Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide 1.Dev [highlighted]

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Amazon API Gateway
Developer Guide

Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide

Amazon API Gateway: Developer Guide

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Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide

Table of Contents
What Is Amazon API Gateway? ............................................................................................................ 1
Architecture of API Gateway ........................................................................................................ 1
Benefits of API Gateway ............................................................................................................. 2
Use API Gateway to Create WebSocket APIs .................................................................................. 2
Use API Gateway to Create REST APIs .......................................................................................... 3
Who Uses API Gateway? ............................................................................................................. 3
Creating and Managing an API Gateway API .......................................................................... 3
Calling an API Gateway API ................................................................................................. 4
Part of AWS Serverless Infrastructure ........................................................................................... 4
API Gateway Concepts ................................................................................................................ 4
API Gateway Pricing ................................................................................................................... 7
Creating, Deploying, and Invoking a WebSocket API ............................................................................... 8
About WebSocket APIs ............................................................................................................... 8
Managing Connected Users and Client Apps .......................................................................... 9
Invoking Your Backend Integration ..................................................................................... 10
Sending Data from Backend Services to Connected Clients .................................................... 13
Create a WebSocket API ............................................................................................................ 13
Create a WebSocket API Using AWS CLI Commands .............................................................. 13
Create a WebSocket API Using the API Gateway Console ....................................................... 13
Set up WebSocket API Routes .................................................................................................... 14
Set up Routes .................................................................................................................. 14
Specify Route Request Settings .......................................................................................... 15
Set up WebSocket API Integrations ............................................................................................. 15
Set up a WebSocket API Integration Request ....................................................................... 16
Set up WebSocket API Integration Responses ....................................................................... 18
Set up WebSocket API Route Responses ...................................................................................... 20
Set up a Route Response Using the API Gateway Console ...................................................... 20
Set up a Route Response Using the AWS CLI ....................................................................... 21
Deploy a WebSocket API ........................................................................................................... 21
Create a WebSocket API Deployment Using the AWS CLI ....................................................... 22
Create a WebSocket API Deployment Using the API Gateway Console ...................................... 22
Invoke a WebSocket API ............................................................................................................ 23
Use wscat to Connect to a WebSocket API and Send Messages to It ....................................... 23
Use @connections Commands in Your Backend Service ....................................................... 24
Control Access to a WebSocket API ............................................................................................. 24
Use IAM Authorization ...................................................................................................... 24
Create a Lambda REQUEST Authorizer Function ................................................................... 25
Monitor WebSocket API Execution with CloudWatch ..................................................................... 27
WebSocket Selection Expressions ............................................................................................... 29
...................................................................................................................................... 29
...................................................................................................................................... 31
...................................................................................................................................... 31
...................................................................................................................................... 31
...................................................................................................................................... 31
...................................................................................................................................... 31
...................................................................................................................................... 31
...................................................................................................................................... 32
WebSocket Mapping Template Reference .................................................................................... 35
Creating a REST API ......................................................................................................................... 39
Choose an API Endpoint Type .................................................................................................... 39
Initialize REST API Setup ........................................................................................................... 40
Set up an API Using the API Gateway Console ..................................................................... 40
Set up an Edge-Optimized API Using AWS CLI Commands ..................................................... 41
Set up an Edge-Optimized API Using the AWS SDK for Node.js ............................................... 46


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide

Set up an Edge-Optimized API Using the API Gateway REST API ............................................. 52
Set up an Edge-Optimized API by Importing OpenAPI Definitions ........................................... 59
Set up a Regional API ....................................................................................................... 61
Create a Private API ......................................................................................................... 64
Set up REST API Methods ......................................................................................................... 70
Set up Method Request ..................................................................................................... 71
Set up Method Response ................................................................................................... 78
Set up Method Using the Console ...................................................................................... 80
Set up REST API Integrations ..................................................................................................... 83
Set up Integration Request ................................................................................................ 84
Set up Integration Response .............................................................................................. 90
Set up Lambda Integrations .............................................................................................. 91
Set up HTTP Integrations ............................................................................................... 110
Set up Private Integrations .............................................................................................. 114
Set up Mock Integrations ................................................................................................ 121
Set up Gateway Responses ...................................................................................................... 123
Gateway Responses in API Gateway .................................................................................. 124
Gateway Response Types ................................................................................................. 124
Set up a Gateway Response Using the API Gateway Console ................................................ 128
Set up a Gateway Response Using the API Gateway REST API ............................................... 129
Set up Gateway Response Customization in OpenAPI .......................................................... 129
Set up Data Mappings ............................................................................................................. 130
Set up Request and Response Data Mappings Using the Console ........................................... 130
Create Models and Mapping Templates ............................................................................. 133
Request and Response Data Mapping Reference ................................................................. 160
Mapping Template Reference ........................................................................................... 164
Support Binary Payloads ......................................................................................................... 174
Content Type Conversions in API Gateway ......................................................................... 175
Enable Binary Support Using the API Gateway Console ....................................................... 177
Enable Binary Support Using API Gateway REST API ........................................................... 181
Import and Export Content Encodings ............................................................................... 185
Examples of Binary Support ............................................................................................. 185
Enable Payload Compression .................................................................................................... 196
Enable Compression for an API ........................................................................................ 196
Call a Method with a Compressed Payload ......................................................................... 199
Receive a Response with a Compressed Payload ................................................................. 199
Enable Request Validation ....................................................................................................... 201
Overview of Basic Request Validation in API Gateway .......................................................... 201
Set up Basic Request Validation in API Gateway ................................................................. 201
Test Basic Request Validation in API Gateway ..................................................................... 207
OpenAPI Definitions of a Sample API with Basic Request Validation ...................................... 210
Import a REST API .................................................................................................................. 213
Import an Edge-Optimized API ......................................................................................... 214
Import a Regional API ..................................................................................................... 215
Import an OpenAPI File to Update an Existing API Definition ................................................ 216
Set the OpenAPI basePath Property ................................................................................ 217
Errors and Warnings during Import ................................................................................... 219
Controlling Access to an API ............................................................................................................ 220
Use API Gateway Resource Policies ........................................................................................... 220
Access Policy Language Overview for Amazon API Gateway ................................................. 221
How Resource Policies Affect Authorization Workflow ......................................................... 222
API Gateway Resource Policy Examples ............................................................................. 225
Create and Attach an API Gateway Resource Policy to an API ............................................... 228
AWS Condition Keys that can be used in API Gateway Resource Policies ................................. 231
Use IAM Permissions ............................................................................................................... 232
API Gateway Permissions Model for Creating and Managing an API ...................................... 232
API Gateway Permissions Model for Invoking an API .......................................................... 232


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide

Control Access for Managing an API ................................................................................. 233
Control Cross-Account Access to Your API .......................................................................... 236
Control Access for Invoking an API .................................................................................. 238
IAM Policy Examples for Managing API Gateway APIs .......................................................... 241
IAM Policy Examples for API Execution Permissions ............................................................. 245
Create and Attach a Policy to an IAM User ......................................................................... 246
Use Lambda Authorizers .......................................................................................................... 247
Types of API Gateway Lambda Authorizers ........................................................................ 248
Create a Lambda Authorizer Lambda Function ................................................................... 249
Input to a Lambda Authorizer .......................................................................................... 253
Output from an Amazon API Gateway Lambda Authorizer ................................................... 254
Configure Lambda Authorizer ........................................................................................... 256
Call an API with Lambda Authorizers ................................................................................ 258
Configure Cross-Account Lambda Authorizer ...................................................................... 260
Use Cognito User Pool as Authorizer for a REST API .................................................................... 262
Obtain Permissions to Create Amazon Cognito User Pool Authorizers .................................... 263
Create an Amazon Cognito User Pool ................................................................................ 264
Integrate an API with a User Pool ..................................................................................... 265
Call an API Integrated with a User Pool ............................................................................. 269
Configure Cross-Account Amazon Cognito Authorizer .......................................................... 269
Enable CORS for a REST API Resource ....................................................................................... 270
Prerequisites .................................................................................................................. 271
Enable CORS Using the Console ....................................................................................... 271
Enable CORS Using OpenAPI Definition ............................................................................. 273
Use Client-Side SSL Certificates ................................................................................................ 274
Generate a Client Certificate Using the API Gateway Console ............................................... 275
Configure an API to Use SSL Certificates ........................................................................... 275
Test Invoke to Verify the Client Certificate Configuration ..................................................... 275
Configure Backend HTTPS Server to Verify the Client Certificate ........................................... 275
Rotate an Expiring Client Certificate ................................................................................. 276
Supported Certificate Authorities for HTTP and HTTP Proxy Integration ................................. 277
Use Usage Plans with API Keys ................................................................................................ 293
What Are Usage Plans and API Keys? ................................................................................ 293
Steps to Configure a Usage Plan ...................................................................................... 294
Choose an API Key Source ............................................................................................... 294
Set Up API Keys Using the API Gateway Console ................................................................ 296
Create, Configure, and Test Usage Plans with the API Gateway Console .................................. 299
Set Up API Keys Using the API Gateway REST API ............................................................... 303
Create, Configure, and Test Usage Plans Using the API Gateway CLI and REST API ................... 304
API Gateway API Key File Format ...................................................................................... 308
Documenting a REST API ................................................................................................................. 310
Representation of API Documentation in API Gateway ................................................................. 310
Documentation Parts ...................................................................................................... 310
Documentation Versions .................................................................................................. 317
Document an API Using the API Gateway Console ..................................................................... 318
Document the API Entity ................................................................................................ 318
Document a RESOURCE Entity .......................................................................................... 321
Document a METHOD Entity .............................................................................................. 321
Document a QUERY_PARAMETER Entity ............................................................................. 322
Document a PATH_PARAMETER Entity ............................................................................... 323
Document a REQUEST_HEADER Entity .............................................................................. 323
Document a REQUEST_BODY Entity ................................................................................... 324
Document a RESPONSE Entity .......................................................................................... 324
Document a RESPONSE_HEADER Entity ............................................................................. 324
Document a RESPONSE_BODY Entity ................................................................................. 325
Document a MODEL Entity ............................................................................................... 325
Document an AUTHORIZER Entity .................................................................................... 326


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide

Document an API Using the API Gateway REST API .................................................................... 326
Document the API Entity ................................................................................................ 327
Document a RESOURCE Entity .......................................................................................... 328
Document a METHOD Entity .............................................................................................. 330
Document a QUERY_PARAMETER Entity ............................................................................. 333
Document a PATH_PARAMETER Entity ............................................................................... 334
Document a REQUEST_BODY Entity ................................................................................... 334
Document a REQUEST_HEADER Entity ............................................................................... 335
Document a RESPONSE Entity .......................................................................................... 336
Document a RESPONSE_HEADER Entity ............................................................................. 337
Document an AUTHORIZER Entity .................................................................................... 338
Document a MODEL Entity ............................................................................................... 339
Update Documentation Parts ........................................................................................... 341
List Documentation Parts ................................................................................................ 341
Publish API Documentation ..................................................................................................... 341
Create a Documentation Snapshot and Associate it with an API Stage ................................... 342
Create a Documentation Snapshot .................................................................................... 342
Update a Documentation Snapshot .................................................................................. 342
Get a Documentation Snapshot ........................................................................................ 343
Associate a Documentation Snapshot with an API Stage ...................................................... 343
Download a Documentation Snapshot Associated with a Stage ............................................. 344
Import API Documentation ...................................................................................................... 348
Importing Documentation Parts Using the API Gateway REST API ......................................... 349
Importing Documentation Parts Using the API Gateway Console ........................................... 352
Control Access to API Documentation ....................................................................................... 352
Update and Maintain a REST API ...................................................................................................... 354
Change a Public or Private API Endpoint Type ............................................................................ 355
Use the API Gateway Console to Change an API Endpoint Type ............................................ 356
Use the AWS CLI to Change an API Endpoint Type .............................................................. 356
Use the API Gateway REST API to Change an API Endpoint Type ........................................... 357
Maintain an API Using the Console ........................................................................................... 357
View a List of APIs ......................................................................................................... 358
Delete an API ................................................................................................................. 358
Delete a Resource ........................................................................................................... 358
View a Methods List ....................................................................................................... 359
Delete a Method ............................................................................................................ 359
Deploying a REST API ..................................................................................................................... 360
Deploy a REST API .................................................................................................................. 361
Create a Deployment Using AWS CLI ................................................................................. 361
Deploy a REST API from the Console ................................................................................ 362
Set up a Stage ....................................................................................................................... 363
Set up a Stage Using the API Gateway Console .................................................................. 363
Enable API Caching ......................................................................................................... 366
Throttle API Requests ..................................................................................................... 371
Set Up Client-Side SSL Authentication .............................................................................. 374
Enable AWS WAF ............................................................................................................ 374
Set Up Tags ................................................................................................................... 375
Set Up CloudWatch API Logging ...................................................................................... 378
Set Up X-Ray Tracing ...................................................................................................... 381
Set Up CloudTrail Logging ............................................................................................... 381
Set up Stage Variables for a REST API ............................................................................... 381
Set up a Canary Release Deployment ........................................................................................ 390
Canary Release Deployment in API Gateway ...................................................................... 390
Create a Canary Release Deployment ................................................................................ 391
Update a Canary Release ................................................................................................. 398
Promote a Canary Release ............................................................................................... 401
Disable a Canary Release ................................................................................................. 405


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide

Export a REST API ..................................................................................................................
Request to Export a REST API ..........................................................................................
Download REST API OpenAPI Definition in JSON ................................................................
Download REST API OpenAPI Definition in YAML ................................................................
Download REST API OpenAPI Definition with Postman Extensions in JSON .............................
Download REST API OpenAPI Definition with API Gateway Integration in YAML .......................
Export REST API Using the API Gateway Console ................................................................
Generate an SDK for a REST API in API Gateway ........................................................................
Generate SDKs for an API Using the API Gateway Console ...................................................
Generate SDKs for an API Using AWS CLI Commands ..........................................................
Simple Calculator Lambda Function ..................................................................................
Simple Calculator API in API Gateway ...............................................................................
Simple Calculator API OpenAPI Definition ..........................................................................
Set up an API Custom Domain Name ........................................................................................
Get Certificates Ready in AWS Certificate Manager .............................................................
How to Create an Edge-Optimized Custom Domain Name ...................................................
Set up a Regional Custom Domain Name ..........................................................................
Migrate Custom Domain Names .......................................................................................
Publish Your APIs ...........................................................................................................................
Use the Serverless Developer Portal to Catalog Your APIs ............................................................
Create a developer portal ................................................................................................
Publish an API Gateway API to your developer portal ..........................................................
How your customers use your developer portal ..................................................................
Sell Your APIs as SaaS ............................................................................................................
Initialize AWS Marketplace Integration with API Gateway .....................................................
Handle Customer Subscription to Usage Plans ...................................................................
Invoking a REST API .......................................................................................................................
Obtain an API's Invoke URL in the API Gateway Console ..............................................................
Use the Console to Test a REST API Method ..............................................................................
Prerequisites ..................................................................................................................
Test a Method with the API Gateway Console ....................................................................
Use Postman to Call a REST API ...............................................................................................
Call REST API through Generated SDKs .....................................................................................
Use a Java SDK Generated by API Gateway for a REST API ...................................................
Use an Android SDK Generated by API Gateway for a REST API ............................................
Use a JavaScript SDK Generated by API Gateway for a REST API ...........................................
Use a Ruby SDK Generated by API Gateway for a REST API ..................................................
Use iOS SDK Generated by API Gateway for a REST API in Objective-C or Swift .......................
Call REST API through AWS Amplify JavaScript Library ................................................................
Tracing, Logging, and Monitoring an API ...........................................................................................
Trace API Execution with AWS X-Ray .........................................................................................
Setting Up AWS X-Ray ....................................................................................................
Using AWS X-Ray Service Maps and Trace Views .................................................................
Configuring AWS X-Ray Sampling Rules ............................................................................
Understanding X-Ray Traces .............................................................................................
Log Calls to Amazon API Gateway APIs with AWS CloudTrail ........................................................
API Gateway Information in CloudTrail ..............................................................................
Understanding API Gateway Log File Entries ......................................................................
Monitor API execution with Amazon CloudWatch ........................................................................
Amazon API Gateway Dimensions and Metrics ....................................................................
View Metrics with the API Dashboard ................................................................................
View Metrics in the CloudWatch Console ...........................................................................
View Log Event in the CloudWatch Console .......................................................................
Monitoring Tools in AWS .................................................................................................
OpenAPI Extensions for REST APIs ....................................................................................................
x-amazon-apigateway-any-method .....................................................................................
x-amazon-apigateway-any-method Example ......................................................................



Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide

x-amazon-apigateway-api-key-source .............................................................................. 493
x-amazon-apigateway-api-key-source Example ................................................................... 493
x-amazon-apigateway-authorizer ..................................................................................... 494
x-amazon-apigateway-authorizer Examples ........................................................................ 495
x-amazon-apigateway-authtype ......................................................................................... 497
x-amazon-apigateway-authtype Example ........................................................................... 497
See Also ........................................................................................................................ 497
x-amazon-apigateway-binary-media-type .................................................................................. 498
x-amazon-apigateway-binary-media-types Example ............................................................ 498
x-amazon-apigateway-documentation ....................................................................................... 498
x-amazon-apigateway-documentation Example .................................................................. 498
x-amazon-apigateway-gateway-responses .................................................................................. 499
x-amazon-apigateway-gateway-responses Example ............................................................. 499
x-amazon-apigateway-gateway-responses.gatewayResponse ........................................................ 499
x-amazon-apigateway-gateway-responses.gatewayResponse Example ................................... 500
x-amazon-apigateway-gateway-responses.responseParameters ..................................................... 500
x-amazon-apigateway-gateway-responses.repsonseParameters Example ................................ 501
x-amazon-apigateway-gateway-responses.responseTemplates ...................................................... 501
x-amazon-apigateway-gateway-responses.responseTemplates Example ................................. 501
x-amazon-apigateway-integration ................................................................................... 502
x-amazon-apigateway-integration Example ........................................................................ 504
x-amazon-apigateway-integration.requestTemplates ................................................................... 505
x-amazon-apigateway-integration.requestTemplates Example .............................................. 506
x-amazon-apigateway-integration.requestParameters .................................................................. 506
x-amazon-apigateway-integration.requestParameters Example ............................. 506
x-amazon-apigateway-integration.responses .............................................................................. 507
x-amazon-apigateway-integration.responses Example ............................................ 507
x-amazon-apigateway-integration.response ................................................................................ 508
x-amazon-apigateway-integration.response Example .............................................. 509
x-amazon-apigateway-integration.responseTemplates ................................................................. 509
x-amazon-apigateway-integration.responseTemplate Example .............................................. 509
x-amazon-apigateway-integration.responseParameters ................................................................ 510
x-amazon-apigateway-integration.responseParameters Example ............................ 510
x-amazon-apigateway-request-validator .................................................................................... 510
x-amazon-apigateway-request-validator Example ................................................... 510
x-amazon-apigateway-request-validators ................................................................................... 511
x-amazon-apigateway-request-validators Example .................................................. 511
x-amazon-apigateway-request-validators.requestValidator ........................................................... 512
x-amazon-apigateway-request-validators.requestValidator Example .................. 512
Getting Started with REST APIs ........................................................................................................ 513
Get Ready to Build API Gateway API ......................................................................................... 513
Sign up for an AWS Account ............................................................................................ 513
Create IAM Users, Groups, Roles, and Policies in Your AWS Account ....................................... 514
Create IAM Policies to Configure API Gateway Resources and to Call a Deployed API ................ 514
Next Step ...................................................................................................................... 516
Build an API from an Example ................................................................................................. 516
Create and Test an Example API in the Console .................................................................. 517
Next Step ...................................................................................................................... 524
See Also ........................................................................................................................ 525
Build an API with Lambda Integration ....................................................................................... 525
Build an API with Lambda Proxy Integration ...................................................................... 525
Build an API with Cross-Account Lambda Proxy Integration .................................................. 534
Build an API with Lambda Custom Integration ................................................................... 535
Build an API with HTTP Integrations ........................................................................................ 545
Build an API with HTTP Proxy Integration .......................................................................... 545
Build an API with HTTP Custom Integration ....................................................................... 550
Build an API with Private Integration ........................................................................................ 579


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide

Build an API with AWS Integration ............................................................................................
Prerequisites ..................................................................................................................
Step 1: Create the Resource .............................................................................................
Step 2: Create the GET Method ........................................................................................
Step 3: Create the AWS Service Proxy Execution Role ..........................................................
Step 4: Specify Method Settings and Test the Method .........................................................
Step 5: Deploy the API ....................................................................................................
Step 6: Test the API ........................................................................................................
Step 7: Clean Up ............................................................................................................
REST API Samples and Tutorials .......................................................................................................
Create a REST API for Lambda Functions ...................................................................................
Set Up an IAM Role and Policy for an API to Invoke Lambda Functions ...................................
Create a Lambda Function in the Backend .........................................................................
Create API Resources for the Lambda Function ...................................................................
Create a GET Method with Query Parameters to Call the Lambda Function .............................
Create a POST Method with a JSON Payload to Call the Lambda Function ..............................
Create a GET Method with Path Parameters to Call the Lambda Function ...............................
OpenAPI Definitions of a Sample API for a Lambda Function ................................................
Create a REST API as an Amazon S3 Proxy in API Gateway ...........................................................
Set Up IAM Permissions for the API to Invoke Amazon S3 Actions .........................................
Create API Resources to Represent Amazon S3 Resources ....................................................
Expose an API Method to List the Caller's Amazon S3 Buckets ..............................................
Expose API Methods to Access an Amazon S3 Bucket ..........................................................
Expose API Methods to Access an Amazon S3 Object in a Bucket ..........................................
Call the API Using a REST API Client .................................................................................
OpenAPI Definitions of a Sample API as an Amazon S3 Proxy ...............................................
Create a REST API as an Amazon Kinesis Proxy ...........................................................................
Create an IAM Role and Policy for the API to Access Kinesis .................................................
Start to Create an API as a Kinesis Proxy ...........................................................................
List Streams in Kinesis ....................................................................................................
Create, Describe, and Delete a Stream in Kinesis .................................................................
Get Records from and Add Records to a Stream in Kinesis ....................................................
OpenAPI Definitions of a Sample API as a Kinesis Proxy .......................................................
API Gateway V1 and V2 API References .............................................................................................
Limits and Known Issues .................................................................................................................
API Gateway Limits .................................................................................................................
API Gateway Account-Level Limits ....................................................................................
API Gateway Limits for Configuring and Running a WebSocket API ........................................
API Gateway Limits for Configuring and Running a REST API ................................................
API Gateway Limits for Creating, Deploying and Managing an API .........................................
Known Issues .........................................................................................................................
Known Issues for REST and WebSocket APIs ......................................................................
Known Issues for WebSocket APIs .....................................................................................
Known Issues for REST APIs .............................................................................................
Document History ..........................................................................................................................
Earlier Updates .......................................................................................................................
AWS Glossary .................................................................................................................................



Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Architecture of API Gateway

What Is Amazon API Gateway?
Amazon API Gateway is an AWS service that enables you to create, publish, maintain, monitor, and
secure your own REST and WebSocket APIs at any scale. You can create robust, secure, and scalable APIs
that access AWS or other web services, as well as data stored in the AWS Cloud. You can create APIs
for use in your own client applications (apps). Or you can make your APIs available to third-party app
This is a HIPAA Eligible Service. For more information about AWS, U.S. Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), and using AWS services to process, store, and transmit protected
health information (PHI), see HIPAA Overview.
• Architecture of API Gateway (p. 1)
• Benefits of API Gateway (p. 2)
• Use API Gateway to Create WebSocket APIs (p. 2)
• Use API Gateway to Create REST APIs (p. 3)
• Who Uses API Gateway? (p. 3)
• Part of AWS Serverless Infrastructure (p. 4)
• Amazon API Gateway Concepts (p. 4)
• API Gateway Pricing (p. 7)

Architecture of API Gateway
The following diagram shows API Gateway architecture.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Benefits of API Gateway

As shown in the diagram, an app (or client application) gains programmatic access to AWS services, or a
website on the internet, through one or more APIs, which are hosted in API Gateway. The app is at the
API's frontend. The integrated AWS services and websites are located at the API's backend.
With Amazon API Gateway, you can build an API to provide your users with an integrated and consistent
developer experience to build AWS cloud-based applications.

Benefits of API Gateway
Amazon API Gateway offers the following benefits:
• Support for stateful (WebSocket) and stateless (REST) APIs
• Integration with AWS services such as AWS Lambda, Amazon Kinesis, and Amazon DynamoDB
• Ability to use IAM roles and policies, AWS Lambda Authorizers or Amazon Cognito user pools to
authorize access to your APIs
• Usage plans and API keys for selling your API as SaaS
• Canary release deployments for safely rolling out changes
• CloudTrail logging and monitoring of API usage and API changes
• CloudWatch access logging and execution logging, including the ability to set alarms
• Ability to use AWS CloudFormation templates to enable API creation
• Support for custom domain names

Use API Gateway to Create WebSocket APIs
In a WebSocket API, the client and the server can both send messages to each other at any time. Backend
servers can easily push data to connected users and devices, avoiding the need to implement complex
polling mechanisms.
For example, you could build a serverless application using an API Gateway WebSocket API and AWS
Lambda to send and receive messages to and from individual users or groups of users in a chat room. Or
you could invoke backend services such as AWS Lambda, Amazon Kinesis, or an HTTP endpoint based on
message content.
You can use API Gateway WebSocket APIs to build secure, real-time communication applications without
having to provision or manage any servers to manage connections or large-scale data exchanges.
Targeted use cases include real-time applications such as:
• Chat applications
• Real-time dashboards such as stock tickers
• Real-time alerts and notifications
API Gateway provides WebSocket API management functionality such as:
• Monitoring and throttling of connections and messages
• Using AWS X-Ray to trace messages as they travel through the APIs to backend services
• Easy integration with HTTP/HTTPS endpoints


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Use API Gateway to Create REST APIs

Use API Gateway to Create REST APIs
An API Gateway REST API is made up of resources and methods. A resource is a logical entity that an app
can access through a resource path. A method corresponds to a REST API request that is submitted by
the user of your API and the response returned to the user.
For example, /incomes could be the path of a resource representing the income of the app user. A
resource can have one or more operations that are defined by appropriate HTTP verbs such as GET, POST,
PUT, PATCH, and DELETE. A combination of a resource path and an operation identifies a method of the
API. For example, a POST /incomes method could add an income earned by the caller, and a GET /
expenses method could query the reported expenses incurred by the caller.
The app does not need to know where the requested data is stored and fetched from on the backend. In
API Gateway REST APIs, the frontend is encapsulated by method requests and method responses. The API
interfaces with the backend by means of integration requests and integration responses.
For example, with DynamoDB as the backend, the API developer sets up the integration request to
forward the incoming method request to the chosen backend. The setup includes specifications of an
appropriate DynamoDB action, required IAM role and policies, and required input data transformation.
The backend returns the result to API Gateway as an integration response. To route the integration
response to an appropriate method response (of a given HTTP status code) to the client, you can
configure the integration response to map required response parameters from integration to method.
You then translate the output data format of the backend to that of the frontend, if necessary. API
Gateway enables you to define a schema or model for the payload to facilitate setting up the body
mapping template.
API Gateway provides REST API management functionality such as:
• Support for generating SDKs and creating API documentation using API Gateway extensions to
• Throttling of HTTP requests

Who Uses API Gateway?
There are two kinds of developers who use API Gateway: API developers and app developers.
An API developer creates and deploys an API to enable the required functionality in API Gateway. The API
developer must be an IAM user in the AWS account that owns the API.
An app developer builds a functioning application to call AWS services by invoking a WebSocket or REST
API created by an API developer in API Gateway.
The app developer is the customer of the API developer. The app developer does not need to have an
AWS account, provided that the API either does not require IAM permissions or supports authorization of
users through third-party federated identity providers supported by Amazon Cognito user pool identity
federation. Such identity providers include Amazon, Amazon Cognito User Pools, Facebook, and Google.

Creating and Managing an API Gateway API
An API developer works with the API Gateway service component for API management, named
apigateway, to create, configure, and deploy an API. Each API includes a set of resources and methods.
A resource is a logical entity that an app can access through a resource path.
As an API developer, you can create and manage an API by using the API Gateway console, described
in Getting Started with REST APIs in Amazon API Gateway (p. 513), or by calling the API Gateway
V1 and V2 API References (p. 673). There are several ways to call this API. They include using


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Calling an API Gateway API

the AWS Command-Line Interface (CLI), or by using an AWS SDK. In addition, you can enable API
creation with AWS CloudFormation templates or (in the case of REST APIs) API Gateway Extensions to
OpenAPI (p. 492). For a list of regions where API Gateway is available, as well as the associated control
service endpoints, see Regions and Endpoints.

Calling an API Gateway API
An app developer works with the API Gateway service component for API execution, named executeapi, to invoke an API that was created or deployed in API Gateway. The underlying programming entities
are exposed by the created API. There are several ways to call such an API. You can use the API Gateway
console to test invoking the API. For REST APIs, you can use a REST API client, such as cURL or Postman,
or an SDK generated by API Gateway for the API to invoke the API.

Part of AWS Serverless Infrastructure
Together with AWS Lambda, API Gateway forms the app-facing part of the AWS serverless infrastructure.
For an app to call publicly available AWS services, you can use Lambda to interact with required services
and expose Lambda functions through API methods in API Gateway. AWS Lambda runs your code on
a highly available computing infrastructure. It performs the necessary execution and administration
of computing resources. To enable serverless applications, API Gateway supports streamlined proxy
integrations (p. 87) with AWS Lambda and HTTP endpoints.

Amazon API Gateway Concepts
API Gateway
API Gateway is an AWS service that supports the following:
• Creating, deploying, and managing a REST application programming interface (API) to expose
backend HTTP endpoints, AWS Lambda functions, or other AWS services.
• Creating, deploying, and managing a WebSocket API to expose AWS Lambda functions or other
AWS services.
• Invoking exposed API methods through the frontend HTTP and WebSocket endpoints.
A collection of HTTP resources and methods that are integrated with backend HTTP endpoints,
Lambda functions, or other AWS services. This collection can be deployed in one or more stages.
Typically, API resources are organized in a resource tree according to the application logic. Each
API resource can expose one or more API methods that have unique HTTP verbs supported by API
API Gateway WebSocket API
A collection of WebSocket routes and route keys that are integrated with backend HTTP endpoints,
Lambda functions, or other AWS services. The collection can be deployed in one or more stages.
API methods are invoked through frontend WebSocket connections that you can associate with a
registered custom domain name.
API deployment
A point-in-time snapshot of your API Gateway API. To be available for clients to use, the deployment
must be associated with one or more API stages.
API developer
Your AWS account that owns an API Gateway deployment (for example, a service provider that also
supports programmatic access.)


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
API Gateway Concepts

API endpoint
A hostname for an API in API Gateway that is deployed to a specific region. The hostname is of the
form {api-id}.execute-api.{region} The following types of API endpoints
are supported:
• Edge-optimized API endpoint (p. 5)
• Private API endpoint (p. 6)
• Regional API endpoint (p. 6)
API key
An alphanumeric string that API Gateway uses to identify an app developer who uses your REST or
WebSocket API. API Gateway can generate API keys on your behalf, or you can import them from a
CSV file. You can use API keys together with Lambda authorizers (p. 247) or usage plans (p. 293)
to control access to your APIs.
See API endpoints (p. 5).
API owner
See API developer (p. 4).
API stage
A logical reference to a lifecycle state of your REST or WebSocket API (for example, 'dev', 'prod',
'beta', 'v2'). API stages are identified by API ID and stage name.
App developer
An app creator who may or may not have an AWS account and interacts with the API that you, the
API developer, have deployed. App developers are your customers. An app developer is typically
identified by an API key (p. 5).
Callback URL
When a new client is connected to via a WebSocket connection, you can call an integration in API
Gateway to store the client's callback URL. You can then use that callback URL to send messages to
the client from the backend system.
Developer portal
An application that allows your customers to register, discover, and subscribe to your API products
(API Gateway usage plans), manage their API keys, and view their usage metrics for your APIs.
Edge-optimized API endpoint
The default host name of an API Gateway API that is deployed to the specified region while using a
CloudFront distribution to facilitate client access typically from across AWS regions. API requests are
routed to the nearest CloudFront Point of Presence (POP), which typically improves connection time
for geographically diverse clients.
See API endpoints (p. 5).
Integration request
The internal interface of a WebSocket API route or REST API method in API Gateway, in which you
map the body of a route request or the parameters and body of a method request to the formats
required by the backend.
Integration response
The internal interface of a WebSocket API route or REST API method in API Gateway, in which you
map the status codes, headers, and payload that are received from the backend to the response
format that is returned to a client app.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
API Gateway Concepts

Mapping template
A scripts in Velocity Template Language (VTL) that transforms a request body from the frontend
data format to the backend data format, or that transforms a response body from the backend data
format to the frontend data format. Mapping templates can be specified in the integration request
or in the integration response. They can reference data made available at run time as context and
stage variables. The mapping can be as simple as an identity transform that passes the headers or
body through the integration as-is from the client to the backend for a request. The same is true for
a response, in which the payload is passed from the backend to the client.
Method request
The public interface of a REST API method in API Gateway that defines the parameters and body
that an app developer must send in requests to access the backend through the API.
Method response
The public interface of a REST API that defines the status codes, headers, and body models that an
app developer should expect in responses from the API.
Mock integration
In a mock integration, API responses are generated from API Gateway directly, without the need
for an integration backend. As an API developer, you decide how API Gateway responds to a mock
integration request. For this, you configure the method's integration request and integration
response to associate a response with a given status code.
A data schema specifying the data structure of a request or response payload. A model is required
for generating a strongly typed SDK of an API. It is also used to validate payloads. A model is
convenient for generating a sample mapping template to initiate creation of a production mapping
template. Although useful, a model is not required for creating a mapping template.
Private API
See Private API endpoint (p. 6).
Private API endpoint
An API endpoint that is exposed through interface VPC endpoints and allows a client to securely
access private API resources inside a VPC. Private APIs are isolated from the public internet, and they
can only be accessed using VPC endpoints for API Gateway that have been granted access.
Private integration
An API Gateway integration type for a client to access resources inside a customer's VPC through a
private REST API endpoint without exposing the resources to the public internet.
Proxy integration
A simplified API Gateway integration configuration for a REST or WebSocket API. You can set up
a proxy integration as an HTTP proxy integration or a Lambda proxy integration. For HTTP proxy
integration, API Gateway passes the entire request and response between the frontend and an HTTP
backend. For Lambda proxy integration, API Gateway sends the entire request as input to a backend
Lambda function. API Gateway then transforms the Lambda function output to a frontend HTTP
response. In REST APIs, proxy integration is most commonly used with a proxy resource, which is
represented by a greedy path variable (e.g., {proxy+}) combined with a catch-all ANY method.
Regional API endpoint
The host name of an API that is deployed to the specified region and intended to serve clients, such
as EC2 instances, in the same AWS region. API requests are targeted directly to the region-specific
API Gateway without going through any CloudFront distribution. For in-region requests, a regional
endpoint bypasses the unnecessary round trip to a CloudFront distribution. In addition, you can
apply latency-based routing on regional endpoints to deploy an API to multiple regions using the


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
API Gateway Pricing

same regional API endpoint configuration, set the same custom domain name for each deployed API,
and configure latency-based DNS records in Route 53 to route client requests to the region that has
the lowest latency.
See API endpoints (p. 5).
A WebSocket route in API Gateway is used to direct incoming messages to a specific integration,
such as an AWS Lambda function, based on the content of the message. When you define your
WebSocket API, you specify a route key and an integration backend. The route key is an attribute in
the message body. When the route key is matched in an incoming message, the integration backend
is invoked. A default route can also be set for non-matching route keys or to specify a proxy model
that passes the message through as-is to backend components that perform the routing and process
the request.
Route request
The public interface of a WebSocket API method in API Gateway that defines the body that an app
developer must send in the requests to access the backend through the API.
Route response
The public interface of a WebSocket API that defines the status codes, headers, and body models
that an app developer should expect from API Gateway.
Usage plan
A usage plan (p. 293) provides selected API clients with access to one or more deployed REST
or WebSocket APIs. You can use a usage plan to configure throttling and quota limits, which are
enforced on individual client API keys.
WebSocket connection
API Gateway maintains a persistent connection between clients and API Gateway itself. There is no
persistent connection between API Gateway and backend integrations such as Lambda functions;
backend services are invoked as needed, based on the content of messages received from clients.

API Gateway Pricing
For general API Gateway region-specific pricing information, see Amazon API Gateway Pricing.
The following lists the exceptions to the general pricing scheme:
• API caching in Amazon API Gateway is not eligible for the AWS Free Tier.
• Calling methods with the authorization type of AWS_IAM, CUSTOM, and COGNITO_USER_POOLS are not
charged for authorization and authentication failures.
• Calls to methods that require API keys are not charged when API keys are missing or invalid.
• API Gateway-throttled requests are not charged when the request rate or burst rate exceeds the
preconfigured limits.
• Usage plan-throttled requests are not charged when rate limits or quota exceed the preconfigured


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
About WebSocket APIs

Creating, Deploying, and Invoking
a WebSocket API in Amazon API
For a brief introduction to WebSocket support in API Gateway, see the section called “Use API Gateway
to Create WebSocket APIs” (p. 2).
• About WebSocket APIs in API Gateway (p. 8)
• Create a WebSocket API in API Gateway (p. 13)
• Set up Routes for a WebSocket API in API Gateway (p. 14)
• Set up WebSocket API Integrations in API Gateway (p. 15)
• Set up Route Responses for a WebSocket API in API Gateway (p. 20)
• Deploy a WebSocket API in API Gateway (p. 21)
• Invoke a WebSocket API (p. 23)
• Control Access to a WebSocket API in API Gateway (p. 24)
• Monitor WebSocket API Execution with CloudWatch (p. 27)
• WebSocket Selection Expressions in API Gateway (p. 29)
• API Gateway WebSocket API Mapping Template Reference (p. 35)

About WebSocket APIs in API Gateway
In API Gateway you can create a WebSocket API as a stateful frontend for an AWS service (such as
Lambda or DynamoDB) or for an HTTP endpoint. The WebSocket API invokes your backend based on the
content of the messages it receives from client apps.
Unlike a REST API, which receives and responds to requests, a WebSocket API supports two-way
communication between client apps and your backend. The backend can send callback messages to
connected clients.
In your WebSocket API, incoming JSON messages are directed to backend integrations based on routes
that you configure. (Non-JSON messages are directed to a $default route that you configure.)
A route includes a route key, which is the value that is expected once a route selection expression is
evaluated. The routeSelectionExpression is an attribute defined at the API level. It specifies a
JSON property that is expected to be present in the message payload. For more information about route
selection expressions, see the section called “” (p. 29).
For example, if your JSON messages contain an action property, and you want to perform different
actions based on this property, your route selection expression might be ${request.body.action}.
Your routing table would specify which action to perform by matching the value of the action property
against the custom route key values that you have defined in the table.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Managing Connected Users and Client Apps

There are three predefined routes that can be used: $connect, $disconnect, and $default. In
addition, you can create custom routes.
• API Gateway calls the $connect route when a persistent connection between the client and a
WebSocket API is being initiated.
• API Gateway calls the $disconnect route when the client or the server disconnects from the API.
• API Gateway calls a custom route after the route selection expression is evaluated against the message
if a matching route is found; the match determines which integration is invoked.
• API Gateway calls the $default route if the route selection expression cannot be evaluated against
the message or if no matching route is found.
For more information about the $connect and $disconnect routes, see the section called “Managing
Connected Users and Client Apps” (p. 9).
For more information about the $default route and custom routes, see the section called “Invoking
Your Backend Integration” (p. 10).
Backend services can send data to connected client apps. For more information, see the section called
“Sending Data from Backend Services to Connected Clients” (p. 13).

Managing Connected Users and Client Apps:
$connect and $disconnect Routes
• The $connect Route (p. 9)
• The $disconnect Route (p. 10)

The $connect Route
Client apps connect to your WebSocket API by sending a WebSocket upgrade request. If the request
succeeds, the $connect route is executed while the connection is being established.
Because the WebSocket connection is a stateful connection, you can configure authorization on the
$connect route only. AuthN/AuthZ will be performed only at connection time.
Until execution of the integration associated with the $connect route is completed, the upgrade request
is pending and the actual connection will not be established. If the $connect request fails (e.g., due to
AuthN/AuthZ failure or an integration failure), the connection will not be made.


If authorization fails on $connect, the connection will not be established, and the client will
receive a 401 or 403 response.
Setting up an integration for $connect is optional. However, doing so can be useful, because the
backend receives the user ID of clients that connect. You should consider setting up a $connect
integration if:
• You want to be notified when clients connect and disconnect.
• You want to throttle connections or control who connects.
• You want your backend to send messages back to clients using a callback URL.
• You want to store each connection ID and other information into a database (e.g., Amazon


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Invoking Your Backend Integration

The $disconnect Route
The $disconnect route is executed after the connection is closed.
The connection can be closed by the server or by the client. As the connection is already closed when it is
executed, $disconnect is a best-effort event. API Gateway will try its best to deliver the $disconnect
event to your integration, but it cannot guarantee delivery.
The backend can initiate disconnection by using the @connections API. For more information, see the
section called “Use @connections Commands in Your Backend Service” (p. 24).

Invoking Your Backend Integration: $default Route
and Custom Routes
• Using Routes to Process Messages (p. 10)
• The $default Route (p. 11)
• Custom Routes (p. 11)
• Using API Gateway WebSocket API Integrations to Connect to Your Business Logic (p. 11)
• Important Differences Between WebSocket APIs and REST APIs (p. 12)
• Handling Binary Payloads (p. 12)

Using Routes to Process Messages
In API Gateway WebSocket APIs, messages can be sent from the client to your backend service and vice
versa. Unlike HTTP's request/response model, in WebSocket the backend can send messages to the client
without the client taking any action.
Messages can be JSON or non-JSON. However, only JSON messages can be routed to specific
integrations based on message content. Non-JSON messages are passed through to the backend by the
$default route.


API Gateway supports message payloads up to 128 KB with a maximum frame size of 32 KB. If a
message exceeds 32 KB, you must split it into multiple frames, each 32 KB or smaller. If a larger
message (or frame) is received, the connection is closed with code 1009.
Currently binary payloads are not supported. If a binary frame is received, the connection is
closed with code 1003. However, it is possible to convert binary payloads to text. See the section
called “Handling Binary Payloads” (p. 12).
With WebSocket APIs in API Gateway, JSON messages can be routed to execute a specific backend
service based on message content. When a client sends a message over its WebSocket connection,
this results in a route request to the WebSocket API. The request will be matched to the route with the
corresponding route key in API Gateway. You can set up a route request for a WebSocket API in the API
Gateway console, by using the AWS CLI, or by using an AWS SDK or the API Gateway V2 REST API.


In the AWS CLI, AWS SDKs, and API Gateway V2 REST API, you can create routes before or after
you create integrations. Currently the console does not support reuse of integrations, so you
must create the route first and then create the integration for that route.
You can configure API Gateway to perform validation on a route request before proceeding with the
integration request. If the validation fails, API Gateway fails the request without calling your backend,


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Invoking Your Backend Integration

sends a "Bad request body" gateway response similar to the following to the client, and publishes
the validation results in CloudWatch Logs:
{"message" : "Bad request body", "connectionId": "{connectionId}", "messageId":

This reduces unnecessary calls to your backend and lets you focus on the other requirements of your API.
You can also define a route response for your API's routes to enable two-way communication. A
route response describes what data will be sent to your client upon completion of a particular route's
integration. It is not necessary to define a response for a route if, for example, you want a client to send
messages to your backend without receiving a response (one-way communication). However, if you don't
provide a route response, API Gateway won't send any information about the result of your integration
to your clients.

The $default Route
Every API Gateway WebSocket API can have a $default route. This is a special routing value that can be
used in the following ways:
• You can use it together with defined route keys, to specify a "fallback" route (for example, a generic
mock integration that returns a particular error message) for incoming messages that don't match any
of the the defined route keys.
• You can use it without any defined route keys, to specify a proxy model that delegates routing to a
backend component.
• You can use it to specify a route for non-JSON payloads.

Custom Routes
If you want to invoke a specific integration based on message content, you can do so by creating a
custom route.
A custom route uses a route key and integration that you specify. When an incoming message contains
a JSON property, and that property evaluates to a value that matches the route key value, API Gateway
invokes the integration. (For more information, see the section called “About WebSocket APIs” (p. 8).)
For example, suppose you wanted to create a chat room application. You might start by creating a
WebSocket API whose route selection expression is $request.body.action. You could then define
two routes: joinroom and sendmessage. A client app might invoke the joinroom route by sending a
message such as the following:

And it might invoke the sendmessage route by sending a message such as the following:
{"action":"sendmessage","message":"Hello everyone"}

Using API Gateway WebSocket API Integrations to Connect to
Your Business Logic
After setting up a route for an API Gateway WebSocket API, you must specify the integration you'd
like to use. As with a route, which can have a route request and a route response, an integration can
have an integration request and an integration response. An integration request contains the information
expected by your backend in order to process the request that came from your client. An integration


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Invoking Your Backend Integration

response contains the data that your backend returns to API Gateway, and that may be used to construct
a message to send to the client (if a route response is defined).
For more information about setting up integrations, see the section called “Set up WebSocket API
Integrations” (p. 15).

Important Differences Between WebSocket APIs and REST APIs
Integrations for WebSocket APIs are similar to integrations for REST APIs, except for the following
• Currently, in the API Gateway console you must create a route first and then create an integration as
that route's target. However, in the API and CLI, you can create routes and integrations independently,
in any order.
• You can use a single integration for multiple routes. For example, if you have a set of actions that
closely relate to each other, you may want all of those routes to go to a single Lambda function.
Rather than defining the details of the integration multiple times, you can specify it once and assign it
to each of the related routes.


Currently the console does not support reuse of integrations, so you must create the route
first and then create the integration for that route.
In the AWS CLI, AWS SDKs, and API Gateway V2 REST API, you can reuse an integration by
setting the route's target to a value of "integrations/{integration-id}", where
{integration-id}" is the unique ID of the integration to be associated with the route.
• API Gateway provides multiple selection expressions (p. 29) you can use in your routes and
integrations. You don't need to rely on the content type to select an input template or output
mapping. As with route selection expressions, you can define a selection expression to be evaluated
by API Gateway to choose the right item. All of them will fall back to the $default template if a
matching template is not found.
• In integration requests, the template selection expression supports
$request.body. and static values.
• In integration responses, the template selection expression supports
$request.body., $integration.response.statuscode, and
In the HTTP protocol, in which requests and responses are sent synchronously; communication is
essentially one-way. In the WebSocket protocol, communication is two-way. Responses are asynchronous
and are not necessarily received by the client in the same order as the client's messages were sent. In
addition, the backend can send messages to the client.


For a route that is configured to use AWS_PROXY or LAMBDA_PROXY integration, communication
is one-way, and API Gateway will not pass the backend response through to the route response
automatically. For example, in the case of LAMBDA_PROXY integration, the body that the
Lambda function returns will not be returned to the client. If you want the client to receive
integration responses, you must define a route response to make two-way communication

Handling Binary Payloads
API Gateway WebSocket APIs don't currently support binary frames in incoming message payloads. If a
client app sends a binary frame, API Gateway rejects it and disconnects the client with code 1003.
There is a workaround for this behavior. If the client sends a text-encoded binary data (e.g.,
Base64) as a text frame, you can set the integration's contentHandlingStrategy property to
CONVERT_TO_BINARY to convert the payload from Base64-encoded string to binary.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Sending Data from Backend Services to Connected Clients

To return a route response for a binary payload in non-proxy integrations, you can set the integration
response's contentHandlingStrategy property to CONVERT_TO_TEXT to convert the payload from
binary to Base64-encoded string.

Sending Data from Backend Services to Connected
API Gateway WebSocket APIs offer the following ways for you to send data from backend services to
connected clients:
• An integration can send a response, which is returned to the client by a route response that you have
• You can use the @connections API to send a POST request. For more information, see the section
called “Use @connections Commands in Your Backend Service” (p. 24).

Create a WebSocket API in API Gateway
You can create a WebSocket API in the API Gateway console, by using the AWS CLI create-api
command, or by using the CreateApi command in an AWS SDK or the API Gateway REST API. The
following procedures show how to create a new WebSocket API.

Create a WebSocket API Using AWS CLI Commands
Creating a WebSocket API using the AWS CLI requires calling the create-api command as shown in the
following example, which creates an API with the $request.body.action route selection expression:
aws apigatewayv2 --region us-east-1 create-api --name "myWebSocketApi3" --protocol-type
WEBSOCKET --route-selection-expression '$request.body.action'

Example output:


"ApiKeySelectionExpression": "$request.header.x-api-key",
"Name": "myWebSocketApi3",
"CreatedDate": "2018-11-15T06:23:51Z",
"ProtocolType": "WEBSOCKET",
"RouteSelectionExpression": "'$request.body.action'",
"ApiId": "aabbccddee"

Create a WebSocket API Using the API Gateway
You can create a WebSocket API in the console by choosing the WebSocket protocol and giving the API a


Once you have created the API, you cannot change the protocol you have chosen for it. There is
no way to convert a WebSocket API into a REST API or vice versa.

To create a WebSocket API using the API Gateway console

Sign in to the API Gateway console and choose Create API.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up WebSocket API Routes


Under Choose the protocol, choose WebSocket.
Under Create a new API, choose New API.
Under Settings, in the API name field, type the name of your API, for example, PetStore.


Enter a Route Selection Expression for your API, for example, $request.body.action.


For more information about route selection expressions, see the section called “” (p. 29).
If desired, type a Description for your API.


Choose Create API.

Set up Routes for a WebSocket API in API Gateway
• Set up Routes for a WebSocket API in API Gateway (p. 14)
• Specify Route Request Settings (p. 15)

Set up Routes for a WebSocket API in API Gateway
When you first create a new WebSocket API, there are three predefined routes: $connect,
$disconnect, and $default. You can create them by using the console, API, or AWS CLI. If desired,
you can create custom routes. For more information, see the section called “About WebSocket
APIs” (p. 8).


In the CLI, you can create routes before or after you create integrations, and you can reuse the
same integration for multiple routes.
• Create a Route Using the API Gateway Console (p. 14)
• Create a Route Using the AWS CLI (p. 14)

Create a Route Using the API Gateway Console
To create a route using the API Gateway console

Sign in to the API Gateway console, choose the API, and choose Routes.


To create one of the predefined routes ($connect, $disconnect, and $default), choose its name.
If desired, you can create custom routes. To do so, enter the route key name in the New Route Key
text box and choose the checkmark icon.


When you create a custom route, do not use the $ prefix in the route key name. This prefix
is reserved for predefined routes.

Create a Route Using the AWS CLI
To create a route using the AWS CLI, call create-route as shown in the following example:
aws apigatewayv2 --region us-east-1 create-route --api-id aabbccddee --route-key $default

Example output:


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Specify Route Request Settings



"ApiKeyRequired": false,
"AuthorizationType": "NONE",
"RouteKey": "$default",
"RouteId": "1122334"

Specify Route Request Settings
Specify Route Request Settings for $connect
When you set up the $connect route for your API, the following optional settings are available
to enable authorization for your API. For more information, see the section called “The $connect
Route” (p. 9).
• Authorization: If no authorization is needed, you can specify NONE. Otherwise, you can specify:
• AWS_IAM to use standard AWS IAM policies to control access to your API.
• CUSTOM to implement authorization for an API by specifying a Lambda authorizer function that
you have previously created. The authorizer can reside in your own AWS account or a different
AWS account. For more information about Lambda authorizers, see Use API Gateway Lambda
Authorizers (p. 247).


In the API Gateway console, the CUSTOM setting is visible only after you have set
up an authorizer function as described in the section called “Configure Lambda
Authorizer” (p. 256).


The Authorization setting is applied to the entire API, not just the $connect route. The
$connect route protects the other routes, because it is called on every connection.
• API Key Required: You can optionally require an API key for an API's $connect route. You can use API
keys together with usage plans to control and track access to your APIs. For more information, see the
section called “Use Usage Plans with API Keys” (p. 293).

Set up the $connect Route Request Using the API Gateway
To set up the $connect route request for a WebSocket API using the API Gateway console:

Sign in to the API Gateway console, choose the API, and choose Routes.
Under Routes, choose $connect.


Choose Route Request in the route overview pane.
Under Access Settings, configure the route settings as follows:

To edit the Authorization setting, choose the pencil icon. Choose the desired setting from the
dropdown menu and choose the checkmark icon to save the new setting.
To edit the API Key Required setting, choose the pencil icon. Choose true or false from the
dropdown menu and choose the checkmark icon to save the new setting.

Set up WebSocket API Integrations in API Gateway


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up a WebSocket API Integration Request

• Set up a WebSocket API Integration Request in API Gateway (p. 16)
• Set up WebSocket API Integration Responses in API Gateway (p. 18)

Set up a WebSocket API Integration Request in API
Setting up an integration request involves the following:
• Choosing a route key to integrate to the backend.
• Specifying the backend endpoint to invoke, such as an AWS service or HTTP endpoint.
• Configuring how to transform the route request data, if necessary, into integration request data by
specifying one or more request templates.

Set up a WebSocket API Integration Request Using the API
Gateway Console
To add an integration request to a route in a WebSocket API using the API Gateway console

Sign in to the API Gateway console, choose the API, and choose Routes.


Under Routes, choose the route.


In the Route Overview pane, choose Integration Request.


For Integration Type, choose one of the following:
• Choose Lambda Function only if your API will be integrated with an AWS Lambda function that
you have already created in this account or in another account.
To create a new Lambda function in AWS Lambda, to set a resource permission on the Lambda
function, or to perform any other Lambda service actions, choose AWS Service instead.
• Choose HTTP if your API will be integrated with an existing HTTP endpoint. For more information,
see Set up HTTP Integrations in API Gateway (p. 110).
• Choose Mock if you want to generate API responses from API Gateway directly, without the
need for an integration backend. For more information, see Set up Mock Integrations in API
Gateway (p. 121).
• Choose AWS Service if your API will be integrated with an AWS service.
• Choose VPC Link if your API will use a VpcLink as a private integration endpoint. For more
information, see Set up API Gateway Private Integrations (p. 114).


If you chose Lambda Function, do the following:

For Lambda Region, choose the region identifier that corresponds to the region where you
created the Lambda function. For example, if you created the Lambda function in the US East
(N. Virginia) region, choose us-east-1. For a list of region names and identifiers, see AWS
Lambda in the Amazon Web Services General Reference.


For Use Lambda Proxy integration, choose the checkbox if you intend to use Lambda proxy
integration (p. 91) or cross-account Lambda proxy integration (p. 534).


For Lambda Function, specify the function in one of the following ways:
• If your Lambda function is in the same account, start typing the function name and then
choose the function from the dropdown list.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up a WebSocket API Integration Request


The function name can optionally include its alias or version specification, as in
HelloWorld, HelloWorld:1, or HelloWorld:alpha.
• If the function is in a different account, type the ARN for the function.

Choose Invoke with caller credentials if you want API Gateway to invoke your Lambda function
using credentials received in the incoming request.


For Execution role, type the ARN of the Lambda invocation role that enables API Gateway to
invoke your Lambda functions.


To use the default timeout value of 29 seconds, leave Use Default Timeout selection checked.
To set a custom timeout, uncheck the box, and enter a timeout value between 50 and 29000


Choose Save.


If you chose HTTP, follow the instructions in step 4 of the section called “ Set up Integration
Request Using the Console” (p. 88).


If you chose Mock, proceed to the Request Templates step.


If you chose AWS Service, follow the instructions in step 6 of the section called “ Set up Integration
Request Using the Console” (p. 88).


If you chose VPC Link, do the following:

For Use Proxy integration, choose the checkbox if you want requests to be proxied to your
VPCLink's endpoint.


From the VPC Link dropdown list, choose [Use Stage Variables] and type
${stageVariables.vpcLinkId} in the text box below the list.
We will define the vpcLinkId stage variable after deploying the API to a stage and set its value
to the ID of the VpcLink.


For HTTP method, choose the HTTP method type that most closely matches the method in the
HTTP backend.


For Endpoint URL, type the URL of the HTTP backend you want this integration to use.


To use the default timeout value of 29 seconds, leave Use Default Timeout selection checked.
To set a custom timeout, uncheck the box, and enter a timeout value between 50 and 29000

10. Under Request Templates, do the following:

For Template Selection Expression, choose the pencil icon and replace the word template
with a template selection expression. This is an expression that API Gateway looks for in the
message payload. If it is found, it is evaluated, and the result is a template key value that is used
to select the data mapping template to be applied to the data in the message payload.
For information about template selection expressions, see the section called “” (p. 31).

Set up an Integration Request Using the AWS CLI
You can set up an integration request for a route in a WebSocket API by using the AWS CLI as in the
following example, which creates a mock integration:

Create a file named integration-params.json, with the following contents:
{"PassthroughBehavior": "WHEN_NO_MATCH", "TimeoutInMillis": 29000, "ConnectionType":
"INTERNET", "RequestTemplates": {"application/json": "{\"statusCode\":200}"},
"IntegrationType": "MOCK"}


Run the create-integration command as shown in the following example:

Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up WebSocket API Integration Responses

aws apigatewayv2 --region us-east-1 create-integration --api-id aabbccddee --cli-inputjson file://integration-params.json

Following is sample output for this example:

"PassthroughBehavior": "WHEN_NO_MATCH",
"TimeoutInMillis": 29000,
"ConnectionType": "INTERNET",
"IntegrationResponseSelectionExpression": "${response.statuscode}",
"RequestTemplates": {
"application/json": "{\"statusCode\":200}"
"IntegrationId": "0abcdef",
"IntegrationType": "MOCK"


Alternatively, you can set up an integration request for a proxy integration by using the AWS CLI as in the
following example:

Create a Lambda function in the Lambda console and give it a basic Lambda execution role.


Execute the create-integration command as in the following example:
aws apigatewayv2 create-integration --api-id aabbccddee --integration-type
AWS_PROXY --integration-method POST --integration-uri arn:aws:apigateway:useast-1:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/arn:aws:lambda:useast-1:123412341234:function:simpleproxy-echo-e2e/invocations

Following is sample output for this example:

"PassthroughBehavior": "WHEN_NO_MATCH",
"IntegrationMethod": "POST",
"TimeoutInMillis": 29000,
"ConnectionType": "INTERNET",
"IntegrationUri": "arn:aws:apigateway:us-east-1:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/
"IntegrationId": "abcdefg",
"IntegrationType": "AWS_PROXY"

Set up WebSocket API Integration Responses in API
• Overview of Integration Responses (p. 19)
• Set up an Integration Response Using the API Gateway Console (p. 19)
• Set up an Integration Response Using the AWS CLI (p. 20)


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up WebSocket API Integration Responses

Overview of Integration Responses
API Gateway's integration response is a way of modeling and manipulating the response from a backend
service. There are some differences in setup of a REST API versus a WebSocket API integration response,
which are outlined below, but conceptually the behavior is the same.
WebSocket routes can be configured for two-way or one-way communication. If a route has a route
response, it is configured for two-way communication. Otherwise, it is configured for one-way
• When a route is configured for two-way communication, an integration response allows you to
configure transformations on the returned message payload, similar to Integration Responses for REST
• If a route is configured for one-way communication, then regardless of any integration response
configuration, no response will be returned over the WebSocket channel after the message is
The remainder of this document assumes you have chosen to configure a route with two-way
Integrations can be divided into proxy integrations and non-proxy integrations.


For proxy integrations, API Gateway automatically passes the backend output to the caller as the
complete payload. There is no integration response.
For non-proxy integrations, you must set up at least one integration response:
• Ideally, one of your integration responses should act as a catch-all when no explicit choice can be
made. This default case is represented by setting an integration response key of $default.
• In all other cases, the integration response key functions as a regular expression. It should follow a
format of "/expression/".
For non-proxy HTTP integrations:
• API Gateway will attempt to match the HTTP status code of the backend response. The integration
response key will function as a regular expression in this case. If a match cannot be found, then
$default is chosen as the integration response.
• The template selection expression, as described above, functions identically. For example:
• /2\d\d/: Receive and transform successful responses
• /4\d\d/: Receive and transform bad request errors
• $default: Receive and transform all unexpected responses
For current limitations of template selection expressions, see the section called “” (p. 31).

Set up an Integration Response Using the API Gateway Console
To set up a route integration response for a WebSocket API using the API Gateway console:

Sign in to the API Gateway console, choose the API, and choose Routes.
Choose the route.


Choose Integration Response.
Under Integration Responses, enter a value in the Response Selection Expression text box.
Under Response Key, choose Add Response.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up WebSocket API Route Responses


To define an integration response key, enter a key name in the New Response Key text box and
choose the checkmark icon.
Choose the pencil icon next to Template Selection Expression and enter an expression for
API Gateway to look for in your outgoing message. This expression should evaluate to an
integration response key value that maps to one of your response templates.
For information about template selection expressions, see the section called “” (p. 31).

Set up an Integration Response Using the AWS CLI
To set up an integration response for a WebSocket API using the AWS CLI call the createintegration-response command. The following CLI command shows an example of setting a
response of 200:
aws apigatewayv2 create-integration-response \
--api-id vaz7da96z6 \
--integration-response-key 200

Set up Route Responses for a WebSocket API in
API Gateway
WebSocket routes can be configured for two-way or one-way communication. If a route has a route
response, it is configured for two-way communication. Otherwise, it is configured for one-way
communication. Route responses are used to enable two-way communication, in which your API can send
a response back to the client in the context of the client's message.
You can configure route responses and response selection expressions by using the API Gateway console
or the AWS CLI or an AWS SDK. For more information about route responses, see the section called
“Invoking Your Backend Integration” (p. 10).
For more information about route response selection expressions, see the section called “” (p. 31).
• Set up a Route Response Using the API Gateway Console (p. 20)
• Set up a Route Response Using the AWS CLI (p. 21)

Set up a Route Response Using the API Gateway
To set up a route response for a WebSocket API using the API Gateway console:

Sign in to the API Gateway console, choose the API.
Under Routes, choose the route.
Choose Route Response in the route overview pane.


Under Response Modeling, in the Response Selection Expression box, enter the desired response
selection expression and choose the checkmark icon.
Under Route Responses, under Response Key, choose Add Response.



Currently only $default is supported in route responses for WebSocket APIs.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up a Route Response Using the AWS CLI


Enter the response key name and choose the checkmark icon.

Set up a Route Response Using the AWS CLI
To set up a route response for a WebSocket API using the AWS CLI, call the create-route-response
command as shown in the following example.
aws apigatewayv2 --region us-east-1 create-route-response --api-id aabbccddee --route-id
1122334 --route-response-key $default

Example output:

"RouteResponseId": "abcdef",
"RouteResponseKey": "$default"

Deploy a WebSocket API in API Gateway
After creating your WebSocket API, you must deploy it to make it available for your users to invoke.
To deploy an API, you create an API deployment (p. 4) and associate it with a stage (p. 5). Each stage is a
snapshot of the API and is made available for client apps to call.


Every time you update an API, which includes modification of routes, methods, integrations,
authorizers, and anything else other than stage settings, you must redeploy the API to an
existing stage or to a new stage.
By default you are limited to 10 stages per API, so it is good practice to reuse them.
To call a deployed WebSocket API, the client sends a message to the API's URL. The URL is determined by
the API's hostname and stage name.


API Gateway will support payloads up to 128 KB with a maximum frame size of 32 KB. If a
message exceeds 32 KB, it must be split into multiple frames, each 32 KB or smaller.
Using the API's default domain name, the URL of (for example) a WebSocket API in a given stage
({stageName}) is in the following format:

To make the WebSocket API's URL more user-friendly, you can create a custom domain name (e.g., to replace the default host name of the API. The configuration process is the
same as for REST APIs. For more information, see the section called “Set up a Regional Custom Domain
Name” (p. 435).
Stages enable robust version control of your API. For example, you can deploy an API to a test stage
and a prod stage, and use the test stage as a test build and use the prod stage as a stable build. After
the updates pass the test, you can promote the test stage to the prod stage. The promotion can be
done by redeploying the API to the prod stage.
• Create a WebSocket API Deployment Using the AWS CLI (p. 22)
• Create a WebSocket API Deployment Using the API Gateway Console (p. 22)


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create a WebSocket API Deployment Using the AWS CLI

Create a WebSocket API Deployment Using the AWS
To use AWS CLI to create a deployment, use the create-deployment command as shown in the
following example:
aws apigatewayv2 --region us-east-1 create-deployment --api-id aabbccddee

Example output:


"DeploymentId": "fedcba",
"DeploymentStatus": "DEPLOYED",
"CreatedDate": "2018-11-15T06:49:09Z"

The deployed API is not callable until you associate the deployment with a stage. You can create a new
stage or reuse a stage that you have previously created.
To create a new stage and associate it with the deployment, use the create-stage command as shown
in the following example:
aws apigatewayv2 --region us-east-1 create-stage --api-id aabbccddee --deployment-id fedcba
--stage-name test

Example output:


"StageName": "test",
"CreatedDate": "2018-11-15T06:50:28Z",
"DeploymentId": "fedcba",
"DefaultRouteSettings": {
"MetricsEnabled": false,
"ThrottlingBurstLimit": 5000,
"DataTraceEnabled": false,
"ThrottlingRateLimit": 10000.0
"LastUpdatedDate": "2018-11-15T06:50:28Z",
"StageVariables": {},
"RouteSettings": {}

To reuse an existing stage, update the stage's deploymentId property with the newly created
deployment ID ({deployment-id}) by using the update-stage command.
aws apigatewayv2 update-stage --region {region} \
--api-id {api-id} \
--stage-name {stage-name} \
--deployment-id {deployment-id}

Create a WebSocket API Deployment Using the API
Gateway Console
To use the API Gateway console to create a deployment for a WebSocket API:


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Invoke a WebSocket API


Sign in to the API Gateway console and choose the API.


From the Actions dropdown menu, choose Deploy API.


Choose the desired stage from the dropdown list or enter the name of a new stage.

Invoke a WebSocket API
Once you have deployed your WebSocket API, client applications can connect to it and send messages to
it, and your backend can send messages to connected client applications:
• You can use wscat to connect to your WebSocket API and send messages to it to simulate client
behavior. See the section called “Use wscat to Connect to a WebSocket API and Send Messages to
It” (p. 23).
• You can use the @connections API from your backend service to send a callback message to a
connected client, get connection information, or disconnect the client. See the section called “Use
@connections Commands in Your Backend Service” (p. 24).
• A client application can use its own WebSocket library to invoke your WebSocket API.

Use wscat to Connect to a WebSocket API and Send
Messages to It
The wscat utility is a convenient tool for testing a WebSocket API that you have created and deployed in
API Gateway. You can install and use wscat as follows:

Download wscat from


Install it by running the following command:
npm install -g wscat


To connect to your API, run the wscat command as shown in the following example. Note that this
example assumes that the Authorization setting is NONE.
wscat -c wss://

You'll need to replace aabbccddee with the actual API ID, which is displayed the API Gateway
console or returned by the AWS CLI create-api command.
In addition, if your API is in a region other than us-east-1, you'll need to substitute the correct

To test your API, type a message such as the following while connected:

where {jsonpath-expression} is a JSONPath expression and {route-key} is a route key for
the API. For example:
{"message":"test response body"}

For more information about JSONPath, see JSONPath or JSONPath for Java.

To disconnect from your API, type ctrl-C.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Use @connections Commands in Your Backend Service

Use @connections Commands in Your Backend
Your backend service can use the following WebSocket connection HTTP requests to send a callback
message to a connected client, get connection information, or disconnect the client.


These requests use IAM authorization (p. 24), so you must sign them with Signature Version 4
In the following command, you'll need to replace {api-id} with the actual API ID, which is displayed
the API Gateway console or returned by the AWS CLI create-api command. In addition, if your API is in
a region other than us-east-1, you'll need to substitute the correct region.
To send a callback message to the client, use:
POST https://{api-id}{stage}/

You can test this request by using Postman or by calling awscurl as in the following example:
awscurl --service execute-api -X POST -d "hello world" https://{prefix}{stage}/@connections/{connection_id}

You'll need to URL-encode the command as in the following example:
awscurl --service execute-api -X POST -d "hello world"

You can dynamically build a callback URL by using the $context variables in your integration. For
example, if you use Lambda proxy integration with a Node.js Lambda function, you can build the URL
as follows:
exports.handler = function(event, context, callback) {
var domain = event.requestContext.domain;
var stage = event.requestContext.stage;
var connectionId = event.requestContext.connectionId;
var callbackUrl = util.format(util.format('https://%s/%s/@connections/%s', domain, stage,
// Do a SigV4 and then make the call

Control Access to a WebSocket API in API Gateway
• Use IAM Authorization (p. 24)
• Create a Lambda REQUEST Authorizer Function (p. 25)

Use IAM Authorization
IAM authorization in WebSocket APIs is similar to that for REST APIs (p. 238), with the following


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create a Lambda REQUEST Authorizer Function

• The execute-api action supports ManageConnections in addition to existing actions (Invoke,
InvalidateCache). ManageConnections controls access to the @connections API.
• WebSocket routes use a different ARN format:

• The @connections API uses the same ARN format as REST APIs:

For example, you could set up the following policy to the client. This example allows everyone to send a
message (Invoke) for all routes except for a secret route in the prod stage and prevents everyone from
sending a message back to connected clients (ManageConnections) for all stages.


"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Deny",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Deny",
"Action": [
"Resource": [

Create a Lambda REQUEST Authorizer Function
A Lambda authorizer function in WebSocket APIs is similar to that for REST APIs (p. 249), with the
following exceptions:
• You cannot use path variables (event.pathParameters), because the path is fixed.
• event.methodArn is different from its REST API equivalent, because it has no HTTP method. In the
case of $connect, methodArn ends with "$connect":


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create a Lambda REQUEST Authorizer Function

• The context variables in event.requestContext are different from those for REST APIs.
The following example Lambda authorizer function is a WebSocket version of the Lambda authorizer
function for REST APIs in the section called “Create a Lambda Authorizer Lambda Function” (p. 249):
exports.handler = function(event, context, callback) {
console.log('Received event:', JSON.stringify(event, null, 2));

A simple REQUEST authorizer example to demonstrate how to use request
parameters to allow or deny a request. In this example, a request is
authorized if the client-supplied HeaderAuth1 header, QueryString1 query parameter,
stage variable of StageVar1 and the accountId in the request context all match
specified values of 'headerValue1', 'queryValue1', 'stageValue1', and
'123456789012', respectively.

// Retrieve request parameters from the Lambda function input:
var headers = event.headers;
var queryStringParameters = event.queryStringParameters;
var stageVariables = event.stageVariables;
var requestContext = event.requestContext;
// Parse the input for the parameter values
var tmp = event.methodArn.split(':');
var apiGatewayArnTmp = tmp[5].split('/');
var awsAccountId = tmp[4];
var region = tmp[3];
var restApiId = apiGatewayArnTmp[0];
var stage = apiGatewayArnTmp[1];
var route = apiGatewayArnTmp[2];
// Perform authorization to return the Allow policy for correct parameters and
// the 'Unauthorized' error, otherwise.
var authResponse = {};
var condition = {};
condition.IpAddress = {};


if (headers.HeaderAuth1 === "headerValue1"
&& queryStringParameters.QueryString1 === "queryValue1"
&& stageVariables.StageVar1 === "stageValue1"
&& requestContext.accountId === "123456789012") {
callback(null, generateAllow('me', event.methodArn));
} else {

// Help function to generate an IAM policy
var generatePolicy = function(principalId, effect, resource) {
// Required output:
var authResponse = {};
authResponse.principalId = principalId;
if (effect && resource) {
var policyDocument = {};
policyDocument.Version = '2012-10-17'; // default version
policyDocument.Statement = [];
var statementOne = {};
statementOne.Action = 'execute-api:Invoke'; // default action
statementOne.Effect = effect;
statementOne.Resource = resource;
policyDocument.Statement[0] = statementOne;
authResponse.policyDocument = policyDocument;
// Optional output with custom properties of the String, Number or Boolean type.
authResponse.context = {


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Monitor WebSocket API Execution with CloudWatch
"stringKey": "stringval",
"numberKey": 123,
"booleanKey": true


return authResponse;

var generateAllow = function(principalId, resource) {
return generatePolicy(principalId, 'Allow', resource);
var generateDeny = function(principalId, resource) {
return generatePolicy(principalId, 'Deny', resource);

To configure the preceding Lambda function as a REQUEST authorizer function for a WebSocket API,
follow the same procedure as for REST APIs (p. 256).
To configure the $connect route to use this Lambda authorizer in the console, select or create the
$connect route. Choose the route request and choose your authorizer in the Authorization dropdown
To test the authorizer, you'll need to create a new connection. Changing authorizer in $connect does
not affect the already connected client. When you connect to your WebSocket API, you'll need to provide
values for any configured identity sources. For example, you can connect by sending a valid query string
and header using wscat as in the following example:
wscat -c 'wss://' -H

If you attempt to connect without a valid identity value, you'll receive a 401 response:
wscat -c wss://
error: Unexpected server response: 401

Monitor WebSocket API Execution with
You can use Amazon CloudWatch metrics and logs to monitor the execution of WebSocket APIs. The
configuration is similar to that used for REST APIs.
For instructions on how to set up CloudWatch access and execution logging, see the section called “Set
up API Logging Using the API Gateway Console” (p. 380).
When you specify the Log Format, you can choose which context variables to log. Here is an example of
a JSON-formatted list of context variables for a WebSocket API:

"apiId" : "$context.apiId",
"routeKey" : "$context.routeKey",
"authorizer" : "$context.authorizer",
"messageId" : "$context.messageId",
"integrationLatency" : "$context.integrationLatency",
"eventType" : "$context.eventType",
"error" : "$context.error",
"extendedRequestId" : "$context.extendedRequestId",
"requestTime" : "$context.requestTime",
"stage" : "$context.stage",


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Monitor WebSocket API Execution with CloudWatch


"connectedAt" : "$context.connectedAt",
"requestTimeEpoch" : "$context.requestTimeEpoch",
"requestId" : "$context.requestId",
"connectionId" : "$context.connectionId"

You can find WebSocket-specific context variables here: the section called “WebSocket Mapping
Template Reference” (p. 35)
The following metrics are supported for WebSocket APIs:



Number of messages sent to the
$connect route integration.


Number of messages sent to the
WebSocket API, either from or to
the client.


Number of requests that return
a 4XX/5XX response from the


Number of requests that have
a 4XX response returned by API
Gateway before the integration
is invoked.


Errors that occurred when
calling the integration.


The time difference between API
Gateway sending the request to
the integration and API Gateway
receiving the response from
the integration. Suppressed for
callbacks and mock integrations.

You can use the dimensions in the following table to filter API Gateway metrics.



Filters API Gateway metrics for
an API with the specified API ID.

ApiId, Stage

Filters API Gateway metrics for
an API stage with the specified
API ID and stage ID.

ApiId, Stage, Route

Filters API Gateway metrics
for an API method with the
specified API ID, stage ID, and
route ID.
API Gateway will not send
these metrics unless you have
explicitly enabled detailed


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
WebSocket Selection Expressions


CloudWatch metrics. You can do
this by calling the UpdateStage
action of the API Gateway
V2 REST API to update the
metricsEnabled property to
true. Enabling such metrics will
incur additional charges to your
account. For pricing information,
see Amazon CloudWatch Pricing.

WebSocket Selection Expressions in API Gateway
• Route Selection Expressions (p. 29)
• Model Selection Expressions (p. 31)
• Template Selection Expressions (p. 31)
• Route Response Selection Expressions (p. 31)
• API Key Selection Expressions (p. 31)
• API Mapping Selection Expressions (p. 31)
• Integration Response Selection Expressions (p. 31)
• WebSocket Selection Expression Summary (p. 32)
API Gateway uses selection expressions as a way to evaluate request and response context and produce
a key. The key is then used to select from a set of possible values, typically provided by you, the API
developer. The exact set of supported variables will vary depending on the particular expression. Each
expression is discussed in more detail below.
For all of the expressions, the language follows the same set of rules:
• A variable is prefixed with "$".
• Curly braces can be used to explicitly define variable boundaries, e.g., "${request.body.version}beta".
• Multiple variables are supported, but evaluation occurs only once (no recursive evaluation).
• A dollar sign ($) can be escaped with "\". This is most useful when defining an expression that maps
to the reserved $default key, e.g., "\$default".
• In some cases, a pattern format is required. In this case, the expression should be wrapped with
forward slashes ("/"), e.g. "/2\d\d/" to match 2XX status codes.

Route Selection Expressions
A route selection expression is evaluated when the service is selecting the route to follow for an incoming
message. The service will use the route whose routeKey exactly matches the evaluated value. If none
match, and a route with the $default route key exists, that will be selected. If no routes match the
evaluated value and there is no $default route, the service will return an error. For WebSocket-based
APIs, the expression should be of the form $request.body.{path_to_body_element}.
For example, suppose you are sending the following JSON message:


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide

"service" : "chat",
"action" : "join",
"data" : {
"room" : "room1234"



You might want to select your API's behavior based on the action property. In that case, you might
define the following route selection expression:

In this example, request.body refers to your message's JSON payload, and .action is a JSONPath
expression. You can use any JSON path expression after request.body, but keep in mind that the
result will be stringified. For example, if your JSONPath expression returns an array of two elements,
that will be presented as the string "[item1, item2]". For this reason, it is good practice to have your
expression evaluate to a value and not an array or an object.
You can simply use a static value, or you can use multiple variables. The following table shows examples
and their evaluated results against the above payload.

Evaluated Result









If the
is not
will be
as "".







The evaluated result will be used to find a route. If there is a route with a matching route key, the route
will be selected to process the message. If no matching route is found, then API Gateway will try to find
the $default route if available. If the $default route is not defined, then API Gateway will return an


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide

Model Selection Expressions
When you define a route (p. 15) for a WebSocket API, you can optionally specify a model selection
expression. This expression is evaluated to select the model to be used for body validation when a
request is received. The expression evaluates to one of the entries in a route's requestmodels.
A model is expressed as a JSON schema and describes the data structure of the request body. The nature
of this selection expressions allows you to dynamically choose the model to validate against at runtime
for a particular route. For information about how to create a model, see the section called “Create
Models and Mapping Templates” (p. 133).

Template Selection Expressions
When you define an integration request (p. 16) or integration response (p. 18) for a WebSocket API,
you can optionally specify a template selection expression. This expression is evaluated to determine the
input or output template (if any) to use to transform either the request body into the integration request
body (via an input template) or the integration response body to the route response body (via an output

Route Response Selection Expressions
A route response (p. 20) is used for modeling a response from the backend to the client. For
WebSocket APIs, a route response is optional. When defined, it signals to API Gateway that it should
return a response to a client upon receiving a WebSocket message.
Evaluation of the route response selection expression produces a route response key. Eventually, this key
will be used to choose from one of the RouteResponses associated with the API. However, currently
only the $default key is supported.

API Key Selection Expressions
This expression is evaluated when the service determines the given request should proceed only if the
client provides a valid API key (p. 5).
Currently the only two supported values are $request.header.x-api-key and

API Mapping Selection Expressions
This expression is evaluated to determine which API stage is selected when a request is made using a
custom domain.
Currently, the only supported value is $request.basepath.

Integration Response Selection Expressions
When you set up an integration response (p. 18) for a WebSocket API, you can optionally specify an
integration response selection expression. This expression determines what IntegrationResponse
should be selected when an integration returns. The value of this expression is currently restricted by
API Gateway, as defined below. Realize that this expression is only relevant for non-proxy integrations;
a proxy integration simply passes the response payload back to the caller without modeling or
Unlike the other selection expressions outlined above, this expression currently supports a patternmatching format. The expression should be wrapped with forward slashes.
Currently the value is fixed depending on the integrationType:


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide

• For Lambda-based integrations, it is $integration.response.body.errorMessage.
• For HTTP and MOCK integrations, it is $integration.response.statuscode.
• For HTTP_PROXY and AWS_PROXY, the expression is not utilized, because you are requesting that the
payload pass through to the caller.

WebSocket Selection Expression Summary
The following table summarizes the use cases for selection expressions in WebSocket APIs:

Evaluates to Key For




supported messages
as a
catchon the
of a

Key for Route.RequestModels

Optional. Perform
provided dynamically
for non- within
as a

Key for Integration.RequestTemplates

Optional. Manipulate
May be
provided request
for non- based
manipulateof the
incoming request.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide


Evaluates to Key For



as a

Optional. Manipulate
May be
provided response
for non- from
as a
pattern action
to occur
for error based
messages on the
Lambda) response
of the
for nonproxy
to act
as the
catchall for


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide


Evaluates to Key For


Key for IntegrationResponse.ResponseTemplates


Optional. In some
May be
cases, a
provided dynamic
for non- property
of the
$default dictate


for a
value is

Key for RouteResponse.RequestModels



Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
WebSocket Mapping Template Reference

API Gateway WebSocket API Mapping Template
This section summarizes the set of variables that are currently supported for WebSocket APIs in API




A unique ID for the connection that can be used to
make a callback to the client.


The Epoch-formatted connection time.


A domain name for the WebSocket API. This can
be used to make a callback to the client (instead
of a hard-coded value).


The event type: CONNECT, MESSAGE, or


A unique server-side ID for a message. Available
only when the $context.eventType is


The selected route key.


Same as $context.extendedRequestId.


An automatically generated ID for the API call,
which contains more useful information for


The identifier API Gateway assigns to your API.


The principal user identification associated with
the token sent by the client and returned from an
API Gateway Lambda authorizer (formerly known
as a custom authorizer) Lambda function.


The stringified value of the specified key-value
pair of the context map returned from an
API Gateway Lambda authorizer function. For
example, if the authorizer returns the following
context map:
"context" : {
"key": "value",
"numKey": 1,
"boolKey": true

calling $context.authorizer.key
returns the "value" string, calling
returns the "1" string, and calling


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
WebSocket Mapping Template Reference


$context.authorizer.boolKey returns the
"true" string.


A string containing an API Gateway error message.
This variable can only be used in access logging.


The quoted value of $context.error.message,
namely "$context.error.message".


The error response type. This variable can only be
used in access logging.


A string containing a detailed validation error


An automatically generated ID for the API call,
which contains more useful information for


The AWS account ID associated with the request.


The API owner key associated with key-enabled
API request.


The API key ID associated with the key-enabled
API request


The principal identifier of the caller making the

The Amazon Cognito authentication provider used
by the caller making the request. Available only
if the request was signed with Amazon Cognito
For information related to this and the other
Amazon Cognito $context variables, see Using
Federated Identities in the Amazon Cognito
Developer Guide.

The source IP address of the TCP connection
making the request to API Gateway.


The principal identifier of the user making the


The User Agent of the API caller.


The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the
effective user identified after authentication.


The integration latency in ms, available for access
logging only.


The CLF-formatted request time (dd/MMM/
yyyy:HH:mm:ss +-hhmm).


The Epoch-formatted request time.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
WebSocket Mapping Template Reference




The deployment stage of the API call (for
example, Beta or Prod).


Returns the raw payload as a string.


This function evaluates a JSONPath expression
and returns the results as a JSON string.
For example, $input.json('$.pets') will
return a JSON string representing the pets
For more information about JSONPath, see
JSONPath or JSONPath for Java.


 represents a stage variable


 represents any stage variable


 represents any stage variable


Escapes the characters in a string using JavaScript
string rules.


This function will turn any regular
single quotes (') into escaped ones (\').
However, the escaped single quotes are
not valid in JSON. Thus, when the output
from this function is used in a JSON
property, you must turn any escaped
single quotes (\') back to regular single
quotes ('). This is shown in the following


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
WebSocket Mapping Template Reference




Takes "stringified" JSON and returns an object
representation of the result. You can use the
result from this function to access and manipulate
elements of the payload natively in Apache
Velocity Template Language (VTL). For example, if
you have the following payload:

and use the following mapping template
#set ($errorMessageObj =
"errorMessageObjKey2ArrVal" :

You will get the following output:

"errorMessageObjKey2ArrVal" : 1


Converts a string into "application/x-www-formurlencoded" format.


Decodes an "application/x-www-formurlencoded" string.


Encodes the data into a base64-encoded string.


Decodes the data from a base64-encoded string.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Choose an API Endpoint Type

Creating a REST API in Amazon API
In Amazon API Gateway, you build a REST API as a collection of programmable entities known as API
Gateway resources. For example, you use a RestApi resource to represent an API that can contain a
collection of Resource entities. Each Resource entity can in turn have one or more Method resources.
Expressed in the request parameters and body, a Method defines the application programming
interface for the client to access the exposed Resource and represents an incoming request submitted
by the client. You then create an Integration resource to integrate the Method with a backend
endpoint, also known as the integration endpoint, by forwarding the incoming request to a specified
integration endpoint URI. If necessary, you transform request parameters or body to meet the backend
requirements. For responses, you can create a MethodResponse resource to represent a request
response received by the client and you create an IntegrationResponse resource to represent
the request response that is returned by the backend. You can configure the integration response to
transform the backend response data before returning the data to the client or to pass the backend
response as-is to the client.
To help your customers understand your API, you can also provide documentation for the API, as part
of the API creation or after the API is created. To enable this, add a DocumentationPart resource for a
supported API entity.
To control how clients call an API, use IAM permissions (p. 232), a Lambda authorizer (p. 247), or
an Amazon Cognito user pool (p. 262). To meter the use of your API, set up usage plans (p. 293) to
throttle API requests. You can enable these when creating or updating the API.
You can perform these and other tasks by using the API Gateway console, the API Gateway REST API, the
AWS CLI, or one of the AWS SDKs. We discuss how to perform these tasks next.
• Choose an Endpoint Type to Set up for an API Gateway API (p. 39)
• Initialize REST API Setup in API Gateway (p. 40)
• Set up REST API Methods in API Gateway (p. 70)
• Set up REST API Integrations in API Gateway (p. 83)
• Set up Gateway Responses to Customize Error Responses (p. 123)
• Set up API Gateway Request and Response Data Mappings (p. 130)
• Support Binary Payloads in API Gateway (p. 174)
• Enable Payload Compression for an API (p. 196)
• Enable Request Validation in API Gateway (p. 201)
• Import a REST API into API Gateway (p. 213)

Choose an Endpoint Type to Set up for an API
Gateway API
An API endpoint (p. 5) refers to a host name of the API. The API endpoint type can be edge-optimized,
regional, or private, depending on where the majority of your API traffic originates from.
An edge-optimized API endpoint (p. 5) is best for geographically distributed clients. API requests are
routed to the nearest CloudFront Point of Presence (POP).


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Initialize REST API Setup

A regional API endpoint (p. 6) is intended for clients in the same region. When a client running on an EC2
instance calls an API in the same region, or when an API is intended to serve a small number of clients
with high demands, a regional API reduces connection overhead. For more information, see the section
called “Set up a Regional API” (p. 61).
For an edge-optimized API, any custom domain name that you use applies across all regions. For
a regional API, the custom domain name is specific to the region where the API is deployed. If you
deploy a regional API deployed in multiple regions, it can have the same custom domain name in all
regions. You can use custom domains together with Amazon Route 53 to perform tasks such as latencybased routing. For more information, see Set up a Custom Domain Name for a Regional API in API
Gateway (p. 435) and How to Create an Edge-Optimized Custom Domain Name (p. 429).


Edge-optimized APIs capitalize the names of HTTP headers (for example, Cookie). Regional and
private APIs pass all header names through as-is.
A private API endpoint (p. 6) is an API endpoint that can only be accessed from your Amazon Virtual
Private Cloud (VPC) using an interface VPC endpoint, which is an endpoint network interface (ENI) that
you create in your VPC. For more information, see the section called “Create a Private API” (p. 64).

Initialize REST API Setup in API Gateway
For this example, we use a simplified PetStore API, with the HTTP integration, that exposes the GET /
pets and GET /pets/{petId} methods. The methods are integrated with the two HTTP endpoints,
respectively, of and{petId}. The API
handles 200 OK responses. The examples focus on the essential programming tasks for creating an API
in API Gateway, taking advantage of default settings when possible.
Because of the default settings, the resulting API is edge-optimized. An alternative is to set up a
regional API (p. 61). To set up a regional API, you must set explicitly the endpoint type of the
API as REGIONAL. To set up an edge-optimized API explicitly, you can set EDGE as the type of the
When setting up an API, you must choose a region. When deployed, the API is region-specific.
For an edge-optimized API, the base URL is of the http[s]://{restapi-id} format, where {restapi-id} is the API's id value generated by API
Gateway. You can assign a custom domain name (for example, as the API's host
name and call the API with a base URL of the format.
• Set up an API Using the API Gateway Console (p. 40)
• Set up an Edge-Optimized API Using AWS CLI Commands (p. 41)
• Set up an Edge-Optimized API Using the AWS SDK for Node.js (p. 46)
• Set up an Edge-Optimized API Using the API Gateway REST API (p. 52)
• Set up an Edge-Optimized API by Importing OpenAPI Definitions (p. 59)
• Set up a Regional API in API Gateway (p. 61)
• Create a Private API in Amazon API Gateway (p. 64)

Set up an API Using the API Gateway Console
To set up an API Gateway API using the API Gateway console, see Build an API with HTTP Custom
Integration (p. 550).


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up an Edge-Optimized API Using AWS CLI Commands

You can learn how to set up an API by following an example. For more information, see Build an API
Gateway API from an Example (p. 516).
Alternatively, you can set up an API by using the API Gateway Import API (p. 213) feature to upload
an external API definition, such as one expressed in OpenAPI 2.0 with the API Gateway Extensions to
OpenAPI (p. 492). The example provided in Build an API Gateway API from an Example (p. 516) uses
the Import API feature.

Set up an Edge-Optimized API Using AWS CLI
Setting up an API using the AWS CLI requires working with the create-rest-api, createresource or get-resources, put-method, put-method-response, put-integration, and putintegration-response commands. The following procedures show how to work with these AWS CLI
commands to create the simple PetStore API of the HTTP integration type.

To create a simple PetStore API using AWS CLI

Call the create-rest-api command to set up the RestApi in a specific region (us-west-2).
aws apigateway create-rest-api --name 'Simple PetStore (AWS CLI)' --region us-west-2

The following is the output of this command:


"name": "Simple PetStore (AWS CLI)",
"id": "vaz7da96z6",
"createdDate": 1494572809

Note the returned id of the newly created RestApi. You need it to set up other parts of the API.

Call the get-resources command to retrieve the root resource identifier of the RestApi.
aws apigateway get-resources --rest-api-id vaz7da96z6 --region us-west-2

The following is the output of this command:


"items": [
"path": "/",
"id": "begaltmsm8"

Note the root resource Id. You need it to start setting the API's resource tree and configuring
methods and integrations.

Call the create-resource command to append a child resource (pets) under the root resource
aws apigateway create-resource --rest-api-id vaz7da96z6 \
--region us-west-2 \
--parent-id begaltmsm8 \


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up an Edge-Optimized API Using AWS CLI Commands
--path-part pets

The following is the output of this command:


"path": "/pets",
"pathPart": "pets",
"id": "6sxz2j",
"parentId": "begaltmsm8"

To append a child resource under the root, you specify the root resource Id as the parentId
property value. Similarly, to append a child resource under the pets resource, you repeat the
preceding step while replacing the parent-id value with the pets resource id of 6sxz2j:
aws apigateway create-resource --rest-api-id vaz7da96z6 \
--region us-west-2 \
--parent-id 6sxz2j \
--path-part '{petId}'

To make a path part a path parameter, enclose it in a pair of curly brackets. If successful, this
command returns the following response:


"path": "/pets/{petId}",
"pathPart": "{petId}",
"id": "rjkmth",
"parentId": "6sxz2j"

Now that you created two resources: /pets (6sxz2j) and /pets/{petId} (rjkmth), you can
proceed to set up methods on them.

Call the put-method command to add the GET HTTP method on the /pets resource. This creates
an API Method of GET /pets with open access, referencing the /pets resource by its ID value of
aws apigateway put-method --rest-api-id vaz7da96z6 \
--resource-id 6sxz2j \
--http-method GET \
--authorization-type "NONE" \
--region us-west-2

The following is the successful output of this command:


"apiKeyRequired": false,
"httpMethod": "GET",
"authorizationType": "NONE"

The method is for open access because authorization-type is set to NONE. To permit only
authenticated users to call the method, you can use IAM roles and policies, a Lambda authorizer
(formerly known as a custom authorizer), or an Amazon Cognito user pool. For more information,
see Controlling Access to an API (p. 220).


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up an Edge-Optimized API Using AWS CLI Commands

To enable read access to the /pets/{petId} resource (rjkmth), add the GET HTTP method on it to
create an API Method of GET /pets/{petId} as follows.
aws apigateway put-method --rest-api-id vaz7da96z6 \
--resource-id rjkmth --http-method GET \
--authorization-type "NONE" \
--region us-west-2 \
--request-parameters method.request.path.petId=true

The following is the successful output of this command:


"apiKeyRequired": false,
"httpMethod": "GET",
"authorizationType": "NONE",
"requestParameters": {
"method.request.path.petId": true

Note that the method request path parameter of petId must be specified as a required request
parameter for its dynamically set value to be mapped to a corresponding integration request
parameter and passed to the backend.

Call the put-method-response command to set up the 200 OK response of the GET /pets
method, specifying the /pets resource by its ID value of 6sxz2j.
aws apigateway put-method-response --rest-api-id vaz7da96z6 \
--resource-id 6sxz2j --http-method GET \
--status-code 200 --region us-west-2

The following is the output of this command:

"statusCode": "200"

Similarly, to set the 200 OK response of the GET /pets/{petId} method, do the following,
specifying the /pets/{petId} resource by its resource ID value of rjkmth:
aws apigateway put-method-response --rest-api-id vaz7da96z6 \
--resource-id rjkmth --http-method GET \
--status-code 200 --region us-west-2

Having set up a simple client interface for the API, you can proceed to set up the integration of the
API methods with the backend.

Call the put-integration command to set up an Integration with a specified HTTP endpoint
for the GET /pets method. The /pets resource is identified by its resource Id 6sxz2j:
aws apigateway put-integration --rest-api-id vaz7da96z6 \
--resource-id 6sxz2j --http-method GET --type HTTP \
--integration-http-method GET \
--uri '' \
--region us-west-2

The following is the output of this command:


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up an Edge-Optimized API Using AWS CLI Commands



"httpMethod": "GET",
"passthroughBehavior": "WHEN_NO_MATCH",
"cacheKeyParameters": [],
"type": "HTTP",
"uri": "",
"cacheNamespace": "6sxz2j"

Notice that the integration uri of
petstore/pets specifies the integration endpoint of the GET /pets method.
Similarly, you create an integration request for the GET /pets/{petId} method as follows:
aws apigateway put-integration \
--rest-api-id vaz7da96z6 \
--resource-id rjkmth \
--http-method GET \
--type HTTP \
--integration-http-method GET \
--uri '{id}' \
'{"":"method.request.path.petId"}' \
--region us-west-2

Here, the integration endpoint, uri of{id}, also uses a path parameter (id). Its value is mapped from the
corresponding method request path parameter of {petId}. The mapping is defined as part of the
request-parameters. If this mapping is not defined here, the client gets an error response when
trying to call the method.
The following is the output of this command:



"passthroughBehavior": "WHEN_NO_MATCH",
"cacheKeyParameters": [],
"uri": "{id}",
"httpMethod": "GET",
"cacheNamespace": "rjkmth",
"type": "HTTP",
"requestParameters": {
"": "method.request.path.petId"

Call the put-integration-response command to create an IntegrationResponse of the
GET /pets method integrated with an HTTP backend.
aws apigateway put-integration-response --rest-api-id vaz7da96z6 \
--resource-id 6sxz2j --http-method GET \
--status-code 200 --selection-pattern "" \
--region us-west-2

The following is the output of this command:

"selectionPattern": "",
"statusCode": "200"


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up an Edge-Optimized API Using AWS CLI Commands

Similarly, call the following put-integration-response command to create an
IntegrationResponse of the GET /pets/{petId} method:
aws apigateway put-integration-response --rest-api-id vaz7da96z6 \
--resource-id rjkmth --http-method GET
--status-code 200 --selection-pattern ""
--region us-west-2

With the preceding steps, you finished setting up a simple API that allows your customers to query
available pets on the PetStore website and to view an individual pet of a specified identifier. To
make it callable by your customer, you must deploy the API.

Deploy the API to a stage stage, for example, by calling create-deployment:
aws apigateway create-deployment --rest-api-id vaz7da96z6 \
--region us-west-2 \
--stage-name test \
--stage-description 'Test stage' \
--description 'First deployment'

You can test this API by typing the URL in a browser, and substituting vaz7da96z6 with the
identifier of your API. The expected output should be as follows:


"id": 1,
"type": "dog",
"price": 249.99


"id": 2,
"type": "cat",
"price": 124.99




"id": 3,
"type": "fish",
"price": 0.99

To test the GET /pets/{petId} method, type in the browser. You should receive the following response:


"id": 3,
"type": "fish",
"price": 0.99


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up an Edge-Optimized API
Using the AWS SDK for Node.js

Set up an Edge-Optimized API Using the AWS SDK
for Node.js
As an illustration, we use AWS SDK for Node.js to describe how you can use an AWS SDK to create an
API Gateway API. For more information using an AWS SDK, including how to set up the development
environment, see AWS SDKs.
Setting up an API using the AWS SDK for Node.js involves calling the createRestApi,
createResource or getResources, putMethod, putMethodResponse, putIntegration, and
putIntegrationResponse functions.
The following procedures walk you through the essential steps to use these SDK commands to set up a
simple PetStore API supporting the GET /pets and GET /pets/{petId} methods.

To set up a simple PetStore API using the AWS SDK for Node.js

Instantiate the SDK:
var AWS = require('aws-sdk');
AWS.config.region = 'us-west-2';
var apig = new AWS.APIGateway({apiVersion: '2015/07/09'});


Call the createRestApi function to set up the RestApi entity.
name: "Simple PetStore (node.js SDK)",
binaryMediaTypes: [
description: "Demo API created using the AWS SDK for node.js",
version: "0.00.001"
}, function(err, data){
if (!err) {
} else {
console.log('Create API failed:\n', err);

The function returns an output similar to the following result:


id: 'iuo308uaq7',
name: 'PetStore (node.js SDK)',
description: 'Demo API created using the AWS SDK for node.js',
createdDate: 2017-09-05T19:32:35.000Z,
version: '0.00.001',
binaryMediaTypes: [ '*' ]

The resulting API's identifier is iuo308uaq7. You need to supply this to continue the setup of the

Call the getResources function to retrieve the root resource identifier of the RestApi.
restApiId: 'iuo308uaq7'


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up an Edge-Optimized API
Using the AWS SDK for Node.js
}, function(err, data){
if (!err) {
} else {
console.log('Get the root resource failed:\n', err);

This function returns an output similar to the following result:


"items": [
"path": "/",
"id": "s4fb0trnk0"

The root resource identifier is s4fb0trnk0. This is the starting point for you to build the API
resource tree, which you do next.

Call the createResource function to set up the /pets resource for the API, specifying the root
resource identifier (s4fb0trnk0) on the parentId property.
restApiId: 'iuo308uaq7',
parentId: 's4fb0trnk0',
pathPart: 'pets'
}, function(err, data){
if (!err) {
} else {
console.log("The '/pets' resource setup failed:\n", err);

The successful result is as follows:


"path": "/pets",
"pathPart": "pets",
"id": "8sxa2j",
"parentId": "s4fb0trnk0'"

To set up the /pets/{petId} resource, call the following createResource function, specifying
the newly created /pets resource (8sxa2j) on the parentId property.
restApiId: 'iuo308uaq7',
parentId: '8sxa2j',
pathPart: '{petId}'
}, function(err, data){
if (!err) {
} else {
console.log("The '/pets/{petId}' resource setup failed:\n", err);


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up an Edge-Optimized API
Using the AWS SDK for Node.js

The successful result returns the newly created resource id value:


"path": "/pets/{petId}",
"pathPart": "{petId}",
"id": "au5df2",
"parentId": "8sxa2j"

Throughout this procedure, you refer to the /pets resource by specifying its resource ID of 8sxa2j,
and the /pets/{petId} resource by specifying its resource ID of au5df2.

Call the putMethod function to add the GET HTTP method on the /pets resource (8sxa2j). This
sets up the GET /pets Method with open access.
restApiId: 'iuo308uaq7',
resourceId: '8sxa2j,
httpMethod: 'GET',
authorizationType: 'NONE'
}, function(err, data){
if (!err) {
} else {
console.log("The 'GET /pets' method setup failed:\n", err);

This function returns an output similar to the following result:


"apiKeyRequired": false,
"httpMethod": "GET",
"authorizationType": "NONE"

To add the GET HTTP method on the /pets/{petId} resource (au5df2), which sets up the API
method of GET /pets/{petId} with open access, call the putMethod function as follows.
restApiId: 'iuo308uaq7',
resourceId: 'au5df2',
httpMethod: 'GET',
authorizationType: 'NONE',
requestParameters: {
"method.request.path.petId" : true
}, function(err, data){
if (!err) {
} else {
console.log("The 'GET /pets/{petId}' method setup failed:\n", err);

This function returns an output similar to the following result:

"apiKeyRequired": false,


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up an Edge-Optimized API
Using the AWS SDK for Node.js


"httpMethod": "GET",
"authorizationType": "NONE",
"requestParameters": {
"method.request.path.petId": true

You need to set the requestParameters property as shown in the preceding example to map and
pass the client-supplied petId value to the backend.

Call the putMethodResponse function to set up a method response for the GET /pets method.
restApiId: 'iuo308uaq7',
resourceId: "8sxa2j",
httpMethod: 'GET',
statusCode: '200'
}, function(err, data){
if (!err) {
} else {
console.log("Set up the 200 OK response for the 'GET /pets' method failed:\n", err);

This function returns an output similar to the following result:

"statusCode": "200"

To set the 200 OK response of the GET /pets/{petId} method, call the putMethodResponse
function, specifying the /pets/{petId} resource identifier (au5df2) on the resourceId property.
restApiId: 'iuo308uaq7',
resourceId: "au5df2",
httpMethod: 'GET',
statusCode: '200'
}, function(err, data){
if (!err) {
} else {
console.log("Set up the 200 OK response for the 'GET /pets/{petId}' method failed:
\n", err);


Call the putIntegration function to set up the Integration with a specified HTTP endpoint
for the GET /pets method, supplying the /pets resource identifier (8sxa2j) on the parentId
restApiId: 'iuo308uaq7',
resourceId: '8sxa2j',
httpMethod: 'GET',
type: 'HTTP',
integrationHttpMethod: 'GET',
uri: ''


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up an Edge-Optimized API
Using the AWS SDK for Node.js
}, function(err, data){
if (!err) {
} else {
console.log("Set up the integration of the 'GET /' method of the API failed:\n",

This function returns an output similar the following:


"httpMethod": "GET",
"passthroughBehavior": "WHEN_NO_MATCH",
"cacheKeyParameters": [],
"type": "HTTP",
"uri": "",
"cacheNamespace": "8sxa2j"

To set up the integration of the GET /pets/{petId} method with the HTTP endpoint of http://{id} of the backend, call the following
putIntegration function, supplying the API's /pets/{petId} resource identifier (au5df2) on
the parentId property.
restApiId: 'iuo308uaq7',
resourceId: 'au5df2',
httpMethod: 'GET',
type: 'HTTP',
integrationHttpMethod: 'GET',
uri: '{id}',
requestParameters: {
"": "method.request.path.petId"
}, function(err, data){
if (!err) {
} else {
console.log("The 'GET /pets/{petId}' method integration setup failed:\n", err);

This function returns a successful output similar to the following:


"httpMethod": "GET",
"passthroughBehavior": "WHEN_NO_MATCH",
"cacheKeyParameters": [],
"type": "HTTP",
"uri": "{id}",
"cacheNamespace": "au5df2",
"requestParameters": {
"": "method.request.path.petId"


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up an Edge-Optimized API
Using the AWS SDK for Node.js


Call the putIntegrationResponse function to set up the 200 OK integration response for the
GET /pets method, specifying the API's /pets resource identifier (8sxa2j) on the resourceId
restApiId: 'iuo308uaq7',
resourceId: '8sxa2j',
httpMethod: 'GET',
statusCode: '200',
selectionPattern: ''
}, function(err, data){
if (!err) {
} else
console.log("The 'GET /pets' method integration response setup failed:\n", err);

This function will return an output similar to the following result:

"selectionPattern": "",
"statusCode": "200"

To set up the 200 OK integration response of the GET /pets/{petId} method, call the
putIntegrationResponse function, specifying the API's /pets/{petId} resource identifier
(au5df2) on the resourceId property.
restApiId: 'iuo308uaq7',
resourceId: 'au5df2',
httpMethod: 'GET',
statusCode: '200',
selectionPattern: ''
}, function(err, data){
if (!err) {
} else
console.log("The 'GET /pets/{petId}' method integration response setup failed:\n",


As a good practice, test invoking the API before deploying it. To test invoking the GET /pets
method, call the testInvokeMethod, specifying the /petsresource identifier (8sxa2j) on the
resourceId property:
restApiId: 'iuo308uaq7',
resourceId: '8sxa2j',
httpMethod: "GET",
pathWithQueryString: '/'
}, function(err, data){
if (!err) {
} else {
console.log('Test-invoke-method on 'GET /pets' failed:\n', err);


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up an Edge-Optimized API
Using the API Gateway REST API

To test invoking the GET /pets/{petId} method, call the testInvokeMethod, specifying the /
pets/{petId} resource identifier (au5df2) on the resourceId property:
restApiId: 'iuo308uaq7',
resourceId: 'au5df2',
httpMethod: "GET",
pathWithQueryString: '/'
}, function(err, data){
if (!err) {
} else {
console.log('Test-invoke-method on 'GET /pets/{petId}' failed:\n', err);

10. Finally, you can deploy the API for your customers to call.
restApiId: 'iuo308uaq7',
stageName: 'test',
stageDescription: 'test deployment',
description: 'API deployment'
}, function(err, data){
if (err) {
console.log('Deploying API failed:\n', err);
} else {
console.log("Deploying API succeeded\n", data);

Set up an Edge-Optimized API Using the API Gateway
Setting up an API using the API Gateway REST API involves working with API Gateway resources of the
RestApi, Resource, Method, MethodResponse, Integration, and IntegrationResponsetypes.
The following procedure walks through the basic steps to work with these API Gateway resources to set
up the simple PetStore API.

To create the simple PetStore API

To set up an edge-optimized API, invoke the API Gateway's restapi:create link-relation to add an
API Gateway resource of RestApi to your account in a chosen region:
POST /restapis HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-amz-json-1.0
X-Amz-Date: 20170511T214723Z
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential={ACCESS-KEY-ID}/20170511/us-west-2/
apigateway/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-length;content-type;host;x-amz-date,
Cache-Control: no-cache
Postman-Token: 0889d2b5-e507-6aab-f222-ab9548dbacaa

"name": "Simple PetStore (REST API)",
"description": "A sample API Gateway API created using the REST API."


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up an Edge-Optimized API
Using the API Gateway REST API

The successful request returns a response of the 201 Created status code with a payload similar to
the following output:


"createdDate": "2017-05-11T21:47:24Z",
"description": "A sample API Gateway API created using the REST API.",
"endpointConfiguration": {
"types": "EDGE"
"id": "x7hyqq0ik7",
"name": "Simple PetStore (REST API)"

Note of the id value of the newly created RestApi. You will use this id value in subsequent
operations on this API. A newly created RestApi comes with the API's root resource (/) of the API.
You need to specify the id value of this root resource to append a child resource, and to add a
method on the root resource. To get this API identifier, get the API's resources collection and then
parse the result to obtain the id property value of the entry with the path value of /.

To get the API root resource identifier, invoke the restapi:resources link-relation:
GET /restapis/x7hyqq0ik7/resources HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-amz-json-1.0
X-Amz-Date: 20170511T215738Z
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential={ACCESS-KEY-ID}/20170511/uswest-2/apigateway/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-type;host;x-amz-date,

The request returns a response of the 200 OK status code with a payload similar to the following


"_embedded": {
"item": {
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/restapis/x7hyqq0ik7/resources/0f72nvvnkd"
"method:by-http-method": {
"href": "/restapis/x7hyqq0ik7/resources/0f72nvvnkd/methods/{http_method}",
"templated": true
"method:put": {
"href": "/restapis/x7hyqq0ik7/resources/0f72nvvnkd/methods/{http_method}",
"templated": true
"resource:create-child": {
"href": "/restapis/x7hyqq0ik7/resources/0f72nvvnkd"
"resource:update": {
"href": "/restapis/x7hyqq0ik7/resources/0f72nvvnkd"
"id": "0f72nvvnkd",
"path": "/"


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up an Edge-Optimized API
Using the API Gateway REST API

The root resource identifier is the id value associated with the path value of "/". In this example, it
is 0f72nvvnkd.

To add a pets resource under the root resource (0f72nvvnkd) to represent the pets collection of
the pet store, call the resource:create link-relation of API Gateway.
POST /restapis/x7hyqq0ik7/resources/0f72nvvnkd HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-amz-json-1.0
X-Amz-Date: 20170512T000729Z
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential={ACCESS-KEY-ID}/20170512/us-west-2/
apigateway/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-length;content-type;host;x-amz-date,
Cache-Control: no-cache
Postman-Token: 48abcd2f-c357-9e44-669e-d8d813f876ca

"pathPart": "pets"

The successful response contains the newly created child resource (47rxl6, pets or /pets) and its
parent (0f72nvvnkd).


"id": "47rxl6",
"parentId": "0f72nvvnkd",
"path": "/pets",
"pathPart": "pets"

Similarly, to add an individual pet under the pets collection (as referenced the resource Id of
47rxl6, invoke the following resource:create link-relation:
POST /restapis/x7hyqq0ik7/resources/47rxl6 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-amz-json-1.0
X-Amz-Date: 20170512T000729Z
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential={ACCESS-KEY-ID}/20170512/us-west-2/
apigateway/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-length;content-type;host;x-amz-date,
Cache-Control: no-cache
Postman-Token: 48abcd2f-c357-9e44-669e-d8d813f876ca

"pathPart": "{petId}"

The resulting response looks like this one:



"id": "ab34fgd",
"parentId": "47rxl6",
"path": "/pets/{petId}",
"pathPart": "{petsId}"

To add a GET method to the API's /pets resource (47rxl6), invoke the following method:put linkrelation of API Gateway:


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up an Edge-Optimized API
Using the API Gateway REST API
PUT /restapis/x7hyqq0ik7/resources/47rxl6/methods/GET HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-amz-json-1.0
X-Amz-Date: 20170512T000729Z
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential={ACCESS-KEY-ID}/20170512/us-west-2/
apigateway/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-length;content-type;host;x-amz-date,
Cache-Control: no-cache
Postman-Token: 48abcd2f-c357-9e44-669e-d8d813f876ca

"authorizationType": "NONE"

The method is for open access because authorization-type is set to NONE. To permit only
authenticated users to call the method, you can use IAM roles and policies, a Lambda authorizer
(formerly known as a custom authorizer), or an Amazon Cognito user pool. For more information,
see Controlling Access to an API (p. 220).
The successful request returns a 201 Created response with a payload similar to the following:


"apiKeyRequired": false,
"authorizationType": "NONE",
"httpMethod": "GET"

To add a GET method to the API's /pets/{petId} resource (ab34fgd), invoke the following
method:put link-relation of API Gateway:
PUT /restapis/x7hyqq0ik7/resources/ab34fgd/methods/GET HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-amz-json-1.0
X-Amz-Date: 20170512T000729Z
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential={ACCESS-KEY-ID}/20170512/us-west-2/
apigateway/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-length;content-type;host;x-amz-date,
Cache-Control: no-cache
Postman-Token: 48abcd2f-c357-9e44-669e-d8d813f876ca


"authorizationType": "NONE",
"requestParameters": {
"method.request.path.petId": true

You must declare the method request path parameter of petId for API Gateway to map its
dynamically set value to the corresponding integration request parameter before passing it to
the backend. You must always set a path parameter as required. In addition, depending on API
requirements, you can set up header and query parameters on a method request. For POST, PUT,
PATCH, or any other method taking a payload, you can define a model for the payload in the
method request. For more information about these settings, see Set up REST API Methods in API
Gateway (p. 70).
The successful response has a status code of 201 Created and a payload similar to the following:


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up an Edge-Optimized API
Using the API Gateway REST API


"apiKeyRequired": false,
"authorizationType": "NONE",
"httpMethod": "GET",
"requestParameters": {
"method.request.path.petId": true


To add a method response of the 200 status code for the GET /pets method of the API, invoke
the methodresponse:put link-relation, specifying 47rxl6 to reference the resource exposing this
PUT /restapis/x7hyqq0ik7/resources/47rxl6/methods/GET/responses/200 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-amz-json-1.0
X-Amz-Date: 20170512T003943Z
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential={ACCESS-KEY-ID}/20170512/us-west-2/
apigateway/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-length;content-type;host;x-amz-date,
Cache-Control: no-cache
Postman-Token: 268fcf18-92e4-dfea-821a-ebf4e1d0edfd

The successful request returns a response of the 201 Created status code with a payload similar to
the following output:

"statusCode": "200"

Similarly, to add a 200 response to the GET /pets/{petId} method, invoke the following
methodresponse:put link-relation, referencing the desired /pets/{petId} resource by its ID
PUT /restapis/x7hyqq0ik7/resources/ab34fgd/methods/GET/responses/200 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-amz-json-1.0
X-Amz-Date: 20170512T003943Z
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential={ACCESS-KEY-ID}/20170512/us-west-2/
apigateway/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-length;content-type;host;x-amz-date,
Cache-Control: no-cache
Postman-Token: 268fcf18-92e4-dfea-821a-ebf4e1d0edfd

The API Gateway resources of Method and MethodRepsonse that you just set up define the
client-facing interface of the API. For non-proxy integrations, you must add and configure an API
Gateway resource of Integration and IntegrationResponse to encapsulate the integration
request submitted to the backend and the integration response returned by the backend. For proxy
integrations, however, you do not set up Integration and IntegrationResponse.

To set up Integration for the GET /pets method, invoke the integration:put link-relation of API
Gateway, referencing the /pets resource by its ID value (47rxl6):
PUT /restapis/x7hyqq0ik7/resources/47rxl6/methods/GET/integration HTTP/1.1


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up an Edge-Optimized API
Using the API Gateway REST API
Content-Type: application/x-amz-json-1.0
X-Amz-Date: 20170512T002249Z
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential={ACCESS-KEY-ID}/20170512/us-west-2/
apigateway/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-length;content-type;host;x-amz-date,


"type" : "HTTP",
"httpMethod" : "GET",
"uri" : ""

In the request payload, uri points to the backend endpoint associated with the method. The
type refers to the integration type. For the specified HTTP endpoint, the integration type must be HTTP. The
httpMethod property refers to the HTTP verb as required by the backend, which may be different
from the method request HTTP verb set when calling the method:put link-relation.
The successful request returns a response of a 201 Created status code with a payload similar to
the following output:


"cacheKeyParameters": [],
"cacheNamespace": "47rxl6",
"httpMethod": "GET",
"passthroughBehavior": "WHEN_NO_MATCH",
"type": "HTTP",
"uri": ""

Similarly, to set up the integration for the GET /pets/{petId} method, invoke the following
integration:put link-relation of API Gateway, referencing the /pets/{petId} resource by its
value of ab34fgd, and adding the request parameter mapping from {petId} to {id}:
PUT /restapis/x7hyqq0ik7/resources/ab34fgd/methods/GET/integration HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-amz-json-1.0
X-Amz-Date: 20170512T002249Z
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential={ACCESS-KEY-ID}/20170512/us-west-2/
apigateway/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-length;content-type;host;x-amz-date,


"type" : "HTTP",
"httpMethod" : "GET",
"uri" : "{id}",
"requestParameters": {
"": "method.request.path.petId"

The successful response of this integration:put request is shown as follows:

"cacheKeyParameters": [],
"cacheNamespace": "ab34fgd",
"httpMethod": "GET",


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up an Edge-Optimized API
Using the API Gateway REST API


"passthroughBehavior": "WHEN_NO_MATCH",
"type": "HTTP",
"uri": "{id}",
"requestParameters": {
"": "method.request.path.petId"


To set up the 200 OK IntegrationResponse for the GET /pets method, invoke the following
integrationresponse:put link-relation of API Gateway:
PUT /restapis/x7hyqq0ik7/resources/47rxl6/methods/GET/integration/responses/200
Content-Type: application/x-amz-json-1.0
X-Amz-Date: 20170512T004542Z
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential={ACCESS-KEY-ID}/20170512/us-west-2/
apigateway/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-length;content-type;host;x-amz-date,
Cache-Control: no-cache
Postman-Token: d29cabea-5232-7021-88ad-f1e950f55a99

The successful request returns a response of the 201 Created status code and a payload similar to
the following output:

"statusCode": "200"

To set up the 200 OK IntegrationResponse for the GET /pets/{petId} (the resource id is
ab34fgd) method, invoke the following integrationresponse:put link-relation of API Gateway:
PUT /restapis/x7hyqq0ik7/resources/ab34fgd/methods/GET/integration/responses/200
Content-Type: application/x-amz-json-1.0
X-Amz-Date: 20170512T004542Z
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential={ACCESS-KEY-ID}/20170512/us-west-2/
apigateway/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-length;content-type;host;x-amz-date,

We now have successfully created a simple PetStore API with the GET /pets and GET /pets/
{petId} method with the HTTP integration type.

To open the API for your customers to call, deploy the API to a test stage by invoking
deployment:create) link-relation of API Gateway.
POST /restapis/x7hyqq0ik7/deployments HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-amz-json-1.0
X-Amz-Date: 20170512T004542Z
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential={ACCESS-KEY-ID}/20170512/us-west-2/
apigateway/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-length;content-type;host;x-amz-date,


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up an Edge-Optimized API by
Importing OpenAPI Definitions
"stageName" : "test",
"stageDescription" : "First stage",
"description" : "First deployment"


The successful response has a status code of 201 Created and a payload similar to the following:

"createdDate": "2017-10-13T20:28:56Z",
"description": "First deployment",
"id": "s7ja1r"


Now, you can test the deployed API by typing the URL, for the GET /pets method, in a browser. Substitute the
RestApi identifier (x7hyqq0ik7) with the identifier of your API. The expected output should be as


"id": 1,
"type": "dog",
"price": 249.99


"id": 2,
"type": "cat",
"price": 124.99




"id": 3,
"type": "fish",
"price": 0.99

To test the GET /pets/{petId} method, type the URL in the browser, replacing the RestApi identifier with
the identifier of your API. The expected output should be like this:



"id": 3,
"type": "fish",
"price": 0.99

Set up an Edge-Optimized API by Importing OpenAPI
You can set up an API in API Gateway by specifying OpenAPI definitions of appropriate API Gateway API
entities and importing the OpenAPI definitions into API Gateway.
The following OpenAPI definitions describe the simple API, exposing only the GET / method integrated
with an HTTP endpoint of the PetStore website in the backend, and returning a 200 OK response.

Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up an Edge-Optimized API by
Importing OpenAPI Definitions

OpenAPI 2.0


"swagger": "2.0",
"info": {
"title": "Simple PetStore (OpenAPI)"
"schemes": [
"paths": {
"/pets": {
"get": {
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "200 response"
"x-amazon-apigateway-integration": {
"responses": {
"default": {
"statusCode": "200"
"uri": "",
"passthroughBehavior": "when_no_match",
"httpMethod": "GET",
"type": "http"
"/pets/{petId}": {
"get": {
"parameters": [
"name": "petId",
"in": "path",
"required": true,
"type": "string"
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "200 response"
"x-amazon-apigateway-integration": {
"responses": {
"default": {
"statusCode": "200"
"requestParameters": {
"": "method.request.path.petId"
"uri": "{id}",
"passthroughBehavior": "when_no_match",
"httpMethod": "GET",
"type": "http"


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up a Regional API

The following procedure describes how to import these OpenAPI definitions into API Gateway using the
API Gateway console.

To import the simple OpenAPI definitions using the API Gateway console

Sign in to the API Gateway console.


Choose Create API.


Choose Import from OpenAPI.


If you saved the preceding OpenAPI definitions in a file, choose Select OpenAPI File. You can also
copy the OpenAPI definitions and paste them into the import text editor.


Choose Import to finish importing the OpenAPI definitions.

To import the OpenAPI definitions using the API Gateway REST API, call the restapi:import action,
supplying the preceding OpenAPI definitions as the payload. For more information, see the example in
the Remarks section of the restapi:import topic.
To import the OpenAPI definitions using the AWS CLI, save the OpenAPI definitions into a file and then
run the following command, assuming that you use the us-west-2 region and the absolute OpenAPI
file path is file:///path/to/API_OpenAPI_template.json:
aws apigateway import-rest-api --body 'file:///path/to/API_OpenAPI_template.json' --region

Set up a Regional API in API Gateway
When API requests predominantly originate from an EC2 instance or services within the same region
as the API is deployed, a regional API endpoint will typically lower the latency of connections and is
recommended for such scenarios. In addition, for customers to manage their own Amazon CloudFront
distribution, they can use a regional API endpoint to ensure that API Gateway does not associate the API
with the service-controlled CloudFront distributions.
To create a regional API, you follow the steps in creating an edge-optimized API (p. 40), but must
explicitly set REGIONAL type as the only option of the API's endpointConfiguration.
In the following, we show how to create a regional API using the API Gateway console, AWS CLI, the AWS
SDK for Javascript for Node.js, and the API Gateway REST API.
• Create a Regional API Using the API Gateway Console (p. 61)
• Create a Regional API Using the AWS CLI (p. 62)
• Create a Regional API Using the AWS SDK for JavaScript (p. 62)
• Create a Regional API Using the API Gateway REST API (p. 63)
• Test a Regional API (p. 63)

Create a Regional API Using the API Gateway Console
To create a regional API using the API Gateway console

Sign in to the API Gateway console and choose + Create API.


Under Create new API, choose the New API option.


Type a name (for example, Simple PetStore (Console, Regional)) for API name.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up a Regional API


Choose Regional for Endpoint Type.


Choose Create API.

From here on, you can proceed to set up API methods and their associated integrations as described in
creating an edge optimized API (p. 550).

Create a Regional API Using the AWS CLI
To create a regional API using the AWS CLI, call the create-rest-api command:
aws apigateway create-rest-api \
--name 'Simple PetStore (AWS CLI, Regional)' \
--description 'Simple regional PetStore API' \
--region us-west-2 \
--endpoint-configuration '{ "types": ["REGIONAL"] }'

A successful response returns a payload similar to the following:


"createdDate": "2017-10-13T18:41:39Z",
"description": "Simple regional PetStore API",
"endpointConfiguration": {
"types": "REGIONAL"
"id": "0qzs2sy7bh",
"name": "Simple PetStore (AWS CLI, Regional)"

From here on, you can follow the same instructions given in the section called “Set up an EdgeOptimized API Using AWS CLI Commands” (p. 41) to set up methods and integrations for this API.

Create a Regional API Using the AWS SDK for JavaScript
To create a regional API, using the AWS SDK for JavaScript:
name: "Simple PetStore (node.js SDK, regional)",
endpointConfiguration: {
types: ['REGIONAL']
description: "Demo regional API created using the AWS SDK for node.js",
version: "0.00.001"
}, function(err, data){
if (!err) {
console.log('Create API succeeded:\n', data);
restApiId =;
} else {
console.log('Create API failed:\n', err);

A successful response returns a payload similar to the following:

"createdDate": "2017-10-13T18:41:39Z",
"description": "Demo regional API created using the AWS SDK for node.js",


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up a Regional API


"endpointConfiguration": {
"types": "REGIONAL"
"id": "0qzs2sy7bh",
"name": "Simple PetStore (node.js SDK, regional)"

After completing the preceding steps, you can follow the instructions in the section called “Set up an
Edge-Optimized API Using the AWS SDK for Node.js” (p. 46) to set up methods and integrations for
this API.

Create a Regional API Using the API Gateway REST API
To create a regional API using the API Gateway REST API, submit a POST request as follows:
POST /restapis HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-amz-json-1.0
X-Amz-Date: 20170511T214723Z
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential={ACCESS-KEY-ID}/20170511/us-west-2/
apigateway/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-length;content-type;host;x-amz-date,


"name": "Simple PetStore (REST API, Regional)",
"description": "A sample API Gateway API created using the REST API.",
"endpointConfiguration" : {
"types" : ["REGIONAL"]

A successful response has a status code of 201 Created and a body similar to the following:


"createdDate": "2017-10-13T18:41:39Z",
"description": "A sample API Gateway API created using the REST API.",
"endpointConfiguration": {
"types": "REGIONAL"
"id": "0qzs2sy7bh",
"name": "Simple PetStore (REST API, Regional)"

After completing the preceding steps, you can follow the instructions in the section called “Set up an
Edge-Optimized API Using the API Gateway REST API” (p. 52) to set up methods and integrations for
this API.

Test a Regional API
Once deployed, the regional API's default URL host name is of the following format:

The base URL to invoke the API is like the following:


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create a Private API

Assuming you set up the GET /pets and GET /pets/{petId} methods in this example, you can test
the API by typing the following URLs in a browser:


Alternatively, you can use cURL commands:
curl -X GET

curl -X GET

Create a Private API in Amazon API Gateway
Using Amazon API Gateway, you can create private REST APIs that can only be accessed from your
Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) using an interface VPC endpoint, which is an endpoint network
interface (ENI) that you create in your VPC. Using resource policies (p. 68), you can allow or deny
access to your API from selected VPCs and VPC endpoints, including across AWS accounts. Each
endpoint can be used to access multiple private APIs. You can also use AWS Direct Connect to establish
a connection from an on-premises network to Amazon VPC and access your private API over that
connection. In all cases, traffic to your private API uses secure connections and does not leave the
Amazon network; it is isolated from the public internet.
You can access (p. 68) your private APIs through interface VPC endpoints for API Gateway as shown
in the following diagram. If you have private DNS enabled, you can use private or public DNS names to
access your APIs. If you have private DNS disabled, you can only use public DNS names.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create a Private API

At a high level, the steps for creating a private API are as follows:

First, create an interface VPC endpoint (p. 65) for the API Gateway component service for API
execution, known as execute-api, in your VPC.


Create and test your private API.

Use one of the following procedures to create your API:
• API Gateway console (p. 66)
• API Gateway CLI (p. 66)
• AWS SDK for JavaScript (p. 67)
• API Gateway REST API (p. 67)


To grant access to your VPC endpoint, create a resource policy and attach it to your
API (p. 68).


Test your API (p. 68).


The procedures below assume you already have a fully configured VPC. For more information,
and to get started with creating a VPC, see Getting Started With Amazon VPC in the Amazon
VPC User Guide.

Create an Interface VPC Endpoint for API Gateway executeapi
The API Gateway component service for API execution is called execute-api. To access your private API
once it's deployed, you'll need to create an interface VPC endpoint for it in your VPC.
Once you've created your VPC endpoint, you can use it to access multiple private APIs.

To create an interface VPC endpoint for API Gateway execute-api

Log in to to the Amazon VPC console at


In the navigation pane, choose Endpoints, Create Endpoint.


For Service category, ensure that AWS services is selected.


For Service Name, choose the API Gateway service endpoint, including the region to which
to connect. This will be in the form com.amazonaws.region.execute-api, for example
For Type, ensure that it indicates Interface.


Complete the following information:
• For VPC, choose the VPC in which to you want create the endpoint.
• For Subnets, choose the subnets (Availability Zones) in which to create the endpoint network


Not all Availability Zones may be supported for all AWS services.
• For Enable Private DNS Name, you can optionally select the check box to enable private DNS for
the interface endpoint.
If you choose to enable private DNS, you'll be able to access your API via private or public DNS.
(This setting does not affect who can access your API, only which DNS addresses they can use.)
However, you cannot access public APIs from a VPC by using an API Gateway VPC endpoint with
private DNS enabled. Note that these DNS settings do not affect the ability to call these public

Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create a Private API

APIs from the VPC if you are using an edge-optimized custom domain name to access the public
API. Using an edge-optimized custom domain name to access your public API (while using private
DNS to access your private API) is one way to access both public and private APIs from a VPC
where the endpoint has been created with private DNS enabled.


Enabling private DNS is the recommended choice. If you choose not to enable private
DNS, you'll only be able to access your API via public DNS.
To use the private DNS option, the enableDnsSupport and enableDnsHostnames attributes of
your VPC must be set to true. For more information, see DNS Support in Your VPC and Updating
DNS Support for Your VPC in the Amazon VPC User Guide.
• For Security group, select the security group to associate with the VPC endpoint network
The security group you choose must be set to allow TCP Port 443 inbound HTTPS traffic from
either an IP range in your VPC or another security group in your VPC.

Choose Create endpoint.

Create a Private API Using the API Gateway Console
To create a private API using the API Gateway console

Sign in to the API Gateway console and choose + Create API.


Under Create new API, choose the New API option.


Type a name (for example, Simple PetStore (Console, Private)) for API name.


For Endpoint Type, choose Private.


Choose Create API.

From here on, you can set up API methods and their associated integrations as described in steps 1-6 of
??? (p. 551).


Until your API has a resource policy that grants access to your VPC or VPC endpoint (p. 65),
all API calls will fail. Before you test and deploy your API, you'll need to create a resource policy
and attach it to the API as described in ??? (p. 68).

Create a Private API Using the AWS CLI
To create a private API using the AWS CLI, call the create-rest-api command:
aws apigateway create-rest-api \
--name 'Simple PetStore (AWS CLI, Private)' \
--description 'Simple private PetStore API' \
--region us-west-2 \
--endpoint-configuration '{ "types": ["PRIVATE"] }'

A successful call returns output similar to the following:

"createdDate": "2017-10-13T18:41:39Z",
"description": "Simple private PetStore API",
"endpointConfiguration": {
"types": "PRIVATE"


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create a Private API


"id": "0qzs2sy7bh",
"name": "Simple PetStore (AWS CLI, Private)"

From here on, you can follow the same instructions given in the section called “Set up an EdgeOptimized API Using AWS CLI Commands” (p. 41) to set up methods and integrations for this API.
When you are ready to test your API, be sure to create a resource policy and attach it to the API as
described in ??? (p. 68).

Create a Private API Using the AWS SDK for JavaScript
To create a private API, using the AWS SDK for JavaScript:
name: "Simple PetStore (node.js SDK, private)",
endpointConfiguration: {
types: ['PRIVATE']
description: "Demo private API created using the AWS SDK for node.js",
version: "0.00.001"
}, function(err, data){
if (!err) {
console.log('Create API succeeded:\n', data);
restApiId =;
} else {
console.log('Create API failed:\n', err);

A successful call returns output similar to the following:


"createdDate": "2017-10-13T18:41:39Z",
"description": "Demo private API created using the AWS SDK for node.js",
"endpointConfiguration": {
"types": "PRIVATE"
"id": "0qzs2sy7bh",
"name": "Simple PetStore (node.js SDK, private)"

After completing the preceding steps, you can follow the instructions in the section called “Set up an
Edge-Optimized API Using the AWS SDK for Node.js” (p. 46) to set up methods and integrations for
this API.
When you are ready to test your API, be sure to create a resource policy and attach it to the API as
described in ??? (p. 68).

Create a Private API Using the API Gateway REST API
To create a private API using the API Gateway REST API, submit a POST request as follows:
POST /restapis HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-amz-json-1.0
X-Amz-Date: 20170511T214723Z


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create a Private API
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential={ACCESS-KEY-ID}/20170511/us-west-2/
apigateway/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-length;content-type;host;x-amz-date,


"name": "Simple PetStore (REST API, Private)",
"description": "A sample API Gateway API created using the REST API.",
"endpointConfiguration" : {
"types" : ["PRIVATE"]

A successful call has a status code of 201 Created and a body similar to the following output:


"createdDate": "2017-10-13T18:41:39Z",
"description": "A sample API Gateway API created using the REST API.",
"endpointConfiguration": {
"types": "PRIVATE"
"id": "0qzs2sy7bh",
"name": "Simple PetStore (REST API, Private)"

After completing the preceding steps, you can follow the instructions in the section called “Set up an
Edge-Optimized API Using the API Gateway REST API” (p. 52) to set up methods and integrations for
this API.
When you are ready to test your API, be sure to create a resource policy and attach it to the API as
described in ??? (p. 68).

Set Up a Resource Policy for a Private API
Before your private API can be accessed, you need to create a resource policy and attach it to the API This
will grant access to the API from your VPCs and VPC endpoints or from VPCs and VPC endpoints in other
AWS accounts that you explicitly grant access.
To do this, follow the instructions in the section called “Create and Attach an API Gateway Resource
Policy to an API” (p. 228). In step 4, choose the Source VPC Whitelist example. Replace {{vpceID}}
(including the curly braces) with your VPC endpoint ID, and then choose Save to save your resource

Deploy a Private API Using the API Gateway Console
To deploy your private API, do the following in the API Gateway console:

In the left navigation pane, select the API and then choose Deploy API from the Actions drop-down


In the Deploy API dialog, choose a stage (or [New Stage] for the API's first deployment); enter a
name (e.g., "test", "prod", "dev", etc.) in the Stage name input field; optionally, provide a description
in Stage description and/or Deployment description; and then choose Deploy.

How to Invoke a Private API
Once you have deployed your private API, you can access it via private DNS (if you've enabled private
DNS naming) and via public DNS.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create a Private API

To get the DNS names for your private API, do the following:

Log in to to the Amazon VPC console at


In the left navigation pane, choose Endpoints and then choose your interface VPC endpoint for API


In the Details pane, you'll see 4 values in the DNS names field. The first 2 are the private DNS names
for your API. The other 2 are the public DNS names for it.

Invoking Your Private API Using Private DNS Names
If you've enabled private DNS, you can access your private API using the private DNS names as follows:

The base URL to invoke the API is in the following format:

For example, assuming you set up the GET /pets and GET /pets/{petId} methods in this example,
and assuming that your rest API ID was 0qzs2sy7bh and your region was us-west-2, you could test
your API by typing the following URLs in a browser:


Alternatively, you could use the following cURL commands:
curl -X GET

curl -X GET

Invoking Your Private API Using Endpoint-Specific Public DNS Hostnames
You can access your private API using endpoint-specific DNS hostnames. These are public DNS
hostnames containing the VPC endpoint ID or API ID for your private API.
The base URL is in the following format:

For example, assuming you set up the GET /pets and GET /pets/{petId} methods in this
example, and assuming that your API's API ID was 0qzs2sy7bh and its public DNS name was and
your region was us-west-2, you could test your API via its VPCE ID by using the Host header in a cURL
command, as in the following example:


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up REST API Methods

curl -v
test -H''

Alternatively, you can access your private API via its API ID by using the x-apigw-api-id header in a
cURL command in the following format:
curl -v https://{vpce-id}.execute-api.{region} -H'x-apigw-apiid:{api-id}'

Accessing Your Private API Using AWS Direct Connect
You can also use AWS Direct Connect to establish a dedicated private connection from an on-premises
network to Amazon VPC and access your private API endpoint over that connection by using public DNS
You cannot use private DNS names to access your private API from an on-premises network.

Private API Development Considerations
• You can convert an existing public API (regional or edge-optimized) to a private API, and you can
convert a private API to a regional API. You cannot convert a private API to an edge-optimized API. For
more information, see ??? (p. 355).
• To grant access to your private API to VPCs and VPC endpoints, you'll need to create a resource policy
and attach it to the newly created (or converted) API. Until you do so, all calls to the API will fail. For
more information, see ??? (p. 68).
• Custom domain names (p. 425) are not supported for private APIs.
• You can use a single VPC endpoint to access multiple private APIs.
• VPC endpoints for private APIs are subject to the same limitations as other interface VPC endpoints.
For more information, see Interface Endpoint Properties and Limitations in the Amazon VPC User

Set up REST API Methods in API Gateway
In API Gateway, an API method embodies a method request and a method response. You set up an
API method to define what a client should or must do to submit a request to access the service at the
backend and to define the responses that the client receives in return. For input, you can choose method
request parameters, or an applicable payload, for the client to provide the required or optional data at
run time. For output, you determine the method response status code, headers, and applicable body as
targets to map the backend response data into, before they are returned to the client. To help the client
developer understand the behaviors and the input and output formats of your API, you can document
your API (p. 310) and provide proper error messages (p. 123) for invalid requests (p. 201).
An API method request is an HTTP request. To set up the method request, you configure an HTTP
method (or verb), the path to an API resource, headers, applicable query string parameters. You also
configure a payload when the HTTP method is POST, PUT, or PATCH. For example, to retrieve a pet using
the PetStore sample API (p. 516), you define the API method request of GET /pets/{petId}, where
{petId} is a path parameter that can take a number at run time.
GET /pets/1


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up Method Request

If the client specifies an incorrect path, for example, /pet/1 or /pets/one instead of /pets/1, an
exception is thrown.
An API method response is an HTTP response with a given status code. For a non-proxy integration, you
must set up method responses to specify the required or optional targets of mappings. These transform
integration response headers or body to associated method response headers or body. The mapping
can be as simple as an identity transform that passes the headers or body through the integration asis. For example, the following 200 method response shows an example of passthrough of a successful
integration response as-is.
200 OK
Content-Type: application/json


"id": "1",
"type": "dog",
"price": "$249.99"

In principle, you can define a method response corresponding to a specific response from the backend.
Typically, this involves any 2XX, 4XX, and 5XX responses. However, this may not be practical, because
often you may not know in advance all the responses that a backend may return. In practice, you can
designate one method response as the default to handle the unknown or unmapped responses from the
backend. It is good practice to designate the 500 response as the default. In any case, you must set up
at least one method response for non-proxy integrations. Otherwise, API Gateway returns a 500 error
response to the client even when the request succeeds at the backend.
To support a strongly typed SDK, such as a Java SDK, for your API, you should define the data model for
input for the method request, and define the data model for output of the method response.
• Set up a Method Request in API Gateway (p. 71)
• Set up Method Responses in API Gateway (p. 78)
• Set up a Method Using the API Gateway Console (p. 80)

Set up a Method Request in API Gateway
Setting up a method request involves performing the following tasks, after creating a RestApi resource:
1. Creating a new API or choosing an existing API Resource entity.
2. Creating an API Method resource that is a specific HTTP verb on the new or chosen API Resource.
This task can be further divided into the following sub tasks:
• Adding an HTTP method to the method request
• Configuring request parameters
• Defining a model for the request body
• Enacting an authorization scheme
• Enabling request validation
You can perform these tasks using the following methods:
• API Gateway console (p. 80)
• AWS CLI commands (create-resource and put-method)

Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up Method Request

• AWS SDK functions (for example, in Node.js, createResource and putMethod)
• API Gateway REST API (resource:create and method:put).
For examples of using these tools, see Initialize REST API Setup in API Gateway (p. 40).
• Set up API Resources (p. 72)
• Set up an HTTP Method (p. 74)
• Set up Method Request Parameters (p. 75)
• Set up Method Request Model (p. 76)
• Set up Method Request Authorization (p. 76)
• Set up Method Request Validation (p. 77)

Set up API Resources
In an API Gateway API, you expose addressable resources as a tree of API Resources entities, with the root
resource (/) at the top of the hierarchy. The root resource is relative to the API's base URL, which consists
of the API endpoint and a stage name. In the API Gateway console, this base URI is referred to as the
Invoke URI and is displayed in the API's stage editor after the API is deployed.
The API endpoint can be a default host name or a custom domain name. The default host name is of the
following format:

In this format, the {api-id} represents the API identifier that is generated by API Gateway. The
{region} variable represents the AWS Region (for example, us-east-1) that you chose when creating
the API. A custom domain name is any user-friendly name under a valid internet domain. For example,
if you have registered an internet domain of, any of * is a valid custom
domain name. For more information, see create a custom domain name (p. 425).
For the PetStore sample API (p. 516), the root resource (/) exposes the pet store. The /pets resource
represents the collection of pets available in the pet store. The /pets/{petId} exposes an individual
pet of a given identifier (petId). The path parameter of {petId} is part of the request parameters.
To set up an API resource, you choose an existing resource as its parent and then create the child
resource under this parent resource. You start with the root resource as a parent, add a resource to this
parent, add another resource to this child resource as the new parent, and so on, to its parent identifier.
Then you add the named resource to the parent.
With AWS CLI, you can call the get-resources command to find out which resources of an API are
aws apigateway get-resources --rest-api-id  \

The result is a list of the currently available resources of the API. For our PetStore sample API, this list
looks like the following:

"items": [


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up Method Request






"path": "/pets",
"resourceMethods": {
"GET": {}
"id": "6sxz2j",
"pathPart": "pets",
"parentId": "svzr2028x8"
"path": "/pets/{petId}",
"resourceMethods": {
"GET": {}
"id": "rjkmth",
"pathPart": "{petId}",
"parentId": "6sxz2j"
"path": "/",
"id": "svzr2028x8"

Each item lists the identifiers of the resource (id) and, except for the root resource, its immediate parent
(parentId), as well as the resource name (pathPart). The root resource is special in that it does not
have any parent. After choosing a resource as the parent, call the following command to add a child
aws apigateway create-resource --rest-api-id  \
--region  \
--parent-id  \

For example, to add pet food for sale on the PetStore website, add a food resource to the root (/) by
setting path-part to food and parent-id to svzr2028x8. The result looks like the following:


"path": "/food",
"pathPart": "food",
"id": "xdsvhp",
"parentId": "svzr2028x8"

Use a Proxy Resource to Streamline API Setup
As business grows, the PetStore owner may decide to add food, toys, and other pet-related items for
sale. To support this, you can add /food, /toys, and other resources under the root resource. Under
each sale category, you may also want to add more resources, such as /food/{type}/{item}, /
toys/{type}/{item}, etc. This can get tedious. If you decide to add a middle layer {subtype} to
the resource paths to change the path hierarchy into /food/{type}/{subtype}/{item}, /toys/
{type}/{subtype}/{item}, etc., the changes will break the existing API set up. To avoid this, you can
use an API Gateway proxy resource (p. 87) to expose a set of API resources all at once.
API Gateway defines a proxy resource as a placeholder for a resource to be specified when the request is
submitted. A proxy resource is expressed by a special path parameter of {proxy+}, often referred to as a
greedy path parameter. The + sign indicates whichever child resources are appended to it. The /parent/
{proxy+} placeholder stands for any resource matching the path pattern of /parent/*. The greedy


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up Method Request

path parameter name, proxy, can be replaced by another string in the same way you treat a regular path
parameter name.
Using the AWS CLI, you call the following command to set up a proxy resource under the root (/{proxy
aws apigateway create-resource --rest-api-id  \
--region  \
--parent-id  \
--path-part {proxy+}

The result is similar to the following:


"path": "/{proxy+}",
"pathPart": "{proxy+}",
"id": "234jdr",
"parentId": "svzr2028x8"

For the PetStore API example, you can use /{proxy+} to represent both the /pets and /pets/
{petId}. This proxy resource can also reference any other (existing or to-be-added) resources, such as
/food/{type}/{item}, /toys/{type}/{item}, etc., or /food/{type}/{subtype}/{item}, /
toys/{type}/{subtype}/{item}, etc. The backend developer determines the resource hierarchy and
the client developer is responsible for understanding it. API Gateway simply passes whatever the client
submitted to the backend.
An API can have more than one proxy resource. For example, the following proxy resources are allowed
within an API.

When a proxy resource has non-proxy siblings, the sibling resources are excluded from the representation
of the proxy resource. For the preceding examples, /{proxy+} refers to any resources under the root
resource except for the /parent[/*] resources. In other words, a method request against a specific
resource takes precedence over a method request against a generic resource at the same level of the
resource hierarchy.
A proxy resource cannot have any child resource. Any API resource after {proxy+} is redundant and
ambiguous. The following proxy resources are not allowed within an API.

Set up an HTTP Method
An API method request is encapsulated by the API Gateway Method resource. To set up the method
request, you must first instantiate the Method resource, setting at least an HTTP method and an
authorization type on the method.
Closely associated with the proxy resource, API Gateway supports an HTTP method of ANY. This ANY
method represents any HTTP method that is to be supplied at run time. It allows you to use a single API


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up Method Request

method setup for all of the supported HTTP methods of DELETE, GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, PATCH, POST,
and PUT.
You can set up the ANY method on a non-proxy resource as well. Combining the ANY method with a
proxy resource, you get a single API method setup for all of the supported HTTP methods against any
resources of an API. Furthermore, the backend can evolve without breaking the existing API setup.
Before setting up an API method, consider who can call the method. Set the authorization type according
to your plan. For open access, set it to NONE. To use IAM permissions, set the authorization type to
AWS_IAM. To use a Lambda function-based Lambda authorizer, set this property to CUSTOM. To leverage
an Amazon Cognito user pool set the authorization type to COGNITO_USER_POOLS.
The following AWS CLI command shows how to create a method request of the ANY verb against a
specified resource (6sxz2j), using the IAM permissions to control its access.
aws apigateway put-method --rest-api-id vaz7da96z6 \
--resource-id 6sxz2j \
--http-method ANY \
--authorization-type AWS_IAM \
--region us-west-2

To create an API method request with a different authorization type, see the section called “Set up
Method Request Authorization” (p. 76).

Set up Method Request Parameters
Method request parameters are a way for a client to provide input data or execution context necessary to
complete the method request. A method parameter can be a path parameter, a header, or a query string
parameter. As part of method request setup, you must declare required request parameters to make
them available for the client. For non-proxy integration, you can translate these request parameters to a
form that is compatible with the backend requirement.
For example, for the GET /pets/{petId} method request, the {petId} path variable is a required
request parameter. You can declare this path parameter when calling the put-method command of the
AWS CLI. This is illustrated as follows:
aws apigateway put-method --rest-api-id vaz7da96z6 \
--resource-id rjkmth \
--http-method GET \
--authorization-type "NONE" \
--region us-west-2 \
--request-parameters method.request.path.petId=true

If a parameter is not required, you can set it to false in request-parameters. For example, if the
GET /pets method uses an optional query string parameter of type, and an optional header parameter
of breed, you can declare them using the following CLI command, assuming that the /pets resource id
is 6sxz2j:
aws apigateway put-method --rest-api-id vaz7da96z6 \
--resource-id 6sxz2j \
--http-method GET \
--authorization-type "NONE" \
--region us-west-2 \

Instead of this abbreviated form, you can use a JSON string to set the request-parameters value:


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up Method Request


With this setup, the client can query pets by type:
GET /pets?type=dog

And the client can query dogs of the poodle breed as follows:
GET /pets?type=dog

For information on how to map method request parameters to integration request parameters, see the
section called “Set up REST API Integrations” (p. 83).

Set up Method Request Model
For an API method that can take input data in a payload, you can use a model. A model is expressed in
a JSON schema draft 4 and describes the data structure of the request body. With a model, a client can
determine how to construct a method request payload as input. More importantly, API Gateway uses the
model to validate a request (p. 201), generate an SDK (p. 409), and initialize a mapping template for
setting up the integration in the API Gateway console. For information about how to create a model, see
Models and Mapping Templates (p. 133).
Depending on the content types, a method payload can have different formats. A model is indexed
against the media type of the applied payload. To set up method request models, add key-value pairs of
the "":"" format to the requestModels map when calling the AWS CLI
put-method command.
For example, to set a model on the JSON payload of the POST /pets method request of the PetStore
example API, you can call the following AWS CLI command:
aws apigateway put-method \
--rest-api-id vaz7da96z6 \
--resource-id 6sxz2j \
--http-method POST \
--authorization-type "NONE" \
--region us-west-2 \
--request-models '{"application/json":"petModel"}'

Here, petModel is the name property value of a Model resource describing a pet. The actual schema
definition is expressed as a JSON string value of the schema property of the Model resource.
In a Java, or other strongly typed SDK, of the API, the input data is cast as the petModel class derived
from the schema definition. With the request model, the input data in the generated SDK is cast into the
Empty class, which is derived from the default Empty model. In this case, the client cannot instantiate
the correct data class to provide the required input.

Set up Method Request Authorization
To control who can call the API method, you can configure the authorization type on the method. You
can use this type to enact one of the supported authorizers, including IAM roles and policies (AWS_IAM,
an Amazon Cognito user pool (COGNITO_USER_POOLS), or a Lambda function-based Lambda authorizer
(CUSTOM). The API Gateway console sets NONE for open access as the default.
To use IAM permissions to authorize access to the API method, set the authorization-type input
property to AWS_IAM. When this option is set, API Gateway verifies the caller 's signature on the request,


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up Method Request

based on the caller's IAM user's access key identifier and secret key. If the verified user has permission
to call the method, the request is accepted. Otherwise, the request is rejected and the caller receives an
unauthorized error response. The call to the method does not succeed unless the caller has been granted
permission to invoke the API method or if the caller is allowed to assume a role that has been granted
the permission. The caller has permissions to call this and any other API methods created by anyone of
the same AWS account if the caller has the following IAM policy attached to his or her IAM user:


"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:execute-api:*:*:*"

For more information, see the section called “Use IAM Permissions” (p. 232).
At present, such a policy can be granted to only the IAM users of the API owner's account. Users from a
different AWS account can call the API methods if they are allowed to assume a role of the API owner
account and the assumed role has the proper permissions for the execute-api:Invoke action. For
information on cross-account permissions, see Using IAM Roles.
You can use AWS CLI, an AWS SDK, or a REST API client, such as Postman, which implements Signature
Version 4 Signing.
To use a Lambda authorizer to authorize access to the API method, set the authorization-type
input property to CUSTOM and set the authorizer-id input property to the id property value of
a Lambda authorizer that already exists. The referenced Lambda authorizer can be of the TOKEN or
REQUEST type. For information about creating a Lambda authorizer, see the section called “Use Lambda
Authorizers” (p. 247).
To use an Amazon Cognito user pool to authorize access to the API method, set the authorizationtype input property to COGNITO_USER_POOLS and set the authorizer-id input property to the
id property value of the COGNITO_USER_POOLS authorizer that was already created. For information
about creating an Amazon Cognito user pool authorizer, see the section called “Use Cognito User Pool as
Authorizer for a REST API” (p. 262).

Set up Method Request Validation
You can enable request validation when setting up an API method request. You need to first to create a
request validator:
aws apigateway create-request-validator \
--rest-api-id 7zw9uyk9kl \
--name bodyOnlyValidator \
--validate-request-body \

This CLI command creates a body-only request validator. Example output is as follows:

"validateRequestParameters": true,
"validateRequestBody": true,


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up Method Response


"id": "jgpyy6",
"name": "bodyOnlyValidator"

With this request validator, you can enable request validation as part of the method request setup:
aws apigateway put-method \
--rest-api-id 7zw9uyk9kl
--region us-west-2
--resource-id xdsvhp
--http-method PUT
--authorization-type "NONE"
--request-parameters '{"method.request.querystring.type": false,
--request-models '{"application/json":"petModel"}'
--request-validator-id jgpyy6

To be included in request validation, a request parameter must be declared as required. If the query
string parameter for the page is used in request validation, the request-parameters map of the
preceding example must be specified as '{"method.request.querystring.type": false,

Set up Method Responses in API Gateway
An API method response encapsulates the output of an API method request that the client will receive.
The output data includes an HTTP status code, some headers, and possibly a body.
With non-proxy integrations, the specified response parameters and body can be mapped from
the associated integration response data or can be assigned certain static values according to
mappings. These mappings are specified in the integration response. The mapping can be an identical
transformation that passes the integration response through as-is.
With a proxy integration, API Gateway passes the backend response through to the method response
automatically. There is no need for you to set up the API method response. However, with the Lambda
proxy integration, the Lambda function must return a result of this output format (p. 101) for API
Gateway to successfully map the integration response to a method response.
Programmatically, the method response setup amounts to creating a MethodResponse resource of API
Gateway and setting the properties of statusCode, responseParameters, and responseModels.
When setting status codes for an API method, you should choose one as the default to handle any
integration response of an unanticipated status code. It is reasonable to set 500 as the default because
this amounts to casting otherwise unmapped responses as a server-side error. For instructional reasons,
the API Gateway console sets the 200 response as the default. But you can reset it to the 500 response.
To set up a method response, you must have created the method request.

Set up Method Response Status Code
The status code of a method response defines a type of response. For example, responses of 200, 400,
and 500 indicate successful, client-side error and server-side error responses, respectively.
To set up a method response status code, set the statusCode property to an HTTP status code. The
following AWS CLI command creates a method response of 200.
aws apigateway put-method-response \
--region us-west-2 \


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up Method Response

vaz7da96z6 \
6sxz2j \

Set up Method Response Parameters
Method response parameters define which headers the client receives in response to the associated
method request. Response parameters also specify a target to which API Gateway maps an integration
response parameter, according to mappings prescribed in the API method's integration response.
To set up the method response parameters, add to the responseParameters map of
MethodResponse key-value pairs of the "{parameter-name}":"{boolean}" format. The following
CLI command shows an example of setting the my-header header, the petId path variable, and the
query query parameter as the mapping targets:
aws apigateway put-method-response \
--region us-west-2 \
--rest-api-id vaz7da96z6 \
--resource-id 6sxz2j \
--http-method GET \
--status-code 200 \
--response-parameters method.request.header.myheader=false,method.request.path.petId=true,method.request.querystring.query=false

Set up Method Response Models
A method response model defines a format of the method response body. Before setting up the
response model, you must first create the model in API Gateway. To do so, you can call the createmodel command. The following example shows how to create a PetStorePet model to describe the
body of the response to the GET /pets/{petId} method request.
aws apigateway create-model \
--region us-west-2 \
--rest-api-id vaz7da96z6 \
--content-type application/json \
--name PetStorePet \
--schema '{ \
"$schema": "", \
"title": "PetStorePet", \
"type": "object", \
"properties": { \
"id": { "type": "number" }, \
"type": { "type": "string" }, \
"price": { "type": "number" } \
} \

The result is created as an API Gateway Model resource.
To set up the method response models to define the payload format, add the "application/
json":"PetStorePet" key-value pair to the requestModels map of MethodResponse resource. The
following AWS CLI command of put-method-response shows how this is done:
aws apigateway put-method-response \
--region us-west-2 \
--rest-api-id vaz7da96z6 \
--resource-id 6sxz2j \


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up Method Using the Console
--http-method GET \
--status-code 200 \
--request-parameters method.request.header.myheader=false,method.request.path.petId=true,method.request.querystring.query=false
--request-models '{"application/json":"PetStorePet"}'

Setting up a method response model is necessary when you generate a strongly typed SDK for the API.
It ensures that the output is cast into an appropriate class in Java or Objective-C. In other cases, setting a
model is optional.

Set up a Method Using the API Gateway Console
Before setting up an API method, verify the following:
• You must have the method available in API Gateway. Follow the instructions in Build an API with HTTP
Custom Integration (p. 550).
• If you want the method to communicate with a Lambda function, you must have already created the
Lambda invocation role and Lambda execution role in IAM. You must also have created the Lambda
function with which your method will communicate in AWS Lambda. To create the roles and function,
use the instructions in Create a Lambda Function for the Lambda Custom Integration (p. 536) of the
Build an API Gateway API with Lambda Integration (p. 525).
• If you want the method to communicate with an HTTP or HTTP proxy integration, you must
have already created, and have access to, the HTTP endpoint URL with which your method will
• Verify that your certificates for HTTP and HTTP proxy endpoints are supported by API Gateway.
For details see API Gateway-Supported Certificate Authorities for HTTP and HTTP Proxy
Integrations (p. 277).
• Set up an API Gateway Method Request in the API Gateway Console (p. 80)
• Set up an API Gateway Method Response Using the API Gateway Console (p. 82)

Set up an API Gateway Method Request in the API Gateway
To use the API Gateway console to specify an API's method request/response, and to configure how the
method will authorize requests, follow these instructions.


These instructions assume you have already completed the steps in Set up an API Integration
Request Using the API Gateway Console (p. 88). They are best used to supplement the
discussions given in Build an API Gateway API with Lambda Integration (p. 525).

With the method selected in the Resources pane, choose Method Request from the Method
Execution pane.


Under Settings, choose the pencil icon to open the Authorization drop-down menu and choose one
of the available authorizers.

To enable open access to the method for any user, choose NONE. This step can be skipped if the
default setting has not been changed.


To use IAM permissions to control the client access to the method, choose AWS_IAM. With this
choice, only users of the IAM roles with the correct IAM policy attached are allowed to call this


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up Method Using the Console

To create the IAM role, specify an access policy with a format like the following:


"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [

In this access policy, resource-statement is the value of the ARN field in the Authorization
Settings section. For more information about setting the IAM permissions, see Control Access to
an API with IAM Permissions (p. 232).
To create the IAM role, you can adapt the instructions in "To create the Lambda invocation role
and its policy" and "To create the Lambda execution role and its policy" in the Create Lambda
Functions (p. 536) section of the Build an API Gateway API with Lambda Integration (p. 525).
To save your choice, choose Update. Otherwise, choose Cancel.

To use a Lambda authorizer, choose one under Token authorizer. You must have created a
Lambda authorizer to have this choice displayed in the drop-down menu. For information on
how to create a Lambda authorizer, see Use API Gateway Lambda Authorizers (p. 247).


To use an Amazon Cognito user pool, choose an available user pool under Cognito user pool
authorizers. You must have created a user pool in Amazon Cognito and an Amazon Cognito
user pool authorizer in API Gateway to have this choice displayed in the drop-down menu. For
information on how to create an Amazon Cognito user pool authorizer, see Control Access to a
REST API Using Amazon Cognito User Pools as Authorizer (p. 262).


To enable or disable request validation, choose the pencil icon from the Request Validator dropdown menu and choose one of the listed options. For more information about each option, see
Enable Request Validation in API Gateway (p. 201).


To require an API key, choose the pencil icon to open the API Key Required drop-down menu and
choose either true or false according to your API requirements. When enabled, API keys are used
in usage plans (p. 293) to throttle client traffic.


To add a query string parameter to the method, do the following:

Choose the arrow next to URL Query String Parameters, and then choose Add query string.


For Name, type the name of the query string parameter.


Choose the check-mark icon to save the new query string parameter name.


If the newly created query string parameter is to be used for request validation, choose the
Required option. For more information about the request validation, see Enable Request
Validation in API Gateway (p. 201).


If the newly created query string parameter is to be used as part of a caching key, check the
Caching option. This is applicable only when caching is enabled. For more information about
caching, see Use Method/Integration Parameters as Cache Keys (p. 368).


To remove the query string parameter, choose the x icon associated with it and then choose
Remove this parameter and any dependent parameters to confirm the removal.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up Method Using the Console


To change the name of the query string parameter, remove it and then create a new one.
To add a header parameter to the method, do the following:

Choose the arrow next to HTTP Request Headers, and then choose Add header.
For Name, type the name of the header parameter and then choose the check-mark icon to save
the settings.


If the newly created header parameter is to be used for request validation, choose the Required
option. For more information about request validation, see Enable Request Validation in API
Gateway (p. 201).
If the newly created header parameter is to be used as part of a caching key, choose the
Caching option. This is applicable only when caching is enabled. For more information about
caching, see Use Method/Integration Parameters as Cache Keys (p. 368).



To remove the header parameter, choose the x icon associated with it and then choose
Remove this parameter and any dependent parameters to confirm the removal.
To change the name of the header parameter, remove it and then create a new one.

To declare the payload format of a method request with the POST, PUT, or PATCH HTTP verb,
expand Request Body, and do the following:

Choose Add model.


Type a MIME-type (for example, application/json) for Content type.
Open the Model name drop-down menu to choose an available model for the payload and
choose the check-mark icon to save the settings.
The currently available models for the API include the default Empty and Error models as
well as any models you have created and added to the Models collection of the API. For more
information about creating a model, see Create a Model (p. 139).



The model is useful to inform the client of the expected data format of a payload. It is
helpful to generate a skeletal mapping template. It is important to generate a strongly
typed SDK of the API in such languages as Java, C#, Objective-C, and Swift. It is only
required if request validation is enabled against the payload.
To assign an operation name in a Java SDK of this API, generated by API Gateway, expand SDK
Settings and type a name in Operation name. For example, for the method request of GET /pets/
{petId}, the corresponding Java SDK operation name is, by default ,GetPetsPetId. This name
is constructed from the method's HTTP verb (GET) and the resource path variable names (Pets
and PetId). If you set the operation name as getPetById, the SDK operation name becomes

Set up an API Gateway Method Response Using the API Gateway
An API method can have one or more responses. Each response is indexed by its HTTP status code. By
default, the API Gateway console adds 200 response to the method responses. You can modify it, for
example, to have the method return 201 instead. You can add other responses, for example, 409 for
access denial and 500 for uninitialized stage variables used.
To use the API Gateway console to modify, delete, or add a response to an API method, follow these

Choose Method Response from Method Execution for a given method of an API resource.
To add a new response, choose Add Response.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up REST API Integrations


Type an HTTP status code; for example, 200, 400, or 500) for HTTP Status, and then choose the
check-mark icon to save the choice.


When a backend-returned response does not have a corresponding method response defined,
API Gateway fails to return the response to the client. Instead, it returns a 500 Internal
server error error response.
Expand the response of the given status code.


Choose Add Header.


Type a name for Name under Response Headers for {status}, and then choose the checkmark icon to save the choice.
If you need to translate any backend-returned header to one defined in a method response, you
must first add the method response header as described in this step .



Choose Add Response Model under Response Body for {status}.
Type the media type of the response payload for Content type and choose a model from the
Models drop-down menu.

g. Choose the check-mark icon to save the settings.
To modify an existing response, expand the response and follow Step 2 above.
To remove a response, choose the x icon for the response and confirm you want to delete the

For every response returned from the backend, you must have a compatible response configured as the
method response. However, the configuring method response headers and payload model are optional
unless you map the result from the backend to the method response before returning to the client. Also,
a method response payload model is important if you are generating a strongly typed SDK for your API.

Set up REST API Integrations in API Gateway
After setting up an API method, you must integrate it with an endpoint in the backend. A backend
endpoint is also referred to as an integration endpoint and can be a Lambda function, an HTTP webpage,
or an AWS service action. As with the API method, the API integration has an integration request and an
integration response. An integration request encapsulates an HTTP request received by the backend. It
may or may not differ from the method request submitted by the client. An integration response is an
HTTP response encapsulating the output returned by the backend.
Setting up an integration request involves the following: configuring how to pass client-submitted
method requests to the backend; configuring how to transform the request data, if necessary, to the
integration request data; specifying which Lambda function to call, specifying which HTTP server to
forward the incoming request to, or specifying the AWS service action to invoke.
Setting up an integration response, applicable to non-proxy integrations only, involves the following:
configuring how to pass the backend-returned result to a method response of a given status code,
configuring how to transform specified integration response parameters to preconfigured method
response parameters, and configuring how to map the integration response body to the method
response body according to the specified body-mapping templates.
Programmatically, an integration request is encapsulated by the Integration resource and an
integration response by the IntegrationResponse resource of API Gateway. To set up an integration
request, you create an Integration resource and use it to configure the integration endpoint URL.
You then set the IAM permissions to access the backend, and specify mappings to transform the
incoming request data before passing it to the backend. To set up an integration response for non-proxy
integration, you create an IntegrationResponse resource and use it to set its target method response.
You then configure how to map backend output to the method response.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up Integration Request

• Set up an Integration Request in API Gateway (p. 84)
• Set up an Integration Response in API Gateway (p. 90)
• Set up Lambda Integrations in API Gateway (p. 91)
• Set up HTTP Integrations in API Gateway (p. 110)
• Set up API Gateway Private Integrations (p. 114)
• Set up Mock Integrations in API Gateway (p. 121)

Set up an Integration Request in API Gateway
To set up an integration request, you perform the following required and optional tasks:
1. Choose an integration type that determines how method request data is passed to the backend.
2. For non-mock integrations, specify an HTTP method and the URI of the targeted integration endpoint,
except for the MOCK integration.
3. For integrations with Lambda functions and other AWS service actions, set an IAM role with required
permissions for API Gateway to call the backend on your behalf.
4. For non-proxy integrations, set necessary parameter mappings to map predefined method request
parameters to appropriate integration request parameters.
5. For non-proxy integrations, set necessary body mappings to map the incoming method request body
of a given content type according to the specified mapping template.
6. For non-proxy integrations, specify the condition under which the incoming method request data is
passed through to the backend as-is.
7. Optionally, specify how to handle type conversion for a binary payload.
8. Optionally, declare a cache namespace name and cache key parameters to enable API caching.
Performing these tasks involves creating an Integration resource of API Gateway and setting appropriate
property values. You can do so using the API Gateway console, AWS CLI commands, an AWS SDK, or the
• Basic Tasks of an API Integration Request (p. 84)
• Choose an API Gateway API Integration Type (p. 86)
• Set up a Proxy Integration with a Proxy Resource (p. 87)
• Set up an API Integration Request Using the API Gateway Console (p. 88)

Basic Tasks of an API Integration Request
An integration request is an HTTP request that API Gateway submits to the backend, passing along the
client-submitted request data, and transforming the data, if necessary. The HTTP method (or verb) and
URI of the integration request are dictated by the backend (that is, the integration endpoint). They can
be the same as or different from the method request's HTTP method and URI, respectively. For example,
when a Lambda function returns a file that is fetched from Amazon S3, you can expose this operation
intuitively as a GET method request to the client even though the corresponding integration request
requires that a POST request be used to invoke the Lambda function. For an HTTP endpoint, it is likely
that the method request and the corresponding integration request both use the same HTTP verb.
However, this is not required. You can integrate the following method request:
GET /{var}?query=value


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up Integration Request

With the following integration request:
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: ...

path: "{var}'s value",
type: "value"

As an API developer, you can use whatever HTTP verb and URI for a method request suit your
requirements. But you must follow the requirements of the integration endpoint. When the method
request data differs from the integration request data, you can reconcile the difference by providing
mappings from the method request data to the integration request data. In the preceding examples,
the mapping translates the path variable ({var}) and the query parameter (query) values of the GET
method request to the values of the integration request's payload properties of path and type. Other
mappable request data includes request headers and body. These are described in Set up Request and
Response Data Mappings Using the API Gateway Console (p. 130).
When setting up the HTTP or HTTP proxy integration request, you assign the backend HTTP endpoint
URL as the integration request URI value. For example, in the PetStore API, the method request to get a
page of pets has the following integration request URI:

When setting up the Lambda or Lambda proxy integration, you assign the Amazon Resource Name
(ARN) for invoking the Lambda function as the integration request URI value. This ARN has the following

The part after arn:aws:apigateway:api-region:lambda:path/, namely, /2015-03-31/
functions/arn:aws:lambda:lambda-region:account-id:function:lambda-functionname/invocations, is the REST API URI path of the Lambda Invoke action. If you use the API Gateway
console to set up the Lambda integration, API Gateway creates the ARN and assigns it to the integration
URI after prompting you to choose the lambda-function-name from a region.
When setting up the integration request with another AWS service action, the integration request URI is
also an ARN, similar to the integration with the Lambda Invoke action. For example, for the integration
with the GetBucket action of Amazon S3, the integration request URI is an ARN of the following format:

The integration request URI is of the path convention to specify the action, where {bucket} is the
placeholder of a bucket name. Alternatively, an AWS service action can be referenced by its name. Using
the action name, the integration request URI for the GetBucket action of Amazon S3 becomes the

With the action-based integration request URI, the bucket name ({bucket}) must be specified in the
integration request body ({ Bucket: "{bucket}" }), following the input format of GetBucket


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up Integration Request

For AWS integrations, you must also configure credentials to allow API Gateway to call the integrated
actions. You can create a new or choose an existing IAM role for API Gateway to call the action and then
specify the role using its ARN. The following shows an example of this ARN:

This IAM role must contain a policy to allow the action to be executed. It must also have API Gateway
declared (in the role's trust relationship) as a trusted entity to assume the role. Such permissions can be
granted on the action itself. They are known as resource-based permissions. For the Lambda integration,
you can call the Lambda's addPermission action to set the resource-based permissions and then set
credentials to null in the API Gateway integration request.
We discussed the basic integration setup. Advanced settings involve mapping method request
data to the integration request data. After discussing the basic setup for an integration response,
we cover advanced topics in Set up Request and Response Data Mappings Using the API Gateway
Console (p. 130), where we also cover passing payload through and handling content encodings.

Choose an API Gateway API Integration Type
You choose an API integration type according to the types of integration endpoint you work with and
how you want data to pass to and from the integration endpoint. For a Lambda function, you can have
the Lambda proxy integration, or the Lambda custom integration. For an HTTP endpoint, you can have
the HTTP proxy integration or the HTTP custom integration. For an AWS service action, you have the
AWS integration of the non-proxy type only. API Gateway also supports the mock integration, where API
Gateway serves as an integration endpoint to respond to a method request.
The Lambda custom integration is a special case of the AWS integration, where the integration endpoint
corresponds to the function-invoking action of the Lambda service.
Programmatically, you choose an integration type by setting the type property on the Integration
resource. For the Lambda proxy integration, the value is AWS_PROXY. For the Lambda custom integration
and all other AWS integrations, it is AWS. For the HTTP proxy integration and HTTP integration, the value
is HTTP_PROXY and HTTP, respectively. For the mock integration, the type value is MOCK.
The Lambda proxy integration supports a streamlined integration setup with a single Lambda function.
The setup is simple and can evolve with the backend without having to tear down the existing setup. For
these reasons, it is highly recommended for integration with a Lambda function. In contrast, the Lambda
custom integration allows for reuse of configured mapping templates for various integration endpoints
that have similar requirements of the input and output data formats. The setup is more involved and is
recommended for more advanced application scenarios.
Similarly, the HTTP proxy integration has a streamlined integration setup and can evolve with the
backend without having to tear down the existing setup. The HTTP custom integration is more involved
to set up, but allows for reuse of configured mapping templates for other integration endpoints.
The following list summarizes the supported integration types:
• AWS: This type of integration lets an API expose AWS service actions. In AWS integration, you must
configure both the integration request and integration response and set up necessary data mappings
from the method request to the integration request, and from the integration response to the method
• AWS_PROXY: This type of integration lets an API method be integrated with the Lambda function
invocation action with a flexible, versatile, and streamlined integration setup. This integration relies
on direct interactions between the client and the integrated Lambda function. With this type of
integration, also known as the Lambda proxy integration, you do not set the integration request or
the integration response. API Gateway passes the incoming request from the client as the input to the
backend Lambda function. The integrated Lambda function takes the input of this format (p. 98)


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up Integration Request

and parses the input from all available sources, including request headers, URL path variables,
query string parameters, and applicable body. The function returns the result following this output
format (p. 101). This is the preferred integration type to call a Lambda function through API Gateway
and is not applicable to any other AWS service actions, including Lambda actions other than the
function-invoking action.
• HTTP: This type of integration lets an API expose HTTP endpoints in the backend. With the HTTP
integration, also known as the HTTP custom integration, you must configure both the integration
request and integration response. You must set up necessary data mappings from the method request
to the integration request, and from the integration response to the method response.
• HTTP_PROXY: The HTTP proxy integration allows a client to access the backend HTTP endpoints with
a streamlined integration setup on single API method. You do not set the integration request or the
integration response. API Gateway passes the incoming request from the client to the HTTP endpoint
and passes the outgoing response from the HTTP endpoint to the client.
• MOCK: This type of integration lets API Gateway return a response without sending the request
further to the backend. This is useful for API testing because it can be used to test the integration
set up without incurring charges for using the backend and to enable collaborative development
of an API. In collaborative development, a team can isolate their development effort by setting up
simulations of API components owned by other teams by using the MOCK integrations. It is also used
to return CORS-related headers to ensure that the API method permits CORS access. In fact, the API
Gateway console integrates the OPTIONS method to support CORS with a mock integration. Gateway
responses (p. 123) are other examples of mock integrations.

Set up a Proxy Integration with a Proxy Resource
To set up a proxy integration in an API Gateway API with a proxy resource, you perform the following
• Create a proxy resource with a greedy path variable of {proxy+}.
• Set the ANY method on the proxy resource.
• Integrate the resource and method with a backend using the HTTP or Lambda integration type.


Greedy path variables, ANY methods, and proxy integration types are independent features,
although they are commonly used together. You can configure a specific HTTP method on a
greedy resource or apply non-proxy integration types to a proxy resource.
API Gateway enacts certain restrictions and limitations when handling methods with either a
Lambda proxy integration or an HTTP proxy integration. For details, see Amazon API Gateway Known
Issues (p. 678).


When using proxy integration with a passthrough, API Gateway returns the default ContentType:application/json header if the content type of a payload is unspecified.
A proxy resource is most powerful when it is integrated with a backend using either HTTP proxy
integration or Lambda proxy integration.

HTTP Proxy Integration with a Proxy Resource
The HTTP proxy integration, designated by HTTP_PROXY in the API Gateway REST API, is for integrating
a method request with a backend HTTP endpoint. With this integration type, API Gateway simply passes
the entire request and response between the frontend and the backend, subject to certain restrictions
and limitations (p. 678).


HTTP proxy integration supports multi-valued headers and query strings.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up Integration Request

When applying the HTTP proxy integration to a proxy resource, you can set up your API to expose
a portion or an entire endpoint hierarchy of the HTTP backend with a single integration setup. For
example, suppose the backend of the website is organized into multiple branches of tree nodes off
the root node (/site) as: /site/a0/a1/.../aN, /site/b0/b1/.../bM, etc. If you integrate the ANY
method on a proxy resource of /api/{proxy+} with the backend endpoints with URL paths of /site/
{proxy}, a single integration request can support any HTTP operations (GET, POST, etc.) on any of [a0,
a1, ..., aN, b0, b1, ...bM, ...]. If you apply a proxy integration to a specific HTTP method, for
example, GET, instead, the resulting integration request works with the specified (that is, GET) operations
on any of those backend nodes.

Lambda Proxy Integration with a Proxy Resource
The Lambda proxy integration, designated by AWS_PROXY in the API Gateway REST API, is for integrating
a method request with a Lambda function in the backend. With this integration type, API Gateway
applies a default mapping template to send the entire request to the Lambda function and transforms
the output from the Lambda function to HTTP responses.
Similarly, you can apply the Lambda proxy integration to a proxy resource of /api/{proxy+} to set up
a single integration to have a backend Lambda function react individually to changes in any of the API
resources under /api.

Set up an API Integration Request Using the API Gateway
An API method setup defines the method and describes its behaviors. To set up a method, you must
specify a resource, including the root ("/"), on which the method is exposed, an HTTP method (GET,
POST, etc.), and how it will be integrated with the targeted backend. The method request and response
specify the contract with the calling app, stipulating which parameters the API can receive and what the
response looks like.
The following procedure describes how to use the API Gateway console to specify method settings.

In the Resources pane, choose the method.


In the Method Execution pane, choose Integration Request. For Integration type, choose one of
the following:
• Choose Lambda Function if your API will be integrated with a Lambda function. At the API level,
this is an AWS integration type.
• Choose HTTP if your API will be integrated with an HTTP endpoint. At the API level, this is the
HTTP integration type.
• Choose AWS Service if your API will be integrated directly with an AWS service. At the API level,
this is the AWS integration type. The Lambda Function option above is a special case of the AWS
integration for invoking a Lambda function and is available only in the API Gateway console. To
set up an API Gateway API to create a new Lambda function in AWS Lambda, to set a resource
permission on the Lambda function, or to perform any other Lambda service actions, you must
choose the AWS Service option here.
• Choose Mock if you want API Gateway to act as your backend to return static responses. At the
API level, this is the MOCK integration type. Typically, you can use the MOCK integration when
your API is not yet final, but you want to generate API responses to unblock dependent teams
for testing. For the OPTION method, API Gateway sets the MOCK integration as default to return
CORS-enabling headers for the applied API resource. If you choose this option, skip the rest of the
instructions in this topic and see Set up Mock Integrations in API Gateway (p. 121).


If you chose Lambda Function, do the following:

For Lambda Region, choose the region identifier that corresponds to the region where you
created the Lambda function. For example, if you created the Lambda function in the US East


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up Integration Request

(N. Virginia) Region, choose us-east-1. For a list of region names and identifiers, see AWS
Lambda in the Amazon Web Services General Reference.




For Lambda Function, type the name of the Lambda function, and then choose the function's
corresponding ARN.


Choose Save.

If you chose HTTP, do the following:

For HTTP method, choose the HTTP method type that most closely matches the method in the
HTTP backend.


For Endpoint URL, type the URL of the HTTP backend you want this method to use.


Choose Save.

If you chose Mock, do the following:


Choose Save.

If you chose AWS Service, do the following:

For AWS Region, choose the AWS Region you want this method to use to call the action.


For AWS Service, choose the AWS service you want this method to call.


For AWS Subdomain, type the subdomain used by the AWS service. Typically, you would leave
this blank. Some AWS services can support subdomains as part of the hosts. Consult the service
documentation for the availability and, if available, details.


For HTTP method, choose the HTTP method type that corresponds to the action. For HTTP
method type, see the API reference documentation for the AWS service you chose for AWS


For Action, type the action you want to use. For a list of available actions, see the API reference
documentation for the AWS service you chose for AWS Service.


For Execution Role, type the ARN of the IAM role that the method will use to call the action.
To create the IAM role, you can adapt the instructions in "To create the Lambda invocation role
and its policies" and "To create the Lambda execution role and its policy" in the Create Lambda
Functions (p. 536) section. Specify an access policy of the following format, with the desired
number of action and resource statements:


"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [

For the action and resource statement syntax, see the documentation for the AWS service you
chose for AWS Service.
For the IAM role's trust relationship, specify the following, which enables API Gateway to take
action on behalf of your AWS account:


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up Integration Response


"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"Service": ""
"Action": "sts:AssumeRole"


If the action you typed for Action provides a custom resource path that you want this method
to use, for Path Override, type this custom resource path. For the custom resource path, see the
API reference documentation for the AWS service you chose for AWS Service.


Choose Save.

Set up an Integration Response in API Gateway
For a non-proxy integration, you must set up at least one integration response, and make it the default
response, to pass the result returned from the backend to the client. You can choose to pass through the
result as-is or to transform the integration response data to the method response data if the two have
different formats.
For a proxy integration, API Gateway automatically passes the backend output to the client as an HTTP
response. You do not set either an integration response or a method response.
To set up an integration response, you perform the following required and optional tasks:
1. Specify an HTTP status code of a method response to which the integration response data is mapped.
This is required.
2. Define a regular expression to select backend output to be represented by this integration response. If
you leave this empty, the response is the default response that is used to catch any response not yet
3. If needed, declare mappings consisting of key-value pairs to map specified integration response
parameters to given method response parameters.
4. If needed, add body-mapping templates to transform given integration response payloads into
specified method response payloads.
5. If needed, specify how to handle type conversion for a binary payload.
An integration response is an HTTP response encapsulating the backend response. For an HTTP
endpoint, the backend response is an HTTP response. The integration response status code can take the
backend-returned status code, and the integration response body is the backend-returned payload. For
a Lambda endpoint, the backend response is the output returned from the Lambda function. With the
Lambda integration, the Lambda function output is returned as a 200 OK response. The payload can
contain the result as JSON data, including a JSON string or a JSON object, or an error message as a JSON
object. You can assign a regular expression to the selectionPattern property to map an error response to
an appropriate HTTP error response. For more information about the Lambda function error response,
see Handle Lambda Errors in API Gateway (p. 106). With the Lambda proxy integration, the Lambda
function must return output of the following format:

statusCode: "...",
headers: {
custom-header: "..."

// a valid HTTP status code
// any API-specific custom header


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up Lambda Integrations


body: "...",


// a JSON string.
// for binary support

There is no need to map the Lambda function response to its proper HTTP response.
To return the result to the client, set up the integration response to pass the endpoint response through
as-is to the corresponding method response. Or you can map the endpoint response data to the method
response data. The response data that can be mapped includes the response status code, response
header parameters, and response body. If no method response is defined for the returned status code,
API Gateway returns a 500 error. For more information, see Create Models and Mapping Templates for
Request and Response Mappings (p. 133).

Set up Lambda Integrations in API Gateway
You can integrate an API method with a Lambda function using Lambda proxy integration or Lambda
custom integration.
In proxy integration, the setup is simple. If your API does not require content encoding or caching, you
only need to set the integration's HTTP method to POST, the integration endpoint URI to the ARN of the
Lambda function invocation action of a specific Lambda function, and the credential to an IAM role with
permissions to allow API Gateway to call the Lambda function on your behalf.
In custom integration, the setup is more involved. In addition to the proxy integration setup steps, you
also specify how the incoming request data is mapped to the integration request and how the resulting
integration response data is mapped to the method response.
• Set up Lambda Proxy Integrations in API Gateway (p. 91)
• Set up Lambda Custom Integrations in API Gateway (p. 102)
• Handle Lambda Errors in API Gateway (p. 106)

Set up Lambda Proxy Integrations in API Gateway
• Understand API Gateway Lambda Proxy Integration (p. 91)
• Support for Multi-Value Headers and Query String Parameters (p. 93)
• Set up a Proxy Resource with Lambda Proxy Integration (p. 93)
• Set up Lambda Proxy Integration Using the AWS CLI (p. 95)
• Input Format of a Lambda Function for Proxy Integration (p. 98)
• Output Format of a Lambda Function for Proxy Integration (p. 101)

Understand API Gateway Lambda Proxy Integration
Amazon API Gateway Lambda proxy integration is a simple, powerful, and nimble mechanism to build
an API with a setup of a single API method. The Lambda proxy integration allows the client to call a
single Lambda function in the backend. The function accesses many resources or features of other AWS
services, including calling other Lambda functions.
In Lambda proxy integration, when a client submits an API request, API Gateway passes to the integrated
Lambda function the raw request as-is. This request data (p. 98) includes the request headers, query
string parameters, URL path variables, payload, and API configuration data. The configuration data
can include current deployment stage name, stage variables, user identity, or authorization context (if
any). The backend Lambda function parses the incoming request data to determine the response that


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up Lambda Integrations

it returns. For API Gateway to pass the Lambda output as the API response to the client, the Lambda
function must return the result in this format (p. 101).
Because API Gateway doesn't intervene very much between the client and the backend Lambda function
for the Lambda proxy integration, the client and the integrated Lambda function can adapt to changes
in each other without breaking the existing integration setup of the API. To enable this, the client must
follow application protocols enacted by the backend Lambda function.
You can set up a Lambda proxy integration for any API method. But a Lambda proxy integration is more
potent when it is configured for an API method involving a generic proxy resource. The generic proxy
resource can be denoted by a special templated path variable of {proxy+}, the catch-all ANY method
placeholder, or both. The client can pass the input to the backend Lambda function in the incoming
request as request parameters or applicable payload. The request parameters include headers, URL path
variables, query string parameters, and the applicable payload. The integrated Lambda function verifies
all of the input sources before processing the request and responding to the client with meaningful error
messages if any of the required input is missing.
When calling an API method integrated with the generic HTTP method of ANY and the generic resource
of {proxy+}, the client submits a request with a particular HTTP method in place of ANY. The client also
specifies a particular URL path instead of {proxy+}, and includes any required headers, query string
parameters, or an applicable payload.
The following list summarizes runtime behaviors of different API methods with the Lambda proxy
• ANY /{proxy+}: The client must choose a particular HTTP method, must set a particular resource
path hierarchy, and can set any headers, query string parameters, and applicable payload to pass the
data as input to the integrated Lambda function.
• ANY /res: The client must choose a particular HTTP method and can set any headers, query string
parameters, and applicable payload to pass the data as input to the integrated Lambda function.
• GET|POST|PUT|... /{proxy+}: The client can set a particular resource path hierarchy, any headers,
query string parameters, and applicable payload to pass the data as input to the integrated Lambda
• GET|POST|PUT|... /res/{path}/...: The client must choose a particular path segment (for the
{path} variable) and can set any request headers, query string parameters, and applicable payload to
pass input data to the integrated Lambda function.
• GET|POST|PUT|... /res: The client can choose any request headers, query string parameters, and
applicable payload to pass input data to the integrated Lambda function.
Both the proxy resource of {proxy+} and the custom resource of {custom} are expressed as templated
path variables. However {proxy+} can refer to any resource along a path hierarchy, while {custom}
refers to a particular path segment only. For example, a grocery store might organize its online product
inventory by department names, produce categories, and product types. The grocery store's website
can then represent available products by the following templated path variables of custom resources: /
{department}/{produce-category}/{product-type}. For example, apples are represented by /
produce/fruit/apple and carrots by /produce/vegetables/carrot. It can also use /{proxy+}
to represent any department, any produce category, or any product type that a customer can search for
while shopping in the online store. For example, /{proxy+} can refer to any of the following items:
• /produce
• /produce/fruit
• /produce/vegetables/carrot
To let customers search for any available product, its produce category, and the associated store
department, you can expose a single method of GET /{proxy+} with read-only permissions. Similarly,
to allow a supervisor to update the produce department's inventory, you can set up another single


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up Lambda Integrations

method of PUT /produce/{proxy+} with read/write permissions. To allow a cashier to update the
running total of a vegetable, you can set up a POST /produce/vegetables/{proxy+} method with
read/write permissions. To let a store manager perform any possible action on any available product,
the online store developer can expose the ANY /{proxy+} method with read/write permissions. In any
case, at run time, the customer or the employee must select a particular product of a given type in a
chosen department, a specific produce category in a chosen department, or a specific department.
For more information about setting up API Gateway proxy integrations, see Set up a Proxy Integration
with a Proxy Resource (p. 87).
Proxy integration requires that the client have more detailed knowledge of the backend requirements.
Therefore, to ensure optimal app performance and user experience, the backend developer must
communicate clearly to the client developer the requirements of the backend, and provide a robust error
feedback mechanism when the requirements are not met.

Support for Multi-Value Headers and Query String Parameters
API Gateway supports multiple headers and query string parameters that have the same name. Multivalue headers as well as single-value headers and parameters can be combined in the same requests and
responses. For more information, see Input Format of a Lambda Function for Proxy Integration (p. 98)
and Output Format of a Lambda Function for Proxy Integration (p. 101).

Set up a Proxy Resource with Lambda Proxy Integration
To set up a proxy resource with the Lambda proxy integration type, create an API
resource with a greedy path parameter (for example, /parent/{proxy+}) and integrate
this resource with a Lambda function backend (for example, arn:aws:lambda:uswest-2:123456789012:function:SimpleLambda4ProxyResource) on the ANY method. The
greedy path parameter must be at the end of the API resource path. As with a non-proxy resource, you
can set up the proxy resource by using the API Gateway console, importing an OpenAPI definition file, or
calling the API Gateway REST API directly.
For detailed instructions about using the API Gateway console to configure a proxy resource with the
Lambda proxy integration, see Build an API Gateway API with Lambda Proxy Integration (p. 525).
The following OpenAPI API definition file shows an example of an API with a proxy resource that is
integrated with the SimpleLambda4ProxyResource (p. 526) Lambda function.
OpenAPI 3.0

"openapi": "3.0.0",
"info": {
"version": "2016-09-12T17:50:37Z",
"title": "ProxyIntegrationWithLambda"
"paths": {
"/{proxy+}": {
"x-amazon-apigateway-any-method": {
"parameters": [
"name": "proxy",
"in": "path",
"required": true,
"schema": {
"type": "string"
"responses": {},
"x-amazon-apigateway-integration": {
"responses": {


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up Lambda Integrations
"default": {
"statusCode": "200"

"uri": "arn:aws:apigateway:us-east-1:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/
"passthroughBehavior": "when_no_match",
"httpMethod": "POST",
"cacheNamespace": "roq9wj",
"cacheKeyParameters": [
"type": "aws_proxy"
"servers": [
"url": "{basePath}",
"variables": {
"basePath": {
"default": "/testStage"

OpenAPI 2.0

"swagger": "2.0",
"info": {
"version": "2016-09-12T17:50:37Z",
"title": "ProxyIntegrationWithLambda"
"host": "",
"basePath": "/testStage",
"schemes": [
"paths": {
"/{proxy+}": {
"x-amazon-apigateway-any-method": {
"produces": [
"parameters": [
"name": "proxy",
"in": "path",
"required": true,
"type": "string"
"responses": {},
"x-amazon-apigateway-integration": {
"responses": {
"default": {
"statusCode": "200"
"uri": "arn:aws:apigateway:us-east-1:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up Lambda Integrations






"passthroughBehavior": "when_no_match",
"httpMethod": "POST",
"cacheNamespace": "roq9wj",
"cacheKeyParameters": [
"type": "aws_proxy"

In Lambda proxy integration, at run time, API Gateway maps an incoming request into the input event
parameter of the Lambda function. The input includes the request method, path, headers, any query
string parameters, any payload, associated context, and any defined stage variables. The input format is
explained in Input Format of a Lambda Function for Proxy Integration (p. 98). For API Gateway to map
the Lambda output to HTTP responses successfully, the Lambda function must output the result in the
format described in Output Format of a Lambda Function for Proxy Integration (p. 101).
In Lambda proxy integration of a proxy resource through the ANY method, the single backend Lambda
function serves as the event handler for all requests through the proxy resource. For example, to log
traffic patterns, you can have a mobile device send its location information of state, city, street, and
building by submitting a request with /state/city/street/house in the URL path for the proxy
resource. The backend Lambda function can then parse the URL path and insert the location tuples into a
DynamoDB table.

Set up Lambda Proxy Integration Using the AWS CLI
In this section, we show how to use AWS CLI to set up an API with the Lambda proxy integration.
As an example, we use the following sample Lambda function as the backend of the API:
exports.handler = function(event, context, callback) {
console.log('Received event:', JSON.stringify(event, null, 2));
var res ={
"statusCode": 200,
"headers": {
"Content-Type": "*/*"
var greeter = 'World';
if (event.greeter && event.greeter!=="") {
greeter = event.greeter;
} else if (event.body && event.body !== "") {
var body = JSON.parse(event.body);
if (body.greeter && body.greeter !== "") {
greeter = body.greeter;
} else if (event.queryStringParameters && event.queryStringParameters.greeter &&
event.queryStringParameters.greeter !== "") {
greeter = event.queryStringParameters.greeter;
} else if (event.multiValueHeaders && event.multiValueHeaders.greeter &&
event.multiValueHeaders.greeter != "") {
greeter = event.multiValueHeaders.greeter.join(" and ");
} else if (event.headers && event.headers.greeter && event.headers.greeter != "") {
greeter = event.headers.greeter;
res.body = "Hello, " + greeter + "!";
callback(null, res);


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up Lambda Integrations

Comparing this to the Lambda custom integration setup (p. 103), the input to this Lambda function
can be expressed in the request parameters and body. You have more latitude to allow the client to
pass the same input data. Here, the client can pass the greeter's name in as a query string parameter, a
header, or a body property. The function can also support the Lambda custom integration. The API setup
is simpler. You do not configure the method response or integration response at all.

To set up a Lambda proxy integration using the AWS CLI

Call the create-rest-api command to create an API:
aws apigateway create-rest-api --name 'HelloWorld (AWS CLI)' --region us-west-2

Note the resulting API's id value (te6si5ach7) in the response:


"name": "HelloWorldProxy (AWS CLI)",
"id": "te6si5ach7",
"createdDate": 1508461860

You need the API id throughout this section.

Call the get-resources command to get the root resource id:
aws apigateway get-resources --rest-api-id te6si5ach7 --region us-west-2

The successful response is shown as follows:


"items": [
"path": "/",
"id": "krznpq9xpg"

Note the root resource id value (krznpq9xpg). You need it in the next step and later.

Call create-resource to create an API Gateway Resource of /greeting:
aws apigateway create-resource --rest-api-id te6si5ach7 \
--region us-west-2 \
--parent-id krznpq9xpg \
--path-part {proxy+}

The successful response is similar to the following:


"path": "/{proxy+}",
"pathPart": "{proxy+}",
"id": "2jf6xt",
"parentId": "krznpq9xpg"


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up Lambda Integrations

Note the resulting {proxy+} resource's id value (2jf6xt). You need it to create a method on the /
{proxy+} resource in the next step.

Call put-method to create an ANY method request of ANY /{proxy+}:
aws apigateway put-method --rest-api-id te6si5ach7 \
--region us-west-2 \
--resource-id 2jf6xt \
--http-method ANY \
--authorization-type "NONE"

The successful response is similar to the following:


"apiKeyRequired": false,
"httpMethod": "ANY",
"authorizationType": "NONE"

This API method allows the client to receive or send greetings from the Lambda function at the

Call put-integration to set up the integration of the ANY /{proxy+} method with a Lambda
function, named HelloWorld. This function responds to the request with a message of "Hello,
{name}!", if the greeter parameter is provided, or "Hello, World!", if the query string
parameter is not set.
aws apigateway put-integration \
--region us-west-2
--rest-api-id vaz7da96z6 \
--resource-id 2jf6xt \
--http-method ANY \
--type AWS_PROXY \
--integration-http-method POST \
--uri arn:aws:apigateway:us-east-1:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/
arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:HelloWorld/invocations \
--credentials arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/apigAwsProxyRole

For Lambda integrations, you must use the HTTP method of POST for the integration request. The
IAM role of apigAwsProxyRole must have policies allowing the apigateway service to invoke
Lambda functions. For more information about the IAM permissions, see the section called “ API
Gateway Permissions Model for Creating and Managing an API” (p. 232).
The successful output is similar to the following:

"passthroughBehavior": "WHEN_NO_MATCH",
"cacheKeyParameters": [],
"uri": "arn:aws:apigateway:us-east-1:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/
"httpMethod": "POST",
"cacheNamespace": "vvom7n",
"credentials": "arn:aws:iam::1234567890:role/apigAwsProxyRole",
"type": "AWS_PROXY"

Instead of supplying an IAM role for credentials, you can call the add-permission command to
add resource-based permissions. This is what the API Gateway console does.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up Lambda Integrations


Call create-deployment to deploy the API to a test stage:
aws apigateway create-deployment --rest-api-id te6si5ach7 --stage-name test


Test the API using the following cURL commands in a terminal.
Calling the API with the query string parameter of ?greeter=jane:
curl -X GET '
greeter=jane' \
-H 'authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential={access_key}/20171020/us-west-2/
execute-api/aws4_request, \
SignedHeaders=content-type;host;x-amz-date, Signature=f327...5751'

Calling the API with a header parameter of greeter:jane:
curl -X GET \
-H 'authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential={access_key}/20171020/us-west-2/
execute-api/aws4_request, \
SignedHeaders=content-type;host;x-amz-date, Signature=f327...5751' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-H 'greeter: jane'

Calling the API with a body of {"greeter":"jane"}:
curl -X POST \
-H 'authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential={access_key}/20171020/us-west-2/
execute-api/aws4_request, \
SignedHeaders=content-type;host;x-amz-date, Signature=f327...5751'
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '{ "greeter": "jane" }'

In all the cases, the output is a 200 response with the following response body:
Hello, jane!

Input Format of a Lambda Function for Proxy Integration
In Lambda proxy integration, API Gateway maps the entire client request to the input event parameter
of the backend Lambda function as follows:

"resource": "Resource path",
"path": "Path parameter",
"httpMethod": "Incoming request's method name"
"headers": {String containing incoming request headers}
"multiValueHeaders": {List of strings containing incoming request headers}
"queryStringParameters": {query string parameters }
"multiValueQueryStringParameters": {List of query string parameters}
"pathParameters": {path parameters}
"stageVariables": {Applicable stage variables}
"requestContext": {Request context, including authorizer-returned key-value pairs}
"body": "A JSON string of the request payload."
"isBase64Encoded": "A boolean flag to indicate if the applicable request payload is



Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up Lambda Integrations


In the input:
• The headers key can only contain single-value headers.
• The multiValueHeaders key can contain multi-value headers as well as single-value
• If you specify values for both headers and multiValueHeaders, API Gateway merges
them into a single list. If the same key-value pair is specified in both, only the values from
multiValueHeaders will appear in the merged list.
The following POST request shows an API deployed to testStage with a stage variable of
POST /testStage/hello/world?name=me HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
headerName: headerValue

"a": 1

This request produces the following response payload, which contains the output returned from the
backend Lambda function, where input was set to the event parameter to the Lambda function.

"message": "Hello me!",
"input": {
"resource": "/{proxy+}",
"path": "/hello/world",
"httpMethod": "POST",
"headers": {
"Accept": "*/*",
"Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate",
"cache-control": "no-cache",
"CloudFront-Forwarded-Proto": "https",
"CloudFront-Is-Desktop-Viewer": "true",
"CloudFront-Is-Mobile-Viewer": "false",
"CloudFront-Is-SmartTV-Viewer": "false",
"CloudFront-Is-Tablet-Viewer": "false",
"CloudFront-Viewer-Country": "US",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"headerName": "headerValue",
"Host": "",
"Postman-Token": "9f583ef0-ed83-4a38-aef3-eb9ce3f7a57f",
"User-Agent": "PostmanRuntime/2.4.5",
"Via": "1.1 (CloudFront)",
"X-Amz-Cf-Id": "pn-PWIJc6thYnZm5P0NMgOUglL1DYtl0gdeJky8tqsg8iS_sgsKD1A==",
"X-Forwarded-For": ",",
"X-Forwarded-Port": "443",
"X-Forwarded-Proto": "https"
"gzip, deflate"


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up Lambda Integrations
"1.1 (CloudFront)"

"queryStringParameters": {
"name": "me",
"multivalueName": "me"


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up Lambda Integrations



"pathParameters": {
"proxy": "hello/world"
"stageVariables": {
"stageVariableName": "stageVariableValue"
"requestContext": {
"accountId": "12345678912",
"resourceId": "roq9wj",
"stage": "testStage",
"requestId": "deef4878-7910-11e6-8f14-25afc3e9ae33",
"identity": {
"cognitoIdentityPoolId": null,
"accountId": null,
"cognitoIdentityId": null,
"caller": null,
"apiKey": null,
"sourceIp": "",
"cognitoAuthenticationType": null,
"cognitoAuthenticationProvider": null,
"userArn": null,
"userAgent": "PostmanRuntime/2.4.5",
"user": null
"resourcePath": "/{proxy+}",
"httpMethod": "POST",
"apiId": "gy415nuibc"
"body": "{\r\n\t\"a\": 1\r\n}",
"isBase64Encoded": false

In the input to Lambda, the requestContext object is a map of key-value pairs. The key is a property
name of the $context (p. 165) variable and the value is the property value of the corresponding
$context variable. API Gateway may add new keys to the map. Depending on the features enabled,
the requestContext map may vary from API to API. For example, in the preceding example,
$context.authorizer.* properties are absent because no Lambda authorizer (formerly known as a
custom authorizer) is enabled for the API.


API Gateway enacts certain restrictions and limitations when handling methods with either
Lambda proxy integration or HTTP proxy integration. For details, see Amazon API Gateway
Known Issues (p. 678).

Output Format of a Lambda Function for Proxy Integration
In Lambda proxy integration, API Gateway requires the backend Lambda function to return output
according to the following JSON format:


"isBase64Encoded": true|false,
"statusCode": httpStatusCode,
"headers": { "headerName": "headerValue", ... },
"multiValueHeaders": { "headerName": ["headerValue", "headerValue2", ...], ... },
"body": "..."

In the output:
• The headers and multiValueHeaders keys can be unspecified if no extra response headers are to
be returned.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up Lambda Integrations

• The headers key can only contain single-value headers.
• The multiValueHeaders key can contain multi-value headers as well as single-value headers. You
can use the multiValueHeaders key to specify all of your extra headers, including any single-value
• If you specify values for both headers and multiValueHeaders, API Gateway merges them into a
single list. If the same key-value pair is specified in both, only the values from multiValueHeaders
will appear in the merged list.
To enable CORS for the Lambda proxy integration, you must add Access-Control-AllowOrigin:domain-name to the output headers. domain-name can be * for any domain name. The
output body is marshalled to the frontend as the method response payload. If body is a binary blob, you
can encode it as a Base64-encoded string and set isBase64Encoded to true. Otherwise, you can set it
to false or leave it unspecified.


For more information about enabling binary support, see Enable Binary Support Using the API
Gateway Console (p. 177).
If the function output is of a different format, API Gateway returns a 502 Bad Gateway error response.
In a Lambda function in Node.js, to return a successful response, call callback(null,
{"statusCode": 200, "body": "results"}). To throw an exception, call callback(new
Error('internal server error')). For a client-side error (if, for example, a required parameter is
missing), you can call callback(null, {"statusCode": 400, "body": "Missing parameters
of ..."}) to return the error without throwing an exception.

Set up Lambda Custom Integrations in API Gateway
To show how to set up the Lambda custom integration, we create an API Gateway API to expose the
GET /greeting?greeter={name} method to invoke a Lambda function. The function responds with
a message of "Hello, {name}!" if the greeter parameter value is a non-empty string. It returns a
message of "Hello, World!" if the greeter value is an empty string. The function returns an error
message of "Missing the required greeter parameter." if the greeter parameter is not set in
the incoming request. We name the function HelloWorld.
For reference, a Node.js version of the Lambda function is shown as follows:
exports.handler = function(event, context, callback) {
var res ={
"statusCode": 200,
"headers": {
"Content-Type": "*/*"
if (event.greeter==null) {
callback(new Error('Missing the required greeter parameter.'));
} else if (event.greeter === "") {
res.body = "Hello, World";
callback(null, res);
} else {
res.body = "Hello, " + event.greeter +"!";
callback(null, res);

You can create it in the Lambda console or by using the AWS CLI. In this section, we reference this
function using the following ARN:


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up Lambda Integrations

With the Lambda function set in the backend, proceed to set up the API.

To set up the Lambda custom integration using the AWS CLI

Call the create-rest-api command to create an API:
aws apigateway create-rest-api --name 'HelloWorld (AWS CLI)' --region us-west-2

Note the resulting API's id value (te6si5ach7) in the response:


"name": "HelloWorld (AWS CLI)",
"id": "te6si5ach7",
"createdDate": 1508461860

You need the API id throughout this section.

Call the get-resources command to get the root resource id:
aws apigateway get-resources --rest-api-id te6si5ach7 --region us-west-2

The successful response is as follows:


"items": [
"path": "/",
"id": "krznpq9xpg"

Note the root resource id value (krznpq9xpg). You need it in the next step and later.

Call create-resource to create an API Gateway Resource of /greeting:
aws apigateway create-resource --rest-api-id te6si5ach7 \
--region us-west-2 \
--parent-id krznpq9xpg \
--path-part greeting

The successful response is similar to the following:


"path": "/greeting",
"pathPart": "greeting",
"id": "2jf6xt",
"parentId": "krznpq9xpg"

Note the resulting greeting resource's id value (2jf6xt). You need it to create a method on the /
greeting resource in the next step.

Call put-method to create an API method request of GET /greeting?greeter={name}:
aws apigateway put-method --rest-api-id te6si5ach7 \
--region us-west-2 \


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up Lambda Integrations
--resource-id 2jf6xt \
--http-method GET \
--authorization-type "NONE" \
--request-parameters method.request.querystring.greeter=false

The successful response is similar to the following:


"apiKeyRequired": false,
"httpMethod": "GET",
"authorizationType": "NONE",
"requestParameters": {
"method.request.querystring.greeter": false

This API method allows the client to receive a greeting from the Lambda function at the backend.
The greeter parameter is optional because the backend should handle either an anonymous caller
or a self-identified caller.

Call put-method-response to set up the 200 OK response to the method request of GET /
aws apigateway put-method-response \
--region us-west-2
--rest-api-id te6si5ach7 \
--resource-id 2jf6xt
--http-method GET \
--status-code 200


Call put-integration to set up the integration of the GET /greeting?greeter={name}
method with a Lambda function, named HelloWorld. The function responds to the request with a
message of "Hello, {name}!", if the greeter parameter is provided, or "Hello, World!", if
the query string parameter is not set.
aws apigateway put-integration \
--region us-west-2
--rest-api-id vaz7da96z6 \
--resource-id 2jf6xt \
--http-method GET \
--type AWS \
--integration-http-method POST \
--uri arn:aws:apigateway:us-east-1:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/
arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:HelloWorld/invocations \
--request-templates file://path/to/integration-request-template.json \
--credentials arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/apigAwsProxyRole

Here, the request-template parameter value, file://path/to/integration-requesttemplate.json, points to a JSON file, named integration-request-template.json in the
path/to directory, which contains a key-value map as a JSON object. The key is a media type of the
request payload and the value is a mapping template for the body of the specified content type. In
this example, the JSON file contains the following JSON object:

The mapping template supplied here translates the greeter query string parameter to the
greeter property of the JSON payload. This is necessary because input to a Lambda function
in the Lambda function must be expressed in the body. You could use JSON string of the map
(for example, "{\"greeter"\: \"'john'\"}") as the request-template input value to the

Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up Lambda Integrations

put-integration command. However, using the file input avoids the difficult, and sometimes
impossible, quote-escaping that is required to stringify a JSON object.
For Lambda integrations, you must use the HTTP method of POST for the integration request,
according to the specification of the Lambda service action for function invocations. The uri
parameter is the ARN of the function-invoking action.
The successful output is similar to the following:

"passthroughBehavior": "WHEN_NO_MATCH",
"cacheKeyParameters": [],
"uri": "arn:aws:apigateway:us-east-1:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/
"httpMethod": "POST",
"requestTemplates": {
"application/json": "{\"greeter\":\"$input.params('greeter')\"}"
"cacheNamespace": "krznpq9xpg",
"credentials": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/apigAwsProxyRole",
"type": "AWS"

The IAM role of apigAwsProxyRole must have policies that allow the apigateway service to
invoke Lambda functions. Instead of supplying an IAM role for credentials, you can call the addpermission command to add resource-based permissions. This is how the API Gateway console adds
these permissions.

Call put-integration-response to set up the integration response to pass the Lambda function
output to the client as the 200 OK method response.
aws apigateway put-integration-response \
--region us-west-2 \
--rest-api-id te6si5ach7 \
--resource-id 2jf6xt \
--http-method GET \
--status-code 200 \
--selection-pattern ""

By setting the selection-pattern to an empty string, the 200 OK response is the default.
The successful response should be similar to the following:


"selectionPattern": "",
"statusCode": "200"

Call create-deployment to deploy the API to a test stage:
aws apigateway create-deployment --rest-api-id te6si5ach7 --stage-name test


Test the API using the following cURL command in a terminal:
curl -X GET '
greeter=me' \
-H 'authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential={access_key}/20171020/uswest-2/execute-api/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-type;host;x-amz-date,


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up Lambda Integrations

Compared to the setup for the Lambda proxy integration (p. 95), it is much more involved to set up a
Lambda custom integration.

Handle Lambda Errors in API Gateway
For Lambda custom integrations, you must map errors returned by Lambda in the integration response
to standard HTTP error responses for your clients. Otherwise, Lambda errors are returned as 200 OK
responses by default and the result is not intuitive for your API users.
There are two types of errors that Lambda can return: standard errors and custom errors. In your API, you
must handle these differently.
With the Lambda proxy integration, Lambda is required to return an output of the following format:


"isBase64Encoded" : "boolean",
"statusCode": "number",
"headers": { ... },
"body": "JSON string"

In this output, statusCode is typically 4XX for a client error and 5XX for a server error. API Gateway
handles these errors by mapping the Lambda error to an HTTP error response, according to the specified
statusCode. For API Gateway to pass the error type (for example, InvalidParameterException), as
part of the response to the client, the Lambda function must include a header (for example, "X-AmznErrorType":"InvalidParameterException") in the headers property.
• Handle Standard Lambda Errors in API Gateway (p. 106)
• Handle Custom Lambda Errors in API Gateway (p. 108)

Handle Standard Lambda Errors in API Gateway
A standard AWS Lambda error has the following format:


"errorMessage": "string",
"errorType": "string",
"stackTrace": [

Here, errorMessage is a string expression of the error. The errorType is a language-dependent error
or exception type. The stackTrace is a list of string expressions showing the stack trace leading to the
occurrence of the error.
For example, consider the following JavaScript Lambda function (Node.js 4.3 and later).
exports.handler = function(event, context, callback) {
callback(new Error("Malformed input ..."));

This function returns the following standard Lambda error, containing Malformed input ... as the
error message:


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up Lambda Integrations


"errorMessage": "Malformed input ...",
"errorType": "Error",
"stackTrace": [
"exports.handler (/var/task/index.js:3:14)"

Similarly, consider the following Python Lambda function, which raises an Exception with the same
Malformed input ... error message.
def lambda_handler(event, context):
raise Exception('Malformed input ...')

This function returns the following standard Lambda error:


"stackTrace": [
"raise Exception('Malformed input ...')"
"errorType": "Exception",
"errorMessage": "Malformed input ..."

Note that the errorType and stackTrace property values are language-dependent. The standard
error also applies to any error object that is an extension of the Error object or a subclass of the
Exception class.
To map the standard Lambda error to a method response, you must first decide on an HTTP status code
for a given Lambda error. You then set a regular expression pattern on the selectionPattern property
of the IntegrationResponse associated with the given HTTP status code. In the API Gateway console,
this selectionPattern is denoted as Lambda Error Regex in the Integration Response configuration


API Gateway uses Java pattern-style regexes for response mapping. For more information, see
Pattern in the Oracle documentation.
For example, to set up a new selectionPattern expression, using AWS CLI, call the following putintegration-response command:
aws apigateway put-integration-response --rest-api-id z0vprf0mdh --resource-id x3o5ih -http-method GET --status-code 400 --selection-pattern "Invalid*" --region us-west-2

Make sure that you also set up the corresponding error code (400) on the method response (p. 78).
Otherwise, API Gateway throws an invalid configuration error response at runtime.


At runtime, API Gateway matches the Lambda error's errorMessage against the pattern of
the regular expression on the selectionPattern property. If there is a match, API Gateway
returns the Lambda error as an HTTP response of the corresponding HTTP status code. If
there is no match, API Gateway returns the error as a default response or throws an invalid
configuration exception if no default response is configured.
Setting the selectionPattern value to .* for a given response amounts to resetting this
response as the default response. This is because such a selection pattern will match all error


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up Lambda Integrations

messages, including null, i.e., any unspecified error message. The resulting mapping overrides
the default mapping.
To update an existing selectionPattern value using the API Gateway REST API, call the
integrationresponse:update operation to replace the /selectionPattern path value with the specified
regex expression of the Malformed* pattern.
PATCH /restapis/z0vprf0mdh/resources/x3o5ih/methods/GET/integration/responses/400 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-amz-json-1.0
X-Amz-Date: 20170513T044831Z
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential={ACCESS-KEY-ID}/20170513/us-west-2/
apigateway/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-length;content-type;host;x-amz-date,
Cache-Control: no-cache
Postman-Token: 04794263-29f2-f336-fa16-5653a7f3281d


"patchOperations" : [ {
"op" : "replace",
"path" : "/selectionPattern",
"value" : "Malformed*"
} ]

To set the selectionPattern expression using the API Gateway console, type the expression in the
Lambda Error Regex text box when setting up or updating an integration response of a specified HTTP
status code.

Handle Custom Lambda Errors in API Gateway
Instead of the standard error described in the preceding section, AWS Lambda allows you to return a
custom error object as JSON string. The error can be any valid JSON object. For example, the following
JavaScript Lambda function (Node.js 4.3 or later) returns a custom error:
exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
// Error caught here:
var myErrorObj = {
errorType : "InternalServerError",
httpStatus : 500,
requestId : context.awsRequestId,
trace : {
"function": "abc()",
"line": 123,
"file": "abc.js"

You must turn the myErrorObj object into a JSON string before calling callback to exit the function.
Otherwise, the myErrorObj is returned as a string of "[object Object]". When a method of your
API is integrated with the preceding Lambda function, API Gateway receives an integration response with
the following payload:

"errorMessage": "{\"errorType\":\"InternalServerError\",\"httpStatus\":500,\"requestId


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up Lambda Integrations

As with any integration response, you can pass through this error response as-is to the method response.
Or you can have a body-mapping template to transform the payload into a different format. For
example, consider the following body-mapping template for a method response of 500 status code:

errorMessage: $input.path('$.errorMessage');

This template translates the integration response body that contains the custom error JSON string to the
following method response body. This method response body contains the custom error JSON object:


"errorMessage" : {
errorType : "InternalServerError",
httpStatus : 500,
requestId : context.awsRequestId,
trace : {
"function": "abc()",
"line": 123,
"file": "abc.js"

Depending on your API requirements, you may need to pass some or all of the custom error properties as
method response header parameters. You can achieve this by applying the custom error mappings from
the integration response body to the method response headers.
For example, the following OpenAPI extension defines a mapping from the errorMessage.errorType,
errorMessage.httpStatus, errorMessage.trace.function, and errorMessage.trace
properties to the error_type, error_status, error_trace_function, and error_trace headers,
"x-amazon-apigateway-integration": {
"responses": {
"default": {
"statusCode": "200",
"responseParameters": {

At runtime, API Gateway deserializes the integration.response.body parameter when performing
header mappings. However, this deserialization applies only to body-to-header mappings for Lambda
custom error responses and does not apply to body-to-body mappings using $input.body. With
these custom-error-body-to-header mappings, the client receives the following headers as part of the
method response, provided that the error_status, error_trace, error_trace_function, and
error_type headers are declared in the method request.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up HTTP Integrations

The errorMessage.trace property of the integration response body is a complex property. It is
mapped to the error_trace header as a JSON string.

Set up HTTP Integrations in API Gateway
You can integrate an API method with an HTTP endpoint using the HTTP proxy integration or the HTTP
custom integration.
With the proxy integration, the setup is simple. You only need to set the HTTP method and the HTTP
endpoint URI, according to the backend requirements, if you are not concerned with content encoding or
With the custom integration, the setup is more involved. In addition to the proxy integration setup steps,
you need to specify how the incoming request data is mapped to the integration request and how the
resulting integration response data is mapped to the method response.
• Set up HTTP Proxy Integrations in API Gateway (p. 110)
• Set up HTTP Custom Integrations in API Gateway (p. 114)

Set up HTTP Proxy Integrations in API Gateway
To set up a proxy resource with the HTTP proxy integration type, create an API resource with a greedy
path parameter (for example, /parent/{proxy+}) and integrate this resource with an HTTP backend
endpoint (for example,
{proxy}) on the ANY method. The greedy path parameter must be at the end of the resource path.
As with a non-proxy resource, you can set up a proxy resource with the HTTP proxy integration by using
the API Gateway console, importing an OpenAPI definition file, or calling the API Gateway REST API
directly. For detailed instructions about using the API Gateway console to configure a proxy resource with
the HTTP integration, see Build an API with HTTP Proxy Integration (p. 545).
The following OpenAPI definition file shows an example of an API with a proxy resource that is
integrated with the PetStore website.
OpenAPI 3.0

"openapi": "3.0.0",
"info": {
"version": "2016-09-12T23:19:28Z",
"title": "PetStoreWithProxyResource"
"paths": {
"/{proxy+}": {
"x-amazon-apigateway-any-method": {
"parameters": [
"name": "proxy",
"in": "path",
"required": true,
"schema": {
"type": "string"


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up HTTP Integrations




"responses": {},
"x-amazon-apigateway-integration": {
"responses": {
"default": {
"statusCode": "200"
"requestParameters": {
"integration.request.path.proxy": "method.request.path.proxy"
"uri": "{proxy}",
"passthroughBehavior": "when_no_match",
"httpMethod": "ANY",
"cacheNamespace": "rbftud",
"cacheKeyParameters": [
"type": "http_proxy"

"servers": [
"url": "{basePath}",
"variables": {
"basePath": {
"default": "/test"

OpenAPI 2.0

"swagger": "2.0",
"info": {
"version": "2016-09-12T23:19:28Z",
"title": "PetStoreWithProxyResource"
"host": "",
"basePath": "/test",
"schemes": [
"paths": {
"/{proxy+}": {
"x-amazon-apigateway-any-method": {
"produces": [
"parameters": [
"name": "proxy",
"in": "path",
"required": true,
"type": "string"
"responses": {},
"x-amazon-apigateway-integration": {
"responses": {


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up HTTP Integrations
"default": {
"statusCode": "200"






"requestParameters": {
"integration.request.path.proxy": "method.request.path.proxy"
"uri": "{proxy}",
"passthroughBehavior": "when_no_match",
"httpMethod": "ANY",
"cacheNamespace": "rbftud",
"cacheKeyParameters": [
"type": "http_proxy"

In this example, a cache key is declared on the method.request.path.proxy path parameter of
the proxy resource. This is the default setting when you create the API using the API Gateway console.
The API's base path (/test, corresponding to a stage) is mapped to the website's PetStore page (/
petstore). The single integration request mirrors the entire PetStore website using the API's greedy
path variable and the catch-all ANY method. The following examples illustrate this mirroring.
• Set ANY as GET and {proxy+} as pets
Method request initiated from the frontend:

Integration request sent to the backend:

The run-time instances of the ANY method and proxy resource are both valid. The call returns a 200
OK response with the payload containing the first batch of pets, as returned from the backend.
• Set ANY as GET and {proxy+} as pets?type=dog

Integration request sent to the backend:

The run-time instances of the ANY method and proxy resource are both valid. The call returns a
200 OK response with the payload containing the first batch of specified dogs, as returned from the
• Set ANY as GET and {proxy+} as pets/{petId}
Method request initiated from the frontend:


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up HTTP Integrations

Integration request sent to the backend:

The run-time instances of the ANY method and proxy resource are both valid. The call returns a 200
OK response with the payload containing the specified pet, as returned from the backend.
• Set ANY as POST and {proxy+} as pets
Method request initiated from the frontend:
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: ...

"type" : "dog",
"price" : 1001.00

Integration request sent to the backend:
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: ...

"type" : "dog",
"price" : 1001.00

The run-time instances of the ANY method and proxy resource are both valid. The call returns a 200
OK response with the payload containing the newly created pet, as returned from the backend.
• Set ANY as GET and {proxy+} as pets/cat
Method request initiated from the frontend:

Integration request sent to the backend:

The run-time instance of the proxy resource path does not correspond to a backend endpoint and the
resulting request is invalid. As a result, a 400 Bad Request response is returned with the following
error message.

"errors": [
"key": "Pet2.type",
"message": "Missing required field"
"key": "Pet2.price",
"message": "Missing required field"


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up Private Integrations



• Set ANY as GET and {proxy+} as null
Method request initiated from the frontend:

Integration request sent to the backend:

The targeted resource is the parent of the proxy resource, but the run-time instance of the ANY
method is not defined in the API on that resource. As a result, this GET request returns a 403
Forbidden response with the Missing Authentication Token error message as returned by API
Gateway. If the API exposes the ANY or GET method on the parent resource (/), the call returns a 404
Not Found response with the Cannot GET /petstore message as returned from the backend.
For any client request, if the targeted endpoint URL is invalid or the HTTP verb is valid but not
supported, the backend returns a 404 Not Found response. For an unsupported HTTP method, a 403
Forbidden response is returned.

Set up HTTP Custom Integrations in API Gateway
With the HTTP custom integration, you have more control of which data to pass between an API method
and an API integration and how to pass the data. You do this using data mappings.
As part of the method request setup, you set the requestParameters property on a Method resource.
This declares which method request parameters, which are provisioned from the client, are to be
mapped to integration request parameters or applicable body properties before being dispatched to the
backend. Then, as part of the integration request setup, you set the requestParameters property on the
corresponding Integration resource to specify the parameter-to-parameter mappings. You also set the
requestTemplates property to specify mapping templates, one for each supported content type. The
mapping templates map method request parameters, or body, to the integration request body.
Similarly, as part of the method response setup, you set the responseParameters property on the
MethodResponse resource. This declares which method response parameters, to be dispatched to the
client, are to be mapped from integration response parameters or certain applicable body properties
that were returned from the backend. Then, as part of the integration response setup, you set the
responseParameters property on the corresponding IntegrationResponse resource to specify the
parameter-to-parameter mappings. You also set the responseTemplates map to specify mapping
templates, one for each supported content type. The mapping templates map integration response
parameters, or integration response body properties, to the method response body.
For more information about setting up mapping templates, see Set up Data Mappings. (p. 130)

Set up API Gateway Private Integrations
The API Gateway private integration makes it simple to expose your HTTP/HTTPS resources behind an
Amazon VPC for access by clients outside of the VPC. To extend access to your private VPC resources
beyond the VPC boundaries, you can create an API with private integration for open access or controlled
access. You can do this by using IAM permissions, a Lambda authorizer, or an Amazon Cognito user pool.
The private integration uses an API Gateway resource of VpcLink to encapsulate connections between
API Gateway and targeted VPC resources. As an owner of a VPC resource, you are responsible for creating


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up Private Integrations

a network load balancer in your VPC and adding a VPC resource as a target of a network load balancer's
listener. As an API developer, to set up an API with the private integration, you are responsible for
creating a VpcLink targeting specified network load balancers and then treating the VpcLink as an
effective integration endpoint.
With the API Gateway private integration, you can enable access to HTTP/HTTPS resources within a VPC
without detailed knowledge of private network configurations or technology-specific appliances.
• Set up a Network Load Balancer for API Gateway Private Integrations (p. 115)
• Grant Permissions to Create a VPC Link (p. 115)
• Set up an API Gateway API with Private Integrations Using the API Gateway Console (p. 116)
• Set up an API Gateway API with Private Integrations Using the AWS CLI (p. 116)
• Set up API with Private Integrations Using OpenAPI (p. 119)

Set up a Network Load Balancer for API Gateway Private
The following procedure outlines the steps to set up a network load balancer for API Gateway private
integrations using the Amazon EC2 console and provides references for detailed instructions for each

To create a network load balancer for private integration using the API Gateway console

Sign in to the Amazon EC2 console at and choose a region;
for example, us-east-1, on the navigation bar.


Set up a web server on an Amazon EC2 instance. For an example setup, see Installing a LAMP Web
Server on Amazon Linux.


Create a network load balancer, register the EC2 instance with a target group, and add the target
group to a listener of the network load balancer. For details, follow the instructions in Getting
Started with Network Load Balancers.
After the network load balancer is created, note its ARN. You will need it to create a VPC link in API
Gateway for integrating the API with the VPC resources behind the network load balancer.

Grant Permissions to Create a VPC Link
For you or a user in your account to create and maintain a VPC link, you or the user must have
permissions to create, delete, and view VPC endpoint service configurations, change VPC endpoint
service permissions, and examine load balancers. To grant such permissions, use the following steps.

To grant permissions to create and update a VpcLink

Create an IAM policy similar to the following:



Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up Private Integrations








Create or choose an IAM role and attach the preceding policy to the role.


Assign the IAM role to you or a user in your account who is creating VPC links.

Set up an API Gateway API with Private Integrations Using the
API Gateway Console
For instructions using the API Gateway Console to set up an API with private integration, see Build an API
with API Gateway Private Integration (p. 579).

Set up an API Gateway API with Private Integrations Using the
Before creating an API with the private integration, you must have your VPC resource set up and a
network load balancer created and configured with your VPC source as the target. If the requirements
are not met, follow Set up a Network Load Balancer for API Gateway Private Integrations (p. 115) to
install the VPC resource, create a NLB, set the VPC resource as a target of the network load balancer.
For you to be able to create and manage a VpcLink, you must also have the appropriate permissions
configured. For more information, see Grant Permissions to Create a VPC Link (p. 115).


You only need the permissions to create a VpcLink in your API. You do not need the
permissions to use the VpcLink.
After the network load balancer is created, note its ARN. You need it to create a VPC link for the private

To set up an API with the private integration using AWS CLI

Create a VpcLink targeting the specified network load balancer.
For this discussion, we assume the ARN of the network load balancer is
aws apigateway create-vpc-link \
--name my-test-vpc-link \
--target-arns arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:us-east-1:123456789012:loadbalancer/net/
my-vpclink-test-nlb/1f8df693cd094a72 \
--region us-east-1


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up Private Integrations

If the AWS configuration uses us-east-1 as the default region, you can skip the endpoint-url
and region parameters in the preceding input.
The preceding command immediately returns the following response, acknowledging the receipt of
the request, and showing the PENDING status for the VpcLink being created.

"status": "PENDING",
"targetArns": [
"id": "gim7c3",
"name": "my-test-vpc-link"

It takes 2-4 minutes for API Gateway to finish creating the VpcLink. When the operation finishes
successfully, the status is AVAILABLE. You can verify this by calling the following CLI command:
aws apigateway get-vpc-link --vpc-link-id gim7c3

If the operation fails, you get a FAILED status, with the statusMessage containing the error
message. For example, if you attempt to create a VpcLink with a network load balancer that is
already associated with a VPC endpoint, you get the following on the statusMessage property:
"NLB is already associated with another VPC Endpoint Service"

Only after the VpcLink is created successfully are we ready to create the API and integrate it with
the VPC resource through the VpcLink.
Note the id value of the newly created VpcLink (gim7c3 in the preceding output). You need it to
set up the private integration.

Set up an API by creating an API Gateway RestApi resource:
aws apigateway create-rest-api --name 'My VPC Link Test'

We have dropped the input parameters of endpoint-url and region to use the default region as
specified in the AWS configuration.
Note the RestApi's id value in the returned result. In this example, we assume it is 6j4m3244we.
You need this value to perform further operations on the API, including setting up methods and
For illustration purposes, we will create an API with only a GET method on the root resource (/) and
integrate the method with the VpcLink.

Set up the GET / method. First get the identifier of the root resource (/):
aws apigateway get-resources --rest-api-id 6j4m3244we

In the output, note the id value of the / path. In this example, we assume it to be skpp60rab7.
Set up the method request for the API method of GET /:
aws apigateway put-method \


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up Private Integrations
--rest-api-id 6j4m3244we \
--resource-id skpp60rab7 \
--http-method GET \
--authorization-type "NONE"

To use the IAM permissions, a Lambda authorizer, or an Amazon Cognito user pool to authenticate
the caller, set the authorization-type to AWS_IAM, CUSTOM, or COGNITO_USER_POOLS,
If you do not use the proxy integration with the VpcLink, you must also set up at least a method
response of the 200 status code. We will use the proxy integration here.

Set up the private integration of the HTTP_PROXY type and call the put-integration command
as follows:
aws apigateway put-integration \
--rest-api-id 6j4m3244we \
--resource-id skpp60rab7 \
--uri '' \
--http-method GET \
--type HTTP_PROXY \
--integration-http-method GET \
--connection-type VPC_LINK \
--connection-id gim7c3

For a private integration, you must set connection-type to VPC_LINK and set connectionid to either your VpcLink's identifier or a stage variable referencing your VpcLink ID. The uri
parameter is not used for routing requests to your endpoint, but is used for setting the Host header
and for certificate validation.
If successful, the command returns the following output:


"passthroughBehavior": "WHEN_NO_MATCH",
"timeoutInMillis": 29000,
"connectionId": "gim7c3",
"uri": "",
"connectionType": "VPC_LINK",
"httpMethod": "GET",
"cacheNamespace": "skpp60rab7",
"type": "HTTP_PROXY",
"cacheKeyParameters": []

Using a stage variable, you set the connectionId property when creating the integration:
aws apigateway put-integration \
--rest-api-id 6j4m3244we \
--resource-id skpp60rab7 \
--uri '' \
--http-method GET \
--type HTTP_PROXY \
--integration-http-method GET \
--connection-type VPC_LINK \
--connection-id "\${stageVariables.vpcLinkId}"

Make sure to double-quote the stage variable expression (${stageVariables.vpcLinkId}) and
escape the $ character.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up Private Integrations

Alternatively, you can update the integration to reset the connectionId value with a stage
aws apigateway update-integration \
--rest-api-id 6j4m3244we \
--resource-id skpp60rab7 \
--http-method GET \
--patch-operations '[{"op":"replace","path":"/

Make sure to use a stringified JSON list as the patch-operations parameter value.
Using a stage variable to set the connectionId value has the advantage of having the same API
integrated with different VpcLinks by resetting the stage variable value. This is useful for switching
your API to a different VPC link to migrate to a different network load balancer or a different VPC.
Because we used the private proxy integration, the API is now ready for deployment and for test
runs. With the non-proxy integration, you must also set up the method response and integration
response, just as you would when setting up an API with HTTP custom integrations (p. 551).

To test the API, deploy the API. This is necessary if you have used the stage variable as a placeholder
of the VpcLink ID. To deploy the API with a stage variable, call the create-deployment command
as follows:
aws apigateway create-deployment \
--rest-api-id 6j4m3244we \
--stage-name test \
--variables vpcLinkId=gim7c3

To update the stage variable with a different VpcLink ID (e.g., asf9d7), call the update-stage
aws apigateway update-stage \
--rest-api-id 6j4m3244we \
--stage-name test \
--patch-operations op=replace,path='/variables/vpcLinkId',value='asf9d7'

To test the API, invoke it using the following cURL command:
curl -X GET

Alternatively, you can type the API's invoke-URL in a web browser to view the result.
When you hardcode the connection-id property with the VpcLink ID literal, you can also call
test-invoke-method to test invoking the API before it is deployed.

Set up API with Private Integrations Using OpenAPI
You can set up an API with the private integration by importing the API's OpenAPI file. The settings are
similar to the OpenAPI definitions of an API with HTTP integrations, with the following exceptions:
• You must explicitly set connectionType to VPC_LINK.
• You must explicitly set connectionId to the ID of a VpcLink or to a stage variable referencing the ID
of a VpcLink.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up Private Integrations

• The uri parameter in the private integration points to an HTTP/HTTPS endpoint in the VPC, but is
used instead to set up the integration request's Host header.
• The uri parameter in the private integration with an HTTPS endpoint in the VPC is used to verify the
stated domain name against the one in the certificate installed on the VPC endpoint.
You can use a stage variable to reference the VpcLink ID. Or you can assign the ID value directly to
The following JSON-formatted OpenAPI file shows an example of an API with a VPC link as referenced
by a stage variable (${stageVariables.vpcLinkId}):
OpenAPI 2.0


"swagger": "2.0",
"info": {
"version": "2017-11-17T04:40:23Z",
"title": "MyApiWithVpcLink"
"host": "",
"basePath": "/test",
"schemes": [
"paths": {
"/": {
"get": {
"produces": [
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "200 response",
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Empty"
"x-amazon-apigateway-integration": {
"responses": {
"default": {
"statusCode": "200"
"uri": "",
"passthroughBehavior": "when_no_match",
"connectionType": "VPC_LINK",
"connectionId": "${stageVariables.vpcLinkId}",
"httpMethod": "GET",
"type": "http_proxy"
"definitions": {
"Empty": {
"type": "object",
"title": "Empty Schema"


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up Mock Integrations

Set up Mock Integrations in API Gateway
Amazon API Gateway supports mock integrations for API methods. This feature enables API developers
to generate API responses from API Gateway directly, without the need for an integration backend. As
an API developer, you can use this feature to unblock dependent teams that need to work with an API
before the project development is complete. You can also use this feature to provision a landing page for
your API, which can provide an overview of and navigation to your API. For an example of such a landing
page, see the integration request and response of the GET method on the root resource of the example
API discussed in Build an API Gateway API from an Example (p. 516).
As an API developer, you decide how API Gateway responds to a mock integration request. For this, you
configure the method's integration request and integration response to associate a response with a given
status code. For a method with the mock integration to return a 200 response, configure the integration
request body mapping template to return the following.
{"statusCode": 200}

Configure a 200 integration response to have the following body mapping template, for example:

"statusCode": 200,
"message": "Go ahead without me."

Similarly, for the method to return, for example, a 500 error response, set up the integration request
body mapping template to return the following.
{"statusCode": 500}

Set up a 500 integration response with, for example, the following mapping template:

"statusCode": 500,
"message": "The invoked method is not supported on the API resource."

Alternatively, you can have a method of the mock integration return the default integration response
without defining the integration request mapping template. The default integration response is the one
with an undefined HTTP status regex. Make sure appropriate passthrough behaviors are set.
Using an integration request mapping template, you can inject application logic to decide which mock
integration response to return based on certain conditions. For example, you could use a scope query
parameter on the incoming request to determine whether to return a successful response or an error


#if( $input.params('scope') == "internal" )
"statusCode": 200
"statusCode": 500

This way, the method of the mock integration lets internal calls to go through while rejecting other types
of calls with an error response.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up Mock Integrations

In this section, we describe how to use the API Gateway console to enable the mock integration for an
API method.
• Enable Mock Integration Using the API Gateway Console (p. 122)

Enable Mock Integration Using the API Gateway Console
You must have the method available in API Gateway. Follow the instructions in Build an API with HTTP
Custom Integration (p. 550).

Choose an API resource and create a method. In the method Setup pane, choose Mock for
Integration type, and then choose Save.


Choose Method Request from Method Execution. Expand URL Query String Parameters. Choose
Add query string to add a scope query parameter. This determines if the caller is internal or


Choose Integration Request from Method Execution. Expand Body Mapping Templates. Choose or
add an application/json mapping template. Type the following in the template editor:


#if( $input.params('scope') == "internal" )
"statusCode": 200
"statusCode": 500

Choose Save.

Choose Integration Response from Method Execution. Expand the 200 response and then the Body
Mapping Templates section. Choose or add an application/json mapping template and type the
following response body mapping template in the template editor.

"statusCode": 200,
"message": "Go ahead without me"

Choose Save.

Scroll to Integration Response. Choose Add integration response to add a 500 response. Type
5\d{2} in HTTP status regex. Expand Body Mapping Templates and choose Add mapping
template. Type application/json for Content-Type and then choose the check mark icon to save
the setting. In the template editor, type the following integration response body mapping template:

"statusCode": 500,
"message": "The invoked method is not supported on the API resource."

Choose Save.

Choose Test from Method Execution. Do the following:

Type internal under scope. Choose Test. The test result shows:


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up Gateway Responses
Request: /?scope=internal
Status: 200
Latency: 26 ms
Response Body

"statusCode": 200,
"message": "Go ahead without me"

Response Headers


Type public under scope or leave it blank. Choose Test. The test result shows:
Request: /
Status: 500
Latency: 16 ms
Response Body

"statusCode": 500,
"message": "The invoked method is not supported on the API resource."

Response Headers

You can also return headers in a mock integration response by first adding a header to the method
response and then setting up a header mapping in the integration response. In fact, this is how the API
Gateway console enables CORS support by returning CORS required headers.

Set up Gateway Responses to Customize Error
If API Gateway fails to process an incoming request, it returns to the client an error response without
forwarding the request to the integration backend. By default, the error response contains a short
descriptive error message. For example, if you attempt to call an operation on an undefined API resource,
you receive an error response with the { "message": "Missing Authentication Token" }
message. If you are new to API Gateway, you may find it difficult to understand what actually went
For some of the error responses, API Gateway allows customization by API developers to return the
responses in different formats. For the Missing Authentication Token example, you can add a hint
to the original response payload with the possible cause, as in this example: {"message":"Missing
Authentication Token", "hint":"The HTTP method or resources may not be
When your API mediates between an external exchange and the AWS cloud, you use VTL mapping
templates for integration request or integration response to map the payload from one format to
another. However, the VTL mapping templates work only for valid requests with successful responses.
For invalid requests, API Gateway bypasses the integration altogether and returns an error response. You


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Gateway Responses in API Gateway

must use the customization to render the error responses in an exchange-compliant format. Here, the
customization is rendered in a non-VTL mapping template supporting only simple variable substitutions.
Generalizing the API Gateway-generated error response to any responses generated by API Gateway,
we refer to them as gateway responses. This distinguishes API Gateway-generated responses from
the integration responses. A gateway response mapping template can access $context variable
values and $stageVariables property values, as well as method request parameters, in the form of
method.request.param-position.param-name. For more information about $context variables,
see Accessing the $context Variable (p. 165). For more information about $stageVariables, see
Accessing the $stageVariables Variable (p. 172). For more information about method request
parameters, see Request parameters accessible by a mapping template (p. 160).
• Gateway Responses in API Gateway (p. 124)
• Gateway Response Types (p. 124)
• Set up a Gateway Response Using the API Gateway Console (p. 128)
• Set up a Gateway Response Using the API Gateway REST API (p. 129)
• Set up Gateway Response Customization in OpenAPI (p. 129)

Gateway Responses in API Gateway
A gateway response is identified by a response type defined by API Gateway. The response consists of an
HTTP status code, a set of additional headers that are specified by parameter mappings, and a payload
that is generated by a non-VTL mapping template.
In the API Gateway REST API, a gateway response is represented by the GatewayResponse. In
OpenAPI, a GatewayResponse instance is described by the x-amazon-apigateway-gatewayresponses.gatewayResponse (p. 499) extension.
To enable a gateway response, you set up a gateway response for a supported response type (p. 124) at
the API level. Whenever API Gateway returns a response of the type, the header mappings and payload
mapping templates defined in the gateway response are applied to return the mapped results to the API
In the following section, we show how to set up gateway responses using the API Gateway console and
the API Gateway REST API.

Gateway Response Types
API Gateway exposes the following gateway responses for customization by API developers.
Gateway response type

Default status code




The default gateway response
for an unspecified response type
with the status code of 4XX.
Changing the status code of
this fallback gateway response
changes the status codes of all
other 4XX responses to the new
value. Resetting this status code
to null reverts the status codes
of all other 4XX responses to
their original values.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Gateway Response Types

Gateway response type

Default status code




The default gateway response
for an unspecified response
type with a status code of 5XX.
Changing the status code of
this fallback gateway response
changes the status codes of all
other 5XX responses to the new
value. Resetting this status code
to null reverts the status codes
of all other 5XX responses to
their original values.



The gateway response for
authorization failure; for
example, when access is denied
by a custom or Amazon Cognito
authorizer. If the response type
is unspecified, this response
defaults to the DEFAULT_4XX



The gateway response for invalid
API configuration, including
invalid endpoint address
submitted, Base64 decoding
failed on binary data when
binary support is enacted, or
integration response mapping
cannot match any template
and no default template is
configured. If the response type
is unspecified, this response
defaults to the DEFAULT_5XX


The gateway response for
failing to connect to a custom or
Amazon Cognito authorizer. If
the response type is unspecified,
this response defaults to the


The gateway response when
a custom or Amazon Cognito
authorizer failed to authenticate
the caller. If the response type
is unspecified, this response
defaults to the DEFAULT_5XX



Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Gateway Response Types

Gateway response type

Default status code




The gateway response when
the request parameter cannot
be validated according to an
enabled request validator. If the
response type is unspecified,
this response defaults to the



The gateway response when
the request body cannot be
validated according to an
enabled request validator. If the
response type is unspecified,
this response defaults to the



The gateway response for an
AWS authentication token
expired error. If the response
type is unspecified, this response
defaults to the DEFAULT_4XX



The gateway response for an
integration failed error. If the
response type is unspecified,
this response defaults to the



The gateway response for an
integration timed out error. If
the response type is unspecified,
this response defaults to the



The gateway response for an
invalid API key submitted for a
method requiring an API key. If
the response type is unspecified,
this response defaults to the



The gateway response for an
invalid AWS signature error. If
the response type is unspecified,
this response defaults to the


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Gateway Response Types

Gateway response type

Default status code



The gateway response for a
missing authentication token
error, including the cases when
the client attempts to invoke
an unsupported API method or
resource. If the response type
is unspecified, this response
defaults to the DEFAULT_4XX



The gateway response for the
usage plan quota exceeded
error. If the response type
is unspecified, this response
defaults to the DEFAULT_4XX



The gateway response for the
request too large error. If the
response type is unspecified,
this response defaults to the



The gateway response when
API Gateway cannot find the
specified resource after an API
request passes authentication
and authorization, except for
API key authentication and
authorization. If the response
type is unspecified, this response
defaults to the DEFAULT_4XX



The gateway response when
usage plan-, method-, stage-, or
account-level throttling limits
exceeded. If the response type
is unspecified, this response
defaults to the DEFAULT_4XX



The gateway response when
the custom or Amazon Cognito
authorizer failed to authenticate
the caller.



The gateway response when a
payload is of an unsupported
media type, if strict passthrough
behavior is enabled. If the
response type is unspecified,
this response defaults to the


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up a Gateway Response Using the API Gateway Console

Set up a Gateway Response Using the API Gateway
To customize a gateway response using the API Gateway console

Sign in to the API Gateway console.


Choose your existing API or create a new one.


Expand the API in the primary navigation pane and choose Gateway Responses under the API.


In the Gateway Responses pane, choose a response type. In this walkthrough, we use Missing
Authentication Token (403) as an example.


You can change the API Gateway-generated Status Code to return a different status code that
meets your API's requirements. In this example, the customization changes the status code from the
default (403) to 404 because this error message occurs when a client calls an unsupported or invalid
resource that can be thought of as not found.


To return custom headers, choose Add Header under Response Headers. For illustration purposes,
we add the following custom headers:

In the preceding header mappings, a static domain name ('a.b.c') is mapped to the AllowControl-Allow-Origin header to allow CORS access to the API; the input request header of
x-amzn-RequestId is mapped to request-id in the response; the petId path variable of
the incoming request is mapped to the request-path header in the response; and the q query
parameter of the original request is mapped to the request-query header of the response.

Under Body Mapping Templates, leave application/json for Content Type and type the
following body mapping template in the Body Mapping Template editor:


"type": "$context.error.responseType",
"statusCode": "'404'",
"stage": "$context.stage",
"resourcePath": "$context.resourcePath",
"stageVariables.a": "$stageVariables.a"

This example shows how to map $context and $stageVariables properties to properties of the
gateway response body.

Choose Save.


Deploy the API to a new or existing stage.

10. Test it by calling the following CURL command, assuming the corresponding API method's Invoke
URL is
curl -v -H 'x-amnz-RequestId:123344566'

Because the extra query string parameter q=1 is not compatible with the API, An error is returned to
trigger the specified gateway response. You should get a gateway response similar to the following:

Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up a Gateway Response
Using the API Gateway REST API
> GET /custErr/pets/5?q=1 HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: curl/7.51.0
Accept: */*
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 334
Connection: keep-alive
Date: Tue, 02 May 2017 03:15:47 GMT
x-amzn-RequestId: a2be05a4-2ee5-11e7-bbf2-df131ec50ae6
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: a.b.c
x-amzn-ErrorType: MissingAuthenticationTokenException
header-1: static
x-request-query: 1
x-request-path: 5
X-Cache: Error from cloudfront
Via: 1.1 (CloudFront)
X-Amz-Cf-Id: nNDR-fX4csbRoAgtQJ16u0rTDz9FZWT-Mk93KgoxnfzDlTUh3flmzA==


"message":"Missing Authentication Token",
"statusCode": '404',
"stage": custErr,
"resourcePath": /pets/{petId},
"stageVariables.a": a

The preceding example assumes that the API backend is Pet Store and the API has a stage variable,
a, defined.

Set up a Gateway Response Using the API Gateway
Before customizing a gateway response using the API Gateway REST API, you must have already created
an API and have obtained its identifier. To retrieve the API identifier, you can follow restapi:gatewayresponses link relation and examine the result.

To customize a gateway response using the API Gateway REST API

To overwrite an entire GatewayResponse instance, call the gatewayresponse:put action, specifying
a desired responseType in the URL path parameter and supplying in the request payload the
statusCode, responseParameters and responseTemplates mappings.


To update part of a GatewayResponse instance, call the gatewayresponse:update action, specifying
a desired responseType in the URL path parameter and supplying in the request payload
desired individual GatewayResponse properties, for example, the responseParameters or the
responseTemplates mapping.

Set up Gateway Response Customization in OpenAPI
You can use the x-amazon-apigateway-gateway-responses extension at the API root level to
customize gateway responses in OpenAPI. The following OpenAPI definition shows an example for
customizing the GatewayResponse of the MISSING_AUTHENTICATION_TOKEN type.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up Data Mappings

"x-amazon-apigateway-gateway-responses": {
"statusCode": 404,
"responseParameters": {
"gatewayresponse.header.x-request-path": "method.input.params.petId",
"gatewayresponse.header.x-request-query": "method.input.params.q",
"gatewayresponse.header.Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "'a.b.c'",
"gatewayresponse.header.x-request-header": "method.input.params.Accept"
"responseTemplates": {
"application/json": "{\n
\"message\": $context.error.messageString,\n
\"type\": \"$context.error.responseType\",\n
\"stage\": \"$context.stage
\"resourcePath\": \"$context.resourcePath\",\n
\"statusCode\": \"'404'\"\n}"

In this example, the customization changes the status code from the default (403) to 404. It also adds to
the gateway response four header parameters and one body mapping template for the application/
json media type.

Set up API Gateway Request and Response Data
• Set up Request and Response Data Mappings Using the API Gateway Console (p. 130)
• Create Models and Mapping Templates for Request and Response Mappings (p. 133)
• Amazon API Gateway API Request and Response Data Mapping Reference (p. 160)
• API Gateway Mapping Template Reference (p. 164)

Set up Request and Response Data Mappings Using
the API Gateway Console
To use the API Gateway console to define the API's integration request/response, follow these


These instructions assume you have already completed the steps in Set up an API Integration
Request Using the API Gateway Console (p. 88).

With the method selected in the Resources pane, in the Method Execution pane, choose
Integration Request.


For an HTTP proxy or an AWS service proxy, to associate a path parameter, a query string parameter,
or a header parameter defined in the integration request with a corresponding path parameter,
query string parameter, or header parameter in the method request of the HTTP proxy or AWS
service proxy, do the following:

Choose the arrow next to URL Path Parameters, URL Query String Parameters, or HTTP
Headers respectively, and then choose Add path, Add query string, or Add header,


For Name, type the name of the path parameter, query string parameter, or header parameter
in the HTTP proxy or AWS service proxy.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up Request and Response
Data Mappings Using the Console


For Mapped from, type the mapping value for the path parameter, query string parameter, or
header parameter. Use one of the following formats:
• method.request.path.parameter-name for a path parameter named parameter-name
as defined in the Method Request page.
• method.request.querystring.parameter-name for a query string parameter named
parameter-name as defined in the Method Request page.
• method.request.multivaluequerystring.parameter-name for a multi-valued query
string parameter named parameter-name as defined in the Method Request page.
• method.request.header.parameter-name for a header parameter named parametername as defined in the Method Request page.
Alternatively, you can set a literal string value (enclosed by a pair of single quotes) to an
integration header.
• method.request.multivalueheader.parameter-name for a multi-valued header
parameter named parameter-name as defined in the Method Request page.


Choose Create. (To delete a path parameter, query string parameter, or header parameter,
choose Cancel or Remove next to the parameter you want to delete.)

In the Body Mapping Templates area, choose an option for Request body passthrough to configure
how the method request body of an unmapped content type will be passed through the integration
request without transformation to the Lambda function, HTTP proxy, or AWS service proxy. There
are three options:
• Choose When no template matches the request Content-Type header if you want the method
request body to pass through the integration request to the backend without transformation
when the method request content type does not match any content types associated with the
mapping templates, as defined in the next step.


When calling the API Gateway API, you choose this option by setting WHEN_NO_MATCH as
the passthroughBehavior property value on the Integration resource.
• Choose When there are no templates defined (recommended) if you want the method request
body to pass through the integration request to the backend without transformation when no
mapping template is defined in the integration request. If a template is defined when this option
is selected, the method request of an unmapped content type will be rejected with an HTTP 415
Unsupported Media Type response.


When calling the API Gateway API, you choose this option by setting
WHEN_NO_TEMPLATE as the passthroughBehavior property value on the Integration
• Choose Never if you do not want the method request to pass through when either the method
request content type does not match any content type associated with the mapping templates
defined in the integration request or no mapping template is defined in the integration
request. The method request of an unmapped content type will be rejected with an HTTP 415
Unsupported Media Type response.


When calling the API Gateway API, you choose this option by setting NEVER as the
passthroughBehavior property value on the Integration resource.
For more information about the integration passthrough behaviors, see Integration Passthrough
Behaviors (p. 163).

To define a mapping template for an incoming request, choose Add mapping template under
Content-Type. Type a content type (e.g., application/json) in the input text box and then
choose the check mark icon to save the input. Then, type the mapping template manually or choose

Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up Request and Response
Data Mappings Using the Console

Generate template to create one from a model template. For more information, see Create Models
and Mapping Templates for Request and Response Mappings (p. 133).

You can map an integration response from the backend to a method response of the API returned
to the calling app. This includes returning to the client selected response headers from the available
ones from the backend, transforming the data format of the backend response payload to an APIspecified format. You can specify such mapping by configuring Method Response and Integration
Response from the Method Execution page.

In the Method Execution pane, choose Integration Response. Choose either the arrow next
to 200 to specify settings for a 200 HTTP response code from the method, or choose Add
integration response to specify settings for any other HTTP response status code from the


For Lambda error regex (for a Lambda function) or HTTP status regex (for an HTTP proxy or
AWS service proxy), type a regular expression to specify which Lambda function error strings
(for a Lambda function) or HTTP response status codes (for an HTTP proxy or AWS service
proxy) map to this output mapping. For example, to map all 2xx HTTP response status codes
from an HTTP proxy to this output mapping, type "2\\d{2}" for HTTP status regex. To return
an error message containing "Invalid Request" from a Lambda function to a 400 Bad Request
response, type ".*Invalid request.*" as the Lambda error regex expression. On the other
hand, to return 400 Bad Request for all unmapped error messages from Lambda, type
"(\n|.)+" in Lambda error regex. This last regular expression can be used for the default error
response of an API.


API Gateway uses Java pattern-style regexes for response mapping. For more
information, see Pattern in the Oracle documentation.
The error patterns are matched against the entire string of the errorMessage
property in the Lambda response, which is populated by callback(errorMessage)
in Node.js or by throw new MyException(errorMessage) in Java. Also, escaped
characters are unescaped before the regular expression is applied.
If you use '.+' as the selection pattern to filter responses, be aware that it may not
match a response containing a newline ('\n') character.

If enabled, for Method response status, choose the HTTP response status code you defined in
the Method Response page.


For Header Mappings, for each header you defined for the HTTP response status code in the
Method Response page, specify a mapping value by choosing Edit. For Mapping value, use one
of the following formats:
• integration.response.multivalueheaders.header-name where header-name is the
name of a multi-valued response header from the backend.
For example, to return the backend response's Date header as an API method's response's
Timestamp header, the Response header column will contain a Timestamp entry, and the
associated Mapping value should be set to integration.response.multivalueheaders.Date.
• integration.response.header.header-name where header-name is the name of a
single-valued response header from the backend.
For example, to return the backend response's Date header as an API method's response's
Timestamp header, the Response header column will contain a Timestamp entry, and the
associated Mapping value should be set to integration.response.header.Date.


In the Template Mappings area, next to Content type, choose Add. In the Content type box,
type the content type of the data that will be passed from the Lambda function, HTTP proxy, or
AWS service proxy to the method. Choose Update.


Select Output passthrough if you want the method to receive, but not modify, the data from
the Lambda function, HTTP proxy, or AWS service proxy.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create Models and Mapping Templates



If Output passthrough is cleared, for Output mapping, specify the output mapping template
you want the Lambda function, HTTP proxy, or AWS service proxy to use to send data to the
method. You can either type the mapping template manually or choose a model from Generate
template from model.
Choose Save.

Create Models and Mapping Templates for Request
and Response Mappings
In API Gateway, an API's method request can take a payload in a different format from the corresponding
integration request payload, as required in the backend. Similarly, the backend may return an
integration response payload different from the method response payload, as expected by the frontend.
API Gateway lets you use mapping templates to map the payload from a method request to the
corresponding integration request and from an integration response to the corresponding method
A mapping template is a script expressed in Velocity Template Language (VTL) and applied to the
payload using JSONPath expressions.
The payload can have a data model according to the JSON schema draft 4. You must define the model
in order to have API Gateway to generate a SDK or to enable basic request validation for your API. You
do not have to define any model to create a mapping template. However, a model can help you create a
template because API Gateway will generate a template blueprint based on a provided model.
The section explains how to map the API request and response payload using models and mapping
• Models (p. 133)
• Mapping Templates (p. 137)
• Tasks for Models and Mapping Templates (p. 139)
• Create a Model in API Gateway (p. 139)
• View a List of Models in API Gateway (p. 139)
• Use a Mapping Template to Override an API's Request and Response Parameters and Status
Codes (p. 140)
• Delete a Model in API Gateway (p. 144)
• Photos Example (API Gateway Models and Mapping Templates) (p. 144)
• News Article Example (API Gateway Models and Mapping Templates) (p. 148)
• Sales Invoice Example (API Gateway Models and Mapping Templates) (p. 151)
• Employee Record Example (API Gateway Models and Mapping Templates) (p. 155)

In API Gateway, a model defines the data structure of a payload. In API Gateway models are defined
using the JSON schema draft 4.
The following JSON object describes a sample data describing the fruit or vegetable inventory in the
produce department of a likely supermarket:
Suppose we have an API for managing fruit and vegetable inventory in the produce department of a
supermarket. When a manager queries the backend for the current inventory, the server sends back the
following response payload:


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create Models and Mapping Templates



"department": "produce",
"categories": [
"bins": [
"category": "fruit",
"type": "apples",
"price": 1.99,
"unit": "pound",
"quantity": 232
"category": "fruit",
"type": "bananas",
"price": 0.19,
"unit": "each",
"quantity": 112
"category": "vegetables",
"type": "carrots",
"price": 1.29,
"unit": "bag",
"quantity": 57

The JSON object has three properties
• The department property has a string value (produce).
• The categories property is an array of two strings: fruit and vegetables.
• The bins property is an array of objects, each having the string- or number-valued properties of
category, type, price, unit and quantity.
We can use the following JSON Schema to define the model for the above data:

"$schema": "",
"title": "GroceryStoreInputModel",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"department": { "type": "string" },
"categories": {
"type": "array",
"items": { "type": "string" }
"bins": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"category": { "type": "string" },
"type": { "type": "string" },
"price": { "type": "number" },
"unit": { "type": "string" },
"quantity": { "type": "integer" }


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create Models and Mapping Templates




In the preceding example model:
• The $schema object represents a valid JSON Schema version identifier. In this example, it refers to
JSON Schema, draft v4.
• The title object is a human-readable identifier for the model. In this example, it is
• The top-level, or root, construct in the JSON data is an object.
• The root object in the JSON data contains department, categories, and bins properties.
• The department property is a string object in the JSON data.
• The categories property is an array in the JSON data. The array contains string values in the JSON
• The bins property is an array in the JSON data. The array contains objects in the JSON data. Each of
these objects in the JSON data contains a category string, a type string, a price number, a unit
string, and a quantity integer (a number without a fraction or exponent part).
Alternatively, you could include part of this schema, for example, the item definition of the bins array,
in a separate section of the same file and use the $ref primitive to reference this reusable definition in
other parts of the schema. Using $ref, the above model definition file can be expressed as follows:


"$schema": "",
"title": "GroceryStoreInputModel",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"department": { "type": "string" },
"categories": {
"type": "array",
"items": { "type": "string" }
"bins": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Bin"
"definitions": {
"Bin" : {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"category": { "type": "string" },
"type": { "type": "string" },
"price": { "type": "number" },
"unit": { "type": "string" },
"quantity": { "type": "integer" }

The definitions section contains the schema definition of the Bin item that is referenced in the bins
array with "ref": "#/definitions/Bin". Using reusable definitions this way makes your model
definition easier to read.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create Models and Mapping Templates

In addition, you can also reference another model schema defined in an external model
file by setting that model's URL as the value of the $ref property: "$ref": "https://{restapi_id}/models/{model_name}". For example,
supposed you have the following full-fledged model named Bin created under an API with an identifier
of fugvjdxtri:


"$schema": "",
"title": "GroceryStoreInputModel",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"Bin" : {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"category": { "type": "string" },
"type": { "type": "string" },
"price": { "type": "number" },
"unit": { "type": "string" },
"quantity": { "type": "integer" }

You can then reference it from the GroceryStoreInputModel from the same API, as shown as follows:


"$schema": "",
"title": "GroceryStoreInputModel",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"department": { "type": "string" },
"categories": {
"type": "array",
"items": { "type": "string" }
"bins": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"$ref": ""

The referencing and referenced models must be from the same API.
The examples do not use advanced JSON Schema features, such as specifying required items; minimum
and maximum allowed string lengths, numeric values, and array item lengths; regular expressions; and
more. For more information, see Introducing JSON and JSON schema draft 4.
For more complex JSON data formats and their models, see the following examples:
• Input Model (Photos Example) (p. 145) and Output Model (Photos Example) (p. 147) in the Photos
Example (p. 144)
• Input Model (News Article Example) (p. 148) and Output Model (News Article Example) (p. 150) in
the News Article Example (p. 148)
• Input Model (Sales Invoice Example) (p. 152) and Output Model (Sales Invoice Example) (p. 154) in
the Sales Invoice Example (p. 151)
• Input Model (Employee Record Example) (p. 156) and Output Model (Employee Record
Example) (p. 158) in the Employee Record Example (p. 155)


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create Models and Mapping Templates

To experiment with models in API Gateway, follow the instructions in Map Response Payload (p. 567),
specifically Step 1: Create Models (p. 569).

Mapping Templates
When the backend returns the query results (shown in the Models (p. 133) section), the manager of the
produce department may be interested in reading them as follows:


"choices": [
"kind": "apples",
"suggestedPrice": "1.99 per pound",
"available": 232
"kind": "bananas",
"suggestedPrice": "0.19 per each",
"available": 112
"kind": "carrots",
"suggestedPrice": "1.29 per bag",
"available": 57

To enable this, we need to provide API Gateway a mapping template to translate the data from the
backend format. The following mapping template will do just that.
#set($inputRoot = $input.path('$'))
"choices": [
#foreach($elem in $inputRoot.bins)
"kind": "$elem.type",
"suggestedPrice": "$elem.price per $elem.unit",
"available": $elem.quantity

Let us now examine some details of the preceding output mapping template:
• The $inputRoot variable represents the root object in the original JSON data from the previous
section. The variables in an output mapping template map to the original JSON data, not the desired
transformed JSON data schema.
• The choices array in the output mapping template is mapped from the bins array with the root
object in the original JSON data ($inputRoot.bins).
• In the output mapping template, each of the objects in the choices array (represented by $elem) are
mapped from the corresponding objects in the bins array within the root object in the original JSON
• In the output mapping template, for each of objects in the choices object, the values of the kind
and available objects (represented by $elem.type and $elem.quantity) are mapped from the
corresponding values of the type and value objects in each of the objects in the original JSON data's
bins array, respectively.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create Models and Mapping Templates

• In the output mapping template, for each of objects in the choices object, the value of the
suggestedPrice object is a concatenation of the corresponding value of the price and unit
objects in each of the objects in the original JSON data, respectively, with each value separated by the
word per.
For more information about the Velocity Template Language, see Apache Velocity - VTL Reference. For
more information about JSONPath, see JSONPath - XPath for JSON.
The mapping template assumes that the underlying data is of a JSON object. It does not require that a
model be defined for the data. As an API developer, you know the data formats at both the front and
backends. That knowledge can guide you to define the necessary mappings without ambiguity.
To have an SDK generated for the API, the above data will be returned as a language-specific object. For
strongly typed languages, such as Java, Objective-C or Swift, the object corresponds to a user-defined
data type (UDT). API Gateway will create such a UDT if you provide it with a data model. For the method
response example above, you can define the following payload model in the integration response:


"$schema": "",
"title": "GroceryStoreOutputModel",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"choices": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"kind": { "type": "string" },
"suggestedPrice": { "type": "string" },
"available": { "type": "integer" }

In this model, the JSON schema is expressed as follows:
• The $schema object represents a valid JSON Schema version identifier. In this example, it refers to
JSON Schema, draft v4.
• The title object is a human-readable identifier for the model. In this example, it is
• The top-level, or root, construct in the JSON data is an object.
• The root object in the JSON data contains an array of objects.
• Each object in the array of objects contains a kind string, a suggestedPrice string, and an
available integer (a number without a fraction or exponent part).
With this model, you can call an SDK to retrieve the kind, suggestedPrice and
available property values by reading the GroceryStoreOutputModel[i].kind,
GroceryStoreOutputModel[i].suggestedPrice and
GroceryStoreOutputModel[i].available properties, respectively. If no model is provided, API
Gateway will use the Empty model to create a default UDT. In this case, you will not be able to read these
properties using a strongly-typed SDK.
To explore more complex mapping templates, see the following examples:
• Input Mapping Template (Photos Example) (p. 146) and Output Mapping Template (Photos
Example) (p. 147) in the Photos Example (p. 144)


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create Models and Mapping Templates

• Input Mapping Template (News Article Example) (p. 149) and Output Mapping Template (News
Article Example) (p. 150) in the News Article Example (p. 148)
• Input Mapping Template (Sales Invoice Example) (p. 153) and Output Mapping Template (Sales
Invoice Example) (p. 155) in the Sales Invoice Example (p. 151)
• Input Mapping Template (Employee Record Example) (p. 157) and Output Mapping Template
(Employee Record Example) (p. 159) in the Employee Record Example (p. 155)
To experiment with mapping templates in API Gateway, follow the instructions in Map Response
Payload (p. 567), specifically Step 5: Set up and Test the Methods (p. 573).

Tasks for Models and Mapping Templates
For additional things you can do with models and mapping templates, see the following:
• Create a Model (p. 139)
• View a List of Models (p. 139)
• Delete a Model (p. 144)

Create a Model in API Gateway
Use the API Gateway console to create a model for an API.
• Prerequisites (p. 139)
• Create a Model With the API Gateway Console (p. 139)


You must have an API available in API Gateway. Follow the instructions in Creating a REST API in
Amazon API Gateway (p. 39).

Create a Model With the API Gateway Console

Sign in to the API Gateway console at


In the box that contains the name of the API where you want to create the model, choose Models.


Choose Create.


For Model Name, type a name for the model.


For Content Type, type the model's content type (for example, application/json for JSON).


(Optional) For Model description, type a description for the model.


For Model schema, type the model's schema. For more information about model schemas, see
Create Models and Mapping Templates for Request and Response Mappings (p. 133).


Choose Create model.

View a List of Models in API Gateway
Use the API Gateway console to view a list of models.
• Prerequisites (p. 140)


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create Models and Mapping Templates

• View a List of Models with the API Gateway Console (p. 140)


You must have at least one model in API Gateway. Follow the instructions in Create a
Model (p. 139).

View a List of Models with the API Gateway Console

Sign in to the API Gateway console at
In the box that contains the name of the API, choose Models.

Use a Mapping Template to Override an API's Request and
Response Parameters and Status Codes
Standard API Gateway parameter and response code mapping templates (p. 133) allow you to map
parameters one-to-one and map a family of integration response status codes (matched by a regular
expression) to a single response status code. Mapping template overrides provides you with the flexibility
to perform many-to-one parameter mappings; override parameters after standard API Gateway
mappings have been applied; conditionally map parameters based on body content or other parameter
values; programmatically create new parameters on the fly; and override status codes returned by your
integration endpoint. Any type of request parameter, response header, or response status code may be
Following are example uses for a mapping template override:
• To create a new header (or overwrite an existing header) as a concatenation of two parameters
• To override the response code to a success or failure code based on the contents of the body
• To conditionally remap a parameter based on its contents or the contents of some other parameter
• To iterate over the contents of a json body and remap key value pairs to headers or query strings
To create a mapping template override, use one or more of the following $context variables (p. 165)
in a mapping template (p. 133):
Request Body Mapping Template

Response Body Mapping Template

$context.requestOverride.path.path_name $context.responseOverride.status


Mapping template overrides cannot be used with proxy integration endpoints, which lack data
mappings. For more information about integration types, see Choose an API Gateway API
Integration Type (p. 86).


Overrides are final. An override may only be applied to each parameter once. Trying to override
the same parameter multiple times will result in 5XX responses from Amazon API Gateway. If
you must override the same parameter multiple times throughout the template, we recommend
creating a variable and applying the override at the end of the template. Note that the template


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create Models and Mapping Templates

is applied only after the entire template is parsed. See Tutorial: Override an API's Request
Parameters and Headers with the API Gateway Console (p. 142).
The following tutorials show how to create and test a mapping template override in the API Gateway
console. These tutorials use the PetStore sample API (p. 516) as a starting point. Both tutorials assume
that you have already created the the PetStore sample API (p. 516).
• Tutorial: Override an API's Response Status Code with the API Gateway Console (p. 141)
• Tutorial: Override an API's Request Parameters and Headers with the API Gateway Console (p. 142)
• Examples: Override an API's Request Parameters and Headers with the API Gateway CLI (p. 143)
• Example: Override an API's Request Parameters and Headers Using the SDK for JavaScript (p. 143)

Tutorial: Override an API's Response Status Code with the API Gateway Console
To retrieve a pet using the PetStore sample API, you use the API method request of GET /pets/
{petId}, where {petId} is a path parameter that can take a number at run time.
In this tutorial, you'll override this GET method's response code by creating a mapping template that
maps $context.responseOverride.status to 400 when an error condition is detected.

Sign in to the API Gateway console at


Under APIs, choose the PetStore API.


In the Resources column, choose the GET method under /{petId}.


In the Client box, choose Test.


Type -1 for {petId} and choose Test.
In the results, you'll notice two things:
First, the Response Body indicates an out-of-range error:


"errors": [
"key": "GetPetRequest.petId",
"message": "The value is out of range."

Second, the last line under Logs box ends with: Method completed with status: 200.

Go back to Method Execution. Choose Integration Response, and then choose the arrow next to


In the Mapping Templates section, choose Add mapping template.


For Content Type, type application/json, and then choose the check mark icon to save the


Copy the following code into the template area:
#set($inputRoot = $input.path('$'))
#set($context.responseOverride.status = 400)

10. Choose Save.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create Models and Mapping Templates

11. Go back to Method Execution
12. In the Client box, choose Test.
13. Type -1 for {petId} and choose Test.
In the results, the Response Body indicates an out-of-range error:


"errors": [
"key": "GetPetRequest.petId",
"message": "The value is out of range."

However, the last line under Logs box now ends with: Method completed with status: 400.

Tutorial: Override an API's Request Parameters and Headers with the API
Gateway Console
In this tutorial, you'll override the GET method's request header code by creating a mapping template
that maps $context.requestOverride.header.header_name to a new header that combines two
other headers.

Sign in to the API Gateway console at


Under APIs, choose the PetStore API.


In the Resources column, choose the GET method under /pets.


Choose Method Request.


Create a parameter as follows:

Expand HTTP Request Headers.


Choose Add header.


Under Name, type header1.


Choose the check mark icon to save your choice.

Repeat the process to create a second header called header2.

Go back to Method Execution


Choose Integration Request.


Expand HTTP Headers. You'll see the two headers you created, header1 and header2, along with
their default mappings (under Mapped from).


Expand Mapping Templates.

10. Choose Add mapping template.
11. For Content Type, type application/json, and then choose the check mark icon to save the
12. A popup will appear that says, Note: This template can map headers and body.
Choose Yes, secure this integration.
13. Copy the following code into the template area:
#set($header1Override = "foo")
#set($header3Value = "$input.params('header1')$input.params('header2')")


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create Models and Mapping Templates
#set($context.requestOverride.header.header3 = $header3Value)
#set($context.requestOverride.header.header1 = $header1Override)

14. Choose Save.
15. Go back to Method Execution
16. In the Client box, choose Test.
17. Under Headers for {pets}, copy the following code:

18. Choose Test.
In the Logs, you should see an entry that includes this text:
Endpoint request headers: {header3=header1Valheader2Val,
header2=header2Val, header1=foo, x-amzn-apigateway-api-id=,
Accept=application/json, multivalueheader=foo,header1Valheader2Val}

Examples: Override an API's Request Parameters and Headers with the API
Gateway CLI
The following CLI example shows how to use the put-integration command to override a response
aws apigateway put-integration --rest-api-id  --resource-id 
--type  --request-templates 

where  is a map from content type to a string of the template to apply. The
structure of that map is as follows:

or, in JSON syntax:
{"content_type1": "template_string"

The following example shows how to use the put-integration-response command to override an
API's response code:
aws apigateway put-integration-response --rest-api-id  --resourceid  --http-method 
--status-code  --response-templates 

where  has the same format as  above.

Example: Override an API's Request Parameters and Headers Using the SDK for
The following example shows how to use the put-integration command to override a response code:


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create Models and Mapping Templates

var params = {
httpMethod: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
resourceId: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
restApiId: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
type: HTTP | AWS | MOCK | HTTP_PROXY | AWS_PROXY, /* required */
requestTemplates: {
/* '': ... */
apigateway.putIntegration(params, function(err, data) {
if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
// successful response

var params = {
httpMethod: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
resourceId: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
restApiId: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
statusCode: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
responseTemplates: {
/* '': ... */
apigateway.putIntegrationResponse(params, function(err, data) {
if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
// successful response

Delete a Model in API Gateway
Use the API Gateway console to delete a model.


Deleting a model may cause part or all of the corresponding API to become unusable by API
callers. Deleting a model cannot be undone.

Delete a Model with the API Gateway Console

Sign in to the API Gateway console at


In the box that contains the name of the API for the model, choose Models.


In the Models pane, choose the model you want to delete, and then choose Delete Model.


When prompted, choose Delete.

Photos Example (API Gateway Models and Mapping Templates)
The following sections provide examples of models and mapping templates that could be used for a
sample photo API in API Gateway. For more information about models and mapping templates in API
Gateway, see Create Models and Mapping Templates for Request and Response Mappings (p. 133).
• Original Data (Photos Example) (p. 145)


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create Models and Mapping Templates

• Input Model (Photos Example) (p. 145)
• Input Mapping Template (Photos Example) (p. 146)
• Transformed Data (Photos Example) (p. 146)
• Output Model (Photos Example) (p. 147)
• Output Mapping Template (Photos Example) (p. 147)

Original Data (Photos Example)
The following is the original JSON data for the photos example:


"photos": {
"page": 1,
"pages": "1234",
"perpage": 100,
"total": "123398",
"photo": [
"id": "12345678901",
"owner": "23456789@A12",
"secret": "abc123d456",
"server": "1234",
"farm": 1,
"title": "Sample photo 1",
"ispublic": 1,
"isfriend": 0,
"isfamily": 0
"id": "23456789012",
"owner": "34567890@B23",
"secret": "bcd234e567",
"server": "2345",
"farm": 2,
"title": "Sample photo 2",
"ispublic": 1,
"isfriend": 0,
"isfamily": 0

Input Model (Photos Example)
The following is the input model that corresponds to the original JSON data for the photos example:

"$schema": "",
"title": "PhotosInputModel",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"photos": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"page": { "type": "integer" },
"pages": { "type": "string" },
"perpage": { "type": "integer" },
"total": { "type": "string" },
"photo": {


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create Models and Mapping Templates






"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"id": { "type": "string" },
"owner": { "type": "string" },
"secret": { "type": "string" },
"server": { "type": "string" },
"farm": { "type": "integer" },
"title": { "type": "string" },
"ispublic": { "type": "integer" },
"isfriend": { "type": "integer" },
"isfamily": { "type": "integer" }

Input Mapping Template (Photos Example)
The following is the input mapping template that corresponds to the original JSON data for the photos
#set($inputRoot = $input.path('$'))
"photos": {
"page": $,
"pages": "$",
"perpage": $,
"total": "$",
"photo": [
#foreach($elem in $
"id": "$",
"owner": "$elem.owner",
"secret": "$elem.secret",
"server": "$elem.server",
"farm": $,
"title": "$elem.title",
"ispublic": $elem.ispublic,
"isfriend": $elem.isfriend,
"isfamily": $elem.isfamily



Transformed Data (Photos Example)
The following is one example of how the original photos example JSON data could be transformed for

"photos": [
"id": "12345678901",
"owner": "23456789@A12",


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create Models and Mapping Templates
"title": "Sample photo 1",
"ispublic": 1,
"isfriend": 0,
"isfamily": 0





"id": "23456789012",
"owner": "34567890@B23",
"title": "Sample photo 2",
"ispublic": 1,
"isfriend": 0,
"isfamily": 0

Output Model (Photos Example)
The following is the output model that corresponds to the transformed JSON data format:


"$schema": "",
"title": "PhotosOutputModel",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"photos": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"id": { "type": "string" },
"owner": { "type": "string" },
"title": { "type": "string" },
"ispublic": { "type": "integer" },
"isfriend": { "type": "integer" },
"isfamily": { "type": "integer" }

Output Mapping Template (Photos Example)
The following is the output mapping template that corresponds to the transformed JSON data format.
The template variables here are based on the original, not transformed, JSON data format:
#set($inputRoot = $input.path('$'))
"photos": [
#foreach($elem in $
"id": "$",
"owner": "$elem.owner",
"title": "$elem.title",
"ispublic": $elem.ispublic,
"isfriend": $elem.isfriend,
"isfamily": $elem.isfamily


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create Models and Mapping Templates

News Article Example (API Gateway Models and Mapping
The following sections provide examples of models and mapping templates that could be used for a
sample news article API in API Gateway. For more information about models and mapping templates in
API Gateway, see Create Models and Mapping Templates for Request and Response Mappings (p. 133).
• Original Data (News Article Example) (p. 148)
• Input Model (News Article Example) (p. 148)
• Input Mapping Template (News Article Example) (p. 149)
• Transformed Data (News Article Example) (p. 150)
• Output Model (News Article Example) (p. 150)
• Output Mapping Template (News Article Example) (p. 150)

Original Data (News Article Example)
The following is the original JSON data for the news article example:


"count": 1,
"items": [
"last_updated_date": "2015-04-24",
"expire_date": "2016-04-25",
"author_first_name": "John",
"description": "Sample Description",
"creation_date": "2015-04-20",
"title": "Sample Title",
"allow_comment": "1",
"author": {
"last_name": "Doe",
"email": "",
"first_name": "John"
"body": "Sample Body",
"publish_date": "2015-04-25",
"version": "1",
"author_last_name": "Doe",
"parent_id": 2345678901,
"article_url": ""
"version": 1

Input Model (News Article Example)
The following is the input model that corresponds to the original JSON data for the news article

"$schema": "",
"title": "NewsArticleInputModel",
"type": "object",


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create Models and Mapping Templates


"properties": {
"count": { "type": "integer" },
"items": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"last_updated_date": { "type": "string" },
"expire_date": { "type": "string" },
"author_first_name": { "type": "string" },
"description": { "type": "string" },
"creation_date": { "type": "string" },
"title": { "type": "string" },
"allow_comment": { "type": "string" },
"author": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"last_name": { "type": "string" },
"email": { "type": "string" },
"first_name": { "type": "string" }
"body": { "type": "string" },
"publish_date": { "type": "string" },
"version": { "type": "string" },
"author_last_name": { "type": "string" },
"parent_id": { "type": "integer" },
"article_url": { "type": "string" }
"version": { "type": "integer" }

Input Mapping Template (News Article Example)
The following is the input mapping template that corresponds to the original JSON data for the news
article example:
#set($inputRoot = $input.path('$'))
"count": $inputRoot.count,
"items": [
#foreach($elem in $inputRoot.items)
"last_updated_date": "$elem.last_updated_date",
"expire_date": "$elem.expire_date",
"author_first_name": "$elem.author_first_name",
"description": "$elem.description",
"creation_date": "$elem.creation_date",
"title": "$elem.title",
"allow_comment": "$elem.allow_comment",
"author": {
"last_name": "$",
"email": "$",
"first_name": "$"
"body": "$elem.body",
"publish_date": "$elem.publish_date",
"version": "$elem.version",
"author_last_name": "$elem.author_last_name",
"parent_id": $elem.parent_id,
"article_url": "$elem.article_url"


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create Models and Mapping Templates
"version": $inputRoot.version

Transformed Data (News Article Example)
The following is one example of how the original news article example JSON data could be transformed
for output:


"count": 1,
"items": [
"creation_date": "2015-04-20",
"title": "Sample Title",
"author": "John Doe",
"body": "Sample Body",
"publish_date": "2015-04-25",
"article_url": ""
"version": 1

Output Model (News Article Example)
The following is the output model that corresponds to the transformed JSON data format:


"$schema": "",
"title": "NewsArticleOutputModel",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"count": { "type": "integer" },
"items": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"creation_date": { "type": "string" },
"title": { "type": "string" },
"author": { "type": "string" },
"body": { "type": "string" },
"publish_date": { "type": "string" },
"article_url": { "type": "string" }
"version": { "type": "integer" }

Output Mapping Template (News Article Example)
The following is the output mapping template that corresponds to the transformed JSON data format.
The template variables here are based on the original, not transformed, JSON data format:
#set($inputRoot = $input.path('$'))


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create Models and Mapping Templates

"count": $inputRoot.count,
"items": [
#foreach($elem in $inputRoot.items)
"creation_date": "$elem.creation_date",
"title": "$elem.title",
"author": "$ $",
"body": "$elem.body",
"publish_date": "$elem.publish_date",
"article_url": "$elem.article_url"
"version": $inputRoot.version

Sales Invoice Example (API Gateway Models and Mapping
The following sections provide examples of models and mapping templates that could be used for a
sample sales invoice API in API Gateway. For more information about models and mapping templates in
API Gateway, see Create Models and Mapping Templates for Request and Response Mappings (p. 133).
• Original Data (Sales Invoice Example) (p. 151)
• Input Model (Sales Invoice Example) (p. 152)
• Input Mapping Template (Sales Invoice Example) (p. 153)
• Transformed Data (Sales Invoice Example) (p. 154)
• Output Model (Sales Invoice Example) (p. 154)
• Output Mapping Template (Sales Invoice Example) (p. 155)

Original Data (Sales Invoice Example)
The following is the original JSON data for the sales invoice example:

"DueDate": "2013-02-15",
"Balance": 1990.19,
"DocNumber": "SAMP001",
"Status": "Payable",
"Line": [
"Description": "Sample Expense",
"Amount": 500,
"DetailType": "ExpenseDetail",
"ExpenseDetail": {
"Customer": {
"value": "ABC123",
"name": "Sample Customer"
"Ref": {
"value": "DEF234",
"name": "Sample Construction"
"Account": {
"value": "EFG345",


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create Models and Mapping Templates




"name": "Fuel"
"LineStatus": "Billable"

"Vendor": {
"value": "GHI456",
"name": "Sample Bank"
"APRef": {
"value": "HIJ567",
"name": "Accounts Payable"
"TotalAmt": 1990.19

Input Model (Sales Invoice Example)
The following is the input model that corresponds to the original JSON data for the sales invoice

"$schema": "",
"title": "InvoiceInputModel",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"DueDate": { "type": "string" },
"Balance": { "type": "number" },
"DocNumber": { "type": "string" },
"Status": { "type": "string" },
"Line": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"Description": { "type": "string" },
"Amount": { "type": "integer" },
"DetailType": { "type": "string" },
"ExpenseDetail": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"Customer": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"value": { "type": "string" },
"name": { "type": "string" }
"Ref": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"value": { "type": "string" },
"name": { "type": "string" }
"Account": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"value": { "type": "string" },
"name": { "type": "string" }
"LineStatus": { "type": "string" }


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create Models and Mapping Templates







"Vendor": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"value": { "type": "string" },
"name": { "type": "string" }
"APRef": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"value": { "type": "string" },
"name": { "type": "string" }
"TotalAmt": { "type": "number" }

Input Mapping Template (Sales Invoice Example)
The following is the input mapping template that corresponds to the original JSON data for the sales
invoice example:
#set($inputRoot = $input.path('$'))
"DueDate": "$inputRoot.DueDate",
"Balance": $inputRoot.Balance,
"DocNumber": "$inputRoot.DocNumber",
"Status": "$inputRoot.Status",
"Line": [
#foreach($elem in $inputRoot.Line)
"Description": "$elem.Description",
"Amount": $elem.Amount,
"DetailType": "$elem.DetailType",
"ExpenseDetail": {
"Customer": {
"value": "$elem.ExpenseDetail.Customer.value",
"name": "$"
"Ref": {
"value": "$elem.ExpenseDetail.Ref.value",
"name": "$"
"Account": {
"value": "$elem.ExpenseDetail.Account.value",
"name": "$"
"LineStatus": "$elem.ExpenseDetail.LineStatus"
"Vendor": {
"value": "$inputRoot.Vendor.value",
"name": "$"
"APRef": {


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create Models and Mapping Templates
"value": "$inputRoot.APRef.value",
"name": "$"


"TotalAmt": $inputRoot.TotalAmt

Transformed Data (Sales Invoice Example)
The following is one example of how the original sales invoice example JSON data could be transformed
for output:


"DueDate": "2013-02-15",
"Balance": 1990.19,
"DocNumber": "SAMP001",
"Status": "Payable",
"Line": [
"Description": "Sample Expense",
"Amount": 500,
"DetailType": "ExpenseDetail",
"Customer": "ABC123 (Sample Customer)",
"Ref": "DEF234 (Sample Construction)",
"Account": "EFG345 (Fuel)",
"LineStatus": "Billable"
"TotalAmt": 1990.19

Output Model (Sales Invoice Example)
The following is the output model that corresponds to the transformed JSON data format:


"$schema": "",
"title": "InvoiceOutputModel",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"DueDate": { "type": "string" },
"Balance": { "type": "number" },
"DocNumber": { "type": "string" },
"Status": { "type": "string" },
"Line": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"Description": { "type": "string" },
"Amount": { "type": "integer" },
"DetailType": { "type": "string" },
"Customer": { "type": "string" },
"Ref": { "type": "string" },
"Account": { "type": "string" },
"LineStatus": { "type": "string" }
"TotalAmt": { "type": "number" }


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create Models and Mapping Templates

Output Mapping Template (Sales Invoice Example)
The following is the output mapping template that corresponds to the transformed JSON data format.
The template variables here are based on the original, not transformed, JSON data format:
#set($inputRoot = $input.path('$'))
"DueDate": "$inputRoot.DueDate",
"Balance": $inputRoot.Balance,
"DocNumber": "$inputRoot.DocNumber",
"Status": "$inputRoot.Status",
"Line": [
#foreach($elem in $inputRoot.Line)
"Description": "$elem.Description",
"Amount": $elem.Amount,
"DetailType": "$elem.DetailType",
"Customer": "$elem.ExpenseDetail.Customer.value ($",
"Ref": "$elem.ExpenseDetail.Ref.value ($",
"Account": "$elem.ExpenseDetail.Account.value ($",
"LineStatus": "$elem.ExpenseDetail.LineStatus"
"TotalAmt": $inputRoot.TotalAmt

Employee Record Example (API Gateway Models and Mapping
The following sections provide examples of models and mapping templates that can be used for
a sample employee record API in API Gateway. For more information about models and mapping
templates in API Gateway, see Create Models and Mapping Templates for Request and Response
Mappings (p. 133).
• Original Data (Employee Record Example) (p. 155)
• Input Model (Employee Record Example) (p. 156)
• Input Mapping Template (Employee Record Example) (p. 157)
• Transformed Data (Employee Record Example) (p. 158)
• Output Model (Employee Record Example) (p. 158)
• Output Mapping Template (Employee Record Example) (p. 159)

Original Data (Employee Record Example)
The following is the original JSON data for the employee record example:

"QueryResponse": {
"maxResults": "1",
"startPosition": "1",
"Employee": {
"Organization": "false",
"Title": "Mrs.",
"GivenName": "Jane",
"MiddleName": "Lane",


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create Models and Mapping Templates
"FamilyName": "Doe",
"DisplayName": "Jane Lane Doe",
"PrintOnCheckName": "Jane Lane Doe",
"Active": "true",
"PrimaryPhone": { "FreeFormNumber": "505.555.9999" },
"PrimaryEmailAddr": { "Address": "" },
"EmployeeType": "Regular",
"status": "Synchronized",
"Id": "ABC123",
"SyncToken": "1",
"MetaData": {
"CreateTime": "2015-04-26T19:45:03Z",
"LastUpdatedTime": "2015-04-27T21:48:23Z"
"PrimaryAddr": {
"Line1": "123 Any Street",
"City": "Any City",
"CountrySubDivisionCode": "WA",
"PostalCode": "01234"


"time": "2015-04-27T22:12:32.012Z"

Input Model (Employee Record Example)
The following is the input model that corresponds to the original JSON data for the employee record

"$schema": "",
"title": "EmployeeInputModel",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"QueryResponse": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"maxResults": { "type": "string" },
"startPosition": { "type": "string" },
"Employee": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"Organization": { "type": "string" },
"Title": { "type": "string" },
"GivenName": { "type": "string" },
"MiddleName": { "type": "string" },
"FamilyName": { "type": "string" },
"DisplayName": { "type": "string" },
"PrintOnCheckName": { "type": "string" },
"Active": { "type": "string" },
"PrimaryPhone": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"FreeFormNumber": { "type": "string" }
"PrimaryEmailAddr": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"Address": { "type": "string" }
"EmployeeType": { "type": "string" },


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create Models and Mapping Templates





"status": { "type": "string" },
"Id": { "type": "string" },
"SyncToken": { "type": "string" },
"MetaData": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"CreateTime": { "type": "string" },
"LastUpdatedTime": { "type": "string" }
"PrimaryAddr": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"Line1": { "type": "string" },
"City": { "type": "string" },
"CountrySubDivisionCode": { "type": "string" },
"PostalCode": { "type": "string" }

"time": { "type": "string" }

Input Mapping Template (Employee Record Example)
The following is the input mapping template that corresponds to the original JSON data for the
employee record example:
#set($inputRoot = $input.path('$'))
"QueryResponse": {
"maxResults": "$inputRoot.QueryResponse.maxResults",
"startPosition": "$inputRoot.QueryResponse.startPosition",
"Employee": {
"Organization": "$inputRoot.QueryResponse.Employee.Organization",
"Title": "$inputRoot.QueryResponse.Employee.Title",
"GivenName": "$inputRoot.QueryResponse.Employee.GivenName",
"MiddleName": "$inputRoot.QueryResponse.Employee.MiddleName",
"FamilyName": "$inputRoot.QueryResponse.Employee.FamilyName",
"DisplayName": "$inputRoot.QueryResponse.Employee.DisplayName",
"PrintOnCheckName": "$inputRoot.QueryResponse.Employee.PrintOnCheckName",
"Active": "$inputRoot.QueryResponse.Employee.Active",
"PrimaryPhone": { "FreeFormNumber":
"$inputRoot.QueryResponse.Employee.PrimaryPhone.FreeFormNumber" },
"PrimaryEmailAddr": { "Address":
"$inputRoot.QueryResponse.Employee.PrimaryEmailAddr.Address" },
"EmployeeType": "$inputRoot.QueryResponse.Employee.EmployeeType",
"status": "$inputRoot.QueryResponse.Employee.status",
"Id": "$inputRoot.QueryResponse.Employee.Id",
"SyncToken": "$inputRoot.QueryResponse.Employee.SyncToken",
"MetaData": {
"CreateTime": "$inputRoot.QueryResponse.Employee.MetaData.CreateTime",
"LastUpdatedTime": "$inputRoot.QueryResponse.Employee.MetaData.LastUpdatedTime"
"PrimaryAddr" : {
"Line1": "$inputRoot.QueryResponse.Employee.PrimaryAddr.Line1",
"City": "$inputRoot.QueryResponse.Employee.PrimaryAddr.City",
"PostalCode": "$inputRoot.QueryResponse.Employee.PrimaryAddr.PostalCode"


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create Models and Mapping Templates




"time": "$inputRoot.time"

Transformed Data (Employee Record Example)
The following is one example of how the original employee record example JSON data could be
transformed for output:


"QueryResponse": {
"maxResults": "1",
"startPosition": "1",
"Employees": [
"Title": "Mrs.",
"GivenName": "Jane",
"MiddleName": "Lane",
"FamilyName": "Doe",
"DisplayName": "Jane Lane Doe",
"PrintOnCheckName": "Jane Lane Doe",
"Active": "true",
"PrimaryPhone": "505.555.9999",
"Email": [
"type": "primary",
"Address": ""
"EmployeeType": "Regular",
"PrimaryAddr": {
"Line1": "123 Any Street",
"City": "Any City",
"CountrySubDivisionCode": "WA",
"PostalCode": "01234"
"time": "2015-04-27T22:12:32.012Z"

Output Model (Employee Record Example)
The following is the output model that corresponds to the transformed JSON data format:

"$schema": "",
"title": "EmployeeOutputModel",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"QueryResponse": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"maxResults": { "type": "string" },
"startPosition": { "type": "string" },
"Employees": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "object",


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create Models and Mapping Templates





"properties": {
"Title": { "type": "string" },
"GivenName": { "type": "string" },
"MiddleName": { "type": "string" },
"FamilyName": { "type": "string" },
"DisplayName": { "type": "string" },
"PrintOnCheckName": { "type": "string" },
"Active": { "type": "string" },
"PrimaryPhone": { "type": "string" },
"Email": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"type": { "type": "string" },
"Address": { "type": "string" }
"EmployeeType": { "type": "string" },
"PrimaryAddr": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"Line1": {"type": "string" },
"City": { "type": "string" },
"CountrySubDivisionCode": { "type": "string" },
"PostalCode": { "type": "string" }

"time": { "type": "string" }

Output Mapping Template (Employee Record Example)
The following is the output mapping template that corresponds to the transformed JSON data format.
The template variables here are based on the original, not transformed, JSON data format:
#set($inputRoot = $input.path('$'))
"QueryResponse": {
"maxResults": "$inputRoot.QueryResponse.maxResults",
"startPosition": "$inputRoot.QueryResponse.startPosition",
"Employees": [
"Title": "$inputRoot.QueryResponse.Employee.Title",
"GivenName": "$inputRoot.QueryResponse.Employee.GivenName",
"MiddleName": "$inputRoot.QueryResponse.Employee.MiddleName",
"FamilyName": "$inputRoot.QueryResponse.Employee.FamilyName",
"DisplayName": "$inputRoot.QueryResponse.Employee.DisplayName",
"PrintOnCheckName": "$inputRoot.QueryResponse.Employee.PrintOnCheckName",
"Active": "$inputRoot.QueryResponse.Employee.Active",
"PrimaryPhone": "$inputRoot.QueryResponse.Employee.PrimaryPhone.FreeFormNumber",
"Email" : [
"type": "primary",
"Address": "$inputRoot.QueryResponse.Employee.PrimaryEmailAddr.Address"


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Request and Response Data Mapping Reference
"EmployeeType": "$inputRoot.QueryResponse.Employee.EmployeeType",
"PrimaryAddr": {
"Line1": "$inputRoot.QueryResponse.Employee.PrimaryAddr.Line1",
"City": "$inputRoot.QueryResponse.Employee.PrimaryAddr.City",
"PostalCode": "$inputRoot.QueryResponse.Employee.PrimaryAddr.PostalCode"
"time": "$inputRoot.time"


Amazon API Gateway API Request and Response Data
Mapping Reference
This section explains how to set up data mappings from an API's method request data, including other
data stored in context (p. 165), stage (p. 172), or util (p. 173) variables, to the corresponding
integration request parameters and from an integration response data, including the other data, to the
method response parameters. The method request data includes request parameters (path, query string,
headers) and the body. The integration response data includes response parameters (headers) and the
body. For more information about using the stage variables, see Amazon API Gateway Stage Variables
Reference (p. 388).
• Map Method Request Data to Integration Request Parameters (p. 160)
• Map Integration Response Data to Method Response Headers (p. 162)
• Map Request and Response Payloads between Method and Integration (p. 162)
• Integration Passthrough Behaviors (p. 163)

Map Method Request Data to Integration Request Parameters
Integration request parameters, in the form of path variables, query strings or headers, can be mapped
from any defined method request parameters and the payload.
In the following table, PARAM_NAME is the name of a method request parameter of the given parameter
type. It must have been defined before it can be referenced. JSONPath_EXPRESSION is a JSONPath
expression for a JSON field of the body of a request or response.


The "$" prefix is omitted in this syntax.

Integration request data mapping expressions
Mapped data source

Mapping expression

Method request path


Method request query string


Multi-value method request query string


Method request header


Multi-value method request header



Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Request and Response Data Mapping Reference

Mapped data source

Mapping expression

Method request body


Method request body (JsonPath)


Stage variables


Context variables

context.VARIABLE_NAME that must be one of
the supported context variables (p. 165).

Static value

literal and must be enclosed within a pair of single

Example mappings from method request parameter in OpenAPI
The following example shows an OpenAPI snippet that maps:
• the method request's header, named methodRequestHeaderParam, into the integration request path
parameter, named integrationPathParam
• the multi-value method request query string, named methodRequestQueryParam, into the
integration request query string, named integrationQueryParam

"requestParameters" : {
"integration.request.path.integrationPathParam" :
"integration.request.querystring.integrationQueryParam" :

Integration request parameters can also be mapped from fields in the JSON request body using a
JSONPath expression. The following table shows the mapping expressions for a method request body
and its JSON fields.

Example mapping from method request body in OpenAPI
The following example shows an OpenAPI snippet that maps 1) the method request body to the
integration request header, named body-header, and 2) a JSON field of the body, as expressed by a
JSON expression (petstore.pets[0].name, without the $. prefix).

"requestParameters" : {
"integration.request.header.body-header" : "method.request.body",
"" : "method.request.body.petstore.pets[0].name",


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Request and Response Data Mapping Reference

Map Integration Response Data to Method Response Headers
Method response header parameters can be mapped from any integration response header or
integration response body, $context variables, or static values.

Method response header mapping expressions
Mapped Data Source

Mapping expression

Integration response header


Integration response header


Integration response body


Integration response body (JsonPath)


Stage variable


Context variable

context.VARIABLE_NAME that must be one of
the supported context variables (p. 165).

Static value

literal and must be enclosed within a pair of single

Example data mapping from integration response in OpenAPI
The following example shows an OpenAPI snippet that maps 1) the integration response's
redirect.url, JSONPath field into the request response's location header; and 2) the integration
response's x-app-id header to the method response's id header.

"responseParameters" : {
"method.response.header.location" : "integration.response.body.redirect.url",
"" : "integration.response.header.x-app-id",
"method.response.header.items" : "integration.response.multivalueheader.item",

Map Request and Response Payloads between Method and
API Gateway uses Velocity Template Language (VTL) engine to process body mapping
templates (p. 137) for the integration request and integration response. The mapping templates
translate method request payloads to the corresponding integration request payloads and translate
integration response bodies to the method response bodies.
The VTL templates use JSONPath expressions, other parameters such as calling contexts and stage
variables, and utility functions to process the JSON data.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Request and Response Data Mapping Reference

If a model is defined to describe the data structure of a payload, API Gateway can use the model to
generate a skeletal mapping template for an integration request or integration response. You can use the
skeletal template as an aid to customize and expand the mapping VTL script. However, you can create a
mapping template from scratch without defining a model for the payload's data structure.

Select a VTL Mapping Template
API Gateway uses the following logic to select a mapping template, in Velocity Template Language
(VTL), to map the payload from a method request to the corresponding integration request or to map
the payload from an integration response to the corresponding method response.
For a request payload, API Gateway uses the request’s Content-Type header value as the key to select
the mapping template for the request payload. For a response payload, API Gateway uses the incoming
request’s Accept header value as the key to select the mapping template.
When the Content-Type header is absent in the request, API Gateway assumes that its default value
is application/json. For such a request, API Gateway uses application/json as the default key
to select the mapping template, if one is defined. When no template matches this key, API Gateway
passes the payload through unmapped if the passthroughBehavior property is set to WHEN_NO_MATCH or
When the Accept header is not specified in the request, API Gateway assumes that its default value is
application/json. In this case, API Gateway selects an existing mapping template for application/
json to map the response payload. If no template is defined for application/json, API Gateway
selects the first existing template and uses it as the default to map the response payload. Similarly,
API Gateway uses the first existing template when the specified Accept header value does not match
any existing template key. If no template is defined, API Gateway simply passes the response payload
through unmapped.
For example, suppose that an API has a application/json template defined for a request payload and
has a application/xml template defined for the response payload. If the client sets the "ContentType : application/json", and "Accept : application/xml" headers in the request, both
the request and response payloads will be processed with the corresponding mapping templates. If the
Accept:application/xml header is absent, the application/xml mapping template will be used
to map the response payload. To return the response payload unmapped instead, you must set up an
empty template for application/json.
Only the MIME type is used from the Accept and Content-Type headers when selecting a mapping
template. For example, a header of "Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8" will
have a request template with the application/json key selected.

Integration Passthrough Behaviors
With non-proxy integrations, when a method request carries a payload and either the Content-Type
header does not match any specified mapping template or no mapping template is defined, you can
choose to pass the client-supplied request payload through the integration request to the backend
without transformation. The process is known as integration passthrough.
For proxy integrations (p. 87), API Gateway passes the entire request through to your backend, and
you do not have the option to modify the passthrough behaviors.
The actual passthrough behavior of an incoming request is determined by the option you choose for a
specified mapping template, during integration request set-up (p. 130), and the Content Type header
that a client set in the incoming request. The following examples illustrate the possible passthrough
Example 1: One mapping template is defined in the integration request for the application/json
content type.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Mapping Template Reference

Content-Type header
\Selected passthrough




None (default to

The request payload is
transformed using the

The request payload is
transformed using the

The request payload is
transformed using the


The request payload is
transformed using the

The request payload is
transformed using the

The request payload is
transformed using the


The request payload is
not transformed and is
sent to the backend asis.

The request is rejected
with an HTTP 415
Unsupported Media
Type response.

The request is rejected
with an HTTP 415
Unsupported Media
Type response.

Example 2: One mapping template is defined in the integration request for the application/xml
content type.
Content-Type header
\Selected passthrough




None (default to

The request payload is
not transformed and is
sent to the backend asis.

The request is rejected
with an HTTP 415
Unsupported Media
Type response.

The request is rejected
with an HTTP 415
Unsupported Media
Type response.


The request payload is
not transformed and is
sent to the backend asis.

The request is rejected
with an HTTP 415
Unsupported Media
Type response.

The request is rejected
with an HTTP 415
Unsupported Media
Type response.


The request payload is
transformed using the

The request payload is
transformed using the

The request payload is
transformed using the

API Gateway Mapping Template Reference
Amazon API Gateway defines a set of variables and functions for working with models and mapping
templates. This document describes those functions and provides examples for working with input
As mentioned in Create Models and Mapping Templates for Request and Response Mappings (p. 133),
mapping template is a script expressed in Velocity Template Language (VTL) and applied to the payload
using JSONPath expressions. The payload can have a data model according to the JSON schema draft 4.
You must define the model in order to have API Gateway to generate a SDK or to enable basic request
validation for your API. You do not have to define any model to create a mapping template. However, a
model can help you create a template because API Gateway will generate a template blueprint based on
a provided model.
• Accessing the $context Variable (p. 165)


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Mapping Template Reference

• Accessing the $input Variable (p. 170)
• Accessing the $stageVariables Variable (p. 172)
• Accessing the $util Variable (p. 173)


For the $method variable, see Amazon API Gateway API Request and Response Data Mapping
Reference (p. 160).

Accessing the $context Variable
The $context variable holds all the contextual information of your API call.

$context Variable Reference



The identifier API Gateway assigns to your API.


A property of the claims returned from the
Amazon Cognito user pool after the method caller
is successfully authenticated.


Calling $
returns null.

The principal user identification associated with
the token sent by the client and returned from an
API Gateway Lambda authorizer (formerly known
as a custom authorizer) Lambda function.


The stringified value of the specified key-value
pair of the context map returned from an
API Gateway Lambda authorizer function. For
example, if the authorizer returns the following
context map:
"context" : {
"key": "value",
"numKey": 1,
"boolKey": true

calling $context.authorizer.key
returns the "value" string, calling
returns the "1" string, and calling
$context.authorizer.boolKey returns the
"true" string.

The HTTP method used. Valid values include:


A string containing an API Gateway error message.
This variable can only be used for simple variable
substitution in a GatewayResponse body-mapping


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Mapping Template Reference


template, which is not processed by the Velocity
Template Language engine, and in access logging.


The quoted value of $context.error.message,
namely "$context.error.message".


A type of GatewayResponse. This variable can
only be used for simple variable substitution in
a GatewayResponse body-mapping template,
which is not processed by the Velocity Template
Language engine, and in access logging.


A string containing a detailed validation error


An automatically generated ID for the API call,
which contains more useful information for


The AWS account ID associated with the request.


The API owner key associated with key-enabled
API request.


The API key ID associated with the key-enabled
API request


The principal identifier of the caller making the

The Amazon Cognito authentication provider used
by the caller making the request. Available only
if the request was signed with Amazon Cognito
For information related to this and the other
Amazon Cognito $context variables, see Using
Federated Identities in the Amazon Cognito
Developer Guide.
The Amazon Cognito authentication type of
the caller making the request. Available only if
the request was signed with Amazon Cognito

The Amazon Cognito identity ID of the caller
making the request. Available only if the request
was signed with Amazon Cognito credentials.

$context.identity.cognitoIdentityPoolId The Amazon Cognito identity pool ID of the caller
making the request. Available only if the request
was signed with Amazon Cognito credentials.
The source IP address of the TCP connection
making the request to API Gateway.



Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Mapping Template Reference




The principal identifier of the user making the


The User Agent of the API caller.


The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the
effective user identified after authentication.


The integration latency in ms, available for access
logging only.


The request path. For example, for the nonproxy request URI of https://{rest-apiid.execute-api.{region}
{stage}/root/child, The $context.path
value is /{stage}/root/child.


The request protocol, for example, HTTP/1.1.


An automatically generated ID for the API call.

The request header override. If this parameter is
defined, it contains the headers to be used instead
of the HTTP Headers that are defined in the
Integration Request pane. For more information,
see Use a Mapping Template to Override an API's
Request and Response Parameters and Status
Codes (p. 140).
$context.requestOverride.path.path_name The request path override. If this parameter is
defined, it contains the request path to be used
instead of the URL Path Parameters that are
defined in the Integration Request pane. For
more information, see Use a Mapping Template
to Override an API's Request and Response
Parameters and Status Codes (p. 140).
The request query string override. If this
parameter is defined, it contains the request
query strings to be used instead of the URL
Query String Parameters that are defined in the
Integration Request pane. For more information,
see Use a Mapping Template to Override an API's
Request and Response Parameters and Status
Codes (p. 140).
The response header override. If this parameter
is defined, it contains the header to be returned
instead of the Response header that is defined as
the Default mapping in the Integration Response
pane. For more information, see Use a Mapping
Template to Override an API's Request and
Response Parameters and Status Codes (p. 140).


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Mapping Template Reference




The response status code override. If this
parameter is defined, it contains the status
code to be returned instead of the Method
response status that is defined as the Default
mapping in the Integration Response pane. For
more information, see Use a Mapping Template
to Override an API's Request and Response
Parameters and Status Codes (p. 140).


The CLF-formatted request time (dd/MMM/
yyyy:HH:mm:ss +-hhmm).


The Epoch-formatted request time.


The identifier API Gateway assigns to your


The path to your resource. For example, for
the non-proxy request URI of https://
child, The $context.resourcePath value is /
root/child. For more information, see Build an
API with HTTP Custom Integration (p. 550).


The response payload length, available for access
logging only.


The response latency in ms, available for access
logging only.


The response status, available for access logging


The deployment stage of the API call (for
example, Beta or Prod).


The response received from AWS WAF:
WAF_ALLOW or WAF_BLOCK. Will not be set if the
stage is not associated with a web ACL. For more
information, see the section called “Enable AWS
WAF” (p. 374).


Complete ARN of the web ACL that is used to
decide whether to allow or block the request. Will
not be set if the stage is not associated with a web

You may want to use the $context variable if you're using AWS Lambda as the target backend that the
API method calls. For example, you may want to perform two different actions depending on whether
the stage is in Beta or in Prod.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Mapping Template Reference

Context Variables Template Example
The following example shows a mapping template to map context variables to an integration request


"stage" : "$context.stage",
"request_id" : "$context.requestId",
"api_id" : "$context.apiId",
"resource_path" : "$context.resourcePath",
"resource_id" : "$context.resourceId",
"http_method" : "$context.httpMethod",
"source_ip" : "$context.identity.sourceIp",
"user-agent" : "$context.identity.userAgent",
"account_id" : "$context.identity.accountId",
"api_key" : "$context.identity.apiKey",
"caller" : "$context.identity.caller",
"user" : "$context.identity.user",
"user_arn" : "$context.identity.userArn"

In the above example, the method is assumed to have an API key enabled. If API key is not required on
the method request, api_key will be null.
For requests of the AWS_IAM authorization type, you can pass the authorized user information
to the integration endpoint with $context.identity.* properties. For requests of the
COGNITO_USER_POOLS authorization type, the authorized user information will also include
$context.identity.cognito* and $* properties. For requests
using a Lambda authorizer, you can pass $context.authorizer.principalId and other applicable
$context.authorizer.* properties as additional authorized user context to the integration endpoint.
With a proxy integration, API Gateway passes the authorized identity information to the backend in the
requestContext.identity object. You do not set up any mapping template and, instead, parse the
input to the integration backend explicitly. The following shows an example of requestContext passed
to a Lambda proxy integration endpoint when the authorization type is set to AWS_IAM.

"requestContext": {
"requestTime": "20/Feb/2018:22:48:57 +0000",
"path": "/test/",
"accountId": "123456789012",
"protocol": "HTTP/1.1",
"resourceId": "yx5mhem7ye",
"stage": "test",
"requestTimeEpoch": 1519166937665,
"requestId": "3c3ecbaa-1690-11e8-ae31-8f39f1d24afd",
"identity": {
"cognitoIdentityPoolId": null,
"accountId": "123456789012",
"cognitoIdentityId": null,
"caller": "AIDAJ........4HCKVJZG",
"sourceIp": "",
"accessKey": "IAM_user_access_key",
"cognitoAuthenticationType": null,
"cognitoAuthenticationProvider": null,
"userArn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/alice",
"userAgent": "PostmanRuntime/7.1.1",
"user": "AIDAJ........4HCKVJZG"
"resourcePath": "/",
"httpMethod": "GET",


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Mapping Template Reference



"apiId": "qr2gd9cfmf"

Accessing the $input Variable
The $input variable represents the input payload and parameters to be processed by your template. It
provides four functions:

Function Reference
Variable and Function



Returns the raw payload as a string.


This function evaluates a JSONPath expression
and returns the results as a JSON string.
For example, $input.json('$.pets') will
return a JSON string representing the pets
For more information about JSONPath, see
JSONPath or JSONPath for Java.


Returns a map of all the request parameters of
your API call.


Returns the value of a method request parameter
from the path, query string, or header value (in
that order) given a parameter name string x.


Takes a JSONPath expression string (x) and
returns an object representation of the result. This
allows you to access and manipulate elements of
the payload natively in Apache Velocity Template
Language (VTL).
For example, $input.path('$.pets').size()
For more information about JSONPath, see
JSONPath or JSONPath for Java.

You may want to use the $input variable to get query strings and the request body with or without
using models. You may also want to get the parameter and the payload, or a subsection of the payload,
into your AWS Lambda function. The examples below show how to do this.

Example JSON Mapping Template
The following example shows how to use a mapping to read a name from the query string and then
include the entire POST body in an element:

"name" : "$input.params('name')",
"body" : $input.json('$')


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Mapping Template Reference

If the JSON input contains unescaped characters that cannot be parsed by JavaScript, a 400 response
may be returned. Applying $util.escapeJavaScript($input.json('$')) above will ensure that
the JSON input can be parsed properly.

Example Inputs Mapping Template
The following example shows how to pass a JSONPath expression to the json() method. You could also
read a specific property of your request body object by using a period (.), followed by your property

"name" : "$input.params('name')",
"body" : $input.json('$.mykey')

If a method request payload contains unescaped characters that cannot be parsed by JavaScript, you
may get 400 response. In this case, you need to call $util.escapeJavaScript() function in the
mapping template, as shown as follows:

"name" : "$input.params('name')",
"body" : $util.escapeJavaScript($input.json('$.mykey'))

Parameter Mapping Template Example
The following parameter-mapping example passes all parameters, including path, querystring, and
header, through to the integration endpoint via a JSON payload:
#set($allParams = $input.params())
"params" : {
#foreach($type in $allParams.keySet())
#set($params = $allParams.get($type))
"$type" : {
#foreach($paramName in $params.keySet())
"$paramName" : "$util.escapeJavaScript($params.get($paramName))"

In effect, this mapping template outputs all the request parameters in the payload as outlined as follows:

"parameters" : {
"path" : {
"path_name" : "path_value",
"header" : {
"header_name" : "header_value",


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Mapping Template Reference



"querystring" : {
"querystring_name" : "querystring_value",

Example Request and Response
Here’s an example that uses all three functions:
Request Template:
Resource: /things/{id}
With input template:
"id" : "$input.params('id')",
"count" : "$input.path('$.things').size()",
"things" : $util.escapeJavaScript($input.json('$.things'))
POST /things/abc
"things" : {
"1" : {},
"2" : {},
"3" : {}



"id": "abc",
"count": "3",
"things": {
"1": {},
"2": {},
"3": {}

For more mapping examples, see Create Models and Mapping Templates for Request and Response
Mappings (p. 133)

Accessing the $stageVariables Variable
The syntax for inserting a stage variable looks like this: $stageVariables.

$stageVariables Reference



 represents a stage variable


 represents any stage variable


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Mapping Template Reference




 represents any stage variable

Accessing the $util Variable
The $util variable contains utility functions for use in mapping templates.


Unless otherwise specified, the default character set is UTF-8.

$util Variable Reference



Escapes the characters in a string using JavaScript
string rules.


This function will turn any regular
single quotes (') into escaped ones (\').
However, the escaped single quotes are
not valid in JSON. Thus, when the output
from this function is used in a JSON
property, you must turn any escaped
single quotes (\') back to regular single
quotes ('). This is shown in the following

Takes "stringified" JSON and returns an object
representation of the result. You can use the
result from this function to access and manipulate
elements of the payload natively in Apache
Velocity Template Language (VTL). For example, if
you have the following payload:



and use the following mapping template
#set ($errorMessageObj =
"errorMessageObjKey2ArrVal" :

You will get the following output:


"errorMessageObjKey2ArrVal" : 1

Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Support Binary Payloads




Converts a string into "application/x-www-formurlencoded" format.


Decodes an "application/x-www-formurlencoded" string.


Encodes the data into a base64-encoded string.


Decodes the data from a base64-encoded string.

Support Binary Payloads in API Gateway
In API Gateway, the API request and response can have a text or binary payload. A text payload is a
UTF-8-encoded JSON string. and a binary payload is anything other than a text payload. The binary
payload can be, for example, a JPEG file, a GZip file, or an XML file.
By default, API Gateway treats the message body as a text payload and applies any preconfigured
mapping template to transform the JSON string. If no mapping template is specified, API Gateway
can pass the text payload through to or from the integration endpoint without modification, provided
that the passthrough behavior is enabled on the API method. For a binary payload, API Gateway simply
passes through the message as-is.
For API Gateway to pass binary payloads, you add the media types to the binaryMediaTypes list of the
RestApi resource or set the contentHandling properties on the Integration and the IntegrationResponse
resources. The contentHandling value can be CONVERT_TO_BINARY, CONVERT_TO_TEXT, or
undefined. Depending on the contentHandling value, and whether the Content-Type header of the
response or the Accept header of the incoming request matches an entry in the binaryMediaTypes
list, API Gateway can encode the raw binary bytes as a Base64-encoded string, decode a Base64-encoded
string back to its raw bytes, or pass the body through without modification.
You must configure the API as follows to support binary payloads for your API in API Gateway:
• Add the desired binary media types to the binaryMediaTypes list on the RestApi resource. If this
property and the contentHandling property are not defined, the payloads are handled as UTF-8
encoded JSON strings.
• Set the contentHandling property of the Integration resource to CONVERT_TO_BINARY to have
the request payload converted from a Base64-encoded string to its binary blob, or set the property to
CONVERT_TO_TEXT to have the request payload converted from a binary blob to a Base64-encoded
string. If this property is not defined, API Gateway passes the payload through without modification.
This occurs when the Content-Type header value matches one of the binaryMediaTypes entries
and the passthrough behaviors (p. 163) are also enabled for the API.
• Set the contentHandling property of the IntegrationResponse resource to CONVERT_TO_BINARY
to have the response payload converted from a Base64-encoded string to its binary blob, or set the
property to CONVERT_TO_TEXT to have the response payload converted from a binary blob to a
Base64-encoded string. If contentHandling is not defined, and if the Content-Type header of the
response and the Accept header of the original request match an entry of the binaryMediaTypes
list, API Gateway passes through the body. This occurs when the Content-Type header and the
Accept header are the same; otherwise, API Gateway converts the response body to the type specified
in the Accept header.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Content Type Conversions in API Gateway

• Content Type Conversions in API Gateway (p. 175)
• Enable Binary Support Using the API Gateway Console (p. 177)
• Enable Binary Support Using API Gateway REST API (p. 181)
• Import and Export Content Encodings (p. 185)
• Examples of Binary Support (p. 185)

Content Type Conversions in API Gateway
The following table shows how API Gateway converts the request payload for specific configurations
of a request's Content-Type header, the binaryMediaTypes list of a RestApi resource, and the
contentHandling property value of the Integration resource.

API Request Content Type Conversions in API Gateway
Method request


binaryMediaTypescontentHandling Integration
request payload

Text data

Any data type



Text data

Any data type


binary blob

Text data

Any data type



Text data

A text data type

Set with matching
media types


Text data

A text data type

Set with matching
media types

binary blob

Text data

A text data type

Set with matching
media types


Binary data

A binary data type

Set with matching
media types


Binary data

A binary data type

Set with matching
media types

Binary data

Binary data

A binary data type

Set with matching
media types

CONVERT_TO_TEXT Base64-encoded


Text data

Binary data

The following table shows how API Gateway converts the response payload for specific configurations
of a request's Accept header, the binaryMediaTypes list of a RestApi resource, and the
contentHandling property value of the IntegrationResponse resource.

API Gateway Response Content Type Conversions
response payload

Request Accept

Text or binary data A text type

binaryMediaTypescontentHandling Method response




Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Content Type Conversions in API Gateway

response payload

Request Accept

binaryMediaTypescontentHandling Method response

Text or binary data A text type



Text or binary data A text type



Text data

A text type

Set with matching
media types


Text data

A text type

Set with matching
media types


Text data

A text type

Set with matching
media types


Text data

A binary type

Set with matching
media types


Text data

A binary type

Set with matching
media types


Text data

A binary type

Set with matching
media types


Binary data

A text type

Set with matching
media types


Binary data

A text type

Set with matching
media types

Binary data

Binary data

A text type

Set with matching
media types

CONVERT_TO_TEXT Base64-encoded

Binary data

A binary type

Set with matching
media types


Binary data

A binary type

Set with matching
media types

Binary data

Binary data

A binary type

Set with matching
media types

CONVERT_TO_TEXT Base64-encoded

Text data



Binary data


When a request contains multiple media types in its Accept header, API Gateway only honors
the first Accept media type. In the situation where you cannot control the order of the Accept
media types and the media type of your binary content is not the first in the list, you can add
the first Accept media type in the binaryMediaTypes list of your API, API Gateway will return
your content as binary. For example, to send a JPEG file using an  element in a browser,
the browser might send Accept:image/webp,image/*,*/*;q=0.8 in a request. By adding
image/webp to the binaryMediaTypes list, the endpoint will receive the JPEG file as binary.
When converting a text payload to a binary blob, API Gateway assumes that the text data is a Base64encoded string and outputs the binary data as a Base64-decoded blob. If the conversion fails, it returns
a 500 response indicating an API configuration error. You do not provide a mapping template for such a
conversion, although you must enable the passthrough behaviors (p. 163) on the API.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Enable Binary Support Using the API Gateway Console

When converting a binary payload to a text string, API Gateway always applies a Base64 encoding on
the binary data. You can define a mapping template for such a payload, but can only access the Base64encoded string in the mapping template through $input.body, as shown in the following excerpt of an
example mapping template.

"data": "$input.body"

To have the binary payload passed through without modification, you must enable the passthrough
behaviors (p. 163) on the API.

Enable Binary Support Using the API Gateway
The section explains how to enable binary support using the API Gateway console. As an example, we
use an API integrated with Amazon S3. We focus on the tasks to set the supported media types and to
specify how the payload should be handled. For detailed information on how to create an API integrated
with Amazon S3, see Create a REST API as an Amazon S3 Proxy in API Gateway (p. 608).

To enable binary support using the API Gateway console

Set binary media types for the API:

Create a new API or choose an existing API. For this example, we name the API FileMan.


Under the selected API in the primary navigation panel, choose Settings.


In the Settings pane, choose Add Binary Media Type in the Binary Media Types section.


Type a required media type, for example, image/png, in the input text field. If needed, repeat
this step to add more media types.


Choose Save Changes.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Enable Binary Support Using the API Gateway Console


Set how message payloads are handled for the API method:

Create a new or choose an existing resource in the API. For this example, we use the /
{folder}/{item} resource.


Create a new or choose an existing method on the resource. As an example, we use the GET /
{folder}/{item} method integrated with the Object GET action in Amazon S3.


In Content Handling, choose an option.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Enable Binary Support Using the API Gateway Console

Choose Passthrough if you do not want to convert the body when the client and backend
accepts the same binary format. Choose Convert to text (if needed) to convert the binary body
to a Base64-encoded string when, for example, the backend requires that a binary request
payload is passed in as a JSON property. And choose Convert to binary (if needed) when the
client submits a Base64-encoded string and the backend requires the original binary format,
or when the endpoint returns a Base64-encoded string and the client accepts only the binary

Preserve the incoming request's Accept header in the integration request. You should do this if
you've set contentHandling to passthrough and want to override that setting at run time.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Enable Binary Support Using the API Gateway Console


Enable the passthrough behavior on the request body.


For conversion to text, define a mapping template to put the Base64-encoded binary data into
the required format.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Enable Binary Support Using API Gateway REST API

The format of this mapping template depends on the endpoint requirements of the input.

Enable Binary Support Using API Gateway REST API
The following tasks show how to enable binary support using the API Gateway REST API calls.
• Add and Update Supported Binary Media Types to an API (p. 181)

Configure Request Payload Conversions (p. 182)
Configure Response Payload Conversions (p. 182)
Convert Binary Data to Text Data (p. 183)
Convert Text Data to a Binary Payload (p. 183)

• Pass through a Binary Payload (p. 184)

Add and Update Supported Binary Media Types to an API
To enable API Gateway to support a new binary media type, you must add the binary media type to
the binaryMediaTypes list of the RestApi resource. For example, to have API Gateway handle JPEG
images, submit a PATCH request to the RestApi resource:


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Enable Binary Support Using API Gateway REST API

PATCH /restapis/

"patchOperations" : [ {
"op" : "add",
"path" : "/binaryMediaTypes/image~1jpeg"



The MIME type specification of image/jpeg that is part of the path property value is escaped as
To update the supported binary media types, replace or remove the media type from the
binaryMediaTypes list of the RestApi resource. For example, to change binary support from JPEG
files to raw bytes, submit a PATCH request to the RestApi resource, as follows.
PATCH /restapis/


"patchOperations" : [{
"op" : "replace",
"path" : "/binaryMediaTypes/image~1jpeg",
"value" : "application/octet-stream"
"op" : "remove",
"path" : "/binaryMediaTypes/image~1jpeg"

Configure Request Payload Conversions
If the endpoint requires a binary input, set the contentHandling property of the Integration
resource to CONVERT_TO_BINARY. To do so, submit a PATCH request, as shown next:
PATCH /restapis//resources//methods//integration


"patchOperations" : [ {
"op" : "replace",
"path" : "/contentHandling",

Configure Response Payload Conversions
If the client accepts the result as a binary blob instead of a Base64-encoded payload returned from
the endpoint, set the contentHandling property of the IntegrationResponse resource to
CONVERT_TO_BINARY by submitting a PATCH request, as shown next:
PATCH /restapis//resources//methods//integration/

"patchOperations" : [ {
"op" : "replace",
"path" : "/contentHandling",


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Enable Binary Support Using API Gateway REST API



Convert Binary Data to Text Data
To send binary data as a JSON property of the input to AWS Lambda or Kinesis through API Gateway, do
the following:
1. Enable the binary payload support of the API by adding the new binary media type of application/
octet-stream to the API's binaryMediaTypes list.
PATCH /restapis/

"patchOperations" : [ {
"op" : "add",
"path" : "/binaryMediaTypes/application~1octet-stream"



2. Set CONVERT_TO_TEXT on the contentHandling property of the Integration resource and
provide a mapping template to assign the Base64-encoded string of the binary data to a JSON
property. In the following example, the JSON property is body and $input.body holds the Base64encoded string.
PATCH /restapis//resources//methods//integration


"patchOperations" : [
"op" : "replace",
"path" : "/contentHandling",
"value" : "CONVERT_TO_TEXT"
"op" : "add",
"path" : "/requestTemplates/application~1octet-stream",
"value" : "{\"body\": \"$input.body\"}"

Convert Text Data to a Binary Payload
Suppose a Lambda function returns an image file as a Base64-encoded string. To pass this binary output
to the client through API Gateway, do the following:
1. Update the API's binaryMediaTypes list by adding the binary media type of application/octetstream, if it is not already in the list.
PATCH /restapis/

"patchOperations" : [ {
"op" : "add",
"path" : "/binaryMediaTypes/application~1octet-stream",


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Enable Binary Support Using API Gateway REST API

2. Set the contentHandling property on the Integration resource to CONVERT_TO_BINARY. Do not
define a mapping template. When you do not define a mapping template, API Gateway invokes the
passthrough template to return the Base64-decoded binary blob as the image file to the client.
PATCH /restapis//resources//methods//integration/

"patchOperations" : [
"op" : "replace",
"path" : "/contentHandling",


Pass through a Binary Payload
To store an image in an Amazon S3 bucket using API Gateway, do the following:
1. Update the API's binaryMediaTypes list by adding the binary media type of application/octetstream, if it is not already in the list.
PATCH /restapis/

"patchOperations" : [ {
"op" : "add",
"path" : "/binaryMediaTypes/application~1octet-stream"



2. On the contentHandling property of the Integration resource, set CONVERT_TO_BINARY.
Set WHEN_NO_MATCH as the passthroughBehavior property value without defining a mapping
template. This enables API Gateway to invoke the passthrough template.
PATCH /restapis//resources//methods//integration


"patchOperations" : [
"op" : "replace",
"path" : "/contentHandling",
"op" : "replace",
"path" : "/passthroughBehaviors",
"value" : "WHEN_NO_MATCH"


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Import and Export Content Encodings

Import and Export Content Encodings
To import the binaryMediaTypes list on a RestApi, use the following API Gateway extension to the
API's OpenAPI definition file. The extension is also used to export the API settings.
• x-amazon-apigateway-binary-media-types Property (p. 498)
To import and export the contentHandling property value on an Integration or
IntegrationResponse resource, use the following API Gateway extensions to the OpenAPI definitions:
• x-amazon-apigateway-integration Object (p. 502)
• x-amazon-apigateway-integration.response Object (p. 508)

Examples of Binary Support
The following example demonstrates how to access a binary file in Amazon S3 or AWS Lambda through
an API Gateway API. The sample API is presented in an OpenAPI file. The code example uses the API
Gateway REST API calls.
• Access Binary Files in Amazon S3 through an API Gateway API (p. 185)
• Access Binary Files in Lambda Using an API Gateway API (p. 191)

Access Binary Files in Amazon S3 through an API Gateway API
The following examples show the OpenAPI file used to access images in Amazon S3, how to download an
image from Amazon S3, and how to upload an image to Amazon S3.
• OpenAPI File of a Sample API to Access Images in Amazon S3 (p. 185)
• Download an Image from Amazon S3 (p. 189)
• Upload an Image to Amazon S3 (p. 190)

OpenAPI File of a Sample API to Access Images in Amazon S3
The following OpenAPI file shows a sample API that illustrates downloading an image file from Amazon
S3 and uploading an image file to Amazon S3. This API exposes the GET /s3?key={file-name} and
PUT /s3?key={file-name} methods for downloading and uploading a specified image file. The
GET method returns the image file as a Base64-encoded string as part of a JSON output, following the
supplied mapping template, in a 200 OK response. The PUT method takes a raw binary blob as input and
returns a 200 OK response with an empty payload.
OpenAPI 3.0

"openapi": "3.0.0",
"info": {
"version": "2016-10-21T17:26:28Z",
"title": "ApiName"
"paths": {


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Examples of Binary Support
"/s3": {
"get": {
"parameters": [
"name": "key",
"in": "query",
"required": false,
"schema": {
"type": "string"
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "200 response",
"content": {
"application/json": {
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/components/schemas/Empty"
"500": {
"description": "500 response"
"x-amazon-apigateway-integration": {
"credentials": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/binarySupportRole",
"responses": {
"default": {
"statusCode": "500"
"2\\d{2}": {
"statusCode": "200"
"requestParameters": {
"integration.request.path.key": "method.request.querystring.key"
"uri": "arn:aws:apigateway:us-west-2:s3:path/{key}",
"passthroughBehavior": "when_no_match",
"httpMethod": "GET",
"type": "aws"
"put": {
"parameters": [
"name": "key",
"in": "query",
"required": false,
"schema": {
"type": "string"
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "200 response",
"content": {
"application/json": {
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/components/schemas/Empty"


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Examples of Binary Support
"application/octet-stream": {
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/components/schemas/Empty"

"500": {
"description": "500 response"




"x-amazon-apigateway-integration": {
"credentials": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/binarySupportRole",
"responses": {
"default": {
"statusCode": "500"
"2\\d{2}": {
"statusCode": "200"
"requestParameters": {
"integration.request.path.key": "method.request.querystring.key"
"uri": "arn:aws:apigateway:us-west-2:s3:path/{key}",
"passthroughBehavior": "when_no_match",
"httpMethod": "PUT",
"type": "aws",
"contentHandling": "CONVERT_TO_BINARY"

"x-amazon-apigateway-binary-media-types": [
"servers": [
"url": "{basePath}",
"variables": {
"basePath": {
"default": "/v1"
"components": {
"schemas": {
"Empty": {
"type": "object",
"title": "Empty Schema"

OpenAPI 2.0

"swagger": "2.0",
"info": {
"version": "2016-10-21T17:26:28Z",
"title": "ApiName"


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Examples of Binary Support
"host": "",
"basePath": "/v1",
"schemes": [
"paths": {
"/s3": {
"get": {
"produces": [
"parameters": [
"name": "key",
"in": "query",
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "200 response",
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Empty"
"500": {
"description": "500 response"
"x-amazon-apigateway-integration": {
"credentials": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/binarySupportRole",
"responses": {
"default": {
"statusCode": "500"
"2\\d{2}": {
"statusCode": "200"
"requestParameters": {
"integration.request.path.key": "method.request.querystring.key"
"uri": "arn:aws:apigateway:us-west-2:s3:path/{key}",
"passthroughBehavior": "when_no_match",
"httpMethod": "GET",
"type": "aws"
"put": {
"produces": [
"application/json", "application/octet-stream"
"parameters": [
"name": "key",
"in": "query",
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "200 response",
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Empty"


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Examples of Binary Support
"500": {
"description": "500 response"



"x-amazon-apigateway-integration": {
"credentials": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/binarySupportRole",
"responses": {
"default": {
"statusCode": "500"
"2\\d{2}": {
"statusCode": "200"
"requestParameters": {
"integration.request.path.key": "method.request.querystring.key"
"uri": "arn:aws:apigateway:us-west-2:s3:path/{key}",
"passthroughBehavior": "when_no_match",
"httpMethod": "PUT",
"type": "aws",
"contentHandling" : "CONVERT_TO_BINARY"

"x-amazon-apigateway-binary-media-types" : ["application/octet-stream", "image/
"definitions": {
"Empty": {
"type": "object",
"title": "Empty Schema"

Download an Image from Amazon S3
To download an image file (image.jpg) as a binary blob from Amazon S3:
GET /v1/s3?key=image.jpg HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/octet-stream

The successful response looks like this:
200 OK HTTP/1.1
[raw bytes]

The raw bytes are returned because the Accept header is set to a binary media type of application/
octet-stream and binary support is enabled for the API.
Alternatively, to download an image file (image.jpg) as a Base64-encoded string, formatted as a JSON
property, from Amazon S3, add a response template to the 200 integration response like this, as shown
in the bold-faced OpenAPI definition block below:
"x-amazon-apigateway-integration": {


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Examples of Binary Support
"credentials": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/binarySupportRole",
"responses": {
"default": {
"statusCode": "500"
"2\\d{2}": {
"statusCode": "200",
"responseTemplates": {
"application/json": "{\n
\"image\": \"$input.body\"\n}"

The request to download the image file looks like this:
GET /v1/s3?key=image.jpg HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json

The successful response looks like this:
200 OK HTTP/1.1

"image": "W3JhdyBieXRlc10="

Upload an Image to Amazon S3
To upload an image file (image.jpg) as a binary blob to Amazon S3:
PUT /v1/s3?key=image.jpg HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
Accept: application/json
[raw bytes]

The successful response looks like this:
200 OK HTTP/1.1

To upload an image file (image.jpg) as a Base64-encoded string to Amazon S3:
PUT /v1/s3?key=image.jpg HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json

Notice that the input payload must be a Base64-encoded string, because the Content-Type header
value is set to application/json. The successful response looks like this:
200 OK HTTP/1.1


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Examples of Binary Support

Access Binary Files in Lambda Using an API Gateway API
The following example demonstrates how to access a binary file in AWS Lambda through an API Gateway
API. The sample API is presented in an OpenAPI file. The code example uses the API Gateway REST API
• OpenAPI File of a Sample API to Access Images in Lambda (p. 191)
• Download an Image from Lambda (p. 195)
• Upload an Image to Lambda (p. 195)

OpenAPI File of a Sample API to Access Images in Lambda
The following OpenAPI file shows an example API that illustrates downloading an image file from
Lambda and uploading an image file to Lambda.
OpenAPI 3.0

"openapi": "3.0.0",
"info": {
"version": "2016-10-21T17:26:28Z",
"title": "ApiName"
"paths": {
"/lambda": {
"get": {
"parameters": [
"name": "key",
"in": "query",
"required": false,
"schema": {
"type": "string"
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "200 response",
"content": {
"application/json": {
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/components/schemas/Empty"
"500": {
"description": "500 response"
"x-amazon-apigateway-integration": {
"uri": "arn:aws:apigateway:us-east-1:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/
"type": "AWS",
"credentials": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/Lambda",
"httpMethod": "POST",
"requestTemplates": {
"application/json": "{\n
\"imageKey\": \"$input.params('key')\"\n}"


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Examples of Binary Support
"responses": {
"default": {
"statusCode": "500"
"2\\d{2}": {
"statusCode": "200",
"responseTemplates": {
"application/json": "{\n

\"image\": \"$input.body\"\n}"

"put": {
"parameters": [
"name": "key",
"in": "query",
"required": false,
"schema": {
"type": "string"
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "200 response",
"content": {
"application/json": {
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/components/schemas/Empty"
"application/octet-stream": {
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/components/schemas/Empty"
"500": {
"description": "500 response"
"x-amazon-apigateway-integration": {
"uri": "arn:aws:apigateway:us-east-1:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/
"type": "AWS",
"credentials": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/Lambda",
"httpMethod": "POST",
"contentHandling": "CONVERT_TO_TEXT",
"requestTemplates": {
"application/json": "{\n
\"imageKey\": \"$input.params('key')\",
\"image\": \"$input.body\"\n}"
"responses": {
"default": {
"statusCode": "500"
"2\\d{2}": {
"statusCode": "200"


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Examples of Binary Support


"x-amazon-apigateway-binary-media-types": [
"servers": [
"url": "{basePath}",
"variables": {
"basePath": {
"default": "/v1"
"components": {
"schemas": {
"Empty": {
"type": "object",
"title": "Empty Schema"

OpenAPI 2.0

"swagger": "2.0",
"info": {
"version": "2016-10-21T17:26:28Z",
"title": "ApiName"
"host": "",
"basePath": "/v1",
"schemes": [
"paths": {
"/lambda": {
"get": {
"produces": [
"parameters": [
"name": "key",
"in": "query",
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "200 response",
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Empty"
"500": {
"description": "500 response"
"x-amazon-apigateway-integration": {


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Examples of Binary Support
"uri": "arn:aws:apigateway:us-east-1:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/
"type": "AWS",
"credentials": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/Lambda",
"httpMethod": "POST",
"requestTemplates": {
"application/json": "{\n
\"imageKey\": \"$input.params('key')\"\n}"
"responses": {
"default": {
"statusCode": "500"
"2\\d{2}": {
"statusCode": "200",
"responseTemplates": {
"application/json": "{\n
\"image\": \"$input.body\"\n}"
"put": {
"produces": [
"application/json", "application/octet-stream"
"parameters": [
"name": "key",
"in": "query",
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "200 response",
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Empty"
"500": {
"description": "500 response"
"x-amazon-apigateway-integration": {
"uri": "arn:aws:apigateway:us-east-1:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/
"type": "AWS",
"credentials": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/Lambda",
"httpMethod": "POST",
"contentHandling" : "CONVERT_TO_TEXT",
"requestTemplates": {
"application/json": "{\n
\"imageKey\": \"$input.params('key')\", \"image
\": \"$input.body\"\n}"
"responses": {
"default": {
"statusCode": "500"
"2\\d{2}": {
"statusCode": "200"


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Examples of Binary Support
"x-amazon-apigateway-binary-media-types" : ["application/octet-stream", "image/
"definitions": {
"Empty": {
"type": "object",
"title": "Empty Schema"

Download an Image from Lambda
To download an image file (image.jpg) as a binary blob from Lambda:
GET /v1/lambda?key=image.jpg HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/octet-stream

The successful response looks like this:
200 OK HTTP/1.1
[raw bytes]

To download an image file (image.jpg) as a Base64-encoded string, formatted as a JSON property,
from Lambda:
GET /v1/lambda?key=image.jpg HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json

The successful response looks like this:
200 OK HTTP/1.1

"image": "W3JhdyBieXRlc10="

Upload an Image to Lambda
To upload an image file (image.jpg) as a binary blob to Lambda:
PUT /v1/lambda?key=image.jpg HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
Accept: application/json
[raw bytes]

The successful response looks like this:
200 OK


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Enable Payload Compression

To upload an image file (image.jpg) as a Base64-encoded string to Lambda:
PUT /v1/lambda?key=image.jpg HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json

The successful response looks like this:
200 OK

Enable Payload Compression for an API
API Gateway allows your client to call your API with compressed payloads using one of the supported
content codings (p. 198). By default, API Gateway supports decompression of the method request
payload. However, you must configure your API to enable compression of the method response payload.
To enable compression on an API, set the minimumCompressionsSize property to a non-negative
integer between 0 and 10485760 (10M bytes)when you create the API or after you've created the API. To
disable compression on the API, set the minimumCompressionSize to null or remove it altogether. You
can enable or disable compression for an API by using the API Gateway console, the AWS CLI, or the API
Gateway REST API.
If you want the compression applied on a payload of any size, set the minimumCompressionSize
value to zero. However, compressing data of a small size might actually increase the final data size.
Furthermore, compression in API Gateway and decompression in the client might increase overall latency
and require more computing times. You should run test cases against your API to determine an optimal
The client can submit an API request with a compressed payload and an appropriate ContentEncoding header for API Gateway to decompress the method request payload and apply applicable
mapping templates, before passing the request to the integration endpoint. After the compression is
enabled and the API is deployed, the client can receive an API response with a compressed payload if it
specifies an appropriate Accept-Encoding header in the method request.
When the integration endpoint expects and returns uncompressed JSON payloads, any mapping
template that's configured for an uncompressed JSON payload is applicable to the compressed payload.
For a compressed method request payload, API Gateway decompresses the payload, applies the mapping
template, and passes the mapped request to the integration endpoint. For an uncompressed integration
response payload, API Gateway applies the mapping template, compresses the mapped payload, and
returns the compressed payload to the client.
• Enable Compression for an API (p. 196)
• Call an API Method with a Compressed Payload (p. 199)
• Receive an API Response with a Compressed Payload (p. 199)

Enable Compression for an API
You can enable compression for an API using the API Gateway console, AWS CLI/SDK, or API Gateway
REST API. The steps are detailed in the following sections.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Enable Compression for an API

For an existing API, you must deploy the API after enabling the compression in order for the change to
take effect. For a new API, you can deploy the API after the API setup is complete.
• Enable Compression for an API Using the API Gateway Console (p. 197)
• Enable Compression for an API Using AWS CLI (p. 197)
• Enable Compression for an API Using the API Gateway REST API (p. 198)
• Content Codings Supported by API Gateway (p. 198)

Enable Compression for an API Using the API Gateway Console
The following procedure describes how to enable payload compression for an API.

To enable payload compression by using the API Gateway console

Sign in to the API Gateway console.


Choose an existing API or create a new one.
In the primary navigation pane, choose Settings under the API you chose or the one you created.


Under the Content Encoding section in the Settings pane, select the Content Encoding enabled
option to enable payload compression. Type a number for the minimum compression size (in bytes)
next to Minimum body size required for compression. To disable the compression, clear the
Content Encoding enabled option.


Choose Save Changes.

Enable Compression for an API Using AWS CLI
To use the AWS CLI to create a new API and enable compression, call the create-rest-api command
as follows:
aws apigateway create-rest-api \
--name "My test API" \
--minimum-compression-size 0

To use the AWS CLI to enable compression on an existing API, call the update-rest-api command as
aws apigateway update-rest-api \
--rest-api-id 1234567890 \
--patch-operations op=replace,path=/minimumCompressionSize,value=0

The minimumCompressionSize property has a non-negative integer value between 0 and 10485760
(10M bytes). It measures the compression threshold. If the payload size is smaller than this value,
compression or decompression are not applied on the payload. Setting it to zero allows compression for
any payload size.
To use the AWS CLI to disable compression, call the update-rest-api command as follows:
aws apigateway update-rest-api \
--rest-api-id 1234567890 \
--patch-operations op=replace,path=/minimumCompressionSize,value=

You can also set value to an empty string "" or omit the value property altogether in the preceding


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Enable Compression for an API

Enable Compression for an API Using the API Gateway REST API
To use the API Gateway REST API to enable compression on a new API, call restapi:create as follows:
POST /restapis
Host: apigateway.{region}
Authorization: apigateway.{region}
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: ...

"name" : "My test API",
"minimumCompressionSize": 0

To use the API Gateway REST API to enable compression on an existing API, call restapi:update as
PATCH /restapis/{restapi_id}
Host: apigateway.{region}
Authorization: ...
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: ...


"patchOperations" : [ {
"op" : "replace",
"path" : "/minimumCompressionSize",
"value" : "0"
} ]

The minimumCompressionSize property has a non-negative integer value between 0 and 10485760
(10M bytes). It measures the compression threshold. If the payload size is smaller than this value,
compression or decompression are not applied on the payload. Setting it to zero allows compression for
any payload size.
To disable compression by using the API Gateway REST API, call restapi:update as follows:
PATCH /restapis/{restapi_id}
Host: apigateway.{region}
Authorization: ...
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: ...


"patchOperations" : [ {
"op" : "replace",
"path" : "/minimumCompressionSize"
} ]

You can also set value to an empty string "" or omit the value property altogether in the preceding

Content Codings Supported by API Gateway
API Gateway supports the following content codings:
• deflate


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Call a Method with a Compressed Payload

• gzip
• identity
API Gateway also supports the following Accept-Encoding header format, according to the RFC 7231
• Accept-Encoding:deflate,gzip
• Accept-Encoding:
• Accept-Encoding:*
• Accept-Encoding:deflate;q=0.5,gzip=1.0
• Accept-Encoding:gzip;q=1.0,identity;q=0.5,*;q=0

Call an API Method with a Compressed Payload
To make an API request with a compressed payload, the client must set the Content-Encoding header
with one of the supported content codings (p. 198).
Suppose that you're an API client and want to call the PetStore API method (POST /pets). Don't call the
method by using the following JSON output:
POST /pets
Host: {petstore-api-id}.execute-api.{region}
Content-Length: ...

"type": "dog",
"price": 249.99

Instead, you can call the method with the same payload compressed by using the GZIP coding:
POST /pets
Host: {petstore-api-id}.execute-api.{region}
Content-Length: ...

When API Gateway receives the request, it verifies if the specified content coding is supported. Then,
it attempts to decompress the payload with the specified content coding. If the decompression
is successful, it dispatches the request to the integration endpoint. If the specified coding isn't
supported or the supplied payload isn't compressed with specified coding, API Gateway returns the 415
Unsupported Media Type error response. The error is not be logged to CloudWatch Logs, if it occurs
in the early phase of decompression before your API and stage are identified.

Receive an API Response with a Compressed Payload
When making a request on a compression-enabled API, the client can choose to receive a compressed
response payload of a specific format by specifying an Accept-Encoding header with a supported
content coding (p. 198).
API Gateway only compresses the response payload when the following conditions are satisfied:
• The incoming request has the Accept-Encoding header with a supported content coding and


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Receive a Response with a Compressed Payload


If the header is not set, the default value is * as defined in RFC 7231. In such a case, API
Gateway will not compress the payload. Some browser or client may add Accept-Encoding
(for example, Accept-Encoding:gzip, deflate, br) automatically to compressionenabled requests. This can trigger the payload compression in API Gateway. Without an
explicit specification of supported Accept-Encoding header values, API Gateway does not
compress the payload.
• The minimumCompressionSize is set on the API to enable compression.
• The integration response doesn't have a Content-Encoding header.
• The size of an integration response payload, after the applicable mapping template is applied, is
greater than or equal to the specified minimumCompressionSize value.
API Gateway applies any mapping template that's configured for the integration response before
compressing the payload. If the integration response contains a Content-Encoding header,
API Gateway assumes that the integration response payload is already compressed and skips the
compression processing.
An example is the PetStore API example and the following request:
GET /pets
Host: {petstore-api-id}.execute-api.{region}
Accept: application/json

The backend responds to the request with an uncompressed JSON payload that's similar to the
200 OK


"id": 1,
"type": "dog",
"price": 249.99


"id": 2,
"type": "cat",
"price": 124.99




"id": 3,
"type": "fish",
"price": 0.99

To receive this output as a compressed payload, your API client can submit a request as follows:
GET /pets
Host: {petstore-api-id}.execute-api.{region}

The client receives the response with a Content-Encoding header and GZIP-encoded payload that are
similar to the following:
200 OK


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Enable Request Validation
#:P^IeA*######+(#L #X#YZ#ku0L0B7!9##C##&####Y##a###^#X

When the response payload is compressed, only the compressed data size is billed for data transfer.

Enable Request Validation in API Gateway
You can configure API Gateway to perform basic validation of an API request before proceeding with
the integration request. When the validation fails, API Gateway immediately fails the request, returns a
400 error response to the caller, and publishes the validation results in CloudWatch Logs. This reduces
unnecessary calls to the backend. More importantly, it lets you focus on the validation efforts specific to
your application.
• Overview of Basic Request Validation in API Gateway (p. 201)
• Set up Basic Request Validation in API Gateway (p. 201)
• Test Basic Request Validation in API Gateway (p. 207)
• OpenAPI Definitions of a Sample API with Basic Request Validation (p. 210)

Overview of Basic Request Validation in API Gateway
API Gateway can perform the basic validation. This enables you, the API developer, to focus on appspecific deep validation in the backend. For the basic validation, API Gateway verifies either or both of
the following conditions:
• The required request parameters in the URI, query string, and headers of an incoming request are
included and non-blank.
• The applicable request payload adheres to the configured JSON schema request model (p. 139) of
the method.
To enable basic validation, you specify validation rules in a request validator, add the validator to the
API's map of request validators, and assign the validator to individual API methods.


Request body validation and request body passthrough (p. 163) are two separate issues. When
a request payload cannot be validated because no model schema can be matched, you can
choose to passthrough or block the original payload. For example, when you enable request
validation with a mapping template for the application/json media type, you may want to
pass an XML payload through to the backend even though the enabled request validation will
fail. This may be the case if you expect to support the XML payload on the method in the future.
To fail the request with an XML payload, you must explicitly choose the NEVER option for the
content passthrough behavior.

Set up Basic Request Validation in API Gateway
You can set up request validators in an API's OpenAPI definition file and then import the OpenAPI
definitions into API Gateway. You can also set them up in the API Gateway console or by calling the API
Gateway REST API, AWS CLI, or one of the AWS SDKs. Here, we show how to do this with an OpenAPI file,
in the console, and using the API Gateway REST API.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up Basic Request Validation in API Gateway

• Set up Basic Request Validation by Importing OpenAPI Definition (p. 202)
• Set up Request Validators Using the API Gateway REST API (p. 205)
• Set up Basic Request Validation Using the API Gateway Console (p. 206)

Set up Basic Request Validation by Importing OpenAPI
The following steps describe how to enable basic request validation by importing an OpenAPI file.

To enable request validation by importing an OpenAPI file into API Gateway

Declare request validators in OpenAPI by specifying a set of the x-amazon-apigateway-requestvalidators.requestValidator Object (p. 512) objects in the x-amazon-apigateway-request-validators
Object (p. 511) map at the API level. For example, the sample API OpenAPI file (p. 210) contains
the x-amazon-apigateway-request-validators map, with the validators' names as the keys.
OpenAPI 3.0


"openapi": "3.0.0",
"info": {
"title": "ReqValidation Sample",
"version": "1.0.0"
"servers": [
"url": "/{basePath}",
"variables": {
"basePath": {
"default": "/v1"
"x-amazon-apigateway-request-validators": {
"all": {
"validateRequestBody": true,
"validateRequestParameters": true
"params-only": {
"validateRequestBody": false,
"validateRequestParameters": true

OpenAPI 2.0

"swagger": "2.0",
"info": {
"title": "ReqValidation Sample",
"version": "1.0.0"
"schemes": [
"basePath": "/v1",


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up Basic Request Validation in API Gateway


"produces": [
"x-amazon-apigateway-request-validators" : {
"all" : {
"validateRequestBody" : true,
"validateRequestParameters" : true
"params-only" : {
"validateRequestBody" : false,
"validateRequestParameters" : true

You select a validator's name when enabling the validator on the API or on a method, as shown in
the next step.

To enable a request validator on all methods of an API, specify an x-amazon-apigateway-requestvalidator Property (p. 510) property at the API level of the OpenAPI definition file. To enable
a request validator on an individual method, specify the x-amazon-apigateway-requestvalidator property at the method level. For example, the following x-amazon-apigatewayrequest-validator property enables the params-only validator on all API methods, unless
otherwise overridden.
OpenAPI 3.0


"openapi": "3.0.0",
"info": {
"title": "ReqValidation Sample",
"version": "1.0.0"
"servers": [
"url": "/{basePath}",
"variables": {
"basePath": {
"default": "/v1"
"x-amazon-apigateway-request-validator": "params-only",

OpenAPI 2.0

"swagger": "2.0",
"info": {
"title": "ReqValidation Sample",
"version": "1.0.0"
"schemes": [
"basePath": "/v1",
"produces": [


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up Basic Request Validation in API Gateway


"x-amazon-apigateway-request-validator" : "params-only",

To enable a request validator on an individual method, specify the x-amazon-apigatewayrequest-validator property at the method level. For example, the following x-amazonapigateway-request-validator property enables the all validator on the POST /
validation method. This overrides the params-only validator that is inherited from the API.
OpenAPI 3.0


"openapi": "3.0.0",
"info": {
"title": "ReqValidation Sample",
"version": "1.0.0"
"servers": [
"url": "/{basePath}",
"variables": {
"basePath": {
"default": "/v1"
"paths": {
"/validation": {
"post": {
"x-amazon-apigateway-request-validator": "all",

OpenAPI 2.0

"swagger": "2.0",
"info": {
"title": "ReqValidation Sample",
"version": "1.0.0"
"schemes": [
"basePath": "/v1",
"produces": [
"paths": {
"/validation": {
"post": {
"x-amazon-apigateway-request-validator" : "all",


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up Basic Request Validation in API Gateway






In API Gateway, create the API with request validators enabled by importing this sample OpenAPI
definition (p. 210):
POST /restapis?mode=import&failonwarning=true HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Amz-Date: 20170306T234936Z
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential={access_key_ID}/20170306/us-east-1/
apigateway/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-length;content-type;host;x-amz-date,
Copy the JSON object from this sample OpenAPI definition (p. 210) and paste it here.


Deploy the newly created API (fjd6crafxc) to a specified stage (testStage).
POST /restapis/fjd6crafxc/deployments HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Amz-Date: 20170306T234936Z
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential={access_key_ID}/20170306/us-east-1/
apigateway/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-length;content-type;host;x-amz-date,


"stageName" : "testStage",
"stageDescription" : "Test stage",
"description" : "First deployment",
"cacheClusterEnabled" : "false"

For instructions on how to test the request validation using the API Gateway REST API, see Test Basic
Request Validation Using the API Gateway REST API (p. 207). For instructions on how to test using the
API Gateway console, see Test Basic Request Validation Using the API Gateway Console (p. 210).

Set up Request Validators Using the API Gateway REST API
In the API Gateway REST API, a request validator is represented by a RequestValidator resource. To have
an API support the same request validators as the Sample API (p. 210), add to the RequestValidators
collection a parameters-only validator with params-only as the key, and add a full validator with all
as its key.

To enable the basic request validation using the API Gateway REST API
We assume that you have an API similar to the sample API (p. 210), but have not set up the
request validators. If your API already has request validators enabled, call the appropriate
requestvalidator:update or method:put action instead of requestvalidator:create or

To set up the params-only request validator, call the requestvalidator:create action as follows:
POST /restapis/restapi-id/requestvalidators HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up Basic Request Validation in API Gateway
X-Amz-Date: 20170223T172652Z
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential={access_key_ID}/20170223/region/apigateway/
aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-type;host;x-amz-date, Signature={sig4_hash}



"name" : "params-only",
"validateRequestBody" : "false",
"validateRequestParameters" : "true"

To set up the all request validator, call the requestvalidator:create action as follows:
POST /restapis/restapi-id/requestvalidators HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Amz-Date: 20170223T172652Z
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential={access_key_ID}/20170223/region/apigateway/
aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-type;host;x-amz-date, Signature={sig4_hash}


"name" : "all",
"validateRequestBody" : "true",
"validateRequestParameters" : "true"

If the preceding validator keys already exist in the RequestValidators map, call the
requestvalidator:update action instead to reset the validation rules.

To apply the all request validator to the POST method, call method:put to enable the specified
validator (as identified by the requestValidatorId property) or call method:update to update the
enabled validator.
PUT /restapis/restapi-id/resources/resource-id/methods/POST HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Amz-Date: 20170223T172652Z
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential={access_key_ID}/20170223/region/apigateway/
aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-type;host;x-amz-date, Signature={sig4_hash}


"authorizationType" : "NONE",
"requestValidatorId" : "all"

Set up Basic Request Validation Using the API Gateway Console
The API Gateway console lets you set up the basic request validation on a method using one of the three
• Validate body: This is the body-only validator.
• Validate query string parameters and headers: This is the parameters-only validator.
• Validate body, query string parameters, and headers: This validator is for both body and parameters
When you choose one of the above validators to enable it on an API method, the API Gateway console
will add the validator to the API's RequestValidators map, if the validator has not already been added to
the validators map of the API.

Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Test Basic Request Validation in API Gateway

To enable a request validator on a method

Sign in to the API Gateway console, if not already logged in.


Create a new or choose an existing API.


Create a new or choose an existing resource of the API.


Create a new or choose an existing method the resource.


Choose Method Request.


Choose the pencil icon of Request Validator under Settings.


Choose Validate body, Validate query string parameters and headers or Validate
body, query string parameters, and headers from the Request Validator drop-down list
and then choose the check mark icon to save your choice.

To test and use the request validator in the console, follow the instructions in Test Basic Request
Validation Using the API Gateway Console (p. 210).

Test Basic Request Validation in API Gateway
Choose one of the following topics for instructions on testing the basic request validation against the
sample API (p. 210).
• Test Basic Request Validation Using the API Gateway REST API (p. 207)
• Test Basic Request Validation Using the API Gateway Console (p. 210)

Test Basic Request Validation Using the API Gateway REST API
To see the invocation URL of the deployed API, you can export the API from the stage, making sure to
include the Accept: application/json or Accept: application/yaml header:
GET /restapis/fjd6crafxc/stages/testStage/exports/swagger?extensions=validators HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
X-Amz-Date: 20170306T234936Z
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential={access_key_ID}/20170306/us-east-1/
apigateway/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-length;content-type;host;x-amz-date,


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Test Basic Request Validation in API Gateway

You can ignore the ?extensions=validators query parameter, if you do not want to download the
OpenAPI specifications related to the request validation.

To test request validation using the API Gateway REST API calls

Call GET /validation?q1=cat.
GET /testStage/validation?q1=cat HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json

Because the required parameter of q1 is set and not blank, the request passes the validation. API
Gateway returns the following 200 OK response:


"id": 1,
"type": "cat",
"price": 249.99


"id": 2,
"type": "cat",
"price": 124.99





"id": 3,
"type": "cat",
"price": 0.99

Call GET /validation.
GET /testStage/validation HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json

Because the required parameter of q1 is not set, the request fails to pass the validation. API Gateway
returns the following 400 Bad Request response:


"message": "Missing required request parameters: [q1]"

Call GET /validation?q1=.
GET /testStage/validation?q1= HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json

Because the required parameter of q1 is blank, the request fails to pass the validation. API Gateway
returns the same 400 Bad Request response as in the previous example.

Call POST /validation.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Test Basic Request Validation in API Gateway

POST /testStage/validation HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
h1: v1


"name" : "Marco",
"type" : "dog",
"price" : 260

Because the required header parameter of h1 is set and not blank and the payload format adheres
to the RequestDataModel required properties and associated constraints, the request passes the
validation. API Gateway returns the following successful response.



"pet": {
"name": "Marco",
"type": "dog",
"price": 260
"message": "success"

Call POST /validation, without specifying the h1 header or setting its value blank.
POST /testStage/validation HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json


"name" : "Marco",
"type" : "dog",
"price" : 260

Because the required header parameter of h1 is missing or set to blank, the request fails to pass the
validation. API Gateway returns the following 400 Bad Request response:


"message": "Missing required request parameters: [h1]"

Call POST /validation, setting the type property of the payload to bird.
POST /testStage/validation HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
X-Amz-Date: 20170309T000215Z
h1: v1


"name" : "Molly",
"type" : "bird",
"price" : 269


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
OpenAPI Definitions of a Sample
API with Basic Request Validation

Because the type property value is not a member of the enumeration of ["dog", "cat",
"fish"], the request fails to pass the validation. API Gateway returns the following 400 Bad
Request response:

"message": "Invalid request body"

Setting price to 501 violates the constraint on the property. This causes the validation to fail and
the same 400 Bad Request response is returned.

Test Basic Request Validation Using the API Gateway Console
The following steps describe how to test basic request validation in the API Gateway console.

To test the request validation on a method using TestInvoke in the API Gateway console
While signed in to the API Gateway console, do the following:

Choose Resources for the API for which you have configured a request validators map.


Choose a method for which you have enabled the request validation with a specified request


Under Method Execution, in the Client box, choose Test.
Try different values for required request parameter or applicable body, and then choose Test to see
the response.

When the method call passes validation, you should get expected responses. If validation fails, the
following error message returns if the payload is not the correct format:

"message": "Invalid request body"

If the request parameters are not valid, the following error message returns:

"message": "Missing required request parameters: [p1]"

OpenAPI Definitions of a Sample API with Basic
Request Validation
The following OpenAPI definition defines a sample API with request validation enabled. The API is a
subset of the PetStore API. It exposes a POST method to add a pet to the pets collection and a GET
method to query pets by a specified type.
There are two request validators declared in the x-amazon-apigateway-request-validators map
at the API level. The params-only validator is enabled on the API and inherited by the GET method.
This validator allows API Gateway to verify that the required query parameter (q1) is included and not
blank in the incoming request. The all validator is enabled on the POST method. This validator verifies
that the required header parameter (h1) is set and not blank. It also verifies that the payload format
adheres to the specified RequestBodyModel schema. This model requires that the input JSON object
contains the name, type, and price properties. The name property can be any string, type must be one


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
OpenAPI Definitions of a Sample
API with Basic Request Validation

of the specified enumeration fields (["dog", "cat", "fish"]), and price must range between 25
and 500. The id parameter is not required.
For more information about the behavior of this API, see Enable Request Validation in API
Gateway (p. 201).
OpenAPI 2.0

"swagger": "2.0",
"info": {
"title": "ReqValidators Sample",
"version": "1.0.0"
"schemes": [
"basePath": "/v1",
"produces": [
"x-amazon-apigateway-request-validators" : {
"all" : {
"validateRequestBody" : true,
"validateRequestParameters" : true
"params-only" : {
"validateRequestBody" : false,
"validateRequestParameters" : true
"x-amazon-apigateway-request-validator" : "params-only",
"paths": {
"/validation": {
"post": {
"x-amazon-apigateway-request-validator" : "all",
"parameters": [
"in": "header",
"name": "h1",
"required": true
"in": "body",
"name": "RequestBodyModel",
"required": true,
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/RequestBodyModel"
"responses": {
"200": {
"schema": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Error"
"headers" : {
"test-method-response-header" : {
"type" : "string"


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
OpenAPI Definitions of a Sample
API with Basic Request Validation
"security" : [{
"api_key" : []
"x-amazon-apigateway-auth" : {
"type" : "none"
"x-amazon-apigateway-integration" : {
"type" : "http",
"uri" : "",
"httpMethod" : "POST",
"requestParameters": {
"integration.request.header.custom_h1": "method.request.header.h1"
"responses" : {
"2\\d{2}" : {
"statusCode" : "200"
"default" : {
"statusCode" : "400",
"responseParameters" : {
"method.response.header.test-method-response-header" : "'static value'"
"responseTemplates" : {
"application/json" : "json 400 response template",
"application/xml" : "xml 400 response template"

"get": {
"parameters": [
"name": "q1",
"in": "query",
"required": true
"responses": {
"200": {
"schema": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Error"
"headers" : {
"test-method-response-header" : {
"type" : "string"
"security" : [{
"api_key" : []
"x-amazon-apigateway-auth" : {
"type" : "none"
"x-amazon-apigateway-integration" : {
"type" : "http",
"uri" : "",
"httpMethod" : "GET",
"requestParameters": {
"integration.request.querystring.type": "method.request.querystring.q1"


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Import a REST API



"responses" : {
"2\\d{2}" : {
"statusCode" : "200"
"default" : {
"statusCode" : "400",
"responseParameters" : {
"method.response.header.test-method-response-header" : "'static value'"
"responseTemplates" : {
"application/json" : "json 400 response template",
"application/xml" : "xml 400 response template"

"definitions": {
"RequestBodyModel": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
{ "type":
"type": { "type":
"name": { "type":
"price": { "type":
"required": ["type",
"Error": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {




"integer" },
"string", "enum": ["dog", "cat", "fish"] },
"string" },
"number", "minimum": 25, "maximum": 500 }
"name", "price"]


Import a REST API into API Gateway
You can use the API Gateway Import API feature to import a REST API from an external definition file
into API Gateway. Currently, the Import API feature supports OpenAPI v2.0 and OpenAPI v3.0 definition
With the Import API, you can either create a new API by submitting a POST request that includes an
OpenAPI definition in the payload and endpoint configuration, or you can update an existing API by
using a PUT request that contains an OpenAPI definition in the payload. You can update an API by
overwriting it with a new definition, or merge a definition with an existing API. You specify the options
using a mode query parameter in the request URL.


For RAML API definitions, you can continue to use API Gateway Importer.
Besides making explicit calls to the REST API, as described below, you can also use the Import API feature
in the API Gateway console. For a quick start to using the Import API feature from the API Gateway
console, see Build an API Gateway API from an Example (p. 516).
• Import an Edge-Optimized API into API Gateway (p. 214)


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Import an Edge-Optimized API

• Import a Regional API into API Gateway (p. 215)
• Import an OpenAPI File to Update an Existing API Definition (p. 216)
• Set the OpenAPI basePath Property (p. 217)
• Errors and Warnings during Import (p. 219)

Import an Edge-Optimized API into API Gateway
You can import an API's OpenAPI definition file to create a new edge-optimized API by specifying the
EDGE endpoint type as an additional input, besides the OpenAPI file, to the import operation. You can do
so using the API Gateway console, AWS CLI, an AWS SDK, or the API Gateway REST API.
• Import an Edge-Optimized API Using the API Gateway Console (p. 214)
• Import an Edge-Optimized API Using the AWS CLI (p. 214)
• Import an Edge-Optimized API Using the API Gateway REST API (p. 214)

Import an Edge-Optimized API Using the API Gateway Console
To import an API of an edge-optimized API endpoint type using the API Gateway console, do the

Sign in to the API Gateway console and choose + Create API.
Select the Import from OpenAPI option under Create new API.


Copy an API's OpenAPI definition and paste it into the code editor, or choose Select OpenAPI File to
load an OpenAPI file from a local drive.


Under Settings, for Endpoint Type, choose Edge optimized..
Choose Import to start importing the OpenAPI definitions.

Import an Edge-Optimized API Using the AWS CLI
To import an API from an OpenAPI definition file to create a new edge-optimized API using the AWS CLI,
use the import-rest-api command as follows:
aws apigateway import-rest-api \
--fail-on-warnings \
--body 'file://path/to/API_OpenAPI_template.json'

or with an explicit specification of the endpointConfigurationTypes query string parameter to
aws apigateway import-rest-api \
--endpointConfigurationTypes 'EDGE' \
--fail-on-warnings \
--body 'file://path/to/API_OpenAPI_template.json'

Import an Edge-Optimized API Using the API Gateway REST API
To use the API Gateway REST API to create a regional API by importing an OpenAPI definition file, call
the following restapi:import link-relation:
POST /restapis?mode=import&failonwarnings=true


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Import a Regional API
Content-Length: ...

//OpenAPI definition

or with an explicit specification of the endpointConfigurationTypes query string parameter to
POST /restapis?mode=import&failonwarnings=true&endpointConfigurationTypes=EDGE
Content-Length: ...

//OpenAPI definition

Import a Regional API into API Gateway
When importing an API, you can choose the regional endpoint configuration for the API. You can use the
API Gateway console, AWS CLI, an AWS SDK, or the API Gateway REST API.
When you export an API, the API endpoint configuration is not included in the exported API definitions.

Import a Regional API Using the API Gateway Console
To import an API of a regional endpoint using the API Gateway console, do the following:

Sign in to the API Gateway console and choose + Create API.


Select the Import from OpenAPI option under Create new API.


Copy an API's OpenAPI definition and paste it into the code editor, or choose Select OpenAPI File to
load an OpenAPI file from a local drive.


Under Settings, for Endpoint Type, choose Regional..


Choose Import to start importing the OpenAPI definitions.

Import a Regional API Using the AWS CLI
To import an API from an OpenAPI definition file using the AWS CLI, use the import-rest-api
aws apigateway import-rest-api \
--endpointConfigurationTypes 'REGIONAL' \
--fail-on-warnings \
--body 'file://path/to/API_OpenAPI_template.json'

Import a Regional API Using the API Gateway REST API
To use the API Gateway REST API to create a regional API by importing an OpenAPI definition file, call
the following restapi:import link-relation:
POST /restapis?mode=import&failonwarnings=true&endpointConfigurationTypes=REGIONAL


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Import an OpenAPI File to
Update an Existing API Definition
Content-Length: ...

//OpenAPI definition

Import an OpenAPI File to Update an Existing API
You can import API definitions only to update an existing API, without changing its endpoint
configuration, as well as stages and stage variables, or references to API Keys.
The import-to-update operation can occur in two modes: merge or overwrite.
When an API (A) is merged into another (B), the resulting API retains the definitions of both A and B if
the two APIs do not share any conflicting definitions. When conflicts arise, the method definitions of
the merging API (A) overrides the corresponding method definitions of the merged API (B). For example,
suppose B has declared the following methods to return 200 and 206 responses:
GET /a

and A declares the following method to return 200 and 400 responses:
GET /a

When A is merged into B, the resulting API will yield the following methods:
GET /a

which will return 200 and 400 responses, and

which will return 200 and 206 responses.
Merging an API is useful when you have decomposed your external API definitions into multiple, smaller
parts and only want to apply changes from one of those parts at a time. For example, this might occur if
multiple teams are responsible for different parts of an API and have changes available at different rates.
In this mode, items from the existing API that are not specifically defined in the imported definition will
be left alone.
When an API (A) overwrites another API (B), the resulting API takes the definitions of the overwriting API
(A). Overwriting an API is useful when an external API definition contains the complete definition of an
API. In this mode, items from an existing API that are not specifically defined in the imported definition
will be deleted.
To merge an API, submit a PUT request to
restapis/?mode=merge. The restapi_id path parameter value specifies the API to
which the supplied API definition will be merged.
The following code snippet shows an example of the PUT request to merge an OpenAPI API definition in
JSON, as the payload, with the specified API already in API Gateway.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set the OpenAPI basePath Property

PUT /restapis/?mode=merge
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: ...
An OpenAPI API definition in JSON (p. 604)

The merging update operation takes two complete API definitions and merges them together. For a
small and incremental change, you can use the resource update operation.
To overwrite an API, submit a PUT request to
restapis/?mode=overwrite. The restapi_id path parameter specifies the API that
will be overwritten with the supplied API definitions.
The following code snippet shows an example of an overwriting request with the payload of a JSONformatted OpenAPI definition:

PUT /restapis/?mode=overwrite
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: ...
An OpenAPI API definition in JSON (p. 604)

When the mode query parameter is not specified, merge is assumed.


The PUT operations are idempotent, but not atomic. That means if a system error occurs part
way through processing, the API can end up in a bad state. However, repeating the operation
will put the API into the same final state as if the first operation had succeeded.

Set the OpenAPI basePath Property
In OpenAPI, you can use the basePath property to provide one or more path parts that precede each
path defined in the paths property. Because API Gateway has several ways to express a resource's path,
the Import API feature provides three options for interpreting the basePath property during an import:

If the OpenAPI file has a basePath value of /a/b/c and the paths property contains /e and /f, the
following POST or PUT request:
POST /restapis?mode=import&basepath=ignore

PUT /restapis/api_id?basepath=ignore

will result in the following resources in the API:
• /
• /e
• /f


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set the OpenAPI basePath Property

The effect is to treat the basePath as if it was not present, and all of the declared API resources are
served relative to the host. This can be used, for example, when you have a custom domain name with an
API mapping that does not include a Base Path and a Stage value that refers to your production stage.


API Gateway will automatically create a root resource for you, even if it is not explicitly declared
in your definition file.
When unspecified, basePath takes ignore by default.

If the OpenAPI file has a basePath value of /a/b/c and the paths property contains /e and /f, the
following POST or PUT request:
POST /restapis?mode=import&basepath=prepend

PUT /restapis/api_id?basepath=prepend

will result in the following resources in the API:
• /
• /a
• /a/b
• /a/b/c
• /a/b/c/e
• /a/b/c/f
The effect is to treat the basePath as specifying additional resources (without methods) and to add
them to the declared resource set. This can be used, for example, when different teams are responsible
for different parts of an API and the basePath could reference the path location for each team's API


API Gateway will automatically create intermediate resources for you, even if they are not
explicitly declared in your definition.

If the OpenAPI file has a basePath value of /a/b/c and the paths property contains /e and /f, the
following POST or PUT request:
POST /restapis?mode=import&basepath=split

PUT /restapis/api_id?basepath=split

will result in the following resources in the API:
• /



Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Errors and Warnings during Import

The effect is to treat top-most path part, /a, as the beginning of each resource's path, and to create
additional (no method) resources within the API itself. This could, for example, be used when a is a stage
name that you want to expose as part of your API.

Errors and Warnings during Import
Errors during Import
During the import, errors can be generated for major issues like an invalid OpenAPI document. Errors are
returned as exceptions (for example, BadRequestException) in an unsuccessful response. When an
error occurs, the new API definition is discarded and no change is made to the existing API.

Warnings during Import
During the import, warnings can be generated for minor issues like a missing model reference. If
a warning occurs, the operation will continue if the failonwarnings=false query expression is
appended to the request URL. Otherwise, the updates will be rolled back. By default, failonwarnings
is set to false. In such cases, warnings are returned as a field in the resulting RestApi resource.
Otherwise, warnings are returned as a message in the exception.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Use API Gateway Resource Policies

Controlling Access to an API in API
API Gateway supports multiple mechanisms for controlling access to your API:
• Resource policies let you create resource-based policies to allow or deny access to your APIs and
methods from specified source IP addresses or VPC endpoints.
• Standard AWS IAM roles and policies offer flexible and robust access controls that can be applied to
an entire API or individual methods.
• Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) lets you control how your REST API responds to cross-domain
resource requests.
• Lambda authorizers are Lambda functions that control access to REST API methods using bearer
token authentication as well as information described by headers, paths, query strings, stage variables,
or context variables request parameters.
• Amazon Cognito user pools let you create customizable authentication and authorization solutions
for your REST APIs.
• Client-side SSL certificates can be used to verify that HTTP requests to your backend system are from
API Gateway.
• Usage plans let you provide API keys to your customers — and then track and limit usage of your API
stages and methods for each API key.
• Control Access to an API with Amazon API Gateway Resource Policies (p. 220)
• Control Access to an API with IAM Permissions (p. 232)
• Use API Gateway Lambda Authorizers (p. 247)
• Control Access to a REST API Using Amazon Cognito User Pools as Authorizer (p. 262)
• Enable CORS for an API Gateway REST API Resource (p. 270)
• Use Client-Side SSL Certificates for Authentication by the Backend (p. 274)
• Create and Use Usage Plans with API Keys (p. 293)

Control Access to an API with Amazon API Gateway
Resource Policies
Amazon API Gateway resource policies are JSON policy documents that you attach to an API to control
whether a specified principal (typically an IAM user or role) can invoke the API. You can use API Gateway
resource policies to allow your API to be securely invoked by:
• users from a specified AWS account
• specified source IP address ranges or CIDR blocks
• specified virtual private clouds (VPCs) or VPC endpoints (in any account)
You can use resource policies for all API endpoint types in API Gateway: private, edge-optimized, and
You can attach a resource policy to an API using the AWS console, AWS CLI, or AWS SDKs.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Access Policy Language Overview for Amazon API Gateway

API Gateway resource policies are different from IAM policies. IAM policies are attached to IAM entities
(users, groups, or roles) and define what actions those entities are capable of doing on which resources.
API Gateway resource policies are attached to resources. For a more detailed discussion of the differences
between identity-based (IAM) policies and resource policies, see Identity-Based Policies and ResourceBased Policies.
You can use API Gateway resource policies together with IAM policies.
• Access Policy Language Overview for Amazon API Gateway (p. 221)
• How Amazon API Gateway Resource Policies Affect Authorization Workflow (p. 222)
• API Gateway Resource Policy Examples (p. 225)
• Create and Attach an API Gateway Resource Policy to an API (p. 228)
• AWS Condition Keys that can be used in API Gateway Resource Policies (p. 231)

Access Policy Language Overview for Amazon API
The topics in this section describe the basic elements used in Amazon API Gateway resource policies.
Resource policies are specified using the same syntax as IAM Policies. For complete policy language
information, see Overview of IAM Policies and AWS Identity and Access Management Policy Reference
in the IAM User Guide.
For information about how an AWS service decides whether a given request should be allowed or denied,
see Determining Whether a Request is Allowed or Denied.

Common Elements in an Access Policy
In its most basic sense, a resource policy contains the following elements:
• Resources – APIs are the Amazon API Gateway resources for which you can allow or deny permissions.
In a policy, you use the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) to identify the resource.
For the format of the Resource element, see Resource Format of Permissions for Executing API in API
Gateway (p. 240).
• Actions – For each resource, Amazon API Gateway supports a set of operations. You identify resource
operations you will allow (or deny) by using action keywords.
For example, the apigateway:invoke permission will allow the user permission to invoke an API
upon a client request.
For the format of the Action element, see Action Format of Permissions for Executing API in API
Gateway (p. 240).
• Effect – What the effect will be when the user requests the specific action—this can be either Allow or
Deny. You can also explicitly deny access to a resource, which you might do in order to make sure that
a user cannot access it, even if a different policy grants access.


"Implicit deny" is the same thing as "Deny by default."
"Implicit deny" is different from "Explict deny." For more information, see The Difference
Between Denying by Default and Explicit Deny.
• Principal – The account or user who is allowed access to the actions and resources in the statement. In
a resource policy, the principal is the IAM user or account who is the recipient of this permission.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
How Resource Policies Affect Authorization Workflow

The following example resource policy shows the preceding common policy elements. The policy grants
access to a specific API api-id in the specified region to any user whose source IP address is in the IP
range to only. The policy denies all access to the API if the user's source
IP is not within the range.



How Amazon API Gateway Resource Policies Affect
Authorization Workflow
When API Gateway evaluates the resource policy attached to your API, the result is affected by the
authentication type that you have defined for the API, as illustrated in the flowcharts in the following
• API Gateway Resource Policy Only (p. 222)
• Lambda Authorizer and Resource Policy (p. 223)
• IAM Authentication and Resource Policy (p. 223)
• Amazon Cognito Authentication and Resource Policy (p. 224)
• Policy Evaluation Outcome Tables (p. 224)

API Gateway Resource Policy Only
In this workflow, an API Gateway resource policy is attached to the API, but no authentication type is
defined for the API. Evaluation of the policy will involve seeking an explicit allow based on the inbound
criteria of the caller. An implicit denial or any explicit denial will result in denying the caller.
Following is an example of such a resource policy.



Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
How Resource Policies Affect Authorization Workflow


"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": "*",
"Action": "execute-api:Invoke",
"Resource": "arn:aws:execute-api:region:account-id:api-id/",
"Condition": {
"IpAddress": {
"aws:SourceIp": ["", "" ]

Lambda Authorizer and Resource Policy
In this workflow, a Lambda authorizer is configured for the API in addition to a resource policy. The
resource policy will be evaluated in two phases. Prior to calling the Lambda authorizer, API Gateway
will first evaluate the policy and check for any explicit denials. If found, the caller is denied access
immediately. Otherwise, the Lambda authorizer is called, and it returns a policy document (p. 254),
which is evaluated in conjunction with the resource policy. The result is determined based on Table
A (p. 224) below.
The following example resource policy allows calls only from the VPC endpoint whose VPC endpoint ID is
vpce-1a2b3c4d. During the pre-auth evaluation, only the calls coming from the VPC endpoint indicated
below will be allow to move forward and evaluate the Lambda authorizer. All remaining calls will be



"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Deny",
"Principal": "*",
"Action": "execute-api:Invoke",
"Resource": [
"Condition" : {
"StringNotEquals": {
"aws:SourceVpce": "vpce-1a2b3c4d"

IAM Authentication and Resource Policy
In this workflow, IAM authentication is configured for the API in addition to a resource policy. After
authenticating the user with the IAM service, the policies attached to the IAM user in addition to the
resource policy are evaluated together. The outcome will vary based on whether the caller is in the same
account, or a separate AWS account, from the API owner. If the caller and API owner are from separate
accounts, both the IAM user policies and the resource policy explicitly allow the caller to proceed. (See
Table B (p. 224) below.) In contrast, if the caller and the API owner are in the same account, then either
the user policies or the resource policy must explicitly allow the caller to proceed. (See Table A (p. 224)


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
How Resource Policies Affect Authorization Workflow

Following is an example of a cross-account resource policy. Assuming the IAM user policy contains an
Allow, this resource policy will allow calls only from the VPC whose VPC ID is vpc-2f09a348. (See Table
B (p. 224) below.)


"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": "",
"Action": "execute-api:Invoke",
"Resource": [
"Condition" : {
"StringEquals": {
"aws:SourceVpc": "vpc-2f09a348"

Amazon Cognito Authentication and Resource Policy
In this workflow, an Amazon Cognito user pool (p. 262) is configured for the API in addition to a
resource policy. API Gateway first attempts to authenticate the caller via Amazon Cognito. This is
typically performed via a JWT token provided by the caller. If authentication is successful, the resource
policy is evaluated independently, and an explicit allow is required. A deny or neither allow or deny will
result in a deny. Following is an example of a resource policy that might be used together with Amazon
Cognito User Pools.
Following is an example of a resource policy that allows calls only from specified source IPs, assuming
that the Amazon Cognito authentication token contains an Allow. (See Table A (p. 224) below.)


"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": "*",
"Action": "execute-api:Invoke",
"Resource": "arn:aws:execute-api:region:account-id:api-id/",
"Condition": {
"IpAddress": {
"aws:SourceIp": ["", "" ]

Policy Evaluation Outcome Tables
Table A lists the resulting behavior when access to an API Gateway API is controlled by an IAM policy (or
a Lambda or Amazon Cognito User Pools authorizer) and an API Gateway resource policy, both of which
are in the same AWS account.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
API Gateway Resource Policy Examples

Table A: Account A Calls API Owned by Account A
IAM User Policy (or Lambda
or Amazon Cognito User Pools

API Gateway Resource Policy

Resulting Behavior





Neither Allow nor Deny




Explicit Deny

Neither Allow nor Deny



Neither Allow nor Deny

Neither Allow nor Deny

Implicit Deny

Neither Allow nor Deny


Explicit Deny



Explicit Deny


Neither Allow nor Deny

Explicit Deny



Explicit Deny

Table B lists the resulting behavior when access to an API Gateway API is controlled by an IAM policy (or
a Lambda or Amazon Cognito User Pools authorizer) and an API Gateway resource policy, which are in
different AWS accounts. If either is silent (neither allow nor deny), cross-account access is denied. This is
because cross-account access requires that both the resource policy and the IAM policy (or a Lambda or
Amazon Cognito User Pools authorizer) explicitly grant access.

Table B: Account B Calls API Owned by Account A
IAM User Policy (or Lambda
or Amazon Cognito User Pools

API Gateway Resource Policy

Resulting Behavior





Neither Allow nor Deny

Implicit Deny



Explicit Deny

Neither Allow nor Deny


Implicit Deny

Neither Allow nor Deny

Neither Allow nor Deny

Implicit Deny

Neither Allow nor Deny


Explicit Deny



Explicit Deny


Neither Allow nor Deny

Explicit Deny



Explicit Deny

API Gateway Resource Policy Examples
This section presents a few examples of typical use cases for API Gateway resource policies. The policies
use account-id and api-id strings in the resource value. To test these policies, you need to replace


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
API Gateway Resource Policy Examples

these strings with your own account ID and API ID. For information about access policy language, see
Access Policy Language Overview for Amazon API Gateway (p. 221).
• Example: Allow users in another AWS account to use an API (p. 226)
• Example: Deny API traffic based on source IP address or range (p. 226)
• Example: Allow private API traffic based on source VPC or VPC endpoint (p. 227)

Example: Allow users in another AWS account to use an API
The following example resource policy grants access to two users in an AWS account via Signature
Version 4 (SigV4) protocols. Specifically, Alice and the root user for the same AWS account are granted
the execute-api:Invoke action to execute the GET action on the pets resource (API).


"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"AWS": [
"Action": "execute-api:Invoke",
"Resource": [

Example: Deny API traffic based on source IP address or range
The following example resource policy is a "blacklist" policy that denies (blocks) incoming traffic to an
API from two specified source IP addresses.

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": "*",
"Action": "execute-api:Invoke",
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Deny",
"Principal": "*",
"Action": "execute-api:Invoke",
"Resource": [
"Condition" : {
"IpAddress": {


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
API Gateway Resource Policy Examples






"aws:SourceIp": ["", "" ]

Example: Allow private API traffic based on source VPC or VPC
The following example resource policies allow incoming traffic to a private API only from a specified
virtual private cloud (VPC) or VPC endpoint.
This example resource policy specifies a source VPC:


"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": "*",
"Action": "execute-api:Invoke",
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Deny",
"Principal": "*",
"Action": "execute-api:Invoke",
"Resource": [
"Condition" : {
"StringNotEquals": {
"aws:SourceVpc": "vpc-1a2b3c4d"

This example resource policy specifies a source VPC endpoint:

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": "*",
"Action": "execute-api:Invoke",
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Deny",
"Principal": "*",
"Action": "execute-api:Invoke",
"Resource": [


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create and Attach an API Gateway
Resource Policy to an API




"Condition" : {
"StringNotEquals": {
"aws:SourceVpce": "vpce-1a2b3c4d"

Create and Attach an API Gateway Resource Policy to
an API
To allow a user to access your API by calling the API execution service, you must create an API Gateway
resource policy, which controls access to the API Gateway resources, and attach the policy to the API.
The resource policy can be attached to the API when the API is being created, or it can be attached
afterwards. For private APIs, note that until you attach the resource policy to the private API, all calls to
the API will fail.


If you update the resource policy after the API is created, you'll need to deploy the API to
propagate the changes after you've attached the updated policy. Updating or saving the policy
alone won't change the runtime behavior of the API. For more information about deploying your
API, see Deploying a REST API in Amazon API Gateway (p. 360).
Access can be controlled by IAM condition elements, including conditions on AWS account, source VPC,
source VPC endpoint, or IP range. If the Principal in the policy is set to "*", other authorization types
can be used alongside the resource policy. If the Principal is set to "AWS", authorization will fail for all
resources not secured with AWS_IAM authorization, including unsecured resources.
The following sections describe how to create your own API Gateway resource policy and attach it to
your API. Attaching a policy applies the permissions in the policy to the methods in the API.


If you use the API Gateway console attach a resource policy to a deployed API, or if you update
an existing resource policy, you'll need to redeploy the API in the console for the changes to take
• Attaching API Gateway Resource Policies (Console) (p. 228)
• Attaching API Gateway Resource Policies (AWS CLI) (p. 229)
• Attaching API Gateway Resource Policies (API Gateway API) (p. 229)
• OpenAPI Example of Attaching a API Gateway Resource Policy (p. 230)

Attaching API Gateway Resource Policies (Console)
You can use the AWS Management console to attach a resource policy to an API Gateway API.

To attach a resource policy to an API Gateway API

Sign in to the API Gateway console at


Choose the API name.


In the left navigation pane, choose Resource Policy.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create and Attach an API Gateway
Resource Policy to an API


If desired, choose one of the Examples. In the example policies, placeholders are enclosed in double
curly braces ("{{placeholder}}"). Replace each of the placeholders (including the curly braces)
with the necessary information.
If you don't use one of the Examples, enter your resource policy.


Choose Save.

If the API has been deployed previously in the API Gateway console, you'll need to redeploy it for the
resource policy to take effect.

Attaching API Gateway Resource Policies (AWS CLI)
To use the AWS CLI to create a new API and attach a resource policy to it, call the create-rest-api
command as follows:
aws apigateway create-rest-api \
--name "api-name" \
--policy "{\"jsonEscapedPolicyDocument\"}"

To use the AWS CLI to attach a resource policy to an existing API, call the update-rest-api command
as follows:
aws apigateway update-rest-api \
--rest-api-id api-id \
--patch-operations op=replace,path=/policy,value='{\"jsonEscapedPolicyDocument\"}'

Attaching API Gateway Resource Policies (API Gateway API)
To use the API Gateway REST API to create a new API and attach a resource policy to it, call the createrest-api command as follows:
POST /restapis

"name": "api-name",
"policy": "{\"jsonEscapedPolicyDocument\"}"

// simplified format supported here because apiId is not known yet and partition/region/
account can be derived at import time
// "Resource": [
// ]

To use the API Gateway REST API to attach a resource policy to an existing API, call the
restapi:create command as follows:
PATCH /restapis/api-id

"patchOperations" : [ {
"op": "replace",
"path": "/policy",
"value": "{\"jsonEscapedPolicyDocument\"}"
} ]



Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create and Attach an API Gateway
Resource Policy to an API

OpenAPI Example of Attaching a API Gateway Resource Policy
The restapi:import command can be used to import an OpenAPI definition of an API with attached
resource policy, as shown in the following example:
OpenAPI 3.0

"openapi": "3.0",
"x-amazon-apigateway-policy": {
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"AWS": [
"Action": "execute-api:Invoke",
"Resource": [
"execute-api:/stage/method/path" // simplified format supported here because
apiId is not known yet and partition/region/account can derived at import time
"info" : {
"title" : "Example"
"paths": {...}


OpenAPI 2.0

"swagger": "2.0",
"x-amazon-apigateway-policy": {
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"AWS": [
"Action": "execute-api:Invoke",
"Resource": [
"execute-api:/stage/method/path" // simplified format supported here because
apiId is not known yet and partition/region/account can derived at import time
"info" : {
"title" : "Example"
"schemes": [


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
AWS Condition Keys that can be used
in API Gateway Resource Policies
"paths": {...}


AWS Condition Keys that can be used in API Gateway
Resource Policies
The following table contains the complete list of AWS condition keys that can be used in resource
policies for APIs in API Gateway for each authorization type.
For more information about AWS condition keys, see AWS Global Condition Context Keys.

Table of Condition Keys
Condition Keys


Needs AuthN?

Authorization Type










Key is present only
in requests that are
signed using temporary
security credentials.



Key is present only
in requests that are
signed using temporary
security credentials.



Key is present only if
MFA is present in the








Key is present only if
the value is provided by
the caller in the HTTP



aws:SecureTransport None












This key can be used
only for private APIs.




This key can be used
only for private APIs.




Key is present only if
the value is provided by
the caller in the HTTP








Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Use IAM Permissions

Condition Keys


Needs AuthN?

Authorization Type





Control Access to an API with IAM Permissions
You control access to your Amazon API Gateway API with IAM permissions by controlling access to the
following two API Gateway component processes:
• To create, deploy, and manage an API in API Gateway, you must grant the API developer permissions to
perform the required actions supported by the API management component of API Gateway.
• To call a deployed API or to refresh the API caching, you must grant the API caller permissions to
perform required IAM actions supported by the API execution component of API Gateway.
The access control for the two processes involves different permissions models, explained next.

API Gateway Permissions Model for Creating and
Managing an API
To allow an API developer to create and manage an API in API Gateway, you must create IAM permissions
policies that allow a specified API developer to create, update, deploy, view, or delete required API
entities. You attach the permissions policy to an IAM user representing the developer, to an IAM group
containing the user, or to an IAM role assumed by the user.
In this IAM policy document, the IAM Resource element contains a list of API Gateway API entities,
including API Gateway resources and API Gateway link-relations. The IAM Action element contains the
required API Gateway API-managing actions. These actions are declared in the apigateway:HTTP_VERB
format, where apigateway designates the underlying API management component of API Gateway, and
HTTP_VERB represents HTTP verbs supported by API Gateway.
For more information on how to use this permissions model, see Control Access for Managing an
API (p. 233).

API Gateway Permissions Model for Invoking an API
To allow an API caller to invoke the API or refresh its caching, you must create IAM policies that permit
a specified API caller to invoke the API method for which the IAM user authentication is enabled. The
API developer sets the method's authorizationType property to AWS_IAM to require that the caller
submit the IAM user's access keys to be authenticated. Then, you attach the policy to an IAM user
representing the API caller, to an IAM group containing the user, or to an IAM role assumed by the user.
In this IAM permissions policy statement, the IAM Resource element contains a list of deployed API
methods identified by given HTTP verbs and API Gateway resource paths. The IAM Action element
contains the required API Gateway API executing actions. These actions include execute-api:Invoke
or execute-api:InvalidateCache, where execute-api designates the underlying API execution
component of API Gateway.
For more information on how to use this permissions model, see Control Access for Invoking an
API (p. 238).
When an API is integrated with an AWS service (for example, AWS Lambda) in the back end, API Gateway
must also have permissions to access integrated AWS resources (for example, invoking a Lambda


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Control Access for Managing an API

function) on behalf of the API caller. To grant these permissions, create an IAM role of the AWS service
for API Gateway type. When you create this role in the IAM Management console, this resulting role
contains the following IAM trust policy that declares API Gateway as a trusted entity permitted to
assume the role:


"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"Service": ""
"Action": "sts:AssumeRole"

If you create the IAM role by calling the create-role command of CLI or a corresponding SDK method, you
must supply the above trust policy as the input parameter of assume-role-policy-document. Do not
attempt to create such a policy directly in the IAM Management console or calling AWS CLI create-policy
command or a corresponding SDK method.
For API Gateway to call the integrated AWS service, you must also attach to this role appropriate IAM
permissions policies for calling integrated AWS services. For example, to call a Lambda function, you
must include the following IAM permissions policy in the IAM role:


"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "lambda:InvokeFunction",
"Resource": "*"

Note that Lambda supports resource-based access policy, which combines both trust and permissions
policies. When integrating an API with a Lambda function using the API Gateway console, you are not
asked to set this IAM role explicitly, because the console sets the resource-based permissions on the
Lambda function for you, with your consent.


To enact access control to an AWS service, you can use either the caller-based permissions
model, where a permissions policy is directly attached to the caller's IAM user or group, or
the role-based permission model, where a permissions policy is attached to an IAM role that
API Gateway can assume. The permissions policies may differ in the two models. For example,
the caller-based policy blocks the access while the role-based policy allows it. You can take
advantage of this to require that an IAM user access an AWS service through an API Gateway API

Control Access for Managing an API
In this section, you will learn how to write up IAM policy statements to control who can or cannot create,
deploy and update an API in API Gateway. You'll also find the policy statements reference, including the
formats of the Action and Resource fields related to the API managing service.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Control Access for Managing an API

Control Who Can Create and Manage an API Gateway API with
IAM Policies
To control who can or cannot create, deploy and update your API using the API managing service of API
Gateway, create an IAM policy document with required permissions as shown in the following policy


"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Permission",
"Action": [
"Resource": [

Here, Permission can be Allow or Deny to grant or revoke, respectively, the access rights as stipulated
by the policy statement. For more information, see AWS IAM permissions.
HTTP_VERB can be any of the API Gateway-supported HTTP verbs (p. 235). * can be used to denote
any of the HTTP verbs.
Resource contains a list of ARNs of the affected API entities, including RestApi, Resource, Method,
Integration, DocumentationPart, Model, Authorizer, UsagePlan, etc. For more information, see Resource
Format of Permissions for Managing API in API Gateway (p. 236).
By combining different policy statements, you can customize the access permissions for individual users,
groups or roles to access selected API entities and to perform specified actions against those entities. For
example, you can include the following statement in the IAM policy to grant your documentation team
the permissions to create, publish, update and delete the documentation parts of a specified API as well
as to view the API entities.

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Control Access for Managing an API






For your API core development team who is responsible for all operations, you can include the following
statement in the IAM policy to grant the team much broader access permissions.


"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [

Statement Reference of IAM Policies for Managing API in API
The following information describes the Action and Resource element format used in an IAM policy
statement to grant or revoke permissions for managing API Gateway API entities.

Action Format of Permissions for Managing API in API Gateway
The API-managing Action expression has the following general format:

where action is one of the following API Gateway actions:
• *, which represents all of the following actions.
• GET, which is used to get information about resources.
• POST, which is primarily used to create child resources.
• PUT, which is primarily used to update resources (and, although not recommended, can be used to
create child resources).
• DELETE, which is used to delete resources.
• PATCH, which can be used to update resources.
• HEAD, which is the same as GET but does not return the resource representation. HEAD is used
primarily in testing scenarios.
• OPTIONS, which can be used by callers to get information about available communication options for
the target service.
Some examples of the Action expression include:
• apigateway:* for all API Gateway actions.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Control Cross-Account Access to Your API

• apigateway:GET for just the GET action in API Gateway.

Resource Format of Permissions for Managing API in API Gateway
The API-managing Resource expression has the following general format:

where region is a target AWS region (such as us-east-1 or * for all supported AWS regions), and
resource-path-specifier is the path to the target resources.
Some example resource expressions include:
• arn:aws:apigateway:region::/restapis/* for all resources, methods, models, and stages in
the AWS region of region.
• arn:aws:apigateway:region::/restapis/api-id/* for all resources, methods, models, and
stages in the API with the identifier of api-id in the AWS region of region.
• arn:aws:apigateway:region::/restapis/api-id/resources/resource-id/* for all
resources and methods in the resource with the identifier resource-id, which is in the API with the
identifier of api-id in the AWS region of region.
• arn:aws:apigateway:region::/restapis/api-id/resources/resource-id/methods/*
for all of the methods in the resource with the identifier resource-id, which is in the API with the
identifier of api-id in the AWS region of region.
• arn:aws:apigateway:region::/restapis/api-id/resources/resource-id/methods/GET
for just the GET method in the resource with the identifier resource-id, which is in the API with the
identifier of api-id in the AWS region of region.
• arn:aws:apigateway:region::/restapis/api-id/models/* for all of the models in the API
with the identifier of api-id in the AWS region of region.
• arn:aws:apigateway:region::/restapis/api-id/models/model-name for the model with
the name of model-name, which is in the API with the identifier of api-id in the AWS region of
• arn:aws:apigateway:region::/restapis/api-id/stages/* for all of the stages in the API
with the identifier of api-id in the AWS region of region.
• arn:aws:apigateway:region::/restapis/api-id/stages/stage-name for just the stage
with the name of stage-name in the API with the identifier of api-id in the AWS region of region.

Control Cross-Account Access to Your API
You can manage access to your APIs by creating IAM permission policies to control who can or cannot
create, update, deploy, view, or delete API entities. A policy is attached to an IAM user representing your
user, to an IAM group containing the user, or to an IAM role assumed by the user.
In the IAM policies you create for your APIs, you can use Condition elements to allow access only to
certain Lambda integrations or authorizers.
The Condition block uses boolean condition operators to match the condition in the policy against
values in the request. The StringXxx condition operator will work both for AWS integration (in which
the value should be a Lambda function ARN) and Http integration (in which the value should be an Http
URI). The following StringXxx condition operators are supported: StringEquals, StringNotEquals,
StringEqualsIgnoreCase, StringNotEqualsIgnoreCase, StringLike, StringNotLike. For
more information, see String Condition Operators in the IAM User Guide.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Control Cross-Account Access to Your API

IAM Policy for Cross-Account Lambda Authorizer
Here is an example of an IAM policy to control a cross-account Lambda authorizer function:

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
//Create Authorizer operation is allowed only with the following Lambda
"Condition": {
"StringEquals": {

IAM Policy for Cross-Account Lambda Integration
With cross-account integration, in order to restrict operations on some specific resources (such as putintegration for a specific Lambda function), a Condition element can be added to the policy to
specify which resource (Lambda function) is affected.
Here is an example of an IAM policy to control a cross-account Lambda integration function:
To grant another AWS acccount permission to call integration:put or put-integration to set up a
Lambda integration in your API, you can include the following statement in the IAM policy.

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
//PutIntegration is only valid with the following Lambda function
"Condition": {
"StringEquals": {
"apigateway:IntegrationUri": "arn:aws:lambda:region:accountid:function:lambda-function-name"


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Control Access for Invoking an API

Allow Another Account to Manage the Lambda Function Used
When Importing an OpenAPI File
To grant another AWS acccount permission to call restapi:import or import-restapi to import an
OpenAPI file, you can include the following statement in the IAM policy.
In the Condition statement below, the string "lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/
arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:account-id:function:lambda-function-name" is the full ARN
for the Lambda function.

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:apigateway:*::/restapis",
"Condition": {
"StringLike": {
"apigateway:IntegrationUri": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:apigateway:*::/restapis",
"Condition": {
"StringLike": {
"apigateway:AuthorizerUri": [

Control Access for Invoking an API
In this section you will learn how to write up IAM policy statements to control who can or cannot call
a deployed API in API Gateway. Here, you will also find the policy statement reference, including the
formats of Action and Resource fields related to the API execution service.


You should also study the IAM section in the section called “How Resource Policies Affect
Authorization Workflow” (p. 222).


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Control Access for Invoking an API

Control Who Can Call an API Gateway API Method with IAM
To control who can or cannot call a deployed API with IAM permissions, create an IAM policy document
with required permissions. A template for such a policy document is shown as follows.


"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Permission",
"Action": [
"Resource": [

Here, Permission is to be replaced by Allow or Deny depending on whether you want to grant or
revoke the included permissions. Execution-operation is to be replaced by the operations supported
by the API execution service. METHOD_HTTP_VERB stands for a HTTP verb supported by the specified
resources. Resource-path is the placeholder for the URL path of a deployed API Resource instance
supporting the said METHOD_HTTP-VERB. For more information, see Statement Reference of IAM Policies
for Executing API in API Gateway (p. 240).


For IAM policies to be effective, you must have enabled IAM authentication on API methods by
setting AWS_IAM for the methods' authorizationType property. Failing to do so will make
these API methods publicly accessible.
For example, to grant a user the permission to view a list of pets exposed by a specified API, but to deny
the user the permission to add a pet to the list, you could include the following statement in the IAM


"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Deny",
"Action": [
"Resource": [


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Control Access for Invoking an API

For a developer team testing APIs, you can include the following statement in the IAM policy to allow the
team to call any method on any resource of any API by any developer in the test stage.


"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [

Statement Reference of IAM Policies for Executing API in API
The following information describes the Action and Resource format of IAM policy statements of access
permissions for executing an API.

Action Format of Permissions for Executing API in API Gateway
The API-executing Action expression has the following general format:

where action is an available API-executing action:
• *, which represents all of the following actions.
• Invoke, used to invoke an API upon a client request.
• InvalidateCache, used to invalidate API cache upon a client request.

Resource Format of Permissions for Executing API in API Gateway
The API-executing Resource expression has the following general format:

• region is the AWS region (such as us-east-1 or * for all AWS regions) that corresponds to the
deployed API for the method.
• account-id is the 12-digit AWS account Id of the REST API owner.
• api-id is the identifier API Gateway has assigned to the API for the method. (* can be used for all
APIs, regardless of the API's identifier.)
• stage-name is the name of the stage associated with the method (* can be used for all stages,
regardless of the stage's name.)
• HTTP-VERB is the HTTP verb for the method. It can be one of the following: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE,
• resource-path-specifier is the path to the desired method. (* can be used for all paths).


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
IAM Policy Examples for Managing API Gateway APIs

Some example resource expressions include:
• arn:aws:execute-api:*:*:* for any resource path in any stage, for any API in any AWS region.
(This is equivalent to *).
• arn:aws:execute-api:us-east-1:*:* for any resource path in any stage, for any API in the AWS
region of us-east-1.
• arn:aws:execute-api:us-east-1:*:api-id/* for any resource path in any stage, for the API
with the identifier of api-id in the AWS region of us-east-1.
• arn:aws:execute-api:us-east-1:*:api-id/test/* for resource path in the stage of test, for
the API with the identifier of api-id in the AWS region of us-east-1.
• arn:aws:execute-api:us-east-1:*:api-id/test/*/mydemoresource/* for any resource
path along the path of mydemoresource, for any HTTP method in the stage of test, for the API with
the identifier of api-id in the AWS region of us-east-1.
• arn:aws:execute-api:us-east-1:*:api-id/test/GET/mydemoresource/* for GET methods
under any resource path along the path of mydemoresource, in the stage of test, for the API with
the identifier of api-id in the AWS region of us-east-1.

IAM Policy Examples for Managing API Gateway APIs
The following example policy documents shows various use cases to set access permissions for managing
API resources in API Gateway. For permissions model and other background information, see Control
Who Can Create and Manage an API Gateway API with IAM Policies (p. 234).
• Simple Read Permissions (p. 241)
• Read-Only Permissions on any APIs (p. 242)
• Full Access Permissions for any API Gateway Resources (p. 243)
• Full-Access Permissions for Managing API Stages (p. 243)
• Block Specified Users from Deleting any API Resources (p. 244)

Simple Read Permissions
The following policy statement gives the user permission to get information about all of the resources,
methods, models, and stages in the API with the identifier of a123456789 in the AWS region of useast-1:


"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [

The following example policy statement gives the IAM user permission to list information for all
resources, methods, models, and stages in any region. The user also has permission to perform all


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
IAM Policy Examples for Managing API Gateway APIs

available API Gateway actions for the API with the identifier of a123456789 in the AWS region of useast-1:


"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [

Read-Only Permissions on any APIs
The following policy document will permit attached entities (users, groups or roles) to retrieve any of
the APIs of the caller's AWS account. This includes any of the child resources of an API, such as method,
integration, etc.

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "Stmt1467321237000",
"Effect": "Deny",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Sid": "Stmt1467321341000",
"Effect": "Deny",
"Action": [
"Resource": [


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
IAM Policy Examples for Managing API Gateway APIs





"Sid": "Stmt1467321344000",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [

The first Deny statement explicitly prohibits any calls of POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE on any resources
in API Gateway. This ensures that such permissions will not be overridden by other policy documents
also attached to the caller. The second Deny statement blocks the caller to query the root (/) resource,
account information (/account), client certificates (/clientcertificates), custom domain names (/
domainnames) and API keys (/apikeys. Together, the three statements ensure that the caller can only
query API-related resources. This can be useful in API testing when you do not want the tester to modify
any of the code.
To restrict the above read-only access to specified APIs, replace the Resource property of Allow
statement by the following:
"Resource": ["arn:aws:apigateway:us-east-1::/restapis/restapi_id1/*",

Full Access Permissions for any API Gateway Resources
The following example policy document grants the full access to any of the API Gateway resource of the
AWS account.


"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "Stmt1467321765000",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [

In general, you should refrain from using such a broad and open access policy. It may be necessary to
do so for your API development core team so that they can create, deploy, update, and delete any API
Gateway resources.

Full-Access Permissions for Managing API Stages
The following example policy documents grants full-access permissions on Stage related resources of
any API in the caller's AWS account.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
IAM Policy Examples for Managing API Gateway APIs



"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [

The above policy document grants full access permissions only to the stages collection and any of the
contained stage resources, provided that no other policies granting more accesses have been attached
to the caller. Otherwise, you must explicitly deny all the other accesses.
Using the above policy, caller must find out the REST API's identifier beforehand because the user cannot
call GET /restapis to query the available APIs. Also, if arn:aws:apigateway:us-east-1::/
restapis/*/stages is not specified in the Resource list, the Stages resource becomes inaccessible. In
this case, the caller will not be able to create a stage nor get the existing stages, although he or she can
still view, update or delete a stage, provided that he stage's name is known.
To grant permissions for a specific API's stages, simply replace the restapis/* portion of the
Resource specifications by restapis/restapi_id, where restapi_id is the identifier of the API of

Block Specified Users from Deleting any API Resources
The following example IAM policy document blocks a specified user from deleting any API resources in
API Gateway.

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "Stmt1467331998000",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Sid": "Stmt1467332141000",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Condition": {
"StringNotLike": {


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
IAM Policy Examples for API Execution Permissions





"aws:username": "johndoe"

"Resource": [

This IAM policy grants full access permission to create, deploy, update and delete API for attached users,
groups or roles, except for the specified user (johndoe), who cannot delete any API resources. It assumes
that no other policy document granting Allow permissions on the root, API keys, client certificates or
custom domain names has been attached to the caller.
To block the specified user from deleting specific API Gateway resources, e.g., a specific API or an API's
resources, replace the Resource specification above by this:
"Resource": ["arn:aws:apigateway:us-east-1::/restapis/restapi_id_1",

IAM Policy Examples for API Execution Permissions
For permissions model and other background information, see Control Access for Invoking an
API (p. 238).
The following policy statement gives the user permission to call any POST method along the path of
mydemoresource, in the stage of test, for the API with the identifier of a123456789, assuming the
corresponding API has been deployed to the AWS region of us-east-1:


"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [

The following example policy statement gives the user permission to call any method on the resource
path of petstorewalkthrough/pets, in any stage, for the API with the identifier of a123456789, in
any AWS region where the corresponding API has been deployed:

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create and Attach a Policy to an IAM User





Create and Attach a Policy to an IAM User
To enable a user to call the API managing service or the API execution service, you must create an IAM
policy for an IAM user, which controls access to the API Gateway entities, and then attach the policy to
the IAM user. The following steps describe how to create your IAM policy.

To create your own IAM policy

Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the IAM console at https://


Choose Policies, and then choose Create Policy. If a Get Started button appears, choose it, and then
choose Create Policy.


Next to Create Your Own Policy, choose Select.


For Policy Name, type any value that is easy for you to refer to later. Optionally, type descriptive
text in Description.


For Policy Document, type a policy statement with the following format, and then choose Create


"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement" : [
"Effect" : "Allow",
"Action" : [
"Resource" : [
"Effect" : "Allow",
"Action" : [
"Resource" : [

In this statement, substitute action-statement and resource-statement as needed, and add
other statements to specify the API Gateway entities you want to allow the IAM user to manage,
the API methods the IAM user can call, or both. By default, the IAM user does not have permissions
unless there is an explicit corresponding Allow statement.

To enable the policy for a user, choose Users.


Choose the IAM user to whom you want to attach the policy.

You have just created an IAM policy. It won't have any effect until you attach it to an IAM user, to an IAM
group containing the user, or to an IAM role assumed by the user.

Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Use Lambda Authorizers

To attach an IAM policy to an IAM user

For the chosen user, choose the Permissions tab, and then choose Attach Policy.


Under Grant permissions, choose Attach existing policies directly.


Choose the policy document just created from the displayed list and then choose Next: Review.


Under Permissions summary, choose Add permissions.

Alternatively, you can add the user to an IAM group, if the user is not already a member, and attach
the policy document to the group so that the attached policies are applicable to all group members.
It is helpful to manage and update policy configurations on a group of IAM users. In the following, we
highlight how to attach the policy to an IAM group, assuming that you have already created the group
and added the user to the group.

To attach an IAM policy document to an IAM group

Choose Groups from the main navigation pane.


Choose the Permissions tab under the chosen group.


Choose Attach policy.


Choose the policy document that you previously created, and then choose Attach policy.

For API Gateway to call other AWS services on your behalf, create an IAM role of the Amazon API
Gateway type.

To create an Amazon API Gateway type of role

Choose Roles from the main navigation pane.


Choose Create New Role.


Type a name for Role name and then choose Next Step.


Under Select Role Type, in AWS Service Roles, choose Select next to Amazon API Gateway.


Choose an available managed IAM permissions policy, for example,
AmazonAPIGatewayPushToCloudWatchLog if you want API Gateway to log metrics in CloudWatch,
under Attach Policy and then choose Next Step.


Under Trusted Entities, verify that is listed as an entry, and then
choose Create Role.


In the newly created role, choose the Permissions tab and then choose Attach Policy.


Choose the previously created custom IAM policy document and then choose Attach Policy.

Use API Gateway Lambda Authorizers
An Amazon API Gateway Lambda authorizer (formerly known as a custom authorizer) is a Lambda
function that you provide to control access to your API. A Lambda authorizer uses bearer token
authentication strategies, such as OAuth or SAML. It can also use information described by headers,
paths, query strings, stage variables, or context variables request parameters.


Path parameters can be used to grant or deny permissions to invoke a method, but they cannot
be used to define identity sources, which can be used as parts of an authorization policy caching
key. Only headers, query strings, stage variables, and context variables can be set as identity


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Types of API Gateway Lambda Authorizers

When a client calls your API, API Gateway verifies whether a Lambda authorizer is configured for the API
method. If so, API Gateway calls the Lambda function. In this call, API Gateway supplies the authorization
token that is extracted from a specified request header for the token-based authorizer, or passes in
the incoming request parameters as the input (for example, the event parameter) to the request
parameters-based authorizer function.

You can implement various authorization strategies, such as JSON Web Token (JWT) verification
and OAuth provider callout. You can also implement a custom scheme based on incoming request
parameter values, to return IAM policies that authorize the request. If the returned policy is invalid or the
permissions are denied, the API call does not succeed. For a valid policy, API Gateway caches the returned
policy, associated with the incoming token or identity source request parameters. It then uses the cached
policy for the current and subsequent requests, over a pre-configured time-to-live (TTL) period of up to
3600 seconds. You can set the TTL period to zero seconds to disable the policy caching. The default TTL
value is 300 seconds. Currently, the maximum TTL value of 3600 seconds cannot be increased.
• Types of API Gateway Lambda Authorizers (p. 248)
• Create an API Gateway Lambda Authorizer Lambda Function (p. 249)
• Input to an Amazon API Gateway Lambda Authorizer (p. 253)
• Output from an Amazon API Gateway Lambda Authorizer (p. 254)
• Configure Lambda Authorizer Using the API Gateway Console (p. 256)
• Call an API with API Gateway Lambda Authorizers (p. 258)
• Configure Cross-Account Lambda Authorizer (p. 260)

Types of API Gateway Lambda Authorizers
API Gateway supports the following types of Lambda authorizers:
• TOKEN type Lambda authorizers grant a caller permissions to invoke a given request using an
authorization token passed in a header. The token could be, for example, an OAuth token.
• REQUEST type Lambda authorizers grant a caller permissions to invoke a given request using request
parameters, including headers, query strings, stage variables, or context parameters.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create a Lambda Authorizer Lambda Function


For WebSocket APIs, only REQUEST type authorizers are supported.

Create an API Gateway Lambda Authorizer Lambda
Before creating an API Gateway Lambda authorizer, you must first create the AWS Lambda function
that implements the logic to authorize and, if necessary, to authenticate the caller. You can do so in the
Lambda console, using the code template available from the API Gateway Lambda Authorizer blueprint.
Or you can create one from scratch, following this example in awslabs. For illustration purposes, we
explain how to create a simple Lambda function from scratch without using a blueprint. In production
code, you should follow the API Gateway Lambda Authorizer blueprint to implement your authorizer
Lambda function.
When creating the Lambda function for your API Gateway Lambda authorizer, you assign an execution
role for the Lambda function if it calls other AWS services. For the following example, the basic
AWSLambdaRole suffices. For more involved use cases, follow the instructions to grant permissions in an
execution role for the Lambda function.

Control a Lambda Function of a Lambda Authorizer
To grant another AWS acccount permission to call authorizer:create or create-authorizer to control the
Lambda function used in your Lambda authorizer, you can create the following IAM policy.

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
//Create Authorizer operation is allowed only with the following Lambda
"Condition": {
"StringEquals": {
"apigateway:AuthorizerUri": "arn:aws:lambda:region:accountid:function:lambda-function-name"

Create a Lambda Function for a Lambda Authorizer of the
TOKEN type
In the code editor of the Lambda console, enter the following Node.js code as an example of the API
Gateway Lambda authorizer of the TOKEN type.
// A simple TOKEN authorizer example to demonstrate how to use an authorization token
// to allow or deny a request. In this example, the caller named 'user' is allowed to


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create a Lambda Authorizer Lambda Function
// a request if the client-supplied token value is 'allow'. The caller is not allowed to
// the request if the token value is 'deny'. If the token value is 'Unauthorized', the
// returns the 'Unauthorized' error with an HTTP status code of 401. For any other token
// the authorizer returns an 'Invalid token' error.
exports.handler = function(event, context, callback) {
var token = event.authorizationToken;
switch (token.toLowerCase()) {
case 'allow':
callback(null, generatePolicy('user', 'Allow', event.methodArn));
case 'deny':
callback(null, generatePolicy('user', 'Deny', event.methodArn));
case 'unauthorized':
// Return a 401 Unauthorized response
callback("Error: Invalid token");
// Help function to generate an IAM policy
var generatePolicy = function(principalId, effect, resource) {
var authResponse = {};
authResponse.principalId = principalId;
if (effect && resource) {
var policyDocument = {};
policyDocument.Version = '2012-10-17';
policyDocument.Statement = [];
var statementOne = {};
statementOne.Action = 'execute-api:Invoke';
statementOne.Effect = effect;
statementOne.Resource = resource;
policyDocument.Statement[0] = statementOne;
authResponse.policyDocument = policyDocument;


// Optional output with custom properties of the String, Number or Boolean type.
authResponse.context = {
"stringKey": "stringval",
"numberKey": 123,
"booleanKey": true
return authResponse;

For Lambda authorizers of the TOKEN type, API Gateway passes the source token to the Lambda function
as the event.authorizationToken. Based on the value of this token, the preceding authorizer
function returns an Allow IAM policy on a specified method if the token value is 'allow'. This permits
a caller to invoke the specified method. The caller receives a 200 OK response. The authorizer function
returns a Deny policy against the specified method if the authorization token has a 'deny' value. This
blocks the caller from calling the method. The client receives a 403 Forbidden response. If the token
is 'unauthorized', the client receives a 401 Unauthorized response. If the token is 'fail' or
anything else, the client receives a 500 Internal Server Error response. In both of the last two
cases, no IAM policy is generated and the calls fail.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create a Lambda Authorizer Lambda Function


In production code, you may need to authenticate the user before granting authorizations. If so,
you can add authentication logic in the Lambda function as well. Consult the provider-specific
documentation for instructions on how to call such an authentication provider.
In addition to returning an IAM policy, the Lambda authorizer function must also return the caller's
principal identifier. It can optionally return a key-value map named context, containing additional
information that can be passed into the integration backend. For more information about the
authorizer's output format, see Output from an Amazon API Gateway Lambda Authorizer (p. 254).
You can use the context map to return cached credentials from the authorizer to the backend, using an
integration request mapping template. This enables the backend to provide an improved user experience
by using the cached credentials to reduce the need to access the secret keys and open the authorization
tokens for every request.
For the Lambda proxy integration, API Gateway passes the context object from a Lambda authorizer
directly to the backend Lambda function as part of the input event. You can retrieve the context keyvalue pairs in the Lambda function by calling $event.requestContext.authorizer.key. For the
preceding Lambda authorizer example, key is stringKey, numberKey, or booleanKey. Their values are
stringified, for example, "stringval", "123", or "true", respectively.
Before going further, you may want to test the Lambda function from within the Lambda console. To
do this, configure the sample event to provide an input as described in Input to an Amazon API Gateway
Lambda Authorizer (p. 253) and verify the result by examining the output compatible with Output
from an Amazon API Gateway Lambda Authorizer (p. 254). The next subsection explains how to create
a Lambda function of the Request authorizer.

Create a Lambda Function of a Lambda Authorizer of the
In the code editor of the Lambda console, enter the following Node.js code for a simplified Lambda
function as an example of the API Gateway Lambda authorizers of the REQUEST type.
exports.handler = function(event, context, callback) {
console.log('Received event:', JSON.stringify(event, null, 2));

A simple REQUEST authorizer example to demonstrate how to use request
parameters to allow or deny a request. In this example, a request is
authorized if the client-supplied HeaderAuth1 header, QueryString1 query parameter,
stage variable of StageVar1 and the accountId in the request context all match
specified values of 'headerValue1', 'queryValue1', 'stageValue1', and
'123456789012', respectively.

// Retrieve request parameters from the Lambda function input:
var headers = event.headers;
var queryStringParameters = event.queryStringParameters;
var pathParameters = event.pathParameters;
var stageVariables = event.stageVariables;
var requestContext = event.requestContext;
// Parse the input for the parameter values
var tmp = event.methodArn.split(':');
var apiGatewayArnTmp = tmp[5].split('/');
var awsAccountId = tmp[4];
var region = tmp[3];
var restApiId = apiGatewayArnTmp[0];
var stage = apiGatewayArnTmp[1];
var method = apiGatewayArnTmp[2];
var resource = '/'; // root resource
if (apiGatewayArnTmp[3]) {


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create a Lambda Authorizer Lambda Function


resource += apiGatewayArnTmp[3];

// Perform authorization to return the Allow policy for correct parameters and
// the 'Unauthorized' error, otherwise.
var authResponse = {};
var condition = {};
condition.IpAddress = {};


if (headers.HeaderAuth1 === "headerValue1"
&& queryStringParameters.QueryString1 === "queryValue1"
&& stageVariables.StageVar1 === "stageValue1"
&& requestContext.accountId === "123456789012") {
callback(null, generateAllow('me', event.methodArn));
} else {

// Help function to generate an IAM policy
var generatePolicy = function(principalId, effect, resource) {
// Required output:
var authResponse = {};
authResponse.principalId = principalId;
if (effect && resource) {
var policyDocument = {};
policyDocument.Version = '2012-10-17'; // default version
policyDocument.Statement = [];
var statementOne = {};
statementOne.Action = 'execute-api:Invoke'; // default action
statementOne.Effect = effect;
statementOne.Resource = resource;
policyDocument.Statement[0] = statementOne;
authResponse.policyDocument = policyDocument;
// Optional output with custom properties of the String, Number or Boolean type.
authResponse.context = {
"stringKey": "stringval",
"numberKey": 123,
"booleanKey": true
return authResponse;
var generateAllow = function(principalId, resource) {
return generatePolicy(principalId, 'Allow', resource);
var generateDeny = function(principalId, resource) {
return generatePolicy(principalId, 'Deny', resource);

This Lambda function of the REQUEST authorizer verifies the input request parameters to return an
Allow IAM policy on a specified method if all the required parameter (HeaderAuth1, QueryString1,
StageVar1, and accountId) values match the pre-configured ones. This permits a caller to invoke the
specified method. The caller receives a 200 OK response. Otherwise, the authorizer function returns an
Unauthorized error, without generating any IAM policy.
The above example authorizer function in Node.js illustrates the programming flow to create a Lambda
authorizer of the REQUEST type, including parsing the input which is similar to parsing the Lambda
function input in the Lambda proxy integration (p. 98), You can extend the implementation to other
languages supported by Lambda, such as Java or Python. For example to parse the input to a Lambda
REQUEST authorizer in Java, see the section called “Java Function for an API with Lambda Proxy
Integration” (p. 528).


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Input to a Lambda Authorizer

Before going further, you may want to test the Lambda function from within the Lambda console. To do
this, configure the sample event to provide the input and verify the result by examining the output. The
next two sections explain the Input to an Amazon API Gateway Lambda Authorizer (p. 253) and Output
from an Amazon API Gateway Lambda Authorizer (p. 254).

Input to an Amazon API Gateway Lambda Authorizer
For a Lambda authorizer (formerly known as a custom authorizer) of the TOKEN type, you must specify
a custom header as the Token Source when you configure the authorizer for your API. The API client
must pass the required authorization token in the incoming request. Upon receiving the incoming
method request, API Gateway extracts the token from the custom header. It then passes the token as the
authorizationToken property of the event object of the Lambda function, in addition to the method
ARN as the methodArn property:


In this example, the type property specifies the authorizer type, which is a TOKEN authorizer. The
 originates from the authorization header in a client request. The
methodArn is the ARN of the incoming method request and is populated by API Gateway in accordance
with the Lambda authorizer configuration.
For the example TOKEN authorizer Lambda function shown in the preceding section, the  string is allow, deny, unauthorized, or any other string value. An empty string
value is the same as unauthorized. The following shows an example of such an input to obtain an
Allow policy on the GET method of an API (ymy8tbxw7b) of the AWS account (123456789012) in any
stage (*).



For a Lambda authorizer of the REQUEST type, API Gateway passes the required request parameters to
the authorizer Lambda function as part of the event object. The affected request parameters include
headers, path parameters, query string parameters, stage variables, and some of request context
variables. The API caller can set the path parameters, headers, and query string parameters. The API
developer must set the stage variables during the API deployment and API Gateway provides the request
context at run time.
The following example shows an input to a REQUEST authorizer for an API method (GET /request)
with a proxy integration:

"type": "REQUEST",
"methodArn": "arn:aws:execute-api:us-east-1:123456789012:s4x3opwd6i/test/GET/request",
"resource": "/request",
"path": "/request",
"httpMethod": "GET",
"headers": {
"X-AMZ-Date": "20170718T062915Z",
"Accept": "*/*",
"HeaderAuth1": "headerValue1",
"CloudFront-Viewer-Country": "US",


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Output from an Amazon API Gateway Lambda Authorizer
"CloudFront-Forwarded-Proto": "https",
"CloudFront-Is-Tablet-Viewer": "false",
"CloudFront-Is-Mobile-Viewer": "false",
"User-Agent": "...",
"X-Forwarded-Proto": "https",
"CloudFront-Is-SmartTV-Viewer": "false",
"Host": "",
"Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate",
"X-Forwarded-Port": "443",
"X-Amzn-Trace-Id": "...",
"Via": " (CloudFront)",
"X-Amz-Cf-Id": "...",
"X-Forwarded-For": "..., ...",
"Postman-Token": "...",
"cache-control": "no-cache",
"CloudFront-Is-Desktop-Viewer": "true",
"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"


"queryStringParameters": {
"QueryString1": "queryValue1"
"pathParameters": {},
"stageVariables": {
"StageVar1": "stageValue1"
"requestContext": {
"path": "/request",
"accountId": "123456789012",
"resourceId": "05c7jb",
"stage": "test",
"requestId": "...",
"identity": {
"apiKey": "...",
"sourceIp": "..."
"resourcePath": "/request",
"httpMethod": "GET",
"apiId": "s4x3opwd6i"

The requestContext is a map of key-value pairs and corresponds to the $context (p. 165) variable.
Its outcome is API-dependent. API Gateway may add new keys to the map. For more information about
the Lambda function input in a proxy integration, see Input Format of a Lambda Function for Proxy
Integration (p. 98).

Output from an Amazon API Gateway Lambda
A Lambda authorizer function's output must include the principal identifier (principalId) and a policy
document (policyDocument) containing a list of policy statements. The output can also include a
context map containing key-value pairs. If the API uses a usage plan (the apiKeySource is set to
AUTHORIZER), the Lambda authorizer function must return one of the usage plan's API keys as the
usageIdentifierKey property value.
The following shows an example of this output.

"principalId": "yyyyyyyy", // The principal user identification associated with the token
sent by the client.
"policyDocument": {


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Output from an Amazon API Gateway Lambda Authorizer
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Action": "execute-api:Invoke",
"Effect": "Allow|Deny",
"Resource": "arn:aws:execute-api:{regionId}:{accountId}:{appId}/{stage}/{httpVerb}/
"context": {
"stringKey": "value",
"numberKey": "1",
"booleanKey": "true"
"usageIdentifierKey": "{api-key}"

Here, a policy statement specifies whether to allow or deny (Effect) the API Gateway execution service
to invoke (Action) the specified API method (Resource). You can use a wild card (*) to specify a
resource type (method). For information about setting valid policies for calling an API, see Statement
Reference of IAM Policies for Executing API in API Gateway (p. 240).
For an authorization-enabled method ARN, e.g., arn:aws:execute-api:{region-id}:{accountid}:{api-id}/{stage-id}/{method}/{resource}/{path}, the maximum length is 1600 bytes.
The path parameter values, the size of which are determined at run time, can cause the ARN length
to exceed the limit. When this happens, the API client will receive a 414 Request URI too long
In addition, the Resource ARN, as shown in the policy statement output by the authorizer, is currently
limited to 512 characters long. For this reason, you must not use URI with a JWT token of a significant
length in a request URI. You can safely pass the JWT token in a request header, instead.
You can access the principalId value in a mapping template using the
$context.authorizer.principalId variable. This is useful if you want to pass the value to the
backend. For more information, see Accessing the $context Variable (p. 165).
You can access the stringKey, numberKey, or booleanKey value (for example, "value", "1", or
"true") of the context map in a mapping template by calling $context.authorizer.stringKey,
$context.authorizer.numberKey, or $context.authorizer.booleanKey, respectively. The
returned values are all stringified. Notice that you cannot set a JSON object or array as a valid value of
any key in the context map.
{api-key} stands for an API key in the API stage's usage plan. For more information, see the section
called “Use Usage Plans with API Keys” (p. 293).
The following shows example output from the example Lambda authorizer. The example output contains
a policy statement to block (Deny) calls to the GET method in an API (ymy8tbxw7b) of an AWS account
(123456789012) in any stage (*).

"principalId": "user",
"policyDocument": {
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Action": "execute-api:Invoke",
"Effect": "Deny",
"Resource": "arn:aws:execute-api:us-west-2:123456789012:ymy8tbxw7b/*/GET/"


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Configure Lambda Authorizer

Configure Lambda Authorizer Using the API Gateway
After you create the Lambda function and verify that it works, use the following steps to configure the
API Gateway Lambda authorizer (formerly known as the custom authorizer) in the API Gateway console.

To enable a Lambda authorizer on API methods

Sign in to the API Gateway console.
Create a new or select an existing API and choose Authorizers under that API.


Choose Create New Authorizer.


For Create Authorizer, type an authorizer name in the Name input field.


For Type, choose the Lambda option.


For Lambda Function, choose a region and then choose an available Lambda authorizer function
that's in your account.


Leave Lambda Invoke Role blank to let the API Gateway console set a resource-based policy. The
policy grants API Gateway permissions to invoke the authorizer Lambda function. You can also
choose to type the name of an IAM role to allow API Gateway to invoke the authorizer Lambda
function. For an example of such a role, see Set Up an IAM Role and Policy for an API to Invoke
Lambda Functions (p. 588).
If you choose to let the API Gateway console set the resource-based policy, the Add Permission to
Lambda Function dialog is displayed. Choose OK. After the Lambda authorization is created, you
can test it with appropriate authorization token values to verify that it works as expected.


For Lambda Event Payload, choose either Token for a TOKEN authorizer or Request for a REQUEST
authorizer. (This is the same as setting the type property to TOKEN or REQUEST.)
Depending on the choice of the previous step, do one of the following:

For the Token options, do the following:
• Type the name of a header in Token Source. The API client must include a header of this
name to send the authorization token to the Lambda authorizer.
• Optionally, provide a RegEx statement in Token Validation input field. API Gateway
performs initial validation of the input token against this expression and invokes the
authorizer upon successful validation. This helps reduce chances of being charged for invalid
• For Authorization Caching, select or clear the Enabled option, depending on whether you
want to cache the authorization policy generated by the authorizer or not. When policy
caching is enabled, you can choose to modify the TTL value from the default (300). Setting
TTL=0 disables policy caching. When policy caching is enabled, the header name specified in
Token Source becomes the cache key.


For the Request option, do the following:
• For Identity Sources, type a request parameter name of a chosen parameter type. Supported
parameter types are Header, Query String, Stage Variable, and Context. To add more
identity sources, choose Add Identity Source.
API Gateway uses the specified identity sources as the request authorizer caching key. When
caching is enabled, API Gateway calls the authorizer's Lambda function only after successfully
verifying that all the specified identity sources are present at runtime. If a specified identify
source is missing, null, or empty, API Gateway returns a 401 Unauthorized response
without calling the authorizer Lambda function.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Configure Lambda Authorizer

When multiple identity sources are defined, they all used to derive the authorizer's cache
key. Changing any of the cache key parts causes the authorizer to discard the cached policy
document and generate a new one.
• For Authorization Caching, select or deselect the Enabled option, depending on whether
you want to cache the authorization policy generated by the authorizer or not. When policy
caching is enabled, you can choose to modify the TTL value from the default (300). Setting
TTL=0 disables policy caching.
When caching is disabled, it is not necessary to specify an identity source. API Gateway does
not perform any validation before invoking the authorizer's Lambda function.


To enable caching, your authorizer must return a policy that is applicable to all methods
across an API. To enforce method-specific policy, you can set the TTL value to zero to
disable policy caching for the API.
10. Choose Create to create the new Lambda authorizer for the chosen API.
11. After the authorizer is created for the API, you can optionally test invoking the authorizer before it is
configured on a method.
For the TOKEN authorizer, type a valid token in the Identity token input text field and the choose
Test. The token will be passed to the Lambda function as the header you specified in the Identity
token source setting of the authorizer.
For the REQUEST authorizer, type the valid request parameters corresponding to the specified
identity sources and then choose Test.
In addition to using the API Gateway console, you can use AWS CLI or an AWS SDK for API Gateway
to test invoking an authorizer. To do so using the AWS CLI, see test-invoke-authorizer.


Test-invoke for method executions test-invoke for authorizers are independent processes.
To test invoking a method using the API Gateway console, see Use the Console to Test a
REST API Method (p. 454). To test invoking a method using the AWS CLI, see test-invokemethod.
To test invoking a method and a configured authorizer, deploy the API, and then use cURL
or Postman to call the method, providing the required token or request parameters.
The next procedure shows how to configure an API method to use the Lambda authorizer.

To configure an API method to use a Lambda authorizer

Go back to the API. Create a new method or choose an existing method. If necessary, create a new


In Method Execution, choose the Method Request link.


Under Settings, expand the Authorization drop-down list to select the Lambda authorizer you
just created (for example, myTestApiAuthorizer), and then choose the check mark icon to save the


Optionally, while still on the Method Request page, choose Add header if you also want to pass the
authorization token to the backend. In Name, type a header name that matches the Token Source
name you specified when you created the Lambda authorizer for the API. Then, choose the check
mark icon to save the settings. This step does not apply to REQUEST authorizers.


Choose Deploy API to deploy the API to a stage. Note the Invoke URL value. You need it when
calling the API. For a REQUEST authorizer using stage variables, you must also define the required
stage variables and specify their values while in Stage Editor.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Call an API with Lambda Authorizers

Call an API with API Gateway Lambda Authorizers
Having configured the Lambda authorizer (formerly known as the custom authorizer) and deployed the
API, you should test the API with the Lambda authorizer enabled. For this, you need a REST client, such
as cURL or Postman. For the following examples, we use Postman.


When calling an authorizer-enabled method, API Gateway does not log the call to CloudWatch
if the required token for the TOKEN authorizer is not set, null, or invalidated by the specified
Token validation expression. Similarly, API Gateway does not log the call to CloudWatch if any
of the required identity sources for the REQUEST authorizer are not set, null or empty.
In the following, we show how to use Postman to call or test the API with the previously described
Lambda TOKEN authorizer enabled. The method can be applied to calling an API with a Lambda
REQUEST authorizer, if you specify the required path, header, or query string parameters explicitly.

To call an API with the custom TOKEN authorizer

Open Postman, choose the GET method, and paste the API's Invoke URL into the adjacent URL field.
Add the Lambda authorization token header and set the value to allow. Choose Send.

The response shows that the API Gateway Lambda authorizer returns a 200 OK response and
successfully authorizes the call to access the HTTP endpoint ( integrated with
the method.

Still in Postman, change the Lambda authorization token header value to deny. Choose Send.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Call an API with Lambda Authorizers

The response shows that the API Gateway Lambda authorizer returns a 403 Forbidden response
without authorizing the call to access the HTTP endpoint.

In Postman, change the Lambda authorization token header value to unauthorized and choose

The response shows that API Gateway returns a 401 Unauthorized response without authorizing the
call to access the HTTP endpoint.

Now, change the Lambda authorization token header value to fail. Choose Send.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Configure Cross-Account Lambda Authorizer

The response shows that API Gateway returns a 500 Internal Server Error response without
authorizing the call to access the HTTP endpoint.

Configure Cross-Account Lambda Authorizer
You can now also use an AWS Lambda function from a different AWS account as your API authorizer
function. Each account can be in any region where Amazon API Gateway is available. The Lambda
authorizer function can use bearer token authentication strategies such as OAuth or SAML. This makes
it easy to centrally manage and share a central Lambda authorizer function across multiple API Gateway
In this section, we show how to configure a cross-account Lambda authorizer function using the Amazon
API Gateway console.
These instructions assume that you already have an API Gateway API in one AWS account and a Lambda
authorizer function in another account.

Configure Cross-Account Lambda Authorizer Using the API
Gateway Console
Log in to the Amazon API Gateway console in your first account (the one that has your API in it) and do
the following:

Locate your API and choose Authorizers.


Choose Create New Authorizer.


For Create Authorizer, type an authorizer name in the Name input field.


For Type, choose the Lambda option.


For Lambda Function, copy-paste the full ARN for the Lambda authorizer function that you have in
your second account.


In the Lambda console, you can find the ARN for your function in the upper right corner of
the console window.

Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Configure Cross-Account Lambda Authorizer


Leave Lambda Invoke Role blank to let the API Gateway console set a resource-based policy. The
policy grants API Gateway permissions to invoke the authorizer Lambda function. You can also
choose to type the name of an IAM role to allow API Gateway to invoke the authorizer Lambda
function. For an example of such a role, see Set Up an IAM Role and Policy for an API to Invoke
Lambda Functions (p. 588).
If you choose to let the API Gateway console set the resource-based policy, the Add Permission to
Lambda Function dialog is displayed. Choose OK. After the Lambda authorization is created, you
can test it with appropriate authorization token values to verify that it works as expected.


For Lambda Event Payload, choose either Token for a TOKEN authorizer or Request for a REQUEST


Depending on the choice you made in the previous step, do one of the following:

For the Token options, do the following:

Type the name of a header in Token Source. The API client must include a header of this
name to send the authorization token to the Lambda authorizer.


Optionally, provide a RegEx statement in Token Validation input field. API Gateway
performs initial validation of the input token against this expression and invokes the
authorizer upon successful validation. This helps reduce chances of being charged for
invalid tokens.

iii. For Authorization Caching, select or clear the Enabled option, depending on whether you
want to cache the authorization policy generated by the authorizer or not. When policy
caching is enabled, you can choose to modify the TTL value from the default (300). Setting
TTL=0 disables policy caching. When policy caching is enabled, the header name specified
in Token Source becomes the cache key.

For the Request option, do the following:

For Identity Sources, type a request parameter name of a chosen parameter type.
Supported parameter types are Header, Query String, Stage Variable, and Context.
To add more identity sources, choose Add Identity Source.
API Gateway uses the specified identity sources as the request authorizer caching key.
When caching is enabled, API Gateway calls the authorizer's Lambda function only
after successfully verifying that all the specified identity sources are present at runtime.
If a specified identify source is missing, null, or empty, API Gateway returns a 401
Unauthorized response without calling the authorizer Lambda function.
When multiple identity sources are defined, they are all used to derive the authorizer's
cache key. Changing any of the cache key parts causes the authorizer to discard the cached
policy document and generate a new one.


For Authorization Caching, leave the Enabled option selected. Leave the TTL value set to
the default (300).

Choose Create to create the new Lambda authorizer for the chosen API.

10. You'll see a popup that says Add Permission to Lambda Function: You have selected a Lambda
function from another account. Please ensure that you have the appropriate Function Policy
on this function. You can do this by running the following AWS CLI command from account
123456789012:, followed by an aws lambda add-permission command string.
11. Copy-paste the aws lambda add-permission command string into an AWS CLI window that is
configured for your second account. This will grant your first account access to your second account's
Lambda authorizor function.
12. In the popup from the previous step, choose OK.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Use Cognito User Pool as Authorizer for a REST API

Control Access to a REST API Using Amazon
Cognito User Pools as Authorizer
As an alternative to using IAM roles and policies (p. 232) or Lambda authorizers (p. 247) (formerly
known as custom authorizers), you can use an Amazon Cognito user pool to control who can access your
API in Amazon API Gateway.
To use an Amazon Cognito user pool with your API, you must first create an authorizer of the
COGNITO_USER_POOLS type and then configure an API method to use that authorizer. After the API is
deployed, the client must first sign the user in to the user pool, obtain an identity or access token for
the user, and then call the API method with one of the tokens, which are typically set to the request's
Authorization header. The API call succeeds only if the required token is supplied and the supplied
token is valid, otherwise, the client isn't authorized to make the call because the client did not have
credentials that could be authorized.
The identity token is used to authorize API calls based on identity claims of the signed-in user. The access
token is used to authorize API calls based on the custom scopes of specified access-protected resources.
For more information, see Using Tokens with User Pools and Resource Server and Custom Scopes.
To create and configure an Amazon Cognito user pool for your API, you perform the following tasks:
• Use the Amazon Cognito console, CLI/SDK, or API to create a user pool—or use one that's owned by
another AWS account.
• Use the API Gateway console, CLI/SDK, or API to create an API Gateway authorizer with the chosen
user pool.
• Use the API Gateway console, CLI/SDK, or API to enable the authorizer on selected API methods.
To call any API methods with a user pool enabled, your API clients perform the following tasks:
• Use the Amazon Cognito CLI/SDK or API to sign a user in to the chosen user pool, and obtain an
identity token or access token.
• Use a client-specific framework to call the deployed API Gateway API and supply the appropriate token
in the Authorization header.
As the API developer, you must provide your client developers with the user pool ID, a client ID, and
possibly the associated client secrets that are defined as part of the user pool.


To let a user sign in using Amazon Cognito credentials and also obtain temporary credentials
to use with the permissions of an IAM role, use Amazon Cognito Federated Identities. Set the
authorization type of your API to AWS_IAM.
In this section, we describe how to create a user pool, how to integrate an API Gateway API with the user
pool, and how to invoke an API that's integrated with the user pool.
• Obtain Permissions to Create Amazon Cognito User Pool Authorizers (p. 263)
• Create an Amazon Cognito User Pool (p. 264)
• Integrate an API with a User Pool (p. 265)
• Call an API Integrated with an Amazon Cognito User Pool (p. 269)
• Configure Cross-Account Amazon Cognito Authorizer Using the API Gateway Console (p. 269)


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Obtain Permissions to Create Amazon
Cognito User Pool Authorizers

Obtain Permissions to Create Amazon Cognito User
Pool Authorizers
To create an authorizer with an Amazon Cognito user pool, you must have Allow permissions to create
or update an authorizer with the chosen Amazon Cognito user pool. The following IAM policy document
shows an example of such permissions:

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:apigateway:*::/restapis/*/authorizers",
"Condition": {
"ArnLike": {
"apigateway:CognitoUserPoolProviderArn": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:apigateway:*::/restapis/*/authorizers/*",
"Condition": {
"ArnLike": {
"apigateway:CognitoUserPoolProviderArn": [

Make sure that the policy is attached to your IAM user, an IAM group that you belong to, or an IAM role
that you're assigned to.
In the preceding policy document, the apigateway:POST action is for creating a new authorizer, and
the apigateway:PATCH action is for updating an existing authorizer. You can restrict the policy to a
specific region or a particular API by overriding the first two wildcard (*) characters of the Resource
values, respectively.
The Condition clauses that are used here are to restrict the Allowed permissions to the specified user
pools. When a Condition clause is present, access to any user pools that don't match the conditions is
denied. When a permission doesn't have a Condition clause, access to any user pool is allowed.
You have the following options to set the Condition clause:


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create an Amazon Cognito User Pool

• You can set an ArnLike or ArnEquals conditional expression to permit creating or updating
COGNITO_USER_POOLS authorizers with the specified user pools only.
• You can set an ArnNotLike or ArnNotEquals conditional expression to permit creating or updating
COGNITO_USER_POOLS authorizers with any user pool that isn't specified in the expression.
• You can omit the Condition clause to permit creating or updating COGNITO_USER_POOLS
authorizers with any user pool, of any AWS account, and in any region.
For more information on the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) conditional expressions,
see Amazon Resource Name Condition Operators. As shown in the example,
apigateway:CognitoUserPoolProviderArn is a list of ARNs of the COGNITO_USER_POOLS user
pools that can or can't be used with an API Gateway authorizer of the COGNITO_USER_POOLS type.

Create an Amazon Cognito User Pool
Before integrating your API with a user pool, you must create the user pool in Amazon Cognito. For
instructions on how to create a user pool, see Setting up User Pools in the Amazon Cognito Developer


Note the user pool ID, client ID, and any client secret. The client must provide them to Amazon
Cognito for the user to register with the user pool, to sign in to the user pool, and to obtain an
identity or access token to be included in requests to call API methods that are configured with
the user pool. Also, you must specify the user pool name when you configure the user pool as an
authorizer in API Gateway, as described next.
If you're using access tokens to authorize API method calls, be sure to configure the app integration
with the user pool to set up the custom scopes that you want on a given resource server. For more
information, see Defining Resource Servers for Your User Pool.
Note the configured resource server identifiers and custom scope names. You need them to construct the
access scope full names for OAuth Scopes, which is used by the COGNITO_USER_POOLS authorizer.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Integrate an API with a User Pool

Integrate an API with a User Pool
After creating an Amazon Cognito user pool, in API Gateway, you must then create a
COGNITO_USER_POOLS authorizer that uses the user pool. The following procedure walks you through
the steps to do this using the API Gateway console.


After performing any of the procedures below, you'll need to deploy or redeploy your API to
propagate the changes. For more information about deploying your API, see Deploying a REST
API in Amazon API Gateway (p. 360).

To create a COGNITO_USER_POOLS authorizer by using the API Gateway console

Create a new API, or select an existing API in API Gateway.


From the main navigation pane, choose Authorizers under the specified API.


Under Authorizers, choose Create New Authorizer.


To configure the new authorizer to use a user pool, do the following:



Type an authorizer name in Name.


Select the Cognito option.


Choose a region under Cognito User Pool.


Select an available user pool. You must have created a user pool for the selected region in
Amazon Cognito for it to show up in the drop-down list.


For Token source, type Authorization as the header name to pass the identity or access
token that's returned by Amazon Cognito when a user signs in successfully.


Optionally, type a regular expression in the Token validation field to validate the aud field of
the identity token before the request is authorized with Amazon Cognito.


To finish integrating the user pool with the API, choose Create.

After creating the COGNITO_USER_POOLS authorizer, you can optionally test invoke it by supplying
an identity token that's provisioned from the user pool. You can obtain this identity token by calling
the Amazon Cognito Identity SDK to perform user sign-in. Make sure to use the returned identity
token, not the access token.

The preceding procedure creates a COGNITO_USER_POOLS authorizer that uses the newly created
Amazon Cognito user pool. Depending on how you enable the authorizer on an API method, you can use
either an identity token or an access token that's provisioned from the integrated user pool. The next
procedure walks you through the steps to configure the authorizer on an API method.

To configure a COGNITO_USER_POOLS authorizer on methods

Choose (or create) a method of your API.


Choose Method Request.


Under Settings, choose the pencil icon next to Authorization.


Choose one of the available Amazon Cognito user pool authorizers from the drop-down list.


To save the settings, choose the check mark icon.


To use an identity token, do the following:

Leave the OAuth Scopes option unspecified (as NONE).


If needed, choose Integration Request to add the
$['property-name'] or
$ expressions in a body-mapping template
to pass the specified identity claims property from the user pool to the backend. For simple
property names, such as sub or custom-sub, the two notations are identical. For complex

Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Integrate an API with a User Pool

property names, such as custom:role, you can't use the dot notation. For example, the
following mapping expressions pass the claim's standard fields of sub and email to the


"context" : {
"sub" : "$",
"email" : "$"

If you declared a custom claim field when you configured a user pool, you can follow the same
pattern to access the custom fields. The following example gets a custom role field of a claim:


"context" : {
"role" : "$"

If the custom claim field is declared as custom:role, use the following example to get the
claim's property:




"context" : {
"role" : "$['custom:role']"

To use an access token, do the following:

Choose the pencil icon next to OAuth Scopes.


Type one or more full names of a scope that has been configured when the Amazon Cognito
user pool was created. For example, following the example given in Create an Amazon Cognito
User Pool (p. 264), one of the scopes is com.hamuta.movies/drama.view. Use a single
space to separate multiple scopes.

At runtime, the method call succeeds if any scope that's specified on the method in this step
matches a scope that's claimed in the incoming token. Otherwise, the call fails with a 401
Unauthorized response.
c. To save the setting, choose the check mark icon.
Repeat these steps for other methods that you choose.

With the COGNITO_USER_POOLS authorizer, if the OAuth Scopes option isn't specified, API Gateway
treats the supplied token as an identity token and verifies the claimed identity against the one from the
user pool. Otherwise, API Gateway treats the supplied token as an access token and verifies the access
scopes that are claimed in the token against the authorization scopes declared on the method.
Instead of using the API Gateway console, you can also enable an Amazon Cognito user pool on a
method by specifying an OpenAPI definition file and importing the API definition into API Gateway.

To import a COGNITO_USER_POOLS authorizer with an OpenAPI definition file

Create (or export) an OpenAPI definition file for your API.
Specify the COGNITO_USER_POOLS authorizer (MyUserPool) JSON definition as part of the
securitySchemes section in OpenAPI 3.0 or the securityDefinitions section in Open API 2.0
as follows:


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Integrate an API with a User Pool

OpenAPI 3.0
"securitySchemes": {
"MyUserPool": {
"type": "apiKey",
"name": "Authorization",
"in": "header",
"x-amazon-apigateway-authtype": "cognito_user_pools",
"x-amazon-apigateway-authorizer": {
"type": "cognito_user_pools",
"providerARNs": [

OpenAPI 2.0
"securityDefinitions": {
"MyUserPool": {
"type": "apiKey",
"name": "Authorization",
"in": "header",
"x-amazon-apigateway-authtype": "cognito_user_pools",
"x-amazon-apigateway-authorizer": {
"type": "cognito_user_pools",
"providerARNs": [


To use the identity token for method authorization, add { "MyUserPool": [] } to the security
definition of the method, as shown in the following GET method on the root resource.
"paths": {
"/": {
"get": {
"consumes": [
"produces": [
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "200 response",
"headers": {
"Content-Type": {
"type": "string"
"security": [
"MyUserPool": []
"x-amazon-apigateway-integration": {
"type": "mock",
"responses": {


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Integrate an API with a User Pool
"default": {
"statusCode": "200",
"responseParameters": {
"method.response.header.Content-Type": "'text/html'"




"requestTemplates": {
"application/json": "{\"statusCode\": 200}"
"passthroughBehavior": "when_no_match"

To use the access token for method authorization, change the above security definition to
{ "MyUserPool": [resource-server/scope, ...] }:
"paths": {
"/": {
"get": {
"consumes": [
"produces": [
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "200 response",
"headers": {
"Content-Type": {
"type": "string"
"security": [
"MyUserPool": ["com.hamuta.movies/drama.view", ""]
"x-amazon-apigateway-integration": {
"type": "mock",
"responses": {
"default": {
"statusCode": "200",
"responseParameters": {
"method.response.header.Content-Type": "'text/html'"
"requestTemplates": {
"application/json": "{\"statusCode\": 200}"
"passthroughBehavior": "when_no_match"


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Call an API Integrated with a User Pool


If needed, you can set other API configuration settings by using the appropriate OpenAPI definitions
or extensions. For more information, see API Gateway Extensions to OpenAPI (p. 492).

Call an API Integrated with an Amazon Cognito User
To call a method with a user pool authorizer configured, the client must do the following:
• Enable the user to sign up with the user pool.
• Enable the user to sign in to the user pool.
• Obtain an identity token of the signed-in user from the user pool.
• Include the identity token in the Authorization header (or another header you specified when you
created the authorizer).
You can use one of the AWS SDKs to perform these tasks. For example:
• To use the Android SDK, see Setting up the AWS Mobile SDK for Android to Work with User Pools.
• To use the iOS SDK, see Setting Up the AWS Mobile SDK for iOS to Work with User Pools.
• To use JavaScript, see Setting up the AWS SDK for JavaScript in the Browser to Work with User Pools.
The following procedure outlines the steps to perform these tasks. For more information, see the blog
posts on Using Android SDK with Amazon Cognito User Pools and Using Amazon Cognito User Pool for

To call an API that's integrated with a user pool

Sign up a first-time user to a specified user pool.
Sign in a user to the user pool.


Get the user's identity token.
Call API methods that are configured with a user pool authorizer, and supply the unexpired token in
the Authorization header or another header of your choosing.
When the token expires, repeat steps 2–4. Identity tokens provisioned by Amazon Cognito expire
within an hour.


For code examples, see an Android Java sample and an iOS Objective-C sample.

Configure Cross-Account Amazon Cognito Authorizer
Using the API Gateway Console
You can now also use a Amazon Cognito user pool from a different AWS account as your API authorizer.
Each account can be in any region where Amazon API Gateway is available. The Amazon Cognito user
pool can use bearer token authentication strategies such as OAuth or SAML. This makes it easy to
centrally manage and share a central Amazon Cognito user pool authorizer across multiple API Gateway
In this section, we show how to configure a cross-account Amazon Cognito user pool using the Amazon
API Gateway console.
These instructions assume that you already have an API Gateway API in one AWS account and a Amazon
Cognito user pool in another account.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Enable CORS for a REST API Resource

Configure Cross-Account Amazon Cognito Authorizer Using the
API Gateway Console
Log in to the Amazon API Gateway console in your first account (the one that has your API in it) and do
the following:

Locate your API and choose Authorizers.


Choose Create New Authorizer.


For Create Authorizer, type an authorizer name in the Name input field.
For Type, choose the Cognito option.


For Cognito User Pool, copy-paste the full ARN for the user pool that you have in your second


In the Amazon Cognito console, you can find the ARN for your user pool in the Pool ARN
field of the General Settings pane.


Type the name of a header in Token Source. The API client must include a header of this name to
send the authorization token to the Amazon Cognito authorizer.
Optionally, provide a RegEx statement in Token Validation input field. API Gateway performs initial
validation of the input token against this expression and invokes the authorizer upon successful
validation. This helps reduce chances of being charged for invalid tokens.


Choose Create to create the new Amazon Cognito authorizer for your API.


Enable CORS for an API Gateway REST API
When your REST API's resources receive requests from a domain other than the API's own domain, you
must enable cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) for selected methods on the resource. This amounts
to having your API respond to the OPTIONS preflight request with at least the following CORS-required
response headers:
• Access-Control-Allow-Methods
• Access-Control-Allow-Headers
• Access-Control-Allow-Origin
In API Gateway you enable CORS by setting up an OPTIONS method with the mock integration type
to return the preceding response headers (with static values discussed in the following) as the method
response headers. In addition, the actual CORS-enabled methods must also return the AccessControl-Allow-Origin:'request-originating server addresses' header in at least its 200
response. You can replace the static value of specific request-originating server addresses
with * to indicate any servers. However, you should be careful of enabling such a broad support and do
so only when you fully understand the consequences.
With Lambda, AWS or HTTP integrations, you can leverage API Gateway to set up the required headers
using the method response and integration response. For Lambda or HTTP proxy integrations (p. 87),
you can still set up the required OPTIONS response headers in API Gateway. However, you must rely on
the back end to return the Access-Control-Allow-Origin headers because the integration response
is disabled for the proxy integration.


You must set up an OPTIONS method to handle preflight requests to support CORS. However,
OPTIONS methods are optional if 1) an API resource exposes only the GET, HEAD or POST


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide

methods and 2) the request payload content type is application/x-www-form-urlencoded,
multipart/form-data or text/plain and 3) the request does not contain any custom
headers. When possible, we recommend to use OPTIONS method to enable CORS in your API.
This section describes how to enable CORS for a method in API Gateway using the API Gateway console
or the API Gateway Import a REST API into API Gateway (p. 213).
• Prerequisites (p. 271)
• Enable CORS on a Resource Using the API Gateway Console (p. 271)
• Enable CORS on a Resource Using the API Gateway Import API (p. 273)


You must have the method available in API Gateway. For instructions on how to create and configure
a method, see Build an API with HTTP Custom Integration (p. 550).

Enable CORS on a Resource Using the API Gateway

Sign in to the API Gateway console at


In the API Gateway console, choose an API under APIs.


Choose a resource under Resources. This will enable CORS for all the methods on the resource.
Alternatively, you could choose a method under the resource to enable CORS for just this method.


Choose Enable CORS from the Actions drop-down menu.


In the Enable CORS form, do the following:


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Enable CORS Using the Console


In the Access-Control-Allow-Headers input field, type a static string of a comma-separated list
of headers that the client must submit in the actual request of the resource. Use the consoleprovided header list of 'Content-Type,X-Amz-Date,Authorization,X-Api-Key,X-AmzSecurity-Token' or specify your own headers.


Use the console-provided value of '*' as the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header value to
allow access requests from all domains, or specify a named domain to all access requests from
the specified domain.


Choose Enable CORS and replace existing CORS headers.


When applying the above instructions to the ANY method in a proxy integration, any
applicable CORS headers will not be set. Instead, you rely on the integration backend to
return the applicable CORS headers, such as Access-Control-Allow-Origin

In Confirm method changes, choose Yes, overwrite existing values to confirm the new CORS


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Enable CORS Using OpenAPI Definition

After CORS is enabled on the GET method, an OPTIONS method is added to the resource, if it is not
already there. The 200 response of the OPTIONS method is automatically configured to return the
three Access-Control-Allow-* headers to fulfill preflight handshakes. In addition, the actual (GET)
method is also configured by default to return the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header in its
200 response as well. For other types of responses, you will need to manually configure them to return
Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header with '*' or specific origin domain names, if you do not want
to return the Cross-origin access error.
As with any updates of your API, you must deploy or redeploy the API for the new settings to take effect.

Enable CORS on a Resource Using the API Gateway
Import API
If you are using the API Gateway Import API (p. 213), you can set up CORS support using an OpenAPI file.
You must first define an OPTIONS method in your resource that returns the required headers.


Web browsers expect Access-Control-Allow-Headers, and Access-Control-Allow-Origin headers
to be set up in each API method that accepts CORS requests. In addition, some browsers first
make an HTTP request to an OPTIONS method in the same resource, and then expect to receive
the same headers.
The following example creates an OPTIONS method and specifies mock integration. For more
information, see Set up Mock Integrations in API Gateway (p. 121).
summary: CORS support
description: |
Enable CORS by returning correct headers
- application/json
- application/json
type: mock
application/json: |
"statusCode" : 200
statusCode: "200"
method.response.header.Access-Control-Allow-Headers : "'Content-Type,X-AmzDate,Authorization,X-Api-Key'"
method.response.header.Access-Control-Allow-Methods : "'*'"
method.response.header.Access-Control-Allow-Origin : "'*'"
application/json: |
description: Default response for CORS method
type: "string"


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Use Client-Side SSL Certificates
type: "string"
type: "string"

Once you have configured the OPTIONS method for your resource, you can add the required headers to
the other methods in the same resource that need to accept CORS requests.

Declare the Access-Control-Allow-Origin and Headers to the response types.
description: Default response for CORS method
type: "string"
type: "string"
type: "string"


In the x-amazon-apigateway-integration tag, set up the mapping for those headers to your
static values:
statusCode: "200"
method.response.header.Access-Control-Allow-Headers : "'Content-Type,XAmz-Date,Authorization,X-Api-Key'"
method.response.header.Access-Control-Allow-Methods : "'*'"
method.response.header.Access-Control-Allow-Origin : "'*'"

Use Client-Side SSL Certificates for Authentication
by the Backend
You can use API Gateway to generate an SSL certificate and use its public key in the backend to verify
that HTTP requests to your backend system are from API Gateway. This allows your HTTP backend to
control and accept only requests originating from Amazon API Gateway, even if the backend is publicly


Some backend servers may not support SSL client authentication as API Gateway does and
could return an SSL certificate error. For a list of incompatible backend servers, see Amazon API
Gateway Known Issues (p. 678).
The SSL certificates that are generated by API Gateway are self-signed and only the public key of a
certificate is visible in the API Gateway console or through the APIs.

Generate a Client Certificate Using the API Gateway Console (p. 275)
Configure an API to Use SSL Certificates (p. 275)
Test Invoke to Verify the Client Certificate Configuration (p. 275)
Configure Backend HTTPS Server to Verify the Client Certificate (p. 275)
Rotate an Expiring Client Certificate (p. 276)

• API Gateway-Supported Certificate Authorities for HTTP and HTTP Proxy Integrations (p. 277)


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Generate a Client Certificate
Using the API Gateway Console

Generate a Client Certificate Using the API Gateway

In the main navigation pane, choose Client Certificates.
From the Client Certificates pane, choose Generate Client Certificate.


Optionally, for Edit, choose to add a descriptive title for the generated certificate and choose Save
to save the description. API Gateway generates a new certificate and returns the new certificate
GUID, along with the PEM-encoded public key.

You are now ready to configure an API to use the certificate.

Configure an API to Use SSL Certificates
These instructions assume you already completed Generate a Client Certificate Using the API Gateway
Console (p. 275).

In the API Gateway console, create or open an API for which you want to use the client certificate.
Make sure the API has been deployed to a stage.


Choose Stages under the selected API and then choose a stage.


In the Stage Editor panel, select a certificate under the Client Certificate section.
To save the settings, choose Save Changes.
If the API has been deployed previously in the API Gateway console, you'll need to redeploy it for the
changes to take effect.

After a certificate is selected for the API and saved, API Gateway uses the certificate for all calls to HTTP
integrations in your API.

Test Invoke to Verify the Client Certificate

Choose an API method. In Client, choose Test.
From Client Certificate, choose Test to invoke the method request.

API Gateway presents the chosen SSL certificate for the HTTP backend to authenticate the API.

Configure Backend HTTPS Server to Verify the Client
These instructions assume you already completed Generate a Client Certificate Using the API Gateway
Console (p. 275) and downloaded a copy of the client certificate. You can download a client certificate
by calling clientcertificate:by-id of the API Gateway REST API or get-client-certificate of
Before configuring a backend HTTPS server to verify the client SSL certificate of API Gateway, you must
have obtained the PEM-encoded private key and a server-side certificate that is provided by a trusted
certificate authority.
If the server domain name is, the server certificate's CNAME value must be or *


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Rotate an Expiring Client Certificate

Supported certificate authorities include Let's Encrypt or one of the section called “Supported Certificate
Authorities for HTTP and HTTP Proxy Integration” (p. 277).
As an example, suppose that the client certificate file is apig-cert.pem and the server private key and
certificate files are server-key.pem and server-cert.pem, respectively, For a Node.js server in the
backend, you can configure the server similar to the following:
var fs = require('fs');
var https = require('https');
var options = {
key: fs.readFileSync('server-key.pem'),
cert: fs.readFileSync('server-cert.pem'),
ca: fs.readFileSync('apig-cert.pem'),
requestCert: true,
rejectUnauthorized: true
https.createServer(options, function (req, res) {
res.end("hello world\n");

For a node-express app, you can use the client-certificate-auth modules to authenticate client requests
with PEM-encoded certificates.
For other HTTPS server, see the documentation for the server.

Rotate an Expiring Client Certificate
The client certificate generated by API Gateway is valid for 365 days. You must rotate the certificate
before a client certificate on an API stage expires to avoid any downtime for the API. You can check the
expiration date of certificate by calling clientCertificate:by-id of the API Gateway REST API or the AWS
CLI command of get-client-certificate and inspecting the returned expirationDate property.
To rotate a client certificate, follow the steps below:

Generate a new client certificate, by calling clientcertificate:create of the API Gateway REST API or
the AWS CLI command of create-client-certificate. For purposes of discussions, we assume the new
client certificate ID is ndiqef.


Update the backend server to include the new client certificate. Do not remove the existing client
certificate yet.
Some server may require a restart to finish the update. Consult the server documentation to see if
you must restart the server during the update.


Update the API stage to use the new client certificate by calling stage:update of the API Gateway
REST API, with the new client certificate ID (ndiqef):
PATCH /restapis/{restapi-id}/stages/stage1 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Amz-Date: 20170603T200400Z
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=...

"patchOperations" : [
"op" : "replace",
"path" : "/clientCertificateId",
"value" : "ndiqef"


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Supported Certificate Authorities for
HTTP and HTTP Proxy Integration


or by calling the CLI command of update-stage.

Update the backend server to remove the old certificate.


Delete the old certificate from API Gateway by calling the clientcertificate:delete of the API Gateway
REST API, specifying the clientCertificateId (a1b2c3) of the old certificate:
DELETE /clientcertificates/a1b2c3

or by calling the CLI command of delete-client-certificate:
aws apigateway delete-client-certificate --client-certificate-id a1b2c3

API Gateway-Supported Certificate Authorities for
HTTP and HTTP Proxy Integrations
The following list shows the certificate authorities supported by API Gateway for HTTP and HTTP Proxy

Alias name: mozillacert81.pem
MD5: D5:E9:81:40:C5:18:69:FC:46:2C:89:75:62:0F:AA:78
Alias name: mozillacert99.pem
MD5: 2B:70:20:56:86:82:A0:18:C8:07:53:12:28:70:21:72
Alias name: swisssignplatinumg2ca
MD5: C9:98:27:77:28:1E:3D:0E:15:3C:84:00:B8:85:03:E6
Alias name: mozillacert145.pem
MD5: 60:84:7C:5A:CE:DB:0C:D4:CB:A7:E9:FE:02:C6:A9:C0
Alias name: mozillacert37.pem
MD5: AB:57:A6:5B:7D:42:82:19:B5:D8:58:26:28:5E:FD:FF
Alias name: mozillacert4.pem
MD5: 4F:EB:F1:F0:70:C2:80:63:5D:58:9F:DA:12:3C:A9:C4
Alias name: mozillacert70.pem
MD5: 5E:80:9E:84:5A:0E:65:0B:17:02:F3:55:18:2A:3E:D7
Alias name: mozillacert88.pem
MD5: 73:9F:4C:4B:73:5B:79:E9:FA:BA:1C:EF:6E:CB:D5:C9
Alias name: mozillacert134.pem
MD5: FC:11:B8:D8:08:93:30:00:6D:23:F9:7E:EB:52:1E:02


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Supported Certificate Authorities for
HTTP and HTTP Proxy Integration
Alias name: mozillacert26.pem
MD5: DC:32:C3:A7:6D:25:57:C7:68:09:9D:EA:2D:A9:A2:D1
Alias name: buypassclass2ca
MD5: 46:A7:D2:FE:45:FB:64:5A:A8:59:90:9B:78:44:9B:29
Alias name: chunghwaepkirootca
MD5: 1B:2E:00:CA:26:06:90:3D:AD:FE:6F:15:68:D3:6B:B3
Alias name: verisignclass2g2ca
MD5: 2D:BB:E5:25:D3:D1:65:82:3A:B7:0E:FA:E6:EB:E2:E1
Alias name: mozillacert77.pem
MD5: CD:68:B6:A7:C7:C4:CE:75:E0:1D:4F:57:44:61:92:09
Alias name: mozillacert123.pem
MD5: C1:62:3E:23:C5:82:73:9C:03:59:4B:2B:E9:77:49:7F
Alias name: utndatacorpsgcca
MD5: B3:A5:3E:77:21:6D:AC:4A:C0:C9:FB:D5:41:3D:CA:06
Alias name: mozillacert15.pem
MD5: 88:2C:8C:52:B8:A2:3C:F3:F7:BB:03:EA:AE:AC:42:0B
Alias name: digicertglobalrootca
MD5: 79:E4:A9:84:0D:7D:3A:96:D7:C0:4F:E2:43:4C:89:2E
Alias name: mozillacert66.pem
MD5: 3D:41:29:CB:1E:AA:11:74:CD:5D:B0:62:AF:B0:43:5B
Alias name: mozillacert112.pem
MD5: 37:41:49:1B:18:56:9A:26:F5:AD:C2:66:FB:40:A5:4C
Alias name: utnuserfirstclientauthemailca
MD5: D7:34:3D:EF:1D:27:09:28:E1:31:02:5B:13:2B:DD:F7
Alias name: verisignc2g1.pem
MD5: B3:9C:25:B1:C3:2E:32:53:80:15:30:9D:4D:02:77:3E
Alias name: mozillacert55.pem
MD5: 74:9D:EA:60:24:C4:FD:22:53:3E:CC:3A:72:D9:29:4F
Alias name: mozillacert101.pem
MD5: DF:F2:80:73:CC:F1:E6:61:73:FC:F5:42:E9:C5:7C:EE
Alias name: mozillacert119.pem
MD5: 94:14:77:7E:3E:5E:FD:8F:30:BD:41:B0:CF:E7:D0:30
Alias name: verisignc3g1.pem
MD5: EF:5A:F1:33:EF:F1:CD:BB:51:02:EE:12:14:4B:96:C4


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Supported Certificate Authorities for
HTTP and HTTP Proxy Integration
Alias name: mozillacert44.pem
MD5: 72:E4:4A:87:E3:69:40:80:77:EA:BC:E3:F4:FF:F0:E1
Alias name: mozillacert108.pem
MD5: 3E:45:52:15:09:51:92:E1:B7:5D:37:9F:B1:87:29:8A
Alias name: mozillacert95.pem
MD5: 3D:3B:18:9E:2C:64:5A:E8:D5:88:CE:0E:F9:37:C2:EC
Alias name: keynectisrootca
MD5: CC:4D:AE:FB:30:6B:D8:38:FE:50:EB:86:61:4B:D2:26
Alias name: mozillacert141.pem
MD5: A9:23:75:9B:BA:49:36:6E:31:C2:DB:F2:E7:66:BA:87
Alias name: equifaxsecureglobalebusinessca1
MD5: 51:F0:2A:33:F1:F5:55:39:07:F2:16:7A:47:C7:5D:63
Alias name: affirmtrustpremiumca
MD5: C4:5D:0E:48:B6:AC:28:30:4E:0A:BC:F9:38:16:87:57
Alias name: baltimorecodesigningca
MD5: 90:F5:28:49:56:D1:5D:2C:B0:53:D4:4B:EF:6F:90:22
Alias name: mozillacert33.pem
MD5: 22:2D:A6:01:EA:7C:0A:F7:F0:6C:56:43:3F:77:76:D3
Alias name: mozillacert0.pem
MD5: CA:3D:D3:68:F1:03:5C:D0:32:FA:B8:2B:59:E8:5A:DB
Alias name: mozillacert84.pem
MD5: 49:63:AE:27:F4:D5:95:3D:D8:DB:24:86:B8:9C:07:53
Alias name: mozillacert130.pem
MD5: 65:58:AB:15:AD:57:6C:1E:A8:A7:B5:69:AC:BF:FF:EB
Alias name: mozillacert148.pem
MD5: 4C:56:41:E5:0D:BB:2B:E8:CA:A3:ED:18:08:AD:43:39
Alias name: mozillacert22.pem
MD5: 02:26:C3:01:5E:08:30:37:43:A9:D0:7D:CF:37:E6:BF
Alias name: verisignc1g1.pem
MD5: 97:60:E8:57:5F:D3:50:47:E5:43:0C:94:36:8A:B0:62
Alias name: mozillacert7.pem
MD5: 32:4A:4B:BB:C8:63:69:9B:BE:74:9A:C6:DD:1D:46:24


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Supported Certificate Authorities for
HTTP and HTTP Proxy Integration
Alias name: mozillacert73.pem
MD5: D6:39:81:C6:52:7E:96:69:FC:FC:CA:66:ED:05:F2:96
Alias name: mozillacert137.pem
MD5: D3:D9:BD:AE:9F:AC:67:24:B3:C8:1B:52:E1:B9:A9:BD
Alias name: swisssignsilverg2ca
MD5: E0:06:A1:C9:7D:CF:C9:FC:0D:C0:56:75:96:D8:62:13
Alias name: mozillacert11.pem
MD5: 87:CE:0B:7B:2A:0E:49:00:E1:58:71:9B:37:A8:93:72
Alias name: mozillacert29.pem
MD5: D3:F3:A6:16:C0:FA:6B:1D:59:B1:2D:96:4D:0E:11:2E
Alias name: mozillacert62.pem
MD5: EF:5A:F1:33:EF:F1:CD:BB:51:02:EE:12:14:4B:96:C4
Alias name: mozillacert126.pem
MD5: 77:0D:19:B1:21:FD:00:42:9C:3E:0C:A5:DD:0B:02:8E
SHA1: 25:01:90:19:CF:FB:D9:99:1C:B7:68:25:74:8D:94:5F:30:93:95:42
Alias name: securetrustca
MD5: DC:32:C3:A7:6D:25:57:C7:68:09:9D:EA:2D:A9:A2:D1
Alias name: soneraclass1ca
MD5: 33:B7:84:F5:5F:27:D7:68:27:DE:14:DE:12:2A:ED:6F
Alias name: mozillacert18.pem
MD5: F1:6A:22:18:C9:CD:DF:CE:82:1D:1D:B7:78:5C:A9:A5
Alias name: mozillacert51.pem
MD5: 18:98:C0:D6:E9:3A:FC:F9:B0:F5:0C:F7:4B:01:44:17
Alias name: mozillacert69.pem
MD5: A6:B0:CD:85:80:DA:5C:50:34:A3:39:90:2F:55:67:73
Alias name: mozillacert115.pem
MD5: 2B:9B:9E:E4:7B:6C:1F:00:72:1A:CC:C1:77:79:DF:6A
Alias name: verisignclass3g5ca
MD5: CB:17:E4:31:67:3E:E2:09:FE:45:57:93:F3:0A:FA:1C
Alias name: utnuserfirsthardwareca
MD5: 4C:56:41:E5:0D:BB:2B:E8:CA:A3:ED:18:08:AD:43:39
Alias name: addtrustqualifiedca
MD5: 27:EC:39:47:CD:DA:5A:AF:E2:9A:01:65:21:A9:4C:BB
Alias name: mozillacert40.pem


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Supported Certificate Authorities for
HTTP and HTTP Proxy Integration
MD5: 56:5F:AA:80:61:12:17:F6:67:21:E6:2B:6D:61:56:8E
Alias name: mozillacert58.pem
MD5: 01:5E:D8:6B:BD:6F:3D:8E:A1:31:F8:12:E0:98:73:6A
Alias name: verisignclass3g3ca
MD5: CD:68:B6:A7:C7:C4:CE:75:E0:1D:4F:57:44:61:92:09
Alias name: mozillacert104.pem
MD5: 55:5D:63:00:97:BD:6A:97:F5:67:AB:4B:FB:6E:63:15
Alias name: mozillacert91.pem
MD5: 30:C9:E7:1E:6B:E6:14:EB:65:B2:16:69:20:31:67:4D
Alias name: thawtepersonalfreemailca
MD5: 53:4B:1D:17:58:58:1A:30:A1:90:F8:6E:5C:F2:CF:65
Alias name: certplusclass3pprimaryca
MD5: E1:4B:52:73:D7:1B:DB:93:30:E5:BD:E4:09:6E:BE:FB
Alias name: verisignc3g4.pem
MD5: 3A:52:E1:E7:FD:6F:3A:E3:6F:F3:6F:99:1B:F9:22:41
Alias name: swisssigngoldg2ca
MD5: 24:77:D9:A8:91:D1:3B:FA:88:2D:C2:FF:F8:CD:33:93
Alias name: mozillacert47.pem
MD5: ED:41:F5:8C:50:C5:2B:9C:73:E6:EE:6C:EB:C2:A8:26
Alias name: mozillacert80.pem
MD5: 64:B0:09:55:CF:B1:D5:99:E2:BE:13:AB:A6:5D:EA:4D
Alias name: mozillacert98.pem
MD5: 43:5E:88:D4:7D:1A:4A:7E:FD:84:2E:52:EB:01:D4:6F
Alias name: mozillacert144.pem
MD5: A3:EC:75:0F:2E:88:DF:FA:48:01:4E:0B:5C:48:6F:FB
Alias name: starfieldclass2ca
MD5: 32:4A:4B:BB:C8:63:69:9B:BE:74:9A:C6:DD:1D:46:24
Alias name: mozillacert36.pem
MD5: F0:96:B6:2F:C5:10:D5:67:8E:83:25:32:E8:5E:2E:E5
Alias name: mozillacert3.pem
MD5: 39:16:AA:B9:6A:41:E1:14:69:DF:9E:6C:3B:72:DC:B6
Alias name: globalsignr2ca
MD5: 94:14:77:7E:3E:5E:FD:8F:30:BD:41:B0:CF:E7:D0:30


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Supported Certificate Authorities for
HTTP and HTTP Proxy Integration
Alias name: mozillacert87.pem
MD5: 6C:39:7D:A4:0E:55:59:B2:3F:D6:41:B1:12:50:DE:43
Alias name: mozillacert133.pem
MD5: D6:ED:3C:CA:E2:66:0F:AF:10:43:0D:77:9B:04:09:BF
Alias name: mozillacert25.pem
MD5: CB:17:E4:31:67:3E:E2:09:FE:45:57:93:F3:0A:FA:1C
Alias name: verisignclass1g2ca
MD5: DB:23:3D:F9:69:FA:4B:B9:95:80:44:73:5E:7D:41:83
Alias name: mozillacert76.pem
MD5: 82:92:BA:5B:EF:CD:8A:6F:A6:3D:55:F9:84:F6:D6:B7
Alias name: mozillacert122.pem
MD5: 1D:35:54:04:85:78:B0:3F:42:42:4D:BF:20:73:0A:3F
Alias name: mozillacert14.pem
MD5: D4:74:DE:57:5C:39:B2:D3:9C:85:83:C5:C0:65:49:8A
Alias name: equifaxsecureca
MD5: 67:CB:9D:C0:13:24:8A:82:9B:B2:17:1E:D1:1B:EC:D4
Alias name: mozillacert65.pem
MD5: A2:6F:53:B7:EE:40:DB:4A:68:E7:FA:18:D9:10:4B:72
Alias name: mozillacert111.pem
MD5: F9:03:7E:CF:E6:9E:3C:73:7A:2A:90:07:69:FF:2B:96
Alias name: certumtrustednetworkca
MD5: D5:E9:81:40:C5:18:69:FC:46:2C:89:75:62:0F:AA:78
Alias name: mozillacert129.pem
MD5: 92:65:58:8B:A2:1A:31:72:73:68:5C:B4:A5:7A:07:48
Alias name: mozillacert54.pem
MD5: B5:E8:34:36:C9:10:44:58:48:70:6D:2E:83:D4:B8:05
Alias name: mozillacert100.pem
MD5: CD:E0:25:69:8D:47:AC:9C:89:35:90:F7:FD:51:3D:2F
Alias name: mozillacert118.pem
MD5: 8F:5D:77:06:27:C4:98:3C:5B:93:78:E7:D7:7D:9B:CC
Alias name: gd-class2-root.pem
MD5: 91:DE:06:25:AB:DA:FD:32:17:0C:BB:25:17:2A:84:67


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Supported Certificate Authorities for
HTTP and HTTP Proxy Integration
Alias name: mozillacert151.pem
MD5: 86:38:6D:5E:49:63:6C:85:5C:DB:6D:DC:94:B7:D0:F7
Alias name: thawteprimaryrootcag3
MD5: FB:1B:5D:43:8A:94:CD:44:C6:76:F2:43:4B:47:E7:31
Alias name: quovadisrootca
MD5: 27:DE:36:FE:72:B7:00:03:00:9D:F4:F0:1E:6C:04:24
Alias name: thawteprimaryrootcag2
MD5: 74:9D:EA:60:24:C4:FD:22:53:3E:CC:3A:72:D9:29:4F
Alias name: deprecateditsecca
MD5: A5:96:0C:F6:B5:AB:27:E5:01:C6:00:88:9E:60:33:E5
Alias name: entrustrootcag2
MD5: 4B:E2:C9:91:96:65:0C:F4:0E:5A:93:92:A0:0A:FE:B2
Alias name: mozillacert43.pem
MD5: 40:01:25:06:8D:21:43:6A:0E:43:00:9C:E7:43:F3:D5
Alias name: mozillacert107.pem
MD5: BE:EC:11:93:9A:F5:69:21:BC:D7:C1:C0:67:89:CC:2A
Alias name: trustcenterclass4caii
MD5: 9D:FB:F9:AC:ED:89:33:22:F4:28:48:83:25:23:5B:E0
Alias name: mozillacert94.pem
MD5: 46:A7:D2:FE:45:FB:64:5A:A8:59:90:9B:78:44:9B:29
Alias name: mozillacert140.pem
MD5: 5E:39:7B:DD:F8:BA:EC:82:E9:AC:62:BA:0C:54:00:2B
Alias name: ttelesecglobalrootclass3ca
MD5: CA:FB:40:A8:4E:39:92:8A:1D:FE:8E:2F:C4:27:EA:EF
Alias name: amzninternalcorpca
MD5: 7B:0E:9D:67:A9:3A:88:DD:BA:81:8D:A9:3C:74:AA:BB
Alias name: starfieldservicesrootg2ca
MD5: 17:35:74:AF:7B:61:1C:EB:F4:F9:3C:E2:EE:40:F9:A2
Alias name: mozillacert32.pem
MD5: 0C:7F:DD:6A:F4:2A:B9:C8:9B:BD:20:7E:A9:DB:5C:37
Alias name: mozillacert83.pem
MD5: 2C:8C:17:5E:B1:54:AB:93:17:B5:36:5A:DB:D1:C6:F2
Alias name: verisignroot.pem
MD5: 8E:AD:B5:01:AA:4D:81:E4:8C:1D:D1:E1:14:00:95:19


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Supported Certificate Authorities for
HTTP and HTTP Proxy Integration
Alias name: mozillacert147.pem
MD5: B3:A5:3E:77:21:6D:AC:4A:C0:C9:FB:D5:41:3D:CA:06
Alias name: camerfirmachambersca
MD5: 5E:80:9E:84:5A:0E:65:0B:17:02:F3:55:18:2A:3E:D7
Alias name: mozillacert21.pem
MD5: E0:06:A1:C9:7D:CF:C9:FC:0D:C0:56:75:96:D8:62:13
Alias name: mozillacert39.pem
MD5: CE:78:33:5C:59:78:01:6E:18:EA:B9:36:A0:B9:2E:23
Alias name: mozillacert6.pem
MD5: 91:DE:06:25:AB:DA:FD:32:17:0C:BB:25:17:2A:84:67
Alias name: verisignuniversalrootca
MD5: 8E:AD:B5:01:AA:4D:81:E4:8C:1D:D1:E1:14:00:95:19
Alias name: mozillacert72.pem
MD5: 80:3A:BC:22:C1:E6:FB:8D:9B:3B:27:4A:32:1B:9A:01
Alias name: geotrustuniversalca
MD5: 92:65:58:8B:A2:1A:31:72:73:68:5C:B4:A5:7A:07:48
Alias name: mozillacert136.pem
MD5: 49:79:04:B0:EB:87:19:AC:47:B0:BC:11:51:9B:74:D0
Alias name: mozillacert10.pem
MD5: F8:38:7C:77:88:DF:2C:16:68:2E:C2:E2:52:4B:B8:F9
Alias name: mozillacert28.pem
MD5: 5C:48:DC:F7:42:72:EC:56:94:6D:1C:CC:71:35:80:75
Alias name: affirmtrustnetworkingca
MD5: 42:65:CA:BE:01:9A:9A:4C:A9:8C:41:49:CD:C0:D5:7F
Alias name: mozillacert61.pem
MD5: 42:81:A0:E2:1C:E3:55:10:DE:55:89:42:65:96:22:E6
Alias name: mozillacert79.pem
MD5: C4:5D:0E:48:B6:AC:28:30:4E:0A:BC:F9:38:16:87:57
Alias name: affirmtrustcommercialca
MD5: 82:92:BA:5B:EF:CD:8A:6F:A6:3D:55:F9:84:F6:D6:B7
Alias name: mozillacert125.pem
MD5: D6:A5:C3:ED:5D:DD:3E:00:C1:3D:87:92:1F:1D:3F:E4


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Supported Certificate Authorities for
HTTP and HTTP Proxy Integration
Alias name: mozillacert17.pem
MD5: 21:D8:4C:82:2B:99:09:33:A2:EB:14:24:8D:8E:5F:E8
Alias name: mozillacert50.pem
MD5: 2C:20:26:9D:CB:1A:4A:00:85:B5:B7:5A:AE:C2:01:37
Alias name: mozillacert68.pem
MD5: 73:3A:74:7A:EC:BB:A3:96:A6:C2:E4:E2:C8:9B:C0:C3
Alias name: starfieldrootg2ca
MD5: D6:39:81:C6:52:7E:96:69:FC:FC:CA:66:ED:05:F2:96
Alias name: mozillacert114.pem
MD5: B8:A1:03:63:B0:BD:21:71:70:8A:6F:13:3A:BB:79:49
Alias name: buypassclass3ca
MD5: 3D:3B:18:9E:2C:64:5A:E8:D5:88:CE:0E:F9:37:C2:EC
Alias name: mozillacert57.pem
MD5: A8:0D:6F:39:78:B9:43:6D:77:42:6D:98:5A:CC:23:CA
Alias name: verisignc2g3.pem
MD5: F8:BE:C4:63:22:C9:A8:46:74:8B:B8:1D:1E:4A:2B:F6
Alias name: verisignclass2g3ca
MD5: F8:BE:C4:63:22:C9:A8:46:74:8B:B8:1D:1E:4A:2B:F6
Alias name: mozillacert103.pem
MD5: E6:24:E9:12:01:AE:0C:DE:8E:85:C4:CE:A3:12:DD:EC
Alias name: mozillacert90.pem
MD5: 69:C1:0D:4F:07:A3:1B:C3:FE:56:3D:04:BC:11:F6:A6
Alias name: verisignc3g3.pem
MD5: CD:68:B6:A7:C7:C4:CE:75:E0:1D:4F:57:44:61:92:09
Alias name: mozillacert46.pem
MD5: AA:8E:5D:D9:F8:DB:0A:58:B7:8D:26:87:6C:82:35:55
Alias name: godaddyclass2ca
MD5: 91:DE:06:25:AB:DA:FD:32:17:0C:BB:25:17:2A:84:67
Alias name: verisignc4g3.pem
MD5: DB:C8:F2:27:2E:B1:EA:6A:29:23:5D:FE:56:3E:33:DF
Alias name: mozillacert97.pem
MD5: A2:33:9B:4C:74:78:73:D4:6C:E7:C1:F3:8D:CB:5C:E9
Alias name: mozillacert143.pem
MD5: F1:BC:63:6A:54:E0:B5:27:F5:CD:E7:1A:E3:4D:6E:4A


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Supported Certificate Authorities for
HTTP and HTTP Proxy Integration
Alias name: mozillacert35.pem
MD5: 3F:45:96:39:E2:50:87:F7:BB:FE:98:0C:3C:20:98:E6
Alias name: mozillacert2.pem
MD5: 3A:52:E1:E7:FD:6F:3A:E3:6F:F3:6F:99:1B:F9:22:41
Alias name: utnuserfirstobjectca
MD5: A7:F2:E4:16:06:41:11:50:30:6B:9C:E3:B4:9C:B0:C9
Alias name: mozillacert86.pem
MD5: 10:FC:63:5D:F6:26:3E:0D:F3:25:BE:5F:79:CD:67:67
Alias name: mozillacert132.pem
MD5: 14:F1:08:AD:9D:FA:64:E2:89:E7:1C:CF:A8:AD:7D:5E
Alias name: addtrustclass1ca
MD5: 1E:42:95:02:33:92:6B:B9:5F:C0:7F:DA:D6:B2:4B:FC
Alias name: mozillacert24.pem
MD5: 7C:A5:0F:F8:5B:9A:7D:6D:30:AE:54:5A:E3:42:A2:8A
Alias name: verisignc1g3.pem
MD5: B1:47:BC:18:57:D1:18:A0:78:2D:EC:71:E8:2A:95:73
Alias name: mozillacert9.pem
MD5: 37:85:44:53:32:45:1F:20:F0:F3:95:E1:25:C4:43:4E
Alias name: amzninternalrootca
MD5: 08:09:73:AC:E0:78:41:7C:0A:26:33:51:E8:CF:E6:60
Alias name: mozillacert75.pem
MD5: 67:CB:9D:C0:13:24:8A:82:9B:B2:17:1E:D1:1B:EC:D4
Alias name: entrustevca
MD5: D6:A5:C3:ED:5D:DD:3E:00:C1:3D:87:92:1F:1D:3F:E4
Alias name: secomscrootca2
MD5: 6C:39:7D:A4:0E:55:59:B2:3F:D6:41:B1:12:50:DE:43
Alias name: camerfirmachambersignca
MD5: 9E:80:FF:78:01:0C:2E:C1:36:BD:FE:96:90:6E:08:F3
Alias name: secomscrootca1
MD5: F1:BC:63:6A:54:E0:B5:27:F5:CD:E7:1A:E3:4D:6E:4A
Alias name: mozillacert121.pem
MD5: 1E:42:95:02:33:92:6B:B9:5F:C0:7F:DA:D6:B2:4B:FC


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Supported Certificate Authorities for
HTTP and HTTP Proxy Integration
Alias name: mozillacert139.pem
MD5: 27:DE:36:FE:72:B7:00:03:00:9D:F4:F0:1E:6C:04:24
Alias name: mozillacert13.pem
MD5: C5:A1:B7:FF:73:DD:D6:D7:34:32:18:DF:FC:3C:AD:88
Alias name: mozillacert64.pem
MD5: 06:9F:69:79:16:66:90:02:1B:8C:8C:A2:C3:07:6F:3A
Alias name: mozillacert110.pem
MD5: D0:A0:5A:EE:05:B6:09:94:21:A1:7D:F1:B2:29:82:02
Alias name: mozillacert128.pem
MD5: 0E:40:A7:6C:DE:03:5D:8F:D1:0F:E4:D1:8D:F9:6C:A9
Alias name: entrust2048ca
MD5: EE:29:31:BC:32:7E:9A:E6:E8:B5:F7:51:B4:34:71:90
Alias name: mozillacert53.pem
MD5: 7E:23:4E:5B:A7:A5:B4:25:E9:00:07:74:11:62:AE:D6
Alias name: mozillacert117.pem
MD5: AC:B6:94:A5:9C:17:E0:D7:91:52:9B:B1:97:06:A6:E4
Alias name: mozillacert150.pem
MD5: C5:E6:7B:BF:06:D0:4F:43:ED:C4:7A:65:8A:FB:6B:19
Alias name: thawteserverca
MD5: EE:FE:61:69:65:6E:F8:9C:C6:2A:F4:D7:2B:63:EF:A2
Alias name: secomvalicertclass1ca
MD5: 65:58:AB:15:AD:57:6C:1E:A8:A7:B5:69:AC:BF:FF:EB
Alias name: mozillacert42.pem
MD5: 74:01:4A:91:B1:08:C4:58:CE:47:CD:F0:DD:11:53:08
Alias name: verisignc2g6.pem
MD5: 7D:0B:83:E5:FB:7C:AD:07:4F:20:A9:B5:DF:63:ED:79
Alias name: godaddyrootg2ca
MD5: 80:3A:BC:22:C1:E6:FB:8D:9B:3B:27:4A:32:1B:9A:01
Alias name: gtecybertrustglobalca
MD5: CA:3D:D3:68:F1:03:5C:D0:32:FA:B8:2B:59:E8:5A:DB
Alias name: mozillacert106.pem
MD5: 7B:30:34:9F:DD:0A:4B:6B:35:CA:31:51:28:5D:AE:EC
Alias name: equifaxsecureebusinessca1
MD5: 14:C0:08:E5:A3:85:03:A3:BE:78:E9:67:4F:27:CA:EE


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Supported Certificate Authorities for
HTTP and HTTP Proxy Integration
Alias name: mozillacert93.pem
MD5: 78:4B:FB:9E:64:82:0A:D3:B8:4C:62:F3:64:F2:90:64
Alias name: quovadisrootca3
MD5: 31:85:3C:62:94:97:63:B9:AA:FD:89:4E:AF:6F:E0:CF
Alias name: quovadisrootca2
MD5: 5E:39:7B:DD:F8:BA:EC:82:E9:AC:62:BA:0C:54:00:2B
Alias name: soneraclass2ca
MD5: A3:EC:75:0F:2E:88:DF:FA:48:01:4E:0B:5C:48:6F:FB
Alias name: mozillacert31.pem
MD5: 7C:62:FF:74:9D:31:53:5E:68:4A:D5:78:AA:1E:BF:23
Alias name: mozillacert49.pem
MD5: DF:3C:73:59:81:E7:39:50:81:04:4C:34:A2:CB:B3:7B
Alias name: mozillacert82.pem
MD5: 7F:30:78:8C:03:E3:CA:C9:0A:E2:C9:EA:1E:AA:55:1A
Alias name: mozillacert146.pem
MD5: 91:F4:03:55:20:A1:F8:63:2C:62:DE:AC:FB:61:1C:8E
Alias name: baltimorecybertrustca
MD5: AC:B6:94:A5:9C:17:E0:D7:91:52:9B:B1:97:06:A6:E4
Alias name: mozillacert20.pem
MD5: 24:77:D9:A8:91:D1:3B:FA:88:2D:C2:FF:F8:CD:33:93
Alias name: mozillacert38.pem
MD5: 93:2A:3E:F6:FD:23:69:0D:71:20:D4:2B:47:99:2B:A6
Alias name: mozillacert5.pem
MD5: A1:0B:44:B3:CA:10:D8:00:6E:9D:0F:D8:0F:92:0A:D1
Alias name: mozillacert71.pem
MD5: 9E:80:FF:78:01:0C:2E:C1:36:BD:FE:96:90:6E:08:F3
Alias name: verisignclass3g4ca
MD5: 3A:52:E1:E7:FD:6F:3A:E3:6F:F3:6F:99:1B:F9:22:41
Alias name: mozillacert89.pem
MD5: DB:C8:F2:27:2E:B1:EA:6A:29:23:5D:FE:56:3E:33:DF
Alias name: mozillacert135.pem
MD5: 2C:8F:9F:66:1D:18:90:B1:47:26:9D:8E:86:82:8C:A9


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Supported Certificate Authorities for
HTTP and HTTP Proxy Integration
Alias name: camerfirmachamberscommerceca
MD5: B0:01:EE:14:D9:AF:29:18:94:76:8E:F1:69:33:2A:84
Alias name: mozillacert27.pem
MD5: CF:F4:27:0D:D4:ED:DC:65:16:49:6D:3D:DA:BF:6E:DE
Alias name: verisignc1g6.pem
MD5: 2F:A8:B4:DA:F6:64:4B:1E:82:F9:46:3D:54:1A:7C:B0
Alias name: verisignclass3g2ca
MD5: A2:33:9B:4C:74:78:73:D4:6C:E7:C1:F3:8D:CB:5C:E9
Alias name: mozillacert60.pem
MD5: B7:52:74:E2:92:B4:80:93:F2:75:E4:CC:D7:F2:EA:26
Alias name: mozillacert78.pem
MD5: 42:65:CA:BE:01:9A:9A:4C:A9:8C:41:49:CD:C0:D5:7F
Alias name: gd_bundle-g2.pem
MD5: 96:C2:50:31:BC:0D:C3:5C:FB:A7:23:73:1E:1B:41:40
Alias name: certumca
MD5: 2C:8F:9F:66:1D:18:90:B1:47:26:9D:8E:86:82:8C:A9
Alias name: deutschetelekomrootca2
MD5: 74:01:4A:91:B1:08:C4:58:CE:47:CD:F0:DD:11:53:08
Alias name: mozillacert124.pem
MD5: 27:EC:39:47:CD:DA:5A:AF:E2:9A:01:65:21:A9:4C:BB
Alias name: mozillacert16.pem
MD5: 41:03:52:DC:0F:F7:50:1B:16:F0:02:8E:BA:6F:45:C5
Alias name: secomevrootca1
MD5: 22:2D:A6:01:EA:7C:0A:F7:F0:6C:56:43:3F:77:76:D3
Alias name: mozillacert67.pem
MD5: C5:DF:B8:49:CA:05:13:55:EE:2D:BA:1A:C3:3E:B0:28
Alias name: globalsignr3ca
MD5: C5:DF:B8:49:CA:05:13:55:EE:2D:BA:1A:C3:3E:B0:28
Alias name: mozillacert113.pem
MD5: EE:29:31:BC:32:7E:9A:E6:E8:B5:F7:51:B4:34:71:90
Alias name: gdroot-g2.pem
MD5: 80:3A:BC:22:C1:E6:FB:8D:9B:3B:27:4A:32:1B:9A:01
Alias name: aolrootca2
MD5: D6:ED:3C:CA:E2:66:0F:AF:10:43:0D:77:9B:04:09:BF


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Supported Certificate Authorities for
HTTP and HTTP Proxy Integration
Alias name: trustcenteruniversalcai
MD5: 45:E1:A5:72:C5:A9:36:64:40:9E:F5:E4:58:84:67:8C
Alias name: aolrootca1
MD5: 14:F1:08:AD:9D:FA:64:E2:89:E7:1C:CF:A8:AD:7D:5E
Alias name: verisignc2g2.pem
MD5: 2D:BB:E5:25:D3:D1:65:82:3A:B7:0E:FA:E6:EB:E2:E1
Alias name: mozillacert56.pem
MD5: FB:1B:5D:43:8A:94:CD:44:C6:76:F2:43:4B:47:E7:31
Alias name: verisignclass1g3ca
MD5: B1:47:BC:18:57:D1:18:A0:78:2D:EC:71:E8:2A:95:73
Alias name: mozillacert102.pem
MD5: AA:C6:43:2C:5E:2D:CD:C4:34:C0:50:4F:11:02:4F:B6
Alias name: addtrustexternalca
MD5: 1D:35:54:04:85:78:B0:3F:42:42:4D:BF:20:73:0A:3F
Alias name: verisignc3g2.pem
MD5: A2:33:9B:4C:74:78:73:D4:6C:E7:C1:F3:8D:CB:5C:E9
Alias name: verisignclass3ca
MD5: EF:5A:F1:33:EF:F1:CD:BB:51:02:EE:12:14:4B:96:C4
Alias name: mozillacert45.pem
MD5: 1B:2E:00:CA:26:06:90:3D:AD:FE:6F:15:68:D3:6B:B3
Alias name: verisignc4g2.pem
MD5: 26:6D:2C:19:98:B6:70:68:38:50:54:19:EC:90:34:60
Alias name: digicertassuredidrootca
MD5: 87:CE:0B:7B:2A:0E:49:00:E1:58:71:9B:37:A8:93:72
Alias name: verisignclass1ca
MD5: 86:AC:DE:2B:C5:6D:C3:D9:8C:28:88:D3:8D:16:13:1E
Alias name: mozillacert109.pem
MD5: 26:01:FB:D8:27:A7:17:9A:45:54:38:1A:43:01:3B:03
Alias name: thawtepremiumserverca
MD5: A6:6B:60:90:23:9B:3F:2D:BB:98:6F:D6:A7:19:0D:46
Alias name: verisigntsaca
MD5: F2:89:95:6E:4D:05:F0:F1:A7:21:55:7D:46:11:BA:47


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Supported Certificate Authorities for
HTTP and HTTP Proxy Integration
Alias name: mozillacert96.pem
MD5: CA:FB:40:A8:4E:39:92:8A:1D:FE:8E:2F:C4:27:EA:EF
Alias name: mozillacert142.pem
MD5: 31:85:3C:62:94:97:63:B9:AA:FD:89:4E:AF:6F:E0:CF
Alias name: thawteprimaryrootca
MD5: 8C:CA:DC:0B:22:CE:F5:BE:72:AC:41:1A:11:A8:D8:12
Alias name: mozillacert34.pem
MD5: BC:6C:51:33:A7:E9:D3:66:63:54:15:72:1B:21:92:93
Alias name: mozillacert1.pem
MD5: C5:70:C4:A2:ED:53:78:0C:C8:10:53:81:64:CB:D0:1D
Alias name: xrampglobalca
MD5: A1:0B:44:B3:CA:10:D8:00:6E:9D:0F:D8:0F:92:0A:D1
Alias name: mozillacert85.pem
MD5: AA:08:8F:F6:F9:7B:B7:F2:B1:A7:1E:9B:EA:EA:BD:79
Alias name: valicertclass2ca
MD5: A9:23:75:9B:BA:49:36:6E:31:C2:DB:F2:E7:66:BA:87
Alias name: mozillacert131.pem
MD5: 34:FC:B8:D0:36:DB:9E:14:B3:C2:F2:DB:8F:E4:94:C7
Alias name: mozillacert149.pem
MD5: B0:01:EE:14:D9:AF:29:18:94:76:8E:F1:69:33:2A:84
Alias name: geotrustprimaryca
MD5: 02:26:C3:01:5E:08:30:37:43:A9:D0:7D:CF:37:E6:BF
Alias name: mozillacert23.pem
MD5: 8C:CA:DC:0B:22:CE:F5:BE:72:AC:41:1A:11:A8:D8:12
Alias name: verisignc1g2.pem
MD5: DB:23:3D:F9:69:FA:4B:B9:95:80:44:73:5E:7D:41:83
Alias name: mozillacert8.pem
MD5: 22:4D:8F:8A:FC:F7:35:C2:BB:57:34:90:7B:8B:22:16
Alias name: mozillacert74.pem
MD5: 17:35:74:AF:7B:61:1C:EB:F4:F9:3C:E2:EE:40:F9:A2
Alias name: mozillacert120.pem
MD5: 64:9C:EF:2E:44:FC:C6:8F:52:07:D0:51:73:8F:CB:3D
Alias name: geotrustglobalca
MD5: F7:75:AB:29:FB:51:4E:B7:77:5E:FF:05:3C:99:8E:F5


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Supported Certificate Authorities for
HTTP and HTTP Proxy Integration
Alias name: mozillacert138.pem
MD5: 91:1B:3F:6E:CD:9E:AB:EE:07:FE:1F:71:D2:B3:61:27
Alias name: mozillacert12.pem
MD5: 79:E4:A9:84:0D:7D:3A:96:D7:C0:4F:E2:43:4C:89:2E
Alias name: comodoaaaca
MD5: 49:79:04:B0:EB:87:19:AC:47:B0:BC:11:51:9B:74:D0
Alias name: mozillacert63.pem
MD5: F8:49:F4:03:BC:44:2D:83:BE:48:69:7D:29:64:FC:B1
Alias name: certplusclass2primaryca
MD5: 88:2C:8C:52:B8:A2:3C:F3:F7:BB:03:EA:AE:AC:42:0B
Alias name: mozillacert127.pem
MD5: F7:75:AB:29:FB:51:4E:B7:77:5E:FF:05:3C:99:8E:F5
Alias name: ttelesecglobalrootclass2ca
MD5: 2B:9B:9E:E4:7B:6C:1F:00:72:1A:CC:C1:77:79:DF:6A
Alias name: mozillacert19.pem
MD5: 37:A5:6E:D4:B1:25:84:97:B7:FD:56:15:7A:F9:A2:00
Alias name: digicerthighassuranceevrootca
MD5: D4:74:DE:57:5C:39:B2:D3:9C:85:83:C5:C0:65:49:8A
Alias name: amzninternalinfoseccag3
MD5: E9:34:94:02:BA:BB:31:6B:22:E6:2B:A9:C4:F0:26:04
Alias name: mozillacert52.pem
MD5: 21:BC:82:AB:49:C4:13:3B:4B:B2:2B:5C:6B:90:9C:19
Alias name: mozillacert116.pem
MD5: AE:B9:C4:32:4B:AC:7F:5D:66:CC:77:94:BB:2A:77:56
Alias name: globalsignca
MD5: 3E:45:52:15:09:51:92:E1:B7:5D:37:9F:B1:87:29:8A
Alias name: mozillacert41.pem
MD5: 45:E1:A5:72:C5:A9:36:64:40:9E:F5:E4:58:84:67:8C
Alias name: mozillacert59.pem
MD5: 8E:AD:B5:01:AA:4D:81:E4:8C:1D:D1:E1:14:00:95:19
Alias name: mozillacert105.pem
MD5: 5B:04:69:EC:A5:83:94:63:18:A7:86:D0:E4:F2:6E:19


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Use Usage Plans with API Keys
Alias name: trustcenterclass2caii
MD5: CE:78:33:5C:59:78:01:6E:18:EA:B9:36:A0:B9:2E:23
Alias name: mozillacert92.pem
MD5: C9:3B:0D:84:41:FC:A4:76:79:23:08:57:DE:10:19:16
Alias name: verisignc3g5.pem
MD5: CB:17:E4:31:67:3E:E2:09:FE:45:57:93:F3:0A:FA:1C
Alias name: geotrustprimarycag3
MD5: B5:E8:34:36:C9:10:44:58:48:70:6D:2E:83:D4:B8:05
Alias name: geotrustprimarycag2
MD5: 01:5E:D8:6B:BD:6F:3D:8E:A1:31:F8:12:E0:98:73:6A
Alias name: mozillacert30.pem
MD5: 15:AC:A5:C2:92:2D:79:BC:E8:7F:CB:67:ED:02:CF:36
Alias name: affirmtrustpremiumeccca
MD5: 64:B0:09:55:CF:B1:D5:99:E2:BE:13:AB:A6:5D:EA:4D
Alias name: mozillacert48.pem
MD5: B8:08:9A:F0:03:CC:1B:0D:C8:6C:0B:76:A1:75:64:23

Create and Use Usage Plans with API Keys
After you create, test, and deploy your APIs, you can use API Gateway usage plans to make them
available as product offerings for your customers. You can configure usage plans and API keys to allow
customers to access selected APIs at agreed-upon request rates and quotas that meet their business
requirements and budget constraints. If desired, you can set default method-level throttling limits for an
API or set throttling limits for individual API methods.

What Are Usage Plans and API Keys?
A usage plan specifies who can access one or more deployed API stages and methods — and also how
much and how fast they can access them. The plan uses API keys to identify API clients and meters access
to the associated API stages for each key. It also lets you configure throttling limits and quota limits
that are enforced on individual client API keys. A throttling limit is a request rate limit that is applied
to each API key that you add to the usage plan. You can also set a default method-level throttling limit
for an API or set throttling limits for individual API methods. A quota limit is the maximum number of
requests with a given API key that can be submitted within a specified time interval. You can configure
individual API methods to require API key authorization based on usage plan configuration. An API stage
is identified by an API identifier and a stage name.
API keys are alphanumeric strings that you distribute to app developer customers to grant access to
your API. You can use API keys together with usage plans (p. 293) or Lambda authorizers (p. 247) to
control access to your APIs. API Gateway can generate API keys on your behalf, or you can import them
from a CSV file.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Steps to Configure a Usage Plan

An API key can be associated with more than one usage plan. A usage plan can be associated with more
than one stage. However, a given API key can only be associated with one usage plan for each stage of
your API.


Throttling and quota limits apply to requests for individual API keys that are aggregated across
all API stages within a usage plan.
You can generate an API key in API Gateway, or import it into API Gateway from an external source. For
more information, see the section called “Set Up API Keys Using the API Gateway Console” (p. 296).

Steps to Configure a Usage Plan
The following steps outline how you, as the API owner, create and configure a usage plan for your

To configure a usage plan

Create one or more APIs, configure the methods to require an API key, and deploy the APIs in stages.


Generate or import API keys to distribute to app developers (your customers) who will be using your


Create the usage plan with the desired throttle and quota limits.


Associate API stages and API keys with the usage plan.

Callers of the API must supply an assigned API key in the x-api-key header in requests to the API.


To include API methods in a usage plan, you must configure individual API methods to require
an API key (p. 296). For user authentication and authorization, don't use API keys. Use an IAM
role, a Lambda authorizer (p. 247), or an Amazon Cognito user pool (p. 262).

Choose an API Key Source
When you associate a usage plan with an API and enable API keys on API methods, every incoming
request to the API must contain an API key (p. 5). API Gateway reads the key and compares it against the
keys in the usage plan. If there is a match, API Gateway throttles the requests according to the plan's
request limit and quota. Otherwise, it throws an InvalidKeyParameter exception. As a result, the
caller receives a 403 Forbidden response.
Your API Gateway API can receive API keys from one of two sources:
You distribute API keys to to your customers and require them to pass the API key as the X-API-Key
header of each incoming request.
You have a Lambda authorizer return the API key as part of the authorization response. For more
information on the authorization response, see the section called “Output from an Amazon API
Gateway Lambda Authorizer” (p. 254).

To choose an API key source for an API by using the API Gateway console:

Sign in to the API Gateway console.


Choose an existing API or create a new one.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Choose an API Key Source


In the primary navigation pane, choose Settings under the chosen or newly created API.


Under the API Key Source section in the Settings pane, choose HEADER or AUTHORIZER from the
drop-down list.


Choose Save Changes.

To choose an API key source for an API by using the AWS CLI, call the update-rest-api command as
aws apigateway update-rest-api --rest-api-id 1234123412 --patch-operations

To have the client submit an API key, set the value to HEADER in the above CLI command.
To choose an API key source for an API by using the API Gateway REST API, call restapi:update as
PATCH /restapis/fugvjdxtri/ HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Amz-Date: 20160603T205348Z
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential={access_key_ID}/20160603/us-east-1/
apigateway/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-length;content-type;host;x-amz-date,


"patchOperations" : [
"op" : "replace",
"path" : "/apiKeySource",
"value" : "HEADER"

To have an authorizer return an API key, set the value to AUTHORIZER in the previous
patchOperations input.
Depending on the API key source type you choose, use one of the following procedures to use headersourced API keys or authorizer-returned API keys in method invocation:

To use header-sourced API keys:

Create an API with desired API methods. And deploy the API to a stage.


Create a new usage plan or choose an existing one. Add the deployed API stage to the usage plan.
Attach an API key to the usage plan or choose an existing API key in the plan. Note the chosen API
key value.


Set up API methods to require an API key.


Redeploy the API to the same stage. If you deploy the API to a new stage, make sure to update the
usage plan to attach the new API stage.

The client can now call the API methods while supplying the x-api-key header with the chosen API key
as the header value.

To use authorizer-sourced API keys:

Create an API with desired API methods. And deploy the API to a stage.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set Up API Keys Using the API Gateway Console


Create a new usage plan or choose an existing one. Add the deployed API stage to the usage plan.
Attach an API key to the usage plan or choose an existing API key in the plan. Note the chosen API
Key value.


Create a custom Lambda authorizer of the token type. Include, as a root-level property of the
authorization response, usageIdentifierKey:{api-key}, where {api-key} stands for the API
key value mentioned in the previous step.


Set up API methods to require an API key and enable the Lambda authorizer on the methods as well.


Redeploy the API to the same stage. If you deploy the API to a new stage, make sure to update the
usage plan to attach the new API stage.

The client can now call the API key-required methods without explicitly supplying any API key. The
authorizer-returned API key is used automatically.

Set Up API Keys Using the API Gateway Console
To set up API keys, do the following:
• Configure API methods to require an API key.
• Create or import an API key for the API in a region.
Before setting up API keys, you must have created an API and deployed it to a stage.
For instructions on how to create and deploy an API by using the API Gateway console, see Creating a
REST API in Amazon API Gateway (p. 39) and Deploying a REST API in Amazon API Gateway (p. 360),
• Require API Key on a Method (p. 296)
• Create an API Key (p. 297)
• Import API Keys (p. 298)

Require API Key on a Method
The following procedure describes how to configure an API method to require an API key.

To configure an API method to require an API key

Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the API Gateway console at https://


In the API Gateway main navigation pane, choose Resources.


Under Resources, create a new method or choose an existing one.


Choose Method Request.


Under the Authorization Settings section, choose true for API Key Required.


Select the checkmark icon to save the settings.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set Up API Keys Using the API Gateway Console


Deploy or redeploy the API for the requirement to take effect.

If the API Key Required option is set to false and you don't execute the previous steps, any API key
that's associated with an API stage isn't used for the method.

Create an API Key
If you've already created or imported API keys for use with usage plans, you can skip this and the next

To create an API key

Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the API Gateway console at https://


In the API Gateway main navigation pane, choose API Keys.


From the Actions drop-down menu, choose Create API key.


In Create API Key, do the following:

Type an API key name (for example, MyFirstKey) in the Name input field.


Choose Auto Generate to have API Gateway generate the key value, or choose Custom to enter
the key manually.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set Up API Keys Using the API Gateway Console



Choose Save.

Repeat the preceding steps to create more API keys, if needed.

Import API Keys
The following procedure describes how to import API keys to use with usage plans.

To import API keys

In the main navigation pane, choose API Keys.


From the Actions drop-down menu, choose Import API keys.


To load a comma-separated key file, choose Select CSV File. You can also type the keys manually.
For information about the file format, see API Gateway API Key File Format (p. 308).


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create, Configure, and Test Usage
Plans with the API Gateway Console


Choose Fail on warnings to stop the import when there's an error, or choose Ignore warnings to
continue to import valid key entries when there's an error.


To start importing the selected API keys, choose Import.

Now that you've set up the API key, you can proceed to create and use a usage plan (p. 299).

Create, Configure, and Test Usage Plans with the API
Gateway Console
Before creating a usage plan, make sure that you've set up the desired API keys. For more information,
see Set Up API Keys Using the API Gateway Console (p. 296).
This section describes how to create and use a usage plan by using the API Gateway console.

Migrate Your API to Default Usage Plans (If Needed) (p. 299)
Create a Usage Plan (p. 300)
Test a Usage Plan (p. 302)
Maintain a Usage Plan (p. 302)

Migrate Your API to Default Usage Plans (If Needed)
If you started to use API Gateway after the usage plans feature was rolled out on August 11, 2016, you
will automatically have usage plans enabled for you in all supported regions.
If you started to use API Gateway before that date, you may need to migrate to default usage plans.
You'll be prompted with the Enable Usage Plans option before using usage plans for the first time in


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create, Configure, and Test Usage
Plans with the API Gateway Console

the selected region. When you enable this option, you have default usage plans created for every unique
API stage that's associated with existing API keys. In the default usage plan, no throttle or quota limits
are set initially, and the associations between the API keys and API stages are copied to the usage plans.
The API behaves the same as before. However, you must use the UsagePlan apiStages property to
associate specified API stage values (apiId and stage) with included API keys (via UsagePlanKey),
instead of using the ApiKey stageKeys property.
To check whether you've already migrated to default usage plans, use the get-account CLI command.
In the command output, the features list will include an entry of "UsagePlans" when usage plans are
You can also migrate your APIs to default usage plans by using the AWS CLI as follows:

To migrate to default usage plans using the AWS CLI

Call this CLI command: update-account.


For the cli-input-json parameter, use the following JSON:




"op": "add",
"path": "/features",
"value": "UsagePlans"

Create a Usage Plan
The following procedure describes how to create a usage plan.

To create a usage plan

In the Amazon API Gateway main navigation pane, choose Usage Plans, and then choose Create.


Under Create Usage Plan, do the following:

For Name, type a name for your plan (for example, Plan_A).


For Description, type a description for your plan.


Select Enable throttling, and set Rate (for example, 100) and Burst (for example, 200).


Choose Enable quota, and set its limit (for example, 5000) for a selected time interval (for
example, Month).


Choose Next.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create, Configure, and Test Usage
Plans with the API Gateway Console



To add a stage to the plan, do the following in the Associated API Stages pane:

Choose Add API Stage.


Choose an API (for example, PetStore) from the API drop-down list.


Choose a stage (for example, Stage_1) from the Stage drop-down list.


Choose the checkmark icon to save.

To configure method throttling (p. 373), do the following:

Choose Configure Method Throttling.


Choose Add Resource/Method.


Choose the resource from the Resource drop-down menu.


Choose the method from the Method drop-down menu.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create, Configure, and Test Usage
Plans with the API Gateway Console


Set Rate (requests per second) (for example, 100) and Burst (for example, 200).
Choose the checkmark icon to save.
Choose Close.

To add a key to the plan, do the following in the API Keys tab:

To use an existing key, choose Add API Key to Usage Plan.


For Name, type a name for the key you want to add (for example, MyFirstKey).
Choose the checkmark icon to save.


As needed, repeat the preceding steps to add other existing API keys to this usage plan.


Alternatively, to create a new API key and add it to the usage plan, choose Create API Key
and add to Usage Plan and follow the instructions.



An API key can be associated with more than one usage plan. A usage plan can be
associated with more than one stage. However, a given API key can only be associated with
one usage plan for each stage of your API.
To finish creating the usage plan, choose Done.
If you want to add more API stages to the usage plan, choose Add API Stage to repeat the preceding

Test a Usage Plan
To test the usage plan, you can use an AWS SDK, AWS CLI, or a REST API client like Postman. For an
example of using Postman to test the usage plan, see Test Usage Plans (p. 308).

Maintain a Usage Plan
Maintaining a usage plan involves monitoring the used and remaining quotas over a given time period
and, if needed, extending the remaining quotas by a specified amount. The following procedures
describe how to monitor and extend quotas.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set Up API Keys Using the API Gateway REST API

To monitor used and remaining quotas

In the API Gateway main navigation pane, choose Usage Plans.


Choose a usage plan from the list of usage plans.


From within the specified plan, choose API Keys.


Choose an API key, and then choose Usage to view Subscriber's Traffic from the plan you're


Optionally, choose Export, choose a From date and a To date, choose JSON or CSV for the exported
data format, and then choose Export.
The following example shows an exported file.


"thisPeriod": {
"px1KW6...qBazOJH": [
"startDate": "2016-08-01",
"endDate": "2016-08-03"

The usage data in the example shows the daily usage data for an API client, as identified by the API
key (px1KW6...qBazOJH), between August 1, 2016 and August 3, 2016. Each daily usage data
shows used and remaining quotas. In this example, the subscriber hasn't used any allotted quotas
yet, and the API owner or administrator has reduced the remaining quota from 5000 to 10 on the
third day.

To extend the remaining quotas

Repeat steps 1–3 of the previous procedure.


In the usage plan pane, choose Extension from the usage plan window.


Type a number for the Remaining request quotas.


Choose Save.

Set Up API Keys Using the API Gateway REST API
To set up API keys, do the following:
• Configure API methods to require an API key.
• Create or import an API key for the API in a region.
Before setting up API keys, you must have created an API and deployed it to a stage.

Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create, Configure, and Test Usage Plans
Using the API Gateway CLI and REST API

For the REST API calls to create and deploy an API, see restapi:create and deployment:create,
• Require an API Key on a Method (p. 304)
• Create or Import API Keys (p. 304)

Require an API Key on a Method
To require an API key on a method, do one of the following:
• Call method:put to create a method. Set apiKeyRequired to true in the request payload.
• Call method:update to set apiKeyRequired to true.

Create or Import API Keys
To create or import an API key, do one of the following:
• Call apikey:create to create an API key.
• Call apikey:import to import an API key from a file. For the file format, see API Gateway API Key File
Format (p. 308).
With the API key created, you can now proceed to Create, Configure, and Test Usage Plans Using the API
Gateway CLI and REST API (p. 304).

Create, Configure, and Test Usage Plans Using the API
Gateway CLI and REST API
Before configuring a usage plan, you must have already done the following: set up methods of a selected
API to require API keys, deployed or redeployed the API to a stage, and created or imported one or more
API keys. For more information, see Set Up API Keys Using the API Gateway REST API (p. 303).
To configure a usage plan by using the API Gateway REST API, use the following instructions, assuming
that you've already created the APIs to be added to the usage plan.
• Migrate to Default Usage Plans (p. 304)
• Create a Usage Plan (p. 305)
• Manage a Usage Plan by Using the REST API (p. 305)
• Manage a Usage Plan by Using the AWS CLI (p. 307)
• Test Usage Plans (p. 308)

Migrate to Default Usage Plans
When creating a usage plan the first time, you can migrate existing API stages that are associated with
selected API keys to a usage plan by calling account:update with the following body:

"patchOperations" : [ {
"op" : "add",


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create, Configure, and Test Usage Plans
Using the API Gateway CLI and REST API


"path" : "/features",
"value" : "UsagePlans"
} ]

For more information about migrating API stages associated with API keys, see Migrate to Default Usage
Plans in the API Gateway Console (p. 299).

Create a Usage Plan
The following procedure describes how to create a usage plan.

To create a usage plan with the REST API

Call usageplan:create to create a usage plan. In the payload, specify the name and description of
the plan, associated API stages, rate limits, and quotas.
Make note of the resultant usage plan identifier. You need it in the next step.


Do one of the following:

Call usageplankey:create to add an API key to the usage plan. Specify keyId and keyType
in the payload.
To add more API keys to the usage plan, repeat the previous call, one API key at a time.


Call apikey:import to add one or more API keys directly to the specified usage plan. The
request payload should contain API key values, the associated usage plan identifier, the Boolean
flags to indicate that the keys are enabled for the usage plan, and, possibly, the API key names
and descriptions.
The following example of the apikey:import request adds three API keys (as identified by
key, name, and description) to one usage plan (as identified by usageplanIds):
POST /apikeys?mode=import&format=csv&failonwarnings=fase HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: text/csv
Authorization: ...
key,name, description, enabled,

importedKey_1, firstone, tRuE, n371pt
importedKey_2, secondone, TRUE, n371pt
, true, n371pt

As a result, three UsagePlanKey resources are created and added to the UsagePlan.
You can also add API keys to more than one usage plan this way. To do this, change each
usageplanIds column value to a comma-separated string that contains the selected
usage plan identifiers, and is enclosed within a pair of quotes ("n371pt,m282qs" or


An API key can be associated with more than one usage plan. A usage plan can be
associated with more than one stage. However, a given API key can only be associated
with one usage plan for each stage of your API.

Manage a Usage Plan by Using the REST API
The following API methods can be used to manage a usage plan.

Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create, Configure, and Test Usage Plans
Using the API Gateway CLI and REST API

• Call usageplan:by-id to get a usage plan of a given plan ID. To see the available usage plans, call
• Call usageplan:update to add a new API stage to the plan, replace an existing API stage in the plan,
remove an API stage from the plan, or modify the rate limits or quotas.
• Call usage:get to query the usage data in a specified time interval.
• Call usage:update to grant an extension to the current usage in a usage plan.
The following code examples show how to add, remove, or modify the method-level throttling settings
in a usage plan by calling the usageplan:update command.


Be sure to change us-east-1 to the appropriate region value for your API.
To add the throttling limit for all methods in an API stage, call usageplan:update with the following


"op" : "add",
"path" : "/apiStages//throttle",
"value" : ""

To replace the throttling limit for all methods in an API stage, call usageplan:update with the
following payload:


"op" : "replace",
"path" : "/apiStages//throttle",
"value" : ""

To add a rate limit for throttling an individual resource and method, call usageplan:update with the
following payload:


"op" : "add",
"path" : "/apiStages//throttle//rateLimit",
"value" : ""

To replace a rate limit for throttling an individual resource and method, call usageplan:update with
the following payload:


"op" : "replace",
"path" : "/apiStages//throttle//rateLimit",
"value" : ""

To add or replace a burst limit for throttling an individual resource and method, call
usageplan:update with the following payload:

"op" : "add",
"path" : "/apiStages//throttle//burstLimit",
"value" : ""


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create, Configure, and Test Usage Plans
Using the API Gateway CLI and REST API

To replace a burst limit for throttling an individual resource and method, call usageplan:update with
the following payload:


"op" : "replace",
"path" : "/apiStages//throttle//burstLimit",
"value" : ""

To remove method-level throttling settings for an API, call usageplan:update with the following


"op" : "remove",
"path" : "/apiStages//throttle",
"value" : ""

To remove the method-level throttling settings for an individual resource and method, call
usageplan:update with the following payload:


"op" : "remove",
"path" : "/apiStages//throttle/",
"value" : ""

Manage a Usage Plan by Using the AWS CLI
The following code examples show how to add, remove, or modify the method-level throttling settings
in a usage plan by calling the update-usage-plan command.


Be sure to change us-east-1 to the appropriate region value for your API.
To add or replace a rate limit for throttling an individual resource and method:
aws apigateway --region us-east-1 update-usage-plan --usage-plan-id  --patchoperations

To add or replace a burst limit for throttling an individual resource and method:
aws apigateway --region us-east-1 update-usage-plan --usage-plan-id 
--patch-operations op="replace",path="/apiStages/:/

To remove the method-level throttling settings for an individual resource and method:
aws apigateway --region us-east-1 update-usage-plan --usage-plan-id 
--patch-operations op="remove",path="/apiStages/:/


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
API Gateway API Key File Format

To remove all method-level throttling settings for an API:
aws apigateway --region us-east-1 update-usage-plan --usage-plan-id  --patchoperations op="remove",path="/apiStages/:/throttle ",value=""

Here is an example using the Pet Store sample API:
aws apigateway --region us-east-1 update-usage-plan --usage-plan-id  --patchoperations

Test Usage Plans
As an example, let's use the PetStore API, which was created in Build an API Gateway API from an
Example (p. 516). Assume that the API is configured to use an API key of Hiorr45VR...c4GJc. The
following steps describe how to test a usage plan.

To test your usage plan

Make a GET request on the Pets resource (/pets), with the ?type=...&page=... query
parameters, of the API (for example, xbvxlpijch) in a usage plan:
GET /testStage/pets?type=dog&page=1 HTTP/1.1
x-api-key: Hiorr45VR...c4GJc
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
X-Amz-Date: 20160803T001845Z
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential={access_key_ID}/20160803/ap-southeast-1/
execute-api/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-type;host;x-amz-date;x-api-key,


You must submit this request to the execute-api component of API Gateway and provide
the required API key (for example, Hiorr45VR...c4GJc) in the required x-api-key
The successful response returns a 200 OK status code and a payload that contains the requested
results from the backend. If you forget to set the x-api-key header or set it with an incorrect key,
you get a 403 Forbidden response. However, if you didn't configure the method to require an API
key, you will likely get a 200 OK response whether you set the x-api-key header correctly or not,
and the throttle and quota limits of the usage plan are bypassed.
Occasionally, when an internal error occurs where API Gateway is unable to enforce usage plan
throttling limits or quotas for the request, API Gateway serves the request without applying the
throttling limits or quotas as specified in the usage plan. But, it logs an error message of Usage
Plan check failed due to an internal error in CloudWatch. You can ignore such
occasional errors.

API Gateway API Key File Format
API Gateway can import API keys from external files of a comma-separated value (CSV) format, and then
associate the imported keys with one or more usage plans. The imported file must contain the Name and
Key columns. The column header names aren't case sensitive, and columns can be in any order, as shown
in the following example:


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
API Gateway API Key File Format


A Key value must be between 30 and 128 characters.
An API key file can also have the Description, Enabled, or UsagePlanIds column, as shown in the
following example:
MyFirstApiKey,apikey1234abcdefghij0123456789,An imported key,TRUE,c7y23b

When a key is associated with more than one usage plan, the UsagePlanIds value is a commaseparated string of the usage plan IDs, enclosed with a pair of double or single quotes, as shown in the
following example:

Unrecognized columns are permitted, but are ignored. The default value is an empty string or a true
Boolean value.
The same API key can be imported multiple times, with the most recent version overwriting the previous
one. Two API keys are identical if they have the same key value.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Representation of API Documentation in API Gateway

Documenting a REST API in API
To help customers understand and use your API, you should document the API. To help you document
your API, API Gateway lets you add and update the help content for individual API entities as an integral
part of your API development process. API Gateway stores the source content and enables you to archive
different versions of the documentation. You can associate a documentation version with an API stage,
export a stage-specific documentation snapshot to an external OpenAPI file, and distribute the file as a
publication of the documentation.
To document your API, you can call the API Gateway REST API, use one of the AWS SDKs or AWS CLIs for
API Gateway, or use the API Gateway console. In addition, you can import or export the documentation
parts defined in an external OpenAPI file. Before explaining how to document your API, we'll show how
API documentation is represented in API Gateway.
• Representation of API Documentation in API Gateway (p. 310)
• Document an API Using the API Gateway Console (p. 318)
• Document an API Using the API Gateway REST API (p. 326)
• Publish API Documentation (p. 341)
• Import API Documentation (p. 348)
• Control Access to API Documentation (p. 352)

Representation of API Documentation in API
API Gateway API documentation consists of individual documentation parts associated with specific API
entities that include API, resource, method, request, response, message parameters (i.e., path, query,
header), as well as authorizers and models.
In API Gateway, a documentation part is represented by a DocumentationPart resource. The API
documentation as a whole is represented by the DocumentationParts collection.
Documenting an API involves creating DocumentationPart instances, adding them to the
DocumentationParts collection, and maintaining versions of the documentation parts as your API
• Documentation Parts (p. 310)
• Documentation Versions (p. 317)

Documentation Parts
A DocumentationPart resource is a JSON object that stores the documentation content applicable to an
individual API entity. Its properties field contains the documentation content as a map of key-value
pairs. Its location property identifies the associated API entity.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Documentation Parts

The shape of a content map is determined by you, the API developer. The value of a key-value pair
can be a string, number, boolean, object, or array. The shape of the location object depends on the
targeted entity type.
The DocumentationPart resource supports content inheritance: the documentation content of
an API entity is applicable to children of that API entity. For more information about the definition
of child entities and content inheritance, see Inherit Content from an API Entity of More General
Specification (p. 312).

Location of a Documentation Part
The location property of a DocumentationPart instance identifies an API entity to which the associated
content applies. The API entity can be an API Gateway REST API resource, such as RestApi, Resource,
Method, MethodResponse, Authorizer, or Model. The entity can also be a message parameter, such as
a URL path parameter, a query string parameter, a request or response header parameter, a request or
response body, or response status code.
To specify an API entity, set the type attribute of the location object to be one of API,
Depending on the type of an API entity, you might specify other location attributes, including
method, name, path, and statusCode. Not all of these attributes are valid for a given API entity. For
example, type, path, name, and statusCode are valid attributes of the RESPONSE entity; only type
and path are valid location attributes of the RESOURCE entity. It is an error to include an invalid field in
the location of a DocumentationPart for a given API entity.
Not all valid location fields are required. For example, type is both the valid and required location
field of all API entities. However, method, path, and statusCode are valid but not required attributes
for the RESPONSE entity. When not explicitly specified, a valid location field assumes its default
value. The default path value is /, i.e., the root resource of an API. The default value of method, or
statusCode is *, meaning any method, or status code values, respectively.

Content of a Documentation Part
The properties value is encoded as a JSON string. The properties value contains any information
you choose to meet your documentation requirements. For example, the following is a valid content


"info": {
"description": "My first API with Amazon API Gateway."
"x-custom-info" : "My custom info, recognized by OpenAPI.",
"my-info" : "My custom info not recognized by OpenAPI."

To set it as a value of properties using the API Gateway REST API, encode this object as a JSON string:
"{\n\t\"info\": {\n\t\t\"description\": \"My first API with Amazon API Gateway.\"\n\t}, …

Although API Gateway accepts any valid JSON string as the content map, the content attributes are
treated as two categories: those that can be recognized by OpenAPI and those that cannot. In the
preceding example, info, description, and x-custom-info are recognized by OpenAPI as a standard
OpenAPI object, property, or extension. In contrast, my-info is not compliant with the OpenAPI


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Documentation Parts

specification. API Gateway propagates OpenAPI-compliant content attributes into the API entity
definitions from the associated DocumentationPart instances. API Gateway does not propagate the
non-compliant content attributes into the API entity definitions.
As another example, here is DocumentationPart targeted for a Resource entity:


"location" : {
"type" : "RESOURCE",
"path": "/pets"
"properties" : {
"summary" : "The /pets resource represents a collection of pets in PetStore.",
"description": "... a child resource under the root...",

Here, both type and path are valid fields to identify the target of the RESOURCE type. For the root
resource (/), you can omit the path field.


"location" : {
"type" : "RESOURCE"
"properties" : {
"description" : "The root resource with the default path specification."

This is the same as the following DocumentationPart instance:


"location" : {
"type" : "RESOURCE",
"path": "/"
"properties" : {
"description" : "The root resource with an explicit path specification"

Inherit Content from an API Entity of More General
The default value of an optional location field provides a patterned description of an API entity. Using
the default value in the location object, you can add a general description in the properties map
to a DocumentationPart instance with this type of location pattern. API Gateway extracts the
applicable OpenAPI documentation attributes from the DocumentationPart of the generic API entity
and injects them into a specific API entity with the location fields matching the general location
pattern, or matching the exact value, unless the specific entity already has a DocumentationPart
instance associated with it. This behavior is also known as content inheritance from an API entity of more
general specifications.
Content inheritance does not apply to API entities of the API, AUTHORIZER, METHOD, MODEL,
When an API entity matches more than one DocumentationPart's location pattern, the entity will
inherit the documentation part with the location fields of the highest precedence and specificities. The


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Documentation Parts

order of precedence is path > statusCode. For matching with the path field, API Gateway chooses the
entity with the most specific path value. The following table shows this with a few examples.
Case path












1 and
2 are
2 is







Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Documentation Parts

Case path



1, 2,
3 are
has a
2 and
Here is another example to contrast a more generic DocumentationPart instance to a more specific
one. The following general error message of "Invalid request error" is injected into the OpenAPI
definitions of the 400 error responses, unless overridden.


"location" : {
"type" : "RESPONSE",
"statusCode": "400"
"properties" : {
"description" : "Invalid request error."

With the following overwrite, the 400 responses to any methods on the /pets resource has a
description of "Invalid petId specified" instead.

"location" : {
"type" : "RESPONSE",
"path": "/pets",
"statusCode": "400"
"properties" : "{


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Documentation Parts



"description" : "Invalid petId specified."

Valid Location Fields of DocumentationPart
The following table shows the valid and required fields as well as applicable default values of a
DocumentationPart resource that is associated with a given type of API entities.
API entity

Valid location fields


Default field






The default value
of path is /.



The default values
of path and
method are / and
*, respectively.

Yes, matching
path by prefix
and matching
method of
any values.


The default values
of path and
method are / and
*, respectively.

Yes, matching
path by prefix
and matching
method by
exact values.


The default values
of path, and
method are /and *,

Yes, matching
path by
prefix, and

"location": {
"type": "API"



location fields


"location": {
"type": "RESOURCE",




"location": {
"type": "METHOD",



"location": {




"location": {


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Documentation Parts

API entity

Valid location fields

location fields

Default field

method by
exact values.




type, name

The default values
of path and
method are / and
*, respectively.

Yes, matching
path by prefix
and matching
method by
exact values.


type, name

The default values
of path and
method are / and
*, respectively.

Yes, matching
path by prefix
and matching
method by
exact values.



The default values
of path, method,
and statusCode
are /, * and *,

Yes, matching
path by prefix
and matching
method and
by exact

"location": {


"location": {
"path": "resource/


"location": {
"type": "RESPONSE",



Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Documentation Versions

API entity

Valid location fields



location fields

Default field


type, name

The default values
of path, method
and statusCode
are /, * and *,

Yes, matching
path by prefix
and matching
method, and
by exact


The default values
of path, method
and statusCode
are /, * and *,

Yes, matching
path by prefix
and matching
method, and
by exact







"location": {




"location": {




"location": {





"location": {
"type": "MODEL",
"name": "model_name"

Documentation Versions
A documentation version is a snapshot of the DocumentationParts collection of an API and is tagged
with a version identifier. Publishing the documentation of an API involves creating a documentation
version, associating it with an API stage, and exporting that stage-specific version of the API


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Document an API Using the API Gateway Console

documentation to an external OpenAPI file. In API Gateway, a documentation snapshot is represented as
a DocumentationVersion resource.
As you update an API, you create new versions of the API. In API Gateway, you maintain all the
documentation versions using the DocumentationVersions collection.

Document an API Using the API Gateway Console
In this section, we describe how to create and maintain documentation parts of an API using the API
Gateway console.
A prerequisite for creating and editing the documentation of an API is that you must have already
created the API. In this section, we use the PetStore API as an example. To create an API using the API
Gateway console, follow the instructions in Build an API Gateway API from an Example (p. 516).
• Document the API Entity (p. 318)
• Document a RESOURCE Entity (p. 321)
• Document a METHOD Entity (p. 321)
• Document a QUERY_PARAMETER Entity (p. 322)
• Document a PATH_PARAMETER Entity (p. 323)
• Document a REQUEST_HEADER Entity (p. 323)
• Document a REQUEST_BODY Entity (p. 324)
• Document a RESPONSE Entity (p. 324)
• Document a RESPONSE_HEADER Entity (p. 324)
• Document a RESPONSE_BODY Entity (p. 325)
• Document a MODEL Entity (p. 325)
• Document an AUTHORIZER Entity (p. 326)

Document the API Entity
To add a documentation part for the API entity, choose Resources from the PetStore API. Choose the
Actions → Edit API Documentation menu item.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Document the API Entity

If a documentation part was not created for the API, you get the documentation part's properties
map editor. Type the following properties map in the text editor and then choose Save to create the
documentation part.


"info": {
"description": "Your first API Gateway API.",
"contact": {
"name": "John Doe",
"email": ""


You do not encode the properties map into a JSON string, as you must do when using the API
Gateway REST API. The API Gateway console stringifies the JSON object for you.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Document the API Entity

If a documentation part has already been created, you first get the properties map viewer, as shown in
the following.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Document a RESOURCE Entity

Choosing Edit brings up the properties map editor as shown previously.

Document a RESOURCE Entity
To add or edit the documentation part for the API's root resource, choose / under the Resource tree, and
then choose the Actions → Edit Resource Documentation menu item.
If no documentation part was created for this entity, you get the Documentation window. Type a valid
properties map in the editor. Then choose Save and Close.

"description": "The PetStore's root resource."

If a documentation part has already been defined for the RESOURCE entity, you get the documentation
viewer. Choose Edit to open the Documentation editor. Modify the existing properties map. Choose
Save and then choose Close.
If necessary, repeat these steps to add a documentation part to other RESOURCE entities.

Document a METHOD Entity
To add or edit documentation for a METHOD entity, using the GET method on the root resource as an
example, choose GET under the / resource and the choose the Actions → Edit Method Documentation
menu item.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Document a QUERY_PARAMETER Entity

For the new documentation part, type the following properties map in the Documentation editor in
the Documentation window. Then choose Save and Close.

"tags" : [ "pets" ],
"description" : "PetStore HTML web page containing API usage information"

For the existing documentation, choose Edit from the Documentation viewer. Edit the documentation
content in the Documentation editor and choose Save. Choose Close.
From the Documentation viewer, you can also delete the documentation part.
If necessary, repeat these steps to add a documentation part to other methods.

Document a QUERY_PARAMETER Entity
To add or edit a documentation part for a request query parameter, using the GET /pets?
type=...&page=... method as an example, choose GET under /pets from the Resources tree. Choose
Method Request in the Method Execution window. Expand the URL Query String Parameters section.
Choose the page query parameter, for example, and choose the book icon to open the Documentation
viewer or editor.

Alternatively, you can choose Documentation under the PetStore API from the main navigation pane.
Then choose Query Parameter for Type. For the PetStore example API, this shows the documentation
parts for the page and type query parameters.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Document a PATH_PARAMETER Entity

For an API with query parameters defined for other methods, you can filter your selection by specifying
the path of the affected resource for Path, choosing the desired HTTP method from Method, or typing
the query parameter name in Name.
For example, choose the page query parameter. Choose Edit to modify the existing documentation.
Choose Save to save the change.
To add a new documentation part for a QUERY_PARAMETER entity, choose Create Documentation Part.
Choose Query Parameter for Type. Type a resource path (e.g., /pets) in Path. Choose an HTTP verb
(e.g., GET) for Method. Type a properties description in the text editor. Then choose Save.
If necessary, repeat these steps to add a documentation part to other request query parameters.

Document a PATH_PARAMETER Entity
To add or edit documentation for a path parameter, go to Method Request of the method on the
resource specified by the path parameter. Expand the Request Paths section. Choose the book icon for
the path parameter to open the Documentation viewer or editor. Add or modify the properties of the
documentation part.
Alternatively, choose Documentation under the PetStore API from the main navigation pane. Choose
Path Parameter for Type. Choose Edit on a path parameter from the list. Modify the content and then
choose Save.
To add documentation for a path parameter not listed, choose Create Documentation Part. Choose
Path Parameter for Type. Set a resource path in Path, choose a method from Method, and set a path
parameter name in Name. Add the documentation's properties and choose Save.
If required, repeat these steps to add or edit a documentation part to other path parameters.

Document a REQUEST_HEADER Entity
To add or edit documentation for a request header, go to Method Request of the method with the
header parameter. Expand the HTTP Request Headers section. Choose the book icon for the header to
open the Documentation viewer or editor. Add or modify the properties of the documentation part.
Alternatively, choose Documentation under the API from the main navigation pane. Then choose
Request Header for Type. Choose Edit on a listed request header to change the documentation. To


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Document a REQUEST_BODY Entity

add documentation for an unlisted request header, choose Create Documentation Part. Choose Request
Header for Type. Specify a resource path in Path. Choose a method for Method. Type a header name in
Name. Then add and save a properties map.
If required, repeat these steps to add or edit a documentation part to other request headers.

Document a REQUEST_BODY Entity
To add or edit documentation for a request body, go to Method Request for a method. Choose the book
icon for Request Body to open the Documentation viewer and then editor. Add or modify the properties
of the documentation part.
Alternatively, choose Documentation under the API from the main navigation pane. Then choose
Request Body for Type. Choose Edit on a listed request body to change the documentation. To add
documentation for an unlisted request body, choose Create Documentation Part. Choose Request
Body for Type. Set a resource path in Path. Choose an HTTP verb for Method. Then add and save a
properties map.
If required, repeat these steps to add or edit a documentation part to other request bodies.

Document a RESPONSE Entity
To add or edit documentation for a response, go to Method Response of a method. Choose the book
icon for Method Response to open the Documentation viewer and then editor. Add or modify the
properties of the documentation part.

Alternatively, choose Documentation under the API from the main navigation pane. Then choose
Response (status code) for Type. Choose Edit on a listed response of a specified HTTP status code
to change the documentation. To add documentation for an unlisted response body, choose Create
Documentation Part. Choose Response (status code) for Type. Set a resource path in Path. Choose an
HTTP verb for Method. Type an HTTP status code in Status Code. Then add and save the documentation
part properties.
If required, repeat these steps to add or edit a documentation part to other responses.

Document a RESPONSE_HEADER Entity
To add or edit documentation for a response header, go to Method Response of a method. Expand a
response section of a given HTTP status. Choose the book icon for a response header under Response
Headers for StatusCode to open the Documentation viewer and then editor. Add or modify the
properties of the documentation part.
Alternatively, choose Documentation under the API from the main navigation pane. Then choose
Response Header for Type. Choose Edit on a listed response header to change the documentation.
To add documentation for an unlisted response header, choose Create Documentation Part. Choose


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Document a RESPONSE_BODY Entity

Response Header for Type. Set a resource path in Path. Choose an HTTP verb for Method. Type an
HTTP status code in Status Code. Type the response header name in Name. Then add and save the
documentation part properties.
If required, repeat these steps to add or edit a documentation part to other response headers.

Document a RESPONSE_BODY Entity
To add or edit documentation for a response body, go to Method Response of a method. Expand the
response section of a given HTTP status. Choose the book icon for Response Body for StatusCode to
open the Documentation viewer and then editor. Add or modify the properties of the documentation
Alternatively, choose Documentation under the API from the main navigation pane. Then choose
Response Body for Type. Choose Edit on a listed response body to change the documentation. To add
documentation for an unlisted response body, choose Create Documentation Part. Choose Response
Body for Type. Set a resource path in Path. Choose an HTTP verb for Method. Type an HTTP status code
in Status Code. Then add and save the documentation part properties.
If required, repeat these steps to add or edit a documentation part to other response bodies.

Document a MODEL Entity
Documenting a MODEL entity involves creating and managing DocumentPart instances for the model
and each of the model's properties'. For example, for the Error model that comes with every API by
default has the following schema definition,


"$schema" : "",
"title" : "Error Schema",
"type" : "object",
"properties" : {
"message" : { "type" : "string" }

and requires two DocumentationPart instances, one for the Model and the other for its message


"location": {
"type": "MODEL",
"name": "Error"
"properties": {
"title": "Error Schema",
"description": "A description of the Error model"


"location": {
"type": "MODEL",
"name": "Error.message"
"properties": {


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Document an AUTHORIZER Entity



"description": "An error message."

When the API is exported, the DocumentationPart's properties will override the values in the original
To add or edit documentation for a model, go to Models of the API in the main navigation pane. Choose
the book icon for the name of a listed model to open the Documentation viewer and then editor. Add or
modify the properties of the documentation part.
Alternatively, choose Documentation under the API from the main navigation pane. Then choose Model
for Type. Choose Edit on a listed model to change the documentation. To add documentation for an
unlisted model, choose Create Documentation Part. Choose Model for Type. Give a name to the model
in Name. Then add and save the documentation part properties.
If required, repeat these steps to add or edit a documentation part to other models.

Document an AUTHORIZER Entity
To add or edit documentation for an authorizer, go to Authorizers for the API in the main navigation
pane. Choose the book icon for the listed authorizer to open the Documentation viewer and then editor.
Add or modify the properties of the documentation part.
Alternatively, choose Documentation under the API from the main navigation pane. Then choose
Authorizer for Type. Choose Edit on a listed authorizer to change the documentation. To add
documentation for an unlisted authorizer, choose Create Documentation Part. Choose Authorizer for
Type. Give a name to the authorizer in Name. Then add and save the documentation part properties.
If required, repeat these steps to add or edit a documentation part to other authorizers.
To add a documentation part for an authorizer, choose Create Documentation Part. Choose Authorizer
for Type. Specify a value for the valid location field of Name for the authorizer.
Add and save the documentation content in the properties map editor.
If required, repeat these steps to add a documentation part to another authorizer.

Document an API Using the API Gateway REST API
In this section, we describe how to create and maintain documentation parts of an API using the API
Gateway REST API.
Before creating and editing the documentation of an API, first create the API. In this section, we use the
PetStore API as an example. To create an API using the API Gateway console, follow the instructions in
Build an API Gateway API from an Example (p. 516).
• Document the API Entity (p. 327)
• Document a RESOURCE Entity (p. 328)

Document a METHOD Entity (p. 330)
Document a QUERY_PARAMETER Entity (p. 333)
Document a PATH_PARAMETER Entity (p. 334)
Document a REQUEST_BODY Entity (p. 334)
Document a REQUEST_HEADER Entity (p. 335)


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Document the API Entity

• Document a RESPONSE Entity (p. 336)
• Document a RESPONSE_HEADER Entity (p. 337)
• Document an AUTHORIZER Entity (p. 338)
• Document a MODEL Entity (p. 339)
• Update Documentation Parts (p. 341)
• List Documentation Parts (p. 341)

Document the API Entity
To add documentation for an API, add a DocumentationPart resource for the API entity:
POST /restapis/restapi_id/documentation/parts HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Amz-Date: YYYYMMDDTttttttZ
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=access_key_id/YYYYMMDD/region/
apigateway/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-length;content-type;host;x-amz-date,

"location" : {
"type" : "API"
"properties": "{\n\t\"info\": {\n\t\t\"description\" : \"Your first API with Amazon API


If successful, the operation returns a 201 Created response containing the newly created
DocumentationPart instance in the payload. For example:

"id": "s2e5xf",
"location": {
"path": null,
"method": null,
"name": null,
"statusCode": null,
"type": "API"
"properties": "{\n\t\"info\": {\n\t\t\"description\" : \"Your first API with Amazon API


If the documentation part has already been added, a 409 Conflict response returns, containing the
error message of Documentation part already exists for the specified location: type
'API'." In this case, you must call the documentationpart:update operation.
PATCH /restapis/4wk1k4onj3/documentation/parts/part_id HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Amz-Date: YYYYMMDDTttttttZ
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=access_key_id/YYYYMMDD/region/
apigateway/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-length;content-type;host;x-amz-date,

"patchOperations" : [ {


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Document a RESOURCE Entity
"op" : "replace",
"path" : "/properties",
"value" : "{\n\t\"info\": {\n\t\t\"description\" : \"Your first API with Amazon API
} ]


The successful response returns a 200 OK status code with the payload containing the updated
DocumentationPart instance in the payload.

Document a RESOURCE Entity
To add documentation for the root resource of an API, add a DocumentationPart resource targeted for
the corresponding Resource resource:
POST /restapis/restapi_id/documentation/parts HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Amz-Date: YYYYMMDDTttttttZ
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=access_key_id/YYYYMMDD/region/
apigateway/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-length;content-type;host;x-amz-date,


"location" : {
"type" : "RESOURCE",
"properties" : "{\n\t\"description\" : \"The PetStore root resource.\"\n}"

If successful, the operation returns a 201 Created response containing the newly created
DocumentationPart instance in the payload. For example:

"_links": {
"curies": {
"href": "{rel}.html",
"name": "documentationpart",
"templated": true
"self": {
"href": "/restapis/4wk1k4onj3/documentation/parts/p76vqo"
"documentationpart:delete": {
"href": "/restapis/4wk1k4onj3/documentation/parts/p76vqo"
"documentationpart:update": {
"href": "/restapis/4wk1k4onj3/documentation/parts/p76vqo"
"id": "p76vqo",
"location": {
"path": "/",
"method": null,
"name": null,
"statusCode": null,
"type": "RESOURCE"
"properties": "{\n\t\"description\" : \"The PetStore root resource.\"\n}"


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Document a RESOURCE Entity

When the resource path is not specified, the resource is assumed to be the root resource. You can add
"path": "/" to properties to make the specification explicit.
To create documentation for a child resource of an API, add a DocumentationPart resource targeted for
the corresponding Resource resource:
POST /restapis/restapi_id/documentation/parts HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Amz-Date: YYYYMMDDTttttttZ
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=access_key_id/YYYYMMDD/region/
apigateway/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-length;content-type;host;x-amz-date,

"location" : {
"type" : "RESOURCE",
"path" : "/pets"
"properties": "{\n\t\"description\" : \"A child resource under the root of PetStore.

If successful, the operation returns a 201 Created response containing the newly created
DocumentationPart instance in the payload. For example:

"_links": {
"curies": {
"href": "{rel}.html",
"name": "documentationpart",
"templated": true
"self": {
"href": "/restapis/4wk1k4onj3/documentation/parts/qcht86"
"documentationpart:delete": {
"href": "/restapis/4wk1k4onj3/documentation/parts/qcht86"
"documentationpart:update": {
"href": "/restapis/4wk1k4onj3/documentation/parts/qcht86"
"id": "qcht86",
"location": {
"path": "/pets",
"method": null,
"name": null,
"statusCode": null,
"type": "RESOURCE"
"properties": "{\n\t\"description\" : \"A child resource under the root of PetStore.

To add documentation for a child resource specified by a path parameter, add a DocumentationPart
resource targeted for the Resource resource:
POST /restapis/restapi_id/documentation/parts HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Amz-Date: YYYYMMDDTttttttZ


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Document a METHOD Entity
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=access_key_id/YYYYMMDD/region/
apigateway/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-length;content-type;host;x-amz-date,

"location" : {
"type" : "RESOURCE",
"path" : "/pets/{petId}"
"properties": "{\n\t\"description\" : \"A child resource specified by the petId path


If successful, the operation returns a 201 Created response containing the newly created
DocumentationPart instance in the payload. For example:

"_links": {
"curies": {
"href": "{rel}.html",
"name": "documentationpart",
"templated": true
"self": {
"href": "/restapis/4wk1k4onj3/documentation/parts/k6fpwb"
"documentationpart:delete": {
"href": "/restapis/4wk1k4onj3/documentation/parts/k6fpwb"
"documentationpart:update": {
"href": "/restapis/4wk1k4onj3/documentation/parts/k6fpwb"
"id": "k6fpwb",
"location": {
"path": "/pets/{petId}",
"method": null,
"name": null,
"statusCode": null,
"type": "RESOURCE"
"properties": "{\n\t\"description\" : \"A child resource specified by the petId path


The DocumentationPart instance of a RESOURCE entity cannot be inherited by any of its child

Document a METHOD Entity
To add documentation for a method of an API, add a DocumentationPart resource targeted for the
corresponding Method resource:
POST /restapis/restapi_id/documentation/parts HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Amz-Date: YYYYMMDDTttttttZ
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=access_key_id/YYYYMMDD/region/
apigateway/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-length;content-type;host;x-amz-date,


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Document a METHOD Entity



"location" : {
"type" : "METHOD",
"path" : "/pets",
"method" : "GET"
"properties": "{\n\t\"summary\" : \"List all pets.\"\n}"

If successful, the operation returns a 201 Created response containing the newly created
DocumentationPart instance in the payload. For example:

"_links": {
"curies": {
"href": "{rel}.html",
"name": "documentationpart",
"templated": true
"self": {
"href": "/restapis/4wk1k4onj3/documentation/parts/o64jbj"
"documentationpart:delete": {
"href": "/restapis/4wk1k4onj3/documentation/parts/o64jbj"
"documentationpart:update": {
"href": "/restapis/4wk1k4onj3/documentation/parts/o64jbj"
"id": "o64jbj",
"location": {
"path": "/pets",
"method": "GET",
"name": null,
"statusCode": null,
"type": "METHOD"
"properties": "{\n\t\"summary\" : \"List all pets.\"\n}"

If successful, the operation returns a 201 Created response containing the newly created
DocumentationPart instance in the payload. For example:

"_links": {
"curies": {
"href": "{rel}.html",
"name": "documentationpart",
"templated": true
"self": {
"href": "/restapis/4wk1k4onj3/documentation/parts/o64jbj"
"documentationpart:delete": {
"href": "/restapis/4wk1k4onj3/documentation/parts/o64jbj"
"documentationpart:update": {
"href": "/restapis/4wk1k4onj3/documentation/parts/o64jbj"


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Document a METHOD Entity


"id": "o64jbj",
"location": {
"path": "/pets",
"method": "GET",
"name": null,
"statusCode": null,
"type": "METHOD"
"properties": "{\n\t\"summary\" : \"List all pets.\"\n}"

If the location.method field is not specified in the preceding request, it is assumed to be ANY method
that is represented by a wild card * character.
To update the documentation content of a METHOD entity, call the documentationpart:update operation,
supplying a new properties map:
PATCH /restapis/4wk1k4onj3/documentation/parts/part_id HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Amz-Date: YYYYMMDDTttttttZ
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=access_key_id/YYYYMMDD/region/
apigateway/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-length;content-type;host;x-amz-date,


"patchOperations" : [ {
"op" : "replace",
"path" : "/properties",
"value" : "{\n\t\"tags\" : [ \"pets\" ], \n\t\"summary\" : \"List all pets.\"\n}"
} ]

The successful response returns a 200 OK status code with the payload containing the updated
DocumentationPart instance in the payload. For example:

"_links": {
"curies": {
"href": "{rel}.html",
"name": "documentationpart",
"templated": true
"self": {
"href": "/restapis/4wk1k4onj3/documentation/parts/o64jbj"
"documentationpart:delete": {
"href": "/restapis/4wk1k4onj3/documentation/parts/o64jbj"
"documentationpart:update": {
"href": "/restapis/4wk1k4onj3/documentation/parts/o64jbj"
"id": "o64jbj",
"location": {
"path": "/pets",
"method": "GET",
"name": null,
"statusCode": null,
"type": "METHOD"
"properties": "{\n\t\"tags\" : [ \"pets\" ], \n\t\"summary\" : \"List all pets.\"\n}"


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Document a QUERY_PARAMETER Entity

Document a QUERY_PARAMETER Entity
To add documentation for a request query parameter, add a DocumentationPart resource targeted for
the QUERY_PARAMETER type, with the valid fields of path and name.
POST /restapis/restapi_id/documentation/parts HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Amz-Date: YYYYMMDDTttttttZ
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=access_key_id/YYYYMMDD/region/
apigateway/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-length;content-type;host;x-amz-date,


"location" : {
"path" : "/pets",
"method" : "GET",
"name" : "page"
"properties": "{\n\t\"description\" : \"Page number of results to return.\"\n}"

If successful, the operation returns a 201 Created response containing the newly created
DocumentationPart instance in the payload. For example:

"_links": {
"curies": {
"href": "{rel}.html",
"name": "documentationpart",
"templated": true
"self": {
"href": "/restapis/4wk1k4onj3/documentation/parts/h9ht5w"
"documentationpart:delete": {
"href": "/restapis/4wk1k4onj3/documentation/parts/h9ht5w"
"documentationpart:update": {
"href": "/restapis/4wk1k4onj3/documentation/parts/h9ht5w"
"id": "h9ht5w",
"location": {
"path": "/pets",
"method": "GET",
"name": "page",
"statusCode": null,
"properties": "{\n\t\"description\" : \"Page number of results to return.\"\n}"

The documentation part's properties map of a QUERY_PARAMETER entity can be inherited by one of
its child QUERY_PARAMETER entities. For example, if you add a treats resource after /pets/{petId},
enable the GET method on /pets/{petId}/treats, and expose the page query parameter, this child
query parameter inherits the DocumentationPart's properties map from the like-named query


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Document a PATH_PARAMETER Entity

parameter of the GET /pets method, unless you explicitly add a DocumentationPart resource to the
page query parameter of the GET /pets/{petId}/treats method.

Document a PATH_PARAMETER Entity
To add documentation for a path parameter, add a DocumentationPart resource for the
POST /restapis/restapi_id/documentation/parts HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Amz-Date: YYYYMMDDTttttttZ
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=access_key_id/YYYYMMDD/region/
apigateway/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-length;content-type;host;x-amz-date,


"location" : {
"type" : "PATH_PARAMETER",
"path" : "/pets/{petId}",
"method" : "*",
"name" : "petId"
"properties": "{\n\t\"description\" : \"The id of the pet to retrieve.\"\n}"

If successful, the operation returns a 201 Created response containing the newly created
DocumentationPart instance in the payload. For example:

"_links": {
"curies": {
"href": "{rel}.html",
"name": "documentationpart",
"templated": true
"self": {
"href": "/restapis/4wk1k4onj3/documentation/parts/ckpgog"
"documentationpart:delete": {
"href": "/restapis/4wk1k4onj3/documentation/parts/ckpgog"
"documentationpart:update": {
"href": "/restapis/4wk1k4onj3/documentation/parts/ckpgog"
"id": "ckpgog",
"location": {
"path": "/pets/{petId}",
"method": "*",
"name": "petId",
"statusCode": null,
"properties": "{\n \"description\" : \"The id of the pet to retrieve\"\n}"

Document a REQUEST_BODY Entity
To add documentation for a request body, add a DocumentationPart resource for the request body.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Document a REQUEST_HEADER Entity

POST /restapis/restapi_id/documentation/parts HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Amz-Date: YYYYMMDDTttttttZ
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=access_key_id/YYYYMMDD/region/
apigateway/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-length;content-type;host;x-amz-date,


"location" : {
"type" : "REQUEST_BODY",
"path" : "/pets",
"method" : "POST"
"properties": "{\n\t\"description\" : \"A Pet object to be added to PetStore.\"\n}"

If successful, the operation returns a 201 Created response containing the newly created
DocumentationPart instance in the payload. For example:

"_links": {
"curies": {
"href": "{rel}.html",
"name": "documentationpart",
"templated": true
"self": {
"href": "/restapis/4wk1k4onj3/documentation/parts/kgmfr1"
"documentationpart:delete": {
"href": "/restapis/4wk1k4onj3/documentation/parts/kgmfr1"
"documentationpart:update": {
"href": "/restapis/4wk1k4onj3/documentation/parts/kgmfr1"
"id": "kgmfr1",
"location": {
"path": "/pets",
"method": "POST",
"name": null,
"statusCode": null,
"type": "REQUEST_BODY"
"properties": "{\n\t\"description\" : \"A Pet object to be added to PetStore.\"\n}"

Document a REQUEST_HEADER Entity
To add documentation for a request header, add a DocumentationPart resource for the request header.
POST /restapis/restapi_id/documentation/parts HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Amz-Date: YYYYMMDDTttttttZ
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=access_key_id/YYYYMMDD/region/
apigateway/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-length;content-type;host;x-amz-date,


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Document a RESPONSE Entity
"location" : {
"type" : "REQUEST_HEADER",
"path" : "/pets",
"method" : "GET",
"name" : "x-my-token"
"properties": "{\n\t\"description\" : \"A custom token used to authorization the method


If successful, the operation returns a 201 Created response containing the newly created
DocumentationPart instance in the payload. For example:

"_links": {
"curies": {
"href": "{rel}.html",
"name": "documentationpart",
"templated": true
"self": {
"href": "/restapis/4wk1k4onj3/documentation/parts/h0m3uf"
"documentationpart:delete": {
"href": "/restapis/4wk1k4onj3/documentation/parts/h0m3uf"
"documentationpart:update": {
"href": "/restapis/4wk1k4onj3/documentation/parts/h0m3uf"
"id": "h0m3uf",
"location": {
"path": "/pets",
"method": "GET",
"name": "x-my-token",
"statusCode": null,
"properties": "{\n\t\"description\" : \"A custom token used to authorization the method

Document a RESPONSE Entity
To add documentation for a response of a status code, add a DocumentationPart resource targeted for
the corresponding MethodResponse resource.
POST /restapis/restapi_id/documentation/parts HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Amz-Date: YYYYMMDDTttttttZ
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=access_key_id/YYYYMMDD/region/
apigateway/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-length;content-type;host;x-amz-date,

"location": {
"path": "/",
"method": "*",
"name": null,
"statusCode": "200",


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Document a RESPONSE_HEADER Entity


"type": "RESPONSE"
"properties": "{\n \"description\" : \"Successful operation.\"\n}"

If successful, the operation returns a 201 Created response containing the newly created
DocumentationPart instance in the payload. For example:


"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/restapis/4wk1k4onj3/documentation/parts/lattew"
"documentationpart:delete": {
"href": "/restapis/4wk1k4onj3/documentation/parts/lattew"
"documentationpart:update": {
"href": "/restapis/4wk1k4onj3/documentation/parts/lattew"
"id": "lattew",
"location": {
"path": "/",
"method": "*",
"name": null,
"statusCode": "200",
"type": "RESPONSE"
"properties": "{\n \"description\" : \"Successful operation.\"\n}"

Document a RESPONSE_HEADER Entity
To add documentation for a response header, add a DocumentationPart resource for the response
POST /restapis/restapi_id/documentation/parts HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Amz-Date: YYYYMMDDTttttttZ
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=access_key_id/YYYYMMDD/region/
apigateway/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-length;content-type;host;x-amz-date,
"location": {
"path": "/",
"method": "GET",
"name": "Content-Type",
"statusCode": "200",
"properties": "{\n \"description\" : \"Media type of request\"\n}"

If successful, the operation returns a 201 Created response containing the newly created
DocumentationPart instance in the payload. For example:

"_links": {
"curies": {
"href": "{rel}.html",


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Document an AUTHORIZER Entity
"name": "documentationpart",
"templated": true

"self": {
"href": "/restapis/4wk1k4onj3/documentation/parts/fev7j7"
"documentationpart:delete": {
"href": "/restapis/4wk1k4onj3/documentation/parts/fev7j7"
"documentationpart:update": {
"href": "/restapis/4wk1k4onj3/documentation/parts/fev7j7"


"id": "fev7j7",
"location": {
"path": "/",
"method": "GET",
"name": "Content-Type",
"statusCode": "200",
"properties": "{\n \"description\" : \"Media type of request\"\n}"

The documentation of this Content-Type response header is the default documentation for the
Content-Type headers of any responses of the API.

Document an AUTHORIZER Entity
To add documentation for an API authorizer, add a DocumentationPart resource targeted for the
specified authorizer.
POST /restapis/restapi_id/documentation/parts HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Amz-Date: YYYYMMDDTttttttZ
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=access_key_id/YYYYMMDD/region/
apigateway/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-length;content-type;host;x-amz-date,

"location" : {
"type" : "AUTHORIZER",
"name" : "myAuthorizer"
"properties": "{\n\t\"description\" : \"Authorizes invocations of configured methods.

If successful, the operation returns a 201 Created response containing the newly created
DocumentationPart instance in the payload. For example:

"_links": {
"curies": {
"href": "{rel}.html",
"name": "documentationpart",
"templated": true
"self": {
"href": "/restapis/4wk1k4onj3/documentation/parts/pw3qw3"


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Document a MODEL Entity
"documentationpart:delete": {
"href": "/restapis/4wk1k4onj3/documentation/parts/pw3qw3"
"documentationpart:update": {
"href": "/restapis/4wk1k4onj3/documentation/parts/pw3qw3"

"id": "pw3qw3",
"location": {
"path": null,
"method": null,
"name": "myAuthorizer",
"statusCode": null,
"type": "AUTHORIZER"
"properties": "{\n\t\"description\" : \"Authorizes invocations of configured methods.


The DocumentationPart instance of an AUTHORIZER entity cannot be inherited by any of its
child resources.

Document a MODEL Entity
Documenting a MODEL entity involves creating and managing DocumentPart instances for the model
and each of the model's properties'. For example, for the Error model that comes with every API by
default has the following schema definition,


"$schema" : "",
"title" : "Error Schema",
"type" : "object",
"properties" : {
"message" : { "type" : "string" }

and requires two DocumentationPart instances, one for the Model and the other for its message


"location": {
"type": "MODEL",
"name": "Error"
"properties": {
"title": "Error Schema",
"description": "A description of the Error model"


"location": {
"type": "MODEL",
"name": "Error.message"
"properties": {


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Document a MODEL Entity



"description": "An error message."

When the API is exported, the DocumentationPart's properties will override the values in the original
To add documentation for an API model, add a DocumentationPart resource targeted for the specified
POST /restapis/restapi_id/documentation/parts HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Amz-Date: YYYYMMDDTttttttZ
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=access_key_id/YYYYMMDD/region/
apigateway/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-length;content-type;host;x-amz-date,


"location" : {
"type" : "MODEL",
"name" : "Pet"
"properties": "{\n\t\"description\" : \"Data structure of a Pet object.\"\n}"

If successful, the operation returns a 201 Created response containing the newly created
DocumentationPart instance in the payload. For example:

"_links": {
"curies": {
"href": "{rel}.html",
"name": "documentationpart",
"templated": true
"self": {
"href": "/restapis/4wk1k4onj3/documentation/parts/lkn4uq"
"documentationpart:delete": {
"href": "/restapis/4wk1k4onj3/documentation/parts/lkn4uq"
"documentationpart:update": {
"href": "/restapis/4wk1k4onj3/documentation/parts/lkn4uq"
"id": "lkn4uq",
"location": {
"path": null,
"method": null,
"name": "Pet",
"statusCode": null,
"type": "MODEL"
"properties": "{\n\t\"description\" : \"Data structure of a Pet object.\"\n}"

Repeat the same step to create a DocumentationPart instance for any of the model's properties.


The DocumentationPart instance of a MODEL entity cannot be inherited by any of its child


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Update Documentation Parts

Update Documentation Parts
To update the documentation parts of any type of API entities, submit a PATCH request on a
DocumentationPart instance of a specified part identifier to replace the existing properties map with
a new one.
PATCH /restapis/4wk1k4onj3/documentation/parts/part_id HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Amz-Date: YYYYMMDDTttttttZ
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=access_key_id/YYYYMMDD/region/
apigateway/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-length;content-type;host;x-amz-date,


"patchOperations" : [ {
"op" : "replace",
"path" : "RESOURCE_PATH",
"value" : "NEW_properties_VALUE_AS_JSON_STRING"
} ]

The successful response returns a 200 OK status code with the payload containing the updated
DocumentationPart instance in the payload.
You can update multiple documentation parts in a single PATCH request.

List Documentation Parts
To list the documentation parts of any type of API entities, submit a GET request on a
DocumentationParts collection.
GET /restapis/restapi_id/documentation/parts HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Amz-Date: YYYYMMDDTttttttZ
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=access_key_id/YYYYMMDD/region/
apigateway/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-length;content-type;host;x-amz-date,

The successful response returns a 200 OK status code with the payload containing the available
DocumentationPart instances in the payload.

Publish API Documentation
To publish the documentation for an API, create, update, or get a documentation snapshot, and then
associate the documentation snapshot with an API stage. When creating a documentation snapshot, you
can also associate it with an API stage at the same time.

Create a Documentation Snapshot and Associate it with an API Stage (p. 342)
Create a Documentation Snapshot (p. 342)
Update a Documentation Snapshot (p. 342)
Get a Documentation Snapshot (p. 343)
Associate a Documentation Snapshot with an API Stage (p. 343)


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create a Documentation Snapshot
and Associate it with an API Stage

• Download a Documentation Snapshot Associated with a Stage (p. 344)

Create a Documentation Snapshot and Associate it
with an API Stage
To create a snapshot of an API's documentation parts and associate it with an API stage at the same
time, submit the following POST request:
POST /restapis/restapi_id/documentation/versions HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Amz-Date: YYYYMMDDTttttttZ
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=access_key_id/YYYYMMDD/region/
apigateway/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-length;content-type;host;x-amz-date,


"documentationVersion" : "1.0.0",
"stageName": "prod",
"description" : "My API Documentation v1.0.0"

If successful, the operation returns a 200 OK response, containing the newly created
DocumentationVersion instance as the payload.
Alternatively, you can create a documentation snapshot without associating it with an API stage first
and then call restapi:update to associate the snapshot with a specified API stage. You can also update or
query an existing documentation snapshot and then update its stage association. We show the steps in
the next four sections.

Create a Documentation Snapshot
To create a snapshot of an API's documentation parts, create a new DocumentationVersion resource and
add it to the DocumentationVersions collection of the API:
POST /restapis/restapi_id/documentation/versions HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Amz-Date: YYYYMMDDTttttttZ
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=access_key_id/YYYYMMDD/region/
apigateway/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-length;content-type;host;x-amz-date,

"documentationVersion" : "1.0.0",
"description" : "My API Documentation v1.0.0"

If successful, the operation returns a 200 OK response, containing the newly created
DocumentationVersion instance as the payload.

Update a Documentation Snapshot
You can only update a documentation snapshot by modifying the description property of the
corresponding DocumentationVersion resource. The following example shows how to update the
description of the documentation snapshot as identified by its version identifier, version, e.g., 1.0.0.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Get a Documentation Snapshot

PATCH /restapis/restapi_id/documentation/versions/version HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Amz-Date: YYYYMMDDTttttttZ
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=access_key_id/YYYYMMDD/region/
apigateway/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-length;content-type;host;x-amz-date,


"patchOperations": [{
"op": "replace",
"path": "/description",
"value": "My API for testing purposes."

If successful, the operation returns a 200 OK response, containing the updated
DocumentationVersion instance as the payload.

Get a Documentation Snapshot
To get a documentation snapshot, submit a GET request against the specified DocumentationVersion
resource. The following example shows how to get a documentation snapshot of a given version
identifier, 1.0.0.
GET /restapis//documentation/versions/1.0.0 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Amz-Date: YYYYMMDDTttttttZ
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=access_key_id/YYYYMMDD/region/
apigateway/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-length;content-type;host;x-amz-date,

Associate a Documentation Snapshot with an API
To publish the API documentation, associate a documentation snapshot with an API stage. You must
have already created an API stage before associating the documentation version with the stage.
To associate a documentation snapshot with an API stage using the API Gateway REST
API, call the stage:update operation to set the desired documentation version on the
stage.documentationVersion property:
Content-Type: application/json
X-Amz-Date: YYYYMMDDTttttttZ
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=access_key_id/YYYYMMDD/region/
apigateway/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-length;content-type;host;x-amz-date,


"patchOperations": [{
"op": "replace",
"path": "/documentationVersion",


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Download a Documentation
Snapshot Associated with a Stage

The following procedure describes how to publish a documentation version.

To publish a documentation version using the API Gateway console

Choose Documentation for the API from the main navigation pane in the API Gateway console.


Choose Publish Documentation in the Documentation pane.
Set up the publication:



Choose an available name for Stage.


Type a version identifier, e.g., 1.0.0, in Version.
Optionally, provide a description about the publication in Description.

Choose Publish.

You can now proceed to download the published documentation by exporting the documentation to an
external OpenAPI file.

Download a Documentation Snapshot Associated
with a Stage
After a version of the documentation parts is associated with a stage, you can export the documentation
parts together with the API entity definitions, to an external file, using the API Gateway console, the
API Gateway REST API, one of its SDKs, or the AWS CLI for API Gateway. The process is the same as for
exporting the API. The exported file format can be JSON or YAML.
Using the API Gateway REST API, you can also explicitly set the
extension=documentation,integrations,authorizers query parameter to include the API
documentation parts, API integrations and authorizers in an API export. By default, documentation parts
are included, but integrations and authorizers are excluded, when you export an API. The default output
from an API export is suited for distribution of the documentation.
To export the API documentation in an external JSON OpenAPI file using the API Gateway REST API,
submit the following GET request:
GET /restapis/restapi_id/stages/stage_name/exports/swagger?extensions=documentation
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
X-Amz-Date: YYYYMMDDTttttttZ
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=access_key_id/YYYYMMDD/region/
apigateway/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-length;content-type;host;x-amz-date,

Here, the x-amazon-apigateway-documentation object contains the documentation parts and the
API entity definitions contains the documentation properties supported by OpenAPI. The output does
not include details of integration or Lambda authorizers (formerly known as custom authorizers). To
include both details, set extensions=integrations,authorizers,documentation. To include
details of integrations but not of authorizers, set extensions=integrations,documentation.
You must set the Accept:application/json header in the request to output the result in a JSON file.
To produce the YAML output, change the request header to Accept:application/yaml.
As an example, we will look at an API that exposes a simple GET method on the root resource (/). This
API has four API entities defined in an OpenAPI definition file, one for each of the API, MODEL, METHOD,
and RESPONSE types. A documentation part has been added to each of the API, METHOD, and RESPONSE
entities. Calling the preceding documentation-exporting command, we get the following output, with


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Download a Documentation
Snapshot Associated with a Stage

the documentation parts listed within the x-amazon-apigateway-documentation object as an
extension to a standard OpenAPI file.
OpenAPI 3.0

"openapi": "3.0.0",
"info": {
"description": "API info description",
"version": "2016-11-22T22:39:14Z",
"title": "doc",
"x-bar": "API info x-bar"
"paths": {
"/": {
"get": {
"description": "Method description.",
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "200 response",
"content": {
"application/json": {
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/components/schemas/Empty"
"x-example": "x- Method example"
"x-bar": "resource x-bar"
"x-amazon-apigateway-documentation": {
"version": "1.0.0",
"createdDate": "2016-11-22T22:41:40Z",
"documentationParts": [
"location": {
"type": "API"
"properties": {
"description": "API description",
"foo": "API foo",
"x-bar": "API x-bar",
"info": {
"description": "API info description",
"version": "API info version",
"foo": "API info foo",
"x-bar": "API info x-bar"
"location": {
"type": "METHOD",
"method": "GET"
"properties": {
"description": "Method description.",
"x-example": "x- Method example",
"foo": "Method foo",
"info": {
"version": "method info version",


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Download a Documentation
Snapshot Associated with a Stage






"description": "method info description",
"foo": "method info foo"

"location": {
"type": "RESOURCE"
"properties": {
"description": "resource description",
"foo": "resource foo",
"x-bar": "resource x-bar",
"info": {
"description": "resource info description",
"version": "resource info version",
"foo": "resource info foo",
"x-bar": "resource info x-bar"

"x-bar": "API x-bar",
"servers": [
"url": "
"variables": {
"basePath": {
"default": "/test"
"components": {
"schemas": {
"Empty": {
"type": "object",
"title": "Empty Schema"

OpenAPI 2.0

"swagger" : "2.0",
"info" : {
"description" : "API info description",
"version" : "2016-11-22T22:39:14Z",
"title" : "doc",
"x-bar" : "API info x-bar"
"host" : "",
"basePath" : "/test",
"schemes" : [ "https" ],
"paths" : {
"/" : {
"get" : {
"description" : "Method description.",
"produces" : [ "application/json" ],
"responses" : {
"200" : {


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Download a Documentation
Snapshot Associated with a Stage
"description" : "200 response",
"schema" : {
"$ref" : "#/definitions/Empty"

"x-example" : "x- Method example"

"x-bar" : "resource x-bar"

"definitions" : {
"Empty" : {
"type" : "object",
"title" : "Empty Schema"
"x-amazon-apigateway-documentation" : {
"version" : "1.0.0",
"createdDate" : "2016-11-22T22:41:40Z",
"documentationParts" : [ {
"location" : {
"type" : "API"
"properties" : {
"description" : "API description",
"foo" : "API foo",
"x-bar" : "API x-bar",
"info" : {
"description" : "API info description",
"version" : "API info version",
"foo" : "API info foo",
"x-bar" : "API info x-bar"
}, {
"location" : {
"type" : "METHOD",
"method" : "GET"
"properties" : {
"description" : "Method description.",
"x-example" : "x- Method example",
"foo" : "Method foo",
"info" : {
"version" : "method info version",
"description" : "method info description",
"foo" : "method info foo"
}, {
"location" : {
"type" : "RESOURCE"
"properties" : {
"description" : "resource description",
"foo" : "resource foo",
"x-bar" : "resource x-bar",
"info" : {
"description" : "resource info description",
"version" : "resource info version",
"foo" : "resource info foo",
"x-bar" : "resource info x-bar"
} ]


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Import API Documentation


"x-bar" : "API x-bar"

For an OpenAPI-compliant attribute defined in the properties map of a documentation part, API
Gateway inserts the attribute into the associated API entity definition. An attribute of x-something is a
standard OpenAPI extension. This extension gets propagated into the API entity definition. For example,
see the x-example attribute for the GET method. An attribute like foo is not part of the OpenAPI
specification and is not injected into its associated API entity definitions.
If a documentation-rendering tool (e.g., OpenAPI UI) parses the API entity definitions to
extract documentation attributes, any non OpenAPI-compliant properties attributes of a
DocumentationPart' instance are not available for the tool. However, if a documentation-rendering
tool parses the x-amazon-apigateway-documentation object to get content, or if the tool calls
restapi:documentation-parts and documenationpart:by-id to retrieve documentation parts from API
Gateway, all the documentation attributes are available for the tool to display.
To export the documentation with API entity definitions containing integration details to a JSON
OpenAPI file, submit the following GET request:
GET /restapis/restapi_id/stages/stage_name/exports/swagger?
extensions=integrations,documentation HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
X-Amz-Date: YYYYMMDDTttttttZ
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=access_key_id/YYYYMMDD/region/
apigateway/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-length;content-type;host;x-amz-date,

To export the documentation with API entity definitions containing details of integrations and
authorizers to a YAML OpenAPI file, submit the following GET request:
GET /restapis/restapi_id/stages/stage_name/exports/swagger?
extensions=integrations,authorizers,documentation HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/yaml
Content-Type: application/json
X-Amz-Date: YYYYMMDDTttttttZ
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=access_key_id/YYYYMMDD/region/
apigateway/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-length;content-type;host;x-amz-date,

To use the API Gateway console to export and download the published documentation of an API, follow
the instructions in Export REST API Using the API Gateway Console (p. 409).

Import API Documentation
As with importing API entity definitions, you can import documentation parts from an external OpenAPI
file into an API in API Gateway. You specify the to-be-imported documentation parts within the xamazon-apigateway-documentation Object (p. 498) extension in a valid OpenAPI definition file.
Importing documentation does not alter the existing API entity definitions.
You have an option to merge the newly specified documentation parts into existing documentation
parts in API Gateway or to overwrite the existing documentation parts. In the MERGE mode, a new
documentation part defined in the OpenAPI file is added to the DocumentationParts collection of the


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Importing Documentation Parts
Using the API Gateway REST API

API. If an imported DocumentationPart already exists, an imported attribute replaces the existing one
if the two are different. Other existing documentation attributes remain unaffected. In the OVERWRITE
mode, the entire DocumentationParts collection is replaced according to the imported OpenAPI
definition file.

Importing Documentation Parts Using the API
Gateway REST API
To import API documentation using the API Gateway REST API, call the documentationpart:import
operation. The following example shows how to overwrite existing documentation parts of an API with a
single GET / method, returning a 200 OK response when successful.
OpenAPI 3.0
PUT /restapis//documentation/parts&mode=overwrite&failonwarnings=true
Content-Type: application/json
X-Amz-Date: YYYYMMDDTttttttZ
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=access_key_id/YYYYMMDD/region/
apigateway/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-length;content-type;host;x-amz-date,

"openapi": "3.0.0",
"info": {
"description": "description",
"version": "1",
"title": "doc"
"paths": {
"/": {
"get": {
"description": "Method description.",
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "200 response",
"content": {
"application/json": {
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/components/schemas/Empty"
"x-amazon-apigateway-documentation": {
"version": "1.0.3",
"documentationParts": [
"location": {
"type": "API"
"properties": {
"description": "API description",
"info": {
"description": "API info description 4",
"version": "API info version 3"


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Importing Documentation Parts
Using the API Gateway REST API






"location": {
"type": "METHOD",
"method": "GET"
"properties": {
"description": "Method description."
"location": {
"type": "MODEL",
"name": "Empty"
"properties": {
"title": "Empty Schema"
"location": {
"type": "RESPONSE",
"method": "GET",
"statusCode": "200"
"properties": {
"description": "200 response"

"servers": [
"url": "/"
"components": {
"schemas": {
"Empty": {
"type": "object",
"title": "Empty Schema"

OpenAPI 2.0
PUT /restapis//documentation/parts&mode=overwrite&failonwarnings=true
Content-Type: application/json
X-Amz-Date: YYYYMMDDTttttttZ
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=access_key_id/YYYYMMDD/region/
apigateway/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-length;content-type;host;x-amz-date,

"swagger": "2.0",
"info": {
"description": "description",
"version": "1",
"title": "doc"
"host": "",
"basePath": "/",


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Importing Documentation Parts
Using the API Gateway REST API
"schemes": [
"paths": {
"/": {
"get": {
"description": "Method description.",
"produces": [
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "200 response",
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Empty"
"definitions": {
"Empty": {
"type": "object",
"title": "Empty Schema"
"x-amazon-apigateway-documentation": {
"version": "1.0.3",
"documentationParts": [
"location": {
"type": "API"
"properties": {
"description": "API description",
"info": {
"description": "API info description 4",
"version": "API info version 3"
"location": {
"type": "METHOD",
"method": "GET"
"properties": {
"description": "Method description."
"location": {
"type": "MODEL",
"name": "Empty"
"properties": {
"title": "Empty Schema"
"location": {
"type": "RESPONSE",
"method": "GET",
"statusCode": "200"


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Importing Documentation Parts
Using the API Gateway Console





"properties": {
"description": "200 response"

When successful, this request returns a 200 OK response containing the imported
DocumentationPartId in the payload.


"ids": [

In addition, you can also call restapi:import or restapi:put, supplying the documentation parts in the xamazon-apigateway-documentation object as part of the input OpenAPI file of the API definition.
To exclude the documentation parts from the API import, set ignore=documentation in the request
query parameters.

Importing Documentation Parts Using the API
Gateway Console
The following instructions describe how to import documentation parts.

To use the console to import documentation parts of an API from an external file


Choose Documentation for the API from the main navigation pane on the console.
Choose Import Documentation in the Documentation pane.
Choose Select OpenAPI File to load a file from a drive, or copy and paste a file contents into the file
view. For an example, see the payload of the example request in Importing Documentation Parts
Using the API Gateway REST API (p. 349).
Optionally, choose Fail on warnings or Ignore warnings, and choose Merge or Overwrite from
Import mode.
Choose Import.

Control Access to API Documentation
If you have a dedicated documentation team to write and edit your API documentation, you can
configure separate access permissions for your developers (for API development) and for your writers or
editors (for content development). This is especially appropriate when a third-party vendor is involved in
creating the documentation for you.
To grant your documentation team the access to create, update, and publish your API documentation,
you can assign the documentation team an IAM role with the following IAM policy, where account_id is
the AWS account ID of your documentation team.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Control Access to API Documentation
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [




"Sid": "StmtDocPartsAddEditViewDelete",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [

For information on setting permissions to access API Gateway resources, see Control Who Can Create
and Manage an API Gateway API with IAM Policies (p. 234).


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide

Update and Maintain a REST API in
Amazon API Gateway
Maintaining an API amounts to viewing, updating and deleting the existing API setups. You can maintain
an API using the API Gateway console, AWS CLI, an SDK or the API Gateway REST API. Updating an API
involves modifying certain resource properties or configuration settings of the API. Resource updates
require redeploying the API, whereas configuration updates do not.
API resources that can be updated are detailed in the following table.

API resource updates requiring redeployment of the API



For applicable properties and supported operations, see apikey:update. The update
requires redeploying the API.


For applicable properties and supported operations, see authorizer:update. The
update requires redeploying the API.

DocumentationPartFor applicable properties and supported operations, see
documentationpart:update. The update requires redeploying the API.
For applicable properties and supported operations, see
documentationversion:update. The update requires redeploying the API.
GatewayResponse For applicable properties and supported operations, see gatewayresponse:update.
The update requires redeploying the API.

For applicable properties and supported operations, see integration:update. The
update requires redeploying the API.

IntegrationResponseFor applicable properties and supported operations, see
integrationresponse:update. The update requires redeploying the API.

For applicable properties and supported operations, see method:update. The
update requires redeploying the API.


For applicable properties and supported operations, see methodresponse:update.
The update requires redeploying the API.


For applicable properties and supported operations, see model:update. The update
requires redeploying the API.


For applicable properties and supported operations, see requestvalidator:update.
The update requires redeploying the API.


For applicable properties and supported operations, see resource:update. The
update requires redeploying the API.


For applicable properties and supported operations, see restapi:update. The
update requires redeploying the API.


For applicable properties and supported operations, see vpclink:update. The
update requires redeploying the API.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Change a Public or Private API Endpoint Type

API configurations that can be updated are detailed in the following table.

API configuration updates without requiring redeployment of the API



For applicable properties and supported operations, see account:update. The
update does not require redeploying the API.


For applicable properties and supported operations, see deployment:update.


For applicable properties and supported operations, see domainname:update. The
update does not require redeploying the API.

BasePathMapping For applicable properties and supported operations, see basepathmapping:update.
The update does not require redeploying the API.

For applicable properties and supported operations, see stage:update. The update
does not require redeploying the API.


For applicable properties and supported operations, see usage:update. The update
does not require redeploying the API.


For applicable properties and supported operations, see usageplan:update. The
update does not require redeploying the API.

• Change a Public or Private API Endpoint Type in API Gateway (p. 355)
• Maintain an API Using the API Gateway Console (p. 357)

Change a Public or Private API Endpoint Type in
API Gateway
Changing an API endpoint type requires you to update the API's configuration. You can change an
existing API type using the API Gateway console, AWS CLI, an AWS SDK for API Gateway, or the API
Gateway REST API. The update operation may take up to 60 seconds to complete, during which your API
will not be available.
The following endpoint type changes are supported:
• From edge-optimized to regional or private
• From regional to edge-optimized or private
• From private to regional
You cannot change a private API into an edge-optimized API.
If you are changing a public API from edge-optimized to regional or vice versa, note that an edgeoptimized API may have different behaviors than a regional API. For example, an edge-optimized API
removes the Content-MD5 header. Any MD5 hash value passed to the backend can be expressed in
a request string parameter or a body property. However, the regional API passes this header through,
although it may remap the header name to some other name. Understanding the differences helps
you decide how to update an edge-optimized API to a regional one or from a regional API to an edgeoptimized one.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Use the API Gateway Console to
Change an API Endpoint Type

• Use the API Gateway Console to Change an API Endpoint Type (p. 356)
• Use the AWS CLI to Change an API Endpoint Type (p. 356)
• Use the API Gateway REST API to Change an API Endpoint Type (p. 357)

Use the API Gateway Console to Change an API
Endpoint Type
To change the API endpoint type of your API, perform one of the following sets of steps:

To convert a public endpoint from regional or edge-optimized and vice versa

Sign in to the API Gateway console and choose APIs in the primary navigation pane.


Choose the settings (gear icon) of an API under + Create API.


Change the Endpoint Type option under Endpoint Configuration from Edge Optimized to
Regional or from Regional to Edge Optimized.


Choose Save to start the update.

To convert a private endpoint to a regional endpoint


Sign in to the API Gateway console and choose APIs in the primary navigation pane.
Choose the settings (gear icon) of an API under + Create API.
Edit the resource policy for your API to remove any mention of VPCs or VPC endpoints so that API
calls from outside your VPC as well as inside your VPC will succeed.
Change the Endpoint Type to Regional.


Choose Save to start the update.
Remove the resource policy from your API.


Redeploy your API so that the changes will take effect.


Use the AWS CLI to Change an API Endpoint Type
To use the AWS CLI commands to update an edge-optimized API of {api-id}, call the restapi:update as
aws apigateway update-rest-api \
--rest-api-id {api-id}
--patch-operations op=replace,path=/endpointConfiguration/types/EDGE,value=REGIONAL

The successful response has a status code of 200 OK and a payload similar to the following:
"createdDate": "2017-10-16T04:09:31Z",
"description": "Your first API with Amazon API Gateway. This is a sample API that
integrates via HTTP with our demo Pet Store endpoints",
"endpointConfiguration": {
"types": "REGIONAL"
"id": "0gsnjtjck8",
"name": "PetStore imported as edge-optimized"



Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Use the API Gateway REST API
to Change an API Endpoint Type

Conversely, update a regional API to an edge-optimized API as follows:
aws apigateway update-rest-api \
--rest-api-id {api-id}
--patch-operations op=replace,path=/endpointConfiguration/types/REGIONAL,value=EDGE

Because put-rest-api is for updating API definitions, it is not applicable to updating an API endpoint type.

Use the API Gateway REST API to Change an API
Endpoint Type
To use the API Gateway REST API to update an edge-optimized API of {api-id}, call the restapi:update
as follows:
PATCH /restapis/{api-id}


"patchOperations" : [{
"op" : "replace",
"path" : "/endpointConfiguration/types/EDGE",
"value" : "REGIONAL"

The successful response has a status code of 200 OK and a payload similar to the following:
"createdDate": "2017-10-16T04:09:31Z",
"description": "Your first API with Amazon API Gateway. This is a sample API that
integrates via HTTP with our demo Pet Store endpoints",
"endpointConfiguration": {
"types": "REGIONAL"
"id": "0gsnjtjck8",
"name": "PetStore imported as edge-optimized"


Conversely, to update a regional API to an edge-optimized API, call the restapi:update as follows:
PATCH /restapis/{api-id}


"patchOperations" : [{
"op" : "replace",
"path" : "/endpointConfiguration/types/REGIONAL",
"value" : "EDGE"

Because restapi:put is for updating API definitions, it is not applicable to updating an API endpoint type.

Maintain an API Using the API Gateway Console


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
View a List of APIs

• View a List of APIs in API Gateway (p. 358)
• Delete an API in API Gateway (p. 358)
• Delete a Resource in API Gateway (p. 358)
• View a Methods List in API Gateway (p. 359)
• Delete a Method in API Gateway (p. 359)

View a List of APIs in API Gateway
Use the API Gateway console to view a list of APIs.

View a List of APIs with the API Gateway Console
You must have an API available in API Gateway. Follow the instructions in Creating a REST API in Amazon
API Gateway (p. 39).

Sign in to the API Gateway console at


The list of APIs is displayed.

Delete an API in API Gateway
Use the API Gateway console to delete an API.


Deleting an API means that you can no longer call it. This action cannot be undone.

Delete an API with the API Gateway Console
You must have deployed the API at least once. Follow the instructions in Deploying a REST API in
Amazon API Gateway (p. 360).

Sign in to the API Gateway console at


In the box that contains the name of the API you want to delete, choose Resources.


Choose Delete API.


When prompted to delete the API, choose Ok.

Delete a Resource in API Gateway
Use the API Gateway console to delete a resource.


When you delete a resource, you also delete its child resources and methods. Deleting a resource
may cause part of the corresponding API to be unusable. Deleting a resource cannot be undone.

Delete a Resource with the API Gateway Console

Sign in to the API Gateway console at


In the box that contains the name of the API for the resource you want to delete, choose Resources.


In the Resources pane, choose the resource, and then choose Delete Resource.


When prompted, choose Delete.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
View a Methods List

View a Methods List in API Gateway
Use the API Gateway console to view a list of methods for a resource.

View a Methods List with the API Gateway Console
You must have methods available in API Gateway. Follow the instructions in Build an API with HTTP
Custom Integration (p. 550).

Sign in to the API Gateway console at


In the box that contains the name of the API, choose Resources.
The list of methods is displayed in the Resources pane.


You may need to choose the arrow next to one or more resources to display all of the
available methods.

Delete a Method in API Gateway
Use the API Gateway console to delete a method.


Deleting a method may cause part of the corresponding API to become unusable. Deleting a
method cannot be undone.

Delete a Method with the API Gateway Console

Sign in to the API Gateway console at
In the box that contains the name of the API for the method, choose Resources.


In the Resources pane, choose the arrow next to the resource for the method.
Choose the method, and then choose Delete Method.
When prompted, choose Delete.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide

Deploying a REST API in Amazon API
After creating your API, you must deploy it to make it callable by your users.
To deploy an API, you create an API deployment and associate it with a stage. Each stage is a snapshot of
the API and is made available for client apps to call.


Every time you update an API, which includes modification of routes, methods, integrations,
authorizers, and anything else other than stage settings, you must redeploy the API to an
existing stage or to a new stage.
As your API evolves, you can continue to deploy it to different stages as different versions of the API. You
can also deploy your API updates as a canary release deployment (p. 390), enabling your API clients
to access, on the same stage, the production version through the production release, and the updated
version through the canary release.
To call a deployed API, the client submits a request against an API's URL. The URL is determined by an
API's protocol (HTTP(S) or (WSS)), hostname, stage name, and (for REST APIs) resource path. The host
name and the stage name determine the API's base URL.
Using the API's default domain name, the base URL of (for example) a REST API in a given stage
({stageName}) is in the following format:

To make the API's default base URL more user-friendly, you can create a custom domain name (e.g., to replace the default host name of the API. To support multiple APIs under the
custom domain name, you must map an API stage to a base path.
With a custom domain name of {} and the API stage mapped to a base path of
({basePath}) under the custom domain name, the base URL of a REST API becomes the following:

For each stage, you can optimize API performance by adjusting the default account-level request
throttling limits and enabling API caching. You can also enable logging API calls to CloudTrail or
CloudWatch and select a client certificate for the backend to authenticate the API requests. In addition,
you can override stage-level settings for individual methods and define stage variables to pass stagespecific environment contexts to the API integration at run time. At an API stage, you can export the API
definitions and generate an SDK for your users to call the API using a supported programming language.
Stages enable robust version control of your API. For example, you can deploy an API to a test stage
and a prod stage, and use the test stage as a test build and use the prod stage as a stable build. After
the updates pass the test, you can promote the test stage to the prod stage. The promotion can be
done by redeploying the API to the prod stage or updating a stage variable (p. 362) value from the
stage name of test to that of prod.
You can also include a canary release for testing new changes. This is referred to as a canary release
deployment. It makes available a base version and updated versions of the API on the same stage,
allowing you to introduce new features in the same environment for the base version. For more
information, see the section called “Set up a Canary Release Deployment” (p. 390).


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Deploy a REST API

In this section, we discuss how to deploy an API, using the API Gateway console or calling the API
Gateway REST API. To use other tools to do the same, see the documentation of, for example, AWS CLI or
• Deploy a REST API in in API Gateway (p. 361)
• Set up a Stage in API Gateway (p. 363)
• Set up an API Gateway Canary Release Deployment (p. 390)
• Export a REST API from API Gateway (p. 406)
• Generate an SDK for a REST API in API Gateway (p. 409)
• Set up Custom Domain Name for an API in API Gateway (p. 425)

Deploy a REST API in in API Gateway
In API Gateway, a REST API deployment is represented by a Deployment resource. It is like an
executable of an API represented by a RestApi resource. For the client to call your API, you must create
a deployment and associate a stage with it. A stage is represented by a Stage resource and represents a
snapshot of the API, including methods, integrations, models, mapping templates, Lambda authorizers
(formerly known as custom authorizers), etc. When you update the API, you can redeploy the API by
associating a new stage with the existing deployment. We discuss creating a stage in the section called
“Set up a Stage” (p. 363).
• Create a Deployment Using AWS CLI (p. 361)
• Deploy a REST API from the API Gateway Console (p. 362)

Create a Deployment Using AWS CLI
Creating a deployment amounts to instantiating the Deployment resource. You can use the API Gateway
console, AWS CLI, an AWS SDK or the API Gateway REST API to create an deployment.
To use CLI to create a deployment, use the create-deployment command:
aws apigateway create-deployment --rest-api-id  --region 

The API is not callable until you associate this deployment with a stage. With an existing stage, you
can do so by updating the stage's deploymentId property with the newly created deployment ID
aws apigateway update-stage --region  \
--rest-api-id  \
--stage-name  \
--patch-operations op='replace',path='/deploymentId',value=''

When deploying an API the first time, you can combine the stage creation and deployment creation at
the same time:
aws apigateway create-deployment --region  \
--rest-api-id  \


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Deploy a REST API from the Console

This is what is done behind the scenes in the API Gateway console, when you deploy an API the first time
or when you redeploy the API to a new stage.

Deploy a REST API from the API Gateway Console
You must have created a REST API before deploying it for the first time. For more information see
Creating a REST API in Amazon API Gateway (p. 39).
• Deploy a REST API to a Stage (p. 362)
• Update the Stage Configuration of a REST API Deployment (p. 362)
• Set Stage Variables for a REST API Deployment (p. 362)
• Associate a Stage with a Different REST API Deployment (p. 363)

Deploy a REST API to a Stage
The API Gateway console lets you deploy an API by creating a deployment and associating it with a new
or existing stage.


To associate a stage in API Gateway with a different deployment, see Associate a Stage with a
Different REST API Deployment (p. 363) instead.

Sign in to the API Gateway console at
In the APIs navigation pane, choose the API you want to deploy.
In the Resources navigation pane, choose Actions.


From the Actions drop-down menu, choose Deploy API.
In the Deploy API dialog, choose an entry from the Deployment stage dropdown list.


If you choose [New Stage], type a name in Stage name and optionally provide a description for the
stage and deployment in Stage description and Deployment description. If you choose an existing
stage, you may want to provide a description of the new deployment in Deployment description.
Choose Deploy to deploy the API to the specified stage with default stage settings.


Update the Stage Configuration of a REST API Deployment
After an API is deployed, you can modify the stage settings to enable or disable API cache, logging,
or request throttling. You can also choose a client certificate for the backend to authenticate API
Gateway and set stage variables to pass deployment context to the API integration at run time. For more
information, see Update Stage Settings (p. 364).


After modifying stage settings, you must redeploy the API for the changes to take effect.


If the updated settings, such as enabling logging, requires a new IAM role, you can add the
required IAM role without redeploying the API. However, it can take a few minutes before the
new IAM role takes effect. Before that happens, traces of your API calls will not be logged even if
you have enabled the logging option.

Set Stage Variables for a REST API Deployment
For a deployment, you can set or modify stage variables to pass deployment-specific data to the API
integration at run time. You can do this on the Stage Variables tab in the Stage Editor. For more
information, see instructions in Set up Stage Variables for a REST API Deployment (p. 381).


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up a Stage

Associate a Stage with a Different REST API Deployment
Because a deployment represents an API snapshot and a stage defines a path into a snapshot, you can
choose different deployment-stage combinations to control how users call into different versions of the
API. This is useful, for example, when you want to roll back API state to a previous deployment or to
merge a 'private branch' of the API into the public one.
The following procedure shows how to do this using the Stage Editor in the API Gateway console. It is
assumed that you must have deployed an API more than once.

If not already in Stage Editor, choose the stage you want to update the deployment from an API's
Stages option in the APIs main navigation pane.


On the Deployment History tab, choose the option button next to the deployment you want the
stage to use.
Choose Change Deployment.


Set up a Stage in API Gateway
A stage is a named reference to a deployment, which is a snapshot of the API. You use a Stage to manage
and optimize a particular deployment. For example, you can set up stage settings to enable caching,
customize request throttling, configure logging, define stage variables or attach a canary release for
• Set up a Stage Using the API Gateway Console (p. 363)
• Enable API Caching to Enhance Responsiveness (p. 366)
• Throttle API Requests for Better Throughput (p. 371)
• Set Up Client-Side SSL Authentication in API Gateway (p. 374)
• Use AWS WAF to Protect Your Amazon API Gateway API from Common Web Exploits (p. 374)
• Set up Tags for an API Stage in API Gateway (p. 375)
• Set Up CloudWatch API Logging in API Gateway (p. 378)
• Set Up X-Ray Tracing in API Gateway (p. 381)
• Set Up CloudTrail Logging in API Gateway (p. 381)
• Set up Stage Variables for a REST API Deployment (p. 381)

Set up a Stage Using the API Gateway Console
• Create a New Stage (p. 363)
• Update Stage Settings (p. 364)
• Delete a Stage for an API (p. 366)

Create a New Stage
After the initial deployment, you can add more stages and associate them with existing deployments.
You can use the API Gateway console to create and use a new stage or choose an existing stage while
deploying an API. In general, you can add a new stage to an API deployment before redeploying the API.
To do so using the API Gateway console, follow the instructions below.

Sign in to the API Gateway console at


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up a Stage Using the API Gateway Console


From the APIs navigation pane, choose Stages under an API.


From the Stages navigation pane, choose Create.


Under Create Stage, type a stage name, for example, prod, for Stage name.


Optionally, type a stage description for Stage description


From the Deployment drop-down list, choose the date and time of the existing API deployment you
want to associate with this stage.


Choose Create.

Update Stage Settings
After a successful deployment of an API, the stage is populated with default settings. You can use the
console or API Gateway REST API to change the stage settings, including API caching and logging. In the
following, we show how to do so using the Stage Editor of the API Gateway console.

Update Stage Settings Using the API Gateway Console
These steps assume that you have already deployed the API to a stage.

Sign in to the API Gateway console at


In the APIs pane, choose the API, and then choose Stages.


In the Stages pane, choose the name of the stage.


In the Stage Editor pane, choose the Settings tab.


To enable API caching for the stage, select the Enable API cache option under the Cache Settings
section. Then choose desired options and associated values for Cache capacity, Encrypt cache data,
Cache time-to-live (TTL), as well as any requirements for per-key cache invalidation.
For more information about stage-level cache settings, see Enable API Caching (p. 366).


If you enable API caching for an API stage, your AWS account may be charged for API
caching. Caching is not eligible for the AWS free tier.


You can also override enabled stage-level cache settings for individual methods. To do
so, expand the stage under the Stages secondary navigation pane and choose a method.
Then, in the stage editor, choose the Override for this method option for Settings. In the
Cache Settings area, you can set or clear Enable Method Cache or customize any other
desired options. For more information about the method-level cache settings, see Enable
API Caching (p. 366).

To enable Amazon CloudWatch Logs for all of the methods associated with this stage of this API
Gateway API, do the following:

Under the CloudWatch Settings section, select the Enable CloudWatch Logs option.


To enable method-level CloudWatch settings, expand the stage under the Stages
secondary navigation pane, choose each method of interest, and, back in the stage
editor, choose Override for this method for Settings. In the CloudWatch Settings
area, make sure to select Log to CloudWatch Logs and any other desired options,
before choosing Save Changes.


Your account will be charged for accessing method-level CloudWatch metrics, but not
the API- or stage- level metrics.

For Log level, choose ERROR to write only error-level entries to CloudWatch Logs, or choose
INFO to include all ERROR events as well as extra informational events.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up a Stage Using the API Gateway Console


To log full API call request and response information, select Log full requests/responses data.
No sensitive data will be logged unless the Log full requests/responses data option is selected.


To have API Gateway report to CloudWatch the API metrics of API calls, Latency,
Integration latency, 400 errors and 500 errors, choose Enable Detailed CloudWatch
Metrics option. For more information about CloudWatch, see the Amazon CloudWatch User


Choose Save Changes. The new settings will take effect after a new deployment.


To enable CloudWatch Logs for all or only some of the methods, you must also specify
the ARN of an IAM role that enables API Gateway to write information to CloudWatch
Logs on behalf of your IAM user. To do so, choose Settings from the APIs main
navigation pane. Then type the ARN of an IAM role in the CloudWatch log role ARN
text field. For common application scenarios, the IAM role could attach the managed
policy of AmazonAPIGatewayPushToCloudWatchLogs, which contains the following
access policy statement:


"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*"

The IAM role must also contain the following trust relationship statement:


"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"Service": ""
"Action": "sts:AssumeRole"

For more information about CloudWatch, see the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.

To set stage-level throttling limits for all of the methods associated with this API, do the following in
the Default Method Throttling section:

Choose Enable throttling.


For Rate, type the maximum number of stage-level steady-state requests per second that
API Gateway can serve without returning a 429 Too Many Requests response. This stage365

Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Enable API Caching

level rate limit must not be more than the account-level (p. 372) rate limit as specified in API
Gateway Limits for Configuring and Running a REST API (p. 675).

For Burst, type the maximum number of stage-level concurrent requests that API Gateway can
serve without returning a 429 Too Many Requests response. This stage-level burst must
not be more than the account-level (p. 372) burst limit as specified in API Gateway Limits for
Configuring and Running a REST API (p. 675).


To override the stage-level throttling for an individual method, expand the stage in the Stages
secondary navigation pane, choose a method, and choose Override for this method for Settings. In
the Method Throttling section, select appropriate options.


To associate an AWS WAF web ACL with the stage, choose a web ACL from the Web ACL dropdown


If needed, choose Create Web ACL to open the AWS WAF console in a new browser tab,
create the web ACL, and return to the API Gateway console to associate the web ACL with
the stage.
10. If desired, choose Block API Request if WebACL cannot be evaluated (Fail- Close).
11. To enable AWS X-Ray tracing for the API stage:

In the Stage Editor pane, choose the Logs/Tracing tab.


To enable X-Ray tracing, choose Enable X-Ray Tracing under X-Ray Tracing.


To set sampling rules in the X-Ray console, choose Set X-Ray Sampling Rules.


If desired, choose Set X-Ray Sampling Rules and go to the X-Ray console to configure sampling

For more information, see Trace API Gateway API Execution with AWS X-Ray (p. 474).
12. Choose Save Changes. The new settings will take effect after you redeploy the API to the stage.

Delete a Stage for an API
When you no longer need a stage, you can delete it to avoid paying for unused resources. In the
following, we explain how to use the API Gateway console to delete a stage .


Deleting a stage may cause part or all of the corresponding API to be unusable by API callers.
Deleting a stage cannot be undone, but you can recreate the stage and associate it with the
same deployment.

Delete a Stage with the API Gateway Console

Sign in to the API Gateway console at


In the box that contains the name of the API for the stage, choose Stages.


In the Stages pane, choose the stage you want to delete, and then choose Delete Stage.


When prompted, choose Delete.

Enable API Caching to Enhance Responsiveness
You can enable API caching in Amazon API Gateway to cache your endpoint's responses. With caching,
you can reduce the number of calls made to your endpoint and also improve the latency of requests to
your API. When you enable caching for a stage, API Gateway caches responses from your endpoint for
a specified time-to-live (TTL) period, in seconds. API Gateway then responds to the request by looking
up the endpoint response from the cache instead of making a request to your endpoint. The default TTL


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Enable API Caching

value for API caching is 300 seconds. The maximum TTL value is 3600 seconds. TTL=0 means caching is
This is a HIPAA Eligible Service. For more information about AWS, U.S. Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), and using AWS services to process, store, and transmit protected
health information (PHI), see HIPAA Overview.


When you enable caching for a stage, only GET methods have caching enabled by default.
This helps to ensure the safety and availability of your API. You can enable caching for other
methods by overriding method settings (p. 368).


Caching is charged by the hour and is not eligible for the AWS free tier.

Enable Amazon API Gateway Caching
In API Gateway, you can enable caching for a specified stage.
When you enable caching, you must choose a cache capacity. In general, a larger capacity gives a better
performance, but also costs more.
API Gateway enables caching by creating a dedicated cache instance. This process can take up to 4
API Gateway changes caching capacity by removing the existing cache instance and creating a new one
with a modified capacity. All existing cached data is deleted.
In the API Gateway console, you configure caching in the Settings tab of a named Stage Editor.

To configure API caching for a given stage:

Go to the API Gateway console.


Choose the API.
Choose Stages.
In the Stages list for the API, choose the stage.


Choose the Settings tab.
Choose Enable API cache.


Wait for the cache creation to complete.


Creating or deleting a cache takes about 4 minutes for API Gateway to complete. When a cache
is created, the Cache status value changes from CREATE_IN_PROGRESS to AVAILABLE. When
cache deletion is completed, the Cache status value changes from DELETE_IN_PROGRESS to an
empty string.
When you enable caching within a stage's Cache Settings, only GET methods are cached. To ensure the
safety and availability of your API, we recommend that you not change this setting. However, you can
enable caching for other methods by overriding method settings (p. 368).
If you would like to verify if caching is functioning as expected, you have two general options:
• Inspect the CloudWatch metrics of CacheHitCount and CacheMissCount for your API and stage.
• Put a timestamp in the response.


You should not use the X-Cache header from the CloudFront response to determine if your API
is being served from your API Gateway cache instance.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Enable API Caching

Override API Gateway Stage-Level Caching for Method Caching
You can override stage-level cache settings by enabling or disabling caching for a specific method; by
increasing or decreasing its TTL period; or by turning encryption on or off for cached responses.
If you anticipate that a method that you are caching will receive sensitive data in its responses, in Cache
Settings, choose Encrypt cache data.

To configure API caching for individual methods using the console:

Sign in to the API Gateway console at
Go to the API Gateway console.


Choose the API.


Choose Stages.


In the Stages list for the API, expand the stage and choose a method in the API.
Choose Override for this method in Settings.


In the Cache Settings area, you can set or clear Enable Method Cache or customize any other
desired options. (This section is shown only if stage-level caching (p. 367) is enabled.)

Use Method or Integration Parameters as Cache Keys to Index
Cached Responses
When a cached method or integration has parameters, which can take the form of custom headers, URL
paths, or query strings, you can use some or all of the parameters to form cache keys. API Gateway can
cache the method's responses, depending on the parameter values used.
For example, suppose you have a request in the following format:

GET /users?type=... HTTP/1.1

In this request, type can take a value of admin or regular. If you include the type parameter as part
of the cache key, the responses from GET /users?type=admin will be cached separately from those
from GET /users?type=regular.
When a method or integration request takes more than one parameter, you can choose to include some
or all of the parameters to create the cache key. For example, you can include only the type parameter
in the cache key for the following request, made in the listed order within a TTL period:

GET /users?type=admin&department=A HTTP/1.1

The response from this request will be cached and will be used to serve the following request:

GET /users?type=admin&department=B HTTP/1.1


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Enable API Caching

To include a method or integration request parameter as part of a cache key in the API Gateway console,
select Caching after you add the parameter.

Flush the API Stage Cache in API Gateway
When API caching is enabled, you can flush your API stage's entire cache to ensure your API's clients get
the most recent responses from your integration endpoints.
To flush the API stage cache, you can choose the Flush entire cache button under the Cache Settings
section in the Settings tab in a stage editor of the API Gateway console. The cache-flushing operation is
almost instantaneous. As a result, the cache status is AVAILABLE immediately after flushing.


After the cache is flushed, responses are serviced from the integration endpoint until the cache
is built up again. During this period, the number of requests sent to the integration endpoint
may increase. This may temporarily increase the overall latency of your API.

Invalidate an API Gateway Cache Entry
A client of your API can invalidate an existing cache entry and reload it from the integration endpoint
for individual requests. The client must send a request that contains the Cache-Control: max-age=0
header. The client receives the response directly from the integration endpoint instead of the cache,
provided that the client is authorized to do so. This replaces the existing cache entry with the new
response, which is fetched from the integration endpoint.
To grant permission for a client, attach a policy of the following format to an IAM execution role for the


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Enable API Caching


"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [

This policy allows the API Gateway execution service to invalidate the cache for requests on the
specified resource (or resources). To specify a group of targeted resources, use a wildcard (*) character
for account-id, api-id, and other entries in the ARN value of Resource. For more information on
how to set permissions for the API Gateway execution service, see Control Access to an API with IAM
Permissions (p. 232)
If you do not impose an InvalidateCache policy, any client can invalidate the API cache. If most or all
of the clients invalidate the API cache, this could significantly increase the latency of your API.
When the policy is in place, caching is enabled, and authorization is required, you can control how
unauthorized requests are handled by choosing an option from Handle unauthorized requests in the API
Gateway console.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Throttle API Requests

The three options result in the following behaviors:
• Fail the request with 403 status code: returns a 403 Unauthorized response.
To set this option using the API, use FAIL_WITH_403.
• Ignore cache control header; Add a warning in response header: process the request and add a
warning header in the response.
To set this option using the API, use SUCCEED_WITH_RESPONSE_HEADER.
• Ignore cache control header: process the request and do not add a warning header in the response.
To set this option using the API, use SUCCEED_WITHOUT_RESPONSE_HEADER.

Throttle API Requests for Better Throughput
To prevent your API from being overwhelmed by too many requests, Amazon API Gateway throttles
requests to your API using the token bucket algorithm, where a token counts for a request. Specifically,


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Throttle API Requests

API Gateway sets a limit on a steady-state rate and a burst of request submissions against all APIs in your
account. In the token bucket algorithm, the burst is the maximum bucket size.
When request submissions exceed the steady-state request rate and burst limits, API Gateway fails the
limit-exceeding requests and returns 429 Too Many Requests error responses to the client. Upon
catching such exceptions, the client can resubmit the failed requests in a rate-limiting fashion, while
complying with the API Gateway throttling limits.
As an API developer, you can set the limits for individual API stages or methods to improve overall
performance across all APIs in your account. Alternatively, you can enable usage plans (p. 293) to restrict
client request submissions to within specified request rates and quotas. This restricts the overall request
submissions so that they don't go significantly past the account-level throttling limits.
• How Throttling Limit Settings Are Applied in API Gateway (p. 372)
• Account-Level Throttling (p. 372)
• Default Method Throttling and Overriding Default Method Throttling (p. 373)
• Configuring API-level and Stage-Level Throttling in a Usage Plan (p. 374)
• Configuring Method-Level Throttling in a Usage Plan (p. 374)

How Throttling Limit Settings Are Applied in API Gateway
Before you configure limit settings for your API in your stage settings and optionally a usage
plan (p. 293), it's useful to understand Amazon API Gateway how throttling limit settings are applied.
Amazon API Gateway provides two basic types of throttling-related settings:
• Server-side throttling limits are applied across all clients. These limit settings exist to prevent your API
— and your account — from being overwhelmed by too many requests.
• Per-client throttling limits are applied to clients that use API keys associated with your usage policy as
client identifier.
API Gateway throttling-related settings are applied in the following order:
1. Per-client per-method throttling limits (p. 374) that you set for an API stage in a usage plan (p. 300)
2. Per-client throttling limits (p. 374) that you set in a usage plan
3. Default per-method limits and individual per-method limits (p. 373) that you set in API stage
settings (p. 364)
4. Account-level throttling (p. 372)

Account-Level Throttling
By default, API Gateway limits the steady-state request rate to 10,000 requests per second (rps). It
limits the burst (that is, the maximum bucket size) to 5,000 requests across all APIs within an AWS
account. In API Gateway, the burst limit corresponds to the maximum number of concurrent request
submissions that API Gateway can fulfill at any moment without returning 429 Too Many Requests
error responses.
To help understand these throttling limits, here are a few examples, given the burst limit and the default
account-level rate limit:
• If a caller submits 10,000 requests in a one second period evenly (for example, 10 requests every
millisecond), API Gateway processes all requests without dropping any.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Throttle API Requests

• If the caller sends 10,000 requests in the first millisecond, API Gateway serves 5,000 of those requests
and throttles the rest in the one-second period.
• If the caller submits 5,000 requests in the first millisecond and then evenly spreads another 5,000
requests through the remaining 999 milliseconds (for example, about 5 requests every millisecond),
API Gateway processes all 10,000 requests in the one-second period without returning 429 Too Many
Requests error responses.
• If the caller submits 5,000 requests in the first millisecond and waits until the 101st millisecond to
submit another 5,000 requests, API Gateway processes 6,000 requests and throttles the rest in the
one-second period. This is because at the rate of 10,000 rps, API Gateway has served 1,000 requests
after the first 100 milliseconds and thus emptied the bucket by the same amount. Of the next spike
of 5,000 requests, 1,000 fill the bucket and are queued to be processed. The other 4,000 exceed the
bucket capacity and are discarded.
• If the caller submits 5,000 requests in the first millisecond, submits 1,000 requests at the 101st
millisecond, and then evenly spreads another 4,000 requests through the remaining 899 milliseconds,
API Gateway processes all 10,000 requests in the one-second period without throttling.
More generally, at any given moment, when a bucket contains b and the maximum bucket capacity is
B, the maximum additional tokens that can be added to the bucket is #=B-b. This maximum number of
additional tokens corresponds to the maximum number of additional concurrent requests that a client
can submit without receiving any 429 error responses. In general, # varies in time. The value ranges
from zero when the bucket is full (that is, b=B) to B when the bucket is empty (that is, b=0). The range
depends on the request-processing rate, which is the rate at which tokens are removed from the bucket,
and the rate limit rate, which is the rate at which tokens are added to the bucket.
The following schematic shows the general behaviors of #, the maximum additional concurrent requests,
as a function of time. The schematic assumes that the tokens in the bucket decrease at a combined rate
of r, starting from an empty bucket.

The account-level rate limit can be increased upon request. To request an increase of accountlevel throttling limits, contact the AWS Support Center. For more information, see API Gateway
Limits (p. 674).

Default Method Throttling and Overriding Default Method
You can set the default method throttling to override the account-level request throttling limits for a
specific stage or for individual methods in your API. The default method throttling limits are bounded
by the account-level rate limits, even if you set the default method throttling limits higher than the
account-level limits.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set Up Client-Side SSL Authentication

You can set the default method throttling limits in the API Gateway console by using the Default
Method Throttling setting in Stages. For instructions on using the console, see Update Stage
Settings (p. 364).
You can also set the default method throttling limits by calling the API Gateway V1 and V2 API
References (p. 673).

Configuring API-level and Stage-Level Throttling in a Usage
In a usage plan (p. 293), you can set a default per-method throttling limit for all methods at the API or
stage level under Create Usage Plan as shown in Create a Usage Plan (p. 300).

Configuring Method-Level Throttling in a Usage Plan
You can set additional throttling limits at the method level in Usage Plans as shown in Create a
Usage Plan (p. 300). In the API Gateway console, these are set by specifying Resource=,
Method= in the Configure Method Throttling setting. For example, for the PetStore
example (p. 550), you might specify Resource=/pets, Method=GET.

Set Up Client-Side SSL Authentication in API Gateway
You can use API Gateway to generate an SSL certificate and use its public key in the backend to verify
that HTTP requests to your backend system are from API Gateway. You can also enable client-side SSL
authentication for an API using the API Gateway console. For more information, see the section called
“Configure an API to Use SSL Certificates” (p. 275).

Use AWS WAF to Protect Your Amazon API Gateway
API from Common Web Exploits
AWS WAF is a web application firewall that helps protect web applications and APIs from attacks by
allowing you to configure a set of rules (called a web access control list, or web ACL) that allow, block, or
count web requests based on customizable web security rules and conditions that you define. For more
information, see How AWS WAF Works.
You can use AWS WAF to protect your API Gateway API from common web exploits, such as SQL injection
and cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks, that could affect API availability, performance, and compromise
security or consume excessive resources. For example, you can create rules to block requests based on IP
address or range of IP addresses originating from a specific country or region, containing malicious SQL
code, or containing malicious script. You can also create rules that match a specified string or a regular
expression pattern in HTTP headers, method, query string, URI, and the request body (limited to the
first 8 KB). Additionally, you can create rules to block attacks from specific user-agents, bad bots, and
content scrapers. For example, you can use rate-based rules to specify the number of web requests that
are allowed by each client IP in a trailing, continuously updated, 5-minute period.
To enable AWS WAF for your API, you'll need to:

Use the AWS WAF console, AWS SDK, or CLI to create a web ACL containing the desired combination
of AWS WAF managed rules and your own custom rules. For more information, see Creating and
Configuring a Web Access Control List (Web ACL).


Associate the AWS WAF web ACL with an API stage. You can do this by using the AWS WAF console,
AWS SDK, or CLI or by using the API Gateway console, AWS SDK, or CLI.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set Up Tags

To Associate an AWS WAF web ACL with an API Gateway API
Stage Using the API Gateway Console
To use the API Gateway console to associate an AWS WAF web ACL with an existing API Gateway API
stage, use the following steps:

Sign in to the API Gateway console at


In the APIs navigation pane, choose the API, and then choose Stages.


In the Stages pane, choose the name of the stage.


In the Stage Editor pane, choose the Settings tab.


To associate a web ACL with the API stage:

In the AWS WAF Web ACL dropdown list, choose the web ACL that you want to associate with
this stage.


If the Web ACL you need doesn't exist yet, choose Create WebACL to open the WAF
console in a new browser tab and create the web ACL. Then return to the API Gateway
console to associate the web ACL with the stage.

Choose Save Changes.

Associate an AWS WAF Web ACL with an API Gateway API Stage
Using the AWS CLI
To use the AWS CLI to associate an AWS WAF web ACL with an existing API Gateway API stage, call the
associate-web-acl command as in the following example:
aws waf-regional associate-web-acl \
--web-acl-id 'aabc123a-fb4f-4fc6-becb-2b00831cadcf' \
--resource-arn 'arn:aws:apigateway:{region}::/restapis/4wk1k4onj3/stages/prod'

Associate an AWS WAF Web ACL with an API Stage Using the
To use the AWS WAF REST API to associate an AWS WAF web ACL with an existing API Gateway API stage,
call the AssociateWebACL command as in the following example:
import boto3
waf = boto3.client('wafregional')

Set up Tags for an API Stage in API Gateway
Tags are metadata that you assign to your AWS resources. They are commonly used for tracking
resource usage by custom-defined categories, which provides a simple mechanism to separate distinct
organizational units within a single AWS account. A tag consists of a key-value pair. For more information
on how to use tags, see AWS Tagging Strategy.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set Up Tags

In API Gateway, you can assign tags to an API stage for managing cost allocation for request invocation
and caching that are associated with the stage. For example, when you add the tag Department:Sales
to an API stage, it shows up in AWS Billing and Cost Management as a cost allocation tag. After a tag
is activated, you can use it to filter costs and usage by using Cost Explorer in the AWS Billing and Cost
Management console.
You can add a tag to an API stage, remove the tag from the stage, or view the tag. To do this, you can use
the API Gateway console, the AWS CLI/SDK, or the API Gateway REST API.
• Set up Tags for an API Stage Using the API Gateway Console (p. 376)
• Set up Tags for an API Stage Using the API Gateway REST API (p. 376)
• Tag Restrictions (p. 378)

Set up Tags for an API Stage Using the API Gateway Console
The following procedure describes how to set up tags for an API stage.

To set up tags for an API stage by using the API Gateway console

Sign in to the API Gateway console.


Choose an existing API, or create a new API that includes resources, methods, and the corresponding


Choose a stage or deploy the API to a new stage.


In the Stage Editor, choose the Settings tab.


Under the Tags section, choose Add Stage Tag. Type a tag key (for example, Department) in the
Key column, and type a tag value (for example, Sales) in the Value column. Choose the checkmark
icon to save the tag.


If needed, repeat Step 5 to add more tags to the API stage. The maximum number of tags per stage
is 50.


To remove an existing tag from the stage, choose the trash bin icon next to the selected tag.


Choose Save Changes to finish setting up the stage tags.
If the API has been deployed previously in the API Gateway console, you'll need to redeploy it for the
changes to take effect.

Set up Tags for an API Stage Using the API Gateway REST API
You can set up tags for an API stage using the API Gateway REST API by doing one of the following:
• Call tags:tag to tag an API stage.
• Call tags:untag to delete one or more tags from an API stage.
• Call stage:create to add one or more tags to an API stage that you're creating.
You can also call tags:get to describe tags in an API stage.

Tag an API Stage
After you deploy an API (m5zr3vnks7) to a stage (test), tag the stage by calling tags:tag. The
required stage Amazon Resource Name (ARN) (arn:aws:apigateway:us-east-1::/restapis/
m5zr3vnks7/stages/test) must be URL encoded (arn%3Aaws%3Aapigateway%3Aus-east-1%3A


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set Up Tags

PUT /tags/arn%3Aaws%3Aapigateway%3Aus-east-1%3A%3A%2Frestapis%2Fm5zr3vnks7%2Fstages%2Ftest


"tags" : {
"Department" : "Sales"

You can also use the previous request to update an existing tag to a new value.
You can add tags to a stage when calling stage:create to create the stage:
POST /restapis//stages


"stageName" : "test",
"deploymentId" : "adr134",
"description" : "test deployment",
"cacheClusterEnabled" : "true",
"cacheClusterSize" : "500",
"variables" : {
"sv1" : "val1"
"documentationVersion" : "test",
"tags" : {
"Department" : "Sales",
"Division" : "Retail"

Untag an API Stage
To remove the Department tag from the stage, call tags:untag:
DELETE /tags/arn%3Aaws%3Aapigateway%3Aus-east-1%3A%3A%2Frestapis%2Fm5zr3vnks7%2Fstages
Authorization: ...

To remove more than one tag, use a comma-separated list of tag keys in the query expression—for

Describe Tags for an API Stage
To describe existing tags on a given stage, call tags:get:
GET /tags/arn%3Aaws%3Aapigateway%3Aus-east-1%3A%3A%2Frestapis%2Fm5zr3vnks7%2Fstages%2Ftags
Authorization: ...

The successful response is similar to the following:
200 OK

"_links": {
"curies": {
"href": "{rel}.html",
"name": "tags",


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set Up CloudWatch API Logging
"templated": true
"tags:tag": {
"href": "/tags/arn%3Aaws%3Aapigateway%3Aus-east-1%3A%3A%2Frestapis
"tags:untag": {
"href": "/tags/arn%3Aaws%3Aapigateway%3Aus-east-1%3A%3A%2Frestapis
"templated": true
"tags": {
"Department": "Sales"

Tag Restrictions
The following restrictions apply to tags for API Gateway resources:
• Tags are applicable to the Stage resource only.
• The maximum number of tags per stage is 50.
• The maximum tag key length is 128 Unicode characters in UTF-8.
• The maximum tag value length is 256 Unicode characters in UTF-8.
• Tag keys and values are case sensitive.
• The valid character set is [a-zA-Z+-=._:/] for tag keys and values.
• Tag keys and values can't start with aws:.

Set Up CloudWatch API Logging in API Gateway
To help debug issues related to request execution or client access to your API, you can enable Amazon
CloudWatch Logs to log API calls. Once enabled, API Gateway will log API calls in CloudWatch. For more
information, see the section called “Monitor API execution with Amazon CloudWatch” (p. 485).

CloudWatch Log Formats for API Gateway
There are two types of API logging in CloudWatch: execution logging and access logging. In execution
logging, API Gateway manages the CloudWatch Logs. The process includes creating log groups and log
streams, and reporting to the log streams any caller's requests and responses. The logged data includes
errors or execution traces (such as request or response parameter values or payloads), data used by
Lambda authorizers (formerly known as custom authorizers), whether API keys are required, whether
usage plans are enabled, and so on.
When you deploy an API, API Gateway creates a log group and log streams under the log group. The log
group is named following the API-Gateway-Execution-Logs_{rest-api-id}/{stage_name}
format. Within each log group, the logs are further divided into log streams, which are ordered by Last
Event Time as logged data is reported.
In access logging, you, as an API developer, want to log who has accessed your API and how the caller
accessed the API. You can create your own log group or choose an existing one, which could be managed
by API Gateway. You can specify the access details by selecting $context (p. 165) variables, expressed
in a format of your choosing, and by choosing a log group as the destination. To preserve uniqueness of
each log, access log format must include $context.requestId.
Choose a log format that is also adopted by your analytic backend, such as Common Log Format (CLF),
JSON, XML, or CSV. You can then feed the access logs to it directly to have your metrics computed and


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set Up CloudWatch API Logging

rendered. To define the log format, set the log group ARN on the accessLogSettings/destinationArn
property on the stage. You can obtain a log group ARN in the CloudWatch console, provided that
the ARN column is selected for display. To define the access log format, set a chosen format on the
accessLogSetting/format property on the stage.
Examples of some commonly used access log formats are shown in the API Gateway console and listed as
• CLF (Common Log Format):
$context.identity.sourceIp $context.identity.caller \
$context.identity.user [$context.requestTime] \
"$context.httpMethod $context.resourcePath $context.protocol" \
$context.status $context.responseLength $context.requestId

The continuation characters (\) are meant as a visual aid and the log format cannot have any line
{ "requestId":"$context.requestId", \
"ip": "$context.identity.sourceIp", \
"caller":"$context.identity.caller", \
"user":"$context.identity.user", \
"requestTime":"$context.requestTime", \
"httpMethod":"$context.httpMethod", \
"resourcePath":"$context.resourcePath", \
"status":"$context.status", \
"protocol":"$context.protocol", \
"responseLength":"$context.responseLength" \

The continuation characters (\) are meant as a visual aid and the log format cannot have any line
• XML:
$context.identity.sourceIp \
$context.identity.caller \
$context.identity.user \
$context.requestTime \
$context.httpMethod \
$context.resourcePath \
$context.status \
$context.protocol \
$context.responseLength \

The continuation characters (\) are meant as a visual aid and the log format cannot have any line
• CSV (comma-separated values):

The continuation characters (\) are meant as a visual aid and the log format cannot have any line


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set Up CloudWatch API Logging

Permissions for CloudWatch Logging
To enable CloudWatch Logs, you must grant API Gateway permission to read and write
logs to CloudWatch for your account. The AmazonAPIGatewayPushToCloudWatchLogs
managed policy (with an ARN of arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/
AmazonAPIGatewayPushToCloudWatchLogs) has all the required permissions:


"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*"

To grant these permissions to your account, create an IAM role with
as its trusted entity, attach the preceding policy to the IAM role, and set the IAM role ARN on the
cloudWatchRoleArn property on your Account.

Set up API Logging Using the API Gateway Console
To set up API logging, you must have deployed the API to a stage. You must also have configured an
appropriate CloudWatch Logs role (p. 380) ARN for your account.

Sign in to the API Gateway console at


Choose Settings from the primary navigation panel. Type an ARN of an IAM role with appropriate
permissions in CloudWatch log role ARN. You need to do this once.


Do one of the following:

Choose an existing API and then choose a stage.


Create an API and deploy it to a stage.


Choose Logs/Tracing in the Stage Editor.


To enable execution logging, choose Enable CloudWatch Logs under CloudWatch Settings. Choose
Error or Info from the drop-down menu. If desired, choose Enable Detailed CloudWatch Metrics.
For more information about CloudWatch metrics, see the section called “Monitor API execution with
Amazon CloudWatch” (p. 485).


To enable access logging, choose Enable Access Logging under Custom Access Logging. Then type
the ARN of a log group in CloudWatch Group. Type a log format in Log Format. You can choose
CLF, JSON, XML, or CSV to use one of the provided examples as a guide.


Choose Save Changes.


You can enable execution logging and access logging independent of each other.

Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set Up X-Ray Tracing

API Gateway is now ready to log requests to your API. You do not need to redeploy the API when you
update the stage settings, logs, or stage variables.

Set Up X-Ray Tracing in API Gateway
To help debug issues related to API request latency, you can enable AWS X-Ray tracing to trace API
requests and downstream services. Once enabled, API Gateway will trace API calls in X-Ray. For more
information, see the section called “Setting Up AWS X-Ray” (p. 475).

Set Up CloudTrail Logging in API Gateway
There is nothing you need to do to enable CloudTrail logging for your API. It is enabled automatically.
For more information, see the section called “Log Calls to Amazon API Gateway APIs with AWS
CloudTrail” (p. 483).

Set up Stage Variables for a REST API Deployment
Stage variables are name-value pairs that you can define as configuration attributes associated with a
deployment stage of a REST API. They act like environment variables and can be used in your API setup
and mapping templates.
For example, you can define a stage variable in a stage configuration, and then set its value as the URL
string of an HTTP integration for a method in your REST API. Later, you can reference the URL string
using the associated stage variable name from the API setup. This way, you can use the same API setup
with a different endpoint at each stage by resetting the stage variable value to the corresponding URLs.
You can also access stage variables in the mapping templates, or pass configuration parameters to your
AWS Lambda or HTTP backend.
For more information about mapping templates, see API Gateway Mapping Template Reference (p. 164).

Use Cases
With deployment stages in API Gateway, you can manage multiple release stages for each API, such as
alpha, beta, and production. Using stage variables you can configure an API deployment stage to interact
with different backend endpoints. For example, your API can pass a GET request as an HTTP proxy to
the backend web host (for example, In this case, the backend web host is
configured in a stage variable so that when developers call your production endpoint, API Gateway calls When you call your beta endpoint, API Gateway uses the value configured in the stage
variable for the beta stage, and calls a different web host (for example, Similarly,
stage variables can be used to specify a different AWS Lambda function name for each stage in your API.
You can also use stage variables to pass configuration parameters to a Lambda function through your
mapping templates. For example, you may want to re-use the same Lambda function for multiple stages
in your API, but the function should read data from a different Amazon DynamoDB table depending
on which stage is being called. In the mapping templates that generate the request for the Lambda
function, you can use stage variables to pass the table name to Lambda.

To use a stage variable to customize the HTTP integration endpoint, you must first configure a stage
variable of a specified name, e.g., url, and then assign it a value, e.g., Next, from your
method configuration, set up an HTTP proxy integration, and instead of entering the endpoint's URL, you
can tell API Gateway to use the stage variable value, http://${stageVariables.url}. This value
tells API Gateway to substitute your stage variable ${} at runtime, depending on which stage your API is
running. You can reference stage variables in a similar way to specify a Lambda function name, an AWS
Service Proxy path, or an AWS role ARN in the credentials field.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up Stage Variables for a REST API

When specifying a Lambda function name as a stage variable value, you must configure the permissions
on the Lambda function manually. You can use the AWS Command Line Interface to do this.
aws lambda add-permission --function-name arn:aws:lambda:XXXXXX:your-lambda-functionname --source-arn arn:aws:execute-api:us-east-1:YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID:api_id/*/HTTP_METHOD/
resource --principal --statement-id apigateway-access --action

The following example assigns API Gateway permission to invoke a Lambda function named
helloWorld hosted in the US West (Oregon) region of an AWS account on behalf of the API method.
arn arn:aws:execute-api:us-west-2:123123123123:bmmuvptwze/*/GET/hello

Here is the same command using the AWS CLI.
aws lambda add-permission --function-name arn:aws:lambda:useast-1:123123123123:function:helloWorld --source-arn arn:aws:execute-api:uswest-2:123123123123:bmmuvptwze/*/GET/hello --principal -statement-id apigateway-access --action lambda:InvokeFunction

Set Stage Variables Using the Amazon API Gateway Console
In this tutorial, you will learn how to set stage variables for two deployment stages of a sample API,
using the Amazon API Gateway console. Before you begin, make sure the following prerequisites are met:
• You must have an API available in API Gateway. Follow the instructions in Creating a REST API in
Amazon API Gateway (p. 39).
• You must have deployed the API at least once. Follow the instructions in Deploying a REST API in
Amazon API Gateway (p. 360).
• You must have created the first stage for a deployed API. Follow the instructions in Create a New
Stage (p. 363).

To Declare Stage Variables Using the API Gateway Console

Sign in to the API Gateway console at


Create an API, create a GET method on the API's root resource, if you have not already done so. Set
the HTTP Endpoint URL value as "http://${stageVariables.url}", and then choose Save.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up Stage Variables for a REST API


Choose Deploy API. Choose New Stage and enter "beta" for Stage name. Choose Deploy.


In the beta Stage Editor panel; choose the Stage Variables tab; and then choose Add Stage


Enter the "url" string in the Name field and the "" in the Value field. Choose the
checkmark icon to save the setting for the stage variable.


Repeat the above step to add two more stage variables: version and function. Set their values as
"v-beta" and "HelloWorld", respectively.


When setting a Lambda function as the value of a stage variable, use the function's
local name, possibly including its alias or version specification, as in HelloWorld,
HelloWorld:1 or HelloWorld:alpha. Do not use the function's ARN (for example,
arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:HelloWorld). The API
Gateway console assumes the stage variable value for a Lambda function as the unqualified
function name and will expand the given stage variable into an ARN.

From the Stages navigation pane, choose Create. For Stage name, type prod. Select a recent
deployment from Deployment and then choose Create.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up Stage Variables for a REST API


As with the beta stage, set the same three stage variables (url, version, and function) to different
values ("", "v-prod", and
"HelloEveryone"), respectively.

Use Amazon API Gateway Stage Variables
You can use API Gateway stage variables to access the HTTP and Lambda backends for different API
deployment stages and to pass stage-specific configuration metadata into an HTTP backend as a query
parameter and into a Lambda function as a payload generated in an input mapping template.

You must create two stages with a url variable set to two different HTTP endpoints: a function
stage variable assigned to two different Lambda functions, and a version stage variable containing
stage-specific metadata. Follow the instructions in Set Stage Variables Using the Amazon API Gateway
Console (p. 382).

Access an HTTP endpoint through an API with a stage variable

In the Stages navigation pane, choose beta. In beta Stage Editor, choose the Invoke URL link. This
starts the beta stage GET request on the root resource of the API.


The Invoke URL link points to the root resource of the API in its beta stage. Navigating
to the URL by choosing the link calls the beta stage GET method on the root resource. If
methods are defined on child resources and not on the root resource itself, choosing the
Invoke URL link will return a {"message":"Missing Authentication Token"} error
response. In this case, you must append the name of a specific child resource to the Invoke
URL link.

The response you get from the beta stage GET request is shown next. You can also verify the result
by using a browser to navigate to This value was assigned to the url
variable in the beta stage. The two responses are identical.


In the Stages navigation pane, choose the prod stage. From prod Stage Editor , choose the Invoke
URL link. This starts the prod stage GET request on the root resource of the API.


The response you get from the prod stage GET request is shown next. You can verify the result by
using a browser to navigate to
This value was assigned to the url variable in the prod stage. The two responses are identical.

Pass stage-specific metadata to an HTTP backend via a stage variable in a query
parameter expression
This procedure describes how to use a stage variable value in a query parameter expression to pass
stage-specific metadata into an HTTP back end. We will use the version stage variable declared in Set
Stage Variables Using the Amazon API Gateway Console (p. 382).

In the Resource navigation pane, choose the GET method. To add a query string parameter to the
method's URL, in Method Execution, choose Method Request. Type version for the parameter


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up Stage Variables for a REST API


In Method Execution choose Integration Request. Edit the Endpoint URL value to append ?
version=${stageVariables.version} to the previously defined URL value, which, in this case,
is also expressed with the url stage variable. Choose Deploy API to deploy these changes.


In the Stages navigation pane, choose the beta stage. From beta Stage Editor, verify that the
current stage is in the most recent deployment, and then choose the Invoke URL link.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up Stage Variables for a REST API


We use the beta stage here because the HTTP endpoint, as specified by the url variable,
"", accepts query parameter expressions and returns them as the
args object in its response.

The response is shown next. Notice that v-beta, assigned to the version stage variable, is passed
in the backend as the version argument.

Call Lambda function through API with a stage variable
This procedure describes how to use a stage variable to call a Lambda function as a back end of your API.
We will use the function stage variable declared earlier. For more information, see Set Stage Variables
Using the Amazon API Gateway Console (p. 382).

In the Resources pane, create a /lambdasv1 child resource under the root directory, and then create
a GET method on the child resource. Set the Integration type to Lambda Function, and in Lambda
Function, type ${stageVariables.function}. Choose Save.


When prompted with Add Permision to Lambda Function, make a note of the AWS CLI
command before choosing OK. You must run the command on each Lambda function that
is or will be assigned to the function stage variable for each of the newly created API
methods. For example, if the $stageVariables.function value is HelloWorld and


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up Stage Variables for a REST API

you have not added permission to this function yet, you must run the following AWS CLI
aws lambda add-permission --function-name arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:accountid:function:HelloWorld --source-arn arn:aws:execute-api:us-east-1:accountid:api-id/*/GET/lambdasv1 --principal --statementid statement-id-guid --action lambda:InvokeFunction

Failing to do so results in a 500 Internal Server Error response when invoking the
method. Make sure to replace ${stageVariables.function} with the Lambda function
name that is assigned to the stage variable.


Deploy the API to available stages.


In the Stages navigation pane, choose the beta stage. Verify that your most recent deployment
is in beta Stage Editor. Copy the Invoke URL link, paste it into the address bar of your browser,
and append /lambdasv1 to that URL. This calls the underlying Lambda function through the GET
method on the LambdaSv1 child resource of the API.


Your HelloWorld Lambda function implements the following code.

exports.handler = function(event, context, callback) {
if (event.version)
callback(null, 'Hello, World! (' + event.version + ')' );
callback(null, "Hello, world! (v-unknown)");

This implementation results in the following response.
"Hello, world! (v-unknown)"

Pass stage-specific metadata to a Lambda function via a stage variable
This procedure describes how to use a stage variable to pass stage-specific configuration metadata into a
Lambda function. We will use a POST method and an input mapping template to generate payload using
the version stage variable declared earlier.

In the Resources pane, choose the /lambdasv1 child resource. Create a POST method on the child
resource, set the Integration type to Lambda Function, and type ${stageVariables.function}
in Lambda Function. Choose Save.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up Stage Variables for a REST API


This step is similar to the step we used to create the GET method. For more information, see
Call Lambda function through API with a stage variable (p. 386).

From the /Method Execution pane, choose Integration Request. In the Integration Request pane,
expand Mapping Templates, and then choose Add mapping template to add a template for the
application/json content-type, as shown in the following.


In a mapping template, a stage variable must be referenced within quotes (as in
"$stageVariables.version" or "${stageVariables.version}"), whereas
elsewhere it must be referenced without quotes (as in ${stageVariables.function}).

Deploy the API to available stages.


In the Stages navigation pane, choose beta. In beta Stage Editor , verify that the current stage has
the most recent deployment. Copy the Invoke URL link, paste it into the URL input field of a REST
API client, append /lambdasv1 to that URL, and then submit a POST request to the underlying
Lambda function.


You will get the following response.
"Hello, world! (v-beta)"

Amazon API Gateway Stage Variables Reference
You can use API Gateway stage variables in the following cases.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up Stage Variables for a REST API

Parameter Mapping Expressions
A stage variable can be used in a parameter mapping expression for an API method's request or response
header parameter, without any partial substitution. In the following example, the stage variable is
referenced without the $ and the enclosing {...}.
• stageVariables.

Mapping Templates
A stage variable can be used anywhere in a mapping template, as shown in the following examples.
• { "name" : "$stageVariables."}
• { "name" : "${stageVariables.}"}

HTTP Integration URIs
A stage variable can be used as part of an HTTP integration URL, as shown in the following examples.
• A full URI without protocol, e.g., http://${stageVariables.}
• A full domain: e.g., http://${stageVariables.}/resource/operation
• A subdomain: e.g., http://${stageVariables.}
• A path, e.g.,${stageVariables.}/bar
• A query string, e.g.,${stageVariables.}

AWS Integration URIs
A stage variable can be used as part of AWS URI action or path components, as shown in the following
• arn:aws:apigateway:::${stageVariables.}

AWS Integration URIs (Lambda Functions)
A stage variable can be used in place of a Lambda function name, or version/alias, as shown in the
following examples.
• arn:aws:apigateway::lambda:path/2015-03-31/
• arn:aws:apigateway::lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/

AWS Integration Credentials
A stage variable can be used as part of AWS user/role credential ARN, as shown in the following example.
• arn:aws:iam:::${stageVariables.}


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up a Canary Release Deployment

Set up an API Gateway Canary Release
Canary release is a software development strategy in which a new version of an API (as well as other
software) is deployed as a canary release for testing purposes, and the base version remains deployed as
a production release for normal operations on the same stage. For purposes of discussion, we refer to the
base version as a production release in this documentation. Although this is reasonable, you are free to
apply canary release on any non-production version for testing.
In a canary release deployment, total API traffic is separated at random into a production release and
a canary release with a pre-configured ratio. Typically, the canary release receives a small percentage
of API traffic and the production release takes up the rest. The updated API features are only visible to
API traffic through the canary. You can adjust the canary traffic percentage to optimize test coverage or
By keeping canary traffic small and the selection random, most users are not adversely affected at any
time by potential bugs in the new version, and no single user is adversely affected all the time.
After the test metrics pass your requirements, you can promote the canary release to the production
release and disable the canary from the deployment. This makes the new features available in the
production stage.
• Canary Release Deployment in API Gateway (p. 390)
• Create a Canary Release Deployment (p. 391)
• Update a Canary Release (p. 398)
• Promote a Canary Release (p. 401)
• Disable a Canary Release (p. 405)

Canary Release Deployment in API Gateway
In API Gateway, a canary release deployment uses the deployment stage for the production release of
the base version of an API, and attaches to the stage a canary release for the new versions, relative to
the base version, of the API. The stage is associated with the initial deployment and the canary with
subsequent deployments. At the beginning, both the stage and the canary point to the same API version.
We use stage and production release interchangeably and use canary and canary release interchangeably
throughout this section.
To deploy an API with a canary release, you create a canary release deployment by adding canary
settings to the stage of a regular deployment. The canary settings describe the underlying canary
release and the stage represents the production release of the API within this deployment. To add canary
settings, set canarySettings on the deployment stage and specify the following:
• A deployment ID, initially identical to the ID of the base version deployment set on the stage.
• A percentage of API traffic, between 0.0 and 100.0 inclusive, for the canary release.
• Stage variables for the canary release that can override production release stage variables.
• The use of the stage cache for canary requests, if the useStageCache is set and API caching is enabled
on the stage.
After a canary release is enabled, the deployment stage cannot be associated with another non-canary
release deployment until the canary release is disabled and the canary settings removed from the stage.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create a Canary Release Deployment

When you enable API execution logging, the canary release has its own logs and metrics generated for all
canary requests. They are reported to a production stage CloudWatch Logs log group as well as a canaryspecific CloudWatch Logs log group. The same applies to access logging. The separate canary-specific
logs are helpful to validate new API changes and decide whether to accept the changes and promote the
canary release to the production stage, or to discard the changes and revert the canary release from the
production stage.
The production stage execution log group is named API-Gateway-Execution-Logs/{rest-apiid}/{stage-name} and the canary release execution log group is named API-Gateway-ExecutionLogs/{rest-api-id}/{stage-name}/Canary. For access logging, you must create a new log group
or choose an existing one. The canary release access log group name has the /Canary suffix appended
to the selected log group name.
A canary release can use the stage cache, if enabled, to store responses and use cached entries to return
results to the next canary requests, within a pre-configured time-to-live (TTL) period.
In a canary release deployment, the production release and canary release of the API can be associated
with the same version or with different versions. When they are associated with different versions,
responses for production and canary requests are cached separately and the stage cache returns
corresponding results for production and canary requests. When the production release and canary
release are associated with the same deployment, the stage cache uses a single cache key for both types
of requests and returns the same response for the same requests from the production release and canary

Create a Canary Release Deployment
You create a canary release deployment when deploying the API with canary settings as an additional
input to the deployment creation operation.
You can also create a canary release deployment from an existing non-canary deployment by making a
stage:update request to add the canary settings on the stage.
When creating a non-canary release deployment, you can specify a non-existing stage name. API
Gateway creates one if the specified stage does not exist. However, you cannot specify any non-existing
stage name when creating a canary release deployment. You will get an error and API Gateway will not
create any canary release deployment.
You can create a canary release deployment in API Gateway using the API Gateway console, AWS CLI, an
AWS SDK, and the API Gateway REST API.
• Create a Canary Deployment Using the API Gateway Console (p. 391)
• Create a Canary Deployment Using the AWS CLI (p. 392)
• Create a Canary Deployment Using the API Gateway API (p. 395)

Create a Canary Deployment Using the API Gateway Console
To use the API Gateway console to create a canary release deployment, follow the instructions below:

To create the initial canary release deployment

Sign in to the API Gateway console.


Choose an existing API or create a new API.


Change the API, if necessary, or set up desired API methods and integrations.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create a Canary Release Deployment


Choose Deploy API from the Actions drop-down menu. Follow the on-screen instructions in Deploy
API to deploy the API to a new stage.
So far, you have deployed the API to a production release stage. Next, you configure canary settings
on the stage and, if needed, also enable caching, set stage variables, or configure API execution or
access logs.


To enable API caching, choose the Settings tab in Stage Editor and follow the on-screen
instructions. For more information, see the section called “Enable API Caching” (p. 366).


To set stage variables, choose the Stage Variables tab in Stage Editor and follow the on-screen
instructions to add or modify stage variables. For more information, see the section called “Set up
Stage Variables for a REST API” (p. 381).


To configure execution or access logging, choose the Logs tab in Stage Editor and follow
the on-screen instructions. For more information, see Set Up CloudWatch API Logging in API
Gateway (p. 378).


In Stage Editor, choose the Canary tab and then choose Create Canary.


Under the Stage's Request Distribution section, choose the pencil icon next to Percentage of
requests to Canary and type a number (for example, 5.0) in the input text field. Choose the check
mark icon to save the setting.

10. To associate an AWS WAF web ACL with the stage, choose a web ACL from the Web ACL dropdown


If needed, choose Create Web ACL to open the AWS WAF console in a new browser tab,
create the web ACL, and return to the API Gateway console to associate the web ACL with
the stage.
11. If desired, choose Block API Request if WebACL cannot be evaluated (Fail- Close).
12. If needed, choose Add Stage Variables to add them under the Canary Stage Variables section to
override existing stage variables or add new stage variables for the canary release.
13. If desired, choose Enable use of stage cache to enable caching for the canary release and save your
choice. The cache is not available for the canary release until API caching is enabled.
After the canary release is initialized on the deployment stage, you change the API and want to test the
changes. You can redeploy the API to the same stage so that both the updated version and the base
version are accessible through the same stage. The following steps describe how to do that.

To deploy the latest API version to a canary

With each update of the API, choose Deploy API from the Actions drop-down menu next to the
Resources list.


In Deploy API, choose the now canary-enabled stage from the Deployment stage drop-down list.


Optionally, type a description in Deployment description.


Choose Deploy to push the latest API version to the canary release.


If desired, reconfigure the stage settings, logs, or canary settings, as describe in To create the initial
canary release deployment (p. 391).

As a result, the canary release points to the latest version while the production release still points to the
initial version of the API. The canarySettings now has a new deploymentId value, whereas the stage still
has the initial deploymentId value. Behind the scenes, the console calls stage:update.

Create a Canary Deployment Using the AWS CLI
First create a baseline deployment with two stage variables, but without any canary:

Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create a Canary Release Deployment

aws apigateway create-deployment
--variables sv0=val0,sv1=val1
--rest-api-id 4wk1k4onj3
--stage-name prod

The command returns a representation of the resulting Deployment, similar to the following:

"id": "du4ot1",
"createdDate": 1511379050

The resulting deployment id identifies a snapshot (or version) of the API.
Now create a canary deployment on the prod stage:
aws apigateway create-deployment
--canary-settings '{ \
"percentTraffic":10.5, \
"useStageCache":false, \
"stageVariableOverrides":{ \
"sv1":"val2", \
"sv2":"val3" \
} \
}' \
--rest-api-id 4wk1k4onj3 \
--stage-name prod

If the specified stage (prod) does not exist, the preceding command returns an error. Otherwise, it
returns the newly created deployment resource representation similar to the following:

"id": "a6rox0",
"createdDate": 1511379433

The resulting deployment id identifies the test version of the API for the canary release. As a result, the
associated stage is canary-enabled. You can view this stage representation by calling the get-stage
command, similar to the following:
aws apigateway get-stage --rest-api-id 4wk1k4onj3 --stage-name prod

The following shows a representation of the Stage as the output of the command:

"stageName": "prod",
"variables": {
"sv0": "val0",
"sv1": "val1"
"cacheClusterEnabled": false,
"cacheClusterStatus": "NOT_AVAILABLE",
"deploymentId": "du4ot1",
"lastUpdatedDate": 1511379433,
"createdDate": 1511379050,
"canarySettings": {
"percentTraffic": 10.5,


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create a Canary Release Deployment
"deploymentId": "a6rox0",
"useStageCache": false,
"stageVariableOverrides": {
"sv2": "val3",
"sv1": "val2"


"methodSettings": {}

In this example, the base version of the API will use the stage variables of {"sv0":val0",
"sv1":val1"}, while the test version uses the stage variables of {"sv1":val2", "sv2":val3"}.
Both the production release and canary release use the same stage variable of sv1, but with different
values, val1 and val2, respectively. The stage variable of sv0 is used solely in the production release
and the stage variable of sv2 is used in the canary release only.
You can create a canary release deployment from an existing regular deployment by updating the stage
to enable a canary. To demonstrate this, create a regular deployment first:
aws apigateway create-deployment \
--variables sv0=val0,sv1=val1 \
--rest-api-id 4wk1k4onj3 \
--stage-name beta

The command returns a representation of the base version deployment:

"id": "cifeiw",
"createdDate": 1511380879

The associated beta stage does not have any canary settings:


"stageName": "beta",
"variables": {
"sv0": "val0",
"sv1": "val1"
"cacheClusterEnabled": false,
"cacheClusterStatus": "NOT_AVAILABLE",
"deploymentId": "cifeiw",
"lastUpdatedDate": 1511380879,
"createdDate": 1511380879,
"methodSettings": {}

Now, create a new canary release deployment by attaching a canary on the stage:
aws apigateway update-stage \
--patch-operations '[{ \
"op":"replace", \
"path":"/canarySettings/percentTraffic", \
"value":"10.5" \
},{ \
"op":"replace", \
"path":"/canarySettings/useStageCache", \
"value":"false" \
},{ \


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create a Canary Release Deployment
"op":"replace", \
"path":"/canarySettings/stageVariableOverrides/sv1", \
"value":"val2" \
},{ \
"op":"replace", \
"path":"/canarySettings/stageVariableOverrides/sv2", \
"value":"val3" \
}]' \
--rest-api-id 4wk1k4onj3 \
--stage-name beta

A representation of the updated stage looks like this:


"stageName": "beta",
"variables": {
"sv0": "val0",
"sv1": "val1"
"cacheClusterEnabled": false,
"cacheClusterStatus": "NOT_AVAILABLE",
"deploymentId": "cifeiw",
"lastUpdatedDate": 1511381930,
"createdDate": 1511380879,
"canarySettings": {
"percentTraffic": 10.5,
"deploymentId": "cifeiw",
"useStageCache": false,
"stageVariableOverrides": {
"sv2": "val3",
"sv1": "val2"
"methodSettings": {}

Because we just enabled a canary on an existing version of the API, both the production release
(Stage) and canary release (canarySettings) point to the same deployment, i.e., the same version
(deploymentId) of the API. After you change the API and deploy it to this stage again, the new version
will be in the canary release, while the base version remains in the production release. This is manifested
in the stage evolution when the deploymentId in the canary release is updated to the new deployment
id and the deploymentId in the production release remains unchanged.

Create a Canary Deployment Using the API Gateway API
To use the API Gateway REST API to deploy your API as a canary release, call deployment:create as
POST /restapis/fugvjdxtri/deployments HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Amz-Date: 20171103T175605Z
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential={SECRET_ACCESS_KEY}/20160603/us-east-1/
apigateway/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-length;content-type;host;x-amz-date,

"stageName" : "prod",
"stageDescription" : "Production stage",
"description" : "Production deployment with canary",
"variables" : {


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create a Canary Release Deployment


"sv1" : "val1"
"canarySettings": {
"percentTraffic": 10.5,
"useStageCache": false,
"stageVariableOverrides": {
"sv1": "val2",
"sv2": "val3"

If successful, and if this is the first time to deploy the API to the stage, you get a brand new canary
release deployment (nfcn0x):


"_links": {
"createdDate": "2017-11-22T00:54:28Z",
"description": "Production deployment with canary",
"id": "nfcn0x"

In this deployment, both the stage and the canary have the same deploymentId. That is, they both
reference the same API version.
In any subsequent API deployments to the same stage, you must always specify canarySettings
as an input, until the canary is disabled on that stage. For example, when you call the previous
deployment:create request the second time, you get a new deployment (eh1sby) as the result:


"_links": {
"createdDate": "2017-11-22T01:24:23Z",
"description": "Production deployment with canary",
"id": "eh1sby"

The newer deploymentId value is set on the canarySettings and the canary represents the new API
version, while the initial deploymentId remains associated with the stage that represents the initial API
version. You can verify this by calling the GET /restapis/fugvjdxtri/stages/prod request and
examining the successful response payload:

"_links": {
"accessLogSettings": {
"cacheClusterEnabled": false,
"cacheClusterStatus": "NOT_AVAILABLE",
"canarySettings": {
"deploymentId": "eh1sby",
"useStageCache": false,
"stageVariableOverrides": {
"sv2": "val3",
"sv1": "val2"


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create a Canary Release Deployment
"percentTraffic": 10.5


"createdDate": "2017-11-20T04:42:19Z",
"deploymentId": "nfcn0x",
"lastUpdatedDate": "2017-11-22T00:54:28Z",
"methodSettings": {
"*/*": {
"dataTraceEnabled": true,
"throttlingRateLimit": 10000,
"cacheTtlInSeconds": 300,
"cachingEnabled": false,
"requireAuthorizationForCacheControl": true,
"metricsEnabled": true,
"loggingLevel": "INFO",
"unauthorizedCacheControlHeaderStrategy": "SUCCEED_WITH_RESPONSE_HEADER",
"throttlingBurstLimit": 5000,
"cacheDataEncrypted": false
"stageName": "canary",
"variables": {
"sv1": "val1"

For a regular production deployment without a canary enabled on the associated stage, you can turn
the deployment into a canary release deployment by enabling the canary on the stage. To do this, call
stage:update, as shown in the following, assuming the original deployment ID is ghdx4w:
PATCH /restapis/4wk1k4onj3/stages/prod HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Amz-Date: 20171121T232431Z
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential={SECRET_ACCESS_KEY}/20171121/us-east-1/
apigateway/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-length;content-type;host;x-amz-date,

"patchOperations": [
"op": "replace",
"path": "/canarySettings/deploymentId",
"value": "ghdx4w"
"op": "replace",
"path": "/canarySettings/percentTraffic",
"value": "15.0"


Because the original deployment is without a canary release, we set the /canarysettings/
deploymentId value to the deploymentId ("ghdx4w") associated with the deployment stage.
A successful response returns a payload similar to the following:

"_links": {
"accessLogSettings": {


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Update a Canary Release
"cacheClusterEnabled": false,
"cacheClusterStatus": "NOT_AVAILABLE",
"canarySettings": {
"deploymentId": "ghdx4w",
"useStageCache": false,
"stageVariableOverrides": null,
"percentTraffic": 15
"createdDate": "2017-11-20T04:42:19Z",
"deploymentId": "ghdx4w",
"lastUpdatedDate": "2017-11-21T23:24:31Z",
"methodSettings": {
"*/*": {
"dataTraceEnabled": true,
"throttlingRateLimit": 10000,
"cacheTtlInSeconds": 300,
"cachingEnabled": false,
"requireAuthorizationForCacheControl": true,
"metricsEnabled": true,
"loggingLevel": "INFO",
"unauthorizedCacheControlHeaderStrategy": "SUCCEED_WITH_RESPONSE_HEADER",
"throttlingBurstLimit": 5000,
"cacheDataEncrypted": false
"stageName": "prod"


With a canary enabled on the stage, the deployment becomes a canary release deployment. The stage
cannot be associated with any non-canary deployment until the canary settings are removed from the

Update a Canary Release
After a canary release is deployed, you may want to adjust the percentage of the canary traffic or enable
or disable the use of a stage cache to optimize the test performance. You can also modify stage variables
used in the canary release when the execution context is updated. To make such updates, call the
stage:update operation with new values on canarySettings.
You can update a canary release using the API Gateway console, the AWS CLI update-stage command, an
AWS SDK, and the API Gateway REST API's stage:update link-relation.
• Update a Canary Release Using the API Gateway Console (p. 398)
• Update a Canary Release Using the AWS CLI (p. 399)
• Update a Canary Release Using the API Gateway REST API (p. 400)

Update a Canary Release Using the API Gateway Console
To use the API Gateway console to update existing canary settings on a stage, do the following:

Sign in to the API Gateway console and choose an existing API in the primary navigation pane.


Choose Stages under the API and then choose an existing stage under the Stages list to open the
Stage Editor.


Choose the Canary tab in the Stage Editor.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Update a Canary Release


Update Percentage of requests directed to Canary by increasing or decreasing the percentage
number between 0.0 and 100.0, inclusive.


Update Canary Stage Variables, including adding, removing, or modifying a desired stage variable.


Update the Enable use of stage cache option by selecting or clearing the check box.


Save the changes.

Update a Canary Release Using the AWS CLI
To use the AWS CLI to update a canary, call the update-stage command.
To enable or disable the use of a stage cache for the canary, call the update-stage command as
aws apigateway update-stage
--rest-api-id {rest-api-id}
--stage-name '{stage-name}'
--patch-operations op=replace,path=/canarySettings/useStageCache,value=true

To adjust the canary traffic percentage, call update-stage to replace the /canarySettings/
percentTraffic value on the stage.
aws apigateway update-stage
--rest-api-id {rest-api-id}
--stage-name '{stage-name}'
--patch-operations op=replace,path=/canarySettings/percentTraffic,value=25.0

To update canary stage variables, including adding, replacing, or removing a canary stage variable:
aws apigateway update-stage
--rest-api-id {rest-api-id}
--stage-name '{stage-name}'
--patch-operations '[{
"op": "replace",
"path": "/canarySettings/stageVariableOverides/newVar"
"value": "newVal",
}, {
"op": "replace",
"path": "/canarySettings/stageVariableOverides/var2"
"value": "val4",
}, {
"op": "remove",
"path": "/canarySettings/stageVariableOverides/var1"


You can update all of the above by combining the operations into a single patch-operations value:
aws apigateway update-stage
--rest-api-id {rest-api-id}
--stage-name '{stage-name}'
--patch-operations '[{
"op": "replace",
"path": "/canary/percentTraffic",
"value": "20.0"
}, {
"op": "replace",
"path": "/canary/useStageCache",



Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Update a Canary Release
"value": "true"

"op": "remove",
"path": "/canarySettings/stageVariableOverrides/var1"
}, {
"op": "replace",
"path": "/canarySettings/stageVariableOverrides/newVar", \
"value": "newVal"
}, {
"op": "replace",
"path": "/canarySettings/stageVariableOverrides/val2",
"value": "val4"
}, {

Update a Canary Release Using the API Gateway REST API
To enable or disable the use of a stage cache for the canary, call stage:update as follows:
PATCH /restapis/{rest-api-id}/stages/{stage-name}


"patchOperations": [{
"op": "replace",
"path": "/canarySettings/useStageCache",
"value: "true"

To adjust the canary traffic percentage, call stage:update to replace the /canarySettings/
percentTraffic value on the stage.
PATCH /restapis/{rest-api-id}/stages/{stage-name}


"patchOperations": [{
"op": "replace",
"path": "/canarySettings/percentTraffic",
"value": "25.0"

To update canary stage variables, including adding, changing, or removing the canary stage variable, use
the following example:
PATCH /restapis/{rest-api-id}/stages/{stage-name}


"patchOperations": [{
"op": "replace",
"path": "/canarySettings/stageVariableOverrides/newVar",
"value": "newVal"
}, {
"op": "replace",
"path": "/canarySettings/stageVariableOverrides/var2",
"value": "val4"
}, {
"op": "remove",
"path": "/canary/overriddenStageVariables/var1",


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Promote a Canary Release

You can combine all of the above operations into a single PATCH request.

Promote a Canary Release
To promote a canary release makes it available in the production stage the API version under testing. The
operation involves the following tasks:
• Reset the deployment ID of the stage with the deployment ID settings of the canary. This updates the
API snapshot of the stage with the snapshot of the canary, making the test version the production
release as well.
• Update stage variables with canary stage variables, if any. This updates the API execution context of
the stage with that of the canary. Without this update, the new API version may produce unexpected
results if the test version uses different stage variables or different values of existing stage variables.
• Set the percentage of canary traffic to 0.0%.
Promoting a canary release does not disable the canary on the stage. To disable a canary, you must
remove the canary settings on the stage.
• Promote a Canary Release Using the API Gateway Console (p. 401)
• Promote a Canary Release Using the AWS CLI (p. 401)
• Promote a Canary Release Using the API Gateway REST API (p. 403)

Promote a Canary Release Using the API Gateway Console
To use the API Gateway console to promote a canary release deployment, do the following:

Sign in to the API Gateway console and choose an existing API in the primary navigation pane.


Choose Stages under the API and then choose an existing stage under the Stages list to open the
Stage Editor.


Choose the Canary tab in the Stage Editor.


Choose Promote Canary.


Confirm changes to be made and choose Update.

After the promotion, the production release references the same API version (deploymentId) as the
canary release. You can verify this using the AWS CLI or API Gateway REST API. For example, see the
section called “Promote a Canary Release Using the AWS CLI” (p. 401) or the section called “Promote a
Canary Release Using the API Gateway REST API” (p. 403).

Promote a Canary Release Using the AWS CLI
To promote a canary release to the production release using the AWS CLI commands, call the updatestage command to copy the canary-associated deploymentId to the stage-associated deploymentId,
to reset the canary traffic percentage to zero (0.0), and, to copy any canary-bound stage variables to the
corresponding stage-bound ones.
Suppose we have a canary release deployment, described by a stage similar to the following:

"_links": {


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Promote a Canary Release


"accessLogSettings": {
"cacheClusterEnabled": false,
"cacheClusterStatus": "NOT_AVAILABLE",
"canarySettings": {
"deploymentId": "eh1sby",
"useStageCache": false,
"stageVariableOverrides": {
"sv2": "val3",
"sv1": "val2"
"percentTraffic": 10.5
"createdDate": "2017-11-20T04:42:19Z",
"deploymentId": "nfcn0x",
"lastUpdatedDate": "2017-11-22T00:54:28Z",
"methodSettings": {
"stageName": "prod",
"variables": {
"sv1": "val1"

We call the following update-stage request to promote it:
aws apigateway update-stage
--rest-api-id {rest-api-id}
--stage-name '{stage-name}'
--patch-operations '[{
"op": "replace",
"value": "0.0"
"path": "/canarySettings/percentTraffic",
}, {
"op": "copy",
"from": "/canarySettings/stageVariableOverrides",
"path": "/variables",
}, {
"op": "copy",
"from": "/canarySettings/deploymentId",
"path": "/deploymentId"

After the promotion, the stage now looks like this:

"_links": {
"accessLogSettings": {
"cacheClusterEnabled": false,
"cacheClusterStatus": "NOT_AVAILABLE",
"canarySettings": {
"deploymentId": "eh1sby",
"useStageCache": false,
"stageVariableOverrides": {
"sv2": "val3",
"sv1": "val2"



Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Promote a Canary Release
"percentTraffic": 0


"createdDate": "2017-11-20T04:42:19Z",
"deploymentId": "eh1sby",
"lastUpdatedDate": "2017-11-22T05:29:47Z",
"methodSettings": {
"stageName": "prod",
"variables": {
"sv2": "val3",
"sv1": "val2"

As you can see, promoting a canary release to the stage does not disable the canary and the deployment
remains to be a canary release deployment. To make it a regular production release deployment,
you must disable the canary settings. For more information about how to disable a canary release
deployment, see the section called “Disable a Canary Release” (p. 405).

Promote a Canary Release Using the API Gateway REST API
To promote a canary release to the production release using the API Gateway REST API, call the
stage:update request to copy the canary-associated deploymentId to the stage-associated
deploymentId, to reset the canary traffic percentage to zero (0.0), and, to copy any canary-bound
stage variables to the corresponding stage-bound ones.
Suppose we have a canary release deployment, described by a stage similar to the following:


"_links": {
"accessLogSettings": {
"cacheClusterEnabled": false,
"cacheClusterStatus": "NOT_AVAILABLE",
"canarySettings": {
"deploymentId": "eh1sby",
"useStageCache": false,
"stageVariableOverrides": {
"sv2": "val3",
"sv1": "val2"
"percentTraffic": 10.5
"createdDate": "2017-11-20T04:42:19Z",
"deploymentId": "nfcn0x",
"lastUpdatedDate": "2017-11-22T00:54:28Z",
"methodSettings": {
"stageName": "prod",
"variables": {
"sv1": "val1"

We call the following stage:update request to promote it:


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Promote a Canary Release

PATCH /restapis/4wk1k4onj3/stages/prod HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Amz-Date: 20171121T232431Z
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential={SECRET_ACCESS_KEY}/20171121/us-east-1/
apigateway/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-length;content-type;host;x-amz-date,

"patchOperations": [
"op": "copy",
"path": "/deploymentId",
"from": "/canarySettings/deploymentId"
"op": "replace",
"path": "/canarySettings/percentTraffic",
"value": "0.0"
"op": "copy",
"path": "/variables",
"from": "/canarySettings/stageVariableOverrides"


After the promotion, the stage now looks like this:


"_links": {
"accessLogSettings": {
"cacheClusterEnabled": false,
"cacheClusterStatus": "NOT_AVAILABLE",
"canarySettings": {
"deploymentId": "eh1sby",
"useStageCache": false,
"stageVariableOverrides": {
"sv2": "val3",
"sv1": "val2"
"percentTraffic": 0
"createdDate": "2017-11-20T04:42:19Z",
"deploymentId": "eh1sby",
"lastUpdatedDate": "2017-11-22T05:29:47Z",
"methodSettings": {
"stageName": "prod",
"variables": {
"sv2": "val3",
"sv1": "val2"

As you can see, promoting a canary release to the stage does not disable the canary and the deployment
remains to be a canary release deployment. To make it a regular production release deployment,


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Disable a Canary Release

you must disable the canary settings. For more information about how to disable a canary release
deployment, see the section called “Disable a Canary Release” (p. 405).

Disable a Canary Release
To disable a canary release deployment is to set the canarySettings to null to remove it from the
You can disable a canary release deployment using the API Gateway console, AWS CLI, an AWS SDK, or
the API Gateway REST API.
• Disable a Canary Release Using the API Gateway Console (p. 405)
• Disable a Canary Release Using the AWS CLI (p. 405)
• Disable a Canary Release Using the API Gateway REST API (p. 406)

Disable a Canary Release Using the API Gateway Console
To use the API Gateway console to disable a canary release deployment, use the following steps:

Sign in to the API Gateway console and choose an existing API in the primary navigation pane.


Choose Stages under the API and then choose an existing stage under the Stages list to open the
Stage Editor.


Choose the Canary tab in the Stage Editor.


Choose Delete Canary.


Confirm you want to delete the canary by choosing Delete.

As a result, the canarySettings property becomes null and is removed from the deployment stage.
You can verify this using the AWS CLI or the API Gateway REST API. For example, see the section called
“Disable a Canary Release Using the AWS CLI” (p. 405) or the section called “Disable a Canary Release
Using the API Gateway REST API” (p. 406).

Disable a Canary Release Using the AWS CLI
To use the AWS CLI to disable a canary release deployment, call the update-stage command as
aws apigateway update-stage \
--rest-api-id 4wk1k4onj3 \
--stage-name canary \
--patch-operations '["op":"remove", "path":"/canarySettings"]'

A successful response returns a payload similar to the following:

"stageName": "prod",
"accessLogSettings": {
"cacheClusterEnabled": false,
"cacheClusterStatus": "NOT_AVAILABLE",
"deploymentId": "nfcn0x",
"lastUpdatedDate": 1511309280,


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Export a REST API


"createdDate": 1511152939,
"methodSettings": {

As shown in the output, the canarySettings property is no longer present in the stage of a canarydisabled deployment.

Disable a Canary Release Using the API Gateway REST API
To use the API Gateway REST API to disable a canary release deployment, make the stage:update
request as follows:
PATCH /restapis/4wk1k4onj3/stages/prod HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Amz-Date: 20171121T230325Z
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential={SECRET_ACCESS_KEY}/20171121/useast-1/apigateway/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-type;host;x-amz-date,

"patchOperations": [
"op": "remove",
"path": "/canarySettings"


A successful response returns a payload similar to the following:


"stageName": "prod",
"accessLogSettings": {
"cacheClusterEnabled": false,
"cacheClusterStatus": "NOT_AVAILABLE",
"deploymentId": "nfcn0x",
"lastUpdatedDate": 1511309280,
"createdDate": 1511152939,
"methodSettings": {

As shown in the output, the canarySettings property is no longer present in the stage of a canarydisabled deployment.

Export a REST API from API Gateway
Once you created and configured a REST API in API Gateway, using the API Gateway console or
otherwise, you can export it to an OpenAPI file using the API Gateway Export API, which is part of
the Amazon API Gateway Control Service. You have options to include the API Gateway integration
extensions, as well as the Postman extensions, in the exported OpenAPI definition file.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Request to Export a REST API

You cannot export an API if its payloads are not of the application/json type. If you try, you will get
an error response stating that JSON body models are not found.

Request to Export a REST API
With the Export API, you export an existing REST API by submitting a GET request, specifying the to-beexported API as part of URL paths. The request URL is of the following format:
OpenAPI 3.0


OpenAPI 2.0


You can append the extensions query string to specify whether to include API Gateway extensions
(with the integration value) or Postman extensions (with the postman value).
In addition, you can set the Accept header to application/json or application/yaml to receive
the API definition output in JSON or YAML format, respectively.
For more information about submitting GET requests using the API Gateway Export API, see Making
HTTP Requests.


If you define models in your API, they must be for the content type of "application/json" for
API Gateway to export the model. Otherwise, API Gateway throws an exception with the "Only
found non-JSON body models for ..." error message.

Download REST API OpenAPI Definition in JSON
To export and download a REST API in OpenAPI definitions in JSON format:
OpenAPI 3.0

GET /restapis//stages//exports/oas30
Accept: application/json

OpenAPI 2.0

GET /restapis//stages//exports/swagger
Accept: application/json


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Download REST API OpenAPI Definition in YAML

Here,  could be, for example, us-east-1. For all the regions where API Gateway is available,
see Regions and Endpoints

Download REST API OpenAPI Definition in YAML
To export and download a REST API in OpenAPI definitions in YAML format:
OpenAPI 3.0

GET /restapis//stages//exports/oas30
Accept: application/yaml

OpenAPI 2.0

GET /restapis//stages//exports/swagger
Accept: application/yaml

Download REST API OpenAPI Definition with
Postman Extensions in JSON
To export and download a REST API in OpenAPI definitions with Postman in JSON format:
OpenAPI 3.0

GET /restapis//stages//exports/oas30?extensions=postman
Accept: application/json

OpenAPI 2.0

GET /restapis//stages//exports/swagger?extensions=postman
Accept: application/json

Download REST API OpenAPI Definition with API
Gateway Integration in YAML
To export and download a REST API in OpenAPI definitions with API Gateway integration in YAML


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Export REST API Using the API Gateway Console

OpenAPI 3.0

GET /restapis//stages//exports/oas30?extensions=integrations
Accept: application/yaml

OpenAPI 2.0

GET /restapis//stages//exports/swagger?extensions=integrations
Accept: application/yaml

Export REST API Using the API Gateway Console
After deploying your REST API to a stage (p. 362), you can proceed to export the API in the stage to an
OpenAPI file using the API Gateway console.
From the stage configuration page in the API Gateway console, choose the Export tab and then one of
the available options (Export as OpenAPI, Export as OpenAPI + API Gateway Integrations and Export
as Postman) to download your API's OpenAPI definition.

Generate an SDK for a REST API in API Gateway
To call your REST API in a platform- or language-specific way, you must generate the platform- or
language-specific SDK of the API. Currently, API Gateway supports generating an SDK for an API in Java,
JavaScript, Java for Android, Objective-C or Swift for iOS, and Ruby.
This section explains how to generate an SDK of an API Gateway API and demonstrates how to use
the generated SDK in a Java app, a Java for Android app, Objective-C and Swift for iOS apps, and a
JavaScript app.
To facilitate the discussion, we use this API Gateway API (p. 415), which exposes this Simple
Calculator (p. 414) Lambda function.
Before proceeding, create or import the API and deploy it at least once in API Gateway. For instructions,
see Deploying a REST API in Amazon API Gateway (p. 360).


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Generate SDKs for an API Using the API Gateway Console

• Generate SDKs for an API Using the API Gateway Console (p. 410)
• Generate SDKs for an API Using AWS CLI Commands (p. 412)
• Simple Calculator Lambda Function (p. 414)
• Simple Calculator API in API Gateway (p. 415)
• Simple Calculator API OpenAPI Definition (p. 420)

Generate SDKs for an API Using the API Gateway
To generate a platform- or language-specific SDK for an API in API Gateway, you must first create, test,
and deploy the API in a stage. For illustration purposes, we use the Simple Calculator (p. 420) API
as an example to generate language-specific or platform-specific SDKs throughout this section. For
instructions on how to create, test, and deploy this API, see Create the Simple Calculator API (p. 415).
• Generate the Java SDK of an API (p. 410)
• Generate the Android SDK of an API (p. 411)
• Generate the iOS SDK of an API (p. 411)
• Generate the JavaScript SDK of an API (p. 412)
• Generate the Ruby SDK of an API (p. 412)

Generate the Java SDK of an API
To generate the Java SDK of an API in API Gateway

Sign in to the API Gateway console at


In the box that contains the name of the API for the stage, choose Stages.


In the Stages pane, choose the name of the stage.


On the SDK Generation tab, for Platform, choose Java and do the following:



For Service Name, specify the name of your SDK. For example, SimpleCalcSdk. This becomes
the name of your SDK client class. The name corresponds to the  tag under 
in the pom.xml file, which is in the SDK's project folder. Do not include hyphens.


For Java Package Name, specify a package name for your SDK. For example, This package name is used as the namespace of your
SDK library. Do not include hyphens.


For Java Build System, type maven or gradle to specify the build system.


For Java Group Id, type a group identifier for your SDK project. For example, my-apig-apiexamples. This identifier corresponds to the  tag under  in the pom.xml
file, which is in the SDK's project folder.


For Java Artifact Id, type an artifact identifier for your SDK project. For example, simplecalc-sdk. This identifier corresponds to the  tag under  in the
pom.xml file, which is in the SDK's project folder.


For Java Artifact Version, type a version identifier string. For example, 1.0.0. This version
identifier corresponds to the  tag under  in the pom.xml file, which is in
the SDK's project folder.


For Source Code License Text, type the license text of your source code, if any.

Choose Generate SDK, and then follow the on-screen directions to download the SDK generated by
API Gateway.

Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Generate SDKs for an API Using the API Gateway Console


Follow the instructions in Use a Java SDK Generated by API Gateway for a REST API (p. 455) to use
the generated SDK.

Every time you update an API, you must redeploy the API and regenerate the SDK to have the updates

Generate the Android SDK of an API
To generate the Android SDK of an API in API Gateway

Sign in to the API Gateway console at


In the box that contains the name of the API for the stage, choose Stages.


In the Stages pane, choose the name of the stage.


On the SDK Generation tab, for Platform, choose the Android platform.

For Group ID, type the unique identifier for the corresponding project. This is used in the
pom.xml file (for example, com.mycompany).


For Invoker package, type the namespace for the generated client classes (for example,


For Artifact ID, type the name of the compiled .jar file without the version. This is used in the
pom.xml file (for example, aws-apigateway-api-sdk).


For Artifact version, type the artifact version number for the generated client. This is used in
the pom.xml file and should follow a major.minor.patch pattern (for example, 1.0.0).


Choose Generate SDK, and then follow the on-screen directions to download the SDK generated by
API Gateway.


Follow the instructions in Use an Android SDK Generated by API Gateway for a REST API (p. 459) to
use the generated SDK.

Every time you update an API, you must redeploy the API and regenerate the SDK to have the updates

Generate the iOS SDK of an API
To generate the iOS SDK of an API in API Gateway

Sign in to the API Gateway console at


In the box that contains the name of the API for the stage, choose Stages.


In the Stages pane, choose the name of the stage.


On the SDK Generation tab, for Platform, choose the iOS (Objective-C) or iOS (Swift) platform.

Type a unique prefix in the Prefix box.
The effect of prefix is as follows: if you assign, for example, SIMPLE_CALC as the prefix for the
SDK of the SimpleCalc (p. 415) API with Input, Output, and Result models, the generated
SDK will contain the SIMPLE_CALCSimpleCalcClient class that encapsulates the API,
including the method requests/responses. In addition, the generated SDK will contain the
SIMPLE_CALCInput, SIMPLE_CALCOutput, and SIMPLE_CALCResult classes to represent
the input, output, and results, respectively, to represent the request input and response output.
For more information, see Use iOS SDK Generated by API Gateway for a REST API in Objective-C
or Swift (p. 465).


Choose Generate SDK, and then follow the on-screen directions to download the SDK generated by
API Gateway.

Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Generate SDKs for an API Using AWS CLI Commands


Follow the instructions in Use iOS SDK Generated by API Gateway for a REST API in Objective-C or
Swift (p. 465) to use the generated SDK.

Every time you update an API, you must redeploy the API and regenerate the SDK to have the updates

Generate the JavaScript SDK of an API
To generate the JavaScript SDK of an API in API Gateway

Sign in to the API Gateway console at


In the box that contains the name of the API for the stage, choose Stages.


In the Stages pane, choose the name of the stage.


On the SDK Generation tab, for Platform, choose JavaScript.


Choose Generate SDK, and then follow the on-screen directions to download the SDK generated by
API Gateway.


Follow the instructions in Use a JavaScript SDK Generated by API Gateway for a REST API (p. 460)
to use the generated SDK.

Every time you update an API, you must redeploy the API and regenerate the SDK to have the updates

Generate the Ruby SDK of an API
To generate the Ruby SDK of an API in API Gateway

Sign in to the API Gateway console at


In the box that contains the name of the API for the stage, choose Stages.


In the Stages pane, choose the name of the stage.


On the SDK Generation tab, for Platform, choose Ruby.

For Service Name, specify the name of your SDK. For example, SimpleCalc. This is used to
generate the Ruby Gem namespace of your API. The name must be all letters, (a-zA-Z), without
any other special characters or numbers.


For Ruby Gem Name, specify the name of the Ruby Gem to contain the generated SDK source
code for your API. By default it is the lower-cased service name plus the -sdk suffix; for
example simplecalc-sdk.


For Ruby Gem Version, specify a version number for the generated Ruby Gem. By default, it is
set to 1.0.0.


Choose Generate SDK, and then follow the on-screen directions to download the SDK generated by
API Gateway.


Follow the instructions in Use a Ruby SDK Generated by API Gateway for a REST API (p. 462) to use
the generated SDK.

Every time you update an API, you must redeploy the API and regenerate the SDK to have the updates

Generate SDKs for an API Using AWS CLI Commands
You can use AWS CLI to generate and download an SDK of an API for a supported platform by calling the
get-sdk command. We demonstrate this for some of the supported platforms in the following.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Generate SDKs for an API Using AWS CLI Commands

• Generate and Download the Java for Android SDK Using AWS CLI (p. 413)
• Generate and Download the JavaScript SDK Using AWS CLI (p. 413)
• Generate and Download the Ruby SDK Using AWS CLI (p. 413)

Generate and Download the Java for Android SDK Using AWS
To generate and download a Java for Android SDK generated by API Gateway of an API (udpuvvzbkc) at
a given stage (test), call the command as follows:
aws apigateway get-sdk \
--rest-api-id udpuvvzbkc \
--stage-name test \
--sdk-type android \
--parameters groupId='com.mycompany',\
artifactVersion='0.0.1' \

The last input of ~/apps/myApi/ is the path to the downloaded SDK file

Generate and Download the JavaScript SDK Using AWS CLI
To generate and download a JavaScript SDK generated by API Gateway of an API (udpuvvzbkc) at a
given stage (test), call the command as follows:
aws apigateway get-sdk \
--rest-api-id udpuvvzbkc \
--stage-name test \
--sdk-type javascript \

The last input of ~/apps/myApi/ is the path to the downloaded SDK file named

Generate and Download the Ruby SDK Using AWS CLI
To generate and download a Ruby SDK of an API (udpuvvzbkc) at a given stage (test), call the
command as follows:
aws apigateway get-sdk \
--rest-api-id udpuvvzbkc \
--stage-name test \
--sdk-type ruby \
--parameters,ruby.gem-name=myApi,ruby.gemversion=0.01 \

The last input of ~/apps/myApi/ is the path to the downloaded SDK file named


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Simple Calculator Lambda Function

Next, we show how to use the generated SDK to call the underlying API. For more information, see Call
REST API through Generated SDKs (p. 455).

Simple Calculator Lambda Function
As an illustration, we will use a Node.js Lambda function that performs the binary operations of addition,
subtraction, multiplication and division.
• Simple Calculator Lambda Function Input Format (p. 414)
• Simple Calculator Lambda Function Output Format (p. 414)
• Simple Calculator Lambda Function Implementation (p. 414)
• Create the Simple Calculator Lambda Function (p. 415)

Simple Calculator Lambda Function Input Format
This function takes an input of the following format:
{ "a": "Number", "b": "Number", "op": "string"}

where op can be any of (+, -, *, /, add, sub, mul, div).

Simple Calculator Lambda Function Output Format
When an operation succeeds, it returns the result of the following format:
{ "a": "Number", "b": "Number", "op": "string", "c": "Number"}

where c holds the result of the calculation.

Simple Calculator Lambda Function Implementation
The implementation of the Lambda function is as follows:
console.log('Loading the Calc function');
exports.handler = function(event, context, callback) {
console.log('Received event:', JSON.stringify(event, null, 2));
if (event.a === undefined || event.b === undefined || event.op === undefined) {
callback("400 Invalid Input");
var res = {};
res.a = Number(event.a);
res.b = Number(event.b);
res.op = event.op;
if (isNaN(event.a) || isNaN(event.b)) {
callback("400 Invalid Operand");


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Simple Calculator API in API Gateway
case "+":
case "add":
res.c = res.a + res.b;
case "-":
case "sub":
res.c = res.a - res.b;
case "*":
case "mul":
res.c = res.a * res.b;
case "/":
case "div":
res.c = res.b===0 ? NaN : Number(event.a) / Number(event.b);
callback("400 Invalid Operator");


callback(null, res);

Create the Simple Calculator Lambda Function
You can use the AWS Lambda console at to create the
function, pasting the above code listing into the online code editor as follows.

Simple Calculator API in API Gateway
Our simple calculator API exposes three methods (GET, POST, GET) to invoke the Simple Calculator
Lambda Function (p. 414) (Calc). A graphical representation of this API is shown as follows:


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Simple Calculator API in API Gateway

These three methods show different ways to supply the input for the backend Lambda function to
perform the same operation:
• The GET /?a=...&b=...&op=... method uses the query parameters to specify the input.
• The POST / method uses a JSON payload of {"a":"Number", "b":"Number", "op":"string"}
to specify the input.
• The GET /{a}/{b}/{op} method uses the path parameters to specify the input.
If not defined, API Gateway generates the corresponding SDK method name by combining the HTTP
method and path parts. The root path part (/) is referred to as Api Root. For example, the default Java
SDK method name for the API method of GET /?a=...&b=...&op=... is getABOp, the default SDK
method name for POST / is postApiRoot, and the default SDK method name for GET /{a}/{b}/
{op} is getABOp. Individual SDKs may customize the convention. Consult the documentation in the
generated SDK source for SDK specific method names.
You can, and should, override the default SDK method names by specifying the operationName property
on each API method. You can do so when creating the API method or updating the API method using the
API Gateway REST API. In the API Swagger definition, you can set the operationId to achieve the same
Before showing how to call these methods using an SDK generated by API Gateway for this API,
let's recall briefly how to set them up. For detailed instructions, see Creating a REST API in Amazon
API Gateway (p. 39). If you're new to API Gateway, see Build an API Gateway API with Lambda
Integration (p. 525) first.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Simple Calculator API in API Gateway

Create Models for Input and Output
To specify strongly typed input in the SDK, we create an Input model for the API:

Similarly, to describe the response body data type, we create the following models in the API Gateway:


"$schema": "",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"c": {"type":"number"}
"title": "Output"



"$schema": "",

Set Up GET / Method Query Parameters
For the GET /?a=..&b=..&op=.. method, the query parameters are declared in Method Request:


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Simple Calculator API in API Gateway

Set Up Data Model for the Payload as Input to the Backend
For the POST / method, we create the Input model and add it to the method request to define the
shape of input data.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Simple Calculator API in API Gateway

With this model, your API customers can call the SDK to specify the input by instantiating an Input
object. Without this model, your customers would be required to create dictionary object to represent
the JSON input to the Lambda function.

Set Up Data Model for the Result Output from the Backend
For all three methods, we create the Result model and add it to the method's Method Response to
define the shape of output returned by the Lambda function.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Simple Calculator API OpenAPI Definition

With this model, your API customers can parse a successful output by reading properties of a Result
object. Without this model, customers would be required to create dictionary object to represent the
JSON output.
In addition, you can also create and set up the API following the Swagger API definitions (p. 420).

Simple Calculator API OpenAPI Definition
The following is the OpenAPI definition of the simple calculator API. You can import it into your account.
However, you need to reset the resource-based permissions on the Lambda function (p. 414) after the
import. To do so, re-select the Lambda function that you created in your account from the Integration
Request in the API Gateway console. This will cause the API Gateway console to reset the required
permissions. Alternatively, you can use AWS Command Line Interface for Lambda command of addpermission.
OpenAPI 2.0

"swagger": "2.0",
"info": {
"version": "2016-09-29T20:27:30Z",
"title": "SimpleCalc"
"host": "",
"basePath": "/demo",
"schemes": [
"paths": {
"/": {
"get": {
"consumes": [


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Simple Calculator API OpenAPI Definition
"produces": [
"parameters": [
"name": "op",
"in": "query",
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"name": "a",
"in": "query",
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"name": "b",
"in": "query",
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "200 response",
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Result"
"x-amazon-apigateway-integration": {
"requestTemplates": {
"application/json": "#set($inputRoot = $input.path('$'))\n{\n
\"a\" : $input.params('a'),\n \"b\" : $input.params('b'),\n \"op\" :
"uri": "arn:aws:apigateway:us-west-2:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/
"passthroughBehavior": "when_no_templates",
"httpMethod": "POST",
"responses": {
"default": {
"statusCode": "200",
"responseTemplates": {
"application/json": "#set($inputRoot = $input.path('$'))\n{\n
\"input\" : {\n
\"a\" : $inputRoot.a,\n
\"b\" : $inputRoot.b,\n
\"op\" :
\"$inputRoot.op\"\n },\n \"output\" : {\n
\"c\" : $inputRoot.c\n }\n}"
"type": "aws"
"post": {
"consumes": [
"produces": [
"parameters": [
"in": "body",
"name": "Input",


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Simple Calculator API OpenAPI Definition
"required": true,
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Input"

"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "200 response",
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Result"
"x-amazon-apigateway-integration": {
"uri": "arn:aws:apigateway:us-west-2:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/
"passthroughBehavior": "when_no_match",
"httpMethod": "POST",
"responses": {
"default": {
"statusCode": "200",
"responseTemplates": {
"application/json": "#set($inputRoot = $input.path('$'))\n{\n
\"input\" : {\n
\"a\" : $inputRoot.a,\n
\"b\" : $inputRoot.b,\n
\"op\" :
\"$inputRoot.op\"\n },\n \"output\" : {\n
\"c\" : $inputRoot.c\n }\n}"
"type": "aws"
"/{a}": {
"x-amazon-apigateway-any-method": {
"consumes": [
"produces": [
"parameters": [
"name": "a",
"in": "path",
"required": true,
"type": "string"
"responses": {
"404": {
"description": "404 response"
"x-amazon-apigateway-integration": {
"requestTemplates": {
"application/json": "{\"statusCode\": 200}"
"passthroughBehavior": "when_no_match",
"responses": {
"default": {
"statusCode": "404",
"responseTemplates": {
"application/json": "{ \"Message\" : \"Can't $context.httpMethod
$context.resourcePath\" }"


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Simple Calculator API OpenAPI Definition



"type": "mock"

"/{a}/{b}": {
"x-amazon-apigateway-any-method": {
"consumes": [
"produces": [
"parameters": [
"name": "a",
"in": "path",
"required": true,
"type": "string"
"name": "b",
"in": "path",
"required": true,
"type": "string"
"responses": {
"404": {
"description": "404 response"
"x-amazon-apigateway-integration": {
"requestTemplates": {
"application/json": "{\"statusCode\": 200}"
"passthroughBehavior": "when_no_match",
"responses": {
"default": {
"statusCode": "404",
"responseTemplates": {
"application/json": "{ \"Message\" : \"Can't $context.httpMethod
$context.resourcePath\" }"
"type": "mock"
"/{a}/{b}/{op}": {
"get": {
"consumes": [
"produces": [
"parameters": [
"name": "a",
"in": "path",
"required": true,
"type": "string"


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Simple Calculator API OpenAPI Definition

"name": "b",
"in": "path",
"required": true,
"type": "string"


"name": "op",
"in": "path",
"required": true,
"type": "string"

"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "200 response",
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Result"
"x-amazon-apigateway-integration": {
"requestTemplates": {
"application/json": "#set($inputRoot = $input.path('$'))\n{\n
\"a\" : $input.params('a'),\n \"b\" : $input.params('b'),\n \"op\" :
"uri": "arn:aws:apigateway:us-west-2:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/
"passthroughBehavior": "when_no_templates",
"httpMethod": "POST",
"responses": {
"default": {
"statusCode": "200",
"responseTemplates": {
"application/json": "#set($inputRoot = $input.path('$'))\n{\n
\"input\" : {\n
\"a\" : $inputRoot.a,\n
\"b\" : $inputRoot.b,\n
\"op\" :
\"$inputRoot.op\"\n },\n \"output\" : {\n
\"c\" : $inputRoot.c\n }\n}"
"type": "aws"
"definitions": {
"Input": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"a": {
"type": "number"
"b": {
"type": "number"
"op": {
"type": "string"
"title": "Input"
"Output": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"c": {


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up an API Custom Domain Name


"type": "number"

"title": "Output"



"Result": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"input": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Input"
"output": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Output"
"title": "Result"

Set up Custom Domain Name for an API in API
After deploying your REST or WebSocket API, you (and your customers) can invoke the API using the
default base URL of the following format:

where api-id is generated by API Gateway, region is specified by you when creating the API, and
stage is specified by you when deploying the API.


A custom domain can be associated with a REST API or a Websocket API, but not both.
Custom domain names are not supported for private APIs (p. 64).
The host name portion of the URL (i.e., refers to
an API endpoint, which can be edge-optimized or regional. The default API endpoint can be difficult to
recall and not user-friendly. To provide a simpler and more intuitive URL for your API users, you can set
up a custom domain name (e.g., as the API's host name and choose a base path
(e.g., myservice) to map the alternative URL to this API. The more user-friendly API base URL now

If you do not set any base mapping under a custom domain name, the resulting API's base URL is the
same as the custom domain (e.g., In this case, the custom domain name
cannot support more than one API.
When you deploy an edge-optimized API, API Gateway sets up an Amazon CloudFront distribution and a
DNS record to map the API domain name to the CloudFront distribution domain name. Requests for the
API are then routed to API Gateway through the mapped CloudFront distribution.
When you create a custom domain name for an edge-optimized API, API Gateway sets up a CloudFront
distribution. But you must set up a DNS record to map the custom domain name to the CloudFront
distribution domain name for API requests bound for the custom domain name to be routed to API
Gateway through the mapped CloudFront distribution. You must also provide a certificate for the custom
domain name.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up an API Custom Domain Name

When you create a custom domain name for a regional API, API Gateway creates a regional domain name
for the API. You must set up a DNS record to map the custom domain name to the regional domain name
for API requests bound for the custom domain name to be routed to API Gateway through the mapped
regional API endpoint. You must also provide a certificate for the custom domain name.


The CloudFront distribution created by API Gateway is owned by a region-specific account
affiliated with API Gateway. When tracing operations to create and update such a CloudFront
distribution in CloudWatch logs, you must use this API Gateway account ID. For more
information, see Log Custom Domain Name Creation in CloudTrail (p. 432).
To set up an edge-optimized custom domain name or to update its certificate, you must have a
permission to update CloudFront distributions. You can do so by attaching the following IAM policy
statement to an IAM user, group or role in your account:


"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "AllowCloudFrontUpdateDistribution",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [

API Gateway supports edge-optimized custom domain names by leveraging Server Name Indication (SNI)
on the CloudFront distribution. For more information on using custom domain names on a CloudFront
distribution, including the required certificate format and the maximum size of a certificate key length,
see Using Alternate Domain Names and HTTPS in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
To set up a custom domain name as your API's host name, you, as the API owner, must provide an SSL/
TLS certificate for the custom domain name.
To provide a certificate for an edge-optimized custom domain name, you can request AWS Certificate
Manager (ACM) to generate a new certificate in ACM or to import into ACM one issued by a third-party
certificate authority.
To provide a certificate for a regional custom domain name in a region where ACM is supported, you
must request a certificate from ACM. To provide a certificate for a regional custom domain name in a
region where ACM is not supported, you must import a certificate to API Gateway in that region.
To import an SSL/TLS certificate, you must provide the PEM-formatted SSL/TLS certificate body, its
private key, and the certificate chain for the custom domain name. Each certificate stored in ACM is
identified by its ARN. To use an AWS-managed certificate for a domain name, you simply reference its
ACM makes it straightforward to set up and use a custom domain name for an API: create in or import
into ACM a certificate for the given domain name, set up the domain name in API Gateway with the ARN
of the certificate provided by ACM, and map a base path under the custom domain name to a deployed
stage of the API. With certificates issued by ACM, you do not have to worry about exposing any sensitive
certificate details, such as the private key.
You must have a registered Internet domain name in order to set up custom domain names for your APIs.
If needed, you can register an Internet domain using Amazon Route 53 or using a third-party domain


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Get Certificates Ready in AWS Certificate Manager

registrar of your choice. An API's custom domain name can be the name of a subdomain or the root
domain (aka, zone apex) of a registered Internet domain.
After a custom domain name is created in API Gateway, you must create or update your domain
name service (DNS) provider's resource record to map the edge-optimized custom domain name to its
CloudFront distribution domain name or to map the regional custom domain name to its regional API
endpoint. Without such a mapping, API requests bound for the custom domain name cannot reach API


An edge-optimized custom domain name is created in a specific region and owned by a specific
AWS account. Moving such a custom domain name between regions or AWS accounts involves
deleting the existing CloudFront distribution and creating a new one. The process may take
approximately 30 minutes before the new custom domain name becomes available. For more
information, see Updating CloudFront Distributions.
This section describes how to use ACM to create an SSL/TLS certificate for a custom domain name, to
set up the custom domain name for an API, to associate a specific API with a base path under the custom
domain name, and to renew (aka rotate) an expiring certificate that was imported into ACM for the
custom domain name.
• Get Certificates Ready in AWS Certificate Manager (p. 427)
• How to Create an Edge-Optimized Custom Domain Name (p. 429)
• Set up a Custom Domain Name for a Regional API in API Gateway (p. 435)
• Migrate a Custom Domain Name to a Different API Endpoint (p. 440)

Get Certificates Ready in AWS Certificate Manager
Before setting up a custom domain name for an API, you must have an SSL/TLS certificate ready in AWS
Certificate Manager. The following steps describe how to get this done. For more information, see the
AWS Certificate Manager User Guide.


To use an ACM Certificate with an API Gateway edge-optimized custom domain name, you must
request or import the certificate in the US East (N. Virginia) (us-east-1) Region. For an API
Gateway regional custom domain name, you must request or import the certificate in the same
region as your API.

To get a certificate for a given domain name issued by or imported into ACM

Register your Internet domain; e.g., You can use either Amazon Route 53 or a thirdparty accredited domain registrar. For a list of such registrars, see Accredited Registrar Directory at
the ICANN website.


To create in or import into ACM an SSL/TLS certificate for a domain name, do one of the following:

To request a certificate provided by ACM for a domain name

Sign in to the AWS Certificate Manager console.


Choose Request a certificate.
Type a custom domain name for your API; e.g.,, in Domain name.
Optionally, choose Add another name to this certificate.
Choose Review and request.
Choose Confirm and request.


For a valid request, a registered owner of the Internet domain must consent to the request
before ACM issues the certificate.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Get Certificates Ready in AWS Certificate Manager

To import into ACM a certificate for a domain name

Get a PEM-encoded SSL/TLS certificate for your custom domain name from a certificate
authority. For a partial list of such CAs, see the Mozilla Included CA List

Generate a private key for the certificate and save the output to a file, using the OpenSSL
toolkit at the OpenSSL website:
openssl genrsa -out private-key-file 2048


Amazon API Gateway leverages Amazon CloudFront to support certificates for
custom domain names. As such, the requirements and constraints of a custom
domain name SSL/TLS certificate are dictated by CloudFront. For example, the
maximum size of the public key is 2048 and the private key size can be 1024, 2048,
and 4096. The public key size is determined by the certificate authority you use.
Ask your certificate authority to return keys of a size different from the default
length. For more information, see Secure access to your objects and Create signed
URLs and signed cookies.

Generate a certificate signing request (CSR) with the previously generated private key, using
openssl req -new -sha256 -key private-key-file -out CSR-file


Submit the CSR to the certificate authority and save the resulting certificate.


Download the certificate chain from the certificate authority.


If you obtain the private key in another way and the key is encrypted, you can use the
following command to decrypt the key before submitting it to API Gateway for setting
up a custom domain name.
openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform pem -in MyEncryptedKey.pem -outform pem nocrypt -out MyDecryptedKey.pem


Upload the certificate to AWS Certificate Manager:

Sign in to the AWS Certificate Manager console.


Choose Import a certificate.


For Certificate body, type or paste the body of the PEM-formatted server certificate from
your certificate authority. The following shows an abbreviated example of such a certificate.


For Certificate private key, type or paste your PEM-formatted certificate's private key. The
following shows an abbreviated example of such a key.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
How to Create an Edge-Optimized Custom Domain Name


For Certificate chain, type or paste the PEM-formatted intermediate certificates and,
optionally, the root certificate, one after the other without any blank lines. If you include
the root certificate, your certificate chain must start with intermediate certificates and
end with the root certificate. Use the intermediate certificates provided by your certificate
authority. Do not include any intermediaries that are not in the chain of trust path. The
following shows an abbreviated example.

Here is another example.
-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----Intermediate certificate 2
-----END CERTIFICATE---------BEGIN CERTIFICATE----Intermediate certificate 1
-----END CERTIFICATE---------BEGIN CERTIFICATE----Optional: Root certificate


Choose Review and import.

After the certificate is successfully created or imported, make note of the certificate ARN. You need
it when setting up the custom domain name, next.

How to Create an Edge-Optimized Custom Domain
• Set Up an Edge-Optimized Custom Domain Name for an API Gateway API (p. 429)
• Log Custom Domain Name Creation in CloudTrail (p. 432)
• Configure Base Path Mapping of an API with a Custom Domain Name as its Host Name (p. 433)
• Rotate a Certificate Imported into ACM (p. 434)
• Call Your API with Custom Domain Names (p. 434)

Set Up an Edge-Optimized Custom Domain Name for an API
Gateway API
The following procedure describes how to set up a custom domain name for an API using the API
Gateway console.

To set up a custom domain name using the API Gateway console

Sign in to the API Gateway console at


Choose Custom Domain Names from the main navigation pane.

Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
How to Create an Edge-Optimized Custom Domain Name


Choose Create Custom Domain Name next.



Under New Custom Domain Name, type your domain name (for example,
in Domain Name.


Do not use the wildcard character (i.e., *) for your custom domain names. API Gateway
does not support it, even though the API Gateway console (or the AWS CLI) accepts it
and can map it to a CloudFront distribution. However, you can use wildcard certificates.



Choose a certificate from the ACM Certificate list.


Choose Add mapping under Base Path Mappings to set a base path (Path) for a deployed API
in a given stage (selected from the Destination dropdown lists.) You can also set the base path
mapping after the custom domain name is created. For more information, see Configure Base
Path Mapping of an API with a Custom Domain Name as its Host Name (p. 433).


Choose Save.

After the custom domain name is created, the console displays the associated CloudFront
distribution domain name, in the form of, along with the
certificate ARN. Note the CloudFront distribution domain name shown in the output. You need it in
the next step to set the custom domain's CNAME value or A-record alias target in your DNS.


The newly created custom domain name takes about 40 minutes to be ready. In the
meantime, you can configure the DNS record alias to map the custom domain name to the
associated CloudFront distribution domain name and to set up the base path mapping for
the custom domain name while the custom domain name is being initialized.

In this step, we use Amazon Route 53 as an example DNS provider to show how to set up an Arecord alias for your Internet domain to map the custom domain name to the associated CloudFront
distribution name. The instructions can be adapted to other DNS providers.

Sign in to the Route 53 console.


Create an A-IPv4 address record set for your custom domain (e.g., An
A-record maps a custom domain name to an IP4 address.


Choose Yes for Alias, type the CloudFront domain name (e.g., in Alias Target, and then choose Create. The A-record
alias here maps your custom domain name to the specified CloudFront domain name that is
itself mapped to an IP4 address.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
How to Create an Edge-Optimized Custom Domain Name


The Alias Hosted Zone ID identifies the hosted zone of the specified Alias Target. The
Route 53 console automatically fills in the value when you enter a valid domain name for
Alias Target. To create an A-record alias without using the Route 53 console, such as when
you use the AWS CLI, you must specified the required hosted zone Id. For any CloudFront


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
How to Create an Edge-Optimized Custom Domain Name

distribution domain name, the hosted zone Id value is always Z2FDTNDATAQYW2, as
documented in AWS Regions and Endpoints for CloudFront.
For most DNS providers, a custom domain name is added to the hosted zone as a CNAME resource
record set. The CNAME record name specifies the custom domain name you typed earlier in Domain
Name (for example, The CNAME record value specifies the domain name for
the CloudFront distribution. However, use of a CNAME record will not work if your custom domain
is a zone apex (i.e., instead of A zone apex is also commonly
known as the root domain of your organization. For a zone apex you need to use an A-record alias,
provided that is supported by your DNS provider.
With Route 53 you can create an A record alias for your custom domain name and specify the
CloudFront distribution domain name as the alias target, as shown above. This means that Route 53
can route your custom domain name even if it is a zone apex. For more information, see Choosing
Between Alias and Non-Alias Resource Record Sets in the Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide.
Use of A-record aliases also eliminates exposure of the underlying CloudFront distribution domain
name because the domain name mapping takes place solely within Route 53. For these reasons, we
recommend that you use Route 53 A-record alias whenever possible.
In addition to using the API Gateway console, you can use the API Gateway REST API, AWS CLI or one
of the AWS SDKs to set up the custom domain name for your APIs. As an illustration, the following
procedure outlines the steps to do so using the REST API calls.

To set up a custom domain name using the API Gateway REST API

Call domainname:create, specifying the custom domain name and the ARN of a certificate stored in
AWS Certificate Manager.
The successful API call returns a 201 Created response containing the certificate ARN as well as
the associated CloudFront distribution name in its payload.


Note the CloudFront distribution domain name shown in the output. You need it in the next step to
set the custom domain's CNAME value or A-record alias target in your DNS.


Follow Step 6 of the previous procedure to set up an A-record alias to map the custom domain name
to its CloudFront distribution name.

For code examples of this REST API call, see domainname:create.

Log Custom Domain Name Creation in CloudTrail
When CloudTrail is enabled for logging API Gateway calls made by your account, API Gateway logs
the associated CloudFront distribution updates when a custom domain name is created or updated
for an API. Because these CloudFront distributions are owned by API Gateway, each of these reported
CloudFront distributions is identified by one of the following region-specific API Gateway account IDs,
instead of the API owner's account ID.

Region-specific API Gateway account IDs of CloudFront distributions associated with a
custom domain name

Account ID








Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
How to Create an Edge-Optimized Custom Domain Name


Account ID

















Configure Base Path Mapping of an API with a Custom Domain
Name as its Host Name
You can use a single custom domain name as the host name of multiple APIs. You achieve this by
configuring the base path mappings on the custom domain name. With the base path mappings, an API
under the custom domain is accessible through the combination of the custom domain name and the
associated base path.
For example, if you created an API named PetStore and another API named PetShop and set up a
custom domain name of in API Gateway, you can set the PetStore API's URL as or The PetStore API is
associated with the base path of an empty string or myPetStore under the custom domain name of Similarly, you can assign a base path of yourPetStore for the PetShop API. The
URL of is then the root URL of the PetShop API.
Before setting the base path for an API, complete the steps in Set Up an Edge-Optimized Custom
Domain Name for an API Gateway API (p. 429).

To set the base path for API mappings using the API Gateway console

Choose a custom domain name from the list of available Custom Domain Names list under your


Choose Show Base Path Mappings or Edit.


Choose Add mapping.


(Optional) Type a base path name for Path, choose an API from Destination, and then choose a


The Destination list shows the deployed APIs under your account.

Choose Save to finish setting up the base path mapping for the API.


To delete a mapping after you create it, next to the mapping that you want to delete, choose
the trash icon.
In addition, you can call the API Gateway REST API, AWS CLI, or one of the AWS SDKs to set up the base
path mapping of an API with a custom domain name as its host name. As an illustration, the following
procedure outlines the steps to do so using the REST API calls.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
How to Create an Edge-Optimized Custom Domain Name

To set up the base path mapping of an API using the API Gateway REST API

Call basepathmapping:create on a specific custom domain name, specifying the basePath,
restApiId, and a deployment stage property in the request payload.
The successful API call returns a 201 Created response.

For code examples of the REST API call, see basepathmapping:create.

Rotate a Certificate Imported into ACM
ACM automatically handles renewal of certificates it issues. You do not need to rotate any ACM-issued
certificates for your custom domain names. CloudFront handles it on your behalf.
However, if you import a certificate into ACM and use it for a custom domain name, you must rotate
the certificate before it expires. This involves importing a new third-party certificate for the domain
name and rotate the existing certificate to the new one. You need to repeat the process when the newly
imported certificate expires. Alternatively, you can request ACM to issue a new certificate for the domain
name and rotate the existing one to the new ACM-issued certificate. After that, you can leave ACM and
CloudFront to handle the certificate rotation for you automatically. To create or import a new ACM
Certificate, follow the steps to request or import a new ACM Certificate (p. 427) for the specified
domain name.
To rotate a certificate for a domain name, you can use the API Gateway console, the API Gateway REST
API, AWS CLI, or one of the AWS SDKs.

To rotate an expiring certificate imported into ACM using the API Gateway console

Request or import a certificate in ACM.


Go back to the API Gateway console.


Choose Custom Domain Names from the API Gateway console main navigation pane.


Select the custom domain name of your choice, under the Custom Domain Names pane.


Choose Edit.


Choose the desired certificate from the ACM Certificate dropdown list.


Choose Save to begin rotating the certificate for the custom domain name.


It takes about 40 minutes for the process to finish. After the rotation is done, you can
choose the two-way arrow icon next to ACM Certificate to roll back to the original
To illustrate how to programmatically rotate an imported certificate for a custom domain name, we
outline the steps using the API Gateway REST API.

Rotate an imported certificate using the API Gateway REST API

Call domainname:update action, specifying the ARN of the new ACM Certificate for the specified
domain name.

Call Your API with Custom Domain Names
Calling an API with a custom domain name is the same as calling the API with its default domain name,
provided that the correct URL is used.

Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up a Regional Custom Domain Name

The following examples compare and contrast a set of default URLs and corresponding custom URLs of
two APIs (udxjef and qf3duz) in a specified region (us-east-1), and of a given custom domain name

Root URLs of APIs with default and custom domain names


Default URL

Base path

Custom URL

















API Gateway supports custom domain names for an API by using Server Name Indication (SNI). You can
invoke the API with a custom domain name using a browser or a client library that supports SNI.
API Gateway enforces SNI on the CloudFront distribution. For information on how CloudFront uses
custom domain names, see Amazon CloudFront Custom SSL.

Set up a Custom Domain Name for a Regional API in
API Gateway
As with an edge-optimized API endpoint, you can create a custom domain name for a regional API
endpoint. To support a regional custom domain name, you must provide a certificate. If an AWS
Certificate Manager (ACM) Certificate is used, this certificate must be region-specific. If ACM is available
in the region, you must provide an ACM Certificate specific to that region. If ACM is not supported in the
region, you must upload a certificate to API Gateway in that region when creating the regional custom
domain name. For more information about creating or uploading a custom domain name certificate, see
Get Certificates Ready in AWS Certificate Manager (p. 427).
When you create a regional custom domain name (or migrate one) with an ACM Certificate, API
Gateway creates a service-linked role in your account, if the role does not exist already. The servicelinked role is required to attach your ACM Certificate to your regional endpoint. The role is named
AWSServiceRoleForAPIGateway and will have the APIGatewayServiceRolePolicy managed policy
attached to. For more information about use of the service-linked role, see Using Service-Linked Roles.
When a regional custom domain name is successfully created, API Gateway returns the newly created
regional custom domain name in the domainName property, returns its regional host name in the


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up a Regional Custom Domain Name

regionalDomainName property, and returns the regional hosted zone ID in the regionalHostedZoneId
property. You must configure your DNS records to map the regional custom domain name to its host
name of the given hosted zone ID. To do so in Amazon Route 53, you must use AWS CLI or AWS SDK for
Route 53. The following is an AWS CLI for Route 53 command:
aws route53 change-resource-record-sets \
--hosted-zone-id {your-hosted-zone-id} \
--change-batch file://path/to/your/setup-dns-record.json

where {your-hosted-zone-id} is the Route 53 Hosted Zone ID of the DNS record set in your account.
The change-batch parameter value points to a JSON file (setup-dns-record.json) in a folder
(path/to/your). The JSON file contains the configuration for setting up a DNS record for the regional
domain name. The following example shows how to create a DNS A record to map a regional custom
domain name ( to its regional host name ( provisioned as part of the custom domain name creation. The
DNSName and HostedZoneId properties of AliasTarget can take the regionalDomainName and
regionalHostedZoneId values, respectively, of the custom domain name. You can also get the
regional Route 53 Hosted Zone IDs in API Gateway Regions and Endpoints.


"Changes": [
"Action": "CREATE",
"ResourceRecordSet": {
"Name": "",
"Type": "A",
"AliasTarget": {
"DNSName": "",
"HostedZoneId": "Z2OJLYMUO9EFXC",
"EvaluateTargetHealth": false

Similarly, you can run the same command to map an edge-optimized custom domain name to its
associated CloudFront distribution with a different setup-dns-rescord.json file. The following
example shows how to set up a DNS A-record to map an edge-optimized custom domain name
( to its CloudFront distribution name (
provisioned as part of the custom domain name creation.


"Changes": [
"Action": "CREATE",
"ResourceRecordSet": {
"Name": "",
"Type": "A",
"AliasTarget": {
"DNSName": "",
"HostedZoneId": "Z2FDTNDATAQYW2",
"EvaluateTargetHealth": false


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up a Regional Custom Domain Name

Notice that the edge-optimized hosted zone is independent of regions and the DNSName takes the value
of the associated CloudFront distribution name. You can also use the Route 53 management console
to set up the DNS record for an edge-optimized custom domain name, but not for a regional custom
domain name.
• Set up a Regional Custom Domain Name Using the API Gateway Console (p. 437)
• Set up a Regional Custom Domain Name Using AWS CLI (p. 437)
• Set up a Regional Custom Domain Name Using the API Gateway REST API (p. 438)

Set up a Regional Custom Domain Name Using the API Gateway
To use the API Gateway console to set up a regional custom domain name, use the following procedure.

To set up a regional custom domain name using the API Gateway console

Sign in to the API Gateway console and choose Custom Domain Names in the primary navigation


Choose +Create New Custom Domain Name above the Custom Domain Names table.


In New Custom Domain Name, type a custom domain name, for example,,
in Domain Name .


Choose Regional for Endpoint Configuration.
Choose a certificate from the ACM Certificate (us-east-1) drop-down list.


If you have created and deployed an API to use this custom domain name, choose Add mapping,
type a base path under the custom domain name in Path, choose an API from the API drop-down
list under Destination, and choose a stage from the Stage drop-down list. To add another base path
mapping, repeat the step.
Choose Save.


Note the newly provisioned target domain name and then go to your DNS provider. Create a DNS
record to point the newly created regional domain name to this target domain name.

Set up a Regional Custom Domain Name Using AWS CLI
To use the AWS CLI to set up a custom domain name for a regional API, use the following procedure.

Call create-domain-name, specifying a custom domain name of the REGIONAL type and the ARN
of a regional certificate.
aws apigateway create-domain-name \
--domain-name '' \
--endpoint-configuration types=REGIONAL \
--regional-certificate-arn 'arn:aws:acm:us-west-2:123456789012:certificate/

Note that the specified certificate is from the us-west-2 region and for this example, we assume
that the underlying API is from the same region.
If successful, the call returns a result similar to the following:

"certificateUploadDate": "2017-10-13T23:02:54Z",
"domainName": "",


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up a Regional Custom Domain Name
"endpointConfiguration": {
"types": "REGIONAL"
"regionalCertificateArn": "arn:aws:acm:us-west-2:123456789012:certificate/
"regionalDomainName": ""

The regionalDomainName property value returns the regional API's host name. You must create
a DNS record to point your custom domain name to this regional domain name. This enables the
traffic that is bound to the custom domain name to be routed to this regional API's host name.
If you set the endpoint type to EDGE or do not set the type at all, you create an edge-optimized
custom domain name. The output contains the distributionDomainName instead of
regionalDomainName. The distributionName property value returns the API's edge-optimized
host name. You must create a DNS record to point the custom domain name to this distribution
domain name. This enables the traffic that is bound to the custom domain name to be routed to the
API's edge-optimized host name.

Create a DNS record to associate the custom domain name and the regional domain name. This
enables requests that are bound to the custom domain name to be routed to the API's regional host


Add a base path mapping to expose the specified API (for example, 0qzs2sy7bh) in a
deployment stage (for example, test) under the specified custom domain name (for example,
aws apigateway create-base-path-mapping \
--domain-name '' \
--base-path 'RegionalApiTest' \
--rest-api-id 0qzs2sy7bh \
--stage 'test'

As a result, the base URL using the custom domain name for the API that is deployed in the stage

Set up a Regional Custom Domain Name Using the API Gateway
To create a custom domain name for a regional API using the API Gateway REST API

Follow the domainname:create link-relation to create a custom domain name of the REGIONAL
endpoint type, specifying the regional certificate by using its ARN.
POST /domainnames HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-amz-json-1.0
X-Amz-Date: 20170511T214723Z
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential={ACCESS-KEY-ID}/20170511/us-west-2/
apigateway/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-length;content-type;host;x-amz-date,

"domainName": "",
"regionalCertificateArn": "arn:aws:acm:us-west-2:123456789012:certificate/
"endpointConfiguration" : {
"types" : ["REGIONAL"]


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set up a Regional Custom Domain Name

Note that to set up a regional custom domain name, you set the required certificate ARN on the
input property of regionalCertificateArn. In contrast, to create an edge-optimized custom
domain name, you set the required certificate ARN on the input property of certificateArn.
The successful response has a 201 Created status code and a payload similar to the following:

"_links": {
"certificateUploadDate": "2017-10-13T23:02:54Z",
"domainName": "",
"endpointConfiguration": {
"types": "REGIONAL"
"regionalCertificateArn": "arn:aws:acm:us-west-2:123456789012:certificate/
"regionalDomainName": ""

For the given custom domain name (for example,, API Gateway
returns the associated regional domain name (for example, as the API's regional host name. You must create a DNS record to point
the custom domain name to this regional domain name. This enables the traffic that is bound to the
custom domain name to be routed to the API's regional host name. The DNS record can be of the
CNAME or A type.
If you set the endpoint configuration type to EDGE or do not set the type at all, you create an edgeoptimized custom domain name. The output contains the distributionDomainName instead of
regionalDomainName. The distributionDomainName value shows the API's edge-optimized
host name. You must create a DNS record to point the custom domain name to this distribution
domain name. This enables the traffic that is bound to the custom domain name to be routed to the
API's edge-optimized host name.

Set up DNS records in your DNS provider to point the custom domain name to the regional API host
name. This enables traffic that is bound to the custom domain name to be routed to the regional API
host name. In Route 53, you can set the CNAME or Alias A record using the AWS CLI, an AWD SDK, or
the Route 53 REST API.


With the new custom domain name created, you set a base path on the domain name to target one
of the regional APIs. Assuming you deployed a regional API (0qzs2sy7bh) to a test stage, you can
add this API to the domain name's base path mappings by calling basepathmapping:create from the
POST /domainnames/ HTTP/1.1Host:
Content-Type: application/x-amz-json-1.0
X-Amz-Date: 20170511T214723Z
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential={ACCESS-KEY-ID}/20170511/us-west-2/
apigateway/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-length;content-type;host;x-amz-date,


"basePath" : "testRegionalApi",
"restApiId" : "0qzs2sy7bh",
"stage" : "test"


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Migrate Custom Domain Names

With the base path mapping set, you can now call the API by using its custom domain name. With the
regional PetStore example API, use the following REST API request to call GET /pets:

To call GET /pets/{petId}, make the following API request:

Migrate a Custom Domain Name to a Different API
You can migrate your custom domain name between edge-optimized and regional endpoints. You
first add the new endpoint configuration type to the existing endpointConfiguration.types list
for the custom domain name. Next, you set up a DNS record to point the custom domain name to the
newly provisioned endpoint. An optional last step is to remove the obsolete custom domain name
configuration data.
When planning the migration, remember that for an edge-optimized API's custom domain name, the
required certificate provided by ACM must be from the US East (N. Virginia) Region (us-east-1). This
certificate is distributed to all the geographic locations. However, for a regional API, the ACM Certificate
for the regional domain name must be from the same region hosting the API. You can migrate an edgeoptimized custom domain name that is not in the us-east-1 region to a regional custom domain name
by first requesting a new ACM Certificate from the region that is local to the API.
It may take up to 60 seconds to complete a migration between an edge-optimized custom domain name
and a regional custom domain name in API Gateway. For the newly created endpoint to become ready to
accept traffic, the migration time also depends on when you update your DNS records.
• Migrate Regional and Edge-Optimized Domain Names Using the API Gateway Console (p. 440)
• Update Custom Domain Names Using the AWS CLI (p. 441)
• Update Custom Domain Names Using the API Gateway REST API (p. 443)

Migrate Regional and Edge-Optimized Domain Names Using the
API Gateway Console
To use the API Gateway console to migrate a regional custom domain name to an edge-optimized
custom domain name and vice versa, use the following procedure.

To migrate a regional or edge-optimized custom domain name using the API Gateway

Sign in to the API Gateway console and choose Custom Domain Names in the primary navigation


Choose an existing domain name from Custom Domain Names, and then choose Edit.


Depending on the existing endpoint type, do the following:



For an edge-optimized domain name, choose Add Regional Configuration.


For a regional domain name, choose Add Edge Configuration.

Choose a certificate from the drop-down list.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Migrate Custom Domain Names


Choose Save.
Choose Proceed to confirm adding the new endpoint.
Update the DNS records to point the new domain name to the newly provisioned target domain

Update Custom Domain Names Using the AWS CLI
To use the AWS CLI to update a custom domain name from an edge-optimized endpoint to a regional
endpoint or vice versa, call the update-domain-name command to add the new endpoint type and,
optionally, call the update-domain-name command to remove the old endpoint type.
• Update an Edge-Optimized Custom Domain Name to Regional (p. 441)
• Update a Regional Custom Domain Name to Edge-Optimized (p. 442)

Update an Edge-Optimized Custom Domain Name to Regional
To migrate an edge-optimized custom domain name to a regional custom domain name, call the
update-domain-name command of AWS CLI, as follows:
aws apigateway update-domain-name \
--domain-name '' \
--patch-operations [ \
{ op:'add', path: '/endpointConfiguration/types',value: 'REGIONAL' }, \
{ op:'add', path: '/regionalCertificateArn', value: 'arn:aws:acm:uswest-2:123456789012:certificate/cd833b28-58d2-407e-83e9-dce3fd852149' } \

The regional certificate must be of the same region as the regional API.
The success response has a 200 OK status code and a body similar to the following:

"certificateArn": "arn:aws:acm:us-east-1:123456789012:certificate/34a95aa1-77fa-427caa07-3a88bd9f3c0a",
"certificateName": "edge-cert",
"certificateUploadDate": "2017-10-16T23:22:57Z",
"distributionDomainName": "",
"domainName": "",
"endpointConfiguration": {
"types": [
"regionalCertificateArn": "arn:aws:acm:us-west-2:123456789012:certificate/
"regionalDomainName": ""

For the updated regional custom domain name, the resulting regionalDomainName property returns
the regional API host name. You must set up a DNS record to point the regional custom domain name to
this regional host name. This enables the traffic that is bound to the custom domain name to be routed
to the regional host.
After the DNS record is set, you can remove the edge-optimized custom domain name by calling the
update-domain-name command of AWS CLI:


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Migrate Custom Domain Names

aws apigateway update-domain-name \
--domain-name \
--patch-operations [ \
{op:'remove', path:'/endpointConfiguration/types', value:'EDGE'}, \
{op:'remove', path:'certificateName'}, \
{op:'remove', path:'certificateArn'} \

Update a Regional Custom Domain Name to Edge-Optimized
To migrate a regional custom domain name to an edge-optimized custom domain name, call the
update-domain-name command of the AWS CLI, as follows:
aws apigateway update-domain-name \
--domain-name '' \
--patch-operations [ \
{ op:'add', path:'/endpointConfiguration/types',value: 'EDGE' }, \
{ op:'add', path:'/certificateName', value:'edge-cert'}, \
{ op:'add', path:'/certificateArn', value: 'arn:aws:acm:useast-1:123456789012:certificate/34a95aa1-77fa-427c-aa07-3a88bd9f3c0a' } \

The edge-optimized domain certificate must be created in the us-east-1 region.
The success response has a 200 OK status code and a body similar to the following:

"certificateArn": "arn:aws:acm:us-east-1:738575810317:certificate/34a95aa1-77fa-427caa07-3a88bd9f3c0a",
"certificateName": "edge-cert",
"certificateUploadDate": "2017-10-16T23:22:57Z",
"distributionDomainName": "",
"domainName": "",
"endpointConfiguration": {
"types": [
"regionalCertificateArn": "arn:aws:acm:useast-1:123456789012:certificate/3d881b54-851a-478a-a887-f6502760461d",
"regionalDomainName": ""

For the specified custom domain name, API Gateway returns the edge-optimized API host name as the
distributionDomainName property value. You must set a DNS record to point the edge-optimized
custom domain name to this distribution domain name. This enables traffic that is bound to the edgeoptimized custom domain name to be routed to the edge-optimized API host name.
After the DNS record is set, you can remove the REGION endpoint type of the custom domain name:
aws apigateway update-domain-name \
--domain-name \
--patch-operations [ \
{op:'remove', path:'/endpointConfiguration/types', value:'REGIONAL'}, \
{op:'remove', path:'regionalCertificateArn'} \

The result of this command is similar to the following output, with only edge-optimized domain name
configuration data:


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Migrate Custom Domain Names


"certificateArn": "arn:aws:acm:us-east-1:738575810317:certificate/34a95aa1-77fa-427caa07-3a88bd9f3c0a",
"certificateName": "edge-cert",
"certificateUploadDate": "2017-10-16T23:22:57Z",
"distributionDomainName": "",
"domainName": "",
"endpointConfiguration": {
"types": "EDGE"

Update Custom Domain Names Using the API Gateway REST API
To use the API Gateway REST API to update an edge-optimized custom domain name to a regional one,
or from a regional custom domain name to an edge-optimized one, use the domainname:update linkrelation and, optionally, the domainname:delete link-relation.
• Update an Edge-Optimized Custom Domain Name to Regional (p. 443)
• Update a Region Domain Name to Edge-Optimized (p. 444)

Update an Edge-Optimized Custom Domain Name to Regional
To update an edge-optimized custom domain name ( to a regional custom domain
name, call domainname:update of the API Gateway REST API:
PATCH /domainnames/ HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-amz-json-1.0
X-Amz-Date: 20170511T214723Z
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential={ACCESS-KEY-ID}/20170511/us-west-2/
apigateway/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-length;content-type;host;x-amz-date,

"patchOperations": [
"op" : "add",
"path" : "/endpointConfiguration/types",
"value" : "REGIONAL"
"op" : "add",
"path" : "/regionalCertificateArn",
"value" : "arn:aws:acm:us-west-2:123456789012:certificate/c19332f1-3be7-457f-a245e03a423084e7"

The regional certificate must be of the same region as the regional API.
The success response has a 200 OK status code and a body similar to the following:

"certificateArn": "arn:aws:acm:us-east-1:123456789012:certificate/34a95aa1-77fa-427caa07-3a88bd9f3c0a",


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Migrate Custom Domain Names
"certificateName": "edge-cert",
"certificateUploadDate": "2017-10-16T23:22:57Z",
"distributionDomainName": "",
"domainName": "",
"endpointConfiguration": {
"types": [
"regionalCertificateArn": "arn:aws:acm:us-west-2:123456789012:certificate/
"regionalDomainName": ""

For the regional custom domain name, the returned regionalDomainName property value is the
regional API host name. You must set up a DNS record to point the regional custom domain name to this
regional API host name. This enables traffic that is bound to the regional custom domain name to be
routed to the regional API host.
You can then remove the edge-optimized API custom domain name:
PATCH /domainnames/{domain-name} HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-amz-json-1.0
X-Amz-Date: 20170511T214723Z
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential={ACCESS-KEY-ID}/20170511/us-west-2/
apigateway/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-length;content-type;host;x-amz-date,


"patchOperations": [
"op" : "remove",
"path" : "/endpointConfiguration/types"
"op" : "remove",
"path" : "/certificateName"
"op" : "remove",
"path" : "/certificateArn"

Update a Region Domain Name to Edge-Optimized
To migrate a regional custom domain name to an edge-optimized custom domain name, call
domainname:update from the API Gateway REST API, as follows:
PATCH /domainnames/{domain-name} HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-amz-json-1.0
X-Amz-Date: 20170511T214723Z
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential={ACCESS-KEY-ID}/20170511/us-west-2/
apigateway/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-length;content-type;host;x-amz-date,

"patchOperations" : [ {


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Migrate Custom Domain Names
"op" : "add",
"path" : "/endpointConfiguration/types",
"value" : "EDGE"

}, {


"op": "add",
"path": "/certificateName",
"value": "edge-cert"

"op": "add",
"path": "/certificateArn",
"value": "arn:aws:acm:us-east-1:123456789012:certificate/34a95aa1-77fa-427caa07-3a88bd9f3c0a"
} ]

For an edge-optimized API custom domain name, the ACM Certificate must be from the us-east-1
The successful response has a 200 OK status code and a body similar to the following:

"certificateArn": "arn:aws:acm:us-east-1:738575810317:certificate/34a95aa1-77fa-427caa07-3a88bd9f3c0a",
"certificateName": "edge-cert",
"certificateUploadDate": "2017-10-16T23:22:57Z",
"distributionDomainName": "",
"domainName": "",
"endpointConfiguration": {
"types": [
"regionalCertificateArn": "arn:aws:acm:useast-1:123456789012:certificate/3d881b54-851a-478a-a887-f6502760461d",
"regionalDomainName": ""

For the specified custom domain name, API Gateway returns the domain name of an Amazon CloudFront
distribution. You must set a DNS record to point the custom domain name to this distribution domain
name, so that traffic to the custom domain name is routed to the named CloudFront distribution.
You can then remove the regional API custom domain name:
PATCH /domainnames/{domain-name} HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-amz-json-1.0
X-Amz-Date: 20170511T214723Z
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential={ACCESS-KEY-ID}/20170511/us-west-2/
apigateway/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-length;content-type;host;x-amz-date,

"patchOperations": [
"op" : "remove",
"path" : "/endpointConfiguration/types"
"op" : "remove",
"path" : "/regionalCertificateArn"


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Migrate Custom Domain Names

The successful response to the preceding request has a 200 OK status code and a body similar to the

"certificateArn": "arn:aws:acm:us-east-1:738575810317:certificate/34a95aa1-77fa-427caa07-3a88bd9f3c0a",
"certificateName": "edge-cert",
"certificateUploadDate": "2017-10-16T23:22:57Z",
"distributionDomainName": "",
"domainName": "",
"endpointConfiguration": {
"types": "EDGE"


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Use the Serverless Developer Portal to Catalog Your APIs

Publish Your API Gateway APIs
Once you've deployed your APIs, you can publish them by deploying a developer portal. You can also sell
your APIs as a SaaS through the AWS Marketplace.
• Use the Serverless Developer Portal to Catalog Your API Gateway APIs (p. 447)
• Sell Your API Gateway APIs through AWS Marketplace (p. 449)

Use the Serverless Developer Portal to Catalog
Your API Gateway APIs
A developer portal is an application that you use to make your API Gateway APIs available to your
customers by enabling self-service discovery of those APIs. Your customers can use the developer portal
to browse API documentation, register for – and immediately receive – their own API key that can be
used to build applications, test published APIs, and monitor their own API usage.
Amazon API Gateway publishes a regularly updated serverless developer portal in the AWS Serverless
Application Repository and on GitHub. It is released under the Apache 2.0 license, letting you customize
and incorporate it into your build and deployment tools.
For more information about the AWS Serverless Application Repository, see the AWS Serverless
Application Repository Developer Guide.

Create a developer portal
You can deploy the API Gateway developer portal as-is or customize it to fit your branding.

To deploy the serverless developer portal using the AWS Serverless Application Repository

Go to the API Gateway serverless developer portal page in the AWS Serverless Application


Choose Deploy.


You may be prompted to sign into the AWS Lambda console.

The deployment process will create an Amazon S3 bucket the catalog metadata will be stored. In the
ArtifactsS3BucketName box, enter the name to assign to this bucket. This name must be globally


The deployment process will also create an Amazon S3 bucket where the web application code will
be stored. In the DevPortalSiteS3BucketName box, enter the name to assign to this bucket. This
name must be globally unique.


You should leave all the other settings as-is unless you need to change them. For example, you can
optionally enter a custom domain name in the CustomDomainName field.


Choose the checkbox next to I acknowledge that this app creates custom IAM roles.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Publish an API Gateway API to your developer portal


Choose Deploy.

To download and deploy the serverless developer portal using AWS SAM

Ensure that you have the latest AWS CLI and AWS SAM CLI installed and configured.


Download or clone the API Gateway serverless developer portal repo to a local directory.
Ensure that you have an Amazon S3 bucket to upload zipped Lambda functions into. If you don't
have one, you can create one using the Amazon S3 console or CLI.
In the SAM CLI, run the following command, replacing {your-lambda-artifacts-bucketname} with the name of your Amazon S3 bucket:
sam package --template-file ./cloudformation/template.yaml --output-template-file ./
cloudformation/packaged.yaml --s3-bucket {your-lambda-artifacts-bucket-name}


Run the following command, replacing {custom-prefix} with a prefix that is globally unique:
sam deploy --template-file ./cloudformation/packaged.yaml --stack-name
"dev-portal" --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM --parameter-overrides

Once your developer portal has been fully deployed, you can get its URL as follows.

To get the URL for your newly created developer portal

Open the AWS CloudFormation management console.


Choose the name of the stack (aws-serverless-repository-api-gateway-dev-portal is the
default stack name).


Open the Outputs section. The URL for the developer portal is specified in the WebSiteURL

Publish an API Gateway API to your developer portal
The following steps outline how you, as the API owner, publish an API to your customers.

To publish an API in your developer portal

Create a usage plan and associate it with the API and stage you want to publish.


Export the API to an OpenAPI version 2 (Swagger) file (as JSON, with API Gateway extensions).



If you're using a custom domain for your APIs, you'll need to rename the JSON file to
{apiId}_{stageName}.json, where {apiId} is the API ID of your API Gateway API and
{stageName} is the name of the stage that the API is currently deployed to (for example,
test or prod).
Upload the OpenAPI file to the the catalog folder in the Amazon S3 bucket whose name you
supplied in the ArtifactsS3BucketName box when you deployed your developer portal.

How your customers use your developer portal
To build applications and test your APIs, your customers will need to create developer accounts by
registering with your developer portal.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Sell Your APIs as SaaS

To create a developer account and get an API key

In the developer portal, choose Register.
Enter an email address and password and choose Register.
To locate the API key, choose My Dashboard.

A developer account gives your customer an API key, which is typically needed to use and test your APIs,
and enables usage tracking for both you and your customers.
When a customer first registers, their new API key won't be tied to any of your APIs.

To activate the API key for an API

Choose APIs.


Choose the API from the API list and choose Subscribe.

The customer has now subscribed to the API, and they can make calls to all methods on the API. Daily
usage statistics for the API will be displayed in MyDashboard.

Sell Your API Gateway APIs through AWS
After you build, test, and deploy your APIs, you can package them in an API Gateway usage plan (p. 293)
and sell the plan as a Software as a Service (SaaS) product through AWS Marketplace. API buyers
subscribing to your product offering are billed by AWS Marketplace based on the number of requests
made to the usage plan.
To sell your APIs on AWS Marketplace, you must set up the sales channel to integrate AWS Marketplace
with API Gateway. Generally speaking, this involves listing your product on AWS Marketplace, setting up
an IAM role with appropriate policies to allow API Gateway to send usage metrics to AWS Marketplace,
associating an AWS Marketplace product with an API Gateway usage plan, and associating an AWS
Marketplace buyer with an API Gateway API key. Details are discussed in the following sections.
To enable your customers to buy your product on AWS Marketplace, you must register your developer
portal (an external application) with AWS Marketplace. The developer portal must handle the
subscription requests that are redirected from the AWS Marketplace console.
For a sample developer portal application, see the API Gateway Developer Portal.
For more information about selling your API as a SaaS product on AWS Marketplace, see the AWS
Marketplace User Guide.
• Initialize AWS Marketplace Integration with API Gateway (p. 449)
• Handle Customer Subscription to Usage Plans (p. 451)

Initialize AWS Marketplace Integration with API
The following tasks are for one-time initialization of AWS Marketplace integration with API Gateway,
which enables you to sell your APIs as a SaaS product.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Initialize AWS Marketplace Integration with API Gateway

List a Product on AWS Marketplace
To list your usage plan as a SaaS product, submit a product load form through AWS Marketplace. The
product must contain a dimension named apigateway of the requests type. This dimension defines
the price-per-request and is used by API Gateway to meter requests to your APIs.

Create the Metering Role
Create an IAM role named ApiGatewayMarketplaceMeteringRole with the following execution
policy and trust policy. This role allows API Gateway to send usage metrics to AWS Marketplace on your

Execution Policy of the Metering Role


"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Action": [
"Resource": "*",
"Effect": "Allow"

Trusted Relationship Policy of the Metering Role


"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"Service": ""
"Action": "sts:AssumeRole"

Associate Usage Plan with AWS Marketplace Product
When you list a product on AWS Marketplace, you receive an AWS Marketplace product code. To
integrate API Gateway with AWS Marketplace, associate your usage plan with the AWS Marketplace
product code. You enable the association by setting the API Gateway UsagePlan's productCode field
to your AWS Marketplace product code, using the API Gateway console, the API Gateway REST API,
the AWS CLI for API Gateway, or AWS SDK for API Gateway. The following code example uses the API
Gateway REST API:
Authorization: ...

"patchOperations" : [{


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Handle Customer Subscription to Usage Plans



"path" : "/productCode",
"op" : "replace"

Handle Customer Subscription to Usage Plans
The following tasks are handled by your developer portal application.
When a customer subscribes to your product through AWS Marketplace, AWS Marketplace forwards
a POST request to the SaaS subscriptions URL that you registered when listing your product on AWS
Marketplace. The POST request comes with an x-amzn-marketplace-token header parameter
containing buyer information. Follow the instructions in Configuring Your SaaS Product to Accept New
Customers to handle this redirect in your developer portal application.
Responding to a customer's subscribing request, AWS Marketplace sends a subscribe-success
notification to an Amazon SNS topic that you can subscribe to. (See Configuring Your SaaS Product
to Accept New Customers). To accept the customer subscription request, you handle the subscribesuccess notification by creating or retrieving an API Gateway API key for the customer, associating the
customer's AWS Marketplace-provisioned customerId with the API keys, and then adding the API key to
your usage plan.
When the customer's subscription request completes, the developer portal application should present
the customer with the associated API key and inform the customer that the API key must be included in
the x-api-key header in requests to the APIs.
When a customer cancels a subscription to a usage plan, AWS Marketplace sends an unsubscribesuccess notification to the SNS topic. To complete the process of unsubscribing the customer, you
handle the unsubscribe-success notification by removing the customer's API keys from the usage

Authorize a Customer to Access a Usage Plan
To authorize access to your usage plan for a given customer, use the API Gateway API to fetch or create
an API key for the customer and add the API key to the usage plan.
The following example shows how to call the API Gateway REST API to create a new API key with a
specific AWS Marketplace customerId value (MARKETPLACE_CUSTOMER_ID).
POST apikeys HTTP/1.1
Authorization: ...


"name" : "my_api_key",
"description" : "My API key",
"enabled" : "false",
"stageKeys" : [ {
"restApiId" : "uycll6xg9a",
"stageName" : "prod"
} ],

The following example shows how to get an API key with a specific AWS Marketplace customerId value


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Handle Customer Subscription to Usage Plans
Authorization: ...

To add an API key to a usage plan, create a UsagePlanKey with the API key for the relevant usage plan.
The following example shows how to accomplish this using the API Gateway REST API, where n371pt is
the usage plan ID and q5ugs7qjjh is an example API keyId returned from the preceding examples.
POST /usageplans/n371pt/keys HTTP/1.1
Authorization: ...

"keyId": "q5ugs7qjjh",
"keyType": "API_KEY"

Associate a Customer with an API Key
You must update the ApiKey's customerId field to the AWS Marketplace customer ID of the customer.
This associates the API key with the AWS Marketplace customer, which enables metering and billing for
the buyer. The following code example calls the API Gateway REST API to do that.
PATCH /apikeys/q5ugs7qjjh
Authorization: ...


"patchOperations" : [{
"path" : "/customerId",
"op" : "replace"


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Obtain an API's Invoke URL in the API Gateway Console

Invoking a REST API in Amazon API
Calling a deployed API involves submitting requests to the URL for the API Gateway component service
for API execution, known as execute-api.
The base URL for REST APIs is in the following format:

where {restapi_id} is the API identifier, {region} is the region, and {stage_name} is the stage
name of the API deployment.


Before you can invoke an API, you must deploy it in API Gateway. To do that, follow the
instructions in Deploying a REST API in Amazon API Gateway (p. 360).
• Obtain an API's Invoke URL in the API Gateway Console (p. 453)
• Use the API Gateway Console to Test a REST API Method (p. 454)
• Use Postman to Call a REST API (p. 455)
• Call REST API through Generated SDKs (p. 455)
• Call REST API through AWS Amplify JavaScript Library (p. 473)

Obtain an API's Invoke URL in the API Gateway
You can find a REST API's root URL in the Stage Editor for the API in the API Gateway console. It is listed
as the Invoke URL at the top. If the API's root resource exposes a GET method without requiring user
authentication, you can call the method by clicking the Invoke URL link. You can also construct this root
URL by combining the host and basePath fields of an exported OpenAPI definition file of the API.
If an API permits anonymous access, you can use any web browser to invoke any GET method calls by
copying and pasting an appropriate invocation URL to the browser's address bar. For other methods
or any authentication-required calls, the invocation will be more involved because you must specify a
payload or sign the requests. You can handle these in a script behind an HTML page or in a client app
using one of the AWS SDKs.
For testing, you can use the API Gateway console to call an API using the API Gateway's TestInvoke
feature, which bypasses the Invoke URL and allows API testing before the API is deployed. Alternatively,
you can use the Postman app to test a successfully deployed API, without writing a script or a client.


Query string parameter values in an invocation URL cannot contain %%.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Use the Console to Test a REST API Method

Use the API Gateway Console to Test a REST API
Use the API Gateway console to test a REST API method.
• Prerequisites (p. 454)
• Test a Method with the API Gateway Console (p. 454)


You must specify the settings for the methods you want to test. Follow the instructions in Set up
REST API Methods in API Gateway (p. 70).

Test a Method with the API Gateway Console

Testing methods with the API Gateway console may result in changes to resources that cannot
be undone. Testing a method with the API Gateway console is the same as calling the method
outside of the API Gateway console. For example, if you use the API Gateway console to call a
method that deletes an API's resources, if the method call is successful, the API's resources will
be deleted.

Sign in to the API Gateway console at


In the box that contains the name of the API for the method, choose Resources.


In the Resources pane, choose the method you want to test.


In the Method Execution pane, in the Client box, choose TEST. Type values in any of the displayed
boxes (such as Query Strings, Headers, and Request Body).
For additional options you may need to specify, contact the API owner.


Choose Test. The following information will be displayed:
• Request is the resource's path that was called for the method.
• Status is the response's HTTP status code.
• Latency is the time between the receipt of the request from the caller and the returned response.
• Response Body is the HTTP response body.
• Response Headers are the HTTP response headers.


Depending on the mapping, the HTTP status code, response body, and response headers
may be different from those sent from the Lambda function, HTTP proxy, or AWS service
• Logs are the simulated Amazon CloudWatch Logs entries that would have been written if this
method were called outside of the API Gateway console.


Although the CloudWatch Logs entries are simulated, the results of the method call are


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Use Postman to Call a REST API

In addition to using the API Gateway console, you can use AWS CLI or an AWS SDK for API Gateway to
test invoking a method. To do so using AWS CLI, see test-invoke-method.

Use Postman to Call a REST API
The Postman app is a convenient tool to test a REST API in API Gateway. The following instructions walk
you through the essential steps of using the Postman app to call an API. For more information, see the
Postman help.

Launch Postman.


Enter the endpoint URL of a request in the address bar and choose the appropriate HTTP method
from the drop-down list to the left of the address bar.


If required, choose the Authorization tab. Choose AWS Signature for the authorization Type. Enter
your AWS IAM user's access key ID in the AccessKey input field. Enter your IAM user secret key in
SecretKey. Specify an appropriate AWS region that matches the region specified in the invocation
URL. Enter execute-api in Service Name.


Choose the Headers tab. Optionally, delete any existing headers. This can clear any stale settings
that may cause errors. Add any required custom headers. For example, if API keys are enabled, you
can set the x-api-key:{api_key} name/value pair here.


Choose Send to submit the request and receive a response.

For an example of using Postman, see Call an API with API Gateway Lambda Authorizers (p. 258).

Call REST API through Generated SDKs
This section shows how to call an API through a generated SDK in a client app written in Java, Java for
Android, JavaScript, Ruby, Objective-C and Swift.
• Use a Java SDK Generated by API Gateway for a REST API (p. 455)
• Use an Android SDK Generated by API Gateway for a REST API (p. 459)
• Use a JavaScript SDK Generated by API Gateway for a REST API (p. 460)
• Use a Ruby SDK Generated by API Gateway for a REST API (p. 462)
• Use iOS SDK Generated by API Gateway for a REST API in Objective-C or Swift (p. 465)

Use a Java SDK Generated by API Gateway for a REST
In this section, we outline the steps to use a Java SDK generated by API Gateway for a REST API, by using
the Simple Calculator (p. 420) API as an example. Before proceeding, you must complete the steps in
Generate SDKs for an API Using the API Gateway Console (p. 410).

To install and use a Java SDK generated by API Gateway

Extract the contents of the API Gateway-generated .zip file that you downloaded earlier.
Download and install Apache Maven (must be version 3.5 or later).


Download and install the JDK (must be version 1.8 or later).
Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Use a Java SDK Generated by API Gateway for a REST API


Go to the unzipped SDK folder where the pom.xml file is located. This folder is generated-code
by default. Run the mvn install command to install the compiled artifact files to your local Maven
repository. This creates a target folder containing the compiled SDK library.


Type the following command to create a client project stub to call the API using the installed SDK
mvn -B archetype:generate \
-DarchetypeGroupdId=org.apache.maven.archetypes \ \


The separator \ in the preceding command is included for readability. The whole command
should be on a single line without the separator.
This command creates an application stub. The application stub contains a pom.xml file and an src
folder under the project's root directory (SimpleCalc-sdkClient in the preceding command).
Initially, there are two source files: src/main/java/{package-path}/ and src/test/
java/{package-path}/ In this example, {package-path} is examples/aws/
apig/simpleCalc/sdk/app. This package path is derived from the DarchetypeGroupdId value.
You can use the file as a template for your client application, and you can add others
in the same folder if needed. You can use the file as a unit test template for your
application, and you can add other test code files to the same test folder as needed.

Update the package dependencies in the generated pom.xml file to the following, substituting your
project's groupId, artifactId, version, and name properties, if necessary:







Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Use a Java SDK Generated by API Gateway for a REST API




When a newer version of dependent artifact of aws-java-sdk-core is incompatible with
the version specified above (1.11.94), you must update the  tag to the new

Next, we show how to call the API using the SDK by calling the getABOp(GetABOpRequest
req), getApiRoot(GetApiRootRequest req), and postApiRoot(PostApiRootRequest
req) methods of the SDK. These methods correspond to the GET /{a}/{b}/{op}, GET /?
a={x}&b={y}&op={operator}, and POST / methods, with a payload of {"a": x, "b": y,
"op": "operator"} API requests, respectively.
Update the file as follows:
import com.amazonaws.opensdk.config.ConnectionConfiguration;
import com.amazonaws.opensdk.config.TimeoutConfiguration;
public class App
SimpleCalcSdk sdkClient;
public App() {
// The configuration settings are for illustration purposes and may not be a
recommended best practice.
private void initSdk() {
sdkClient = SimpleCalcSdk.builder()
new ConnectionConfiguration()
new TimeoutConfiguration()


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Use a Java SDK Generated by API Gateway for a REST API
// Calling shutdown is not necessary unless you want to exert explicit control of
this resource.
public void shutdown() {
// GetABOpResult getABOp(GetABOpRequest getABOpRequest)
public Output getResultWithPathParameters(String x, String y, String operator) {
operator = operator.equals("+") ? "add" : operator;
operator = operator.equals("/") ? "div" : operator;
GetABOpResult abopResult = sdkClient.getABOp(new
return abopResult.getResult().getOutput();
public Output getResultWithQueryParameters(String a, String b, String op) {
GetApiRootResult rootResult = sdkClient.getApiRoot(new
return rootResult.getResult().getOutput();
public Output geResultByPostInputBody(Double x, Double y, String o) {
PostApiRootResult postResult = sdkClient.postApiRoot(
new PostApiRootRequest().input(new Input().a(x).b(y).op(o)));
return postResult.getResult().getOutput();
public static void main( String[] args )
System.out.println( "Simple calc" );
// to begin
App calc = new App();
// call the SimpleCalc API
Output res = calc.getResultWithPathParameters("1", "2", "-");
System.out.printf("GET /1/2/-: %s\n", res.getC());
// Use the type query parameter
res = calc.getResultWithQueryParameters("1", "2", "+");
System.out.printf("GET /?a=1&b=2&op=+: %s\n", res.getC());
// Call POST with an Input body.
res = calc.geResultByPostInputBody(1.0, 2.0, "*");
System.out.printf("PUT /\n\n{\"a\":1, \"b\":2,\"op\":\"*\"}\n %s\n",



In the preceding example, the configuration settings used to instantiate the SDK client are
for illustration purposes and are not necessarily recommended best practice. Also, calling
sdkClient.shutdown() is optional, especially if you need precise control on when to free up
We have shown the essential patterns to call an API using a Java SDK. You can extend the instructions to
calling other API methods.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Use an Android SDK Generated
by API Gateway for a REST API

Use an Android SDK Generated by API Gateway for a
In this section, we will outline the steps to use an Android SDK generated by API Gateway for a REST API.
Before proceeding further, you must have already completed the steps in Generate SDKs for an API Using
the API Gateway Console (p. 410).


The generated SDK is not compatible with Android 4.4 and earlier. For more information, see
Amazon API Gateway Known Issues (p. 678).

To install and use an Android SDK Generated by API Gateway

Extract the contents of the API Gateway-generated .zip file that you downloaded earlier.


Download and install Apache Maven (preferably version 3.x).


Download and install the JDK (preferably version 1.7 or later).


Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable.


Run the mvn install command to install the compiled artifact files to your local Maven repository.
This creates a target folder containing the compiled SDK library.


Copy the SDK file (the name of which is derived from the Artifact Id and Artifact Version you
specified when generating the SDK, e.g., simple-calcsdk-1.0.0.jar) from the target folder,
along with all of the other libraries from the target/lib folder, into your project's lib folder.
If you use Android Studio, create a libs folder under your client app module and copy the
required .jar file into this folder. Verify that the dependencies section in the module's gradle file
contains the following.
compile fileTree(include: ['*.jar'], dir: 'libs')
compile fileTree(include: ['*.jar'], dir: 'app/libs')

Make sure no duplicated .jar files are declared.

Use the ApiClientFactory class to initialize the API Gateway-generated SDK. For example:
ApiClientFactory factory = new ApiClientFactory();
// Create an instance of your SDK. Here, '' is the compiled java
class for the SDK generated by API Gateway.
final SimpleCalcClient client =;
// Invoke a method:
For the 'GET /?a=1&b=2&op=+' method exposed by the API, you can invoke it by
calling the following SDK method:
Result output = client.rootGet("1", "2", "+");

where the Result class of the SDK corresponds to the Result model of the API.

For the 'GET /{a}/{b}/{op}' method exposed by the API, you can call the following
SDK method to invoke the request,
Result output = client.aBOpGet(a, b, c);

where a, b, c can be "1", "2", "add", respectively.
For the following API method:


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Use a JavaScript SDK Generated
by API Gateway for a REST API
host: ...
Content-Type: application/json
{ "a": 1, "b": 2, "op": "+" }
// you can call invoke it by calling the rootPost method of the SDK as follows:
Input body = new Input();
Result output = client.rootPost(body);

where the Input class of the SDK corresponds to the Input model of the API.

// Parse the result:
If the 'Result' object is { "a": 1, "b": 2, "op": "add", "c":3"}, you retrieve
the result 'c') as
String result=output.c;


To use an Amazon Cognito credentials provider to authorize calls to your API, use the
ApiClientFactory class to pass a set of AWS credentials by using the SDK generated by API
Gateway, as shown in the following example.

// Use CognitoCachingCredentialsProvider to provide AWS credentials
// for the ApiClientFactory
AWSCredentialsProvider credentialsProvider = new CognitoCachingCredentialsProvider(
// activity context
"identityPoolId", // Cognito identity pool id
Regions.US_EAST_1 // region of Cognito identity pool
ApiClientFactory factory = new ApiClientFactory()


To set an API key by using the API Gateway- generated SDK, use code similar to the following.

ApiClientFactory factory = new ApiClientFactory()

Use a JavaScript SDK Generated by API Gateway for a

These instructions assume you have already completed the instructions in Generate SDKs for an
API Using the API Gateway Console (p. 410).

To install, initiate and call a JavaScript SDK generated by API Gateway for a REST API

Extract the contents of the API Gateway-generated .zip file you downloaded earlier.


Enable cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) for all of the methods the SDK generated by API
Gateway will call. For instructions, see Enable CORS for a REST API Resource (p. 270).


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Use a JavaScript SDK Generated
by API Gateway for a REST API


In your web page, include references to the following scripts.


In your code, initialize the SDK generated by API Gateway by using code similar to the following.
var apigClient = apigClientFactory.newClient();

To initialize the SDK generated by API Gateway with AWS credentials, use code similar to the
following. If you use AWS credentials, all requests to the API will be signed.
var apigClient = apigClientFactory.newClient({
accessKey: 'ACCESS_KEY',
secretKey: 'SECRET_KEY',

To use an API key with the SDK generated by API Gateway, pass the API key as a parameter to the
Factory object by using code similar to the following. If you use an API key, it is specified as part
of the x-api-key header and all requests to the API will be signed. This means you must set the
appropriate CORS Accept headers for each request.
var apigClient = apigClientFactory.newClient({
apiKey: 'API_KEY'


Call the API methods in API Gateway by using code similar to the following. Each call returns a
promise with a success and failure callbacks.
var params = {
// This is where any modeled request parameters should be added.
// The key is the parameter name, as it is defined in the API in API Gateway.
param0: '',
param1: ''
var body = {
// This is where you define the body of the request,
var additionalParams = {
// If there are any unmodeled query parameters or headers that must be
sent with the request, add them here.
headers: {
param0: '',
param1: ''
queryParams: {
param0: '',
param1: ''


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Use a Ruby SDK Generated by API Gateway for a REST API
apigClient.methodName(params, body, additionalParams)
// Add success callback code here.
}).catch( function(result){
// Add error callback code here.

Here, the methodName is constructed from the method request's resource path and the HTTP verb.
For the SimpleCalc API, the SDK methods for the API methods of
1. GET /?a=...&b=...&op=...
2. POST /
{ "a": ..., "b": ..., "op": ...}
3. GET /{a}/{b}/{op}

the corresponding SDK methods are as follows:
1. rootGet(params);
// where params={"a": ..., "b": ..., "op": ...} is resolved to
the query parameters
2. rootPost(null, body); // where body={"a": ..., "b": ..., "op": ...}
3. aBOpGet(params);
// where params={"a": ..., "b": ..., "op": ...} is resolved to
the path parameters

Use a Ruby SDK Generated by API Gateway for a

These instructions assume you already completed the instructions in Generate SDKs for an API
Using the API Gateway Console (p. 410).

To install, instantiate, and call a Ruby SDK generated by API Gateway for a REST API

Unzip the downloaded Ruby SDK file. The generated SDK source is shown as follows.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Use a Ruby SDK Generated by API Gateway for a REST API


Build a Ruby Gem from the generated SDK source, using the following shell commands in a terminal
# change to /simplecalc-sdk directory
cd simplecalc-sdk
# build the generated gem
gem build simplecalc-sdk.gemspec

After this, simplecalc-sdk-1.0.0.gem becomes available.

Install the gem:
gem install simplecalc-sdk-1.0.0.gem


Create a client application. Instantiate and initialize the Ruby SDK client in the app:
require 'simplecalc-sdk'
client =
http_wire_trace: true,
retry_limit: 5,
http_read_timeout: 50

If the API has authorization of the AWS_IAM type is configured, you can include the caller's AWS
credentials by supplying accessKey and secretKey during the initialization:
require 'pet-sdk'


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Use a Ruby SDK Generated by API Gateway for a REST API
client =
http_wire_trace: true,
retry_limit: 5,
http_read_timeout: 50,
access_key: 'ACCESS_KEY',
secret_key: 'SECRET_KEY'


Make API calls through the SDK in the app.


If you are not familiar with the SDK method call conventions, you can review the
client.rb file in the generated SDK lib folder. The folder contains documentation of
each supported API method call.
To discover supported operations:
# to show supported operations:
puts client.operation_names

This results in the following display, corresponding to the API methods of GET /?
a={.}&b={.}&op={.}, GET /{a}/{b}/{op}, and POST /, plus a payload of the {a:"…",
b:"…", op:"…"} format, respectively:
[:get_api_root, :get_ab_op, :post_api_root]

To invoke the GET /?a=1&b=2&op=+ API method, call the following the Ruby SDK method:
resp = client.get_api_root({a:"1", b:"2", op:"+"})

To invoke the POST / API method with a payload of {a: "1", b: "2", "op": "+"}, call the
following Ruby SDK method:
resp = client.post_api_root(input: {a:"1", b:"2", op:"+"})

To invoke the GET /1/2/+ API method, call the following Ruby SDK method:
resp = client.get_ab_op({a:"1", b:"2", op:"+"})

The successful SDK method calls return the following response:
resp : {
result: {
input: {
a: 1,
b: 2,
op: "+"
output: {
c: 3


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Use iOS SDK Generated by API Gateway
for a REST API in Objective-C or Swift

Use iOS SDK Generated by API Gateway for a REST
API in Objective-C or Swift
In this tutorial, we will show how to use an iOS SDK generated by API Gateway for a REST API in an
Objective-C or Swift app to call the underlying API. We will use the SimpleCalc API (p. 415) as an
example to illustrate the following topics:
• How to install the required AWS Mobile SDK components into your Xcode project
• How to create the API client object before calling the API's methods
• How to call the API methods through the corresponding SDK methods on the API client object
• How to prepare a method input and parse its result using the corresponding model classes of the SDK
• Use Generated iOS SDK (Objective-C) to Call API (p. 465)
• Use Generated iOS SDK (Swift) to Call API (p. 469)

Use Generated iOS SDK (Objective-C) to Call API
Before beginning the following procedure, you must complete the steps in Generate SDKs for an
API Using the API Gateway Console (p. 410) for iOS in Objective-C and download the .zip file of the
generated SDK.

Install the AWS Mobile SDK and an iOS SDK generated by API Gateway in an
Objective-C Project
The following procedure describes how to install the SDK.

To install and use an iOS SDK generated by API Gateway in Objective-C

Extract the contents of the API Gateway-generated .zip file you downloaded earlier. Using the
SimpleCalc API (p. 415), you may want to rename the unzipped SDK folder to something like
sdk_objc_simple_calc. In this SDK folder there is a file and a Podfile file. The file contains the instructions to install and use the SDK. This tutorial provides details
about these instructions. The installation leverages CocoaPods to import required API Gateway
libraries and other dependent AWS Mobile SDK components. You must update the Podfile
to import the SDKs into your app's Xcode project. The unarchived SDK folder also contains a
generated-src folder that contains the source code of the generated SDK of your API.


Launch Xcode and create a new iOS Objective-C project. Make a note of the project's target. You will
need to set it in the Podfile.


To import the AWS Mobile SDK for iOS into the Xcode project by using CocoaPods, do the following:


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Use iOS SDK Generated by API Gateway
for a REST API in Objective-C or Swift


Install CocoaPods by running the following command in a terminal window:
sudo gem install cocoapods
pod setup


Copy the Podfile file from the extracted SDK folder into the same directory containing your
Xcode project file. Replace the following block:
target '' do
pod 'AWSAPIGateway', '~> 2.4.7'

with your project's target name:
target 'app_objc_simple_calc' do
pod 'AWSAPIGateway', '~> 2.4.7'

If your Xcode project already contains a file named Podfile, add the following line of code to
pod 'AWSAPIGateway', '~> 2.4.7'


Open a terminal window and run the following command:
pod install

This installs the API Gateway component and other dependent AWS Mobile SDK components.

Close the Xcode project and then open the .xcworkspace file to relaunch Xcode.


Add all of the .h and .m files from the extracted SDK's generated-src directory into your
Xcode project.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Use iOS SDK Generated by API Gateway
for a REST API in Objective-C or Swift

To import the AWS Mobile SDK for iOS Objective-C into your project by explicitly downloading AWS
Mobile SDK or using Carthage, follow the instructions in the file. Be sure to use only
one of these options to import the AWS Mobile SDK.

Call API Methods Using the iOS SDK generated by API Gateway in an ObjectiveC Project
When you generated the SDK with the prefix of SIMPLE_CALC for this SimpleCalc API (p. 415) with
two models for input (Input) and output (Result) of the methods, in the SDK, the resulting API
client class becomes SIMPLE_CALCSimpleCalcClient and the corresponding data classes are
SIMPLE_CALCInput and SIMPLE_CALCResult, respectively. The API requests and responses are
mapped to the SDK methods as follows:
• The API request of
GET /?a=...&b=...&op=...

becomes the SDK method of
(AWSTask *)rootGet:(NSString *)op a:(NSString *)a b:(NSString *)b

The AWSTask.result property is of the SIMPLE_CALCResult type if the Result model was added
to the method response. Otherwise, the property is of the NSDictionary type.
• This API request of


"a": "Number",
"b": "Number",
"op": "String"

becomes the SDK method of
(AWSTask *)rootPost:(SIMPLE_CALCInput *)body

• The API request of
GET /{a}/{b}/{op}

becomes the SDK method of
(AWSTask *)aBOpGet:(NSString *)a b:(NSString *)b op:(NSString *)op

The following procedure describes how to call the API methods in Objective-C app source code; for
example, as part of the viewDidLoad delegate in a ViewController.m file.

To call the API through the iOS SDK generated by API Gateway

Import the API client class header file to make the API client class callable in the app:


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Use iOS SDK Generated by API Gateway
for a REST API in Objective-C or Swift
#import "SIMPLE_CALCSimpleCalc.h"

The #import statement also imports SIMPLE_CALCInput.h and SIMPLE_CALCResult.h for the
two model classes.

Instantiate the API client class:
SIMPLE_CALCSimpleCalcClient *apiInstance = [SIMPLE_CALCSimpleCalcClient defaultClient];

To use Amazon Cognito with the API, set the defaultServiceConfiguration property on the
default AWSServiceManager object, as shown in the following, before calling the defaultClient
method to create the API client object (shown in the preceding example):
AWSCognitoCredentialsProvider *creds = [[AWSCognitoCredentialsProvider alloc]
initWithRegionType:AWSRegionUSEast1 identityPoolId:your_cognito_pool_id];
AWSServiceConfiguration *configuration = [[AWSServiceConfiguration alloc]
initWithRegion:AWSRegionUSEast1 credentialsProvider:creds];
AWSServiceManager.defaultServiceManager.defaultServiceConfiguration = configuration;


Call the GET /?a=1&b=2&op=+ method to perform 1+2:
[[apiInstance rootGet: @"+" a:@"1" b:@"2"] continueWithBlock:^id _Nullable(AWSTask *
_Nonnull task) {
_textField1.text = [self handleApiResponse:task];
return nil;

where the helper function handleApiResponse:task formats the result as a string to be
displayed in a text field (_textField1).
- (NSString *)handleApiResponse:(AWSTask *)task {
if (task.error != nil) {
return [NSString stringWithFormat: @"Error: %@", task.error.description];
} else if (task.result != nil && [task.result isKindOfClass:[SIMPLE_CALCResult
class]]) {
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ %@ %@ = %@\n",task.result.input.a,
task.result.input.op, task.result.input.b, task.result.output.c];
return nil;

The resulting display is 1 + 2 = 3.

Call the POST / with a payload to perform 1-2:
SIMPLE_CALCInput *input = [[SIMPLE_CALCInput alloc] init];
input.a = [NSNumber numberWithInt:1];
input.b = [NSNumber numberWithInt:2];
input.op = @"-";
[[apiInstance rootPost:input] continueWithBlock:^id _Nullable(AWSTask * _Nonnull
task) {
_textField2.text = [self handleApiResponse:task];
return nil;

The resulting display is 1 - 2 = -1.

Call the GET /{a}/{b}/{op} to perform 1/2:

Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Use iOS SDK Generated by API Gateway
for a REST API in Objective-C or Swift
[[apiInstance aBOpGet:@"1" b:@"2" op:@"div"] continueWithBlock:^id _Nullable(AWSTask *
_Nonnull task) {
_textField3.text = [self handleApiResponse:task];
return nil;

The resulting display is 1 div 2 = 0.5. Here, div is used in place of / because the simple Lambda
function (p. 414) in the backend does not handle URL encoded path variables.

Use Generated iOS SDK (Swift) to Call API
Before beginning the following procedure, you must complete the steps in Generate SDKs for an API
Using the API Gateway Console (p. 410) for iOS in Swift and download the .zip file of the generated SDK.
• Install AWS Mobile SDK and API Gateway-Generated SDK in a Swift Project (p. 469)
• Call API methods through the iOS SDK generated by API Gateway in a Swift Project (p. 471)

Install AWS Mobile SDK and API Gateway-Generated SDK in a Swift Project
The following procedure describes how to install the SDK.

To install and use an iOS SDK generated by API Gateway in Swift

Extract the contents of the API Gateway-generated .zip file you downloaded earlier. Using the
SimpleCalc API (p. 415), you may want to rename the unzipped SDK folder to something like
sdk_swift_simple_calc. In this SDK folder there is a file and a Podfile file. The file contains the instructions to install and use the SDK. This tutorial provides details
about these instructions. The installation leverages CocoaPods to import required AWS Mobile SDK
components. You must update the Podfile to import the SDKs into your Swift app's Xcode project.
The unarchived SDK folder also contains a generated-src folder that contains the source code of
the generated SDK of your API.


Launch Xcode and create a new iOS Swift project. Make a note of the project's target. You will need
to set it in the Podfile.


To import the required AWS Mobile SDK components into the Xcode project by using CocoaPods, do
the following:

If it is not installed, install CocoaPods by running the following command in a terminal window:


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Use iOS SDK Generated by API Gateway
for a REST API in Objective-C or Swift
sudo gem install cocoapods
pod setup


Copy the Podfile file from the extracted SDK folder into the same directory containing your
Xcode project file. Replace the following block:
target '' do
pod 'AWSAPIGateway', '~> 2.4.7'

with your project's target name as shown:
target 'app_swift_simple_calc' do
pod 'AWSAPIGateway', '~> 2.4.7'

If your Xcode project already contains a Podfile with the correct target, you can simply add
the following line of code to the do ... end loop:
pod 'AWSAPIGateway', '~> 2.4.7'


Open a terminal window and run the following command in the app directory:
pod install

This installs the API Gateway component and any dependent AWS Mobile SDK components into
the app's project.

Close the Xcode project and then open the *.xcworkspace file to relaunch Xcode.


Add all of the SDK's header files (.h) and Swift source code files (.swift) from the extracted
generated-src directory to your Xcode project.


To enable calling the Objective-C libraries of the AWS Mobile SDK from your Swift code project,
set the Bridging_Header.h file path on the Objective-C Bridging Header property under the
Swift Compiler - General setting of your Xcode project configuration:


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Use iOS SDK Generated by API Gateway
for a REST API in Objective-C or Swift


You can type bridging in the search box of Xcode to locate the Objective-C Bridging
Header property.

Build the Xcode project to verify that it is properly configured before proceeding further. If your
Xcode uses a more recent version of Swift than the one supported for the AWS Mobile SDK, you
will get Swift compiler errors. In this case, set the Use Legacy Swift Language Version property
to Yes under the Swift Compiler - Version setting:

To import the AWS Mobile SDK for iOS in Swift into your project by explicitly downloading the AWS
Mobile SDK or using Carthage, follow the instructions in the file that comes with the
SDK package. Be sure to use only one of these options to import the AWS Mobile SDK.

Call API methods through the iOS SDK generated by API Gateway in a Swift
When you generated the SDK with the prefix of SIMPLE_CALC for this SimpleCalc API (p. 415) with two
models to describe the input (Input) and output (Result) of the API's requests and responses, in the
SDK, the resulting API client class becomes SIMPLE_CALCSimpleCalcClient and the corresponding
data classes are SIMPLE_CALCInput and SIMPLE_CALCResult, respectively. The API requests and
responses are mapped to the SDK methods as follows:
• The API request of
GET /?a=...&b=...&op=...

becomes the SDK method of
public func rootGet(op: String?, a: String?, b: String?) -> AWSTask


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Use iOS SDK Generated by API Gateway
for a REST API in Objective-C or Swift

The AWSTask.result property is of the SIMPLE_CALCResult type if the Result model was added
to the method response. Otherwise, it is of the NSDictionary type.
• This API request of


"a": "Number",
"b": "Number",
"op": "String"

becomes the SDK method of
public func rootPost(body: SIMPLE_CALCInput) -> AWSTask

• The API request of
GET /{a}/{b}/{op}

becomes the SDK method of
public func aBOpGet(a: String, b: String, op: String) -> AWSTask

The following procedure describes how to call the API methods in Swift app source code; for example, as
part of the viewDidLoad() delegate in a ViewController.m file.

To call the API through the iOS SDK generated by API Gateway

Instantiate the API client class:
let client = SIMPLE_CALCSimpleCalcClient.defaultClient()

To use Amazon Cognito with the API, set a default AWS service configuration (shown following)
before getting the defaultClient method (shown previously):
let credentialsProvider =
AWSCognitoCredentialsProvider(regionType: AWSRegionType.USEast1, identityPoolId:
let configuration = AWSServiceConfiguration(region: AWSRegionType.USEast1,
credentialsProvider: credentialsProvider)
AWSServiceManager.defaultServiceManager().defaultServiceConfiguration = configuration


Call the GET /?a=1&b=2&op=+ method to perform 1+2:
client.rootGet("+", a: "1", b:"2").continueWithBlock {(task: AWSTask) -> AnyObject? in
return nil

where the helper function self.showResult(task) prints the result or error to the console; for
func showResult(task: AWSTask) {


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Call REST API through AWS Amplify JavaScript Library
if let error = task.error {
print("Error: \(error)")
} else if let result = task.result {
if result is SIMPLE_CALCResult {
let res = result as! SIMPLE_CALCResult
print(String(format:"%@ %@ %@ = %@", res.input!.a!, res.input!.op!,
res.input!.b!, res.output!.c!))
} else if result is NSDictionary {
let res = result as! NSDictionary
print("NSDictionary: \(res)")


In a production app, you can display the result or error in a text field. The resulting display is 1 + 2
= 3.

Call the POST / with a payload to perform 1-2:
let body = SIMPLE_CALCInput()
client.rootPost(body).continueWithBlock {(task: AWSTask) -> AnyObject? in
return nil


The resultant display is 1 - 2 = -1.
Call the GET /{a}/{b}/{op} to perform 1/2:
client.aBOpGet("1", b:"2", op:"div").continueWithBlock {(task: AWSTask) -> AnyObject?
return nil

The resulting display is 1 div 2 = 0.5. Here, div is used in place of / because the simple Lambda
function (p. 414) in the backend does not handle URL encoded path variables.

Call REST API through AWS Amplify JavaScript
The AWS Amplify JavaScript Library can be used for making API requests to an API Gateway REST API.
For more information, see the instructions in the AWS Amplify API Guide.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Trace API Execution with AWS X-Ray

Tracing, Logging, and Monitoring an
API Gateway API
AWS X-Ray, AWS CloudTrail, and Amazon CloudWatch are tools that Amazon API Gateway developers
can use to trace, log, and monitor API execution and management operations.
AWS X-Ray is an AWS service that allows you to trace latency issues with your Amazon API Gateway APIs.
X-Ray collects metadata from the API Gateway service and any downstream services that make up your
API. X-Ray uses this metadata to generate a detailed service graph that illustrates latency spikes and
other issues that impact the performance of your API.
Amazon CloudWatch logs API execution operations, which are calls that an API customer or client
application makes against the API Gateway execute-api component. CloudWatch metrics include
statistics about caching, latency and detected errors. You can inspect CloudWatch logs to troubleshoot
your API implementation or execution using the API dashboard in the API Gateway console or using the
CloudWatch console.
AWS CloudTrail logs API Gateway API management operations, which are REST API calls that an API
developer or owner makes against the API Gateway apigateway component. You can use CloudTrail
logs to troubleshoot API creation, deployment and updates. You can also use Amazon CloudWatch to
monitor CloudTrail logs.
• Trace API Gateway API Execution with AWS X-Ray (p. 474)
• Log Calls to Amazon API Gateway APIs with AWS CloudTrail (p. 483)
• Monitor API execution with Amazon CloudWatch (p. 485)

Trace API Gateway API Execution with AWS X-Ray
You can use AWS X-Ray to trace and analyze user requests as they travel through your Amazon API
Gateway APIs to the underlying services. API Gateway supports AWS X-Ray tracing for all API Gateway
endpoint types: regional, edge-optimized, and private. You can use AWS X-Ray with Amazon API
Gateway in all regions where X-Ray is available.
X-Ray gives you an end-to-end view of an entire request, so you can analyze latencies in your APIs and
their backend services. You can use an X-Ray service map to view the latency of an entire request and
that of the downstream services that are integrated with X-Ray. And you can configure sampling rules to
tell X-Ray which requests to record, at what sampling rates, according to criteria that you specify. If you
call an API Gateway API from a service that's already being traced, API Gateway passes the trace through,
even if X-Ray tracing is not enabled on the API.
You can enable X-Ray for an API stage by using the API Gateway management console, or by using the
API Gateway API or CLI.
• Setting Up AWS X-Ray with API Gateway (p. 475)


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Setting Up AWS X-Ray

• Using AWS X-Ray Service Maps and Trace Views with API Gateway (p. 478)
• Configuring AWS X-Ray Sampling Rules for API Gateway APIs (p. 480)
• Understanding AWS X-Ray Traces for Amazon API Gateway APIs (p. 481)

Setting Up AWS X-Ray with API Gateway
In this section you can find detailed information on how to set up AWS X-Ray with API Gateway.
• X-Ray tracing modes for API Gateway (p. 475)
• Permissions for X-Ray Tracing (p. 475)
• Enabling X-Ray tracing in the API Gateway console (p. 475)
• Enabling AWS X-Ray tracing in the API Gateway CLI (p. 476)
• Enabling AWS X-Ray tracing using the API Gateway REST API (p. 477)

X-Ray tracing modes for API Gateway
The path of a request through your application is tracked with a trace ID. A trace collects all of the
segments generated by a single request, typically an HTTP GET or POST request.
There are two modes of tracing for an API Gateway API:
• Passive: This is the default setting if you have not enabled X-Ray tracing on an API stage. This
approach means that the API Gateway API is only traced if X-Ray has been enabled on an upstream
• Active: When an API Gateway API stage has this setting, API Gateway automatically samples API
invocation requests, based on the sampling algorithm specified by X-Ray.
When active tracing is enabled on a stage, API Gateway creates a service-linked role in your account,
if the role does not exist already. The role is named AWSServiceRoleForAPIGateway and will have
the APIGatewayServiceRolePolicy managed policy attached to it. For more information about
service-linked roles, see Using Service-Linked Roles.


X-Ray applies a sampling algorithm to ensure that tracing is efficient, while still providing a
representative sample of the requests that your API receives. The default sampling algorithm
is 1 request per second, with 5 percent of requests sampled past that limit.
You can change the tracing mode for your API by using the API Gateway management console, the API
Gateway CLI, or the API Gateway REST API.

Permissions for X-Ray Tracing
When you enable X-Ray tracing on a stage, API Gateway creates a service-linked role in your account, if
the role does not exist already. The role is named AWSServiceRoleForAPIGateway and will have the
APIGatewayServiceRolePolicy managed policy attached to it. For more information about servicelinked roles, see Using Service-Linked Roles.

Enabling X-Ray tracing in the API Gateway console
You can use the Amazon API Gateway console to enable active tracing on an API stage.

Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Setting Up AWS X-Ray

These steps assume that you have already deployed the API to a stage.

Sign in to the API Gateway console at


In the APIs pane, choose the API, and then choose Stages.


In the Stages pane, choose the name of the stage.


In the Stage Editor pane, choose the Logs/Tracing tab.


To enable active X-Ray tracing, choose Enable X-Ray Tracing under X-Ray Tracing.


If desired, choose Set X-Ray Sampling Rules and go to the X-Ray console to configure sampling
rules (p. 480).

Once you've enabled X-Ray for your API stage, you can use the X-Ray management console to view the
traces and service maps.

Enabling AWS X-Ray tracing in the API Gateway CLI
To use the AWS CLI to enable active X-Ray tracing for an API stage when you create the stage, call the
create-stage command as in the following example:
aws apigateway --endpoint-url {endpoint-url} create-stage
--rest-api-id {rest-api-id}
--stage-name {stage-name}
--deployment-id {deployment-id}
--region {region}


Following is example output for a successful invocation:


"tracingEnabled": true,
"stageName": {stage-name},
"cacheClusterEnabled": false,
"cacheClusterStatus": "NOT_AVAILABLE",
"deploymentId": {deployment-id},
"lastUpdatedDate": 1533849811,
"createdDate": 1533849811,
"methodSettings": {}

To use the AWS CLI to disable active X-Ray tracing for an API stage when you create the stage, call the
create-stage command as in the following example:
aws apigateway --endpoint-url {endpoint-url} create-stage
--rest-api-id {rest-api-id}
--stage-name {stage-name}
--deployment-id {deployment-id}
--region {region}

Following is example output for a successful invocation:

"tracingEnabled": false,
"stageName": {stage-name},
"cacheClusterEnabled": false,
"cacheClusterStatus": "NOT_AVAILABLE",



Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Setting Up AWS X-Ray


"deploymentId": {deployment-id},
"lastUpdatedDate": 1533849811,
"createdDate": 1533849811,
"methodSettings": {}

To use the AWS CLI to enable active X-Ray tracing for an API that's already been deployed, call the
update-stage command as follows:
aws apigateway update-stage
--rest-api-id {rest-api-id}
--stage-name {stage-name}
--patch-operations op=replace,path=/tracingEnabled,value=true

To use the AWS CLI to disable active X-Ray tracing for an API that's already been deployed, call the
update-stage command as in the following example:
aws apigateway update-stage
--endpoint-url {endpoint-url}
--rest-api-id {rest-api-id}
--stage-name {stage-name}
--region {region}
--patch-operations op=replace,path=/tracingEnabled,value=false

Following is example output for a successful invocation:


"tracingEnabled": false,
"stageName": {stage-name},
"cacheClusterEnabled": false,
"cacheClusterStatus": "NOT_AVAILABLE",
"deploymentId": {deployment-id},
"lastUpdatedDate": 1533850033,
"createdDate": 1533849811,
"methodSettings": {}

Once you've enabled X-Ray for your API stage, use the X-Ray CLI to retrieve trace information. For more
information, see Using the AWS X-Ray API with the AWS CLI.

Enabling AWS X-Ray tracing using the API Gateway REST API
To use the API Gateway API to enable active X-Ray tracing for an API that's already been deployed, call
stage:update as follows:
PATCH /restapis/{rest-api-id}/stages/{stage-name}


"patchOperations": [{
"op": "replace",
"path": "/tracingEnabled",
"value: "true"

Once you've enabled X-Ray for an API stage, use the X-Ray REST API to retrieve trace information. For
more information, see Retrieving Traces.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Using AWS X-Ray Service Maps and Trace Views

Using AWS X-Ray Service Maps and Trace Views with
API Gateway
In this section you can find detailed information on how to use AWS X-Ray service maps and trace views
with API Gateway.
For detailed information about service maps and trace views, and how to interpret them, see AWS X-Ray
• Example X-Ray Service Map (p. 478)
• Example X-Ray Trace View (p. 479)

Example X-Ray Service Map
AWS X-Ray service maps show information about your API and all of its downstream services. When
X-Ray is enabled for an API stage in API Gateway, you'll see a node in the service map containing
information about the overall time spent in the API Gateway service. You can get detailed information
about the response status and a histogram of the API response time for the selected timeframe. For APIs
integrating with AWS services such as AWS Lambda and Amazon DynamoDB, you will see more nodes
providing performance metrics related to those services. There will be a service map for each API stage.
The following example shows a service map for the test stage of an API called xray. This API has a
Lambda integration with a Lambda authorizer function and a Lambda backend function. The nodes
represent the API Gateway service, the Lambda service, and the two Lambda functions.
For a detailed explanation of service map structure, see Viewing the Service Map.

From the service map, you can zoom in to see a trace view of your API stage. The trace will display indepth information regarding your API, represented as segments and subsegments. For example, the
trace for the service map shown above would include segments for the Lambda service and Lambda
function. For more information, see Lambda as an AWS X-Ray Trace.
If you choose a node or edge on an X-Ray service map, the X-Ray console shows a latency distribution
histogram. You can use a latency histogram to see how long it takes for a service to complete its
requests. Following is a histogram of the API Gateway stage named xray/test in the previous service
map. For a detailed explanation of latency distribution histograms, see Using Latency Histograms in the
AWS X-Ray Console.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Using AWS X-Ray Service Maps and Trace Views

Example X-Ray Trace View
The following diagram shows a trace view generated for the example API described above, with a
Lambda backend function and a Lambda authorizer function. A successful API method request is shown
with a response code of 200.
For a detailed explanation of trace views, see Viewing Traces.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Configuring AWS X-Ray Sampling Rules

Configuring AWS X-Ray Sampling Rules for API
Gateway APIs
You can use AWS X-Ray console or SDK to configure sampling rules for your Amazon API Gateway API. A
sampling rule specifies which requests X-Ray should record for your API. By customizing sampling rules,
you can control the amount of data that you record, and modify sampling behavior on the fly without
modifying or redeploying your code.
Before you specify your X-Ray sampling rules, read the following topics in the X-Ray Developer Guide:
• Configuring Sampling Rules in the AWS X-Ray Console
• Using Sampling Rules with the X-Ray API
• X-Ray Sampling Rule Option Values for API Gateway APIs (p. 480)
• X-Ray Sampling Rule Examples (p. 481)

X-Ray Sampling Rule Option Values for API Gateway APIs
The following X-Ray sampling options are relevant for API Gateway. String values can use wildcards
to match a single character (?) or zero or more characters (*). For more details, including a detailed
explanation of how the Reservoir and Rate settings are used, Configuring Sampling Rules in the AWS XRay Console.
• Rule name (string) — A unique name for the rule.
• Priority (integer between 1 and 9999) — The priority of the sampling rule. Services evaluate rules in
ascending order of priority, and make a sampling decision with the first rule that matches.
• Reservoir (nonnegative integer) — A fixed number of matching requests to instrument per second,
before applying the fixed rate. The reservoir is not used directly by services, but applies to all services
using the rule collectively.
• Rate (number between 0 and 100) — The percentage of matching requests to instrument, after the
reservoir is exhausted.
• Service name (string) — API stage name, in the form {api-name}/{stage-name}. For example, if
you were to deploy the PetStore (p. 517) sample API to a stage named test, the Service name value
to specify in your sampling rule would be pets/test.
• Service type (string) — For an API Gateway API, either AWS::ApiGateway::Stage or
AWS::ApiGateway::* can be specified.
• Host (string) — The hostname from the HTTP host header. Set this to * to match against all
hostnames. Or you can specify a full or partial hostname to match, for example, or
• Resource ARN (string) — The ARN of the API stage, in the format arn:aws:executeapi:{region}:{account-id}:{api-id}/{stage-name}, for example, arn:aws:executeapi:us-east-1:123456789012:qsxrty/test.
The stage name can be obtained from the console or the API Gateway CLI or API. For more information
about ARN formats, see the Amazon Web Services General Reference.
• HTTP method (string) — The method to be sampled, for example, GET.
• URL path (string) — This option is not supported for API Gateway.
• (optional) Attributes (key and value) — Headers from the original HTTP request, for example,
Connection, Content-Length, or Content-Type. Each attribute value can be up to 32 characters


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Understanding X-Ray Traces

X-Ray Sampling Rule Examples
Sampling Rule Example #1
This rule samples all GET requests for the testxray API at the test stage.
• Rule name — test-sampling
• Priority — 17
• Reservoir size — 10
• Fixed rate — 10
• Service name — testxray/test
• Service type — AWS::ApiGateway::Stage
• HTTP method — GET
• Resource ARN — *
• Host — *
Sampling Rule Example #2
This rule samples all requests for the testxray API at the prod stage.
• Rule name — prod-sampling
• Priority — 478
• Reservoir size — 1
• Fixed rate — 60
• Service name — testxray/prod
• Service type — AWS::ApiGateway::Stage
• HTTP method — *
• Resource ARN — *
• Host — *
• Attributes — {}

Understanding AWS X-Ray Traces for Amazon API
Gateway APIs
This section discusses AWS X-Ray trace segments, subsegments, and other trace fields for Amazon API
Gateway APIs.
Before you read this section, review the following topics in the X-Ray Developer Guide:
• AWS X-Ray Console
• AWS X-Ray Segment Documents
• X-Ray Concepts
• Examples of Trace Objects for an API Gateway API (p. 482)
• Understanding the Trace (p. 482)


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Understanding X-Ray Traces

Examples of Trace Objects for an API Gateway API
This section discusses some of the objects you may see in a trace for an API Gateway API.
Annotations can appear in segments and subsegments. They are used as filtering expressions in sampling
rules to filter traces. For more information, see Configuring Sampling Rules in the AWS X-Ray Console.
Following is an example of an annotations object, in which an API stage is identified by the API ID and
the API stage name:
"annotations": {
"aws:api_id": "a1b2c3d4e5",
"aws:api_stage": "dev"

AWS Resource Data
The aws object appears only in segments. Following is an example of an aws object that matches the
Default sampling rule. For an in-depth explanation of sampling rules, see Configuring Sampling Rules in
the AWS X-Ray Console.
"aws": {
"xray": {
"sampling_rule_name": "Default"
"api_gateway": {
"account_id": "123412341234",
"rest_api_id": "a1b2c3d4e5",
"stage": "dev",
"request_id": "a1b2c3d4-a1b2-a1b2-a1b2-a1b2c3d4e5f6"

Understanding the Trace
Following is a trace segment for an API Gateway stage. For a detailed explanation of the fields that make
up the trace segment, see AWS X-Ray Segment Documents in the AWS X-Ray Developer Guide.

"Document": {
"id": "a1b2c3d4a1b2c3d4",
"name": "testxray/dev",
"start_time": 1533928226.229,
"end_time": 1533928226.614,
"metadata": {
"default": {
"extended_request_id": "abcde12345abcde=",
"request_id": "a1b2c3d4-a1b2-a1b2-a1b2-a1b2c3d4e5f6"
"http": {
"request": {
"url": "
"method": "GET",
"client_ip": "",
"x_forwarded_for": true


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Log Calls to Amazon API Gateway APIs with AWS CloudTrail
"response": {
"status": 200,
"content_length": 0


"aws": {
"xray": {
"sampling_rule_name": "Default"
"api_gateway": {
"account_id": "123412341234",
"rest_api_id": "a1b2c3d4e5",
"stage": "dev",
"request_id": "a1b2c3d4-a1b2-a1b2-a1b2-a1b2c3d4e5f6"
"annotations": {
"aws:api_id": "a1b2c3d4e5",
"aws:api_stage": "dev"
"trace_id": "1-a1b2c3d4-a1b2c3d4a1b2c3d4a1b2c3d4",
"origin": "AWS::ApiGateway::Stage",
"resource_arn": "arn:aws:apigateway:us-east-1::/restapis/a1b2c3d4e5/stages/

"subsegments": [
"id": "abcdefgh12345678",
"name": "Lambda",
"start_time": 1533928226.233,
"end_time": 1533928226.6130002,
"http": {
"request": {
"url": "
"method": "GET"
"response": {
"status": 200,
"content_length": 62
"aws": {
"function_name": "xray123",
"region": "us-east-1",
"operation": "Invoke",
"resource_names": [
"namespace": "aws"
"Id": "a1b2c3d4a1b2c3d4"

Log Calls to Amazon API Gateway APIs with AWS
Amazon API Gateway is integrated with AWS CloudTrail, a service that provides a record of actions
taken by a user, role, or an AWS service in API Gateway. CloudTrail captures all REST API calls for API


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
API Gateway Information in CloudTrail

Gateway as events, including calls from the API Gateway console and from code calls to the API Gateway
APIs. If you create a trail, you can enable continuous delivery of CloudTrail events to an Amazon S3
bucket, including events for API Gateway. If you don't configure a trail, you can still view the most recent
events in the CloudTrail console in Event history. Using the information collected by CloudTrail, you can
determine the request that was made to API Gateway, the IP address from which the request was made,
who made the request, when it was made, and additional details.
To learn more about CloudTrail, see the AWS CloudTrail User Guide.

API Gateway Information in CloudTrail
CloudTrail is enabled on your AWS account when you create the account. When activity occurs in Amazon
API Gateway, that activity is recorded in a CloudTrail event along with other AWS service events in Event
history. You can view, search, and download recent events in your AWS account. For more information,
see Viewing Events with CloudTrail Event History.
For an ongoing record of events in your AWS account, including events for API Gateway, create a trail. A
trail enables CloudTrail to deliver log files to an Amazon S3 bucket. By default, when you create a trail
in the console, the trail applies to all regions. The trail logs events from all regions in the AWS partition
and delivers the log files to the Amazon S3 bucket that you specify. Additionally, you can configure
other AWS services to further analyze and act upon the event data collected in CloudTrail logs. For more
information, see:
• Overview for Creating a Trail
• CloudTrail Supported Services and Integrations
• Configuring Amazon SNS Notifications for CloudTrail
• Receiving CloudTrail Log Files from Multiple Regions and Receiving CloudTrail Log Files from Multiple
All Amazon API Gateway actions are logged by CloudTrail and are documented in the API Gateway V1
and V2 API References (p. 673). For example, calls to create a new API, resource, or method in API
Gateway generate entries in CloudTrail log files.
Every event or log entry contains information about who generated the request. The identity
information helps you determine the following:
• Whether the request was made with root or IAM user credentials.
• Whether the request was made with temporary security credentials for a role or federated user.
• Whether the request was made by another AWS service.
For more information, see the CloudTrail userIdentity Element.

Understanding API Gateway Log File Entries
A trail is a configuration that enables delivery of events as log files to an Amazon S3 bucket that you
specify. CloudTrail log files contain one or more log entries. An event represents a single request from
any source and includes information about the requested action, the date and time of the action, request
parameters, and so on. CloudTrail log files are not an ordered stack trace of the public API calls, so they
do not appear in any specific order.
The following example shows a CloudTrail log entry that demonstrates the API Gateway get resource


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Monitor API execution with Amazon CloudWatch


Records: [
eventVersion: "1.03",
userIdentity: {
type: "Root",
principalId: "AKIAI44QH8DHBEXAMPLE",
arn: "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:root",
accountId: "123456789012",
sessionContext: {
attributes: {
mfaAuthenticated: "false",
creationDate: "2015-06-16T23:37:58Z"
eventTime: "2015-06-17T00:47:28Z",
eventSource: "",
eventName: "GetResource",
awsRegion: "us-east-1",
sourceIPAddress: "",
userAgent: "example-user-agent-string",
requestParameters: {
restApiId: "3rbEXAMPLE",
resourceId: "5tfEXAMPLE",
template: false
responseElements: null,
requestID: "6d9c4bfc-148a-11e5-81b6-7577cEXAMPLE",
eventID: "4d293154-a15b-4c33-9e0a-ff5eeEXAMPLE",
readOnly: true,
eventType: "AwsApiCall",
recipientAccountId: "123456789012"
... additional entries ...

Monitor API execution with Amazon CloudWatch
You can monitor API execution using CloudWatch, which collects and processes raw data from API
Gateway into readable, near real-time metrics. These statistics are recorded for a period of two weeks, so
that you can access historical information and gain a better perspective on how your web application or
service is performing. By default, API Gateway metric data is automatically sent to CloudWatch in oneminute periods. For more information, see What Is Amazon CloudWatch? in the Amazon CloudWatch User
The metrics reported by API Gateway provide information that you can analyze in different ways. The
list below shows some common uses for the metrics. These are suggestions to get you started, not a
comprehensive list.
• Monitor the IntegrationLatency metrics to measure the responsiveness of the backend.
• Monitor the Latency metrics to measure the overall responsiveness of your API calls.
• Monitor the CacheHitCount and CacheMissCount metrics to optimize cache capacities to achieve a
desired performance.
• Amazon API Gateway Dimensions and Metrics (p. 486)


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Amazon API Gateway Dimensions and Metrics

• View CloudWatch Metrics with the API Dashboard in API Gateway (p. 488)
• View API Gateway Metrics in the CloudWatch Console (p. 488)
• View API Gateway Log Events in the CloudWatch Console (p. 489)
• Monitoring Tools in AWS (p. 489)

Amazon API Gateway Dimensions and Metrics
The metrics and dimensions that API Gateway sends to Amazon CloudWatch are listed below. For more
information, see Monitor API execution with Amazon CloudWatch (p. 485).

API Gateway Metrics
Amazon API Gateway sends metric data to CloudWatch every minute.
The AWS/ApiGateway namespace includes the following metrics.



The number of client-side errors captured in a specified
The Sum statistic represents this metric, namely, the
total count of the 4XXError errors in the given period.
The Average statistic represents the 4XXError error
rate, namely, the total count of the 4XXError errors
divided by the total number of requests during the
period. The denominator corresponds to the Count
metric (below).
Unit: Count


The number of server-side errors captured in a given
The Sum statistic represents this metric, namely, the
total count of the 5XXError errors in the given period.
The Average statistic represents the 5XXError error
rate, namely, the total count of the 5XXError errors
divided by the total number of requests during the
period. The denominator corresponds to the Count
metric (below).
Unit: Count


The number of requests served from the API cache in a
given period.
The Sum statistic represents this metric, namely, the
total count of the cache hits in the specified period. The
Average statistic represents the cache hit rate, namely,
the total count of the cache hits divided by the total
number of requests during the period. The denominator
corresponds to the Count metric (below).
Unit: Count


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Amazon API Gateway Dimensions and Metrics




The number of requests served from the back end in a
given period, when API caching is enabled.
The Sum statistic represents this metric, namely, the
total count of the cache misses in the specified period.
The Average statistic represents the cache miss rate,
namely, the total count of the cache hits divided by
the total number of requests during the period. The
denominator corresponds to the Count metric (below).
Unit: Count


The total number API requests in a given period.
The SampleCount statistic represents this metric.
Unit: Count


The time between when API Gateway relays a request to
the back end and when it receives a response from the
back end.
Unit: Millisecond


The time between when API Gateway receives a request
from a client and when it returns a response to the
client. The latency includes the integration latency and
other API Gateway overhead.
Unit: Millisecond

Dimensions for Metrics
You can use the dimensions in the following table to filter API Gateway metrics.




Filters API Gateway metrics for an API of the specified
API name.

ApiName, Method, Resource, Stage

Filters API Gateway metrics for an API method of the
specified API, stage, resource, and method.
API Gateway will not send such metrics unless you have
explicitly enabled detailed CloudWatch metrics. You can
do this in the console by selecting Enable CloudWatch
Metrics under a stage Settings tab. Alternatively, you
can call the stage:update action of the API Gateway
REST API to update the metricsEnabled property to
Enabling such metrics will incur additional charges
to your account. For pricing information, see Amazon
CloudWatch Pricing.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
View Metrics with the API Dashboard



ApiName, Stage

Filters API Gateway metrics for an API stage of the
specified API and stage.

View CloudWatch Metrics with the API Dashboard in
API Gateway
You can use the API dashboard in the API Gateway Console to display the CloudWatch metrics of your
deployed API in API Gateway. These are shown as a summary of API activity over time.
• Prerequisites (p. 488)
• Examine API activities in the Dashboard (p. 488)


You must have an API created in API Gateway. Follow the instructions in Creating a REST API in
Amazon API Gateway (p. 39).


You must have the API deployed at least once. Follow the instructions in Deploying a REST API in
Amazon API Gateway (p. 360).


To get CloudWatch metrics for individual methods, you must have CloudWatch Logs enabled for
those methods in a given stage as described in Update Stage Settings (p. 364). Your account will be
charged for accessing method-level logs, but not for accessing API- or stage-level logs.

Examine API activities in the Dashboard

Sign in to the API Gateway console at


Choose the name of the API.


Under the selected API, choose Dashboard.


To display a summary of API activity over time, for Stage, choose the desired stage.


Use From and To to enter the date range.


Refresh, if needed, and view individual metrics displayed in separate graphs titled API Calls,
Integration Latency, Latency, 4xx Error and 5xx Error. The CacheHitCount and CacheMissCount
graphs will be displayed only if API caching has been enabled.


To examine method-level CloudWatch metrics, make sure that you have enabled
CloudWatch Logs on a method level. For more information about how to set up methodlevel logging, see Update Stage Settings Using the API Gateway Console (p. 364).

View API Gateway Metrics in the CloudWatch Console
Metrics are grouped first by the service namespace, and then by the various dimension combinations
within each namespace.

To view API Gateway metrics using the CloudWatch console

Open the CloudWatch console at


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
View Log Event in the CloudWatch Console


If necessary, change the region. From the navigation bar, select the region where your AWS resources
reside. For more information, see Regions and Endpoints.


In the navigation pane, choose Metrics.


In the All metrics tab, choose API Gateway.


To view metrics by stage, choose the By Stage panel. And then select desired APIs and metric names.


To view metrics by specific API, choose the By Api Name panel. And then select desired APIs and
metric names.

To view metrics using the AWS CLI

At a command prompt, use the following command to list metrics:
aws cloudwatch list-metrics --namespace "AWS/ApiGateway"


To view a specific statistics (for example, Average) over a period of time of a 5 minutes intervals,
call the following command:
aws cloudwatch get-metric-statistics --namespace AWS/ApiGateway --metric-name Count
--start-time 2011-10-03T23:00:00Z --end-time 2017-10-05T23:00:00Z --period 300 -statistics Average

View API Gateway Log Events in the CloudWatch
To view logged API requests and responses using the CloudWatch console

In the navigation pane, choose Logs.


Under the Log Groups table, choose a log group of the API-Gateway-Execution-Logs_{rest-api-id}/
{stage-name} name.


Under the Log Streams table, choose a log stream. You can use the timestamp to help locate the log
stream of your interest.


Choose Text to view raw text or choose Row to view the event row by row.


CloudWatch lets you delete log groups or streams. Do not manually API Gateway API log groups
or streams; let API Gateway manage these resources. Manually deleting log groups or streams
may cause API requests and responses not to be logged. If that happens, you can delete the
entire log group for the API and redeploy the API. This is because API Gateway creates log
groups or log streams for an API stage at the time when it is deployed.
Also failed requests due to throttling (429) or access (403) errors are not logged and will not be
included in the report.

Monitoring Tools in AWS
AWS provides various tools that you can use to monitor API Gateway. You can configure some of these
tools to do the monitoring for you automatically, while other tools require manual intervention. We
recommend that you automate monitoring tasks as much as possible.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Monitoring Tools in AWS

Automated Monitoring Tools in AWS
You can use the following automated monitoring tools to watch API Gateway and report when
something is wrong:
• Amazon CloudWatch Alarms – Watch a single metric over a time period that you specify, and
perform one or more actions based on the value of the metric relative to a given threshold over a
number of time periods. The action is a notification sent to an Amazon Simple Notification Service
(Amazon SNS) topic or Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling policy. CloudWatch alarms do not invoke actions
simply because they are in a particular state; the state must have changed and been maintained
for a specified number of periods. For more information, see Monitor API execution with Amazon
CloudWatch (p. 485).
• Amazon CloudWatch Logs – Monitor, store, and access your log files from AWS CloudTrail or other
sources. For more information, see Monitoring Log Files in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.
• Amazon CloudWatch Events – Match events and route them to one or more target functions or
streams to make changes, capture state information, and take corrective action. For more information,
see What is Amazon CloudWatch Events in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.
• AWS CloudTrail Log Monitoring – Share log files between accounts, monitor CloudTrail log files in real
time by sending them to CloudWatch Logs, write log processing applications in Java, and validate that
your log files have not changed after delivery by CloudTrail. For more information, see Working with
CloudTrail Log Files in the AWS CloudTrail User Guide.

Manual Monitoring Tools
Another important part of monitoring API Gateway involves manually monitoring those items that the
CloudWatch alarms don't cover. The API Gateway, CloudWatch, and other AWS console dashboards
provide an at-a-glance view of the state of your AWS environment. We recommend that you also check
the log files on API execution.
• API Gateway dashboard shows the following statistics for a given API stage during a specified period of
• API Calls
• Cache Hit, only when API caching is enabled.
• Cache Miss, only when API caching is enabled.
• Latency
• Integration Latency
• 4XX Error
• 5XX Error
• The CloudWatch home page shows:
• Current alarms and status
• Graphs of alarms and resources
• Service health status
In addition, you can use CloudWatch to do the following:
• Create customized dashboards to monitor the services you care about
• Graph metric data to troubleshoot issues and discover trends
• Search and browse all your AWS resource metrics
• Create and edit alarms to be notified of problems


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Monitoring Tools in AWS

Creating CloudWatch Alarms to Monitor API Gateway
You can create a CloudWatch alarm that sends an Amazon SNS message when the alarm changes state.
An alarm watches a single metric over a time period you specify, and performs one or more actions
based on the value of the metric relative to a given threshold over a number of time periods. The action
is a notification sent to an Amazon SNS topic or Auto Scaling policy. Alarms invoke actions for sustained
state changes only. CloudWatch alarms do not invoke actions simply because they are in a particular
state; the state must have changed and been maintained for a specified number of periods.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide

API Gateway Extensions to OpenAPI
The API Gateway extensions support the AWS-specific authorization and API Gateway-specific API
integrations. In this section, we will describe the API Gateway extensions to the OpenAPI specification for


To understand how the API Gateway extensions are used in an app, you can use the API Gateway
console to create an API and export it to a OpenAPI definition file. For more information on how
to export an API, see Export a REST API (p. 406).
• x-amazon-apigateway-any-method Object (p. 492)
• x-amazon-apigateway-api-key-source Property (p. 493)
• x-amazon-apigateway-authorizer Object (p. 494)
• x-amazon-apigateway-authtype Property (p. 497)
• x-amazon-apigateway-binary-media-types Property (p. 498)
• x-amazon-apigateway-documentation Object (p. 498)
• x-amazon-apigateway-gateway-responses Object (p. 499)
• x-amazon-apigateway-gateway-responses.gatewayResponse Object (p. 499)
• x-amazon-apigateway-gateway-responses.responseParameters Object (p. 500)
• x-amazon-apigateway-gateway-responses.responseTemplates Object (p. 501)
• x-amazon-apigateway-integration Object (p. 502)
• x-amazon-apigateway-integration.requestTemplates Object (p. 505)
• x-amazon-apigateway-integration.requestParameters Object (p. 506)
• x-amazon-apigateway-integration.responses Object (p. 507)
• x-amazon-apigateway-integration.response Object (p. 508)
• x-amazon-apigateway-integration.responseTemplates Object (p. 509)
• x-amazon-apigateway-integration.responseParameters Object (p. 510)
• x-amazon-apigateway-request-validator Property (p. 510)
• x-amazon-apigateway-request-validators Object (p. 511)
• x-amazon-apigateway-request-validators.requestValidator Object (p. 512)

x-amazon-apigateway-any-method Object
Specifies the OpenAPI Operation Object for the API Gateway catch-all ANY method in a OpenAPI Path
Item Object. This object can exist alongside other Operation objects and will catch any HTTP method
that was not explicitly declared.
The following table lists the properties extended by API Gateway. For the other OpenAPI Operation
properties, see the OpenAPI specification.

Property Name




x-amazon-apigatewayintegration Object (p. 502)

Specifies the integration of
the method with the backend.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
x-amazon-apigateway-any-method Example

Property Name


This is an extended property
of the OpenAPI Operation
object. The integration can be

x-amazon-apigateway-any-method Example
The following example integrates the ANY method on a proxy resource, {proxy+}, with a Lambda
function, TestSimpleProxy.
"/{proxy+}": {
"x-amazon-apigateway-any-method": {
"produces": [
"parameters": [
"name": "proxy",
"in": "path",
"required": true,
"type": "string"
"responses": {},
"x-amazon-apigateway-integration": {
"uri": "arn:aws:apigateway:us-east-1:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/
"passthroughBehavior": "when_no_match",
"httpMethod": "POST",
"type": "aws_proxy"

x-amazon-apigateway-api-key-source Property
Specify the source to receive an API key to throttle API methods that require a key. This API-level
property is a String type.
Specify the source of the API key for requests. Valid values are:
• HEADER for receiving the API key from the X-API-Key header of a request.
• AUTHORIZER for receiving the API key from the UsageIdentifierKey from a Lambda authorizer
(formerly known as a custom authorizer).

x-amazon-apigateway-api-key-source Example
The following example sets the X-API-Key header as the API key source.
OpenAPI 2.0

"swagger" : "2.0",


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide


"info" : {
"title" : "Test1"
"schemes" : [ "https" ],
"basePath" : "/import",
"x-amazon-apigateway-api-key-source" : "HEADER",

x-amazon-apigateway-authorizer Object
Defines a Lambda authorizer (formerly known as a custom authorizer) to be applied for authorization
of method invocations in API Gateway. This object is an extended property of the OpenAPI Security
Definitions object.

Property Name





The type of the authorizer.
This is a required property and
the value must be "token",
for an authorizer with the
caller identity embedded in
an authorization token, or
"request", for an authorizer with
the caller identity contained in
request parameters.



The Uniform Resource Identifier
(URI) of the authorizer Lambda
function. The syntax is as



Credentials required for invoking
the authorizer, if any, in the
form of an ARN of an IAM
execution role. For example,



Comma-separated list of
mapping expressions of the
request parameters as the
identity source. Applicable for
the authorizer of the "request"
type only.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
x-amazon-apigateway-authorizer Examples

Property Name




A regular expression for
validating the token as the
incoming identity. For example,


The number of seconds during
which the resulting IAM policy is

x-amazon-apigateway-authorizer Examples
The following OpenAPI security definitions example specifies a Lambda authorizer of the "token" type
and named test-authorizer.
"securityDefinitions" : {
"test-authorizer" : {
"type" : "apiKey",
// Required and the value must be "apiKey"
for an API Gateway API.
"name" : "Authorization",
// The name of the header containing the
authorization token.
"in" : "header",
// Required and the value must be "header"
for an API Gateway API.
"x-amazon-apigateway-authtype" : "oauth2", // Specifies the authorization mechanism
for the client.
"x-amazon-apigateway-authorizer" : {
// An API Gateway Lambda authorizer
"type" : "token",
// Required property and the value must
"authorizerUri" : "arn:aws:apigateway:us-east-1:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/
"authorizerCredentials" : "arn:aws:iam::account-id:role",
"identityValidationExpression" : "^x-[a-z]+",
"authorizerResultTtlInSeconds" : 60

The following OpenAPI operation object snippet sets the GET /http to use the Lambda authorizer
specified above.

"/http" : {
"get" : {
"responses" : { },
"security" : [ {
"test-authorizer" : [ ]
} ],
"x-amazon-apigateway-integration" : {
"type" : "http",
"responses" : {
"default" : {
"statusCode" : "200"
"httpMethod" : "GET",
"uri" : ""


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
x-amazon-apigateway-authorizer Examples



The following OpenAPI security definitions example specifies a Lambda authorizer of the "request" type,
with a single header parameter (auth) as the identity source. The securityDefinitions is named
"securityDefinitions": {
"request_authorizer_single_header" : {
"type" : "apiKey",
"name" : "auth",
// The name of a single header or query parameter as
the identity source.
"in" : "header",
// The location of the single identity source request
parameter. The valid value is "header" or "query"
"x-amazon-apigateway-authtype" : "custom",
"x-amazon-apigateway-authorizer" : {
"type" : "request",
"identitySource" : "method.request.header.auth",
// Reqeust parameter mapping
expression of the identity source. In this example, it is the 'auth' header.
"authorizerCredentials" : "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/AWSepIntegTest-CSLambdaRole",
"authorizerUri" : "arn:aws:apigateway:us-east-1:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/
"authorizerResultTtlInSeconds" : 300

The following OpenAPI security definitions example specifies a Lambda authorizer of the "request" type,
with one header (HeaderAuth1) and one query string parameter QueryString1 as the identity sources.
"securityDefinitions": {
"request_authorizer_header_query" : {
"type" : "apiKey",
"name" : "Unused",
// Must be "Unused" for multiple identity sources or
non header or query type of request parameters.
"in" : "header",
// Must be "header" for multiple identity sources or
non header or query type of request parameters.
"x-amazon-apigateway-authtype" : "custom",
"x-amazon-apigateway-authorizer" : {
"type" : "request",
"identitySource" : "method.request.header.HeaderAuth1,
// Request parameter mapping expressions of
the identity sources.
"authorizerCredentials" : "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/AWSepIntegTest-CSLambdaRole",
"authorizerUri" : "arn:aws:apigateway:us-east-1:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/
"authorizerResultTtlInSeconds" : 300

The following OpenAPI security definitions example specifies an API Gateway Lambda authorizer of the
"request" type, with a single stage variable (stage) as the identity source.
"securityDefinitions": {
"request_authorizer_single_stagevar" : {
"type" : "apiKey",


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
"name" : "Unused",
// Must be "Unused", for multiple identity sources or
non header or query type of request parameters.
"in" : "header",
// Must be "header", for multiple identity sources or
non header or query type of request parameters.
"x-amazon-apigateway-authtype" : "custom",
"x-amazon-apigateway-authorizer" : {
"type" : "request",
"identitySource" : "stageVariables.stage",
// Request parameter mapping
expression of the identity source. In this example, it is the stage variable.
"authorizerCredentials" : "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/AWSepIntegTest-CSLambdaRole",
"authorizerUri" : "arn:aws:apigateway:us-east-1:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/
"authorizerResultTtlInSeconds" : 300

x-amazon-apigateway-authtype Property
Specify an optional customer-defined information describing a Lambda authorizer (formerly known as a
custom authorizer). It is used for API Gateway API import and export without functional impact.
This property is an extended property of the OpenAPI Security Definitions Operation object.

x-amazon-apigateway-authtype Example
The following example sets the type of a Lambda authorizer using OAuth 2.

"cust-authorizer" : {
"type" : "...", // required
"name" : "...", // name of the identity source header
"in" : "header", // must be header
"x-amazon-apigateway-authtype" : "oauth2", // Specifies the authorization mechanism
for the client.
"x-amazon-apigateway-authorizer" : {

The following security definition example specifies authorization using AWS Signature Version 4:
"sigv4" : {
"type" : "apiKey",
"name" : "Authorization",
"in" : "header",
"x-amazon-apigateway-authtype" : "awsSigv4"

See Also


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide

Specifies the list of binary media types to be supported by API Gateway, such as application/octetstream, image/jpeg, etc. This extension is a JSON Array.

x-amazon-apigateway-binary-media-types Example
The following example shows the encoding lookup order of an API.
"x-amazon-apigateway-binary-media-types: [ "application/octet", "image/jpeg" ]

x-amazon-apigateway-documentation Object
Defines the documentation parts to be imported into API Gateway. This object is a JSON object
containing an array of the DocumentationPart instances.

Property Name





An array of the exported or
imported DocumentationPart



The version identifier of the
snapshot of the exported
documentation parts.

x-amazon-apigateway-documentation Example
The following example of the API Gateway extension to OpenAPI defines DocumentationParts
instances to be imported to or exported from an API in API Gateway.
{ ...
"x-amazon-apigateway-documentation": {
"version": "1.0.3",
"documentationParts": [
"location": {
"type": "API"
"properties": {
"description": "API description",
"info": {
"description": "API info description 4",
"version": "API info version 3"
… // Another DocumentationPart instance


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide




x-amazon-apigateway-gateway-responses Object
Defines the gateway responses for an API as a string-to-GatewayResponse map of key-value pairs.

Property Name




x-amazon-apigateway-gateway- A GatewayResponse for the
responses.gatewayResponse (p. 499)
specified responseType.

x-amazon-apigateway-gateway-responses Example
The following API Gateway extension to OpenAPI example defines a GatewayResponses map
containing two GatewayResponse instances, one for the DEFAULT_4XX type and another for the


"x-amazon-apigateway-gateway-responses": {
"responseParameters": {
"gatewayresponse.header.Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "''"
"responseTemplates": {
"application/json": "{\"message\": test 4xx b }"
"statusCode": "429",
"responseTemplates": {
"application/json": "{\"message\": test forbidden }"

x-amazon-apigateway-gatewayresponses.gatewayResponse Object
Defines a gateway response of a given response type, including the status code, any applicable response
parameters, or response templates.

Property Name




x-amazon-apigateway-gateway- Specifies the GatewayResponse
responses.responseParameters (p. 500)
parameters, namely the header


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
x-amazon-apigateway-gatewayresponses.gatewayResponse Example

Property Name


parameters. The parameter
values can take any incoming
request parameter (p. 160) value
or a static custom value.


x-amazon-apigateway-gateway- Specifies the mapping templates
responses.responseTemplates (p. 501)
of the gateway response. The
templates are not processed by
the VTL engine.



An HTTP status code for the
gateway response.

x-amazon-apigateway-gatewayresponses.gatewayResponse Example
The following example of the API Gateway extension to OpenAPI defines a GatewayResponse to
customize the INVALID_API_KEY response to return the status code of 456, the incoming request's
api-key header value, and "Bad api-key" message.

"statusCode": "456",
"responseParameters": {
"gatewayresponse.header.api-key": "method.request.header.api-key"
"responseTemplates": {
"application/json": "{\"message\": \"Bad api-key\" }"

x-amazon-apigateway-gatewayresponses.responseParameters Object
Defines a string-to-string map of key-value pairs to generate gateway response parameters from the
incoming request parameters or using literal strings.

Property Name





param-position can be
header, path or querystring.
For more information, see
Map Method Request Data
to Integration Request
Parameters (p. 160).


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
x-amazon-apigateway-gatewayresponses.repsonseParameters Example

x-amazon-apigateway-gatewayresponses.repsonseParameters Example
The following OpenAPI extensions example shows a GatewayResponse response parameter mapping
expression to enable CORS support for resources on the *.example.domain domains.
"responseParameters": {
"gatewayresponse.header.Access-Control-Allow-Origin": '*.example.domain',
"gatewayresponse.header.from-request-header" : method.request.header.Accept,
"gatewayresponse.header.from-request-path" : method.request.path.petId,
"gatewayresponse.header.from-request-query" : method.request.querystring.qname

x-amazon-apigateway-gatewayresponses.responseTemplates Object
Defines GatewayResponse mapping templates, as a string-to-string map of key-value pairs, for a given
gateway response. For each key-value pair, the key is the content type; for example, "application/json",
and the value is a stringified mapping template for simple variable substitutions. A GatewayResponse
mapping template is not processed by the Velocity Template Language (VTL) engine.

Property Name





A GatewayResponse body
mapping template supporting
only simple variable substitution
to customize a gateway
response body.

x-amazon-apigateway-gatewayresponses.responseTemplates Example
The following OpenAPI extensions example shows a GatewayResponse mapping template to customize
an API Gateway-generated error response into an app-specific format.
"responseTemplates": {
"application/json": "{ \"message\": $context.error.messageString, \"type\":
$context.error.responseType, \"statusCode\": '488' }

The following OpenAPI extensions example shows a GatewayResponse mapping template to override an
API Gateway-generated error response with a static error message.
"responseTemplates": {
"application/json": "{ \"message\": 'API-specific errors' }" }


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide

x-amazon-apigateway-integration Object
Specifies details of the backend integration used for this method. This extension is an extended property
of the OpenAPI Operation object. The result is an API Gateway integration object.

Property Name




An array of string

A list of request parameters
whose values are to be cached.



An API-specific tag group of
related cached parameters.



The ID of a VpcLink for the
private integration.



The integration connection type.
The valid value is "VPC_LINK"
for private integration or
"INTERNET", otherwise.



For AWS IAM role-based
credentials, specify the ARN
of an appropriate IAM role. If
unspecified, credentials will
default to resource-based
permissions that must be added
manually to allow the API to
access the resource. For more
information, see Granting
Permissions Using a Resource
Policy. Note: when using IAM
credentials, please ensure that
AWS STS regional endpoints are
enabled for the region where
this API is deployed for best



Request payload encoding
conversion types. Valid values
are 1) CONVERT_TO_TEXT, for
converting a binary payload
into a Base64-encoded
string or converting a text
payload into a utf-8-encoded
string or passing through
the text payload natively
without modification, and 2)
converting a text payload into
Base64-decoded blob or passing
through a binary payload
natively without modification.



The HTTP method used in the
integration request. For Lambda


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide

Property Name


function invocations, the value
must be POST.



Specifies how a request
payload of unmapped content
type is passed through the
integration request without
modification. Supported values
are when_no_templates,
when_no_match, and never.
For more information, see


Object (p. 506)

Specifies mappings from
method request parameters to
integration request parameters.
Supported request parameters
are querystring, path,
header, and body.


Object (p. 505)

Mapping templates for a request
payload of specified MIME types.


Object (p. 507)

Defines the method's responses
and specifies desired parameter
mappings or payload mappings
from integration responses to
method responses.



Integration timeouts between
50 ms and 29,000 ms.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
x-amazon-apigateway-integration Example

Property Name





The type of integration with
the specified backend. The valid
value is
• http or http_proxy: for
integration with an HTTP
• aws_proxy: for integration
with AWS Lambda functions;
• aws; for integration with
AWS Lambda functions or
other AWS services, such as
Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon
Simple Notification Service
or Amazon Simple Queue
• mock: for integration with API
Gateway without invoking any
For more information about
the integration types, see


The endpoint URI of the
backend. For integrations of the
aws type, this is an ARN value.
For the HTTP integration, this is
the URL of the HTTP endpoint
including the https or http


x-amazon-apigateway-integration Example
The following example integrates an API's POST method with a Lambda function in the backend.
For demonstration purposes, the sample mapping templates shown in requestTemplates and
responseTemplates of the examples below are assumed to apply to the following JSON-formatted
payload: { "name":"value_1", "key":"value_2", "redirect": {"url" :"..."} } to
generate a JSON output of { "stage":"value_1", "user-id":"value_2" } or an XML output of
"x-amazon-apigateway-integration" : {
"type" : "aws",
"uri" : "arn:aws:apigateway:us-east-1:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/
"httpMethod" : "POST",
"credentials" : "arn:aws:iam::012345678901:role/apigateway-invoke-lambda-exec-role",
"requestTemplates" : {
"application/json" : "#set ($root=$input.path('$')) { \"stage\":
\"$\", \"user-id\": \"$root.key\" }",
"application/xml" : "#set ($root=$input.path('$')) $ "


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
"requestParameters" : {
"integration.request.path.stage" : "method.request.querystring.version",
"integration.request.querystring.provider" : "method.request.querystring.vendor"
"cacheNamespace" : "cache namespace",
"cacheKeyParameters" : [],
"responses" : {
"2\\d{2}" : {
"statusCode" : "200",
"responseParameters" : {
"method.response.header.requestId" : "integration.response.header.cid"
"responseTemplates" : {
"application/json" : "#set ($root=$input.path('$')) { \"stage\":
\"$\", \"user-id\": \"$root.key\" }",
"application/xml" : "#set ($root=$input.path('$')) $ "
"302" : {
"statusCode" : "302",
"responseParameters" : {
"method.response.header.Location" :
"default" : {
"statusCode" : "400",
"responseParameters" : {
"method.response.header.test-method-response-header" : "'static value'"

Note that double quotes (") of the JSON string in the mapping templates must be string-escaped (\").

x-amazon-apigatewayintegration.requestTemplates Object
Specifies mapping templates for a request payload of the specified MIME types.

Property Name



MIME type


An example of the MIME type
is application/json. For
information about creating a
mapping template, see Mapping
Templates (p. 137).


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
x-amazon-apigatewayintegration.requestTemplates Example

The following example sets mapping templates for a request payload of the application/json and
application/xml MIME types.

"requestTemplates" : {
"application/json" : "#set ($root=$input.path('$')) { \"stage\": \"$\",
\"user-id\": \"$root.key\" }",
"application/xml" : "#set ($root=$input.path('$')) $ "

x-amazon-apigatewayintegration.requestParameters Object
Specifies mappings from named method request parameters to integration request parameters. The
method request parameters must be defined before being referenced.

Property Name


The value must be a predefined
method request parameter of
the method.request.. format,
where  can
be querystring, path,
header, or body. For the body
parameter, the 
is a JSON path expression
without the $. prefix.


x-amazon-apigatewayintegration.requestParameters Example
The following request parameter mappings example translates a method request's query (version),
header (x-user-id) and path (service) parameters to the integration request's query (stage), header
(x-userid), and path parameters (op), respectively.

"requestParameters" : {
"integration.request.querystring.stage" : "method.request.querystring.version",
"integration.request.header.x-userid" : "method.request.header.x-user-id",
"integration.request.path.op" : "method.request.path.service"


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide

Defines the method's responses and specifies parameter mappings or payload mappings from
integration responses to method responses.

Property Name



Response status pattern

Object (p. 508)

Selection regular expression
used to match the integration
response to the method
response. For HTTP integrations,
this regex applies to the
integration response status
code. For Lambda invocations,
the regex applies to the
errorMessage field of the error
information object returned
by AWS Lambda as a failure
response body when the
Lambda function execution
throws an exception.


The Response status
pattern property
name refers to a
response status code
or regular expression
describing a group of
response status codes.
It does not correspond
to any identifier of an
resource in the API
Gateway REST API.

x-amazon-apigatewayintegration.responses Example
The following example shows a list of responses from 2xx and 302 responses. For the 2xx response,
the method response is mapped from the integration response's payload of the application/
json or application/xml MIME type. This response uses the supplied mapping templates. For
the 302 response, the method response returns a Location header whose value is derived from the
redirect.url property on the integration response's payload.

"responses" : {
"2\\d{2}" : {
"statusCode" : "200",
"responseTemplates" : {


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
"application/json" : "#set ($root=$input.path('$')) { \"stage\": \"$
\", \"user-id\": \"$root.key\" }",
"application/xml" : "#set ($root=$input.path('$')) $ "
"302" : {
"statusCode" : "302",
"responseParameters" : {
"method.response.header.Location": "integration.response.body.redirect.url"

x-amazon-apigateway-integration.response Object
Defines a response and specifies parameter mappings or payload mappings from the integration
response to the method response.

Property Name





HTTP status code for the
method response; for example,
"200". This must correspond
to a matching response in the
OpenAPI Operation responses


Object (p. 509)

Specifies MIME type-specific
mapping templates for the
response’s payload.


Object (p. 510)

Specifies parameter mappings
for the response. Only the
header and body parameters
of the integration response
can be mapped to the header
parameters of the method.



Response payload encoding
conversion types. Valid values
are 1) CONVERT_TO_TEXT, for
converting a binary payload
into a Base64-encoded
string or converting a text
payload into a utf-8-encoded
string or passing through
the text payload natively
without modification, and 2)
converting a text payload into
Base64-decoded blob or passing
through a binary payload
natively without modification.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
x-amazon-apigatewayintegration.response Example

The following example defines a 302 response for the method that derives a payload of the
application/json or application/xml MIME type from the backend. The response uses the
supplied mapping templates and returns the redirect URL from the integration response in the method's
Location header.

"statusCode" : "302",
"responseTemplates" : {
"application/json" : "#set ($root=$input.path('$')) { \"stage\": \"$\",
\"user-id\": \"$root.key\" }",
"application/xml" : "#set ($root=$input.path('$')) $ "
"responseParameters" : {
"method.response.header.Location": "integration.response.body.redirect.url"


x-amazon-apigatewayintegration.responseTemplates Object
Specifies mapping templates for a response payload of the specified MIME types.

Property Name



MIME type


Specifies a mapping template
to transform the integration
response body to the method
response body for a given MIME
type. For information about
creating a mapping template,
see Mapping Templates (p. 137).
An example of the MIME type is

The following example sets mapping templates for a request payload of the application/json and
application/xml MIME types.
"responseTemplates" : {
"application/json" : "#set ($root=$input.path('$')) { \"stage\": \"$\",
\"user-id\": \"$root.key\" }",


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide


"application/xml" : "#set ($root=$input.path('$')) $ "

x-amazon-apigatewayintegration.responseParameters Object
Specifies mappings from integration method response parameters to method response parameters. Only
the header and body types of the integration response parameters can be mapped to the header type
of the method response.

Property Name


The named parameter value can
be derived from the header and
body types of the integration
response parameters only.


x-amazon-apigatewayintegration.responseParameters Example
The following example maps body and header parameters of the integration response to two header
parameters of the method response.
"responseParameters" : {
"method.response.header.Location" : "integration.response.body.redirect.url",
"method.response.header.x-user-id" : "integration.response.header.x-userid"

x-amazon-apigateway-request-validator Property
Specifies a request validator, by referencing a request_validator_name of the x-amazon-apigatewayrequest-validators Object (p. 511) map, to enable request validation on the containing API or a method.
The value of this extension is a JSON string.
This extension can be specified at the API level or at the method level. The API-level validator applies to
all of the methods unless it is overridden by the method-level validator.

The following example applies the basic request validator at the API level while applying the
parameter-only request validator on the POST /validation request.
OpenAPI 2.0


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide


"swagger": "2.0",
"x-amazon-apigateway-request-validators" : {
"basic" : {
"validateRequestBody" : true,
"validateRequestParameters" : true
"params-only" : {
"validateRequestBody" : false,
"validateRequestParameters" : true
"x-amazon-apigateway-request-validator" : "basic",
"paths": {
"/validation": {
"post": {
"x-amazon-apigateway-request-validator" : "params-only",

x-amazon-apigateway-request-validators Object
Defines the supported request validators for the containing API as a map between a validator name and
the associated request validation rules. This extension applies to an API.

Property Name




Object (p. 512)

Specifies the validation rules
consisting of the named
validator. For example:
"basic" : {
"validateRequestBody" :
"validateRequestParameters" :

To apply this validator to a
specific method, reference
the validator name (basic)
as the value of the x-amazonapigateway-request-validator
Property (p. 510) property.

The following example shows a set of request validators for an API as a map between a validator name
and the associated request validation rules.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide

OpenAPI 2.0


"swagger": "2.0",
"x-amazon-apigateway-request-validators" : {
"basic" : {
"validateRequestBody" : true,
"validateRequestParameters" : true
"params-only" : {
"validateRequestBody" : false,
"validateRequestParameters" : true

x-amazon-apigateway-requestvalidators.requestValidator Object
Specifies the validation rules of a request validator as part of the x-amazon-apigateway-requestvalidators Object (p. 511) map definition.

Property Name





Specifies whether to validate
the request body (true) or not

validateRequestParameters Boolean

Specifies whether to validate
the required request parameters
(true) or not (false).

x-amazon-apigateway-requestvalidators.requestValidator Example
The following example shows a parameter-only request validator:
"params-only": {
"validateRequestBody" : false,
"validateRequestParameters" : true


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Get Ready to Build API Gateway API

Getting Started with REST APIs in
Amazon API Gateway
With Amazon API Gateway, you can provide your clients with a consistent and scalable programming
interface to access three types of endpoints in the backend: invoking AWS Lambda functions, calling
other AWS services, and accessing an HTTP website or webpage. To do this, you create an API Gateway
API to integrate each API method with a backend endpoint. Each backend endpoint is associated with an
integration type. For details about the API integration types in API Gateway, see Choose an API Gateway
API Integration Type (p. 86).
To get started using Amazon API Gateway, we present the following hands-on walkthroughs for creating,
deploying, and testing simple APIs integrated with some commonly used backends. The example APIs
used in the walkthroughs demonstrate what is involved to implement each of the supported integration
• Get Ready to Build an API Gateway API (p. 513)
• Build an API Gateway API from an Example (p. 516)
• Build an API Gateway API with Lambda Integration (p. 525)
• Build an API Gateway API with HTTP Integrations (p. 545)
• Build an API with API Gateway Private Integration (p. 579)
• Build an API Gateway API with AWS Integration (p. 580)
Before you start, use the following procedures to set up your development environment.

Get Ready to Build an API Gateway API
• Sign up for an AWS Account (p. 513)
• Create IAM Users, Groups, Roles, and Policies in Your AWS Account (p. 514)
• Create IAM Policies to Configure API Gateway Resources and to Call a Deployed API (p. 514)
• Next Step (p. 516)
Before using Amazon API Gateway for the first time, you must have an AWS account.

Sign up for an AWS Account
If you do not have an AWS account, use the following procedure to create one.

To sign up for AWS

Open, and then choose Create an AWS Account.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create IAM Users, Groups, Roles,
and Policies in Your AWS Account



If you previously signed in to the AWS Management Console using AWS account root user
credentials, choose Sign in to a different account. If you previously signed in to the console
using IAM credentials, choose Sign-in using root account credentials. Then choose Create
a new AWS account.
Follow the online instructions.
Part of the sign-up procedure involves receiving a phone call and entering a verification code using
the phone keypad.

To create, configure, and deploy an API in API Gateway, you must have an appropriate AWS Identity and
Access Management policy provisioned. The policy must have access permissions for manipulating the
API Gateway resources and link relations. In addition, you can set IAM permissions to allow your API
clients to call your API in API Gateway. To do so, create IAM roles and policies and, optionally, users or
groups in your AWS account, and set the IAM roles and policies on a specified IAM user or group.

Create IAM Users, Groups, Roles, and Policies in Your
AWS Account
For better security practices, you should create a new AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)
user or use an existing one in your AWS account. You then access API Gateway with that IAM user's
credentials, instead of using your AWS root account.
To manage access for a user, create an IAM user and grant the user API Gateway access permissions. To
create a new IAM user, see Creating an IAM User.
To manage access for a group of users, create an IAM group, grant the group API Gateway access
permissions, and then add one or more IAM users to the group. To create an IAM group, see Creating IAM
To delegate access to specific users, apps, or services, create an IAM role, add the specified users or
groups to the role, and grant the users or groups API Gateway access permissions. To create an IAM role,
see Creating IAM Roles.
When setting up your API, specify the ARN of an IAM role to control access the API's methods. This ARN
must be ready when creating an API.

Create IAM Policies to Configure API Gateway
Resources and to Call a Deployed API
In AWS, access permissions are stated as IAM policies. AWS provides a set of pre-configured IAM policies,
known as AWS managed policies, for individual AWS services. Individual IAM users can create customized
IAM policies, known as customer managed policies.
You can create an IAM policy, role, user, or group in the IAM console or by using the AWS CLI or an AWS
SDK. Once created, IAM policies are referenced by their ARNs. The ARN of a policy that is managed by
AWS is of the arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/PolicyName format. The ARN of a customer managed
policy is of the arn:aws:iam::123456789012:policy/PolicyName format.
For example, the following is the AWS managed policy, named AmazonAPIGatewayAdministrator
(arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonAPIGatewayAdministrator). It grants full access to create,
configure, and deploy an API in API Gateway:


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create IAM Policies to Configure API Gateway
Resources and to Call a Deployed API


"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:apigateway:*::/*"

To grant the permissions to a user, attach the policy to the user or a group containing the user. For more
information, see Attaching Managed Policies.
Attaching the preceding policy to an IAM user allows ("Effect":"Allow") the user to act
with any API Gateway actions ("Action":["apigateway:*"]) on any API Gateway resources
(arn:aws:apigateway:*::/*) that are associated with the user's AWS account.
To restrict the IAM user to read and create documentation of created APIs, you can change the Action
property value from "Action": ["apigateway:*"] to "Action":["apigateway:GET",
"apigateway:POST"] and change the Resource property value from "arn:aws:apigateway:*::/
*" to "arn:aws:apigateway::123456789012:/restapis/*/documentation/*". For more
information, see Control Access to an API with IAM Permissions (p. 232).
To control how an API is invoked, the following AWS managed IAM policy
of AmazonAPIGatewayInvokeFullAccess ( arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/
AmazonAPIGatewayInvokeFullAccess) provides full access to invoke any part of an API in API


"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:execute-api:*:*:*"

To learn how to restrict IAM users to call a specified set of API parts, see Control Access to an API with
IAM Permissions (p. 232).
To grant the stated permissions to a user, attach the policy to the user or a group containing the user. To
attach a policy, see Attaching Managed Policies.
In this documentation, we use managed policies whenever possible. To create and use customer
managed IAM policies, see Working with Customer Managed Policies.


To complete the preceding steps, you must have permissions to create the IAM policy and attach
it to the IAM user.
When API Gateway is integrated with AWS Lambda or another AWS service, such as Amazon Simple
Storage Service or Amazon Kinesis, you must also enable API Gateway as a trusted entity to invoke an
AWS service in the backend. To do so, create an IAM role and attach a service-specific access policy to the
role. This is demonstrated in the following example for invoking a Lambda function:


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Next Step



"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "lambda:InvokeFunction",
"Resource": "*"

Next, add the following trust policy to allow API Gateway to call the backend Lambda function on behalf
of the attached user who is assigned the IAM role.


"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"Service": ""
"Action": "sts:AssumeRole"

Without specifying this trust relationship, API Gateway is denied the right to call the backend on behalf
of the user, even when the user has been granted permissions to access the backend directly.
When an API Gateway API is set up with IAM roles and policies to control client access, the client must
sign API requests with Signature Version 4. Alternatively, you can use the AWS CLI or one of the AWS
SDKs to handle request signing for you. For more information, see Invoking a REST API in Amazon API
Gateway (p. 453).

Next Step
Having signed up for an AWS account and created the required IAM roles and policies, you are now
ready to start using API Gateway. To create your first simple API by using an example in the API Gateway
console, see Build an API Gateway API from an Example (p. 516).

Build an API Gateway API from an Example
To help you get started with basic work flow to build and test an API Gateway API, you can use the
Amazon API Gateway console to create and test a simple API with the HTTP integration for a PetStore
website. The API definition is preconfigured as a OpenAPI 2.0 file. After loading the API definition into
API Gateway, you can use the API Gateway console to examine the API's basic structure or simply deploy
and test the API.
The example API supports the following methods for a client to access the HTTP backend website of
• GET /: for read access of the API's root resource that is not integrated with any backend endpoint.
API Gateway responds with an overview of the PetStore website. This is an example of the MOCK
integration type.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create and Test an Example API in the Console

• GET /pets: for read access to the API's /pets resource that is integrated with the like-named
backend /pets resource. The backend returns a page of available pets in the PetStore. This is an
example of the HTTP integration type. The URL of the integration endpoint is
• POST /pets: for write access to the API's /pets resource that is integrated with the backend /
petstore/pets resource. Upon receiving a correct request, the backend adds the specified pet to the
PetStore and returns the result to the caller. The integration is also HTTP.
• GET /pets/{petId}: for read access to a pet as identified by a petId value as specified as a path
variable of the incoming request URL. This method also has the HTTP integration type. The backend
returns the specified pet found in the PetStore. The URL of the backend HTTP endpoint is http://, where n is an integer as the
identifier of the queried pet.
The API supports CORS access via the OPTIONS methods of the MOCK integration type. API Gateway
returns the required headers supporting CORS access.
• Create and Test an API from the Example in the API Gateway Console (p. 517)
• Next Step (p. 524)
• See Also (p. 525)

Create and Test an API from the Example in the API
Gateway Console
The following procedure walks you through the steps to create and test an API from an example using
the API Gateway Console.

To build and test the example API

Sign in to the API Gateway console at


Do one of the following:

If this is the first API in your account, choose Get Started from the API Gateway console
welcome page.
If prompted with hints, choose OK to close them and continue.



If this is not your first API, choose Create API from the API Gateway APIs home page:

Under Create new API, choose Example API and then choose Import to create the example API. For
your first API, the API Gateway console starts with this option as default.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create and Test an Example API in the Console

You can scroll down the OpenAPI definition for details of this example API before choosing Import.

The newly created API is shown as follows:

The Resources pane shows the structure of the created API as a tree of nodes. API methods defined
on each resource are edges of the tree. When a resource is selected, all of its methods are listed in
the Methods pane on the right. Displayed under each method is a brief summary of the method,
including its endpoint URL, authorization type, and API Key requirement.

To view the details of a method, to modify its set-up, or to test the method invocation, choose the
method name from either the method list or the resource tree. Here, we choose the POST /pets
method as an illustration:


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create and Test an Example API in the Console

The resulting Method Execution pane presents a logical view of the chosen (POST /pets) method's
structure and behaviors: Method Request and Method Response are the API's interface with
the API's frontend (a client), whereas Integration Request and Integration Response are the
API's interface with the backend (
petstore/pets). A client uses the API to access a backend feature through the Method Request.
API Gateway translates the client request, if necessary, into the form acceptable to the backend
in Integration Request before forwarding the incoming request to the backend. The transformed
request is known as the integration request. Similarly, the backend returns the response to API
Gateway in Integration Response. API Gateway then routes it to Method Response before sending
it to the client. Again, if necessary, API Gateway can map the backend response data to a form
expected by the client.
For the POST method on an API resource, the method request payload can be passed through to the
integration request without modification, if the method request's payload is of the same format as
the integration request's payload.
The GET / method request uses the MOCK integration type and is not tied to any real backend
endpoint. The corresponding Integration Response is set up to return a static HTML page. When
the method is called, the API Gateway simply accepts the request and immediately returns the
configured integration response to the client by way of Method Response. You can use the mock
integration to test an API without requiring a backend endpoint. You can also use it to serve a local
response, generated from a response body-mapping template.
As an API developer, you control the behaviors of your API's frontend interactions by configuring
the method request and a method response. You control the behaviors of your API's backend
interactions by setting up the integration request and integration response. These involve data
mappings between a method and its corresponding integration. We cover the method setup in Build
an API with HTTP Custom Integration (p. 550). For now, we focus on testing the API to provide an
end-to-end user experience.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create and Test an Example API in the Console


Choose Test shown on Client (as shown in the previous image) to start testing. For example, to test
the POST /pets method, enter the following {"type": "dog","price": 249.99} payload into
the Request Body before choosing the Test button.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create and Test an Example API in the Console


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create and Test an Example API in the Console

The input specifies the attributes of the pet that we want to add to the list of pets on the PetStore

The results display as follows:

The Logs entry of the output shows the state changes from the method request to the integration
request, and from the integration response to the method response. This can be useful for
troubleshooting any mapping errors that cause the request to fail. In this example, no mapping is


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create and Test an Example API in the Console

applied: the method request payload is passed through the integration request to the backend and,
similarly, the backend response is passed through the integration response to the method response.
To test the API using a client other than the API Gateway test-invoke-request feature, you must first
deploy the API to a stage.

To deploy the sample API, select the PetStore API, and then choose Deploy API from the Actions

In Deploy API, for Deployment stage, choose [New Stage] because this is the first deployment
of the API. Type a name (e.g., test) in Stage name and, optionally, type descriptions in Stage
description and Deployment description. Choose Deploy.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Next Step

In the resulting Stage Editor pane, Invoke URL displays the URL to invoke the API's GET / method

On Stage Editor, follow the Invoke URL link to submit the GET / method request in a browser.
A successful response return the result, generated from the mapping template in the integration

10. In the Stages navigation pane, expand the test stage, select GET on /pets/{petId}, and then
copy the Invoke URL value of
pets/{petId}. {petId} stands for a path variable.
Paste the Invoke URL value (obtained in the previous step) into the address bar of a browser,
replacing {petId} by, for example, 1, and press Enter to submit the request. A 200 OK response
should return with the following JSON payload:


"id": 1,
"type": "dog",
"price": 249.99

Invoking the API method as shown is possible because its Authorization type is set to NONE. If
the AWS_IAM authorization were used, you would sign the request using the Signature Version
4 (SigV4) protocols. For an example of such a request, see Build an API with HTTP Custom
Integration (p. 550).

Next Step
Through the example API, we became familiar with the basic workflow for creating an API in API
Gateway. The process is summarized as follows:


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
See Also

1. Create an API as a RestApi resource in your AWS account.
2. Add a Resource resource to the Resources hierarchy of the newly created API.
3. Create a Method resource for the Resource. The API method represents a programming interface
between a client and API Gateway.
4. Set up the integration of the method with a backend endpoint. The integration represents an
interface between the API Gateway and a backend endpoint.
When a user accesses the backend service through the API, the client submits an HTTP request to API
Gateway. This submission puts the request through the Method Request and then Integration
Request before reaching the backend. The backend then returns a response to API Gateway. The
response then passes from Integration Response to Method Response before the client receives
the response. The MOCK integrations demonstrated in this example API are perhaps the simplest cases
of pre-processing and post-processing of requests or responses by API Gateway. We cover other cases
elsewhere in this guide.
Next, we move on to learning how to build and test a more nimble and powerful API with proxy
integrations (p. 91).

See Also
Use API Gateway Lambda Authorizers (p. 247), Deploying a REST API in Amazon API Gateway (p. 360)

Build an API Gateway API with Lambda Integration
To build an API with Lambda integrations, you can use Lambda proxy integration or Lambda custom
In Lambda proxy integration, the input to the integrated Lambda function can be expressed as any
combination of request headers, path variables, query string parameters, and body. In addition,
the Lambda function can use API configuration settings to influence its execution logic. For an API
developer, setting up a Lambda proxy integration is simple. Other than choosing a particular Lambda
function in a given region, you have little else to do. API Gateway configures the integration request
and integration response for you. Once set up, the integrated API method can evolve with the backend
without modifying the existing settings. This is possible because the backend Lambda function developer
parses the incoming request data and responds with desired results to the client when nothing goes
wrong or responds with error messages when anything goes wrong.
In Lambda custom integration, you must ensure that input to the Lambda function is supplied as the
integration request payload. This implies that you, as an API developer, must map any input data the
client supplied as request parameters into the proper integration request body. You may also need to
translate the client-supplied request body into a format recognized by the Lambda function.
• Build an API Gateway API with Lambda Proxy Integration (p. 525)
• Build an API Gateway API with Cross-Account Lambda Proxy Integration (p. 534)
• Build an API Gateway API with Custom Lambda Integration (p. 535)

Build an API Gateway API with Lambda Proxy
In this section, we show how to create and test an API with Lambda integration using the API Gateway
console. We demonstrate how a Lambda backend parses the raw request and implements app logic that


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Build an API with Lambda Proxy Integration

depends on the incoming request data. For more information on API Gateway proxy integration, see Set
up a Proxy Integration with a Proxy Resource (p. 87).
First, we create the following Node.js function, named GetStartedLambdaProxyIntegration, using
the AWS Lambda console, as the backend. We then create an API with the Lambda proxy integration by
using the GetStartedLambdaProxyIntegration function through a proxy resource by using the API
Gateway console. Finally, we demonstrate how to test the API.
• Create Lambda Functions for an API with Lambda Proxy Integration (p. 526)
• Create a Backend for an API with Lambda Proxy Integration (p. 530)
• Create an API with Lambda Proxy Integration (p. 531)
• Test an API with Lambda Proxy Integration (p. 532)

Create Lambda Functions for an API with Lambda Proxy
We create a Lambda function that returns a greeting to the caller as a JSON object of the following

"greeting": "Good {time}, {name} of {city}.[ Happy {day}]"

In this example, {time} can be morning, afternoon, or day; {name} can be you or a user-specified
user name; {city} can be World or a user-supplied city name; and {day} can be null, empty, or one
of the week days. If {day} is null or empty, the Happy {day} portion is not displayed. The Lambda
function is very flexible and the client can specify the input in any combination of request headers, path
variables, query string parameters, and body.
To show what API Gateway passes through to the backend, we include the event object to the Lambda
function in its output as well. Finally, we create a response object to illustrate the basic output format
required of the Lambda proxy integration.
A Lambda function can be written in Node.js, Python, Java, and C#. In this tutorial, we show snippets in
Node.js and Java. You can extend the Node.js implementation to the Python function or extend the Java
implementation to the C# function. There are instructions for doing so in the following topics.
• Node.js Function for an API with Lambda Proxy Integration (p. 526)
• Python Function for an API with Lambda Proxy Integration (p. 528)
• C# Function for an API with Lambda Proxy Integration (p. 528)
• Java Function for an API with Lambda Proxy Integration (p. 528)

Node.js Function for an API with Lambda Proxy Integration
The following Lambda function in Node.js is a "Hello, World!" application. The function shows how to
parse the input event parameter that contains a request made by a client to an API Gateway proxy
resource. This resource is integrated with the function using the Lambda proxy integration. The function
also demonstrates how to format the output of the Lambda function for API Gateway to return the
results as an HTTP response. For more information about the input and output formats that this type of
Lambda function must follow, see Input Format of a Lambda Function for Proxy Integration (p. 98) and
Output Format of a Lambda Function for Proxy Integration (p. 101).


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Build an API with Lambda Proxy Integration

'use strict';
console.log('Loading hello world function');
exports.handler = function(event, context, callback) {
let name = "you";
let city = 'World';
let time = 'day';
let day = '';
let responseCode = 200;
console.log("request: " + JSON.stringify(event));
// This is a simple illustration of app-specific logic to return the response.
// Although only 'event.queryStringParameters' are used here, other request data,
// such as 'event.headers', 'event.pathParameters', 'event.body',
// and 'event.requestContext' can be used to determine what response to return.
if (event.queryStringParameters !== null && event.queryStringParameters !== undefined)
if ( !== undefined && !== null && !== "") {
console.log("Received name: " +;
name =;
if (event.pathParameters !== null && event.pathParameters !== undefined) {
if (event.pathParameters.proxy !== undefined &&
event.pathParameters.proxy !== null &&
event.pathParameters.proxy !== "") {
console.log("Received proxy: " + event.pathParameters.proxy);
city = event.pathParameters.proxy;
if (event.headers !== null && event.headers !== undefined) {
if (event.headers['day'] !== undefined && event.headers['day'] !== null &&
event.headers['day'] !== "") {
console.log("Received day: " +;
day =;
if (event.body !== null && event.body !== undefined) {
let body = JSON.parse(event.body)
if (body.time)
time = body.time;
let greeting = 'Good ' + time + ', ' + name + ' of ' + city + '. ';
if (day) greeting += 'Happy ' + day + '!';
var responseBody = {
message: greeting,
input: event
// The output from a Lambda proxy integration must be
// of the following JSON object. The 'headers' property
// is for custom response headers in addition to standard
// ones. The 'body' property must be a JSON string. For
// base64-encoded payload, you must also set the 'isBase64Encoded'
// property to 'true'.
var response = {


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Build an API with Lambda Proxy Integration
statusCode: responseCode,
headers: {
"x-custom-header" : "my custom header value"
body: JSON.stringify(responseBody)


console.log("response: " + JSON.stringify(response))
callback(null, response);

For the API Gateway proxy integrations, the input parameter of event contains an API request
marshalled as a JSON object by API Gateway. This input can include the request's HTTP method
(httpMethod), path (path and pathParameters), query parameters (queryStringParameters),
headers (headers), and applicable payload (body). The input can also include the context
(requestContext) and stage variables (stageVariables).
This example Lambda function parses the event parameter to retrieve the query string parameter of
name, the proxy path parameter, the day header value, and the time property of the payload.
The function then returns a greeting to the named user in the message property of the responseBody
object. To show the details of the incoming request as marshalled by API Gateway, the function also
returns the incoming event object as the input property of the response body.
Finally, upon exiting, the function returns a JSON object, containing the required statusCode and any
applicable headers and body, for API Gateway to return it as an HTTP response to the client.

Python Function for an API with Lambda Proxy Integration
Follow the discussion in Authoring Lambda Functions in Python to create the Python Lambda function
handler, while extending the programming flow shown in the preceding Node.js Lambda function.

C# Function for an API with Lambda Proxy Integration
Follow the discussion in Authoring Lambda Functions in C# to create the C# Lambda function handler,
while extending the programming flow shown in the following Java Lambda function.

Java Function for an API with Lambda Proxy Integration
The following Lambda function in Java is a "Hello, World!" application, similar to its Node.js
counterpart (p. 526). The function shows how to parse the input event that is passed through as an
InputStream object and that contains a request made by a client to an API Gateway proxy resource.
This resource is integrated with the function using the Lambda proxy integration. It also shows how to
parse the context object to get the LambdaLogger. The example also demonstrates how to format
the output of the Lambda function for API Gateway in Java to return the results in an OutputStream
object as an HTTP response. For more information about the Lambda proxy integration input and output
formats, see Input Format of a Lambda Function for Proxy Integration (p. 98) and Output Format of a
Lambda Function for Proxy Integration (p. 101).
package examples;



Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Build an API with Lambda Proxy Integration



public class ProxyWithStream implements RequestStreamHandler {
JSONParser parser = new JSONParser();
public void handleRequest(InputStream inputStream, OutputStream outputStream, Context
context) throws IOException {
LambdaLogger logger = context.getLogger();
logger.log("Loading Java Lambda handler of ProxyWithStream");
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream));
JSONObject responseJson = new JSONObject();
String name = "you";
String city = "World";
String time = "day";
String day = null;
String responseCode = "200";
try {
JSONObject event = (JSONObject)parser.parse(reader);
if (event.get("queryStringParameters") != null) {
JSONObject qps = (JSONObject)event.get("queryStringParameters");
if ( qps.get("name") != null) {
name = (String)qps.get("name");
if (event.get("pathParameters") != null) {
JSONObject pps = (JSONObject)event.get("pathParameters");
if ( pps.get("proxy") != null) {
city = (String)pps.get("proxy");
if (event.get("headers") != null) {
JSONObject hps = (JSONObject)event.get("headers");
if ( hps.get("day") != null) {
day = (String)hps.get("day");
if (event.get("body") != null) {
JSONObject body = (JSONObject)parser.parse((String)event.get("body"));
if ( body.get("time") != null) {
time = (String)body.get("time");
String greeting = "Good " + time + ", " + name + " of " + city + ". ";
if (day!=null && day != "") greeting += "Happy " + day + "!";
JSONObject responseBody = new JSONObject();
responseBody.put("input", event.toJSONString());
responseBody.put("message", greeting);
JSONObject headerJson = new JSONObject();


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Build an API with Lambda Proxy Integration
headerJson.put("x-custom-header", "my custom header value");
responseJson.put("isBase64Encoded", false);
responseJson.put("statusCode", responseCode);
responseJson.put("headers", headerJson);
responseJson.put("body", responseBody.toString());
} catch(ParseException pex) {
responseJson.put("statusCode", "400");
responseJson.put("exception", pex);



OutputStreamWriter writer = new OutputStreamWriter(outputStream, "UTF-8");

For proxy integrations in API Gateway, the input stream contains an API request serialized as a JSON
string by API Gateway. The input data can include the request's HTTP method (httpMethod), path (path
and pathParameters), query parameters (queryStringParameters), headers (headers), applicable
payload (body), the context (requestContext), and stage variables (stageVariables).
This example Lambda function parses the inputStream parameter to retrieve the query string
parameter of name, the proxy path parameter, the day header value and the time property of the
payload. For logging, it retrieves the LambdaLogger object from the incoming context object.
The function then returns a greeting to the named user in the message property of the responseBody
object. To show the details of the incoming request as marshalled by API Gateway, the function also
returns the input data (event) in the response body.
Finally, upon exiting, the function returns a JSON string, containing the required statusCode and any
applicable headers and body, for API Gateway to return it as an HTTP response to the client.
To create this function in the Lambda console, you must create a deployment package before uploading
the package into Lambda. For more information, see creating a deployment package in the AWS Lambda
Developer Guide.

Create a Backend for an API with Lambda Proxy Integration
The following procedure describes how to create the Lambda function in API Gateway using the Lambda

Create a Lambda function for an API with a proxy resource in the Lambda console

Sign in to the Lambda console at
From the upper-right corner, choose an available region for the Lambda function.
From the main navigation pane, choose Functions. You may need to choose the navigation menu on
the top-left corner if the navigation pane is not displayed.
Choose Create function. And then choose Author from scratch or Blueprints. For this example, we
create a function from scratch.
Under Author from scratch, do the following:

In the Name input field, type a function name.


From the Runtime drop-down list, choose a supported runtime. In this example, we use Node.js
From the Role drop-down list, choose Choose an existing role, Create new role from
template(s) or Create a custom role. Then, follow the ensuing instructions for the choice.



Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Build an API with Lambda Proxy Integration


Choose Create function to continue.
For this example, we will skip the Designer section and move to the Function code section next.


For a Node or Python runtime, you can use the inline code editor to create or edit the lambda
function, in addition to uploading a zipped code file from a local drive or from Amazon S3. For a
Java or C# runtime, you must upload the zipped code file from a local drive or from Amazon S3. In
any case, use the code example of the specified runtime as specified in the section called “ Create
Lambda Functions for an API with Lambda Proxy Integration” (p. 526) here.


Choose Save to finish creating the Lambda function.


Optionally, but highly recommended, choose Test and configure the test event to take the required
Lambda proxy integration request input (p. 98).


Note the region where you created the Lambda function. You need it when creating the API for
the function.

Create an API with Lambda Proxy Integration
Now create an API with a proxy resource for a Lambda function by using the API Gateway console.

Build an API with a proxy resource for a Lambda function

Sign in to the API Gateway console at


To create an API, choose Create new API (for creating the first API) or Create API (for creating any
subsequent API). Next, do the following:

Choose New API.


Type a name in API Name.


Optionally, add a brief description in Description.


Choose Create API.

For this tutorial, use LambdaSimpleProxy as the API name.

To create a child resource, choose a parent resource item under the Resources tree and then choose
Create Resource from the Actions drop-down menu. Then, do the following in the New Child
Resource pane.

Select the Configure as proxy resource option to create a proxy resource. Otherwise, leave it


Type a name in the Resource Name* input text field.


Type a new name or use the default name in the Resource Path* input text field.


Choose Create Resource.


Select Enable API Gateway CORS, if required.

For this tutorial, use the root resource (/) as the parent resource. Select Configure as proxy
resource. For Resource Name, use the default, proxy. For Resource Path, use /{proxy+}. De-select
Enable API Gateway CORS.

To set up the ANY method for integration with the Lambda back end, do the following:

Choose the resource just created and then choose Create Method from the Actions drop-down


Choose ANY from the HTTP method drop-down list and then choose the check mark icon to save
the choice.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Build an API with Lambda Proxy Integration


Choose Lambda Function Proxy for Integration type.
Choose a region from Lambda Region.
Type the name of your Lambda function in Lambda Function.


Choose Save.
Choose OK when prompted with Add Permission to Lambda Function.

For this tutorial, use the previously created GetStartedLambdaProxyIntegration (p. 526) for the
Lambda Function.
For the proxy resource API that Lambda just created, API Gateway forwards the raw request from the
client to the backend for the Lambda function to process. The request includes the request method,
its path, query string and headers parameters, any payload, plus context and stage variables. The next
procedure describes how to test this.

Test an API with Lambda Proxy Integration
The following procedure describes how to test the proxy integration.

Call the GetStartedLambdaProxyIntegration (p. 526) Lambda function through the proxy

To use a browser to call a GET method on a specific resource of the API, do the following.

If you have not done so, choose Deploy API from the Actions drop-down menu for the API you
created. Follow the instructions to deploy the API to a specific stage. Note the Invoke URL that
displays on the resulting Stage Editor page. This is the base URL of the API.


To submit a GET request on a specific resource, append the resource path, including possible
query string expressions to the Invoke URL value obtained in the previous step, copy the
complete URL into the address bar of a browser, and choose Enter.

For this tutorial, deploy the API to a test stage and note of the API's base URL; for example,
There are several ways you can test a deployed API. For GET requests using only URL path variables
or a query string parameter, you can type the API resource URL in a browser. For other methods, you
must use more advanced REST API testing utilities, such as POSTMAN or cURL.

To test the deployed API using cURL

Open a terminal window on your local computer connected to the internet.
To test POST /Seattle?time=evening:
Copy the following cURL command and paste it into the terminal window.
curl -v -X POST \
time=evening' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-H 'day: Thursday' \
-H 'x-amz-docs-region: us-west-2' \
-d '{
"callerName": "John"

You should get a successful response with the following payload:


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Build an API with Lambda Proxy Integration



"message": "Good day, John of Seattle. Happy Friday!",
"input": {
"resource": "/{proxy+}",
"path": "/Seattle",
"httpMethod": "POST",
"headers": {
"day": "Friday"
"queryStringParameters": {
"time": "morning"
"pathParameters": {
"proxy": "Seattle"
"stageVariables": null,
"requestContext": {
"path": "/{proxy+}",
"accountId": "123456789012",
"resourceId": "nl9h80",
"stage": "test-invoke-stage",
"requestId": "test-invoke-request",
"identity": {
"cognitoIdentityPoolId": null,
"accountId": "123456789012",
"cognitoIdentityId": null,
"caller": "AIDXXX...XXVJZG",
"apiKey": "test-invoke-api-key",
"sourceIp": "test-invoke-source-ip",
"accessKey": "ASIXXX...XXDQ5A",
"cognitoAuthenticationType": null,
"cognitoAuthenticationProvider": null,
"userArn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/kdeding",
"userAgent": "Apache-HttpClient/4.5.x (Java/1.8.0_131)",
"user": "AIDXXX...XXVJZG"
"resourcePath": "/{proxy+}",
"httpMethod": "POST",
"apiId": "r275xc9bmd"
"body": "{ \"callerName\": \"John\" }",
"isBase64Encoded": false

If you change POST to PUT in the preceding method request, you get the same response.

To test GET /Boston?time=morning:
Copy the following cURL command and paste it into the terminal window.
curl -X GET \
time=evening' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-H 'day: Thursday' \
-H 'x-amz-docs-region: us-west-2'

You get a 200 OK Request response similar to the result from the preceding POST request,
with the exception that the GET request does not have any payload. So the body parameter will
be null.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Build an API with Cross-Account Lambda Proxy Integration


The requestContext is a map of key-value pairs and corresponds to the $context (p. 165)
variable. Its outcome is API-dependent. API Gateway may add new keys to the map. For
more information, see Input Format of a Lambda Function for Proxy Integration (p. 98).

Build an API Gateway API with Cross-Account Lambda
Proxy Integration
You can now use an AWS Lambda function from a different AWS account as your API integration
backend. Each account can be in any region where Amazon API Gateway is available. This makes it easy
to centrally manage and share Lambda backend functions across multiple APIs.
In this section, we show how to configure cross-account Lambda proxy integration using the Amazon API
Gateway console.
First, we create the example API from the section called “Build an API from an Example” (p. 516) in one
account. We then create a Lambda function in another account. Finally, we use cross-account Lambda
integration to allow the example API to use the Lambda function we created in the second account.

Create API for API Gateway Cross-Account Lambda Integration
First, you'll create the example API as described in the section called “Build an API from an
Example” (p. 516).

To create the example API

Sign in to the API Gateway console.


Choose Create API from the API Gateway APIs home page:


Under Create new API, choose Examples API.


For Endpoint Type, choose Edge optimized.


Choose Import to create the example API.

Create Lambda Integration Function in Another Account
Now you'll create a Lambda function in a different account from the one in which you created the
example API.

Creating a Lambda function in another account

Log in to the Lambda console in a different account from the one where you created your API
Gateway API.


Choose Create function.


Choose Author from scratch.


Under Author from scratch, do the following:

In the Name input field, type a function name.


From the Runtime drop-down list, choose a supported runtime. In this example, we use Node.js


From the Role drop-down list, choose Choose an existing role, Create new role from
template(s) or Create a custom role. Then, follow the ensuing instructions for the choice.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Build an API with Lambda Custom Integration


Choose Create function to continue.
For this example, we will skip the Designer section and move to the Function code section next.


Scroll down to the Function code pane.


Copy-paste a function implentation such as one of the API Gateway examples for Node.js (p. 526)
and Java (p. 528).


Choose the correct runtime from the Runtime drop-down menu.


Choose Save.


Note the full ARN for your function (in the upper right corner of the Lambda function pane). You'll
need it when you create your cross-account Lambda integration.

Configure Cross-Account Lambda Integration
Once you have a Lambda integration function in a different account, you can use the the API Gateway
console to add it to your API in your first account.

Configuring your cross-account Lambda integration

In the API Gateway console, choose your API.


Choose Resources.


In the Resources pane, choose the top-level GET method.


In the Method Execution pane, choose Integration Request.


For Integration type, choose Lambda Function.


Check Use Lambda Proxy integration.


Leave Lambda Region set to your account's region.


For Lambda Function, copy/paste the full ARN for the Lambda function you created in your second
account and choose the checkmark.


You'll see a popup that says Add Permission to Lambda Function: You have selected a Lambda
function from another account. Please ensure that you have the appropriate Function Policy
on this function. You can do this by running the following AWS CLI command from account
123456789012:, followed by an aws lambda add-permission command string.

10. Copy-paste the aws lambda add-permission command string into an AWS CLI window that is
configured for your second account. This will grant your first account access to your second account's
Lambda function.
11. In the popup from the previous step in the Lambda console, choose OK.
12. To see the updated policy for your function in the Lambda console,

Choose your integration function.


In the Designer pane, choose the key icon.

In the Function policy pane, you should now see an Allow policy with a Condition clause in which
the in the AWS:SourceArn is the ARN for your API's GET method.

Build an API Gateway API with Custom Lambda
In this walkthrough, we use the API Gateway console to build an API that enables a client to call Lambda
functions through the Lambda custom integration. For more information about AWS Lambda and
Lambda functions, see the AWS Lambda Developer Guide.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Build an API with Lambda Custom Integration

To facilitate learning, we chose a simple Lambda function with minimal API setup to walk you through
the steps of building an API Gateway API with the Lambda custom integration. When necessary, we
describe some of the logic. For a more detailed example of the Lambda custom integration, see Create a
REST API for AWS Lambda Functions in API Gateway (p. 586).
Before creating the API, set up the Lambda backend by creating a Lambda function in AWS Lambda,
described next.
• Create a Lambda Function for the Lambda Custom Integration (p. 536)
• Create an API with the Lambda Custom Integration (p. 539)
• Test Invoking the API Method (p. 541)
• Deploy the API (p. 543)
• Test the API in a Deployment Stage (p. 543)
• Clean Up (p. 544)

Create a Lambda Function for the Lambda Custom Integration

Creating Lambda functions may result in charges to your AWS account.
In this step, you create a "Hello, World!"-like Lambda function for the Lambda custom integration.
Throughout this walkthrough, the function is called GetStartedLambdaIntegration. It is similar to
GetStartedLambdaProxyIntegration (p. 526), which is the function we created for the Lambda
proxy integration.
The Node.js implementation of this GetStartedLambdaIntegration Lambda function is as follows:
'use strict';
var days = ['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'];
var times = ['morning', 'afternoon', 'evening', 'night', 'day'];
console.log('Loading function');
exports.handler = function(event, context, callback) {
// Parse the input for the name, city, time and day property values
let name = === undefined ? 'you' :;
let city = === undefined ? 'World' :;
let time = times.indexOf(event.time)<0 ? 'day' : event.time;
let day = days.indexOf(<0 ? null :;
// Generate a greeting
let greeting = 'Good ' + time + ', ' + name + ' of ' + city + '. ';
if (day) greeting += 'Happy ' + day + '!';
// Log the greeting to CloudWatch
console.log('Hello: ', greeting);
// Return a greeting to the caller
callback(null, {
"greeting": greeting


For the Lambda custom integration, API Gateway passes the input to the Lambda function from the
client as the integration request body. The event object of the Lambda function handler is the input.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Build an API with Lambda Custom Integration

Our Lambda function is simple. It parses the input event object for the name, city, time, and day
properties. It then returns a greeting, as a JSON object of {"message":greeting}, to the caller. The
message is in the "Good [morning|afternoon|day], [name|you] in [city|World]. Happy
day!" pattern. It is assumed that the input to the Lambda function is of the following JSON object:


"city": "...",
"time": "...",
"day": "...",
"name" : "..."

For more information, see the AWS Lambda Developer Guide.
In addition, the function logs its execution to Amazon CloudWatch by calling
console.log(...). This is helpful for tracing calls when debugging the function. To allow the
GetStartedLambdaIntegration function to log the call, set an IAM role with appropriate policies for
the Lambda function to create the CloudWatch streams and add log entries to the streams. The Lambda
console guides you through to create the required IAM roles and policies.
If you set up the API without using the API Gateway console, such as when importing an API from an
OpenAPI file, you must explicitly create, if necessary, and set up an invocation role and policy for API
Gateway to invoke the Lambda functions. For more information on how to set up Lambda invocation and
execution roles for an API Gateway API, see Control Access to an API with IAM Permissions (p. 232).
Compared to GetStartedLambdaProxyIntegation (p. 526), the Lambda function for the Lambda
proxy integration, the GetStartedLambdaIntegration Lambda function for the Lambda custom
integration only takes input from the API Gateway API integration request body. The function can return
an output of any JSON object, a string, a number, a Boolean, or even a binary blob. The Lambda function
for the Lambda proxy integration, in contrast, can take the input from any request data, but must return
an output of a particular JSON object. The GetStartedLambdaIntegration function for the Lambda
custom integration can have the API request parameters as input, provided that API Gateway maps the
required API request parameters to the integration request body before forwarding the client request to
the backend. For this to happen, the API developer must create a mapping template and configure it on
the API method when creating the API.
Now, create the GetStartedLambdaIntegration Lambda function.

To create the GetStartedLambdaIntegration Lambda function for Lambda custom

Open the AWS Lambda console at


Do one of the following:
• If the welcome page appears, choose Get Started Now and then choose Create a function.
• If the Lambda > Functions list page appears, choose Create a function.


Choose Author from scratch.


In the Author from scratch pane, do the following:

For Name, type GetStartedLambdaIntegration as the Lambda function name.


For Runtime, choose Node.js 6.10.


For Role, choose Create new role from template(s).


For Role name, type a name for your role (for example,


For Policy templates, choose Simple Microservice permissions.


Choose Create function.

Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Build an API with Lambda Custom Integration



In the Configure function pane, under Function code do the following:

Choose Edit code inline, if it is not already shown, under Content entry type.


Leave Handler set to index.handler.


Leave Runtime set to Node.js 6.10.


Copy the Lambda function code listed in the beginning of this section and paste it in the inline
code editor.


Leave the default choices for all other fields in this section.


Choose Save.

To test the newly created function, choose Configure test events from Select a test event....

For Create new event, replace any default code statements with the following, type
HellowWorldTest for the Event aname, and choose Create.



"name": "Jonny",
"city": "Seattle",
"time": "morning",
"day": "Wednesday"

Choose Test to invoke the function. The Execution result: succeeded section is shown. Expand
Detail and you see the following output.

"greeting": "Good morning, Jonny of Seattle. Happy Wednesday!"

The output is also written to CloudWatch Logs.
As a side exercise, you can use the IAM console to view the IAM role
(GetStartedLambdaIntegrationRole) that was created as part of the Lambda function creation.
Attached to this IAM role are two inline policies. One stipulates the most basic permissions for Lambda
execution. It permits calling the CloudWatch CreateLogGroup for any CloudWatch resources of
your account in the region where the Lambda function is created. This policy also allows creating
the CloudWatch streams and logging events for the HelloWorldForLambdaIntegration Lambda

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "logs:CreateLogGroup",
"Resource": "arn:aws:logs:region:account-id:*"
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Build an API with Lambda Custom Integration

The other policy document applies to invoking another AWS service that is not used in this example. You
can skip it for now.
Associated with the IAM role is a trusted entity, which is Here is the trust



"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"Service": ""
"Action": "sts:AssumeRole"

The combination of this trust relationship and the inline policy makes it possible for the Lambda function
to invoke a console.log() function to log events to CloudWatch Logs.
If you did not use the AWS Management Console to create the Lambda function, you need to follow
these examples to create the required IAM role and policies and then manually attach the role to your

Create an API with the Lambda Custom Integration
With the Lambda function (GetStartedLambdaIntegration) created and tested, you are ready to
expose the function through an API Gateway API. For illustration purposes, we expose the Lambda
function with a generic HTTP method. We use the request body, a URL path variable, a query string, and
a header to receive required input data from the client. We turn on the API Gateway request validator for
the API to ensure that all of the required data is properly defined and specified. We configure a mapping
template for API Gateway to transform the client-supplied request data into the valid format as required
by the backend Lambda function.
The API is named GetStartedLambdaIntegrationAPI.

To create an API with Lambda custom integration with a Lambda function

Launch the API Gateway console.


Choose Create new API.



Type GetStartedLambdaIntegrationAPI for API name.


Type a description of the API for Description or leave it blank.


Choose Create API.

Choose the root resource (/) under Resources. From the Actions menu, choose Create Resource.

Type city for Resource Name.


Replace Resource Path with {city}. This is an example of the templated path variable used
to take input from the client. Later, we show how to map this path variable into the Lambda
function input using a mapping template.


Select the Enable API Gateway Cors option.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Build an API with Lambda Custom Integration




Choose Create Resource.

With the newly created /{city} resource highlighted, choose Create Method from Actions.

Choose ANY from the HTTP method drop-down menu. The ANY HTTP verb is a placeholder for a
valid HTTP method that a client submits at run time. This example shows that ANY method can
be used for Lambda custom integration as well as for Lambda proxy integration.


To save the setting, choose the check mark.

In Method Execution, for the /{city} ANY method, do the following:

Choose Lambda Function for Integration type.


Leave the Use Lambda Proxy integration box unchecked.


Choose the region where you created the Lambda function; for example, us-west-2.


Type the name of your Lambda function in Lambda Function; for example,


Leave the Use Default timeout box checked.


Choose Save.


Choose OK in the Add Permission to Lambda Function popup to have API Gateway set up the
required access permissions for the API to invoke the integrated Lambda function.

In this step you'll configure the following:
• A query string parameter (time)
• A header parameter (day)
• A payload property (callerName)
At run time, the client can use these request parameters and the request body to provide time of
the day, the day of the week, and the name of the caller. You already configured the /{city} path

Under Settings, choose the pencil icon and then choose Validate body, query string
parameters, and headers from the Request Validator drop-down menu. This lets API
Gateway perform basic request validation before forwarding the request to the Lambda


Expand the URL Query String Parameters section. Choose Add query string. Type time for
Name. Select the Required option and choose the check-mark icon to save the setting. Leave
Caching cleared to avoid an unnecessary charge for this exercise.


Expand the HTTP Request Headers section. Choose Add header. Type day for Name. Select the
Required option and choose the check-mark icon to save the setting. Leave Caching cleared to
avoid an unnecessary charge for this exercise.


To define the method request payload, do the following:

To define a model, choose Models under the API from the API Gateway primary navigation
pane, and then choose Create.


Type GetStartedLambdaIntegrationUserInput for Model name.

iii. Type application/json for Content type.

Leave the Model description blank.


Copy the following schema definition into the Model schema editor:

"$schema": "",
"title": "GetStartedLambdaIntegrationInputModel",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"callerName": { "type": "string" }


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Build an API with Lambda Custom Integration



vi. Choose Create model to finish defining the input model.
vii. Choose Resources, choose the /{city} ANY method, choose Method Request, and
expand Request body. Choose Add model. Type application/json for Content type.
Choose GetStartedLambdaIntegrationInput for Model name. Choose the check-mark
icon to save the setting.

Choose the /{city} ANY method and choose Integration Request to set up a body-mapping
template. In this step you'll map the previously configured method request parameter of
nameQuery or nameHeader to the JSON payload, as required by the backend Lambda function:

Expand the Mapping Templates section. Choose Add mapping template. Type application/
json for Content-Type. Choose the check-mark icon to save the setting.


In the popup that appears, choose Yes, secure this integration.


Check the recommended When there are no templates defined for Request body


Choose GetStartedLambaIntegrationUserInput from Generate template to generate an
initial mapping template. This option is available because you defined a model schema, without
which you would need to write the mapping template from scratch.


Replace the generated mapping script in the mapping template editor with the following:
#set($inputRoot = $input.path('$'))
"city": "$input.params('city')",
"time": "$input.params('time')",
"day": "$input.params('day')",
"name": "$inputRoot.callerName"


Choose Save.

Test Invoking the API Method
The API Gateway console provides a testing facility for you to test invoking the API before it is deployed.
You use the Test feature of the console to test the API by submitting the following request:
POST /Seattle?time=morning

"callerName": "John"

In this test request, you'll set ANY to POST, set {city} to Seattle, assign Wednesday as the day
header value, and assign "John" as the callerName value.

To test-invoke the ANY /{city} method

In Method Execution, choose Test.


Choose POST from the Method drop-down list.


In Path, type Seattle.


In Query Strings, type time=morning.


In Headers, type day:Wednesday.


In Request Body, type { "callerName":"John" }.

Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Build an API with Lambda Custom Integration


Choose Test.


Verify that the returned response payload is as follows:


"greeting": "Good morning, John of Seattle. Happy Wednesday!"

You can also view the logs to examine how API Gateway processes the request and response.

Execution log for request test-request
Thu Aug 31 01:07:25 UTC 2017 : Starting execution for request: test-invoke-request
Thu Aug 31 01:07:25 UTC 2017 : HTTP Method: POST, Resource Path: /Seattle
Thu Aug 31 01:07:25 UTC 2017 : Method request path: {city=Seattle}
Thu Aug 31 01:07:25 UTC 2017 : Method request query string: {time=morning}
Thu Aug 31 01:07:25 UTC 2017 : Method request headers: {day=Wednesday}
Thu Aug 31 01:07:25 UTC 2017 : Method request body before transformations:
{ "callerName": "John" }
Thu Aug 31 01:07:25 UTC 2017 : Request validation succeeded for content type
Thu Aug 31 01:07:25 UTC 2017 : Endpoint request URI: https://
Thu Aug 31 01:07:25 UTC 2017 : Endpoint request
headers: {x-amzn-lambda-integration-tag=test-request,
X-Amz-Date=20170831T010725Z, x-amzn-apigateway-api-id=beags1mnid, X-AmzSource-Arn=arn:aws:execute-api:us-west-2:123456789012:beags1mnid/null/POST/
{city}, Accept=application/json, User-Agent=AmazonAPIGateway_beags1mnid,
EO5nYcCrppGVVBYiGk7H4T6sXuhTkbNNqVmXtV3ch5bOlh7 [TRUNCATED]
Thu Aug 31 01:07:25 UTC 2017 : Endpoint request body after transformations: {
"city": "Seattle",
"time": "morning",
"day": "Wednesday",
"name" : "John"
Thu Aug 31 01:07:25 UTC 2017 : Sending request to
Thu Aug 31 01:07:25 UTC 2017 : Received response. Integration latency: 328 ms
Thu Aug 31 01:07:25 UTC 2017 : Endpoint response body before transformations:
{"greeting":"Good morning, John of Seattle. Happy Wednesday!"}
Thu Aug 31 01:07:25 UTC 2017 : Endpoint response headers: {x-amzn-Remapped-ContentLength=0, x-amzn-RequestId=c0475a28-8de8-11e7-8d3f-4183da788f0f, Connection=keepalive, Content-Length=62, Date=Thu, 31 Aug 2017 01:07:25 GMT, X-Amzn-TraceId=root=1-59a7614d-373151b01b0713127e646635;sampled=0, Content-Type=application/json}
Thu Aug 31 01:07:25 UTC 2017 : Method response body after transformations:
{"greeting":"Good morning, John of Seattle. Happy Wednesday!"}
Thu Aug 31 01:07:25 UTC 2017 : Method response headers: {X-Amzn-TraceId=sampled=0;root=1-59a7614d-373151b01b0713127e646635, Content-Type=application/json}
Thu Aug 31 01:07:25 UTC 2017 : Successfully completed execution
Thu Aug 31 01:07:25 UTC 2017 : Method completed with status: 200

The logs show the incoming request before the mapping and the integration request after the
mapping. When a test fails, the logs are useful for evaluating whether the original input is correct or
the mapping template works correctly.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Build an API with Lambda Custom Integration

Deploy the API
The test invocation is a simulation and has limitations. For example, it bypasses any authorization
mechanism enacted on the API. To test the API execution in real time, you must deploy the API first.
To deploy an API, you create a stage to create a snapshot of the API at that time. The stage name also
defines the base path after the API's default host name. The API's root resource is appended after the
stage name. When you modify the API, you must redeploy it to a new or existing stage before the
changes take effect.

To deploy the API to a stage

Choose the API from the APIs pane or choose a resource or method from the Resources pane.
Choose Deploy API from the Actions drop-down menu.


For Deployment stage, choose New Stage.


For Stage name, type a name; for example, test.


The input must be UTF-8 encoded (i.e., unlocalized) text.

For Stage description, type a description or leave it blank.


For Deployment description, type a description or leave it blank.


Choose Deploy. After the API is successfully deployed, you see the API's base URL (the default host
name plus the stage name) displayed as Invoke URL at the top of the Stage Editor. The general
pattern of this base URL is For example,
the base URL of the API (beags1mnid) created in the us-west-2 region and deployed to the test
stage is

Test the API in a Deployment Stage
There are several ways you can test a deployed API. For GET requests using only URL path variables or
query string parameters, you can type the API resource URL in a browser. For other methods, you must
use more advanced REST API testing utilities, such as POSTMAN or cURL.

To test the API using cURL

Open a terminal window on your local computer connected to the internet.


To test POST /Seattle?time=evening:
Copy the following cURL command and paste it into the terminal window.
curl -v -X POST \
'' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-H 'day: Thursday' \
-H 'x-amz-docs-region: us-west-2' \
-d '{
"callerName": "John"

You should get a successful response with the following payload:
{"greeting":"Good evening, John of Seattle. Happy Thursday!"}

If you change POST to PUT in this method request, you get the same response.

To test GET /Boston?time=morning:

Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Build an API with Lambda Custom Integration

Copy the following cURL command and paste it into the terminal window.
curl -X GET \
'' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-H 'day: Thursday' \
-H 'x-amz-docs-region: us-west-2' \
-d '{
"callerName": "John"

You get a 400 Bad Request response with the following error message:
{"message": "Invalid request body"}

This is because the GET request that you submitted cannot take a payload and fails the request

Clean Up
If you no longer need the Lambda functions you created for this walkthrough, you can delete them now.
You can also delete the accompanying IAM resources.


If you plan to complete the other walkthroughs in this series, do not delete the Lambda
execution role or the Lambda invocation role. If you delete a Lambda function that your APIs
rely on, those APIs will no longer work. Deleting a Lambda function cannot be undone. If you
want to use the Lambda function again, you must re-create the function.
If you delete an IAM resource that a Lambda function relies on, that Lambda function will
no longer work, and any APIs that rely on that function will no longer work. Deleting an IAM
resource cannot be undone. If you want to use the IAM resource again, you must re-create the

To delete the Lambda functions

Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the AWS Lambda console at https://


From the list of functions, choose GetHelloWorld, choose Actions, and then choose Delete
function. When prompted, choose Delete again.


From the list of functions, choose GetHelloWithName, choose Actions, and then choose Delete
function. When prompted, choose Delete again.

To delete the associated IAM resources

Open the IAM console at


From Details, choose Roles.


From the list of roles, choose APIGatewayLambdaExecRole, choose Role Actions, and then choose
Delete Role. When prompted, choose Yes, Delete.


From Details, choose Policies.


From the list of policies, choose APIGatewayLambdaExecPolicy, choose Policy Actions, and then
choose Delete. When prompted, choose Delete.

You have now reached the end of this walkthrough.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Build an API with HTTP Integrations

Build an API Gateway API with HTTP Integrations
To build an API with HTTP integrations, you can use either the HTTP proxy integration or the HTTP
custom integration. We recommend that you use the HTTP proxy integration, whenever possible, for the
streamlined API set up while providing versatile and powerful features. The HTTP custom integration
can be compelling if it is necessary to transform client request data for the backend or transform the
backend response data for the client.
• Build an API with HTTP Proxy Integration (p. 545)
• Build an API with HTTP Custom Integration (p. 550)

Build an API with HTTP Proxy Integration
HTTP proxy integration is a simple, powerful, and versatile mechanism to build an API that allows a web
application to access multiple resources or features of the integrated HTTP endpoint, for example the
entire website, with a streamlined setup of a single API method. In HTTP proxy integration, API Gateway
passes the client-submitted method request to the backend. The request data that is passed through
includes the request headers, query string parameters, URL path variables, and payload. The backend
HTTP endpoint or the web server parses the incoming request data to determine the response that it
returns. HTTP proxy integration makes the client and backend interact directly with no intervention from
API Gateway after the API method is set up, except for known issues such as unsupported characters,
which are listed in Amazon API Gateway Known Issues (p. 678).
With the all-encompassing proxy resource {proxy+}, and the catch-all ANY verb for the HTTP method,
you can use an HTTP proxy integration to create an API of a single API method. The method exposes the
entire set of the publicly accessible HTTP resources and operations of a website. When the backend web
server opens more resources for public access, the client can use these new resources with the same API
setup. To enable this, the website developer must communicate clearly to the client developer what the
new resources are and what operations are applicable for each of them.
As a quick introduction, the following tutorial demonstrates the HTTP proxy integration. In the tutorial,
we create an API using the API Gateway console to integrate with the PetStore website through a generic
proxy resource {proxy+}, and create the HTTP method placeholder of ANY.
• Create an API with HTTP Proxy Integration Using the API Gateway Console (p. 545)
• Test an API with HTTP Proxy Integration (p. 547)

Create an API with HTTP Proxy Integration Using the API
Gateway Console
The following procedure walks you through the steps to create and test an API with a proxy resource for
an HTTP backend using the API Gateway console. The HTTP backend is the PetStore website (http:// from Build an API with HTTP
Custom Integration (p. 550), in which screenshots are used as visual aids to illustrate the API Gateway
UI elements. If you are new to using the API Gateway console to create an API, you may want to follow
that section first.

To build an API with HTTP proxy integration with the PetStore website through a proxy

Sign in to the API Gateway console at


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Build an API with HTTP Proxy Integration


To create an API, choose Create new API (for creating the first API) or Create API (for creating any
subsequent API). Next, do the following:

Choose New API.


Type a name in API Name.


Optionally, add a brief description in Description.


Choose Create API.

For this tutorial, use ProxyResourceForPetStore for the API name.

To create a child resource, choose a parent resource item under the Resources tree and then choose
Create Resource from the Actions drop-down menu. Then, do the following in the New Child
Resource pane.

Select the Configure as proxy resource option to create a proxy resource. Otherwise, leave it


Type a name in the Resource Name* input text field.


Type a new name or use the default name in the Resource Path* input text field.


Choose Create Resource.


Select Enable API Gateway CORS, if required.

For this tutorial, select Configure as proxy resource. For Resource Name, use the default, proxy.
For Resource Path, use /{proxy+}. Select Enable API Gateway CORS.


To set up the ANY method for integration with the HTTP backend, do the following:

Choose the resource just created and then choose Create Method from the Actions drop-down


Choose ANY from the HTTP method drop-down list and then choose the check mark icon to save
the choice.


Choose HTTP Proxy for Integration type.


Type an HTTP backend resource URL in Endpoint URL.


Use default settings for other fields.


Choose Save to finish configuring the ANY method.

Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Build an API with HTTP Proxy Integration

For this tutorial, use{proxy} for the
Endpoint URL.

In the API just created, the API's proxy resource path of {proxy+} becomes the placeholder of any of
the backend endpoints under For example,
it can be petstore, petstore/pets, and petstore/pets/{petId}. The ANY method serves as a
placeholder for any of the supported HTTP verbs at run time.

Test an API with HTTP Proxy Integration
Whether a particular client request succeeds depends on the following:
• If the backend has made the corresponding backend endpoint available and, if so, has granted the
required access permissions.
• If the client supplies the correct input.
For example, the PetStore API used here does not expose the /petstore resource. As such, you get a
404 Resource Not Found response containing the error message of Cannot GET /petstore.
In addition, the client must be able to handle the output format of the backend in order to parse the
result correctly. API Gateway does not mediate to facilitate interactions between the client and backend.

To test an API integrated with the PetStore website using HTTP proxy integration through
the proxy resource

To use the API Gateway console to test invoking the API, do the following.

Choose ANY on a proxy resource in the Resources tree.


Choose Test in the Method Execution pane.


From the Method drop-down list, choose an HTTP verb supported by the backend.


Under Path, type a specific path for the proxy resource supporting the chosen operation.


If required, type a supported query expression for the chosen operation under the Query
Strings heading.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Build an API with HTTP Proxy Integration


If required, type one or more supported header expressions for the chosen operation under the
Headers heading.


If configured, set the required stage variable values for the chosen operation under the Stage
Variables heading.


If prompted and required, choose an API Gateway-generated client certificate under the Client
Certificate heading to the operation to be authenticated by the back end.


If prompted, type an appropriate request body in the text editor under the Request Body


Choose Test to test invoking the method.

For this tutorial, use GET for Method in place of ANY, use petstore/pets for Path in place of the
proxy resource path ({proxy}), and type=fish for Query Strings.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Build an API with HTTP Proxy Integration


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Build an API with HTTP Custom Integration

Because the backend website supports the GET /petstore/pets?type=fish request, it returns a
successful response similar to the following:


"id": 1,
"type": "fish",
"price": 249.99


"id": 2,
"type": "fish",
"price": 124.99




"id": 3,
"type": "fish",
"price": 0.99

If you try to call GET /petstore, you get a 404 response with an error message of Cannot GET /
petstore. This is because the backend does not support the specified operation. If you call GET /
petstore/pets/1, you get a 200 OK response with the following payload, because the request is
supported by the PetStore website.



"id": 1,
"type": "dog",
"price": 249.99

To use a browser to call a GET method on a specific resource of the API, do the following.

If you have not done so, choose Deploy API from the Actions drop-down menu for the API you
created. Follow the instructions to deploy the API to a specific stage. Note the Invoke URL that
displays on the resulting Stage Editor page. This is the base URL of the API.


To submit a GET request on a specific resource, append the resource path, including possible
query string expressions to the Invoke URL value obtained in the previous step, copy the
complete URL into the address bar of a browser, and choose Enter.

For this tutorial, deploy the API to a test stage and append petstore/pets?type=fish
to the API's Invoke URL. This produces a URL of
The result should be the same as returned when you use TestInvoke from the API Gateway

Build an API with HTTP Custom Integration
In this tutorial, you create an API from scratch using the Amazon API Gateway console. You can think of
the console as an API design studio and use it to scope the API features, to experiment with its behaviors,
to build the API, and to deploy your API in stages.
• Create the API with HTTP Custom Integration (p. 551)


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Build an API with HTTP Custom Integration

• Map Request Parameters for an API Gateway API (p. 559)
• Map Response Payload (p. 567)

Create the API with HTTP Custom Integration
This section walks you through the steps to create resources, expose methods on a resource, configure a
method to achieve the desired API behaviors, and to test and deploy the API.

Sign in to the API Gateway console at


To create an API, choose Create new API (for creating the first API) or Create API (for creating any
subsequent API). Next, do the following:

Choose New API.


Type a name in API Name.


Optionally, add a brief description in Description.


Choose Create API.

As a result, an empty API is created. The Resources tree shows the root resource (/) without any
methods. In this exercise, we will build the API with the HTTP custom integration of the PetStore
website ( For illustration purposes,
we will create a /pets resource as a child of the root and expose a GET method on this resource for
a client to retrieve a list of available Pets items from the PetStore website.

To create the /pets resource, select the root, choose Actions and then choose Create Resource.
Type Pets in Resource Name, leave the Resource Path value as given, choose Enable API Gateway
CORS, and choose Create Resource.


To expose a GET method on the /pets resource, choose Actions and then Create Method.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Build an API with HTTP Custom Integration

Choose GET from the list under the /pets resource node and choose the check mark icon to finish
creating the method.


Other options for an API method include:
• POST, primarily used to create child resources.
• PUT, primarily used to update existing resources (and, although not recommended, can
be used to create child resources).
• DELETE, used to delete resources.
• PATCH, used to update resources.
• HEAD, primarily used in testing scenarios. It is the same as GET but does not return the
resource representation.
• OPTIONS, which can be used by callers to get information about available
communication options for the target service.
The method created is not yet integrated with the backend. The next step sets this up.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Build an API with HTTP Custom Integration


In the method's Setup pane, select HTTP for Integration type, select GET from the HTTP method
drop-down list, type
as the Endpoint URL value, leave all other settings as default, and then choose Save.


For the integration request's HTTP method, you must choose one supported by the
backend. For HTTP or Mock integration, it makes sense that the method request and
the integration request use the same HTTP verb. For other integration types the method
request will likely use an HTTP verb different from the integration request. For example,
to call a Lambda function, the integration request must use POST to invoke the function,
whereas the method request may use any HTTP verb depending on the logic of the Lambda

When the method setup finishes, you are presented with the Method Execution pane, where you
can further configure the method request to add query string or custom header parameters. You
can also update the integration request to map input data from the method request to the format
required by the back end.
The PetStore website allows you to retrieve a list of Pet items by the pet type (e.g., "Dog" or
"Cat") on a given page. It uses the type and page query string parameters to accept such input.
As such, we must add the query string parameters to the method request and map them into the
corresponding query strings of the integration request.

In the GET method's Method Execution pane, choose Method Request, select AWS_IAM for
Authorization, expand the URL Query String Parameters section, and choose Add query string to
create two query string parameters named type and page. Choose the check mark icon to save each
query string parameter as you add it.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Build an API with HTTP Custom Integration

The client can now supply a pet type and a page number as query string parameters when
submitting a request. These input parameters must be mapped into the integration's query string
parameters to forward the input values to our PetStore website in the backend. Because the method
uses AWS_IAM, you must sign the request to invoke the method.

From the method's Integration Request page, expand the URL Query String Parameters section.
By default, the method request query string parameters are mapped to the like-named integration
request query string parameters. This default mapping works for our demo API. We will leave them
as given. To map a different method request parameter to the corresponding integration request
parameter, choose the pencil icon for the parameter to edit the mapping expression, shown in
the Mapped from column. To map a method request parameter to a different integration request
parameter, first choose the delete icon to remove the existing integration request parameter, choose
Add query string to specify a new name and the desired method request parameter mapping


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Build an API with HTTP Custom Integration

This completes building the simple demo API. It's time to test the API.

To test the API using the API Gateway console, choose Test on the Method Execution pane for the
GET /pets method. In the Method Test pane, enter Dog and 2 for the type and page query strings,
respectively, and then choose Test.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Build an API with HTTP Custom Integration

The result is shown as follows. (You may need to scroll down to see the test result.)


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Build an API with HTTP Custom Integration

Now that the test is successful, we can deploy the API to make it publicly available.

To deploy the API, select the API and then choose Deploy API from the Actions drop-down menu.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Build an API with HTTP Custom Integration

In the Deploy API dialog, choose a stage (or [New Stage] for the API's first deployment); enter a
name (e.g., "test", "prod", "dev", etc.) in the Stage name input field; optionally, provide a description
in Stage description and/or Deployment description; and then choose Deploy.

Once deployed, you can obtain the invocation URLs (Invoke URL) of the API's endpoints.
If the GET method supported open access, (i.e., if the method's authorization type were set to
NONE) you could double-click the Invoke URL link to invoke the method in your default browser. If

Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Build an API with HTTP Custom Integration

needed, you could also append necessary query string parameters to the invocation URL. With the
AWS_IAM authorization type described here, you must sign the request with an access key ID and the
corresponding secret key of an IAM user of your AWS account. To do this, you must use a client that
supports the Signature Version 4 (SigV4) protocols. An example of such a client is an app that uses
one of the AWS SDKs or the Postman application or cURL commands. To call a POST, PUT, or PATCH
method that take a payload, you also need to use such a client to handle the payload.
To invoke this API method in the Postman, append the query string parameters to the stage-specific
method invocation URL (as shown in the previous image) to create the complete method request

Specify this URL in the address bar of the browser. Choose GET as the HTTP verb. Select AWS
Signature for the Type option under the Authorization tab, and then specify the following required
properties before sending the request:
• For AccessKey, type the caller's AWS access key, as provisioned from AWS IAM.
• For SecretKey, type the caller's AWS secret key, as provisioned from AWS IAM when the access key
was first created.
• For AWS Region, type the API-hosting AWS Region, as specified in the invocation URL.
• For Service Name, type execute-api, for the API Gateway execution service.
If you use an SDK to create a client, you can call the methods exposed by the SDK to sign the
request. For implementation details, see the AWS SDK of your choosing.


When changes are made to your API, you must redeploy the API to make the new or
updated features available before invoking the request URL again.

Map Request Parameters for an API Gateway API
In this walkthrough, we describe how to map method request parameters to the corresponding
integration request parameters for an API Gateway API. We create an example API with the HTTP custom
integration and use it to demonstrate how to use API Gateway to map a method request parameter to
the corresponding integration request parameter. We then access the following publicly accessible HTTP

If you copy the above URL, paste it into the address bar of a web browser, and press Enter or Return,
you get the following JSON-formatted response body:


"id": 1,
"type": "dog",
"price": 249.99


"id": 2,
"type": "cat",
"price": 124.99


"id": 3,


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Build an API with HTTP Custom Integration



"type": "fish",
"price": 0.99

The preceding endpoint can take two query parameters: type and page. For example, change the URL to
the following:

You receive the following JSON-formatted response payload, displaying page 2 of only the cats:


"id": 4,
"type": "cat",
"price": 999.99


"id": 5,
"type": "cat",
"price": 249.99




"id": 6,
"type": "cat",
"price": 49.97

This endpoint also supports the use of an item ID, as expressed by a URL path parameter. For example,
browse to the following:

The following JSON-formatted information about the item with an ID of 1 is displayed:


"id": 1,
"type": "dog",
"price": 249.99

In addition to supporting GET operations, this endpoint takes POST requests with a payload. For
example, use Postman to send a POST method request to the following:

Include the header Content-type: application/json and the following request body:

"type": "dog",
"price": 249.99

You receive the following JSON object in the response body:


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Build an API with HTTP Custom Integration


"pet": {
"type": "dog",
"price": 249.99
"message": "success"


We now expose these and other features by building an API Gateway API with the HTTP custom
integration of this PetStore website. The tasks include the following:
• Create an API with a resource of acting as a proxy to the HTTP endpoint
• Enable the API to accept two method request query parameters of petType and petsPage, map
them to the type and page query parameters of the integration request, respectively, and pass the
request to the HTTP endpoint.
• Support a path parameter of {petId} on the API's method request URL to specify an item ID, map
it to the {id} path parameter in the integration request URL, and send the request to the HTTP
• Enable the method request to accept the JSON payload of the format defined by the backend website,
and pass the payload without modification through the integration request to the backend HTTP
• Prerequisites (p. 561)
• Step 1: Create Resources (p. 561)
• Step 2: Create and Test the Methods (p. 562)
• Step 3: Deploy the API (p. 565)
• Step 4: Test the API (p. 565)
• Next Steps (p. 567)


Pay attention to the casing used in the steps of this walkthrough. Typing a lowercase letter
instead of an uppercase letter (or vice versa) can cause errors later in the walkthrough.

Before you begin this walkthrough, you should do the following:

Complete the steps in Get Ready to Build an API Gateway API (p. 513), including assigning API
Gateway access permission to the IAM user.


At a minimum, follow the steps in Build an API with HTTP Custom Integration (p. 550) to create a
new API named MyDemoAPI in the API Gateway console.

Step 1: Create Resources
In this step, you create three resources that enable the API to interact with the HTTP endpoint.

To create the first resource

In the Resources pane, select the resource root, as represented by a single forward slash (/), and
then choose Create Resource from the Actions drop-down menu.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Build an API with HTTP Custom Integration


For Resource Name, type petstorewalkthrough.


For Resource Path, accept the default of /petstorewalkthrough, and then choose Create Resource.

To create the second resource

In the Resources pane, choose /petstorewalkthrough, and then choose Create Resource.


For Resource Name, type pets.


For Resource Path, accept the default of /petstorewalkthrough/pets, and then choose Create

To create the third resource

In the Resources pane, choose /petstorewalkthrough/pets, and then choose Create Resource.


For Resource Name, type petId. This maps to the item ID in the HTTP endpoint.


For Resource Path, overwrite petid with {petId}. Use curly braces ({ }) around petId so that /
petstorewalkthrough/pets/{petId} is displayed, and then choose Create Resource.
This maps to /petstore/pets/my-item-id in the HTTP endpoint.

Step 2: Create and Test the Methods
In this step, you integrate the methods with the backend HTTP endpoints, map the GET method request
parameters to the corresponding integration request parameters, and then test the methods.

To set up and test the first GET method
This procedure demonstrates the following:
• Create and integrate the method request of GET /petstorewalkthrough/pets with the
integration request of GET
• Map the method request query parameters of petType and petsPage to the integration request
query string parameters of type and page, respectively.

In the Resources pane, choose /petstorewalkthrough/pets, choose Create Method from the
Actions menu, and then choose GET under /pets from the drop-down list of the method names.


In the /petstorewalkthrough/pets - GET - Setup pane, choose HTTP for Integration type and
choose GET for HTTP method.


For Endpoint URL, type


Choose Save.


In the Method Execution pane, choose Method Request, and then choose the arrow next to URL
Query String Parameters.


Choose Add query string.


For Name, type petType.
This specifies the petType query parameter in the API's method request.


Choose the check mark icon to finish creating the method request URL query string parameter.


Choose Add query string again.

10. For Name, type petsPage.

Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Build an API with HTTP Custom Integration

This specifies the petsPage query parameter in the API's method request.
11. Choose the check mark icon to finish creating the method request URL query string parameter.
12. Choose Method Execution, choose Integration Request, and then choose the arrow next to URL
Query String Parameters.
13. Delete the petType entry mapped from method.request.querystring.petType and the
petsPage entry mapped from method.request.querystring.petsPage. You perform this step
because the endpoint requires query string parameters named type and page for the request URL,
instead of the default values.
14. Choose Add query string.
15. For Name, type type. This creates the required query string parameter for the integration request
16. For Mapped from, type method.request.querystring.petType.
This maps the method request's petType query parameter to the integration request's type query
17. Choose the check mark icon to finish creating the integration request URL query string parameter.
18. Choose Add query string again.
19. For Name, type page. This creates the required query string parameter for the integration request
20. For Mapped from, type method.request.querystring.petsPage.
This maps the method request's petsPage query parameter to the integration request's page query
21. Choose the check mark icon to finish creating the integration request URL query string parameter.
22. Choose Method Execution. In the Client box, choose TEST. In the Query Strings area, for petType,
type cat. For petsPage, type 2.
23. Choose Test. If successful, Response Body displays the following:


"id": 4,
"type": "cat",
"price": 999.99


"id": 5,
"type": "cat",
"price": 249.99




"id": 6,
"type": "cat",
"price": 49.97

To set up and test the second GET method
This procedure demonstrates the following:
• Create and integrate the method request of GET /petstorewalkthrough/pets/{petId} with the
integration request of GET


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Build an API with HTTP Custom Integration

• Map the method request path parameters of petId to the integration request path parameters of id.

In the Resources list, choose /petstorewalkthrough/pets/{petId}, choose Create Method from the
Actions drop-down menu, and then choose GET as the HTTP verb for the method.


In the Setup pane, choose HTTP for Integration type and choose GET for HTTP method.


For Endpoint URL, type


Choose Save.


In the Method Execution pane, choose Integration Request, and then choose the arrow next to URL
Path Parameters.


Choose Add path.


For Name, type id.


For Mapped from, type method.request.path.petId.
This maps the method request's path parameter of petId to the integration request's path
parameter of id.


Choose the check mark icon to finish creating the URL path parameter.

10. Choose Method Execution, and in the Client box, choose TEST. In the Path area, for petId, type 1.
11. Choose Test. If successful, Response Body displays the following:


"id": 1,
"type": "dog",
"price": 249.99

To set up and test the POST method
This procedure demonstrates the following:
• Create and integrate the method request of POST /petstorewalkthrough/pets with the
integration request of POST
• Pass the method request JSON payload through to the integration request payload, without

In the Resources pane, choose /petstorewalkthrough/pets, choose Create Method from the
Actions drop-down menu, and then choose POST as the HTTP verb for the method.


In the Setup pane, choose HTTP for Integration type and choose POST for HTTP method.


For Endpoint URL, type


Choose Save.


In the Method Execution pane, in the Client box, choose TEST. Expand Request Body, and then type
the following:

"type": "dog",
"price": 249.99


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Build an API with HTTP Custom Integration


Choose Test. If successful, Response Body displays the following:


"pet": {
"type": "dog",
"price": 249.99
"message": "success"

Step 3: Deploy the API
In this step, you deploy the API so that you can begin calling it outside of the API Gateway console.

To deploy the API

In the Resources pane, choose Deploy API.


For Deployment stage, choose test.


The input must be UTF-8 encoded (i.e., unlocalized) text.

For Deployment description, type Calling HTTP endpoint walkthrough.


Choose Deploy.

Step 4: Test the API
In this step, you go outside of the API Gateway console and use your API to access the HTTP endpoint.

In the Stage Editor pane, next to Invoke URL, copy the URL to the clipboard. It should look
something like this:


Paste this URL in the address box of a new browser tab.


Append /petstorewalkthrough/pets so that it looks like this:

Browse to the URL. The following information should be displayed:


"id": 1,
"type": "dog",
"price": 249.99


"id": 2,
"type": "cat",
"price": 124.99



"id": 3,
"type": "fish",
"price": 0.99


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Build an API with HTTP Custom Integration


After petstorewalkthrough/pets, type ?petType=cat&petsPage=2 so that it looks like this:


Browse to the URL. The following information should be displayed:


"id": 4,
"type": "cat",
"price": 999.99


"id": 5,
"type": "cat",
"price": 249.99





"id": 6,
"type": "cat",
"price": 49.97

After petstorewalkthrough/pets, replace ?petType=cat&petsPage=2 with /1 so that it looks
like this:


Browse to the URL. The following information should be displayed:



"id": 1,
"type": "dog",
"price": 249.99

Using a web debugging proxy tool or the cURL command-line tool, send a POST method request to
the URL from the previous procedure. Append /petstorewalkthrough/pets so that it looks like

Append the following header:
Content-Type: application/json

Add the following code to the request body:

"type": "dog",
"price": 249.99

For example, if you use the cURL command-line tool, run a command similar to the following:

Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Build an API with HTTP Custom Integration

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d "{\"type\": \"dog\",
\"price\": 249.99}"

The following information should be returned in the response body:


"pet": {
"type": "dog",
"price": 249.99
"message": "success"

You have reached the end of this walkthrough.

Next Steps
The next walkthrough shows how to use models and mappings in API Gateway to transform the output
of an API call from one data format to another. See Map Response Payload (p. 567).

Map Response Payload
In this walkthrough, we show how to use models and mapping templates in API Gateway to transform
the output of an API call from one data schema to another. This walkthrough builds on the instructions
and concepts in the Getting Started with REST APIs in Amazon API Gateway (p. 513) and the
Map Request Parameters for an API Gateway API (p. 559). If you have not yet completed those
walkthroughs, we suggest you do them first.
This walkthrough uses API Gateway to get example data from a publicly accessible HTTP endpoint and
from an AWS Lambda function you create. Both the HTTP endpoint and the Lambda function return the
same example data:


"id": 1,
"type": "dog",
"price": 249.99


"id": 2,
"type": "cat",
"price": 124.99




"id": 3,
"type": "fish",
"price": 0.99

You will use models and mapping templates to transform this data to one or more output formats. In API
Gateway, a model defines the format, also known as the schema or shape, of some data. In API Gateway,
a mapping template is used to transform some data from one format to another. For more information,
see Create Models and Mapping Templates for Request and Response Mappings (p. 133).
The first model and mapping template is used to rename id to number, type to class, and price to
salesPrice, as follows:


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Build an API with HTTP Custom Integration



"number": 1,
"class": "dog",
"salesPrice": 249.99


"number": 2,
"class": "cat",
"salesPrice": 124.99




"number": 3,
"class": "fish",
"salesPrice": 0.99

The second model and mapping template is used to combine id and type into description, and to
rename price to askingPrice, as follows:


"description": "Item 1 is a dog.",
"askingPrice": 249.99


"description": "Item 2 is a cat.",
"askingPrice": 124.99




"description": "Item 3 is a fish.",
"askingPrice": 0.99

The third model and mapping template is used to combine id, type, and price into a set of listings,
as follows:


"listings": [
"Item 1 is a dog. The asking price is 249.99.",
"Item 2 is a cat. The asking price is 124.99.",
"Item 3 is a fish. The asking price is 0.99."

• Step 1: Create Models (p. 569)
• Step 2: Create Resources (p. 570)
• Step 3: Create GET Methods (p. 571)
• Step 4: Create a Lambda Function (p. 572)
• Step 5: Set up and Test the Methods (p. 573)
• Step 6: Deploy the API (p. 576)
• Step 7: Test the API (p. 576)
• Step 8: Clean Up (p. 578)


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Build an API with HTTP Custom Integration

• Next Steps (p. 578)

Step 1: Create Models
In this step, you create four models. The first three models represent the data output formats for use
with the HTTP endpoint and the Lambda function. The last model represents the data input schema for
use with the Lambda function.

To create the first output model

Sign in to the API Gateway console at


If MyDemoAPI is displayed, choose Models.


Choose Create.


For Model name, type PetsModelNoFlatten.


For Content type, type application/json.


For Model description, type Changes id to number, type to class, and price to


For Model schema, type the following JSON Schema-compatible definition:



"$schema": "",
"title": "PetsModelNoFlatten",
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"number": { "type": "integer" },
"class": { "type": "string" },
"salesPrice": { "type": "number" }

Choose Create model.

To create the second output model

Choose Create.


For Model name, type PetsModelFlattenSome.


For Content type, type application/json.


For Model description, type Combines id and type into description, and changes
price to askingPrice.


For Model schema, type the following:

"$schema": "",
"title": "PetsModelFlattenSome",
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"description": { "type": "string" },
"askingPrice": { "type": "number" }


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Build an API with HTTP Custom Integration


Choose Create model.

To create the third output model

Choose Create.


For Model name, type PetsModelFlattenAll.


For Content type, type application/json.


For Model description, type Combines id, type, and price into a set of listings.


For Model schema, type the following:



"$schema": "",
"title": "PetsModelFlattenAll",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"listings": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"

Choose Create model.

To create the input model

Choose Create.


For Model name, type PetsLambdaModel.


For Content type, type application/json.


For Model description, type GetPetsInfo model.


For Model schema, type the following:



"$schema": "",
"title": "PetsLambdaModel",
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"id": { "type": "integer" },
"type": { "type": "string" },
"price": { "type": "number" }

Choose Create model.

Step 2: Create Resources
In this step, you create four resources. The first three resources enable you to get the example data from
the HTTP endpoint in the three output formats. The last resource enables you to get the example data


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Build an API with HTTP Custom Integration

from the Lambda function in the output schema that combines id and type into description and
renames price to askingPrice.

To create the first resource

In the links list, choose Resources.


In the Resources pane, choose /petstorewalkthrough, and then choose Create Resource.


For Resource Name, type NoFlatten.


For Resource Path, accept the default of /petstorewalkthrough/noflatten, and then choose Create

To create the second resource

In the Resources pane, choose /petstorewalkthrough again, and then choose Create Resource.


For Resource Name, type FlattenSome.


For Resource Path, accept the default of /petstorewalkthrough/flattensome, and then choose
Create Resource.

To create the third resource

In the Resources pane, choose /petstorewalkthrough again, and then choose Create Resource.


For Resource Name, type FlattenAll.


For Resource Path, accept the default of /petstorewalkthrough/flattenall, and then choose Create

To create the fourth resource

In the Resources pane, choose /petstorewalkthrough again, and then choose Create Resource.


For Resource Name, type LambdaFlattenSome.


For Resource Path, accept the default of /petstorewalkthrough/lambdaflattensome, and then
choose Create Resource.

Step 3: Create GET Methods
In this step, you create a GET method for each of the resources you created in the previous step.

To create the first GET method

In the Resources list, choose /petstorewalkthrough/flattenall, and then choose Create Method.


From the drop-down list, choose GET, and then choose the check mark icon to save your choice.


In the Setup pane, choose HTTP for the Integration type and GET for HTTP method, type http:// in Endpoint URL, and choose

To create the second GET method

In the Resources list, choose /petstorewalkthrough/lambdaflattensome, and then choose Create


From the drop-down list, choose GET, and then choose the check mark to save your choice.


In the Setup pane, choose Lambda Function for the Integration type, choose the region where you
have created the GetPetsInfo Lambda function (p. 572) from the Lambda Region drop-down


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Build an API with HTTP Custom Integration

list, choose GetPetsInfo for Lambda Function, and choose Save. Choose OK when prompted to
add permission to the Lambda function.

To create the third GET method

In the Resources list, choose /petstorewalkthrough/flattensome, and then choose Create Method.


From the drop-down list, choose GET, and then choose the check mark icon to save your choice.


In the Setup pane, choose HTTP for the Integration type and GET for HTTP method, type http:// in Endpoint URL, and then
choose Save.

To create the fourth GET method

In the Resources list, choose /petstorewalkthrough/noflatten, and then choose Actions, Create


From the drop-down list, choose GET, and then choose the check mark icon to save your choice.


In the Setup pane, choose HTTP for the Integration type and GET for HTTP method, type http:// in Endpoint URL, and then
choose Save.

Step 4: Create a Lambda Function
In this step, you create a Lambda function that returns the sample data.

To create the Lambda function

Open the AWS Lambda console at


Do one of the following:
• If a welcome page appears, choose Get Started Now.
• If the Lambda: Function list page appears, choose Create a Lambda function.


For Name, type GetPetsInfo.


For Description, type Gets information about pets.


For Code template, choose None.


Type the following code:
console.log('Loading event');
exports.handler = function(event, context, callback) {
[{"id": 1, "type": "dog", "price": 249.99},
{"id": 2, "type": "cat", "price": 124.99},
{"id": 3, "type": "fish", "price": 0.99}]); // SUCCESS with message


In the preceding code, written in Node.js, console.log writes information to an
Amazon CloudWatch log. event contains the input to the Lambda function. context
contains calling context. callback returns the result (for Node.js 4.3 and later). For more
information about how to write Lambda function code, see the "Programming Model"
section in AWS Lambda: How it Works and the sample walkthroughs in the AWS Lambda
Developer Guide.

Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Build an API with HTTP Custom Integration


For Handler name, leave the default of index.handler.


For Role, choose the Lambda execution role, APIGatewayLambdaExecRole, you created in the Build
an API Gateway API with Lambda Integration (p. 525).


Choose Create Lambda function.

10. In the list of functions, choose GetPetsInfo to show the function's details.
11. Make a note of the AWS region where you created this function. You need it later.
12. In the pop-up list, choose Edit or test function.
13. For Sample event, replace any code that appears with the following:


The empty curly braces mean that there are no input values for this Lambda function. This
function simply returns the JSON object containing the pets information, so those keyvalue pairs are not required here.
14. Choose Invoke. Execution result shows [{"id":1,"type":"dog","price":249.99},
which is also written to the CloudWatch Logs log files.
15. Choose Go to function list.

Step 5: Set up and Test the Methods
In this step, you configure the method responses, integration requests, and integration responses to
specify the input and output data schemas (or models) for the GET methods associated with the HTTP
endpoint and the Lambda function. You also learn to test calling these methods using the API Gateway

To set up the integration for the first GET method and then test it

From the API's Resources tree, choose GET under the /petstorewalkthrough/flattenall node.


In the Method Execution pane, choose Method Response, and then choose the arrow next to 200.


In the Response Models for 200 area, for application/json, choose the pencil icon to start setting
up the model for the method output. For Models, choose PetsModelFlattenAll, and then choose the
check mark icon to save the setting.


Choose Method Execution, choose Integration Response, and then choose the arrow next to 200.


Expand the Body Mapping Templates section, choose application/json under Content-Type.


For Generate template from model, choose PetsModelFlattenAll to display a mapping template
after the PetsModelFlattenAll model as a starting point.


Modify the mapping template code as follows:
#set($inputRoot = $input.path('$'))
"listings" : [
#foreach($elem in $inputRoot)
"Item number $ is a $elem.type. The asking price is


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Build an API with HTTP Custom Integration


Choose Save.


Choose Method Execution, and in the Client box, choose TEST, and then choose Test. If successful,
Response Body displays the following:


"listings" : [
"Item number 1 is a dog. The asking price is 249.99.",
"Item number 2 is a cat. The asking price is 124.99.",
"Item number 3 is a fish. The asking price is 0.99."

To set up integration for the second GET method and then test it

From the API's Resources tree, choose GET under the /petstorewalkthrough/lambdaflattensome


In Method Execution, choose Method Response. And then choose the arrow next to 200 to expand
the section.


In the Response Models for 200 area, choose the pencil icon on the row for the content type of
application/json. Choose PetsModelFlattenSome for Models, and then choose the check mark icon
to save the choice.


Go back to Method Execution. Choose Integration Response, and then choose the arrow next to


In the Body Mapping Templates section, choose application/json under Content-Type.


For Generate template, choose PetsModelFlattenSome to display the mapping script template for
the output of this method.


Modify the code as follows, and then choose Save:
#set($inputRoot = $input.path('$'))
#foreach($elem in $inputRoot)
"description" : "Item $ is a $elem.type.",
"askingPrice" : $elem.price


Choose Method Execution, and in the Client box, choose TEST, and then choose Test. If successful,
Response Body displays the following:


"description" : "Item 1 is a dog.",
"askingPrice" : 249.99


"description" : "Item 2 is a cat.",
"askingPrice" : 124.99




"description" : "Item 3 is a fish.",
"askingPrice" : 0.99


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Build an API with HTTP Custom Integration

To set up integration for the third GET method and then test it

From the API's Resources tree, choose GET under the /petstorewalkthrough/flattensome node.


In the Method Execution pane, choose Method Response.


Choose the arrow next to 200.


In the Response Models for 200 area, for application/json, choose the pencil icon. For Models,
choose PetsModelFlattenSome, and then choose the check-mark icon to save the choice.


Go back to Method Execution and choose Integration Response.


Choose the arrow next to 200 to expand the section.


Expand the Body Mapping Templates area. Choose application/json for Content-Type. For
Generate template, choose PetsModelFlattenSome to display a mapping script template for the
output of this method.


Modify the code as follows:
#set($inputRoot = $input.path('$'))
#foreach($elem in $inputRoot)
"description": "Item $ is a $elem.type.",
"askingPrice": $elem.price


Choose Save.

10. Go back to Method Execution and choose TEST in the Client box. And then choose Test. If
successful, Response Body displays the following:


"description": "Item 1 is a dog.",
"askingPrice": 249.99


"description": "Item 2 is a cat.",
"askingPrice": 124.99




"description": "Item 3 is a fish.",
"askingPrice": 0.99

To set up integration for the fourth GET method and then test it

From the API's Resources tree, choose GET under the /petstorewalkthrough/noflatten node.


In the Method Execution pane, choose Method Response, and then expand the 200 section.


In the Response Models for 200 area, for application/json, choose the pencil icon to update the
response model for this method.


Choose PetsModelNoFlatten as the model for the content type of application/json, and then
choose the check-mark icon to save the choice.


Choose Method Execution, choose Integration Response, and then choose the arrow next to 200 to
expand the section.

Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Build an API with HTTP Custom Integration


Expand the Mapping Templates section. Choose application/json for Content-Type. For Generate
templates, choose PetsModelNoFlatten to display a mapping script template for the output of this


Modify the code as follows:
#set($inputRoot = $input.path('$'))
#foreach($elem in $inputRoot)
"number": $,
"class": "$elem.type",
"salesPrice": $elem.price


Choose Save.


Go back to Method Execution, and in the Client box, choose TEST, and then choose Test. If
successful, Response Body displays the following:


"number": 1,
"class": "dog",
"salesPrice": 249.99


"number": 2,
"class": "cat",
"salesPrice": 124.99




"number": 3,
"class": "fish",
"salesPrice": 0.99

Step 6: Deploy the API
In this step, you deploy the API so that you can begin calling it outside of the API Gateway console.

To deploy the API

In the Resources pane, choose Deploy API.


For Deployment stage, choose test.


For Deployment description, type Using models and mapping templates walkthrough.


Choose Deploy.

Step 7: Test the API
In this step, you go outside of the API Gateway console to interact with both the HTTP endpoint and the
Lambda function.

In the Stage Editor pane, next to Invoke URL, copy the URL to the clipboard. It should look
something like this:


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Build an API with HTTP Custom Integration


Paste this URL in the address box of a new browser tab.


Append /petstorewalkthrough/noflatten so that it looks like this:

Browse to the URL. The following information should be displayed:


"number": 1,
"class": "dog",
"salesPrice": 249.99


"number": 2,
"class": "cat",
"salesPrice": 124.99




"number": 3,
"class": "fish",
"salesPrice": 0.99


After petstorewalkthrough/, replace noflatten with flattensome.


Browse to the URL. The following information should be displayed:


"description": "Item 1 is a dog.",
"askingPrice": 249.99


"description": "Item 2 is a cat.",
"askingPrice": 124.99




"description": "Item 3 is a fish.",
"askingPrice": 0.99


After petstorewalkthrough/, replace flattensome with flattenall.


Browse to the URL. The following information should be displayed:


"listings" : [
"Item number 1 is a dog. The asking price is 249.99.",
"Item number 2 is a cat. The asking price is 124.99.",
"Item number 3 is a fish. The asking price is 0.99."


After petstorewalkthrough/, replace flattenall with lambdaflattensome.


Browse to the URL. The following information should be displayed:


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Build an API with HTTP Custom Integration



"description" : "Item 1 is a dog.",
"askingPrice" : 249.99


"description" : "Item 2 is a cat.",
"askingPrice" : 124.99




"description" : "Item 3 is a fish.",
"askingPrice" : 0.99

Step 8: Clean Up
If you no longer need the Lambda function you created for this walkthrough, you can delete it now. You
can also delete the accompanying IAM resources.


If you delete a Lambda function your APIs rely on, those APIs will no longer work. Deleting a
Lambda function cannot be undone. If you want to use the Lambda function again, you must recreate the function.
If you delete an IAM resource a Lambda function relies on, the Lambda function and any
APIs that rely on it will no longer work. Deleting an IAM resource cannot be undone. If you
want to use the IAM resource again, you must re-create the resource. If you plan to continue
experimenting with the resources you created for this and the other walkthroughs, do not delete
the Lambda invocation role or the Lambda execution role.
API Gateway does not currently support the deactivation or deletion of APIs that no longer

To delete the Lambda function

Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the AWS Lambda console at https://
On the Lambda: Function list page, in the list of functions, choose the button next to GetPetsInfo,
and then choose Actions, Delete. When prompted, choose Delete again.

To delete the associated IAM resources

Open the IAM console at


In the Details area, choose Roles.
Select APIGatewayLambdaExecRole, and then choose Role Actions, Delete Role. When prompted,
choose Yes, Delete.


In the Details area, choose Policies.
Select APIGatewayLambdaExecPolicy, and then choose Policy Actions, Delete. When prompted,
choose Delete.

You have now reached the end of this walkthrough.

Next Steps
You may want to begin the next walkthrough, which shows you how to create an API Gateway API to
access an AWS service. See Build an API Gateway API with AWS Integration (p. 580).


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Build an API with Private Integration

Build an API with API Gateway Private Integration
You can create an API Gateway API with private integration to provide your customers access to HTTP/
HTTPS resources within your Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC). Such VPC resources are HTTP/
HTTPS endpoints on an EC2 instance behind a network load balancer in the VPC. The network load
balancer encapsulates the VPC resource and routes incoming requests to the targeted resource.
When a client calls the API, API Gateway connects to the network load balancer through the preconfigured VPC link. A VPC link is encapsulated by an API Gateway resource of VpcLink. It is responsible
for forwarding API method requests to the VPC resources and returns backend responses to the caller.
For an API developer, a VpcLink is functionally equivalent to an integration endpoint.
To create an API with private integration, you must create a new VpcLink, or choose an existing one,
that is connected to a network load balancer that targets the desired VPC resources. You must have
appropriate permissions (p. 115) to create and manage a VpcLink. You then set up an API method and
integrate it with the VpcLink by setting either HTTP or HTTP_PROXY as the integration type, setting
VPC_LINK as the integration connection type, and setting the VpcLink identifier on the integration
To quickly get started creating an API to access VPC resources, we walk through the essential steps for
building an API with the private integration, using the API Gateway console. Before creating the API, do
the following:
1. Create a VPC resource, create or choose a network load balancer under your account in the same
region, and add the EC2 instance hosting the resource as a target of the network load balancer. For
more information, see Set up a Network Load Balancer for API Gateway Private Integrations (p. 115).
2. Grant permissions to create the VPC links for private integrations. For more information, see Grant
Permissions to Create a VPC Link (p. 115).
After creating your VPC resource and your network load balancer with your VPC resource configured in
its target groups, follow the instructions below to create an API and integrate it with the VPC resource
via a VpcLink in a private integration.

To create an API with private integration using the API Gateway console

Sign in to the API Gateway console and choose a region; for example, us-west-2, on the navigation


Create a VPC link, if you have not already done so:

From the primary navigation pane, choose VPC Links and then choose + Create.


Under VPC Link, type a name (for example, my-test-vpc-link) in the Name field.


Optionally, give a description of the VPC link in the Description text area.


Choose a network load balancer from the Target NLB drop-down list.
You must have the network load balancer already created in the region you chose for the
network load balancer to be present in the list.


Choose Create to start creating the VPC link.

The initial response returns a VpcLink resource representation with the VPC link ID and a PENDING
status. This is because the operation is asynchronous and takes about 2-4 minutes to complete.
Upon successful completion, the status is AVAILABLE. In the meantime, you can proceed to create
the API.

Choose APIs from the primary navigation pane and then choose + Create API to create a new API of
either an edge-optimized or regional endpoint type.

Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Build an API with AWS Integration


For the root resource (/), choose Create Method from the Actions drop-down menu, and then
choose GET.
In the / GET - Setup pane, initialize the API method integration as follows:

Choose VPC Link for Integration type.
Choose Use Proxy Integration.


From the Method drop-down list, choose GET as the integration method.


From the VPC Link drop-down list, choose [Use Stage Variables] and type
${stageVariables.vpcLinkId} in the text box below.
We will define the vpcLinkId stage variable after deploying the API to a stage and set its value
to the ID of the VpcLink created in Step 1.


Type a URL, for example,, for Endpoint URL.
Here, the host name (for example, is used to set the Host header of the
integration request.


Leave the Use Default Timeout selection as-is, unless you want to customize the integration


Choose Save to finish setting up the integration.
With the proxy integration, the API is ready for deployment. Otherwise, you need to proceed to
set up appropriate method responses and integration responses.



From the Actions drop-down menu, choose Deploy API and then choose a new or existing stage
to deploy the API.
Note the resulting Invoke URL. You need it to invoke the API. Before doing that, you must set up
the vpcLinkId stage variable.
In the Stage Editor, choose the Stage Variables tab and choose Add Stage Variable.
i. Under the Name column, type vpcLinkId.
ii. Under the Value column, type the ID of VPC_LINK, for example, gix6s7.
iii. Choose the check-mark icon to save this stage variable.
Using the stage variable, you can easily switch to different VPC links for the API by
changing the stage variable value.
This completes creating the API. You can test invoking the API as with other integrations.

Build an API Gateway API with AWS Integration
Both the Build an API Gateway API with Lambda Proxy Integration (p. 525) and Build an API Gateway
API with Lambda Integration (p. 525) topics describe how to create an API Gateway API to expose
the integrated Lambda function. In addition, you can create an API Gateway API to expose other AWS
services, such as Amazon SNS, Amazon S3, Amazon Kinesis, and even AWS Lambda. This is made possible
by the AWS integration. The Lambda integration or the Lambda proxy integration is a special case, where
the Lambda function invocation is exposed through the API Gateway API.
All AWS services support dedicated APIs to expose their features. However, the application protocols
or programming interfaces are likely to differ from service to service. An API Gateway API with the AWS
integration has the advantage of providing a consistent application protocol for your client to access
different AWS services.
In this walkthrough, we create an API to expose Amazon SNS. For more examples of integrating an API
with other AWS services, see REST API Samples and Tutorials (p. 586).


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide

Unlike the Lambda proxy integration, there is no corresponding proxy integration for other AWS services.
Hence, an API method is integrated with a single AWS action. For more flexibility, similar to the proxy
integration, you can set up a Lambda proxy integration. The Lambda function then parses and processes
requests for other AWS actions.
API Gateway does not retry when the endpoint times out. The API caller must implement retry logic to
handle endpoint timeouts.
This walkthrough builds on the instructions and concepts in Build an API Gateway API with Lambda
Integration (p. 525).If you have not yet completed that walkthrough, we suggest that you do it first.
• Prerequisites (p. 581)
• Step 1: Create the Resource (p. 581)
• Step 2: Create the GET Method (p. 582)
• Step 3: Create the AWS Service Proxy Execution Role (p. 582)
• Step 4: Specify Method Settings and Test the Method (p. 583)
• Step 5: Deploy the API (p. 584)
• Step 6: Test the API (p. 584)
• Step 7: Clean Up (p. 585)

Before you begin this walkthrough, do the following:

Complete the steps in Get Ready to Build an API Gateway API (p. 513).


Ensure that the IAM user has access to create policies and roles in IAM. You need to create an IAM
policy and role in this walkthrough.


Create a new API named MyDemoAPI. For more information, see Build an API with HTTP Custom
Integration (p. 550).


Deploy the API at least once to a stage named test. For more information, see Deploy the
API (p. 543) in Build an API Gateway API with Lambda Integration (p. 525).


Complete the rest of the steps in Build an API Gateway API with Lambda Integration (p. 525).


Create at least one topic in Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS). You will use the
deployed API to get a list of topics in Amazon SNS that are associated with your AWS account. To
learn how to create a topic in Amazon SNS, see Create a Topic. (You do not need to copy the topic
ARN mentioned in step 5.)

Step 1: Create the Resource
In this step, you create a resource that enables the AWS service proxy to interact with the AWS service.

To create the resource

Sign in to the API Gateway console at


If MyDemoAPI is displayed, choose Resources.


In the Resources pane, choose the resource root, represented by a single forward slash (/), and then
choose Create Resource.


For Resource Name, type MyDemoAWSProxy, and then choose Create Resource.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Step 2: Create the GET Method

Step 2: Create the GET Method
In this step, you create a GET method that enables the AWS service proxy to interact with the AWS

To create the GET method

In the Resources pane, choose /mydemoawsproxy, and then choose Create Method.


For the HTTP method, choose GET, and then save your choice.

Step 3: Create the AWS Service Proxy Execution Role
In this step, you create an IAM role that your AWS service proxy uses to interact with the AWS service.
We call this IAM role an AWS service proxy execution role. Without this role, API Gateway cannot interact
with the AWS service. In later steps, you specify this role in the settings for the GET method you just

To create the AWS service proxy execution role and its policy

Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the IAM console at https://


Choose Policies.


Do one of the following:
• If the Welcome to Managed Policies page appears, choose Get Started, and then choose Create
• If a list of policies appears, choose Create Policy.


Next to Create Your Own Policy, choose Select.


For Policy Name, type a name for the policy (for example, APIGatewayAWSProxyExecPolicy).


For Description, type Enables API Gateway to call AWS services.


For Policy Document, type the following, and then choose Create Policy.


"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": [
"Action": [

This policy document allows the caller to get a list of the Amazon SNS topics for the AWS account.

Choose Roles.


Choose Create Role.

10. Choose AWS Service under Select role type and then choose API Gateway.
11. Choose Next: Permissions.

Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Step 4: Specify Method Settings and Test the Method

12. Choose Next: Review.
13. For Role Name, type a name for the execution role (for example, APIGatewayAWSProxyExecRole),
optionally type a description for this role, and then choose Create role.
14. In the Roles list, choose the role you just created. You may need to scroll down the list.
15. For the selected role, choose Attach policy.
16. Select the check box next to the policy you created earlier (for example,
APIGatewayAWSProxyExecPolicy) and choose Attach policy.
17. The role you just created has the following trust relationship that enables API Gateway assume to
role for any actions permitted by the attached policies:


"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"Service": ""
"Action": "sts:AssumeRole"

For Role ARN, note of the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the execution role. You
need it later. The ARN should look similar to: arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/
APIGatewayAWSProxyExecRole, where 123456789012 is your AWS account ID.

Step 4: Specify Method Settings and Test the Method
In this step, you specify the settings for the GET method so that it can interact with an AWS service
through an AWS service proxy. You then test the method.

To specify settings for the GET method and then test it

In the API Gateway console, in the Resources pane for the API named MyDemoAPI, in /
mydemoawsproxy, choose GET.


In the Setup pane, for Integration type, choose Show advanced, and then choose AWS Service


For AWS Region, choose the name of the AWS Region where you want to get the Amazon SNS


For AWS Service, choose SNS.


For HTTP method, choose GET.


For Action, type ListTopics.


For Execution Role, type the ARN for the execution role.


Leave Path Override blank.


Choose Save.

10. In the Method Execution pane, in the Client box, choose TEST, and then choose Test. If successful,
Response Body displays a response similar to the following:


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Step 5: Deploy the API


"ListTopicsResponse": {
"ListTopicsResult": {
"NextToken": null,
"Topics": [
"TopicArn": "arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:80398EXAMPLE:MySNSTopic-1"
"TopicArn": "arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:80398EXAMPLE:MySNSTopic-2"
"TopicArn": "arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:80398EXAMPLE:MySNSTopic-N"
"ResponseMetadata": {
"RequestId": "abc1de23-45fa-6789-b0c1-d2e345fa6b78"

Step 5: Deploy the API
In this step, you deploy the API so that you can call it from outside of the API Gateway console.

To deploy the API

In the Resources pane, choose Deploy API.


For Deployment stage, choose test.


For Deployment description, type Calling AWS service proxy walkthrough.


Choose Deploy.

Step 6: Test the API
In this step, you go outside of the API Gateway console and use your AWS service proxy to interact with
the Amazon SNS service.

In the Stage Editor pane, next to Invoke URL, copy the URL to the clipboard. It should look like this:


Paste the URL into the address box of a new browser tab.


Append /mydemoawsproxy so that it looks like this:

Browse to the URL. Information similar to the following should be displayed:
{"ListTopicsResponse":{"ListTopicsResult":{"NextToken": null,"Topics":
[{"TopicArn": "arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:80398EXAMPLE:MySNSTopic-1"},{"TopicArn":


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Step 7: Clean Up

Step 7: Clean Up
You can delete the IAM resources the AWS service proxy needs to work.


If you delete an IAM resource an AWS service proxy relies on, that AWS service proxy and any
APIs that rely on it will no longer work. Deleting an IAM resource cannot be undone. If you want
to use the IAM resource again, you must re-create it.

To delete the associated IAM resources

Open the IAM console at


In the Details area, choose Roles.


Select APIGatewayAWSProxyExecRole, and then choose Role Actions, Delete Role. When
prompted, choose Yes, Delete.


In the Details area, choose Policies.


Select APIGatewayAWSProxyExecPolicy, and then choose Policy Actions, Delete. When prompted,
choose Delete.

You have reached the end of this walkthrough. For more detailed discussions about creating API as
an AWS service proxy, see Create a REST API as an Amazon S3 Proxy in API Gateway (p. 608), Create
a REST API for AWS Lambda Functions in API Gateway (p. 586), or Create a REST API as an Amazon
Kinesis Proxy in API Gateway (p. 634).


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create a REST API for Lambda Functions

Samples and Tutorials
The following tutorials provide hands-on exercises to help you learn about API Gateway.
• Create a REST API for AWS Lambda Functions in API Gateway (p. 586)
• Create a REST API as an Amazon S3 Proxy in API Gateway (p. 608)
• Create a REST API as an Amazon Kinesis Proxy in API Gateway (p. 634)

Create a REST API for AWS Lambda Functions in
API Gateway

To integrate your REST API with Lambda, you must choose a region where both the API Gateway
and Lambda services are available. For region availability, see Regions and Endpoints.
In the Getting Started (p. 525) section, you learned how to use the API Gateway console to build an API
to expose a Lambda function. There, the console let you choose Lambda Function for Integration
type, among other options of HTTP, Mock and AWS Service. The Lambda Function option is a
special case of the AWS Service integration type and simplifies the integration set-up for you with
default settings. For example, with the former, the console automatically adds the required resourcebased permissions for invoking the Lambda function. With the latter, you have more control, but more
responsibilities to set up the integration, including creating and specifying an IAM role containing
appropriate permissions. For the both options, the underlying integration.type is AWS in the API Gateway
REST API and its OpenAPI definition file.
In this section, we walk you through the steps to integrate an API with a Lambda function using
the AWS Service and Lambda Function integration types. To support asynchronous invocation
of the Lambda function, you must explicitly add the X-Amz-Invocation-Type:Event header to
the integration request. For the synchronous invocation, you can add the X-Amz-InvocationType:RequestResponse header to the integration request or leave it unspecified. The following
example shows the integration request of an asynchronous Lambda function invocation:

POST /2015-03-31/functions/FunctionArn/invocations?Qualifier=Qualifier HTTP/1.1
X-Amz-Invocation-Type: Event
Authorization: ...
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: PayloadSize

In this example, FunctionArn is the ARN of the Lambda function to be invoked. The Authorization
header is required by secure invocation of Lambda functions over HTTPS. For more information, see the
Invoke action in the AWS Lambda Developer Guide.
To illustrate how to create and configure an API as an AWS service proxy for Lambda, we will create a
Lambda function (Calc) that performs addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), and division (/).


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create a REST API for Lambda Functions

When a client submits a method request to perform any of these operations, API Gateway will post the
corresponding integration request to call the specified Lambda function, passing the required input (two
operands and one operator) as a JSON payload. A synchronous call will return the result, if any, as the
JSON payload. An asynchronous call will return no data.
You can expose a GET or POST method on the /calc resource to invoke the Lambda function. With the
GET method, a client supplies the input to the backend Lambda function through three query string
parameters (operand1, operand2, and operator). You will set up a mapping template to map these to
the JSON payload of the integration request. With the POST method, a client provides the input to the
Lambda function as a JSON payload of the method request. You can pass the method request payload
through to the integration request, if the client input conforms to the input model. Alternatively, you
can expose a GET method on the /calc/{operand1}/{operand2}/{operator} resource. With
this method, the client specifies the Lambda function input as the values of the path parameters. You
will need to provide a mapping template to translate the path parameters of the method request into
an integration request payload as the Lambda function input and to translate the output from the
integration responses to the method response.
In this tutorial, we will cover the following topics:
• Create the Calc Lambda function to implement the arithmetic operations, accepting and returning
JSON-formatted input and output.
• Expose GET on the /calc resource to invoke the Lambda function, supplying the input as query
strings. We will enable a request validator to ensure that the client submit all the required query string
parameters before API Gateway calling the Lambda function.
• Expose POST on the /calc resource to invoke the Lambda function, supplying the input in the
payload. We will enable a request validator to ensure that the client submitted the valid request
payload before API Gateway call the Lambda function.
• Expose GET on the /calc/{operand1}/{operand2}/{operator} resource to invoke the Lambda
function, specifying the input in the path parameters. We also explain how to define a Result schema
to model the method response body so that any strongly typed SDK of the API can access the method
response data through properties defined in the Result schema.
You can inspect the sample API in its OpenAPI definition file (p. 604). You can also import the API
OpenAPI definitions to API Gateway, following the instructions given in Import a REST API into API
Gateway (p. 213).
To use the API Gateway console to create the API, you must first sign up for an AWS account.
If you do not have an AWS account, use the following procedure to create one.

To sign up for AWS

Open, and then choose Create an AWS Account.



If you previously signed in to the AWS Management Console using AWS account root user
credentials, choose Sign in to a different account. If you previously signed in to the console
using IAM credentials, choose Sign-in using root account credentials. Then choose Create
a new AWS account.
Follow the online instructions.
Part of the sign-up procedure involves receiving a phone call and entering a verification code using
the phone keypad.

To allow the API to invoke Lambda functions, you must have an IAM role that has appropriate IAM
policies attached to it. The next section describes how to verify and to create, if necessary, the required
IAM role and policies.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set Up an IAM Role and Policy for
an API to Invoke Lambda Functions

• Set Up an IAM Role and Policy for an API to Invoke Lambda Functions (p. 588)
• Create a Lambda Function in the Backend (p. 590)
• Create API Resources for the Lambda Function (p. 591)
• Create a GET Method with Query Parameters to Call the Lambda Function (p. 591)
• Create a POST Method with a JSON Payload to Call the Lambda Function (p. 596)
• Create a GET Method with Path Parameters to Call the Lambda Function (p. 599)
• OpenAPI Definitions of Sample API Integrated with a Lambda Function (p. 604)

Set Up an IAM Role and Policy for an API to Invoke
Lambda Functions
For API Gateway to invoke a Lambda function, the API must have a permission to call the Lambda's
InvokeFunction action. This means that, at minimum, you must attach the following IAM policy to an IAM
role for API Gateway to assume the policy.



"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "lambda:InvokeFunction",
"Resource": "*"

If you do not enact this policy, the API caller will receive a 500 Internal Server Error response. The
response contains the "Invalid permissions on Lambda function" error message. For a complete list of
error messages returned by Lambda, see the Invoke topic.
An API Gateway assumable role is an IAM role with the following trusted relationship:



"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"Service": ""
"Action": "sts:AssumeRole"

Here's how to create the IAM role you'll need for this tutorial:

Go to the IAM console.


Choose Roles.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set Up an IAM Role and Policy for
an API to Invoke Lambda Functions


Choose Create Role.


Under Select type of trusted entity, choose AWS Service.


Under Choose the service that will use this role, choose Lambda.


Choose Next: Permissions.


Choose Create Policy.
A new Create Policy console window will open up. In that window, do the following:

In the JSON tab, replace the existing policy with the following:





"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "lambda:InvokeFunction",
"Resource": "*"


Choose Review policy.


Under Review Policy, do the following:

For Name, type a name such as lambda_execute.


Choose Create Policy.

In the original Create Role console window, do the following:

Under Attach permissions policies, choose your lambda_execute policy from the dropdown


Choose Next:Review.


For the Role name, type a name such as lambda_invoke_function_assume_apigw_role.


Choose Create role.

Choose your lambda_invoke_function_assume_apigw_role from the list of roles.

10. Choose the Trust relationships tab.
11. Choose Edit trust relationship.
12. Replace the existing policy with the following:



"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"Service": [
"Action": "sts:AssumeRole"


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create a Lambda Function in the Backend

13. Choose Update Trust Policy.
14. Make a note of the role ARN for the role you just created. You'll need it later.

Create a Lambda Function in the Backend
The following procedure outlines the steps to create a Lambda function using the Lambda console.

Go to the Lambda console.


Choose Create function.


Choose Author from Scratch.


For Name, type Calc.


Leave the Runtime set to Node.js 6.10.


Copy the following Lambda function and paste it into the code editor in the Lambda console.
console.log('Loading the Calc function');
exports.handler = function(event, context, callback) {
console.log('Received event:', JSON.stringify(event, null, 2));
if (event.a === undefined || event.b === undefined || event.op === undefined) {
callback("400 Invalid Input");
var res = {};
res.a = Number(event.a);
res.b = Number(event.b);
res.op = event.op;
if (isNaN(event.a) || isNaN(event.b)) {
callback("400 Invalid Operand");



case "+":
case "add":
res.c = res.a + res.b;
case "-":
case "sub":
res.c = res.a - res.b;
case "*":
case "mul":
res.c = res.a * res.b;
case "/":
case "div":
res.c = res.b===0 ? NaN : Number(event.a) / Number(event.b);
callback("400 Invalid Operator");
callback(null, res);

Choose an existing or create a new IAM role


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create API Resources for the Lambda Function


Choose Save.

This function requires two operands (a and b) and an operator (op) from the event input parameter. The
input is a JSON object of the following format:



"a": "Number" | "String",
"b": "Number" | "String",
"op": "String"

This function returns the calculated result (c) and the input. For an invalid input, the function returns
either the null value or the "Invalid op" string as the result. The output is of the following JSON format:



"a": "Number",
"b": "Number",
"op": "String",
"c": "Number" | "String"

You should test the function in the Lambda console before integrating it with the API in the next step.

Create API Resources for the Lambda Function
The following procedure shows how to create API resources for the Lambda function you just
created. In it, we will create the /calc resource off the API's root. In subsequent sections, we will
expose the GET and POST methods on this resource for the client to invoke the backend Lambda
function. The caller must supply the required input as query string parameters (to be declared as ?
operand1=...&operand2=...&operator=...) in the GET request and as a JSON payload in the
POST request, respectively.
We will also create the /calc/{operand1}/{operand2}/{operator} resource subtree to expose the GET
method to invoke the Lambda function. The caller must supply the required input by specifying the three
path parameters: operand1, operand2, and operator.

To create API resources for Lambda functions

In the API Gateway console, choose New API.
For Name, type LambdaGate.


Leave the Description blank, and leave the Endpoint Type set to Regional.

Create a GET Method with Query Parameters to Call
the Lambda Function
By creating a GET method with query parameters to call the Lambda function, we can let the API user to
do the calculations via any browser. This can be useful especially if the API allows open access.

To set up the GET method with query strings to invoke the Lambda function

In the API Gateway console, choose the API's /calc resource under Resources.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create a GET Method with Query
Parameters to Call the Lambda Function


In the Actions drop-down menu, choose Create Method.


In the method drop-down menu that appears, choose GET.


Choose the checkmark icon to save your choice.


In the Set up pane:

For Integration type, choose AWS Service.


For AWS Region, choose the region (e.g., us-west-2) where you created the Lambda function.


For AWS Service, choose Lambda.


Leave AWS Subdomain blank, because our Lambda function is not hosted on any AWS


For HTTP method, choose POST and choose the checkmark icon to save your choice. Lambda
requires that the POST request be used to invoke any Lambda function. This example shows that
the HTTP method in a frontend method request can be different from the integration request in
the backend.


Choose Use path override for Action Type. This option allows us to specify the ARN of the
Invoke action to execute our Calc function.


Type /2015-03-31/functions/arn:aws:lambda:region:accountid:function:Calc/invocations in Path override.


For Execution role, type the role ARN for the
lambda_invoke_function_assume_apigw_role IAM role you created earlier (p. 588).


Leave Content Handling set to Passthrough, because this method will not deal with any binary


Leave Use default timeout checked.


Choose Save.

After the setup succeeds, the configuration should look as follows:


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create a GET Method with Query
Parameters to Call the Lambda Function

You can also add, in Integration Request, the X-Amz-Invocation-Type: Event |
RequestResponse | DryRun header to have the action invoked asynchronously, as request and
response, or as a test run, respectively. If the header is not specified, the action will be invoked as
request and response.

Choose Method Request.
Now you will set up query parameters for the GET method on /calc so it can receive input on behalf
of the backend Lambda function.

Choose the pencil icon next to Request Validator and choose Validate query string parameters
and headers from the drop-down menu. This setting will cause an error message to return to
state the required parameters are missing if the client does not specify them. You will not get
charged for the call to the backend.


Choose the checkmark icon to save your changes.


Expand the URL Query String Parameters section.


Choose Add query string.


For Name, type operand1.


Choose the checkmark icon to save the parameter.


Repeat the previous steps to create parameters named operand2 and operator.


Check the Required option for each parameter to ensure that they are validated.

The configuration now looks as follows:


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create a GET Method with Query
Parameters to Call the Lambda Function


Choose Method Execution and then choose Integration Request to set up the mapping template
to translate the client-supplied query strings to the integration request payload as required by the
Calc function.

Expand the Mapping Templates section.


Choose When no template matches the request Content-Type header for Request body


Under Content-Type, choose Add mapping template.


Type application/json and choose the checkmark icon to open the template editor.


Choose Yes, secure this integration to proceed.


Type the following mapping script in the mapping template editor:


"a": "$input.params('operand1')",
"b": "$input.params('operand2')",
"op": "$input.params('operator')"

This template maps the three query string parameters declared in Method Request into
designated property values of the JSON object as the input to the backend Lambda function.
The transformed JSON object will be included as the integration request payload.

Choose Save.

Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create a GET Method with Query
Parameters to Call the Lambda Function

The settings should now look like this:


Choose Method Execution.


You can now test your GET method to verify that it has been properly set up to invoke the Lambda

For Query Strings, type operand1=2&operand2=3&operator=+.


Choose Test.
The results should look like this:


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create a POST Method with a JSON
Payload to Call the Lambda Function

Create a POST Method with a JSON Payload to Call
the Lambda Function
By creating a POST method with a JSON payload to call the Lambda function, we expect the client
to submit the necessary input to the backend function in the request body. To ensure that the client
uploads the correct input data, we will enable request validation on the payload.

To set up the POST method with a JSON payload to invoke a Lambda function

Go to the API Gateway console.


Choose APIs.


Choose the LambdaGate API you created previously.


Choose the /calc resource from Resources pane.


In the Actions menu, choose Create Method.


Choose POST from the method drop-down list.


Choose the checkmark icon to save your choice.


In the Set up pane:

For Integration type, choose AWS Service.


For AWS Region, choose the region (e.g., us-west-2) where you created the Lambda function.


For AWS Service, choose Lambda.


Leave AWS Subdomain blank, because our Lambda function is not hosted on any AWS


For HTTP method, choose POST and choose the checkmark icon to save your choice. Lambda
requires that the POST request be used to invoke any Lambda function. This example shows that
the HTTP method in a frontend method request can be different from the integration request in
the backend.


Choose the pencil icon next to Action. Choose Use path override for Action Type and
choose the checkmark icon to save your choice. This option allows us to specify the ARN of the
Invoke action to execute our Calc function.

Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create a POST Method with a JSON
Payload to Call the Lambda Function



For Path override, type /2015-03-31/functions/arn:aws:lambda:region:accountid:function:Calc/invocations .


For Execution role, type the role ARN for the
lambda_invoke_function_assume_apigw_role IAM role you created earlier (p. 588).


Leave Content Handling set to Passthrough, because this method will not deal with any binary


Leave Use Default Timeout checked.


Choose Save.

Choose Models under the API from the API Gateway console's primary navigation pane to create
data models for the method's input and output:

Choose Create in the Models pane. Type Input in Model name, type application/json in
Content type, and type the following schema definition in Model schema:



This model describes the input data structure and will be used to validate the incoming request

Choose Create in the Models pane. Type Output in Model name, type application/json in
Content type, and type the following schema definition in Model schema:



This model describes the data structure of the calculated output from the backend. It can be
used to map the integration response data to a different model. This tutorial relies on the
passthrough behavior and does not use this model.

Locate the API ID for your API at the top of the console screen. It will appear in parentheses
after the API name.
Choose Create in the Models pane. Type Result in Model name, type application/json in
Content type, and type the following schema definition in Model schema:



Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create a POST Method with a JSON
Payload to Call the Lambda Function



This model describes the data structure of the returned response data. It references both the
Input and Output schemas defined in the specified API (restapi-id). Again, this model is not
used in this tutorial because it leverages the passthrough behavior.
10. In the main navigation pane, under your API, choose Resources.
11. In the Resources pane, choose the POST method for your API.
12. Choose Method Request.
13. In the Method Request configuration settings, do the following to enable request validation on the
incoming request body:

Choose the pencil icon next to Request Validator to choose Validate body. Choose the
checkmark icon to save your choice.


Expand the Request Body section, choose Add model


Type application/json in the Content-Type input field and choose Input from the dropdown list in the Model name column. Choose the checkmark icon to save your choice.

14. To test your POST method, do the following:

Choose Method Execution.


Choose Test.

15. Copy the following JSON payload into the Request Body:



"a": 1,
"b": 2,
"op": "+"

16. Choose Test.
You should see the following output in Response Body:



"a": 1,
"b": 2,
"op": "+",
"c": 3

If you would like to implement this method as an asynchronous call, you can add an InvocationType
header in the method request and map it to the X-Amz-Invocation-Type header in the
integration request with either a static value of 'Event' or the header mapping expression
of method.request.header.InvocationType. For the latter, the client must include the
InvocationType:Event header in the method request. The asynchronous call will return an empty
response instead.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create a GET Method with Path
Parameters to Call the Lambda Function

Create a GET Method with Path Parameters to Call
the Lambda Function
In this section, we create a GET method on a resource specified by a sequence of path parameters to
call the backend Lambda function. The path parameter values specify the input data to the Lambda
function. We will define a mapping template to map the incoming path parameter values to the required
integration request payload.
In addition, we will use the simple Lambda integration feature provided by the API Gateway console
to set up the method. As you can see, this console-provided feature provides a more streamlined user
The resulting API resource structure will look like this:

To set up a GET method with URL path parameters to call the Lambda function

Go to the API Gateway console.


Under APIs, choose the LambdaGate API you created previously.


In the API's Resources navigation pane, choose /calc.


From the Actions drop-down menu, choose Create Resource.


For Resource Path, type {operand1}.


For Resource Name, type {operand1}.


Choose Create Resource.


Choose the /calc/{operand1} resource you just created.


From the Actions drop-down menu, choose Create Resource.

10. For Resource Path, type {operand2}.
11. For Resource Name, type {operand2}.
12. Choose Create Resource.
13. Choose the /calc/{operand1}/{operand2} resource you just created.
14. From the Actions drop-down menu, choose Create Resource.
15. For Resource Path, type {operator}.
16. For Resource Name, type {operator}.
17. Choose Create Resource.
18. Choose the /calc/{operand1}/{operand2}/{operator} resource you just created.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create a GET Method with Path
Parameters to Call the Lambda Function

19. From the Actions drop-down menu, choose Create Method.
20. From the method drop-down menu, choose GET.
21. In the Setup pane, choose Lambda Function for Integration type, to use the streamlined setup
process enabled by the console.
22. Choose a region (e.g., us-west-2) for Lambda Region. This is the region where the Lambda
function is hosted.
23. Choose your existing Lambda function (Calc) for Lambda Function.
24. Choose Save and then choose OK to consent to Add Permissions to Lambda Function.
25. Set up the mapping template as follows:

Expand the Mapping Templates section.


Choose Add mapping template.


Type application/json for Content-Type and then choose the check mark icon to open the
template editor.


Choose Yes, secure this integration to proceed.


Type the following mapping script to the template editor:

"a": "$input.params('operand1')",
"b": "$input.params('operand2')",


This template maps the three URL path parameters, declared when the /calc/{operand1}/
{operand2}/{operator} resource was created, into designated property values of the JSON
object. Because URL paths must be URL-encoded, the division operator must be specified as %2F
instead of /. This template translates the %2F into '/ before passing it to the Lambda function.

Choose Save.

When the method is set up correctly, the settings should look similar to the following:


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create a GET Method with Path
Parameters to Call the Lambda Function

26. To test your GET function, do the following:

Choose Method Execution.


Choose Test.


Type 1, 2 and + in the {operand1}, {operand2} and {operator} fields, respectively.


Choose Test.


The result should look like this:


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create a GET Method with Path
Parameters to Call the Lambda Function

This test result shows the original output from the backend Lambda function, as passed through
the integration response without mapping, because we have not configured any mapping template.
Next, we model the data structure of the method response payload after the Result schema.
27. By default, the method response body is assigned an Empty model. This will cause the integration
response body passed through without mapping. However, when you generate an SDK for one of
the strongly-type languages, such as Java or Objective-C, your SDK users will receive an empty
object as the result. To ensure both the REST client and SDK clients receive the desired result, you
must model the response data using a predefined schema. Here, we demonstrate how to define
a model for the method response body and to construct a mapping template to transform the
integration response body to the method response body.

In /calc/{operand1}/{operand2}/{operator} - GET - Method Execution, choose Method


Expand the 200 response,


Under Response Body for 200, choose the pencil icon next to the model for the application/
json content type.


From the Models drop-down list, choose Result.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create a GET Method with Path
Parameters to Call the Lambda Function


Choose the checkmark icon to save your choice.

Setting the model for the method response body ensures that the response data will be cast into
the Result object of a given SDK. For this, we also need to make sure that the integration response
data is mapped accordingly, which we discuss next.
28. To return the backend result according to the specified schema, do the following:

Choose Method Execution.


Choose Integration Response and expand the 200 method response entry.


Expand the Mapping Templates section.


Choose application/json from the Content-Type list.


Choose Result from the Generate template drop-down list to bring up the Result template


Change the template blueprint to the following:
#set($inputRoot = $input.path('$'))
"input" : {
"a" : $inputRoot.a,
"b" : $inputRoot.b,
"op" : "$inputRoot.op"
"output" : {
"c" : $inputRoot.c


Choose Save.


To test the mapping template, choose Test in Method Execution and type 1 2 and + in the
operand1, operand2 and operator input fields, respectively. The integration response from
the Lambda function is now mapped to a Result object, and you'll see the following under
Response Body in the console:


"input": {
"a": 1,
"b": 2,
"op": "+"
"output": {
"c": 3

29. To make the API accessible beyond Test Invoke in the API Gateway console, choose Deploy API
from the Actions drop-down menu. Make sure to repeat deploying the API whenever you finish
adding, modifying or deleting a resource or method, updating any data mapping, updating the stage
settings. Otherwise, new features or updates will not be available.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
OpenAPI Definitions of a Sample
API for a Lambda Function

OpenAPI Definitions of Sample API Integrated with a
Lambda Function
OpenAPI 2.0


"swagger": "2.0",
"info": {
"version": "2017-04-20T04:08:08Z",
"title": "LambdaGate"
"host": "",
"basePath": "/test",
"schemes": [
"paths": {
"/calc": {
"get": {
"consumes": [
"produces": [
"parameters": [
"name": "operand2",
"in": "query",
"required": true,
"type": "string"
"name": "operator",
"in": "query",
"required": true,
"type": "string"
"name": "operand1",
"in": "query",
"required": true,
"type": "string"
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "200 response",
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Result"
"headers": {
"operand_1": {
"type": "string"
"operand_2": {
"type": "string"
"operator": {
"type": "string"


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
OpenAPI Definitions of a Sample
API for a Lambda Function
"x-amazon-apigateway-request-validator": "Validate query string parameters and
"x-amazon-apigateway-integration": {
"credentials": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/apigAwsProxyRole",
"responses": {
"default": {
"statusCode": "200",
"responseParameters": {
"method.response.header.operator": "integration.response.body.op",
"method.response.header.operand_2": "integration.response.body.b",
"method.response.header.operand_1": "integration.response.body.a"
"responseTemplates": {
"application/json": "#set($res = $input.path('$'))\n{\n
\"$res.a, $res.b, $res.op => $res.c\",\n \"a\" : \"$res.a\",\n \"b\" : \"$res.b\",\n
\"op\" : \"$res.op\",\n \"c\" : \"$res.c\"\n}"
"uri": "arn:aws:apigateway:us-west-2:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/
"passthroughBehavior": "when_no_match",
"httpMethod": "POST",
"requestTemplates": {
"application/json": "{\n
\"a\": \"$input.params('operand1')\",\n
\": \"$input.params('operand2')\", \n
\"op\": \"$input.params('operator')\"
"type": "aws"
"post": {
"consumes": [
"produces": [
"parameters": [
"name": "InvocationType",
"in": "header",
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"in": "body",
"name": "Input",
"required": true,
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Input"
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "200 response",
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Result"
"x-amazon-apigateway-request-validator": "Validate body",
"x-amazon-apigateway-integration": {
"credentials": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/apigAwsProxyRole",


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
OpenAPI Definitions of a Sample
API for a Lambda Function
"responses": {
"default": {
"statusCode": "200",
"responseTemplates": {
"application/json": "#set($inputRoot = $input.path('$'))\n{\n \"a
\" : $inputRoot.a,\n \"b\" : $inputRoot.b,\n \"op\" : $inputRoot.op,\n \"c\" :
"uri": "arn:aws:apigateway:us-west-2:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/
"passthroughBehavior": "when_no_templates",
"httpMethod": "POST",
"type": "aws"
"/calc/{operand1}/{operand2}/{operator}": {
"get": {
"consumes": [
"produces": [
"parameters": [
"name": "operand2",
"in": "path",
"required": true,
"type": "string"
"name": "operator",
"in": "path",
"required": true,
"type": "string"
"name": "operand1",
"in": "path",
"required": true,
"type": "string"
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "200 response",
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Result"
"x-amazon-apigateway-integration": {
"responses": {
"default": {
"statusCode": "200",
"responseTemplates": {
"application/json": "#set($inputRoot = $input.path('$'))\n{\n
\"input\" : {\n
\"a\" : $inputRoot.a,\n
\"b\" : $inputRoot.b,\n
\"op\" :
\"$inputRoot.op\"\n },\n \"output\" : {\n
\"c\" : $inputRoot.c\n }\n}"


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
OpenAPI Definitions of a Sample
API for a Lambda Function
"uri": "arn:aws:apigateway:us-west-2:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/
"passthroughBehavior": "when_no_templates",
"httpMethod": "POST",
"requestTemplates": {
"application/json": "{\n
\"a\": \"$input.params('operand1')\",\n
\"op\": #if($input.params('operator')=='%2F')\"/
"contentHandling": "CONVERT_TO_TEXT",
"type": "aws"
"definitions": {
"Input": {
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"a": {
"type": "number"
"b": {
"type": "number"
"op": {
"type": "string",
"description": "binary op of ['+', 'add', '-', 'sub', '*', 'mul', '%2F',
"title": "Input"
"Output": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"c": {
"type": "number"
"title": "Output"
"Result": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"input": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Input"
"output": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Output"
"title": "Result"
"x-amazon-apigateway-request-validators": {
"Validate body": {
"validateRequestParameters": false,
"validateRequestBody": true
"Validate query string parameters and headers": {


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create a REST API as an Amazon S3 Proxy in API Gateway




"validateRequestParameters": true,
"validateRequestBody": false

Create a REST API as an Amazon S3 Proxy in API
As an example to showcase using a REST API in API Gateway to proxy Amazon S3, this section describes
how to create and configure a REST API to expose the following Amazon S3 operations:
• Expose GET on the API's root resource to list all of the Amazon S3 buckets of a caller.
• Expose GET on a Folder resource to view a list of all of the objects in an Amazon S3 bucket.
• Expose PUT on a Folder resource to add a bucket to Amazon S3.
• Expose DELETE on a Folder resource to remove a bucket from Amazon S3.
• Expose GET on a Folder/Item resource to view or download an object from an Amazon S3 bucket.
• Expose PUT on a Folder/Item resource to upload an object to an Amazon S3 bucket.
• Expose HEAD on a Folder/Item resource to get object metadata in an Amazon S3 bucket.
• Expose DELETE on a Folder/Item resource to remove an object from an Amazon S3 bucket.


To integrate your API Gateway API with Amazon S3, you must choose a region where both the
API Gateway and Amazon S3 services are available. For region availability, see Regions and
You may want to import the sample API as an Amazon S3 proxy, as shown in OpenAPI Definitions of
the Sample API as an Amazon S3 Proxy (p. 625). For instructions on how to import an API using the
OpenAPI definition, see Import a REST API into API Gateway (p. 213).
To use the API Gateway console to create the API, you must first sign up for an AWS account.
If you do not have an AWS account, use the following procedure to create one.

To sign up for AWS

Open, and then choose Create an AWS Account.


If you previously signed in to the AWS Management Console using AWS account root user
credentials, choose Sign in to a different account. If you previously signed in to the console
using IAM credentials, choose Sign-in using root account credentials. Then choose Create
a new AWS account.

Follow the online instructions.
Part of the sign-up procedure involves receiving a phone call and entering a verification code using
the phone keypad.

• Set Up IAM Permissions for the API to Invoke Amazon S3 Actions (p. 609)


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Set Up IAM Permissions for the
API to Invoke Amazon S3 Actions

• Create API Resources to Represent Amazon S3 Resources (p. 610)
• Expose an API Method to List the Caller's Amazon S3 Buckets (p. 611)
• Expose API Methods to Access an Amazon S3 Bucket (p. 617)
• Expose API Methods to Access an Amazon S3 Object in a Bucket (p. 620)
• Call the API Using a REST API Client (p. 623)
• OpenAPI Definitions of the Sample API as an Amazon S3 Proxy (p. 625)

Set Up IAM Permissions for the API to Invoke Amazon
S3 Actions
To allow the API to invoke required Amazon S3 actions, you must have appropriate IAM policies attached
to an IAM role. The next section describes how to verify and to create, if necessary, the required IAM role
and policies.
For your API to view or list Amazon S3 buckets and objects, you can use the IAMprovided AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess policy in the IAM role. The ARN of this policy is
arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess, which is as shown as follows:


"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*"

This policy document states that any of the Amazon S3 Get* and List* actions can be invoked on any
of the Amazon S3 resources.
For your API to update Amazon S3 buckets and objects , you can use a custom policy for any of the
Amazon S3 Put* actions as shown as follows:


"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "s3:Put*",
"Resource": "*"

For your API to work with Amazon S3 Get*, List* and Put* actions, you can add the above read-only
and put-only policies to the IAM role.
For your API to invoke the Amazon S3 Post* actions, you must use an Allow policy for the s3:Post*
actions in the IAM role. For a complete list of Amazon S3 actions, see Specifying Amazon S3 Permissions
in a Policy.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create API Resources to Represent Amazon S3 Resources

For your API to create, view, update, and delete buckets and objects in Amazon S3, you can use the
IAM -provided AmazonS3FullAccess policy in the IAM role. The ARN is arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/


"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "s3:*",
"Resource": "*"

Having chosen the desired IAM policies to use, create an IAM role and attach to it the policies. The
resulting IAM role must contain the following trust policy for API Gateway to assume this role at runtime.


"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"Service": ""
"Action": "sts:AssumeRole"

When using the IAM console to create the role, choose the Amazon API Gateway role type to ensure that
this trust policy is automatically included.

Create API Resources to Represent Amazon S3
We will use the API's root (/) resource as the container of an authenticated caller's Amazon S3 buckets.
We will also create a Folder and Item resources to represent a particular Amazon S3 bucket and a
particular Amazon S3 object, respectively. The folder name and object key will be specified, in the form
of path parameters as part of a request URL, by the caller.

To create an API resource that exposes the Amazon S3 service features

In the API Gateway console, create an API named MyS3. This API's root resource (/) represents the
Amazon S3 service.


Under the API's root resource, create a child resource named Folder and set the required Resource
Path as /{folder}.


For the API's Folder resource, create an Item child resource. Set the required Resource Path as /


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Expose an API Method to List
the Caller's Amazon S3 Buckets

Expose an API Method to List the Caller's Amazon S3
Getting the list of Amazon S3 buckets of the caller involves invoking the GET Service action on Amazon
S3. On the API's root resource, (/), create the GET method. Configure the GET method to integrate with
the Amazon S3, as follows.

To create and initialize the API's GET / method

Choose Create method on the root node (/) from the Actions drop-down menu at the top-right
corner of the Resources panel.


Choose the GET from the drop-down list of HTTP verbs, and choose the check-mark icon to start
creating the method.


In the / - GET - Setup pane, choose AWS Service for Integration type.


From the list, choose a region (e.g., us-west-2) for AWS Region.


From AWS Service, choose S3.


For AWS Subdomain, leave it blank.


From HTTP method, choose GET.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Expose an API Method to List
the Caller's Amazon S3 Buckets



For Action Type, choose Use path override. With path override, API Gateway forwards the client
request to Amazon S3 as the corresponding Amazon S3 REST API path-style request, in which a
Amazon S3 resource is expressed by the resource path of the s3-host-name/bucket/key pattern.
API Gateway sets the s3-host-name and passes the client specified bucket and key from the
client to Amazon S3.
(Optional) In Path override type /.

10. Copy the previously created IAM role's ARN (from the IAM console) and paste it into Execution role.
11. Leave any other settings as default.
12. Choose Save to finish setting up this method.
This setup integrates the frontend GET https://your-api-host/stage/ request with the backend
GET https://your-s3-host/.


After the initial setup, you can modify these settings in the Integration Request page of the
To control who can call this method of our API, we turn on the method authorization flag and set it to

To enable IAM to control access to the GET / method

From the Method Execution, choose Method Request.
Choose the pencil icon next to Authorization


Choose AWS_IAM from the drop-down list.
Choose the check-mark icon to save the setting.

For our API to return successful responses and exceptions properly to the caller, let us declare the 200,
400 and 500 responses in Method Response. We use the default mapping for 200 responses so that
backend responses of the status code not declared here will be returned to the caller as 200 ones.

To declare response types for the GET / method

From the Method Execution pane, choose the Method Response box. The API Gateway declares the
200 response by default.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Expose an API Method to List
the Caller's Amazon S3 Buckets


Choose Add response, enter 400 in the input text box, and choose the check-mark to finish the


Repeat the above step to declare the 500 response type. The final setting is shown as follows:

Because the successful integration response from Amazon S3 returns the bucket list as an XML payload
and the default method response from API Gateway returns a JSON payload, we must map the backend
Content-Type header parameter value to the frontend counterpart. Otherwise, the client will receive
application/json for the content type when the response body is actually an XML string. The
following procedure shows how to set this up. In addition, we also want to display to the client other
header parameters, such as Date and Content-Length.

To set up response header mappings for the GET / method

In the API Gateway console, choose Method Response. Add the Content-Type header for the 200
response type.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Expose an API Method to List
the Caller's Amazon S3 Buckets


In Integration Response, for Content-Type, type integration.response.header.ContentType for the method response.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Expose an API Method to List
the Caller's Amazon S3 Buckets

With the above header mappings, API Gateway will translate the Date header from the backend to
the Timestamp header for the client.

Still in Integration Response, choose Add integration response, type an appropriate regular
expression in the HTTP status regex text box for a remaining method response status. Repeat until
all the method response status are covered.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Expose an API Method to List
the Caller's Amazon S3 Buckets

As a good practice, let us test our API we have configured so far.

Test the GET method on the API root resource

Go back to Method Execution, choose Test from the Client box.


Choose Test in the GET / - Method Test pane. An example result is shown as follows.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Expose API Methods to Access an Amazon S3 Bucket


To use the API Gateway console to test the API as an Amazon S3 proxy, make sure that the
targeted S3 bucket is from a different region from the API's region. Otherwise, you may get a
500 Internal Server Error response. This limitation does not apply to any deployed API.

Expose API Methods to Access an Amazon S3 Bucket
To work with an Amazon S3 bucket, we expose the GET, PUT, and DELETE methods on the /{folder}
resource to list objects in a bucket, create a new bucket, and delete an existing bucket. The instructions
are similar to those described in Expose an API Method to List the Caller's Amazon S3 Buckets (p. 611).
In the following discussions, we outline the general tasks and highlight relevant differences.

To expose GET, PUT and DELETE methods on a folder resource

On the /{folder} node from the Resources tree, create the DELETE, GET and PUT methods, one at a


Set up the initial integration of each created method with its corresponding Amazon S3 endpoints.
The following screen shot illustrates this setting for the PUT /{folder} method. For the


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Expose API Methods to Access an Amazon S3 Bucket

DELETE /{folder} and GET /{folder} method, replace the PUT value of HTTP method by
DELETE and GET, respectively.

Notice that we used the {bucket} path parameter in the Amazon S3 endpoint URLs to specify
the bucket. We will need to map the {folder} path parameter of the method requests to the
{bucket} path parameter of the integration requests.


To map {folder} to {bucket}:

Choose Method Execution and then Integration Request.


Expand URL Path Parameters and choose Add path


Type bucket in the Name column and method.request.path.folder in the Mapped from
column. Choose the check-mark icon to save the mapping.

In Method Request, add the Content-Type to the HTTP Request Headers section.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Expose API Methods to Access an Amazon S3 Bucket

This is mostly needed for testing, when using the API Gateway console, when you must specify
application/xml for an XML payload.

In Integration Request, set up the following header mappings, following the instructions described
in Expose an API Method to List the Caller's Amazon S3 Buckets (p. 611).

The x-amz-acl header is for specifying access control on the folder (or the corresponding Amazon
S3 bucket). For more information, see Amazon S3 PUT Bucket Request.

To test the PUT method, choose Test in the Client box from Method Execution, and enter the
following as input to the testing:

In folder, type a bucket name,


For the Content-Type header, type application/xml.


In Request Body, provide the bucket region as the location constraint, declared in an XML
fragment as the request payload. For example,



Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Expose API Methods to Access an
Amazon S3 Object in a Bucket


Repeat the preceding steps to create and configure the GET and DELETE method on the API's /
{folder} resource.

The above examples illustrate how to create a new bucket in the specified region, to view the list of
objects in the bucket, and to delete the bucket. Other Amazon S3 bucket operations allow you work
with the metadata or properties of the bucket. For example, you can set up your API to call the Amazon
S3's PUT /?notification action to set up notifications on the bucket, to call PUT /?acl to set an access
control list on the bucket, etc. The API set up is similar, except for that you must append appropriate
query parameters to the Amazon S3 endpoint URLs. At run time, you must provide the appropriate
XML payload to the method request. The same can be said about supporting the other GET and DELETE
operations on a Amazon S3 bucket. For more information on possible &S3; actions on a bucket, see
Amazon S3 Operations on Buckets.

Expose API Methods to Access an Amazon S3 Object
in a Bucket
Amazon S3 supports GET, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST and PUT actions to access and manage objects
in a given bucket. For the complete list of supported actions, see Amazon S3 Operations on Objects.
In this tutorial, we expose the PUT Object operation, the GET Object operation, HEAD Object operation,
and the DELETE Object operation through the API methods of PUT /{folder}/{item}, GET /
{folder}/{item}, HEAD /{folder}/{item} and DELETE /{folder}/{item}, respectively.
The API setups for the PUT, GET and DELETE methods on /{folder}/{item} are the similar to those
on /{folder}, as prescribed in Expose API Methods to Access an Amazon S3 Bucket (p. 617). One
major difference is that the object-related request path has an additional path parameter of {item} and
this path parameter must be mapped to the integration request path parameter of {object}.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Expose API Methods to Access an
Amazon S3 Object in a Bucket

The same is true for the GET and DELETE methods.
As an illustration, the following screen shot shows the output when testing the GET method on a
{folder}/{item} resource using the API Gateway console. The request correctly returns the plain text
of ("Welcome to README.txt") as the content of the specified file (README.txt) in the given Amazon S3
bucket (apig-demo).


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Expose API Methods to Access an
Amazon S3 Object in a Bucket

To download or upload binary files, which in API Gateway is considered any thing other than utf-8
encoded JSON content, additional API settings are necessary. This is outlined as follows:

To download or upload binary files from S3

Register the media types of the affected file to the API's binaryMediaTypes. You can do this in the

Choose Binary Support for the API (from the API Gateway primary navigation panel),


Choose Edit.


Type the required media type (e.g., image/png for Binary media types.


Choose Add binary media type to save the setting.


Add the Content-Type (for upload) and/or Accept (for download) header to the method request
to require the client to specify the required binary media type and map them to the integration


Set Content Handling to Passthrough in the integration request (for upload) and in a integration
response (for download). Make sure that no mapping template is defined for the affected content
type. For more information, see Integration Passthrough Behaviors (p. 163) and Select VTL Mapping
Templates (p. 162).

Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Call the API Using a REST API Client

The payload size limit is 10 MB. See API Gateway Limits for Configuring and Running a REST
API (p. 675).
Make sure that files on Amazon S3 have the correct content types added as the files' metadata. For
streamable media content, Content-Disposition:inline may also need to be added to the
For more information about the binary support in API Gateway, see Content Type Conversions in API
Gateway (p. 175).

Call the API Using a REST API Client
To provide an end-to-end tutorial, we now show how to call the API using Postman, which supports the
AWS IAM authorization.

To call our Amazon S3 proxy API using Postman

Deploy or redeploy the API. Make a note of the base URL of the API that is displayed next to Invoke
URL at the top of the Stage Editor.


Launch Postman.


Choose Authorization and then choose AWS Signature. Type your IAM user's Access Key ID and
Secret Access Key into the AccessKey and SecretKeyinput fields, respectively. Type the AWS region
to which your API is deployed in the AWS Region text box. Type execute-api in the Service Name
input field.
You can create a pair of the keys from the Security Credentials tab from your IAM user account in
the IAM Management Console.


To add a bucket named apig-demo-5 to your Amazon S3 account in the {region} region:


Be sure that the bucket name must be globally unique.

Choose PUT from the drop-down method list and type the method URL (


Set the Content-Type header value as application/xml. You may need to delete any
existing headers before setting the content type.


Choose Body menu item and type the following XML fragment as the request body:



Choose Send to submit the request. If successful, you should receive a 200 OK response with an
empty payload.

To add a text file to a bucket, follow the instructions above. If you specify a bucket name of apigdemo-5 for {folder} and a file name of Readme.txt for {item} in the URL and provide a text
string of Hello, World! as the request payload, the request becomes
PUT /S3/apig-demo-5/Readme.txt HTTP/1.1
Host: 9gn28ca086.execute-api.{region}
Content-Type: application/xml
X-Amz-Date: 20161015T062647Z
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=access-key-id/20161015/{region}/executeapi/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-length;content-type;host;x-amz-date,
Cache-Control: no-cache
Postman-Token: 6135d315-9cc4-8af8-1757-90871d00847e


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Call the API Using a REST API Client

Hello, World!

If everything goes well, you should receive a 200 OK response with an empty payload.

To get the content of the Readme.txt file we just added to the apig-demo-5 bucket, do a GET
request like the following one:
GET /S3/apig-demo-5/Readme.txt HTTP/1.1
Host: 9gn28ca086.execute-api.{region}
Content-Type: application/xml
X-Amz-Date: 20161015T063759Z
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=access-key-id/20161015/{region}/
execute-api/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-type;host;x-amz-date,
Cache-Control: no-cache
Postman-Token: d60fcb59-d335-52f7-0025-5bd96928098a

If successful, you should receive a 200 OK response with the Hello, World! text string as the

To list items in the apig-demo-5 bucket, submit the following request:
GET /S3/apig-demo-5 HTTP/1.1
Host: 9gn28ca086.execute-api.{region}
Content-Type: application/xml
X-Amz-Date: 20161015T064324Z
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=access-key-id/20161015/{region}/
execute-api/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-type;host;x-amz-date,
Cache-Control: no-cache
Postman-Token: 9c43020a-966f-61e1-81af-4c49ad8d1392

If successful, you should receive a 200 OK response with an XML payload showing a single item in
the specified bucket, unless you added more files to the bucket before submitting this request.







To upload or download an image, you need to set content handling to CONVERT_TO_BINARY.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
OpenAPI Definitions of a Sample
API as an Amazon S3 Proxy

OpenAPI Definitions of the Sample API as an Amazon
S3 Proxy
The following OpenAPI definitions describe the sample API, referenced in this tutorial, as an Amazon S3
OpenAPI 2.0

"swagger": "2.0",
"info": {
"version": "2016-10-13T23:04:43Z",
"title": "MyS3"
"host": "9gn28ca086.execute-api.{region}",
"basePath": "/S3",
"schemes": [
"paths": {
"/": {
"get": {
"produces": [
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "200 response",
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Empty"
"headers": {
"Content-Length": {
"type": "string"
"Timestamp": {
"type": "string"
"Content-Type": {
"type": "string"
"400": {
"description": "400 response"
"500": {
"description": "500 response"
"security": [
"sigv4": []
"x-amazon-apigateway-integration": {
"credentials": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/
"responses": {
"4\\d{2}": {
"statusCode": "400"


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
OpenAPI Definitions of a Sample
API as an Amazon S3 Proxy
"default": {
"statusCode": "200",
"responseParameters": {
"method.response.header.Timestamp": "integration.response.header.Date"
"5\\d{2}": {
"statusCode": "500"
"uri": "arn:aws:apigateway:us-west-2:s3:path//",
"passthroughBehavior": "when_no_match",
"httpMethod": "GET",
"type": "aws"
"/{folder}": {
"get": {
"produces": [
"parameters": [
"name": "folder",
"in": "path",
"required": true,
"type": "string"
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "200 response",
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Empty"
"headers": {
"Content-Length": {
"type": "string"
"Date": {
"type": "string"
"Content-Type": {
"type": "string"
"400": {
"description": "400 response"
"500": {
"description": "500 response"
"security": [
"sigv4": []
"x-amazon-apigateway-integration": {


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
OpenAPI Definitions of a Sample
API as an Amazon S3 Proxy
"credentials": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/
"responses": {
"4\\d{2}": {
"statusCode": "400"
"default": {
"statusCode": "200",
"responseParameters": {
"method.response.header.Date": "integration.response.header.Date",
"5\\d{2}": {
"statusCode": "500"
"requestParameters": {
"integration.request.path.bucket": "method.request.path.folder"
"uri": "arn:aws:apigateway:us-west-2:s3:path/{bucket}",
"passthroughBehavior": "when_no_match",
"httpMethod": "GET",
"type": "aws"
"put": {
"produces": [
"parameters": [
"name": "Content-Type",
"in": "header",
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"name": "folder",
"in": "path",
"required": true,
"type": "string"
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "200 response",
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Empty"
"headers": {
"Content-Length": {
"type": "string"
"Content-Type": {
"type": "string"
"400": {
"description": "400 response"
"500": {


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
OpenAPI Definitions of a Sample
API as an Amazon S3 Proxy

"description": "500 response"

"security": [
"sigv4": []
"x-amazon-apigateway-integration": {
"credentials": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/
"responses": {
"4\\d{2}": {
"statusCode": "400"
"default": {
"statusCode": "200",
"responseParameters": {
"5\\d{2}": {
"statusCode": "500"
"requestParameters": {
"integration.request.header.x-amz-acl": "'authenticated-read'",
"integration.request.path.bucket": "method.request.path.folder",
"integration.request.header.Content-Type": "method.request.header.ContentType"
"uri": "arn:aws:apigateway:us-west-2:s3:path/{bucket}",
"passthroughBehavior": "when_no_match",
"httpMethod": "PUT",
"type": "aws"
"delete": {
"produces": [
"parameters": [
"name": "folder",
"in": "path",
"required": true,
"type": "string"
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "200 response",
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Empty"
"headers": {
"Date": {
"type": "string"
"Content-Type": {
"type": "string"


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
OpenAPI Definitions of a Sample
API as an Amazon S3 Proxy
"400": {
"description": "400 response"
"500": {
"description": "500 response"

"security": [
"sigv4": []
"x-amazon-apigateway-integration": {
"credentials": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/
"responses": {
"4\\d{2}": {
"statusCode": "400"
"default": {
"statusCode": "200",
"responseParameters": {
"method.response.header.Date": "integration.response.header.Date"
"5\\d{2}": {
"statusCode": "500"
"requestParameters": {
"integration.request.path.bucket": "method.request.path.folder"
"uri": "arn:aws:apigateway:us-west-2:s3:path/{bucket}",
"passthroughBehavior": "when_no_match",
"httpMethod": "DELETE",
"type": "aws"
"/{folder}/{item}": {
"get": {
"produces": [
"parameters": [
"name": "item",
"in": "path",
"required": true,
"type": "string"
"name": "folder",
"in": "path",
"required": true,
"type": "string"
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "200 response",
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Empty"


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
OpenAPI Definitions of a Sample
API as an Amazon S3 Proxy
"headers": {
"content-type": {
"type": "string"
"Content-Type": {
"type": "string"

"400": {
"description": "400 response"
"500": {
"description": "500 response"

"security": [
"sigv4": []
"x-amazon-apigateway-integration": {
"credentials": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/
"responses": {
"4\\d{2}": {
"statusCode": "400"
"default": {
"statusCode": "200",
"responseParameters": {
"5\\d{2}": {
"statusCode": "500"
"requestParameters": {
"integration.request.path.object": "method.request.path.item",
"integration.request.path.bucket": "method.request.path.folder"
"uri": "arn:aws:apigateway:us-west-2:s3:path/{bucket}/{object}",
"passthroughBehavior": "when_no_match",
"httpMethod": "GET",
"type": "aws"
"head": {
"produces": [
"parameters": [
"name": "item",
"in": "path",
"required": true,
"type": "string"
"name": "folder",
"in": "path",


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
OpenAPI Definitions of a Sample
API as an Amazon S3 Proxy
"required": true,
"type": "string"

"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "200 response",
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Empty"
"headers": {
"Content-Length": {
"type": "string"
"Content-Type": {
"type": "string"
"400": {
"description": "400 response"
"500": {
"description": "500 response"
"security": [
"sigv4": []
"x-amazon-apigateway-integration": {
"credentials": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/
"responses": {
"4\\d{2}": {
"statusCode": "400"
"default": {
"statusCode": "200",
"responseParameters": {
"5\\d{2}": {
"statusCode": "500"
"requestParameters": {
"integration.request.path.object": "method.request.path.item",
"integration.request.path.bucket": "method.request.path.folder"
"uri": "arn:aws:apigateway:us-west-2:s3:path/{bucket}/{object}",
"passthroughBehavior": "when_no_match",
"httpMethod": "HEAD",
"type": "aws"
"put": {
"produces": [
"parameters": [


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
OpenAPI Definitions of a Sample
API as an Amazon S3 Proxy

"name": "Content-Type",
"in": "header",
"required": false,
"type": "string"


"name": "item",
"in": "path",
"required": true,
"type": "string"


"name": "folder",
"in": "path",
"required": true,
"type": "string"

"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "200 response",
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Empty"
"headers": {
"Content-Length": {
"type": "string"
"Content-Type": {
"type": "string"
"400": {
"description": "400 response"
"500": {
"description": "500 response"
"security": [
"sigv4": []
"x-amazon-apigateway-integration": {
"credentials": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/
"responses": {
"4\\d{2}": {
"statusCode": "400"
"default": {
"statusCode": "200",
"responseParameters": {
"5\\d{2}": {
"statusCode": "500"


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
OpenAPI Definitions of a Sample
API as an Amazon S3 Proxy


"requestParameters": {
"integration.request.path.object": "method.request.path.item",
"integration.request.header.x-amz-acl": "'authenticated-read'",
"integration.request.path.bucket": "method.request.path.folder",
"integration.request.header.Content-Type": "method.request.header.Content},
"uri": "arn:aws:apigateway:us-west-2:s3:path/{bucket}/{object}",
"passthroughBehavior": "when_no_match",
"httpMethod": "PUT",
"type": "aws"

"delete": {
"produces": [
"parameters": [
"name": "item",
"in": "path",
"required": true,
"type": "string"
"name": "folder",
"in": "path",
"required": true,
"type": "string"
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "200 response",
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Empty"
"headers": {
"Content-Length": {
"type": "string"
"Content-Type": {
"type": "string"
"400": {
"description": "400 response"
"500": {
"description": "500 response"
"security": [
"sigv4": []
"x-amazon-apigateway-integration": {
"credentials": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/
"responses": {
"4\\d{2}": {
"statusCode": "400"
"default": {


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create a REST API as an Amazon Kinesis Proxy
"statusCode": "200"
"5\\d{2}": {
"statusCode": "500"




"requestParameters": {
"integration.request.path.object": "method.request.path.item",
"integration.request.path.bucket": "method.request.path.folder"
"uri": "arn:aws:apigateway:us-west-2:s3:path/{bucket}/{object}",
"passthroughBehavior": "when_no_match",
"httpMethod": "DELETE",
"type": "aws"

"securityDefinitions": {
"sigv4": {
"type": "apiKey",
"name": "Authorization",
"in": "header",
"x-amazon-apigateway-authtype": "awsSigv4"
"definitions": {
"Empty": {
"type": "object",
"title": "Empty Schema"

Create a REST API as an Amazon Kinesis Proxy in
API Gateway
This section describes how to create and configure a REST API with an integration of the AWS type to
access Kinesis.


To integrate your API Gateway API with Kinesis, you must choose a region where both the API
Gateway and Kinesis services are available. For region availability, see Regions and Endpoints.
For the purpose of illustration, we create an example API to enable a client to do the following:
1. List the user's available streams in Kinesis
2. Create, describe, or delete a specified stream
3. Read data records from or write data records into the specified stream
To accomplish the preceding tasks, the API exposes methods on various resources to invoke the
following, respectively:
1. The ListStreams action in Kinesis
2. The CreateStream, DescribeStream, or DeleteStream action
3. The GetRecords or PutRecords (including PutRecord) action in Kinesis


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create an IAM Role and Policy for the API to Access Kinesis

Specifically, we build the API as follows:
• Expose an HTTP GET method on the API's /streams resource and integrate the method with the
ListStreams action in Kinesis to list the streams in the caller's account.
• Expose an HTTP POST method on the API's /streams/{stream-name} resource and integrate the
method with the CreateStream action in Kinesis to create a named stream in the caller's account.
• Expose an HTTP GET method on the API's /streams/{stream-name} resource and integrate the
method with the DescribeStream action in Kinesis to describe a named stream in the caller's account.
• Expose an HTTP DELETE method on the API's /streams/{stream-name} resource and integrate the
method with the DeleteStream action in Kinesis to delete a stream in the caller's account.
• Expose an HTTP PUT method on the API's /streams/{stream-name}/record resource and
integrate the method with the PutRecord action in Kinesis. This enables the client to add a single data
record to the named stream.
• Expose an HTTP PUT method on the API's /streams/{stream-name}/records resource and
integrate the method with the PutRecords action in Kinesis. This enables the client to add a list of data
records to the named stream.
• Expose an HTTP GET method on the API's /streams/{stream-name}/records resource and
integrate the method with the GetRecords action in Kinesis. This enables the client to list data records
in the named stream, with a specified shard iterator. A shard iterator specifies the shard position from
which to start reading data records sequentially.
• Expose an HTTP GET method on the API's /streams/{stream-name}/sharditerator resource
and integrate the method with the GetShardIterator action in Kinesis. This helper method must be
supplied to the ListStreams action in Kinesis.
You can apply the instructions presented here to other Kinesis actions. For the complete list of the
Kinesis actions, see Amazon Kinesis API Reference.
Instead of using the API Gateway console to create the sample API, you can import the sample API into
API Gateway using the API Gateway Import API. For information on how to use the Import API, see
Import a REST API into API Gateway (p. 213).
If you do not have an AWS account, use the following procedure to create one.

To sign up for AWS

Open, and then choose Create an AWS Account.


If you previously signed in to the AWS Management Console using AWS account root user
credentials, choose Sign in to a different account. If you previously signed in to the console
using IAM credentials, choose Sign-in using root account credentials. Then choose Create
a new AWS account.

Follow the online instructions.
Part of the sign-up procedure involves receiving a phone call and entering a verification code using
the phone keypad.

Create an IAM Role and Policy for the API to Access
To allow the API to invoke Kinesis actions, you must have appropriate IAM policies attached to an IAM
role. This section explains how to verify and to create, if necessary, the required IAM role and policies.

Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create an IAM Role and Policy for the API to Access Kinesis

To enable read-only access to Kinesis, you can use the AmazonKinesisReadOnlyAccess policy that allows
the Get*, List*, and Describe* actions in Kinesis to be invoked.



"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*"

This policy is available as an IAM-provisioned managed policy and its ARN is
To enable read-write actions in Kinesis, you can use the AmazonKinesisFullAccess policy.



"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "kinesis:*",
"Resource": "*"

This policy is also available as an IAM-provisioned managed policy. Its ARN is
After you decide which IAM policy to use, attach it to a new or existing IAM role. Make sure that the API
Gateway control service ( is a trusted entity of the role and is allowed to
assume the execution role (sts:AssumeRole).



"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"Service": ""
"Action": "sts:AssumeRole"


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Start to Create an API as a Kinesis Proxy

If you create the execution role in the IAM console and choose the Amazon API Gateway role type, this
trust policy is automatically attached.
Note the ARN of the execution role. You will need it when creating an API method and setting up its
integration request.

Start to Create an API as a Kinesis Proxy
Use the following steps to create the API in the API Gateway console.

To create an API as an AWS service proxy for Kinesis

In the API Gateway console, choose Create API.


Choose New API.


In API name, type KinesisProxy. Leave the default values in the other fields.


Type a description in Description, if you like.


Choose Create API.

After the API is created, the API Gateway console displays the Resources page, which contains only the
API's root (/) resource.

List Streams in Kinesis
Kinesis supports the ListStreams action with the following REST API call:
POST /?Action=ListStreams HTTP/1.1
Host: kinesis..
Content-Type: application/x-amz-json-1.1


In the above REST API request, the action is specified in the Action query parameter. Alternatively, you
can specify the action in a X-Amz-Target header, instead:
Host: kinesis..
Content-Type: application/x-amz-json-1.1
X-Amz-Target: Kinesis_20131202.ListStreams

In this tutorial, we use the query parameter to specify action.
To expose a Kinesis action in the API, add a /streams resource to the API's root. Then set a GET method
on the resource and integrate the method with the ListStreams action of Kinesis.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
List Streams in Kinesis

The following procedure describes how to list Kinesis streams by using the API Gateway console.

To list Kinesis streams by using the API Gateway console

Select the API root resource. In Actions, choose Create Resource.
In Resource Name, type Streams, leave Resource Path and other fields as the default, and choose
Create Resource.


Choose the /Streams resource. From Actions, choose Create Method, choose GET from the list, and
then choose the check mark icon to finish creating the method.


The HTTP verb for a method invoked by a client may differ from the HTTP verb for an
integration required by the backend. We chose GET here, because listing streams is
intuitively a READ operation.

In the method's Setup pane, choose AWS Service.

For AWS Region, choose a region (e.g., us-east-1).


For AWS Service, choose Kinesis.


Leave AWS Subdomain blank.


For HTTP method, choose POST.


We chose POST here because Kinesis requires that the ListStreams action be invoked
with it.

For Action Type, choose Use action name.


For Action, type ListStreams.


For Execution role, type the ARN for your execution role.


Leave the default of Passthrough for Content Handling.


Choose Save to finish the initial setup of the method.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
List Streams in Kinesis


Still in the Integration Request pane, expand the HTTP Headers section:

Choose Add header.


In the Name column, type Content-Type.


In the Mapped from column, type 'application/x-amz-json-1.1'.


Choose the check mark icon to save the setting.

We used a request parameter mapping to set the Content-Type header to the static value of
'application/x-amz-json-1.1' to inform Kinesis that the input is of a specific version of JSON.

Expand the Body Mapping Templates section:

Choose Add mapping template.


For Content-Type, type application/json.


Choose the check mark icon to save the Content-Type setting. Choose Yes, secure this
integration in Change passthrough behavior.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
List Streams in Kinesis


Type {} in the template editor.


Choose the Save button to save the mapping template.

The ListStreams request takes a payload of the following JSON format:


"ExclusiveStartStreamName": "string",
"Limit": number

However, the properties are optional. To use the default values, we opted for an empty JSON
payload here.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
List Streams in Kinesis


Test the GET method on the Streams resource to invoke the ListStreams action in Kinesis:
From the API Gateway console, select the /streams/GET entry from the Resources pane, choose the
Test invocation option, and then choose Test.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create, Describe, and Delete a Stream in Kinesis

If you already created two streams named "myStream" and "yourStream" in Kinesis, the successful
test returns a 200 OK response containing the following payload:



"HasMoreStreams": false,
"StreamNames": [

Create, Describe, and Delete a Stream in Kinesis
Creating, describing, and deleting a stream in Kinesis involves making the following Kinesis REST API
requests, respectively:

POST /?Action=CreateStream HTTP/1.1
Host: kinesis.region.domain
Content-Type: application/x-amz-json-1.1
Content-Length: PayloadSizeBytes

"ShardCount": number,
"StreamName": "string"

POST /?Action=DescribeStream HTTP/1.1
Host: kinesis.region.domain
Content-Type: application/x-amz-json-1.1
Content-Length: PayloadSizeBytes


"ExclusiveStartShardId": "string",
"Limit": number,
"StreamName": "string"

POST /?Action=DeleteStream HTTP/1.1
Host: kinesis.region.domain
Content-Type: application/x-amz-json-1.1
Content-Length: PayloadSizeBytes



Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create, Describe, and Delete a Stream in Kinesis

We can build the API to accept the required input as a JSON payload of the method request and pass
the payload through to the integration request. However, to provide more examples of data mapping
between method and integration requests, and method and integration responses, we create our API
somewhat differently.
We expose the GET, POST, and Delete HTTP methods on a to-be-named Stream resource. We use
the {stream-name} path variable as the placeholder of the stream resource and integrate these API
methods with the Kinesis' DescribeStream, CreateStream, and DeleteStream actions, respectively.
We require that the client pass other input data as headers, query parameters, or the payload of a
method request. We provide mapping templates to transform the data to the required integration
request payload.

To configure and test the GET method on a stream resource

Create a child resource with the {stream-name} path variable under the previously created /
streams resource.


Add the POST, GET, and DELETE HTTP verbs to this resource.
After the methods are created on the resource, the structure of the API looks like the following:


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create, Describe, and Delete a Stream in Kinesis


Set up the GET /streams/{stream-name} method to call the POST /?
Action=DescribeStream action in Kinesis, as shown in the following.


Add the following Content-Type header mapping to the integration request:


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create, Describe, and Delete a Stream in Kinesis

Content-Type: 'x-amz-json-1.1'

The task follows the same procedure to set up the request parameter mapping for the GET /
streams method.

Add the following body mapping template to map data from the GET /streams/{stream-name}
method request to the POST /?Action=DescribeStream integration request:

"StreamName": "$input.params('stream-name')"


This mapping template generates the required integration request payload for the
DescribeStream action of Kinesis from the method request's stream-name path parameter value.

Test the GET /stream/{stream-name} method to invoke the DescribeStream action in Kinesis:
From the API Gateway console, select /streams/{stream-name}/GET in the Resources pane, choose
Test to start testing, type the name of an existing Kinesis stream in the Path field for stream-name,
and choose Test. If the test is successful, a 200 OK response is returned with a payload similar to the

"StreamDescription": {
"HasMoreShards": false,
"RetentionPeriodHours": 24,
"Shards": [
"HashKeyRange": {
"EndingHashKey": "68056473384187692692674921486353642290",
"StartingHashKey": "0"
"SequenceNumberRange": {
"ShardId": "shardId-000000000000"
"HashKeyRange": {
"EndingHashKey": "340282366920938463463374607431768211455",
"StartingHashKey": "272225893536750770770699685945414569164"
"SequenceNumberRange": {
"ShardId": "shardId-000000000004"
"StreamARN": "arn:aws:kinesis:us-east-1:12345678901:stream/myStream",
"StreamName": "myStream",
"StreamStatus": "ACTIVE"


After you deploy the API, you can make a REST request against this API method:


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Create, Describe, and Delete a Stream in Kinesis
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: ...
X-Amz-Date: 20160323T194451Z

To configure and test the POST method on a stream resource

Set up the POST /streams/{stream-name} method to call POST /?Action=CreateStream
action in Kinesis. The task follows the same procedure to set up the GET /streams/{streamname} method provided that you replace the DescribeStream action by CreateStream.


Add the following Content-Type header mapping to the integration request:
Content-Type: 'x-amz-json-1.1'

The task follows the same procedure to set up the request parameter mapping for the GET /
streams method.

Add the following body mapping template to map data from the POST /streams/{streamname} method request to the POST /?Action=CreateStream integration request:

"ShardCount": #if($input.path('$.ShardCount') == '') 5 #else
$input.path('$.ShardCount') #end,
"StreamName": "$input.params('stream-name')"


In the preceding mapping template, we set ShardCount to a fixed value of 5 if the client does not
specify a value in the method request payload.

Test the POST /streams/{stream-name} method to create a named stream in Kinesis:
From the API Gateway console, select /streams/{stream-name}/POST in the Resources pane,
choose Test to start testing, type the name of an existing Kinesis stream in Path for stream-name,
and choose Test. If the test is successful, a 200 OK response is returned with no data.
After you deploy the API, you can also make a REST API request against the POST method on a
Stream resource to invoke the CreateStream action in Kinesis:

Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: ...
X-Amz-Date: 20160323T194451Z

"ShardCount": 5


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Get Records from and Add Records to a Stream in Kinesis

Configure and test the DELETE method on a stream resource

Set up the DELETE /streams/{stream-name} method to integrate with the POST /?
Action=DeleteStream action in Kinesis. The task follows the same procedure to set up the GET /
streams/{stream-name} method provided that you replace the DescribeStream action by


Add the following Content-Type header mapping to the integration request:
Content-Type: 'x-amz-json-1.1'

The task follows the same procedure to set up the request parameter mapping for the GET /
streams method.

Add the following body mapping template to map data from the DELETE /streams/
{stream-name} method request to the corresponding integration request of POST /?
Action=DeleteStream :

"StreamName": "$input.params('stream-name')"

This mapping template generates the required input for the DELETE /streams/{stream-name}
action from the client-supplied URL path name of stream-name.

Test the DELETE method to delete a named stream in Kinesis:
From the API Gateway console, select the /streams/{stream-name}/DELETE method node in the
Resources pane, choose Test to start testing, type the name of an existing Kinesis stream in Path for
stream-name, and choose Test. If the test is successful, a 200 OK response is returned with no data.
After you deploy the API, you can also make the following REST API request against the DELETE
method on the Stream resource to call the DeleteStream action in Kinesis:

Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: ...
X-Amz-Date: 20160323T194451Z

Get Records from and Add Records to a Stream in
After you create a stream in Kinesis, you can add data records to the stream and read the data from the
stream. Adding data records involves calling the PutRecords or PutRecord action in Kinesis. The former
adds multiple records whereas the latter adds a single record to the stream.

POST /?Action=PutRecords HTTP/1.1
Host: kinesis.region.domain
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=..., ...


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Get Records from and Add Records to a Stream in Kinesis
Content-Type: application/x-amz-json-1.1
Content-Length: PayloadSizeBytes


"Records": [
"Data": blob,
"ExplicitHashKey": "string",
"PartitionKey": "string"
"StreamName": "string"


POST /?Action=PutRecord HTTP/1.1
Host: kinesis.region.domain
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=..., ...
Content-Type: application/x-amz-json-1.1
Content-Length: PayloadSizeBytes


"Data": blob,
"ExplicitHashKey": "string",
"PartitionKey": "string",
"SequenceNumberForOrdering": "string",
"StreamName": "string"

Here, StreamName identifies the target stream to add records. StreamName, Data, and PartitionKey
are required input data. In our example, we use the default values for all of the optional input data and
will not explicitly specify values for them in the input to the method request.
Reading data in Kinesis amounts to calling the GetRecords action:
POST /?Action=GetRecords HTTP/1.1
Host: kinesis.region.domain
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=..., ...
Content-Type: application/x-amz-json-1.1
Content-Length: PayloadSizeBytes

"ShardIterator": "string",
"Limit": number

Here, the source stream from which we are getting records is specified in the required ShardIterator
value, as is shown in the following Kinesis action to obtain a shard iterator:

POST /?Action=GetShardIterator HTTP/1.1
Host: kinesis.region.domain
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=..., ...
Content-Type: application/x-amz-json-1.1


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Get Records from and Add Records to a Stream in Kinesis
Content-Length: PayloadSizeBytes


"ShardId": "string",
"ShardIteratorType": "string",
"StartingSequenceNumber": "string",
"StreamName": "string"

For the GetRecords and PutRecords actions, we expose the GET and PUT methods, respectively, on
a /records resource that is appended to a named stream resource (/{stream-name}). Similarly, we
expose the PutRecord action as a PUT method on a /record resource.
Because the GetRecords action takes as input a ShardIterator value, which is obtained by calling the
GetShardIterator helper action, we expose a GET helper method on a ShardIterator resource (/
The following figure shows the API structure of resources after the methods are created:

The following four procedures describe how to set up each of the methods, how to map data from the
method requests to the integration requests, and how to test the methods.

To set up and test the PUT /streams/{stream-name}/record method to invoke
PutRecord in Kinesis:

Set up the PUT method, as shown in the following:


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Get Records from and Add Records to a Stream in Kinesis


Add the following request parameter mapping to set the Content-Type header to an AWScompliant version of JSON in the integration request:
Content-Type: 'x-amz-json-1.1'

The task follows the same procedure to set up the request parameter mapping for the GET /
streams method.

Add the following body mapping template to map data from the PUT /streams/{streamname}/record method request to the corresponding integration request of POST /?
Action=PutRecord :


"StreamName": "$input.params('stream-name')",
"Data": "$util.base64Encode($input.json('$.Data'))",
"PartitionKey": "$input.path('$.PartitionKey')"

This mapping template assumes that the method request payload is of the following format:

"Data": "some data",
"PartitionKey": "some key"


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Get Records from and Add Records to a Stream in Kinesis

This data can be modeled by the following JSON schema:


"$schema": "",
"title": "PutRecord proxy single-record payload",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"Data": { "type": "string" },
"PartitionKey": { "type": "string" }

You can create a model to include this schema and use the model to facilitate generating the
mapping template. However, you can generate a mapping template without using any model.

To test the PUT /streams/{stream-name}/record method, set the stream-name path variable
to the name of an existing stream, supply a payload of the required format, and then submit the
method request. The successful result is a 200 OK response with a payload of the following format:


"SequenceNumber": "49559409944537880850133345460169886593573102115167928386",
"ShardId": "shardId-000000000004"

To set up and test the PUT /streams/{stream-name}/records method to invoke
PutRecords in Kinesis

Set up the PUT /streams/{stream-name}/records method, as shown in the following:


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Get Records from and Add Records to a Stream in Kinesis


Add the following request parameter mapping to set the Content-Type header to an AWScompliant version of JSON in the integration request:
Content-Type: 'x-amz-json-1.1'

The task follows the same procedure to set up the request parameter mapping for the GET /
streams method.

Add the following body mapping template to map data from the PUT /streams/{streamname}/records method request to the corresponding integration request of POST /?
Action=PutRecords :


"StreamName": "$input.params('stream-name')",
"Records": [
#foreach($elem in $input.path('$.records'))
"Data": "$util.base64Encode($",
"PartitionKey": "$elem.partition-key"


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Get Records from and Add Records to a Stream in Kinesis

This mapping template assumes that the method request payload can be modelled by the following
JSON schema:


"$schema": "",
"title": "PutRecords proxy payload data",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"records": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"data": { "type": "string" },
"partition-key": { "type": "string" }

You can create a model to include this schema and use the model to facilitate generating the
mapping template. However, you can generate a mapping template without using any model.
In this tutorial, we used two slightly different payload formats to illustrate that an API developer
can choose to expose the backend data format to the client or hide it from the client. One format
is for the PUT /streams/{stream-name}/records method (above). Another format is used for
the PUT /streams/{stream-name}/record method (in the previous procedure). In production
environment, you should keep both formats consistent.

To test the PUT /streams/{stream-name}/records method, set the stream-name path
variable to an existing stream, supply the following payload, and submit the method request.



"records": [
"data": "some data",
"partition-key": "some key"
"data": "some other data",
"partition-key": "some key"

The successful result is a 200 OK response with a payload similar to the following output:

"FailedRecordCount": 0,
"Records": [
"SequenceNumber": "49559409944537880850133345460167468741933742152373764162",
"ShardId": "shardId-000000000004"
"SequenceNumber": "49559409944537880850133345460168677667753356781548470338",
"ShardId": "shardId-000000000004"


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Get Records from and Add Records to a Stream in Kinesis



To set up and test the GET /streams/{stream-name}/sharditerator method invoke
GetShardIterator in Kinesis
The GET /streams/{stream-name}/sharditerator method is a helper method to acquire a
required shard iterator before calling the GET /streams/{stream-name}/records method.

Set up integration for the GET /streams/{stream-name}/sharditerator method, as shown in
the following:


The GetShardIterator action requires an input of a ShardId value. To pass a client-supplied
ShardId value, we add a shard-id query parameter to the method request, as shown in the


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Get Records from and Add Records to a Stream in Kinesis

In the following body-mapping template, we set the shard-id query parameter value to the
ShardId property value of the JSON payload as the input to the GetShardIterator action in

Configure the body mapping template to generate the required input (ShardId and StreamName)
to the GetShardIterator action from the shard-id and stream-name parameters of
the method request. In addition, the mapping template also sets ShardIteratorType to
TRIM_HORIZON as a default.



"ShardId": "$input.params('shard-id')",
"ShardIteratorType": "TRIM_HORIZON",
"StreamName": "$input.params('stream-name')"

Using the Test option in the API Gateway console, enter an existing stream name as the streamname Path variable value, set the shard-id Query string to an existing ShardId value (e.g.,
shard-000000000004), and choose Test.
The successful response payload is similar to the following output:

Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Get Records from and Add Records to a Stream in Kinesis


"ShardIterator": "AAAAAAAAAAFYVN3VlFy..."

Make note of the ShardIterator value. You need it to get records from a stream.

To configure and test the GET /streams/{stream-name}/records method to invoke the
GetRecords action in Kinesis

Set up the GET /streams/{stream-name}/records method, as shown in the following:


The GetRecords action requires an input of a ShardIterator value. To pass a client-supplied
ShardIterator value, we add a Shard-Iterator header parameter to the method request, as
shown in the following:


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Get Records from and Add Records to a Stream in Kinesis


Set up the following mapping template to map the Shard-Iterator header parameter value to
the ShardIterator property value of the JSON payload for the GetRecords action in Kinesis.


"ShardIterator": "$input.params('Shard-Iterator')"

Using the Test option in the API Gateway console, type an existing stream name as the streamname Path variable value, set the Shard-Iterator Header to the ShardIterator value obtained
from the test run of the GET /streams/{stream-name}/sharditerator method (above), and
choose Test.
The successful response payload is similar to the following output:


"MillisBehindLatest": 0,
"NextShardIterator": "AAAAAAAAAAF...",
"Records": [ ... ]


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
OpenAPI Definitions of a Sample API as a Kinesis Proxy

OpenAPI Definitions of a Sample API as a Kinesis
Following are OpenAPI definitions for the sample API as a Kinesis proxy used in this tutorial.
OpenAPI 3.0

"openapi": "3.0.0",
"info": {
"version": "2016-03-31T18:25:32Z",
"title": "KinesisProxy"
"paths": {
"/streams": {
"get": {
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "200 response",
"content": {
"application/json": {
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/components/schemas/Empty"
"x-amazon-apigateway-integration": {
"credentials": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/apigAwsProxyRole",
"responses": {
"default": {
"statusCode": "200"
"requestTemplates": {
"application/json": "{\n}"
"uri": "arn:aws:apigateway:us-east-1:kinesis:action/ListStreams",
"httpMethod": "POST",
"requestParameters": {
"integration.request.header.Content-Type": "'application/x-amzjson-1.1'"
"type": "aws"
"/streams/{stream-name}": {
"get": {
"parameters": [
"name": "stream-name",
"in": "path",
"required": true,
"schema": {
"type": "string"
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "200 response",


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
OpenAPI Definitions of a Sample API as a Kinesis Proxy
"content": {
"application/json": {
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/components/schemas/Empty"

"x-amazon-apigateway-integration": {
"credentials": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/apigAwsProxyRole",
"responses": {
"default": {
"statusCode": "200"
"requestTemplates": {
"application/json": "{\n
\"StreamName\": \"$input.params('stream-


"uri": "arn:aws:apigateway:us-east-1:kinesis:action/DescribeStream",
"httpMethod": "POST",
"type": "aws"

"post": {
"parameters": [
"name": "stream-name",
"in": "path",
"required": true,
"schema": {
"type": "string"
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "200 response",
"content": {
"application/json": {
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/components/schemas/Empty"
"x-amazon-apigateway-integration": {
"credentials": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/apigAwsProxyRole",
"responses": {
"default": {
"statusCode": "200"
"requestTemplates": {
"application/json": "{\n
\"ShardCount\": 5,\n
"uri": "arn:aws:apigateway:us-east-1:kinesis:action/CreateStream",
"httpMethod": "POST",
"requestParameters": {
"integration.request.header.Content-Type": "'application/x-amzjson-1.1'"
"type": "aws"


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
OpenAPI Definitions of a Sample API as a Kinesis Proxy
"delete": {
"parameters": [
"name": "stream-name",
"in": "path",
"required": true,
"schema": {
"type": "string"
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "200 response",
"headers": {
"Content-Type": {
"schema": {
"type": "string"
"content": {
"application/json": {
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/components/schemas/Empty"
"400": {
"description": "400 response",
"headers": {
"Content-Type": {
"schema": {
"type": "string"
"500": {
"description": "500 response",
"headers": {
"Content-Type": {
"schema": {
"type": "string"
"x-amazon-apigateway-integration": {
"credentials": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/apigAwsProxyRole",
"responses": {
"4\\d{2}": {
"statusCode": "400",
"responseParameters": {
"default": {
"statusCode": "200",
"responseParameters": {


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
OpenAPI Definitions of a Sample API as a Kinesis Proxy
"5\\d{2}": {
"statusCode": "500",
"responseParameters": {
"requestTemplates": {
"application/json": "{\n
\"StreamName\": \"$input.params('streamname')\"\n}"
"uri": "arn:aws:apigateway:us-east-1:kinesis:action/DeleteStream",
"httpMethod": "POST",
"requestParameters": {
"integration.request.header.Content-Type": "'application/x-amzjson-1.1'"
"type": "aws"
"/streams/{stream-name}/record": {
"put": {
"parameters": [
"name": "stream-name",
"in": "path",
"required": true,
"schema": {
"type": "string"
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "200 response",
"content": {
"application/json": {
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/components/schemas/Empty"
"x-amazon-apigateway-integration": {
"credentials": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/apigAwsProxyRole",
"responses": {
"default": {
"statusCode": "200"
"requestTemplates": {
"application/json": "{\n
\"StreamName\": \"$input.params('streamname')\",\n
\"Data\": \"$util.base64Encode($input.json('$.Data'))\",\n
\"PartitionKey\": \"$input.path('$.PartitionKey')\"\n}"
"uri": "arn:aws:apigateway:us-east-1:kinesis:action/PutRecord",
"httpMethod": "POST",
"requestParameters": {


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
OpenAPI Definitions of a Sample API as a Kinesis Proxy
"integration.request.header.Content-Type": "'application/x-amz-




"type": "aws"

"/streams/{stream-name}/records": {
"get": {
"parameters": [
"name": "stream-name",
"in": "path",
"required": true,
"schema": {
"type": "string"
"name": "Shard-Iterator",
"in": "header",
"required": false,
"schema": {
"type": "string"
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "200 response",
"content": {
"application/json": {
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/components/schemas/Empty"
"x-amazon-apigateway-integration": {
"credentials": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/apigAwsProxyRole",
"responses": {
"default": {
"statusCode": "200"
"requestTemplates": {
"application/json": "{\n
"uri": "arn:aws:apigateway:us-east-1:kinesis:action/GetRecords",
"httpMethod": "POST",
"requestParameters": {
"integration.request.header.Content-Type": "'application/x-amzjson-1.1'"
"type": "aws"
"put": {
"parameters": [
"name": "Content-Type",
"in": "header",
"required": false,
"schema": {


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
OpenAPI Definitions of a Sample API as a Kinesis Proxy



"type": "string"

"name": "stream-name",
"in": "path",
"required": true,
"schema": {
"type": "string"

"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "200 response",
"content": {
"application/json": {
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/components/schemas/Empty"
"x-amazon-apigateway-integration": {
"credentials": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/apigAwsProxyRole",
"responses": {
"default": {
"statusCode": "200"
"requestTemplates": {
"application/json": "{\n
\"StreamName\": \"$input.params('streamname')\",\n
\"Records\": [\n
\"PartitionKey\": \"$elem.partitionkey\"\n
"application/x-amz-json-1.1": "{\n \"StreamName\":
\"$input.params('stream-name')\",\n \"records\" : [\n
\" : \"$\",\n
\"PartitionKey\" : \"$elem.partition-key\"\n
}#if($foreach.hasNext),#end\n ]\n}"
"uri": "arn:aws:apigateway:us-east-1:kinesis:action/PutRecords",
"httpMethod": "POST",
"requestParameters": {
"integration.request.header.Content-Type": "'application/x-amzjson-1.1'"
"type": "aws"
"requestBody": {
"content": {
"application/json": {
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/components/schemas/PutRecordsMethodRequestPayload"
"application/x-amz-json-1.1": {
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/components/schemas/PutRecordsMethodRequestPayload"
"required": true


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
OpenAPI Definitions of a Sample API as a Kinesis Proxy
"/streams/{stream-name}/sharditerator": {
"get": {
"parameters": [
"name": "stream-name",
"in": "path",
"required": true,
"schema": {
"type": "string"
"name": "shard-id",
"in": "query",
"required": false,
"schema": {
"type": "string"
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "200 response",
"content": {
"application/json": {
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/components/schemas/Empty"
"x-amazon-apigateway-integration": {
"credentials": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/apigAwsProxyRole",
"responses": {
"default": {
"statusCode": "200"
"requestTemplates": {
"application/json": "{\n
\"ShardId\": \"$input.params('shardid')\",\n
\"ShardIteratorType\": \"TRIM_HORIZON\",\n
"uri": "arn:aws:apigateway:us-east-1:kinesis:action/GetShardIterator",
"httpMethod": "POST",
"requestParameters": {
"integration.request.header.Content-Type": "'application/x-amzjson-1.1'"
"type": "aws"
"servers": [
"url": "{basePath}",
"variables": {
"basePath": {
"default": "/test"
"components": {


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
OpenAPI Definitions of a Sample API as a Kinesis Proxy



"schemas": {
"PutRecordsMethodRequestPayload": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"records": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"data": {
"type": "string"
"partition-key": {
"type": "string"
"Empty": {
"type": "object"

OpenAPI 2.0

"swagger": "2.0",
"info": {
"version": "2016-03-31T18:25:32Z",
"title": "KinesisProxy"
"host": "",
"basePath": "/test",
"schemes": [
"paths": {
"/streams": {
"get": {
"consumes": [
"produces": [
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "200 response",
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Empty"
"x-amazon-apigateway-integration": {
"credentials": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/apigAwsProxyRole",
"responses": {
"default": {
"statusCode": "200"
"requestTemplates": {


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
OpenAPI Definitions of a Sample API as a Kinesis Proxy



"application/json": "{\n}"
"uri": "arn:aws:apigateway:us-east-1:kinesis:action/ListStreams",
"httpMethod": "POST",
"requestParameters": {
"integration.request.header.Content-Type": "'application/x-amz-json-1.1'"
"type": "aws"

"/streams/{stream-name}": {
"get": {
"consumes": [
"produces": [
"parameters": [
"name": "stream-name",
"in": "path",
"required": true,
"type": "string"
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "200 response",
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Empty"
"x-amazon-apigateway-integration": {
"credentials": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/apigAwsProxyRole",
"responses": {
"default": {
"statusCode": "200"
"requestTemplates": {
"application/json": "{\n
\"StreamName\": \"$input.params('streamname')\"\n}"
"uri": "arn:aws:apigateway:us-east-1:kinesis:action/DescribeStream",
"httpMethod": "POST",
"type": "aws"
"post": {
"consumes": [
"produces": [
"parameters": [
"name": "stream-name",
"in": "path",
"required": true,
"type": "string"


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
OpenAPI Definitions of a Sample API as a Kinesis Proxy
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "200 response",
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Empty"
"x-amazon-apigateway-integration": {
"credentials": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/apigAwsProxyRole",
"responses": {
"default": {
"statusCode": "200"
"requestTemplates": {
"application/json": "{\n
\"ShardCount\": 5,\n
"uri": "arn:aws:apigateway:us-east-1:kinesis:action/CreateStream",
"httpMethod": "POST",
"requestParameters": {
"integration.request.header.Content-Type": "'application/x-amz-json-1.1'"
"type": "aws"
"delete": {
"consumes": [
"produces": [
"parameters": [
"name": "stream-name",
"in": "path",
"required": true,
"type": "string"
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "200 response",
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Empty"
"headers": {
"Content-Type": {
"type": "string"
"400": {
"description": "400 response",
"headers": {
"Content-Type": {
"type": "string"
"500": {
"description": "500 response",
"headers": {
"Content-Type": {


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
OpenAPI Definitions of a Sample API as a Kinesis Proxy




"type": "string"

"x-amazon-apigateway-integration": {
"credentials": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/apigAwsProxyRole",
"responses": {
"4\\d{2}": {
"statusCode": "400",
"responseParameters": {
"default": {
"statusCode": "200",
"responseParameters": {
"5\\d{2}": {
"statusCode": "500",
"responseParameters": {
"requestTemplates": {
"application/json": "{\n
\"StreamName\": \"$input.params('streamname')\"\n}"
"uri": "arn:aws:apigateway:us-east-1:kinesis:action/DeleteStream",
"httpMethod": "POST",
"requestParameters": {
"integration.request.header.Content-Type": "'application/x-amz-json-1.1'"
"type": "aws"
"/streams/{stream-name}/record": {
"put": {
"consumes": [
"produces": [
"parameters": [
"name": "stream-name",
"in": "path",
"required": true,
"type": "string"
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "200 response",
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Empty"


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
OpenAPI Definitions of a Sample API as a Kinesis Proxy
"x-amazon-apigateway-integration": {
"credentials": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/apigAwsProxyRole",
"responses": {
"default": {
"statusCode": "200"
"requestTemplates": {
"application/json": "{\n
\"StreamName\": \"$input.params('streamname')\",\n
\"Data\": \"$util.base64Encode($input.json('$.Data'))\",\n
\"PartitionKey\": \"$input.path('$.PartitionKey')\"\n}"
"uri": "arn:aws:apigateway:us-east-1:kinesis:action/PutRecord",
"httpMethod": "POST",
"requestParameters": {
"integration.request.header.Content-Type": "'application/x-amz-json-1.1'"
"type": "aws"
"/streams/{stream-name}/records": {
"get": {
"consumes": [
"produces": [
"parameters": [
"name": "stream-name",
"in": "path",
"required": true,
"type": "string"
"name": "Shard-Iterator",
"in": "header",
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "200 response",
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Empty"
"x-amazon-apigateway-integration": {
"credentials": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/apigAwsProxyRole",
"responses": {
"default": {
"statusCode": "200"
"requestTemplates": {
"application/json": "{\n
\"ShardIterator\": \"$input.params('ShardIterator')\"\n}"
"uri": "arn:aws:apigateway:us-east-1:kinesis:action/GetRecords",
"httpMethod": "POST",
"requestParameters": {


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
OpenAPI Definitions of a Sample API as a Kinesis Proxy
"integration.request.header.Content-Type": "'application/x-amz-json-1.1'"
"type": "aws"

"put": {
"consumes": [
"produces": [
"parameters": [
"name": "Content-Type",
"in": "header",
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"name": "stream-name",
"in": "path",
"required": true,
"type": "string"
"in": "body",
"name": "PutRecordsMethodRequestPayload",
"required": true,
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/PutRecordsMethodRequestPayload"
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "200 response",
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Empty"
"x-amazon-apigateway-integration": {
"credentials": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/apigAwsProxyRole",
"responses": {
"default": {
"statusCode": "200"
"requestTemplates": {
"application/json": "{\n
\"StreamName\": \"$input.params('streamname')\",\n
\"Records\": [\n
#foreach($elem in $input.path('$.records'))\n
\"Data\": \"$util.base64Encode($\",\n
\"PartitionKey\": \"$elem.partition-key\"\n
"application/x-amz-json-1.1": "#set($inputRoot = $input.path('$'))\n{\n
\"StreamName\": \"$input.params('stream-name')\",\n \"records\" : [\n
#foreach($elem in $inputRoot.records)\n
\"Data\" : \"$\",\n
\"PartitionKey\" : \"$elem.partition-key\"\n
#end\n ]\n}"
"uri": "arn:aws:apigateway:us-east-1:kinesis:action/PutRecords",
"httpMethod": "POST",
"requestParameters": {
"integration.request.header.Content-Type": "'application/x-amz-json-1.1'"


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
OpenAPI Definitions of a Sample API as a Kinesis Proxy



"type": "aws"

"/streams/{stream-name}/sharditerator": {
"get": {
"consumes": [
"produces": [
"parameters": [
"name": "stream-name",
"in": "path",
"required": true,
"type": "string"
"name": "shard-id",
"in": "query",
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "200 response",
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Empty"
"x-amazon-apigateway-integration": {
"credentials": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/apigAwsProxyRole",
"responses": {
"default": {
"statusCode": "200"
"requestTemplates": {
"application/json": "{\n
\"ShardId\": \"$input.params('shardid')\",\n
\"ShardIteratorType\": \"TRIM_HORIZON\",\n
"uri": "arn:aws:apigateway:us-east-1:kinesis:action/GetShardIterator",
"httpMethod": "POST",
"requestParameters": {
"integration.request.header.Content-Type": "'application/x-amz-json-1.1'"
"type": "aws"
"definitions": {
"PutRecordsMethodRequestPayload": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"records": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
OpenAPI Definitions of a Sample API as a Kinesis Proxy







"data": {
"type": "string"
"partition-key": {
"type": "string"

"Empty": {
"type": "object"


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide

Amazon API Gateway Version 1 and
Version 2 API References
Amazon API Gateway provides APIs for creating and deploying your own HTTP and WebSocket APIs. In
addition, API Gateway APIs are available in standard AWS SDKs.
If you are using a language for which an AWS SDK exists, you may prefer to use the SDK rather than
using the API Gateway REST APIs directly. The SDKs make authentication simpler, integrate easily with
your development environment, and provide easy access to API Gateway commands.
Here's where to find the AWS SDKs and API Gateway REST API reference documentation:
• Tools for Amazon Web Services (for developer tools, SDKs, and IDE toolkits)
• Amazon API Gateway Version 1 API Reference (for creating and deploying HTTP APIs)
• Amazon API Gateway Version 2 API Reference (for creating and deploying WebSocket APIs)


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
API Gateway Limits

Amazon API Gateway Limits and
Known Issues
• API Gateway Limits (p. 674)
• Amazon API Gateway Known Issues (p. 678)

API Gateway Limits
Unless noted otherwise, the limits can be increased upon request. To request a limit increase, contact the
AWS Support Center.
When authorization is enabled on a method, the maximum length of the method's ARN (e.g.,
{resource}/{path}) is 1600 bytes. The path parameter values, the size of which are determined at
run time, can cause the ARN length to exceed the limit. When this happens, the API client will receive a
414 Request URI too long response.
Header values are limited to 10240 bytes.

API Gateway Account-Level Limits
The following limits apply at the account level in Amazon API Gateway.
Resource or

Default Limit

Can Be

Throttle limit per
region across REST
APIs, WebSocket
APIs, and WebSocket
callback APIs

10,000 requests per second (RPS) with an additional burst capacity
provided by the token bucket algorithm, using a maximum bucket
capacity of 5,000 requests.


Regional APIs



Edge-Optimized APIs 120



The burst limit is determined by the API Gateway service
team based on the overall RPS limits for the account. It is
not a limit that a customer can control or request changes

API Gateway Limits for Configuring and Running a
WebSocket API
The following limits apply to configuring and running a WebSocket API in Amazon API Gateway.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
API Gateway Limits for Configuring
and Running a REST API

Resource or

Default Limit

Can Be

New connections
per second per
account (across all
WebSocket APIs) per



AWS Lambda
authorizers per API



Routes per API



Integrations per API



Stages per API



WebSocket frame

32 KB


Message payload

128 KB



Because of the WebSocket frame-size limit of 32 KB, a
message larger than 32 KB must be split into multiple
frames, each 32 KB or smaller. If a larger message (or larger
frame size) is received, the connection is closed with code
Connection duration
for WebSocket API

2 hours


Idle Connection

10 minutes


API Gateway Limits for Configuring and Running a
The following limits apply to configuring and running a REST API in Amazon API Gateway.

Resource or

Default Limit

Can Be

Private APIs per
account per region



Length, in
characters, of API
Gateway resource



API keys per account
per region




Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
API Gateway Limits for Configuring
and Running a REST API

Resource or

Default Limit

Can Be

Client certificates per 60
account per region


Authorizers per API
(AWS Lambda and
Amazon Cognito)



Documentation parts 2000
per API


Resources per API



Stages per API



Usage plans per
account per region



Usage plans per API



throttling limit
settings per API



VPC links per
account per region



API caching TTL

300 seconds by default and configurable between 0 and 3600 by an Not
API owner.
for the

Integration timeout

50 milliseconds - 29 seconds for all integration types, including
Lambda, Lambda proxy, HTTP, HTTP proxy, and AWS integrations.

Not for
the lower
or upper

Header value size

10240 Bytes


Payload size

10 MB


Tags per stage



Number of iterations
in a #foreach ...
#end loop in
mapping templates



ARN length of
a method with

1600 bytes


For restapi:import or restapi:put, the maximum size of the API definition file is 2 MB.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
API Gateway Limits for Creating,
Deploying and Managing an API

All of the per-API limits can only be increased on specific APIs.

API Gateway Limits for Creating, Deploying and
Managing an API
The following fixed limits apply to creating, deploying, and managing an API in API Gateway, using the
AWS CLI, the API Gateway console, or the API Gateway REST API and its SDKs. These limits cannot be


Default Limit

Can Be Increased


Regional or Private API


• 1 request every 3 seconds per

Edge-Optimized API
• 1 request every 30 seconds
per account

Regional or Private API


• 1 request every 3 seconds per

Edge-Optimized API
• 1 request every 30 seconds
per account

1 request per second per



1 request every 30 seconds per



1 request every 5 seconds per



1 request every 20 seconds per



5 requests every 2 seconds per



5 requests per second per



5 requests per second per



1 request every 30 seconds per



Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Known Issues


Default Limit

Can Be Increased


1 request every 20 seconds per


Other operations

No limit up to the total account


Total operations

10 requests per second with a
burst limit of 40 requests per


Amazon API Gateway Known Issues
• Amazon API Gateway Known Issues for REST and WebSocket APIs (p. 678)
• Amazon API Gateway Known Issues for WebSocket APIs (p. 678)
• Amazon API Gateway Known Issues for REST APIs (p. 678)

Amazon API Gateway Known Issues for REST and
WebSocket APIs
• API Gateway does not support wildcard subdomain names (of the *.domain form). However, it does
support wildcard certificates (certificates for wildcard subdomain names).
• API Gateway does not support sharing a custom domain name across REST and WebSocket APIs.
• The /ping and /sping paths are reserved for the service health check. Use of these for API root-level
resources with custom domains will fail to produce the expected result.
• API Gateway currently limits log events to 1024 bytes. Log events larger than 1024 bytes, such as
request and response bodies, will be truncated by API Gateway before submission to CloudWatch Logs.
• CloudWatch Metrics currently limits dimension names and values to 255 valid XML characters. (For
more information, see the CloudWatch User Guide.) Dimension values are a function of user-defined
names, including API name, label (stage) name, and resource name. When choosing these names, be
careful not to exceed CloudWatch Metrics limits.

Amazon API Gateway Known Issues for WebSocket
• API Gateway supports message payloads up to 128 KB with a maximum frame size of 32 KB. If a
message exceeds 32 KB, you must split it into multiple frames, each 32 KB or smaller. If a larger
message is received, the connection is closed with code 1009.

Amazon API Gateway Known Issues for REST APIs
• The plain text pipe character (|) is not supported for any request URL query string and must be URLencoded.
• The semicolon character (;) is not supported for any request URL query string and results in the data
being split.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Known Issues for REST APIs

• When using the API Gateway console to test an API, you may get an "unknown endpoint errors"
response if a self-signed certificate is presented to the backend, the intermediate certificate is missing
from the certificate chain, or any other unrecognizable certificate-related exceptions thrown by the
• For an API Resource or Method entity with a private integration, you should delete it after removing
any hard-coded reference of a VpcLink. Otherwise, you have a dangling integration and receive an
error stating that the VPC link is still in use even when the Resource or Method entity is deleted. This
behavior does not apply when the private integration references VpcLink through a stage variable.
• The following backends may not support SSL client authentication in a way that's compatible with API
• Heroku
• API Gateway supports most of the OpenAPI 2.0 specification and the OpenAPI 3.0 specification, with
the following exceptions:
• API Gateway models are defined using JSON schema draft 4, instead of the JSON schema used by
• The additionalProperties field is not supported in Models.
• The discriminator parameter is not supported in any schema object.
• The example tag is not supported.
• exclusiveMinimum is not supported by API Gateway
• The maxItems and minItems tags are not included in simple request validation. To work around
this, update the model after import before doing validation.
• oneOf is not supported by API Gateway
• pattern is not supported by API Gateway
• The readOnly field is not supported.
• Response definitions of the "500": {"$ref": "#/responses/UnexpectedError"} form is not
supported in the OpenAPI document root. To work around this, replace the reference by the inline
• Numbers of the Int32 or Int64 type is not supported. An example is shown as follows:
"elementId": {
"description": "Working Element Id",
"format": "int32",
"type": "number"

• Decimal number format type ("format": "decimal") is not supported in a schema definition.
• In method responses, schema definition must be of an object type and cannot be of primitive types.
For example, "schema": { "type": "string"} is not supported. However, you can work around
this using the following object type:
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/StringResponse"
"definitions": {
"StringResponse": {
"type": "string"

• API Gateway enacts the following restrictions and limitations when handling methods with either
Lambda integration or HTTP integration.
• Header names and query parameters are processed in a case-sensitive way.

Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Known Issues for REST APIs

• The following headers may be dropped, remapped, or otherwise modified when sent to your
integration endpoint or sent back by your integration endpoint:

Header Name

Request (http/http_proxy/lambda)















Dropped (400)









Passthrough (generated based on body)















5XX/5XX/Overwritten by Lambda

































Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Known Issues for REST APIs

Header Name

Request (http/http_proxy/lambda)














• The Android SDK of an API generated by API Gateway uses the
class. This class will throw an unhandled exception, on devices running Android 4.4 and earlier, for a
401 response resulted from remapping of the WWW-Authenticate header to X-Amzn-RemappedWWW-Authenticate.
• Unlike API Gateway-generated Java, Android and iOS SDKs of an API, the JavaScript SDK of an API
generated by API Gateway does not support retries for 500-level errors.
• The test invocation of a method uses the default content type of application/json and ignores
specifications of any other content types.


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide

Document History
The following table describes the important changes to the documentation since the last release of
Amazon API Gateway. For notification about updates to this documentation, you can subscribe to an RSS
feed by choosing the RSS button in the top menu panel.
• Latest documentation update: December 18, 2018




Support for WebSocket
APIs (p. 682)

Added support for WebSocket
APIs. For more information, see
Creating a WebSocket API in
Amazon API Gateway.

December 18, 2018

Support for AWS WAF (p. 682)

Added support for AWS WAF
(Web Application Firewall). For
more information, see Control
Access to an API Using AWS

November 5, 2018

Serverless developer
portal (p. 682)

Amazon API Gateway now
provides a fully customizable
developer portal as a serverless
application that you can deploy
for publishing your API Gateway
APIs. For more information,
see Use a Developer Portal to
Catalog Your API Gateway APIs.

October 29, 2018

Support for multi-value
headers and query string
parameters (p. 682)

Amazon API Gateway now
supports multiple headers and
query string parameters that
have the same name. For more
information, see Support for
Multi-Value Headers and Query
String Parameters.

October 4, 2018

OpenAPI support (p. 682)

Amazon API Gateway now
supports OpenAPI 3.0 as well as
OpenAPI (Swagger) 2.0.

September 27, 2018

updated (p. 682)

Added a new topic: How Amazon September 27, 2018
API Gateway Resource Policies
Affect Authorization Workflow.

Active AWS X-Ray
integration (p. 682)

You can now use AWS X-Ray
September 6, 2018
to trace and analyze latencies
in user requests as they travel
through your APIs to the
underlying services. For more
information, see Trace API
Gateway API Execution with AWS


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide

Caching improvements (p. 682)

Only GET methods will have
caching enabled by default
when you enable caching for an
API stage. This helps to ensure
the safety of your API. You
can enable caching for other
methods by overriding method
settings. For more information,
see Enable API Caching to
Enhance Responsiveness.

Service limits revised (p. 682)

Several limits have been revised: July 13, 2018
Increased number of APIs per
account. Increased API rate limits
for Create/Import/Deploy APIs.
Corrected some rates from per
minute to per second. For more
information, see Limits.

Overriding API request and
response parameters and
headers (p. 682)

Added support for overriding
request headers, query strings,
and paths, as well as response
headers and status codes. For
more information, see Use a
Mapping Template to Override
an API's Request and Response
Parameters and Headers.

July 12, 2018

Method-level throttling for
usage plans (p. 682)

Added support for setting
default per-method throttling
limits, as well as setting
throttling limits for individual
API methods in usage plan
settings. These settings are
in addition to the existing
account-level throttling and
default method-level throttling
limits that you can set in stage
settings. For more information,
see Throttle API Requests for
Better Throughput.

July 11, 2018

API Gateway Developer Guide
update notifications now
available through RSS (p. 682)

The HTML version of the API
Gateway Developer Guide now
supports an RSS feed of updates
that are documented on this
Document History page. The
RSS feed includes updates
made June 27, 2018, and later.
Previously announced updates
are still available on this page.
Use the RSS button in the top
menu panel to subscribe to the

June 27, 2018


August 20, 2018

Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Earlier Updates

Earlier Updates
The following table describes important changes in each release of the API Gateway Developer Guide
before June 27, 2018.




Private APIs

Added support for private APIs (p. 64), which you expose via
interface VPC endpoints. Traffic to your private APIs does
not leave the Amazon network; it is isolated from the public

June 14,

Lambda Authorizers
and Integrations
and Cross-Account
Amazon Cognito User
Pool Authorizers

Use an AWS Lambda function from a different AWS account
as a Lambda authorizer function or as an API integration
backend. Or use an Amazon Cognito user pool as an
authorizer. The other account can be in any region where
Amazon API Gateway is available. For more information,
see the section called “Configure Cross-Account Lambda
Authorizer” (p. 260), the section called “Build an API with
Cross-Account Lambda Proxy Integration” (p. 534), and the
section called “Configure Cross-Account Amazon Cognito
Authorizer” (p. 269).

April 2, 2018

Resource Policies for

Use API Gateway resource policies to enable users from a
different AWS account to securely access your API or to allow
the API to be invoked only from specified source IP address
ranges or CIDR blocks. For more information, see the section
called “Use API Gateway Resource Policies” (p. 220).

April 2, 2018

Tagging for API
Gateway resources

Tag an API stage with up to 50 tags for cost allocation of API
requests and caching in API Gateway. For more information
see the section called “Set Up Tags” (p. 375).

December 19,

Payload compression
and decompression

Enable calling your API with compressed payloads using
one of the supported content codings. The compressed
payloads are subject to mapping if a body-mapping template
is specified. For more information, see the section called
“Enable Payload Compression” (p. 196).

December 19,

API key sourced from
a custom authorizer

Return an API key from a custom authorizer to API Gateway to
apply a usage plan for API methods that require the key. For
more information, see the section called “Choose an API Key
Source” (p. 294).

December 19,

Authorization with
OAuth 2 scopes

Enable authorization of method invocation by using OAuth 2
scopes with the COGNITO_USER_POOLS authorizer. For more
information, see the section called “Use Cognito User Pool as
Authorizer for a REST API” (p. 262).

December 14,

Private Integration
and VPC Link

Create an API with the API Gateway private integration to
provide clients with access to HTTP/HTTPS resources in an
Amazon VPC from outside of the VPC through a VpcLink
resource. For more information, see the section called “Build
an API with Private Integration” (p. 579) and the section called
“Set up Private Integrations” (p. 114).

November 30,


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Earlier Updates




Deploy a Canary for
API testing

Add a canary release to an existing API deployment to test
a newer version of the API while keeping the current version
in operation on the same stage. You can set a percentage of
stage traffic for the canary release and enable canary-specific
execution and access logged in separate CloudWatch Logs
logs. For more information, see the section called “Set up a
Canary Release Deployment” (p. 390).

November 28,

Access Logging

Log client access to your API with data derived from $context
variables (p. 165) in a format of your choosing. For more
information, see the section called “Set Up CloudWatch API
Logging” (p. 378).

November 21,

Ruby SDK of an API

Generate a Ruby SDK for your API and use it to invoke your
API methods. For more information, see the section called
“Generate the Ruby SDK of an API” (p. 412) and the section
called “Use a Ruby SDK Generated by API Gateway for a REST
API” (p. 462).

November 20,

Regional API

Specify a regional API endpoint to create an API for nonmobile clients. A non-mobile client, such as an EC2 instance,
runs in the same AWS Region where the API is deployed. As
with an edge-optimized API, you can create a custom domain
name for a regional API. For more information, see the section
called “Set up a Regional API” (p. 61) and the section called
“Set up a Regional Custom Domain Name” (p. 435).

November 2,

Custom request

Use custom request authorizer to supply user-authenticating
information in request parameters to authorize API method
calls. The request parameters include headers and query
string parameters as well as stage and context variables.
For more information, see Use API Gateway Lambda
Authorizers (p. 247).

15, 2017

Customizing gateway

Customize API Gateway-generated gateway responses to
API requests that failed to reach the integration backend.
A customized gateway message can provide the caller with
API-specific custom error messages, including returning
needed CORS headers, or can transform the gateway
response data to a format of an external exchange. For more
information, see Set up Gateway Responses to Customize
Error Responses (p. 123).

June 6, 2017

Mapping Lambda
custom error
properties to method
response headers

Map individual custom error properties returned from
Lambda to the method response header parameters using
the integration.response.body parameter, relying API
Gateway to deserialize the stringified custom error object at
run time. For more information, see Handle Custom Lambda
Errors in API Gateway (p. 108).

June 6, 2017

Throttling limits

Increase the account-level steady-state request rate limit to
10,000 requests per second (rps) and the bust limit to 5000
concurrent requests. For more information, see Throttle API
Requests for Better Throughput (p. 371).

June 6, 2017


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Earlier Updates




Validating method

Configure basic request validators on the API level or method
levels so that API Gateway can validate incoming requests.
API Gateway verifies that required parameters are set and
not blank, and verifies that the format of applicable payloads
conforms to the configured model. For more information, see
Enable Request Validation in API Gateway (p. 201).

April 11,

Integrating with ACM

Use ACM Certificates for your API's custom domain names. You March 9,
can create a certificate in AWS Certificate Manager or import
an existing PEM-formatted certificate into ACM. You then
refer to the certificate's ARN when setting a custom domain
name for your APIs. For more information, see Set up Custom
Domain Name for an API in API Gateway (p. 425).

Generating and
calling a Java SDK of
an API

Let API Gateway generate the Java SDK for your API and
use the SDK to call the API in your Java client. For more
information, see Use a Java SDK Generated by API Gateway
for a REST API (p. 455).

January 13,

Integrating with AWS

Sell your API in a usage plan as a SaaS product through AWS
Marketplace. Use AWS Marketplace to extend the reach of
your API. Rely on AWS Marketplace for customer billing on
your behalf. Let API Gateway handle user authorization and
usage metering. For more information, see Sell Your APIs as
SaaS (p. 449).

December 1,

Support for your API

Add documentation for API entities in DocumentationPart
resources in API Gateway. Associate a snapshot of the
collection DocumentationPart instances with an API stage
to create a DocumentationVersion. Publish API documentation
by exporting a documentation version to an external file, such
as a Swagger file. For more information, see Documenting a
REST API in API Gateway (p. 310).

December 1,

Updated custom

A customer authorizer Lambda function now returns the
caller's principal identifier. The function also can return other
information as key-value pairs of the context map and an
IAM policy. For more information, see Output from an Amazon
API Gateway Lambda Authorizer (p. 254).

December 1,

Supporting binary

Set binaryMediaTypes on your API to support binary payloads
of a request or response. Set the contentHandling property
on an Integration or IntegrationResponse to specify whether
to handle a binary payload as the native binary blob, as
a Base64-enocded string, or as a passthrough without
modifications. For more information, see Support Binary
Payloads in API Gateway (p. 174).

November 17,

Enabling a proxy
integration with an
HTTP or Lambda
backend through a
proxy resource of an

Create a proxy resource with a greedy path parameter of the
form {proxy+} and the catch-all ANY method. The proxy
resource is integrated with an HTTP or Lambda backend
using the HTTP or Lambda proxy integration, respectively. For
more information, see Set up a Proxy Integration with a Proxy
Resource (p. 87).

20, 2016


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Earlier Updates




Extending selected
APIs in API Gateway
as product offerings
for your customers
by providing one or
more usage plans.

Create a usage plan in API Gateway to enable selected API
clients to access specified API stages at agreed-upon request
rates and quotas. For more information, see Create and Use
Usage Plans with API Keys (p. 293).

August 11,

Enabling methodlevel authorization
with a user pool in
Amazon Cognito

Create a user pool in Amazon Cognito and use it as your
own identity provider. You can configure the user pool as a
method-level authorizer to grant access for users who are
registered with the user pool. For more information, see
Control Access to a REST API Using Amazon Cognito User
Pools as Authorizer (p. 262).

July 28, 2016

Enabling Amazon
CloudWatch metrics
and dimensions under
the AWS/ApiGateway

The API Gateway metrics are now standardized under the
CloudWatch namespace of AWS/ApiGateway. You can view
them in both the API Gateway console and the Amazon
CloudWatch console. For more information, see Amazon API
Gateway Dimensions and Metrics (p. 486).

July 28, 2016

Enabling certificate
rotation for a custom
domain name

Certificate rotation allows you to upload and renew
an expiring certificate for a custom domain name. For
more information, see Rotate a Certificate Imported into
ACM (p. 434).

April 27,

changes for the
updated Amazon API
Gateway console.

Learn how to create and set up an API using the updated
API Gateway console. For more information, see Build an API
Gateway API from an Example (p. 516) and Build an API with
HTTP Custom Integration (p. 550).

April 5, 2016

Enabling the Import
API feature to create
a new or update
an existing API
from external API

With the Import API features, you can create a new API or
April 5, 2016
update an existing one by uploading an external API definition
expressed in Swagger 2.0 with the API Gateway extensions.
For more information about the Import API, see Import a REST
API into API Gateway (p. 213).

Exposing the
For more information about $input.body and
$util.parseJson(), see API Gateway Mapping Template
variable to access
Reference (p. 164).
the raw payload
as string and the
function to turn a
JSON string into a
JSON object in a
mapping template.

April 5, 2016

Enabling client
requests with
cache invalidation,
and improving
request throttling

March 25,

Flush API stage-level cache and invalidate individual cache
entry. For more information, see Flush the API Stage Cache
in API Gateway (p. 369) and Invalidate an API Gateway Cache
Entry (p. 369). Improve the console experience for managing
API request throttling. For more information, see Throttle API
Requests for Better Throughput (p. 371).


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Earlier Updates




Enabling and calling
API Gateway API
using custom

Create and configure an AWS Lambda function to implement
February 11,
custom authorization. The function returns an IAM policy
document that grants the Allow or Deny permissions to client
requests of an API Gateway API. For more information, see Use
API Gateway Lambda Authorizers (p. 247).

Importing and
exporting API
Gateway API using a
Swagger definition
file and extensions

Create and update your API Gateway API using the Swagger
specification with the API Gateway extensions. Import the
Swagger definitions using the API Gateway Importer. Export
an API Gateway API to a Swagger definition file using the
API Gateway console or API Gateway Export API. For more
information, see Import a REST API into API Gateway (p. 213)
and Export a REST API (p. 406).

December 18,

Mapping request or
response body or
body's JSON fields to
request or response

Map method request body or its JSON fields into integration
request's path, query string, or headers. Map integration
response body or its JSON fields into request response's
headers. For more information, see Amazon API Gateway API
Request and Response Data Mapping Reference (p. 160).

December 18,

Working with Stage
Variables in Amazon
API Gateway

Learn how to associate configuration attributes with a
deployment stage of an API in Amazon API Gateway. For
more information, see Set up Stage Variables for a REST API
Deployment (p. 381).

November 5,

How to: Enable CORS
for a Method

It is now easier to enable cross-origin resource sharing (CORS)
for methods in Amazon API Gateway. For more information,
see Enable CORS for a REST API Resource (p. 270).

November 3,

How to: Use
Client Side SSL

Use Amazon API Gateway to generate SSL certificates that
you can use to authenticate calls to your HTTP backend. For
more information, see Use Client-Side SSL Certificates for
Authentication by the Backend (p. 274).

22, 2015

Mock integration of

Learn how to mock-integrate an API with Amazon API
Gateway (p. 121). This feature enables developers to generate
API responses from API Gateway directly without the need for
a final integration backend beforehand.

September 1,

Amazon Cognito
Identity support

Amazon API Gateway has expanded the scope of the
$context variable so that it now returns information about
Amazon Cognito Identity when requests are signed with
Amazon Cognito credentials. In addition, we have added a
$util variable for escaping characters in JavaScript and
encoding URLs and strings. For more information, see API
Gateway Mapping Template Reference (p. 164).

August 28,

Swagger integration

Use the Swagger import tool on GitHub to import Swagger
API definitions into Amazon API Gateway. Learn more about
API Gateway Extensions to OpenAPI (p. 492) to create and
deploy APIs and methods using the import tool. With the
Swagger importer tool you can also update existing APIs.

July 21, 2015

Mapping Template

Read about the $input parameter and its functions in the API
Gateway Mapping Template Reference (p. 164).

July 18, 2015


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide
Earlier Updates




Initial public release

This is the initial public release of the API Gateway Developer

July 9, 2015


Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide

AWS Glossary
For the latest AWS terminology, see the AWS Glossary in the AWS General Reference.



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