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Society for Research in Child Development
2013 Biennial Meeting
April 18-20, 2013
Pre-conferences: April 17
Complete Program Schedule
Washington State Convention Center
& Sheraton Seattle Hotel
Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.
Event Numbers (0-000). The first number begins with P on Wednesday--the preconference event
day--and each session is assigned a sequential number (P-001, P-002, etc.) for that day.
Thursday's event number begins with 1, and each session is assigned a sequential number (1-001,
1-002, etc.) for that day. Friday sessions begin with 2, and Saturday sessions begin with 3. Missing
numbers represent sessions that have been cancelled or posters that were withdrawn.
Welcome Messages ..................................................................................................................... 3
Wednesday ................................................................................................................................... 7
Thursday ....................................................................................................................................... 8
Friday ........................................................................................................................................ 126
Saturday ................................................................................................................................... 232
Author Index ............................................................................................................................. 359
Subject Index ........................................................................................................................... 523
On-Site Information ................................................................................................................. 539
Welcome From the President
Dear Attendees,
Welcome to Seattle for the 2013 Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child
Our program co-chairs, Judy Garber and Sandra Graham, have assembled a wonderful and
innovative program that reflects the growing edges of our science, along with the strategic goals of
One strong theme you will notice at this meeting is the globalization of developmental science.
There is a preconference and related symposium during the meeting on “Interventions for
“Children and Youth in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: New Opportunities and Challenges for
Developmental Science” – presented by a stellar international team of organizers and presenters,
with support from the Jacobs Foundation as well as the International Affairs Committee of SRCD.
There is an invited symposium on “Adaptive and Maladaptive Pathways of Immigrant Children and
Youth,” organized by Cabrera and Motti-Stefanidi, featuring leading international scholars focused
on this issue of vital concern to the economic and psychological well-being of many stakeholders
around the world. There is an international symposium on bullying focused on intervention science
in diverse regions of the world, organized by Finnish scholar Salmivalli. Cynthia Garcia Coll will
discuss the Immigrant Paradox in her invited presentation on ways that globalization, diversity, and
migration are changing child development in North America. An invited symposium chaired by
Weisner examines diverse pathways of development from multicultural as well as multidisciplinary
perspectives. In my presidential address on Friday, I will highlight global perspectives on resilience,
what we know and need to know in a world where millions of children face potentially life-altering
adversities every day.
Another important theme infusing this meeting is the “multiple levels” approach, focused on
processes that span levels of analysis and species, engage multiple disciplines, and give important
new traction to the goal of understanding dynamic processes that shape development, from the
molecular level to neural function to social ecology. Cicchetti’s invited address presents multiple-
level data to elucidate processes of risk and resilience in child maltreatment. Numerous other
papers at the meeting will present the latest findings on epigenetic processes, gene by intervention
designs, biological imbedding, differential susceptibility, ethnic identity, and many other forms of
interplay by which processes linking genes, brains, behaviors, social behavior, culture, and many
other levels of organisms and experience interact to shape development.
The synergy that emerges when scientists transcend the traditional divides of bench and bedside,
lab and classroom, or basic and applied goals is evident throughout this meeting. Presentations
delineate efforts to prevent autistic spectrum disorder, protect brain development, or promote
social justice and opportunities for positive development, with the understanding that translational
approaches often yield better science as well as improvements in the lives of children.
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Wednesday, April 17
(Event P-001) SRCD Pre-Conference
Metropolitan Ballroom (Sheraton Seattle Hotel, 3rd
Floor )
Wednesday, 8:00 am - 5:30 pm
P-001. Interventions for Children & Youth in
Low- and Middle-Income Countries
You must be registered to attend this pre-conference.
This day-long pre-conference event will provide a
platform for formal and informal exchange between
diverse groups of scholars and practitioners, as well as
ample opportunity to learn from others’ experiences doing
developmental research and interventions in low- and
middle-income countries. Using a mix of panels and
breakout groups, the day will be structured along three
central themes: (1) opportunities and strength-based
strategies to promote healthy child and youth
development in the context of threats, risks, and
constraints to development in low- and middle-income
countries; (2) the process of design, implementation, and
evaluation of developmental interventions in low- and
middle-income countries; (3) concepts, methods, and
other challenges of cross-disciplinary/professional, cross-
cultural/national research and collaboration. These
themes will be developed further through the use of
targeted, high-quality case studies of intervention
research from low- and middle-income countries.
(Event P-003) SRCD Pre-Conference
Room 606 (Washington Convention Center)
Wednesday, 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
P-003. 2013 Developmental Science
Teaching Institute
You must be registered to attend this pre-conference.
The SRCD Developmental Science Teaching Institute is
designed for teachers of developmental courses at all
levels who wish to develop strategies for engaging
students, to explore new ideas, to update their knowledge
base, and to share ideas and perspectives with like-
minded professionals. To accomplish these goals and
encompass broad areas of interest for beginning to
advanced teachers of developmental science, the
Institute provides two plenary sessions, a variety of
breakout sessions, a poster session, and opportunities for
interaction in order to share ideas among participants.
The diverse presentation formats allow occasions for
informal exchange and enable participants to select an
agenda that meets their professional development needs.
Reception and Poster Session to follow.
(Event P-004) SRCD Pre-Conference
Willow AB (Sheraton Seattle Hotel, 2nd Floor )
Wednesday, 4:00 pm - 6:30 pm
P-004. The Edward Zigler Policy Pre-
conference: The First Thousand Days—
Setting the Foundation
You must be registered to attend this pre-conference.
The Edward Zigler Policy Pre-conference honors the
contributions of Edward Zigler in bridging research and
policy. This year’s preconference will focus on what we
know about how the first thousand days of life are critical
to setting a foundation for healthy development. Megan
Gunnar and Gary Evans will provide the keynote
addresses. Megan Gunnar is the Regents Professor,
Distinguished McKnight University Professor, Director of
the Institute of Child Development, and Child Psychology
Department Chair at the University of Minnesota. Gary
Evans is the Elizabeth Lee Vincent Professor within the
Department of Design and Environmental Analysis and
the Department of Human Development at Cornell
University. Commentaries will be provided by discussants
from different perspectives, and breakout discussion
sessions will be facilitated by leaders in the field.
Refreshments and hors d’oeuvres will also be served.
Students and early career professionals are encouraged
to attend! This preconference is co-sponsored by the
University-Based Child and Family Policy Consortium,
SRCD’s Student and Early Career Council, and SRCD’s
Committee for Policy and Communications.
Thursday, 8:30 am - 10:00 am
(Event 1-001) Paper Session
Aspen (Sheraton Seattle Hotel, 2nd Floor)
Thursday, 8:30 am - 10:00 am
1-001. Activity Participation and Adjustment
in Youth
Chair: Bonnie L. Barber
Binge Drinking Trajectories in Australian Youth: The
Roles of Sport and Activity Participation
Bonnie Barber, Kathryn Modecki, Corey Blomfield
Effects of After School Program Participation on
Mental Health and Substance Use among
Adolescents from 18 Public High Schools in Boston
Raehyuck Lee, HaeNim Lee
SPARK for Learning: Supporting the Social-
Emotional Well-being of Children through Daily
Physical Exercise
Emma Climie, Michelle Deen
Predicting School Climate from Different Types of
Civic Engagement
Holly Wegman
(Event 1-002) Paper Symposium
Cedar AB (Sheraton Seattle Hotel, 2nd Floor)
Thursday, 8:30 am - 10:00 am
1-002. Attachment in the Brain
Chair: Madelon Riem
Adult Attachment Representations Predict Amygdala
and Behavioral Responses to Infant Crying
Madelon Riem, Marian Bakermans-Kranenburg,
Marinus van IJzendoorn, Dorothée Out, Serge
Maternal Neural Responses to Auditory and Visual
Infant Distress Cues Relate to Infant Attachment
Heidemarie Laurent, Jennifer Ablow
Neural and Developmental Markers of Attachment
Lane Beckes, James Coan, Joseph Allen, Madelon
Adult Attachment Predicts Maternal Brain and
Oxytocin Response to Infant Cues.
Lane Strathearn
(Event 1-003) Paper Symposium
Issaquah AB (Sheraton Seattle Hotel, 3rd Floor)
Thursday, 8:30 am - 10:00 am
1-003. Memory Development: More than
Chair: Matthias Kliegel
Developmental trends in working memory tasks: The
influence of processing speed and of inhibition
Anik de Ribaupierre, Nathalie Mella
Development of metacognitive monitoring processes:
Influence of media complexity
Elisabeth Neudecker, Nicole von der Linden,
Wolfgang Schneider
The role of cognitive monitoring in children's
Caitlin Mahy, Louis Moses
Prospective memory development: The role of
executive control and memory processes
Matthias Kliegel, Voigt Babett
(Event 1-004) Paper Symposium
Ravenna ABC (Sheraton Seattle Hotel, 3rd Floor)
Thursday, 8:30 am - 10:00 am
1-004. The Development of Hostile
Attribution Biases and Peer Victimization
Chair: Jamie M. Ostrov
Hostile Attribution Biases for Relational Provocation
and Future Relational Victimization: A Short-Term
Longitudinal Study in Early Childhood
Kimberly Kamper, Stephanie Godleski, Emily Hart,
Jamie Ostrov
Predicting Victimization and Aggression with Hostile
Intent Attributions and Emotional Distress: The Utility
of Parent Perceptions
David Nelson, Christine Cramer, Sarah Coyne,
Joseph Olsen
Longitudinal Associations between Hostile Attribution
Bias and Peer Victimization: The Moderating Roles
of Autonomic Reactivity to Stress and Gender
Clio Pitula, Dianna Murray-Close, Wan-Ling Tseng,
Adrienne Banny, Nicki Crick
Associations among Relational Victimization, Hostile
Attribution Bias, and Conflict Resolution Skills: The
Moderating Role of Physiological Reactivity to Social
Erin Shoulberg, Nicole Lafko, Caitlin Wagner, Dianna
(Event 1-005) Paper Symposium
Redwood AB (Sheraton Seattle Hotel, 2nd Floor)
Thursday, 8:30 am - 10:00 am
1-005. Development of Anthropomorphism
Chair: Deniz Tahiroglu
Discussant: Paul Bloom
The Role of Pretense and Anthropomorphism in
Children's Attributions of Life-Like Characteristics to
Rachel Severson
The Relations Between Anthropomorphism, Theory
of Mind and Role Play
Deniz Tahiroglu, Marjorie Taylor
Teleological and Animistic Beliefs About the Natural
World: Conceptions of Nature in Children and
Professional Scientists
Deborah Kelemen, Joshua Rottman, Rebecca
(Event 1-006) Paper Symposium
Room 201 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 8:30 am - 10:00 am
1-006. Long-term contributions of
childhood ADHD symptoms to early
adulthood outcomes: Delinquency, non-
suicidal self-injurious outcomes and
suicide attempts
Chair: Sylvana M. Côté
Discussant: Stephen P. Hinshaw
Ten-year Outcomes of Childhood Hyperactivity in a
Female Sample: Predictors and Mediators of NSSI
and Suicide Attempts
Erika Swanson, Stephen Hinshaw
Cognitive Impulsivity and Delinquency from Late
Childhood to Early Adulthood: Moderating Effects of
Parenting Behavior and Peer Relationships
Pol van Lier, Barbara Menting, Hans Koot, Dustin
Pardini, Rolf Loeber
Childhood Hyperactivity and Criminality: A 19 Year
Prospective Population-Based Study
Jean-Baptiste Pingault, Sylvana Côté, Eric Lacourse,
Cédric Galéra, Frank Vitaro, Richard Tremblay
(Event 1-007) Paper Symposium
Room 203 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 8:30 am - 10:00 am
1-007. Eliciting Honesty from Children
Chair: Lindsay E. Wandrey
Discussant: Gail S. Goodman
The Role of Parents in Children's Disclosures
Elizabeth Rush, Lindsay Wandrey, Jodi Quas,
Thomas Lyon
The Effects of the Putative Confession on 9-12-year-
old Maltreated and Non-maltreated Children's
Transgression Disclosures
Angela Evans, Elizabeth Ahern, Thomas Lyon
Evaluating Children's Honesty: The Effects of
Increasing Cognitive Load on Children's True and
False Reports
Victoria Talwar, Shanna Williams, Kevin Colwell
(Event 1-008) Paper Session
Room 204 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 8:30 am - 10:00 am
1-008. Community Violence and War
Chair: J. Lawrence Aber
Does Autonomic Functioning Moderate the Relation
between Community Violence Exposure and
Children's Anxiety Symptoms?
Jessie Cline, Lindsey Bruett, Darcy Burgers,
Deborah Drabick
Shattered Schools? Student Achievement, Social
Disorder and Violent Crime in School Neighborhoods
Jondou Chen, Jeanne Brooks-Gunn
Social disorder in the wake of war: the post-conflict
social environment and externalizing behaviors
among war-affected youth
Theresa Betancourt, Ryan McBain, Elizabeth
Newnham, Robert Brennan
Impact of Violent Ethno-Religious Conflict on
Secondary School Educational Outcomes in Jos
Metropolis of Plateau State
Beatrice Bahago, Grace Ohunene Momoh
(Event 1-009) Paper Session
Room 205 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 8:30 am - 10:00 am
1-009. Family Systems and Children's
Behavioral Development
Chair: Kaitlyn A. Ferris
Family Meals and Adolescent Problem Behavior:
Opportunities for Teen Self-disclosure and Parent
Kaitlyn Ferris, Philip Lemaster, Aaron Metzger
Yeonsoo Yoo, JoAnn Robinson
Children's Social Competence as the Outcome of
Interdependence among Family Subsystems
Hana Yoo, Xin Feng
Using Latent Class Analysis to Identify Family
Typologies and Explore Variation in Children's
Behavior Problems
Amanda Roy, Jessica Burdick, C. Cybele Raver,
Jossy Joute
(Event 1-010) Paper Symposium
Room 206 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 8:30 am - 10:00 am
1-010. Peer-Based Racial/Ethnic
Discrimination in Intimate Settings
Chair: Sara Douglass
Discussant: Ronald Taylor
Perceived Within-Group Discrimination among Black
College Students
Joanna Williams, Myles Durkee
Mexican-Origin Adolescents' Peer Ethnic
Discrimination and its Relation to Long-Term
Adjustment: Examining Risk and Resilience
Melissa Delgado, Rajni Nair, Kimberly Updegraff,
Adriana Umana-Taylor
Racial/Ethnic Teasing and Anxiety in Adolescents: A
Person-by-Context Approach
Sara Douglass, Tiffany Yip
(Event 1-011) Paper Symposium
Room 211 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 8:30 am - 10:00 am
1-011. Children's Learning Across Different
Cultural Contexts
Chair: Eva E. Chen
Children's inference and retention of trait information
across two cultures
Eva Chen, Kathleen Corriveau, Paul Harris,
Mahzarin Banaji
The influence of culture and parenting on children's
deference to others: Evidence from South Korea
Elizabeth Kim, Hyun-joo Song, Paul Harris, Kathleen
The role of conformity and culture in the imitation of
questionable actions
Cara DiYanni, Deniela Nini, Jad Nasrini, Katelyn
Kurkul, Kathleen Corriveau
Monoethnic and multiethnic children: How ethnic
identity saliency affects learning preferences
Sarah Gaither, Eva Chen, Kathleen Corriveau, Paul
Harris, Nalini Ambady, Samuel Sommers
(Event 1-012) Paper Symposium
Room 2A (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 8:30 am - 10:00 am
1-012. Chaotic Environments and Low-
Income Children's Self-Regulation:
Converging Evidence for a Model of
Experiential Canalization
Chair: C. Cybele Raver
Cumulative Experience of Poverty and Child Stress
Physiology: Evidence for Experiential Canalization?
Clancy Blair, Douglas Granger
The Experiential Canalization of Emotion Regulation:
Testing the Roles of Interparental Conflict and
Violence From 7 to 58 Months.
C. Cybele Raver, Clancy Blair, Patricia Garrett-
Peters, Martha Cox, Hanna Gustafsson
Household Chaos and Children's Cognitive and
Socio-Emotional Development in Early Childhood:
Does Childcare Play a Buffering Role?
Daniel Berry
Chronic Exposure to Neighborhood Violence and
Low-Income, Urban Children's Selective Attention to
Emotional Stimuli
Dana McCoy, C. Cybele Raver, Patrick Sharkey,
Alexandra Ursache, Jessica Burdick
(Event 1-013) Roundtable
Room 2B (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 8:30 am - 10:00 am
1-013. The Multi-Layered Nature of Youth
Acculturation and Adaptation in Plural
Societies: Key Questions for Research and
Moderator: Gail M. Ferguson
Panelists: Marc Bornstein, Jacqueline Nguyen,
Radosveta Dimitrova
(Event 1-014) Paper Symposium
Room 303 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 8:30 am - 10:00 am
1-014. Kindergarteners Now versus Then:
Educational Experiences and Outcomes
Today and 10 Years Ago
Chair: Daniel Potter
Preparing or Procrastinating in Pre-K and
Kindergarten: Implications of the Education and Care
Arrangements of Children the Year Before and
During Kindergarten for School Readiness and Gains
Kristin Flanagan, Amy Rathbun
Risk and Resiliency in an Age of Uncertainty and
Accountability: Children's Socioemotional Well-being
at the Beginning of Kindergarten
Jodi Chernoff, Daniel Potter
Growing Gaps or Diminishing Disparities? Children's
Reading and Mathematics Skills in Kindergarten,
Class of 1998 versus Class of 2010
Jeremy Redford, Cameron McPhee
"Shall Reading and Writing be taught in
Kindergarten?" The Changing Face of Kindergarten
Curriculum in a Culture of Academic Accountability
Jill Walston, Jennell McHugh
(Event 1-015) Paper Session
Room 307 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 8:30 am - 10:00 am
1-015. Callous-Unemotional Traits:
Assessment, Adjustment, and Intervention
in Preschool-Age Children and Gender
Differences in Adolescents
Chair: Sara R. Nichols
Developmental Components of Low Concern as
Facets of Preschool Disruptive Behavior: Disregard
for Others' Distress and Resistance to Discipline
Sara Nichols, Lauren Wakschlag, Margaret Briggs-
Gowan, Joel Voss
Impact of Callous-Unemotional Traits on
Preschoolers' School Readiness and Social-
Emotional Functioning
Paulo Graziano, Janine Slavec, Sarah Haas, Katie
Hart, Daniel Waschbusch, William Pelham
Parent Training Effect on Pre-Kindergarten Conduct
Problems:Changing Children's Effortful Control and
Callous-Unemotional Traits
Yoel Elizur, Lior Somech
Testing Gender-Differentiated Models of
Delinquency: Trauma Exposure, CU Traits,
Borderline Features, and Youth Offending
Patricia Kerig, Diana Bennett, Erin Kaufman, Brian
(Event 1-016) Paper Symposium
Room 308 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 8:30 am - 10:00 am
1-016. Explaining and Encouraging Healthy
Eating in Young Children
Chair: Sarah Gripshover
Parental Strategies Used to Encourage Vegetable
Consumption in Native Hawaiian Families
Brandy Frazier, Kayla Abing, Julie Lumeng
Mother-Child Conversations About Eating Healthy
and Unhealthy Foods
Lakshmi Raman
Theory Change as a Health Intervention Tool for
Young Children
Sarah Gripshover, Ellen Markman
"Think Biology" in Nutrition Education: Chinese
Children's Conceptual and Behavioral Change
Terry Au, Olive Woo
(Event 1-017) Paper Symposium
Room 310 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 8:30 am - 10:00 am
1-017. The Role of School-Wide Social
Norms During Adolescent Development
Chair: Alicia D. Lynch
Discussant: Thomas J. Dishion
Parent, Friend, and School-Mate Social Norms and
Adolescent Alcohol Use
Rebekah Coley, Alicia Lynch, James Mahalik, Caitlin
Lombardi, Jacqueline Sims
The Role of School-Wide Social Norms in Individual
Academic Achievement and School Engagement
Alicia Lynch, Tama Leventhal
Peer Norm Salience for Achievement and Behavior:
Implications for Adolescent School Experiences
Jan Kornelis Dijkstra, Scott Gest
(Event 1-018) Paper Symposium
Room 3A (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 8:30 am - 10:00 am
1-018. A Longitudinal, Multi-Method
Approach to Behavioral, Interpersonal, &
Environmental Effects on Mexican-Origin
Youth's Development
Chair: Maciel M. Hernández
A Study of the Academic Success of Mexican-Origin
Children: An Examination of School Belonging,
Migration History, and SES
Maciel M. Hernández, Rand Conger, Keith Widaman,
Richard Robins, Gary Stockdale
Family Resilience During the Great Recession:
Social Support, Family Processes, and the
Development of Mexican-Origin Children
Zoe Taylor, Rand Conger, Keith Widaman, Richard
Observed Parenting and Parent Personality Predict
Adolescent Personality Development in a Mexican
American Sample
Thomas Schofield, Richard Robins, Rand Conger
Substance Use Risk and Sensation-Seeking:
Implications for Risk-Taking Behavior in Mexican-
Origin Adolescents
Sarah Ruiz, Clinton Lee, Richard Robins, Amanda
(Event 1-019) Roundtable
Room 3B (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 8:30 am - 10:00 am
1-019. The Future of EEG Methods With
Developing Populations
Moderator: Vincent M. Reid
Panelists: Stefanie Hoehl, Greg Reynolds, Peter
Marshall, Eugenio Parise
(Event 1-020) Roundtable
Room 400 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 8:30 am - 10:00 am
1-020. Beyond a Sole Focus on Child
Outcomes: Clarifying a Conceptual
Framework for Early Care and Education
Quality Improvement Initiatives
Moderator: Kathryn Tout
Panelists: Martha Zaslow, Marcy Whitebook,
Kimberly Boller, Ivelisse Martinez-Beck
(Event 1-021) Paper Symposium
Room 4C-1 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 8:30 am - 10:00 am
1-021. Domain-general and Domain-specific
Associations of the Classroom Assessment
Scoring System to Children's Development
From Preschool to Fifth Grade
Chair: Bridget E. Hatfield
Discussant: Edward Seidman
Evidence for General and Domain Specific Elements
of Teacher-Child Interactions: Associations with
Preschool Children's Development
Bridget Hamre, Bridget Hatfield
A Bifactor model of the CLASS: Associations with
Children's Sense of Relatedness and Teachers'
Approaches to Managing Behavior and Learning
Rebecca Madill, Scott Gest, Philip Rodkin
Reconceptualizing the CLASS Framework in
Elementary Schools: Domain-specific Links to
Teacher and Child Outcomes
Stephanie Jones, Joshua Brown, J. Lawrence Aber
(Event 1-022) Invited Address
Room 4C-2 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 8:30 am - 10:00 am
1-022. Leveraging Knowledge from the
Developmental Sciences for Improving
Modern STEM Education
Speaker: Philip U. Treisman
Chair: Richard M. Lerner
Abstract: Compelling economic forecasts indicate
that our country will need to produce, over the next
decade, one million more college graduates in
science, technology, engineering and mathematics
(STEM) fields of study. Furthermore, there is
increasingly broad recognition among STEM
thought leaders that the health of their disciplines
depends on developing a next generation of STEM
professionals that reflects the full diversity of our
society. The federal government, the President's
Council of Advisors on Science and Technology,
major foundations, and professional organizations
are calling for, or are creating, major initiatives to
ensure our future STEM capabilities. What do the
architects of these programs and initiatives need
from the developmental sciences? What is known,
but not applied? What questions about the
development of student agency, commitment to
learning, productive and healthful disciplinary and
pro-social behaviors need to be pursued if we are to
increase the likelihood of success in STEM
education? And finally, as the use of large-scale
psychological interventions grounded in the
developmental sciences increases, what ethical
safeguards should be in place, and by whom should
they be developed?
Biography: Philip "Uri" Treisman is professor of
mathematics and of public affairs at The University
of Texas at Austin, where he is the founder and
director of the University's Charles A. Dana Center.
He is a senior advisor to the Aspen Institute's Urban
Superintendents' Network and serves on the boards
of the New Teacher Project,
Education Resource Strategies
and the Center for Community
College Student Engagement.
He recently served on the STEM
working group of the President's
Council of Advisors on Science
and Technology and on the
Carnegie Corporation--Institute
for Advanced Study Commission
on Mathematics and Science Education. He served
on the AACC 21st -Century Commission on the
Future of Community Colleges and serves on the
AACC Implementation Team. Uri was named a
MacArthur Fellow in 1992 for his work on nurturing
minority student high achievement in college
mathematics and 2006 Scientist of the Year by the
Harvard Foundation of Harvard University for his
outstanding contributions to mathematics.
(Event 1-023) Paper Symposium
Room 4C-4 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 8:30 am - 10:00 am
1-023. The Development of Disruptive
Behavior Problems in Very Young Children
Chair: Raymond Baillargeon
Discussant: Alice S. Carter
Infants at Risk for Developing Aggressive Behaviour:
Transitions in Contentious Behaviour Over Infancy
Oliver Perra, Dale Hay
Continuities in Dimensions of Disruptive Behavior
Problems Over the First two Years of Life
Jonathan Hill, Helen Sharp, Andrew Pickles
Prosocial Behavior and the Development of
Disruptive Behavior Problems During Toddlerhood: A
Prospective Population-Based Cohort Study
Raymond Baillargeon
(Event 1-024) Paper Symposium
Room 602 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 8:30 am - 10:00 am
1-024. Empirically-supported Internet-based
child caregiver support interventions:
Meeting parents and caregivers where they
Chair: Ed Feil
Discussant: Judith J. Carta
Effects of a Web-Based Professional Development
Program on Child Care Providers of Infants
Kathleen Baggett, Betsy Davis, Julie Rusby
Remotely delivered home-visiting for mothers of
infants via the Internet: Social networking, usage and
preliminary outcomes
Susan Landry, Betsy Davis, Kathleen Baggett, Ed
Web-based depression intervention tailored for low-
income mothers of preschoolers: Mom-Net
Betsy Davis, Ed Feil
(Event 1-025) Paper Symposium
Room 603 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 8:30 am - 10:00 am
1-025. The Value of Micro-Analysis of
Parent-Infant Interactions to Understanding
Development in At-Risk Populations
Chair: Jessie B. Northrup
Discussant: Ruth Feldman
Coordinated Interpersonal Timing in 9-month Olds at
High and Low Risk for Autism Spectrum Disorder
and Their Mothers
Jessie Northrup, Jana Iverson
Mothers' Responsiveness and Child Development: A
Focus on Mother-Infant Interactions in Low-Income,
Ethnically Diverse Families
Catherine Tamis-LeMonda, Lisa Tafuro, Yana
Kuchirko, Lulu Song, Ronit Kahana-Kalman
Transactional Patterns of Maternal Depressive
Symptoms and Mother-Child Interactions in Adoptive
Families: The Added Value of Observational Second-
by-Second Coding
Caroline Roben, Ginger Moore, Pamela Cole, Peter
Molenaar, Leslie Leve, Daniel Shaw, David Reiss,
Jenae Neiderhiser
(Event 1-026) Paper Symposium
Room 604 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 8:30 am - 10:00 am
1-026. Family Matters: Parents, Youth, and
Antisocial Behavior
Chair: Caitlin Cavanagh
Discussant: Sarah Lindstrom Johnson
The Effects of Parenting Behavior and Parental
Influence on Adolescents' Risk Behavior
Emily Cook
Intergenerational Coherence Between Parent and
Adolescent Drinking Motives and the Relation to
Adolescent Alcohol Use and Problems
Suzanne Mares
Mothers' and Sons' Attitudes Toward the Justice
System and Implications for Delinquency
Caitlin Cavanagh
(Event 1-027) Paper Symposium
Room 605 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 8:30 am - 10:00 am
1-027. Unhealthy Eating Among
Children:Understanding Predictors,
Consequences, and Targets for
Chair: Kelly Purtell
Caregiver Attachment and Children's Food
Consumption: Emotion Regulation and Family
Routines as Mediators
Kelly Bost, Angela Wiley, Barbara Fiese, Amber
Hammons, Brent McBride
Child Temperament, Gender, Home Environment,
and Stress-Eating Behavior in Low-income
Alison Miller, Niko Kaciroti, Sophie Chen, Katherine
Rosenblum, Karen Peterson, Delia Vazquez, Julie
This is Your Brain on Fast Food: Fast Food
Consumption Predicts Slower Academic Growth in
Late Childhood
Kelly Purtell, Elizabeth Gershoff
Household Routines and Nutrition in Early
Childhood: An Entry Way to Building Family
Barbara Fiese, Amber Hammons, Kelly Bost, Angela
(Event 1-028) Paper Symposium
Room 606 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 8:30 am - 10:00 am
1-028. Cyber-Aggression and Victimization:
Methodological Advancements,
International Research, and Next Steps in
Chair: Michelle Wright
Is social network centrality related to (cyber)bullying
and (cyber)victimization? Parallel process growth
model analyses
Sonja Perren, Sabrina Ruggieri, Fabio Sticca,
Françoise Alsaker
Self-Other Discrepancies in Reports of
Cyberaggression and Cybervictimization
Cigdem Topcu, Noel Card, Sheri Bauman, Daniel
Motivations for Cyber Bullying: A Longitudinal and
Multi-Perspective Inquiry
Faye Mishna
Response Decision Processes for Face-to-face
Versus Cyber Aggression and the Longitudinal
Association to Aggressive Behaviors among
Michelle Wright
(Event 1-029) Paper Symposium
Room 607 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 8:30 am - 10:00 am
1-029. When is Adolescent Decision-Making
Risky and Why? Evidence from Behavioral
and Neuroimaging Studies
Chair: Elizabeth P. Shulman
Discussant: Laurence Steinberg
Deciding in the Dark: Age Differences in Intuitive
Risk Judgment
Elizabeth Shulman, Elizabeth Cauffman
How Affective Contexts Influence Adolescent
Decision-Making: Insights from Neuroimaging
Adriana Galvan
Neural Correlates of Expected Risks and Returns in
Children's, Adolescents' and Adults' Risky Choice
Anna van Duijvenvoorde, Hilde Huizenga, Leah
Somerville, Alisa Powers, Wouter Weeda, Mauricio
Delgado, Betty J Casey, Elke Weber, Bernd Figner
(Event 1-030) Poster Symposium
Room 608 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 8:30 am - 10:00 am
1-030. SES, Child Health and Well-Being
Across Contexts and Developmental
Chair: Gary Evans
Discussant: Gary Evans
Evidence for Impaired Self-regulation Among Low
Income Infants
Ariel Hart, Jill Hsia, Daniel Lewis
Health Status, Access and Satisfaction in Low-
Income, Ethnically Diverse Preschoolers: Links with
School Readiness and Performance
Deepti Gupta, Emily Doll, Adam Winsler
Exposure to Maternal Depression during Early
Childhood and Risk for Childhood Obesity
Chad Henry, Stephanie Sitnick, Daniel Shaw,
Thomas Dishion, Melvin Wilson
Impact of Neighborhood Food Retail on
Internalization of Early Adolescent Nutritional
Leighann Starkey
SES Predicts the Relationship between Physical
Activity and Academic Achievement
Rachel Manes
(Event 1-031) Poster Symposium
Room 609 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 8:30 am - 10:00 am
1-031. New Directions in Research on
Parents' Involvement in Children's
Chair: Eva Pomerantz
Social Capital and Precursors to Immigrant Family
Educational Involvement: Potential Pathways to
Educational Success for Students of Immigrant
Sandra Tang, Eric Dearing
Parental Beliefs about Children's Math and Reading
Ability Predict Self-Reported Parenting Behavior
Katherine Muenks, David Miele, Meredith Rowe,
Geetha Ramani
Beyond Level of Parental Involvement: Parents'
Reasons for Involvement Also Matter
Amanda Mikedis, Wendy Grolnick
Race, Class, and Parental Involvement in Education
at School Entry
Daphne Henry, Portia Miller, Elizabeth Votruba-Drzal
Family Educational Involvement and Child
Achievement across American-born Whites,
Minorities, & Immigrants
Erin McDonald, Eric Dearing
Can Parents' Involvement in Children's Education
Offset the Effects of Early Insensitivity on Academic
Jennifer Monti, Eva Pomerantz, Glenn Roisman
(Event 1-032) Paper Symposium
Room 610 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 8:30 am - 10:00 am
1-032. The Developmental Effects of Early
Life Stress: A Comparison of the Adaptive
Calibration and Allostatic Load Models
Chair: Bruce Ellis
The Adaptive Calibration Model of Stress
Marco Del Giudice, Bruce Ellis, Elizabeth Shirtcliff
Beyond Allostatic Load: Rethinking the Role of
Stress in Adaptively Regulating Human Development
Bruce Ellis, Marco Del Giudice
Relative Utility of the Allostatic Load and Adaptive
Calibration Models for Explaining Child and
Adolescent Development
Elizabeth Shirtcliff, Stacy Drury, Katherine Theall
An Overview of Current Theoretical Frameworks on
Stress and Disease
Megan Gunnar, Camelia Hostinar
(Event 1-033) Paper Symposium
Room 611 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 8:30 am - 10:00 am
1-033. An Integrated Approach to Moral
Development: Cognitive, Affective and
Neural Foundations
Chair: Miriam H. Beauchamp
Discussant: Richard E. Tremblay
The Role of Executive Function in the Development
of Moral and Social Conventional Judgments
Ayelet Lahat, Michaela Gummerum, Lorna Mackay,
Yaniv Hanoch
Exploring the Cognitive and Affective Predictors of
Moral Reasoning in Adolescence Using the So-Moral
Miriam Beauchamp, Julian Dooley
The Role of Sympathy in the Development of Moral
Emotion Attributions and Moral Reasoning: A Large-
scale, Longitudinal Study
Ella Daniel, Tina Malti, Marlis Buchmann
(Event 1-034) Paper Symposium
Room 612 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 8:30 am - 10:00 am
1-034. Development of Face Processing:
Role of Dynamic vs. Static Information
Chair: Kang Lee
Emotional Expressions Affect Face Recognition at
Francesca Simion, Irene Leo, Valentina Angeli
Dynamic Faces Win: The Role of Facial Movement in
Face Processing Development in Infancy
Naiqi Xiao, Shaoying Liu, Paul Quinn, Liezhong Ge,
Olivier Pascalis, Kang Lee
Face Perception Is Impaired by Audiovisual Speech
and Repetitive Actions and Enhanced by Silent
Dynamic Displays in Early Development
Irina Castellanos, Lorraine Bahrick
Recognizing Expressions: Static Displays are Good
Nicole Nelson, James Russell, Catherine Mondloch
(Event 1-035) Paper Session
Room 613 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 8:30 am - 10:00 am
1-035. Language Development and
Sociocultural Influences
Chair: Erika Hoff
Children's Use of Accentedness in Speaker
Reliability Judgments
Cynthia Blanco, Colin Bannard
Expressing Affect in Bilingual Mothers' Child Directed
Martha Shiro, Katherine Filippi, Ada Hernandez,
Erika Hoff
Determinants of caregiver responsiveness to infant
babbling:New findings from the playback paradigm
Rachel Albert, Jennifer Schwade, Michael Goldstein
Cultural variations in Latino Children's Language
Exposure: Comparing Mothers' Self-Reported
Language Usage and Observed Maternal Language
Soojin Oh, Hirokazu Yoshikawa, Catherine Tamis-
(Event 1-036) Paper Symposium
Room 614 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 8:30 am - 10:00 am
1-036. Achievement Beliefs and the Origin
of Gender Gaps: New Ideas, New Evidence
Chair: Andrei Cimpian
Discussant: Elizabeth Spelke
Gender Gaps and Conceptions of Ability
Sarah-Jane Leslie, Andrei Cimpian, Lin Bian,
Meredith Meyer
Teachers' Perceptions of Students' Mathematics
Proficiency May Exacerbate Early Gender Gaps in
Joseph Robinson, Sarah Lubienski, Colleen Ganley,
Yasemin Copur-Genturk
The Origins of Children's Beliefs about Achievement:
Thinking about the Abilities of Groups Causes 4-
Year-Olds to Devalue Effort
Andrei Cimpian, Lin Bian, Shelbie Sutherland
(Event 1-037) Paper Symposium
Room 615 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 8:30 am - 10:00 am
1-037. Associations between Child Care
Instability, Multiplicity, and Children's
Social Development
Chair: Mary Bratsch-Hines
Discussant: Adam Winsler
Investigating Parents' Reasons for Using Multiple
Child Care Arrangements
Jen-Hao Chen
Unstable and Multiple Child Care Arrangements and
Young Children's Behavior
Alejandra Ros, Heather Hill
Associations between Changes in Child Care
Provider and the Social Adjustment of Children in
Mary Bratsch-Hines, Irina Mokrova, Lynne Vernon-
(Event 1-038) Paper Symposium
Room 616 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 8:30 am - 10:00 am
1-038. New insights into adolescents'
romantic relationships: How personal and
behavioral characteristics predict romantic
Chair: Rongqin Yu
Discussant: Jennifer Connolly
Personality as a Predictor of Casual Sexual
Relationships and Experiences
Shannon Claxton, Katherine Leventhal, Manfred van
For whom is having a love history bad? Personality
moderates the link between romantic relationship
history and romantic relationship quality
Rongqin Yu, Susan Branje, Loes Keijsers, Wim
We both love to drink: Adolescents' alcohol use and
alcohol related interactions with romantic partners
Thao Ha, William Burk, Rutger Engels
(Event 1-039) Paper Symposium
Room 617 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 8:30 am - 10:00 am
1-039. Topics in Sociometric Methodology
Chair: Peter E. Marks
The Effects of Classroom Sex Ratios on the
Relations Between Sociometric Variables
Jonathan Santo, Luz Lopez, Gina Carmago, William
Predicting Peer Status From Peer and Teacher
Nomination Methods
Yvonne van den Berg, Antonius Cillessen
Matching Methods to Data: Multilevel Poisson and
Negative Binomial Regression Models for
Sociometric Nominations
Richard Faldowski, Heidi Gazelle
Internal Reliability of Single- and Multi-Item Limited
Nomination Measures
Peter Marks, Ben Babcock, Nicki Crick, Antonius
(Event 1-040) Paper Symposium
Room 618 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 8:30 am - 10:00 am
1-040. Keeping the child's mind in mind:
Parental reflective functioning, mind-
mindedness and insightfulness
Chair: Arietta Slade
Discussant: Pasco Fearon
Parental Reflective Functioning
Arietta Slade
Elizabeth Meins, Charles Fernyhough
Parental Insightfulness
David Oppenheim, Nina Koren-Karie
(Event 1-041) Paper Symposium
Room 619 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 8:30 am - 10:00 am
1-041. The Development of Emotion
Chair: Madeline B. Harms
Recognition of Emotions from Faces and Bodies and
Social Correlates in Kindergarten
Madeline Harms, Sara Van Den Heuvel, Kathleen
The effect of atypical early experience on the later
perception of facial expressions
Xiaoqing Gao, Daphne Maurer, Louis Schmidt
Age-related differences in objective and subjective
measures of facial expression salience
Rebecca Todd, Kevin Roberts, Adam Anderson
Developmental shift in amygdala-medial prefrontal
cortex response to fear faces
Nim Tottenham, Dylan Gee
(Event 1-042) Paper Symposium
Room 620 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 8:30 am - 10:00 am
1-042. Risk and Protective Factors
Underlying Trajectories of Behavioral
Inhibition: Biological and Contextual
Chair: Heather A. Henderson
Discussant: Nathan A. Fox
Cognitive Control Moderates the Continuity of
Reticent Behavior in Children: An ERP Study
Connie Lamm, Jennifer Martin McDermott
Early Behavioral Inhibition and Emotion Regulation:
Predictors of Social Competence in Middle
Elizabeth Penela, Olga Walker, Heather Henderson
Contextual Effects on Continuity and Discontinuity in
Temperament Over Time
Kathryn Degnan, Melissa Ghera, Amie Hane
(Event 1-043) Paper Symposium
Willow A (Sheraton Seattle Hotel, 2nd Floor)
Thursday, 8:30 am - 10:00 am
1-043. How maternal experience across the
lifespan interacts with child genotype to
predict developmental outcomes: Findings
from the Maternal Adversity, Vulnerability
and Neurodevelopment (MAVAN) project
Chair: Ashley Wazana
Investigating the contributing roles of child SLC6A4
genotype and mothering in the relation between
maternal childhood adversity and child temperament
Andrée-Anne Bouvette-Turcot, Alison Fleming,
Ashley Wazana, Marla Sokolowski, Hélène
Gaudreau, Andrea Gonzalez, Johnathan D
Deslauriers, James Kennedy, Meir Steiner, Michael
Investigating the moderating effect of prenatal stress
on serotonin transporter polymorphism 5-HTTLPR in
predicting negative emotionality
Cathryn Gordon Green, Vanessa Babineau, Andrée-
Anne Bouvette-Turcot, Alexis Jolicoeur-Martineau,
Klaus Minde, Martin St-Andre, Roberto Sassi, James
Kennedy, Michael Meaney, Ashley Wazana
The development of infant and early childhood
regulation as an outcome of prenatal maternal
depression and 5-HTTLPR genotype
Vanessa Babineau, Cathryn Gordon Green, Alexis
Jolicoeur-Martineau, Klaus Minde, Martin St-Andre,
Roberto Sassi, James Kennedy, Michael Meaney,
Ashley Wazana
The interplay of maternal sensitivity and serotonin
transporter polymorphism 5-HTTLPR in predicting
children's competence at 24 months
Dominic Comtois, Klaus Minde, Martin St-Andre,
Roberto Sassi, James Kennedy, Michael Meaney,
Ashley Wazana
(Event 1-044) Paper Symposium
Willow B (Sheraton Seattle Hotel, 2nd Floor)
Thursday, 8:30 am - 10:00 am
1-044. Do Developmental Vulnerabilities
Begin Before Conception?
Chair: Elysia P. Davis
Discussant: Curt A. Sandman
Do Preconception Diurnal Cortisol Patterns Predict
Subsequent Pregnancy Outcomes?
Christine Dunkel Schetter, Madeleine Shalowitz,
Emma Adam, Christine Guardino
Inter-birth Intervals, Parent Relationships, and
Maternal and Child Outcomes
Sharon Ramey, Loral Patchen, Robin Lanzi
Preconception and Prenatal Influences on Child
Elysia Davis
Thursday, 9:00 am - 10:00 am
(Event 1-045) Poster Session 1
Exhibit Hall 4EF (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 9:00 am - 10:00 am
1 Cortical source analysis of ERP in infant spatial
John Richards
2 Developmental Changes in Relations Between
Looking Behavior and Attention in Infants 3 to 9
Months of Age
David Thomas, Janna Colaizzi, Tay Kennedy,
Nicki Aubuchon-Endsley, Jessica Miner, Ashlee
Tisdale, Mike Dunn, James Grice
3 The Role of Voice and Motion in the
Developmental Shift in Infant Attention to the
Mouth of a Talking Face
Amy Tift, Nicholas Minar, David Lewkowicz
4 5- and 8-month-olds Visual Exploration of 2D
Scenes: The Relative Impact of Object size, Object
Complexity, and Depth cues on Infants Visual
Yu Guan, Daniela Corbetta
5 The Culture Gap in Executive Functioning and Its
Association with Gender and Preschool
Lindsay Weixler, Su Li, Frederick Morrison
6 A Diffusion Model Analysis of Developmental
Changes of Children's Task Switching
Mariette Huizinga, Wouter Weeda
7 The Development of Executive Functioning and
Social Understanding During Middle Childhood
Alycia Hund, Kristin Gallaway
8 The Effects of Task Interruption on Executive
Function in Preschoolers
Darja Dobermann, Lucia Grauman Neander, Ulrich
9 The Audio-Visual Temporal Binding Window
Narrows In Early Childhood
Ross Flom, David Lewkowicz, Rebecca Barton
10 The nature of 5-year-old children's modes of face
processing: Evidence from eye-gaze contingency
Jutta Billino, Goedele Van Belle, Bruno Rossion,
Gudrun Schwarzer
11 Depressive Symptoms in Female Adolescents:
Associations with Physiological Reactivity to Social
Stress and Relational Victimization
Nicole Lafko, Erin Shoulberg, Dianna Murray-
12 Psychophysiological Measures of Aggression and
Victimization in a Non-Clinical Sample of Middle-
School Youth
Christopher Aults, Nancy Jones, Joey Cotler,
Kathryn Marsh
13 The Association between Prenatal Cigarette
Exposure and Behavioral and Physiological
Reactivity during Infancy
Pamela Schuetze, Rina Eiden
14 Physiological Markers of Neurobehavioral Profiles
- Evidence from Visual and Auditory Evoked
Sara Cruz, Maria Góis-Eanes, João Pizarro,
Eugénia Ribeiro, Óscar Gonçalves, Adriana
15 Within-network integration and between-network
segregation in the developing adolescent brain: A
longitudinal study
Lauren Sherman, Jeffrey Rudie, Jennifer Pfeifer,
Kristin McNealy, Carrie Masten, Mirella Dapretto
16 The Neural Correlates of Children's Spontaneous
Deception: A Functional Near-infrared
Spectroscopy (fNIRS) Study
Xiao Ding, Bo Zhu, Genyue Fu, Kang Lee
17 Dynamic changes in cognitive control network
connectivity and its development
Bianca Debenedictis, Mark Daley, J Bruce Morton
18 Pre-pregnancy Obesity, Gestational Weight Gain,
and Maternal Circadian Cortisol
Nicki Aubuchon-Endsley, Margaret Bublitz, Laura
19 Cortisol awakening response in toddlerhood:
Developmental changes and relations to sleep
Melissa Bright, Janet Frick, Douglas Granger
20 Problem Behavior and Differential Susceptibility to
Attachment Environments: The Role of Infant
Basal Cortisol
Michelle Fong, Jeffrey Measelle, Elisabeth
Conradt, Heidemarie Laurent, Jennifer Ablow
21 Timing matters: The impact of audiovisual
synchrony on infants' categorization with labels
Nadja Althaus, Kim Plunkett
22 Infants Can Detect the Animacy Status of Moving
Birgit Traeuble, Diane Poulin-Dubois, Sabina
23 Preverbal Infants' Processing of Manner and Path
in Naturalistic Motion Events
Catalina Iricinschi, Marianella Casasola, Youjeong
24 Flexible Categorization: Priming Effects on 9-
month-old Infants' Brain Responses to Human and
Monkey Faces
Stefanie Peykarjou, Stefanie Hoehl, Sabina Pauen
25 The Role of Comparison Processes in Young
Children's Understanding of Referential Questions
Gill Waters
26 Infants' Preferences for Goals over Sources in
Motion Events: Will the Source Ever ‘Win'?
Laura Lakusta, Inae Colucio, Stephanie DiFabrizio,
Kathryn Garcia, Jessica Batinjane
27 Infants' Generalization About Motion Properties of
Yevdokiya Yermolayeva, David Rakison
28 Infants' Experience with Objects Alters
Expectations for Object Movement and Increases
Looking at Object Handles.
Jane Hirtle, Amy Needham
29 Children's Scale Errors: Does Experience Matter?
Krista Casler, Lindsey Mantz
30 Tool's Use is Less Than the Sum of its Parts: How
Children and Adults Fix Functions to Objects
Krista Casler, Lydia Bickel, Elizabeth Hackett
31 Four- and 5-year-olds' understanding and drawing
of mixed emotions
Esther Adi-Japha, Aia Mansour
32 Autistic or Artistic? Predictors of Local and Global
Processing in Autistic and Non-Autistic Children
Jennifer Drake, Ellen Winner
33 Musical Development in Context: Mesosystem
Poverty and the 2008 NAEP Music Assessment
William Buchanan
34 Multiple visual quantitative cues enhance
discrimination of dynamic stimuli in infancy
Joseph Baker, Kerry Jordan
35 Compared to Whom Do Adolescents Take More
Risks? A Meta-analysis on Age Differences in
Risky Decision Making
Ivy Defoe, Judith Dubas, Bernd Figner, Marcel van
36 Examining Relationships Between Executive
Function, Joint Attention, and Language From 14
to 18 Months of Age
Stephanie Miller, Stuart Marcovitch
37 Infant and Toddler Information Processing Predict
Executive Functioning at 11 years
Susan Rose, Judith Feldman, Jeffery Jankowski
38 Maternal Attention Facilitating and Infant Surgency
Interact to Predict Kindergarten Attention Focusing
Amanda Watson, Morgan Hubble, Martha Ann Bell
39 A Parent Report Scale of Executive Function in
Early Childhood
Amanda Wenzel, Julianna Sapienza, Stephanie
Carlson, Christopher Desjardins, Mary Rothbart,
Ann Masten
40 Benefits and Costs of Proactive Control: Flexible
Task-Switchers are More Susceptible to
Distractors Than Perseverators
Katharine Blackwell, Yuko Munakata
41 How Do Three-month-old Infants Attribute
Preferences to Agents?
You-jung Choi, Yuyan Luo
42 Development of Children's Expected Value and Its
Influence to Risk Decision
Yanjun Li, Yinghui Lai, Xiaoshuang Zhu, Hui Li,
Yinghe Chen
43 Does Children's Narrative Ability Predict
Differences in Suggestibility for Emotional Events?
Travis Conradt, Kamala London, Ciara Metzoian,
Bryan Adams
44 Child Maltreatment and Memory for Emotional
Kelly McWilliams, Latonya Harris, Gail Goodman
45 Developmental Differences in Children's
Numerosity Abilities
Janki Merai, Lindsay Wandrey, Jodi Quas,
Thomas Lyon
46 Effects of Self-Transformation on Executive
Functioning in Preschool Children
Tracy Gleason, Karina Chung, Aryanne de Silva
47 Children's perception of agency in interaction with
an imaginary agent
Yusuke Moriguchi, Ikuko Shinohara
48 Relations Between Self-Regulation and Pretend
Play in Two- and Three-Year-old Children in
Center-Based Care, and the Role of Classroom
Pauline Slot, Paul Leseman, Hanna Mulder
49 Dissecting "Cinderella": Young children's
preferences for narrative contour
Lily Guillot, Paul Bloom
50 Neurocognitive Underpinnings of Pretend Play in
Preschoolers with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Susan Faja, Raphael Bernier, Katherine Sullivan,
Annette Estes, Geraldine Dawson
51 Neighborhood Effects on Infants' Learning From
Linguistic In- and Outgroup Models
Cristina Carrazza, Lauren Howard, Amanda
52 Using Puzzles to Assess the Effects of Memory
Load on Social Learning Strategy in Preschool
Aged Children
Laura Zimmermann, Kelly Dickerson, Alecia
Moser, Peter Gerhardstein, Rachel Barr, Amanda
Grenell, Qianwen Yao
53 Selective and Faithful Imitation Assessed
Longitudinally From 13 to 24 Months
Elena Sakkalou, Kate Ellis-Davies, Elma Hilbrink,
Merideth Gattis
54 One step at a time: Learning from others' actions
Amy Joh, Stefanie Schwartz
55 Familiarity directly influences social learning
Angelique Eydam, Victoria Leahy, Erika Nurmsoo
56 Typical Infant Hierarchical Processing of Images
and Objects: Evidence for a Generalized
Processing Style
Jennifer Gibson, J. Steven Reznick
57 Parental Anxiety and Coping Strategies in
Response to Children's Negative Affect:
Associations with Children's Cognitive Biases and
Anxiety Symptoms
Andres Viana, Erin Stevens, Michael McDermott,
Takymmea Clayton, Katherine Odom, Kali Falnes
58 Cognitive Abilities in Relation to Pupillary
Responses during Social Videos
Valentyna Erstenyuk, Meghan Swanson, Michael
Angela Brant, Yuko Munakata, Colleen Azen, John
60 Links Between Environmental Factors and
Cognitive Development in Immigrant Children
From Developing Countries
Samuel Giroux, Anne Choquette, Marie-Claude
61 Psychoterapeutic Effectiveness on Emotion
Regulation in Children With Asperger Syndrome
Irene Leniz
62 Associations between Child Disabilities and
Discipline in Developing Countries
Charlene Hendricks, Jennifer Lansford, Marc
Bornstein, Kirby Deater-Deckard
63 Associations Between Depression, Stress, and
Income Level in Parents of Children With
Developmental Disabilities
Nandita Golya, Nina Hidalgo, Laura Lee McIntyre
64 Sociodemographic Differences in Parental
Satisfaction with Autism Diagnosis
Nina Hidalgo, Nandita Golya, Laura Lee McIntyre
65 Visual preferences in infants at high-risk for
autism: Behavioral and psychophysiological cross-
group comparisons.
Bridgette Tonnsen, Jane Roberts, John Richards
66 Efficient and Inefficient Search Strategies During
Audio-Visual Intermodal Speech Perception in
James Bebko, Lisa Hancock, Stephanie Brown
67 Emotional competence predicts self-regulation
skills in children with and without autism spectrum
Beverly Wilson, Samantha Fisher, Heather Davis,
Angela Crain, Kaitlin Kloes
68 Changes in Play Behavior from 12 to 18 Months in
Infants at Heightened Risk for Autism
Krista Kalinoski, Jessie Northrup, Leanna Mihalko,
Jana Iverson
69 Relationship Between Attention to Lexical Stress
at 4 to 6 months and Early Indicators of Autism
Spectrum Disorder at 18 months
Jennifer Ference, Suzanne Curtin
70 Profiles of Adaptive Socialization Skills in Children
with ASD in the First Two Years of Life
Celine Saulnier, Kelly Caravella, Ami Klin,
Katarzyna Chawarska
71 Prediction of Developmental Delay in 3-Year old
Children with Single-Suture Craniosynostosis
Kristen Gray, Brent Collett, Kathleen Kapp-Simon,
Mary Michaeleen Cradock, Lauren Buono,
Rebecca Gaither, Matthew Speltz
72 Quality of Medical Care as a Predictor of
Loneliness in Adolescents with Developmental
Darcy Mitchell
73 Trajectories of Delinquency Among Adolescents
Involved in the Child Welfare System
Isaura Olivares, Hazel Prelow
74 Gender Differences among Youth Referred for
Community-Based Alternatives to Detention
Bonita Veysey, Joanna Kubik, Michael Ostermann,
Tahnia Hawkins, Michele Terreri, Sara Goldstein,
Paul Boxer
75 Naturally Occurring Declines in Antisocial Behavior
Across Childhood: Relations With Psychological
Processes in Children
Katharine Buck
76 Assessment and Implications of Social Anxiety
Symptoms in Chinese Children
Laura Ooi, Robert Coplan, Junsheng Liu, Dan Li,
Xinyin Chen
77 Self-compassion and Self-criticism as Moderators
of the Relation Between Anxious Solitude and
Depressive Symptom Trajectories
Divya Peter, Heidi Gazelle
78 Assessing Early Childhood Anxiety Using the PAS
and ADIS-P
Ellen Shumka, Erika Miller, Joanna Kelm, Lynn
79 Predictors of Discrepant Mother-Child Ratings in
Young Children: The Berkeley Puppet Interview
Ank Ringoot, Pauline Jansen, Jan van der Ende,
Frank Verhulst, Henning Tiemeier
80 Seen but not Heard: Overlooked Autism in
Children From Ethnic Minorities
Delia Burke, Sander Begeer, Hans Koot
81 Reliability and Construct Validity of a Pictorial
Child Self-report Instrument: the Dominic
Rowella Kuijpers, Roy Otten, Ad Vermulst, Rutger
82 Self-Control and the Improvement of Social and
Behavioral Functioning in Children with ADHD:
Results from a Collaborative School-Home
Behavioral Intervention
Miguel Villodas, Nina Kaiser, Mary Rooney, Keith
McBurnett, Linda Pfiffner
83 Childhood Maltreatment Prospectively Predicts
Impairments in Adult Women Diagnosed with
ADHD in Childhood
Maya Guendelman, Chardee Galan, Arianna Gard,
Jarrod Butler, Ronald Sahyouni, Mariah Tate,
Elizabeth Owens, Stephen Hinshaw
84 Interactions Between DRD4 Genotype and
Inconsistent Parenting Predict Neuropsychological
Performance in ADHD Youth
Nathan Myhre, Molly Nikolas, Karen Friderici, Joel
85 Peer Victimization and Borderline Personality
Nicole Campbell, Clio Pitula, Wan-Ling Tseng,
Nicki Crick
86 Adolescent Sexting and Adjustment: Correlates,
Attitudes, and Behaviors Related to Teen Sexting
Dawn Brinkley, Marion Underwood
87 The Impact of Timing and Chronicity of Child
Maltreatment on Development of Borderline
Personality Features in Childhood
Kathryn Hecht, Dante Cicchetti, Fred Rogosch,
Nicki Crick
88 Reciprocal Relationships Between Externalizing
and Internalizing Behavior and Maternal
Sara Stromeyer, John Lochman, Karen Wells,
Michael Windle
89 Relations Among Internalizing and Externalizing
Problems in Early Childhood
Lisanne Stone, Roy Otten, Rutger Engels, Jan
90 Do Children with Callous-Unemotional Traits
Exhibit a Similar Response Style to Typically
Developing Children?
Sarah Haas, Daniel Waschbusch, Nancy Garon,
Shana Nichols, Brendan Andrade, Sara King,
Darcy Santor, Normand Carrey
91 Physically Developed and Exploratory Young
Infants Contribute to Their Own Long-Term
Academic Achievement
Chun-Shin Hahn
92 Comparisons of the Relative Contributions of Early
Fine Motor and Attention Skills on Changes in
Academic Achievement
Helyn Kim, Timothy Curby
93 The Role of Early Home Learning Environment
Across the First 5 Years on Children's Academic
Skills in the 5th Grade
Rufan Luo, Catherine Tamis-LeMonda, Eileen
94 Preschool predictors of later academic
achievement in a risk sample: The roles of child
characteristics and quality of teacher-child
Évelyne Marquis-Pelletier, Diane St-Laurent,
Marie-Claude Lessard, Laurie Dubois, Tristan Milot
95 The Impact of Phonological Awareness for Larger
Versus Smaller Units of Spoken Language on
Numerical Development
Kristin Krajewski, Stefanie Simanowski, Nadine
96 Gender Differences in and Reciprocal Relations
between Mathematical Confidence, Interest, and
Achievement across Development
Colleen Ganley, Sarah Lubienski, Corinna Crane
97 Developmental Predictors of Conceptual and
Procedural Knowledge of Fractions
Nicole Hansen, Nancy Jordan, Robert Siegler,
Lynn Fuchs, Russell Gersten
98 Development of Children's Addition: Performance
and Growth in Speed of Processing over Four
Gabrielle Garon-Carrier, Jo-Anne LeFevre, Jeffrey
Bisanz, Sheri-Lynn Skwarchuk, Deepthi Kamawar,
Brenda Smith-Chant
99 Validating a Performance-Based Preschool
Assessment and its Relationship with Classroom
Shannon Riley-Ayers, Kwanghee Jung
100 Applying the Classroom Assessment Scoring
System (CLASS) in Special Education Settings:
Exploring Congruence and Challenges
Michelle Bertoli, Christina Crowe, Susan Rivers
101 Psychometric and Descriptive Results of a
Comprehensive Measure of Environmental and
Teacher Supports for Writing in Preschool
Gary Bingham, Hope Gerde
102 Similarities and differences in linguistic
environment across three childcare settings
Melanie Soderstrom, Kelsey Wittebolle, Madeleine
103 Pathways from Teacher Depression and Child-
care Quality to Child Behavioral Problems in Early
Child-care Settings
Lieny Jeon, Cynthia Buettner, Anastasia Snyder
104 Examining the Role of Early Home and Child Care
Literacy Experiences: Implications for Bilingual
Jacqueline Sims
105 Social Goals and Students' Willingness to Seek
Help for Physical and Relational Bullying at School
Yaacov Yablon
106 The Impact of Kindergarten Length of Day on
Children's Social Skills and Behavior
Jessica MacLeod
107 The Effects of Core Components of a Classroom
Management Program on Student Outcomes
Regina Oliver, Matthew Lambert
108 Child Sustained Attention in the Preschool
Cynthia DiCarlo
109 Visuospatial Processing: A New Predictor of
Classroom Behavior
Anthony Byers, Claire Cameron, Laura Brock,
Elizabeth Cottone, David Grissmer
110 Predicting Spanish Language at 36 Months: How
Does Home Language and Literacy Environment
Influence Spanish Language Vocabulary?
Audrey Juhasz, Lisa Boyce, Eduardo Ortiz
111 Head Start Mothers' Home Literacy Environment
and Preschool Language Outcomes
Kandia Lewis, Lia Sandilos, Carol Hammer
112 Neighborhood, Cultural and Family factors on
Mexican-Origin Teen Mothers' Educational
Aspirations, Expectations, and Attainment
Elizabeth Harvey-Mendoza, Adriana Umana-
Taylor, Amy Guimond, Kimberly Updegraff,
Laudan Jahromi
113 Motivation and Error-Related Brain Activity in
Young Children
Matthew Kim, Loren Marulis, Jennie Grammer,
Melisa Carrasco, William Gehring, Frederick
114 Domain Specific Temporal Discounting in Typical
and Atypical Development
Ellen Demurie, Herbert Roeyers, Dieter Baeyens,
Jan Wiersema, Edmund Sonuga-Barke
115 Implicit Theories of Willpower and Delay of
Kyla Haimovitz, Carol Dweck, Gregory Walton
116 Maternal versus Paternal Physical and Emotional
Abuse, Affect Regulation and The Risk for
Depression through Adolescence
Stephanie Craig, Marlene Moretti
117 Expanding the Conceptualization of Child Abuse:
Abuse During Incarceration and Post-Release
Social and Emotional Functioning
Carly Dierkhising, Andrea Lane
118 Effects of interparental violence on post-traumatic
stress in children: The role of parenting stress and
emotional security
Machteld Telman, Mathilde Overbeek, J. Clasien
de Schipper, Francien Lamers-Winkelman, Carlo
119 Cross-Validation of the Childhood Trauma
Questionnaire in a Barbadian Non-Clinical
Sarah McCuskee, Janina Galler, Miriam Zichlin,
Cyralene Bryce
120 Parenting Stress and Perceived Social Support for
Ethnic Minority Teen Mothers: Impact on Parent
Depression and Child Development
Cindy Huang, Jessica Costeines, Carmen Ayala,
Joy Kaufman
121 The Role of Mealtimes Organization on Weight
Status among Older Adolescents in Mexico
Mediated by Frequency of Shared Family Meals
Kevin Linares, Angela Wiley, Tracy Flood, Flavia
Andrade, Celia Aradillas, Eduardo Medina-Cerda
122 Beyond Ethnicity: A Closer Look at the Role of
Culture and Socioeconomic Contexts in
Understanding Young Mothers' Parenting
Chie Kotake, Ann Easterbrooks
123 Parental stress, behavior problems and age at
adoption among internationally adopted children
Sophie Demers-Bédard, Janie St-Onge, Annabelle
Cournoyer, Marilyne Dumais, Karine Dubois-
Comtois, Chantal Cyr
124 Attachment and Biobehavioral Catch-up: Effects
on Parental Positive Regard
Allison Wallin, Mary Dozier, Kristin Bernard,
Elizabeth Meade
125 Early Language Development in Post-
Institutionalized Adopted Children
Johana Rosas, Megan Julian, Robert McCall
126 Did Children Listen to Their Mums?-Comparing
Parenting and Child Compliance in Taiwanese,
Immigrant Chinese and British Families
Ching-Yu Huang, Michael Lamb
127 Mechanisms of Socio-Cultural Differences in
Young Children's Emotional Competence: The
Influence of Mother-Child Relationships
Alberto Guzman-Alvarez, Abby Winer, Ross
128 Can Early Adolescents' Feelings of Obligation to
Parents Make Them Anxious?
Lili Qin, Eva Pomerantz
129 Relations Among Parenting Stress, Maternal
Behaviors, and Child Behaviors in Caucasian and
African American Low-Income Families
Alison Levitch, Jean Ispa, Michael Lambert
130 Consequences of Corporal Punishment among
African Americans: The Importance of Context and
Leslie Simons
131 Harsh Physical Punishment and Obesity: How
Does Harsh Physical Punishment Effect Health
Outcomes Over the Early Life Course?
Ashleigh Kysar-Moon, Kimber Hendrix
132 Intended Discipline Strategies for Children's
Aggression Among Chinese Mothers: Age,
Gender, and Aggression Type Differences
Yan Li, Chaorong Wu
133 Child Adjustment Following Parental Separation:
The Role of Maternal Depression, Parenting
Quality and Household Income
Gessica Di Stefano, Francine Cyr
134 Coparenting Problems at 2 Years Predict 7-Year-
Old Children's Developmental Psychopathology:
Focusing on Gender Differences
Caroline Christopher, Tomo Umemura, Deborah
Jacobvitz, Nancy Hazen
135 Parental Agreement in Differential Feelings and
Siblings Adjustment in Middle Childhood
Paula Mullineaux, Kirby Deater-Deckard, Lee
Thompson, Stephen Petrill
136 Children's Positive Emotion Expressiveness and
Family Member Reciprocity in the Everyday Lives
of Families: a Naturalistic Approach
Sunhye Bai-Koh, Jacqueline Sperling, Rena
137 Parents' Expressed Emotion as Risk and
Protective Factors for Peer Relations in the
Context of Exposure to Interparental Conflict
Angela Narayan, Julianna Sapienza, Amy Monn,
Katherine Lingras, Ann Masten
138 Infant Visual Information Processing in Wolayita
Zone Ethiopia: Importance of Maternal Behavior
and Infant Nutrition
Tesfaye Woltamo, Laura Hubbs-Tait, David
Thomas, Robert Larzelere
139 Severity of Limb Differences, Social Difficulties,
and Adolescents' Psychological Adjustment
Elizabeth Rusnak, Courtney Halas, Nina Mounts,
Kathy Zebracki, Jeffrey Ackman
140 Getting Over Cancer: Do Support and Personal
Meaning Predict Psychological Adjustment in
Survivors of Childhood Cancer?
Stefanie Vuotto, Mary Procidano, Harjot Nayar,
Christopher Coyne, Christina Rooney
141 Somatization, Fatigue, and Quality of Life in
Children and Adolescents with Chronic Pain
Rika Meyer, Jeffrey Gold
142 Early Development of Mastication
Benjamin Le Révérend, Lisa Edelson, Chrystel
143 Early Infant Cortisol Metabolism, but not
Breastfeeding Duration, is Related to Eating
Behaviours at 12-Months
Samantha Rogers, Jeremy Tomlinson, Beverly
Hughes, Jackie Blissett
144 Fussy Eating in Children
Anne Tharner, Pauline Jansen, Jan van der Ende,
Oscar Franco, Henning Tiemeier
145 Understanding the Relationship Among Expressive
Vocabulary Measures for Children With Autism,
Language Delays, and Typical Language
Julie Bryant, Lauren Hampton, Megan Roberts
146 Using Developmental Science to Design a
Computerized Preschool Language Assessment
Neha Mahajan, Max Freeman, Athulya Aravind,
Megan Johanson, Jennifer Damonte, Hilary Miller,
Sujeet Ranganathan, Linda Smith, Mary Wilson,
Jill de Villiers, Aquiles Iglesias, Roberta Golinkoff,
Kathryn Hirsh-Pasek
147 Surprising Continuity: The Short Form of the MCDI
Predicts Language Skills 4 Years Later
Dilara Deniz Can, Marika Ginsburg-Block, Roberta
Golinkoff, Kathryn Hirsh-Pasek
148 Turkish Communicative Development Inventory
(TIGE) is Valid for Assessing Lexical and
Grammatical Development of Turkish Children
Burcak Akturk, Aylin Küntay, Ayhan Aksu-Koc
149 Is Language Rhythm Associated with Bilingual
Memory Generalization Advantage?
Natalie Brito, Rachel Barr, Nuria Sebastian-Galles
150 Cross-language semantic priming in bilingual
children: an event-related potential (ERP) study
Pia Rämä, Louah Sirri
151 A Developmental Study of Semantic Priming and
Working Memory in Bilingual and Monolingual
Natalie Ebanks, Caroline Junge, Catherine Rowe,
Debra Mills
152 Maternal Speech at 9 and 12 Months: What
Predicts Infant Vocabulary?
Clarice Robenalt, Anabelle Lau, Gedeon Deak
153 Identifying Parent-Child Synchrony in Naturalistic
Daylong Recordings from the Home Environment
Dongxin Xu, Jill Gilkerson, Jeffrey Richards
154 Buying Language in the Supermarket: Increasing
Talk among Low-SES Families
Katherine Ridge, Deena Weisberg, Hande Ilgaz,
Kathryn Hirsh-Pasek, Roberta Golinkoff
155 A cross-linguistic investigation of the link between
walking onset and language development
Minxuan He, Joseph Campos, Lu Wah Hung,
Xinze Liu, Xiaoli Xu, Eric Walle
156 Relations Between Direct and Indirect Measures of
Infants' Receptive Vocabulary and Fast Mapping
Pascal Zesiger, Tamara Patrucco, Diane Poulin-
Dubois, Gedeon Deak, Margaret Friend
157 The Deictic Center in Children's Understanding of
Time Relations
Sonam Jindal, Kerrianne Morrison, Laura Wagner
158 Young Children's Coordination of Label Extension
Across the Senses
Jenna Wall, William Merriman, Jason Scofield
159 Comparing Measures of Manual Preference in
Early Development: What Makes a Difference
Sabrina Thurman, Daniela Corbetta
160 Mental Health: Latent Mixture Analyses of
Adolescence to Young Adulthood
Elizabeth Hair, Tzy-Chyi Yu, Elizabeth Mumford
161 Engagement in Criminal Activity from Adolescence
to Young Adulthood: The role of education and
employment as protective factors
Elizabeth Hair, Tzy-Chyi Yu, Parvati Krishnamurty,
Jennie Alfaro, Robert Apel, Shawn Bushway
162 Moral Disengagement, Dehumanization, Bullying
and Victimization in Middle Childhood
Tirza van Noorden, Gerbert Haselager, Antonius
Cillessen, William Bukowski
163 Children's Moral Self-Concept: The Role of
Shyness, Aggression, and Parent-Child
Sonia Sengsavang, Tobias Krettenauer
164 The Contribution of Trauma Exposure and
Punishing Parenting to Relational Aggression
Among Young Women
Linda McWhorter, Tamara Scott, Virginia Gil-Rivas
165 6-month-old infants can reconstruct a melodic
contour from deficient stimuli
Ryoko Mugitani, Akiko Hayashi, Makio Kashino
166 Revisiting "Crying as a Sign": The Relationship
Between Newborn Cry Acoustics and Language
Production at 2.5 Years
Sarah Sanborn, James Green
167 A Sex Difference in Auditory Motion Perception in
9-Month-Old Infants
Marcus Morrisey, M. Rutherford
168 Sofa better than mom? Walking onset and
supported walking experience
Lana Karasik, Catherine Tamis-LeMonda, Karen
169 Sitting Infants Increase Stability When Engaged in
a Supra-Postural Task
Laura Claxton, Jennifer Strasser, Elise Leung,
Joong Hyun Ryu, Kathleen O'Brien
170 The Acculturation Gap-Distress Model:
Maladaptive or Beneficial for Adolescents' Well-
Michelle Pasco, Eva Telzer, Andrew Fuligni
171 Immigration Status, Racial Identity, Cultural
Factors and Mental Health Among Afro-Caribbean
College Students in the U.S.
Crystall Matthews, Celia Fisher
172 Predictors of Parent-Child Acculturation Gap and
its Impact on Child Adjustment Among Chinese
American Immigrant Families
Catherine Anicama, Qing Zhou
173 Assessing Physical Disorder and Social Disorder
in Neighborhoods and Examining Associations
with Family Functioning and Parenting Attitudes
Kristopher Stevens, Penelope Trickett
174 Association Between Neighborhood Disadvantage
and Child Behavior: Evidence From a School-
Based Intervention
Francesca Longo
175 Parenting Styles Mediate Effect of Neighborhood
Characteristics on Chinese American Children's
Behavioral Problems
Erica Lee, Qing Zhou
176 Residential and school mobility in the primary
school years: Associations with best friend's
characteristics in two longitudinal samples
Veronique Dupere, Isabelle Archambault, Tama
177 Ethnic-Racial Socialization and its Correlates in
Families of Black-White Biracial Children
Annamaria Csizmadia
178 Distributive justice among children - a cross-
cultural comparison
Henriette Zeidler
179 Understanding Cultural Variations in the Links
between Children's Attachment to their Mother and
Relationships with Friends
Cecilia Vargas, Shannon Dugan, Candace
Williams, Madhavi Menon
180 Coping Strategies of American and South Korean
Mandy Medvin, SoYoung Kang, Leah Hunter,
Miranda Gruber Lish
181 Stress and Coping in Adolescence: An
International Study
Barbara Newman, Jing Xiao
182 Path to Parenthood, Child Well-being, and the
Parent-Child Relationship
Amanda Kuryluk, Sarah Whitton
183 Ethnicity Differences in Parent Reactions to Youth
Sexual Minority Identity
Matthew Page, Hoa Lam, Neena Malik, Kristin
184 The Achenbach Youth Self-Report Instrument:
Comparison of Adolescents Reared by Lesbian
and Heterosexual Parents
Loes van Gelderen, Henny Bos
185 Social Support and Suicide Resilience Among
Sexual Minority Youth
John Frank, Jeffrey Goulding, Michael
McCutcheon, Alexander Belser, Molly Greenberg,
Arnold Grossman, Stephen Russell
186 Bystanders' Beliefs about Intervening to Help a
Child in Distress: Implications for Anti-Aggression
Puneet Singh, Kay Bussey
187 Relation Between Peer Victimization and Proactive
and Reactive Aggression Among At-risk Children:
Social Skills as a Moderator
Laura Cook, Tammy Barry, John Lochman
188 Private and Perceived Peer Reactions to Physical
Fights: Changes From 5th to 6th Grade
Molly Dawes, Tabitha Wurster, Amelia Hock, Dane
Jester, Hongling Xie
189 A contextual analysis of bystander's bullying
behaviors: the role of individual and classroom-
level factors.
Miranda Sentse, Christina Salmivalli
190 Bullying Prevention in Elementary and Middle
Schools: Differential Effects of the Olweus and
Bully-Proofing Programs
Ariel Williamson, Kirk Williams, Nancy Guerra
191 "She Didn't Text Me Back!": Intent Attributions in
Cyber Interactions
Hannah Schacter, Jean Burr
192 Understanding Transitional Patterns among
Subclasses of Bullying and Victimization when
Entering Middle School
Anne Williford, Aaron Boulton, Jeffrey Jenson
193 Social Ecology of Toddlers' Conflict with Peers and
Resolution in Child Care
Kyong-Ah Kwon, Hyun-Joo Jeon, Stacey French-
Lee, Seung-Hee Son
194 We Both Gonna Have the Bestest Tractors in the
World: Dynamics of Young Children's Positive
Resolutions of Dyadic Conflict
Asha Spivak
195 An Analysis of the Nature of Family Conflict
Ryan Persram, Sandra Della Porta, Nina Howe,
Hildy Ross
196 Conflict Resolution in Early Childhood
Development Program: The role of peer play and
Juanita Cole, Nasya Tan
197 Adolescent and Young Adult Friendship
Attachment in India: Exploring the Validity of the
Adolescent Friendship Attachment Scale
Alexander Scott, Anne Stright
198 Impelling and Inhibiting Factors in the Prediction of
Adolescent Dating Violence
Christina Caiozzo, Bridget Dolan, Jessica
Houston, John Grych
199 The Moderating Role of Maternal Support in
Longitudinal Associations Between Romantic
Experiences and Adjustment
Charlene Collibee, Wyndol Furman
200 Family Environment and School Environment as
Predictors for Aggressive Behavior in Low-Income
Children at Grade 5 Using Regression Analyses
Xiaoyu Li, Helen Raikes, Rachel Chazan Cohen
201 Emotion Regulation and Negative Emotionality
Moderate the Effects of Aggressive Cognitions on
Aggressive Behavior
Sanna Roos, Christina Salmivalli, Ernest Hodges
202 Narcissistic Self-Image Failure as a Predictor of
Target-Specific Aggression
Rachel Pauletti, James Handrinos, Patrick Cooper,
David Perry
203 The relation between quality of attachment and
brain responses to the mother's and a stranger's
face in 12-month-olds
Jayd Blankenship, Leslie Carver
204 Changes in Child Engagement as a Function of
Caregivers' Emotional Involvement
Hannah Rasmussen, Jessica Borelli, Nancy
Suchman, Cindy DeCoste
205 Discrepancies Between Parental Attitudes and
Observed Parental Sensitivity: Associations with
Infant-Mother and Infant-Father Attachment
Geoffrey Brown, Martha Cox
206 Secure Mothers Display More Marked Attuned
Vocalizations With Their Infants: A Prospective
Sohye Kim, Peter Fonagy, Sheila Martinez, Udita
Iyengar, Lane Strathearn
207 In Barbie play, you can never be too thin:
Preschool-age girls favor thinner dolls
John Worobey, Harriet Worobey
208 Looking in the Mirror and Liking What You See:
How Body Mass and Body Image are Related to
Peer Acceptance and Mental Health
Janessa Kelly, Cynthia Vidal Guzman, Erika
Aguilar, Gabriela Carrera, Janeth Castro
209 Understanding Obesity, Depression, and Body
Image Development in College Women
Pamela Sarigiani, Kimberly Tate, Phame
Camarena, Anna Olsavsky
210 "I Didn't Look Like the Other Girls": Sexual Well-
Being as a Function of Patterns of Body-Esteem
Jennaleigh Fish, Tabitha Holmes
211 The Appearance Culture Scale for Young
Adolescents: A New Measure of Sociocultural
Influences Related to Body Image and
Joanne Kierans, Lorraine Swords
212 American and Chinese Preschoolers' Behavioral
Responses to two Culturally Scripted Challenging
Jun Wang, Karen Barrett, Qiongwei Wu, Dongying
213 The Importance of Child Subjective Appraisals of
Trauma in Considering Child Grief Reactions
Following Bereavement
Kyrill Gurtovenko, Amy Nuttall, Brook Griese,
Louise Silvern
214 Parent-Guided Conversations and Children's
Reactions to Stressful Past Events
Andrea Greenhoot, Shengkai Sun
215 Infants Display More Positive Emotion While
Viewing Prosocial Actions, More Negative Emotion
While Viewing Antisocial Actions
Conor Steckler, Janine Gellerman, J. Kiley Hamlin
216 Age-Related Differences in the Acute Pain Facial
Expression During Infancy
Sara Ahola Kohut, Rebecca Pillai Riddell, David
Flora, Harriet Oster
217 Infants' Vocal Response to Normal and Perturbed
Social Games
Jihyoung Kim, Hui-Chin Hsu, Alan Fogel
218 Infant Social Referencing in a Free Response
Paradigm: The Influence of Infant and Maternal
Miranda Goodman-Wilson, Emily Newton, Ross
Thursday, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
(Event 1-046) U.S. Federal Agency Poster Group
Exhibit Hall 4EF (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
G1 Funding Opportunities through the Institute of
Education Sciences
Joan McLaughlin, Caroline Ebanks
G2 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC): Child Development from a Public Health
Angelika Claussen
G3 National Science Foundation Funding
Opportunities for Research in the Developmental
and Learning Sciences
Peter Vishton
G4 The Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of
Child Health and Human Development
James Griffin
G5 NIDA: Research on Child and Adolescent
Development at the National Institute on Drug
Cheryl Boyce, Belinda Sims, Kathy Etz
G6 Child and Adolescent Developmental and
Translational Research at the National Institute of
Mental Health, NIH
Christopher Sarampote
G7 Applied Developmental Research at the Office of
Planning, Research and Evaluation, Administration
for Children and Families
Christine Fortunato
G8 The Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation,
Administration for Children and Families
Christine Fortunato
G9 Children and Youth Policy Research in the Office
of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and
Evaluation, U.S. Department of Health and Human
Martha Moorehouse, Lindsey Hutchison,Sarah
Thursday, 10:20 am - 11:20 am
(Event 1-047) Poster Session 2
Exhibit Hall 4EF (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 10:20 am - 11:20 am
1 The Serotonin Transporter Gene (5HTTLPR) and
Brain Structure as Prospective Predictors of Major
Depressive Disorder Onset During Adolescence
Keriann Little, Craig Olsson, Sarah Whittle, Julian
Simmons, Debra Foley, Keith Byron, Nicholas
2 Individual Differences in Preschool Children's sAA
Reactivity: Child and Family Precursors
Frank Mann, Patrick Davies, Melissa Sturge-Apple
3 Pulling-to-Stand and Sleep: A Longitudinal
Actigraphy Study
Anat Scher, Osnat Atun-Ainy
4 Hypermethylation of the vasopressin receptor in
physically abused girls
Leslie Seltzer, Catherine Auger, Anthony Auger,
Seth Pollak
5 Hormonal Sensitivity to Competition Among
Adolescent Boys
Victoria Wobber, Felix Warneken
6 Cortisol and Alpha-amylase in Proactive and
Reactive Aggression: Moderating Effects of
Callous-unemotional Traits
Stephan Huijbregts, Carlijn Claas
7 Testosterone Predicts Negative Parenting
Behaviors in Fathers With 12-13 Month Old Infants
Patty Kuo, Ekjyot Saini, Oliver Schultheiss, Brenda
8 The Baby in the Bath Water: Associations Among
Maternal Caregiving, Neonatal Somatic Discomfort
and Stress Reactivity During Bathing and Dressing
Chelsey Barrios, Lauren Philbrook, Amber
Cardoos, Amie Hane
9 Prenatal Testosterone Exposure (2D:4D Ratio)
Predicts Aggression in Young Children
Brian Marks, Isaac Petersen, John Bates
10 Infants can solve for x, approximately
Lisa Feigenson, Melissa Kibbe
12 Abstract Matching: Six-month-old infants'
intermodal representations of ratio
Yi Mou, Kristy vanMarle
13 One-to-one correspondence cues for small sets
enhance infants' arithmetic abilities
Maria Dolores de Hevia, Julien Marie, Aurelie
Coubart, Arlette Streri, Veronique Izard
14 Bridging the gap: Infants' small and large number
ordinal judgments
Kristy vanMarle
15 Are Preverbal Infants Confident About Their
Decision? A new Measure of Metacognition in 16
Month-olds Infants
Louise Goupil, Sid Kouider
16 Can young children be more accurate predictors of
their recall performance?
Amanda Lipko-Speed, Alex Krowlikowski, Kaitlin
17 K-12 Students' Evaluations of Sources of Science
Maggie Renken, Martina Nitkova, Ellen Litkowski,
Carmen Carrion, Judy Orton
18 Metacognition and Mindreading: A Developmental
Nike Tsalas, Markus Paulus, Joëlle Proust, Beate
19 Explicit Instruction of Metacognition in a Middle
School Science Class Leads to Metacognitive,
Academic, and Motivational Benefits
Cristina Zepeda, J. Richey, Paul Ronevich,
Timothy Nokes-Malach
20 Infants' Expectations About Reciprocation and
Retaliation: Valence Matters But Form Does Not
Zijing He, Kyong-sun Jin, Renée Baillargeon,
David Premack
21 12-month-old Infants can Differentiate Helping and
Hindering Actions Based on Intentions
Young-eun Lee, Hyun-joo Song
22 The Behavioral and Brain Correlates of Lying to
Chelsea Hays, Leslie Carver, Juliana Castro-
23 Whose fault was it? Children's distribution of
reward and punishment for team success or failure
Anne Schlottmann, Hannah Gordon, Tobias
Gerstenberg, David Lagnado
24 Effects of Coaching and Transgressions on
Children's Truth-Lie Competency
Frances Houwing, Kay Bussey
25 The Development of Origins Explanations Among
Children From Diverse Religious Backgrounds
Rebecca Yasskin, Jacqueline Woolley, Christina
26 Development of Beliefs about AIDS Causality and
Carol Sigelman, Sydney Carnevale, Tianying Li,
Shiyun Zhu
27 Does Vitalism Extend Beyond the Domain of
Biology?: Chinese Children's Understanding of
Vital Energy
Melanie Nyhof, Maira Roazzi, Carl Johnson
28 Children's judgments about the impact of race and
group membership on biological processes and
social behaviors.
Lakshmi Raman
29 "The medicine goes straight to your toe":
Children's Causal Models of Medicine
Kristi Lockhart, Frank Keil, Matthew Roth, Sara
30 Liquid Permanence in Infancy
Jin Seok, Yuyan Luo, Renée Baillargeon
31 Infants Search More for an Unfamiliar Object than
an Unfamiliar Person
Jeanne Shinskey
32 The use of Social Referencing as a Measure of
Infant Understanding in the Piagetian A not B
Search Task
Kirsty Dunn, Gavin Bremner
33 Do Monkeys Show a Shape Bias?
Kelly Hughes, Celia Litovsky, Allison Barnard,
Laura Ackerman, Jessica Cantlon
34 Children's Perception of Other's Religious
Sara Jaffer
35 The Seed of Analogical Reasoning
Yin-Juei Chang, Alissa Ferry, Susan Hespos,
Dedre Gentner
36 Explanation-based Learning in Infants: From
Statistics to Causes
Amélie Bernard, Renée Baillargeon, Gerald
37 Can Infants Learn Causal Action Sequences?
Bryan Nguyen, Scott Johnson
38 Reasoning About the Unseen: Do Preschoolers
Infer the Existence of Hidden Objects as Infants
Markus Krüger, Horst Krist
39 The Role of Pedagogy in Infants' Category-Based
Stephanie Chen, Marjorie Rhodes
40 Symbolic Reasoning with Graphical
Representations in Preschool Children
Susanne Koerber, Beate Sodian, Corinne
41 Can iPads Facilitate Symbolic Understanding in
Very Young Children?
Stephanie Armstrong, Charlotte Carroll, Alexandra
Franklin, Krista Casler
42 The Development of Children's Understanding and
Expression of Movement in Pictorial
Representations of Human Figures
Rita Asher, Victoria Cortez, Michelle Zambrano
43 The Role of Attention and Working Memory in
Conservation Task Performances
Crystal Tran, Alicia San Miguel, Hanako Yoshida
44 Teaching Young Children the Symbolic Function of
an Object
Olga Peralta, María Maita, Florencia Mareovich
45 The Effects of Friendly Touch on Compliance in
Julia Leonard, Anna Shusterman, Talia Berkowitz
46 Concurrent and Longitudinal Associations between
Aspects of Self-Regulation and Preschool
Counting and Calculation Math Abilities
Alicia Miao, Guadalupe Diaz, Megan McClelland
47 The Development of Cognitive Control in 5- and 6-
Year-Olds: Qualitative Changes in the Temporal
Dynamics of Goal Setting
Joanna Lucenet, Agnès Blaye, Jutta Kray
48 Prospective Associations Among Self-Regulation,
Teacher-Child Relationships, and Achievement in
Chinese American Immigrant Children
Jennifer Ly, Qing Zhou, Stephen Chen
49 Children's Reasoning about Reflection and
Judith Danovitch
50 Effects of Visual Impairment on Infant
Elena Sakkalou, Michelle O'Reilly, Alison Salt,
Michelle de Haan, Naomi Dale
51 Identifying the Nature of Very Preterm Children's
Mathematics Difficulties
Victoria Simms, Sarah Clayton, Lucy Cragg,
Camilla Gilmore, Neil Marlow, Samantha Johnson
52 Testing Measurement Invariance of Functional
Factors of Father Involvement In Families of
Children with Disabilities
Justin Kern, Brent McBride, Daniel Laxman, W.
Justin Dyer, Rosa Santos, Niwako Sugimura,
Laurie Jeans
53 Participation of children with Down syndrome: the
role of mastery motivation and limitation in
functional skill.
Michiel Volman
54 Dissociations Within Semantic Processing in
Young People with Down Syndrome: A
Comparison with Children with Specific Language
Impairment and Typically Developing Children
Josie Briscoe, Glynis Laws, Su Yin Ang, Ehab
Hermena, Heather Brown, Anna Kapikian
55 Deficient Face-selectivity of the N170 in Down
Teresa Mitchell, Steven Meyer, Emily Levoy,
William McIlvane
56 Describing Parent Communication with Toddlers
who have Significant Developmental Disabilities
Andrea Barton-Hulsey, Ani Whitfield, Mary Ann
Romski, Rose Sevcik
57 What Influences Caregiver Efficacy in Early
Intervention Home Visits?
Amy Guimond, Brook Sawyer, Jeanne Wilcox
58 Intervention Enrollment in Infant Siblings At-risk for
an Autism Spectrum Disorder
Taylor Day, John Mahalchak, Sarah Hannigen,
Holly Gastgeb, Mark Strauss
59 Using a grpho-motor symbol task for studying skill
acquisition in children with language impairment
Esther Adi-Japha, Mona Julius, Orli Strulovich-
Schwartz, Haia Abu-Asba, Zivit Shechter
60 Word-Reference Mapping and Lexical-Tone
Perception Abilities in Two-Year-Old Late-Talking
Lu Shin-hui, Tsao Feng-Ming
61 Predictors of Language Outcomes for Mandarin-
Speaking Late Talkers: A Longitudinal Study from
Two to Four Years of Age
Huei-Mei Liu, Feng-Ming Tsao
62 The Helpless Child: The Effect of Marital Conflict
on Child Psychopathology and Child Involvement
in Interparental Disagreements
Kelly Kuznicki, Edward Cummings, Patrick Davies
63 Autistic disorder in non-institutionalized children
adopted after early severe maltreatment
Jonathan Green, Catherine Kay, Kathy Leadbitter
64 Are Impulsive Preschoolers Living in Poverty More
Likely to Have Behavior Problems Than Those
who are not?
Rosemarie DiBiase, Patrice Miller
65 The Nature and Timing of Social Deficits in Child
and Adolescent Offspring of Parents with
Leslie Brown, Ashley Smith, Gretchen Haas
66 Adolescent Worrying and Rumination: Bidirectional
Associations With Parental Criticism in a 6-Year
Longitudinal Community Study
Stefanie Nelemans, William Hale, Susan Branje,
Wim Meeus
67 The Reciprocal Relationships between
Internalizing and Externalizing Problems:
Parenting as a mediator, predictor, and its
Eunju Lee
68 Temperamental and Maternal Influences on
Internalizing Problems and Depressive Symptoms
in Adolescence
Natalie Hadad, John Bates, Kenneth Dodge,
Jennifer Lansford, Gregory Pettit, Darlene Kertes
69 A Prospective, Longitudinal Examination of the
Influence of Childhood Home and School Contexts
on Psychopathy in Adolescence
Jacqueline Horan, Joshua Brown, Stephanie
Jones, J. Lawrence Aber
70 Patterns of Friendship in Narcissistic Children
R. Poppy Wilkinson, William Bukowski, Catherine
71 The distribution of psychopathic traits in non-
clinical samples of children and the relations to
behavioral and trait empathy
Tracy Cassels, Susan Birch
72 Perceived pressure to conform out of fear of
rejection, or because of strong negative reactivity
to conflict, predicts preadolescent
psychopathology beyond the contribution of
Elia Psouni, Hans Bengtsson
73 Preadolescent's Intolerance of Uncertainty and its
Relationship to Emotional and Behavioral
Hans Bengtsson, Elia Psouni
74 Effects of Parent-Child and Teacher-Child
Relationships on Child Adjustment across the
Early School Years.
Betty Lin, Rebecca Newland, Emily Gerstein, Keith
Crnic, Jan Blacher, Bruce Baker
75 Emotion Recovery and Autonomic Function in
Post-Institutionalized Children
Elisa Esposito, Sarah Stellern, Bonny Donzella,
Megan Gunnar
76 Stress, Coping, and Parenting Efficacy in Mothers
of Low-Birth-Weight Preterm Infants in Taiwan
Hui-Chin Hsu, Suh-Fang Jeng
77 The Impact of Parent Stress on Child Stress and
Child Quality of Life Outcomes for Children with
Serious Medical Illness
Jeannette Robb, Shauna Tominey, Steven
Southwick, Linda Mayes
78 Exposure to Violence Predicting Later Stress:
Examining the Role of Parental Support
Sophie Aiyer, Alison Miller, Andria Eisman, Sarah
Stoddard, Marc Zimmerman
79 Developmental Pathways of Young Adulthood
Marijuana Use
Michelle Englund, Jessica Siebenbruner
80 Young Mothers in Substance Abuse Recovery:
Factors Associated with Parental Stress
Sherina Persaud
81 The Influence of Music Training on Chinese
Children's School Performance and IQ
Weiyi Ma, Hua Yang, Dongyin Mei, Li Sha, Xu
82 The association between music lessons and
academic self-concept in 11- to 14-year-old
Franziska Degé, Gudrun Schwarzer
83 Predicting who takes music lessons and for how
long: The role of demographic, cognitive, and
personality variables
Kathleen Corrigall, E. Glenn Schellenberg
84 It's About Time: Comparing the Effectiveness of
Time-Reform Approaches on Narrowing the
Achievement Gap
Amanda Koury
85 Educator Strategies and Children's Early Literacy
Milestones in Group Library Storytime Settings
Erika Feldman, Katie Campana, Janet Capps,
Ivette Bayo, Eliza Dresang, Kathleen Burnett
86 How Youth Form Trust in Adult Leaders of Project-
Based Youth Programs
Aisha Griffith
87 Assessing Program Quality in After School
Programs: A Comparison of Parents' and
Teachers' Evaluations
Lisa Sullivan, Sheri Hembree
88 Prediction of Early Math Skills from Multiple Home
Numeracy Measures
JinHee Hur, Seung-Hee Son
89 Effects of a Kindergarten and Home Literacy
Program. A Project With Children Living in Poverty
in Argentina
Alejandra Stein, Celia Rosemberg, Maia Migdalek
90 Home-Learning Activities, Maternal Education, and
Children's Achievement during the Transition to
Priscilla Goble, Carey Cooper, Aprile Benner
91 Promoting positive peer relations in an academic
task: An examination through APIM
Dawn England, Naomi Andrews, Carol Martin,
Matthew DiDonato, Laura Hanish
92 Profiles of Social Withdrawal in Late Childhood:
Consequences for Academic Engagement and
Casey Sechler, Gary Ladd, Karen Kochel, Idean
Ettekal, Becky Kochenderfer-Ladd
93 Are There Dangers to Being Central in a Social
Price Johnson, Justin Vollet, Thomas Kindermann
94 An Evaluation of a Program to Increase Physical
Activity in Child Care
Allison De Marco, Susan Zeisel, Samuel Odom
95 Role of educators for difficult motor skill acquisition
in 5 y old children
Patrizia Tortella, Fiorino Tessaro, Guido
Francesco Fumagalli
96 Fifth Grade Executive Function Mediating
Relations Between Third Grade Sports
Participation and Fifth Grade Academic
Derek Becker, Megan McClelland
97 Do the Effects of Head Start Vary by Parental Pre-
academic Stimulation? Results from the Head
Start Impact Study
Elizabeth Miller
98 The effect of knowledge about disabilities and
experience with peers with disabilities on the
attitudes of kindergarten students
Anke Boer
99 Preschool Participation and Reductions in Adult
Substance Abuse: The Role of Social
Alison Giovanelli, C. Momoko Hayakawa, Arthur
100 The Contribution of Preschool Children's
Engagement With Pre-Academic Classroom
Activities, Teacher Engagement, and Teaching
Practices to School Readiness
Catherine Tsao, Carollee Howes, Jennifer
Marcella, Michelle Baldanza
101 The Role of Head Start in Improving Teacher-Child
Relationships for Children Exhibiting Challenging
Alexis Tracy, Shannon Lipscomb
102 Mathematics and Reading Achievement in Early
Jill Jacobi-Vessels, Elizabeth Brown, Victoria
103 The Effects of a Kindergarten Phonological
Awareness Intervention With and Without Name
Letter Use
Jill Jacobi-Vessels
104 Reducing avoidance behaviors among struggling
readers: A summer reading program intervention
Melissa Orkin
105 Home Literacy Environment and Reading
Achievement of Indian Children
Prahbhjot Malhi, Bhavneet Bharti, Manjit Sidhu
106 Gender and the Transmission of Risk: A
Prospective Study of Adolescent Girls Exposed to
Maternal Versus Paternal Interparental Violence
Tania Bartolo, Marlene Moretti, Kathleen Slaney,
Candice Odgers, Stephanie Craig
107 The effects of witnessing intimate partner violence
on preschoolers' empathic responses to maternal
Teresa Lind, Mary Dozier
108 Intimate Partner Violence and Children's Executive
Hanna Gustafsson, Jennifer Coffman, Martha Cox
109 Puerto Rican Adolescents' Decision-Making
Autonomy and Their Family Relationships
Myriam Villalobos, Judi Smetana
110 The Effect of House Hold Rules on Adolescent
Decision Making About Risky Behavior
Samantha Johansen, Lise Youngblade
111 Timing of maternal return-to-work and child
development in the first year of life in Chile
Marigen Narea
112 Too Much Crying: Maternal Perception of Infant
Crying and Maternal Well-Being
Tiffany Burkhardt, Linda Gilkerson, Larry Gray,
Keri Heilman, Stephen Porges
113 Boundary Problems During Triadic Family
Interaction at 3 years: Are Some Children More
Vulnerable Than Others?
Aya Shigeto, Cynthia Neff, Sarah Mangelsdorf,
Geoffrey Brown, Maria Wong, Allison Jessee
114 Which Family Life Variables Prove Most Useful for
Predicting High School Students' First Oral Sex
Cindy Meston, Lucia O'Sullivan, Justine Gibbings
115 Father's Parenting Behavior, Attachment Security,
and Infant Cortisol Responses
Ekjyot Saini, Wonjung Oh, Patty Kuo, Brenda
116 Father Socialization In Sikh Immigrant Families
Towards Ethno-Religious Identity Formation In
Their Sons
Meenal Rana
117 Fathers' and Mothers' Involvement in Children's
School Work in Two-Parent Latino Families
Ziarat Hossain, Lee Soyoung
118 Adaptation issues in the foster care mother and
child: The mediating effect of the parent-child
Annabelle Cournoyer, Sophie Demers-Bédard,
Janie St-Onge, Karine Dubois-Comtois, Chantal
Cyr, Ellen Moss
119 The Moderating Effect of Lenght of Stay in Foster
Care on the Link Between Mother-Child
Interactions and Child Behavior Problems
Janie St-Onge, Andra Lorent, Sophie Demers-
Bédard, Annabelle Cournoyer, Karine Dubois-
Comtois, Chantal Cyr, Ellen Moss
120 Maltreated Foster Children's Internalization of
Parental Standards
Aimée Drouin Duncan, Carlomagno Panlilio,
Colleen Morrison, Brenda Jones Harden
121 Homeless Mothers' Parenting Stress and their
Children's Functioning: Associations with
Substance Use and Depressive Symptoms
Gizem Erdem, Natasha Slesnick
122 Quality of Father-infant Interactions Following the
"Baby Elmo" Intervention
Marisa Morin, Benjamin Richeda, Carole Shauffer,
Jennifer Rodriguez, Natalie Brito, Rachel Barr
123 Maternal Incarceration: Effects on Caregivers'
Mental Health
Adrian Bravo, Danielle Dallaire, Janice Zeman
124 Relationship-Focused Intervention for Maternal
Substance Use Improves Maternal Outcomes and
Reduces Child Behavioral Problems
Stacey Espinet, Mary Motz, Jessica Jeong, Debra
Pepler, Jennifer Jenkins
125 Parent training in the Nurtured Heart Approach:
Effects on parents' well-being, practices, and
perception of child strengths.
Alison Brennan, Joel Hektner
126 Promoting Responsive Parenting for Low-SES
Families in Healthcare: Long-term Impacts of the
Video Interaction Project
Carolyn Cates, Alan Mendelsohn, Benard Dreyer,
Samantha Berkule, Adriana Weisleder, Catherine
Tamis-LeMonda, Kristina Vlahovicova
127 Promoting Self-regulation of Low-SES Young
Children in Healthcare: Long-term Impacts of the
Video Interaction Project
Alan Mendelsohn, Carolyn Cates, Benard Dreyer,
Samantha Berkule, Adriana Weisleder, Jenny
Arevalo, Jennifer Ledesma
128 Urban Adolescents' Motivation & Beliefs for
Healthy Eating
Lilia Mucka, Jaclyn Issner, Matthew Carroll,
Patricia Richardson, Jennifer Speer, Jeffrey
Kuentzel, Douglas Barnett
129 Peer Norms Versus Peer Talk: Additive and
Interactive Associations with Adolescents' Risk
Esti Iturralde, Gayla Margolin
130 Developmental Trajectories of Health-promoting
Behaviors between Adolescence and Young
Julia Tang, Laura Wray-Lake
Noel Malanda
132 Predictors of change in risky sexual behavior
among African American youth as a function of
gender and relationship status
Tiarney Ritchwood
133 Are Early Communicative Gestures Universal?
Infants' Spontaneous Gestures in Taiwan,
Germany, and the U.S.
Alicia Kwon, Claire Vallotton, Mechthild
134 Developing Gestures for No and Yes: Head
Shaking and Nodding in Infancy
Viktoria Kettner, Jeremy Carpendale
135 The association between motor verb use and
iconic gesture production among preschool
Todd Pruner, Lisa Smithson, Laura Ritzen, Sandra
136 Language Development and Behavioural
Tendencies in Normally Developed Toddlers
Ann-Katrin Bockmann
137 Early Singular-Plural and Plural-Singular
Production of Familiar and Novel Words in
Roberto Abreu-Mendoza, Abril Plascencia-
González, Natalia Arias-Trejo
138 Explaining children's difficulties with reversible
passives: A developmental multiple-paradigm
Ben Ambridge, Caroline Rowland, Franklin Chang,
Julian Piine
139 The Effects of Child Directed Speech on Grammar
Taylor Schembri, Cassandra Foursha-Stevenson
140 Lexical-semantic language organization in
monolingual developing brain
Louah Sirri, Pia Rämä
141 How Does Statistical Learning Support Lexical
Development? Predictability vs. Lexical
Jill Lany, Jenny Saffran
142 The process of continuous reorganization of a
complex semantic domain as children learn new
words: Learning of carry/hold verbs in Japanese
Noburo Saji, Mutsumi Imai
143 Phonological Representations, Phonological
Processing, and Reading in Cantonese-Chinese
Kathy Shum, Joanna Kidd, Connie Ho, Terry Au
144 Genetic and Environmental Associations Between
Temperament and Vocabulary
Caitlin Canfield, Manjie Wang, Kimberly Saudino
145 Do 14-Month-Olds Generalize Newly Learnt
Labels in an Associative Learning Task?
Heather MacKenzie, Suzanne Curtin, Susan
146 Early Language Experience Predicts Processing
Efficiency and Vocabulary in Spanish-learning
Infants in the U.S. and Mexico
Nancy Otero, Adriana Weisleder, Virginia
Marchman, Nereyda Hurtado, Viviana Limón,
Anne Fernald
147 Learning words based on verbal descriptions
Tiffany Tassin, Maria Osina, Megan Saylor,
Patricia Ganea
148 The Role of Executive Functioning in Vocabulary
Learning During Shared Book Reading
Autumn Palmiter, Hailey Cuomo, Catherine
Hrabrick, Jeanne Day
149 Binomial Mixture Models of Behavior
Neil Berthier
150 More Variety for Infants - Collecting Larger
Volumes of Data and Decreasing Attrition in an
Infant ERP-Study
Manuela Stets, Mike Burt, Vincent Reid
151 Validation of an Experimental Distressed Baby
Simulator (BSIM) Task
Kayde Merrell, Kate Oddi, Mary Nasca, Victoria
Yopst, Ashley Clemons, Helena Rutherford, Linda
Mayes, David Bridgett
152 Civic Development During the Transition to
Adulthood Within a Non-Democratic Context: The
Case of Mainland China
Jonathan Zaff, Wei Zhang, Dongjian Deng, Moon
Li, Shuangju Zhen, Jingtong Pan
153 Parents' and Children's Civic Values
Elizabeth White, Rashmita Mistry
154 Children's Volunteering in the Upper Elementary
Elizabeth White, Rashmita Mistry
155 Gang Rewards and Consequences as Perceived
by Youth at Greater and Lesser Risk of
Eric Mah, Brooke Knowlton, Antony Mudim, Isabel
Scott, Roger Tweed, Gira Bhatt, Stephen Dooley,
Nathalie Gagnon, Jodie Viljoen, Kevin Douglas
156 The protective effects of religiosity and spirituality
on delinquency: Results among high-risk and
gang-involved Salvadoran youth
Christopher Salas-Wright, Rene Olate, Michael
159 Cross-modality Correspondences Are Not An
Innate Aspect of Perception: Synaesthesia
Emerges Late in Infancy
Nicholas Minar, David Lewkowicz
160 Anticipatory Reaching And Action Observation: Do
13-month-olds Make Goal Predictions Based on
the Shape of a Person's Hand?
Courtney Filippi, Amanda Woodward
161 Moving Self and Moving Others as Key
Components in the Negativity Bias During Infancy
Alison Heck, Robin Panneton
162 "I Can Be…." Anything? Playing With Barbie
Reduces Girls' Career Aspirations
Aurora Sherman, Eileen Zurbriggen
163 Refusing to Fail: Over-persistence, Under-
persistence and the Gender Gap in Science
Andrew Penner, Robb Willer
164 The Interaction of Expectations and Efficacy in
Predicting Frequency of Other-gender Interactions
Ryan Field, Cindy Miller, Karen Kochel, Shawna
Petersen, Kimberly Updegraff
165 From Sweethearts to Stalkers: Analysis of
Sexualization in Latina Girls' Media
Elizabeth McDade-Montez, Eileen Zurbriggen, Jan
Wallander, Linda Cameron
166 Relations of Cultural Orientation and Parenting
Style to Chinese American Children's Sympathy: A
Longitudinal Study
Alexandra Main, Qing Zhou, Charlene Lee, Jeffrey
167 The neural underpinnings for empathy for pain in
Sandy Overgaauw, Berna Guroglu, Eveline Crone
168 Are Empathy and School Connectedness
Bidirectionally Associated in Middle School? A
Cross-Lagged Multi-Group Model
Alexandra Loukas, Milena Batanova
169 The Indirect Effects of Maternal Emotion
Socialization on Friendship Quality in Middle
Bethany Blair, Nicole Perry, Susan Calkins, Susan
170 Pathways from Emotional Competence to
Friendship Quality in Middle Childhood
Bethany Blair, Meghan Rose, Susan Keane,
Susan Calkins
171 Gossip as a Moderator Between Friendship
Conflict and Friendship Dissolution
Melissa Menzer, Kenneth Rubin, Cathryn Booth-
LaForce, Linda Rose-Krasnor, Nighisti Dawit
172 Health Implications of Co-Rumination in
Jennifer Homa, Chong Man Chow
173 Role of Fault Attributions and Other Factors in
Children's Anticipated Responses to Two Peers
with Undesirable Characteristics
Taylor Wadian, Mark Barnett, Tammy Sonnentag,
Marcella Nichols
174 Working Memory and Social Functioning in
Julia McQuade, Dianna Murray-Close, Erin
Shoulberg, Betsy Hoza
175 Shame During Social Rejection Predicts Peer
Victimization but not Bullying
Dianna Lanteigne, Wendy Craig, Allison Rinne,
Tom Hollenstein
176 With Whom do Socially Dominant Preschoolers
Affiliate? Comparing Observational and
Sociometric Results Using Social Network
Megan Fedor, Cary Roseth
177 Social Competence in Preschool Children:
Replication of Results and Clarification of a
Hierarchical Measurement Model
Carla Fernandes, Inês Peceguina, António Santos,
Nana Shin, Brian Vaughn, Marilia Fernandes,
Alexandra Pinto
178 Preschool Children's Reciprocity with Peers: Links
to Friendship Status and Peer Acceptance
Eric Lindsey, Malinda Colwell
179 Peer Victimization and Co-Rumination: Influences
on Internalizing Problems and Health Outcomes
Maria Guarneri-White, Priya Iyer, Allyson Arana,
Lauri Jensen-Campbell
180 Development and Validation of a Self-Report
Measure of Children's Cyber-Victimization
Lauren Swift, Julie Hubbard, Megan Bookhout,
Marissa Smith
181 Peer Bystanders: Reasons for Children's
Reluctance to Intervene in Bullying
Jameela Conway-Turrner, Julie MacEvoy
182 Adult Influences on Traditional and Cyber Bullying
Charles Borgen, Benjamin Glueck, Rona Novick,
Jenny Isaacs
183 Variations in sensitivity to parenting based on child
temperament; Predicting growth in social
competence in preschoolers
Stephanie Thompson, Cara Kiff, Liliana Lengua
184 Youth Responses to Peer Aggression: Links to
Relational, Reputational, and Physical
Melanie Dirks, Laura Cuttini
185 The Sims: A Social Improvement Mechanism for
Adam Lobel, Rutger Engels, Anouk Tuijnman,
Thijs de Valk, Isabela Granic
186 Youth's Responses to Victimization and
Associations with Internalizing Symptoms
Laura Cuttini, Melanie Dirks
187 The Role of Friends' Specific Types of Support and
Peer Acceptance in Predicting Social Anxiety for
Peer Victimized Youth
Amy Kaye, Cynthia Erdley
188 The Influence of Being Bullied on the Cortisol
Awakening Response, Symptoms Associated with
PTSD, and Physical Health Outcomes
Priya Iyer, Lauri Jensen-Campbell
189 Tuning the Developing Brain to Emotional Body
Manuela Missana, Anthony P. Atkinson, Tobias
190 Infants' discrimination of vocal expressions of relief
and triumph across cultures
Melanie Soderstrom, Disa Sauter, Melissa
191 The Development of Categorical Perception of
Facial Emotions
Vivian Lee, M. Rutherford, Jenna Cheal
192 Infant Temperamental Reactivity Moderates the
Relation Between Attachment Security and
Emotion Regulation Strategies
Bo-Ram Kim, Douglas Teti
193 Sleep Quality Affects Emotional Regulation and
Reactivity during the First Year of Life
Renee Stewart, Ni Jian, Douglas Teti
194 An Examination of Mother-Child Discourse and
Emotion Regulation at 24 Months
Michael Morales, Isabelle Creste, Isabel Mengual-
Luna, Shanzy Carter-Martinez, Kristen Fournier,
Sarah Malik, Jennifer Mikol
195 Infants' Avoidance Tendency and Their Reactions
in Frustration
Shih Tseng Huang, Liwen Lee
196 Emotion Expression: An Analysis of the
Development of Gender Stereotypes through the
Expression of Emotion
Megan MacPherson
197 The Relation Between Early Parent Emotion
Socialization Practices and Children's Later
Claudia Lugo-Candelas, Elizabeth Harvey,
Rosanna Breaux
198 Tell me a Story, Mommy! Elaborative Processes
and Emotion Socialization among Mother-Child
Samantha Metler, Shawna Scott, Samantha
Daniel, Sarah Faubert, Jennifer Scammell, Kristen
Williams, Melissa Wuerch, Sylvia Voelker
199 Children's Descriptions of Friends' Emotion
Contingent Reactions
Katianne Howard Sharp, Rachel Tillery, Gabrielle
Banks, Paige Pirkey, Robert Cohen
200 Is It Empathy? Concerned Arousal and Impulsivity
as Two Distinct Predictors of Helping Behavior in
Early Childhood
Jacek Kolacz, Patricia Garrett-Peters, Jean-Louis
Gariepy, W. Roger Mills-Koonce, Michael
201 Feelings Predict Children's Expected Prosocial
Daniel Grühn, Amy Halberstadt
202 The development of empathy and associated
emotion regulation skills in bonobos, Pan paniscus
Zanna Clay, Frans de Waal
203 Victimization and Emotional Adjustment in Middle
School: Associations With Cognitive and Affective
Samantha Lutz, Danielle Findley, Tiina Ojanen
204 Toddlers at High Genetic Risk for Autism Are Less
Responsive to an Infant's Distress
Emily Schmidt, Nina Leezenbaum, Stephanie Fox,
Celia Brownell, Susan Campbell
205 Exploring self-reflection and rumination in stress
narratives of emerging adults
Kelly Marin, Elena Rotondo
206 Developmental Shifts in Ultimate Goals from
Adolescence through Mid-Adulthood
William Dunlop, Lawrence Walker
Annesha Mitra, Jonathan Santo, William Bukowski
208 Birth Order Influences Parents but not Children's
Perceptions of Children's Anxiety
Karen Hjortsvang, Kristin Lagattuta, Liat Sayfan
209 Early-emerging Behavior Problems and Parenting
in Early Childhood: A Longitudinal Investigation of
School and Social Adjustment
Julia Feldstein, Dale Stack, Lisa Serbin, Paul
Hastings, Rosemary Mills, Alex Schwartzman
210 Effect of environmental risk and externalizing
comorbidity on internalizing problems among
disadvantaged African American youth
Jingwen Liu, John Bolland, Danielle Dick, Brian
Mustanski, Darlene Kertes
211 Infants' Abilities to Recognize Unjustified
Emotional Reactions
Sabrina Chiarella, Diane Poulin-Dubois
212 Emotion Beliefs and Feeding Beliefs among Low-
Income African American and Caucasian Mothers
of Infants
Tiffany Martoccio, Holly Brophy-Herb, Mildred
213 The Effects of a School-Based Social-Emotional
Intervention for Low-Income Preschoolers: The
Complex Role of Emotion Understanding
Kassondra Silva, Tracy Spinrad, Nancy Eisenberg,
Michael Sulik, Jennifer Betkowski, Christopher
Lonigan, Beth Phillips, Susan Landry, Heather
Taylor, Paul Swank
214 Right Frontal EEG Asymmetry and the
Disengagement of Attention from Negative Stimuli
in Children at Risk for Anxiety
Bradley Taber-Thomas, Santiago Morales, Nhi
Thai, Chris Danilo, Koraly Perez-Edgar
215 The Role of Attention Bias in the Link Between
Temperament and Socio-emotional Maladjustment
Xiaoxue Fu, Eran Auday, Bradley Taber-Thomas,
Santiago Morales, Elizabeth Allen, Nhi Thai,
Courtney Pfeifer, Chris Danilo, Koraly Perez-Edgar
216 Temperament-Language Relationships during the
First Formal Year of School
Natasha Gouge, Wallace Dixon
217 Maternal Warmth, Effortful Control, and Chinese
American Children's Socio-emotional
Development: The Moderating Role of Maternal
Jing Yu, Grace Calvin, Kathy Vu, Charissa Cheah,
Craig Hart
Thursday, 10:20 am - 11:50 am
(Event 1-048) Paper Symposium
Aspen (Sheraton Seattle Hotel, 2nd Floor)
Thursday, 10:20 am - 11:50 am
1-048. Promoting Gratitude as a Skill for
Building Positive Connections Between
Adolescents and Society
Chair: Giacomo Bono
Discussant: Constance A. Flanagan
The Benefits of Gratitude to Adolescent
Development: Longitudinal Models of Gratitude,
Well-Being and Prosocial Behavior
Giacomo Bono, Jeffrey Froh, Robert Emmons, Noel
The Expression of Gratitude and Materialism in
Childhood and Adolescence
Jonathan Tudge, Lia Freitas, Yudan Wang, Irina
Mokrova, Kamilah Legette
Evaluating the Effects of a Strength-Based, Summer
Intervention on Middle School Adolescents' Gratitude
and Subjective Well-Being
Jason Bird
(Event 1-049) Paper Symposium
Cedar AB (Sheraton Seattle Hotel, 2nd Floor)
Thursday, 10:20 am - 11:50 am
1-049. Bridging the Gap Between
Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood: The
Role of Fathers in Helping with the
Transition to Adulthood
Chair: Kristina L. Huber
Discussant: Nina S. Mounts
Parenting Styles and Practices Predict Academic
Adjustment among College Freshmen
Kristina Huber, Jonathan Mattanah, Janna Steinberg,
Jacqueline Boualavong, Maria Clemente, Tess
Krakoff, Edward Lomash
Fathering Behavior and Sons' Romantic Relationship
Quality: The Influence of Individual and
Constellations of Behavior
Jennifer Karre
Biopsychology at the Level of the Family: Parental
Cortisol Response to Challenge Predicts EA
Adjustment Across the College Transition
Vanessa Johnson, Susan Gans, Sean Deats
(Event 1-050) Paper Session
Issaquah AB (Sheraton Seattle Hotel, 3rd Floor)
Thursday, 10:20 am - 11:50 am
1-050. Exploring Adolescents' Psychosocial
Development in Relation to Parenting and
the Parent-Adolescent Relationship:
Evidence from Four Cultural Contexts
Chair: Nancy Darling
How Authority Issues were Handled: Within-group
Variability in China
Yudan Wang, Richard Faldowski
Parent-Adolescent Relationship Profiles and the
Psychological Well-Being of Latino Youth
Mayra Bamaca-Colbert, Melinda Gonzales-Backen,
Peter Kim, Dayanna Reeves, Scott Plunkett, Tovah
The Transformation of the Parent-Child Relationship
in Adolescence and its Consequences for
Psychosocial Development in Adulthood
Fred Berger
Parenting Practices and Youth Psychosocial
Adjustment in Low-income Asian American/Pacific
Islander (AAPI) Families
Ji-Yeon Kim, Barbara DeBaryshe
(Event 1-051) Paper Symposium
Ravenna ABC (Sheraton Seattle Hotel, 3rd Floor)
Thursday, 10:20 am - 11:50 am
1-051. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly:
Expected and Unexpected Long-Term
Sequelae of Adolescent Peer Relationships
for Adult Functioning
Chair: Joseph P. Allen
Discussant: W. A. Collins
The Adolescent Relational Dialectic and the Peer
Roots of Adult Social Functioning
Joseph Allen, Joanna Chango, David Szwedo
The Paradox of Friendship Influence: Dynamic
Mechanisms Underlying the Amplification of
Aggression and Drug Use in Adolescence
Thomas Dishion, Mark Ryzin
Positive Peer Influences on Depressive and Anxiety
symptoms in Adolescence and Young Adulthood
Jacqueline Homel, Bonnie Leadbeater, Kara
(Event 1-052) Paper Symposium
Redwood AB (Sheraton Seattle Hotel, 2nd Floor)
Thursday, 10:20 am - 11:50 am
1-052. Lasting Connections between Early
Social Context and Adolescent Brain
Function: Longitudinal Perspectives on
Brain-Behavior Associations
Chair: Erika E. Forbes
Girls' Challenging Social Experiences in Early
Adolescence Predict Neural Response to Reward at
Age 16
Erika Forbes, Melynda Casement, Kathryn Keenan,
Amanda Guyer, Alison Hipwell
Emotional Abuse Is Associated with Altered
Amygdala Processing of Personally Relevant Social-
Emotional Stimuli.
Sarah Whittle, Erika Forbes, Lisa Sheeber, Murat
Yücel, Julian Simmons, Nicholas Allen
Parenting Style in Childhood and Neural Response
to Peer Evaluation in Adolescence
Amanda Guyer, Kathryn Degnan, Johanna Jarcho,
Koraly Perez-Edgar, Daniel Pine, Eric Nelson,
Nathan Fox
Life Stress in Adolescence Is Associated with
Reward Function in the Transition to Adulthood
Melynda Casement, Samuel Musselman, Daniel
Shaw, Stephanie Sitnick, Erika Forbes
(Event 1-053) Paper Symposium
Room 201 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 10:20 am - 11:50 am
1-053. Child-Specific Language
Environment in the Classroom: Research
Findings From 3 Studies Using the
Language Interaction Snapshot (LISn) (17)
Chair: Susan Sprachman
Discussant: Sally Atkins-Burnett
Linguistic Interactions and Quality of Classroom
Practices for Spanish-Speaking Dual Language
Ximena Franco, Dina Castro, Donna Bryant,
Christina Gillanders, Michael Willoughby, Marlene
Quality of the Classrooom Language Environment for
Preschool Spanish-Speaking Dual Language
Brook Sawyer, Carol Hammer, Lisa Lopez, Clancy
You Have to do What you Know and Believe:
Teacher beliefs, Reported practices, and Observed
Practices in Head Start classrooms
Kaveri Subrahmanyam, Marlene Zepeda, Araceli
Castellanos, Yvonne Ribas, Simona Montanari
(Event 1-054) Paper Symposium
Room 203 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 10:20 am - 11:50 am
1-054. Children's Relative Weighing of
Competing Attributes Influences their
Social and Epistemic Decisions
Chair: Bolivar Reyes Jaquez
The Strength of Young Children's Social Class and
Racial Attitudes
Kristin Shutts, Marissa Johnson, Kristina Olson
Evaluating Experts: Weighing Niceness, Meanness,
and Neutrality
Asheley Landrum, Candice Mills
Accuracy Trumps Accent in Children's Endorsement
of Object Labels
Kathleen Corriveau, Katherine Kinzler, Paul Harris
Age Differences in the Relative Weighing of Social
Bolivar Reyes Jaquez, Catharine Echols
(Event 1-055) Paper Symposium
Room 204 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 10:20 am - 11:50 am
1-055. Beyond competence: Implicit vs.
explicit theory of mind
Chair: Lu Wang
Discussant: Alan M. Leslie
Spontaneous Reasoning of Multiple Mental States
Lu Wang, Alan Leslie
Processing Demands Affect Young Children's
Performance in Both Spontaneous- and Elicited-
Response False-Belief Tasks
Rose Scott, Peipei Setoh, Renée Baillargeon
Do Implicit and Explicit ToM Have Different
Representational Constrains? Insights from Adult
Neuroimaging and Children with ASD
Ágnes Kovács, Erno Téglás, György Gergely,
Gergely Csibra
(Event 1-056) Paper Symposium
Room 205 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 10:20 am - 11:50 am
1-056. Oxytocin and Autism: Observational,
Genetic, and Neuroimaging Approaches
Chair: Nicole McDonald
Discussant: Kevin Pelphrey
The Influence of OXTR and Parent-Child Interaction
on Empathy in Children at Risk for ASD
Nicole McDonald, Jason Baker, Daniel Messinger
Synchrony, Emotion Regulation, and Oxytocin in
Preschoolers with ASD
Ruth Feldman, Sharon Ostfeld-Etzion, Yael
Hirschler, Ofer Golan
Oxytocin's Impact on Brain Function and Social
Behavior in Children and Adolescents with ASD
Ilanit Gordon, Randi Bennett, Molly Lucas, Cara
Cordeaux, Brent Vander Wyk, Ruth Feldman, James
Leckman, Kevin Pelphrey
(Event 1-057) Paper Symposium
Room 206 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 10:20 am - 11:50 am
1-057. Preschoolers Transfer Information
From Fiction to Reality
Chair: Patricia Ganea
Relations Among Perceived Similarity, Familiarity,
and Beliefs about Reality
Maliki Ghossainy, Jacqueline Woolley
Possibility, Impossibility, and Analogical Transfer
from Fantasy Stories
Rebekah Richert
Children's Reasoning About Fictional
Representations and Reality
Patricia Ganea, Caren Walker
Children Selectively Acquire Generic Knowledge
From Shared Pretense
Ori Friedman, Shelbie Sutherland
(Event 1-058) Paper Symposium
Room 211 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 10:20 am - 11:50 am
1-058. The Social Context of Depression in
Ethnic Minority Populations
Chair: Carmen Valdez
Discussant: Natasha Cabrera
Neighborhood Disadvantage, Stability, and Ethnic
Homogeneity and Depressive Symptoms: A
Multilevel Analysis of a Predominantly Latino Sample
Amanda Bohlig
Depression and Parental Involvement in
Children's Contexts: Direct and Indirect Effects
on Children's Social Competence
Simon Goldberg
With a Little Help From my Friends: Effects of a
Family Intervention on Parental Depression
Vansa Shewakramani Hanson
(Event 1-059) Paper Symposium
Room 2A (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 10:20 am - 11:50 am
1-059. Gene-environment interplay and
attachment quality across the life course
Chair: Lee Raby
Discussant: Pasco Fearon
Genetic Contributions to Attachment Processes
across the Life Course: Findings from the Minnesota
Longitudinal Study of Risk and Adaptation
Lee Raby, Dante Cicchetti, Elizabeth Carlson, Byron
Attachment, Personality and Genes: Findings from
the Regensburg Longitudinal Sample IV
Gottfried Spangler, Peter Zimmermann
Molecular Genetic Correlates of Infant and Adult
Attachment in the SECCYD?
Glenn Roisman, Cathryn Booth-LaForce, Jay Belsky
(Event 1-060) Roundtable
Room 2B (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 10:20 am - 11:50 am
1-060. Understanding Cultural Implications
of Parent-Child Relationships: Patterns
from the Emotional Availability Scales in
Different Societies
Moderator: Cory Shulman
Panelists: Zeynep Biringen, Marjo Flykt, Cory
Shulman, Cheung Hoi Shan
(Event 1-061) Paper Session
Room 303 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 10:20 am - 11:50 am
1-061. School Environment and Social and
Academic Functioning
Chair: Cynthia Hudley
Self-Regulation in Kindergarten: Predicting Teacher-
Child Relationship Quality and Child Academic
Ximena Portilla, Jelena Obradović, Parissa Ballard,
W. Thomas Boyce
School Climate and Students' Social and Emotional
Outcomes: A Districtwide Study of Social and
Emotional Competence
Ann-Marie Faria, Leah Brown, Kimberly Kendziora,
David Osher
Student Academic Engagement: The Influence of the
College Environment
Cynthia Hudley
Race, Gender, and School Climate Effects on
Academic Outcomes: Testing Disidentification
Lorraine Taylor, Feihong Wang, Melissa DeRosier
(Event 1-062) Paper Symposium
Room 307 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 10:20 am - 11:50 am
1-062. Adolescents' and Emerging Adults'
Body Modification Practices
Chair: Meghan M. Gillen
Discussant: John Worobey
Relationship Status, Reality Television, and
Emerging Adults' Interest in Cosmetic Surgery
Jessica Schulz, Emily Wood, Charlotte Markey
Adolescents' Body Modification Through UV
Exposure: Understanding Youths' Attitudes to
Suzanne Prior, Kimberley Fenwick, Julia Bremner,
Megan Lamb
Self-Objectification and Tanning: Does Gender
Meghan Gillen
(Event 1-063) Paper Symposium
Room 308 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 10:20 am - 11:50 am
1-063. Does Program Dosage Predict
Outcomes in Head Start and Early Head
Chair: Amy Madigan
Examining Multiple Dimensions of Participation in
Early Head Start
Pia Caronongan, Yange Xue, Cheri Vogel, Kimberly
Boller, Judith Cannon
Relationships Among Early Head Start Experiences
and Child, Parenting, and Family Outcomes
Jaime Thomas, Pia Caronongan, Cheri Vogel,
Kimberly Boller, Judith Cannon
Are Two Years Better Than One? Examining Dosage
of Head Start Attendees Using Propensity Score
Matching Methodology
Louisa Tarullo, Yange Xue, Margaret Burchinal
Dosage and Quality of Implementation in the Context
of Scale-up: The Head Start CARES Trial
Shira Mattera, Chrishana Lloyd, Michael Fishman
(Event 1-064) Paper Session
Room 310 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 10:20 am - 11:50 am
1-064. Language Development and Speech
Chair: Elizabeth K. Johnson
Multi-Accent Language Input Affects Word
Recognition in Infancy
Marieke van Heugten, Elizabeth Johnson
Evidence for General Expansion: Exposure to Talker
Variability Supports Foreign-Accented Word
Learning in 24-Month-Olds
Rachel Schmale, Alejandrina Cristia, Amanda Seidl
Learning from Multiple Acoustic Cues for Phoneme
Acquisition: Infants' input, Infants' Perception, and
Neural Network Simulations
Titia Benders, Paul Boersma
Pitch contours in label learning: Flexibility of
monolingual and bilingual infants
Katharine Graf Estes, Jessica Hay
(Event 1-065) Paper Symposium
Room 3A (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 10:20 am - 11:50 am
1-065. Children's Classroom Relationships
with Teachers and Peers: Further Steps
Towards a Conceptual Model
Chair: Karine Verschueren
Discussant: Jan N. Hughes
Teacher-Student Interactions as Predictors of
Change in Student Social Acceptance and Rejection
Sterett Mercer, Amori Mikami
Transactional Links Between Teacher-Child
Relationship Quality and Perceived Versus
Sociometric Popularity
Steven De Laet, Sarah Doumen, Hilde Colpin,
Eleonora Vervoort, Karine Verschueren
The Importance of Peer-Student and Teacher-
Student Relationships: Evidence From the
Longitudinal Study of Australian Children
Jantine Spilt, Helma Koomen, Linda Harrison
(Event 1-066) Roundtable
Room 3B (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 10:20 am - 11:50 am
1-066. Using Methods Reflective of Context
in Predicting Outcomes for Youth
Moderator: Eyitayo Onifade
Panelists: Jodi Petersen, Christina Campbell,
Ashlee Barnes
(Event 1-067) Roundtable
Room 400 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 10:20 am - 11:50 am
1-067. The Urgent Need to Prevent
Maltreatment and Improve Outcomes for
Children involved in Child Welfare:
Research and Practice Lessons
Moderator: Lyscha Marcynyszyn
Panelists: Lisa Berlin, Kimberly Boller, Catherine
Ayoub, Erin McDonald
(Event 1-068) Paper Symposium
Room 4C-1 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 10:20 am - 11:50 am
1-068. DRD4 for Better or for Worse? The
Complex Interplay Between Genes and
Chair: Esther Nederhof
Discussant: Sara Jaffee
Delinquency in Adolescence: Gene × Environment
Interactions involving the Dopamine D4 Receptor
Rabia Chhangur, Geertjan Overbeek, Maaike
Verhagen, Joyce Weeland, Walter Matthys, Rutger
Parental Divorce, Family Cohesion and DRD4
Genotype: Risks and Protection for Externalizing
Esther Nederhof, Jay Belsky, Johan (Hans) Ormel,
Albertine Oldehinkel
DRD4 Moderates Associations Between Positive and
Negative Peer Experiences and Adolescent
Tina Kretschmer, Jan Kornelis Dijkstra, René
(Event 1-069) Invited Address
Room 4C-2 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 10:20 am - 11:50 am
1-069. The Colorization of North America's
Children: Science, Policy and Practice
Speaker: Cynthia Garcia Coll
Chair: Carola Suarez-Orozco
Abstract: Due to various sociodemographic tendencies
in the 20th and 21st centuries, including disparate
economic growth, increase globalization, changes in
immigration policies and in population birthrates, the
colorization of North America's children is taking place.
This is no longer news, but the latest statistics are
showing that these processes are taking place much
faster than predicted. What are the consequences of
these demographic tendencies for how we conduct
research on understanding basic developmental
processes as well as environmental inputs that operate?
How should we use research to inform policies and
practices for the emerging majority of children? In this talk
I will review the historical record of theoretical paradigms
and research practices that have been used to study
these populations and their shortcomings as well as the
failures of policies and practices based on these
frameworks. I will use our most recent research on the
Immigrant Paradox to exemplify a paradigm shift that will
provide for more relevant research and more effective
policies and practices to support not only our science but
our youth.
Biography: Cynthia García Coll is
the Charles Pitts Robinson and John
Palmer Barstow Professor of
Education, Psychology and
Pediatrics at Brown University (on
leave) and Dean of Graduate
Programs and Research at the
College of Natural Sciences at the
University of Puerto Rico, Rio
Piedras campus. She received her
PhD in Personality and
Developmental Psychology from Harvard University in
1981. She has published extensively on the sociocultural
influences on child development with particular emphasis
on at-risk and minority populations. She has served on
the editorial boards of Child Development, Development
and Psychopathology, Infant Behavior and Development,
Infancy, Human Development and Developmental
Psychology (Editor). She served on the SRCD Governing
Council from 1996-2002 and is currently President of the
Society for the Study of Human Development and Chair
of the WT Grant Scholars Selection Committee. Dr.
Garcia Coll was the recipient of the 2009 SRCD's Cultural
and Contextual Contributions to Child Development
award and the 2011 Lectureship Award of the Society for
Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics. Her current
research seeks to document and explain immigrant
pathways in education and risky behaviors as evidenced
by U.S. children and adolescents.
(Event 1-070) Invited Paper Symposium
Room 4C-3 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 10:20 am - 11:50 am
1-070. Executive Function: Basic Science to
Chair: Philip D. Zelazo
Discussant: Adele D. Diamond
Integrative Statement: Individual differences in
executive function (EF) skills in childhood predict a wide
range of important developmental outcomes, and EF is
increasingly a target of therapeutic, remedial, and
universal interventions. The talks in this symposium
address recent advances in neuroscience, including
research on the prolonged development of EF-related
neural systems (e.g., involving prefrontal cortex), and
discuss the implications of this research for the design
and implementation of effective ways to support the
healthy development of EF. Research on prefrontal
cortical structure and function, for example, has
sharpened our understanding of the neurocognitive
processes underlying EF that may be targeted for
training. Research on brain development and neural
plasticity suggests that periods of relatively rapid change
in EF and EF-related neural systems are periods during
which EF-related neural systems show heightened
sensitivity to environmental influences. Following a brief
introduction that presents a view of neurocognitive
development as a dynamic process of adaptation wherein
increasingly efficient hierarchically arranged neural
systems are constructed in a largely use-dependent
fashion, three of the leading researchers in
developmental cognitive neuroscience will show how
neuroscience has informed their ideas about EF
interventions. Silvia Bunge (Berkeley), Yuko Munakata
(Boulder), and Stephanie Carlson (Minnesota) have each
added to our understanding of the nature of EF and its
development through neuroscientific investigations while
also exploring the implications for treatment, training, and
even best practices for teaching and parenting. Adele
Diamond (UBC), whose own pioneering research has
spanned both the basic neuroscience of EF and EF
interventions, serves as discussant.
Biography: Philip David Zelazo
(PhD, Yale '93) is the Nancy M.
and John E. Lindahl Professor at
the Institute of Child Development,
University of Minnesota. From
1992-2007, he taught at the
University of Toronto, where he
held the Canada Research Chair in
Developmental Neuroscience. He
is a Fellow of APA, APS, and the
Mind and Life Institute; he is
President of the Jean Piaget
Society; and he is a member of several editorial boards,
including Child Development; Monographs of the SRCD;
Development and Psychopathology; Developmental
Cognitive Neuroscience; Cognitive Development;
Emotion; and Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. He was
the co-editor of The Cambridge Handbook of
Consciousness (Zelazo, Moscovitch, & Thompson, 2007),
and is the editor of the 2-volume Oxford Handbook of
Developmental Psychology.
A Neuroscientific Perspective on the Cognitive
Training of Executive Function
Silvia Bunge
Building on Theory to Improve Executive Function:
The Case of Inhibitory Control
Yuko Munakata
Reflection Training to Promote Executive Function in
Preschool Children
Stephanie Carlson
(Event 1-071) Paper Symposium
Room 4C-4 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 10:20 am - 11:50 am
1-071. Cyberbullying moderators and
Chair: Douglas A. Gentile
Predicting Cyberbullying Behavior in Late
Adolescence: The Importance of Attitudes
Douglas Gentile, Christopher Barlett
Borderline Personality Disorder and Cyberbullying in
Sarah Coyne, David Nelson
Examining the Moderating Influence of Age in the
Relation between Cyber-bullying and Aggression: A
Christopher Barlett
(Event 1-072) Paper Symposium
Room 602 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 10:20 am - 11:50 am
1-072. Biases in Cognitive and Emotional
Processing in Children of Depressed
Chair: Brandon Gibb
Discussant: Jennifer Silk
A Gene x Environment Model of Risk for Attentional
Biases in Children of Depressed Mothers
Brandon Gibb, Lindsey Stone, Andrea Hanley, Katie
Burkhouse, Mary Woody, Jimmy Choi, Sydney
Meadows, Michael Van Wie, Valerie Knopik, John
Emotional Reactivity in Children of Depressed and
Anxious Mothers
Katie Burkhouse, Greg Siegle, Brandon Gibb
Maternal history of depression related to altered
error-related brain activity in youth
Alexandria Meyer, Greg Hajcak, Brandon Gibb
(Event 1-073) Paper Symposium
Room 603 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 10:20 am - 11:50 am
1-073. Boundary Problems in Family
Relationships: Implications for Child,
Adolescent and Emerging Adult
Chair: Gregory M. Fosco
Exploring the Causes and Consequences of
Children's Involvement in Parental Conflict
John Grych, Jessica Houston
Triangulation, Parent-Adolescent Hostility, and
Adolescent-Parent Hostility: A Family Process Model
for Adolescent Aggression Problems
Gregory Fosco, Melissa Lippold, Mark Feinberg
Family Boundary Structures and Child Adjustment:
The Indirect Role of Emotional Reactivity
Kristin Lindahl, Neena Malik
Autonomy with Connection: Parental Psychological
Control and Mutuality in Emerging Adults' Intimate
Patricia Kerig, Julie Swanson, Rose Marie Ward
(Event 1-074) Paper Symposium
Room 604 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 10:20 am - 11:50 am
1-074. Instability in the Home and Childrens
Development: Trends, Triggers and
Implications on Outcomes
Chair: Pamela Morris
Discussant: Ariel Kalil
Trends in the Effect of Family Instability on Parental
Resources and Child Wellbeing
Laura Tach
The Prevalence and Correlates of Income Volatility
During Childhood
Heather Hill
Family Income Dynamics and Adolescent Schooling
Lisa Gennetian, Sharon Wolf
(Event 1-075) Paper Symposium
Room 605 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 10:20 am - 11:50 am
1-075. Genetically Informed Analyses of
Antisocial Behavior: Marriage, Parenthood,
and the Transition From Adolescence to
Early Adulthood
Chair: Erin E. Horn
Discussant: Mark A. Whisman
Teenage Childbirth and Young Adult Criminal
Convictions: A Quasi-Experimental Study of Criminal
Outcomes for Teenage Mothers
Claire Coyne, Nathalie Fontaine, Niklas Långström,
Paul Lichtenstein, Brian D'Onofrio
Antisocial Behavior Trajectories and the Transition to
Parenthood in Males and Females: A Behavior
Genetics Study
Sarah Ward, Matt McGue, William Iacono
A Genetically Informed Analysis of the Trajectory of
Antisocial Behavior From Adolescence to Early
Adulthood: The Role of Marriage
Erin Horn, Eric Turkheimer, Robert Emery
(Event 1-076) Paper Symposium
Room 606 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 10:20 am - 11:50 am
1-076. Processes of peer selection and
socialization on academic oriented
outcomes: social networks and behaviors
from elementary to high school contexts
Chair: Andres Molano
Discussant: Todd D. Little
Academic Disengagement and Friendship Dynamics:
Selection and Influence Processes Among High
School Students
René Veenstra, Ashwin J. Rambaran, Andrea
Gorman, Daryaneh Badaly, David Schwartz
Selection and Socialization based on Academic
Literacy Skills and Competences: Disentangling
academic peer effects among elementary school
Andres Molano, Stephanie Jones, Joshua Brown, J.
Lawrence Aber
Actor-oriented models of the co-evolution of
friendship networks and academic adjustment in
childhood and early adolescence
Scott Gest, Philip Rodkin
(Event 1-077) Paper Symposium
Room 607 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 10:20 am - 11:50 am
1-077. Physiological Correlates of Child and
Adolescent Coping and Self Regulation
Chair: Martha E. Wadsworth
Socioeconomic Risk and Co-regulation of Children's
Physiological and Behavioral Responses to Stress:
Implications for Competence and Adjustment
Melissa Sturge-Apple, Michael Skibo, Jennifer Suor,
Patrick Davies
Children's Physiological Responses to Social Stress:
Associations with Self-reported Coping and Parent
Coping Socialization
Jason Bendezu, Martha Wadsworth, Jarl Ahlkvist,
Hannah Bianco
Interactions Between Coping and Autonomic Arousal
Predict Adolescent Internalizing and Externalizing
Amy Paysnick, Keith Burt
Respiratory Sinus Arrythmia Reactivity as a
Moderator of Associations Between Parent Coping
Socialization and Adolescent Responses to Stress
Caitlin Wagner, Jamie Abaied, Wesley Sanders
(Event 1-078) Poster Symposium
Room 608 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 10:20 am - 11:50 am
1-078. Mediating and Moderating
Mechanisms through which Intimate
Partner Violence Affects Children's
Behavioral Functioning
Chair: Alytia A. Levendosky
Discussant: Miriam Ehrensaft
Exploring Affective and Adrenocortical Attunement
as Pathways Between Intimate Partner Violence and
Child Behavior Problems
Lia Martin, Alytia Levendosky, J. Audie Black
Intimate Partner Violence and Fathers' Parenting: Do
His Depressive Symptoms Matter?
Victoria Mueller, Elizabeth Hoover, Ernest Jouriles,
Renee McDonald
Impact of Violence on Youths' Aggressive Beliefs
and Behaviors: The Role of Contextual Factors
Jessica Houston, John Grych
Exposure to Intimate Partner Violence in Early
Childhood and Behavior Problems: The Mediating
Role of Executive Functioning
J. Audie Black, Alytia Levendosky, Lia Martin
Developmental changes in threat and self-blame for
preschoolers exposed to IPV
Laura Miller, Sandra Graham-Bermann, Kathryn
(Event 1-079) Poster Symposium
Room 609 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 10:20 am - 11:50 am
1-079. Data-Driven Policy Decisions:
Research for Informed Change in North
Carolina's Quality Rating and Improvement
Chair: Linda Hestenes
Discussant: Kelly L. Maxwell
Working in Early Care and Education in North
Carolina: 2011 Workforce Study
Mary Martin, Sue Russell
Comparisons among Quality Measures in Child Care
Settings in North Carolina and their Links to
Outcomes for Young Children
Linda Hestenes, Victoria Kintner-Duffy, Yudan Wang,
Karen LaParo, Sharon Mims, Danielle Crosby,
Deborah Cassidy, Stephen Hestenes, Catherine
North Carolina's Pre-K Program: Performance and
Potential Benefits Beyond NC Pre-K Classrooms
Sharon Mims, Yudan Wang, Stephen Hestenes
Community Characteristics Related to Program
Participation in Environmental Assessments in North
Carolina's QRIS
Bridget Hatfield, Joanna Lower, Deborah Cassidy,
Richard Faldowski
TQRIS Measurement Development Project: The
Literature Review and Item Generation Process
Karen LaParo, Rena Hallam, Danielle Crosby,
Sharon Mims, Linda Hestenes, Edna Collins, Beth
(Event 1-080) Paper Symposium
Room 610 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 10:20 am - 11:50 am
1-080. Early Language and Literacy in Deaf
Chair: M.Diane Clark
Discussant: Jill P. Morford
ASL Skills, Fingerspelling and Early Alphabetic
Thomas Allen, Song Choi
ASL Phonology as a Pathway to Literacy
Peter Crume
Age of Acquisition of ASL and ASL Narrative
Rachel Mayberry, Marla Hatrak
(Event 1-081) Paper Symposium
Room 611 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 10:20 am - 11:50 am
1-081. Syntax and meaning: Mechanisms
for syntactic bootstrapping
Chair: Kyong-sun Jin
Early evidence for syntactic bootstrapping: 15-
month-olds use sentence structure in verb learning
Kyong-sun Jin, Cynthia Fisher
Representations of causality in verb learning
Melissa Kline, Jesse Snedeker, Laura Schulz
Predictive Parsing and the Acquisition of Thematic
Jeffrey Lidz, Aaron White
Manner adverbials can provide informational support
for verb learning
Kristen Syrett, Sudha Arunachalam, Sandra
(Event 1-082) Federal Agency Paper Symposium
Room 612 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 10:20 am - 11:50 am
1-082. Federal Agency Panel Discussion
Chair: Martha Zaslow
Panelists: Caroline Ebanks, Peter Vishton, James
Griffin, Sarah Oberlander, Rebecca Leeb, Ruth
Perou, Cheryl Boyce, Christopher Sarampote
Integrative Statement: This panel discussion will include
representatives from a number of federal agencies,
including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
the Institute of Education Sciences, the National Science
Foundation, and the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National
Institute of Child Health and Human Development, and
the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and
Evaluation within the Department of Health and Human
Services. Federal agency representatives will discuss
funding opportunities and the review process at different
agencies that are relevant to researchers at different
career stages. They will also discuss research initiatives
and data resources that may be of particular interest to
SRCD members and meeting attendees. The panel
discussion will include a period for questions and
answers and will also provide an opportunity for federal
agency representatives and session attendees to connect
through one-on-one conversations following the question-
and-answer period.
(Event 1-083) Paper Symposium
Room 613 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 10:20 am - 11:50 am
1-083. Rethinking developmental
differences: What historical perspectives
can tell us
Chair: Vikram K. Jaswal
Standardization as a Form of Symbolic Violence
Michael Cole
An Archaeology of Autism
Martin Packer, Juan Pablo Montero Martinez
Autism and the History of the Neurodiversity
Janette Dinishak
A Developmental Perspective on Developmental
Differences: Historical and Contemporary
Contributions to a Universal Science of Humanity
Jacob Burack
(Event 1-084) Paper Symposium
Room 614 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 10:20 am - 11:50 am
1-084. Longitudinal Associations among
Moral Disengagement and Bullying-Related
Chair: Kari J. Visconti
Aggressors and Aggressive-Victims: Do they Adopt
Similar Aggressive Moral Disengagement Practices?
Kay Bussey, Kirstin Barchia
The Chicken and the Egg: Deficits in Morality and
Bullying Behaviors. A Cross-Lagged Latent Growth
Fabio Sticca, Sonja Perren
The Role of Moral Disengagement in the
Longitudinal Associations between Children's Social
Goals and Aggression
Kari Visconti, Gary Ladd, Becky Kochenderfer-Ladd
Morally Disengaged and Defending? The Moderating
Role of Best Friend Characteristics
Caroline Doramajian, William Bukowski
(Event 1-085) Paper Symposium
Room 615 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 10:20 am - 11:50 am
1-085. Adolescent Sexual Behavior: Genes
and Macro to Micro Environmental
Chair: Sarah Moore
Risky Teens or Risky Environments? SES
Moderates the Relationship Between Personality and
Risky Sexual Behavior
Sarah Moore, K. Paige Harden, Jane Mendle
Nonresident Fatherhood and Adolescent Sexual
Rebecca Ryan
Smart Teens, Smart Friends, and the Timing of
Sexual Development
Natalie Kretsch, K. Paige Harden
Sexual Communication Between Early Adolescents
and Their Dating Partners, Parents, and Best Friends
Laura Widman
(Event 1-086) Paper Symposium
Room 616 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 10:20 am - 11:50 am
1-086. Beyond the "Aggressive" Label:
Further Examinations of Heterogeneity in
Aggressive Youth
Chair: Kristina L. McDonald
Conflicted Values?: The Social Motivations of
Aggressive-Prosocial Youth
Christopher O'Brien, Kristina McDonald, Maya
Heterogeneity of Relationally Aggressive
Adolescents: Gender, Status, and Social Goals
Karmon Dyches, Lara Mayeux
Subtypes of Aggressive and Prosocial
Preadolescents: Social Functions and Behavioral
Tabitha Wurster, Hongling Xie
Effectiveness of the KiVa Anti-Bullying Intervention
on Popular and Unpopular Bullies
Claire Garandeau, Ihno Lee, Christina Salmivalli
(Event 1-087) Paper Symposium
Room 617 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 10:20 am - 11:50 am
1-087. Rejection Hurts - But Some Times
More than Other Times: Understanding the
Impact of Peer Rejection and its Moderators
Chair: Sander Thomaes
Links Between Peer Rejection, Social Self-Concept
and Childhood Internalizing Problems: Can The
Teacher Block The Process?
Pol van Lier, Jantine Spilt, Geertje Leflot, Patrick
Onghena, Hilde Colpin
Being Rejected by Other-Sex Peers Protects Young
Adolescents Psychologically When Same-Sex Peer
Rejection Occurs
Julie Bowker, Andrea Markovic
Reminding Secure Relationships: Source of Sorrow
or Solace?
Sander Thomaes, Albert Reijntjes
Social Exclusion in the Socially Anxious Youth:
Neural Correlates, Fear of Negative Evaluation and
Persistent Distress.
MIchael Crowley, Carla Marquez, Linda Mayes
(Event 1-088) Paper Symposium
Room 618 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 10:20 am - 11:50 am
1-088. Finding Better Measures of
Children's Emotion Understanding: Fear,
Disgust, and Pride
Chair: Sherri Widen
Mean Monsters, Slithering Snakes, and Culture:
Imaginary and Realistic Causes in American and
Palestinian Children's Fear Concept
Mary Kayyal, Sherri Widen, James Russell
Do Disgusted, Gross, and Yucky the Mean the Same
Thing to Children?
Sherri Widen
Deciding Who Feels Proud: Do Preschoolers Really
Recognize Expressions of Pride?
Nicole Nelson, James Russell
(Event 1-089) Paper Session
Room 619 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 10:20 am - 11:50 am
1-089. Language Development and Book
Chair: Catherine Tamis-LeMonda
Shared Book Reading and Early Vocabulary
Development: Child Motivation as a Moderator
Christine Meng
Mothers' complex talk when sharing books with their
toddlers: Book genre matters
Angela Nyhout, Daniela O'Neill
Ethnic Variations in Mother-child Book-sharing and
Children's Storytelling Style
Rufan Luo, Yana Kuchirko, Eva Liang, Catherine
Tamis-LeMonda, Florrie Ng
Exploring Mother-Child Gesture and Language
During a Picture-Book Activity: Implications for the
Achievement Gap?
Makeba Wilbourn, Laura Kuhn, Lynne Vernon-
Feagans, Jacqueline Sims, Kristin Johnson, Michael
(Event 1-090) Paper Symposium
Room 620 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 10:20 am - 11:50 am
1-090. The Infant's Presentation of Fear:
Contexts, Cues, and Electrophysiological
Chair: Sybil L. Hart
Discussant: Kristin A. Buss
Understanding Normal Variations of Fear: Context
and Memory
Anjolii Diaz, Martha Ann Bell
Infant Detection of Exaggerated Fear: When More is
Eric Walle, Joseph Campos
Responses to Differential Treatment Among Infants
who Present Dysregulated Fear
Sybil Hart, Kazuko Behrens
(Event 1-091) Paper Symposium
Willow A (Sheraton Seattle Hotel, 2nd Floor)
Thursday, 10:20 am - 11:50 am
1-091. How Do New Implicit and Explicit
Measures of Social Cognition Inform Early
Academic Achievement and Engagement in
Chair: Dario Cvencek
Implicit math-gender stereotyping in childhood:
Examining the emergence and predictive ability of
age-specific stereotypes
Jennifer Steele, Amanda Williams, Leah Reisz, Anna
Loi, Doriann Shapiro
Singaporean children's math-gender stereotypes and
math self-concepts: Relation to math achievement
Manu Kapur, Dario Cvencek, Andrew Meltzoff
The development of the implicit association system
Andrew Baron
Cryin' over spilt milk? How at-risk children's self-
concepts influence academic achievement
Stephanie Fryberg
(Event 1-092) Paper Symposium
Willow B (Sheraton Seattle Hotel, 2nd Floor)
Thursday, 10:20 am - 11:50 am
1-092. Extra-curricular activities and
positive youth development: A Canadian
longitudinal perspective
Chair: Anne Bowker
Discussant: Bonnie Leadbeater
Psychological engagement in extra-curricular
activities: How interpersonal relationships within the
activity promote engagement.
Anne Bowker, Shannon Gadbois, Linda Rose
Krasnor, Leanne Findlay
Adolescents' participation in organized activities and
adaptation in emerging adulthood: A
multidimensional and holistic approach
Annie Viau, Francois Poulin
Youth engagement and its relationship to adult civic
S. Pancer, Michael Pratt, Susan Alisat
Thursday, 11:40 am - 12:40 pm
(Event 1-093) Poster Session 3
Exhibit Hall 4EF (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 11:40 am - 12:40 pm
1 Child Language Comprehension and Linguistic
Support in an Elicited Imitation Task: Effects on
Encoding and Generalization
Janice Phung, Helen Milojevich, Angela Lukowski
2 Specifying the Interference Effect for Words in the
Neonate Brain
Alissa Ferry, Jacques Mehler
3 The impact of external and internal monitoring on
preschooler's remembering
Caitlin Mahy, Louis Moses
4 Predicting Recollection: Electrophysiological
Indices of Recollection at Encoding Using
Objective and Subjective Measures in Children
and Adults
Alison Robey, Leslie Rollins, Tracy Riggins
5 Childhood Memories of Hearing and Deaf College
Students: Influences of Language Modality and
Timing of ASL Acquisition
Lynne Baker-Ward, Benjamin Brown, M.Diane
Clark, Alena Esposito
6 Influence of Hippocampal Volume and
Connectivity With the Prefrontal Cortex on Memory
Ability in Early Childhood
Sarah Blankenship, Elizabeth Redcay, Tracy
7 Feature Binding in Infants' Visual Short-Term
Shipra Kanjlia, Heidi Baumgartner, Steven Luck,
Lisa Oakes
8 Six-to eight-month-old infants' visual short-term
memory for complex objects
Mee-Kyoung Kwon, Steven Luck, Lisa Oakes
9 Four- and eight-month-old infants' selective
attention to faces in complex arrays: an eye-
tracking study
Mee-Kyoung Kwon, Mielle Setoodehnia, Lisa
10 Encoding Ensembles: Average Size
Representations in Infancy
Arin Tuerk
11 First Grade Transactional Influences Between
Child Behavior Problems, Teacher-Child
Relationships and Child Working Memory
Amber de Wilde, Pol van Lier, Hans Koot
12 Electrophysiological Evidence of Maternal Genetic
Effects on the Recognition Memory Abilities of
Breastfed 6-Month-Olds
Carol Cheatham
13 Neural Activity from Birth to 3-Months as a
Function of Feeding Patterns
Nancy Jones, Chloe Barrera, Krystal Mize, Jillian
14 Maternal Omega-3 and Omega-6 Fatty Acid Status
in Early Pregnancy Predicts Children's Risk of
Problem Behaviour at age Five
Eva Loomans, Bea Van den Bergh, Maaike
Schelling, Tanja Vrijkotte, Manon van Eijsden
15 Elevated Pre-Gravid Maternal BMI Alters Cognition
in Infants as Indexed by ERPs
Neely Miller, Charles Nelson, Michael Georgieff
16 Behavioral Regulation in Newborn Infants of
Mothers Depressed During Pregnancy
Kristin Garber, Philip Zeskind
17 Sex-specific Susceptibility to Pre- and Postnatal
Environments Programs Infant Cognitive
Jamie Amemiya, Kerry-Ann Grant, Natalie
Hernandez, Curt Sandman, Elysia Davis
18 Maternal prenatal stress and child cognitive
development: A preliminary meta-analytic study
George Tarabulsy, Jessica Pearson, Marie-Pier
Vaillancourt-Morel, Eve-Line Bussières, François
Royer, Andrée-Anne Duchesneau, David Hatier,
Sara Tremblay
19 Enhancing Positive Affect in Youth: The
Physiological Effects of Mindfulness Meditation
Sarah Worch, Nancy Jones, Krystal Mize, Tami
McGruder, Brittnee McDole
20 Parenting Stress and Child Externalizing Behavior:
the Moderating Role of Skin Conductance
Reactivity To Emotional Stimuli
Giulia Buodo, Ughetta Moscardino, Sara Scrimin,
Gianmarco Altoè
21 Detection of Physiological and Affective
Responses to Violent Video Games Using Facial
Mary Ballard, Glenna Read, Doris Bazzini, Lisa
22 The Effects of Atypical Perinatal Sensory
Stimulation on Contingency Learning in Bobwhite
Quail Neonates
Namitha Raju, Lorraine Bahrick, Robert Lickliter
23 Preference for native speakers modulates infants'
song preference
Gaye Soley, Mireia Martin, Aina Pinyol, Nuria
24 The Whole Picture: Body Posture Recognition in
Alyson Hock, Nicole Zieber, Ashley Kangas,
Ramesh Bhatt
25 The Effect of Biomechanical Properties of Motion
on 6-month-olds' Perception of Goal Directed
Grasping Actions
Elena Geangu, Irene Senna, Emanuela Croci,
Chiara Turati
26 Comparison and labeling support infants' online
goal anticipation
Laura Shneidman, Sarah Gerson, Erin Cannon,
Amanda Woodward
27 Source Monitoring and Executive Function in 2 ½-
Suzanne Hala, Lee-Ann McKay, Alisha Brown,
Valerie San JUan
28 The Consequences of Trusting Unreliable Sources
Gayle Graham, Alicia Leslie, Jason Scofield
29 Children's Developing Ability to Reason About the
Source and Possession of Their Own and Other's
Thomas Rucker, Tamar Kushnir, Cagla Aydin
30 Source Memory Development in Middle Childhood:
Contributions From Brain Electrical Activity and
Executive Functions
Vinaya Rajan, Kimberly Cuevas, Martha Ann Bell
31 The Epistemic Value of Fluency
Stephane Bernard, Fabrice Clément
32 Investigating Development of Spatial Orientation
and Navigation in Immersive Virtual Reality
Marko Nardini, Karin Petrini
33 Mapping of Sequences onto Space in Preliterate
Laura Gibson, Daphne Maurer
34 The Brains Behind the Blocks: Investigating the
Processes Children Use in Block-Building
ToriAnne Davies, Roberta Golinkoff, Brian
Verdine, Kelsey Lucca, Kathryn Hirsh-Pasek,
Gabrielle Farmer
35 Parent use of spatial language with boy and girl
children during puzzle play
Raedy Ping, Susan Levine, Claire Bradley,
Jasmine Rayman-Kinney
36 Distinct Behavioural and Neural Correlates of
Imperative and Declarative Pointing: An EEG
Nina Kühn-Popp, Susanne Kristen, Markus
Paulus, Jörg Meinhardt, Claudia Thoermer, Beate
37 Temperamental Contributions to Infant Intention
Jennifer LaBounty, Margaret Oliver, Emma Albrow,
Lindsey Bosse, Hannah Cooper, Kat McGinley,
Katy Nelson
38 Decomposing the Psychological Processes
Underlying Developmental Changes in Theory of
Alisha Coolin, Andre Aβfalg, Daniel Bernstein,
Wendy Thornton, Jessica Sommerville
39 Is the Sequence of ToM Development Universal or
Culture Specific? Evidence from a Sample of
Israeli Hebrew Speaking Preschoolers
Mati Zakai-Mashiach, Margalit Ziv, Esther Dromi
40 Developmental and cross-cultural evidence for
intuitive dualism
Maciej Chudek, Rita McNamara, Susan Birch,
Paul Bloom, Joseph Henrich
41 Advancing Statistical Methods for Eye-Tracking
Investigations of Infant Learning
Kristen Swan, Natasha Kirkham
42 The Puzzle of Goal-Directed Predictions in 12-
Month-Old Infants
Manja Attig, Erin Cannon, Moritz Daum
43 Speed of Social Information Processing and Goal
Sheila Krogh-Jespersen, Amanda Woodward
44 Infant Shape Perception in Apparent Motion
Amy Hirshkowitz, Teresa Wilcox
45 Eye-tracking in the Community: the Relationship
Between Infant Attention to Social Cues and Their
Socio-economic, Ethnic, and Language
Haiko Ballieux, Przemek Tomalski, Elena
Kushnerenko, Mark Johnson, Annette Karmiloff-
Smith, Derek Moore
46 When Searching for Similarity, Children
Spontaneously Use Perceptual (not Categorical)
Likeness, Regardless of Processing Mode
Ursula Anderson, Sara Cordes, Daniel Goldman
47 The Effect of Past Event Information on Children's
and Adults' Spontaneous Production of Generics
about People and Animals
Megan Smith, Kristin Lagattuta, Liat Sayfan
48 Brief Exposure to Non-native Language
Interactions Influences Object Categorization
During the First Year of Life
Yin-Juei Chang, Alissa Ferry, Nicole Hendrix,
Susan Hespos, Sandra Waxman
49 Categorization in Preschoolers: The Influence of
Labels and Facts
Megan Johanson, Anna Papafragou
50 Segmenting the Unfamiliar: The Goal Bias in
Dani Levine, Kathryn Hirsh-Pasek, Roberta
51 My Heart Made Me Do It: Children's Essentialist
Intuitions About Bodily Transplants
Meredith Meyer, Susan Gelman, Sarah-Jane
52 The Role of Executive Function in the
Disappearance of the Gravity Error: A Training
Igor Bascandziev, Lindsey Powell, Paul Harris,
Susan Carey
53 From Young Children's Naïve Optimism to Effort-
Dependent Optimism: Japanese Children's Beliefs
about the Stability of Traits
Nobuko Nakashima
54 Vitalistic Reasoning in Children and Adults?
Kerry Simon, Florencia Anggoro, Melanie Forte,
Lauren Bellerose
55 "What's in a Name?" Children's Ability to Track
Individual Identity Using Proper Names in Contrast
to Minds
Melanie Nyhof
56 Why do Children Perseverate on Measures of
Cognitive Flexibility? Insights From a New
Computerised Cognitive Flexibility Task
Lily FitzGibbon, Daniel Carroll, Lucy Cragg,
Danielle Matthews
57 Individual differences in hot executive function in
preschool: The contribution of maternal emotional
Sophie Parent, Christine Champagne, Philip
Zelazo, Richard Tremblay, Jean Séguin
58 Maternal Emotion Socialization Predicts
Improvement on an Affective Inhibitory Control
Sarah Kahle, Jessica Grady, Jonas Miller, Paul
59 Elementary School Children's Cheating Behavior
and its Cognitive Correlates
Xiao Ding, Danielle Omrin, Angela Evans, Genyue
Fu, Kang Lee
60 Flexible Delay Behavior and Executive Function in
Wendy Lee, Stephanie Carlson
61 The Effect of Matacognition and Anxiety in
Mathematics on Pupil's Mathematical Word
Problems Solving
Yinghui Lai, Xiaoshuang Zhu, Yanjun Li, Daqing
Huang, Yinghe Chen
62 Adolescents with LD: Socioemotional and
Behavioral Functioning and Attachment
Relationships with Fathers, Mothers, and Teachers
Michal Al-Yagon
63 Relations Between Peer Victimization and Emotion
Dysregulation: The Role of Gender and Special
Education Status
Sarah Doyle, Terri Sullivan
64 Asking and Accepting Support: The Association
with Parenting Stress and Working Alliance in
Parents with Intellectual Disabilities
Marieke Meppelder, Carlo Schuengel, Sabina Kef
65 Language Profile and Performances on Math
Assessments for Children with Mild Intellectual
Katherine Rhodes, Rose Sevcik, Robin Morris,
Mary Ann Romski
66 Measuring Barriers and Accommodations to Social
Inclusion and Participation of Children With an
Intellectual or Developmental Disability
Claude Normand, Julie Ruel, Andre Moreau,
Thierry Boyer
67 Application of Risk Factors in Predicting Ages and
Stages Questionnaire-Third Edition
Serra Acar, Jane Squires
68 Attention Disengagement as a Predictor of Later
Social-Communicative Behavior in Infants at High
Risk for Autism
Jennifer Wagner, Helen Tager-Flusberg, Charles
69 Fostering Perspective-Taking in Written
Communication: The Effects of Visual Feedback
on Typical, ASD, and ADHD Populations
Valerie San JUan, Joan Peskin, Jayme Herman,
Michael Grossman
70 Disruptive sleep and settling patterns present early
markers for development of ASD in high-risk
Rachel Kincade, Emily Jones, Karen Burner,
Annette Estes, Geraldine Dawson, Sara Webb
71 Using the Screening Tools for Autism in Two-Year-
Olds Taiwan Version (T-STAT) to Detect Toddlers
from 18 to 24 Months of Age
Chin-Chin Wu, Chung-Hsin Chiang, Yuh-Ming Hou
72 Early visual perception and interpersonal
relationships in autism spectrum disorders
Annika Hellendoorn, Irene Langstraat, Lex
Wijnroks, Emma van Daalen, Paul Leseman
73 Unconvincing Attempts to Protect Another's
Feelings: White Lie-Telling among Children with
Conduct Problems
Sarah Anderson, Megan Brunet, Leena Augimeri,
Kang Lee
74 Lying but not Deceiving: Antisocial Lie-telling in
Children With Conduct Problems
Megan Brunet, Sarah Anderson, Leena Augimeri,
Kang Lee
75 Negative Mood Predicts Impaired Executive
Control on Tasks Concerning Emotion in Non-
Clinical Children
Lauren Wetzel, Katharine Blackwell
76 Does Emotion Regulation Moderate the
Association between Community Violence and
Depression among Low Income, Urban Children?
Lindsey Bruett, Elizabeth Steinberg, Jill
Rabinowitz, Deborah Drabick
77 The Prospective Effects of Paternal Depressive
Symptoms During Adolescence on Offspring
Internalizing Problems in Young Adulthood
Ben Reeb, Katherine Conger, Kristina Gelardi
78 Angry, Sad, and Worried: Patterns of Emotion
Processing in Disruptive and Anxious
Sarah Martin, John Boekamp, Lauren Williamson,
Steven Barreto, Charlotte Henesy
79 Peer Acceptance Moderates the Association
between Harsh Parental Punishment and
Childhood Oppositional Defiant Disorder
Irene Tung, Steve Lee
80 Deriving Empirically-Validated Profiles of Children
with Disruptive Behavior: The Importance of
Internalizing and Callous/Unemotional Domains of
Brendan Andrade, Geoff Sorge
81 Adolescent Dating and Bulimic Symptoms: The
Role of Previous Sexual Experience
Andrea Hamel, Shannon Zaitsoff, Andrew Taylor,
Rosanne Menna, Daniel Le Grange
82 Student Eating Disorders and Body Image on
College Campuses: Culturally-Sensitive Treatment
Approaches by Counselors
Jessica Phillips
83 Outcomes of Disordered Eating Trajectories
Across Adolescence
Sarah Mitchell, Leah Brennan, Nicholas Allen
84 The Impact of Sibling Relationships on Adolescent
Girls' Disordered Eating
Emily Haugen, Elizabeth Blodgett Salafia
85 Does Difficult Temperament Moderate Genetic and
Environmental Influences on Externalizing
Kimberly Saudino, Jody Ganiban
86 Links Between Environmental Factors and
Psycho-Affective Development in Immigrant
Children From Developing Countries
Samuel Giroux, Anne Choquette, Marie-Claude
87 Language as a Predictor of Externalizing Problems
and Adaptive Skills
W. John Monopoli, Sharon Kingston
88 Relation between Parent Depression and Child
Externalizing Behaviors: Are Home Environment
and Child Affect Mediators?
Kristy DiSabatino, Laura Cook, Ferne Pinard,
Tammy Barry
89 Neural correlates of face familiarity in
institutionalized children: Relations with quality of
Paula Oliveira, Ana Osório, Ana Mesquita, Adriana
Sampaio, Ines Fachada, Lisandra Fernandes,
Pasco Fearon, Jay Belsky, Isabel Soares
90 Fearfulness and Positive Affectivity in Post-
Institutionalized Children Shortly After Adoption
Sarah Stellern, Elisa Esposito, Megan Gunnar
91 Parental Use of Mental State Language and the
Development of Emotion Understanding in Post-
Institutionalized Children
Amanda Tarullo, Adriana Herrera, Kristin Frenn,
Kristen Wiik, Melissa Garvin, Megan Gunnar
92 The Middle School Transition: Inter-group Attitudes
and Feelings of Belonging as a Function of Racial
Jessica Morales, Sandra Graham
93 The Impact of School Climate on Social Emotional
Adjustment in Kindergarten: A Multi-level Analysis
Phyllis Lee, Karen Bierman
94 School Climate and Adolescents' Delinquency: A
Mediated Moderation Analysis of Effortful Control
and Deviant Peer Affiliation
Zhenzhou Bao, Dongping Li, Wei Zhang, Yanhui
95 A Longitudinal Study that Reveals Children's
Perceptions of a South African Primary School
Darlene DeMarie, Sierra Hillsman, Lily Cherian
96 Do Grades Shape Students' School Engagement?
The Psychological Consequences of Report Cards
at the Beginning of Secondary School
Astrid Poorthuis, Jaana Juvonen, Sander
Thomaes, Jaap Denissen, Bram Orobio de Castro,
Marcel van Aken
97 Investigating the Impact of a School Ecology on
Young People's Mental Health and the Mediating
Role of School Connectedness
Stacey Waters, Therese Shaw, Donna Cross
98 Towards a More Nuanced Understanding of the
Relationship Between Race, Ethnicity, and Student
Engagement in the Classroom
Sarah Phillips
99 Development and Validity of an Observational
System of Student Engagement with Learning in
Low- Income Elementary School Children
Patricia Garrett-Peters, Irina Mokrova, Lynne
100 Effects of Brief Analogical Training after Two-
Week Delay
Micah Goldwater, Dedre Gentner
101 Effects of Structural and Perceptual Similarity in
Children's Learning of Experimental Design
Bryan Matlen, David Klahr
102 Early Childhood Educators' Self-Efficacy in
Science, Math, and Literacy Instruction and
Science Practice in the Classroom
Hope Gerde, Laurie Van Egeren
103 Parent-Child Conversations During Hands-On
Activities in a Museum: Fostering STEM Learning
and Transfer
Maria Marcus, Philip Hoffman, Catherine Haden,
David Uttal
104 Children's View on the Teacher-Child Relationship:
Validation of the Child Appraisal of Relationship
with Teacher Scale (CARTS)
Eleonora Vervoort, Sarah Doumen, Karine
105 Predictors of Teacher-child Relationship
Trajectories in Australian Elementary School
Sue Walker, Donna Berthelsen, Linda Harrison
106 Children's Perceptions of Teachers' Responses to
Bullying: Relational Schemas as Predictors of
Seeking Teachers' Assistance
Khaerannisa Cortes, Natalie Eggum, Becky
107 Teacher-Child Relationships
Caroline Gooden, Zijia Li
108 Children's Media Comprehension: The
Relationship between Media Platform and
Executive Functioning Abilities
Susan Menkes, Tiffany Berry
109 The Impact of Dialogue and Lyrics on
Preschoolers' Ability to Learn Science Concepts
and Vocabulary from an Educational Video
Rachel Schechter
110 Toddlers transfer constructive play learned on a
touchscreen tablet to real life objects in a
naturalistic setting
Mikkel Hansen
111 Developmental Precursors of Academic
Achievement Trajectories from 5 to 15: Effects by
Positive Parenting and Self-Control
Alexander Vazsonyi, James Selig
112 Associations Among Inattention and Hyperactive
Symptoms, Executive Function, and Achievement
in Kindergarteners With/Without ADHD
Mojdeh Motamedi, Karen Bierman, Cynthia
113 Academic performance of children with motor
coordination difficulties
Judith Wylie, Victoria Bell, Gerry Mulhern
114 The Effect of Visual Syntactic Text Formatting on
Adolescents' Reading Competencies
Youngmin Park, Mark Warschauer
115 Attachment Continuity and Discontinuity among a
Moderate-Risk, Rural Sample
Shari Kidwell, Kayla Sizemore, Katelyn Fugate,
Medina Jackson, Shelby House
116 The Intergenerational Transmission of Non-
Cognitive Skills: The Impact of Parenting, Socio-
Economic Status, and Child Cognition
Jennifer Clark, Stephani Hatch, Matthew Hotopf
117 The Role of Reciprocal vs. Authoritarian Filial Piety
Attitudes in Chinese Youth's Psychological
Functioning: A Longitudinal Study
Li Lin, Qian Wang
118 Intergenerational Transmission of Couple
Resilience to Economic Pressure
April Masarik, Rand Conger
119 The Influences of Interparental Conflict and
Parenting on Children's Social Competence
Nadia Samad, Amy Slep, Richard Heyman
120 The Role of Negative Emotionality on Child
Adjustment to Interparental Conflict: Diathesis-
Stress or Differential Susceptibility?
Rochelle Hentges, Patrick Davies, Dante Cicchetti
121 Interparental Aggression and Adolescent
Adjustment: The Role of Emotional Insecurity and
Adrenocortical Activity
Kathleen Bergman, Edward Cummings, Patrick
122 Impact of Deployment and Military Lifestyle on
Behaviour Problems in a Canadian Sample of
Preschool Children
Rachel Tupper, Jean-Francois Bureau, Diane St-
123 Military Dads: A qualitative analysis of the early
parenting experiences of fathers who have served
Carolyn Dayton, Tova Neugut, Maria Muzik,
Katherine Rosenblum
124 Parental Perceptions of Stress and Parent-Child
Conflict During Military Reunification
Kimberlee Spencer, Katherine Rose
125 Developmental courses of Korean multicultural
children in marriage-based immigrant families: the
effect of immigrant mothers' korean language
proficiency and psychosocial states
Boram Lee, Yoon Kyung Choi, Nam hee Do, Mi
sun Yang
126 Mothers' Use of Negative Conditional Regard and
Children's Problem-Solving Strategies
Katherine Harder, Christopher Reeves, Leila
Zahedi, Patricia Smiley
127 Parenting of Latina Mothers: Exploring the
relationship between acculturation and maternal
restrictiveness and nurturance
Holly Farley, Yvette Harris, Charles Ganelin, Eva
Rodríguez González
128 Autonomy and Relatedness among US and Italian
Emerging Adults: The Relations with Parental
Practices and Psychological Adjustment
Sonia Ingoglia, Cristiano Inguglia, Alida Lo Coco,
Francesca Liga, Maria Grazia Lo Cricchio,
Charissa Cheah, Hui Jun Lim, Laura Rose
129 The Moderating Effects of Parental Warmth on the
Association between Parental Depression and
Child Social Functioning
Kimberly Raymond, Rachel Razza
130 Similarities and Differences in Turkish and
Chinese Immigrant Mothers' Expressions of
Hilal Sen, Nan Zhou, H. Melis Yavuz, Christy
Leung, Bilge Yagmurlu, Charissa Cheah
131 The Relationship Between Aggression and Inflated
Child Reports of Maternal Acceptance
Amanda Palo, Rashida Barner, Kyle Bersted,
Lisabeth DiLalla
132 How do parents read counting books to their
preverbal infants? An observational study
Thomas Cole, Sara Cordes
133 Perceptions of Infant Crying via Multiple Modalities
Jennifer Bisson, Sarah Sanborn, Josefine
Eriksson, James Green
134 Differential Effects of Mild Anxiety and Parenting
Stress on Mother-Infant Synchrony
Bridget Gamber, A. Neal-Beevers
135 Mother-Infant vs. Stranger-Infant Self- and
Interactive Contingency in Face-to-Face
Beatrice Beebe, Nidhi Parashar, Nina Banerjee,
Daniel Messinger, Amy Margolis, Meghan Loeser,
Ella Bandes, Sara Van Hoose, Daniel Friedman,
Mirella Brussani, Daniel Vigliano, Karen Buck,
Sanghan Lee
136 Facilitators and Regulators: Predicting Mothers'
Subjective Experience of Attachment to their
Wendy Roncolato, Catherine McMahon, Kerry-Ann
137 Unpredictable Maternal Behavior during Infancy
Predicts Toddler Negative Emotionality
Sarah Peraza
138 How Do Nurturing Parenting Attitudes Influence
Moral Character Development and Flourishing?
Darcia Narvaez, Tracy Gleason, Jeff Brooks, Ying
Cheng, Jennifer Lefever, Lijuan Wang
139 Dyadic Parental Supportiveness: Relations to
Children's Social and Academic Competence
Brittany Boyer, Jackie Nelson
140 The role of prenatal distress and infant health
Shayna Coburn, Ida Rystad, Betty Lin, Linda
Luecken, Keith Crnic, Nancy Gonzales
141 Predictive and Mediating Relations Among
Parental Health and Depression, Food Insecurity,
and Child Health From 9 Months to Age 4 Years
Among Low-Income Families in the ECLS-B
Robin Harwood, Xin Feng
142 Parental Nutritional Knowledge and Child Dietary
Noura Insolera
143 The Role of Nutrition and Stimulation in the
Development of Ethiopian children
Daisy Singla, Frances Aboud, Grace Marquis,
Karim Bougma, Tizita Lemma, Husein Mohammed
144 Changing Health in Adolescents with Nutritional
Goals and Exercise (CHANGE): Problem
Recognition and Motivation in Urban Youth
Jaclyn Issner, Lilia Mucka, Douglas Barnett,
Mariam Hussain, Kayla Martin
145 Psychosocial wellbeing and weight status
trajectory during early adolescence: Gender and
ethnic variations in the United States
Yiting Chang
146 Developmental Relations between Reference to
Characters in Narrative Discourse and Theory of
Mind Skills
Burcu Unlutabak, Ayhan Aksu-Koc
147 Factors Affecting the Development of Character
Referentiality in Preschoolers' Narratives
Lisa Connor, Ageliki Nicolopoulou
148 Social Comparisons and Self Evaluations in
Personal Storytelling: Narrative as a Socializing
Strategy in Taipei and Longwood
Eva Chian-Hui Chen, Peggy Miller, Heidi Fung,
Megan Olivarez
149 Infants initially hear codas but do not store them
Caroline Junge, Clara Levelt
150 Impairment in Phonological Awareness and
Memory Correlate with Comprehensive Language
Skills in Children with an Autism Spectrum
Lauren Doyle, Danielle Rudder, Brandon Kopald,
Carly Demopoulos, Corlan Keller, Jeffrey Lewine
151 Vocal (Over-) Imitation in Pre-School Age
Children: Insights into Phonological Knowledge
and Speech Production
Katherine Winters, Cynthia Core, Francys Subiaul
152 The Development of Phonemic Awareness in 2.5-
Year-Old Children: Evidence Supporting the
Existence of Receptive, Precursory Knowledge
Brandi Kenner, Arielle Friehling, Laura Namy
153 What Happens When You Give a Toddler a Scalar
Amanda Pogue, Mathieu Le Corre
154 Cognitive flexibility supports preschoolers'
detection of communicative ambiguity
Randall Gillis, Elizabeth Nilsen
155 The Effect of Incentives on Children's Production
of Referential Statements
Anisha Varghese, Elizabeth Nilsen
156 Surprising Events Boost Preschoolers' Word
Aimee Stahl, Jessica Taggart, Lisa Feigenson
157 Quantifying the relationship between infant visual
attention, reaching, and lexical knowledge
Kristi Hendrickson, Samantha Mitsven, Margaret
158 Infants' Mapping of a Novel Word Presented in
Synchrony With Object's Motion
Yuka Ohtake, Etsuko Haryu
159 Developmental Trends in Language Processing
and Vocabulary in Preterm and Full Term Toddlers
Katherine Adams, Elizabeth Loi, Virginia
Marchman, Anne Fernald, Heidi Feldman
160 Stability of Language from Early Childhood to
Adolescence: A Latent Variable Approach
Chun-Shin Hahn
161 Learning from the experience: the implementation
of the second wave of the Chilean Early Childhood
Longitudinal Survey
Maria Jose Lagos Serrano, Lorena Rivera Aravena
162 Modeling Developmental Trajectories Using an
Individualized Piecewise Growth Model
Keith Zvoch
163 Empathy, Perception of Parental Bonding, and
Adult Attachment in Inmates and College Students
Hung-Chu Lin, Danielle Broussard, Janna Bourque
164 When the Apple Falls Close to the Family Tree:
Similar Moral Trait Integration Levels Increase
Prosocial Behavior and Empathy
Whitney Jeter, Brenda McDaniel
165 Psychometric properties of a moral identity
measure across adolescents and young adults
Deanna Opal, Sam Hardy, Gustavo Carlo
Diana Su Tham
167 Developmental changes in infant race perception
over the first year of life: Insights from eye tracking
Sonya Troller-Renfree, Giulia Righi, Alissa
Westerlund, Charles Nelson
168 Infants Use Spoons with Rigid and Floppy Handles
Lily Rabinow, Qi Li, Björn Kahrs, Jennifer
Maldarelli, Jeffrey Lockman
169 The Motor and Learning Questionnaire (MLQ):
Assessing Early Motor Development via Parent
Klaus Libertus, Rebecca Landa
170 Hmong American Mothers' Ethnic Identity and their
Socialization Strategies in the United States
Pa Her
171 Contexts of Adolescent Development in Armenia
Carol Huntsinger, Tatevik Shaboyan, Anna
Mkrtchyan Karapetyan
172 On Being a "Thorough Girl": Agency, Authenticity,
and Respect in the Figured Worlds of Teen
Cynthia Lightfoot
173 Ethnic Identity and Academic Motivation: A
Comparison of College and High School Latino
Tim Urdan, Stacey Morris
174 Understanding Shyness in Japanese Culture: A
Prototype Study of Teachers' Perceptions of
Shyness in Elementary, Middle, and High School
Xander Krieg, Yiyuan Xu
175 Health Knowledge Differences Between Rural
African Adolescents and Adults After Formal
Secondary Education is Introduced
Heidi Beebe, Mary Gauvain
176 Perceptions and Adaptation of Parenting Practices
Among South Asian Immigrants
Rubab Qureshi, Margaret Sullivan
177 Close Friendships and Peer Acceptance as
Possible Protective Factors for African American
Youth Exposed to Racial Discrimination
Jessica Henry, Sharon Lambert, Nicholas Ialongo
178 A Longitudinal Examination of Perceived Racial
Discrimination among Adolescents of Mexican
Origin: Patterns, Correlates, and Influences
Hairong Song, Maciel M. Hernández, Rand
Conger, Gary Stockdale
179 Trajectory Profiles of Ethnic-Racial Discrimination
and Their Psycho-Social Impact Among Ethnically
Diverse Early Adolescents
Erika Niwa, Niobe Way, Diane Hughes
180 Discrimination Experiences of Asian-American
Youth: Types of Experiences and Linguistic Links
to Well-Being
Kalpa Bhattacharjee, Melissa Bryson, Felicia Poh,
Kandace Andrews, Lisa Kiang
181 Exploring Individual, Economic, Religious and
Political Bases of Youth Activism: A Palestinian
Carolyn Spellings, Brian Barber
182 Gender Identity Moderates the Influence of Peer
Victimization on Children's Adjustment
James Handrinos, Rachel Pauletti, Patrick Cooper,
David Perry
183 Gender identity and Sexist Beliefs in Girls
Patrick Cooper, Rachel Pauletti, James Handrinos,
David Perry
184 Incongruent Gender Identity: A Cause of
Aggression in Youth?
Patrick Cooper, James Handrinos, Rachel Pauletti,
David Perry
185 Prenatal Androgen Levels Moderate Links
Between Gender Identity and Adjustment
Adriene Beltz, Elizabeth Beckerman, Kristina Bryk,
Susan McHale, Sheri Berenbaum
186 Transactional Associations Between Popularity,
Friends' Characteristic, and School
Disengagement During Adolescence
Stéphane Cantin, Geneviève Taylor, Julien
Morizot, Frank Vitaro
187 The Role of Behavioral Subtypes of Friends in the
Relation Between Popularity and Academic
Serenita Kumar, David Schwartz
188 The Interaction of Weight and Income on
Children's Peer Social Status
Julie Rutledge, Taren Swindle, Amanda Harrist,
Laura Hubbs-Tait, Glade Topham, Melanie Page,
Lenka Shriver
189 The Social Effect of Bouncing to Musical Beats
with 14-Month-Old Children
Laura Cirelli, Kathleen Einarson, Laurel Trainor
190 Emotion Priming Influences Prosocial Behavior in
Whitney Waugh, Emma Satlof-Bedrick, Jesse
Drummond, Alyssa Marchitelli, Celia Brownell
191 Respect and Peer Social Competence: Is it Better
to be Respectful or Respected?
Shannon Audley-Piotrowski, Yeh Hsueh, Robert
192 Preschoolers' Perception and Use of
Morphological Self-Similarity in Others
Nadja Richter, Bernard Tiddeman, Daniel Haun
193 Does childhood relational aggression predict to
later academic maladjustment?
Kristen Peairs, Yan Li, Martha Putallaz, Christina
Grimes, Katrina Blomquist
194 Longitudinal and Concurrent Contributions of Ego
Control, Ego Resilience and Social Functioning to
Relational Aggression and Victimization in Middle
Niyantri Ravindran, Clio Pitula, Katherine Lingras,
Michelle Englund
195 Relational Aggression Predicts Perceived
Popularity in Elementary School Children
Meghan Rose, Susan Calkins, Susan Keane
196 Parental Report of Beliefs and Intervention
Strategies for Children's Relational Aggression and
Parent and Teacher Reported Relational
Jamison Harnish, Sheri Hembree
197 Predicting Adolescents' Online Sexual Behavior
and its Relation to Sexual Experience
Suzan Doornwaard, Regina Eijnden, Tom ter Bogt
198 Consumption of online pornography among
adolescent girls
Anna Ševčíková, Kateřina Nešporová
199 Mother-Child Reminiscing About Negative Past
Events, Coping, and Self-Concept in Early
Rebecca Goodvin, Lisa Romdall
200 Interactive Influences of Narcissism and Gender
Identity on Depression: A Test of the Self-Image
Failure Hypothesis
Meenakshi Menon, Harriet Moyes
201 Development and Consequences of Children's
Social Self-Efficacy Rating Accuracy
Clark McKown, Jason Johnson, Nicole Russo-
202 Why Do You Like Yourself? Age Differences in
Self-Esteem Explanations from 5 to 10
Michelle Harris, Kali Trzesniewski, Richard Robins
203 Relationship between Unrealistically Optimistic
Beliefs in Early Childhood and Intelligence in
Middle Childhood
Yeonsoo Kim, Keumjoo Kwak, Seolgi Bak,
Hoyoung Kim, Angela Kim
204 The Relationship between Social Referencing and
Temperament in Infancy
Yeonsoo Kim, Keumjoo Kwak, Hoyoung Kim,
Angela Kim, Nari Jang
205 Endorsing Achievement Goals Exacerbates the
Big-Fish-Little-Pond Effect on Academic Self-
Sofie Wouters, Hilde Colpin, Jan Van Damme,
Karine Verschueren
206 Cultural Differences in the Association Between
Fragile Self-Esteem and Academic Engagement in
Emerging Adulthood
Virgil Zeigler-Hill, Jennifer Vonk, Andrea Smith,
Jasmine Masri, Haijiang Li, Quinglin Zhang
207 Similarity and Group Membership: Influences on
Perception and Behavior in Toddlers
Amy O'Neill, Valerie Kuhlmeier
208 15-Month-Old Infants' Social Preferences Depend
on Both Fairness and Ethnicity
Monica Burns, Jessica Sommerville
209 Precursors of Coordinated Peer Play at 12 Months
Maria Legerstee, Gabriela Markova
210 Father Involvement in Activities of Leisure
Outdoors Associated with Social Competence of
Preschool Children in Day-care
Nuno Torres, Ligia Monteiro, Ines Pessoa e Costa,
Patricia Borges, Manuela Veríssimo, António
211 Mother-Child Dyadic Synchrony as Predictor of
Child's Socio-Emotional Competence: a
Longitudinal Study with Mexican American
Paulina Velez-Gomez, Yvonne Caldera, Eric
212 Socialization through Ritual: How July 4th Primes
the Young for Patriotism
Cindy Clark
213 Considering Context and Process in an Evaluation
of the "Roots of Empathy," a Social Emotional
Learning Program
Veronica Smith, Kimberly Schonert-Reichl
214 Temperament and Infant Imitation
Ahmed Faress, Marian Pitel, Danusha
Nandamalavan, Zahra Emami, Lindsay Raoufi,
Camellia Dinyarian, David Haley
215 Studying cross-cultural differences in toddler
temperament: United States of America and Italy
Samuel Putnam, Patrizia Cozzi, Menesini Ersilia,
Maria Gartstein, Tiziana Aureli, Pamela Calussi,
Rosario Montirosso
216 Maternal Emotional Availability, Mother-perceived
Infant Temperament and Objectively-Assessed
Infant Sleep at Six Month
Ni Jian, Bo-Ram Kim, Douglas Teti
217 The Effects of Prematurity and Mixed-Handedness
on Children's Attentional Networks
Sarit Yaakoby - Rotem, Aviv Warsha, Renana
Ofek, Jessica Schreiber, Ronny Geva
Thursday, 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
(Event 1-094) Paper Session
Aspen (Sheraton Seattle Hotel, 2nd Floor)
Thursday, 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
1-094. Self-Regulation and Executive
Functioning in Preschool
Chair: Daniel Berry
Family Home Environment, Stress Physiology, and
Preschool Children's Classroom Behavior Regulation
Jared Lisonbee, Jacquelyn Mize
The Effectiveness of Emotion Coaching for At-Risk
Preschoolers Displaying Internalized Versus
Externalized Behavior Problems
Tsu-Ming Chiang, Megan Costo, Amanda Brown,
Rebecca Frick, Elizabeth Hatzispiros, John Kim,
Kaylee Fiorello
Moving Beyond Cool Executive Function: Is Hot
Executive Function Useful?
Nancy Garon, Kiera Kent, Bethany Craig, Isabel
Smith, Susan Bryson
Classroom Processes and Self-Regulation Skills
Development: Effects of Classroom Emotional
Climate and Classroom Self-Regulation
Mary Fuhs, Kimberly Turner, Dale Farran
(Event 1-095) Paper Symposium
Cedar AB (Sheraton Seattle Hotel, 2nd Floor)
Thursday, 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
1-095. Advances in the Use of Cortisol
Measures to Understand Risk Processes in
Trauma-Exposed Mother-Child Dyads
Chair: Kathy Stansbury
Discussant: Ruth Feldman
Synchrony in Cortisol Responses of Mothers and
Their 6-Month-Old Infants in a Trauma-Exposed
Kathy Stansbury, Maria Muzik, Erika Bocknek,
Marjorie Beeghly, Ellen McGinnis, Amanda Broderick
Early Cortisol Awakening Response as A Biological
Risk Marker in Young Children
Ellen McGinnis, Amanda Broderick, Alex Buisito,
Nestor Lopez-Duran, Maria Muzik
The Influence of Prenatal Intimate Partner Violence
Exposure on HPA Axis Reactivity and Childhood
Depressive Symptoms
Cecilia Martinez-Torteya, G. Anne Bogat, Alytia
Levendosky, Alexander von Eye
(Event 1-096) Paper Session
Issaquah AB (Sheraton Seattle Hotel, 3rd Floor)
Thursday, 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
1-096. Fathers and Siblings: Contributions
of Understudied Family Members
Chair: Brenda L. Volling
Individual Differences in Firstborn Children's
Adjustment after the Arrival of a Baby Sibling
Brenda Volling, Richard Gonzalez, Tianyi Yu,
Wonjung Oh
High Quality Sibling Play in Early Childhood Predicts
Later Psychiatric Health for Low-Income Boys
Sara Nichols, Celia Brownell, Daniel Shaw
Father Involvement: The Effects of Fathers, Mothers,
and Children
Selva Lewin-Bizan
Marital Conflict, Maternal Gatekeeping, and Father
Involvement: A Three-Wave Mediational Analysis
Matthew Stevenson, Go Woon Suh, William
(Event 1-097) Paper Symposium
Ravenna ABC (Sheraton Seattle Hotel, 3rd Floor)
Thursday, 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
1-097. Is positive affect always a good
thing?: Links to risk and resilience from
both developmental and clinical
Chair: Kathryn A. Degnan
Discussant: Cynthia A. Stifter
The role of positive affect and activity level in
predicting preschool behavior problems
Jessica Dollar, Cynthia Stifter, Kristin Buss
Temperamental Exuberance: Longitudinal Outcomes
in Young Adulthood
Kathryn Degnan, Ayelet Lahat, Laura MacPherson,
Carl Lejuez, Daniel Pine, Nathan Fox
Positive emotionality and risk for depression:
Evidence from behavioral and neurobiological
Thomas Olino, Erika Forbes, Jennifer Silk, Dana
McMakin, Judith Morgan, Boris Birmaher, David
Axelson, Ronald Dahl, Neal Ryan
(Event 1-098) Paper Symposium
Redwood AB (Sheraton Seattle Hotel, 2nd Floor)
Thursday, 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
1-098. Childhood socioeconomic
disadvantage, neurobiological development
and mental health over the life-course
Chair: Katie A. McLaughlin
BDNF Allelic Variants Moderate Social Disparities in
Children's Basal Cortisol Expression
Nicole Bush, Maya Guendelman, Nancy Adler, W.
Thomas Boyce
Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia as a Marker of Stress
Vulnerability in Youth: Implications for Internalizing
Katie McLaughlin, Leslie Rith-Najarian, Margaret
White Matter Microstructure Correlates of Low
Socioeconomic Status in Adolescents
Kaja LeWinn, Miroslav Drahos, Colm Connolly,
Fumiko Hoeft, Tony Yang
Stress, neural function and child mental health: the
case of maternal social status
Margaret Sheridan, Charles Nelson
(Event 1-099) Paper Symposium
Room 201 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
1-099. Self-Regulation and Academic
Achievement Within the Classroom Context
Chair: Janelle J. Montroy
Preschool Executive Control and Children's
Observed Classroom Behavior in the Transition to
Elementary School
Jennifer Mize Nelson, Hye-Jeong Choi, Tiffany
Sheffield, Caron Clark, Susan Sheridan, Kimberly
The Effect of Classmates' Self Regulation on Growth
in Individual Self Regulation and Literacy
Janelle Montroy, Ryan Bowles, Lori Skibbe
Examining the Relations between Self-Regulation
and Academic Achievement in Third Grade Students
Stephanie Day, Carol Connor
Comparing Teacher and Observer Ratings of Self-
regulation for Predicting Achievement
Megan McClelland, Sara Schmitt, Megan Pratt
(Event 1-100) Paper Symposium
Room 203 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
1-100. Baby Sign to Baby FaceTime: New
Directions in Video Research
Chair: Lauren J. Myers
Parental Perceptions and Beliefs of Their Young
Children's Experience of Video Communication
Joanne Tarasuik, Jordy Kaufman
Infants Learn Communicative Signals From Video
With Video Deficit in Long-term Retention
Shoshana Dayanim, Laura Namy
Toddlers Learn Actions, Words and Patterns (But
Not People) From Contingent Online Video-chat
Lauren Myers, Rachel LeWitt, Renee Gallo
Children's Imitation of Foreign-Language Speakers
on Video
Katherine O'Doherty, Georgene Troseth
(Event 1-101) Paper Symposium
Room 204 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
1-101. Understanding Speaker Knowledge
through Verbal Expressions: Cross-Cultural
Chair: Tomoko Matsui
Discussant: Nancy Budwig
Input influence on development of evidential
Youngon Choi
Cross-linguistic difference in children's sensitivity to
speaker certainty: evidence from corpus and
experimental data
Yui Miura, Tomoko Matsui, Hannes Rakoczy,
Michael Tomasello
Reference to source of knowledge in adult questions
to children
Stanka Fitneva, Cagla Aydin
(Event 1-102) Paper Symposium
Room 205 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
1-102. Home Visit Participation Patterns:
Relations to Home Visiting Intervention
Experiences and Outcomes
Chair: Carla A. Peterson
Impacts of Early Head Start Home Visiting Programs
and the Role of Implementation of the Head Start
Program Performance Standards
Rachel Chazan Cohen, Brenda Jones Harden, Helen
Raikes, Cheri Vogel
Home Visit Participation Patterns: Relations to Home
Visiting Intervention Experiences and Outcomes
Carla Peterson, Dong Zhang, Lori Roggman, Beth
Green, Rachel Chazan Cohen, Jane Atwater,
Lorraine McKelvey, Jon Korfmacher
Home Visiting Services and Outcomes Among
Developmental and Non-developmental Parents
Lori Roggman, Gina Cook, Lorraine McKelvey, Carla
Peterson, Dong Zhang, Beth Green
Differences in Home Visiting Service Delivery and
Outcomes Among Families of Different Ethnic
Beth Green, Lori Roggman, Lorraine McKelvey,
Rachel Chazan Cohen, Jon Korfmacher, Dong
Zhang, Carla Peterson, Jane Atwater
(Event 1-103) Paper Session
Room 206 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
1-103. Parenting, Treatment, and Autism
Spectrum Disorders
Chair: Connie Kasari
Can parents learn from a distance? A telehealth
approach to parent training in autism
Laurie Vismara, Carolyn McCormick, Gregory
Young, Anna Nadhan, Katerina Monlux
Parents' Learning and Children's Joint Engagement:
Intervention for Minimally Verbal Children with
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Stephanie Patterson, Kelly Goods, Connie Kasari
Relative Effects of Two Comprehensive Treatment
Models on the Development of Preschool Children
with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Samuel Odom, Brian Boyd, Kara Hume
Diagnostic Status and Treatment effects on Joint
Attention, Play and Language growth over time in
children with ASD
Amanda Gulsrud, Gerhardt Hellemann, Connie
(Event 1-104) Paper Symposium
Room 211 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
1-104. Examining Peer Influences on
Adolescent Health Risk Behaviors:
Behavioral Neuroscience, Genetic, and
Socio-Contextual Perspectives
Chair: Jessie J. Wong
Discussant: Laurence Steinberg
Brain Activation After Exposure to Social and
Nicotine Rewards in Adolescent Rats
Natalie Peartree, Ryan Bastle, Angela Williams,
Kayla Chandler, Julianna Goenaga, Lauren Hood,
Janet Neisewander
Examining Genetic Risk, Positive Expectancies, and
Peer Alcohol Use as Predictors of Alcohol-Related
Kaitlin Bountress, Laurie Chassin
Adolescent Experimentation with Smoking and
Drinking: Social and Parental Influences
Jessie Wong, Nancy Gonzales, Larry Dumka, Roger
(Event 1-105) Paper Symposium
Room 2A (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
1-105. Using Novel Methodologies to Probe
Emotion Regulation Mechanisms
Underlying Anxiety and Depression in
Chair: Jessica L. Borelli
The Bomb: An ERP Study Investigating Anticipatory
Anxiety in Middle Childhood
MIchael Crowley, Jia Wu, Leticia Moedano, Linda
Adolescent Self-Reports of Social Anxiety: Can They
Disagree with Objective Psychophysiological
Measures and Still Be Valid?
Andres De Los Reyes, Amelia Aldao, Sarah Thomas,
Samantha Daruwala, Anna Swan, Michael Van Wie,
Katherine Goepel, William Lechner
The Role of Adolescent Rumination in Reward
Motivation and Response
Sarah Romens, Seth Pollak
Can't Take My Eyes off of You: Eye Tracking
Reveals How Ruminators May Get Stuck
Lori Hilt, Brian Leitzke, Seth Pollak
(Event 1-106) Roundtable
Room 2B (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
1-106. Attachment in Middle Childhood:
Theoretical and Measurement Implications
of an Emerging Research Field
Moderator: Guy Bosmans
Panelists: Kathryn Kerns, Howard Steele, Harriet
Waters, Ellen Moss
(Event 1-107) Paper Symposium
Room 303 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
1-107. What do Children Say About School?
Using Child-Report Data to Understand
Students' Experience of Their Classrooms
Chair: Alison E. Baroody
Discussant: Helma M. Koomen
The Contribution of Classroom Social Interactions
and Child Attributes to Fifth Graders' Experience of
Engagement in Mathematics Classrooms
Sara Rimm-Kaufman, Alison Baroody, Ross Larsen,
Timothy Curby, Tashia Abry
Understanding Students' Perceptions of Classroom
Interactions in Relation to Other Informants and
Student Outcomes
Megan Stuhlman, Jason Downer
Effects of the Roots of Empathy Progam on
Children's Perceptions of Classroom Supportiveness
and Peer Acceptance
Kimberly Schonert-Reichl, Eva Oberle, Veronica
Smith, Clyde Hertzman
(Event 1-108) Paper Symposium
Room 307 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
1-108. Improving Young Children's
Mathematical Development: Teacher
Professional Development as Key
Chair: Taniesha Woods
The Realities of Professional Development in Early
Childhood Mathematics: Who, What, and How
Taniesha Woods, Marilou Hyson
Young Children's Mathematical Thinking and
Learning: Implications for Professional Development
Herbert Ginsburg
Improving Math and Science Supports for At-Risk,
Preschool Learners by Supporting the Teachers Who
Teach Them
Kimberly Brenneman, Alissa Lange, Judi Stevenson-
Evaluating Early Childhood Math Professional
Jessica Whittaker, Bridget Hamre
(Event 1-109) Paper Symposium
Room 308 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
1-109. New Perspectives on Feedback and
Child Development
Chair: David Yeager
Discussant: Kent Harber
Lifting a Barrier of Mistrust: Wise Critical Feedback to
Racial Minorities
David Yeager
"I Can Do It!…Right?" Positive Self-Statements and
Children's Task Performance
Sander Thomaes, Eddie Brummelman
The Feedback Withholding Bias: Minority Students
Do Not Receive Critical Feedback from Evaluators
Concerned about Appearing Racist
Alyssa Croft, Toni Schmader
(Event 1-110) Paper Symposium
Room 310 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
1-110. Development and Intervention of
Language Skills for Preschoolers at Risk
for Later Reading Difficulties
Chair: Sonia Q. Cabell
Growth Trajectories of Language Skills Among
Young Children With Language Impairment:
Relationships With Early Literacy Skills
Jill Pentimonti, Laura Justice
Preschool Classroom Conversations: The Relation
Between the Frequency and Concentration of
Teacher Language-Facilitating Strategies and
Children's Vocabulary Development
Sonia Cabell, Anita McGinty, Jamie DeCoster,
Lindsay Forston, Laura Justice
Vocabulary Gains for At-Risk Preschoolers:
Relations to Teachers' Characteristics and Fidelity of
Implementation of a New Media-Enhanced
Instructional Program
Beth Phillips, Yuting Zhao, Pamela Burris
What Predicts Vocabulary Knowledge of Pre-
Kindergarteners Receiving Explicit, Tier 2
Tricia Zucker, Jeffrey Williams, Susan Landry, Emily
(Event 1-111) Paper Symposium
Room 3A (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
1-111. Spatial Reasoning, Language, and
the Brain
Chair: Maria D. Sera
Discussant: Susan C. Levine
Reorientation and Spatial Language: Evidence from
Williams Syndrome and Typically Developing
Katrina Ferrara, Barbara Landau
Spatial Language and Misconceptions in Early
Eliza Congdon, Dominic Gibson, Susan Levine
Your Other Left! Developing Verbal and Nonverbal
Knowledge of Relational Planes
Nicole Scott, Maria Sera, Apostolos Georgopoulos
(Event 1-112) Roundtable
Room 3B (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
1-112. The Role of Context in Language
Moderator: Erica H. Wojcik
Panelists: George Hollich, Rachel Barr, Linda
Smith, Lulu Song
(Event 1-113) Roundtable
Room 400 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
1-113. Four decades of research on
bullying: What have we learned and how
can we move the field forward?
Moderator: Shelley Hymel
Panelists: Susan Swearer, Patricia McDougall,
Dorothy Espelage, Catherine Bradshaw
(Event 1-114) Paper Symposium
Room 4C-1 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
1-114. Taking the next step: New findings
linking infant locomotor and psychological
Chair: Eric A. Walle
Discussant: Roberta Golinkoff
Effects of Manual and Locomotor Experience on
Infants' Mental Rotation of Objects
Wenke Mohring, Andrea Frick
Language development following the attainment of
walking: Considering exploration as an underlying
Ora Oudgeneog-Paz, Michiel Volman, Paul
Leseman, Jan Boom
Walking and talking, but why? Exploring possible
mechanisms accounting for increased language
development following the onset of walking
Eric Walle, Joseph Campos
(Event 1-115) Invited Paper Symposium
Room 4C-2 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
1-115. Interventions for Children and Youth
in Low- and Middle-Income (LAMI)
Countries: Toward a Global Developmental
Chair: J. Lawrence Aber
Discussants: Carly Tubbs, Alice Wuermli
Integrative Statement: Historically, the rigorous scientific
study of child development evolved over its first century
primarily in Europe and North America. Similarly,
developmental approaches to the design and evaluation
of programs and policies to enhance child well-being
were concentrated in high income countries, especially in
North America. But the vast majority of the world’s
children live in low- and middle-income countries.
International development agencies, non-governmental
organizations (NGOs) and governments are currently
engaged in systematic efforts to promote healthy child
development by drawing on individual, family, community,
and national strengths while addressing the most critical
threats to development that occur in such contexts. But
such efforts have yet to fully incorporate insights from
developmental science and related disciplines that have
the potential to augment their effectiveness. This
symposium reports the highlights of SRCD’s pre-
conference on how designing and evaluating
interventions for children and youth in low- and middle-
income countries offer both great challenges but also
exciting new opportunities to build a truly global basic and
applied developmental science.
Biography: Lawrence Aber is
Distinguished Professor of
Applied Psychology and Public
Policy at New York University,
and board chair of its Institute of
Human Development and Social
Change. He earned his Ph.D.
from Yale University and an A.B.
from Harvard University. An
internationally recognized expert
in child development and social
policy, his basic research
examines the influence of poverty and violence, at the
family and community levels, on the social, emotional,
behavioral, cognitive and academic development of
children and youth. Dr. Aber also designs and conducts
rigorous evaluations of innovative programs and policies
for children, youth and families, such as violence
prevention, literacy development, welfare reform and
comprehensive services initiatives. Currently, Dr. Aber is
conducting research on the combined effects of poverty
and HIV/AIDS on household and child well-being (South
Africa) and a school-randomized trial of a social-
emotional learning intervention (Democratic Republic of
Opportunities and Strategies to Promote Healthy
Development in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
Suman Verma
Designing, Implementing and Evaluating
Interventions in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
J. Lawrence Aber
Conceptual and Methodological Challenges in Cross-
disciplinary, Cross-professional, Cross-cultural,
Cross-national Research
Anne Petersen
(Event 1-116) Invited Views by Two
Room 4C-3 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
1-116. A Tale of Two Species:
Characterizing and Intervening on Early
Adverse Experience Effects in Humans and
Moderator: Megan Gunnar
Using Translational Neuroscience to Improve
the Lives of Foster and Adopted Children
Panelist: Philip Fisher
Biography: Dr. Philip Fisher is a
Professor of Psychology (clinical) at
the University of Oregon and a
Senior Scientist at the Oregon
Social Learning Center (OSLC). He
is also Science Director for the
National Forum on Early Childhood
Policy and Programs and a Senior
Fellow at the Center on the
Developing Child, both based at
Harvard University. Dr. Fisher's work
on children in foster care and the child welfare system
includes (a) basic research characterizing the effects of
early stress on neurobiological systems such as the HPA
axis and areas of the prefrontal cortex involved in
executive functioning; (b) the development of preventive
interventions, including the Multidimensional Treatment
Foster Care Program for Preschoolers (MTFC-P) and the
Kids in Transition to School Program (KITS); and (c) the
dissemination of evidence-based practice in community
settings. His work has been funded by a number of
institutes of the National Institutes of Health, including
NIDA, NIMH, and NICHD, as well as the U.S. Department
of Education's Institute of Education Sciences. He serves
on a number of national advisory groups related to
prevention science and community based research. His
intervention programs are being implemented at sites
throughout the United States and Europe. He is the
recipient of the 2012 Society for Prevention Research
Translational Science Award.
Risk, Resilience, and Recovery for Rhesus
Monkeys Experiencing Early Adversity
Panelist: Stephen Suomi
Biography: Stephen J. Suomi is chief of the Laboratory
of Comparative Ethology at the National Institute of Child
Health and Human Development in Bethesda, Maryland.
He studied Psychology at the undergraduate level at
Stanford University where he received a B.A. in
psychology in 1968, then continued his studies at the
University of Wisconsin, receiving his Ph.D. in 1971. He
began his professional career in
the University of Wisconsin's
Psychology Department, where
he attained full professorship in
1984. In 1983, he began his work
at the NICHD. Dr. Suomi has
received international recognition
for his extensive research on
biobehavioral development in
rhesus monkeys and other
nonhuman primate species. His
initial postdoctoral research (with his mentor, Harry F.
Harlow) successfully reversed the adverse behavior
effects of early social isolation, previously thought to be
permanent, in this species. His subsequent research at
the University of Wisconsin led to his election as a Fellow
in the American Association for the Advancement of
Science "for major contributions to the understanding of
social factors that influence the psychological
development of nonhuman primates." Since joining the
NICHD, he has described interactions between genetic
and environmental factors that shape individual
biobehavioral development, characterized both
behavioral and physiological features of distinctive rhesus
monkey phenotypes, and demonstrated the adaptive
significance of these different phenotypes in naturalistic
(Event 1-117) Paper Symposium
Room 4C-4 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
1-117. From Bedside to Bench and Back:
Integrating Basic and Applied
Developmental Science to Prevent Early
Childhood Maltreatment
Chair: Karen A. Carmody
Discussant: Mary E. Haskett
Predicting and Preventing Early Maltreatment:
Leveraging Mothers' Own Parenting Histories and
Early Parenting Behaviors
Lisa Berlin, Karen Carmody, Elizabeth Aparicio,
Kenneth Dodge
Prevention of early childhood maltreatment: Impact
of PURPLE Crying Education on parental self-reports
of discipline in infants
Stephanie Block, Adam Zolotor, Keith Widaman,
Desmond Runyan
An Attachment-Based Intervention for Mothers at
High-Risk for Maltreatment: Effects on Brain
Responses to Child Distress
Kristin Bernard, Mary Dozier, Robert Simons
(Event 1-118) Paper Symposium
Room 602 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
1-118. Parenting Boys and Girls in Different
Cultures: Gendered Pathways to Child
Competence in Early Childhood
Chair: Margaret Caughy
Discipline Practices of AfroCaribbean Parents of
Young Children: Differences by Child Gender
Laurie Brotman, Esther Calzada, Keng-Yen Huang,
Spring Dawson-McClure, Bukky Kolawole, Dana
Gender differences in the parenting behaviors of
Chinese immigrant parents: The mediating role of
Katherine Cheung
Gender differences in the relation between mothering
and emerging child behavior problems in Mexican-
American preschoolers
Margaret Caughy, Margaret Owen, Ana Maria Mata-
Otero, Nazly Hasanizadeh
Parenting Practices with Young Asian American
Children: Gender differences and Influence on Child
Social Emotional Competence
Keng-Yen Huang, Sabrina Cheng
(Event 1-119) Paper Symposium
Room 603 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
1-119. Corporal Punishment: An
International Perspective on Prevalence,
Impact, and Intervention
Chair: Elisa Romano
Change In the Use of Corporal Punishment and
Other Disciplinary Strategies Over a 14-Year Period
in a Representative Sample of Canadian Parents
Sabrina Frechette, Elisa Romano
Prevalence Over Time of Corporal Punishment in a
German Longitudinal Study and its Relationship to
Problem Behavior in Children
Mark Stemmler, Friedrich Lösel
The Impact of Mild and Severe Corporal Punishment
by Mothers and Fathers on Adult Functioning Across
Regions of the World
Angele Fauchier, Murray Straus
"What Do I Do Instead?" Helping Parents Make the
Shift from Physical Punishment to Positive Discipline
Joan Durrant, Christine Ateah, Leslie Barker, George
Holden, Janice MacAulay, Ray Peters, Dominique
Pierre Plateau, Sombat Tapanya, Ashley Stewart-
(Event 1-120) Paper Symposium
Room 604 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
1-120. Multi-Level Predictors of Peer
Victimization: Integrating Individual and
Contextual Perspectives
Chair: Niwako Sugimura
Genetic Risk of Peer Victimization is Moderated by
Classroom Behavior Norms
Mara Brendgen, Fanny-Alexandra Guimond, Frank
Vitaro, Ginette Dionne, Michel Boivin
Does Positive Peer Context Buffer Prospective
Associations Between Early Adolescent Depressive
Symptoms and Peer Victimization?
Karen Kochel, Catherine Bagwell, Gary Ladd, Karen
What predicts stability in peer victimization?
Evidence from a multi-informant, multi-method
longitudinal study
Tracy Vaillancourt, Heather Brittain, Eric Duku,
Patricia McDougall, Shelley Hymel
Individual, Family, and Peer Predictors of Peer
Niwako Sugimura, Karen Rudolph, Wendy Troop-
(Event 1-121) Paper Symposium
Room 605 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
1-121. Family Context and Adolescent
Management of Information: Snooping,
Disclosure, and Deception Don't Occur in
Chair: Christopher Daddis
Parenting Style and Strategies and Justifications for
Adolescent Nondisclosure to Parents
Christopher Daddis
Adolescent Acceptance versus Use of Information
Management Strategies: Associations with
Adjustment and Parent-Teen Relationships
Wendy Rote, Judi Smetana
Sneaky Parents: Longitudinal associations among
parental monitoring strategies and adolescent
problem behavior
Christa Ice, Aaron Metzger, Lesley Cottrell, Elizabeth
Yale, Kaitlyn Ferris
Within-Family Domain Differentiation in Disclosure to
Mothers and Associations with Relationship Quality
Nicole Campione-Barr, Kelly Bassett Greer, Anna
(Event 1-122) Paper Symposium
Room 606 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
1-122. Power, Popularity, and Persuasion:
Experimental Paradigms for Assessing
Peer Conformity in Action
Chair: Marlene Sandstrom
Discussant: Antonius H. Cillessen
Adolescent Factors that Moderate Susceptibility to
Experimentally-Manipulated Social Norms of Popular
Sophia Choukas-Bradley, Geoffrey Cohen, Mitchell
Popularity, Likeability, and Peer Conformity: Four
Field Experiments
Rob Gommans, Antonius Cillessen
Fitting in to Feel Good: Can an Experimental Boost
in Self-Esteem Reduce Pressure to Conform?
Marlene Sandstrom, Aaron Lim
(Event 1-123) Paper Symposium
Room 607 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
1-123. Bringing Developmental Science to
Pediatric Obesity Research: Biobehavioral
Stress Response, Family Process, and
Social Contexts
Chair: Alison L. Miller
Discussant: Shayla C. Holub
Early Childhood Risk Factors that Moderate the
Association between Awakening Cortisol and Body
Mass Index in Adolescence
Lori Francis, Elizabeth Susman
Body Mass Index and Cortisol Response to Stress in
Low-Income Preschoolers
Alison Miller, Caitlin Clifford, Katherine Rosenblum,
Julie Sturza, Niko Kaciroti, Delia Vazquez, Julie
Associations Between the Home Environment and
Weight Status in a Low-Income Toddler Sample
Katherine Rosenblum, Alison Miller, Christy Leung,
Karen Peterson, Julie Sturza, Niko Kaciroti, Delia
Vazquez, Julie Lumeng
(Event 1-124) Poster Symposium
Room 608 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
1-124. Research on Human-Animal
Interaction and Youth Socioemotional
Chair: Kristen C. Jacobson
Discussant: James A. Griffin
Pet Ownership and Attitudes towards Pets: Effects
on Youth Socio-emotional Outcomes
Kristen Jacobson
Aberrant Behavior Changes Resulting From
Therapeutic Horseback Riding in Children With
Autism Spectrum Disorders
Robin Gabriels, John Agnew, Zhaoxing Pan
Cortisol levels and momentary emotion influence
behavior of adolescents during equine facilitated
learning program
Patricia Pendry
Developing The P.A.C.K.: Combining Canine
Assisted Therapy and Cognitive Behavioral
Interventions for Children with ADHD
Sabrina Schuck, Natasha Emmerson, Aubrey Fine,
Maryam Abdullah, Courtney Allem, Aness Kim
Human Animal Interaction (HAI) and Positive Youth
Development: Exploring the Role of HAI in
Adolescence and Young Adulthood
Megan Mueller
(Event 1-125) Poster Symposium
Room 609 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
1-125. Exploring Core Dimensions of Moral
Competence in Childhood and Adolescence
Using Qualitative and Quantitative Methods
Chair: Eveline Gutzwiller-Helfenfinger
A Student in Distress: Investigating Bystander
Situations with Ethnographic and Grounded Theory
Robert Thornberg
Moral Emotions in Children's Narratives
Eveline Gutzwiller-Helfenfinger, Luciano Gasser,
Tina Malti
At-Risk Children's Moral Emotions and Moral
Brigitte Latzko
Compliance in Preschoolers: Relations with Moral
Emotions and Parents' Morality
Marina Camodeca, Daniela Bafunno
Investigating the Interplay of Cognitive and
Emotional Processes in Moral Reasoning: An
Experimental Design
Simona Caravita, Lindamulage De Silva, Leonardo
Lenzi, Mariaelena Salvaterra, Alessandro Antonietti
MDBQ - A new Measure to Assess Moral
Disengagement for Bullying Situations: Comparing
Different Structural Models.
Annalaura Nocentini, Simona Caravita, Benedetta
Palladino, Gianluca Gini, Ersilia Menesini
(Event 1-126) Paper Symposium
Room 610 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
1-126. Beyond Outcomes: Processes and
Timing of Change Associated with
Evidence-based Interventions for
Chair: Isabela Granic
Discussant: Erika S. Lunkenheimer
The Family Check-Up as an Intervention for
Adolescent Problem Behavior: Mediating Processes
in the Reduction of Risk
Thomas Dishion, Hanjoe Kim, Mark Van Ryzin
Maternal Depression Mediates the Link Between
Therapeutic Alliance and Treatment Outcomes for
Adolescents in Multisystemic Therapy
Isabela Granic, Roy Otten, Kirsten Blokland, Tracy
Solomon, Rutger Engels, Bruce Ferguson
Testing the Effectiveness and Timing of a
Depression Prevention Program for Adolescent Girls
with Elevated Depressive Symptoms
Rutger Engels, Lieke Wijnhoven, Daan Creemers,
Ad Vermulst, Ron Scholte
(Event 1-127) Paper Symposium
Room 611 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
1-127. The development of quantification:
Judgment, priming, and fMRI evidence
Chair: Joshua Hartshorne
The development of quantifiers with multiple/overlap
meanings: The case of every and each in child
Rama Novogrodsky, Tom Roeper
Priming logical form representations in 4-7 year olds
Roman Feiman, Jesse Snedeker
Some and Every in child language
Einat Shetreet, Gennaro Chierchia, Nadine Gaab
(Event 1-128) Paper Symposium
Room 612 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
1-128. Empathy from Childhood to Early
Adulthood: Integrating Developmental and
Psychophysiological Research
Chair: Skyler T. Hawk
Age Differences in Children's Mimicry and Counter-
Mimicry of Emotions: A Self-Regulation Perspective
on Empathy
Skyler Hawk, Michael Häfner
Shared Role of Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal and -
Gonadal Hormones in the Development of Callous
Unemotional Traits and Response to Life Stress
Andrew Dismukes, Megan Johnson, Michael Vitacco,
Elizabeth Shirtcliff
Links Between Facial Mimicry and the Development
of Empathic Concern and Perspective Taking in
Jolien Van der Graaff, Susan Branje, Minet De Wied,
Anton Van Boxtel, Wim Meeus
Adolescent Social Resources Predict a Neural
Measure of Self-Other Overlap in Adulthood
Lane Beckes, James Coan, Joseph Allen
(Event 1-129) Paper Session
Room 613 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
1-129. Negotiating Cultural Identities
Among Youth
Chair: Selcuk R. Sirin
Revolution's Bumpy Road: Narratives of Youth from
the 2011 Egyptian Revolution
Rhett Billen, Brian Barber, James Youniss
Young, Black and Male: Narrating Identities and
Stereotypes in An All-Black Male High School
Leoandra Onnie Rogers
The influence of cultural identity on positive views of
self among First Nations youth in Quebec
Alexandra D'Arrisso, Colin Campbell, Heidi Flores,
Adrienne Blacklock, Kelsey Moore, Jacob Burack
Sharing Stories of Discrimination
Linda Juang, Moin Syed
(Event 1-130) Paper Symposium
Room 614 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
1-130. School Engagement Among urban
high school students: The role of gender,
generation and social support
Chair: Taveeshi Gupta
Discussant: Cynthia Garcia Coll
A Missing Piece in the Immigrant Paradox Puzzle?
Measurement Invariance of School Support and
School Engagement across Generations
Matthew Diemer, Cheng-Hsien Li, Taveeshi Gupta,
Nazli Uygun, Lauren Rogers-Sirin, Selcuk Sirin
Gender and Generation status variations in the role
of bicultural identification on cognitive engagement
Taveeshi Gupta, Selcuk Sirin, Lauren Rogers-Sirin,
Sammy Ahmed, Josephine Palmeri, Kara Duca
Discrimination Related Stress and Behavioral
Engagement: The Moderating effect of School
Jessica Cressen, Lauren Rogers-Sirin, Selcuk Sirin,
Taveeshi Gupta, Andrew Greene, Alfredo Novoa
(Event 1-131) Paper Symposium
Room 615 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
1-131. Child Abuse and Neglect: Prevalence
and Associated Psychopathology in Multi-
Cultural Contexts
Chair: Hans M. Koot
Discussant: Tuppett M. Yates
A Global Perspective on Child Abuse and Neglect:
Meta-Analytic Reviews of Prevalence and
Associated Factors
Marije Stoltenborgh, Marian Bakermans-Kranenburg,
Lenneke Alink, Marinus van IJzendoorn
Child Maltreatment and Associated
Psychopathology: Similarities and Differences
Among Females in African and European Contexts
Catherine Mbagaya
Child Abuse/Neglect and Personality Pathology in
Asian and European Contexts
Ruby Charak, Hans Koot
(Event 1-132) Paper Symposium
Room 616 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
1-132. Group identity, morality and
intergroup discrimination amongst minority
and majority status children
Chair: Adam Rutland
Effects of social group norms on children: The glue
that binds and the tar that sticks
Drew Nesdale
Social Exclusion in Childhood
Melanie Killen
Children's exclusion of peers in the social-
conventional domain: What norms matter?
Adam Rutland
The Developing Relationship between Perceptions of
Discrimination and Ethnic Identity
Christia Spears Brown
(Event 1-133) Paper Symposium
Room 617 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
1-133. Cross-cultural differences and
similarities in children's social behavior
Chair: Daniel Haun
Spontaneous Sharing by 5-8-Year-Old Children of
Three Contrasted Cultures
Philippe Rochat, Erin Robbins
What do you do if you get a present? - Co-regulation
of social behavior in mother-child interaction in Berlin
and Delhi
Joscha Kärtner, Daina Crafa, Nandita Chaudhary,
Heidi Keller
Flexibility and inflexibility in the overimitation of
bushman and urban children
Mark Nielsen, Ilana Mushin, Keyan Tomaselli,
Andrew Whiten
Development of majority-biased transmission across
five cultures
Daniel Haun
(Event 1-134) Paper Symposium
Room 618 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
1-134. Developmental Mismatch as a Cause
for Maladaptation
Chair: Esther Nederhof
Mismatch as a Cause for Maladaptation
Bruce Ellis
Adversity driven changes in HPA-axis functioning
and predicting mental disorders
Odilia Laceulle, Esther Nederhof, Marcel van Aken,
Johan (Hans) Ormel
Mismatch or Cumulative Stress: Two Developmental
Pathways to Depression
Esther Nederhof, Johan (Hans) Ormel, Albertine
Real-time salivary cortisol enhances the match of an
individual's stressor with their stress reactivity
Elizabeth Shirtcliff, Paul Slowey, Tom Hart, Robert
(Event 1-135) Paper Symposium
Room 619 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
1-135. Early Helping Behavior: Causal
Factors and Motivations
Chair: Alia Martin
What Motivates Young Children's Prosocial
Robert Hepach, Amrisha Vaish, Tobias Grossmann,
Michael Tomasello
Paternalistic Helping in Children
Alia Martin, Forrest Maddox, Kelsey Lin, Kristina
"Helping" Versus "Being a Helper": Invoking the Self
to Increase Helping in Young Children
Allison Master, Christopher Bryan, Gregory Walton
Selectivity in Early Helping Behavior
Valerie Kuhlmeier, Amy O'Neill, Kristen Dunfield
(Event 1-136) Paper Symposium
Room 620 (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
1-136. Autonomic Reactivity to Stress and
Forms and Functions of Aggression:
Moderating Factors across Development
Chair: Dianna Murray-Close
Discussant: Julie A. Hubbard
Peer Victimization and Acceptance as Moderators of
the Association between Physiological Reactivity and
Preschool Aggression
Amy Gower, Bonny Donzella, Nicki Crick
Autonomic Reactivity to Stress and Physical and
Relational Aggression: The Moderating Roles of
Victimization, Type of Task, and Child Gender
Dianna Murray-Close, Nicki Crick, Wan-Ling Tseng,
Nicole Lafko, Catherine Burrows, Clio Pitula
Physiological Reactivity Predicting Relational
Aggression: The Moderating Roles of Gender and
Functions of Aggression
Nicole Lafko, Erin Shoulberg, Dianna Murray-Close
(Event 1-137) Paper Symposium
Willow A (Sheraton Seattle Hotel, 2nd Floor)
Thursday, 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
1-137. Developmental Factors Related to
Non-Suicidal Self-injury from Late
Childhood to Young Adulthood
Chair: Matteo Giletta
Discussant: Mitchell J. Prinstein
Nonsuicidal Self-Injury in Children of Depressed
Mothers: Moderation by CRHR1 TAT Haplotype
Brandon Gibb, Andrea Hanley, Jimmy Choi, Katie
Burkhouse, Mary Woody, Sydney Meadows, Michael
Van Wie, John McGeary, Valerie Knopik
Latent Trajectories of Adolescent Non-suicidal Self-
injury: Examining the Role of Peer Experiences
Matteo Giletta, Mitchell Prinstein, Andrea Barrocas,
Brandon Gibb, John Abela, Benjamin Hankin
Non-suicidal Self-injury as a Gateway to Suicide in
Young Adults
Janis Whitlock
(Event 1-138) Paper Symposium
Willow B (Sheraton Seattle Hotel, 2nd Floor)
Thursday, 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
1-138. Disrupted Representations of the
Child: Validity, Stability, and Associations
with Parenting Characteristics and Infant
Chair: Alissa Huth-Bocks
The Working Model of the Child Interview - Disrupted
Classification: Evidence for the Convergent and
Predictive Validity
Diane Benoit, Sheri Madigan, Amanda McKibbon
The Working Model of the Child Interview: Stability of
the Disrupted Classification in a Community
Intervention Sample
Alison Niccols, Ainsley Smith, Diane Benoit
Disrupted Representations in Parents of Full and
Preterm Infants
Ruby A.S. Hall, Hannah Hoffenkamp, Anneke
Tooten, Ad Vingerhoets, Hedwig J.A. van Bakel
Maternal Interpersonal Trauma and Disrupted
Maternal Representations: Implications for Infant
Social-Emotional Development
Sarah Ahlfs-Dunn, Alissa Huth-Bocks, Diane Benoit
Thursday, 1:20 pm - 2:20 pm
(Event 1-139) Poster Session 4
Exhibit Hall 4EF (Washington Convention Center)
Thursday, 1:20 pm - 2:20 pm
1 Clarifying Inhibitory Control: Investigating the
Factor Structure, Relationships, and Development
of Cognitive Inhibition
Steven Howard, Janice Johnson, Juan Pascual-
2 Inhibitory Control and Grasping Errors in
Anna Rhoad, Catherine Bruton, Karl Rosengren
3 Childhood Maltreatment and its Effect on Cognitive
Functioning: Chronicity and Timing Matters
Raquel Cowell, Dante Cicchetti, Fred Rogosch,
Sheree Toth
4 Infant's Ability to Understand Other People's
Action Goal Based on the Grammatical Form of an
Actor's Word
Eun Young Kim, Hyun-joo Song
5 Integration of Gaze and Positive Affect across
Contexts in Infancy
Devon Gangi, Lisa Ibanez, Naomi Ekas, Brittany
Lambert, Wendy Stone, Zachary Warren, Daniel
6 Frontolimbic Neural Circuitry at 6 Months Predicts
Individual Differences in Joint Attention at 9
Jed Elison, Jason Wolff, Debra Heimer, Sarah
Paterson, Hongbin Gu, Heather Hazlett, Martin
Styner, Guido Gerig, Joseph Piven, IBIS Network
7 RJA as a Mediator of Temperament-Language
Relationships in 15-month-olds
Misti Jeffers, Wallace Dixon
8 Surprise! Infants Learn More Effectively Following
Violation-of-Expectation Events
Aimee Stahl, Lisa Feigenson
9 Object-Action Mapping in Preschoolers: Are
Functional Actions with Manufactured Objects
Hannah Smith, Kirsten Scheil, Erin Hahn
10 Practice and Exploration in Young Children's
Learning About Tools
Rachel Baker
11 Pubertal, Genetic, and Environmental Influences
on Emotional Processing in Youth
Katie Burkhouse, John McGeary, Greg Siegle,
Brandon Gibb
12 Genetic and Environmental Contributions to
Covariation Between DHEA and Testosterone in
Adolescent twins.
Carol Van Hulle, Elizabeth Shirtcliff, Mollie Moore,
Kathryn Lemery-Chalfant, H. Goldsmith
13 Modeling Pubertal Development and Examining
Links to Behavior Problems
Josh Bricker, Adriene Beltz, Robin Corley, Sheri
14 Exploring the Psychological Impact of a Diagnosis
of Clinically Early Pubertal Development
Emma Clarkson, Gillian Harris, Jeremy Kirk,
Michael Larkin
15 High frequency oscillations correlate with language
function in early infancy
Shafali Jeste, Amanda Norona, Kevin McEvoy,
Scott Johnson
16 Latency to grasp toy and mu rhythm: an
exploratory study of mu desynchronization in 9-
month-old infants
Tanya Tavassolie, Kayla Finch, Tara Mamdouhi,
Erin Cannon
17 Different Patterns of Activation in Temporal Cortex
to Function vs. Non-Function Events
Teresa Wilcox, Amy Hirshkowitz, Laura Hawkins
18 Emotion Regulation Strategies and Physiological
Reactivity: Using Distraction and Reappraisal to
Regulate Sadness and Fear
Elizabeth Davis, Kristin Buss
19 The Role of Self-regulation and Temperament in
Predicting Cardiovascular Reactivity
Stacey Doan, Thomas Fuller-Rowell, Gary Evans
20 Physiological Regulation and Socio-Emotional
Regulation in Preschoolers during Emotionally-
Evocative Stories
Kathryn Marsh, Nancy Jones, Krystal Mize
21 Enhancing Narrative Quality (and Resisting
Suggestion?) with the Narrative Elaboration
Lorinda Camparo, Karen Saywitz
22 Developmental Differences in Children's Ability to
Sequence Details across Occurrences of a
Repeated Event
Donna Drohan-Jennings, Kim Roberts, Sonja
Brubacher, Una Glisic, Martine Powell, William
23 Detecting Deception with Children's Written and
Audio Statements: Reliability and Validity of ACID
by stimulus modality
Christine Henry, Megan Kradas, Kevin Colwell,
Victoria Talwar, Shanna Williams, Katherine
24 Tales From Children's Pretend World: A
Longitudinal Cross-Cultural Study of the
Development of Narrative Skills
Ai Keow Lim
25 The Imaginary Companions Created by Children in
Foster Care
Candice Mottweiler, Naomi Aguiar, Marjorie
Taylor, Philip Fisher
26 SEED Model of Early Language Development:
Communicative Behavior Germinates and Takes
Root During Social Interaction
Patricia Zukow-Goldring, Nancy Rader
27 Brain and behavioral correlates of the effects of
experience on imitation in 9-month-olds
Leslie Carver, Rebecca Cunningham
28 ANS acuity in infancy predicts ANS acuity in early
Ariel Starr, Elizabeth Brannon
29 The Development of Infant's Receptive Numerical
Vocabulary in a Preferential Looking Paradigm
Thomas Cole, Sara Cordes
30 Children's Learning and Generalization of the
Numeral Three
Roberto Abreu-Mendoza, Abril Plascencia-
González, Natalia Arias-Trejo
31 Infant Quantity Perception and Density
Lauren Goode, Lisa Cantrell, Linda Smith
32 The quantity of quantity: are visual area and
number represented by one system, or two?
Darko Odic, Melissa Libertus, Lisa Feigenson,
Justin Halberda
34 Conflict in the Soul: A Developmental Difference in
Moral Judgments About Temptation
Christina Starmans, Paul Bloom
35 Four-year-old Children's Judgment About
Proportional Equity
Hyorim Kim, Hyun-joo Song
36 Judging the Victims and Beneficiaries of Social
Jessy Thorn, Jason Scofield, Steve Thoma, Tricia
37 10-Month-Olds' Evaluations of Accidental and
Intentional Actions
Doan Le, J. Kiley Hamlin
38 Evaluating the Strength of Early Social
Preferences: Do Infants Avoid the Bad Guy at a
Cost, and Over Time?
Arber Tasimi, Karen Wynn
39 Orientation and Visually-Guided Action
Development in Toddlers
Nick Fears, Sandra Street, Linda Smith
40 Children's developing concept of "forever" in the
physical and social domains
Naomi Heilweil, David Sobel
41 Fitting Handled Objects into Slots
Wendy Jung, Björn Kahrs, Jeffrey Lockman
42 Measuring Infants' Planning Abilities: Kinematic
Analyses on an Inserting Task
Lauriane Rat-Fischer, Björn Kahrs, Sara Redahan,
Jacqueline Fagard, Jeffrey Lockman
43 Not Losing all of Your Marbles: Experience and
Planning Help Children Save
Andrea Astle, Kimberly Connolly, Deepthi
Kamawar, Corrie Vendetti, Serena Smygwaty,
Shamarukh Chowdhury
44 Inference Generation and Narrative
Comprehension in Children With ADHD
Jessica Van Neste, Angela Hayden, Elizabeth
Lorch, Richard Milich
45 Acquiring Inductive Constraints in the Causal
Zi Sim, Fei Xu
46 Children's intuitive chemistry: 3rd and 4th graders'
understanding of the strength of mixtures of water
with sugar or paint
Anne Schlottmann, Charlotte Moss, Julia Hill,
Michelle Ellefson, Connor Quinn, Keith Taber
47 Elementary school children's understanding of
experimental designs
Christopher Osterhaus, Susanne Koerber, Daniela
Mayer, Beate Sodian
48 Isolation of Variables in Children's Exploratory
Catherine Olsson, Laura Schulz
49 Effortful and Reactive Control: Prediction of
Academic Achievement and Social Behavior
Maša Vidmar
50 Preschoolers' Private Speech in Cognitive and
Emotional Self-Regulation Tasks
Kimberly Day, Whitney Adams, Cynthia Smith
51 Delay of Gratification in Kindergarten: Relations
with School and Child Level Characteristics
Aida Alikalfic, Caitlin Mauger, Clancy Blair
52 Preschooler Action Discontinuities During Snack-
Carolyn Palmer, Kristyn Tempora
53 Interrelations of Social, Academic, and Self-
Control Variables at Two Time Points in Early
Amanda Watson, Tina Savla
54 Infants' ERP responses when perceiving their own
versus others' faces
Sabine Hunnius, Janny Stapel, Ilse van Wijk,
Harold Bekkering
55 Reach Prediction Develops with Reach
Alexis Barton, Bennett Bertenthal
56 The Limits of Early Social Evaluations: Infants Fail
to Account for Variable Behaviors in Their Social
Conor Steckler, J. Kiley Hamlin
57 Do social and nonsocial cues enhance statistical
learning in distracting environments?
Ryan Barry, Katharine Graf Estes, Susan Rivera
58 Eye Gaze Versus Head Orientation: The Role of
Social Cues for Infants' Object Processing
Sebastian Wahl, Christine Michel, Sabina Pauen,
Stefanie Hoehl
59 Property type affects children's memory for social
categories and specific individuals
Anne Riggs, Chales Kalish, Martha Alibali
60 Preverbal infants expect and prefer conformity to
social group members
Lindsey Powell, Elizabeth Spelke
61 Majority Bias Promotes the Learning of Linguistic
Conventions in Three-Year-Olds
Colin Bannard
62 Emotional Self-Awareness and Internalizing in
Children with and without ADHD: A Moderation
Perry Factor, Rachel Reyes, Paul Rosen
63 Regulation of Specific Emotions and Peer
Victimization Among Children with ADHD
Rachel Reyes, Paul Rosen, Perry Factor
64 Longitudinal Development of Executive Functions
in Girls With and Without ADHD
Meghan Miller, Fred Loya, Stephen Hinshaw
65 The Relation Between Parental Emotion Coaching
and Empathy in Children With Autism
Jessica Berg, Beverly Wilson, Megan Zurawski,
Sparrow Joanne, Katelyn Hamilton
66 Predicting Autism from Social Communication
Skills, Early Play and Engagement of Children
Showing High Risk for Autism
Linh Huynh, Connie Kasari, Michael Siller
67 Superior Pitch Perception in Autism? Evidence of
Auditory Mismatch Negativity from Chinese
Luodi Yu, Yuebo Fan, Zhizhou Deng, Dan Huang,
Yang Fan, Hsuan-Chih Chen, Suiping Wang
68 The Moving Window Technique: quantifying how
children, adolescents, and adults with ASD attend
to facial expressions of emotion
Elina Birmingham, James Tanaka, Grace Iarocci
69 Understanding Time Estimation Among Low
Functioning Children with Autism Spectrum
Cathryn Gordon Green, Darlene Brodeur, Heidi
Flores, Jason Ringo, Jacob Burack
70 Asymmetry and Asynchrony in Facial Expression
Productions of Children with Autism Spectrum
Ruth Grossman, Angeliki Metallinou, Shrikanth
71 Exploring Item and Order Memory for Semantically
Related, Compared to Semantically Unrelated
Items in Down Syndrome
Elizabeth Smith, Christopher Jarrold
72 Evidence of Emotion Knowledge in Children and
Adolescents with Down Syndrome
Marie Channell, Frances Conners, Joan Barth
73 DNA Methylation Changes in Neonatal Blood are
Related to At-Risk Maternal Drinking and Child
Lisa Chiodo, Virginia Delaney-Black, Robert Sokol,
Douglas Ruden, Adele Kruger, Susan Land, John
74 Moderators and Mediators of the Relation between
Maternal Depressive Symptoms and Child
Internalizing Outcomes
Alexandra Hummel, Elizabeth Kiel
75 The Covariation of Peer Victimization and
Internalizing Problems in Middle Childhood:
Gender, Age and Ethnic Differences
Meghan Walker, Wendy Hoglund
76 The Role of Physiology and Temperament in the
Association Between Behavioral Inhibition and
Depressive Symptoms
Wesley Sanders, Jamie Abaied
77 Promoting Safety Skills in Children: A Quasi-
experimental Evaluation of the Kidpower Everyday
Safety Skills Program
Alaina Brenick, Julie Shattuck, Alice Donlan,
Eileen Zurbriggen, Shinchieh Duh
78 Intervention on Loneliness and Inferiority Among
Deaf-mute Children in Rural China
Yanzhen Zhang
79 The impact of youth internalising and externalising
symptoms on the effectiveness of brief personality-
targeted interventions for substance misuse.
Eveline Perrier-Ménard, Maeve O'Leary-Barrett,
Patricia Conrod, Alain Girard
80 CU-traits and Emotional Reactivity in Adolescence
Ann-Margret Rydell, Eva Stening
81 Association Between Emotional Neglect and
Hippocampal Volume in Prediction of Borderline
Personality Symptoms in Early Adolescence
Martina Jovev, Sarah Whittle, Murat Yücel, Julian
Simmons, Nicholas Allen, Andrew Chanen
82 Emotion Regulation Strategies as Moderators of
the Association between Trauma Exposure and
Emotional Numbing Among Delinquent Youth
Sheryl Schindler, Patricia Kerig, Cristina Hudak
83 Children's Coping with Natural Disasters: A
prospective study of predictors of posttraumatic
stress symptoms
Gretchen Kurdziel, Julia Felton, David Cole, Nina
Martin, Carl Lejuez
84 Effects of the Deepwater Horizon Gulf Oil Spill on
Children in a Community Affected by Multiple
Erin Reuther, Howard Osofsky, Tonya Hansel,
Kristin Callahan, Joy Osofsky
85 Infant Orientation to the Human Face at 5 weeks,
Maternal Sensitivity at 7 Months, and Callous
Unemotional Traits at 27 Months
Nicky Wright, Fay Huntley, Helen Sharp, Andrew
Pickles, Jonathan Hill
86 Dyadic Flexibility and Positive Affect in Mother-
Child Interaction and Effortful Control as Predictors
of Child Behavior Problems
Erin Albrecht, Christine Kemp, Erika Lunkenheimer
87 A Prospective Examination of Preschoolers'
Narrative Representations and Childhood
Izabela Grey, Brandy Taylor, Erika Jimenez,
Tuppett Yates
88 Self-regulation in Toddlers of Latina Adolescent
Mothers: Consequences for Developmental
Change in Externalizing and Internalizing
Josefina Grau, Erin Smith, Petra Duran, Patricia
Castellanos, Stephanie Silberman, Lauren Wood
89 The Pathways From School Bullying to Aggression
and Suicidal Ideation, with a Special Focus on
Protective Factors and Differences in Gender
Ji Yeon Lee, Ick Joong Chung
90 Efficacy of a Resilience-Based Intervention among
Rural-to-urban Migrant children in Beijing, China
Cheuk Chi Tam, Danhua Lin, Xiaoming Li
91 The Impact of ‘Scary' TV on Children's Emotional
Responses: a Meta-Analysis
Andy Field, Laura Pearce
92 Surviving the Curriculum: Predictors of Grade
Retention K-8
Pega Davoudzadeh, Melissa McTernan, Kevin
93 Why Ask Why? Examining Ethnic Minority Youth's
Attributions for Their Success and Failure
Erin Cue, Sandra Graham
94 Improving Student Achievement Through a Fourth
Grade Intervention Program: A Lesson Learned
Lizette Torres, Yafen Lo, Claudia Kouyoumdjian
95 A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Formal and
Informal Mathematical Competencies Between the
U.S. and Singaporean Preschoolers
Gabrielle Lai, Jae Paik
96 Children's Knowledge of Mathematics and How
Math is Used in Daily Activities
Shari Metzger, Susan Sonnenschein, Claudia
97 The Role of Early Number Sense and Executive
Function in Predicting Kindergarten Math
Casey Irwin, Nancy Jordan, Brenna Hassinger-
Das, Nancy Dyson
98 Are Students Learning What You're Teaching? :
Curriculum-Based Assessment and Response-to-
Intervention in Early Childhood Education
Chavaughn Brown, Abby Carlson, Lydia Carlis
99 What's in a Grade? The Relation Between
Students' Subjective Value of Grades and
Reported Emphasis of Assessment on Goal
Alison Koenka, Harris Cooper, Matthew Truwit
100 Mothers' Experiences Participating in the
Feedback of Their Child's Psychoeducational
Laurie Ford, Carla Lehouillier
101 How does the Educational Claim on Toy
Packaging Influence Parents' Purchasing
Dongyin Mei, Weiyi Ma, Li Sha, Xu Cheng, Yibo Li
102 Applying the Quality Monitor to compare the
quality of caregiver-child interactions in child care
centers during lunch and free play
Mirjam Gevers Deynoot-Schaub, Ruben Fukkink,
J. Marianne Riksen-Walraven, Iris Bollen, Katrien
O. W. Helmerhorst
103 Examining the Relationship between Home Chaos,
Preschool Quality, and Children's Social
Cynthia Buettner, Lieny Jeon, Eun Hye Hur
104 Adolescent Involvement in Clubs and Sports:
Development of Adult Civic Leaders
Rebecca Reichard, Laura Wray-Lake, John Dulay,
Allen Gottfried, Pamella Oliver, Adele Gottfried
105 The CONNECT Mentorship Program: Influences
on Positive Youth Development in Mentors and
Gary Creasey, Verenice D'Santiago, Robert Lee,
Martin Gallegos
106 An Integrated Model of Pathological Internet Use
among Vietnamese Adolescents: the Roles of
Autonomy Need Gratification
Huiling Li, Van-Dung Ho, Chengfu Yu, Yasong
Zhou, Wei Zhang
107 The Psychological Mechanism of Internet
Addiction among Vietnamese Adolescents
Huiling Li, Van-Dung Ho, Wei Zhang, Chengfu Yu,
Nini Li
108 Assessing Relationships Between Electronic Tool
Use, Academic Abilities, and Gain Scores for
Students Using a CBI Math Program
Kristina Higgins, Lindy Crawford, Jacqueline