2017 Product Sale Unit Guidebook
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2017 Popcorn and Nuts for Scouting Sale Reach for the Stars Highlights for 2017 Popcorn Products • • • • New Product Mix in Chocolate Lovers New Product Mix in Cheese Lovers New Product Salted Caramel Corn Removal of Trail Mix, Sweet and Savory, Butter Light and Jalapeno Cheese from product line Whitley’s Peanut Factory • • • Brand New Vendor 70% Return to Scouting New, Attractive Products for Show and Sell and Take Order New Prizes • • New Prizes featuring official BSA merchandise Brand new Robot Patch Incentive Program Technology • • • Integrated Online Orders Popcorn University New Online Tools 1 Table of Contents Page Topic 2……………………………………………………………..Letters of Welcome 3……………………………………………………………..Popcorn and Nuts Support Team 3……………………………………………………………..Important Websites 4……………………………………………………………..Unit Planning Conference 4………………………………………………………………Build a Budget 5………………………………………………………………Sales types 6………………………………………………………………Committing to the Sale 6………………………………………………………………Council Kickoff 6………………………………………………………………Popcorn University 7………………………………………………………………Trails End and Whitley’s Products 8………………………………………………………………Product FAQs 8………………………………………………………………Setting up a Personalized Selling Page 9………………………………………………………………Unit Kickoff 10…………………………………………………………….Placing you Show and Sell Order 13…………………………………………………………….Product Pick-up and Returns 14…………………………………………………………….Placing your Take Order Order 15…………………………………………………………….Prizes 17…………………………………………………………….FAQs Appendixes Appendix I………………..Unit Program Planner Appendix VII………………..Return Waiver Appendix II.................2017 Commission Sheet Appendix VIII……………….Show and Sell Calculator Appendix III……………..Product Sales Calendar Appendix IX….………..……Popcorn Take Order Worksheet Appendix IV……………..Sample Kickoff Agenda Appendix X……….…………Nut Take Order Worksheet Appendix V………………Scout Sales Tools Appendix XI………………...Council Prize Form Appendix VI……………..Goal Chart Appendix XII………………..Scout Bucks 2 Choose From your Adventure I’m New—This is My First Sale You may have sold popcorn before or you may not have. You may have volunteered for this position or you may have been asked. You may be excited about what we are about to do or you may be nervous about the job. Regardless of what your situation may be, we want to say WELCOME to the team and THANK YOU for what you are about to do! The Pennsylvania Dutch Council, BSA serves over 5,000 Scouting families in the course of a year and we want every Scout and his family to receive all of the great benefits Scouting has to offer. The PA Dutch Council provides fantastic camping facilities at J.E. Mack Scout Reservation and Bashore Scout Reservation. Our units across Lancaster and Lebanon Counties take advantage of these opportunities and so many more in our local communities and outside our area. These outdoor experiences provide chances for our Scouts to learn new life skills, earn advancements, spend quality time with their families, and have FUN! Annually, the PA Dutch Council works with our local units to help units raise money to make all of these things possible. THIS SALE HELPS MAKE SCOUTING POSSIBLE! We want unit leaders to be able to focus on their weekly meetings, activities, and working with the Scouts. Done well, popcorn and nuts can be the unit’s only fundraiser for the year! Monthly fundraisers take a lot of work, coordination, and can put financial burdens on the parents of your youth and the unit. This sale is a safe and great way to make sure your unit has the funding it needs to be successful throughout the year. Your role in this process is a very important one, but you are not alone. We have a fantastic team of volunteers and staff who will be working with you every step of the way. This short packet is meant to help you navigate your first sale and to help you make it as successful as possible. If at any time during the sale you need help, feel frustrated or stuck, please, don’t hesitate to contact one of us! Thank you for joining the team! The 2017 Kernel Team I’m an Experienced Kernel Excited for a Great Year! We are excited to share with you the great plans for this year’s sale and some tips to help your sale fund your unit for the year. As you know, the annual sale is an easy fundraiser your unit can participate in to help support your year round programs. There are incentives for the boys, great commissions for the units, and the sale is fun! We are excited this year to add to our list of quality products that people in the community are willing to buy to support Scouting. We hope to make this the most successful sale ever and have added new incentives and products to help your sale. Included in this guidebook you will find highlights of the program for 2017, the products, some selling techniques, and a calendar with all the important dates. This Product Sale Guidebook highlights the key steps for success and should be reviewed carefully. Some of the information included is general information about best practices from across the country while other information is specific to the sale here in the Pennsylvania Dutch Council. The sale is extremely important to funding your unit’s Scouting program. The sale is equally as important to our council so that we fund and maintain camps, provide service to units, develop new programs, and much more. Thank you for your participation. We hope you have a great sale and an even better year in Scouting! Thank you for being a part of the team! The 2017 Kernel Team 3 Popcorn and Nuts for Scouting Support Team Conestoga River Roger Harvey Conestoga River Kernel 717-468-5438 Rharvey1300@yahoo.com Nick Barlieb Conestoga River District Executive 717-553-4203 Nick.barlieb@scouting.org Harvest Heidi Patterson Harvest Kernel 717-406-8776 Harvest.popcorn@outlook.com Horse-Shoe Trail Tom Carr Horse-Shoe Trail Kernel 610-203-4335 Thomas.carr@yahoo.com Candy Quattrini Horse-Shoe Trail Co-Kernel 607-207-5038 cquattrini1020@gmail.com New DE info will be provided once hired Heather Contrestan Horse-Shoe Trail District Executive 717-553-4204 Heather.Contrestan@scouting.org Pennsylvania Dutch Council Joe Flaim Council Kernel 717-768-0961 Joeflapsu90@yahoo.com Leishamarie Rivera Council Sale Support 717-394-4063 leishamarie.rivera@scouting.org Scott Arnold Sale Staff Advisor 717-553-4208 Scott.Arnold@scouting.org Duane Crouse Council Development Director 717-394-4063 Duane.Crouse@scouting.org Matt Adams Council Scout Executive 717-394-4063 Matthew.Adams@scouting.org Important Websites Pennsylvania Dutch Council, BSA website-www.padutchbsa.org-From the Homepage follow the links for Popcorn and Nuts. The council site gives you access to important documents and support items for your unit’s sale. It also provides contact information to help answer any questions you may have. Trail’s End Popcorn System website-http://scouting.trails-end.com/-This is where you will log-in to place your unit orders for Popcorn, your prize orders and log important information for your sale. Video Tutorials for the Trail’s End Systems- http://sell.trails-end.com/content/6d8eb8b59aa67b6/training-videos -This link includes some great videos from Trail’s End, but most importantly it has tutorials of how to input your order in the Trail’s End System as well as how to help Scouts set up a Personalized Selling Page. These trainings have everything you need to help make your 2017 sale the best ever. 4 Running Your 2017 Popcorn and Nuts for Scouting Sale Instructions: This guide has been compiled to take you through the entire 2017 sale and help you plan and execute a plan to help your unit achieve an Ideal Year of Scouting. Whether you are a brand- new kernel or a seasoned veteran, this guide has been designed to take you step-by-step to help you achieve your goals! Step 1: Plan Your Ideal Year of Scouting As a leader, what does your Ideal Year of Scouting look like to you? Does it look the same for your Cub Scouts or your Boy Scouts? What do the parents in your unit think about when you mention an Ideal Year of Scouting? One of the greatest things about Scouting is your Ideal Year of Scouting can be whatever you can dream of and the 2017 Kernel Team wants to help you DREAM BIG! How big? Maybe it’s taking your Troop to the Battleship New Jersey for a weekend. Maybe it’s taking your Pack to the National Aquarium for an overnighter. Maybe it’s taking your unit to Hawaii or Space Camp! ALL have been done before with the help of Popcorn. How? Hold a Unit Planning Conference: o o o o o Between May and August bring together leaders, parents, and even Scouts to plan the upcoming Scouting year! Review the prior year What events did the unit do last year? What went well? What didn’t? What are key unit, district, or council dates to put on your unit calendar? What should we definitely do again? What didn’t we have a chance to do? Brainstorm-all ideas are welcome and are great! NO ideas are too big. From your list agree on what events/activities/programs/dreams will be part of your next year of Scouting Resources on how to conduct a Planning Conference can be found at: Cub Scouts- http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/CubScouts/Leaders/ProgramPlanning.aspx Boy Scouts- http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/BoyScouts/Planning.aspx Build a Budget: o o o o Once you know WHAT you want to do, the next step is to figure out HOW are you going to do it. Usually, one of the first questions regarding HOW involves how you are going to pay for it. Considerations for building your budget include: Registration Fees, Boys’ Life Subscriptions, Advancement, Activities, Camping, and Program Materials and Equipment. Cub Scouts check out Planning Your Pack’s Annual Program Budget at: http://www.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/510-273.pdf Boy Scouts check out Planning Your Troop’s Annual Program Budget at: http://www.scouting.org/filestore/boyscouts/pdf/510-275.pdf To help you build your budget, consider using the Program Planner Spreadsheet (Appendix I) or fillable, electronic version is available at www.padutchbsa.org Using this tool, you can establish: A unit fundraising goal for the year, a per boy fundraising goal, and a goal for the popcorn and nuts sale How does Commission work? All our products return 70% back to Scouting Units keep a minimum of 32% of Commission on every item in the sale Units can achieve as much as 36% of Commission on every item in the sale Prizes typically account for another 6%, so units really earn between 38% and 42% commission on everything they sell To see the details of the Commission Program (Appendix II) 5 Step 2: Decide How Your Unit Will Participate Units have 5 options for participating in the sale. Units can use any or all of these methods but the most successful units use a combination of all of the options below: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Show and Sell Show and Deliver (Wagon Dragin’) Take Order Combined Show and Sell and Take Order Online Sales (Popcorn Only) Show and Sell (September 8th-October 22nd)(Distribution September 8th) Show and Sell is designed for units to set up at locations such as grocery stores, local events, Wal-Mart, etc.… where they can display and sell actual product. You will need to estimate how much product you would like, lower dollar items such as the small Carmel Corn sell the best, but this may vary according to your location. Show and Sell successes are determined by location and the youth sharing with people what the money is being raised for. Units must order full cases for the Show and Sell and any leftover product (individual containers or cases) can and should be used in your Take Order sale or returned for credit (see the Sale Calendar for due dates). Show and Deliver: “The Family Preferred Method of Selling” (September 8th-October 22nd) This is similar to a Show and Sell except a unit selects a neighborhood and goes door-to-door with the product. This way a customer can receive and pay for the product on the spot. You will need to organize this a little different than a Show and Sell so that someone has a supply of the product to follow the boys around with. “A Scout can sell 5 times as much product vs. Show and Sell” Take Order (Order Form Distribution-October 22rd) The Take Order Sale may begin as soon as a unit receives its packet of materials at kickoff. The youth go door-to-door selling to friends, family, and neighbors. If your unit sets a goal for each youth to sell a minimum amount of popcorn and nuts the return on your sale will improve. If you start right away include what your unit has sold so far in your Show and Sell order. You will also need to set a deadline within your unit for the youth to turn in their orders, (orders are due by midnight October 25th.) Orders for the Take Order sale can be made in container count and not just by case, when ordered in October. Online Sales (Popcorn Products Only-August 1st-November 15th) Scouts contact friends and family members via e-mail, phone, or social media and invite them to visit their page. There the customer can read about the Scout and his goals, order product, pay by credit card, and have product delivered to their home. As a kernel this is the easiest method of selling because you never have to account for product. Commission received for Online Sales will be sent to the unit in a Commission Check at the end of the sale! Advantage: Allows Scouts to sell to friends and family members who live out of state. Also allows for repeat purchases year around. Combined Show and Sell/Deliver, Take Order and Online Sales (Order Form Distribution-October 22nd) The combined sale is the most effective method of selling, allowing units to display and sell product at a store front as well as each individual youth taking orders from neighbors, friends, and family. When ordering product for the combined sale, the Show and Sell/Deliver order is by full case only and any leftover product should be used to fill your Take Order sale needs or returned for credit. You can place the second order (Take Order Sale) by containers. 6 Step 3: Commit to Participate Once you have completed your planning process, determined your goal to make the Ideal Year of Scouting possible, and determined how your unit will participate in the sale, it is time to get committed! Complete your Unit Commitment Form o o o o The Unit Commitment Form provides important details for coordinating your sale: Contact information for the Kernel Contact information for the Unit Treasurer Information on what parts of the sale your unit will be participating in Preferred location to pick-up and return product Unit Goal (These are not binding. A unit goal helps the Kernel Team know what your unit is planning to do during the sale year so they can support you in reaching your goal!) You can register online or obtain a downloadable version of the Unit Commitment Form at www.padutchbsa.org/popcorn/ You may also opt to register directly through Trails End. All Kernels will be automatically added to the What’s Poppin’ Newsletter for the sale. Anyone is welcome to sign up for the bi-monthly communication that has lots of great information about the sale. Attend the Council Kickoff o o o o o The Council Kickoff is scheduled for August 2nd at Sky Zone in Lancaster. This year there was a major change. The Council Kickoff is open to the Scouts to learn about all the details for the upcoming sale. Why attend kickoff? Scouts will have classes on the following: • Safety • Sales techniques • Introduction to our new Vender and products • 2017 Prizes • How to set up a personalized Selling Page There will also be a Kew Kernel Training August 9th at the Scout offices • Receive your and learn about your support materials for the sale including: kernel packets, order forms, posters, etc. • Meet the Kernel Team and ask them ANY questions that you may have • Learn best practices • Learn about what is new for this year’s sale (i.e. products, incentives, programs) • Great training opportunity • Free samples and door prizes Who should attend? • Key Unit leaders for the sale o Any experienced Kernel that wants to review what’s new You can register online or obtain a downloadable version of the Kickoff Registration Form at www.padutchbsa.org/popcorn/ Step 4: Expand Your Knowledge/Get to Know the Products/Online Sales Popcorn University New on the Trails-End site this year is popcorn university. Topics include the following: • Host an Awesome Popcorn Kickoff 7 • • • • • • • • • • • • Ideal Year of Scouting How to Use the Trail's End Digital App Unit Leader Tutorial: How to Place Orders & Track Scout Sales Online Selling Scout Tutorial: How to Register and Create a Scout Page 6 Simple Steps to Selling Popcorn with Luke Top Seller Tips - Ben & Luke Parent Training Video - Teresa Barnett Leader Training Video - Teresa Barnett Council Training Video - Teresa Barnett Scout Training The Power Within How to Host a Great Kickoff Several of these videos will also be posted on our website either under “Information for Parents” or “Information for Scouts.” 2017 Popcorn Products from Trail’s End o o o o o o o o o o o Popping Corn Classic Caramel Corn* White Cheddar Cheese Corn* Premium Caramel Corn* Unbelievable Butter-Microwave * Kettle Corn-Microwave Sea Salt Caramel Popcorn Silver Level Military Donation Cheese Lover’s Collection Gold Level Military Donation Chocolate Lover’s Collection (Tin) $10 $10 $15 $20 $20 $25 $25 $30 $30 $50 $60 Show and Sell and Take Order Show and Sell and Take Order Show and Sell and Take Order Show and Sell and Take Order Show and Sell and Take Order Show and Sell and Take Order Take Order Sale Only Show and Sell and Take Order Show and Sell and Take Order Show and Sell and Take Order Take Order Sale Only *Denotes top selling products in 2016 2017 Nuts from Whitley’s Peanut Factory We are excited to be partnering with Whitley’s this year to offer a line of nut products to our sale. These highquality products are sure to be a hit with your sale this year! o o o o o o o o o o Troops Salted Virginia Peanuts Troops Honey Roasted Virginia Peanuts Bacon Maple Virginia Peanuts Milk Chocolatey Covered Peanut Clusters Party and Pub Mix Dark Chocolatey Covered Almond Clusters Salted Jumbo Cashews Honey Cinnamon Almonds Milk Chocolatey Caramel Peanut Delights 5 Pack Gift Set, with Virginia Peanuts, Honey Roasted Peanuts, Honey Cinnamon Almonds Salted Jumbo Cashews and Natural Pistachios $15 $15 $15 $15 $20 $20 $20 $25 $35 $50 Show and Sell and Take Order Show and Sell and Take Order Show and Sell and Take Order Take Order Only Take Order Only Take Order Only Show and Sell and Take Order Show and Sell and Take Order Take Order Only Take Order Only 8 Products FAQs Trail’s End Online Products For 2017, in addition to some of the products that will be in our normal sale, Trail’s End is planning to offer (subject to change): o o o o o o o Simply Salted Popcorn 24 and 40 packs of Movie Theater Butter Microwave Popcorn Milk Chocolate Pecan Clusters Aged White Cheddar Popcorn Sweet Caramel with Sea Salt Popcorn Donut Shop Blend Coffee – K-Cups 3 New levels of Military Donations Unique products such as these will only be available through the online sales site. What does that mean for our kernels? Online sales are the easiest to manage. When a customer buys online from a Scout, Trail’s End handles the transaction, the ordering, and shipping. The kernel does not have to account for any of the online purchases in their product orders. Units with online orders will receive credits for online sales with their commission checks. Kernels do have to track online sales totals towards Scouts overall dollar goals. Personalized Selling Page Trail’s End has released a brand new online selling platform. Instead of just sending emails, Scouts can set up their own page for friends and family to order from them. A full video tutorial is available at http://sell.trailsend.com/content/6d8eb8b59aa67b6/training-videos or follow the steps below. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Visit www.trails-end.com Upper right corner click Register Select Scout/Parent on the next screen Select whether you are under or over the age of 13 Fill out the registration form with the instructions provided—once complete you will be taken to your Dashboard On the About Me page upload a picture and write a bio or description as to what you are raising money to do! Talk about all the great activities you will be doing in your Ideal Year of Scouting. Add your twitter or Instagram handle. Create your Goal by giving it a name and a dollar amount You can then personalize your page by adding up to 5 photos or videos On the Dashboard, select your favorite products from the products listed To check your progress click on View My Fundraiser Webpage at any time Once satisfied, return to the Dashboard and click Share Your Page where you will be able to share your page via email and social media! To view orders, click on View Orders from the Dashboard You can change any of your profile information by clicking on the Gearbox in the upper right hand corner Questions? Contact support@Trails-End.com or twitter @TrailsEndSnacks. 9 Step 5: Hold a Fun-Filled Unit Kickoff The Unit Kickoff is one of the most important parts of a successful sale. Kickoffs should be scheduled for one of the unit’s first meetings in August or September. Kickoffs can happen as early as August 3rd (the night after the Council Kickoff) or later in September if the unit is only going to participate in Take Order and/or Online Sale. Objectives of the Kickoff a. Emphasize what the Scouts will receive for hitting their goal; prizes, Scouting programs, camp, etc. • Educate parents so they know: 1) The purpose of the sale, 2) How the money raised will be used, 3) What the “per-Scout goal” is. (They will be much more interested when they know this information.) b. Get Scouts and families excited! Consider using some of the Unit’s commissions to offer additional incentives that your Scouts really want. Tips for a Successful Kickoff • • • • • • • • Provide plenty of popcorn and snacks and make it exciting for your sales team-The Scouts. Review the year’s Scouting Program calendar and explain to the families how the entire program can be funded with one fundraiser: The Popcorn and Nut Sale. Determine how much product you will need to sell to reach your goal: o Budget goal / commission rate = Sales goal. o Communicate the Unit’s sales goal and each Scout’s sales goal. Have the boys write their goals on the Take Order Forms. Show the Scouts what prizes they can earn by hitting their sales goal. o Have a prize for the top seller in the Unit and/or each Den/Patrol (Ticket to local amusement park, a video game, gift cards, etc.) o Review the Prize and Scholarship Program and all the Council Level Incentives ($1000 Club, $1,500 Club, $2,000 Club, $2,750 Club, $3,500 Club and Free weeks at camp) Role-play with the Scouts on how to sell. Review sales materials and key dates. Do a skit or fun activity to get the boys trained and excited about the sale, and to teach them about safety when selling. A sample Kickoff Agenda, Scout story pitch, and Scout goal sheet are included in the appendix (Appendix IV). During the gathering period, have a popcorn display and samples. Use the pictures taken at camp to create a collage of activities the unit participated in last year and what you want to do this year. Have a poster with the Scout’s names and a place for them to write in their goals. Reserve the Popcorn Popper • • • • The Council has a Popcorn Machine that units can reserve for their kickoff at no cost Kernels, oil, and bags are provided. (each pack serves about 10 people) You can submit a request to reserve the Popcorn Popper by visiting www.padutchbsa.org/popcorn/ To check on availability, contact Leisha at leishamarie.rivera@scouting.org Reserve the Prize Table • • • • • This year the Kernel Team is happy to share a selection of prizes from the Prize Mania Prize Program that you can display at your kickoff Being able to see some of the prizes that the Scouts can earn helps to build excitement and to set goals The unit is responsible for any prizes that are missing or broken You can submit a request to reserve the prizes by visiting www.padutchbsa.org/popcorn/ To check on availability, contact Leisha at leishamarie.rivera@scouting.org 10 Step 6: Placing Your First Order (Show and Sell) If your unit is participating in the Show and Sell portion of the sale, you will need to order product in order to have it available for your sale. You will need to use the Trail’s End System to order your Popcorn Product and our Nuts System to order your Nut Products. To Place Your Trail’s End Order o o o o o o o o o o o o Visit http://scouting.trails-end.com/ Enter your Username and Password (provided to you at the kickoff) If you forget your Username and/or Password, you can click on Need help? To recover them or contact Leisha Rivera at the Council Office. Once logged in you will be on the Homepage of your Unit Leader Account Before ordering click the Cluster of White Cubes at the top of your screen Make sure under the drop down Available Period you are set to the 2017-2018 Fundraising Cycle If you are the Kernel for multiple units or have multiple roles in a unit make sure the drop down for Available Roles is the correct unit and role that you are entering an order for Return to the Unit Leader Homepage and click the Unit Orders from the Navigation bar Then click the New Unit Order button Then you will be taken to the Unit Ordering screen Using the drop-down menus to select Campaign (Fall 2017), Order name A list of products that are available will populate and you can select your order quantities (remember Show and Sell orders are by case, quantities that are 1:1 mean that there is 1 container in a case, quantities that are 12:1 mean there are 12 containers in a case) Once you have completed your order click Save on the right-hand side of the screen if you want to come back to it later or Submit if the order is complete and you would like to submit it to the council You will receive a Green Success notification once you have saved or submitted Tutorials on placing your order are available at: http://sell.trailsend.com/content/6d8eb8b59aa67b6/training-videos To Place Your Nuts for Scouting Order o o o o o o Visit www.padutchbsa.org/popcorn/ and click on the button for Nuts Fall Product Order Enter your name, district, unit type, unit number, email address, phone number, address, order date and pick-up location From the drop-down menus, select the products you want (must order in quantities of 12, there are 12 cans to a case) Click Submit You will receive a confirmation email with the product that you ordered Once you hit Submit, if you would like to make any changes please contact the Pennsylvania Dutch Council What Should I Order One of the trickiest steps for the Show and Sell campaign is to figure out how much product to order. The 2 biggest questions are How Much to Order and What to Order. How Much to Order • Units are only permitted to order 80% of their total sale from the previous year. On your envelope from the kickoff you will have a label that tells you what your 80% amount is. 11 Example: 2016 Unit Show and Sell 2016 Unit Take Order Total Unit 2016 Sale $4,000 $6,000 $10,000 2017 Show and Sell Maximum Order=$10,000 x 80% or $8,000 • • • • These totals include both Popcorn and Nuts for Scouting If your unit runs out of product during the Show and Sell portion, you can request additional product by contacting Leishamarie Rivera Any unsold product can be used to fill your Take Order or returned with no penalty on the October 23rd Return Night If a unit wants to request more than the 80%, the unit can fill out the 2017 Product Sale Show and Sell Orders and Return Policy form (Appendix V) included, but WILL NOT BE ABLE TO RETURN ANY PRODUCT What to Order During the Show and Sell portion of the sale it is important to remember your table space in being able to display products. You only have a few moments to catch the attention of the potential customer. Focus on the top selling products. To help you determine what products to order since you will be using 2 systems to place your order, refer to the 2017 Show and Sell Calculator (a hard copy is below (Appendix VI), but an electronic fillable copy is available online). Different products sell better in different areas. Below we have put together a couple of samples to help you determine what you should order. Example 1: For the Unit that hasn’t done Show and Sell and would like to try-$1,500 in product Cases x Containers x Price = Total Price Popcorn Products Cheese Lover's Collection Kettle Corn-Microwave Unbelievable Butter-Microwave Salted Caramel Corn Premium Caramel Corn White Cheddar Cheese Classic Caramel Corn Popping Corn Nut Products Troops Salted Virginia Peanuts Troops Honey Roasted Virginia Peanuts Salted Jumbo Cashews Bacon Maple Virginia Peanuts Honey Cinnamon Almonds Cases Containers in a Case 1 6 2 6 12 1 12 1 12 2 12 12 Cases 1 1 1 Containers in a Case 12 12 12 12 12 Price Per Container $30.00 $25.00 $20.00 $25.00 $20.00 $15.00 $10.00 $10.00 Total Price $0.00 $0.00 $240.00 $0.00 $240.00 $180.00 $240.00 $0.00 Price Per Container $15.00 Total Price $180.00 $15.00 $20.00 $15.00 $25.00 $180.00 $240.00 $0.00 $0.00 80% Dollar Figure: Less Total Order: $1,500.00 $0.00 12 Example 2: For the Unit that is working to hit the average $4,000 Unit Sale Cases x Containers x Price = Total Price Popcorn Products Cheese Lover's Collection Kettle Corn-Microwave Unbelievable Butter-Microwave Salted Caramel Corn Premium Caramel Corn White Cheddar Cheese Classic Caramel Corn Popping Corn Cases Containers in a Case 2 1 2 6 3 6 1 12 2 12 3 12 4 12 1 12 Price Per Container $30.00 $25.00 $20.00 $25.00 $20.00 $15.00 $10.00 $10.00 Total Price $60.00 $300.00 $360.00 $300.00 $480.00 $540.00 $480.00 $120.00 Nut Products Troops Salted Virginia Peanuts Troops Honey Roasted Virginia Peanuts Salted Jumbo Cashews Bacon Maple Virginia Peanuts Honey Cinnamon Almonds Cases Containers in a Case 2 12 Price Per Container $15.00 Total Price $360.00 1 1 1 1 12 12 12 12 $15.00 $20.00 $15.00 $25.00 80% Dollar Figure: Less Total Order: $180.00 $240.00 $180.00 $300.00 $4000.00 $100.00 To find the right fit for your unit, use the electronic version of the spreadsheet, enter your 80% Figure and try to get your Less Total Order amount to get as close to 0 as possible! If you need help, please contact your Kernel! What about Military Sales with Show and Sell? Many Scouts are successful with Military Sales as part of their Show and Sell. You do not have to pre-order military sales the same way that you order the other product. Any military sales made during the Show and Sell portion of the sale should be totaled up and the order placed when you place the Take Order portion of the sale. It is fine if your unit participates only in the Show and Sell and only has to place military sales as part of the Take Order portion of the campaign. Remember though that the most successful units participate in Show and Sell, Take Order and On-Line sales. 13 Step 7: Pick-up and Returns-What are they and How do they work? Pick-up Information Whether you are participating in Show and Sell only, Take Order only, or both you will need to plan to pick-up your product at the designated warehouse space on our pick-up dates. Show & Sell Order – Due August 25, 2017 Pick-up September 8, 2017 – Districts will Schedule Lancaster and Denver Locations Only (directions to the warehouses will be emailed the week prior to delivery) Take Orders – Due October 25, 2017 Pick-up November 10, 2016 – Districts will Schedule Lancaster, Denver, and Lebanon Locations (directions to the warehouses will be emailed the week prior to delivery) Tips for Pick-up o Bring enough vehicles to carry your entire order in one trip (use numbers below to determine roughly how much product will fit in your vehicle) Mid-size car—10 cases Jeep—25 cases Mini-van—50 cases Suburban—60 cases Full Size Pick-Up Truck—80 cases o Bring order documents and verify your order as it’s loaded o Bring someone to help you count your order as it’s loaded Returns Returns are ONLY part of the Show and Sell portion of the sale. At the end of the Show and Sell, units who have not exceeded their 80% (please see the 2017 Product Sale Show and Sell Orders and Return Policy for additional details) are permitted to return any of their product with no penalty. Product must be returned on the evening of October 23rd or earlier at the designated warehouses. Tips for Return Night o o o o o o Make sure you have a good inventory of what you will be returning BEFORE you bring it to the warehouse At the warehouse a volunteer will verify the quantity and the shape of your returns If you discover damaged product during the sale, please REPORT IT RIGHT AWAY Damaged product the night of returns will not be accepted and the unit will be billed for the damaged product You can return cases AND individual containers Please try to keep products together, it makes it easier to count and verify everything What should I return? What should I keep? If you are participating in both the Show and Sell and Take Order portions of the sale, you can use leftover Show and Sell product to fill your take orders. Use the 2017 Returns and Take Order Forms to help determine which product you should keep and which products you should return. Hard copies of both forms are in the appendix, while electronic versions are available at www.padutchbsa.org/popcorn/. Step 8: Placing Your Take Order 14 If your unit is participating in the Take Order portion of the sale, you will need to order product once you have collected all your orders. You will need to use the Trail’s End System to order your Popcorn Product and our Nuts System to order your Nut Products. To Place Your Trail’s End Order o o o o o o o o o o o o Visit http://scouting.trails-end.com/ Enter your Username and Password (provided to you at the kickoff) If you forget your Username and/or Password, you can click on Need help? To recover them or contact Leisha Rivera at the Council Office. Once logged in you will be on the Homepage of your Unit Leader Account Before ordering click the Cluster of White Cubes at the top of your screen Make sure under the drop down Available Period you are set to the 2017-2018 Fundraising Cycle If you are the Kernel for multiple units or have multiple roles in a unit make sure the drop down for Available Roles is the correct unit and role that you are entering an order for Return to the Unit Leader Homepage and click the Unit Orders from the Navigation bar Then click the New Unit Order button Then you will be taken to the Unit Ordering screen Using the drop-down menus to select Campaign (Fall 2017), and order name A list of products that are available will populate and you can select your order quantities. If you participated in the Show and Sell portion of the sale, make sure your account for your inventory before you place the order. Remember that these products can be ordered by individual container, you do not have to order a full case! Once you have completed your order click Save on the right-hand side of the screen if you want to come back to it later or Submit if the order is complete and you would like to submit it to the council You will receive a Green Success notification once you have saved or submitted Tutorials on placing your order are available at: http://sell.trailsend.com/content/6d8eb8b59aa67b6/training-videos To Place Your Nuts for Scouting Order o o o o o o Visit www.padutchbsa.org/popcorn/ and click on the button for Nuts for Scouting Take Order Enter your name, district, unit type, unit number, email address, phone number, address, order date and pick-up location From the drop-down menus, select the products you want (order the quantity you need) Click Submit You will receive a confirmation email with the product that you ordered Once you hit Submit, if you would like to make any changes please contact the Pennsylvania Dutch Council 15 Step 9: Prizes, Prize Orders, and Victory Celebrations Prizes are a huge incentive for our Scouts to be recognized for all their hard work. Every Scout who participates in the sale should have the opportunity to earn a prize and be recognized at a unit Victory Celebration. Prizes from our prize company are typically delivered in the month of November as long as your order is submitted by the end of October. In addition to the prizes that are on the flier in each of the order forms, the Pennsylvania Dutch Council is offering some great incentives for this year! Pennsylvania Dutch Council Incentives and Prizes • • • • • • • • • • • • $3,500 Club—Every Scout who sells at least $3,500 will be recognized as our top salesmen with an exclusive $3,500 Club backpack*, Hershey Park tickets, Hershey Bears Tickets, and Penn Cinema Recognition Event. $2,750 Club – Every Scout who sells at least $2,750 will be recognized with an exclusive $2,750 Club Port Authority Splash Bag*, Hershey Park tickets, Hershey Bears Tickets, and Penn Cinema Recognition Event. $2,000 Club – Sponsored by Hershey Park Every Scout who sells at least $2,000 will be recognized with a free ticket to Hershey Park for the 2018 season. They will also be recognized with an exclusive $2,000 Club sweatshirt*, Hershey Bears Tickets, and Penn Cinema Recognition Event. $1,500 Club – Sponsored by the Hershey Bears Every Scout who sells at least $1,500 will become a member of the $1,500 Club. Membership in the club will entitle the Scout to attend a special night at a Hershey Bears game. (Tickets for parents and siblings will be available for purchase at a discount price). Each Scout that qualifies will be recognized with an exclusive $1,500 Club t-shirt*. $1000 Club – Every Scout who sells at least $1000 will become a member of the $1,000 Club and be invited to the Penn Cinema Recognition Event. (*All exclusive prizes are only available at that level and do not stack—i.e. a Scout who sells $2,000 gets the sweatshirt, but not the t-shirt) Trail’s End Scholarship-Popcorn ONLY-If a Scout sells over $2,500 in one year, 6% of his sales in subsequent years will go towards a scholarship fund for college. After the first year, the Scout does not need to sell $2,500 to qualify for the program (Please, note that a new form needs to be completed and submitted every year). Military Sales-There is a recognition for Scouts that help to provide popcorn to our troops through Military Sales. Scouts that have $125 in Military Sales will receive a Silver Level Military Patch. Scouts that have $250 in Military Sales will receive a Gold Level Military Patch. This year’s patch will be the 3rd in a series. Mega-corn the Destroyer Collection Patch-This year we are debuting a brand-new patch set. Scouts can work to earn the 6 sections of the patch including: Participation Patch, Online Sale Patch, Seller Club Patch (sell $650), Military Patch, One of Each Patch, and the Top Seller patch! Top Salesman Prizes-Free Weeks at Camp - The top 5 Cub Scout salesmen and top 5 Boy Scout Salesmen in the council will earn a free week of summer camp at Bashore Scout Reservation or J. Edward Mack Scout Reservation to the 2017 camp season. *minimum $4000 in sales Top Unit Prize-Sky Zone Lancaster-Sky Zone Lancaster will host a 20 person party with bounce time and food for the top selling unit in the Pennsylvania Dutch Council! Sky Zone is located in the Greenfield Business in Lancaster. The package includes: 30 minute Private Dodgeball Court, 30 minute Jump on Main Court, Access to Foam Zone and Sky Slam, 1 hour private party, 4 one topping pizzas and 4 pitchers of fountain beverages! “Prize Mania” Prize Program-We will be working this year with National Supply to deliver this year’s prizes. This enables us to offer some official BSA items as prizes this year. A complete list of prizes is available with every order form and descriptions of prizes are available at PaDutchbsa.org/popcorn “Camp Bucks” Prize Program-The “Prize Mania” Prize Program is a great program, but there are some Scouts who would rather use Popcorn and Nuts to help earn their way to Summer Camp. We are offering a “Camp Bucks” program at selected levels for use at Pennsylvania Dutch Council Camps or Programs. These bucks can be used for Summer Resident Camp, Summer Day Camps, Fall District Events, National Youth Leadership Training, Spring District Events, or towards Council High Adventure Programs. For 2018, the bucks ARE ONLY available for use within the Pennsylvania Dutch Council. 16 • How do I keep track of all the prizes? To help you keep track of the all the different prizes and to make it easier to order, please use the 2017 Prize Order Summary Sheet available on www.padutchbsa.org/popcorn/. Start by entering the Scout Dollar Totals on the Summary page. Enter their prize selections in the Individual Scout Prizes and the Unit Prize Summary will automatically populate for you to place your order. • How do I submit prize orders? • Prize Mania Prize Orders and Mega-corn Collection Patch These prizes are the prizes that every Scout can be eligible for. Once you know which prizes and how many of each prize you need you can log into the Popcorn system at http://scouting.trails-end.com/. Here you will find a link to order prizes. Enter the quantity of each prize you need and submit. Prize Orders placed by the end of October will be delivered in November. • Club Prizes, Military Sales, and Top Salesman Those Scouts that qualified for the $3,500, $2,750, $2,000, $1,500, or $1000 Clubs, qualified for the military patches or were your unit’s top salesman, need to be submitted to the Pennsylvania Dutch Council using the 2017 Council Prizes Form. A copy of this form is included in the packet. Be sure to indicate sweatshirt size and t-shirt size for those Scouts in the $2,000 Club or $1,500 Club. This form should be submitted electronically to Leisha at leishamarie.rivera@scouting.org. • Camp Bucks Camp Bucks can be a great way to engage your older Scouts in the sale. Camp Bucks replace a prize from the Prize Mania Prize program, but do not replace the club levels, military sales, or top salesman. Camp Bucks can be earned starting at prize level 4. Scouts wishing to earn Camp Bucks instead of prizes need to be submitted on the Camp Bucks Program form included with this packet. 17 Frequently Asked Questions I had a password last year but it won't work this year. Why? With the Trail’s End system, all the passwords and user IDs have been reset. You will be able to change your password or any incorrect information when you log in for the first time. How do I check Online Sales? Online sales are now directly tracked in the new Popcorn System. I have a problem with my Prize Order. Who do I call for help? If you need assistance with this process, please contact Supply Customer Service by phone 800-323-0736 or email customer.service@scouting.org. They are very good about replacing damaged prizes, tracking lost orders, and just being helpful in general. If you do not hear back from either contact, please contact Leisha or Scott at the Pennsylvania Dutch Council Office. I have a problem with my bill. Who do I call? Call the Pennsylvania Dutch Council Office at 717-394-4063 between 10:00 AM and 3:00 PM, Monday through Friday. We have sold out of some of our popcorn and nuts for our Show & Sell. Can we get more? Yes. We normally have some additional product on hand during the Show & Sell portion of the sale. Simply, contact the Council Office and we will coordinate getting you the additional product. I ordered too much product for my Show & Sell. Can I return the extras to the council for a refund? Yes. You may return product on Monday, October 23rd, 2017, or before. After 10/23 we cannot accept any more product. Please plan accordingly. During the sale, if you know that you will have extra product, let your district kernel know. Other units in your neighborhood are often looking for extra product and they may be able to take some off your hands. We can arrange a transfer of popcorn from one unit to another. Please, remember if you sign the Popcorn Waiver when placing your order or if products are damaged you cannot return them. Do I need to submit Trail’s End Scholarship paperwork every year? Yes. Every year, including the year that you qualify, you must submit paperwork. Scouts must submit the Scholarship Form, copies of their sales sheets, and breakdowns of Online Sales and Take Order or Show and Sell forms. These forms must be submitted to Trail’s End electronically. Scouts and their parents can do this directly or submit everything to the Council Office to be submitted on their behalf. The Scholarship Form is available from the Pennsylvania Dutch Council website. Can people order additional product from my unit after the official sale is over? Yes, they can. We generally have additional popcorn available through the holidays so please let us know your needs. Your customers can also log onto www.trails-end.com and purchase popcorn with a credit card. The product is shipped directly from Trail's End to the customer AND your unit and Scouts receive credit for the sale. The Pennsylvania Dutch Council will distribute 32% commission to units on sales generated online year-round. Are product purchases tax deductible? Because you receive products in exchange for your payment, only a portion of your purchase is tax deductible. The portion that is tax deductible is typically the difference in the amount you would normally pay if you bought a similar item at the grocery store vs. the price of the product you purchased. For online sales, Shipping and Handling charges are NOT tax deductible. We urge you to consult your tax professional to confirm this as well. Military Donation: When you purchase the Military Donation you are making a charitable contribution since you don't receive actual product in exchange for your payment. This means that the purchase should be 100% tax deductible. As always, make sure to double check this with your tax professional, as tax laws often change. 18 Appendix 19 I 2017 is an exciting year for your unit through your annual Popcorn and Nuts Sale. All products sold will count towards your unit’s commission. Units selling keep a minimum of 32% commission and have an opportunity to grow that 32% to 36%! Here is how it works! Seller Level (32% Commission): Simple. Participate in the sale! Bronze Level (33% Commission): Step 1: Place Orders and Pay on Time Step 2: Increase your overall sale over 2016 Step 3: Sell over $3,500 Silver Level (34% Commission): Step 1: Step 2: Step 3: Or: Place Orders and Pay on Time Increase your overall sale 15% over 2016 Sell over $4,000 Automatically qualify by selling $12,000 or more Gold Level (36% Commission): Step 1: Step 2: Step 3: Or: Place Orders and Pay on Time Increase your overall sale 25% over 2016 Sell over $4,000 Automatically qualify by selling $20,000 or more **Goal sheets are provided for each unit at the Council Kickoff** New and Separated Units If you are a brand-new unit or if your unit did not sell last year you have an opportunity to also qualify for bonus commission during the 2017 Popcorn and Nuts Sale. Here is how it works! New Units Returning Separated Units Seller Level (32% Commission): Simple. Participate in the sale Seller Level (32% Commission): Simple. Participate in the sale Bronze Level (33% Commission): Step 1: Attend the Council Kernel Training Step 2: Hold a Unit Level Kickoff Step 3: Place Orders and Pay on Time Step 4: Sell at or above the district 2016 per boy level Bronze Level (33% Commission): Step 1: Attend the Council Kernel Training Step 2: Hold a Unit Level Kickoff Step 3: Place Orders and Pay on Time Step 4: Increase over your last sale (min. $3,500) Silver Level (34% Commission): Step 1: Place Orders and Pay on Time Step 2: Sell 15% over the district 2016 per boy level Or: Qualify by selling $12,000 or more Silver Level (34% Commission): Step 1: Place Orders and Pay on Time Step 2: Increase 15% over your last sale (min. $4,000) Or: Qualify by selling $12,000 or more Gold Level (36% Commission): Step 1: Place Orders and Pay on Time Step 2: Sell 25% over the district 2016 per boy level Or: Qualify by selling $20,000 or more Gold Level (36% Commission): Step 1: Place Orders and Pay on Time Step 2: Increase 25% over your last sale (min. $4,000) Or: Qualify by selling $20,000 or more 20 II Appendix 2017 Fall Product Sale Calendar Date Action 7/21 Units submit their Unit Commitment Forms 7/1-8/30 Contact local venues for Show and Sell Opportunities. Schedule early! 8/2 Show Take Combined & Sell Order X X X X Product Sale Kickoff X X X Units conduct individual kickoffs to share information about the Product sale with their Scouts and their parents. X X X 8/9 New Kernel Training, Experienced Kernels welcome X X X 8/25 Show & Sell Orders due at Council Support Center or Online. X 9/7&8 Units pick-up their Show & Sell product. The unit kernel will be emailed information regarding the pick-up location & time. X 10/23 Product sale return date. Returns are made to the warehouse by district. Please do not return to service center. X 10/25 Product sale campaign ends. Unit Orders for the Take Order Sale are due. X X X 11/1 Prize order completed online or form and incentive sheet due at office. X X X 11/9&10 Unit’s pick–up their Take Order product. The unit kernel will be emailed information regarding the pick-up location & time. X X 11/28 Any missed or additional orders due. The unit kernel will be emailed information regarding the pickup location and time. X 12/11 Product sale money Due - Final deadline. Unit retains base commission on all sales. 8/4-9/15 Late Payment penalty begins: Units will incur a 3% penalty per week on all outstanding balances due to the Council. i.e. late one week = -3%, 12/13 and is ineligible for bonus commissions. (Units will not be penalized on Late orders before 12/27, however any orders from standard Show and Sell and Take Order will be accessed 12/20 Late Payment penalty: Units now incurs a 6% on all outstanding balances due to the Council and is ineligible for bonus commissions. Late Payment penalty: Units now incurs 9% on all outstanding balances 12/27 due the Council and is ineligible for bonus commissions. Last day for late order payment before penalties. 1/7/18 Victory Celebration at Penn Cinema, By invitation only. “Star Wars” movie. 2/1/18 Bonus commission and Online Sales commission checks sent to units. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 21 III Appendix Pre-Kickoff Meeting Agenda I. a. b. c. d. e. f. Parent Meeting Key Ingredients to Our Ideal Year of Scouting Planning the entire year – focus on program in a Scouting activity Developing a budget to fund the program and Communicating the plan and budget Setting goals for the unit and Scouts Participating in one fundraiser to meet the needs of the budget Building excitement for the program II. Annual Program g. Go over activities unit will be participating in throughout the year h. Discuss the cost for activities i. Communicate to the parents how much it will cost each Scout to receive a full Scouting program. III. Financing our plan j. One Fundraiser! k. Using the budget to set goals Sample Kickoff Agenda I Opening a. Pledge of Allegiance b. Welcome parents and introduce committee members II Describe the popcorn and nuts program, Why a sale? a. Scout level: Build leadership and earn advancements b. Unit level: Fund the unit programs c. Council level: improve camping facilities and programs d. Prize program: Gift Cards and special rewards e. Emphasize 100% participation from all Scouts Discuss safety concerns a. Train on sales techniques for Show and Sell, Show and Deliver, Take Order AND On-Line Sales b. Instruct Scouts to wear uniforms c. Question and answer period III IV Go over courtesy points a. Say thanks! b. Count change in front of the customer c. Make checks payable to unit d. Do not leave product unattended e. Discuss details (dates, locations, etc.) V Review Scout Goals and Incentives a. Show the goal in terms of customers or containers b. Explain your unit incentives for the dens or patrols c. Review the prize information d. Distribute Order Forms and Sales Brochures 22 IV Appendix Sample Story Pitch and Customer Identification Hi, my name is (First Name Only) and I’m a Cub/Boy Scout with Pack/Troop # ___. I’m trying to earn my way to (pick your activity). (go to camp / pay for my Scouting program / earn a scholarship) Can I count on your support? All the products are delicious and you will help fund my adventures in Scouting! Thank you! **More effective than asking, “Want to buy some popcorn?” don’t you think? Key to remember is you are selling Scouting. The product is what someone gets for helping at that level. Customer Identification Your Top 15 Potential Customers Friends and Family 1_____________________________________________ 2_____________________________________________ 3_____________________________________________ 4_____________________________________________ 5_____________________________________________ Neighbors 1_____________________________________________ 2_____________________________________________ 3_____________________________________________ 4_____________________________________________ 5_____________________________________________ Mom/Dad’s Coworkers 1_____________________________________________ 2_____________________________________________ 3_____________________________________________ 4_____________________________________________ 5_____________________________________________ Appendix 23 V Appendix VI 24 2017 Popcorn and Nuts for Scouting Sale Show & Sell Orders and Return Policy To ensure a successful sale for both the units and the council the 2017 Kernel Team has established the following Show & Sell/Return Policy. Show & Sell with returns Units will be able to order up to 80% of their 2016 total sales order for the show & sell order and make returns to the council of any unsold product by October 24th. On October 25th units, can place an order for all additional needed products. Example: 2016 Unit Show & Sell Order 2016 Unit Take Order Total Unit 2016 Sale $ 4,000 $ 6,000 $10,000 2017 Show & Sell Maximum Order = $10,000 x 80% or $8,000 Returns allowed by October 24th 2017 Take Order Due on October 25th for balance of unit needs. Show & Sell without returns Any unit choosing to order over 80% of the 2016 total sale at the Show & Sell will not be able to make returns of unsold product during the 2017 sale. Units will be able to order at both sale periods. Please read and sign below if ordering over 80% of 2016 total sales Return Waiver District_____________ I _________________________ of Pack/Troop/Crew________ understand that by ordering over 80% of my 2016 total sales the we are opting out of the council’s return program and the ability to return any unsold product and agree to the payment terms of the 2017 Sale. Signed_____________________________________ Date_________________ • No Show and Sell orders above the 8% threshold will be approved unless accompanied by a signed copy of this form Appendix VII 25 2017 Show and Sell Calculator Popcorn Products Cases Containers in a Case Price Per Container Total Price Popping Corn 0 12 $ 10.00 $ - Classic Caramel 0 12 $ 10.00 $ - White Cheddar 0 12 $ 15.00 $ - Unb. Butter 0 6 $ 20.00 $ - Premium Caramel 0 12 $ 20.00 $ - Kettle Corn 0 6 $ 25.00 $ - Sea Salt Caramel 0 12 $ 25.00 $ - Cheese Lovers 0 1 $ 30.00 $ - Troops Salted Peanuts 0 12 $ - Troops Honey Roasted Peanuts Bacon Maple Peanuts Jumbo Cashews 0 0 0 12 12 12 $ 15.00 $ 15.00 $ 15.00 $ 20.00 $ $ $ - Honey Cinnamon Almonds 0 12 $ 25.00 $ - 80% Dollar figure Less Total Order $ $ - Nut Products Use the above chart to help calculate your Show and Sell Order. Step 1: Enter your 80% Dollar Figure provided to you at the Kickoff Step 2: Enter your desired number of cases Step 3: Multiply the number of cases by the number of containers by the price per container Step 4: Subtract your Total Prices from your 80% Dollar Figure Step 5: Adjust quantities until you get the Less Total Order as close to zero as possible Step 6: Place your orders in the Popcorn and Nuts for Scouting Order Systems Appendix VIII 26 Appendix 27 IX C RETURNED NOT SOLD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TAKE ORDER ADJUSTED E-D=G 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SOLD CONTAINERS TOTAL G padutchpopcorn@scouting.org Phone: 717-394-4063 Fax: 717-394-7776 Unit Kernel SigDate Unit Kernel Signature Business ( Zip State $6.80 Total due Council $6.80 $10.20 $13.60 $17.00 $13.60 $17.00 $20.40 $40.80 $20.40 $34.00 CONTAINER PER UNIT COST H $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 PAY TO COUNCIL GxH=I ) Date TOTAL SALE This total reflects the entire amount-Show and Sell and Take Order TAKE ORDER NEEDED FOR CONTAINERS E TAKE-ORDER Lancaster, PA 17601 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NA NA NA CARRIED FORWARD D The order for the Take-Order sale is due by October 25th. Unit Kernel Signature Take Order Sales Only Take Order Sales Only Take Order Sales Only CONTAINERS SOLD B SHOW AND SELL ) 630 Janet Ave Pennsylvania Dutch Council, BSA ( 12 containers per case) POPPING CORN ( 12 containers per case) CARAMEL CORN (12 containers per case) WHITE CHEDDAR CHEESE CORN ( 12 containers per case) CARAMEL CORN WITH ALM/CAS/PEC ( 12 containers per case) Salted Caramel Corn ( 6 containers per case) 18 - PACK "UNBELIEVABLE BUTTER" ( 6 containers per case) 18 - PACK KETTLE CORN ( 1 container per case) CHEESE LOVERS COLLECTION ( 1 container per case) CHOCOLATE LOVERS COLLECTION Military Sales - Silver Level Military Sales - Gold Level PRODUCT DESCRIPTION CONTAINERS ORDERED A To place your order online please go to http://scouting.trails-end.com . INSTRUCTIONS: Complete highlighted yellow areas. Home ( Email City Scout Troop # Venture Crew # Home Address Name of Unit Kernel Cub Pack # District 2017 UNIT ORDER WORKSHEET FORM-POPCORN Appendix 28 X C CONTAINERS SOLD RETURNED NOT SOLD Date 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (# TO ORDER) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SOLD CONTAINERS TOTAL TO G padutchpopcorn@scouting.org Phone: 717-394-4063 Fax: 717-394-7776 Unit Kernel Signature Business ( Zip State $34.00 Total due Council $10.20 $17.00 $13.60 $10.20 $23.80 $13.60 $13.60 $10.20 $10.20 CONTAINER PER UNIT COST H $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 PAY TO COUNCIL GxH=I ) Date TOTAL SALE This total reflects the entire amount-Show and Sell and Take Order TAKE ORDER ADJUSTED TAKE ORDER NEEDED FOR E-D=G CONTAINERS E TAKE-ORDER The order for the Take-Order sale is due by October 25th. NA 0 0 NA NA NA 0 NA 0 0 CARRIED FORWARD D Lancaster, PA 17601 Unit Kernel Signature Take Order Sales Only Take Order Sales Only Take Order Sales Only Take Order Sales Only Take Order Sales Only CONTAINERS ORDERED B SHOW AND SELL ) 630 Janet Ave Pennsylvania Dutch Council, BSA (6 per Case) 5 Pack Gift Set (12 per Case) Bacon Maple Virginia Peanuts (12 per Case) Honey Cinnamon Almonds (12 per Case) Party & Pub Mix (12 per Case) Milk Chocolatey Coverd Peanut Clusters (12 per Case) Milk Chocolatey Caramel Peanut Delights (12 per Case) Jumbo Salted Cashews (12 per Case) Dark Chocolatey Almond Clusters (12 per Case) Troops Honey Roasted Virginia Peanuts (12 per Case) Troops Salted Virginia Peanuts PRODUCT DESCRIPTION A To place your order online please go to w w w .padutchbsa.org/popcorn/ INSTRUCTIONS: Complete highlighted yellow areas. Home ( Email City Scout Troop # Venture Crew # Home Address Name of Unit Kernel Cub Pack # District 2017 UNIT ORDER WORKSHEET FORM-NUTS 29 Top 2 Salesman First Last Sales Address 1 2 $3,500 Club Member ($3,500 in sales including nuts and online sales) First Last Sales Address 1 2 3 4 5 $2,750 Club Member ($2,750 in sales including nuts and online sales) First Last Sales Address 1 2 3 4 5 $2,000 Club Member ($2,000 in sales including nuts and online sales) First Last Sales Address 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Unit____________ Total # Boys who Sold__________ Total Sales $__________ Zip Zip Zip Zip City City City City e-mail Address e-mail Address e-mail Address e-mail Address Chairman_________________ Phone____________________ E-Mail____________________ Hooded Sweatshirt Size Appendix XI 30 31 $1,500 Club Member ($1,500 in sales including nuts and online sales) First Last Sales Address City Zip 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 $1000 Club Member ($1000 in sales including nuts and online sales) First Last Sales Address City Zip 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Military Sales Patches (Scouts must have at least $125 in Military Sales to Qualify Silver, $250 Gold) First Last Military Sales Address City Zip 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 e-mail Address e-mail Address e-mail Address T-shirt Size $1,500 Club Member ($1,500 in sales including nuts and online sales) First Last Sales Address City Zip 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 $1000 Club Member ($1000 in sales including nuts and online sales) First Last Sales Address City Zip 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Military Sales Patches (Scouts must have at least $125 in Military Sales to Qualify Silver, $250 Gold) First Last Military Sales Address City Zip 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 e-mail Address e-mail Address e-mail Address T-shirt Size Appendix XII 32 Pennsylvania Dutch council Popcorn and Nut Sale Camp Bucks Program By selecting to participate in the Camp Bucks program the Scouts listed below have declined to participate in the Prize Mania Program offered through Trail's End. It is understood that: 1) Camp bucks may only be used for Pennsylvania Dutch Council Camps or Programs including Summer Resident Camp, Summer Day Camps, NYLT, Council High Adventure, district camporees and events; 2) These Camp Bucks must be used or applied prior to January 1, 2019; and 3) These Camp Bucks cannot be redeemed for cash. Any questions or issues with redeeming Camp Bucks should be directed to Scott Arnold at 717-553-4208 or scott.arnold@scouting.org Camp Buck Amounts Popcorn and Nuts amount $350 $450 $650 $850 $1,000 $1,500 $2,000 $2,750 $3,500 $4,000 $5,500 Prize Level Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 Level 9 Level 10 Level 11 Level 12 Level 13 Level 14 Unit Contact Name: Unit Type: Camp Bucks $10.00 $15.00 $20.00 $30.00 $35.00 $55.00 $80.00 $100.00 $150.00 $175.00 $200.00 Unit Number: (Pack, Troop, Crew) Phone: Email: Scout information F.Name council only L. Name Address received date Phone Sent date Total Sales Camp Bucks Initials 33
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