PH 319R 2012 01 January72
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Courier January 2012 • Volume 38, Issue 1 PO Box 418 12007 190th Street Monticello, IA 52310-0418 Ph. 319-465-5916 • FAX 319-465-5919 E-mail: “…because we’re more alike than we are different.” A record 6,144 individuals with special needs had their lives touched by Camp Courageous in 2011! Thank you for helping make this possible. Included in this issue: Buresh leaves legacy for Camp........... Page 2 Holiday Parties..................................... Page 4 Lake Todd project................................ Page 8 How you can help..........................Pgs. 30-31 …and so much more! Camp Courageous is a year-round recreational and respite care facility for individuals of all ages with disabilities. 1 Ernie & Joanne Buresh Leave a Legacy for Camp Courageous I have always believed in the saying, “the more you give, the more it comes back to you many times over.” The Bureshs have been extremely hard workers, and as a result of that hard work they have shared their success with many over the years. Ernie & Joanne had great role models and friends in Howard and Margaret Hall. Howard and Joanne both had their roots here in Jones County (Onslow). Now (Back, L-R) Jim Raucher (WMT), Bill Leichsenring (President Ox Yoke Restaurants), Bob & Abby Bruce (WMT) (Front, L-R) Lance Greco, Karla Stodola (WMT), and Frank Balvanc (WMT). A huge thank you to Bill Leichsenring for hosting a wonderful benefit for Camp Courageous in honor of Leo Greco's 90th Birthday. Leo, along with many others, had planned this special occasion since Leo's 89th birthday. Unfortunately Leo did not quite make it but he wanted the benefit to go on. Bill raised $7,000 to go toward a new lift for camp's indoor therapeutic pool! Ernie and Joanne Buresh have filled those shoes by becoming wonderful role models for the next generation. Long-time supporters of Camp Courageous, I remember Dr. Earl DeShaw and I visiting with Ernie about the camp’s perpetual fund in Ernie’s Anamosa office in the early 80s. Ernie and Joanne were among the first to jump on board and have been believers and supporters of the camp ever since. They understand what a thrill it is for campers with special needs to attend Camp Courageous, and how, for most, it is the highlight of their year. I have personally treasured their friendship and the special times we have spent together over the years. They are a wonderful couple and have raised a beautiful family. Being somewhat of a history buff, I could sit for hours and enjoy the first hand experiences the Bureshs have had with the Halls and other great leaders in the area. An absolutely fascinating couple! The Buresh’s have given a major gift to The Greater Cedar Rapids Community Foundation to benefit Camp Courageous forever. In return, they want nothing. Ernie is always quick to tell me, “save the fortyfour cents, no need to send a thank-you.” But somehow, what they have done for Camp Courageous is difficult to put into words, and can never be thanked enough. Our heart felt appreciation goes out to Ernie and Joanne Buresh and their children, Wendy S. Buresh, M.D. and Sandra Buresh for helping make the future of Camp Courageous very bright for thousands of campers with special needs and their families. — Charlie Becker Memorial dedicated for Leo Greco This fall a memorial stone and tree were placed at Camp Courageous for Honorary Board Member and radio personality Leo Greco. They are located between the camp’s lodge and office buildings. The stone reads, “In Memory of our Friend, Leo Greco,” and has a verse of The Little Red Wagon on it, along with a picture of a little red wagon. Bill Leichsenring stands in front of a huge number of silent auction items Kathy Rasmussen, Office Manager and Controller of the Ox Yoke Restaurants collected, along with others. Thank you to all that donated items and those that won the bidding. Camp Courageous courier newsletter Published quarterly (January, April, July, and October) by Camp Courageous, a non-profit, year-round recreational & respite care facility for individuals with disabilities. Camp Courageous is a 501(c)(3) non-profit Federal I.D. #23-7210932 PO Box 418, Monticello, IA 52310-0418 • Ph. 319-465-5916 2 Thank you to (L-R) Russ Hines and Dan Hines from Peck’s Nursery in Cedar Rapids who donated and planted a tree in memory of Leo Greco. Thank you to Eric Zangerle, pictured with his son, Ted, from Marengo Monument for the donation of a stone, along with the engraving. Beautiful job! JANUARY 2012 — Camp Courageous — Pancake Breakfast & Open House Thank you to all the volunteers and visitors that made it a big success! It was an honor to have Fr. Tom Welu (L) visit camp for the breakfast. Here Fr. Tom is with Frank Balvanz from WMT. Frank was Leo Greco's co-pilot for many years. Leo would generally start off his show with a hymn, often for his good friend, Fr. Tom. 10-months out of the year Tom is in the Philippines where he cares for the poorest who are in need of medical attention and other needs. Camp Courageous updates can continue to be heard on Sundays at 8:30 AM and 12:30 PM on WMT-AM 600 on the dial. Fr. Tom Welu, whose home was in Dubuque and is now in the Philippines, is surrounded by boxes of sports memorabilia he has donated to camp in memory of Leo Greco. He has asked that the money raised from the sale of his collection go to provide for the most severely and profoundly disabled campers in Leo’s memory. The money raised will be set-up in perpetuity in the Camp’s Foundation thus helping campers forever. (L-R) Fr. Tom Welu, Lance Greco, Bill Sterling, Mike Marlin, and Larry Greco. Thank you to all the wonderful volunteers who start cooking sausage before the sun comes up for the camp breakfasts. Super group! Camp Open Houses/Breakfasts can be a great opportunity to reunite. (L-R) Camp's Vice President, Winnie Williams; Secretary, Margo Ahrendsen; Honorary Board Member and former camp Board Member, Helen Watts of Dubuque; and Board Member, Mag Welter. Handing out plates in the background is Board Member Dan Vorhies. Camp Courageous has been blessed to have just an exceptional group of board members who have set the camp on the beautiful road it has traveled. A big thank you to the Two Rivers Good Sams for attending all the camp breakfasts/open houses. They are also great supporters of camp, and provide a labor of love with their stocking hats and head bands they make for campers. Members of the Grand Lodge of Iowa and their spouses assisted with the Fall Pancake Breakfast. They have been long time supporters of the camp financially and as volunteers. Recently deceased Honorary Board Member Tom Eggleston was Grand Master of Masons In Iowa and the Grand Secretary for many years. The Masons of Iowa have been wonderful supporters of the camp for many years... going back to the beginning of camp with Tait Cummins. Here are three past and present Grand Masters of Masons in Iowa. (L-R) Craig Davis (2010), current G.M. Jerry L. Levay, and Denny Zahrt (2006). Denny recently received the Camp’s Trail Blazer Award for his endless dedication to the camp. Special thank you to William (Bill) Crawford, the Grand Secretary, who is always working hard for the benefit of the Lodge, Camp Courageous, and others. Thank you to Rachel Krebs of Durant who collects pop can tabs for the Shriners Transportation Fund and she collects the pop cans for Camp Courageous. She then cashes in the cans and gives the money to camp. A lot of hard work went into raising over $500! Rachel juggles all this with school and work...we are grateful to her, and her family have helped for years. Thank you to Cari Campbell and Associates from Dubuque for volunteering for camp's breakfast. Back row: Chef Dennis Bayne; Maintenance Director Greg Boheman; Travel Director Rolando Morales; and in the white shirts are Cari Campbell and Associates Marilyn White; (Front Row L-R) Cari Campbell, Jennifer Curtis, and Clare Horst. • Next Open House will be the Omelet Breakfast on April 29, 2012 • Marginal Note: All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them. 3 Students enjoyed singing along with holiday songs. The line was long to get a chance at a turn with the microphones. 2011 Holiday Parties a big hit with Youth & Adults at Camp Courageous The decorated Camp Courageous lodge was the setting of the 2011 Annual Holiday Parties held on December 7th and 8th. Hundreds of area school students, staff, and group home residents attended this year’s festivities. Youth party attendees enjoyed swimming, the wall climb, minigolf, arts and crafts, nature center activities, and more. Santa made his appearance during all the parties and everyone went away with a gift and a smile. This page sponsored by: The New Horizons Band performed during the adult party. A huge thank you to those that donated gifts… they really made the event special. The camp also appreciates all of the volunteers who helped with gift wrapping, assisted with bringing people to the parties, and helped during the event. They are what make these parties possible. Some students had the opportunity to make holiday ornaments in the camp’s Arts & Crafts building. They were able to take them home and put them on their own trees. The Nature Center was popular with the students as they were able to get up close with the animals. Phone 319-462-6131 4 Everyone had a chance to meet with Santa and Mrs. Claus to tell them their holiday wishes before receiving a gift. JANUARY 2012 — Camp Courageous — GE Capital hosts event for Camp Courageous In October 2011 GE Capital’s People with Disabilities Network hosted an event they called “Paper-trails From GE to Camp Courageous.” During a week-long event they competed between teams for highest total of items and most creative display of packages. As you can see in these photos… they did a great job! A great big thanks to Randy Faulkner for picking the items up and bringing them to the camp. These folks represent the Manchester Garage Sale Workers and Camp Board Members and their spouses (all volunteers) and representatives of Goodwill. The Camp Courageous Garage Sale donates a semi load of items to Goodwill at the end of their season. Watch for the April 2012 reopening! In the end, GE was able to donate 453,138 items of paper plates, cups, napkins, plastic utensils, Kleenex, paper towels, toilet paper, copy paper and baby wipes. We can not thank our dear friends at Boubin Tire & Automotive, lead by manager, Wayne Burkle (white shirt), enough for all they do for the Camp Courageous Manchester Garage Sale the year-round. Whether it is snow removal, helping lift a heavy donation….what ever it is, they are there for the camp. Pictured is camp Manchester Garage Sale volunteer Janice Gillihan presenting them a basket of goodies for being such great neighbors. Camp Courageous is very fortunate to have a wonderful Board of Directors who provide the camp exceptional leadership and guidance and help. (Front L-R) Harland Hetzler, Mag Welter, Mary Van Houten, Dr. John Bailey, Chris Wiese, Bob Thoeni, Jim Zimmerman, Kay Pitlik. (Back L-R) Mary Johnson, Merlin Hulse, Winnie Williams, Randy Faulkner, Aaron Cook (President), Phil Martin, Jim Foels, Jim Klinger, Brian Gay, and Dan Vorhies. Not pictured are Bill Northup and Margo Ahrendsen. A huge thank you goes out to Sarah Bennett and Patrick and Becky Dolan of Manchester who donated a 4-horse, bumper pull stock trailer in memory of Mr. Buck Bennett of HB Bennett Farms. This donation will help in hauling horses, picking up hay donations, or picking up other large donations. Thanks so much for thinking of Camp Courageous! Camp Courageous Foundation Board includes, (Sitting L-R) Kay Pitlik, Carol Vorhies, Dan Vorhies, Ed Recker, Tom Penaluna, Sonja Penaluna, and Cathy Faulkner. (Standing L-R) Dave Dohrmann, Randy Faulkner, Steve Supple, and Jim Klinger. (not pictured: Helen Watts). These individuals hold a key role to the future of the camp touching the lives of more and more campers. A wonderful group who are all very involved in the camp and its growth. THANK YOU to Robb (pictured here) and Jenn Ewoldt of Ewoldt Cattle Co, and Scott and Kim Owen of Diamond P Ranch of of Blue Grass for each donating ten large square bales of hay. Hay was hard to come by this year! These wonderful families helped out at just the right time. Thanks so much for your generosity! Marginal Note: When the world says give up, hope whispers one more time. (L-R) From Blairs Ferry True Value is Ron Ivins, Assistant Store Manager; Nadine Kirk, True Value, Honorary Camp Courageous Board Member, Ralph Palmer, Ralph Kephart, Store Manager; and Josh Redenbaugh, Rental & Service Manager. Thank you The Corridor WoodTurners and Corridor WoodCrafters for making beautiful wood ornaments, in conjunction with BlairsFerry True Value Hardware in Cedar Rapids, who donated a 7 ft decorated Christmas Tree and lighting, which was all part of a Silent Auction at the store for camp. All ornaments were hand crafted from wood. The Corridor WoodCrafters provided scroll saw ornaments, the Corridor WoodTurners provided lathe turned ornaments. Ralph Palmer was the high bidder and he had True Value give the tree to a family in need, and the ornaments were sold individually to help the camp. A wonderful event! 5 Pictured are counselor Kristen Farrar, of Bangor, ME and camper Ron Hoffmann, from Davenport, IA. Ron received the “Creative Dramatics” award this year. During his weeklong stay there was a “Hair Spray” theme. He loved dressing up and dancing the most. Congratulations to James Kurth and Amy Daniels on their recent marriage. James and Amy met at Camp Courageous. James is Assistant Maintenance Director and Amy now works in the LinnMar School District in the field of special education. We wish them a life time of happiness and good health! Congratulations to past Camp Courageous Counselors, Jennifer Anders and John Geyer. They were married October 15th in the camp’s gazebo, with the reception in the lodge. Two great staff and we wish all the best in their future together! (L-R) Campers Mark West and Danny Lind, both of Iowa City, shows us all the proper way to handle the arrows at archery. Danny was a pro and hit the target several times. Mark was hesitant to learn at first, but he gave it a great try and hit the target as well! Congratulations to Jessica Tabor and Tobias Luetkemeier on their recent marriage. Both are former exceptional counselors at Camp Courageous. Tobi was a volunteer from Germany and Jess was from Monticello. A super couple who we wish the very best of life together! It has been a treat to have many of the senior facilities in the area visit Camp Courageous and go for a train ride. These residents are from the Clover Ridge Place in Maquoketa. A big thank you to Eilertson, Inc out of Fond Du Lac, WI who are providing the 4X4s for the camp to expand the train to Todd Lake. Eilertson now has an office located in Monticello and they have been a wonderful, community minded company. A big thank you from everyone who loves the train! Ray and Marilyn Overman, a delightful couple from Mt. Vernon, dropped by camp to make a wonderful donation. Marilyn shared that they enjoy picking up items they think the campers would need or enjoy. Ray said they would like to come back and take a walk around camp when the weather is a little warmer than late December! Camp appreciates the Overmans and all they do for camp. Crusin’ for Camp Courageous 25th Anniversary Sunday, May 20, 2012 Counselor, Uriel “Mr. U” Moorer of Atlanta, GA and camper Doug Nussbaum of Woodward, IA pose in Arts & Crafts. Doug always has a smile on his face and ready to help. 6 A big thank you to Dean Engel for giving Camp Courageous the opportunity to give a program to the Maquoketa Kiwanis! This wonderful group have been super supporters of Camp Courageous for many years! We can’t thank them enough for all they do! Watch for details on special events going on at this year’s event! JANUARY 2012 — Camp Courageous — Fruitcake sales a big success! Thank you to the Volunteers and Sale Locations The Camp Courageous Fruitcake sales were a winner again this year. The camp wants to thank the volunteers who prepared the cakes, promoters, delivery volunteers, and vendors/retailers who gave so generously of their time, talent and resources. It’s the heartfelt commitment of people like these who have made this annual fund raiser such a resounding success. Below are the many locations that helped sell the cakes this year. Thank You! Amana: Amana Meat Shop & Smokehouse, Ox Yoke Inn Ames: Dahl’s Food, Fareway, Fareway (North), Hy-Vee (Lincoln), Hy-Vee (West) Anamosa: Family Foods Brooklyn: Jim Foels Calamus: Steffen’s Tap Cascade: Brothers Market Cedar Rapids: 16th Ave Grill, Fareway, Klinger Paint & Interiors, The Fire House, WMT Center Point: Corner Store Clinton: Fareway Coggon: Main Street Market Davenport: Home Hardware Des Moines: Harold Brock DeWitt: Hills Chiropractic Dubuque: Theisen’s, Hy-Vee (S Locust St) Duncombe: Pat Powers Dunkerton: Kathy Wellner Dyersville: Fareway, Payless Foods Fairfield: The ARC of Jefferson & Nearby Counties Goldfield: Goldfield Cheese Mart Grinnell: Uhlmann’s Furniture Hiawatha: Fareway Independence: Fareway Iowa City: Fareway (East), Fareway, Pagliai’s Pizza Jesup: Jesup Food Center Kalona: Farmers Supply LaPorte City: LaPorte City Bakery, Etc Lowden: J & J Grocery Manchester: Fareway, Main Street Market Maquoketa: Fareway Marengo: Big G Food Store Marion: Country Kitchen Marshallown: Fareway Monticello: Fareway, Whiffle Tree Antique Mall Mount Vernon: Gary’s Foods Muscatine: Fareway, Philip Gaeta, Mailbox & Parcel Depot Oelwein: Fareway Olin: Lawson Insurance Oskaloosa: Fareway Oxford Junction: Coon’s Corner Stanwood: Ditto’s Family Restaurant Tipton: Family Foods Toledo: Fareway Urbandale: New Hope Assembly of God Church Vinton: Barnes Furniture Fareway Waterloo: Fareway Washington: Fareway Waverly: Hy-Vee West Liberty: Farmer Supply Wheatland: Wheatland Grocery Williamsburg: Uhlmann’s Furmniture Williamsburg Kiwanis Club Milan, IL: Don & Marilou Simpson The 3rd Annual counting the Coming to Monticello, Anamosa and Cascade January 2012 • Weekly e-mail wellness tips provided by the dietary and medical departments at Camp Courageous • Over $1,000 in prizes For more information on how to be a sponsor or participant go to or call Amanda Brenneman at 319-465-5916 ext 2210 Watch for the 2012 Fruitcake sales to kick off at the Pancake Breakfast & Open House in September! (L-R) Abe Tubbs, Pat Recker, and Dave Kehoe from Ohnward Bank present a vehicle load of needed camp supplies. Ohnward Bank and its affiliates had a casual day where employees at their banks could pay to go casual with the proceeds coming to Camp Courageous. Each bank also collected items and donations from their staff and customers! Ohnward has banks in Monticello, Marion, Cedar Rapids, Onslow, Cascade, and Baldwin; along with Maquoketa State Bank in Maquoketa, Andrew, and Preston; First Central State Bank, Long Grove, LeClaire, & Eldridge; and Gateway State Bank in Clinton, Goose Lake, and Charlotte. A big thank you to all! Camper Melissa Anderson (center) from Iowa City first started coming to camp 20 years ago at the age of 12. She is pictured with (L) camp's Adventure Specialist, Abe Zamora from Bell Gardens, CA and (R) counselor, Alice Grenon from Bellevue, NE. Melissa hesitated at first to climb the Angle Dangle, but she was so proud of herself once she gave it a try. She is also a great entertainer and had all the campers and counselors laughing and singing along during karaoke. Thank you to (L-R) to Keith Wilson and Mike Regan from the Marion Country Kitchen for helping sell Camp Courageous Fruitcakes, cookbooks and so much more. This is camp’s #1 fruitcake outlet! Just great, genuine caring folks! Marginal Note: Happiness never decreases by being shared. Donate to Camp Courageous online using your Visa, Mastercard, or Discover. Visit the‑ camp’s web site at: 7 LAKE TODD TREES Lake Todd Project $7,000 is needed for 5,500 trees to be placed this spring around the Lake Todd area. Donations of any amounts are appreciated. • Penaluna family names lake in memory of their son, Todd. • Durgins announce support of Pavilion, coming in 2012 You can see the latest updates and changes to the Lake Todd area during this year’s Omelet Breakfast on April 29th. You can also stop out anytime to see how the development of this exciting new camper activity area is progressing. Huge thanks goes out to the 8th grade class from Mt. Vernon Middle School. The teachers have made it a tradition for the students to come and do service at camp 1-2 times a year. This fall the students worked very hard doing some clean-up at the lake area and stocking up the wood sheds for winter. They collected several large piles of rocks and sticks from the grassy areas of what will be Lake Todd. Thanks again MVMS 8th graders and teachers! James & Pauline Durgin Pavilion – Work will begin in 2012 on The James & Pauline Durgin Pavilion on the new Lake Todd. Donations of any amount are appreciated for this project. The Pavilion will have one house and two appartments for long-term volunteers and staff. Naming rights to the house is $50,000 and each appartment is $25,000. A beautiful bronze plaque will be placed outside each. The Grand Room will have huge windows looking out at the lake with a fire place, kitchenette, and more. Naming rights for the Grand Room is $100,000 and a bronze plaque will be just inside the room. There will also be a plaque displayed with the names of anyone giving a gift of $1,000 or more. Send your donations to: YOUR NAME: (L-R) Camper Derek Hotka from Iowa City is pictured showing off his crazy hat creation from Arts & Crafts with counselor Liz Lutmer of Rockford, IL. (R-L) Harnessed up and ready to go is camper Dan Simon from Amana. Activity Specialist Heather Williams from Redding, CA is triple checking all of the ropes, carabiners, and safety equipment before Dan takes his ride on camp's Super Zip. DAYTIME PHONE #: ADDRESS: CITY: STATE ZIP CODE WORDING ON PLAQUE: Your gift towards the lake project: AMOUNT: $ VISA MasterCard Discover Check Credit Card information: CARD NUMBER: EXPIRATION DATE (MM/YY): 3-DIGIT AVS # (BACK OF CARD): SIGNATURE: (make checks payable to Camp Courageous) I can assist with the lake through: 8 Volunteering Providing Equipment or Supplies (L-R) Camper Cindy Wright from Dubuque and counselor Elizabeth Nole from Tunkhannock, PA pose while making a pipe cleaner creation during nature activities. Cindy is originally from Monticello and has been coming to camp for 30 years! JANUARY 2012 — Camp Courageous — (L-R) Thank you to Ron Paine of Hampton, IA for his donation of cases of DVDs and VHS tapes, something the camp can use for the travel program and at base camp. With Ron is long time supporter, Larry Richtsmeier, whose father, Dutch, was very involved in making wooden toys for campers. This Anamosa business class held a fund raiser to benefit five area charities—Camp Courageous was among them! They held a pie throwing contest. Students paid for the privilege to throw pies at school celebrities. Camp Courageous board member Winnie Williams was presented a check from the group and said they were a delightful class of students. Shown (L-R) are Taryn Eilers, Kenyon Haverly, Josh Schulte, Evan Wilson, camp Board Member Winnie Williams, Holly Barnes, Erin Taylor, and Johannes Lindermann. Thank you! This group of respite campers had a great time dressing up, playing games, and dancing during a Halloween costume party provided by the volunteer counselors from the Northeast Iowa Community College nursing program. Instructor Mary Hoeger brought another awesome group of students to help the campers throughout the weekend. They also brought along some much needed donations from the needs list. Thanks to Mary and all the students. The students included Scott Krohn, Ashley Bryson, Amanda Renne, Shannon Chambers, Vicki Jones, Karla Welch, Ashley Sternhagen, Stephanie Taake, Rachel Keppler, Ron Powers, Tara Fulin, and Greg Tuthill. Theisen's employee Connie Like presented Becky Melchert from Camp Courageous a check from the Theisen's Community Grant Program. This generous check will be used for camp's Lake Todd fence. A big thank you goes to Theisens for this grant and the many donations they make throughout the year. Thank you to Roy Tangeman, Faithful Navigator, for inviting Camp Courageous to give a program to the Fr. John R. Gallagher Assembly 3180 of 4th Degree Knights (Marion, Anamosa, & Central City). Fr. Gallagher donated 40-acres of land, that was land-locked and was later traded with the State of Iowa, for what today is Camp Courageous. Wonderful Knights and their ladies. Thank you to Jim Gommels and Dave from the Iowa City Morning Quarterback Club for saving plasticware for the camp. Camp goes through a lot in a year! Camp has recently become the home of Pixie, a Mini Rex rabbit donated by Emily Bray of Clinton, Iowa. Emily also donated this wonderful hutch that she built. Pixie has a sweet disposition and is doing well in her new home. Thanks, Emily for thinking of our campers for your generous donation! Thank you to Ralph Palmer and Sandy Young from The Ar-Jay Center for hosting a Cupcake War, with all proceeds going to Camp Courageous! It was a huge success! We are grateful to all those who participated, the bakers, the judges, the promoters, and all who came to sample. A good time was had by all! There were so many creative entires in this event! It was difficult for the judges to come up with clear winners, but in the end some awards were given. Congratulations to Abby Wennekamp and Jenny Hemmes as the Grand Champions with their entry of a Peppermint Mocha Cupcake with infused peppermint extract and a delicious peppermint, vanilla butter cream icing. On top of that were chocolate shavings, chocolate covered espresso beans and a cute little peppermint stick. YUMMY! Mary Oldham won the People’s Choice with her entry of a Strawberry Orange Margarita cupcake with a lime butter cream icing and a sugar rim. Marginal Note: Make today so beautiful that it will be worth remembering. 9 2011 Walkin’ & Wheelin’ for Camp Courageous The 3rd annual “Walkin & Wheelin' for Camp Courageous” was held on Saturday November 12, 2011 at Westdale Mall. Once again campers, their families, group homes, schools, and supporters of camp joined together for a morning of walking and fun. The walkers were entertained by the sounds of the Pandemonium Steel Drum from Dubuque, games led by camp program staff, music from DJ Ben Bollwitt, and various mascots from the area including “McGruff the Crime Dog.” Prizes for the 1st and 2nd teams raising the most money was awarded after walking. Camp would especially like to thank Westdale Malle and the Soroptomist Club of Cedar Rapids for helping with the setup on Friday night, volunteering at the walk and helping with the clean up. This year's event was a great success and camp appreciated the efforts of all who participated. Walk participant Zach Bollwitt is entertained by “McGruff the Crime Dog” and several Camp Courageous staff members. The counselors and program staff always enjoy having Zach at camp and was delighted when he attended the walk. Shown with Zach is McGruff, volunteer Megan Wessels, and program staff members Kristin Farrar, Megan Alara, Jess Maier, and Tracey Koch. It was wonderful to see this large team from Taft Middle School in Cedar Rapids. Students, teachers and families showed their support of camp and their school by participating and wearing Taft and Camp Courageous apparel. Taft students have been to many day camps and other camp events and functions. Camp certainly appreciates their support! 10 FAREWAY STORES & CAMP COURAGEOUS PRESENT: CASES for CAMP Your chance to purchase food for camp at case price! With Camp Courageous serving over 6,000 individuals with special needs each year, it takes a tremendous amount of food. This year’s first place team at “Walkin’ & Wheelin’” was “Team Megan.” This team consisted of family and friends of camper Megan Staner. Megan's team showed a tremendous amount of generosity and support for camp, and for their efforts they received a certificate good for a pool, pizza, and pop party at the Camp Courageous Pool. This is the second time Megan took home the 1st place award. Many thanks to Megan’s parents Don and Angie Staner from Edgewood and the entire team. Fareway Stores are allowing camp supporters to purchase cases of food at a case price as a donation from you to the camp. Look for a form during the week of March 5th in your local paper’s Fareway ad! Check out ads from local newspapers for these participating Fareway Stores: Cedar Rapids, Davenport, Dyersville, Hiawatha, Iowa City East, Iowa City West, Independence, Manchester, Maquoketa, Marion, Monticello, Muscatine, North Liberty, and Vinton Placing second at this years event was “Team Rachel.” Camper Rachel Sunne, the daughter of David and Julie Sunne, has been a respite and week-long camper for many years. Rachel's family and friends are big supporters of the camp. Rachel was awarded an iPod Shuffle for her team's efforts coming in 2nd place. Great job Team Rachel! For the 3rd year in a row, the Pandemonium Steele Drum band entertained the walkers at “Walkin’ & Wheelin’ for Camp Courageous” event. Under the direction of Patti Millius, this band travels from Dubuque just to take part in the walk. Their music is always appreciated and so much fun! Thank you to Jane Kremer (R), for inviting Camp Courageous to the East Iowa Heirloom Quilters meeting. The camp accepted a check from their fund raiser along with 35 quilts for the campers beds at Camp Courageous and three quilts that will be auctioned at the Pineapple Gala. (L) Judy Heilers chaired the SOS-Share Our Skills that did all the quilts for camp! This group has been gathering for the past 32-years and members total almost 400! Had a nice visit with Jennette Achenbach, who was one of the first cooks at camp in those very early years. Also visited with Brenda Hilderbrand who has been bringing her students from the Cedar Rapids School System to Camp Courageous for 30 years! JANUARY 2012 — Camp Courageous — Columbus Council 7294 continues their support of the camp. (L-R) Grand Knight Steve Messer and Past Grand Knight, Steve Slobodnik do an outstanding job raising funds to send area special need students to Camp Courageous. Jim has a daughter, Laura, who attends Camp Courageous. This year's gift was in memory of deceased brother Knights, John Veith and Mark Fitzpatrick. Thank you to Wayne Schoel for inviting Camp Courageous to give a program to their Knights of Columbus and their ladies. We met in the new, beautiful Jesus Christ, Prince of Peace Church in Clinton. Great group including some teachers and relatives of campers. Camp Courageous would be happy to give a program to any group, at any time, at no charge. Drop camp an e-mail or note or call if you are interested. Pictured is Dan McEleney, Grand Knight of the Clinton Knights of Columbus. As a result of the group’s Tootsie Roll sales, Dan and the other Knights presented Camp Courageous a check with part of their proceeds. We can’t thank them enough for considering the camp to be a beneficiary of their sales efforts. Thank you to Salem Friends Church and Pastor Scott Morin for giving Camp Courageous the opportunity to present a program to their Mission Convention. Met many new friends and rekindled relationships with old friends. (L-R) Camp’s Travel Director, Rolando Morales accepts a check from John White of the Jesup Knights of Columbus. A wonderful group of long time supporters. Thanks to Norb Bahl and others, Jesup has been a key community for camp’s success over the years. Counselor Tracy Koch from Sabula, IA and camper Chris Kaska from Cedar Rapids, IA were inseparable during Chris' week at camp. Chris has been coming to camp for over 30 years! He favorite activity this year was the recumbent bicycle. Thank you to Pat Powers, Camp Courageous’ Ambassador in the Webster City area, who is presenting a check from the Knights of Columbus in Webster City. Pat also sells fruitcakes for the camp. Camper Marie Vandermillen from Cedar Rapids, IA is pictured with her Super Zip Award. 2011 marks Marie's 4th year at camp. She is so much fun to be around, we all hope she comes back again soon! Rick Cook and Tom Brennan with the Anamosa Knights of Columbus Council 1791 presents a generous check to Camp Courageous. The Knights are a wonderful organization and camp is grateful to have Council 1791 as a friend. Camp is grateful to Rick and Tom for taking time out of their busy lives to deliver the check. Steve Kueter with the North Linn Knights of Columbus Council 12136 presents a check to Camp Courageous from their annual Tootsie Roll Drive. The camp really appreciates all the hard work that goes into this drive and to Council 12136 for their generosity over many years. Marginal Note: Life is a mirror and will reflect back to the thinker what they think into it. Happy Birthday! Pictured is Mark Forsmark of Muscatine, IA. He celebrated his 50th birthday at camp this year. He has been coming to camp for over 30 years. It is always a pleasure to have him join us for a week and to see him at the Pancake and Omelet breakfasts as well! 11 The Newhall Lions had a special memorial breakfast for long time member, and dear friend of Camp Courageous, Richard Grovert. It was a great opportunity to visit with Richard's family (L-R) Cathy Kilawee (3in); Bob Grovert (middle with glasses), Jane Hagen (far right), and community members. Richard touched many lives in a wonderful way. Camper Mary Ellen Webster from Davenport, IA had a great time petting and riding camp's newest horse, Max. She is pictured showing off her award. Camper Kenneth Griggs of Davenport, IA and counselor Stacey Patterson of Harrisburg, NC smile for the camera. Kenneth is a great conversationalist and had the counselors laughing all week long! He loves telling stories. The Loyal Workers and Friends from the Stanwood area once again made a trip to camp to volunteer on a late October morning. These ladies have been coming to camp to work for many years and have done a variety of tasks including mailings and cleaning. This year they spent the morning wrapping gifts for the Camper's Holiday Parties. In addition to working, they brought several beautiful quilts and other much needed items. It was wonderful to see them again. Thanks Ladies! For many years, camp has loaned much of our cross country ski equipment to Special Olympics Iowa for use at the State Winter Games competition in January. Over the years, wear and tear has taken some equipment out of commission. This year, we hoped to replace about a dozen sets of skis, poles and boots. Thanks to Darrin Siefken, owner of CrawDaddy Outdoors in Waverly, and Pam Wagner, VP of Games and Competition for Special Olympics Iowa, we were able to make it happen. Darrin was able to give us a great discount and Pam was able to secure the funds needed. Both campers and Special Olympics athletes will really enjoy using this great new equipment when the snow is flying! Thank you to camp board member, Jim Foels, for inviting Camp Courageous to attend the Ruritan Tall Corn District Convention in Pekin, Iowa. It was a great opportunity to rekindle many memories and friendships. It was at a Ruritan convention, many years ago, that we met Honorary Camp Board Member Ralph Palmer, who was their motivational speaker. (Front L-R) is Lt. Governor, Rusty Clayton; District Governor, Joe Morgan; and emcee, Robert Wonderlich. We thank all the Ruritan Clubs for their support! Theresa Hansen from DeWitt (3rd right) stopped by with friends for a tour of camp. They brought many wonderful items that can be used throughout the camp. Camper Alex Heller of Woodward, IA and counselor Heather Williams of Redding, CA show off Alex's swimming award. Alex loved kicking back and relaxing in camp's indoor pool. Alex has been coming to camp since he was 4 years old. 12 Camp Courageous was honored to have the 2011 Class of the Jones County Leadership participants out to camp for their first session. A super nice group of current and future Jones County leaders. Marilyn Mehlhaus from Dysart has been extremely busy! She handcrafted 6 beautiful quilts from colorful and seasonal fabric and donated them to camp. The campers will surely love these quilts. Thank you so much Marilyn for the quilts and for delivering them to camp. JANUARY 2012 — Camp Courageous — Camp Courageous is run on donations, without government assistance, without formal sponsorship, or paid fund raisers. What this means is that everything that is given to camp; whether it be food, time, materials, or financial support; goes directly to benefit over 6,000 individuals with special needs who are touched by the camp each year. Listed below are those who have contributed money, time, and/or supplies from September 21, 2011 to December 31, 2011. ADDRESS UNKNOWN Randy and Maureen Annear - In memory of Robert Annear Ron and Pam Annear - In memory of Robert Annear Dale Butz - In memory of Kathryn “Kay” Donnelly Peggy Dettmann - In memory of Leo Greco on his 90th birthday John and Mary Ann Freeland Michael, Dawn, and Laird Fuhrman - In memory of Don Ebel and Jerry Magnussen Mr. and Mrs. Casey Glynn - In memory of Kathryn “Kay” Donnelly Mr. and Mrs. James Glynn - In memory of Kathryn “Kay” Donnelly Pam and Gary Hulseberg - In memory of Kathryn “Kay” Donnelly Charles and Ellen Kurt - In memory of Virginia Baty Tom Oehler - In memory of Leo Greco on his 90th birthday Stewart Primrose - In memory of Lynn Popham Lori Shepard - In memory of Leo Greco on his 90th birthday Mike and Donna Weaver - In memory of Kathryn “Kay” Donnelly Daniel Benn Est. Merrill Gruber Family Trust JACKSONVILLE, AL Karen Temple - In memory of Doris Darrow BELLA VISTA, AR Richard and Mabel Ashline Edith Lyon BENTONVILLE, AR Wal-Mart Foundation FAYETTEVILLE, AR James and Sharon Duncan - In memory of Kathryn “Kay” and William “Bill” Donnelly HOT SPRINGS, AR Ron and Darlene Barta - In memory of Marie Kuntz HOT SPRINGS VILLAGE, AR L. Betty Paris Brown - In memory of Dorothy A. Dyer, Joe McMahon, Norma Lewis, and Mary L. Miller NORTH LITTLE ROCK, AR Gary and Mary Pflughaupt - In honor of Christmas WILLIFORD, AR Earlene Hulshizer - In memory of Earl Hulshizer APACHE JUNCTION, AZ William and Phyllis Matthews Paul Robinson & Abigail Swanson In honor of Crystal Griffin BUCKEYE, AZ Paul and Patricia Bolhous - In memory of Tom Rowe and Loretta Bolhous CHANDLER, AZ James and Mary Norman - In memory of Frank Mincer Wendy Shank - In memory of Kathy Symonette FLAGSTAFF, AZ Gordon Dierks - In memory of Phillip Gerdes GILBERT, AZ Shirley Strobbe GREEN VALLEY, AZ Bill and Carol Roskey LITCHFIELD PARK, AZ Dolores Kunkel MESA, AZ Leo and Marie Beuter - In memory of “Sis” Mary Kathleen Pitlik Marcella Carroll Paul and Lynnette Ellefson Mickey and Carol Latta Judy Morton Deon Veliz - In memory of Bill & Ruth Wessels ORO VALLEY, AZ Roger and Esther Wetlaufer PHOENIX, AZ Alan Henderson Ruth Miskimen - In memory of Bob & Alice Lambertsen PRESCOTT VALLEY, AZ Laurence Lillibridge - In memory of Helen Lillibridge, Cindy Bries, Joan Sheppard, Kaare Lode, and Jim Hinman SCOTTSDALE, AZ Martha Kaiser - In memory of Donald Skelley Carla Skibba - In memory of Carl & Ida Folkers SEDONA, AZ Sandra Fiete SUN CITY WEST, AZ Dan and Mary Mehner - In memory of Bruce Anderson Robert and Mildred Siegel SUN LAKES, AZ Arnold and Shelly Henden - In memory of Robert Alexander TUCSON, AZ Richard and Mary Determan - In memory of Margaret Wagemester Charles and Joselyn Haefner - In memory of Kay, Ruth, & Norman Hartwig Alice Johnson - In memory of Dolly Franco and Marie Kuntz Betty Laton - In memory of Hugh Shadduck Patricia Seifert Robert and Carol Tibor AUBURN, CA Jeff and Candace Morton CORONADO, CA James Seeright COTO DE CAZA, CA Gary and Beth Kramer - In memory of Eric Karsten CUPERTINO, CA Elizabeth Mullen - In memory of Lucille M. Riedl EL SEGUNDO, CA Florence Haskell GILROY, CA Edna Mayberry HEMET, CA James and Diane McNeely - In memory of Victor Olsen HIGHLAND, CA Carol Rankin memory of Donald J. Milller David and Carol Gabriel - In memory of Jean Hite Laurie Schultz - In memory of Denton Schultz BRECKENRIDGE, CO Michelle Holmes - In memory of Trudy Haltof and Robert French BROOMFIELD, CO Louis and Dorothy Piehn - In honor of Christmas BUENA VISTA, CO co Jane E. Brown - In memory of Mary E. Gibb and Glenn R. McGowan CENTENNIAL, CO Lynn and Paul Korus, & Family - In memory of Bob, Liz, & Carl South Harriet Lorence - In memory of Leonard & Carlene Stolba David Martin - In honor of Merry Christmas to Grandpa & Grandma Martin with love DENVER, CO Ann McDonald Lewis - In honor of Merry Christmas to Maddy McDonald ENGLEWOOD, CO Kathy Christie - In memory of Leigh & Florence Clark David and Patty Riley ESTES PARK, CO Ronald and Elaine Froehlich - In memory of my wonderful Family EVANS, CO Robert Sawvel GREELEY, CO Louise and Robert Murcek LONGMONT, CO Don and JoAnn Stadtmiller - In memory of Prycilla Groff - In honor of John & Mabel Kremer MONTROSE, CO Max Rogers - In memory of Alvin J. Mitchell FAIRFIELD, CT GE Foundation GUILFORD, CT Britta Chambers - In honor of Britta E. Volz LA MESA, CA HAMDEN, CT LARKSPUR, CA NEW HAVEN, CT Terry Tilton - In memory of Wylma R. Tilton Children’s Charities of America LONG BEACH, CA Marilyn Delong LOS ANGELES, CA John and Vickie Hennelly GoodSearch MANHATTAN BEACH, CA Bill and Jennifer Cram, & Family - In memory of Tom Burns OXNARD, CA Krismar Zahringer ROSEVILLE, CA Mary Borders - In honor of Merry Chrsitmas to Mr. & Mrs. Bud May and Merry Christmas to William & Kathryn Frommelt SACRAMENTO, CA Michael Mullen - In memory of Lucille Riedl SAN DIEGO, CA Lois DeMay - In memory of Jim & Velma Morrissey SAN FRANCISCO, CA Chris and Robin Wells - In memory of Beatrice Houser THOUSAND OAKS, CA Dorothy Brecunier - In memory of Edward Miller and Dick Brecunier VALLEY CENTER, CA Weaver and Margaret Simonsen - In memory of Don Bliss VENTRURA, CA LaDonna and Bob Hunt - In memory of Bob Knief ARVADA, CO Mike and Linda Greco Sanders - In memory of Leo Greco on his 90th birthday AURORA, CO Robert Mark, Jr. - In honor of Merry Christmas to Eunice Siedsma Ira Zeid - In memory of George Hayek NEW MILFORD, CT Mike and Elba Garcia - In honor of Bob & Verna Nance TRUMBULL, CT Thomas and Jean Larson - In honor of Eunice Buol Larson WATERBURY, CT Arlene Vancott - In memory of Margaret Derwin and James Klesner WASHINGTON, DC Razoo Foundation BRADENTON, FL Norbert and Mary Krob - In memory of Vic Krob, Michael Krob, and Bob Krob BRANDON, FL David and Monica Brandies BUNNELL, FL Elinor Phelan - In memory of Margaret Derwin CAPE CORAL, FL Mary Lou Stock - In memory of Marie Melsha CELEBRATION, FL Fred and Lyla Broers FORT MEYERS, FL Shirley Blunt Frank and Jeanne Byers Mr. Robert Wahlert - In memory of Mr. & Mrs. R.C. Wahlert FORT PIERCE, FL Kermit & Shirley Gieseman JENSEN BEACH, FL Gladys Irvin - In memory of Ernest J. Irvin and Luther & Irene Howland Willis and Marian Bramer - In Marginal Note: It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves. LADY LAKE, FL Joan Bouslog - In memory of Joanne Downey LARGO, FL Lydia Elias - In memory of Louis Elias MARCO ISLAND, FL Wayne and Marg Mead - In memory of Betty Keller and Bob Hupp - In honor of Charlie Becker NAPLES, FL Mr. Henry Haegg Ole and Mary Passaglia - In memory of David Intrabartalo PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hyduk - In memory of Bill Donnelly PALM HARBOR, FL Berniece Gisel - In memory of Roland Gisel PANAMA CITY BEACH, FL Jacqueline Scovel Mary Roonie Scovel RIVERVIEW, FL Michael Gerlach - In memory of Margaret Wagemester SARASOTA, FL The Estate of Dorothy Schultz ST PETERSBURG, FL National Income Tax Accounting Serv SUMMERFIELD, FL Richard Rogers - In honor of Ruth Rogers’ birthday VENICE, FL Tom and Cindy Henry - In memory of Katherine Cushing Noble, Richard Cigrand, and Elliott Bechtel WINDERMERE, FL Clifford and La Vonne Graese Foundation ATHENS, GA Steven Stice - In memory of Dan Stice AUGUSTA, GA Richard Plummer - In memory of Gerry Plummer CAMILLA, GA Mort Collins - In memory of Frank Mincer DUNWOODY, GA Patti and Bill Brazile - In memory of Denton Schultz LITHONIA, GA Marvin E. LaFayette WOODSTOCK, GA John and Judy Carter AIEA, HI Timothy and Karen Banes HILO, HI Irene, Kaiara, & Matt Garrison HONOLULU, HI Rodney Ballou - In memory of Hollis Emerson Keo Mana - In memory of Dr. & Mrs. Earl DeShaw, Dan, Karen & Jon Nieters, and Mrs. Betty Nieters ACKLEY, IA John and Judith Schafer East Friesland Presbyterian Church ADEL, IA Carolyn Baldwin Jim and Debra Hubbartt Adel Lions Club Fuller Standard Service, Inc. AINSWORTH, IA Bonnie Herfel - In memory of Alice Lord and Juanita Hering Dwight and Michelle Miller Jania Riggan - In memory of Frank Mincer Mr. and Mrs. Richard Riggan - In memory of Frank Mincer James Wenger - In memory of Frank Mincer Michael and Julie Zahs - In memory of Frank Mincer ALBION, IA Albion Lions Club - In memory of Past Pres. Charles Long ALBURNETT, IA Ken and Shirley Andrews Patrick and Mary Jo Callahan - In memory of Ruth Moen Roberta Cameron David and Sandra Feldmann Nathan Hershey Delores Johnson - In memory of Keith “Sugar” Johnson Shirley Lanning Richard and Faith Martin, & Family Ed and Shirley Martinson - In memory of Leo Greco Fern Mollenhauer - In memory of Hollis Emerson Alburnett Church Alburnett United Methodist Church In memory of Bob Lange The Class of 1948 Alburnett High School - In memory of Elaine Sherman Bingman ALGONA, IA Lorraine Drager - In memory of Eugene Drager Edna Kamper - In memory of Maxine Downer Don and Janice Patton - In memory of Lorayne Bachman ALLISON, IA WELCA St. James Lutheran ALTA, IA VFW Auxiliary No 6172 ALTOONA, IA Jack and Marilyn Burzacott Shane Harshbarger Robert and Connie Wycoff AMANA, IA Roland and Cheryl Achey - In memory of Denton Schultz Midge Albert - In memory of Don Coulon Ken and Patricia Arp - In memory of Dennis H. Peiffer Frances Dubishar - In memory of Vernon Dubishar and Albert Humpal Bertina Eckman George and Ruth Ehrmann Joyce Fels Anne Freshour - In memory of Roy Schuhmacher Violet Harman LaVerne and Gerda Holub Bob and Emilie Hoppe - In memory of Leo Greco on his 90th birthday Lucille Kraus - In memory of Roy Schuhmacher Joyce Kroul Taylor Leichsenring - In memory of Leo Greco on his 90th birthday Kenneth and Shirley Neumann - In memory of Roy Schuhmacher Alexander and Susan Sandra Henry and Rose Schuhmacher - In memory of Lucille Wagner, Etta Lee, Clark Burns, Roy P. Schuhmacher, and Thelma Popelka Gilbert and Marie Staman - In memory of Jim Graichen and Roy Schuhmacher Helen Stoner - In memory of Darlene Klinsky Mary Volz - In memory of Violet Reihman Amana Colonies Golf Course Amana Furniture and Clock Shop Amana General Store Amana Refrigeration Retirees Club In memory of Vernon Reihmann Amana Woolen Mills Chocolate Haus Heritage Wine, Cheese & Jelly Haus Iowa Theatre Artists Co. Iowa Valley Resource Conservation & Developement Millstream Brewing Co. Old Creamery Theatre Ox Yoke Inn Sandstone Winery Village Custom Glass - In memory of Leo Greco on his 90th birthday Village Guest Suite Walking Stick Adventures White Cross Cellars AMES, IA Ann Arbuckle - In memory of Kathy Symonette Allan and Evelyn Bentley - In memory of Leo Greco Carl Bleyle Bernard and JoAnn Brown Carla Dixson Robin Formaker - In memory of Charles Formaker Thank you! Jennifer Garrett Nissen Alan Gaul Judy Giraud - In memory of Loran Mohr Emil and Betty Grulke - In memory of Edna Faes and Loran Mohr Marjorie Hartman Thomas and Janet Hronek - In memory of Louise & Leo Greco Larry Jackson - In memory of Jr. Anthony Hinz Lenita Jordan - In memory of Walter Bortz John Kleinschmidt Sheila Lundt Gordon and Irmgard Miller, Jr. Thomas and Kathy Rosskopf Ronald and Karen Wren ANAMOSA, IA Lawrence and Sylvia Albers - In memory of Max Seeley Joel and Leslie Althoff Scott Andrews Dr. and Mrs. John Bailey - In honor of Wilbur & Evie Evarts’ 60th wedding anniversary Donald and Kathleen Barnes LaVerne and Beverly Beener - In memory of William “Bill” Crump Paul and June Benischek Maxine Brady - In memory of Irene Finn Mrs. Laura Calhoun - In memory of A.W. “Bill” Crump Don and Florence Capinski - In memory of Doris Darrow Gary and Sandra Capron - In memory of Lawrence “Scotty” Albers, David Oltmanns, and Martha Marie Winch Albert and Helen Carlson - In memory of Doris Darrow Darwin and Elizabeth Coleman Dave Cummings - In memory of Doris Darrow Brian and Jill Darrow - In memory of Doris Darrow Thelma Darrow - In memory of Doris Darrow Patrick and Virginia Dearborn - In memory of Velma Morrissey Joan and Lynn Decious Frank and Joyce Deutmeyer - In memory of Michelle Tangeman and Dan Miller Elizabeth “Bunny” DeWoody - In memory of Bill McBain Lisa Diers Gail Dinger David and Lori Dohrmann - In memory of Todd Penaluna Allen and Judy Eden Kay and Gerald Edleman - In honor of Phil & Shirley Martin Monica Edwards Nelda Embree Mike, Julie, Jeremy & Joshua Fall In memory of Martha Foster Ken Fearing Myrtle Floyd Louie and Beulah Folken - In memory of Don Milller - In honor of Verna Parham’s 80th birthday Gloria Ford - In memory of Marianne Baker, Steve Balster, and Velma Weaver - In honor of Verna Parham’s 80th birthday Jim Frazer Margaret Grassfield - In memory of Doris Darrow Lorraine Gray - In memory of Vernon Boots Kurt and Cindy Gunther - In memory of Joyce Paulsen and Phillip Gerdes Terry and Joan Haverly - In memory of Bob Rose, Doug Hoover, Irene Finn, and Jerry Howe Gary and Kathleen Heiar - In memory of Rose Mary Nehl Paul and Sandra Heims - In memory of Doris Darrow Lawrence and Geraldine Hermesch - In memory of Michelle Tangeman and Dan Miller Lucy Hinz - In memory of Leonard Serbousek, Marcellus Hintz, Virginia Benter, Keith Hanna, and Irene Finn Gary and Loretta Holzinger - In memory of Doris Darrow Robert & Elizabeth Hruska Delores Ihlenfeldt 13 Thank you to Max Dirks of Scotch Grove, Iowa for being so willing to help camp out with hay as it was needed for the fall season. Max was always ready to jump right in his tractor to deliver hay for camp's horses. Thank you so much, Max, for your willingness to lend a helping hand! Merle Jansen - In memory of Doris Darrow Atha Jensen - In memory of Doris Darrow Galen and Marsha Ketelsen - In memory of Irene Finn Kermit and Helen Killip - In memory of Irene Finn Bob Klinkhammer Jay Knight - In memory of Doris Darrow Janice Koppenhaver - In memory of Irene Finn Virginia Kouba Robert and Kathleen Lander Cathena Lerch James and Bonita Long - In memory of Marianne Baker Kevin Lubben Michelle Lubben Marvin and Suzanne Marek - In memory of Arthur Marek Ken Marlin - In memory of Joan Marlin and Doris Darrow - In honor of Tom & Jane Akers, Jim & Jennifer Marlin, and John and Verna Parham Phil and Shirley Martin Harry McBride Andy McKean - In memory of Don Bliss Cletus and Ole McNamara Connie Meade Jean Meehan - In memory of Irene Finn Milton & Margie Meeks - In memory of Albert W. “Bill” Crump Pat and Dick Merritt - In memory of Irene Finn Don and Phyllis Michels - In memory of Albert W. “Bill” Crump Laddie and Linda Nachazel - In memory of Doris Darrow Richard and Irene Nickels - In memory of Dan Miller and Sid Blair Greg and Nancy Norlin - In memory of Leo Greco Pauline Norton - In memory of Dan Miller, Marrianne Baker, Phil Gerdes, and Max Seeley Fay and Donna Oltmann - In memory of Irene Finn and Doris Darrow Laura Ortgies - In memory of Donna Marie Edwards and Keith Hanna Richard Ortgies - In memory of A.W. Crump, Darrell Meredith, and Keith Hanna LaDean Osterkamp - In memory of Chris Gilmore John & Jill Parham - In memory of James Pippenger John and Verna Parham - In memory of Bill Crump - In honor of Verna Parham’s 80th birthday Mrs. Betty Paschall - In memory of Albert W. “Bill” Crump Dick and Joyce Patnode Delmar and Judy Phillips - In memory of Doris Darrow Jeff and Royce Pitlik - In memory of Mark, Jack, Faye & Chubb - In honor of Bev & Dave Hannon’s 50th wedding anniversary Del and Marlene Prout - In memory of Cloy Kuhse, Lila Schlemmer, Lilia Schlemmer, and James Spaight Robert and Bonnie Prull Margaret Randolph - In memory of Albert W. “Bill” Crump Michael and Lisa Randolph - In memory of Irene Finn James and Margaret Redel - In memory of Albert W. “Bill” Crump Betty Remley - In memory of Don Milller David and Betsy Remley - In memory of Albert W. “Bill” Crump Bonnie Rhomberg - In memory of Bonnie Darrow Casper and Geralene Robinson - In memory of Vernon Boots, Gary Coppess, and Donald Coppess Gertrude Rogers - In memory of David and Geralyn Russ - In memory of Virginia Leibold and Dan Miller Amy Schirm - In honor of Merry Christmas to Jay Willems Marilyn Schmidt Alan and Marlene Serbousek - In memory of Irene Finn Ron Shada - In memory of Bill Crump Kay Shankland - In memory of Doris Darrow Gloria and Raymond Short Mrs. Roberta Sievers - In memory of Doris Darrow Serge and Paula Sisler Kenneth and Randi Smith - In memory of Irene Finn Ron and Carol Stejskal - In memory of Doris Darrow - In honor of Wilna Churchill Gerald and Verlyn Stolte - In memory of JoAnne B. Hedlin and Doris Darrow Emily Stork Ken and Marilyn Streeper - In memory of Don Skelley Jack and Ruth Switzer - In memory of Margaret Millard Landis and Lois Thompson - In memory of Hollis Emerson Mr. and Mrs. Gary Toenjes - In memory of Doris Darrow Bob and Bev Visser David and Ruth Walshire - In memory of Albert W. “Bill” Crump Timothy and Nancy Watters - In memory of Alvin Orr and Phil Gerdes Fred Austin and Lindsay Weers Tom and Dorothy Welch Mr. and Mrs. Merlyn Wilken - In memory of Doris Darrow Mr. Jay Willems Gary and Marilyn Winders Angela Winekauf George and Dorothy Wood - In memory of Michael Wood Helen Woods - In memory of “Sis” Kathleen Pitlik and Jean Johnston Anamosa Community School District Business Class Anamosa Dance Team Cass-Way Farms, Inc. Central City Class of 1951 - In memory of Regina Ahlrichs Citizens Bank - In memory of Joyce Paulsen, Darrell Meredith, David Walker, Leona Osterkamp, and Marie Russell Doris Darrow Memorials - In memory of Doris Darrow Fairview Community Care Inc. Fawn Creek Homes J & P Cycles Jones Regional Medical Center Knights of Columbus Council 1791 Knuth Law Office The Family of Dan Miller ANDOVER, IA Betty Eickert - In memory of Arthur Farwell Doris Johnson - In memory of Margaret Wagemester Alan and Nancy Schroeder - In memory of Don Jensen Roger and Karen Wilke - In memory of Margaret Wagemester ANDREW, IA Ray and Avelda Bahr - In memory of Galen Bahr ANKENY, IA Faye Allen John and Cindy Arbogast Bonnie Ballard John and Denise Bridenstine - In memory of Donald Skelley Eileen Doyle - In memory of Bob Elliott, Dean Raasch, and Brian Doyle Billy Joe Hildreth Bryce Hildreth Lois Kern Donald and Charlene Lamberti Dennis and Linda Miller Diane Nagel Mary Ann Rice Tom and Doris Rinker Mary and Lowell Smith Louise Vander Linden Casey’s General Store, Inc. Central Service & Supply, Inc. - In memory of Hollis Carl Emerson ARCADIA, IA Farmers Cooperative Evelvator Co. ARLINGTON, IA Phyllis and David Morgan - In memory of Maxine Downer Lyle and Fran Recker - In memory of Jerry Burrack, LaVern Rubner, Tim Hamlett, and Don Goaf ATALISSA, IA Debra Butler - In memory of Ruth Lorack Debra DeVore - In memory of Mike DeVore Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kline - In memory of Steve Palmer ATKINS, IA Tim and Brenda Harbach - In memory of Kathy Symonette Geneva Howell Melvin Krug - In memory of Ray Kelly Jay and Candy Mitchell Jean Semelroth, Jr. Jeanne Vogt - In memory of Kathy Vanous, Don Weichman, Etta Lee, and Carol Ann Sopousek Kathryn Waterman Schanbacher Acres, Inc. - In memory of Lloyd Nolte AUDOBON, IA Ron and Theresa Hansen BALDWIN, IA John and Arla Lubben - In memory of Lon Myatt, George Watters, Roger Filloon, Kent Fuglsang, and Cordelia Pape - In honor of Dorothy Jones’ 90th birthday Marilyn Nothstine - In memory of Don Milller Evelyn Petersen - In memory of Wayne Yarolem, Jr. Wriedt, Doc Kenneth Randolph, and Doris Bock Dennis and Barbara Tabor - In memory of Wayne Yarolem, Lon Myatt, George Watters, and Lina Hale BANCROFT, IA Steve Kollasch BAXTER, IA Baxter Oil Co., Inc. BELLE PLAINE, IA One Gift Program State of Iowa Employees… Please consider designating Camp Courageous as your agency of choice #1107 14 Donald and Reda Prichard - In memory of Claude Conklin, Maurice Pickering, Cory Ward, Vivienne Benedik, and Emily Cornelius Vernon Schroeder Joe Schwab Shirley Shogren - In memory of Lois Struck Roger and Carolyn Silhanek Charlotte Silkebaken - In memory of Maurice Pickering Margaret Wauters Belle Plaine Lions Club Grieder Standard Service BELLEVUE, IA Lloyd Burkert - In memory of Inola Burkert Verrena Dagitz Stein - In honor of thanksgiving Sue Deppe Michael and Priscilla Doland - In memory of Don Palmer Mary Giesemann - In memory of Leo Greco Belva Hansen Robert and Rosemary Hickson - In honor of Jim & Judy Kolker’s 40th wedding anniversary and Jim’s 80th birthday Carl and Marilyn Hoffmann - In memory of Marvin Ernst and Harold Keil Merle and Marilyn Kilburg David Kunzweiler Dean and Maxine LeClere - In memory of Don Casteel, Merle & Evelyn Reynolds, and Don Milller In honor of Kirk LeClere’s birthday Chuck and Penny Medinger Doris Michaelson - In memory of Violet Himrod and Manly Michaelson M.D. Lorraine Miller - In memory of Bob Oehmen and Dennis Emner Marion Miller - In memory of Doris Klemme Marion and Glenda Miller - In memory of Merle Burken Margaret Schroeder - In memory of Jim Schroeder Cletus and Betty Sieverding - In memory of Bruce Anderson - In honor of Tristan Roeder Mina Theisen Sharon Till - In memory of Inola Burkert Elaine Weis - In memory of Doris M. Weis Adele Wetter Rita Wiegert - In memory of Roland and Raymond Wiegert St. John WELCA The Car Wash BELMOND, IA Blanche Porter - In memory of Elaine Schmidt and Bob Kalkwarf Evie Foss White BENNETT, IA Carolyn Beuthien - In memory of Richard Crock and Helen Schmidt Jim and Joyce Brus - In memory of Gilbert Behrens Jim and Sharon Wilson - In memory of Robert Creque and Andy Dexter BERNARD, IA Linda and Ron Behne - In memory of Lois Lamey Mark and Karen Hosch Matt and Melissa King Bob and Mary Lee Laban Carl and Patty Puetz - In memory of Don Root, John J. Donahue, Robert W. Runde, Lester L. Light, Lori Ernst Duccini, Francis & Margaret Gregorich, Mike & Margaret Puetz, and Lois M. Lamey - In honor of Ben & Elizabeth Pape’s wedding Nick and Betty Wagner - In memory of Virginia Baty BERTRAM, IA Madeline Arens Marilyn Benishek - In memory of Denton Schultz Darlene Breja Norma Chilcote - In honor of Josh Carkhuff’s birthday Marilyn Coover Alice Duda Louis and Charlene Hurt - In memory of Mike Montgomery, Claude Conklin, and John Greenlee Alice Janss Wayne and Judy Parizek Paula and Laura Pecenka - In memory of Claude Conklin and Bill Schlue Bobbie Bowman - In memory of Mary Petty BETTENDORF, IA Janet Boyens - In memory of Lester Collins Edward and Dorothy Burke Seth Campbell Suzanne Carroll - In memory of John K. Carroll Patricia Clapp - In memory of Vivian Mowry Darlene Copenhafer Thomas and Pam Egts - In honor of Jackie Snyder Tom and Doris Erps Jodie Franich - In honor of Terry Franich Elsie Griffith Maxine Hansohn Donald Hartz Gregory and Andrea Keefe William and Margaret Kimler Don and Nancy Kintz - In memory of Julia Barker, Levi Akker, and Rosemary Meyer Rita Korte - In honor of Merry Christmas & the New Year Eileen Lawrence Richard and Marilyn Lease - In memory of Lois Havenhill Frank and Irma Lupini Brad and Heather Malli - In memory of Ron Malli Steve and Cheryl Newport - In memory of Shirley Besst Stanley Reinhold - In memory of Mary Ann Reinhold Tom and Jenny Schreier - In memory of Mildred Campbell Martha Shafer - In memory of Anna McCall Natalie and Donald Sprosty Ruby and Mike Triplett Howard and Sandra Van Winkle Dean and Trish Wendt, & Family - In honor of our many blessings Helena Werts Morris and Marilyn Williams - In memory of Dorothy Vahl Sue Witte - In honor of Merry Christmas to Larry Witte Dennis and Janet Zahrt Bettendorf Lions Club Shades of the Mississippi Decorative Artists The Bowlin’ Gals - In memory of Arline Pelo The Jerry Reichert Memorial - In memory of Jerry Reichert BIG ROCK, IA Ron and Margo Mohr - In memory of Helen Guyer BLAIRSTOWN, IA DeWayne and Vivian Cronbaugh - In memory of Dennis H. Peiffer and Violet Hinkle Glen and Letha Etscheidt Gilbert and Betty Hagen - In memory of David & Jeff Hagen Jordan Kimm Larry Miller Lonnie and Connie Jo Ondracek Irene Parr - In memory of Mary Stewart BLOOMFIELD, IA Tom and Paula Robinson - In memory of Sharon Davidson - In honor of thank you to the staff at the Fairfield Inn St. Louis BLUE GRASS, IA Don and Sandi Frericks - In honor of Jonathon Furman Jeffrey and Audrey Rasmussen BONDURANT, IA Kathleen Korthals - In honor of Sue Gudenkauf and her consecration as Virgin Living in the World Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Ross Bondurant Lions Club BOONE, IA David and Rita Aves Ardeth Chesnut Drs. Daniel and Lois Stoltze Margaret Uthe - In memory of Joseph A. Uthe Arlene Wirtz BRANDON, IA Bev Albert - In memory of Gene Stueck, Chuck Hopkins, Lois Struck, and Twila A. Wiley George Aldrich Don and Virginia Bistline - In honor of Merry Christmas to Ross & Shirley Wiley Maybeth Graham Lloyd and Phyl Haisch Rachel Circle and Friends VFW Auxiliary #3983 BRITT, IA V.F.W. Auxiliary #4370 BROOKLYN, IA Donald and Sheila Atkinson - In memory of James L. Plants Gene and Shirley Bartachek - In memory of James L. Plants John and Bonita Bartachek - In memory of James L. Plants Glen and Sheri Berry - In memory of James L. Plants Don Brannian - In memory of Dean Van Tomme, Earl Allen, Terry Roberts, Wallace J. Roth, Lawrence Kriegel, Jim Plants, Evalena Dale, Elmer Anderson, Larry Humphrey, Russell Price, and Gene Manatt Judy Calderwood - In memory of James Plants Helen CLayton-Mayo - In memory of James L. Plants Raymond and Mary DePauw - In memory of Jim Plants and Doris Manatt Jim and Elsie Foels - In memory of Leo Greco Delmar and Arlene Ford - In memory of Jim Jeffries, Dean Kloock, and Chad Rohde Loren and Sharon Ford - In memory of James L. Plants Charles Griffith - In memory of James L. Plants Angie Gritsch - In memory of James L. Plants Roger and Loretta Gritsch - In memory of James L. Plants Craig and Connie Hall - In memory of Larry Humphrey Virgil Heishman - In memory of James L. Plants Patricia Hilligas - In memory of Dean Van Tomme George and Lori Hiner - In memory of James L. Plants Raymond and Melinda Holder - In memory of James L. Plants Don and Ruth Huedepohl - In memory of Dean Van Tomme Larry and Krista Humphrey - In memory of James L. Plants Elsie Kalinay - In memory of James L. Plants Martina Korns - In memory of James L. Plants Joe and Julie Kriegel - In memory of James L. Plants Dorothea Lang - In memory of Jim Plants Mary Lang - In memory of James L. Plants Maynard and Dorothy Lang - In memory of James L. Plants John and Becky Lint - In memory of James L. Plants Dorothy McConnell - In memory of James L. Plants John Meyer - In memory of James L. Plants Kathryn Ostrom - In memory of Wendall “Bud” Gwin Marsha Read Richard and Dorothy Rhinehart - In memory of James L. Plants Steven and Melia Rhoads - In memory of James L. Plants Rodney and Lori Schafbuch - In memory of James L. Plants Gary and Karen Schroeder - In memory of James L. Plants John Seye - In memory of Dean Van Tomme Patsy Seye - In memory of Dean Van Tomme, Jim Plants, Elmer Anderson, and Eveleena Dale - In honor of Christmas Roger and Carol Van Renterghem - In memory of James Plants - In honor of Phillip & Mary Ann Heishman’s 50th wedding anniversary Karen Willett - In honor of Christmas Barbara Wilson - In memory of James L. Plants BGM Elementary Social Committee - In memory of James L. Plants Brooklyn Elevator, Inc. - In memory of James L. Plants Brooklyn Ruritan Club Creative Surfaces Inc. - In memory of James L. Plants East Poweshiek County Ambulance Service - In memory of James L. Plants Front Street Tap - In memory of James L. Plants Holiday Spirits James L. Plants Memorials Lake View Inn Bed and Breakfast Tall Corn District Ruritans Tru-Value BRYANT, IA Phyllis Bratthauer - In memory of Eldon Yaddof and Margaret Wagemester Mary Ellen Greve - In memory of Margaret Wagemester Jim and Deb Peterson Robert and Carole Roeder Edward and Beth Sterk - In memory of Margaret Wagemester Margaret Wagemester Memorials - In memory of Margaret Wagemester BUFFALO, IA Leota Buffington - In honor of Kathy Hutchinson, Grand Chief JANUARY 2012 — Camp Courageous — Banner Temple #49 - In honor of A.J. Smith BURLINGTON, IA Mr. and Mrs. Bob Engmiger - In memory of Doris Darrow Karen Glasgow - In memory of Dorothy Widdifield A. Osterberg - In memory of Dorothy Widdifield Jim and Diana Small Mr. and Mrs. Rick Zimmerman - In memory of Doris Darrow BUSSEY, IA Ron, Bev, Wendy & Carolyn DeCora - In memory of Shirley Besst CALAMUS, IA Lavern and Joyce Boedeker - In memory of Harold P. Irwin Norman and Jeannene Bousselot In memory of Harold Irwin Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Haley - In memory of Shirley Besst Marcella Husen - In memory of Trudie Osborn, John McMahon, and Harold Irwin Lucille Lee-Petersen - In memory of Trudy Osborn, Cordy Deter, and Harold Irwin Patricia Schulz CALMAR, IA Phillip and Dianne French - In memory of Pat “Toots” Raddatz David and Marian Hosper - In memory of the Hosper & Klimesh Families Theresa Klimesh, & Family - In memory of Mildred Benischiek Roger and Bernice Winter - In memory of Melvin Molokken Calmar Lions Club CAMANCHE, IA Ronald and Evelyn Blatchley Joann Boysen - In memory of Bruce Anderson LeRoy and Ernestine Finnegan - In memory of Eldon Yaddof, Bessie Sierk, Anita Hess, Lois Havenhill, Warren Darland, Bill Anson, and Lester Littrel Dolores Greve - In memory of Bruce Anderson Dan Griebel Dianna Hamn Wayne Harksen - In memory of Bruce Anderson Paul and Joan Hinck - In memory of Bruce Anderson and Darlene Fier Dorothy Kellermann - In memory of Wilbert Behrens, Paul Shaff, Betty J. Krick, Myrt Palmer, and Art Farwell - In honor of Myrtle Palmer’s 80th birthday Linda McConnaughey Kevin and Linda Nielsen - In memory of Virginia Baty Pat Reese - In memory of Keith Hanna Wilma Rosenboom - In memory of Bruce Anderson, Delores Davis, and Ralph Gravert Kathy Schroeder - In memory of Ruth Kratz Teri Thompson Fern Todtz - In memory of Donald Kuchlenz CARLISLE, IA Doris Fagen Michael and Kathryn Tjelmeland - In memory of James L. Plants CARROLL, IA Reiling’s 71 South Sparky’s One Stop CASCADE, IA John and Mary Beth Althoff - In memory of Mary Volk Dale and Lois Andrews Gayle Bries - In memory of Emmett McDermott and Dan Klaren Chuck and Donna Casey - In honor of Sue Gudenkauf Kym & Mark Felton - In memory of Mary C. Connolly and Roger Tucker Jr. - In honor of Christmas Terry Fischer Terry and Jan Frasher - In memory of Roger Tucker Jr., Harold Eiben, Bob Frasher Sr., Myra Merritt, Father Dan Krapfl, and Emmett A. “Shorty” McDermott Roger and Pam Gehl Tim Gehl Blair and Donna Gleason - In memory of Rita Marshall, Anna Sang, Tim Driscoll, Father Daniel Krapfl, and Emmett “Shorty” McDermott Mr. Ed Green - In memory of Lucy Green Thomas and Ruth Green - In memory of John J. Donahue Marian Hirtz - In memory of Cletus Amling, Dorothy Weinschenk, Mary Connolly, Merlin Portz, Audrey Heim, Gladys Aitchison, Alfred Tebbe Jr., Loras Hartung, Charles Lenz, Bernard Sullivan, and Marion Schueller Gene & Shirley Hoffmann - In memory of Joe McMahon, Rosie Green, and Bob McAllister Tom and Nancy Hosch Pat and Sandra Howard Katie Hughes Steve Junk - In memory of Jamie Pottebaum, Gladys Aitchison, and Rev. Daniel Krapfl Pat and Peg Kearney Carl and Karen Kelchen - In memory of David Rhinihart David and Judy Kleitsch Steve Knepper - In memory of Paul Lammers Mark and Kathy Knuth Don and Ellen Lindauer - In memory of Father Dan Krapfl Nancy Loes - In memory of Jeryl Bacon and Myra Merritt John and Joan Lux - In memory of Loretta Waters and Bill Osterkamp Pat and Betty Lyons Alan and Sharon Manternach Earl and Mary McDermott - In memory of Rita Marshall Kevin and Rhonda Meier, & Family Jean Nauman - In memory of Roger Tucker and 2 beautiful quilts - In honor of Lavern “Flute” and Jean Weber’s 50th wedding anniversary Fred and Mary Neiers - In memory of Rose Mary Nehl, Tim Driscoll, Kay Donnelly, Virginia McClean, Roger Tucker Jr., Robert Tauke, Wilfred “Bill” Donnelly, and Ted Green - In honor of Kevin & Janet Schockemeohl’s wedding anniversary and Kevin’s birthday, Flute and Jean Weber’s 50th wedding anniversary, Nick & Marie Beck’s 65th wedding anniversary, Tom & Joyce McMullan’s 50th wedding anniversary, and John and Mary Seitz’ 50th wedding anniversary John and Mary Noonan - In memory of Norma Kean and Emmett “Shorty” McDermott Gael Olson - In memory of Lucille Seeggbarth, Kevin Schmidt, and Bob Kalkwarf Don and Jean Otting - In memory of Tim Driscoll, Richard Cigrand, Brett Buse, Les Furuseth, Gladys Aitchison, and Emmett McDermott - In honor of Al & Joyce Brinkmoeller’s 60th wedding anniversary, Lavern “Flute” and Jean Weber’s 50th wedding anniversary, and John and Mary Seitz’ 50th wedding anniversary Will Otting Joe and Rosie Peiffer Charleen Peryon - In memory of Robert Peryon and George Lang Ed and Darice Recker - In memory of Todd Stelken, Gladys Aitchison, Emmett McDermott, and Myra Merritt - In honor of Lavern “Flute” and Jean Weber’s 50th wedding anniversary Charlie and Jeanne Sadler - In memory of Robert “Bob” Tauke, Margaret Ann Otting, Lois Lamey, and Karen Krapfl - In honor of Cliff & Judy Sadler’s 45th wedding anniversary and Cliff’s 70th birthday, Melvin & Rosalind Henneberry’s 45th wedding anniversary, Urban & Linda Manternach’s 50th wedding anniversary, and Duane & Muriel Schlemme’s 50th wedding anniversary Robert and Shirley Sadler - In honor of Tony Sieverding’s 80th birthday Allan J. & Doris J. Sauser Doris Sauser Tony and Gertrude Sieverding - In memory of Gladys Aitchison John and Lois Sullivan - In memory of Robert Curoe Jeb and Jill Supple Steve and Jan Supple - In memory of Emmett McDermott Robert and Rita Takes - In memory of Rose Mary Nehl, Cyril Ehlinger, Tim Buckley Driscoll, Rita Marshall, Robert Tauke, Virginia McClean, Roger Tucker Jr., Robert Curoe, Leslie Furuseth, Gladys Aitchison, Father Leon Connolly, Myra Merritt, Loran J. Hartung, Elizabeth J. Duax, Rev. Dan Krapfl, and Emmett McDermott - In honor of Mrs. Jean Knepper’s 80th birthday, Ed Kleitsch’s 90th birthday, Nick & Marie Beck’s 65th wedding anniversary, Evelyn Knockel’s 95th birthday, Frank & Darlene Conlin’s 50th wedding anniversary, Lavern “Flute” and Jean Weber’s 50th wedding anniversary, Duane & Muriel Schlemme’s 50th wedding anniversary, Dennis & Kelly McElmeel’s 25th wedding anniversary, Bob & Lois Tauke’s 40th wedding anniversary, Bob & Marion Hosch’s 60th wedding anniversary, John and Mary Seitz’ 50th wedding anniversary, and Chuck & Jackie Betzer’s 50th wedding anniversary Lois Tauke - In memory of Robert Tauke Bill and Edna Wall - In memory of Gladys Aitchison David and Jean Ann Webber Nicholas and Rose Wolfe Cascade Communications Gehl Lawn Service Lyons Service Center McDermott Concrete of Eastern IA In memory of Robert Curoe Ohnward Bank & Trust River Bend Retirement Community Shady Rest Care Center - In memory of Gladys Aitchison, Bernard Gaul, Sheila Chapman, Ruth Deribelbis, Ed Bernhard, Cleora Hawkins, Irv Beuter, Betty Olsem, Gladys Kress, Mildred Thein, Florence Henry, Reba Newland, and Lucille Balsinger The Louie Kean Family - In memory of Norma Kean Weber Construction Inc. CEDAR FALLS, IA Robert and Nancy Benton Darrel Brandt Joe and Jan Cox - In memory of Alice Pritchard Larry Duerchenwald John and Karen Eastland Terri Fecht - In memory of Kathy Symonette Linda Fitzgerald - In memory of Leo Greco Margaret Fuehrer Mindy Gilroy Shelby Hanna Haley Harms Patrick and Kimberly Koch - In memory of Paul Koch John and Kristie Lehman Norman and Kay Lemmon Norma Machacek Calvin and Alice Meyer - In memory of Carig Meyer Lynn Pierce Delbert and Nina Pudil Joe Roedel - In memory of Stephen Bahl Rebecca Rohwedder Rachel Saul Earle and Jeanette Strong James and Shirley Thompson 18th Street Conoco Fredsville WELCA Scheels All Sports School of Health, Physical Ed. & Leisure Serv St. Stephens KC’s Council #14987 Standard Distribution Co. - In memory of Kent Wallace CEDAR LAKE, IA Neal and Julie Pals - In memory of Hollis Emerson CEDAR RAPIDS, IA LaVerne Abernathy - In memory of Howard Hora Dwayne & Lesa Ackman - In memory of Leo Greco and Earl & Evelyn Husmann Jena Adams Mary Jean Adams - In memory of Wilma Lynch Mildred Ahlstrom - In memory of Roy Ahlstrom Franklin Aiels Hazel Aitchison Margery Alderman - In memory of Howard Hora Faye Allen - In memory of H.L. “Mickey” McNiel Lloyd and Delores Aller - In memory of Marie Kuntz Joanne Alley - In memory of Winston Tellier E. Wm. and J. Arlene Allison Mrs. Ruth Altermatt Bruce and Janis Altorfer - In memory of Edward & Betty Altorfer Richard and Candy Altorfer Darwin and Betty Ammeter - In memory of Denton Schultz Phyllis Ammeter - In memory of Mae Rose Noonan Dick and Linda Andersen - In memory of Paul & Dorothy Andersen and Luther & Lorraine Lundine Jerry and Wanda Anderson John and Joyce Anderson - In memory of Leo Greco Randy and LouAnn Anderson Tim Anderson Tim and Deb Anderson Deloris Angerer Steve and Vicki Archibald - In memory of Harold Wilkinson Colleen Arnold Joan Arthurs Jim and Diana Ashley - In memory of Anna Mae, Carl, & Benjamin Ashley Jerry and Margaret Atwood - In memory of Paul Shaff Melodee Aune Mitch Axmear Mr. and Mrs. Walter Badger - In memory of Kathyrn “Kay” Donnelly and Wilfred “Bill” Donnelly Charles Bagge Donna Bagge Loretta Bahr - In memory of Kenny Bahr Leola Baierlein Roger and Angie Baker - In memory of Albert W. “Bill” Crump Don Balsanek Phyllis Barber Jean Barger - In memory of Dorothy Newcomp, Stanley Finn, and John R. Barger Drs Arthur & Marian Barnes Joel and Amy Barnum Nancy Tolbert Barr - In memory of Family and Friends Elizabeth Barry - In memory of Winston Tellier Robert and Kathy Barta - In memory of Denton Schultz Robert and Marcella Barta - In memory of Marvin W. Rigel Morgan and Abby Bates Lloyd and Carol Bean Verlyn and Mary Beck - In memory of Hollis Emerson Brenda Becker - In memory of Ruth Lorack Robert and Jeanette Becker - In memory of Donna Malloy and Sheri Kay Koss Pat Beltz - In memory of Tia Beltz Stephen Benda - In memory of Vernon & Ellen Benda Dr. Walter and Sue Benson - In memory of Kathy Bensen Emery Camilla Bernhardt Jerry Berns Larry and Susan Berns Minerva Berry Dorothy Bertch Charles and Therese Beusch - In memory of Max Thompson, Winston Tellier, Mickey McNiel, and Nicki Lash Mr. and Mrs. Mike Billett - In memory of Joan Billett Donna Black Robert and Sharon Blaser Janet Blasingame Bill and Alice Blazek Don Bobin Betty Bockenstedt Margaret Boeckenstedt - In memory of Albert W. “Bill” Crump Roy Bonham David and Kathy Bowersox - In memory of Betty Kaalberg, Vivian Mowry, and Mary Lorenzen James and Mary Bradley Grant Bramel Mary Jane Brandes - In memory of Bill Donnelly Roy and Julia Brandt - In memory of Helen Greenland Ruth Breidenbach Beamer and Constance Breiling Daniel and Lisa Breitbach Dr. M. Paul Brimmer Mary Brolin - In memory of Kathy Symonette Marcia Bruggink - In memory of Winston Tellier Mary Lou Brunkhorst Arnold and Libby Bucksbaum - In honor of Shirley J. Oates Caleb and Karen Bullard Ernest & Joanne Buresh - In memory of A.W. Crump, Stanley Pedersen, and William Ketelsen LaVada Buresh Rick and Kelli Buresh This donation is in honor of Bill and Helen Kline’s 50th wedding anniversary, and in memory of their daughter Deb Kline. Deb attended Camp Courageous for many years of her life. She loved having a place where she felt like she was like everyone else. Going to Camp Courageous was her favorite thing to do and she talked about her time there and anticipation of her next visit almost every day. Deb passed away in 2000 and our family feels strongly that she lived such a full life, in large part to the joy she experienced at Camp Courageous. Our family holds Camp Courageous very near and dear to our hearts. We Thank you for all of the hard work everyone does and the joy they bring to so many people’s lives. Sincerely, Jackie Duncan (Deb’s Niece) David & Rose Marie Burke Doris Burkhart Alicia Burnett Randy Burr Shirley Bush - In memory of Denton Schultz William Byrne - In memory of Denton Schultz and Leo Greco David and Elizabeth Byrnes - In memory of James D. Byrnes Jr William and Elizabeth Caldwell Irene Campagna Jared Campbell - In memory of Dean Ernst - In honor of Grandma Scott’s 95th birthday John and Mary Campbell - In memory of Kathy Symonette Warren and Betty Carney - In memory of Mary Dostal Jack and Patricia Carstensen - In memory of Bill Donnelly Cesaro Casali Marilyn Cech - In memory of Blanche Hinton Fred and Julie Cernin Patricia Chadima - In memory of Glenn T. Chadima Dan and Bibi Chadwick Shirley Chermak - In memory of Frank Chermak Dorothy Chester - In memory of Donald C. McIntyre Ivan and Mary Bess Chester Julie Cholet Paul Christenson Joe and Diana Cira Bob and Loretta Claes - In memory of Kathleen F. Nohre Joan Clapp - In memory of Vivian Mowry Richard and Barbara Clark Jim and Evelyn Colbert Steve Cooper Fern Corrigan - In memory of Denton Schultz Marjorie Costas Evelyn Covington - In memory of Jeff Sutton Elaine Cowgur - In memory of Denton Schultz Bob and Betty Craig Mary Craven - In memory of Gary Craven Elaine and Bill Crawford - In memory of Lola Ptacek William and Elaine Crawford Alberta Cray Gary Cronbaugh - In memory of Tom Riley Donna Cross Harry and Lois Cross - In memory of Shirley Oates Carol Crump - In memory of Darell Meredith William and Ingrid Cumberland Marge Cutshall Dixie Jenkins Dahl - In memory of Wayne & Vera Jenkins Linda Dahl Leonard and Dorene Dahms Lawrence and Ona Danker John Dankert Dick and JoAnn Daubenmier - In memory of Wesley Comstock, Edna P. Faas, and Lora B. Kohl DuWayne and Jennie Davidson - In memory of Shirley Oates Rachel Day - In memory of Loved Ones this Holiday Seasosn and Monica Loftus Arlene Dayhoff Robert and Gerda De Camp Ken and Frances DeMarce Dorothy DeMoss - In memory of Forrest Presley, Alice Presley, and Clifford Demoss Gary and Ruth Anne Denker, Harvey and Eleanor Denlinger - In memory of Jamie, Teri, & Dan Denlinger Juanita Dennert John and Carol Depaepe Andy DeWitt - In honor of Merry Christmas Mom and Dad Darlys Dickman - In memory of Denton Schultz Robert and Libbie Dolezal - In memory of Harry J. Parker Thomas and Nancy Donnelly - In memory of Kay Donnelly Tom and Nancy Donnelly, & Family In memory of Bill Donnelly Mary Anne Donnelly - In memory of Wilfred Donnelly Thelma Donohoe Gerald and Betty Dooley - In memory of William “Bill” McEnany, Bernard Coleman, and LaVerna “Katie” Coleman Vernon and Denise Dotson - In memory of Deb Kline - In honor of Bill and Helen Kline’s 50th wedding anniversary Jeff, Gabbie and Kyla Doubek Bernie Drahozal - In memory of Shirley Drahozal Evelyn Driscoll - In memory of Denton Schultz Nell Driscoll - In memory of Ethel Sweet Marginal Note: Some of the world’s greatest feats were accomplished by people not smart enough to know they were impossible. 15 Patricia Drumbarger - In memory of Marge Clark on her 12/22 birthday and Marge & Ed Clark at Christmas time Brenda Duello Elizabeth Dummermuth - In memory of Jerry Keeney Marilyn Duning Dennis and Virginia Durbin David and Pam Durchenwald Bernard and Mary Dvorak Bernice Dvorak - In memory of Alice Pospisil Joel and Janet Ecker - In memory of Kathy Symonette Paul Egger - In memory of Katherine L. Carnahan and Twila A. Wiley Barb Eggleston - In memory of Anna Mae Coats, Trudy Eggleston, and Tom Eggleston Russel Ehrenberger Larry and Mary Elgin Rose Elliott Joseph and Betty Elsner - In memory of Marcella Huff Carolyn Enzler Mary Eoff Dorothy Joan Erbe - In memory of Kathryn “Kay” Donnelly and William “Bill” Donnelly Michael and Sheila Erdman - In memory of Bill Donnelly Vernon and Katherine Erenberger In memory of Matthew Hoagland Patricia and Alan Erger Jon Ernberger Randy and Debbie Esbaum - In memory of Don Bodkin Mary and Martin Evans - In honor of David Dearbonne Mary Evers Gordon and Darlene Fabian David and JoAnn Faribault June Farmer - In memory of Thomas M. Farmer Randy and Cathy Faulkner, & Family - In honor of Charlie & Pat Becker’s wedding anniversary, a Happy Holidays wish to Jim & Vicki Covington, Happy Holidays to Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Sylvester, a Happy Holdiays wish to Larry Gutz, a Happy Holidays wish to Harry & Kathy Rude, a Happy Holidays wish to Rich & Ruthann Muszynski, a Happy Holidays wish to Jackie Mundorf, a Happy Holdiays wish to Carleen Grandon, a Happy Holidays wish to Pearl Northland, Holiday wishes to Mark Wiltsey, a Happy Holidays wish to Lucille Zerbee, Holiday wishes to Mr. & Mrs. Dave Engle, Colleen Kurtz, and Joan Sylvester Helen Feiereisen - In memory of Nancy Kay Reggenitter, Dave Feiereisen, and Mel Fedler - In honor of Charlie & Pat Becker’s wedding anniversary and Charlie Becker’s birthday Mark and Mary Fiala 16 Mr. Henry (Bill) Fields - In memory of Mrs. Mary Lucile Murrison, Mrs. Elizabeth Westphalen, Emil Voutrabeck, Joan Nazette, Mrs. Betty Naibert, Michael Linnan, John Grant, and Dave Elderkin Judy Fields Richard and Janice Fiester Dave and Barb Fischer - In honor of Merry Christmas to Mr. & Mrs. Donald Bornhoeft, Merry Christmas to Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. James Boernhoeft, and Merry Chirstmas to Mr. & Mrs. Mike Bornhoeft Shelley Fish Charles and Laverne Fisher - In memory of Roy Schuhmacher Robert and Shirley Fisher - In memory of Winston Tellier Carole Fluegel Sharon and Russ Fogle Diane Folkmann Matt, Noah, Tammy, and Molly Fox Bruce and Julie Frana Pat and Sandra Frank - In memory of Dean & Gary Rundall Mrs. Dixie French - In memory of Trudy L. Haltof and Robert J. French Sandy Frese Laura Frey Maxine Frueh Jimmie Gabbert Dr. and Mrs. William Galbraith, MD Naomi Gallmeyer Ronald and Patricia Gardner Ruth Gerber - In memory of Don Gerber Mrs. Mary Gerleman - In memory of Sister Joanne O’Brien Faye Gerner - In memory of Kathy Symonette Harriet Gilliland - In memory of Shirley Oates Mary Giovanazzi - In memory of Shirley Oates Florence Glass - In memory of Donald Jelinek Tim Gnewuch John and Karen Goedeken Darlene and Florian Goedken Shirley Goff Phyllis Gogel - In memory of Frank Mincer Ronald and Patricia Gonder - In memory of Dottie Cummins Charlene Goodreau - In honor of Berneice Friest, Eula Svehla, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene LeClere, the Ron LeClere Family, and the Leclere Family Christmas David and Diane Graham - In honor of Stephanie Graham Frances and Linda Graybill - In memory of Duane Graybill Gabrielle Greco Lance and Liesa Greco - In memory of Leo Greco on his 90th birthday Elodie Greif - In memory of John Greif Marlus Grimm - In memory of Glenn & Mark Grimm Dean Gross Mary Ann Gureno - In memory of Augie Gureno John Haack Lela Hadrava Denice Haehlen - In memory of Alvin Haehlen, Bill Ketelsen, Gerry Burk, and Pauline Cooper Lester and Irene Haerther - In memory of Shirley Oates Jon and Mary Hajek - In honor of Camp Courageous and Christmas Donna Hakes - In honor of Shirley J. Oates J.A. & G.L. Hallock Doris Hamilton Norman Hammond - In memory of Tom Eggleston Ivan Hand - In memory of H.L. “Mickey” McNiel Kathy Hansen - In memory of Paul R. Hansen Ronald and Jerilyn Hansen - In memory of Denton Schultz Russ and Char Hansen - In memory of Edwin C. Bevins, Betty Speedling, and Calyle “Red” Ralston Dorothy Hanser John Harder - In memory of Denton Schultz Alan and Melanie Harms Ronald and Lillian Harrelson Bill and Sharon Harriman - In memory of Gert Rieck and Denton Schultz Heidi and John Harriman Lee Harring Carol Harrington Percy and Lileah Harris - In memory of Kathy Symonette Mark and Susan Hartung Louis Harvieux Bradley Hauge Earl and Charlotte Hawkins Kathy Healy Trina Heath - In memory of Leo Greco Mrs. Kathy Hedlund Michael Heims Norb and Suzanne Hemesath Richard and Dorothy Henderson - In honor of Richard Henderson’s 90th birthday Joanne Hendricks Jeanne Hepker Edgar and Patricia Hermann Kathleen Hernandez Mrs. H.E. (Dorothy) Herrington - In memory of Harold “Gene” Herrington Sylvester and Joanne Hinz - In memory of Virginia Benter and Marcellus Hinz Michael and Nancy Hirleman Stanley and Jeanne Hlas Joe Hlavacek David and Alice Hodgin Jim and Garnet Hoffner Florence Holle - In memory of Josephine Condit Wayne and Gay Holstine Edgar Holstrom Jean Hopp Marvin & Catherine Hoppenworth Lee Horn Marlene Horton - In memory of John R. Horton Bob and Donna Hospodarsky - In memory of Doris Darrow Leona Hotchkiss - In memory of Robert W. Hotchkiss Cleo Houser Lillian Houser - In memory of Donald L. Houser Robert and Mary Jeanne Hruska Dorothea Huebner - In memory of Harold Wilkinson Tony and Suzanne Huebsch Barbara Hughes - In memory of Winston Tellier and Gerald F. Ard Mrs. Jean Imoehl - In memory of Dr. Dick Clark, Nickie Lash, and John Reynolds John and Lupe Inskeep David and Margaret Ipsan - In memory of Erma Call, Dorothy Newcomp, Ann Wendt, Florence Cushing, and Bill Donnelly Lois Irwin Ron and Mary Ivins Vernon and Rose Jackson Margaret Jacobs Jon and Norma Jacobsen - In memory of Eldon & Margaret Ann Jacobsen Jon and Jodie Janda - In memory of Mary Russell, Joan Nazette, Jack Shoberg, and Kurt Roseland Elmer and Janice Jandik - In memory of Priscilla Gruff - In honor of Riymond & Linda Janko William Janecek Irene Jass Chris and Suzanne Jennings Joyce Jennings - In memory of Harriet McDermott, Annette Jennings, and Frank Jennings Don and Gwen Johnson - In memory of Shirley Oates Gene Ann Johnson Joan Johnson - In memory of Jerry Ramm James and Yvonne Jonas Dave, Cheryl, and Matthew Jontz Martha Justice R.J. and Linda Kaas Mrs. Margaret Kacena John and Kathleen Kammerer Michael and Rose Marie Kane - In memory of F. Leonard Serbousek Mary Ellen Karlan Teresa Keister - In memory of Denton Schultz Ruth Ann Kelleher Joy Kelley Mike and Marietta Kelly Rick and Wendy Kemmann - In memory of Mrs. Shirley Thomson Jacob and Brianna Kennel Celeste Kenney John and Margaret Kenney - In memory of Bud & Glennis Broadston Margaret Kenney Rex and Dorothy Kepler Alan and Karen Kessler Raymond and Wilma Kimm R.C. and Marilyn Kitterman - In memory of Shirley Oates Mrs. Ruth Klehfoth Karen Kleinmeyer - In memory of Neil Kleinmeyer Dave and Sharon Kleppe - In memory of Victor & Lenora Kleppe James and Mary Klinger - In memory of Leo Greco on this 90th birthday Kay Klinger Nick Klinkhammer - In memory of Leo Greco Don and Pauline Kloos - In memory of Agnes M. Griffin Kenneth and Virginia Kloubec - In memory of Loved Ones Milver and Mary Ann Klouda - In memory of Mary Dostal and Calyle “Red” Ralston John and Virginia Knutson Stephan and Cynthia Koczo Arthur & Marguerite Koehler - In memory of Naomi Lash Bruce and Linda Koehler - In memory of Kathy Symonette Nancy Koestner Ron and Lawana Kofron - In memory of Kathy Symonette Hall and Marion Koontz Lillian Kopecky - In memory of “Al” Kopecky Lois Kopecky Donald and Wanda Krapfl - In honor of Sharon & Travis Krapfl Flo and Jim Kruger - In memory of Judith Kruger and Phil & Matt Seckman Donald and Ruth Kuhn - In memory of Wilfred “Bill” and Kathryn “Kay: Donnelly Steve and Sue Kullander - In memory of Roy & Ellen Kullander and George Scharg Kenneth & Helen Kupka Charlotte Kuriger - In memory of Roger Kuriger Joseph Kurka Duane and Doris Kurrelmeyer Jean Kvach - In memory of Gary Kvach Dr. and Mrs. Carlton Lake - In memory of Kay Donnelly Wes and Pam Landon - In memory of Helen Greenland Harvey and Judith Landt Rita Lange Mary Jo Langer Jack and DeVonna Lankow - In memory of Robert Brewer Wendy and David Larison - In memory of Florence & Richard Carpenter Catherine Larson - In memory of Corrine Ohligschlager Ed Lasko - In memory of Dottie Lasko Allison Layne Huey Allyn Leftwich - In memory of Bill Donnelly Mr. James LeMaster Richard and Carol Lensing Beverly Lentz - In memory of Betty Keller and Lavona Kuetensky Mrs. Janithe Lewis - In honor of Bruce & Karen Cyr and Karen Cyr’s birthday Lloyd and Donna Lewis - In honor of Mel & Donna Simoens’ 60th wedding anniversary Stephen Libby Barbara Lindstrom Ed and Edna Lingo - In memory of Paxton Snively Paul and Helen Lis Dorothy Long - In memory of Family & Friends in Heaven Linda Loomis Margaret Loop - In memory of Winston Tellier Don and Mary Ann Lorenzen - In memory of Henry & Margaret Lorenzen and Leonard & Mary Stusak Mavis Lovik - In memory of Helen Greenland Linda Kay Lumsden - In memory of Virginia & Joe Lumsden James and Marty Maccani George and Charlotte Machacek E.C. and Geraldine Mackert Marilyn Magid Marilyn Manson Nicholas Marin Mary Marion Joan Martin Mrs. Mary Martin Rosie Martin - In memory of Paxton Snively and Celesta Allen Clara Marx Patricia and Lyle Matthews - In memory of JoAnn “JJ” Wiley, Mel Dettman, Marilyn Skilling, Ralph Karlin, and Robert Fassler John and Tracie Maurice - In memory of Mae Rose Noonan Jeffrey May Cheryl Mayfield Mrs. Irene McAleer - In memory of Edward McAleer Rita McDermott Francis and Pauline McDonald Larry and Mary McDowell Karen McElhinney Norman and Carolyn McElwain Carol McGregor - In memory of Denton Schultz Lorraine McGuigan - In memory of Max Bachman Doug McKechnie Carla McLarty Larry and Julie McLaughlin - In memory of Gladys Goodson Edward McManus Robert and Louise McMaster Joe McNabb Mrs. Marjorie McNee - In memory of Shelly & Lucille Shellenbarger and Robert McNee John P. and Joyce McPartland Barbara Mead - In memory of loved ones at Christmas time Jean Means Mr. and Mrs. Steve Meehleder - In memory of Erwin & Betty Folkedahl Paul Meier - In memory of Don & Carlene Meier Frederick and Linda Meineke Tona Mendoza Mrs. June Mengler John and Sally Mescher Steven and Heather Mescher - In memory of Tom Riley Connie Meyer - In memory of Denton Schultz Dr. and Mrs. Donald Meyer - In memory of Winston Tellier Marge Meyers - In memory of Dorothy Olson Norman and Betty Middlekauff Lori Miene Deloris Miller Robert E. Miller - In memory of Clara M. Miller Verlis and Nancy Miller Janice Millett Kenneth Millsap - In memory of Denton Schultz Karen Miskimen - In memory of Denton Schultz Gordon and Ruth Mollman Janet Monk Karen Moore Peg Moore Lisa Moorman Tom Moran Dr. Dale and Louise Morgan Frank Morosky Linda Morris Mr. and Mrs. Phil Morris - In memory of Rex Higgins Ruby Mosier Eric and Jean Mote Elizabeth Mulcahy Tim Murphy - In memory of Bill Donnelly Robert and Jean Murray - In memory of Helen Greenland Charles and Eva Myers - In memory of Mike & Arlene Feiereisen Bob and Verna Nance - In honor of Mike & Elba Garcia Cecilia Navratil Diana Neal - In memory of Donald K. Neal David and Elaine Nelson - In memory of Richard “Dick” Benson Marilyn Nelson - In memory of Shirley Oates Steve and Lynda Nelson - In memory of Denton Schultz Dennis Netolicky - In memory of Kay “Kathryn” Donnelly and Bill Donnelly Rick and Janice Netolicky - In memory of Kay “Kathryn” Donnelly and Bill Donnelly Lewis and Mary Newman - In memory of Frank & Elisabeth Ellison Dr. Robert Nicholson Harry and Juanita Norman R.D. and Elizabeth Norman - In memory of Irene Finn Roger Norton - In memory of Irene Finn, Darrell Meredith, and Ray Kincheloe Kathleen Novak Steven and Jean Novak - In memory of Mae Rose Noonan Robert Novotny - In memory of Vivian Mowry James and Kathleen Novy - In honor of the Camp Courageous Staff Dorothy and Lan Nowotny Frances O’Brien Patti O’Keefe - In memory of Frank Chermak Mark Oehler Jim Oppedahl Mary Orth Joanne Osing Ruth Otten - In memory of Donald Shipman, John Graff, Bobbie Otten, Otto & Helen Otten, Douglas Benyshek, and Mary Lou Rickels Scott and Jan Overland - In honor of Charlie Becker Helen Pallesen Ralph and Linda Palmer Scott and Julie Pameticky Marilyn and Jerry Patterson Delbert and Sharon Pattison - In memory of Jerry Tann Lloyd and Martha Pearson - In memory of Denton Schultz Don and Patsy Ann Peiffer - In memory of Leo & Louise Greco Mike Perry - In memory of Tom Eggleston Vera Peters - In memory of Denton Schultz Galyn Peterson Geilda Peterson Andrew Pettit Roy and Ina Pewitt - In memory of Beverly Pettit, Walter Wittmer, and Dorothy Pewitt Janice Philipp Becky Phillips - In memory of Vivian Mowry and Evelyn Hein Sarah Phillips Ann Pickford Rodolfo and Barbara Pino - In memory of Bill Donnelly Paul and Regina Pisarik - In memory of Phyllis Trcka and Carol Ann Sopousek Francis and Jean Pitlik - In memory of Loved ones Kay Pitlik - In honor of Francis & Jean Pitlik’s 60th wedding anniversary and Bob & Margaret Thoeni’s 60th wedding anniversary Mike Plotz Tara Plotz Charles Plunge Arnold and Mary Port Bill Poston - In memory of Leo Greco on his 90th birthday Andrea Powers Kenneth and Helen Pratt - In memory of Helen Greenland Richard and Mary Prendergast - In memory of Douglas Prendergast Corinne Prince Larry and Betty Priske Dick and Connie Prochaska - In memory of Emily Cerveny Richard and Peggy Prochaska, III Dolores Prucha Eugene and Viginia Pugh Larry Purcell William and Janis Quinby - In memory of Leo Greco Lori Raleigh Dale and Caryl Rammelsberg - In honor of Jane Sorenson JANUARY 2012 — Camp Courageous — Larry Ramsay - In memory of Donna Ramsay Dorothy Ramsey - In memory of Mary Parmater - In honor of Christmas James and Becky Ranck Dr. David and Mary Rater Wilford H. Stone and Amy Reasner Marilyn, Kim and Joni Reed - In memory of Don V. Reed Mary Reed - In memory of Roy V. Gordon III and Merle F. Porter Evelyn Regan Marna and Dave Rehage - In memory of Winston Tellier Jeff and Lisa Rehman, Alex & Leo - In memory of Kay Donnelly and Bill Donnelly Bernie and Dee Rehnstrom Anna Ruth Reiner - In honor of Alice Nyquist’s 95th birthday Mark and Karen Reinertson - In honor of Dr. & Mrs. JW Reinterson Florence Renner, and Family - In memory of John Austad Gerri Repass Bill and Candace Rieken - In memory of Ruth Rieken Cindy Ries Stacey Ries Marvin & Hermina Rigel - In memory of Darlene Klinsky Sylvia Riley Shirley Rissi Jim and Phyllis Ritchie - In memory of Chuck McAllister Dorothy Robertson Mrs. Ruth Robertson, and Family - In memory of Jim & Neva Robertson and W.J. “Red” Robertson Chuck Robinson Roland and Ruth Robinson Michael and Sandy Rochford - In memory of Winston Tellier Helen Rodenberg Jack Roland - In memory of Leo Greco John and Monica Roltgen Barbara Ross Donald and Cornelia Ross Don and Ann Rowe - In memory of Dorothy Newcomb, Phyllis Trcka, John Gradoville, Mae Rose Noonan, Mel Westbrook, Gladys Snethen’s sister Dorothy, Juanita Fuchs, and Mary Regina Lorenzen Shaleen Rowray Lynn Rutz - In memory of Shirley Oates James and Doris Ryan - In memory of Dorothy Olson Pat Ryczek Virginia Rystrom Maxine Sager - In memory of Larry Alexander Don and Connie Salyer Vernon and Arlene Sand Norman and Karen Sasek - In memory of Bill Donnelly Alvin Sattler Jim and Sara Sauter, & Family Dale and Barbara Sawyer - In memory of Winston Telier Hal and Joyce Schaefer - In memory of Jonathon “Cory” Ward and Luanne Keller Raphael Scheetz Peter Jaynes & Jane Schildroth - In memory of Loe Greco on his 90th birthday Joseph and Lynda Schimberg - In memory of Bill Donnelly Norma Schmatt - In memory of Tom Eggleston Sally Schmid - In memory of Trent Schmid Gerald and Sharon Schmidt - In memory of Jerry Keeney Norma Schmitt - In honor of the work done at Camp Courageous Frieda Schmitz Debra Schultz Joan Schultz - In memory of , Mae Noonan, and Denton Schultz Mr. and Mrs. John Schultz - In memory of Doris Darrow Nancy Schultz Rose Schwichtenberg Scott Seibert Wayne and Marilyn Selzer - In memory of Walter Gene Stewart, Mike Fortune, and Edwin David Matson Richard and Jeanne Sentman Steven Shafer - In memory of Leo Greco on his 90th birthday Jim and Cheryl Shanklin Gayle and Kathy Shanstrom - In memory of Denton Schultz Paul and Mary Ann Shaughnessy Karmen Shedenhelm - In memory of Denton Schultz Geraldine Shepard Stacy Sherzer James Showers - In memory of Loretta Showers John and Barbara Shultz - In memory of Doris Darrow Ann Marie Simmons - In memory of Velma M. Simmons Glendora Simon V. Jean Simpson Eunice Sindelar - In memory of Bernie Sindalar, Carol Ames, Ervin Ames, Shirley Kabela, Arlene Wilson, and Jerry Sindelar Evelyn Slife - In memory of Mickey McNiel Robert and Marlene Smejkal - In memory of Kathleen Dougherty Alice Smith Bernice Smith - In memory of Kenneth Smith and Nancy Smith Darold and Glenda Smith Diane Smith Mr. Glen Smith, Jr. Mary Jane Smith Roger and Carolyn Smith - In memory of Roger C. Pflughaupt Sarah Smith James and Cindy Smothers Kathryn Smyth - In memory of Tim Brecht Larry and Jill Snodgrass - In memory of Hollis Emerson Lila Snyder - In memory of Robert Snyder Brian and Kathy Sogard Teresa Sopousek - In memory of Dorothy Snitil - In honor of Peg Deklotz’ 85th birthday Sara Sorensen - In memory of Al Sorensen Richard and Bev Spencer Cole Speth Don and Judy Spratte - In memory of Denton Schultz Jeanne Sramek - In memory of Bill Zabilka and Isabelle Smith Gene and Mary Stadtmiller - In memory of Hollis Emerson Anogene Stary Joyce Steffen Nicole Stepanek Robert and Sandra Stepanek - In honor of Charlie Becker Lorraine Stephenson Gary and Judy Stevens - In memory of Gene Frye, Richard Binger, Elaine Schreier, Larry Alexander, and Shirley Howard - In honor of Linda Bigley’s retirement Sherry Stohs - In memory of Kathy Symonette Betty Ann Stoklasa - In memory of Frank Robert and Marcella Stolba Gayle Klinger Stone - In memory of C.F. Klinger Charles and Edna Stookesberry Hazel Storm Stephen and Cheryl Stramel - In memory of Denton Schultz Mrs. Rosalie Strang Maury Streit - In memory of Kathy Symonette Eleanor Streletzky Jewell Strong - In memory of Lowell Strong Mrs. Don Stuber - In memory of Doris Darrow Mr. Leo Sutter Gary and Judy Svec Dennis Svoboda John Swanson Richard and Carole Swanson Mrs. Barbara Sweeney Mrs. Connie Switzer Joan Sylvester - In memory of Don Bressler, Loren Sylvester, Gerry Schlueter, Phyliis Trcka, and Delores “Speed” Winn Lloyd and Rose Sylvester Sharon Tauke Jackie Terpkosh - In memory of Leo Greco on this 90th birthday Viola Thomas Claude and Marien Thompson Gordon and Mary Thompson - In memory of Mildred Thompson Lois Thompson - In memory of Doris Darrow Robert Thorson - In memory of Corinne Ohligschlager Darlene Trachta - In memory of Robert & Mary Murrison Krista Trampe Jim and Joanne Trcka - In memory of Dick Knowles Jack Tripolino Vic and Alice Tritle Leanore Tubbs - In memory of Marilyn Shull, Eunice Koeppen, and Willis Daugherty Norman and Joan Turley Rosemary Turnis - In memory of Marcellus Hinz Mark & Susie Valliere Richard and Liz Valliere - In memory of Leo Greco, Jo Condit, Juanita Fuchs, Hollis Emerson, Louis Kellner, and Corrine Ohligschlager - In honor of Marla Valliere’s 60th birthday Maxine Van Hamme - In memory of Ray Vanhamme Mike Van Horn Kevin and Mary Van Houten - In memory of Leo Greco on his 90th birthday Marilyn Van Houten - In memory of Donald Van Houten Judy Van Raden George and Pat Vebsky Jerry and Mary Vifian Irene Vig - In memory of Porter Vig Anna Vittengl - In memory of Blanche Hinton Eldon and Karen Volesky Frank and Ruth Volesky Wanda Rae Wagaman Joan and Sadie Wagemester Donald and Selma Walser Kenneth and Marjorie Washburn In memory of Mae Rose Noonan John & Alice Wasson Donna Weber - In memory of Michael Linnan Barbara Weeks Charlie and Tina Weepie Margaret Weepie William Weers Phyllis Wegner Charles and Carol Wehage Tom and Susan Wehmeyer Maxine Welch - In memory of Leo Greco James S. Weldon William Werner Robert and Grace Wheeler Andrea White Jim and Betty Jane White - In memory of Carolyn Fiedler and Diane Brockhohn Ken White - In honor of Merry Christmas to Jim White Irene Whiting - In memory of Marie Melsha, Laverna Hensch, and Paul Whiting - In honor of David & Susan Hoagland’s 50th wedding anniversary Chad Wilhelm Delores Williamson John and JoAnn Wilson Mr. Marc Winn - In memory of Kay Winn James and Sarah Wittnebel, Sr. - In memory of Kathryn “Kay” Donnelly Gene & Darlene Woellert James Woodson - In memory of Harlene Woodson Debra Wordehoff Merle and Myrtle Yanecek - In memory of Claude R. Conklin Karen Yock Barb and Bob Zahradnik - In memory of Winston Tellier Donald Zahradnik - In memory of Karla Zahradnik Gerald & Rae Zahradnik Norman and Terry Zahradnik, & Family Fred and Joann Zehr - In memory of Leo Greco on his 90th birthday David and Cynthia Zenk Mark and Pam Zimmerman - In memory of Leo & June Kammerer, Rita Malert, and Velma Zimmerman Raymond and Sheryl Zinkula - In memory of Marie Regina Kuntz, Orville & Frances Cue, and George & Bess Zinkula Charles Zvacek Acme Graphics, Inc. Benz Beverage Depot Branch 373 N.A.L.C. - In memory of Willfred Donnelly co Judithe Ernst - In memory of Dean Scott - In honor of Marie Scott’s 95th birthday Carpet Jazz Cedar Rapids Lodge 262 W.F.L.A. In memory of Gladys L. Goodson Cedar Rapids Marriott Cedar Rapids VFW Auxiliary #788 Century Laundry Distributing Chicken Scratch Studio Dakota Red Corporation Destinations Unlimited, Inc. Divine Engineering - In memory of Kathy Symonette East Central Federation Square Dancers Eastern Iowa Heirloom Quilters Edgewood 5 Seasons Car Wash Ely Town & Country Club Financial Planning Services Fleming Nursery Frontier Futures, Inc. Frontier Garden Center GE Capital General Mills Grand Lodge of Iowa, A.F. & A.M. Greater Cedar Rapids Open Hepker Distribution, LLC Hogan & Hansen Hunter’s Specialties Hupp Electric Motors, Inc. - In memory of Hollis Emerson Hus Mem. Presb. Quilting Circle Hy-Vee #1064 Iowa Winnie Hawks James. W. Bell Co., Inc. - In memory of Hollis Emerson Janda Motor Services KZIA-FM Z102.9 & KGYM-AM ESPN 1600 LADCO Lavern and Audrey Busse Foundation LBA Foundation Service Learning Program Legacy Basketball Academy M & W Manufacturing Co. Inc. Mailing Services Inc. Marv Pesek Masonry Inc May City Bowl Mercy Medical Center Metro North Rotary Nevada Bob’s Golf Outlet Non Profit Services Corp. Northtowne Cycling and Fitness Peck’s Flower & Garden Shop Pediatric Center P.C. - In memory of Audrry Chatterton Pine Needles Sewing Center Prachar Oil Company - In memory of Donna Johnson Prototype Consultants Inc. Quail Ridge Townhomes Owners Assoc. - In memory of Denton Schultz Quaker Oats Raymond James Financial Services RM Embroidery Rockbottom Photography Rohde Family Charitable Foundation Rotary Club of C.R.-Daybreak - In honor of Charlie Becker RuffaloCody Sellers Broadcasting, Inc. Shalom Accessories Skogman Companies Soroptimist Club of Cedar Rapids and Marion Spanda St. Luke’s Hospital Teahen Funeral Home Team Taft The AR-Jay Center The Dave Hickman Memorial Golf Outing - In memory of Dave Hickman The Family of Jerry Keeney - In memory of Jerry Keeney The Family of Leo Greco - In memory of Leo Greco The Harold McNiel Estate - In memory of H.L. “Mickey” McNiel The Jared and Carol Hills Foundation - In memory of Kathy Symonette The Londoner The Maurice Foundation - In memory of James & Dorothy Maurice The New Horizon’s Band The Sanctuary Spa The William Lewellen Estate The Wilma Lynch Estate - In memory of Wilma Lynch Theatre Cedar Rapids TriYoga of Cedar Rapids Weland Clinical Laboratories Westdale Mall Management Office WMT- Clear Channel CENTER JUNCTION, IA Pauline Antons - In honor of Verna Parham’s 80th birthday Brad Hansen Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Weers - In memory of Doris Darrow CENTER POINT, IA John and Mary Behrens - In memory of Tom Behrens Joe and Clara Cook - In memory of Beverly Ann Pospisil Stuart and Lori Davidson Kenneth and Twyla Dinger - In honor of Michael, Jacob, and Lucas Dinger Mr. Joe Eckert JoAnne Gray - In memory of Carroll S. Gray EMPLOYMENT VOLUNTEER and 12 FOR SUMMER 20 S E I T I N U T R O P OP Consider applying for a volunteer, internship or paid position at Camp Courageous this Summer! Working with children and adults with special needs is often a very real challenge. Campers may need help with personal care including feeding, dressing and personal hygiene. Some campers exhibit behavior challenges. Patience, energy, good judgment, and enthusiasm are important qualifications for a position at Camp Courageous. Positions available in program, dietary, and nursing. The hours are long. An unselfish attitude and an emphasis on teamwork are needed. If you have the necessary attributes, apply for a position at camp. Room and board is provided. Nonsmokers only. Summer season: May 20-Aug. 17 EMPLOYMENT CONTACTS: Jeanne Muellerleile for program staff Shannon Poe for volunteers Dennis Bayne for dietary staff Sharon Roller for nursing staff Apply online by accessing the camp’s website at Vicki Harger - In memory of Richard A. Harger Neva Lanning Miss Laurel Lewis - In memory of M. Ione Funk Ginny Luchauer - In honor of Jason Bradford Ellen Mackey - In memory of Dale Feye Garnet Rae Mader - In memory of Leo Greco Michael, Diane, Alan and Amy Marshall Steve and Amy Neighbor Norman and Zelda Sackett - In honor of Ed & Eileen Brecht’s 60th wedding anniversary Vern and Jean Schoneman Kenneth and Joyce Squires Janice Stephenson Newell and Kathryn Sutton - In memory of Francis Lesch and Howard & Margaret Sutton Earl Ward Shirley Ward Meredith Wolfe Dennis and Monica Zieser - In memory of Howard Gardener, Delores Winn, and Mary Russell Alice United Methodist Church Women Center Point Lions Club Center Point Travel Plaza Thirty-One CENTERVILLE, IA Centerville Lions Club CENTRAL CITY, IA Rick and Laura Batcheler - In memory of Joseph Soukup Donna Chamberlain - In memory of Janet Fuller Dennis and Julie Edgerly Bonny Gordon - In memory of Meryle Porter and Roy V. Gordon III Wally and Donna Henderson - In memory of Joe Soukup Marvin and Ester Knapp Marginal Note: When solving problems, dig at the roots instead of just hacking at the leaves. Stan and Marianne Lawrence - In memory of our parents at Christmas George and Joyce Maxwell James and Mary May - In memory of Doris Darrow Margaret McArthur - In memory of Bertha Stoecker Joe and Maureen McEvoy, & Family - In memory of Mae Rose Noonan and Loras Hartung Rayferd and Jane Moyer Mr. and Mrs. Steve Novey - In memory of Doris Darrow Richard and Margaret Opfer Junior and Eleanor Price Michael and Julia Ransome Gary and Janice Schuch - In memory of Joe Soukup Andre and Michelle Smith Shelly Wurzer Kellogg - In memory of Albert W. “Bill” Crump Alburnett Lions Club CHARITON, IA Mrs. Charlene Meyer - In memory of Virgil Meyer CHARLES CITY, IA Kathy Sonne CHARLOTTE, IA Jean Burke Caralyn and Steve Butler - In memory of Bruce Anderson Daryl and Verda Mae Glahn - In memory of Russ Gerdin Bill and Carol Schrader - In memory of Wilbur Behrens Bob and Sandra Unruh - In memory of Margaret Wagemester Harry, Wes and Wade Wiese - In memory of Gene Burke and Pete McGinn CHELSEA, IA Dick and Mary Lou Van De Walle Elsie Whitsell - In memory of Evelyn Ryan Kathy Whitsell - In memory of Doris Manatt 17 Hi my name is Clinton Modinger… In the summer of 2005 I came from Australia to Camp Courageous to work as a camp counsellor. I believe that Camp Courageous is a place where you can witness real magic happen. This can be seen by the love and respect the staff at Camp Courageous have for their campers. Week after week these exceptional people improve the lives of people with a disability by allowing them to take some time away from their normal daily routines to participate in recreational and social activities. I am very proud to say I have worked for the camp. I have met some truly amazing people and I have been able to remain friends with some of those amazing people. I returned to Camp Courageous earlier this month to be a part of a wedding of two former camp counsellors who I have a lot of respect and love for. Their wedding was just unreal and the weather was very kind to them which I have heard is rare for Iowa in October. They, like many other people who have been married after working at Camp Courageous, were touched by the magic of the camp. It brings people together and enables them to do amazing things and develop strong bonds with each other. Being back at the camp for the first time in 6 years was a wonderful experience for me. While I was there I witnessed a few camp counsellors working with their campers displaying the same level of love and respect for their campers that I have come to expect from counsellors at Camp Courageous. If there is one thing I could say to the current group of camp counsellors it would be that you are all here because you are amazing people. Keep up the great work you do and welcome to the Camp Courageous family. Thank you for reading my story and I hope that Camp can fill your hearts with pride like it has mine. I would love to come back and do another summer sometime and I hope that is sooner rather than later. I wish everyone reading my story a Merry Christmas and a happy and safe 2012 CHEROKEE, IA Bob and Eleanor Johnston - In memory of Denton Schultz Cherokee Lions Club CHURDAN, IA Rebecca Towers Churdan Lions Club CLARE, IA June Lawler - In memory of Terry Condon, Mary Margaret Condon, Belva Froisland, Grace Porter, Ron Vinsand, Ginny Father, and Joyce Klime’s mother CLARENCE, IA J.Robert and Wilma Bunn William and Sharon Elijah - In memory of Maxine Moes Jerry and Patricia Hasenbank Velma Huebner - In memory of Marvin Leisinger Merlin and Darlene Hulse - In memory of Paul Hasselbusch and Irene Benischek King and Connie Kelly - In memory of Donald Casteel Doris Kemmann - In memory of Mrs. Shirley Thomson and Jay Weiland Royce Kemmann - In memory of Mrs. Shirley Thomson Lawrence Krob Larry and Elda Licht Mildred Mingst - In memory of Roland Mingst Larry and Shirley Mostaert - In memory of Maxine Moes, Paul “Pike” Hasselbusch, and Verda Freese Lavern and Karen Schwein - In memory of Leo Greco 18 Donavon Stolte - In memory of Richard Crock Pat Timberlake Beta Nu Chapter/Delta Kappa Gamma CLARINDA, IA John and Joann Pierce CLARION, IA Thelma Lindvall - In memory of Bob Kalkward Jan Murphy - In memory of Dean Borel CLEAR LAKE, IA Janice Nelson Clear Lake Lions Pride Lions Club CLEGHORN, IA Dan Pingel - In honor of Merry Christmas to Gloria Ford CLERMONT, IA Knights of Columbus Council #12381 CLINTON, IA Darlene Annear - In memory of Russell Annear and Robert Annear Ruth Badtke David and Mary Broadrick Faye Bull, & Family Charles Burke Juanita Byrns Gloria Clausen Theodore and Shirlaine Dawson - In memory of LuVerne Clausen and Jim Tompkins Gilbert and Dolores Diercks - In memory of Eldon Yaddof, Mary Rowson, Donald Jensen, and Margaret Wagenmester Elaine Ebensberger Andy and Renee Friedrichsen Denis and Judith Friedrichsen - In memory of Margaret Wagemester Ivagene Griswold Janet Griswold - In memory of Sandra Meyer Geraldine Hand - In memory of Joe Hand Jean and Horst Hehr Joanne Hurst - In memory of Albert King Fred and Carole Jensen, & Family - In memory of Donald Jensen, Wilma Masse, Becky Rittmer, Roger Gerber, and Merle Burken - In honor of Orville & Phyllis Krogman’s 50th wedding anniversary, Alma Nichol’s 90th birhtday, Phyllis Kist’s 80th birthday, and Aggie Jensen’s 80th birthday Jr. and Barb Johns - In memory of Darlene Fier - In honor of Mike & Bess Haan’s 40th wedding anniversary Jesse and Laura Kasterke - In memory of Carl Slapnicka, Wilbert Behrens, and Pauline Banker Michael and Janet Ketelsen Ken and Sherril Kroemer - In memory of Hugh Shadduck Orville and Phyllis Krogman - In memory of Don Jensen Barbara Kroymann - In memory of Margaret Wagemester Evelyn Kruse - In memory of Frank Verfaillie Emmett and Marilyn Matthiesen - In memory of Clifford Voss Phyllis Mayer Eugene and Frances Miller Shirley Mohr Gregg and Madonna Obren Louis and Dorla Paaske Aberdeen Parker Kenneth and Patricia Perron - In memory of Margaret Wagemester Don Peters Larry and Julie Peters - In memory of Margaret Wagemester Ron and Marilyn Petersen Lena Pillers Mark Rutenbeck Bill and Rosella Schmidt - In memory of Robert D. Enger Dan and Marlys Smith John & Rose Anne Smith - In memory of Susan Schafer Judith Smith - In memory of Margaret Wagemester - In honor of Pastor Shannon Witt’s service to Faith Lutheran Marsha Smith Helen Steen Florence Struck - In honor of Lillian Brendes’ 100th birthday George and Dolores Struve - In memory of Margaret Wagemester Ben and Barbara Tietjens - In memory of Carl E. Slapnicka, Donald “Jens” Jensen, and Margaret Wagemester - In honor of Orville & Evelyn Buikema’s 80th birthdays Marjorie Tompkins - In honor of greeting of the season to Bill Tomkins, greetings of the season to Mr. & Mrs. Bill Mauck, greetings of the season to Mr. & Mrs. Jim Mauck, greeting of the season to Mr. & Mrs. Ted Dawson, greetings of the season to Mr. and Mrs. Michael Halm, and greeting of the season to Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Mahr Nancy and Jerry Tucker - In memory of Liz Schofield Robert and Eldona Turney - In memory of Jeanette Kuhl Dwaine and Donna Van Buer - In memory of Margaret Wagemester Ms Alberta Young - In memory of Margaret Wagemester Andover Lions Club Gateway State Bank - In memory of Margaret J. Wagemester Hop N Shop P & E Filling Station Inc. Porter’s Convenient ‘66 Service Oil Co. CLIO, IA Robert and Janet Mortimore CLIVE, IA Mr. Neil Dierks - In memory of Phillip Gerdes John and Regina Gerdes Bill Mayer Robert and Beverly Sherlock - In memory of Rex Martinsen Richard and Marjorie Threlkeld - In honor of Ed Meyer CLUTIER, IA Laurence Svoboda Clutier Lions Club COGGON, IA Robert and Darleen Brokens - In memory of Henry Cassman and Virginia “Ginny” Baty LaVerne and Mary Jane Crowley - In memory of Mary Ellen Leahy - In honor of Kenny Hosch’s 80th birthday Marlene & Bill Feltes - In memory of Bill McEnany Lynn Goode Cletus Kremer - In memory of Jeanne Nosbisch, Prycilla Groff, and Linda Woodward Steve and Julie Kueter Norma Rowe - In memory of Laurence Rowe Geraldine Wiant - In memory of Patricia Grundmeyer, D.J. Foote, Luke Wiant, and Mae Rose Noonan Knights of Columbus Council 12136 COLESBURG, IA Jim and Darlene Staner Lawson Waterman COLUMBUS JUNCTION, IA Lynn and Donna Mincer - In memory of Deb Kline - In honor of Bill and Helen Kline’s 50th wedding anniversary Barbara Wiebel - In memory of Verda Freese Grandview - Letts Lions CONESVILLE, IA John and Kelli Forbes - In memory of Frank Mincer Natalia Martinez CORALVILLE, IA Philip and Megan Bailey Richard and Judith Brookhaus - In honor of Dick & Marge Smith Eugene and Dorothy Brugman - In memory of Deb Kline - In honor of Bill and Helen Kline’s 50th wedding anniversary Richard and Ann Burton - In honor of Sara Burton Web and Janet Cramer - In memory of Joe Jenn, Leonard Feldt, Betsy Kenefick, and Dale Bingham Colin and Kari Dirks - In memory of Kathy Symonette Ann Barber Doyle - In memory of Daniel Doyle Jackie Duncan - In memory of Deb Kline - In honor of Bill and Helen Kline’s 50th wedding anniversary Dr. Harold Hammond - In memory of Jeffrey Joseph Keul Ruth Hull - In memory of Julie Eileen Gay Mildred Knoke Herman and Ilene Paulsen Rita and Ashley Pettit - In memory of Denton Schultz Jessica Rients Mel and Alice Roth Jim and Pat Williams Coralville Hy-Vee Downward Dog Yoga & Fitness Harney Oil Off Campus Auto Repair SEIU Local 199 - In memory of Shirley Besst The Ruth Lorack Estate - In memory of Ruth Lorack Zephyr Printing & Design CORNING, IA Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cook CORYDON, IA Corydon Lions Southern Iowa Oil Company COUNCIL BLUFFS, IA Mr. Lyle Jordan CRESCO, IA Kathryn Ryan VFW Auxiliary #4561 CRESTON, IA Mary Lou and Ernest Burke - In memory of Zachary Hansen Rick Martin Diagonal Lions Club DAKOTA CITY, IA Justin and Joy Kirchhoff DANBURY, IA Mary Lu Flynn - In memory of Dorothy Widdifield DANVILLE, IA Nancy and Steve Ramsey - In memory of Dorothy Widdifield DAVENPORT, IA Michael and Debra Alvarado Wanda Anderson Richard Barber - In memory of Lloyd “Buzz” Runge Dorothea Barney Sharon Batten Cappy Beckenbaugh Alfred Becker - In memory of Irma Becker Bartholomew Becker - In memory of Albert C. Henkel Rodney and Mary Behr Marguerite Borchers Vicki Buescher - In honor of Mandy Lightner’s birthday in November John and Pat Burroughs - In memory of Robert Annear Stanley Clinton Linda Craig Jeannine Crockett Willa Curtis John Davison Martha Day - In memory of George E. Day Diane Debackere - In memory of Margaret Wagemester Jerry Dirth Alan and Nancy Elias - In memory of Bruce Anderson Richard Enderle Arlin and Vaneta Esbaum Gloria Fiedler - In memory of Nile Kinsler Sue Gall Jim and Margo Hancock Christina Harper Christa Hebbel Konrad and Betty Henkel - In memory of Albert & Irma Henkel, Gib and Virginia Oehrlein, and Albert C. Henkel Sr Kathleen Henneberry - In memory of Rosemary Hendricks Lavonne Hinrichs - In memory of Donald Kuchlenz Larry and Pat Howell - In memory of Albert C. Henkel Jen Huber Pauline Jacobs - In memory of Ron Peterson Dr. Herbert Janke Cathy Jensen George and Karen Johnson Sarah Johnson Joseph and Audrey Keeney - In memory of Dr. Tom Bassler Linda Kemp Deborah Kistler Jim and Marie Kopatich - In memory of Rudy Radwick, Victoria McMurray, and William Argo - In honor of Bruce Wehr’s 60th birthday Harold and Bonita Meier - In memory of Robert Pacha Edward and Patricia Mesick - In memory of Anna McCall George and Karol Moore - In honor of Janice Nelson’s 75th birthday Jeff and Carol Nelson - In memory of Lil’ T Charlotte Nicoll Marvin and Millie Noll Kenneth Oetzmann - In memory of Ambrose Kearney Jane Ott Pam Owens Leann Reeder Terry and Nora Reiter - In memory of Stephen Bahl Gene and Ruth Rettenmaier William and Barbara Riebe Janette Robertson Stephen and Barbara Rohlf - In memory of Bruce Anderson Denise Rostenbach - In memory of William Petersen Michelle Schaeherl Mary Schloemer Jim Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sebille Dr. Emeric and Shirley Solymossy Theresa and James Stelk - In memory of Margaret Wagemester Nadine and Frank Steward Raymond and Marilyn Sutton - In memory of Darlene Klinsky Thomas and Lisa Swanson Roderick Taylor Crystal Thompson - In memory of Albert Henkel Jen Vogel Richard and Sonia Vogel Roger and Joan Waggoner - In honor of Aubrey Nelson Brian Walters Paul and Berdie Williams - In memory of Marian Williams Bend of the River Pilots-Quad City Genesis Hospital Pharmacy Handicapped Development Center Home Hardware Lujack’s Northpark Auto Plaza Mary Miller Accounting - In memory of Bruce Anderson Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Center - In memory of Bruce Anderson RSM McGladrey VFW Aux. #828 Wild Birds Unlimited DE WITT, IA Nancy Aiken - In memory of Bruce Anderson Maxine Anderson Kenneth and Dolores Aude - In memory of Margaret Wagemester Lee and Luanne Barber - In memory of Bruce Anderson Lou and Carla Behrend - In memory of Shirley Besst, John McMahon, Elsie Knutsen, Jack Atkinson, Bruce Anderson, Barry Brauns, Susan Thompson, Lynn Fulgsang, and Darlene Fier - In honor of Arlene Eggers’ 90th birthday and Letha Ridenheur’s 90th birthday Ronald Besst - In memory of John McMahon Alvin and Lois Block - In memory of Elsie Knutsen and John McMahon Helen Bloom Eleanor Bowman - In memory of Bruce Anderson and Lynn Fulgsang - In honor of Ellis & Myrtle Barber’s 65th wedding anniversary Marian Bricker - In memory of Shirley Besst Frances Burke - In memory of John McMahon, Marie Lutgen, and Darlene Fier Lois Canaday - In memory of Bruce Anderson Raymond and Virginia Carstensen In memory of Bruce Anderson Phyllis and Timothy Chantos Carol Christensen - In memory of Allen Rutenbeck Lauren Dolan Roger and Susan Eganhouse Patricia Ehrler - In memory of Bruce Anderson Virginia Farus - In memory of Shirley Besst David and Judith Fletcher - In memory of Shirley Besst, Elsie Knutsen, John McMahon, Bruce Anderson, and Joel Schanze Joyce Fletcher - In memory of Elsie Knutsen and Ray Vens - In honor of Steve & Denise Smith’s wedding anniversary Dorothy R. Goettsch - In memory of Eugene Burke and Dick Pray James and Sue Gravert - In memory of Shirley Besst and Bruce Anderson Chad and Terri Griep - In memory of Bruce Anderson Steve and Barbara Hanas - In memory of Shirley Besst Carol and Robert Hansen - In memory of Shirley Besst Debra Hansen - In memory of Shirley Besst Theresa Hansen - In memory of Norita Keiffer Ralph and Judy Henningsen - In memory of Bruce Anderson Julie Hinds - In memory of Bruce Anderson Glenn and Linda Hledik - In memory of Bruce Anderson Marie Hoffmann - In memory of Bruce Anderson Shirley Homrighausen - In memory of Shirley Besst George & Bonnie Howes - In memory of Shirley Besst Richard and Lisa Hudson Kathryn Jebsen - In memory of Lon Myatt and James Bennis David and Sharon Knudson - In memory of Shirley Besst Colleen Kurtz - In memory of Beth Peterson April Lubben - In memory of Shirley Besst Tim and Tammy McClimon - In memory of Bruce Anderson Dale & Karolyn Meier - In memory of Don J. Miller Duane Meyer - In memory of Shirley Besst and Bruce Anderson Debra Moughler - In memory of Buzz Runge, Gene Burke, and Darlene Fier Shirley Mullen - In memory of Shirley Besst Bob and Marilyn Mundt Clara Nelson - In memory of Shirley Besst Gary and Maribeth Penningroth - In memory of David Gleason JANUARY 2012 — Camp Courageous — Norma Jo Porth - In memory of Gary Penningroth and Janice Davisson Brian and Barbara Reed - In memory of Bruce Anderson George Rekemeyer Anna Rice - In memory of Bruce Anderson Dr. and Mrs. M. L. Richeal - In memory of Darlene Scott, Dr. Larry Barrett, and Darlene Fier James and Penelope Roberts - In memory of Bruce Anderson Ambrose Roling - In memory of Al Tebbe Jr. Steve Seifert - In memory of Rhonda Seifert Orda Stankee - In memory of Bruce Anderson Scott & Kim Steffens - In memory of Rita Marshall, Herold Irwin, Bruce Anderson, and Eugene Burke Patricia Strong - In memory of Jack Nelson and Shirley Besst Esther Mae Stuedemann - In memory of Bruce Anderson Steven and Patrica Thayer - In memory of Shirley Besst William and Verna Turnis - In memory of Shirley Besst Roger and Kim Vandewalle - In memory of Cael Burmeister Harry and Mary Weigandt - In memory of Bruce Anderson Jerry and Judy Weiss - In memory of Janice Rae Davisson Harold and Ruth Wilson, Jr. - In memory of Bruce Anderson Jane Yokoi - In memory of Shirley Besst Cornerstone Women’s Group DeWitt United Methodist Women Fauser Developement Co. - In memory of Bruce Anderson First Central State Bank Marshall’s Greenhouse - In memory of Bruce Anderson Proverty Ridge - In memory of Bruce Anderson Wendling Quarries - In memory of John McMahon DECORAH, IA Mae Daubendiek Joanne Fulsaas Wayne and Nancy Jordahl Jessica Larson Keith Lawrence - In memory of Mary W. Lawrence Tom and Melanie Raulerson - In honor of Marvin & Bunnie Cooper Betty Rose V.F.W. Auxiliary #1977 DEEP RIVER, IA Imogene Steele Donald & Norma Van Ersvelde - In memory of Lawrence Kriegel, Wallace Roth, and James Plants DELAWARE, IA Betty and Leon Mullis DELHI, IA Herbert Benn Darrel and Ann Goldsmith - In memory of Clara Kintzle, Dean Bond, Rosella Wegmann, James “Buzz” Graham, Eleanor Beitz, Kevin Schmidt, Anita Schaffer, and Isabel Lahr Lora Gudenkauf - In memory of Jeryl Bacon Gordon and Claudia Keith Brenda Krumviede - In memory of Jeryl Bacon Maxine Schultz Donald and Karen Williams - In memory of Buzz Graham, Randy DeKlotz, and Fred Thomas Doug and Kris Wilson Blakesley Drug Employees - In honor of Merry Christmas to Bill & Pat Blakesley DELMAR, IA Richard and Joyce Bennis - In memory of Lon Myatt, Evelyn Reynolds, Don Casteel, Zach Reiff, Marie Bruhn, Bruce Anderson, and Roger Filloon Curt and Diane Claeys - In honor of Larry & Carol Ann Roeder’s 50th wedding anniversary Diane Claeys - In memory of Harold Irwin Ruth Denger - In memory of Ergon Penningroth, Donna Bartles, and Harlan Heneke - In honor of Wayne & Twyla Adrian’s 50th wedding anniversary Dean and Jennifer Engel - In memory of Don Casteel Gerry Farrell Robert and Flora Fowler - In memory of Gary Gene Coppess MaDonna Gannon - In memory of Harry Goers, Roger Gerber, and Joanne Kelly Robert and Patricia Hartley - In memory of Bruce Anderson Martin and Marita Kagemann - In memory of Bruce Anderson Mary and Al Kittleson Gary and Sandra McAvan - In memory of Leonard Serbousek Larry and Carol Ann Roeder - In memory of Harold Irwin, Dorothy Weinschenk, Emil Bellich, Bruce Anderson, and Linda Fulsang - In honor of LeRoy Stampe’s 99th birthday, Al Stampe for Pioneer stuff, Kelly Kenny’s 2nd 40th birthday, and Gary Dunn J.C. and Janet Selby - In memory of Janice Davisson - In honor of Merry Christmas to Pam Kennedy and Joel Hinck’s 80th birthday Jane and Robert Thiel Carol and Keith Welch Myron and Helen Workman - In memory of Gary Penningroth and Shirley Besst Over 60 Club DENVER, IA Sylvia Grekoff DES MOINES, IA Joanne Bell Shari Blake Duane and Melanie Bower Daniel Carlson Robert and Rosemary Collins Tracy Corsello A. Ann Davidson Robert and Verlyn Dentel - In memory of James L. Plants David and Nancy Diehl Bob Dillard John and Mary Keck Mr. and Mrs. Richard Langdon Sarah Ann Langdon Arthur McElwee John and Rita McGinnis - In memory of Leo Greco Marilyn Parsons David Puffett, Sr. Charles Smithson Franklin Stewart - In honor of Steven & Kimberly Stewart Irene Wiltsie Kenneth and Penni Zinkula - In memory of Marie Kuntz Steven Zumbach - In memory of James L. Plants Altoona Lions Club Barton Solvents, Inc. Great Iowa Treasure Hunt Iowa Business Forms, Inc. Iowa One Gift The Thomas H. Perry Estate VFW Auxiliary #738 DIKE, IA Dike Lions Club DIXON, IA Dick and Dorothy Bockwoldt Kay Friederichs - In memory of Virgil Rock and Chet Hintz DOLLIVER, IA Arlene Gage DONNELLSON, IA Roger and Dee Beck Don and Cheryl Lang Douglas Seyb - In honor of the Darrell & Audrey Seyb Family St. Paul’s United Church of Christ DOUDS, IA Joyce Weaver - In memory of Paul Weaver DRAKESVILLE, IA Gary and Donna Eaves DUBUQUE, IA Dr. Peter and Cynthia Alt Marilou Anderson Francis and Norma Apel Betty Artus Wilfred and Vicky Bahl Ruth Becker - In memory of Richard Huber Shirley Bergfeld - In memory of Gwendolyn Mullinix, Luella McFadden, John “Jack” Turner, Virginia “Ginny” Leibold, Paul A. Lammers, John G. Bergfeld, Celestine “Sally” Kueter, and Emmett A. “Shorty” McDermott Donald and Gertrude Besler Dan and Millie Boge Ronald and Rosalita Brass Helen Braun Roger and Wanita Broessel Ashley Bryson Dorothy Buss Richard and Norma Cade Rev. John Carpender - In memory of Father Thomas J. Carpender Bob Clement Luke and Nancy Conlon Mike and Sandy Coohey Rodney and Marilyn Cooper - In memory of Glen Reierson, Lonnie Lang, Sylvia Cooper, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence West, and Leonard West John and Cathy Darrah - In memory of Mildred Loesch Benischek Norma Denlinger - In memory of Virgil Denlinger Janice Enke Daniel and Ann Ernst - In memory of Marian Williams Ken Evers - In memory of Delores Evers Paul Exstrom John and Nancy Ferry - In memory of Cliff Abramson Edward and Kimberly Feyen Jack Frain - In memory of Madonna J. Frain Wm. H. and Kathryn Frommelt - In honor of Merry Christmas to Bill & Mary Kay Frommelt, Merry Christmas to Sue & Bud May, and Merry Christmas to Mary Borders Jim and Heather Fuller Tara Furlin Tom and Paula Giese Beverly Godsey - In memory of Cliff Godsey Janet Grady Andy Hancock Rose Hartung Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Heitz Byron Heitz - In memory of Lucille Riedl John and Jeanette Hess Howard and Joan Higley Alice Cass Hinz - In memory of Elroy Hinz and Ralph Cass Glenn Hochberger Gloria Hocking - In memory of Terry Graham, Chris Graham, and Curt Hocking Ronald and Virginia Hoefer Lorna and Gene Hoefflin - In memory of Jean & Bob Kaiser Thomas Jack, III Robert Johnson - In memory of Pauline M. Johnson Loras and Anna Kieffer - In memory of Norita Kieffer Irma Kintzle Mark and Christina Kintzle Mary Alice Kirkwood - In memory of Joseph & Bernice Brinkmoeller and Louis Kirkwood John and Mary Kretz Scott Krohn Mrs. Ruth Kruse Barbara Kula - In memory of Irene Finn Mark and Linda Lansing Loren and Kim Larson Marina Lehmann - In memory of Norma Kean, Andrew Connolly, and Clarence Hermsen Elaine Link Jeff and Pam Luecke Jane Lyons Michael & Gerry Maloy Phyllis Ann Manternach Ruth March Sue Ann March Shirley McCullough Edward and Janet McEvoy Fred and Ardrith Meeker Gary and Lisa Meyer, & Family Pat Meyer Robert and Rosemary Meyer Frank & Mary Anne Miller - In honor of Merry Christmas to Jack Kuriger & Renee Hamel Betty Muellich - In memory of R. Harry Muellich Marjorie Nauman - In memory of Marian Williams Kris Ann Neenan Lucille Nicholson - In honor of Dave amd Dan Nicholson Nancy Noonan John and Karla O’Connor Monica Pancratz Robert and Mellita Pommerich Carole and Paul Porter Ronald Powers Janaan Redmond Amanda Renne Clem and Betty Reuter Kathryn Reuter - In honor of Rachel Sunne Kenneth and Lois Reuter Melvin Reynolds Larry and Cindy Richey - In memory of Bob and Jean Kaiser Stephen and Kris Rodham LeRoy and Bessie Roggensack Jane Ann Rusk Donna Saunders Carolyn Schmidt - In memory of Ray Schmidt Marian Schmitt Mary Schroeder Jeff Schueller - In memory of Marion C. Schueller Quentin Schumacher Dixie Schuster Wendy and Kevin Smith Bob and Bobbi Smrcina Craig and Judy Soltow Clement and Jane Steele - In memory of Maureen Steele Jeff Steffen Greg Tuthill Larry and Linda VanNatta Roger and Lynn Vogt Ruth Von Fumetti Fred and Dianne Walke Marie Weiland Father Tom Welu Dr. James and Pauline White Gary and Renee Williams - In memory of Marian Williams Ernest and Elizabeth Winch Robert and Janaan Wolf - In memory of Leo Greco David and Renee Wright Robert Zahren Scott and marie Zartman - In memory of Joe Taylor 7G Distributing Abeln Abstract & Title Company ACCW Dubuque Deanery American Trust Cari Campbell & Assoc. Cartegraph Cedar Cross Amoco-BP Cottingham and Butler Dubuque Racing Association Dutrac Community Credit Union Flexsteel Industires Inc. Giese Sheet Metal Co. Knights of Columbus Council #5513 Mississippi Valley Running Assoc. Mulgrew Oil Company Pandemonium---Prescott School Rainbo Oil Company- Kwik Stop Sisters of Charity of the BVM Sisters of St. Francis of Dubuque In memory of Elaine Glaser Sisters of the Presentation Spahn & Rose Lumber Co. Char. Foundation St. Anthony Knights of Columbus Council 8384 The Family of Lucille Riedl - In memory of Lucille Riedl Theisen Supply, Inc. - In memory of Gene Stueck V.F.W. Post #508 Ladies Auxiliary Very Special Arts DUMONT, IA Betty Wickham DUNCOMBE, IA Pat Powers - In honor of Charlie Becker’s birthday DUNDEE, IA Eugene and Earlene Devlin Vernon and Shirley Feldmann - In memory of Ed & Irene Feldmann and Gaylord & Betty Boies Jim and Deb Lechtenberg - In memory of Maxine Downer Norma Schmatt and Mervin Perry In memory of Robert J. Maiers David and Julie Sunne DUNKERTON, IA Barbara and Robert Jefferson Harriett Wheeler - In memory of Brenda Speed, Bess Wellner, and Wilma Means Camp is very fortunate to have had 70 small square bales of hay donated by Ed, Sharon, Charlie and Christine Roller this past summer and fall. This hay helped to keep our miniature horses, goats, and lambs fed throughout the two camping seasons. Thanks so much for your much needed donation! and Erwin Schultz Vera Sessler - In memory of Curtis Sessler and Curt Sessler Caroline Smith Darrell and Barbara Smith Lois Wirth Food 4 Sharing DYERSVILLE, IA Tom Boge Arnold & Joyce Bries - In memory of Rose Mary Schaefer, Joe Taylor, and Gomer Domeyer Gary Bryant Jeremy Burkle George Cayro - In honor of Mr. & Mrs. John M. Baumhover Phil & Jane DeShaw - In memory of Todd Stelken, Paul Lammers, Joseph Schlichte, Patrick Hess, and Joe Schlichte Fred and Yvonne Deutmeyer - In memory of Rosella Wegmann and Mike Deutmeyer Dennis Elenz Leon Elenz Dan and Sandra Geistkemper Roger and Lynne Gibbs - In memory of Dorothy Weinschank Andy Hall Paul and Stella Helle Betty and Flick Hittenmiller - In memory of Cleone Demuth Daniel Hoeger - In memory of Rosella Wegmann Paul and Delaine Knipper Kenneth and Diane Koch - In honor of John and Mary Seitz’ 50th wedding anniversary Dave and Sherry Kronlage - In memory of Todd Stelken Marv Mairs Dale and Wilma Mensen Kenneth & Mary Jane Moss Richard and Grace Neuzil - In memory of Ken Pettinger Melvin and Ruth Nickol Delbert and Marge Olberding - In memory of Ken Pettinger Gary and Dawn Olberding Jim and Katie Olberding - In memory of Rosella Wegman, Bob Koch, Joe Taylor, and Isabelle Lahr - In honor of John and Mary Seitz’ 50th wedding anniversary Ken and Lois Olberding - In memory of Joe Schlicte, Lois Lamey, Mike Deutmeyer, Pat Hess, Dave Funke, Rosemary Nelson, and Andrew Connolly Cy and Doris Pins Gerald and Marilyn Prier - In memory of Bob Koch Howard and Shirley Rettenmeier - In memory of Art Ries, Paul Smeins, Joe Taylor, Joe Hoeger, Joe Schlichte, David Funke, and Tom Hall Tom and Dianne Scherbring Gerald and Gladys Schnieders Arthur and Joan Weber Shirley Weber - In memory of Dean Bond and Verdus Burr Country Junction Restaurant Fidelity Bank & Trust - In memory of Doris Darrow Lions Club of Dyersville Nickol Boring, Inc. DYSART, IA Kristy Haefner - In memory of Jim Symonds and Helen Kofoed Moody Dennis and Donna Kersten Floy Kersten - In memory of Denton Schultz Don and Janice Lyons - In memory of Keely Lyons Doug and Mary Mehlhaus Marilyn Mehlhaus - In memory of Warren Sawyer and Mary Elson John’s Qwik Stop EARLVILLE, IA Keith and Grace Baumhardt - In memory of Rev. & Mrs. LA Kirkegaurd James and Delores Burkle Brian Bush Sally, Fred and Mike Digman Terry Elgin Gilbert and Carolyn Fangman - In memory of Verdus Burr and Kenneth Pettinger John and Carla Geistkemper - In honor of Bob & Margaret Thoeni’s 60th wedding anniversary and Daniel Geistkemper Jean Gibson Linda Hoffmann Pete Knipper Nick Lewin Mindy Mensen Kay Nefzger Al and Mary Otting Clyde and Sue Palmer Therese and Jerry Renz - In memory of Joe Taylor Shannon and Lois Richardson Bob Salow Irvin and Donna Sellner - In memory of Sheryl L. Goedken Shirley Smeins Merle and Lucille Smock - In memory of Dean Bond Mike Steffen EAST DUBUQUE, IA Joseph and Mary Trannel EDDYVILLE, IA Andy and Rita Antolik Charles and Barbara Oldham EDGEWOOD, IA Scot and Jane Christiansen Sherri Forkenbrock Bryce and Jeanette Hamlett - In memory of Irma & Emmett Shaw DURANGO, IA Greg and Sherri Birkett Ron and Mary Lou Johnson DURANT, IA Edwin Behnke - In memory of Merna Behnke Nila Dahlin Margaret Davis Bernadine Fitzer - In memory of Friends and Leo Greco Lorin Fox - In memory of Lynn Popham Joey Gehrls Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Jones Joseph and Marlene Kaufman - In memory of Theresa Demeter Phyllis Knoche - In memory of Vince Knoche Sr. Brian Krebs Rachel Krebs Dolores Martens Loren and Vicki Meyer Alvin and Thyra Missfeldt - In honor of Merry Christmas to Chris & Rose Larkin Dave and Sandy Schultz - In memory of Irvin & Marion Fosaaen If you are a federal employee, remember camp during this year’s COMBINED FEDERAL CAMPAIGN. camp courageous #11076 Marginal Note: To achieve great things, two things are needed: a plan and not quite enough time. 19 (L-R) Counselor Kevin Rhodes of Barstow, CA and camper Bob Russell of Woodward, IA smile for the camera while enjoying all the animals in the nature center. During his week at camp he made a pinecone bird feeder and an edible “campfire” out of licorice, pretzels, chocolate covered raisins, and bugles. The best part was eating the creation! Brad Hansel Georgina Horstman - In memory of Eileen Kuehl and Arrah Lavon Polkow Jim Kerns Terry Kerns Wayne Kirby Danny and Mary Kuehl Steve and Rebecca Lange Pogo Rhines Eugene and Verla Mae Schultz Don and Angie Staner Harold Tegler Chrystal Wegman Helen Wilgenbusch - In memory of Emil Wilgenbusch Al and Linda Williams - In memory of Theresa Demeter Harold and Marie Wulfekuhle - In memory of Margaret Hach and Theresa Demeter Community Savings Bank - In honor of Jeff and Cindy State ELDORA, IA Gene and Sandra Foster ELDRIDGE, IA Jon and Diane Ball - In memory of John, Iyla & Katina Ball Ann Baughman Lorenz and Marian Behrens - In memory of Jim Ingels - In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Jordon Kelly’s 50th wedding anniversary Roger and Donna Furrow - In memory of friends Allan and Susan Haedt - In memory of Shirley Besst Elmer and Ruth Jurgens - In memory of Chester Hintz Brian and Sherri Marceau - In memory of Priscilla Cavanagh Don and Laurie Marple Arthur and Susanne Matje Kevin & Tricia McMichael - In memory of Al Tebbe Harold and Sara Meggers - In memory of Bruce Anderson Wesley Rock Velma Rose - In memory of Arthur Rose Thomas and Linda Russell Myron and Carolyn Scheibe Tom and Nadine Schwarz - In memory of Jeannette Blunh, Anita Hess, and Jay Weiland Eldridge Lions Long Grove Lions West Excavating & Concrete - In memory of Bruce Anderson ELGIN, IA Virginia Dedor - In memory of Erla Jeanne Singer Corinne Schoien - In memory of Schoien Family Judith Siebrecht - In honor of Jed & Jill Fauser Energy Resources - In honor of Roger & Angie Baker ELK RUN HEIGHTS, IA Barb Scoles ELKADER, IA Michelle and Chris Gregerson - In honor of Allison & Peyton Rentschler Mr. and Mrs. Donald Grove - In honor of all Vets Gerry and Sandra Kramer - In memory of Jean Dohrer, Ronnie Larson, Barb Schrage, Harry Hanson, Emmett 20 Whelan, and Carrie Miehe Ryan McClintock John and Ericka Moyna - In memory of Trudi & Bruno Adlinger, Bert & Gustav Boehm, and Pat, Eddie & Celil Moyna Gerry Ommen - In memory of Dorothy Ommen Kevin and Jeannie Roys Elaine Syverson - In memory of Archie & Elsie Martin and Roy a. Syverson Stephanie Taake Joni Whaley - In memory of Pearl Schaul Bodensteiner Imp. Company ELKPORT, IA Sear’s 66 Service ELWOOD, IA Ed and Irma Neiber - In memory of Bill Osterkamp ELY, IA Ethel Anderson Ronald and Darlene Andreatta Robert and Elaine Boes Allan Hale Dana Healy - In memory of Leo Greco James and Kathryn Miller Gary Myers - In memory of Jerry Keeney Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pavlicek Steven and Deborah Rasmussen Lorraine Spidle - In memory of Leo Modracek and Darlene Klinsky EPWORTH, IA Ellen and Dakota Koerperich - In memory of Emmett McDermott, Dorothy Murry, Irene Kennedy, Clem McDermott, Don Koopman, and John Flurry Michael McDermott - In memory of Lois & Joni McDermott William McDermott EVANSDALE, IA Mr. and Mrs. Robert Manahl Yvonne Morris Avice Potter - In memory of Bruce Edward Potter and Edward Potter In honor of Merry Christmas to Mr. and Mrs. Tom Stoeber EXIRA, IA Exira Lions Club FAIRBANK, IA Joseph and Colleen Bovy - In memory of Harold Foss Joseph and Dianne Rubino - In memory of Glenn Sanders and Roy Schares FAIRFAX, IA Donald Andrle Regis and Barb Arp - In memory of Glen Schulte, Lloyd Nolte, Etta Lee, and Glen J. Schulte Mrs. Adelaide Burger - In memory of Helen Merta and Dennis H. Peiffer Debra and Roger Bussey - In memory of Don Hoye Peter and Jean Drahos Ralph and Nancy Emanuel Margaret Flaherty - In memory of James Graham Ewald and Tina Gerken - In memory of Terry Clemens Bill and Jeanne Gibney Paul and Nadine Kirk Mary Ann Lewis - In memory of Sharon Meskimen Herman and Sandra Meyer James and Joyce O’Brien - In memory of Denton Schultz Alvin & Donna Pavlis - In memory of Etta Lee Richard and Janice Risdale Richard and Donna Scheer David and Mary Lou Selzer - In memory of Ed Matson and Morgan Williams Matt Spellerberg - In memory of Max Thompson, Helen Merta, Dennis H. Peiffer, and Lloyd Nolte Ronald and Carol Stallman - In memory of Jim LeGrand Donald and Donna Young - In memory of Kathy Symonette Mr. Harold Zenisek - In memory of Max Thompson and Helen Merta Burger and Emanuel, Inc. co Fairfax State Savings Bank Fairfax State Savings Bank Fairfax-Walford KC’s Council #11942 Pekomy Post #572 Selzer Enterprises, Inc., Dairy Queen FAIRFIELD, IA Don and Donna Arnold - In memory of Patrick Morton Scott, Sheila, and Jessica Clements - In memory of Patrick Morton Dwain and Jane Dooley Kenneth Erickson Charlotte Fleig - In memory of Robert L. Jensen and Merrill E. Fleig Kaley & Joni Fleig - In memory of Patrick Morton Patricia Funkhouser Norbert and Marie Hammes - In memory of Stephen N. Hammes Sylvia Harrison Edith Jordan Richard Kurka Ms. Madeline McCombs Linda Oakes Bernice Ogden Wayne (Jack) & Maxine Porter - In memory of Robert Lawson, Bernice Porter, and Richard Butler Norma Robinson Mrs. Richard Smith Shirley Thompson Tom and Phyllis Thompson Rita VanDerSnick - In memory of Gloria Dalton and Mike VanDerSnick Jean Wallace Bill and Marlene Wyatt - In memory of Patrick Morton Vera Young American Legion Aux Unit #47 - In memory of Violet Pearce Jefferson County Health Center Northside Strippers Quilt Club The Family of Wendell Kitch - In memory of Wendell Kitch FARLEY, IA Loras and Donna Demmer Mary Hollenback - In memory of Irene Kennedy Les and Ruth Sellner - In memory of Frank Carroll and John Walachy FARMERSBURG, IA Cheryll Scherf - In memory of Edward Laws Shirley Wirkler - In memory of Merna Koppendryer FAYETTE, IA Richard and Marge Smith - In honor of Judy Brookhaus FERTILE, IA Donald and Ruth Sunne FORT ATKINSON, IA Ron Buchheit, & Family - In memory of Bernice B. Buchheit David Ludwig - In memory of Martin and Alice Ludwig FORT DODGE, IA Mina Landes Carol Steburg - In memory of Mae Rose Noonan FORT MADISON, IA David and Jane Bartlett James and Elizabeth Grothaus Mr. and Mrs. George Kreidler Hilda Krogmeier FREDERICKSBURG, IA Gaylord and Vicky Converse Scott Pothast Fredericksburg Lions Club FREMONT, IA Fremont Lions Club FRUITLAND, IA Island United Methodist Hearts for Mission FULTON, IA Duwa Sherpa Jeanne Weispfenning - In memory of Roland Weispfenning GARBER, IA Jared Groth Gary Schroeder Holly Schroeder Jennifer Schroeder GARNER, IA Knights of Col. St. Boniface Council #7897 - In honor of Tyler Bailey GARRISON, IA Virgil and Rose Mary Miner - In memory of Annette Jennings GILBERTVILLE, IA Rita Becker - In memory of Michael Steine Tim and Genevieve Manatt Eugene Schmit Merry Mixers Square Dance GLENWOOD, IA Heidi Kloeckner GOLDFIELD, IA Lofty Designs GOOSE LAKE, IA Bruce and Darline Bielenberg Darla Burken - In memory of Gene Burke, Roger Gerber, Arthur Farwell, and Merle Burken Tom & Cheryl Droste - In memory of Derek Carr and Matt Droste Carol Struve - In memory of Jack Atkinson GOWRIE, IA Beryl Birkland GRAETTINGER, IA Miriam Seigel GRAND MOUND, IA Don and Ann Allen - In memory of Shirley Besst Bill and Monica Anderson - In memory of Bruce Anderson Pamela Becker - In memory of Bruce Anderson James and Rose Clark - In memory of Bruce Anderson Robert and Avis Diercks - In memory of Bruce Anderson Alta Mae Dosland - In memory of Bruce Anderson Theresa Eschbach - In memory of Bruce Anderson, Larry Guy, and Joel Schanze - In honor of Rita Claeys’ 90th birthday Dean and Donna Geise - In honor of Vernon & Peggy Green’s 50th wedding anniversary Victor and Dawn Green - In memory of Bruce Anderson Nancy and Alan Henningsen - In memory of Joel Schanze - In honor of the marriage of Jenn & Mike Wendland and Winston Smith’s 90th birthday Grace Kinney - In memory of Elsie Knutsen, Harold Irwin, and Bruce Anderson Barb Morrissey Gary and Marjorie Rathman - In memory of Margaret Wagemester Leyland and Soni Ruggeberg - In memory of Lon Myatt, Roger Filloon, and Dr. Kenneth Randolph - In honor of Brian & Maureen Ruggeberg’s 11th wedding anniversary on 11/11/11, Opal Kanneberg’s 100th birthday, Vera Schepers’ 103rd birthday, Ellis & Myrtle Barber’s 65th wedding anniversary, Myrtle Ihrig’s 90th birhtyday, and David & Juliet Gomez’ 1st wedding anniversary Diane Smith Leroy and Barbara Wulf - In memory of Gary Coppess GREELEY, IA Alyce Buschmann Ann Kluesner Coleen Lincoln First Fruits GREENE, IA Marilyn Larson Steve and Kathi Stuntz - In memory of Richard Klunder GRIMES, IA Special Olympics of Iowa GRINNELL, IA Reca Ahrens - In memory of Kent Wallace Carl and Judith Dillon - In memory of Kent Wallace Barb Erquist - In memory of Don Erquist Jason and Tammie Hall - In memory of James L. Plants Esther Loftin - In memory of James L. Plants Janice Logan - In memory of William G. Logan Pauline McKenna Mark and Kim Wallace - In memory of Kent Wallace Craig and Connie Weir - In memory of Dennis L. Ribby - In honor of Merry Christmas to Wilford & Agnes Mikel and Merry Christmas to Ron Weir Southard Implement GRUNDY CENTER, IA Robert and Cathy Amfahr Howard and Ramona Hanson - In memory of Paul Hugh and Teresa Hanson Merle and Mary Lynch GUERNSEY, IA David Lee & Beverly King - In memory of Dorothy Davis Hawkeye Ready Mix, Inc. Employees - In honor of James Sauter PAETEC REM Iowa HILLS, IA Marion Eden - In memory of Frank Mincer Rita Jenn - In memory of Joe Jenn and Ruth Lorack Steve and Chris Jenn William and Helen Kline - In memory of Deb Kline - In honor of Bill and Helen Kline’s 50th wedding anniversary Earl Meyer - In memory of Martina Meyer Ronald and Cynthia Wolfe HILS, IA Larry and Marilyn Culver GUTHRIE CENTER, IA HINTON, IA GUTTENBERG, IA HOLSTEIN, IA Sydney Spencer William and JoAnn Bishop - In memory of Kathy Symonette Scott and Sarah Cherne Ken and Margie Deutmeyer Lois Goerdt - In memory of Richard L. Goerdt Jim and Carol Jacobs - In memory of Mazie Schweiter Ronald and Joann Janssen Gerald and Karen Kennicker Norman and Joyce Kopecky Charles and June Swallom - In honor of Christmas Cindy Wachendorf Guttenberg Motel LLC HAMPTON, IA Gary and Dorothy Brinkley Ron Paine Tim and Debra Roberts Kevin Rust - In honor of Taylor “Tot” Grefe Hampton Lions Club HARCOURT, IA Faith Lutheran Church WELCA HARPER, IA Ron Snakenberg HARTLEY, IA Hartley Lions HARTWICK, IA Daniel Scandridge - In memory of Leo Greco on his 90th birthday Charles and Dixie Wentland HEDRICK, IA Larry and Marcia Heninger - In memory of Leo Greco HIAWATHA, IA James and Joan Biederman Carlos and Dian Boysen - In memory of Leo Greco Kenneth and Dottie Burger - In memory of Kathy Symonette Ron and Sandra Charlier Mary Conrad Vonda Darrow - In memory of Doris Darrow Dorothy Gee Roberta Hamdorf Don and Janice Happel Cathryn Hayward - In memory of Gladys Goodson Ervin and Mary Henkels - In memory of Verdus Burr Donald and Florence Kadlec - In memory of Darlene Klinsky Tom and Margaret Kaut - In memory of Alice Pospisil Don and Sharon Kouba - In memory of Loved Ones - In honor of Jeannie, Joe, & James Kroack Natalia Lawson Larry and Arleen McGuire - In honor of Christmas Delmer and Judy Mehlert - In honor of Keystone Place at Blair’s Ferry Scott and Kelly Nielsen Carley and Dolores Pisel - In memory of Naomi Lash Pat Reed - In memory of Kathy Symonette Patricia Ryan - In memory of Mae Rose Noonan Jean Sheppard Donna Sondag Bette Soukup - In memory of Gladys L. Goodson Jerry and Virginia Weiland E.H. and C. Joyce Westpfahl - In memory of Marge Bradley, Elmer Heller, Zeb Pape, and Ann Blockhus John and Margaret Wheeler Howard Williams - In memory of Denton Schultz D.A.D. Manufacturing, Inc. Keith Plendl Joyce Fraser - In memory of Linda Groepper Holstein Kiwanis Club HOLY CROSS, IA D.J. Jaeger - In memory of Joe Taylor and Anna Mae Tauke David and Teresa Reuter Kenneth and Bonnie Schroeder - In memory of Robert Tauke, Donald Sadewasser, Julia Spoerl, Joseph Taylor, Anna Mae Tauke, Joseph Schlichte, Pat Hess, and Clarence Hermsen John and Barbara Taylor HOMESTEAD, IA Dennis and Elaine Zuber - In memory of Leo Greco on his 90th birthday AJ’s Copper Garden Die Heimat Country Inn Country Inn HOPKINTON, IA Brandon Bell Lynn and Phyllis Chesnut - In memory of Jeryl Bacon Jeanette Davis - In memory of Jeryl Bacon, Chris Gillmore, and Loras Hartung Don and Jenni Felton Joe and Lori Hoeger Dave, Dawn Nick & Cassie Hunter In memory of Jeryl Bacon Lester and Judy Kehoe Dwayne, Dylan & Dustin Krumviede - In memory of Jeryl Bacon Margaret Krumviede - In memory of Jeryl Bacon Robert, Stacey and Morgan Krumviede - In memory of Jeryl Bacon Larry and Kathy Lamont Chuck and Becky Melchert - In memory of Kenneth Kaiser and Alfred Melchert Bernice Moulton - In memory of Eleanor Beitz Frank and Cheryl Ries - In memory of Jeryl Bacon John and Ruth Ries - In memory of Loras Hartung Anthony and Alice Russ - In memory of Leo Greco Mr. Robert Schuster Ashley Sternhagen Mark Weber Delhi/Hopkinton Knights of Columbus Sno-Go HOUGHTON, IA Jet Gas HUDSON, IA Keith and Winifred Dewey - In memory of Karl Dewey Marvin Morris Norma Steimel HUMBOLDT, IA Ken and Janet Bade Elvin and Patricia Collins Merlin and Cheryl Graaf Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Helmke Mr. and Mrs. G. Marvin Lindemann Charlotte Marvin Humboldt Lions Club Humboldt REC HUMESTON, IA David and Jan Lundahl - In honor of Don Richard’s birthday Richard Oil Company INDEPENDENCE, IA Karen Arp Anna Marie Catt - In memory of Ronald Meskimen Bill and Arlene Chesmore - In honor of the birth of Natalie Raye White Leah Cook - In memory of Edmund Cook JANUARY 2012 — Camp Courageous — Gladys Corkery - In memory of James L. Hayward Nancy Coulter Diane and Gary Davidson - In memory of Jim Plants Marjorie Deke - In memory of Celsta Allen Jim and Diane Dudley - In memory of Dolores Schabacker and Allen Spray Jr. Deb and Gene Ehlers - In memory of Jim Hayward, Gary Stamp, John Keinroth, and Shirley Jensen Thomasine Gissel - In memory of Lawrene Kuper, Bud Hall, Bob Maiers, and Shirley Jensen Leona Greenley - In memory of James Greenley and O.M. Greenley Donald and Carol Hemsath - In memory of Ron Meskimen and Florence Gosse Kenneth and Nancy Hoffman - In memory of Joyce Michels Carl and Connie Kass - In memory of Bernadine M. Kronaizl Alma Kimball James and Nancy Klever - In memory of Ron Meskimen, John Keinroth, and Shirley Jensen Ralph and Inez Kremer Rudy Kubik Catherine Latham Glen and Darlene Lorenz - In memory of Agnes Fiester, Ethel Irene Sweet, John Keinroth, Vernon “Bud” Hall, and Shirley Jesnen Norman and Debbie Mills Carolee O’Brien - In memory of Claude “Ob” O’Brien Vince and Pam O’Loughlin - In memory of Lawrence Kuper Joe Payne Melvin Pennington - In memory of Ellen Pennington Mary Peterson - In honor of Fred M. Peterson, World War II Veteran Cathy and Bruce Rosene - In memory of Ron Meskimen, John Keinroth, and Shirley Jensen Melvin and Jean Schnepf - In memory of Ludwig Souboda Virginia Sleeper - In memory of Mardell Meisner, Steven Sanders, James Hayward, Bill Stewart, Vernon “Bud” Hall, Ray Temeyer, John Keinroth, Ray Kocer, Donald P. Schares, and Sue Weber - In honor of George & Carol Temeyer’s 65th wedding anniversary, Eleanor Martin’s retirement, Everett “Sonny” & Marilyn Jensen’s 55th wedding anniversary, Ronald & Agnes Zimmerly’s 60th wedding anniversary, Kent & Kay Neighbor’s 50th wedding anniversary, and Fran De Marce’s retirement Dorotha Sundquist Daniel and Debbie Toale - In memory of Lawrene Kuper, Shirley Jensen, and Jim Staudenmaier Michelle Tilley - In memory of Jim Hayward Francis and Clara Toale Rosann Toale - In memory of Robert Short, Joyce Michels, and Shirley Jensen Geraldine Williams - In memory of Jane Williams Donna Wilson - In memory of Donald J. Gaul Robert and Dorothy Zimmerly - In memory of Delores Winn Ronald and Agnes Zimmerly - In memory of Gloria K. Cashen Buchanan County Tourism Buffalo Creek Golf Club Dunlap Motors First Baptist Church Women’s Ministries VFW Auxiliary #2440 INDIANOLA, IA Glen and Wanda Cowan Don and Carmen Hampton Meagan Morrow Indianola Breakfast Lions Club Warren County Farm Bureau Women IOWA CITY, IA Betty Adams - In honor of Vernon Helgen’s birth Thomas and Marilyn Alberhasky Robert and Fern Allison Kenneth Bagge - In memory of Jerome J. Bagge Stanley and Corrine Barber Linea Bartel John and Gail Bartholomew Dr. and Mrs. John Bauer - In honor of Scott Suchomel Adalla Bean Oscar C. Beasley, M.D. Samuel Becker Steve and Anita Becker Linda Beeler - In memory of Joe Jenn Benny and Madeline Bendorf - In memory of Leo Greco Katharine Bjorndal Marian Brown - In memory of Robert “Bob” Poggenpohl Dan and Nancyt Buthies - In memory of Bob Poggenpohl Helen and Bill Byington - In honor of Mrs. Richard Lear Peggy Cahill - In memory of Hugh Shadduck Arthur & Miriam Canter Mildred Carpenter - In memory of Robert “Bob” Poggenpohl Ken and Joan Chaloupka Joyce Coppess - In memory of Harold P. Irwin Mike and Patricia Curley Jean Daters Jean Davidson - In memory of Don Davidson Donald and Helen Davis Terry and Donna Davis - In memory of Bill Carter Gerald and Eunice DeFrance - In memory of Amy Hunstad and Marie Burger Carol Dewey Dave and Sally Dierks - In memory of Leo Greco Harriet Echternacht - In memory of Lester Collins Linda Fincham - In honor of Joe & Linda Leu, Martha & John Larson, and Chris & Clark Bening David and Diedre Fleener Lucile Floyd Charles and Karen Friedman - In honor of Mollye & Brian Finkelstein on the birth of Madeline Esther Betty Funk - In memory of C. Dave Funk Mr. and Mrs. James Gardner Vera Gingerich Jim and LeDonna Gommels Mari and Gene Greb Kelsey Hake Susan Heath Kathleen Henderson Laura Hess Nathan and Linda Hopkins George and Calista Hospodarsky - In honor of The West Branch Boys Mark Hubing - In memory of Thomas Shaffer Douglas and Melody Huette Betty Hutchins Joan Hynes - In memory of Bob Poggenpohl Jerry Irving Robert and Betty Jensen Betty K. Johnson Carrie Jones Marsha Karniski Ken and Jeanette Kinsey Betty Kirchner - In memory of Charles Werbach Steve and Arlene Klesner James and Jane Knopick - In memory of John Haman Kayla Koch Rita Krall - In memory of Dorothy Foraker Samuel and Marjorie Kuperman John and Patricia Laton Bill and Donna Launspach - In memory of Robert “Bob” Poggenpohl David and Karen Long Karl and Vicki Lonngren - In memory of Dr. Richard Fincham Jerry and Marilyn Maynard Barbara McCormick - In memory of Leland McCormick Kot Flora and Larry McGranahan In memory of Lloyd McGranahan Peg Meehan - In memory of Irene Finn Harvey and Maxine Miller Mrs. Henrietta Miller Florence Millsap - In memory of Charles Werbach Rex Montgomery Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mougin Jerry and Judy Musser - In memory of Frank Mincer Charles and Patricia Neuzil - In memory of Barb Neuzil - In honor of Barb Neuzil Margaret Novy - In memory of Robert “Bob” Poggenpohl Ginger and Art Nowak - In memory of Dr. Richard Fincham Jean O’Neill Patrick and Beth O’Shaughnessy - In memory of Leo Greco on his 90th birthday Robert Oostendorp - In memory of Deb Kline - In honor of Bill and Helen Kline’s 50th wedding anniversary Denna Osvald - In memory of Lester Collins Norm and Linda Parker - In memory of Carl Parker Patricia Parker - In memory of Noreen B. Kelly Philip and Barbara Peterson Julie Pfeiffer Elaine Phair Don and Catherine Pietrzyk Harold and Nancy Plate Gloria Popham - In memory of Lynn Popham Vicky Porter - In honor of Merry Christmas to Jack Porter & Maxine Butler Dr. Steven Price, D.D.S. Richard and Linda Randell Jeff and Dianna Reuter Terry and Christine Reynolds - In memory of Bonita Tompkins Helen Rittenmeyer - In honor of Ted Rittenmeyer Lavon and Nancy Rutt Jack and Patricia Salladay - In memory of Deb Kline - In honor of Bill and Helen Kline’s 50th wedding anniversary Dale Sanderson Kelsey Scavo Jim and Brenda Schintler - In memory of Nellie Hughes and Louise Voss Ron and Loretta Schleder - In memory of Grandparents, parents and Grandson Edward and Sue Schmucker - In memory of George Herring - In honor of Merry Christmas to Ted Rittenmeyer Vern and Sondra Schnoebelen - In memory of Deb Kline - In honor of Bill and Helen Kline’s 50th wedding anniversary Gregory and Linda Schrock - In memory of Mary Volk, Joe Jenn, and Tom Harney Jean Schultz Kay Seagren - In memory of Deb Kline - In honor of Bill and Helen Kline’s 50th wedding anniversary Barbara Shirazi Daniel Slade Greg and Jeri Smith - In memory of Dorothy Grove - In honor of time with Granddaughter Mahala Maynard Smith Terry and Ann Smothers Robin Staak - In honor of Maddy McDonald Dr. John S. & Susan T. Strauss John Streif - In memory of Arlene Phillips and Leo Greco James and Jill Stutsman David and Christie Swanson - In honor of Corbly & Anita O’Dell Roger Swartz - In memory of Helen Swartz Doris Thompson Natti Tipayamongkol Bonita Tompkins - In memory of Richard R. & Regina C. Tompkins Raymond Venzke Marie Vittetoe Laura Walton Lisa Weigandt - In honor of Amanda Bruns Josephine Wiley Olga Will Donabel Williams Megan Wilmot Herb and Janice Wilson Dale Yoder Tom and Karen Zeman Bankers Advertising Company Hills Town & Country Club Hy-Vee #1281 Iowa City Morning Quarterback Club Legacy Point Legacy Ridge Phase II Old Capitol Kiwanis Pagliai’s Pizza The Video Center University of Iowa IOWA FALLS, IA Mrs. Marileigh Behrends - In memory of Don Skelley Paul and Nada Bottke Peg VanBuskirk Rock “C” Store IRETON, IA Alan Heidbrink JANESVILLE, IA Luanna Spencer Janesville Lions Club JESUP, IA Jerry and Donna Amfahr - In memory of Shirley Jensen, Stephen Bahl, Joanne Drilling, Donald P. Schares, Kendall Niemann, Clarence Kerkove, and Maxine Baxter Lee and Debra Bader - In honor of Ted Thoma’s 70th birthday Ron and Jane Barnett - In memory of Sandra Vanbesien, Warren Nissen, and Stephen Bahl Bernard and Betty Becker - In memory of Joanne Drilling, Roy Schares, David DeMuth, Cleone Demuth, Donald Schares, and Stephen Bahl - In honor of Justin Becker’s birthday and Art & Donna Samec’s 50th wedding anniversary Dennis and Joyce Becker - In memory of Anna Johnson Richard and Pat Becker - In memory of Roy Schares, Mary Winkey, Cindy Youngblut, Tom Edstrom, Al Knutson, Eileen Frost, and Donald “Spike” Schares - In honor of Robert & Doris Rottinghaus’ 65th wedding anniversary, Dorothy Harting’s 95th birthday, Art & Donna Samec’s 50th wedding anniversary, and Sister Donna Burke’s 60 years in the convent Don and Louise Burger - In memory of Cletus Kremer, Mary Winkey, and Tom Edstrom - In honor of Clete Schmit’s 80th birthday, George & Carol Temeyer’s 65th wedding anniversary, Randy & Linda Snyder’s 40th wedding anniversary, Art & Donna Samec’s 50th wedding anniversary, Paul Delagardelle’s 75th birthday, and Harold Bass’ 80th birthday Robert and Sally Ciesielski Larry and Lori Corkery Lawrence & Judy Corkery - In memory of Stephen Bahl Belle Demuth Wendell and Neva Erpelding - In memory of Dean Emme, David Demuth, and Cleone Demuth Jerry and Ida Evans - In memory of Stephen Bahl David and Karen Even - In memory of Stephen Bahl - In honor of Arlene Weber’s 80th birthday, George & Carol Temeyer’s wedding anniversary, Roger & Kathy Hershberger’s 35th wedding Camp Courageous has been awarded a $20,000 grant from the Dubuque Racing Association. This grant was used for the installation of a fence surrounding the camp's lake property. The members of the DRA grant committee recognized the importance of this fence in keeping campers using the lake safe from the busy 190th Street traffic and the prevention of injury by any unauthorized users of the lake. The DRA has worked with camp form many years by providing grants for projects including a bus and mini-bus, a water system for the camp, building the Jungle Gym, purchasing defibrillators, furnishing the staff dorm, and purchasing office furniture for the visitor's center. anniversary, Leona Weber’s 93rd birthday, Cletus Schmit’s 80th birthday, Paul Delagardelle, and Irene Weber’s 95th birthday Georgene Fettkether - In memory of Joe Sparano Cleo and Jane Fischels - In memory of Stephen Bahl Kenny and Wilma Fischels - In memory of Stephen Bahl Marion Fitzer - In memory of Allan Fitzer - In honor of a get well wish for Larry & Janice Bohling John and Judy Fratzke - In memory of Donald P. Schares Robert & Eleanor Fratzke - In memory of Stephen Bahl and Donald P. Schares Jean Frush - In memory of Roy Schares Raymond and Arline Hagarty Jean Hartman - In memory of Marlys Watson Roger and Kathy Hershberger - In memory of Mike Steine, Stephen Bahl, Melvin Rady, Dennis Schneider, and Tom Erdstrom - In honor of Gary Staebell’s CD Elizabeth Joblinske - In memory of Roy Schares Don and Teresa Kass - In memory of Bernadine M. Kronaizl Richard and Ann Kayser - In memory of Jeremiah James Kayser Dennis and Joan Kessens - In memory of Roy Schares, Mary Winkey, Ray Temeyer, and Stephen Kroy Bahl - In honor of George & Carol Temeyer’s 65th wedding anniversary Fern Ketels - In memory of Alan Pint Dale and Nancy Kies - In memory of Stephen Bahl - In honor of Gerry Staebell’s new C.D. “Grandad’s Guitar” Mrs. Rita Kies - In memory of Stephen Bahl and Eileen Frost Louise Koob - In memory of Allen Knutson and Ginger Reiland Ellen Kremer - In memory of Stephen Bahl Donald and Cynthia Lellig Marlene Mangrich - In memory of Dan Harrington, Clarence “Casey” Kerkove, Steve Bahl, Tom Edstrom, and Roy Schares - In honor of George & Carol Temeyer’s 65th wedding anniversary, Randy & Linda Snyder’s 40th wedding anniversary, Jeff & Trina Becker’s 25th wedding anniversary, the marriage of Wayne and Betty Jean Wilson, Clete Schmit’s 80th birthday, Millie Webber’s 80th birthday, and Dick & Ann Kayser’s 55th wedding anniversary Thomas and Marsha McGlaughlin In memory of Stephen Bahl Steve and Denice Nie - In memory of Stephen Bahl Marginal Note: One half of knowing what you want is knowing what you must give up before you get it. Tom and Kristy Parker Edward and Eileen Pauley - In honor of Sister Donna Burke James and Darlene Phillips Peter and Cynthia Reinertsen - In memory of Eugene C. Mosiman and Stephen Bahl Dennis and Carol Ricklefs - In memory of Stephen Bahl Todd and Annette Rohlfsen - In memory of Stephen Bahl Vera Rozmus - In memory of Steve Bahl Mrs. Delma Schares - In memory of Stephen Bahl Kenny and Teri Schares - In memory of Stephen Bahl Eva Schmitz - In memory of Roy Schares and Stephen Bahl - In honor of Cletus Schmit’s 80th birthday and Lyola McGee’s 90th birthday James and Teresa Schmitz - In memory of Roy Schares Matt Schmitz - In honor of Camp Courageous and it’s endless efforts Merrel and Bonita Serfoss - In memory of Mary Winkey, Paul Cooprider, Al Knutsin, and Roy Schares Shirley Solomon - In memory of Stephen Bahl Dick & Lenora Steimel - In memory of Roy Schares Philip and Julie Thoma - In honor of Cletus Schmit’s 80th birthday Gary and Marge Weber - In honor of George & Carol Temeyer’s 65th wedding anniversary Irv and Jane Weber - In memory of Roy Schares and Clarence Kerkove Leona Weber - In honor of Sister Donna Burke’s 60th Jubilee Melvin and Esther Weber - In memory of Donald P. Schares, Eileen Frost, Ray Heerkes, and Franklin “Pete” Schaefer - In honor of Lyola McGee’s 90th birthday, George & Carol Temeyer’s 65th wedding anniversary, Harold Bass’ 80th birthday, Sister Donna Burke’s 60 years as a nun, and Louis Beecher’s 90th birthday Michael and Peggy Weber - In honor of Melvin & Esther Weber’s wedding anniversary Nicholas and Nancy Weber - In memory of Donald Schares, Roy Schares, Helen Gerke, Regina Burke, David Demuth, and Cleone Demuth Wayne and Jo Weber - In memory of Jim Hayward and Roy Schares Lucille Weisert Ralph and M. Jean Welter - In memory of Roy Schares and Donald Schares LeRoy and Norma Westemeier - In memory of Sandy Van Beisen, Mary Winkey, Robert “Bob” Gauger, Judy Saeugling, Roy Schares, David Demuth, Cleone Demuth, Al Knutson, Joanne Drilling, Donald “Spike” 21 Schares, Harry Braun, Joe Jacoby, Kathryn Keegan, Kenny McDonald, and Mary Jane Staebell - In honor of Robert & Doris Rottinghaus’ 65th wedding anniversary, Paul Delagardelle’s 75th birthday, Art & Donna Samec’s 50th wedding anniversary, Wayne & Sue Kampa’s 45th wedding annivesary, Lee & Mona Voelschow’s 50th wedding anniversary, Ted Thoma’s 70th birthday, Kenneth & Donna Reiter’s 50th wedding anniversary, Gene & Bonnie Underwood’s 50th wedding anniversary, Kathy Wellner’s 75th birthday, and Gerald & Betty Gleason’s 50th wedding anniversary Diane Youngblut - In memory of Michael Shull, Anna Johnson, and Leo Einck Donald & Linda Youngblut - In memory of Stephen Bahl Ed and Lisa Youngblut - In memory of Katie Lynn Youngblut and Anna Johnson Gerald and Charlene Youngblut - In memory of Kathryn Schaefer, Al Knutsin, Don Schares, Cynthia Close, Eileen Frost, Dave Voellinger, and Franklin Schaefer - In honor of Sister Donna Burke’s birthday Janice Youngblut - In memory of Stephen Bahl Patricia Youngblut - In memory of Stephen Bahl Dale and Emogene Zuck - In memory of Leo Greco on his 90th birthday Virginia Zuck - In memory of Kelly Schubert and Dean Emme Knights of Columbus #8227 (Jesup) JOHNSTON, IA Lisa Abens Larry and Linda Fuller - In memory of James L. Plants Frances Graham - In memory of Mae Rose Noonan - In honor of Merry Christmas to N & E Campbell Deanna Kueter - In memory of Donald Skelley Gregory and Cheryl Long Curt Manatt Catherine McConnell - In memory of James L. Plants Susan Repplinger Gene Strawman Bob and Yvonne Sullivan - In memory of Donna Kinney and Ed Luce Iowa Corn Growers Association South Des Moines Lions Club KALONA, IA Janeth Peterseim - In honor of Kay Kaalberg Philip and Joyce Ropp Vernon & Mary E. Ropp - In memory of Frank Mincer Farmers Supply Sales, Inc. - In memory of Frank Mincer Westside Petro Sinclair KAMRAR, IA First Presbyterian Church KELLOGG, IA Katie Neleman - In memory of Kent Wallace KEOKUK, IA Elizabeth Dresser Clyde and Hila Nickel Keokuk Lions Club KEOTA, IA Hal Colliver Patrick and Mary Gent Charles Helscher Bernard and Mary Vittetoe Cherie Westendorf - In honor of Merry Christmas to Mark & Maureen Schneider & Family Farmers Savings Bank KNOXVILLE, IA Joe and Jane Buffo Jody and Katie Davis Mary Derga Hanna Giles and Mary Wadle KOLONA, IA Ray and Barbara Coffman LA MOTTE, IA George and Mary Felderman - In memory of Inola Burkert Mrs. Merlin Hingtgen - In memory of Dorothy Gaylor and Loras Hartung Bob Humke - In memory of Marian Williams LA PORTE CITY, IA Jack and Carol Aschenbrenner - In memory of Janet Mae Chapman Pat Brown - In memory of Ben Brown Cecil and Judy Frank - In memory of Gene Stueck and Dorothy Newton Gerald and Janet Magnuson - In memory of Dallas Mussman and Stephen Bahl Patty McKenna - In memory of Roy Schares, Bill & Earlene McKenna, and Bob McKenna Carol Nagle - In memory of Paul Robinson, Joe Blough Jr., Kathy Blough Garay, Jeanne Blough, Gordon Dobling, and Dan, Roma, Mary, Bud, Cindy, James, Sonny, Harold, & Wayne Nagle Kenneth and Sharon Stahnke Bruce and Karen Wigg Zion Ev Lutheran Church Women LADORA, IA Laverne and Nancy Weisskopf LAMONT, IA John and Kara Brockschink - In memory of Maxine Downer Jon and Kaye Downer - In memory of Maxine Downer Dan Gaffney - In memory of Robert Short Delancey Hahn - In memory of Maxine Downer Beverly Parker - In memory of Robert Parker and Steve Sanders LANSING, IA Patricia Wellendorf - In memory of Susan Thomas, Leon Hosch, and Romelle Mauss LAWLER, IA Mr. Joe Scally LE CLAIRE, IA Francis and Loretta Buchheit Robert and Patricia Chanez Kathryn Hall Elaine Hamilton Jim and Mary Anne Murray Evelyn Wilson - In memory of Louise McDougal LEMARS, IA Lemars Lions Club LETTS, IA Mike, Lisa, and Corinna Dugan Ardon Creek Vineyard and Winery LIBERTYVILLE, IA Doc and Cindy Dunn - In memory of Patrick Morton Lenora Johnson - In memory of Russell Norton LISBON, IA Thomas and Diane Apel Tammy and Jeff Bohr - In memory of Bonita Tompkins Mary Brannaman - In memory of Anna Kadera Don and Shirley Campbell - In memory of Dorothy Olson Gwen Drahos - In memory of Leo Greco Lonnie and Doris Gray - In memory of Rev. Dr. George Carlson Larry and Marilyn Hess Norma Kubichek - In memory of WANTED: Air Compressor for Train 12V air compressor with tank for train’s braking system. Please contact Gerry Rohr at or call 319-465-5916, ext. 2835 for specifications and more details. 22 Darlene Klinsky - In honor of Marvin & Verna Livermore Louis and LaVerta Langenberg Dean Light Bonnie Mull Kevin and Kim Steele Arlo and Jean Ann Whitman - In memory of Lois Fuhrmeister and Gary Stamp Paul’s Auto Sales The Estate of Mae Rose Noonan - In memory of Mae Rose Noonan LIVERMORE, IA Larry and Debra Tilton LOCKRIDGE, IA Roberta Mattson LONE TREE, IA Wanda Anderson - In memory of Frank Mincer Lloyd and Mary Ann Burr - In memory of Frank Mincer and Betty Hotz Cleo and Shirley Dodson - In memory of Charles Werbach and David Yakish Larry and Cynthia Green - In memory of Frank Mincer Donald and Elaine Kout - In memory of Frank Mincer Gladys Musser - In memory of Frank Mincer Janice Schafer - In memory of Frank Mincer Mrs. Berneda Schnoebelen David and Ruth Varney - In memory of Frank Mincer Kevin and Deborah Westfall - In memory of Frank Mincer Lone Tree Lions Club United Presbyterian Church LONG GROVE, IA Merrill and Sharon Boyle Jim and Cherrie Goetsch LOST NATION, IA Elenor Bentrott - In memory of Roberta Musser and Bob Burnett Kenneth and Sandra Brady - In memory of Dave Waller, Arthur Berger, Robert Burnett, and Roger Filloon Ethel Burmeister - In memory of Vivian Mowry, Lon Myatt, Lina Hale, Ergon Penningroth, Howard & Doris Bock, and Don Milller Rochelle Busch - In memory of Lon Myatt, Vivian Mowry, and Leo Greco on his 90th birthday Wayne and Kathy Busch - In memory of Don Skelley Sharon Dickman Susan Drury - In memory of Donald Skelley and Dr. Kenneth Randolph Timothy and Jackie Duwa - In memory of Don Skelley Konnie Edleman - In memory of Don Skelley Earl and Joan Galloway - In memory of Donald Casteel Ronald and Lana Heilig - In memory of Donald C. Skelley Dennis and Joan Kleppe - In memory of Bruce Anderson Steve and Karen Propst - In memory of Vivian Mowry, Don Skelley, and Gary Coppess Margaret Rasmussen Melba Rechterman Arlene Ruchotzke - In memory of Hilda Busch Mrs. Harold Weets - In memory of Bruce Anderson Mark and Linda Weets - In memory of Bruce Anderson Madge White - In memory of Don Skelley, Tom Scott, and Charlie Franck Bethlehem Women of the Evang. Lutheran Church The Harold Irwin Memorial - In memory of Harold Irwin The Proesch Family - In memory of Vivian Mowry LOWDEN, IA Ellen Behrens - In memory of Maxine Moes Mr. and Mrs. Norman Biere Mrs. Lillian Brendes Harlan and Florence Deerberg - In memory of Maxine Moes, Bill Earles, and Jay Weiland Richard and Arla Mae Ebers - In memory of Eldred Harmon Marvella Fehling - In memory of Maxine Moes and Verda Freese Emogene Ford - In memory of Maxine Moes Claire Hack - In memory of Dick Crock, Paul Hasselbusch, and Jay Weiland - In honor of Walter Hack’s 90th birthday Walter and Evelyn Hack - In memory of Maxine Moes, Vivian Mowry, Paul Hasselbusch, and Erma Pingel Edna Hartwig - In memory of Norma Siemsen Deborah Helmold - In memory of James William Stiff, Maxine Moes, Virjean Svoboda, and Richard Crock Barry and Julie Hoffmeier - In honor of Herold & Gertrude Hoffmeier Harold & Mary Louise Horman - In memory of Maxine Moes Deloris Kahl - In memory of Maxine Moes, Chester Hintz, and Jay Weiland Patrick and Peggy Kedley - In memory of Margaret Wagemester Bob and Christine Kroemer - In memory of Art Farwell Everett and Ruth Ann Kroemer - In memory of Maxine Moes Everett and Ruth Kruckenberg - In memory of Cecil Kilgard and Jay Weiland James and Sharon Kruckenberg - In memory of Bill Stiff, Maxine Moes, and Paul “Pike” Hasselbusch Virgil Kruckenberg - In memory of Gary Coppess Leroy and Donna Luepker - In memory of Maxine Moes and Jay Weiland Connie Madden - In memory of Paul Hasselbusch and Chester Hintz Don and Donna Meier - In memory of Virjean Svoboda, Melvin Hamilton, Paul Hasselbusch, Jay Weiland, and Cindy Young Schnede June Mowry - In memory of Vivian Mowry Marlin & Judy Mowry - In memory of Maxine Moes Larre and Joyce Petersen - In memory of Phillip Hambright Junior and Carol Sander - In memory of Maxine Moes and Albert Crump Marnell Scheeper Elgeva Stolte - In memory of Maxine Moes Larry and Virjean Stolte - In memory of Maxine Moes and Jay Weiland Janice and Ken Strackbein - In memory of Jay Weiland Melvin and Margery Wiebel - In memory of Erma Pingel Marlene Wiedenhoff - In memory of Maxine Moes, Gilbert Behrens, and Jay Weiland Orville and Arlene Wulf - In memory of George Hans, Lloyd Ewoldt, Maxine Moes, Mel Hamilton, and Erma Pingel American Trust & Savings Bank - In memory of Gary Coppess Lowden Insurance Agency Inc. - In memory of Gary Coppess LU VERNE, IA Rick and Jeana Thompson LeRoy and Audrey Weber MALCOM, IA Christy and Donald Kriegel - In memory of James L. Plants Gary Kriegel - In memory of James L. Plants Doris Reida - In memory of Wesley Reida and Jim Plants Douglas and Sharon Robison Lester Schneekloth Schneekloth Oil Co - In memory of James L. Plants MANCHESTER, IA Lorraine Boffeli - In memory of Pearl Schaul Margaret Bramman Fred and Yvonne Brandt - In memory of Duncan Gross Shannon Chambers Tim and Tricia Collier James and Kino DeKeyser Pat and Becky Dolan Mary Duggan Patricia Duggan Ken and Lois Duncan Janine Ehrler Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Eike Judy Ellingson - In memory of Leo Greco’s 90th birthday Dave and Natalie Felton Elvin and Vera Gienapp - In memory of Dean Bond, Joel Holt, and Robert J. Maiers Norman and Janice Gillihan - In memory of Karla Gustason, Terry Chase, and Helen Bohenkamp Mr. and Mrs. Lester Gudenkauf - In memory of Dr. Richard Norton M.D. Mrs. Ken Heffernan - In memory of Kenneth Heffernan Jan Heitshusen William and Linda Hermes Muriel Hillers - In memory of Dean Bond and Sid Blair Russell and Wendy Holroyd - In memory of Vernon “Bud” Hall Tammy Hood Lucia Hutchcroft Gary and Betty Jackson Vicki Jones John and Lois Kaiser - In memory of Michael Deutmeyer Mary Lou Kaiser Clifford and Susan Kehrli - In memory of Carmen Kamberling Delores Kent Betty Lois Koelker - In memory of Rosella Wegmann, Melvin Bruggemann, and Gerald “Jake” Maiers Michael and Kay La Rosa - In honor of healthy children Dave and Norma Lahr Wanda Linderwer Lila Luensmann Larry Miller - In memory of Randy DeKlotz Susan Miller Tresa Monaghan - In memory of Kent N. Wallace Mr. William Monaghan Paul and Barbara Mossner Robert Naeve Dr. and Mrs. W.J. O’Brien - In honor of Emily Schnieders Keith and Sharon Parker - In memory of Evelyne Rubino Don Porter Don and Beverly Preussner Dolores Propst - In memory of Kent Wallace Terry Ranch Marla Schiess Charles Simmons Jeff and Cindy State Cheryl Stufflebeam - In memory of Hollis Emerson Ron and Penny Swartz Conrad and Jeanette Tegeler - In memory of Carol Milroy, Bill Sheu, Pearl Schaul, Lois Phillips, and Bob Maiers David and Verla Tegeler - In memory of Alfred “Fritz” Lechtenberg and Helen Wessels - In honor of Conrad and Jeanette Tegeler’s wedding anniversary Joseph and Vicky Thoman - In memory of H.L. “Mickey” McNiel Phillip and Mary Kathryn Turnis - In memory of Joel Holt Mike Tyrell Leann VanDyke - In memory of Al & Helen Larkin Gene and Betty Vaske - In memory of Pearl Schaul Rev. David and Darla Weber Tizah and Ronald Wedewer Karla Welch Mr. Gerald Wiltse - In memory of Leo Greco and Duncan Gross Max and Barb Wolfgram - In memory of Dave Cannon and Helen Bohnenkamp William and Marjorie Wolter - In memory of Leo Greco on his 90th birthday Pete Wood Charlissa Wright Velma Zebuhr Dupaco Community Credit Union Joseph Engelken - In memory of Viola Engelken Knights of Columbus #1962 Manchester Family Vision Center Manchester Garage Sale - In memory of Dean Bond Our Savior Lutheran Junior Acts Youth Group Wal-Mart MAQUOKETA, IA Robert and Judith Andersen - In memory of Darlene Scott Jack Benton - In memory of Gary Gene Coppess Jack & Judy Bickford Gerald and Gayle Breitbach - In memory of Jim Geronzin Rev. and Mrs. Emmett Busch - In memory of Inola Burkart, James Durkopp, Ruth Gurius, Mrs. Mae Jaster, Ross Reed, and Don Miller Jean Coons Aljean Crist Jane Dague Rosella Dyas - In memory of Inola C. Burkert Monita Ebersole Dave and Janet Eganhouse - In memory of Dr. Kenneth Randolph DVM - In honor of Tom and Pat McAndrews’ 50th wedding anniversary and Ron & Joan Delagardelle’s 50th wedding annviersary Doris Ehl - In memory of Don Milller Shirley Gartman - In memory of Roger Filloon Harry Goers - In memory of Harold Irwin Richard and Janet Hanson - In memory of Don Casteel, Lon Myatt, and Lina Hale Paul Hartel David and Darlene Hayes - In memory of Elsie C. Knutsen Paul and Geraldine Hayes - In memory of Don Casteel Ray and Lois Hayes - In memory of Don Milller and Jerry Moyna Norman Hinke - In memory of George Watters, Bill Earles, Don Milller, and Don Casteel Phoebe Keck Mary Kilburg Annelle Kleis - In memory of Bruce Anderson Janet Koehler - In memory of Don J. Miller Don and Lois Latare - In memory of Maxine Moes Kristi LeClere - In honor of Merry Christmas to Kirk LeClere Mr. Jack Marlowe Dean Martin - In memory of Sandra Schau M.J. Mether - In memory of Roger Filloon Adam and Karen Miller Elizabeth Miller - In memory of Don J. Miller and Barbara Johnson Rose Marie Miller - In memory of Lon Myatt, Donald Casteel, and Don Milller Gary and Alice Mohl - In memory of Gary Penningroth, Robert Burnett, Lon Myatt, Les Humphreys, Harold Irwin, and William “Bill” Earles George and Lois Moore - In memory of Inola Burkert Pam Murphy - In memory of George Watters Glen and Kay Myatt - In memory of Vivian Mowry Harold and Lois Myatt - In memory of Hilda Busch Lucille Neal - In memory of Bernice Hicks Mark and Judy Nienkark - In memory of Lavern Nienkark, Marian Nienkark, Vince Franzen, and Darlene Franzen Pat O’Donnell - In memory of Don J. Miller Bob and Ann Osterhaus Jack and Holly Parmer - In memory of Jim Durkop Tom and Barbara Pestka Darwin and Linda Polk, & Sons - In memory of Don J. Milller Vern and Cindy Poll - In memory of Sheryl Coleman, Jim Burkop, Lon Myatt, Don Casteel, Roger Filloon, Don Milller, Theresa Basten, Allen Feller, and Dorothy Alpers Maxine Reistroffer - In memory of Opal Stoll Mari Rich - In memory of Don J. Miller Rex and Dorothy Sanger - In memory of Aurilla M. Peterman Bill and Bonnie Schwenker Edward Seeberger - In memory of Evelyn Reynolds Jackie Shatto Darlene Small Florian and Karen Steffen - In memory of Roger Filloon T. Nick and Nancy Toutsch Arabella Tubbs - In memory of Donald Casteel William and Audrey Upmeyer - In memory of Gerry Burrack, James Durhop, Evelyn & Merle Reynolds, Don Milller, Dierdra Wittacker, Al Tebbe, and Dorothy Albers - In honor of Dr. Atienza’s retirement Glen and Ramona VonSprecken - In memory of Gary Owen Penningroth Russ McNabb and Carolyn Waite In memory of Donald Casteel Mark Ward Lois and Arnold Weirup Vernon and Patricia Weirup - In memory of Don Milller, Dorothy Alpers, and Roger Filloon Doug and Shirley Winegar - In memory of Virginia Brown and Roger Gerber Clover Ridge Assisted Living Community JANUARY 2012 — Camp Courageous — Maquoketa Kiwanis Club Maquoketa State Bank - In memory of Ronald G. Bartlett Max Ray Jewelers - In memory of Roger Filloon Optimist Club of Maquoketa River Service Co. MARBLE ROCK, IA Mr. and Mrs. Larry Mason MARCUS, IA Delbert and Suzanne Lehan Marcus Lions MARENGO, IA Kathryn Bohstedt Ed and Eileen Brecht - In memory of Patrick McDermott and Lloyd Nolte - In honor of Ed & Eileen Brecht’s 60th wedding anniversary Morris and Jutta Denson Sylvia Fenneman - In memory of Leo Greco Kenneth and Lavonne Karsten - In memory of Eric Karsten at Christmas and on his birthday Florence Meyer - In memory of Lloyd Nolte Betty Misel - In memory of Don Coulon George and Kim Scott Marengo United Methodist Women MARION, IA Ellen and Anthony Alessio - In honor of Merry Christmas to Michelle Burke Michael and Sandra Alt Rosanne Altenhofen - In memory of Bill Altenhofen Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Anderson - In memory of Doris Darrow Darrel and Elaine Andre - In memory of Judith Lee Harten Dan and Marianne Arndorfer - In memory of Ray Kincheloe Max and Irene Arthur - In honor of Merry Christmas to Lisa & John Eatinger Darci Axmear Kevin and Diane Ballard - In memory of Gene Frye, Randy DeKlotz, and Keith Hanna Mr. and Mrs. Mark and Julie Barnd - In memory of Jim and Lillyan Barnd and Grant & Faye Price Mrs. Ann Beadle - In memory of Robert Beadle Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beaner - In memory of Merele & Litta Harris Dewayne and Mary Ann Beckner, & Family - In memory of Jim Johnson - In honor of Ray & Anna Olinger’s wedding anniversary and Glen & Pauline Olinger’s wedding anniversary Alberta Begley Carol Behnken - In honor of Norm Parker’s retirement David and Julie Bellendier - In memory of Jody K. Lawrence Paul and Betty Bendixen Bruce and Yvonne Benkusky Rose Blok - In memory of Marilynn Johnson Dave and Gayelle Bowdish - In memory of Leo Greco’s 90th birthday Marvin and Alberta Boysen - In memory of Ernest Clarke Bill and Lora Lee Bramley Terrance and Ina Brende Rosalee Briner Douglas and Michele Brock Bob and Abby Bruce - In memory of Leo Greco on his 90th birthday Jeanette Bryant Dale and Jeanette Buenzow - In honor of Judy & Gary Bjornsen’s 50th wedding anniersary Jim and Sandra Burm - In memory of Alice Burm and Milton Burm Patricia Burnett Jerry and Lisa Burns - In honor of Merry Christmas to Camp Courageous Randy and Patricia Busch Maury and Barb Campbell - In memory of Joyce Parks Donn Carnal - In memory of Arlette Carnal Maria Cashman William Colling - In memory of Kathy Symonette Joni Cooley Dick Cornwell Kay Crowley - In memory of Roy Oldfield Andrew J and Jeanine M Cruse Delbert and Elizabeth Dake Rick Davis Donald A. and Darlene Dean - In memory of Donald Duane Dean Sonny Deke - In memory of Al Errington and Jo Ed Verbick Charlotte Depoy - In memory of Virginia Palazzo Harlan Doehrmann Richard and Jane Dorff - In memory of Lisa & Leslie Dorff Scott and Wendy Draper Arthur Drtina Jeff and Joan Dudrey - In memory of Mae Rose Noonan Jean Dunn - In memory of Doris Darrow William and Mary Durspek Wayne and Darlene Edgington - In memory of Rosella Eilers Dennis and Jennifer Egel Shirley Engelbart - In memory of All deceased family members and Marvin Engelbart Albert Etzel - In memory of Joan Etzel Louise Faur Cheryl Fay Susan Feickert - In memory of Allen W. Feickert Jerry and Sandy Fetzer - In memory of Roy Oldfield Rita Finn - In memory of Roy & Delphina Takes and Hollis Emerson Dewain and Donna Fluckiger - In memory of Hilda Busch and Vivian Mowry Laurie Frisch Jean Fry - In memory of Kathy Symonette Bob & Jan Garien Chris and Peggy Garrett Chuck and Ann Gillaspie Darrel and Ann Gire - In memory of Helen White Judy Gorman - In memory of Denton Schultz James and Jeannine Graham Norris and Jane Gronert Bob and Sue Gruenloh Clark and Lareen Gull - In memory of Ray Kincheloe, Kathy Ann Symonette, and Evelyn Huseman Michelle and Paul Haas Karen Hacke Bernice Haehlen - In memory of Alvin Haehlen on his birthday Ron and Corrine Halse Wayne and Nancy Hanson - In memory of Martha Winch Bruce and Judy Harford Harlan and Helen Hartman - In memory of Maurice Burr Robert and Joyce Hay Virginia Heffernen Rick Hermann Brad Hernandez Jack and Norma Hicks Gordon and Zona Hildebrand - In memory of Bob Rose Jim and Gladys Hilsenbeck Mary Ann Hindman - In memory of Hollis Emerson Norman, Janet & Dave Hlas Bill and Anna Hoefer Leo Greco CDs! The following locations have Leo's CDs where 100% of the money goes to camp: Home Hardware in Davenport; Country Junction Restaurant in Dyersville; Ox Yoke Inn in the Amanas; Homestead Restaurant in Independence; Theisen’s in Cedar Rapids, and the Camp Courageous Camp Store. Wilburn and Nadine Hollis - In memory of Hollis Emerson Sue Ellen Hosch Dr. Clarence and Jean Hosford - In memory of Karen Harris, Audrey Chatterton, and Joyce Paulsen - In honor of Shawn & Carla Freese’ marriage Brad and Audrey Huff Harold and Joyce Hutchins - In memory of Robert Byse - In honor of Don Ladd and Ann Ladd Wilbur and Donna Jacobs - In memory of Martha Winch and Greg Morris Paul and Nancy Jerabek Brad and Mary Johnson, & Family Bryan Johnson Terry and Linda Kahler Hugo and Helen Kann Steven Kelly, DDS Richard and Carol Kendall - In memory of Don Casteel and George Watters Harold and Beverly Klink Dr. Victor and Patricia Klopfenstein Donald and Verna Klostermann Michael and Gail Kolar - In memory of Shirley Oates Walt Kozikowski Jo Ann and Roger Lane - In memory of Ryan Walker Lane Steve and Lisa Larson - In memory of Leo Greco on his 90th birthday Thomas and Lori Law Larry and Darlene Lerch Phyllis Lerch - In memory of Dean Meade, William Ketelsen, and Doug Hoover Jack Lorence - In memory of Leonard and Carlene Stolba Doris Lovelett Tim and Brita Loynachan Steve Luense Michael and Mary Lundby - In memory of Mary A. Russell Marge Mahoney - In honor of Christmas Edward and Betty Marek - In memory of Maynard M. Marek Beverly McAllister Marian McCarville - In memory of Clara Kintzle and Clarence Van Gundy James and Laura Lea McDonald - In memory of Paxton Snively Jim McEniry - In memory of Denton Schultz John and Beverly McGowan - In honor of Mr. & Mrs. JC Petrak’s 60th wedding anniversary and John & Bev McGowan’s 10th anniversary Pat McMillen - In memory of Eldon McMillen June Mead Lynn Millard - In memory of Bertha M. Stoecker, Donna Marie Edwards, David E. Knapp, and Margaret Millard Mary Lynn Montour - In honor of Father Nick Cigrands and Brothers & Sister of Cascade Mark and Sheryl Morgan John and Jodi Morrow - In memory of Bill Donnelly Mary Mowrer Bridget Murphy Mary Jo Murray Morris and Betty Neighbor Lawrence and C. Joan Nesset - In memory of C. Jean Searle Mr. and Mrs. Gary Netolicky - In memory of Bill Donnelly Mr. and Mrs. Frank Niedermayer - In honor of Christmas Richard Nolte Grace Noonan Robert Noonan - In memory of Mae Rose Noonan Shirley Nove - In memory of Gary Dippel Sr. Lucille Novotny Richard and Betty Novotny Barbara Null Will Ogle Ervin and Marcia Oltmanns - In memory of David Otlmanns, Bruno Rinas, Bill Crump, Martha Winch, Ernest Clark, Max Seeley, Keith Hanna, and Eric Brickley Dr. Paul and Peggy Orcutt - In memory of Dick Binger Douglas and Jolene Palmer - In memory of Hollis Emerson Mary Palmer - In memory of Lowell Palmer Jim and Kathleen Parent Dale and Shirley Parker - In memory of Harry J. Parker Jr. Don and Margaret Paterson - In memory of Irene Finn Marginal Note: Life is full of obstacle illusions. Audrey Patton - In memory of G.L. Goodson Maxine Patton - In memory of Maxine Woods, Lorayne Bachman, and Kenneth Patton Connie & Judith Peal David and Ruthie Pearson Tom and Sonja Penaluna Doug and Maurita Penn - In memory of Barbara Penn Kathryn Phares Phyllis Pierce Maretta Portzline - In memory of Doug Ballard Howard Powers Joeann Quint - In memory of Randy DeKlotz Hugo Rammelsberg - In memory of Denton Schultz Linda Randklev Adrian Rehak F. Dean and Ruth Robison Elmer and Cecilia Rolfes Thomas and Judy Saluri Geraldine Scanlon Robert and Ann Schley - In honor of Barbara Hughes Steven and Marilyn Schmitz - In memory of Hollis Emerson Janet Schnack - In memory of Priscilla Cavanagh, David Block, and Henry Luckritz - In honor of Larry & Carol Ann Roeder’s 50th wedding anniversary John and Joan Schneiter - In memory of Richard Mardorf and William Donnelly Margaret Schneiter - In memory of Hilda Busch, Richard David Mardorf, Kathryn Donnelly, and Bill Donnelly Eugene and Sharon Schoeberl Sue Schuette Jack and Donna Schwartz - In memory of Dorothy & Howard Susan and Jerry Sheeley - In memory of Martha Holcomb Foster Leonard and LaVonne Sholes - In memory of Lawrence & Mary Leiting and Daniel & Nellie Sholes Kyle and Susan Skogman - In memory of Darlene Klinsky Janet Smith - In memory of John & Hazel King Jean Smith - In memory of Mae Rose Noonan Royal Snyder Gary and Elaine Sondag - In memory of Ruth Lorack Karen Soteco - In memory of Kathy Symonette Albert & Pauline Soukup Marva Speich - In memory of Frank & Pauline Andrews Ralph & Helen Spring Lorna Stadtmueller Don Stamy - In memory of Edmund Peterson Gloria Stenzel - In memory of Kathy Symonette Peggy, Lauren and Hailey Stepanek Randy and Kris Sterner Don and Carol Stulken Betty Timmons - In memory of Lavern Haas Richard Truesdell - In memory of Leo Burger Jerome and Phyllis Trzil - In memory of Mae Rose Noonan and Denton Schultz Pat Turner - In memory of Lester “Coach” and Wilma Hipple Clarence and Luella Van Englehoven Jerry and Debra VanDyke - In memory of W.N. & Lucille Shellenbarger and Joanne Miller Rita Vasser - In memory of Doris Darrow Geraldine Vrbicek - In memory of H.L. “Mickey” McNiel Sue Wallace William and Eleanor Walters Clark and Mary Weaver - In memory of Allison Judy Webber Carol Weber - In memory of Kathy Carnahan and Donnie Weber Dave and Judy Weber - In memory of Marvin Doshadis Phil and Laura White Harry and Val Whitehead Kenneth and Marilyn Wilson Char Wink John and June Wittwer Judy Zier - In memory of Dorothy Hannon Sue Zier - In memory of Charles Sjostrom Sr. Burks Pumpkin Farm Country Kitchen Hill & Williams Bros. Hop 2 It Enterprises Hunter’s Ridge Golf Hy-Vee Katie Lewis, Erica Lewis, Jenny Moyer & Sam Roades Kiwanis Club Marion Sunrisers LimoLink Inc. Linn-Mar Community Schools Lloyd’s Plan, Inc. Marion Airport Marion Christian Church Women’s Fellowship Marion Host Lions Club Monticello Class of 1951 - In memory of Sid Blair Mooney Heating & Cooling Inc. Preceptor Lambda MARQUETTE, IA St. Mary’s Guild MARSHALLTOWN, IA David Fagle Dena Graff Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Main Dennis and Bonnie Ray Dr. Arvin and Carole Steckelberg - In memory of James L. Plants Marshalltown Lioness Club The Estate of Delores Duffy MARTELLE, IA Larry and Janet Darrow - In memory of Doris Darrow Barb Kloss Wayne and Carole Lerch - In memory of Bill Crump Neal and Nancy Robertson - In memory of Bill Crump, Matthew W. Robertson, and Doris Darrow Neoma Robertson - In memory of Stanley Pedersen June Smothers - In memory of Dixie Ellison Jacqueline Strother - In memory of Bill Crump MASON CITY, IA Karen Dole Mike and Joan Gasaway - In memory of Andy Tom Schupick - In memory of Hollis Emerson MASONVILLE, IA Daniel and Marcia Banyas - In memory of Denton Schultz Ruth Bovenmyer - In memory of Leon Bovenmyer Donny and Alice Fangman Dorothy Hilby - In memory of Hilby Families and Sperfslage Families Donna Robinson - In memory of Venita Shaw - In honor of Barb & Jim Goebel’s 50th wedding anniversary Paul and Jane Rubner - In memory of Peggy Matlack, Pearl Schaul, Dave Cannon, Francis Carroll, and Vernon “Bud” Hall MATHERVILLE, IA Anthony and Lexina Bruskas - In honor of Janice Nelson’s 75th birthday MAYNARD, IA Lorraine Stempfle - In memory of Jime Fink and Bernardy Stempfle MECHANICSVILLE, IA Patricia Albaugh - In memory of Don Puffer Larry and Dottie Butler - In memory of Donnie Weber Becky Danly - In memory of Jim Danly and Wilbur & Elouise Haley Karen Dickey Alan and Janet Dohmen David and Dorothy Ferguson - In memory of Carolyn Ferguson Doris Harness - In memory of Linda Chapman, Charles Harness, and Linda Harness Chapman Brian & Mary Jo Heil Chuck and Teri Hoy Paul and Linda Kirstein Joe and Donna Paidar LaVerne Paidar - In memory of Dan Stegen, Merlin Dennis, and Vernie Boots Dennis and Joyce Pisarik - In memory of Jeryl Bacon Angela Platner Marcia Ralston - In memory of James Danly - In honor of Merry Christmas Gorman and Fay Robinson Victor and Mary Robinson - In memory of JoAnn Robinson Luella Scott - In memory of Marge Biedenbach, Vernon Boots, and Donald Weber Keith and Nancy Walshire Mr. Joseph Weiland - In honor of Quintin Weiland MEDIAPOLIS, IA Rick and Sandy McLaughlin MELBOURNE, IA James Fitz MIDDLE AMANA, IA Mel and Harriet Graesser - In memory of Katy Guncenhauser Donna Trumpold - In memory of Leroy Trumpold, Don Coulon, and Ray Schuhmacher Hahn’s Hearth Oven Bakery MIDDLETOWN, IA American Ordnance United Fund MILES, IA Carol Christiansen Harlan and Joann Daniels - In memory of Milton Daniels Dwain Giddings - In memory of Donald “Jens” Jensen Jeanette Gruhn - In memory of Mary Rickert Wiegert David Hansen Thomas and Susan Hayward Esther Stoll - In memory of Jack Atkinson Gene & JoAnn Thomsen - In memory of Wilbert Behrens and Margaret Wagemaster MISSOURI VALLEY, IA Jamie and Marilyn Neely Valley Lodge #232 A.F. & A.M. MONMOUTH, IA Jerry and Freda DeLarm - In memory of Jane Parmer, Donald Casteel, and Lina Hale Gib Marcucci - In memory of Hazel Rohwedder, Wayne Yarolem, Merle Reynolds, and Jim Geronzin Lori Thordsen - In honor of Lorraine Makeever Rodney and Mary Walters - In memory of Alvin Orr MONONA, IA Elmer and Theresa Bries - In memory of Julie Baade MONROE, IA Westminster Circle MONTEZUMA, IA Bill and Jane Ahrens Allen and Neva Gregory - In memory of James L. Plants Gwendolyn Rieck Cindy Schmidt - In memory of James L. Plants Marcia Tarvin - In memory of Wilbur Baltisberger, Paul Hasselbusch, and Jim Plants Karen Thomson - In memory of James L. Plants MONTICELLO, IA Gayle H. Ahrendsen - In memory of Vivian Mowry Christopher and Roxanne Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Anderson - In memory of Don Skelley Don and Phyllis Appleby - In memory of Janet Fuller and Sid Blair Todd and Renee Barkema Harry and Barbara Baumann - In memory of Sid Blair Charles and Pat Becker - In memory of Esther Becker, Mary Volk, Tom Burns, Edie Norman, Richard Huber, Rose Mary Nehl, Michelle Tangeman, Albert W. “Bill” Crump, Rose Mowry, Jerry Keeney, Martha Foster, Marie Regina Kuntz, Kay Donnelly, Dr. Dick Clark M.D., Corrine Dremmel, Richard Cigrand , Audrey Chatteton, Allan Less, Melvin Fedler, Dan Miller, Bruce Anderson, Jeryl Bacon, Marian Williams, Robert Curoe, Janet Rink, Joe Jenn, Bessie Sierk, Steven Balster, Russell Gerdin, Theresa Demeter, Bill Donnelly, Steve Jobs, George “Sid” Blair, Katy Guncenhauser, Joseph Soukup, Stephen Bahl, Bob Mahraun, Mae Rose Noonan, Lester Collins, Phil Gerdes, Donald Skelley, Mabel Hobart, Donna Edwards, Bill Kray, and Loras Hartung - In honor of a get well wish for Arline Dieterich, KMCH’s 20th anniversary on the air, Wilma Parsons’ retirement from Fidelity Bank, Bonnie Tobiason’s 80th birthday, Larry & Kathy Bearce’s 50th wedding anniversary, Bill & Katie Mardorf’s 73rd wedding anniversary, Dianna DeSotel’s retirment, Jim Benter’s retirement, Norm Parker for being named the NCAA defensive coach of the year, a get well wish for Bob Null, Bob & Barb Zahren’s 60th wedding annviersary, Dan 23 & Becky Kraus’ 40th wedding anniversary, Dennis and Suzanne Joslyn’s 50th wedding anniversary, Sue Gudenkauf for entering consecrated life, Lavern “Flute” and Jean Weber’s 50th wedding anniversary, Fareway opening their 100th store, a get well wish for Pat Schmitz, Neal & Marian White’s 50th wedding anniversary, Berdina Putzier’s 90th birthday, Kenny Hosch’s 80th birthday, Al & Joyce Hanssen’s 50th wedding anniversary, Bob & Janice Goodyear’s 50th wedding anniversary, Bob and Marjorie Zeman’s 65th wedding anniversary, Bob Brooks for having Fri., September 30th being named Bob Brooks Day in Cedar Rapids, Fran De Marce’s retirement, and Dale Somers’ 95th birthday Rick & Jessica Beem - In memory of Phillip Gerdes Leona Bender Paddy Bergman - In memory of Don Skelley Gary and Linda Bohlken - In memory of Bill Crump William and Dorean Bohlken Ben Bollwitt Mrs. Virginia Bone - In memory of Gary Stamp Connie Brehm David and Ann Brehm Amanda & Josh Brenneman Eric and LeAnn Briesemeister Regena Busch Jan and Sandra Byers Alan Carlson Stephen and Kim Carlson William and Barbara Catlett - In memory of Dale Goodwin Stan and Roberta Cook - In memory of Martha Foster Mrs. Rose Covington - In memory of Mary Lou Rickels Cathy Cuckler - In memory of Phillip Gerdes Galen Darrow - In memory of Doris Darrow Roger and Nancy Digmann - In memory of Lyle Behrends, Betty Weers, Bob Buckner, and Millie Gerdes Odelia Doden - In memory of Don Skelley Margaret Eastburn - In memory of Don Skelley Stephen and Jen Fasnacht, & Family Lowell and Judith Freeland Eldon and Kay Funke - In memory of Norma Kean and Eldon Muller Stuart and Kathy Gerdes - In memory of Lester Collins Bob and Janice Goodyear Dennis Gray Kathryn Haag - In memory of Christopher Gillmore Donald and Ardis Hagen Helen Hanken - In memory of Elmer Hanken Ronald Hanson - In memory of Donald Skelley Donald and Shirley Hanssen Larry and Rita Hartung - In memory of Mae Rose Noonan and Don Skelley Dale and Jeannie Heeren Margaret Heims - In memory of Patrick D. Hess Mary Heims Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Hein - In memory of Rose Nehl and Mary Lou Rickels Galen and Margie Helgens Harland Hetzler - In memory of Lenore Hetzler - In honor of Stu Gerdes’ consideration of the Camp Courageous Board Jim Hogan - In memory of Leo Greco on his 90th birthday Louis and Carole Holly - In memory of Don Skelley Christine Holst Art and Viola Houston Al Hughes Judy Huntsberger Joe and Donna Ironside - In memory of Richard Cigrand, Mae Rose Noonan, Stanley Ross, and Jim Danly - In honor of Joe & Debbie Ironside’s 40th wedding anniversary, Dennis and Suzanne Joslyn’s 50th wedding anniversary, Bob & Janice Goodyear’s 50th wedding anniversary, Lois Lawrence’s 80th birthday, Dwiight & Arlene LeClere’s 60th wedding anniverary, and Dan & Becky Kraus’ 40th wedding anniversary Armin and Betty Jacobs - In 24 memory of Lester Collins Dolly Janssen Bud and Georgia Johnson - In memory of Ms. Dorothy Bral, Mr. Bob Tauke, Joyce Huedepohl, and Leonard and Carlene Stolba Dennis and Suzanne Joslin Anthony Kinley Tom and Dorothy Kirby - In memory of Mary Lou Rickels Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kleitsch - In memory of Glen Meyer Loras and Marilyn Lawrence - In memory of Regina Aldrichs, Christopher Gilmore, Mae Rose Noonan, Catharine Haessler, and Loras Hartung - In honor of Dan & Becky Kraus’ 40th wedding anniversary Dan and Linda Lock - In memory of Janna Stewart Jess Maier Brendon Mayfield - In memory of Ellianna Grace Buckley Curt and Pam Mayo - In memory of Dick & Pat Werner Earl and Norene McCaustland Steve and Carol McDonald - In memory of Irene Finn Norma McDonell - In memory of Janet Rink, Phill Gerdes, and Mary Lou Rickels Grace McDonough - In memory of Alice Alberhasky, Roland Domeyer, Eileen Beal, and Francis Carroll David and Mary Melchert - In honor of Kent & Kay Neighbor’s 50th wedding anniversary Carol Melton David Mescher - In memory of Janet & Jean Mescher Rick Meyer Don Miyagawa Rolando and Abby Morales Mike and Pam Nodolf Jim and Deb Noonan - In memory of Lt. D. Schultz and Loras Hartung - In honor of Marge Kohout’s birthday Katie Noonan Dave and Sherri Plueger, & Family Mr. and Mrs. Luverne Plueger - In memory of Dan & Donna Miller Jim and Cindy Plummer Mrs. Ervin (Alice) Poppe - In memory of Mary Lou Rickels and Marlin Hanson Deb Porter Pat and Tami Recker Ken and Janice Rion Dorothy Schafer - In memory of Marie Dirks Russell and Millie Gerdes Mr. and Mrs. Jon Schrader John and Elaine Secrist - In memory of Irene Finn Betty Siebels - In memory of Richard David Mardorf and Richard Cigrand Frank Smith - In honor of Roman Welter’s birthday Louis and Bobbie Sperfslage Dan & Diana Stadtmueller - In memory of Regina Ahlrichs Bev Steiner Dale Streif Ellen Strittmatter David and Durene Tabor Bruce and Jani Telleen Robert and Margaret Thoeni - In memory of Donald Skelley Richard and Leoda Thompson - In memory of Mary Hamblin, Helen Tobiason, Eleanor Beitz, Leonard Serbousek, Henry Cassmann, Kevin Schmidt, Kathryn Benson Emery, Jeryl Bacon, Gladys Aitchison, LaVern Haas, Phillip P. Gerdes, Isabelle Lahr, Clara Mae Winchip, Hollis Emerson, Dr. John Eckstein, Millie Gerdes, Florence White, and Lyle Behrends - In honor of a recovery wish for Ray Schnieder and Rosemary Welter’s birthday George and Bonnie Tobiason - In honor of Bob & Margaret Thoeni’s 60th wedding anniversary Dan and Carol Vorhies - In memory of Christopher Gillmore, Donald Skelley, and Phillip Paul Gerdes - In honor of Carl Graber’s 80th birthday and Neal & Marian White’s 50th wedding anniversary Jim and Susan Weaver - In honor of David Kordick Mrs. Mag Welter - In memory of Mary Lou Rickels Roman and Rosemary Welter - In memory of Rose Nehl, Niles Curtis, Harold Eiben, and Jeryl Bacon Sherry and Kevin Wenger Delephine Wennekamp - In memory of Richard Cigrand and Linda O. Hale Harold White Jerry Wilbricht Rita Wilgenbusch Fred and Winifred Williams - In memory of Leo Greco on his 90th birthday and Irene Finn Stephen and Nancy Williams Hollyce Wirtner - In memory of Eleanor Beitz, Janet Fuller, Douglas Hoover, and Jeryl Bacon Marilyn Wolfe Dr. and Mrs. Richard Wolken Dan and Joanne Yousse James and Patricia Zimmerman Jim and Marianne Zimmerman - In memory of Peggy Matlack Mrs. Albert Zumbach - In memory of Albert Zumbach Velma Zumbach Shirley Zumbrunnen - In memory of Dean E. Zumbrunnen All Seasons Auto Body Behrends Crushed Stone co Kramer Funeral Home Camp Courageous of Iowa Board of Directors - In honor of Pat & Charlie Becker Carpenter Elementary Students Carquest Auto Parts Castle Grove Mutual Insurance Citizens State Bank Eastern Iowa Sports Facility Echo Vision Inc. Energy Manufacturing Co., Inc. - In memory of Rosella Wegmann, Roxanne Bellings, Janet Rink, David Walker, Phillip Gerdes, and Bill Kray Fareway Store Frontier Feeds Company - In memory of Francis Carroll Goettsch, Inc. - In memory of Doris Darrow HCH Real Estate - In memory of David Riches, Lester Collins, Christopher Gillmore, Keith Hanna, and Phillip Gerdes Java Jones JEMM Controls, Inc. Jones County Leadership Karde’s Convenience Store MCLD Corporation (Long Drug) Monticello Equipment Co. Monticello Firefighters Organization - In memory of Dick Cigrand Monticello High School Monticello Lions Club Monticello Nursing & Rehab. Center Ohnward Bank & Trust ORBIS Pictured Rocks Methodist Camp Rosella Eilers Memorials - In memory of Rosella Eilers Senior Housing - In memory of Rose Nehl The Don Skelley Estate - In memory of Don Skelley Theisen’s of Monticello, Inc. US Secure Hosting Center MONTROSE, IA Mike and Ruth Dresser John and Barb Geyer - In memory of Dorothy Widdifield Todd and Sarah Haeffner MORLEY, IA Hazel McClintock, & Family - In memory of James R. McClintock MORNING SUN, IA Morning Sun Lions Club MOSCOW, IA Mae Eriksen Randy and Karen Marolf Lois Ormsby MOULTON, IA Moulton Lioness Club MOUNT AUBURN, IA Lynn and Shirley Arthur - In memory of Loren Clabough, Douglas Slaikeu, Dwight Slaikeu, Gene Stueck, Dale Watson, Dorothy Newton, Mardean Blocker, and Harold “Hank” Foss Dolores Palmer - In memory of Dorothy Newton MOUNT AYR, IA Lynn and Kathy Rinehart Jay and Donna Watson - In honor of Lynn & Kathy Rinehart MOUNT PLEASANT, IA Donna Colton Jack Conn Leona Gholson - In memory of Richard “Santa” Gholson Gary Jewett Virginia Olson Mr. Robert Patterson Benjamin and Teresa Peiffer - In memory of Helen Greenland Patricia Walker - In memory of Leo Greco Richard and Susan Walljasper - In memory of Harrison Walljasper and Theresa Demeter Allen and Blanca Wittmer Jane Woodsmall - In memory of Larry Woodsmall Knights of Columbus #7294 (Mt. P.) - In memory of Mark Fitzpatrick and John Vieth St. Alphonsus Ladies of Charity Wal-Mart Distribution Center - In memory of Patrick Morton MOUNT UNION, IA Carroll and Pat Reid MOUNT VERNON, IA Mike and Sue Kortemeyer - In memory of Bonnie Tompkins Ed Koehn and Annamae Baker - In memory of Dean Kuhse Keith and Joann Clark - In memory of Anna Kadera Michael Gradwell David and Anne Hoke - In memory of Darlene Klinsky Darrell and Donna Jordan Ralph and Catherine Jordan Elizabeth Lehr - In memory of Loved Ones Lloyd Mallie Marsha McWhinney - In memory of Leo Greco Janice and Jeff Mick - In memory of Hilda Busch and Mae Rose Noonan Neil and Becky Orthner Ray and Marilyn Overman - In memory of Kathleen “Sis” Pitlik and Darlene Klinsky Lois Pavelka - In memory of Sis Pitlik and Bob Maiers - In honor of Leah Ellison’s 3rd birthday Gary and Linda Peiper Clara Pospisil - In memory of M. Kathleen Pitlik and Robert Pospisil Gregory and Debra Reiman John and Thelma Rife Roger and Marilyn Schnittjer - In memory of Carol Hans Don and Judy Stine Bernie and Lyle Strathman Scott and Michelle Triggs Carl Weilbrenner John and Betty Wolfe - In memory of Marie Kuntz and Steve Horton Michelle Young Rodney & Joan Young - In memory of Mark Croghan and Catherine Croghan MOVILLE, IA Wendell and Lori Borland MUSCATINE, IA Leroy and Bonnie Atkins - In memory of John & Norma Jean Boorn Lee Barnhart - In memory of Genevieve Furlong, Lucille Kemper, Arline Bermel, Donna Partington, Barb Panther, and Fran Milder Mr. and Mrs. Roger Bartenhagen James and Rita Becker Bill Bedenbender Lawrence & Catherine Bedenbender Juanita Bierman - In memory of “Bud” & Ruth Schaffer and “Corky” Bierman Betty Brink - In honor of Christmas Mary Louise Caponette Iola Coss - In memory of Floyd “Red” Coss Jennifer Drumm - In memory of Wayne & Pauline Drumm Carl and Bonnie Egger - In memory of Don Skelley Emilee Ellis Mark and Amy Fortenbacher - In memory of Lynn Popham Philip Gaeta, SR Elaine Heitmann - In memory of Emmert Heitmann Alberto Hernandez Wilbur and Marion Hetzler Margie Jennett Mrs. Evelyn Jewett Tom and Janice Keller TIsha Knight Richard and Patricia Koll Vicki Krieger Larry and Donna Lemkau Charles and Norma Lewis Michael and Susan Lowe Phyllis Lucas - In memory of Ray Shellabarger and Ladd Steinmetz Eugene and Joyce Mathern Donna Meerdink - In honor of our families at Christmas time Kevin Miller Cheryl Morgan Counselor Sam Tanebaum (standing) from Presque Isle, ME helps camper Tom Carly from Clear Lake, IA decorate a T-shirt in Arts & Crafts. Tom has been coming to camp for 10 years now and his favorite activity is to be creative and crafty! Kristi Nixon - In memory of Patricia Coss Katherine Othmer Julie Ravenscraft - In honor of Adie Strong Betty Reed Michael and Diane Riggan - In memory of Frank Mincer Bertha Schafer Tom and Dena Schliesman - In honor of Tanner Schliesman Sandra Slater - In memory of Viginia Muir, Doris Middaugh, Catherine Elliott, Genevieve Furlong, Lucille Kemper, Arline Bermel, Barb Panther, and Fran Milder Robert and Judy Smith - In memory of Leo Greco on his 90th birthday Todd and Shelly Sturms - In memory of Lenore Hetzler Dick, Robert and Nellie Vetter Dick and Linda Walden Robert and Lani Willis - In memory of Hugh Shadduck Randall Zinger Island United Methodist Church Muscatine Lions Club - In memory of Barry Brauns and Greg Orr Optimae Tanglefoot Muscatine Port Louisa Farm Bureau Women The Sicilian Pizza & Subs White Distribution & Supply NASHUA, IA Myrna Ross - In memory of Roxanne Ross Nashua-Plainfield Lions Club NEVADA, IA Murray and Janice McConnell - In memory of James L. Plants NEW HAMPTON, IA Charles and Agatha Onken - In memory of Bob Knief Larry and Darlene Throndson NEW LIBERTY, IA Kent Henkel - In memory of Albert C. Henkel NEW LONDON, IA Janice Fitzpatrick - In memory of Mark Fitzpatrick Dover Historical Society, Inc. - In memory of Richard Gholson NEW VIENNA, IA Larry and Darlene Boeckenstedt Joseph and Susan Kluesner Don and Jean Ann Krapfl Randy and LuAnn Lansing - In memory of Anna Mae Tauke Bob and Loey McCabe - In memory of Verdus Burr, Clem Mausser, Bob Tauke, and Bob Frasher Linda Schulte - In memory of Sylvia Blumer Joseph Walters Citizens State Bank - In memory of Verdus Burr and Art Ries NEWHALL, IA Karla and Donna Bascom - In memory of Marion Keifer and Rachel Duncalf Wilferd & Dorothy Becker - In memory of Denton Schultz Elaine Boddicker - In memory of Richard Grovert Marian Brecht - In memory of Mary Steimel Jane Hagen Robert and Dorothy Paulson - In memory of Denton Schultz NEWTON, IA Troy and Karla Gholson - In memory of Dick Gholson Carlton and Margie Harford Alan Keninger - In memory of Nathan Keninger - In honor of Joe Keninger Paul and Kay Koeppen Joyce Moen - In memory of Fred & Iola Mychalek Bill and Marlena Ray - In memory of Dick Gholson NICHOLS, IA Dan and Jeanette Christofferson Ramona Holcomb - In memory of Deb Kline - In honor of Bill and Helen Kline’s 50th wedding anniversary C. Dean and Marianne Phelps - In memory of Deb Kline - In honor of Bill and Helen Kline’s 50th wedding anniversary NORTH ENGLISH, IA Gene Stoltzfus - In memory of Lynn Popham NORTH LIBERTY, IA Josh Belden Kathryn Bissig Jim Derwin - In memory of Virginia Derwin Chrissy Harapat Reed and Kathleen McCulloh Dick Meade Ann Pistole - In memory of Myrna Ulm Ed and Deb Scherrer Todd and Alisa Shields NORTHWOOD, IA Northwood Lions Club NORWALK, IA Gina Wagner NORWAY, IA Donald Bails Ken and Shelia Bontty - In memory of Sharon Meskimen, Max Thompson, and Etta Lee Coletta Frese Karen Himmelsbach - In memory of Jack Banse and Monie Newman Mark Miller Mark & Elaine Miller - In memory of Dorothy Olberding and Verne Miller JANUARY 2012 — Camp Courageous — Robert Miller - In memory of Edmund Peterson and Dorothy Newton Loretta Schmidt - In memory of Marie Regina Kuntz David and Janice Schulte - In memory of Jack Banse Robert and Marlene Schulte - In memory of Dennis Peiffer and Etta Lee Ruth Schutterle - In memory of Bonnie Kruse Susan Volz - In memory of Helen McVay and Marie Kuntz Frontier Natural Products Co-op OELWEIN, IA Ardith Graf - In memory of Lawrence Smith and James Ingels John and Ella Mae Greco - In memory of Leo Greco on 90th birthday Pat Hehr Mr. and Mrs. C.J. Lensing Clair Ramlo - In memory of David Oakes and LT Reckkemmer Mike and Sharon Rettinger - In memory of L.T. “Buzz” Bechkemmer, Jim Ingels, Marion Palmer, Deanna Wahl’s grandmother, Cleone Demuth, David Demuth, and Ron Westcott Janet Wissler - In honor of the Lions OLIN, IA Jean Bliss - In memory of Lucille Slagel Steven and Lori Esbaum - In memory of Norma Bodkin Mrs. Esther Glenn - In memory of Mildred Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Alan Groth - In memory of Doris Darrow Bernard and Caryl Hay - In memory of Gary Stamp and Doris Darrow William Heldt Randy and Kathy Sauer - In memory of Norma Bodkin David and Rebecca Westphal Bill and Doris Williams - In memory of Gary Stamp Dolores and Glenn Wood - In memory of Archie & Ruth Wood and Lyle & Wilma Strong Don Bliss Memorials - In memory of Donald Bliss OLLIE, IA Iota Jensen - In memory of Robert C. Jensen Jared and Jeri Schultz Richard Williams ONSLOW, IA Richard and Delores DeLarm - In memory of Bernice “Bonnie” Hicks and Donald Casteel Robert and Lois Leonard - In memory of Jim Lindsey Dwight and Ann Reid ORANGE CITY, IA Carl and Nan Reinking OSAGE, IA Jeremy Myers OSSIAN, IA Arthur and Marlene Tangen - In memory of Kathy Symonette OTTUMWA, IA John and Betty Farrington Mr. and Mrs. Pat Larkin - In memory of Darrell Meredith John and Jeanette Truman - In memory of Punkin Ottumwa Noon Lions Club OXFORD, IA John and Pat Dohrer - In memory of Bob Poggenpohl Patrick and Deborah Kinney Clete and Marcella Klein - In memory of Bob Poggenpohl Gary and Donna Scheetz OXFORD JUNCTION, IA Monte and Margo Ahrendsen Robert Gertsen - In memory of Shirley Oates Pamela Martin - In honor of Marie Hronik’s birthday John and Pat Vacek Gloria Williams - In memory of Mildred Benischek Betty Willimack - In memory of Vivian Mowry PACKWOOD, IA Jay and Mary Cowguill - In memory of Patrick Morton Frank and Enola Neff Dickey Oil Corp. PALMER, IA Wessels Oil Co., Inc. PALO, IA Rex and Debbie Katcher Dallas Miller Susanne Myres Rachel Reed, & Brother Carla Stodola Randy and Debra Vogel - In memory of Jerry Keeney Mary and Joseph Weatherly PANORA, IA Panora Lions Club PARNELL, IA Kenton and Tracy Jones - In memory of Lynn Popham PELLA, IA Anne Aalbers Scott and Kristin Enyart - In honor of Kaden Hurt Shirley Norton - In memory of Russell L. Norton Arlie and Jane Vander Hoek Marjorie Vos Cheryl Westra - In memory of Russell Norton PEOSTA, IA Joseph and Dixie Demmer Gary & Cindy Dolphin - In memory of Leo Greco John and Kay Gaul - In memory of Mark Steffen Laurance and Darlene Krapfl Douglas and Cynthia Recker Maynard and Arlene Rowe - In memory of Harold Keil Michael & Patricia Thies - In memory of Joe Taylor Martin and Joan Vaske David and Nancy Wahlert NICC Nursing Program PERRY, IA Robert and Ireta Bailey Kathryn Roblee PETERSON, IA Peterson Lions Club PLEASANT HILL, IA Dale and Susan Pierce PLEASANT VALLEY, IA Alice McDonald - In memory of Patricia Lassen Jones - In honor of Scott & Karen McDonald’s wedding anniversary Charles and Nancy Von Maur POCAHONTAS, IA Lions Club of Pocahontas - In memory of deceased members of the Pocahontas Lions Club POLK CITY, IA Larry and Cheryl Herren - In memory of Max Seeley PORTSMOUTH, IA Miller Fuel and Oil POSTVILLE, IA Mervil and Lavonne Mabb PRAIRIE CITY, IA Prairie City Lions Club PRAIRIEBURG, IA Vincent and Elsie Dougherty PRESTON, IA Jeanine Andersen Erma Gruhn - In memory of Jeanette Kuhl, Georgeanne Godderd, Harold Rogers, and Milton Daniels Chad and Rennet Gruver - In memory of Jeanette Kuhl Archie & Heidi McNeil Allen and Margery Meyer - In memory of David Gleason Phebe Neumann - In memory of Jack Atkinson and Roger Gerber Lewis Randolph - In memory of Margaret Wagemester Jerald and Camilla Ritenour - In memory of Eldon Yaddof, Cpl. Zach Reiff, and Donald Casteel Iowa Food Code Prohibits the use of food prepared in a facility not inspected by State or County Inspections. Don and Sandy Smith Eberhart Farm Center - In memory of Bruce Anderson, Roger Gerber, Doris Klemme, and George Watters Preston Ready Mix - In memory of Bruce Anderson PRINCETON, IA Karl and Martha Otte - In memory of Bruce Anderson Elma Pillard - In memory of Keith Henderson QUASQUETON, IA Sherry Vaughn RAYMOND, IA Claude and Helen Bresson READLYN, IA Laverne and Judy Leistikow - In memory of Leo Greco RED OAK, IA Allen Pohren - In honor of Brian Whitham REINBECK, IA Arlyn Billerbeck - In memory of Colleen Billerbeck and JoAnn Billerbeck Helen O’Connor - In memory of Marvin L. Meester - In honor of Joe and Dorothy Fangman’s 60th wedding anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Virtus Ramundt - In memory of Leo Greco Annette Watermiller - In memory of Francis, Lorna & Sheryll Arthur Jerry Wimer Reinbeck Lions Club Union Congregational United Church of Christ REMSEN, IA Kirby, Rebecca and Matthew Mosbach - In honor of Merry Christmas to Gloria Ford RICHLAND, IA Jerry and Karen Horton Marlene Mathias - In memory of parents & 2 brothers RIVERDALE, IA John and Helene Robinson RIVERSIDE, IA Russell and Venolia Frank - In memory of Frank Mincer Sharon Keeler - In memory of Frank Mincer and Betty Hotz Gerald and Erna Maye - In memory of Leo Greco Gary and Kay Mincer Everett and Susan Slaughter - In memory of Deb Kline - In honor of Bill and Helen Kline’s 50th wedding anniversary Marvin and Audrey Walton Mary Wieland - In memory of Frank Mincer Karen Zimmerman - In memory of Frank Mincer Frank Mincer Memorials - In memory of Frank Mincer Riverside Casino and Golf Resort In memory of Don Jerome Milller ROBINS, IA Linda Cnossen - In memory of Darlene Klinsky Ray and Mary Collins M. Sue Eichenberger Mike and Jill Fettkether - In memory of Leon Fettkether and Joe Sparano Bette Hampton - In memory of Bob Sr. & Bill Hampton Sherri Jeffrey Tom and Pat Linder - In memory of Joseph L. Cooney and Lawrence J. Smith Florence Lukes Bob and Kay McGuire - In memory of Irene L. Finn Richard and Ruth Ann Muszynski - In honor of Merry Christmas to Randy & Cathy Faulkner Charles and Marcia Noaker - In honor of Sue Tate’s retirement Ken and Shirley Peckosh Dr. Joel and Shelly Sardzinski - In memory of Cindy Abraham, Bill Mirabella, F. Leonard Serbousek, Wayne Willett, Gary Keith Arnesen, Ruth Moen, Sherry Malecek, Gerald Bruner, and Donald High - In honor of Dean & Marlys Raddatz’ 60th wedding anniversary Joseph and Barbara Schmall William and Patricia Schultz Louis and Geraldine Stolba ROCKWELL CITY, IA Rockwell City Lions ROLAND, IA McCallsburg Lions ROSE HILL, IA Rose Hill Ruritan Club ROWLEY, IA Steve and Haroldine Brentner - In memory of Leo Greco Richard and JoAnn Crain Alan and Becky Crump - In memory of Robert Short and Darrell Meredith Brandon United Methodist Women Rowley Equipment RUSSELL, IA Ervin and Jessie Burton RYAN, IA Ivan and Deb Anderson - In memory of Buzz Graham Don and Marilynn Atkinson - In memory of Bill McEnany, Eric Ausborn Niehaus, and Laura Kaiser Donald and Karen Cook Edm and Janet Glynn Don and Sharon Lange - In memory of Lina Hala, Kent Wallace, and Jeryl Bacon William and Doris McEvoy Kenny and Karen Ries - In memory of Billy McEnany Marvin and Karen Ries - In memory of Elmer Schlueter Roger and Kay Wilson - In memory of Craig Ashby The Family of Bill McEnany - In memory of Bill McEnany SABULA, IA David and Pamela Koch Harold and Betty Koch Charles Monaghan Larry and Shirley Peterson Joretta Sandholdt - In memory of Duayne Rittmer Gravert Apple Basket Orchard SAC CITY, IA Sac County VFW No 590 Marc and Marilyn Brown - In memory of Amy Hunstad Mary Connell - In memory of Thomas Miller Julie and Mark Divoky Christina Gehrke Larry and Judy Greco - In memory of Kay “Kathryn” Donnelly, Leo Greco on his 90th birthday, Mark Lasack, and Bill Donnelly - In honor of Kay Donnelly’s birthday Dean and Lois Hieber - In memory of Daryl Neumann Don and Irene Jedlicka - In memory of John Beecher and Laurena Lehman Walter Kotar Thomas and Johanna Kruckeberg In memory of Leo Greco Robert and Barbara Mickelson Robert and Kay Morris - In memory of Russ Gerdin and Leo Greco Jerry and Dianne Radford - In memory of Robert ‘Bob” Wheeler, Norma Grimm, Kenneth “Chief” Thomas, Gilbert Behrens, Vesta Hansen, and John Beecher Robert and Jean Stinocher - In honor of Margaret & Albert Storm’s 60th wedding anniversary John and Karen Stocker - In honor of Nicholas Stocker Emilie Suchomel - In memory of Patricia Fankhauser and Bernard Suchomel Keever and Gloria Swenka - In memory of Denton Schultz James Weno - In memory of William Lumpa and Leslie Pirkl Deb Wiethorn Anton and Karen Zacek - In memory of Darlene Klinsky SOUTH AMANA, IA Schanz Furniture & Refinishing Shop, Inc. SAINT CHARLES, IA SOUTH ENGLISH, IA SAINT DONATUS, IA SPENCER, IA John Cabanis Tom and Pat Draus - In honor of Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year to Kenneth & Marjorie Harden St. John’s & Paul’s WELCA SALEM, IA Bobby and Carolyn Chandler - In memory of Denton Schultz SCHALLER, IA Lions Club of Schaller SCHLESWIG, IA Robert Reimer SCOTCH GROVE, IA Max & Karen Dirks - In memory of Mae Rose Noonan Bruce and Terry Feuling, & Family Danielle and Annie Feuling Glenn and Barb Tobiason SHELLSBURG, IA Diana Fairchild Robert Johnson David and Pat Miller - In memory of Don Milller Karen Robbins Phyllis Thompson - In memory of Leo Greco on his 90th birthday Odie and Jean Woods - In memory of Booth & Woods Families SHENANDOAH, IA Red Oak Lions Shenandoah Lions Club SHERRILL, IA Mike & Kerry Reuter Breitbach Country Dining SHUEYVILLE, IA Shueys SIBLEY, IA Roger and Marilyn Poppen SIGOURNEY, IA Maryetta Snakenberg - In memory of Tim “Timbo” Smith and Eugene Snakenberg Velma Waechter - In memory of Francis L. Waechter Lucie Wehr SIOUX CITY, IA Dr. William and Teresa Bailey - In honor of Dr. John & Rosemary Bailey Tim Bottaro - In memory of Virginia Davis Jerry Levay David and Marilyn Noll John and Patricia Scherrman Gary and Jan Turbes Jon D. Wagoner SOLON, IA Don and Rita Brannaman - In memory of Leo Greco Larry Brecht - In memory of Harvey Rapps Raymond and Donna Gent Duaine and Sally Holck SPRAGUEVILLE, IA Orville and Bonnie Bormann Geraldine Lambert - In memory of Mrs. Mildred Byrdon and Fred Lambert William and Janice Portz - In memory of Doris M. Weis, Arthur Farwell, and Merle Burken - In honor of Leonard & Connie Bormann’s 50th wedding anniversary, Lorin & Joyce Till’s 50th wedding anniversary, and Larry & Carol Ann Roeder’s 50th wedding anniversary SPRINGBROOK, IA Darla Homan SPRINGVILLE, IA Bill and Marlene Barnes - In memory of Kathy Carnahan and Henry Mysak Elaine Blythe - In memory of Leo Greco Gladys Hanna - In memory of Keith Hanna Dave and Marla Machula - In memory of Kathy Carnahan Robert and Janice McArthur - In memory of Don Bedell, Carl Sindelar, Bob Rose, Charles Sjostrom Sr., Ron Hicok, Jeanne Nosbisch, Kathy Carnahan, and Henry Mysak Verne Moore Sandy Nulle Robert and Mary Rozinek Steve and Judy Shaffer - In honor of Linnhaven Don and Nikki Simmons - In memory of Bob Rose, Gary Stamp, Joe Di Maria, and Duane Simmons Cora Binley & Dolores Tjaden - In memory of Doris Darrow Mark and Laurie Woods - In memory of Irene Finn Ruth Wurster - In memory of Friends & Loved Ones Dick and Deloris Young Razzle Dazzle Red Hat Ladies - In memory of Bob Rose STANDWOOD, IA Danna Lu Donohue, Donohoe - In memory of Gary Stump and Clella Walton STANLEY, IA Robert and Elizabeth McMillan - In memory of Jerry Burrack, Don Graf, and Tim F. Hamlett STANWOOD, IA William and Bonnie Agne Wayne and Joan Brown Marginal Note: If you want to make your dreams come true, the first thing you have to do is wake up. Darrell and Joann Coppess - In memory of James William “Bill” Stiff Keith and Jeraldine Flockhart - In memory of Jim Danly Joann Hegarty Keith and Barb Paulsen - In memory of Robert Creque St. Paul Lutheran Church Stanwood Lions Club STOCKPORT, IA Stockport Lions Club STOCKTON, IA Dorothy Kroeger - In memory of Cael Burmeister Stockton Royal Neighbors STORM LAKE, IA Steve Anders - In memory of Dorothy Widdinfield Larson Oil & Distributing Co., Inc. STORY CITY, IA Harvey and Judith Ann Helmers - In memory of Harold Meester STRAWBERRY POINT, IA Chris Bockenstedt Danny and Carmen Cooke Rachel Keppler Dorthy Lucas Lois Morarend - In memory of Brother Ron White Kevin and Marcia Powell John and Jane Richmond - In memory of Maxine Downer Frederick and Agatha Scott Amanda Westhoff Franklin Hotel Swales Precast, Inc. STUART, IA Richard and Karen Doubleday Stephen and Mary Ellen Gilman SULLY, IA Wendall Zylstra SUMNER, IA David and Barbara Henneesey Judith Schwake - In memory of Phillip Gerdes SUTHERLAND, IA Melissa Fuhrman - In memory of Don Ebel and Jerry Magnussen Pat Fuhrman - In memory of Don Ebel Car-Go-Express SWISHER, IA Helen Barta - In memory of Adeline Kutcher and Leo Modracek James Bowersox James and Wilma Bowersox - In memory of Alice Pospisil Helen Cross - In memory of Ozzie Berry Dave and Barbara Dohnalek - In memory of Leo Greco on his 90th birthday Glen and Sandy Fults Jimmie Ann Gause - In honor of Merry Christmas to Ann Jennings & happy 97th birthday Greg and Diana Hagarty Robert Hanna Paul and Cynthia Hills - In memory of Kathy Symonette Darrell and Carolyn Marak - In memory of Sharon Meskimen Jacquelyn Mundorf Joseph and Pauline Novotny - In memory of Leo Modracek, Marvin Rigel, and Kenneth Novotny Rick and Betty Ridgway - In memory of Kathy Symonette Dave Schmitt Larry and Virginia Svec - In memory of Joyce Winger John and Leslie Titler - In memory of Bill Donnelly Roger and Vickie Weig - In memory of Gladys Goodson Iron Pegasus Touring Club St. Paul’s UMC The Estate of Kathy Symonette - In memory of Kathy Symonette Wesley F. Dlouhy Estate TAMA, IA Larry and Charlotte Eisentrager - In memory of Roger Benda and Jim Mitchell Bruce and Marilyn Hanna Patricia McBride - In memory of George Zettelmeier, Jr. and Phillip Gerdes Molly McNall Maxine Upah - In memory of Vivan Dixon Ron Weir - In memory of Wilford “Mike” Mikel and James Mitchell Living Faith United Methodist Church TEEDS GROVE, IA Leola Behrens - In memory of Wilbert Behrens and Arthur Farwell 25 TIFFIN, IA Charlotte Campbell - In memory of Bob Poggenpohl William and Julie Neuzil - In memory of Bob Poggenpohl Marie Poggenpohl - In memory of Bob Poggenpohl Kenneth and Lynne Reimers - In memory of Mark Lasack and Darren Reimers TIPTON, IA William and JoAnne Beckley - In memory of Melvin Fedler Jennifer Rinas and Randy Behne In memory of Shirley Besst Phyllis Behrens - In memory of Gilbert Behrens Gary and Maletta Beuter - In memory of Mel Fedler Duane and Judy Bolton - In memory of Tom Davis and Himie Voxman Margaret Crock - In memory of Dick Crock, Gilbert Behrens, and Doris Hoyt Steve and Denise Crock Nancy Dethmann - In memory of Donald Jensen Shirley Edler - In memory of James William “Bill” Stiff Sandy Fedler - In memory of Mel Fedler Gerald and Sylvia Ferguson - In honor of Jean & Don Goetz Sheryl Gregory Yvonne Gregory Ina Hack Gene and Linda Horman - In memory of Maxine Moes, Cael Burmeister, Dick Crock, and Jay Weiland Ronald and Patricia Hougas John and Carolyn Krob - In memory of Don Bohr and James W. “Bill” Stiff Kevin & Cindy Licht Charles and Dana Martin Joe and Rose McElhinney - In memory of Richard Chambliss and Dorothy Kerr Kenneth Nebergall Hilary Northup Helen Paul - In memory of Gladys Albaugh Ardis Rekemeyer Michael and Marijo Ryan Pat Sheets Ralph Spies Edith Steffen - In memory of William “Bill” Stiff Dale and Emogene Stiff Jeneane Stiff - In memory of Ima Belter Kim and Karen Stiff Gary and Cindy Stuhr Mary Swan - In memory of Laura Jo Hovdesven Alberta Thien - In memory of Mel Fedler Wilbert and Eleanor Thoeming - In memory of Bill Stiff Merlyn and Helen Timm Barbara Wallick - In memory of Carolyn Ferguson James (Jack) Ward - In memory of Paul Hasselbusch Mike, Diane Maggie & Miranda Wehde - In memory of Gary Stamp, Gilbert Behrens, Maxine Goetz, and Richard Chambliss Robert and Alice Whitlatch - In memory of Denton Schultz Scott and Mary Jo Williams Cedar Co. Farm Bureau Women Cedar County Farm Bureau Cedar Manor Harvey’s Pump Service - In memory of Don Bohr, Bill Stiff, Kristie Crandall, Forrest Paul, Dick Crock, Bob Creque, Jay Weiland, and Gilbert Behrens Wal-Mart 841 TODDVILLE, IA Tom and Judith Flach - In memory of Steve & Rose Riniker and Jeanne Nosbisch Robert and Martha Handley Norman and Nancy Krauth Margaret Newman David and Diane Norton Claudette Becker & Gary Omdahl Richard and Margaret Satern - In memory of Philip DeSousa Merle and Elva Stone Gregg and Karen Wilson TOLEDO, IA Marlene Eernisse Rose Fowler Vera Fuller - In memory of James Mitchell Bernita Knudsen Donald and Carlene Rairdin 26 Joanne Yuska - In memory of Leo Greco on his 90th birthday The Lois Podhajsky Estate - In memory of Lois Podhajsky TRAER, IA Dan Dierks James and LaNell Dinsdale - In memory of John Jack” Bauch Ross and Mary Hamilton - In memory of Clayton & Helen Hamilton Vernon and Dorothy Hanus - In memory of George Hayek Sr. Dean and Linda Ohrt Arlene Schmidt - In memory of Arvella Janssen, Dorothy Elliott, and Evelyn G. Noe County Mutual Agency Traer Short Stop TRIPOLI, IA St. John Lutheran Church “Crane Creek” TROY MILLS, IA Harold and JoAnn Annis - In memory of Duane Cameron, Blanche Panek Hinton, and Katie Coleman Robert and Teresa Horak Two River Sams URBANA, IA Keith and Judy Kramer - In memory of Francis Weber, Ted Wyckoff, and Norma Winn Warren and Mary Richart URBANDALE, IA Gary and Joan Beane - In memory of Mae Rose Noonan Richard Burt - In memory of Mae Rose Noonan Jon and Susan Cruikshank Terry Eaton Margaret Mullen - In memory of Lucille Riedl Winnie Myers - In memory of Kenny Myers William and Marilyn Straw Marvin Trout Harold and Betty Voorhees - In memory of Bruce Anderson and Charlie Atkinson VAIL, IA Dick and Lois Blair VAN HORNE, IA Lola Bossler - In memory of Steve Barron Janet Knaack Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kozlik William and Faye Nolan John and Ardis Reiss Clifford and Lenore Thompson - In memory of Ray Kelly Gladys Werner - In memory of Jack Banse VICTOR, IA Richard Cole - In memory of Leo Greco John and Jean Gryp - In memory of Dorothy Bral, Dave Rhinehart, and Shirley Schwarting Dolores Hollopeter - In memory of Berniece Mohr Delmar and Mabel McWilliams - In honor of Jim & Elsie Foels Charles and Ruth Ranfeld - In memory of Charles A. Schutterle Thomas and Jean Thys - In honor of Sister Donna Burke’s 60 years as a nun Alice Van Quekelberghe - In memory of Richard Barclay Roeder, Luella Fruendt, Terry Lee Roberts, Nancy J. Bakaler Walton, Wallace J. Roth, Jim Plants, Frank Claeys, David Rhinehart, Flo Tippett, Stephen Charles Barren, and Russell Price Carnforth Inn Supper Club VINTON, IA Larry and Jan Andreesen - In memory of Grace Marie Ken and Dorothy Dake Donald Dill - In memory of Gene Stueck and Vince Blank Janis Ferguson - In memory of Myron Knaack and Ronald Ferguson Gail Gerber - In memory of Jim Symonds Dennis and Connie Gewecke Doris Gosse - In memory of Florence Gosse Evelyn Greenwood - In memory of Lavon Rice and Dorothy Newton Esther Hite - In memory of Mabel Kanke and Louis Wallace Larry and Victoria Holst - In memory of Warren Sawyer, Jim Symonds, and Eleanor Steffany Gertrude Janett - In memory of Mabel Kanke Troy and Margaret Krug Robert and Jane LaGrange Brian and Sara Larkin Lon and Diane Lyphout Charles and Mary Magill Jeanne Merchant Grace Milroy - In memory of Louis Wallace Roger and Susan Ouverson Lindsey Renken Roxy Roster Kay West - In memory of Maxine Edwards, Leo Greco, Bill Stewart, John Schaer, Leonard West, and Melvin Molokken Carmen and Kay Wirth - In memory of Denton Schultz Mr. and Mrs. Scott Zimmerman - In memory of Doris Darrow Betterton Family Chiropractic Cligman Pharmacy Vinton Noon Kiwanis Club WALCOTT, IA Shirley Arp - In memory of Leo Greco Robert Auliff Lorraine Carmony Ken and Ella Ehrecke Ken and Carol Freund Curtis and Mary Frick - In memory of Chester Hintz and Donavan Sievers Kenneth Klindt Sandra Jo Liebbe James and Mary Ellen Lincoln Janice Meincke - In memory of Merland Buttolph, LaVonne Wells, Fae Stahl, and Ann Meincke Ione Paustian - In memory of Mrs. Erma Pingel Daniel and Yvonne Ralfs - In memory of Bruce Anderson Fred & Lois Seibel - In memory of Chet Hintz Eugene and Ruth Siebke - In memory of Bruce Anderson Carol Snay Jack and Betty Sweeney - In memory of Frances Owens Kenneth and Annette Tank WALFORD, IA Evelyn Bartosh - In memory of Pat McDermott and Dennis H. Peiffer Randy and Julie Bauer Bob and Ruby Boehmke - In memory of Dennis H. Peiffer Wilma Critchfield - In memory of Jack Banse Barbara Patterson - In memory of Dennis H. Peiffer and Merlvin Bartosh Donald and Sharon Schulte - In memory of Kathy Vanous, Jack Banse, Dale Feye, Mark Hinz, and Dennis H. Peiffer John and Jolene Schulte - In memory of Dennis H. Peiffer Lee Tow - In memory of Jack Banse WALKER, IA Judy Doyl - In memory of Ted & Lucille Doyl, H.W. “Dutch” and Agatha McCright, and Ron Doyl Enid Gillihan Robert Hampton, II - In memory of Robert Hampton Sr. and Bill Hampton Thomas Jahl David and Bonny Kayser - In memory of Kay Winn, Ellen Benesch, Michael Krob, Ron Doyl, and Ragine Meade Eileen Knight - In memory of Marie Schmitz, Bob Knight, and Bud & Fran Weber G.N. and Patsy Neumeyer - In memory of Delores Winn Orlie Joe and Doris Rawson Louise Rowe - In memory of Delores “Speed” Winn and Frances Weber Marcia Sackett James Sherbon Frank and Anna Teffer - In honor of Marie Krueger’s 90th birthday Ross and Shirley Wiley Ron and Cindy Winn - In memory of Ed & Bertha Rahe, Andrew Winn, and Norman Winn Brandon Methodist Church After School Program WAPELLO, IA Imogene Bailey - In honor of Kenneth & Betty McCheaney’s 70th wedding anniversary Raymond and Vicki Fisher WASHBURN, IA Pauline Youngblut - In memory of Raymond Youngblut Youngblut Contracting, Inc. - In memory of Peggy Youngblut WASHINGTON, IA Dana Conklin Ron and Karen Connelly Allen Currie - In honor of Nellie Franck’s 100th birthday Duane and Susan Davis Lloyd and Roberta Duwa Richard and Evelyn Hayes Dolores Marks - In honor of Merry Christmas Norma Stutzman Corner Stop Sinclair WATERLO, IA Isle of Capri WATERLOO, IA Marshall Abbe Hriden Basu - In honor of Keya L. Basu Robert and Diane Beers, Jr. Louise Benson - In memory of Stephen Bahl Kenneth Cavanaugh - In memory of Marilyn Cavanaugh Roger and Sheila Collins Yeoman and Erma Cowlishaw Judith Crow - In memory of Mark Crow Don and Jan Frost - In memory of Cynthia Youngblut, Pete Schaefer, Dan Harrington, and Eileen Frost - In honor of Bill & Donna McDermott’s 50th wedding anniversary Wayne and Barbara Frost Eldon and Dolores Hovey Richard Levis Bertilla Mickle Charles Nelson Kevin Nelson Rick Niedermann - In memory of Debbie Niedermann Kenneth and Barbara Peiffer Denise Redding Stephen and Marjorie Riley Ronald & Clare Roberson Jim and Bev Schaefer - In memory of Dan Harrington Mary Schneider - In memory of the William Schneider Family Shirley Sizer Jerry & Elizabeth Thein Archie and Joan Thomas Allen Trask Ed and Sharon Weber William and Doris Winzenburg Joseph and Louise Yoder - In memory of Don Brunko #1623 Sullivan Brothers VFW Ladies Aux. Grandview Contracting, Inc. UAW Aux. #273 WBC Mechanical Inc. - In memory of Jim LeGrand WATKINS, IA Virginia Kuester Thomas and Nancy Less - In memory of George Hayek Sr. and Rachel Mae Duncalf Bob and Carol McNulty James Oberreuter Art and Karen Schulte - In memory of Don Palmer Steve Stoddard, & Friends WAUCOMA, IA Vera Winter - In memory of Bob Knief WAUKEE, IA B.J. Berger William and Louise Murray - In memory of Edward J. & Helen P. Lis WAUKON, IA Wayne and Sandra Fish Ozzie and Phyllis Quandahl Robert and Julia Rotach Angeline Schulte VFW Auxiliary #4117 WAVERLY, IA Jacqueline Holdorf Danita McCormick - In memory of Doris Soldwisch Emily Meyers Justin and Connie Tolan Scott and Michelle Wallace - In memory of Kent Wallace Marcia Willard Scott and Patricia Williams - In memory of Freddie Hoffman and Betty Maricle Ag Vantage FS, Inc. CrawDaddy Outdoors Waverly Lions Club WEBSTER, IA Martha Schlicht - In memory of Denton Schultz WEBSTER CITY, IA Ida Marie Lanken - In honor of the marriage of Jory & Britney Lanken on 11/11/11 Wanda Schnurr WELLMAN, IA James and Mary Gent Duwa’s Auction Service, LLC - In memory of Frank Mincer WELTON, IA Rick and Linda Ryan - In memory of Darrell Meredith WEST AMANA, IA Norman and Joanna Schanz - In memory of Leo Greco on his 90th birthday Broom & Basket Shop WEST BRANCH, IA Bruce and Shelley Barnhart - In memory of Leo Greco Donald and Ardis Barnhart - In memory of Leonard & Lydia Shupitar and Curtis & Ethel Barnhart - In honor of Marge Mayhew’s birthday Mildred Beeler - In memory of Ken & Bruce Beeler Robert & Sue Bickford - In memory of Kenneth “Chief” Thomas Jeff and Ellen Collins - In memory of Lester Collins Ila Ernst Herb and Madeline Espensen - In memory of Herb & Madeline Espensen’s 69th wedding anniversary Kathy Frederick - In memory of Bonita Tompkins Franklin and Eulyn Frostestad Mike and Peg Gade - In memory of Lester Collins Doug and Beverly Hastings - In memory of Norma Grimm and Kenneth “Chief” Thomas Bruce and Peggy Jeffries Craig Jeffries - In memory of Bill Lumpa Paul Mohr - In memory of Jim & Charlotte Mohr Timothy and Teresa O’Neil Samuel and Lizabeth Osborne - In memory of Lester Collins Julie Radford - In memory of Don Bohr Karen and Terry Suchomel Al and Delores Wagner - In memory of Robert “Bob” Poggenpohl WEST BURLINGTON, IA Carol and William Payne - In memory of Dorothy Widdifield Lillian Pudil Michael and Gloria Warner - In memory of Dorothy Widdifield West Burlington Lions Club WEST DES MOINES, IA Dianne Barkley - In memory of Donald Steuber Marjorie Casey Joseph L. Coco Michael Cooney Jody Garlock Genevieve Gunderman Marilyn Hagedorn Mitchell Josephs - In memory of Dennis Donels Dennis Little Jim McConachie Sharon Moore - In memory of Don Skelley Rolland and Mary Nelson Walt Oswalt Gail and Michael Pace - In memory of Kathy Symonette Dennis and Jean Richey Nancy Ross Roger and Shirley Stetson - In memory of James L. Plants E.T. and Marie Steward - In memory of Christine G. Greenlee Eldon Walton - In memory of Earlene K. Walton Hy-Vee, Inc. Krause Gentle Foundation The EJD Foundation Westside Breakfast Club WEST LIBERTY, IA Tom and Mary Pat Brooke - In memory of Gene Moeller, Dr. Steve Palmer, Lester Hildebrand, James Brotherton, Virginai McVay, Richard Gant, Chuck Briegel, Verland Olsen, Virgil Meyers, and Lola Ditmars Norma Brooks - In memory of Deb Kline - In honor of Bill and Helen Kline’s 50th wedding anniversary Vera Cawizel - In memory of Rose Mary Bennett Hayes and Doris Kemper Kruse Lee and Carol Crook - In memory of Verland Olsen Carl and Aurilee Geertz - In memory of Julie Geertz Marilyn Henderson - In memory of Steven Palmer Richard and Nan Janney - In memory of Verland Olsen Virginia Kaska - In memory of Jim Whittington and Florence Bentley Derwood and Arlene Keith - In memory of Tawny Stetzel David and Pat Kordick Ivan and Madge Lenz - In memory of Richard David Mardorf, Hilda Busch, Helen Tobiason, Richard Crock, and Betty Hotz Leonard and Darlene Lenz - In memory of Gail Deforest H. Filmore & Marjory Melick - In memory of Verland Olsen and Lola Ditmars Virgil Pollard Lotene Poulsen Mark and Lori Simpson Shirley Sterner - In memory of Betty Hotz Dr. Michael Tharp West Liberty Rotary Club WEST POINT, IA Ralph and Judy Burgin Craig and Sheri Lampe Donnellson Lions Club J & M Korner Shop WEST UNION, IA Jim and Edee Boelman Helen Franzen Charles and Dolores Jacobsen Janita Loftus Kathryn Meyer - In memory of Les Collins Mabel Molokken - In memory of Arlene Brockman WHEATLAND, IA Kenneth and Phyllis Bachus - In memory of Donvan Sievers Bob and Jeanene Cavey Hubert and Beulah Gade - In memory of Lon Myatt and Vivian Mowry John Hart Ronald and Jill Hermiston - In memory of Bruce Anderson Randall and Sandra Horman - In memory of Jay Weiland Arlyn Meier - In honor of Walter Hack’s 90th birthday Mary and Ed Noel - In memory of Harry Goers and Don J. Milller Walter and Angela Zimmermann Wheatland Lions Club WILLIAMS, IA Welch Oil, Inc. WILLIAMSBURG, IA Milford and Bernice Collingwood - In memory of Georgene Ackerman, Adeline Kutcher, Leo Modracek, Richard Schaffner, and Bonnie Schaffner Anna Mary Cox Charlene and Douglas Doehrmann - In memory of Ben Coffman and Parker Miller Kathy Folkmann - In memory of Leo Greco David and Kathy Jones Pat McDonough Sheryl Neal Tom and Maralyn Slaymaker Farmers Trust and Savings Bank V.F.W. Aux. No. 8797 V.F.W. Williamsburg Aux. 8797 WILTON, IA Donna Birkhofer - In memory of Don Birkhofer Wayne and Kayla Holst Donald and Linda Kraklio Roger and Theresa Sessler - In memory of Shirley Besst, Nancy Crew, and Curt Sessler Steve Shuger Wayne Stucker - In memory of Dr. Steven Palmer, Jaunita Phelps, Danny Garvin, Donna Lee Ross, Art Vrchoticky, Verland Olsen, and Marty Wilkens - In honor of Father B Roger Waech Marlyn White - In memory of Richard “Dick” Merchant, Rosalie Hafner, and Ray Shellabarger Ed and Mary Williams - In memory of Theresa A. Dermeter 5th ST Petro Wilton Lions Club WINDSOR HEIGHTS, IA Bob Neswold David and Peggy Sharpe WINTERSET, IA Cheryl Aeschliman - In memory of Joe Aeschliman Rick and Mary Beth Boll - In memory of Marian Williams Ray and Dayna Nuzum Arthur and Evanell Whitworth - In honor of Kathy Hutchison JANUARY 2012 — Camp Courageous — CRYSTAL LAKE, IL Paul and Cynthia Urquhart - In honor of a joyful holiday and love & Peace to staff and campers at Camp Courageous DAVIS JUNCTION, IL Wayne and Roxane Kurt - In memory of Virginia Baty DEER PARK, IL Cheryl Eastham - In honor of Diana Lewis DEERFIELD, IL June Hamer DES PLAINES, IL The Bruning Foundation EAST DUBUQUE, IL Ione Wright Pythian Sisters WINTHROP, IA Mrs. Ellie Biekert - In memory of John Keinroth Aaron and Patricia Cook - In memory of Robert Short and Pat Moroney Holly Cook Ken and Linda Cook - In memory of Robert Short and Pat Maroney Phyllis Holt - In memory of Bill Holt Ted & Idell James Icil Jensen - In memory of Katherine Luloff, Donald Stanford, and Shirley Jensen Richard and Donna Kinney Kenton and Rita Krusor - In memory of Maxine Downer Richard MacHacek Melvin & Kay Matteson Joel and Jacquelyn Schultz James and Marilyn Schweitzer - In honor of Christmas Jeanice Shafer - In memory of Jimmy Horton David and Coleen Sperfslage - In memory of Delbert Thompson, Robert Short, and Dick Fangman Church of Christ United Donlea Oil Co. - In memory of Stephen Bahl and Bud Hall Trott Trophy - In memory of Dale Trott and Eleanorm Rubner WOODWARD, IA Joan Miller Woodward Lions WORTHINGTON, IA Monica Besler - In memory of Carol Schwartz, LaVern Rubner, and Jeryl Bacon Carl Burger - In memory of Joe Hoeger, Bob Frasher, Tom Ament, Mike Deutmeyer, and Pat Hess David and Nancy Feltes - In memory of Brenda Heiderscheit George and Linda Lemay Brunkan Equipment Inc. Reiter’s Garage WYOMING, IA Sandy Dirks - In memory of Buzz Graham Harry and Tootsie Dundee Jim and Carol Eggert - In memory of Jane Parmer Bill and Lola Hansen - In memory of Hazel Rohwedder, Dorothy Allen, Ella Kitzmiller, Bill Osterkamp, Irene Benischek, and George McCalmant Kristy and Tom Oberbreckling - In memory of Evelyn Husmann Mrs. Lucile VonSprecken - In honor of Christmas Wyoming Methodist Church Morning Circle ZWINGLE, IA Father Richard Ament - In memory of Doris Ament - In honor of Merry Christmas to Don & Helen Meyer, Merry Christmas to Dave Gudenkauf, Merry Christmas to Mary Meyer, and Merry Christmas to Colleen Janning Gregory and Kathy Blum Norla Bormann - In memory of Loretta Yeager Richard and Valita Bradley Bernie & Fran Gansen Trust - In memory of Bernie & Fran Gansen BAYVIEW, ID Merle and Dorothy Johnson - In memory of Prycilla Groff ALEDO, IL Jim and Luella Doonan Loren and Linda Litterst - In honor of Janice Nelson’s 75th birthday ALGONQUIN, IL Thomas Ford ANNAWAN, IL Robert and Margaret Tuisl - In honor of Janice Nelson’s 75th birthday ARLINGTON HTS, IL Timothy and Marjorie Lock - In memory of Janna Stewart BARRINGTON HILLS, IL Mary McGinn - In memory of Martin Hermes BARRY, IL Mary Lee Lister - In memory of Albert W. “Bill” Crump Elaine Shover - In memory of Albert W. “Bill” Crump BATAVIA, IL Maryann and Patrick Canfield - In memory of Darlene Klinsky Carolyn Slusser - In memory of Leo Greco on his 90th birthday BELLEVILLE, IL Lt. Col. Bart and Georgia Hillyer, & Wade BELVIDERE, IL Richard and Elsie LeClere - In memory of Martha Winch Margaret Schultz - In memory of Martha Winch BERWYN, IL Robert Hartfield - In memory of Dave Feiereisen on his 99th birthday, Leo Greco on his 90th birthday BLOOMINGTON, IL Brendan and Gretchen Lee Kendall and Alaine Miller - In memory of Reuben Freese and Arnold & Florence Miller Corn Belt Energy - In honor of Robert Angus BRADLEY, IL Mike and Jeri Bollwitt BRIMFIELD, IL Dale Clark CAMBRIDGE, IL Alan and Connie Yager - In memory of Frank Mincer CARMAN, IL O’Kemm Dixon - In memory of Dorothy Widdifield CHARLESTON, IL Dr. Robert and Brenda Good CHICAGO, IL Dennis and Deborah Conway Kurt Hoffmann - In memory of Gladys Aitchison Amy McEvoy Victor McGill - In memory of William Alford Martha McGinn - In honor of Martin Hermes Mary Otting - In honor of Al & Catherine Otting’s 73rd birthdays Drew Pitlik CHILLICOTHE, IL Timothy and Barb Burroughs CLARENDON HILLS, IL Lynn and Steven Collins - In honor of Rachel Collins’ 16th birthday CLERENDON HILLS, IL Daniel and Terry Pocius - In honor of Rachel Collins’ 16th birthday COAL VALLEY, IL Keith and Sandy Crawford - In memory of David Kump and Frances A. Karben CORDOVA, IL Evelyn Balichek William and Lois Case Tom and Shirley Kelly - In honor of Jimmy McGraw Michael and Sharon Chase - In memory of Marian Williams Dolores Correll William and Joni Miller Steve and Marilyn Rutz - In memory of Harriet Feese, Rosie Pins, Norma Kean, and Harold Manternach - In honor of Tom & Joyce McMullen’s 50th wedding anniversary Helen Soat John Soat - In memory of Julie Albert Crescent Electric Supply Co Runde Auto Group EAST MOLINE, IL Joe Farrell - In memory of Bruce Anderson Joanne Friedrichsen Ruth Ann Hirtz - In memory of William Kray Amanda Hugnkiss Virginia Kolwey Local 434 UAW - In honor of all those willing to try Quad Cities Federation of Square Dance Club ELMHURST, IL co McMaster-Carr Supply Company ERIE, IL Esther Smith FORRESTON, IL Eugene and LaVonne Vogt FREEPORT, IL Gary and Lynn Saelens FULTON, IL Bea Farwell - In memory of Hugh Shadduck August and Joyce Von Thun - In memory of Wilbert Behrens and Don Jensen Alfred and Gealea Woods Clinton Lions Club GENESEO, IL Helen Akers - In memory of Frank Mincer Judge Clarke and Anita Barnes - In memory of Frank Mincer Lawrence and Margie Gay Carolyn Griffin - In memory of Frank Mincer Mark Lohman - In memory of Frank James Mincer GLEN ELLYN, IL Mardell Munier - In memory of Helen Swartz HARWOOD HTS, IL Angelo & Lena Sturino - In memory of Leo Greco HIGHLAND PARK, IL Terry and Chris Berns HINSDALE, IL Melissa Alfirevic Eduardo Sugay - In honor of Rachel Collins’ 16th birthday ILLINOIS CITY, IL June Stebel INDIAN HEAD PARK, IL Joel and Jill Rhiner - In memory of Todd Penaluna KEWANEE, IL Gary and Evelyn Endress - In honor of Adam Larson LAKE BLUFF, IL Ben Gralla LAKE FOREST, IL Christian & Janet (McDermott) Silge LINCOLNWOOD, IL Gerald and Nancy Turry MATHERVILLE, IL David and Janice Nelson - In memory of Joseph B. Barnes - In honor of Janice Nelson’s 75th birthday Leon and LaRue Withers - In honor of Janice Nelson’s 75th birthday MILAN, IL Don and Marilou Simpson - In memory of Maril Woolley Quad Cities Federation of Square Dance Club MOLIN, IL Anthony Nobiling MOLINE, IL Stephen and Anne Adler John and Rosemary Hennessey - In memory of Harriett Julian and Bernice M. Amundsen Roger and Joanne Hurt Maurice and Alice Kerckhove Ben McAdams Floyd and Zita Vroman - In memory of Frances A. Karben MORRISON, IL Wilma Bush MORTON, IL Rachel Tuhy MOUNT PROSPECT, IL Merna Folkers - In memory of Frank Haut MT PROSPECT, IL Lisa Angell - In memory of Kathryn “Kay” Donnelly MUNDELEIN, IL The Medline Foundation NAPERVILLE, IL Louis and Lois Jean Kellen - In memory of Shirley St. Lawrence Gary and Julie Nass NEW BOSTON, IL Gary and Ann Hampton William and Dorothy Smith - In memory of Dean & Helen Smith Eliza Ladies Aid NORTHFIELD, IL David and Donna Cox - In honor of Dr. & Mrs. John & Ann O’Hara Heilman’s 50th wedding anniversary OAK PARK, IL Steve Waste - In memory of Kent Wallace Rick Sumner and Judith Weik ORION, IL Lisa Bohland ORLAND PARK, IL Kurland Insurance Agency, Inc. OSWEGO, IL John and Rose Kremer - In memory of Linda Woodward and Priscilla Groff Les Westphal OTTAWA, IL Robert Angus Gary and Joyce Halm - In honor of Sue Gudenkauf for entering consecrated life PARK RIDGE, IL Christine and John Rozny - In memory of Hugh Shadduck PEKIN, IL Dale and Mary Jo Noyes - In memory of Joseph & Pauline Teymer PONTIAC, IL Maxine Mensinger - In honor of Craig & Vi Vi Smith and Tom & Bev Bertencelli PRINCEVILLE, IL Stark Agricultural Service Inc. PROPHETSTOWN, IL Claire Bolhous REYNOLDS, IL Ken and Pam Johnson Evelyn Schave ROCK ISLAND, IL Richard Donlin Marlene Friedel Diantha Hill Donald and Connie Kistner - In honor of Janice Nelson’s 75th birthday William and Sylvia Mihm Gary and Helen Miner Barbara Morris James and Jana Pitlik Melanie Rice John Schwartz Quad City Morning Optimist Club ROCKFORD, IL Harold and Sue May SAINT CHARLES, IL Brent Sheets - In memory of Bob Sheets SAVOY, IL Jack and Jane Franklin - In honor of Don Zeman SPRINGFIELD, IL Kathryn Gillum - In memory of Shirley Besst ST. CHARLES, IL BLOOMFIELD, MI TAMPICO, IL CLINTO TWP, MI Mark Hickman Kenneth Bomleny TAYLOR RIDGE, IL Clarissa Jahn THOMSON, IL Kathleen Schoening WARSAW, IL Priscilla Blecha - In memory of Earl & Lucille Crosker WATSEKA, IL Gloria Lynch - In memory of George L. Eastburn WHEATON, IL Loren Oury - In honor of Shirley Jones Oates Mary Jane Schnack WYOMING, IL Eugene and Kay Siebenthal S & F Trucking Company CARMEL, IN Ronald and Janifer Ruhl - In memory of Robert Liddy CRAWFORDSVILLE, IN Sondi Eden - In memory of Grandpa Zimmerman and Lester Zimmerman - In honor of Steve Nagel CROWN POINT, IN Louis Stratton - In honor of the C.U.B.S. INDIANAPOLIS, IN Karen and Jim Johnston - In memory of Helen Greenland Buztronics RICHMOND, IN Don Fasnacht - In memory of Don & Betty Fasnacht Joe Norber Robert Walsh - In honor of Megan Wessels DEARBORN, MI Richard A. Bisgrove Nick and Amy Mills - In honor of Merry Christmas to Vince & Rachel Mills EAU CLAIRE, MI Denise Donavin HOWELL, MI Robert and Joyce Quinby KALAMAZOO, MI Rebecca and Joseph Craft - In memory of Frank Mincer KINCHELOE, MI Evy Couling MIDLAND, MI Kirk & Margaret LeClere - In honor of Merry Christmas to Dean, Maxine & Kristi LeClere MOUNT PLEASANT, MI Dan and Jennifer Digmann - In memory of Marie Digmann and Elizabeth Otten NASHVILLE, MI John and Lois Hallberg - In memory of Karen Dentlinger ROCHESTER HILLS, MI Ann White - In honor of Harold & Lois Myatt WESTPHALIA, MI Jerome and Rose Smith - In honor of Sue Gudenkauf for entering consecrated life AITKIN, MN Kenneth and Beverly Johnston WEST POINT, IN BLAINE, MN FALUN, KS BLOOMINGTON, MN Tom and Christine Turpin - In memory of James L. Plants Renella and Brent Sherwood - In memory of Todd Penaluna GOODLAND, KS Thomas and Judith Lyon - In memory of Helen Greenland GREAT BEND, KS Carl and Sheri Heilman - In honor of Merry Christmas to Patricia Ryan and Merry Christmas to Marianne Vigen LEAWOOD, KS Lawrence Buccero - In memory of Jerry & Margaret Goetzinger Thomas and Carolyn Summers LOUISBURG, KS Chris and Doris Rembold MANHATTAN, KS Amber Blomme SALINA, KS Ken and Vadonna Dohrmann - In memory of Todd Penaluna FORT THOMAS, KY James and Kathleen Hils BROUSSARD, LA Philip Meyer - In honor of Ed Meyer NORTHAMPTON, MA Linda Morin PRINCETON, MA Harold and Ruth Rehrauer - In memory of Mae Rose Noonan BALTIMORE, MD Lisa Marie Hoye Amy Sadera ELDERSBURG, MD Steve and Joan Zimmerman - In honor of Andy Schommer ELLICOTT CITY, MD Richard and Maria Parkhurst LOTHIAN, MD Tim and Robin Costas ROCKVILLE, MD Lisa Gibney - In memory of Ned Wright Matt Klinger - In memory of C.F. Klinger SILVER SPRING, MD Tom and Mary Dugan BANGOR, ME Robert and Bonnie Farrar - In honor of Kristen Farrar NEW GLOUCESTER, ME James and Susan Gaworski PRESQUE ISLE, ME Samuel Tanebaum BELLEVILLE, MI Tom and Gail Arndt - In honor of Merry Christmas to Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Missfeldt Susan and Walt Wahl - In memory of Denton Schultz J. Craig Wilson BURNSVILLE, MN David and Carol Laube Richard and Janice Meyer - In memory of Lester Collins CHANHASSEN, MN Diane and Jeff Brown - In memory of Denton Schultz CHATFIELD, MN Marjorie Baier COON RAPIDS, MN Debra Edmond - In memory of Donald Charles Skelley DULUTH, MN Jack and Renee Kuriger - In memory of Frank & Mary Anne Miller FARIBAULT, MN James and Nina Stroh MANKATO, MN Helen Gilmore - In memory of Lester Collins MINNEAPOLIS, MN Richard and Jeanne Patterson Peregrine Capital Management MINNETONKA, MN Carolyn Cooper Steve and Kelly May RANDOLPH, MN Jeff and Randi Schmicking RED WING, MN Kathleen Dougherty - In memory of Selma Johnson, Doug Hoover, Irene Finn, Dan & Donna Miller, Russell Schmidt, Marie Russell, and Mike Randolph ROCHESTER, MN Mark and Deb Olson - In memory of Winston Tellier ROSEMOUNT, MN James and Barbara Edwards ROSEVILLE, MN Marlys Bade Roma and Michael Gregory SHAKOPEE, MN Joshua Smith - In honor of Doug Smith ST. PAUL, MN Minact Inc. - In memory of Donald Skelley Soulflower, Inc. WILLMAR, MN Daniel Dobransky Frank and Lou Ann Heng - In memory of Leo Greco on his 90th birthday and Bill Donnelly WILMAR, MN Cheryl Iverson - In memory of Marginal Note: The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low and achieving our mark. 27 WINONA, MN Tom and DeAnn Stevens WOODBURY, MN Patrick Lannon - In honor of Shailagh Lannon James and R. Diane Shank ZUMBROTA, MN Dennis and Mary Lee BALLWIN, MO Dustin and Karen Hetzler - In honor of Merry Christmas to Harlan Hetzler BELLE, MO Lance Cuckler BUTTERFIELD, MO Carrol and Doris Hayes - In memory of Denton Schultz COLUMBIA, MO Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Kippler - In memory of Doris Darrow ELLISVILLE, MO Robert Wind EXCELSIOR SPRINGS, MO Beverly Claypool HIGH RIDGE, MO William and Mary Strothmann JACKSON, MO James and Beverly Wink - In memory of Willis & Frances Fairbanks and Dean Possehl LEE’S SUMMIT, MO Philip and Ellen Skelley - In memory of Don Skelley MOUNT VERNON, MO Robert and Jan Campbell - In memory of Smokey McRoberts, Wilma McRoberts, Dale O. McRoberts, Harold Wilkinson, and Bill Jackson SAINT CHARLES, MO Dean and Shirley Kent - In memory of Betty Kent SAINT PATERS, MO Matt Schmutz - In memory of Bruce Anderson SPRINGFIELD, MO Ray and Dorothy Francois - In memory of Roger Tucker , Joseph Anselm, Dick Beidermann, Pam Putt, Scott Ries, and Bobbie Williams - In honor of Mr. & Mrs. Gary Kluesner’s 40th wedding anniversary and Larry Schaul’s 70th birthday Larry and Lori Olson Terry and Pat White - In honor of our family ST. LOUIS, MO Elaine Muellerleile UNIONVILLE, MO Neil and Nicole Bieber - In memory of Jean Johnston and Mae Rose Noonan Robert Campbell - In memory of Don & Marie Campbell & Cindy, Dale “Smokey” McRoberts, and Norris Dobbins WEST PLAINS, MO Rupert and Margaret Kneef - In memory of Mary Alice Scott, Irvin & Dorothy Scott, Jeanette Braun, Vernon “Bud” Hall, Mary Hamblin, Ruth Ann Plotratz Haskenhoff, and Elston Brown - In honor of Mr. & Mrs. Irvin F. Scott’s wedding anniversary SOUTHAVEN, MS Moses and Regina Mohamed - In memory of Mae Rose Noonan Meyers Family from Mississippi - In honor of Joyce Fels TUPELO, MS Rev. Mildred B. Grubbs MISSOULA, MT Eugene R. and LaVonne J. Diemer Steven McNamara - In memory of Irene Finn ARDEN, NC Christa Asbee - In memory of Gregory J. Asbee GREENSBORO, NC Carol Gavin - In memory of Mary, Syd, & Tracy Freeman memory of Jim Lindsay SALISBURY, NC The Kinzey Company WAKE FOREST, NC Larry Jones - In memory of Darlene Klinsky FARGO, ND Dale and Marilyn Larson - In memory of Don J. Miller GRAND FORKS, ND Ruth Phalen BELLEVUE, NE Donald Mather - In memory of Leo Greco on his 90th birthday BLAIR, NE Donald and Karen Reid - In memory of Helen Matzen ELKHORN, NE Lewis and Monica Newell - In memory of H.L. “Mickey” McNiel FREMONT, NE Dorothy Bell - In memory of Chester Bell LINCOLN, NE Greg and Catherine Hershberger - In memory of Don Skelley Richard and Christine Jackson - In memory of Winston Tellier Mr. and Mrs. Nick McElvain - In memory of Don Skelley Daniel Rees - In memory of Albert W. “Bill” Crump Pioneer Hi-Bred Intl Inc. OMAHA, NE Margaret Hawks - In memory of Don Skelley Bill and Doris McAleer - In memory of Virginia Warehime and Roy Schares Thomas Richter Good360 WOOD RIVER, NE Mel and Rita Earnest - In memory of Denton Schultz FRANKLINVILLE, NJ Deanna Cosgrove - In memory of Gary Shelton and Dr. James Houstman Sean Donnelly - In memory of Bill Donnelly WILMINGTON, OH Ferno Washington, Inc. - In honor of Ron Beymer LAWTON, OK Amy Hayden Justin A. Ward - In honor of Grandpa Jack Ward EUGENE, OR WHITING, NJ Suzanne Kessler LOGAN, NM Carol Walton - In memory of Junior & Ailene Mercer and Duane Walton HENDERSON, NV Mr. and Mrs. John Cunningham Joyce Jurgensen - In memory of Art Jurgensen Barry and Becky Perlmutter - In memory of Bill Crump LAS VEGAS, NV Mary Kremer - In memory of Prycilla Groff The Norita Kieffer Famiy - In memory of Norita Kieffer ALDEN, NY Roy and Rita Anderhalt LEWISTON, NY Ferguson Jenkins Foundation MANHASSET, NY William and Muriel Fitzpatrick - In memory of Margaret & Harry Twible PURCHASE, NY Pepsico Foundation RALEIGH, NC CINCINNATI, OH John Symonette - In memory of Kathy A. Symonette Karen Konopa - In memory of Ruth Alwine Lorack Tom and Nancy Matthew - In memory of Doris Brinegar and Lucille Matthew LAGUNA VISTA, TX Louis and Marcene Greif Carrie Schwab - In memory of Pa Pa- Russell L. Norton FREEDOM, PA Michele and Paul Vida • Daily Admission: $4.00/swimmer Children under five admitted free with adult • Punch cards : $40.00/15 swims MISSION, TX • Annual Pass: $180/person $320/family (up to five) $55/each additional over five Bill and Marlene Barnes - In memory of Lillian Hyde Eldean and Audrey Drewes Nancy Vermeer - In honor of Amanda Brenneman Ruth Stewart - In memory of Tony Jordan SCHERTZ, TX Shonale Burke - In memory of Bruce Anderson PARK CITY, UT KINGSTON, PA ALEXANDRIA, VA United Way of the Laurel Highlands, Inc. Chapter Trout Unlimited - In memory of Kay “Kathryn” Donnelly MCMURRAY, PA Blaise and Patricia Hollot - In memory of MERION STATION, PA Phyllis Rigdon PHILADELPHIA, PA Lois Benishek - In memory of Denton Schultz Dr. James and Mary Jo Scott - In memory of Jerry Cummins Kris and Michelle Rowley Gifts in Kind International ARLINGTON, VA Linda Vandenberg BURKE, VA Hollis and Ann Hunter - In memory of Mae Rose Noonan Joseph Showers - In honor of Merry Christmas to Jim Showers FREDERICKSBURG, VA Nathan Cook PHOENIXVILLE, PA GASBURG, VA PITTSBURGH, PA MONETA, VA Deborah Anzalone - In memory of Gene Burke Daniel and Laurie Cummins - In memory of Jerry Ann Cummins and Doug Cummins Marilee Kline - In memory of Dee Matthiessen Sarah Pierce - In memory of Donald Skelley Robert and Sally Parker - In memory of Ellyn & Irvin Schmickle Matthew and Kim Metzgar SIOUX FALLS, SD John and Jen Geyer Mr. and Mrs. Paul Loes - In memory of Ruth Rodgers, Clifford Decker, and Dora Decker CELINA, TN James and Jo Helen Eads - In memory of Denton Schultz CHATTANOOGA, TN Harold Carawan - In honor of Andrew Liles William and Jenny Nissen - In memory of Samuel Gallagher Nissen MOUTH OF WILSON, VA Oak Hill Academy - In memory of Lucille Riedl NEWPORT NEWS, VA Craig Martelle NORFOLK, VA Allstate Giving Campaign RICHMOND, VA Hugo and Edith Seibel VIENNA, VA United way of the National Capital Area WESTPORT, VA Patrice and James Comey BELLINGHAM, WA Rosalee Lewis - In memory of Reg Lewis, Kay Hartwig, and Ruth Hartwig FIRCREST, WA Michelle Whisler DAYTON, TN Stephen and Jane Barnett - In memory of Mae Roskamp ABILENE, TX Jill Weddle - In honor of Merry Christmas to Ray & Mary DePauw ALAMO, TX Robert and Dorris Ruth - In memory of Joseph Jenn, Leo Modracek, and Joyce Teslik Wingler Stacie Aown - In memory of Russell Annear MARYSVILLE, WA Judy and Wes Bare - In memory of Kathleen Sawvell MERCER ISLAND, WA Ms. Helen Stanger - In memory of Jim Weinberg, Bob Rose, Bill “Doc” Green, Mary E. Shepherd, Bill Stanger, Bob LaPlant, and Jeryl Bacon AUSTIN, TX REDMOND, WA CARROLLTON, TX SILVERDALE, WA Jenny Tsao - In memory of Donald Skelley Carole Ann and Joe Rodriquez - In memory of Darlene Scott COLLEYVILLE, TX Bill and Theresa Yancey - In memory of Joyce Wingler DALLAS, TX Amy Johnson - In memory of Donald Skelley EL PASO, TX Leon Kohlhoff - In memory of Al Keithley Dr. and Mrs. Philip Lopiccolo FORT WORTH, TX Darsi & Derek Brown - In memory of Ron Doyl Elizabeth and Kenneth Rowland - In memory of Jack & Janet Fraser FRIENDSWOOD, TX Lowell Benishek - In memory of Denton Schultz Les and Sally Stolte - In memory of Bruce Anderson • Rental Rates: ROWLETT, TX JOHNSTON, PA GEORGETOWN, TX Indoor Pool Facility MCALLEN, TX SAN ANTONIO, TX Barbara and Doyle Cook ABINGTON, PA ELK POINT, SD Abbott Lab. Employee Giving Campaign BP Products North America Inc. Grainger Matching Charitable Gifts Program Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Pfizer United Way Campaign Schneider Electric/ Square D Foundation The McGraw-Hill Companies Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign Neil and Donna Detrick HOUSTON, TX Dick and Pat Bevins STILLWATER, OK PRINCETON, NJ WARWICK, NY 28 Ron Beymer MAULDIN, SC Alice Whitlock - In memory of Eugene Brincks GUN BARREL CITY, TX Cynthia Petratis - In memory of Leo Greco and Madonna Ditch Charles and Donna Vaselaar WESTERVILLE, OH MOUNT HOLLY, NJ Arch Re Facultative Underwriters Inc. MINT HILL, NC Susan Hatch - In memory of Edwin & Grace Houghton Hilda and Scott Holdsclaw - In WEST CHESTER, OH COLUMBIA, SC HENDERSONVILLE, NC Sandra Kolker - In memory of Emmett Matthiesen David and Dianne Fausch - In honor of Jesus’ birthday MORRISTOWN, NJ RYE BROOK, NY Mary Ickes - In memory of Ed Farrell CLAYTON, OH Kevin Rolfes - In honor of Emma Rolfes’ birthday Imogene Reiter SPOKANE, WA Darla and Barry Kottwitz - In honor of Kelsey Tweden & her camp friends WENATCHEE, WA Charles and Terri McKay, Jr BELLEVUE, WI Jerry and Chris Holtz - In memory of Norma Kaiser BROOKFIELD, WI Betty Wiegand - In memory of Ken & Mary Edith Jeffries CROSS PLAINS, WI Paul and Michele Guyette - In honor of Sue Gudenkauf for entering consecrated life DEERBROOK, WI Dr. Charles Lindman EAU CLAIRE, WI Sherry Rud - In memory of Roger Filloon $65/hour 30 people or less One Pool (1 guard) $90/hour 30 people or less Both Pools (2 guards) $90/hour 31-75 people One/Both Pools (2 guards) $120/hour 76 - 125 people One/Both Pools (3 guards) $15/hour Use of Pool Classroom — Open Lap Swim — Mon. - Fri. 7:00-9:00 am & 12:00-1:00 pm Tues. and Thurs. 6:00-7:00 AM Early Bird Mon. - Thurs. 5:30-6:30 PM Saturday 10:00AM-Noon Open Swim — Aqua Aerobics Class — Monday thru Friday 9:00 am - 9:45 am Contact Carol Melton at 319-465-5916, ext. 2600 or FOND DU LAC, WI Stan and June Eilertson Al and Lori Hundertmark FOUNTAIN CITY, WI Adrian and Mary Morchinek - In memory of Denton Schultz GRAFTON, WI Richard and Sheryl Peshek HAYWARD, WI Carmen Sipes - In memory of Frank Mincer HAZEL GREEN, WI Wayne and Mary Kahle - In memory of Lowell Kahle and Joseph Thomas Taylor Mike and Karen Kane - In memory of Lowell Kahle and Joseph Thomas Taylor Mike and Sandra Neenan - In memory of Leo Greco - In honor of Robert Becker Alice Patterson Sports Graphics - In honor of Abby, Brooke, and Cody Ricks HAZELHURST, WI Pete and Teresa Rortvedt, & Family HOULTON, WI James and Bobbi Bade KEWASKUM, WI Ronald and Joyce Schultz LA CROSSE, WI Kwik Trip, Inc. OCONOMOWOC, WI Margaret Murphy - In memory of Hugh Sbhadduck Thomas and Virginia Orendorf - In memory of Irene Finn ONALASKA, WI Tom and Lois Tucker - In memory of Leroy Ehlinger POTOSI, WI Julia and Jerry Reuter SHULLSBURG, WI VFW Post 10533 SUN PRAIRIE, WI Carrie Buskager - In honor of Sue Gudenkauf for entering consecrated life Karen and Mike McCabe - In memory of Denton Schultz TOMAH, WI Tomah Mini Mart - In memory of Ron Olsen VERNONA, WI William and Catherine Schneider - In honor of Sue Gudenkauf for entering consecrated life WEST BEND, WI Robert and Elisabeth Ledwith - In honor of Dennis Smith West Bend Mutual Insurance Co. WILLIAM BAY, WI David and Dottie Lock - In memory of Janna Stewart LANCASTER, WI WILLIAMS BAY, WI MADISON, WI RAWLINS, WY Pat Obma - In memory of Leo Greco Richard and Carol Floyd, & Family Sue E Gudenkauf - In honor of Sue Gudenkauf for entering consecrated life Larry and Colleen Halverson Jo Rummelhart - In memory of Wilfred “Bill” Joseph Donnelly Greg and Susie Samuels - In memory of Kay Donnelly Carol Steckel Elberta Steckel Peggy Weaver - In honor of Sue Gudenkauf for entering consecrated life Alliant Energy Foundation, Inc. The Partner’s & Associates of Terry Donnelly - In memory of Kay Donnelly and Wilfred Donnelly Mr. and Mrs. Richard Leighton - In memory of Robert Johnston Al and Dot Fishwild Thank you for your support and keeping the dream of Camp Courageous alive! MELROSE, WI John and Carol Watts - In memory of Mimi A. Lenane, Danny Klaren, Leo Greco, and Tom Ament MILWAUKEE, WI Audra Kramer OAK CREEK, WI The Estate of Roberta Helgens - In memory of Roberta Helgens JANUARY 2012 — Camp Courageous — Six Chapters of the Iowa Winnie Hawks (All Winnebago Owners) came to camp for a tour and presented camp a nice donation. They were a wonderful group! Coming from all over Iowa, they were very interested in the camp. Thank you to Louie Walderdach who was the contact. Tours are available seven days-a-week and can be arranged through e-mail or contacting the camp. A big thank you to (L-R) Cody Davis, Sheri and Craig Lampe, and Taylor Young for their vehicle load of needed items for the camp. Sheri, Craig, and Taylor were volunteers at camp this summer. It was like a mini-reunion with camp staff who all worked with the same campers. We look forward to seeing more of this group in the future! (L-R) Counselor Dawa Sherpa from Kathmandu, Nepal is pictured with camper Jeff Kruse from Waukon, IA. Jeff loved floating around camp's pool during his week at camp and received the Swimming Award. Thank you to Judy Blank who invited Camp Courageous to give a program to the Beta Sigma Phi Preceptor Lambda in Cedar Rapids. A super nice group of ladies, who had honored Dotty Cummins a number of years ago, for her work with those with special needs. Robert Curoe, 85, formerly of Bernard, Iowa, passed away this fall. Bob and his wife, Joyce were great supporters of the camp. Bob was an awfully nice gentleman. Very involved in attending camp breakfasts, duathlons, and more. Bob & Joyce would have their children come in from all over the US to attend the Camp”s Duathlon and then have a family reunion. Just a real soft-spoken gentleman. One of the boys told me at Bob’s visitation that after 62-years old, he learned to ski (was on the ski patrol), bike, run, published two books, and a lot more. Bob’s Camp Courageous “Courageous Award” Trophy was front and center on his table of treasurers. Camp’s sympathy goes out to his six children, Michael (Estie) Curoe of St. Louis, MO, Joann (Devin) Stephens of St. Onge, SD, Kevin (Darlene) of Bernard, Carol (Susan) of Minneapolis, MN, Patty (Steve) Telgener of Golden, CO and Tim (Kristi) of Chaska, MN. Super Volunteer Sheri Lampe of West Point, IA spent her winter break at camp doing many chores that needed attention. From peeling apples in the kitchen to hand addressing Holiday Cards, Sheri was a huge help. We look forward to her and her husband Craig’s return this summer! It was a treat to have Honorary Board Member Gary Turbes and his wife Jan visit Camp Courageous. Gary was Camp's first director. His incredible dedication and hard work from about 1972-1976 was key to building the foundation from which the camp has grown. Gary left camp and established MidStep Services in Sioux City. They currently manage over 20 residential and vocational programs in Cherokee, Lawton, Moville, Sergeant Bluff, and Sioux City IA. He is also playing a key role in the building of Camp High Hope in Sioux City. Marginal Note: Motivation is when your dreams put on work clothes. Pictured is camper Leo Pettitt from Mt. Vernon, IA. He and Paco, the ferret became great friends his week at camp. Leo also loved watching the turtles swim around their tank and catch their food. There wasn't an activity he didn't enjoy or participate in! Pictured (L-R) are counselor Kevin Rhodes of Barstow, CA and campers Troy Crane of Sigourney, IA, Leo Pettit of Mt. Vernon, IA and Jim Williams of Sigourney, IA enjoying a train ride on a beautiful fall day. They are all in the accessible car provided by the C.U.B.S. bicycling group (Chicago Urban Bicycling Society). Camp’s train is a camper favorite. See more camper photos at 29 Camp Courageous in Need of a New Copier With most of camp's copier needs done in house, the Camp Courageous copier has made nearly 1 million copies in it's lifetime. Many of those copies go to the over 6,000 individuals with special needs served at camp each year. Each week-long camper receives an award at the end of their stay that has been designed by camp staff and printed on the copier. The award ceremony is the culmination of an exciting week and is a highlight for most of the campers. In addition, pages of med sheets and special diet sheets are printed each week and sometimes on a daily basis. While camp is attempting to limit paper usage, most of the camper schedules and applications are printed using the camp copier. Letters for camp supporters, and Thank you to Destinations Unlimited, along with Lance and Leisa Greco for hosting the 10th Annual Branson Christmas Getaway, a fund raiser for Camp Courageous. Great shows, food, shopping, and great folks! November 12-15, 2012 are the dates already scheduled for this year, which is arranged around Daniel O'Donnell's schedule. Contact Lisa Gilliatt at Destinations Unlimited to book today at 800-391-1359. Edna Pierce (seated) and Marian Mohr with the Cedar County Farm Bureau Ladies made a wonderful delivery to Camp Courageous of paper products, arts and crafts supplies and can tabs. These ladies are familiar faces at camp as they have been volunteering for many years. We look forward to them coming again in the spring to fold camper T-shirts! Thanks ladies. 30 booklets and flyers for various fund raisers are also printed at camp, saving a tremendous amount of money by producing them at camp. Unfortunately, the current copier has become obsolete. It is slower and doesn't have the capabilities of newer technology offered today. It can no longer “talk” to the computers being operated at camp (software drivers are no longer being developed). This function allows camp to be more efficient and print/copy only as necessary. After much research and comparison shopping, camp is able to purchase a new machine at a price of $9,960 plus tax. Please consider making a donation toward the purchase of a new copier. This machine would serve the needs of camp and the campers served here for many years to come. Maxine Wilson, Joan Bartenhagen, and Betty Wilson with the Port Louisa Farm Bureau and the Island Methodist Church traveled from the Muscatine area to deliver a large donation. Included in this donation was numerous bags and boxes of paper, paper products, can tabs and other much needed items. The Island Methodist Church Women were also very busy the past year. They stitched several beautiful quilts for the campers to enjoy. It is always wonderful to have these ladies visit camp and we hope they make it back soon. Thank you to Kenneth & Joan Chaloupka of Iowa City for traveling to camp with the donation of over 60 scrapbooks and other needed items. Wonderful couple. Camper Byron Gansemer of Dubuque is pictured with his Snozel Room Award. Byron first started attending Camp Courageous in 1998. Thank you to all who have contributed to making the camp’s new horse cart possible. Camp has been needing an accessible horse cart for quite some time and because of donations from the McDonald family from various states across the U.S, the Lux family of Monticello, and 2011’s Summer Camp Staff, we were finally able to put in the order to Justin Carriage Company of Nashville, Michigan to have the cart special made and delivered for our program. A BIG Thank You goes out to Knights of Columbus Council 14987 in Cedar Falls, for raising money from their Toosie Roll Drive and donating some of it to Camp Courageous. Pictured here (L-R) are Eric Moellers, Grand Knight and Travis Hoing, Deputy Grand Knight. Back in 2009 Eric helped build the accessible trail that leads to our cave. Thank you Gentlemen for all that you do for individuals with Special Needs. JANUARY 2012 — Camp Courageous — Congratulations to Sue Gudenkauf (center) who recently took the Consecration as a Virgin Living in the World. The ceremony took place in Madison WI by the Most Reverend Robert C. Morlino, Bishop of Madison. Those wishing to honor Sue, were encouraged to make a donation to Camp Courageous. Sue (surrounded by her wonderful folks Gene & Anita of Cascade) was one of camp’s most exceptional counselor/assistant respite care directors. She was extremely good with campers and had a real heart for her work. She started volunteering while in high school, and volunteered for many years. We wish Sue the best. Thank you to the Center Point Lions Club for their great support of camp! Here Dennis Hamer, President of the Center Point Lions presents a check to camp. Dennis is the son of outstanding camp volunteer, Fran DeMarc! A big thank you to our friends at Alliant Energy Foundation for their great support of the camp. (L-R) Justin Mottet and Jason Sauer recently presented a check from the Foundation to be used for the fence that surrounds the new lake area. We are grateful for their years of support! The Monticello area has lost an incredibly hard working and dedicated person with the recent passing of Rex Cheney. My first impression of Monticello was Rex Cheney's Dairy Mart. I was part of a youth organization in the late 60s that traveled the state and it was a tradition to never go through Monticello without stopping at the Monticello Dairy Mart. Rex had a warm and fun personality and everyone in our group of dozens of kids, knew Rex. Many new cars had their first spill in them, as a result of an ice cream cone bought from Rex. In 1976, when I student taught in Monticello, and money was extremely tight, it was a special treat once every week or two to get one of Rex's famous chocolate shakes to take to home to Dubuque or to school in Iowa City. I always knew I had a friend in Monticello I could call on at any time. In 1980, when we moved to Monticello, Rex Cheney, Glen Gabriel, Bob Ferrell, and I would head to Anamosa once a month for meetings. I would laugh all the way over and all the way back as the jokes and teasing would just flow.... incredible commardry. So many precious memories from a group that would help anyone in need. I remember special occasions in the early 80s. Dinner would consist of a hamburger, chocolate shake, and onion rings from Rex... it didn't get any better than that. Rex always gave 100% whether it was work, Lodge, Eagles, or Camp Courageous. He was a dear friend to the camp. There wasn't anything he would not do for it. His sense of humor and personality will be dearly missed. Our sympathy goes out to his family and friends. RENTAL OPPORTUNITIES AT CAMP COURAGEOUS Camp is available for rental when not in use by campers. Facilities include indoor swimming pools, gym, lodge, cabins, nature center, beautiful rustic Sill barn and several other buildings. Camp Courageous is an ideal setting for any meeting, family reunion, retreat, reception, workshop or seminar. Be it a daylong, weekend, or week-long program; consider Camp Courageous of Iowa for your next event. For more information about renting Camp Courageous for your next event contact Jeanne Muellerleile at 319-465-5916 ext. 2300 or by e-mail at Go to the camp’s web site at: for information about facilities and rental rates. Camp Courageous of Iowa is an alcohol and tobacco free environment. Marginal Note: You must do the thing you think you cannot do. GREAT NEWS!!! The Camp Courageous Home Run promotion will be able to continue during the Kernels 2012 season thanks to the generosity of MillhiserSmith and West Bench Insurance. MillhiserSmith and West Bend Insurance will donate $60 to Camp Courageous for each home run hit during all Kernels home games… with a maximum payment of $2,500!! This donation would not be possible without the support of Tim Gassmann and Sheryl Bell. Thanks Tim & Sheryl! Special thank you also to Doug Nelson, Cedar Rapids Kernels A very special thank you to camp’s dear friends, Steve Carpenter (top picture), formerly of WMT, now with Kirkwood Community College and Peter Teahen, with Teahen Funeral Homes, for inviting Camp Courageous to the Cedar Rapids Daybreak Rotary. Steve has been active with Camp Courageous since coming to Cedar Rapids in the early 80s. His first day, he took Rick Sellers, then, General Manager of WMT, to K-Mart East in Cedar Rapids to promote Pineapple Sales. He has never stopped being a loyal supporter of Camp. Peter Teahen has a wonderful reputation of helping others when they need help the most. From disasters around the disasters within our own family, Peter is there to help. We have called on Peter a number of times throughout the camp's history to lend the camp staff some of his professional talents, and he has always been there for us. Our warm appreciation goes out to the members of the Day Break Rotary for their support of camp! 31 Charlie, I just wanted to thank you for the opportunity to meet one of your great board members, Jim Foels. The Chicago Urban Bicycling Society (CUBS) board elected me to replace Jerry Turry, and I know that I have some awfully big shoes to fill. But, meeting people like Jim and Elsie Foels makes all the work worthwhile. Jim was kind enough to donate a day on his farm, and I was crazy enough to outbid the competition. It helps when you get to be the auctioneer too. After winning, Jim and I made our arrangements, and I took two nervous “farmers” with me to spend the day. We could not have had a better time! For our entire family, it will long be a day to remember. I can only hope that Jim donates this again next year, because I will sell it like mad at our 2012 auction. I am enclosing some of the pictures of Albena, Nicole, and me at the farm. We had an extra benefit above what was part of our package as well. Jim’s son raises hogs at his farm, adjacent to Jim and Elsie’s farm. He took us there, and Nicole got to see that as well. Before we left town on our way home, we stopped at the locker to stock up on pork that had been raised on his farm. Not only do we have the memories, but we also have a freezer full of Iowa pork, raised by our new friends. Honorary Board Member, Liz Valliere presents a check from her Camp Courageous 2nd Wednesday Bridge Marathon group. This group has been playing Bridge for camp for over 30 years! Members include Kay Pitlik and also included Dotty Cummins at one time. Liz is a delight! Thank you to Jones Regional Medical Center Auxiliary who held their October meeting in the Sill Barn at camp. We had the opportunity to talk about the wonderful relationship between JRMC and Camp Courageous. To have a modern, state of the art medical center, with an exceptional staff, within minutes of the camp, is crucial to the well being of thousands of campers, staff, and visitors. Above, Eric Briesemeister, CEO of JRMC, visits with the auxiliary on the latest happenings at the Medical Center. Gary Dolphin (R) shows one of the auction items sold at this year’s Very Special Arts Event in Dubuque. VSA has been supporting Camp’s Arts Program for many years. They raise money every October for many area programs for those with special needs during their 100 Men Who Cook Event. Tickets are available every September through Camp. Congratulations to LaVern “Flute” and Jean Weber of Cascade on their 50th wedding anniversary! Flute was the key player in the building of the new Lake Todd at Camp Courageous and, along with his son, Mark, has done a tremendous amount of volunteer work at the camp. The Webers had their entire family to Camp for the Pancake Breakfast/ Open House the last Sunday in September… a great family! Above and some of the participants in the Annual Sucker Tournament on the Wapsi. Andre Smith won the competition and donated his winnings to the pond project at camp! Thanks again. I look forward to another strong year of connection between CUBS and Camp. — Brad Prendergast 32 Thank you to Linn-Mar Success Center Transition Program for inviting Camp Courageous to their Fall Open House. Very impressive program! Our hats go off to Trish Chalupsky and the entire staff and students for their exceptional work! Thanks to our friends from Our Savior Lutheran Church in Manchester. For several years the Junior Acts Youth Group has been coming to camp to do whatever work project we need done. This year they help pick up debris from the lake area. Huge thanks to the adult leaders Dawn & Kenny Miller and Dave & Julie Sunne, as well as the youth who worked so hard. JANUARY 2012 — Camp Courageous — Halloween is a Spooky Good Time at Camp! Camp Courageous held it’s annual free camper Halloween Party on October 27th in the spooky main lodge. Campers, staff, and visitors had a great time during the dance and enjoyed refreshments. During the event a costume contest was held. Judging wasn’t easy since there were so many great outfits. Pictured are the winners. Lynn Airey “Funniest” David Welinski “Most Handsome” Jane Schneider Meagan Henn “Most Beautiful” was a tie with Jane and Meagan Ron Phiffer “Most Scary” Shane Willenborg “Most Creative” Annual Square Dance Benefit a Big Hit! The camp lodge once again was alive with the sights and sounds of callers and cuers, the swish and swirls of brightly colored dresses, and the men with their string or matching ties as the annual square dance benefit for Camp Courageous was held on October 9th. Sponsored by the East Central Federation and Cedar Valley Callers Association, this was the 22nd year for this event with another successful turnout of dancers and spectators. Next year’s event will be held on October 14, 2012, so mark your calendars! Camp Courageous sells new or gently used items on ebay. All items sold help support the camp! To see camp’s auction items (user ID is “ccoi”) go to the camp’s web site: You can also donate a portion of your ebay auctions to Camp Courageous. Get more information about the “Mission Fish” ebay program on the camp’s web site. These gentleman helped with the calling and cueing duties for the 22nd annual square dance benefit for Camp Courageous. They decided to pool their talents for a “Grand Finale” as they share the duties of calling the last song of the day for the dancers. Jim and Garnet Hoffner helped organize this year’s square dance benefit. Jim helped with accepting donations at the door and Garnet shared in the calling duties. Many thanks to the Hoffners’ for their years of dedication to this event. To schedule a presentation about Camp… and it’s work with individuals with disabilities for your business, club, or organization please call 319-465-5916, ext. 2100 or send a request to Marginal Note: Some of the greatest things in life are unseen, that’s why you close your eyes when you kiss, cry, or dream. 33 Jeryl Bacon of Hopkinton died Monday morning, Oct. 24 at the age of 69. I've had the good fortune of knowing Chuck & Jeryl Bacon for over 30-years. Always referred to her as "Mrs. B". Over the years they were very good to camp. Never a time they did not help camp out, when help was needed. Mrs. B. was a spirited, wonderful lady, who lifted the spirits of those around her. A hard working, dedicated lady, who loved her kids and grandkids....and husband. Had the opportunity to stop by the Triple C Convenience Store a while back and we had a wonderful visit and she sealed the visit with a hug...I never realized it would be our last visit. Our sympathy goes out to her husband, Chuck, and children, Crystal, Chop, Curt, and Callie and their families and friends. We will sure miss her smiling face and fun personality. Those who attend Camp Courageous have spent the entire year eagerly anticipating what the week holds and one of their most prized possessions is… Back-To-School Festival! Hundreds enjoy activities at Camp Courageous On Tuesday, September 13, 2011 Camp Courageous held it’s annual Back-To-School Festival. Special education students and staff visited the camp for a day full of activities. Students enjoyed swimming, train rides, and other activities during this year’s festival. Everyone enjoyed snacks and prizes… everyone walked away as a winner! “THE T-SHIRT” Would you be interested in sponsoring camper T-shirts and join the existing sponsors below? T-shirts are ordered throughout the year making it easy for sponsors to be added at anytime. A gift of $500.00 provides a 4” X 6” space on the back of the T-shirt for your logo or name for an entire year. With over 6,000 campers in 2011 what better way to show you care? Make this the year you bring a smile to the face of another camper! Contact Pam Mayo for more details at 319-465-5916 ext. 2120. 34 This annual free event is made possible through the support and time of many volunteers… thank you for making this festival possible. JANUARY 2012 — Camp Courageous — (L-R) Gary Ketelsen and his son, Jeremy stand in front of Johnny Ketelen’s 1965 camper…this is where it all started. Watch for a special announcement about Ketelsen RV’s 50th Anniversary in 2012, with a special benefit for Camp Courageous. We look forward to celebrating 50-years with Ketelsen RV in 2012! A big thank you to Don & Sharon Kouba for their endless work on the Ketelsen Camping Club Cookbooks! Stay tuned for an announcement on a special 50th anniversary fund raiser! Cookbooks are available on-line or in the camp store. Thomas Giese and his crew donated all the new duct work for the new furnace in Arts and Crafts. Giese has been very supportive of the camp, always ready and willing when camp has any metal needs. A big thank you to Dave Tracey (standing) for inviting Camp Courageous to give a program to the Manchester Rotary Club. The Manchester Rotary has been good regular supporters of the camp and the Manchester Garage Sale for decades. In front of Dave is his sister, Mary Lou Tracey. Both have been very involved with the was their mother, who I fondly remember when she was in her 90s bringing Honorary Board Member Jackie Snyder items for the Manchester Camp Garage Sale. Super group! (R-L) Camper Dean Wulf lives in Davenport, IA with Handicapped Development Center. Dean first came to camp 30 years ago! He is seated waiting for his turn at archery. He used the crossbow and popped two balloons on the target. He loved all the recreation activities at camp this week that he received the “Recreation Award”. Pictured with Dean is his counselor, Emma Hansen of Dearborn, MI. Thank you to Shirley Wiley and the Brandon Methodist Church for inviting Camp Courageous to their after school program. The wonderful students collected a car load of items needed by the camp. Great group of students and adults! Counselor Kayla Sanford from Whiting, NJ and camper Laura Wagner from Iowa City are enjoying a beautiful sunny day at camp. Laura has been coming to camp since 1990 and has recently started traveling with our Travel Program where she visited Kansas City, MO for a weekend this year. Thank you to the wonderful Hills Town and Country who once again this year provided Camp Courageous with gifts for Santa to give to the campers and goodies off the needs list. Thank you to Cathy Fitzmaurice-Hill for inviting camp and to all our dear friends who are members of this great group! Do you have an account on… ? “Like” the Camp Courageous page where you’ll be able to read the latest camp news, connect with other camp supporters, current and past staff, and campers. Mike is a 15 year old Haflinger gelding donated anonymously to camp this October. Mike is not only trained to give rides on his back, but also a very well trained cart horse. Mike has already given rides in camp's new horse cart, and he is a pro! Thanks so much to the family who donated this amazing horse to camp! Tiffany Dole from Des Moines, IA loved swimming in camp's indoor pool this fall. Her group had the opportunity to swim several times during the week and Tiffany loved sitting and relaxing by the jets in the therapy pool. Marginal Note: And in the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years. 35 Marian Williams, 83, of Dubuque recently passed away. Marian was a friend for over 40-years. She was director of Retired Senior Volunteer Services (RSVP) and had them very involved in Camp Courageous. She was involved with the Agency on Aging and on the State Commission for the Blind. Always there to help others, we have dearly missed her many visits and acts of kindness at camp. Seldom did Marian ever miss a camp breakfast or other special occasions at the camp. Our sympathy goes out to her children, Paul, Gary, and Mary Beth. Marian requested her memorials to go to Camp Courageous. Lynn Pierce, an employee of Scheels in Cedar Falls, stands by a large donation of misc. camping items, sport and game items, and fishing items donated by the store. Scheels has been very good to camp over the years, donating many things that campers can use during their stay. In addition to the wonderful Scheels donations, Lynn and his daughter Mindy Gilroy gave a large donation of paper products, Chap Stick, soap, and tooth brushes. Many thanks to Scheels, Lynn and Mindy. Camp was thrilled to have the Rachel Circle and Friends from the Brandon area volunteer again this year. When these ladies come, they make a day of it! Several donations from the camp's needs list was also delivered. They worked on 2 separate large mailings. With their experience, it was done in record time! It is always wonderful to see their familiar faces and a few new ones as well! 36 For those who have an IRA, 401K, or other types of retirement plans… One knows they are a great means to save tax-free for retirement. Generally, one does not pay taxes on the income one contributes, or on the earnings or appreciation the investments generates, until a withdraw is made. When one dies, these assets are taxable income to those individuals they are given to. If you make a charitable contribution from an IRA or other retirement plan, the total amount designated to a charity, like Camp Courageous, goes to the charity tax-free. Appreciated and other assets that are not subject to income tax can be left to family and friends with no tax burden to them. For more information on giving a gift to Camp Courageous that will give forever, please contact Charlie Becker at Camp Courageous at any time, 7-days a week. A big thank you to Mel Holubar for inviting camp to give a presentation to the Marion Sunrisers Kiwanis Club. This group has been supporting camp since the very early years of the camp. These long time supporters meet at the Marion Hy-Vee and have traveled to camp on numerous occasions to donate items, like a wonderful youth first aid kit! A great group to join, if you are looking for good and carrying folks. Members include (LR) Mel Holubar, Mary Ellen Wright, Carolyn Holubar, Nancy Domer, Norm Wright, Donna Bean, Emil Koval, George Domer, and Will Ogle. Not present were Don Bean, Jim & Mildred Jessen, and Gordon Bowser. Thank you to our good friends at the National Park Service in Omaha, NE for giving Camp Courageous the opportunity to be a part of a Midwest Regional Discussion Panel on inclusion. It was an great opportunity to learn more about our National Parks and their goal to be very inclusive. Camp Courageous has visited most the country's National Parks through the Travel Program and have always felt camp has received exceptional service and care by the NPS Staff. Jerry Reichert was a wonderful camper who attended Camp Courageous, almost since the beginning. In Jerry's memory, family and friends gave a gift to the camp's perpetual fund, so Jerry's memory will stay alive, forever, along with some of Jerry's belongings and a beautiful collage of Jerry's activities over the years at camp. Pictured are Howard Vanwinkle, Bill Blake, and Sandy Vanwinkle. Camp Courageous’ holiday party for staff was catered by the Marion Hy-Vee...manager of food service, Dien X. Nguyen and Andrea Gates. They did an exceptional job! Their dedication and love for their work shined through and they were a big hit with the staff! They are wonderful to camp the year round. JANUARY 2012 — Camp Courageous — Joe Wilson's senior Therapeutic Recreation students volunteered over several respite weekends this fall. These students always do a great job and have a great time with the campers. “A volunteer is not paid, not because they are worthless, but because they are priceless.” For information on how you or your group can volunteer at Camp Courageous, contact Shannon Poe at 319-465-5916, ext. 2320 or Once again Dennis Smith of Audubon, IA returned to volunteer a week of his time to Camp Courageous. For the past several years he’s been a great help in the Maintenance and Dietary departments. Thank you, Dennis, and we look forward to next summer’s week with you! Pictured above are campers (L) Shayleigh and (front) Kammie Bertling of North Liberty along with (L-R) UNI students Anne-Marie Taggart, Betsy Vander Weerdt, and Shelby Hanna. Thanks to the Legacy Basketball Academy coaches and players for helping out at camp. They helped with the Pancake Breakfast in September, and came back later on in the fall to help with grounds cleanup at the new lake area. We look forward to having the Legacy group help out at camp again in the future. It was great to have physical therapy students from the University of Iowa helping again this fall at Camp Courageous. The students come to camp as part of their service learning class. They work as volunteer counselors during respite care weekends. Camp welcomes volunteer Molly Tabor. Molly is taking part of the Community Service Program through the Monticello Community Schools. She is volunteering in the office every other afternoon doing various tasks. Although Molly is new to the office, she is no stranger to camp. She helped with the camp swimming lessons program last winter. Thanks Molly! (L-R) UNI student volunteers pictured above are Rachel Saul, Sheila Schlabach, Rebecca Towers, Ashley Hill, Kathryn Ryan, and Nikki Huss. Pictured above are Linea Bartel, Kate Bissig, Kelsey Hake, Laura Hess, Kayla Koch and Megan Wilmot. Pictured are University of Iowa Physical Thearpy students (L-R) Jess Rients, Natti Tipayamongkol, Natalia Lawson, and Kelsey Scavo (L-R) Pictured are UNI student volunteers Sydnsey Spencer, Emily Meyers, Hillary Northrup, Becky Rohwedder, and Marshall Abbe. Mary Louise Caponette from Muscatine scheduled a tour of camp for some of the ladies from St. Mary’s and St. Matthias parishes. They visited on a beautiful fall morning and enjoyed the tour and lunch with the campers! Only 2 of the ladies had been to camp previously, so it was wonderful to show them all camp has to offer. Camp was delighted to have them as guests and hope they make a return visit. Marginal Note: Kindness, like a towel, is needed at once. If you have to wait for it, you won’t need it. Thanks to UNI student Haley Harms who volunteered as a respite care counselor this fall. Haley volunteered as part of her social work class. 37 Camp Courageous Needs List • Paper plates, cups, napkins • Letter-sized (8.5”x11”) paper • Gift Cards for all areas PROGRAM AREA Small rhythm instruments Water jugs - 3 and 5 gallon Parachutes/utility cord 9V, AA, AAA, C, and D Batteries Holiday gifts for youth & adults Campbell soup UPC codes (from label) Life Jackets (all sizes) Bouncy balls - large with handle Relaxation compact discs Dry bags for canoeing (large size, need 2 doz.) Small Outdoor Lockable Storage Units Dress-up clothes/Costumes Glass overlay tile depth markers for pool ($12 ea., $840 total) Discs of all kinds for Disc (Frisbee) Golf Portable MP3 Player/iPod XL or larger sweatpants and underwear Bubble Machine Inner tubes Belts Caving Helmets Box Fans Koosh balls Cow Bells Lava lamps Disco balls Puppets Snowshoes Archery Targets Pom Poms Rubber Kickballs Pool toys/floats Whistles Air Cube Bean bag chairs Air Swimmers Basketballs Tee for T-ball Goggles Ball pump ARTS & CRAFTS New White 100% Cotton T-shirts (All Adult & Youth sizes for use with tie-dying) Tempera Paint (all colors, powder & liquid) Sharp scissors - all kinds Sm. Hot Glue Sticks Poster board Finger paint Leather Paper punches Plastic Cups Tissue Paper Colored sand Watercolor paints Cornstarch Googly Eyes Crepe paper Sculpey Clay Food coloring Glue - All Types Feathers Charcoal (for drawing) Glue Dots Paper Plates Tacky Glue Model Magic Clay School Glue (white) Toaster Oven TRAVEL PROGRAM 32-40” Flat-Screen TV for bus mount (7) Fishing vest-style life jackets G, PG, PG-13 Movies on DVD Travel board/card games 2012 Atlas Dramamine OUTDOOR LIVING Pots & pans with lids - large Can Openers Cooking Equipment Tonka toaster/pie irons Landsat Compasses/Orienteering Compasses Potato peelers Bowls Spoons,Forks-large Pot holders-large Backpacks Tongs Spatulas Campfire griddles Large Knives 38 January 2012 Courier The most recent version of the needs list can be found at All items are needed. Items in bold text are commonly needed. Items in red are urgently needed soon. DIETARY SERVICE Food Items of All Kinds Fresh Fruits & Vegetables (all types) Garden Vegetables Vegetarian Products Orange/Tomato juice Live Hog or Steer for butchering Canned goods-all kinds Cake mixes (cookie, bars, cakes) Diabetic items of all kinds Gluten/Dairy-free items Frostings Tuna, canned Bread Jell-O (assorted) Beef Roast Dairy Products: Frozen Items: milk, cottage chicken/fish cheese, sour cream PHARMACY SUPPLIES Card paper (100-110#) for med cards Triple Antibiotic Ointment 1/2” Blue Masking Tape Betadine Scrub Brushes Hydrogen Peroxide (4 oz. bottles) Glucagon (diabetic emergency) Glucose Tabs or Gel Biscodyl Suppositories Small Zip-Lock bags for meds (2x3,3x4) Pepto Bismal Benadryl (oral/topical) Miralax/Citrucel Dramamine Ketodiastix Anti-fungal Agents Cough Lozenges “AfterBite” Treatment Immodium Vicks/Vaseline Swimmers Ears Oragel Chloroseptic Spray Tussin Tylenol 325 mg. Biofreeze Perineal Creams A&D Ointment Midol CAMPER CARE ITEMS Sunscreen - SPF 30 or greater Wet Wipes Periwash/bottles Razors Instant ice packs Chapstick Body wash Shaving cream Ear plugs(wax/silicon) Tooth Paste Coban Deodorant Spa Treatments MEDICAL SUPPLIES Large Gloves- vinyl Medicated Body Powder Band Aids X-large, knuckle, latex-free Pudding (individual cup packages) Invacare Large Slings for Hoyer Lift (model# R101) G-Tube Insertion Sets Ziplock bags-gallon Penlights Soda pop (7up) AED Pads NATURE CENTER “Bronco” Equine Fly Spray Country Boy Pine Shavings Stall Bedding Guinea Pig Feed Parakeet Feed Mounting block for horseback riding Wall-mounted large barn fans for horse stalls 36” Direct Drive High Velocity Fan Gift Cards for Petco/other pet stores Heated Water Buckets, 5 gallon (4) Horseback Riding Helmets; all sizes Dry Erase Board Markers Outdoor Group Games (bag toss, washers, etc) Animal Track Molds Garden Trellis Plastic Pitch Forks Bird Feeders Small Animal Litter Wild Bird Seed DIETARY MISC. Foil wrap & plastic wrap 18” Serving Scoops #8 & #60 Bus Tubs Metal Teaspoons Gallon freezer bags Flexible Straws Portioning Scale HOUSEKEEPING Toilet Paper and Paper Towels Antibacterial Liquid Soap (1 gal. jugs) (20) cases brown single fold paper towels (5) toilet plungers (bellows style) (6) screw-on mop handles 1-1/8” x 60” (2) 35 qt. mop bucket & wringer combo Trash bags - 44 gallon size White shower curtains Drain opener Toilet cleaner OFFICE AREA Paper-white or bright colored Letter, Legal, or Ledger sizes Laser Printer Cartridges for HP 2300, 4300, 3005X 45¢, 26¢, 20¢, 1¢, & Forever Stamps Macintosh Intel Computers Macintosh Xserve-Intel (Camper Database) Adding Machine Rolls 2 1/4” Gift cards to office supply stores Compressed air canisters Markers - Sharpie fine point DVD-R/RW, CD-R/RW media Igloo Ice Chest w/rollers for fruitcakes Staples Labels Avery #5160 Easels “Copy” stamp Scotch Tape MAINTENANCE Softener Salt GE 4-Bulb T8 Ballasts DeWalt 18V Sawzall 2” Phillips Driver Bits Roller covers 3/8” Nap Portable Oxy-Acetylene Torch Kit 10” Dewalt table saw Tap and die set-standard thread Bostich coil roofing nailer Weed whip string .080 size White receptacles Black Dirt 2-cycle fuel oil mix Armoral wipes Shower heads Snow shovels 1 Gal. Shop Vac 2” Paint Brushes Paint Thinner Brown wire nuts H MAJOR NEEDS H $300,000 - Ventilation system for pool $60,000 - Blacktop overcoat of camp parking lots and roads $40,000 - Skid loader (80 HP, 2500 lb. lifting) $25,000 - Accessible dock & lift for lake $20,000 - Train Improvement $20,000 - Train Car (wheelchair accessible) $10,000 - Copier for Office & Nursing $5,000 - Vacuum for pool Endowment Opportunities Camp Courageous is blessed to be located in a beautiful location and to have wonderful facilities. But the real key to the success of the camp in the hearts and minds of thousands of campers, along with their families and friends, is the staff of dedicated individuals. These exceptional individuals are willing to give of themselves, the above and beyond, to make sure a camper’s stay will be the highlight of their year. You can endow a position at Camp Courageous. A large brass plaque will appear above each position’s office door recognizing the donor. The names of those participating will also appear in each Courier, and the names will appear on the Foundation Board in the lodge. Here are some positions to consider: Executive Director...........Ronald & Winifred Flemming Endowment Program Director..........................$750,000 Nursing Director............................$750,000 Maintenance Director....................$750,000 Dietary Director.............................$750,000 I.T. Director....................................$750,000 Assistant Program Director..........$500,000 Respite/Volunteer Director............$500,000 Aquatic Director............................$500,000 Nature Director..............................$500,000 Travel Director...............................$500,000 Admin. Assistant (2 available)...............$500,000 Assist. Nursing Director................$500,000 Assist. Maintenance Director........$500,000 Program Specialists (15 available).........$250,000 Counselor (40 available)......................$100,000 TRAIN Band saw for steel with stand Garage Door Opener (new or used w/remote) Set of Drill Bits 3/8” air wrench Small metal lathe 2-Stage snowblower Any railroad memorabilia including pictures, signs, lights… James & Pauline Durgin Pavilion – Work will begin in 2012 on the James & Pauline Durgin Pavilion on the new Lake Todd. Donations of any amount are appreciated for this project. The Pavilion will have one house and two appartments for long-term volunteers and staff. Naming rights to the house is $50,000 and each appartment is $25,000. The Grand Room will have huge windows looking out at the lake with naming rights at $100,000. There will also be a plaque displayed with the names of anyone giving a gift of $1,000 or more. Send your donations to: Charlie Becker, Camp Courageous, PO Box 418, Monticello IA 52310-0418. YOUR NAME: DAYTIME PHONE #: ADDRESS: CITY: STATE ZIP CODE WORDING ON PLAQUE: JANUARY 2012 — Camp Courageous — Courier Sponsorship The goal of Camp Courageous is to have 100% of donations go to benefit the individuals with special needs that are served each year. To help make this possible, we would appreciate your consideration of sponsorship of the Courier. As many as 25,000 Couriers are printed each quarter (January, April, July and October) and are sent to all of camp’s supporters. The cost to produce and mail each issue is over $10,000. By choosing an option below, you’ll help meet the goal of underwriting the entire cost of the Courier. Please contact Matt Bollwitt at 319-465-5916 ext. 2110 or send E-mail to for more information. Name Listing Per issue Per Year (4 issues) Box-Page Sponsor B/W box Color box Half-Page Sponsor Black/White Full Color name listed on sponsor page Major Sponsor one sponsor page w/name on each interior page along bottom $125 $400 Thank you to these sponsors! The following individuals and companies are helping to cover part of the cost of this publication: Above & Beyond Hospice & Home Healthcare (319) 465-3059 All Seasons Auto Body (319) 465-5255 American Trust & Savings Bank (563) 582-1841 Citizen’s Bank-Anamosa & Tipton Fawn Creek Homes (319) 462-6155 Goettsch’s Funeral Home (319) 465-3535 Monticello Equipment (319) 465-3515 Monticello Express (319) 465-3555 (319) 465-5255 2.5” sq. box the corner of a page $300 $450 Emogene Ford Lowden, IA Teahen Funeral Home (319) 396-2616 1/2 page for name, logo, etc. $1,000 $1,200 ($3,800/yr.) ($4,000/yr.) Single Issue $10,000 All-Year (4 issues) $40,000 Thank You to Joe Corpstein & Mailing Services Inc. Mailing Services Inc. in Cedar Rapids is a full-service automated mailing facility that performs the labeling, sorting, and mailing of this newsletter. Their wontderful staff saves the camp hundreds of dollars in time, materials, and postage! Call them at 319-848-4444 or go online to How can you help Camp Courageous? The camp is amazed at the many ways that supporters have helped make the dream of Camp Courageous a reality. Below are just a few suggestions on how you can help. (Use the URL barcode to jump to the online page.) Make a Financial Gift You can make a financial gift to the camp using the form on the back page of this newsletter. Payment can be made with a personal check or credit card (VISA, MasterCard, or Discover). In general, donations to the camp will be tax deductible to many. However, you will need to contact your tax advisor to determine the deductibility of your contributions. You can make your gift in memory of or in honor of an individual(s) or occasion. An acknowledgement about your gift can be sent to the individual(s) if you provide an address. Riley Train Depot Plaque Tom and Nan Riley donated a train to camp to thrill thousands of campers! The track and depot are installed and built. Many camp and/or train enthusiasts have asked, “How can we help?” We will continue to have workdays for landscaping around the track and depot. You can also contribute to cover the ongoing operational costs as well as future expansion of the train. The name, or the wording of choice, will appear on the plaque in the depot for all $1,000 donors. Use the donation form on the back page of this newsletter. For more information about the plaques you can contact Charlie Becker at (319) 465-5916, ext. 2100, or send him an e-mail at Vehicle Donations Do you have a car, truck, or RV that you’d like to donate to Camp Courageous? Are you donating your vehicle so it can be sold to allow the camp to benefit from its sale? Please visit the camp’s web site at for more information on how you can donate your car, RV, or other vehicle and compliance with IRS regulations. Volunteering Nothing is more valuable and appreciated than your time. Help is needed from cutting grass to working with campers. Individuals, groups, and organizations are welcome. Please contact Shannon Poe, Volunteer Director, by e-mail at or by phone at (319) 465-5916, ext. 2320 for information on how you or your group can volunteer at the camp. Lake Todd Project A 30-acre land acquisition has allowed for the construction of a lake at Camp Courageous. By having a lake at the camp, time and resources will be saved by not having to transport campers and staff to another lake that is 20 minutes away. You can help defray the costs of constructing Lake Todd by contributing towards this project. A plaque will display the names or wording of choice for all $1,000 donors. Use the form on the back of this newsletter. For more information contact Charlie Becker at 319-4655916, ext. 2100 or e-mail charlie Pool Blocks The Camp Courageous indoor pool was built one block at a time. It is one of the more popular activities for the campers. You can help support this activity by buying a pool block for $1,000. Your name, or the wording of your choice, will be put on the block as a lasting reminder of your gift to the camp. Use the donation form on the back page of this newsletter to purchase your pool block. For more information you can contact Charlie Becker at (319) 465-5916, ext. 2100, or send E-mail to charlie@ United Way (Donor Option) Even though Camp Courageous is not a United Way agency, we strongly encourage those that give to the United Way to choose “Camp Courageous” using the Donor Option form (special category). Camp has been fortunate to have donors from New York to San Francisco give through the United Way Donor Option. eBay Auctions Do you sell on eBay? You can donate a percentage of your auctions to the camp through eBay’s Mission Fish program. 10% to 100% of your auction can go to Camp Courageous automatically. It’s a great way to promote your auctions since visitors will see (through a special icon) that part of their payment goes to a great charity. To participate, simply use the charity option as you list your items on eBay. For additional details and information you can visit eBay and click on the “Giving Works” link on their home page. Marginal Note: The tragedy of life is not that it ends so soon, but that we wait so long to begin it. “Choo, choo...choo, choo!” Camper Matt McElroy chanted over and over the morning his group got to ride the train. He loved every minute! He is pictured proudly showing off his “Train Award” at the award ceremony. 39 Camp Courageous™ NONPROFIT ORG. US POSTAGE PAID CEDAR RAPIDS IA PERMIT #174 PO Box 418 • 12007 190th St Monticello IA 52310-0418 Upcoming events at Camp Courageous… Jan. 8 - Iowa Women’s Basketball Benefit March 5-13 - Cases for Camp with Fareway Stores March 17 - Monticello Pizza Ranch Benefit April 29 - Omelet Breakfast/Open House...feat. Lake Todd May 20 - Cruisin’ for Camp Courageous at camp Aug. 5 - Camp Courageous Sprint Triathlon Aug. 10-12 - Pineapple Sales at area Hy-Vee Stores Aug. 17 - Pineapple Gala at Cedar Rapids Marriott We apologize if your newsletter was incorrectly addressed, or if you are receiving more than one copy. Please note the correction beside the address label and mail the corrected label to the above address. Thank you. CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED My name was misspelled. My address was wrong. I received more than one. (please enclose label[s]) More information online at or Sundays at 8:30 AM and 12:30 PM on WMT 600 AM “Camp Courageous” is a registered Trade Mark — © Camp Courageous, 2012 ✁ How can I help? Camp Courageous continues to operate on donations, without government assistance, without formal sponsorship, and without paid fund-raisers. What this means is that everything that is given to the Camp, goes directly to benefit the campers. One of the reasons the Camp has grown from serving 211 campers in 1974 to over 5,000 campers today, is the incredible dedication of volunteers. Volunteer help is needed in virtually every aspect of the camp. Please consider volunteering your time and talents to Camp Courageous. Where is Camp Courageous located? The camp is located five miles south of Monticello, Iowa off Highway 38 or 151. The camp lies on 80 acres of wooded land surrounded by thousands of acres of state primitive land and the Maquoketa River. Use US Highway 151 exit 65, turn south on Hwy 38, then east IOWA roads). on 190th Street (all hard-surfaced DELEWARE WISCONSIN DYERSVILLE ILLINOIS DELHI COGGON CASCADE Camp Courageous Monticello ANAMOSA MAQUOKETA CEDAR RAPIDS Where can I get more info? SABULA AMBER STANWOOD Please visit the camp’s web site at, call the camp at 319-465-5916, or stop out for a tour to see first-hand how the camp has grown over the past many years. Donation Form DUBUQUE MANCHESTER WATERLOO MT VERNON SOLON DE WITT TIPTON IOWA CITY CLINTON IOW A ILL IN OI S Randy Leonard shows off the “Go-Getter” Award made especially for him during his week at camp. As the award states, he was full of ambition, positivity, energy and drive. It is always a pleasure to have Randy spend a week at camp.. He has been coming from the Clear Lake, IA area since 1981 and we look forward to his future week-long camps in the coming years. DAVENPORT IOWA MOLINE ROCK ISLAND ✁ Camp Courageous continues to run on donations. Use this form to make a contribution as a memorial, in honor of a special friend, or to celebrate an occasion. Camp Courageous is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Use enclosed envelope or mail this form to: Camp Courageous, PO Box 418, Monticello IA 52310-0418 Please use this gift for: General Fund Camp Foundation (Perpetual Fund) Building Fund Pool Block ($1,000) Leo Greco Project (Silver $250, Gold $500) Courier Newsletter Sponsor ($125) Campership Fund Full campership is $410.00 which covers the camper’s fee & may cover other camper expenses Train Depot Plaque ($1,000) Future Lake Project ($1,000) Camper T-shirts Sponsor ($500) Your name and address (billing address if using credit card): NAME (or name on credit card): ADDRESS (or billing address of credit card): CITY: DAY PHONE #: Your gift to Camp Courageous: $ E-MAIL ADDRESS: This gift is: VISA MasterCard ZIP CODE (Your personal information will only be used by Camp Courageous and will never be sold or provided to a third party.) AMOUNT: Check STATE Discover In honor of: (make checks payable to Camp Courageous) To celebrate: Credit Card information: CARD NUMBER: In memory of: Send an acknowledgement about your gift to: NAME(S): EXPIRATION DATE (MM/YY): 3-DIGIT AVS # (BACK OF CARD): ADDRESS SIGNATURE: CITY: STATE Other ways to help or get information about Camp Courageous: I would like to be part of your monthly pledge program (renewed every January 1st). Please send more information. My employer, _________________________, will match this gift (please enclose matching gift form from employer). Please send information on including Camp Courageous in my will/estate. I am interested in volunteering opportunities. Please have someone contact me. I am interested in having a presentation given to my group or organization about Camp Courageous. 40 ZIP CODE Please send me more info about: Camp Foundation Courier Sponsorship Camper Registration Camp Rental Employment Internships JANUARY Camp Courageous In general, donations to the camp will be tax deductible to many. However, you will need to2012 contact— your tax advisor to determine the— deductibility of your contributions.
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06:24:43-05:00, 2011:06:20 06:25:06-05:00, 2011:06:20 06:25:49-05:00, 2011:06:20 06:32:16-05:00, 2011:06:20 06:32:40-05:00, 2011:06:20 06:38:11-05:00, 2011:06:20 06:38:25-05:00, 2011:06:20 06:53:16-05:00, 2011:06:20 06:54:59-05:00, 2011:06:20 06:56:51-05:00, 2011:06:20 06:59:15-05:00, 2011:06:20 07:04:10-05:00, 2011:06:20 07:04:35-05:00, 2011:06:20 07:05:34-05:00, 2011:06:20 07:06-05:00, 2011:06:20 07:06:52-05:00, 2011:06:20 07:07:56-05:00, 2011:06:20 07:08:20-05:00, 2011:06:20 07:11:37-05:00, 2011:06:20 07:12:08-05:00, 2011:06:20 07:17:48-05:00, 2011:06:20 07:18:50-05:00, 2011:06:20 07:24:13-05:00, 2011:06:20 07:25:09-05:00, 2011:06:20 07:26:07-05:00, 2011:06:20 07:27:22-05:00, 2011:06:20 07:28:49-05:00, 2011:06:20 07:29:52-05:00, 2011:06:20 07:30:37-05:00, 2011:06:20 07:32:04-05:00, 2011:06:20 07:41:18-05:00, 2011:06:20 07:41:23-05:00, 2011:06:20 07:41:56-05:00, 2011:06:20 07:42:54-05:00, 2011:06:20 07:59:11-05:00, 2011:06:20 08:52:06-05:00, 2011:06:20 08:52:34-05:00, 2011:06:20 08:57:28-05:00, 2011:06:20 08:58:22-05:00, 2011:06:20 09:00-05:00, 2011:06:20 09:00:11-05:00, 2011:06:20 09:03:30-05:00, 2011:06:20 09:05:30-05:00, 2011:06:20 09:08:20-05:00, 2011:06:20 09:10:45-05:00, 2011:06:20 09:14:19-05:00, 2011:06:20 09:14:28-05:00, 2011:06:20 09:18:45-05:00, 2011:06:20 09:20:15-05:00, 2011:06:20 09:21:37-05:00, 2011:06:20 09:22:07-05:00, 2011:06:20 09:24:28-05:00, 2011:06:20 09:30:26-05:00, 2011:06:20 09:35:38-05:00, 2011:06:20 09:38:59-05:00, 2011:06:20 09:39:45-05:00, 2011:06:20 09:40:20-05:00, 2011:06:20 09:44:26-05:00, 2011:06:20 09:50:29-05:00, 2011:06:20 13:10:22-05:00, 2011:06:20 13:43:38-05:00, 2011:06:20 13:43:57-05:00, 2011:06:20 13:45:55-05:00, 2011:06:21 08:13:16-05:00, 2011:06:21 08:43:26-05:00, 2011:06:21 08:43:36-05:00, 2011:06:21 10:01:45-05:00, 2011:06:21 10:30:43-05:00, 2011:06:21 10:32:02-05:00, 2011:06:21 10:39:15-05:00, 2011:06:21 10:40:15-05:00, 2011:06:21 10:42:18-05:00, 2011:06:21 10:42:52-05:00, 2011:06:21 10:47:46-05:00, 2011:06:21 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14:08:29-05:00, 2011:06:21 14:18:40-05:00, 2011:06:21 14:23:10-05:00, 2011:06:21 14:25:26-05:00, 2011:06:21 14:25:41-05:00, 2011:06:21 14:26:35-05:00, 2011:06:21 14:30:52-05:00, 2011:06:21 14:31:02-05:00, 2011:06:21 14:32:14-05:00, 2011:06:21 14:34-05:00, 2011:06:21 14:34:17-05:00, 2011:06:21 14:39:25-05:00, 2011:06:21 14:45:05-05:00, 2011:06:21 14:45:25-05:00, 2011:06:21 14:45:35-05:00, 2011:06:21 14:47:45-05:00, 2011:06:21 14:48:22-05:00, 2011:06:21 14:51:57-05:00, 2011:06:21 14:52:44-05:00, 2011:06:21 14:53:14-05:00, 2011:06:21 14:55:25-05:00, 2011:06:21 14:55:52-05:00, 2011:06:21 14:56:27-05:00, 2011:06:21 14:57:04-05:00, 2011:06:21 14:58:25-05:00, 2011:06:21 14:58:48-05:00, 2011:06:21 14:59:45-05:00, 2011:06:21 15:03:54-05:00, 2011:06:21 15:08:48-05:00, 2011:06:22 13:21:35-05:00, 2011:06:22 13:49:01-05:00, 2011:06:23 09:10:48-05:00, 2011:09:06 07:41:55-05:00, 2011:09:06 07:41:55-05:00, 2011:09:06 07:47:19-05:00, 2011:09:06 07:57:41-05:00, 2011:09:06 08:12:33-05:00, 2011:09:06 08:15:42-05:00, 2011:09:06 08:15:53-05:00, 2011:09:06 08:17:07-05:00, 2011:09:06 08:18:13-05:00, 2011:09:06 08:26:36-05:00, 2011:09:06 08:29:49-05:00, 2011:09:06 08:47:37-05:00, 2011:09:06 08:49:30-05:00, 2011:09:06 09:34:45-05:00, 2011:09:06 13:58:02-05:00, 2011:09:07 06:20:04-05:00, 2011:09:07 06:42:09-05:00, 2011:09:07 06:55:13-05:00, 2011:09:07 07:22:53-05:00, 2011:09:07 07:23:26-05:00, 2011:09:07 07:41:17-05:00, 2011:09:07 07:50:01-05:00, 2011:09:07 08:19:25-05:00, 2011:09:07 08:20:22-05:00, 2011:09:07 08:26:12-05:00, 2011:09:12 10:07:01-05:00, 2011:09:12 10:28:56-05:00, 2011:09:12 10:29:10-05:00, 2011:09:12 10:29:14-05:00, 2011:09:12 11:08:21-05:00, 2011:09:12 11:20:44-05:00, 2011:09:12 11:24:31-05:00, 2011:09:12 11:29:17-05:00, 2011:09:12 11:35:06-05:00, 2011:09:12 11:38:45-05:00, 2011:09:12 13:41:27-05:00, 2011:09:12 13:42:08-05:00, 2011:09:13 06:20:09-05:00, 2011:09:13 06:33:17-05:00, 2011:09:13 06:36:02-05:00, 2011:09:13 06:50:50-05:00, 2011:09:13 06:52:25-05:00, 2011:09:13 07:52:17-05:00, 2011:09:13 09:01:53-05:00, 2011:09:13 09:13:38-05:00, 2011:09:13 12:01:03-05:00, 2011:09:13 12:51:21-05:00, 2011:09:13 12:52:26-05:00, 2011:09:13 12:52:36-05:00, 2011:09:13 13:09:18-05:00, 2011:09:13 13:19:55-05:00, 2011:09:13 13:20:02-05:00, 2011:09:13 13:49:09-05:00, 2011:09:13 13:53:36-05:00, 2011:09:13 13:53:44-05:00, 2011:09:14 09:19:17-05:00, 2011:09:14 09:20:30-05:00, 2011:09:14 09:25:30-05:00, 2011:09:14 09:36:48-05:00, 2011:09:14 09:40:46-05:00, 2011:09:14 09:41:51-05:00, 2011:09:14 09:43:08-05:00, 2011:09:14 09:45:41-05:00, 2011:09:14 09:46:42-05:00, 2011:09:14 09:49:04-05:00, 2011:09:14 09:52:56-05:00, 2011:09:14 10:08:33-05:00, 2011:09:14 10:08:55-05:00, 2011:09:14 10:09:04-05:00, 2011:09:14 10:37:32-05:00, 2011:09:14 10:40:56-05:00, 2011:09:14 10:47:04-05:00, 2011:09:14 10:50:54-05:00, 2011:09:14 10:51-05:00, 2011:09:14 12:11:32-05:00, 2011:09:14 12:11:59-05:00, 2011:09:14 12:15:12-05:00, 2011:09:14 12:33:25-05:00, 2011:09:14 12:50:28-05:00, 2011:09:14 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07:47:34-05:00, 2011:09:15 07:52-05:00, 2011:09:15 08:01:33-05:00, 2011:09:15 08:05:35-05:00, 2011:09:15 08:07:17-05:00, 2011:09:15 08:07:39-05:00, 2011:09:15 08:09:42-05:00, 2011:09:15 08:12:43-05:00, 2011:09:15 08:14:04-05:00, 2011:09:15 08:14:18-05:00, 2011:09:15 08:16:45-05:00, 2011:09:15 08:27:32-05:00, 2011:09:15 08:34:04-05:00, 2011:09:15 08:35:56-05:00, 2011:09:15 08:37:26-05:00, 2011:09:15 08:41:35-05:00, 2011:09:15 08:42:49-05:00, 2011:09:15 08:44:28-05:00, 2011:09:15 08:44:43-05:00, 2011:09:15 08:45:37-05:00, 2011:09:15 08:45:43-05:00, 2011:09:15 08:48:07-05:00, 2011:09:15 08:51:04-05:00, 2011:09:15 08:54:06-05:00, 2011:09:15 09:00:32-05:00, 2011:09:15 09:01:26-05:00, 2011:09:15 09:05:12-05:00, 2011:09:15 09:07:17-05:00, 2011:09:15 09:09:47-05:00, 2011:09:15 09:24:17-05:00, 2011:09:15 09:37:54-05:00, 2011:09:15 09:38:28-05:00, 2011:09:15 09:41:18-05:00, 2011:09:15 09:41:34-05:00, 2011:09:15 09:41:47-05:00, 2011:09:15 09:44:21-05:00, 2011:09:15 09:45:10-05:00, 2011:09:15 09:45:48-05:00, 2011:09:15 12:26:35-05:00, 2011:09:15 13:03:47-05:00, 2011:09:15 13:06-05:00, 2011:09:15 13:06:23-05:00, 2011:09:15 13:06:48-05:00, 2011:09:15 13:06:50-05:00, 2011:09:15 13:08:07-05:00, 2011:09:15 13:15:45-05:00, 2011:09:15 13:21:05-05:00, 2011:09:15 13:21:56-05:00, 2011:09:15 18:52:54-05:00, 2011:09:15 19:31:59-05:00, 2011:09:15 19:34:56-05:00, 2011:09:15 19:46:52-05:00, 2011:09:15 19:55:09-05:00, 2011:09:15 19:55:39-05:00, 2011:09:15 20:11:59-05:00, 2011:09:15 20:14:40-05:00, 2011:09:15 20:15:39-05:00, 2011:09:15 20:16:12-05:00, 2011:09:15 20:16:54-05:00, 2011:09:15 20:18:01-05:00, 2011:09:15 20:18:27-05:00, 2011:09:15 20:26:27-05:00, 2011:09:15 20:30:05-05:00, 2011:09:15 20:30:33-05:00, 2011:09:15 20:34:28-05:00, 2011:09:15 20:54:48-05:00, 2011:09:15 20:55:42-05:00, 2011:09:15 21:04:44-05:00, 2011:09:15 21:05:56-05:00, 2011:09:15 21:07:26-05:00, 2011:09:16 06:19:07-05:00, 2011:09:16 06:36:01-05:00, 2011:09:16 06:37:56-05:00, 2011:09:16 06:38:12-05:00, 2011:09:16 06:38:51-05:00, 2011:09:16 06:46:21-05:00, 2011:09:16 06:50:48-05:00, 2011:09:16 06:55:33-05:00, 2011:09:16 07:01:59-05:00, 2011:09:16 07:10:39-05:00, 2011:09:16 07:11:54-05:00, 2011:09:16 07:12:30-05:00, 2011:09:16 07:27:23-05:00, 2011:09:16 07:34:41-05:00, 2011:09:16 07:34:52-05:00, 2011:09:16 07:52:19-05:00, 2011:09:16 08:00:38-05:00, 2011:09:16 08:23:12-05:00, 2011:09:16 08:33:53-05:00, 2011:09:16 08:34:12-05:00, 2011:09:16 08:34:40-05:00, 2011:09:16 08:35:54-05:00, 2011:09:16 08:36:35-05:00, 2011:09:16 08:38:34-05:00, 2011:09:16 08:40:02-05:00, 2011:09:16 08:40:37-05:00, 2011:09:16 08:42:46-05:00, 2011:09:16 08:44:36-05:00, 2011:09:16 09:11:16-05:00, 2011:09:16 09:13:05-05:00, 2011:09:16 09:13:11-05:00, 2011:09:16 09:13:37-05:00, 2011:09:16 09:14:40-05:00, 2011:09:16 09:14:51-05:00, 2011:09:16 09:15:44-05:00, 2011:09:16 09:16:35-05:00, 2011:09:16 09:18:54-05:00, 2011:09:16 09:19:07-05:00, 2011:09:16 09:20:31-05:00, 2011:09:16 09:23:04-05:00, 2011:09:16 09:25:34-05:00, 2011:09:16 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