0208 208 Clearances And System Matches
User Manual: 208-Clearances-and-System-Matches
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A DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES FAMILY INVESTMENT ADMINISTRATION CLEARANCES AND SYSTEM MATCHES SECTION 208 TEMPORARY CASH ASSISTANCE MANUAL COMAR APPLICATION 200 208.1 REQUIREMENTS A. Tell the applicant that the social security number and other identifying information for each family member will be matched with information in other systems. B. Case managers must: 1. Limit their access to information to data needed to determine eligibility 2. Apply confidentiality provisions to all information received through computer matches 3. Assist customers with resolving discrepancies received through computer matches, and 4. Check the case record to make sure the information is applicable and required for eligibility determination and if so: Within 10 days of receiving an alert or report, send the customer: o A “Request for Information” letter Form 1052 o A “Change Report” form (Form 491) o An employer verification earning form, Form 268 5. Give the customer a 10-day response deadline 6. Make the appropriate changes for current eligibility upon receipt of verification(s) 7. Close the case if the customer does not respond to the request for information 8. Process any overpayments 208.2 SPECIFIC ACCESS TO COMPUTER MATCHES A. Caseworker inquiry into specific systems during application, recertification and interim change processes B. CARES matches done on an automated schedule BSDM REVISED APRIL 2009 Page 1 A DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES FAMILY INVESTMENT ADMINISTRATION TEMPORARY CASH ASSISTANCE MANUAL CLEARANCES AND SYSTEM MATCHES SECTION 208 COMAR APPLICATION 200 C. The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) routinely runs matches as preliminary investigations. 208.3 CARES AUTOMATED MATCHES A. State Directory of New Hires/National Directory of New Hires 1. Provides information about individuals who are newly employed 2. Depending on the employer the following information is provided a. Name and social security number of the employed person b. Employer’s name and address c. First day of work d. Salary, pay frequency e. Available medical benefits (employer not required to report this) 2. State match is run daily and produces alerts daily 3. National directory match is completed monthly. 4. Match is run for individuals in an active, pending, active no-pay, or Medical Assistance spend-down status B. Income Eligibility Verification System (IEVS) 1. Provides information from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) a. Assets as reported by a financial institution on a 1099 b. Unearned income reported on 1099 c. Earnings reported to the Social Security Administration (SSA) d. Gambling winnings such as a lottery 2. Provides information from SSA: a. Beneficiary and Earnings Data Exchange (BENDEX) – social security benefits, private pensions, out-of-state wages, veterans and other government benefits, and self-employment REVISED APRIL 2009 Page 2 A DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES FAMILY INVESTMENT ADMINISTRATION CLEARANCES AND SYSTEM MATCHES SECTION 208 TEMPORARY CASH ASSISTANCE MANUAL COMAR APPLICATION 200 b. State Data Exchange (SDX) – information on SSI customers c. Automatic verification of Social Security Number (see Social Security Number) C. Do not use information from IEVS to determine eligibility without additional verification unless the information comes from the primary source. D. Primary Sources for verification 1. SSA is the primary source for SSI and Social Security benefits and verification of Social Security Numbers. a. It may be used without other verification b. SSA is not the primary sources for wages, self-employment or other benefits and pensions. It may not be used without additional verification 2. The IRS is not the primary source for information in IEVS. Verify all IRS information with the primary source or other documents Examples of a primary source: • The employer is the primary source for wages and • The bank is the primary source for savings accounts. E. Important Information 1. FIA determines when information from IEVS will generate alerts to the case manager 2. Local departments are audited concerning security, confidentiality and use of information procedures Information received from IEVS has strict confidentiality and security requirements Access is limited REVISED APRIL 2009 Page 3 A DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES FAMILY INVESTMENT ADMINISTRATION CLEARANCES AND SYSTEM MATCHES SECTION 208 TEMPORARY CASH ASSISTANCE MANUAL COMAR APPLICATION 200 208.4 INQUIRY MATCHES A. Maryland Automated Benefits System (MABS) 1. Required for all adults in the assistance unit and minor heads of household at: a. Application, and b. Each recertification 2. Provides quarterly earnings for the most recent 6 quarters in the system a. Includes employer’s name, address and phone number b. Information available is generally 1 – 2 quarters behind 3. Provides unemployment insurance benefit information 4. Information provided for unemployment claims includes a. Amount and date of each unemployment benefit issued including a payment history b. Liens (child support or recoupment) against the benefit to be paid c. Employee name, address and phone number d. Date of filing for benefits e. Last day of employment and the reason work stopped 5. Data is available on-line immediately upon access B. Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA) 1. Provides the following information: a. Maryland licensed vehicle registration, make, model b. Unlicensed vehicle make, model, from the most recent Maryland registration c. Vehicle purchase and lien information, owners, co-owners, addresses REVISED APRIL 2009 Page 4 A DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES FAMILY INVESTMENT ADMINISTRATION TEMPORARY CASH ASSISTANCE MANUAL CLEARANCES AND SYSTEM MATCHES SECTION 208 COMAR APPLICATION 200 d. Driver’s license data 2. Is not required for TCA eligibility determination because vehicles are not counted as an asset or resource and absence is no longer required to be verified 3. Data is available on-line immediately C. State Verification Data Exchange System (SVES) with the Social Security Administration: 1. SVES provides: a. Social Security Number verification b. Retirement, Survivors, Disability Insurance (RSDI) benefits c. Supplementary Security Income (SSI) benefits d. Work History – Quarters of Coverage e. Prisoner information 2. Request each type of information separately, but consecutively without delay 3. A separate response screen for each type of information is available the next working day after the request 4. Required as needed for eligibility determination 5. SVES protects the integrity of customers’ information by providing an audit trail indicating who accessed the system, for what and when. D. Systematic Alien Verification Entitlements (SAVE) 1. Provides immigrant status verification to determine non-citizen applicant’s eligibility for public assistance 2. Required for all immigrants at application 3. SAVE supplies state agencies with information that immigrant’s sponsors provided on the original Affidavit of Support, Form I-864 REVISED APRIL 2009 Page 5 A DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES FAMILY INVESTMENT ADMINISTRATION CLEARANCES AND SYSTEM MATCHES SECTION 208 TEMPORARY CASH ASSISTANCE MANUAL COMAR APPLICATION 200 Request for sponsor information must be through the VIS (Verification Information System) or by submitting the Document Verification Request, Form G-845S, along with the Document Verification Request Supplement, Form G-845 Supplement, to their local USCIS office. 4. Immigrant information is verified through an internet based system with immediate response time www.vis-dhr.com/webone/ E. Public Assistance Reporting Information System (PARIS) 1. PARIS shares public assistance data among States to detect and prevent improper payments by conducting: a. An Interstate match, which compares participating States data against each other and determines if an individual is collecting benefits in more than one State b. The Federal match determines whether anyone receiving benefits is also collecting a salary or retirement pension as a current or former U.S. military or civil service employee. c. The Veterans Administration (VA) database match determines if an individual is collecting VA benefits 2. CARES alerts-993, 994 and 995 notifies case managers of a possible match. 208.5 MATCHES RUN BY OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GENERAL A. Matches that are run against individuals and information in CARES 1. Maryland State Employment Match - matches State employment records 2. Maryland State Bureau of Vital Statistics - matches death records 3. Baltimore City Jail - matches inmate records with individuals active on Maryland Department of Corrections - matches inmate records in State facilities 4. Public Assistance Recipient Information System - matches individuals on CARES receiving TCA or FS benefits with those concurrently receiving benefits in other states a. The number of states participating varies REVISED APRIL 2009 Page 6 A DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES FAMILY INVESTMENT ADMINISTRATION CLEARANCES AND SYSTEM MATCHES SECTION 208 TEMPORARY CASH ASSISTANCE MANUAL COMAR APPLICATION 200 b. Match is run quarterly c. Individual state matches for concurrent benefits and earnings are currently in place with Pennsylvania, Delaware, Virginia, and DC d. Veterans Administration - matches veteran benefit records 5. Maryland Department of Corrections Match-identifies individuals who are or were incarcerated while receiving benefits in Maryland. 6. Police Departments – Fugitives Match –match with fugitive warrant records in Maryland and DC 7. Child Day Care Records a. Matches individuals receiving day care subsidies with CARES earned income data b. Matches individuals on CARES with day care provider records B. All matches run by the Office of the Inspector General are reviewed by OIG staff and tested to determine if the data is valid. C. The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) produces other matches as an investigative resource to reduce fraud. Matches, like investigations are determined effective by analysis. The OIG will continue to look for resources to create new matches and to update or replace existing matches. D. For frequency of matches refer to the pages 8-10 of this section. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION • Technical Eligibility – Social Security Number • Technical Eligibility – Citizenship/Immigrants REVISED APRIL 2009 Page 7 DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES FAMILY INVESTMENT ADMINISTRATION CLEARANCES AND SYSTEM MATCHES 208 NAME OF MATCH PARIS (Public Assistance Reporting Information System) TEMPORARY CASH ASSISTANCE MANUAL COMAR DEFINITION FREQUENCY FEDERAL EMPLOYEES PARIS VA (Veterans Administration)) DOC (Maryland Department of Corrections) REVISED APRIL 2009 Department/Division Responsible for Execution Multiple state matching system to help identify "double dipping" defined as individuals receiving assistance in more than one state. Quarterly Bureau of Systems Development and Management (BSDM), Local Department of Social Services (LDSS) ARES database matched against Federal Payroll to identify Federal Employees receiving benefits and not reporting income to LDSS Quarterly BSDM, LDSS CARES database matched against VA database acknowledging VA benefits that were not reported to LDSS Quarterly BSDM, LDSS CARES database matched against DOC database acknowledging recipients who maybe or may have been incarcerated while receiving benefits. Quarterly or "As Needed" with a minimum of Once Annually LDSS and OIG Interstate PARIS APPLICATION 200 Page 8 DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES FAMILY INVESTMENT ADMINISTRATION CLEARANCES AND SYSTEM MATCHES 208 NAME OF MATCH TEMPORARY CASH ASSISTANCE MANUAL COMAR DEFINITION FREQUENCY APPLICATION 200 Department/Division Responsible for Execution BCDC (Baltimore City Detention Center) CARES database matched against BCDC database acknowledging recipients who may be or may have been incarcerated while receiving benefits. Quarterly or "As Needed" with a minimum of Once Annually LDSS and OIG CCATS CARES database matched against CCATS to identify individuals receiving FIA and POC benefits without reporting to either administration. Quarterly or "As Needed" with a minimum of Once Annually LDSS and OIG DEATH CARES database matched against DEATH RECORDS provided by the Department of Heath and Mental Hygiene acknowledging discrepancies of Date of Death (DOD) and benefit certification periods. Quarterly or "As Needed" with a minimum of Once Annually LDSS and OIG STATES EMPLOYEES CARES database matched against State Payroll (Annapolis) to identify State Employees receiving benefits and not reporting income to LDSS Once Annually HRDT, OIG, OIG IA and LDSS REVISED APRIL 2009 Page 9 DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES FAMILY INVESTMENT ADMINISTRATION CLEARANCES AND SYSTEM MATCHES 208 NAME OF MATCH TEMPORARY CASH ASSISTANCE MANUAL COMAR DEFINITION FREQUENCY APPLICATION 200 Department/Division Responsible for Execution FUGITIVE MATCH CARES database matched against files from State, Local or US Marshall's Warrant Files. (Felony Warrants) "As Needed" OIG and LDSS DRS (Disqualified Recipient Subsystem) CARES database matched against the National Food Stamp disqualification database. Quarterly or "As Needed" with a minimum of Once Annually OIG and LDSS *LOTTERY CARES database matched against the Maryland State Lottery winners. Quarterly or "As Needed" with a minimum of Once Annually OIG, OTHS and LDSS HABC (Housing Authority of Baltimore City) CARES database matched against HABC database to determine accuracy of information provided to both agencies. Once Annually OIG,HABC and LDSS New Hires Alerts (State) CARES database matched against Maryland residents recently hired Monthly FIA, LDSS National Directory of New Hires Alerts (NDNH) CARES database matched against the NDNH database to identify people that have federal jobs, people that have jobs in Maryland but the home office is in another state. Monthly FIA, LDSS REVISED APRIL 2009 Page 10
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