA TTL output stage, with AC performance specified into a 50pF load capacitance. A Latch is provided on--chip. When LEN is LOW (or left open, in which case it is pulled LOW by the internal pulldowns) the latch is transparent. A HIGH on the enable pin (EN) forces all outputs LOW. The 10H version is compatible with MECL 10HTM ECL logic levels. The 100H version is compatible with 100K levels. • ECL.!TTL Version of Popular ECLinPSTM E111 • Low Skew Within Device 0.5ns • Guaranteed Skew Spec Part-ta-Part 1.0ns • Latch • Differential Internal Design • VssOutput FNSUFFIX PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 776-02 • Dual Supply • ReseVEnable • Multiple TTL and ECL Power/Ground Pins Pinout: 28-Lead PLCC (Top View) 0') 0 0 0 0 § 25 24 23 22 .... z(!J '" .... z(!J 0 0 '" 0 15 21 20 19 PIN NAMES IVT2 OGND2 IGND2 02 VCCE OVT1 VCCE 01 lEN OGND1 Vaa 00 FUNCTION PIN OGND OVT IGND IVT VEE VCCE D,D Vaa 0O-Q7 EN lEN TTL Output Ground (OV) TTL Output Vce (+5.0V) Internal TTL GND (OV) Internal TTL Vce (+5.0V) ECl VEE (-5.21-4.5V) ECl Ground (OV) Signal Input (ECl) Vaa Reference Output Signal Outputs (TTL) Enable Input (Eel) Latch Enable Input (ECl) D ~ 6 7 Ei z ~ £! w 8 w ~ 9 10 w la'i ~ 0 ECLinPS and MECl 10H are trademarks of Motorola, Inc. 11/93 © Motorola, Inc. 1996 2-138 REV 3 ® MOTOROLA MC10H643 MC100H643 LOGIC DIAGRAM ECLINPUT o 0_-._......_ .... 0 Q LEN----' EN------' DC CHARACTERISTICS (IVT = OVT = 5.0V ±5%; VEE = -5.2V ±5% (10H Version); VEE = -4.5V +0.3V (100H Version» 25°C O°C Symbol Characteristic ECL lEE ICCL Power Supply Current TTL ICCH 85°C Min Max Min Max Min Max Unit - 42 - 42 - 42 rnA 106 - 106 rnA Total all OVT 95 rnA and IVTpins - - 106 95 95 Condition VEE Pins AC CHARACTERISTICS (lVT = OVT = 5.0V ±5%; VEE = -S.2V ±10% (10H); -4.5V ±O.3V (100H); VCCE = GND) O°C Symbol tpLH Characteristic 0 tSKEW Within-Device Skew tw Pulse Width Out HIGH or LOW @ fout = 50MHz Ih Hold Time tRR Recovery TIme LEN EN tr If Min Max Min Max Unit 4.0 3.5 3.5 5.0 5.5 5.5 4.1 3.5 3.5 5.1 5.5 5.5 4.4 3.9 3.9 5.4 5.9 5.9 ns - 0.5 - 0.5 0.5 ns Condition 0 Minimum Pulse Width LEN EN Rise I Fall TImes 0.8 V -2.0 V CL=50pF Note 1 CL=50pF 9.0 11.0 9.0 11.0 9.0 11.0 . ns Note 2 Setup TIme 0 Ipw 85°C Max Propagalion Delay 10 OUlpul LEN EN ts 25°C Min 0.75 - 0.75 - 0.75 - ns 0.75 - 0.75 - 0.75 - ns 1.25 1.25 - 1.25 1.25 - 1.25 1.25 - ns 1.5 1.5 - - ns - 1.5 1.5 - - 1.2 - 1.2 - 1.2 ns 1.5 1.5 - - - - CL= 50pF 1. Within-Device skew defined as identical transitions on similar paths through a device. 2. Pulse width is defined relative to 1.5V measurement points on the ouput waveform. MECLData DL122-Rev6 2-139 MOTOROLA MC10H643 MC100H643 TRUTH TABLE 0 LEN EN Q L H L L H L L L H L H aO L X X X DC CHARACTERISTICS (lVT =OVT =5.0V -+5%; VEE =-5.2V +5% (10H Version); VEE =-4.5V ±O.3V (1 OOH Version)) D'C Symbol Characteristic 25'C 85'C Min Max Min Max Min Max - 2.5 2.0 - - Unit Condition VOH Output HIGH Voltage 2.5 2.0 - 2.5 2.0 VOL Output LOW Voltage - 0.5 - 0.5 - 0.5 V IOH=48mA lOS Output Short Circuit Current -100 -225 -100 -225 -100 -225 mA VOUT=OV 10H DC CHARACTERISTICS (IVT =OVT =5.0V ±5%; VEE =-5.2V ±5% (10H Version); VEE =-4.5V ±O.3V (100H Version)) 25'C D'C Symbol V Characteristic 85'C Min Max Min Max Min Max Unit - 225 - 175 - 175 jlA IIH IlL Input HIGH Current Input LOW Current 0.5 - D.5 - 0.5 - VIH VIL Input HIGH Voltage Input LOW Voltage -1170 -1950 -a40 -1480 -1130 -1950 -a1O -1480 -1070 -1950 -735 -1450 mV VBB Output Reference Voltage -1380 -1270 -1350 -1250 -1310 -1190 mV 100H DC CHARACTERISTICS (lVT Characteristic 25'C 85'C Min Max Min Max Min Max Unit - 225 - 175 - 175 jlA IIH IlL Input HIGH Current Input LOW Current 0.5 - 0.5 - 0.5 - VIH VIL Input HIGH Voltage Input LOW Voltage -1165 -1810 -a80 -1475 -1165 -1810 -a80 -1475 -1165 -1810 -a80 -1475 mV VBB Output Reference Voltage -1380 -1260 -1380 -1260 -1380 -1260 mV MOTOROLA Condition =OVT =5.0V ±5%; VEE =-5.2V ±5% (10H); VEE =-4.5V ±O.3V (l00H)) D'C Symbol IOH=-3·0mA IOH=-15mA 2-140 Condition MECLData DL122-Rev6 MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA 68030/040 PECL-TTL Clock Driver MC10H644 MC100H644 The MCl OH/l 00H644 generates the necessary clocks for the 68030, 68040 and similar microprocessors. The device is functionally equivalent to the H640, but with fewer outputs in a smaller outline 2Q-lead PlCC package. It is guaranteed to meet the clock specifications required by the 68030 and 68040 in terms of part-ta-part skew, within-part skew and also duty cycle skew. 68030/040 PECL-TTL CLOCK DRIVER • Generates Clocks for 68030/040 • Meets 68030/040 Skew Requirements • TTL or PECl Input Clock • • Extra TTL and ECl Power/Ground Pins • Within Device Skew on Similar Paths is O.S ns • Asynchronous Reset • Single +S.OV Supply The user has a choice of using either TTL or PECl (ECl referenced to FN SUFFIX +S.OV) for the input clock. TTL clocks are typically used in present MPU PLASTIC PACKAGE systems. However, as clock speeds increase to SOMHz and beyond, the CASE 775-02 inherent superiority of ECl (particularly differential ECl) as a means of clock signal distribution becomes increasingly evident. The H644 also uses differential ECl internally to achieve its superior skew characteristic. The H644 includes divide-by-two and divide-by-four stages, both to achieve the necessary duty cycle and skew to generate MPU clocks as required. A typical SOMHz processor application would use an input clock running at 100MHz, thus obtaining output clocks at SOMHz and 2SMHz (see logic Symbol). The 10H version is compatible with MECl 10HT" ECl logic levels, while the 100H version is compatible with lOOK levels (referenced to +S.OV). Function Reset (R): lOW on RESET forces all Q outputs lOW and all Q outputs HIGH. Synchronized Outputs: The device is designed to have the POS edges of the +2 and +4 outputs synchronized. Select (SEL): lOW selects the ECl input source (DE/DE). HIGH selects the TTL input source (DT). The H644 also contains circuitry to force a stable slate of the ECl input differential pair, should both sides be left open. In this case, the DE side of the input is pulled lOW, and DE goes HIGH. Pinout: 20-Lead PLCC (Top View) 04VT05GT Ii GT VE Q3 DE GT VBB Q2 i'iE GT GE 01 VT 00 SEL DT MECL 10H is a trademark of Motorola, Inc. 11193 © Motorola, Inc. 1995 2-141 REV 3 ® MOTOROLA MC10H644 MC100H644 LOGIC DIAGRAM 00 DE ~Cl) DE (ECl) PIN NAMES PIN FUNCTION GT VT VE GE DE, DE VBB DT On,On SEl DT (TTl) TTL Ground (OV) TTL VCC (+5.0V) ECl VCC (+5.0V) ECl Ground (OV) ECl Signal Input (positive ECl) VBB Reference Output TTL Signal Input Signal Outputs (TTL) Input Select (TTL) Reset (TTL) R 01 02 SEl (TTl) Q4 l'i 05 (TTl) AC CHARACTERISTICS (VT =VE =5.0 V ±5%) O°C Symbol Characteristic tPlH Propagation Delay ECl DtoOutput All Outputs tplH Propagation Delay TTL DtoOutput tskwd' Within-Device Skew 00,1,4,5 tskwd' Within-Device Skew 02,03 85°C 25°C Min Max Min Max Min Max Unit 5.B 6.B 5.7 6.7 6.1 7.1 ns Cl=50pF 5.7 6.7 5.7 6.7 6.0 7.0 ns Cl=50pF 0.5 - 0.5 - 0.5 ns Cl=50pF 0.5 - 0.5 - 0.5 ns Cl=50pF - Condition tskwd' Within-Device Skew All Outputs - 1.5 - 1.5 - 1.5 ns Cl= 50pF tskp-p Part-te-Part Skew 00,1,4,5 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 ns Cl= 50pF tpD Propagation Delay RtoOutput All Outputs 4.3 7.3 4.3 7.3 4.5 7.5 ns Cl=50pF tR tF Output Rise/Fall Time 0.BV-2.0V All Outputs - 1.6 - 1.6 - 1.6 ns Cl=50pF - 135 135 - MHz Cl= 50pF 1.5 - ns 1.25 - 1.25 -' 1.25 - ns 9.5 10.5 9.5 10.5 9.5 10.5 ns . fmax Maximum Input Frequency 135 TW Minimum Pulse Width Reset 1.5 1.5 - trr Reset Recovery Time TpW Pulse Width Out High or low @ fin = 100 MHz and Cl = 50 pf TS Setup Time SEltoDE, DT 2.0 - 2.0 - 2.0 - Hold Time SElto DE, DT 2.0 - 2.0 - 2.0 - TH 00,1 Cl=50pf Relative 1.5V ns ns • Skews are specified for Identical Edges MOTOROLA 2-142 MEClData Dl122-Rev6 MC10H644 MC100H644 DC CHARACTERISTICS (VT = VE = 5.0 V ±5%) aOc Characteristic Symbol lEE ICC 25°C Min Unit 65 65 rnA VE Pin 1 TTL 85 85 85 rnA Total all VT pins Max Unit aOc VIH Vil Input HIGH Voltage Input lOW Voltage IIH Input HIGH Current Min =VE =5.0 V ±5%) Characteristic Symbol Max Condition Max 65 TTL DC CHARACTERISTICS (VT Max 85°C I ECl Power Supply Current Min Min 25°C Max Min 2.0 85°C Max 2.0 Min 2.0 0.8 0.8 0.8 20 100 20 100 20 100 1IA VIN=2.7V VIN=7.0V -0.6 rnA VIN=0.5V III Input lOW Current VOH Output HIGH Voltage -0.6 -0.6 VOL Output lOW Voltage 0.5 0.5 VIK Input Clamp Voltage -1.2 -1.2 lOS Output Short Circuit Current -225 2.5 2.0 2.5 2.0 -100 Condition V -225 2.5 2.0 -100 -225 -100 V IOH=-3·0mA 10H =-24 rnA 0.5 V IOl=24mA -1.2 V liN =-18 rnA rnA VOUT=OV 10H PECl DC CHARACTERISTICS (VT = VE = 5.0 V ±5%) 25°C O°C Characteristic Symbol Min Max Min 85°C Max Unit 175 ~A 3.94 3.05 4.28 3.55 V VE=5.0V 3.75 3.69 3.81 V VE=5.0V Max Min Max Unit 175 ~A Max IIH III Input HIGH Current Input lOW Current 225 0.5 VIH' Vil' Input HIGH Voltage Input lOW Voltage 3.83 3.05 4.16 3.52 3.87 3.05 4.19 3.52 VSS' Output Reference Voltage 3.62 3.73 3.65 Min 175 0.5 Condition 0.5 100H PECl DC CHARACTERISTICS (VT = VE = 5.0 V ±5%) O°C Characteristic Symbol Min 85°C 25°C Max Min Condition IIH III Input HIGH Current Input lOW Current 0.5 VIH' Vil' Input HIGH Voltage Input lOW Voltage 3.835 3.19 4.12 3.525 3.835 3.19 4.12 3.525 3.835 3.19 4.12 3.525 V VE =5.0V VSS' Output Reference Voltage 3.62 3.74 3.62 3.74 3.62 3.74 V VE=5.0V 225 175 0.5 0.5 • NOTE: PECl levels are referenced to VCC and will vary 1:1 with the power supply. The values shown are for VCC = 5.0 V. Only corresponds to ECl Clock Inputs. MEClData Dl122-Rev6 2-143 MOTOROLA MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA 1:9 TTL Clock Driver MC10H645 The MC1 OH645 is a single supply, low skew, TTL I/O 1:9 Clock Driver. Devices in the Motorola H600 clock driver family utiize the 28-lead PLCC for optimal power and signal pin placement. The device features a 24mA TTL ouput stage with AC performance specified into a 50pF load capacitance. A 2:1 input mux is provided on chip to allow for distributing both system and diagnostic clock signals or designing clock redundancy into a system. With the SEL input held LOW the DO input will be selected, while the 01 input is selected when the SEL input is forced HIGH. 1:9 TTL CLOCK DRIVER • Low Skew Typically 0.65ns Within Device • Guaranteed Skew Spec 1.25ns Part-to-Part • Input Clock Muxing • Differential ECL Internal Design • Single Supply • Extra TTL and ECL Power/Ground Pins FNSUFFIX PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 776-02 PIN NAMES PIN FUNCTION GT VT VE GE On OO-OS SEL TTL Ground (OV) TTL VCC (+5.0V) ECl VCC (+5.0V) ECl Ground (OV) TTL Signal Input TTL Signal Outputs TTL Mux Select LOGIC DIAGRAM Pinout: 28-Lead PLCC (Top View) TTL Outputs TTL Inputs GT 06 VT 07 VT 08 GT 00 MUX 00 00 00 D1 01 01 Q 01 GT NC 02 05 DO 04 VE VT SEL 03 GE GT NC Q 01 03 04 05 SEL 06 07 OS GT 9/96 © Motorola. Inc. 1996 2-144 REV4 02 VT 01 ® VT 00 GT MOTOROLA MC10H645 PIN DESCRIPTIONS Pin Symbol 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 04 Description Signal Output (TTL) TTL VCC (+5.0V) Signal Output (TTL) TTL Ground (OV) TTL Ground (OV) Signal Output (TTL) TTL VCC (+5.0V) Signal Output (TTL) TTL VCC (+5.0V) Signal Output (TTL) TTL Ground (OV) No Connection ECLGround Select Input (TTL) VT 03 GT GT 02 VT 01 VT 00 GT NC GE SEl Pin Symbol 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 VE Dl DO NC GT 08 VT 07 VT 06 GT GT 05 VT Description ECL VCC (+5.0V) Signal Input (TTL) Signal Input (TTL) No Connection TTL Ground (OV) Signal Output (TTL) TTL VCC (+5.0V) Signal Output (TTL) TTL VCC (+5.0V) Signal Output (TTL) TTL Ground (OV) TTL Ground (OV) Signal Output (TTL) TTL VCC (+5.0V) ABSOLUTE RATINGS (Do nol exceed) Symbol Value Unit VE(ECL) Power Supply Voltage Characteristic -0.5 to +7.0 V VT(TTL) Power Supply Voltage -0.5 to +7.0 V VI (TTL) Input Voltage -0.5 to +7.0 V Vout Disabled 3-8tate Output 0.0 to VT V Tstg Storage Temperature -6510150 °C Tamb Operating Temperature 0.0 to +85 °C TRUTH TABLE DO 01 SEL Q l H X X X X l H l L H H l H L H DC CHARACTERISTICS (VT =VE =5.0V ±5%) DOC Symbol lEE Characteristic Power Supply Current Min ECl IceL VOH Output HIGH Voltage VOL Output lOW Voltage lOS Output Short Circuit Current MEClData DL122- Rev 6 Min 30 TTL ICCH 25°C Max Min 30 Max Unit 30 rnA VEPin Total all VT pins 30 30 30 rnA 35 35 35 rnA 2.5 2.0 2.5 2.0 0.5 -100 85°C Max -225 0.5 -100 2-145 V 2.5 2.0 -225 -100 Condition IOH=-3·0mA IOH=-15mA 0.5 V IOl=24mA -225 rnA VOUT=OV MOTOROLA MC10H645 TIL DC CHARACTERISTICS (VT =VE =5.0 V ±5%) O°C Symbol Characteristic VIH VIL Input HIGH Voltage Input LOW Voltage IIH Input HIGH Current Min 25°C Max Min 2.0 B5°C Max Min 2.0 Max 2.0 O.B 0.8 0.8 20 100 20 100 20 100 ~ VIN=2.7V VIN =7.0V -{l.6 rnA VIN=0.5V -{l.6 -{l.6 IlL Input LOW Current Output HIGH Voltage VOL Output LOW Voltage 0.5 0.5 VIK Input Clamp Voltage -1.2 -1.2 lOS Output Short Circuit Current -225 AC CHARACTERISTICS (VT 2.5 2.0 2.5 2.0 tpLH tpLH Propagation Delay Dl to Output tpHL Propagation Delay DO to Output Dl to Output -225 -100 V 10H =-3.0 rnA IOH=-24mA 0.5 V IOL=24mA -1.2 V IIN=-18mA rnA VOUT=OV -225 -100 Min Max Min Max Min Max Unit 4.8 5.8 4.8 5.B 5.2 6.2 ns 4.8 5.8 4.8 5.8 5.2 6.2 ns 4.8 4.8 5.8 5.8 4.8 4.8 5.8 5.8 5.2 5.2 6.2 6.2 O°C Propagation Delay DO to Output Only 2.5 2.0 =VE =5.0V ±5%) Characteristic Symbol Condition V VOH -100 Unit 00-Q8 25°C 85°C Condition CL=50pF ns tskpp Part-ta-Part Skew DO to Output Only tskwd' Within-Device Skew DO to Output Only tpLH Propagation Delay SELtoO OO-QB 4.5 6.5 5.0 7.0 tr tf Output Rise/Fall Time 0.8Vt02.0V 0O-Q8 0.5 0.5 2.5 2.5 0.5 0.5 2.5 2.5 ts Setup TIme SEL to D 1.0 1.0 1.0 ns 0.65 0.65 0.65 ns 5.2 7.2 ns CL=50pF 0.5 0.5 2.5 2.5 ns CL=50pF ns .. 1.0 1.0 1.0 , WIthIn-DevIce Skew defIned as IdentIcal transItIons on SImilar paths through a devIce. DUTY CYCLE SPECIFICATIONS (DOC S TA S 85°C; Duty Cycle Measured Relative to 1.5V) Symbol PW Characteristic Range of VCC and CL to Meet Min Pulse Width (HIGH or LOW) at fout :;;50MHz MOTOROLA I VCC CL PW Min Nom Max Unit Condition 4.875 10.0 9.0 5.0 5.125 50.0 11.0 V pF ns All Outputs 2-146 MECLData DL122-Rev6 MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA PECL/TTL-TTL 1:8 Clock Distribution Chip MC10H646 MC100H646 The MC1 OH/1 00H646 is a single supply, low skew translating 1:8 clock driver. Devices in the Motorola H600 translator series utilize the 28-lead PLCC for optimal power pinning, signal flow through and electrical performance. The single supply H646 is similar to the H643, which is a dual supply 1:8 version of the same function. PENTIUM MICROPROCESSOR PECLfTTL-TTL CLOCK DRIVER • PECLlTTL-TTl Version of Popular ECLinPSTM E111 • lowSkew • Guaranteed Skew Spec • Tri-State Enable • Differential Internal Design • VBB Output • Single Supply • Extra TTL and ECl Power/Ground Pins • Matched High and low Output Impedance • Meets Specifications Required to Drive the Pentium™ Microprocessor FNSUFFIX PLASTIC PACKAGE The H646 was designed specifically to drive series terminated CASE 776-02 transmission lines. Special techniques were used to match the HIGH and lOW output impedances to about 70hms. This simplifies the choice of the termination resistor for series terminated applications. To match the HIGH an lOW output impedances, it was necessary te remove the standard lOS limiting resistor. As a result, the user should take care i preventing an output short to ground as the par will be permanently damaged. The H646 device meets all of the requirements for driving the 60 and 66MHz Pentium Microprocessor. The device has no Pll components, which greatly simplifies its implementation into a digital design. The eight copies of the clock allows for pOint-to-point clock distribution to simplify board layout and optimize signal integrity. The H646 provides differential PECl inputs for picking up lOW skew PECl clocks from the backplane and distribu1ing it to TTL loads on a daughter board. When used in conjunction with the MC1 0/1 00E111 , very low skew, very wide clock trees can be designed. In addition, a TTL level clock input is provided for flexibility. Note that only one of the inputs can be used on a single chip. For correct operation, the unused input pins should be left open. The Output Enable pin forces the outputs into a high impedance state when a logic 0 is applied. The output buffers of the H646 can drive two series terminated, 50Q transmission lines each. This capability allows the H646 to drive up to 16 different point-to-point clock loads. Refer to the Applications section for a more detailed discussion in this area. The 10H version is compatible with MECl 10HTM ECl logic levels. The 100H version is compatible with 100K levels. MECL 10H and ECLinPS are trademarks of Motorola, Inc. Pentium is a trademark of Intel Corporation. 8194 © Motorola, Inc. 1996 2-147 REV 1 ® MOTOROLA MC10H646 MC100H646 ... c z c z a 0 C!l a"' !>0 a CD C!l 0 a 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 PIN NAMES .... PIN 18 03 EN IGND 02 Pinout: 28-Lead PLCC OVT (Top View) 01 15 VCCE 14 VCCE VEE VCCE ECLK,ECLK VBB ao-Q7 VBB OGND TIL Output Ground (OV) TIL Output VCC (+5.0V) Internal TIL GND (OV) Internal TIL VCC (+5.0V) ECLVEE(OV) ECL Ground (5.0V) Differential Signal Input (PECL) VBB Reference Output Signal Outputs (TIL) Tri-State Enable Input (TIL) OGND OVT IGND IVT IVT OGND FUNCTION EN 12 00 5 ~ ...J ~ 6 7 8 9 10 ~ c w w w Z ~ W W > > W > ECLK 11 IVTOI ~ ...J OVTOI u w OOA LOGIC DIAGRAM EN----------------, 00 OGNOO INTERNAL TIL GROUNO L------ w w > 9 10 11 '" 0 is I~ S2 3/93 © Motorola. Inc. 1996 2-151 REVS ® MOTOROLA MC10H660 MC100H660 DC CHARACTERISTICS: VCCT = 5.0 V ± 10%; VEE = -5.2 V ±5% (10H version); VEE = -4.2 V to -5.5 V (100H version) GOC Symbol Characteristic lEE Power Supply Current ICCH 25°C min 85°C max Unit ECL 41.8 44.0 46.2 mA TTL 77.0 77.1 79.2 mA 94.6 95.7 96.8 rnA min max ICCL max min Condition TTL CHARACTERISTICS: VCCT = 5.0 V ± 10%; VEE = -5.2 V ±5% (10H version); VEE = -4.2 V to -5.5 V (100H version) GOC Symbol Characteristic min VOH Output HIGH Voltage 2.6 VOL Output LOW Voltage lOS Output Short Circuit Current' 25°C max min 85°C max 2.6 min max 2.6 0.50 0.50 0.50 , , , Unit Condition V IOH=-24mA V 10L= 24 rnA V See Note 1 1. The outputs must not be shorted to ground, as this will result in permanent damage to the device. The high drive outputs of this device do not include a limiting lOS resistor. Minimum recommended load capacitance is 100 pF. Precise output performance and waveforms will depend on the exact nature of the actual load. The lumped load is of course an approximation to a real memory system load. [::2J AC Characteristics: VCCT = 5.0 V± 10%; VEE =-5.2 V ±5% (10H version) VEE =-4.2 V to-5.5 V (100H version) GOC 25°C 85°C Symbol Characteristic min ts Set-up lime, D to LEN 0.5 tn Hold lime, D to LEN 1.5 1.5 1.5 ns tw(H) LEN Pulse Width, HIGH 2.0 2.0 2.0 ns tR tF Output Rise/Falllime 0.8V-2.0V 0.5 2.0 0.5 2.0 0.5 2.0 ns CL = 200 pF tpLH tpHL Propagation Delay to Output D 3.0 4.0 4.5 6.0 8.0 9.5 3.0 4.0 4.5 6.0 B.O 9.5 3.0 4.0 4.5 6.0 8.0 9.5 ns CL=100pF CL = 200 pF CL = 300 pF 50% point of ECL input to 1.5 V point of TTL output LEN 4.3 4.9 5.4 6.9 8.9 10.4 4.3 4.9 5.4 6.9 8.9 10.4 4.3 4.9 5.4 6.9 8.9 10.4 ns CL=100pF CL = 200 pF CL= 300pF tpHL Propagation Delay to Output R 4.1 4.5 5.0 9.1 8.5 10.0 4.1 4.5 5.0 9.1 8.5 10.0 4.1 4.5 5.0 9.1 8.5 10.0 ns CL=100pF CL =200 pF CL = 300 pF tpLH Propagation Delay to Output D 3.9 4.8 5.8 5.9 7.2 8.8 3.9 4.8 5.B 5.9 7.2 B.B 4.0 5.0 5.9 6.1 7.4 8.9 ns CL=100pF CL =200 pF CL = 300 pF 50% point of ECL input to 2.4 V pOint of TTL output LEN 4.7 5.5 6.3 7.1 8.3 9.5 4.7 5.5 6.3 7.1 B.3 9.5 4.8 5.6 6.4 7.2 8.4 9.6 ns CL=100pF CL=200 pF CL = 300 pF Propagation Delay to Output D 4.5 6.0 7.0 6.7 9.0 10.6 4.5 6.0 7.0 6.7 9.0 10.6 4.4 6.0 6.9 6.6 9.0 10.3 ns CL=100pF CL = 200 pF CL = 300 pF 50% pOint of ECL input to 0.8 V point of TTL output LEN 4.0 4.9 6.0 6.0 7.3 9.0 4.0 4.9 6.0 6.0 7.3 9.0 4.0 4.9 5.9 6.0 7.3 8.9 ns CL= 100 pF CL=200 pF CL= 300 pF R 4.3 6.1 7.2 6.5 9.1 10.B 4.3 6.1 7.2 6.5 9.1 10.8 4.3 6.1 7.2 6.5 9.1 10.8 ns CL=100pF CL = 200 pF CL = 300 pF tpHL MOTOROLA max min max max Unit Condition ns 0.5 0.5 2-152 min MECLData DL122-Rev6 MC10H660 MC100H660 OUTPUT STRUCTURE POWER VS FREQUENCY - Output QOA Structure Shown INT~~TT~ -typical POWER VS FREQUENCY PER BIT 700 IVTOl OVTOl PDYNAMIC = CL f VSWING VCC 600 PTOTAl = PSTATIC + PDYNAMIC 500 :;:: E .,. l\!0 Q. QOA 400 +----------.~--____,,._"=------__l 300 - --0-- +-__________~L---~~--------------~ _ 300PF 200 PF 100PF -+-50PF 200 +-----~~~~~--~~--~----------~ ~ NOLOAD 100 OGNDO INTERNAL TTL GROUND 0 IGNDOl 0 40 20 aD 60 100 120 FREQUENCY, MHZ 10H ECl DC Characteristics: VCCT=5.0 V± 10%; VEE = -5.2 V ±5% 25'C D'C Symbol Characteristic IIH IlL Input HIGH Current Input LOW Current 1.5 VIH VIL Input HIGH Voltage Input LOW Voltage -1170 -1950 max min min 85'C max 225 max Unit 145 ~A -720 -1445 mV mV 145 1.0 -840 -1480 min 1.0 -1130 -1950 -810 -1480 Condition ~ -1060 -1950 100H ECl DC Characteristics: VCCT = 5.0 V ± 10%; VEE = -4.2 V to -5.5 V DOC Symbol Characteristic IIH IlL Input HIGH Current Input LOW Current 1.5 VIH VIL Input HIGH Voltage Input lOW Voltage -1165 -1810 MECLData DL122-Rev6 min 25'C max min 225 85°C max 145 -1165 -1810 2-153 max Unit 145 ~ ~ -880 -1475 mV mV 1.0 1.0 -880 -1475 min -880 -1475 -1165 -1810 Condition MOTOROLA MC10H660 MC100H660 AC TEST SET-UP CL=100pF The MC10H/100 H660 ECl-TTl DRAM Address Driver The Me 1OH/1 OOH660 was designed for use in high capacity, highly interleaved DRAM memory boards, that directly interface to a high speed, pipelined EeL bus interface, where new operations may be initiated to the board at a 50 MHz rate ( e.g. bipolar RiSe systems). The following briefly discusses the major design features of the part over existing semiconductor devices traditionally used in interfacing DRAMs in high performance system environments. 1. ECL Translator High performance memory systems of the past that were interfaced to EeL buses had to rely on separate EeL translators and DRAM drivers to interface to large DRAM arrays, which is acceptable if the module is not highly interleaved and the bus cycle time is comparable to the DRAM access time. This becomes inadequate as the cycle time ofthe interface becomes significantly faster than the address timing requirements of the RAM, and as the degree of internal board interleaving increases. These higher performance demands require that the internal address and control signals propagated to the DRAM drivers be implemented in EeL, thus requiring the integration of the driver and translator functions. Integration of the translator/drive function also reduces access latency, as well as keeping DRAM timing parameters from being violated, due to the excessive delays encountered with separate parts. 2. MOS Drive Capacity Outputs are specifically designed for driving large numbers of DRAMs ( '" 300 pF), which reduce the number of parts and power requirements needed per board. Output voltage levels are designed specifically for driving DRAM inputs. No EeL MOTOROLA translator parts on the market today provide the designer with this drive capability as well as the flexibility to vary the number of DRAMs that are driven by the part. 3. Transparent Latch The latch is added to provide the capability for a memory controller to propagate new addresses to different banks without having to wait for the address timing constraints to be satisfied from a previous memory operation. For system implementations where this is acceptable, the user has the capability to keep the latch open, thus having the part act as an address translatorlbuffer, with minimal performance impact due to the additional propagation delay incurred from the internal latch. The latch is controlled within an already existing DRAM timing signal. 4. 1:2 Output Fanout This function is useful in that it reduces input loading from the controller by a factor of two, thus significantly improving board etch propagation delays from the controller to the large number of translators, without the addition of EeL glue logic parts to reduce the loading. In large memory boards, so many translators are needed that this type of organization is not a handicap. 5. Low Skew, Low Propagation Delay Low skew of the part as well as fast propagation delay enable faster overall DRAM operation to be attained than is possible with existing parts. 6. Power and Package Pin Layout The H660 is specifically designed with additional power and ground pins to greatly improve simultaneous switching performance over existing driver parts. 2-154 MECLData DL122-Rev6 MC10H660 MC100H660 OUTPUT WAVEFORMS simulated Example 1. An output load consisting of just CL = 50 pF results in overshoot at the output Q: ," .. ~./ 0 ," ' TIME Example 2. In a memory system application, use of an external source resistor is suggested. Simulations run with RS = an and CL 300pF leads to clean waveforms both at the output, Q, and at point Qp: = OP / o H6600UTPUT .. 'j-:-- ~\ w C!l :i ;:!: ~ '\ "\ -----"' j' 17 -2 o ~ 0 ..... ~:/ ,I '\ • .,. , 1.'~Op '\ , '( I \ 25 "'"-- 50 D 75 TIME MECL Data DL122-Rev6 2-155 MOTOROLA MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA 4-Bit Differential ECL Bus/TTL Bus Transceiver MC10H680 MC100H680 The MC10H/100H680 is a dual supply 4-bit differential ECl bus to TTL bus transceiver. It is designed to allow the system designer to no longer be limited in bus speed associated with standard TTL busses. Using a differential ECl Bus will increase the frequency of operation and increase noise immunity. Both the TTL and the ECL ports are capable of driving a bus. The ECl outputs have the ability to drive 25 n, allowing both ends of the bus line to be terminated in the characteristic impedance of 50 n. The TTL outputs are specified to source 15 mA and sink 48 mA, allowing the ability to drive highly capacitive loads. The ECl output levels are VOH approximately equal to -1.0 V and Val cutoff equal to -2.0 V (VTT). When the ECl ports are disabled both EIOx and EIOxB go to the Val cutoff level. The ECl input receivers have special circuitry which detects this disabled condition, prevents oscillation, and forces the TTL output to the low state. The noise margin in this disabled state is greater than 600 mV. Multiple ECl VCCO pins are utilized to minimize switching noise. The TTL ports have standard levels. The TTL input receivers have PNP input devices to significantly reduce loading. Multiple TTL power and ground pins are utilized to minimize switching noise. The control pins (EDIR and ECEB) of the 10H version is compatible with MECl 10H ECl logic levels. The control pins of the 100H version are compatible with 100K levels. • ·• ·• Differential ECl Bus (25 n) I/O Ports High Drive TTL Bus I/O Ports Extra TTL and ECl Power/Ground Pins to Minimize Switching Noise Dual Supply Direction and Chip Enable Control Pins Pinout: 28-lead PlCC (Top View) III UJ III '" ;:: (!) ~ S (!) ;:! '" ~ ~ () 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 a W w Tl0l EI03B GT2 VeC04 VTl EI03 GTl VeeE Tloo EI02B TDIR Vee03 PIN DESCRIPTIONS Pin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 EDIR 4 EI02 <:> a iIi 0 8 > !Xl <:> Q w W w > § w S () () > III 0 iii • FNSUFFIX PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 776-02 23 24 25 26 27 28 9/96 © Motorola, Inc. 1996 2-156 Function Symbol GTl TIOO TDIA EDIA EIOO VCCOl EIOOB VEE EIOl VCC02 EIOIB EI02 VCC03 EI02B VCCE EI03 VCC04 EI03B ECEB TCEB TI03 GT4 VT2 GT3 TI02 TIOl GT2 VTl REV6 TTL Ground 1 TTL I/O Bit 0 TTL Direction Control ECl Direction Control ECl 1/0 Bit 0 ECl VCC 1 (OV) - Outputs ECl 1/0 Bit 0 Bar ECl Supply (-5.21-4.5V) ECl VOBit 1 ECl VCC 2 (OV) - Outputs ECl 1/0 Bit 1 Bar ECl 1/0 Bit2 ECl VCC 3 (OV) - Outputs ECl 1/0 Bit 2 Bar EClVCC (OV) ECl 1/0 Bit 3 ECl VCC 4 (OV) - Outputs ECl 1/0 Bit 3 Bar ECl Chip Enable Bar Control TTL Chip Enable Bar Control TTL 1/0 Bit 3 TTL Ground 4 TTL Supply 2 (5V) TTL Ground 3 TTL 1/0 Bit2 TTL VO Bit 1 TTL Ground 2 TTL Supply 1 (5V) ® MOTOROLA MC10H680 MC100H680 TRUTH TABLE TDIR - Direction Control TTL levels EDIR - Direction Control ECl levels TCEB - Chip Enable Bar Control TTL levels ECEB - Chip Enable Bar Control ECl levels TIN - TTL Input TOUT - TTL Output EIN - ECl Input EINB - ECl Input Bar EOUT - ECl Output EOUTB - ECl Output Bar H-HIGH l-lOW lC - ECl low Cutoff (VTT = -2.0 V) X - Don't Care Z - High Impedance ECEB TCEB EDIR TDIR EIN EINB EOUT EOUTB TIN TOUT H X X X X X lC lC X Z ECl and TTL Outputs Disabled COMMENTS X H X X X X lC lC X Z ECl and TTL Outputs Disabled l l H X H lC NA H ECl to TTL Direction l l H X lC H NA l ECl to TTL Direction l l H X lC lC NA l ECl to TTL Direction (l-l Cond.) l l X H H lC NA H ECl to TTL Direction l l X H lC H NA l ECl to TTL Direction l l X H lC lC NA l l l l l NA NA H lC H TTL to ECl Direction l l l l NA NA lC H l TTL to ECl Direction ECl to TTL Direction (l-l Cond.) ABSOLUTE RATINGS (Do not exceed): Power Supply Voltage VEE (ECl) -B.O to 0 Power Supply Voltage VCCT(TTl) -0.5 to +7.0 Vdc VI (ECl) VI (TTL) 0.0 to VEE -0.5 to +7.0 Vdc Input Voltage Vdc Disabled 3-State Output Vout{TTl) 0.0 to VCCT Vdc Output Source Current Ccntinuous lout (ECl) 100 mAdc Output Source Current Surge lout (ECl) 200 mAdc Tstg -65 to 150 'C Tamb 0.0 to +75 'C Storage Temperature Operating Temperature MEClData DL122-Rev6 2-157 MOTOROLA MC10H680 MC100H680 ECl DC CHARACTERISTICS: VCCT = +5.0 V ±10%, VEE = -5.2 ±5% (10H Version); VEE = -4.2 V to -5.5 V (100H Version) TA=25°C TA=O°C Test Symbol Parameter lEE Supply Current/ECl IINH Input HIGH Current IINl Input lOW Current VOH VOL Output HIGH Voltage Output lOW Voltage Min Max Min -110 TA=75°C Min -110 225 145 0.5 -1100 -2.1 Max 0.5 -840 -2.03 -1100 -2.1 Max Unit -110 mA 145 I1A I1A -735 -2.03 mV V 0.3 -810 -2.03 -1100 -2.1 Condition 25Qto-2.1 V CONTROL INPUTS ONLY 10H ECl DC CHARACTERISTICS: VCCT = +5.0 ±10%, VEE = -5.2 ±5% TA=O°C Test Symbol Parameter Input HIGH Voltage Input lOW Voltage VIH Vil TA = 25°C TA = 75°C Min Max Min Max Min Max Unit -1170 -1950 -840 -1480 -1130 -1950 -810 -1480 -1070 -1950 -735 -1450 mV Condition CONTROL INPUTS ONLY 100H ECl DC CHARACTERISTICS: VCCT = +5.0 ±10%, VEE = -4.2 V to -5.5 V TA=O°C Test Symbol Parameter Input HIGH Voltage Input lOW Voltage VIH Vil TA=25°C TA=75°C Min Max Min Max Min Max Unit -1165 -1810 -880 -1475 -1165 -1810 -880 -1475 -1165 -1810 -880 -1475 mV Condition TIL DC CHARACTERISTICS: VCCT = +5.0 V ±10%, VEE = -5.2 ±5% (10H Version); VEE = -4.2 V to -5.5 V (100H Version) . TA=O°C Test Symbol Parameter VIH Vil Standard Input Standard Input ViK Input Clamp VOH Output HIGH Voltage Output HIGH Voltage Min TA=25°C Max Min 2.0 Max 2.0 TA = 75°C Min Max 2.0 0.8 0.8 0.8 -1.2 -1.2 2.5 2.0 Condition Vdc -1.2 2.5 2.0 Unit Vdc V 2.5 2.0 IIN=-18mA 10H =-3.0mA IOH=-15mA VOL Output lOW Voltage 0.55 0.55 0.55 V IOl=48mA IIH" TTL (Input HIGH) TTL (Input HIGH) 20 100 20 100 20 100 I1A Vin=2.7V Vin =7.0V Ill" TTL (Input lOW) -0.6 -0.6 "':0.6 mA Vin = 0.5V ICCl Supply Current 75 75 75 mA ICCH Supply Current 70 70 70 mA ICCZ Supply Current 70 70 70 mA lOS Output Short Circuit Current -225 mA -100 -225 -100 -225 -100 VOUT=OV • NOTE: TTL Control Inputs only TIL VO DC CHARACTERISTICS ONLY IIH/IOZH IILlIOZl TA = 25°C TA=O°C Test Symbol Parameter Output Disable Current MOTOROLA Min Max 70 200 2-158 Min Max 70 200 TA = 75°C Min Max Unit 70 200 I1A Condition VOUT=2.7V VOUT=0.5V MEClData Dll22-Rev6 MC10H680 MC100H680 ECl TO TTL DIRECTION I AC TEST TA=O"C Test Symbol TA=25"C TA=75"C Parameter Waveforms Min Max Min Max Min Max Unit IplH IpHl Propagalion Delay 100uiput 2,4 2.7 4.8 2.7 4.8 2.7 4.8 ns Cl = 50 pF Condition IPZH IpZl ECEB to OUlput Enable Time 2,5,6 3.5 3.5 6.5 6.0 3.5 3.5 6.5 6.0 3.7 3.7 6.7 6.4 ns Cl=50pF IpHZ IpLZ ECEB to OUlpul Disable Time 2,5,6 3.5 3.5 8.6 6.5 3.5 3.5 8.6 6.5 3.7 3.7 8.8 7.3 ns Cl = 50 pF tpZH tpZl TCEB to Output Enable Time 2,5,6 5.7 5.4 7.7 6.9 5.7 5.4 7.7 6.9 5.9 5.9 7.9 7.4 ns Cl = 50 pF tpHZ tpLZ TCEB to Output Disable Time 2,5,6 4.0 4.0 8.5 5.8 4.1 4.2 8.4 6.0 4.2 4.7 8.3 6.5 ns Cl= 50 pF Irllf 1.0 to 2.0 Vdc 3 0.4 1.5 0.4 1.5 0.4 1.5 ns Cl = 50 pF Parameter Waveforms Min Max Min Max Min Max Unit Condition tplH tpHl Propagation Delay to Outpul' 1,4 1.8 4.6 1.8 4.6 2.0 4.9 ns 25010-2.0V tplH IpHl ECEB 10 Output 1,4 2.9 5.1 3.0 5.2 3.4 5.7 ns 25010-2.0 V IplH tpHl TCEB to Output 1,4 3.4 6.3 3.5 6.6 3.8 7.4 ns 25010-2.0 V trllf Output Rise/Fall Time 20%-80% 1,3 1.0 3.4 1.0 3.4 1.0 3.4 ns 250 to-2.0 V TTL TO ECl DIRECTION I AC TEST TA=O"C Test Symbol MEClData Dl122-Rev6 TA = 25"C 2-159 TA=75"C MOTOROLA MC10H680 MC100H680 BLOCK DIAGRAM CONTROL INPUTS TDIR EDIR - - VCCE TCE ECE - - VEE GND1-- - - VCC01 .......:----If-----4t--- EIOO TIOO---4HH ....-c:f--+...- - I - - - EIOO VCCT1 - - GND2-- TI01 ---4Hf-I - - VCC02 .........,..---+--.....- - EI01 EI01 GND3-- - - VCC03 .........~--II-----4t--- EI02 TI02---4HH /C>-+"'--I--- EI02 VCCT2 - - GND4-- TI03---4HH MOTOROLA - - VCC04 .........:::------41~- EI03 ....-()--....- - f - - - EI03 2-160 MECLDala DL122-Rev6 MC10H680 MC100H680 SWITCHING CIRCUIT AND WAVEFORMS VCC&VCCO ECl TTL USE 0.1 JlF CAPACITORS FOR DECOUPLING. L:V DEVICE UNDER TEST I O:EN ALL OTHERS IPZL,IPLZ O,C DEVICE UNDER TEST Rl soon R2 soon USE OSCILLOSCOPE INTERNAL 50 n LOAD FOR TERMINATION. CHA CH B OSCILLOSCOPE Figure 1. Switching Circuit ECl ECLlTTl Figure 2. ECLlTTl 50%/1.5 V VIN VOUT TRISE TFALL VOUT Figure 3. WAVEFORMS: Rise and Fall Times TTL Figure 4. Propagation Delay - Single Ended TTL VE VE ~I_~PZL VOUT Y _ _....-:VOL 0.3vf Figure 5. 3-State Output low Enable and Disable Times MECLData DL122- Rev 6 Figure 6. 3-5tate Output High Enable and Disable Times 2-161 MOTOROLA MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Hex ECL/TTL Transceiver with Latches MC10H681 MC100H681 The MC10/100H681 is a dual supply Hex ECUTTl transceiver with latches in both directions. ECl controlled Direction and Chip Enable Bar pins. There are two latch Enable pins, one for each direction. The ECl outputs are single ended and drive 50 n. The TTL outputs are specified to source 15 mA and sink 48 mA, allowing the ability to drive highly capacitive loads. The high driving ability of the TTL outputs make the device ideal for bussing applications. The ECl output levels are standard VOH and Val cutoff equal to -2.0 V (VTT). When the ECl ports are disabled the outputs go to the Val cutoff level. Multiple ECl VCCO pins are utilized to minimize switching noise. The TTL ports have standard levels. The TTL input receivers have PNP input devices to significantly reduce loading. Multiple TTL power and ground pins are utilized to minimize switching noise. The 10H version is compatible with MECl 10H ECl logic levels. The 100H version is compatible with 100K levels. • • • • • • Separate latch Enable Controls for each Direction ECl Single Ended 50 n I/O Port High Drive TTL I/O Ports Extra TTL and ECl Power/Ground Pins to Minimize Switching Noise Dual Supply Direction and Chip Enable Control Pins Pinout: 28-lead PlCC (Top View) ... 0 '" >= > t5 >=0 25 24 23 22 on 0 > IC!l >= 21 20 19 TI02 18 EI05 VT 17 Veeo GT 16 EI04 TI01 15 VeeE VT 14 EI03 GT 13 Veeo 12 EI02 TIOO 7 a: i5 In w U ti:i W ...J w IW ...J w W > 10 11 0 aiii 0 iii Pin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 FNSUFFIX PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE77EHl2 Symbol TI01 VT GT TIOO DIR CEB lEET lETE VEE EIOO EI01 EI02 VCCO EI03 VCCE EI04 VCCO EI05 TIOS GT VT TI04 GT VT TI03 TI02 VT GT 9/96 © Motorola, Inc. 1996 2-162 REV 2 Description TIL I/O BIT 1 TIL VCC (5.0 V) TIlGND(OV) TIL I/O Bit a Direction Control (ECl) Chip Enable Bar Control (ECl) Latch Enable ECl-TIl Control (ECl) latch Enable TIl-ECl Control (ECL) ECl Supply (-5.2/-4.5 V) ECll/OBITO ECl I/O BIT 1 ECl I/O BIT2 ECl VCC (0 V) - Outputs TIL I/O BIT 3 ECl VCC (0 V) ECl I/O BIT 4 ECl VCC (0 V) - Outputs ECl I/O BIT5 TILl/OBITS TIlGND (0 V) TIL VCC (5.0 V) TIL I/O BIT4 TIlGND(OV) TIL VCC (5.0 V) TIL I/O BIT3 TIL I/O BIT2 TIL VCC (5.0 V) TIlVCC(OV) ® MOTOROLA MC10H681 MC100H681 DIR CE Q o EIO LE-TE TIO o Q LE LE-ET TRUTH TABLE CEe DIR LEET LETE EOUT H X X X Z Z L H L L Z EIN L H H L Z 00 L L L L TIN Z L L L H 00 Z MECLData DU22-Rev6 TOUT • Hex • Bi-Directional • ECLlTTl Translation • Dual Supply • ECl Outputs, 50 Ohm S.E., VOH/Cutoff • TTL Outputs, 48 mA Sink, 15 mA Source • Multi Power and Ground Pins • Separate lE Controls 2-163 MOTOROLA MC10H681 MC100H681 ECl DC CHARACTERISTICS: VCCT = +5.0 V ±10%, VEE = -5.2 ±5% (10H Version); VEE = -4.2 V to -5.5 V (100H Version) TA=O'C Test Symbol Parameter TA=25'C TA=75'C Min Max Min Max Min Max Unit - -113 -113 - -113 mA Condition lEE Supply Current/ECL IINH Input HIGH Current - 225 - 145 - 145 IINL Input LOW Current 0.5 - 0.5 - 0.3 - IlA IlA VOH VOL Output HIGH Voltage Output LOW Voltage -1020 -2.1 -840 -2.03 --980 -2.1 -810 -2.03 -920 -2.1 -735 -2.03 mV V 500to-2.1 V Condition 10H ECl DC CHARACTERISTICS: VCCT = +5.0 ±10%, VEE = -5.2 ±5% TA=O'C Test Symbol VIH VIL Parameter Input HIGH Voltage input LOW Voltage TA = 25°C TA=75'C Min Max Min Max Min" Max Unit -1170 -1950 -840 -1480 -1130 -1950 -810 -1480 -1070 -1950 -735 -1450 mV 100H ECl DC CHARACTERISTICS: VCCT = +5.0 ±10%, VEE = -4.2 V to -5.5 V TA=O'C Test Symbol VIH VIL Parameter input HIGH Voltage Input LOW Voltage TA = 25°C TA=75'C Min Max Min Max Min Max Unit -1165 -1810 -880 -1475 -1165 -1810 -880 -1475 -1165 -1810 -880 -1475 mV Condition ABSOLUTE RATINGS (Do not exceed): Power Supply Voltage VEE (ECL) -8.0 to 0 Vdc Power Supply Voltage VCCT(TIL) -0.5 to +7.0 Vdc VI (ECL) VI (TIL) 0.0 to VEE -0.5 to +7.0 Vdc Disabled 3-State Output Vout(TIL) 0.0 to VCCT Vdc Output Source Current Continuous lout (ECL) 100 mAde Output Source Current Surge Input Voltage lout (ECL) 200 mAde Storage Temperature Tstg -65 to 150 'c Operating Temperature Tamb 0.0 to + 75 'C MOTOROLA 2-164 MECL Data DL122-Rev6 MC10H681 MC100H681 TTL DC CHARACTERISTICS: VCCT = +5.0 V ±10%, VEE = -5.2 -+5% (10H Version); VEE = -4.2 V to -5.5 V (100H Version) TA= DoC Test Symbol Parameter Min TA = 25°C Max - TA = 75°C Min Max Min Max Unit 2.0 - 2.0 - Vdc -1.2 Vdc - V Condition VIH VIL Standard Input Standard Input 2.0 - 0.8 VIK Input Clamp - -1.2 VOH Output HIGH Voltage Output HIGH Voltage 2.5 2.0 - VOL Output LOW Voltage - 0.55 - 0.55 - 0.55 V IOL=48mA IIHIIOZH IILlloZL Output Disable Current 70 200 - 70 200 IJA VOUT=2.7V VOUT=0.5V Supply Current - 70 200 ICCL - 63 63 rnA ICCH Supply Current - 63 63 63 rnA ICCZ Supply Current - 63 - 63 - 63 rnA lOS Output Short Circuit Current -225 -100 -225 -100 -225 rnA - 2.5 2.0 - 63 -100 0.8 -1.2 - - - 2.5 2.0 - 0.8 - IIN=-18mA IOH =-3.0 rnA IOH=-15mA VOUT=OV ECl TO TTL DIRECTION AC CHARACTERISTICS TA = DoC Test Symbol TA=25°C TA=75°C Max Unit tpLH tpHL Propagation Deiay to Output 4.0 7.8 4.0 7.8 4.2 8.0 ns CL=50pF tpLH tpHL LEETto Output 5.5 5.5 B.3 7.6 5.5 5.5 8.3 7.6 5.7 5.B 8.5 B.O ns CL=50pF tPZH tpZL CEB to Output Enable Time 5.5 5.3 8.3 8.3 5.5 5.3 8.3 8.3 4.7 5.4 8.5 8.4 ns CL= 50pF tpHZ tpLZ CEB to Output Disable Time 3.5 3.5 7.2 5.3 3.5 3.5 7.2 5.3 3.7 4.1 7.3 5.8 ns CL= 50 pF t,.rt, 1.0 Vdc to 2.0 Vdc 0.4 2.2 0.4 2.2 0.4 2.2 ns CL=50pF Parameter Min Max Min Max Min Condition TTL TO ECl DIRECTION AC CHARACTERiSTICS TA = 25°C TA=O°C Test Symbol Parameter TA=75°C Max Unit Condition tpLH tpHL Propagation Delay to Output 1.9 3.9 1.9 3.9 2.2 4.4 ns 50Qto-2.0V tpHL tpLH CEBto Output 2.2 2.3 4.0 4.6 2.2 2.3 4.0 4.6 2.5 2.7 4.3 5.0 ns 50 Q to-2.0 V tpHL tpLH LETEto Output 2.4 3.9 2.4 3.9 2.7 4.3 ns 50Qto-2.0V trlt, Output Rise/Fall Time 20%-80% 0.4 2.2 0.4 2.2 0.4 2.2 ns 50Qto-2.0V MECLData DL122-Rev6 Min Max Min Max Min 2-165 MOTOROLA MC10H681 MC100H681 TEST CIRCUITS AND WAVEFORMS ECl TTL USE O.lIlF CAPACITORS FOR DECOUPLING. I O:EN DEVICE UNDER TEST OUT ALL OTHERS IPZL,lpLZ O,C DEVICE UNDER TEST R1 soon R2 soon USE OSCILLOSCOPE INTERNAL 50 n LOAO FOR TERMINATION. CHB OSCILLOSCOPE Figure 2. Test Circuit TTL Figure 1. Test Circuit ECl ECLlTTl ECLlTTl 50%/1.5 V VIN TFALL VOUT Figure 4. Propagation Delay - Figure 3. Rise and Fall Times Single Ended TTL TTL VE VE VE I--I~ ~I ._~PZL ~ VOUT VOL VO~1.5V 0.3Vf Figure 5. 3-State Output low Enable and Disable Times MOTOROLA I Figure 6. 3-State Output High Enable and Disable Times 2-166 MECLData DL122-Rev6 MECL Data MECL 10K MECLData DL122-Rev6 3-1 MOTOROLA [3J MECL10K INTEGRATED CIRCUITS MC10,1 00/1 0,200 Series -3010 85°C Function Selection - (-30° to +8So C) Funcllon Device Function Case NOR Gates Quad 2-lnput Gate Triple 4-3-3 Input Gate Dual3-lnput 3-0utput Gate Dual3-lnput 3-0utput Gate MC10l02 MC10l06 MC10lli MC10211 Dual 0 Master Slave Flip-Flop Dual J-K Master Slave Flip-Rap Quad Latch Hex 0 Master Slave Flip-Flop Hex 0 Common Reset Flip-Flop Dual 0 Master Slave Flip-Flop Quad Latch Quint Latch Quad/Common Clock Latch 620,648,775 620,648,775 620,648 620, 648, 775 OR Gates Quad 2-lnput Gate Dual 3-lnput 3-0utput Gate Dual3-lnput 3-0utput Gate AND Gates 18-lnput Encoder MC10l0l MC10l05 MC10l09 MC10212 MC10l07 MC10113 MC10117 620, 648, 775 620,648,775 620, 648, 775 648,775 620, 648, 775 620, 648, 775 620,648,775 MC10121 620, 648, 775 Binary to 1-8 (Low) Binary to 1-8 (High) Dual Binary to 1-4 (Low) Dual Binary to 1-4 (High) Triple Line Receiver Decade Biquinary Binary Down Counter MC10161 MC10162 MC10171 MC10172 620, 648, 775 620, 648, 775 620, 648, 775 620, 648, 775 MC10136 MC10137 MC10138 MC10154 MC10178 620, 648, 775 620,648 620, 648, 775 620,648 620, 648, 775 Binary MC10141 620, 648, 775 MC10198 620, 648, 775 MC10134 MC10158 MC10159 MC10164 MC10173 MC10174 620, 620, 620, 620, 620, 620, ArithmetiC Functions MC10114 MC10115 MC10116 MC10123 MC10129 MC10192 MC10216 620,648,775 620,648,775 620,648,775 620, 648, 775 620 620,648,775 620,648,775 5-Blt Magnitude Comparator 4-Bit Arithmetic Function Gen. Shift Register 14-Blt Universal Multivlbrators IMonostable Multlvibrators Multiplexer Translators Dual with Latch Quad 2-lnput!Noninverting Quad 2-lnputllnverting 8-Line Quad 2-lnput!Latch Dual 4-1 Quad TIL-MECL Quad MECL-TIL MOTOROLA 620,648 Counters Hexadecimal Une DriversILine Receivers Quad Bus Driver MC10165 12-Bit Parity Generator-Checker 9 + 2 Bit Parity Hex BufferlEnable Hex Inverter/Enable Hex Inverter/Buffer Quad Bus Receiver 620, 648, 775 620, 648, 775 620, 648, 775 620, 648, 775 620, 648, 775 620, 648, 775 620,648 620, 648, 775 648 Parity Generator/Checkers BuffersJlnverters Triple Bus Driver MC10131 MC10135 MC10153 MC10176 MC10186 MC10231 MC10133 MC10175 MC10168 Decoders Complex Gates Triple Une Receiver Quad Une Receiver Triple Line Receiver Case Encoders Quad 2-lnput Gate Hex Gate Quad ORiNOR Gate Triple 2-3-2 Input ORINOR Gate Dual 4-5 Input ORiNOR Gate Dual3-lnput 3-0utput ORiNOR Gate Triple 2-lnput Exclusive ORINOR Gate Quad 2-lnput Exclusive ORINOR Gate Dual2-Wide 2-3 Input OR-AND/OR-AND INVERT 4-Wide 3-lnput OR-AND/OR-AND INVERT Device Flip-Flop/latches 3-2 648, 775 648, 775 648, 775 648, 775 648, 775 648, 775 MECL Data DL122-Rev6 MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Quad OR/NOR Gate MC10101 The MC1 01 01 is a quad 2-input ORINOR gate with one input from each gate common to pin 12. PD = 25 mW typ/gate (No Load) tpd = 2.0 ns typ t r, tf = 2.0 ns typ (20%-80%) -• LOGIC DIAGRAM 4----~r-~~------ 10--~~~~~------- 14 13--~~~~~------- PSUFFIX PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 648-0B FN SUFFIX PLCC CASE 77S-Q2 DIP PIN ASSIGNMENT 11 12 LSUFFIX CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 620-10 15 --+-..-,L-....LI-------- VCC1 VCC1 =PIN 1 VCC2 = PIN 16 VEE = PINS VCC2 AOUT DOUT BOUT COUT AoUT DIN COMMON INPUT BoUT COUT AIN BIN VEE CIN DOUT Pin assignment is for Dual-in-Line Package. For PLCC pin assignment, see the Pin Conversion Tables on page 6-11. 3/93 © Motorola, Inc. 1996 REVS ® MOTOROLA [aJ MC10101 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Test Limits Characteristic Power Supply Drain Current Input Current Symbol Pin Under Test IE 8 29 linH 4 12 425 850 linL 4 -30°C Min 12 0.5 0.5 +25°C Max Min +85°C Typ Max Max Unit 20 26 29 mAde 265 535 265 535 !lAde 0.5 0.5 Min 0.3 0.3 !lAde Output Voltage Logic 1 VOH 5 5 2 2 -1.060 -1.060 -1.060 -1.060 -0.890 - hm resistor to -2.0 volts. Test procedures are shown for only one gate. The other gates are tested in the same manner. MOTOROLA 3-34 MECLData DL122-Rev6 MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Triple Line Receiver MC10114 The MC1 0114 is a triple line receiver designed for use in sensing differential signals over long lines. An active current source and translated emitter follower inputs provide the line receiver with a common mode noise rejection limit of one volt in either the positive or the negative direction. This allows a large amount of common mode noise immunity for extra long lines. Another feature of the MC1 0114 is that the OR outputs go to a logic low level whenever the inputs are left floating. The outputs are each capable of driving 50 ohm transmission lines. This device is useful in high speed central processors, minicomputers, peripheral controllers, digital communication systems, testing and instrumentation systems. The MC10114 can also be used for MOS to MECL interfacing and it is ideal as a sense amplifier for MOS RAM's. A VBB reference is provided which is useful in making the MC1 0114 a Schmit trigger, allowing single-ended driving of the inputs, or other applications where a stable reference voltage is necessary. See MECL Design Handbook (HB205) pages 226 and 228. PD = tpd = tpd = t r, tf= -• 145 mW typ/pkg 2.4 ns typ (Single Ended Input) 2.0 ns typ (Differential Input) 2.1 ns typ (20% to 80%) 4 9 10 12 13 =:tt= =:tt= ~ PSUFFIX PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 64S-QS FNSUFFlX PLCC CASE 775-{)2 DIP PIN ASSIGNMENT LOGIC DIAGRAM 5 LSUFFIX CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 62(}"'10 VCC1 VCC2 AOUT COUT AOUT COUT AIN CIN AIN CIN BOUT VBB BOUT BIN VEE BIN 14 15 11 Pin asSignment is for Dual-in-line Package. For PLCC pin assignment, see the Pin Conversion Tables on page 6-11. VBB' VCCpPIN 1 VCC2=PIN 16 VEE = PIN 8 'Vss to be used to supply bias to the MC10114 only and bypassed (when used) with 0.01 ~F to 0.1 ~F capacitor to ground (0 V). VSS can source < 1.0 rnA. When the input pin with the bubble goes positive, its respective output pin with bubble goes positive. 3193 © Motorola, Inc. 1996 3-35 REV 5 ® MOTOROLA MC10114 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Test Limits Characteristic Power Supply Drain Current Input Current Symbol Pin Under Test IE 8 -30'C Min +25'C Max Min 39 +85'C Typ Max 28 35 Min Max Unit 39 mAde linH 4 70 45 45 !!Ade ICBO 4 1.5 1.0 1.0 !!Ade Output Voltage Logic 1 VOH 2 3 -1.060 -1.0S0 -{I.890 -{I.890 -{I.9S0 -{I.9S0 -{I.810 -{I.81 0 -{I.890 -0.890 -{I.700 -{I.700 Vde Output Voltage Logic 0 VOL 2 3 -1.890 -1.890 -1.S75 -1.S75 -1.850 -1.850 -1.S50 -1.S50 -1.825 -1.825 -1.S15 -1.615 Vde Threshold Voltage Logic 1 VOHA 2 3 -1.080 -1.080 Threshold Voltage Logic 0 VOLA 2 3 Reference Voltage VBB 11 -1.420 -1.280 -1.350 -1.230 Common Mode Rejection Test VOH 2 3 -1.060 -1.060 -{I.890 -{I.890 -{I.960 -{I.960 -0.810 -{I.81 0 VOL 2 3 -1.890 -1.890 -1.675 -1.675 -1.850 -1.850 Min Max Min t4+2+ 14-2t4+314-3+ 2 2 3 3 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 (500 Load) Switching Times Propagation Delay -{I.9OO -{I.980 -{I.91 0 -{I.91 0 -1.630 -1.S30 -1.S55 -1.655 Vde -1.595 -1.595 Vde -1.295 -1.150 Vde -{I.890 -{I.890 -{I.700 -{I.700 Vde -1.650 -1.650 -1.825 -1.825 -1.615 -1.615 Vde Typ Max Min Max ns 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 Rise Time (20 to 80%) t2+ t3+ 2 3 1.5 1.5 3.8 3.8 1.5 1.5 2.1 2.1 3.5 3.5 1.5 1.5 3.7 3.7 Fall Time (20 to 80%) t2t3- 2 3 1.5 1.5 3.8 3.8 1.5 1.5 2.1 2.1 3.5 3.5 1.5 1.5 3.7 3.7 MOTOROLA 3-36 MECL Data DL122-RevS MC10114 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) TEST VOLTAGE VALUES (Volts) @ Characteristic Test Temperature VIHmax VILmln VIHAmin VILAmax -30'C -0.890 -1.890 -1.205 -1.500 Symbol Power Supply Drain Current Input Current +25'C ...(J.81 0 -1.850 -1.105 -1.475 +85'C ...(J.700 -1.825 -1.035 -1.440 Pin Under Test IE 8 linH 4 VBB From Pin 11 TEST VOLTAGE APPLIED TO PINS LISTED BELOW VIHmax 4 VBe Unit 4,9,12 5,10,13 mAdc 9,12 5,10,13 !lAdc 9,12 5,10,13 !lAde VILmin VIHAmin VILAmax linL 4 Output Voltage Logic 1 VOH 2 3 4 9,12 9,12 4 5,10,13 5,10,13 Vde Output Voltage Logic 0 VOL 2 3 9,12 4 4 9,12 5,10,13 5,10,13 Vde Threshold Voltage Logic 1 VOHA 2 3 5,10,13 5,10,13 Vde 9,12 5,10,13 5,10,13 Vdc 5,10,13 Vdc Threshold Voltage Logie 0 VOLA 2 3 9,12 4 4 9,12 4 9,12 4 Reference Voltage VBS 11 Common Mode Rejection Test VOH 2 3 Vdc VOL 2 3 Vdc Pulse In Pulse Out t4+2+ t4-214+314-3+ 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 2 2 3 3 5,10,13 5,10,13 5,10,13 5,10,13 Switching Times (50nLoad) Propagation Delay Rise Time (20 to 80%) t2+ t3+ 2 3 4 4 2 3 5,10,13 5,10,13 Fall Time (20 to 80%) t2t3- 2 3 4 4 2 3 5,10,13 5,10,13 MECLData DL122-Rev6 3-37 ns MOTOROLA MC10114 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) TEST VOLTAGE VALUES (Volts) @ Characteristic Test Temperature VIHH* VILH* VIHL* VILL* VEE -30'C +0.110 -0.890 -1.890 -2.890 -5.2 +25'C +0.190 -0.850 -1.810 -2.850 -5.2 +85'C +0.300 -0.825 -1.700 -2.825 -5.2 Symbol Power Supply Drain Current Input Current Pin Under Test TEST VOLTAGE APPLIED TO PINS LISTED BELOW VIHH* VILH* VIHL* VILL* VEE (VCC) Gnd IE 8 8 1,16 linH 4 8 1,16 linL 4 8,4 1,16 Output Voltage Logic 1 VOH 2 3 8 8 1,16 1,16 Output Voltage Logic 0 VOL 2 3 8 8 1,16 1,16 Threshold Voltage Logic 1 VOHA 2 3 8 8 1,16 1,16 Threshold Voltage Logic 0 VOLA 2 3 8 8 1,16 1,16 Vee 11 8 1,16 VOH 2 3 8 8 1,16 1,16 8 8 1,16 1,16 Reference Voltage Common Mode Rejection Test VOL Switching Times 2 3 4 4 5 5 (50QLoad) Propagation Delay 5 4 5 4 -3.2 V +2.0 V t4+2+ 14-2t4+314-3+ 2 2 3 3 8 8 8 8 1,16 1,16 1,16 1,16 Rise TIme (20 to 80%) t2+ t3+ 2 3 8 8 1,16 1,16 Fail Time (20 to 80%) t2t3- 2 3 8 8 1,16 1,16 .. * VIHH = Input Logic 1 level shifted positive one volt for common mode rejection tests VILH = Input Logic 0 level shifted positive one volt for common mode rejection tests VIHL = Input Logic 1 level shifted negative one volt for common mode rejection tests VILL = Input Logic 0 level shifted negative one volt for common mode rejection tests Each MECL 10,000 series circuit has been designed to meet the dc specifications shown in the test table, after thermal equilibrium has been established. The circuit is in a test socket or mounted on a printed circuit board and transverse air flow greater than 500 linear !pm is maintained. Outputs are terminated through a 50-ohm resistor to -2.0 volts. Test procedures are shown for only one gate. The other gates are tested in the same manner. MOTOROLA 3-38 MECLData DL122-Rev6 MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Quad Line Receiver The MC10115 is a quad differential amplifier designed for use in sensing differential signals over long lines. The base bias supply (VSS) is made available at pin 9 to make the device useful as a Schmitt trigger, or in other applications where a stable reference voltage is necessary. Active current sources provide the MC10115 with excellent common mode noise rejection. If any amplifier in a package is not used, one input of that amplifier must be connected to VSS (pin 9) 'to prevent upsetting the current source bias network. MC10115 -,. • PD = 110 mW typ/pkg (No Load) tpd 2.0 ns typ t r, tf 2.0 ns typ (20%-80%) = = LOGIC DIAGRAM 4 5 7 6 10 11 13 12 ~ ~ ~ ~ VCG1 14 15 VCC1 =PIN 1 VCC2 = PIN 16 VEE=PIN B 'VBB to be used to supply bias to the Mel0llS only and bypassed (when used) with 0.Q1 ~F to 0.1 ~F capacitor to ground (0 V). VBB can source < 1.0 rnA. When the input pin with the bubble goes positive, the output goes negative. FN SUFFIX PLCC CASE 77!Hl2 VGG2 AOUT DOUT BOUT GOUT AIN DIN AIN DIN BIN GIN BIN GIN VEE VBB Pin assignment is for Oual-in-Line Package. For PLCC pin assignment, see the Pin Conversion Tables on page 6-11. 3193 3-39 PSUFFIX PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 648-{)S DIP PIN ASSIGNMENT VBB' © Motorola. Inc. 1996 LSUFFIX CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 620-10 REVS ® MOTOROLA MC10115 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Test Limits Characteristic Symbol Pin Under Test IE 8 29 linH 4 150 ICBO 4 1.5 Power Supply Drain Current Input Current -30°C Min +25°C Max Min +85°C Max Unit 29 mAdc 95 95 !lAdc 1.0 1.0 !lAdc Max Typ Min 26 Output Voltage Logic 1 VOH 2 -1.060 -0.890 -0.960 -0.810 -0.890 -0.700 Vdc Output Voltage Logic 0 VOL 2 -1.890 -1.675 -1.850 -1.650 -1.825 -1.615 Vdc Threshold Voltage Logic 1 VOHA 2 -1.080 Threshold Voltage Logic 0 VOLA 2 VBB 9 1.420 1.280 -1.350 -1.230 t4-2+ 14+2- 2 2 1.0 1.0 3.1 3.1 1.0 1.0 2.9 2.9 Reference Voltage -0.980 -0.910 -1.655 Vdc -1.630 -1.595 Vdc 1.295 -1.150 Vdc 1.0 1.0 3.3 3.3 (50Q Load) Switching TImes Propagation Delay ns Rise TIme (20 to 80%) t2+ 2 1.1 3.6 1.1 3.3 1.1 3.7 Fall TIme (20 to 80%) t2- 2 1.1 3.6 1.1 3.3 1.1 3.7 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) TEST VOLTAGE VALUES (Volts) @ Characteristic Power Supply Drain Current Input Current Test Temperature VIHmax VIHAmln VILAmax -30°C -0.890 -1.890 -1.205 -1.500 +25°C -0.810 -1.850 -1.105 -1.475 +85°C -0.700 -1.825 -1.035 -1.440 Symbol Pin Under Test IE 8 linH 4 VILmln Vee VEE -5.2 From Pin 9 -5.2 -5.2 TEST VOLTAGE APPLIED TO PINS LISTED eELOW Vee VEE (Vce) Gnd 4,7,10,13 5,6,11,12 8 1,16 7,10,13 5,6,11,12 8 1,16 7,10,13 5,6,11,12 8,4 1,16 VIHmax VILmln 4 VIHAmin VILAmax ICBO 4 Output Voltage Logic 1 VOH 2 7,10,13 4 5,6,11,12 8 1,16 Output Voltage Logic 0 VOL 2 4 7,10,13 5,6,11,12 8 1,16 Threshold Voltage Logic 1 VOHA 2 7,10,13 5,6,11,12 8 1,16 Threshold Voltage Logic 0 VOLA 2 7,10,13 5,6,11,12 8 1,16 VBB 9 5,6,11,12 8 1,16 -3.2 V +2.0 V Reference Voltage Switching Times (50QLoad) Propagation Delay 14-2+ 14+2- 2 2 4 4 Pulse In Pulse Out 4 4 2 2 5,6,11,12 5,6,11,12 8 8 1,16 1,16 Rise TIme (20 to 80%) t2+ 2 4 2 5,6,11,12 8 1,16 Fall TIme (20 to 80%) t2- 2 4 2 5,6,11,12 8 1,16 .. .. Each MECL 10,000 senes cIrcuIt has been deSIgned to meet the dc specIfIcatIons shown In the test table, after thennal eqUlllbnum has been established. The circuit is in a test socket or mounted on a printed circuit board and transverse air flow greater than 500 linear !pm is maintained. Outputs are terminated through a 50-ohm resistor to -2.0 volts. Test procedures are shown for only one gate. The other gates are tested in the same manner. MOTOROLA 3-40 MECLData DL122-Rev6 MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Triple Line Receiver MC10116 The MC10116 is a triple differential amplifier designed for use in sensing differential signals over long lines. The base bias supply (VSS) is made available at pin 11 to make the device useful as a Schmitt trigger, or in other applications where a stable reference voltage is necessary. Active current sources provide the MC10116 with excellent common mode noise rejection. If any amplifier in a package is not used, one input of that amplifier must be connected to VSS (pin 11) to prevent upsetting the current source bias network. Complementary outputs are provided to allow driving twisted pair lines, to enable cascading of several amplifiers in a chain, or simply to provide complement outputs of the input logic function. ,.. ,. • = = PD 85 mW typ/pkg (No Load) tpd = 2.0 ns typ tr, tf 2.0 ns typ (20%-80%) LSUFFIX CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 620-10 PSUFFIX PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 64S-oS FNSUFFIX PLCC CASEnS-02 DIP PIN ASSIGNMENT LOGIC DIAGRAM 4~ 10~7 12~14 13 I I.....-- 15 11 VBB' VCC1 = PIN 1 VCC2 = PIN 16 VEE = PINS VCC1 VCC2 AOUT COUT AOUT COUT AIN CIN AIN CIN BOUT VBB BOUT BIN VEE BIN Pin assignment is for Dual-in-Une Package. For PLCC pin assignment, see the Pin Conversion Tables on page 6-11. 'VBB to be used to supply bias to the MCIOl16 only and bypassed (when used) ~F to 0.1 ~F capacitor to ground (0 V). VBB can source < 1.0 rnA. with om When the input pin with the bubble goes positive, the output pin with the bubble goes positive. 3/93 © Motorola, Inc. 1996 3-41 REVS ® MOTOROI.A [3J MC10116 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Test Limits Characteristic Power Supply Drain Current Input Current Symbol Pin Under Test IE 8 23 ~O°C Min +25°C Max Min +85°C Typ Max 17 21 Min Max Unit 23 mAdc linH 4 150 95 95 !JAdc ICBO 4 1.5 1.0 1.0 !JAdc Output Voltage Logic 1 VOH 2 3 -1.060 -1.060 -{).890 -{).890 -{).960 -{).960 -{).81 0 -{).810 -{).890 -{).890 -{).700 -{).700 Vdc Output Voltage Logic 0 VOL 2 3 -1.890 -1.890 -1.675 -1.675 -1.850 -1.850 -1.650 -1.650 -1.825 -1.825 -1.615 -1.615 Vdc Threshold Voltage Logic 1 VOHA 2 3 -1.080 -1.080 Threshold Vo~age Logic 0 VOLA 2 3 VBB 11 -1.420 -1.280 -1.350 4+2+ 4-2t4+34-3+ 2 2 3 3 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Reference Voltage Switching Times -{).91 0 -{).91 0 -{).980 -{).980 -1.655 -1.655 -1.630 -1.630 Vdc -1.595 -1.595 Vdc Vdc -1.230 -1.295 -1.150 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 (50nLoad) Propagation Delay ns Rise Time (20 to 80%) t2+ t3+ 2 3 1.1 1.1 3.6 3.6 1.1 1.1 2.0 2.0 3.3 3.3 1.1 1.1 3.7 3.7 Fall Time (20 to 80%) t2t3- 2 3 1.1 1.1 3.6 3.6 1.1 1.1 2.0 2.0 3.3 3.3 1.1 1.1 3.7 3.7 MOTOROLA 3-42 MECLData DL122-Rev6 MC10116 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) TEST VOLTAGE VALUES (Volts) @ Characteristic Power Supply Drain Current Input Current Test Temperature VIHmax VILmln VIHAmin VILAmax -30'C -0.890 -1.890 -1.205 -1.500 +25'C -0.810 -1.850 -1.105 -1.475 +B5'C -0.700 -1.825 -1.035 -1.440 Symbol Pin Under Test VIHmax IE 8 linH 4 ICBO 4 Vee From Pin 11 VEE -5.2 -5.2 -5.2 TEST VOLTAGE APPLIED TO PINS LISTED eELOW Vee VEE (VCC) Gnd 4,9,12 5,10,13 8 1,16 9,12 5,10,13 8 1,16 9,12 5,10,13 8,4 1,16 VILmin 4 VIHAmin VILAmax Output Voltage Logic 1 VOH 2 3 4 9,12 9,12 4 5,10,13 5,10,13 8 8 1,16 1,16 Output Voltage Logic 0 VOL 2 3 9,12 4 4 9,12 5,10,13 5,10,13 8 8 1,16 1,16 Threshold Voltage Logic 1 VOHA 2 3 9,12 5,10,13 5,10,13 8 8 1,16 1,16 2 3 9,12 5,10,13 5,10,13 8 8 1,16 1,16 Threshold Voltage . Logic 0 Reference Voltage Switching Times VOLA VBB 9,12 4 9,12 4 4 11 5,10,13 (50nLoad) Propagation Delay 4 Pulse In Pulse Out 2 14+2+ t4-2t4+3t4-3+ 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 3 3 5,10,13 5,10,13 5,10,13 5,10,13 2 8 1,16 -3.2 V +2.0 V 8 8 8 8 1,16 1,16 1,16 1,16 Rise Time (20 to 80%) t2+ t3+ 2 3 4 4 2 3 5,10,13 5,10,13 8 8 1,16 1,16 Fall Time (20 to 80%) t2t3- 2 3 4 4 2 3 5,10,13 5,10,13 8 8 1,16 1,16 .. .. Each MECL 10,000 series CirCUIt has been designed to meet the dc specifications shown In the test table, after thermal eqUIlibrium has been established. The circuit is in a test socket or mounted on a printed circuit board and transverse air flow greater than 500 linear fpm is maintained. Outputs are terminated through a 50-ohm resistor to -2.0 volts. Test procedures are shown for only one gate. The other gates are tested in the same manner. MECLData DL122-Rev6 3-43 MOTOROLA MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Dual 2-Wide 2-3-lnput OR-AND/OR-AND Gate MC10117 The MC10117 is a dual2-wide 2-3-input OR-ANO/OR-ANO-Invert gate. This general purpose logic element is designed for use in data control, such as digital multiplexing or data distribution. Pin 9 is common to both gates. -• Po = 100 mW typ/pkg (No Load) tpd 2.3 ns typ In If = 2.2 ns typ (20%-80%) = LOGIC DIAGRAM LSUFFIX CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 620-10 PSUFFIX PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE64!HJ8 FNSUFFIX PLCC CASE 775-02 DIP PIN ASSIGNMENT 10 11 L-.--r--cJj- 14 12-.-...--.... r - - - < . _ - - 15 13 - - - ' ' - - ' VCC1 =PIN 1 VCC2 = PIN 16 VEE = PIN 8 VCC2 BOUT AoUT BOUT A11N B11N A11N B11N A2IN B21N A2IN B2IN VEE A2'N.B2IN Pin assignment is for Duat-in-Line Package. For PLCC pin assignment. see the Pin Conversion Tables on page 6-11. 3/93 © Motorola. Inc. 1996 VCC1 AoUT REV5 ® MOTOROLA MC10117 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Test Limits Characteristic Power Supply Drain Current Input Current Symbol Pin Under Test IE 8 29 linH' 6 9 4 425 560 390 -30'C Min +25'C Max Min +B5'C Typ Max Max Unit 20 26 29 mAdc 265 350 245 265 350 245 /lAdc 0.5 Min linL 4 0.5 Output Voltage Logic 1 VOH 2 3 -1.060 -1.060 -0.890 -0.780 -0.960 -0.960 -0.810 -0.700 -0.890 -0.890 0.3 -0.700 -0.590 Vdc Output Voltage Logic 0 VOL 2 3 -1.890 -1.890 -1.675 -1.675 -1.850 -1.850 -1.650 -1.650 -1.825 -1.825 -1.615 -1.615 Vdc Threshold Voltage Logic 1 VOHA 2 3 -1.080 -1.080 Threshold Voltage Logic 0 VOLA 2 3 4+2+ 4-2t4+3t4-3+ 2 2 3 3 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 J!Adc -0.910 -0.910 -0.980 -0.980 -1.630 -1.630 -1.655 -1.655 Vdc -1.595 -1.595 (SOn Load) Switching Times Propagation Delay Vdc ns Rise Time (20 to 80%) t2+ 1:3+ 2 3 0.9 0.9 4.1 4.1 1.1 1.1 2.2 2.2 4.0 4.0 1.1 1.1 4.6 4.6 Fall Time (20 to 80%) t2t3- 2 3 0.9 0.9 4.1 4.1 1.1 1.1 2.2 2.2 4.0 4.0 1.1 1.1 4.6 4.6 , Inputs 4, 5, 12 and 13 have same linH limit. Inputs 6, 7, 10 and 11 have same linH limit. MECLData DL122-Rev6 3-45 MOTOROLA MC10117 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) TEST VOLTAGE VALUES (Volts) @ Characteristic Test Temperature VIHmax VILmin VIHAmin VILAmax VEE -30°C -0.890 -1.890 -1.205 -1.500 -5.2 +25°C -0.810 -1.850 -1.105 -1.475 -5.2 +85°C -0.700 -1.825 -1.035 -1.440 -5.2 Symbol Pin Under Test Power Supply Drain Current Input Current IE B linH' 6 9 4 linL 4 TEST VOLTAGE APPLIED TO PINS LISTED BELOW VIHmax logic 1 VOH 2 3 Output Voltage Logic 0 VOL 2 3 4,9 2 9 Logic 1 VOHA VIHAmin Logic 0 VOLA Switching Times (500 load) Propagation Delay 1.4+2+ 1.4-21.4+31.4-3+ 2 2 (VCC) Gnd 8 1,16 4 1,16 1,16 1,16 9 8 1,16 8 8 1,16 1,16 8 8 1,16 1,16 8 8 1,16 1,16 4 8 8 1,16 1,16 4,9 4 4 2 3 VEE 8 8 8 3 Threshold Voltage VILAmax 4 9 Output Voltage Threshold Voltage VILmin 9 4 +1.11V Pulse In Pulse Out -3.2 V +2.0 V 4 4 4 4 2 2 3 3 8 8 8 8 1,16 1,16 1,16 1,16 3 9 9 9 9 Rise Time (20 to 80%) t2+ t3+ 2 3 9 9 4 4 2 3 8 8 1,16 1,16 Fall Time (20 to 80%) t2t3- 2 3 9 9 4 4 2 3 8 8 1,16 1,16 3 • Inputs 4, 5, 12 and 13 have same linH limit. Inputs 6, 7, 10 and 11 have same linH limit. Each MECL 10,000 series circuit has been designed to meet the dc specifications shown in the test table, after thermal eqUilibrium has been established. The circuit Is in a test socket or mounted on a printed circuit board and transverse air flow greater than 500 linear fpm is maintained. Outputs are terminated through a 50-ohm resistor to -2.0 volts. Test procedures are shown for only one gate. The other gates are tested in the same manner. MOTOROLA 3-46 MECLData DL122-Rev6 MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA 4-Wide OR-AND/OR-AND Gate MC10121 The MC10121 is a basic logic building block providing the simultaneous OR-AND/OR-AND-Invert function, useful in data control and digital multiplexing applications. -• = = PD 100 mW typ/pkg (No Load) tpd 2.3 ns typ tr, tf = 2.5 ns typ (20%-80%) LOGIC DIAGRAM 4----'--_ 5 LSUFFIX CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 62Q-10 P SUFFIX PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 64!HJB FNSUFFIX PLCC CASEn5-02 DIP PIN ASSIGNMENT 7 9 VCC1 VCC2 AOUT A4IN AOUT A41N 10 11 12 13 14 A11N A4IN A11N A31N 15 A11N A31N A2IN A2IN, A31N VEE A2IN VCC1 =PIN 1 VCC2= PIN 16 VEE = PIN8 Pin assignment is for Dual-in--line Package. For PLCC pin aSSignment, see the Pin Conversion Tables on page 6-11. 3/93 © Motorola, Inc. 1996 3-47 REVS ® MOTOROI.A [3J MC10121 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Test Limits Characteristic Power Supply Drain Current Input Current Logic 1 Output Voltage Symbol Pin Under Test IE 8 29 linH 7 9 10 390 390 495 -30°C Min +25°C Max Min +85°C Typ Max Max Unit 20 26 29 mAde 245 245 310 245 245 ~dc 310 0.5 0.5 0.5 Min ~dc 0.3 0.3 0.3 linL 7 9 10 0.5 0.5 0.5 VOH 3 2 -1.060 -0.890 -0.890 -0.960 -0.960 -0.810 -0.810 -0.890 -0.890 -0.700 -0.700 Vdc -1.060 -1.675 -1.675 -1.850 -1.850 -1.650 -1.650 -1.825 -1.825 -1.615 -1.615 Vdc Output Voltage Logic 0 VOL 3 2 -1.890 -1.890 Threshold Voltage Logic 1 VOHA 3 2 -1.080 -1.080 Threshold Voltage Logic 0 VOLA 3 2 14+314-3+ 14+2+ 14-2- 3 3 2 2 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 Switching limes -0.910 -0.910 -0.980 -0.980 -1.655 -1.655 -1.630 -1.630 Vdc -1.595 -1.595 (50Q Load) Propagation Delay ns Rise Time (20 to 80%) 13+ t2+ 3 2 0.9 0.9 4.1 4.1 1.1 1.1 .2.5 2.5 4.0 4.0 1.1 1.1 4.6 4.6 Fall TIme (20 to 80%) t3t2- 3 2 0.9 0.9 4.1 4.1 1.1 1.1 2.5 2.5 4.0 1.1 1.1 4.6 4.6 MOTOROLA Vdc 3--48 4.0 MECLData DL122-Rev6 MC10121 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) TEST VOLTAGE VALUES (Volts) @ Characteristic VIHmax VILmin VIHAmln VILAmax -30'C -0.890 -1.890 -1.205 -1.500 -5.2 +25'C -0.810 -1.850 -1.105 -1.475 -5.2 +B5'C -0.700 -1.825 -1.035 -1.440 -5.2 Symbol Power Supply Drain Current Input Current Output Voltage Test Temperature Logic 1 Pin Under Test IE 8 linH 7 9 10 linL 7 9 10 VOH 3 2 TEST VOLTAGE APPLIED TO PINS LISTED BELOW VIHmax 3 2 Threshold Voltage Logic 1 VOHA 3 2 10,13 3 2 10,13 Switching TImes (50Q Load) Propagation Delay VEE (VCC) Gnd 8 1,16 B B 8 1,16 1,16 1,16 8 8 8 1,16 1,16 1,16 8 8 1,16 1,16 8 8 1,16 1,16 8 8 1,16 1,16 4 8 8 1,16 1,16 VILAmax 4,10,13 VOL VOLA VIHAmin 7 9 10 Logic 0 Logic 0 VILmin 7 9 10 Output Voltage Threshold Voltage VEE 4,10,13 4 4 4 +1.11V Pulse In Pulse Out -3.2 V +2.0 V 10,13 10,13 10,13 10,13 4 4 4 4 3 3 2 2 8 8 8 8 1,16 1,16 1,16 1,16 4-2- 3 3 2 2 Rise TIme (20 to 80%) t3+ t2+ 3 2 10,13 10,13 4 4 3 2 8 8 1,16 1,16 Fall TIme (20 to 80%) t3t2- 3 2 10,13 10,13 4 4 3 2 8 8 1,16 1,16 4+314-3+ t4+2+ .. .. Each MECL 10,000 series circuit has been deSigned to meet the dc specifications shown In the test table, after thermal equIlibrium has been established. The circuit is in a test socket or mounted on a printed circuit board and transverse air flow greater than 500 linear fpm is maintained. Outputs are terminated through a 50-ohm resistor to -2.0 volts. Test procedures are shown for only one gate. The other gates are tested in the same manner. MECLData D1122-Rev6 3-49 MOTOROLA MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Triple 4-3-3-lnput Bus Driver MC10123 The MC10123 consists of three NOR gates designed for bus driving applications on card or between cards. Output low logic levels are specified with VOL -2.1 Vdc so that the bus may be terminated to -2.0 Vdc. The gate output, when low, appears as a high impedance to the bus, because the output emitterfollowers of the MC1 0123 are "tumed-off." This eliminates discontinuities in the characteristic impedance of the bus. The VOH level is specified when driving a 25- ------ID Pulse Generator Input Pulse t+=t-=5.5±0.5ns (10 to 90%) Unused Inputs (0) must be tied to VccorPin 16 3 50-ohm tennination to ground located in each scope channel input. 02 All input and output cables to the scope are equal lengths of 50-ohm coaxial cable. Wire length should be < 1/4 inch from TPin to input pin and TPout to output pin. Hysteresis Control Clock Reset Strobe Unused outputs connected to a 50-ohm resistor to ground. 2 03 I I I I L 11 10 12 ~~~"--+2.0 Vdc NOTE: All power supplies and logic levels are shifted 2 volts positive. MOTOROLA 3-66 MECLData DL122-Rev6 MC10129 Figure 3 - DATA to OUTPUT (Clock and Reset are low, Strobe is high) Figure 4 - STROBE to OUTPUT (Data is high, Clock and Reset are low) ,..-_""'-_ _ _ _ _ +1.11 V , . . - - - +S.ov Data _ _ _ _.1 Strobe ' - - - - - ' . - - - - +2.4 V t+ ' -_ _ _ +0.31 V t+ t- +------0 _ _ _--1' t- +1.11 V +---+I.IIV o ~------ +0.31 V "--='-'-- tI2+14+ +0.31 V tI2-14- Figure 6 - CLOCK to OUTPUT (Reset is low, Strobe is high) \ Figure 5 - RESET to OUTPUT (Data and Strobe are high) L-+2.4V Clock---"'\. ~-..... - - - - - - , . . - - - - +1.11 V +1.11 V ' -_ _ _ +0.31 V Reset------J ~--,.---- +0.31 V r=---- +1.11 V £!li!L _ _ _ _ +0.31 V o ----+.L "----fJ' Clock +S.OV Data \ ' - - - - - - ' / J---------+l.ll V tl1-14- tl1-14+ ' - - - t - - - - - - - - - +0.31 V Figure 7 - TSET UP AND THOLD WAVEFORMS 1r::'::'T'""""'\.I-+------ +1.11 V ,..-----.,----- +s.oo V D O---i" SO% ' - - - - - +2.400 V ' - - - - - - - +0.31 V , . . - - - - - - +1.11 V C - - - - - - . - - - - - - +0.31 V tll-l4+ O~ t10+14- MECL Data DL122-Rev6 3--67 MOTOROLA MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Dual Type D Master-Slave Flip-Flop MC10131 The MCI 0131 is a dual master-slave type 0 flip-flop. Asynchronous Set (S) and Reset (R) override Clock (CC) and Clock Enable (CE) inputs. Each flip-flop may be clocked separately by holding the common clock in the low state and using the enable inputs for the clocking function. If the common clock is to be used to clock the flip-flop, the Clock Enable inputs must be in the low state. In this case, the enable inputs perform the function of controlling the common clock. The output states of the flip-flop change on the positive transition of the clock. A change in the information present at the data (0) input will not affect the output information at any other time due to master slave construction. -• =235 mW typ/pkg (No Load) FTog =160 MHz typ ipd =3.0 ns typ tf, tf =2.5 ns typ (20%-80%) Po LSUFFIX CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 62(}-10 PSUFFIX PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 64EHl8 FNSUFFIX PLCC CASE77~ DIP PIN ASSIGNMENT LOGIC DIAGRAM 81 5 - - - - - - - , Ql Of Rl 4 15 Q2 14 -t-----' Rl 13 R2 -11------. 51 12 52 GEl 11 CE2 Dl 10 D2 VEE 9 Cc 14 CE2 11 - ' - ' _ ' 1 0210 2 VCC2 Q2 Cc 9 R2 13 16 VCCI ---"i 15 82 12 - - - - - - ' " VCCI = PIN 1 VCC2=PIN 16 VEE = PIN 8 3 Pin assignment is for Dual-in-Line Package. For PLCC pin assignment. see the Pin Conversion Tables on page 6-11. CLOCKED TRUTH TABLE R-S TRUTH TABLE C D Q n+l R S Q n+l L X an L L an H L L L H H H H H H L L H H N.D. .. C = CE + CC.A dock H IS a clock transition from a low 10 a high stale. N.D. = Not Defmed 3/93 © Motorola, Inc. 1996 3-68 REVS ® MOTOROLA MC10131 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Test Limits Characteristic Power Supply Drain Current Input Current Symbol Pin Under Test IE 8 62 linH 4 5 6 7 9 525 525 350 390 425 linL 4,5' 6,7,9" 0.5 0.5 -30'C Min +25'C Max Min +85'C Typ Max Max Unit 45 56 62 mAdc 330 330 220 245 265 330 330 220 245 265 IlAdc Min 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.5 IlAdc Output Voltage Logic 1 VOH 2 2t -1.060 -1.060 -0.890 -0.890 -0.960 -0.960 -0.810 -0.810 -0.890 -0.890 -0.700 -0.700 Vdc Output Voltage Logic 0 VOL 2 3t -1.890 -1.890 -1.675 -1.675 -1.850 -1.850 -1.650 -1.650 -1.825 -1.825 -1.615 -1.615 Vdc Threshold Voltage Logic 1 VOHA 2 2t -1.080 -1.080 Threshold Voltage Logic 0 VOLA 2 3t Switching Times Clock Input -0.910 -0.910 -0.980 -0.980 -1.655 -1.655 Vdc -1.595 -1.595 -1.630 -1.630 (500 Load) Propagation Delay Vdc ns t9+2t9+2+ t6+2+ ts+2- 2 2 2 2 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.6 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 Rise Time (20 to 80%) t2+ 2 1.0 4.6 1.1 2.5 4.5 1.1 4.9 Fall Time (20 to 80%) t2- 2 1.0 4.6 1.1 2.5 4.5 1.1 4.9 Propagation Delay t5+2+ t12+15+ t5+3tI2+14- 2 15 3 14 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 Propagation Delay 4+2tI3+154+3tI3+14+ 2 15 3 14 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 Set Input ns Reset Input ns ns Setup Time tsetup 7 2.5 2.5 2.5 Hold Time thold 7 1.5 1.5 1.5 ns Toggle Frequency (Max) ftog 2 125 125 125 MHz .. " IndIvIdually test each Input applYing VIH or VIL to Input under test. t Output level to be measured after a clock pulse has been applied to the CE Input (Pin 6) 160 JL- MECLData DL122-Rev6 3-69 VIHmax VILmin MOTOROLA MC10131 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) TEST VOLTAGE VALUES (Volts) @ Characteristic Power Supply Drain Current Input Current Test Temperature VIHmax VILmln VIHAmln VILAmax VEE -3DoC -D.890 -1.890 -1.205 -1.500 -5.2 +25°C -D.81 0 -1.850 -1.105 -1.475 -5.2 +B5°C -D.700 -1.825 -1.035 -1.440 -5.2 Symbol Pin Under Test IE 8 linH 4 5 6 7 9 linL 4,5' 6,7,9' TEST VOLTAGE APPLIED TO PINS LISTED BELOW VIHmax VILmin VILAmax VIHAmin 4 5 6 7 9 , , VEE (VCC) Gnd 8 1,16 8 8 8 8 8 1,16 1,16 1,16 1,16 1,16 8 8 1,16 1,16 Output Voltage Logic 1 VOH 2 2t 5 7 8 8 1,16 1,16 Output Voltage Logic 0 VOL 2 3t 5 7 8 8 1,16 1,16 Threshold Voltage Logic 1 VOHA 2 2t 5 7 9 8 8 1,16 1,16 2 3t 5 7 9 8 8 1,16 1,16 Pulse In Pulse Out -3.2 V +2.0 V 9 9 6 6 2 2 2 2 8 8 8 8 1,16 1,16 1,16 1,16 Threshold Voltage Logic 0 VOLA (50QLoad) Switching Times Clock Input +l.llVdc Propagation Delay t9+2t9+2+ t6+2+ t6+2- 2 2 2 2 7 7 7 Rise Time (20 to 80%) t2+ 2 Fall Time (20 to 80%) t2- 2 t5+2+ tI2+15+ t5+3t12+14- 2 15 3 14 4+2t13+154+3tl3+14+ 2 15 3 14 Setup TIme tsetup Hold TIme thold Toggle Frequency (Max) ftog 9 2 8 1,16 9 2 8 1,16 5 12 5 12 2 15 3 14 8 8 8 8 1,16 1,16 1,16 1,16 4 13 4 13 2 15 3 14 8 8 8 8 1,16 1,16 1,16 1,16 7 6,7 2 8 1,16 7 6,7 2 8 1,16 2 6 2 8 1,16 Set Input Propagation Delay 6 9 Reset Input Propagation Delay .. 6 9 , IndiVidually test each Input applYing VIH or VIL to Input under test. t Output level to be measured aiter a clock pulse has been applied to the CE Input (Pin 6) JL- - VIHmax VILmin Each MECL 10,000 series circuit has been designed to meet the dc specifications shown in the test table, after thermal equilibrium has been established. The circuit is in a test socket or mounted on a printed circuit board and transverse air flow greater than 500 linear fpm is maintained. Outputs are terminated through a 5Q-ohm resistor to -2.0 volts. Test procedures are shown for only one gate. The other gates are tested in the same manner. MOTOROLA 3-70 MECLData DL122-Rev6 MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Quad Latch MC10133 The MC10133 is a high speed. low power. quad latch consisting of four bistable latch circuits with 0 type inputs and gated Q outputs. allowing direct wiring to a bus. When the clock is high. outputs will follow 0 inputs. Information is latched on the negative going transition of the clock. The outputs are gated when the output enable (<3) is low. All four latches may be clocked at one time with the common clock (CC). or each half may be clocked separately with its clock enable (CE). -,. = = Po 310 mW typ/pkg (No Load) tpd 4.0 ns typ t r• tf = 2.0 ns typ (20%-80%) LSUFFIX CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 620-10 PSUFFIX PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 648-0B LOGIC DIAGRAM 00 3 2 00 DIP PIN ASSIGNMENT GO 01 6 01 7 CE VCC1 16 VCC2 Cc 13 00 2 15 03 CE 12 00 3 14 03 11 02 CE 4 13 Cc GO 12 CE 15 03 01 11 02 01 10 Gf VEE 9 02 02 9 G1 10 03 14 --------'~ TRUTH TABLE G C D H L L L X L H H X X L H On+1 L an L H VCC1 = PIN 1 VCC2=PIN 16 VEE= PINS 9/96 © Motorola, Inc. 1996 3-71 REV 6 ® MOTOROLA [3J MC10133 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Test Limits Characteristic Symbol Pin Under Test Max Unit IE 8 82 75 82 mAde linH 3 4 5 13 390 425 560 560 245" 265 350 350 245 265 350 350 /lAde Power Supply Drain Current Input Current -30°C Min +25°C Max Min Typ +85°C Max Min 0.5 0.3 linL 3 0.5 Output Voltage Logic 1 VOH 2 2 -1.060 -1.060 -0.890 -0.890 -0.960 -0.960 -0.810 -0.810 -0.890 -0.890 -0.700 -0.700 Vde Output Voltage Logic 0 VOL 2 2 2 -1.890 -1.890 -1.890 -1.675 -1.675 -1.675 -1.850 -1.850 -1.850 -1.650 -1.650 -1.650 -1.825 -1.825 -1.825 -1.615 -1.615 -1.615 Vde Threshold Voltage Logic 1 VOHA 2 2 2 2t 2:1: 2:1: 2 2 -1.080 -1.080 -1.080 -1.080 -1.080 -1.080 -1.080 -1.080 Threshold Voltage Logic 0 VOLA 2 2 2 2t 2:1: 2:1: t3+2+ 14+2+ t5-2+ tsetup thold 2 2 2 3 3 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.5 1.5 5.6 5.4 3.2 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.5 1.5 4.0 4.0 2.0 0.7 0.7 5.4 5.4 3.1 1.1 1.2 1.0 2.5 1.5 5.9 6.0 3.4 Switching Times -0.980 -0.980 -0.980 -0.980 -0.980 -0.980 -0.980 -0.980 /lAde -0.910 -0.910 -0.910 -0.910 -0.910 -0.910 -0.910 -0.910 -1.630 -1.630 -1.630 -1.630 -1.630 -1.630 -1.655 -1.655 -1.655 -1.655 -1.655 -1.655 Vdc -1.595 -1.595 -1.595 -1.595 -1.595 -1.595 (Son Load) Propagation Delay Vdc ns Rise Time (20 to 80%) t2+ 2 1.0 3.6 1.1 2.0 3.5 1.1 3.8 Fall Time (20 to 80%) t2- 2 1.0 3.6 1.1 2.0 3.5 1.1 3.8 t Output level to be measured after a clock pulse has been applied to the clock input (Pin 4) .-lL- VIHmax VILmin :I: Data input at proper highllow level while clock pulse is high so that device latches ar proper high/low level for test. Levels are measured after device has latched. • Latch set to zero state before test. MOTOROLA 3-72 MECLData DL122-Rev6 MC10133 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) TEST VOLTAGE VALUES (Volts) @ Characteristic Test Temperature Symbol Power Supply Drain Current Input Current VIHmax VILmin VIHAmin VILAmax VEE -30°C -0.890 -1.890 -1.205 -1.500 -5.2 +25°C -0.810 -1.850 -1.105 -1.475 -5.2 +85°C -0.700 -1.825 -1.035 -1.440 -5.2 Pin Under Test IE 8 linH 3 4 5 13 TEST VOLTAGE APPLIED TO PINS LISTED BELOW VIHmax 3 linL 3 VOH 2 2 3,4 3,13 Output Voltage Logic 0 VOL 2 2 2 13 3,5,13 4 Threshold Voltage Logic 1 VOHA 2 2 2 2t 2:1: 2:1: 2 2 3,4 4 3,4 2 2 2 2t 2:1: 2:1: 3,4 4 4 Switching Times VOLA 3 3 5 3 3 4 4 13 3 3 VEE (VCC) Gnd 8 1,16 8 8 8 8 1,16 1,16 1,16 1,16 8 1,16 8 8 1,16 1,16 8 8 8 1,16 1,16 1,16 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 1,16 1,16 1,16 1,16 1,16 1,16 1,16 1,16 1,16 1,16 1,16 1,16 1,16 1,16 13 8 8 8 8 8 8 +1.11V Pulse In Pulse Out 5 3 3 3 -3.2 V +2.0 V 13+2+ 4+2+ t5-2+ tsetup thold 2 2 2 3 3 4 3' 3 4 5 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 8 8 8 8 8 1,16 1,16 1,16 1,16 1,16 (50n Load) Propagation Delay VILAmax 13 Logic 1 Logic 0 VIHAmin 3 4 5 13 Output Voltage Threshold Voltage VILmin Rise Time (20 to 80%) t2+ 2 4 3 2 8 1,16 Fall Time (20 to 80%) t2- 2 4 3 2 8 1,16 t Oulput level to be measured after a clock pulse has been applied to the clock input (Pin 4) JL- - VIHmax VILmin :I: Data input at proper high/low level while clock pulse is high so that device latches ar proper high/low level for test. levels are measured after device has latched . • Latch set to zero state before test. Each MECl 10,000 series circuit has been designed to meetlhe de specifications shown in the test table, after thermal equilibrium has been established. The circuit is in a test socket or mounted on a printed circuit board and transverse air flow grealer than 500 linear fpm is maintained. Outputs are terminated through a 5 VCC2 02 01 03 00 Cout CLOCK 03 DO 02 01 52 Cin ilEE 51 FUNCTION TABLE Gin X SI S2 L L Preset (Program) Operating Mode L L H Increment (Gaunt Up) H L H Hold Count L H L Decrement (Count Down) H H L Hold Count X H H Hold (Stop Count) Pin assignment Is for Dual-ln--Line Package. For PLCC pin assignment, see the Pin Conversion Tables on page 6-11. 3/93 © Motorola. Inc. 1996 3-80 REV5 ® MOTOROLA MC10136 LOGIC DIAGRAM 51 9 527_......._~.---, CiriYTn 10 VCC1 =PIN 1 VCC2=PIN 16 VEE =PINB Clock 13----_r~~rt----~~_rr_----_+~~+_----_+~ 12 DO 14 00 11 01 15 01 602 202 303 503 NOTE: Flip-flops will toggle when all i inputs are low. SEQUENTIAL TRUTH TABLE" INPUTS OUTPUTS Sl S2 OD 01 02 03 iii .. QD Q1 Q2 Q3 Carry Out L L L L L L H L H H H H L H H H H H H L L L L L L X X X X X X H X X X X L X X X X X X H X X X X H X X X X X X L X X X X H X X X X X X L X X X X X L L L H H X X L L L L ·H H H H L H H H H H H H L H L H H H H H L H L H L L H H H H H H H L L H H H H H H H H L L L L H H H H H H H H L L L L H L H H L H H H L H H L H Carry Clock ,.. Truth table shows logic states assuming Inputs vary In sequence shown from top to bottom. ** A clock H is defined as a clock input transition from a low to a high logic level. MECL Data DL122-Rev6 3-81 MOTOROLA MC10136 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Test Limits Characteristic Power Supply Drain Currenl Inpul Currenl Symbol Pin Under Test IE 8 138 linH 5,6,11,12 7 9,10 13 350 425 390 460 -30°C +25°C Max Min Min +85°C Typ Max Max Unit 100 125 138 mAde 220 265 245 290 220 265 245 290 !lAde Min 0.3 linL All 0.5 Oulpul Voltage Logic 1 VOH 14(2.) -1.060 -0.890 -0.960 -0.810 -0.890 -0.700 Vde OUlpUI Vollage Logic 0 VOL 14(2.) -1.890 -1.675 -1.850 -1.650 -1.825 -1.615 Vde Threshold Vollage Logic 1 VOHA 14(2.) -1.080 Threshold Vollage Logic 0 VOLA 14(2.) -1.595 Vde 113+14+ 113+14113+4+ tI3+4- 14 14 4 4 0.8 0.8 2.0 2.0 4.8 4.8 10.9 10.9 1.0 1.0 2.5 2.5 3.3 3.3 7.0 7.0 4.5 4.5 10.5 10.5 1.4 1.4 2.4 2.4 5.0 5.0 11.5 11.5 tlO-4tl0+4+ 4(3.) 4 1.6 1.6 7.4 7.4 1.6 1.6 5.0 5.0 6.9 6.9 1.9 1.9 7.5 7.5 Dala InpulS 112+13+ tI2-13+ 14 14 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 Select InpulS t9+13+ 17+13+ 14 14 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 Carry In InpUi 110-13+ 110+13+ 14 14 2.5 1.5 2.5 1.5 3.0 1.5 Dala InpulS 113+12+ 113+12- 14 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 Selecl Inputs 113+9+ tI3+7+ 14 14 -1.0 -1.0 -1.0 -1.0 -1.0 -1.0 Carry In Inpul t13+10113+10+ 14 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 fcounlup fcountdown 14 14 125 125 125 125 150 150 14+ t14+ 4 14 0.9 0.9 3.3 3.3 1.1 1.1 2.0 2.0 3.3 3.3 1.1 1.1 3.5 3.5 14- 4 14 0.9 0.9 3.3 3.3 1.1 1.1 2.0 2.0 3.3 3.3 1.1 1.1 3.5 3.5 Swilehing limes (50QLoad) Propagalion Delay Clock Inpul Carry In 10 Carry Out Setup lime Hold lime Counling Frequency Rise lime (20 to 80%) Fall lime (201080%) .. 0.5 -0.980 !lAdc -0.910 -1.655 -1.630 Vdc ns 114- 125 125 MHz ns 1. IndiVidually test each Input; apply VILmin to pin under test. 2. Measure output after clock pulse V ~ VIH appears at clock input (Pin 13). IL 3. Before test set all Q outpulS 10 a logic high. 4. To preserve reliable performance, Ihe MCI 0136 (plastic packaged device only) is to be operaled in ambienl temperalures above 70°C only when 500lfpm blown air or equivalent heat sinking is provided. MOTOROLA 3--82 MECLData DL122-Rev6 MC10136 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) TEST VOLTAGE VALUES (Volts) @ Characteristic Test Temperature Symbol Power Supply Drain Current Input Current VIHmax VILmin VIHAmin VILAmax VEE -30'C -0.890 -1.890 -1.205 -1.500 -5.2 +25'C -0.810 -1.850 -1.105 -1.475 -S.2 +85'C -0.700 -1.82S -1.035 -1.440 -S.2 Pin Under Test IE 8 linH S,6,11,12 7 9,10 13 TEST VOLTAGE APPLIED TO PINS LISTED BELOW VIHmax VILmln 1,16 8 8 8 1,16 1,16 1,16 1,16 Notel. a 1,16 7,9 8 1,16 8 1,16 8 1,16 linL All 14(2.) Output Voltage Logic 0 VOL 14(2.) 7,9 Threshold Voltage Logic 1 VOHA 14(2.) 7,9 Threshold Voltage Logic 0 VOLA 14(2.) 7,9 Propagation Delay Clock Input +l.llV (VCC) Gnd 8 VOH 12 VEE 8 Logic 1 (Son Load) VILAmax 5,6,11,12 7 9,10 13 Output Voltage Switching Times VIHAmin 12 12 8 1,16 Pulse In Pulse Out -3.2 V +2.0 V 13 13 13 13 14 14 4 4 8 8 8 8 1,16 1,16 1,16 1,16 13 13 10 10 4 4 8 8 1,16 1,16 7,9 7,9 12,13 12,13 14 14 8 8 1,16 1,16 9,13 7,13 14 14 8 8 1,16 1,16 9 9 10,13 10,13 14 14 8 8 1,16 1,16 7,9 7,9 12,13 12,13 14 14 8 8 1,16 1,16 9,13 7,13 14 14 8 8 1,16 1,16 10,13 10,13 14 14 8 8 1,16 1,16 +O.31V t13+14+ t13+14t13+4+ t13+4- 14 14 4 4 12 Carry In to Carry Out tl0-4-tl0+4+ 4(3.) 4 7 7 Data Inputs t12+13+ t12-13+ 14 14 Select Inputs t9+13+ 17+13+ 14 14 Carry In Inputs tlO-13+ tl0+13+ 14 14 Data Inputs t13+12+ t13+12- 14 14 t13+9+ t13+7+ 14 14 t13+10t13+10+ 14 14 7 7 fcountup fcountdown 14 14 7 9 13 13 14 14 8 8 1,16 1,16 14+ t14+ 4 14 7 7 13 13 4 14 8 8 1,16 1,16 14- 4 14 7 7 13 13 4 14 8 8 1,16 1,16 Setup Time Hold Time Select Inputs Carry In Inputs Counting Frequency Rise Time (20 to 80%) Fall Time (20 to 80%) tl4- 7 7 7 7 9 1. Individually test each input; apply VILmin to pin under test. 2. Measure output after clock pulse V ~ VIH appears at clock input (Pin 13). IL 3. Before test set all Q outputs to a logic high. 4. To preserve reliable performance, the MC10136 (plastic packaged device only) is to be operated in ambient temperatures above 70'C only when SOOlfpm blown air or equivalent heat sinking is provided. Each MECL 10,000 series circuit has been designed to meet the dc specifications shown in the test table, after thermal equilibrium has been established. The circuit is in a test socket or mounted on a printed circuit board and transverse air flow greater than SOO linear fpm is maintained. Outputs are terminated through a SO-ohm resistor to -2.0 volts. Test procedures are shown for only one gate. The other gates are tested in the same manner. MECLData DLl22-Rev6 3--83 MOTOROLA MC10136 SWITCHING TIME TEST CIRCUIT AND WAVEFORMS @ 25°C NOTE: !setup is the minimum time before the positive transition of the clock pulse (C) that information must be present at the input 0 or S. thold is the minimum time after the positive transition of the clock pulse (C) that information must remain unchanged at the input 0 or S. INPUT PULSE T+=T-=2.0±O.2NS (20 TO 80%) COAX COAX CLOCK INPUT \ \ TPout TPin Clock QOutput VEE = -3.2 VOC C +0.31 V 50-ohm termination to ground located in each scope channel input. All input and output cables to the scope are equal lengths of 50-ohm coaxial cable. Wire length should be < lf4 inch from TPin to input pin and TPoutto output pin. Unused outputs are connected to a 50-0hm resistor to ground. OorS CARRY IN SET UP AND HOLD TIMES C--_J MOTOROLA MECLData DL122-Rev6 MC10136 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION To provide more than four bits of counting capability The MC10136 may also be used as a programmable several MC1 0136 counters may be cascaded. The Carry counter. The configuration of Figure 3 requires no Tn input overrides the clock when the counter is either in additional gates, although maximum frequency is limited the increment mode or the decrement mode of operation. to about 50 MHz. The divider modulus is equal to the This input allows several devices to be cascaded in a fully program input plus one (M N + 1), therefore, the counter synchronous multistage counter as illustrated in Figure 1. will divide by a modulus varying from 1 to 16. The carry is advanced between stages as shown with no A second programmable configuration is also illustrated external gating. The Carry In of the first device may be left in Figure 4. A pulse swallowing technique is used to speed open. The system clock is common to all devices. the counter operation up to 110 MHz typically. The divider The various operational modes of the counter make it modulus for this figure is equal to the program input (M = useful for a wide variety of applications. If used with MECL N). The minimum modulus is 2 because of the pulse III devices, prescalers with input toggle frequencies in swallowing technique, and the modulus may vary from 2 excess of 300 MHz are possible. Figure 2 shows such a to 15. This programmable configuration requires an prescaler using the MC10136 and MC1670. Use of the additional gate, such as1/2MC10109 and a flip-flop such MC10231 in place of the MC1670 permits 200 MHz as 1/2MC10131. operation. = FIGURE 1 - 12 BIT SYNCHRONOUS COUNTER LSS I MsS I I I 00 01 02 03 - Gin FIGURE 2 - 300 MHz PRESCALER GaUl I - I I I 00 01 02 03 Gin GaUl I - I I I 00 01 02 Q3 Logic High Gin MC10136 51 C C C D C Inpul 52 01-+----1 c 03 '-----'TU Frequency Input Frequency Q 5yslem Clock 32 MCI670 NOTE: S1 and 52 are set either for increment or decrement operation. FIGURE 3 - 50 MHz PROGRAMMABLE COUNTER FIGURE 4 - 100 MHz PROGRAMMABLE COUNTER Program Inpul t,n .....---\c Program InpuI 52 MC10136 51 fin-.---\c Gin 52 51 CaUl loul o 112MC10109 1 lout ::; fin Program Input + 1 fOUl 112MC10131 L-4-------------------~C 2 Imax " 50 MHz Typ. 3 Divide Ralio is from 1 to 16. 1 lout ::; fin Program Inpul Imax " 110 MHz Typ. 3 DMde Ratio is from 2 to 15. MECLData DL122 - Rev 6 ~5 MOTOROLA MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Universal Decade Counter MC10137 The MC1 0137 is a high speed synchronous counter that can count up, down, preset, or stop count at frequencies exceeding 100 MHz. The flexibility of this device allows the designer to use one basic counter for most applications. The synchronous count feature makes the MC10137 suitable for either computers or instrumentation. Three control lines (81, 82, and Carry In) determine the operation mode of the counter. Lines 81 and 82 determine one of four operations; preset (program), increment (count up), decrement (count down), or hold (stop count). Note that in the preset mode a clock pulse is necessary to load the counter, and the information present on the data inputs (DO, D1, D2, and D3) will be entered into the counter. Carry Out goes Iowan the terminal count. The Carry Out on the MC10137 is partially decoded from 01 and 02 directly, so in the preset mode the condition of the Carry Out after the Clock's positive excursion will depend on the condition of 01 and/or 02. The counter changes state only on the positive going edge of the clock. Any other input may change at any time except during the positive transition of the clock. The sequence for counting out of improper states is as shown in the 8tate Diagrams. PD = fcount= tpd = = = -,. 625 mW typ/pkg (No Load) 150 MHztyp 3.3 ns typ (C-9) 7.0 ns typ (C-Cout) 5.0 ns typ (Cin-Cout) LSUFFIX CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 62Q-l0 PSUFFIX PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 641HlS PIN ASSIGNMENT VCC1 2 VCC2 01 00 STATE DIAGRAMS COUNT UP GoUT C 03 DO 02 01 82 CIN VEE 81 COUNTDOWN FUNCTION SELECT TABLE Sl S2 L L Operating Mode Preset (Program) L H Increment (Count Up) H L Decrement (Count Down) H H Hold (Stop Count) 3/93 © Motorola. Inc. 1996 3-86 REVS ® MOTOROI.A MC10137 LOGIC DIAGRAM 51 9 52 7 10 --++., canyrn co 01 c C 13 Clock VCC1 =PIN 1 VCC2=PIN 16 VEE = PIN 8 14 00 1200 1501 11 01 202 602 3 03 503 4 CariYOiil NOTE: Flip-flops will toggle when all i inputs are low. SEQUENTIAL TRUTH TABLE' INPUTS OUTPUTS Carry S1 S2 DO D1 D2 D3 Iii L L L H H X H X H X L L L H H X X X X X X H X X X X X X X X X X X X L X X X L X X X X X X X X L L L L H H X X L L H H H H L H H H H L L L L X X X H X X X L X X X .. 00 01 02 03 H H H L H L H L H H H H H H L L L L L H L L H H L H H H H L L L L L L H H H H H H H L H L L L L L L L H H L H H L H L L L L L L L L H H L Clock L L L L Carry Out H H .. Truth table shows logiC states assuming Inputs vary In sequence shown from top to bottom. ** A clock H is defined as a clock input transition from a low to a high logic level. MECLData DL122-Rev6 :HI? MOTOROLA MC10137 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Test Limits Characteristic Power Supply Drain Current Input Current Symbol Pin Under Test IE 8 165 linH 5,6,11,12 7 9,10 13 350 425 390 460 -30°C Min +25°C Max Min +85°C Typ Max Max Unit 120 150 165 mAdc 220 265 245 290 220 265 245 290 !lAdc linL All 0.5 Output Voltage Logic 1 VOH 14(2.) -1.060 -0.890 -0.960 -0.810 -0.890 -0.700 Vdc Outpul Voltage Logic 0 VOL 14(2.) -1.890 -1.675 -1.850 -1.650 -1.825 -1.615 Vdc Threshold Voltage Logic 1 VOHA 14(2.) -1.080 Threshold Voltage Logic 0 VOLA 14(2.) t13+14+ 113+14t13+4+ 113+4- 14 14 4 4 0.8 0.8 2.0 2.0 4.8 4.8 10.9 10.9 1.0 1.0 2.5 2.5 3.3 3.3 7.0 7.0 4.5 4.5 10.5 10.5 1.1 1.1 2.4 2.4 5.0 5.0 11.5 11.5 Carry In 10 Carry Out t1D-4t10+4+ 4(3.) 4 1.6 1.6 7.4 7.4 1.6 1.6 5.0 5.0 6.9 6.9 1.9 1.9 7.5 7.5 Data Inputs t12+13+ 112-13+ 14 14 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 Selecl Inputs 19+13+ '7+13+ 14 14 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 Carry In Input 110-13+ 113+10+ 14 14 4.5 -1.0 3.7 -1.0 4.5 -1.0 Data Inputs 113+12+ t13+12- 14 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 Select Inputs t13+9+ 113+7+ 14 14 -2.5 -2.5 -2.5 -2.5 -2.5 -2.5 Carry In Inpul 113+10t10+13+ 14 14 -1.6 4.0 -1.6 3.1 -1.6 4.0 fcounlup fcounldown 14 14 125 125 . 125 125 150 150 14+ t14+ 4 14 0.9 0.9 3.3 3.3 1.1 1.1 2.0 2.0 3.3 3.3 1.1 1.1 3.5 3.5 "'- 4 14 0.9 0.9 3.3 3.3 1.1 1.1 2.0 2.0 3.3 3.3 1.1 1.1 3.5 3.5 Switching Times (SOn Load) Propagalion Delay Clock Inpul SelupTime Hold Time Counling Frequency Rise Time (201080%) Fall Time (20 to 80%) .. 0.5 Min 0.3 -0.980 !lAdc Vdc -0.910 -1.655 -1.630 -1.595 Vdc ns 114- 125 125 MHz ns 1. IndiVidually apply VILmin to Pin under lest. 2. Measure oulpul after clock pulse V ~ VIH appears at clock inpul (Pin 13). IL 3. Before test sel 01 and 02 oulputs 10 a logic low. MOTOROLA 3-B8 MECLData DL122-Rev6 MC10137 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) TEST VOLTAGE VALUES (Volts) @ Characteristic Test Temperature VIHmax VILmin VIHAmin VILAmax VEE -30'C -0.890 -1.890 -1.205 -1.500 -5.2 +25'C -0.810 -1.850 -1.105 -1.475 -5.2 +85'C -0.700 -1.825 -1.035 -1.440 -5.2 Symbol Power Supply Drain Current Input Current Pin Under Test IE 8 linH 5,6,11,12 7 9,10 13 TEST VOLTAGE APPLIED TO PINS LISTED BELOW VIHmax VILmin 1,16 1,16 1,16 1,16 1,16 Note 1. 8 1,16 7,9 8 1,16 8 1,16 8 1,16 linL All 14(2.) Output Voltage Logic 0 VOL 14(2.) 7,9 Threshold Voltage Logic 1 VOHA 14(2.) 7,9 Threshold Voltage Logic 0 VOLA 14(2.) 7,9 Propagation Delay Clock Input +1.11V (VCC) Gnd 8 VOH 12 VEE 8 8 8 8 Logic 1 (500 Load) VILAmax 5,6,11,12 7 9,10 13 Output Voltage Switching Times VIHAmin 12 12 8' 1,16 Pulse In Pulse Out -3.2 V +2.0 V 13 13 13 13 14 14 4 4 8 8 8 8 1,16 1,16 1,16 1,16 13 13 10 10 4 4 8 8 1,16 1,16 7,9 7,9 12,13 12,13 14 14 8 8 1,16 1,16 9,13 7,13 14 14 8 8 1,16 1,16 9 9 10,13 10,13 14 14 8 8 1,16 1,16 7,9 7,9 12,13 12,13 14 14 8 8 1,16 1,16 9,13 7,13 14 14 8 8 1,16 1,16 10,13 10,13 14 14 8 8 1,16 1,16 +0.31 V tI3+14+ tI3+14tI3+4+ t13+4- 14 14 4 4 12 Carry In to Carry Out tl0-4tl0+4+ 4(3.) 4 7 7 Data Inputs tI2+13+ tI2-13+ 14 14 Select Inputs t9+13+ t7+13+ 14 14 Carry In Inputs tl0-13+ tI3+10+ 14 14 Data Inputs tI3+12+ tI3+12- 14 14 tI3+9+ tI3+7+ 14 14 tI3+10tl0+13+ 14 14 7 7 fcountup fcountdown 14 14 7 9 13 13 14 14 8 8 1,16 1,16 Setup Time Hold Time Select Inputs Carry In Inputs Counting Frequency 7 7 7 7 9 9 Rise Time (20 to 80%) 4+ t14+ 4 14 7 7 13 13 4 14 8 8 1,16 1,16 Fall Time (20 to 80%) t4tl4- 4 14 7 7 13 13 4 14 8 8 1,16 1,16 .. Individually test each Input; apply VILmin to pin under test. 1. 2. Measure output after clock pulse V ~ VIH appears at clock input (Pin 13). IL 3. Before test set all Q outputs to a logic high. Each MECL 10,000 series circuit has been designed to meet the dc specifications shown in the test table, after thermal equilibrium has been established. The circuit is in a test socket or mounted on a printed circuit board and transverse air flow greater than 500 linear fpm is maintained. Outputs are terminated through a 50-ohm resistor to -2.0 volts. Test procedures are shown for only one gate. The other gates are tested in the same manner. MECLData DL122- Rev 6 3-89 MOTOROLA MC10137 SWITCHING TIME TEST CIRCUIT AND WAVEFORMS @ 25°C \ t7 I~ I I I I Clock (b) i (a) is the minimum time to wait after the counter has been enabled to clock it. I \ (b) is the minimum time before the counter has been disabled that it may be clocked. Y L (c) is the minimum time before the counter is enabled that a clock pulse may be applied with no effect on the state of the counter. (d) is the minimum time to wait after the counter is disabled that a clock pulse may be applied with no effect in the state of the counter. Car~in ~'-____________________~;( I I (c) ~ I I - (b) and (c) may be negative numbers. \'-________________~i~~~) VCC1 = VCC2 = +2.0 Vdc Vin NOTE: tsetup is the minimum time before the posnive transnion of the clock pulse (C) that information must be present at the input 0 or S. thold is the minimum time after the posnive transnion of the clock pulse (C) that information must remain unchanged at the input 0 or S. Coax Coax Cin C DO , Input Pulse t+ = t- = 2.0 ±O.2 ns (20 to 80%) Vout 01 Clock Input (o}-.....---o 00 01 Q2 02 TPin 03 03 S1 S2 Cout I TPout +0.31 V VEE =-3.2Vdc r _ - - - - - " " - " . - - +1.11 V C +0.31 V 50-ohm termination to ground located in each scope channel input. All input and output cables to the scope are equal lengths of 50-ohm coaxial cable. Wire length should be < 1/4 inch from TPin to input pin and TPout to output pin. Unused outputs are connected to a 50-0hm resistor to ground. MOTOROLA 3-90 MECLData DL122-Rev6 MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Bi-Quinary Counter MC10138 The MC1 0138 is a four bit counter capable of divide by two, five, or ten functions. It is composed of four set-reset master-slave flip-flops. Clock inputs trigger on the positive going edge of the clock pulse. Set or reset input override the clock, allowing asynchronous "ser' or "clear." Individual set and common reset inputs are provided, as well as complementary outputs for the first and fourth bits. VII = = PD 370 mW typ/pkg (No Load) ftog = 150 MHz typ tr, tf 2.5 ns typ (20%-80%) -• LOGIC DIAGRAM so 11 co 51 15 52 01 10 Q2 6 13 03 53 4 5 2 LSUFFIX CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 62D-10 PSUFFIX PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 648-0B FNSUFFIX PLCC CASE 778-02 DIP PIN ASSIGNMENT 12 Clod< Rese;I--l-l-!:::::::;!::==~=l===~~~ 14 00 C2 VCC1 7 VCC1 3 =PIN 1; VCC2 =PIN 16; VEE =PIN 8 a3 COUNTER TRUTH TABLES BCD BI-QUINARY (Clock connected to C2 and 03 connected to C1) (Clock connected to C1 and 00 connected to C2) COUNT 01 02 03 00 COUNT 00 01 02 03 0 1 2 3 L H L H L L H H L L L L L L L L 0 L H L H L L H H L L L L L L L L 4 5 6 7 L L H L L L L H H L L L L H H H 4 L H L H L L H H H H H H L L L L 8 9 H L H L L H H H 8 L H L L L L H H 1 2 3 5 6 7 9 COUNTER STATE DIAGRAM CLOCK CONNECTED TO C2 QO Q3 Qlj Q2 Q1 S3 C1 S2 SO C2 81 RESET VEE Pin assignment is for Dual-in-Line Package. For PLCC pin assignment, see the Pin Conversion Tables on page 6-11. POSITIVE LOGIC Qlj CONNECTED TO C2 3/93 © Motorola, Inc. 1996 VCC2 Q3 3-91 REVS ® MOTOROLA MC10138 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Test Limits Characteristic Power Supply Drain Current Input Current Symbol Pin Under Test IE 8 97 linH 12 5,6,10,11 7 9 350 390 460 650 -30°C Min +25°C Max Min +85°C Typ Max Max Unit 70 88 97 mAdc 220 245 290 410 220 245 290 !!Adc linL All 0.5 Output Voltage Logic 1 VOH 3,14(3.) 2,4,13,15 (2.) -1.060 -1.060 -0.890 -0.890 -0.960 -0.960 -0.810 -0.810 -0.890 -0.890 -0.700 -0.700 Vdc Output Voltage Logic 0 VOL 3,14(2.) 2,4,13,15 (3.) -1.890 -1.890 -1.675 -1.675 -1.850 -1.850 -1.650 -1.650 -1.825 -1.825 -1.615 -1.615 Vdc Threshold Voltage Logic 1 VOHA 2,4,13,15 (2.) 3,14(3.) 13,15(2.) -1.080 -1.080 -1.080 Threshold Voltage Logic 0 VOLA 2,4,13,15 (3.) 3,14(2.) 13,15(3.) t12+15+ t12+14+ t7+13+ t7+4+ t7+2+ l?+3+ 15 14 13 4 2 3 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 5.0 5.0 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 4.8 4.8 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 5.3 5.3 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 t12+15t12+14l?+13l?+4l?+2l?+3- 15 14 13 4 2 3 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 5.0 5.0 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 4.8 4.8 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 5.3 5.3 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 Set Delay tl1+15+ tl1+14- 15 14 1.4 1.4 5.2 5.2 1.5 1.5 5.0 5.0 . 1.5 1.5 5.5 5.5 Reset Delay t9+14+ t9+15- 14 15 1.4 1.4 5.2 5.2 1.5 1.5 5.0 5.0 1.5 1.5 5.5 5.5 Switching Times Propagation Delay 0.5 Min 0.3 -0.980 -0.980 -0.980 !!Adc -0.910 -0.910 -0.910 -1.655 -1.655 -1.655 -1.630 -1.630 -1.630 Vdc -1.595 -1.595 -1.595 (50'1 Load) Clock Delays ns Rise Time (20 to 80%) tl4+ t15+ 14 15 1.1 1.1 4.7 4.7 1.1 1.1 2.5 2.5 4.5 4.5 1.1 1.1 5.0 5.0 Fall Time (20 to 80%) tl4tl5- 14 15 1.1 1.1 4.7 4.7 1.1 1.1 2.5 2.5 4.5 4.5 1.1 1.1 5.0 5.0 fcount 2 15 125 125 125 125 150 150 Counting Frequency Vdc .. 125 125 MHz 1. IndiVidually test each Input; apply VILmin to pin under test. 2. Set all four flip-flops by applying pulse 3. Reset all four flip-flops by applying pulse MOTOROLA n - ...J L_ JL- - VIHmax VILmin VIHmax VILmin to pins 5, 6, 10, and 11 prior to applying test voltage indicated . to pin 9 prior to applying test voltage indicated. 3-92 MECLData DL122- Rev 6 MC10138 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) TEST VOLTAGE VALUES (Volts) NOTE: Each MECL 10,000 series circuit has been designed to meet the de specifications shown in the test table, aHer thermal equilibrium has been established. The circuit is in a lest @ Test Temperature VIHmax VILmln VIHAmin VILAmax VEE -0.890 -1.890 -1.205 -1.500 -5.2 socket or mounted on a printed circuit board and transverse air flow greater than 500 linear fpm is -30°C maintained. Outputs are terminated through a 50-0hm resistor to -2.0 volts. Test procedures +25°C -0.810 -1.850 -1.105 -1.475 -5.2 aTe shown for only one gate. The other gates are tested in the same manner. +85°C -0.700 -1.825 -1.035 -1.440 -5.2 Characteristic Symbol Power Supply Drain Current Input Current TEST VOLTAGE APPLIED TO PINS LISTED BELOW Pin Under Test VIHmax Logic 1 (VCC) Gnd 8 9 8 1,16 12 5,6,10,11 7 9 8 8 8 8 1, t6 1,16 1,16 1,16 linL All 8 1,16 VOH 3,14(3.) 2,4,13,15(2.) 5,6,10,11 8 8 1,16 1,16 5,6,10,11 9 8 8 1,16 1,16 8 8 8 1,16 1,16 1,16 1,16 1,16 1,16 Notel. VOL 3,14(2.) 2,4,13,15 (3.) Threshold Voltage Logic 1 VOHA 2,4,13,15 (2.) 3,14(3.) 13,15(2.) Switching Times VEE 12 5,6,10,11 7 Logic 0 Logic 0 VILAmax IE Output Voltage Threshold Voltage VIHAmin linH 9 Output Voltage VILmin VOLA 9 5,6,10,11 9 7,12 2,4,13,15 (3.) 3,14(2.) 13,15(3.) 5,6,10,11 7,12 8 8 8 Pulse In Pulse Out 9 (son load) -3.2 V +2.0 V tI2+15+ tI2+14+ t7+13+ 17+4+ t7+2+ t7+3+ 15 14 13 4 2 3 12 12 7 7 7 7 15 14 13 4 2 3 8 8 8 8 8 8 1,16 1,16 1,16 1,16 1,16 1,16 tI2+15tI2+1417+13t7+417+2t7+3- 15 14 13 4 2 3 12 12 7 7 7 7 15 14 13 4 2 3 8 8 8 8 8 8 1,16 1,16 1,16 1,16 1,16 1,16 Set Delay tll+15+ tll+l4- 15 14 11 11 15 14 8 8 1,16 1,16 Reset Delay t9+14+ t9+15- 14 15 9 9 14 15 8 8 1,16 1,16 Propagation Delay Clock Delays Rise Time (20 to 80%) t14+ t15+ 14 15 11 11 14 15 8 8 1,16 1,16 Fall Time (20 to 80%) tl4tl5- 14 15 9 9 14 15 8 8 1,16 1,16 fcount 2 15 7 12 2 15 8 8 1,16 1,16 Counting Frequency .. 1. IndiVidually test each Input; apply VILmin to pin under test. 2. Set all four flip-flops by applying pulse JLJL- VIHmax VILmin - 3. Reset all four flip-flops by applying pulse MEClData Dl122-Rev6 - VIHmax VILmin to pins 5, 6, 10, and 11 prior to applying test voltage indicated. to pin 9 prior to applying test voltage indicated. 3-93 MOTOROLA MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Four Bit Universal Shift Register MC10141 The MC1 0141 is a four-bit universal shift register which performs shift left, or shift right, serial/parallel in, and seriaVparaliel out operations with no external gating. Inputs S1 and S2 control the four possible operations of the register without external gating of the clock. The flip-flops shift information on the positive edge of the clock. The four operations are stop shift, shift left, shift right, and parallel entry of data. The other six inputs are all data type inputs; four for parallel entry data, and one for shifting in from the left (OL) and one for shifting in from the right (DR). -, . • = Po 425 mW typ/pkg (No Load) fShift = 200 MHz typ tr, tf = 2.0 ns typ (20%-80%) LOGIC DIAGRAM 02 DO 01 LSUFFIX CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 620-10 P SUFFIX PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 641Hl8 FNSUFFIX PLCC CASE 775-02 DIP PIN ASSIGNMENT 81 ~~}-~==~=---~--------~--------~ 82 VeC1 03 02 co 01 VCC1 =PINl VCC2= PIN 16 VEE=PIN8 VCC2 02 01 03 00 C OL OR 00 03 01 82 81 VEE 02 Pin assignment is for Dual-in-Line Package. For PLCC pin assignment, see the Pin Conversion Tables on page 6--11. TRUTH TABLE SELECT OUTPUTS S1 S2 OPERATING MOOE L L Parallel Entry 00n+1 00 01n+1 01 02n+1 02 03n+1 03 L H Shift Right' 01n 02n 03 n OR H L Shift Left' OL OOn 01n 02n H H Stop Shift OOn 01n 02n 03 n .. *Qutputs as eXist after pulse appears at "e" ,"put With Input conditions as shown. (Pulse = Positive transition of clock input). 3/93 © Molorola, Inc. 1996 3-94 REVS ® MOTOROI.A MC10141 SHIFT FREQUENCY TEST CIRCUIT VCC1 =VCC2 +2.0VOC COAX 25UF,+ VOUT ,+0.1I'F Coax All input and output cables to the scope are equal lengths of 5<1-ohm coaxial cable. Wire length should be < 1/4 inch from TPin to input pin and TPout to output pin. 16 INPUT QO PULSE GENERATOR DO 01 5<1-ohm termination to ground located in each scope channel input. TEST PROCEDURES: 1. SET 01, 02, 03 = +0.31 VOC (LOGIC L) 00=+1.11 VDC(LOGICH) Q1 02 03 2. APPY CLOCK PULSEn-~IH TO SET QO HIGH. 3. MAINTAIN CLOCK LOW. IL SET S1 = +0.31 VOC (LOGIC L) S2 = +1.11 VOC (LOGIC H) Q2 S1 03 4. TEST SHIFT FREQUENCY VEE = -3.2VOC MECLData DL122-Rev6 3-95 MOTOROLA MC10141 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Test limits Characteristic Power Supply Drain Current Input Current Symbol Pin Under Test IE 8 112 linH 5 6 7 4 350 350 390 425 -ao°c Min +25°C Max Min +B5°C Typ Max Max Unit 82 102 112 mAde 220 220 245 265 220 220 245 265 !.lAdc Min linL 12 0.5 Output Voltage Logic 1 VOH 3 -1.060 --{).890 --{).960 --{).81 0 --{).890 --{).700 Vdc Output Voltage Logic 0 VOL 3 -1.890 -1.675 -1.850 -1.650 -1.825 -1.615 Vdc Threshold Voltage Logic 1 VOHA (Note 1.) 3 3 3 3 -1.080 -1.080 -1.080 -1.080 Threshold Voltage Logic 0 VOLA (Note 1.) 3 3 3 3 4+3+ t12+4+ tl0+4+ t4+12+ 3 14 14 14 1.7 2.5 5.5 1.5 3.9 Switching TImes 0.3 0.5 --{).980 --{).980 --{).980 --{).980 !.lAdc --{).91 0 --{).91 0 --{).910 --{).91 0 -1.630 -1.630 -1.630 -1.630 -1.655 -1.655 -1.655 -1.655 Vdc -1.595 -1.595 -1.595 -1.595 (500 Load) Propagation Delay Setup Time (tsetup) Hold TIme (thold) ns 1.8 2.5 5.0 1.5 2.9 3.8 2.0 2.5 5.5 1.5 4.2 Rise TIme (20 to 80%) t3+ 3 1.0 3.4 1.1 2.0 3.3 1.1 3.6 FaUTIme (20 to 80%) 1:3- 3 1.0 3.4 1.1 2.0 3.3 1.1 3.6 150 200 Shift Frequency Vdc fshift 1. These tests to be performed in sequence as shown. 150 P~-VIH -VIL P2 n - V I H A -.J L-VIL MHz 150 P 3 n - ,VILA -.J L _ VIL 2. See shift frequency test circuit for test procedures. 3. Reset to zero before performing test. 4. Reset to one before performing test. MOTOROLA 3-96 MECLData DL122-Rev6 MC10141 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) TEST VOLTAGE VALUES (Volts) @ Characteristic Power Supply Drain Current Input Current Test Temperature VIHmax VILmin VIHAmin VILAmax VEE -3O°C -0.890 -1.890 -1.205 -1.500 -5.2 +25°C -0.810 -1.850 -1.105 -1.475 -5.2 +85°C -0.700 -1.825 -1.035 -1.440 -5.2 Symbol Pin Under Test IE 8 linH 5 6 7 4 5 6 7 4 linL 12 4,5,6,7,9, 10,11,13 6 Output Voltage Logic 1 VOH 3 Output Voltage Logic 0 VOL 3 Threshold Voltage Logic 1 VOHA (Note 1.) 3 3 3 3 Threshold Voltage Logic 0 TEST VOLTAGE APPLIED TO PINS LISTED BELOW VIHmax VOLA (Note 1.) 3 3 3 3 VILmin Hold Time (thold) VILAmax 12 6 6 6 Note 3. Note3. Note 4. Note 4. 6 Switching Times (SOn Load) Propagation Delay Setup Time (tsetup) VIHAmin 7 6 7 VEE Pl P2 P3 (VCC) Gnd 8 1,16 8 8 8 8 1,16 1,16 1,16 1,16 8 1,16 8 4 1,16 8 4 1,16 8 8 8 8 4 4 4 1,16 1,16 1,16 1,16 8 8 8 8 4 4 4 1,16 1,16 1,16 1,16 -3.2 V 4 4 +2.0 V '---- 4+3+ t12+4+ tl0+4+ t4+12+ 3 14 14 14 8 8 8 8 1,16 1,16 1,16 1,16 Rise Time (20 to 80%) t3+ 3 8 1,16 Fall Time (20 to 80%) t3- 3 8 1,16 8 1,16 Shift Frequency fshift 1. These tests to be performed in sequence as shown. Note 2. P~-VIH -VIL 2. See shift frequency test circuit for test procedures. 3. Reset to zero before performing test. 4. Reset to one before performing test. Each MECL 10,000 series circuit has been designed to meet the dc specifications shown in the test table, after thermal equilibrium has been established. The circuit is in a test socket or mounted on a printed circuit board and transverse air flow greater than 500 linear fpm is maintained. Outputs are terminated through a 5()-Qhm resistor to -2.0 volts. Test procedures are shown for only one gate. The other gates are tested in the same manner. MECLData DL122-Rev6 3-97 MOTOROLA MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Quad Latch MC10153 The MC10153 is a high speed, low power, MECL quad latch consisting of four bistable latch circuits with 0 type inputs and gated Q outputs. Open emitters allow a large number of outputs to be wire-ORed together. Latch outputs are gated, allowing direct wiring to a bus. When the clock is low, outputs will follow 0 inputs. Information is latched on positive going transition of the clock. The MC10153 provides the same logic function as the MC10133, except for inversion of the clock. -• Po = 310 mW typ/pkg (No Load) tpd tr, tf =4.0 ns typ =2.0 ns typ (20%-80%) LOGIC DIAGRAM 00 3 2 00 GO 5 01 PSUFFIX PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 648-08 FNSUFFIX PLCC CASE 775-02 DIP PIN ASSIGNMENT 6 01 7 LSUFFIX CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 620-10 CE VCC1 Cc 13 CE 12 02 11 02 Gf 10 03 00 03 CE Cc GO CE 15 03 03 14 VCC1 =PIN1 VCC2=PIN 16 VEE = PIN 8 G C 0 H L L L X H L L X X L H 01 02 01 Gf VEE 02 Pin assignment Is for Dual-ln-Une Package. For PlCC pin assignment, see the Pin Conversion Tables on page 6--11. TRUTH TABLE On+1 L On L H 3193 © Motorola, Inc. 1996 VCC2 QO 3-98 REV 5 ® MOTOROI.A MC10153 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Test Limits Characteristic Power Supply Drain Current Input Current Symbol Pin Under Test Max Unit IE S 83 75 83 mAdc linH 3 4 5 13 390 390 560 460 245 245 350 290 245 245 350 290 !lAdc -30'C Min +S5'C +25'C Max Min Typ Max Min linL 3 0.5 Output Voltage Logic 1 VOH 2 2 -1.060 -1.060 -0.890 -0.890 -0.960 -0.960 -0.810 -0.810 -o.S90 -0.890 -0.700 -0.700 Vdc Output Voltage Logic 0 VOL 2 2 2 -1.890 -1.890 -1.890 -1.675 -1.675 -1.675 -1.850 -1.850 -1.850 -1.650 -1.650 -1.650 -1.825 -1.S25 -1.825 -1.615 -1.615 -1.615 Vdc Threshold Voltage Logic 1 VOHA 2 2 2 2t 2:j: 2:j: 2 2 -1.080 -1.080 -1.080 -1.0S0 -1.080 -1.080 -1.080 -1.080 Threshold Voltage Logic 0 VOLA 2 2 2 2t 2:j: 2:j: t3+2+ t4-2+ t5-2+ tsetup thold 2 2 2 3 3 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.5 1.5 5.6 5.6 3.2 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.5 1.5 4.0 4.0 2.0 0.7 0.7 5.4 5.6 3.1 1.1 1.2 1.0 2.5 1.5 Switching Times 0.3 0.5 frAdc -0.910 -0.910 -0.910 -0.910 -0.910 -0.910 -0.910 -0.910 -0.980 -0.980 -0.980 -0.980 -0.980 -0.980 -0.980 -0.980 -1.655 -1.655 -1.655 -1.655 -1.655 -1.655 -1.630 -1.630 -1.630 -1.630 -1.630 -1.630 Vdc -1.595 -1.595 -1.595 -1.595 -1.595 -1.595 (50n Load) Propagation Delay Vdc ns 5.9 6.2 3.4 Rise Time (20 to 80%) t2+ 2 1.0 3.6 1.1 2.0 3.5 1.1 3.8 Fall Time (20 to 80%) t2- 2 1.0 3.6 1.1 2.0 3.5 1.1 3.8 t Output level to be measured after a clock pulse has been applied to the clock input (Pin 4) ~ - VIHmax VILmin :j: Data input at proper high/low level while clock pulse is high so that device latches ar proper higMow level for test. Levels are measured after device has latched . • Latch set to zero state before test. MECLData DL122- Rev 6 3-99 MOTOROLA MC10153 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) TEST VOLTAGE VALUES (Volts) @ Characteristic Power Supply Drain Current Input Current Test Temperature VIHmax VILmin VIHAmln VILAmax VEE -30°C -0.890 -1.890 -1.205 -1.500 -5.2 +25°C -0.810 -1.850 -1.105 -1.475 -5.2 +85°C -0.700 -1.825 -1.035 -1.440 -5.2 Symbol Pin Under Test IE 8 linH 3 4 5 13 TEST VOLTAGE APPLIED TO PINS LISTED BELOW VIHmax VILmin VIHAmln VILAmax 13 3 4 5 13 VEE (VCC) Gnd 8 1,16 8 8 8 8 1,16 1,16 1,16 1,16 linL 3 3 8 1,16 Output Voltage Logic 1 VOH 2 2 3 3 4 13 8 8 1,16 1,16 Output Voltage Logic 0 VOL 2 2 2 3,5 3,13 13 3,4 8 8 8 1,16 1,16 1,16 8 B 8 8 B 8 B B 1,16 1,16 1,16 1,16 1,16 1,16 1,16 1,16 1,16 1,16 1,16 1,16 1,16 1,16 Threshold Voltage Threshold Voltage Switching TImes Logic 1 Logic 0 VOHA VOLA 2 2 2 2t 2* 2* 2 2 2 2 2 2t 2* 2:/: (50n Load) Propagation Delay 3 3 3 t3+2+ 4-2+ t6-2+ tsetup thold 5 3 4 13 3 3 3 13 B 8 B B B B Pulse In Pulse Out -3.2 V +2.0 V 3 4 5 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 8 8 8 8 8 1,16 1,16 1,16 1,16 1,16 4 4 4 5 3 3 3 +1.11 V 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 3" Rise TIme (20 to 80%) t2+ 2 3 2 8 1,16 Fall Time (20 to 80%) t2- 2 3 2 8 1,16 t Output level to be measured after a clock pulse has been applied to the clock input (Pin 4) JL- - VIHmax VILmin * Data input at proper high/low level while clock pulse is high so that device latches ar proper high/iow level for test. Levels are measured after device has latched. " Latch set to zero state before test. Each MECL 10,000 series circuit has been designed to meet the dc specifications shown in the test table, after thermal equilibrium has been established. The circuit is in a test socket or mounted on a printed circuit board and transverse air flow greater than 500 linear fpm is maintained. Outputs are terminated through a 50-0hm resistor to -2.0 volts. Test procedures are shown for only one gate. The other gates are tested in the same manner. MOTOROLA 3-100 MECL Data DL122-Rev6 MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Binary Counter MC10154 The MC10154 is a four-bit counter capable of divide-by-two, divide-byfour, divide-by-eight or a divide-by-sixteen function. Clock inputs trigger on the positive going edge of the clock pulse. Set and Reset inputs override the clock, allowing asynchronous "set" or "clear." Individual Set and common Reset inputs are provided, as well as complementary outputs for the first and fourth bits. True outputs are available at all bits. LSUFFIX = = PD 370 mW typ/pkg (No Load) ftoggle = 150 MHz (typ) tpd 3.5 ns typ (C to 00) tpd = 11 ns typ (C to 03) CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 620-10 PSUFFIX PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 648-08 LOGIC DIAGRAM 11 so 81 Q() 15 01 82 1S 7 8S 02 5 4 6 2 os PIN ASSIGNMENT VCC1 12 Clock 1 10 Clock 2 9 Reset --_--+---.....------._------' VCC1 = PIN 1 VCC2= PIN16 VEE = PIN 8 14 00 s Os VCC2 03 00 Q3 00 Q2 01 S3 CLOCK 1 82 80 Sl VEE CLOCK 2 RESET TRUTH TABLE INPUTS S2 S3 R SO S1 H L L L L H L L L H L L L H L L L H L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L OUTPUTS Q1 Q2 C1 C2 QO X X H X X X X H L H L L H H No Count No Count L H H L H L H L H L H L H L H L H L H H L L H H L L H H L L H H L L H H H H H H H H L L L L L L L L ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ··· ·· ·· ··· H H H H L L L L H H H H L L L' L Q3 • Clock transitions from VIL to VIH may be applied to C1 or C2 or ~ VIH both for same effect. VIL 3/93 © Motorola, Inc. 1996 3-101 REVS ® MOTOROL.A [3J MC10154 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Test Limits Characteristic Power Supply Drain Current Input Current Symbol Pin Under Test Max Unit IE 8 97 88 97 mAdc linH 12 11 9 390 350 650 245 220 410 245 220 410 IlAdc -30°C Min +25°C Max Min Typ +85°C Max Min . 0.5 Output Voltage Logic 1 VOH 14 15 -1.060 -1.060 -{J.890 -{J.890 -{J.960 -{J.960 -0.810 -{J.810 -{J.890 -0.890 -{J.700 -{J.700 Vdc Output Voltage Logic 0 VOL 14 15 -1.890 -1.890 -1.675 -1.675 -1.850 -1.850 -1.650 -1.650 -1.825 -1.825 -1.615 -1.615 Vdc Threshold Voltage Logic 1 VOHA 3 14 15 -1.080 -1.080 -1.080 Threshold Voltage Logic 0 VOLA 3 14 15 linL Switching Times 0.5 0.3 -{J.980 -{J.980 -{J.980 IlAdc -{J.91 0 -{J.91 0 -0.910 -1.630 -1.630 -1.630 -1.655 -1.655 -1.655 Vdc -1.595 -1.595 -1.595 Vdc ns (500 Load) Clock Input Propagation Delay t12+15+ t12-13t12+4t12-3+ 15 13 4 3 1.4 1.9 2.9 3.9 5.0 9.4 12.3 14.9 1.5 2.0 3.0 4.0 3.5 6.0 8.5 11.0 4.8 9.2 12.0 14.5 1.5 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.3 9.8 12.8 15.5 Rise Time (20 to 80%) t15+ 15 1.1 4.7 1.1 2.5 4.5 1.1 5.0 Fall Time (20 to 80%) t15- 15 1.1 4.7 1.1 2.5 4.5 1.1 5.0 tll-15+ t9-15+ 15 15 1.4 1.4 5.2 5.2 1.5 1.5 5.0 5.0 1.5 1.5 5.5 5.5 fcount 15 125 Set Input Reset Input Counting Frequency .. 125 150 125 MHz • IndIvIdually test each Input applYIng VIL to Input under test. MOTOROLA 3-102 MECL Data DL122-Rev6 MC10154 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) TEST VOLTAGE VALUES (Volts) @ Characteristic Test Temperature VIHmax VILmin VIHAmin VILAmax VEE -30°C --{l.890 -1.890 -1.205 -1.500 -5.2 Symbol Power Supply Drain Current Input Current +25°C --{l.81 0 -1.850 -1.105 -1.475 -5.2 +85°C --{l.700 -1.825 -1.035 -1.440 -5.2 Pin Under Test VILmin VIHAmin VILAmax VEE (VCC) Gnd IE 8 9 8 1,16 linH 12 11 9 12 11 9 8 8 8 1,16 1,16 1,16 8 1,16 9 11 8 8 1,16 1,16 11 9 8 8 1,16 1,16 8 8 8 1,16 1,16 1,16 5 11 9 8 8 8 1,16 1,16 1,16 Pulse In Pulse Out -3.2 V +2.0V 12 12 12 12 15 13 4 3 8 8 8 8 1,16 1,16 1,16 1,16 linL . Output Voltage Logic 1 VOH 14 15 Output Voltage Logic 0 VOL 14 15 Threshold Voltage Logic 1 VOHA 3 14 15 Threshold Voltage Logic 0 VOLA 3 14 15 Switching Times TEST VOLTAGE APPLIED TO PINS LISTED BELOW VIHmax . 5 11 9 (50n Load) Clock Input Propagation Delay t12+15+ t12-13t12+4t12-3+ 15 13 4 3 Rise Time (20 to 80%) t15+ 15 12 15 8 1,16 Fall Time (20 to 80%) tl5- 15 12 15 8 1,16 tll-l5+ t9-15+ 15 15 11 9 t5 15 8 8 1,16 1,16 fcount 15 12 15 8 1,16 Set Input Reset Input Counting Frequency .. • IndiVidually test each Input applYing VIL to Input under test. Each MECL 10,000 series circuit has been designed to meet the dc specifications shown in the test table, aiter thermal equilibrium has been established. The circuit is in a test socket or mounted on a printed circuit board and transverse air flow greater than 500 linear fpm is maintained. Outputs are terminated through a 50-ohm resistor to -2.0 volts. Test procedures are shown for only one gate. The other gates are tested in the same manner. MECLData DL122-Rev6 3-103 MOTOROLA MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Quad 2-lnput Multiplexer (Non-Inverting) MC10158 The MC10158 is a quad two channel multiplexer. A common select input determines which data inputs are enabled. A high (H) level enables data inputs 000,010,020, and 030 and a low (L) level enables data inputs 001,011,021, and 031. -• Po = 197 mW typ/pkg (No Load) = 2.5 ns typ (Oata to 0) 3.2 ns typ (Select to 0) Ir, If = 2.5 ns typ (20%-80%) tpd LOGIC DIAGRAM SELECT9 001 5 LSUFFIX CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 62G-10 PSUFFIX PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 648-08 FNSUFFIX PLCC CASE 775-02 DIP PIN ASSIGNMENT 100 000 6 011 3 [1J 2 01 010 4 021 12 1502 020 13 031 10 1403 00 VCC 01 02 011 03 010 020 001 021 000 030 NC 031 VEE SELECT Pin assignment is for Dual-in-Line Package. For PLCC pin assignment, see the Pin Conversion Tables on page 6-11. 03011 VCC~PIN 16 VEE ~ PIN 8 TRUTH TABLE Select DO X 01 L Q L L X H H H L X L H H X H L 3/93 © Motorola, Inc. 1996 3-104 REVS ® MOTOROLA MC10158 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Test Limits Characteristic Power Supply Drain Current Input Current Symbol Pin Under Test IE 8 53 linH 9 5 360 400 -30°C Min +25°C Max Min +85°C Typ Max Max Unit 38 48 53 mAdc 225 250 225 250 !lAdc Min linL 5 0.5 VOH 1 -1.060 -0.890 -0.960 -0.810 -0.890 -0.700 Vdc Logic 0 VOL 1 -1.890 -1.675 -1.850 -1.650 -1.825 -1.615 Vdc Threshold Voltage Logic 1 VOHA 1 -1.080 Threshold Voltage Logic 0 VOLA 1 -1.595 Vdc Output Voltage Logic 1 Output Voltage 0.5 0.3 -0.910 -0.980 -1.630 -1.655 Switching Times (SOn Load) Propagation Delay Data Input Select Input t5-1t9+1+ 1 1 1.3 2.5 3.1 4.8 Rise Time (20 to 80%) tl+ 1 1.6 Fall Time (20 to 80%} t1- 1 1.6 !lAdc Vdc ns 1.2 2.4 2.5 3.2 3.0 4.5 1.3 2.5 3.2 4.8 3.4 1.5 2.5 3.3 1.6 3.4 3.4 1.5 2.5 3.3 1.6 3.4 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) TEST VOLTAGE VALUES (Volts) @ Characteristic Power Supply Drain Current Input Current Test Temperature VIHmax VILmln VIHAmin VILAmax VEE -30°C -0.890 -1.890 -1.205 -1.500 -5.2 +25°C -0.810 -1.850 -1.105 -1.475 -5.2 +85°C -0.700 -1.825 -1.035 -1.440 -5.2 Symbol Pin Under Test IE 8 linH 9 5 linL 5 Output Voltage Logic 1 VOH 1 Output Voltage Logic 0 VOL 1 Threshold Voltage Logic 1 VOHA 1 Logic 0 VOLA 1 Threshold Voltage Switching Times (50nLoad) Propagation Delay Data Input Select Input TEST VOLTAGE APPLIED TO PINS LISTED BELOW VIHmax 1 1 VIHAmin VILAmax 9 5 5 5 5 +1.11V t5-1t9+1+ VILmin 6 +0.31V VEE (VCC) Gnd 8 16 8 8 16 16 8 16 8 16 8 16 8 16 5 8 16 Pulse In Pulse Out -3.2 V +2.0 V 5 9 1 1 8 8 16 16 Rise Time (20t080%) tl+ 1 5 1 8 16 Fall Time (20 to 80%} tI- l 5 1 8 16 .. .. Each MECL 10,000 series CirCUit has been deSigned to meet the dc specifications shown In the test table, after thermal eqUiltbrlum has been established. The circuit is in a test socket or mounted on a printed circuit board and transverse air flow greater than 500 linear fpm is maintained. Outputs are terminated through a 5Q--ohm resistor to -2.0 volts. Test procedures are shown for only one gate. The other gates are tested in the same manner. MECLData DL122- Rev 6 3-105 MOTOROLA MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Quad 2-lnput Multiplexer (Inverting) MC10159 The MC1 0159 is a quad two channel multiplexer with enable. It incorporates common enable and common data select inputs. The select input determines which data inputs are enabled. A high (H) level enables data inputs 000, 010, 020, and 030. A low (L) level enables data inputs 001, 011, 021, and 031. Any change on the data inputs will be reflected at the outputs while the enable is low. Input levels are inverted at the output. Po = -,. • 218 mW typ/pkg (No Load) = 2.5 ns typ (Data to 0) 3.2 ns typ (Select to 0) tr, tf = 2.5 ns typ (20%-80%) tpd LOGIC DIAGRAM SELECT 9 LSUFFIX CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 62Q-10 PSUFFIX PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE64~8 FNSUFFIX PLCC CASE 77S-02 DIP PIN ASSIGNMENT 001 5 000 6 011 3 Qlj VCC Of Q2 011 Q3 010 020 001 021 DOO 030 010 4 ENABLE 7 ENABLE 021 12 VEE 02013 031 SELECT Pin assignment is for Dual-in-LJne Package. For PLCC pin assignment, see the Pin Conversion Tables on page 6-11. 031 10 03011 TRUTH TABLE Enable L L L L H Select L L H H X DO X X L H X 01 Q L H X X X H VCC=PIN 16 VEE = PIN 8 L H L L 3/93 © Motorola, Inc. 1996 3-106 REV5 ® MOTOROI.A MC10159 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Test Limits Characteristic Power Supply Drain Current Input Current Symbol Pin Under Test IE 8 58 linH 9 5 360 400 --30'C Min +25'C Max Min +85'C Typ Max Max Unit 42 53 58 mAdc 225 250 225 250 I1Adc Min linL 5 0.5 Output Voltage Logic 1 VOH 1 -1.060 -0.890 -0.960 -0.810 -0.890 -0.700 Output Voltage Logic 0 VOL 1 -1.890 -1.675 -1.850 -1.650 -1.825 -1.615 Threshold Voltage Logic 1 VOHA 1 -1.080 Logic 0 VOLA 1 t5+1t9+1t7+1- 1 1 1 1.1 1.5 1.4 3.8 5.3 5.3 1.2 1.5 1.5 2.5 3.2 2.5 3.3 5.0 5.0 1.1 1.5 1.4 3.8 5.3 5.3 Threshold Voltage SWitching Times Propagation Delay 0.5 0.3 I1Adc -0.910 -0.980 -1.630 -1.655 Vdc Vdc -1.595 (50n Load) Data Input Select Input Enable Input Vdc Vdc ns Rise lime (20 to 80%) tl+ 1 1.0 3.7 1.1 2.5 3.5 1.0 3.7 Fall Time (20 to 80%) ti- l 1.0 3.7 1.1 2.5 3.5 1.0 3.7 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) TEST VOLTAGE VALUES (Volts) @ Characteristic Test Temperature Symbol Power Supply Drain Current Input Current VIHmax VILmin VIHAmin VILAmax VEE --30'C -0.890 -1.890 -1.205 -1.500 -5.2 +25'C -0.810 -1.850 -1.105 -1.475 -5.2 +85'C -0.700 -1.825 -1.035 -1.440 -5.2 Pin Under Test IE 8 linH 9 5 TEST VOLTAGE APPLIED TO PINS LISTED BELOW VIHmax linL 5 Logic 1 VOH 1 Output Voltage Logic 0 VOL 1 5 Threshold Voltage Logic 1 VOHA 1 9 Logic 0 VOLA 1 Switching limes Propagation Delay (50n Load) Data Input Select Input Enable Input 1 1 1 VILAmax 5 9 +1.11V t5+1t9+11]+1- VIHAmln 9 5 Output Voltage Threshold Voltage VILmln 6 3,12 (VCC) Gnd 8 16 8 8 16 16 8 16 8 16 8 16 6 8 16 8 16 Pulse In Pulse Out --3.2 V +2.0 V 5 9 7 1 1 1 8 8 16 16 6 +0.31V VEE Rise lime (20 to 80%) tl+ 1 9 5 1 8 16 Fall lime (20 to 80%) ti- l 9 5 1 8 16 Each MECL 10,000 series circuit has been designed to meet the dc specifications shown in the test table, after thermal equilibrium has been established. The circuit is in a test socket or mounted on a printed circuit board and transverse air flow greater than 500 linear fpm is maintained. Outputs are terminated through a 50-ohm resistor to -2.0 volts. Test procedures are shown for only one gate. The other gates are tested in the same manner. MECLData DL122- Rev 6 3-107 MOTOROLA MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA 12-Bit Parity Generator-Checker MC10160 The MC10160 consists of nine Exclusive-OR gates in a single package. internally connected to provide odd parity checking or generation. Output goes high when an odd number of inputs are high. Unconnected inputs are pulled to low logic levels allowing parity detection and generation for less than 12 bits. PD = 320 mW typ/pkg (No Load) tpd 5.0 ns typ t r• tf 2.0 ns typ (20%-80%) - = = LOGIC DIAGRAM 3---""--4-"",,-_ 5---""--6-"",,-_ LSUFFIX CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 62D-l0 PSUFFIX PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 64S-QS PIN ASSIGNMENT 7---""--9-'H...._ 10---""--11-"",,-_ 12---""--13-"",,-_ 14---""--15-"",,-_ VCCI OUT VCCI =PIN 1 VCC2=PIN 16 VEE = PINS INPUT OUTPUT Sumo! High Level Inputs Pin 2 Even Low Odd High 9/96 © Motorola, Inc. 1996 3-108 REV 6 VCC2 IN12 INI IN11 IN2 IN10 IN3 IN9 IN4 INS IN5 IN7 VEE IN6 ® MOTOROLA MC10160 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Test Limits Characteristic Power Supply Drain Current Input Current Symbol Pin Under Test 'E 8 86 linH (Note 1.) 3 4 425 350 -3DoC Min +25°C Max Min +85°C Typ Max Max Unit 62 78 86 mAde 265 220 265 220 !lAde Min linL 3 0.5 Output Voltage Logic 1 VOH 2 -1.060 -0.890 -0.960 -0.810 -0.890 -0.700 Vde Output Voltage Logic 0 VOL 2 -1.890 -1.675 -1.850 -1.650 -1.825 -1.615 Vde Threshold Voltage Logic 1 VOHA 2 -1.080 Threshold Voltage Logic 0 VOLA 2 t3+2+ t3+2t3--213-2+ t4+2+ 4+24-214-2+ 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 Switching Times 0.5 0.3 !lAde -0.910 -0.980 -1.630 -1.655 Vde -1.595 (SOn Load) Propagation Delay Vdc ns Rise Time (20 to 80%) t2+ 2 1.1 3.5 1.1 2.0 3.3 1.0 3.5 Fal/Time (2010 80%) t2- 2 1.1 3.5 1.1 2.0 3.3 1.0 3.5 1. PinS 3,6,7,11,12,15 are similar. Pins 4, 5, 9,10,13,14 are similar. MECLDala DL122-Rev6 3--109 MOTOROLA MC10160 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) TEST VOLTAGE VALUES (Volts) @ Characteristic Power Supply Drain Current Input Current Test Temperature VIHmax VILmin VIHAmln VILAmax VEE --30°C --{J.890 -1.890 -1.205 -1.500 --5.2 +25°C --{J.81 0 -1.850 -1.105 -1.475 -5.2 +85°C --{J.700 -1.825 -1.035 -1.440 --5.2 Symbol Pin Under Test IE 8 linH (Note 1.) 3 4 linL 3 TEST VOLTAGE APPLIED TO PINS LISTED BELOW VEE (VCC) Gnd 4,5,9, 10,13,14 8 1,16 3 4 8 8 1,16 1,16 3 8 1,16 4,5,6,7,9,10, 11,12,13,14,15 8 1,16 8 1,16 8 1,16 VIHmax VILmln Output Voltage Logic 1 VOH 2 Output Voltage logic 0 VOL 2 3,4,5,6,7,9,10, 11,12,13,14,15 Threshold Voltage logic 1 VOHA 2 4,5,6,7,9,10, 11,12,13,14,15 Threshold Voltage Logic 0 VOLA 2 3,5,6,7,9,10, 11,12,13,14,15 Switching TImes (500 load) Propagation Delay 3 +1.11V t3+2+ ta+2ta-2ta--2+ 4+2+ t4+24-24-2+ 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 3 3 VIHAmin VILAmax 3 4 8 1,16 Pulse In Pulse Out --3.2 V +2.0 V 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 8 8 B 8 8 8 8 8 1,16 1,16 1,16 1,16 1,16 1,16 1,16 1,16 Rise Time (20 to 80%) t2+ 2 3 2 8 1,16 Fall TIme (20 to 80%) t2- 2 3 2 8 1,16 1. PinS 3,6,7,11,12,15 are similar. Pins 4,5,9,10,13,14 are similar. Each MECl 10,000 series circuit has been designed to meet the dc specifications shown in the test table, after thermal equilibrium has been established. The circuit is in a test socket or mounted on a printed circuit board and transverse air flow greater than 500 linear fpm is maintained. Outputs are terminated through a 5D-ohm resistor to -2.0 volts. Test proced.ures are shown for only one gate. The other gates are tested in the same manner. MOTOROLA 3-110 MEClData Dl122-Rev6 MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Binary to 1-8 Decoder (Low) MC10161 The MC10161 is designed to decode a three bit input word to a one of eight line output. The selected output will be low while all other outputs will be high. The enable inputs, when either or both are high, force all outputs high. The MC10161 is a true parallel decoder. No series gating is used internally, eliminating unequal delay times found in other decoders. This design provides the identical 4 ns delay from any address or enable input to any output. A complete muxldemux operation on 16 bits for data distribution is illustrated in Figure 1. This system, using the MC10136 control counters, has the capability of incrementing, decrementing or holding data channels. When both SO and 81 are low, the index counters reset, thus initializing both the mux and demux units. The four binary outputs of the counter are buffered by the MC10101s to send twisted-pair select data to the multiplexer/demultiplexer to units. -, . • PD = 315 mW typ/pkg (No Load) tpd = 4.0 ns typ t r, tf 2.0 ns typ (20%-80%) = PSUFFIX PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 64S-oS FNSUFFIX PLCC CASE 775-02 DIP PIN ASSIGNMENT LOGIC DIAGRAM soo LSUFFIX CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 62Q-10 VCC1 =PIN 1 VCC2 = PIN 16 VEE = PINS VCC1 501 EO 402 VCC2 E1 03 C 02 04 13 Q4 01 05 1205 00 06 A 07 303 11 OS 10 VEE Q7 B Pin assignment is for Dual-in-Line Package. For PLCC pin assignment, see the Pin Conversion Tables on page 6-11. TRUTH TABLE ENABLE INPUTS INPUTS OUTPUTS E1 EO C B A 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 L L L L L L L L H X L L L L L L L L X H L L L L H H H H X X L L H H L L H H X X L H L H L H L H X X L H H H H H H H H H H L H H H H H H H H H H L H H H H H H H H H H L H H H H H H H H H H L H H H H H H H H H H L H H H H H H H H H H L H H H H H H H H H H L H H 3193 © Molorola, Inc. 1996 3-111 REVS ® MOTOROLA MC10161 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Test Limits Characteristic Power Supply Drain Current Input Current Symbol Pin Under Test IE 8 linH 14 linL 14 0.5 VOH 13 13 -1.060 -1.060 -{l.890 -{l.890 -{l.960 -{l.960 -{l.81 0 -{l.81 0 -{l.890 -{l.890 -{l.700 -{l.700 -1.675 -1.850 -1.650 -1.825 -1.615 +2SoC -3O°C Min Max Min 84 +BSoC Typ Max 61 76 350 Min 220 Max Unit 84 mAdc 220 0.3 0.5 Output Voltage Logic 1 Output Voltage Logic 0 VOL 13 -1.890 Threshold Voltage Logic 1 VOHA 13 13 -1.080 -1.080 Logic 0 VOLA 13 t14+13tl4-13+ 13 13 1.5 1.5 6.2 6.2 1.5 1.5 4.0 4.0 6.0 6.0 1.5 1.5 6.4 6.4 Threshold Voltage -{l.980 -{l.980 -{l.91 0 -{l.91 0 -1.655 -1.630 Propagation Delay Vdc Vdc Vdc -1.595 (50n Load) Switching Times JlAdc JlAdc Vdc ns Rise Time (20 to 80%) t13+ 13 1.0 3.3 1.1 2.0 3.3 1.1 3.5 Fall Time (20 to 60%) tl3- 13 1.0 3.3 1.1 2.0 3.3 1.1 3.5 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) TEST VOLTAGE VALUES (Volts) @ Characteristic Symbol Power Supply Drain Current Input Current VILmin VIHAmln VILAmax VEE -3O°C -{l.690 -1.690 -1.205 -1.S00 -5.2 +2SoC -{l.61 0 -1.650 -1.105 -1.475 -5.2 +BSoC -{l.700 -1.625 -1.035 -1.440 -5.2 Pin Under Test VIHmax TEST VOLTAGE APPLIED TO PINS LISTED BELOW VEE (VCC) Gnd 6 2,7,9,14,15 8 1,16 14 6 1,16 8 1,16 8 8 1,16 1,16 2 15 Logic 0 VOL 13 14 Logic 1 VOHA 13 13 14 Logic 0 VOLA 13 2 15 14 (50nLoad) Propagation Delay VILAmax 14 13 13 Output Voltage VIHAmln IE 14 Threshold Voltage VILmin linH linL Logic 1 Switching Times VIHmax VOH Output Voltage Threshold Vo~age Test Temperature 8 1,16 8 8 1,16 1,16 8 1,16 Pulse In Pulse Out -3.2 V +2.0 V t14+13tl4-13+ 13 13 14 14 13 13 8 8 1,16 1,16 Rise Time (20 to 80%) t13+ 13 14 13 8 1,16 Fall Time (20 to 80%) t13- 13 14 13 8 1,16 Each MECL 10,000 series circuit has been designed to meet the dc specifications shown in the test table, after thermal equilibrium has been established. The circuit is in a test socket or mounted on a printed circuit board and transverse air flow greater than SOO linear fpm is maintained. Outputs are terminated through a 50-0hm resistor to -2.0 vo~s. Test procedures are shown for only one gate. The other gates are tested in the same manner. MOTOROLA 3-112 MECL Data DL122-Rev6 MC10161 FIGURE 1 - MECLData DL122-Rev6 HIGH SPEED 16-BIT MULTIPLEXERIDEMULTIPLEXER 3-113 MOTOROLA MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Binary to 1-8 Decoder (High) MC10162 The MC10162 is designed to convert three lines of input data to a one-of--eight output. The selected output will be high while all other outputs are low. The enable inputs, when either or both are high, force all outputs low. The MC10162 is a true parallel decoder. No series gating is used internally, eliminating unequal delay times found in other decoders. This device is ideally suited for demultiplexer applications. One of the two enable inputs is used as the data input, while the other is used as a data enable input. A complete mux/demux operation on 16 bits for data distribution is illustrated in Figure 1 olthe MC10161 data sheet. -• PD = 315 ns typ/pkg (No Load) tpd 4.0 ns typ tr, tf = 2.0 nstyp (200/0-80%) = LOGIC DIAGRAM LSUFFIX CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 62G-10 PSUFFIX PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 648-08 FNSUFFIX PLCC CASE 775-02 DIP PIN ASSIGNMENT VCC2 Ef C Q4 05 as Q7 VCC1 = PIN 1 VCC2= PIN 16 B VEE= PINS Pin assignment is for DuaHn-Line Package. For PLCC pin assignment, see the Pin Conversion Tables on page 6-11. TRUTH TABLE INPUTS OUTPUTS EO E1 C B A 00 01 02 03 Q4 L L L L L L L L H X L L L L L L L L X H L L L L H H H L L H H L L H H X X L H L H L H L H X X H L L L L L L L H L L L L L L L L L L H L L L L L L L L L L H L L L L L L L L L L H L L L L L H X X L L L as as L L L L L H L L L L L L L L L L H L L L ID L L L L L L L H L L 3193 © Motorola. Inc. 1996 3-114 REVS ® MOTOROLA MC10162 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Test Limits Characteristic Power Supply Drain Current Input Current Symbol Pin Under Test IE 8 linH 14 linL 14 0.5 -30'C Min +25'C Max Min 84 +85'C Typ Max 61 76 Min Max Unit 84 mAdc 220 350 220 0.5 IlAdc ).IAdc 0.3 Output Voltage Logic 1 VOH 13 -1.060 -0.890 -0.960 -0.810 -0.890 -0.700 Vdc Output Voltage Logic 0 VOL 13 13 -1.890 -1.890 -1.675 -1.675 -1.850 -1.850 -1.650 -1.650 -1.825 -1.825 -1.615 -1.615 Vdc Threshold Voltage Logic 1 VOHA 13 -1.080 Threshold Voltage Logic 0 VOLA 13 13 -1.595 -1.595 Vdc tI4+13tl4-13+ 13 13 1.5 1.5 6.2 6.2 1.5 1.5 Switching Times -0.910 -0.980 -1.655 -1.655 -1.630 -1.630 Vdc (son Load) Propagation Delay ns 4.0 4.0 6.0 6.0 1.5 1.5 6.4 6.4 Rise Time (20 to 80%) t13+ 13 1.0 3.3 1.1 2.0 3.3 1.1 3.5 Fall Time (20 to 80%) tl3- 13 1.0 3.3 1.1 2.0 3.3 1.1 3.5 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) TEST VOLTAGE VALUES (Volts) @ Test Temperature Characteristic Symbol Power Supply Drain Current Input Current VIHmax VILmin VIHAmin VILAmax VEE -30'C -0.890 -1.890 -1.205 -1.500 -5.2 +25'C -0.810 -1.850 -1.105 -1.475 -5.2 +85'C -0.700 -1.825 -1.035 -1.440 -5.2 Pin Under Test IE 8 linH 14 linL 14 TEST VOLTAGE APPLIED TO PINS LISTED BELOW VIHmax VILmin VIHAmin VILAmax 14 14 VEE (VCC) Gnd 8 1,16 8 1,16 8 1,16 Output Voltage Logic 1 VOH 13 14 8 1,16 Output Voltage Logic 0 VOL 13 13 2 15 8 8 1,16 1,16 Threshold Voltage Logic 1 VOHA 13 14 8 1,16 Threshold Voltage Logic 0 VOLA 13 13 2 15 8 8 1,16 1,16 tI4+13+ tl4-13- 13 13 Switching Times (50n Load) Propagation Delay Pulse In Pulse Out -3.2 V +2.0 V 14 14 13 13 8 8 1,16 1,16 Rise Time (20 to 80%) t+ 13 14 13 8 1,16 Fall Time (20 to 80%) t- 13 14 13 8 1,16 Each MECL 10,000 series circuit has been designed to meet the dc specifications shown in the test table, after thermal equilibrium has been established. The circuit is in a test socket or mounted on a printed circuit board and transverse air flow greater than 500 linear fpm is maintained. Outputs are terminated through a 50-ohm resistor to -2.0 volts. Test procedures are shown for only one gate. The other gates are tested in the same manner. MECLData DL122-Rev6 3-115 MOTOROLA MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA a-Line Multiplexer MC10164 The MC1 0164 is a high speed. low power eight-channel data selector which routes data present at one-of-eight inputs to the output. The data is routed according to the three bit code present on the address inputs. An enable input is provided for easy bit expansion. -,. • = = PD 310 mW typ/pkg (No Load) tpd 3.0 ns typ (Data to Output) t r• tf = 2.0 ns typ (20%-80%) LOGIC DIAGRAM A 7 B 9 C 10 Eii86re2 LSUFFIX CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 620-10 PSUFFIX PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE641HJ8 FNSUFFIX PLCC CASEn5-02 DIP PIN ASSIGNMENT 15 Z XO 6 XI VCC2 5 ENABLE X2 4 [3J X3 3 VCC1 Z X3 X7 X2 X6 X1 X5 X411 X512 VCC1 = PIN 1 VCC2= PIN 16 VEE= PINS X613 X7 14 XO X4 A C VEE B Pin assignment is lor Dual-In-t.ine Package. For PLCC pin assignment, see the Pin Conversion Tables on page 6-11. TRUTH TABLE ADDRESS INPUTS ENABLE C B A Z L L L L L L L L L L H H L H L H XO X1 L L L L H H H H L L H H L H L H X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 H X X X L X2 3193 © Motorola. Inc. 1996 3-116 REV 5 ® MOTOROLA MC10164 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Test Limits Characteristic Power Supply Drain Current Input Current Symbol Pin Under Test IE 8 linH 2 linL 4 0.5 -30'C Min +85'C +25'C Max Min 83 Typ Max 60 75 425 Min Max Unit 83 mAdc 265 265 0.5 IIAdc 0.3 IIAdc Output Voltage Logic 1 VOH 15 -1.060 -0.890 -0.960 -0.810 -0.890 -0.700 Vdc Output Voltage Logic 0 VOL 15 -1.890 -1.675 -1.850 -1.650 -1.825 -1.615 Vdc Threshold Voltage Logic 1 VOHA 15 -1.080 Threshold Voltage Logic 0 VOLA 15 -1.595 Vdc 4+15+ 14-15t7+15+ t7-15t2+15t2-15+ 15 15 15 15 15 15 1.5 1.5 1.9 1.9 0.9 0.9 4.9 4.9 6.5 6.5 3.5 3.5 1.5 1.5 2.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 3.0 4.0 4.0 2.0 2.0 4.7 4.7 6.2 6.2 3.1 3.1 1.6 1.6 2.2 2.2 1.0 1.0 5.0 5.0 6.7 6.7 3.3 3.3 Switching Tomes -0.980 -0.910 Vdc -1.630 -1.655 (500 Load) Propagation Delay ns Rise Time (20 to 80%) t+ 15 0.9 3.3 1.1 2.0 3.3 1.2 3.6 Fall Tome (20 to 80%) t- 15 0.9 3.3 1.1 2.0 3.3 1.2 3.6 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) TEST VOLTAGE VALUES (Volts) @ Characteristic Power Supply Drain Current Input Current Test Temperature VIHmax VILmin VIHAmin VILAmax VEE -30'C -0.890 -1.890 -1.205 -1.500 -5.2 +25'C -0.810 -1.850 -1.105 -1.475 -5.2 +85'C -0.700 -1.825 -1.035 -1.440 -5.2 Symbol Pin Under Test IE 8 linH 2 linL 4 Output Voltage Logic 1 VOH 15 TEST VOLTAGE APPLIED TO PINS LISTED BELOW VIHmax 4 Logic 0 VOL 15 9 Logic 1 VOHA 15 4,9 Threshold Voltage Logic 0 VOLA 15 Propagation Delay VILAmax 4,9 Output Voltage (500 Load) VIHAmin 4 Threshold Voltage Switching Times VILmin 2 9 VEE (Vccl Gnd 8 1,16 8 1,16 8 1,16 8 1,16 8 1,16 8 1,16 2 8 1,16 +1.11V Pulse In Pulse Out -3.2 V +2.0 V 4+15+ 14-15t7+15+ 17-15t2+15t2-15+ 15 15 15 15 15 15 9 9 5 5 7,5 7,5 4 4 7 7 2 2 15 15 15 15 15 15 8 8 8 8 8 8 1,16 1,16 1,16 1,16 1,16 1,16 1,16 Rise Tome (20 to 80%) t+ 15 9 4 15 8 Fall Time (20 to 80%) t- 15 9 4 15 8 .. .. 1,16 Each MECL 10,000 senes CirCUit has been designed to meet the dc specifications shown In the tesl table, after thermal eqUllibnum has been established. The circuit is in a test socket or mounted on a printed circuit board and transverse air flow greater than 500 linear fpm is maintained. Outputs are terminated through a 5G-ohm resistor to -2.0 volts. Test procedures are shown for only one gate. The other gates are tested in the same manner. MECLData DL122-Rev6 3-117 MOTOROLA MC10164 APPLICATION INFORMATION The MC1 0164 can be used wherever data multiplexing or parallel to serial conversion is desirable. Full parallel gating permits equal delays through any data path. The output of the MC10164 incorporates a buffer gate with eight data inputs and an enable. A high level on the enable forces the output low. The MC10164 can be connected directly to a data bus, due to its open emitter output and FIGURE 1 - output enable. Figure one illustrates how a 1-of-64 line multiplexer can be built with eight MC10164's wire ORed at their outputs and one MC10161 to drive the enables on each multiplexer, without speed degradation over a single MC1 0164 being experienced. 1-0F-64 LINE MULTIPLEXER ABC lout 14 07 MSB ABC Q6 [3J 05 lout Q4 MC10161 as Q2 Q1 LSB QO Zout ABC The Bit chosen ;s dependent on six-bit code present on Inputs 7, 9, 14 of the MC10161 and the A, B, C Inputs of the MC10164. Zou1 ABC lout ABC lout MOTOROLA 3-118 MECLOata DL122-Rev6 MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA a-Input Priority Encoder MC10165 The MC1 0165 is a device designed to encode eight inputs to a binary coded output. The output code is that of the highest order input. Any input of lower priority is ignored. Each output incorporates a latch allowing synchronous operation. When the clock is low the outputs follow the inputs and latch when the clock goes high. This device is very useful for a variety of applications in checking system status in control processors, peripheral controllers, and testing systems. The input is active when high, (e.g., the three binary outputs are low when input DO is high). The Q3 output is high when any input is high. This allows direct extension into another priority encoder when more than eight inputs are necessary. The MC10165 can also be used to develop binary codes from random logic inputs, for addressing ROMs, RAMs, or for multiplexing data. -- = Po 545 mW typ/pkg (No Load) tpd = 4.5 ns typ (Data to Output) tr, tf = 2.0 ns typ (20%-80%) LSUFFIX CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 620-10 PSUFFIX PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 64S-QS PIN ASSIGNMENT VCC1 TRUTH TABLE DATA INPUTS DO D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 DB D7 03 H L L L L L L L L X X X X X X X H L H H H H H H H H L X H L L L L L L L X X H L L L L L L X X X H L L L L L X X X X H L L L L X X X X X H L L L X X X X X X H L L OUTPUTS 02 01 00 L L L L H H H H L L L H H L L H H L L H L H L H L H L 9/96 © Motorola, Inc: 1996 3-119 REV6 VCC2 01 02 00 03 CLOCK D2 DO D5 D7 D4 D1 D3 VEE DB ® MOTOROLA ~ MC10165 LOGIC DIAGRAM C4 DOS ) 017 .2 0213 )- VCCI = PIN 1 VCC2= PIN 16 VEE.= PINS 1 0310 ) 0411 -I ]0-- -L ..., }- -L ---L}- ~ D H. =! ) 0512 I L.-.t 069 _..L ) r---' ) 076 ~ ::::::I " )-- >- - ~ 1502 "\ I- >- I ~ 201 .- J 3-120 300 I- "" MOTOROLA l- r- - 1403 '-- MECLData DL122-Rev6 MC10165 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Test Limits Characteristic Power Supply Drain Current Input Current Symbol Pin Under Test IE 8 144 linH 4 5 390 350 linL 4 5 0.5 0.5 -30'C Min +25'C Max Min +85'C Typ Max Max Unit 105 131 144 mAdc 245 220 245 220 !lAdc 0.5 0.5 Min 0.3 0.3 !lAdc Output Voltage Logic 1 VOH 2 3 14 15 -1.060 -1.060 -1.060 -1.060 --{).890 --{).890 --{).890 --{).890 -0.960 --{).960 --{).960 --{).960 -0.810 -0.810 --{).81 0 --{).81 0 -0.890 --{).890 -0.890 -0.890 -0.700 --{).700 --{).700 -0.700 Vdc Output Voltage Logic 0 VOL 2 3 14 15 -1.890 -1.890 -1.890 -1.890 -1.675 -1.675 -1.675 -1.675 -1.850 -1.850 -1.850 -1.850 -1.650 -1.650 -1.650 -1.650 -1.825 -1.825 -1.825 -1.825 -1.615 -1.615 -1.615 -1.615 Vdc Threshold Voltage Logic 1 VOHA 2 3 14 15 -1.080 -1.080 -1.080 -1.080 Threshold Voltage Logic 0 VOLA 2 3 14 15 t5+14+ t5-1417+3+ tll+15+ t13+2+ 14 14 3 15 2 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 14-3+ 14-14+ 14-14- 3(2.) 3(3.) 14(2.) 14(3.) 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 Setup Time tsetupH tsetupL 3 3 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 3.4 3.0 6.0 6.0 Hold Time tholdH tholdL 3 3 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 -2.3 -2.7 1.0 1.0 Switching Times --{).91 0 -0.910 --{).91 0 -0.910 --{).980 --{).980 --{).980 --{).980 -1.630 -1.630 -1.630 -1.630 -1.655 -1.655 -1.655 -1.655 Vdc -1.595 -1.595 -1.595 -1.595 ns (500 Load) Propagation Delay Data Input Clock Input Vdc i4-3- Rise Time (20 to 80%) t3+ 3 1.1 3.5 1.1 2.0 3.3 1.1 3.5 Fall Time (20 to 80%) t3- 3 1.1 3.5 1.1 2.0 3.3 1.1 3.5 .. 1. The same limit applies for all 0 type Input pins. To test Input currents for other D Inputs, indiVidually apply proper voltage to pin under test. 2. Output latched to low state prior to test. 3. Output latched to high state prior to test. • To preserve reliable performance, the MCl 0165P (plastic packaged device only) is to be operated in ambienttemperatures above 70'C only when 500 Ifpm blown air or equivalent heat sinking is provided. MECLData DL122-Rev6 3-121 MOTOROLA MC10165 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) TEST VOLTAGE VALUES (Volts) @ Characteristic Power Supply Drain Current Input Current Test Temperature VIHmax VILmin VIHAmln VILAmax VEE -30'C -0.890 -1.890 -1.205 -1.500 -5.2 +25'C -0.810 -1.850 -1.105 -1.475 -5.2 +85'C -0.700 -1.825 -1.035 -1.440 -5.2 Symbol Pin Under Test IE 8 linH 4 5 linL 4 5 TEST VOLTAGE APPLIED TO PINS LISTED BELOW VIHmax VEE (VCC) Gnd 8 1,16 8 8 1,16 1,16 4 5(1.) 8 8 1,16 1,16 4 4 4 4 8 8 8 8 1,16 1,16 1,16 1,16 8 8 8 8 1,16 1,16 1,16 1,16 8 8 8 8 1,16 1,16 1,16 1,16 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 1,16 1,16 1,16 1,16 VILmin Logic 1 VOH 2 3 14 15 Output Voltage Logic 0 VOL 2 3 14 15 4 4 4 4 Threshold Voltage Logic 1 VOHA 2 3 14 15 4 4 4 4 Threshold Voltage Logic 0 VOLA 2 3 14 15 4 4 Propagation Delay (500 Load) VILAmax 4 5(1.) Output Voltage Switching Times VIHAmin 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 4 +1.11V +0.31V Pulse In Pulse Out -3.2 V +2.0 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 7 11 13 14 14 3 15 2 8 8 8 8 8 1,16 1,16 1,16 1,16 1,16 7 4 7 4 4 4 3 3 14 14 8 8 8 8 1,16 1,16 1,16 1,16 3 3 4,7 4,7 3 3 8 8 1,16 1,16 3 3 4,7 4,7 3 3 8 8 1,16 1,16 Data Input t5+14+ t5-1417+3+ tll+15+ t13+2+ 14 14 3 15 2 Clock Input 14-3+ t4-314-14+ t4-14- 3(2.) 3(3.) 14(2.) 14(3.) Setup Time tsetupH tsetupL Hold Time tholdH tholdL Rise Time (20 to 80%) t3+ 3 4 7 3 8 1,16 Fall Time (20 to 80%) !s- 3 4 7 3 8 1,16 1. The same limit applies for all D type input pins. To test input currents for other D inputs, individually apply proper voltage to pin under test. 2. Output latched to low state prior to test. 3. Output latched to high state prior to lest. • To preserve reliable performance, the MC1 0165P (plastic packaged device only) is to be operated in ambientlemperaturesabove 70'C only when 500 Ifpm blown air or equivalent heat sinking is provided. Each MECL 10,000 series circuit has been designed to meet the dc specifications shown in the test table, aiter thennal equilibrium has been established. The circuit is in a test socket or mounted on a printed circuit board and transverse air flow greater than 500 linearfpm is maintained. Outputs are terminated through a 50-0hm resistor to -2.0 volts. Test procedures are shown for only one gate. The other gates are tested in the same manner. MOTOROLA 3-122 MECLData DL122-Rev6 MC10165 connected to this encoder such that, when a given condition exists, the respective input will be at a logic high level. This scheme will select the one of 64 different system conditions, as represented at the encoder inputs, which has priority in determining the next system operation to be performed. The binary code showing the address of the highest priority input present will appear at the encoder outputs to control other system logic functions. APPLICATION INFORMATION A typical application of the MC1 0165 is the decoding of system status on a priority basis. A 64 line priority encoder is shown in the figure below. System status lines are 54-LINE PRIORITY ENCODER LSB Iz Iz MC10164II 1/2MC10101 System Clock Highest Priority Input 0-:-, 00 0.:. 07 0-;-, 0.:. ~ U " DD 0.:. 00 0.:. 0.:. " 0.:. 01 iii Q2 ill '" 0.:. 01 02 03 Q1 iii 02 ill 01 U 02 " ill 0 U 0-:- 07 '" MECLData DL122- Rev 6 03 00 C , - 00 ill 0 0-:- DO r- 0001 02 03 iii 07 07 , , 02-1-0 MSB 000 0 DD DO Q3 ill C 0-;, ~l ~~ ~ highestprionty channel present at input 000 07 DO -=:: 03 ill C 0-;-, r::::::= number of 07 U DO 01 02 03 Six bit output wordyieldmg III - C 0-;-, I X7 ABC 01 0 07 ....... 02 07 DD II' III xo ill C 0-;-, xO ..... X7ABC U 0 07 MC10164II X7ABC aD- C 0-;-, Priority Input ... . ~0:u C Lowe~ I xo Iz MC10164 03 00 01 Q2 03 3-123 MOTOROLA MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA 5-Bit Magnitude Comparator MC10166 The MCl 0166 is a high speed expandable 5-bit comparator for comparing the magnitude of two binary words. Two outputs are provided: A < B and A > B. A = B can be obtained by NO Ring the two outputs with an additional gate. A high level on the enable function forces both outputs low. Multiple MC10166s may be used for larger word comparisons. -• PD = 440 mW typ/pkg (No Load) tpd = D~ta to output 6.0 ns typ E to output 2.5 ns typ t r, tf 2.0 ns typ (20%-80%) = LOGIC DIAGRAM A4 9 84 10 LSUFFIX CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 62()-10 PSUFFIX PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 648- B VCCI VCC2 A>8 E A<8 B2 A2 13 B214 3AB X L L L Word A = Word B L L L Word A > Word B L H L Word A < Word B H L 3193 © Motorola, Inc. 1996 3-124 REVS ® MOTOROLA MC10166 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Test Limits Characteristic Power Supply Drain Current Input Current Symbol Pin Under Test -30°C Min +25°C Max Min 117 IE 8 linH 5 linL 5 0.5 +85°C Typ Max 85 106 350 Min Unit 117 mAdc 220 220 0.5 Max 0.3 IlAdc IlAdc Output Voltage Logic 1 VOH 2 3 -1.060 -1.060 -0.890 -0.890 -0.960 -0.960 -0.810 -0.810 -0.890 -0.890 -0.700 -0.700 Vdc Output Voltage Logic 0 VOL 2 3 -1.890 -1.890 -1.675 -1.675 -1.850 -1.850 -1.650 -1.650 -1.825 -1.825 -1.615 -1.615 Vdc Threshold Voltage Logic 1 VOHA 2 3 -1.080 -1.080 Threshold Voltage Logic 0 VOLA 2 3 Data to Output t9+2+ t9-2tll-2+ tIl +21]+3+ t7-3- 2 2 2 2 3 3 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 B.O B.O 8.0 B.O B.O 8.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 7.6 7.6 7.6 7.6 7.6 7.6 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 B.4 8.4 8.4 8.4 8.4 B.4 Enable to Output tI5-3+ tI5+3- 3 3 1.0 1.0 3.8 3.8 1.0 1.0 2.5 2.5 3.6 3.6 1.0 1.0 4.0 4.0 Switching Times Propagation Delay -0.980 -0.980 -0.910 -0.910 -1.630 -1.630 -1.655 -1.655 Vdc -1.595 -1.595 (50nLoad) ns Rise Time (20 to BO%) t2+ 2 1.0 3.6 1.1 2.0 3.5 1.1 3.8 Fall Time (20 to BO%) t2- 2 1.0 3.6 1.1 2.0 3.5 1.1 3.8 MECLData DL122- Rev 6 Vdc 3-125 MOTOROLA MC10166 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) TEST VOLTAGE VALUES (Volts) @ Characteristic Power Supply Drain Current Input Current Test Temperature VIHmax VILmln VIHAmin VILAmax VEE -30°C -0.890 -1.890 -1.205 -1.500 -5.2 +25°C -0.810 -1.850 -1.105 -1.475 -5.2 +85°C -0.700 -1.825 -1.035 -1.440 -5.2 Symbol Pin Under Test IE 8 linH 5 linL 5 TEST VOLTAGE APPLIED TO PINS LISTED BELOW VIHmax VILmin VIHAmin VILAmax 4,7,10,11,14 5 5 VEE (VCC) Gnd 8 1,16 8 1,16 8 1,16 Output Voltage Logic 1 VOH 2 3 5 4 8 8 1,16 1,16 Output Voltage Logic 0 VOL 2 3 5,15 4,15 8 8 1,16 1,16 Threshold Voltage Logic 1 VOHA 2 3 5 4 8 8 1,16 1,16 Threshold Voltage Logic 0 VOLA 2 3 5 4 15 15 8 8 1,16 1,16 +1.11V Pulse In Pulse Out -3.2 V +2.0 t9+2+ t9-2tll-2+ t11+2t7+3+ 17-3- 2 2 2 2 3 3 12 12 6 6 9 9 11 11 7 7 2 2 2 2 3 3 8 8 8 8 8 8 1,16 1,16 1,16 1,16 1,16 1,16 t15-3+ t15+3- 3 3 10 10 15 15 3 3 8 8 1,16 1,16 1,16 Switching Times Propagation Delay (50n Load) Data to Output Enable to Output 15 15 Rise Time (20 to 80%) t2+ 2 9 2 8 Fall Time (20 to 80%) t2- 2 9 2 8 .. .. 1,16 Each MECL 10,000 senes CirCUit has been designed to meet the dc specifications shown In the test table, aiter thermal eqUlhbnum has been established. The circuit is in a test socket or mounted on a printed circuit board and transverse air flow greater than 500 linear fpm is maintained. Outputs are terminated through a 50-0hm resistor to -2.0 volts. Test procedures are shown for only one gate. The other gates are tested in the same manner. MOTOROLA 3-126 MECL Data DL122-Rev6 MC10166 APPLICATION INFORMATION FIGURE 1 - 9-BIT MAGNITUDE COMPARATOR AO 60 A1 61 A2 62 A3 53 A4 64 824 A24 823 A23 822 84 A4 620 A20 83 A3 A<8 82 A2 81 A>6 Al 80 AO 819 A19 618 A18 617 A17 616 A16 615 A15 84 A4 63 A3 A<6 62 A2 61 A>8 Al 60 AO A22 821 A21 614 A14 613 A13 812 A12 811 All 810 Al0 89 A9 AS 65 A6 66 A7 67 AS 68 MC10166 MC10166 A6 AB A6 Al 60 AO 63 A3 AB Al BO AO A=6 AB B4 A4 88 A9 67 A7 66 A6 65 A5 64 A4 83 A3 B2 A2 61 Al 60 AO 83 A3 A<8 82 A2 81 A>6 Al 80 AO 64 A4 63 A3 A<8 82 A2 Bl A>B Al 60 AO FIGURE 2 - 25-BIT MAGNITUDE COMPARATOR MECLData DL122-Rev6 The MC1 0166 compares the magnitude of two 5-bit words. Two outputs are provided which give a high level for A > B and A < B. The A B function can be obtained by wire-~Ring these outputs (a low level indicates A = B) or by NORing the outputs (a high level indicates A = B). For longer word lengths, the MC1 0166 can be serially expanded or cascaded. Figure 1 shows two devices in a serial expansion for a 9-bit word length. The A > Band A < B outputs are fed to the AO and BO inputs respectively of the next device. The connection for an A B output is also shown. The worst case delay time of serial expansion is equal to the number of comparators times the data-to-output delay. For shorter delay times than possible with serial expansion, devices can be cascaded. Figure 2 shows a 25-bit cascaded comparator whose worst case delay is two data-to--output delays. The cascaded scheme can be extended to longer word lengths. = = 3-127 MOTOROLA MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Quad Latch MC10168 The MC10168 is a Quad Latch with common clocking to all four latches. Separate output enabling gates are provided for each latch, allowing direct wiring to a bus. When the clock is high, outputs will follow the D inputs. Information is latched on the negative-going transition of the clock. PD = 310 mW typ/pkg (No Load) tpd= GtoQ=2nstyp DtoQ=3nstyp CtoQ=4nstyp t r, If = 2.0 ns typ (200/.-80%) PSUFFIX PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 648-08 LOGIC DIAGRAM DO 3 -----""1 PIN ASSIGNMENT [aJ VCC1 2 QO GO 5 hm resistor to -2.0 volts. Test procedures are shown for only one gate. The other gates are tested in the same manner. MOTOROLA 3-150 MECLData DL122-Rev6 MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Binary Counter MC10178 The MC10178 is a four-bit counter capable of divide-by-two, divide-by-four, divide-by-eight or a divide-by-sixteen function. Clock inputs trigger on the positive going edge of the clock pulse. Set and Reset inputs override the clock, allowing asynchronous "set" or "clear." Individual Set and common Reset inputs are provided, as well as complementary outputs for the first and fourth bits. True outputs are available at all bits. -• PD = 370 mW Iyp/pkg (No Load) ftoggle= 150 MHz (typ) t r, If = 2.7 ns Iyp (20%-80%) LOGIC DIAGRAM co 80 11 82 01 81 02 03 83 13 15 12 Clock 1 Clock 2 LSUFFIX CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 620-10 PSUFFIX PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 648-08 FNSUFFIX PLCC CASE 775-{)2 DIP PIN ASSIGNMENT 10 ReselO---4.---+----"*-----.....--------' 14 VCCI 3 ao 03 VCCI =PIN I VCC2=PIN 16 VEE = PIN 8 TRUTH TABLE VCC2 03 00 Q3 QO 02 01 S3 CLOCK 1 S2 SO R SO 51 52 53 C1 C2 00 01 02 03 81 CLOCK 2 H L L H L H L H L H X X X X L H L H L H L H VEE L L L L L L L L L L H X X H L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L INPUTS .. VIL .-r- VIH OUTPUTS ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** .... .... .... .. No Count No Count L H L H L H L H L H L H L H L H L L H H L L H H L L H H L L H H L L L L H H H H L L L L H H H H Pin assignment is for Dual-in-Line Package. L L L L L L L L H H H H H H H H For PlCC pin assignment, see the Pin Conversion Tables on page 6-11. Clock transition from VIL to VIH may be applied to Cl or C2 or both for same effect. 3/93 © Motorola. Inc. 1996 RESET 3--151 REV5 ® MOTOROLA MC10178 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Test Limits Characteristic Power Supply Drain Current Input Current Symbol Pin Under Test Max Unit IE 8 97 88 97 mAdc linH 12 11 9 390 350 650 245 220 410 245 220 410 I1Adc linl Output Voltage logic 1 VOH . -SO°C Min +25°C Max 0.5 14 15 -1.060 Min Typ 0.3 0.5 !lAdc -0.810 -0.810 -0.890 -0.890 -0.700 -0.700 Vdc -1.060 -0.960 -0.960 -1.675 -1.675 -1.850 -1.850 -1.650 -1.650 -1.825 -1.825 -1.615 -1.615 Vdc logic 0 VOL 14 15 -1.890 -1.890 Threshold Voltage logic 1 VOHA 3 14 15 -1.080 -1.080 -1.080 Threshold Voltage logic 0 VOLA 3 14 15 -0.910 -0.910 -0.910 -0.980 -0.980 -0.980 -1.655 -1.655 -1.655 (500 load) Propagation Delay Clock Input t12+15+ t12-13t12+4t12-3+ 15 13 4 3 1.4 1.9 2.9 3.9 5.0 9.4 12.3 14.9 1.5 2.0 3.0 3.5 6.0 8.5 4.0 Rise Time (20 to 80%) t15+ 15 1.1 4.7 1.1 Fall Time (20 to 80%) t15- 15 1.1 4.7 1.1 t11-15+ t9-15+ 15 15 1.4 1.4 5.2 5.2 1.5 1.5 Vdc -1.595 -1.595 -1.595 -1.630 -1.630 -1.630 Switching Times Vdc ns 125 Counting Frequency 15 125 fcount .. • Individually test each Input applYing Vil to Input under test. MOTOROLA Min -0.890 -0.890 Output Voltage Set Input Reset Input +85°C Max 3-152 11.0 4.8 ·9.2 12.0 14.5 1.5 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.3 9.8 12.8 15.5 2.5 4.5 1.1 5.0 2.5 4.5 1.1 5.0 5.0 5.0 1.5 1.5 5.5 5.5 150 125 MHz MEClData Dl122-Rev6 MC10178 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) TEST VOLTAGE VALUES (Volts) @ Characteristic Test Temperature VIHmax VILmin VIHAmin VILAmax VEE -30'C -0.890 -1.890 -1.205 -1.500 -5.2 +25'C -0.810 -1.850 -1.105 -1.475 -5.2 +B5°C -0.700 -1.825 -1.035 -1.440 -5.2 Symbol Power Supply Drain Current Input Current Pin Under Test TEST VOLTAGE APPLIED TO PINS LISTED BELOW VIHmax VILmin VIHAmin VILAmax VEE (VCC) Gnd IE 8 9 8 1,16 linH 12 11 9 12 11 9 8 8 8 1,16 1,16 1,16 . . 8 1,16 Output Voltage Logic 1 VOH 14 15 9 11 8 8 1,16 1,16 Output Voltage Logic 0 VOL 14 15 11 9 8 8 1,16 1,16 Threshold Voltage Logic 1 VOHA 3 14 15 8 8 8 1,16 1,16 1,16 Threshold Voltage Logic 0 VOLA 3 14 15 5 11 9 8 8 8 1,16 1,16 1,16 Pulse In Pulse Out -3.2 V +2.0 V t12+15+ tI2-13tI2+4t12-3+ 15 13 4 3 12 12 12 12 15 13 4 3 8 8 8 8 1,16 1,16 1,16 1,16 linL Switching Times Propagation Delay 5 11 9 (500 Load) Data Input Rise Time (20 to 80%) t+ 15 12 15 8 1,16 Fall Time (20 to 80%) t- 15 12 15 8 1,16 tI1-15+ t9-15+ 15 15 11 9 15 15 8 8 1,16 1,16 fcount 15 12 15 8 1,16 Set Input Reset Input Counting Frequency .. • IndiVidually test each Input applYing VIL to Input under test. Each MECL 10,000 series circuit has been designed to meet the dc specifications shown in the test table, after thermal equilibrium has been established. The circuit is in a test socket or mounted on a printed circuit board and transverse air flow greater than 500 linear fpm is maintained. Outputs are terminated through a 5Q-ohm resistor to -2.0 volts. Test procedures are. shown for only one gate. The other gates are tested in the same manner. MECLData DL122- Rev 6 3-153 MOTOROLA MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA 4-Bit Arithmetic Logic Unit/ Function Generator MC10181 The MC1 0181 is a high-speed arithmetic logic unit capable of performing 16 logic operations and 16 arithmetic operations on two four-bit words. Full internal carry is incorporated for ripple through operation. Arithmetic logic operations are selected by applying the appropriate binary word to the select inputs (SO through 53) as indicated in the tables of arithmetic/logic functions. Group carry propagate (PG) and carry generate (GG) are provided to allow fast operations on very long words using a second order look ahead. The internal carry is enabled by applying a low level voltage to the mode control input (M). LSUFFIX CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 623-05 PD = 600 mW typ/pkg (No Load) tpd (typ): A 1 to F = 6.5 ns C n to C n + 4 3.1 ns A 1 to PG 5.0 ns A1 to GG = 4.5 ns A1 toC n +4=5.0 = = PIN ASSIGNMENT LOGIC DIAGRAM 13 15 17 14 21 20 18 19 16 11 10 9 22 23 VCC1 = PIN 1 VCC2= PIN 24 VEE=PIN 12 AO BO A1 B1 M F1 CN GG AO CN+4 BO F3 B1 6 F2 A1 4 PG Sl 7 A2 B2 A3 B3 Cn M 8 S3 S2 Sl SO L L L L L L L L H H H H H H H H L L L L H H H H L L L L H H H H L L H H L L H H L L H H L L H H L H L H L H L H L H L H L H L H F=A F=A+B F=A+B F = Logical "1" F=A.B F=B F=A0B F=A+B F=A.B F=AE!)B F=B F=A+B F = Logical "0" F=A.B F=A.B F=A Arithmetic Operation M is Low Cn is low F F=A F = A plus (A • B) F = A plus (A. B) F=Atimes2 F= (A+ B) plus 0 F= (A+ B) plus (A. B) F =A plus B F=Aplus(A+B) F = (A + B) plus 0 F = A minus B minus 1 F = (A + B) plus (A • B) F=Aplus(A+B) F = minus 1 (two's complement) F=(A.B)minus1 F= (A. B) minus 1 F =A minus 1 9/96 © Motorola, Inc. 1996 VCC2 FO F1 Logic Functions M is High C = D.C. F Function Select VCC1 3-154 REV 6 B3 A2 A3 S2 B2 SO VEE 83 ® MOTOROLA MC10181 POSITIVE LOGIC DIAGRAM 6313 6215 5117 6014 8020 0--. .-[>t ti9=> .-[>t ti9=> A021 8119 ()-< ~ 82n ()-< .-[>t A21B 63 9 0--. H>t A310 ~ "- 1- , ./ 8P J A118 ,,--., ~- . / ,- ti9=> ,.--, " ~ l-n 2FO ,~ ~ ~ 3F1 7F2 ,~ ./ ~ JI ....... ,~./ ;::j - ~ ,- BF3 , ./ ~ J ~ ~ .......,... M23 MECLData DL122-Rev6 3-155 MOTOROLA MC10181 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Test Limits Characteristic Power Supply Drain Current Symbol Pin Under Test Max Unit 159 145 159 mAde 390 350 390 320 425 425 350 425 350 390 390 350 460 320 245 220 245 200 265 265 220 265 220 245 245 220 290 200 245 220 245 200 265 265 220 265 220 245 245 220 290 200 !lAde IE 12 Input Current linH 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Input Leakage Current linL 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Output Voltage Logic 1 Output Voltage Logic 0 VOL Threshold Voltage Logic 1 VOHA Threshold Voltage Logic 0 VOLA VOH · · · · -30°C Min +25°C Max 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Min Typ +85°C Max 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Min 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 !lAde -1.060 -0.890 -0.960 -0.810 -0.890 -0.700 Vde -2.000 -1.675 -1.990 -1.650 -1.920 -1.615 Vde -0.980 -1.080 -1.655 -0.910 -1.630 Vde -1.595 Vde • Test all Input-output combinations according to Funcllon Table . •• For threshold level test, apply threshold input level to only one input pin at a time. MOTOROLA 3--156 MECLData DL122-Rev6 MC10181 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) TEST VOLTAGE VALUES (Volts) @ Characteristic Power Supply Drain Current Test Temperature VIHmax VILmin VIHAmln VILAmax VEE -30"C -0.890 -1.890 -1.205 -1.500 -5.2 +25"C -0.810 -1.850 -1.105 -1.475 -5.2 +85"C -0.700 -1.825 -1.035 -1.440 -5.2 Symbol Pin Under Test IE 12 Input Current linH 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Input Leakage Current linL 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Output Voltage Logic 1 VOH Output Voltage Logic 0 VOL Threshold Voltage Logic 1 VOHA Threshold Voltage Logic 0 VOLA · · · TEST VOLTAGE APPLIED TO PINS LISTED BELOW VIHmax VILmin VIHAmln VILAmax 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 . . · 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 . . .. .. .. .. VEE (VCC) Gnd 12 1,24 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 1,24 1,24 1,24 1,24 1,24 1,24 1,24 1,24 1,24 1,24 1,24 1,24 1,24 1,24 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 1,24 1,24 1,24 1,24 1,24 1,24 1,24 1,24 1,24 1,24 1,24 1,24 1,24 1,24 12 1,24 12 1,24 12 1,24 12 1,24 • Test all Input-output combinations according to Function Table . •• For threshold level test, apply threshold input level to only one input pin at a time. Each MECL 10,000 series circuit has been designed to meet the dc specifications shown in the test table, after thermal equilibrium has been established. The circuit is in a test socket or mounted on a printed circuit board and transverse air flow greater than 500 linear fpm is maintained. Outputs are terminated through a 50-0hm resistor to -2.0 volts. Test procedures are shown for only one gate. The other gates are tested in the same manner. MECLData DL122-Rev6 3-157 MOTOROLA MC10181 AC Switching Characteristics -30°C' +B5°C' Input Output Conditionst Min Max Min Typ Max Min Max Unit Propagation Delay Rise Time, Fall Time t++,I-I+,t- Cn Cn Cn+4 Cn+4 AO,A 1,A2,A3 AO,A 1,A2,A3 1.0 1.0 5.1 3.2 1.1 1.0 3.1 2.0 5.0 3.0 1.1 1.0 5.4 3.2 ns ns Propagation Delay I++,t+t-+,I-1+,1- Cn Cn Cn F1 F1 F1 AO AO AO 1.7 1.7 1.3 7.2 7.2 5.3 2.0 2.0 1.5 4.5 4.5 3.0 7.0 7.0 5.0 2.0 2.0 1.5 7.5 7.5 5.3 ns ns ns Rise Time, Fall Time I++,t+1-+,1-1+,1- A1 A1 A1 F1 F1 F1 2.6 2.6 1.3 10.4 10.4 5.4 3.0 3.0 1.5 6.5 6.5 3.0 10 10 5.0 3.0 3.0 1.5 10.8 10.B 5.3 ns ns ns Propagalion Delay Rise Time, Fall Time 1++,1-I+,t- A1 A1 PG PG SO,S3 SO,S3 1.6 O.B 7.0 3.7 2.0 1.1 5.0 2.0 6.5 3.5 2.0 1.1 7.0 3.B ns ns Propagalion Delay Rise Time, Fall Time 1++,1-1+,1- A1 A1 GG GG AO,A2,A3,Cn AO,A2,A3,Cn 1.1 1.2 7.4 5.1 2.0 1.5 4.5 4.0 7.0 5.0 1.3 1.2 7.7 5.3 ns ns Propagalion Delay Rise Time, Fall Time I+-,t-+ I+,t- A1 A1 Cn+4 Cn+4 AO,A2,A3,Cn AO,A2,A3,Cn 1.7 1.0 7.3 3.1 2.0 1.0 5.0 2.0 7.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 7.B 3.2 ns ns Propagalion Delay Rise Time, Fall Time t++,t-+ 1+,1- B1 B1 F1 F1 S3,C n S3,C n 2.7 1.2 11.3 5.3 3.0 1.5 B.O 3.5 11 5.0 3.0 1.5 11.9 5.3 ns ns Propagalion Delay Rise Time, Fall Time 1++,1-1+,1- B1 B1 PG PG SO,A1 SO,A1 1.6 1.0 7.7 3.6 2.0 1.1 6.0 2.0 7.5 3.5 2.0 1.1 B.O 3.9 ns ns Propagalion Delay Rise Time, Fall Time 1++,1-1+,1- B1 B1 GG GG S3,C n S3,C n 1.7 1.4 B.2 5.2 2.0 1.5 6.0 3.0 B.O 5.0 2.0 1.2 B.6 5.4 ns ns Propagalion Delay Rise Time, Fall Time 1+-,1-+ 1+,1- B1 B1 Cn+4 Cn+4 S3,C n S3,Cn 1.B 0.9 B.2 3.1 2.0 1.0 6.0 2.0 B.O 3.0 2.0 1.0 B.7 3.2 ns ns Propagalion Delay Rise Time, Fall Time t++,t+t+,t- M M F1 F1 - 2.4 1.1 10.3 5.1 3.0 1.5 6.5 4.0 10 5.0 3.0 1.5 10.B 5.3 ns ns Propagation Delay Rise Time, Fall Time t+-,t-+ 1+,1- S1 S1 F1 F1 A1,B1 A1,B1 2.5 1.0 10.7 5.4 3.0 1.5 6.5 3.0 10 5.0 3.0 1.5 10.B 5.4 ns ns Propagalion Delay Rise Time, Fall Time I-+,I+1+,1- S1 S1 PG PG A3,B3 A3,B3 1.7 0.8 B.3 5.1 2.0 1.1 6.0 3.0 8.0 5.0 2.0 1.1 8.4 5.2 ns ns Propagalion Delay Rise Time, Fall Time 1+-,1-+ 1+,1- S1 S1 Cn+4 Cn+4 A3,B3 A3,B3 1.6 0.9 9.3 5.3 2.0 1.1 6.0 3.0 9.0 5.0 2.0 1.0 9.9 5.2 ns ns Propagalion Delay Rise Time, Fall Time 1+-,1-+ 1+,1- S1 S1 GG GG A3,B3 A3,B3 1.5 0.8 9.6 6.2 2.0 0.8 6.0 3.0 9.0 6.0 1.9 0.8 9.7 6.5 ns ns Rise Time, Fall Time Propagalion Delay t +25°C Symbol Characteristic - • L SuffiX Only Logic high level (+1.11 Vdc) applied 10 pins listed. All other inpul pins are left floating or lied 10 +0.31 Vdc. VCC1 = VCC2 = +2.0 Vdc, VEE = -3.2 Vdc MOTOROLA 3-15B MECLDala DL122-Rev6 MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Hex D Master-Slave Flip-Flop With Reset MC10186 The MC10186 contains six high-speed, master slave type "0" flip-flops. Clocking is common to all six flip-flops. Data is entered into the master when the clock is low. Master to slave data transfer takes place on the positive-going Clock transition. Thus, outputs may change only on a positive-going Clock transition. A change in the information present at the data (D) input will not affect the output information any other time due to the master-slave construction of this device. A COMMON RESET IS INCLUDED IN THIS CIRCUIT. RESET ONLY FUNCTIONS WHEN CLOCK IS LOW. -• Po = 460 mW typ/pkg (No Load) ftoggle= 150 MHz (typ) tr, tf = 2.0 ns typ (20%-80%) LOGIC DIAGRAM LSUFFIX CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 620-10 PSUFFIX PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 648-0B FN SUFFIX PLCC CASE 775-02 DIP PIN ASSIGNMENT 00 RESET 00 01 4 02 VCC 05 01 04 02 03 DO D5 D1 D4 D2 VEE D3 CLOCK 13 03 Pin assignment is for Dual-in-Line Package. For PLCC pin assignment, see the Pin Conversion Tables on page 6-11. 14 Q4 CLOCKED TRUTH TABLE 15 05 CLOCK 9 RESET 1 - - - - - ;.....-~ VCC=PIN 16 VEE=PIN B R C D Qn + 1 L L X L W L On L L H* H H H L X .. L A clock H IS a clock transition from a low to a high state. 3/93 © Motorola, Inc. 1996 3-159 REVS ® MOTOROLA MC10186 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Test Limits Characteristic Power Supply Drain Current Input Current Symbol Pin Under Test IE 8 121 linH 5 9 1 350 495 920 -30°C Min +25°C Max Min +85°C Typ Max Max Unit 88 110 121 mAde 220 310 575 220 310 575 IlAde Min linL 5 0.5 Output Voltage Logic 1 VOH 2t 15t -1.060 -1.060 --{l.890 --{l.890 --{l.960 --{l.960 --{l.81 0 --{l.81 0 --{l.890 --{l.690 -0.700 --{l.700 Vde Output Voltage Logic 0 VOL 2t 15t -1.690 -1.690 -1.675 -1.675 -1.650 -1.650 -1.650 -1.650 -1.625 -1.625 -1.615 -1.615 Vde Threshold Voltage Logic 1 VOHA 2t 15t -1.060 -1.060 Threshold Voltage Logic 0 VOLA 2t 15t tl+3tl+4t9+2+ t9+2- 3 4 2 2 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 2.5 2.5 3.5 3.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 Switching Times 0.5 0.3 IlAde --{l.91 0 --{l.91 0 --{l.960 --{l.960 -1.630 -1.630 -1.655 -1.655 Vdc -1.595 -1.595 (50nLoad) Propagation Delay Vde ns Rise Time (20 to 60%) t2+ 2 1.0 4.1 1.1 1.6 4.0 1.1 4.4 Fall Time (20 to 60%) t2- 2 1.0 4.1 1.1 1.8 4.0 1.1 4.4 tsetup 2 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 'hold 2 1.5 1.5 -1.5 1.5 ns ftog 2 125 125 150 125 MHz Setupiime Hold Time Toggle Frequency (Max) t Output level to be measured after clock pulse. MOTOROLA ns V ~ VIH appears at clock input (Pin 9). IL 3-160 MECLData DL122-Rev6 MC10186 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) TEST VOLTAGE VALUES (Volts) @ Characteristic Test Temperature Symbol Power Supply Drain Current Input Current VIHmax VILmln VIHAmin VILAmax VEE -30'C -D.890 -1.890 -1.205 -1.500 -5.2 +25'C -0.810 -1.850 -1.105 -1.475 -5.2 +85'C -0.700 -1.825 -1.035 -1.440 -5.2 Pin Under Test IE 8 linH 5 9 1 linL 5 Output Voltage Logic 1 VOH 2t 15t Output Voltage Logic 0 VOL 2t 15t Threshold Voltage Logic 1 VOHA 2t 15t Threshold Voltage Logic 0 VOLA 2t 15t tl+3tl+4t9+2+ t9+2- 3 4 2 2 Switching Times (50n Load) Propagation Delay TEST VOLTAGE APPLIED TO PINS LISTED BELOW VIHmax VILmln VIHAmin VILAmax 8 16 16 16 16 8 16 8 8 16 16 8 8 16 16 8 8 16 16 5 12 8 8 16 16 Pulse In Pulse Out -3.2 V +2.0 V 1,9 1,9 5,9 5,9 3 4 2 2 8 8 8 8 16 16 16 16 5 5 12 5 12 5 12 6 7 +0.31 V (VCe> Gnd 8 8 8 5 9 1 +l.llVdc VEE Rise Time (20 to 80%) t2+ 2 5,9 2 8 16 Fall Time (20 to 80%) t2- 2 5,9 2 8 16 5,9 2 8 16 5,9 2 8 16 8 16 Setup Time tsetup 2 Hold Time thold 2 Toggle Frequency (Max) ftog 2 t Output level to be measured after clock pulse. V ~ VIH appears at clock input (Pin 9). IL Each MECL 10,000 series circuit has been designed to meet the de specifications shown in the test table, after thermal equilibrium has been established. The circuit is in a test socket or mounted on a printed circuit board and transverse air flow greater than 500 linear fpm is maintained. Outputs are terminated through a SD-ohm resistor to -2.0 volts. Test procedures are shown for only one gate. The other gates are tested in the same manner. MECLData DL122 - Rev 6 3-161 MOTOROLA MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Hex Buffer With Enable MC10188 The MC10188 is a high-speed hex buffer with a common Enable input. When Enable is in the high state, all outputs are in the low state. When Enable is in the low state, the outputs take the same state as the inputs. -• Power Dissipation = 180 mW typ/pkg (No Load) Propagation Delay= 2.0 ns typ (8 - Q) 2.5 ns typ (A - Q) LOGIC DIAGRAM PSUFAX PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 64B-08 FNSUFFIX PLCC CASE 775-{)2 DIP PIN ASSIGNMENT 4 13 10 14 11 15 12 VCCI =PIN 1 VCC2 = PIN 16 VEE = PIN 8 TRUTH TABLE Inputs X y Output OUT L L L L H H H L L H H L 3-162 VCCI VCC2 AOUT FOUT BOUT EOUT COUT DOUT AIN FIN BIN EIN CIN DIN VEE COMMON Pin assignment is for Dual-in-Line Package. For PLCC pin assignment, see the Pin Conversion Tables on page 6-11. 3193 © Motorola. loc. 1996 LSUFFIX CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 62G-l0 REV 5 ® MOTOROL.A MC10188 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Test Limits Characteristic Power Supply Drain Current Input Current Symbol Pin Under Test Max Unit IE 8 46 42 46 mAdc linH 5 425 265 265 J.lAdc linH 9 460 290 290 !IAdc -30'C Min +25'C Max Min +85'C Max Min Output Voltage Logic 1 VOH 2 -1.060 -0.890 -0.960 -0.810 -0.890 -0.700 Vdc Output Voltage Logic 0 VOL 2 -1.B90 -1.675 -1.B50 -1.650 -1.825 -1.615 Vdc Threshold Voltage Logic 1 VOHA 2 -1.080 Threshold Voltage Logic 0 VOLA 2 Enable Data tpHL tpLH 2 2 1.1 1.0 3.9 3.3 1.1 1.0 3.5 2.9 1.1 1.0 3.9 3.3 (20 to 80%) trLH trHL 2 1.1 3.7 1.1 3.3 1.1 3.7 Switching TImes -0.980 -1.655 -0.910 Vdc -1.595 -1.630 (50ilLoad) Propagation Delay Rise/Fall TIme Vdc ns ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) TEST VOLTAGE VALUES (Volts) @ Characteristic Test Temperature VIHmax VILmln VIHAmin VILAmax VEE -30'C -0.890 -1.890 -1.205 -1.500 -5.2 +25'C -0.810 -1.850 -1.105 -1.475 -5.2 +B5'C -0.700 -1.825 -1.035 -1.440 -5.2 Symbol Power Supply Drain Current Input Current Pin Under Test VIHAmin VILAmax VEE (Vccl Gnd 8 B 1,16 5 5 B 1,16 linH 9 9 8 1,16 5 8 1,16 8 1,16 8 1,16 VOH 2 Output Voltage Logic 0 VOL 2 Threshold Voltage Logic 1 VOHA 2 Threshold Voltage Logic 0 VOLA 2 Rise/Fall TIme VILmin IE Logic 1 Propagation Delay VIHmax linH Output Voltage Switching TImes TEST VOLTAGE APPLIED TO PINS LISTED BELOW 9 5 (50Q Load) 5 8 1,16 Pulse In Pulse Out -3.2 V +2.0 V Enable Data tpHL tpLH 2 2 9 5 2 2 B 8 1,16 1,16 (20 to 80%) trLH trHL 2 5 2 8 1,16 .. .. Each MECL 10,000 senes circUit has been designed to meet the dc specifications shown In the test table, after thermal eqUilibrium has been established. The circuit is in a test socket or mounted on a printed circuit board and transverse air flow greater than 500 linear fpm is maintained. Outputs are terminated through a 5()-Qhm resistor to -2.0 volts. Test procedures are shown for only one gate. The other gates are tested in the same manner. MECLData DL122-Rev6 3-163 MOTOROLA MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Hex Inverter With Enable MC10189 The MC10189 provides a high-speed Hex Inverter with a common Enable input. The hex inverting function is provided when Enable is in the low state. When Enable is in the high state all outputs are low. PD tpd =200 mW typ/pkg (No Load) =2.0 ns (Y-O) =2.5 ns (X-a) -• LOGIC DIAGRAM x OUT y 2 LSUFFIX CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 620-10 PSUFAX PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE64!HJ8 FNSUFFIX PLCC CASE 775-02 DIP PIN ASSIGNMENT 13 10 14 11 15 12 VCCI = PIN 1 VCC2=PIN 16 VEE = PIN a TRUTH TABLE Inputs Output X Y OUT L L H L H L H L L H H L 3-164 VCC2 Four BOUT EOUT COUT DOUT AIN FIN BIN EIN CIN DIN VEE COMMON Pin assignment is for DuaHn-Line Package. For PLCC pin assignment, see the Pin Conversion Tables on page 6-11. 3193 © Motorola, Inc. 1996 VCCI AOUT REVS ® MOTOROLA MC10189 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Test Limits Characteristic Power Supply Drain Current Input Current Symbol Pin Under Test IE 8 linH linL "'-30°C Min +25°C Max +85°C Max Unit 44 mAdc 265 265 fl Adc 555 555 fl Adc Mi~ Max Min 44 40 5 425 9 890 Output Voltage Logic 1 VOH 2 -1.060 --D.890 -0.960 --D.81 0 -0.890 -0.700 Vdc Output Voltage Logic 0 VOL 2 -1.890 -1.675 -1.850 -1.650 -1.825 -1.615 Vdc Threshold Voltage Logic 1 VOHA 2 -1.080 Threshold Voltage Logic 0 VOLA 2 Enable Data tpHL tpLH 2 2 1.1 1.0 3.9 3.3 1.1 1.0 3.5 2.9 1.1 1.0 3.9 3.3 (20 to 80%) trLH trHL 2 1.1 3.7 1.1 3.3 1.1 3.7 Switching Times -0.980 -1.655 -0.910 -1.630 Vdc -1.595 Propagation Delay Rise/FaliTime Vdc ns (50n Load) ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) TEST VOLTAGE VALUES (Volts) @ Test Temperature Characteristic Power Supply Drain Current Input Current VIHmax VILmln VIHAmin VILAmax VEE -30°C -0.890 -1.890 -1.205 -1.500 -5.2 +25°C --D.81 0 -1.850 -1.105 -1.475 -5.2 +85°C -0.700 -1.825 -1.035 -1.440 -5.2 Symbol Pin Under Test VILAmax VEE (VCC) Gnd 8 8 1,16 5 5 8 1,16 linL 9 9 8 1,16 8 1,16 8 1,16 8 1,16 VOH 2 Output Voltage Logic 0 VOL 2 Threshold Voltage Logic 1 VOHA 2 Threshold Voltage Logic 0 VOLA 2 Rise/FaliTime VIHAmin IE Logic 1 Propagation Delay VILmin linH Output Voltage Switching Times TEST VOLTAGE APPLIED TO PINS LISTED BELOW VIHmax 5 9 5 5 (50n Load) 8 1,16 Pulse In Pulse Out -3.2 V +2.0 V Enable Data tpHL tpLH 2 2 9 5 2 2 8 8 1,16 1,16 (20 to 80%) trLH trHL 2 5 2 8 1,16 .. .. Each MECL 10,000 series cIrcUIt has been deSIgned to meet the dc specIfIcatIons shown In the test table, after thermal eqUilibrium has been established. The circuit is in a test socket or mounted on a printed circuit board and transverse air flow greater than 500 linear fpm is maintained. Outputs are terminated through a 50-ohm resistor to -2.0 volts. Test procedures are shown for only one gate. The other gates are tested in the same manner. MECLData DL122-Rev6 3-165 MOTOROLA MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Quad Bus Driver MC10192 The MC1 0192 contains four line drivers with complementary outputs. Each driver has a Data (D) input and shares an Enable (E) input with another driver. The two driver outputs are the uncommitted collectors of a pair of NPN transistors operating as a current switch. Each driver accepts 10K MECL input signals and provides a nominal signal swing of 800 mV across a 50 0 load at each output collector. Outputs can drive higher values of load resistance, provided that the combination of IR drop and load return voltage VLR does not cause an output collector to go more negative than -2.4 V with respect to VCC. To avoid output transistor breakdown, the load return voltage should not be more positive than +5.5 V with respect to VCC. When the E input is high, both output transistors of a driver are nonconducting. When not used, the E inputs, as well as the D inputs, may be left open. -• Open Collector Outputs Drive Terminated Lines or Transformers 50 kO Input Pulldown Resistors on All Inputs (Unused Inputs May Be Left Open) Power Dissipation = 575 mW typ/pkg (No Load) Propagation Delay= 3.5 ns typ (E - Output) 3.0 ns typ (D - Output) LSUFFIX CERAMIC PACKAGE eASE 62(HO PSUFFIX PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 648-0B FNSUFFIX PLCC CASE 77!Hl2 DIP PIN ASSIGNMENT LOGIC DIAGRAM Zl 4 01 Z1 Z2 Z2 Vec Z2 Z3 Z1 Z3 Z1 Z4 02 6 Z2 01 Z4 0310 15 Z3 02 04 14 Z3 D4 11 13 Z4 E2 9 12 Z4 E1 03 VEE E2 Pin assignment is for Dual-in-Line Package. For PLCC pin assignment, see the Pin Conversion Tables on page 6-11. Vee = PIN 16 VEE =PINB TRUTH TABLE Inputs Output E D Z Z H X H H L H H L L L L H Note: Unused outputs must be terminated to VCC for proper operation. 3/93 © Motorola, Inc. 1996 3-166 REV 5 ® MOTOROI.A MC10192 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Test Limits Characteristic Symbol Pin Under Test IE 8 linH 5 linL 5 10H 2 Power Supply Drain Current Input Current -30°C Min +25°C Max Min Min Max Unit 154 mAdc 220 "Adc 140 154 350 0.5 +85°C Max 220 0.3 0.5 I1Adc Output Current High Logic 1 Output Current Low Logic 0 10L 2 Threshold Current High Logic 1 10HC 2 Threshold Current Low Logic 0 10LC 2 13.5 14.0 14.0 mAde Output Sink Current Low Logic 0 lOS 2 13.3 13.9 13.3 mAdc Load Return Voltage Absolute Max Rating (Note 1.) 2.0 13.5 14.0 2.0 18.0 14.0 19.0 mAdc 2.0 mAde 2.0 5.5 VLR Output Voltage Low (Note 2.) 18.0 mAdc 5.5 5.5 -2.4 VOLS V V ns Switching Times (500 Load) Propagation Delay EtoOutput DtoOutput tpHL tpLH Rise/Fall Time (20 to 80%) trLH trHL 2.0 1.5 6.0 4.5 3.3 1. The 5.5V value is a maximum rating, do not exceed. A 2700 resistor will prevent output transistor breakdown. 2. Limitations of load resistor and load retum voltage combinations. Refer to page 3-166 description. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) TEST VOLTAGE VALUES (Volts) @ Test Temperature Characteristic Symbol Power Supply Drain Current Input Current VIHmax VILmln VIHAmln VILAmax VEE -30°C -0.890 -1.890 -1.205 -1.500 -5.2 +25°C -0.810 -1.850 -1.105 -1.475 -5.2 +85°C -0.700 -1.825 -1.035 -1.440 -5.2 Pin Under Test IE 8 linH 5 TEST VOLTAGE APPLIED TO PINS LISTED BELOW VIHmax VILmln VIHAmln VILAmax 5 VEE (VCC) Gnd 8 16 8 16 linL 5 5 8 16 10H 2 5,6,10,11 8 16 Logic 0 10L 2 Logic 1 10HC 2 Threshold Current Low Logic 0 10LC Output Sink Current Low Logic 0 lOS Output Current High Logic 1 Output Current Low Threshold Current High Load Return Voltage Absolute Max Rating (Note 1.) Output Voltage Low (Note 2.) 5,6,10,11 8 16 8 16 8 16 8 16 VLR 8 16 VOLS 8 16 5,7,9,10,11 5,10,11 2 5,6,10,11 7,9 6 6 Each MECL 10,000 series circuit has been designed to meet the dc specifications shown in the test table, after thermal equilibrium has been established. The circuit is in a test socket or mounted on a printed circuit board and transverse air flow greater than 500 linear fpm is maintained. Outputs are terminated through a 50-0hm resistor to -2.0 volts. Test procedures are shown for only one gate. The other gates are tested in the same manner. MECLData DL122- RevS 3-167 MOTOROLA MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Hex Inverter/Buffer MC10195 The MC10195 is a Hex Buffer Inverter which is built using six EXCLUSIVE NOR gates. There is a common input to these gates which when placed low or left open allows them to act as inverters. With the common input connected to a high logic level the MC10195 is a hex buffer, useful for high fanout clock driving and reducing stub lengths on long bus lines. -, . • PD = 200 mW typ/pkg (No Load) tpd 2.8 ns typ (B-O) tpd = 3.8 ns typ (A-Q) t r, tf 2.5 ns typ (20%-80%) = = LOGIC DIAGRAM 9~A~__~__~~~ 6 ~~____0~2 LSUFFIX CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 62G-l0 P SUFFIX PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 64!HJ8 FNSUFFIX PLCC CASE 77!HJ2 DIP PIN ASSIGNMENT VCCI 10 ______+-__.-1L.-"'~1o.....----13 11 -------+--~~L-~ XI"------ 14 VCC2 01 06 Q2 05 03 Q4 61 66 62 65 63 64 VEE A Pin assignment is for Dual-in-Line Package. For PLee pin assignment, see the Pin Conversion 12 ____________IL-"'~Io.....---- 15 Tables on page tHl. VCCI = PIN 1 VCC2 = PIN 16 VEE = PIN8 TRUTH TABLE Inputs Output A B Q L L H L H L H L L H H H 3/93 © Motorola, Inc. 1996 3-168 REV 5 ® MOTOROLA MC10195 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Test Limits Characteristic Power Supply Drain Current Input Current Symbol Pin Under Test IE 8 54 linH 5 9 425 460 -30°C Min +25°C Max Min +B5°C Typ Max Max Unit 39 49 54 mAdc 265 290 265 290 lIAdc Min 0.3 linL 5 0.5 Output Voltage Logic 1 VOH 2 -1.060 -0.890 -0.960 -0.810 -0.890 -0.700 Vdc Output Voltage Logic 0 VOL 2 -1.890 -1.675 -1.850 -1.650 -1.B25 -1.615 Vdc Threshold Voltage Logic 1 VOHA 2 -1.080 Threshold Voltage Logic 0 VOLA 2 -1.595 Vdc t5+2t7-4+ tl0+13+ tll-l4t9-14- 2 4 13 14 14 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 5.2 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 3.8 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 5.0 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 SWitching Times 0.5 lIAdc -0.910 -0.980 -1.655 -1.630 Vdc (50n Load) Propagation Delay ns 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 5.4 Rise TIme (20 to 80%) t2+ 2 1.1 4.7 1.1 2.5 4.5 1.1 5.0 Fall Time (20 to 80%) t2- 2 1.1 4.7 1.1 2.5 4.5 1.1 5.0 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) TEST VOLTAGE VALUES (Volts) @ Characteristic Test Temperature Symbol Power Supply Drain Current Input Current VIHmax VILmin VIHAmln VILAmax VEE -30°C -0.890 -1.890 -1.205 -1.500' -5.2 +25°C -0.810 -1.850 -1.105 -1.475 -5.2 +85°C -0.700 -1.825 -1.035 -1.440 -5.2 Pin Under Test IE 8 linH 5 9 linL 5 Output Voltage Logic 1 VOH 2 Output Voltage Logic 0 VOL 2 Threshold Voltage Logic 1 VOHA 2 Threshold Voltage Logic 0 VOLA 2 Switching TImes TEST VOLTAGE APPLIED TO PINS LISTED BELOW VIHmax t5+2t7-4+ tl0+13+ tll-l4t9-14- VIHAmln VILAmax 5 9 5 9 5 5 (50n Load) Propagation Delay VILmln 2 4 13 14 14 VEE (VCC) Gnd 8 1,16 8 8 1,16 1,16 8 1,16 8 1,16 8 1,16 8 1,16 8 1,16 Pulse In Pulse Out -3.2 V +2.0 V 5 2 4 13 14 14 8 8 8 8 8 1,16 1,16 1,16 1,16 1,16 7 10 11 9 Rise TIme (20 to 80%) t2+ 2 5 2 8 1,16 Fall TIme (20 to 80%) t2- 2 5 2 8 1,16 .. " Each MECL 10,000 serres CircUit has been deSigned to meet the dc specifications shown In the test table, after thermal eqUlhbrrum has been established. The circuit is in a test socket or mounted on a printed circuit board and transverse air flow greater than 500 linear fpm is maintained. Outputs are terminated through a 5Q--ohm resistor to -2.0 volts. Test procedures are shown for only one gate. The other gates are tested in the same manner. MECLData DL122-Rev6 3-169 MOTOROLA MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Hex AND Gate MC10197 The MC10197 provides a high speed hex AND function with strobe capability. = = Po 200 mW typ/pkg (No Load) tpd 2.8 ns typ (B--Q) tpd = 3.8 ns typ (A-Q) tr. If = 2.5 ns typ (20%-80%) -• LOGIC DIAGRAM A Q B 13 10 - - - + - - L . - / 14 12 - - - - - L . - / PSUFFIX PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 648-08 FNSUFFIX PLCC CASE 77!Hl2 DIP PIN ASSIGNMENT 4 7---+--L.-/ 11 LSUFFIX CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 620-10 15 VCC1 =PIN 1 VCCFPIN 16 VEE=PIN8 VCC1 VCC2 AoUT FOUT BOUT EOUT CaUT DOUT AIN FIN BIN EIN CIN DIN VEE COMMON Pin assignment is for Dual-in-Line Package. TRUTH TABLE Inputs Output A B Q L L L L H L H L L H H H For PLCC pin assignment, see the Pin Conversion Tables on page 6-11. 3/93 © Motorola, Inc. 1996 3-170 REVS ® MOTOROLA MC10197 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Test Limits Characteristic Power Supply Drain Current Input Current Symbol Pin Under Test IE 8 54 linH 5 9 425 460 -30°C Min +25°C Max Min +85°C Typ Max Max Unit 39 49 54 mAdc 265 290 265 290 IJAdc Min linL 5 0.5 0.5 0.3 Output Voltage Logic t VOH 2 -1.060 -0.890 -0.960 -0.810 -0.890 -0.700 Vdc Output Voltage Logic 0 VOL 2 -1.890 -1.675 -1.650 -1.650 -1.825 -1.615 Vdc Threshold Voltage Logic 1 VOHA 2 -1.060 Threshold Voltage Logic 0 VOLA 2 t5+2+ t9+2+ 2 2 Switching Times IJAdc -0.980 -0.910 -1.655 -1.630 Vdc -1.595 (50QLoad) Propagation Delay Vdc ns 1.1 1.1 4.2 5.3 1.1 1.1 2.6 3.5 4.0 5.0 1.1 1.1 4.4 5.5 Rise Time (20 to 80%) t2+ 2 1.1 4.7 1.1 2.5 4.5 1.1 5.0 Fall Time (20 to 80%) t2- 2 1.1 4.7 1.1 2.5 4.5 1.1 5.0 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) TEST VOLTAGE VALUES (Volts) @ Test Temperature Characteristic Power Supply Drain Current Input Current VIHmax VILmin VIHAmin VILAmax VEE -30°C -0.890 -1.890 -1.205 -1.500 -5.2 +25°C -0.810 -1.850 -1.105 -1.475 -5.2 +85°C -0.700 -1.825 -1.035 -1.440 -5.2 Symbol Pin Under Test IE 8 linH 5 9 TEST VOLTAGE APPLIED TO PINS LISTED BELOW VIHmax linL 5 Logic 1 VOH 2 Output Voltage Logic 0 VOL 2 Threshold Voltage Logic 1 VOHA 2 9 Threshold Voltage Logic 0 VOLA 2 9 VILAmax 5 5,9 5 (50Q Load) Propagation Delay VIHAmin 5 9 Output Voltage Switching Times VILmln VEE (VCe> Gnd 8 1,16 8 8 1,16 1,16 8 1,16 6 1,16 6 1,16 8 1,16 5 8 1,16 +1.11V Pulse In Pulse Out -3.2 V +2.0 V 1,16 1,16 t5+2+ t9+2+ 2 2 9 5 5 9 2 2 8 8 Rise Time (20 to 80%) t2+ 2 9 5 2 8 1,16 Fall Time (20 to 80%) t2- 2 9 5 2 8 1,16 .. .. Each MECL 10,000 series CirCUit has been deSigned to meet the dc specifications shown In the test table, after thermal equIlibrium has been established. The circuit is in a test socket or mounted on a printed circuit board and transverse air flow greater than 500 linear fpm is maintained. Outputs are terminated through a 50-ohm resistor to -2.0 volts. Test procedures are shown for only one gate. The other gates are tested in the same manner. MECLData DL122-Rev6 3-171 MOTOROLA MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Monostable Multivibrator MC10198 The MC1 0198 is a retriggerable monostable multivibrator. Two enable inputs permit triggering on any combination of positive or negative edges as shown in the accompanying table. The trigger input is buffered by Schmitt triggers making it insensitive to input rise and fall times. The pulse width is controlled by an external capacitor and resistor. The resistor sets a current which is the linear discharge rate of the capacitor. Also, the pulse width can be controlled by an external current source or voltage (see applications information). For high-speed response with minimum delay, a hi-speed input is also provided. This input bypasses the internal Schmitt triggers and the output responds within 2 nanoseconds typically. Output logic and threshold levels are standard MECL 10,000. Test conditions are per Table 2. Each "Precondition" referred to in Table 2 is per the sequence of Table 1. ""• Po = 415 mW typ/pkg (No Load) tpd 4.0 ns typ Trigger Inpt to 0 2.0 ns typ Hi-Speed Input to 0 = Min Timing Pulse Width Max Timing Pulse Width Min Trigger Pulse Width Min Hi-Speed Trigger Pulse Width Enable Setup Time Enable Hold Time PWOmin PWO max PWT PWHS ~SUFFIX CERAMIC PACKAGECASE 62D-10 PSUFFIX PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE648-0B FN SUFFIX PLCC CASE 77S-02 DIP PIN ASSIGNMENT 10 ns typ1 >10 ms typ2 2.0 ns typ 3.0 ns typ I VCC! VCC2 HIGH-SPEED INPUT Q tset thold 1.0 ns typ 1.0 nstyp Q 1 CExt = 0 (Pin 4 open), RExt = 0 (Pin 6 to VEE) 2 CExt = 10 ~F, RExt = 2.7 k.Q Nle CEXT TRIGGER INPUT EpOS N/C REXT N/C EXIPULSE WIDTH CONTROL LOGIC DIAGRAM ENEG NlC VEE VEE Pin assignment is for Dual-in--Une Package. For PLCC pin assignment, see the Pin Conversion Tables on page 6-11. 4 REXT Epas CEXT Q EXTERNAL PULSE WIDTH CONTROL 10 VCC1 =PIN 1 VCC2 = PIN 16 VEE= PINS ENEG 13 TRIGGER INPUT 15 HI-SPEED INPUT Q 2 TRUTH TABLE INPUT OUTPUT Epos ENea L Triggers on both positive & negative input slopes L Triggers on positive input slope L H Triggers on negative input slope H L H H Trigger is disabled 3/93 © Motorola, Inc. 1996 3-172 REVS ® MOTOROLA MC10198 TABLE 1 - PRECONDITION SEQUENCE 1. AII=O a.) b.) c.) 2. All" 10 ns f4-"IOns ..... :--" IOns ..... ApplyVIHmaxlo Pin 5 and 10. Apply VILmin 10 Pin 15. Ground Pin 4. a.) Open Pin 1. b.) Apply -3.0 Vdc 10 Pin 4. Hold Ihese conditions for O(Gnd) ~ J ,g ... ~10ns. -1.0 , -2.0 -3.0 , 'Ie- if -4.0 Pin I __ open I -5.0 o 3. Return Pin 4 to Ground and perform test as indicated in Table 2. 10 I 30 20 I(ns) TABLE 2 - CONDITIONS FOR TESTING OUTPUT LEVELS (See Table 1 for Precondition Sequence) 11-~ L PI VIHmax ~ VILmln P2 11-~ L VILA max P3 VILmin VIHAmax VILmin Pins 1, 16 = Vee = Ground Pins 6, 8 = VEE = -5.2 Vdc Oulpuls loaded 50 n 10 -2.0 Vdc Pin Conditions Test P.U.T. 5 10 Precondition 2 VOH 3 VOH Precondition 3 VOL 2 VOL Precondition VOHA 2 VOHA 3 Precondition VOHA 2 VOHA 3 Precondition VOHA 2 VOHA 3 Precondition VOHA 2 VOHA 3 Precondition VOHA 2 VOHA 3 MECLData DL122-Rev6 13 Pin Conditions VILmin P1 VILmin P1 VILA max VIHAmin VILmin P3 P2 P3 VIH max VIHmax P2 P3 VIHmax VIHmax P1 P1 Test 15 P.U.T. Precondition VOHA 2 VOHA 3 Precondition VOLA 3 VOLA 2 Precondition VOLA 2 VOLA 3 Precondition VOLA 3 VOLA 2 Precondition VOLA 3 VOLA 2 Precondition VOLA 3 VOLA 2 Precondition VOLA 3 VOLA 2 3-173 5 10 13 VIHAmin VILA max P1 P1 15 ViLA max VIHAmin VILmin VILmin P2 P3 VIH max VIH max P2 P3 VIHAmin VILA max VIH max VIH max P1 P1 VIHmax VIHmax VIHAmin VILA max P1 P1 MOTOROLA MC10198 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Test Limits Characteristic Symbol Pin Under Test IE 8 110 linH 5,10 13 15 415 350 560 Power Supply Drain Current Input Current -30°C Min +25°C Max Min +85°C Typ Max Max Unit 80 100 110 mAdc 260 220 350 260 220 350 (.IAdc 0.5 Min linL 5 0.5 Output Voltage Logic 1 VOH 2 3 -1.060 -1.060 -0.890 -0.890 -0.960 -0.960 -0.810 -0.810 -0.690 -0.890 -0.700 -0.700 Vdc Output Voltage Logic 0 VOL 2 3 -1.890 -1.890 -1.675 -1.675 -1.650 -1.850 -1.650 -1.650 -1.625 -1.825 -1.615 -1.615 Vdc Threshold Voltage Logic 1 VOHA 2 3 -1.080 -1.080 Threshold Voltage Logic 0 VOLA 2 3 tr+Q+ tr-Q+ 3 3 2.5 2.5 6.5 6.5 2.5 2.5 High Speed Trigger Input tHS+Q+ 3 1.5 3.2 1.5 Minimum TIming Pulse Width PWQmin 3 10.0 ns Maximum TIming Pulse Width PWQmax 3 >10 ms ns Switching TImes 0.3 -0.980 -0.980 (.IAdc -0.910 -0.910 -1.630 -1.630 -1.655 -1.655 Vdc -1.595 -1.595 Vdc (50Q Load) Trigger Input Min Trigger Pulse Width Min Hi--Spd Trig Pulse Width Rise TIme (20 to 80%) Fall TIme (20 to 60%) 4.0 4.0 5.5 5.5 2.5 2.5 6.5 6.5 ns 2.0 2.8 1.5 3.2 ns PWT 3 2.0 PWHS 3 3.0 3 1.5 4.0 1.5 3 1.5 4.0 1.5 ns 3.5 1.5 4.0 ns 3.5 1.5 4.0 ns Enable Setup TIme tsetup (E) 3 1.0 ns Enable Hold TIme thold (E) 3 1.0 ns 1. The monostable IS In the timing mode at the time of this test. 2. CEXT 0 (Pin 4 Open); REXT 0 (Pin 6 tied to VEE). 3. CEXT lOI1F (Pin); REXT 2.7k (Pin 6). = = 4. = = ~-VIHmax Pl MOTOROLA - VILmin 3--174 MECL Data DLl22-Rev6 MC10198 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) TEST VOLTAGE VALUES (Volts) @ Characteristic Test Temperature VIHmax VILmin VIHAmin VILAmax VEE -30°C -D.890 -1.890 -1.205 -1.500 -5.2 +25°C -D.81 0 -1.850 -1.105 -1.475 -5.2 +85°C -D.700 -1.825 -1.035 -1.440 -5.2 Symbol Power Supply Drain Current Input Current Output Voltage Logic 1 Output Voltage Logic 0 Threshold Voltage Logic 1 Threshold Voltage Logic 0 Pin Under Test TEST VOLTAGE APPLIED TO PINS LISTED BELOW VIHmax VILmin VIHAmin (VCC) Gnd 6,8 1,4,16 6,8 6,8 6,8 1,4,16 1,4,16 1,4,16 IE 8 5,10 13 15 linL 5 5 6,8 1,4,16 VOH 2 3 13 6,8 6,8 1,4,16 1,4,16 6,8 6,8 1,4,16 1,4,16 6,8 6,8 1,16,4 1,16,4 15 6,8 6,8 1,16,4 1,16,4 VOL VOHA VOLA 2 3 5,10 13 15 13(4.) 13(4.) 13 2 3 15 2 15 (SOn Load) Switching Times VEE linH 15 3 Trigger Input VILAmax tr+o+ tr-Q+ 3 3 +1.11V Pulse In Pulse Out -3.2 V +2.0 V 10 5 13 13 3 3 6,8 6,8 1,16,4 1,16,4 High Speed Trigger Input tHS+O+ 3 3 6,8 1,16,4 Minimum Timing Pulse Width PWOmin 3 Note 2. 6,8 1,16,4 Maximum Timing Pulse Width PWO max 3 Note 3. 6,8 1,16,4 Minimum Trigger Pulse Width PWT 3 13 3 6,8 1,16,4 PWHS 3 15 3 6,8 1,16,4 Minimum Hi-Spd Trigger Pulse Width 15 Rise Time (20 to 80%) 3 6,8 1,16,4 Fall Time (20 to 80%) 3 6,8 1,16,4 Enable Setup Time tsetup (E) 3 5 3 6,8 1,16,4 Enable Hold Time thold (E) 3 5 3 6,8 1,16,4 1. The monostable IS In the timing mode at the time of this test. 2. CEXT 0 (Pin 4 Open); REXT 0 (Pin 6 tied to VEE). 3. CEXT 10llF (Pin); REXT 2.7k (Pin 6). = = 4. JLP1 - = = VIHmax VILmin Each MECL 10,000 series circuit has been designed to meet the dc specifications shown in the test table, after thermal equilibrium has been established. The circuit is in a test socket or mounted on a printed circuit board and transverse air flow greater than 500 linear fpm is maintained. Outputs are terminated through a 5Q-ohm resistor to -2.0 volts. Test procedures are shown for only one gate. The other gates are tested in the same manner. MECLData DL122-Rev6 3-175 MOTOROLA MC10198 SWITCHING TIME TEST CIRCUIT AND WAVEFORMS @ 25°C VCC1 = VCC2 = +2.0 Vdc Vaut ·:!__tJ:~ 5 I -=---l Epos I 7 I External Pulse TPin i I I I QI r Width Control 10 I -----, ENeg 0+--+--0 Pulse Generator +1.11V~ 13 I 15 I I I I I ~ Trigger Input 0.1I!F'1' ---I Input Pulse Hi-8peed Input I I t+ = t-= 2.0 ± 0.2 ns (20 to 80%) 6 I I 4 I in each scope channel input. All inpul and oulpul cables lolhe scope are equal lengths of SG-ohm coaxial cable. Wire length should be < 114 inch from TPin 10 inpul pin and TPoul oulpulpin. I I RExt ~ r1 1 L-----h-J . 10 I I I I 2 Q~ I I CExt 5Q-ohm termination 10 ground localed 3 1 l Unused outputs are tied to a 5Q-ohm resistor 10 ground. O.1 I!F VEE = -3.2 Vdc Trigger Input Q ..'"" :£ High-speed ~ Q MOTOROLA .... - eN: =-1----3-176 MECLData DL122-Rev6 " MC10198 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION Circuit Operation: Figure 2 shows typical curves for pulse width versus CExt and RExt (total resistance includes Rlnt). Any low leakage capacitor can be used and RExt can vary from 0 to 16 k-;)hms. 1.PULSE WIDTH TIMING - The pulse width is determined by the external resistor and capacitor. The MCl 0198 also has an internal resistor (nominally 284 ohms) that can be used in series with RExt. Pin 7, the external pulse width control, is a constant voltage node (-3.60 V nominally). A resistance connected in series from this node to VEE sets a constant timing current IT. This current determines the discharge rate of the capacitor: where . 1.0 Megohm must be used). " The 1200 ohm resistor and the scope tennination impedance constitute a 25:1 attenuator probe. Coax shall be CT-070-;;0 or equivalent. ... Bypass only that supply opposite ground . 14 -. 1200 I OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS Figure 3 illustrates the circuit schematic for the MC1648. The oscillator incorporates positive feedback by coupling the base of transistor 06 to the collector of 07. An automatic gain control (AGC) is incorporated to limit the current through the emitter-coupled pair of transistors (07 and 06) and allow optimum frequency response of the oscillator. In order to maintain the high 0 of the oscillator, and provide high spectral purity at the output, transistor 04 is used to translate the oscillator signal to the output differential pair 02 and 03. 02 and 03, in conjunction with output transistor 01, provides a highly buffered output which produces a square wave. Transistors 09 and 011 provide the bias drive for the oscillator and output buffer. Figure 4 indicates the high spectral purity of the oscillator output (pin 3). When operating the oscillator in the voltage controlled mode (Figure 6), it should be noted that the cathode of the varactor diode (D) should be biased at least "2" VSE above VEE H .4V for positive supply operation). When the MC1648 is used with a constant dc voltage to the varactor diode, the output frequency will vary slightly because of internal noise. This variation is plotted versus operating frequency in Figure 7. Figure 6. The MC1648 Operating in the Voltage Controlled Mode f= ~CC=5Vd Oscillator Tank Components (Circuit of Figure 6) i"""' i"""" 10 f, OPERATING FREQUENCY (MHz) L f ...... MHz 0 J,LH 1.0--10 MV2115 100 1Q--60 MV2115 2.3 60-100 MV21 06 0.15 100 BW=I.0kHz Frequency Meter HP5210A or Equiv Frequency Deviation = (HP5210A output voltage) (Full Scale Frequency) 1.0Volt Figure 7. Noise Deviation Test Circuit and Waveform MOTOROLA MECLData DL122-Rev6 MC1648 64 N" :c L: Micro Metal Toroidal Core #T44-10, 4 turns of No. 22 copper wire. 56 ;;§. >() 48 :::J 40 zW fil c:: "- I:::J 0I:::J 0 j L=O.13~H QL,,100 ." V' ./ 32 1200' 1.0k / 24 /' 16 8 o MV1401 5.0~F I ""- I- -= 10 4 Vin, INPUT VOLTAGE (VOLTS) Figure 8 .. VCCl = VCC2 = t5.0Vdc VEEl = VEE2 = GND • The 1200 ohm resistor and the scope termination impedance constitute a 25:1 attenuator probe. Coax shall be CT-070-50 or equivalent. NOT used in normal operation. .. Input resistor and cap are for test only. They are NOT necessary for normal operation. L: Micro Metal Toroidal Core #T44-10, 20 turns of No. 22 copper wire. 18 N" :c 16 ;;§. >() z w :::J 14 ./~ aw / a: 12 I 0 10 j J MV1401 ,/ 8 o S.OJ!F 4 2 Figure 9 170 ./ 1:; 150 zw :::J aw 130 a: "- • The 1200 ohm resistor and the scope termination impedance constitute a 25:1 attenuator probe. Coax shall be CT-070-50 or equivalent. NOT used in normal operation. .. Input resistor and cap are for test only. They are NOT necessary for normal operation. QL,,100 L=O.065J!H ./ ;;§. I:::J VCCl = VCC2 = tS.OVdc VEE1 = VEE2 = GND L: Micro Metal Toroidal Core #T3(}-12, 6 turns of No. 22 copper wire. 190 N" I " -= 10 Vin, INPUT VOLTAGE (VOLTS) :c 1200' 1.0k / "- I:::J 0I:::J QL,,100 C =500pF L= l.5B~H / 110 / 1200' V 0- I:::J 0 j 1/ 90 / /' 70 50 o ....... VCCl = VCC2 = tS.OVdc VEEl = VEE2 = GND ./ 4 10 Vin, INPUT VOLTAGE (VOLTS) Figure 10 MECLData DL122-Rev6 4-7 The 1200 ohm resistor and the scope termination impedance constitute a 2S:1 attenuator probe. Coax shall be CT-07(}-SO or equivalent. NOT used in normal operation. .. Input resistor and cap are for test only. They are NOT necessary for normal operation. MOTOROLA MC1648 Typical transfer characteristics for the oscillator in the voltage controlled mode are shown in Figure 8, Figure 9 and Figure 10. Figure 8 and Figure 10 show transfer characteristics employing only the capacitance of the varactor diode (plus the input capacitance of the oscillator, 6.0pF typical). Figure 9 illustrates the oscillator operating in a voltage controlled mode with the output frequency range limited. This is achieved by adding a capacitor in parallel with the tank circuit as shown. The 1.0kn resistor in Figure 8 and Figure 9 is used to protect the varactor diode during testing. It is not necessary as long as the dc input voltage does not cause the diode to become forward biased. The larger-valued resistor (51kn) in Figure 10 is required to provide isolation for the high-impedance junctions of the two varactor diodes. The tuning range of the oscillator in the voltage controlled mode may be calculated as: where CS co f max j Co (max) f min =j CO(min) fmin = + Cs + Cs 1 2rr. j L(CO(max) + CS) =shunt capacitance (input plus external capacitance) =varactor capacitance as a function of bias voltage Good RF and low-frequency bypassing is necessary on the power supply pins. (See Figure 4) Capacitors (Cl and C2 of Figure 6) should be used to bypass the AGC point and the VCO input (varactor diode), guaranteeing only dc levels at these pOints. For output frequency operation between 1.0MHz and 50MHz a O.I!!F capacitor is sufficient for Cl and C2. At higher frequencies, smaller values of capacitance should be used; at lower frequencies, larger values of capacitance. At high frequencies the value of bypass capacitors depends directly upon the physical layout of the system. All bypassing should be as close to the package pins as possible to minimize unwanted lead inductance. The peak-te-peak swing of the tank circuit is set internally by the AGC circuitry. Since voltage swing of the tank circuit provides the drive for the output buffer, the AGC potential directly affects the output waveform. If it is desired to have a sine wave at the output of the MC1648, a series resistor is tied from the AGC point to the most negative power potential (ground if +5.0 volt supply is used, -5.2 volts if a negative supply is used) as shown in Figure 10. At frequencies above 100 MHz typ, it may be desirable to increase the tank circuit peak-te-peak voltage in order to shape the signal at the output of the MC1648. This is accomplished by tying a series resistor (1.0kn minimum) from the AGC to the most positive power potential (+5.0 volts if a +5.0 volt supply is used, ground if a -5.2 volt supply is used). Figure 13 illustrates this principle. APPLICATIONS INFORMATION The phase locked loop shown in Figure 11 illustrates the use of the MC1648 as a voltage controlled oscillator. The figure illustrates a frequency synthesizer useful in tuners for FM broadcast, general aviation, maritime and landmobile communications, amateur and CB receivers. The system operates from a single +5.0Vdc supply, and requires no internal translations, since all components are compatible. Frequency generation of this type offers the advantages of single crystal operation, simple channel selection, and elimination of special circuitry to prevent harmonic lockup. Additional features include dc digital switching (preferable over RF switching with a multiple crystal system), and a broad range of tuning (up to 150MHz, the range being set by the varactor diode). The output frequency of the synthesizer loop is determined by the reference frequency and the number programmed at the programmable counter; fout Nfref. The channel spaCing is equal to frequency (fref). For additional information on applications and designs for phase locked-loops and digital frequency synthesizers, see = MOTOROLA Motorola Brochure BR504/0, Electronic Tuning Address Systems, (ETAS). Figure 12 shows the MC1648 in the variable frequency mode operating from a +5.0Vdc supply. To obtain a sine wave at the output, a resistor is added from the AGC circuit (pin 5) to VEE. Figure 13 shows the MC1648 in the variable frequency mode operating from a +5.0Vdc supply. To extend the useful range of the device (maintain a square wave output above 175Mhz), a resistor is added to the AGC circuit at pin 5 (1.0 kohm minimum). Figure 14 shows the MC1648 operating from +5.0Vdc and +9.0Vdc power supplies. This permits a higher voltage swing and higher output power than is possible from the MECL output (pin 3). Plots of output power versus total collector load resistance at pin 1 are given in Figure 15 and Figure 16 for 100MHz and 10MHz operation. The total collector load includes R in parallel with Rp of L1 and Cl at resonance. The optimum value for R at 100MHz is approximately 850 ohms. MECLData DL122-Rev6 MC1648 I--"'T""-~fout fref- fout = Nfref where N=Np.P+A Figure 11. Typical Frequency Synthesizer Application +5.0Vdc +5.0Vdc ~-= 1---+--0 Output Output I -= 1.0kmin 12 crlI -= 12 5 -= o--lI -= -= Figure 12. Method of Obtaining a Sine-Wave Output MECLData DL122- Rev 6 I Figure 13. Method of Extending the Useful Range of the MCl648 (Square Wave Output) 4-9 MOTOROLA MC1648 Output R +5.0V ,~L~ Bias Point 10 ____,- L1 VCC1 I Figure 14. Circuit Used for Collector Output Operation 14 i\ 12 $ ::;; a: :;: .s f:::> 4 / 0- f- a: V [1J 10 100 ,,/' 0- f- :::> 0 1\ a: w :;: 0 a.. 1000 \ 1\ 4 o 10,000 '\ ~ :::> 0- o 10 f- 1\ '/ 15 ~ \. :::> 0 a: w \ $ ::;; ~ 5 10 100 10,000 1000 TOTAL COLLECTOR LOAD (OHMS) TOTAL COLLECTOR LOAD (OHMS) See test circuit, Figure 14, f = 100MHz C3 = 3.D-35pF Collector Tank L 1 = 0.221lH C1 = 1.D-7.0pF R = 500-101<11 Rp of L1 and C1 = 111<11 @ 1OOMHz Resonance Oscillator Tank L2 = 4 turns #20 AWG 3116" 10 C2 = 1.D-7.0pF See test circuit, Figure 14, f = 10MHz C3=470pF Collector Tank L1 = 2.7J!H C1 = 24-200pF R = 50(1-101<11 Rp of L 1 and C1 = 6.81<11 @ 10MHz Resonance Oscillator Tank L2=2.7J!H C2=16-150pF Figure 15. Power Output versus Collector Load MOTOROLA Figure 16. Power Output versus Collector Load 4-10 MECLOata 0L122 - Rev 6 MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Duaa AID Converter MC1650 MC1651 The MC1650 and the MC1651 are very high speed comparators utilizing differential amplifier inputs to sense analog signals above or below a reference level. An output latch provides a unique sample-hold feature. The MC1650 provides high impedance Darlington inputs, while the MC1651 is a lower impedance option, with higher input slew rate and higher speed capability. The clock inputs (Ca and Cb) operate from MECL III or MECL 10,000 digital will be at a logic high level provided levels. When C a is at a logic high level, is the logic complement of that V1 > V2 (V1 is more positive than V2). When the clock input goes to a low logic level, the outputs are latched in their present state. Assessment of the performance differences between the MC1650 and the MC1651 may be based upon the relative behaviors shown in Figures 4 and 7. ao ao ao. LSUFFIX CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 620-10 LOGIC DIAGRAM PIN ASSIGNMENT GND Vee = +5.0 V= PIN 7, 10 VEE = -5.2V=PIN8 GND = PIN 1, 16 • • • • • • • PD = 330 mW typlpkg (No Load) tpd = 3.5 ns typ (MCI650) = 3.0 ns typ (MCI651) 350 VI~ (MCI650) Input Slew Rate = 500Vl~(MCI651) Differential Input Voltage: 5.0 V (-30'C to +85'C) Common Mode Range: -3.0 V to +2.5 V (-30°C to +85°C) (MCI651) -2.5 V to +3.0 V (-30'C to +85'C) (MCI650) Resolution: '" 20 mV (-30'C to +85'C) Drives 50 Q lines GND 00 01 00 01 CA Cs V2A V1B VIA V2B Vee Vcc VEE NC = Number at end of terminal denotes pin number for L package (Case 620). TRUTH TABLE C Vl,V2 OOn+l H VI> V2 H L VI < V2 L H OOn aO n H L X X OOn+l 3/93 © Motorola, Inc. 1996 4-11 REVS ® MOTOROLA [1J MC1650 MC1651 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Test Limits -30°C Characteristic Symbol Min +25°C Max Min +85°C Max Min Max Unit ICC IE 25' 55' mAdc MC1650 MC1651 lin 10 40 !lAde MC1650 MC1651 IR 7.0 10.0 !lAde Output Voltage Logic 1 VOH -1.045 -0.875 -0.960· -0.810 -0.890 -0.700 Vdc Output Voltage Logic 0 VOL -1.890 -1.650 -1.850 -1.620 -1.830 -1.575 Vdc Threshold Voltage (Nole 2.) Logic 1 VOHA -1.065 Threshold Voltage (Note 2.) Logic 0 VOLA -1.555 Vdc Power Supply Drain Current Positive Negative Input Current Input Leakage Current Clock Input Current 350 linH -0.980 -1.630 Vdc -0.910 -1.600 1. All data IS for 1/2 MC1650 or MC1651, except dala marked (') which refers to the entire package. 2. These tests are done in order indicated. See Figure 5. 3. Maximum Power Supply Voltages (beyond which device life may be impaired): IVEEI + IVCCI ~ 12 Vdc. 4. All Temperature VA3 VA4 VAS VA6 MC1650 +3.0 +2.98 -2.5 -2.48 MC1651 +2.5 +2.48 -3.0 -2.98 MOTOROLA 4-12 MECLData DL122-Rev6 MC1650 MC1651 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) TEST VOLTAGE VALUES (Volts) @ Test Temperature V,Hmax V,Lmln V'HAmln V,LAmax VA1 VA2 -30'C --0.875 -1.890 -1.180 -1.515 +0.02 +0.02 +25'C --0.810 -1.850 -1.095 -1.485 +0.02 +0.02 +85'C --0.700 -1.830 -1.025 -1.440 +0.02 VA3 VA4 VA5 VA6 See Note 4. +0.02 Vee3. VEE3. +5.0 -5.2 +5.0 -5.2 +5.0 -5.2 TEST VOLTAGE APPLIED TO PINS LISTED BELOW Symbol V,Hmax ICC 'E 4,13 MC1650 MC1651 'in Input Leakage MC1650 Current MC1651 'R Characteristic Power Supply Drain Current Input Current Pas Neg V'HAmin V,LAmax VA1 4,13 6,12 6,12 4 13 12 4 13 12 13 Clock Input Current 'inH 4 Output Voltage VOH 4,13 Logic 1 V,Lmln VA2 VA3 VA4 VA5 VA6 1,5,11,16 1,5,11,16 1,5,11,16 6 6 1,5,11,16 6,12 1,5,11,16 6,12 1,5,11,16 1,6,12,16 1,16 1,16 1,5,11,16 1,6,12,16 1,16 1,16 5,11 6,12 5,11 5,11 6,12 6,12 5,11 6,12 5,11 5,11 Output Voltage Logic 0 VOL 4,13 6,12 6,12 5,11 5,11 6,12 6,12 5,11 5,11 6,12 6,12 5,11 6,12 Threshold Voltage Note 2. Logic 1 Threshold Voltage Note 2. Logic 0 13 VOHA 4 4 4 1,5,16 6 1,5,16 6 4 6 6 4 4 1,5,11,16 1,6,12,16 1,16 1,16 1,5,11,16 1,6,12,16 1,16 1,16 6 6 4 13 5,11 6 4 VOLA (Vee) Gnd 6 1. All data IS for 1/2 MC1650 or MC1651, except data marked (') which refers to the entire package. 2. These tests are done in order indicated. See Figure 5. 3. Maximum Power Supply Voltages (beyond which device life may be impaired): 'VEE' + IVCCI '" 12 Vdc. 4. All Temperature VA3 VA4 VA5 VA6 MC1650 +3.0 +2.98 -2.5 -2.48 MC1651 +2.5 +2.48 -3.0 -2.98 Each MECL 10,000 series circuit has been designed to meet the dc specifications shown in the test table, after thermal equilibrium has been established. The circuit is in a test socket or mounted on a printed circuit board and transverse air flow greater than 500 linear fpm is maintained. Outputs are terminated through a 50--{)hm resistor to -2.0 volts. Test procedures are shown for only one gate. The other gates are tested in the same manner. MECLData DL122-Rev6 4-13 MOTOROLA MC1650MC1651 MC1650 Inputs CIRCUIT SCHEMATIC 1/2 of Device Shown - VCC 7,10 A (Both Devices) Gnd 1 Gnd 16 -B -C BV1 6 C2Q 30 V2 5 -D -E MC1651 Inputs -A -B 0- -C V1 6 E- Rp V2 5 8VEE -0 Clock -E SWITCHING TEST VOLTAGE VALUES (Volts) @Test Temperature -30'C VR1 +2.0 +25'C +2.0 +85'C +2.0 VR2 VR3 See Note 4 Vx +1.04 Vxx +2.0 VCc 1 +7.0 VEE1 -3.2 +1.11 +2.0 +7.0 -3.2 +1.19 +2.0 +7.0 -3.2 -30'C Characteristic Symbol Switching Times Propagation Delay (50% to 50%) V-Input Clock Aperture3 Max +25'C Min Max +85'C Min Max isetup tap Unit ns tpd Clock2 Clock Enable3 Min 2.0 5.0 2.0 5.0 2.0 5.7 2.0 4.7 2.0 4.7 2.0 5.2 - - 2.5 - - - ns - - 1.5 - - - ns Conditions (See Figures 1-3) VR1 to V2, Vx to Clock, P1 to V 1, or, VR2 to V2, VXto Clock, P2 to V1, or, VR3 to V2, Vx to Clock, P3 to V1. VR1 to V2, P1 to V1 and P4 to Clock, or, VR1 to V1, P1 to V2 and P4 to Clock. Rise Time (10% to 90%) t+ 1.0 3.5 1.0 3.5 1.0 3.8 ns Fall Time (10% to 90%) t- 1.0 3.0 1.0 3.0 1.0 3.3 ns VR1 to V2, P1 to V1, P4 to Clock VRto V2, Vx to Clock, P1 toV1. NOTES: 1. Maximum Power Supply Voltages (beyond which device life may be impaired: !vCC I + IVEE I " 12 Vdc. 2. Unused clock inputs may be tied to ground. 3. See Figure 3. 4. All Temperatures VR2 VR3 MC1650 +4.9 +4.4 -0.4 -0.9 MC1651 MOTOROLA 4-14 MECLData DL122-Rev6 MC1650 MC1651 FIGURE 1 - SWITCHING TIME TEST CIRCUIT @ 25°C Voutto Channel B Vin to Channel A Coax m r- VCC Gnd---l P - + - l -....---7-""i+ Q ~--+---I D ......---+--~c a ,.....--i-------I I~ D Q I I I c a I I I ~ I VEE L--TF~~ VEE = -3.2Vdc Nate: All power supply and logic levels are shawn shifted 2.0 volts positive. 50 ohm termination to ground located in each scope channel input. All input and output cables to the scape are equal lengths of 50 ohm coaxial cable. FIGURE 2 - SWITCHING AND PROPAGATION WAVEFORMS @ 25°C The pulse levels shown are used to check ae parameters over the full common-mode range. v- CLOCK TO OUTPUT INPUT TO OUTPUT C - VIH /50%---VR VIL _ _ _oJ. PI ,-__ .......r+-___ ~ Vin VIH+2.1 V VR +2.0V VIL + 1.9 V , -.., - - - - - - +1.11 V Q P4 C t+ Test pulses: t +. t_ = 1.5 ± 0.2 ns (10% to 90%) 1=5.0 MHz 50% Duty Cycle ' - - - - - - +0.31 V Q _ _ _...J P4: t+. L= 1.5±0.2 ns. TEST PULSE LEVELS P1 MECLData DL122-Rev6 P2 P3 MC1650 MC1651 MC1650 MC1651 MC1650 MC1651 VIH +2.1 V +2.1 V +5.0 V +4.5 V --0.3 V --0.8 V VR +2.0 V +2.0 V +4.9 V +4.4 V --0.4 V --0.9 V VIL +1.9V +1.9V +4.8 V +4.3 V --0.5 V -1.0V 4-15 MOTOROLA MC1650 MC1651 FIGURE 3 - CLOCK ENABLE AND APERTURE TIME TEST CIRCUIT AND WAVEFORMS @ 25°C Vout to Channel B Yin to Channel A o---4--------+----~c Q~-+----, I I I I i~+ iI _ I I I D Q C Q 50 I I"::" L____ ~---.J ~I -=- ~ 0 VEE =-3.2 Vdc O.t IlF 50 ohm termination to ground located in each scope channel input All input and output cables to the scope are equal lengths of 50 ohms coaxial cable. ANALOG SIGNAL POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE SLEW CASE VinNegative - - - , Yin Positive _ _ _. I r---------- VR+100mV=+2.1V -"---------------- VR = 2.0 V ' - - - - - - - - - - VR-100mV=+1.9V ~~~Enable VIH=+l.ll V C---+-...---.. 50% ~----------- VIL = +0.31 V , - , , . , - - - '1' ~ ----+-----r"'\:::f"v-- '0' QNegative ----t-----". -,,=-l--'l' Q Positive -.- '-----.0' tpd Clock enable time = minimum time between analog and clock signal such that output switches, and tpd (analog to 0) is not degraded by more than 200 ps. Clock aperture time ::l' time difference between clock enable time and time that output dOBS not switch and V is less than 150 mY. Note: All power supply and logic levels are shown shifted 2.0 volts positive. MOTOROLA 4-16 MECLData DLl22-Rev6 MC1650 MC1651 FIGURE 4 - PROPAGATION DELAY (tpd) versus INPUT PULSE AMPLITUDE AND CONSTANT OVERDRIVE TEST CIRCUIT ,----------, Yin Vref 0--.---;-1-""I 1 VIH 0--+--+-7"-----1 C Q P"--I!-----'¥>---O Q 0 1/2 Device 1L 50 Vref=Gnd 50 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .J1 I .". POSITIVE PULSE DIAGRAM Positive Overdrive -.-:- 50 1 1 Q f"--+I--'VIIIr-....- - O -2.0 V ~ ~~ ~:t ~~ Q NEGATIVE PULSE DIAGRAM T' Negative ~~ 1,'O:t{ Q Input Switching time is constant at 1.5 ns (10% to 90%). PROPAGATION DELAY versus PULSE AMPLITUDE 5.0 II II g w 4.0 _ ~ a: u ~ 3.0 I I I I I II III Overdrive Constant @ 100 mV - - - Positive Going Pulse - - - Negative Going Pulse 1 MC1650",,- I II \ D' i ~ w MC1651 a :z 2.0 a ~ (.!J '>:;--..i ~~ ~/' P ~ 1.0 0 a: - Q. o 0.01 Ipd referenced to PA, PB = 20 mV i"...:. 0.02 K. .....-: ",",I-:: 0.1 0.2 0.5 1.0 PULSE AMPLITUDE PA, PB (VOLTS) 0.05 2.5 10 PROPAGATION DELAY versus OVERDRIVE u;- .s w en US a: \\ .\ -;;;; u ~ a MC1650 '~ ~ w z 1.0 MC1651 - ~:\ '\ 0 ~ (.!J ~ ~ 0 a: Q. o 0.01 MECLDala DL122-Rev6 PA, PB, Constant @ 100 mV - - - Positive Overdrive (PA) - - Negative Overdrive (PB) tpd is measured from Vref on the input to 50% on the output. \ 2.0 ~~ tpd is referenced to 2.5 V overdrive. I ~ 0.02 0.04 0.07 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.7 1.0 OVERDRIVE (VOLTS) 4-17 IJ 2.5 II I 10 MOTOROLA MC1650 MC1651 FIGURE 5 - LOGIC THRESHOLD TESTS (WAVEFORM SEQUENCE DIAGRAM) +0.02 V -0.02 V c ri \ Vin I I I I VIHA I I VILA -rI I i !\ i i 'I" Q 'a' "1' I Q 'a" I I I I I I Sequenlial Tesl Number - - 1 (See TeS1 Table) I FIGURE 6 - TRANSFER CHARACTERISTICS (Q versus Vln) TEST CONFIGURATION Differential ( I~ut --+--. D 0-=.-..... In Q I""'---!--......--.() Q 112 Device VIH O - - - I - - i - - - - '... C 50 I L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ..JI -2.0Vdc -2.5 Vdc .. Vref .. +2.5 Vdc TYPICAL TRANSFER CURVES IReSOlu~n L logic '1' logic '0" -2.0 -20 MOTOROLA -15 -10 -5.0 5.0 10 Vref Yin, DIFFERENTiAl INPUT VOLTAGE (mV) 4-18 15 20 MECLData DL122-Rev6 MC1650 MC1651 FIGURE 7 - OUTPUT VOLTAGE SWING versus FREQUENCY (A) TEST CIRCUIT r-----------, rv I I I I I I VI D V2 Q 112 Device -::- C VIH Q Q 50 -2.0Vdc IL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ...I (6) TYPICAL OUTPUT LOGIC SWING versus FREQUENCY MC1651 0.85 I"..... fi'i ~ ~ '" 0.65 ~ ~ a ~ 0.45 c.. 0.25 ~ 0.05 ~ 0.. 20 ~ ~ 0.65 ....... ~ 0.45 0.25 75 100\ 100 :--. 30 300 ~ , " r'-.. , "\. '\ 50 70 FREQUENCY (MHz) 4-19 200 "\ ,,,\ '\ '\ \\ \ \ + 75 100\ 20? \ ~OO Input Voltage mV peik-to-pea~ 0.05 20 ~\ f 200 F:0. 50 10 MECLData DL122- Rev 6 "" ........ r-.. " 0.. ~ ........... ........... fi'i 0.. 1'\.."\ \ \. '\: \ 1\ 1\\ \ \ \ '\ 50 70 FREQUENCY (MHz) 30 - MC1650 c.. ~'\ Inpul Vollage mV Peak-lo-Peak 0.85 ~ \. !"" ~ 50 _ 10 § ~ :--.." 100 200 300 MOTOROLA MC1650 MC1651 FIGURE 8 -INPUT CURRENT versus INPUT VOLTAGE TEST CIRCUIT 1 To Vee 1'---0.1 JlF J: +5.0Vdc , __ 7 _ _ _ 1~_-, Vee Vee I .------'w....;..~+'- 0 Q """'-'--'W1r--1 ,.....-J'-----IC a .......+--'W."......... I -2.0Vdc VIH!~+ 0 !I I Q I I - - e LVEE I I Q Gnd Gnd o.lr-f--~16 ~ VEE -5.2 Vdc J '=" Typical MC1650 (Col1)plementary Input Grounded) Typical MC1651 (Complementary Input Grounded) 30 -300 e , +25°C" lo.. /. ~.... ;::::- ...,.,. - ~ -- -- ::.--:: ..- -- ,..--: )...-" f - _ f-_ 1'1. -- 25 <" ::!. !z w a:: a: ::> u e- +85°C ::> 0.. ~ .10 .10 -2.5 -2 MOTOROLA -1 0 +1 Vin, INPUT VOLTAGE (VOLTS) +2 -300e, 20 I.--' --- 15 .-3 f - --: , 5 -+85°e ....... -2.5 4-20 +25°e ~,..... 10 -5 +2.5 - J-- -2 -1 Vin, INPUT VOLTAGE (VOLTS) 2.5 MECLData DL122-Rev6 MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Voltage Controlled Multivibrator MC1658 The MC1658 is a voltage-controlled multivibrator which provides appropriate level shifting to produce an output compatible with MECL III and MECL 10,000 logic levels. Frequency control is accomplished through the use of voltage-variable current sources which control the slew rate of a single external capacitor. The bias filter may be used to help eliminate ripple on the output voltage levels at high frequencies and the input filter may be used to decouple noise from the analog input Signal. Pinout: 16-Lead Package (Top View) NC NC CX2 INF BIAS CXl NC NC VOLTAGE CONTROLLED MULTIVIBRATOR :1'_--C~;;~=::II CASE 620-10 1 1 IL 1 16 I 1 Recommended for_ New Designs _Not __ ______ __ ___ I ~ PSUFFIX PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 648-0B LOGIC DIAGRAM VCX2 Q Bias Filter Q 4 .. 3 DSUFFIX PLASTIC SOIC PACKAGE CASE 751 8-05 4 FNSUFFIX PLCC PACKAGE CASE 775-02 Input Filter VCCI = Pin 1 VCC2= PinS VEE=Pin8 7193 © Motorola, Inc. 1996 4-21 REVO ® MOTOROLA MC1658 VCC2 5 VCCI I Q4 60 VCX2 1000 12 Bias Filter CXll1 0---+-.....----..... .--.----~-o14C~ 80 80 lk 250 lk Input Filter 13 o---"'-~~'-+--+----4------If--L 250 500 8 Vee Figure 1. Circuit Schematic TEST VOLTAGE VALUES @Test Temperature Vdc±l% VIH V/L V3 IIHA -30'C 0 -2.0 -1.0 +2.0 +25'C 0 -2.0 -1.0 +2.0 +S5'C 0 -2.0 -1.0 +2.0 Note: SOIC "0" package guaranteed -30'C to +70'C only MOTOROLA 4-22 MECLOata 0L122-Rev6 MC1658 =-5.2V, Vee =OV [GND] ) ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (VEE -30'C Symbol IE +25'C +B5'C Characteristic Min Max Min Max Min Max Unit Condition Power Supply Drain Current - - - 32 - - mAdc VIH to VCX Limit Applies for lor2 VIHto Vex 1 linH Input Current - - - 350 - - ~Adc VOH Output Voltage "0" HIGH -1.045 -0.875 -0.96 -0.81 -0.89 -0.7 Vdc VOL Output Voltage "0" LOW -1.89 -1.65 -1.85 -1.62 -1.83 -1.575 Vdc AC CHARACTERISTICS (VEE =-3.2V, Vee =+2.0V ) -30'C Symbol Characteristic +25'C Condition +85'C Min Max Min Typ Max Min Max Unit (See Figure 2) - 1.6 2.7 ns 2.7 - 3.0 1.4 3.0 ns VIHAtoVeX, eX1 4 from Pin 11 to Pin 14 t+ Rise Time (10% to 90%) - 2.7 r- Fall Time (10% to 90%) - 2.7 foscl Oscillator Frequency 130 - 130 155 175 110 78 100 120 - - MHz - - - 3.1 4.5 - - - - fosc2 TR3 V3 to Vex. Limits Apply for 1 or2 Tuning Ratio Test VIHA to VCX, eX25 from Pin 11 to Pin 14 eX25 from Pin 11 to Pin 14 1 Germanium diode (0.4 drop) forward biased from 11 to 14 (11-.J- 14). 2 Germanium diode (0.4 drop) forward biased from 14to 11 (11~ 14). 3 TR = Output frequency at Vex = GND Output frequency at Vex = - 2.0V 4 eXI =5.0pF connected from pin 11 to pin 14. 5 eX2 = 1OpF connected from pin 11 to pin 14. VCC +2.0Vdc I Coax O.I~F a Channel "A' Input 2 Coaxial Cables (Equal lengths, 50Q) To Scope Coax Channel"B" Input 2 50 ohm termination to ground located in each scope channel input. All input and output cables to the scope are equal lengths of 50 ohm coaxial cable. Wire length should be < 114 inch from TPin to input pin and TPout to output pin. Note: All power supply and logiC levels are shown shifted 2.0V positive. IO. l I!F -3.2Vdc -::VEE Figure 2. AC Test Circuit and Waveforms MEeLData DL122-Rev6 4-23 MOTOROLA MC1658 1000 100 10,000 ~ 1501M~ZI ~ /?5MHz@5pF VCC - +5.2 Vde VEE = aVde .III en ~ ~ 1000 ~ ~ 35MHz@5pF 10 c Vcx = OVde Vcx= / 1 Vde W~ ~ *' VCx=-2Vde I l UJJlll }u, LlL 10 100 .A 100 DC CONTROL INPUT = 4 Vde ~ w u z ~ 13 ~ (§ >~ 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 800 700 600 W 500 II: 400 300 @ u. 1 20~2 ...9 ex (pF) = FREQUENCY-CAPACITANCE PRODUCT AT DESIRED Vcx DESIRED FREQUENCY (MHz) - V ./ ~ V L V ./ .L .... ./ -1.8 -1.6 -1.4 -1.2 -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 Vex, INPUT VOLTAGE (Vdc) VEE = -5.2V, VCC = OV. For Use at VEE = OV, VCC = +5V (VCXP = +5V - VCx) VCXP = Positive Input VoUage Figure 5. Frequency Capacitance Product versus Control Voltage (VCX) MOTOROLA 4--24 MECLDaia DL122 -Rev 6 MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Dual 4-lnput OR/NOR Gate MC1660 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS -30'C Characteristic Symbol Power Supply Drain Current IE Input Current Switching Times Propagation Delay +25'C Min Max Min linH - - - t+t-+ 0.6 0.6 1.8 1.6 t+,t- 0.6 2.2 Max +85'C Min Max 350 - - 0.6 0.6 1.7 1.5 0.6 0.6 1.9 1.7 0.6 2.1 0.6 2.3 :~' AOUT 28 Unit mAdc ~Adc ns Rise Time, Fall Time (10% to 90%) LSUFFIX CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 62Q-l0 ns LOGIC DIAGRAM AINI AIN2 AIN3 AIN4 BINI 6 PIN ASSIGNMENT 2 AOUT 7 "~ BIN2 11 14 BOUT BIN3 12 15 BOUT BIN4 13 OUT = INI + IN2 + IN3 + IN4 OUT = INI + IN2 + IN3 + IN4 VCCI =PIN 1 VCC2 = PIN 16 VEP PINS VCCI VCC2 AOUT BOUT AoUT BOUT AINI BIN4 AIN2 BIN3 AIN3 BIN2 AIN4 BINI VEE NC tpd = 0.9 ns typ (510 ohm load) = 1.1 ns typ (50 ohm load) Po = 120 mW typ/pkg (No load) Full Load Current, IL = -25 mAdc max 3/93 © Motorola, Inc. 1996 4-25 REVS ® MOTOROLA [IJ MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Quad 2-lnput NOR Gate MC1662 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS -30'C +2S'C +85'C Characteristic Symbol Min Max Min Max Min Max Unit Power Supply Drain Current IE - - 56 - - mAde linH - - - 350 - - !lAde t-+ t+- 0.6 0.6 1.6 1.8 0.6 0.6 1.5 1.7 0.6 0.6 1.7 1.9 t+,t- 0.6 2.2 0.6 2.1 0.6 2.3 Input Current Switching Times Propagation Delay ns Rise Time, Fall Time (10% to 90%) LSUFFIX CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 62Q-l0 ns LOGIC DIAGRAM AINI AIN2 BINI BIN2 CINI :~2 ~~3 AOUT PIN ASSIGNMENT BOUT 10~ 14 COUT CIN2 II DINI 12~ DIN2 13 15 DOUT OUT = INI + IN2 VCCI = PIN I VCC2 = PIN 16 VEE = PIN 8 tpd VCCI VCC2 AoUT DOUT BOUT COUT AINI DIN2 AIN2 DINI BINI CIN2 BIN2 CINI VEE NC = 0.9 ns typ (510 ohm load) = 1.1 ns typ (50 ohm load) = Po 240 mW typ/pkg (No load) Full Load Current, IL = - 25 mAde max 3/93 © Motorola, Inc. 1996 4-26 REV5 ® MOTOROLA MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Master-Slave Flip-Flop MC1670 Master slave construction renders the MC1670 relatively insensitive to the shape of the clock waveform, since only the voltage levels at the clock inputs control the transfer of information from data input (D) to output. When both clock inputs (C1 and C2) are in the low state, the data input affects only the "Master" portion of the flip-flop. The data present in the "Master" is transferred to the "Slave" when clock inputs (C1 "OR" C2) are taken from a low to a high level. In other words, the output state of the flip-flop changes on the positive transition of the clock pulse. While either C1 "OR" C2 is in the high state, the "Master" (and data input) is disabled. Asynchronous Set (S) and Reset (R) override Clock (C) and Data (D) inputs. LSUFFIX CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 62Q-l0 = Power Dissipation 220 mW typ (No Load) trog = 350 MHz typ TRUTH TABLE R S D C Q n+1 L H H L L L L L L H L H L L L L L L X X X X X X H L N.D. an L an an H an L L L L H H H S H L S H LOGIC DIAGRAM 5 S-------, 7 NO = Not Defined C=C1 +C2 Characteristic Symbol Power Supply Drain Current IE Input Current Set, Reset Clock Data Switching Times Propagation Delay linH Max Min - - - - - D Q3 4 R VCC1 = Pin 1 VCC2=Pln 16 VEE= Pin 8 1.0 2.7 Rise Time (10% to 90%) 0.9 Fall Time (10% to 90%) t 0.5 tH"1" tH"O" - - 'TOQ 270 - Hold Time Toggle Frequency - Max 48 550 250 270 + 85'C Min - - - Max - - Unit mAdc ~dc PIN ASSIGNMENT - VCC1 ns tpd t+ SatupTime +25'C Min tS"1" ts"O" 1.1 2.5 2.7 1.0 2.1 0.6 0.4 0.5 0.3 0.5 300 NC 1.1 2.9 2.5 1.0 2.9 ns Q NC 1.9 0.6 2.3 ns - - - RESET NC SET NC - 270 - ns ns NC CLOCK 1 MHz 3193 4-27 VCC2 Q VEE © Motorola, Inc. 1996 Q 2 11 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS -30'C C1-1"--~ 9 C2--..._- REVS @ DATA NC CLOCK 2 MOTOROLA [IJ MC1670 FIGURE 1 - TOGGLE FREQUENCY WAVEFORMS TA=25'C -+I.IIV - - - +0.71 VBIAS - +0.31 V t -.-l 600 MV MIN The maximum toggle frequency of the MCI670 has been exceeded when either: I. The output peak-to-peak voltage swing falls below 600 millivolts. OR 2. The device ceases to toggle (divide by two). FIGURE 2 - MAXIMUM TOGGLE FREQUENCY (TYPICAL) .~ -§? +1.05 +1.0 +0.95 +0.9 +0.85 +0.8 +0.75 +0.7 +0.65 +0.5 +0.45 +0.4 +0.35 +0.3 +0.25 175 -- I TA=125 ,C I _ VCC = +2.0 VDC VEE = -3.2 VDC - -- 225 275 Figure 2 illustrates the variation in toggle frequency with the dc offset voltage (VBias) of the input clock signal. Figures 4 and 5 illustrate minimum clock pulse width recommended for reliable operation of the MC1670. " ./ 325 375 425 FTOG (MHZ) FIGURE 3 - TYPICAL MAXIMUM TOGGLE FREQUENCY versus TEMPERATURE .-' -- r- 250 -30 25 50 85 TA. AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (OC) Note: All power supply and logic levels are shown shifted 2.0 volts positive. MOTOROLA 4-26 MECLData DL122-Rev6 MC1670 FIGURE 4 - - MINIMUM "DOWN TIME" TO CLOCK OUTPUT LOAD = 50 n CL~CK V. t--. 1\ \ OOR -~ 1 J \J ~ - --:: / c::::= l II 1.0Ns/DIV. FIGURE 5 - MINIMUM "UP TIME" TO CLOCK OUTPUT LOAD = 50 n I 1\ .1 ' f r- I-- I v L .J f\ I OOR -0- CLOCK 1.0Ns/DIV. MECLData DL122- Rev 6 4-29 MOTOROLA MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Quad Line Receiver MC1692 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS -30°C Characteristic Min Symbol +25°C Max Min Max Power Supply Drain Current IE - - - 50 Input Current lin - - - 250 Input Leakage Current IR - - - 100 Reference Voltage Switching Times Propagation Delay Rise Time, Fall Time (10% to 90%) VBB -1.375 -1.275 -1.35 -1.25 +85°C Min Max - - - - -1.3 -1.2 Unit mAde ~dc ~dc Vde LSUFFIX CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 62Q-10 ns t-+ t+- 0.6 0.6 1.6 1.8 0.6 0.6 1.5 1.7 0.6 0.6 1.7 1.9 t+,t- 0.6 2.2 0.6 2.1 0.6 2.3 ns LOGIC DIAGRAM PIN ASSIGNMENT AINI4~ AIN2 5 ~ 2 AoUT BINI BIN2 67~3 ~ B OUT CIN110~14C CIN211~ OUT DIN113~15D DIN2 12 11 __ LOUT VBB VCCI VCC2 AoUT BOUT BOUT GoUT AINI DINI AIN2 DIN2 BIN2 CIN2 BINI CINI VEE VBB 9 VCCI =PINI VCC2=PIN 16 VEE=PIN8 tpd = 0.9 ns typ (510 ohm load) = 1.1 ns typ (50 ohm load) Po = 220 mW typ/pkg (No Load) Full Load Current, IL -25 mAdc max = 9/96 © Motorola, Inc. 1996 4-30 REV6 ® MOTOROLA MC1692 APPLICATION INFORMATION The MC1692 quad line receiver is used primarily to receive data from balanced twisted pair lines, as indicated in Figure 1. The line is driven with a MC1660 ORiNOR gate. The MC1660 is terminated with SO ohm resistors to -2.0 volts. At the end of the twisted pair a 100 ohm termination resistor is placed across the differential line receiver inputs of the MC1692.llIustrated in Figure 2 is the sending and receiving waveforms at a data rate of 400 megabits per second over an 18 foot twisted pair cable. FIGURE 1 - The waveform picture of Figure 3 shows a S.O nanosecond pulse being propagated down the 18 foot line. The delay time for the line is 1.68 ns/foo!. The MC1692 may also be applied as a high frequency schmitt trigger as illustrated in Figure 4. This circuit has been used in excess of 200 MHz. The MC1692 when loaded into SO ohms will produce an output rising edge of about 1.S nanoseconds. LINE DRIVER/RECEIVER 1/4 MC1692 50 VEE =-5.2 VDC Vn =-2.0 V FIGURE 3 - FIGURE 2 - 400 MBS WAVEFORMS Sending End Sending End 2.0 ns/em S.Ons/em Receiving End Receiving PULSE PROPAGATION WAVEFORMS End FIGURE 4 - 200 MHz SCHMITT TRIGGER VEP-5.2V -1.3~>-----'-f SL 0.01 500 0.01 50 '----+---IT llF IlF ~~~---~--~ 100 Vn=-2.0V MECLData DL122-Rev6 4-31 MOTOROLA MOTOROLA 4-32 MECLData DLI22-Rev6 MECL Data Carrier Band Modem MECLData DLl22-Rev6 5-1 MOTOROLA [5J MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Carrier Band Modem (CBM) MC68194 The bipolar LSI MC68194 Carrier Band Modem (CBM) when combined with the MC68824 Token Bus Controller provides an IEEE 802.4 single channel, phase--coherent carrier band Local Area Network (LAN) connection. The CBM performs the Physical Layer function including symbol encoding/decoding, signal transmission and reception, and physical management. Features include: o o o o o o o o o Implements IEEE 802.4 single channel, phase--coherent Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) physical layer including receiver blanking. Provides physical layer management including localloopback mode, transmitter enable, and reset. Supports data rates from 1 to 10 Mbps. IEEE 802.4 standard uses 5 or 10 Mbps. Interfaces via standard serial interface to MC68824 Token Bus Controller. Crystal controlled transmit clock. Recovery of clocked data through phase-locked loop. RC controlled Jabber Inhibit Timer. Single +5.0 volt power supply. Available in 52-lead Cerquad package. FJSUFFIX J-LEAD CERQUAD PACKAGE CASE 7788-01 PIN ASSIGNMENTS RXSYM2 VCM·C2 N.C. VCM·C1 VCC-TIL VCX GND-TIL GND RESET TXSYMO TXSYM1 CPW MC68194 CBM 41 RPW SET-PW TXSYM2 GND SMREQ' RXIN' TXCLK JAB EOTDIS' Vce-OSC RXIN FDBK' FDBK THRESHOLD MC68194 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE SECTION 1 - 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 GENERAL DESCRIPTION TOKEN BUS LAN CARRIER BAND NODE OVERVIEW ...................................... CARRIER BAND MODULATION TECHNIQUE .............................................. MESSAGE (FRAME) FORMAT ........................................................... SYSTEM CONFIGURATION ............................................................. 5-4 5-4 5-5 5-5 SECTION 2 - SIGNAL DESCRIPTION TABLE ..................................................... 5-7 SECTION 3 - TRANSMITTER 3.1 OVERVIEW ............................................................................ 5-9 3.2 TRANSMIT BUFFER .................................................................... 5-9 3.3 JABBER INHIBIT ...................................................................... 5-10 3.4 CLOCK GENERATOR .................................................................. 5-10 3.4.1 Parallel-Resonant, Fundamental Mode Crystal ..................................... 5-10 3.4.2 Parallel-Resonant, Overtone Mode Crystal ......................................... 5-11 3.4.3 External Clock Source .................. .. . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . .. 5-11 SECTION 4 - RECEIVER AMPLIFIER/LIMITER WITH CARRIER DETECT 4.1 OVERViEW ........................................................................... 5-12 4.2 AMPLIFIER ........................................................................... 5-12 4.3 CARRIER DETECT .................................................................... 5-12 SECTION 5 - 5.1 5.2 5.3 SECTION 6 - 6.1 6.2 7.3 DATA RECOVERY OVERViEW ........................................................................... 5-15 RECEIVER END-OF-TRANSMISSION BLANKING ........................................ 5-16 SECTION 7 - 7.1 7.2 CLOCK RECOVERY OVERViEW ........................................................................... 5-13 ONE-SHOT ........................................................................... 5-13 PHASE-LOCKED LOOP (PLL) COMPONENTS ........................................... 5-14 5.3.1 Phase Detector (PO) ............................................................ 5-14 5.3.2 Voltage Controlled Multivibrator (VCM) ............................................. 5-14 5.3.3 Loop Filter ..................................................................... 5-14 5.3.4 Loop Characteristics ............................................................ 5-15 SERIAL INTERFACE OVERViEW ........................................................................... 5-17 PHYSICAL DATA REQUEST CHANNEL .................................................. 5-17 7.2.1 TXCLK- Transmit Clock ........................................................ 5-17 7.2.2 SMREQ* - Station Management Request ......................................... 5-17 7.2.3 TXSYMO, TXSYM1, and TXSYM2 - Transmit Symbols ............................. 5-17 PHYSICAL DATA INDICATION CHANNEL ................................................ 5-17 7.3.1 RXCLK- Receive Clock ........................................................ 5-17 7.3.2 SMIND* - Station Management Indication ......................................... 5-17 7.3.3 RXSYMO, RXSYM1, and RXSYM2 - Receive Symbols ............................. 5-17 SECTION 8 - PHYSICAL MANAGEMENT 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 OVERViEW ........................................................................... 5-18 RESET ................................................................................ 5-18 INTERNALLOOPBACK ................................................................ 5-18 STANDARD OPERATION ............................................................... 5-18 IDLE .................................................................................. 5-18 COMMAND RESPONSE TIMING ........................................................ 5-18 SECTION 9 - MECLData DL122- Rev 6 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS TABLES ........................................... 5-20 5--3 MOTOROLA I5l LYJ MC68194 SECTION 1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION 1.1 TOKEN BUS LAN CARRIER BAND NODE OVERVIEW The MC68194 Carrier Band Modem (CBM) is part of Motorola's solution for an IEEE 802.4 token bus carrier band local Area Network (LAN) node. The CBM integrates the function of the single-channel, phase-coherent Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) physical layer. Figure 1-1 illustrates the architecture of a token bus lAN node as commonly used in Manufacturing Automation Protocol (MAP) industrial communications. Based on the ISO-OSI model, the llC Sublayer and additional upper layers are typically supported by a local MPU subsystem, while the IEEE 802.4 token bus MAC Sublayer and Physical layer are implemented by the MC68824 Token Bus Controller (TBC) and MC68194 CBM respectively. The MC68194 provides the three basic functions of the physical layer including data transmission to the coax cable, data reception from the cable, and management of the physical layer. For standard data mode (also called MAC mode), the carrier band modem receives a serial transmit data stream from the MC68824 TBC (called symbols or atomic symbols), encodes, modulates the carrier, and transmits the signal to the coaxial cable. Also in the data mode, the CBM receives a signal from the cable, demodulates the signal, recovers the data, and sends the received data symbols to the TBC. Communication between the TBC and CBM is through a standardized serial interface inconsistent with the IEEE 802.4 DTE-DCE serial interface. The physical layer management provides the ability to reset the CBM, control the transmitter, and do loopback testing. Also, an onboard RC timer provides a "jabber" inhibit function to turn off the transmitter and report an error condition if the transmitter has been continuously on for too long. Similar to the data mode, the CBM management mode makes use of the TBC serial interface. 1.2 CARRIER BAND MODULATION TECHNIQUE' The CBM uses phase-coherent frequency shift keying (FSK) modulation on a single channel system. In this modulation technique, the two signaling frequencies are integrally related to the data rate, and transitions between the two signaling frequencies are made at zero crossings of the carrier waveform. Figure 1-2 shows the data rate and signaling frequencies. An {l} is represented as one half cycle of a signal, starting and ending with a nominal zero amplitude, whose period is equal to the period of the data rate, with the phase of one half cycle changing at each successive {l}. An {H) is represented as one full cycle of a signal, starting and ending with a nominal zero amplitude whose period is equal to half the period of the data rate. In a 5 Mbps implementation, the frequency of {l} is 5.0 MHz and for {H) is 10 MHz. For a 10 Mbps implementation, the frequency of {l} is 10 MHz and for {H) is 20 MHz. The other possible physical symbol is when no signal occurs for a period equal to one half of the period of the data rate. This condition is represented by {off}. Data Rate MBPS Frequency of Lower Tone MHz{L} Frequency of Higher Tone MHz {H} 5 10 5.0 10 10 20 Figure 1-2. Data Rate versus Signaling Frequencies The specified physical symbols ({l), {H) and {off) are combined into pairs which are called MAC-symbols. The MAG-symbols are transferred across the serial link. The encodings for the five MAC-symbols are shown in Figure 1-3. Figure 1-4 shows the phase coherent FSK modulation scheme for ONE, ZERO, and NON-DATA. The IEEE 802.4 document does not specify the polarity used to transmit data on the physical cable. The receiver must operate without respect to polarity. t Mac-Symbol LLC & UPPER LAYERS Silence Pad-Idle Pairs Zero One Non-Data ND1 ND2 ONE Encoding {off {L {H {L off} L}{H H} L} H} {H LI {L HI Figure 1-3. MAC Symbol Encoding MODULATOR I TRANSMITIER DEMODULATOR I RECEIVER , PHYSICAL LAYER ZERO MEDIA LAYER H * Figure 1-1. IEEE 802.4 Token Bus Carrier Band Node MOTOROLA H ND1 ND2 1 BIT TIME = 11 BIT RATE 1 BITTIME Figure 1-4. Phase-Coherent Modulation Scheme 5-4 MECLData DL122-Rev6 MC68194 1.3 MESSAGE (FRAME) FORMAT 1.4 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION Figure 1-5 illustrates the CBM and peripheral circuitry required for an IEEE 802.4 carrierband 5 Mbps or 10 Mbps data rate phase-coherent FSK physical layer. The CBM communicates with the MAC or TBC through a TTL compatible serial interface that is consistent with the IEEE 802.4 exposed DTE-DCE interface. Management and transmission symbol requests are accepted via the CBM phYSical data request channel (TXSYMD-TXSYM2, SMREQ*, and TXCLK). The physical data indication channel (RXSYMD-RXSYM2, SMIND*, and RXCLK) is used to send received symbols and management responses to the MAC. The periphery circuitry is primarily associated with interface to the LAN coaxial cable and data recovery. An external crystal or clock source is required (20 MHz for 5 Mbps data rate or 40 MHz for 10 Mbps data rate) for onboard timing and transmit clock. Also, an RC timing network sets the jabber timeout period. The coaxial cable interface cornbines the transmit and receive signal functions. For transmission, the CBM provides differential drive signals (TXOUT and TXOUT*) whose signaling is ECL levels referenced to VCC (logic high = +4.1 V, logic low = + 3.3 V) and a gate signal called TXDIS. The IEEE 802.4 standard puts specific requirements on the signal transmitted to the cable: Between +63 dB and +66 dB (1.0 mV, 75 Q) [dBmV] output voltage level. Transmitter-off leakage not to exceed -20 dB (1.0 mV, 75 Q) [dBmV]. Signal transition time window (eye pattern) dependent on data rate. Because of this, an external amplifier with waveshaping is required. The CBM TXOUTITXOUT* outputs provide complementary signals with virtually no slew, and the TXDIS is an enable signal helpful for turning the external amp off "hard" to meet the low level leakage. On the reception side, the CBM requires a pre-amplifier to receive the low level signal from the cable. The signal available at the "F"-connector can range from +10 dB to +66 dB (1.0 mV, 75 Q) [dBmV]. The signal required at the CBM is about 12 dB above this (net gain through the transformer, pre-amp, and any filtering). The receiver can be used in full differential or single-ended mode. A second part of the receiver function is the signal detect or carrier detect function. The IEEE 802.4 requires that the receiver detect a signal of + 10 dBmV or above (i.e., be turned "on") and report Silence for a signal of +4.0 dBmV or below (i.e., be turned "off"). Therefore, a 6.0 dB (2:1 voltage ratio) range or window is defined in which the signal detect must switCh. The CBM is optimized for this range (including the pre-amp gain), although it is trimmed via an external THRESHOLD. The remaining external components are associated with clock recovery. A capaCitor and resistor (internal R also provided) set one-shot timing, and an active filter for a PLL used in clock and data recovery is required. The active filter can be implemented via an op amp, or if 5.0 volt operation is required, an alternate charge pump design can be used. The Although the CBM only uses MAC symbols one-at-a-time, the MAC or TBC is responsible for combining the above defined MAC symbols into messages (more correctly called frames). For the purposes of the CBM, a simplified frame format can be used consisting of: SILENCE II PAD-IDLE I START DELIMITER I DATA I END DELIMITER II SILENCE where: PAD-IDLE alternating {LL} {HH} pairs which must occur in octets or groups of eight symbols. Pad-idle provides a training signal for the receiver and occurs at the beginning of every transmission (and between frames in a multiple frame transmission). START DELIMITER a unique pattern of eight symbols (one octet) that marks the beginning of a frame. The pattern is: NDI ND20NDl ND2000 where NDI is the first symbol transmitted. DATA octets of ZERO/ONE patterns that are the actual data or "information" contained within the frame. END DELIMITER a unique pattern of symbols that marks the end of a frame. The pattern is: NDI ND2 1 NDI ND2 1 {1=O/I} {O/I} where NDI is the first symbol transmitted. Note that unlike the Start Delimiter, the last two bits of the End Delimiter octet are not always the same. The seventh bit of the octet is called the I Bit or Intermediate bit which = 1 when there is more to transmit and = 0 at the end of a transmission. A single transmission can consist of one or more frames. In a multi-frame transmission, Pad-Idle is sent between consecutive frames to separate them. If an End Delimiter occurs within a multi-frame transmission its I Bit will = I, and the last end delimiter will have its I Bit = O. The CBM accepts a stream of MAC symbols from the TBC and modulates the phase-coherent transmit signal accordingly. Conversely, the CBM receives a phase-coherent signal stream from the cable, decodes the MAC symbols, and reports them. On transmission there is a direct one-to-one correlation between MAC symbols requested and the modulated signal; however, during reception exceptions can occur. The CBM is allowed to report Silence or the actual Zero/One pattern during preamble which is done to allow the receiver to "train" to the incoming signal. Also, if noise in the system has corrupted the data, it may show up as an incorrect MAC symbol or the CBM can report a BAD SIGNAL symbol if an incorrect combination of ND symbols is detected (ND2 without an ND1, ND2 followed by ND2, etc.) MECLData DL122 - Rev 6 5-5 MOTOROLA MC68194 RESET TXDIS AMPLIACATION AND WAVESHAPING q F-GONNECTOR Figure 1-5. Functional Block Diagram clock recovery and data decoder is a synchronous design which provides superior performance minimizing clock jitter. .Although primarily intended for the IEEE 802.4 carrier band, the CBM is also an excellent device for point-ta-point data MOTOROLA links, fiberoptic modems, and proprietary LANs. The MC68194 canbe used over a wide range of frequencies and interfaces easily into different kinds of media . MECLData DL122-Rev6 MC68194 SECTION 2 SIGNAL DESCRIPTION Symbol Type Name/Description TXSYMO-TXSYM2 TTLlI' TRANSMIT SYMBOLS - These TTL inputs are request channel signals used to send either serial transmission symbols in the MAC mode or commands in station management mode. They are synchronized to TXCLK and are normally connected to the TXSYMX outputs of the MC68824. SMREO* selects the meaning of these signals as either MAC mode or management mode. SMREQ* TTLlI' STATION MANAGEMENT REQUEST - A TTL input that selects the mode of the request channel signals TXSYMX. Synchronized to TXCLK, SMREO* is equal to one for MAC mode and equal to zero for management mode. It is normally driven by the SMREO* output of the MC68824. TXCLK TTLIO TRANSMIT CLOCK - A TTL clock output generated from the crystal oscillator (it is 1/4 of the oscillator frequency) used to receive request channel symbols from the MC68824. TXCLK is equal to the data rate of the application (5.0 MHz or 10 MHz for IEEE 802.4). TXSYMX and SMREO* are synchronized to the positive edge of TXCLK which is supplied to the MC68824. RXSYMD-RXSYM2 TTLIO RECEIVE SYMBOLS - These TTL outputs are indication channel signals used to provide either serial receive symbols in MAC mode or command confirmation/indication in station management mode. They are synchronized to RXCLK and are normally connected to the RXSYMX inputs of the MC68824. SMIND* selects the meaning of these signals as either MAC mode or management mode. SMIND' TTLIO STATION MANAGEMENT INDICATION - A TTL output that indicates the mode of the CBM and RXSYMX lines. Synchronized to RXCLK, SMIND* is equal to one for MAC mode and equal to zero for management mode. It is normally connected to the SMIND* input of the MC68824. RXCLK TTLIO RECEIVE CLOCK - A TTL clock output used to send indication channel symbols to the MC68824. Its frequency is nominally equal to the data rate (5.0 MHz or 10 MHz for IEEE 802.4). RXCLK is generated from a PLL that is locked to the local oscillator during loopback, station management, orthe absence of received data. During frame reception the PLL is locked to the incoming received data. RXSYMX and SMIND* are synchronized to negative edge of RXCLK. EOTDIS' TTL/I* END-OF-TRANSMISSION DISABLE - When low, this TTL input disables the end-of-transmission receiver blanking required by the IEEE 802.4 Spec, Section When high the blanking works in accordance with the spec requirements. TXOUT,TXOUT* ECLIO TRANSMIT OUTPUTS - A differential output Signal pair (MECL level referenced to VCC) used to drive the transmitter cirCUitry. The silence or "off' state is both outputs one (high). The output data stream is phase-ooherent FSK encoded. OC TRANSMIT DISABLE - An open collector output used to disable transmitter circuitry. This output is high when the transmitter is off (TXOUT and TXOUT* both high). JAB TTLIO JABBER - A TTL output signal generated from the jabber-inhibit timer. When equal to one, JAB indicates the timer has timed-out and an error has occurred. RESET TTLlI' RESET - TXDIS A TTL input signal that when high asynchronously resets the CBM. RXIN, RXIN* RECEIVER INPUTS - A differential input Signal pair for the receiver amplifierllimiter. These inputs may be used differentially or single ended. FDBK, FDBK* DC FEEDBACK BYPASS - These two pOints are provided to bypass dc feedback around the receiver amplifier. 'All TTL inputs include a 15 kQ pullup resistor to Vcc. MECLData DL122- Rev 6 5-7 MOTOROLA MC68194 Signal Description (Cont.) Symbol Type Name/Description THRESHOLD I THRESHOLD ADJUST - The receiver threshold detect is trimmed with this pin. GAIN o GAIN - This output can be used to monitor the receiver amplifier output signal. Used only for test purposes. CARDET o CARRIER DETECT - This output can be used to filter the internal signal that is sampled to sense carrier detect. RPW,CPW PULSE-WIDTH RESISTOR/CAPACITOR - A resistor and capacitor set a one-shot pulse width used in the clock recovery circuitry. o SET-PW UP', DOWN" ECUO PULSE WIDTH TEST POINT one-shot pulse width. Output test point used for adjusting clock recovery PLL PHASE DETECTOR OUTPUTS - UP' and DOWN' are the pump-up and pump-down outputs, respectively, of the PLL digital phase detector. They are MECL levels referenced to +5.0 volts and are used to drive inputs to an active filter or charge pump for the PLL. vcx VCM CONTROL multivibrator. VCM-C1, VCM-C2 VCM CAPACITOR - VCM capacitor inputs. VCM frequency is 4X RXCLK. JAB-RC JABBER-INHIBIT RC - A resistor-capacitor network connected to this pin sets the jabber-inhibit time constant. XTAL,1 XTAL2 CLOCK CRYSTAL - Oscillator circuit inputs may be used with a crystal or an external clock source. Oscillator frequency is 4X data rate. The control voltage applied to the PLL voltage controlled VCC-VCM VCM POWER - 5.0 ± 5% volts for VCM. VCC-TXOUT TXOUT POWER - 5.0 ± 5% volts for TXOUTITXOUr. VCc-OSC OSCILLATOR POWER - 5.0 ± 5% volts for oscillator. VCC-RCV RECEIVER POWER - 5.0 ± 5% volts for receiver amplifierllimiter. VCC LOGIC POWER - 5.0 ± 5% volts for remaining logic. VCe-TTL TTL POWER - 5.0 ± 5% volts for TTL output buffers. GND-TTL, GND-VCM, GND-LOGIC, GND-OSC, GND-RCV, GND-SUBS, GND GROUND- Reference voltage for TTL buffers, VCM, internal logic, oscillator, receiver/ limiter, substrate respectively. Two additional grounds are used to isolate signals. MOTOROLA 5-8 MECLData DL122-Rev6 MC68194 SECTION 3 TRANSMITTER 3.1 OVERVIEW TXDIS The transmitter function includes the serial interface decoder, transmit modulator, transmit buffer, jabber inhibit, and clock generator. (Although the clock generator is not used exclusively by the transmit function, the generator will be discussed here.) The MC68194 receives request channel symbols on the TXSYMX pins which are synchronized to TXClK. As is described in the Serial Interface discussion, MAC transmit symbols are input serially (CBM in MAC mode), decoded, and used to modulate an output signal. The Serial Interface Decoder is used both for MAC mode to decode data transmit commands (symbols) and management mode to decode management commands. The decoded transmit commands or symbols are used by the Transmit Modulator to generate phase-coherent signaling as discussed in the CBM General Description. The transmit buffer receives the modulated signal and drives differential output signals. The clock generator provides TXClK and internal clocks of 2 times (2X) and 4 times (4X) TXClK. The 4X clock is actually the oscillator frequency. These clocks are used to receive the TX symbols and generate the modulated signal. I I IVCC-TXOUT TXOUT RP TXOUT' RP Figure 3-1. Transmitter Outputs 3.2 TRANSMIT BUFFER 8. The modulated transmit data stream drives the TXOUT and TXOUT* pins of the MC68194. These pins are complementary outputs with closely matched edge transitions. This is useful in helping meet the IEEE 802.4 carrierband requirement for a transmit jitter of less than ± 1% of the data rate. TXOUT and TXOUT* are generally used to drive a differential amplifier which is used to achieve the necessary output level at the cable and meet the rise/fall time window (or "eye" pattern) of the IEEE 802.4. A third output called TXDIS is available to gate the amplifier circuitry on or off. The TXTOUT and TXTOUT* have ECl levels referenced to VCC (Figure 3-1). levels are typically 4.11 V for a high and 3.25 for a low. Pulldown resistors are required with the outputs specified to drive a maximum load of 220 n to ground reference. Operation of the transmit outputs is controlled in the following manner: 6. Jabber inhibit activated - If the jabber inhibit fires, it forces the CBM into management mode and disables the TX outputs. This condition can only be cleared by a reset condition. The TXDIS output is an open collector switched current source. TXDIS sinks a nominal 0.5 mA when the TXOUTITXOUT* outputs are enabled. TXDIS is off or high impedance when the transmitter is disabled. The signaling on the TX outputs and TXDIS is shown in Figure 3-2. The "off' or silence condition is both TXOUT outputs high and TXDIS also high. The figure shows an example of the signal pattern for both leaving and entering a silence condition. SILENCE ~~ OFF Management mode - The TX outputs are always disabled while the CBM is in management mode. When leaving management mode the TX outputs remain. disabled if a RESET command has been issued and an ENABLE TRANSMITTER and DISABLE lOOPBACK commands have not been issued. Resetting the CBM enables internalloopback and disables the transmitter. o ND1 ND2 OFF TXDIS TXOUT' 7. MAC (data) mode - After leaving management mode, the CBM can function in internal loopback (for test) with the transmitter disabled, out of loopback with transmitter disabled (receive only), or in standard data mode with the TX outputs controlled by the modulator. MECLData DL122-Rev6 Figure 3-2. Transmitter Output Signaling 5-9 MOTOROLA MC68194 3.3 JABBER INHIBIT The jabber inhibit function prevents the transmitter from transmitting indefinitely. An external resistor and capacitor pair tied to the CBM JAB-RC pin set the maximum time that the transmitter is allowed to transmit. When transmission is attempted for a period longer than the specified time, the jabber inhibit function forces the transmitter to shut down and alerts the system that this has been done by generating a PHYSICAL ERROR indication on the serial interface indication channel. The error indication is removed only after a reset has occurred on the RESET pin or after a RESET command has been received on the station management interface. The ENABLE TRANSMITTER and DISABLE LOOPBACK commands can then be used to re-enable the transmitter outputs. While the PHYSICAL ERROR indication is present, the normally-low JAB pin of the MC68194 will be high. This TTL output may be used to turn off external transmitter circuitry or an isolation relay. A block diagram of the jabber inhibit function is shown in Figure 3-3. When edges are present on the TXDATA line, the jabber capacitor is allowed to charge. When the transmitter stops transmitting, the capacitor is discharged. The circuit looks for any edges in the previous 16 TXCLKs before deciding whether to charge or discharge the capacitor. When the capacitor voltage reaches the reference threshold, the comparator switches and the jabber output is latched. The jabber output is fed back internally and disables the transmitter. This signal is also brought out to the JAB pin for use in disabling external transmitter circuitry. Forthe IEEE 802.4 spec, the jabber timeout must be 0.5 sec ± 25%. An RC time constant of 265 millisec. will give about a 0.5 sec timeout. The maximum resistor size is 125 kQ. Components should be 10% tolerance or better. Common values are R = 120 kO and C = 2.2 11F. 3.4 CLOCK GENERATOR The clock generator is used to generate all of the transmit timing, TXCLK, and internal CBM timing for station management and loopback. The generator consists of a crystal oscillator/buffer that drives + 2 and + 4 stages. The RJAB oscillator frequency must be four times (4X) the serial data rate. As an example, the IEEE 802.4 5 Mbps carrier band (TXCLK 5.0 MHz) requires an oscillator frequency of 20 MHz. The basic circuit is a single transistor Colpitts oscillator as shown in Figure 3-4. The oscillator is used in one of three modes depending on the data rate and the application: = 1. With a parallel-resonant, fundamental mode crystal. 2. With a parallel-resonant, overtone mode crystal. 3. With an external clock source. The fundamental mode can typically be used up to frequencies of about 20 MHz; this is crystal dependent and some crystal types can be used as high as 40 MHz. Beyond the fundamental mode upper limit, an overtone mode crystal is used. An alternative to a crystal is an external clock source such as an integrated crystal clock to drive the CBM. 3.4.1 Parallel-Resonant, Fundamental Mode Crystal Figure 3-4 shows the external crystal and capacitors C1 and C2 used for fundamental mode operation. The crystal must be parallel resonant with a maximum series resistance of300. This configuration is normally used for the IEEE 802.4 5 Mbps carrierband standard. The required transmit frequency stability is ± 100 ppm (0.01%). It is suggested that a crystal with a total frequency tolerance (calibration tolerance, temperature variation, plus aging) of ± 50 ppm to ± 60 ppm be used. The remaining frequency budget is reserved for the CBM and other components over temperature and power supply variation. The series combination of C1 and C2 should be equal to the specified crystal load (typically 20 pF or 32 pF). Additionally, C1 and C2 should be large enough to swamp out the CBM device capacitance. The XTAL 1 input capacitance is typically 1.5 pF to 2.0 pF, and C1 should be at least an order of magnitude greater (C1 > 20 pF). Also, C1 must be greaterthan the crystal load capacitance because of the series combination of C1 and C2. Generally the ratio C1 :C2 is from 1:1 t03:1. CJAB JAB PIN ~ --+sv--- VCC JABRC _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ..illl_ +5V INTERNAL JABBER INHIBIT PHYSICAL MANAGEMENT _ _ _...J OR HARDWARE RESET TXCLK Figure 3-3. Jabber Inhibit Block Diagram MOTOROLA 5-10 MECLDala DL122- Rev 6 MC68194 frequency the tank circuit impedance will appear capacitive; therefore, the load to the crystal is C1 in series with the capacitive reactance of the tank circuit. This series combination should be equal to the desired crystal load. Typically, C2 will increase in value as compared to the fundamental mode situation because of the cancelling effects of L1. Again the user is directed to the above reference for optimum selection of components. For a 20 pF crystal load: 20 pF =C1C2I(C1 + C2) and C2 =20 pF [C1/(C1 - 20 pF)] Typical values are C1 = 60 pF and C2 = 30 pF. It is suggested that best results will be had with close tolerance (5%) NPO ceramic capacitors trimming should not be required. If trimming is necessary, a third trimming capacitor C3 can be placed in series with the crystal. CapaCitors C1 and C2 will have to be increased in value because the crystal load now becomes C1 and C2 and C3 in series. For help in designing the capacitor network the user is directed to Design of Crystal and Other Harmonic Oscillators, B. Parzen, Wiley, 1983. 3.4.3 External Clock Source Figure 3-5 shows the connection used for a TIL compatible external clock source. XTAL 1 and XTAL2 are tied together defeating transistor 01. External resistor R1 2.0 kO assures a high level greater than 3.0 V at an input current of 800 !lAo The TIL driver must be capable of sinking 2.5 mA. = 3.4.2 Parallel-Resonant, Overtone Mode Crystal Figure 3-4 also shows the network used for overtone mode operation. The crystal is still parallel resonant, but must be speCified for overtone (harmonic) operation at the desired frequency. A low series resistance of less than 30 (1 is recommended. VCC VCc-OSC II fif: OVERTONE ':' ':' FUNDAMENTAL :==1 ':' ':' TTL CLOCK OSC CBM I I R1 =2kQ XTAL1 ~--~------o-~~ XTAL2 TO L----o-++--+-... BUFFER f=~o- -,:It-+- 20kn-+-+"'80 ~ ':' 2.5mA _ +800~ GND-OSC Figure 3-5. TIL Compatible Clock Source Driving CBM GND-OscL _ _ _ _ The IEEE 802.4 for 5 Mbps or 10 Mbps data rate carrier band requires a transmit frequency stability of ± 100 ppm (0.01 %). The external clock source must be specified for this stability over temperature. Figure 3-4. Crystal Oscillator Schematic Shows Configurations For Both Overtone and Fundamental Modes Inductor L1 and capaCitor C2 form a tank circuit that is parallel resonant at a frequency lower than the desired crystal harmonic but above the next lower odd harmonic. C3 0.01 IlF is a dc blocking capacitor to ground. At the operating = MEeL Data DL122- Rev 6 5-11 MOTOROLA MC68194 SECTION 4 RECEIVER AMPLIFIER/LIMITER WITH CARRIER DETECT 4.1 OVERVIEW The IEEE 802.4 spec provides that the incoming signal range for good signal is+10dB (1.0 mY, 750) [dBmV]to +66 dB (1.0 mY, 75 0) [dBmV] available at the modem connector. The IEEE 802.4 further specifies that the modem will report silence for any signal below +4.0 dB (1.0 mY, 750) [dBmV]. Therefore, the receiver function must amplify any signal of + 10 dBmV and above to limiting for good data recovery, and the signal detect must switch within the +4.0 dBmV to + 10 dBmV window, that is, it must be "off' for +4.0 dBmV and below, and be "on" for +10 dBmV and above. The MC68194 requires a pre-amplifier of about 12 dB in front of the onboard amplifier and carrier detect function. Clock and data recovery are extracted from the amplifiedllimited incoming signal, and the carrier detect is used to control the clock and data recovery function based on presence of good signal. 4.2 AMPLIFIER Figure 4-1 shows a simple block diagram of the receiver amplifier. Intemally, dc feedback is used to bias the amplifier, and connection pOints FDBK and FDBK* are provided to ac bypass the feedback. With both receiver inputs RXIN and RXIN* available, the device can be wired either for differential or single-ended operation. Differential is preferred for low noise. An extemal preamplifier with gain of about 12 dB is used with the onboard amplifier. The pre-amp can drive the CBM either single-ended or differentially. The onboard amplifier output signal is used in two ways. One path adds an additional limiter stage and is used to drive the clock and data recovery stages. The second path is used to develop carrier detect. In the signal window where carrier detect must be active, the internal amplifier remains in the linear (non-limiting) range. Its output is fullwave rectified, and the rectified signal is compared to an onboard threshold that is temperature and voltage compensated. The rectified signal is also brought out to an external lead called CARDET. A capacitor can be added at this pin which combines with the series 125 0 resistor to form a low pass filter. This filtering is used to knock any high frequency noise off of the signal. The output of the comparator is a series of pulses (when the signal amplitude is sufficiently large) which are digitally integrated in the internal squelch signal. 4.3 CARRIER DETECTION THRESHOLD The carrier detect threshold is internally generated and compensated for power supply and temperature variation. The THRESHOLD pin is provided to adjust the threshold via an external resistor tied to VCC. ~~----------~~C>OR ~~------------4--r~NOR }TORXMUX CARDET L ~~~~4A~--~-4~CARDETS~ TO SQUELCH (A) Receiver Used in Differential Mode ~~-----------L~c>OR r--L~-------------4~C>NOR }TORXMUX CARDETL ~~~~4 A~--~-4> CARDET~ TO SQUELCH FDBK' (8) Receiver Used In Single-Ended Mode Figure 4-1. Receiver Amplifier With Carrier Detect MOTOROLA 5-12 MECLData DL122-Rev6 MC68194 SECTIONS CLOCK RECOVERY 5.1 OVERVIEW The clock recovery circuitry is a key part of the receive function providing RX clock, a 2 times (2X) RX clock, and a 4 times (4X) RX clock for data recovery and to send receive symbols to the MAC. Figure 5-1 is a simplified functional schematic of the clock recovery logic. The clock recovery is fed by the output stage of the receive amplifier. The phase-coherent signal contains frequency components equal to lX and 2X the serial data rate. Figure 5-2 shows an example of timing for a 5 Mb/s serial data rate. The RXOUT signal drives a one-shot with a time period of 75% of 1/2 bit time; this locks out edges caused by the higher frequency component. The one-shot is non-retriggerable and is triggered on both positive and negative going edges. This produces a pulse for every edge of the lower frequency. The output of the one-shot is divided by 2 to produce a 50% duty cycle signal equal in frequency to the lower frequency of the phase-coherent signal. In turn, the +2 flip-flop output runs through a multiplexer to a phase-locked loop (PLL) system. The multiplexer selects the RXOUT signal when carrier detect is present; otherwise the local oscillator divided by 4 is selected. The PLL system consists of a digital phase detector, an active loop filter, a voltage-controlled multivibrator (VCM), and a divide-by-4 feedback counter. When in phase lock, the output of the divide-by-4 feedback counter is locked to the reference clock. In turn, the VCM 4 times clock is also aligned with the reference clock as shown in Figure 5-2. The 4 times clock from the VCM, the 2 times clock, and the 1 times clock are all in phase (when the PLL is phase-locked) with the reference clock, and are used to do data recovery. Note that the reference clock can be 180 0 out of phase with the bit time boundaries (Figure 5-2). This does not affect the 2X and 4X clocks which are used to sample the data. However, RXCLK can be out of sync with the bit time boundaries and special circuitry in the data recovery logic detects and corrects this condition. When no valid input signal is available from the receive amplifier (carrier detect is not asserted), the multiplexer selects the local clock as a reference. This has the advantages of: 1. Supply a RXCLK when no data is present. 2. Holding the PLL in frequency lock so that only phase-lock must be achieved when switching to the RX signal. 3. Providing a smooth transition for RXCLK when moving from the local oscillator (at the beginning of a frame) and vice versa (at the end of a frame). The PLL acts as an integrator. The IEEE 802.4 provides a PAD-IDLE or training signal at the beginning of any transmission. The PAD-IDLE for phase-coherent FSK is an alternating one and zero pattern, and the PLL is capable of being locked-in well within the 24 bit times (3 octets). The design goal is to be locked-in within 12-16 bit times. Data recovered during this lockup time at the MECLData DL122-Rev6 I I I I I I SELECT LOCAL OSC + 4 RXOUT CBM ,--_ _ _ 2X CLOCK <1-_-_ 4X CLOCK I I I L RPW Figure 5-1. Clock Recovery Logic beginning of a transmission can be invalid because the PLL clocks are not sync'ed. As a result the data recovery logic forces silence for 17-18 bit times after the carrier detect switches the reference clock (via the multiplexer) at the beginning of a received transmission. 5.2 ONE-SHOT As previously stated, the one-shot is used to lock out the transitions due to the higher frequency component of the phase-coherent signal. The one-shot is non-retriggerable and fires off both edges of the incoming RXOUT signal. The time period should be set to 75% of half the bit time. As an example, the 5 Mb/s data rate has a 200 nsec bit time and the one-shot period then has a period of 75 nsec. NDPAIR '1' ~nM~1 1/2 RXOUT 75% OF 1!2.:::;:j-\ BITTIME ONE-5HOT '0' "1" 'O'~ I I I I- I REF CLK (+2) (SEE NOTE BELOW) VCM (IN LOCK) (4X BIT RATE) I NOTE: Ref clock can also be 180' out of phase with bit time. Figure 5-2. Clock Recovery Timing Signals 5-13 MOTOROLA MC68194 Figure 5-3 shows the arrangement of the external timing capacitor and resistor. The internal resistor RINT may be used with or without an external resistor. A test pin is also provided (SET-PW) to monitor the pulse width. For 5 Mbps operation, typically RPW = 1.5 k.Q and CPW = 33pF. t-----t-:-<>--i~V I' CEXT CBM 1 I _ _ l_RINT:O':' _J ONLY FOR TEST The phase detector produces a voltage proportional to the phase difference between 0i(S) and 00(s)/4. This voltage after filtering is used as the control signal for the VCM. The PO has pump-up UP· and pump-down DOWN" outputs with a typical 800 mV logic swing. UP· produces a low level pulse equal in width to the amount of time the positive edge of 0i (REF CLOCK) leads the positive edge of 00/4 (VCM/4). DOWN· produces a low level pulse equal in width to the amount of time the positive edge of 0i lags 00/4. Both pulses will not occur on the same clock cycle as 00/4 must either lead or lag 0i when the PLL is out of lock. When in-lock, both outputs produce a very narrow pulse or negative spike. The gain of the phase detector is equal to (reference Motorola app note AN532A): Kp = (Logic swing)/21t = 800 mV/21t = 0.127 V/radian Rpw SET-PW (TP) NEEDED [ 5.3.1 Phase Detector (PO) 5.3.2 Voltage Controlled Multivibrator (VCM) The operating frequency range of the VCM is determined by the capaCitor tied to pins VCM-C1 and VCM-C2. The capaCitor should be selected to put the desired operating frequency in the center of the VCM tuning range. The transfer function of the VCM is given by: -= i-Pw-j ~=600mv Ko =Kv/s Figure 5-3. One-Shot Timing Components where Kv is the sensitivity in radians per second per volt. Kv is found by: 5.3 PHASE-LOCKED LOOP (PLL) COMPONENTS The PLL consists of a digital phase detector (PO), an active loop filter, a VCM, and a divide-by-4 feedback path. Figure 5-4 shows the fundamental elements of the PLL with their gain constants. The basic PLL allows the output frequency f 0 to be "Iocked-on" to the input frequency fi with a fixed phase relationship and to track it in frequency. When "in lock" the inputs to the phase detector have zero phase error. The input frequency is referenced to f 0/4. A PLL follows classic servo theory and equations. In the following discussion a working knowledge of a PLL is assumed. For more background and applications information on PLL, the user is directed to Motorola Application Note AN535. 0() i8 0 0 (8)/4 PHASE DETECTOR rfo/4 0 e(8) --..:.-. FILTER Kf Kp r-- VCM ~ limit) - (Lower frequency limit)]2n: (Control voltage tuning range) v = 21t (Af)ltNcx rad/sN then Ko = 21t (Af)/(AVCx)s radlsN 5.3.3 Loop Filter Since a Type 2 system is required (phase coherent output, see reference AN535), the loop transfer function of Figure 5-4 takes the form: G(s) H(s) =[K (s+a)] 1 s2 Writing the loop transfer function (from Figure 5-4) and relating it to the above form: G(s) H(s) = [KpKvKnKf] 1s = [K (s+a)] 1 s2 Ka Having determined Kp , Ko, and that Kn = 1/4 then Kf (filter transfer function) must take the form: Kf = (s+a) 1s +4 Kn 0 e(s) = ( 1 1 [ 1 + G(s) H(s)] ) 0i(S) 0 0 (s) = ( G(s) 1[ G(s) H(s)] ) 0i(S) where: H(s) = Kn G(s) = Kp Kf Ko 0 0(8) An active filter of the form shown in Figure 5-5A gives the desired results, where: Kf = (R2 C s+l) I R1 C s (for large A) Kn =11 N =1/4 Reference: Motorola App Note AN535 The active filter can also be implemented as shown in Figure 5-58 using an alternate approach of a charge pump. The advantage of the charge pump design is that it can be implemented using only a single 5.0 volt supply. Its transfer function is: Figure 5-4. PLL Elements and Loop Equations MOTOROLA = [(Upper frequency K Kf=(RCs+1) ICs 5-14 MECLData DL122-Rev6 MC68194 e 5.3.4 Loop Characteristics If an active filter as shown with an op amp is used, the up·--.-'VIIIr-.......--1 general PLL loop transfer function now becomes: RLOWPASS >--+--'\Nv-..- vex G(s) H(s) = Kp Kf Ko Kn = Kp [(R2 C s+l) 1 Rl C s1 (Kv/s) (lIN) ~eLOWPASS Its characteristic equation is set to the form: =1 + G(s) H(s) =0 =s2 + (Kp Kv R2) s 1 (Rl C.E. N) + Kp Kv) 1 (Rl C N) Relating to the standard form (s2 + 21;0lnS + Oln2) and solving: Figure 5-5A. Active Filter Using Op Amp =(Kp Kv) 1 Rl C N Oln =Natural frequency I; =damping factor. Oln 2 Vee where DN' 21;0ln =(Kp KvR2) 1 Rl N If a change pump loop filter is used, the general PLL loop transfer function alternately becomes: G(s) H(s) = Kp Kf Ko Kn = Kp[(R C s+ 1) 1 C s1 (Kv 1 s) (lIN) Its characteristics equation is set to the form: C.E. = 1 + (Gs) (Hs) = 0 s2 + (Kp Kv R) s 1 (N) + (Kp Kv) 1 (C N) = vex Relating to the standard form (s2 + 21;OlnS + Oln 2) and solving: Figure 5--58. Charge Pump/Filter Oln2 = (Kp Kv) 1 C N 21;0ln = (Kp Kv R) 1 N SECTION 6 DATA RECOVERY 6.1 OVERVIEW 1/4, 1/2, and 314 bit time positions. A NON-DATA symbol has I- BIT TIME-+! The RXOUT signal from the receive amplifier and clocks generated by the clock recovery logic are used by the data recovery logic. The MC68194 recovers the data from the encoded receive signal by opening sampling windows around the 114 and 3/4 bit time positions and looking for edges in the received signal (refer to Figure 6-1 for the encoded data representations). A data ONE has transitions only althe 0 and 1/2 bit time positions. A data ZERO has transitions at the 0, MECLData DL122-Rev6 I 10.51 I 00.250.75 I ONE ZERO ND1 ND2 Figure 6-1. Encoded Data Representation 5-15 MOTOROLA MC68194 transitions at the 0, 1/4, and 1/2 bit time positions (ND1) or at the 0, 1/2, and 3/4 bit time positions (ND2). NON-DATA symbols should always occur in pairs; each pair is made up of one of each type of NON-DATA encoded symbols as shown in Figure 6-2 (ND1 followed by ND2). ONEs, ZEROs, and NON-DATA pairs can be easily decoded by keeping track of the 1/4 and 3/4 bit time position transitions. The ONEs, ZEROs, and NON-DATA pairs are then reported on the RXSYMX pins as described in the serial interface discussion. Two other conditions can also be reported while receiving in MAC mode - BAD SIGNAL and SILENCE. BAD SIGNAL is reported when a ND1 symbol is not followed immediately by a ND2 symbol or when a ND2 symbol is received and not immediately preceded by a ND1 symbol. SILENCE is reported when one of four conditions occurs: 1. 2. 3. 4. G PAD-IDLE SEQUENCE BITTIME CLOCK IN PHASE BITTIME CLOCK1BO° OUT OF PHASE The PAD-IDLE at the beginning of a transmission is used as a training signal as described in the clock recovery section. After the PLL has achieved lock, the recovered clock at this point may be in phase or 1800 out of phase with the bit time clock at the sending end. This creates a problem for RXCLK and the data recovery logic because symbols would be decoded as the wrong combination of 112 bit time transitions. Logic in the data recovery circuitry corrects forthis situation. If the clock is 1800 out of phase, the PAD-IDLE sequence (ONE, ZERO, ONE, ZERO, ONE, ... ) will be decoded as a sequence of NON-DATA symbols. Refer to Figure 6-2. In normal data reception, NON-DATA symbols occur only in pairs; there are never three or more in a row. Therefore, three or more NON-DATA symbols occurring in a row indicate that the bit time clock is 1800 out of phase and the bit time clock MOTOROLA ND2 ONE ND1 ZERO ND2 BIT TIME H I ND21 ND1 I ND21 ND1 IZEROI ONE IZEROI ONE IZEROI NON DATA INDICATOR When in internalloopback mode and SILENCE is being requested on the TXSYMX pins, SILENCE will be reported on the RXSYMX pins. An internal digital carrier detect is used during loopback and this signal is negated when SILENCE is requested on the request channel. During end-- 0 w 4 V / '"~ u. ~ 200 .r --.-./ o 100 200 300 400 CAPpF Figure 9-3. One Shot Pulse Width versus RextlCext 1 3 2 4 6 VCX(VOLTS) Figure 9-4. VCM Frequency versus Control Voltage (VCC 5.0 Vdc & C 68 pF) = 1000 = 24 23 \ :;;- 22 100 E '" 21 :c en w 19 :c 18 ~ \ \ 9 20 0 10 '" 4.6Vdc 3.6 VdC I- " r-.... 17 2.6 Vdc 1 1 10 100 16 1000 20 40 CAPACITANCE (pF) 60 -r--- ~ -r-- 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 RESISTOR (Kohm) Figure 9-6. Detected Threshold versus Threshold Resistor Figure 9-5. VCM Frequency versus Capacitance 800 600 E 400 200 o / o V L 2 / 3 TIMING CAP (IlF) Figure 9-7. Jabber Time Constant versus Capacitance MOTOROLA 5-24 MECLDala DL122-Rev6 MECL Data Ordering Dnfoli"mataolm MECLData DL122-Rev6 6-1 MOTOROLA [§J Device Nomenclatures MECL Family Device Nomenclatures MEeL 10K, MEeL 10HI100H Me Motorola Circuit Identifier ~ T xxx yy -r: Temperature Range • 10 = 10K (-30 to +85°C) • 10H = 10H (0 to +75°C) • 100H 100K Compatible (0 to +85°C) Package Type • P for Plastic • L for Ceramic • FN forPLCC Function Type = MEeL III Me Motorola Circuit Identifier ~ XXXX Y -r: Package Type • P for Plastic • L for Ceramic • 0 for Narrow SOIC • FNforPLCC Function Type MOTOROLA &-2 MECLData DL122-Rev6 Case Outlines Case Outlines A letter suffix to the MECL logic function part number is used to specify the package style (see drawings below). See appropriate selector guide for specific packaging available for a given device type. a-Pin Package DSUFFIX PLASTIC SOIC PACKAGE CASE 751-05 ISSUEM NOTES: 1. DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING PER ANSI Y14.5M, 19B2. 2. CONTROLLING DIMENSION: MILLIMETER. 3. DIMENSIONS A AND B DO NOT INCLUDE MOLD PROTRUSION. 4. MAXIMUM MOLD PROTRUSION 0.15 (0.006) PER SIDE. 5. DIMENSION 0 DOES NOT INCLUDE DAMBAR PROTRUSION. ALLOWABLE DAMBAR PROTRUSION SHALL BE 0.127 (0.005) TOTAL IN EXCESS OF THE 0 DIMENSION AT MAXIMUM MATERIAL CONDITION. DIU A =-7.5f~~ B C 0 F G J K M 1$1 0.25 (0.010)®1 TI B ®I A®I P R MILLIMETERS MIN MAX 4.80 5.00 360 4.00 1.35 1.75 0.35 0.49 0.40 1.25 127BSC Q18 0.25 0.10 0.25 0' 7" 5.80 6.20 0.25 0.50 INCHES MIN MAX 0.180 ~196 0.150 0.157 0.054 0.068 0.014 0019 0016 0049 O.050BSC 0.009 0.009 0.007 0004 0' 0229 0.010 7' 0.244 0.019 14-Pin Packages LSUFFIX CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 632-{)B ISSUEY I- f::::::: L~ ~ ~I ~Fi JL R Ull~A ~ JBjL~' ~ Fjt -- G~ N DN~ 1$10.25(0.010)@ITI A® I MECLData DL122 - Rev 6 /, .j JN~ M 1$10.25(0,010)@ITI B@I NOTES: 1. DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING PER ANSI YI4.5M,1982. 2. CONTROWNG DIMENSION: INCH. 3. DIMENSION L TO CENTER OF LEAD WHEN FORMED PARALUEL 4. DIMESKION F MAY NARROW TO 0.76 (0.000) WHERE THE LEAD ENTERS THE CERAMIC BODY. DIM A B C D F G J K L M H INCHES MIN MAX 0.750 0.785 0.245 0.280 0.155 0.200 0.015 0.020 0.055 0.065 O.I00BSC 0.008 0.015 0.125 0.170 0.300BSC 15' 0' 0.020 0.040 MILLIMETERS MIN MAX 19.05 19.94 6.23 7.11 5.OS 3.94 0.39 0.50 1.40 1.65 2.S4BSC 0.21 0.38 3.18 4.31 7.62BSC 0' 15' 1.01 051 MOTOROLA Case Outlines 14-Pin Packages (continued) PSUFFIX PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 646-06 ISSUE L NOTES: 1. LEADS WITHIN 0.13 (0.005) RADIUS OF TRUE POSmON AT SEATING PLANE AT MAXIMUM MATERIAL CONDITION. 2. DIMENSION l TO CENTER OF LEADS WHEN FORMED PARALLEl. 3. DIMENSION B DOES NOT INCLUDE MOLD FlASH. 4. ROUNDED CORNERS OPTIONAL ~-r I.~~ J. A DIM A B C D F G H J K L M N INCHES MIN MAX 0.715 o.no 0.240 0.260 0.145 0.165 0.015 0.021 0.040 0.070 D.1DOBSC 0.052 0.095 0.008 0.015 0.115 0.135 0.300 BOO 10° 0° O.ot5 0.039 MILLIMETERS MIN MAX 18.16 19.56 6.10 6.60 3.69 4.69 0.53 0.38 1.02 1.78 2.54 BOO 1.32 2.41 0.20 0.38 2.92 3.43 7.62BSC 0° 0" 0.39 1.01 16-Pin Packages L SUFFIX CERAMIC DIP PACKAGE CASE 620-10 ISSUE V NOTES: 1. DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING PER ANSIY14.5M.1982. 2. CONTRQLUNG DIMENSION: INCH. 3. DIMENSION L TO CENTER OF LEAD WHEN FORMED PARALLEL 4. DIMENSION F MAY NARROW TO 0.76 (0.030) WHERE THE LEAD ENTERS THE CERAMIC BODY. IS II /I fjUL M ~J~1¥8~P~L~__~~,-~~ i$io.25(O.010)@iriB ®i i$iO.25(O.010)@iriA ®i MOTOROLA 6-4 DIM A B C D E F G H K L M N INCHES MIN MAX 0.760 0.785 0.240 0.295 0.200 0.Q15 0.020 0.050 BOO 0.055 0.065 0.1008SC 0.008 0.015 0.125 0.170 0.3OOOOC 15° 0° 0.020 0.040 MILLIMETERS MIN MAX 19.05 19.93 6.10 7.49 508 0.39 0.50 1.27BSC 1.40 1.65 2.548SC 0.21 0.38 3.18 4.31 7.82BSC 15° 0° 0.51 1.01 MECLData DL122 - Rev 6 Case Outlines i6-Pin Packages (continued) PSUFFIX PLASTIC DIP PACKAGE CASE 648-08 ISSUE R NOTES: 1. DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING PER ANSI Y14.5M,1982. 2. CONTROLLING DIMENSION: INCH. 3. DIMENSION L TO CENTER OF LEADS WHEN FORMED PARALLEL. 4. DIMENSION B DOES NOT INCLUDE MOLD FLASH. 5. ROUNDED CORNERS OPTIONAL DIM A B C D F G H J K L M S INCHES MIN MAX 0.740 0.770 0.250 0270 0.145 0175 0.015 0.021 0040 0.70 0.100BSC 0050 BSC 0008 0.015 0.110 0.295 0" 0020 0.130 0.305 10" 0.040 MILUMETERS MIN MAX 1955 685 369 4.44 0.53 039 1.02 1.77 lB.80 6.35 254BSC t 27BSC 0.21 0.38 2.80 3.30 7.50 7.74 0" 10" 0.51 1.01 o SUFFIX PLASTIC SOIC PACKAGE CASE 7518-05 ISSUE J NOTES: 1. DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING PER ANSI Y14.5M,19B2. 2. CONTROLLING DIMENSION: MilliMETER. 3. DIMENSIONS A AND B DO NOT INCLUDE MOLD PROTRUSION. 4. MAXIMUM MOLD PROTRUSION 0.15 (0.0061 PER SlOE. 5. DIMENSION D DOES NOT INCLUDE DAMBAR PROTRUSION. ALLOWABLE DAM BAR PROTRUSION SHALL BE 0.127 (0.0051 TOTAL IN EXCESS OFTHE D DIMENSION AT MAXIMUM MATERIAL CONDITION. l±l S~'rl~~ DIM A B C D F ~Dt::::lt::::lt::::lt::::lt::::lCld~ -j-l- - - - - -n D G J K M P R 16PL 1$1 O.25(O.010)@ITIB ®I A®I MECLData DL122-Rev6 6-5 MILLIMETERS MIN MAX 9.80 1000 3.80 400 1.35 1.75 0.49 035 0.40 1.25 127BSC 0.19 0.25 0.10 0.25 0' 7" 5.80 6.20 025 0.50 INCHES MIN MAX 0.386 0.393 0.150 0.157 0054 0.068 0.019 0014 0.016 0049 o050 BSC 0.008 0.009 0.004 0.009 0" 7" 0.229 0.244 0010 0.019 MOTOROLA Case Outlines 20-Pin Packages LSUFFIX CERAMIC DIP PACKAGE CASE 732-(}3 ISSUE E NOTES: 1. LEADS WITHIN 0.010 DIAMETER, TRUE POSITION AT SEATING PlANE, AT MAXIMUM MATERIAL CONDITION. 2. DIMENSION L TO CENTER OF LEADS WHEN FORMED PARALLEL. 3. DIMENSIONS A AND 8 INCLUDE MENISCUS. -A~ ~ 20 11 , DIM A 8 c C D F G H J INCHES MIN MAX 0.940 0.990 0.260 0.295 0.150 0.200 0.015 0.022 0.055 0.065 0.loo8SC 0.020 0.050 O. 0.012 0.125 0.160 0.3OO88C K L M 0° 15° N 0.010 0.040 PSUFFIX PLASTIC DIP PACKAGE CASE 738-03 ISSUE E NOTES: 1. DIMENSIONING AND TOlERANCING PER ANSI YI4.5M,1982. 2. CONTROLLING DIMENSION: INCH. 3. DIMENSION l TO CENTER OF lEAD WHEN FORMED PARAllEL 4. DIMENSION 8 DOES NOT INCLUDE MOLD FLASH. DIM A 8 C D E G J K L M N MOTOROLA 6-6 INCHES MIN MAX 1.010 1.070 0.240 0.260 0.150 0.190 0.015 0.022 O.05OBSC O.I0088C 0.008 .015 0.110 0.140 O.30088C IS' 0' 0.020 0.040 MILUMETERS MIN MAX 27.17 6.10 6.60 3.81 4.57 0.39 0.55 1.2788C .2 1 2.54 88C 0.21 0.38 2.80 3.55 7.628SC IS' 0' 0.51 1.01 2566 MECLDala DL122-Rev6 Case Outlines 20-Pin Packages (continued) FN SUFFIX PLASTIC PLCC PACKAGE CASE 775-Q2 ISSUEC 61$1 0.007(0.180)@l r l L-M® 1N®I u 1$1 0.007(0.180)@lrl L-M® 1N®I G11$1 0.010 (0.250)®1 rl L-M® 1N®I VIEWD-D \ 4 - - - - - t - A 1$1 0.007(0.180)@lrl L-M® 1N®I i1<---""""'I-R 1$1 0.007(0.180)@lrl L-M®I N®I ~ * HI$10.007(0.180)@lrIL-M®IN®1 K1 K ' J I- FI$10.007(0.180)@l r IL-M®IN®1 VIEWS NOTES: 1. DATUMS -L-. -M-, AND -N- DETERMINED WHERE TOP OF lEAD SHOULDER EXITS PlASTIC BODY AT MOLD PARTING LINE. 2. DIMENSION Gl, TRUE POSITiON TO BE MEASURED AT DATUM -T-, SEATING PlANE. 3. DIMENSIONS RAND U DO NOT INCLUDE MOLD FlASH. AllOWABLE MOLD FlASH IS 0.010 (0.250) PER SIDE. 4. DIMENSIONING AND TOlERANCING PER ANSI Y14.5M,1982. 5. CONTROUJNG DIMENSION: INCH. 6. THE PACKAGE TOP MAY BE SMAllER THAN THE PACKAGE BOTTOM BY UP TO 0.012 (0.300). DIMENSIONS RAND U ARE DmRMINED AT THE OUTERMOST EXTREMES OF THE PlASTIC BODY EXCLUSIVE OF MOLD FlASH, TIE BAR BURRS, GATE BURRS AND INTERLEAO FlASH, BUT INCLUDING ANY MISMATCH BETWEEN THE TOP AND BOTTOM OF THE PlASTIC BODY. 7. DIMENSION H DOES NOT INCLUDE DAMBAR PROTRUSION OR INTRUSION. THE DAMBAR PROTRUSION(S) SHAll NOT CAUSE THE H DIMENSION TO BE GREATER THAN 0.037 (0.940). THE DAMBAR INTRUSION(S) SHAll NOT CAUSE THE H DIMENSION TO BE SMAllER THAN 0.025 (0.635). MECLDala Dl122-Rev6 6-7 DIM A B C E F G H J K R U V W X Y Z Gl Kl INCHES MIN MAX 0.385 0.395 0.385 0.395 0.165 0.180 0.090 0.110 0.013 0.019 O.050BSC 0026 0.032 0020 0.025 0.350 0.356 0.350 0.356 0.042 0.048 0.042 0.048 0042 0.058 0.020 2" 10" 0.310 0330 0.040 - MIlliMETERS MIN MAX 9.78 10.03 9.78 10.03 4.20 4.57 2.29 2.79 0.33 0.48 1.27BSC 0.66 0.81 0.51 0.64 9.04 889 BB9 9.04 1.07 1.21 1.07 1.21 1.07 1.42 0.50 10" 2" 7.88 B.38 1.02 - MOTOROLA Case Outlines 24-Pin Packages LSUFFIX CERAMIC DIP PACKAGE CASE 758--Q2 ISSUE A NOTES: 1. DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING PER ANSI YI4.5M.1982. 2. CONTROLUNG DIMENSION: INCH. 3. DIMENSION L TO CEtlTER OF lEADS WHEN FORMED PARALLEl. INCHES MIN MAX 1.240 1285 0.285 0.305 0.160 0.200 0.015 0.021 0.045 0.082 O.100BSC 0.008 0.013 0.100 0.165 0.300 0.310 0.020 0.050 0.360 0.400 DIM A B C D F G J K L N P MILLIMETeRS MIN MAX 31.50 32.64 7.24 7.75 4.07 5.08 0.38 0.53 1.14 1.57 2.54BSC 0.33 0.20 2.54 4.19 7.87 7.82 0.51 1.27 9.14 10.16 PSUFFIX PLASTIC DIP PACKAGE CASE 724-03 ISSUED NOTES: 1. CHAMFERED COtlTOUR OPTIONAL 2. DIMENSION L TO CENTER OF lEADS WHEN FORMED PARALLEl. 3. DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING PER ANSI Y14.5M.I982. 4. COtITROlLING DIMENSION: INCH. ~c JE\-~, ~rG jG~ E~~IIL ---;1-i -JLJ 24~ '~M ~CD 24PL 1$1 o.2S(o.o10)®lrl A ®I MOTOROLA rCl$"I-o.-2S-(O-.Ol-0)"",,®,-rI-'rl-B-::®"'I DIM A B C D E F G J K L M N INCHES MIN MAX 1.230 1.265 0.250 0.270 0.145 0.175 0.015 0.020 0.0508SC 0.040 0.060 0.100BSC 0.007 0.012 0.110 0.140 0.300BSC 0' IS' 0.020 0.040 MILLIMETeRS MIN MAX 31.25 32.13 6.35 6.85 3.69 4.44 0.38 0.51 1.27BSC 1.02 1.52 2.54BSC 0.18 0.30 2.80 3.55 7.62BSC 0' IS' 0.51 1.01 MECLData DL122-Rev6 Case Outlines 28-Pin Package FN SUFFIX PLASTIC PLCC PACKAGE CASE 776-02 ISSUE D BI$I 0.007(0.180)@ITI L-M® 1N®I YBRK u 1$1 0.007 (0.180)@ITI L-M® 1N®I f±l 1 "lI-----=----1I:~ ~t-t G11$1 0.010(0.250)®ITI L-M® 1N ®I 0 VIEWD-D 1------~AI$10.007(0.180)@ITIL-M®IN®1 i+<-------".j-f- RI$10.oo7(0.180)@ITI L-M® 1N®I rtE~~J~ K ~ VIEWS 1$1 0.010 (0.250)®1 TI L-M® 1N ®I NOTES: 1. DATIJMS -L-. -M-. AND -N- DETERMINED WHERE TOP OF LEAD SHOULDER EXITS PLASTIC BODY AT MOLD PARIlNG LINE. 2. DIMENSION Gl. TRUE POSITION TO BE MEASURED AT DATIJM-T-. SEAT1NG PLANE. 3. DIMENSIONS R AND U 00 NOT INCLUDE MOLD FLASH. ALLOWABLE MOLD FLASH IS 0.010 (0.250) PER SIDE. •. DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING PER ANSI Yl'.5M. 1982. S. CONTROlliNG DIMENSION: INCH. 6. THE PACKAGE TOP MAY BE SMALLER THAN THE PACKAGE BOTTOM BY UP TO 0.012 (0.300). DIMENSIONS R AND U ARE DETERMINED AT THE OUTERMOST EXTREMES OF THE PLASTIC BODY EXCLUSIVE OF MOLD FlASH. TIE BAR BURRS. GATE BURRS AND INTERLEAD FLASH. BUT INCLUDING ANY MISMATCH BETWEEN THE TOP AND BOTTOM OF THE PLASTIC BODY. 7. DIMENSION H DOES NOT INCLUDE DAMBAR PROTRUSION OR INTRUSION. THE DAM BAR PROTRUSION(S) SHAll NOT CAUSE THE H DIMENSION TO BE GREATER THAN 0.037 (0.940). THE DAMBAR INTRUSION(S) SHAll NOT CAUSE THE H DIMENSION TO BE SMALLER THAN 0.025 (0.635). MECLData DL122 - Rev 6 I--FI$10.007(0.180)@ITIL-M®IN®1 6--9 H J INCHES MIN MAX 0.485 0.495 0.485 0.495 0.165 0.180 0.090 0.110 0.013 0.019 O.05085C 0.026 0032 0.020 K R 0.025 0450 U V W X Y Z 0.450 0.042 0.042 0.042 DIM A B C E F G Gl Kl 2' 0.410 0.040 0.456 0.458 0.048 0.046 0.056 0.020 10' 0.430 MILLIMETERS MIN MAX 12.32 12.57 12.32 12.57 4.20 4.57 2.29 2.79 0.33 0.48 1.27BSC 0.66 0.81 0.51 0.64 11.43 11.58 11.43 11.58 1.07 1.21 1.21 1.07 1.07 1.42 0.50 2' 10' 10.42 10.92 1.02 MOTOROLA MECL Logic Surface Mount MECL Logic Surface Mount WHY SURFACE MOUNT? Surface Mount Technology is now being utilized to offer answers to many problems that have been created in the use of insertion technology. Limitations have been reached with insertion packages and PC board technology. Surface Mount Technology offers the opportunity to continue to advance the State-of-the-Art designs that cannot be accomplished with Insertion Technology. Surface Mount Packages allow more optimum device performance with the smaller Surface Mount configuration. Internal lead lengths, parasitic capacitance and inductance that placed limitations on chip performance have been reduced. The lower profile of Surface Mount Packages allows more boards to be utilized in a given amount of space. They are stacked closer together and utilize less total volume than insertion populated PC boards. Printed circuit costs are lowered with the reduction of the number of board layers required. The elimination or reduction of the number of plated through holes in the board, contribute significantly to lower PC board prices. Surface Mount assembly does not require the preparation of components that are common on insertion technology lines. Surface Mount components are sent directly to the assembly line, eliminating an intermediate step. Automatic placement equipment is available that can place Surface Mount components at the rate of a few thousand per hour to hundreds of thousands of components per hour. . Surface Mount Technology is cost effective, allowing the manufacturer the opportunity to produce smaller units and offer increased functions with the same size product. RS-4B1A specification. The antistatic embossed tape provides a secure cavity sealed with a peel-back cover tape. GENERAL INFORMATION MECHANICAL POLARIZATION TYPICAL VIEW FROM TAPE SIDE • LINEAR DIRECTION OFTRAVEL ORDERING INFORMATION = • Minimum Lot Size/Device Type 3000 Pieces. • No Partial Reel Counts Available. • To order devices which are to be delivered in Tape and Reel, add the appropriate suffix to the device number being ordered. EXAMPLE: MECL AVAILABILITY IN SURFACE MOUNT Motorola is now offering MECL 10K and MECL 10H in the PLCC (Plastic Leaded Chip Carrier) packages. MECL in PLCC may be ordered in conventional plastic rails or on Tape and Reel. Refer to the Tape and Reel section for ordering details. 13 inch (330 mm) Suffix: R2 16mm 1000 • Reel Size • TapeWidth • Units/Reel ORDERING CODE SHIPMENT METHOD MC10l01FN MCl 01 01 FNR2 MC10Hl01FN MC10Hl01FNR2 MC12015D MC12015DR2 Magazines (Rails) 13 inch Tape and Reel Magazines (Rails) 13 inch Tape and Reel Magazines (Rails) 13 inch Tape and Reel TAPE AND REEL DUAL-IN-LINE PACKAGE TO PLCC PIN CONVERSION DATA Motorola has now added the convenience of Tape and Reel packaging for our growing family of standard Integrated Circuit products. The packaging fully conforms to the latest EIA The following tables give the equivalent 110 pinouts of Dual-In-Line (OIL) packages and Plastic Leaded Chip Carrier (PLCC) packages. MOTOROLA 6-10 MECLData DL122-Rev6 Pin Conversion Tables Pin Conversion Tables 8-Pin OIL to 20-Pin PLCC 8PIN OIL 20 PIN PLCC 14-Pin OIL to 2D-Pin PLCC 14PIN OIL 20 PIN PLCC 16-Pin OIL to 20-Pin PLCC 16 PIN OIL 20 PIN PLCC 2D-Pin OIL to 20-Pin PLCC 20 PIN OIL 20 PIN PLCC 24-Pin OIL to 28-Pln PLCC 24 PIN OIL 28 PIN PLCC MECLOata OL122-Rev6 6-11 MOTOROLA MOTOROLA AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTOR & WORLDWIDE SALES OFFICES NORTH AMERICAN DISTRIBUTORS FAI ......................... (408)434-0369 Future Electronics ............ (408)434-1122 UNITED STATES ALABAMA Huntsville Santa Clara Arrow/Schweber Electronics ... (205)837-6955 FAI ......................... (205)837-9209 Future Electronics. . . . . . . . . . .. (205)830-2322 HamiltonIHalimark ........... (205)837-8700 Newark ..................... (205)837-9091 Time Electronics ........... 1-800-789-TIME Wyle Electronics ............. (205)830-1119 ARIZONA Phoenix Scottsdale Alliance Electronics .......... (602)483-9400 Arrow/Schweber Electronics ... (602)431-0030 Newark ..................... (602)966-6340 PENSTOCK ................. (602)967-1620 Time Electronics .....•..... 1-800-789-TIME Thousand Oaks Torrance Time Electronics ........... 1-800-789-TIME Tustin Time Electronics ..•........ 1-800-789-TIME Woodland Hills . COLORADO Lakewood Agoura Hills Future Electronics ............ (818)865-0040 Time Electronics Corporate .. 1-800-789-TIME Calabassas Arrow/Schweber Electronics . .. (818)880-9686 Wyle Electronics . . . . . . . . . . . .. (818)880-9000 Chatsworth Time Electronics ........... 1-800-789-TIME Denver Newark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. (303)373-4540 Arrow/Schweber Electronics ... (303)799-0258 HamiitonIHalimark ........... (303)790-1662 PENSTOCK ................. (303)799-7845 Time Electronics ........... 1-800-789-TIME HamiitonIHalimark ........... (714)789-4100 CulverCitv Hamilton/l'iallmark ........... (310)558-2000 Garden Grove Newark ..................... (714-893-4909 Wyle Electronics ............. (303)457-9953 (714)587-0404 (714)753-4778 (714)453-1515 (714)753-9953 (714)863-9953 Los Angeles Cheshire FAI .•......•................ (203)250-1319 Future ElectroniCS. . . . . . . . . . .. (203)250-0083 Hamilton/Hallmark ........... (203)271-2844 Southbury Wallingfort Arrow7Schweber Electronics ... (203)265-7741 FLORIDA Altamonte Springs Future Electronics ............ (407)865-7900 Clearwater FAI ... , ..................... (818)879-1234 Wyle Electronics ............. (818)880-9000 Manhattan Beach FAI •........................ (813)530-1665 Future Electronics ............ (813)530-1222 Deerfield Beach PENSTOCK ................. (310)548-8953 Newberry Park PENSTOCK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. (805)375-8680 Palo Alto Newark ..................... (415)812-e300 Riverside Newark ..................... (909)784-1101 Rocklin HamiitonlHalimark ........... (916)632-4500 Sacramento Arrow/Schweber Electronics . .. (305)429-8200 Wyle Electronics ............. (305)420-0500 San Diego (619)565-4800 (619)623-2888 (619)625-2800 (619)571-7540 (619)453-8211 (619)623-9100 (619)585-9171 San Jose Arrow/Schweber Electronics ... (408)441-9700 Arrow/Schweber Electronics . .. (408)428-8400 Norcross Future Electronics ............ Newark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. PENSTOCK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Wyle Electronics ............. (770)441-7676 (770)448-1300 (770)734-9990 (770)441-9045 IDAHO Boise FAI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. (208)378-8080 ILLINOIS Addison Bensenville Hamilton/Hallmark ........... (708)797-7322 Chicago FAI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. (708)843-0034 Newark Electronics Corp ...... (312)784-5100 Hoffman Estates Future Electronics . . . . . . . . . . .. (708)882-1255 Itasca Arrow/Schweber Electronics ... (708)250-0500 Palatine Schaumburg INDIANA Indianapolis . Arrow/Schweber Electronics ... (317)299-2071 Bailey's Electronics ........... (317)848-9958 HamillonIHailmark ........... (317)575-3500 FAI ......................... (317)489-0441 Future Electronics ............ (317)469-0447 Newark ..................... (317)259-0085 Time Electronics ........... 1-e00-789-TIME FI.Wayne Newark .................•... (219)484-0766 PENSTOCK ................. (219)432-1277 IOWA Cedar Rapids Newark . . . • . . • . . • . . . . . . . . . .. (319)393-3800 Time Electronics ........... 1-800-789-TIME KANSAS Kansas City FAI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. (913)381-e800 FI. Lauderdale FAI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . .. (305)428-9494 Future Electronics . . . . . . . . . . .. (305)438-4043 HamiitonlHalimark ........... (305)484-5482 Newark ..................... (305)486-1151 Time Electronics ........... 1-800-789-TIME Lenexa Arrow/Schweber Electronics .... (913)541-9542 HamiitonlHalimark ........... (913)663-7900 Olathe PENSTOCK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. (913)829-9330 Overland Park Lake Mary Arrow/Schweber Electronics ... (407)333-9300 FAI ......................... (916)782-7882 Newark ..................... (916)565-1760 Wyle Electronics ............. (916)63!Hi282 Arrow/Schweber Electronics ... (404)497-1300 Hamilton/Hallmark ..•........ (404)623-4400 Newark ..................... (708)310-9980 Time Electronics .•......... 1-800-789-TIME CONNECTICUT Bloomfield Time Electronics ........... 1-800-789-TIME Irvine Duluth PENSTOCK ................. (708)934-3700 Thornton Newark ..................... (203)243-1731 Costa Mesa FAI ......................... (404)447-4767 Time Electronics ........... 1-800-789-TIME Wyle Electronics ....•........ (404)441-9045 Wyle Laboratories . . . . . . . . . . .. (708)620-0969 FAI ......................... (303)237-1400 . Future Electronics . . . . . . . . . . .. (303)232-2008 Englewood CALIFORNIA MOTOROLA HamlltonlHalimark ........... (408)435-3500 PENSTOCK ................. (408)730-0300 Time Electronics ........... 1-800-789-TIME Hamilton/Hallmark ........... (818)594-0404 Tempe Arrow/Schweber Electronics ... FAI ......................... Future Electronics ............ Hamilton/Hallmark ........... Newark ..................... PENSTOCK ................. Wyle ElectroniCS ............. PENSTOCK ................. (818)355-8775 . Sunnv.vale Newark ..................... (805)449-1480 FAI ......................... (602)731-4661 Future Electronics ............ (602)968-7140 HamiitonIHalimark ............ (602)414.'lOOO Wyle Electronics ........ . . . .. (602)804-7000 Arrow/SchweberElectronics ... FAI ......................... Future Electronics ............ Wyle Laboratories Corporate .. Wyle Electronics ............. Wyle Electronics ............. (408)727-2500 Sierra Madre GEORGIA Atlanta LargolTampa/S1. Petersburg HamlitonIHailmark ........... (813)547-5000 Newark ..................... (813)287-1578 Wyle Electronics ............. (813)576-3004 Time Electronics ........... 1-800-789-TIME Future Electronics ............ (913)649-1531 Newark •.................... (913)677-0727 Time Electronics ........... 1-800-789-TIME MARYLAND Baltimore FAI ......................... (410)312-0833 Columbia Orlando FAI ......................... (407)885-9555 Tallahassee FAI ......................... (904)668-7772 Tampa PENSTOCK ................. (813)247-7556 Winter Park HamiitonIHalimark ........... (407)657-3300 PENSTOCK ................. (407)672-1114 6-12 Arrow/Schweber Electronics . .. (301 )596-7800 Future Electronics ............ (410)290-0600 HamiitonIHalimark ........... (410)720-3400 Time Electronics ........... 1-800-789-TIME PENSTOCK ................. (410)290-3748 Wyle Electronics ............. (410)312-4844 Hanover Newark ..................... (410)712-e922 MECLData DL122-Rev6 AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTORS - continued UNITED STATES - continued MASSACHUSETTS Boston Newark ..................... (516)567--4200 Arrow/Schweber Electronics ... (508)658-0900 FAI ......................... (508)779-3111 Bolton Future Corporate ............. (508)779-3000 Burlington PENSTOCK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. (617)2211-9100 Wyle Electronics ............. (617)271-9953 Peabody lime Electronics ........... 1-800-7811-TIME Hamilton/Hallmark ........... (508)532-9893 Woburn Newark ..................... (617)935-8350 MICHIGAN Detroit Grand Rapids Newark ..................... (616)954-6700 Livonia Arrow/Schweber Electronics ... (810)455-0850 Future Electronics ............ (313)261~270 Hamilton/Hallmark ........... (313)416~800 lime Electronics ........... 1-800-789-TIME Troy Newark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. (810)583-2899 MINNESOTA Bloomington Wyle Electronics .............. (612)853-2280 Burnsville PENSTOCK .................. (612)882-7630 Eden Prairie Arrow/Schweber Electronics ... (612)941-5280 FAI ......................... (612)947-0909 Future Electronics. . . . . . . . . . .. (612)944-2200 HamiltoniHalimark ........... (612)881-2600 lime Electronics ........... 1-800-789-TIME Minneapolis Newark ..................... (612)331-6350 Earth City (314)291~350 MISSOURI SI. Louis Arrow/Schweber Electronics ... (314)567-6888 Future Electronics ............ (314)469-6805 FAI ......................... (314)542-9922 Newark ..................... (314)453-9400 lime Electronics ........... 1-800-7811-TIME NEW JERSEY Bridgewater PENSTOCK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. (908)575-9490 Cherry Hill Hamilton/Hallmark ........... (609)424-0110 East Brunswick Newark ...•................. (908)937-6600 Fairfield FAI ......................... (201)331-1133 Marlton Arrow/Schweber Electronics . .. (609)596-8000 FAI ......................... (609)988-1500 Future Electronics. . . . . . . . . . .. (609)596-4080 Pinebrook Arrow/SchweberElectronics ... (201)227-7880 Wyle Electronics ............. (201)882-8358 Parsippany Future Electronics. . . . . . . . . . .. (201 )299-0400 Hamilton/Hallmark ........... (201)515-1641 Wayne lime Electronics ..........• 1-800-7811-TIME NEW MEXICO Albu'luerque Hamilton/Hallmark ........... (505)828-1058 Newark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. (505)828-1878 PENSTOCK ................. (610)383-9536 Flo Washington Hauppauge Arrow/Schweber Electronics ... Future Electronics ............ Hamilton/Hallmark ........... PENSTOCK ................. (516)231-1000 (516)234--4000 (516)434-7400 (516)724-9580 Konkoma Hamilton/Hallmark ........... (516)737-0600 Newark ..................... (215)654-1434 Mt. Laurel Wyle Electronics ............. (609)4311-9110 Philadelphia lime Electronics ........... 1-800-789-TIME Wyle Electronics ............. (609)4311-9110 Pittsburgh Long Island FAI ......................... (516)348-3700 Melville Wyle Laboratories ............ (516)293-8446 Pittsford Newark .........•........... (716)381--4244 Arrow/Schweber Electronics ... (412)963-6807 Newark ..................... (412)788--4790 lime Electronics ........... 1-800-789-TIME TENNESSEE Knoxville Newark ..................... (615)589-6493 Rochester FAI ......................... (313)513-0015 Future Electronics ............ (616)699-6800 Hamilton/Hallmark ........... PENNSYLVANIA Coatesville NEW YORK Bohemia Arrow/Schweber Electronics ... (716)427-0300 Future Electronics ............ (716)387-9550 FAI ......................... (716)387-9600 HamiltoniHalimark ........... (716)272-2740 lime Electronics ........... 1-800-789-TIME Syracuse FAI ......................... (315)451--4405 Future Electronics ............ (315)451-2371 Newark ..................... (315)457--4873 lime Electronics ........... 1-800-789-TIME TEXAS Austin Arrow/SchweberElectronics ... (512)835--4180 Future Electronics ............ (512)502-0991 FAI ........................• (512)348-6426 Hamilton/Hallmark ....•...... (512)2111-3700 Newark ..................... (512)338-0287 PENSTOCK ................. (512)348-9762 lime Electronics ........... 1-800-7811-TIME Wyle Electronics ............. (512)833-9953 Benbrook NORTH CAROLINA Charlolle PENSTOCK ................. (817)249-0442 FAI ......................... (704)548-9503 Future Electronics ............ (704)547-1107 Carollton Arrow/SchweberElectronics ... (214)380-6464 Dallas Raleigh Arrow/Schweber Electronics ... (919)878-3132 FAI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. (919)876-0088 Future Electronics ............ (919)790-7111 HamiitonlHalimark ........... (919)872-0712 Newark ..................... (919)781-7677 lime Electronics ........... 1-800-7811-TIME FAI ......................... (214)231-7195 Future Electronics ............ (214)437-2437 HamiitoniHalimark ....•...... (214)553--4300 Newark ..............•...... (214)458-2528 lime Electronics .•......... 1-800-789-TIME Wyle Electronics ............. (214)235-9953 EIPaso OHIO Centerville FAI ......................... (915)577-9531 Arrow/Schweber Electronics ... (513)43~563 Flo Worth Allied Electronics ............. (817)338-5401 Cleveland FAI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. (216)448-0061 Newark ..................... (216)391-9330 lime Electronics ........... 1-800-7811-TIME Columbus Newark ..................... (614)326-0352 lime Electronics ........... 1-800-789-TIME Dayton FAI ......................... (513)427-6090 Future Electronics ............ (513)428-0090 Hamilton/Hallmark ........... (513)439-6735 Newark ..................... (513)294-8980 lime Electronics ........... 1-800-7811-TIME Mayfield Heights Future Electronics . . . . . . . . . . .. (216)449-6996 Solon Arrow/Schweber Electronics . .. (216)248-3990 HamiitoniHalimark ........... (216)498-1100 Worthington HamiitoniHalimark ........... (614)888-3313 OKLAHOMA Tulsa FAI ......................... (918)492-1500 Hamilton/Hallmark ........... (918)459-6000 Newark ..................... (918)252~070 OREGON Beaverton Arrow/PJmac Electronics Corp.. Future Electronics ............ HamiitoniHalimark ........... Wyle Electronics ............. Portland (503)629-8090 (503)645-9454 (503)529-6200 (503)643-7900 FAI ......................... (503)297~020 Newark ..................... (503)297-1984 PENSTOCK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. (503)648-1670 lime Electronics ........... 1-800-7811-TIME Houston Arrow/Schweber Electronics ... (713)647-6868 FAI ......................... (713)952-7088 Future Electronics ............ (713)785-1155 Hamilton/Hallmark ........... (713)781-6100 Newark ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. (713)894-9334 lime Electronics ........... 1-600-789-TIME Wyle Electronics ....... . . . . .. (713)8711-9953 Richardson PENSTOCK ................. (214)479-9215 San Antonio FAI ......................... (210)738-3330 UTAH Salt Lake City Arrow/Schweller Electronics ... FAI ......................... Future Electronics ............ Hamilton/Hallmark ....•...... Newark ..................... Wyle Electronics ............. (801)973-6913 (801)467-9696 (801)467--4448 (801 )268-2022 (801 )261~660 (801)974-9953 West Valley City lime Electronics ........... 1-800-7811-TIME Wyle Electronics ............. (801 )974-9953 WASHINGTON Bellevue Almac Electronics Corp. ...... (206)643-9992 Newark ..................... (206)641-9800 PENSTOCK .............. '... (206)454-2371 Bothell Future Electronics. . . • . . . . . . .. (206)4811-3400 Redmond HamiitoniHalimark ........... (206)882-7000 lime Electronics ........... 1-800-7811-TIME Wyle Electronics ............. (206)881-1150 Seattle . FAI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. (206)485-6616 Wyle Electronics ............. (206)881-1150 MECLData DL122-Rev6 EH3 MOTOROLA AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTORS - continued UNITED STATES - continued Edmonton Ottawa FAI ......................... (403)438-5888 Future Electronics ............ (403)438-2858 Hamilton/Hallmark ........... (800)663-5500 WISCONSIN Brookfield Arrow/Schweber Electronics ... (414)792-0150 Future Electronics ............ (414)879-0244 Wyle Electronics ............. (414)521-9333 Milwaukee FAI ......................... (414)792-9778 Time ElectroniCS ........... 1-800-789-TIME New Berlin Hamilton/Hallmark ...•....... (414)780-7200 Wauwatosa Newark ..................... (414)453-9100 CANADA ALBERTA Calgary Electro Sonic Inc. ........... (403)255-9550 FAI ......................... (403)291-5333 Arrow Electronics ............ Electro Sonic Inc ............. FAI ......................... Futuna Electronics ............ Hamilton/Hallmark ........... Saskatchewan Hamilton/Hallmark ........... (800)663-5500 Vancouver Arrow Electronics ............ Electro Sonic Inc............. FAI ......................... Future Electronics ............ HamlitonlHalimark ........... Electro Sonic Inc. ........... FAI ......................... Futuna Electronics ............ HamlitonlHalimark ........... Toronto (604)421-2333 (604)273-2911 (604)654-1050 (604)294-1166 (604)420-4101 MANITOBA Winnipeg (204)783-3105 (204)785-3075 (204)944-1446 (800)663-5500 Arrow Electronics ............ Electro Sonic Inc............. FAI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Future Electronics ............ Hamilton/Hallmark ........... Newark ... . .. . .. . .. . .. .. .... Future Electronics ....•....... (403)250-5550 Hamilton/Hallmark ...•....... (800)663-5500 (905)670-7769 (416)494-1666 (905)612-9888 (905)612-9200 (905)564-8060 (905)670-2888 QUEBEC Montreal ONTARIO Kanata Arrow Electronics ............ FAI ......................... Futuna Electronics ............ Hamilton/Hallmark ......•.... (514)421-7411 (514)694-8157 (514)694-7710 (514)335-1000 Quebec City PENSTOCK ................. (613)592-6088 BRITISH COLUMBIA (613)226-6903 (613)728-8333 (613)820-8244 (613)727-1800 (613)228-1700 Mississauga PENSTOCK ................. (905)403-0724 Arrow Electronics ............ (418)687-4231 FAI ......................... (418)682-5775 Future Electronics ............ (418)877-6666 INTERNATIONAL DISTRIBUTORS AUSTRALIA AVNET VSI Electronics (Ausl) . . .. (61)2 9878-1299 VeltekAustralia Ply Ltd ..... (61)39574-9300 AUSTRIA EBV Eleklronik .............. (43) 18941774 SEI/Elbatex GmbH ............ (43) 1 866420 Spoerle Electronic ........... (43) 1 31872700 BELGIUM Spoerle Electronic. . . . . . . . . .. (32) 2 725 4660 EBVEleklronik ............. (32)27160010 SEI/Rodeleo B. V. ........... (32) 2 460 0560 BULGARIA MacroGroup ................. (359) 2708140 CZECH REPUBLIC Spoerle Electronic .............. (42) 2731355 SEI/Elbatex .................. (42) 24763707 Macro Group ................. (42) 23412182 CHINA Advanced Electronics Ltd. . .. (852)2 305-3633 AVNET WKK Componenls LId. ... (852)2 357-8888 China EI. App. Corp. XlaMan Cc.. (86)106818-9750 Nanco Electronics Supply Lid.. (852) 2 765-3025 ........................ or (852) 2 333-5121 Olng Cheng Enterprises Ltd .. (852) 2 493-4202 DENMARK Arrow Exatec ............... (45) 44 927000 Avnet Nortec AlS ............ (45) 44 880800 EBV Eleklronik ............... (45) 39690511 ESTONIA Arrow Field Eesll .............. (372) 6503288 Avnet Baltronic ............... (372) 6397000 FINLAND· Arrow Field OY ............. (35) 807 775 71 Avnet NoMec OY ............. (35) 80613181 FRANCE Arrow Electronlque ........ (33) 1 49 78 49 78 Avnet Components . . . . . . .. (33) 1 49 65 25 00 EBV Eleklronik ........... (33) 1 64 68 86 00 Future Electronics ............ (33)1 69821111 Newark .................... (33)1-30954060 SEI/Scalb ................ (33) 1 69 19 89 00 GERMANY AvnetE2000 ............... (49)894511001 EBVEleklronikGmbH ....... (49)8999114-0 Future Electronics GmbH .... (49) 89-957 270 SEIiJermyn GmbH .......... (49) 6431-5080 Newark .................... (49)2154-70011 Saseo Semiconductor ......... (49) 89-46110 Spoerle Electronic .......... (49) 6103-304-0 MOTOROLA GREECE ROMANIA EBV Eleklronik ............... (30) 13414300 HOLLAND MacroGroup ................. (401)6343129 RUSSIA EBV Eleklronlk ............ (31) 3465 623 53 Spoerle Electronic ............ (31) 4054 5430 SEI/Rodelco B.V........... (31) 7657 227 00 Macro Group ................ (781) 25311476 SCOTLAND EBV Eleklronik ............ (44) 161 4993434 SINGAPORE HONG KONG AVNETWKK Componenls Ltd. ... (852)2357-8888 NanshingClr. &Chem. Cc. LId ... (852)2333-5121 INDIA Canyon Products Lid ....... (91) 80 558-7758 Future Electronics ............. (65) 479-1300 Strong Pte. Lid ............... (65) 276-3996 Uraco Technologies Pta Ltd ..... (65) 545-7811 SLOVAKIA Macro Group ................. (42)89634181 INDONESIA P.T.Ometraco ............. (62) 21619-6166 SLOVENIA SEI/Elbat"x ................ (48) 22 6254877 IRELAND Arrow ..................... (353) 14595540 Future ElectroniCS ............. (353) 6541330 Macro Group ............... (353) 16766904 ITALY AVNET EMG SRL ............. (39) 2381901 EBV Eleklronik ............... (39) 2 660961 Future Electronics. . . . . . . . . . . .. (39) 2 660941 Silverstar Ltd. SpA ........... (39) 2 661251 JAPAN AMSC Co .. Ltd ............. Fuji Electronics Co., Ltd ..... Marubun Corponation ....... Nippon Motorola Micro Elec.. OMRON Corporation ....... Tokyo Electron Ltd.......... 81-422-54-6800 81-3-3814-1411 81-3-3639-6951 81-3-3280-7300 81-3-3779-9053 81-3-5561-7254 SPAIN Amitron Arrow .............. (34) 1 3043040 EBV Eleklronik ............. (34) 1 8043256 SEIiSeleoS.A. .............. (34) 16371011 SWEDEN Arrow-Th:s .................. (46)8362970 Avnet Nortec AB ............ (46) 8 629 14 00 SWITZERLAND EBV Eleklronik .............. (41) 17456161 SEllElbatexAG ............. (41)564375111 Spoerle Electronic ............ (41) 18746262 S.AFRICA Advanced .. . .. . . .. .. . . . . . .. (27) 11 4442333 Reuthec Components ....... (27) 11 8233357 THAILAND Shapiphat Ltd. .. (66)2221-0432 or 2221-5384 KOREA Jung Kwang Sa . . . . . . . . . . . . .. (82)2278-5333 Lite-On Korea Ltd. ........... (82)2858-3853 Nasca Co. Ltd ........•.•.... (82)23772-6800 LATVIA Avnet ........................ (371) 8821118 LITHUANIA Macro Group ................. (370) 7751487 NEW ZEALAND AVNET VSI (NZ) Ltd .. . . . . . .. (64)9636-7801 NORWAY Arrow Tahonlc AlS ............ (47)22378440 Avnet Nortec AlS Norway ..... (47) 66 646210 TAIWAN Avnet-MercuriesCo., Ltd •.. (886)2516-7303 Solomon Technology Corp. .. (886)2788-8989 Strong Electronics Co. Ltd ... (886)2917-9917 UNITED KINGDOM Arrow Electronics (UK) Ltd .. (44) 1 234 270027 AvnellAcoess . . . . . . . . . . . .. (44) 1 462488500 EBV Eleklronik ........... (44) 1 628783688 Future Electronics Ltd. ..... (44) 1 753763000 Macro Group .............. (44) 1 62860600 Newark .................. (44) 1 420543333 PHILIPPINES Alexan Commercial ......... (63) 2241-9493 POLAND Macro Group ................ (48) 22 224337 SEI/Elbatex ................ (48) 22 6254877 Spoerle Electronic ........... (48) 22 6060447 PORTUGAL Am~ronArrow ............... (35) 114714806 6-14 MECLData DL122-Rev6 MOTOROLA WORLDWIDE SALES OFFICES UNITED STATES ALABAMA TENNESSEE Huntsville ........ . . . . . . . .. .. (205)464-<>800 ALASKA . ................... (800)635-8291 ARIZONA Tempe.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... (602)302-8056 TEXAS Austin ...................... (512)502-2100 Houston .................... (713)251-0006 Plano .................•..... (214)516-5100 VIRGINIA CALIFORNIA Calabasas .................. Irvine ....................... Los Angeles ................. San Diego .................. Sunnyvale .................. JAPAN Knoxville .................... (423)584-4841 (818)878-£800 (714)753-7360 (818)875-8800 (619)541-2163 (408)749-{)510 COLORADO Denver ..................... (303)337-3434 CONNECTICUT Wallingford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. (203)949-4100 FLORIDA Clearwater .................. (813)524-4177 Maitland .................... (407)628-2636 Pompano 8eachIFt. Lauderdale. . . .. (954)351-£040 GEORGIA Atlanta ..................... (770)729-7100 IDAHO Boise .. . .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .... (208)323-9413 ILLINOIS Cbicago/Schaumburg . . . . . . . .. (847)413-2500 INDIANA Indianapolis ......•........ " (317)571-0400 Kokomo .................... (317)455-5100 Richmond ................... (804)285-2100 UTAH CSI Inc. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .... (801 )572-401 0 WASHINGTON Bellevue .................... (206)454-4160 Seattle Access .............. (206)622-9960 WISCONSIN Milwaukee/Brookfield ......... (414)792-0122 Field Applications Engineering Available Through All Sales Offices CANADA Cedar Rapids. . . . . • . . . . . . . . .. (319)378-0383 Kansas City/Mission .......... (913)451-£555 MARYLAND Columbia ................... (410)381-1570 MASSACHUSETTS Marlborough ................. (508)357-8200 Woburn ..................... (617)932-9700 MICHIGAN Detroit ...................... (810)347-£800 Literature ................... (800)392-2016 MINNESOTA Minnetonka ................. (612)932-1500 MISSOURI SI. Louis .................... (314)275-7380 NEW JERSEY Fairfield. . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . .. .. (201 )808-2400 NEW YORK Fairport ..................... (716)425-4000 Fishkill ...................... (914)898-0511 Hauppauge ................. (516)361-7000 NORTH CAROLINA Raleigh ..................... (919)870-4355 OHIO Cleveland ................... (216)349--3100 ColumbusIWorthington ..... '" (614)431-£492 Dayton ..................... (513)438-6800 OKLAHOMA Tulsa .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. (918)459-4565 OREGON Portland .................... (503)641--3681 PENNSYLVANIA Colmar ..................... (215)997-1020 Philadelphia/Horsham ........ (215)957-4100 MECLData DL122-Rev6 KOREA Pusan ..................... 82(51 )4635-D35 Seoul ....................... 82(2)554-5118 MALAYSIA Penang ..................... 60(4)228-2514 MEXICO Mexico City ................. 52(5)282-0230 Guadalajara ................. 52(36)21-8977 Zapopan Jalisco ............. 52(36)78-0750 Marketing ................... 52(36)21-2023 Customer Service ........... 52(36)669-9160 NETHERLANDS BRITISH COLUMBIA Vancouver .................. (604)293-7650 ONTARIO Ottawa ..................... (613)226-3491 Toronto ..................... (416)497-8181 QUEBEC Montreal .................... (514)333-3300 IOWA KANSAS Kyusyu ................... 81-92-725-7583 Gotanda .................. 81--3-£487-8311 Nagoya ................... 81-£2-232--3500 Osaka ..................... 81-£--305-1801 Sendai ................... 81-22-269-4333 Takamatsu ................ 81-878--37-9972 Tokyo .................... 81--3--3440--3311 Best ....................... (31)499861211 PHILIPPINES Manila . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. (63)2 822-0625 PUERTO RICO San Juan ................... (809)282-2300 SiNGAPORE .................. (65)4818188 SPAIN Madrid ...................... 34(1 )457-8204 or .......................... 34(1)457-8254 SWEDEN Solna ....................... 46(8)734-8800 INTERNATIONAL SWITZERLAND AUSTRALIA Melbourne ................. (61--3)98870711 Sydney .................... (61-2)99661071 BRAZIL Geneva .................... 41(22)7991111 Zurich ...................... 41(1)730-4074 TAIWAN Taipei ..................... 886(2)717-7089 Sao Paulo ................. 55(11)815-4200 CHINA THAILAND Bangkok . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 66(2)254-4910 Beijing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 86-10-£8437222 Guangzhou ............... 86-20-87537888 Shanghai ................. 86-21-£3747688 lianjin .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... 86-22-5325072 UNITED KINGDOM Aylesbury ................. 44 1 (296)395252 DENMARK Denmark ..................... (45) 43488393 FINLAND Helsinki ................... 358-0--35161191 carphone ................... 358(49)211501 FULL LINE REPRESENTATIVES CALIFORNIA, Loomis Galena Technology Group ..... (916)652-0268 NEVADA, Reno FRANCE Paris ........................ 33134 635900 Galena Tech. Group .......... (702)746-0642 NEW MEXICO, Albuquerque GERMANY LangenhagenlHanover ....... 49(511)786880 Munich ..................... 498992103-0 Nuremberg ................. 4991196--3190 Sindelfingen ................. 497031 79710 Wiesbaden .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... 49611 973050 S&S Technologies, Inc........ (505)414-1100 UTAH, Salt Lake City Utah Camp. Sales, Inc........ (801)572-4010 WASHINGTON, Spokane Doug Kenley ................ (509)924-2322 HONG KONG Kwai Fang ................ 852-2-£10-£888 Tai Po .................... 852-2-£66-8333 INDIA Bangalore .................. 91-80-5598615 ISRAEL Herzlia ..................... 972-5-890222 ITALY Milan .......................... 39(2)82201 6-15 HYBRID/MCM COMPONENT SUPPLIERS Chip Supply ................. Elmo Semiconductor ......... Minco Technology Labs Inc.... Semi Dice Inc ................ (407)298-7100 (818)768-7400 (512)834-2022 (310)594-4631 MOTOROLA MOTOROLA 6-16 MECLData DL122 - Rev 6 ® MOTOROLA How to reach us: USA/ EUROPE / Locations Not Listed: Motorola Literature Distribution; P.O. Box 5405, Denver, Colorado 80217. 3O:Hl7~2140 or 1--800-441-2447 JAPAN: Nippon Motorola Ltd.; Tatsumt-SPD-JLDC, 6F Seibu-8utsuryu-{;enter, 3-14-2 Tatsumi Koto--Ku , Tokyo 135, Japan. 81-3-3521-8315 Mfa.'": RMFAXO@email.sps.mot.com - TOUCHTONE 602-244--<;609 INTERNET: htlp:IIDesign-NET.com ASIA/PACIAC: Motorola Semiconductors H.K. Ltd. ; 88 Tai Ping Industrial Pari<, 51 Ting Kok Road , Tai Po, N.T. , Hong Kong . 852-26629298 DL1221D
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