2223216 0001_TI_PC_Tech Ref_May_1984 0001 TI PC Tech Ref May 1984
2223216-0001_TI_PC_TechRef_May_1984 2223216-0001_TI_PC_TechRef_May_1984
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:'1e" . •. ". . . ) •'. ~.~. ~ , '. . ., . . ... ": . Part No. 2223216-0001, Rev; A May 1984 ,'" Copyright © 1984 Texas Instruments Incorporated All Rights Reserved - Printed in USA The information herein and patents which might be granted thereon disclosing or employing the materials, methods, techniques or apparatus described herein are the exclusive property of Texas Instruments Incorporated. No copies of the information or drawings shall be made without the prior consent of Texas Instruments ,.Incorporated . ...... INSERT LATEST CHANGED PAGES DESTROY SUPERSEDED PAGES L,IST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES I Technioal Reference Manual Part No. 222:t216-()001 . "i.:Pre,IA~ifiary IsslJ,e.:Janu,ary 1983 , .. R~\lisiQn /fj: May 1984 ,: Total numl1llr of page~ in this"publitation is .".," " bh~nge Page No. , ,. .i No. .,.,.-.,,,.. .,...". ... 0' . Front Cover " Effective Pages:' .. . ".":!f Preface v -xiv 1.~1 -1-6 2-1 -2-61 3-1 -3-72 4-1 -4-76 5-1 -5-202 6-1 -6-44 A-1 -A-5 ~r:i:·,~·:· ,r .0 o o o :.0: o of ,.0 '6 o 'sO ,: , 8-1 -8-2 "~.,; consisting of the following: Page Change Page Change No. No. No. No. C-1 ~C-12 D-1 E,1 -E-6 F-1 -F-3 .; .G-1 -G-9 H-1 -H-7 Index-l -lndex-9 User's Response Mailer ; ,Back Cover o o o o o o o o o o :'0 " .' ';:' ",> .:Ji. ~ ",' ..f! CHAN~lE'NOTICES I ECN Revision Letter Date ,;i\ ,,: Description , ;·~i..mier ::~ :", f; 5,3/84 A Level : 518860 B Update manual. 'f!.: " ~: ~: ~~ '". . .;~ ..~. .~~ ~ ~ 1-. Address all correspondence regarding orders to: Texas Instruments Incorporated Data Systems Group P.O. Box 1444, MIS n93 Houston, TX n251 /r;;-."" l,., .~ ·s TECHNICAL REFERENCE • " .' ~ .. I PREFACE detailed information on ~h~' The Technical Reference Manual contains design and function of the Texas Instruments Professional Computer and is intended for use by software and hardware designers"". and ,:"o,ti?e,r technical persons. This manual is divided into six major sections: ."" . ":> Section 1. Introduction - Provides a general descri~ption:' of't,he Tex,as Instruments Professional Computer and identifies 't'ts ",,:' various configurations, options, and accessories. This sectional~o includes tables listfng' erivironmental requirements for the sysJ,em., ,. " ...... " Section 2. System Hardware - Provides a de tai led d·e-..s:eir.;.-ip·td on of 'each component of the system including specifications and int~~face information. This section also includes hardware programni:lng data, such as coding tables, registers, and signal pin-outs. section 3. Hardware Options - Provides a det~iled description of the options available for the system. This section contains specifications, interface information, and hardware programming data such as coding tables, registers, and signal pin-ou~s. Section 4. Device Service Routines Describes the interrupt vector lists, and a keyboard scan coding +abl~. ROM, gives. ." Section 5. Assembly Drawings and Lists of Materials Includi~ detailed drawings for all field replaceable assembliflhiS a,nd option$~,~;~A" List of Materials, identifying all components':'" a(s:,,,;pj,ece parts, accompanies ea·ch assembly drawing. ,'IIi,'",,:'¥i:'i~:!>'lIi~t', ,to ,to / '~~" .. " ';:.. , ~i;~ Section 6. Schematics and LOglC Drawlngs - Provide_/il'lo9~ic diagrams and schematics for each component and field replac~~~le ~iYembly ~i' the Texas Instruments Professional Computer. The appendixes provide reference information, such as definition. of all I/O addresses, and a complete memory map (covering ~he motherbo~rd, all memory connected to the expansion bus, and the memory expa~sion bus). Also included are complete information on the ch.ract~r sets furnished with the computer and a breakdown of the power ali~cat~on between the various options and printed wiring boards. lil/1V TECHNICAL REFERENCE CONTENTS Table of Contents Section Title Page Preface iii 1 INTRODUCTION . 1-1 1.1 1.1. 1 .1. 1. 2 1-1 1-1 1. 2.5 1. 2.6 1. 2.7 1.3 SYSTEM COMPONENTS Keyboard. System Unit . Display Unit OPTIONAL COMPONENTS. Diskette Drive S. Winchester Disk Drive Expansion Memory Boards. ---- S 'y n ch ron 0 u s - Asy n C h ron 0 u s Communications Board . Internal Modem Boards Graphics-Video Controller Board Color Display Unit ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS 2 SYSTEM HARDWARE 2.1 2.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 INTRODUCTION . KEYBOARD Encoding Keystrokes Transmission Receiving and Responding to system Unit Commands Implementing a Software-Switchable Repeat-Action Function Performing n-Key Rollover . Locking/Unlocking the Keyboard Performing a Self-Test SYSTEM UNIT BOARD SYSTEM SUPPORT Keyboard Port System CPU . Optional Numeric Coprocessor CPU Clock Generator CPU Bus Buffering . CPU Bus Controller. Reset Detection Circuit Motherboard Input/Output System I/O Decoding. Parallel Printer Port. Timers. Speaker Amplifier . Motherboard Interrupt System Motherboard Memory System. Motherboard Memory Addressing 1.1. 3 1.2 1.2.1 1. 2.2 1.2.3 1. 2.4 2.2.4 2.2.5 2.2.6 2.2.7 2.3 2.4 2.4.1 2.4.2 2.4.3 2.4.4 2.4.5 -v- 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-3 1-3 1-3 1-3 1-3 1-4 ,1-4 1-4 . 2-1 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-4 2-6 2 -6" 2-7 2-7 2-8 2-10 2-10 2-11 2-11 2-11 2-11 2-12 2-12 2-12 2-15 2-16 2-18 2-18 2-18 2-20 2-20 CONTENTS TECHNICAL REFERENCE Title section 2.4.6 2.4.7 2.4.8 2.5 2.5.1 2.5.2 2.5.3 2.5.4 Memory Control Logic CAS and Address Multiplexer Switch Parity Generation and Checking. Memory Control State Machine Floppy Disk Controller Floppy Disk Controller IC Sector Buffer Write Precompensation Circuit Data Separator Diskette Drive Interface. Dlskette Drive CRT Controller Board. Display CharacterIstics Character Attributes Character Sets Cursor ._ Scrolling. Video Connector. CRT Controller IC. CRT Screen/CPU ArbItration Logic Subsystem. CRT Address Decode LogiC. character set and Attribute Logic. Generating a Character ROM Attribute Interaction. Attribute Hardware. CRT Interrupt Logic Subsystem Diagnostic Loopback EXPANSION BUS. Expanslon Bus Signal Descriptlons Loading and Driving Requirements. Memory Timing I/O Timing . Page 2-21 2-22 2-22 2-23 2-26 2-26 2-26 2-30 2-30 2-31 2-35 2-37 2-41 2-42 2-43 2-43 2-43 2-44 2-44 2-47 2-50 2-52 2-53 2-55 2-55 2-56 2-56 2-56 2-58 2-59 2-59 2-61 HARDWARE OPTIONS 3.1 3.2 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.3 3.3.1 3.3.2 3.3.3 3.3.4 INTRODUCTION EXPANSION MEMORY, 512/768 K BYTES Addressing the Expansion Memory Expansion Memory Control Logic. Expansion Memory Refresh Logic CAS and Address MUX Switch Generation. Expansion Memory Parity Generation and Checking . Expansion Memory Control State Machine SYNCHRONOUS-ASYNCHRONOUS COMMUNICATIONS BOARD. System, Interface Baud Rate Generation. Addressing Programming. -vi- .3-1 .3-1 .3-2 .3-2 .3-2 .3-3 3-3 3-4 3-8 3-9 3-10 3-11 3-11 '\ ; TECHNICAL REFERENCE section 3.4 3.4.1 3.4.2 3.4.3 3.4.4 3.4.5 3.4.6 3.4.7 3.5 3.5.1 3.5.2 3.5.3 3.5.4 3.6 3.6.1 ( 3.6.2 3.6.3 3.6.4 3.6.5 3.6.6 3.6.7 3.6.8 3.6.9 3.6.10 3.6.11 CONTENTS Title INTERNAL MODEMS Archltecture Zilog B530--Modem Signals Modem Initiallzatlon. Command Mode Operation Dlaling Procedure. Time-Outs Terminal or Software Time-Outs. Modem Time-Outs Modem Software. GRAPHICS VIDEO CONTROLLER BOARD. Pixel Addressing Color Selectiong Timing and Synchronlzatlon. Graphlcs Logic Array Program WINCHESTER DISK DRIVE AND CONTROLLER OPTION. Wlnchester Hardware Theory of Operation On-Board EPROM/ROM. Commands and Command Testlng Explanation of Bytes in the Device Control Block. Control Field Detailed Description Command Completion Status Byte. Logical Address (HIGH, MIDDLE and LOW) Sector Interleaving Reglster Assignments. Data Input Port. Data Output Port Controller Status Reglster Reset Port Interrupt Mask . Error Status Byte Bit Definitlons for Registers and Ports Controller Status Bit Combinations Kormal Command Sequence Operation Detailed Description of Commands. TEST DRIVE READY Command. RECALIBRATE DRIVE Command REQUEST SENSE STATUS Command FORMAT DRIVE Command CHECK TRACK FORMAT Command FORMAT TRACK Command FORMAT BAD TRACK Command. READ Command. WRITE Command SEEK Command. INITIALIZE DRIVE CHARACTERISTICS Command READ ECC BURST ERROR LENGTH Command FORMAT ALTERNATE TRACK Command. Alternate Track Assignment. Alternate Address Protocol. WRITE SECTOR BUFFER Command READ SECTOR BUFFER Command. RAM DIAGNOSTICS Command. -vii- Page 3-14 3-15 3-15 3-18 3-18 3-19 3-20 3-21 3-21 3-22 3-24 3-26 3-27 3-31 3-33 3-34 3-34 3-34 3-35 3-35 3-36 3-37 3-37 3-37 3-38 3-39 3-39 3-39 3-39 3-40 3-40 3-40 3-42 3-43 3-44 3-44 3-44 3-44 3-51 3-52 3-53 3-54 3-55 3-55 3-56 3-57 3-59 3-60 3-61 3-62 3-64 3-64 3-65 CONTENTS TECHNICAL REFERENCE Section 3.6.~2 3.6.13 3.6.14 3.6.15 3.6.16 3.6.17 3.6.18 3.6.19 3.6.20 Title DRIVE DIAGNOSTICS Command CONTROLLER INTERNAL DIAGNOSTICS Command READ LONG Command. WRITE LONG Command Execution Order of Remaining Diagnostics Error Correction Philosophy Sector Field Description Specifications - Controller Board Electrical Interface. Page 3-65 3-66 3-66 3-67 3-68 3-68 3-69 3-71 3-72 4 DEVICE SERVICE ROUTINES 4.1 4.2 4-1 ROM INTERFACE INFORMATION. WRITrNG SOfTWARE FOR COMPATIBILITY WITH 4-1 FUTURE PRODUCTS 4-1 Compatibility Levels. 4-2 Operating System 4-2 System ROM Interface 4-2 Hardware Interface. Areas of ,Hardware Compatibility 4-2 Alphanumeric CRT 4-2 4-3 Graphics CRT. Disk Subsystem. 4-3 Keyboard System. 4-3 4-3 Interrupt Controller 4-3 System Timers and Speaker 4-3 Parallel Printer Port. Serial Communication •. 4-3 4-4 SYSTEM ROM INTERRUPT VECTOR USAGE 4-6 Hardware Interrupt Service R~utine~. 4-7 Common Interrupt Exit Vector 4-7 Timer Interrupts ROM STRUCTURE. 4-8 ROM Usage 4-8 ROM Format 4-8 .-4-9 Option ROM Interrupt Vector ~sage RAM Usage by Option ROM. 4-10 Initializing the Option ROM 4-10 BOOTING UP THE SYSTEM 4-10 Boot Sequence . 4-11 Loading and Calling the Boot Code 4-11 Booting From an OptIon Devjce. 4-13 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION FUNCTION CALL~ 4-13 System Configuration Function. 4-13 Extra System Configuration Function. 4-14 Get Pointer to System Configuration. 4-16 Get Pointer to Extra System Configuration. 4-17 GENERAL-PURPOSE ROM FUNCTIONS 4-17 Delay. 4-17 CRC Calculation 4-17 Print ROM Message. 4-18 4-18 Display System Error Code 4.2.1 4.2.~.~' 4.2.2 4.3 4.3.1 4.3.2 4.3.3 4.4 4.4.1 4.4.2 4.4.3 4.4.4 4.4.5 4.5 4.5.1 4.5.2 4.5.3 4.6 4.6.1 4.6.2 4.6.3 4.6.4 4.7 4.7.1 4.7.2 4.7.3 4.7.4 -viii '\.! l TECHNICAL REFERENCE section 4.8 4.8.1 4.8.2 4.8.3 4.8.4 4.8.5 4.9 4.9.1 4.9.2 4.9.3 4.10 4.10.1 4.10.2 4.10.3 4.10.4 4.10.5 4.10.6 4.10.7 4.10.8 4.10.9 4.10.10 4.10.11 4.10.12 4.10.13 4.10.14 4.10.15 4.10.16 4.10.17 4.10.18 4.10.19 4.11 4.11.1 4.11.2 4.11.3 4.11.4 4.11.5 4.11.6 4.11.7 4.11.8 4.11.9 4.11.10 4.11.11 4.11.12 4.11.13 4.11.14 CONTENTS Title Page SPEAKER DSR Sound the Speaker - AH = O. Get Speaker Status AH = 1. Set Speaker Frequency AH = 2 . Speaker ON AH = 3 Speaker OFF AH = 4 TIME OF DAY CLOCK DSR Set the Date AH = O. Set the TIme AH = 1 . Get the Date and TIme AH = 2 . CRT DSR. Set Cursor Type - AH = 01H. Set Cursor Posltion - AH = 02H Read Cursor Posltion - AH = 03H Scroll Text Block - AH = 06H and 07H Read Char~cter/Attrlbute at Cursor Position - AH = 08H WrIte Character/Attribute at Cursor Position - AH = 09H Wrlte Character at Cursor Position - AH = OAH Write ASCII Teletype - AH = OEH Write Block of Characters at Cursor With Attribute - AH=10H Wrlte Block of Characters Only at Cursor Position - AH 11H Change Screen Attribute(s) - AH 12H Clear Text Screen and Home the Cursor - AH = 13H . Clear Graphics Screen(~) - AH = 14H. Set TTY Status Region Beginning AH = 15H . Set Attrlbute(s) - AH = 16H Get Physical Display-Begin POInter AH 17H . Prlnt TTY String - AH = 18H CRT TTY Mode BehaVIor Custom Encoding of the CRT. DISK DSR Reset Disk System - OOH. Return Status Code - 01H Read Sectors - 02H Write Sectors -03H Verify Sector CRCs - 04H Null Operation - OSH. VerIfy Data - 06H. Return Retry Status - 07H Set Standard Disk Interface Table - 08H Set DIT Address for DrIve - 09H . Return DIT Address for Drive - OAH Turn Off All DIskette DrIves - OBH Status Codes Disk Interface Tables (DITs) 4-18 4-18 4-19 4-19 4-19 4-19 4-20 4-20 4-20 4-21 4-21 4-23 4-24 4-24 4-2S = = = -ix- 4-27 4-27 4-28 4-28 4-29 4-29 4-30 4-30 4-30 4-30 4-31 4-33 4-33 4-33 4-34 4-35 4-35 4-36 4-36 4-37 4-37 4-38 4-38 4-38 4-39 4-39 4-40 4-40 4-40 4-41 CONtENTS TECHNICAL REFERENCE Page Title Section 4-44 4-44 4.12 4.12.1 KEYBOARD DSR . Initiallzation Logic. 4.12.2 4.12.3 4.12.4 4.12.5 4.12.6 4.12.7 Read Keyboard Input - AH 0 Read Keyboard Status AH :: 1 Read Keyboard Mode AH :: 2. Flush Keyboard Buffer AH 3. Keyboard Output AH :: 4. Put Character Into Keyboard Buffer AH = 5. General Keyboard Layout. Character Codes Extended Codes. Keyboard Modes. Type-Ahead Buffer. Repeat-A~tlon Feature Speclal Handling User-Avallable Interrupts Keyboard Mapping Program Pause Program Break Print Screen. Keyboard Queueing Custom Encoding Keyboard Interface Protocol PARALLEL PRINTER PORT DSR. output Character to Printer AH 0, DL :: 0 Inltialize Prlnter AH 1, DL = 0 . Return Printer status AH 2, DL 0 Use Under an Operating System. WINCHESTER ROM .' Limitations. System Interface System RAM U!lage Pover-up Testing Booting from the Winchester Error Recovery. Error Reporting Hardware Interface Routine!l Initialize Winchester Disk System. Check Winche!lter ROM Version Reque!lt Controller Error Sense. Send Winchester Controller Command Get Data From the Winchester Controller. Write Data to the Winchester Controller. Get Status From Winchester Controller Get and Compare Data From the Winchester Controller Enable Data and Status Interrupt from Controller 4.12.8 4.12.9 4.12.10 4.12.11 4.12.12 4.12.13 4.12.14 4.12.15 4.12.15,2 4.12.16 4.12.17 4.13 4.13.1 4.13.2 4.13.3 4.13.4 4.14 4.14.1 4.14.2 4.14.3 4.14.4 4.14.5 4.14.6 4.14.7 4.14.8 = = = = = = -x- 4-44 4-45 4-45 4-46 4-46 4-47 4-48 4-49 4-52 4-53 4-53 4-54 4-54 4-55 4-55 4-55 4-56 4-56 4-56 4-56 4-57 4-60 4-60 4-60 4-60 4-62 4-63 4-63 4-64 4-64 4-65 4-66 4-66 4-67 4-69 4-70 4-70 4-71 4-71 4-71 4-72 4-72 4-73 4-73 '\ J TECHNICAL REFERENCE section CONTENTS Title Page Enable status Interrupt From Controller. Disable Data and StatuG Interrupt From Controller. Poll for Controller Request. Format a Track . Format an Alternate Track Format a Track as Bad. Check the Track Format Format a Winchester Drive 4-73 4-74 4-74 4-74 4-75 4-75 4-76 4-76 5 ASSEMBLY DRAWINGS AND LISTS OF MATERIALS . 5-1 6 SCHEMATICS AND LOGIC DRAWINGS . 6-1 APPENDIXES A B C o E F G H System I/O Ma.p. System Memory Map. Character set Current Requirements. Asynchronous Communications Sample Program Modem Sample Routines Boot Routine and Sample Assembly Code Sample Interrupt Service Routine~ -xi- A-l B-1 C-1 0-1 E-1 F-1 G-l H-1 ILLUSTRATIONS TECHNICAL REFERENCE List of Illustrations Title Figure No. 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-7 2-8 2-9 2-10 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4 3-5 3-6 3-7 3-8 3-9 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-4 4-5 4-6 4-7 4-8 Page System Block Diagram. Motherboard Block Diagram Memory System Timing Diagram Floppy Disk Timing Diagrams Alphanumeric CRT Controller Board Block Diagram. Alphanumerics State Machine Timing Diagram Sample Character Font Definition. Encoding Examples. _Expansion Bus ~emory Interface Timing Diagram Expansion Bus I/O Interface Timing Diagram 2-2 2-9 2-25 2-29 2-38 2-40 2-53 2-54 2-60 2-61 Expansion Memory Timing Diagram . Sync-Async Comm Board Block Diagram. Modem Hardvare Interface Zilog 8530--Modem Interface Signals. Graphici Vide~ Controller Board Block Diagram Color Latch Byte Graphics Video Controller Timing Diagram . Controller Operational Flovchart. Control and Data Cabling for the Kinchester Disk Drive. " 3-7 3-8 3-15 3-16 3-25 3-29 3-32 3-42 Register AL Drive Byte Byte Definition - Set Cursor Type Byte Definition Set Attribute(s) CIT Structure Byte Definition - Keyboard Modes, General Keyboard Layout Shoving Scan Codes Byte Definition - Keycode Byte Definition - Return Printer Status 4-16 4-23 4-32 4-42 4-45 4-48 4-59 4-62 -xii- \ 3-72 TECHNICAL REFERENCE TABLES List of Tables Table No. 1-1 1-2 1-3 1-4 2-1 2-2 2-~ __ _ 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-7 2-8 2-9 2-10 2-11 2-12 2-13 2-14 2-'15 2-16 2-1'7 2-18 2-19 2-20 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4 3-5 3-6 3-7 3-8 3-9 3-10 3-11 3-12 3-13 3-14 3-15 3-16 3-17 Title Page storage Conditions, Standard System. Operating Conditions, Standard System Storage Conditions, System with Winchester Disk Operating Conditions, System with Winchester Disk . 1-4 1-5 1-5 Keyboard Commands and Responses Map of the Motherboard I/O Addresses Input/Outp~_t Signals - HAL12L6 Integrated Circuit Printer Port Pin-Out. Interrupt Level ASSignments Motherboard Memory Map . ROM Access Times Memory Control State Machine Logic - HAL16R4. Programming for the HAL10L8 Device Inter~al Diskette Drive Connector Pin-out. External Diskette Drive Connector Pin-Out. Diskette Drive Specifications. VIDEO AC PARAMETERS . Color Video Connector Pin-Out. CRTC Programming Values. Alphanumerics State Machine PAL CRT System Memory Map Alphanumeric Decoding PAL Color Map Expansion Bus Pin-Outs 2-5 2-13 2-15 2-17 2-19 Expansion Memory Control State Machine Logit HAL16R4 . Sync-Async Comm Board Baud Rate . Sync-Async Comm Board Port Addresses Channel B Pin-out for Z8530 Channel B Pin-out for Z8530 Interrupt Enable. RS-232-C Connector Signals. Modem Default Parameters Types and Durations of Disconnects Commands from the Software to the Modem Response from the Modem to the' Software Diagnostic Status Indicators Color Combinations Bit Correlations Default Values of Color Lat'ches Programming for the Graphics State Machine HAL Device Control Block Bit Diagram, Command Descriptor Byte. -xiii- 1-6 2-20 2-21 2-24 2-28 2-33 2-34 2-36 2-39 2-44 2-46 2-49 2-51 2-52 2-56 2-57 3-5 3-10 3-12 3-13' 3-13 3-14 3-18 3-'21 3-23 3-24 3-24 3-28 3-29 3-30 3-33 3-35 3-36 TABLES TECHNICAL REFERENCE Table Ho. 3-18 3-19 3-20 3-21 3-22 3-23 3-24 3-25 3-26 3-27 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-4 4-5 4-6 4-7 4-8 4-9 4-10 4-11 4-12 4-13 4-14 Title Winchester Controller I/O Port Assignment. Bit Definitions for Controller Registers and Ports. Valid Bit Combinations for Controller Status. Type 0 Error Codes, Winchester Disx. Type 1 Error Codes, Controller Board Types 2 and 3 Error Codes, Command and Miscellaneous . Error Code Summary Sector Field Format 512-Bytes-Per-Sector Format Winchester Controller Board Specifications System Interrupt Vector Usage. ROM Addresses and Suggested Uses. JOinter addres!es and Descriptions System. Configuration Word-Bit Oefinition Extra System Configuration Word 1 (BX). CRT DSR Opcodes and Functions. Disx DSR Opcodes and Functions Error Codes. Keyboard Commands. Standard-Keyboard Character Codes Extended Function Codes. RAM Segment Pointers. Winchester DSR Error Codes. Displayed Error Codes -xiv- Page 3-:38 3-41 3-42 3-46 3-47 3-48 3-49 :3-69 :3-70 3-71 4-5 4-8 4-12 4-14 4-15 4-22 4-35 4-41 4-46 4-49 4-52 4-65 4-67 4-·68 INTRODUCTION TECHNICAL REFERENCE Section 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 SYSTEM COMPONENTS The basic Texas Instruments Professional Computer system consists of three major parts: the keyboard, the system unit (including the diskette drive), and a monochrome display unit. A general description of each is given in this section. The available options are also -briefly descr-i-bed in this section. For more detailed information, refer to Section 2, "System Hardvare", and to Section 3, "Hardvare Options." 1.1.1 Keyboard The loy-profile keyboard is easy to use. The large, sculptured, typevriter-like keys grouped on the main keyboard are used to enter alphanumeric data. The smaller numeric keypad on the right side of the keyboard can be used as a calculator. A five-key cluster betveen these tvo groups controls the display cursor movement. Tvelve programmable function keys are arranged in three groups of four keys each across the top of the keyboard. Other keyboard features include: * A full-length degrees. * The sculptured, loy-profile keys, vhich comply vith the European 30-millimeter (mm) home roy height requirements. * Tactile-designed F and J keys, vhich help to locate the "home" position on the alphanumeric keys.' * A raised dot on the numeric keypad 5, indicating the key. * A keyboard microprocessor, vhich converts keystrokes into character information and conducts keyboard diagnostics on every poyer-up. tilt-bar, adjustable 1-1 from 5 degrees to 15 center TECHNICAL REFERENCE 1.1.2 INTRODUCTION System Unit The system unit is the heart of the computer. The basic configuration includes the central processing unit (CPU), the floppy disk controller (FOe), a parallel printer port, a poyer supply, a read-only memory (ROM), and 64K bytes (K = 1024) dynamic randomaccess memory (RAM). A cathode-ray tube (CRT) controller board is standard equipment. The system unit board is a 361.95 x 215.9-millimeter (mm) (14.25 x 9.5-inch (in» printed viring board (PNS) mounted horizontally on the bottom of the system unit chassis. This board houses the microprocessor and control logic. It also supports an expansion bus vith five card-edge connectors for option boards and another connector for a memory expansion option. The system unit poyer supply is a sVitching-type, 110-vatt (N) unit vith three output levels. It vill sustain a system equipped vith every combination of options. The 5 1/4-in diskette drive is a mass storage device for reading or vriting data to a removable diskette. The Texas Instruments Professional Computer uses a double-density, modified frequency modulation (MPM) recording format. This format requires certified double-sided, dual-denSity, soft-sectored 5 1/4-in diskettes. The' data separation logic uses a phase-lock loop technique for~ reliability. The computer is equipped vith one diskette drive, vhich can store approximately 320K byt.s of data. 1.1.3 Display Unit The display unit furnished with the Texas Instruments' Professional Computer is a high-resolution (720 x 300 pixels), composite video, green phosphor monochrome unit. The standard CRT controller contained in the system unit supports eight intensity levels for the display. The display presents information -in a 25-line--x 90-column alphanumeric ~ormat, vhich yorks yell vith the bit-mapped graphics option. The display unit is specially adapted to accomodate the horizontal scan rate of 19 200 lines per second . 1.2 OPTIONAL COMPONENTS There are several options available for the Texas Instruments Professional Computer. These options include additional 320K-byte diskette drives, a Ninchester disk drive, expansion memory boards (vhich can expand the system memory to 769K bytes), a synchronousasynchronous communications board, internal modem boards, a graphics video controller board, and a high-resolution color display unit. A general description of each of these options is given in the 1-2 IHTRODUCTION TECHNICAL REFERENCE folloving paragraphs. If more detailed information is needed, to Section 3, Hardvare Options. 1.2.1 refer Diskette Drive dri ve is' standard equ ipmen t for The Texas One internal di ske t t e Professional Computer. Enough internal space is Instruments install either a second diskette drive or a Hinchester available to You can also insta~l tvo external drives. disk drive. Diskettes used vith the Texas Instruments Professional computer must be certified double-sided, dual-density, soft-sectored, 5 1/4-in diskettes. 1.2.2 Hin--chester Disk Dr-tve The Hinchester disk drive and controller option is available in 5- or 10-megabyte capacities. You can install the Hinchester disk drive in the space set aside for the second diskette drive. 1.2.3 Expansion Memory Boards The system unit board contains 64K bytes of dynamic RAM. Adding expansiDn RAM boards can increase the system memory to a total of 76BK bytes. First, use the expansion RAM option boards that plug into the memory connector on the motherboard. These boards are available in 64K-, 12BK-, or 192K-byte capacities. After adding the 192K-byte board (bringing the total to 256K bytes), further ex.pansion requires that you add a 256K-byte board that plugs into the expansion bus. To reach the 76BK-byte total. another 256K-byte board attaches (piggyback style) to the board on the e~pansion bus. 1.2.4 Synchronous-Asynchronous Communications Board The synchronous-asynchronous communications (sync-async comm) board option allovs either synchronous or asynchronous communications through an RS-232-C interface. The sync-async comm board supports asynchronous data rates from 50 bits per second (bps) to 19 200 bps. 1.2.5 Internal Modem Boards Tvo versions of the internal modem board option are available: 300-bps board providing Bell 103-compatible communication, and 300/1200-bps board providing Bell 212A~compatible communications. 1-3 a a TECHNICAL REFERENCE 1.2.6 INTRODUCTION Graphics Video Controller Board The graphics video controller board option is available in either one or three planes. It provides a resolution of 720 horizontal by 300 vertical picture elements (pixels). 1.2.7 Color Display Unit The 13-in color disp1ay unit permits the display of high-resolution (720 x 300 pixels) colors. The standard CRT controller located on the system unit board supports eight colors for the unit, vhich presents information in a 25-line x SO-column format. Used vith the graphics video controller board option, the color display unit produces high-quality raster and character graphics. 1.3 ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS The next four tables list environmental conditions for the Texas Instruments Professional Computer. Table 1-1 lists the storage conditions for a standard system. (Storage assumes that the system is enclosed iri -the ~hipping container.) Table 1-2 lists the operating conditions for a standard system. Table 1-3 lists the storage conditions for a system that includes a Winchester disk. Table 1-4 lists the operating conditions for a system that includes a Winchester disk. Table 1-1 Storage Conditions, Standard System Temperature -30 C t~ +70·-C (50 C maximum for diskette) Relative humidity 10~ Shock 30 30 20 30 Vibration Sinusoidal, 5 to 250 Hz linear .veep at 1 octave/minute vith 0.50 input. Dvell 15 minutes at resonant points (2% input level.) Altitude 45 000 feet maximum 1-4 to 90~, no condensation Gs, half-sinusoidal pulse vith ms ~uration along ~ ~d y axes, Gs, half-sinusoidal pulse vith ms duration along Z axis. TECHHICAL REFEREHCE Table 1-2 IHTRODUCTIOH Operating Conditions, Standard System Temperature +10 C to +40 C with gradient less than 10 C per hour Relative humidity 20~ Shock 5 Gs, half-sinusoidal pulse with 10 ms duration along any of the three perpendicular axes. Vibration 0.5 Gs peak accelleration in the range of 5 to 250 Hz, linear sweep at 1 octave/minute. Altitude 10 000 feet maximum to 80~, no condensation HOTE Derate the upper limit of the operating temperature by 1 C for every 1000 feet above the first SOO feet. Table 1-3 Storage Conditions, System with Kinchester Disk Temperature -30 C to +60 C with gradient less than 10 C per hour Relative humidity 20~ Shock 30 Gs, half-~inusoidal pulse with 11 ms duration. Vibration 20 Ge, half-sinusoidal pulse with 11 ms duration. Altitude 30 000 feet maximum 10 000 feet unpreseurized 1-5 to 80~,no co~densation TECHNICAL REFERENCE Table 1-4 INTRODUCTION Operating Conditions, System vith Winchester Disk Temperature +10 C to +40 C vith gradient less than 10 C per hour Relative humidity 20' to 80'. no condensation 5 Gs, half-sinusoidal pulse vith the three perpendicular axes. Shock 10 ms duration along any of Vibration 0.5 Gs peak acceleration in the range of 5 to 250 HZ, linear sweep at 1 octave/minute. Altitude 10 000 feet maximum NOTE Derate the upper limit of the operating temperature by 1 C for every 1000 feet above the first 500 feet. 1-6 SYSTEM HARDWARE TECHNICAL REFERENCE section 2 SYSTEM HARDWARE 2.1 INTRODUCTION This section describes the design and functions of the hardvare in the standard Texas Instruments Professional Computer system. Hardvare described in this section includes the keyboard, the system unit boar¢ .and its tVQ~logical subdivisions, and the display unit. Figure 2-1 is a block diagram of the system shoving the separate hardvare components, including some options. The option hardvare is described in Section 3, "Hardvare Options." 2-1 TECHNICAL REFERENCE SYSTEH HARDWARE 'il ~ CONTROLLER BOARD ,OPTION' .. ....... , III I III....--! ""'NCHESTER DIS' .DPTID~ ~ INTERNAL MODEM BOARD 'OPTION I 212 OR 103 [ [ .-------- lI'IIII,r- CLOCK AND ANALDG INTERFACE _.BOARP ,DPT,ION' III"'" 320K DISKETTE DRIVE 320K DISKETTE DRIVE IOPTIONI IMOTHERBOARD IIIr-- 114---'SYSTEM UNIT BOARD • .---11---- CRT CONTROLLER BOARD + GRAPHICS VIDEO CONTROLLER 'OP'TION' T EXPANSIO', RAM BOARD 'OPTION' 64K 128K OR 192K , \ I / I I Iii i I I I i I I I I ~ -= = -~ COLOR DISPL!lY UNIT IOPTIONI PARALLEL PRINTER CABLE IOPTIONI SERIAL PRINTER CABLE {OPTIONI MODEMCA8LE tQPTIONJ 2223216-1 Figure 2-1 System Bl~ck 2-2 Diagram SYSTEM HARDWARE TECHNICAL REFERENCE 2.2 KEYBOARD The electronic functions of the keyboard include: * Scanning the key matrix and encoding keys depressed "by operator * * * * * * Transmitting data to the system unit 2.2.1 the Receiving and responding to commands from the system unit Implementing a software-switchable repeat-action function Performing n-key rollover Locking/unlocking the keyboard Performing a self-test Encoding Keystrokes The encoder scans the keyswitch matrix, detects valid keyswitch state changes, looks up the proper key code, and transmits the keycode as part of an 11-bit stream to the system unit. Each key caus.s either 1 or 2 bytes to be transmitted, based on the status of the SHIFT, ALT, CAPS LOCK, and CTRL keys~ For specific details on byte definitions, refer to subsection 4.12. Some user-programming of the function keys is possible at the application level. See the paragraph in Section 2 entitled, "custom Encoding." 2.2.2 Transmission The keyboard transmits data to the system unit at 2440 baud ~ 1.50 percent. The keyboard transmits when one of the following conditions is met: * * When a valid key depression has been detected When a system command is understood and acted upon Khen the user presses a key, the keyboard responds by sending the proper keycode byte. or bytes across the keyboard transmit line. Keycodes are explained in detail in subsection 4.12 entitled "Keyboard DSR." Pressing some keys can si9nal repeat-action transmissions. 2-3 TECHNICAL REFERENCE 2.2.3 SYSTEM HARDHARE Receiving and Responding to System Unit Commands The system unit transmits to the keyboard at 305 baud ~ 1.50 percent. To respond to a system unit command, the keyboard transmits a response code to the system unit, indicating that the required action has been taken. The keyboard responds to every valid command. For certain conditions, such as parity errors, unknown commands, and start bit errors, the keyboard ingores the system unit commands and sends no response. If this happens, the system unit retries the command. System unit commands and keyboard responses are listed, in hexadecimal form, in Table 2-1. In this table, the "Command Code" column lists the codes sent to the keyboard. The "Keyboard Response" column lists the code returned by the keyboard microprocessor. Typically; themicroproc~ssor returns Self-test OK (code 70) to the system unit (except in the case of a failure during self-test). HOTE Throughout this manual, the symbol H denotes a hexadecimal address or value. 2-4 TECHNICAL REFERENCE Table 2-1 SYSTEM HARDWARE Keyboard Commands and Responses System Uni t Command Command Code (H) Keyboard Response Perform a pover-up self-test and install default parameters 00* 10 71 12 Self-test OK Keyboard ROM error Keyboard RAM error Turn repeat action QJi Turn repeat action .Q.f.E 01* 02 10 10 Self-test OK Self-test OK Lock keyboard Unlock keyboard 03 04* 70 10 Self-test OK Self-test OK Turn keyclick Q1! Turn keyclick Qfi 05** 06** 10 10 Self-test OK Self-test OK Reset (same as 00) 01 10 11 12 Self-test OK Keyboard ROM error Keyboard RAM error Return version (of keyboard ROM) . 08 10,13 (2-byte code) (H) * Indicates default values. ** Keyclick requires a hardvare modification. It is not presently supported. 2-5 Response Meaning TECHNICAL REFERENCE 2.2.4 SYSTEM HARDWARE Implementing a Software-Switchable Repeat-Action Function A repeat-action key is one that automatically repeats when depressed for one-half second (s) or longer. As long as the key is held down, repeat-action transmissions from the keyboard to the system unit continue at a rate of 15 per second. 2.2.5 Performing n-Key Rollover Repeat-action interacts with n-key rollover in the following manner. Pressing more than one nonmode key does not cause repeat-action. Instead, the most recent key pressed transmits to the system unit, When repeat-action is enabled and one k~y is pressed, that key is acted upon by the repeat-action function. The following examples clarify the relationship between rollover, repeat-action, and mode byte changes. Example 1: Assume that the following sequence of events occurs: 1. No mode bits are on. 2. The ~ key is depressed and held down for more than one-half second. 3. The b key is depressed. 4. The SHIFT key is depressed. (The SHIFT key can be held or released without altering the characters transmitted to the system unit.) 5. The b key is released. 6. The ~ key has not yet been released. The result transmitted to the system unit and displayed is: aaaaaaaaaaaaaabaaaaaaaaaaa ... 2-6 SYSTEM HARDWARE TECHNICAL REFERENCE Example 2: Assume that the following sequence of events occurs: 1. No mode bits are on. 2. The a key is depressed and held down for more than one-half second. 3. The SHIFT key is depressed and held. 4. (At this point, the SHIFT key can The b key is depressed. without altering the characters be held or released transmitted to th_~ system un it. ) 5. The b key is released. 6. The The result a key has not yet been released. transmi"tted to the system unit and displayed is: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaBAAAAAAAAAAA ... 2.2.6 Locking/Unlocking the Keyboard At certain times during system operation. the keyboard locks. During these times, all normal functions of the keyboard are suspended. That is, the keyboard does not scan, encode, or transmit data to the system unit. The keyboard locks if: * * * The self-test is in progress. The self-test fails. The keyboard receives the LOCK KEYBOARD command. The keyboard remains locked un til one' occurs: * * 2.2.7 of the following conditions The self-test successfully completes. The keyboard receives the UNLOCK KEYBOARD command. Performing a Self-Test The keyboard performs a self-test when it receives code 00 from the system unit, interrupting any keyboard operation in progress. The 2-7 TECHNICAL REFERENCE SYSTEM HARDWARE self-test completely checks the keyboard system RAM and ROM, then transmits the results to the system unit using a code explained in paragraph 2.2.3, entitled "Receiving and Responding to System Unit Commands .•• 2.3 SYSTEM UNIT BOARD The system unit board, or motherboard, is the heart of the computer. It is mounted on the bottom of the system unit chassis. The motherboard is divided into two logical function areas, one for system support and one for the expansion bus. Refer to Section 5, drawing 2223005, for logic diagrams of the system unit board. Figure 2-2 is a block diagram of the separate subsystems of the motherboard. 2-9 >i ~J - u c- I- ..: .......... 808B CPU - I '-~ I It- u -- I .,c: " '--~ SOCKET RESERVED FOR 8087 NUMERIC CO PRO· CESSOR I- l- u ..: RAMs 64K SYSTEM MEMORY U W ~nrI I- ::::J i..S- ~ ~ CD I\) I U) 8288 BUS ' - - CONTROLLER I--- I---I---- I--- - .... I--- - n >- t< !XI .---- ":u Il. X r- I--- I--- I--- I--- I--I--- I--I--- '-- , '-- - trI '1J trI I---- ~ I--- I--I--- I---I---'-- '-- !XI trI :z: n '-- trI ..- SYSTEM DATA BUS SYSTEM DATA BUS BUFCERt til tO 0 8251 KEYBOARD LOG 8253·5 TRIPLE TIMERS >r' I 0 .... III ., IQ KEYBOARD BUFFERS FLOPPY DISK CONTROL LOG I-- In I I SPEAKER AMP FOC CONTROL LINES 1 FDC DATA BUS 1/0 DATA BUS I B259A INTERRUPT CONTROLLER INTERRUPT LOGIC ~ IBUFFERU II II I I 1/0 DECODE I SYSTEM CONTROL BUS 0. S L--- .--- W MEMORY OECODEAND RAM TIMING ~ 0 III I--- ADDRESS X :J' ,-- MEMORY DATA BUS - 0 ., 0' .,III L-- r- ~ ~ .--- ~Ii r9 II] ........ t;;;;;;;;J KEYBOARD CONNECTOR r.................. PRINTER PORT ••••••••••••••••• 0 X INTERNAL DISKETTE DRIVE :r: rnl\ll\l~rTnR IPAR.o.I I 1=1 I ~ ;r:::::::::::::::::: I !XI o CONNECTOR 2: 2223216·2 > !XI trI TECHNICAL REFERENCE 2.4 SYSTEM HARDWARE SYSTEM SUPPORT That section of the motherboard dedicated to system support hardvare and logic for the: * * * * * * * 2.4.1 contains Keyboard port microprocessors, System CPU (including controllers, and buffers) clocks, bus Motherboard input/output (I/O) system Motherboard interrupt system Motherboard .emory system FDC subsystem (including buffers, vrite precompensation, and diskette drive interface) CRT controller Keyboard Port a universal asynchronous receiver-transmitter The Intel 8251A, (UART), is the port for serial data transmission betveen the Data received by the UART alvays motherboard and the keyboard. to the interrupt controller. The transmit generates an interrupt transmitter in ready line does not generate an interrupt unless the The keyboard port interrupt isORed vith the the UART is enabled. "interrupt request 1" line from the nu.eri~ coprocessor. An SN15189A line receiver vith a slovdovn _capacitor. c~n~itions the receive data signal to protect the signal from transients. The receiver hysteresis is approximately 1 V centered around 1.4 V, vhich improves the noise immunity. Another SN15189A buffers the transmit data line, providing a good voltage sving and drive to the keyboard cable. This buffer consists internally of an output transistor vith a 2-kilo ohms (kohms) pullup resistor. To improve diagnostics, the data set ready (DSR) line on the universal synchronous/asynchronous receiver transmitter (USART) connects to the keyboard connector through a SN15189A buffer. The transmit data line connects to' the DSR line at the keyboard, vhich alloys detection of a disconnected or defective keyboard. The input clock to the transmit section is 19 531.25 Hz. The 8251 divides this frequency by 64 to generate a baud rate of 305. The input clock for the receiver is 156 250 Hz. This frequency is 2-10 SYSTEM HARDWARE TECHNICAL REFERENCE divided by 64 to generate a baud rate of 2441. Because these baud rates are close to the standard 300- and 2400-baud rates, system test instruments can simulate a keyboard vith standard equipment. 2.4.2 System CPU The system CPU consists of an Intel 8088 16-bit microprocessor, the CPU clock circuits, several CPU bus buffers and latches, a CPU bus controller, and the reset circuit. A special socket on the motherboard makes it easy to add the optional Intel 8087 numeric data processor (also called a numeric coprocessor). The Intel microprocessors york together and, to attached components. appear to be a single chip. Therefore, the term CPU (as used in this manual) refer~ to both devices. Optional Numeric Coprocessor. The user can choose to add an 8087 numeric coprocessor to the system unit board at any time. Once the 8087 is inserted into the socket provided, both the 8088 and the 8087 decode the special escape instructions. The 8088 does any memory-access computations required and accesses the first byte of memory according·. to the instruction. The 8087 decodes the instruction, "catches" the memory address generated by the 8088, requests the bus from the 8088, and completes the required memory access. After finishing vith the bus, the coprocessor releases it so that the 8088 can continue vith the next instruction. If necessary, the 8088 sends a WAIT instruction to the 8087. ensuring their synchronization. CPU Clock Generator. The CPU clock generator consists of an Intel-designed 8284, a crystal, and some discrete components. To generate the 5.0 MHz clock frequency, the 8284 divides the crystal frequency (15.0 MHz ~ 0.01 percent) by 3. The 8284 also contains logic to· synchronize the HAIT- line from the expansion bus and memory subsystems vith the RESET- line from the pover-good circuit. NOTE Signal names followed by a dash, are active low signals. such as HAIT-, CPU Bus Buffering. The CPU operates in the so-called "maximum" mode of this integrated circuit. (For additional information, see ·the Intel literature on the 8088 and 8087 microprocessors.) The CPU uses a multiplexed address and data bus in order to reduce the number of pins required on the processor chip. For this reason, and to provide adequate buffering for the address and data lines on the expansion bus, a set of address latChes (US, U6, U7) and a data bus buffer (U8) are an integral part of the CPU. 2-11 TECHNICAL REFERENCE SYSTEM HARDWARE CPU Bus Controller. The CPU bus controller chip (U3 8288) receives the status information from the processor and converts it into the lines KRDC- (memory read), AMWC(advanced memory vrite), IORC(I/O read), AIOWC(advanced I/O vrite), IHTA (interrupt acknovledge), OEM (data buffer enable), and DTR (data buffer direction control). A simple open-loop signature analysis (SA) arrangement is provided to check out the CPU. Connecting pins E17 and £18 (on the motherboard) vith a jumper and resetting the system (pover up) causes the processor to execute a OBFH opcode. The jumper disables the system data bus buffer U8, and the pullup resistors in U66 pull the bus up to a high state. Transistor Q1 pulls dovn data line AD6 to provide the "0" bit in the opcode. The segmented architecture then causes the processor to cycle from address FFFFOH through address FFFFFH and from OOOOOH through OFFFOH during the SA loop. HOTE The symbol value. "H" denotes a hexadecimal address or Reset Detection Circuit. The pover-good (reset detection) circuit discovers insufficient pover conditions on the motherboard by monitoring the 12-volt (V) pover line. Khen the pover drops, but does not shut dovn completely, this circuit causes an automatic restart. If the voltage falls to approximately 11 Vdc, a resistor/capacitor combination and a voltagecomparator vith transistor inverter hold the RESET line true for at least 3 milliseconds (ms). 2.4.3 Motherboard Input/Output System The motherboard input/output (I/O) system decodes the i/o addresses for all the devices on the board. The input buffer and the various Table 2-2 output latches are also components of the I/O system. sho~s a map of the motherboard I/O addresses. The various I/O devices have available 16 I/O address bits. Only 10 of these bits, a total of 1024 bytes, are decoded. Beginning at address OOOH, the motherboard uses 48 bytes of this space. This leaves 976 bytes available for the expansion bus. Table 2-2 lists the motherboard devices that are decoded and their addresses ~ithin the CPU I/O space. Appendix A provides a complete map of all system I/O addresses. 2-12 TBCHHICAL REFEREHCB Table 2-2 SYSTEM HARDWARE Map of the Motherboard I/O Addresses Hex Address Device Bit/Use 00000 U41 Latch o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 Speaker timer enable Timer 1 interrupt enable Timer 2 interrupt enable Single-density (FM) enable Track greater than 1/2 (TG43) Diskette side'one enable (FSID-) Diskette mode control (M1) Diskette mode control (MO) 00001 U48 Input buffer o Option jumper E1-E2 Option jumper E3-E4 Option jumper E5-E6 Parity interrupt pending Printer port BUSY Printer port paper out Printer port printer selected Printer port HO fault 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 00002 00003 U49 Latch U50 Latch 00004 U51 Latch 0-1 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 Printer port data" outputs LED 1 OFF LED.2 OFF LED 3 OFF Parity interrupt enable Printer port not autofeed Printer port not strobe Printer port not initialize Printer ACK interrupt enable Diskette Diskette Diskette Diskette Diskette Diskette Diskette Disk~tte 2-13 drive drive drive drive drive drive drive drive SELECT SELECT SELECT SELECT MOTOR MOTOR MOTOR MOTOR 1,f..2 ~~ 3 -l, 4·~ 1 2 3 4 SYSTEM HARDWARE TECHNICAL REFERENCE Table 2-2. Map of the Motherboard I/O Addresses (Concluded) Hex Address Device 00005--0000F 00010 00011 00012--00013 00014 00015 00016 00017 00018 00019 00020 00021 00022 00023 00024--0002F Reserved U44 8251 US ART U44 8251 USART Reserved U45 8253 timer U45 8253 timer U45 8253 timer U45 8253 timer U46 8259A interrupt controller U46 8259A interrupt controller FoC command register or RAM FoC track register FOC sector register or RAM reset FoC data register Reserved Bit/Use 2-14 Data register Control register Counter Counter Counter Control 0 1 2 register SYSTEM HARDWARE TECHNICAL REFERENCE I/O Decoding. A combination of three integrated circuits (IC) does the I/O decoding. The first Ie is a hard-array-Iogic (HAL) device HAL12L6. The second is a 74LS138, ~hich is a one-of-eight decoder. The third is one-half of a dual 74LS139, ~hich is a one-offour decoder. Table 2-3 gives the array logic device programming. When the logical AND of terms from one roy is ORed ~ith the AND of terms from another roy in the same section, the output goes active if the result is true. Expressed in Boolean terms, IORQ = (XS2 x XSl x XSO x IORC) Table + (XS2 x XS1 x XSO X AIOWC) Input/Output Signals - HAL12L6 Integrated Circuit ~-3 Input XSO XS2 output XSl .. XA9 XA7 XA5 IORCAIOWCXA4 DEH- XA8 XA6 comment -------+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+----------------------------Read I/O IENL L H L L L L L L or L or L or . H L L L L L L L L L L L L .Write I/O Interrupt acknovledge Inactive term ~------+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+----------------------------- XCS- L or L L H H or L H L FLCS- L or L H L L L L L H L H L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L H H L Read I/O at 74LS139 Write I/O at 74LS139 L Write 1/0/ L -------+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+----------------------------IORQ- L L H Read I/O L -------+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+----------------------------L H Read diskette L L L L H L Write diskette -------+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+----------------------------L L H Read I/O at 74LS138 L L L L L L L YCS- or L L Write I/O at 74LS138 -------+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+----------------------------Halt XXXX- H or or . or L L L -------+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+----------------------------~- Legend: L = Lov signal. H = High signal. 2-15 TECHNICAL REFERENCE SYSTEM HAROH'ARE 2 .•. 3.2 Parallel Printer Port. Printers with Centronics-compatible interfaces use the parallel printer port. This port contains a 25pin female. O-type connector. The basic signals are the output data lines from U44, the PTSTRsignal that strobes the data into the printer, and the PBUSY and PACK- lines, which indicate to the CPU the printer's readiness to receive a character. In regular printer operation, the PBUSY line goes high when the printer is not ready to receive a character and low when the printer can accept a character. The PACK- line goes low for a short time when the printer finishes with the current character. The rising edge of this line generates an interrupt when printer interrupts are enabled by the PTEH line. This interrupt is ORed with the "interrupt request 5" line on the expansion bus. The pin-o-utof the port--is given in Table 2-.. Pin numbers for the 36-pin printer connector (at the printer end of the cable) are given in parentheses. The extra lines are used for various control and status functions associated with the printer port. 2-l.6 TECHNICAL REFERENCE SYSTEM HARDWARE Table 2-4 Printer Port Pin-Out -------+-------+-------------+-----------+--------------------------+ Signal IReturn 1 Signal Name I Source ISignal +-------+-------+-------------+-----------+------------------~-------+ 19 1 IDATA STROBE- 1 I System 1 1 Data is sampled when 1 signal is low. +-------+-------+-------------+-----------+--------------------------+ 1 Data output bit. System 1 DATA 1 +-------+-------+-------------+-----------+--------------------------+ System 120(21)*1 DATA 2 +-------+-------+-------------+-----------+--------------------------+ System 1 DATA 3 +-------+-------+-------------+-----------+--------------------------+ System 5 121(23) I DATA 4 2 4 -. +-------+-------+----------~-+-----------+--------------------------+ System 1 DATA 5 6 +-------+-------+-------------+-----------+--------------------------+ System 122(25) I DATA 6 7 +-------+----~--+-------------+-----------+--------------------------+ System 1 DATA 7 9 +-------+-------+-------------+-----------+--~~----------------------+ 9 123 (27) , DATA·· 9 System +-------+-------+-------------+-----------+--------------------------+ 10 'ACKNOWLEDGE- I Pr inter ., Ano ther charac t er I , 1 can be received. .------+-------+-------------+-----------+--------------------------+ Printer 1 No data can be sent 124(29) I BUSY 11 I 1 I when signal is high. I I when signal is high. I (ON LINE) I when signal is high. +-------+-------+-------------+-----------+--------------------------+ 12 1 PAGE END Printer 1 Printer is out of paper +-------+-------+-------------+-----------+--------------------------+ 13 I SLCT Printer J Printer is online +-------+-------+-------------+-----------+--------------------------+ 14 AUTO FEEDSystem Printer is to line feed , on carriage return I when signal is low. +-------+-------+-------------+-----------+--------------------------+ 115(32) I 1 FAULTPrinter 'Indicates a fault J I I I when signal is low. 1 1 1 I signal is low. +-------+-------+-------------+-----------+--------------------------+ 116(31) 125(30) I INITSystem 1 Resets printer when +-------+-------+-------------+-----------+--------------------------+ 117(36) 119(33) I SELECTIONSystem 1 Always low. +-------+-------+-------------+-----------+--------------------------+ * The numbers in parentheses are the pin numbers for the 36-pin Centronics-type connector. 2-17 TECHNICAL REFERENCE SYSTEM HARDWARE Timers. The 9253-5 counter/timer IC provides three separate timing units. In this sys t.em, one is used asa programmable speaker oscillator, and the other two are programmable interval timers. The speaker timer is clocked by a square wave of 1.25 MHz. Divisors up to 65 536 can generate output frequencies as low as 19 Hz. The high input frequency creates output tones that are more musically accurate. The speaker timer clock is internally gated with the speaker enable (SPKEN), an output of latch U47. This signal allows the interruption of tones without a reprogramming of the timer. The second timer (Timer A) is used in system-timing applications and as a real-time clock. It generates an interrupt signal on the rising edge of the timer output when the enable line (address 0 bit 1) is set high. Toggling this line low resets the interrupt; holding this line low ~isables the interrupt completely. The interrupt level is 3. The input clock frequency to the timer is 625 kilohertz (kHz). A divisor of 62 500 generates a pulsewidth of 100 ms, while a divisor of 15 625 generates a pulsewidth of 2S ms. The third timer (Timer 8) is used for special-purpose timing applications. It generates an interrupt on the rising edge of the timer output when the enable line (address 0 bit 2) is set high. Toggling this line low resets the interrupt; holding this line low disables the interrupt completely. This line is shared with the expansion interrupt line IR2. The interrupt level is 2. The input clock frequency to this timer is 625 kHz. Speaker Amplifier. The speaker timer output goes to an amplifier (LM 3S6) that drives the 9-ohm speaker, providing sufficient volume and allowing mixing of sig~als from external sources (option expansion cards). To mix other signals with this Signal, connect any other signal source (such as the speech option board) to P12, the summing input. 2.4.4 Motherboard Interrupt System The motherboard interrupt system can encode eight separate interrupts and vector the central processor to eight separate interrupt routines. A nonmaskable interrupt (NMI) (which produces the highestpriority interrupts) is also available. The majority of the interrupt logic is contained within the Intel 9259A interrupt controller chip. The 9259A is programmed for levelsensitive input and is the master (only) interrupt controller. During the INTA cycle, the decoding logic array always enables the contents of the I/O data bus onto the system data bus. This information is the vector from the 9929A chip, and the system, therefore, requires only one controller. The 9259A chip assigns priority to the incoming interrupts, allows masking of interrupts, and provides the vector to the CPU during the 2-19 / TECHNICAL REFERENCE SYSTEM HARDWARE interrupt acknovledge (INTA) cycle. A series of OR gates and flipflops permit some interrupt levels to be shared, cause some inputs to be edge-triggered, and cause others to be level-triggered. The interrupts that come from the expansion bus are active high and are, therefore, terminated vith a 4.7-kohm pulldovn resistor to ground. All the pulled-dovn inputs are connectied to the 82S9A chip, either directly or through a CMOS OR gate. This connection prevents the gate input current from raising the input voltage above the legal "lov" level through the pulldovn resistor. CAUTION Even though the system is protected, programmers _and designers_ using interrupts on the expansion bus· should be s-ure to "mask off" unused interrupt lines as a matter of good programming practice. The NMI detects parity errors on the motherboard RAM system. To generate this interrupt vith softvare, set the DTR line on the 82S1A USART. The RAM ca"Jl. then be tested vithout parity-error interruption. The interrupt levels and their expected uses are given in Table 2-S. Table 2-S Interrupt na Use Bus Line NMI IRO IRl IR2 A01 B04 B24 B25 IR3 IR4 IR6 IR7 na B23 B21 na = Not Interrupt Level Assignments System parity error, CRT interrupt Communications port 1 Communications port 2 Communications port 3 System board timer 2 Local area net board buffer full/empty System board timer 1 (clock) Communications port 4 Diskette drive, Winchester disk Keyboard, numeric coprocessor applicable. 2-19 TECHNICAL REFERENCE 2.4.5 Motherboard Memory SYSTEM HARDWARE Sy~tem The memory system on the motherboard consists of 64K bytes (K = 1024) of dynamic RAM, up to 16K bytes of ROM, decoding logic to establish the addresses, and timing and refresh logic to operate the system~ A connector and the necessary logic permit the addition of one of the expansion RAM boards. These boards are available in 64K-, 128K-, and 192K-byte capacities. After adding the 192K-byte board (bringing the total to 256K bytes), further expansion requires the addition of a 256K-byte board that plugs into the expan~ion bus. (This board and another memory expansion board are fully described in Section 3.) Motherboard Memory Addressing. The memory space of processor devices used by the motherboard is given in Table 2-6. balance o~ the' system m~ory is given in Appendix B. Table 2-6 Address Motherboard Kemory Map Device Dynamic RAM: OOOOO-OFFFF 10000-lFFFF' 20000-2FFFF 30000-3FFFF 64K-bytes 64K-bytes 64K-bytes 64K-bytes motherboard RAM expansion RAM board bank 1 expansion RAM board bank 2 expansion RAM board bank 3 ROM Usage: FCOOO-FDFFF FEOOO-FFFFF 8K ROM space, one wait state (%U62) 8K system ROM, one wait state (U63) 2-20 the The TECHNICAL REFERENCE SYSTEM HARDWARE Memory Control Logic. A bidirectional buffer (U61) separates the main system data bus from the motherboard expansion memory, thereby providing sufficient drive and margin to the data transfers. U28, the memory hard array logic chip HAL16R4, in combination vith U53, the 74LS139 decoder, handles decoding and timing for the ROMs. Because ROMs and EPROMs (erasable programmable read-only memories) are generally slov devices, a vait state is added to all accesses to these devices. The ROM access times are listed in Table 2-7. Table 2-7 ROM Access Times Functr~n Time Required (in Nanoseconds) CS-ROM access 410 ROM address access 577 I/O Wait States. The HAL chip also contains the logic to add a vait state to all I/O accesses made by the CPU. The vait state is necessary because many of the I/O devices operate too slovly vhen the system buffer and setup and decode times are included. With the vait state, the control lin~s are active for approximately 600 nanoseconds (ns) . Memory Refresh Logic. The RAM refresh logic operates synchronously vith the accesses to the RAM memory. Refresh cycles begin only vhen a RAM memory cycle is not in progress. This implies that the RAM refresh can occur at the same time as accesses to other system memory (ROMs) or I/O space. Each time a refresh cycle begins, a refresh timer (one-shot U29) starts. When it times out, it provides the signal to begin another refresh cycle. This timer is set to 15 microseconds (us) maximum, vhich alloys for the vorst-case refreshrequest latency. To maintain the contents of the RAM under vorstcase conditions, the refresh must occur at least 128 times vithin 2 ms. (The average refresh timing is once per 15.625 us). The vorstcase latency for a refresh request is about 600 ns. Once a refresh cycle has begun, it must be completed (including the precharge) before the next cycle begins. If a RAM access cycle starts before the refresh cycle completes, the HAL state machine puts the CPU into a vait state until the refresh operation completes. In the vorst case, this delay could extend the normal memory access time by four vait states, or 800 ns. Assuming a refresh timer value of 14 us and an average 600-ns slovdovn of the CPU, is approximately 4.3 the refresh overhead TECHNICAL REFERENCE SYSTEK HARDWARE percent average or 5.7 percent worst case.· CAS and Address Kultiplexer Switch. A delay line from the RASI(row address strobe input) line produces the SWK (the address multiplexer control). SWK ensures an adequate row address hold time (40 ns) and still operates the RAK quickly enough to finish the access within the system cycle time. The CASI- (column address strobe input) timing depends' on whether the cycle is a read or a write. If the cycle is a read, the CASI- signal is taken from the delay line 20 ns after the SWK signal to produce the ACAS- (advance column address strobe). ACAS- ensures an adequate column address setup time to the RAK and still gives fast RAK access. If the cycle is a write, then the CASI- signal is taken from the falling edge of the system clock. which is about 150 ns after the occurrence of RASI-. This delay allows time for the data from the processor-to propagata -through the data buffers and the parity generator chip (U31 74LS290). To control the generation of the CASI- pulse, flip-flop U33 is timed with CLK- (the system clock). samples the delay line (ACAS-). and is reset by KRDC- (the memory read signal). The output of the flip-flop is then logically ANDed (U34) with the ACAS- signal to generate the actual CASI- signal. To prevent the generation of a CASI- pulse during refresh, the refresh row address strobe (RRAS-) line holds flip-flop U33 in the preset state during a refresh. This forces the output of OR gate U34 (CASI-) to a high level. Parity Generation and Checking. The parity generator/checker chip (74LS290) generates a "1" to the parity RAM bit whenever ther~ is an even number of l·s in the da~a byte being written. The parity RAM chip has a separate data· bus to drive the output line. A pullup resistor holds this line high when it is not driving the output (as in a write cycle). The parity data is then taken from the "odd sum" output of the parity generator and used to write to the RAM. This method of parity checking does not cause a parity error when the system attempts to read from nonexistent RAM. (To determine the size of system memory, the system software sometimes "feels" for memory not present.) When the RAM is read" all of the data bits and the parity bit are presented to the generator/checker and the.parity output is sampled at the end of the read cycle. If parity checking is enabled and discovers a parity error, flip-flop U33 is set to interrupt the CPU. Once set, this flip-flop must be reset by software before additional interrupts can be given. If the enable. bit (address 3 bit 3) is held low, then no parity interrupts (PINT) are generated. To distinguish the parity interrupt from other NMIs, the PINT line is fed to U49 (address 1 bit 3) and can be tested by software. 2-22 SYSTEM HARDWARE TECHNICAL REFERENCE Memory Control State Machine. A hard array logic device (HAL16R4 U28), set up as a state machine, drives the memory control. This device has four outputs equipped vith a set of clocked flipflops and four outputs that are direct combinations of the inputs. The AND of the terms on a line ORed vith the AND of terms on other lines results in loy-going outputs. This occurs either directly, on those outputs vithout registers, or after the clock on those outputs vith registers. The signalRASI- activates RASout of the AM2964B RAM address multiplexer. The signal XWAIT- puts the processor into a vait state. The signal MDEN- activates the motherboard memory system data buffer. The signal RMSEL- selects access to the ROMs. The signa~ RFSHinstructs the AM2964B address multiplexer to put out the refresh address. The signal RRASindicates that a refresh RAS is in progress. _ The signal __ SY(used internally to the HAL) indicates refresh states. The signal SX- (used internally to the HAL) cuts off the vait state to the CPU atter one cycle. Table 2-8 gives the logic for the memory control state machine. A timing diagram of the memory system, shovn in Figure 2-3, the major operation..s of the memory system. 2-23 indicates TECHNICAL REFERENCE Table 2-8 SYSTEM HARDWARE Memory Control State Machine Logic - HALl6R4 Input MRDXA18 RASIRFSHMKRRMXXKAIT- RRASRFRQ IORCMDENSYoutput XAl9 AIOKCRMSEL- SXComment -------+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+---+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-------------------------------RASI- L L L H H Memory read or L L L . H . H Memory write or L L Refresh or L L . All other OR terms -------+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+---+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+--------------------------------XKAIT- L L L Refresh+read RFl,2,3 or L . L Refresh+read RF3,4 L · or L L Refresh+write RFl,2,3 L · or · L · L. L Refresh+write RF3,4 or · H H L ROM read/write L H or . L . H I/O read or · L. H I/O write -------+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+---+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+--------------------------------MDENH RAM read/write L H or L H H L ROM read or . L . H H L . ROM write or . L L All other OR terms -------+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+---+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+--------------------------------RMSEL- L ROM read · H H L ROM write or . L . H H L . All other QR terms or . . L L -------+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+---+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+--------------------------------The following foul" outputs have flip-flops: -------+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+---+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+--------------------------------Refresh RFl; no memory cycle RFSH- H H H . • H • Refresh RF1; no RAM cycle or . . H H • · H or . Refresh RF2,3 · L . H or . All ~ther OR ~~r~s • L • H • -------+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+---+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+--------------------------------Refresh RF2,3,4 RRAS· L . All other OR terms or . • L . -------+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+---+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+--------------------------------SyRefresh RF3,4 · L L . or . All other OR terms · L L . -------+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+---+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+--------------------------------SXL H H L ROM read wai t cutoff , or L H H L ROM write wai t cutoff or L I/O read wai t cutoff or · L I/O write wait cutoff or L All other OR terms -------+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+---+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+--------------------------------L = Low signal. H = High signal. .- · · · · · . · · 2-24 Ii tlJ n ClK. . II I I MRDC- I IQ C RFRO II RAAS- h) SX- JI I I I I I I I I I I II II I I I I I I II Sy- I RFSH- I WAIT- , I II II ., 0 RASI- fIl J h) ell I: I MDEN---"':"','-" .. "' .. ~ ,II I '" . -- ~ I I I I I I III I I I I I 'f ,: I .I I " r- _.I" . I I I I I I I, I I J I I ,! I I I I I '. I' I I I I I : I I' I I I , II I I I I ', I I I I I I , I I I I I I I I I , I I " I I' -1....... I I I I , I I I ' I I I I I I I I I I I I "'" 'I' I" I ~I_~I"--_ _ ,I II I r ,I.' II I,I I , I II I. I I I I I I I ' I ", , I I I I II I I ~ h) I II I W I J " J I I AMWC- ..."rJ ., I , t 1_-----0 II II II 1I I I ::.: :c lot n >- t'" :a tlJ "rJ tlJ :a tlJ :c I I I n tlJ ",,:,,;....--- ~II--:-1--7'----;- I ~'~'~--+I-~I----;I--T-~--- I r." I I 11r-r---;--- I II I ! I II ... ...iii Ii ACAS_-DCAS ::I IQ ... ., CASI- 1:1 III IQ .. u I ,---' II I I PCK .I MDATA I "I I I" I I I hI I I ' I I II , I ' I I II II PR9CESSOR ~ATA I I PARITY DATA 1:0 iii CASO ,I .",I" 'I rI LEGEND: -I --f I I I' I ,1/ ., I I SIGNALIS AVAILABLE. "I I I ' '" II I ~AM DATA I I 'I II I ' I I, ., Ii h, I I I I I I I I I ,I I I I , P~RITY I I RAM ,I E=:J I "II I ' I I , I I 300 ASOC ROM • I I I I ROM DATA I fIl I t< I fIl Ii tlJ II :===:t- LINE INSIDE BOX INDICATES 2223216-3 WHEN SIGNAL IS NEEDED. ::.: >:a 1:1 Z >:a tlJ .., SYSTEM HARDWARE TECHNICAL REFERENCE 2.4.6 Floppy Disk Controller The floppy disk controller (FDC) section contains a floppy disk controller IC (FD1793-02), a floppy disk support logic IC (WD1691), and a pulse delay IC (WD2143), all made by Kestern Digital. The FDC also has a voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) and one-half of a 74LS221 on.-shot. Two 2114 static RAMs, addressed by a CMOS 4040, act as a sector buffer, and a programmable array logic (PAL) IC decodes and controls operations. Miscellaneous logic handles signal timing and buffering. The logic described in this section includes: * Floppy disk controller IC * * * * Sector buffer Data write precompensation circuit Data separator Diskette drive interface Floppy Disk Controller IC. The Kestern Digital FD1793-02 chip is the FDC IC. This IC does serial/parallel data conversion, locates sectors on the disk, seeks the diskette drive, and performs other high-level functions. A complete description of the FD1793-02\ chip can be found in the literature available from Kestern Digital. The 1.0-MHz controller input clock provides the correct data rate for standard 5 1/4-in diskettes. Bec~use U20 divides the clock down from 15.0 MHz, the duty cycle is 467 ns low, 533 ns high. Sector Buffer. During read or write operations, data must be transmitted at a rate between 23 us per byte and 32 us per byte nominal (for double-density operation). A sector buffer, operating independently of the processor during a read or a write, ensures that the diskette drive performs properly. This buffer consists of: * * * A lK x 8 static RAM device A counter (to address the RAM sequentially) Control logic and a bus buffer (so that the CPU and the FDC' can access the buffer) 2-26 SYSTEK HARDWARE TECHNICAL REFERENCE Two bits (KO, K1) in latch U47control the basic operating the sector buffer. These four modes are as follows: Latch U47 Bits KO K1 1 o 1 1 o o 1 o modes of Kode FDC FDC CPU CPU reads RAK and writes data to diskette. reads di~kette and writes data to RAK. reads or writes RAK sequentially. reads or writes the FDC directly. The counter that addresses the buffer increments automatically each time either the CPU or the FDC accesses the RAK. To set up a fixed starting address within the RAK, the CPU writes to the FDC sector register while the KO, K1 bits are set to 0, O. This resets the address counter. The FDC is not affected because the CPU can access the FDC only .in. mode KO~-J1. The PAL provides the control logiC for the sector buffer, aided by a flip-flop that provides a 1-us FDC clock-synchronized signal. The PAL uses this Signal, derived from the FDC data request (DRQ) line, to generate the read or write command for the FDC when the sector buffer is in mode~ 1, 1 or 1, O. The FDC activates the DRQ line when a sector write ~eq~ires • byte or when a byte is ready in a sector read. This control logic and the CPU generate other signals to control the RAK and the counter. These signals are given in, Table 2-9. The timing diagram· in Figure 2-4 defines the usage of these signals. When the logical ARD of terms from one row is ORed with the AND of terms from another row, the output goes low when the result is true . .," 2-27 TECHHICAL REFEREHCE SYSTEM HARDWARE Table 2-9 PrograJlUlling for the HAL10L8 Device Input ---------------------------------IORQMl IORCXAl output MO XAO AIOWC- DEHFLCS DRQD Comment -------+--+--+---+--+--+---+--+--+---+-----------------------------L L H CPU <---> FDC Mode 0,1 YAO L or . L L L L (Unused) -------+--+--+---+--+--+---+--+--+---+-----------------------------L H CPU <---> FDC Mode 0,1 YAl L L or . (Unused) -------+-~+~-+---+--+--~--+--+--+---+-----------------------------L H L L Mode 0,1 CPU <-- FDC or . H- L H Mode 1,0 FDC --> RAM FRD- -------+-~+--+---+--+--+---+--+--+---+-----------------------------L H L L CPU --> FDC Mode 0,1 FWR- or . H H FDC <-- RAM Mode 1,1 H FOC --> RAM Mode 1,0 H FOC <--> RAM Mode 1,X H -------+--+--+---+--+--+---+--+--+---+-----------------------------L L L L CPU --> RAM Mode 0,0 L 4·· • RWE- or . H or . H L -------+--+--+---+--+--+---+--+--+---+-----------------------------L L L L CPU <--> RAM Mode 0,0 L RCS- -------+--+--+---+--+--+---+--+--+---+-----------------------------Reset counter Mode 0,0 H L L L RRSTor . L L L L (Unused) -------+--+--+---+--+--+---+--+--+---+----------~------------------L CPU <--> RAM Mode 0,0 L L L L H L CPU <--> FOC Mode 0,1 L FDEK- L or . Legend: L = Low signal. H = High signal. 2-28 SYSTEM HARDWARE TECHHICAL REFEREHCE CONTROllER WRITING TO RAM \ -1 1 MHZ ClK V ORO / I \ ORaD FRO ,RWE ,RCS_. -- / r\ DATA MO -lOW, Ml-HIGH I VALID \ READ FDC WRITE RAM CONTROL l ER READING RAM l-MHZClK ORO ORaD I \ --' I I \ \ , MO- HIGH, Ml-HIGH :: FWR, RCS II r\ , DATA \ VALID READ RAM WRITE FDC Figure 2-4 Floppy qisk Timing Diagrams 2-29 2223216-4 TECHNICAL REFERENCE SYSTEM HARDWARE Write Precompensation Circuit. Using modified frequency modulation (MFM) to vrite certain double-density data patterns on magnetic media causes a "bit shift", requiring disk vrite precompensation. Compensating for the bit shift prevents the read data transitions from moving outside the detection range of the read circuitry. As track length shortens tovard the center of the disk, data bits are stored closer together, so the bit shift problem gets vorse. The ideal compensation gradually adjusts the vrite hardvare as the track number increases. Hovever, a compromise solution produces nearly the same results. The precompensation is turned off vhile the head is over the outer half of the disk, then turned on vhen the head is over the inner half of the disk. Disk drives can have either 40 or 80 tracks, so the softvare checks the type of drive installed, then determines the halfvay point. For this reason, U47 (rather than the FOC) controls the TG43 signal. (Halfvay point for an 8-in d!skette = TG43: track number greater than 43.) The vrite precompensation and data separator circuits are controlled by U14, R17, R18, and R19 on the motherboard. When the ROOATA- line (pin 11 of U14) is high, it forces the PU and PD- outputs from the WD1691 to a tristate condition. R17 adjusts the PUMP line (pins 13/14 of U14) voltage to 1.4 Vdc. R18 generates a square vave of 2.0 MHz + 5.0 perce-nt f-rom the VCO (pin 16 of U14). The pulsewidth (monitored from pin 5 of U14) should be 750 ns, giving a write pulse width of 187.5 ns. The vaveform is visible only vhen the computer is vriting data to a diskette. R19 control. the vrite pulsewidth through ·U15 (the HD2143 IC), determining the amount of precompensating bit shift. The precompensation pulsevidth (monitored from pin 1 of U15 during a vrite operation) should be set to approximately 200 ns. The FDC signals EARLY and LATE control the direction of bit shift. These signals cause WD1691 to select the appropriate tap along the HD2143 (adjustable delay line) for the bit pattern being written. If precompensation is not needed on outer tracks, the TG43 signal inhibits the precompensation process. Because single-density frequency modulation (PM) encoded data does not require precompensation, the PD1691 also disables the precompensation vhen the double-density enable signal (ODEH-) is inactive (high). Data Separator. The data separator is composed of two parts: clock recovery and separation of the data from the clock. The actual separation of data from clock signals takes place in the F01793-02 FOC. The H01691 contains the digital circuits necessary to implement a phase-locked loop (PLL),the VCO is a 74LS628 chip, and external components provide the loop filter. The one-shot U29 shortens and stabilizes the pulsevidth of the incoming read pulses so that the PLL and data recovery operations operate properly during the lockup interval. 2-30 SYSTEM HARDWARE TECHHICAL REFEREHCE The PLL provides a contin~ous clock locked in a specific phase relationship with transitions in the incoming data. For this system, the falling edge of the RDDATA- signal should be nearly centered on the high or low pulse of the RCLK signal. When the PLL is adjusted correctly, it locks to an incoming pulse train in a frequency range from 217 kHz to 294 kHz (~ 15 percent) within 150 us. The pulses should be low-going, 2 us maximum applied to the RDDATA- input (P9 pin 30), and the DDEH- line must be low. Because of the analog nature of the PLL circuits, a linear regulator governs the power-supply voltage to the VCO and the loop filter. The regulator prevents digital noise on the 5-V supply from interfering with the PLL operation. The data separator works with either single-density (FM) or doubledensity ("JJFH) 'data. Tbe-_choice is controlled by the DDEN- line. Diskette Drive Interface. The diskette drives communicate through a series of buffers and receivers. Low-impedance ribbon cables connect the controller to the drive. P9 connects the internal diskette drives, and P13 connects the external drives. All signals driven by the controller (except for the SID1- signal) have separate drivers for each- connector. The receivers with their terminating pullup resistors are shared between the two connectors. connector P9 interfaces with a 34-conductor ribbon cable that has two 34-pin, card-edge connectors (one for each of the diskette drives that can be mounted inside the system unit chass'is). There is always one diskette drive installed in the system unit, mounted on the left side (as viewed by a user). This drive should be strapped for SELECT on pin 10 (drive O)~ When only one drive is installed, the select line and all common lines except pin 32 (side select) should be terminated at the drive. If another drive is installed internally, it should be strapped for SELECT on pin 12 (drive 1) with only the select line terminated. With two drives installed, the terminating resistor must be installed on the right-hand drive (drive 1) only. NOTE The floppy disk controller and individual diskette drive logic signals assign drives using the convention of: DRIVE 0, DRIVE 1, DRIVE 2, and DRIVE 3 (for a four-drive system). The diagnostics diskette uses the convention: DRIVE 1, DRIVE 2, DRIVE 3, and DRIVE 4 for a four-drive system. Operating systems 'may use yet another convention, such as DRIVE A, DRIVE B, DRIVE C, and DRIVE D. Be sure to use the correct drive designator. 2-31 TECHNICAL REFERENCE SYSTEM HARDKARE Connector P~3 interfaces with a 40-wire ribbon cable ending in a 31ptn, D-type connector. The user mounts the mate to this connector on the back panel of the system unit chassis. Khen external drives are installed, all lines used must terminate at the external drive. All diskette drives must be of the same type. That is, all must be either 320K-byte drives (double-sided, 48 tracks per inch [tpi]) or all must be 640K-byte drives (double-sided, 96 tpi). A jumper from El to E2 selects 320K-byte drives; a jumper from E3 to E4 selects 640K-byte drives. The absence of a jumper selects ~60K-byte drives. A jumper can be on either E~-E2 or E3-E4, but not both. The diskette drives do not need head-load solenoids for proper operation. However, if the drives are equipped with head-load solenoids, they should be strapped for head load with the motor on. The signals. STEP, DIRC,_KG, and KDOUT are buffered by the 14LS244 in order to drive the two standard 14~6 loads. This buffer is necessary because the FD~193-02 and the KD~691 can drive only one TTL load. The input signals KRITEPROT-, IHDEX-, TRKOO-, and RDDATA- are buffered by the 14LS244, providing more static protection than the MOS-device inputs, and a small amount of hysteresis. To install externa-l diskette drives, a short cable assembly links the motherboard connector P~3 with a 31-pin, d-type connector on the back of the system unit chassis. Section 5 contains the wiring assembly diagrams for this cable. (External diskette drives require an external power source.) Table 2-10 gives the pin-outs for the internal diskette drive connector on the motherboard. Table 2-1~ gives the pin-outs for the external diskette drive connector on the motherboard. D-type connector pin numbers are given in parentheses. 2-32 TECHNICAL REFERENCE Table 2-10 SYSTEM HARDWARE Internal Diskette Drive Connector Pin-Out +------+------+-------------+--------+--------------------------+ ISignallReturnl Signal Hame I Source I Function +------+------+-------------+--------+--------------------------+ 2 HC* +------+------+-------------+--------+--------------------------+ 3 HC +------+------+-------------+--------+--------------------------+ 5 HC +------+------+-------------+--------+--------------------------+ 7 I IHDEXI Drive Indicates index hole +------+------+-------------+--------+--------------------------+ 10 I SELECT 1I System I Drive select 1 +------+------+-------------+--------+--------------------------+ 12 I System I Drive select 2 +------+------+-------------+--------+--------------------------+ 14 13 HC +------+------+-------------+--------+--------------------------+ 16 15 MOTOR OHI System I Drive motors +------+------+-------------+--------+--------------------------+ .I 18 17 I DIRECTIOHI System' Step IN/OUT direction +------+------+-------------+--------+--------------------------+ I STEp:'" 20 19 I System , Step IN/OUT command +------+------+-------------+--------.--------------------------+ 22 21 I WRITE DATA- I System I Serial data to drive +------+------+-------------+--------+--------------------------+ 24 23 I WRITE GATE- I System I Enables vriting to drivel 1 4 6 8 9 ON J I I I vhen signal is loy I +------+------+-------------+--------+--------------------------+ 26 25 TRACK 00Drive Indicates head is over track 00 vhen signal is loy +------+------+-------------+--------+-----------------?--------+ 28 27 Indicates diskette I WRITE PROT- I Drive , I is vrite-protected +------+------+-------------+--------+--------------------------+ 30 29 Serial data from drive I READ DATA- I Drive +------+------+-------------+--------+------------~-------------+ 32 31 I SIDE 1I System I Side select (0,1 = I , I high, loy) +------+------+--------~----+--------+--------------------------+ 33 34 HC +------+------+-------------+--~-----+---~----------------------+ * HC = Hot connected. 2-33 TECHHICAL REFEREHCE Table 2-11 SYSTEH HARDWARE External Disk~tte Drive Connector Pin-Out +------+------+-------------+--------+--------------------------+ ISignallReturnl Signal Hame 1 Source I Function +------+------+-------------+--------+--------------------------+ 1 2 (1) 1 1 (20) 1 HC* I +------+------+-------------+--------+--------------------------+ HC I 4 (2)1 3(21)1 +------+------+-------------+--------+--------------------------+ HC 16 (3)15(22)1 +------+------+-------------+--------+--------------------------+ HC I 8 (4) 1 1(23) 1 +------+------+-------------+--------+--------------------------+ 110 (5)1 9(24)1 MC +------ +--.- ---+-- -- ------- -- +---- ----+------------ ------- -- -----+ 112 (6)111(25)1 IHDEX- I Drive Indicates index hole +------+------+-------------+--------+--------------------------+ 114 (7.)113(26)1 HOTOR 3I System I Drive motor 3 enable +------+------+-------------+--------+--------------------------+ 116 (8)115(21)1 SELECT 4I System I Drive select 4 +------+------+-------------+--------+--------------------------+ 118 (9)117(28)1 SELECT 3I System I Drive select 3 +------+------+-------------+--------+--------------------------+ 120(10)119(29)1 HOTOR 41 System 1 Drive motor 4 enable +------+------+-------------+--------+--------------------------+ 122(11)121(30)1 DIRECTIOMI System I Step IH/OUT direction 1 \ +------+------+-------------+--------+-----~--------------------+ 1 System 1 step IM/OUT command 124(12)123(31)1 STEP- +------+------+-------------+--------+--------------------------+ 126(13)125(32)INRITE DATA- 1 System I Serial data to drive +------.------+-------------+--------+--------------------------+ 128(14)127(33)1 WRITE GATE- 1 System 1 Enables write when low +------+------+-------------+--------+--------------.------------+ Indicates head is over 130(15)129(34)1 TRACK 00I Drive I 1 I I 1 1 1 1 track 00 when low .------+------+-------------+--------+--------------------------+ 132(16)131(35)1 WRITE PROT- 1 Drive 1 - Indicates d·islCette 1 is write-protected +------+------+-------------+--------.--------------------------+ Serial data from drive 134(17)133(36). READ DATAI Drive +------+------+-------------+---~----+--------------------------+ 136(18)135(31)1 SIDE 1- 1 System 1 Side select (0 = high) +------+------.-------------.--------+--------------------------+ HC 138(19)131 +------+------+-------------+--------+--------------------------+ MC 140 139 +------+------.-------------+--------+--------------------------+ * HC = not connected. 2-34 SYSTEM HARDWARE TECHNICAL REFERENCE Diskette Drive. The Texas Instruments Professional Computer is equipped vith one S 1/4-in, double-sided, diskette drive. The self-contained unit consists of a spindle drive, a head positioner, and a read-vrite-erase system. Plastic guides help to position the diskette inside the diskette slot. After you insert the diskette and close the access door, three things happen: the diskette clamps (0 the drive hub; a SOO-ms delay begins, and the servo-controlled drive motor starts. The head positioner is a 4-phase stepper-motor and band assembly vith some related electronics. It moves the head (using one-step rotation to cause a one-track linear movement) to the proper track of the diskette. The folloving sensor systems are built into the unit. * The track 00 sensor. This svitch head/carriage system is at track 00. * The index sensor. When the phototransistor sees the LED light source through an index hole, it sends out a signal. * The vrite-protect sensor. When this svitch finds a vriteprotect tab applied to a diskette, it disables the vrite head. determines that the -- The diskette drive reads and vrites digital data using KFK. The vrite operation records a 0.33-mm (0.013 in) data track, vhich is later tunnel-erased to 0.30 mm (0.012 in). The track-to- track access time is 6 ms. The drive speed is 300 rpm. Table 2-12 gives the specifications for the diskette drive. TECHNICAL REFERENCE SYSTEM HARDWARE Table 2-12 Diskette Drive Specifications Physical Dimensions: Height Width Depth Weight 95.95 mm (3.39 in) 149.10 mm (5.97 in) 203.20 mm (9.00 in) 2.04 kg (4.50 lb) Environmental Parameters: Tempera t ure· o 40 o (50 Relative Humid~.ty o (0 40 F wet-bulb temperature, no condensation C F to 104 Mean sea level to 10 000 ft Power Requirements Current 600 mA 900 mA 0 C to -40 F) (-40 C 65 o 0 20 'It to 90 'It Voltage +5 Vdc (+/- 0.25 V) +12 Vdc (+/- 0.6 V) o 0 C to 10 Altitude Storage Operating 0 F to 149 F) 5 'It to 95 'It Mean sea level to 45 000 ft TECHNICAL REFERENCE 2.4.1 SYSTEM HARDWARE CRT Controller Board The CRT controller board drives either a monochrome analog or a color TTL display and makes the Texas Instruments Professional Computer a complete alphanumeric and raster graphics system. As a stand-alone option, the controller board provides one page of high-resolution (80 columns x 25 lines) alphanumeric display. This board also supports the optional graphics video controller piggyback board, which is described in Section 3. The system makes no physical distinction between color and monochrome; the board supports output in either eight-level gray scale or eight-color RGB (red, green, blue). Color is determined by the monitor used. R~fer to Section 6, drawing 2223011. for logic diagrams. Figure 2-5 is a block diagram board. of the alphanumeric CRT controller Table 2-13 lists the video ac parameters. Figure 2-6 shows the timing diagram for the Alphanumerics State Machine PAL. 2-37 Ii tIJ o z: M o >- !J: ....'T.I IQ ., c:: " t\) I (1\ ....>- '0 :r t'4 SYSTEM CONNECT F CRTC SELECT r- ::I !!I ".,.... - I-I-- III c:: - ADDRESS BUS GR ,';HICS co \lNECT 6545 CRT CONTROL r-- t ATTRI~ n 0 :xl Ii t\) I W Q) co ~NECT r- ,.... ., 0 ........ .," IJ) 0 .,III r-r-- " - " r- => .....!!L SYSTEM CONNECT C .... ., PI !!I '- ~ ~ r-- -- -- r---- Ir--Iu ~ r-- I« LL -U -U --U - I MaN CHROME ~ I « IBUFFERt ~ I-- ~ DOT ROW r-- t-- CHAR GEN ROM 4K x 8 COLOR •• r---- ~ J ~ I r-- I I- r-I- « « ~ lLAI5CH~ tIJ VIDE' OUT CONNI TORS ATTRIBUTE f-LOGIC ~ r--ATTRIBUTE DATA :xl tIJ z: o II SYNC LATCHES -=-- L- - --;- ~ NOCHROME ONVERTER - SOCKET ""'RESERVED '---FOR OPTION CHAR GEN EPROM ....-'-SHIFT REG "'--;"' ~I t '---- , ~ ILATCH. CRT DOT AND CHAR TIMING CPU CRT ARBITRATION IBUFFERt I IINTERRUPT ' LOGIC IQ L I- - ~ III ;- II: UJ tIJ 'T.I tIJ DOT ROW r--- r---- :xl \ GRAPHICS DOT DATA CRT DATA BUS lL >r' 2K x 8 CHARACTER RAM I IJ) n 2K x 8 ATTRIBUTE RAM RAM SELECT .tfj.- 0 ~ CHARACTER DATA ~UFFERt Q. .... ~ A TTRIBUTE LATCH BUS t-t-- GR ,PHICS CO \lNECT r- .....!...- CRT SYSTEM DECODE LOGIC ADDRESS MUX 11 x2-1 LATCH U~rj ~M SY STEM \ REFRESH ADDRESS DOT ROW AND MISC :c- 0 0 ::I - GRAPHICS CONNECT ! I til to< DIAGNOSTIC DOT DATA til Ii I tIJ 2223216-5 X !J: >- :xl ">-:s: :xl tIJ Table 2-13 f* Parameter Video AC Parameters Value Value** Tolerance ------------------------------------------------------ ---------- A B C 0 E F G H :J K L M N '1 S T U V H X * ** Video dot frequency Video dot pulse...,idth Character block horizontal Character block vertical Number of character lines Characters/character line Number of active scan 1 i-n e-s Total scan lines Vertical sync ...,idth Vsync front porch Vsync back porch Vertical blanking interval Active vertical display time Total vertical time Vertical rate Hsync ...,idth Hsync front porch Hsync back porch Horizontal blanking interval Active horizontal display time Total horizontal time Horizontal rate 18.000 MHz 55.55 ns 1 1 ,.,. 9 dots 12 dots 14 scan lines 25 ro...,s 80 columns 3-00 320 0.156 ms 0 ms 0.884 ms 1.040 me 15.60 16.63 60.10 4.50 2.00 5.50 ms ms Hz us us us 350 385 0.156 ms 0 ms 1.664 ms 1 1 1 1.82 ms 1 19.20 me 20.02 ms 49.95 Hz 1 1 2 Hz 1 1 1 " 12.00 us 39.99 us 51.99 us 19231 Hz ,.,. ,. " ",. ,.,. 1 ",. ,. 1 1 100 Hz Letters refer to areas on the timing diagram in the next figura. These values reflect the vertical timing adjustments for 50-Hz refresh. CAUTION 50-Hz operation can be used only in areas that run on 50-Hz line frequency. Using 50-Hz operation in any other area can damage your computer. To select 50-Hz operation, jumper pins E5-E6 on the motherboard. 2-39 tool lIS n :c ...n :.: >- "CJ t' ~. IQ .,c:ca :0 I en SCREEN REFRESH I SCREEN , REFRESH SCREEN REFRESH I SCREEN WAIT o I 8 9 10 11 12 I 13 14 15 t,) STATE: X15 I oI lIS ATTRIBUTE WRITE SCREEN REFRESH SCREEN SCREEN READ REFRESH 8 9 10 1l 12 I 13 14 15 "CJ lIS :0 lIS :.: n X25 ... 'a >- ::J' \II ::. c: !I ca ., ~. . n fn t,) I "" \II "" "" 0 "::c .. n ::J' ~. ::. ca lIS X45 LD - RD· WR lSEl· __ COE- ., . !I I I --------~----_r-------,------~------IL----~~L----~~----4r------~------r------.. AEN - -------.~ AOE- -----------.--------~----------~~~~c=~~------~~------~----------~~==c=x=~~:J~ ACK --------------------~--------~--------~---------------------------,L_J WAITA22R CHRDAT • rC:C:H:AR:.:O:Q--I~rWRITEADDR -1 I lATDAT 21 .1 I ADDRESS AVAil dH iii I , H CHAR.2 ci[:;;:RE;:;A;:;;D;::;A;:;;D~;~;:R:::::::trCHAR.3 q : )"1 I I ~ I d I i s rCHAR.4 cfC====== I I ~ ) ) - - " , n DATA lATCHED I I ' I. t:[3t.. CHAR 0 CHAR. 1 , I I ilZ r I I ::. IQ r=7 MIE - PDE I» 7 " CWE- ....!I .... C SWM - DE 0 ) I ATSEl - ~. IQ II I CPUDAT tool ' I L: ROM ACCESS FIRST PIXEl OUT OF U39 fn FIRST PIXEl OUT OF U27 U14, U15 RAM ACCESS -I t L L LOAD SR to< FIRST PIXEL OUT OF SHIFT REGISTRAR AND U16, U17, U18 fn 2223216-6 tool tIS ::c :c >:0 o Z >:0 tIS SYSTEM HARDWARE TECHNICAL REFERENCE The CRT controller paragraphs include: j / board * Display characteristics * * * * * * * * * * Character attributes * Diagnostic loopback features * * * in the following Character sets Cursor Scrolling Video connector CRT_~ontroller IC CRT screen/CPU arbitration logic CRT address decode logic Character sets and attribute logic CRT interrupt logic Display Characteristics. follows: * * * described The display characteristics are as A 1 x 9 character in a 9 x 12 image cell Twenty-five lines of 80 characters A resolution vertically of 120 pixels horizontally 'x 300 A horizontal scan rate of 19 200 lines per second A vertical scan rate of 60 (50 frames per second) A dot rate of 18.0000 MHz NOTE The horizontal scan rate is an important consideration. Many monitors available today have a horizontal scan rate of 15 150. Only a monitor having a horizontal scan rate of 19 200 lines per second can operate with the Texas Instruments Professional Computer. 2-41 pixels TECHHICAL REFEREHCE SYSTEM HARDWARE Character Attributes. The controller's video memory is organized as 2K bytes x ~6 bits. The first 9 bits convey character information. Tha second 9 bits select the folloving attributes on a character basis: *' *' Bit 0, intensity level Bit intensity level 2 (red) *' *' *' Bit 2, Bit 3, character enable *' Bit 5..., underline * *' Bit 6, blink 1 , Bit 4 I ~ (blue) intensity level 4 (green) reverse Bit 7, alternate character set HOTE The three intensity bits (bit 0 through bit 2) determine the gray scale intensity level and the RGB outputs for color. Thus, hi/norm video in monochrome is handled bya one-of-eight intensity select instead of a high-intensity bit. I To access the attributes, the softvare vrites the attribute values into an attribute latch. The attribute value is then assigned to the character each time that character is vritten to the screen (until a screen read is done). When any character on the screen is read, its attributes are copied to the attribute latch. These values are then read by a subsequent latch read operation. Handling the attributes by this method ensures that, in block moves (moving data from one screen area to another), the characters retain their attributes. 2-42 SYSTEM HARDKARE TECHHICAL REFEREHCE Character Sets. The video controller contains a 4K character generator ROM, which contributes 256 characters. Use the socket provided to add an optional 2K or 4K ROM/EPROM and expand the character set to the maximum 512 characters. Attribute bit 7 selects the expanded character set. Refer to subparagrahph for more information on the ROM. character Cursor. Programming can change the cursor appearance. The possibilities include blinking, non-blinking, block, underline and reverse-video. Hardware handles the cursor display through a special set of registers in the controller. Using these registers, the software can position the cursor anywhere on the screen (or off the screen if no visible cursor is desired). ~crolling. The hardware maintains a screen start register that supports character line scrolling in four directions. The software determines the need for a scroll, then changes the value of this register by one line. The screen appears to jump by one line. The scrolling operation always affects all of the screen. It is not possible to scroll one region without affecting another. Because the controller contains only 2K bytes of screen memory, scrolling results in a "wrap"; the original top line of screen contents moves to the bottom of the screen. Therefore, the software must clear the top line of the screen (or bottom) before the scrollup (or -down) operation. To simplify programming of the line clear operation, the 2K bytes of memory is phantomed over a 4K-byte address space. status lines must be implemented in software. That is, ~uring scroll operations, the status line must be moved to its new memory position before writing. The screen start register changes the -screen-tomemory correspondence. 2-43 TECHNICAL REFERENCE SYSTEM HARDWARE Video Connector. The video connector located on the rear edge of the PWB is a standard, 9-pin, female, D-type connector. This connector is for a color display unit. The signals available on this connector are given in Table 2-14. All signals are at standard TTL levels. Table 2-14 Pin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Color"Video Connector Pin-Out Function Ground Logic ground Red video Green video Blue video Logic ground HC (no connection) Horizontal drive (HEGATIVE TRUE) Vertical drive (POSITIVE TRUE) The other video ~onnector, on the lower rear edge of the PHB, is a standard RCA phono jack. This connector is for a monochrome display. The signal available at this connector is a composite type, 1 V peakto-peak, 75-ohm load. 2.4.8 CRT Controller IC The CRTC IC (6545A-l) contains the logic for: * Generating the horizontal and vertical synchronizing signals * Blanking display during retrace * * * Addressing screen memory during screen refresh Cursor coincidence Starting screen display registers for use in scrolling The CRTC contains eighteen registers that must be appropriately set before board operation begins. To access these registers, the CPU first writes the address of the register to be accessed into the CRTC address register. Then information can be written to that register. When writing to or reading from (where appropriate) the data register, the information is accessed by the address latched in the address register. 2-44 SYSTEM HARDWARE TECHNICAL REFERENCE Table 2-15 shovs hov to program these registers, using the signals chip select (CS), register select (RS), and read/vrite (R/W-). Assume the folloving conditions: * * * * A character rate (SWM-) of 2.0 KHz * 20 line times of vertical blanking (1.04 ms) 12 lines per character block 25 rovs on the display 24 character times of horizontal blanking (12.0 us) For more detailed programming information, refer to Book. 2-45 ~ Synercom Data TECHNICAL REFERENCE SYSTEM HARDWARE Table 2-15 Signal Name CS- RS Register Address Refresh Rate Value Register Name 60 Hz R/H'- H L L L L L H X L H L o L H L 1 L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L CRTC Programming Values X L L L L L L L L L L L L H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H X X H H 2. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 No register selected Set address register Set status register Horizontal total characters 103 minus one Horizontal displayed 80 characters 84 ~orizontal sync position 39H VSYNC width, HSYNC width 24 Vertical total rows minus 1 20 Vertical adjust lines Vertical displayed rows 25 25 Vertical sync position OOH Mode control Scan lines per row minus 1 11 40H Cursor start line and BLINK 11 Cursor end line Display start address high OOH Display start address low OOH OOH Cursor position address h'igh OOH Cursor position address low Light pen position address high Light pen position address low Legend: H = High signal. L Low signal. X Don't care. = = 2-46 50 Hz 103 80 84 59H 31 00 25 28 OOH 11 40H 11 OOH OOH OOH OOH SYSTEM HARDHARE TECHNICAL REFERENCE '.4.9.1 CRT Screen/CPU Arbitration Logic Subsystem. The CRT ;ontroller arbitration logic gives the programmer free access to the 1T display. There is little overhead time caused by arbitration conflicts, because the refresh memory and its control logic allow two complete memory cycles between each character displayed on the screen. One cycle accesses the character for display; the CPU uses the other cycle for read or write operations. Therefore, the CPU waits less than two display-character times for memory access. Because a character time is 500.9 ns and the CPU clock is 200 ns, a synchronization delay can occur. The total time for a worst-case CPU access is 1.0 us. The usual access time is 600 ns (3 to 0 wait states). The logic that generates this arbitration scheme includes a counter (which also counts the nine dots per Character), a PAL (which has internal registers and gets feedback from the outputs), and a small alphanumeric. state machine-(which provides RAM buffer control, control outputs for ~he RAM, and- the wait state control for the CPU). The counter uses inputs to the PAL to identify the state within the display cycle of the state machine. The internal PAL registers define other states used during the CPU read and write cycles. To define the CPU cycle type being executed, the PAL uses the inputs RD-, HR-, CSEL(character select), and ATSEL-(attribute select). The outputs from the PAL are: * * COE-, the RAM output enable CHE-, the RAM write enable * AEN-, the attribute bus buffer enable * * * * AOE-, the attribute latch output enable ACK-, the attribute latch clock MIE-, the character bus input buffer enable * SHM-, the Signal that from the CRTC to the CPU HAIT-, switches the RAM address multiplexer the CPU wait control line The counter (U24, a 74LS163) 9,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,0, and repeat. goes through states Latch Ul0 is included because the window (when read data from the video RAM is available) is rather short. This latch captures and holds the data for the CPU until the end of the CPU read cycle. The ACK line. which clocks the attribute latch. clocks this latch when read data is available from the RAM. The output is enabled onto the local bus by a combination of CSEL- and RD-. 2-47 SYSTEM HARDWARE TECHNICAL REFERENCE The CRT arbitration PAL programming is given in Table 2-16. In the "comment" column, the states generated by the AND of inputs are listed according to the counter state number. When the logical AND of term!!" from one row is ORed with the AND of terms from another row, the output' goes low when the result is true. Refer to Figure 2-6 for an illustration of the--t'iming produced for typical cycles by the alphanumerics state machine. ( 2-48 TECHNICAL REFERENCE SYSTEM HARDWARE Table 2-16 Alphanumerics State Machine PAL Input Xl X2 output SWMUX AEHRDMIEACKWRX4 CSELCWEAOEATSEL- COEWAITLD- Comment ------+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+---------------------------------S9,9,10,11,12 X4 delayed . L . SWMUX . or . All other terms . L . ------+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+---------------------------------S9 RAM begins L L MIE- L L L H or . or L ~rite L S10,11,12 RAM ~rite continues All other terms ------+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+---------------------------------S9 RAM begins L L CWE- L L L H or H L L H or L H L H or H L L L L • L L L ~rite S10 RAM ~rite continues S11 RAM ~rite continues All other terms inactive L . L ------+-+-+-+-+-+-+~.+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+---------------------------------- COEor or or H L L H L . L • L H L L L H L S13,14,15,0 screen refresh S9,10 RAM read S10,11,12 RAM read continues All other terms inactive ------+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+'-+-+-+-+-+-+---------------------------------. .LL S9 RAM begins AEN- L L L H L L or or L L H L L or H L H L L or H L ~rite L H . L L . S10,11,12 RAM ~rite continues S9,10 RAM read S11,12 RAM read All other terms inactive ------+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+---------------------------------L S1.2 RAM read ACK- H H L H L L • or L . . L . L . or . . H iL Write attribute latch All other terms inactive ------+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+---------------------------------H L S8 RAM AOE- L L L L L L or L L or L L or L L or L L . ~rite L L . 89 till not ~rite Read at.t r i bu te latch S13 till not read S13 till not read · ------+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+---------------------------------WAITL L RAM vrite before S9 L H or or · L . L • . H H . H L . RAM read before S9 All other terms inactive ------+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+~+---------------------------------- Legend: L = Lov signal. H High signal. = 2-49 TECHNICAL REFERENCE SYSTEM HARDWARE CRT Address Decode Logic. The CRT controller board handles both alphanumeric- and graphics- address decode for the CRT subsystem.' All of the screen data is mapped into the processor memory address space including the assorted latches and I/O ports. The decoding is done with three ICs: a HAL10L8 PAL, one-half of a 74LS20, and a 74LS155 ~ecoder. The PAL produces the following signals: * * * * * GSEL-, the graphics screen memory * CSEL-, the alphanumerics screen memory select * CR/AT-, selects one half of the 74LS155 (which decodes the CRTC and the attribute latch) * XSEL-, selects the other half of the 74LS155 (which decodes the graphics latch and the miscellaneous input buffer) ZBEN-, the master expansion bus buffer enable XBEN-, the secondary bus buffer enable RD-, a decoded and buffered read control WR-, a buffered and decoded write control - The XBEN- signal develops an enable delaying the signal that provides the 6545a-1 CRTC. The CRTE (CRT greater than 266 ns, satisfying the setup and hold times are easily met. ~elect clock for the CRTC by invertin9 and;',-the required setup time (90 ns) for enable) signal has a pulsewidth requirement of the CRTC. The other . The 74LS155 decodes the following signals: * * * ATSEL-, CRTSEL-, the attribute latch select the CRTC chip select LAT- LAT- combines with HR- and clocks the interrupt enable and screen enable latches. The other half of ,the 74LS155 decodes the three graphics board latches and ~he buffer enable for miscellaneous inputs. The address space that each of these devices. occupies is given in Table 2-17. 2-50 TECHNICAL REFERENCE SYSTEM HARDWARE Table 2-17 CRT System Memory Map Address Device COOOO-C7FFF C9000-CFFFF DOOOO-D7FFF D9000-DDFFF Graphics RAM Bank A Graphics RAM Bank B Graphics RAM sank C Unusable DEOOO-DE7FF DE900-DEFFF Active character memory Phantom character memory DFOOO DFOOO DFOOO DFOOO bit bit bi t bit 0 1 2-- :3 Misc Misc .Mi sc Mise input input input input buffer, buffer, buffer, buffer, blue feedback, read only red feedback, read only green feedback, read only interrupt pending, read only DF010 DF020 DFO:30 DF900 Graphics blue palette latch, write only Graphics green palette latch, write only Graphics red palette latch, write only Attribute latch DF910 DF911 DF912 ""IF91:3 CRTC CRTC CRTC CRTC DF920 DF920 bit 7 bit 6 address register, write only status register, read only registers write access, write only registers read access, read only Miscellaneous output latch, interrupt enable Miscellaneous output latch, alphanumerics screen enable PAL coding is given in Table 2-19. When the logical AND of terms from one row is ORed with the AHD of terms from another row, the_~utput goes low when the result is true. 2-51 TECHNICAL REFERENCE SYSTEM HARDWARE Table 2-18 Alphanumeric Decoding PAL Input Ou tpu t: MRDCA1516- A18 A14 A12 AMKRC- A19 A17 A13 All Comment -------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+--------------------CRT space read ZBEH- L or . L XBEH- L or . L H H H H L L H . H L L CRT space write -------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+-----------------H H CRTC/ATT read H L L H H H H H H H CRTC/ATT write -------+---+---+---+---+--~+---+---+---+---+--------------------L H L CRT space read H or L L (Inactive term) RD- -------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+--------------------WRCRT space write or L L L H H L (Inactive term) -------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+-----~--------------Graphic access H H H L L (Inactive term) GSELor L -------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+--------------------Character access CSELor L L CR/AT- . or L L L H H L H H L (Inactive term) -------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+--------------------i. CRTC/ATT access L H H H H H H (Inactive term) -------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+--------------------Extra I/O write L L XSELor L L H H H H L L H H H H H H L L Extra I/O read Legend: L Low signal. H = High signal. = Character Set and Attribute Logic. Two 74LS374s (U14, U15) latch the RAM output (both character and attribute) at the ~nd of each screen refresh access cycle. This allows a ful~ character cycle time (500.8 ns) to access the character ROM and EPROM ~nd set up the dot shift register. The required ROM access time is 452.8 ns. So that the character set can include the ability for block graphics, bit 7 out of the ROMs indicates that the leftmost and rightmost character dots are to be copied to the left and right character-cell border dots. The character ROMs should be programmed with active-low data; that is, when a dot is to appear, the ROM should be programmed with a zero. Figure 2-7 shows some sample characters. The reverse video block and the cursor affect the entire 9 x 12 character cell; the underline appears on row 11. The descenders of lowercase letters should drop only one dot line below the level of the other characters so that the underline, cursor, and reverse video will appear in an acceptable form. 2-52 SYSTEM HARDWARE TECHNICAL REFERENCE Copied When Bit 7 is Low I I I I I 654 3 2 1 0 I I I Row 165 RO RI R2 R3 R4 RS R6 R7 Re R9 R10 R11 (UndeI::l ine) 432 1 0 ••••••• • ••• I.i •• • .···.1 • •• ....... ......... Figure 2-7 +++ +++ +++ +++ •••• •• •••••• 2223216-7 Sample Character Font Definition Generating a Character ROM. To generate a character ROM EPROM), assemble and·.linkthe source code, then program the device. Cor The source file for a character ROM is organized into 16 bytes for each of the 256 characters (4096 bytes). When assembled and linked, this file fits into a 4K ROM. Each character can contain only 12 rows of dots, and the last 4 bytes of each character must be set to FFH. Each character on the monitor fits within a 9-column by 12-row block. Each byte corresponds to the 9 columns within one row. For regular characters, the first row is blank (reserved for ascenders), the last two rows are blank (reserved for descenders), and the two outside columns are usually blank (for intercharacter spacing). Generally, then, a typical character fits within a 7-column by 9-row block. For each character block, column I at the left. is at the right side and column 9 is Each by t e is encoded as follows:" * Bit 0 (the low bit) is at the right side of block and bit 7 (the high bit) is at the left. * * * Setting a bit to 0 means to put a dot at that location. * Bit 0 encodes column 2; bit 1 encodes column 3; and so on. the character Setting a bit to 1 means do not put a dot at that location. Setting the high bit to 0 encodes column 1 the same as column 2 and encodes column 9 the same as column 8. 2-53 TECHNICAL REFERENCE SYSTEM HARDHARE Two encoding examples are shown in Figure 2-9 Example 1 is the letter "E." Example 2, a meaningless graphii character, illustrates some specific applications. Both hexadecimal and binary encoding are shown beside each character. Example 1: Example 1: Bit Count 76543210 Dot Count 987654321 ••••••• • • ••••• • • •••••••• Hexadecimal Binary FFH SOH BFH BFH BFH S7H BFH BFH BFH SOH FFH FFH 11111111 10000000 10111111 10111111 10111111 10000111 10111111 10111111 10111111 67H A6H C5H E3H E7H OOH 6DH 92H CDH EBH F7H F7H 01100111 10100110 11000101 11100011 11100111 OOOOOOOO 01101101 10010010 U001101 11101011 11110111 11110111 10000000 11111111 11111111 Example 2: •• • •• • •••• • • ••• •• ••••••••• • • •• • • •• • •• • •• • • Notes: ,. 2. 3. 4. 5. Column 1 and column 9 must be the same. Column 1 and column 2 must be the same if the high bit is O. Column 8 and column 9 must be the same if the high bit is O. No capability exists for a half-dot shift. Each character must have sixteen bytes; otherwise, strange characters result. 2223216-8 Figure 2-9 Encoding Examples 2-54 SYSTEM HARDWARE TECHNICAL REFERENCE Attribute Interaction. The attributes available for use with the character display can be used in any of the 129 possible combinations. The following paragraphs explain what happens when 'several attributes are active at once. The attributes have a priority in their effects, and the highest priority attributes affect all attributes that have a lower priority. The order of priority is as follows. Highest Lowest Color attributes - red, blue, green Reverse video and cursor Character enable Blink Underline For example, when the underline and blink attributes are set, both character and underline b~nk. When the character enable is set to disable, no character, underline, or blinking activity is present. When reverse video and blink are set, the character goes on and off, the background is lighted, and the foreground is dark and blinking. When the character enable is set to disable and reverse video is set, the entire cell is lighted (according to the color attributes). The color attribut~s define the characteristics of the "light" portion of the character, that is, either the color (when a color monitor is used) or the intensity (when a monochrome monitor is used). ( When the graphics board is used with the alphanumerics CRT controller board, the graphics screen "shows through" the "datk" portion of the alphanumeric character display. Attribute Hardware. The attribute logic design is of the "pipeline" type because the activity of the attributes must occur with dot-timing precision (within 55 ns). To get data from a latch, through several levels of logic, and set up into the next latch, ~ome SCHOTTKY logic is used. The attribute data from the RAM latches is latched again by two 74S175s (U16, U17). This latching allows for the onecharacter delay through the character ROM and provides tightly timed outputs to the logic. The cursor (CUR) and display enable (DE) lines are also delayed twice to keep them synchronous with the other information (U18). Propagation delay through the logic can cause timing skews greater than a dot time, so the outputs of the first logic level are relatched one dot-time later. After going through the second logic level (MUX U20), the outputs are latched again for presentation to the video outputs (U39 74S174). 2-55 TECHNICAL REFERENCE SYSTEM HARDWARE The red, blue, and green outputs are buffered by a 74LS244 before being sent to the 9-pin connector. The color outputs and composite sync are buffered by a 74S00, vhich has an isolated poyer supply. They arr combined by a resistor netvork and buffered by a transistor to make up the composite video output. The mapping of colors to intensity in the composite video output is given in Table 2-19. Table 2-19 Code Composite sync '000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 Color Map Composite Video Output (in Volts) Color 0.47 0.79 0.99 0.97 1.07 1.19 1.29 1.37 1.47 Black Blue Red Magenta Green Cyan Brovn White To blank the alphanumerics display to black. set the CRT ENABLE bit in the miscellaneous output latch to loy. The board enters this state on poyer-up. CRT Interrupt Logic Subsystem. The CRT controller board contains a logic subsystem that alloys the CRTC to generate an interrupt during the vertical interval. The processor uses this interrupt vhen doing scrolls vith a status line or other operations that must be done during the vertical blanking interval. To enable this interrupt, set the interrupt enable bit in the miscellaneous latch to high. Vertical blanking causes the CPU nonmaskableinterrupt, and the interrupt pending bit is set. This bit is read from the miscellaneous buffer. To reset the interrupt, set the interrupt enable bit to loy. Diagnostic Loopback. One diagnostic requires that the three color outputs be looped back to the miscellaneous ~nput buffer so that the CPU can read them. Using a program vith careful timing from the vertical interval, the CPU can check the action of the atribute bits and the graphics board palette circuits. 2.5 EXPANSION BUS The other logical function area of the motherboard is the expansion bus. It provides space for the different option boards available for the Texas Instruments Professional Computer. 2-56 SYSTEM HARDWARE TECHNICAL REFERENCE The expansion bus interface consists of five card-edge connectors, making it easy to add memory-mapped or I/O-mapped options to the system. The expansion bus supports devices that require interrupts for efficient operation. The system does not provide the special-purpose hardvare required by direct memory access (DMA) devices. The expansion bus pin-outs are given in Table 2-20. Table 2-20 Expansion Bus Pin-Outs Pin Signal Pin Signal A01 A02 A03 AO ... A05 A06 A07 A09 A09 A10 All A12 A13 A14 A15 A16 A17 A19 A19 A20 A21 A22 A23 A24 A25 A26 A27 A29 A29 A30 A31 NMIDATA 7 DATA 6 DATA 5 DATA 4 DATA 3 DATA 2 DATA 1 DATA 0 WAITLogic ground ADDRESS 19 (MSB)* ADDRESS 19 ADDRESS 17 ADDRESS 16 ADDRESS 15 ADDRESS 14 ADDRESS 13 ADDRESS 12 ADDRESS 11 ADDRESS 10 ADDRESS 9 ADDRESS 9 ADDRESS 7 ADDRESS 6 ADDRESS 5 ADDRESS 4 ADDRESS 3 ADDRESS 2 ADDRESS 1 ADDRESS 0 (LSB) * B01 B02 803 804 B05 806 807 B09 B09 B10 B11 812 813 814 B15 B16 B17 B19 819 B20 821 822 823 B24 825 826 B27 B29 B29 B30 831 Ground RESET +5 V pover IRO (interrupt 0) No connection (bussed) No connection (bussed) -12 V pover Reserved +12 V pover Ground AMHC(memory vrite) MRDC(memory read) AIOHC- (I/O vrite) IORC( I/O read) No connection (bussed) No connection (bussed) No connection (bussed) No connection (bussed) No connection (bussed) PCLK (5-MHz clock) IR6 (interrupt 6) IRS (interrupt 5) IR4 (interrupt 4) IRl (interrupt 1) IR2 (inte~rupt 2) Ho connection (bussed) RFSH (refreshing) ALE (address latch) +5 V pover OSC (15-MHz clock) Ground * MSB = Most significant bit; LSB = Least significant bi t. 2-57 TECHNICAL REFERENCE 2.5.1 SYSTEM HARDWARE Expansion Bus Signal Descriptions * NMI-. The nonmaskable interrupt signal can be driv~n by any of the expansion boards to interrupt the system processor. Typically, it is used to alert the processor to a parity error in memory devices residing in the I/O channel. An open collector device pulls this line lov vhen it is being driven by an expansion board. Othervise, it is held high by a pullup resistor. * DATA 0-7. These lines form the 8-bit system data bus and can be driven by the processor, memory devices, I/O, or the expa~sion interfac~. These bidirectional lines are active high. DO is the least-significant bit,' (LSB) and D7 is the most-significant bit (MSB). * WAIT-. This signal indicates vhen a device is holding the system processor, thereby extending the length of a memory refresh or I/O cyc.le. When a slov device is addressed on the expansion bus, the signal asserts this line lov, vhich extends the cycle-completion time. This line should never be held low longer than 10 processor clock cycles. When driven by an expansion board, an open collector device pulls this line low. Otherwise, a pullup resistor holds it high. * ADDRESS 0-19. These lines fQrm a 20-bit system address bus, which can address up to 1 megabyte of memory. They are normally driveri by the system processor to address ~emory and I/O devices vithin the system. (Only XAO trough XA9 are used for I/O addressing.) These lines are active high.XAO is the LSB and XA19 is the MSB. * RESET. This line initializes or resets system logic at poverup or after a pover failure. It i~ active high. _ A poversupply monitoring device generates RESET immediately when the 12-V line drops below 11.1 V. It returns lov 3 ms after regulation resumes. Ho operator intervention is required. * INTERRUPT 0-6. These lines signal the processor that an I/O device requires attention. When several devices require service at the same time, the device, asserting the lovestnumbered line gets serviced first. These lines are active high. The interrupt request signal must be held high until the interrupt request has been acknowledged. * AMWC- (or MWRITE-). The memory write signal is usually driven by the system ubdex(AMWC-) processor. It indicates that the information on the data bus should be vritten to the memory address given on the address bus. This signal is active lov. * MRDC- (or MREAD-). The memory read signal is driven by the 2-58 SYSTEK HARDWARE TECHNICAL REFERENCE system processor. It indicates that the memory addressed by the address bus should be placed on the data bus. This signal is active lov. * AIOWC- or (IOWRITE-). The I/O vrite signal is driven by the system processor. It indicates that the I/O device addressed by the address bus should accept the data on the data bus. This signal is active lov. * IORC- or (IOREAD-). The I/O read line is driven by the system processor. It indicates that the I/O device addressed by the address bus should place its data on the data bus. This signal is active lov. * PCLK (processor clock). This is the system clock. It is a one-t~ird division &! the OSC clock and has a period of 200 ns (5.0 KHZ). The clock has a duty cycle of 37.6 percent (~ 3.0 percent). * RFSH (refreshing). This line indicates that a memory refresh cycle is taking place. It is positive true. Khen this signal is asserted,_ all expansion bus activity is ignored. Do not use this lirte £or arty purpose. * ALE (address latch). This line indicates that is placing a valid address on the address bus. valid on the falling edge of this signal. * ose (clock). This signal describes a high-speed clock having a 66.7-ns period (15.0 KHz). It has a 50-percent duty cycle. 2.5.2 the processor The address is Loading and Driving Requirements The expansion bus can drive five expansion boards. Each board can support the equivalent of tvo TTL input loads on anyone line of the bus. Open collector outputs, vhich drive the bus, should be able to sink 16 milliamperes (mA) at 0.5 V. Data bus drivers should be able to sink 24 mA at 0.5 V and source 3 rnA at 2.4 V and 15 mA at 2.0 V. Drivers for the interrupt lines IRO-IR6 should be able to source 1 mA at 3.5 V and sink 1 mA at 0.5 V. 2.5.3 Kemory Timing The memory bus cycles can be lengthened in integral multiples of the CLK cycle time (200 ns) using the KAIT- line. Figure 2-9 shovs the timing relationships of the expansion bus memory interface. 2-59 ~ III o :c ....lI: I - 133 -.J ....'II 67 ~ 200 o >- ---I t"4 IQ .,c:: :u PCLK It '" I I I 'J I ALE ID III :::I I : . MRDC- 0 II I \1) 0 ., :::I ..,. ., It til PI 0 " ....~ iii .... :::I IQ ....t:7 PI .,PI IQ a I I I :u III lI: o III B ,I \ I I- ~I C -I E I-/-F \ I H -.jG I 7 /.-D I I I \ 1/1 I II I !I-- -..J I i:) VALID J I ~F I -.1 I I.. I' -i I~------------------ I -- - - - - - - i i { Il__.....X _I.. K -tI"• ~L I ~ DATA (READ) I III 'II III :1-~I Ir---------------- I --+-l -I DIK I DATA (WRITE) I i VALID ADDRESS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _;.'~I-------__. WAIT '< .... I ! A I ! I I \ It '" I I" !I: a0 I -----------------~!~ AMWC IIJ c:: I-- !,ix:: I I !x:::::x ADDRESS ....CD :::I \ I )( 'tJ PI I I I X~JV~A~L~IDcbl:C)~~----------1- ivI-I LEGEND: A B .C D E F G H I J K L M - - ADDRESS SETUP TO COMMAND ADDRESS HOLD FROM COMMAND COMMAND ACTIVE COMMAND DELAY FROM P~LK WAIT ACTIVE SETUP WAIT HOLD WAIT INACTIVE SETUP DATA VALID AFTER AMWC ACTIVE INACTIVE DA T A HOLD AFTER AMWC REQUIRED ACCESS TIME FROM MRDC INACTIVE DATA SETUO TO MRDC INACTIVE DATA HOLD FROM MRDC DATA SETUP TO PCLK LOW INACTIVE 72MIN 176MIN 575 MIN 375 min (WITHOUT WAIT STATE) 35MAX lOMIN 40MIN OMIN 50MIN 120MAX EXPANSION BUS 108 MIN 515 MAX 315 MAX MEMORY INTERFACE 77 MIN 4MIN TIMING DIAGRAM 50MIN fn ~ {/l ~ III 2223216-9 3: :c >:u o ~ >- :u rq SYSTEM HARDWARE TECHNICAL REFERENCE I/O Timing 2.5.4 Figure 2-10 shows the expansion bus timing relationships for standard I/O cycles. This timing includes the single wait state that the motherbo~rd always inserts in I/O cycles. --l 67 ~133 ~I" 200 "I PCLK I I I I I ALE ~ I ADDRESS I I I I I \~~------------------------~------~;-- f-A-I X~ __ i ~~~~~ VALID ADDRESS ____________ I_-B~ r-~I ____~__- -____----.I~ IORC I I AIOWC \, . I _II I.. : : C , - -.... I I I d \ .+..l I I" ~I E F -IDI-. I- DATAIW~R.;.;IT~E~)~I I ------------~II~r----v i '---" I ______x: I I I I I · I ~~ VALID DATA '""",.._ _ . _ - - - - - H - - - - -......04-1......- I G -l I) I -H J f.I I DATA(RE~A~D~I~____________-1I-1-------------------------------,~------~~ ..JX (~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ REQUIRED VALID/ ) f--K-I LEGEND: A B C D E F G H I J K . - ADDRESS SETUP TO PCLK LOW ADDRESS SETUP TO AIWOC . OR IORC ADDRESS HOLD AFTER AIOWC - OR IORC COMMAND DELA Y FROM PCLK ACTIVE IORC OR AIORC . TIME DATA VALID FROM AIOWC LOW DATA HOLD AFTER AIOWC - HIGH REQUIRED ACCESS TIME FOR IORCREQUIRED DATA SETUP TO RISING EDGE OF IORC-REQUIRED DATA HOLD AFTER RISING EDGE OR IORC-REQUIRED DA T A SETUP TO PCLK LOW Figure 2-10 Expansion BUB 62MIN 72 MIN 176 MIN 35 MAX 575 MIN 120 MAX 108 MIN 515 MAX 85 MIN -4 MIN 50 MAX 10 MIN I/O Interface Timing Diagram 2223216-10 HARDWARE OPTIONS TECHNICAL REFERENCE section 3 HARDWARE OPTIONS 3.1 INTRODUCTION This section describes the hardvare options available for the Texas Instruments Professional Computer. Subsections describe the following options: * * * * *. Expansion Memory Synchronous-Asynchronous Communications Board Internal Modems Graphics Video ~ontroller Board W.i ncb-est er Di sk Dr i ve The optional diskette drive is identical to the factory-installed diskette drive. Therefore. it is not described in this section. For information, refer to subparagraph 2 .. 4.6.6. 3.2 EXPANSION MEMORY. 512/169 K BYTES Section 2 describes the expansion memory boards that connect to the motherboard. increasing the memory to 256K bytes eK = 1024). Tv~ additional expansion memory boards (each 256K bytes) are available for the Texas Instruments Professional Computer. One board plugs into the e~pansion bus, increasing the memory to 512K bytes. The second board mounts on the first (piggyback style so that they use only one of the expansion bus slots), increasing the memory capacity to 168K bytes. This additional memory operates at the same speed as the motherboard memory, so that there is no increase in execution time vhen the memory is increased. NOTE The 512/168 K byte expansion boards after the motherboard 192K-byte installed. 3-1 -are added board is TECHNICAL REFERENCE HARDWARE OPTIONS The first expansion memory card is the controller card. This card contains thirty-six 64K-bit dynamic RAM ICs. The card also holds: * * * Decoding logic to establish the addresses Parity check logic for error detection Timing and system. refresh logic to operate the expansion memory Connectors and logic for the addition of the are also part of the controller card. second expansion card The second card also contains thirty-six 64K-bit dynamic RAM ICs. Secause tha.controller card contains all the logic for both cards, this second card is smaller. 3.2.1 Addressing the Expansion Memory The expansion memory operates at a fixed address in the computer's memory space. Addresses·040000H through 01FFFH are for the first 256K bytes; addresses 080000H through OSFFFFH are for the second 256K bytes. If the second card is not installed, its assigned memory space can be used by other hardware products. 3.2.2 Expansion Memory Control. Logic The expansion bus contains a bidirectional buffer. to separate the data bus from the expansion memory, thereby providing sufficient drive and margins to the data transfers. The hard array logic (HAL) chip HAL16R4 (U2) handles address decoding, buffer control, as well as timing and ~efresh. The refresh timer (U4) is a one-shot, and the delay line (U3) provides the multiplexer timing. Expansion Memory Refresh Logic. The dynamiC RAM refresh logic operates synchronously with the accesses to the RAM memory. Refresh cycles begin only when a RAM cycle is not in progress. This means that the RAM refresh can occur at the same time as accesses to other system memory (ROMs or the main system memory) or I/O space. Each time a refresh cycle begins, a refresh timer (U4) starts. When it .times out, it provides the signal beginning another refresh cycle. This timer is set to 15 us maximum, which allows for the worst-case refresh request latency. To maintain the contents of the RAM under worst-case conditions, the refresh must occur at least 128 times within 2 ms. (The average refres~ timing is once per 15.625 us.) The worst-case latency for a refresh request is about 600 ns. Once a refresh cycle has begun, it must be completed (including the precharge) before the next cycle begins. If a RAM access cycle starts before the refresh cycle completes, the HAL state machine puts the CPU into a wait state until the refresh operation completes. In 3-2 c HARDWARE OPTIONS TECHNICAL REFERENCE the worst case, this delay could extend the usual memory access time by three wait states or 600 ns. Assuming a refresh timer value of 14 us, and an average 400-ns slowdown of the CPU, the average refresh overhead is about 2.9 percent. The worst case is about 4.3 percent. CAS and Address MUX Switch Generation. A delay line from the Column Address Strobe X (CASX-) produces the address multiplexer control (MSEL). The delay line is set at 40 ns. U1 buffers the CASIline, and the RAM buffers are taken from the delay line 60 ns after CASX-. This ensures the maintenance of an adequate row address hold, and enough column address setup time. The RAM still operates quickly enough to finish an access within the system cycle time. The CASXtiming dep&nds on whether the cycle is a read or a write. If the cycle is a read, the CASX- signal from the logic array is equivalent to the RASI- signal. This provides the maximum available time for the RAM chip to access it's data and present it to the expansion bus. The delay line guarantees the timing of MSEL and CASI- to the dynamiC RAMs. If the cycle is a write, then the CASXsignal follows the rising edge of the first system clock during the write cycle. This is about 130 ns after the occurrence of RASI-. This delay allows time for the data from the processor to propagate through the data buffers and US, the parity generator chip (74LS280). Expansion Memory Parity Generation and Checking. The parity generator/checker chip (74LS280) generates a 1 to the parity RAM bit whenever there is an even number of "l"s in the data byte being written. A separate data bus on the parity RAM chip uses a tristate driver to provide a high on the output whenever it is not driving the output line (as in the write cycle). The parity is theft taken from the "odd sum" output of the parity generator and used to write to the dynamic RAMs. The WCAS- line from the logic array holds the parity error flip-flop (US) clear. The timing on this line stays low until after the CASIline clocks the flip-flop. This prevents the generation of a parity error during write. When the RAM is read, all of the data bits and th~ parity bit are presented to the generator/checker, and the parity output is sampled at the end of the read cycle. If a parity error is discovered, flipflop US is set to interrupt the CPU on the HMI- line. This NKI- line clears on the next read with correct parity, or on the first write to this board. Using the "odd sum" method of parity ~hecking does not cause a parity error, even when the system attempts to read from nonexistent RAM. (To determine the size of system memory, system software sometimes "feels" for memory not present. 3-3 TECHNICAL REFERENCE HARDWARE OPTIONS Expansion Memory Control State Machine. A hard array logic device (HAL16R4), set up as a state machine (U2), drives the memory control. This device has four outputs equipped with clocked flipflops and four outputs that are direct combinations of the inputs. Table 3-1 gives the logic for the memory control state machine. The logical AND of the terms on a line ORed with the AND of terms on other lines results in low-going outputs. This occurs either directly, on those outputs without registers, or after the clock on those outputs having registers. 3-4 HARDWARE OPTIONS TECHNICAL REFERENCE Table 3-1 ExpanBion Memory Control State Machine Logic - HAL16R4 _.....;._ _ _ _ _ _ 1 npu t ___________ RFSHRASIXA19 MRDXWAIT- RRASLGNDMWRCASX- WCASXXXX RFRQ BU1;E- ZZZZ- Comment B2INXA19 output -------+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+---+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-------------------------------Mem.ory read loW' bank H H L H L RASI- L Memory read high bank H H L H L L or L Memory W'rite loW' bank H H or L L H L Memory W'rite high bank H H L L L or L H Refresh or -. - -- - ---+ - + - + -'+ _.+-+- + - +-- - +-+ -+-+ - + - +- + - +- ----- - --- - - -- - - - ---- - - - - -- -- --Refresh+memcycle 1, 2 . L L . XWAIT- . Refresh+memcycle 2. 3 . L • L • or . . . · · -------+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+---+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+----~--------------------------- , i Write, either bank H CASXL Read loW' bank or L . · L H L . · H H . Read high bank or L . · H L L. . · ..L -. -------+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+---+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-------------------------------Write loW' bank BUFEL L H L Write high bank or L H L L L Read loW' bank or L L H L or L Read high bank H L L L -------+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+---+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-------------------------------The folloW'ing four outputs have flip-flops: -------+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+---+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-------------------------------Refresh 1 ; no memcycle RFSH- H H H H Refresh 1 ; motherboard cycle or H L L H Refresh"l; graphic cycle or H H H H or Refresh 1 ; high" bank not in H H H L H or H Refresh 1 ; illegal cycle H or Refresh RF2,3 L H or L L H .. Reset -------+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+---+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-------------------------------RRASRefresh RF2,3,4 · L . or L L . Reset -------+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+---+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-------------------------------WCASWrite loW' bank L L H L . · H H Write high bank or . L . H L L . L · H H . or L L . Reset. -------+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+---+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-------------------------------ZZZZ- L L . Reset -------+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+---+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-------------------------------Legend: L LoW' signal. H = High Signal. . . . . . · . = 3-5 TECHNICAL REFERENCE HARDWARE OPTIONS Notes for Table 3-1 1. The signal RASI- activates RAS- from the RAM address multiplexer of the 2964. 2. The signal XKAIT- puts the processor into a vait state. 3. The signal BUFE- activates the expansion memory system data buffer. 4. The signal CASX- controls the CAS and MSEL generation. 5. The signal RFSH- instructs the 2964 address multiplexer to put out the refresh address. 6. The signal RRAS- combines vith RFSH- to indicate that a refresh RAS is in progress. 7. The signal WCAS- delays CASX- during a vrite cycle. 8. The signal ZZZZis not used. A timing diagram of the raemory system, shovn in Figure 3-1, the major operations of the memory system. indicates "i PI n T2 T2 T1 T4 1W T3 Tl T4 TW T3 T2 Tl T4 TW T3 T2 TW TW T4 PClK (5 MHzl AMWC- ... ~ J 7~ \ Ir--------------------~----------------------------------- \ MRDC- 'tJ IQ .,c:: r- >---< ADDRESS}----( r- \ . r---< ...n >- t-t :u til 'tJ til :u til z: C) It W :r: z: DATA ( I ) I >e::E3>-- c=:x:E::3) ) PI I .... I I \ \ ./ RffiQ til X RFSH- I \ 'tJ PI :::J ... QI 0 :::J ~ ....• :J: It a ., 0 '< ...a ... "i :::J IQ ...PI ., tJ I \I....._~\ _ _ _ _ __ I \ RRASWCAS-~ \ I I 3~ I ~ \ I Ir-------------------------------------------------- ~ ZUZo-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I ~ I \ ~ I \ r\ 3~ r-- 'RASI- " 400 CASX- 450 I \ \_ I BUFE- ""'"""\ 250 \ \ ~ r- \ __~_---------' I r- '- 116 WAIT- \ 300 I \ 500 I IQ PI CXY- a ROW ROW ICOl ADDR I \ F3 WRITE COLUMN X H - \ x:::x ROW E3 x ROW I COLUMN XH \ ROW X WRITE + REFRESH - MUST BE VALID I COLUMN x:::ax F"3 READ \ ROW X lO< Fd ROW COLUMN x:::BX t=--i r :r: x:: :u o s: >:u READ + REFRESH :110 rrJ 256/512K OPTION MEMORY TIMING DIAGRAM 2223216-11 o"0 ...o "i :z: til TECHNICAL REFERENCE 3.3 HARDWARE OPTIONS SYNCHRONOUS-ASYNCHRONOUS COMMUNICATIONS BOARD This subsection describes the theory of operation and the functions of the synchronous-asynchronous communications (sync-async comm) board. Figure 3-2 is a block diagram of the sync-async comm board. Refer to Section 6, draving 2223096, for logic diagrams. INTERRUPT ACKNOWLEDGE LOGIC ADDRESS CHIP SELECTOR ... IIOBUS 1 ) . SELECT COMM II' COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLER DATA BUS ) ... SE LECTINPUT SEL ECTOUTPUT INPUT/OUTPUT CYCLE SELECT - ~ l II' ::. RECEIVERS S.YSTEM¢1 UNIT BOARD "I: < .... DATA BUS. INTERRUPT 1 CLOCK SELECT 1/0 ADDRESS DECODE LOGIC ~ ri /~ SELECT ACK- - .. INT ACK ... ~ RS-232-C IN TERFACE rf tt I I DATA BUS BUFFER ~ l...J",. ~ :r> rt+U I TRANSMITTERS EXTERNAL DEVICES I INTERRUPT LOGIC 2223216-12 Figure 3-2 Sync-Async Comm Board Block Diagram The sync-async comm board is based upon the Zilog Z8530 Serial Communications Controller (SCC). This device. automatically handles asynchronous protocols. It also services most synchronous protocols, including data link control (SDLC) and high-level data link control (HDLC), (both bit-oriented.) Cyclic redundancy check (CRC) is an automatic function and can be included in .any transmission. NOTE A sample program, shoving general programming procedures and recommended use of the sync-async 3-9 TECHNICAL REFERENCE HARDWARE OPTIONS =omm board, is in=luded in Appendix E of this manual. For more detailed information, refer to the Zilog 8530 Technical Manual. The functions of the sync-async comm board are: * * * 3.3.1 System interface Baud rate generation Port addresses Sist~m~nterface~ Most of the components on the board are involved in handling the interface between the system bus and the Z9S30. Of special note is the logic that generates the interrupt acknowledge (INTACK) signal that the Z9S30 requires in response to an interrupt request. The IKTACKsignal ~s software-generated. It is not part of the system interrupt acknowledge signal because of the setup time required and because the system expansion bus does not provide for expanding the number of interrupt levels. To generate the IKTACK- signal, the software does "a AIOKC- (write) to the I/O address for interrupt acknowledge and then does a IORC(read) from the same address. The data received on this read is the interrupt vector from the Z9S30. The AIOKC- signal clears USB, activating the IKTACK- signal to the Z9S30. Khen the IORC- occurs, the vector from the Z9S30 is gated ~nto the data bus. The rising edge of IORC- clocks" USB to the inactive state which releases the IKTACK-. Other logic on the system side of the board delays the read and write commands to the SCC so that the address and data setup times and the hold-time requirements of the part can be met. IORQ is connected to the input of a flip-flop 74LS74 (USA). The clock input is connected to the system CLK line. The rising edge of the clock occurs 133 ns after the IORC- or AIOKC- signal occurs. The output of USA, gated with IORC- and AIOKC-, delays the start of the SCCRD- and SCCKRsignals. The clear input to USA is connected to BDCS, allowing the SCCRD-.and SCCKR- signals to occur only when the board is selected. Resetting the Z9S30 requires that the SCCRD- and the SCCKR- lines be held active simultaneously. This results from the logical OR of U6C and U6D with the RESET signal from the bus and the SCCRD- and SCCKRlines. U4C inverts and butters the interrupt output from the SCC. This signal then goe~ to a set ot stake pins and is used to determine the TECHNICAL REFERENCE HARDWARE OPTIONS interrupt level at vhich the board is operated. 3.3.2 Baud Rate Generation The 4.9152-KHz by 2, crystal oscillator on the board, divided provides a clock for the SCCs (internal baud rate generators). To generate a specific baud rate, program the values given in Table 3-2. Table 3-2 Baud Rate 19 9 7 4 3 2 2 l. 1 20Q_ 600 200 800 600' 400 000 800 200 600 300 200 l.50 134.5 l.l.0 75 50 Sync Value 62 126 l.69 254 339 510 6l.2 -681 1022 2046 4094 6l.42 8l.90 9l.34 1l.l.69 16382 24574 Sync-Async Comm Board Baud Rate Percentage of Error 0.000 0.000 -0.l.96 0.000 0.098 0.000 0.065 -0.049 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 -0.001 0.000 0,000 Async Value 2 6 9 l.4 19 30 36 4l. 62 26 54 82 l.0 69 96 1022 l.534 3-10 Percentage of Error 0.000 0.000 -3.030 0.000 1.587 0.000 l..053 -0.775 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.026 0.000 0.000 TECHNICAL REFERENCE 3.3.3 HARDHARE OPTIONS Addressing A 74LS139 decoder (U3) and several gates (to qualify the address) comprise the address selection logic. The board design presents a choice of four address locations, permitting the addition of several communications boards to the system. As vith other I/O devices for this bus, only 10 of the address lines are decoded. U3 provides tvo decoded outputs: INTCS-, vhich activates the INTACK logic; and SCCCS-, vhich activates the Z8530. The logical OR of INTCS- and SCCCS- creates the board select signal (SDCS). The logical AND of IORC- and AIOKC- creates IORQ. SOCS and IORQ combined enable the bus buffer U7. 3.3.4 Programming The sync-async comm board port number is programmed by placing jumpers on the board. Five I/O addresses and a distinct interrupt level control each p~rt. Table 3-3 gives the board addresses for is the board connector. I / the four possible ports. P60 TECHNICAL REFERENCE HARDWARE OPTIONS Table 3-3 Sync-Async Comm Board Port Addresses Port 1 Jumper Locations P60 Pin No. EI-E2 E7-E8 8 (INTO) Interrupt Address Function OOEO 00E4 OOES 00E6 OOE7 Interrupt acknovledge eHB command CHB data CHA command CHA data Port 2 Interrupt E4-ES EIO-Eli 50 (INTI) 00E9 OOEC OOED OOEE OOEF Interrupt acknowledge eHS command CHB data CHA command CHA data Port 3 Interrupt E2-E3 E8-E9 49 (INT2) OOFO 00F4 OOFS 00F6 00F7 Interrupt acknovledge CHB command CHB data CHA command CHA data Port 4 Interrupt ES-E6 EII-EI2 46 (INT4) 00F9 OOFC OOFD OOFE OOFF ·3-12 Interrupt acknowledge CHS command CHB data CHA command CHA data HARDWARE OPTIONS TECHNICAL REFERENCE Two channels (A and B) from each port control the ZS530 operations. A, the main communications channel through which data transfer "akes place, also monitors or controls some of the RS-232-C signals. Channel B does nothing but control or monitor signals. It is not used for data transfer. ~hannel Each channel can be accessed by two addresses: The command address for either channel is used to read or write registers that control the Z8530 address for channel A is used to read received transmitted data. The data address for channel B "command" and "data." access any of the 15 operations. The data data and to write is not used. Because the Z8530 does not contain pin-outs for the DSR, SCF, and RI signals, unused pins from channel B are used f~r these signals. Table 3-4 lists the specific pin-out for these signals. Table 3-5 lists the Channel B pin_-o~t for theZ-~530 interrupt enables. Table 3-4 Channel B Pin-Out for Z8530- Z8530 Signal DSR SCA SCF RI Channel B Pin-Out DCD DTR SYNC/HUNT CTS / Table 3-5 Channel B Pin-Out for Z8530 Interrupt Enable Z9539 Interrupt DSR SCA SCF RI Channel B Pin-Out DCD none SYNC/HUNT CTS Each port has an I/O address used to acknowledge the Z9530 interrupts. An I/O write followed by an I/O read done at this address acknowledges the interrupt. The data written during the I/O write is irrelevant. After the I/O read, the Z8530 returns the code for the interrupt that occurred. These codes are explained in the Zilog 9530 Technical Manual. 3-13 TECHNICAL REFERENCE HARDWARE OPTIONS The external connector (369) is an RS-232-C type. the signals at this connector. Table 3-6 Table 3-6 identifies ( RS-232-C Connector Signals +------+-------------------------------+----------+ Signal Name I Pin I Signal +------+-------------------------------+----------+ 1. Chassis ground I AA 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 '1.0 1.1. 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 20 21. 22 23 24 25 Transmitted data Received data Request to send Clear to send Data set ready Signal-ground Data carrier detect No connection No connection Secondary request to send Secondary clear to send No connection No connection Transmitter clock in No connection Receiver clock in No connection No connection Data terminal ready No connection Ring indicator Same as pin 1.1. External transmitter clock No connection I I I I I, I I I BA BB RTS/CA CTS/CB DSR/CC AB DCD/CF J 1 SCA/CH I SCF/CI 1 I I TXC/DB I I RSC/DD I I 1 DT~/CD I I "RI/CE J SCA/CH I DA t +------+-------------------------------+----------+ 3.4 INTERNAL MODEMS Texas Instruments offers tvo internal modems for the Professional Computer. One is a Bell 1.03-compatible type, vhich operates at 300 baud. The other is Bell 21.2-compatible and operates at 1.200 baud. Both are full-duplex modems, and the Bell 21.2-compatible can operate in full-duplex, synchronous, 1.200 baud. These are "smart" modems, and can handle a variety of commands for establishing communications. Both modems have automatic dialing c_pability using either pulse or tone dialing. The modem also provides status indications for monitoring the progress of the dialing procedure. The folloving subsections describe the architecture and interface of the modems to the system for those users vho vant to vrite their ovn communication program, and vho vant to use an internal modem. 3-1.4 HARDWARE OPTIONS TECHNICAL REFERENCE 3.4.1 Architecture The interface hardware for the modem board is identical to that created for the sync-async comm board. Therefore, it is easy to adapt software written for the sync-async comm board so that it can operate with either of the modems. Adding code to handle the modem dialing procedure is the major change required. The same port addresses and interrupt levels used by the sync-async comm board are used by the modem boards. Figure 3-3 shows a block diagram of modem hardware. The serial controller (Zilog 8530) sends the modem commands during the modem initialization and dialing procedure. Then the Z8530 transfers data between the modem and the remote system. MICROPROCESSOR RJ - 11 (1 ) ZILOG 8530 (2) (3) MODEM - I RJ 11 2223216·13 Figure 3-3 3.4.2 Modem Hardware Interface Zilog 8530--Modem Signals Two special control signals, /RHCTL (request control mode) and /ACHTL (acknowledge control mode), tell the modem how to handle information passed by the Z8530. /RHCTL information is processed as commands, while /ACHTL information is interpreted as data t~ be transmitted. The signals that appear at in Figure 3-4. the Zilog 8530--modem interface are shown 3-15 TECHNICAL REFERENCE HARDHARE OPTIONS Zilog 8530 15 13 18 16 21 29 19 22 (fTD) (fRD) (lCTS) (fDTR) (TDSR) (fSDCD) (fDCD) (fRI) Modem • • ICB • • • (/TRXCA) ICD ICC ICI • ICF ICE • 23 (lRTSB) 11 (fSYNCA) • 12 IRTXCA) 22 BA BB ~ IRCNTL IACNTL ~ • • IRX CLOCK ITX CLOCK 2223216-14 Figure 3-4 Zilog 8530--Modem Interface Signals The folloving paragraphs give brief descriptions of these signals. ~ NOTE ' In the folloving descriptions, active-lov TTL voltage level. "O~" refers to an (ITO) -> SA The Z8530 sends data to the modem on this line. The condition of /RCKTL determines the type of data (either transmitted data or command data). SS -> (/RD) The modem sends data to the Z8530 on this line. The condition of /RCNTL determines the type of data (either transmitted 3-16 HARDKARE OPTIONS TECHNICAL REFERENCE data or eommand data). ICB -} ICTS) Khen this signal is on, the modem is ready to receive transmitted data from the Z8530. Even when this signal is off, the Z8530 can still send command data if IACNTL is on and ICD (DTR) is off. No transmitted data is sent while this signal is off. (/OTR) -} ICD Khen this signal is on, the terminal is ready to start the communication. This signal is turned on while the unit is in the command mode, but before giving the start-dial command. (If the start-dial command is given before /DTR is on, the modem returns a "command failed" status.) ICC -> (/DSR) The modem completes dialing, then turns this signal on while waiting for the answer tone and the carrier. The modem indicates_. three thingL by turning this signal on: that it is electrically connected to the communication line; that it is offhook; and that it is ready to start communication activity. ICI -) (/SDCD) After answering a call, the modem generates this is being transmitted to the signal to indicate how fast data indicates that data is being terminal. Turn~ng the line on data transmitted at high speed. Turning the line off indicates that During the originate modes, this is being transmitted at low speed. signal represents the selected rate of data transfer. ICF -> (lOCO) data signal begin. Khen this signal is on, the modem is receiving the from the communications line and communications can ICE -> (/RI) The modem generates the voltage levels on this line to indicate the ringing activity. Khen the signal is on, the line is ringing. Between rings, or when there is no ringing, the signal is off. The software detects the ringing activity thro~gh the ZS530, and asserts DTR if the call is to be answered. (/RTSS) -> IRCHTL The software uses this signal to change the mode of data transfer. Khen this signal is on, it indicates that the terminal wants to enter into the command mode. In command mode, the modem does not transmit the data received on the line SA. Instead, it uses the data for command and status information exchange between the terminal and the modem. During initialization and dialing procedures, the modem uses the command mode to send modem dialing commands and to receive status information. Once the data transfer mode is initiated, the command mode cannot be invoked again unless the line is disconnected. IACNTL -> (SYNCA) The modem generates this signal in response to the IRCHTL signal from software. The software does not send any command data on line SA until this signal is turned on. Khen the /RCHTL signal goes away and the modem enters the data transfer mode, this Signal is turned off. The /ACHTL signal is usually pulled high on the RS-232 interface board. Khen both /RCNTL and /ACNTL are on, the 3-17 TECHNICAL REFERENCE HARDWARE OPTIONS terminal can exchange commands and information with the modem. The /ACKTL signal combined with the /RCKTL signal can differentiate' between the modem board and a sync-async comm board. To check for an installed modem, the software first activates the RCNTL, then waits for the modem to return the /ACNTL signal. If no acknowledge signal returns, then a sync-async comm board is installed, rather than a modem board. This lRX CLOCK -> (lRTXCA) asynchronous communication. is lTX CLOCK -> (.!TRXCA) This is asynchronous communication. 3.4.3 the the receive data clock line for transmit data clock line for Mo-dem Initialization At power-up, the RESET signal on the system bus initializes the modem, using the operating defaults. The user can reset the modem to these same defaults at any time with the software reset command. The default parameters are listed in Table 3-7. Table 3-7 Modem Default Parameters \, 3.4.4 Parameter Default Setting Dialing Line termination .Kodem transmitter Modem mode Data/command mode Communication Pulse ·-dial On hook Squelched Originate Data mode Asynchronous Command Mode Operation The modem has two modes of operation, data transfer mode and command (also called control) mode. The terminal system software communicates with the processor on the modem board, either for the data transfer or the command mode. All data and command transfer passes through the USART. At power-up, the default setting is for the data transfer mode. For various reasons, such as a software request for diagnostic status information, it is necessary to place the unit in command mode. The terminal and the modem are in master-slave configuration, and the modem cannot initiate the command mode. 3-18 HARDWARE OPTIONS TECHNICAL REFERENCE To prepare for command mode operation, the Z8530 must be set up for 300-baud operation, no parity, 8 bits per character, one stop bit, and one start bit. The Zilog 8530 Technical Manual contains details on setting the Z8530. Also, refer to subsection 3.3 of this manual. Appendix F contains "RCNTL", a sample subroutine that checks for an installed modem. Once enter line modem until the appropriate signals are set, the modem and the terminal can into a command status transfer dialogue. The software asserts /RCNTL, requesting the modem to enter the command mode. The responds by asserting the line /ACNTL. The software then waits /ACNTL is turned on by the modem before sending any commands. To find the status of the modem, the computer transmits the code "send diagnostic status" (44H). The modem returns a 2-byte response, the firsf- :byte indicaFing that the "status byte follows" and the second byte giving the status. The commands and status codes are listed later in this section. Appendix F contains "DIAGST", a sample routine for starting a dialogue in the command mode. After the modem completes a command from the computer, it sends a "command complete" (A=41H) code or a "command failed" (Z=5AH) code. After sending a command, the computer waits before sending another command, expecting either a direct response or a command complete/failed status. The terminal software can insert a fail-safe time-out between issuing a command to the modem and receiving the command status to protect against possible modem malfunction. After the software completes the command/status dialogue, it releases the /RCNTL line. The modem responds by releasing the /ACNTL line. Th~ system is now in the data transfer mode. The command mode cannot be reentered unless the communication is halted and the phone line is disconnected. The software turns off the DTR signal when the line is to be disconnected. The modem disconnects the line any time DTR is turned off, once the connection has been established. 3.4.5 Dialing Procedure To begin a call, the terminal transmits the telephone number to be dialed (including any separator symbols such as ( ) , +, or @) and instructions on the method of dialing (such as T or P). For example, in the telephone number T(713)-895-0001X, T requests tone dialing, and X is the telephone number terminator. The number can be a maximum of 23 digits long. The modem responds with the "command complete" status, then dials the number. Appendix F contains "Dialer", a sample routine for dialing a telephone number. 3-19 TECHNICAL REFERENCE HARDWARE OPTIONS The ( ) and - separators are used for number-grouping purposes only. They have no meaning to the modem. The modem reads the + separator as tandem dialing. Each time the modem finds a +, it waits for another dial tone before continuing. The a symbol represents blind dialing. When the modem finds the a separator. it waits 2.0 ~ 0.1 s after the command is received, then dials the number without waiting for a dial tone. The dialing methods include tone dialing, pulse dialing, and automatic selection. The modem is able to alternate dialing methods during the dialing procedure. Simply insert the proper characters (T for tone dialing, P for pulse dialing) in the telephone number. For example, in the number T8-50-33333344-P(713)-895-0001, the modem dials all the digits to P using the tone mode; all digits after P are dialed using the pulse mode. The modem echoes the number back to the terminal (without separators) as it dials each digit, then sends status to the terminal for full call-progress monitoring. The status can be ringing, busy, no answer, or voice. The terminal screen displays th~ appropriate message. When the connection attempt is successful, the modem does not return a status indicator. Instead, the computer monitors the Signal lOCO. The modem asserts lOCO, indicating a successful connection. The dialing procedure is aborted any time the DtR signal is dropped. The modem sees this as a command to stop dialing, and goes on hook. The modem waits through 10 rings before reporting a no-answer condition. The default time to wait between retries is 11 s, the default number of retries is O. Ten rings as a no-answer condition is a fixed number; however, the time to wait between retries and the number of retries can be programmed into the terminal software. 3.4.6 Time-Outs Both the terminal and the modem can cause time-outs. The terminal time-outs are: loss of carrier" long space received, and no response. The two types of modem time-outs are: loss of carrier and abort timer. Table 3-8 summarizes the time-outs. 3-20 TECHNICAL REFERENCE Table 3-8 HARDWARE OPTIONS Type~ and Duration~ of Disconnects Terminal Modem Type Duration Type Duration Loss of carrier Long space received No response time-out 200 ms 1.5 s 1 s Abort timer Loss of carrier 17 s SO ms The foIl oW'-i ng paragraphs---q i ve conditions. Terminal or Soft~are br i ef descriptions of all time-out Time-Outs. * Loss of Carrier. If the terminal is programmed for failsafe disconn~cts ~hen the carrier goes off, it ~aits 50 ms before disconnecting. * Long Space Received. At start-up. the terminal sends a command to the modem, then ~aits for the modem to turn on the /ACNTL signal. If the modem fails to return the signal ~ithin 1.5 s, the terminal disconnects. * No Response. The terminal sends a then ~aits for the modem response. disconnects. command to the modem, After 1 s, the terminal Modem Time-Outs. * Loss of Carrier. During a temporary loss of carrier, this timer holds the DCD line true. Ho~ever, if the carrier stays off for 50 ms ( the length of the timer), the modem turns off the DCD signal to the Z8530, causing the soft~are to recognize the loss of the carrier. * Abort Timer - Originate Mode. During the automatic dialing procedure, the modem goes off hook to listen for the dial tone. The modem waits 17 s, then sends the "command failed" status and goes on hook. The terminal responds by dropping DTR. The abort timer resets after the dialing procedure is complete. If the modem being used is a Bell 212A-compatible type, the abort timer is set for Bell 212 high-band carrier. * Abort Timer - Answer Mode. During a manual dialing procedure, the answer-tone abort timer is used instead of the dial-tone abort timer. The originating modem looks for 3-21 TECHNICAL REFERENCE HARDWARE OPTIONS an answer from the remote modem. The answer depends upon the type of modem installed in the remote system. If the remote is Sell l03-compatible, the modem looks for the carrier. If the remote is Sell 212-compatible, the modem looks for the scrambled mark or the unscrambled mark. The modem waits 17 s for the answer tone, then drops DSR. 3.4.7 Modem Software The modem software is very simple. Some commands are only 1 byte long, such as the "Manual Disconnect" command. Field commands, such as "Telephone Number" (an op code followed by a field), are longer. The terminal sends a command to the modem. The modem returns a direct re~po~se or a ~tatus byte (command complete or command failed). The terminal does not send additional commands until this handshake is completed. Table 3-9 lists the software commands from the terminal to the modem. 3-22 TECHNICAL REFERENCE Table 3-9 ASCII Code A B C 0 E F G H L M 0 P R S T U W X Y + • HARDWARE OPTIONS Commands from the Softvare to the Modem Command Dial folloving telephone number, select dialing mode Next byte contains number of retries (ASCII, 0-9) Next 2 bytes contain time (in s) betveen retries (ASCII, 0-99 s) Request diagnostic status Disconnect on loss of carrier 00 not disconnect on loss of carrier Manual ansver Select lZOO- bps option Select 300- bps option What modem type? Manual originate Dial folloving telephone number using pulse dialing Start RDLB test* Syn~hronous communication mode Dial folloving teleghone number using tone dialing Asynchronous communication mode Softvare reset Telephone number terminator Start ALB test** Tandem dialing (vait for another dial tone) Blind dial (vait 2.0 s, then dial) * The RDLB (Remote Digital Loopback) test is for a Bell 212compatible modem. It checks the condition of the communication lines. The originating modem makes the ansvering modem echo all received data back to the originating modem. ** The ALB (Analog Loopback) test causes the modem's internal logic to connect the transmitter to the receiver and loopback the data. Table 3-10 lists the possible re~ponses 3-23 from the.modem. TECHNICAL REFERENCE Table 3-10 ASCI I Code A B D E F H L N 0 R V Z HARDWARE OPTIONS Response from the Modem to the Softvare Command Command completed Busy tone Diagnostic status follovs Phone number terminator Phone number follovs Bell 212A option installed Bell 103 option installed No ansver Lost call -Ringing from ringback Voice reception Command failed One possible modem response is D, diagnostic status follovs. Immediately after the modem sends this reply, it sends one of the diagnostic indicators from Table 3-11. Table 3-11 Byte Value 00 01 02 04 08 10 20 40 80 3.5 Diagnostic Status Indicators Meaning Good check ROM error RAM error Processor error Timer error Not used Not used Not used Not used GRAPHICS VIDEO CONTROLLER BOARD The graphics video controller board operates vith the CRT controller board. It is mounted (piggyback fashion) on the CRT controller board, and all its connections are to the CRT controller board. Figure 3-5 is a block diagram of the graphics video controller board. (Refer to Section 6 for logic diagrams.) 3-24 HARDWARE OPTIONS TECHNICAL REFERENCE CPU ADDRESS RED PIXEL TO r-1'.. CRT Y CONTROLLER BOARD 8-1 8-1 MUX MUX W ~ ~ 3 ..." ...w"t;; ~ '" !:! Q " ~ !: Q ..;t "... " ~ ."~ ;0 Q t;; . ;t TO CPU ,,..,,-"-_ _ _ _- - , READ-DATA HOLD LATCH 2223216-15 Figure 3-5 Graphics Video Controller Board Block Diagram The graphics video controller board uses the same number of pixels (720 horizontal x 300 vertical) on the screen as does the alphanumerics board. Each pixel can contain a maximum of three attribute bits (labeled A, B, and C). These attribute bits are converted by a palette look-up table to threa colors red, blue, and green. Aspects of the graphics video section include: controller 3-25 board described in this TECHNICAL REFERENCE * * * * HARDWARE OPTIONS Pixel addressing Color selection Timing and synchronization Graphics logic array program 3.5.1 Pixel Addressing Each dot on the graphics screen is a pixel. Each pixel has a 3-bit value associated vith it that selects one of eight palettes (0 7). Each palette is assigned one of eight colors, as determined by the contents of the latch._ The latch is simply an array of eight 3-bit values. The palette number of each pixel is an index into that array. So, the color of a pixel is the color value of the latch entry that corresponds to the palette number of the pixel. Changing either the palette or the color assigned to the palette changes the color of that pixel. Changing the color assigned to a palette changes the color of every pixel vith the same palette number. A plane is a block of memory containing 1 bit for each pixel in the display. Each of the 3 bits assigned to a pixel is in a different plane. All three planes are formatted identically; only the segment address differs from plane to plane. The segment addresses of the three planes are COOO, CBOO, and 0000. For example, if a bit assigned to pixel (x, y) is the fifth bit of memory location COOO:mmmm, then the other tvo bits assigned to that pixel are the fifth bits of locations CBOO:mmmm and DOOO:mmmm. In the folloving explanation, memory addresses refer to offsets into the segment of any of the three graphics planes. The diagram belov shovs the organization of graphics screen memory into pixels. Pixels are numbered (x coordinate, y coordinate) and are zero relative. Byte Address I Pixels Represented 0000 - 0 0 5 B I (B , 0) 005C-00B7 I(B,l) - (15, 0 ) I (0 , 0) (15,1)1(0,1) - ( 7 , 0) I (24, 0) (7,1)1. (31, 0 ) 1.( 16 , 0) - (23, 0 ) Pixel (0,0) is the MSB of location 0001. The LSB of location 0001 is pixel (7,0). Pixel (B,O) is the Msa of location 0000. The LSB of location 0000 is pixel (15,0). Pixel (16,0) is the Msa of location 0003. The bytes are flip-flopped in this way so that if a move instruction executed from a vord in the graphics plane to a word register, the 3-26 HARDHARE OPTIONS TECHNICAL REFERENCE register then contains 16 consecutive pixel bits in order from KSB to LSB. For example, if a KOV AX, ES:OOOO is executed (where ES contains the segment address of the desired graphics plane), the KSB of AX is pixel (0,0) and the LSB is pixel (15,0). Hith this scheme, 45 words are necessary to represent the 720 pixels in each row of the display. There is one unused word at the end of each line, so a new row begins every 46 words, or 92 bytes. Line one (zero-relative) begins at byte address 92 decimal, OOSCH. Therefore, pixel (0,1) is the KSB of location OOSDH and pixel (8,1) is the KSB of location OOSCH (because the bytes are flip-flopped). Example: To find the values of the rightmost 16 pixels on the bottom line of the display, X • 299 (zero-relative number of last line on display) 92 (bytes per line) 88 (first word = 0, second word = 2, so 45th word = 27596 = 88) (6BCC hex) So, KOV AX, ES:6BCC puts the values of the last 16 pixels on the display in AX, with the LSB of AX being the pixel in the lower right corner. The three graphics planes are named· A, B, and C. The segment addresses of the planes A, B, and Care COOO, ceoo, and DOOO, respectively. In determining the palette number of a pixel, the bit from the C plane is the most significant, the bit from the A plane is the least significant, and the B plane bit is in the middle. Example: To find the color of the pixel in the lower right corner of the display, first find the palette number assigned to it. The KSB of the palette number is the LSB of DOOO:6BCC; the middle bit of the palette number is the LSB of C800:6BCC; the LSB of the palette .number is the LSB of COOO:6BCC Say, for example, that these three bits are 1, 0, and 1, respectively. Then the color of the lower right pixel is whatever color is assigned to palette 5. If the default color assignments are in effect, the color of the pixel is cyan. 3.5.2 Color Selection Each of the eight entries in the latch has one bit for each of the three primary colors: green, red, and blue. The eight available colors are formed by combinations of those three colors, as listed in Table 3-12. 3-27 TECHNICAL REFERENCE HARDWARE OPTIONS / Table 3-12 Green Red Color Combinations Blue 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 Color black blue red magenta green cyan yellov vhite 1 1 1 0 Color 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 To access the latch, you must vrite all eight bits ~f a particular primary cO~Dr to the appropriate memory location for that color. You cannot change all three bits corresponding to one palette number in a single vrite. The latch consists of three memory locations, ~ne for each of the primary colors. These locations are: Blue latch Green latch Red latch DFOO:0010 DFOO:0020 DFOO:0030 You can vrite to these iocations, but you cannot read from them. For this reason, it is necessary to maintain a memory image of the three color latches ifindividual palettes are to be changed. You are then able to change a single palette by setting the appropriate bits in the memory image to the desired value and updating all three color latches. Each of the three color bits of a palette is in the same bit position in all three color latches. Hovever, the scheme for determining vhich bit in the latch.is addressed by ~ pixel is n~t ~he same as that for determining the palette number. In determining the latch bit addressed by the three-bit value assigned to a pixel, the B plane value is the most significant and the C plane value is in the middle. The A plane value is still the least significant. Bit 1 is the KSB and bit 0 is the LSB of the color latch byte. Table 3-13 displays the correspondence betveen the bits assigned t~ a pixel and the bit positions in any of the three color latches, and shovsthe comparison of these bit positions to the palette numbers. 3-29 - TECHNICAL REFERENCE HARDWARE OPTIONS Table 3-13 B Plane Bit C Plane Bit 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 i Bit Correlations Palette Number Latch Bit Addressed A Plane Bit 0 1 4 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 5 0 0 1 1 0 2 :3 4 5 3 6 7 6 7 1 0 1 2 Figure 3-6 shows this correspondence horizontally, latch byte appears as a byte register. B plane bit C plane bit A plane bit 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 so that 1 0 0 0 1 0 Latch bit addressed 7 6 5 4 3 2 Palette number 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 the color 0 0 0 0 0 2223216-18 Figure 3-6 Color Latch Byte Example This example shows how to create a memory image of the default values of the three color latches. Combining information from Table 3-12 (the Color Combinations table), with information from Table 3-13 (the Bit Correlations table), yields the information necessary to construct Table 3-14. 3-29 TECHNICAL REFERENCE HARDWARE OPTIONS Table 3-14 Latch Bit Default Values of Color Latches Palette Number (= Color Number) 7 7 6 5 6 3 2 4 3 2 1 5 4 1 0 ~ Green Bit (white) (yellov) (magenta) (red) (cyan) (green) (blue) (black) Red Bit 1 1 ·0 0 1 1 0 0 The defauit condition is palette number the color latches are set as follows: Blue Bit 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 = color number; therefore, - Green latch = 11001100 binary = CC hexadecimal at DFOO:0020 Red latch 1111000 binary FO hexadecimal at DFOO:0030 Blue latch 10101010 binary AA hexadecimal at DFOO:0010 = = = = Example: This example lists the steps necessary to change yellov from the default condition (magenta). palette three 1. Find the desired palette number (three) in Table 3-14, find the associated latch bit (five). then 2. Find the desired color (yellow) in Table 3-14, the bit settings (red = 1, green = 1, blue = 0). find 3. Set bit five in each of the color determined in the previous step. nev values: = then latches to the values This ~hange creates the = Green latch 11101100 binary EC hexadecimal Red latch = 11110000 binary = FO hexadecimal Blue latch = 10001010 binary = SA hexadecimal. three 4. Krite the nev values (from the previous step) to the not color latah addresses. (In this example, it is necessary to change the red latch, because the value did not change.) 3-30 to HARDWARE OPTIONS TECHNICAL REFERENCE 3.5.3 Timing and Synchronization The same dot clock that generates internal timing for the CRT controller board clocks the graphics video controller board. Monitoring the display enable (DE) signal from the CRT controller board helps to synchronize the pixel outputs from the two boards. If the DE signal has been low for a long period, the graphics board assumes that the scan is in the vertical interval. When DE goes high again, the graphics board resets the graphic memory and scan counters to zero. When DE is low for a short period (horizontal retrace, for example), the scan counters are stopped. This places the last pixel on a line adjacent to the first pixel on the following line. The graphics video controller board gives the CPU essentially free access to the screen memory. During a single screen display cycle, the hardware ·can access ~t"he refresh memory twice -- once to read the data for screen display, and once for the CPU to read or write data if needed. To provide enough time for this access, a display cycle accesses 16 adjacent pixels of 3 attribute bits each. These are read in parallel and loaded into three 1S-bit shift registers for display. After the memory has been read for screen display, the CPU access cycle starts when. ..a read or write cycle is requested. The accessed memory is broken up into one of six separate bytes by properly decoding the enabling of bus buffers and write enable signals to the memory. Dynamic memory is used on the graphics video board because of the large amount of memory required. The memory chips are organized into 16k x 4 bits and are packaged in an 1S-pin, dual inline. package (DIP). The S address lines are multiplexed into 256 row addresses and 64 column addresses to get to the 16 K locations in the memory. The addresses to the RAM also need to be multiplexed between the CPU and the refresh counter. Performing this four-way multiplexing are four 74LS153 dual 4-to-1 multiplexers (U33 through U36). Figure 3-7 is a timing diagram for the graphics video controller board. A 74LS163 4-bit counter (U39) and a HAL16RSA-1 logic array (U41) generate the timing. A 74LS163 counter connected as a one-shot (U40), a 75LSOO gate (U44), and a 74LS04 gate (U45) provide the stop, start, and reset logic for the refresh counter. 3-31 Ii 111 n ::c '1'J ~. IQ .,c: ID W I ~ FIRST LAST SCREEN I DISPLAY I CPU READS, SECOND CYCLE DURING', CYCLE ' SCREEN I DISPLAY H BLANKING OF LINE MEM CYCLE Xl I ! , DISPLAY, CYCLE 'DISPLAY . CYCLE >t;-t I I DISPLAY CYCLE I ::0 111 '1J 111 ::0 111 X2 ROW- UJ-----:L-____~------~------~--~--~------~------L-----~r------i----- GRCLK .,PI CPU WRITES SCREEN MEMORY ...n:z: ::r: o 111 Ii) 'tJ ::J' .... n UI < .... I SRLD U I y U,r------------,u U u r- - - RDWRGSELRAS- - - . CAS- \ I I- \ ' r-o~____~ 0. ID 0 W I n I\) 0 !:I w ., IT 0 ..... .... ., ID BUFFEN- ~r------~------~------~--------~------~~ LATENLA TO E_ GWAIT- I I [J I Ll L ILl U DE DEDXRST- , u tJ .... PI ., aQ PI iii It--- .... ....iii ::s ~GRCLK~ XRST nTlT)-Y-rT-r-r-r-r-,--,,-,--, [ ;-1 Ii IQ L-__--DII::I:T fTTTJ I ' I FIRST PIXEL OUT OF SHIFT REG FIRST PIXEL OUT OF U43 FIRST PIXEL OUT OF PALLET ~ ----,u ~ I , I DEU- !l -----ur-----------, ~L------------~~,----------- MC CCLR COUNT _ ~ I , ~r------- END OF ACTIVE VIDEO , , ~ END OF H BLANKING , , ~ ONE-SHOT TIME-OUT DURING VERTICAL INTERVAL -----fi~ , ___________ , ~ END OF VERTICAL BLANKING ::c >- ::0 tJ ~ >- ::0 111 o "1J 2223216·19 ...Iio :z: til HARDWARE OPTIONS TECHNICAL REFERENCE 3.5.4 Graphics LogiC Array Program programming for the logic array is given in Table 3-15. Table 3-15 Programming for the Graphics State Machine HAL Input LATENBUFENRDXl LATOE- SRLDWRX2 RASGWAITROWGSELGRCLK CASDEDDE output Comment -------+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+---+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+------------------------------Read S5,6,7,8 H L LATEH- L -L .• or L L or L L or L L L Write S3 write S4 till not write All other ORs inactive L L L . -------+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+---+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+------------------------------Read S8 H H H L L LATOE- L L or . L . L or L L . . . L Read S9 till not read All other ORs inactive . -------+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+---+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+------------------------------Refresh screen Sll L H L H RASor or or or or or L L L L L L H H H L L H . L L L L H H H , L " L L L L L write S3 Read S3 CPU S4, refresh S12 CPU S5,6, refresh S13,14 CPU S7, refresh S15 (Inactive term) -------+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+---+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+------------------------------S13,14,15,0,5,6,7,8 . H • CASor . H , . , L L , . All other ORs . -------+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+---+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+------------------------------BUFEH- L L Read S4,5,6,7,8 L L or or or L L L L L H L L L Write S2 Write S3,4,5,6,7,8 All other ORs inactive H L L L -------+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+---+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+------------------------------, L H H H S15 SRLDor L L . All other ORs inactive -------+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+---+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+------------------------------GWAIT- L L H H Read or or " . L L , L L H . Write All other ORs inactive . -------+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+---+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+------------------------------Delayed DE DEDor • • H H , . All other ORs . -------+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+---+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+------------------------------Legend: L H = Low = High signal. signal, 3-33 TECHNICAL REFERENCE HARDWARE OPTIONS When the logical AND of terms from one row of Table 3-15 is ORed with the AND of terms from another row, the output goes low when the result is true. 3.6 WINCHESTER DISK DRIVE AND CONTROLLER OPTION The Winchester disk drive and controller board option consists ofa controller board, cable and hardware, and a 5or 10-megabyte Winchester drive. Aspects of this option described in the following paragraphs include: * * * * * 3.6.1 Winchester hardware theory of operations Register assignments Bit ~efinitions for registers and ports Controller status bit combinations Kormal command sequence operation Winchester Hardware Theory of Operation The Winchester controller is addressed by the 8088 as a block of four I/O ports: 0030H through 0033H. I/O reads are indicated by the bus signal IORC, and I/O writes are indicated by the ~us signal AIOWC-. The controller can generate an interrupt to the host under one of the following conditions: * When data controller * and When the operation is completed, requesting a status read (C/D1, I/O is ready to be read = from or written to the the = 1) controller is Both of the interrupt conditions can be individually disabled. When the interrupt is active, the computer's interrupt line 6 is held high until it is cleared by a read to the controller status register. On-Board EPROM/ROM. A 4K x 8-bit EPROM/ROM driver routines for the controller. Addressing this the output to drive the data bus through a tristate EPROM/ROM is at. memory address OF8000H. Access time EPROM or the ROM is less than 350 ns. 3-34 contains the device causes buffer. The to either the HARDWARE OPTIONS TECHNICAL REFERENCE Commands and Command Testing. The computer sends a 6-byte block to the controller to specify the operation. This block is the device control block (DCB). Table 3-16 gives the bit definition for the DCB. Table 3-16 Device Control Block Bit Diagram B y+-------+-------+-B I T N U MB E R -+-------+-------+-------+ 4 3 2 1 0 tl 1 I 6 I 5 +e+=======+=======+=======+=======+=======+=======+=======+=======+ o P COD E 101 COMMAND CLASS +-+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+---------+-----+-------+ HIGH LOGICAL UNIT NUMBER ADDRESS ( See Note 1 ) +-+-------+-~~-~-~+------~~------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ MIDDLE ADDRESS ( See Note 1 ) +-+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ LOW ADDRESS ( See Note 1 ) 131 +-+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ 141 INTERLEAVE OR NUMBER OF BLOCKS ( See Note 2 ) +-+-------+------~+-~~---~+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ 151 CON T R 0 L FIE L 0 +-+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ Hotes: 1. Refer to paragraph 2. I~terleave factor for FORMAT, CHECK TRACK, and READ 10 commands. Explanation of Bytes in the Device Control Block. The 6 bytes that comprise the device control block are defined as follovs: Byte Definition o Bits 1, 6, and 5 identify the class of the command. 4 through 0 contain the opcode of the command. 1 Bits 1, 6 , and 5 identify the logical un it number (LUN) . Bits 4 through 0 contain logical disk address 2. 2 Bits 1 through 0 contain logica.l disk address 1. 3 Bits 1 through 0 contain logical disk address O. 4 Bits 1 through 0 specify the interleave or block count. 5 Bits 1 through 0 contain the control field. 3-35 Bits TECHNICAL REFERENCE HARDWARE OPTIONS Control Field Detailed Description. Byte 5, the control field of the DCB, allows the user to choose options for several different types and makes of disk drives. The following listing d e fin e s t he bit s 0 f the con t r 0 I by t e '. Th est e pop t ion s are en cod e d in control byte 5 of the command descriptor. The encoding is done with bits 0 through 3 as given in Table 3-17. Table 3-17 ~ Command Descriptor Byte Description Bit No. Default 3-ms step rate Seagate ST506 (KLC2) T~ndpn .fast-step_ Texas Instruments fast-step 200-us buffered-step 70-us buffered-step 30-us buffered-step 1S-us buffered-step Olivetti 2 ms/step (561) Olivetti (562) fast-step (1.1 ms typical) Spare '(for future use) 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 To configure a drive for fast-step or buffered-step. refer to the manufacturer's manual for instructions. If the drive is hardwareconfigured for fast-step. all commands requiring the seek option selection must use the fast-step option for that drive. NOTE The step option bits (3 through 0) are exclusive. Select only one option configuration. Bits 4 and 5 are reserved for future mutually for any us~. Set bit 6 to 0 for regular operation. When this bit is set to 1 during a read sector command, any failing sectors are not reread on the next revolution. Set bit 7 to 0 for regular operation. Setting this bit to 1 disables the four retries by the controller on all ~isk-access commands. Set bit 7 to 1 only during the performance evaluation of a disk drive. 3-36 '" . HARDWARE OPTIONS TECHNICAL REFERENCE Command Completion status Byte. At the end of a command, the controller returns a completion status byte to the computer. This byte indicates whether or not an error has occurred during command execution. (If the error bit is set, and you want to know what caused the error, you must send the REQUEST SENSE STATUS command.) The format of the completion status byte is Bit (KSB) 6 5 4 I/O II 1 Port AddressJ IDon't IDon't IDrive IDon't 0030 J J care I care I No. I care (r ead) I I I J I Number I 3 (LSB) 2 I 1 J 0 I ,+======+======+======+======+======+======+=====+======+ IDon't IDon't !ErrorlDon't I I care I care I bi t I care , I I I I I 1+======+======+======+======+======+======+=====+======+ Logical Address (HIGH, KIDDLE and LOW). The logical address of the drive is computed by using the following equation: Logical Address Where: CYADR HDCYL HDADR SETRK SEADR = (CYADR x HDCYL + HDADR) x SETRK +. = Cylinder address = Number of heads per cylinder = Head address = Number of sectors per track = Sector address SEADR Sector Interleaving. The disk controller supports variable sector interleaving. When a format command is issued, an interleave value can be passed in byte 4 of the device control block (DCS). The maximum interleave value is the number of sectors per track minus 1. When transferring multiple data sectors, the interleave fa~tor can be adjusted to achieve maximum system performance. The practice of interleaving involves mapping logical continuous sectors of data from a given track onto nonadjacent physical sectors. For example, an interleave factor of 5 means that every fifth physical sector is transferred as the next logical continuous data sector. It does not mean that five sectors of data are transferred on one revolution. If the interleave factor is too low, the CPU cannot transfer the full sector of data during the sector-interleave time available. The controller has to wait one full revolution before reading the next logical sector from the disk. Increasing the interleave factor increases the system's operating speed. The operating system should perform multiple-sector data transfers to take full advantage of the controller's interleaving feature. In Single-sector transfers, the differences in speed between various interleave factors is probably not noticeable. 3-31 TECHNICAL REFERENCE 3.6.2 HARDWARE OPTIONS Register Assignments The regi~ter assignments for the controller are given in Table 3-18. Table 3-18 I/O ports of the Winchester Winchester Controller I/O Port Assignment +-------------+--------------------------------------------+ Address Functions +---------------------+----------------------+ out In + +-------------+---------------------+----------------------+ 0030H Data IN port Data OUT port +-------------+---------------------+----------------------+ 0})31H status register RESET +-------------+---------------------+----------------------+ 0032H Hot used Not used +-------------+---------------------+----------------------+ 0033H Not used Interrupt mask +-------------+---------------------+----------------------+ An IN function gets data from the Winchester controller board and puts it on the computer's I/O expansion bus. Conversely, an OUT function sets data from the computer's I/O expansion bus onto the Winchester disk controller board. For byte definitions of the registers, refer to the given in Table 2-1. For pin-outs of the Electrical Interface. Winchester I/O memory map cable, refer to paragraph 3.6.20, 3-38 ~ HARDWARE OPTIONS TECHNICAL REFERENCE Data Input Port. Disk read data and controller sense bytes pass through this register to the computer. The data is held for each handshake cycle. The format is as follows: (MSB) II 7 ( LSB) Bit Number o I I/O Port I~======~======~======~======~======~======~======~======~ Addres s I I I I I 1 1 I I I 0030 I I DATA 71DATA 61DATA 51DATA 41DATA 31DATA 21DATA 11DATA 01 JI 1 I I I I I I I 6 5 4 I 3 2 1 I+======+======+======+======+======+======+======~======~ Data Output Port. Command bytes and disk data pass through this register to the controller. Data is latched until updated by the CPU. 'i'he . bl t ar rangemen t i s as follows: BIT HUMBER MSB I/O Port Address 0030 (wr it e) 6 5 4 I 3 LSB 2 J 1 o I " '1 1+======+======+======+======+======+======+======+======+ II I I I I I I I I II DATA 71 DATA 6·I·DATA 51 DATA 41 DATA 31 DATA 21 DATA 11 DATA 0 I II I I I I I I I I I+======+======~======+======+======~======+======~======+ Controller status Register. This register stores the controller status. It enables the CPU to read the controller status and to monitor the controller operation. The controller status byte is defined as follows: MSB BIT HUMBER LSB 6 5 I/O 2 1 o 4 I 3 II 7 P0 r t I + = = = = = = + = = = == == = + = = == = = = + ::: = = = = = ~ = = = = = = + = == == = == == + = == == = .. ':: + = = = == = = ~ AddressllDon't IDon't IDon't IDon't IDon't ICOMMAHDIINPUT/I DATA I 0031 Ilcare !care Icare Icare I.care !/DATA 10UTPUTIREQUESTI ( read) I I I I I I I I I I I~======+======+======+========~=======+=====~===~=======+=======+ Reset Port. This byte resels the controller. Any write to port 0031 causes a reset. Reset clears each error status, aborts all operations, and places the Winchester controller in the command receive mode. The byte definition follows: MSB BIT HUMBER LSB I/O 6 5 4 I 3 1 o II 7 2 I Port I+======+======+======+======+=======+======+=====~=======+ AddressllDon't IDon:t IDon't IDon't IDon't IDon't IDon'tlDon't 0031 Ilcare Icare Icare Icare Icare Icare Icare Icare (wr it e) " 1 I I I I I 1 I~=======~======+======+======~======+======+=====+======+ 3-39 TECHNICAL REFERENCE HARDWARE OPTIONS Interrupt Mask. This is a 2-bit field that determines vhich interrupts are to be serviced by the CPU. The interrupt mask byte definition follovs: MSB I/O II 7 Port AddressllDon't 0033 I I care 1I 6 5 SIT NUMBER 4 I 3 2 I 1 LSB 0 J+======+======+======+======+======+======+======+=======+ IDon't I care I IDon't I care I IDon't I care I IDon't I care I IDon't I care I IDATA ISTATUS I INTR. 1 INTR. I ENABLE I ENABLE 1+======+======+======+======+======+======+======+=======+ Error status Byte. This special byte is available only after the completion of a command. The controller sets the I/O and C/O bits vi{h·DRQ to in~icate that this byte is available. A definition of the error status byte follovs: MSB I/O II 7 Port Addressl IDon't 0030 Ilcare ( read) I I BIT NUMBER 6 5 4 I LSB 2 3 I 1 o 1+======+======+======+======+======+======+=====+======+ !Do~'t Icare I JDrive !Don't INo. Icare I I IDon't Icare I IDon't Icare I IErro~!Dontt I bit Icare I J J+======+======+======+======+======+======+=====+======+ 3.6.3 Bit Definitions for Registers and Ports Table 3-19 gives the definitions controller registers and ports. 3-40 of bits for the Winchester HARDWARE OPTIONS TECHNICAL REFERENCE Table 3-19 Bit Definitions for Controller Registers and Ports Logical state +---------+--------------------------------------------------------+ I Data I Bit I Data true ; data high 1 logical one >= 2.4 V IDATA 0-7 I READ or I WRITE I I ; 1 Data false ; data lo~ ; (= 0.7 V I logical zero +---------+============================+============================+ Data bit = 1 Data bit =0 +---------+----------------------------+-------------------------~--+ IDATA I I REQUES~ Commands, status, or data I, ready to b~__ transferred I to or from controller. No command, status, or I data transfers to or from I controller. +---------+----------------------------+----------------------------+ I INPUT/ I The CPU reads data or I The CPU writes data or I OUTPUT- J status from the controller. I commands to the controller. I I COMMAND/ I DATAI I I I 1 When INPUT/OUTPUT- is high, I When IKPUT/OUTPUT- is high,1 I status is sent to the CPU. I data is sent to the CPU. I +---------+----------------------------+----------------------------+ 1****************************1****************************1 I When INPUT/OUTPUT- is low, I commands are sent to the I controller. I When IKPUT/OUTPUT- is low, I data is sent to the I controller. I I I +---------+----------------------------+----------------------------+ I Controller interrupts the I CPU after the CPU completesl ISTATUS I the current command and is J I I NTERRUPT I ready to return the status I I ENABLE I byte. I No status interrupt permitted. +---------+----------------------------+---------------~------------+ lDATA I I INTERRUPTI I ENABLE I I I Controller interrupts the CPU ~hen data needs to be read from or written to the controller. No data interrupt permitted. +---------+----------------------------+----------------------------+ 3-41 TECHNICAL REFERENCE 3.6.4 HARDWARE OPTIOKS Controller status Bit Combinations Table 3-20 gives all valid controller status bit combinations. Table 3-20 Valid Bit Combinations for Controller status --------------------------------------------------------------------+ !COMMAND/IINPUT/ I DATA II I DATA Meaning of Pattern I OUTPUTIREQUEST!! +========+=======+=======++=========================================+ o I ~. o o ! " Kot valid - II II +========+=======+=======++=========================================+ o o 1 I I A data byte may be sent from the CPU I I to the Winchester controller. The I I controller waits for data to be written. +========+=======+=======++=========================================+ o 1 o II II II Hot valid +========+=======+=======++=========================================+ o 1 1 I I A data byte may be sent to the CPU I I from the Winchester controller. The II controller waits until data is read. +========+=======+=======++=========================================+ 1 o o I! Kot valid " II +========+=======+=======++=========================================+ 1 o 1 II Command bytes may be sent to the II Winchester controller from the CPU. " +========+=======+=======++================~=~===========~=========+ 1 1 o II II II Not valid +========+=======+=======++=========================================+ 1 1 1 II II II A status byte may be sent from the Winchester controller to the CPU. +========+=======+=======++=========================================+ 3-42 HARDWARE OPTIONS TECHNICAL REFERENCE 2 6.5 Normal Command Sequence Operation Figure 3-8 depicts the logical flow of the controller functLons. WRITE OR READ CONTROLLER DATA (READ/WRITE TO PORT 0030) RESET THE WINCHESTER CONTROLLER WRITE TO PORT 31 WAIT1 • NO READ STATUS PORT 0031 NO WAIT1 NO READ STATUS FROM PORT 0030 HARDWARE FAULT NO WAIT1 OUTPUT COMMAND BYTES TO CONTROLLER (WRITETO PORT 0030) DO REQUEST STATUS COMMAND AND DECODE ERROR NO 2223216-20 Figure 3-8 controller Operational 3-43 Floy~hart TECHNICAL REFERENCE 3.6.6 HARDWARE OPTIONS Detailed Description of Commands The commands fall into eight classes -- 0 through 7; however, only classes 0 and 7 are used. Classes 1 through 6 are reserved. Class 0 commands are data, non~data transfer, and status commands. Class 7 commands perform diagnostics. Each command is described in the following paragraphs. The command description includes class, opcode, and format. "Don't care" bits are shown as "unused." TEST DRIVE READY Command. This command selects a particular drive and verifies that the drive is ready. The following diagram shows the for.mat of the d_evice control block for this command: B Y t +------~----------------Bit Humber----------------------+ e' +-V-+======+======+======+======+======+======+======+======+ 7 6 5 4 321 0 o o o o o o r 0 o o +---+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ 1 o o I DRIVElunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedl +---+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ 2 lunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedl +---+------+------+------+------+~-----+------+------+------+ 3 lunusedlunusedJunusedJunusedJunusedlunusedlunu~edlunusedl +---+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ 4 lunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedJunusedl +---+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+-----~+ I 5 lunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedJunusedlunusedl +---+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+---~--+ To determine that a drive has completed seeking before issuing the next command, use the TEST DRIVE READY command with overla~ped seeks. (Refer to the paragraph entitled "SEEK Command" in th.is section.) If the drive is still seeking, the end-of-command status byte indicates an error, and the sense status indicates "drive still seeking." This is a type 0 error, code 9. Sequential TEST DRIVE READY commands determine when the drive is ready to accept another command. 3-44 HARDHARE OPTIOHS TECHNICAL REFERENCE RECALIBRATE DRIVE Command. This command places the read/write (R/H) arm at track 000. Bit definitions for this command are as follows: B Y +-----------------------BIT HUMBER----------------------+ t 7 I Bit 61 Bit 51 Bit 41 Bit 31 Bit 21 Bit 11 Bit 01 +-e-+======+======+======+======+======+======+======+======+ o o o 1 o o o o 1 0 I +---+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ o 1 DRIVElunusedlunusedlunusedJunusedlunusedl o 1.1 +---+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ 1 2 lunusedJunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedl +---+------+------+------+----~-+------+------+------+------+ +1 - 3__ +lunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedl ____-__ + __ + _______ + ______ + ____ + ______ + ______ + ______ + 0 __ I 4 - _ 0 __ lunusedlun~sedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedJ +---+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ o o o /STEP 31STEP 2/STEP l/STEP 01 1 5 /RETRY?/ +---+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ REQUEST SE,lfSE o$TATUS Command. The compu ter sends thi s command immediately after it detects an error. The controller then returns 4 bytes of drive and the controller status. The formats for these 4 bytes are shown after the DCB. Definitions of these bytes follow. / B Y +-----------------------BIT NUMBER----------------------+ t 1 7 / Bit 61 Bit 51 Bit 41 Bit 31 Bit 21 Bit 11 Bit 01 +-e-+======+======+======+======+======+======+======+===~==+ / 0 I o o o o o o 1 1 +---+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ o o / DRIVElunusedlunused/unusedlunusedlunusedl 1 1 1 +---+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ 1 2 lunusedlunused/unusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedl +---+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ I 3 lunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunused/unusedl +---+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ 1 4 lunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunused/unusedlunusedlunusedl +---+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ I 5 lunused/unused/unusedlunused/unused/unused/unused/unusedl +---+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ Bit 7, the address valid bit in the error code byte, is relevant only when the previous command required a logical block address. In this case, it is always returned as a 1; otherwise, it is set to O. For instance, assume that a RECALIBRATE command is followed immediately by a REQUEST SEHSE STATUS command. The address valid bit could be returned as 0 because the command does not require a logical block address to be passed in its DCB. 3-45 TECHNICAL REFERENCE HARDWARE OPTIONS The format for the sense bytes returned is as follovs: B Y +---------------------------BIT NUMBER---------------------------+ tl 7 I 6 I 5 I 1:3 4 I 2 I 1 101 +-e-+========+=======+=======+=======+=======+=======+=======+=======+ I 0 IADDRESS?I o ERROR TYPE ERROR CODE +---+--------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ o o HIGH ADDRESS (see Hote) IDRIVE I 1 I +---+--------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ MIDDLE ADDRESS (see Hote) I 2 I +---+--------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ LOW ADDRESS (see Hote) I :3 I +---+--------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ HOTE: Refer to paragraph : When an error occurs on a multiple-sector data transfer (read or vrite), the REQUEST SENSE STATUS command returns the logical address of the failing sector in bytes 1, 2, and:3. If the REQUEST SEHSE the format commands or the STATUS command is issued after any of CHECK TRACK FORMAT command, and if no error exists, the logical address returned by' the controller pOints to one sector beyond the last track formatted or checked. If an error does exist, the logical address returned points to the track in error. Table :3-21, Table :322, and Table :3-2:3 list the types 0, 1, 2, and :3 error codes. Table :3-24 summarizes the error codes returned by. the REQUEST SEHSE STATUS command. Table 3-21 Code Type 0 Error Codes, Wirichesfer Disk Definition OH The controller detected no error during the execution of the previous operation. 1H The controller did not detect drive. 2H The controller did not get a SEEK COMPLETE the drive after seek operation. :3H The controller detected a write fault from drive during last operation. 4H After the controller selected the drive, not respond with READY signal. 5H Not used. 6H After stepping maximum number of cylinders, controller did not receive track 00 signal from the drive. ~n :3-46 index signal from the ~ignal from the drive did TECHNICAL REFERENCE Table 3-22 Hex Code HARDWARE OPTIONS Type 1 Error Codes, Controller Board Message Definition OH ID Read Error The controller detected an ECC error in the target ID field on the disk. 1H Data Error The controller detected an uncorrectable ECC error in the target sector during a read operation. 2H ·Address Mark The controller did not detect the target address mark (AM) on the disk. 3H Hot used. 4H Sector Hot Found The controller found the correct cylinder and head, but not the target sector. SH Seek Error The controller detected an incorrect cylinder or track, or both. 6H Hot used. 7H Hot used. 8H Correctable Data Error The controller detected a correctable ECC error in the target data field. 9H Bad Track The controller detected the bad track flag during the last operation. AH Format Error During a CHECK TRACK FORMAT command, the controller detected one of the folloving: * Track not formatted * Wrong interleave * ID ECC error on at least one sector 3-47 TECHNICAL REFERENCE Table 3-23 HARDWARE OPTIONS Types 2 and 3 Error Codes, Command and Miscellaneous Code Type Message Definition OH 2 Invalid Command The controller received an invalid command from the host. 1H 2 Illegal Disk Address The controller detected an address beyond the maximum range. OH 3 RAM Error The controller detected a data error during the RAM sector buffer diagnostic. 1H 3 Program Memory Checksum Error During its internal diagnostics, the controller detected a program memory checksum error. 2H 3 ECC Polynominal Error During the controller's internal diagnostics, the hardware ECC generator failed its test. 3-48 HARDWARE OPTIONS TECHNICAL REFERENCE Table 3-24 Error Code Error Code Summary Meaning OOH Ho error detected (command completed OK). 01H No index detected from disk drive. 02H Ho seek complete from disk drive. 03H Write fault from disk drive. 04H Drive not ready after it vas selected. ----------~------------------------------------------------------- OSH Not used. 06H Track 07H-OFH Not used. 10H ID field read error. 11H Uncorrectable data error. 12H Address mark not found. 13H Hot used. 14H Target sector not found. 00 not found. . . ~~------------------------------------------~-----~--- ------------- 15H Seek error. 16H-17H Hot used. 18H Correctable data error. 19H Sad track flag detected. lAH Format error. lBH Not used. ------------------------------------------------------------------lCH Illegal (direct) access to an alternate track. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 3-49 TECHNICAL REFERENCE Table 3-24 Error Code HARDWARE OPTIONS Error Code Summary (Concluded) Meaning IDH On a FORMAT ALTERNATE TRACK command, the track is already assigned or is flagged as a bad track. lEH When the controller attempted to access an alternate track from a spared track, the alternate track vas not flagged as an alternate. IFH On a FORMAT ALTERNATE TRACK command, the bad track equaled the alternate track. ~-------------------------------------------~---------------------~ 20H Invalid command. 21H Illegal disk address. 22H-2FH Not used. 30H Ram diagnostlc failure. 31H Program memory checksum error. 32H ECC diagnostic failure. 33H-3FH Mot used. Note: The Address Valid bit not included here. (bit 7) mayor may not be set and is 3-50 HARDWARE OPTIONS TECHNICAL REFERENCE 3.S.S.4 FORMAT DRIVE Command. This command uses the selected interleave factor to format all sectors having 10 and data fields, and writes SCH into data fields. The controller formats from the starting address, which is passed in the command, to the end of the disk. Setting bit 5 (from control byte 5 of the command block) with the FORMAT DRIVE command causes the sector buffer to be used as the data pattern written on the disk data fields. To initialize the sector buffer, issue the WRITE SECTOR BUFFER command before the FORMAT DRIVE command. Byte definitions are as follows: B y+-------+-------+-B I T MUM BE3 R-+-------+-------+-------+ tl 7 , 6 , 5 4 2 0 +e+=======+=======+=======+=======+=======+=======+=======+=======+ o o o o o o o 101 +-+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+---------+-----+-------+ o HIGH ADDRESS ( Mote )1 o .J III +-+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ MIDDLE ADDRESS ( Mote )1 121 +-+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ LOW ADDRESS ( Hote )1 131 +-+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ o o IMTERLEAVE FACTOR o ( Mote 2 )1 14' +-+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ 151 RETRY?, o o , STEP 31 STEP 21 STEP STEP 01 I. o ~ ~ IDR~VE ~ ~ ~ ~I +-+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+~------+-------+ Hotes: ~. Refer to paragraph 3.6.1.S. 2. Factor is number of sectors per track minus one. 3-5~ TECHNICAL REFERENCE HARDWARE OPTIONS CHECK TRACK FORMAT Command. This command checks the format on the spec"ified track for correct 10 and interleave. The command does not read the data field. The byte configuration is as follows: B y+-------+-------+-B I T HUM B E R -+-------+-------+-------+ t 1 7 I 615 4 1 312 1 1 I 0 I +e+=======+=======+=======+=======+=======+=======+=======+=======+ o o o o o 1 1 o I0 f +-+-------+-------+-------+-------+--------+--------+-----+-------+ o o HIGH ADDRESS (See note 1)1 IDRIVE III +-+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ HIDDLE ADDRESS (See note 1) 121 +-+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ LOW ADDRESS (See note 1) 131 +-+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ o o o IHTERLEAVE FACTOR (See note 2) 141 +-+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ o o o I STEP 31 STEP 21 STEP 11 STEP 01 151 RETRY? 1 +-+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ Hotes: 1. Refer to paragraph 2. Factor is number of sectors per track minus one. 3-52 HARDW~RE TECHNICAL REFERENCE OPTIONS FORMAT TRACK Command. The FORMAT TRACK command reformats the track, eliminating all references to bad and alternate tracks. Setting bit 5 from control byte 5 of the command block causes the sector buffer to be used as. the data pattern in the data fields. Otherwise, the command writes 6CH in the data fields. The byte definitions are as follows: B y+-------+-------+-B I T N U MB E R -+-------+-------+-------+ t I 7 I 6 I 5 4 I 3 I 2 I 1 101 +e+=======+=======+=======+=======+=======+=======+=======+=======+ 1 o o o o o 1 o I0 J +-+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+---------+-----+-------+ HIGH ADDRESS (See note 1) o o IDRIVE III +-+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ MIDDLE ADDRESS (See note 1) 121 +-+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ LON ADDRESS (See note 1) 131 +-+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ o o o INTERLEAVE FACTOR (See note 2) 141 +-+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ o o 151 RETRY? I o I STEP 31 STEP 21 STEP 11 STEP 01 +-+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ Notes: 1. Refer to paragraph 2. Factor is number of sectors per track minus one. 3-53 TECHNICAL REFERENCE HARDWARE OPTIONS FORMAT BAD TRACK Command. This command formats a speeified track, setting the bad sector flag in the 10 fields. No data fields are written. The byte definitions are as follows: B y+-------+-------+-B I T N4 U K I B E 3 R -+-------+-------+-------+ 2 1 o t I 7 I 6 I 5 +e+=======+=======+=======+=======+=======+=======+=======+=======+ o o o o 1 1 o 1 101 +-+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+---------+-----+-------+ o HIGH ADDRESS (See note 1) o IDRIVE 111 +-+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ KIDDLE ADDRESS (S·ee note 1) +-+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ LOW ADDRESS (See note 1) +-+-------+----~--+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ 141 o o o INTERLEAVE FACTOR (See note 2) +-+----~~-+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ 151 RETRY? I o o o I STEP 31 STEP 21 STEP 11 STEP 01 +-+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ NOTES: 1. Refer to paragraph 2. Factor is number of sectors per track minus one. 3-54 HARDWARE OPTIONS TECHNICAL REFERENCE READ Command. Starting with the sector address given in specified number of sectors. this command, the controller reads a The byte definitions are as follows: B y+-------+-------+-B I T N4 UMI BE3 R -+-------+-------+-------+ tl 7 I 6 I 5 I 2 I 1 101 +e+=======+=======+=======+=======+=======+=======+=======+=======+ o a o a 1 a a a 101 +-+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+---------+-----+-------+ a (See note 1) a IDRIVE HIGH ADDRESS +-+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ MIDDLE ADDRESS (See note 1) 121 +-+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ LOW ADDRESS note 1) +-+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ BLOCK COUNT +-+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ a o 151 RETRY?, Kote 21 I STEP 31 STEP 21 STEP 11 STEP 0/ +-+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ Kotes: (S~e 1. Refer to paragraph 2. If this bit is set in the READ command and an ECC error is found, retry t~e command. WRITE Command. This command writes the specified number of starting with the initial sector address contained in the Byte definitions are as follows: sectors~ DCB. B y+-------+-------+-B I T N4U1 M-BE3 R -+-------+-------+-------+ tl 7 f 6 , 5 2 1 0 +e+=======+=======+=======+=======+=======+=======+=======+=======+ o o o o 1 a i 101 o .1 +-+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+---------+-----+-------+ a IDRIVE HIGH ADDRESS J11 (See note)1 .-+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ KIDDLE'ADDRESS (See note) 12 t +-+----- -+-------+-------+-------+-- - - - - - - +-------+' -------+.-------+ , t3 1 LOW ADDRESS , (Sae note) +-+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+--~----+-------+-------+ BLOCK COUNT +-+-------+-------+-------+--_._--+-------+-------+-------+-------+ o 151 RETRY?, o o , STEP 31 STEP 21 STEP 11 STEP 01 +-+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+------~+-------+ Hote: Refer to paragraph 3-55 HARDWARE OPTIONS TECHNICAL REFERENCE /- SEEK Command. This command initiates a seek to the trac: specified in the DCB. The drive must be formatted. The byte definitions are as follows: B y+-------+-------+-B I T NUKBE R -+-------+-------+-------+ t I I I 4 I 3 I 2 1 101 +e+=======+=======+=======+=======+=======+=======+=======+=======+ 1 o o o o 1 o 1 101 +-+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+---------+-----+-------+ o o HIGH ADDRESS (See note)1 IDRIVE III +-+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ MIDDLE ADDRESS (See note) 121 +-+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ LOW ADDRESS (See note) 131 +-+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ U NUS E D J 41 7 6 5 +-+-------+-~-----+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ 151 RETRY? I o o o f STEP 31 STEP 21 STEP 11 STEP 01 +-+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ Note: Refer to paragraph . For drives using buffered seeks, SEEK commands can be overlapped. After the controller issues a SEEK to the drive, it does not wait for the drive to complete the SEEK, but returns a completion status. If the return status shows no error, then ·the SEEK was issued correctly~ If there is an error, then the SEEK was not issued. After transferring the status, another command can be issued to either drive. If a drive with an outstanding SEEK receives a new command, the controller waits (holding BUSY active) until_the SEEK completes before executing the new command. (See the section entitled "TEST DRIVE READY Command" for a special case.) There is no time-out condition in the controller waiting for the buffer~d-step SEEK to complete. .... ";' 3-56 HARDWARE OPTIONS . TECHNICAL REFERENCE. INITIALIZE DRIVE CHARACTERISTICS Command. This command enables the controller to work with drives that have different capacities and characteristics. However, both Winchester drives must be of the same manufacturer and model number. 3.6.6.~~ i t After the computer sends the command (DCB) to the controller, sends an 9-byte block of data containing the drive parameters. Some of the parameters occupy 2 bytes; all 2-byte parameters are transferred with the most significant byte (MSB) first. The 9 bytes are: e = Maximum number of cylinders (2 bytes) E = Maximum Eee data burst length (~ byte) H _=:=_.~~x.i.mum numbt:!: of heads (~ byte) P = Starting write precompensation cylinder (2 bytes) W = Starting reduced write current cylinder (2 bytes) When the controller is powered up or reset, values are set: the following default Maximum number of cylinders (e)= ~53 Maximum Eee data burst length (E)= ~~ bits Maximum number of heads (H)= 4 Starting write precompensation cylinder (P)=64 Starting reduced write current cylinder (W)= 129 The parameter for the maximum Eee burst length defines the length of a burst error in the data field that the controller is to correct. The burst length is defined as the number of bits from the first error bit to the last error bit. For example, if the controller detects as-bit Eee error and the erroneous data appears (before correction) as e5 (1~00 010~), it could appear" as D~ (1101 O~OO) after the correction. However, if the epu has set the "maximum Eee burst length at 4 bits, the controller might flag this data as uncorrectable. This is a type ~, code 1 error. 3-57 TECHNICAL REFERENCE HARDWARE OPTIONS Byte definitions for the INITIALIZE DRIVE CHARACTERISTICS command are. as follows: B Y t +-----------------------BIT NUMBER----------------------+ e 1 7 I Bit 61 Bit 51 Bit 41 Bit 31 Bit 21 Bit 11 Bit 01 +-V-+======+======+======+======+======+======+======+ ======+ I o I 0 o o o 1 o 1 o +---+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ I 1 lunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedl +---+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ I 2 lunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedl +---+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ I 3 lunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedl +---+--~-~-+------+--~---+------+------+------+------+------+ I 4 lunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedl +---+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ I 5 lunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedl +---+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ the drive parameter bytes Byte definitions -for (passed to the controller after the INITIALIZE DRIVE CHARACTERISTICS command has been issued) are as follows: B y+-------+-------+-B I T t I 7 I 6 J 5 N U M B E R 4 I 3 -+-------+-------+-------~ I 2 1 1 1 0 ! +e+=======+=======+=======+=======+=======+:======+=======+=======+ MAXIMUM NUMBER OF CYLINDERS: MSB 101 +-+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ MAXIMUM NUMBER OF CYLINDERS: LSB III +-+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-~-----+-------+ o o o o 1 MAXIMUM NUMBER OF HEADS J 21 +-+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ STARTING REDUCED WRITE CURRENT CYLINDER: MSB 131 +-+-------+-------+-------+-------+---_:_-+-------+---~---+-------+ STARTING REDUCED WRITE CURRENT CYLINDER: LSB 141 +-+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ STARTING WRITE PRECOMPENSATION CYLIND~R: MSB 151 +-+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ STARTING WRITE PRECOMPENSATIOK CYLINDER: LSB +-+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ o o o o I MAXIMUM ECC DATA BURST LENGTH I J 71 +-+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ 3-58 HARDWARE OPTIONS TECHNICAL REFERENCE READ ECC BURST ERROR LENGTH Command. This command transfers 1 byte to the CPU. This byte contains the value of the ECC burst length that the controller detected during the last READ command. This byte is valid only after a correctable ECC data error, type 1, code 8. Byte definitions are as follovs: B Y t +-----------------------BIT HUMBER-~--------------------+ e 1 7 1 Bit 61 Bit 51 Bit 41 Bit 31 Bit 21 Bit 11 Bit 01 +-v-+======+======+======+======+======+======+======+======+ o o 1 o 1 o o 1 I 0 +---+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ 1 lunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedJ +---+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ 1 2 lunusedJunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedl +---+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ 3 lunusedJunusedfunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedl +---+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ I 4 lunused/unusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedl +---+------+---~--+-~----+------+------+------+------+------+ I 5 lunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedJunusedlunusedl +---+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ 3-59 TECHNICAL REFERENCE HARDWARE OPTIONS FORMAT ALTERNATE TRACK Command. The FORMAT ALTERNATE TRACK command formats the header fields of the ubad track u vith the alternate track information (assigned by the CPU). The alternate track is formatted to identify it as an alternate. The command byte definitions for FORMAT ALTERNATE TRACK are as follovs: B y+-------+-------+-B I T N U M B E R -+-------+-------+-------+ t I 7 161 5 4 I 3 2 1 0 I +e+=======+=======+=======+=======+=======+=======+=======+=======+ o o o o 1 1 o 1 101 +-+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ o o HIGH ADDRESS ( Note 1 )1 IDRIVE III +-+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ --MIDDLE ADDRESS ( Note 1 )1 +-+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ . LOW ADDRESS ( Note 1 )1 +-+-----~-+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ 141 o o o INTERLEAVE FACTOR ( Note 2 )1 +-+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ o . . 1 (No t e 3) o I STEP 31 STEP 21 STEP 11 STEP 01 151 RETRY? I +-+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ Notes: 1. Refer to paragraph 2. Factor is number of sectors per track minus one. 3. If this bit is set, the data in the existing sector buffer is used to fill the data field. If this bit is cleared, the data field is vritten vith 6CM. The interleave byte (4) is programmed the same as in the FORMAT command, and is used on the alternate track. If bit 5 of the control byte (5) is set, the data in the existing sector buffer is vritten to the data field. If not, the data field is vritten vith 6Ca. After issuing the command, the controller These 3 Alternate Address data block. Again assigned alternate logical address. ignored. 3-60 for the Assigned asks bytes point to the CPUsector address is the HARDWARE OPTIONS TECHNICAL REFERENCE The byte definitions are as follovs: for the Assigned Alternate Address Data Block B -+-------+-------+-------+ 2 1 101 +e+=======+=======+=======+=======+=======+=======+=======+=======+ o o HIGH ADDRESS o (See note) 101 +-+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ MIDDLE ADDRESS (See note) III +-+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ LOW ADDRESS (See note) 121 +-+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ y+-------+-------~-B t I 7 161 I T 5 N U M B E R 4 3 Note: Refer to paragraph 3.6.7 Alternate Track Assignment The computer both assigns alternate tracks and locks out bad tracks. Bad areas on the disk are labeled defective on a track basis by issuing a FORMAT BAD TRACK command (command code 07). One procedure for assignment and-handling of alternate tracks is given belovo 1. Give the FORMAT DISK command (command code 04). This formats the entire disk drive starting at logical track 000. a. If any errors occur, give the command. REQUEST SENSE STATUS b. If a format error is indicated, bytes 1, 2, and 3 of the returned status give the address of the bad track. c. Give a FORMAT BAD TRACK command (command code 07) the track. to d. Reissue the FORMAT DISK command. e. If any other errors occur during the subsequent formatting, reissue the REQUEST SENSE STATUS, FORMAT BAD TRACK, and FORMAT DISK commands until the entire disk is formatted. 2. Give the RECALIBRATE command (command code 01) the heads over track 000. to position All sectors on the disk are read to see if any uncorrectable ECC errors occurred in the data. The FORMAT command places a 6CH pattern in the data fields of all sectors, and the computer program can verify this data pattern after the data is read into memory. Hovever, verifying the data byte for byte is not usually necessary, because the error detection and correction circuitry flags all TECHNICAL REFERENCE HARDWARE OPTIONS uncorrectable errors. If a large block of host memory is available, multiple sector reads can be issued to speed up the verify process. When an uncorrectable error is found, issuing a FORMAT BAD TRACK command (command code 07) to the failing track writes a bad track flag into all identifier fields. Later accessing of this track results in an error, causing the sense status that follows to show an error code ISH. NOTE Whenever a user program accesses the disk, be sure that the operating system does not allow the program to is-sue a READ or WRITE command to the alternate tracks. The disk controller has no way of knowing when an alternate track is being read. The alternate tracks are sometimes assigned at the ~nd of the disk (highest track numbers), but they can be assigned to any tracks so long as the track label is maintained by the computer. Given the error correction capability of the controller, four tracks reserved as alternates should be adequate for all disk drives currently available. However, the system programmer should consult the disk drive manual for the hard-defect specifications. 3.6.8 Alternate Address Protocol After receiving the FORMAT ALTERNATE TRACK command and the assigned alternate, the controller performs the following steps: 1. Seeks to the "alternate assigned track" and verifies that it is not already an assigned alternate or a fla~ged bad track. NOTE If the track has already been assigned as an alternate or is flagged "bad", then error code lDH is given and the command is aborted. This usually implies that the computer is attempting to assign two bad tracks to the same alternate track. 2. Formats the track as an assigned alternate track. 3. Seeks to the bad track and formats 3-62 the header as a spare HARDWARE OPTIONS TECHNICAL REFERENCE track pointing to the assigned alternate. 4. Destroys data fields on both the bad track. The procedure folloys: 1. Format for using the the entire disk, track and alternate FORMAT ALTERNATE TRACK command is as including spare tracks. 2. Verify the disk. 3. Assign each media defect an alternate track. 4. A s s-i-g n . a 1 t ern ate t-r a c k s list. for drive manufacturer's defect The controller automatically seeks to the assigned alternate track yhen an access is made to a flagged defective track. Consecutive accessing does not result in reseeking to the alternate track. The controller maintains position on the alternate track. NOTE When using the FORMAT ALTERNATE TRACK command, be sure to include (in the controller initialization) cylinder and head ranges for the alternate tracks. Generally, the actual disk space is greater than the amount fixed by the system softvare. This extra space can be used for alternate tracks as needed. The alternate tracks are invisible to the host. The number of spare tracks depends on the drive of defects alloyed by the drive manufacturer. track is allotted for each 50 to 100 tracks. and the number Generally, one spare si~e Direct access (attempted data transfers or seeks) to an alternate track results in an error code lCH, and no transfer takes place. 3-63 TECHNICAL REFERENCE 3.6.9 HARDWARE OPTIONS WRITE SECTOR BUFFER Command This command is used t~ fill the sector buffer vith a host-given data pat tern. No data is transfered betveen the drive and the controller. The command accepts 512 bytes of data and stores them in the sector buffer. The byte definitions are as follovs: B Y t +-----------------------BIT HUMBER----------------------+ e I 7 I Bit 61 Bit 51 Bit 4! Bit 31 Bit 21 Bit 11 Bit 01 +-v-+======+======+======+======+======+======+======+======+ I 0 I o o o o 1 1 1 1 +---+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ I 1 lunusedlunusedlunusedJunusedlunusedJunusedlunusedlunusedj +---+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ I 2 lunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedt +---+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ I 3 lunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunused!unusedlunusedl +---+------+------~------+------+------+------+------+------+ I 4 JunusedlunusedJunusedJunusedJunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedl +---+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ I 5 lunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedt +---+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ 3.6.10 READ SECTOR BUFFER Command This command sends 512 bytes of data from the sector CPU. The byte definitions are as follovs: buffer B Y t +- -- - --- - -- ---------- - - -BIT NUMBER-----:: -.--- - ----:- - ~ --:_- - + e I 7 I Bit 61 Bi·t 51 Bit 41 Bit 31 Bit 21 Bit 11 Bit 01 +-v-+======+======+======+======+======+======+======+======+ o o o o o o o 1 1 0 I +---+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ I 1 lunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedl +---+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ I 2 lunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedl +---+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ I 3 lunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedl +---+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ I 4 lunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedl +---+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ I 5 lunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedl +---+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ 3-64 to the HARDWARE OPTIONS TECHNICAL REFERENCE 3.6.11 RAM DIAGNOSTICS Command This command performs a data pattern test on the RAM buffer. byte definitions are as follows: The B Y t +-----------------------BIT NUMBER----------------------+ e I 1 I Bit 61 Bit 51 Bit 41 Bit 31 Bit 21 Bit 11 Bit 01 +-V-+======+======+======+======+======+======+======+======+ o 1 1 1 o o o o o +---+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ 1 lunu~edlunusedlunus~dlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedt + - - -+ - - - -:; - .. - -'---- + - - - - --- + - --- -- + --- - - - + - - - - -- + - - - -- - + -- -- - - + 2 lunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedt +---+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ 3 lunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunused/unusedlunusedlunusedl +---+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ 4 lunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedl +---+------+------~------+------+------+------+------+------+ 5 lunusedlunusedlunusedlunused\unusedlunusedlunusedlunusedl +---+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ ,( 3.6.12 DRIVE DIAGNOSTICS Command This command tests both the drive and the drive-to-controller interface. The controller sends RECALIBRATE and SEEK commands to the selected drive and verifies sector 0 of all the tracks on the disk. The controller does not perform any write operations during the command; it assumes the disk has been previously formatted. The byte definitions for the command are as follows: B Y t +-----------------------BIT NUMBER----------------------+ e I 1 I Bit 61 Bit 51 Bit 4/ Bit 3/ Bit 21 Bit 11 Bit 01 +-V-+======+======+======+======+======+======+======+======+ o 1 1 1 o 0, o 1 1 +---+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ 1 lunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedl +---+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ 2 lunusedlunused/unusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedl +---+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ 3 lunusedlunusedlunused/unusedlunusedlunusedlunuaedlunusedl +---+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ 4 lunuaed/unused/unusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedl +---+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ 5 IRETRY?) o o o ISTEP 3/STEP 21STEP 1/STEP 01 +---+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ 3-65 TECHNICAL REFERENCE 3.6.~3 HARDWARE OPTIONS CONTROLLER INTERNAL DIAGNOSTICS Command This command causes the controller to perform a self-test. The controller checks its internal processor, data buffers, ECC circuitry, and the checksum of the program memory. The controller does not access the disk drive. The byte definitions are as follovs: B Y t +-----------------------BIT NUMBER----------------------+ e J 7 J Bit 61 Bit 51 Bit 41 Bit 31 Bit 21 Bit 11 Bit 01 +-v-+======+======+======+======+======+======+======+======+ 1 o 1 1 1 o o o I 0 I +---+----_-:.:.+.:. __._--+-----;;;;+------+--.. . ---+------+------+------+ I 1 lunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedl +---+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ I 2 lunusedlunusedJunused/unusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedl +---+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ I 3 lunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedl +---+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ I 4 lunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedl +---+------+------+------+---~--+------+------+------+------+ I 5 lunusedlunusedlunusedl·unusedlunusedlunusedlunusedlunusedl +---+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ 3.6.14 READ LONG Command This command transfers the target sector and 4 byt&s of data ECC to the CPU. If an ECC error occurs during the read, the controller does not attempt to correct the data field. This command is useful for recovering data from a sector vith an uncorrectable ECC eiror and for diagnostic operations. The byte definitions are as follovs: B . -y+-------+-------+-B I T N U M B E R -+-------+-------+-------+ 1 o 2 4 I 3 t I 7 I 6 I 5 +e+=======+=======+=======+=======+=======+=======+=======+=======+ 1 o 1 1 1 o o 1 10 I +-+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+---------+-----+-------+ o o HIGH ADDRESS IDRIVE (See note)1 +-+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ MIDDLE ADDRESS (See note) 121 +-+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ LOW ADDRESS (See note) +-+-------+-------+-------+-----~-+-------+-------+-------+-------+ 141 BLOCK COUNT (See note) +-+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ o o 151 RETRY? I o I STEP 31 STEP 21 STEP 11 STEP 01 +-+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ Note: Refer to paragraph 3-66 HARDWARE OPTIONS TECHHICAL REFEREHCE 3.6.15 WRITE LONG Command This command transfers a sector of data and four appended ECC bytes this write operation, the computer to the disk drive. During of using the hardware-generated ECC supplies the 4 ECC bytes instead The bytes. This command is useful only for diagnostic operations. byte definitions are as follows: B B E R -+-------+-------+-------+ y+-------+-------+-B I T HUM 2 1 o t I 7 I 6 I 5 4 I 3 +e+=======+=======+=======+=======+=======+=======+=======+=======+ 1 1 1 o o 1 1 o 101 + - + - - - - --.;;;"- +'- - - - - - - + - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - + - - - - - - - + o o HIGH IDRIVE ADDRESS (see Hote)1 +-+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ MIDDLE ADDRESS (see Note)1 121 +-+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ LOW AI)DRESS (see Note)1 +-+-------+---~-::+---~---+-------+-------+-------+-------+-----~-+ /41 BLOCK COUNT +-+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ o o o 151 RETRY? I I STEP 31 STEP 21 STEP 1/ STEP 01 +-+-------+-------+-------+-------+--~----+-------+-------+-------+ Mote: Refer to paragraph 3-67 TECHNICAL REFERENCE 3.6.16 HARDWARE OPTIONS Execution Order of Remaining Diagnostics Not all of the diagnostics are executed by the computer on power-up. The remaining diagnostics should be called by the CPU in the following order. 1. CONTROLLER INTERNAL DIAGNOSTICS (command code E4). This command tests all the logical and decision-making capabilities of the controller, the program memory checksum, and the error detection and correction circuits (ECC). Executing this diagnostic ensures that the controller can communicate with the computer. -- - 2. RAM DIAGNOSTICS (command code EO). This command verifies that the sector buffer is operational by writing, reading, and verifying various data patterns to and from all locations. 3. INITIALIZE DRIVE CHARACTERISTICS (command code OC). This command sends the new drive configuration to the controller vhen the parameters of the connected drives differ from the defaults. The INITIALIZE DRIVE CHARACTERISTICS command must be issued before executing the DRIVE DIAGNOSTIC command. 4. TEST DRIVE READY (command code 00). This command, issued before the DRIVE DIAGNOSTIC is executed, finds out when the drive is ready to accept a command. 5. DRIVE DIAGNOSTIC (command code E3). This command issues a to the disk drive and then steps though all RECALISRATE tracks, verifying the ECC on the identifier fields of the first sector of each track. If this diagnostic passes, it implies that the disk has been formatted and that the first ID field of each track is good. 3.6.17 Error Correction Philosophy The typical error-correction time of the controller is approximately 50 ms, vhich is greater than the time for one revolution of the disk. The sector in error can be reread (if bit.6 is not set in byte 5 of the READ command DCS) on the next revolution during a READ command, In most cases, the error is soft and does not reappear on the rereaa, This initial reread of the failing sector is in addition to the retry count passed in the DCS (bit 7, byte 5). The controller presets the error retry count to 4 each time a sector is read successfully. Sometimes, an error labeled uncorrectable is later found to be correctable. If this happens during a multiplesector transfer, the controller resets the retry count to 4 before another sector is read. 3-68 HARDWARE OPTIONS TECHNICAL REFERENCE 3.6.19 Sector Field Description Table 3-25 describes the sector information fields. Table 3-25 Field AM GAP1 SYNC GAP2 COM CYLH CYLL HEAD SEC FLAG ZEa ECC GAP3 SYNC2 GAP4 DATA ECC2 GAPS Number of Bytes 4 -9 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 16 1 2 512 4 43 Sector Field Format Field Description Address mark Zero byte gap 10 sync byte 10 zero byte gap 10 compare byte Cylinder high (MSB) Cylinder 10"" (LSB) Head number Sector number Flag byte Zero byte ID ECC bytes Zero byte gap Data field sync byte Data field zero byte gap Data field Data field ECC bytes Inter-record zero gap Notes: 1. Cylinder (track) numbering is O-based. 2. Sector numbering is I-based. 3. Disk surfa~e numbering is O-based The track layout for the 512 bytes/sector, 17 sectors/track is given in Table 3-26. 3-69 TECHHICAL REFEREHCE HARDWARE OPTIOHS Table 3-26 512-Bytes-Per-Sector Format MSB LSB +------------------BIT HUMBER-------------------+ BYTE I 7 I 6 I 5 f 4 f 3 f 2 I 1 1 0 J ========+=====+=====+=====+=====+=====+=====+=====+=====+ 1-4 ADDRESS MARK --------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ 5-13 o o o o o o o o --------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ 14 ID SYHC BYTE --------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ 15-16 o o o o o o o f 0 --------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ 17 --IID -COMPARE BYTE --------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ 18 CYLIHDER HUMBER ( MSB ) --------,-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ 19 CYLIHDER HUMBER ( LSB ) --------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ 20 HEAD HUMBER --------+--~--+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ 21 SECTOR HUMBER --------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ 22 FLAG BYTE --------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ o o o 23 o o o o o --------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ ID ERROR CORRECTIOH CODE BYTES 24-27 I --------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+--~--+---~--+-----+ o o o o o o o 28-43 I 0 --------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ 44 DATA FIELD SYNC BYTE --------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ o o o o o o o 45-46 1 0 --------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ 512 BYTES DATA 47-558 f --------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ DATA FIELD ERROR CORRECTION CODE BYTES 559-562 1 --------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ o o o o o 563-605 1 o o o --------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ 605 bytes/sector including ID and overhead Track Capacity = 10416 --, 10285 +131 = = 17 sectors of 605 bytes/sector SpeeQ tolerance gap 10416 3-70 HARDWARE OPTIONS TECHNICAL REFERENCE 3.6.19 Specification~ Table 3-27 gives - Controller Board the Winchester controller board specifications. Table 3-27 Winchester Controller Board Specifications Environmental Parameters: Operating Storage ~ ~ Temperature 0 0 0 10 C to 40 C 0 (32 F 0 -10 C to 60 C 0 0 0 to 131 F) (-40 F to 167 F) Relative Humidity o (0 40 F vet-bulb temperature, no condensation) 10'1. to 90'1. 10'1. to 90'1. Altitude Mean sea level to 10 000 ft Mean sea level to 45 000 ft Pover Requirements: Voltage Range +5.0 Vdc 4.75 -12.0 Vdc -10.8 to -13.2 Vdc Current to 5.25 Vdc 3-71 2.5 A maximum 2.0 A typical 66.0 mA maximum 48.0 mA typical HARDWARE OPTIONS TECHNICAL REFERENCE 3.6.20 Electrical Interface This paragraph specifies the electrical the 5 1/4-in Winchester disk drive. interface requirements for assemblies All Winchester controller boards use header interchangeable with the AMP type 87215-7 for the 20-pin connectors (to J2/P2), and type 1-87215-7 for the 34-pin connector ( to Jl/P 1) . for these Section 5 contains assembly drawings showing the pin-outs connectors. The connector layout is shown in Figure 3-9. WINCHESTER CONTROLLER .' BOARD AMP HEADER ASSEMBLY TYPE 87215-7 OR EQUIVALENT WINCHESTER DISK DRIVE RIBBON CABLE TO WINCHESTER DRIVE AMP RIBBON CONNECTOR TYPE 88373-6 .AMP RECEPTACLE CONNECTOR TYPE 88377-4 OR EQUIV. J2 P2 Jl P1 OR EQUIV. 20-PIN RIBBON CABLE RIBBON CABLE TO WINCHESTER DRIVE AMP HEADER ASSEMBLY TYPE 1-87215-7 OR EQUIVALENT AMP RIBBON CONNECTOR TYPE 88373-3 OR EQUIV. AMP RECEPTACLE CONNECTOR TYPE 88377-6 OR EQUIV. 34-PIN RIBBON CABLE 2223216-21 Figure 3-9 Control and Data Cabling for the Winchester Disk Drive 3-72 DEVICE SERVICE ROUTINES TECHNICAL REFERENCE Section 4 DEVICE SERVICE ROUTINES 4.1 ROM INTERFACE INFORMATION This section provides information on writing software for compatibility with future products and on interfacing with the hardware of the Texas - Instruments Professional Computer. The interface information includes interrupt vectors, system memory maps, and ROM usage. The system ROM contains instructions for hardware device control of the standard I/O devices in the system unit. The functions described are implemented with code in the system ROM, and thus are available to all users of the system regardless of which disk operating sy~tem (bOS) is installed. However, the user must be careful to avoid causing any conflicts with the operating system's use of these same functions. Typically, these functions are accessed through the 9099 software interrupt mechanism. Each major device service ~outine (DSR), such as keyboard, display, and disk,' has a unique vector. Individual functions of a DSR are accessed by placing an opcode in register AH and executing an INT (interrupt) instruction of the appli,cable type. To replace all or part of a DSR, just patch the interrupt vector to point to the user-written code. For specific information on the architecture microprocessor, read the IAPX 99 Book or the Manual. 4.2 of the Intel 9099 IAPX 96,99 User's WRITING SOFTWARE FOR COMPATIBILITY KITH FUTURE PRODUCTS The software you develop for this product undoubtedly represents a large investment of your time and money. Making changes and releasing new versions of software is usually difficult and expensive, and should be avoided. This guide will help you to create software that can be used with future Texas Instruments products. 4.2.1 Compatibility Levels In order for the software to work on more than one hardware product, compatibility must exist at some level: either the operating system level, the system ROM interface level, or the hardware interface level. TECHNICAL REFERENCE DEVICE SERVICE ROUTINES Operating System. Software that interfaces at the operating system level is compatible with all products using the same operating system, including products of other manufacturers. System ROM Interface. Software that interfaces with the Texas Instruments-supplied system ROMs through the interface vectors is compatible with other hardware products having the same functional characteristics. These products can differ in physical or electrical characteristics from the standard Texas Instruments product. Programs compatible at this level or at the DOS level are more likely to be compatible with future products. Hardware Interface. Programs that use the hardware directly (for example, input or output to hardware addresses) are least like-ly· to· be usable in another computer system. 4.2.2 Areas of Hardware Compatibility Texas Instruments recognizes that the system ROM interface is not sufficient for ~ll applications. Products using the advaneed capabilities of the hardware cannot be restricted to usage of this interface. The following paragraphs describe the hardware compatibility that can be expected in future subsystems or subsystems accessed from ROM only. Alphanumeric CRT. The alphanumeric CRT is well-supported by the system ROM. AcceSSing the screen directly can speed processing, lets you use "windowing", and lets you use horizontal scrolling. You should restrict direct access to the alphanumeri~ CRT screen to the attribute latch and to address ODEOOOH, the actual memory buffer for the screen. (The "H" represents hexadeCimal.) Before using the screen directly, these programs should issue a Clear Screen function call to ensure that the hardware is set up for direct access. Refer to paragraph 2.4.7 for information about the CRT hardware. Using the ROM functions to put data on the s-creen while accessing the screen directly can cause undesirable hardware actions. It is pOSSible, for instance, that the screen can be hardware-scrolled, so that the logical upper left position is no longe~ the physical upper left position. All operations on the cursor should use the ROM interface calls. This will ensure that possible redesigning of the cursor logic does not prevent the program from running. 4-2 , DEVICE SERVICE ROUTINES TECHNICAL REFERENCE Graphics CRT. The graphics screen is not supported by the system ROM; therefore, all graphics screen functions must go directly to the hard~are. The graphics screen size is 720 by 300. To simplify modification, all routines that access the graphics hard~are should be arranged in a modular fashion. Hard~are-specific constants should be given symbolic names. Refer to subsection 3.5 for more information. Texas Instruments ~ill endeavor to keep future graphics fully compatible ~ith the current hard~are. hard~are Disk Subsystem. The disk subsystem is fully supported in the system ROM, ~ith the exception of the ability to format diskettes. -_Fo,r normal ope_rations, direct access to any of the disk hard~are should not be necessary. Upon request, Texas Instruments will supply a format routine to qualified software vendors. Keyboard System. The keyboard system is fully supported in the system ROM. Direct access to the keyboard interface is not necessary for normal operations. / Interrupt Controller. The interrupt controller system is used by the system ROM, but it is not supported in a fashion usable by soft~are ~riters. In future products, Texas Instruments viII attempt to keep the same interrupt levels, usage, and hard~are addresses for accessing the device. Ho~ever, the constants used to access this hard~are should be symbolic to facilitate modification. System Timers and Speaker. The system ROMs contain vectors that allo~ other soft~are to intercept the 25-ms system timer interrupts. The extra timer is reserved for use by Texas Instruments soft~are products. The speaker (or bell) is well-supported by the system ROM. access is not necessary. Direct Parallel Printer Port. The parallel printer port system is fully supported in the system ROM. Direct access is not necessary for normal operation. Serial Communications. The serial communications hard~are is not directly supported by the system ROM. To ensure future compatibility, Texas Instruments does not intend to change this hard~are. 4-3 TECHNICAL REFERENCE 4.3 DEVICE SERVICE ROUTINES SYSTEM ROM INTERRUPT VECTOR USAGE The system ROM uses interrupt vector locations in the first 1K bytes of memory. These vector locations are used for hardware interrupts, as interfaces to the ROM functions, and other uses as given in Table 4-1. The vectors marked with an asterisk are actually used by the ROM. The other vector locations cause a "wild" interrupt if vectored to, and the usual display is: "** SYSTEM ERROR ** - 1042" To patch in replacement routines for those in the ROM, any of these vectors c~n be 'changed by the disk operating system (DOS) or by applications software. Table 4-1 gives vector usage in terms of "interrupt typ~," which is the number used in an INT instruction. To calculate the absolute address of the vector, multiply the interrupt ,. type by four. For example, the keyboard print screen interrupt vector (type 5EH) would be a double word at location 0:0178H (5E x 4 = 1788). HOTE The symbol "H" denotes a hexadecimal value. 4-4 DEVICE SERVICE ROUTINES TECHNICAL REFERENCE Table 4-1 Vector 00 01 02* 03 04 05-1F 20-3F 40 41 42 43* 44 45 46* 47* 48* 49* 4A* 4B* 4C 4D* 4E* 4F* 50* 51* 52* 53* 54* 55-56 57* 58* 59* 5A* 58* 5C* 5D* 5E* 5F* Sy~tem Interrupt Vector Usage Reference Description Divide-by-zero trap Single-step trap Non-maskable interrupt Break (single-byte) software interrupt OverfloW' trap (Reserved by Intel) (Reserved for MS-DOS) 8259 interrupt 0 8259 interrupt 1 8259 interrupt 2 8259 --interrupt 3 (-T-imer 1) 8259 interrupt 4 8259 interrupt 5 8259 interrupt 6 (Disk controller) 8259 interrupt 7 (Keyboard UART) Speaker DSR interface CRT DSR interface Keyboard DSR interface Parallel port DSR interface (Reserved for future use) Disk DSR interface Time-of-day clock DSR interface System configuration call Fatal softW'are error trap Restart timing event Cancel timing event SVC interface subroutine Activate task subroutine (Reserved for futu"'re- use) CRT mapping vector System timing, 25 ms (time slicing) Common interrupt exit vector (ROM) System timing, 100 ms (timing serv.) Keyboard mapping vector Keyboard program pause key vector Keyboard program break key vector Keyboard print screen vector Keyboard queueing vector IAPX 88 Book IAPX 88 Book IAPX 88 Book IAPX 88 Book! IAPX 88 Book IAPX 88 Book KS-DOS Operating System a Component Data Catalog Component Data Catalog Component Data Catalog Component Data Catalog Component Data Catalog Component Data Catalog Component Data Catalog Component Data Catalog Section 3 !! Section 3 !! Section 3 !! Section 3 !! ** Section 3 !! Section 3 !! Section 3 !! ** ** ** ** ** ** Section 3 !! Section 3 !! Section 3 !! Section Section Section Section Section ~ection Notes: * Vector actually used by ROM. ** Texas Instruments use only - not to be changed. a Texas Instruments Incorporated publication Intel Incorporated publication !! This manual 4-5 3 3 3 3 3 3 !! !! !! !! !! !! TECHNICAL REFERENCE Table 4-1 Vector 60* 61* 62* 65* 66* 68-9F AO-OF EO-E3 DEVICE SERVICE ROUTINES System Interrupt Vector Usage (Concluded) Description System ROM DS pointer (F400:AOOO) DS size in bytes Factory ROM OS pointer (F400:0000) DS size in bytes Option ROM DS pointer (F400:2000) OS size in bytes Option ROM OS pointer (F400:4000) OS size in bytes Option ROM OS pointer (F400:6000) DS size in bytes Option--ROM OS point.-er (F400:8000) DS size in bytes Memory size in paragraphs Outstanding interrupt co-unt Installed drive types Extra system configuration (word 1) Extra system configuration (word 2) Reserved for Texas Instruments User interrupt vectors Reserved for CP/M [tmJ E4-FF Reference (180H) (182H) (184H) (186H) (188H) (lSAH) (lSCH) (18EH) (190H) (192H) (194H) (196H) (198H)(word) (19AH)(byte) (19BH)(byte) Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section 3 t! 3 3 (19CH) Section 3 !! (19EH) Section 3 !! 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 .! 3 !! 3 !! CP/M 86 Programmer • s r-'l ide • Reserved for Texas Instruments Notes: * Vector actually used by ROM. ** Texas Instruments use only - not to be changed . • Texas Instruments Incorporated publication Intel Incoporated publication !! This manual 4.3.1 Hardware Interrupt Service Routines All standard interrupt service routines (ISR) have limited internal stacks. They provide four levels (8 bytes), which is the amount required by any application program or subroutine that runs with interrupts enabled. An ISR needs 8 bytes of the user's stack; 2 bytes to push the user's code segment (CS), 2 bytes for the instruction pointer (IP), 2 bytes for flags, and 2 bytes to push the data segment (OS). The ISR saves the user's stack segment and stack pointer in the RAM data area of the system ROM. The ISR then change~ the stack segment and stack pointer so that they point to the internal stack of the interrupt routine. Khen the ISR is complete, it executes a long jump to the common interrupt exit vector. 4-6 DEVICE SERVICE ROUTINES TECHNICAL REFERENCE 4.3.2 Common Interrupt Exit Vector All ISRs (in the ROM and in Texas Instruments applications programs) use a common interrupt exit vector. The ISR executes a long jump (LONG JMP) to the routine pOinted out by the common interrupt exit vector. The common interrupt exit routine restores the stack and commonly used registers, decrements the outstanding interrupt counter (INTCTR), sends the end-of-interrupt (EOI) command to the interrupt controller, and returns to the interrupted code vith a return-frominterrupt instruction (IRET). A real-time operating system (OS), such as the OS kernel of TI communication programs, uses the INTCTR to keep track of the outstanding interrupts. Be sure to include the appropriate code vhen creating an ISR. A sample interrupt service routine, vith instructions, is included in Appendix G. installation and removal The common interrupt exit routine is contained in ROM, but an OS can patch it so that all interrupt service routines exit through the operating system. lecause the interrupt structure is complex (due "to interaction betveen the shared interrupts and the requirement for a common exit point), the potential user should read the folloving paragraphs, carefully studying the examples given. 4.3.3 Timer Interrupts The system timer ticks every 25 ms. The ISR for this timer is located in the ROM, and it processes events such as disk motor timeouts and date/time-keeping. Softvare interrupts are performed at tvo points during this interrupt service routine, allowing access to the timing services. One interrupt occurs every count (every 25 ms), and the other occurs every four counts (100-ms intervals). Usually, these interrupt vectors point to an IRET instruction in the ROM. The user can patch one or both of the vectors to point to his ovn routines. These routines are free to use the AX, BX, 01, and ES registers, but they must preserve any other registers used. The stack used is the internal stack of the timer interrupt service routine and it is limited in depth. If the user does not re-enable interrupts (the INT instruction disabled them), there are 8 levels (16 bytes) of stack available. If the interrupts are re-enabled, the user has only four levels (8 bytes) available. If more stack size is required, the user should svitch to an internal stack of the required size (allotting 8 bytes for higher priority interrupts). It is important to remember that the routines installed in this manner are executing at the interrupt level. Interrupts must not be disabled for any significant length of time, because any time spent in these routines directly affects system efficiency. The user must also understand hov some other mechanism (such as a timing event in the handler routine of the OS) can patch the timing vectors and install its ovn routines. Instead of using the IRET instruction to 4-7 TECHNICAL REFERENCE DEVICE SERVICE ROUTINES end the routine, make a long jump to the original (vhich vas saved vhen the routine vas installed.) 4.4 vector address ROM STRUCTURE The folloving paragraphs describe sequences for optional ROMs. 4.4.1 the use, forma t , and calling ROM Usage Optional ROMs provide an interface betveen the hardvare and the system softvare. With this interface installed, modification of the hardvare requires chan9tng only the ROM softvare, not all of the applications programs. The system system ROM. board) for vhich can be defines locations for six ROMs. One of these is the Texas Instruments has reserved another the main (on future use. The four remaining are the optional ROMs, used.by any of the available operating systems. Table 4-2 shovs the ROM addresses and suggestions for Table 4-2 Absolute Address CS:Offset F4000H F400:0000H F6000H F400:2000H F8000H FAOOOH FCOOOH F400:4000H F400:6000H F400:8000H FEOOOH F400:AOOOH 4.4.2 their use. ROM Addresses and Suggested Uses Comments Qll Miscellaneous I/O opt ion Local area netvork Mass storage Open System ROM expansion System ROM Reserved for Texas· Instruments Reserved for Texas Instruments Texas Instruments Winchester card Open Reserved for Texas Instruments Reserved for Texas Instruments ROM Format The ROM format must be knovn to: * Identify the ROM * * Use a standard calling sequence Use the diagnostics 4-8 DEVICE SERVICE ROUTINES TECHNICAL REFERENCE ROMs can be one of the folloYing sizes: * 256 bytes * 512 bytes * 1024 bytes * 2048 bytes * 4096 bytes * 8192 bytes The ROM size, in binary, is stored in the first yord in the ROM. The yord value-~~stored lov~yte first, folloYing the INTEL Corporation convention. The second yord in the option ROM is the poyer-up initialization address. The system ROM uses a NEAR call to this address during the poYer-up process. The user must ensure that the initialization address is calculat~d as an offset from the segment address F400. text string identifying the The next location in the ROM stores a entry in this string is the length of the string ROM. The first i n for ma I: ion d e t e r min e 5 h IHf mu c h ma t e ria 1 is (1 byte). This displayed. The rest of the string consists of a five-character version number, a space character, a six-character name, and any descriptive text (copyright, for example) that the vendor requires. The option ROM code and fixed data (in a vendor) folloys the text string. j format determined by the The last yord in the ROM stores the cyclic redundancy check (CRC-16) remainder from all the previous bytes in the ROM. Both the poYer-up test and the advanced diagnostics test read this yord to see if the ROM is yorking properly. The CRC-16 routine, available in the system ROM, calculates this remainder. Khen the CRC remainder is correctly placed, running the CRC-16 routine through the entire length of the ROM (including the CRC) results in a zero remainder. The CRC-16 routine available in the system ROM calculates the remainder. 4.4.3 Option ROM Interrupt Vector Usage The system ROM uses interrupt vector locations in the first 1K bytes of RAM for hardYare interrupts, interface to the ROM functions, and other ISRs. See paragraph 4.3.1 for more information. Interrupt vectors access the option ROM entry points. The option softYare can use the vectors above SOH (vector address 200H). 4-9 TECHNICAL REFERENCE DEVICE SERVICE ROUTINES NOTE Conflicting vector assignments can cause data loss or data errors. Be extremely careful vhen making these assignments. 4.4.4 RAM Usage by Option ROM Each ROM has a separate RAM data area assigned to it. These data areas float; therefore, the ROM does not require a dedicated area in RAM. Copying the data area and updating the pointer moves the data area. The ROM accesses these data areas using the pointers and sizes in the i~terrupt vecto~ area, so that moving the data area does not affect the ROM. The ROM initializes the pOinters and data areas at boot-up time, so the system ROM data area pointer is the only one used. All option ROMs are addressed at absolute segment addresses F400H, vith an offset from 0000 to AOOOH. The ROM code is linked so that its code segment is F400H. This code segment vas chosen so that option ROMs can be addressed vith the same code segment as the system ROM. This enables the option ROM to access the ROM poverup entry routines as NEAR instead of FAR. The first location of the system / ROM, described in segment:offset notation, is F400:AOOO. There is another advantage to linking the ROMs this vay. The interrupt vector area at location 0000:0000 is nov also accessable as F400:COOO. This simplifies slightly the code seq~~nce used to assign a local data area. 4.4.5 Initializing the Option ROM The pover-up sequence executed by the main ROM tests each option ROM address in sequence. Address OF400:0000H i~ tested firs·t and address OF400:eOOOH (the main board option RO~) is tested last. Khen a ROM is found, the diagnostics performs a CRC-16 calculation. The system displays an error message if the ROM is bad. If,the ROM is good, the system initializes the option ROM. The initialization code saves the BX, OX. SI, SP, CS, SS, and DS registers so that using a NEAR return instruction returns control to the system ROM. 4.5 BOOTING UP THE SYSTEM Most system softvare is contained in some mass-storage system (diskette, Kinchester disk, or local netvork server). The user must be able to find and load the system softvare from these devices. The Texas Instruments Professional Computer loads a single sector of program information from a knovn point on the specified device. The 4-10 TECHNICAL REFERENCE DEVICE ,SERVICE ROUTINES system then calls the code that vas loaded, vhich "bootstraps" the rest of the programs. The location loaded at pover-up is the lovest available. For diskettes and Winchester disks, cylinder (track) 0, surface (side) 0, and sector 1. start at 1.) 4.5.1 logical sector this location is (Sector numbers Boot Sequence The options installed in the system determine the boot sequence. The sequence starts at the highest-priority option address (OF400:0000H). proceeds to the lowest (OF400:eOOOH). then boots the diskette system. The boot s~quence is: 1. Local Area Netvork (LAN) 2. Winchester disk subsystem 3. Diskette drive A 4. Diskette drive B 5. Diskette drive C I 6. Diskette drive D Pressing the ~ key during the pover-up sequence (immediately after the "vhite flash" appears across the top of the screen) changes the boot priority. Each time the ~ key is pressed, the system lowers the boot sequence to the next available option. For example, if the system contains either an LAN or a Winchester dis-k, pressing the ESC key once lowers the boot sequence to the first diskette. If the system contains both an LAN and a Winchester, pressing the ESC key once moves from the LAN down to the Winchester, while pressing the ESC key twice moves to the first diskette. 4.5.2 Loading and Calling the Boot Code The booting device loads the boot code at address OOOO:COOOH. The stack operates below this address. After the code is loaded, the system checks address 0000:C1FCH for the bytes 74H and 69H (ti). The presence of these bytes indicates a Texas Instruments system disk. If these bytes are absent, the system generates an error message. (Texas Instrument~ disks used only for data storage contain the characters "NO".) The system then runs the CRC-16 test over all 512 bytes of the lovest logical sector loaded at pover-up. If the CRC-16 remainder is incorrect, the system generates an error message. If the system passes both these tests, it calls the boot sector code at address OOOO:COOOH (FAR). The logical drive number (0, 1, 2, 3) from 4-11 TECH~ICAL DEVICE SERVICE ROUTINES REFERENCE which the system boots is placed in register BL. Before loading the operating required initializations such as (single or double sided, 40 or Winchester drive. (The DSR must for further loading.) system, the boot code performs other setting up the type of floppy disk 80 track), or setting up the type of be able to recognize the disk format The boot code then loads any system files needed by the as and jumps to the OS code. If the os requires RAM where the system ROMs are using it, the RAM data areas used by the ROM can be moved. The pointers to the RAM segments must be modified accordingly. If a ROM is not using a RAM data area, its pointer is 0000. This pointer must remain zero even if the area is moved. Table 4-3 gives the addresse~ of these pointers. Table 4-3 Pointer addresses and Descriptions Address Pointer De-scr i pt ion ROM Address 0000:0180 0000:0182 System ROM data segment pOinter System ROM data length in bytes F400:AOOO 0000:0184 0000:0186 Option ROM data segment pOinter Option ROM data length in bytes F400:0000 0000:0188 0000:018A Option ROM data segment pointer Option -ROM data length in bytes F400:2000 0000:018C 0000:018E Option ROM data segment pointer Option ROM data length in bytes F400:4000 0000:0190 0000:0192 Option ROM data segment pointer Option ROM data length in byt_es F400:6000 0000:0194 0000:0196 Option ROM data segment pointer Option ROM data length in bytes F400:8000 If any errors occur during the loading and initializing of the OS, the boot code returns to the caller. The registers BX, ES, CS, and the stack must be preserved. The register os must be preserved unless toe ROM data areas are moved. If the data areas are moved, adjust the os register by the amount of difference between the original position and the new position. A OSR error code returns to the caller displayed as a system error message. This code is presented in register AH. Appendix H gives boot sector. a sample source program that could be used in the 4-12 DEVICE SERVICE ROUTINES TECHNICAL REFERENCE 4.5.3 Booting FroM ~n Option Device When an option device is to be booted up, it must be the last one called in the power-up sequence. Otherwise, other options must be called and initialized during the boot sequence. Appendix G contains a sample assembly code showing the boot sequence. If more than one bootable option is present in the system, each one must have the DX register set to OFFFFH. The bootable option then calls all lower priority ROMs in the system. Any ROM called in this manner performs all required initialization except for booting. Because the system ROM sets the DX register to OOOOH when it calls the option ROMs, an option device will boot if called by the system ROM, but not if called by another ROH .. - If booting-- f'rom an optlon device ,fails, the ROH displays the appropriate error messages and returns to the caller with registers BX, DX, SI, and DS intact. The system ROM then calls the other options. If none of the options boot, the system ROM boots the Floppy Disk system. This procedure can-~ause multiple initializations of the However, no harm results. Entering the warm boot (CTRL/ALT/DEL) from the keyboard also causes initializations. 4.6 options. sequence multiple SYSTEM CONFIGURATION FUNCTION CALLS The following paragraphs describe the function calls 'for the two types of system configuration information, which are: * Function calls that return the information (System Configuration Function) * Function calls that return the address of the information (Extra System Configuration Function) in a register The firs,t type, System Configuration Function, returns most of the information required for application programs. Extra System Configuration Function, the second type, is intended for use at the system level. This method contains additional information usable for changing the configuration of devices set by software. 4.6.1 Sy~tem Configuration Function This function is used to determine the installation status of certain system options. It is invoked by executing an INT 4FH instruction. Upon return, register ax contains the size of contiguous RAM (starting at OOOOOH) in paragraphs (16-byte blocks). A 129K-byte system, for example. would return 2000H in ax. 4-13 TECHNICAL REFERENCE DEVICE SERVICE ROUTINES Register AX contains the system configuration word, which reflects / the installation status of various system options. The bits of the word are defined in Table 4-4. Table 4-4 Bit 0* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 9· 10 11 12 13 14 15 * Bit 0 stat~ment 4.6.2 System Configuration Hord-Bit Definition Definition Diskette drive 0 (internal) installed Diskette drive 1 (internal) installed Diskette drive 2 (external) installed Diskette drive 3 (external) installed E1-E2 jumper (0 indicates Drive A is double-sided) . E3-E4 jumper (0 indicates Drive A has 90 tracks) E5-E6 jumper (0 indicates a 50-Hz system) Hinchester disk controller installed Serial port 1 installed Serial port 2 installed Serial port 3 installed Serial port 4 installed Graphics RAM bank A installed Graphics RAM bank B installed Graphics RAM bank C installed Reserved is the least-significant bit. Unless otherwise stated, a is true when its corresponding bit is a 1. Extra System Configuration Function This function determines the installation status of system options that are not covered in the standard system configuration call. Hhereas the standard system configurati2n call returns a word containing the information necessary for most applications~ the extra system configuration function is used primarily for systems programming purposes. The extra system configuration function is invoked by placing a OBH in register AH and executing an INTerrupt 49H. Upon return, register AL contains the drive-type byte (AH is undefined). BX contains extra system configuration word 1, and CX contains extra system configuration word 2. The bits of extra system configuration word 1 are defined in Table 4-5. 4-14 DEVICE SERVICE ROUTINES TECHHICAL REFERENCE Table 4-5 Definition Bit 0* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 __ 10 11 12 13 14 15 ,( * Extra System Configuration Word 1 (BX) 8087 numeric coprocessor is installed \ I I > Reserved I I / 300/1200 baud modem in 300/1200-__baud modem in 300/1200 baud modem in 300/1200 baud modem in 300 baud modem in port 300 baud modem in port 300 baud modem in port 300 baud modem in port port port port port 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Bit 0 is the least-significant bit. Unless otherwise stated, a statement is true when its corresponding bit is a 1. Word 2 of the Extra Sy~tem C~nfiguration function call is contained in CX. This word is currently undefined, and is being reserved for later expansion. DEVICE SERVICE ROUTINES TECHNICAL REFERENCE The drive-type byte defines the types of the installed diskette drives. This information, combined with the "installed drive" bits in the standard system configuration word, yields complete information about the drives in the system. At power-up, the drive A definition jumpers (El - E2 and E3 - E4) are read. The information is stored in memory as a byte of four identical, 2-bit fields. This byte is read during the extra configuration function call and returned in register AL. The drive byte (in AL) is the 2-bit configuration code for all four of the diskette drives, which is shown in Figure 4-1. I 7 6 - I 5 4 3 2 I 1 Drive B Drive C Drive D I 0 Drive A Each 2-bit field is defined as: LSB o o 1 1 o = 1 = o *MSB = Definition MSB* 1 = = Single-sided Double-sided Single-sided Double-sided 40 40 80 80 track track track track Most significant bit; LSB .= Least significant bit. 2223216-22 Figure 4-1 Register AL Drive Byte The operating system uses this drive byte to format, copy, and use diskette files. It is possible to mix dri~e types i~ ~ne-system (for example, one single-sided and one double-sided drive) by setting the drive-type byte with the pertinent information; but, this is not recommended. Mixed-drive type systems are confusing. Users frequently insert the wrong diskettes, thereby losing data. 4.6.3 Get Pointer to System Configuration This function is invoked by placing a 09H in register AH and executing an interrupt 48H. On return, ES contains the segment, and BX contains the offset of the standard system configuration word (hereafter, the notation for this is ES:BX). This functi.on is used by system software that has a need to change the configuration information. Although an application program can access the information in this manner, the configuration must not be changed. 4-16 DEVICE SERVICE ROUTINES TECHNICAL REFERENCE 4.6.4 Get Pointer to Extra System Configuration This function is invoked by placing a OAH in register AH and executing an INTerrupt 49H. On return, ES:BX points to the extra system configuration information, formatted as follows: ES:[BX-3]=(word) ES:[BX+O]=(byte) ES:[BX+l]=(word) ES:[BX+3]=(word) Size of memory in 16-byte blocks Drive-type byte Extra system configuration word 1 Extra system configuration word 2 This function is used by system software that has a need to change the confi~uration inform~tion. Although an application program can access the- information in this manner, the configuration must not be changed. 4.1 GENERAL-PURPOSE ROM FUNCTIONS The following paragraphs describe some general-purpose functions, summarize the ROM interface interrupts, and explain how the RAM uses the ROM. 4.1.1 Delay This function causes a delay, in milliseconds, of the val~e placed in register CX. To invoke the function, place the delay value in CX, OSH in AH, and execute an INT 49H. The delay is approximate, but can be used wherever an inexact software delay i~ acceptable. All registers except CX are preserved. 4.1.2 CRC Calculation This function calculates the cyclic redundancy check (CRC-16) value for a specified block of memory. It is invoked by placing the address of the memory block in ES:BX, the size of the block in BP, and the value 06H in AH, then executing an tNT 49H. On return, OX contains the CRC value; if OX=OOOO, the Z-flag is set. For memory blocks that follow the convention of the eRC being the last word in the block, this routine allows easy CRC checking. First, the CRC of the memory block is calculated, with the size of the block set to the actual size minus two. The CRC word is then written to the last yord of the block. Subsequently, the CRC of this block can be checked by calling this function Yith the actual size of the memory block (including the previously calculated CRe). By definition, the CRe result of this block is zero (if the eRC matches the data) and the Zflag is set; otherwise, the CRe fails and the Z-flag is reset. All registers are used except 01, SI, and OS. ES remains unchanged. 4-11 TECHNICAL REFERENCE 4.7.3 DEVICE SERVICE ROUTINES Print ROM Message This function displays a ROM CS-relative message. It is invoked by placing the offset of the zero-terminated message in SI, 07H in AH, and executing an INT 48H. This function is used by the option ROMs, because all the ROMs share a common CS. It is not a general-purpose routine. 4.7.4 Display System Error Code This function format: is used ** System to Er~or** display a system error in the standard - xxxx It is invoked by placing the error displayed message above) in BX, executing an INT 4BH. code (the xxxx value in the placing the value OBH in AH, and SPEAKER DSR 4.8 The following paragraphs describe the speaker DSR and the functions it provides to the system or application programs that use it. The functions are:' * * Get Speaker Status * Set Speaker Frequency * Speaker ON * Speaker OFF Sound the Speaker The speaker DSR functions are located in the system ROM and are accessed through the software interrupt mechanism of the 80B8 microprocessor. The desired function is chosen hy placing an opcode in register AH and executing an INT 48H instruction. All registers are preserved except AX. 4.B.l Sound the Speaker - AH = 0 This function turns the speaker on (at the current frequency) for the length of time specified in register AL. Time is measured in 25-ms increments. For example, a value of 40 in AL causes the speaker to sound for 1 second. Timing is handled in the ROM with the result that the request turns on the speaker, starts the timer, and immediately returns to the user. The sound continues until timed out by the ROM code. Because this function call occurs asynchronously 4-18 DEVICE SERVICE ROUTINES TECHNICAL REFERENCE with the 25-ms system timer. the time can be "off" by as much as 25 ms. For example. specifying a single 25-ms unit of time can cause the speaker to sound for a period of 0 to 25 ms. If there is need to synchronize with the sound or simply to know when sound is turned off. use the Get Speaker Status (AH=l) function. 4.9.2 Get Speaker Status AH =1 This function returns the status of the speaker in the Z-flag. the speaker is currently enabled (sound). the Z-flag is set at O. the speaker is currently disabled (no sound), the Z-flag is set at This function can be used to find out when a sound requested with Sound the Speaker (AH=O) function has been completed. 4.9.3 Set Speaker Frequency If If 1. the AH = 2 This function sets the frequency of the speaker. Usually this function is called only when the speaker is disabled. The value in cx sets the frequency of the timer that drives the speaker. The input frequency of the timer is 1.25 MHz, and the value in CX becom'es a divider for this f~~quen~y. For example, the system beep routine (900 Hz) uses a value of 1563 (1 250 000 Hz / 1563 = 900 Hz). 4.9.4 Speaker ON AH = 3 This function enables the speaker (turns on the sound). remains on until it is turned off by either (1) The speaker the Speaker OFF (AH=4) function or (2) by the ROM timing routine, which results from either the Speaker (AH=O) function or a normal system beep. 4.9.5 Speaker OFF AH ·the Sound =4 This function performs the reverse of the Speaker ON (AH=3) function by disabling the speaker (turning off the sound) . . TE~HNICAL 4.9 DEVICE SERVICE ROUTINES REFERENCE TIHE-OF-DAY CLOCK DSR The following paragraphs de~cribe the time-of-day clock DSR and the functions it provides to the system or application programs that use it. Th e fun c t ion s are: * * * Set the date Set the time Get the date and time The clock DSR'consists of-routines to set and read the time of day and date information kept by the timing services of the system ROM. At power-up, the time is set to 00:00:00.00, and the date is set to 0000. The~e can be reset by system or user programs. Once set with a valid time, the clock keeps the correct time with a 1/10-s resolution. The time is kept in 24-hour format and the date is simply a cumulative-count of days since the clock was started. As a matter of convenience (for MS-DOS), the date is specified as the number of days\ since 3anuary 1, 1980. For example, the date value for September 10, 1982, is 983. The three clock functions are located in the system ROM and are accessed through the softWare interrupt mechanism of the 8088 microprocessor. The desired function is chosen by placing an opcode in register AH and executing an INT 4EH instruction. All registers are preserved except AX and any other registers ia which' information is returned. 4.9.1 Set the Date AH =a The This function sets the date to the value in the BX register. By date is simply a count of days since the clock was·sfarted. The count is convention, this is the number of days since 1-1-80. incremented when the hour rolls over from 23 to 00. 4.9.2 T~ Set the Time set the time, CH CL DH DL AH =1 the registers must be initialized as follows: = Hours (00 - 23) 59) 59) seconds (00 - 99) = Minutes (00 = Seconds (00 = Hundredths of It is the user's responsibility to make sure the values passed are within the ranges specified. These values are not checked for range and can be set to represent a meaningless time. The time, however, 4-20 DEVICE SERVICE ROUTINES TECHNICAL REFERENCE eventually counts into the normal sequence. 4.9.3 Get the Date and Time AH = 2 This function returns the current date in register AX and the current time in registers eX/DX in the formats described previously. 4.10 CRT DSR The folloving paragraphs describe the CRT DSR and the functions it provides to the system or application programs that use it. The major functions are (1) video mode control and (2) character handling. For information about the eRT graphics hardvare. refer to paragraph and to subsection 3.5. The CRT DSR functions are located in the system ROM and are accessed through the use of the 80B8 softvare interrupt mechanism (essentially an address-independent subroutine call) . A typi cal .. user of thi s OSR is the OS-dependen t sy!! tem interface code (the BIOS), vhich resides on a particular OS disk and is loaded into RAM during disk boot up. The desired function is chosen by placing an opcode in register AH. The CRT opcodes and functions are given in Table 4-6. Various CRT functions requirs parameters to be passed in specific registers. in addition to AH. After register AH and the parameter registers are set up, the user can execute an INT 49H and the specified function is performed. During this interrupt, all registers are preserved except AX, CX, and OX. 2.4.7, 4-21 TECHNICAL REFERENCE Table 4-6 Opcode OOH OlH 02H 03H 04H OSH 06H 07H OSH 09H OAH OSH OCH ODH OEH OFH lOH llH 12H 13H 14H lSH 16H 17H lSH DEVICE SERVICE ROUTINES CRT DSR Opcodes and Functions Function (Null function) Set cursor type Set cursor position Read cursor position (Null function) (Null function) Scroll text block Scroll text block Be~d character _and attribute at current cursor position Write character and attribute at current cursor position Write character only at current cursor position (Null function) (Hull function) (Null function) Write ASCII teletype (NullfuJfc t ion') Write block of characters at current cursor with attribute Write block of characters only at current cursor Set entire screen to specified attribute(s) Clear text screen and home the cursor Clear graphics screen Set TTY status line beginning Set attribute latch to specified attribute(s) Read physical· display begin pointer Print TTY string 4-22 DEVICE SERVICE ROUTINES TECHNICAL REFERENCE 4.10.1 Set Cursor Type - AH = 01H This function allows an application to define the starting and ending scan line for the cursor and its characteristics (either blinking or no cursor). Required input for this function is described in Figure 4-2. CH = Byte 1 Start scan line of cursor Cursor type: 00 = no blink 01 = no cursor 10 = fast blink 11 = slow blink Not used CL = Byte 2 End scan line of cursor· Bits 7 through 5 not used (Valid values for scan line are 0 through 11 decimal.) 2223218-23 Figure 4-2 Byte Definition - Set Cursor Type 4-23 TECHNICAL REFERENCE 4.10.2 DEVICE SERVICE ROUTINES Set Cursor Position - AH = 02H NOTE The user should be avare that screen coordinates use the 0,0 coordinate as the upper left-hand corner of the display. All routines that require a coordinate parameter use this convention. The screen should look to the user as though he vere vorking vith the absolute value of fourthquadrant coordinates of a tvo-dimensional coordinate system. This function causes the cursor (of the current type) to be set at the specified x,y (column/rov) coordinate of the display. Required input for this function is as follovs: 4.10.3 DH =x Column coordinate (Valid values are 0 through 79 deCimal.) DL =Y Rov coordinate (Valid values are 0 through 24 ~ecimal.) Read Cursor Position - AH = 03H This function returns the current position and type of the Output from the read cursor position routine is as foll~vs: DH, DL = x, y cursor. (column/rov) location of the cursor CH, CL = current cursor type Refer to paragraph 4.10.1 for an explanation of the values for CH and CL. The "phantom" position of the cursor in column 81 creates a special situation in reading the cursor postion. If a character is vritten in the last column of the screen by a TTY vrite, it can be read, even though it is not visible. This position, column 81 of the last line, becomes visible after another character is vritten and the screen scrolls. The po~ition returns as column 0, rov 25. This is invalid input to the Set Cursor Position (AH=02H) routine. See paragraph 4.10.18 for additional information on the cursor. 4-24 : DEVICE SERVICE ROUTINES TECHNICAL REFERENCE 4.~0.4 Scroll Text Block - AH = 06H and 07H The ROM contains only one general-purpose scroll routine, which handles both upward and downward scrolling. When the destination coordinates are less than the source coordinates, the scroll is up and to the left; when the destination coordinates are greater than the source coordinates, the scroll is down and to the right. The scrolling functions allow an application program to specify a block of text, then move or copy that block to another location on the screen. Specifying a scroll with blanking causes the source text to be blanked as it is moved. During this process, the source character is read to a temporary register and its location is blanked. _Then the character is rewritten to its destination location. This provides for a nondestructive move in the event that the source and destination locations are the same and blanking is specified. This method satisfies the requirement that, in scrolling, the data being moved or copied be preserved in its destination location. Required input for this function is as follows: AL = AL = = Source begin column/row location = Destination begin column/row location (DH,DL) (BH,BL) 0 (Blank out source text. This is a move block.) or )0 (Don't blank source text. This is a copy block.) CH = Column CL = Line length of block (Valid values are ~ through 80 decimal. r" length of block (Valid values are ~ through 2S deCimal.) The source text block boundaries in (x,y) coordinates are as follows: Upper Upper Lower Lower left right left right = = = = (DH.DL) (OH + CH DL (ON (ON + CH + OL) CL) ' DL + CL) 4-25 TECHNICAL REFERENCE DEVICE SERVICE ROUTINES The folloving items further describe explain the sequence of operation. * the scrolling routines and A sentence is considered the smallest logical block of text. Therefore, vith this scrolling capability, the user can specify a block to be a sentence. This may (or may not) vrap to a nev line and "unvrap" as it is moved (or copied) to its destination (that is, the column length parameter would bypass line boundaries and pick up characters from the next line). The user should note that this is quite effective when the line length is equal to one but might cause unwanted block movement if the line length is greater than one. * for the scrolling routine is done on a character basis as the characters are being moved. When a scroll down is in progress, the scroll copies the last character in the source block to the last character position in the destination block. The processing is backward through the blocks while checking character positions for out-of-bound characters. This means that in the scroll-down action, no scroll takes place if any destination position lies beyond the end of the screen. Asymmetrically, when a scroll up is in progress, the scroll copies the firs·t character in the source block to the first character position in the destination block. The scroll proceeds forward, through the blocks, While checking character positions for out-of-bound characters. In the scroll-up action, the scroll takes place until it reaches a source character position that lies beyond the en~ of the screen. * When the user requests scrolling vith blanking, the status of the.attribute latch at entry is preserved. Th~ character attributes follov the character as it is moved on the screen, and the blanked area is written with the default attributes (that is, high intensity for a monochrome monitor, and white for a color monitor). * When the user requests scrolling without blanking, the attribute latch is set to the same statu~ as the attribute of the last character that was scrolled (that is, the attribute of the first character of the source block when scrolling down, or the attribute of the last character of· the source block when scrolling up). Bouid~ry checkib~ 4-26 DEVICE SERVICE ROUTINES TECHNICAL REFERENCE Read Character/Attribute at Cursor Position - AH 4.~O.5 = OSH This function returns a character and its associated attribute from the current cursor position on the screen as follovs. See paragraph 4.~O.~5 for attribute values and a description of the attributes supported. AH = Attribute value AL = Character read NOTE The attribute latch remains set that is returned. 4.~O.6 . \ to the attribute Write Character/Attribute at Cursor Position - AH = 09H This function enables the vriting of a character vith the given attribute at the current cursor position. (The attribute latch remains set to the attribute specified in register BL.) The user can specify a count and cause the character to be vritten a given number of times starting at the. cursor's current position. This function does not increment the cursor automatically, and the cursor remains at its current position vhile the characters are vritten in succession from that location. If an application uses this method of vriting characters, it is assumed that the application also handles the cursor positioning. ~herefore, no cursor movement is implemented. Control characters (CR,LF, and so on) are not executed as such vhen using this function; their symbols are printed on the display. For more information, refer to paragraph 4.~O.~5. The required input for AL BL CX = Character = Attribute = Number of this function is as 10llovs: to vrite of characte~(s) times to vrite the character 4-27 TECHNICAL REFERENCE 4.10.7 DEVICE SERVICE ROUTINES Write Character at Cursor Position - AH = OAH This function is similar to the preceding function. The difference is that the character being vritten takes on the attributes remaining in the attribute latch from the last CRT call. For more information. refer to paragraph 4.10.6. The required input for this function is as follows: AL CX 4.10.8 = 'Character = Number of to vrite times to vrite the character Write ASCII Teletype - AH = OEH This function alloys TTY output to the screen from application programs. Writing begins at the current cursor pOSition, and the cursor is advanced automatically to its next position on the screen. For more information, refer to paragraph 4.10.18. The screen is scrolled automatically when needed (such as writing past the end of the screen). The control characters CR, LF. as, and BEL are executed rather than vritten. NOTE If a status region is currently in use, the scroll starts one line before the beginning of the status region, exactly as if that line ~~re the end of the screen. Because the contents of the attribute latch remain unchanged, each character vritten vith this function assumes the attributes of the previously vritten character. The required input for AL = Character this function .is as follovs: to vrite 4-28 r DEVICE SERVICE ROUTINES TECHNICAL REFERENCE 4.l0.9 Krite Block of characters at Cursor Kith Attribute - AH=10H This function writes a given block of data with a specified attribute to the screen, starting at the current cursor position. This function requires less screen I/O overhead if an application program has a "known" block of data to be written to the screen. "Known" means that the block is of a given length, and is in a given contiguous area of memory. As with the Krite/Character Attribute at Cursor Position function, the cursor is not automatically incremented. For more information, see paragraph 4.10.15. The required input for this function is as follows: AL = it~ri'bute(s) of characters * OX = Segment location of character block BX = Offset location of character block CX = Block 4.10.10 le~gth ** Write Block of Characters Only at Cursor Position - AH=llH This function is similar to the preceding function, with the difference that the attribute parameter is not specified. The characters assume the attribute(s) remaining in the attribute latch from the last CRT call. The required input for AL OX BX CX * ** this function is as follows: = Don't care = Segment location of character block = Offset location of character block = Block length ** The attribute(s) specified is in effect for the entire block and the attribute latch remains set to the attribute specified in register AL. Thi~ routine "clips" any characters that do not fit on the screen. Characters are written to the end of the screen, then all other characters are lost/not vritten. To prevent losing characters, the user should place the cursor so that the number of character pOSitions from the cursor to the end of the screen is greater than or equal to the block iength. 4-29 TECHHICAL REFEREHCE 4.10.11 DEVICE SERVICE ROUTIHES Change Screen Attribute(s) - AH = 12H This function specifies attribute(s) that affect all of the characters on the display. The attribute latch is set to the attribute specified in register AL on exit. This routine does not change the position of any characters on the screen. Two examples are blinking of the entire screen and reverse video of the entire screen. For more information. see paragraph 4.10.15. The required input for this function is as follows: AL 4.10.12 = Attribute(s) to use Clear Text Screen and Home the Cursor - AH = 13H This routine clears the text screen and sends the cursor to the home position (0,0 coor4inates). HOTE This function "erases" any data contained in the region status region but leaveD the Dtatus implementation in effect. The required input for this function is as follows: AH 4.10.13 = 13H (function number) Clear Graphics Screen(s) - AH = 14H This function clears the graphics screen. Required input for this function is as follows: AH 4.10.14 = 14H (function number) Set TTY Status Region Begi~ning - AH = 15H This function specifies a beginning line on the screen. The text from this beginning line to the end of the screen is considered the status region. This fucnction can define a status region of one or more lines. This region remains in effect until it is reset. During TTY writes, this area remains intact and everything above this line DEVICE SERVICE ROUTINES TECHNICAL REFERENCE scrolls as necessary. should: In order to vrite to this area, the user 1. Read and save the current cursor position. 2. Locate the cursor vithin the status region. Use one of the vrite). 3. vrite character f"nctions (not the TTY 4. Restore the cursor to its original position. Required input for this function is as follovs: CH = (f (must alvays be zero) CL = Start line of status region (Valid values are 0 through 24.) A value of zero (0) for the start line resets the status region implementation. The- start line must be a line after the curre"nt cursor position, or no status region is implemented. ( \ 4.10.15 Set Attribute(s) - AH = 16H This function provides an alternate method vith vhich to control the folloving attribute(s). * * * Reverse/normal video "It Underline * * Blink Intensity levels 1, 2, and 3 (blue, red, and green) Character enable/disable Alternate character set This function sets the specified attribute(s) into the attribute latch, and subsequent characters vritten to the screen assume the attribute(s). Combining this function vith a Krite Character (either block or single) at Cursor Position (AH=OAH) function has the same effect as the Kr.ite Character/Attribute (either block or single) at Cursor Position (AH=09H) function. The attribute latch remains set to the attribute specified in register SL. Although more than one attribute can be used, certain combinations do not make sense. For instance, if the character enable attribute is 4-31 TECHNICAL REFERENCE DEVICE SERVICE ROUTINES se t t a a zero, then the charac t er vi 11 no t appear nor vi 11 any of the/-other attributes except for reverse video. The required input for this function is shovn in Figure 4-3. BL = Attribute(s) to set (BL is used to distinguish this function from the change screen attributes function). Intensity level 1 (blue) Intensity level 2 (red) Intensity level 3 (green) Character enable (second dominant)* Reverse video (first dominant)* Underline Blink Alternate character set * The user can specify more than one attribute. For instance, it is possible to have reverse video with an underlined, blinking, red,character. The user can mix the intensity (color) bits for different intensities or colors for a given character. 2223216-24 Figure 4-3 Byte Definition - Set Attribute(s) 4-32 DEVICE SERVICE ROUTINES TECHNICAL REFERENCE 4.10.16 Get Physical Display-Begin Pointer - AH = 17H This function is used to return the physical display-begin pointer to an application. Logically, the display-begin pointer is alvays at 0,0, but there is a physical address (offset) associated vith the beginning of the display that changes from time to time as the screen is scrolled, cleared, or othervise changed. This routine returns that offset address relative to the CRT memory area vhose segment address is DEOOH. The screen memory is a 2K-byte contiguous block of RAM. Once the starting location of this block is knovn to the application, any character on the screen can be accessed. For example, the last character on the screen is located at (DEOOH: di~play-begin +2~00) and the eightieth character on the screen (to~li~e, last-character on the line)is located at (OEOOH:display-begin + SO). This returns the display-begin pointer as follovs: ox = 16-bit Example: display-begin pointer (offset) ox = O.implies that the first character on the display resides in memory location DEOO:OOOOH ox = 150H implies that the first character on the display resides in memory location DEOO:0150H ,( \ 4.10.17 Print TTY String - AH = 1SH With this function, the user can have a contiguous string of characters, of a given length, located in a code segment to be printed (starting at the current cursor position) in a TTY fashion. As vith the Write TTY function, this routine executes the control characters CR, LF, BS, and BEL and scrolls the screen if necessary. Required input for BX = Address Where: * this function is as follovs: (offset) of the string* (BX) byte 0 (BX) byte 1 = length of the string = first character of the string The user's code segment address is obtained from the stack and therefore does not need to be passed as a parameter. 4.10.18 CRT TTY Mode Behavior The folloving is a brief description of the behavior of the CRT vhen used in the TTY mode as veIl as its behavior vhen being used in »mixed" modes. The user should read this information carefully, especially if the user mixes non-TTY functions vith TTY functions. 4-33 TECHNICAL REFERENCE DEVICE SERVICE ROUTINES Internally, the CRT DSR implements a "phantom" column 81 on each line, which is actually column 1 of the following line. This "phantom" column occurs when a TTY write puts a character in the eightieth column of the current line. If a carriage return «CR» command is issued at this point. the cursor moves from the column 81 of the current line back to column 1 of the current line. However, if the cursor is in column 81, reading the cursor position returns (current line + 1, column 0), instead of (current line, column 81). The user must be aware of this before attempting to restore a cursor position which logically came from column 81, because the Set Cursor Position function has no concept of a column 81. This concept disturbs the TTY mode and it restores the cursor to a new logical position, that is, to column 1 of the next line. Although the column 1 position has only one physical location, it can be interpreted as two different logical lo~ations, depending on the current CRT action (mode). 4.10.19 Ctistom Encoding of the CRT It is possible for_ the user to custom encode the characters displayed on the CRT, using the CRT "mapping" function. This mapping allows the applications first to intercept characters (and CRT actions if necessary) then to encode them. Upon entry to the CRT DSR, a sDftware interrupt is executed, which points to an IRET instruction. An application program can reprogram the IRET to intercept calls to the CRT DSR. The program can thereby "take over" the CRT. This is the typical method. used to remap characters to the screen. For instance, this feature can be used to scan through a table, converting English characters to characters in some other language. Another u~e is intercepting "function calls" (such as scroll or attribute handling) so that the. application program can custom encode CRT functions. The user must be careful when performing this operation, however, because it is possible to disturb the data structures of the CRT DSR. NOTE After finishing with this function, t~e user ~ restore the vector to its original value. Otherwise, the system could "go away." After the user enters his mapping routine, he can use all registers except ES, DS, and BP. To use these registers, he must save them, then restore them. upon exit. Before using this mapping feature, the user must look at the opcode in register AH to determine if it is a write character request. If 50, he must also preserve register AH and any registers associated with the write function contained therein. For example, to map all dollar sign symbols ($) to the percent sign (~), the routine monitors register AH on each call to 4-34 DEVICE SERVICE ROUTINES TECHNICAL REFERENCE the CRT DSR. If AH contains a W'rite character opcode, the routine then looks at register AL. If register AL contains 24H (the ASCII code for "$"), the user changes that register to 25H (the ASCII code for "~"), then executes an IRET instruction, returning to the screen W'ith the neW' character. (The currency symbol returned depends on the internation keyboard being used.) All registers are preserved, but register AL has been changed. 4.l,l DISK DSR Table 4-7 describes the disk. device service routines (disk DSR) supported by the Texas Instruments Professional Computer. To access a function, place the proper opcode in register AH, then execute an INT 40H. -an -return, all--registers are preserved except W'here stated. Table 4-7 Alb Disk DSR Opcodes and Fun~tions .. £sU!!. Description OOH Reset disk system Return status code (for last operation) Read sectors Write sectors Verify sector CRCs Null operation Verify data Return retry status Set standard disk interface table (OIT) for unit Set OIT address for unit R~turn OIT address for unit Turn off diskette drive motors OlH 02H 03H 04H 05H 06H* 07H* 09H* 09H* OAH* OSH* * These functions are primarily for the use of ayatem-level aoftW'.re and ~tilitie., Input: AH = OOH DUinui~ AH = OOH This function causes ·the disk system to restore itself to a knoW'n state. The actions performed for each supported device varies vith the reqUirements of the device and the device-dependent softvare. In general, the function causes the disk controller(s) to reinitialize before their next use. 4-35 TECHNICAL REFERENCE DEVICE SERVICE ROUTINES 4.11.2 Return Status Code - 01H In pu t : AH = 01H Output: AH = OOH AL Status code for last disk I/O operation CF = 0 (No change) = Not all disk DSR functions are I/O operations (this one, for instance). A status is returned in AH for each function, but the status of the last I/O request is always retained for later acces~ (via this function), if desired. - 4.11.:3 Read Sectors In pu t : AH = 02H AL = Number of sectors to transfer CH = Cylinder·number CL = Sector number DH = Track (surface or side) number DL = Drive number ES:BX = Segment:offset of buff~r output: AH 02H = I/O status code (For more information, refer to paragraph 4.11.13.) AL = Number of unprocessed sectors ES:BX = Segment:offset of the last sector processed* This function reads data from the disk. Any number o~sectors can be transferred subject to memory boundary limitations (The segment's 64K boundary and disk boundaries cannot be crossed.) * "Last sector processed" means exactly tbat. Even if the in error, .the data is transferred to memory. 4-36 read was DEVICE SERVICE ROUTINES TECHNICAL REFERENCE 4.11.4 Write Sectors -03H Input: AH 03H AL Number of sectors to transfer CH Cylinder number CL = sector number DH Track (surface or side) number DL Drive number ES:BX = Segment:offset of buffer = = = = = = I/O status code (For more information, refer to paragraph 4.11.13.) AL = Number of unprocessed sectors ES~B~ ~ segment:~ffset of the last sector processed* output: AH This function vrites data to the disk. Any number of sectors can be transfered subject to memory boundary limitations. (The segment's 64K boundary and disk boundaries cannot be crossed.) * "Last sector processed" means exactly that. If the vrite is in error, ES:BX ltiintsto the data vhich the DSR is attempting to transfer. 4.11.5 Verify Sector CRCs - 04H Input: AH = OQ AL = Number of sectors to transfer CH = Cylinder number CL = Sector number DH Track (surface or side) number DL Drive number ES:BX Segment:offset of buffer = = output: AH = = I/O status ccide (For more information, see paragraph 4.11.13.) AL = Number of unprocessed sectors ES:SX Segment:offset of the last sector processed* = This function verifies the CRCs of the specified sectors. Because this function is handled like an I/O function,.ES:BX must be set as though a transfer is to take place although no data is actually transferred. Any number of sectors can be processed subject to memory boun~ary limitations. (The segment's 64K boundary and disk boundaries cannot be crossed.) * "Last sector processed" has little meaning in this this function does not actually transfer data. 4-37 case because TECHNICAL REFERENCE 4.11.6 DEVICE SERVICE ROUTINES Null Operation - OSH This function ig not currently supported. 4.11.7 Verify Data - 06H Input: AH 06H AL = Number of sectors to process CH = Cylinder number CL Sector number DH = Track (surface or side) number DL = Drive number ES:BX = Segment:offset of buffer = = output: AH = I/O status code (For more information, see paragraph 4.11.13.) AL = Number of unprocessed sectors ES:BX = On error, segment:offset of KORD in error This function verifies disk data against data in memory. Any number of sectors can be processed subject to memory boundary limitations,' (The segment's 64K boundary and the disk boundaries cannot be crossed.) 4.11.8 Return Retry status, - 07H I npu t : AH Output: AH AL = 07H = OOH = Soft error status of last I/O operation This function is similar to the Return status Code function. It returns the "soft" error status of the last operation. Soft error referg to an error that did not recur whea the la~t o2eration was retried. 4-38 'DEVICE SERVICE ROUTINES TECHHICAL REFERENCE 4.~~.9 Set Standard Disk Interrace Table - 08H Ine ut : AH AL DL outeut: AH (Note: = 08H = Standard (Valid Diskette = DIT number values are 0 through 3. ) drive number (Valid values are 0 through 3. ) = Error status (For more information, see paragraph 4.~1.13.) This function is used by the operating system softyare.) Disk interface tables (DITs) are data structures containing information that the device-dependent part of the DSR uses to interface Yith the device-dependent code for a specific disk device. With this function, the user can set a diskette drive to one of four standard configurat~~ns by setting the drives's DIT. The standard DIT numbers are defined as folloys: Humber Description -------------------0 1 2 3 4.11.~O I neu t : Single Double Single Double sided, sided, sided, sided, 48 48 96 96' tpi, tpi, tpi, tpi, 8 8 8 8 sectors/track, sectors/track, sector!l/track, sectors/track, 512-byte S'12-byte 512-byte 512-byte sectors sectors sectors sectors Set DIT Address for Drive - 09H AH DL ES:BX outeut: AH = 09H = Disk drive number (Valid value is = Segment:offset of = Error status o through 7.) DIT for drive (For more information, see paragraph 4.11.13.) (Note: This function is used by the operating system softyare.) Disk interface tables (DITs) are data structures containing information that the device-dependent part of the DSR uses to interface Yith the device-dependent code, for a specific disk device. Kith this functio", the user can set any disk to a nonstandard configuration. The disk drives are dynamically linked to the system by this mechanism. TECHNICAL REFERENCE 4.11.11 Input: Return DIT Address for Drive - OAH AH DL output: AH ES:BX (Note: DEVICE SERVICE ROUTINES = OAH = Disk drive number (Valid value is 0 through 7.) = Error status (For more information, see paragraph = Segment:offset of DIT for drive 4.11.13.) This function is used by the operating system software.) Disk inLerface table~ (DITs) are data structures containing information that the device-independent part of the DSR uses to interface with the device-dependent code for a specific disk device. With this function, the user can access a drive's DIT for information and verification purposes. 4.11.12 Input: Turn Off All Diskette Drives - OSH AH output: AH ES:BX (Note: = aSH =0 = not preserved This function is used by the operating system software.) During regular operation, the diskette drive motors are left ON for a short period following a read or write operation, there~y saving the time the motor would use to come up to speed. Some applications, notably diagnostiCS, require assurance that the motors are not running. 4.11.13 Status Codes All functions return a status code in register AH and an error flag in CF. If the carry condition is set (CF = 1), then an error has occurred and AH contains the error code. If the no-carry condition is set (CF = 0), no error has occurred and AH contains a zero. The error codes are given in Table 4-8. 4-40 TECHNICAL REFERENCE DEVICE SERVICE ROUTINES Table 4-8 Value OOH 80H 40H 20H 10H 08H 04H 02H 01H 03H -_OSH. 09H 4.11.14 Error Codes Description No error Time-out - drive not ready or hardware failed Seek failed - track not found Controller hardware failed CRC error Data request error - controller failure R~cord (sector) not found No data - bad disk format Command error - bad opcode or parameter Disk write protected Data ~_id not verify I/O transfer crosses 64K byte boundary Disk Interface Tables (DITs) The Disk Interface ·Table(DIT) structure interfaces code with the generalized disk driver code. ,/ \ Because in ROM. DITs contain read-only data exclusively, The structure of a DIT is shown in Figure 4-4. 4-41 device-specific they can be placed TECHNICAL REFERENCE ~.~- OEVICE SERVICE ROUTINES 16 bits - - - !..~ Long pointer to disk interface routine OOH DITDIR 02H 04H Sector size in bytes DITSEC 06H DITTRK DITCYL Track size in sectors; cyclinder size in tracks OSH DITDSK DITERR Disk size in cylinders; error retry limit All other fields depelld on- the code requirements of the specific device. A. General DIT Structure ......~--16 bits - - - !..~ DOH Long pointer to diskette interface routine FLPDIR 02H 04H Sector size in bytes DITSEC 06H DITTRK DITCYL Track size in sectors; cyclinder size in tracks OSH DITDSK DITERR Disk size in cylinders; error retry limit OAH PRCOMP Threshold track number for changing·· write precompensation B. Diskette Drive DIT Structure Figure 4-4 OIT structure 4-42 . 2223216-26 DEVICE SERVICE ROUTINES TECHNICAL REFERENCE The following procedure shows how to set up the disk DSR in order to access a flexible disk (floppy) with a "nonstandard" format. ("Nonstandard" is a format that usually is not supported by the Texas Instruments Professional Computer.) MOV MOV INT LES MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV INT Set "return DIT address" opcode Any floppy disk unit (0 - 3) Call disk DSR Es:ax . address of floppy code Put address of floppy-specific code in your own DIT AH, OAH OL, 4DH ax, ES :( D5oiORD PTR [ax) +O,aX +2,ES ES,SEG ax, OFFSET AH,9 DL, 40H - 00 whatever else you need EX:BX = to your OIT address of your DIT Set "SET OIT ADDRESS" opcode Unit number Call disk DSR NOTE The floppy-specific code comprehends only doubledensity (MFM) recording format. It does not kno~ how to access single-density (FM) recording format diskettes. 4-43 TECHNICAL REFERENCE 4.12 DEVICE SERVICE ROUTINES KEYBOARD DSR This subsection describes the keyboard DSR and the functions it provides to the system or application programs that use it. It also shows the various codes returned by the DSR for the standard configuration of the keyboard. The keyboard DSR functions are located in the system ROM and are accessed through the 8088 software interrupt mechanism (essentially an address-independent subroutine call). The typical user of the keyboard DSR is the system interface code (the SIOS). Each operating:system-dependent SIOS resides on a particular operating system diskette and is loaded into RAM during disk boot. The fUnctions described in this subsection access a buffer that is controlled. by the keyboard interrupt service routine. All encoding and any special handling (described in subsequent paragraphs) occurs in the interrupt service routine. All discussions of keyboard mapping vectors -refer to actions occurring during the servicing of the keyboard hardware (not software) interrupt. Placing an opcode in register AH and executing an IKT 4AH chooses the desired function. All registers except AX are preserved. The functions of the keyboard DSR are described in the following paragraphs. 4.12.1 Initialization Logic The code for this function is automatically executed during power-up or reboot and is not directly available to the user. It performs diagnostics on the keyboard hardware, sends to it the required initialization sequences, and initializes the DSR internal data areas. 4.12.2 Read Keyboard Input - AH =0 This function reads and removes the current character (if any) from the keyboard buffer. The character value is returned in register AX. If no character is ready, the DSR waits until one is received before it returns to the caller. This character has already been fully encoded (Table 4-10 lists the ASCII codes.) Typically, the encoded ASCII character is returned in register AL, and register AH contains 00. If AL = 0, then the coded value in AH corresponds to one of the various function keys. (Table 4-11 lists the non-ASCII codes for the function keys.) 4-44 DEVICE SERVICE ROUTINES TECHNICAL REFERENCE 4.12.3 Read Keyboard Status AH =1 the keyboard This function determines that a character is ready at but does not actually read it. If no character is ~aiting, it returns ~ith the Z-flag set (ZF = 1) .. If the Z-flag is reset (ZF = 0), a character is available to be read. The character value is returned in AX, but is not removed from the keyboard buffer. 4.12.4 Read Keyboard Hode AH = 2 This function determines the current mode of the keyboard. The mode value is returned in register AL in the format sho~n in Figure 4-5. The definition of the byte is as follo~s. Reg AL 1 = CTR L key depressed 1 = ALT key depressed 1 = S H I FT key depressed 1 = Last key was result of repeat-action sequence \. 000 (always zero) 1 = CAPS LOCK key depressed 2223216-26 Figure 4-5 Byte Definition - Keyboard Modes 4-45 TECHNICAL REFERENCE DEVICE SERVICE ROUTINES Because the "mode" applies to the last character typed and noY necessarily to the one at the front of the queue. this function return. valid lnformation only if the keyboard buffer contains one ~r less characters. In order to use thlS function. read the key normally. then make a status check to ensure that the buffer 1S empty. When the buffer is empty, the mode reading will be valid. Use this function only if it is necessary to know the state of the mode when the last character was typed. See the section entitled "Custom Encoding of the CRT" in Section 4 for an explanation of remapping the keyboard. 4.12.5 Flush Keyboard Buffer AH This function is used to "flush" buffer. It simply resets the empties the buffer. 4.12.6 Keyboard output AH = 3 (empty) the keyboard type-ahead queue pOinters, which effectively =4 This function sends the keyboard command in AL directly to the keyboard, with appropriate handshaking. On return, the Z-flag has the status of the operation. If the Z-flag is set (ZF=l), the command was performed correctly; otherwise (ZF=O), an error was made. The keyboard commands sent by the CPU are given in Table 4-9. Table 4-9 Keyboard Commands Register AL Function Performed 00 Performs a power-up reset and installs default par~meters Turns repeat-action feature ON Turns repeat-action feature OFF Locks the keyboard Unlocks the keyboard Turns keyclick ON** Turns keyclick OFF** Resets Returns keyboard ROM version 01* 02 03 04* 05 06* 07 08 * Indicates the default value. ** Keyclick requires a hardware modification. (It is not presently supported.) 4-46 ~ 'DEVICE SERVICE ROUTINES TECHNICAL REFERENCE These commands are intended for "one-shot" use, to set the keyboard mode at poYer-up. Although they may be sent at any other time, the overhead of receiving several commands can cause the keyboard to miss fast keystrokes. There are other yays to implement these commands. A CRT emulator program may be required to turn repeat-action on and off in response to escape sequences from a host. For example, if an application needs to set/reset the repeat-action mode, or to lock/unlock the keyboard in real time, these functions can be programmed into a keyboard mapping routine. Refer to paragraph 4.10.19. 4.12.7 Put Character Into Keyboard Buffer - AH = 5 This function places the 16-bit value in BX directly into the keyboard buf-fer. On retur-ll-, if the Z-flag is reaet (ZF=O), the character vas placed in the buffer (this is the usual case). If the Z-flag is set (ZF=l), it means that the buffer vas full and the character vas not placed in the buffer. (The character remains in BX.) Assuming that the buffer vas empty at the start, and that no keys on the keyboard have been pressed, a Read Keyboard Input (AH=O) function call retrieyes this character. Any 16-bit value can b~ placed into the ~~ffer', but unless the user has some explicit application that understands "strange" characters from the keyboard, it is recommended that only standard characters generated by the keyboard be used. The format for the characters is the same as that given in the Read Keyboard Input function. To place a normal ASCII character into the buffer, make the function call Yith the character value in BL and zero in BH. To place function keys into the buffer, make the function call Yith the extended function value in BH, and zero in BL. (See Table 4-10 and Table 4-11.) This function is useful Yhen a program needs characters to appear as though they had been typed. Tyo examples folloy. * An a~plication can disable the operating system printer "echo" feature by inserting the appropriate "echo off" character (~ ~ for MS-DOS) into the buffer during initialization. The operating system sees this as just another key and turns off the echo. * Many operating systems lack a chaining feature, and this function can provide one. Immediately before a program terminates, flush the keyboard buffer, then place characters s'imulating a typed command into. the buffer. When the program terminates, the operating system takes over, reads the keyboard tiuffer, and performs that command (yhich could invoke a second program, thereby "chaining" programs). 4-47 TECHNICAL REFERENCE 4.12.8 DEVICE SERVICE ROUTINES General Keyboard Layout The outline of the keyboard and the key-position numbers associated with each of the keys are shown in Figure 4-6. The numbers in the 'upper right-hand corner of the keys are the scan codes sent from the keyboard. These codes are used internally by the keyboard DSR to encode a key when pressed. The mode keys (marked ***) do not generate a scan code. 2223216-27 Figure 4-6 General Keyboard Layout Showing Scan Codes 4-48 TECHNICAL REFERENCE 4.12.9 DEVICE SERVICE ROUTINES Character Codes Table 4-10 lists the character and extended function codes returned by the keyboard OSR. The modes are handled internally by the , keyboard OSR, and the returned code reflects the mapping shown in this table. Table 4-10 Standard Keyboard Character Codes -----~------------------------------------~-------------------- I Key #1 Normal I SHIFT I CTRL ALT Comments -------------------------------------------~----------~----~--- 1 I I I I I I I I I , 1 I 1 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 I I I I I I I I 22 I 23 I 24 I 25 I 26 I 27 I - 28 I 29 I 30 I 31 I 32 I 33 I 34 I 35 I f5 I _£6 " I f7 I f8 I f9 I flO I f11 I f12 1 1 3F*lsf5 40 * I s f 6 41*15f7 42*Isf8 43*lsf9 44*Isf10 45*Isf11 46*lsf12 31 I- I 2 32 1 3 4 I I I J I I I I J 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 33 34 5 35 6 36 7 37 8 38 9 39 0 30 20 = 3D BS 08 60 : 3D + 2B SP. 20 HT 09 1 31 58*lcf5 62*laf5 63*laf6 5A*lcf7 64*laf7 5B*lcf8 65*laf8 5C*!cf9 66*laf9 50*Icfl0 67*Iafl0 08*lcfll OA*laf.t1 09*lcf12 OB*laf.t2 2.1 , -- I altl 1 0 40 1 Fnul 03*1 alt2 I # 23 I I alt3 1 $ 24 I I alt4 25 I I alt5 I '" I 1\ 5E 1 RS .tE 1 alt6 I 426 1 1 alt1 I * 2A 1 1 alt8 1 ( 28 I 1 alt9 I ) 29 I I altO 1 5F I US IF I altI + 1 alt: 2B I 1 BS 08 1 DEL 1F I 1 N 7E I I I : 3D I : 3D I pf.t I + 2B I + 2B 1 pf2 1 SP 20 I SP 20 1 pf3 IBktab OF*I HT 09 I pf4 I 1 31 I 1 3.1 I ~_9*Icf6 I 0 CR 4 5 9 2 30 I 00 I 34 I 35 I 39 I 20 I 32' 0 CR 4 5 9 2 30 00 34 35 39 20 32 I I I I 0 CR 4 I I I 5 I 2 9 30 00 34 35 39 20 32 I I' I I I I I I 6C*1 60*1 6E*1 6F*1 10*1 11*1 OC*I 00*1 18*1 19*1 1A*/ 1B*1 1C*1 10*1 1E*1 1F*i 80*1 81* " 82*1 83*1 FS F6 F1 F8 F9 F.tO Fll F12 -- I Back space -- I 8C* I Numeric: I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I SD*I Numeric + 8E*1 Numeric SPACEI I SF*I Numeric TAB I 1 Numeric 1 I I (unused) I ! Numeric 0 Numeric ENTERI I I I Numeric 4 Numeric 5 1 1 1 1 Numeric 9 I I Numeric I I Numeric 2 --------------------------------------------------------------- 4-49 TECHNICAL REFERENCE Table 4-10. DEVICE SERVICE ROUTINES Standard Keyboard Character Codes (Continued) '/' --------------------------------------------------------------1 Key #1 Normal 1 SHIFT I CTRL ALT Comments --------------------------------------------------------------36 37 39 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 49 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 7 9 6 3 37 39 36 2C 33 2E 7 9 6 3 37 39 36 2C 33 2E 7 8 6 3 t 4.0* sC-rt eA* cC-rt sIns 28* cIns 52* sDel 53* 38*1 cDel 09 Bktab OF*I HT q 71 51 1 DC1 Q 77 57 1 ETB W' H 65 45 1 ENQ e E 72 R 52 1 DC2 r 74 54 1 DC4 T t 79 59 1 EM Y Y 75 55 1 NAK u U 69 49 1 HT i I 6F 4F 1 SI 0 0 70 P 50 1 OLE P { 7B 1 ESC 5B [ } 50 7b 1 GS ] LF OA LF OA 1 cLF br 1 C-up 48* sC-up 98*lcC-up ESC lB 1 ESC ESC 'lB 61 A 41 1 SOH a 73 s S 53 1 DC3 64 44 1 EOT d 0 46 1 ACK f 66 F 47 1 BEL g 67 G C-~r Ins Del HT (Unused) (Unused) (Unused) Numeric 7 Numeric 8 Numeric 6 Numeric Numeric 3 Numeric (Unused) Right ArroW' INS DEL TAB 37 38 36 2C 33 2E 74*laC-rt 4E* 29*1 aIns 2A* 39*1 aDel 3A* 09 1 11 1 altQ 10* 17 1 altH 11* 05 I altE 12* 12 1 altR 13* 14 1 altT 14* 19 1 alty 15* 15 I altU 16* 09 I altI 17* OF 1 altO 18* 10 1 altP 19* 1B 1 1 10 I I 75*1 aLF 4F*J ~ine Feed 1 1 (Unused) 84*JaC-up 49*1 Up A'rro~ 1B 1 1 ESC 01 J altA 1E*1 13 1 altS IF*1 04 1 altD_20*1 06 1 altF 21*1 07 1 altG 22*1 --- -- --- 1 1 II --------------------------------------------------------------- 4-50 'DEVICE SERVICE ROUTINES TECHNICAL REFERENCE Table 4-10. Standard Keyboard Character Codes (Concluded) --------------------------------------------------------------Comments ALT SHIFT 1 CTRL 1 Key #1 Normal --------------------------------------------------------------48 BS 08 1 altH 23*1 68 H 71 h I 1 1 J 6A 6B K I L 1 6C / 3B I 27 I CR CR 00 5C 1 \ I 1 C-lf 4B*lsC-lf I Home 47*lsHome I ~p 20 I SP 7A I Z I z x 78 I I X 63 I C I c V 76 I I v B b 62 I I N 6E I 1 n 60 I ,'M I m 2C I < I IPtogl 72*1 *** 2E 1 > J ? 2F I / 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 9.1 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 .102 103 104 j k .. , , I I LF 4A VT 4B 4C FF 3A 22 00 CR 7C FS 8B*lcC-lf 86*lcHome SP 2Q SUB 5A 58 CAN 43 ETX 56 SYN 42 STX 4E SO 40 CR 3C ** 3E 3F OA / altJ 24*1 OB I altK 25* 1 OC / altL 26*/ ,I 00 1 lC 1 73*laC-lf 77*laHome 20 1 SP lA / altZ 18 / altX 03 altC .16 1 altV 02 I altB OE 1 altN 00 I altM , I 1 I I I I 1 1 1 1 I C-dn 50*lsC-dn 89*lcC-dn 76*laC-dn 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 I I Ppau ** I Pbrk ** I 1 f.1 54*lcf.1 3B*lsf.1 5E*laf.1 I 55*lcf2 3C*Jsf2 5F*laf2 1 f2 3O*15f3 56*lcf3 60*laf3 1 f3 57*lcf4 61*laf4 I f4 3E*lsf4 1 I 1 1 I I 1 1 Return 1 I 4C*/ Left Arro.., 85*1 HOME 20 / Space bar 2C*1 20*1 2E*1 2F*1 30*1 31*1 32*1 I I PRINT I J I (Unused) I (Unused) I (Unused) 51*1 1 1 1 1 68*1 69*1 6A*1 6B*1 Oo..,n Arro.., (Unused) (Unused) (Unused) BRK/PAUS F.1 F2 F3 F4 I I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I 1 1 , J I I I 1 1 I· --------------------------------------------------------------Notes 1. to Table 4-10: Key # is shown in Figure 4-6. 2. In the "Normal","SHIFT", "CTRL", and "ALT" columns, both the "graphic" and the h.xadecimal values of the character are given in the form: GGG HH. Mnemonics are used for the "graphic" descriptions of the function keys. These are generally self-explanatory: a leading a, s, or c indicates ALT, SHIFT, or CTRL, respectively. For example, fl is the Fl function key; afl is the Fl key pressed ..,hile 4-51 TECHNICAL REFERENCE DEVICE SERVICE ROUTINES holding down the ALT key. cLF = CTRL linefeed. C-rt means cursor right 3. Entries consisting of "--»indicate that suppressed within the keyboard DSR. (right arrow), and the combination is 4. Entries consisting of "xxx **" indicate special handling in the form of direct action by keyboard DSR. (For details, see the paragraph 4.12.14.) 5. Normal (ASCII) characters are returned in register AL with the scan code key number in AH. 6. Entries consisting of "xxx yy" are returned indicated value (yy) in AH. with AL=O and the 7. An asterisk after a number means extended codes, listed in Table 4-11. 4.12.10 Extended Codes The "extended" codjs ar~ non-ASCII codes. They represent sp~cial function keys on the keyboard. To distinguish these codes, register AL contains 00 upon returning from a Read Keyboard (AH=l or AH=2) function call, and the extended code is in register AH. The code range (OOH through FFH) includes normal ASCII codes. The extended codes are given in Table 4-11. Use the mnemonics to cross-reference with Table 4-10. Table 4-11 MSD* I 0 I 1 LSD o IPbrk laltQ 1 IPpau 'altW 2 I ~altE 3 IFnul laltR 4 I laltT 5 I laIty 6 J laltu 7 I laitl a Isfll laltO 9 Isf12 laltP A lefll I B Icf12 I C lafl1 I o laf12 I E I laltA F IBktablaltS I 2 I Funeti~n Extended 3 J 4 I 5 I Cod~s 6 I 7 I a I 1-----------------------------------------------------laltD laltB I f6 I C-dnl ef3 I af9 lalt9 I * laltF laltG laltH laltJ laltK laltL I IsIns Iclns taIns I laltZ laltX laltC laltV laltN I f7 laC-dnJlaltM I fa I Ins I I I f9 I Del I I , flO I sfl I I J fl1 I sf2 I J I f12 I sf3 I I I Hamel sf4 I IsDel I C-upl sf5 I IcDel laC-upl sf6 I laDel I I sf7 I I fl I C-Ifl efa I I f2 laC-If I 5f9· I I f3 I C-rt I sflOI I f4 laC-rtl efl I I f5 I aLF I cf2 I cf4 laflO laltO I cf5 IPtogllalt- I ef6 leC-Iflalt= I ef7 leC-rtleC-upl efa I eLF laHomel ef9 leC-dnlsHomel cfl0leHomei I afl laltl IsC-upl af2 lalt2 IsC-dnl af3 lalt3 IsC-rtl af4 lalt4 IsC-lfl af5 lalt5 I pfl I af6 lalt6 I pf2 I af7 lalt7 I pf3 I afe lalta I pf4 I MSD = most significant digit; LSD = least significant digit 4-52 DEVICE SERVICE ROUTIMES TECHNICAL REFERENCE 4.12.11 Keyboard Modes In the standard keyboard, the mode keys have the effect shown in Table 4-11. The latching (push-push) CAPS LOCK key affects the alphabetic keys (50-59, 66-74, and- 82-88 on the standard keyboard) by forcing the SHIFT mode. Normally the alphabetic keys produce lowercase characters, and the SHIFT key temporarily causes them to be uppercase. Khen the CAPS LOCK mode is invoked (the CAPS LOCK key is latched down and the LED in the CAPS LOCK key lights), the alphabetic keys produce uppercase and the SHIFT key has no further effect (on the alphabetic keys). In the standard encoding, the only valid combination of mode keys is CTRL/ALT/DEL, which is used for system reset. Simultaneously pressing the CTRL, ~, and DEL keys results in the keyboard DSR initiating- the equivalent of a system power-up reboot. The action is handled internally by the DSR and does not return a code. This function is "hardwired" and cannot be disabled. In any other case, when two or more mo~~ key~ are pressed simultaneously, only one is recognized. The order of precedence, beginning with the highest, is as follows: ALT, ~, SHIFT, and CAPS LOCK ( \ The ALT key has a special use, letting the user enter any character code (OOH-OFFH) from the keyboard. Khen the ~ key is held down and the decimal value of the desired character is typed on t~e numeric keypad with three keystrokes, the value is returned to the application as a normal character directly through the Read Keyboard Input (AH=O) function. If fewer than three digits are typed, the next non-ALT key struck sends the currently accumulated ALT/HUK value (from the first one or two keystrokes). If the first one or tvo keystrokes were the zero key, the next key pressed sends - its normal character, because the zero is simply a "place keeper" and adds nothing to the ALT/NUK value. Pressing more than three keys sends the accumulated value and starts a new three-keystroke sequence. Example: ALT 003 places the value for an ETX in the keyboard buffer. ALT 3, followed by any non-ALT key performs the same function. 4.12.12 Type-Ahead Buffer The DSR implements a Circular type-ahead queue, which can buffer up to 15 keystrokes. (Each keystroke is 2 bytes.) If the queue is filled, entering further characters from the keyboard sounds the 4-53 TECHNICAL REFERENCE DEVICE SERVICE ROUTINES system beeper. The Flush Keyboard Buffer (AH=3) function resets queue pointers, effectively emptying the buffer. 4.12.13 the Repeat-Action Feature If the repeat-action feature (the default) is enabled, there is a half-second delay and all keys become repeat-action at a 15-cps rate. Repeat-action characters are ignored vhen the queue currently contains more than one pending character. This means that the application does not have to vorry about the repeat-action "coasting" problem. That is, if the application does not or cannot read the keyboard input faster than the repeat-action rate, the. undesired repeat-action characters are not queued and the keyboard does not get ahead of the application. 4.12.14 Special Handling These paragraphs describe functions handled by the keyboard DSR. Several of these require immediate reaction (for example, pausing the output routine so a fast-scrolling screen can be read). Most of the keyboard DSR functions are implemented vith the softvare interrupt facility of the BOBB microprocessor. Each of the defined interrupt vectors points to some default piece of code that either does nothing (for example, a single IRET instruction) or performs some system function. An application program can change these interrupt vectors in order to gain direct access to a function. Hovever, the application must preserve the original contents of the v.ctor and restore it before terminating and returning to the system. If the application routin~ is used, it must end vith an IRET or the equivalent (FAR) RET 2, vhich allovs flags to be passed. The stack used is the internal stack of the keyboard interrupt service routine and only 10 levels (20 bytes) of stack are available to the user's routine. Interrupts are disab:t..ed vhen the .us.!r routine is entered (by the IHT instruction). Interrupts should be re-enabled immediately unless it is necessary for them to remain disabled. Registers AX, ax, CX, 01, and ES can be used (information is passed in AX); any others must be preserved. When the available stack is too small, the routine must svitch to an internal stack of sufficient size (including B bytes for possible interrupts). Also, the routine is executed as a part of the keyboard interrupt s~rvice routine, vhich means that no other keystroke~ are accepted until the user routine finishes and returns. The normal vay to communicate vith the outside vorld (outside the service routine) is to set a flag and vatch for it in the application. This·, for example, is hov the BREAK function is implemented in KS-DOS. Control should not be retained by the user's routine unless a complete system initialization is to be performed. 4-54 . DEVICE SERVICE ROUTINES TECHNICAL REFERENCE 4.12.15 User-Available Interrupts The folloving is a summary of the softvare interrupts (performed by the keyboard DSR) that can be used by application programs. The interrupts are presented in their order of execution. The number in parentheses, the "interrupt type," is used in an interrupt instruction. The absolute address of the corresponding vector. is the interrupt type times 4. As an example, the address of the keyboard mapping vector is SBH x 4 16CH. Any of the special key interrupt functions can be bypassed by re-encoding the key code. For more information on the key code, refer to paragraph 4.10.19. = The keyboard DSR interrupts and their mappi~g vectors are: * * Keyboard mapping (5BH) Program pause (SCH) * * * * Program break (SDH) * * These interrupts occur after internal encoding. Print screen (5EH) * Keyboard queueing (SFH) Keyboard Mapping. This interrupt is performed each time a key is pressed but before it is encoded, alloving the user to encode the key. When the user encodes the key, the DSR places the key code in the queue and performs the keyboard queuing (SFH)·interrupt. Othervise, the DSR encodes the key, checks for the special keys, and then queues the key code, causing the keyboard queuing interrupt. For more information on using this interrupt to remap the keyboard, refer to paragraph 4.10.19. Program Pause. Pressing the (unshifted) BRK/PAUS key causes a softvare interrupt and allovs the user to perform an action or return a key code. It returns an extended code (refer to Table 4-11) to the caller if desired. At system pover-up, the vector is set so that the ~ key sequence causes a screen hold, vhich stops a fast-scrolling screen. An application program can change the interrupt vector in order to support a pause function of its ovn, but the program is responsible for remembering the original vector and restoring it before terminating. The carry flag determines the action of the keyboard DSR on return from the softvare interrupt. If the carry flag is set, the DSR does nothing else and simply exits. If the carry flag is reset, then the character value in AX is placed into the queue. Before the softvare interrupt is executed, the carry flag is reset and the extended code 4-55 TECHNICAL REFERENCE DEVICE SERVICE ROUTINES for the program pause function is placed in AX. Therefore, if an IRET instruction is used to return instead of the default ROM pause routine, the DSR returns the program 'pause function code to the application. Because the carry flag is used to pass information, the IRET instruction must be simulated vith a (FAR) RET 2 if the user needs to return vith the carry flag set. (The IRET instruction restores flags to their pre-interrupt state.) Program Break. Pressing the (shifted) BRK/PAUS key causes a softvare interrupt and allovs the user to perform an action or return a key code. It can be set to return an extended code (see Table 4-11) to the caller, if desired. During pover-up initialization, this interrupt vector is set to point to an IRET instruction so that the BRK key sequence is ignored other than returning the break code. An application program can change the interrupt vector in orde~ to support a break function of its own. Hovever, the program is responsible 'for preserving the original contents of the vector and restoring it before terminating. For more information on the encoding/softvare-interrupt technique, see paragraph 4~12.15. Print Screen. Pressing the SHIFT and PRNT keys causes another softvare iriterrtipt. The user can perform an action or return a key code. This interrupt normally vectors to an IRET instruction vithin the ROM. The DSR checks the carry flag upon return, as described in paragraph 4.12.15. The carry flag is set before the interrupt is executed, so that vhen the routine consists only of an IRET, the key is effectively ignored. This can be (and is, by the KS-DOS SIOS) patched so that it vectors to an actual print screen routine. This routine executes as a part of the keyboard interrupt service routine ~nd, ~herefore, cannot b~ interrupted by another keystroke. The preferred vay to handle the Print Screen function is to use this interrupt to start the Print Routine (in the background) then return immediately, thereby reenabling the keyboard. Keyboard Queueing. This softv&re interrupt. occurs every time a character, vhether encoded by the DSR or by the user, is placed in the type-ahead buffer. This interrupt lets the real-time OS knov vhen there is a character to read. The user can choose to ignore the key (not queueing the keycode). Refer to paragraph 4.12.15 for keyboard queuing interrupt conditions. 4.12.16 Custom Encoding An applicat'ion program can encode the keyboard using this function. Each time a key is pressed on the keyboard, the keyboard sends one or tvo key codes to the DSR. The mode keys are handled internally. (For more information, refer to paragraph 4.12.17.) The DSR performs a softvare interrupt each time it receives a key code (not including the mode keys). Normally the interrupt vector points to an IRET instruction. An application program can reprogram the .vector to 4-56 ~ DEVICE SERVICE ROUTINES TECHNICAL REFERENCE intercept the~e key codes. Because everything comes through this vector, the application can take control of everything but the system reset combination (CTRL/ALT/DEL). The routine that intercepts the key codes typically scans through some tables to encode its special keys, then executes a (FAR) RET 2 instruction. NOTE It is essential that the application restore the vector to its original value after completion. Othervise, the system vill crash vhen the special encoding routine is later vritten over. When the softvare interrupt is performed (from the keyboard ISR) the keyboard scan code (including the repeat-action bit, if set) is in AL, the mode byte is in AH (the mode byte is shovn in figure ) and the carry flag is set (CF=~). If the carry flag is reset (CF=O) vhen returned from the interrupt, then the standard encoding is bypassed. Instead, the values in AL and AH are placed directly into the typeahead buffer. This-Is on~ vay to change the standard encoding of the keyboard. If the carry flag is set, and the value of AL is returned as OFFH, the keystroke is ignored entirely, and nothing is placed in the buffer. This can be used vhen the special handli~g routine performs some function directly and does not need to send a character. The repeat-action bit is included in the scan code as the high bit of AL and in the mode byte as bit 3 of AH. The user can choose vhich of the tvo is more accessible to his particular routine. If the scan code is used in a table look-up or a direct comparison, the user must strip off the (possible) repeat-action' bit (the instruction is AND AL, 7FH). Because this is a softvare interrupt, the IRET instruction must be simulated vith a (FAR) RET 2 in order to pass flags back. 4.12.~7 Keyboard Interface Protocol Pressing a key on the keyboard sends a' byte representing the key position to the keyboard DSR. If the state of the mode keys (SHIFT. ALT, CAPS LOCK, and CTRL) has changed since the last keystroke, the key-pOSition byte is preceded by a byte shoving the current status of the mode keys. The mode byte is never sent alone. It vill alvays be folloved by, the key-position byte. The mode byte is never sent during a repeat-action transmission, because it is sent only if the mode has changed since the last transmission. The mode cannot change during the repeat-action function. 4-57 TECHNICAL REFERENCE DEVICE SERVICE ROUTINES The second byte (key position) contains a repeat-action key bit (bit 7). This bit is set to ~ during a repeat-action key transmission, and reset to 0 during a non-repeat-action transmission. If the key is still pressed after a half-second delay, the code is sent again, this time vith bit 7 set to 1. The keyboard remapping routine uses this bit to suppress the repeat-action key function vhen necessary. All communication vith the keyboard is: * Asynchronous * * * Serial * Even parity. 8 data bit 1 stop bit The keyboard transmits its data at 2440 bps and receives its commands at 305 bps. Both bytes have similar formats, as shovn in Figure 4-7. Hovever, bits 3 through 6 of the mode key status byte are all set to 1. 4-58 DEVICE SERVICE ROUTINES TECHNICAL REFERENCE 181716\5141312111 0 I \ FIRST BYTE (Not always sent) Control Alternate .Shift = 1111 (denotes first byte) Caps lock (uppercase) -- --. Parity -- SECOND BYTE Scan code Repeated character (repeat-action keys) Parity 2223216-28 Figure 4-7 Byte Definition - Keycode 4-59 TECHNICAL REFERENCE DEVICE SERVICE ROUTINES The keyboard understands several commands, as explained in the Keyboard Output (AH=4) function, and the keyboard generally acknowledges each command. The codes sent by the keyboard (refer to Tables 4-10 and 4-11) range from scan code 01 through scan code 104 (OlH through 68H). The spare scan codes (from 69H through 6FH) will possibly be assigned in the future. If so, the size of the standard encoding tables will also be increased. Codes 70H through 73H are status codes returned by the keyboard in response to commands. Codes 74H through 77H are unused but reserved, and codes 78H through 7FH are for encoding the mode key status byte. For more specific information, refer to the paragraph entitled "Receiving and responding to commands from the system unit" in Section 2. 4.13 PARALLEL PRINTER PORT DSR The following paragraphs describe the functions that the parallel printer p~rt DSR provides to the system or application programs that use it. The printer DSR provides routines to implement a Centronicscompatible parallel port interface. The user is able to output characters, get printer status, and initialize the printer. The printer DSR functions, located in the system ROM, are accessed through the ·software interrupt mechanism of the 8088 microprocessor. To choose a function, place the opcode in register AH, place zeros in register DL, and execute an IHT 4BH instruction. (For an e~planation of register DL, see paragraph 4.13.4.) All r~gist~rs are preserved except AH, which always returns with. the printer status. (See paragraph 4.13.3.) The functions available are: output Character to Printer (AH=O, DL=O) Initialize Printer (AH=l, DL=O) Return Printer Status (AH=2, DL=O) 4.13.1 output Character to Printer - 'AH = 0, DL = 0 This function sends the character in AL to the printer port. The BUSY signal from the printer is checked before sending the character. If the printer is still busy after approximately 0.33 s, the DSR sets the time-o~t bit in the status byte (in AH) and returns. If the printer is not busy, the DSR returns with the time-out bit reset. Any unusual conditions on the status signals from the printer cause the printer to go BUSY. Time-out also occurs if the printer sets FAULT, PAPER OUT, or NOT SELECT. The printer can also set BUSY, causing a time-out. 4-60 DEVICE SERVICE ROUTINES TECHNICAL REFERENCE It generally is not advisable to rely on the time-out of the printer output routine during regular use, especially if one is using the DSR from the printer task of a real-time OS. This time-out is a softvare loop and causes the application to "hang" during the time-out period. The preferred method has the application vatching the BUSY signal through the printer status call so that the application can implement 'and control a time-out. The standard sequence used to print a character is: REPEAT Interrupt 4BH vith AH 2 and DL "Return Printer status." UNTIL STATUS = HOT BUSY EHD = INTerrupt 4BH vith AH IF STATUS (time-out) THEN END = = 0, DL =0 =0 and AL (see paragraph 4.13.3, = (FAULT or PAPER OUT or (HOT SELECTED» Hote: Refer to Figure 4-8 for byte definition of the Return Printer Status function. 4.13.2 Initialize Pri~ter AH = 1, DL = 0 This function activates the IHIT signal on the interface causing the printer to perform the equivalent of a pover-up reset. The specific action taken is printer-dependent (refer to the appropriate printer manual). The system softvare activates this signal only once, at actual system pover-up (not on system reset CTRL/ALT/DEL). 4.13.3 Return Printer Status AH = 2, DL = 0 This function reads the printer status port and returns the information in register AH. This is the same information as that returned after the Output Character to Printer (AH=O, DL=O) function, and the Initialize Printer (AH=l, DL=O) function. The bits of AH are encoded as shovn in Figure 4-8. 4-61 TECHNICAL REFERENCE . DEVICE SERVICE ROUTINES ,,.------ I 7 I 6 I 5 I 4 1 3 1 2 I 1 I ,0 I I Time Out (on busy) (not used) Busy Paper Out Selected (online) Fault 2223216-29 Figure 4-8 4.13.4 Use Under Byte Definition - Return Printer Status a~' Oper~ting System Mhen the software interrupt technique interfaces with ROM routines, a interface interrupt DSR can be enhanced or replaced by patching its vec t or. Under MS -DOS" for exampl e , the ser i al pr in t er s uppor t emulates the parallel printer fun~tions of the ROM. The printer interface is implemented by patching a small routine in front of the printer interrupt vector. This routine looks at register DL to determine the desired printer. If DL=O, a jump to the ROM routine is made, and the user is unaware of the patch. If DL=l, AH is decoded to perform the appropriate function on, the serial printer. If DL = FFH, then the desired function is performed on the default (c~rrently configured) printer. Because the serial support emulates the _status r~t~r~ed by the parallel routines of the ROM, the user knows of the operation· only because he set register DL. Some operating systems do not require that register DL be set. In the case of MS-DOS, however, the DSR is extended in a manner t~at requires the setting of DL. Refer to the documentation appropriate for the operating system in use. 4-62 DEVICE SERVICE ROUTINES TECHNICAL REFERENCE 4.14 WINCHESTER ROM The Winchester ROM, on the Winchester controller board, interfaces vith the system ROM softvare, specifically the system disk DSR. The Winchester ROM is addressed by the system processor. Its address, as determined by the hardvare, is OF8000H. The convention locates the ROM at the address (as seen by the softvare) of OF400:4000H. In addition to the disk DSR software, the Winchester ROM contains the software necessary to drive the 'Winchester controller, to boot up the system from the Winchester disk, to format the disk, and to run diagnostics (both power-up and advanced) on the controller and disk. After initialization, all regular operations of the Winchester ROM (read, vrite, verify, and so on) are done through the disk DSR. (See subsection 4.11.) 4.14.1 Limitations The DSR and other utilities provided by the system ROM limit the used by the system. The types of Winchester drives that can be limits are as follows: * * * * * * X x Y cylinders per drive where 1 < X < 256 and 1 < Y < 15 16 surfaces per drive 17 sectors per track 512 bytes per sector 255 error retries 11-bit error-burst length Host of the routines vithin the ROM are driven by data structures that describe the type of drive. The system is povered up assuming the following drive parameters: 153 cylinders 4 surfaces 125 first track of reduced write current 64 first track of vrite precompensation 1 error retry 11-bit error-burst length 3-ms step' option If the default parameters are not correct for the type of drive in use, an Initialize Winchester Disk System option call must be made to install the correct parameters. The system can boot the first sector 4-63 TECHNICAL REFERENCE DEVICE SERVICE ROUTINES vith the default parameters. 4.14.2 System Interface The Winchester controller board ROM is initialized to the system vhen ·it is called by the system ROM folloving the poyer-up self-test. The system ROM tests the Winchester disk controller ROM to make certain the controller is functioning properly before calling it. To allov the system ROM to test and call it, the Winchester disk controller ROM contains a header defining the ROM size, the entry point of the ROM, a version number for the ROM, and an identification message preceded by the message length. The entry point called by the system ROM is required to do any device- de.pe.ndent initia_lization and, optionally, to boot the system from the device that the called ROM serves. For the Winchester disk, the operations are as follovs: * * Set ·the RAM area of the ROM in the system. Set the deviceinstalled bit in the system configuration vord. This second step permits the system unit to »sense» that the controller is install~d, a~d, under the diagnostics diskette Display System Configuration test. to display all options installed in the system unit. If the caller has passed the »do not boot flag" (OFFFFH in OX), return control to the caller . .othervise (vith o in register OX). the initialization sequence continues. regi~ter the * If the user has pre~sed the ESC key. control returns to system ROM and the system boots from the di~kette. * Othervise. display the Winchester disk controller ROM signon message and execute the controller's poYer-up tests. * Test all ROM~ that have a lover priority than the Winchester disk con t roller ROM and then call them ~ The "do nQ t boo t" flag (DX = OFFFFH) must be set so that the ROM can do any required initialization of associated hardvare. * Read in the boot sector from the disk, check usability, and jump to the code in the boot sector. * If any errors occur in the above area; control is returned to the system ROM. 4.14.3 it for System RAM Usage The Winchester disk ROM uses 30 byte~ of RAM in the sy~tem RAM area. This RAM is allocated a~ a contiguous block of memory only after previously called ROMs have been allocated their RAM space. This RAM block is pointed to by a vord in the system vector area. The data 4-64 DEVICE SERVICE ROUTINES TECHNICAL REFERENCE structure of this vector area is given in Table 4-12. Table 4-12 RAM Segment Pointers User Value Address 0000:0190 0000:0192 0000:0194 0000:0196 0000:0199 0000:019A System ROM U63 System ROM U63 F400:0000 ROM F400:0000 ROM F400:2000 ROM F400:2000 ROM RAM segment address for ROM Length of RAM segment in bytes RAM segment address for ROM Length of RAM segment in bytes RAM segment address for ROM Length of RAM segment in bytes F400:AOOO 0000:019C 0000:019£ Windisk ROM Windisk ROM RAM segment address for ROM Length of RAM segment in bytes F400:4000 (30H) 0000:0194 0000:0196 0000:0194 0000:0196 F400:6000 ROM F400:6000 ROM Option ROM U62 Option ROM U62 RAM segment address for ROM Length of RAM segment in bytes RAM segment address for ROM Length of RAM segment in bytes F400:6000 ,Address F400:0000 F400:2000 F400:eooo All accesses to the Kinchester disk controller RAM area are through the segment pOinter at OOOO:019CH. Because the, Kinchester' disk controller ROM is located at segment OF400H, the segment pOinter location can also be reached from the code segment at address OF400:C1SCH. The segment pointer alloys the Kinchester disk controller RAM area to be located anyvhere, but care must be taken if the ar.ea is moved after the system is initialized. If this is done, the' Kinchester disk system must be reinitialized vith the Kinchester disk option call "0" (Initialize System) after the RAM area is moved and the vectors are set tb the nev values. To do this, pass the nev segment address in OS and OOOCH as ,the pointer to the initialization data. (See paragraph 4.14.4 Poyer-up Testing To determine that the Kinchester disk controller is vorking properly, it is tested by its ovn internal diagnostics and the RAM diagnostics. Failures are reported as system errors 11xx, vhere xx indicates the error received. If an error occurs, control is returned to the system ROM. 4-65 TECHNICAL REFERENCE 4.14.5 DEVICE SERVICE ROUTINES Booting from the Winchester. ~ After the po~er-up testing of the controller completes, the Winchester goes through the boot sequence. Only drive 4 (E: for MSDOS) can be booted. If drive 5 is connected to the controller, it can be used for data only. First, the boot procedure polls the drive for the ready condition. If the drive is not ready (as ~ould be true after the po~er is turned on), the ROM routines ~ait approximately 30 seconds for the ready condition. If the user presses the ESC key at any time during this ~ait, control is returned to the system ROM, and the diskette drive conducts the initialization boot. 4.14.6 Erro~ Recovery The error recovery procedures depend on the error. For hard~are controller errors (time-outs), the controller is reset, and no retries are attempted. A hard~are error code is returned from the disk DSR. For disk drive errors (seek incomplete, ~rite fault, and so on), no retries are reported, and the disk DSR returns the hard~are error code. Read Data operations have t~o types of errors: correctable and uncorrectable. If the data is correctable, it is corrected, and no error is reported directly. A DSR Read Soft Retry Status reports this error. For uncorrectable errors, a "restore" is done betore each retry. If the retry does not succeed, the data buffer is filled; ~ith CCH ~hen the data cannot be read at all, or ~ith the uncorrected data if the data can be read but contains an ECC error. For other operation errors, a "restore" is placed before each retry. 4-66 .. DEVICE SERVICE ROUTINES TECHNICAL REFERENCE 4.14.7 Error Reporting The disk DSR is capable of reporting only a fev errors. The pover-up boot can report more but not all. Table 4-13 is a listing of errors reported by the disk controller and the codes reported by the DSR. Table 4-13 Reported Error 20H 20H 20H 20H 20H 10H 10H 02H 04H 40H Hardvare failure Hardvare failure Hardvare failure Hardvare failure Hardvare failure CRC error CRC error Disk format error Record not found Seek error No error (on RETURN) CRC error (soft stat) Command error Disk format error Command error Command error* Disk format error Command error* Command error* Command error* Hardvare failure* .Hardvare failure* Hardvare failure* OOH 10H 01H 02H 01H 01H 02H 01H 01H 01H 20H 20H 20H * Winchester DSR Error Codes Controller Error 01H 02H 03H 04H 06H 10H 11H 12H 14H 15H 19H 19H 19H 1AH 1CH lDH 1EH 1FH 20H 21H 30H 31H 32H No index detected No seek complete Write fault DRIVE NOT READY during operation Track 00 not found ID field read error Uncorrectable data error Address mark not found Record not found Seek error Correctable data error Correctable data error Bad track flag detected Format error Illegal access to alternate track Illegal alternate track for format Expected alternate track, isn't Alternate track = bad track Invalid command Illegal disk address RAM diagnostic failure Proqram memory checksum error ECC diagnostic failure This error should never be encountered by the DSR. 4-67 TECHNICAL REFERENCE DEVICE SERVICE ROUTINES The errors that can be reported during boot are the controller error!" given in Table 4-13 and Table 4-14. /~-- Table 4-14 Displayed Error Codes All errors have the following message displayed: Where xx Extended Error 33H 40a 41H 42H 43H 44H 4SH 46H 47H 48H 49H 4AH 4BH 4CH 4DH 4EH 4FH SlH S2H S3H S4H SSH S6H S7H S8H S9H ** SYSTEM ERROR - llxx ** = the extended error Explanation Status error on REQUEST SENSE STATUS command Time-out while waiting for WRITE DATA mode READ MODE while waiting for WRITE DATA mode COMMAND MODE while waiting for WRITE DATA mode STATUS MODE while waiting for WRITE DATA mode WRITE MODE while waiting for READ DATA mode Time-out while waiting for READ DATA mode COMMAND MODE while waiting for READ DATA mode STATUS MODE while waiting for READ DATA mode WRITE MODE while waiting for COMMAND mode READ MODE while waiting for COMMAND mode Time-out while waiting for COMMAND mode while waiting for COMMAND mode STATUS MODE WRITE MODE while waiting for STATUS mode while waiting for STATUS mode MODE READ COMMAND MODE while waiting for STATUS mode Time-out while waiting for STATUS mode Disk not ready CRe error Seek error Sector-not-found error Disk (unknown) error (controller failure) Not a TI-system disk Disk format error Bad boot sector CRe or bad controller System ROM version doesn~t support Winchester 4-68 DEVICE SERVICE ROUTINES TECHNICAL REFERENCE 4.14.8 Hardvare Interface Routines This interface to the Winchester disk system implements additional functions in a straightforvard vay. The calls provide a method of interfacing vith the hardvare that is almost hardvare-independent. To use this interface, do a long call through the first doublevord in the RAH area of the Winchester disk controller ROH. Place the opcode for the operation in register AH. Other register usages are explained vith each operation. For more information, paragraph 4.5.2. refe~ to paragraph 4.4.4 and to the table in The programming steps required to do the long call are given belovo WINROH DO ;LOCAL PLACE TO STORE VECTOR ;TO ROM. 00000000 The next steps get the entry vector for the Winchester ROH code from the ROM data area and put it into local storage PUSH XOR MOV MOV LES MOV KOV POP ES AX,AX ES,AX ES,ES:WORD PTR 18Ca ;SAVE ES ; SET ES TO O·OOOH ;GET WINCH RAH SEGMENT INTO ES ;~ET VECTOR FOR WINCH ROH .;SAVE IN OUR DATA AREA AX,~DWORD PTR~~OOO WORD PTR WINROH+2,ES HORD PTR HINROH,AX ES ;RESTORE ES The folloving steps access the Winchester ROM functions after the above initialization is completed MOV AH,OPCODE CALL WINROH The folloving entry point. ;SET OPCODE INTO AM ;GO DO THE OPERATION paragraphs explain the operations available from this 4-69 TECHNICAL REFERENCE DEVICE SERVICE ROUTINES Initialize Winchester Disk System. Opcode: Entry: Offset OOH 02H 03H 04H OSH 06H 08H OAH OBH Exit: Used: AH = OOH DS:SI POINTER TO DATA BLOCK = Value/Use (Hord) (Byte) (Byte) (Byte) (Byte) (Hord) -(Word) (Byte) (Byte) Sector size in bytes Track size in sectors Number of surfaces Humber of cylinders on disk Number of error retries Reduced write current cylinder Hrite precomp start cylinder Step option Error-burst corrected length = AL Error code AX, BX This operation tells the disk subsystem the type of Hinchester drive being used. It sets the hardware and software data structures so that a user can simply call the DSR to use the drive. Check Hinchester ROM Version. = Opcode: Entry: Exit: Used: AH 01H Hone AX = BCD ROM version number AX Example: If ROM is V1.23, then AX returns 0123H This operation returns the Winchester ROM version often useful for software-compatibility checks. 4-70 number. This DEVICE SERVICE ROUTINES TECHNICAL REFERENCE Request Controller Error Sense. Opcode: Entry: Exit: Used: = AH 02H DS:SI = Address of 6-byte data block AL = Error code Z Set if no error Data block contains what controller returned. AX,CX,SI,DI = This operation gets error information from the controller and returns an error code. If the controller hardware is broken, appropriate error codes are returned. Send Winchester Controller Command. Opcode: Entry: Exit: AH = 03H DS:SI = Address of 6-byte data block containing command and other data (see hardware spec) AL = Error code if Carry flag is set - Z = Set, C = Reset if no error Z Set, C Set if time-out Z Reset, C Set if improper controller mode AX,CX,SI = = Used: = = This ope~ation sends a command to the controller. for a response. It does not wait Get Data From the Winchester Controller. Opcode: Entry: Exit: AH = 04H = Address of buffer to receive data CX = Humber of bytes of data to get AL = Error code if Carry flag is set Z = Set, C = Reset if no error Z Set, C Set if time-out Z = Reset, C = Set if improper controller mode AX,CX,DI ES~DI = Used: = This operation waits for the controller to provide data and then puts it into the user's buffer. The operation waits about 1 second before returning a time-out error. If the controller is in the command state or the status state, an appropriate error code is returned. 4-71 TECHNICAL REFERENCE DEVICE SERVICE ROUTINES Write Data to the Winchester Controller. Opcode: Entry: Exit: AH = OSH ES:DI = Address of data buffer to transmit CX = Number of bytes of data to put AL = Error code if Carry flag is set Z = Set, C = Reset if no error Z Set, C Set if time-out Z Reset, C Set if improper controller mode AX,CX,DI = = Used: = = This operation vaits for the controller to ask for data and then vrites from the user's buffer to the controller. The operation vaits about 1 ~econd before r~turning a time-out error, If the controller is in the command state or the status state, an appropriate error code is returned. Get Status From Winchester Controller. Opcode: Entry: Exit: Used: AH = 06H None AL = Error code if Carry flag is set Z = Set, C = Reset if no error Z = Se t , C = set if time-out Z = Reset, C = Set if controller mode is not status', Z = Re set, C = Reset if status indicates controller has an error AX,CX This operation vaits for the status return from the controller, The operation vaits about 1 second before returning a time-out error. If the controller is in the command state or the data-transfer state, an appropriate error code is returned. 4-72 DEVICE SERVICE ROUTINES TECHNICAL REFERENCE Get and Compare Data From the Winchester Controller. Opcode: Entry: Exit: AH = 07H ES:OI = Address of buffer to receive data CX = Number of bytes of data to get AL = Error code if C flag is set Z = Set, C = Reset if no error Z = Set, C = set if time-out Z = Reset, C = Set if improper controller mode Z Reset, C Reset if data does not compare; if no compare, OI to the miscompared data AX,CX,Ol = Used: = This operation vaits for the controller to provide data and then compares it vith the data in the user's buffer. If the data does not compare, the data pointer (OS:OI) is set to point at the data address that does not compare. After a vait of about 1 s, the controller returns a time-out error. If the controller is in the command state or the status state, an appropriate error code is returned. Enable Data and status Interrupt From Controller. Opcode: Entry: Exit: Used: = AH 08H Hone None AX This operation enables the Winchester controller interrupts to the system bus. Hovever, this operation does not enable the system interrupts from the interrupt controller or from the processor interrupt. Enable Status Interrupt From Controller. Opcode: Entry: Exity: Used: AH = 09H None None AX This operation enables the Winchester controller interrupts to the system bus. Hovever, this operation does not enable the system interrupts from the interrupt controller or from the processor interrupt. 4-73 TECHNICAL REFERENCE DEVICE SERVICE ROUTINES Disable Data and Status Interrupt From Controller. Opcode: Entry: Exity: Used: = AH OAH None None AX This operation disables the Winchester controller interrupts to the system bus. Hovever, this operation does not disable the system interrupts from the interrupt controller or from the processor interrupt. Poll for Controller Request. Opcode: Entry: Exit: Used: = AH OBH None Z = Set if request is not active Z = Reset if request is active AX This operation determines vhen the controller is ready status, data in, or data out. for command, Format a Track. AH = OCH DL Drive number (4,5) DH Interleave factor CX Logical track number to format The drive parameters must have been set using operation O. Exit: AL = Error code, 0 if OK CX Track number of error, if there is an error Used: AX,BX,CX,DX,SI,DI Opcode: Entry: = = = = This operation formats a track on the Winchester disk. The drive parameters must be set up by a call to operation O. Multiplying the cylinder number by the number of surfaces, then adding in the surface number yields the logical track number. The interleave factor is typically 12 or 13 for optimum use of the DSR in reading sequential sectors. The error code returned is the controller error code vith extentions for such conditions as time-outs. This operation alvays does a RESTORE operation before the track format, so it is slov to format a disk. 4-74 : DEVICE SERVICE ROUTINES TECHNICAL REFERENCE Format an Alternate Track. AH = ODH DL = Drive number (4,5) DH = Interleave factor CX = Logical track number to format BX = Logical track number of alternate The drive parameters must have been set using operation o. AL = Error code, 0 if OK Exi t : CX = Track number of error, if there is an error AX,BX,CX,D~,SI,DI Used: Opcode: Entry: Formatting routines use this operation to map a bad track to an alternate _track.. The drive parameters must be set up by a call to operation O. Multiplying the cylinder number by the number of surfaces, then adding the surface number yields the logical track number. The interleave factor is typically 12 or 13 for optimum use of the DSR in reading sequential sectors. The error code returned is the controller error code with extensions for such conditions as time-outs. Format a Track as Bad. AH = OEH DL = Drive number (4,5) DH = Interleave factor CX = Logical track number to format The drive parameters must have been set using operation O. Exit: AL = Error code, 0 if OK CX = Track number of error, if there is an error Used: AX,BX,CX,DX,SI,DI Opcode: Entry: This operation formats a defective track so that read operations do not miss the defect. The drive parameters must be set up by a call to operation O. Multiplying the cylinder number by the number of surfaces, then adding the surface number yields the logical track number. The factor is typically 12 or 13 for optimum use of the DSR in reading sequential sectors. The error c,ode returned is the controller error code with extentions for such conditions as timeouts. This operation always does a RESTORE operation before the t rack forma t . 4-75 TECHNICAL REFERENCE DEVICE SERVICE ROUTINES Check the Track Format. AH = OFH DL = Drive number (4,5) DH = Interleave factor CX = Logical track number to check The drive parameters must have been set using operation o. Exit: AL = Error code, 0 if OK CX = Track number of error, if there is an error AX,BX,CX,DX,SI,DI Used: Opcode: Entry: This operation checks a track for proper format. This routine does not report errors for tracks that have been formatted as bad tracks or altern~te tracks unl~ss the 10 fields are incorrect. The drive parameters must be set up by a call to operation O. Multiplying the cylinder number by the number of surfaces, then adding the surface number, yields the logical track riumber. The interleave factor is typically 12 or 13 for optimum use of the DSR in reading sequential sectors. The error code returned is the controller error code with extentions for such conditions as time-outs. Format a Winchester Drive. AH = 10H DL = Drive number (4,5) DH = Interleave factor CX = Logical track number to begin format The drive parameters must have been set using operation 0, Exit: AL = Error code, 0 if OK CX = Track number of errot, if- there is an error AX,BX,CX,DX,SI,DI Used: Opcode: Entry: This operation formats a Winchester drive. The drive parameters must be set by a call to operation O. Multiplying the cylirider number by the number of surfaces, then adding the ~urface numberL yields the logical track number. The interleave factor is typically 12 or 13 for optimum use of the DSR in reading sequential sectors. The error code returned is the controller error code with extentions for ~uch conditions as time-outs. If an ~rror occurs during the drive formatting operation, register ex returns the track in error. If the formatting operation must be completed, increment the track number and call the routine again. This could be necessary, for instance, if a drive defect falls directly on an address mark or 10 field. 4-76 TECHNICAL REFERENCE SYSTEM I/O MAP Appendix A SYSTEM I/O MAP Table A-I System I/O Map Address Device Bit/Use Mo therboard: - --. 00000 U41 Latch 0 1 2 3 4 S 6 1 00001 U48 Input buffer 0 1 2 :3 4 S 6 1 00002 U49 Latch 00003 USO Latch 0-1 0 I 2 4 S 6 1 A-I Speaker timer enable Timer 1 interrupt enable Timer 2 interrupt enable Single-density (FM) enable Track greater than 1/2 (TG43) Diskette side one enable (FSID-) Diskette mode control (Hl) Diskette mode control (MO) Option jumper EI-E2 Option jumper E3-E4 option jumper ES-E6 Par i ty interrupt pending Printer port BUSY Printer port paper .'ou t Printer port printer selected Printer port NO fault Printer port data outputs LED I OFF LED 2 OFF LED :3 OFF Par i ty interrupt enable Printer port not auto feed Printer port not strobe Printer port not initialized SYSTEM I/O MAP TECHNICAL REFERENCE Table A-l System I/O Map (Continued) Address Device Bit/Use Motherboard(Continued): 00004 OOOOS-OOOOF 0001.0 0001.1 00012-00013 USl Latch 0 1. 2 3 4 5 6 1 Diskette Diskette Diskette Diskette Diskette Diskette Diskette Diskette Drive Drive Drive Drive Drive Drive Drive Drive SELECT SELECT SELECT SELECT MOTOR MOTOR MOTOR MOTOR Reserved U44 8251 USART U44 8251 USART Data Register Control Register Reserved 00014 0001.S 00016 0001.1 00018 U45 U4S U45 U45 U46 00019 U46 00020 FDC 00021 00022 FDC FDC 00023 00024-0002F FDC 8253 Timer Counter 0 8253 Timer Counter 1 8253 Timer Counter 2 8253 Timer Control register 8259A Interrupt controller 82S9A Interrupt controller Command register or RAM Track register Sector register or RAM reset Data register Re-s erved Winchester Controller Board: 00030 Winchester I/O port I npu t : 0-1 Don't care. Data is held for each handshake cycle. Ou t pu t : 0-1 Don't care. Data is latched til updated. A-2 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 SYSTEM I/O MAP TECHNICAL REFERENCE Table A-1 System I/O Map (Continued) Address 00031 Device Bit/Use Winchester reset register Read: o Data request 1 Input/Output 2 Command/Data 3 Interrupt pending (Level 6) Write: 0-7 Don't care (Any vrite vill do a RESET) Winchester -Con-troller Boar-t! (Continued): 00032 00033 o 1 Hot used Interrupt Mask Status interrupt enable Data interrupt disable Future Options: Reserved Local Area Het Reserved 00034-00038 0003C-0003F 00040-000BF A-3 I/O SYSTEM I/O MAP TECHNICAL REFERENCE Table A-1 System I/O Map (Continued) Address Bit/Use Device Clock and Analog Interface: OOOCO Clock/Analog Interface 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 000C1 000C2 oooce 000C9 OOOCA OOOCB OOOCC OOOCD OOOCE OOOCF 00000 00001-00007 OOODS OOOD9-000DF End of conversion (EOC)(Active ~IGH) Not used (tied LOW) Lightpen interrupt latch ON Battery loW' SW'itch 4 Switch 3 Switch 2 SW'itch 1 Do not allow light pen interrupt (tri-state signal) AlloW' light pen interrupt (Pass interrupt signal) .Joystick port Xl (Current sense) .Joystick port Y1 (Current sense) .Joystick port X2 (Current sense) .Joystick port Y2 (Current sen-se) Analog input 4 (SW4) (Voltag~ sense) Analog input 3 (SW3) (Voltage sense) Analog input 2 -( SM 2 ) ( Vol tag e --s ens e ) Analog input 1 (SW1) (Voltage sense) Clock Control o Address Bit 0 MSMS832 clock 1 Address Bit 1 MSMS832 clock 2 Address Bit 2 MSMS832 clock 3 Address Bit 3 MSMSe32 clock 4 HOLD 5 WRITE 6 READ 7 + or - 30 sec adjust Reserved Clock data (loW' nibble only) Reserved A-4 TECHNICAL REFERENCE SYSTEM I/O MAP Table A-l System I/O Map (Concluded) Address Device Bit/Use Sync-Async Comm Board: Interrupt Acknowledge CHB command CHB data CHA command CHA data OOOEO-OOOE3 OOOE4 OOOES OOOES OOOE7 COMM Port 1 IRl OOOES-OOOEB OOQEC OOOED OOOEE OOOEF COMM Port 2 IR2 Interrupt Acknowledge CHB command CHB data CHA command CHA data OOOFO-OOOF3 OOOF4 OOOFS OOOFS OOOF7 COMM Port 3 IR3 Interrupt Acknowledge CHB command CHB data CHA command CHA data OOOFS-OOOFB OOOFC OOOFD OOOFE OOOFF COMM Port 4 IR4 Interrupt Acknowledge CHB Command CHB Data CHA Command CHA Data OOlOQ-003FF Available for future products A-Sis SYSTEM MEMORY MAP TECHNICAL REFERENCE Appendix B SYSTEM MEMORY MAP Table B-1 Address System Memory Map Devices Dynamic RAM: OOOOO-OFFFF 10000-1FFFF 20000-2FFFF :30000-:3FFFF 64-kbytes 64-kbytes 64-kbytes 64-kbytes motherboard RAM expansion RAM board Bank 1 expansion RAM board Bank 2 expansion RAM board Bank :3 40000-BFFFF Expansion bus memory CRT Controller: COOOO-C7FFF C8000-CFFFF DOOOO-D7FFF D8000-DDFFF Graphics RAM Bank A Graphics BAM Bank B Graphics RAM Bank C Reserved DEOOO-DE7FF DE800-DEFFF Active character memory Phantom character memory DFOOO Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit ::3 Miscellaneous input buffer, BLUE feedback, read only Miscellaneous input buffer, RED feedback, read only Miscellaneous input buffer, GREEN feedback, read only Miscellaneous input buffer, interrupt pending, read only B-1 TECHNICAL REFERENCE Table B-1. Address DF001-DFOOF DF010-DF01F DF020-DF02F DF030-DF03F DF040-DF7FF DF800-DF80F DF810 DFB11 DF812 DF813 DF814-DF81F SYSTEM MEMORY MAP System Memory Map, Concluded Devices Miscellaneous input buffer Graphics RED palette latch, write only Graphics GRN palette latch, write only Graphics BLU palette latch, write only Reserved Attribute latch CRT controller address register, write only CRT Controller status register, read only CRT Controller address register, write only CRT Controller address register, write only Reserved DF820 Bit 7 Bit 6 Miscellaneous output latch, interrupt enable Miscellaneous output latch, alphanumerics screen enable Other Peripherals: DF821-DFFFF. EOOOO-E7FFF Reserved Reserved for speech storage RAM E8000-F3FFF Reserved ROM Usage: F4000-FSFFF F6000-F7FFF F8000-F9FFF FAOOO-FBFFF FCOOO-FDFFF FEOOO-FFFFF 8K ROM space(Clock/Analog Interface) 8K ROM space(Local Area Net Option Board) 8K ROM space(Winchester Controller) 8K ROM space(Reserved) 8K ROM space, 1 wait state (XU62) (motherboard) 8K system ROM, 1 wait state (U63) (motherboard) B-2 CHARACTER SET TECHNICAL REFERENCE Appendix C CHARACTER SET Table C-l ASCII Control Characters From USA Standards Institute Publication X3.4-l968 ACK BEL BS CAN CR DCl DC2 DC3 DC4 *DEL OLE EM ENQ EOT ESC ETB ETX acknowledge bell backspace cancel carriage return device control 1 device control :2 device control 3 device control 4 delete data link escape end of medium enquiry end of transmission escape end of transmission block end of text * FF FS GS HT LF NAK NUL RS S1 SO SOH STX SUB SYN US VT form feed file separator group separator horizontal tabulation line feed negative acknowledge null record separator shift in shift out start of heading start of text substitute synchronous idle unit separator vertical tabulation Not strictly a control character C-l TECHNICAL REFERENCE Table C-2. CHARACTER SET Numeric Cross Reference for Character Sets Decimal Hexadecimal Keystrokelsl ASCII Character Displayed Character 0 00 CTRL2 NUL 01 CTRLA SOH @ 2 02 CTRLB STX I 3 03 CTRLC ETX 4 04 CTRLD EOT 5 05 CTRLE ENG 6 06 CTRLF ACK 7 07 CTRLG BEL 8 08 CTRL H, BACKSPACE, SHIFT, BACKSPACE BS 9 09 CTRLI HT <> 10 OA CTRL RETURN, CTRLJ, LINE FEED LF I 11 OB CTRLK VT a 12 OC CTRLL FF 9 13 00 CTRLM, RETURN, SHIFT RETURN CR ]I 14 OE CTRLN SO ~ 15 OF CTRLO SI ~ 16 10 CTRLP OLE ~ 17 11 CTRLG DC1 --4 18 12 CTRL R DC2 + 19 13 CTRLS DC3 • •t t • a II • I 20 14 CTRL T DC4 9T 21 15 CTRLU NAK § C-2 Comments TECHNICAL REFERENCE Table C-2. CHARACTER SET Numeric Cross-Reference for Character Sets (Continued) Decimal Hexadecimal Keystroke(s) ASCII Character 22 16 CTRLV SYN 23 17 CTRLW ETB 24 18 CTRLX CAN t 25 19 CTRLY EM .J, 26 1A CTRLZ SUB -+ 27 1B CTRL[, ESC, SHIFT ESC, CTRLESC ESC .... 28 1C CTRL\ FS 1- 29 10 CTRL) GS 30 1E CTRL6 RS ++ A 31 1F CTRL- US ~ 32 20 CTRLSPACE, SPACEBAR, ALTSPACE, SHIFT SPACE SP 33 21 Exclamation point 34 22 Quotation marks 35 23 # # # Number, Pound 36 24 $ $ $ Dollar sign 37 25 % % % Percent sign 38 26 & & & Ampersand 39 27 Apostrophe 40 28 Open parenthesis 41 29 Close parenthesis 42 2A * * * Asterisk 43 2B + + + Plus C-3 Displayed Character - Comments 1 Blank space TECHNICAL REFERENCE Table C-2. Decimal Hexadecimal CHARACTER SET Numeric Cross-Reference for Character Sets (Continued) Keystroke(s) ASCII Character Displayed Character Comments 44 2C Comma 45 2D Minus, Hyphen 46 2E Period, Decimal point 47 2F 48 30 49 31 50 32 2 2 2 Two 51 33 3 3 3 Three 52 34 4 4 4 Four 53 35 5 5 5 Five 54 36 6 6 6 Six 55 37 7 7 7 Seven 56 38 8 8 8 Eight 57 39 9 9 9 Nine 58 3A Colon 59 38 Semicolon 60 3C 61 3D 62 3E > > > Greater than 63 3F ? ? ? Question mark 64 40 @ @ @ Commercial "at" 65 41 A A A A (uppercase) 66 42 8 8 8 8 (uppercase) 67 43 C C C C (uppercase) 68 44 D D D D (uppercase) 0 / / Slash, Virgule 0 0 Zero One < < < Less than Equals si!ln C-4 TECHNICAL REFERENCE CHARACTER SET Table C-2. Numeric Cross-Reference for Character Sets (Continued) Decimal Hexadecimal Keystroke(s) ASCII Character Displayed Character Comments 69 45 E E E E (uppercase) 70 46 F F F F (uppercase) 71 47 G G G G (uppercase) 72 48 H H H H (uppercase) 73 49 74 4A J J J J (uppercase) 75 48 K K K K (uppercase) 76 4C L L L L (uppercase) 77 40 M M M M(uppercase) 78 4E N N N N (uppercase) 79 4F 0 0 0 o (uppercase) 80 50 P P P P (uppercase) 81 51 Q Q Q Q (u ppercase) 82 52 R R R R (uppercase) 83 53 S S S S· (uppercase) 84 54 T T T T ·(uppercase) 85 55 U U U U. (uppercase) 86 56 V V V V.(uppercase) 87 57 W W W W (uppercase) 88 58 X X X X (uppercase) 89 59 y y y Y (uppercase) 90 5A Z Z Z Z (uppercase) 91 58 92 5C 93 50 I (uppercase) i Open bracket \ \ \ Left slash Close bracket C-s TECHNICAL REFERENCE Table C-2. CHARACTER SET Numeric Cross-Reference for Character Sets (Continued) Displayed Character, Decimal Hexadecimal Keystroke(s) ASCII Character 94 5E " " 95 5F 96 60 " " " Graves accent 97 61 a a a a (lowercase) 98 62 b b b b (lowercase) 99 63 c c c c (lowercase) 100 64 d d d d (lowercase) 101 65 e e e e (lowercase) 102 66 f f f f (lowercase) 103 67 9 9 9 9 (lowercase) 104 68 h h h h (lowercase) 105 69 i (lowercase) 106 6A j (lowercase) 107 68 108 6C 109 60 m m m m (lowercase) 110 6E n n n n (lowercase) 111 6F 0 0 0 o (lowercase) 112 70 p p p p (lowercase) 113 71 q q q q (lowercase) 114 72 115 73 116 74 117 75 118 76 " Comments Circumflex Underline k k k k (lowercase) I (lowercase) r (lowercase) s s s (lowercase) t t t (lowercase) u u u u (lowercase) v v v v (lowercase), s C-6 CHARACTER SET TECHNICAL REFERENCE Table C-2. Numeric Cross Reference for Character Sets (Continued) Decimal Hexadecimal Keystroke(s) ASCIf Character Displayed Character 119 n w w w w (lowercase) 120 78 x x x x (lowercase) 121 79 y y y y (lowercase) 122 7A z z z z (lowercase) 123 7B 124 '7C 125 70 126 7E '\" '\" 127 7F CTRL'BACKSPACE DEL 128 80 ALT 128 C; 129 81 ALT 129 U 130 82 ALT 130 e 131 83 ALT 131 "a 132 84 ALT 132 a 133 85 ALT 133 ...a 134 86 ALT 134 it 135 87 ALT 135 9 136 88 Al.T 136 ~ 137 89 ALT 137 e 138 8A ALT 138 ...e 139 8B ALT 139 I 140 8C ALT 140 1 141 80 ALT141 142 8E ALT 142 Comments Open brace Vertical Fule, Bar Close brace '\" ASCII DEL , ... I A C-7 Tilde rECHKICAL REFEREKCE Table C-2. CHARACTER SET Numeric Cross-Reference for Character Sets (Continued) /' Keystroke(s) ASCII Character Displayed Character Decimal Hexadecimal 143 SF ALT 143 A 144 90 ALT 144 E 145 91 ALT 145 ill 146 92 ALT 146 f. 147 93 ALT 147 1\ 0 94 ALT 148 0 149 95 ALT 149 '0 150 96 ALT 150 151 97 ALT 151 ...u 152 98 ALT 152 y 153 99 ALT 153 0 154 9A ALT 154 U 155 98 ALT 155 ¢. 156 9C ALT 156 £. 157 90 ALT 157 ~ 158 9E ALT 158 p+ 159 9F ALT 159 f 160 AO ALT 160 a'" 161 A1 ALT 161 162 A2 ALT 162 163 A3 ALT 163 164 A4 ALT 164 n 165 A5 ALT 165 iii 166 A6 ALT 166 0 167 A7 AL T 167 a 148 -, Comments .- 1\ u .I , 0 ., u , C-B .", TECHNICAL REFERENCE Table C-2. CHARACTER SET Numeric Cross-Reference for Character Sets (Continued) ASCII Character Displayed Character Decimal Hexadecimal Keystroke(s) 168 A8 ALT 168 ~ 169 A9 ALT 169 r 170 AA ALT 170 ., 171 AB ALT 171 ~ 172 AC ALT 172 ~ 173 .. AD -ALT173 174 AE ALT 174 ~ 175 AF ALT 175 ~ 176 BO ALT 176 177 B1 ALT 177 178 B2 ALT178 179 B3 ALT 179 180 B4 ALT 180 181 B5 ALT 181 182 B6 ALT 182 183 B7 ALT 183 184 B8 ALT 184 185 B9 ALT 185 186 BA ALT 186 187 BB ALT 187 188 BC ALT 188 189 BD ALT 189 190 BE ALT 190 191 BF ALT 191 ;92 CO ALT 192 II L C-9 Comments TECHNICAL REFERENCE Table C-2. CHARACTER SET Numeric Cross-Reference for Character Sets (Continued) ~-- ASCII Character Displayed Character Decimal Hexadecimal Keystroke(s) 193 C1 ALT193 l. 194 C2 ALT 194 T 195 C3 ALT 195 196 C4 ALT 196 197 C5 ALT 197 198 C6 - ALT 198 199 C7 ALT 199 200 C8 ALT200 201 C9 ALT201 202 CA ALT202 203 CB ALT203 Comments / 204 CC ALT204 205 CD ALT205 206 CE ALT206 207 CF ALT207 208 DO ALT208 209 01 ALT209 210 02 ALT210 211 03 ALT211 212 04 ALT212 213 05 ALT213 214 06 ALT214 215 07 ALT215 216 08 ALT216 217 09 ALT217 n C-10 .- TECHNICAL REFERENCE Table C-2. CHARACTER SET Numeric Cross-Reference for Character Sets (Continued) ASCII Character Displayed Character Decimal Hexadecimal Keystroke(s) 218 DA ALT218 219 DB ALT219 220 DC ALT220 221 DO ALT221 222 DE ALT222 223 .. OF ALT223 224 EO ALT224 a: 225 E1 ALT225 (3 226 E2 ALT226 r 227 E3 ALT227 rr 228 E4 ALT228 I 229 E5 ALT229 a 230 E6 ALT230 j.t 231 E7 ALT231 T 232 E8 ALT232 ell 233 E9 ALT233 9 234 EA ALT234 Q 235 EB ALT235 d 236 EC ALT236 co 237 ED ALT237 ~ 238 EE ALT238 E 239 EF ALT239 (1 240 FO ALT240 = 241 F1 ALT241 ± 242 F2 ALT242 ~ C-ll Comments CHARACTER SET TECHNICAL REFERENCE Table C-2. Numeric Cross-Reference for Character Set (Concluded) f/--~ ASCII Character Displayed Character Decimal Hexadecimal Keystroke(s) 243 F3 ALT243 ~ 244 F4 ALT244 r 245 F5 ALT245 246 F6 ALT246 247 F7 ALT247 :::: 248 F8 ALT.248 0 249 F9 ALT249 • 250 FA ALT250 • 251 FB ALT251 V 252 Fe ALT252 '1 253 FD ALT253 z 254 FE ALT254 • 255 FF ALT255 Comments J C-12 "- TECHNICAL REFERENCE CURRENT REQUIREMENTS Appendix 0 CURRENT REQUIREMENTS This appendix contains information on the current allocations for the Texas Instruments Professional Computer. Current requirements for the options and the printed wiring boards are listed below. -Total current avallable: * * * 5 Volt line 10.0 A .. 12 Volt line··4.5 ~ -5 Volt line 0.5 A Table 0-1 Current Allocations Device Name 5 Volt Line 12 Volt Line -12 Volt Line Motherboard CRT Controller RAM Expansion Graphics Diskette Drive Winchester Drive Winchester Controller Communications Modem Speech 1.9 1.3 0.2 0.8 1.0 1.1 1.7 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.2 1.8 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 1.9 0-1/2 TECHNICAL REFERENCE ASYNCHRONOUS COMMUNICATIONS SAMPLE PROGRAM Appendix E ASYNCHRONOUS COMMUNICATIONS SAMPLE PROGRAM Control and Status signals Listed below are the RS232-C control and status signals, with the corresponding 9530 functions used to control and monitor them. This table is a summary of information available from the sync-async comm board schematic. Table E-1 RS232-C Control and status signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------- RS232-C Signal Pin Number 9530 Function Accessed through ------------------------------------------------------------------------20 DTRA Channel A, HR5, Bit 7 Request-to-Send (RTS) 4 RTSA Channel A, WR5, Bit 1 Data Set Ready (DSR) 6 DCDB Channel B, RRO, Bit 3 Data Carrier Detect (DCD) 9 DCDA Channel A, RRO, Bit Clear-To-Send (CTS) 5 CTSA Channel A, RRO, Ring Indicator (RI) 22 CTSB Channe',l B, RRO, Bit 5 Speed Selector (CH) 11, 23 DTRB Channel B, HR5, Bit 7 Speed Indicator (CI) 12 SYNCB Channel B, RRO, Data Terminal Ready (DTR) 3 Bit 5 Bit 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- E-1 TECHNICAL REFERENCE ASYNCHRONOUS COMMUNICATIONS SAMPLE PROGRAM $ERRORPRINT $XREF ;*****************************************************************************: TITLE COMMEX - Example of Async communications COMPUTER - 8088 ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE ABSTRACT This a sample program showing typical initialization of the TIPC communications board in asynchronous, polled mode. ;***************************************************************************** NAME COMMEX $TITLE(COMMEX - ASYNC COMMUNICATIONS EXAMPLE) $EJECT ;*************~*************************************************************** PUBLIC DEFINITIONS ;***************************************************************************** PUBLIC COMMEX $EJECT ;***************************************************************************** LOCAL CONSTANTS ;***************************************************************************** P1CMDA P1CMDB $EJECT BIOCODE ASSUME EQU OE6H EQU OE4H PORT 1, CHANNEL A COMMAND ADDRESS. ; PORT 1, CHANNEL B COMMAND ADDRESS. / SEGMENT BYTE PUBLIC CS:BIOCODE,DS:BIOCODE ~ ;***************************************************************************** 8530 Initialization Routine This routine initializes Port 1 according to a lable of initialization parameters stored in PARMST. PARMST contains an image of the contents of the various 8530 registers. The contents of each register is preceeded by the number of the register itself. This number is used to select the appropriate register on the 8530. Thi sin it ial i za t i on programs· the por t for asynchronous, polled operations where all interrupts from channel A (i.e., receive, transmit and external status interrupts) and channel B (i.e., external status interrupts) are disabled. The software is to poll read register RRO in channel A to determine when data has been received and whether transmission of data has completed. ;***************************************************************************** COMMEX PROC NEAR First, the 8530 channel A is initialized. MOY SI,OFFSET PARMTA; SI=Address of Chn A parm table. MOY DX,OE6H DX=Port 1,Channel A Command address. MOV CX,PARMAS CX=Parameter table size. INIA: LODS DS:BYTE PTR[SI] Get byte from parameter table. E-2 TECHNICAL REFERENCE OUT DX,AL LOOP INIA ASYNCHRONOUS COMMUNICATIONS SAMPLE PROGRAM Write it to 8530 until all registers are programmed. Now to initialize channel B. MOV SI,OFFSET PARMTB; SI=Address of Chn B parm table. MOV CX,PARMBS CX=Parameter table size. MOV DX,OE4H DX=Port l,Channel B Command address. IHIB: LODS DS:BYTE PTR[SI] Get byte from parameter table. OUT DX,AL Write it until all registers are programmed. LOOP IHIB RET COMMEX ENDP $E.1ECT E-3 TECHNICAL REFERENCE ASYNCHRONOUS CqMMUNICATIONS SAMPLE PROGRAM ;**************************************************************************. This area contains the initialization parameters for channels A and B of port 1. /- ;**************************************************************************** Initialization parameters for channel A. PARMTA LABEL NEAR DB 09 ; Select WR9 code. DB 11000000B ; Reset 8530. DB 11 ; Select WRll code. OS 01010010S ; Rcv clock=Baud rate generator. ; Xmt clock=Baud rate generator. OS 14 ; Select WR14. DB 00000011S ; Enable baud rate generator. DB 12 ; Select WR12. OS 6 ; Baud rate (lov byt~)= 9600 baud. OS 13 ; Select WR13. DB 0 ; Saud rate (high byte)= 9600 baud. OS 15 ; Select WR1S. DB 0 Disable external status interrupts. DB 1 Select WR1. OS 0 Disable all other interrupts. DB 3 Select WR3. DB 01000001S Rcv=7 bits of data + parity bit. OS 4 ; Select WR4. DB 01000110B x16 clock input,! stop bit, ; even parity enabled. OS 5 ; Select WRS. DB 10101010B ; Turn on DTR and RTS, Transmit enable, Xmt=7 bits of data + parity bit. PARMAS EQU $-PARKTA ; Initialization parameters for channel B. PARMTB LABEL NEAR Select WR1S. DB 15 Disable external status interrupts. DB 00 Select WR1. DB 01 Disable all other interrupts. DB 00 PARKBS EQU $-PARMTB $E~ECT E-4 TECHNICAL REFERENCE ASYNCHRONOUS COMMUNICATIONS SAMPLE PROGRAM ;****************************************************************************~ 8530 Receive Character Routine This routine is called to read a single received character from the 8530 receive receive fifo. If no character is available in the fifo, this routine waits until a character is received before returning to . , the caller. ;****************************************************************************, READCH PROC NEAR MOV DX,OE6H DX=Port 1, Chn A, command address. TRYRAG: IN AL,DX ; Read RRO contents. AND AL,OOOOOOOlS ;Q: Any characters in rcv fifo? JZ TRYRAG No, try again. MOV DX,OE7H Yes, DX=data port address. IN AL,DX , AL=character received. RET READCH ENDP $EJECT \ E-5 TECHNICAL REFERENCE ASYNCHRONOUS COMMUNICATIONS SAMPLE PROGRAM ;***************************************************************************** 8530 Transmit Character Routine This routine is called to write a single character (in AL register) to the 8530 for transmission. If a character is currently being transmitted this routine waits until transmission of that character completes before attempting to transmit the next character. I~ ;***************************************************************************** WRITEC PROC NEAR MOV DX,OE6H ; DX=Port 1, Chn A, command address. TRYXAG: IN AL,DX ; Read RRO contents. AND AL,00000100B ;Q: Character being transmitted? JZ TRYXAG Yes, try again. KOV DX,OE7H No, DX=data port address. OUT DX,AL AL=character received. RET WRITEC ENDP BIOCODE ENDS £-6 TECHNICAL REFERENCE MODEM SAMPLE ROUTINES Appendix F MODEM SAMPLE ROUTINES RCNTL ;************************************************************ RCNTL - This subroutine determines whether a modem is installed in port 1 and if so, activates the RCNTL signal to initiate the modem control Mode. ;************************************************************ RCNTL PROC MOV MOV OUT MOV OUT NEAR DX,00E4H AL,OS DX,AL A.;', 02 DX,AL DX = PORT 1 CHANNEL B ADDRESS. WRS.SELECT. SELECT REGISTER S. TURN ON RCNTL (RTS IN CHANNEL B) . NOW TO DETERMINE IF MODEM IS INSTALLED. LOOP: MOV MOV OUT IN TEST .]Z RET RCNTL ENDP DX,OOE6H AL,10H DX,AL AL,DX AL,00010000B LOOP = ~ DX PORT 1 CHANNEL A ADDRESS. RESET EXTERNAL STATUS INTERRUPTS. READ RRO. ;Q: IS ACNTL (SYNCA) ACTIVE? NO, CONTINUE TO LOOK FOR ACNTL . ; YES, RETURN TO CALLER IN CONTROL MODE. F-l TECHNICAL REFERENCE MODEM SAMPLE ROUTINES DIAGST ;************************************************************** ; DIAGST - This routine requests the diagnostics status from , the modem and returns the result in register AL. It is assumed that the Zilog 9530 has been previously initialized and that the modem has been placed in Control Mode. ;************************************************************** DIAGST LOOP: PROC MOV MOV OUT MOV IN TEST .JZ DIAGST MOV IN RET ENDP NEAR DX,00E7H AL, 'D' DX,AL DX,00E6H AL,DX AL,000000018 LOOP DX,00E7H AL,DX OX = PORT 1, CHANNEL A DATA PORT ADDRESS. AL = DIAGNOSTIC COMMAND CODE. REQUEST MODEM DIAGNOSTICS STATUS. OX =PORT 1, CHANNEL A COMMAND ADDRESS. READ CHANNEL A'S RRO. ;Q: HAS A CHARACTER ARRIVED FROM MODEM? NO, KAIT FOR COMMAND RESPONSE. YES, OX = PORT 1 DATA PORT ADDRESS. READ DATA FROM RCV FIFO. RETURN KITH STATUS IN AL. F-2 TECHNICAL REFERENCE MODEM SAMPLE ROUTINES DIALER ;********************************************************* DIALER - This routine dials a does not monitor the it assumes the Zilog initialized and that in Control Mode. typical phone number. It progress of the call and 8530 has been previously the modem has been placed The phone number to be dialed is contained in a buffer (phonum) and is terminated by a nUll. ;********************************************************* DIALER PROC MOV M"OV· . MOV OUT NEAR DX,OOE7H ; OX = PORT 1, CHANNEL A DATA PORT ADDRESS. 01 ,OFFSET-"'"PHONUM ; 01 =ADDRESS OF PHONE NUMBER BUFFER. AL, , T' ;Use T for touch tone DX,AL ;Transmit - command to modem Nest send the strip of telephone numbers LOOP: MOV XOR JE OUT INC JMP SENDPT: MOV OUT LOOP1: DIALER AL'- [01 J AL,AL SENDPT DX.AL ; GET PHONE NUMBER DIGIT. ;Q: END OF PHONE NUMBER? LOOP YES, SEND PHONE NUMBER TERMINATOR. NO, SEND DIGIT TO MODEK. POINT TO NEXT DIGIT. CONTINUE IN LOOP. AL, t X' DX,AL AL PHONE NUMBER TERMINATOR COMMAND. SEND TO MODEM. 01 = NOW TO WAIT FOR THE DIAL COMMAND COMPLETION. AL RETURNS THE STATUS OF THE DIAL COMMAND. OX =PORT 1, CHANNEL A COMMAND ADDRESS. MOV DX,OOE6H READ CHANNEL A'S RRO. IN AL,DX TEST ;Q: HAS A CHARACTER ARRIVED FROM MODEM? AL,OOOOOOOlB NO, WAIT FOR COMMAND RESPONSE. LOOP1 JZ DX,OOE7H MOV YES, OX = PORT 1 DATA PORT ADDRESS. READ DATA FROM RCV FIFO. IN AL,DX RET ENDP F-3/4 TECHNICAL REFERENCE BOOT ROUTINE AND SAMPLE ASSEMBLY CODE Appendix G BOOT ROUTINE AND SAMPLE ASSEMBLY CODE Appendix G gives a sample source program that could be in the boot sector. This example is excerpted from the MS-DOS Vl.10 boot sector. G-l BOOT ROUTINE AND SAMPLE ASSEMBLY CODE TECHNICAL REFERENCE ;************************************************************************* TITLE BOOT - SAMPLE BOOT ROUTINE FOR THE TI PROFESSIONAL COMPUTER This routine is responsible for loading the system files ABSTRACT from the disk. This routine resides in the 'boot' sector (track 0 sector 1) of the disk which is loaded at absolute location OCOOOH boot code in the system ROM and then executed. ;****************************************************************************** NAME TITLE PAGE BOOT TIPC BOOT LOGIC) ;****************************************************************************** LOCAL CONSTANTS ;****************************************************************************** VERS REV EQU EQU o o CR LF EQU EQU ODH OAH Current version of BOOT logic Revision level ;-----------------------~--~----------------------------------------------~~-~- ; WINCHESTER disk DIT (Disk Interface Table) equates STRUC DO DW DB DB DB DB OW OW DB DB OW DITSTRC ENDS PAGE DITSTRC DITDIR DITSEC DITTRK DITCYL DITDSK DITERR DITWRC DITPRC DITSTP DITBUR 0 512 17 4 153 1 64 64 10000000B 11 0000 Di sk Interface Routine vector (dword) Sector size in bytes (word) Track size in sectors (byte) Cylinder size in tracks (byte) Disk size in cylinders (BYTE) Maximum number of error retries reduced write current .Write pre-comp threshold cylinder step option Error burst length reserved for expansion ROM BIOS lnterface vectors: BELINT CRTINT KEYINT PRTINT GAMINT DSKINT CLKINT CONINT EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU 4BH 49H 4AH 4BH 4CH 4DH 4EH 4FH System beeper I/O and general ROM interface Screen I/O Keyboard I/O Parallel port I/O Analog Input/Clock I/O Floppy disk I/O Time-of-day clock I/O System conflguration G-2 TECHNICAL REFERENCE BOOT ROUTINE AND SAMPLE ASSEMBLY CODE ;----------------------------------------------------- ------------------------FIXED ROM DATA AREA - (absolute offsets from absolute 0) These equations define the ROM communications area, containing data that must be accessed by both the ROM and user/application programs. This data is accessed from the 'user' program by setting OS = O. DSADDR DSSIZR DSADDO DSSIZO DSADD2 DSSIZ2 DSADD4 DSSIZ4 DSADD6 DSSIZ6 DSADD8 DSSIZ8 MEMSIZ EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU 4*60H 4*60H+2 4*61H 4*61H+2 4*62H 4*62H+2 4*6:3H 4*6:3H+2 4*64H 4*64H+2 4*65H 4*65H+2 4*66H (WORD) (WORD) (WORD) (WORD) (WORD) (WORD) (WORD) (WORD) (WORD) (WORD) (WORD) (WORD) (WORD) pointer to OS for System ROM (ROMDAT) size of OS for System ROM (ROMDAT) pointer to OS for ROM at ROMCOD:OOOO size of OS for ROM at ROMCOD:OOOO pointer to OS for ROM at ROMCOD:2000 size of OS for ROM at ROMCOD:2000 pointer to OS for ROM at ROMCOD:4000 size of OS for ROM at ROMCOD:4000 pointer to OS for ROM at ROMCOD:6000 size of OS for ROM at ROMCOD:6000 pointer to OS for ROM at ROMCOD:8000 size of OS for ROM at ROMCOD:8000 memory size (number of 16-byte blocks) ;------------------------------------------------------------~----------------- , DISK DSR OPERATION .CODES 0 Reset disk system, drive parms must be preset DKRSET EQU DKSTAT EQU 1 Get disk status in Cal) 2 DKREAD EQU Read sectors into memory DKWRIT EQU :3 Write memory to disk sectors 4 DKVERF EQU Verify crc on disk sectors 6 .QKVRFY EQU Verify memory against disk sectors DKSSTA EQU 7 Get disk status for pre-retry (if any) DKFSET EQU B Set UNIT & standard DIT for a drive DKXSET EQU 9 Set UNIT & DIT address for a drive DKRDIT EQU 10 Return DIT address for drive DKKMOT EQU 11 Turn off Floppy Disk Motors DKBADC EQU 12 Old >= this is a bad command ;****************************************************************************** 10 segment - defines load address and entry point for BIOS , absolute location 400H 10 SEGMENT AT 40H ASSUME CS: 10 IOSYS IOSYS PROC ENDP 10 ENDS PAGE SEGMENT AT 0000 ; Absolute location OOOOH ASSUME CS:CODE, DS:CODE, SS:CODE, ES:CODE CODE FAR IO.SYS loaded here (40:0000) G-:3 BOOT ROUTINE AND SAMPLE ASSEMBLY CODE TECHNICAL REFERENCE ;***********************************************************************~ :*. Data area for ROM definitions ;**************************************************************************** OLDRMD IOSIZ ROMDAT MOVDST ORG LABEL 400H HORD EQU ORG LABEL ORG 7 1200H BYTE 1200H+13CH EQU (ROMDAT-OLDRMD)/16 Initial location of ROM data area Number of sectors in IO.SYS (OLDRMD+7*512) Location of rom data area ;****************************************************************************, MODULE ENTRY POINT ;**********************************************************************~*****, ORG PROC .IMP BOOT OCOOOH FAR BOOTST Entry point for boot logic ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------HEADER DATA AREA ;------------------~-----------~---------------------------------------------~ ORG OC003H Always start here File access table IOSEC IOTRK IOHEAD - Shows the loader where to find IO.SYS l DB DB DB 8 0 0 1 side 40 track load sector 1 side 40 track load track 1 side 40 track load head '- THE FOLLOWING BYTE MUST BE SET UP BY THE FORMAT COMMAND TO INDICATE THE DRIVE TYPE FOR WHICH THE DISK IS FORMATTED. THE PERMISSIBLE VALUES ARE 0-3 WHICH CORRESPOND WITH THE FLOPPY DISK TYPE. DSKTYP DB 00 Disk formatted BOODRV DB 00 Storage for boot drive n~m~er type WINCHESTER DIT WINDIT DITSTRC <> SIGNON DB DB DB 18 BYTES LONG CR,LF, 'BOOT V' VERS/IO+'O','.' ,VERS MOD 10+'0' ,REV+'O' (c) 1983 Texas Instruments, Inc.' ,0 PAGE ;***************************************************************************** G-4 BOOT ROUTINE AND SAMPLE ASSEMBLY CODE TECHNICAL REFERENCE DISK BOOT LOGIC - ROMOAT is moved from its initial location (absolute address 400H) to its ~orklng location under MSDOS (absolute address 1200H). This code is called (FAR) by the ROM. If an error is found, it can perform a RETurn to let the ROM handle it in the same manner as the other boot-time errors. INPUT: BL = Floppy drive from which to attempt the boot stack is set up below thlS code by the ROM BOOTST: MOV CALL SI,OFFSET SIGNON; Signon the boot sector MSG First, move the ROM data area out of B002: PUSH MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV KOV OR ~ay. Save the ROM's ES Note that CS = CODE = OOOOH) OS = CS = CODE = OOOOH ES = CS = CODE = OOOOH Save boot drive Point to last possible rom data area pOinter Get data pointer ;Q : Da t a are a i nus e ? Y: Jump and calc data length N: Point to next data area pointer And check lt SUB .IKP ES AX,CS OS ,AX ES,AX BOODRV,BL BX,DSAODe AX ["B"X] AX,AX B004 BX,4 B002 KOV SHL ADD SUB KOV KOV KOV MOV ADD CL , 4 Convert dsaddX pointer to absolute address AX,CL AX , (BX+2J And add in the last data area length AX,offset OLDRKD; Subtract the orlginal location CX,AX Results in total length to move SI,offset OLDRMD; DS:SI = source for the move DI,offset ROKDAT; ES:OI = destination for th~ move Get length of move into BP BP CX BP ,01 + ROKOAT = lo~est available memory MOV CKP DX.DS:~ord .IE B007 ADD ADD DEC DEC STD CLI REP CLD MOV SI,CX DI,CX SI CMP word ptr (BX].OOOO .1NZ B004: the I I Pick up the ROKO~T pointer Q: Has the move already taken place ? (True if ROM is retrying the boot) Y: Then skip the move this time N: Then do the move 00 the move in reverse in case ROKDAT area is larger than move length. a relative a relative ptr DSADOR OX,(offset ROMDAT/16) 01 MOVSB BX,OSAOOR Protect the move Do the move , " RESET STRING DIRECTION ... Set up the rest start with DSAOOR I " I I I BOOS: Q: G-S ROK's DSADDx = zero? BOOT ROUTINE AND SAMPLE ASSEMBLY CODE TECHNICAL REFERENCE JZ ADD B006 word ptr [BX),MOVDST . N: Not installed, go to next one Y: Then adjust it B007 ,, , , , Q: Are we all done? Y: Continue with boot , , BX,4 SHORT BOOS " " B006: CMP JE ADD JMP ... , ,, . BX,DSADD8 K: Point to the next ROM's DSADDx and loop for next one , , B007: , , , Shields down STI HERE ROMDAT HAS BEEN MOVED AND BP CONTAINS LOWEST AVAILABLE MEM ADDRESS TELL DSR ABOUT THIS DISK TYPE MOV MOV MOV INT DL,BOODRV --AL,OSKTYP AH,OKFSET DSKINT Set up t~e MOV OR JZ PUSH MOV MOV MOV CALL POP Drive number Get the disk formatted type Set the floppy DIT opcode Go do i t . WINCHESTER if lt is lnstalled. AX,DS:WORD PTR DS-ADD4 AX,AX BOOT20 ES ES,AX SI,OFFSET WINDIT+4 AH,O ES:DWORD PTR 0000 ES ;check for winchester winchester installed? ; Q; ; N; jump ; Y; save OS ;get winchester ROM ES ;get pointer to new DIT ;copy and set new wlnchester DIT ;call the winchester ROM ;retrieve ES BOOT20: Load IO.SYS first - 7 sectors (3.5K) loaded, have to miss the ROM data area If a disk error occurs, it returns to the caller for error handling (the caller is assumed to be the routine DKBOOT in the System ROM). MOV MOV MOV MOV BX,offset OLDRMD CX,word ptr IOSEC DH, IOHEAD DL,BOODRV MOV INT JB MOV MOV JMP AX,DKREAD*256+IOSIZ DSKINT NOBOOT BL,DL AX,BP IOSYS Transfer offset (ES already set) Starting at proper track and sector . .. and head From boot disk. 7 sectors Select disk read function Disk DSR If error, die Tell BIOS init about the boot drive And the lowest available address Else, go to BIOS init code register AH contains an error code to be reported by the ROM NOBOOT: POP ES Restore original ES before ROM gets at it G-6 "- TECHNICAL REFERENCE MOV RET ENDP PAGE BOOT BOOT ROUTINE AND SAMPLE ASSEMBLY CODE DS,DS:word ptr DSADDR ; And point OS at ; FAR Return to DK800T the new ROMDAT ;****************************************************************************** MSG - Output string uf characters in the current CS to the CRT. The string should be terminated with a zero byte. INPUT: SI = offset of strlng ~n current CS OUTPUT: (screen) USED: AX,S1 STACK: ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------FROC NEAR MSG MSGO: LODS on MSG1: MSG CODLEN CODFIL CODE JNZ RET MOV 1NT JMP ENDP CS:byte ptr (SI]; Get the char AL,AL Q: Last char? MSGl N: Jump and print it. Y: *** RETURN *** AH,CRTWTY CRT1NT Else print it MSGO And loop EQU EQU DB $-BOOT 512-CODLEN-'4 CODFIL DUP (0) LENGTH OF THE CODE TOTAL SPACE AVAIL FOR CODE SPACE FILLER DB OW •t Disk ldentifier Boot sector eRC (Calculated by a utility) 1 ' OOOOH ENDS END G-7 BOOT ROUTINE AND SAMPLE ASSEMBLY CODE TECHNICAL REFERENCE The following pages show a sample assembly code. a 2048 byte ROM at address F400:6000. DATASIZ EQU 30H ;ROMDS ;ROMDS ;ROMOS ROMOS ; ROMDS 184H 188H °18CH 192H 196H CODE 0- EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU This code will set up:-~ ;length of required data area ;can be zero but must be multiple of 16 ;for ROM at F400:0000 ;for ROM at F400:2000 ;for ROM at F400: 4~00 ;for ROM at F400:6000 ;for ROM at F400:8000 (main board) SEGMENT AT OF400H ASSUME CS: CooDE ORG 6000H ROM HEADER MSGBEG MSGLEN ON ON DB DB DB DB EQU 2048 ENTRY MSGLEN ODH,OAH • Vl. 23-- XMPROM, example ROM OOH,OAH $-MSGBEG ;ROM size ;entry point address ;message length ;carriage return, line feed ;version, 6-character name, message ;carriage return, line feed ENTRY POINT FOR PONERUP CODE ENTRY PUSH PUSH PUSH PUSH BX OX SI OS ;save important registers ALLOCATE OPTION ROM DATA AREA IN RAM XOR MOV MOV ENTOO: MOV MOV SHL ADD ADD CMP .JNZ SHR MOV MOV AX,AX OS ,AX BX,180H AX, [ BX J CL,4 AX,CL AX,[BX+2) BX,4 BX,ROMDS ENTOO AX,CL [BX) ,AX [BX+2],DATASIZ ;setup segment to point to vector ~r~a . ;check for RAM in use starting with system area ;get segment address for ROM ;convert to absolute address ;add 1n length of segment ;point to next ROMS RAM seg pOinter ;Q: is this the pointer for my ROM? N: continue adding up RAM usage Y: convert address to segment store my segment address and the segment length SET UP MY DS AS REQUIRED TO MY DATA AREA. EACH TIME THIS ROM IS CALLED. G-8 THIS CAN BE DONE TECHNICAL REFERENCE BOOT ROUTINE AND SAMPLE ASSEMBLY CODE MOV DS,CS:(WORD PTR ROMDS+QCOOOH) ;additional init coed as required POP POP POP POP DS SI DX ax ;retrieve the calling ROMS regs ORG OW ENDS END 6000H+2048-2 ROMCRC ;address for G-9/10 the ROM CRC \...... ... "i TECHNICAL REFERENCE SAMPLE INTERRUPT SERVICE ROUTINE Appendix H SAMPLE INTERRUPT SERVICE ROUTINE An ISR example, with the appropriate routines to install and remove it, follows. The source of the common interrupt exit routine and the code to count the number of outstanding interrupts (INTCTR) are also given. Using this code is not mandatory, but is recommended to maintain future compatibility. H-~ TECHNICAL REFERENCE SAMPLE INTERRUPT SERVICE ROUTINE Example 1 ;---------------------------------------------------------------SAMPLE INTERRUPT SERVICE ROUTINE - (RAM-based; for ROM-based code, the local data area vould have to be in a separate OS) ;---------------------------------------------------------------INTSEG SEGMENT BYTE PUBLIC ASSUME CS:INTSEG ; Segment declaration Local constants: INTNUM STKSIZ EQU EQU 46H OSAOOR EQU leOH INTCTR EQU 19AH 30 Interrupt number (example) Size of local stack, including space required to save any registers used. Offset of pointer to System ROM's OS (Segment = 0000) Offset of outstanding interrupt counter (Segment 0000) = Local data storage: OATSEG OW 0000 If it is necessary for the interrupt service routine to access a certain OS, it should be set up in this variable vhen the interrupt vector is initially installed VECSAV OW OW 0000 0000 Save area for or i-9 i nal vec t or (It must be restored vhen the user application finishes) STKSAV OW OW 0000 0000 Location to save stack pOinter OW STKSIZ+40UP (?); The local stack. STKS IZ ffhould be the size (in vords) of the service routine's stack. The '+4' is to allov stack space for the service routine to be interrupted by a higherpriority interrupt. WORD Top of stack INTSTK LABEL H-2 SAMPLE INTERRUPT SERVICE ROUTINE TECHNICAL REFERENCE Example 2 ;----------------------------------------------------- ----------- The actual ISR - the appropriate hard~are interrupt vector is set up by the installation routine to point to this routine. ;----------------------------------------------------- ----------- INTSRV PROC FAR In the case of shared interrupt levels, any determination of device caused the interrupt should be placed here, before the local stack s~ap. Note that this routine can't use any registers or stack (if it does, it must be moved to some point after the stack svap). ~hich PUSH MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV PUSH XOR MOV INC OS Save OS on 'interrupted' stack CS:STKSAV+2,SS Save current SS ~ SP CS:STKSAV,SP - SP, CS Stack segment = local Code Seg SS ,S]:I SP,offset INTSTK; SS:SP Local interrupt stack AX Save AX AX,AX Ax = 0000 OS,AX Point to vector area OS:(byte ptr INTCTR) Increment interrupt counter = Insert code to reset the cause of the interrupt STI PUSH PUSH PUSH PUSH PUSH PUSH PUSH MOV Safe to re-enable interrupts BX CX OX 01 SI BP ES OS,CS:OATSEG no~ Save rest of the environment (The user need save only those registers actually used in his particular ISR) Set up local OS from value saved during installation. Insert specific interrupt processing logic here H-:3 TECHNICAL REFERENCE SAMPLE INTERRUPT SERVICE ROUTINE Exit logic POP POP POP POP POP POP POP CLI MOV OUT XOR MOV -DEC POP MOV MOV POP IRET INTSRV ES BP S1 Restore environment 01 OX CX BX Disable interrupts AL,20H Reset 8259 interrupt controller l8H,AL AX,AX AX = 0000 DS,AX Point to vector area OS: (byte ptr 1NTCTR) ; Decrement interrupt counter AX SS,CS:STKSAV+2 Restore original SS:SP SP,CS:STKSAV DS Restore original DS ** INTERRUPT RETURN ** ENDP ~ .. ) .~ H-4 TECHNICAL REFERENCE SAMPLE INTERRUPT SERVICE ROUTINE Example 3 ;---------------------------------------------------------------Interrupt service routine INStallation routine ;---------------------~------------------------------- ----------- INTINS PROC PUSH PUSH PUSH MOV NEAR AX ax OS CS:DATSEG,DS Set up CS-relative pointer to the local OS - This is necessary because the only reference the ISR has vhen it is invoked is the CS. Patch the interrupt vector to point to the Interrupt Service Routine, saving the original vector. This illustrates the 'brute force' method of setting and getting vectors. Host 8088 Operating Systems (e.g. MS-DOS) have system calls to accomplish this feat. Their use is preferable, because some Operating Syst~ms attempt to arbitrate vector usage. XOR MOV CLI AX,AX DS,AX Clear AX OS <-- 0000 Protect the vector operation Pick up original vector MOV MOV AX,DS:{vord ptr (INTNUM*4» aX,DS:(vord ptr (INTNUM*4+2» Save original vector in local save area MOV MOV CS:VECSAV,AX CS:VECSAV+2,aX Install vector to Interrupt Service Routine INTINS MOV MOV STI POP POP POP RET ENDP OS: (vord ptr (INTNUK*4»,offset INTSRV DS:(vord ptr (INTNUM*4+2»,CS Interrupts OK again OS ax AX *** RETURN *** H-5 TECHNICAL REFERENCE SAMPLE INTERRUPT SERVICE ROUTINE Example 4 ;----------------------------------------------------- ----------Interrupt Service Routine REMoval routine ;------------------------------------~--------------------------- INTREM PROC PUSH PUSH PUSH XOR MOV CLI NEAR AX ax DS AX,AX DS,AX Clear AX DS <-- 0000 Protect the vector operation Get original vector from local save area MOV MOV AX,CS:VEGSAV aX~CS:VECSAV+2 Restor. original vector INTREM INTSEG MOV MOV STI POP POP POP RET ENDP DS: (vord ptr (INTHUM*4»,AX DS:(vord ptr (INTHUM*4+2»,aX ; Interrupts OK again DS ax AX *** RETURN *** ENDS END H-6 TECHNICAL REFERENCE SAMPLE INTERRUPT SERVICE ROUTINE This is the source for the common interrupt exit ~outine as it exists in ROM. Any other common exit routine installed here will perform an identical function. The user should use this exit if the installed interrupt service routine will be running concurrently with a real-time Operating System (for instance, during the execution of any of the TI communication packages). Example 5 ;---------------------------------------------------------------Common Interrupt Exit logic INFQT: = ES:BX SS:SP of the interrupted code Interrupt stack contains saved ES,BX,AX (ES at top of stack) ---oS-tack of inter-rupted code contains saved OS ,._--------------------------------------------------------------ROMOAT ROM OAT SEGMENT BYTE PUBLIC IXSSSV:WORO EXTRN IXSPSV:HORO EXTRN ENOS ; Temporary stack pointer save ROMCOO SEGMENT BYTE' PUBLIC ASSUME CS:ROMCOO, OS:ROMOAT INTXIT PROC CLI MOV OUT DEC INTXIT ROM COO MOV MOV MOV POP POP POP MOV MOV POP IRET ENOP FAR Disable interrupts Reset 8259 interrupt controller AL,20H 18H,AL CS: (byte ptr INTCTR+OCOOOH) ; Decrement interrupt counter (remember, this is in ROM, so access to the vector area is CS-relative) OSAOOR+OCOOOH) ; Get ROM's OS ptr OS ,CS: (vord Save SS,SP of original c~ae IXSSSV,ES IXSPSV,BX Restore commonly used registers ES from interrupt stack BX AX Restore original SS,S? SS,IXSSSV SP,IXSPSV Restore OS from original stack OS *** INTERRUPT RETURN *** ENOS END H-1/8 TECHNICAL REFERENCE ASSEMBLY DRAWINGS AND LISTS OF MATERIALS Sec tion 4 ASSEMBLY DRAWINGS AND LISTS OF MATERIALS This section contains assembly drawings and lists o~ applicable to the Texas Instruments Pro~essional Computer. TITLE TI DRAWING PAGE NO. Motherboard Assembly Alphanumeric CRT Controller Board Option RAM Board Power Supply Assembly Main Enclosure System Assy,Domestic System Assy, International Graphics Video Controller Elecrtical Pin Con~iguration Sync-Async Comm Sboard Cable, Parallel Printer Cable, Video Monochrome Joy s tic k Boa r d Option Kit, RAM Chips Keyboard, Low Pro~ile Drawings not available in time Color Display Unit Winchester Disk Controller Parallel Test Plug Assembly PWB,Parallel Test Plug Con~iguration,Diskette Drive Power Cord AC Communications Loopback Plug Texas Instruments materials 4-1 ~or 2228008 2228009 2228015 2228087 2228038 2223050 2228051 2228061 2228082 2228094 2228106 2228105 2228085 2228099 2280528 ,4-8 4-12 4-18 4-23 4-27 4-81 4-37 4-43 4-48 4-52 4-55 4-58 ·4-62 4-63 4-64 printing: 2228219 2228220 2228276 2228277 2228279 0996289 2207985 Preliminary Jan 21. 1993 ~ 5 6 7 8 4 i""~'2 Z-2 3 300 3 I~ I I NOTES UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED iii NAJlM{//'f GonptWEN T HEIGHT ABOYE THE 80"'lRO ........... SI-IAl.L BE le.7 ,''''AREA INOICATEO.IS. 7ALL OTIIERARFAS .21 14 I I1ARr SITE/OAT£" ClJiJE ANO SERIAL NUI1BER IN SPACE INOICATE/? PER IrEI'? 100 MRA6RAPH ~ 1..'.c....iC L~Mc II) (HNG PER ENG REDESIGN LLJ eN soel.a -1 I (I, LM IIPO.4lt ~ iMt..£i' (0) C3{,~ (2 lClING PEl{ ENG 5PE: c 11 7 9 }2 PLACES'" - '§iF 'ft ~ @" III' l~/ (i)REF I- , ~ B ®2 Z223003 - S1JO/ hlQTH£IfMNO- P£6ASC/5.1IU7lJ Z~Z30tJ3- MOTlleRI3OAPD - PEG"SUS Ot)()1 JN5~ DE5Cr1PTlON PART NU4Il"EK PLACES VI[W A SH 2 fD-51 - CONVERSION I 0.25 O,S 1,5 ..3.90 12.7 /5.7 86..3t<. J84.15 A 'I MRI!J:l f- CHA~T tNlJIES .010 ,02 ,O~ ,154- ,50 , '2 3.40 7.25 2 SLIJR 902- 0/ 127-01 I lSi Ol! 1Z.4-02 '!:,~ 011 00 HCT 1.5 eLK WNT,(t"Ar..,) HAND .sOf.PER WAVE P::E4 SOJ.OE'R NO Of'SHEIITS "'W" TEST PRIJC ll23270-0001 'r' ASSEI1f!LY 2. 2Z3003 - 0001 PWB 222!J004 0001 O/AGRA/'1 12ZZSi?05-00(?/ ABCOEF .8 B B L C. E 7 T 6 .'*1""-1 AlA ·'OU;_.~""""ot' •• .!IM 1 5 t '~""""""".~''''''''''$.'' ~"""'-.o_ooc.<>'_ ...... _ _ • ... _ _ _ _ n .. oO$ .... .orr.o.....-.........a ..........FCIOI;_..u ~_~"*OI'O'",..OO -, ..f2'j' 1 £);AS'_~~R~~.~:;~ £NTSI SI-l"IETRIC ~ ,4 :.L~.~, O'OC_I~s ~~ 22230381 ~",ru1Sl'1C' I Z sm 8 T~ Yc>P.L I;'" "v' ~":,_ -".~" '.'-.,. :"l'~. ''';/Y!, MOTHERBOARD-PEGASUS [Df0666S;. ...,"'-"""".Q3 (II > I-- I- III III o 4-4 I U i III I r - - - - - - - - - - - - l I S T OF MATERIALS - - - - - - - - - -....... 1117.4/07. PART NUMOER 2223001-0001 REV F PESCRIPTIPN ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• MOTHERnOARn - PEGASUS I TFt,. QUANTITY. COMPONENT •• 0002 00001.000 2223005-0001 DTA~RAM,lnGIC, 0004 00002.000 2210188-0018 00001.000 7210835-0010 oooos.OOO 2211347-0016 00001.000 0996166-0005 00001.000 2210704-0001 00001.000 2210293-0003 00001.000 7211342-0015 SOCKFT,DIP,40-PINS,lOW PRorilE Sf''' T -I DRAWING XVi,XU2 SfE T -I DRAWING CRVSTAl,15.00 MHZ,HC-18/U MO~ CASf SEE Tl- ORAWING Vi SH TI- DRAWING CONN,CARD-FDGE.31 DUAL POS,NO EARS Sf!" 11- DRAWING Jl,J2.JJ,J4,J5 SEE TT- DRAWING HFADFR,snCKET,SHORT SOLDER T 6 CIRCUITS AMP - 35087.7-1 P6 AMP - 350827-1 IC,LS280,9-81T ODO/EVFN PARTTY GEN/CHK V-LIST-lS280 BURN-IN U31 V-l J 5T-L 5280 BURN- IN DELAV MODULE, TAPPED, 3NS RISE TIME MAX SEE TI- DRAWING U30 SH TI- DRAWING crNN,CARO-EOGE,2? DUAL pnS,NO EARS Sf'!' Tl- DRAWING 0004/\ ODD,} OOO,}A 001:3 OOlH 0014 0014A 0024 0024A 0076 0026A 0037. DESCRIPTION ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• UM MOTHFRnOARD FA FA FA fA EA FA FA EA JIO 0032A SEE' TI- DRAWING 003S 00002.000 2210188-0016 00001.000 0<)"16151-0005 0035A 0041A 0042 ~"CKFT,DTP,74-PfN.Lnw PROFILE SFE T -II"lPAWING X1162,XU63 S[E T -I DRAWING HFADER,l1 I'TNS PFR ROW,STRAIG"T,OIR POW 5 Q 35 -0900-000 EA fA P'l, 00001.000 0 FA FA FA fA "A FA 4-5 ....-------------LlST OF MATERIALS - - - - - - - - - -...... 11/24/62 PART ~U"BER 2223003-0001 ITEM. REV f OUA~Tl TV. nrscRlrTION ••• ·•••••••••••••••••••••••••• MOTHERBOArn - PFGASUS COMPONENT •• 0060A 0018 CIU 00001.000 0<)17.221-0014 00001.000 OQ72727-0013 00001.000 0<)72227-0009 00001.000 0912921-0025 00001.000 0912163-0021 0078A 0079 0079A 0080 OOoOA 008) OOlnA OOR? 00001.000 7211700-0002 00002.000 2211818-0002 0090A 00?3 00<)3A 0095 00001.000 05)2348-0401 009b 00007.000 0<)77446-0013 0091 00001.000 2123036-hOOI 0098 00004.000 0912487-0001 0100 OOOOl.OCO 0101 00)01.000 0103 FA fA FA EA FA / FA 0994396~0001 02]~72R-0125 UI\ TlN PL BR5 STun OIA.nOX.OJl THK fA 00001.000 0977537-0004 00001.000 0917.~37-0002 AMP -42822-2 LfO,YELtOW,RT ANG PCA MTG,7.3v,~.nVR SEE Tl- DRAWING CR2 SEF TI- DRAWING DlnDE,lEO GREfN RT ANGLE 072619-550-0206 CRJ FA fA fA FA EA 012619-5~O-020" REr 2223210-0001 SPfCI~ICATION,UNIT TEST-MOTHfRBOARO 0411100-0070 01" FA 0113 AR 0411435-0408 0114 All. 041~A04-0005 2221003-5001 r~OT"ERBOARO 00001.000 OOOOl.O~O 4-6 1632-0000-000 CAP, 220UF, 6.3V. 20~ SEE TI- ORAWING C12 SH TI- DRAWING TRANS,MPS6602,NPN,COMPLFMFNTRY ORIVER SH TI- DRAWING al,Q2 Sf:[ Tl- DRAWING STUD, EXTENSION-CRr:S LOCKWASHER '4 I NTERNAL TOOTH CRfS QPL - MS35313-70 TAPf,INSUlATION,ELECT.t/4 IN M~lM - 56-114 SFAl. tNG cnMPOUND, ANAEROBIC-BLUF GRImE C 0111 EA fA 0104A 0110 FA RIVFT,.llb OIA 5/16 tG OOMF HO ALUM -000 rUff ,KFVSOARfI rLUG 11;1'8-J016-oo9 JUMPER PLUG,CnNNECTnR RLACK 5<)35-0900-01)0 PROC., SITEIDATE cnoF. AND SERIALIZATION 0103A 0104 072619-550-0406 RFSISTOR, lOOK VARIARLE-CFP.HfT FLEMENT 032991-37<) 2W-I-104 Rl7 037.991-32<)2W-I-I04 Rr:SISTnR, 50000 OHM, 72-TURN TRIMMER SrF TI- DRAWING R18 HE Tl- f)R AIUNG R[S,VAR, 5000 OHMS,l12 WATT, CFRMH OJ29Q1-3292W-1-502 R19 037991-329ZW-1-502 CAPACITOR,82PF ':iOOV 5!!': FIX,MICA "lEI ECTR MIL -CMR05E820-JOO C5 -CMR05f820-JOO HIL CAP.,fIXEO,AXIAL tfAO,.041 UFt.RO~,-20! 1632-0000-:)00 Cll 0089A 0090 nFSCRlPTlnN ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• U, - PFGASUS - AIITO INSERT 1254-3004-00 Ij COST, SHRINKAGE EA RL F.A ....-11124/02 - - - - - - - - - l I S T OF MATERIALS - - - - - - - - - -..... PART Nm1[1 ER 2723003-5001 RF.V r nFscRIPTION ••••• ·•••••••••••••••••••••••• MOTHERBOARD - PEGASUS - AUTO ITEM. QUANTI TY. COMPONENT.. 0001 00001.000 2223004-0001 0003 00001.000 2220419-0001 00001.01)0 222047.4-0001 00001.000 2270414-0001 00003.000 2210120-0001 00004.000 2210702-0001 00001.000 222043'>-0001 00001.000 2220412-0001 00001.000 2220626-0001 00001.000 771061)3-0001 00001.000 2210654-0001 0003A 0005 OOOSA 0006 0006A 0007 0007A 0008 0008A 0010 OOlOA DOll OOllA 0012 0012A 0011) ·0015A 0016 00161\ 0017 00001.000 2223052-0002 00000.000 22119RIt-0007 00001.000 2211102-0001 00002.000 On7141-0057 000()1.000 2220445-0001 00001.000 272301)3-0001 0020A 0021 0021 A 0022 MOTHERBOARD 166'1-000 IC,MICROPRnCESSOR,CPU Sf[ TI- DRAWING Ul SEF TI- DRAWING IC, MICRnrROCESSOP nus CONTROLLER SEF TT- DRAWING U3 SrE TI- DRA"IING IC,TTl,ClOCK GENERATnp AND DRIvrp SEF. DRAWING Ult SEE TI- DRAWING IC,lS313,OCTAl O-TYPE lATCHES V-LIST-LS313 BURN-IN U5,U6,U1 V-L I ST-l S373 BURN-IN IC,LS213,OCTAL,D-FLIP-FLOP W/COM CLOCK V-LIST-LS213 RURN-IN U41,U49,U50,U51 V-LIST-lS213 BURN-IN IC, PROGRAMMABLE INTERRUPT CONTROl.lfR SFE n - DRAWING U46 SfE TI- ORAWING IC,USART,PRnG.cnHMUNICATION INTERfERFNCF SI'F T1- DRAWING Ult4 SH TI- DRAWING IC,MoS,16-ntT PRGMnL INTFRVAl TIMER SEE T1- DRAW INC U45 SEE T1- DRAWING rc,LS13~,3-TO-8 LINE OEcnDFR V-lIST-lSI38 RURN-IN US5 V-LrST-lS138 DURN-TN IC,L,)13Q,OtlAl l-TO-4 tINE OfCOllfR V-lIST-lS13Q BURN-IN n- EA FA fA EA FA EA EA F.A FA FA FA V-lIST-tSI3Q RURN~IN nnM,SYSTtM OECOOF HAl12l6 FA IC,OMPAL12l6NC SEF. Tl- IlRAWING *US4,AtTfRNATE FOR ITFM 11 SFF TI - DRAlH MG IC,F40118PCQR,QUAO,2-INPUT,4011-8URN-TN SEf T I-DRAWING fA EA IJsa 0019A 0020 pwn U54 OOlBA 0019 DESCPIPTION ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• UM UO;~ 0017A 0018 INSF~T SF.E TI-nRAWING NFTWORK,RF.S. 4.1 K ow. 2. ,,; 14 PIN DIP REt - 89q-l-R4.1K U60,1166 BEC - 899- 1-R 4. 7K . I(,DYNAMIC MEMORY cnNTROllFR SEF TI - DRAWING U27 SEE TI- DRAWING ROM,MEMORY CONTRfll, HAI.l6RltA 166Q-000 fA fA FA 4-7 . - - _ - - -......- - - - l I S T OF MATERIALS - - - - - - - - - - - . 11/24/R2 PART NUMBfR 22230J3-5001 ITFM. RFV F QUANTITY. •••• ~ ••••••• 4 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • MOTH[RnOIlRO - PFGIISUS - AUTO INSFflT OESC"lrTID~I CO~'P(lfllF.NT.. 0072A 0023 00000.000 2211984-0011 cnOOl.000 2210689-0001 0023A 0025 00001.000 2710608-0001 00001.000 2210614-0001 0021" 00211 002M\ 007.9 00001.000 22106~1-0001 00003.000 2710631-0001 00009.000 2211118-0005 00004.000 2210~95-0001 00001.000 27.2JO~4-0001 00001.0no 7.27.0415-0001 0030A 0031 EA FA V-lIST-lS221 llUPN-.IN TC,lS10,TIHPLF,3-tNPUT NANf'I V-LIST-tSl0 RURN-IN tJ9 V-lIST-LSI0 BURN-IN IC,LS20,riUAl,4-INPUT NANn V-lIST-lS20 BURN-IN . FA F.A U'12 002911 0030 U211 1669-000 IC,nMPAl16R4NC SEE TI- DRAWING *U2R,AlTFRNIITf rop ITFM 22 SrF TI- DRAWING IC,lS221,OUAlONE-SHOT V-lIST-LS221 BunN-TN U~9 0025A 0021 nESCP..IPTI(1N .............................. 11M V-lIST-lS20 8URN-IN IC,lS32,OtJAO,2-INPtJT OR fA V-LIST-lS32 BURN-IN UJ4 V-LIST-lS32 "URN-IN IC,lS74,OUAL FLIP-FLOP W/PSET & tLP F.A V-lIST~lS14 nURN-IN U21,"31, U65 V-lIST-lS74 BURN-IN IC,64K x I-BIT RAM,350 NSF.C,RE'AO CY TIME, FA ° 0031.'\ 0031n 0033 0033A 003'. 003411 0036 00001.000 27.c0421-00r,1 00001.000 222041R-0001 00001.000 2223054-0002 00000.000 7.7.11QR4-0006 00001.000 7.211771-0001 003111 0038 0038A 0039 FA FA FA UB 003611 0031 IC,LS245,OCTAL BUS,xCtVfR,3ST.OIJTPlIT V-l tST-lS245 nURN-IN U8,UI2,tJ52,U61 V-LIST-lS245 BURN-IN ROM, SYSTEMS SF.f TI- OPAWING U63 srF Tf- DRAWING IC,flOPPY DISK eONTROLLER,PlASTtC SEF Tt- DRAWING SEr TI- ORAWI NG 1f.,FlOPPY OISK SUPPORT lOGIC -000 U14 -000 tC,FOUR PHASE CLnCK r.FNF~ATO" Sf!" Tf- DRAWING Ulr; SFE TI- DRAWING ROM FLOPPY SYSTEM cnNTROl fA FA FA 0039" 0040 0040" 0045 004511 4-8 le,BLANK PROGRAMMABLF APRAY OF GATFS SEE Tf- DRAWING *U19,ALTER rOR ITF.M Jq SEF Tt- DRAW ING IC. SN14L S628N,EXTFRNAl. TFMPfPATURF emIr SH TI- DRAWING U16 SH TI- rlRAWING EA fA .....- - - - - - - - - - L l S T OF MATERIALS - - - - - - - - - -... 11/24/"7. PART NUMBER 7.2?30~1-5001 R[V F OFSCRIPTTON •••• ; •••••••••••••••••••••••• MOTHERBOARD - PEG~SUS - AUTO tNSrRT ITEM. QU1.NTTTY. COMPDNEflT.. 0046 OOOO?ooo 2?11126-00D1 0047 00001.000 0972999-4040 00001.000 2210667-0001 00007..000 0227222-7416 00001.000 22110')9-0001 00007..000 2210694-0001 00001.000 2710604-0001 00001.000 7210121-0001 00001.000 022222~-2311 00001.0eo 2211349-0001 reDOl.000 OQQ6304-COOI 000(14.()(lO 0972946-008'7 or005.aoe OQ72Q46-0081 00003.000 0977Q46-0085 00003.000 OQ72Q46-0057 00004.000 0 OO BIJR"f-IN Pi'S FTX 5(,.0 OHM 5 ~ .25 W.CARnON FILM ROH - R-25 R42 ROH - R-25 CAP,FIXED CERAMIC 100 PF 10~ 50V ue -C51CI01K C56,(58 ue -C51CIOIK RES rT~ 5.6K OHM 5 ~ .25 W CAp80fi FILM ROH 0107A 0108 00001.000 OQ72946-0041 00001.000 OQ17Q14-0011 00001.000 OQ7ZQ46-00Q3 010'11\ 0112 0112A FA fA EA F.A EA EA EA - R-25 R48 o 108A 0109 EA C50,C51,C52,C53,C54,C~5 0091A oon D.FSCP IPTlnN .............................. liM ROI~ - R-25 RES FIX 180 OllM 5 t .25 W CARBON FILM ROH - R-25 RIb I?OH - R-25 OlrOE,IN756A 8.2 V S~ SIt VOLT REG OPl - IN756A CR5 QPL - IN156A RES FIX 15K OHM 5t .Z5 W CAP60N FILM ROH - R-25 ROH - R-25 RQ fA EA EA 4-11 B ~ ..... Itl N - !!l MAXIMUM COMPONENT UI£GUT ABOVE THE BOARD SHALL BE' 9.6 12' MAJ(IMUM LEAD LENGTH BELOW THE """- 1J00tlO SI-IALL BE 2.3 l3i MARl< APP/itOPtlIATE REVISION LETTER IN SPACE' INDICATED PER PROCESS 3 o ~I ~~':fs:~TrN Dt~~ECf:i'ofc:!/:D Sf,~::'iTEM 44 PARAGRAPH 4.0 ANO PIlOCE6S .9 5. CAUTION TUIS ASSEMBLY AND CeRTAIN COMPONENTS ADE SUSCEPTIBLe TO DAMAGE FROM ELECTROSTATIC OISCHARtSE. OPERATOR AND EQUIPMENT GROUNO AND PACKAGE IS REaUIRED. STATIC SENSITIVE COMPONETS ARE: UI TJ.lRU U"9. VI AND QI ~ WIRE FROM VIDEO .JACf{ (ITEM 66) MUST ATTACJ.i TO "'43 AS SUOWN PER PROCESS 2 c is 6 7 NOTES UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED 4 A S ~OLLOWS, Dt;WOIlI< DEQUIDED F'OR PWS REV ..... - ANO'~"AND"B" 17A) ON COMPONENT SIDE. CUT ETCII CONNECTED TO UI8 PIN 1 (7BJ ON CONDUCTOR SIDE. CUT ETCII CONNECTliv TO t.l27 PIN 1 (7CJ USING (ITEM 95) o./UMPFR U/7 PIN' TO Tilli F'EtO Tl/RU BELOW U27 AS SHOWN (COMP SIDE) no) USING (ITEM 9!;) JUMPER F'ROM UZ7 PIN I TO US9 PIN' (CQMP SIDEj I7E) PLACE MYLAR TAPE (ITEM 106) ON BOTTOM OF' CONNeCTOR liTEM 4IJ AS INDICATED (7t:J MARK NUMBER "2" IN SPACE INDICATED PER PDOCESS 3 (COND SIDE) 17G) ADD JUMPER ITeM 95 = M CIl TO 0./41 PINS 19 AND 20 AS INDICATeO (COND 510£) frH) MARl( PIIS NITII@OII!DJNDUCTDR.'O£ NE'/TTO @ § 3 BEND fAe (ITEM 56r 45- ~OM OPTION PLATE (ITIiM /!I3) AS. INDICATEt; REMOVE AND DISCA120 2 PANJ.lFAD SCREWS INSTALLED IN(JTEM 40 PRIOR TO ASSEMBLY ~ D ~NUM"E" L~ ~ I ::::::::::,~~~~= ,,:~,,~o~'o~~~o'n~n'n'oD'D~ ~~'~'~'DD 'DD 'O~Q'O'D:~'~U\\~O ~.§ ... B ~[o,~"D~O'~ ]lO'@TIt~ '~M '~'~ '~,~~ + ell M • •, •• JII _ _ I r . \ I I _ • • hnlll-taOl \ - • c '.,-) IlE~ SEIi VIEW A SI-I2 (A-3,. : ' '22:1009-500/ \ 'ZZ!JOO9-0c01 iRT NUMBER ALPHA CIlT CONTROLLER. Avro ALPHA CRT CONTROLL~1l OESCRIPTION INSERT I!I A '\ 7 8 5 6 4 3 r")j223009 r2! o ~\., 5i~i.: .~~ n· :iII!!;·n m.~!; :.; )~.:). . ,::: ~~' ~~m"I~· £"lei•• .: ••• i !Iii -' •• ~:. : e. C / ~.: •• 1.~~~ .. .11:: "@ ~AP. ._ : ••• il: : n . , . CONDUCTOR SIDE ~.'" ~ ~, ~ U. J4' B - I -~-~ 1J11l;~~ ~~ ~ ~,~~ '= HII~ r;!;, Ir''''" L / ~;' "I \ ~AR I ~1T ··it·l{·nlllnnIlln~r~ COMPONENT SlOE ~ VIEW A SH I (B'3) A JAROY f" -" CAl 8 7 6 5 4 2223009 z IF ......- - - - - - - - - - - L l S T OF MATE RIALS - - - " ' " ' - - - -.......- - - . 11/24/82 PAnT NUMBER n~v r 122390q-OOOI nFr1. 0002 0025 OIJANTITY. REF OJOOI.OOO nfsr.PlrTION ••••• ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ALPHA CRT CONTrOLLfR CO~'PONFNT.. 7773011-0001 lOGIC,DIAGRAM,ALNIA CRT CONTROLLER FA 2210727-0001 IC,LS3Q3.DUAL,4-"IT BINARY COUNTFR V-LIST-LS393 BURN-IN FA 0025/\ 0027 U3~ 00001.000 2210835-0004 00001.000 2211878-0002 DC 00;;>. Of)O 0418356-2305 00001.000 22;;>04"n-0001 00001.000 2210970-0005 0027A 0028 0028A 0038 0038A 0041 0041/\ 0043 004]1\ 004', REF 0994396-9901 00001.000 2211047-0002 0046 00002.000 0972446-0012 0053 00001.000 2273033-0003 0056 00001.000 2220629-0001 0057 All. 0935172-34"9 OO?5 An OQ<}656]-0001 0096 An 04111.35-0408 0045 0045A 00001.000 0411100-0074 oon AR 09Q6069-0003 0099 00001.000 2211540-0001 0100 00002.000 0532348-0401 0101 00002.000 0411100-0070 OO<}7 0102 0103 4-14 DrSCRIPTyn'll •• ••••••••• •••••••••••••••••• \1M V-LJST-LSJ9J BURN-IN CRYSTAl,IS MUl,IlC-I0/1J WITH GND LEAf} SfF TI - DRAWING Yl SfF TI- DRAWING TPANS,MPS6602,NPN,cnMPLEMFNTRY DRIVFR SEF T I - nRAIHNG 01 SEE TI- DRAWING CAPAC ITOR. TANTALUM, 6. aUF, 207!:, 35V SEE TI - DRAWING C2,C3 SEE TI- DRAWING CONNECTnR,RECEPTACLE,PCB,9-rTNS SFF TI- ORAWI NG J40 SEF TI- DRAWING CONN. 22-POS.,PC nn. SI~GLF ROW,.lDD CNT SEE TI- DRAW ING J41 . SH TI- DRAWING pr.nCEnURE,SITE & DATE CODE SERIALIZATION CONNECTOR,RECFPTACl E,7-Rnw. I1-POSrTJON SH T[- ORAWING J42 SEE TI- DRAWING RIVH,.116 nlA 3/16 LG nOMf JlO ALUM -15021-0406 PLATE,OPTION BOARD.q-POsITlnN 1678-3333-007 AUDIO JACK,PANEL MNTNG,ROUNn B~SF,.185" 12')4-000 WIRf,UL 1430/3317,72AWG,GRA/YFL 1650-0000-000 WIRE,30AWG SOLln,KYNAR,INSUlATEn,APOWN 071124-BR212/1-30TAPE,tNSIJLAflON,fLFCT.1/4 IN WlM - 56-1/4 LnCKWhSHfR 1/4 INTFRNAL TnOTH (RES QPL - MS15313-74 Aflfl,Snun,Hm"'PLSTC 25" flAG ANAERnBIC PERSAL-Q17-6302 FOAM, .35X.50X.05,pnLY, AnHESIVE nACKEn SH TI- DRAWING STUO, EXTENS ION-CRES *4 FA FA FA FA fA FA EA EA FA fA FT FT In fA EA ~A fA EA 2223271-0001 lOCKWASHER INTERNAL TOOTH CRES QPL - MS35331-70 SPFC[FICATJON,UNIT TEST-ALPHA CRT AR 0415804-0005 SEALING COMPOUND,ANAEROBIC-BLUE GRAnE C OT 00001.000 222300Q-5001 EA 00000.750 0239Q99-9999 ALPHA CRT CONTROLLER - AUTO INSERT 1254-3010-005 COST, SHRINKAGE REr FA FA .....-11174/0;> - - - - - - - - - - l I S T OF MATERIALS ----------~ PART ~UMBER 2223009-5001 REV F OFSCRJPTJON ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ALPHA CRT CONTROLLER - AUTO INSFRT ITEM. QUANfl TV. COMf'nNENT •• DFSr.RIPTION ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• U'1 0001 00001.000 2223010-0001 0003 00001.000 227044~-0002 00002.000 099~9S2-0005 00001.000 2223060-0001 00001.000 2223058-0001 00001.000 7210660-0001 PWB, ALPHA CRT CONTROllFR 1669-000 rC,CRT CONTROLLEr,7 MH7 CLOCK RATE SEE T1- OR A'lH NG UI SFE TI- DRAWING IC,2K X S-BtT STATIC RAM.150NS,PLASTtC SH TI- ORAWING 112, UJ SEE TI- DRAWING LOGIC ARRAY,HALIOLO 1669-000 U4 1669-000 LOGIC ARRAY,HAL16P8 1669-000 U'> 1669-000 IC,LS155,OUAL 2-LINE TO 4-LINF OECODER V-LIST-LSISS BURN-TN U6 V-LIST-Lst'>5 nURN-IN IC,LS245,OCTAl nUS,XCJVFP.3ST.OIITPUT V-LI~T-LS245 BURN-IN II7,U8,U9 V-LIST-LS245 BURN-TN IC,lS374,OCTAL O-TYPE FLIP-FLOP V-LIST-LS314 BURN-IN III 0 • U11 , tJl4, Ul 5 V-L IST-tS314 BURN-IN IC,S17S.DUAn,F/F,nOUBLF RAIL OUTPUT V-LIST-SI7S BURN-TN U16,U17,U27 V-LIST-SI7S BURN-IN tC,LS244,OCTAL BUF/LINF nRIVER/PFCFTVFR V-LIST-LS244 nURN-TN 11l2, un V-LIST-LS244 BURN-TN JC,LS166,8-BIT PARALLEL/Sf-RIAL INPUT V-LIST-LS166 BURN-IN UI'} v-u ST-L SI66 BURrI-HI IC,LS157~aUAO t-LINF TO I-LINE nATA SFLf V-LIST-LSIS1 BURN-IN U21,U22,U23 V-L1ST-LSIS1 BURN-IN IC, S163, SYNCHRONOUS 4-BIT COllNTER V-LIST-SI63 BURN-IN U24 V-LIST-SI63 BURN-IN ROM, CHARACTER GENERATOR -000 lI2S -000 IC,LS14,OUAL 0 FLIP-FLOP W/PSFT r. CLR V-LIST-LS14 BURN-IN U28,U2Q V-LIST-LS74 BURN-IN Ir.,LS125,QUAO RUS BUffER W/3-STATF OIITPIJ V-LIST-LSI2S 8URN-t~ 0003/\ 0004 0004/\ 0005 000'5/\ 0006 OOOOA 01)07 0007A 0008 0000/\ 0009 00004.000 2210721-0001 00003.000 2210764-0001 00007.000 2210694-0001 00001.000 2210669-0001 00003.000 2210662-0001 00001.000 2210761-0001 00001.000 2223065-0001 00002.000 27.10631-0001 00001.000 7.210649-0001 0009/\ 0010 OOlOA 0011 0011 A 0012 OOlZA 0013 0013A 0014 0014A 001') 0015A 0016 0016A 0017 0017A tnO DOlO V-LIST-LSI2S BURN-IN IC,LS7.0,OUAL,4-INPUT NAND V-LIST-LS20 BURN-IN 00001.000 2210614-0001 EA FA FA EA FA FA FA FA EA [A FA FA FA FA EA FA FA 4 -15 ....- - - - - - - - - - LIST OF MATERIALS - - - - - - - - - - - . 1l/Z4/8Z PART NlIMRER ZZ7300q-5001 ITEM. REV F QUANTITY. OEScR'PTlnN •••• ~ •••••••••••••••••••••••• ALPHA CRT CONTROLLFR - AUTO tN$EPT COMPONfNT.. 0018A 001'1 00001.000 721014Q-0001 00001.000 2210740-0001 00001.000 2210621-0001 00001.000 2210735-0001 00001.000 ZZ10738-0001 ~020A OOZl 0021A 0022 0022A 0013 00001.000 2710604-0001 002'1 OOON.OOO OQ12Q46-0041 0030 00001.000 0'11ZQ46-0074 OOOOZ .000 097Z946-0066 00001.000 0<)12Q46-0091 00001.000 0<)77Q46-0016 00001.000 OQ72<)46-(l0R4 0024/\ 0030A 0031 0031A 0032 0032A 0033 0033/\ 0034 U31 V-LIST-LS20 BURN-IN IC,SR6.QUAO.2-fNPUT FXCLUStVE OR V-LIST-SR6 BURN-IN V-LIST-S86 BURN-IN tC,SlO,TRIPLE,3-INPUT rOSITIVf AND· V-LIST-SIO SURN-IN U33 V-LI ST-SI0 OUl~N-IN IC,LS32.QUAn,z-tNPUT OR V-lfST-LS32 BURN-IN U14 V-LtST-LS3Z BURN-IN Ie, SOO,OUAD,Z-tNPUT NANn V-ll$1-SOO BURN-IN U35 V-LIST-SOD BURN-IN IC, S04,HEX INVERTFRS V-LIST-$04 BURN-IN fA .fA fA UJ6 0023A 0024 ~M un 001QA 0020 nFSeRIPTION ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• V-l1 ST-S04 BURN-IN IC, lS04,HEX INVERTERS V-lIST-LS04 BURN-HJ U37 V-lIST-LS04 BURN-IN RES fIX 100 OIlM 0; '! .15 W CARnON fiLM ROH - R-Z5 Rl ROIi - R-Z5 RE$ FIX 2.4K OHM 5 ~ .Z5 W CARBON FrlM ROil - R-Z5 R2 . ROH - R-Z5 RFS FIX 1.1K OHM 5'! .2'; W CARBON fILM ROH - R-Z5 R),RIO ROH - R-Z5 RF.S FIX lZ K OHM 5~ .Z5 W CAROON FILM ROH - R-Z5 R4 Rmt - R-Z5 RFS FIX 3.0K OHM 5 ~ .25 W CARnON FILM Rnli - R-25 R5 Rm~ - R-25 RF.S rlx 6.2K nHM 5 ~ .Z5 W CAP-nON FilM ROIi - R-25 fA -fA fA EA FA fA R6 0034A ROI~ 0030; 00006.000 0<)7294h-00Rl - R-Z"i FIX 4.7K OHM "i ROIi - R-25 R~5 PnH 00002.000 o'nzQ4h-0057 00001.000 OQ1Z751-000Q 0036A 0031 4-16 W CARRON FILM - R-Z5 Rrs FIX 470 OHM 5 ,. .25 W CARSON FilM ROH R-i.!5 Rl? ,R13 POH - R-Z'; CAP FIX CER 410rr 10~ 50V fA Cl OOHA 003Q .2~ R1,~8,RQ,Rl1,RI4,R16 0035A 0036 ~ 00014.000 OQ17763-0013 CAP,FIXEO .olour 50 VrtTS 004lZl-MCIO';F.I03l FA .....----------lIST OF MATERIALS - - - - - - - - - -.. PART ~UM~ER 222300q-5001 ITm. pry F QUANTITY. OFscRtPTION ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• fllPHA CRT r.ONTRnll.fR - AlITO INc;rRT COMPnNF.NT.. OF.SCPII'TION ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 003?A C4,C~,C7,C8,CQ,CIO,Cl1,CI2 003,)1'1 004222-t~C 1 05HO) Z C13,C14,CI5,C16,CI7,C1~ lJt~ 0042Z2-MCIO~EIOll 0040 00010.000 OQ72763-0025 00002.000 2210763-0001 00001.000 2210759-0001 0040A OOtfOR 0047 0047A 004') OI)4?A 0050 0050A CAPACITOR, .10ur r;ov FX,CFRArHC nlEl COR CA-C03Z5UI04Z050A C27,Cl0 9 C31,C37,C33,r.14 COR CA-COlZ5UI04Z050A C 3 r;, C38, C J<), r. 40 COR CA-COlZ5UI04Z050A lr., S174,'~EX,FlIr-rlOI',S'NGI.F nAIl OUTrUT V-lI$T-5174 BU1H1-IN . U18,tl3? . V-lIST-S174 BURN-IN 1(, S 151,QlJAO, 211 lINF SElECT l~lIl TfPlfXfP V-lIST-S157 BURN-IN U20 V-lIST-S157 BURN-IN RfS FIX 3. Q K OHM r; t .25 W CAPBON Fll~ ROI~ - R-25 R15 Rnll - R-25 FA fA fA FA 4-17 f" .... I" 00 2223015 I' 1 FlI"V1S10NS NOTES: UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED CD o m o o __ , 5. I'IAXIHUH COMPONENT liE/BUT ABOVE THE BOARD SIlALl 8E 19.00 I'IARX APPROPRIIiTE DASH Nun8ER AND REVISION LETTER IJJ SPACE" PER PROCESS.3 INDICATED ~. 5 ~ (4) 18 PlAec$ / ~ ~ -i~ ;~ O~ ~ iif- ~ ~~ • ~~ tkt CONVERSION CHART mm o leFf I;;~ J i; ~O J [; ~O §I J ,:{]! l[Jf \~ ~ 0 I~;~ f 10! I~ J O.C~ INCHES : : " , - . -:; .010 Q:U '?:~ :g~ ,070 1,78 ".00 I;_O~ I L,.P u ::) .. l .7_8 I :O~f 1~[5 Id~ ~ I ~Of ~i / ! .",,:.>.> PDIIT£ I~ l f rf if r- ~ I I : ! 5). . ' lie :L I~ A- Il,JE - .-- • ."...:; i- -IL I~ !~ Ice J I; I~ M 1 ...,...,.. ~-CD (U10-UZ7) r.-.-.-.-...-.-,,-.-.--,-,-..-,--,.-.-,.-u-.,-.-,-,-,-.c-.-..-.-R-.'-E-.--.-.-D-'-'-.--u-.-•.-.-.---------,~., - 4 - 30 • • L I-'" I (J JC-'L=...;U===-_ _ _ _ _- ,_ _ _-,_---,,.,--I i E LC.N :5005~'Z,D) ~'1tb-~ !>.\ _ WI. ~..:M' rnrL.r:..:Il:.:LL:..:M:.,U:::P..:D:.:~..:.TE:.....:":..:)...;A.::n.::D..:,.:.:O:..:"T..:..'_'.=__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __j ONL Y AND lu/O THRU AU?7 ON /JA5H J ONL r. CSOCKEB NOT "OPULATED ON DASH I) MAIlK SITE DATE CODE AND SHOAL NUMBER IIJ SPACE INDICATED Pell ITEH 9 PI/IlAGRAPH 'I- liND PROCESS 3 ~ LI'IUPDATE ........ _ 1 .' ~L eN "'~81. '0' 7",· '·n" I~ L"'c: :~7~~" ";:, ~HRU Ul, .... M I/IIE : VI TN/ Itr0l'l~_ PARTS ~ :I I 31"1AIIJ! 2 SLDI/. 1 SLOI! ~ ...... ()!;"'" 902-01 127-01 1C4-DZ PROCE~~~c I 01 100 00 "'10 I : ~2'~~"U;~ /', ID~I HGTI.S elK WH7,eAr4) HRND SOLDER WAVE SOLDER CLASSI;::;;::;;.Orv "I"OIOCES&S_~OIIICORRE""TO>010GOVT'"'IO_ClFIC"'IC»ISSEETIO'\IIwNGm...t- IISSEH8L Y 2223015 - 0001 1/ 13 C 0 E PWB ~~'301" OOOI'~I"'I~IA "c.c. DII/(;/(AM --I OF~S ~ ~~ A£YSTAnJS ~ - "~~I ~ • 2223017-00ollilll*I'I'III- 2223051 ~-----, :::::::::::::"..==-....::.:-, . ---~-~. o~.::':,~•• ~ I - 8755 22';!:l~O B~; APPLICATIOI'>I ---- EXPANSION EXPANSION EXPIINSION TITlE _L~ L1ST '~. . ". "". " - _:: -<- "., ,"-L.. ""'."V . <. ~lExA~::.s..;~~ENTsISI_METRIC! RAM EXPANSION ;.-,,,-,,,,,.,,, ;2~~~~C~ ::::: ~ -E3- ~~~;£; 01066681" ;:~=:: :~~:~~ RAM (JUK) KAM (!2I!lK) KAM NCo.o&lIa.An-.:(llIII~ t ~~ :::~'ff~N::;'M%fJ~} =,/;'5S'1 ! . I I 2223015 SCAI.~N - , .. _.-. II ..' .....----------lIST OF MATERIALS - - - - - - - - - -.... I1n4l82 PA~T NUMBER 2223015-0001 ITEM. 0002 0004 R[V F QIJMH lTV. REF 00018.000 OFSCPIPTION ••••• ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• EXPANSTON RAM [n~PONENT.. OESCRIPTlnN ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• U~ 2223017-0001 SCllfMATTC,EXPANSTON RAM fA 22101AA-0012 SI1CKET.OIP,16-PtNs,LnW PROFllf SEE T -I IlRAWtNG XUI0,XUll,XUI2,XUIJ,XUI4 SFE T -I DRAWING FA XUI5,XUI6t~117,XU18,XUlq SFE T -I DRAWING XU20,XU21,XU22,XU23,XU?4 SfF T -I DRAWING X1I2t;,XU26,XlI21 SH T -I DRAWING CAPAClTOR,.OOIUF 50V FX CERAPAII: Dlft COR CA-C02Zt;UI0?ZlOOA C5 COR CA-C0215UI01Z100A CAPACtTI1R,.10I.JF 50V FX,CERAMtC IlIF.l COR CA-C0315UI04l050A C19 COR CA-C01Z5UI04Z050A CAP FIX TANT SOU" 6.11 nro 10 ~ 35 VOLT OPL -M3q003/1-2304 C22,e23 QPL -M19D03/1-2304 PROC., SITE/DATE tODE AND SERIALIZATION 0004C 00040 0006 00001.000 OQ727.63-0001 oonol.ooo 0971763-(')025 0006A 0007 0007A OC08 00002.0000"12 0 24-0018 COOAA OOOQ REF OQ94396-UOOI 0101 00001.000 2223015-5001 qqQq 000)0.500 0239999-9999 PART ~UM8ER 2223015-0002 ITEM. OOOl 0003 P~V r: QIIANT lTV. REr 00009.000 orSCRrrTJ~N cn~pPNFNT.. FA FA fA nfSCRIPTII1N ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• UM RAM SCHF~ATIC,EXPANStON 2?11118-0004 tC,64K-BtT OYNAMIC RAM,150NS TA/Rnw TMS416-4-15Nl FA fA UIO,Ull.UI2,U13.VI4,Ul~,UI6 00010.000 2210188-0012 00001.000 0972163-0001 00001.000 0972163-0025 00041\ 0004C 0006A 0007 r:I\ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2~23017-0001 000313 0006 FA EXPANSION RAM C128K) 0003A 0004 EXPANSION RAM -AUTO INSERT 1254-3016-006 COST, SHRINKAGE fA TMS416-4-15NL U17,UI8 TMS416-4-15Nl soeKFT,oIP,16-PHIS,lOW PROfILF SfF T -I DRAWING XUIO,XUll,XUI2.XU13,XU14 5fE T -I DRAWING XU15,XU16,XU17,XUI8,XUIQ SEE T -I DRAWING XU2 0, XU21, XU22 ,XUl3, XI124 SfE T -I ORAWING XII2 5, XUZ6, XU21 SEE T -I DRAWING CAPAcnOR,.OOlUF 50V fX CFRAr1tC OIEt COR CA-COZZ5UI02Z100A C5 COR CA-C02Z5UI02Z100A CAPACITOR •• I0UF 50V FX,CERAMIC OIFt COR CA-C03Z5UI04Z050A F.A EA F/\ 4-19 . - - - - - - - . . . ; . . . . - - - l I S T OF MATERIALS 11124/82 PART NUMBER 2223015-0002 ITEM. PF.V F. g'lANT [TV. DFSCRJPTJON ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• EXPANSION RAM I1Z8K) COMrONENT •• 00002.000 0912924-0018 0008A REF 0009 OESCRIPTIO~ •••••••••••••••••• ~ •••••••••• UH Cl<) 0001A 0008 ----------IIIOB!! 0994396-0001 0101 00001.000 2223015-5002 qqq') 00000.500 0239')99-99')9 COR CA-C03Z5UI04Z050A CAP FIX TANT SOLfO 6.8 MEn 10 ~ 3~ VOLT QPL -H]9003/1-2304 C22,C23 QPL -H39003/1-2304 PROC., SITE/DATE conE AND SERIALIZATION EXPANSION RAM 112BK)-AUTO INSFRT 1254-3018-001 cnST, SHRINKAGE fA FA EA EA 11/24/82 PART NUMflfR 2223015-0003 ITEf~ • 0002 0003 REV F QUANTITY. REF 00010.000 DESCRIPTION •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••• EXPANSION RAM (192K) COMPONENT.. 2223011-0001 SCHfMUIC,EXPAPoiSlON RAM FA 2211118-0004 tC,64K-BtT OVNAMiC RAM,150NS TAIROW TMS416-4-15Nl UIO,Ull,U12,U13,U14.U15,U16 TMS416-4-15NL FA 0003A Ull,U18,~19,U20,U21,U22.U23 0003R OOO]C 0004 00010.000 2210188-0012 00001.000 091216]-0001 0004A 00040 0004C 0004rJ 0006 00001.000 0"12163-0025 00002.000 0972924-0018 0001A 0000 0008A 0009 o to 1 4-20 TMS416-4-15Nl U24,U25,U26,U27 TMS416-4-i')NL snCKET y OIP,16-PINS,LOW PRnFILf SFE T -I DRAWING XUIO,XUll,XU12,XUll,IU14 SEF. T -t "RAWING XU15,XU16,XUl1,XU18,XU19 SFE T -I DRAWING XU20,XUll.XU22,XU23,XUZ4 SEF T -T DRAWING XU25,l(uZ6,XU21 Sff T -I DRAWING CAPACtTOR,.OOIUf 50V FX CfRAMIC DIFL COR CA-C02l5UID2l100A FA EA (5 0006A 0001 OESCRIPTION ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• UH REf 09Q4396-0001 00001.000 2223015-5003 00000.')00 OZ3Q999-99Q9 COR CA-C02l5UIOZlIOOA CAPAcnOR,.lOUF 50V FX.CERAMIC oln COR CA-C03Z5UI04Z050A C19 COR CA-C03Z51H04l050A CAr fIX TANT SOLID 6.A Hro 10 ~ 35 VOLT QPL -"'39003/1-2304 C12,C23 QPL -M3?003/1-Z304 PROC., SITF/DATE conE AND SF.RIAL'lATtO~ EXPANSiON RAM (19ZKI-AUTO INSERT 1254-3020-001 COST, SHRINKAGE F.A fA fA EA FA ....-----------LlST OF MATERIALS - - - - - - - - - -...... 11/24/82 PART NUIIBFR 2223015-5001 I1F.V F. nEscprpTInN •• ~ •••••••••••••••••••••••••• fXPANSlON RAM -AUTO INSFPT ITFr1. OUANTITY. COMPONENT.. 0001 00001.000 2223016-0001 0003 OOOOQ.OOO 22t111R-0004 00002.000 2220360-0002 00009.000 0972763-0001 00011.000 0972163-0025 0003A 0005 0005A 0006 0006A 0007 0007A 00071' Of:SCRIPTION ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• lJM FA rWB,FXPANSTON RA' 1669-000 IC,64K-BtT OYNAMIC RAM,150NS TA/ROW TMS416-4-15Nl Ul,U2,U3,U4,U5,U6,U7,U8,UQ TMS416-:-4-15Nl IC,OCTAl ('!RAM ORIV(R, 3-STATE OUTPUTS SEE Tt- DRAWING 1J28,U2Q SEE Tt- OIlAWlliG CAPACITOR,.OOlUF 50V rx CF.P..AMIC DIH COR CA-C0215UI02Z100A Cl,(2,C3,C4,C6,C7,C8,C9,CI0 COR CA-C02Z5UI02Z100A CAPAC.TOR,.IOUF 50V FX,CERAMtC DIEl COR CA-C03Z5U104Z050A Cl1,CI2,CI3,CI4,C15,CI6,(17 COR CA-C03Z5U104Z050A FA fA C18,C20,C~1 COR CA-C03Z5U104Z050A 11174/82 PART NUMBER 2223015-5002 Rrv E OEscRIPTrON ••• ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••••• f'XPANSrON RAM (128KJ-AUTO INSFRT ITfrl. QUANTITY. COMPONENT.. DFSCR IPT InN •••••••••••••••••..•••••••••••• 0001 00001.000 2223016-0001 0003 00009.000 2111118-0004 00002.000 2220360-0002 00009.000 0912763-0001 00010.000 0912763-0025 PWR,FXPANSTON RAM 1669-000 IC,64K-BtT DYNAMIC RAM,150NS TA/Rnw TMS416-4-15Nl til, lI2,U3 ,U4, U5, IJ6 ,U7, IJ8 ,U9 TMS416-4-15Nl tC,OCTA( DRAM DRIVER, 3-STATE OUTPUTS SEE TI- OR AW tNt; U28,U29 SFF TI- or. AW ING CAPACtTOP,.OOlUF 50V FX CERAMIC otFl COR CA-C02Z5UI02Z100A Cl,C2,C3,C4,C6,(1,CQ,CQ,CIO COR CA-C02l5UI02l100A CAPACITOR,.IOUF 50V FX,CFRAMtC nln COR CA-C03Z5UI04Z050A Cl1,CI2,CI3,C14.(15,(16,CI7 COR CA-C03l5UI04Z050A CI8,C20,(71 con CA-C03l5UI04Z050A 0003A 0005 0005A 0006 0006A 0001 0007A 00010 tI~, FA FA FA FA 4-21 ...-----------lIST OF MATERIALS ----------~ ./ 11/24/82 PART NmmER 2223015-5003 REV E DESCRIPTION •••••••••••••• ·••••••••••••••• FXPANSJnN RAM nq2K ,-AUTO TNSfRT QUANTITY • (OMPON~NT.. 0001 00001.000 727.3016-0001 0003 DODO? .000 721111 A-0004 00002.000 2220360-0002 00009.000 OCPZ763-0001 OOOlA 0005 0005A 0006 OOObA 0001 0001A 0001B 00010.0000'712163-0025 DESCRiPTION ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• UM PWB,EXPANSTPN RAM 1669-000 Ie, MK-B IT DYNAMIC RAM,150N!,; TA/ROW TMS416-4-15Nl UI, U2,lJ3 ,U4,U5,U6 ,U1, IIIlt Uq TMS416-4-15Nl 1(,OeTAl DRAM DRIVER, 3-STATF OUTPUTS SfF TI- nRA\flNG UZl3,UZq SEE TI- DRAWING CAPAcnOR,.OOltlF C;OV FX CEIU'''''C DTFt COR CA-COZZ~UIOZZIOOA el, (2,(3,C 4,C6,C"7 ,CS, C9,.CI0 COR CA-C02ZC;UIO?ZlOOA CAPAcnOR .. IOUF 50V FX,CfRAMTC OIEl COR CA-C03Z5UI04Z050A Cl1,CI2,C13,&14,CI5,CI6,CI7 COR CA-C03Z5UI04Z050A CIA,C20,C?1 COR CA-C03Z5UI04Z050A FA FA f'1l EA / 4-22 5 6 7 B 4 3 NOTES: UNLESS OTHERWSE SPECFED o o HIRES ME" TWI5lCO PAIR [] HlWO 5tJWEIi' PO' PIiOC!5S ill llXATE: (AliE, ITEJ>! Z(;, APPb)""'IlTEa o lit' ItIIl)(}tE tJr clJl/e~ //011 I @I [!] 7ZI~E mfWE TO 1.7! at NN! [2] TORa/E TO O.9:! O. 1 N" n7 O.7! ()./NAI ~ !4l "' .. ...oJ vam:;E SELECTee JUMPER: 1EIT HlWO R?5IT1DN I~ 115V ~ G I CN48SD4!3 CD) Pf(UNYON(.'. ONALL L/'I'S JT£trlle. PIN riftS 09'729{;.g-COC!l,,ql5~ VPi U6E SEu:cme .////IIffR . RIGHT Jl'WO P()SfTlON IS 22() V ,TCrr- :2 tHY WAS :.C:;C D MAf>:" APPROPI","!: T.r flJ,f'T NUNB£R IIN£r£ /IYO/C'....,T;FP A1HrtAG MV'1"T B!" AN£) LCGllflE ff"'A1~ 29 8 .3/). c o Ill> CtJlVVER5iDN 711711 CHART 0.7 :!o.l AIM (;!. O."!OtNM 1.7:' O·tHAt c o [1JC26: 7lJP WEN NITA/COP£A', ff£H~pHEMOYEJ) FOR C£AHITY 3 IN{If£!! I IN/1J lJ~ /.0 IN~ 15 ~ l INi8 10) Z liFO";.> 4 B 2223037-()OOZ ZZZ3037-tJO(Jl r- A t-A SI{ l(C-!! PART NO ITEN ~ (C()VER),HEHIJV£lJFCH ClARITY (lNIICTIVE) PON£R SUPPlY ASSY, 1N'f'EIfNATIDNRL F'OJJEIl SUPPJ." ASS V, 115V DESCRIPTION e C-.J SHZ(B-7/ .,,- ,;;;-1 ~ --.----. _'··. ._---_.._ ....-_--- A ._._~.D.K .~_~.D __ .--............-.T_.......... • ...... ~ .~ HAND SOLDER ! ,.r!A.!l;!;y 8755 _ _ _ a .... _ POWER SUPPLY ASSY 2223037 USEDO'o APPLICATIO,," 5 .j:>. 8 4 300 RL a ..j:>o 7 5 6 4 3 ~ 2223037 2 :J ... 'dlSREQ'p @{ffil @--ID1ZIrS!JHIJIW.Y ~ .. «JIJI ONLY ,IZKzI. ~~ c VIEN .J>I C-t: !(A-5) '~fl} III 2[18: GRAPHIC Il£usrHIITIPN J'1f)R Nd/TNG. H£F avLl' Gtllf.e:AIPNF 4 IEQD B A 222303-7-iF a 7 6 5 4 ., fIIIEI ., \ .------------LlST OF MATERIALS - - - - - - - - - - - . 11124/82 PART NUMBER 72230;!7-0001 REV f nr:scRTrTtoN ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• pnWFR SUPPY ASSY-115V on~ESTtC ITEll. QUANTI TY. COMPONENT.. 0001 00001.000 2223091-0001 0002 00001.000 272302~-0001 0003 00001.000 2223026-0001 00001.000 721194Q-OOOl 0005 00001.000 09Q6760-0001 0006 OOOO} .000 7720485-0001 0007 OOOOO.~OO 041A082-0001 0010 00004.000 0972831-0004 0011 00004 •. 000 0972Q8A-0041 RIVET,1/8X.275,TUI\ULAR,STEFt.,BLJNn 019738-1821-0410 SCREW 8-32 X .250 PAN "fAn CRES 0012 00003.000 0972969-0005 SCREW 116-20 X 3/8 LG PI HEX WASHER fA 0013 00004.000 0411101-0059 fA 0014 00004.000 0416622-0024 0018 00000.500 09'16;?8b-445"! 0070 00001.400 Oq3~177-54n8 0021 00001.400 0935172-5088 0025 00000.000 2223000-0001 0026 00001.000 2207Rh9-0001 0027 00001.000 227.308R-OOOl 0028 oe001.000 2220641-0001 002<) 00001.000 27.l0066-0006 0030 00001.000 0 000779-2- 31879- 2 SCRF.W 6-32 X .5eo PAN IIEAT'! eRfS 0031 00002.000 0411077-0806 0012 00007.000 041111<;-0064 0034 00002.000 0411101-005R 0025A 002511 nfSCRIPTION ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• UM pnWfR SUPPLY, prGASIJS SEE TI - OR AW I NG CHASSls,pnWfR SUPPLY 1678-1025-006 COVFR,pnWFR SUPPLY 1618-3026-006 SWITCH,ROCKfR,OPST,10A,750V SEE TI- ORAWING RECFPTACLE,3-PTN AC PWR SCT -EAC-J01 RECFPTAClE,AC pnWER,rfMAIF,~ PIN -COO GROMMFT, PLAStIC, fOGING nm WA5HfR,f6 flAT,CRES,.156 X .31~ X .049 QPL - MS15795-806 NUT,PLAIN 6-32 lINC-2B HFX (PES OPL - MS3~649-264 LOCKWASHFR 116 rXTFPNAL TonTH eRfS QPl - M535335-58 FA FA FA FA FA fA Ell. Ell. fA fT FT fT Ell. FA fA fA fA FA 4-25 ....- - - - - - - - - - L l S T OF MATERIALS - - - - - - - - - - - . 11/24/82 PART NmmER 222.1031-0002 REV F OESCRIPTION ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• POWER SUPPLY ASSV,INTFRNATtONAL ITFM. QlJ ANT lTV. C(1'1PflNENT.. 0001 00001.000 22230"11-0001 0002 00001.000 7223025-0001 000) 00001.000 27.23026-0001 0004 00001.000 2720637-0001 000'5 00001.000 0')"16260-0001 0006 00001.~00 22204~5-0001 0418062-QOOI DESCRIPTION ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• tiM POWER SUPPLY, PEGASUS SEE TI- DRAWING CHASSIS, POWER SUPPLY 1618-3025-006 COVER, POWER SUPPLY 1678-30.26-006 ROCKER SWITCH Fm~ EUROPEAN ASSEMBLIES SEE Tt- DRAWING RECEPTAClE,3-PIN At PWR SCT -EAt-301 RF.tEPTACLE,AC POWER,FEMALE,3 PIN -000 GROMMET, PLASTIC, EDGING 0007 AR 0010 OOOO't.OOO 0011 00001•• 000 0(H2831-0004RIVET, I/aX.215, TUBULAR, STfFl ,BLINn 019138-1821-0410 0,)12,)88-00~1 SCREW 8-32 X .250 PAN HEAD tRES 0012 00001.000 0')72%')-0005 SCREW "6-20 X 3/8 LG THO PL HEX WASHER 0011 00004.000 0411101-0059 0014 00004.000 0416622-0024 0018 0~000.5CO OQQ6286-4455 007.0 00001.400 OQ35112-5488 0021 00001.400 Oq)511~-5088 0025 O()OOO. 000 2271000- 0002 0026 00001.000 2Z01R6"1-0001 0027 00001.000 2223088-0001 002') 00001.000 7210066-0006 0030 00001.000 OQ72,)88-0030 lOCKWASHFn. 8 FXTERNAL TOOTH (RES - M535335-'59 QPl WASHER "8 FLAT Qrl - AN960CBL WIRE,19-STRANO .10 GRN/vFllOW la-1410 SfF. n - OR AW ING WIRE, ilL 143013317,18AWG,GRA/VEl 1650-001)0-000 WIRE,Ul 1430/3317,IAAWG,GRA/RlK 1650-0000-000 POWFR SUPPLY-RPO 1254-7.000-000 *MAY BE US~O AS AN 1254-2000-000 *AlTF~NATE TO ITFM 1 1254-2000-000 lAAFL,WARNING HIGH VOLTAGF 1234-186Q-OOO CARLE ASSy,POWF.R RCf'T TO PWR SUPPLY 1\0 ----------000 lUG.RING TONGUF,TAPF MTOtJ~.Rro,22-1~ 000779-2-3181Q-2 SCRFW 6~32 X .'500 rAN HFAO CRrs 00:\1 00002.000 0411021-0R06 0032 OOOOZ.OOO 0411115-0064 0031 00001.000 Z12304R-000I 0034 00002.000 0411101-0058 002511. 007.50 4-26 WAStlER,"6 FlAT,CRES,.lo;6 X .375 X .04Q QPL - '1515195-806 NUT,PlAIN 6-32 UNC-2A HFX eRES - M535649-264 QPl CABLE ASSY,TNT'l FAN CORn ----------000 LOCKWASHFR'6 EXTERNAL TOOTH CPES - ~S35315-58 QPl I'll. fA fA FA EA I'll. EA FA fA FA EA FT FT / FT Ell FA FA EA FII FA EA FA FA e s 7 1IIJftS' \,IIUSScm«JMI5( SPU71J) IT] ... .A' j'(i") LNI ;:'I>.S..L~ "t'O eL COt\~'T'£D A"( "',T u.'t'a IlJ I ,,"c/n ~l"P\.ACf!S CAUTlON.$TATIC.Sllt.5l Tl't! t:.:"as 0lIl na 4SSIf. .....V "'SSOflll PIIOPliEit GII!OtJlfOl"" _Rl_" ~NlLft6 m uPOoIIrFQ M."L~' ®1 HANO s.oL.D£Jt PE1l PlifOC.fU I o "",., ,. @] 1llfIIW''''' tu.IOJIli'M IS! IIIdJ I!J lDof4W TTJo.'!!dlflNIf t • .!/'~j :1J rtJIl1tIJt' IDZ.J :0./"" IZJJ!IIIII.IJ \ ZF'lIllC£S lie) tH Z?L4CC5 2}J @RE.f' 1.7!D.I_ \w! I~J !.......... / , r-B lo-,,) / " Fa 0 sa CI F E 04== 0 /!d 0 \ / '\S:) I G G; ,.~\ /" l..s '&."'''' . OAMc"tFl CN4l!,Z7()(c)pJlIJfjrON (liON ,r[met /" -el/ a> LM PI'I w~ "'7~';'OOO!l . .40o.m JTt ITEftI'SZ4A/ItCJO JTT WA§ I.COO AND 2.000 tIlOf'( -a:t:II! 41\0 -OOOl L~::S ITeM" PN WA5 ZZlOS"li-OOO.(4)Aal£D 11l!/fI'S 4!.o, S 45, .t. .. ' .... AI'{04tal(J/'i At.L ~ ern @ou o ~ \ ~w o <'''5~_ E '~.c:nOM / o E B-B I "TT c-c ......... e .... \ ;' 1"-' \ Ii 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 "b ret . l 0 .0 L oocr-===-___OOO ~ I • 'iJJ A-A r . c 1 I Sl'ZZ'O!lll-OCO!l i I:Ze"O:l8 -coo.r !ztZ~o!Ja·oopl 0 0 \ or. "' Si .'J '\ N '- '" t#:"''"' ~ ~ 100 I ~"'O 5OL";V ...i,_~., •.,". ..:~,:~:~a~.~.,. ._ l"tl! 22Z30!1 22.2.3C501 ,5 -~- 755 87~! 3 .:.,uG • ="'" ""'- ------ -~--- ~ =-.-:~;':~.'J.:"- -. ' - A I I ...... lNC.D5UR!" sum".'¥' - Yet' I_ I!'HCL9SUJlte' ~U"AS$T· "PO j 1MAIaI :~~_~~_~OAS.!h" ~~[' ~O-.,) :.:)R o 0@]PUlCES ~"U d-v~ 00000 I N '-J ~u:.TIOM (.G-'!l) 5tM..! ftOM(. \\ I ® ® -U 2 ~ 1 '; / ~ \ "'t.w A-A 0 "'>I <. (,,-,) ... ~ U U 2ZC305D ., ., QTV CTV ;, ";;," I '"c. - ~ ~ 'CTESI :"~~ !'!lEv ~ E E A I 2 3, 222304 NElCT,o,ssv 8755 !.SEDCiN APPLICATION _-...~ ,~-". ~,~;~:.':. ::~~ ~-8 ' ' ·'11 ~.mnA,o.3O> .0 ''' ... D3 'Go.~-""'40 .0:"'.003 n.,"-t$C.., .0:11>.0., I~ fOoIIEHC1A"'--CIlI~ PARTS LlS- 4'!'E,"t ~ TEXA~::.~.~~ENTsISI_METRIC "-.. JJ .,~.ON "IIlP'OOI!_ I'CU!Y~ 320 K FLDPPY Dt,SC.R\i'T\D", ~.".. , G-;n ?t.~ ....... ~"'""Cl"""01Ef;ao.o.. ClASSIFIC,.,TION A%'r. OOM5Trc. S'fSTEM A'S'S,,<. DDM'CS"\\C. B"'5\':.. S'<'So1"£,M .Q..':.'S'<. CCM~,Snc. - Sl'Pl.NOPl.R'D ~CIlI~"""'" . . . . ......"....,....a ....... POWX:Ess.£S _ FCA ~Uln:wTO.aovr.-...c SPl:QFIC."TIOO "":'.: . • .......:::.."" DB_ . ......oc.ES.'· •• II!"' ""'""" ................ _ _ __ ..... -.a .... CCI:><>,""" PROCESS I l'J"Ib~ ; . ---=--...... ~m ,m'" -·c. _ ffi REF ~ ~ ._.... CN 5011,. I (II LM- 2 DELE IT 22 PN991..1~. ~~ """'d~ i ADD r& ~::'~; J:;cC:~~ [ u ~n "IU/S. APPROXIMATEL'1I~ :.....- REGD , Iff) UPDATeD LM SHOWN , . [~ /ft, CLIP PROVIDED, , I At: VISIONS ~~ ~ TO O.5! 0_/ ~W TC C. 7 : O. / AI'" 7lJ /. / : 0./ AI,.. i?J 0.9: o. /AIV REFER TO 1T£Ji1 5{) FOE- FLOPPY DRIVE C/JNF/(iUI?ATlO'.' 1N5T;U~T/ON£ }/H/C/./ ML/5T BE PERFORMEDI-OOO/ AND-OOO.! ONL'!, roff)lf£ TO/:f!I![ ~ TOI'"OU[ ~ TtJrOUE WITH WIT c .. IT Illi h @ 1 15 TO BE PACKED LOOSE ITEM \C SELf DESiRUC,l: lP..6E\' P\..ACED TI..US lDC.Al' \01'1 -E.'S H.C.' ~ SECURE UN 1- Im~: 2223"50 ! ~- " ~z SYSTEM ASSY • DOMESTIC ~.'::].<;;.I ". .- I·~~ ·r~ ~/~s/ez V 61066681' SCAI.l!1I ~~ 2223050 _0 ! OF :3 7 B 5 6 ~ l"R\~'Tt..~ A/:. ""U ~ o , I -.J II \ l'"l ,c.~ ~:::::"':":"'::::::::::::::::~~::::~E::::5' 1-1~r.;;;J~~1 \ . '-, __ --,-' . """'{~~~E. t.....~\..L I-~ 2.2.23050i2l 3 ~ MO~\,O~ P\LIR. CJ\~Lt. ~~f I"'I/"~,,('BC II ",!.f ,.1..l, I 'Pf,' 4 L:...:.l,@set c.",:m.t. ~-----J~~~----I"':(e~-:;""1=' 5 10 I ____ i. ______ 1U~ -' r=~ I ( I ! .I!:'C.. _ _ ...F=;:' 1""~ r--' '-, ... ~,... VIE"C (8-2\ I., " I ' ., '\\ ~ ....." I B o SH3(1I-4; J!!j "-, ", r-"" I. I EZtJ "L!":E" : VlEN D SH e D-7 c FOR-ODOI FOR-0003 -0002 £2 c:::ID D EI E2 E4 c:::m D E3 E4 Eeem 0 ES EC ~EI CID CID 0 E3 0 ES VIEW C (0-,;1 @ ® @ A A .'!>\\ REcio €)REF B 5 4 , ll!o-o;,) ~ f!. .. ·1.·8t: 2 '\ PI I ~ I ~I [!J /® ./ . . - - - - - - - - - - - l I S T OF MATERIALS - - - - - - - - - - 11/241 ~2 PART NU'1DER REV l2230~0-0001 F OFSCRlrTJON ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• SYSTEM ASSY-STANDARn ITEM. QlJ ANTT TV. COMPONFNT.. 0001 OOOOI.IlOO 2223038-0001 0002 00001.000 222l07.9-0001 0003 00004.000 2273033-0001 0004 00001.000 2223034-0001 0006 00001.000 09CJ6289-·0001 0001 00000.000 0996789-0002 ~OOOl.OOO 2273015-0001 MAIN ENClOSlIRE, SIIRASSv 1669-103B-000 covrn,TFRMINAL 161B-3029-006 PLATE OPTION BOAPO 1678-3133-009 INSERT PlATE,FLOPPY 16711-3134-008 corm SF.T,3-PIN PWR-OOMFSTtC BLACK OB0126-0-1R89-008-GY CORD SET,3-PJN PWP-DOMFSTIC GnAY W/CLIP OROI26-0-7919-008-GY *MAY BF USEO AS AN 080126-0-7919-008-GY ~AlTF.RNATE Tn ITEM 6. OB0126-0-1919-00B-GY LABEl,SERIAL-950 TERH,STANOA~D DOM 1669-107'j-000 LABEL, SELF-DESTRUCT, .6"56 X .25 1652-1214-000 PllJG,HOlE-l.<;6'J ntA SEF TI - DRAWl NG SfR£W 8-32 X .315 PAN HEAn CRES FA FA 22230"2-0001 SCREW, TUREAO FORMING. '6-32 1282-5256-000 DISK DRIVE ASSY,fLOPPY,5.25 INCH 1254-000 ALPHA CRT CONTROLLER 1254-1009-005 SCREW, 6-32 X 3/8, HEX HfAn SEE TJ- DRAWING INTERCONNFCT OIAGRAM 0007A 0007B 0009 0010 0'1')6943-0001 0011 00001.000 2211919-0002 0013 00002.000 0912988-0043 0014 00007.000 0'H26R4-0011 0017 C0001.000 2220446-0001 0020 00001.000 2223009-0001 0022 00003.000 22100n-000f! 002'5 REF FA FA EA FA fA fA FA EA ~A FA FA FA o. EA 0029 00001.000 O
TO FLOPPY FA 0046 00001.000 0999456-9101 0048 00001.000 2223203-0001 00'50 4-34 AR DESCRIPTION ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• UM REF 2223279-0001 Ef)\HP~F.NT ----------000 MANUAL,INrORMATlnN RFQUEST ForM 1225-IJ456-000 MANUAL-GETTING STARTEO 1261-l203-000 CONFIGURATION,FLnpPY "ISK ORIVES EA FA EA fA FA EA F.A fA FA FA .....-11/24/112 - - - - - - - - - l I S T OF MATERIALS - - - - - - - - - - - . PART NUMBER 2223050-0002 RFV F OF.SCRtPTION ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• SYSTFM A5SY-BASIC lTFM. OIJANT ITY. COMPONENT.. 0001 00001.000 222l03A-OOOl 0002 00001.000 7.223079-0001 0003 oooo~.aoo 2223033-0001 0004 00002.000 2223034-0001 0006 00001.000 OQ962S9-0001 0007 00000.000 Oqq~2Rq-0002 OO~Ol.aoo 2223075-0002 0007A 00078 OOOq 0010 AR 0996'J43-0001 0011 00001.000 221191'J-0002 0013 00007.000 0972<)88-0043 0014 00007.000 0972684-0011 002<; PF.F DESCRIPTION ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• UM MAtN ENClOSURF,SUnASSY 166'J-I03JJ-000 COVFR,TERMINAl 1678-302Q-006 PlATf OPTioN BOARD 1678-3113-009 I~SERT plATE,FlOPPY 1678-3134-008 CORn SET,3-PJN PWR-OOMFSTIC BLACK 080126-0-1889-009-GY COPD SET,3-PIN rWR-OOMr-STIC GRAY W/CL1P 080 126-0-1919-00B-GY *MAY BE USEO AS AN 060 126-0-7'Jl'J-008-GY *AL TERNATE TO ITEM 6. 080 126-0-7'J19-008-GY lABEL,SERIAl-g~o TERMTNAL,BASIC DOMESTIC 166<)-2075-000 LABEL, SElF-DfSTRIJCT, .656 X .25 1652-1274-000 PlI.JG,HOlE'-1.563 DIA SEE TI- DRAWING SCREW 8-32 x .315 PAN HfAn CRES FA fA FA FA FA EA fA FA EA fA 2123082-0001 SCREW, THREAD FORMING, '6-32 1282-5256-000 HITFRCmINF:CT DIAGRAM EA fA 002'} 00001.000 0972632-0001 STRAP.TIE DOWN,CABLF.-NON-STD,0-1-1/4 O. FA 00~1 00001.000 7223016-0001 fA 0032 00001.000 2223020-0001 OOB 00001.000 22230QO-0001 0035 00004.000 OQ12969-000'J 0036 00001.000 0912969-0008 INSERT SWITCH OPENING 125s-3t;1'IJ-002 PANEL,FRONT 1255-3521-002 NAMEPlATF,PPOf[SSIONAl COMPUTFR ----------000 SCRf.I~,6-20 X 7/8 HEX WASI~fll HfAD SEF T1- ORAWING SCRfW,6-20 X 1/4 HFX WASHrp HFAO 0037 00001.000 nl11R4-'0001 FA 0038 00001.000 2269942-0001 LABFl, .H4H. FCC (LASS A EQUIPMENT SEE Tl- nRAWJMG lARfl,ul OOlc) ~OOOl.OOO 2269941-0001 lARFl,CSA F.A 0041 00001.000 2223097-0001 0046 00001.000 0999456-9701 00001.000 2223203-0001 CABLE ASSY,MOTHERROARO TO FLOPPY ----------000 MANUAL, INfORMATION REQllrST FORM, 127.5-9456-000 r~ANIJAl-GETTlNG STARTEn 1261-3203-000 FA FA F.A fA FA 4-35 .....- - - - - - - - - - - L l S T OF MATERIALS - - - - - - - - - -..... 11/24/f12 PAPT NUMBER 7.223050-0001 ~rv F n[SCRIPTION ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• SYSTFMS ASSY '\TANOARD-320K HEM. QlI ANTI fV. COMI'ONENT.. 0001 00001.000 222301A-0001 0002 00001.000 2223029-0001 0003 00004.0(10 2223033-0001 0004 00001.000 2223034-0001 0006 00001.000 099h28Q-0001 0001 00000.000 09%28 ..ll IT 48 (3) NO PROVIDED, WilEN NOT IN USE PACKED LOOSE IS DEVICE n ~ WAS 0.1 Nil' TORQUE TO /./! 0.1 NM SfT MOTHflfSORKO OPTION (gj JIlMPf!K. 'LIHJS A5 FOl.LOWS: CONNECT , EliCH TO EI!, E4 CONNECT E. TO £6, RN!} EI9TOElO c f / o "'"t:o;.,jJ. 29 ,u- ~ c I 'Sz: rn~ftEF rn~RE< B B \ CD YIEwA-A @ SIIE (A-") '.\ '. ® ... .. , ...,~ __ --_ ._""-_ ----_._.-.._--0... . .........."--_ ..... ... . .... A --- • •~ _ _ _ ONI... .-~-.-- f' ~ PIlATS L.lS~ A ·~2 . . . . . ~.D.2L ~I ~ P~OCE7': NiIoeuriE. _ _ 8 ~""'~TOQOII'T...cI_CFCA_ 7 SUl1~»iNel ..."'.,'" 1--1 DID ID I 0I'...ns 6 - ....1!30401 8755 ... UI": ~_ Ie::' UIEOCW il.t.U '. ",~:.i' _-...1_ '·22.-e;:. ~.~:.:::. SYSTEM ASSY, INTERNATIONAL 2223051 ,_.... lOF3 "PPLICATION 5 4- 300 LM fair f" ., B ~ 6 !5 A~ PLAtES c I ~I , ""\~'Tt.l\ ~f 1\\·U_l\FI\(.~ c.,,~t. M ."I!>Lt. I I /"t.'l!>oc "-t.f \ I P' ~U _____ 1 ____ ~ '"ti' L.=J '-1 3 ~MO~\"lOl\ ~"( ,.ll, \ 4 -l ____ .r1'~-~'l:==o ... ~'-, .' C."I!>Lt. Jt ______ {~p-' ~S=.=> I _ _ ..F """....,.) I \ ! I, c -.. I, ;.--~ P\lJI'. \} , B SH3(S-.) ~ ~ r!~~ c -£1 £4. SEE rKW D (e-I) r----' •• __ ~C5 12 VI£W (s-,: B • EJ ~.-:EZD L!~EI9 c VIEW 0 Ie..,,) C e ® ® @ e ", A A A A L B @)2PLACES 6 1ill®4 PLACES 4 !5 ". ~" , la-",) -l 1!. ~ -'t.. 11ll£[ 2 -'j r-_____ Q _ _ _ _ _ _~-------u------~-------w------~~---------,-n~ ili n _ 0, r<)! N N (\j U) ° r<) (\j (\j (\j ~. ~ @ . ~ 0 £Il , 'dI' ~ '0 IX) Q, I'.! ~ 3i .. '" ~ :... > ~ I:) .() , '" II) ~ ~ III G) ~ ,0 @ 61 ~ e Q u m 4-39 ....-----------LlST OF MATERIALS - - - - - - - - - -...... 11/24/R2 PART NUMBER 2223051-0001 nFV n nESCRJPTION •••• ~ •••••••••••••••••••••••• SYSTEM ASSy-tNT'L RPO ITI'M. QU ANT lTY. cor~p(1NEtJT •• 0001 00001.000 2273038-0002 0002 OO~01.000 2273029-0001 0003 00005.000 222~033-0001 0004 00002.000 2223034-0001 0006 00001.000 09Q(.69C;-0001 0009 00001.000 2223015-0003 0010 AR OQ96943-0001 0011 00001.000 2211919-0002 0013 00002.000 0912988-0043 0014 00009.000 0996741-0006 0025 REF STRAr.T1E onWN,CA8LE-NON-STO,0-1-1.I4 ('912617-0001 0031 00001.000 2223016-0001 0032 00001.000 22230l0-0001 0033 00001.000 2223090-0001 0035 00004.000 0972969-0009 0036 00001.000 0912969-0008 0041 00001.000 2221091-0001 0046 00001.000 0999456-9101 0041 00001.000 2222514-0001 0048 00001.000 2223203-0001 FA F.A FA FA FA EA FA FA a 2223082-0001 00001.000 FA MAIN ENCLOSURE SUqASSY-RPO 1669-2038-000 COVER,TFRMtNAl 1679-3029-006 PLATE OPTION ROARn 1618-3133-009 INSfRT PLATf,flOPPY 1618-3114-008 CABLF.,POWER W/O PlIIG flNH.1 080126-101-2-093 LARFl,SERtAl-950 TfRM,8AStC BPO 1669-1075-000 LABEL~ SflF-OESTRUCT, .656 X .25 1652-1214-000 PLUG,HOLf-l.5630IA SFF TI- DRAWING SCREW 8-32 X .315 PAN HEAO CRI'S 6-20 X 1/8 <;EMS SCRfW TYPE SF!: TI- ORAWTNG INTERCONNI'CT OIAGRAM 0079 4-40 nE')cRIPTION ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• U"'I INSERT SWITCH OPFNING . 1255-3519-002 PANFl.FRONT 12~':i-3521-002 NAMEPLATE,PROFESStONAl COMPUTER ----------000 SCRF.W,6-20 X 1/8 ~IEX WASHFR U£AD sr:r: TJ- OPAWING SCRFW.6-20 X 3/4 HEX WASHfR HEAD fA fA o. fA FA FA EA fA CASl E ASSY',MOTHFRROARO Tn FLOPPY ----------000 MMWAl.INFORMATlON REOUEST F(lRM 1225-9456-000 LARFL,CAUTI0N fspnl fA MAtWAl-GETTlNG STARTED 1261-3201-000 F.A FA ....-----------LlST OF MATERIALS - - - - - - - - - -...... / 11/2 tf 82 PART NUMBER REV 7223051-0007 0 OfsCRtrTION ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• SYSTEM.ASSY-tNT'L VnE ITHI. QUANTITV. COMPONENT. • 0001 00001.000 7723038-0003 0002 00001.000 2223029-0001 0003 00005.000 7223033-0001 0004 00002.000 2223034-0001 0006 00001.000 0996290-0001 0009 00001.000 2223015-0004 0010 AR 0996943-0001 0011 00001.000 2211919-0092 0013 00002.000 0972988-0043 0014 00009.000 0996741-0006 0025 REI" OE SCR I PTJ ON ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• UM MAIN ENCLOSURE SUR ASSY-VOE 1669-30.3fJ-000 COVER,TERMINAL 1618-3029-006 PLATE OPTION BOARn 1618-3133-009 INSERT PLATE,FLOPPV 1618-31.34-008 COROSET.POWR-WFST FUIW-RT ANGlF. PLUG fA LABEl,SERIAl-950 TERM,BASIC VOE 16(:.9-4075-000 LABEL, SELF-DESTRUCT, .656 X .25 1652-1274-000 PlUG.HOlE-l.563 OIA SEE TI - DRAW I NG SCREW 8-32 X .375 PAN HEAn (RES E.A 2223082-0001 6-20 X 3/8 SEMS SCREW TYPE B SEE TI- DRAWING INTERCONNECT DIAGRAM STPAP,TI[ DOWN,CABlE-NON-STD,0-1-1/4 0079 00001.000 0972632-0001 0031 00001.000 2221076~0001 0032 00001.000 27.7.~07.0-0001 0033 r0001.000 2223090-0001 0035 00004.000 OQ 7 2969-0009 0036 00001.000 0972969-0008 0041 00001.000 2223097-0001 0046 00001.000 099Q456-<1101 0048 00001.000 2223203-0001 INSERT SWITCH OPENING -1255-3519-002 PANEL,FRONT 1255-3521-002 NAMErlATf,PROFFSSIONAl COMPUTER ----------000 SCPEW,6-20 X T/8 HFX WASHFR HEAr) SEF TJ- DRAWTNG SCREW,6-20 X 3/4 HEX WASHFR HEAO CARLF ASSY,MOTHFRBOARO TO Florpy ----------000 MANUAl,lNFORMATION RFQUfST FORM 1225-9456-000 MANUAL-GETTING STARTfO 1261-1203-000 EA FA EA fA fA fA o. EA fA fA FII fA fA fA fA 4-41 ....----------L/ST OF MATERIALS - - - - - - - - - - - - . 11124182 PART NUMBER 2223051-0003 RfV D OESCRIPTION ••• ; ••••••••••••••••••••••••• SYSTEM ASSY-INT'L 115V QUANT ITY. r.OMPONENT.. 0001 00001.000 2723018-0001 0002 00001.000 2223029-0001 0003 OOOO~.OOO 222~031-00QI 0004 00007.000 2221034-0001 0006 00001.000 09962S'l-0001 00C1 00000.000 09Q62R9-0002 0009 00001.000 ?223075-000~ 0010 AR 0996941-0001 0011 00001.000 221191Q-0002 0011 00002.000 0972988-0043 0014 00009.000 0996741-0006 OOOTA 0001A 0025 4-42 REf nFSCRIPTION ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• UM MAIN ENClOSURE,SU~ASSY 166<}-1038-000 COVER,TERMINAL 167f!-302Q-006 PLATE OPTION 80ARO 1678-3113-009 INSERT PLATE.Fl.OPPY 1618-3134-008 CORO SFT,l-PIN PWR-nOMESTtC BLACK 080126-0-7889-008-GY COPO SET, 3-PIN rWR-OOMfSTtC GIUY WlCtIP 080126-0-7919-008-GY *MAY OF. USEO AS AN 080126-0-7919-00R-GY *ALTERNATE TO ITEM 6. 080126-0-7919-008-GY LAAEL.SERIAl-950 TFRMINAL,BASIC 1669-5015-000 LABEL, SELF-OESTRutT, .656 X .25 1652-1274-000 PLUG.HOlE-I.563 OJA SEF TI- ORAWING SCREW 8-32 X .31'> PAN tfEAOCRFS fA EA FA f.A ~A Ell FA FA fA EA 222308?-0001 6-20 X 31B SF.MS SCREW TYPE R SEE TI- DRAWING INTFRCONNECT DIAGRAM FA EA 0029 00001.000 OQ72632-0001 STRAP,TIE DOWN,CABlE-NON-srn,0-1-114 O. FA 003l 00001.000 2223016-0001 EA 0032 00001.000 2223020-0001 OOll 00001.('00 22230QO-0001 0035 00004.000 OQ1ZQ6Q-000? 00001.000 OQ17Q69-000A INSERT SWITCH OPENING 1255-3519-002 rANEl,FRONT 125'>-1521-002 NAMFPLATF..PROFFSSIONAl CnMPl.lTFR ----------000 SCRFW,6-20 X 718 HFX WASHFR HEAD SEE TI';" DRAWING SCRFW,6-20 X 114 HFX WASHER HfAD 0041 oe001.000 2Z230Q1-0001 CA~lE FA 0046 00001.000 OQ9Q456-Q701 0048 OOOOl.~OO 2723203-0001 ASSY,MOTHERBOARO TO FLOPPY ----------000 HANUAl,INFORMATION PFrnJFST FOPM 1225-9456-000 . MANUAL-GrTTING STARTFD 1261-3203-000 FA F.A FA EA EA FA B 7 5 6 4 3 NOTES; UNL.ESS OTHERWSE SPECIFIED [Ij MAXIMUM COMPONENT UE/GUT IlSOVE TUE BOARO SUALL 8E o ~. ~ r- ~ MARK SiTE OATE COOE ANO SER/AL NUMBER IN 5PACE IND/CATGO PER ITEM Z4- PARAGRAPH PROCESS 3 4.0 ANO III MAXIMUhf SUALL BE lID MARl( APPROPRIATE OIlSU NUMBER AND REVISION LETTER IN SPACE INDICATED PER PROCEsS 3 LEAO LENGTU BELOW BOARD te• .3 5. ffi C~UTION TUIS ASSEMBLY AND CERTAIN COMPONENTS ARE SUSCEPTIBLE TO OAMAGE FQOM ELECTROSTATIC OISCUARGE. OPERATOR AND EQUIPMENT GROUND AND PACllAGE 15 REQUIREO. STATIC SENSITIVE COMPONENTS -!IRE' UI THIW U4~ [ij COMPONENTs US. Ub. U7. UB. U<;. UIO. UII. 1.112 ARE USED ON -0002 ONLY INSTALL ITEM 22 AFTER UNIT TES"t INSTALL ITEM 28 Be-TweEN E2-EI ANC E4·E3 ON -0001 A!tSEMBLY ONLY c "-PLACES I + B .SS~22g:t.g'l.g. U4~t40 _~ un g ." ~l.L ~ .g. N. un U~~9 'O.l ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 1 1 1:39 U3. 5 1 1 C40 U27 1 1 U43 I U41' 1 ~ ,U~13 -0 1 U~" 0' U~IS C3l '~U" 8' U~17 0 t3S R2 c;-' u~" -,U2S ,,~, ,~~'" ~ 3 IF~, ~ s C~~U\ ~u:r~'CSl ~~ c~ u,. ~U~'~:~UU,,! II E2 R3 r GItAPHICS I ,D·" '·0" o'"0" '·0" '·0" 'nU 'nU 'nU'nU 21~', . . U'9"b' .2'''b,·21 "b 'U22"b' U23"b'·", .,,!i c~ t.. n"= U n"= n U U= n U= n U= n U ~+ :.i 0 B I. C21 + 0 C22 C23 P4' '" C2S .,0 0 '" 0 C21 0 co • tI. f;IBPLACES tI' , '. ~fI. Z I'I/IX 1'1" HE/OHT '--II./! MAX P/AJ HEIGHT' Z22306ICOODlr-GRA I.PART NUMBER A HOT 1.5 CLR WHY HANO SOLDER WAVE sQLDER GRAPHICS CRT CONTROLLER ~ l:; 7 5 4 2 me, .....- - - - - - - - - - - L l S T OF MATERIALS - - - - - - - - - - - - - . PART ~UMBEP 2223061-0001 ITH1. 0002 0007 Rrv H QUANTITY. REF 00001.000 OFSCRIPTJON •• ~~ •••• O.~~ GRAPIHCS,CRT CONTROllER COMPONENT •• $ •••••••••••• DESCRIPTION ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• UM CRT cmlTROllER 2223063-0001 nlAGRAM.lOGlc.G~ApmCS 2210653-0001 IC,lS11A,3-TO-8 LINE OEcnnEn V-lIST-lS138 RURN-IN fA U26 00071'1 00001.000 2210288-0022 0022 00004.000 09Q6341-0003 0023 00001.000 2210057-0011 0021 .... 00211'1 V-l I ST-l S138 BURN-IN HEADER,1-RVW,?2 CONTACTS, .100" CENTEPS SfE Tt- ORAWINr. P41 Sf[ TI- ORAWING SPACER,PC ~OARn.ZYTr-L,NATURAl COLOR FA FA 0024 R EE 0994396-'7901 IlEADER, STR. PIN, 22 POS. 0071ql--f11215-1 P42 001791--87215-7 PROCEDURE,SITE r. DATE r.ODF SEPIAlIlATlnN 0021 REF 2223213-0001 SPEClriCATION,UNIT TEST-CRAPHICS CRT fA AR 0411400-0024 WIRE, 24AWG ELECTRO TTN PLATED COPPER FT 00001.000 1223061-5001 FA 00001.000 0239999-9999 GRAPHICS,CRT CONTROlLfR-AUTO ItlSFRT 1254-3061-002 caST, glRJNKAGE 0023A 0028 qqqq fA £A fA 11124/82 PART NUMBER 2223061-0002 ITEM. "EV H QUANT lTV. COMPONENT •• DESCRIPTION ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• CRT 11M OyAGRAM.LnGTc.GRA~HICS 00001.000 2210653-0001 or001.000 2210288-0022 EA 002l 00004.000 0996341-0003 IC.L5138,3-TO-8 liNE O(COOER V-lIST-lSIJ8 eURN-IN U26 V-ltST-LS138 8URN-IN IIEAOER, I-ROW, 22 CONTACTS, .100" CFNTERS SEF. TI- nRAW I NG 1'41 SEE TI- OP-AWING SPACER. PC ROAP 0, ZYT EL. NATlJP AlcalOR 0023 00001.000 7210051-0011 HEADER, 5TP. PIN, 22 POS FA 0001 RFf 00071'1 0021 002lA 099? 4-44 00001.000 FA 0077Ql--117215-7 FA 222327)-0001 SPECIFtCATION.UNtT TEST-GRAPHICS CRT EA 2223061-5002 GRAPIHCS,r.RT CONTRonrn 3 PLMIE-AUTO INS 1254-3063-004 COST, SHRINKAr.E fA 0024 nrr FA 1'42 001791--8121<;-1 PRnCEOURE,SITE & OATE CODE SERIALIZATION 0023A 0027 (ONTRnllf~ FA 7223063-0001 0002 EA .....-----------LlST OF MATERIALS - - - - - - - - - - - - . PART NUMBER 22230~1-~OOl R~V H nESCRIPT'nN ••• ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••••• GRAPHtCS,CRT CONTROLLER-AUTO INSERT ITEII. QIl AlIT I TY • COMPONENT •• 0001 00001.000 2223062-0001 0003 00004.000 2270511-0002 00006.000 2210669-0001 00001.000 722~084-0001 0000(,.000 22106 I-IN U25 V-LlST-LSl1A BURN-IN lC,lSI51,1-OF-B nATA ~flfCTOR/MULTIPLfXE V-LtST-LSl~l BURN-IN lJ2l,U20,tJ2'J V-LtST-LS151 BURN-IN T~.LS273,OCTAL,O-fLIP-rLOP W/COM CLOCK V-L 15T-LS273 BURN-IN U30, UJl, 1132 V-L IST-lS7.73 DURN- TN IC,LS153,DlJAL 4-LINE TO l-L DATA SFL/MPX V-LlST-LSl~3 BURN-IN ll33 ,1I34. U3'), U36 V-LIST-LSIS3 BURN-IN 1f.,LS3<)3.OllAL.4-!HT BINARY r.OUNTfR V-LIST-LS393 ~URN-IN llT1, U36 V-LIST-LS]9) BURN-IN Tf.,LS373,OCTAL n-TVPf LATCHfS V-LIST-LS37] BURN-IN U42 V-LtST-LS373 BURN-IN JC,S114,HEX.FLtP-FLOP,SINGLE RAIL OUTPUT V-lIST-S174 BURN-IN U43 V-LTST-S114 BURN-IN IC,LS163,SYNC 4-81T BTNARY CNT,SVNC ClR V-lIST-LS163 BURN-IN lI39,ll40 V-LIST-LS163 fHJRN-TN lC,Soo,OllAn,2-INPUT NAND V-lIST-SOO AURN-IN 0015A U1t4 0016 V-LIST-SOD "URN-IN IC,L504.HFX INVERTERS V-L IST-L S04 BURN-IN 00001.000 2710604-0001 001bA 0017 FA FA EA FA fA E~ FA fA fA FA fA FA FA FA 1I45 00004.000 0 A 004222-~CI05EI03Z OOl<}R 0019C 0020 00020.000 097276]-0025 00001.000 0912946-0021 00000.000 2220517-0001 0020A 0020n D020C 0025 0025A 0076 0026A 00260 OESCRIPTION ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• U~ IC,LS213,OCTAL,n-FLTP-FLOP W/COM CLOCK (II V-LtST-LS211 BURN-IN U10,U31,U32 V-L tST-LS273 BURN-IN fC,LSI53,DUlIl 4-lTNE Tn l-L nATA SEL/MPX Ell V-LlST-LSI53 OIJRN-IN U33, U.14, U35, U36 V-lIST-LSI5] BURN-IN IC,lS393,DUAl,4-0lT BINARY COlJNTH EA V-LIST-lS391 AURN-IN lJ11,tJl!l V-LIST-lS3Q] BURN-TN TC,lSl73,OCTAL D-TVPr: LATCHES F.I\ V-LTST-LS37] BURN-IN U42 V-l I ST-L 5173 BURN-IN Ie, S174,H(X,Fur-FlOI',SINGlE RAIL OUTPUT f.A V-LIST-S114 BURN-IN 1I43 V-lTST-SI14 nUIH~-IN 1(,LS163,SYNC 4-BIT BINARY CNT,SYNC CLR EA V-lIST-lSI"3 ftURN-IN U39,IJ40 V-L IST-L S163 BURN-IN IC,SOO.QUAD,2-I~PUT NAND FA V-I.IST-SOO BURN-IN tJ44 V-LIST-SOO BURN-IN 1(,LS04.HEX INV[RTERS EA V-lIST-lS04 BlmN-IN U45 V-ll ')T-lS04 BURN-IN RFS FIX 4.1K OHM 5 ~ .25 W CARRON FILM fA ROH - R-25 Rl,R2,R1.R4 Rmi - R-25 CAP FIX TANT SOLID 6.R "FO 10 "': 35 VOLT fA QPL -M39003fl-2304 (1 OPl -M39003/l-2304 CAP,FIXEO .OlOIlF 50 VOLTS EA 004222-MCI05EI01Z C2,(3,C4,C5,C6,C7,t8,C9,CIO (11,CI2,CI3,CI4,CI5,CI6,CI7 004222-MCI05EI01Z CUI,Cl9,C20 004222-MCI05EI03Z CAPACITOR,.10IlF 50V FX,CEPAMl( OlfL COR CA-C03Z5lJI04Z050A [21,C22,(23,C24.(25.C26,C27 (OR CA-C03Z5UI04Z050A C28,C29,(30,C31,f.32,C33.C34 COR CA-(03Z5UI04Z050A (35,(36,[37,(38,[39.C40 COR CA-C03Z5UI04Z050A RES fIX 27.0 OHM 5 ~ .25 W.CARBON FTL~ ROH - R-25 R5 ROH - R-25 Ie, 16K X 4-AIT,RAM,260NSEC REAn CYClE T SEE TJ- DRAWING *THIS ITEM MAY Bf: USEO AS SEE TI- DRAWING .AN ALTERNATE TO ITFM 3. SEf Tf- nRA\HNG fA fA FA 4-47 5 6 7 8 4' '-"'22230821"' 3 I REVISlONS fci; .NOTES: UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECFED. !J CN5{JM,4(. (D){3u,t.( II) eNNG PElf ENG ItCOOIGN 1.10 1.1 &1. 0 0 --- II\.\~ o r EXPANSION RAM SEE TABLE 20 SH4(S-3) ./ ~ R.OM/EPIlOM ~ SEL 2 ' SEE TABLE 2 SH 1 (1:-7) TABLE I ----- [ "'t( ~=ROM TABLE 2 c / I / SHI (0-5 "_"EPROM SEL I OPTIONS / I 0 JI I I i ROM/EP/COM tieL. I SEE TABLE 1 SH I (C-7) R.OM DECODE SELECT; ~~~ r:-~fE 5 / . Z · • / /! d ~ ...,.~ 5HI (0-7) I e ROM/EPROM BEL OPrIOAlS I / . i rJI THRU J5 / E1(PANSION BCJSS ~E TABLE 7 2' SHiI(D-I!J) gf J~ /' J" J3 ", ... i;;; Ufioe=R lBLE S SH J (B-7) / ""I. .It NOTE: (EIO-EII.E9-Ja3.f £111-£15) THESE AilE CONNECTED BY ErGH AND MUST BE CUT Tl} CH~N6E TIlE SELECT " :itt 'TABLE 4 SN.L (A- ..) OPTION SELECT ,JUMPER OPTIONS £J- £2 IDOUBLE £3-E" ItESEItVEO EI5-E(; 50 HZ B OPTION SOUND INPUT SEE rASLE 6 ......... ~ ___ J/s _ _ J I / J EXTERN4L PLOPP" SEE TABLE 19 SH4 (B-4) j.' INTERNAL FLOPPY SEE TABLI, I!J J9 / OPTION SELECT./ SEE TABLE 4 SHI (B-7) SNS(B-B) SH I (A-7) ............ ' - GIi!OUND mNNECTIDiV5 \ ~E TABl£ ... .r,""'.... \ ... PARALLEL PORT SEE TABLE IB SH4(S-6) -Ke>'BOARD SEE 7:IIBLE 17 SH4(C-2) ·'-·POWER S££TABLE 21 SH4(B-B) 71IBLE"" SH IfiJ-3) tilfOUND CtJItIN£CTlO~ ......, -"'''''CI!II~ A SEQ NO PROCISS CLABSU"'CATIO". ....,."" I-IA n I-I OI'atteTS 8 7 ELECTRICAL PIN CONFIGURATION 6 eee30~1 I B755 -~ APPLICATION "1234 5 4 .. , ", ". 2223082 _("1/ Qt:4 III 44?:i '\ . :"';3223082 I'" 2 ~ GRAPHICS BOARD t:;;; 2223061 [;IH • £3 ~P42 P41 TABU 15 SH Z ~-4.' aMlM 8/JANJ P«T CONFI;; PrJIeT If \ I \ 2 3 ..... GRAPJlICS ctJNTROL \- GflAPHICS ADDRESS SEE TABLE lQ SH!JCC-S) , I ADDi'E', ~£';-~£7 $ES - 11£1' BF~ -11/7 fNrEIiKUPr JUMPEI? OPTIONS LEvEl. EI-E2.E7·e OO,ElJ-E"} I , iJ::::r:.: '''"-.'''' " SEE 7l4BLE S SHS(C-S> IA:> I 2 4 ., COMM BOARD 2223094 ',...., '" , !o 7ABlE Z2 SIf _ 5£l.£C. JUMPeR £I-£Z £.3-£4 _ SEE TABLE 14 ~/ SH4(C-a) JIi' ;;; ~ A 1 O~.Jc P-4l prlO/l.' ~NKGlW'HIC5 BlINK Z, auNK MAPHIC5 I/ANr 3 I ~ '" ~ '" "-. - "-ADD1i'£55 AND INTERRUPT POJrr CDNFI&uItA7/0N .sEE TABlE 15 SN2 rc·/~ ~ ~ I T."'J'::r,~::~"" ,~. ...- I~ .L .".I.~ .' - ;1; ~r !:.,~~14 .---. 222~9.8"l,"I . --;:JP23082 y f" ~ TA8L.E '7 SHJ (D-~) EXPANSION BUSS CDNNECrollS PINNO. SIGNAL. PIN NO I SI6l\iAl- I/AOI ZleOI 3/.402 4'~OZ NlAl- GAiD AD7 RESET ~/AO!J xoq, 6/"O~ +5V "D5 11<0 X04 7/AOtJ 81'S04 9IAO~ lOI'''Ofj /I/AO~ XDS I I tJ8/~/9 !f~/A20 AD2 -12 V XAIO 44/822 tiS/AS "DI 46/BZ5 OMA- I7/AO~ XDO oHZV WAIT5101D tl7/At" 48IB211tfS/At!~ ~O/B25 5//A26 lRI R.I'SH 52/B~ .5S/A27 25/.1115 :~~ .>CAS ALE 2Ue/3 AIOWC- 67/An 58/829 XA2 +5V "At S NAL PfAJ I"";"'''' \ CEAlTER ~ "'NO .\ OUTPUT AIS '''4 Me. +5V +511 GND GND 7;ilBl.E 15 _"(D- t) RGB VIDEO OUTPUT PIN NO. SIGNAL I GloiO I! GloiD VRED 4 VGRN 5 VBLU I!lIoID 7 MC. HDRIVE 8 " " e '" eo ~ 042 GRED- 19 B 14 /5 /6 /7 18 AI 3 4 /I 18 /I 2 5 I!J 14 12 At At: AiiI A4 XDr;, " i 2 ." GRED- 12 5 GRAPHICS CONTIlOL SEE TABLE S SH3(CoS) SH3(C-2) SHe(C-5} TABLE 10 1'41 GRAPHICS ADDRESS PINNQ. SIt!lNAL P41PINND. SlGAiAL I AD I AD 7 'B" /0 .,5 21 22 27 28 2!J 30 51 S2 ., I S" I (A-5) INrER.NAL PIN NO, I SIGNAL.. I GAlD J43 '. \ 2!J~AI6 BD/B/~ J41 \ XA4 2IV~4 5"5 (C-2) f,1 KAe; ''''2 XA5 AMWClC'A19 MRDCXAI/I !JI/An;, I ~J42 r RGB VIDEO OUTPUT SEE' TABLE 13 SH3(B-2) r COMPOSITE VIDEO SEE 'mBLE 12 J40 IXA7 2VAII XAI7 / I 2223009 >MMVAlICAT/ONS SOJUiD) ADDRESS I/O CHIIS515GNO 2 S J: J!I±i!'" '-2?23082 I"' 4 PfD 27 ~ GAlD ANfNC+5V +SV SO al MAl !J4 MA6 PE CASMoe MD2 MDI MOO 52 33 MA~ 3~ .!'6 MD~ NlA7 !JB MiJ6 MAe 3S 40 41 ~7 IS 16 11 IS I!J 2P 21 MAe 42 43 22 MAs 44 E MD6 +5'1 +511 GND GND 2. 24 25 GNO I .:!f. -'=" ~ lUo\';.,:!-~;'!::1"E\IIITS '..... I I~ ,1.. 6;.1.... DI96214.T· _r NON~ , _ -. 22230821A' I...... 4 nl I B ~ I 7 5 6 ~ t't}MPONEAlT HeIGHT ASOYE TH. SOARO SHIILL Be 19.0 ~ I I 1 MI/XIMUM - l£j MAUMUM £OAO L.NGTH , SHALL BE 2.3 AND £(j)UIPM€AlT GROUND ;lAID PA/!J(AS£ IS Il£QUIIf£'D. STATIC SEAls/riVE t"DAllPON£Alr litrE: Lli THIiU UII , %%'o!fIl'5 N ~ AlUM8EIf IN SPAU INDICATED Pelf ITEM2:5 PIIIiASIiIlPH 4.0 liND PIiOCcSS 3 [§J INSTALL IT(M 2' (QTY Z) I EAC.H TO E7-EB AND EI-E2 I2l @) INSTALL ITE'''' 2.3 _fl~'• ~TI-t:::jc~9~7 s-t:::j C~l ~C6~ 1C U1D H . I.. R' 9:' ~, I INCHES .010 .oe .0" .09 1.:5 // - l!B' I I ~2I1EQD ~ ii c I- : I I i ,u' ; N N N U C I : : I ' E LJ .( \ ~ --- 222309+- 500 ilC."OMMUNICATIOHS CARD-AUTO INSERT 2223094-000 IlcOMMUNIC ATIONS CARD . ~ PA!tT ~2 REQD _Cllt~ ....... • _~~- ISLOIfI/.n-OI I SEQ I NO "".. - le4-0l! ,-, PROCESS I 01 I HGT US t'£R WI/T (t'AT4) 00 HIIAID SOLDER WIII'£ SOLDE" 00 ~ I I 7 1I!llfllllEI' I I ~ MV f7"I!T&.. , ocn&l"h..,..,na I 6 I fllUfAS5Y 8755 ~o. APPLICATIOJII 5 t .~.. " 4 320 l~ "ARTS TiS'f =---==-...:= -- RALPH : • -----. 222:3040 I OESC RIPTION NO .. --.;"_"7_~:J. ~lEXA8INSTRUMENTslsl METRIC MIKE BlEHL. 5/25/82 "'t,~' '::--:::: ... GRAY MCCORD512~ "'GI/f 00001.000 2223033-0002 0026 00002.000 0972487-0001 0027 00002.000 0411100-0070 0028 AR 0415804-0005 PUTE,OPTION BOARD, WITH CUT OUT 1678-3223-007 JUMftER PLUG,CON'IECTOR RUCK' 5935-0900-000 LOCKWASHfR tl4 INTERNAL TOOTH CRES OPl - MS35333-70 Sf-ALING COMPOUNt),ANAFRORIC-BLUEGRAnF C 27.23214-0001 SPfCIfICATJllN,UNtT TEST-COM"'IUNICATlnNS FA AR 0411435-0408 RL 00001.000 2221094-5001 TAPE,INSULATION,fLECT.!/4 TN MKM - 56-1/4 AUTO-INSEPTEO PARTS LIST Fnn -0001 0030 0031 REF FA fA OT FA 1254-30Q5-003 00001.000 0?3Q999-99QQ (OST, S~RtNKAGF FA 4-53 ....- - - -.......- - - - - - L l S T OF MATERIALS - - - - - - - - - - -..... 11/24/82 PART NUMnER 2223094-5001 PEV F "ESCRIPTJON •••• ~ •••••••••••••••••••••••• AIlTn-INSERTFO PARTS liST fOR -0001 ITEM. OUANT ltV. C~MpnNF.NT.. 0001 00001.000 2723095-0001 0003 00001.000 2210621-0001 00001.000 2210608-0001 00~01.000 2210654-0001 00001.000 2210600-0001 00002.000 2210631-0001 00001.000 2210607-0001 0003A 0004 0004A 0005 0005/\ 0006 0006A 0001 0001A 000f! 00001.000 2210695-0001 00002.0ao 2211189-0001 OOO'M OOll 000J2.000 2211349-0001 00001.000 0972Q46-C085 OOOO~.OOO 0972946-0065 00001.000 2211247-0029 00001.000 22117.41-0010 ':)0007.000 OQ72763-0013 0012A 0014 00141\ 0015 0015A 0016 0016A DOll 0011A 0018 0018A 4-54 FA FA fA fA EA EA f.A V-UST-LSOZ BURN-IN TC,LS245,OCTAL BUS,XCfVFR,3ST.OUTPIIT V-LTST-LSZ45 BURN-IN Ul V-lIST-LSZ45 BURN-IN IC, SN'151IJ8NP),BlJRN-IN,QUAOIHIPLF LINE ORI SEE TI- ORAHtNG FA EA U9,UI0 OOllA 0012 PWB C~MMUNICATIONS CARO 1254-000 TC,LS12,QUAO,2-INPUT OR V-lIST-lS32 BURN-IN Ul V-lI ST-l S32 BURN-IN rc,lSlo,tRIPLE,3-INPUT NANn V-lfST-lSIO BURN-IN U2 V-lIST-lSI0 BUPN-IN IC.lS139,OUAL 2-T0-4 tINE OECOOER V-ltST-lS139 BURN-TN Ul V-lIST-lS139 BURN-IN IC,LSOO,QUAO,2-INPUT NAND V-lIST-LSOO BURN-IN U4 V-lIST-LSDO BURN-IN IC,LS14.DUAL 0 flIP-flOP W/PSET & ClP V-LIST-LS14 BURN-IN US, Ul3 V-LIST-LS14 BURN-IN IC,LS02,I)UAo,2-wrUT NOR V-LIST-LS02 DURN-IN U(, 0008A 0009 OF.SCRIPTlnN ••••••••••••••••••••• ~ ••••••• 11M SEF TJ- Or-AWING IC,SN15189AN3. QUAD L1NF. P.FCEIVERS SEE .TI- DRAWING Ull, Ul2 SEE TI- ORAWING RES FJX 6.AK OHM 5 f. .ZS W CARRON FTLM POH - R-25 RJ RnH - R-25 R[S FIX I.OK OUM 5'1: .75 W CARBnN FILM ROH - R-Z5 Rl,RZ,R4,R5,R6,R1 RO" - R-Z5 CAP,IOOO PF.lo~,50vnC,CERAMIr. SEF TI- ORAWING CI SFE TI- DRAWl NG CAP,12.0 PF, 5t, SOVOC ,CFRAMIC SEF ,,- DRAW I Nt; CZ SfF. TI- DRAWING CAP,fIXED .OlOUF 50 VOLTS 004222-MCI05EI03l C3,C4.C5,C6,Cl,C8,C9 004222-MCI05EI01Z FA FA FA fA EA FA 8 I 7 .J, 5 6 4 I 3 I '2223106 NOTES' lJIIoILESS OTHERWISE SPEClFIEO lA/eLUDED ~ n DRIIIN OF CASLE o [!j WITH Wt:N50210"1(Q)-l.--":l."",,_ l.u.e.~ 1tJ\"b~ IIllM-' DELEIi3. 5~9 . 8l ICENT PROCESS B =r~~~~~ CLASSIFICATION [ 7 1 6 "~:!YLICAT~ON 5 i 4 340 :I!i .." --:::=:'~R :::::~ I ~-e : [ 8752 1J1223040 8755 IMJI - - - 1"'1 1 1 I :===='-:. ==..:s:E""'::':: ._~"'-"01!~ I I SEC I ._-'. -.--- .... [ .~,=,~ ::=:E :!=~l 3 ~ l£XAS 1I_"'f,' '-,,"0" ~. , -, ~"",( ..",, _:. 1":l'A.:t>?~·/= --- 'NSTRuMENTsISI ..METRIC CABLE ASSEMBLY, PARALLEL,PRINTER j Y., 1 2 A • : Dl066681" ~..&N 2223106 I LM I fIII[Il ..------------LlST OF MATERIALS - - - - - - - - - - - - . 11124/82 PAP.T NlIMFlER RFV 227310~-OOOI 0 nFsr,RTPTlnN •••• ~ •••••••••••••••••••••••• CARLE ASSEMBLy,pAPALLEL,pRINTrn ITEt1. QUANTITY. cnMpONENT.. 0001 00001.000 ?220401-0003 CONNEcTnR,PLUG,2~XH20 0002 00001.000 7220180-0008 0006 110001.000 0414121-0001 CABLE CLAMP ASSY,.400 IN. OJA. CABLF ACC SFr: Tl- ORAW ING C(1NNFCTnR,pLIIG-36 CONTACTC; 0001 000'1.000 2220q5~-0001 0008 00001.000 OOOQ RH OESCRlpTION ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• tI~ AWG,SpnJNG FA EA rA 2?2~101-0001 SOLnE~ LUG, ~4 SCREW 120;4-000 wtnF. UST PT TO PT PH PTR tAnU' ASSY fA 27.60;010-0001 SPFr:, pRE-pRINTfO CABLF. MAPKEP. EA rFP.RUlE,CABlE CLAMP,SPLlT RING ALUMINUM SEE Tt- DRAWING BULK CAFILE ASSY,PARALLEL,PP1NTER 1650-000 FA 0010 000:>1 .000 2220791-0001 0101 00001.000 2713106-5001 ~A FA 11124/A? PART NUI·13fR 2223106-0002 nFV R nEscRIPTICN •••· •••••••••••••••••••••••••• CARLE ASSY,PARALlEL,PRINTFR/850 I HM. QUANTITY. CO"'PONf'NT •• 0001 00001.000 2220767-0002 DESCRIPTION ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 11M CONNECTOP.,PLUG,25 CnNTIICTS,2-ROW,22-261\C; SFF Tl- ORAWING fA 1'2 0001A 00C8 RrF 2223107-0001 SEF n- DRAWING CADLE CLAMP ASSY,.4no IN. nl~. CARLF Acr SFr TI- ORAWING CONNECfnR,RND CA TO PANE't,pllJr..STL S"Fll SFF TI- OWG I PI SEE' TJ- OWG WIRE LIST pT Tn PT PRL pTR CA8Lf ASSY 000') REF ?7.6':i070-0001 spr-c, pRE-PRINTFI') CARLF MARKF.R fA rERPULF,CABlE CLAMP, SPL n RING ALUMINUM SEF TI- DRAWING CONNECTOR,PLUG-36 CONTACTS f.A 0002 00001.000 2?20380-0008 0006 00001.000 2220674-0001 0006A 0010 00001.000 22201<17-0001 0013 00000.000 0414127-0001 0014 00001.000 2220827-0003 0101 00001.000 27.7.'H06-5007. FA EA fA crINNEr.TOR,tOVER ,CAp,OR 11000 SEF TJ- DRAWING [lIILK CABLE' ASSY pARALLfL 1620-8106-001 EA EA fA 11/24/1\2 NU~~FR 2223106-~001 PAnT 4-56 REV B OESCRIPTJON •••• ~ •••••••••••••••••••••••• 8ULK (ARLF AS5Y,PARALLfL,PRtNTEP ITEM. 011 liNT ITY. CnMP!ItIf:NT.. 0001 000?5.000 0~lq410-0003 OC002.000 2210317-0001 000':i 00001). ~OO 22100;05-0007 0011 00000.130 OQ72361-0003 Of SCR JPTION ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• tiM CONTACT,PIN ?4-20AWr. .O~R INSUl OJA AMP -205202-2 ST LARFL,ALANK,CABLE MARKF.R OR5480-SLPF-1,)319-4 CABLF,SHlnOED,25 CONDUCTnRS SH TT- ORAWING TAp[,FOA~,VINYl,SE'Lr-AOH.25THI< .50WIOE 012624-V548 FA RL r - - - - - - - - - - - - L l S T OF MATERIALS - - - - - - - - - -....... 11/24/1l2 PART NUMBER l223106-5002 REV A orscRIPTION ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• BULK CABLE ASSY PARALLFL IHM. QIIANTITY. COMPONFNT •• 0004 OOOOl.OOO 2210111-0001 0005 00001.')00 221050'i-0007 0001 00001.000 2211 ~B9-000 1 0011 OOOOO.DO 0972361';0003 nES(RTPT1ON ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• UM LABEL,RLANK,CABLF MARKFR FA OB54BO-SlPF-1931~-4 rr CAfllE,SHIElOeO,25 cormIJCTOR S Sf'''' TI- DRAW ING lUG,RING TONGIIF.,20-1('AWG SEf' TI - IlR AW INr. TAPE,FOA~,VINYl,~FlF-AOH.25THK FA .'iOWInF RL 01?624-V548 4-57 Is} I 2223105 DWGNO ~ APPLICATION NEXT ASSY I REVISIONS USED ON 2223046 I REV 8755 I I DESCRIPTION DATE APPROVED 2E SCOPE: - 1.0 ..,- .. -,~ THIS SPECIFICATION COVERS THE REQUIREMENTS FOR A MONITOR CABLE. APPLICABLE- DOCUMENTS: -- .. WHERE THIS SPECIFICATION REFERS TO ANOTHER DOCUMENT, THAT DOCUMENT IS OF THE ISSUE IN EFFECT ON THE DATE OF INVITATION TO BID OR REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL. REFERENCED DOCUMENT APPLY TO THE EXTENT SPECIFIED HEREIN. THIS SPECIFICATION GOVERNS WHEN A REFERENCED DOCUMENT CONFLICTS. 2.0 - < -•• - - •• -. ~ - •• .. ... ," . ,- _ _, ~ -+ ~O~ERSION CHART __ mm~NCHES ---- --- ---- .--- -_ .._-_._. 0.25 .010 ! .02 0.5 .150 3.81 i 48.00 1219.2 _. __ .. ___ ..... 1.. ____- SPECIFICATION CONTROL DRAWING REV SHEET REV REV STATUS OF SHEETS SHEET 1 2 3 4 DATES/12/8? OWN DUNHAM CHK M 'E;' '1' ~ &'-/O·n • DIMENSIONS ARE IN ENGFl MILLIMETERS /1 tl<~1 , ) t ..· • TOLERANCES: ANGLE ± 1 " ' 1 PLACE DECIMALS ± 0.5 , APVo-~~: b., r./; I J . ,:,. 2-PLACE DECIMALS ± 0.25 • PARENTHETICAL INFO FOR ' .::,..-;,,~ <-LifE' ~B>;;:7 _.. "'UNLESS OTHEAWISE SPECFIED I..Q.."' .. ~ TEXA~}r~R~'~R~~~ ENTS SI .. METRIC DIgHal Systems Group " , I , -$--8 4-58 i' .'. I.~ TI·2!S7311 ." INTERFACE CABLE, MONOCHROME MONITOR '.' /. - Ar06668 SCALE NONE 100 t DRAWING NO 2223105 SHEET 1 OF 4 -r1~ {;1rr . ":, '.~- ;·~·t ~ .... 3.0 REQIREMENTS: 1.1 PHYSICAL: SEE FIGURE 1 3.1.1 CABLE MATERIAL: ONE CONDUCTOK #27 AWG CONSISTING OF 7 STRANDS OF #56 AWG BARE COPPER WIRE OR 7 STRANDS OF #35 BARE COPPER COVERED STEEL WIRE. SHELD CONSISTS OF 4 ENDS OF #36 AWG TINNED COPPER SPIRAL WRAPPED OR BRAIDED COPPER WIRE. INTERNAL INSULATION OF POLYETHYLENE WITH OUTER JACKET AND CONNECTOR MOLDING TO BE LIGHT TAN IN COLOR MATCHING TI COLOR NUMBER 972939-2101. CABLE ASSEMBLY TO MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF UL AND CSA. 3.1.2 MARKINGS: PARTS OR WRAPPER SHALL BE MARKED WITH TEXAS INSTRUMENTS PART NUMBER 3.1.3 IMPEDANCE: CABLE IMPEDANCE SHALL BE 75 Sl.. NOMIMAL. 3.1.4 CONNECTORS: BOTH ENDS OF THE SHIELDED CABLE SHALL BE TERMINATED EITHER WITH VICTOR PC-103 PHONO PLUGS OR BELDEN STYLE PHG761 SHORT STRAIGHT HANDLE PHONO PLUGS. r- ~----1219·.2 ~~--- ---- .. -- -----1 ~ f.--··-·-··---·----·--·[[[r~·=:J CABLE DIA. 3.81 NOM FIGURE 1 .I \'; \ TEXAS \: l,iJ:.! J ""cj(/ '-1 TI 4259·E INSTRUM ENTS INC 0 2223105 R PO RAT E 0 DIGITAL SYSTEMS DIVISION HOUSTON. TEXAS i 4-59 REV ~ 4.0 Q~!\J:.LTJ. AS.?_~B!\.~_C.~.. 4.1 RESPONSIBILITY FOR INSPECTION: UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED IN THE CONTRACT OR PURCHASE ORDER, THE SUPPLIER SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PERFORMING INSPECTIONS THAT ARE SUFFICIENT TO ASSURE THAT THE PARTS SUPPLIED MEET THE REQUIREMENTS SPECIFIED HEREIN . P.ROy} .?J9.N.S: ... 5.0 -+ PREPARATION FOR DELIVERY: .~ ••••••••_ ••• _.~ ••_ •• _ _ • • " . _ ••• _ .. N ....... _ ••• 5.1 PACKAGING: PACKING AND WRAPPING SHALL BE SUFFICIENT TO PROTECT AGAINST DAMAGE OR LOSS DURING SHIPMENT FROM THE SUPPLIER TO THE DESTINATION SPECIFIED IN THE PURCHASE ORDER. 5.2 MARKING: THE SHIPPING CONTAINER SHALL BE MARKED WITH THE TI PART NUMBER (SEE PART NUMBER BLOCK) AND THE COUNT CONTAINED. ADDITIONAL MARKING ARE PERMITTED. • , ~ TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INCORPORATED DIGITAL SYSTEMS DIVISION HOUSTON, TEXAS TI t 4259·E 4-60 A 2223105 SHEET 3 REV SUGGESTED SOURCE(S) OF SUPPLY: 1. BELDEN CORPORATION P.O. BOX 1980 RICHMOND, INDIANA 47374 2. VICTOR ELECTRIC WIRE & CABLE CO. 618 MAIN ST. WEST WARWICK,R.I. 02893 J \')~\ TEXAS INSTRUMENTS lj ~Ur ~ ) INC 0 R P 0 RAT E 0 DIGITAL SYSTEMS D!VISION HOUSTON. TEXAS REV 2223105 A 1-c:-:-:-=----,---1 SHEET 4 TI-4259·E 4-61 ....- - - - - - - - - - L l S T OF MATERIALS - - - - - - - - - -.... 11/24182 PART NUHBFR 7.207985-0001 PFV C DESCRIPTION ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• TEST PLUG, FI~, COMMUNICATIONS 0001 QUAtlT I TY. 00001.000 COMPONENT •• 0539903-0001 0002 00001.000 0539409-0005 0003 00012.noo {15H430-0003 0004 00001.750 2210012-1999 ITEM. 0002", 4-62 nE~r.R'PTION •••••••••••••••••• e •••••••••• ImOO,CONN 25 PIN WITH RETAINERS AMP - 206't78-J CONNECTOR.PLUr. 25 PHIS AMP -2057.08-1 PI cnNTACT,PIN 24-20AWG .06A INSUl DlA ST liMP -205202-2 WtRF,Flf:CT,WHT,26 AWG,19 X 38,UIL 1429 090484-SEE TI OWG 1I", EA fll fA fT ,....----------LlST OF MATERIALS - - - - - - - - - -.... 11/24/82 PART NUMBFR RFV' B 2223099-nOOl OESCRfPTION •• ~ •••••••••••••••••••••••••• PART NUMBER NOT AN ASSEMBLY . OU "NTtTY • COMPONENT •• 0001 00009.000 2211118-0004 0002 0000I.000?2117~7-0"01 ITEM. 000] 000,. 0005 AR 00001.000 RfF nESCRIPTION ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• UM IC,64K-AJT riYNAMJ[ ~AM,150N5 TA/ROW TMS416-"-15Nl ~.ASTJC BAG, ANTI-STATIC SEE Tf- DRAIHW~ Oq70q~O-0001 URETHANF,5HFFT 2221269-nOOI SEE TJ- DRAWING CAUTION JNSFRT,RAM CHIP 0936660-0001 PFGASUS PACKAGTNG ASSY INnFX k,' EA fA fA EA fA 4-63 LIST OF MATERIALS ? /-- 1112 1t/112 PART NU'1I1F.R 22305211-000 1 RF.V B DESC~IrTrnN •••• ·•••••••••••••••••••••• ·••• KEYBOARO,TILTING,LnW PROFILE nEStRIPTJON ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• liM ITFM. QUANT lTV. CrlMPONFNT •• 0001 00001.000 22"0')7':J-0001 0002 00001.000 7.230'536-0001 0003 00001.000 2B0534-0001 0004 00002.000 2230532-0001 0005 00001.000 2230546- 000 1 BASE,KEYAOARO 1255-1500-001 IlOU SING, SHArT ,RI GHT 1255-1504-001 HOUSI NG, SHAFT ,L EFT 1255-1503-001 SUA FT ,CLUTCH SPR I NG 1255-1502-001 SPRING,ClUTCH,RIGHT 0006 00001.000 2230546-0002 SPRING,ClUTCH,LfFT 0007 00001.000 2230541-0002 SPRING,RFTURN,RIGHT 0006 00001.000 2230541 .. 0001 SPR OOOq 00001.000 1.23,0540-0001 fA 0010 00001.000 2130521-0001 fOOT, TILT ADJlISTHFNT 1255-1506-001 KEYROARD,LOW PROFTLE 0011 00001.000 2730510-0001 COVER,KEYBOARD EA 0012 00002.000 27.30')38-0001 0013 00002.000 2230554-0001 0014 00002.000 2230552-0001 001') 00001.000 223054<}-0001 0016 ')0001.000 22:'0551-0001 0011 00002.000 0018 EA FA FA EA EA . FA FA F.A rNG,RETUR~~,LEFT FA 12~5-7'iOl-001 FA 8UTTON,RELFASE 1255-1505-001 BPACKET,SPRING,BUTTON ----------000 Cl tP.ClIJTCH ----------000 CARLE ASSY,KEYBOARO fA fA (' fA EA 0<)1Z61 J SRIOIioIl:N 5/4/&! AIAIAIAIA ~tQ 2223D03 7 6 j 8755 USEO ON 1/2/31415 8 4/~/.BZ ~;kf. W.. lF 5 4 430 -,~ """"£Nl'JNE 2 A T~• ., OJ AGRAM, LOGIC, DETAI LEOMDTHER BOARD DI96214 Slof/St. APPLICATION 0.1/61 2223005 ~ ..U1 I OF 5 OOIlL 0'1 .k. 7 8 4 5 6 ,. . . _.. 3 ,s;; , - - D D +5' r 6 VSS RMiolC- i 1 I +5V S .. XR17 XR16 XR15 ,. 21 R13 812 XRll . 0> I~ III III ~H .. ~ n .. ~ SH. -::'i!!!!L----r-- , .' 'r-o -.= ~ I ~ I 1~ ;l! 13 ~ ~ '!I P ~ ~ I'. '"' ~~i ~~ i ~ ~} • ,,,. Y ~$T:n:.. _ 17 15 18 ~9 PD2 w SHS SH. I i II> } It :: ! I~ ilg: " 18 .k PTlN T- ~ ~ ~ ~ TI 90 d _Iw (Jl ~LL; )0 m n !:l ~ (J1 en 7 B 5 6 .. , ' 86 I, I , ., .' .. , " "i31 "'" 5H5 i D I ~"ro'~ ~ !: " 85 i " 83 . iE . II 8 2 : ". . , . ' 81 I :.,. . i ' , " 0' STEP d. ." ". IP _ 1i II ' 1 4 '""" I . ..., ,ro m I IE, '"' '" " p. =~G VS"'- .. I ~ i I I 1 I I 1 I We. ERRL' LRTE no" .5' ~rIE 61 F R.'. i R" I 5 II 19' + , ; ,"""",,_-'_ ,s p-'-_---'_ ,7 .\ e 6 17 R19 10 K 1". I' , , '" r I I W 2Yl ~, '[0><' 13 [>< :2 v-un:: :,",,0 "V-CO" XT2 ... 5"'~ R2S SH3{ R·- Ii 9 .. R~- 7 e ; 32 22 12 , 2A U238 6 2B , U24( r II c 26 16 13 U 20 4.7K ~A5 ,t~~'t. 1 --........J U19 ~~o 19 I4 ~~ Y3 17 T5 . 16 18 13 16 "Ri' ~~~ DGND 2 5 8 iRNG CX RX 7ALS6ZB ra; 1.4 f!llio lovee vee FRD- .5V 12 11 RX TTlC .sv Rl0 10 !OK 111HZ 13 SH3 120 Y7 18 T2 ~J2 SHS { ' - / ' - - 28 IB PUMP .5v SH3 SH5< 3D U23R 10 SH3 ~ B " " I 150 '5v~ .5V UIOS D RLL DOD U245 II I , I 30 h tHep PQ..10l8-FlOfiP/A ' R3C 15C g....q rtR LSD"" I -". 2R4 .5 " c .20 liB .5, U15 IB H02I43-011 Tl 0' OS, 16 12 03 04F 02 03P 15 Ol02p U 03 DIP 13 01 04 2 02 ,P13 "" h.' ' n."' ;~ I m l . QIR~r I ~,",.,- I" U23C SH7416. 13 i ! 15 \ 17 ,3 20 "."' I ". RDRTI=I- ReLK .sv ·,~""""·I lR' ., ,:;; - .,"'l~ ., ,"• "" ROO" ,,' ~~"'~n0:: ~ liD ,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " REROY I " cc. I""''''' , 3 C5 62 PF 500 V l 026' 12 36 U26C 6+5\1 U26E 10 U2GR 12 B SN7401N3 2 18 8 16 U26D 9 P9 PI' PEGASUS FLOPPY Dl SK INTERFRCE UI0~ SHS A .5V LS0412 osc ll....f>o.l, A I .5V '1"'';61 B 7 6 5 4 2 2223005 A fUlIEIi L-9 m! > o n 100 00 ~ ~ ~, ;>iii ...t0l ,,~ !!) ~8 S If ~~ • c ~'" ~'" ~ " 50 51 52 -J :~ :j n UJ 0 x ;;; 'I~ o x 1-." I ! I .... m~ n u;- ~'L ____ Ii "'1.>1 I I :: (;.I ", - 11-""---701 ~ -~ [- J!'"i o~ ...... ~ ,..;::~ ~~. ... 13 002 :~~ 16 ~• ~ :::ID --- - flO RIS , 18 10 AI3 12 11 "40 0 09 AS ---"'I 80 3S DMA 39 "0: XRIB l~ vee RIO '1 fig 0 :~O :~~ NC ,ADO ROI A ~ ADa r~ Nt-.I 14 SO o 60 13 10 t;I ~ In _~~!L IQ 19 AI' ~Hlt,_ !BlL SQ .6 60 IS 111 9 '.'0 XA9 XAB_ 12 _ _ _~ID_J__ ~ ~ :: ~6 1ft: SO "15. 60 12. 7Q L __ bQ - ~ I~tl ;! OE IO 19 ~ en XRI3 16 4Q 5 ao -J ""t 80 19 ~~ ~ ~: AD'3 Fill OUST ~ !> ""I ~~; ~\l Hi: ,-+ '"RL X~L B,E Al3 AU All GNO X5L ~~S9 J!!lR :~ :~ 6MO ~IQ.!~2g~ I;;---'"l- i~ ~ :!;m ~ :: ~ ,'.50 50 -.,-;;- 6D @]60 11S 18 70 ~ 70 ~ 5 R06 RDS 12 LOCK R.O RO' r---" -" 0'" RI6 TEST II-"'~-,,.. QSO I ClK Ir---,&l4 as. li~ H •• RD RESET RERDV ~ Ul I ::i AI3 A9 ~ ~ 'II JIll. I\,) rmr! ,~~ RI9 'lIO AIS AU 8tH AID GNO ~:7"i c 18 51 ~ vee ~z; 7= S u;~"I~ 0 050 OSI GND ne ,-IN .. elK R16 110 ,20 SO AI9 36 AI8 37 AI7 "NI elKJI :~ ::0 ~ ~ '11 ,.. m a ~ e2.'~ n'ESEq~ I II I~ I ~~ ' ~ 3§:3~1~~~~CUn NN .... zRERDY CD a; SO 51 S2 tNTR elK 1:lL1~ 1+1::1;;;1+1.Jrn 26 27 ~Eld ~~ =ili.. --, lSI 2 'A. L R ~~"J(RJl_ Ul d :D :'" ~ :i 1 "i! 98 17 6-5 ___ :, 95 14 '~ji ~N~- !D!L X.!t~_ -3 XQL rete0: 9 2 II A2 -'-!Q.1L 9 AI 81 --- ~ !> G19 .~I~_ I ~ ---L---rr-T:rt~ ~" ;,m + !l! ,I f-----*---J 9 _n 51 1"1 Z 10 S2 :: 2 lie:: i!5il! ~ ''----I~ w + ~ 2 i OT/R OEN- :1 11 IONC 9 JORC 8 tlRIlC-=- GND := ~ INTA- Rl~~~~ "Af1i.jC:" vce .... f~ "CE 1f~: lID AIOWC l;f~ 1413 'I~O ~ DiiR ~~~~ a w . ~ !!) I '" ~r~ !~ "I~I\l ~ I\.J I\.J I\.J 0J o ~I~ »,; § > III n o 8 5 6 7 4 3 ' ....... 2223C:: NOTES UNLESS OTHERWISE SPEClFlEL (11 Co CN50Z137 (DJ REDRAWh !. RESISTORS ARE .25 '-'.5 ~::2. CAPACITORS R?.£ 5C Y,PB0!120 P::" 3... N:- MEANS NOT C:ONNE~TEt U26 NOT USED ON - 0001 D .' P: D ~ 58 I 829 11 :ROE~ 91R-:-5~ 7 R.:!.C Q,,"::: 5 R03' B"~ 3 ~ g.61 83: R" 59 R30~ Jl:g~~ 13IAu'~ I "' , • .l6.8UF" , I C3 +.L6.8UF T~~Cl T~~Ci 1 c. - C5, T .OlLF C7-&I8- * 1 I T i C27, C30-C35'1' C38-C40 .111F T ~ R[·- 57:~ ",~~i,9 ~Ei'-~~ :; c A2B; R27 i R26 II ' ;:" A" P.E 45 R23! 81= 43 Al 39 31 R22 ~ 9 10 A. ~~~ ~ ... 13 15 IS !1 SPAIIES 18 l----f.!.1,.:. 1----B.ll. 13. I. ~.4lS12s1113 c 20 21 22 12_~,-'1 U358 SN74S0DN3 291 A15 ~ 271 L..IS- .. ~i :~~! :!; 25 6 12' RIB ~ 35 I ~~~ 1=11= II R21 ~ R20 R19 .;'"-4..- .lA! 61 ~ ~'~r-~-____~____~~____~~____~~~~__,-__,-~~. .~, 17iRDS~ 151 RD6 ~ 55 53 51 :'"', RE.V'SIO"'~ Ifh" ~D-s AI4 A13 '--BJ:: ~ ;~I~II 1 ROI 24 812 - 22 Bll '---' V ,- - B B HIGHEST REFERENCE DESIGNATORS CiO .u3 E2 n 039 PI usro .,S 01 r--~~~~---- I JI-J9 IC6.c21-C26.C28.C29.C36.C37 PROcUIIIEMhlT SPECIf'lCllTJOt,l A "AT 82 5/25'82 .... , , SEO NO PAOCi'S"S "fir CLAss,Fle.Tlo"" 2223009 IAIAIA 8755 ~, TEXAS INSTRUMENTS A , ..£J./I_ c .......... J __" .. 2223011 I 1213 8 7 6 5 4 mrr A30 " \ 7 8 5 6 4 12- l t-~222301! 3 ~2085 LI.!"'--__...,'"B All I J.!"'-_...,''''9 o -RIO 22 R9 23 , AS A7 A6 2 3 U3'A U27Fl SN74S175N3 SN74LS32N3 ~ 4-fiD:G~;J R5 IGDC •5 R, A3 6 ~ +5v 2' 20 ~ SN7 ALSOAN3 11 R2 Al AD ~i~ ~ T!1S2532JL 10 A B 20 a PO RO C 0 GNO 7 Al E ~ Cl 1;(11 .4 FI4 H LD 3 AS ~ ~ 2R6 c --v-~ CI , A7 23 22 RB R9 19 RiO 18 All I' +5V vee 13~ID 15 R' LOa~ '2K II OS 3,0 K !if!~ LD- R6 6.2 K &ll ~~~L5(UN3 9 S , ~~ rio- --;-;:;- I :2 B +5V~ R3 1.1 K U33B SN7lS10N3 1 ~ ~ 4 02 2. ~ K U27B SN745175N3 U31F1 SNl AkS20N3 01 ~:~ eYN!: .. !~ ·Ir •. U32R I: l! SN745B6N3 ,; . U13B SN74LS244NJ 2/G 2Al 2Yl 2A2 2A3 2R4 2'12 2Y3 2'1'4 +5V +5V OlD 1.1 K A t~ BLANK J. K~1V6N.kyl.l.o/.£ (J'1 cO 8 7 5 5 ~} tG.u~ 7 5 3 .ao-4 .u.D-S HDR I VE: J4D-a ..uu0-o-,2 .)40-6 U32C ~~ ===~~~~:L~{)~~----f=::~--t-~~===== OSLU- J.l3-2 ~ SN74SB6N3 +5V J.I3-' R''DO ~ U320 GIlEO- +5V 4 2 SN7 'SB6N3 ,0 e _ .)40-9 Cf1 o e -" 7 5 6 4 :3 ~.~ U1 ~III o ·1 U37t:1 I 5N74lSQ.&N3 L-l---f>o.l U.t1 HRLIOLE! -i~~~~~~~~~ 12 13 YB 1. 11 14 14 IS 16 Y5 16 17 Y4 Y3 ~: 16 N- lQ Hi 17 1" ~~ 12 c .5V ~ili- U29R SN7 4LS7 4RN3 I XBEN- T' NC m . • ue z ~ Q:: SN7lLS245N3 1 19 S":'~'~3 'i 'ij ~1:1~~eldjj~d~ i ................ , =a:a:~"6JfsP~3~l~~ ~~tlgE~S~:g~~ :; ~ ~ .R7 ~ ggt ~ ~ -=-\~! I U15 SN7 4LS37 4N3 ABlU :ldj~I~I:ljJd~~ AREO RGRN ACEN 110_ ............. RREV RUL ~ll !lb1§bI"iI3'\DOk. 'l.1 00. f>1. //-6. IU..._ ~,.~ ... D 0 ..., I c • CI 6.8 UF 35Y 10 I'CT CII , I'IIOIGOI'CT lCl2 T.OIUf' SOY I'IIOIGOI'CT C21 .1 IF SOY I'IIOIGO I'CT C22 .1 IF SOY I'IIOIGO I'CT .01UF soy 01 .1 IF SOY I'IIOIGOI'CT , ~r CJ2 It< ToOlLF 50Y I'IIOIGO I'CT t5 .01 UF SOY I'IIOIGO I'CT .01 UF SOY I'IIOIGO I'CT Cll .OILF soy I'IIOIGO I'CT Cll .01 Uf' SOy I'IIOIGO PeT CIS .01 IF soy I'IIOIGO I'CT C2J C2A C26 .1 IF SO. PBOn2O I'CT ~I UF , C3 .DILF' SOY SOY PIIDri20 I'CT .I'IIOIGO I'CT .1 IF SOV PBOn2O I'CT CJJ NlII2II I'CT .1 UF SOY PBOn2O PeT .1 IF SOy I'IIOIGO PeT CJI CJS ~~r I'tIOII2DI'CT C7 .011F C8 .DIlF C9 .01 LF SOY PBOn2O PeT CIO .01 Uf' SOY I'IIOIGO PeT Cl6 .01 Uf' SOy PBOn2O PeT CI7 .01 IF SOy I'IIOIGO I'CT CIB .01 IF SOy plIDII2IJ PeT CI9 .DlIE' SOy I'IIOIGO I'CT C2D .01LF soy I'IIOIGO PeT C26 .1 IF SOV I'tIOII2D PeT C27 .1 IF SOY I'IIOIGO PeT C2B .1 IF 50 V PBOn2O PeT C29 .1 IF SOV I'tIOII2D I'CT CJO .1 IF SOV PBOn2O I'CT CJ8 CID C6 50 Y PIIOit2oI'CT CJ7 CJ6 .1 IF SOV PBOn2O PeT .1 IF SOV I'IIOIGO PeT .1 IF SOV I'tIOII2D I'CT SOy PBOn2O PeT CJ8 .1 UF SOV I'IIOIGO I'CT .1 IF SOV PBOn2O I'CT .. .1 IF SOv I'tIOII2D I'CT B HIGI£ST RERIlENI:E 1lES1_ USED P2 I I IUS C.O I 115 E4 #~MI I I PAIIT OR 1DDmFYI0tcI NU ...... _ _ ....00C00D; I ~ =• ANGUi.:'- lI....a:~_a .~ . _ ...... .~ ~ PUOcIVEC""""-S PPO"'LD _ _ :~-::: ~~Q PROCESS FOR ~"'E....,.TIOOIO NOTUI CLASSIIF'C .. TIOIIi TO GOVTtlND 5I'f.e,F I eno SH2,(D-7) SN74L5153 I }~."., l«}-7J SH2.(D-4) SH2, (D-71~SH.A.(o-8) SH2,«}-7J RS 27 }SH2,(C-IJ .25 " SPel - 5M2,(e-B) Nt .,::"" b"L , (J"I en U36 D'0666BI--~ ~ID£ B 7 6 5 4 2. I 2223063 -~ , IA 'f' ..... 7 8 C') 5 6 { -~, D SH&.(B-8) SID ,CA-71,SIU,CD-81 SID Hll {SIU,IC-II1 StB,CHl SIU'IHI:~ - ~ID 6IISII 1- i5~ t: '-t- Ul9 ~ c QA:~ -+0 EP ..~ n 12 Y7 ~l! ~ : 15 " ~1 I8 12 II ItC f-.laNC QD -+ r+.cLD r--r-!!!.~ I. 17 Y3 Y2 YI U45A SIO.tlSIWI3 19 18 17 I. 15 lIITEN- - " I·V 2 3D .co ,,~ 4Q 12 SQ I SQI. 7Q 19 --IT-:O . ulm, 3r;;--;Q2 4 211 2Q 2Q. 3Q. f---ii" 1 17 7D 18 BD }SIU,IC-II1 13 12 - StB,CA-81 I IU5F SIO.tlSIWI3 "" "" -'ED- " 13v _ag 10 211 3D lD II SO 17 SO 18 70 8D ~~ SIO~ ~y .-+" r---+- 8C r-+- ~T ......- ]V QA IE QB :fL~ j 11 • 13 D ~ *#.-} I 3 N 6 ~r;;--;Q-i6 211 2Q-t- 'tr:m 13 lD ~ r-::¥:¥- M= 3Q 4Q : To 12 15 """'" - }SID,IA-al r'-'CLR '-- "'-- 7M1 c 6 9 SQ ~~ 6Q 7Q 16 19 13:: 12 D7 IQ 2Q 3Q jQ 8Q r;;--;Q ~: ~aslSJN3 7 2 3Q IU5D SIO.ou;o'Nl .... 9 2BlU- : I 6Q 15 7QI C ... ~ • ~ ~D1 I D2 15 ~ 14 05 DB cJ::: • ' ~r - ~ f-trc Ttf ~ 13:: I SO 17 70 Nt 6 111C- =R- 13 D6 12 D7 4~ 2 01 I D2 U28 : 2 ;» 2Iil: 8 3D 9 SIO~ ~7 SIOAS00N3 1U3 SN745J7AN3 !s ... U32 Itt IU4B 4~ 01 D2 D3 ~4LSlS1Nl .. : Yr+Nt lAEI>- [t 7C 5 SIOAlS273lI3 ~ ~ 2 16 19 B IUlD SN74S0QN3 ~oEPLD QJ~ ItC I 10 I=t tU5B SN74LSDAN3 12 4S1O~83 El ... D£- 15 r--- ! GRtU 1U4 SI04SODII3 • : 7U ~J 8 • 031 SI04LS273N3 l.r~ 3 3Q 4Q c-t~~ 8Q SH4,IHI SH4,11HI1 " D {i:~ U30 ~ 2 I SIU,CD-Il SIOAI.S273NJ IQ 2 ~211 3D lD ,,50 ~ SO 70 c:::::t '-# 1R.1EiABA-1 QB m: -_ ~ DE I lUI "' :'.7 K _I~. 5 C GML- .~ SID,IHI -( -~CL { _n r~2223063 3 lUa In Ie +SV -.. 4 7 ... 2m ~ E SI04SIS1Nl Y r{.Nt W· """... ~ ~ 2m ~}SID'IB-71 B 1'\1' PUP A " 8 7 6 5 4 /. 2 'j 7 B 4 I SH2,(D-71,SH3,(R-71 -6~~- 5 6 II II i I I. +5V E! E2 i I II +5V 3 I I"~ I '223063 0 I I I ~+5V I ; }SH2,(D-3J D c D (~;< c [D-61 B SH2,{ SH3, E (D-8) SH3::~~:~ 5H2.[D-71.SH3,(R-BJ if i II 11- 'I I II A A --.J -, 2223063 1 13 ~~ 21 6 U12C ~~10 1112 ~ 13 13 22 3 I ~ J69 J69 7 _ Ja9 23 ~1~tNC~I""""""-?~~~ J69 11 B J59 , 11 .:0""_ B J59 20 SN75189RN3 .. Ull ,U12 TV. ' J69 15 Dye n ..... I J59 • rTI';. ... .::.~ J59 5 J59 6 R.'ll"l ,"""I U12R ~~ +SIV SYNCR L ___ _ ~ 7 4Y 6S~ ~12E 19 111 ~~ B 1": -12V J69 17 9';" UIIC ,1101 ! -""" _1!NQ.ATUAf. DR DUIC!I'F"TlOf'O PARTORIDENTlF'<'IIIIG_SER • _ _ sl' .INIOONS&I!IIWI"IC:HES 0"..,.... .. oI,r ,.", F • &P£CIFICATION LIST J. KRlYENSKy'1lSRPR82 <.. .I.( ~-_.~ ""_ 5. " __ ~... ,- 1.'" j ~ TEXAS INSTRUMENTS / '''~::O;.:'ED DIRGRRM, LOGIC, DETRILEDCOMMUNI CRT! DN, SYNC/RSYNC 01962141" 2223096 I""" A Jan 21, 1983 Glossary ---,---------------------_.-----abort -- To end a program and return control to the operating system, usuallu when a mistake or malfunction occurs. ackno!&lledge character a sender. character (ACK) A transmission control sent by a receiver as an affirmative response to address -- A number that represents a register, a locati on. or some other da ta s oure e or des tina tion. memory analog -- An obJect (or variable) that is represented by a physical ~uantity, such as a continuously varying voltage. The physical ~uantity that represents the variable behaves as some function of the variable. (Contrast !&lith iiAital>. AND -- A binary function which is "on" if: and only if all its inputs are "on". of arithmetic and logic unit -- The part of a computer that does arithmetic, logic, and similar operations. array -- An arrangement of elements . auto-call -- A feature that allows a terminal to initiate call automatically over a switched (telephone) line. Texas Instruments- Glossary - 1 a Preliminary Jan 21. Glos sary 1983 backup copy -- A copy of a fIle that is kept for reference in case the original file is destroyed. BASIC (~eginner's ~ll-Purpose aymbolic Instruction ~ode) -- a higher.-Ievll languagE'. similar in structure to FORTRAN but somewhat easier to learn because of a smaller command repetoire and simpler syntax. BASK was invented at Dartmouth College in 1963 and is probably the most popular language for personal computers. batch processing -- a technique or data processing in Jobs are collected and grouped beforE' processing. thus are normally processed in a deferred mode. which Data baud. baud rate -- a measure of data transfer rate, equal to the number of discrete conditions or signal events per second. (See bits per second). binary digit (bit) -- the smallest unit aT information in the binary system of notation. bit -- the abbreviation for binary digi~ In the notation, a bit is either of the characters 0 or 1. bit transTer rate the number of bits transferred per time, usually expressed in bits per second (bps>. binary ~nit bootstrap (to "boot") -- to get a system running from a f...Q.ldstart in a manner like "pulling oneself off the ground by tugging on ones bootstraps". branch -- in programming, to make a selection alternative choices of instructions. ~rom among break -- a long space on an asynchronous communications line that is intended to alert the receiving CPU. Minimum duration is one character' time. buffer -- a device or area 0; memory which is used to hold something temporarily. For example, the screen buffe!, contains graphic information to be displayed on the video screen. buffering -- (Disk Control) Storing data between transfer op erat ions. Data read from disk is buffered before trans~er to system memory and data to b e wr itt e n i s buffered after trans~er from system memory. byte -- a binary element string of 8 bits. upon as a unit. usually carrier -- a continuous frequency capable of being or impressed with a signal. Texas Instruments Glossary - 2 operated modulated Pre 1 imi nary Glossary Jan 21. 1983 CCITT -- (Comite Consultatif Internationale de Telegraphie et Telephonie), an international consultative committee which sets communications standards. The CCITT V24 interface sta~dard is similar to the ErA RS-232-C standard. COBOL -- (COmmon Business-Oriented Language)- a programming language designed for business data applications code -- a system of (c haracters >. symbols (bits) for representing data compile -- to translate a computer program expressed in a human-oriented language into a computer-oriented language. control character -- (1) A charcter whose occurrence in a particular context controls the handling of data. (2) In the ASCII code, any of the 32 characters in the first two columns of the standard code table. CPS -- characters per second. CPU (~entral ~rocessing ~nit) unit of a computer that includes circuits controlling the interpretation and execution of instructions. crosstalk the undesired circuit to another. transfer of energy from one cursor -- a movable spot of light on the screen of a display device, usually indicating where the next character will be entered. cyclic redundancy check (CRC) -- a method of error detection which matches CRC tharacters generated by transmitting and receiving devices based on the content of the message at th at I ocat ion. (Disk Control) Comparison of the checksum derived from data as it was originally written into disk storage with the checksum derived from the same data as ~t is being read out of storage. The first checksum is appended to the data as it is written to the disk. After reading this data, the controller computes a new checksum from it and compares the two. If the checksums match, the data is correct. A checksum error may indicate a damaged area on the disk, data that ha.s changed Sllice it was written, or erroneous reading of correct data where a retry may work. cylinder -- in a disk pack, the set of all tracks with the same nomi nal distance from the axis about which th e dis k pac k rota tes. These tracks can be accessed without repositioning the access mechanism. data -- a general term for any type of information. Texas Instruments Glossary - :3 Pre limi nary Jan 21, Glos sary 1983 movement DP computer-encoded of communications transmission data communications -- the information b~ means sy stems. debug -- to find and delete mistakes in computer programs in other so-Ftware. default value -- the value chosen automatically by computer when no explicit choice is made by the user. delimiter --a character elements of data. diagnostic that se para tes or the organizes and pertaining to the detection of a malfunction. digital -- the representation of numerical quantities by means of ti1cret~teg~~mb~1. It is possible to express in digital form all information stored, transferred or processed by a dual-state condition; e. g., ON/OFF, OP EN/ CLOSE D, or TR UEIF ALSE . ( Con t l' a s t wit h !llla log >. direct memor~ access (DMA) -- direct data transfer between an I/O peripheral and memor~1 without computer intervention. (Disk Control) - The technique generally used to transfer blocks of data between a peripheral and random-:access memory. It is called direct because the host does not handle the data during the transfer operation. directory -- a logically organized data structure which holds pointers to access data sets b~ sequential number or name. display -- a visual presentation of information. double-precision using two computer words instead to represent a number. downtime -- the time interval inoperable due to a fault. during which a of one computer is EIA (~lectronic Industries ~ssociation) -- The EIA Standard RS-232-C deTines interconnection interfaces for terminals. emulate -- to imitate one system with another such that the imitating system accepts the same data and achieves the same results as the imitated system. EOF(end-of-file mark) -- a code which signifies that the last record of a file has been read. equalization -- compensation for the line. FCC -- Federal Texas Instruments Communications loss of Commission -- a Glossary - 4 signal board in a of Preliminary Glossary Jan 21, 1983 commissioners having the power to regulate all interstate and foreign electrical communication systems originating in th e Un i ted Sta tes. ~ield -- an area in a record (see ~cord) treated as a unit. FIFO First-In First-Out memory buffer. file a group of related records handled as a unit. firmware -- memory chips with software programs already built in. flag -- a character that signals the cond i t ian, suc h as the end of a word. occurrence of some foreground processing -- high-priority processing, usually resulting from' real-time entries, given precedence by means of interrupts, over lower priority "background" processing. formatting: (Disk Control) The division of tracks into sectors to make it easier to retrieve and update data.' In each sector, the block of data is preceded blJ an identifying header. Gaps are inserted between sectors and between the header and data blocks within each sector to allow time 'or control logic 'unctions and speed 'luctuations in the disk drive assembly. FSK(frequency-shi,t keying) -- a means of transmitting data in which a "1" is represented as one frequency and a "0" as another frequency. G -- giga; when re'erring to computer memory it represents 1 073 741 824. Otherwise it is 1,000,000,000. global -- in programming, it is something that is de'ined in one section a program and used in at least on.e other section. 0' grap h ie s -- symb ols normal I y pro duce d by han dwri ting, drawing, or printing. Synonymous with graphic symbol. graphic character -- a character. other than a control charac tel', tha tis normall y re pres ente d by a graph i c. hal' duplex channel -- a communications line capable of transmitting in both directions, but not at the same time. hardware -- phlJsical equipment, as opposed to a computer program or method of use, e. g., mechanical, electrical, magnet ie, or e lectroni c devices. 0' frequency hertz -- a unit Abbreviated Hz. Texas Instruments equal to one cycle Glossary - 5 per second. Preliminary Jan 21. Glossary 1983 hex a dec i rna I -- pert a in i n 9 t 0 a s e 1 e c ti 0 n c hoi eli.? 0 l' condition that has sixteen posslble values or states. These values or states usually contain 10 digits and 6 letters A through F. Hexadec imal digits are equivalent to a power of 16. I J host computer (Also Just "host") -- the prImary or controlling computer to which the terminal is connected by cab Ie for communications. identification characters -- characters sent by a station a switched line to identify the station. on inputloutput (110) -- something that can be in an input output process. either simultaneously or seperately. or a meaningful instruction -- in a programming language, expression that tells the computer to execute a specific task. instruction set -- the set of the instruction of 01' language. a computer integrated circuit -- a combination of interconnected circuit elements inseperably associated on or within a continuous substrate. integrated modem a modem that is an integral part device with which it operates. of intelligent terminal -- a synonym for a terminal that programmable and can do some processing operations. interface -- interconnection between two pieces of having different functions. the is equipment interpreter -- a computer program that interprets programming languages. Synonymous with interpretive program. interrupt -- the temporary stopping of some phase of computer operation caused by an event external to the operation. Job -- a task submitted for a computer to dOl it usually contains all necessary instructions. files, and data to complete the task. Joystick -- a stick that is hand-held by the user and usually is used to position something on the screen. K -- an abbreviation for the prefi x k il0. i. e. 1000 in decimal notation. In storage capacity, K frequently means two to the tenth power which is 1024 in decimal notation. I Kb -- Kilobyte. Texas Instruments Glossary - 6 Pre 1 imi nary Jan 21. 1983 Glossary KHz -- Kilohertz. a unit of frequency equal to 1000 hertz. LED (Light Emitting Diode) -- a small solid-state which emits light when a current is applied. device library -- a group of related Files. light pen -- in computer graphics. a pen-like device that can sense light. When it is held up to a CRT it can be used to identify display elements. line. communications -- describes cables. telephone lines, etc .• over which data is transmitted to. and received From. the terminal. Also ref!erred to as the "line">. list -- to print or display data. listing a printout. usually of a program. load -- to enter data into memory or into registers. machine language -- a language machine. that is used as is by a magnetic disk -- a Flat circular plate with a magnetizable surFac e I ayer on wh i ch data c an be store d by mag neti c recording. The disk may be rigid or Flexible. mass storage -- storage havi ng a vel' y large storage capac i ty. message -- in data communications. an amount of that contains a predeFined beginning and. end. inFormation modem -- (contraction of !@,dulator/demodulator). a device which modulates and demodulates signals transmitted over communicationbs Facilities. The modulator is included For transmission and the demodulator for reception. A modem is used to permit digital signals to be sent over analog lines. Also called a data set. modulation -- the process by which some characteristic of one wave is varied in accordance with another wave or signal. This technique is used in modems to make computer signals compatible with communications Facilities. mnemonic -.:... symbol or symbols used instead of terminology more diFFicult to remember. Usually a mnemonic has t~o ~r th ree lett ers. multiplexing -- using a transmission line diFferent signals at one time. NAND -- a logic operator. Texas Instruments to The NAND of! any two Glossary - 7 carry several statements P Pre 1 imi nary Jan 21, Glossary 1983 and Gis .f a 1 s eo i.p and 0 n 1 y if bot h Pan d QaT' eo tr u e. nanosecond -- one-thousand-millionth of a second. noise -- undesirable disturbances in a communications system. Noise can generate errors in transmission. non-impact printers -- a printer in which printing is not the result o~ mechanical impacts; e.g. thermal printers. obJect code -- output from a compiler or assembler which is itself executable machine code or is suitable for processing to produce executable machine code. (local) -- describes the state when equipment devices are not connected to the communications line. o'~line or online -- describes the state when equipment or devices are connected to the communications lines under control o~ a processor either directly or through a communication system. The physical connection can be accomplished by either multiwire cable or a communications line. open -- to prepare a h 1 e .for pr oces sing f e. g. editing. operating system -- software that controls the execution of computer programs and that may provide scheduling, debugging. input and output controL accoun'ting, storage ass ignment, data manag emen t, and l' e lat ed service. Sometimes called Supervisor, Executive, Monitor, Master Control Program depending on the computer manufacturer. parallel transmission -- method oT data transfer in which all bits 01 a character or byte are transmitted simultaneously either over separate communications lines or on diTferent carrier frequencies on the same communication line. parameter -- a variable that is given a constant value Tor specific purpose or process. a 0' parity check -- addition non-information bits to data, making the number of ones in each grouping 01 bits either always odd '01' odd parity 01" always even loT' even parity. A transmission erroT' can then be detected by checking each group 01 bits received '01' correct parity. password -- a word or string 01 characters that is recognizable by automatic means and that permits a user access to protected storage, files, 01" input or output devices. program -- a problem. programs. series Al so, Texas Instruments 01 instructions written to to des i gn. wr i te, and test Glossary - 9 solve a computer . Pre I imi nary Jan 21, 1983 G10$ sary protocol -- a formal set of conventions or rules governing the format, timing, and error control to -Facilitate message exchange between two communicating processes. protected field enter data. a field into which queue -- a line formed by items in a processed. the system operator cannot waiting to be RAM -- random-access memory. read -- to get data from a storage device. record -- a coll~ction of fieldsi the information relating to one area o~ activity in a data processing activity, e.g., all information on one inventory -item. Sometime's called item. relational character -- a character that expresses a relationship between two operands. Common relational operators are) . retry -- (Disk Control) Repetition of search or read/write operations to recover from "50ft" (correctable> errors. ROM Read-only memory. run to process computer. a task, e. g. a program, through scratch file -- a file where temporary calculations and is done. scrolling the continuous vertical of data across the screen 'ace. 01" horizontal a work movement search -- (Disk Control) Reading headers on the track passing under a read/write head so as to locate the desired sector. The controller compares each identification (ID) read 'rom the track with the ID of the desired sector. sector -- part of a track or band on a magnetic disk. seek -- (Disk Control) Moving a set o' read/write that one of them is over the desired track. heads so serial transmission -- a method of transmission in which each bit of information is sent sequentially on a single channel rather than simultaneously as in parallel transmission. simplex circuit -- synonym for one-way circuit. Texas Instruments Glossary - 9 Pre limi nary Jan 21, Glas sary 1983 slave station -- a data stat:nn that a mast er 5 tati on. IS under the control of software -- a set of compute)' p,ogri:lms, procedures, rules and associated documentation ~oncerned with the operation of network computers, e. g.. compilersl monitors, editorsl utility programs. (Compen;;): hard~). space -- usually equivalent to a binary zero condition. switched network -- a communications system where the physical path of the messages may be different with each USE', such as the public telephone network. synchronous transmission -- transmission in which the data characters and bits are transmitted at a fixed rate with the transmitt~r and receiver synchronized. syntax -- the format, or rules. in which instructions must be presented to the data processing equipment. terminal -- a device or computer which may be connected to a local or remote host system, and for which the host system provides computational and data access services. text -- a sequence of characters forming part of a transmission which is sent from the data source to the data sink, and contains the information to be conveyed. track -- that portion of a moving data medium accessible to a given reading head position. trap -- a Jump to a specific location caused con d i t ion. by a which is hardw~re turnaround time in communications the time required for a device to switch from receiving to sending on a two-way alternate circuit. Time is required by line pT'opogation effects, modem timing and computer reaction. TWX -- teletypewriter exchange service. video -- computer data shown or displayed on tube monitor or display. a cathode ray write -- to record data on some storage device. Texas Instruments Gloss",ry - 10 Preliminary INDEX TECHNICAL REFERENCE INDEX A abor t timer: answer mode originate mode address: counter decode latch lines multiplexer switch KUX switch generation register va).) q , bi, t address, logical addressing. AlONe ALB ALE alphanumeric: CRT . " decode graphics. alternate character set analog loopback arbitration assigning alternate track attribute: bits. hardware. interaction latch logic attributes. 3-22 3-22 2-58, 2-26 2-50 2-58 2-58 2-22 3-3 2-44 3-46 3-38 2-20 3-35 3-23 2-58 4-2 2-50 2-37 2-42 3-24 2-47 3-62 2-42, 3-26 2-55 2-55 2-42 2-52 2-55 B bit: correlations definitions pos it i o·n shift blanking display blink . blinking block . buffer. buffered-step burst length bytes, device control block byte: command completion status error status .3-29, .3-4~, .2-42, 3-30 3-42 3-29 2-30 2-44 2-55 2-43 2-43 2-26 3-37 3-58 3-36 3-38 3-4~ Index-l INDEX TECHNICAL RERERENCE C carrier loss CAS CAS and address multiplexer svitch. CAS and address MUX svitch generation Centronics compatible character: attributes block. enable gl;.,erator ROM rate. ROM . set and attribute l~gic sets. characteristics CHECK TRACK FORMAT command. check: the track forma . Winchester ROM version checking parity clock . clock genera for color: attributes combinations. latch location. palette . Command and miscellaneous error codes command classes command code EO 3-22 2-22 2-22 3-3 2-16 2-42, 4-77 4-71 2-22 2-26 2-11 2-55 3-28 3-29 3-29 3-27 3-47 3-45 E3 E4 OC 00 .. command completion status byte. commands and command testing command: CHECK TRACK FORMAT CONTROLLER INTERNAL DIAGNOSTICS FORMAT ALTERNATE TRACK FORMAT BAD TRACK . FORMAT DRIVE . FORMAT TRACK . INITIALIZE DRIVE CHARACTERISTICS RAM DIAGNOSTICS . READ. READ ECC BURST ERROR LENGTH READ LONG READ SECTOR BUFFER Index-2 2-42 2-44 2-55 2-43 2-44 2-53 2.52 2-43 2-41 3-53 - .3-61, .~~ '. 3-69 3-69 3-69 3-69 3-:69 3-38 3-36 3-53 3-67 3-63 3-55 3-52 3-54 3-58 3-66 3-56 3-60 3-67 3-65 '--- TECHNICAL REFERENCE INDEX RECALIBRATE DRIVE REQUEST SENSE STATUS. SEEK. TEST DRIVE READY. WRITE WRITE LONG WRITE SECTOR BUFFER composite sync. composite video control byte control field detailed description. control logic, expansion memory cOfltroller: card. erro_r_ codes error sense input clock INTERNAL DIAGNOSTICS. INTERNAL DIAGNOSTICS command. operation flovchart status b i t s . status regist~r . controller, interrupt coprocessor correction, error CPU: bus buffering bus controller clock generator 3-46 3-46 3-57 3-45 3-56 3-68 3-65 2-55 2-55 3-61 3-37 3-2 3-2 3-46 4-12 2-26 3-69 3-67 3-44 3-43 3-40 2-18 2-11 3-69 2-11 2-12 2-11 CRT: address decode logic controller interrupt logic subsystem screen/CPU arbitration logic sUbsystem cursor. cursor coincidence. cylinder and head ranges . .2-43, 2-50 2-37 2-56 2-47 2-55 2-44 3-64 D data: input port lines output port pa t t ern t est . processor separator . decode. description: control field sector field device control block diagnostic: loopback. 3-40 2-58 3-40 3-66 2-11 2-30 2-50 3-37 3-70 3-36 .' 2-56 Index-3 TECHNICAL REFERENCE INDEX ,/:-:.. ~ status indicators diagnostics, execution. disable data and status interrupt from controller disk subsystem. diskette: drive drive interface display: blanking.' characteristics double density. dot clock dot rate drive: designator DIAGNOSTIC DIAGNOSTICS command DRIVE, RECALIBRATE. 3-23 3-69 4-75 4-3 2-35 2-31 2-44 2-41 1-2 3-32 2-41 2-31 3-69 3-60 3-46 E ECC burst length enable data and status interrupt from controller enable status interrupt from controller EPROM/ROM . error: code summary. correction philosophy status byte . execution of diagnostics expanded character set expansion CAS and address MUX svitch generation expansion memory: addressing control logic control state machine parity generation and checking refresh logic expansion RAM . explanation of bytes in the device control block external drives 3-58 4-74 4-74 3-35 ,-- 3-46 3-69 3-41 3-69 2-43 3-3 '- 3-2 3-2 3-4 3-3 3-2 2-20 3-36 2-31 F fast-step 512/768 K byte expansion memory boards. floppy disk controller IC format: a track . a track as bad a Winchester drive an alternate track FORMAT ALTERNATE TRACK comm'and. FORMAT BAD TRACK command Index-4 3-37 3-2 2-27 4-75 4-76 4-77 4-76 .3-61, 3-63 3-55 \, . ) INDEX TECHNICAL REFERENCE FORMAT DRIVE command FORMAT TRACK command 3-52 3-54 G generating a character ROM. generation and checking, expansion memory parity get and compare data from the Winchester controller Get data from the Winchester controller get status from Winchester controller graphic decode. graphics: CRT . plane vid~2 .controller. 2-53 3-3 4-74 4-72 4-73 2-50 4-3 3-27 2-37 H handshake HIGH logical address horizontal: blanking. scan rate synchronizing signal. 3-23 3-38 2-45 2-4.1 2-44 I INITIALIZE DRIVE CHARACTERISTICS INITIALIZE DRIVE CHARACTERISTICS command initialize Winchester disk system i npu t : clock port lntensity level interface: diskette drive expansion bus hardware. system ROM interleave byte interleaving internal drives interrupt: controller lines logic mask routines IORC IORCIOREADIOWRITEI/O Index-5 3-69 3-58 4-71 .2-18, 2-26 3-40 2-55 2-42 2-3.1 2-56 4-2 4-2 3-61 3-38 2-31 .2-18, .2-.18, 4-3 2-58 2-56 3-41 2-18 3-35 2-59 2-59 2-59 2-12 INDEX TECHNICAL REFERENCE I/O decoding I/O ports I/O wait states .3-35, ,2-15 3-:39 2-21 K keyboard: mapping queueing system . 4-56 4-57 4-3 L logical address, HIGH, MIDDLE, LOW. logic: .expansi on memory co-n t rol . memory refresh long space received ltPopback loss of carrier LOW logical address 3-38 3-2 3-2 3-22 2-56 3-22 3-38 M mask, interrupt memory adddressing. memory control: logic state machine state machine, expansion. memory refresh logic KFM KIDDLE logical address. miscellaneous error codes modem: responses software time-outs modified frequency modulation motherboard:memory memory addressing KRDC- . KREAD-. multiplexer switch. multiplexers MWRITE- 3-41 2-20 .2-21, .2-30, 1'- 2-: 2-21 2-23 3-4 3-2 2-35 3-38 3-46 3-23 3-23 3-22 2-30 2-20 2-20 2-58 2-58 2-22 3-32 2-58 N NMI no response nonmaskable interrupt non-blinking 2-18, Index-6 2-56, 2-58 3-22 2-58 2-43 ) TECHNICAL REFERENCE INDEX numeric coprocessor 2-11 o odd sum on-board EPROM/ROM. operating system output port OSC clock . . 2-22 3-35 4-2 3-40 2-58 ' P 3-27 pal" t te palette number. port parity generation and c-hecking. parity generation and checking, expansion memory PCLK phase-locked loop pixel . pixel addressing pixels. plane . poll for controller request port: data output input data reset precompensation print screen processor clock processor, data program break program pause . paralle~_printer . .3-2'8, .2- .16, ,'- 3-.3,~ 4-3 2-22 3-3 2-59 2-30, ~-4, 3-26 3-27· 2-41 3-27 4-7~ 3-40 3-40 3-40 2-30 4-57 2-58 2-1~ 4-57 4-56 R RAM DIAGNOSTICS RAM DIAGNOSTICS command ", RAM, expansion. raster graphics RDLB READ command READ ECC BURST ERROR LENGTH command READ LONG command , READ SECTOR BUFFER command, RECALIBRATE DRIVE command recovering data refresh: cycle logic logic, expansion memory timer refreshing, " Index-7 1-4, 3-69 3-,66 2-20 2-37 3-24 3-56 3-60 3-67 3-65 3-46 3-67 3-2 2-21 3-2 3-2 2-58 . ' TECHNICAL REFERENCE INDEX /:,-:'->, ,< • register assignments register, controller status remote digital loopback request controller error sense. REQUEST SENSE STATUS command reset: detection circuit line. ' por t ..;- '~'.' resolution. reverse reverse video and cur.or reverse..".video . f' RFSH,' ..~:i 3-39 3-40 3-23 4-72 3-46 2-12 2-58 3-40 2-41 2-42 2-55 2-43 2-59 2-53 4-2 .~ ~ ROM RO-!f i"n ferface , system S scan rate screen display. screen/CPU ar.pitration. ,scrolling . sector buffer . sector field description sector interleaving SEEK command S en'd Wi nches t er con troller comma,nCi,. ;)"\(L" ~ense, controller error ~ <"~';: separator . ;ij ', "'k serial communications . serial/parallel data conversi~n softvare: commands. timeouts. $pace received, long speaker .' speaker amplifier . .:.. starting .creen d~splay state machine . state machine, expansion memory <;,o,n)j::Ql." .,: J"" ..... ', s ta tic pro t ec t i on " .;'.; '.:; :,.'.:"", status lines status register ~ ~ switch gen'eration, CAS and addr'ess"JoIU.X,., system ROM 'interface system timeis and speaker . .~j., ... ' :~~. . '\. ~. 2-41 2-44 2-47 .2-43, 2-44 2-26 3-70 3-38 3-57 4-72 4-72 2-30 4-3 2-26 ,~,) 3-24 3-22 3-22 4-3 2-18 2-44 2-23 3-4 2-31 2-43 3-40 3-2 4-2 4-3 T terminating resistor terminal or software time-outs. TEST DRIVE READY TEST DRIVE READY command 2-31 3-22 3-69 3-45 , ''--- Index-8 INDEX TECHNICAL REFERENCE testing, command timer, abort timers. time-outs, modem time-outs, terminal or software .2-18, 3-36 3-22 4-3 3-22 3-22 U underline v vertical: blanking" se,an rate synchronizing signal. video: connector memory " 2·41 "TI:: 2 - 44 2-44 2-42 WAITWinchester contro~ler: command data disable data and $tat~s interrupt enable data and status:lnterrupt' enable status int~rrupt get and compare data get status poll for request write data Winchester: disk system drive format error codes I/O ports ROM wrap WRITE command., . , Write data to the ~inch.ster c~ntroller WRITE LONG command. write preconpensation ci~~uit WRITE SECTOR BUFFER'c6mmarrd ,". Index-9llD 2-58 4-72 4-72 4-75 4-74 4-74 4-74 4-73 4-75 4-73 " I," "' ."",' ,,4-71 '4-77 3-46 3·<~9 4-71 2-4,3 3-5'6 4-73 3-68 2-30 3-6'5 .... ';. )
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